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Driverless cars, the future of the world. There could be many disadvanteges with driverless cars. One disadvantage would be that there could be malfunctions within the hardware inside of the vehicle. Another would be if someone would hack into the mainframe of the car and take control of it without the owner or driver knowing about it. One last disadvantage would be based upon the driver of the car. My position on driverless cars is that I'm really not a big fan of the idea so I don't really aprove of it The first disadvantage would be if the hardware in the car was to malfunction. Say if the technology in the car was damaged and the car started to not act properly. That would probably cost thousands of dollars to repair. Also if the car was to not function correctly the driver, passengers, or other people outside of the vehicle may be injured. That is the first disadvantage of the driverless car. The next diadvantege would be if someone had hacked into the the cars mainframe. If someone was able to hack into the car without the driver or owner knowing it can be very dangerous. It can be dangerous because they can track where that person is at alll times. They could tell if they're home or not and the owner can possibly end being robbed. Another way it would be dangerous is that the person that had hacked the car could control the car and may end up hurting the driver or people around the car. The last disadvantage would be the driver of the car. If the driver of the car was reckless and irresponsible it can affect him/her or even the people around them. Like in the article it says,"The car can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but are alll designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills." If the driver was to ignpre that notification it cause an accident and many people may be injured. So like I said, my opinion on driverless cars is that they shouldn't be made and used in public. There are many disadvantages of self driving cars, but I only chose three. The first one was hardware malfunctions. The second was if the car was to be hacked. The last one was all depending on the driver it's self. That is my position on driverless cars.
In the text the author uses facts that people should know. Like how close Venus is to us and what could be possibly on it. Also whats possibly on Also whats possibly on Mars, how each planet orbits at different speeds. NASA has sent many people into space to see what its like. Too see if we could have life on Venus and how each planet orbits at different speeds. Venus is unlikely to live on because it has 97% carbon dioixde blankets. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in acid in Venu's atmosphere. Even though we would like to put people on Venus its just to likely that someone could die from the atmosphere. Venus has looked like Earth in the past but thats when Venus had wildlife and oceans. so they could live, but now the atmosphere would just wipe everything off the planet from the heat.
Ok so in this article about selfdriving cars it talks about how there are cars out in the world that can do a lot of things without the need of a person to help out the car. To me i dont like this idea for many resons, the law, how it senses the world around you and because of other personl reasons The worries me a lot on this topic because say something goes wrong who is to blame for what happens, the driver or the car but sinces there thiers nothing that we can to do the cars to punish them then we have no one to punish and that means that justices has not been suver to anyone and thats not right. Now say that their was a drunk driver or a guy that hit a kid with his car whats to stop them from saying my sorry i wasnt driving the car was we wont be able to tell if they are telling the truth or if they are lieing I dont like the whole thing with the sensors sensing the world around use cause imagin haveing a bind person drive a random car around thats not safe and its the same problem with the sensors because with out those sensors the car is bilnd and it could easly hit someone or run into a gas station. Now we already have sensors on our cars to tell us when we are to close to any object but the problem with those is that they easly brake and mess up just by taking the car to the car wash so how sure can we be that thiese sensors on the selfdriving cars wont brake to the car wash a rianstorm or any other clemint change. Lastly i wouldnt want one of theses cars because i just donlt like haveing a car that i dont get to drive in the article it talked about how people would start to get mad waiting for their turn to drive well what if the car never lets you drive then what? another reason is beacuseim more of an old school car guy i like the oldder cars and thats what ill always like.So theses are all the reasons why i am agenst selfdriving cars.
Have you ever seen a unmasking face ?well if you havent let me tell you more about it . So there is the mask that in mars. We are now trying to dicorver what this strange thing is. From what i am seeing .Its seems that this face is an unusual face that no one have seen before. As far as the scientists figured it was just another Martian Mesa, Commom enough around Cydonia. A few days later . NASA unveiled the image for all to see. The caption noted a "huge rock formation . . . Which resembles a human Head . . . Formed by shadows gigivg the illusion of eyes , noes , and mouth" The Authors reasoned it would be a good way to engage the public and attract to mars. The " Face on Mars" has since become a pop icon . It has started in hollywood film , appeared in books, magaznines , radio talk shows--even huanted grocery store checkout lines for 25 years! Some people think the face is bona fide evidence of life on mars---evidence that NASA would rather hide , say conspiracy theorists. Meanwhile, defenders of the NASA budget wish there was an ancient civilization on mars. So on April 5, 1998, When Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) team snapped a picture ten times Sharper than the orginal Viking photos. Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on JPL web site, revealing . . . a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all. So they all came together and thought about it . So there Now exchanging it all right .There trying to say that the picture from NAS is not the right picture which is so true . There trying to still the picture from somebody else which there trying to take the credit from mars which found the picture and put it all together . So now there all confused on which just happen when mars was just stating the simple facts that they found the oicture ands knows where the ou=ther one is and theere going to put it back together so they can have the right picture only if . NASA don try to come over welm them with a different picture which is going to throw them off topic and confuse then on which to do and what not to do because they came with the wrong information and mars had all the right information to which to out and how to put it all together and complete the big puzzle everybody been trying to out together because all alone they had it from the beging but was not sure it wass right nor positive and sure about that picture so when the NASA came to mars and try to prove them wrong on a nother level they out stood them, and made them think over so now NASA about to go back and try to discover the othere peices to the puzzle when its already solved they dont understand that they already have the puzzle figured out all along but now there trying to take what Mars had and say they found it first but not only that . But they have found something else which identify that that puzzle have been put together before the NASA found it . But its seems to me that the reader that MARS have found the puzzle face and put it together and now NASA is on envestigation once Again.
INTRODUCTION: venus is a big planet, sometimes is called "evening star", is one of the brightest point of light in the night sky making it simple for even an amateur stargazer to spot. In our solar system, venus is the second planet from our sun. BODY: Venus is a secons planet with more similarity in our solar system, in terms of density an size and occasionally in distance. venus is a big planet for to go investigate. The atmosphere of almost 97% carbon dioxide blankets venus. on the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greather than waht we experience on our own planet. These conditions are far more extreme than anything humans encounter on Earth. Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet in our solar system, even though Mercury is closer to our sun. NASA is working on other approaches to studying Venus, for example, some simplified electronics made of silicon carbide have been tested in a chamber simulating the chaos of venus's surfaces and have lasted for three weeks i such conditions. Another project is use old technology called mechanical computers. Just imagine exposing a cellphone or tablet to acid or heat capable of melting tin. ESSAY: If you think is good if the NASA want search information about Venus, and end venus is a planet with more silmilarity to the Earth, i think is good but with the genocide atmosphere is so hard if we try live on Venus. maybe just how are the atmosphere or search life in other planets but for live on venus is a big problem. just live one day or less, or the human body change or some people born different the others. these conditions are not for a human, the human be killed in seconds. is a big challenge live is this planet, the temperatures are not for humans the clouds are acid and we don't know if this planet has other lifes.
A lot of people have diffrent out looks on driverless cars. I on the other hand think it is stupid, and pointless. With these cars we are putting other peoples lives at risk. They have so many sensors on them! What if these sensors stop working? These cars will cause a lot of traffic problems such as crash's, breaking when you don't need too, just little stupid stuff like that! So, before buying one of these "driverless" cars I would advise you to read about it first. I am against "driverless" cars for many reasons, one with being that it would cause a lot of wrecks. You will never ever know when the car might not want to stop or when the car might not want to turn the way you want it. Put it this way, these cars are the most dangerous thing they could ever come out with. The cities want to stop street wrecks. Well, by bringing "driverless" cars it is not going to help at all. This car is not safe at all. It states in the passage that "Traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times." Which this is basically saying that it's not even legal yet! Two being that you never know when the car is going to lose control. It states that "GM has developed driver's seats that vibrate when the vehicle is in danger to backing into an object." For instence say you're in this "driverless" car, and you are going down a bump street, you won't be able to feel when the seat vibrates because it'll be so bumpy. With that being said that can make you lose control and crach the car. Now, what if this happend to happen and you have an infant in the car, your risking not only your life but the passangers/the infant in that car! Three with being that the car has sensors. It stated that " For starters they needed a whole lot of sensors." So, they needed sensors to recognize where they are at. They use these sensors for everything. It's all computrized. What if the computer stops working? This just basically means that these sensors are liable to stop working. These sensors are liabile to catch on fire. Last but not least what if you have a horrible person running the computers, and instead of sensing someone to where they needed to go he/she sensored them to a dark alley. The driver would be in trouble and theres nothing no one could do about it because their would be no proof. You guys are putting your lives at great risk! Your putting your perfect life at risk! These cars are not and should not ever be legal. The majority of the people that would even buy this car would probably be the lazy people. You guys may think this car is amazing, but really it is not. This is beyond dangerous. Think before you act/buy. Before even buying a car like this i'd advise you to read about it first. Read all the pro's and con's! Good Luck.
I think they should keep the Electoral college because what's the need of changing it if it was the same way back in the day. I could be wrong but i also think many things shouldn't change like trying something different whether it's new or not. many things shouldn't change just because it feels right or it may help with your problems because 9 times out of 10 it may go all wrong when you try it but all worked out in your head perfectly. The electoral college consists of the electors where they vote for president and vice president and the counting of the electoral votes by congress. the electoral college consists of 538 electors but a majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the president. And in my own personal opinion i think there's absoulutely nothing wrong with the electoral college i think it gives good advice and helps motivates you. the winner take all method of awarding electoral votes induces the candidates  to focus their campaign efforts on the toss-up states are more likely to pay close attention to the campaign. I sometimes think many people are aganist electoral college because the way it seperates the votes and only half will be required to go to the election and be seen. And others may have their opinions on this but it's ok to have your own opinion also different opinions don't hurt nobody it's just that different people believe in different things.
I think you should join the Seagoing Cowboys Program. If you think you shouldn't I will give you two very good reasons why you should. But remember it's a once in a life time thing. First of if your the kind of person that likes to save the community or help others this is the perfect job for it. If get you join the club you'll be saving lots of animals, people, plants,and habitats. The cows can be saved by building a farm. The animals like dear, wolfs, and squirrels and all the other animals can be saved by the forest. Sharks and fish and the other sea living animals can be saved by not putting polluted thing in the water. Snakes and the coyotes can be saved by helping the desert animals. Second, if your the kind of guy or women that likes to climb, or go on journeys, and swim then this also the perfect club. You'll go climb mountains and sail on huge boats and for fun catch fish. Those are the two amazing reasons now i'll see you there hope you have fun!
The author of this story does not support the idea of Venus being a worthy pursuit despite the dangers. in this article, there is only evidence supporting all the challenges that venus brings to us. The author gave no reason or claim to why a dangerous trip to venus would benefit us in any way. The author of this article does include evidence and facts about how hard it would be to get to Venus and all the challenges we would have to undergo to get to Venus. In this article the author claims that going to Venus is hard but worthy. What makes Venus so worthy? "often referred to as earth's "twin", Venus is the closest planet to earth in terms of denisty and size." says the article of this passage in paragraph 2. but then in paragraph 2 he states that Venus has a "thick atmoshpere of 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets" and "clouds of highly corrosive sulfiric acid" "temperatures over 800 degrees Fahrenheit" and " atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet". The author gave all this evidence of the challenges we were facing to get to venus but he does not say why it is beneficial to us. he gives us more reasons to not want to go to venus. in conclusion, this author does not support his claim of venus being worthy despite all the dangers and challenges it brings. There is no text evidence or even a reason to go to venus. the author has to include more of the benefits we can get from going to venus, instead of giving us all the challenges.
Imagine not needing to own a car or having to ask family or friends to give you a ride. Imagine not having to get a taxi or an uber and having to worry about if the driver is a dangerous person. Instead you can ride in a car without a person driving the car. Soon there will be driverless cars driving people everywhere. Driverless cars is a great idea because it is safe so far. Google's driverless cars have had no accidents. They have been driving since 2009. Even though they are not completly driverless yet. Soon they will be completly driverless in the future. So far driverless cars can steer, break, accelerate,and drive themselves. The only problem is that you would have to be able to take over the wheel,if the driverless car is not able to do something it can not do. If driverless cars were to be available now, you would only be able to ride if you can drive a car and able to take over the wheel at anytime. It is safe because the car will alert you if you would have to take over. Many automakers are working on solving problems that the driverless cars have. There will also be a law on what happens if there is an accident. Driverless cars are a great idea because it is safe so far , reliable, will be completly safe in the future, has not had any accidents, and more.
Having driverless cars would be unthinkable. To make a car that humans do not have to drive is just being lazy, if someone has a driverless car they will never pay attention to the road because the car does eveyting for them. In drivers ed the tearcher tells us, our parents tell us, anyone who drives tells us "ALWAYS BE AWARE OF YOUR SURROUNDINGS" People would not have to watch anything because they would not be driving the car. Although not having to drive would be awesome for some people, especially people who are driving long periods at a time, it is still not safe. What happens when an animal runs out in the road unexpectidaly? Does the car just stop by itself? You can never know what will happen if you have no control over it. If a car can drive itself and a human does not have to do anything and the car messes up and does not work when you need it to the most what will happen? You will most likely end up geting hurt. It would be different if this driverless car was guarenteed to never mess up, but that is not how it is. People who actually drive cars now have issues all the time with their vehicle not working when they need it to the most, sometimes breaks go out, the car may die, there is a whole series of things that could happen. So think about if someone was n ot driving their car and all of a sudden when the car is just driving itself and someone is on the road going somewhere and all of a sudden the car stops working, the "battery" dies... What can you do about that? Nothing, your car dies and your are in the middle of traffic, you are in major trouble because you have either caused yourself or someone else to be injured. Having driverless cars would be completely irresponsible. The reason texting and driving is illegal and drinking and driving is illegal is for saftey purposes. Those two things are major causes of accidents. Having driverless cars is just giving people the go ahead to get in a vehicle irresponsible now. Would you feel safe with your children in a car ansd other people behind the wheel just texting or being intoxicated or both? I know that I would not feel very safe. Cars can stop working whenever they want but if you have someone texting or intoxicated in one of those cars and it stops working, there is no way to prevent your children from getting hurt. In conclusion, having driverless cars is a terrible idea. They are not 100 percent guarenteed to always work just like regular cars are not but no one driuving a car and it stops working can cause extremely way more problems than a regular car would. With a regular car you can just take over whenever you need to and pull off to the side to prevent problems or do whatever you need to do to keep away from accidents happening, but with no one driving a car you are risking your life and others around you all because you wanted to be lazy and not drive a car by yourself.
There are many reasons why people should swich to cars to walking. Switching from cars to walking helps the enviroment with polution, also it makes you look better so you can get the ladies. America is at an all time low on population coming from cars because many people are ihnto walking to work instead of driving because driving is very dangerous and also they are really hard to afford. Many people dont want to come out of their ccomfort zone and switch to a bike or switch to walkinjg because it might not be cool to them and their parents and not cool to their friends when carpooling is much more efficent andmuch more cheaper than any other alternative all you have to do is call your friends up and say HEY bring me to work now please. "The days without cars is part of an improvement camoaighn that began in bogota in the mid 1990s. It has seen the construction of 118 miles of bicycle paths, the most of any Latin American city, according to Mockus, the citys mayor." Andrew Selsky.
Well in his artical "Driving Cars Are Coming" the author presents both positive and negative aspects of the driverless cars. Lets start off by poining the good aspects out about the diverless cars. All of the driverless cars are forms of public-transport taxi systemes. They are more flexibility then a bus is. Also let me point out that these (Driverless cars) have driven more than half a million miles without a crash. So therefore you know they are safe cars on one hand and on another hand they are not safe cars. Let me give you some bad aspects about the driverless car. Some of those bad aspects would be that so far google cars are not truly driverless cars. They stiil need a driver to take over when pulling in or out of the driveway or dealing with trafic issues such as roadworks or accidents. These are some positive and negative reason on way the driverless car is heplful an no-heplful.
the reason why their is the techonoly of people to know how to understand on how the reason the potrites are in this world today. By showing on how the way the pictures in the text is showing how she is smileing. I think we should leave her face the way is orginally on the way it is from the way the arginol person painted it. It is being very respectful on how the painting is being displaied in different musemes here around the world. the reason why I think this is because lets say that we painted something and someone goes in and paint it completely different. Than what you made it to be in the first place. So I feel like we all should leave things they were when they were created. The respect we give we get in return from the same reson y we gave it to others because the more you give the more it looks good on you in the long run. So just remember that the next time you see someone changing someone else's painting or others works. They work so hard on because why would they work so hard on somthing that someone else is just gonna go back in and change it.
"People are generating a revolutionary change, and this is crossing borders," said Enrigue Riera in excerpt 3: Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota. Limiting car usuage is opening doors to breathing in fresh air rather than filling it with toxins from thousands driving everyday. A day without a car can and will have beneficial implacations for the enviroment along with carbon emissions. Excessive amounts of space is taken up of nothing but parking spaces. Limiting the mobility by vehicle can allow you to be in walking distances from everything you would generally need a car to get too. You normally go outside to "get some fresh air," but if you think about it is it really all that fresh with how much we are polluting our own home? The Enivromental Protection Agency is promoting "car reduced" communities. The legislators are starting the act cautiosly but willingly. 80% of appropriations have gone to highways and only 20% to other tranportation. In excerpt 1: In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars, David Goldburg, who is an official of Tranportation for America, states that "All of our development since World War 2 has been centered on the car, and that will have to change." Limitation of car usuage can uphold stress reduction along with a happier and easier way of going about your day. Just think, you aren't all cooped up in a car, stuck in traffic, making you late for work or something needed to be attended. Instead, you are getting a daily dose of excerise with some fresh air that you have helped arise by taking a breather and letting go of what society has gotten you attached too. "Different things are converging which suggest that we are witnessing a long-term cultural shift," said Mimi Sheller, in excerpt 4: The End of Car Culture. Reading that statement over allows me to think.. maybe that is for the best; a change.
Should you join the program with Luke? You should join the program with Luke because its a now expereance and you should always try new things out. "Lukes friend Don Reist invited him to go to Euroupe on a cattle boat. Luke couldn't say no. He knew it was an opportunity of a lifetime." This shows if you are a farmer that loves being with farm animals, than this would be a good thing for you to do. You would be able to be with animals all the time. "World War II was over in Europe, and many countries were left in ruins. To help these countries recover their food supplies, animals, and more, 44 nations joined together to form UNRRA. UNRRA hired "Seagoing cowboys" to take care of the horses, young cows, and mules that were shipped overseas." That give a good reason to join the UNRRA because you can help bring farm animals to places where there are no farm animals. You can help the farm animals find a home. You would be able to bond with other animals and save them from the wild and then take good care of them. "With a cargo of 335 horses plus enough hay and oats to feed them." This shows another reason to joins the program and help feed the farm animals over seas. "I'm greatful for the opportunities, he says. It made me more aware of people of other countries and their needs. "You will probably feel the same way he did. You will feel good for the joy and happyness you give the other people when you give them there new farm animals. You should join the programe to go with the new experiece and make new friends and bond with animals.
Dear Senator The Electoral College was created by our Founding Fathers. They put this in the Constitution to make electing the President of the United States fair and equal to all the citizens in the United States. The Electoral College should not be changed no matter what. To go against the Constitution would be to go against the nation, for we were built on the leadership of our Founding Fathers and the guidance of the Constitution. This Contitstution was created so that the people have more power than the government. So I strongly believe that the Electoral College should stay the same. It is the governmet that needs to change. There is nothing wrong with the Electoral College, it is just the ones that run it. So if there should be any change, it should be the government that should change, not the Electoral College! The Ectoral College is a compromise between the election of the President by a vote in Congress and by the popular vote of the citizens. When the voting starts the electors come to a meeting place and vote on who they want as President. After the meeting, there has to be a majority of two hundred seventy electoral votes for the election of the president. The electoral College is as I have said it before is fair and equal to all the citizens in the United States. To take this away now would be a catastraphe, because that would mean that all the other presidents in the past would not have even been our Presidents, the history behind them would be rubish and not even true. Some states may have a "winner-take-all" sort of thing but they are together and voting together as on state. Some of them may vote for the other one but the majority of them is for one person. Some of the states believe that it is not even worth it to have a "winner-take-all", because they think it is unfair. Then after the presidential election comes the "Certificate of Ascertainment" which is a list of all those who ran for President and there respective electors. The electoral college has been around ever since the Constitution was created. It may be unfair now, but if there would have been any changes to the Constitution it would have been done then instead of now. The Electoral College was probably a great idea when the the Constitution fisrt started out. Then the years have gone by and now we want change. Well I see that the Electoral College can be unfair but it is also fair in it's own right. Because of the fiasco in the year of two thousand about the abolishment of the Electoral College, it has left a scare in our nation about the government, because you guys are giving out the information on the candidates to late or not at all. That SUCKS, for most states because they may not even get one advertisment about the candidates any where or even a commercial on T.V. If the vote for the abolishment of the Electoral College does happen, then there is nothing that I can do about it, but you can still change your ways. You can make it fair and not irrational. Even send the "Certificate of Ascertainment" earlier than you have done before now. This is a nation of freedom and peace, how are you trying to keep the peace with other countries if you can not even keep the peace within your own? The government is the real problem, not the Electoral College. It may be unfair, because the majority of the people may have chosen one person while the electors may choose the other. Then when they add it together it is there vote that counts more than the peoples. If the government had only done the right thing and elected what the people wanted, then no one would have a problem with the Electoral College. It is stupid that the government is listening to what we have to say but not hearing it completly. The Constitution is a document of equality for the people. Not the government. If our nations democracy is a democracy then they should listen more to what the people have to say and not what the government has to say. If the government would do this then things would run more smoothly within our country and there would be less conflict. This nation is a nation of freedom and peace. Not for a bunch of people who are power hungry. The Electoral College is fair and equal, it is the government that is not. If the government would only change for the better then there would be no problem. This nation is still young compared to all the other countries. They have gotten all there issues taken care of, but we have not. The reason is that some of the officials are power hungry and do things to take care of themselves and not others, but some are not and they want to make this country better. Those are the ones that should stay and not the power hungry ones. They make it fair. So I strongly belive that the Electoral College should stay the same, and that the government should be the one to change. Frome PROPER_NAME
I think that self-driving cars can be a good and a bad thing. They can make driving safer, but they can also make it more dangerous. I am in favor of self-driving cars if the problems can be corrected. So far the cars being made by Google are not completely self-driven. There still has to be a driver behind the wheel to take control when needed. A self-driven transportation system would be beneficial to people who need to be taken somewhere. It would be a great improvement. It would help in an emergency situation, such as if someone is injured, they are alone and cannot drive, the car can pick them up and get them medical care. The self-driving cars also would improve the economy by reducing gas milage. The cars do not take up as much gas as other cars. The improved economy would allow for more money to be put into important projects that can benefit people and improve the world. The car sensors would also reduce the number of accidents. If people don't get into car crashes or accidents, there are no medical bills to pay, leaving more money for the driver for important exspenses. People having more money can lead to a better life, such as paying for college, or a new home. The self-driving cars are our key to the future, a better world. The cars improve life by saving money and by not using as much gas, reducing pollution, providing better air to breathe. There needs to be more research done to complete a fully-automated car, this new transportantion system needs to be put into place as soon as more can be done to fix the issues the cars are having. So in conclusion, The sooner the problems are fixed and the cars are being produced, the better life people will have thanks to driverless cars.
(BENNGING)Luke was brave and went out to sea.He knew he might not come back but he still did it.He wanted to be a seagoing cowboy then he had to out into the sea. His friend helped him out alot so now he is a brave soilder like his friend. (MIDDLE)Luke didn't want to go out at sea at first but now he does because he is not scared because he in brave and did his job.He got to where he was going the day after the World War ll.Luke was lucky that he made it alive because the boomed cloesed to where he was going to. (MIDDLE) Luke was also brave because he wanted to go out at sea even if his friends and family didn't like it.He was very brave and now he is in the army protecting the world from danger and harm. His friend made a good choice and I would the samething if I was Luke's friend. (MIDDLE) My middle is that you can always have a friend but is that friend your true friend.If it is then you will know and they will be there to help you anything that you need help with.Just like Luke's friend helped him when he needed help the most.That is what friends are for to help out their friends who need their help. (END)That you can't do by yourself it takes two people to be friends and Luke and his friend did what they had to and they did it bravely and as a team of friendship.
Do you know how smart a computer is, or how efficient it is compared to the human brain? You cant even compare the two, its just not an even fight. Now when you put it into perspective, human error has made car crashes one of the leading cause of death today. So I'm in firm belief that "driverless cars" is not only safer, more effiecient but would be the future to cars. First not only has a computer controlled car never taken a life, but it has never crashed. Now the word "never" is a bold word since not everything is certain, but the calculation and sensors of a computer controlled car has made the "driveless car" never crash since its debut in 2009 as said in paragraph 2 "Google had cars that could drive indepnedently under specific conditions since 2009. Their cars have driven more than half a million of miles without a crash,.." How fast do you think is your reaction time? And do you do well against pressure? Well if you are driving, countless situation like these would soon come your way. Now if you were a computer, your reaction time is a blur and you have no pressure to worry about. As stated in paragraph 5 " .. those sensors had become more advanced to detect and respond to the danger of out -of-control skids or rollovers." In those situation, people would just brace themselves and pray for low medial bills after the accident. Now if the driverless car drove, these things can be avoided endlessly. Second, driverless cars are more efficient. Theres just no other way to put it. As stated in paragraph 1 "...would use half the fuel of today's taxis and offer far more flexibility than a bus." You ask where is the logic to that? Well, humans tend to speed up and slam their brakes constantly while driving. But with a driverless car, all they would need is calculation. Imagine a world where there are just full of driverless cars. If they are all controlled by computer and have the same calculations, most traffic jams would be resolved. . Not only would there be no hassle but it would be safer, and much more convienient for everyone. Last, it had stated in paragraph 8 the following: "The psychological aspects of automatin are are really a challenge," "We have to interpret the driving fun in a new way." What that means is if and only if this driverless car is perfected, and it would need support, not only would you be able to watch your favorite show on the way to work, but it would revolutionize the way we spend our time. Since due to constant driving, and traffic, we spend so much time on the wheel. If we take that out, we would have countless hours of free time! In conclusion, I think driverless cars are having a bad name since it is not fully "driverless." But there is no doubt is it SO much safer. As the cofounder of on the most influential company "Google" Sergey Brin stated in paragraph 1 "He believes such cars would fundamentally change the world" So if the driverless car would get more support and have more funds in it's developement, it would be safer, more efficient and is the the future to cars.Now if we didnt have to drive anymore and the driverless car was pefected, what would you spend your time on?
Dear Florida senator, The United States has changed drastically and continously over the few centuries that have passed away. Americans, have been building up since our founding fathers to become the democracy we are today, a democary of "we the people". Citizens, are given the privilige to vote or not to vote and choose our leaders, but that is not what the electoral college vote has to offer. The electoral system over complicates things, lies to the people, and is not fair to voters and in its delivery. The electoral process is a disaster that disorderly combust into problems. Because of it, issues like the election of Al-Gore who won the popular vote,but lost presidency due to the system, has caused confusion and controversy. This wouldnt have happened without the system that lies in front of the people. We voted for some one and we should have gotten that person. The unfairness of the system goes way beyond than the probability of the losing candidate to win, and it has an incline towards one side that may harm the other. Although the "winner-take-all" method brings greater focus from candidates to campaign for and to address the real problems that voters need, it results in a battle between candidates to go for certain states that leave others with no benefit. In other words, a candidate may leave your state to recieve the silent treatment while others benefit from the attention. To wrap it up, the electoral system causes an unfair incline towards certain objectives that the voters need. The electral system needs to be abolished.    
Why Mona never smile in her painting. The artis make Mona smile into art. The artis try to make her happy into art. Mona she’s 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry. The Mona Lisa demonstration is really intended to bring a smile to your face, while it shows just how much this computer can do. The author write about becaues he wants the peolpe to know that there only 83 percent happy, 9 percent disgusted, 6 percent fearful, and 2 percent angry ina person. The story is best on is trying to make you smile. That why the author write this story. The story is about a smile just a girl smile i always see everybody smile everybody. Making mona smile she probalby don't won't to smile. While looking the in the mirror there a smile in there. Mona smile when happy or angry. Smile is a good thing in your life. two ways to make someone happy in there life be funny, be really funny be like a bunny to make them smile. We peolpe has the same impressive everty day. Imagine a computer that knows when you’re happy or sad. If there a computer know when you're happy or sad that's kinda cool. A new technology called the facial action coding system enables computers to identify human emotions. That is kinda funny how can a computers know when your sad or happy. Computers don't have emotions only living things do have emotions.
Smart cars are shown to be the new thing in the future. But, are smart cars really that necessary? They can malfunction and end up worse than your dreams. Even though these cars are being tested and upgraded, they can always have a fail. I am against the development of these cars because they could be a huge danger to the world, this will only make people more lazy, and people could get distracted and not pay attention to the roads. These cars could be a danger to our world. They not only could put humans in danger, they could be a danger to pets as well. No matter how well the technology could be, there is no garuntee that there won't be a malfunction. They can upgrade the technology as much as they want, but nothing can garuntee the safety of humanity. There are many things that can go wrong. The possibility is high and the list of bad things is long. It's best not to risk lives and just stop manufacturing smart cars. These cars can be far more dangerous to the world. Making an advance in technology will only make people more lazy. They will become less interested in the staying active by wanting more advanced technology. It's not bad to have great technology and use it for amazing things. But taking advantage of it can make it dangerous. People can request to use this technology for their good. But is it really for their good if they are wanting it for chairs that can move them to where ever they want to? Soon there will be escalators everywhere, replacing every stair case there is. We shouldn't let this happen to our world. Soon we will end up lazy and fat like the people from Wall-e. They took advantage of their technology; therefore, that's something we shouldn't do. We should stop making these advancing, and stop making humanity lazy and worse. These cars will make people get distracted and not pay attention to the roads. Since the car will be driving, people will decide to relax and pay no attention to where they are going. This can cause many accidents to occur. In the article it talks about how they will install vibrating seats so that when the cars approach a working zone, the driver can instantly take over the car. Will that really work? Let's say someone is running late, they are tired and didn't get enough sleep, so they decide to take a nap on their way to work. They could have an accident for not paying attention and falling asleep. Not only that, there are many ignorants in this world. People will also get distracted on their cell phones and ignore the alerts they are receiving. That isn't the only problem, the seats could malfunction and cause the alerts not be sent to the driver. People will not only get distracted, the alerts may not be sent on time. This can be stopped before it makes people lazy. Smart cars shouldn't be used nowhere in this world. It's not safe for anybody because other than being dangerous, there are ignorant people who can buy these cars. These ignorant people are irresposible and shouldn't even own one. It could also be put in the wrong hands, making this world less safe. I am against the development of these cars becuase they could be a danger to the world, this will only make people more lazy, and people could get distracted and not oay attention to the road.
Do you think that people would rather have the popular vote for the president of the United States or the Electoral College? If some of you guys dont know what an Electoral College is, then it is a process, not a place. The process consists of the selection of the electors, by the meeting of electors where they vote for President and Vice President, and the counting of the electoral votes by Congress. Now that you know its basiclly like your not even getting to have a chance at what you want, and not even a chance at getting to say what you want. That is why you would agree with me on the fact that we no longer should have the Electoral College. The voters & people in our country should strongly agree with having the election by popular vote. I think this because the Electoral College is unfair to voters and also the people in our country. Their are many of reasons on why I chose for it to be changed. One reason is because letting it be by popular vote might decress the conflict between people when one doesn't get what they want also might help the election be more equal. My next reason on changing the Electoral College is because if they run close then more people would be intrested and want more to do with the public election. It might even help the states from having conflict beween each other, and that would help our counrty out alot! We could also keep up with the candidates to make sure that us "our self" is picking the right person to be our presedent of the United States. If this year goes like last year did then we might have a chance at getting to have the election by popular vote for the President of the United States. 2000 was the biggest election crisis in a century; that system allows for much worse. In 2000, seventeen states didn't see the canidates at all, also Rhode Island and South Carolina, and voters in twentyfive of the largest media markets didn't get to see one campaign ad. The Electoral college is too unfair, way outdated, and irrational. The Electoral College needs to be Abolished. Better sooner then never.                                         
The use of this technology to read the emotional expressions of students in a classroom is valuable, I feel this way because it can help on so many ways. In the text kids would ask if this machine really worked, like tthey were intrested in knowing what it was. The computer can help with teachers because if the students are feeling down or something is wrong with them, the system can see whats going on and what type of mood their in so you can try and make them feel better. It also says that the facal expressions are universal, and that using a video imagery, the new emotion-recognition software tracks the facial movements. Thats another way why I feel like this system is helpful to students in a classroom. This system can go so far with so many different things dealing with all types of emotions including mixed emotions. It also goves you examples on how a computer will know if your sad or not, and alot of students in a classroom would find that satisfying. One example to that is saying if you smile whena web ad appears on your screen, a smiliar ad as the first one might follow. But if you frown, the next ad while appear to be different on your screen. I find that so amazing, that theres so many ways in the electronic community just to come up with new out of the world things, and this is one of them. For that, I feel like yes this system is valuable to students in a classroom. But not just one classroom of students, but students from all over the worls. I feel like they would love it and how it works. Not alot of children have the opportunity to try out systems like these, so if they had the chance I think they would take the opportunity in showing that this system is good for everyone. It doesn't even just have to be students , it can also be adults too! I feel like they would also love the system.
There are many advantages of limiting car usage. It affects your mental health. It effects your environment. It effects people and companies economically, too. These articles provide a lot of information, and I'm going to use examples from the text to show you. First, limiting car usage affects peoples' mental health. Most people say it makes them happier using different modes of transportation. ""When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way," said Heidrun Walter, a media trainer and mother of two,..." This is an example from the 1st article, 'In German Suburb, Life Goes On Without Cars" written by Elizabeth Rosenthal. ""It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution," said buisnessman Carlos Arturo Plaza as he rode a two-seat bicycle with his wife." Here's another example, from 'Car-free day is spinning into a big hit in Bogota' written by Andrew Selsky. Although some people are mad having to use a bus or a train with other people, it's a good stress reliever not having to drive all the time and not having to deal with the road rage. Second, limiting car usage effects the environment. Cars give off gas that's not good for the Earth. The gas from the cars creates smog in some parts of the world. "Paris typically has more smog than any other European capitals..." In that quote from 'Paris bans driving due to smog' written by Robert Duffer, it shows that the smog is having an affect of them. Safety is also something that would be increased if we limited car usage. ""Pedestrian, bicycle, private cars, commercial, and public transportation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time, conserve resources, lower emissions and improve safety."" With less cars around, people would be less likely to get hit. Right now, many people die every day from a car accident or a hit and run. If we lessen the amount of cars on the road, we'd also improve road rage and traffic flow. Finally, limiting the amount of car usage would effect people and companies economically. People wouldn't have to pay for gas as much as they would have to. It would help out public transportation companies, like the company that runs the Lynx busses or 'the Line' in Chicago. It would cause a decline in auto-insurance companies and car companies that sell the cars. "...companies like Ford and Mercedes are already rebranding themselves "mobility" companies with a broader product range beyond the personal vehicle." This quote from the article 'The End of Car Culture' by Elisabeth Rosenthal, shows that car companies are trying to stay ahead of their competition. They're trying to appeal to people who prefer bikes or buses rather than a personal vehicle. "...recent studies suggest that Americans are buying fewer cars, driving less and getting fewer licenses as each year goes by." In this quote from the same passege, it shows that we're already nearing this goal. Car usage is already being limited by the newer generations of people who care about the planet and find it easier to bike or use public transportation. In conclusion, limiting the usage of cars would help a lot. I think that helping the environment would really be good for us as people. Limiting the usage of cars would make it safer to walk around and bike outside, even drive. It helps people economically even though it hurts certain companies economically. It also helps us mentally by helping us be less stressful and calming down more easily. It would reduce road race as well as certain stress all-together.    
Do you think the use of technology to read the emotional expressions of any people is valuable? Well in my personal opinion I belive that is it valuable. Getting to know how people feel or what people are going through could be a whole lot better. Example there could be friend's that look happy from out but in thier inner sole they feel empty and if then we use the technology to detect how their actaully feeling then we can help and change their whole mood. The use if technology to read emotional expressions of students is vauble becaus we can see when students are paying attention in class or they are fooling around. There could be many good reason in which it's good to use technology and read emotional expressions of students. " A classroom computer could recoginze when a student is becoming confused or bored". Technology is reading the kids feelings and seeing if he needs help or needs to get into action. Therefor technology feeling readers are in good use to help people who are not feeling well or who want to change up their mood. Technology feeling readers should be around and see how people are doing. If people are showing a worried face or any type of face then they can do something to help that person. In conclusion feeling readers should be around. If it helps you it can help other people who need it. It can help in different occuison and even help the judge, police to see if the person face can shoe if he's gulity or not. It can help anyone.
Would you ever dream of a taxi cab that has no driver and can drive you around? Google is making cars that require no drivers. Although this is a very neat idea, it is extremely expensive. This idea would work if all of America was urban land and not so many non urban areas. I think driverless cars are one of the biggest wastes of money we have came up with so far. Driverless cars seems like a good idea and all but i dont think it is necissary. All it does is cost more and more money that does not need to be spent. We would have to buy sensors for all highways across the world which would be extremely expinsive. This is money we do not have and we dont need to spend money on this anyways. Experts say that the will need roads that are embedded with electrical cables. We also thought of the idea of magnetic roads, but to have magnetic roads that make our cars work we would have to do massive upgrades to our highways. But this is too expensive, so we have to make the cars smarter rather than the roads. To do this we need tons of sensors, a rotating sensor on the roof, and a GPS reciever. All of these also costing a whole lot of money. Making driverless cars is a bad idea in my opinion, but if experts are set on making them then they probably will. Driverless cars will cost us an enourmous amount of money. They will need to heavily modify highways, cover the cars in all sorts of sensors and cameras, and test them thousands of times to make sure they are safe. If taking all this time and money is worth it to the experts, then let them do it. But we need to be smarter with our money rather than wasting it on senseless things such as, driverless cars.
I feel the use of technology would be a good thing for a classroom.There are many things that would inprove the students abilities and the classroom environment. In paragraph one of this article its tells us how it measures the emotions you are feeling in percentages and lets others know. Using this technology would help the teacher know if the students in the classroom are taking in and understanding the information being put out. With this the teacher can expand the thought or just explains more clearly on what is to be done; the students will not have to worry about not understanding or being afraid to ask a question. Many people are scared to ask a question or for futher explaination in fear of being made fun of or others just thinking you are dumb.Yes, it is good to ask questions in a class but if you are just having trouble doing so, the teacher will already know and just pull you aside later, also ask what was not being understood. The new technology can also help identify if the teacher is doing his or her work well enough, not just giving any old lecture or paper work for no real reason . Therefore, if every student is doing well and understanding everything and teachers are doing their jobs right, students will have better grades. They will have better test scores in class room tests and even standardised tests and that is a big win for the students , parents,and schools.So, with that being said technology will just get bigger and better and help the society and its people to do better even in a class room.
In 1976, Viking 1 snapped a photo of what looked to be a Egyptian Pharaoh. A few days later NASA released the picture to the public. The "Face on Mars" became a pop icon. It starred in a Hollywood film, appeared in books, magazines, radio talk shows, and even haunted grocery store checkout lines for 25 years! Some people still believe that the "Face on Mars" is the work of aliens. I believe the "Face on Mars" is not the work of aliens, but a natural landform. The article gives good evidence that the "Face on Mars" is just another weird natural landform on Mars. In paragraph 5, conspiracy theorists claim the "Face on Mars" is bona fide evidence of life on Mars and evidence that NASA would rather hide. In paragraph 3, NASA unveiled the image for all to see in 1976. The caption noted, "a huge rock formation...which resembles the shape of a human head...formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth." The authors reasoned it would be a good way to engage the public and attract attention to Mars; which it certainly did just that. The authors of the article wanted to attract attention towards Mars and NASA even claimed that it was a huge rock formation in the caption. Later, stating that shadows gave the huge rock formation the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth. On April 5, 1998, when Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia for the first time, Micheal Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) team snapped a picture ten times shaper and clearer than the original Viking photos. The picture taken in April of 1998, would most likely not have shadows to give illusions of the face, nose, and mouth. Thousands of anxious web surfers were waiting when the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing...a natural landform. There was no alien monument after all. NASA again stating and proving that the "Face on Mars" was just another out of place natural landform on Mars. On April 8, 2001, a cloudless summer day in Cydonia, Mars Global Surveyor drew close enough for a second look. "We had to roll the spacecraft 25 degrees to center the Face in the field of view," said Garvin. "Marlin's team captured an extraordinary photo using the camera's absolute maxium resolution." Here again we can see NASA trying to prove that the "Face on Mars" in still just a weird natural landform on Mars. Someone who stills believes that the "Face on Mars" is the work of aliens might say something like this. The "Face on Mars" is located at 41 degrees north martian latitude where it was winter in April 1998-a cloudy time of year on the Red Planet. The camera on board MGS had to peer through wispy clouds to see the Face. Perhaps alien markings were by haze, skeptics claim. However, that was back in April of 1998, and the most recent photo taken was back in 2001. The photo taken in April 2001, the weather was perfect-a cloudless summer day in Cydonia. The photo taken that year still looks like a natural landform on Mars. The excellent reasons stated above prove yet again that the so called "Face on Mars" is just a natural landform. NASA has clearly proven that the "Face on Mars" is just another strange landform on Mars.
I strongly dissagree with the argument that aliens created the face on Mars. The proof is that a little while later after the face in Mars was found scientists figured it was only a Martian mesa, something that was common around Cydonia. The only reason why it looks like a face is because it had unusual shadows on it. The other reason why I beleive aliens didn't casue the face was because the authors of magazines and other articles thought it would be a good way to enguage the public and attract attention to mars and it worked. Plus when Mars Global Surveyer flew over the area one more time to get a better shot at the face it reavealed that it was just another normal landform and not an alien monument. Another reason why I think that there was no aliens involved was that someone even compared the landmark to the Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho. Plus if you think about it If there were aliens on Mars don't you think that they would've found lots of land formations like the face.
Dear Senator, The Presidential election is one of America's proudest accomplishments. It sets the United States apart from other countries and brings great pride to the people. As the United States grows older and wiser, it learns more than what the original Founding Fathers knew. One of their (the Founding Fathers) great contributions to this country is the Electorial Congress. This process is still being used today. Based on the positive and negative aspectsof this system, the Electorial Congress should remain the way Americans elect government leaders. The major goal of elections is to choose a leader in a mythotical and smooth way. The Electorial Congress brings a "landslide electorial-vote victory in that state." (source 3, paragraph 18) This gives the public a reasurrence that their state was strong and sure about the decission. This comfort might not come if the elections were popular-vote based only. Also, "the Electorial College requires a presidential to have trans-regional appeal. No region has enough electorial votes to elect a president" (source 3, paragraph 19) It's important to have a system that doesn't allow one region to dominate over the others. Had this been the case, the balance among the people would be completely thrown off. Of course, there are drawbacks to this system. There are a good number of people who believe this is not a democratical way of having their voices be heard. (source 3, paragrph 15) Along with that, close calls such as ties have shown to strain the current voting system. (source 2, paragraph 11) However, these are rare cases and when they presented themselves, the leadeers of the country were able to fix the issue in a way that appeased most. This current process does give some states power to tip the scales while others are locked in on their canadates before the voting begins. (source 2 paragrph 13) But the results over the past years have shown no party has an unfair advantage over the others. America has had both many democrats and republicans in office. Based off of the current solutions to the Electorial Congress, for the time-being, remaining the same would be in the best interest of the nation. It is acknowleged that the people are voting for a slate of electors and not the actual canadate. But the voters who know United States elections are about "expressing their political prefernces" (source 3, paragraph 23) are accomidated nicely and reassured of the current process. The peoples' opinions are well represented in the use of this system and until it poses an unsolvable, catastriphical problem, there is no need to abolish it.
The Face on Mars is just an Martian mesa which usually form weird shapes on the surface from time to time. It loks like an alien artificat because of the shadow effect and the way the sand moved it. It is just an natural landform that was just shaped like a pharaoh. On paragraph 7 states on "April 5, 1998, When the Global Surveyor flew over the Cydonia for the first time, the team took 10 pictures sharper than the original Viking photos". They later revealed on their JPL web site it was just a natural landform. This point was argued over conspiracy theorist though because it was a cloudy day on Mars. On paragraph 10 they took it again on April 8,2001, where it was not cloudy. They took another picture on the Global Surveyor at maximum resolution. On paragraph 11 Jim Gavin, the chief scientist for NASA's Mars Exploration Program, came out and said this picure proved that Mars has no life on the planet. He said " So, if there were objects in this picture like airplanes on the ground or Egyptian-style pyramids or even small shacks, you could see what they were. On paragraph 12 they say they are a butte or mesa which is landforms common around the American West. They even give an example one saying it reminds him of the "Middle Butte in the Snake River Plain of Idaho". As you can see from the evidence I've given you it is a common mistake to mistake a common landform for an alien creation. I hope this helps you learn and help you in future cases when you mistale something on a planet for a alien artifact or alien creation when it is just a natural creation.
The ¨Face" on Mars is a mere coincidence. There are many formations like this one on earth. When using the Mars Global Survey spacecraft it´s high resolution camera picked up no signs of any type of advanced civilization. Authors of magazines at the time also hyped the ¨Face¨ up, to get more people interested in Mars. This story has been used in an array of entertainment, from movies to magazines. On Earth there are formations called buttes, ¨ That´s a lava domes that take formation of an isolated mesa...¨ according to paragraph twelve. Also in paragraph twelve it states that on Earth these landforms are most common in the American west. These particular formations are especially common in the Cydonia region of Mars. Finding these landforms in this region are so common that the scientists at NASA were shocked at how much it resembled a face, knowing it was not an alien artifact. Another reason that we know it is a butte is because it was not only photographed once or twice but three times! This landform has been photographed by two different spacecraft, the Viking 1 and the Mars Global Surveyor. These spacecraft were spread apart for a span of over 25 years! The Viking 1 picked up the best images it could for it´s time but the much more recent Mars Global Surveyor has a much better and more accurate image of the ¨Face¨ than the 1976 photo. The Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) also took two clear photographs of the landform while the 1976 image is blurry to say the least. In 1976 the image was so fuzzy that no one could tell what was there, which led to reporters and authors to excite the public more than what was necessary. In 1976 authors and reports hyped up the find of this ¨Face¨ on Mars. Authors did this to draw more attention to Mars, which because NASA serves the interests of the people and the government was an outstanding thing but it went to far. After all a face on a planet not all that far from us makes a great headline. Not everyone exaggerated it though NASA, as said in the article, upon releasing the pictures to the public stated ¨huge rock formation...which resembles a human head...formed by shadows giving the illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth.¨ The face on Mars was also used in afilm and in countless magazines across the country. The ¨Face" on Mars is merely just shadows playing tricks on the eye. The Face is merely a landform with shadows in all the right spots playing an illusion on those who see it. Over the years many claims, false or true, have been made about the Face on Mars and they aren going to stop anytime soon. So far no evidence supports the claims of conspiracy theorists, however that doen´t mean they never will. The ¨Face¨ on Mars has had many stories told about for over two and a half decades, and they are not going to stop anytime soon, but it is important to know that science has not proven anything about the ¨Face¨ on Mars, yet.
Luke's point of view is convincing others to participate in the seagoing cowboys program. His experience with the program had opened up the world to him and he has experience some exiting events. As seen in paragraph 9 it says '', It opend up the world to him". It also says ''it made me more aware of people of other cuntries and there needs". I like that Luke had aggread to go on the trip and that he is engoing it after he broke his ribs because that means he has a good spirit. I did injoy this story and people shuld participate in the program. Luke's participation in the progran hays allowed him to experince adventures and visits to many unique places. Such as when he saw the Acropolis in greesce was special. He also saw Europe and China. There took about two weeks to cross the Atlantic Ocean from the eastern coast of the United States and a month to get to China. Luke also saw Italy with streets of water. He is a lucky person to see those great places. Luke is likes the program good all its good things. So i whould go and other people shuld to.
In the world we live in today, cars are used by people nearly everyday. To some they are looked at as a need such as water, food, or shelter rather something we want to improve our life. Although, it may improve our lives in the particular moment to some degree, we fail to see the greater and more long-term effects from everyday car usage. The following sources reviews these effects and reveals the problems and solutions we may have to fix them. One of the more serious and more recognized problems from car usage is the steady increase of greenhouse gas emissions produced from vehicles all over the world. Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe. Vauban, Germany is an example of the effort being made to reduce these greenhouse gas emissions, this experimental city is trying to remain "car-free" and in doing so the city itself has to make its own changes. This basic precept is being adopted around the world by trying to compact suburbs and make them more accessible by public transportation."When i had a car i was always tense. I'm much happier this way" said by heidrun walter(source 1). With this new experiment, people are finding ways to adapt and live the changed life while others actually feel better off. Another serious and impacting issue from car usage is the increase in smog over big named cities. In paris, after days of a near record breaking pollution, paris bans driving throughout the city in attempt to clear up the skies. Diesel fuel is looked at as main problem paris faced in cleaning out the intesifying smog, since a france tax act favors diesel over gasoline it displays an issue the france government must correct in their own wrong doings. A different look towards car usage is that recent studies show americans buying fewer cars, getting fewer and fewer licenses, and also driving less overall. If this pattern continues there will be positive reinforcements for carbon emissions and the environment, since its the 2nd largest emission producer in America. The internet brings a whole other chess piece to the game allowing kids to feel more connected with people without driving anywhere. "pedestrian, bicycle, private cars, commercial and public transportation traffic are woven into a connected network to save time, conserve resources, lower emissions and improve safety." said by Bill Ford excutive chairman of the Ford Motor Company(source 4). A program set up in bogota, colombia is a program developed to promote alternative transportation and reduce smog. "its a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution." said businessman carlos arturo(source 3). Sports centers and parks have also increased throughout the city;bad conditioned sidewalks have been replaced with smooth ones;rush hour restictions have been cut largely; and high class shopping districts have also been created. This program is already looked at by many countries and is being observed by the world like an exciting experiment. There are many advantages to limiting car use and these are just few of them. Overall, the advantages observed are just from the few examples of less car use that we have, if more people look towards this problem of over used cars.
The author is supporting this idea very well. Because in the text he is giving many reason on how Venus is our sister planet but a lot hoter than us. In the text they said, "On the planet's surface tempertures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit and the armospheric pressure is 90 times greater that what we experience on our own planet. They came up with so many ideas to go to Venus and take test samples. Example, "Imagine a blimp-like vehicle hovering 30 or so miles above the roiling Vensian landscape. Just as our jet airplanes travel at a higher altitude to fly over many storms." It's going to be a very dangerous job to do on the planet. Because they cannot take samples from a distance, they have to take samples on the planet. It's going to be one of the biggest challenges they will ever have, but if they want to know what it's like to be on Venus, they're going to do it for everyone and the people in this world.
Being a Seagoing Cowboy is much more than just taking care of the animals and cleaning the stalls for the animals. Doing this, it could open up your eyes to a new world and explore new places. Luke though it was an opportunity of a lifetime. “The cattle-boat trips were an unbelievable opportunity for a small-town boy,” he says. “Besides helping people, I had the side benefit of seeing Europe and China. But seeing the Acropolis in Greece was special,” he says. “So was taking a gondola ride in Venice, Italy, a city with streets of water.” The fact that Luke thought helping all of those people in need, shows you that he wanted to help them. But, not only was he taking care of the people and helping them, he was also helping the animals. I think he also liked taking care of the animals himself. When people think of a Cowboy, they see someone wearing cowboy boots and riding a horse. They also see a farm with a whole bunch of animals. If someone is a cowboy, they normally like animals and taking care of them. Like also liked the trips coming back. They played baseball and volleyball games in the empty stalls where animals had been. Table-tennis tournaments, fencing, boxing, reading, whittling, and other games that also helped pass the time. You also got to visit unique places. Luke got to go to Greece, China, and even toured an excavated castle in Crete. He also marveled at the Panama Canal, during his trip to China. Since Luke didn't just go once, he must have enjoyed going on the trips and helping people. In conclusion, being a Seagoing Cowboy can open up a new world to you. Not only does it let you visit new and unique places, you get to help animals and people that are in need of it. It sure was like that to luke.
I think the development of these cars would be a good idea, Firstly, the cars would use half of the fuel so It would be better for the environment .Also, It would produce less pollution.People who care about the nature would buy these cars, helping the process to get rid of the pollution. Secondly, the information from the sensors can cause the car to apply brakes on individual wheels and reduce power from the engine, allowing far better response and control than a human driver could manage alone. Although,none of the cars developed so far are completely driverless so It means that if we keep developing these technology we can reach the point of cars driving without a human being.Also, these cars remains alert to the human driver to be ready to take over when the situation requires, so people can manage the situation. Thirdly,It's safer in all the aspects.Presently, traffic laws are written with the assumption that the only safe car has a human driver in control at all times. The way that Driverless cars use the technology is increible, If the Driverless cars can do this now, who knows what they will do. Finally, I think Driverless cars would make the world so much easier for the drivers and also, for all the people who life in our planet because there would be less accidents ans less pollution.
Dear senator, What are the chances in favor of keeping the electoral college or changing to election by popular vote for the president of the united states? Does the Electoral College work? First of all, What is the electoral college? The Electoral College is a process, not a place. The founding fathers established it in the Constitution as a compromise between election of the president by a vote in Congress and election of the president by a popular vote of qualified citizens. The Electoral College process consists of the selection of the selectors, the meeting of the electors where they vote for president and vice president,and the counting of the electoral votes by congress. What's wrong with the electoral college? Under the electoral college system, voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of electors, who in turn the president. At the most basic level, the electoral college is unfair to voters. Because of the winner-take-all systemin each state, candidates don't spend time in states they know they have no chance of winning, focusing on the tight races in the "swing"states. It's official: The electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational. The best  arguments in favor of it are mostly assertions without much basis in reality. And the arguments against direct elactions are spurious at best. It's hard to say this, but Bob Dole was right: Abolish the electoral college.
The "Face" that was found on Mars is not an aliens. The "Face" is simply just a huge rock formation which resembles a human head. If it was an alien the head would have anteanas on it and the head would be shaped differently than it is. Even though it was eighteen long years after the Viking Mission ended that we took a photo of the head doesn't mean that is is and alien. On April 5,1998, when Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) flew over Cydionia for the first time,Michael Malin and his Mars Orbiter Camera(MOC) team took a picture. This picture was ten time sharper than the original Viking photos. When the image first appeared on a JPL web site, revealing... a natural landforn and not and alien. Well not everyone was happy about it not being an alien. It's not easy to find the Cydonia. We just don't pass over the "Face" very often. But on April 8,2001 a cloudless summer day in Cydonia MGS went for another look. This time we rolled the space craft 25 degrees to center the face in the field. Malin's team captured an extradinary photo using the camera's absolute maximum resolution. In conclusion, what the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa landforms common around the American West. The picture was never an alien head.
WOOSH!WOOSH as the waves were slamming into the ship we were falling from how wet the ship was. It all started when I was getting into my house and then I heard a knock on my door and then I opened. Don Reist was inviting me to go to Europe on cattle boat. I coulden't say no. It was 1945 world war two was going on in Europe many countries were ruined from the war. How they needed to recover was to have some suplies and food from me and other people. Fourty-four nations joined together to form the UNRRA. The hired "Seagoing Cowboys" to take care of the horses and young cows and mules that were shipped oveseas. Don and I had sighned up for this job as a Seagoing. We arrived August fourteen the day that the Pacific war had ended. Don and I got our seaman's papers and boarded the SS Charles W.Wooster headed for Greece. We had cargo of 335 horses and enough food to feed them. It was a bad time to bee 18 because they could of sent me to the military service. By the time that I was discharged in 1947 I had made nine trips the most of any Seagoing Cowboy. The cattle trips were unbelievable. It took about two weeks to cross the Atlantic ocean from the eastorn coast of the United States pluss caring animals and we fead them three times a day. Help my aunt Katie's farm really helps me while all these thing but not as much for all the dangers that you face during this. I also had a fun time on board with everybody on there. We played baseball volly bal and many more activities. While I was there it made me more aware of people and there needs the awareness stayed with me all my life because people from all around the world needed things that I had. That it helped them more than it did to me and I had learned a lot from that trip. That trip was mostly about being with my friend because he was the one who had invited me to Europe.
After World War II countries around the world were left in ruins. To help countries recover 44 nations banded together and created UNRRA. Also known as the United Nation Relif and Rehabilitation Administration. UNRRA hired "Seagoing Cowboys" to take care of animals shipped overseas to help those fallen nations. While some people think it is a bad idea to go over seas and be a "Seagoing Cowboy" it is a great opportunity to help other nations. Not only do they help people the cowboys have fun aboard the ship. They don't concider it a boring job. On return ships after the animals were unloaded the cowboys played tabel tennis, fencing, boxing, reading, and whittling to name just a few. The cowboys also have a side benifit of being able to sight see. They go to Venice, Italy and can take a gondola ride. See many gothic castles, or Churches in England. See the Panama Canal. You can go see China. As stated before helping people is an other benift. You deliver people cows, mules, horses. While the animals were most likely eaten of killed during the war you can deliver a new calf and its mom to a places were all the animals were lost. Although you might be always busy, you get to feed animals, take care of animals, and see overjoyed faces of people when you bring in mules, cows, and horses. Even with the World War II over there is still many threats. Starvation, overcrowding, more wars, and many other threats. Although in those nations these cowboys were able to stomp out Starvation for a bit. Serve your nation in the United Nation Relif and Rehabilition Administration. While helping the UNRRA and becoming a "Seagoing cowboy is very important for your nation and other nations it is also a great opportunity for anybody to help.
A visit to Venus will give you many opportuntiies.The author supported many things about studying Venus is a worthy pursuit, but can be dangerous. In can peers didn't know that. Venus is second planet from the sun, but is also is the closest planet to Earth. You will have a great chance to explore Venus becaue it is nearest planet that is close to earth.Venus is called the "Evening Star" because of how bight it is and is simple to be spotted. Long while back Venus used to be covered with largely with oceans and have supported various forms of life just like earth. Now it has cnahged, so thats why many people are trying to study the new Venus NASA has sent humans to study Venus. NASA is the only possible solution to the hostile conditions on the surface of Venus. "Because Venus is sometimes right around the corner- in space terms- humans have sent numerous spaceship to land on this cloud- draped world." (author 2) This proves that many people and spaceships has been sent to Venus since it is the closest planet and to learn about it. Many things has been sent to Venus instead if people because of the high temperature.They have sent spacehips and tablets to experiment it. Only opportunity you will be able to go to Venus is join with NASA and study. Majority all peers has got to that point if they have gone to a another planet. Only reason why they're warning you it's for any poor conditon in case! It matters because going and study or visit another planet can be challenging. Becoming a peer that has many open opportunity's is a great and worthy. For example studying and proably visiting Venus is higly recommneded since it is the closest planet to earth. Although, it is also the second planet that is close to the sun. Sun can kill you from at the heat which that can be dangerous.Venus has the hottest surfave temperature of any planet in our solar system. That's why NASA is established. Studying and joining with NASA is a better opportunity other then going alone because you can be in danger and can cause you extremely consequences. Venus has value, human curiosity will likely lead us into many intimidating emdeavors.
I know many people believe that the face on Mars was created by ancient alien beings. I believe this face was a natural formation that was created by natural forces on the planet Mars. I will be laying out the possibilities on how this land formation looks like a human face. First, when we take a look at the land formation the first thing most people would see is a face. This is an illusion formed by shadows giving an alomst human face, the shadows clearly give an illusion of eyes, nose, and mouth. Secondly when Nasa took a picture zoomed up much closer to the image of the face it was actually showing the Martain equivalent of a butte or messa. These are all very common, natural landformations on our planet. They used a digital image 3 times bigger then the pixel size. So if there was anything like a airplane, egyptian-style pyramids, or a small shack they would be able to spot it and see what it is. In conclusion, I know many people believe that the face on Mars was created by ancient alian beings. I believe this face was a natural formation that was created by natural forces on the planet Mars. This is an illusion formed by shadows giving an almost human face. Secondly, they used a digital image 3 times bigger then the pixel size. So if there was anything like a airplane,egyptian-style pyramids, or a small shack they would be able to spot it and see what it is. I believe this was a natural formation created by natural forces on the planet Mars.
My opinion on driverless cars is that it is a good thing for everyone. If we had a public- transport taxi system, we wouldn't have to use as much fuel if it goes the way Sergey Brin envisions this. In 2009 Google had them independent under specific conditions. These cares have been driven up to half a million miles without a crash. These cars would change everyones daily function in a positive way. Google has also modified Toyota Prius to use position- estimating sensors, rotating sensors on the roof, video cameras mounted near rearview mirrors,there is alot of technology in this car but there is something way more important in this car. It is a spinning sensor on the roof, Dubbed LIDAR, it uses laser beams to form a constantly updating 3-D model of the cars surroundings and you could use that if the car was driverless. You could do this to see where to have the car go if it is auto. In 2013, BMW announced the development of Traffic Jam Assistant. The car can handle driving functions at speeds up to 25 Mph, but special sensors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel. These can steer acurate and break themselves, this is a machanic that driverless cares will have to have. Tesla has projected a 2016 release for a car capable of driving- Driverless 90 percent of the time. Mercedes-Benz, Audi, and Nissan have plans to have cars to drive themselves by 2020. Driverless cars will help tramendasley with everyday people that need to go somewhere but cant drive, teens without a license, elderly people who cant drive anymore many people. When this gets here I hope i can test this out for myself because it would be a positive side to everything driving. By 2020 many car brands will have this in there hands and everyone elses hands.
I think that everyone should participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program because it gives you a chance to see amazing things like different places and land forms that you may never be able to see unless you join. You also get to help other people and give them food and animals and shelters to help rebuild their homes and country. The program teaches you about other countries and their needs and going to expirence that in person helps you understand it more. You get to meet new people and have fun with them and do something great for their country at the same time. knowing that you are saving peoples lives is a great feeling and it lets you know that you have done something good in the world. The Seagoing Cowboy trip is a once in a life time chance to see amazing places and help people rebuild their countries and you get to help people and save lifes. I think that everyone should join the Seagoing Cowboys program.
Our Founding Fathers created a new concept of a way to elect a President, called Electoral College. This concept was created so voting  would be fair to everyone, since it is a compromise between the election of a President by a vote in Congress and the popular vote of qualified citizens. Electoral College may cause some domestic disputes between citizens, but in turn it keeps our nation running smoothly. The Electoral College helps avoid run-off election(which can be detrimental to our Presidential Election), it requires the presidential canidate to be "everyone's president", and it has a certainy of outcome. Additionally, having an Electoral College helps us avoid the problem of elections in which, neither canidate recieves a majority vote within the popular votes. For example, in 1992 Clinton had only a a 43 percent plurality of the popular vote, but won the majority of the Electoral College with 370 votes respectively. The presure of neither of the canidates winning a majority vote could greatly complicate the presidential election process. Arguably there is a possiblility of a tie in an electoral vote, since it consists of 538 electors. But a tie is highly unlikely. Every state does not recieve the same amount of electors;electors are assigned given your states population including the District of Columbia. This means that states with a larger population have a larger say than a state with a small population in the Electoral College. Even though the Electoral College is the most despised method of choosing our President it makes the presidential canidate have a trans-regional appeal. Meaning, the canidate cannot heavily campaign in a region where he knows he is the favorite of all the states in that region. For example, in 2012 Romney was the solid favorite of the Southern region. But he cannot gain electoral votes by increasing his popularity in this region. Since no region has enough votes to elect a president, he would need to increase his popularity in other regions in the U.S. On the other hand, the Electoral College is outdated and voters do not actually vote for the presidential canidate, they vote for a group of electors. Those electors may betray the party of the canidate and cast their vote for whomever else is running for President. The system allows for much worse to happen. A state could send two slates of electors to Congress,and the Vice President could only validate only his opponet's electors. In conclusion, keeping the Electoral College is a must. Without it our Presidential elections would be a diaster.
In these 3 sources they're talking about electoral college, I beileve electoral college is a good and smart way to handle elections. AN electoral college is a process made by the founding fathers and they estabilshed it in the constitution. Some people planned on abolishing it, I think thats and i'll show you why. First,I beileve they should not abolish it because its so origanal and whats the reason it needs to be abolished. They're probably planning on making a new system or doing it for a personal matter. Either way, its all depending if the congress and the president himself to agree on this. Overall abolishing a this from the constitution where its been for too long is wrong. Even though this method is not democratic its still not right to abolish this from the constitution. And, I also know why they are some reasons why they wouldn't want this method to be here. In source 2 it stated "voters vote not for the president, but for a slate of the electors". Everything depends on the state because it decides most of the voting standards of the whole state. This method can also defy the will of the people, sounds anti-republican and just wierd for legislatures to screw with the votes you jotted down. This practictly almost made JFK not a president apparently he got lucky. Richard Nixon voted aand validated his predidency. In a nutshell, electoral college has its upsides and downsides and is still up today. I beileve its an easy thing to say it all depends on opinion and beilefs.
The Creation of the Thing "Hold on! Can we actually "calculate" emotions-- like math homework?" do you think that using a computer to deturmane our feelings is right? To me thats cool, maybe even unbelievable. Is the use of computers,emotions,and muscles the key to feelings. Many people can't seem to find what feeling mona lisa is showing, sometimes you cant see what emotion your friend is having. Two professors have decided to invent a software which it can detect the feeling of a person or a painting. stated in paragraph 1, " the software is the lastest innovation from prof. Thomas Huang, of the Beckman Institute for Advanced Science at the University of Illinois, working in collaboration with Prof. Nicu Sebe of the University of Amsterdam. Dr. Huang and his colleague are experts at developing better ways for humans and computers to communicate." This shows that the professors are trying to invent and new and improve way to figure out emotions within the human and paintings. They are creating a software for the computers. Also stated in paragraph 3, " The process begins when the computer constructs a 3-D computer model of the face; all 44 major muscles in the model must move like human muscle." Not only can the computer detect the feelings, it also makes a 3-D form of the human face or a 3-D image of the painting. Everyone has emotions but some you just cant tell how they are feeling, well now you might not have to worry about that i do believe that this software is going to be very valuable to the students, in very many ways. its going to help them with observing the way the looks and creses in the face is. Stated i paragraph 3, " Eckman has classified six basic emotions-- happiness, surprise, anger, disgust, fear, and sadness." There are many emotions but these are the most common. Also stated in paragrapgh 4, " In a real face or in the painted face of Mona Lisa. By weighting the different units, the software can even identify mixed emmotions." No matter what the person is feeling. if they feel sad, worried and happy all at once the software can still detect the emotions of this human or painting. You know that it takes so many muscles just to frown, so why not smile it takes why less muscles. just by muscles you can tell the way someone is feeling. when someone is happy they get wrinkles by their eyes. Stated in paragraph 7, " In the real smile, the zygomatic major (muscles that begin at your cheek bones) lift the coners of your mouth." with just useing a couple of muscles it can add a whole different facial expression. Like if you sqint your eyebrows and then also smile and also close your eyes a little bit I know that i wouldn't be able to tell weather they were happy or angry. just by changing on muscle movement it can change the facial expression. Also stated in paragraph 8, " But in a false smile, the mouth is stretched sideways using the zygomatic major and a different muscle, the risorius." not only is this cool but its differentuse one other different muscle and people can tell that your smile isnt really and happy smile. This software is a great idea to help many people just understand the emotion of others with the knowledge of computers, emotions, and muscles they will be able to know how anyone is feeling just by the three main reasons.
The "face" on Mars has become something of an controversy since an image of it was released back in 1976. The fact that people to this day believe it is still something created by ancient alien life bewilders NASA. Conspiracy theorists have concoted thousands of theories relating to NASA withholding information about extra-terrestrial life from the general public. None of which, have ever been proven, and/or ever had any solid evidence to back them up. Therefore, the face on mars is not the result of extra terrestrial life, but more of the result of hundreds of years of weathering and shaping. As stated above, many conspiracy theorists believe that the "face" on Mars is the result of an utterly alien civilization. That is just not true. They accuse NASA of trying to hide it, yet, there is no evidence to support this. The discovery of an ancient alien civilization would greatly benefit NASA. The amount of funding and support they would recieve would be massive. Those within NASA's ranks that believe there is extra-terrestrial life out in space would have reached their lifelong goal of discovering it. There would be a huge incline of investors and programs willing to support and back-up NASA in all their endevours. Therefore, if NASA concluded that this "face," was the creation of an ancient alien civilization, they would have no reason to put their finding out there into the public, without stating what they believed it truly is. Another piece of evidence for the "face" just being a naturally formed feature, such as a butte or a mesa, is probably the most obvious fact. If NASA didn't want people to know about it, they would not have had it published for the general public's viewing. If NASA didn't want people to know that they had found evidence of an alien civilization, would they publish it and try to get people to believe that it was a natural formation? Of course not! It would have been a lot simpler to withhold the image and keep it secret rather than publish it. People make mistakes, but such a large government company such as NASA would have thought a little bit more before they published a picture they didn't want out there. Finally, the last piece of evidence is another obvious one. Back in the 1970's, we did not have the sort of technology we have nowadays. The cameras were not as sharp and nowhere near the amount of pixels today's photography equipment has. The "face" was photographed twice more after the original image surfaced in 1976. The first picture was very blurry and was the main reason that people belived it was that of an alien civilization. In the original photograph, each pixel spanned about 43 meters, versus 2001's 1.56 meters. The second picture taken was a lot less blurry, and was taken in 1998. It showed a lot more and a allowed for almost no question that it wasn't what NASA said it was. People were not convinced, due to the fact that it was taken during a cloudy season on Mars, and was said to have obscured markings that might have led to it being identified as alien. The last picture was taken in 2001. There is no question with this picture. It clearly shows a natural landform with no strange markings and/or features. The face on mars is not the result of extra terrestrial life, but more of the result of hundreds of years of weathering and shaping. After years of doubt, it is quite obvious that Mars' "face" is simply a natural formation. It is time for conspiracy theorists to put to rest their old, worn out ideas in favor of noble pursuits that can be backed up by solid evidence and scientific fact. It turns out, Mars's "face," is nothing more than it's butte.
Everyone knows that traveling outer space can be risky. Some many even say it is danergous. Others may say that we can come up with better technology to improve safety when traveling other planets in outer space. In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author gives their support to the idea of exploring the planet Venus. Traveling Venus would be dangerous in many ways. For one, it is the second planet closes to the sun so it would be extremely hot. Next, the air pressure would be quite hard for humans to handle as well. In the passage it states, "On the planet's surface, temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet." This clearly gives enough information to say that these conditions are more extreme than what any human can handle. A way we could be able to visit Venus is if we had better technology. NASA has had quite a few ideas for sending humans to Venus. In the text it says, "a vehicle hovering over Venus would avoid the unfriendly ground conditions by staying up and out of their way." By using this sort of vehicle humans would be able to make the trip survivable. The author of this passage seems to be very open and supportive of the idea of studying and visting Venus. In the paragraph 8 the author claims, "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imaginations and innovations." From this authors statement we can infer that they are on board with the idea of the travels to Venus and that we should not like dangers or doubts hold us back from being able to study this planet. Although it may be challenging we must not let that stop us. Although there may be many conflicting dangers and concerns with space travel, it is possible. As the author said, we should not let doubt stop us from discovering a great planet. We can come up with the technology to some day visit this planet. With the correct technology anything can be possible.
In "the challenge of exploring venus." the author suggest that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it present by telling the good thing about challengeing the venus. In the beggining, the author introduce about venus and distance. the author said it the evening star. Also claim that Earth, Venus, and Mars, our other planetary neighbor, orbit the sun at different speeds. There difference in speed mean that sometimes we are closer to mars other time venus. Because venus is sometime rigth around the corner- in spacr terms- human have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud-draped world. He explain about how trouble is wothout venus and telling about venus is and works. second of all, he claim that numerous factors contribute to venus is reputation as a challenging planet for human to study, despite its proximity to us. This mean venus is extremely imporant for the planet. How venus imporant. Next, author supprt that if the planet is inhospitable, why are scientics even discussing further visits to its surface? if astronomoer are fascinated by venus because it may well onece have been the most earth-like planet in the solar system. At this point the author is supporting that the venus is the most main point then any other. He want poeple to learn or fix the imporant want first. Author explain about how the airplane won't fly high with out air and venus. He though venus is very important. Then, scientists seek to conduct a thorought mission to undertand venus would need to get up close and personal despite that risk. Author though they should thing this as a challenging. NASA is starting to study venus. Using computer would help reserch on planet and pressure, heat, and other forces about mechical. And the research learned about the imporant of venus challenging. In conclusion, the author want people to research and study about the venus to overcome on what they did. He claim many situation and reason about how important to study about the venus. Author assume venus would help them learn about what they working on. According to paragraph 1, he mention that "venus is like a evening star." He saids that hungry to about challenging the venus not also help the plane, also help them from danger and expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation.
Dear Senator, I, like the job you are doing and you're doing it quite well. But what is this electoral college? You are telling me that i vote for electors thta supposedly are pulling fior my choice of candidate for pesident. I don't think that is right to just take my choice of president and put it in someone else's hands. It should be my choice to whom I want it to be. Now I realize that there is probably some rule that prevents them to changing their mind, but actually I don't think that there is such a rule. I think that we should be rid this Electoral College and go by popular vote. So this way my vote is directly counted and going towards the candidate of my choice. Now I know that ths would be a big thing because it is unconstitutional, so we should have a vote upon what the people think. Whether we should keep up with this electoral college buisness. Another thing, why wasn't I, a american, told about all of this. Because my vote probably doesn't even matter now that i think about it, it's probably just a trashed paper that goes toward these electors. How doesd these electors just get chosen, do you wof your way up or you get it if your popular? What would happen if these electors just went with a different candidate and left all the voters in the dust? If so that this happened what would happen to the election? I have questions and i need answers. Goodbye 
Participate in the Seagoing Cowsboys program because you go on different trips such as New Oreleans. Seagoing Cowboy program can make you aware about the different countries and how their culture is. If you participate in this experience and aventures you will have lots of fun to like playing games such as baseball and volleyball and more exciteing games. When you go on these trips to different countries you can explore and find out amazing things about it . Now doesn't that seem exciting!!! Also you can take care of animals horses,young cows,and mules. You can go to Greece and see the Acroplis and riding on the gondola ! If I was you I will participate very very quick. Whats' more awesome than going on a gondola ride!! The best part is you get to cross the Atlantic Ocean. So many things you can see and visit on this program. Also you can tour a castle in Crete and the Panama Canel. All of these exciting trips and tours you can"t miss out . Take my advise and you will have dream of a life time. You might get to visit a country you wanted to go to. Participate in this program you will have lots and lots of fun. Riding on the Gondola you can't miss that! So sign up and enjoy this Seagoing Cowboys Program. Visit many countries and help people in these countries. This will be the best program you ever been in.
First, I have to say that from Lukes point of veiw he is saying that being a Seagoing Cowboy is good because your giving supplies to countries so they can rebuild their country and you get to travel world, so it's a win win. Luke would want people to join because joining forces with countries to help other countries is something that is helping the less fortunate countries. Some peolpe just think their going over sea to help other people and that's boring,but, when your heading back home you can use the empty space that you put the supplies in for fun activities. I think people should join the UNRRA(the United National Relief and Rehabilitation Assosiation). Next, Luke would want people to join because you never know what you might learn over sea. You may learn how to do things you never knew how to do like fishing or you might learn about the different countries you go to and you could share that knowledge with your friends when you get home. You could even visit muesems and see things you never knew existed. The things you see could inspire you to make something compared to that and it might be in a muesem one day. Finally, Joining the UNRRA is a great oppurtunity because you can do and learn thing you never knew how to do and learn you never knew about the country you might be inat that moment. You could visit muesems and see acieneit artifacts. You could see famous art pecies painted by really famous painters. If people would give the UNRRA a chance you could probably have a very nuce timeand think about inspiring kids to join when they grow up.
"Making Mona Lisa Smile" Is a famous painting that includes this new technology that tells your emotion. In this famous painting she seems to be smiling in this case she really wasn't. With this technology you can see all 44 muscles. In the article it says that, "the computer can classified six basic emotions which include happines,suprise,anger,disgust,fear,and sadness." This shows how a computer can do so much just by seeing you're face. With all this they want people to identify a students emotion. This is valuable because when a student is doing their work they could get confused. With this new system you can caculate their emotions and quickly identify if a student is confued. This can really help a teacher with their lessons. Another way that you can tell is by looking yourself in the mirror. You have muscular units that help you identify how your felling whether your happy or sad. This famous painting is Mona Lisa in which you find her smiliing can demonstrate her emotions while they did the painting. In the article it shows that, "shes 83% happy, 9% disgusted, 6% fearful and 2% angry." With this Information a computer can recognize your emotions. Mona Lisa wasn't really happy but in the painting you see her with a small smile. This technology is helpful and useful in so many ways.
I would keep it the same because it would put more work on the poll workers because they would have to count all the votes for each president. If they miss a few votes the wrong person could be elected as president. I would rather them keep it the same because its simple, faster to calculate, and easy to read. I say its simple because you just have to count the votes and make an elctoral vote and then if u have the most electoral votes for that state it mean that you won the vote in that state. At the end it matters who has majority of the electoral votewhich is 270. It'sbasically the same as how much states you've won to see who will be elected as president. I also think its faster to calculate because when you do electoral votes you would see how many electoral votes yu have out of 538. The majority of electoral votes is 270 so, If you have majority of the 538 votes you will be elected. It's easier to read electoral votes because you are adding and subtracting only 538 people, but if you are counting from popular votes you would have to add up millions and billions of votes that would be miscounted. If it's miscounted the wrong person could be elected for president.  
Driverless cars? Let's talk about that. In year 2013, BMW announced the development of "Traffic Jam Assistant." This cars speed goes up to 25 mph, meanwhile in cars that we can drive go over 100 mph. This car can also notify the driver when the car needs to be taken control of. Vribrations are one of the notifications the car will give to you if there seems to be a problem with backing up into something. The Google car can announce itself when the car should be taken over. Flashing lights on the windshied is another way for notifying the driver. All of these simple, small notification symptoms are meaningless if you fall asleep while sitting in the car seat while your car is driving for you, This will be an all new crashing scale for the records. Think of all of the possible ways that this manufacture driving car can cause so much harm. The casualties would be off the charts. Television shows have displayed a driverless car many times in the past, and people have yet to seem to realize that those are movies, not reality. Movies are works of art created by ones mind of imagination, If it's in a moive or in a show, then there should be a reason why it isn't real already. Not to mention the price. Having a driverless car would cost a lot of money. Why, you ask? They're new, rare, and there's a lot of sensors built into the car and a GPS reciever. Driverless cars are dangerous because there's still a lot of mindless drivers out there in the world and driverless cars can simply comprehend the speed and damage another person can do within seconds. These types of cars and stop if there's something in the way behind the car. But what can the cars do when there's a speeding car coming right towards you? It can't drive and spin off somewhere. Stopping wouldn't do a thing, especially if you're at a stop light. These types of cars need a whole lot of more thinking and technical fixes to be put into this idea before they can become anything worth wanting.
People should start to join the group I am in. You can go see many new places and things all while traveling the world on a mission to help others. We are called Seagoing Cowboys. You should want to be a Seagoing Cowbow, it isvery benificial to all that are involved in this wonderful process. When you are a Seagoing Cowboy you will get the time to explore the current area that you are located in. In the program you will have free time and be able to do other things when away,such as sight seeing. At times when you are with the group you will be helping the people of that land who are in need of our service, regain their streingth as a bation and build thier natrual resources. These kind of things will be animals, food, shelter, and clothes.We will travel with all the resorces we plan to donate to the peoples including the animals. I myself have even thought, is it worth getting sea sick this many times, I miss my family, maybe I should just go home. But I did not cave in to those thoughts, and I'm still here withthe porgram. You will have todo the same and persue with the action. I had to do it for myself to accomplish something. I had to stay for my family so I could still be their hero, and that means nearly everthing to me. Most importently though you have to stay for the people, to help them means the world for their sake. You have to focus on the positive. So please take this amazind and outstanding oportunity and sighn up. I promis you won't be dissapointed at the chance of a life time. To help people and make this world a better place. To spend time with hundreds of animals. Also to see and do things you would normaly never have done or expirinenced before. So please take this oportunety at something amazing, and if you cant do it for your self do it fo the people. Please.
My position on self driving cars is as good as anyone elses, but my thought on self driving cars maybe different. I think that self driving cars would be beneficial to society. There would most likely be some bad thingsalong the path. Like what if the cars can not perform and hve the necesity that humans can do. People would be able to do more things while in a vehicle than to just watch the road and other vehicles. Say you were in one of these self driving cars and you had a call on your phone you would actually be able to take it instead of just letting it ring, or if you got a text you could message the human back. Now people might say thats not always good, but say you got a text from a family member saying that one someone in your family got into an accident if your were in a non-self driving car you wouldnt know till you stopped and checked your phone. On the other hand if you had a self driving car you could answer it and you would be able to text the human back. Ask where are they taking them and you would be there in no time instead of not knowing. Thus completes my thought on self driving cars hope you liked it.
They come in red, blue, green, black, and white. They beep and honk while they ride on highways and transport people form place to place. Cars are everywear. What would the world be like if we didnt have cars? What are the benefits of life without cars? Life with out cars benefits the environment, and peoples' health. First of all, the elimination of cars helps the environment. "Passenger cars are responsible for 12 percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe...and up to 50 percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States" (5). In other words, cars are higly responsible for the harmful gases that pollute our atmosphere and cause global warming. In Paris,  a partial driving ban was issued to clear the air after days of high air pollution rates. After the driving ban, "congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France after five-days of intensifying smog" (14). By using cars less, citizens can reduce pollution and help keep our earth clean and safe. Statisticts show that fewer people  are using cars around the world. "A study last year found that driving by young people decreased 23 percent between 2001 and 2009" (41). Sociologists belive that this trend will continue and possibly increase. They belive it will "have benficial implications for carbon emissions and the environment, since transportation is the second largest source of America's emissions" (34). Another benefit to limiting car usage is that it will benefit the health of citizens both mentally and physically. In the German suburb of  Vauban, citizens have given up their cars. A resident there says "when i had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way" (3). Limiting car use also limits the frequency of trafic jams, accidents, and unfriendly drivers in a hurry along with the stress and frustration that accompany them. In Colombia's capital, Bogata, the Day Without Cars has had many participants. One of whom said "It's a good opportunity to take away stress" referring to the event. (24) limiting stress can have major benefits to a persons health and mental well-being. limiting the use of cars does'nt just positivly effect mental health, it can positivly influence physical health. In Bogata, Colombia, the car-free day inspired residents to "hike, bike, skate, or take buses to work " (20). Excersize releases endorphins which are chemicals in the brain related to pleasure. Many people that excersize regularly are happier then when they don't. By limiting car usage,citizens are more inspired to excersize making them happier and healthier. In sumation, a life without cars means a healthy, long-lasting planet along with a happy, relaxed, and healthy population. Even though cars are conveint, they have many negative side effects. Next time you want to go for a ride, think of all the benefits of limiting them. Rember what a breath of fresh air feels like because the gasses from cars might mean they will be gone soon. Get used to angry faces honking horns, and being given "the bird" by angry drivers because with cars come many conveiniences, but also many frustations.
CLAIM The author explains the story very well by including the high co-op of the united states that could be the NASA and scientists are studing this planet because of the simelarity that has with planet earth. To sport my claim thwe author says " if our sister planet is so inhospitable, why are scientist even discussing further visists its surface? Astronomers are fascinated by venus because it may well once have beem the most Earth-like planet in our solar system. INTRODUCTION This story talks about how the nasa is trying to study the planet called "the even star" or for short "Venus." However, this nickname is misleading since Venus was considered a planet in our solar system. Scientists says that "venus is to simple to see from the distant but safe vantage point of earth", the NASA refers venus as the twin of earth, venus i the closest planet to earth in terms of denisty and size and the closest in distance too. On the other hand sometimes the Earth is closer to mars in other times to Venus, sometimes right around the corner-in space terms. However, humans have sent numerous spacecraft to land on this cloud-draped world. This planet is nnot that all safe the atmosphere of Venus is almost at 97 percent carbon dioxide and it has more challeng to studing it because of the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. Scientists are discussing further visits to the surface of Venus because it's the planet more likely of planet earth in our solar system. BODY Venus,sometimes called the "evening star," is one of the brightest points of light in the night sky, making it simple for even an amateur stargazer to spot. Often referred to as Earth's "twin, Venus i sthe closest planet to Earth in terms of density and size, and occassionally the closest in distance too. Earth, Venus and Mars, our other planetary neihbor orbit the sun at different speeds.Thses differences in spped mean that sometimes we are are closer to mars and other times to venus. Venus has a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent of carbin dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere. On the planet's surface, tempetures average over 800 degrees fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet. To conclude scientist are keep studing this planet to see if it's safe to live their or not.
Just another day working at the Jet Propulsion Lab. Day's at the Lab went by as any other day for the scientist's, not finding anything new up in space, just a few minor event's here and there, but nothing big. I went in my office, and was informed today we were going to try and find any possible landing site's for Viking 1's sister ship, Viking 2. As usual we went to work. Orbiting Mars for what seemed like an eternity! I'm literally bored out of my mind, until out of the corner of my eye I see something, not just a star or anything, but to my eyes looked like a human face staring right back at us through Viking 1. Confusion is all us scientist's felt when we saw that face on Mars, just plain fear and confusion. Nothing was spoken much about it among us scientist's since we were all super shocked and speechless, that was until we were on our lunch break. All I heard was "Alien's", really alien's can they possibly pin this "face" on Aliens! The table next to me also seemed to think alien's made this Egyptian-type face. I dont know what came over me something just clicked and I said "How can you possibly pin this on alien's?!" of course this started a one-on-one argument with me and another scientist "What do you mean, how can it not be Alien's" he answered. "First of all, it was spotted near Cydonia, a part of Mars where Martian Mesa's are commonly being found everyday, so how do we not know it isn't just another Mesa?" "If you think this is a mesa, how would it take form to look like a human being's face? Dont you think that is too much of a coincidence to happen?!" at that I left it alone, maybe it was too much of a coincidence, but that wasn't going to affect my thought on the "Mesa" The word on the "Face" spreaded around the world, becoming a hot topic for people everywhere, most of them thinking it was made by Alien's. I didnt really get much into it until that scientist kid came up to me again, "Still think it wasn't made by alien's?!" "Of course, why wouldn't I?" "How can you not think it was alien's! The picture became known to the world and everyone think's it was alien's, which they are probably right!!" "How can we know for sure this was created by alien's!? Think about it we dont have great technology yet, that "Mesa" was in the form of a face because our photo was too blurry and it was really cloudy!!" I really didnt want to end up on the wrong foot with this guy so i just walked away. April 5,1998- I walk into the office and apparently we are going to take a look at Cydonia for the "Face" again. This was actually a releif to me, because I know that now our technology is way more advanced and we could see with a sharper picture what this thing really is, a mesa. So it happened Mars Global Surveyor flew over Cydonia and took a picture ten time's sharper than the old one! As to my conclusion, the egyptian face ended up to be a mesa! This mesa took form of a face because of the shadow's that went over the mesa. As I heard of this new's I couldn't help but look back at that one scientist, and whipering "Look who the right one is now!" with the most accomplishing smirk on my face that I can make. ;]
In our normal day as students we are in constant stress, for the homework or tests that we have in a day, and this can also change our emotions through the day, and this stress could also make us do things that we don't usually do. That is the reason why we need something that can know our emotions and help us to manage it. For example, there is a student who has a lot of presure, from his house or school, from his tasks that he has to do in his home or the homework that he has to finish and tests that he has through the week. This presure can cause a lot of different changes in his mind, like lose of concentration in the class or get stuck in something. However, with the help of a program that can read the emotions of a student; the teacher can know when he has to slow-down, so the student can understand better the class or spend more time with him to teach it. Another use for this program can be recognize if a student want to do something bad, for example, the program can read the anger or a fake smile, and this could prevent a suicide or murder. Because we have seen a lot of students doing this. We have to ensure the security of the others and know when someone needs help. The classes that are at distance needs this too. Because the teacher don't know how the student is doing it; he is just looking at the grades. With the implemantation of this can improve all this classes, because the computer can recognize if a student is getting confused or bored; then it could modify hte lesson, like an effective human instructor. For these reasons the students need a program that detect excatly how they feel; that can help them with studies, or know if they want to do something bad, so the persons in charge can handle this before it happen, and not just for these reasons we need there; in the future there will be more applications for this new technology that can change how we live our lives.
A Seagoing Cowboy is a cowboy who travels overseas to a different country and take animals/supplies there that they are in need of. This job takes a lot of work. You have to watch all the animals every hour, clean their stalls, and feed them. This job does take a lot of work, but it is a unique experience one will never forget. You get to Help other countries in need after the war, see amazing countries and sights , and have fun with new friends you get to meet while traveling. It is a great experience. After World War ll, several countries were left in destruction. This meant that someone needed to help fast, and get the people food, animals, and other supplies that were needed. 44 nations came together as UNRRA, also known as the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, and hired "Seagoing Cowboys", like myself. We help deliver horses, young cows, and mules to the countries in need. It feels so great to help other people, and I will never forget all the smiling faces I saw when I arrived with their animals. It is a wonderful sight. When you visit several countries, you never realize how wonderful and amazing they can look, even after a war! Places like Europe, China, Greece, Italy, and the list countinues. After we deliver the animals, we get to have a little bit a of fun before we go back, so we get to go to tourist attractions, and popular cities in the country. I was able to take a gondola ride in Venice, Italy, where the streets are made up of water. I also got to see the Acropolis in Greece. Those trips were pretty special! There are so many great things to see and do in every country, so no matter where you go, you will have a great adventure exploring the cities, and having a ton of fun! While being on a boat, traveling to a country, you have to watch over the animals every so often. That is not the case on your way back, when the animals are gone from your boat at the country you just visited. Since the animals are gone, you can do whatever you want to do to make the time pass. We do things such as table-tennis, volleyball, boxing, fencing, baseball, reading, and more fun games. You really can't play things games without people to play with, which is a great way to make friends. Since you probably don't know the people working with you, you can get to know them, and make new friends. This is one of my favorite parts of being a Seagoing Cowboy, because without becoming friends with your co-workers, you job isn't fun. It's a great way to open up, and whats more fun then going over-seas with your friends and having a good time? In conclusion, becoming a Seagoing Cowboy is an amazing experience because you get to help others in need after the war, see amazing places/sights, and have tons of fun while making new friends with the people you work with. You will have so many great memories of your time at every country. Become a Seagoing Cowboy today!
so today i will be talking about my opion and how i feel about his whole little computre experssing reader and how do it will it worki and i feel that affects people hosnlty i feel like thats a bad isea because dont nobody want noody all in they bussuins iyou should let people feel how they wanna feel read more to find out how i feel about this whole techonalgy fellings/mood reader According to the packge i just read the computre is a 3d modle that tells reather you sad or happy or any other mixed emotions someone can have if you sad this ad will pop up if you make a angery face anorther will pop up to make sure they read it rigth honstly i feel like this the dunbst idea every because it seem like technolgy is just taking over the world as it all ready . I feel liek you should just leave people alone becauseif they feeling some type of way let them be stop always trying to be nosiey be and somebody bussins its not right stop trying to be caption save o let people be let them leave they life then if people find out you sad gthry going to be all up in your face like just leave people alone and let them be In Conclusion i think the idea is stupid ion think you should do it yall just letting tecnolgy take all the way over i feel yall shoukd just let people be if somebody want someone to they moody they will tell them maybe talking about it make them madder then what they is you never know thsts why its important to mind your bussins
Since World War II, driving has been the center of everyone's mind. Do you really think driving is a necessity? Many people will say yes, but most will argue no. Limiting car usuage will be great for us citizens and our very own planet Earth. To start off, driving causes you a stressful day, but not driving will save you time and money. Gas prices are more than $2 a gallon. One car takes more or less 10 gallons. Filling your tank up will cost you around $60 or more. In my eyes, it's cheaper to take public transportation than to drive. While taking the bus or the train , all you really have to do is wait , pay to get in, find your stop, if your destination is a little farther, there can be another bus and you'll be at your stop. On the other hand, Driving, your worrying more. Your worried about if you have gas, is there a traffic jam, why is this driver driving so slow. You're getting fustrated rather than taking the public transportaion. In Colombia there is this program where you dont drive for a day. "In a program that's set to spread to other countries, millions of colombians hiked, biked, skated or took buses to work during a car-free day yesterday, leaving streets of this capital city eerily devoid of traffic jams"(Source 3). Not only did it cause a less stressful day, it allowed them to get some exercise. Furthermore, I have a question. How many people like smoggy days? No one. Reason I asked this specific question is mainly because if you enjoy driving, you must enjoy the smog. "After days of near-record polution, Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city"(Source 2). Although Paris has more smog than other European capitals, it isnt good for our very own health, but it isnt good for our planet either. When Paris did this "No Driving" campigan, "Congestion was down 60 percent in the capital of France, after 5 days of intensifying smog"(Source 2). On the other hand, driving isn't really important as it used to be. We have all these technological advances, that honestly make driving not necessary. We all have a cell phone, we can all video chat. Some work together, some go to school together. We all can car-pool. There was this quote that I read, and after doing some thinking, it made me realize that driving isn't really important as it seemed to be. "How much you drive is as important as whether you have an hybrid"(Source 1). Hybrids save alot of wrong doings that we already do to this Earth. Along with eletronic cars. Driving a hybrid, yes it's saving the world but your still causing traffic, and wasting money. Some people have already quit driving. "With all these changes, people who stopped car commuting as a result of the recession may find less reason to resume the habit." (Source 4). America has went so far into the stopping of driving that on highways there's more tolls. Tolls that we can't pay to another person, tolls where they take a picture of your license, find out you information, and send you the amount you owe through the mail. Each toll is different some can be 75 cents or a $1.50. From your home to the mall, depending where you live, you'll pass by more a less 5 tolls. In total thats around I'll say $3.75 or $7.50. Public transportation saves you more money. Mall's have buses where it picks you up from a specfic location to the mall and back. That's saving you time and your money. In conclusion, limiting car usuage can be an advantage to both young, old and even to our very own planet Earth. It can help our economy, save our pollution rate, but also help us lose the weight. Now its your turn, Are you willing to make the change ?
Will Nasa make the hover ship work? Will we get to discover more about venus? Is this all really worth this? Will they all make it out alive? In the text the author states vebus is called a "Evening star" which is one of the brightest points of lights in the night sky, wmaking it simple for even an amateur stargazer to spot. The text also states Venus is second planet from our sun. Which means venus is simple to see from the distant ,but safe vantage point of earth, it proved a very challenging place to examine more closely. Venus is earth "twin" venus is the close planet to earth in terms of density and size. The author also states humans sent numerous spacecrafts to land on this cloud-draped world. None of the single spaceship had survived. The spaceship would never last more than a hour on venus. This is why venus is a challengin planet for humans to study and find more about The text states Venus is coverd with a thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets. In the text is also says even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in venus's atmosphere. This planets is dangrous this is why most thing can't touch this planet. The text says these condition are extreme. This planet is hard to get on,but this won't stop them for trying to find a away to get on this planet. This might take years to find a away. Im sure they will come up with many ideas or maybe have to find a way to get on this planet. it will be a challenge for them, but nothing will stop them from trying. In the text Venus is called our sister planet ,but is so inhospitable secientisit still try to get on this planet. The athuor also states astroonomers are fascinated by venus because it may ha ve been the most earth like planet in our solar system. It also states Venus can sometimes be our nearest option for a planetary vist. This planet may be dangrous. but that doesn't mean they will give up just because they may have failed in the past. The text states Nasa has one particularly complling idea for sending humans to study venus. In the text they are going to try and make a hovering car so they wouldn't have to touch the group and the people inside will be safe . They are also look for more way to make it to Venus. The "Evening start " will take years to get on ,but that will not stop them from trying to get on Venus. Venus has maybe thing humans would like to find out about and it seem like a good planet to study. Venus is extreme dangrous,but it will not stop humans from getting on this planet. This search to get on this planet will not stop and go on for a while. Nasa has maybe good way of trying to get out to venus and getting stuff and coming back safe. Im sure they will test this machines or ships before sending humnas out there or they would just die. Nasa is looking at old stuff and trying to see what they can add. They even look back to see what they use and how can they add stuff to this. Nasa will keep going no matter what gets in there way.
I think that driverless cars could be a great thing to have in the future, if they're safe enough to carry out the same actions that a driver can. In the future though, if kids grow up around driverless cars and aren't actually taught the rules of the road, then if there is an emergency that requires the drivers immediate attention as stated in the article, then the driver probably wouldn't know what to do. This can cause injury or even death to the people driving around him/her. I also think that driverless cars could be a great thing for the future of technology, but the question that is asked in paragraph 9 of the article is very important to keep in the minds of the car manufacturers. If people rely on their car to do the driving for them, then if there is a wreck who is a fault, the driver or the manufacturer? If you do get blamed instead of the manufacturer, then I don't think that it is really fair because you weren't doing the driving and you trusted the driverless car to get you to your destination safely, and it didn't do that. Considering these things though, if they were to teach the kids or even adult that didn't grow up around these cars the rules of the road and how the car works to prevent accidents like this from happening then i'd be all for driverless cars. They would be super cool in my opinion and if they worked correctly without many reported accidents, then i'd definitely try to get one. While taking drivers ed I was taught to be mindful of people around you and how your actions could effect other people and I just don't think that the driverless cars could really do that like a driver would be able to.
I am aginst the development of driverless cars. I am aginst driverless cars because they could be very dangerous machines, the text states "...The human driver must remain alert and be ready to take over when the situation requires." In other words the human must take action when the car doesn't know what to do and this could be very dangerous if the car doesn't stop driving or alert you soon enough to take the wheel. Another reason for being aginst the development of driverless cars is if the vehical is one hundred percent driverless then it means you are being transported by one big computer and like other computers under the wrong conditions it will crash. If there were driverless cars not everyone would be able to afford them so the cars on the streets today would have to be extra careful when around a driverless car because they don't know if it could mess up and make them wreck. Also if there was a situation where a driver of a regular car made a mistake the driverless car wouldn't have the reaction time of a human to avoid any crashes and that would put the ones in the driverless car is a paranoid state until reaching their destination. The development of driverless cars would mean more regulations and rules on transportation which might not be a good thing. If there were more regulations and rules regarding the driverless cars there would also be more loop holes in that part of the justice system. These visions of a future with driverless cars should be left at just visions because of the dangers and unessesary risk of getting to a destination a bit sooner. It is because of the reasons stated above that I am aginst the development of driverless cars.
There are so many advantages of limiting car usage. Millions of people use cars on a day to day basis, but if we were all to limit car usage then a lot of things would be different and better in most cases. In German Suburb, hardly anyone uses vehicles. In Paris, they banned driving due to it causing smog. They even have a car-free day in Bogota, which is a surprisingly becoming a big hit. People everywhere are trying to end the car culture. It would stop twelve percent of greenhouse gas emissions in Europe, and around fifty percent in some car-intensive areas in the United States. In Germany, seventy percent of Vauban`s families do not own any cars, and fifty-seven percent sold a car to move there. A lady named Heidrun Walter said, " When i had a car i was always tense. I`m much happier this way." People find it less stressful and better to the Earth by limiting the usage of cars. Paris enforced a partial driving ban to clear the air of the global city. On cold nights and warmer days it causes the warmer layer of air to trap car emissions. Congestion was down sixty percent in the capital of France, after five days of the intensifying smog. If everyone were to limit car usage, none of this would occur again. The air and our environment would be better for us to be in. Colombians had a free-day of no cars, they hiked, biked, skated or took busses to work or wherever they needed to go during that day. Due to this, traffic dramatically dropped and new resturants and upscale shopping districts have copped up. This day is a really big hit in Columbia because how much it benefitted from this. There are so many advantages from limiting the usage of cars. Its greatly effected Germany, Europe, France, Paris, Columbia and other places. It would stop some of the greenhouse gas emissions, the smog causing bad air surrounding us, drop traffic, and build stores a lot closer by. These are just some advantages on stopping the usage of vehichles world wide.  
Are you for or against the driverless cars? The driverless cars could be a good thing or a bad thing depending on how you look at it. There is different points of views you could see this from driving or assisting, waiting on the law and seesing the world. First, one good thing about driverless cars that was mintioned in the article is "Sebastian Thrun, founder of the Google Car project, believes that the technology has finally begun to catch up to the dream". The 20th centry has finally improving on the technology that before 2000 there was no way that someone could make something that interesting. The reason that they couldn't make something as interesting as the driverless car is because they didn't have the right technology to be able to do so. Second, One reaosn that driverless cars might not be good thing is because the car can only function up to 25 miles per hour. It says that " their cars have drivin more than half a milion miles without a crash, but so far, Google cars aren't truly driverless; they still alert the driver with complicated traffic issues, such as navigating through roadwork or accedents". If there was a crash than the car wouldn't know what to do you would have to drive the car. That's why since 2009 that the Google cars havent been fully driverless yet. What if you get in a car accedint who's fault is it the manufacturers or the person behing the wheel? That would be something they would have to work out and have to investigate in to. Next, Driverless cars can be dangerous but also a great tool for the improving of the technology that we have today. " Traffic Jam Assistant". " the car can handle up to 25 miles per hour, but special touch sensors make sure the driver keeps hold of the wheel." non of the cars developed today are completely driverless they still have to hold on to the wheel but they can steer, accelerate and brake themselves, but the driver has to be aware when ther is an upcoming crash or traffic jam to be able to take care of the situation". This could be a good or bad thing depending on how the driver can take control of the car or not in bad situations that the driverless car can not control. Finally, Are you for or against the driverless cars in the future? We have the technology to be able to make it happen, the driverless cars can get you in a car accedent and cause you to have to fight with the manufactuer of the car and they can aslo be dangerous to situations like car crashes and traffic situation on the road. Driverless cars are in the future.
Have you ever heard of the "Unmasking the face on Mars" before? Well people started making accusations before they got a high quality photograph. They though it was a face aliens had made on Mars, that was one of the many accusation made about the face on Mars. The face on Mars is just a landmark because "The Face on Mars is located at 41 degrees north martian latitude where it was winter in April ’98—a cloudy time of year on the Red Planet." So there as a big cloudy winter storm when people discovered the face. Well with all the wind blowing it could of just been made of dirt and rocks and everything blowed into one pile and by a cowincidence been made into a face. Second another reason why the face is just a landmark because right after the winter storm they got "A 1976 Viking 1 photograph of the Face on Mars." Before they can go make accusations that go into history you have to have a high quaity picture to prove you are right. They got one picture and that is not enough to solve something in history to start making illogical accusations without evidence. Finally why the face is just a landmark on mars is because instead of waiting to get a high quality image they waited 3 years to go back to Mars to see it. When they finally did go back to see the face they had a lot better and high quality cameras. So when they arrived back on Mars it was proven that the so called face was just a landmark. A quote in the text that makes everything logical is "What the picture actually shows is the Martian equivalent of a butte or mesa—landforms common around the American West." So there you have it the face on Mars was just a landmark not an alien face. See before everyone made illogical accusations they did not have a high quality photo and when they first took the photo when it was a cloudy day. NASA is correct because before making accusation they went and got evidence to prove their thoery's.
"Therefore, scientists seeking to conduct a thorough mission to understand Venus would need to get up close and personal despite the risks". This is just one of the the examples that the author uses to support the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. The author is clear when he describes Venus being an important planet to discover. In the text, it says "Astronomers are fascinated by Venus because it may well once have been the most Earth-like planet in our sloar system". They also state, "The planet has a surface of rocky sediment and includes familiar features such as valleys, mountains, and craters". The author is giving background on Venus and how Earth-like it used to be. This is the important part of Venus in the article that the author is describing. Next, the author makes sure to describe the dangerous part of Venus too. For example, he says "A thick atmosphere of almost 97 percent carbon dioxide blankets Venus. Even more challenging are the clouds of highly corrosive sulfuric acid in Venus's atmosphere". The author is describing that Venus is a very dangerous planet to discover. As in the texts, it says "...temperatures average over 800 degrees Fahrenheit, and the atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on our own planet". He aslo describes previous missions to Venus, stating "...since no spacecraft survived the landing for more than a few hours. Maybe this issue explains why not a single spaceship has touched down on Venus in more than three decades". This is more evidence that the author supports the idea of studying Venus despite the dangers. In conclusion, the author does a excellent job supporting the idea that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presnts. The author supports this idea with evidence from the text. He concludes his idea at the end by stating, "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expaned to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation".
There was a time when cars were a new invention that everyone wanted or needed, but as of recent years cars have found themselves on the decline. There are many specualted reasons as to why people aren't as interested in getting a car and driving themselves around. One of the main theories seems to be that with new technological advancements are making carpools simple organize and knowing when and where the closest city bus will arrive easier to find out. Also, the technology of today makes it easy to contact and feel connected with your friends without having to go out and see them. Whatever the reason may be, the decline in car usage is a great advantage worldwide. The benefits of limited car usage are a better environment, less traffic stress, and healthier people. Cars are the second most common source of air pollution in the United States. In Paris, cars were so heavily used that their pollution levels were near those of Beijing, China (known as one of the most polluted cities in the world). When Parisians heard this, they took action right away. They rotated day long bans on personal cars with even numbered license plates and odd numbered lisence plates. After about a week of this rotating ban, with a few exceptions, the smog levels had lowered enough that all cars could be allowed again. Luckily, this experience made the people of Paris realize how much cars were harming their envirinment. Cars are a large source of carbon emissions all over the world so lessening their use is essential to reviving our hurting environment. Another advantage to limiting the use of cars is less traffic and less accidents. Public transportattion drivers are more skilled and practiced than everyday drivers. Arguably, they are safer behind the wheel than your average citizen. In addition to that, having less cars on the road makes it safer to walk, bike, skateboard, or even rollerblade to your destination. Also, less cars means less traffic. Although on public transportation there are bus stops and such, traffic jams would be nearly eradicated if there were that many less cars on the road. The last important advantage of having fewer cars is a personal health benefit. Driving can be seen as stressful. You have your life as well as the lives of people around you in your hands. Not only can the concept of driving itself be stressful, but things such as reckless drivers and heavy traffic are very hard for people to deal with patiently and safely. It would be better for people's emotional health to not have to deal with driving. Avoiding cars is also better for people's physical health in both cleaner environments and more physical activity. With the lessened levels of polution, as mentioned before, people would have cleaner air to breathe and a healthier environment to live in. The amount of physical activity in citizens would also increase. With people being able to walk, bike, skateboard, etc. to their desired destination the obesity numbers would decrease. Without cars, people's emotional and physical health would largely improve. Overall, limiting the global use of cars would greatly benefit people worldwide. Due to the recent spread of the idea of being car-free and more concious of our environment pollution levels are already decreasing. Advantages coming from a much needed decreae in car usage also include safer roads and less stressed, healthier people. A decline in the number of personal vehicles on the road would lead to a happier, safer, and healthier world.
Segoing Cowboys is a good program that I think everybody should join. In the program, you can do things that a cowboy usually does, but you can also do other fun things. Here are some other reasons for you to join. If you like animals, this job is for you. One of the main reasons this program started was to help countries with animals, and that is a fauna-lover's dream. Another reason is that you can see the different sights in other coutries. The sights are absolutely amazing! You will be able to see the beautiful sunset on the sea and there is pretty much nothing prettier than that. But, if that hasn't changed your minds about not going, then this certainly will. Some people say that seafaring is dangerous, or that you will not make it out alive if the ship sinks. First of all, there is absolutely no way that you will get killed on the ship, and second, there is about a fourteen million to one chance that the ship will sink, because our captain is the best in the world. Another reason you might not want to go is because you might get seasick. I don't think that is a very good reason to ot go, because one, you will get over it and two, the only reason anyone ever threw up on the ship is because he was watching The Exorcist an eating clam chowder. But that is a different story for a different time, so we'll be moving on. Please consider joining the Seagoing Cowboys program. It helps people out, you can see sights, and it will be the best memory of your entire life. You will always be helping somebody, no matter what.
Finding how the Face on Mars was created Have you wondered if the face on mars was aliens or a landform? If you did im going to help you answer that question that you have beenn wondering. I used to want to know what the face on mars really was NASA said it was a landform but reporters, people in movies, and in magazines thought it was aliens. Who would you believe someone who has actually been studying about it for the longest and went to school for it or your favorite director. I thought it was aliens too because of all the magazines and movies i had seen about it but they were all jumping to conlusions. So then i decided to do a little research myself. After i started researching i started to write articles and put them online or in the newspaper, and anywhere else that i could. During all of my research i found out that it actually is a landform. As in the article it says not all scientists beleived it was an alien im not saying none of them did but some of them didnt eventually i got a call from NASA they wanted me to join them. They said my work was outstanding and they would love to work with me, my immediate answer was yes. My immediate answer was yes because NASA was my dream job even when i was younger i wanted to be in NASA. We began to research even more traveling in space trying to find more clues. We had no luck for quite some time until... we had a storm and after that we went back to look and there was another face. We immediately documented the photos and got to writing so we could publish it. Everyone believed the movie stars and all those other people becasue they have lots of money but they didnt think about intelligence. NASA has lots of it i believed the rich people to at first,but i failed to see the intelligence until i started researcing on my own. When I joined NASA i really found the intelligence now im employee of the month for coming up with the idea to go back. Everyone else had given up becasue they were upset because they felt as if they let people down. So I decided to go back one more time, and i found what we all were looking for!
Dear Senador I personally think that the electoral college is unfair, outdated, and irrational. The people around count of having a better life in the country but not giving they what they want will bring big problems the nation. Its overruled to decleared the candidate who receives the most popular votes the winner you have to be fair. It doesn't matter if you have more popular votes than others you have to win by having regular votes. The Electoral Colleges metod is not being democratic at all in modern sence. And it seems like is the electors who elect the president, not the people. The trust of the peole had been betrayed. It is the entirely possible that the winner of the electoral vote will not win the natonal popular vote. There's five reason for retaining the Electoral College despite its democratic pedigree; all are practical reasons, not liberal or conservative reasons: 1) Certainty of Outcome 2)Everyone's President 3)Swing State 4)Big State and last but not less 5)Avoid Run-Off Elections. So why not do one of them. Why not? Because your scared that your democracy will fail or not win. But whats more important you or your nation?
My position on the driverless car is i think it is very interrestiing on how it works but it wouldnt be something i would want to have or "drive". My reason being is that like it said in the pasage is that they aret completly driverless you still have to be alert so when you have to take over for the car you can which i think would be pointless because if the car was 100 percent driverless on a long trip you could take a nap or text people or get on social media but with these cars like the passage says is that if there is construction then the person has to take over so its bascilly like driving you just dont have to control the car all the time but another down fall is that you have to keep your hands on the sterring wheel all the time because in the passage it said the steering wheel had sensors in it to make sure the driver was alert in case of a problem. Another thing is the fact that if you were to get in a accident in the car would it be your fault or the car companys and how would insurance take care of that if one person was in a driverless car and the other was not or if both were in a driverless car who would be a fault and have to pay, how would insurance work because insurance is based on the human driving past and experience but if the car was driving how would the insurance be based.
In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus," the author suggests that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite the dangers it presents. Venus is considered Earths sister planet but has many more dangers such as highly elavated temperataure's, corrosive sulfuric acid in the atmosphere, and greatly elavated atmospheric pressure. We have sent unmanned spacecrafts for previous missions but failed in a few hours due to Venus's rough surface conditons. NASA is working on new technology to hopefully give us the ability to study Venus further. Venus is the only planet (that we know of) that has the same density and size as earth. It is aslo the closest planet to earth depening on the orbit. Venus's atmosphere is made up of 97% carbon dioxide blankets but also obtains highly corrosive sulfuric acid. The average temperature can reach 800 degrees Fahrenheit. The atmospheric pressure is 90 times greater than what we experience on earth. These enviroments conditions would crush a submarine and liquefy most metals. Venus has the hottest surface temperature of any planet. The planet also has erupting volcanoes,earthquakes, and lighting strikes which we all experience on earth. Such conditions are why we know so little about venus due to all the failed attempts. NASA is currently working on a plan to send humans to venus. Their idea is to float above Venus and observe from there. You would still feel the hot temps of 170 degrees but the air pressure would be what we feel on Earth at sea level. NASA is also working on another route to exsploring Venus. They are using simplified electronics made of siliocon carbide which have been tested in a chamber that simulates Venus's conditions. They will use mechanical computers that use gears and levers. Electronic computers work good but are way too delicate for Venus. Even though we have failed most attempts to reach Venus we are still working to reach it. We are fuled by curiosty and inovatiion. As the author said in the 8th paragraph, "Our travels on Earth and beyond should not be limited by dangers and doubts but should be expanded to meet the very edges of imagination and innovation". That's basically telling us to find a way dont let the cons and risk stand in the way. I feel that the author didn't really support his claim that good. He stated evidence about Venus listed in paragraph 3 and 4. I feel as if he dont support his claim as good as he should have. He's basiclly telling us how it is on Venus but does'nt tell us why it's worthy enough to continue research and development. I restated his evidence of Venus's conditions and NASA's research and development in paragraphs 2 and 3 but i feel as if the author isn't supporting his claim at all. The author mentioned in paragraph 8 that "Venus has Value" but does'nt tell us why it has value and where the value in Venus is. The author says Venus has value but he didn't support his claim that good. He was off topic in pargraphs 2,3,and 4 in my oppinion. But considering his oppinion i do believe Venus has value because of the possibility of it being able to hold life and how it compares to Earth.
In my opinion, you should become a Seagoing Cowboy. As a Seagoing Cowboy, you get to explore many new places such as the Atlanic Ocean, new places in the United Stated, and China. To cross the atlantic ocean from the eastern coast of the United States, it only takes around two weeks, and about a month to get to China. Caring for animals always kept me busy. They had to be fed and watered two or three times a day. Bales of hay and bags of oats had to be pulled up from the lower holds of the ship we were traveling on, and all of the stalls had to be cleaned. Helping out on my aunts farm helped prepare me for hard work, but not for all of the dangers of the sea. Takes my word for it, being a Seagoing Cowboy, was one of the best expiriences of my life, and I know you would enjoy doing it too.
Since the first automobile was created, the car has been improved very much, and with it, its technology. They have been so far advanced that driverless cars are now becoming a possibility. Driverless cars would be better than traditionally driven cars in several ways. They would be, overall, more convenient. However, in the technological stage at which we are now in, driverless cars would not be completely safe. The technology at our disposal has come a long way, but to be completely safe, we need more it needs to be much more advanced. Much of the technology needed for driverless cars has already been created. The text states, "Tesla has projected a 2016 release for a car capable of driving on autopilot 90 percent of the time." Most of what is needed is available now, but safety is the biggest concern with these 'smarter cars'. If driverless cars are created, they need to be able to be 100 percent safe. If there are any flaws, no matter how insignificant they may be, accidents could occur, and lives could be lost. For these cars to be completely driverless, they need to be able to safely operate without the need for attention from the passengers. The text also states, "They can steer, accelerate, and brake themselves, but all are designed to notify the driver when the road ahead requires human skills, such as navigating through work zones and around accidents." If the passenger was not paying attention at the right time, an accident could easily occur. The passage also suggests forms of entertainment to occupy the passengers while the car is doing the driving. On the subject of entertainment, the text states, "Some manufacturers hope to do that by bringing in-car entertainment and information systems that use heads-up displays." These forms of entertainment would keep the passengers from being bored, but it would prevent them from being able to quickly take control when it is needed. The lives of the passengers are much more important than their boredom. If cars can safely become completely driverless, these entertainment options could be considered. Driverless cars would be very convenient for anyone who drives. For example, if a man was on his way home after a long day of work, he could be sleepy. A driverless car could get the man home safely without needing the him to remain focused on the road. These smarter cars could prevent accidents, too. With all the sensors on them, the car would stop faster than a human might. People get distracted, but the driverless car never would. However, the driverless cars that are avalable today sometimes require the attention of the passenger, who could be distracted. If that passenger was distracted, the result could be deadly. The concept of a driverless car is a very good one with several benefits. But right now, the technology needed for this has not been created; we are thinking ahead of our time. When technology has sufficiently advanced, driverless cars could become a reality. But until that time, the dreams of having a car that can drive itself must remain dreams.
In the article "Making Mona Lisa Smile," the author describes how a new use of technology called Facial Action Coding System (FACS), tells what emotions your using my theory of the FACS Is that It will work, but It's not telling the truth. My theory Is that they are wasting all their time and money, and the FACS is not telling the truth the reason beaging Is you can never have a computer tell you your own emotions, also " If It Is some how ture about your emotions than you just got luckey for It to work but that's the only time It will work". Another reason Is the time and money, who In their right mind would spend all there family time, and most of their hard earnd money on something that wouldn't work. To me I would rather sit at home whrn I'm done working and spend time with my family, and I wouldn't speed a penny on that sofeware that Is not granted to work. Third of all what Is the stictist there Is none In the reading that I read so, judt why not get something up and running and, not put any stictist It Is dumb on their part. In conclusion there Is nobody that Is going to change my mind about this soft wear working If It does then I'll chang my argument about It untill then It's not going to work, and that my opiotion.
Who wouldn't want a driverless car? They're the next big thing and all everyone wants to be is seen with one of those cars. However, are driverless cars really that good? Can you assure your safety and other passengers safety? I think we shouldn't use driverless cars and put our trust in them. First, the system can malfunction. Second, they're not that helpful. Third, they'll cost a fortune. Driverless cars aren't all that safe. Driverless cars are just like hybrids and any other cars. They can easily break down in the middle of no where. Why would you put you're trust in a computer controlled car? Remember that anything can go wrong. Next, driverless cars aren't really "driverless". According to the passage you still have to stay alert on the road for accidents, construction, and etc. Sure they alert you when you're going to run into something and brake themselves and accelerate, but you still need to stay intent for when to take control of the car. The "driverless" car can't do everything on it's own. Lastly, do you really think those car are going to cost like any other car? Well you're wrong. Driverless cars would probably be the last thing your budget could handle. Driverless cars would cost thousands of dollars with all the sensors, cameras, and GPS all included. They even have laser beams that makes a 3-D model of the cars surroundings. Now that's fascinating. I see why you would want an driverless car. Driverless cars are great and everything, but i don't think they're worth it. First, the car can malfunction. Second, they're not that helpful. Finally, they'll cost a fortune. They're trying to get in our heads making the car seem cool and the next big thing, but come on let's be honest. All they really want is our money. A human programmed the car, and what do all humans do? Mistakes, we all make mistakes.Think about it, would you really spend thousands of dollars on a car that you can't put you're trust or safety in completely?
Places around the world such as Germany, America, Paris, and Columbia are all contributing to reduce the use of cars to help make the Earth a better place. In German they dont allow cars exept to be parked in a large garage (along with a $40,000 fine) so people can transport without using a car. Paris bans the use of cars to prevent smog which was indeed a problem there. In Bogota, Columbia, they pitch in to help by hosting a car-free day every year, once a year leaving people the options to hike, bike, skate, or take a bus promoting the use of excersize. Advantages to limiting car usage is reducing people from having stress and tensadity and saving the Earth from pollution and smog. Saving people from stress can be helped by the vancansy on the roads, things that limited car usage can provide. Limited car usage can also help contribute to the absence of air pollution and smog and saving your money. "When I had a car I was always tense. I'm much happier this way" retorted Heidrun Walter, a media trainer and mother of two. She, Heidrun Walter, along with others is thankful for the ban of cars because the ban reduces stress and tensity. Buisnessman Carlos Arturo Plaza can second this statement and does by stating "It's a good opportunity to take away stress...". With the absence of traffic jams stress can most definitely be altered to a place of no stress and car-free day can leave the streets devoided of traffic jams, according to Andrew Selsky. Stress can drive someone crazy and it's in everyone's best interest that we, as residants of the world, try and stop the things that can cause stress. Some may argue that not having a car is stressful, but having stress over the presence of traffic jams can over see any other kind of stress to be thought of. Heidren Walker and Andrew Selsky can both support that argument that having a car is a lead to stress that a reduction of cars can elimanate. Tensity and stress aren't the only upsides to a limitation on cars. Are you tired of not being able to see bevause of smog and having bad particles in the air? Limitation can take away these issues! Paris can definitly be one to complain because in Robert Duffer's article "Paris bans driving due to smog" they had 147 micrograms of particulate matter per cubic meter (a little over Brussels counts and almost twice as the amount in Londons). Bogota is also struggling with the presence of smog and are in hopes to anialate the smog by having a car-free day. Car-free day also helps make the air pollution vanquish. Carlos Arturo Plaza gives his opinion by commenting "It's a good opportunity to take away stress and lower air pollution." Limitating how much you use your car can greatly help places around the world and help your own body. Almost 4,000 drivers were fined because they chose to invalidate the regulation of not using their car according to Robert Duffer. Is it worth paying the prices? Using your cars overly or when you shouldn't is like throwing away food when you're hungry. It does no good and gets you in a messed up situation. In German suburbs people had to pay a price of $40,000 to pay for a spot to park their car. Is it worth it? People who drove on car-free day had to pay fines of $25. Is it worth it? So much money is down right wasted because of the use of cars so why go down the road of empty pockets? It's not worth it. Save money and live better by not throwing your money down the drain. Places around our world is promoting limiting car use in places like Germany, America, Paris, and Columbia. Germany and Paris are both bannings cars and Columbia is having a car-free day. Making sure we dont over use our cars can help with saving ourselves from stress, saving ourselves from smog and air pollutants, and saving ourselves from an empty wallet. There are so many advantges to limiting our use on how much we drive cars so do yourself a favor, save money, save your sight, get rid of stress and watch those miles!
Dear Florida Senator, The Electoral College has been in the United States for a very long time. It has worked for the most part and we have been happy with it for the most part, but "for the most part," doesn't cut it. The system has to be one that works all the time without fail. Said system has to make sense. That is why electing by the popular vote should be our's. Except for two states, the electoral votes are, "Winner take all." This means that if the  popular vote is obtained in a state by just a smidge, the the entire state's votes go to that candidtate. This makes absolutely no sense at all. The "big states" like California, Texas, and Florida have about thirty to fifty five electoral votes unlike most other states which have three to ten electoral votes. If the "big states" were to be won by a little by one  candidate, then he or she would have over one hundred votes toward his or her candidacy but only about sixty percent of the popularity for those states. This happened to Al Gore in 2000 against George W. Bush. Another problem with the Electoral College is that the creators did not make it so that a tie is impossible. Richard A. Posner explains in his article from Slate Magazine that although the total number of electoral college votes is even, it is still very unlikely. Now which is more likely, something to happen out of 580 things or something to happen out of many million? When voting for the president, the voter feels like he or she has the power to choose our nation's leader. When the voter realizes they are not voting for the president, they are, in fact, electing chosen people to vote for them, it does not really have the same effect.  This is explained in Bradford Plumer's "The Indefensible Electoral College." Electing by the popular vote would make it seem more personal and voting would have more meaning. Richard A. Posner also said that the Electoral College made candidates go to more than one region of the United States to gain support. In fact, they just go to swing states and states they know they will win. Electing by the poplular vote would make candidates go to every state to gain support. The Electoral College may or may not have worked before, but it just doesn't now. It will take a while to implement the process of electing by popular vote, but when we do, it will definitely be worth it. Sincerely, PROPER_NAME
Driverless cars are what some envision as the future. They picture a world where every car is automated, and where every kind of transport is regulated. Many very large companies have poured a fortune into creating technology that will enable the eradication of a need for drivers. However, there are a huge number of negative effects of this movement. I am completely against the idea of driverless cars, for reasons such as recreation, cost, and safety. First of all, many people in support of driverless cars portray driving as it is now as a dull part of our society that simply wastes time and energy. However, many, many people enjoy driving, simply for the feel and the experience. If driverless cars were to be implemented, there is no doubt that after a while driving oneself would be considered dangerous, irresponsible, and would likely be outlawed. Not only is there no way to implement such as system, as there would be far too much backlash from the community that enjoys driving, it would be wrong to completely forget about and not consider their opinions as valuable as others. Second, the cost of a system of driverless cars would be enormous, and quite frankly, insurmountable. People do not realize that these cars would not function well in a society with a vast majority of people driving themselves. For a working system, the majority, if not all of the cars on the road, would have to be replaced with driverless cars. There is no way that the government would provide the cost, and there is no way that everyone has the interest in or the money to buy a driverless car. Not only is it impossible to replace every car with a driverless one, insurance and settlements would be nigh impossible to figure out, as even the article says, there is no definitive blame to be made. The operator of the car could blame the manufacturers for a poorly made vehicle while the manufacturers could simply argue the fact that the driver could have taken control of the car at any time. Finally, safety would be a major concern. One of the article's biggest faults is that it says that driverless cars will be able to mimic the skill of a human at the wheel. Driverless cars are not able to mimic humans, and will never be able to mimic humans, unless artificial intelligence technology becomes equal to humans. People have the ability to consider moral possibilities and choices. For example, if in a case where the options are a collision which saves the driver's life but has a very large chance of killing another driver, or the choice to swerve off the road but result in severe if not fatal injuries to the driver, the machine would not be able to make that decision. Humans have the unique and intrinsic ability to think, quickly and effectively, through a situation. Machines, however, would be forced to make a decision based on a certain goal, whether that may be the prevention of collateral damage, the safety of the driver, or arrival at the destination. For these reasons, driverless cars absolutely cannot be a possibility or a good decision. I believe companies should be working to help make drivers more safe by adding other safety features, rather than trying to erradicate drivers from the situation altogether.
The planet Venus may be one of our most valuable assets to understand our planet, but Venus has some dangers we cannot ignore. In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author does a good job of suggesting that studying Venus is a worthy pursuit despite it's dangers by explaining the value of exploring Venus, the dangers, and how the dangers may be overcome. Venus is very similar to Earth, sharing approximate densities and sizes. The planet also shares geographical features with Earth, such as rocky sediment, craters, and mountains. It is possible that hundreds of years ago Venus really might have been the twin planet to Earth. Astronomers have reason to beleive that Venus was home to oceans and various life forms. If we learn more about this planet, we could find the key to unlock the knowledge of how our home planet works. This supports the author's claim that we must study Venus further by providing reasons knowledge of Venus would directly affect everyday life on Earth. The author also uses the possible dangers of exploring Venus to explain why we must pursue Venus, through all the challenges. Venus has a heavy atmosphere of mostly carbon dioxide, making it impossible for humans to breathe freely on the planet. The pressure on Venus is so great that a person would be crushed, not to mention the extreme temperatures over eight hundred degrees Fahrenheit. It would be impossible for an astronaut to explore on the planet's surface without proper technology. Adding to the already intense conditions, Venus has volcanoes, eartquakes, and frequent lightning, which present their own problems. The dangers help prove the author's point that even though dangerous, we must explore Venus. The author describes possible solutions created by NASA to show that it will be possible to explore Venus, even with the dangers. NASA has proposed an idea of humans studying Venus from a vehicle hovering the planet, but this would not be optimal because the exploration would be very limited. Viewing Venus from thirty feet above would be better than no exploration at all and would create livable conditions, so it is a relatively safe option for gathering knowledge on the planet. Another idea is using mechanical computers on Venus. The computers can make calculations, without electronics. These computers are also more likely to withstand the extreme conditions of Venus, unlike modern computers. No plan can be one hundred percent safe, especially in a danger zone like Venus, but the benefits outweigh the risks. The author does a proficient job of portraying this in the article. In "The Challenge of Exploring Venus" the author presents the idea that Venus should be studyed intently, despite the risks. The author does a good job of explaining this by telling how we could benefit from knowledge of Venus, telling the dangers, and solutions to overcome the dangers of Venus.
Overtime technology has been growing more and more , affecting all of us in both good and bad ways. Many have abrupted our minds and cause issues because some appliances arent necessary or they are not ment for some particular people. In the story "Driverless Cars Are Coming", it tells us important information that new made auto cars are useful for us and what bad effects might come amoung us. I believe that this story is a negative impact because, when making new things such as "technology", it may or may not be dangerous. Things arent usually what they seem according to everybody. You might see it as a whole life changer but what some people question is, " Is this necessary for me?" or " Is this safe for me and my family?". The cars we use now, are somewhat we call it "perfect" and if we use higher standard advancements of our cars, would we really rely on it? What are we capable of when using a driveless car? To me, a driveless car compares to sitting. Sitting is just another way of being lazy just like using a driveless car when you dont need to do anything but just sit there and enjoy the road. Whats so great about driving a driveless car anyways ? Sitting there and watching the roads are no fun. How would people who like the speed and heart-pacing condtion when racing feel about this ? It would be a boring ride for me because you are not doing anything but just sit there. Yeah, there would be chances for you to be on your phone, or eating your meal rith there, or sleeping. But do we rely on such advance technology so much that we depend on it and avoid the dangerous cause? Do we think that our children and family's are safe in a vechile that doesnt need you to drive and only drives by itself are safe enough ? Do you think this new car would be capable of rainy conditions and and snow conditions ? Yes, in the story it tells us that there would be objects just like in an ordinary car would have for you to use be in there just in case of emergencies, but why get an advance car when there are some similar alliance between the both of them? Why waist money on something that is the same? Think of how it would be with you just sitting there instaed of enjoying the road.
As technology has advanced, our methods of transportation have advanced with it. Driverless cars are things of the future, just as regular cars were a thing of the future in the 1900s. There will always be risks and certain safety regulations just as with regular cars but having the technology and not using it would be taking a step back. The use of driverless cars may seem lazier or seem to have more risks than a manual car but is that not what people once thought about regular cars? Cars already start themselves and can be put in a self driving setting, so a full time driverless car would be a step in the right direction and be all around safer for citizens and drivers everywhere. Having technology run your car rather than a human, the risk and chance of a wreck would decrease dramatically. Although as of now a malfunction in the technology that could cause a crash and whether the manufacturer or the driver is to blame is a blurry topic the restriction of testing the cars would never give them the opportunity to fix the problems. Progress is slow as shown in 2013 when BMW announced the "Traffic Jam Asssistant," which can only function up to 25 mph which wouldn't be nearly enough to drive on actual roads yet but the progress is still there. The lack of states on board with the test driving of these cars is restricting the chances for improvement. We, as humans, sometimes give up on things we see as impossible but things we think of as normal now seemed impossible 50 years ago. Driverless cars are simply an advancement that we're ready to make and improve but we limit ourselve sin our own abilities. It may be 20 years from now but eventually in the baby steps being taken drvierless cars will see the roads.
Dear state senator, Although the Electoral College has held together for the past couple of years, i believe that it is time for a change. Myself and many others think that a direct election is the way to go. This is because of the  winner takes all system. The winner takes all system is that if a presidential canidate has more votes than the other in a state,then the entire states vote goes to the winner. Because of this many canidates don't visit states that are either low points, or that they know that they cant win. This exact event happened in the 2000 campaign, causing 17 states to not see the canidates at all, including states such as Rhode island and South Carolina. Because of this, the entire election was put in the hands of a few swing voters in Ohio. So please consider our offer and change the election to a more reliable and more widely agreed on style which is a direct election. -sincerily, an anxious Florida redident.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
How would you feel if the streets were car free in the city you live in? Would you prefer it that way? I would and would not at the same time because there's less traffic. Well some cities are car free like Vauban Germany,Paris and Bogota Colombia. To Begin With, In Vauban 70 percent of the families do not own cars, and 57 percent sold a car to move here. if they do own a car the car owner has to buy a car space,for $40,000, along with a home. In Paris cars were banned because of pollution and wanted to clear the air of the global city. One reason why i would prefer the city to be car free is because there is less traffic and you can get some where safely with out having to worry that you might crash or have an accident. One reason why i wouldn't prefer it to be car free is because you would take longer to get to a certain place you want to go. you would have to wait for a taxi or a bus to take to that place. Next,
For the longest time electoral votes have been apart of the process of voting the government pulls certain people side and they cast their own vote of who they think should be president and the rules state that if theirs a tie between to presidents that the person who wins will be based on the electoral votes. Over the years we have had many wise presidents and other times we haven't. The state senator should consider changing election to popular vote for the president of the united states because its the peoples choice and its more safe route. the electoral vote is a process, in quote number two it states "what have richard nixon,jimmy carter,bob dole, the U.S. Chamber of commmerce,and the AFL-CIO all,in their time agree on answer: abolishing the electoral colleg! their not alone; according to a gullup poll in 2000, taken shortly after Al gore thanks to th quirks of the electoral college won the popular vote but lost the presidency, over 60 percent of voters would perfer a direct election to the kind we have now."in the past decade certain presidents hae been caught doing wrong lieing, and being cheats. when those presidents get impeached the people feel robbed of something,their clarity. this quote is stating the facts that people like to win even presidents they'll do just about anything to get what they want some presidents will do speeches, work their absolute hardest and others wont. presidents and runner ups are very well educated men very wealthy some how they get in contact with the electoral college and they bribe them in anyway shape and form its heartbreaking. there are about 270 electoral votes that are required to elect the president, and the electoral college consists of 538 tons of people that have different mind set then other some that may be rascist, sexist and etc. In the law system their are many people involved in whats going on they have lots of power. In source number two it states "segregationalists in lousiana legislature nearly succeeded in replacing the democratic electors with new electors who would oppose john F. kennedy." people want to have their president ruling over the united states at all cost and they see the electoral votes as  a way to get a foot through the door into making that happen, people assume that since everyone is equal now and that racisim dosent exist and its happening till this day. it will be a much more safer route if the senator would get rid of the electoral college all together. secondly, getting rid of the electoral college would benefit the entire world because this nation called the united sates is a democracy it is ruled for the people and by the people, when the government descides to go by the electoral college votes thats not ruling by the people because our nation dosent only consists of 538 electors we each have our own voices. we consists of 50 states all together if the government cant conduct electoral colleges in each state then it shouldnt be around in the first, we the people all have different opinions and outlooks on the universe it shouldnt only be counted for about 538 electors it unfair. and god knows where the electoral colleges are held and if they are being completely fair to everyone their are their all ethnicities from all over the nation, is it normal people that have nine to five jobs so they understand the struggles of an average person making 60,000 dollars a year, or are they picking business men and housewives that live in suburben neighborhoods. The nation have been completely blind sided by these things its just a scapegoat on picking the right president in their eyes and not in the peoples eyes. In conclusion,the electoral college wasnt ever ran by the people or was for the people, our founding fathers had great intentions of making these laws and rules work but in reality it was a way simpler time back then the world has evolved in so many ways with different invetions and iphones,and tablets,and internet some of the constitution laws need to be review and really regulate what needs to be kept and what needs to go. the electoral college was a good idea back in the 18th century but now people have found a loop hole to make things go their way and it isnt fair. it needs to be reconstructed in a way that its unbreakable.:) thankyou for reading
Human emotion can be expressed by many things such as body language, tone, and language. Emotion allows us to understand others and empathize easier. A software known as Facial Action Coding System has been developed to improve accuracy of calculating the emotions of others. Using this technology to read emotional expressions of students in a classroom is invaluable because humans already can "calculate" emotions, the classroom is not taught by a computer, and human emotions are very complex. The first reason that the FACS is invaluable to the classroom is because there is no need to use technology to "calculate" emotions of a student. A classroom consists of a teacher and several students which are humans. The author stated within the article, "humans perform this same impressive "calculation" every day," He further on states that we can probably tell how a friend feels just by the look on their face. Since humans can already perceive and understand emotions of others, there is no need for a mode of technology to figure out when someone is bored or confused about certain subjects in a classroom. When a student is bored or confused about a certain subject, he or she could simply ask for help from a teacher or a peer. Using the FACS technology would be redundant in reading emotional expressions of students; Therefore, it is invaluable technology. Computers are not what teach students in a classroom. The author tells the reader to imagine a classroom computer that could recognize your emotions, so it could "modify the lesson like an effective human instructor." There is always a human instrcutor( the teacher) in a classroom, so there should not be a need for a modification of a lesson by a computer when the teacher can modify the lesson. Students do not need to be dependent on a computer to learn what they need to learn in a classroom, and a computer that can calculate emotion is obsolete by its uselessness in the manner of learning. The final reason why emotion calculating technology is invaluable in a classroom is that emotion is too complex for just a classroom computer to calculate. First of all, emotion differs from person to person. In the aritcle Dr. Huang, a professor of the University of Amsterdam, said, "The facial expression for each emotion are universal," but he also stated, "individuals often show varying degrees of expression." If emotional expressions are all unique, it would be very difficult for computers to calculate the exact feeling a students is feeling just by their facial expression. Also, in the seventh paragraph, the author stated, "Your home PC can't handle the complex algorithms used to decode Mona Lisa's smile." This means that the classroom computer would not be able to calculate like how it was used in the article. In conclusion, the FACS is too redundant and under developed to be of any use for a classroom enviorment. It is invaluable and there are mulitple substitutes that can read emotional expressions of students in a school. In the future, with further innovations, there will be a time where classrooms use this type of technology to enhance education; but as of right now, the system is not useful for helping classrooms teach students.
Venus is a planet deemed to be the Earth's twin due to their relations in density and size. This has led to NASA sending unmanned drones to Venus due to this intrest in how similar Earth can be to the " Evening Star." These facts have led to people such as the author of the article " The Challange of Exploring Venus," to give his thoughts about meeting the challange that the exploration of Venus provides. Using details from the article it is conmfirmable that the author did well while supporting this idea. At the beginning of the article I was provided many facts about Venus which told me that the author was highly enthusiastic about the planet itself. In his fourth paragraph he began to talk about how Venus had features very similar to Earth such as valleys, mountains, and craters. This tells me that there is still a high amount of interest in the planet despite its amospheric pressure being able to crush a submarine that ventures into the deepest parts of our oceans. By providing these facts despite the obvious danger he provides any reader a sense of adventure and willigness to go beyond what we know is possible, and venture into what we thought was impossible. In his sixth paragraph the author goes on to state that peering down at Venus can only provide so much information due to a researcher not being able to take any kind of sample from a safe distance. This is all said to support the idea that Venus is a worth pursuit despite the danger presented, along with his final statement that researches are working on innovations that would allow for contributions to our knowledge of Venus. This is the author telling us that though an exploration of Venus wouldn't bring us conclusive evidence or findings currently, that these efforts would allow us to rise above the challanges presented currently. This willingness to expand our knowledge is accountable to how he is supporting his belief so effortlessly. Before suggesting that a solution can be created the author did speak of a modern solution to our problem. The problem being that we have not been able to explore venus thoughroughly even though we have sent unmanned drones before. This problem is cause by the average heat being over eight-hundred degrees Farenheit and melting the drones metal. Despite this the author provides the idea of flying at a certain altitude that could allow us to avoid the ground conditions and rest a ship thirty miles or more above the prementioned conditions. He also brings up the fact that the solar power would be plentiful and the radiation woudln't exceed the levels reached on Earth. In conclusion, the authors willingess to concieve solutions is a clear sign that he has supported his idea very well. He has done so well that even I, the reader, even believe his ideas that we should explore Venus itself. Anyone can spout their ideas or opinions and turn them into a persuasive article. Despite this, it takes more than that to create an article sucha as this that can fuffill its intended purpose and show how much an author cares along with how well he can make an audiecne recieve his idealology.
I think driverless cars sounds so fun, but a good idea? I don't think so. I think that sounds like a bad idea and a bit reckless. Driving a car as a human you have control over everything, besides the other drivers. How fast you go, which way you turn, how close to the lines you are, it is somewhat safe this way but cars are still deadly no matter how much control you have. You need to have control over them, not a robot. Also in paragraph 2 is talks about how you will still have to navigate through roadwork and accidents, and when pullling out of driveways so what is the use if your still going to have do something or another. It would also be so much more expensive to sell and make. When that money being wasted could be helping getting America out of debt or for something useful but instead why not spend it on something we do not even need. In paragraph 9 it talks about accidents and who would be responsible the driver or company? And if it is the company they could sue the place and depending on how bad it is they can have the whole operation shut down. It seems like a big ordeal that could simply be avoided by sticking with normal cars, they are already dangerous enough with humans in control imagine a car controlled by a robot machine...
In theory a self driving car is a great idea, but in reality it is an accident waiting to happen. Self driving cars have many flaws to them. I beleive the development of these cars should no longer continue. The self driving cars are never self driving, they still require the passenger to be there when it does not know what to do. The artical says " The car can read the positive and negative polarity as messages in binary code." This means that someone can send a wrong message through a computer, causing an accident. The death rate from car accident could rise with the development of the self driving car. Whith hearing that would you trust your child to be in that car? People who agree to continue the development of these cars have many of theair own opinions. They say that the sensors on the car help make it safer. They also might say that its a lot less stressful for the driver. The accepters of this product may also say that all safty measures are taken care of. There are many things wrong with many of the statements above. The sensors on the car can go bad, how will the person know before its to late? How is a self driving car less stressful for the driver? If anything they would have to pay more attention to the road to make sure the car was working correctly. The safty procations of these vehicals rely on the driver noiticing the car is speakinging to it or that the seat is vibrating. Sometimes people do not feel my phone vibrate in their pocket or hear if for that matter, how are we suppoded to trust a car to alert you if we can not trust our phones. Through out this campaign to have self driving cars it seems there is no one out there that wants to ask the hard questions, everybody thinks it is a great idea because it is new. Will this product be safe, we dont know, but it doesnt look promissing. In conclusion i do not beleive we should continue the devlopment for self driving cars.
It would be good to participate in the Seagoing Cowboys program, because it would be a great opportunity to help out, a lot of chances to go sight-seeinng, and would open up a world of awareness. Firstly, participating in the Seagoing Cowboys program would give you the chance to help out. Many countries were left in ruins after World War 2, this program helps though. The Seagoing Cowboys program hires "Seagoing Cowboys" to take care of the animals. What better way could you help out. Participating gives out huge amounts of help that is put to good use. Second of all, there are lots of chances to go sight-seeing. Luke Bomberger explains, "The cattle-boat trips were an unbelievable opportunity for a small town boy." Luke, like many others, got plenty of chances to go sight-seeing. Luke went from Europe to China to Greece and even Venice, there are so many places to visit, joining would be the best way to see them. To add to that, participating would open up a great world of awareness. Joining helps bring about an awareness to people of other countries and their needs. Joining would not only be an amazing adventure, it would help with seeing other peoples point of views and how they need help. The Seagoing Cowboys program is helpful and fun all in one, and would be the best choice to make. It may have it's downsides, but the good parts in joning, (helping out, sight-seeing, and awareness) make up for any and all bad parts.
I am here, because I think you should join this program. This program is called, Seagoing Cowboys. It is a great program for people. You get to see alot of cool and neat stuff aswell. I would have never known about this program if my friend hadn't shown me it. We had signed up together. You should definently join, because you get to see cool places like, China, Panama Canal, even the Acropolis in Greece, and that's not even all! Many people that have joined this program that have been greatful for the expeirence. I am greatful for the opportunity. It made me more aware of the people of other countries and their needs. This is why you should join this amazing program. It was a fantastic expeirence. I am so greatful that my friend had gotten me to sign up. This is the reasons why you should join the Seagoing Cowboys program.