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Originally, this article was featured on Dave Asprey’s Biohacked blog but in an abbreviated and less interesting form. Read on for more information, more vulgarity, and more blue. If you could upgrade your brain and protect it at the same time, would it be worth peeing blue? How about if this same compound, depending on the dose, was an antimicrobial (possibly even against those pesky coronaviruses), an antidepressant, and a potential treatment for both neurodegenerative diseases (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, etc.) and cancer? If so, read on and get ready to #blueyourself because today we are taking a deep dive into the history, science, and massive potential of methylene blue (MB). Methylene Blue's History MB has a very colorful (blue? 😁) history. It was initially developed in the late 1800s as a dye for use in textile manufacturing (fun fact: it was the dye initially used to make jeans blue), but soon after it was synthesized, several medical applications were discovered, the first of which was for the treatment of malaria. MB was also used effectively as an antifungal, antiviral, and antibacterial agent before prescription antimicrobials became available in the 1950s. It is still used as an antifungal agent in fish tank cleaners. More on this later but if you are going to try MB, please don’t drink fish tank cleaner and potentially win a Darwin Award! In the mid-20th century, MB was discovered to have antipsychotic and mood enhancing properties. It was also added to other drugs to ensure medication compliance. Blue urine? You’ve been taking your drugs! Beginning early in the 20th century, MB was regularly used as a bacteriologic stain, a cellular stain, an indicator dye, and for surgical and medical marking. Its use continues to the present day. Recently, there has been significant interest in MB because of several studies showing that it may improve learning, memory, and be neuroprotective (see below). It is also re-emerging as a possible treatment of malaria because of drug resistant strains and as a way to fight other infections as well, especially when combined with certain spectrums of light. Methylene Blue's Cellular Mechanisms: 8 Reasons Why Low-Dose Methylene Blue is a Biohacker’s Delight MB is an electron cycler, both donating and accepting electrons. After absorption in the buccal mucosa (e.g., in a troche), oral ingestion, or IV administration, MB concentrates in tissues with the most mitochondria (e.g., the brain where it readily crosses the blood brain barrier, the heart, the liver, and kidneys). It is at low doses that MB makes (blue) magic happen. Here are the 8 most promising ways it works: - MB donates electrons to the electron transport chain (ETC) and increases ATP production. This effect can occur in the presence or absence of oxygen. Forgot how the ETC works? Watch this video (start at 1 minute). - MB enhances the function of cytochrome oxidase (complex IV), making it work faster and more efficiently. This leads to increased oxygen consumption and increased ATP production, especially in the most metabolically active cells like the nerve cells in memory regions of the brain! - MB stimulates glucose metabolism in conditions without oxygen and increases the amount of NAD + produced by mitochondria. The greater the amount of NAD+, the younger your cells remain/become due to sirtuin activation (see David Sinclair’s book Lifespan for more information). - In red blood cells, low dose MB changes the configuration of the iron (heme) in hemoglobin, the molecule in a red blood cell that carries oxygen. This improves the oxygen-carrying capacity of hemoglobin which leads to increased ATP production from the ETC. - Low dose MB also functions as a powerful antioxidant as it scavenges the mitochondria and cytosol for free electrons to accept and neutralize. On the macro level, this is how MB may be neuroprotective and even reverse skin damage (see below). - Low dose MB also has antidepressant effects, functioning as a monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitor. Inhibiting MAO prevents monoamine neurotransmitter breakdown (dopamine, melatonin, and serotonin) which leads directly to increases in these neurotransmitters. - Low dose MB may also function as a cholinesterase inhibitor, increasing the amount of acetylcholine available, a neurotransmitter in the brain responsible for arousal, attention, memory, and motivation. - Low dose MB combined with certain spectrums of light (UV, primarily) may also be anti-infective against viruses. Amazingly, there are 4 distinct ways MB increases cellular energy (ATP) production, three of which are related to its direct effects on the mitochondria. Are you paying attention yet? Moderate to High Doses of Methylene Blue At moderate doses (4 to 10 mg/kg in most studies), MB becomes a pro-oxidant and facilitates the generation of singlet oxygen and peroxide radicals, especially in the presence of certain spectrums of light. This is likely the way MB works against septic shock (via nitric oxide synthase inhibition) and possibly in cancer treatment synergy. At high doses (>10 mg/kg), MB can have harmful oxidative effects. Are You Blue with Envy yet? Methylene Blue Research and Potential Indications The only FDA-approved treatment of MB is for a condition called methemoglobinemia where MB helps oxygen bind to hemoglobin. If hyperbaric oxygen therapy isn’t available, or if there are delayed symptoms, MB is also used for carbon monoxide poisoning secondary to its antioxidant and energy enhancing effects in the mitochondria. Outside of the FDA, MB has been shown in several non-human studies to be neuroprotective and improve many aspects of learning and memory. There is a wealth of animal data showing the impressive learning upgrades possible with MB. In a recent human study, a single low dose of oral MB was shown to increase functional magnetic resonance imaging activity during sustained attention and short-term memory tasks. It also improved memory retrieval. In short, it made study participants more focused and smarter. Kind of awesome, huh? More human trials are underway... and many n=1 studies too. :) One of the most promising areas of MB research is in neurodegenerative disease. Recent studies in animal models of Alzheimer's Disease have shown that MB may slow the formation of amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles. A pharmaceutical drug derived from MB has also shown benefits in both Alzheimer’s disease and frontotemporal dementia (Lewy Body Disease) and is currently in late-phase trials. There have also been several studies recently on the combination of MB and UV light killing various viruses. In addition, there is ongoing research in MB for brain injury, cancer, malaria, hepatitis C, various skin conditions like psoriasis, and many more. Methylene Blue Safety MB is a very safe drug, especially when taken at low doses and when purity/potency tested. The most common (and harmless… and awesome?) side effect of MB is blue urine. Because of the potential risk of serotonin syndrome (a life-threatening condition), do not combine MB with SSRIs, SNRIs, or drugs that increase serotonin levels except under the very close supervision of a provider. For all you psychonauts out there considering MB, certain psychedelic substances like MDMA and psilocybin increase serotonin and the vine in ayahuasca ceremonies has MAOI properties like MB... so be mindful of what you are stacking/ingesting and wait at least 24 hours before having MB and these compounds. Are you pregnant or breastfeeding? Please don’t take MB. It is contraindicated (e.g., it ain't good for the babies on board). At high doses (>10 mg/kg), MB may cause a litany of potential side effects including hypertension, methemoglobinemia (a condition it actually treats at low doses), dizziness, gastrointestinal distress, affect readings of a pulse oximeter, induce hemolytic anemia in patients with a genetic condition called G6PD, and more. Don't Drink Fish Tank Cleaner, Please! Go Beyond USP! Whatever you do... please do NOT drink fish tank cleaner. Although it has MB in it to treat fish fungal infections, fish tank MB is not only diluted with water to around 2% purity, it also contains a lot of impurities and heavy metals such as arsenic, aluminum, cadmium, and lead. Industrial- and chemical-grade MB can also consist of up to 11% of impurities as well. Your safest choice is USP (pharmaceutical grade) MB, but even that can have impurities. This is why it’s important not only to ensure your MB is USP but that it also has testing that documents its purity and potency. However, even USP-grade MB can contain the aforementioned impurities. This is why it’s important that the MB you are consuming comes with documentation of purity and potency along with a USP designation (Hint: This is what we do at Troscriptions + one more vital step!). At Troscriptions our MB is third-party tested by our manufacturer to ensure purity/potency, USP grade, AND independently tested AGAIN for purity/potency with each troche batch we make. This is why we call it Beyond USP MB. There are very few, if any other companies out there, with as rigorous a process as ours to ensure the highest quality possible. Troscriptions to the Rescue Blue Cannatine is formulated with 5 mg of MB + nicotine, caffeine, and hemp extract for a wide focus that launches your brain into git-er-done “limitless mode." All ingredients in this formula (and in all Troscriptions products) are precision dosed, physician formulated, and purity/potency tested. At the request of biohackers like you, Just Blue was developed. It is a 16 mg pure MB troche made with USP potency/purity tested MB. Dr. Ted likes to say that Just Blue functions as a brain health optimization supplement. It “powers you up like a gentle wind that lifts the glider wings of your brain for long and BRIGHT focus." Translation: Your brain is ON and it’s a smooth blue ride.
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Do you want to add ClickFunnels conversion alerts to your site so you can increase conversions? ClickFunnels is one of the most effective software for selling your eCommerce products or services. It provides you with a proven method for obtaining new leads and generating profits from your website or email list. However, if you want even more profits, then you need to add new strategies to your ClickFunnels system. And one of the best additions you can make to your site is a ClickFunnels conversion alert. Today, we’re going to teach you step-by-step how to create a conversion notification for your website. These small alerts will be shown anytime someone makes a purchase in your funnel. But first, let’s talk about what a conversion alert is and why they’re so powerful. What Is a ClickFunnels Conversion Alert? A ClickFunnels conversion alert is a small notification that appears on your ClickFunnels website any time one of your visitors has made a purchase. The notification lets your visitors know that your products are being purchased by real customers and in real-time. And you’ve likely seen these conversion alerts before. Here’s the one we’ll be building today for ClickFunnels: These are really powerful. Showing your users that live purchases are being made on your site leverages FOMO (fear of missing out). It makes people wonder if they’re missing out on benefits other consumers are getting with your product. This motivates them to buy that product for themselves. As a result, you get more sales. In fact, TrustPulse has been proven to increase sales by up to 15%. That’s a big boost for such a small change to your website. So now that we’re clear on what conversion notifications are and why they’re effective, let’s look at how to make a ClickFunnel conversion alert for your website. Create a ClickFunnels Conversion Alert The first thing you need to do is sign up for a TrustPulse account. It’s totally free to get started and gives you up to 500 free sessions per month. Plus, when you choose to upgrade, it’s literally 1/8th the cost of our competitors. For more information, check out this review of FOMO vs. UseProof vs. TrustPulse. After you’ve signed up, you’ll be ready to get started. Step 1: Choose Your Conversion Campaign Type Once you’re in your TrustPulse dashboard, you’ll need to name your ClickFunnels conversion campaign and assign it to your website: Then it’s time to choose your campaign type. You have 2 options here: - Recent Activity Both of these campaigns are super effective in the right context. Recent Activity will show when an individual conversion took place on your website. When possible, it displays the name of the person who converted. If the customer’s name is unavailable, though, you’ll have the chance to decide how you want to refer to them: Recent Activity campaigns are perfect for everyday sales that occur on your site. On-Fire campaigns, on the other hand, will show you the number of people who converted on your website. These notifications look something like this: These work well when you have popular products, pre-orders, or flash sales, and you expect a large number of customers in a short amount of time. For our ClickFunnels conversion alert, we’ll choose a Recent Activity campaign. Once you’ve done that, click Next Step: Step 2: Design Your ClickFunnels Conversion Alert Now it’s time to design how your ClickFunnels conversion notification will appear to your site’s visitors. TrustPulse lets you customize your conversion notifications to the last detail, so you can make it fit your voice and brand. Plus, everything can be done with drop-down menus, a bit of text, or flipping a toggle switch. No coding required! You can modify your ClickFunnel conversion alert’s: - Visitor reference (when your customer’s name is unavailable) - Message text - Message link The message link is particularly important. You can link your conversion notification to the product that customers are actively purchasing. That way, your site’s visitors can have easy access when they decide they want to buy the product, too. Then you have a variety of advanced options that let you change your campaign’s: - Title text - Subtitle text - Footer text You can even change the colors to make sure everything matches your website. To give you an idea of the quick changes you can make, here’s a look at the default ClickFunnels conversion alert we showed earlier: And in just under 2 minutes, here are the changes we made to the same campaign: Again, the way you customize your conversion notification is totally up to you. Once you’ve designed a notification that has the look you’re going for, click Next Step. Step 3: Capture ClickFunnels Conversions Now it’s time to trigger your ClickFunnels conversion alert. By that, we mean that you need to set up your notification to appear any time someone makes a purchase. The good news is that this is super easy! To capture site activity, you have 2 options: AutoMagic will capture activities taken directly on your website. But the Zapier integration captures activities outside of your website from over 1,000 different sources. So, for example, you could show a notification any time someone leaves you a review on sites like Google My Business or Yelp. Even though nothing happened on your actual site, Zapier lets you capture that activity. For today, we need to use the Zapier integration for our ClickFunnels conversion notification. Click Zapier and then click Connect with Zapier: If you don’t have a Zapier account yet, don’t worry. It’s free and easy to use. You can sign up here. Once you click Connect with Zapier, a new window will open, inviting you to combine TrustPulse and Zapier: Scroll down and click Accept Invitation & Build a Zap: Once you’re in your dashboard, click Make a Zap: On the next page, type “ClickFunnels” in the search bar to find their integration with Zapier. Once you have, click on their app: Now you can select which type of conversion you would like to show. Though there are 3 activities to choose from, only 2 would be considered conversions: - New Contact Activity (when someone signs up to your email list, webinar event, and so on) - New Successful Purchase (when someone makes a purchase in your funnel) You can choose whichever type of conversion notification you would like for your website. For today’s tutorial, however, we’re going to choose New Successful Purchase to let users know when someone has made a purchase on your website. Click Continue, and you’ll be taken to the next phase, where you need to sign in to your ClickFunnels account: Once you’ve signed in, click Continue. Now you can select which purchase you would like to track and from which step in your funnel: At this point, you can test your trigger to make sure it works or simply choose to skip the test. Once you’re satisfied that your ClickFunnels purchase trigger works, click Continue to hook it up with TrustPulse. You’ll see a list of your Zapier apps. Click on TrustPulse: Now choose which action you want TrustPulse to take. This is easy because there’s only one choice: Create Notification: Click Continue and then select your TrustPulse account from the drop-down menu: Click Continue. Now you’ll be asked to select which notification you want to appear from your TrustPulse account. Choose your ClickFunnels conversion alert: And enter the email address from your TrustPulse account: This will be the email address that generates the notification, but your website visitors won’t see it. When you’re done, click Continue. You’ll now have the chance to test & review your conversion alert trigger. If it’s successful, you’ll see the following confirmation message: Finally, you’ll be able to flip a toggle switch to activate your Zap: You’ll see the status of your Zap as On in your dashboard: Now it’s time to head back to your TrustPulse dashboard and set your conversion notification’s display rules. Step 4: Display Your ClickFunnels Conversion Alert At this point, you’ve made your campaign look how you want it to. And you’ve also connected it to capture recent purchases on your ClickFunnels website. It’s time to determine when and where your notification will appear on your site. You can choose from the drop-down menu under the question, Where should we display your notifications? By default, your conversion alert will appear on any page: And while we’ll keep the default setting for this tutorial, it’s important you know that you can change this if needed. With just a few clicks, you can target specific pages of your website for the conversion alert to appear on. You can also change your notification’s display settings, including: - Delay before showing the first notification - How long your notification will appear (in seconds) - Delay between notifications TrustPulse allows you to easily determine when and where your conversion notifications appear on your site. That way, you can target your ClickFunnels conversion alerts to be the most effective. Ultimately, that means more sales for you. Once you’ve configured your display settings, click Next Step. Step 5: Publish Your Conversion Notification Now it’s time to publish your campaign. You’ll get to see a live preview of your campaign before launching it. That way, you can find any last-minute changes that need to be made: In some cases, your site may not be connected yet. If so, you’ll see this notification: Hooking up TrustPulse to your website is super easy. If you need help, check out whichever of these articles applies to your website’s platform: Once your site is connected, simply click Launch Your TrustPulse Campaign: And that’s it! Your ClickFunnels conversion alerts are ready to go. If you found this article interesting, you’d definitely benefit from checking out the following posts: - What Is a Good Conversion Rate? (The Ultimate Guide) - How to Increase eCommerce Sales Now: 8 Ideas You Need to Try - How to Create a Tripwire Funnel (and Why You Should) - 36 Best Lead Generation Tools to Get More Targeted Leads These resources are a great place to level up your eCommerce game, get more leads, and increase sales. Ready to get started? Sign up from TrustPulse today, totally free!
Don't let security be your worry, you're safe in our hands. The Security Network Group C losed C ircuit T ele V ision - CCTV is a well recognised way to help reduce crime, protect your home, public spaces, businesses, and organisations. The effects of CCTV are clear from the falling crime statistics when installed in town and city centres. With this success, the case for installing CCTV security systems for residential and commercial premises is now clear. - CCTV provides an additional deterrent, it provides the mechanism to ensure that crime against people, property, theft and vandalism are all substantially reduced. Incident recording can provide valuable evidence, improving the likelihood of a conviction. CCTV technology can be used in both internal and external environments. CCTV is considered to be the most effective method of reducing crime (“British Chambers of Commerce Business Crime Survey”) - We provide CCTV systems to fit all applications from a simple observation system at your home or the small corner shop, to an office block, a hospital, or town centre with hundreds of cameras. We can work with you to identify your security needs and objectives, and develop a solution to cover them all. Systems with integrated CCTV can be developed to deal with particular problems. - The alert from an Intruder Alarm can cause the CCTV system to record the event and identify the person who caused the alarm, to provide valuable evidence if required. We only use Digital Technology the footage can be searched by simply entering a data and time. Alternatively, a search can be made by marking the area of interest, the system will then search for activity in that area and a list of events will be offered for review. During viewing, recording continues, uninterrupted. - The CCTV System can be linked up to our monitoring station to allow our operatives to see what is going on on the premises and inform the key holders and emergency services. A speech unit can also be activated that will warn the intruder to leave the premises. High Definition Analogue Technology and IP technology are available and can be combined, enabling us to utilise any available infrastructure you may have. DEDICATED TO QUALITY The guidance given in British Standard EN 50132-7 and the National Security Inspectorate code of practice NCP104 is referenced, to ensure the system will meet your security requirements. Many other uses are being found for CCTV: Vehicle / Person Recognition and tracking Store hot-spots to identify what people are interested in. SOME OF THE EQUIPMENT USED Digital Video Recorder (DVR) Network Video Recorder (NVR) Normally 4, 8 or 16 camera channels with disk storage for 1 month. Can be connected to your IP network for viewing remotely. Internal Dome Camera Used internally in homes, shops and offices. 2MP-12MP Models available. External Dome Camera Used externally on homes and small office / industrial units, Infra-red vision or enhanced Starlight technology at night, vandal resistant 2MP-12MP models available. Used for longer range applications on houses, offices and industrial units, Infra-red vision or enhanced Starlight technology at night, 2MP-12MP and automatic number plate recognition models available. Used for longer range applications on large offices and industrial units, Infra-red vision or enhanced Starlight technologyat night, 2MP-8MP models available, upto 30X zoom capability. Used mainly in conjunction with a security lodge, but unmanned smart tracking is available. Used when it is essential that those being observed do not realise e.g. in cases of suspected theft. We will take responsibility for all stages of your CCTV Surveillance System, including a site survey, the design, installation and ongoing maintenance. We can offer a wide range of products to ensure we meet your surveillance requirements. SOME OF THE SMART CCTV FEATURES WE CAN OFFER: SMART CCTV - AUTO FOCUS DURING ZOOM Camera remains in focus during the zoom process. SMART CCTV - 40 X 40 EXTENDED ZOOM Cameras now capable of 40X physical and 40X digital zoom. SMART CCTV - SMART IR TECHNOLOGY When operating at night the camera is able to still identify a person. SMART CCTV - STARLIGHT TECHNOLOGY When operating at night the camera is able to still identify persons and objects, and sometimes colour. Inset shows normal camera picture. SMART CCTV - SCENE ADAPTIVE As light levels alter the camera is able to automatically adjust to retain a good image. SMART CCTV - SEE IT ALL WITH ONE CAMERA The Fisheye Camera can cover your whole area with just one camera. Its 4K digital capacity allows you to select viewing areas as required. SMART CCTV - TRIP WIRE Area can be identified to camera where any movement will cause a trip wire alert. SMART CCTV - MISSING OBJECT Area can be identified to camera where a significant change within that area will cause an alert, could be used to guard a painting or similar object. SMART CCTV - INTRUSION Area can be identified to camera where any movement will cause an intrusion alert. Can differentiate between a person or a vehicle. SMART CCTV - FACIAL RECOGNITION Cameras now capable of using algorithms to identify and track the human face. SMART CCTV - CROWD DENSITY Using facial recognition the camera can identify when an area becomes crowded. SMART CCTV - DEEP LEARNING Cameras now capable of using detailed facial recognition to identify gender, age group and other human features.
With enactment of the economic recovery legislation, the nation is now embarking on a massive initiative to rebuild and expand our transportation system and infrastructure and create millions of jobs in a failing economy. This major investment in America’s failing infrastructure also presents a historic opportunity to embrace strong Buy America policies that will grow and sustain domestic manufacturing and the millions of jobs it supports. A strong transportation system and a strong U.S. manufacturing base are intrinsically linked. It is good economic policy to allocate massive public investments for the nation’s infrastructure and to do so with the use of U.S. steel, iron, concrete, and manufactured goods and equipment. Equally important, our domestic manufacturing capability must be ready to produce locomotives, rail cars, passenger buses, and other finished products that our private and public transportation employers will be purchasing in the next few years. It makes no sense, for example, to invest billions in transit systems, Amtrak and an expanded high speed rail network without also ensuring the locomotives, rail cars and buses are built in America with domestically produced equipment. Strong Buy America requirements, and strict enforcement of the rules, are a prerequisite for a robust domestic manufacturing industry, and transportation labor will insist that these requirements are followed in all transportation investment programs. Already, statutes governing various modal agencies within the Department of Transportation include Buy America provisions to ensure, to the extent possible, taxpayer funds are used to procure products made by U.S. workers. These statutes need to be improved to tighten waiver provisions and to provide accountability when awarding waivers of the Buy America requirement by posting all waiver requests online upon receipt and by publishing in the Federal Register a reasoned justification after a waiver has been granted. Waivers should be granted sparingly and only when truly warranted under the most narrow application. Federally funded projects should not be segmented by state or local governments to avoid the Buy America requirement, domestic products that could substitute should be considered before granting any waiver, and strict domestic content requirements must be applied. The recent inclusion of Buy America provisions in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (H.R. 1) build upon and expand existing federal law. Charges from opponents that Buy America preferences could lead to a trade war are disingenuous. Buy America provisions have been part of U.S. procurement policy for more than 70 years without provoking trade wars or global economic downturns. Most governments around the world promote the use of their domestic manufacturers when spending public funds for procurement purposes and for public works projects. While some countries, including the United States, have agreed to open their markets to foreign goods in the area of federal procurement under the WTO Government Procurement Agreement (GPA), signatories have carved out exceptions, and most countries — like China and Russia — have not undertaken any obligations under GPA. The United States expressly exempted federal grants to state and local governments for highway, mass transit and airport projects from its GPA obligations. Most other signatories to the GPA excluded significant sectors of their economies from coverage as well. For instance, countries in the European Union excluded all federal and sub-federal transportation, telecommunications, and energy contracts. So it is hardly a revolutionary idea for the United States government to use taxpayer dollars to support U.S. jobs and companies and their communities when investing in our transportation network. Yet even the Department of Homeland Security during the Bush Administration defied its own procurement rules and used Chinese steel products to build portions of the 854-mile border fence along the U.S.-Mexico border. And our Federal Highway Administration granted waivers when in fact there were substitutable domestic products available. Loose interpretations and the outright misuse of waivers must end. Transportation labor is committed to working with the President and Congress to rebuild America’s transportation infrastructure. As part of that effort we will urge policy leaders to strictly apply Buy America requirements, including those enacted in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, to ensure taxpayer dollars spent on transportation projects will be used to purchase U.S.-made materials, manufactured goods, and equipment for use in those projects to create jobs and help restore our declining U.S. manufacturing base. A robust manufacturing economy is an integral part of creating a safe, secure, and strong transportation network and transportation labor will insist that strong Buy America requirements are applied to all programs that invest federal resources in our transportation system and equipment. Policy Statement No. W09-01
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Turbo Technics is pleased to announce the appointment of Turbo Technika as the official distributor in Bulgaria. The leader in turbocharger test equipment is confident that this partnership will provide world-class service for customers within the region by offering an expanded line of high-quality turbo test and calibration equipment. The General Manager of Turbo Technics said ‘’ Turbo Technika’s plentiful sales experience in the turbocharger industry make them a reliable asset to our team, and I’m excited to have them on board.’’ Located in Sofia, Turbo Technika is a specialist in diagnostics, repair and remanufacture of turbochargers and the sale of hybrid turbochargers. The company prides itself by the number of satisfied customers who have trusted their knowledgeable team of mechanics and appreciated the great customer service being offered. Turbo Technika is expanding the business by being the first appointed distributor for Turbo Technics in Bulgaria. The Owner of Turbo Technika, Valeri Nikolov commented, ‘’We have used the Turbo Technics’ equipment to grow our business and to position Turbo Technika as being one of the most reliable turbo remanufacturers in Bulgaria and I couldn’t be happier being the Bulgarian distributor because Turbo Technics is undoubtedly the best-known brand in Balancing Technology worldwide. The turbocharger business is booming in Bulgaria so I am confident that many local businesses will now benefit from this strong partnership between our two companies.’’ Turbo Technics continues to expand its distributor network, working with local trusted and well-respected companies who are committed to providing excellent customer support and service in the turbocharging industry. If you would like to be a part of Turbo Technics distribution network, please contact us.
The Junta of Communities initiated the process for declaring a Cultural village Agra colonization of Canada, Hellin. It has issued a resolution, Directorate General of Culture, why record starts to declare a Cultural village Agra Cañada colonization in the town of Hellin (Albacete), the category of a Historic. With this decision, this town will enjoy maximum protection and guardianship, and its use will always be subordinate to not jeopardize their preservation and their values. The Historic Preservation will not allow any change affecting the harmony of the historic. Glen of Agra is a district of the town of Hellin in Albacete, autonomous community Castilla-La Mancha, situada a 6 Km. of Hellin, and is one of the most beautiful rural municipal assemblies.,,es,It was built as a town of colonization from,,es,and its economy is based mainly on agriculture,,es,The situation of the village on the slope of a steep slope makes us conceive of the hatched so that the roads are built upon the level curves,,es. Fue construido como poblado de colonización a partir de 1962 by architect José Luis Fernández del Amo, y su economía está basada principalmente en la agricultura. Its core housing, It was a symbol of colonization, for the originality of its design, to adapt to the topography of the hillside on which it sits, with blocks of houses irregularly arranged in the middle of the spaces with lush greenery, with its peculiarities he received the National Award for Architecture. Its name is due to a ravine that existed where now stands the town and a district that is 1 Km. call away Agra. La situación del pueblo en la ladera de fuerte pendiente nos hace concebir el tramado de forma que las vías de circulación se desarrollen según las curvas del nivel. Notable for the brilliance and success in developing its architectural approach, quality in the implementation of housing and thoughtful landscaping make this town a vibrant place enjoying a good condition. No substitutions will be accepted properties, changes in the alignments and, and general, No changes affecting the overall harmony; and secondly, original agricultural use of adjacent parcels is respected and understood with the urban core in the protective environment, shall restrict the possibilities of buildable area. These, definitely, excellent news that will help revive tourism in this hamlet Hellinera.
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a crucial tool for analysis and design of semiconductor devices is ene A crucial tool for analysis and design of semiconductor devices is energy band diagram. Understand theuse of such band energy diagram is very important. Answer following questions about energy band-diagrams What is a band diagram in relation to semiconductor materials? Draw a typical band-diagram for a semiconductor material and mark the position of conduction-band, valence band and the bandgap. Why do crystal lattice (such as Si lattice) have bands of energy, while isolated Si-atoms do not have such bands? We know that electrons and holes that are responsible for conduction. But where are these located in this bands? Which direction energy of an electron increase along the y-axis of the band diagram? Energy of a hole? *The amount will be in form of wallet points that you can redeem to pay upto 10% of the price for any assignment. **Use of solution provided by us for unfair practice like cheating will result in action from our end which may include permanent termination of the defaulter’s account.Disclaimer:The website contains certain images which are not owned by the company/ website. Such images are used for indicative purposes only and is a third-party content. All credits go to its rightful owner including its copyright owner. It is also clarified that the use of any photograph on the website including the use of any photograph of any educational institute/ university is not intended to suggest any association, relationship, or sponsorship whatsoever between the company and the said educational institute/ university. Any such use is for representative purposes only and all intellectual property rights belong to the respective owners.
The much-anticipated return of “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” in its fifth season brings a burst of laughter, glamour, and chaos as we delve into the world of Miriam “Midge” Maisel once again. In Episode 1, viewers are treated to a rollercoaster of emotions, with Midge navigating the complexities of her personal and professional life against the backdrop of the vibrant 1960s. Setting the Stage: The episode kicks off with a spectacular opening scene, transporting us to the bustling streets of New York City. The attention to detail in the set design, costumes, and music immediately immerses viewers in the glamorous world of the 1960s. As Midge takes the stage, it’s evident that the show’s signature wit and humor are back in full force. Midge’s Comedy Odyssey: As Midge continues to climb the comedy ladder, Episode 1 showcases her evolution as a stand-up comedian. The writing remains sharp, with rapid-fire jokes that reflect the era’s societal norms and challenges. Rachel Brosnahan’s impeccable delivery of Midge’s punchlines adds an extra layer of charm, reminding us why she won an Emmy for her outstanding performance. New Relationships and Challenges: One of the highlights of the episode is the introduction of new characters and the deepening of existing relationships. Midge’s love life takes an unexpected turn, introducing a new romantic interest that adds both humor and drama to the narrative. Simultaneously, her relationship with her manager, Susie Myerson, played by Alex Borstein, faces new challenges that promise to keep fans on the edge of their seats throughout the season. Family Ties and Tensions: The Maisel family dynamics continue to be a central focus, and Episode 1 delves into the complexities of familial relationships. Tony Shalhoub and Marin Hinkle, portraying Midge’s parents, deliver stellar performances as they navigate the evolving dynamics within the family. The interplay between generations adds depth to the storyline, exploring themes of tradition, rebellion, and the pursuit of individual dreams. The Comedy Circuit: The episode takes us on a journey through the vibrant comedy circuit of the 1960s, offering a glimpse into the competitive and cutthroat nature of the stand-up comedy scene. Cameo appearances from real-life comedians of the era add authenticity and serve as a delightful Easter egg for fans of the genre. The visual aesthetics of “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” have always been a standout feature, and Season 5 Episode 1 is no exception. The cinematography captures the essence of the 1960s with vivid colors, sleek designs, and a nod to the fashion trends of the time. Each frame is a visual treat, reminiscent of a bygone era that continues to captivate audiences. As with previous seasons, the soundtrack of Episode 1 is a carefully curated selection of period-appropriate tunes. The music not only complements the narrative but also enhances the overall viewing experience. From jazz to pop, the soundtrack seamlessly transports viewers to the swinging sixties. Plot Twists and Cliffhangers: The writers of “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” are known for their ability to craft compelling narratives, and Episode 1 sets the stage for what promises to be a season filled with unexpected twists and turns. A series of cliffhangers at the end of the episode leave fans eagerly anticipating the next installment, with burning questions about Midge’s future and the fate of her relationships. “The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel” Season 5 Episode 1 is a triumphant return to the world of Midge Maisel and her comedic escapades. The writing, performances, and production values continue to elevate the show to new heights, making it a must-watch for fans and newcomers alike. As the season unfolds, it’s clear that Midge’s journey is far from over, and we can expect more laughter, tears, and unexpected moments in the episodes to come.
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Look Glamorous With Crazy Tops and Stylish Blazers Posted by printdress on March 11th, 2015 Perhaps the boys are getting hotter day by day, what with all those hair-gels and gym habits kicking in. Or maybe, it is the era of dominion of the female testosterone. Whatever be the cause, what we are witnessing is an age where the girls are not shying away from showing skin and try looking as desirable as possible. A string of new-age tops, shirts and blazers for women online has bombarded the society. There is no secret about the fact that online stores lure their customers by offering maddeningly high discounts. Plus, the collection is far richer and versatile than what we get offline. It is also easier to click the button of the mouse and fetch the outfits from your door as the courier boy bangs the bell. With the girls of today getting busier day by day, it makes sense to buy your stuff on the net than off it. So, isn't it time that you too discover the riches of the online world and buy tops for girls online India? The key to look good is to buy the kind of outfit in which you are comfortable. There is a handsome variety available these days. It is not necessary to straightaway slip into an extremely daring dress if you are not fully confident about it. One can always glam up step by step. Besides, there is a wrong notion that glamorous means to expose your body. Even a gown which covers you from neck to ankle can make you look glamorous provided it has an elegant quality about it. A lot also depends on the way a woman carries herself. If the attitude is right, even a formal blazer can be rocked to perfection. It is also a fact that the sales of blazers for women online have seen a dramatic rise in recent times due to their chic factor. A blazer complements a formal shirt and also a tank top. Besides, the diverse collections bombing the market these days have lent a lot of scope to a random young girl for experimenting.
The 2019 edition of the UCLG Congress, held in the South African city of Durban from 11 to 15 November, has provided local governments gathered in the framework of the UCLG Committee on Social Inclusion, Participatory Democracy and Human Rights (UCLG CSIPDHR) with a platform to advance many of their priorities and shared initiatives at a global level. Many events of the Congress offered meaningful windows of opportunity for UCLG constituency to debate on emerging topics in conjunction with civil society and human rights defenders. The Committee will seek to embed these discussions in the next horizon of the global municipal movement. The UCLG World Congress is the main gathering of the world constituency of local governments, convened by United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) every three years. On its 2019 edition, the Congress took place in Durban (South Africa), gathering more than 3.000 participants from across the world, including mayors, councilors, local government officials and representatives of national associations. The Congress was organized around four different tracks, with a view to give voice to different part of the constituency: members, regional sections, civil society and international partners (among which, most of the largest city networks). The Congress produced a relevant sum of outcomes and declarations, among which the Durban Political Declaration. More local stakeholders now engage in human rights and right to the city action Members of UCLG CSIPDHR identified the Congress as an opportunity to advance their policy priorities and shared initiatives within UCLG alongside civil society partners. In order to maximize their impact, several UCLG partners sharing work priorities on human rights and right to the city related issues hosted a shared stand for the whole Congress: The “Right to the City and Human Rights Hub”. The Hub was convened by the UCLG CSIPDHR, the City of Gwangju, the International Observatory on Participatory Democracy, the Mediterranean City-to-City Migration project, the UN Special Rapporteur on the Right to Housing and the Global Platform for the Right to the City. A particularly relevant human rights discussion took place on the second day of the Congress, gathering mayors, councilors and municipal officers from Brasiléia, Caldes de Montbuí, Gwangju, Libreville, Mexico City, Montevideo, Plaine Commune and Sousse, as well as a representative from the Global Platform for the Right to the City. This meeting allowed to explore emerging topics for the constituency – such as women rights, non-discrimination or participatory democracy – as well as future priorities for networking. The right to the city framework was addressed in this discussion, but enjoyed a specific focus in the “UCLG Town Hall” session organized by the GPR2C. In this context, various mayors and councilors were able to hold an open conversation with civil society and social movements, on topics such as financialization and equality. A document containing policy recommendations was drafted by the GPR2C as a follow-up. In connection to these discussions, the IOPD organized a presentation of its next Conference, to be held in Iztapalapa (7-10 December). The Iztapalapa Conference will focus on the connection between participatory democracy and the right to the city in metropolitan contexts, especially by residents of peripheral cities. This topic was equally addressed in the Congress by the Forum of Peripheral Local Authorities (FALP) in a dedicated section about it. This session provided a follow-up to discussions held by the FALP after its Jerusalem Forum. Consolidating emerging thematic priorities Housing was a central topic in right to the city and human rights discussions, but was specifically addressed in the third day of the Congress through a Special Session. This event gathered both members of the “Cities for Adequate Housing” Declaration and local governments that were not familiar to this initiative yet had an interest to debate on this issue. Key messages on the right to housing in the Declaration were reinforced. The event also welcomed the UN Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing, Leilani Farha. Rapporteur Farha also organized a local government consultation aimed at including the local government perspective to her last annual report. Migration was addressed with particular interest by members and partners alike. Many sessions, especially those organized by the UCLG migration team and partners in the MC2CM project, delivered emerging priorities by local governments on this topic, such as developing sound social inclusion mechanisms and to take action on non-discrimination. The Congress witnessed the second meeting of the UCLG Community of Practice on Migration, a Special Session on Migration and a presentation of the MC2CM project, among other events. The wide variety of topics explored throughout the Congress, as well as the interest raised by sessions organized by UCLG CSIPDHR and its partners, allowed the “Cities for Rights” movement to strengthen its visibility. The Committee provided a platform for holding and promoting discussions and collective action on several priority topics for members. It also showed its capacity to adapt and to connect discussions held in its framework to UCLG overall strategic priorities. The participation of new local governments and the opening up to new thematic discussions will allow to develop an even more far-reaching action plan for the next period.
At a distance of around 50 km from Udaipur, near the religious town of Nathdwara rests a village named Molela. Molela, also known as ‘potters village’ is quite popular for its unique art form called Molela Terracotta. A settlement of around 40 families belonging to a pottery background lives there. And almost every potter residing in the village has excelled the art of creating Molela terracotta. What is Terracotta? Terracotta is a ceramic material which is used in construction as well as decorative arts since ancient times in many of the cultures all around the world. The word terracotta can be translated as ‘Baked earth’ in English. It is formed from the natural clay which is why it has the characteristic reddish-brown color. The Potters of the Molela makes multiple kinds of terracotta which include devotional plaques, large panels, temple bells, domestic ware, etc. and out of all that, the hollow votive plaques is the most famous artistry. The art form generally depicts rural village scenes and charming visual narratives and culture of their everyday life. The inherent charm of these terracotta sculptures attract a plethora of buyers from different places but the demands for these plaques tend to be seasonal. Vessels and statues of the lord are required during the time of harvest or festive seasons. So, to sustain themselves during the lean months, the artisans turn themselves into farmers. The process of making Terracotta The process of making a terracotta can be divided into 3 steps: - Clay Preparation – the clay used to prepare the sculptures is sourced from local ponds and drains. There two types of clay – Nada, and Alu. Both the clays are mixed with each other along with 20% dried and sifted donkey dung. The clay is then wedged and kneaded by the feet and the hands respectively. This clay is then laid flat on the ground and evened out using water and wooden tools. This then works as the base surface of the sculpture. - Crafting – The wet clay is then cut into the desired shape using a stencil and measuring scale. Incarnations of Durga, Dashavatars, Shrinathji, Gauri nritya, scenes from Ramayana, and everyday village life is the most popular depiction in terracotta. Parts of these forms such as limbs, face, and body are made by the basic techniques such as squeezing, pinching and coiling. These parts are then attached to the wet clay to create a firm shape. Once, the figures get a firm shape, ornaments, eyes and other details are added to the sculpture. - Firing – The dried sculptures are then stacked in a circular opening meant for firing. This is the most convenient form of firing the sculptures. This kiln is constructed with bricks. The sculptures are loaded in the kiln on cow dung cakes and is sealed with a few layers of pottery shards. The temperature of the kiln is around 600-700 centigrade and the products are fired for a period of 4 to 6 hours. People of Molela ‘Murtikala’ is the art form which has been passed from generation to generation, getting evolved with generation. Amongst numerous artisans in the village, one of the pioneers of this art form is Mohanlal Chaturbuj Kumhar who has been practicing and teaching the art to his family members and other people of the village from around a decade. His sons, Dinesh and Rajendra has been actively involved in this craft work. For the same, Mohanlal Ji has been awarded several national and international awards. In 2012, he was awarded by the prestigious Padmshree award by the former president of India Ms. Pratibha Patil. Moreover, Mohanlal Ji founded an institution named ‘Mohan Terracotta Art Research & Development Centre’ to teach the people of the world, the unique art of Molela Terracotta. Did you like the story or have something to share with us? Then write to me at email@example.com
Weddings are thoroughly planned in Indian families because it is one in a lifetime event and who doesn’t want to make it an unforgettable memory. In India it is not only the Bride and the Groom that enters into a beautiful bond of life but here it is considered as an amalgamation of families. Season of wedding and celebration is approaching and at such times the first thing to worry about is to get the banquet hall. The most cumbersome task is to call each and every venue meant for weddings and look for their prices and amenities. On the top of that, if you are not even from the city, then it is technically impossible to look for good halls everywhere. Not to forget that venue fixing is not the only thing, you would have other things to sort out as well. And not only the marriage celebrations but also for other events and conferences, the major thing to worry about is the banquet hall. So, here we present the list of the best and budgeted halls that will be appropriate for any of your personal or professional occasion. The Mewar Udaipur Rajasthan’s biggest banquet is a perfect place for lavish weddings, corporate events and professional conferences. The plethoric opulence of the place offers a luxurious canvas to transform your dream wedding into a reality. The structure is built upon royal architectural inspiration and offers a remarkable experience to its guests. The interior is undoubtedly one in thousands, with an enormous floor area to accommodate 1200-1500 people. This place is one of its kind, offering first-class amenities and unmatched services at very nominal rates and is indeed the first choice of wedding and event planners. Address: Opposite Shilpgram, Fateh Sagar Road, Udaipur, Rajasthan, 313001 Blu Feather Hotel and Spa Probably the best interior you can get in the city. The luxurious hall is appropriate for either corporate or social events. With a floor area of 2850 square feet, the hall accommodates around 80-90 people in a round table gathering and up to 150 people in the theatre setting. Contact: 84482 85340 Address: No. 4, Pratap Nagar Road, Bhuwana Sukher by Pass, Udaipur, Rajasthan 313001 Completely equipped banquet halls will provide you with everything you would need at a wedding ceremony or a corporate event. Projectors, screens, a good internet connection, and all the added facilities that will make your event smooth and enjoyable. There are 3 halls in the Hotel so you need not worry if there’s another event going on already. The halls accommodate 250, 300 and 350 people respectively and they would cost you around a lac if you want the hall alone excluding the meal. Contact: 91166 23381 Address: Plot No. 8,100 Feet Road, Roop Nagar, Bhuwana, opposite the Occasion Wedding & Special Event Garden, Udaipur, Rajasthan 313001 Spectrum Hotel and Residencies Spectrum is your one-stop solution as it offers a range of venues appropriate for any corporate or social occasion of yours. There are two halls available at the place, one of which accommodates around 250 people and the other one accommodates around 450 people. The cost of these halls will cost you 800 per person and 1000 per person respectively along with the required meals. The perfectly equipped and centrally air conditioned halls connected to the garden area will make your occasion memorable. Contact: 73000 71954 Address: N.H. 76, Gram Barodiya, Village Kavita, Opposite Kavita Bridge, Near Thoor Ki Paal, Udaipur, Rajasthan 313001 The Fern Residency The hall is an ideal location for people who want to host their corporate meeting comfortably. The latest meeting and AV equipment will take a large burden off of your head and will keep your event uninterrupted. There is a dedicated area for dining and pre-function needs which make it all hassle free and your event memorable. This Lavish hall accommodating 300 people will cost you around a lac. Contact: 0294 309 9000 Address: Plot No 1, Madhu Nursery Compound, Hiran Magri, Sector 3, Near Sewashram Flyover, Udaipur, Rajasthan 313001 Oriental Palace Resorts Whether you are looking for a corporate gala dinner, client meeting or a personal get together, the hall will be appropriate for all kind of occasions. The hall accommodates 200 people at a time and will cost 21000 Rs. The perfect venue for any kind of social or corporate events will make you feel relaxed about your event. Address: Udaipur Main Road, Subhash Nagar, Udaipur Hotel Valley View Two halls are available at the place. One is designed for less number of people and other is for more number of people. The theatre style hall will accommodate around 300-350 persons and the other one will accommodate 100-120 people and the cost of these halls are Rs. 51000 and Rs. 25000 respectively excluding the meals. These halls are well equipped with Air conditioner, well lighting and all the necessary elements to make your event memorable. Contact: 81071 72222 Address: Plot No.10, Airport Road, Nr. Maa Gayatri Hospital, Pratapnagar, Udaipur, Rajasthan 313003 From small meeting rooms to the big sized conference hall, you get everything here. The grand hall is designed in such a way that it focuses on every detail of the occasion, no matter if it’s a corporate event or a social event. It accommodates around 100-150 people at a time that will cost you around Rs. 40,000. The hall will bring a lasting impression to your meeting or celebration. Contact: 073400 47470 Address: Maharana Pratap Khel Gaon, 200 ft Road opposite R.T.O, Bhuwana, Chitrakoot Nagar, Udaipur, Rajasthan 313001 Basant Kesar Banquet hall at Hotel Lakend offers an environment-friendly atmosphere in order to conduct successful events and conferences. Equipped with speakers, air conditioning, and well lightning will provide a seamlessly perfect meeting or event. It has the capacity to cater to around 200-220 people at a time and it will cost you Rs. 75000 plus taxes. Contact: 0294 243 1400 Address: Fatehsagar lake shore, Alkapuri, Ambamata, Udaipur, Rajasthan 313001 Be it a wedding, a symposium, conference, training module or a board meeting, hall at Q Hotel has everything covered. The business-friendly amenities and the classy interiors assure the success of your event. The hall is equipped with various facilities such as mike, podium, internet, charts, boards, Television, etc. The small hall will accommodate around 100 people and the large hall around 200-250 people. These halls will cost you Rs. 13000 and Rs 25000 respectively excluding meals. Contact: 080033 37337 Address: 2-A, New Flora Complex, Near New Pula Bridge, Fatehpura, Udaipur, Rajasthan 313001 Amantra Comfort Hotel This one is the preferred destination for corporate meetings, incentives, and exhibitions. Along with that, it is also perfectly suitable for social functions, celebrations, get-together, meetings, and functions. It is equipped with ultra-modern audio-visual conferencing equipment. The Lavish hall accommodates around 150 persons and will cost you around Rs. 15000. Contact: 080033 31188 Address: 5-B, Opposite Sahelion Ki Bari, New Fatehpura, Udaipur, Rajasthan 313001 Raghu Mahal is quite an appropriate place for casual get-togethers and small cozy functions. It accommodates around 50-60 people at a time and gives a warm experience to the guests or business associates of the event. It is equipped with all the things you would need during your event so that it could run smoothly and uninterrupted. The price for the hall is around Rs. 6000 which makes it quite affordable. Contact: 0294 242 5690 Address: Saraswati Marg, Kumharon Ka Bhatta, Central Area, Udaipur, Rajasthan 313001 We have made the preparation of your occasion a bit easy. Now all you need to do is get ready for the big day because the hassle of the venue has been taken care of. If you think we have missed anything from the list, please share it with us in the comment section below.
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All Astrology Reports for Order Good Days Calendars All Signs 2 of DiamondsA business partnership; a change in relationship; gossip. The Moon continues its void period until it enters Virgo at 10:03 PM EDT. This Week in Astrology 7 of DiamondsAn argument concerning finances, or on the job. Generally expected to be resolved happily. Hearts correspond to the element of water, and signify love, friendship, happiness, and domestic concerns. Generally speaking, they are happy cards. A longer-term influence comes into exact aspect today: Jupiter sesquiquadrate Chiron, and this can be a time when we are hungry for meaning and understanding. However, it can be difficult to align ourselves with a personal philosophy or belief system that truly reflects our core. We might be led astray by beliefs and ideas now, or we might experience some form of crisis of faith. Its important to look within and come to a greater understanding of what we truly need or believe, rather than blindly following something that doesnt genuinely serve our purpose. A Sun-Mars trine is energizing, and were ready to take action, particularly on our ideas. This influence supports physical activity, initiative, and enterprise. Energy and vitality are strong. There is a stronger than usual desire to put plans into motion, to take the lead, and to keep busy. Enthusiasm and confidence both run high. King of DiamondsFair-haired or graying man, or a man with Earth predominating in his chart. A man of authority, status, or influence. 8 of SpadesTemptation, misfortune, danger, upsets. 5 of ClubsNew friendships, alliances are made. Astrology Love Secrets Venus 23mayalldayMay 23, 2018Daily Overview(Overview of the Day: wednesday)EDTEvent Type :Daily Overview 5 of SpadesOpposition and obstacles that are temporary; a blessing in disguise. Sometimes indicates a negative or depressed person. The Moon is void from 10:55 AM EDT, with the Moons last aspect before changing signs (a trine to Pluto), until the Moon enters Libra the next day, Thursday, May 24th, at 2:52 AM EDT. The Moon spends another day in the sign of Virgo, again turning our keen attention to our work, health, and routines. Today, though, were likely to be more focused in our pursuits, and far less divided. King of ClubsDark-haired, kind-hearted man; or a man with Fire predominating in his chart. A generous, spirited man. Ace of HeartsLove and happiness. The home, a love letter. This card is a particularly favorable card that indicates troubles and problems lifting. 7 of HeartsSomeone whose interest in you is unreliable; someone with fickle affections for you. This card can indicate lovesickness. Jack of SpadesA youth who is hostile or jealous. MAY 23 The Moon spends another day in the sign of Virgo, again turning our keen attention to our work, health, and routines. Today, though, were likely to be Cafe Astrologys Free Reports This Months Transits 5 of DiamondsHappiness and success. A change for the better. A birth, or good news for a child. A good time to start new projects. 10 of HeartsGood luck, success. This is an important card that suggests good fortune after difficulty. A fair-haired woman with a good nature; or a woman with Water signs predominating in her chart. Kind advice. Affectionate, caring woman. Sometimes, this card can indicate the mother or a mother figure. 4 of ClubsBeware of dishonesty or deceit; avoid blind acceptance of others at this time. Saturn in Capricorn until 2020 3rd: August 19th, 2018, when Jupiter is at 15 Scorpio 36 and Neptune is at 15 Pisces 36 (final) 7 of SpadesAdvice that is best not taken; loss. There is some obstacle to success, and this indicates that obstacles may be coming from within the querent. Draw only one card for a simple and fast answer to a burning question. 5 of HeartsJealousy; some ill-will from people around you. 9 of ClubsAchievement; sometimes a wealthy marriage or a sudden windfall. 21mayalldayMay 21, 2018Daily Overview(Overview of the Day: monday)EDTEvent Type :Daily Overview The Moon spends most of the day in the creative, generous sign of Leo, entering Virgo at 10:03 PM EDT. The Moon is void up until its ingress into Virgo, suggesting its better not to take on brand-new endeavors. 6 of DiamondsRelationship problems, arguments. Separation. This book interprets each playing cards significance and offers a variety of fortune telling spreads. Once you know the basic meanings of the playing cards, you can choose a spread that is right for you. In fact, you can even choose to select only one card out of a deck to get a fast and easy answer to your problem, if you so desire. This Months Ephemeris Reports: Solar Return/Birthday 10 of DiamondsA change in financial status, often for the better. Although there are different ways to approach cartomancy, we will show you a simple method and lay out the basic meanings attached to each playing card below. There are thirteen cards in each of the four suits, corresponding to the 13 lunar months in a year. Fifty-two cards correspond to fifty-two weeks in a year. Mercury enters Cancer Mercury is in Cancer from June 12-June 29, 2018. When Mercury is in Cancer, we move from the desire for quantity to the need for quality in terms of the information Ace of DiamondsChange; a message, often about money, and usually good news. Venus Retrograde in Transit MAY 22 The Moon spends the day in the sign of Virgo, turning our attention to the details of our daily lives, health, routines, and work. The Suns sextile 7 of ClubsBusiness success, although there may be problems in love. A change in business that may have been expected or earned, such as a promotion. 3 of HeartsLove and happiness when the entire spread is generally favorable. In a difficult spread, this can indicate emotional problems and an inability to decide who to love. 24mayalldayMay 24, 2018Daily Overview(Overview of the Day: thursday)EDTEvent Type :Daily Overview Daily Trends Calendar 13jun3:43 pmNew Moon – June 13, 2018in Gemini3:43 pmEDTEvent Type :Lunation 8 of HeartsUnexpected gift or visit; an invitation to a party. Reports: Astrology Profiles 25may5:52 amJupiter trine NeptunePlanetary Aspect5:52 amEDTEvent Type :Planetary Aspect 3 of ClubsLove and happiness; successful marriage; a favorable long-term proposition. A second chance, particularly in an economical sense. Reports: Romantic Compatibility Clubs correspond to the element of fire, and generally signify business, ambition, and achievement issues. They generally indicate success and happiness. The Moon is New inGeminionJune 13, 2018, at 3:43 PM EDT. Mercury Retrograde in Transit MAY 24 The Moon continues its transit of Virgo until 2:52 AM EDT when it enters Libra. Creating order is the focus with a Libra Moon, not necessarily through tidying The Moon is New in Gemini on June 13, 2018, at 3:43 PM EDT. Jack of DiamondsA youth, possibly in uniform. Or, a jealous person who may be unreliable. A person who brings news, generally negative, but relatively minor. Sexual Astrology: Signs Part 2 Year of the Dog 2018 Horoscopes The basic idea for laying out a spread is to shuffle the cards as you think of your question or problem, and then draw cards in a particular order and lay them out on the table before you. You can make your own fortune telling session as simple or as complex as you please: 22mayalldayMay 22, 2018Daily Overview(Overview of the Day: tuesday)EDTEvent Type :Daily Overview This Month in Astrology Some will do a larger spread when looking for a general outlook for a person. For this method, draw three cards for each of these categories: Yourself, Your Family, Your Friends, What You Expect, What You Dont Expect, and The Outcome. This Months Declinations Widowed or divorced woman; or a woman with Air predominating in her chart. 2nd:May 25th, 2018,when Jupiter is at 16 Scorpio 20 and Neptune is at 16 Pisces 20 Astrology Trends Calendar 9 of SpadesIllness, accident, bad luck. The querent is at his/her personal low. Mercuryis inGeminifrom May 29-June 12. When Mercury is in Gemini, we are especially communicative, curious, and sociable. Mercury feels right at home in Gemini, one of the signs that it rules. We tend to take more pleasure in gaining a superficial knowledge of many subjects rather than dig deep into any one topic. We are especially astute when it comes to arguing or making a point. We are attracted to wordplays, puns, and negotiations. We are easily distracted. 6 of HeartsA sudden wave of good luck. Someone takes care of you, takes warm interest in you. MAY 21 The Moon spends most of the day in the creative, generous sign of Leo, entering Virgo at 10:03 PM EDT. The Moon is void up until its ingress into The Moon spends the day in the sign of Virgo, turning our attention to the details of our daily lives, health, routines, and work. The Suns sextile to Chiron can bring an opportunity to find a sense of purpose or a mission, increasing our confidence, possibly through our families, business, or projects. The desire to learn and grow through experiences and people in our lives is strong. Problem-solving is favored. King of SpadesDark-haired man; or a man with Air predominating in his chart. An ambitious man, perhaps self-serving. Sexual Astrology: Signs Part 1 3 of SpadesBreaks in relationships. Sometimes indicates that a third person is breaking into a relationship somehow. A common spread involves drawing three cards the first represents the past, the second shows the situation in the present, and the third reveals the outcome or future of the matter. 6 of SpadesSmall changes and improvements. The Void of Course Moon continues until the Moon enters Libra at 2:52 AM EDT. 4 of HeartsTravel, change of home or business. Monthly Astrology Calendars 9 of HeartsThe card of wishes. A wish/dream fulfilled. Look to the card just preceding this one to determine what the querent desires. King of HeartsA fair-haired man with a good nature; or a man with Water signs predominating in his chart. Fair, helpful advice. Affectionate, caring man. This man helps you out without much talk. His actions reveal his kindness and concern. 2 of SpadesBreaks in relationships; deceit. A break in an important process in the querents life. If the question concerns a particular romantic interest, this is considered a warning card infidelity or separation is quite likely. Long before people used cards to play games, they were used to foretell the future. In fact, playing cards were invented for divination purposes. 12jun3:59 pmMercury enters CancerPlanetary Ingress3:59 pmEDTEvent Type :Planetary Ingress 2 of ClubsObstacles to success; malicious gossip. 9 of DiamondsA new business deal; travel; restlessness; a change of residence. Diamonds correspond to the element of earth, and generally signify career, and money issues. 8 of ClubsWork/business problems that may have to do with jealousy. This is generally thought to be quite unfavorable. Mercuryis inCancerfrom June 12-June 29, 2018. When Mercury is in Cancer, we move from the desire for quantity to the need for quality in terms of the information we are attracted to. We think, speak, and take in information on a deeper, more instinctive level now. We have less interest in what is universal, and more interest in what affects us personally and what affects the people around us. Our thoughts are colored by our emotions, so it is more challenging to be objective. First things first, the suits (Hearts, Clubs, Spades, and Diamonds) are associated with the four elements, as follows: WithJupiter forming a trine to Neptune, idealistic and humanitarian goals or impulses surface now. Making connections with others from a different background may figure. Widening our minds through unusual or different experiences can be part of the picture. Practical considerations could take a back seat now. Generosity and compassion increase and our faith is boosted. We more easily make personal sacrifices for what we believe to be the better good. Jupiter forms a trine with Neptune This is the second of three aspects in a set. Jupiter at 16 Scorpio 20 forms a trine aspect with Neptune at 16 Pisces 20. This Dark-haired, confident woman; or a woman with Fire predominating in her chart. She may give you good advice. The Moon is Full in Sagittarius on May 29, 2018, at 10:19 AM EDT. 29may7:48 pmMercury enters GeminiPlanetary Ingress7:48 pmEDTEvent Type :Planetary Ingress The Moon is Full inSagittariusonMay 29, 2018, at 10:19 AM EDT. Spades correspond to the element of air, and generally signify gossip, challenges, messages, and upsets. Try ourLove Oracle, which is based on fortune telling with playing cards. 2018 Dog Horoscopes for Western Signs new! 2018 Planetary Overview 1st: December 2nd, 2017, when Jupiter is at 11 Scorpio 30 and Neptune is at 11 Pisces 30 (first) Jack of ClubsA dark-haired or fiery youth. Popular youth who is good-hearted and playful. Can also indicate an admirer. Yearly Astrology Calendar Interesting Notes About Playing Cards 2 of HeartsA warm partnership or engagement. This is a very favorable card that indicates strength and support coming from a partner. Tonight, at 11:50 PM, the First Quarter Moon occurs when the Sun in Gemini forms a square with the Moon in Virgo. There is a crisis theme surrounding any quarter Moon phase, as we feel compelled to take action. Shortly after, we are made aware of how our actions affect those close to us, perhaps through trial and error. Whatever project or initiative we began around the New Moon is now off the ground, and it may face its first obstacles. We become aware of differences, and as such, it can be a time of stress, clashing, and discord, but also of high energy, motivation, and growth. This is a time when we want to get something going, but we may not know the next step or the exact direction we want it (or us) to take. Jupiter in Scorpio 2017/8 This is thesecond of threeaspects in a set. Jupiter at 16 Scorpio 20 forms a trine aspect with Neptune at 16 Pisces 20. This aspect first perfected in December 2017, and will perfect again in August 2018. Mercury enters Gemini Mercury is in Gemini from May 29-June 12. When Mercury is in Gemini, we are especially communicative, curious, and sociable. Mercury feels right at home in Gemini, one of the signs 4 of SpadesSmall worries, problems. Financial difficulties, personal lows. 29may10:19 amFull Moon – May 29, 2018in Sagittarius10:19 amESTEvent Type :Lunation Fair-haired woman; or a woman with Earth predominating in her chart. A gossip. Jack of HeartsA warm-hearted friend. A fair-haired youth; or a young person with Water signs predominating in his or her chart. Often this points to a younger admirer. Jupiter and Neptune are reaching a trine aspect, exact tomorrow morning, for the second time in a set of three perfections while Jupiter is in Scorpio, the first of which occurred in December 2017, and the final of which will happen in August 2018. Idealistic and humanitarian goals or impulses surface now. Widening our minds through unusual or different experiences can be in focus now. Generosity and compassion increase and our faith lifts up. We more readily make personal sacrifices for what we believe to be the greater good. However, we can also be oblivious to practical considerations under this influence. 3 of DiamondsA legal letter. Be tactful with others in order to avoid disputes. 4 of DiamondsFinancial upswing; an older person may give good advice. Compare House Systems Report 10 of ClubsBusiness success. Good luck with money. A trip taken now may result in a new friend or love interest. Also tonight and very early tomorrow, Mercury opposes Jupiter, semi-squares Chiron, and sextiles Neptune. This combination further increases our desire for ideas, inspiration, or more meaning. We can miss or gloss over technical details and mundane facts and figures at this time. Were stretching our minds now and this is an excellent mental exercise, but we should avoid making commitments until were clear. 8 of DiamondsNew job; change in job situation. The young or the old may find love on a trip. The Moon continues its transit of Virgo until 2:52 AM EDT when it enters Libra. Creating order is the focus with a Libra Moon, not necessarily through tidying or organizing as was the case while the Moon was in Virgo, but rather through pleasing interactions with others and aesthetics in our environment. Were more able to put aside our emotions if it helps us achieve the peace we crave. Decisions do not come easily. Seeing both sides to any given situation is the main reason for hesitation, and fear of losing others approval is another. As a teenager, I came across an old fortune-telling magazine that featured a divination method using a regular deck of playing cards. This method appealed to me because the cards were related to Astrology. In fact, the four suits were associated with the four elements (Fire, Earth, Air, and Water). 2018 Yearly Love Horoscopes Ace of ClubsWealth, prosperity, unexpected money/gain. However, in a difficult spread, this money may disappear almost as quickly as it appears. Ace of SpadesMisfortune; sometimes associated with death or, more often, a difficult ending. Use your own categories, tailored to your question. Planetary Positions Calculations/Report
Gifts, we’ve many selections, practical or fashionable, pick the gifts should cater the alternative party taste, especially festival, we ought to be more conscious of select gifts. Chinese traditional festival, Mid-fall Day is originating, it’s quite common to go to others with gifts in China, right now, the select gift has become acknowledged. For selecting festival gifts, not just comply with the traditional festival theme, although not too common the present ought to not very luxury, but could show the personality and taste optional. Obviously, the need for a gift cannot be measured by money, and also the procurement budget of gifts should be taken into consideration the festival characteristic and tradition mood would be the concepts of choosing gifts could be practical in addition, the greater fashionable the greater, to attracted host’s attention in the first sight, that will not help to love the present. It will likely be considered a perfect gift. Regardless of the business gifts or common gifts, many people select moon cake because the gift is on Mid-fall Day, which means a reunion with a moon cake in China. Normally the moon cakes are utilized to send to customers, partners. Pick the preferred from a lot of cakes brands, to share your truthfulness. The very best chance to talk with others is during vacation. The crafts marked emblem owed to the company, or books, or pens, demonstrated within the customers’ or business partners’ office, towards the customers with depth impress meanwhile to submit company image invisible. Pick the gifts through their national customs when you’re in contacting foreigners. Read also: Advantages Of Getting Ombre Hair if he’s Japanese, it’s no matter the gifts whether costly, send gifts to Japanese, need to find the appropriate gifts. Chinese writing brush, famous calligraphy, handicraft yet others are most widely used with Japanese, and learn how big calligraphy, not very big. If he’s Arab, the model vivid woodcarving either the stone carving animal, the antique porcelain insulator, the brocade or even the aromatic wood fan, traditional Chinese painting have attracted the scenery flower-and-bird and also the tang empire tricolored glazed pottery, are recognition presents using the top quality in Arab. The above because the reference, the sensible gifts also should have thought about, as an example the chic cookers, a workplace supplies and so forth. In case your partner or buddies has trouble slimming down, you are able to choose the practical and straightforward equipment. So far as I’m concerned, gifts to women could select hair straighter, it’s appropriate on their behalf. In short, before selecting the gifts, comprehend the opposite party what actually need, need not probably the most costly, however the most practical. Obviously, the trendy gifts are also written among the list of purchasing. The upscale brand pen to the opposite party, elegant and classic, is appropriate for buddies. And also the Zippo, is extremely common as a fashionable gift recently, every number of Zippo has a collection valuation.
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We investigated the gas-phase chemical composition of biomass burning (BB) emissions and their role in aqueous secondary organic aerosol (aqSOA) formation through photochemical cloud processing. A high-resolution time-of-flight chemical ionization mass spectrometer using iodide reagent ion chemistry detected more than 100 gas-phase compounds from the emissions of 30 different controlled burns during the 2016 Fire Influence on Regional and Global Environments Experiment (FIREX) at the Fire Science Laboratory. Compounds likely to partition to cloudwater were selected based on high atomic oxygen-to-carbon ratio and abundance. Water solubility was confirmed by detection of these compounds in water after mist chamber collection during controlled burns and analysis using ion chromatography and electrospray ionization interfaced to high-resolution time-of-flight mass spectrometry. Known precursors of aqSOA were found in the primary gaseous BB emissions (e.g., phenols, acetate, and pyruvate). Aqueous OH oxidation of the complex biomass burning mixtures led to rapid depletion of many compounds (e.g., catechol, levoglucosan, methoxyphenol) and formation of others (e.g., oxalate, malonate, mesoxalate). After 150 min of oxidation (approximatively 1 day of cloud processing), oxalate accounted for 13-16% of total dissolved organic carbon. Formation of known SOA components suggests that cloud processing of primary BB emissions forms SOA.
Dragon Burning Bright He leaned close, his mouth by my ear, his breath tickling my neck. “When we’re done with the next kiss, you won’t even remember your name.” I moved back and arched an eyebrow. “Oh really?” “It only gets hotter from here.” “And the kiss after that, you’ll be begging me, Adara.” “For what?” I whispered the question. “For what only I can give you.” Endre came close again, and I tried to back away, but found the cave at my back. He crowded me, forcing me into the jagged rock wall. “After this, I don’t think we’ll be able to stop at just kissing, do you?” “We can’t just fall into bed together. That’s crazy.” “No. Not crazy. It’s the magic of fate and fire. I’ll play by your rules for now, but keeping me at a distance doesn’t change anything. I’m yours and you’re mine. Our flames will rise as one someday.” ~*~ USA Today and NY Times bestselling author Michelle Fox makes spontaneous human combustion sexy in a steamy new romance! ~*~ Adara Brenton thinks she’s an average girl: single and dreaming of romance. Also? In need of a job. As it turns out, horking up fireballs at work is the fast track to unemployment. See, in her family, spontaneous human combustion is genetic…like red hair, only, you know, fatal, and now it’s her turn to burn. Endre Felman has lived deep inside a mountain for centuries, adding to his hoard and looking for his mate. Meeting Adara before she goes up in smoke gives him hope, but convincing her dragons are real, that he’s the dragon of her heart, and keeping her alive through what’s to come proves to be more difficult than he ever imagined. In the end, they may both burn to ash because no dragon lives forever without love. No cliffhanger. HEA ending. Uncaged Review: This is a short read and quite an original take on the dragon shifter world. Adara is starting to burp up fireballs, and believes that it won’t be long and she will follow in her past relatives shoes and burn to death with spontaneous human combustion, but the problem is getting worse…lucky for her, Endre finds her – but she will need to believe before he can save them both. Even in the relatively short amount of space this story takes place in, the reader gets a good feel for the characters and their world. The epilogue in the back sealed the story up nicely. Reviewed by Cyrene
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Overview of Dwayne Atkins Dwayne Atkins was a 28 year old father of two living in New Orleans, LA in 2011. Dwayne was born and raised in New Orleans, LA. He graduated from Walter L. Cohen High School and was working temp jobs with his mother and her husband at the time of his death. Dwayne was the CEO of his own music production company, Beast Mode LLC, which he started in January of 2010. Dwayne loved taking his oldest son to football and basketball practice. Dwayne did have a criminal history. He had previously served time for cocaine possession and he had been indicted on second-degree murder charges, but they were later dropped. According to Dwayne’s mother, Leta, he was turning his life around. He was no longer involved in drugs or violence and was focusing more on his family and company. "He was a good son that loved his family." Leta Atkins, Dwayne’s mother. Dwayne was shot to death in his home in August of 2011. On August 20, 2011, Dwayne was shot several times in his New Orleans, LA home. When authorities arrived, Dwayne was pronounced deceased, with several gunshot wounds to his face, neck, back, and chest. Where the case stands today. Dwayne’s case has gone unsolved for more than 11 years. His mother, Leta, notes in interviews that he did have enemies from his past when he was criminally involved, specifically that some of his former acquaintances were unwilling to allow Dwayne to leave the lifestyle easily. Regardless, Dwayne and his family deserve justice. "He did have enemies. He was trying to do the right thing and change his lifestyle." - Leta Atkins, Dwayne’s mother. If you have any information regarding Dwayne's murder, please contact Crime Stoppers of Greater New Orleans at (504) 822-1111 or submit your tip through their online tip form.
Action for Peacekeeping: Digital transformation underway in UNFICYP In December, UNFICYP became the first United Nations peacekeeping mission to receive enhanced situational awareness capabilities with the launch of the Unite Aware technical platform and redesign of the Joint Operations Centre. Designed to enhance the near real-time data capabilities of missions, Unite Aware consolidates existing systems into a single point of access for mission personnel. It incorporates patrol planning, incident reporting, real-time asset tracking and multilayer mapping tools in a user-friendly interface. The platform was well-received by Mission personnel at training sessions, with John Culleton, an Assistant Sector Civil Affairs Police Liaison Officer, remarking: “It is very user-friendly, and the access to the information available is a lot easier to obtain than in the current system. Where before you would need a screen for every application in support of data entry and cross-comparison/integration, now the information is easier to obtain without having to go search for it.” Captain Gaston Figueras, one of UNFICYP’s Military Observer and Liaison Officers, highlighted the platform’s capacity to “significantly improve and reduce the time it takes to make different reports,” with the new system meaning that “all the steps for the elaboration of the reports and info-reports are even simpler and faster since you can create a map in a short period because the map is already integrated.” To ensure its smooth implementation, the Mission also counted on support from the Field Technology Service and the Engineering section. David Wilkins, Chief of FTS, stated that: “Unite Aware brings a unified, centralised UN standard common operating picture and integrated data platform that will truly benefit all mission components to meet their mandated activities. Mission Support is fully supporting this initiative through leveraging and unifying current and future technologies into this platform. The collaborative effort in delivering a state-of-the-art Joint Operations Centre is testament to our commitment to this initiative.” Unite Aware’s roll-out is part of peacekeeping’s Enhancing Situational Awareness programme. This innovation initiative aims to improve the situational awareness capabilities of missions, as prioritised in the Strategy for the Digital Transformation of UN Peacekeeping. Following the handover of responsibilities to mission staff, the Situational Awareness Team will turn its attention to future implementations of the programme – exploring potential deployments of the Unite Aware platform to other peacekeeping missions. The vision for deeper internal capacities and exposure to new technologies comes as part of the Action for Peacekeeping Plus (A4P+) initiative. The overarching goal of this digital transformation is to enable UNFICYP to implement its mandate more effectively and to enhance the safety and security of peacekeepers by harnessing the potential of digital technologies as well as mitigate risks, while positioning peacekeeping to continue to evolve in its use of technology.
Biographies & Memoirs What's your family's story? Outstanding families and inspirational figures have changed the economic and physical landscape of Iowa. Are you interested in writing the story of your family business? Is there a prominent leader from your family whose life you'd be interested in putting on paper? We are now offering biography and memoir services! Why should you document your story? - If you have 3+ generations involved, you want to document the family stories and business legacy for future generations to understand how you've made decisions and recognize key moments. - Let's cement your predecessor’s legacy. The outgoing generation has unlimited wisdom to share. Let's learn from their experiences. - If you have a major milestone like a business anniversary coming up, this is the perfect opportunity to share your story with family, non-family employees and the community you're a part of. - At the end of this process, you will receive a narrative about your family’s business and its history and the story of how you’ve shaped the Iowa economy. Katie and Kristen are teaming up to publish your story! Together, we'll identify your story and develop a plan to research and share the history of your business and how it shaped the wider community (and world!). This will culminate in a special heirloom that you can pass on for generations to come. Connect with Katie to start the conversation.
You will be responsible for assisting and supporting our feed trials and harvest team as a part of our Hideaway Bay zone. All net, pen, and mooring setup, maintenance, equipment installation, and fish transfers are included. You will also be required to assist with feed trials, feeding fish, maintaining feeding equipment, fish health checks, environmental monitoring, predator activity monitoring, and assisting in other areas of the zone as needed, as well as participate in all other areas of Zone management as needed. Details About Farm Attendant Jobs in Finland with Visa Sponsorship: - Job no: 493051 - Organization: Huon Aquaculture - Work type: Full Time - Location: Dover TAS - Categories: On-water Marine Farm ABOUT HUON AQUACULTURE: We are happy to be recognized as a Tasmanian employer of choice, with a strong focus on quality, innovation, and offering career advancement and opportunity for our people. We employ over 1,000 brilliant individuals across Australia. It takes a special sort to be the finest. This unique quality is shared by everyone at Huon. In everything we do, we strive for perfection. We are Australia’s only RSPCA-accredited fish producer, selling over 38,000 tonnes of salmon globally and pioneering revolutionary farming technologies. Candidates who are successful will have: - A coxswain’s license is preferred, but not required. - A keen eye for detail and the capacity to operate under pressure - Excellent communication abilities - The ability to operate as part of a small team is preferred but not required. Experience in aquaculture, marine farming, or working on the sea is preferred but not required. When you apply, you must provide a copy of your driver’s license. The ability to work safely while maintaining Huon’s values is an essential prerequisite of this role. The selected individual must be able to establish and maintain positive working relationships with important stakeholders. It is preferable to be familiar with workplace health and safety rules. Benefits of Farm Attendant Jobs in Finland with Visa Sponsorship: - Legal Work Authorization: Visa sponsorship assures that you have the legal right to live and work in Finland, giving international workers peace of mind and security. - Job Stability: In Finland, the demand for farm attendants stays stable, leading to job stability. Agriculture is a vital industry, and there is always a demand for personnel to help with agricultural production and animal care. - Wages and Benefits: Farm attendants often earn competitive wages and benefits, assuring fair rewards for their hard work and dedication. - Hands-On Experience: Working on a farm gives you important hands-on experience in different parts of agriculture, such as animal care, crop management, and farm equipment operation. This hands-on experience may be useful for future employment options. - Diverse Responsibilities: Farm attendants perform a variety of responsibilities, which keeps the job exciting and varied. Feeding animals, planting and harvesting crops, and maintaining farm equipment are all examples of responsibilities. - Nature Connection: Farm work helps people to connect with nature and the changing seasons. It allows you to appreciate the natural environment and agricultural cycles. - Community Engagement: Rural communities in Finland are frequently close-knit and supportive. Farm workers can become valuable members of their communities, promoting a sense of belonging and togetherness. - Contribution to Food Supply: Farm attendants play an important part in the production of food for both the local and global populations. They help to feed people by contributing to crop and livestock output. - Access to Fresh Produce: Farm Attendants may have access to fresh produce, such as fruits, vegetables, and dairy products, which can be a substantial benefit for individuals who appreciate locally sourced and fresh food. - Physical Activity: Farm work is physically demanding, encouraging an active and healthy lifestyle. It frequently entails outside labor, which allows for exercise and fresh air. - Sustainable Farming: Many farms in Finland stress ecologically friendly and sustainable farming practices. Working on such farms can be gratifying for people who are interested in sustainability and conservation. - Learning Opportunities: Farm attendants are constantly learning about agriculture, animal husbandry, and crop management. This knowledge can be useful for those who want to work in agriculture or a similar field. - Cultural Immersion: International workers can learn about Finnish culture, traditions, and rural life. This cultural exchange can be enriching and informative about the local way of life. - Career Advancement: Farm attendants with devotion and experience may be able to advance their careers in the agricultural sector, potentially advancing into supervisory or management jobs. - Environmental Awareness: Working on farms that focus on sustainability can help enhance environmental awareness and promote responsible land management methods. Read Also: Check Also: Unskilled Jobs in Finland For Foreigners with Visa Sponsorship LIKE WHAT YOU SEE? We use agile recruitment methods and will contact qualified candidates as soon as we have assessed their applications, with the goal of moving forward together. Preferred candidates must pass a pre-employment medical and urine drug test. - Humility – Be helpful and considerate. Be respectful. Put the team ahead of yourself. Consider other people’s perspectives. - Ownership – Take responsibility for your actions. Pay attention to the subtleties. Accept responsibility. - Sincerity – Sincerity entails being straight, honest, and transparent. Express yourself respectfully. Know how to say no while remaining positive and offering answers - Discipline – Be on time. Keep your promises. Produce results. Make no mistakes. - Simplicity – Be practical and keep things simple. Concentrate on what is important. Utilize a hands-on approach. Avoid red tape. - Availability – Availability entails being receptive and open. Always be ready and eager to take on new tasks. - Determination – Be tenacious in your pursuit. Produce outstanding results. Develop a sense of urgency. Make something happen. For More Info: Email Your CV, and We’ll Find the Best Pathway For you: firstname.lastname@example.org Jobs as a farm attendant in Finland that help you get a visa are a unique mix of farm work, beautiful nature, and foreign experience. If you love gardening and want to see Finland’s beautiful countryside, this could be the job for you. Start planning your trip to Finland and get ready for an exciting journey in the heart of Scandinavia. People Also Ask: Is it easy to get PR in Finland? The time needed depends on your conditions; generally, it is at least 4-7 years. You haven’t done anything illegal. You have a source of income in Finland (e.g., a job) and a minimum of accessible skills in Finnish or Swedish. Can I get a job in Finland from Pakistan? For working in Finland, citizens of countries that are not part of the European Union (EU), Norway, Switzerland, Iceland, and Liechtenstein must submit an application for a residence permit. The kind of permit your employees will require will be determined by the nature of their job for your organization. Is Finland giving a work permit? You can submit an application for a work permit if you have completed a degree in Finland and hold an active permit to reside for studies. If you were previously awarded a residence permit on other grounds, the ability to work may be included. Sara Thomas is an accomplished author and a leading expert in unskilled jobs and opportunities for newbies. With a passion for empowering individuals with limited experience, she has dedicated her career to providing valuable insights and guidance for those seeking entry-level positions in various industries.
TikTok is the new behemoth in the social media world and it holds incredible potential for brands of all sizes. If you’re looking to get your products in front of your target audience and drive conversions at scale, TikTok advertising is the only tool you need. But what results should you expect to see from your campaigns? Are the numbers you need to hit realistic? And how does your current performance stack up against industry averages? In this article, we’ll walk you through all things TikTok benchmarks, giving you a baseline to motivate your team and drive future performance. Let’s jump in. As a specialist TikTok ads agency we can help you with your campaigns just get in touch for a free consultation. What are Benchmarks for TikTok Ads? Benchmarks are a crucial part of any marketing strategy, and TikTok advertising is no exception. Benchmarks are a set of metrics used by marketers as an indication of past performance, so they can judge how their strategies are performing against competitors. Some of the most commonly-used metrics for TikTok benchmarks include: Click-through rate (CTR): this is calculated by dividing the number of clicks an ad receives by the number of impressions the ad gets (the number of times it’s shown), then multiplying the result by 100. Cost per click (CPC): this is used to measure the cost you pay each time someone clicks on your ad. On Pay-Per-Click (PPC) platforms like Google Ads, this is usually a fixed amount. However, on platforms like TikTok where you typically pay for impressions, the higher your CTR, the lower your CPC. This serves as an important measure of advertising effectiveness and cost efficiency. Cost per Mille (CPM): “Mille” is Latin for “thousand”. So, Cost per Mille shows the amount you have to spend in order to get 1,000 ad impressions (the number of times the ad is viewed). CPM can be calculated by dividing the total cost of your TikTok advertising campaign by the total number of impressions it receives. CPM is usually used in display and video advertising to show how a campaign is performing at scale. Conversion Rate (CVR): This is one of the most used metrics in digital marketing. It’s used to measure the overall effectiveness of an ad campaign, landing page, email, or piece of content with the goal of driving action. CVR is calculated by taking the number of conversions by the total number of content views (typically clicks or visits), then multiplying the result by 100 to get the CVR percentage. A high conversion rate indicates strong-performing content. Return on Ad Spend (ROAS): this is a metric used in TikTok advertising to quantify the value of conversions driven from an ad campaign against the amount spent on the ads. It’s similar to ROI, but is usually shown as a decimal. For example, a 167% ROI would be shown as a 1.67 ROAS. Engagement rate (ER): this is a metric used on TikTok to measure the number of people who are interacting with your content. This includes commenting, liking, sharing and adding to favourites. The Importance of Benchmarks Benchmarks are crucial to tracking the performance of your TikTok advertising campaigns. Some of the reasons marketers set benchmarks for their TikTok ads include: - Goal setting: by establishing benchmarks, you’ll have a standard point of reference which you can use to measure the performance of your campaigns. This will help you to set specific, realistic and achievable goals for future marketing efforts. - Performance measurement: benchmarks give you a clear way of measuring the success of your campaigns. They allow you to compare your current performance not just against your previous results, but also against industry and competitor standards, giving you valuable insight into how well your campaigns are performing. - Identifying areas for improvement: by stacking up your results against benchmarks, you’ll be able to see clearly where you have room to improve. - Better decision making: By showing you the return you’re getting for your time investment, they’ll help you to make better decisions moving forward. - Fresh motivation and accountability: Benchmarks are a brilliant way of motivating marketing teams, as well as holding team members accountable for the results of their campaigns. If you’re advertising or pushing organic content on TikTok, benchmarks are going to help you boost performance and gain an advantage over your competitors. TikTok CTR Benchmarks in 2023 CTR gives you an understanding of how relevant your ad is to your audience, as well as how engaging it is, by showing the percentage of viewers who click through to the next stage in your funnel. TikTok doesn’t release data on platform-wide CTRs, but based on an average of sources across the internet, you should aim for a CTR of 1.5% on your In-Feed Ads. Once you’ve hit that, set your sights for campaigns that drive over 2% and you’ll see your cost-per-acquisition decrease significantly. Note: If you’ve got the budget to spend on Takeover or Top-View Ads, which are more expensive than In-Feed Ads, you should shoot for a higher CTR of 14% and 8.5% respectively. Conversion Rate Benchmarks in 2023 Conversion rate is arguably one of the most important benchmarks for TikTok Ads, and it’s the one many marketers will look to as a means of judging their campaign success. There are endless factors which can influence the conversion rate of a TikTok campaign which can make standard benchmark figures a little misleading. However, you should aim for a conversion rate of around 3.5%. US lifestyle brand Nolan Bros managed to hit this number with their In-Feed Ads campaign, which was focused on driving high-quality traffic to their site to maximise conversions. By using cold advertising to gather data for retargeting, Nolan Bros managed to achieve a 3.4% CVR overall, with an impressive $0.21 CPC. CPM Benchmarks in 2023 Much like CTR and CR, there’s an endless amount of factors that can influence your CPM on TikTok. These include: - Audience: the demographics of your audience, including age and interest - Geolocation: the location of your audience, because CPMs generally scale in line with audience purchasing power. - Ad quality: the higher the quality of your ad, the lower your CPC and CPM. - Time of year: CPM varies depending on the time of year, with the highest costs coming in around the holiday season. - Ad placement: Different ad placements on TikTok can impact your CPM. - Campaign goal: TikTok values the reach of certain campaign goals higher than others. If you’re aiming to drive traffic, your CPM will be lower than if you’re focusing purely on conversions. From trawling data across the web, we’ve seen CPMs as low as $2 for beauty and lifestyle, and as high as $20,000 for industries like legal. It’s important to bear in mind that a higher CPM isn’t always a bad thing, as it can be a sign that you’re reaching a more relevant audience. Your ultimate goal with TikTok ads should be your conversion rate and ROAS, so try to focus your attention on those benchmarks over CPM. ROAS Benchmarks in 2023 ROAS is a more detailed stat than conversion rate, because it takes into account the value of the sales your ads have generated. Key factors that can influence your ROAS on TikTok include: - Ad quality: your creative will be one of the biggest influencers on your ROAS. - Target audience: the more dialled in your targeting, the higher ROAS you’ll see. - Perceived value: if you can clearly demonstrate the value your audience will get from your product or service, you’re likely to achieve a higher ROAS. - Pricing strategy: Test your pricing to find the sweet spot between conversions and profit margin. - Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV): Focus your funnel on more than just acquisition. If you can drive a second sale via email automation, your ROAS will dramatically improve. - Landing page quality: well-designed landing pages that match the context and form of the ads they’re linked to produce higher ROAS. We’ve mentioned that a decent conversion rate on TikTok is 3.5%, but you should aim for a ROAS of 3 or above to make sure you’re left with enough margin after costs to make TikTok ads a profitable and scalable channel. CPC Benchmarks in 2023 The minimum CPC available on TikTok is as low as $0.02, but unless you’re giving away free money, you’ll need to set your sights a little higher than this. In 2023, the average CPC on TikTok sits at around £0.39-£0.80. That means, with a monthly ad spend of £3,000, you should expect to drive between 3,750-7,700 visitors to your website each month. If you can hit a 3.5% conversion rate as we mentioned above, that should generate anywhere from 135-270 sales. At an Average Order Value of £40, this would drive around £5,0000-£10,000 in revenue. Engagement Rate Benchmarks in 2023 TikTok is the new kid on the block and the go-to for many marketers because of its extreme engagement potential, where users are dialled in and ready to engage with the video content you put in front of them. Find the right content type or jump on the right trend, and your content can quickly go viral. Depending on your following, you should expect to see between 3% and 9% engagement rate on TikTok. If you’re performing under 3%, it’s worth taking steps to improve your content. How to Improve TikTok Ad Performance While TikTok holds incredible potential for brands, simply being on the platform doesn’t guarantee success. So, if after launching your campaigns you don’t manage to hit the benchmarks we’ve shared above, take the following steps to improve your performance: - Dial in your audience If your audience targeting isn’t on-point, you’re spending budget to get your ads seen by people who aren’t relevant to your offering. So, if your ads are underperforming, the first step you need to take is to dial in your audience. This comes twofold – persona building, then targeting. First off, you need to map out who your ideal customer is, and what they look like in demographic form. How old are they, what are their motivators, what problems do they face – all of this is powerful ammunition for your advertising strategy. Next, it’s time to adapt that demographic to audience targeting. For example, if you’re trying to target gym lovers, testing an age group from 18-35 with fitness-related interests will be a good starting point. - Polish your creative TikTok is first and foremost an entertainment platform, and your ad creatives need to follow that theme, too. Jump on popular TikTok trends, use trending audio in your ads, or harness the power of storytelling and humour to grab your audience’s attention. Keep your ads short and snappy, with fast transitions every few seconds to keep your audience watching. - A/B test continuously As with any advertising platform, you can’t take a set-and-forget approach to your TikTok campaigns. If you want them to work, you’ll need to continuously test and optimise to improve performance. Try out fresh creatives, split-test your landing pages, and trial different TikTok ad formats to see what moves the needle in the right direction. Repeat this process regularly to move your campaign performance in the right direction. - Partner with influencers TikTok has a built-in creator marketplace which makes finding relevant influencers a breeze. By partnering with creators on TikTok, you can get engaging, authentic content for your ads that shows real people experiencing your products. This User Generated Content is a powerful tool for selling and holds significant conversion potential. If you want to motivate creators to promote your products, TikTok also has a native affiliate platform. This allows you to offer creators a commission on each sale they drive, with an interface that tracks the entire process – from sample requests all the way through to content creation and conversions.
Bounty Hunter returns, and we discuss is this what has been needed all along to revive pvp and the wilderness? Plus Bounty Hunter mechanics, tactics, and the return of pures?!? Hosts: Shane and Mr. Bistro No game update this week, that means an all questions episode for you to enjoy! King Kulla and I discuss whether certain companies are evil, the evilness of bots, and the evilness of some teachers that may be perceived. Hosts: Shane, and King Kulla Full show notes may be found here. Jason joins Brad and myself this week. We discuss Jagex’s Golden Joystick Award and we also answer the usual listener questions. Also note, no backyard gardens caught fire 😉
Trump Called Veterans & POWs ‘Losers’ & ‘Suckers,’ Top Military Leaders Say On Thursday, The Atlantic released a report from anonymous military sources that President Donald Trump called Americans who die in wars “losers” and “suckers.” The White House has been quick to refute this report, but Trump’s own words from 2015 belie the denial. In 2015, Trump said on camera that the late Sen. John McCain is “not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.” The McCain was a prisoner of war for over five years during the Vietnamese War in rough conditions, beaten and tortured at prison camps. “The Atlantic Magazine is dying, like most magazines, so they make up a fake story in order to gain some relevance,” Trump said on Twitter on Friday. He acknowledged that he was “never a big fan of John McCain” but denied that he ever called him a “loser.” Trump swore on “whatever, or whoever, I was asked to swear on, that I never called our great fallen soldiers anything other than HEROES. This is more made up Fake News given by disgusting & jealous failures in a disgraceful attempt to influence the 2020 Election!” A week of political news in your in-box. We find the news you need to know, so you don't have to. Trump further attempted to take credit for McCain’s funeral by saying that he had to approve the first class funeral and that he did so “without hesitation or complaint.” However, according to three sources in The Atlantic article, Trump told his senior staff that “we’re not going to support that loser’s funeral.” Trump was not invited to the funeral. Trump had actually called McCain a loser, albeit in the context of losing an election. The Atlantic story attributed Trump’s cancellation of a visit to the Aisne-Marne American Cemetery in 2018 was because “he feared his hair would become disheveled.” Fox News countered that the next day, Trump stood outside in the rain at a different cemetery, honoring fallen veterans. Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden stated that “If the revelations in today’s Atlantic article are true, then they are yet another marker of how deeply President Trump and I disagree about the role of the President of the United States.” Leave a comment Get the most-revealing celebrity conversations with the uInterview podcast!
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If any provision of these Terms is or becomes invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect the validity, legality and enforceability of any other provision shall not be affected or impaired in any way thereby.
February 22, 2022 Construction is historically an environmentally damaging industry. As the fight against climate change gains momentum, the sector must embrace more sustainable practices. Materials manufacturing is an easily overlookable but critical part of that transformation. Many efforts to reduce construction’s environmental impact prioritize on-site improvements. While zero-emissions equipment and waste reduction strategies are crucial, sustainability is complex, involving far more factors than construction work itself. The manufacturers that produce building materials must also improve for the industry to become truly sustainable. Material Manufacturing’s Role in Construction Sustainability Construction is responsible for 38% of greenhouse gas emissions globally. Some of that comes from building operations after construction, but embodied carbon – emissions from the construction process – is a considerable part of it. Likewise, materials account for a significant portion of embodied carbon. Manufacturing common construction materials typically involves considerable energy expenditure. Since most energy today comes from fossil fuels, that translates into substantial greenhouse gas emissions. As a result, 23% of global emissions come from steel, aluminum, and concrete alone. While not all of that goes to construction, much of it does. Reducing construction’s carbon footprint means reducing embodied carbon, and much of that falls to material manufacturers. Thankfully, several new solutions have emerged for these manufacturers to improve their sustainability. Here are six possible ways material manufacturing can reduce construction’s environmental impact. Using Recycled Materials in Concrete One of the most critical materials to address is concrete. Cement – concrete’s main ingredient – is responsible for 8% of CO2 emissions, and concrete remains one of the most popular materials in the industry. One way manufacturers can reduce concrete’s carbon footprint is to incorporate recycled materials in its production. Many plastics are easily recyclable, and manufacturers can use these as filler in concrete. Drying and pulverizing plastics creates a fine powder ideal for this application, and using more of it will reduce how much cement manufacturers use. Consequently, cement’s large carbon footprint doesn’t affect concrete’s footprint as drastically. Alternatively, materials manufacturers can use old concrete from demolition rubble as an aggregate for mixing new concrete. This may provide more strength than plastics while still reducing demand for new cement. Novel Cement Alternatives Another way to mitigate cement’s carbon footprint is to replace it entirely. Manufacturers can transition to producing cement-free concrete instead, helping the construction industry move away from environmentally damaging materials. Several novel materials offer comparable strength to traditional concrete without its high carbon footprint. Ferrock, a combination of iron dust, fly ash, metakaolin, and limestone, is one of the most promising alternatives. This material is five times stronger than cement, is far more flexible, and doesn’t carry cement’s environmental cost. Nearly all its components can come from recycled waste from standard construction processes. The downside to these new materials is their limited accessibility, which also typically means high prices. However, as demand for green building materials rises, these concerns will fade, and cement alternative production can scale up. Hydrogen-Powered Steel Mills Some solutions have less to do with the actual material in question and more with its production. Metals like steel are near-endlessly recyclable, but smelting them – even from recycled materials – involves considerable energy consumption. Some steel mills have addressed this by transitioning to clean energy like hydrogen. In 2021, a Swedish metal company became the first to produce fossil fuel-free steel, using hydrogen as its sole power source. Since hydrogen produces no carbon emissions when it burns, it’s an ideal alternative to natural gas, coal, and other fossil fuels. While many facilities today use fossil fuels to extract pure hydrogen, this company relied on green hydrogen. Green hydrogen uses renewable energy sources like wind and solar to power the hydrogen extraction process. That way, the fuel is entirely emissions-free, from production to end-use. Considering steel accounts for 9% of CO2 emissions, transitioning to green hydrogen could substantially impact construction’s sustainability. Material origins are another easy-to-overlook factor that plays into embodied carbon. Transportation is responsible for 29% of greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S., so transporting raw materials across vast distances is environmentally harmful. Relying on more local sources can help material manufacturers reduce these emissions. If manufacturing processes happen closer to the mines where their raw materials come from, they’ll require less transportation. This will both improve costs and reduce transport-related emissions. Naturally, not every facility can be close to every type of mine, so manufacturers must also consider what’s available in their area. Facilities could analyze what resources are closest to them to find what materials they could produce to minimize transportation emissions. This will likely result in initial disruption and increased specialization, but the environmental benefits could be substantial. Another alternative with promising environmental benefits is cross-laminated timber (CLT). CLT involves gluing layers of wood together at alternating 90-degree angles. This lamination technique makes the lumber far stronger than traditional planks, making it a potential replacement for concrete and steel structures. While logging isn’t emissions-free, it generates far less greenhouse gas emissions than steel or concrete production. Trees can also regrow quickly enough to be a renewable resource, especially if manufacturers source from sustainable tree farms. Wood is also a natural carbon sink. One five-story lumber building can store 180 kilograms of carbon per square meter. CLT lets manufacturers provide those environmental benefits while avoiding wood’s traditional weaknesses. Producing this material would help encourage the construction industry to embrace more sustainable building practices. Nanotechnology, which deals with materials less than 100 nanometers in size, also shows environmental potential. At this tiny scale, materials can exhibit unusual physical and chemical properties, such as becoming stronger or better at conducting heat. These properties can make some materials more eco-friendly. For example, using nano-clay in brick production can make bricks 4.8 times stronger than traditional options. Bricks could then become a more reliable construction material for larger projects, helping construction move away from materials with larger carbon footprints like steel and concrete. Concrete with nanoparticle-based aggregates is more easily recyclable, helping reduce the industry’s reliance on virgin cement. Similarly, nanoparticles can make steel more corrosion-resistant, letting even recycled steel last longer and reducing the need for fresh metal. Green Construction Starts With Materials Manufacturing The construction industry has a long road ahead of it before it can call itself truly sustainable. Materials manufacturing will prove an essential part of that journey, as buildings’ embodied carbon must decline. If materials manufacturers embrace these sustainability initiatives, they can help the construction sector remediate some of its longest-standing problems. These six solutions are not a definitive list, but are some of the most promising answers to material manufacturing’s sustainability challenges. As going green becomes increasingly important, materials manufacturers should consider these options and similar paths to reduce their products’ embodied carbon.
Fujitsu Frontech North America, a provider of innovative technology and front-end solutions announced today that John “Jack” A. Hamilton will be speaking at the at HIMSS19 Global Conference & Exhibition, in the Fujitsu booth #2721 on February 12-14, 2019 at the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Florida. Mr. Hamilton, now with Positek RFID, will be speaking on the necessity for Hospitals and Clinics to track their garments, scrubs, and linens to assure compliance with current regulations as well as reducing loss and improving a hospital’s bottom line through improvement in efficiency of inventory tracking. Bringing more than 35 years of professional experience to the company, Hamilton has overseen the development and management of large scale projects involving deployment of RFID solutions in both Healthcare Linen Suppliers and large and small hospital laundries. Mr. Hamilton has implemented RFID solutions for healthcare linen laundry and in-hospital linen management. He has directed the research, development and production of medical products, supplies, equipment, instrumentation and related services during his career as an industry subject matter expert for sterilized surgical linens and the processing of surgical and healthcare textiles. Prior to joining Positek RFID, Hamilton was the chief technology officer at Angelica Corporation, a leader in healthcare linen and medical laundry services. Hamilton also served as senior vice president of product development for SRI Surgical Inc. He has also held leadership roles in the Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation and is a past member of the American Society for Quality. Hamilton has a degree in Biological Science from the University of Delaware and has completed Lean Six Sigma Black Belt training.
I am designing a map using Google Maps API that allows a potential company to check off boxes based on skill set (currently active), interest areas, and languages. Each column will have around 15-30 checkboxes. Before programming further, I wanted to get some opinions on an elegant way to handle multiple columns of checkboxes. Take a look at the current implementation here: http://dreaminginswahili.com/admin/mapv4.html Or this picture: Remember, after the skill menu, I'm going to have another column that has checkboxes of interest areas, and another that has checkboxes of languages. I can't conceive of a way to beautifully render these data choices though. Maybe a scrolling window on the right pane? Second problem: There are simply too many languages to enumerate all of them. What's a better way to conveniently select languages of interest?
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 29, 2019 Loudoun County, VA- Detectives with the Loudoun County Sheriff’s Office have arrested two Washington, DC men in connection with an auto theft and commercial burglary in Ashburn. On March 21, 2019, at approximately 4:13 a.m., LCSO deputies responded to the AT&T store located in the 43000 block of Junction Plaza for a report of a burglary. It was determined the suspects’ forced entry into the store and stole a safe before fleeing the area prior to the arrival of law enforcement. During the investigation it was determined the suspects drove a Ford pickup, later determined to have been stolen from 20000 block of Isherwood Terrace in Ashburn. The suspects were later apprehended in Washington D.C. with the assistance of the Metropolitan Police Department. The suspects were identified as David J. Walker., Jr., 33 and Harold D. Castle, 30, both of Washington D.C. Walker and Castle were both arrested and charged with Auto Theft, Conspiracy to Commit an Auto Theft, Burglary, and Conspiracy to Commit a Burglary, Grand Larceny, and Conspiracy to Commit a Grand Larceny. Walker is being held at the Loudoun County Adult Detention Center without bond and Castle is being held at the DC Central Detention Facility pending extradition to Virginia.
Whether you’re just visiting Napa Valley or you’re new in town and looking for the best pastries, the Napa area has a wide variety of delectable bakeries to choose from! Ranging from simple fresh donuts and freshly baked artisan breads to elaborate creations that will leave you wanting more, the best Napa Valley bakeries are just waiting for you to experience them. What are the best Napa Valley bakeries? - The Model Bakery - Sweetie Pies - Bouchon Bakery - Butter Cream Bakery & Diner - Ca’ Momi - Joey’s Bakery - Bella Bakery You’re in luck because Napa Valley has a variety of options for bakeries that provide the freshest, tastiest treats around. This list of seven should get you Whether you’re just looking for a convenient place to grab a yummy pastry on the go or you need a custom cake baked for a celebration, these Napa Valley bakeries have everything you could want. Freshly made English muffins or croissants for breakfast, artisanal bread for gourmet sandwiches at lunch time, and desserts that simply take the cake. Read on to find out about each one—you won’t want to miss out on any of them! The Model Bakery A Napa Valley mainstay, The Model Bakery has been serving locals and visitors alike for over 25 years. The brand now offers three different locations in the Napa area including St. Helena, Oxbow Public Market, and Yountville. It probably doesn’t hurt their popularity that their world-famous English muffins were recently featured on Oprah’s Favorite Things List. For a tasty option, enjoy your baked good with a blend of coffee flavors from Stumptown Coffee Roasters. Locations: 1357 Main St., St. Helena CA 94574; Oxbow Market, 644 1st St, Napa CA 94559; 6523 Washington St., Yountville CA 94559 Specialties: French pastries, scones, croissants, and Morning Glory muffins are all favorites Hours: St. Helena (M-S 6:30 am-5 pm; Sun 7 am-5 pm) Oxbow (M-TH 6:30 am-5:30 pm; F 6:30 am-6 pm; S-S 7 am-6 pm) Yountville (M 6:30 am-12 noon; T closed; W-F 6:30 am-12 noon; SS 6:30 am-1 pm) Insider Tip: Stop by the Oxbow Market location in the afternoon and you might find yourself lucky enough to take advantage of the “late bake” with a warm baguette Sweetie Pies is a nationally acclaimed bakery nestled in the history Napa Mill is located in the heart of the Valley and has been serving the good folks of the area as well as visitors for more than 25 years. Building delicious creations from the freshest, highest-quality ingredients, Sweetie Pies is known for their morning pastries, sticky buns, cheesecakes, specialty cakes, wedding cakes, and (naturally) pies. Whether you’re looking for breakfast or lunch, you can find tasty baked goods and delicious savory foods right at your fingertips at Sweetie Pies. Location: 520 Main Street, Napa CA 94559 Specialties: Well, artisan-baked pies, of course! Famous Apple, Chocolate Pecan, Key Lime, Pear, and Seasonal Pumpkin Hours: M-TH 6:30 am-5 pm; F&S 6:30 am-6 pm; Sun 7 am-5 pm Insider Tip: Sweetie Pies will ship certain flavors of pies all over the nation with their easy, online ordering process The selection of French pastries at Bouchon Bakery will have you drooling at first sniff. Sweet or savory, the selections are decadent. From anything-but-standard Pain au Chocolat to the funky Monkey Bread, your sweet tooth will have a heyday! If you’re looking for something a bit more substantial, consider a croissant with Ham, Cheese & Egg, or a Bacon Cheddar Scone. This restaurant location is part of the Thomas Keller family of restaurants. Location: 6528 Washington Street, Yountville CA 94599 Specialties: Artisanal breads, tarts, cookies, and macarons Hours: M-F 7 am-7 pm; S & S 6:30 am-7 pm Insider Tip: No inside seating is available but, when the weather is good (and it usually is!), enjoy your breakfast out in the courtyard Butter Cream Bakery & Diner At 5:30 am, customers begin gathering outside the doors of the iconic pink and white Butter Cream Bakery on their quest for Location: 2297 Jefferson Street, Napa CA 94559 Specialties: Melt-in-your-mouth glazed donuts,Maple bar donuts, Butter horns, Danish pastries, iced cookies, birthday cakes Bakery Hours: M-Sat: 5:30 am-6 pm; Sun 5:30 am-4 pm Diner Hours: M-Sat: 5:30 am-3 pm; Sun 5:30 am-2:30 pm Insider Tip: Get there early for the best selection and take a number as soon as you walk through the door Ca’ Momi founder, Valentina, grew up enjoying delectable pastries but couldn’t find anything like them in the United States. So, she decided to begin her own Pasticceria and share them with the world! As an add-on to the Ca’ Momi restaurant, the bakery provides delicious treats on site as well as at the Oxbow Public Market in Napa. Incorporating fine purveyors who are 100% organic, including Clover Stornetta Dairy, TCHO New American Chocolate, Be Love Farm, and Rigoni di Asiago. Not only that, but Ca’ Momi grows organic fruits in its own garden! Location: Oxbow Public Market, 610 1st St, Napa CA 94559 Specialties: Signature dishes include Cannoncino, Brutti ma Buoni, Bigne, Cannolo, Strudel di Mele, Baba al Rum, and Cantucci di Prato Hours: Open Daily 11 am-9 pm Insider Tip: 48 hours advance notice for special orders No website to refer you to, and cash only at this bakery, means that the attention is focused on the baked goods instead of other frills! And that keeps the prices at Joey’s reasonable as well. Grab a tray and set of tongs and help yourself to all of the tasty Mexican pastries you can manage. Estella, the owner, would be proud to tell you about her business and help you decide between a jelly-filled churro or powdered sugar pastry. Why choose? Get them both for just a couple of dollars! Location: 2256 Jefferson St., Napa CA 94558 Specialties: Consider specialties such as Pan Dulce, Rosca de Reyes, Jalapeno Cream Cheese Bread and special-order Tres Leches cakes Hours: Open Daily 5:30 am-6 pm Insider Tip: Cash Only Founded by local Calistoga residents who fell in love with bakery and café ownership, Bella was begun in 2013. Recently remodeled to offer a better customer experience, the bakery provides unique wedding cakes, tarts, bagels, bars, eclairs, sandwiches and so much more. Location: 1353 Lincoln Avenue, Calistoga CA 94515 Specialties: Butter horns, croissant bread pudding and muffins Hours: M-Sat 6 am-5 pm; Sun 7 am-3 pm Insider Tip: Try having breakfast on the patio What Are the Best Places to Get Coffee in Napa Valley? Napa Valley offers a myriad of local coffee options including Napa Valley Coffee Roasting Company, Ritual Coffee Roasters, Ohm Coffee Roasters and Molinari Caffe. Grab your espresso, latte or mocha to go with your bakery selections and keep you moving on your trip to Napa. Where is the Best Place to Get a Custom-Made Cake in Napa Valley? Celebrating a birthday, anniversary or wedding? Napa Valley has a plethora of bakeries who offer custom made cakes just the way you want them. For a perfect Tres Leches Cake, try Joey’s Bakery. For incredible carrot cake, head to Sweetie Pies. The perfect wedding cake might come from Butter Cream Bakery. Your options are almost endless! With years of local expertise, Vacation-Napa.com presents the definitive list of the seven best bakeries in Napa Valley, ensuring an authentic and delightful culinary journey.
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iPhone: Apple wants to develop satellite connections for its devices Which Apple Always look out for future technologies is a given. The home of Cupertino has shown a willingness to invest in different sectors of the market, and after TV and a tentative approach to gaming, the next step will be space. Yes that’s right, Apple is preparing to invest in a new business that is slowly beginning to take its first steps in the phone industry and the network in general, namely satellites. According to the report by Bloomberg, the company has reportedly already put together a team of engineers, still small, but already capable of beginning to take the first steps in developing a data transmission system that could allow multiple satellites to be connected with attached Apple family devices, such as iPhone e iWatch. The project is still in the early stages of study, and at the moment there are still many doubts hovering in the air: will Apple rely on other external satellites, or will it develop new and proprietary ones specifically to host the communication systems that will then be used by the company. The’goal is obviously to make users less and less dependent on telco operators, making them more independent by taking advantage of satellite communication, going for improved geolocation systems, while also going against traditional wireless networks.
We are striving to be the best in the business. At VertX, we are passionate about the community we work with – let us create some prospect for you. We function seamlessly with our clients to solve their immediate and long-term business goals. We pay attention to their unique circumstances and then we work to identify the candidates who have the skills and experience required for accomplishing the expectations. We understand work – it should be challenging and must provide an environment to learn and grow. We can introduce you to a variety of functions and associated positions in the respective organization, through our universal network of clients to help you determine the most appropriate position that satisfies your interest. We are an upcoming leader in specialist Recruitment & Staffing solutions, placing professional candidates in permanent, temporary, turnkey and interim/contract jobs. With a team size of 80+ consultants serving across various industries. Our primary focus is to identify the client requirements and assure satisfaction by working on it till we discover the aspirants with niche expertise and regardless of wherever they are positioned, to satisfy our client requirement. With more than a decade’s experience, in the industry we can definitely state that there is no competition to us in serving the clients with the best of their interest possible Our focused mechanism of understanding the requirements helps in bonding our clients and aspirants on a distinct arena. We concentrate on staffing solutions both temporary and permanent across industry verticals catering to superior, intermediate and junior cadres in the organization. Our Consultant directory sums up to 300 contemporaries. They strive to bridge the GAP between our Clients and the Jobseekers who missed the opportunity initially due to the universal admission pathway strategy adapted by our clients. Serving the best Bridging the GAP - Extensive Staffing Experience - Responsive, Flexible and End-to-End Staffing Solutions - Complete Management of Hiring Requirements - Efficient Sourcing, Engagement and Management of Contract Labour - Strict Adherence to Regulations
Explore The Mind-Blowing Science of Your Amazing Brain! 3 Mind-Bending Categories See how you stack up in Brain Benders, Body Language and Puzzling Pictures! 4 Levels of Difficulty Each category comes in 4 different difficulty levels. A level 4 card is the hardest, but it moves you 4 spaces. A level 1 card is the easiest, but it only moves you 1 space. Play, Explore, and Discover Play fun games designed to mess with your mind! Explore the limits of the human brain! Discover fascinating facts and brainy news nuggets! Playing Brain Games Your team must work together to answer the challenge questions as stated on the cards. The first team to reach the finish space wins! Discard Destiny- Your team must choose a card (without looking) from the discard pile to play for the turn. Free Will- Your team is allowed to peek at the category and level of difficulty of the 1st and 2nd card in the deck to choose which one they would like to play. Peer Pressure- The opposing team is allowed to peek at the category and level of difficulty of the 1st and 2nd card in the deck and they decide which card your team must play. Quantum Leap- Follow the arrow and leap forward or backward! Congratulations! You are the proud owner of the most powerful and complex supercomputer ever built- Your Brain! It controls your entire body, everything you think and do, plus it makes you, you. Brain Games Kids gets in your head and reveals the inner-workings of that three pounds of tissue sitting between your ears.
Sea of Stars - Playstation 4 RELASE DATE: MAY 10, 2024 PRE-ORDER POLICY : CANCELLATIONS ON THIS TITLE WILL ONLY BE OFFERED STORE CREDIT. Comes with double sided poster featuring art from Bryce Kho Sea of Stars is a turn-based RPG inspired by the classics. It tells the story of two Children of the Solstice who will combine the powers of the sun and moon to perform Eclipse Magic, the only force capable of fending off the monstrous creations of the evil alchemist known as The Fleshmancer. A story with a rich adventure Dozens of characters and story arcs will take you on a captivating journey. Turn based combat Timed hits, combo attacks, boosting, damage types and spellbreaking. A world you can touch Need a change of pace? Go sailing, cooking, fishing or find a tavern to relax.
Are you a Star Wars fan wondering if Rogue One is worth watching? Well, in short, the answer is yes. But let’s dive into the details and explore why. What is Rogue One? Rogue One: A Star Wars Story is a stand-alone movie set in the Star Wars universe that takes place just before the events of Episode IV: A New Hope. The story follows a group of rebels who band together to steal the plans for the Death Star, a superweapon capable of destroying entire planets. The Cast and Characters One of the highlights of Rogue One is its diverse and talented cast. Felicity Jones leads as Jyn Erso, a tough and resourceful rebel who becomes the driving force behind the mission to steal the Death Star plans. Diego Luna plays Cassian Andor, a rebel intelligence officer who joins forces with Jyn, along with an eclectic group of characters including K-2SO (voiced by Alan Tudyk), a reprogrammed Imperial droid; Chirrut Îmwe (Donnie Yen), a blind warrior monk; Baze Malbus (Jiang Wen), Chirrut’s protector; and Bodhi Rook (Riz Ahmed), an Imperial pilot turned rebel. Rogue One offers a fresh perspective on the Star Wars universe by focusing on characters outside of the Skywalker family tree. The storyline is gritty, intense, and emotionally charged. The stakes are high from beginning to end as our heroes face incredible odds against an oppressive Empire led by Darth Vader himself. The film also provides context for some of the events that take place in A New Hope. For example, we finally see how Princess Leia got her hands on those all-important Death Star plans that set off her iconic message to Obi-Wan Kenobi. Visually, Rogue One is stunning. The film features some of the most impressive special effects and action sequences in the entire Star Wars franchise. From the opening scenes on a stormy planet to the final battle above Scarif, Rogue One delivers an epic and immersive cinematic experience. In conclusion, Rogue One is a Star Wars movie that is definitely worth watching. It offers a unique perspective on the Star Wars universe while still delivering the epic action and adventure fans have come to love. So grab some popcorn, sit back, and enjoy the ride!
Compositing in video editing is the process of layering multiple visual elements, such as images, videos, and graphics, on top of each other to create a final image or video. It’s a technique that has been used in film and television for decades, but with the rise of digital technology, it has become more accessible to amateur filmmakers and content creators. How does compositing work? Compositing works by combining different elements together in a way that makes them appear as if they’re part of the same scene. For example, if you wanted to create a video of a superhero flying through the air, you might start by filming an actor against a green screen (a solid-colored background) and then use compositing software to replace the green screen with a background of clouds or cityscapes. What tools are used for compositing? There are several software programs that are commonly used for compositing in video editing. Adobe After Effects is one of the most popular options among professionals, but there are also free alternatives like Blender and Natron that can be used by amateurs. - Adobe After Effects: This software is widely used in the film and television industry for its advanced features like motion tracking and 3D tracking. - Blender: This open-source software is free to download and can be used for both 2D and 3D compositing. - Natron: Another open-source option that offers similar features to After Effects but with a simpler interface. The Benefits of Compositing Compositing offers several benefits when it comes to video editing. One of the biggest advantages is that it allows filmmakers to create scenes that would be impossible or too expensive to film in real life. For example, compositing can be used to create complex special effects like explosions, alien landscapes, or even entire virtual worlds. Another benefit of compositing is that it allows for flexibility in post-production. If a mistake was made during filming, such as a boom mic appearing in the shot, it can be easily removed through compositing. Additionally, compositing can be used to adjust lighting and color correction to make the final product look more polished and professional. Compositing is a powerful tool that can take your video editing skills to the next level. Whether you’re creating a short film or a promotional video for your business, adding visual elements through compositing can make your content more engaging and visually appealing. So don’t be afraid to experiment with different software programs and techniques to find what works best for you!
Video Quality 720p: Everything You Need to Know If you have ever streamed a video online, you might have come across the term ‘720p’. But what does it mean? In this article, we will explore what video quality 720p is, how it works, and its advantages over other video qualities. What is Video Quality 720p? Video quality 720p refers to the resolution of a video. It means that the video has 1280 horizontal pixels and 720 vertical pixels. The ‘p’ in 720p stands for progressive scan, which means that each line of the image is displayed one after another. This results in a smoother and clearer image than interlaced scanning. How Does It Work? When you watch a video with 720p quality, each frame comprises of over 900,000 pixels. These pixels are responsible for creating the image that you see on your screen. The more pixels there are, the sharper and more detailed the image will be. To put it in perspective, imagine watching a movie on VHS tape or DVD with standard definition (SD) quality. The maximum resolution for SD is usually around 480 horizontal pixels and 360 vertical pixels. You can imagine that watching something in HD would be quite an improvement! Advantages of Video Quality 720p There are several advantages to watching videos with 720p quality: - Crisper Image: As mentioned earlier, the more pixels there are in an image, the sharper and clearer it will be. With over double the number of pixels as standard definition (SD), videos with a resolution of 720p provide a much crisper image. - Better Viewing Experience: Watching videos with high-quality visuals can make for a much better viewing experience than watching something with a lower resolution. With 720p quality, you can see more details and experience more vibrant colors. - Compatibility: Most modern devices support 720p quality, from smartphones to laptops to TVs. This means that you can easily watch videos with this resolution on various devices without any compatibility issues. In conclusion, video quality 720p refers to the resolution of a video with 1280 horizontal pixels and 720 vertical pixels. It provides a much crisper image than standard definition, resulting in a better viewing experience. With its compatibility across various devices, it’s no wonder why many people prefer watching videos with this resolution.
New and very hot lolicon 3D image pack. Slutty little girls love to spread their perverted young wet pussies and have a good fuck with their older friends. Contains some hot scenes with girls and monsters, dogs and horses, enjoy! Also, don’t miss the other volumes! Type: lolicon 3D images | Author: Bad Onion | 22 pics
OLD POINT NATIONAL BANK WICKED 10K JOIN US FOR THE OLD POINT NATIONAL BANK WICKED 10K, OCTOBER 27-28, 2023. Come experience Coastal Virginia’s largest Halloween race and party. The Old Point National Bank Wicked 10K Weekend presented by Bon Secours shows off Virginia Beach’s wicked side. Do you love Halloween? Do you love running by the ocean? Are you looking for a few tricks and treats? The Old Point National Bank Wicked 10K Weekend is the perfect place to celebrate Halloween and enjoy wicked good times. Make the most of your race! Plan your weekend and experience the best of Virginia Beach, Virginia.
With a cover consisting of paintings by multiple artists, Vision Illustrated Volume 2 is an epic art book with illustrations by 29 amazing artists who have worked for giant clients of the publishing, entertainment and gaming industries. Artwork included in Vision Illustrated Volume 2 ranges from traditionally drawn and painted art to sculpture. Each volume of Vision Illustrated reveals the artist’s creative process through the use of thumbnails, final drawings, color roughs and photo reference (including a wealth of never before published art). Vision Illustrated is the definitive reference for any and all interested in fantastic art and how it was created. This second volume is a book not to be missed.
The Huntington Parks and Rec Department will host Free Movie in the Park: "McFarland, USA" on August 26, in Memorial Park Sunken Gardens starting around 8 p.m. The movie follows novice runners from their home town McFarland, an economically challenged city in California, as they give their all to build a cross-country team under the direction of Coach Jim White (Kevin Costner), a newcomer to their predominantly Latino high school, with whom they ultimately bond to build not only a championship cross-country team but an enduring legacy as well. The movie is free - just bring your blanket and favorite snacks! Rusty's Chicken Food Truck will be on hand with food for purchase. ***Note: All events are subject to change including some advertised activities within an event. Please verify information before attending any event!*** The ending time for this event is approximate.
The Cambridge Junction Covered bridge wood print by Jeff Folger. Bring your artwork to life with the texture and added depth of a wood print. Your image gets printed directly onto a sheet of 3/4" thick maple wood. There are D-clips on the back of the print for mounting it to your wall using mounting hooks and nails (included). The Cambridge Junction Covered bridge was built in 1887 by George Holmes. It's not to hard to find this one at JCT RD TH 23. It a Burr arch of 135... more 3 - 4 business days Wood Print Tags
Family is a central theme in Philippine culture and traditions. Extensive people frequently share a home with their great-grandparents, grandparents, and also aunts and uncles. The value placed on household is moreover demonstrated by the way Filipinos take care of their aging families rather than placing them in a nursing house. It is also a key cause why nurses and caretakers from the Philippines are known to be very empathetic. Particularly if they are married, girls have a significant impact on the household. They may make all significant family decisions, manage the finances, and serve as religious coaches. They make wonderful ladies and caretakers because of their warm and caring dynamics. In many Filipino homes, there is a designated spot or temple where people can worship, engage in religious observances filipino migration to us, and pay their respects. This encourages a family’s feel of spirituality. Filipinos use laughter as a crucial sociable ability to convey joy and happiness. Additionally, they employ it to lessen pressure or strain. They does exercise caution when using laugh as a form of censure or attack, as it may offend. A figure-eight rope of cohesion known as a yugal is tied around the couple’s shoulders during wedding ceremonies to represent their enduring union. The current Filipino bridal furthermore includes personalized commitments and the trade of bracelets, both of which are influenced by Western customs. A picturesque addition to the event, the discharge of doves or butterflies symbolizes tranquility and fresh beginnings.
VMCLI Donates to Veterinarians International Dear Veterinary Medical Center of Long Island, As the Founding President of Veterinarians International, I would like to personally thank you for making our work possible. Your kindness this past year supported our GAAP/VI veterinary clinic protecting South America’s only temperate rainforest, the building of a National Veterinary Training and Humane Education Program for Kenya, and vital veterinary services for baby elephants and wildlife in Sri Lanka. Your generosity enabled us to look beyond the challenges of the COVID 19 pandemic and serve some of our planet’s most ecologically sensitive regions, preserving biodiversity and preventing suffering. Thank you again for your donation and commitment to Veterinarians International. With deepest gratitude, Dr. Scarlett Magda, Founding President Helping Animals. Healing the Planet. VMCLI Performs Free Surgery “A specialist from New York said, ‘Don’t put him down. We can help this cat!'” Klug said. The surgery would typically cost about $2,500 — funds Klug didn’t have — but Noelle La Croix, a veterinary ophthalmologist, agreed to come in on her day off to do the surgery for free, and Klug held a small fundraiser in Selkirk to help pay for the materials. AVDC Service Dog Oral Health Exam The AVDC Service Dog Oral Health Exam program is a philanthropic event provided to the Service Dog public by board certified veterinary dentists of the American Veterinary Dental College. If your Service Dog qualifies, it would receive a complimentary oral health screening exam in June to help identify any problems that may affect the dog’s oral comfort and health. Our veterinary dentists understand the tremendous daily contribution Service Dogs make to the lives of individuals and to all of us as a society. In return, we want assist in these efforts, by assuring that the Service Dogs can have pain free and healthy mouths. - To promote oral health awareness in Service Dogs by providing oral exams during June. - To identify painful oral disease and provide treatment options to alleviate pain, and - To benefit those who rely on Service Dogs by teaching preventative oral care in order to provide their dogs pain, free, healthy mouths. - To enhance referral relationships with primary care veterinarians. The mission of the AVDC Service Dog Oral Health Exam is to promote oral health awareness in service dogs in order to prevent and relieve pain, which will benefit, not only the service dog, but all the people they serve every day. The AVDC Service Dog Oral Health program will provide free oral health screening to Service Dog groups including seeing eye dogs, hearing dogs, handicapped assistance dogs, detection dogs, search and rescue dogs and for certified therapy dogs (through the Delta Society or similar). Dogs must be active working dogs that are certified by an organization or are currently enrolled in a formal training program. The certifying agency must be regional or local. Essentially, the dogs need to have some form of certification and/or training paperwork from an agency to qualify for this program. While we would like to offer complimentary oral exams to all dogs performing assistance to their owners/handlers, this program is limited to the groups listed above. There are limited appointments available to examine these animals therefore a specific group has been defined. How will this work? Owners/handlers of the dog will register the animal via an online registration form. Once registered, the owner/handler will be given a confirmation and list of participating dentists in their area. The owners/handlers call a participating office to schedule an appointment and provide the registration number to the clinic which will be given on the confirmation form. This process is included on the registration form. Appointment Dates and Time Appointment dates and times will vary based on the availability of exams offered by each clinic. The clinic sets the schedule for exams for certain set days, select times on specific days, or during times of their choice during the month of June. Identify yourself as participating in the AVDC Service Dog Oral Health Exam and provide the registration number given on your confirmation form. The appointment will be set by the clinic at that time. Some clinics may request that you present certification of the Service Dog’s formal training. Be sure to ask if this is needed at the time of appointment scheduling. Once the owner/handler has registered the Service Dog, they are asked to respect the dentist’s time and show up for the appointment. Arriving on time is essential in allowing as many Service Dogs to receive exams as scheduled. What should I expect during the appointment? The complimentary oral health exam is of a screening nature. No sedation or anesthesia will be given. Factors that limit our ability to detect every dental or oral problem in your dog may include: - Lack of patient cooperation can impair proper visualization, especially of the back of the mouth - Many periodontal problems can be detected only by probing under the gum with a dental instrument with the dog under anesthesia, - Dental tartar can hide underlying cavities or fractures. If any problems are found at the time of the exam or if additional tests are needed (e.g. dental x-rays, periodontal exam under anesthesia, etc.), the dental specialist will present options to best treat your Service Dog. A copy of the exam form will be given to you to give to your primary care veterinarian. Data collected on each dog will remain private and be utilized for research purposes only. How do I participate? Step 1: Registration. If your Service Dog qualifies, register on-line. If you do not register, you cannot participate in the program. Step 2: Locating a clinic. Once you have registered, the confirmation page will provide you with a link to a page that will provide a list of participating clinics. (Clinics may not be available in every state.) Step 3: Scheduling After locating the clinic you would like to visit, call the office directly, identify yourself as participating in the Service Dog Oral Health Exam program and make an appointment. Dates and times will vary from clinic to clinic throughout June. We suggest you register in early May to ensure a better chance of securing an appointment at your Service Dog. Slots are limited, and those that wait to register may find it difficult to find a clinic that has filled all appointments for this program. There are no “rain checks”. Step 4: Visit Visit the dentist at the appointed time. Please call ahead if you will be late or have to cancel your appointment. Step 5: After the Exam After your Service Dog’s oral exam is complete, your veterinary dentist will give you a copy of the examination form and information. Please take this back to your primary care veterinarian to complete your Service Dog’s medical care to schedule any diagnostics or treatment that may be needed. Your primary care veterinarian is an important part of the team in providing your Service Dog with the best oral health care. The dental specialist will make a recommendation for treatment for your service dog instead of present options. Most important: You MUST pre-register prior to calling to make your appointment with veterinary dental specialist. VMCLI Cares for Joey, a 3 Month Old Pitbull Puppy Joey is a 3 month-old pitbull puppy, who was placed in a plastic bag and thrown from a moving car. Thank you to all those who have sent donations to help continue his medical care. The VMCLI will not give up on our special boy! You can read more about this story on Newsday. We wanted to take a moment to clarify some questions that arose after Joey’s story was made known on many of the news stations and articles. Joey was diagnosed with fractured cervical vertebrae. While this is commonly called a “broken neck”, we believe that Joey’s spinal cord has not been damaged in this event. Our Board-Certified Neurologist, Dr. Georgina Barone, has peformed a full neurologic exam on Joey, and believes he may have a successful chance in regaining use of his forelimbs and hind legs. We hope to have more information on his neurological status in the next 7-10 days. We will be performing more diagnostics on Joey within the next few days, which we hope will give us a positive outlook. Thank you all for your thoughts, prayers, and concerns for Joey! Update on our Little Boy | 8/15/12 Joey slightly moved his front feet early this morning, which is great news! He continues to have a great appetite, and gets stronger every day! He is scheduled to have a CT Scan later today – we will keep you posted on his results! Thank you all for checking in and sending good thoughts and well wishes for Joey! Update on our Little Boy | 8/16/12 Here is a short clip on Joey eating his breakfast this morning. What a champ! 🙂 VMCLI will Participate in The AVDC Service Dog Oral Health Program The AVDC Service Dog Oral Health Exam program is a philanthropic event provided to the Service Dog public by board certified veterinary dentists of the American Veterinary Dental College. If your Service Dog qualifies, it can receive a complimentary oral health screening exam in August 2012 to help identify any problems that may affect the dog’s oral comfort and health. Veterinary dentists understand the tremendous daily contribution Service Dogs make to the lives of individuals and to all of us as a society. In return, we want assist in these efforts, by assuring that the Service Dogs can have pain free and healthy mouths. The mission of the AVDC Service Dog Oral Health Exam is to promote oral health awareness in service dogs in order to prevent and relieve pain, which will benefit, not only the service dog, but all the people they serve every day. The AVDC Service Dog Oral Health program will provide free oral health screening to Service Dog groups including seeing eye dogs, hearing dogs, handicapped assistance dogs, detection dogs, search and rescue dogs and for certified therapy dogs (through the Delta Society or similar). Dogs must be active working dogs that are certified by an organization or are currently enrolled in a formal training program. You can find all the information to register your service dog for this complementary program at www.avdc.org. Endure to Cure | A message from Dr. Erika Friedrich On August 14, 2011, I will be running in my second 7-mile Falmouth Road Race to support a charity called Endure to Cure, a federally registered not-for-profit organization that raises funds for research and treatment for pediatric cancers. I did this hill run last year (and did well without needing resuscitative acts at the finish line too- lol), and it was with much generosity from my family and friends that made last year such a success for Endure to Cure. I am hoping you can help me make this year’s fundraising just as special. My goal is to raise a minimum of $1500 to run in this event. NO CONTRIBUTION IS TOO SMALL! Please join me and Endure to Cure in reaching our fundraising goal. Please check out my personal statement and profile page at: It is here where you can make a simple, tax-deductible donation and learn about this great organization. Also, there is an off-line donation form available, attached to the flyer posted on the VMC Information Station board, which you can photocopy and then fill-out and mail in with your donation if you so desire. Thanks in advance for your generosity and your contribution to cancer research. I look forward to keeping you posted on my progress and sharing my race experience. With sincere thanks, We are proud to announce, that our Ophthalmology Assistant, Ms. Donna Maiorano, took part in her sons efforts to help raise funds for an amazing cause.
SPRINGFIELD, Mo. (KY3) – Warming shelters have opened across the Ozarks, but a significant problem they face is a high demand for volunteers. Due to the extreme temperatures, shelter operators say they’ve seen double the number of people who need a warm place to stay in the last few days. “In situations like this with the extreme cold, we do see a rise in numbers. And it’s hard for us to say, hey, we just don’t have enough space,” said Amos Shiels with The Salvation Army. Salvation Army’s Harbor House holds about 20-25 men who need a place to sleep and feeds around 150 people daily, with less than ten volunteers. “The thing that’s really difficult is we still have people that are outside in this weather,” said Christie Love with Springfield’s Connecting Grounds. Other overnight warming shelters hold around the same number of people but operate with only two volunteers overnight. “This week, it’s been particularly difficult to get volunteers, so that is definitely a huge need.” Community leaders say they may have to cut back on shelters if they don’t get enough volunteers. “The most heartbreaking is when we can’t open a shelter because we don’t have enough volunteers. “The thing that’s really difficult is we still have people that are outside in this weather,” said Christie Love with Connecting Grounds. For a list of warming shelters and how to volunteer at them, CLICK HERE. To report a correction or typo, please email [email protected] Copyright 2024 KY3. All rights reserved. For the full story and video: Volunteers needed to run Greene County cold weather shelters
According to the court documents, the 44-year-old mom, later identified as Shanda, was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole for starving and t0rturing her special needs son, Timothy. Prosecutors said the mother also received additional 50 to 100 years for first-degree child abuse. During the trial, the defendant’s lawyer told prosecutors that his client didn’t want to kill her special needs son. Attorney Fred reportedly said that something broke in the mother mentally and she ‘didn’t know of the damage she was causing until it was too late.’ Shanda’s older son and co-defendant, Paul, reportedly testified against his mother and will be sentenced on February 26, 2024. During the trial, prosecutors said that the 44-year-old mom reportedly t0rtured her special needs son until he died. Timothy, who allegedly had some sort of incapacity or mental health issue, was found dead in July 2022 at the family’s home. According to the prosecutors, the mother reportedly forced her son to puke up food, gave him strict time limits for toilet use, forced him to sleep in a closet, forced him to eat hot sauce, made him do wall sits and forced him to do ice baths. During the trial, prosecutors also said that the special needs boy died in a small closet under the basement stairs. The 44-year-old mom reportedly called him pathetic during his final moments. The forensic expert discovered the traces of his mother pouring hot sauce down his throat and placing him in an ice bath, the day before his death. According to the defendant’s attorney, his client reportedly grew up while being physically and sexually abuse by her father and later her stepfather. He also said that his client was not aware of the damage she was causing because something broke in her mentally. But, prosecutors said that Shanda knew exactly what she was doing. Prosecutors also said that the defendant never looked up at her children as they spoke. He argued that she had stopped thinking of her children as human. They are not people to her, the prosecutor said.
Video Proof That Comcast Is The Worst: Man Gets Put On Hold For 3 Hours While Trying To Cancel Service No matter where you live, I’m sure you’ve had some kind of negative experience while dealing with a giant corporation over the phone. You’re bounced from robot to robot before being transferred to a guy who can’t understand a word you’re saying, who then puts you on hold for five minutes so you can speak to his manager before being mysteriously “cut off” just so you can call back and repeat the hellish process over again. But Comcast’s customer service is a different beast. Although it hasn’t been confirmed directly, I have strong reason to believe that Comcast’s HR specialists are trained to scout their talent by summoning demons directly from the seventh circle of hell. The company was awarded the “Worst Company in America” award in April 2014, which is an annual contest held by The Consumerist, which runs a series of reader polls to determine the least popular company in America. It was actually the second time Comcast was honored for its lack of social graces; the first occurred in 2010. A disgruntled Comcast customer, Aaron Spain, went as far as to record himself being on hold with the cable juggernaut for over three hours! Then, to make matters worse, he called from another line, only to find out their call center was closed for the night. Odd, considering I’ve talked to Comcast reps on the phone well after midnight. Ironically, the young man was calling to cancel his service. Give it up, Aaron Spain. Comcast owns you. They own all of us. Take that video down before we all get hung for treason.
As the sun sets over the Nile, casting a golden glow on the minarets and palm trees, Cairo doesn't immediately reveal its ancient secrets. It's a city where modernity and history are intricately intertwined, bustling with life and movement. Yet, hidden within this vibrant urban tapestry are remnants of a time when pharaohs ruled and mythology was born. This article takes you on a journey through modern Cairo to uncover these ancient Egyptian treasures. The Eternal Guardians: The Pyramids of Giza While not hidden nor within the city's immediate borders, no exploration of Cairo's ancient roots can begin without acknowledging the Pyramids of Giza. Looming on the horizon, these ancient wonders are a constant reminder of the city's timeless heritage. A visit here is not just a step back in time; it's an inspiration, reflecting the ambition and artistry of ancient Egypt. The Cairo Museum: A Treasure Trove of Antiquity In the heart of the city lies the Egyptian Museum, a monumental repository of artifacts. As you walk through its halls, you're walking alongside kings and queens from millennia past. The museum is home to an extensive collection, including the gilded treasures of Tutankhamun and items that span over 5,000 years of history. Each artifact tells a story, from the everyday lives of ancient Egyptians to the grandeur of their royal courts. Ancient Cairo: The City of the Dead The Qarafa, or City of the Dead, is a unique fusion of a cemetery and residential area that stretches for miles. Among its old tombs and mausoleums, some of which date back to the Islamic era, are hints of the even older past. This area, though more connected to the Islamic and later periods, offers a poignant reflection on the continuity of Cairo as a city of the living and the dead, resonating with the ancient Egyptian belief in eternal life. Babylon Fortress: The Gateway to Coptic Cairo Venture into Coptic Cairo, and you'll find yourself in the midst of ancient ruins dating back to Roman times. The Babylon Fortress, though now mostly hidden beneath the later constructions, was once a formidable Roman structure. Around it, the Coptic churches, like the Hanging Church, stand as testimony to the city's layered history, built atop ancient Roman towers and still echoing with tales from the past. In the Footsteps of the Pharaohs: Walking Tours For those keen on discovering Cairo's pharaonic past firsthand, several walking tours guide visitors through lesser-known sites. These may include visits to ancient temples hidden among the cityscape, areas of old Heliopolis, or even the remnants of ancient walls and structures that have become part of the city's foundation. These tours often provide insightful commentary on how these ancient elements have influenced Cairo's development and identity. Modern Meets Ancient: Architecture and Artifacts As you wander through Cairo, keep an eye out for the subtle incorporations of ancient motifs in modern buildings. Some contemporary structures in Cairo pay homage to the city's heritage through design elements inspired by ancient Egyptian art and architecture. Even in the bustling downtown, you might notice a building with lotus column-inspired designs or a public square featuring an obelisk or statues. Cairo is a city where the past is always present. The pharaohs might have left the stage of history, but their legacy endures in the stones of the pyramids, the artifacts in the museum, and the layers of history that make up this complex, captivating city. To walk the streets of Cairo is to traverse a timeline that stretches back thousands of years, each step a discovery of the ancient world that shaped not just Egypt, but the entire course of human civilization. Whether you're a history enthusiast or simply curious about the origins of this great city, Cairo offers a fascinating, tangible link to the ancient world, inviting you to uncover its secrets. Wanderlust App was created to make it easy to discover the most beautiful places across the world. From an AI travel assistant to planning the perfect trip and tracking all the places you want to visit around the world, Wanderlust App will help you do it all. You must be logged in to comment.
Order ships within 1-2 business days and delivers within 2-5 business days (Delivery timelines may vary for few zip codes) BENEFITS –The set of 20 ensures you have an ample supply for both intimate dinners and larger celebrations, providing convenience for any occasion. Infuse a burst of citrus energy into your gatherings with these lively orange forks FEATURES – The forks boast a bright yellow color, adding a pop of color to your table setting and enhancing the visual appeal of your dining area. With a standard size, these forks are suitable for a variety of dishes, from appetizers to main courses and desserts. USES – Perfect for a myriad of events, from casual family meals to themed parties, these orange forks add a touch of brightness to any dining experience. Ideal for events with an orange or vibrant theme, these forks enhance the overall aesthetic of your party. Reusable – While designed for single-use convenience, these forks are sturdy enough for a second helping, ensuring you can enjoy the festivities without worrying about durability. INSIDE THE PACK: This package contains – 20 PCS Orange Forks
We invite you to join us as we worship together every Sabbath (Saturday) morning. Group Bible Study (Sabbath School), 9:30am In Sabbath School we study the Bible together. We have several small groups which are more intimate and a place to share the experiences of our week with each other. You are welcome to join in one of the small groups. Children, Teens and Youth Sabbath School, 9:30am We have classes for all age groups, where they will be kept busy with songs, crafts, quizzes and Bible stories. Main Church Service, 11:00am Our main church service is for all ages. It includes a children’s story at the beginning with the main segment being a Bible-based sermon. Our music style leans towards the traditional. The service concludes with a fellowship lunch.
I’ve been here nearly a year now and if there’s one reaction I get to the change of jobs and explaining what we do, it’s ‘really?……… are you busy?’. Maybe it’s because I don’t personally know a lot of people in the sailing and marine world, but pontoons are clearly something that the general public don’t really take much notice of. I went to Hampton Court Garden Festival on Tuesday and walked over one of the bridges before even realising that I was on a pontoon. If you’re down by the sea and walking on a jetty, you’re just walking aren’t you, does it matter what’s underneath – so long as it supports you? It does to us! It made me wonder, sometimes even when people purchase the pontoons, jetports, drive on docks, do you know what your boat is sitting on, or on what you’re standing? To be honest, they’re pretty simple constructions, but there’s a few accessories that are quite vital to the successful construction of the finished article, so I’ll tell you a little about them. Mainly so you know that when we quote you, you know what you’re getting. Disclaimer: Obviously each order can be very different and needing different parts, but the main accessories are as described below… For Rotodock modules, if you are purchasing more than one, or connecting it to a pontoon or other existing module, you will need at least two pairs of couplers. These are black HDPE connectors in the shape of a dog bone and each pair are connected by a long white screw. The screw’s length is the equivalent depth of the Rotodock module. Each pair sit flush on top and bottom of the modules, connecting them together. When purchasing modular cubes, there are not just one, but three products that are imperative to the completion of construction. These are the connection pins (or sometimes called lugs), side connection bolts (you might hear them called simply ‘the screw and nuts’) and the spacers (or washers). The connection pins, as you may have guessed, connect the cubes. One pin will hold four cubes together. The side connection bolts connect the cubes on the edge of the pontoon, for extra security. These are often replaced with handrail posts, cleats or fenders. The spacers are slightly more complex to explain. Each cube has four ‘pin/lug holes’ each hole is placed at a certain measurement down the side of the cube, so they can slot together and allow the pins to drop through and connect them. On one side of a modular cube pontoon, there will always be a row of pin/lug holes that don’t sit flush together and in between these, we place spacers. The spacers support the holes to reduce the movement and therefore the friction and likelihood of breakage. We don’t want our plastic getting lost at sea. In order to put these parts in place fully and securely, you also need a few tools. The couplers are placed with a ‘J bar’, so called because it looks like a …..yep, a ‘J’. The pins are put in place with a ‘T bar’ (yes, originally named too) that twists the pins in place and also then allows you to pull them out easily. The third tool is a castle wrench that slots on to the edges of the side connection bolts allowing you to tighten them without creating a hand load of callouses! These are the unsung heros of WMS, those little parts that are even less acknowledged than the pontoons themselves, but those that without which, we would not be in business! So go into the weekend acknowledging the unsung heros, and the unacknowledged cogs that keep your wheels turning, and ENJOY IT ALL! May it be sunny and bright for us all!
MP4 | Video: h264, 1920x1080 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz Language: English | Size: 1.63 GB | Duration: 0h 36m featuring Coach Lloyd Brown What you'll learn Students will have a better understanding about execution, bow hand, drawing and loading. Students will be know more about using the clicker, proper use of muscles and shot sequence. Students will have more knowledge about recurve bows and compound bows. Students will learn the fundamentals of stance, posture, alignment and aiming. Students will have a better understanding about important practice tips to help them refine and improve their skills. There are no requirements or prerequisites for taking this course, however the beginning course would be helpful. Take your archery skills to the advanced level with the help of National Archery Association Level 5 Master Coach Lloyd Brown. This highly informative program presents the techniques, training methods and drills needed to become an archery champion. Among the topics covered are: stance, posture, alignment, aiming, execution, bow hand, drawing and loading, using the clicker, proper use of muscles, shot sequence, recurve bows, compound bows and and numerous practice drills. This video is an excellent training resource for any serious archer or coach!Lloyd Brown is a highly experienced archery coach and leader who has been involved with the sport for over 35 years. He has achieved great success on the international stage, having coached numerous teams at World Championships, Olympic Games, Pan American Games and World University Games. Furthermore, he has also served as President of the USA Archery Board of Governors and as the Archery Coach for Great Britain since 2010. His impressive career is a testament to his commitment to the sport and his expertise in the field.Archery is a great way to challenge yourself physically and mentally, as well as have fun and socialize with others. It is a sport that requires concentration, focus, dedication, and practice in order to improve. Participating in archery can help you build your confidence, improve your hand-eye coordination, and even reduce stress. It is also a great way to get some fresh air and enjoy the outdoors. Section 1: Introduction Lecture 1 Introduction Lecture 2 Stance Lecture 3 Posture Lecture 4 Alignment Lecture 5 Alignment and Execution Lecture 6 Bowhand Lecture 7 Execution Lecture 8 Drawing and Loading Lecture 9 Using the Clicker Lecture 10 Final Steps of Shooting Lecture 11 Using Back Muscles Lecture 12 Shot Sequence Lecture 13 Clicker Check Drill Lecture 14 Compound Bows Lecture 15 Target Compound Bows Lecture 16 Anchoring Compound Bows Lecture 17 Aiming Compound Bows Lecture 18 Closing Comments Coaches and archers at an intermediate to advanced level will find this course content valuable.
When you rent a dumpster from Waste Removal USA, you get an affordable rate and fast delivery. Our roll-off dumpsters work great for residential job sites and commercial job sites. We provide plenty of dumpster size options and our team is ready to pair you with the right dumpster rental for your junk removal project. When you’re ready for a roll-off dumpster rental, just call us at 423-541-0888 and speak to an experienced associate or get an online dumpster quote and our team will be in touch with your estimate. With roll-off containers ranging from 10 to 30 cubic yards in size, we have the right dumpster rental for any home or work site. Our team will answer all your questions and help you choose the right dumpster rental for your specific project. Let us help you get an affordable roll-off dumpster rental fast in Middle Valley today! Image Credit: Rebekah Pruett Photography A clean job site means you won’t have to worry about the safety of your workers as much. Roll-off dumpster rentals make it easy to keep your construction site. We will deliver your dumpster near Chester Frost Park or closer to Bear Trace at Harrison Bay. Our team even delivers dumpsters to Lakesite, Chattanooga, and Cleveland. So take the next step and call 423-541-0888 to rent a dumpster in Middle Valley today! Image Credit: Brianna Perilli Photography We want to make your home clean-up job super easy. When you need to clear land, remodel, or just clean out the garage, our dumpster rentals save you time. You won’t need to head to the landfill multiple times when you rent a dumpster in Middle Valley. Just fill up the dumpster, call or email us, and we will remove it the very next day. It’s really that simple! Your cleanup project is important to us, no matter how big or small. We are happy to rent you one small dumpster or five large dumpsters, depending on your needs. Our team will answer all your questions fast and help you choose the right dumpster for your junk removal job. So call us today at 423-541-0888 or email us at [email protected]. A Hamilton County, Tennessee community Middle Valley has a population of about 12,700 residents. It covers about 10.8 square miles of land and it’s officially known as a census-designated place. Middle Valley is a part of the larger Chattanooga Metro area. The location is directly on Chickamauga Lake, which provides plenty of recreation. Many other natural attractions are found throughout the area. Middle Valley offers a unique place to call home with plenty for residents to enjoy throughout the area. Give us a call and we will set you up with the right dumpster for the job in your local area Typical Dumpster Dimensions 14' long x 7.5' wide x 3.5' high 3 pickup truck loads 16' long x 7.5' wide x 4' high 4.5 pickup truck loads 20' long x 7.5' wide x 4.5' high 6 pickup truck loads 22' long x 7.5' wide x 6' high 9 pickup truck loads 22' long x 7.5' wide x 7.5' high 12 pickup truck loads Middle Valley roll-off dumpster rentals will vary in price based on the size needed, the tonnage, the dumpster rental company, and the dumpster rental time. Because weight factors into the total price, Waste Removal USA offers online dumpster weight calculators so that you don’t have to guess your material weight. Regardless of the cleanup project you’re taking on, we have a roll-off container rental for your project at a fantastic price. Contact our experienced team today to get rolling on your dumpster rental. When you need a roll-off dumpster rental in Middle Valley, then Waste Removal USA is here to help. Give us a call at 844-762-8449 or get an online dumpster rental quote and our friendly specialists will follow up to assist you. We see customers rent roll-offs for yard waste, roll-offs for roofing projects, roll-offs for concrete and heavy materials, and so much more. You can throw away almost anything in your roll-off dumpster rental. When you do rent an open-top container, just remember that you can’t overfill your rental past the top lip and keep restricted items out of your dumpster. Here is a list of restricted items so that you can prevent trip charges: The best dumpster size for you will depend on the waste removal project you’re tackling and your tonnage requirements for the materials you are throwing away. At Waste Removal USA, we offer all open-top container sizes so that you have plenty of options, whether you need a residential dumpster rental or a construction dumpster rental. We have 10-yard dumpsters, 15-yard dumpsters, 20-yard dumpsters, 30-yard dumpsters, and 40-yard dumpsters. If you don’t know what roll-off rental size is best for your cleanup project, then reach out to our expert team today! 7 days is the standard roll-off dumpster rental time. When you need additional time to complete your junk removal project, then the team at Waste Removal USA will work with your timeframe so that you can complete all of your clean-up and feel more at ease. If you’re ready to rent a roll-off dumpster, then search no further than Waste Removal USA. We have been renting dumpsters to customers in Middle Valley and in Chattanooga for years and we can’t wait to bring our expertise and 5-star dumpster rental services to your project next. Just give our specialists a call today or get an online quote to get rolling on your project.
Eric Paslay entertains attendees of the CMA Music Festival in a solo set of insightful stories, familiar hits, and one new song at the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum. He also answers questions from fans about songwriting. In this performance, the Abilene, Texas, native begins with his 2014 single “Song About a Girl.” He then tells the audience that he wrote “Barefoot Blue Jean Night” on his first guitar and that one of its lyrics specifically alludes to a U2 concert. That feel-good single became a #1 hit for Jake Owen in 2011, marking Paslay’s first #1 as a songwriter. Asked about the life of a songwriter, he remarks, “It’s a muscle, and if God’s gifted you enough with this muscle of saying ‘I love you’ eight different ways, it’s fun. We showed up—and there’s hit songs written every day that you’ll never hear also.” Paslay then performs “Deep as It Is Wide,” recorded by Amy Grant with Sheryl Crow and Paslay, and a new song titled “Nice Guy.” He continues with “She Don’t Love You,” a single he released in 2014 that earned an ACM Song of the Year nomination. He also reminisces about trying to book shows in Austin, Texas, when he was eighteen years old—an experience he parlayed into the lyrics of “Even If It Breaks Your Heart,” which he co-wrote with Will Hoge. Eli Young Band scored a #1 hit with the song in 2012. Paslay adds a few lines of Tom Petty’s “Learning to Fly” at the end of his rendition. The set continues with fan questions as Paslay confesses he’s a “mumble writer,” seeking out words and syllables as melodies are taking shape. He cites Rodney Crowell, Kris Kristofferson, and Dolly Parton as songwriting influences, but as he tells the crowd, “If I believe the song and songwriters, I don’t care if they’re famous or not. I just turn it up, and I think that’s something cool about music.” He ends the set by singing his 2013 breakout solo hit, “Friday Night.” Explore our public programming: https://countrymusichalloffame.org/plan-your-visit/exhibits-activities/public-programs/ FOLLOW THE MUSEUM
Popular for its old school styling and affordable price, the Prospex Marinemaster SBDX017 is the most affordable of Seiko‘s high-end dive watches. Now the Marinemaster 300m just got a lot more, well, different with the new Europe-only limited edition SLA015. It has the same specs as the ordinary Marinemaster 300m, namely a 44mm steel case with the automatic 8L35 inside. But the dial is a bright, light blue (cyan perhaps?) with a radial engine-turned decoration, matched with gold-plated hour markers and hands. The SLA015 is limited to 200 pieces and packaged with a rubber strap and strap tool. The price is €2300 including taxes and it will be available only at Seiko retailers in Germany.Back to top.
The Role of 5G in Website Design The integration of 5G technology marks a pivotal shift in the realm of website design and user experience. With the advent of 5G, web designers and developers are presented with unprecedented opportunities to enhance the overall UX design and customer experience. This revolutionary 5th generation technology in website design is poised to reshape the way users interact with online platforms, setting new standards for speed, responsiveness, and content delivery. Incorporating 5G into website design transcends mere technological upgrades; it signifies a fundamental transformation in how websites are conceptualised, developed, and experienced by users. The seamless integration of 5G empowers web designers to optimise every facet of user interaction, from browsing speed to personalised content delivery. Maximising User Experience with 5G Seamless Browsing Experience The implementation of 5G technology enables websites to offer faster loading times, effectively reducing user frustration and enhancing overall satisfaction. With reduced latency and higher data transfer speeds, users can seamlessly navigate through web pages without experiencing the delays commonly associated with slower connections. Optimising Content Delivery Leveraging 5G technology allows for the seamless delivery of high-quality multimedia content, enriching the user experience. This means that websites can deliver visually stunning images, videos, and interactive media without compromising on loading speeds or causing disruptions in the browsing experience. As a result, users can enjoy a more immersive and engaging interaction with the content provided on websites. By harnessing the power of 5G, web designers can prioritise customer satisfaction by ensuring that users encounter minimal barriers when accessing and interacting with website content. Impact of 5G on Website Speed Enhanced Loading Speed 5G technology brings about a significant acceleration in website loading speeds, thereby contributing to a more efficient user experience. The implementation of 5G allows web pages to load at unprecedented speeds, minimising the waiting time for users and ensuring swift access to the desired content. This enhanced loading speed not only reduces user frustration but also sets a new standard for the responsiveness of online platforms. The low latency of 5G technology plays a pivotal role in enhancing website responsiveness, ensuring a seamless and engaging user interaction. With reduced latency, web pages respond more swiftly to user actions, creating an environment where users can navigate through online platforms with unparalleled ease. The improved responsiveness facilitated by 5G fosters a dynamic and fluid browsing experience, catering to the evolving needs of modern internet users. Incorporating 5G into website design not only elevates loading speeds but also redefines the responsiveness of online platforms, setting new benchmarks for user satisfaction and engagement. Enhancing User Experience In the realm of website design, the integration of 5G technology brings forth a paradigm shift in enhancing user experience and customer satisfaction. Leveraging the capabilities of 5G empowers web designers to deliver personalised interactions and seamlessly integrate augmented reality, thereby redefining the landscape of user engagement. With the advent of 5G technology, websites can now offer personalised experiences that resonate with individual users. By harnessing the speed and efficiency of 5G, web designers can tailor content and interactions based on user preferences, browsing history, and demographics. This level of personalization fosters a deeper connection between users and websites, ultimately leading to heightened customer satisfaction and loyalty. Augmented Reality Integration The high-speed capabilities of 5G pave the way for seamless integration of augmented reality (AR) into website experiences. AR integration offers users an immersive and interactive environment where they can engage with products or services in real-time. Whether it’s trying out virtual furniture placements or experiencing virtual tours, AR elevates user engagement to unprecedented levels. The fluidity and responsiveness enabled by 5G contribute to a seamless AR experience, setting new standards for user interaction and satisfaction. By embracing the potential of 5G technology, web designers have the opportunity to revolutionise user experiences through personalised interactions and immersive augmented reality integrations. Speed Performance and 5G The advent of 5G technology has ushered in a new era for website speed performance and optimization, fundamentally transforming the way users interact with online platforms. The integration of 5G technology has not only redefined website speed but has also significantly enhanced overall performance, setting higher standards for user satisfaction and engagement. 5G's Impact on Website Speed The introduction of 5G technology has had a profound impact on website speed, revolutionising the loading times and responsiveness of online platforms. With the implementation of 5G, websites can now deliver content at unprecedented speeds, ensuring swift access to information and resources. This enhanced website speed contributes to a seamless browsing experience, minimising user frustration and elevating overall satisfaction. Efficiency and Reliability One of the key attributes of 5G technology is its unparalleled reliability and efficiency in data transfer. The reliability of 5G networks ensures consistent and stable connectivity, bolstering the speed and performance of websites. This enhanced efficiency contributes to faster data transfer rates, enabling websites to deliver content seamlessly without disruptions or delays. As a result, users can enjoy an optimised browsing experience characterised by swift loading times and responsive interactions. Incorporating 5G into website design not only enhances speed performance but also reinforces the reliability and efficiency of online platforms, ultimately shaping a more satisfying user experience. Server and Hosting with 5G The integration of 5G technology not only revolutionises website design and user experience but also significantly impacts server and hosting solutions. With the introduction of 5G-powered hosting, web servers are poised to deliver faster and more reliable performance, ultimately enhancing the overall user experience. 5G-Powered Hosting Solutions The advent of 5G technology revolutionises hosting solutions, ushering in a new era of server performance optimization. By leveraging the capabilities of 5G networks, web hosting providers can offer enhanced server performance characterised by faster data transfer rates and improved reliability. This translates to websites being able to deliver content seamlessly, ensuring that users experience minimal latency and disruptions during their browsing sessions. The implementation of 5G-powered hosting solutions marks a significant leap forward in optimising server performance, ultimately contributing to an unparalleled user experience. Scalability and Flexibility Incorporating 5G into web hosting services offers scalability and flexibility that cater to the evolving demands of websites and their users. The robust infrastructure provided by 5G-powered hosting enables seamless scalability, allowing websites to adapt to fluctuating traffic volumes without compromising on speed or reliability. Additionally, the flexibility offered by 5G-enabled hosting empowers web administrators to customise server resources based on specific requirements, ensuring optimal performance tailored to the unique needs of individual websites. With its scalable and flexible nature, 5G-powered hosting solutions pave the way for a dynamic and adaptive web hosting environment that aligns with the ever-changing landscape of online platforms. Adapting to 5G Technology As the landscape of technology continues to evolve, the integration of 5G technology has emerged as a transformative force in web design and user experience. Adapting to 5G technology is imperative for websites to harness its capabilities and deliver unparalleled user experiences. Implementing 5G-Ready Designs Websites must undergo a paradigm shift in design to embrace the potential of 5G technology. Implementing 5G-ready designs involves optimising website structures and functionalities to align with the speed and responsiveness offered by 5G networks. This adaptation encompasses streamlining code, optimising image and multimedia delivery, and prioritising mobile responsiveness. By integrating these elements, websites can ensure that they are fully prepared to leverage the enhanced speed and connectivity provided by 5G networks. Preparing for the 5G Era Businesses need to proactively prepare for the impending dominance of 5G technology by optimising their websites to leverage its full potential. This preparation involves conducting comprehensive assessments of existing website infrastructure, identifying areas for optimization, and strategizing for seamless integration with 5G networks. Additionally, businesses should prioritise enhancing security measures and data privacy protocols to align with the heightened connectivity facilitated by 5G. By preparing for the 5G era, businesses can position themselves at the forefront of technological advancements, ensuring that their websites are optimised to deliver exceptional user experiences in an increasingly connected world. Future Trends in Website Speed As technology continues to advance at a rapid pace, the future of website speed is intricately linked with the innovative capabilities of 5G technology. The seamless integration of 5G into web design and development is set to usher in a new era of unprecedented advancements in user experience, setting the stage for transformative changes in how users interact with online platforms. The evolution of website speed is poised to be driven by the groundbreaking innovations facilitated by 5G technology. With its high-speed connectivity and low latency, 5G opens up possibilities for websites to deliver content and services with unparalleled efficiency and responsiveness. This innovation extends beyond mere loading speeds, encompassing dynamic interactions, real-time data processing, and enhanced multimedia delivery. As a result, websites can offer users an immersive and seamless browsing experience that transcends traditional limitations. In addition to revolutionising website speed, 5G paves the way for emerging technologies that are poised to further elevate user experiences on online platforms. These emerging technologies encompass augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), Internet of Things (IoT), and edge computing, among others. The high-speed capabilities and reliability of 5G networks provide the foundation for these technologies to thrive, enabling websites to seamlessly integrate cutting-edge features that redefine user interactions. By leveraging these emerging technologies empowered by 5G, websites can transcend conventional boundaries, delivering innovative experiences that captivate users and set new benchmarks for user-centric design principles. The evolution of 5G technology has paved the way for a user-centric approach in website design, placing paramount importance on delivering seamless experiences tailored to user needs. With the capabilities of 5G networks, websites can now prioritise user satisfaction and engagement by aligning their offerings with the specific requirements and preferences of individual users. Prioritising User Needs Incorporating 5G technology enables web designers to adopt a proactive approach towards prioritising user needs. By leveraging the speed and responsiveness offered by 5G networks, websites can tailor their content delivery and interactions to align with the unique preferences and browsing behaviours of users. This personalised approach ensures that users encounter minimal barriers when accessing information and engaging with online platforms, ultimately leading to heightened customer satisfaction and loyalty. User-First Design Principles Websites are increasingly embracing user-first design principles, leveraging the capabilities of 5G technology to create intuitive and user-friendly experiences. The integration of 5G empowers web designers to craft interfaces that prioritise ease of navigation, accessibility, and personalised interactions. By placing users at the forefront of design considerations, websites can ensure that every aspect of the user experience is optimised to deliver seamless, engaging, and tailored interactions. Securing Website Performance In the realm of website performance optimization, the integration of 5G technology plays a pivotal role in ensuring the reliability and responsiveness of online platforms. The incorporation of 5G technology brings about a significant enhancement in website reliability, guaranteeing consistent performance and uninterrupted user experiences. With the robust connectivity and stability offered by 5G networks, websites can deliver seamless interactions and content delivery without encountering disruptions or downtime. This heightened reliability sets new benchmarks for user satisfaction and establishes a foundation for sustained performance optimization. Mitigating Latency Issues 5G technology serves as a formidable solution for mitigating latency issues, fortifying website performance and optimising user experiences. By minimising latency, websites can ensure that user interactions are met with swift responses and seamless transitions between various elements. The mitigation of latency not only elevates the browsing experience but also fosters an environment where users encounter minimal delays, thereby enhancing overall satisfaction. The integration of 5G technology is instrumental in securing website performance by prioritising reliability and mitigating latency issues to deliver unparalleled user experiences. Harnessing the Potential of 5G in Web Design The integration of 5G technology in web design represents a pivotal advancement that holds immense potential for elevating user experience and optimising website performance. By embracing the capabilities of 5G, web designers can revolutionise the way users interact with online platforms, setting new benchmarks for speed, responsiveness, and personalised interactions. The seamless incorporation of 5G into web design signifies a shift towards prioritising customer-centric experiences and leveraging the transformative impact of 5th generation technology. With 5G in web design, the focus extends beyond mere technological enhancements; it encompasses a strategic approach to UX design and customer experience. This paradigm shift empowers web designers to deliver tailored interactions that resonate with individual users while ensuring efficient content delivery and seamless browsing experiences. By harnessing the potential of 5G in web design, businesses can position themselves at the forefront of technological innovation, delivering unparalleled user experiences that align with the evolving expectations of modern internet users. Elevate Your Brand with Cutting-Edge Web Solutions Our commitment to excellence extends beyond traditional connectivity; we ensure that every website we develop is meticulously optimised for both Wi-Fi and high-speed mobile devices. This dual-focus approach guarantees that your brand remains accessible, responsive, and engaging, regardless of how your audience chooses to connect. If you’re ready to elevate your brand’s online presence and deliver exceptional user experiences, we invite you to reach out to us. Let’s collaborate to harness the full potential of your online platform and set new standards in digital excellence. Contact us today to transform your vision into reality.
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Just a heads up — Wellness Bum is reader supported, which means that we may receive a commission if you make a purchase using links within this article from qualifying purchases. It never affects your price or what we pick to recommend. If we’ve learned anything from our Instagram feeds, it’s that smoothie bowls are one of the biggest breakfast Summer trends out there. Packed with leafy greens, tropical fruit, or creamy avocado, these bowls are filling, nutrient-packed, and down-right delicious. What You’ll Need Smoothie Base 1 handful frozen spinach, organic 1/4 cup microgreens 1/4 avocado, frozen 3/4 cup homemade cashew milk 1 tsp maca 1/2 lime, without peel 1/2 cup coconut meat 1 scoop Vital Proteins collagen peptides 2 dates, pitted I'm an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach and Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT-200), offering guidance to high achievers in aligning their lifestyle with well-being through daily wellness and self-care routines, promoting balance and harmony. Join me at Wellness Bum for tips on living well, and consider subscribing to my newsletter or booking a coaching session.
We are a reliable furnace company serving the Wallaceburg area, providing professional furnace service & repair, sales, and even new furnace installations as needed. From heating your home with an older furnace, heatpump, or boiler – we take your heating seriously as we understand the importance of staying warm in the cold winter months. Furnace Repairs With A Difference Our Wallaceburg furnace company specializes in repairs to any make or model of furnace, whether old or new. It is our goal to be able to provide you with the most cost effective furnace solutions, whether that means the installation of a new furnace at your Wallaceburg location, or repairs to your current furnace. Our professional company is on hand to ensure your furnace is running at optimal performance. Will I Benefit From A High Efficiency Furnace? The efficiency of your Wallaceburg furnace is measured by the amount of fuel used in comparison to the heat returned to you. At West Air, though we are experts in servicing and repairing all makes and models, we only sell and install high efficiency furnaces as we have found these furnaces are THE most ideal financial option. Our highly efficient furnace service is able to help save you money through the years, often saving you much more than the initial investment in your new furnace! Is It Time For Furnace Service? There are many signs that indicate your furnace may require servicing or replacement: - Your Wallaceburg Home/Office is never warm enough. - It takes awhile for your older furnace to turn on and turns off too soon. - Your furnace is making noises such as banging, whining, or grinding. - You can smell burning or gas when your furnace switches on. - Your current furnace has been installed for over 15 years. - You can hear your carbon monoxide detectors go off. - You have not serviced your furnace in awhile. Contact Our Trusted Furnace Company Today If you are seeking furnace service in Wallaceburg, including quick repairs or even a brand new furnace installation, reserve your service call by connecting with our expert furnace company today!
Byron Griffin was found injured in Eyre’s Garden, Ilkeston, at around 12.40pm on Sunday 4 July. The 22-year-old, from East Leake was taken to the Queen’s Medical Centre where he died. Mr Griffin’s mother, Zoe Cooke, said: “Byron’s death has absolutely devastated my family. He is my only son and leaves behind three sisters aged 10, 11 and 27 who will never, ever get over this. “Byron was loved by so many – to the point that one of his old teachers came to see me to pay his condolences despite him leaving school years ago. “Byron was my absolute heartbeat and our lives will never be the same again – the pain is absolutely unbearable. We are all devastated beyond belief and I wouldn’t wish this on any parent. “My boy will never hold or kiss me again and I will never come to terms with that.” Mr Griffin’s family are being supported by specialist officers and our thoughts are with them at this most difficult of times. It is believed Mr Griffin was injured during a disturbance in Great Northern Close and officers are keen to hear from anyone who may have information that can help the investigation. Of particular interest are any witnesses who may have seen a disturbance in the area around Great Northern Close at around 12.30pm – especially any homeowners with CCTV or drivers with dashcam footage who may have been in the area at the time. Anyone with information is asked to contact Derbyshire police on 101 including reference 21*372467:
Rushcliffe Spencer Academy would like to take this opportunity to warmly invite all prospective Sixth Form students to an Open Evening on Tuesday 4 October. We welcome current y11 pupils from Rushcliffe and other schools, who might be interested in joining our expanding and vibrant Sixth Form community in September 2023. Parents/carers are also very welcome to attend. You will have a chance to meet subject teachers, the Sixth Form leadership team, key pastoral staff and to look around our purpose built Sixth Form facilities and find out about our application process. There will be three formal presentations – at 4.30, 5.30 and 6.30 pm – and the chance to ask questions and talk with staff and current students. At Rushcliffe Spencer Academy, we have a simple core purpose that underpins everything we do: ‘Everyone will be given the chance to shine brightly’. We want each and every young person, no matter what their background or future aspirations, to be successful – both during their time at Rushcliffe and in the many years beyond. Academic excellence is at the heart of all we do and we are rightly proud of the outstanding achievements of our students. We offer an extensive range of level 3 courses including 26 A-Level subjects and an increasing number of exciting vocational courses. At Rushcliffe Spencer Academy Sixth Form we offer all students a broad range of enrichment activities and extracurricular opportunities in addition to the core subjects studied. We want Rushcliffe students to develop into well-rounded young people who are kind to others, open-minded and able to lead happy and healthy lives when they leave us, making a positive contribution to the communities in which they will live and work. Whilst a growing number of our students secure higher level apprenticeships, the vast majority choose to go on to study at university and are fully supported throughout the application process by our experienced tutor team. Come along on the 4th October to find out more and to see if Rushcliffe Spencer Academy Sixth From is the right choice for you and your future ambitions! Click on the link below to register your interest and secure your place. [pvfw-embed viewer_id=”222491″ width=”100%” height=”800″]
Many people talk about giving back to the community, but one Rye Brook resident, Jeff Sohn, actually took action. Sohn was part of a crew of student volunteers working to help restore parks that were severely damaged by Superstorm Sandy. The group was participating in the Student Conservation Association’s (SCA) Sandy Recovery Project, which was sponsored by American Eagle Outfitters. After about 100 applications, 17 students were chosen based on submitted essays. Voters of an online contest decided to send the group to work in the National Parks of New York Harbor for a week. I was able to speak with Sohn, who recently graduated from the University of Albany, about his experience. Why did you decide to participate in this experience? JS: It was an opportunity to meet like minded people who are environmentally conscious, have an appreciation for the outdoors, think the way that I do, and know the importance of preserving the natural world. The program sparked my attention so I decided to jump on it. How did you hear about the program? JS: I heard about it through the SCA list serve and since I “like” the SCA on Facebook I saw it there. And I actually expected there to be a lot people who were similar to me, but overall it was a pretty diverse group. Looking back, how was your experience? JS: It was great. Every day we had new tasks, ranging from cleaning up debris in a parking lot to cleaning up trails. We also built a boardwalk in a garden so it could be handicap accessible. So there were diverse outdoor project. Plus, one day were did not work and went into Manhattan, since not everyone was from here. Would you do it again or recommend it to other students? JS: Yeah. The SCA is awesome and they are doing a lot of good work all over the county. I would definitely recommend challenging yourself. Did you meet a lot of new kids? JS: Yes since I didn’t know anyone before the trip. I met 17 new awesome people who live throughout the county. And since we camped out for the whole week at Gateway National Park on Floyd Bennett Field, we spent a lot of time together. Were you personally affected by Sandy? JS: Not me directly. My family did lose power but my uncle was displaced for six months. So I certainly felt a personal effect. How did you feel about helping a community close to yours? JS: I think it is important to give back to the community, but I don’t always necessarily get to do it so it was great to have the opportunity to fully engage myself.
The December report from our District and County Councillors does contain some items that you may find concerning, so please read about them here. In particular there are some major development plans both now and on the horizon: - Anaerobic Digestion Plant Proposals in Streetly End and Haverhill. - Possibly the largest solar farm in Europe between Linton, Balsham and Fulbourn. - An expansion plan for Cambridge that will make it 4x larger. It would make Abington, Linton, Balsham, etc. suburbs of Cambridge. Minutes from previous Parish Council meetings and reports from our District and County Councilors can be read here.
Apple, Samsung, and Google continue to fight to become the top players in the Mobile Technology Industry. Moreover, their product prices continue to outrun the pockets of a massive section of the Asian consumer electronics market, which first gave Xiaomi a chance to penetrate it with its reasonable feature-loaded mobile phones. Once again, after many economically successful ventures in mobile technology and a marvelous consumer reaction towards its last market-breaker Poco F1, Xiaomi is back with its latest Redmi Note 7 Pro. Yeah, it’s almost here. Slated to be launched in the market on March 13, 2019, Xiaomi has made everything possible to make sure that their users get the best taste of processing speed, extensive gaming, and steamrolling work compatibility. All of that added with a high-end functioning camera for some photography. Let’s break down what Xiaomi has in the bucket for all of us this time. The new Redmi Note 7 Pro would be studded with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 675 Octa-Core Processor. Now it’s not the Snapdragon 855 that the company has just offered in its Mi9 model or the Snapdragon 845 in Poco F1. However, this inevitably crosses the previous benchmark set by the Redmi series, with the company claiming an increase by 155% in the functioning of the device in comparison to the Note 6 Pro. As the modern-day devices continue to turn into micro-drives for storage, Xiaomi seems to follow the trend, offering 128 GB of internal storage with and hybrid-external limit of 256 GB. Supported by a 6GB RAM, the Redmi Note 7 Pro would likely hold the compatibility for such storage without any trouble. The USP of Xiaomi phones, Camera quality, is something the company has not compromised with ever since the beginning. And this time, it’s a complete package, a dual rear camera with 48 MP+5MP lenses, offering astounding photography experience via Sony IMX586 camera sensor. In case you are a lone traveler and wish for long-lasting memories via self-portraits, you get a 13MP front camera integrated with the latest Artificial Intelligence technology, allowing for automated filters and a classic portrait mode in a single lens. Continuing its previous trends, Xiaomi has fixed a Full-HD Display screen, which is added with 2340 x 1080 resolution, thus, offering you a mesmerizing and detailed viewing experience. The 6.3”extended display would be protected by the Corning Gorilla 5 Glass. So, no stress there for damage. The battery capacity is placed at 4000mAh, which Xiaomi has claimed would have 251 hours of standby backup, whereas an 8h back-up on continuous extensive FHD gaming. A dream come true for the PUBG addicts. The long design of the phone is to offer a sleek hold and a lighter experience to the user. The phone’s camera is to have an embedded AI sensor for face unlock, however, may not come with Poco’s infrared proximity. The rear-controlled fingerprint sensor would be surrounded by a glass body again coming with Corning Gorilla 5 Protection. To be available in almost a week’s time, the phone has three color variants, namely, Nebula Red, Neptune Blue, and Space Black. Now the big question, what it would cost you. Earlier this day, Xiaomi revealed the prices for its Note 7 Pro variants and made it available for pre-booking. The consumer price established for Note 7 Pro would be US$240, which would contain all of the features above. However, to make it up to its market strategy and its consumer satisfaction policy of providing “cheap smartphones”, the company has launched another variant with same specs at US$198, except it comes with 4GB RAM and 64GB Storage. Though a lot many features of Note 7 Pro are available in some other variants from different manufacturers, the model may perform well, given its booming 48MP camera, which may change the image capturing experiences for the users.
Humans generate 2.5 quintillion bytes of data every day. That is a substantial amount of information. However, failing to keep up with the ever-changing threat landscape might wipe your share of this data in the blink of an eye. In fact, ransomware has more than doubled in frequency since last year, accounting for 10% of verified breaches. While there is a lot of fear surrounding cybersecurity, you don’t need to panic. There are measures you can put in place to better protect your business. One of our best recommendations is to make data backups a component of your cybersecurity plan. Companies that don’t regularly back up valuable data leave themselves vulnerable to evolving cyberthreats. Data loss can occur due to multiple reasons that range from hard drive failures and ransomware attacks to natural disasters and human error. Whatever the reason may be, data backup can provide the relief you need by helping restore data on your devices should an incident occur. When you decide to embark on your data backup journey to protect your organization and create business continuity, there are several myths you’ll come across. Here are four of the most common data backup myths: Backup Myths Debunked Myth #1: Data Backup Is Too Expensive Data loss can have a cascading effect, resulting in downtime, productivity loss, revenue disruptions, regulatory fines and reputational damage. The total cost of these setbacks is typically higher than the cost of a backup solution. Myth #2: Having One Copy of Your Data Backed Up Is All You Need The 3-2-1 strategy is a data backup best practice that involves having at least three copies of your data, two on-site but on different mediums/devices, and one off-site. - Three copies of data: Having at least two additional copies of your data, in addition to your original data, is ideal. - Two different mediums: Keep two copies of your data on different types of storage medium such as internal hard drives and removable storage like an external hard drive or a USB drive. - One off-site copy: Keep one copy of your data off-site. This helps safeguard against worst-case scenarios. Myth #3: Multiple Copies Guarantee Successful Backups Having additional copies of your data by following the 3-2-1 strategy is a smart practice, but this doesn’t guarantee backups will operate as expected. Organizations following the 3-2-1 strategy generally keep the original data and one of its copies on-site while another copy is transmitted to a safe, off-site destination, typically the cloud. Beyond creating additional backup copies, regularly check to verify whether your backups are working properly since they may still be vulnerable to user error or data corruption. Routinely test backups or outsource the task to a managed service provider (MSP). Myth #4: Data Backup and Disaster Recovery Are the Same This misunderstanding stems from the fact that many people do not understand the difference between data backup and disaster recovery. Even though they are both vital components of business continuity, they are not the same. While data backup is the act of backing up critical data, disaster recovery is the act of recovering those backups. Another distinction is that while data backup is defined by the recovery point objective (RPO), which is the amount of data that must be restored to keep operations running, disaster recovery is defined by the recovery time objective (RTO), which considers the time it takes to recover. Partner for Success Trying to safeguard your organization against data loss on your own can be overwhelming. Fortunately, we’ve got you covered. We can make it easier for you to implement a long-term security and data backup strategy that also meets IT and endpoint device security and data protection requirements – especially considering new, growing cyberthreats that target vulnerabilities you may have overlooked. Contact us today for a free consultation. Article curated and used by permission.
Name a place that gets free advertising every day in every newspaper concerning the country? Still thinking? Let me reveal another hint – they’ve got web sites, radio shows, TV shows and entire cable channels dedicated to talking about the subject and their product? Quit? The answer is sports. Due to your popularity of pro sports, there are an endless line of long time experts this kind of tool be consulted relative to forecasts and predictions. Thus the average gambler can access outstanding deal of established expertise with a public record. This may be undecided to whether it is often a sport or. In my personal how much fitness are you able to actually get from recognized or car or truck. There Sports broadcast will be a lot of individuals that do like watching F1, inside my personal view I can’t think of anything more tedious than sitting there and watching car zooming around. Some Sirius stations are uncensored and some are. However, for essentially the most part, these find how the stations have more freedom to say and play what desire. This covers a involving independent bands to have their records played, as the disc jockeys have more freedom. But what about all those television employees, the crews of today’s studios, the executives, the marketing departments, and and much more MLB broadcast ? They would have to identify a other jobs, or perform fellatio. Faking Delegation. It’s counter-intuitive, but internet marketer more responsibility and autonomy; they just don’t always show which it. Get out of one’s own way and pass the ropes over to the person ought to be executing it. You is actually free NBA broadcast to operate on issues and they’ll be happier campers. Academy Of Champions: Soccer – the tile says it all, a game basically for boys who love little league. crystal palace fc includes 12 mini adventure. Or play the narrative to battle against a football school. Try to make your team win the title. The story goes that anything, sports franchise or otherwise, is only worth what someone would probably to shell out the dough. The allure of sport team ownership is authentic value.
Insurance Coverage for Braces: What Adults Should Know If you’re an adult considering braces, you may be wondering, What insurance covers braces for adults? The good news is that many dental insurance plans cover orthodontic treatment, including braces. In this article, we will explore the insurance options available for adults seeking braces and discuss the regulations and coverage specifics in the most popular states in the United States. 1. Does insurance typically cover braces for adults? Yes, insurance often covers braces for adults, but it’s essential to understand the details of your specific plan. Dental insurance plans vary in coverage levels, so not all programs provide the same benefits. Some programs may offer full or partial coverage for orthodontic treatment, while others may have limitations or waiting periods. 2. What types of dental insurance plans cover braces for adults? Most dental insurance plans fall into employer-sponsored group plans and individual or family plans. Companies typically provide employer-sponsored programs to employees, while individuals purchase unique or family plans directly. Both types of projects can include coverage for braces, although the extent of coverage may differ. Employer-Sponsored Group Plans: These plans are often more comprehensive and may offer better braces coverage than individual projects. However, the coverage specifics will still depend on the employer’s chosen method and the insurance provider. Individual or Family Plans: Individual or family dental plans can also cover braces, but the coverage may be less extensive than employer-sponsored group plans. It’s essential to review the plan’s details, including any waiting periods or restrictions, to determine the coverage for orthodontic treatment. 3. What are the regulations for braces insurance coverage in popular states? The regulations surrounding insurance coverage for braces can vary from state to state. Let’s take a look at the rules in some of the most popular forms: In California, dental insurance plans are not required to cover adult orthodontic treatment. However, many programs offer coverage, so it’s advisable to carefully compare different options before deciding. Unlike California, Texas law mandates that group health insurance plans cover orthodontic treatment for adults with certain conditions. Individual and family plans may also provide coverage, but reviewing the specific terms and limitations is essential. New York requires dental insurance plans to include coverage for orthodontic treatment, including braces, for children and adults. However, there may be restrictions on the duration and frequency of treatment. In Florida, dental insurance plans are not legally obligated to cover adult orthodontic treatment. Coverage may still be available, but individuals should carefully review their plan options to determine the extent of coverage. Illinois law does not require dental insurance plans to cover adult orthodontic treatment. Coverage may be available through specific programs, but individuals should thoroughly examine the terms and conditions. 4. What should adults consider when selecting an insurance plan for braces? When choosing an insurance plan for braces, adults should consider the following factors: – Coverage specifics: Review the plan’s coverage for orthodontic treatment, including whether it covers braces, X-rays, adjustments, and other related costs. – Waiting periods: Check if the plan has any waiting periods before orthodontic coverage becomes effective. – Network providers: Determine if the plan requires you to visit specific dentists or orthodontists within their network to receive full coverage. – Deductibles and copayments: Understand the out-of-pocket costs you will be responsible for, such as deductibles, copayments, and any annual maximums. – Plan limitations: Be aware of any restrictions on the duration of treatment or the age limits for coverage. 5. Can adults with pre-existing conditions get insurance coverage for braces? Adults with pre-existing dental conditions may still be eligible for insurance coverage for braces. However, it’s important to note that some insurance plans may have waiting periods or exclusions for pre-existing conditions. Review the policy details carefully or consult the insurance provider to understand how pre-existing conditions may affect your coverage. In conclusion, many dental insurance plans offer coverage for braces for adults. The extent of coverage can vary depending on the type of plan and the regulations in your state of residence. It’s crucial to carefully review the details of each project, including coverage specifics, waiting periods, network providers, deductibles, copayments, and any plan limitations. When selecting an insurance plan for braces, consider your individual needs and preferences. Take into account factors such as the level of coverage provided, the insurance provider’s reputation, and the plan’s affordability. Comparing different options and seeking guidance from dental professionals can help you make an informed decision. Remember that insurance coverage for braces is not guaranteed for all adults. Some states may have no legal requirements for coverage, while others may mandate it for specific conditions. It’s essential to familiarize yourself with the regulations in your state and understand the particular terms of each insurance plan. By understanding what insurance covers braces for adults and conducting thorough research, you can find an insurance plan that suits your needs and helps make orthodontic treatment more affordable. Consult with dental professionals and insurance representatives to ensure you comprehensively understand the coverage details before proceeding with any orthodontic treatment. In conclusion, while insurance coverage for braces varies depending on the specific plan and state regulations, many dental insurance plans offer an adult range. Understanding the coverage specifics, considering state regulations, and thoroughly reviewing insurance plan details are critical steps in securing insurance coverage for braces. By taking the time to research and compare different options, adults can find suitable insurance plans that make orthodontic treatment more accessible and affordable. Remember to consult with dental professionals and insurance providers to clarify any questions or concerns you may have throughout the process. With the right insurance coverage, adults can achieve their desired smiles while maintaining oral health. Frequently Asked Questions 1. Does insurance cover braces for adults? Yes, many dental insurance plans offer coverage for braces for adults. However, the extent of coverage may vary depending on the project and state regulations. It’s essential to review the specific details of your insurance plan to understand what orthodontic treatments are covered. 2. How much does insurance typically cover for adult braces? The coverage provided by insurance plans for adult braces can vary. Some programs may cover a percentage of the total cost, usually 50% to 80%. You must check your plan’s coverage specifics, including any deductibles or copayments you may be responsible for. 3. Are there waiting periods for insurance coverage of adult braces? Some insurance plans may have waiting periods before orthodontic coverage becomes effective. Waiting periods can range from a few months to a year. Review your plan’s terms and understand any waiting periods that may apply before starting orthodontic treatment. 4. Can I choose any orthodontist with insurance coverage for adult braces? Many insurance plans have a network of preferred providers. To maximize your coverage, it’s advisable to choose an orthodontist who is part of your insurance plan’s network. However, some programs may still provide coverage for out-of-network providers, although the reimbursement rates may differ. 5. Can adults with pre-existing dental conditions get insurance coverage for braces? Insurance coverage for braces may still be available to adults with pre-existing dental conditions. However, some plans may impose limitations or exclusions related to pre-existing conditions. Review your plan’s policy details or consult the insurance provider to understand how pre-existing conditions may impact your coverage. By understanding the answers to these frequently asked questions, adults seeking insurance coverage for braces can make more informed decisions and navigate the process with greater confidence. Remember, it’s crucial to consult with dental professionals and insurance representatives to ensure you have accurate and up-to-date information regarding your specific insurance plan and coverage for braces. Insurance coverage for braces is available for adults through many dental insurance plans. The extent of coverage can vary based on the specific project, state regulations, and individual circumstances. It’s essential for adults considering orthodontic treatment to thoroughly research and compare different insurance options to find a plan that meets their needs. Understanding the coverage specifics, including waiting periods, network providers, deductibles, copayments, and plan limitations, is crucial in making an informed decision. State regulations also play a role in determining the availability and extent of coverage for adult braces. While insurance coverage can help make braces more affordable, it’s important to note that not all dental insurance plans provide a full range. Some programs may cover a percentage of the total cost, while others may have limitations or exclusions for pre-existing conditions. Adults should review their insurance plan carefully and consult with dental professionals and insurance representatives to clarify any questions or concerns. By taking the time to understand what insurance covers braces for adults and exploring available options, individuals can make the best decision for their orthodontic treatment journey. When selecting an insurance plan, consider coverage specifics, costs, and network providers. Seeking guidance from dental professionals can also provide valuable insights and recommendations. Ultimately, with the right insurance coverage and proper research, adults can access the orthodontic treatment they need to achieve a healthy and confident smile. Additional Tips for Maximizing Insurance Coverage In addition to understanding the coverage details and regulations surrounding insurance coverage for adult braces, some additional tips can help maximize your benefits: 1. Verify Orthodontic Coverage Before starting any orthodontic treatment, verify your coverage with your insurance provider. Understand the specific treatments covered, any limitations or exclusions, and the percentage of coverage provided. This will help you plan your budget accordingly. 2. Get a Pre-treatment Estimate Ask your orthodontist to provide a pre-treatment estimate to submit to your insurance company. This estimate outlines the proposed treatment plan and associated costs. It allows you to clearly understand what your insurance will cover and what you will need to pay out-of-pocket. 3. In-Network Providers If your insurance plan has a network of preferred providers, consider selecting an orthodontist within that network. This can help ensure you receive the maximum coverage under your program. However, if you have a preferred orthodontist who is out-of-network, inquire about the scope for out-of-network providers as well. 4. Flexible Spending Accounts (FSAs) or Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) If your employer offers FSAs or HSAs, consider utilizing these accounts to save on orthodontic expenses. Contributions to these accounts are made with pre-tax dollars, providing potential tax savings. Check with your employer or financial advisor to determine if you are eligible for these accounts and how they can be used for orthodontic treatment. 5. Keep Accurate Records Maintain detailed records of all orthodontic-related expenses, including receipts, bills, and insurance claim forms. This documentation will be helpful for any inquiries or appeals you may need to make to your insurance company. Keeping organized records ensures that you have the necessary information readily available. By following these tips, you can navigate the insurance process more effectively and maximize your coverage for adult braces. Remember to stay proactive, ask questions, and seek assistance from dental professionals and insurance representatives whenever needed. Insurance coverage for braces is a valuable resource for adults seeking orthodontic treatment. By understanding the specific coverage details, state regulations, and individual plan options, adults can make informed decisions about their dental insurance and maximize their benefits. It’s essential to review the coverage specifics of your insurance plan, including waiting periods, network providers, deductibles, copayments, and any limitations or exclusions. Researching the regulations in your state will also provide insight into the requirements and options available for adult braces coverage. When selecting an insurance plan, consider coverage level, affordability, and network providers. It may be beneficial to consult with dental professionals and insurance representatives to understand the options comprehensively. Additionally, familiarize yourself with frequently asked questions about insurance coverage for adult braces to address common concerns and uncertainties. This knowledge will empower you to navigate the insurance process more effectively and make well-informed choices. Remember to keep accurate records of all expenses and correspondences related to your orthodontic treatment. This documentation will be essential for inquiries or appeals with your insurance company. In conclusion, by being proactive, doing thorough research, and staying informed, adults can find suitable insurance coverage for braces and embark on their journey to achieve a healthy and confident smile. Orthodontic treatment can be made more accessible and affordable with the right insurance coverage and careful consideration of individual needs and circumstances. Disclaimer: The information provided in this article is based on general knowledge and does not constitute legal or financial advice. Insurance coverage varies depending on the specific plan and state regulations. For accurate and up-to-date information, consult with dental professionals and insurance representatives, and review the terms and conditions of your insurance plan.
Living in Florida and need car insurance? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Car insurance can be confusing, but it doesn’t have to be. In this article, we will share our secrets on how to get cheap Florida car insurance today. Firstly, it’s important to understand the car insurance requirements in Florida. You need to have a minimum of personal injury protection (PIP) and property damage liability (PDL) to drive legally in the state. But don’t worry, we’ll explain everything you need to know. Factors such as your age, driving record, and the type of car you own can affect your car insurance rates. By understanding these factors and doing your research, you can find the best Florida car insurance companies that offer affordable rates. So, how do you save money on your Florida car insurance? One way is to compare quotes from multiple companies. By doing this, you can find the best deal that fits your budget. Plus, we’ll give you tips on how to reduce your rates further. Get ready to unlock the secrets on how to get cheap Florida car insurance today. Keep reading to discover everything you need to know to save money on your car insurance. Understanding Florida Car Insurance Requirements As a driver in Florida, it is important to understand the state’s car insurance requirements. In Florida, drivers are required to carry personal injury protection (PIP) and property damage liability (PDL) coverage. PIP coverage is designed to cover medical expenses and lost wages in the event of an accident, regardless of who is at fault. PDL coverage, on the other hand, is meant to cover any damage you may cause to someone else’s property while driving. It is important to note that these coverages do not provide protection for your own vehicle. Minimum Coverage Limits in Florida The minimum coverage limits for PIP and PDL coverage in Florida are: - PIP – $10,000 - PDL – $10,000 Additional Coverage Options While Florida only requires PIP and PDL coverage, there are additional coverage options that drivers may want to consider: - Bodily injury liability (BIL) – This coverage can help pay for the medical expenses and lost wages of other drivers and passengers if you are at fault in an accident. - Collision coverage – This coverage can help pay for repairs to your own vehicle if you are in an accident. - Comprehensive coverage – This coverage can help pay for damage to your vehicle that is not the result of an accident, such as theft or weather-related damage. The Importance of Adequate Coverage While it may be tempting to only purchase the minimum required coverage in Florida to save money on your premiums, it is important to consider the potential financial consequences of being underinsured in the event of an accident. By carrying adequate coverage, you can have peace of mind knowing that you are protected financially. If you are unsure about what type or how much coverage to purchase, it may be helpful to consult with an experienced insurance agent who can help guide you through the process. Factors affecting Florida car insurance rates When it comes to buying car insurance in Florida, one of the most important things to consider is the cost. There are several factors that can affect your car insurance rates, and understanding these factors can help you make informed decisions about your coverage. Here are some of the most common factors that can affect your Florida car insurance rates: Your driving record is one of the most important factors that can affect your car insurance rates. If you have a clean driving record with no accidents or traffic violations, you will likely pay lower insurance rates than someone with a history of accidents or tickets. Age and gender Age and gender can also play a role in determining your car insurance rates. Generally, younger drivers and male drivers are considered to be at a higher risk for accidents, so they may pay higher insurance rates than older or female drivers. Type of car The type of car you drive can also affect your car insurance rates. Cars that are more expensive to repair or replace, or that are more likely to be stolen, will typically have higher insurance rates. Additionally, cars with high safety ratings may have lower insurance rates. - Make and model of car - Age of car - Safety features Where you live can also affect your car insurance rates. Areas with high rates of accidents or theft may have higher insurance rates than areas with lower rates. Additionally, living in an urban area versus a rural area can also impact your rates. - Zip code - City vs. rural - Local accident rates By understanding the factors that can affect your Florida car insurance rates, you can make informed decisions about your coverage and potentially save money on your premiums. Keep these factors in mind when shopping for car insurance to ensure that you get the best possible rates. Tips for finding the best Florida car insurance companies Having adequate car insurance coverage is crucial for drivers in Florida, but with so many options available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. Here are some tips to help you find the best car insurance companies: Shop around: Do your research and compare policies and rates from different companies to find the best fit for your needs and budget. Check ratings and reviews: Look up customer reviews and ratings on reputable websites to gauge the level of satisfaction and reliability of the company. Factors to consider when choosing a car insurance company - Coverage options: Make sure the company offers the coverage you need, whether it’s liability, collision, comprehensive, or personal injury protection. - Rates and discounts: Compare rates from different companies and inquire about discounts you may be eligible for, such as safe driver discounts, multi-car discounts, or bundling policies. - Financial stability: Choose a company with a strong financial rating to ensure they can handle claims and provide reliable service. Tips for saving money on car insurance in Florida Increase your deductible: A higher deductible can lower your premium, but make sure you can afford to pay it if you need to file a claim. Drive safely: Maintaining a clean driving record and avoiding accidents can lead to lower rates and potential discounts. Choose a car with safety features: Cars with advanced safety features like airbags, anti-lock brakes, and collision avoidance systems can help reduce your risk of accidents and lower your insurance rates. How to save money on Florida car insurance First, it’s essential to shop around for the best rates. Don’t assume that your current car insurance provider is offering you the best deal. Comparing quotes from several different insurance companies can help you find a better rate. Consider a higher deductible One way to reduce your car insurance premium is to opt for a higher deductible. A deductible is the amount of money you’ll pay out of pocket if you get into an accident before your insurance coverage kicks in. Increasing your deductible from, say, $500 to $1,000 could lower your premium by 10% or more. Just make sure you have enough money set aside to cover the higher deductible if you do get into an accident. Take advantage of discounts - Many car insurance providers offer discounts for drivers who take defensive driving courses, so consider taking a course if you haven’t already. - You may also be eligible for a discount if your car has certain safety features, such as anti-lock brakes or airbags. - Some insurance companies offer a discount if you bundle your car insurance policy with other types of insurance, such as homeowners insurance. One of the most effective ways to keep your car insurance costs down is to maintain a clean driving record. Avoid speeding tickets, accidents, and other driving infractions, as these can cause your insurance rates to skyrocket. Safe driving habits can not only keep you and other drivers safe on the road but also save you money on your car insurance. By following these tips, you can save money on your car insurance policy without sacrificing the coverage you need. Remember to review your policy regularly to make sure you’re still getting the best rate possible. Why Comparison Shopping for Florida Car Insurance is Important When it comes to car insurance in Florida, there are a lot of options out there. With so many companies vying for your business, it can be difficult to know which one to choose. That’s why comparison shopping is so important. By comparing multiple insurance providers, you can: Every insurance company calculates their rates differently, and the price you pay for coverage can vary widely depending on factors like your age, driving record, and the type of car you drive. By comparing quotes from multiple providers, you can ensure that you’re getting the best deal possible on your car insurance. Find the Right Coverage Not all car insurance policies are created equal. Some may offer more comprehensive coverage than others, while others may have higher deductibles or exclusions that could leave you vulnerable in the event of an accident. By comparing policies from different providers, you can find the one that offers the coverage you need at a price you can afford. Avoid Hidden Fees and Charges Insurance companies can be notorious for tacking on hidden fees and charges to policies, and these extra costs can really add up over time. By comparing policies from different providers, you can identify any hidden fees or charges upfront and make sure you’re not paying more than you need to for your coverage. At the end of the day, comparison shopping for Florida car insurance is an essential step in finding the right coverage at the right price. Don’t settle for the first policy you come across—take the time to compare your options and make an informed decision that will protect you and your vehicle on the road. The benefits of having Florida car insurance Having Florida car insurance can provide you with peace of mind and financial security in the event of an accident or other unforeseen circumstances. Not only is it a legal requirement to have car insurance in Florida, but it can also protect you from the potentially devastating costs associated with accidents, theft, and other incidents on the road. Here are some of the key benefits of having Florida car insurance: Protection against financial loss One of the main benefits of having car insurance is that it can protect you from financial loss in the event of an accident. Without insurance, you could be held responsible for paying for damages to your own vehicle as well as any other vehicles or property involved in the accident. Car insurance can also cover medical expenses for injuries sustained in the accident, which can be especially important if the injuries are serious or long-lasting. In Florida, it is illegal to drive without car insurance. Having car insurance ensures that you are in compliance with the law and can help you avoid costly fines and legal fees. If you are found to be driving without insurance, you may be subject to a suspended license, points on your driving record, and other penalties. Peace of mind Finally, having car insurance can provide you with peace of mind while driving. Knowing that you are protected in the event of an accident or other incident can help you feel more secure and confident on the road. It can also give you the freedom to enjoy your vehicle without worrying about the financial consequences of an accident or other unforeseen circumstances. Frequently Asked Questions How do I obtain Florida car insurance? To obtain Florida car insurance, start by shopping around and comparing policies from different providers. Gather your personal information and vehicle details, then request quotes online or by phone. Once you choose a policy, provide the required information and pay the premium. Your coverage will start immediately, so make sure to keep proof of insurance in your vehicle at all times. What are the minimum requirements for Florida car insurance? The minimum requirements for Florida car insurance include $10,000 in personal injury protection (PIP) coverage and $10,000 in property damage liability (PDL) coverage. However, it is recommended to have higher limits or additional coverage options to protect yourself in the event of an accident. How do I know if I need additional coverage options? Consider your personal circumstances and driving habits when deciding if you need additional Florida car insurance coverage options. For example, if you have a high-value vehicle or frequently drive in hazardous conditions, you may want to consider collision or comprehensive coverage. If you frequently transport passengers or have a long commute, you may want to consider adding bodily injury liability coverage. What factors affect the cost of Florida car insurance? Several factors can affect the cost of your Florida car insurance, including your driving history, age, gender, credit score, and location. Other factors such as the type of vehicle you drive and the coverage options you choose can also impact your premium. To lower your premium, consider raising your deductible or taking advantage of discounts offered by your provider. What should I do if I am involved in a car accident in Florida? If you are involved in a car accident in Florida, exchange contact and insurance information with the other driver(s) involved. Take photos of the damage and file a police report if necessary. Contact your insurance provider as soon as possible to report the incident and start the claims process. Your provider will guide you through the necessary steps to file a claim and repair any damages. How can I lower my Florida car insurance premiums? There are several ways to lower your Florida car insurance premiums, such as maintaining a good driving record, bundling policies, and taking advantage of discounts offered by your provider. You can also consider raising your deductible or reducing coverage on older vehicles to save on premiums. Be sure to regularly review your policy and compare rates from other providers to ensure you are getting the best deal.
White Squirrel Sightings in Brevard, North Carolina and around the U.S. From the beginning History of Bobbie and her babies (Oscar & Elliot) ~ Suzy Biecker This is when I first started coming on a regular basis (3 – 4 times a week) and would leave whole peanuts, while getting closer and closer as Bobbie ate. I did not know if Bobbie was male or female. I would always find her near trees, near the building or near the water. Then I started calling her by name, Bobbie. Bobbie started to eat from my hand. I noticed she was getting large mid-July. The last few days of July, Bobbie did not come when I called, nor did I see her. I still left food where I had before. First week of August, Bobbie showed up, but would only stay a minute and then run down in between buildings towards one tree in particular. I started going to that tree and realized where her home was. Also, it was brought to my attention that Bobbie was not only a female, but a new mother. I could tell the babies had been nursing; I was so excited. I hoped that one day she would allow me to meet her new family. She came to me every evening and I also started leaving whole nuts in the crook of a limb in her tree for breakfast. August 18, 2010 I came at the usual time to feed Bobbie and noticed a huge pile of fresh mulch at the corner of the building. As I walked closer to her tree I was devastated to see that her particular limb had been cut down. There were still limbs on the ground. I did not see Bobbie or any squirrels in that area. As I ran from limb to limb, I found the nest. Apparently someone realized they had brought the nest down; they had split the limb in half and laid it against the building with a window screen over it for protection. There were three babies, two white and one gray. I looked for Bobbie and called for her, there was no sign or answer from her. I waited to see if she would come for the babies. I finally went home to get my husband to help with the babies. Upon returning, two of the babies were gone. I did not know if she had gotten them, or if a predator or human had gotten them. As I looked over I saw one of the white ones, face down in the cold mud bleeding badly from its mouth. By now it was totally dark and getting cooler. We hid and waited to see if someone would come for this one. Nothing happened. I finally picked it up and wrapped it in a towel. We hurried home to see if I could find someone to help. My husband called every vet that offered 24 hour assistance. We only got one response and they refused to help. I remembered Elliot, the white squirrel on display at the White Squirrel Festival. I got online and looked for the name of the wildlife rehabilitator. Finally we were lucky enough to find the name, Jennifer Burgin, a local wildlife rehabilitator that was actually the lady with Elliot at the White Squirrel Festival. My husband called her and she was so kind to meet us in Mills River. By then, it was almost midnight. She took the baby which I named Oscar and 24 hours later called me and said he was still alive and she would be taking him to the vet that day. I returned that next morning and looked everywhere for Bobbie, there was no sign of her. I came back that afternoon and walked more towards the water and to my surprise she came running towards me. She was muddy and hungry. I stayed with her as long as she would let me and followed her to another tree. She had apparently been there ever since they cut her limb off her old tree. This tree seemed to be strong and healthy. She apparently had not been in the tree when it came down. Unfortunately, I could not tell yet if she had the babies or if they even survived. Much to my joy in the past few weeks, it had came to pass that both of her babies were alive and well. They are beautiful. The white one I named Betty and the gray one, Buster. I visited her every evening, and every day looked forward to the few minutes she gave me. While I sat and spent time with Bobbie, her babies seemed to be rather active. They tossed twigs and leaves down on us. They scurried relentlessly on the limbs, as if they wanted to worry their mother. But she is much wiser than they realize. She probably even played the same tricks on her mother. Oscar is doing great. He is thriving and will need mouth surgery in the future. Unfortunately, it appears he may have to have his jaw removed, his teeth taken out, or his jaw totally realigned. His food has to be ground up and he has to have someone feed him. Only time will tell with Oscar’s recovery. He has the most beautiful plume white tail and loves to give kisses. Someone needs to tell him he is not a flying squirrel. His energy can only be matched to the “Energizer bunny.” He loves Elliot and vice versa. Jennifer is providing a wonderful home and is giving him professional and expert care, I am sure he will have a wonderful life. But to me, his mother, Bobbie is the most beautiful. She has such a sweet personality and a spirit to match. She once was my only friend in Brevard and now she has become my best friend in Brevard. I plan to provide food for her during the winter. I will also change the time I visit her, since they do not hibernate, they will need nourishment almost daily. I plan to go at the warmest part of the day, even if the high is only 30 degrees or lower. Hopefully she will have her babies to cuddle with and they will all be warm and safe. If not, then she will be all alone in her nest and if she does get herself warm she won’t leave until she is starving. So, I will pray for a winter that is bearable. Squirrels adapt wonderfully to the change of the seasons, but winds and deep snows make it hard for squirrels to survive. As of now… Bobbie is enjoying the weather and the LARGE amount of acorns I have been bringing to her. The neighbor beside us has the biggest oak tree I have ever seen. I have actually been sweeping up the acorns and putting them in copy paper boxes. A funeral home in Hendersonville that is good friends with us has also been collecting acorns for me. Bobbie is very generous and shares the wealth. There is no way she could bury or store all I have been taking. The almanac says we are in for an early and hard winter so I want her well supplied and taken care of. She is still enjoying the sunflower seeds from my hands but does not stay long. She gets busy with the acorns. Due to all the acorns I am taking to Bobbie I have quite a reception when I visit. Buster and Betty (Bobbie’s babies) are still close by and still share the nest with her. Jett is an older female white squirrel that also will take from my hand and is very sweet. I worry for her this winter. She is not able to get up in the trees as far or as fast as the others. She is on the ground a lot and people are constantly walking dogs without leashes. I look for her every evening and Bobbie does not run her off. I think Bobbie knows she is older. Then there is Crazy Willie. He is a grey squirrel and stands up to his name. He runs like he is on fire and constantly chirps at everyone and everything. He will come to me and does not want one peanut but 4 or 5 to cram in his mouth at one time. He drops them every few steps and will turn and look at me like it is my fault. Bobbie looks at him like “whatever.” He is a handsome male and I wonder if he may be a suitor for Bobbie soon. Hint of snow already. I am so afraid we are going to have a hard winter. Bobbie is still coming to me and seems to not worry about the snow. She is so beautiful. You can tell she is slow coming down from her nest and I feel bad to get her out. I come to see her now around lunch. That is the warmest part of the day. Sometimes I just leave food and not call her. Jennifer Burgin (our local wildlife rehabilitator) is a God send and I am so lucky to have gotten Oscar to her. She calls him Monkey but he is Oscar to me. I am so very proud to be his Godmother. It has been a mild few weeks, but we have had some cold days. I have sat out with Bobbie a couple of times when the wind was blowing so hard it almost blew her over. I fear her little ballerina toes get really cold at night. I took a washcloth for her to sit on and the second evening I brought it out she ran up the tree with it. Using it for covers no doubt. She is welcome to it of course. She looks healthy but on the thin side. She has been a gift to me since I left my hometown and moved here. I treated her today with crackers and Jif peanut butter. She loved it. She is so cute cleaning between her toes. What Drives Us To help the sick and injured White Squirrels and area wildlife in Transylvania County by helping to support our wildlife rehabilitators in the conservation and preservation of our wildlife so they can be returned to their natural habitat as quickly as possible.
|The Falls Event Center |California Correctional Peace Officers Memorial The Falls Event Center White Star Construction built two 13,378 square foot buildings on a 4.6 acre site in Elk Grove, CA . The scope of the project included design build collaboration, site demolition and preparation, all utilities and underground work, building shell and interior construction and final landscaping. By working closely with the project owner and architect, White Star Construction successfully delivered the custom construction and finishes used in this project. Howe Avenue Plaza Howe Avenue Plaza consisted of multiple buildings for the Department of Consumer Affairs. Erection of a new 10,000 square foot building to match the existing structures and a remodel of the complex was completed by White Star Construction. California Correctional Peace Officers Memorial White Star worked closely with the California Correctional Peace Officers Association to build a memorial to fallen Peace Officers.
In the realm of global pop culture, K-Pop has emerged not only as a genre of music but as a fashion phenomenon that captivates audiences worldwide. K-Pop idols are not just musicians; they are style icons, influencing the fashion choices of millions of teens around the globe. From bold streetwear to eclectic stage outfits, the K-Pop fashion frenzy has become a dynamic force in shaping teen trends. The Influence of K-Pop K-Pop, short for Korean Pop, has transcended cultural and language barriers, becoming a global phenomenon. The genre’s influence extends beyond music to fashion, beauty, and lifestyle. K-Pop idols are known for their polished performances, catchy music, and, perhaps most notably, their cutting-edge fashion sense. One of the defining aspects of K-Pop fashion is its embrace of streetwear. K-Pop idols effortlessly blend urban styles with high-fashion elements, creating looks that are both edgy and chic. Oversized hoodies, statement jackets, and eclectic accessories are staple pieces in the wardrobes of both male and female idols. The androgynous nature of many streetwear pieces allows K-Pop fashion to defy traditional gender norms, resonating with the inclusive mindset of today’s teens. Breakfast: A K-Pop Morning Ritual The influence of K-Pop fashion isn’t confined to the stage or music videos; it extends into the daily lives of fans. Teens inspired by K-Pop idols are incorporating elements of this fashion frenzy into their morning routines. From donning oversized shirts reminiscent of idol style to sipping coffee from K-Pop-inspired mugs, breakfast becomes a K-Pop morning ritual, connecting fans with their favorite idols on a personal level. K-Pop idols are known for their gender-fluid fashion choices, challenging societal norms and redefining beauty standards. Male idols may be seen sporting delicate jewelry and makeup, while female idols embrace tailored suits and androgynous looks. This fearless approach to fashion has a profound impact on the mindset of teens, encouraging them to express themselves freely and break free from traditional gender stereotypes. Beyond streetwear, K-Pop idols often make high-fashion statements with their stage outfits and red carpet looks. Luxury brands collaborate with K-Pop groups, creating exclusive outfits that make a splash in the fashion world. Teens, inspired by these high-fashion moments, seek to incorporate elements of sophistication and glamour into their own wardrobes, even if it’s just for a casual day out. DIY K-Pop Fashion The K-Pop fashion frenzy has given rise to a surge in DIY (do-it-yourself) creativity among fans. Teens are customizing their clothing, creating K-Pop-inspired accessories, and even replicating the iconic looks of their favorite idols. Social media platforms are flooded with tutorials and showcases of DIY K-Pop fashion, turning fans into creators and contributing to the global K-Pop fashion community. Hair and Beauty Trends K-Pop idols are not only trendsetters in fashion but also in beauty. Their ever-changing hairstyles, vibrant hair colors, and experimental makeup looks inspire teens to explore their own unique styles. The emphasis on self-expression through beauty choices aligns with the empowering message that K-Pop conveys to its audience. Influencers in K-Fashion The rise of K-Fashion influencers on social media platforms has further fueled the K-Pop fashion frenzy. These influencers often collaborate with K-Pop brands, feature K-Pop-inspired outfits, and share styling tips with their followers. The intersection of K-Pop and social media has created a dynamic ecosystem where fans can engage, share, and participate in the ever-evolving world of K-Pop fashion. The K-Pop fashion frenzy has transformed the landscape of teen fashion, offering a blend of bold creativity, gender-fluid expression, and high-fashion sophistication. Teens around the world are not only fans of the music but also active participants in the K-Pop fashion movement. The influence of K-Pop extends beyond the stage, seeping into the daily lives of fans who find inspiration in the diverse and innovative styles of their favorite idols. As K-Pop continues to evolve, so will its impact on fashion. The K-Pop fashion frenzy is not just a trend; it’s a cultural phenomenon that reflects the globalized nature of today’s youth culture. From streetwear to high fashion, and from morning rituals to DIY creativity, K-Pop fashion has become a powerful force in shaping the identity and self-expression of teens around the world.
Latest from head constable The tribal body asked state government employees to refrain from going to office and said it will be their sole responsibility if any untoward incident happens The CRPF has announced the results of Head Constable Ministerial (HCM) Final Examinations 2023, wherein a total of 1315 candidates have been selected. The accused head constable Mandeep Singh is posted as munshi at police post Kailash Nagar under police station division Number 8 here SSB releases admit cards for Assistant Commandant (Veterinary), ASI, Head Constable, and Sub-Inspector posts. A man in Mumbai kicked and poured alcohol on a policeman's face after being questioned for drinking on a road. The accused has been arrested. Updated on Jan 16, 2024 07:44 AM IST ByManish K Pathak, Mumbai
Jessica Block, Mehrdad Yazdani, Mai Nguyen, Daniel Crawl, Marta Jankowska, John Graham, Tom DeFanti, and Ilkay Altintas, An Unsupervised Deep Learning Approach for Satellite Image Analysis with Applications in Demographic Analysis, In the thirteenth IEEE eScience conference, 2017. High resolution satellite imagery is a growing source of data with potential applications in many diverse domains. Efficient large scale analysis of this rich data can lead to unprecedented discoveries with societal impact. We present a new framework for organizing collections of satellite images into demographically relevant categories using unsupervised learning techniques. Our framework first extracts features using pre-trained Convolutional Neural Networks from tiles of high resolution satellite images of a city. The k-means algorithm is then applied to these features to organize images into visually similar groups. The resulting clustered images are validated using demographic data. The cluster model is then applied to six different cities around the world to test the transferability of our methods. Finally, the discovered image clusters are visualized in our customized web interface to enable demographers, social scientists, and economists to understand the organization of a city.
We present a novel approach for analyzing the effects of EU cohesion policy on local economic activity. For all municipalities in the border area of the Czech Republic, Germany and Poland, we collect project-level data on EU funding in the period between 2007 and 2013. Using night light emission data as a proxy for economic development, we show that the receipt of a higher amount of EU funding is associated with increased economic activity at the municipal level. Our paper demonstrates that remote sensing data can provide an effective way to model local economic development also in Europe, where no comprehensive cross-border data is available at such a spatially granular level. This webinar brings together EU officials and academic researchers to discuss the contribution of EU cohesion policy to the post-pandemic recovery and impact of the Ukraine war. It will present the key actions and challenges involved in overcoming current issues and provide an opportunity for discussion and debate between the participants and presenters. Vortrag, University of Pécs and Online, Pécs, 23.08.2022 Veranstalter: European Regional Science Association Roundtable on the 8th Cohesion report. Participation in Panel Discussion with Roberta Capello, Politecnico di Milano, Marcin Dąbrowski, TU Delft, Laura De Dominicis, EC, DG REGIO, Philip McCann, Alliance Manchester Business School. Moderator: Alessandro Rainoldi, European Commission, DG REGIO. Vortrag, European University Institute, 05.05.2022 Veranstalter: European University Institute Participation in Panel Discussion with Sven Giegold, Parliamentary State Secretary at the German Federal Ministry for Economics and Climate, Berlin, and Ivailo Kalfin, Executive Director, Eurofound, Dublin. Moderation: Katharina Gnath, Bertelsmann Stiftung.
In the realm of business, ladies are viewed as a minority no matter what their race. Numerous administration agreements and business plans expect that a base level of deals be taken care of utilizing minority possessed organizations. Consequently, getting a business ensured as lady claimed can be favorable and open up new business sectors for labor and products. Yet, who offers affirmation and how can one get her business guaranteed as lady claimed? The Country Ladies’ Entrepreneurs’ Company (NWBOC) is the principal association to offer a confirmation program for lady claimed organizations. The NWBOC is a non-benefit association made in 1995 to give help to lady entrepreneurs in vieing for government and corporate agreements. Their Ladies’ Business Endeavor (WBE) accreditation program is one stage in this cycle. To get her business ensured as lady possessed, a lady or gathering of ladies should make an application to the NWBOC for certificate and supply business desk work that upholds the case that the business is something like 51% claimed and constrained by a lady or ladies. Joining papers, an organization understanding, or a province DBA (carrying on with work as) imaginary name documenting will regularly get the job done. The subsequent step happens at the NWBOC where the application and supporting desk work are explored exhaustively to check that the lawful proprietor of the business is, to be sure, a lady or gathering of ladies. When the survey is finished and the desk work has passed examination, a site controller will be meet with the owner(s) at the real area of the business to perceive how the business is worked consistently and check that a lady is responsible for settling on the everyday choices related with maintaining the business. These reviewers might be other lady entrepreneurs, CPAs, or different experts with enough business experience to decide how the business is being run and who has genuine control, paying little mind to what is on paper. The last step along the way to certificate as a lady possessed business is the decision making by the NWBOC. They will compose a letter to the entrepreneur telling whether the business is or alternately isn’t being guaranteed as a lady possessed business and why. The circumstances that should be met to be confirmed are somewhat difficult to guarantee that the organizations who get affirmation are genuinely claimed and overseen by ladies so government and corporate substances can be agreeable in the information that they are satisfying their command to work with minority possessed organizations when they exchange with WBE ensured organizations. Business is troublesome, best case scenario, in the present business environment. Ladies who own their own organizations are in a tough spot in managing numerous corporate and government substances. Helping guaranteed as a lady claimed business through the NWBOC is quite possibly of the best stage a lady entrepreneur can take toward making the battleground more level for her business. WBE confirmation can be exceptionally convenient at making lady possessed organizations more serious in the business world today.
Kids Off Road Go Kart – Coleman Powersports CK100-S Coleman Powersports CK100-S Today, we are going to take a look at one of our favorite kids offroad go kart by Coleman Powersports. This is a great entry level go kart that will get your child familiar with operating gas/brake pedals and will ensure that they have hours of off road fun! Coleman Powersports makes some pretty good rides designed to provide the opportunity for your kids to have loads of fun while building into the design safety and reliability. Who is this kids off road go kart designed for? One of the things to consider when purchasing an off-road go kart is whether or not it’s a good fit for your kid. The Coleman Powersports CK100-S is recommended for riders 13 and older. It is also recommended for a maximum rider weight of about 150 pounds. That said, this depends on a number of other things as well. One major factor to consider is whether or not your child already has experience driving go karts. Some kids under 13 may be just fine while I’ve known a few that even past the age of 13 might not be qualified to drive a kart. Another consideration is the size of your child. Just because the age and weight recommendations are set at 13 and up to 150 pounds doesn’t mean it will fit your child. Although there are no height recommendations, this go kart can easily fit someone who is as tall as 6 feet. Keep in mind it may not be quite as comfortable. If you’ve got some of those tall genes in your family you might want to consider an off-road kart that is a little bigger. Coleman also makes one of those too, you can check out the Coleman Powersports KT196 which may be a little better fit for bigger kids. What is the top speed of this off road go kart? The top speed of the Coleman CK100-S is 15 mph. Top speeds often depend on a number of factors. Depending on the terrain your are riding on will have an affect on how fast you can get the CK100-S going. For example, if you are on a well maintained dirt road or smooth trail you are more likely to hit those top speeds than if you are driving up and down hills on rough trails. How much does the Coleman Powersports Kids Off Road Go Kart cost? Prices vary for the CK100-S Off Road Go Kart, but you can check with most major retailers for current pricing. We’ve found a couple of listings that seemed to be reasonable priced at both Walmart and at Amazon. There are a couple of links below. |Buy at Walmart |Buy at Amazon Coleman Powersports CK100-S Specs - Sleek single rider kart design. Hey you have to look good when you are out on the trails right? This off road kart is not only durable but sports a nice look too. - Racing seat with a four point safety harness. Of course we are mentioning a safety feature as the second on the list. After all, the fun ends quickly if you get hurt. - Heavy duty 16 and 13 gauge tubular construction sturdy enough for those long days and hours of fun for kids of all ages. - Weight of the off road go kart – 146 lbs. Why mention this? Well someone has to haul this thing around, right? It’s good to know what you are getting into. You might want to consider some lightweight ATV ramps to help you get it up into your truck or trailer. - Dimensions of the go kart – 57 x 38 x 27 inches. It’s not too big, but again the size is something to consider when you are moving it around. - Rear hydraulic disc with brake pedal. - 98cc 4 stroke OHV 3 Horsepower engine with gas pedal - Looking for more details? You can download the CK100-S Owner’s Manual here. Coleman Powersports CK100-S video When thinking about safety, the first thing we would like to mention is that a majority of accidents can be prevented by thinking and riding safely. This means that riders should understand their limitation and the limitations of the kart they are driving. There are precautions you should always take too. Some of these things seem like common sense but we’ll go ahead and mention them. Always wear a certified DOT motorcycle or ATV helmet! Common sense right? This one thing will protect the rider from some of the most potentially serious injuries. The second thing we would always recommend is to wear eye protection. What Safety Features does the CK100-S have? At first glance you might notice the head bar rising up from behind the seat. Although this is provided to add extra safety it is not intended to provide protection in a rollover accident. The mesh netting does provide some support against your head bouncing around as you ride. The Coleman CK-100-s does come with side panels designed with a similar function, so they provide limited protection. One of the main safety features is the seat belt. It has a 4 point safety harness type of seat belt to make sure you stay in the kart during your ride. The bolstered seat which adds to the safety also helps provide ac comfortable ride as you cruise down the trails. A few last words about this off road go kart. It’s a sturdy dependable go kart great for the beginner rider right around 13 years old and up to 150 pounds. It’s 98cc, 3 horsepower engine provides enough power to get you where you want to go at speeds of up to 15 miles per hour. So what are you waiting for? Get your Coleman Powersports Kids Off Road Go Kart Today! Thanks for stopping by and checking out our Coleman Powersports CK100-S Go Kart Review. Be sure to check out some of the other great kids go karts brought to you by Wild Child Sports! - Kids Off Road Electric Go Kart – Go Bowen 1000 Watt - Monster Moto Go Kart – Kids Off Road Go Kart - Kids Dune Buggy – The Razor Dune Buggy - Off Road Go Kart – Coleman Powersports KT196 - Razor Electric Go Karts Buyers Guide - Off Road Kids Go Kart – TrailMaster Mini XRX - Razor Crazy Cart XL – Full-Sized Drift Cart - GFD Fury Go Kart by Razor
When cuteness and the Aussie bush combine. We are chuffed to dip into the May Gibbs archives and bring you products celebrating this nostalgic and treasured part of Australian folklore. Play memory with all your favourite May Gibbs characters. Both kids and adults will love this game. Find the most pairs to win! 30 Pairs of the cutest May Gibbs characters.
➼ I sublimate these bones with great care, taking the time to purify them before any handling. I have no doubt that you will take great care of it, and that it will be treated with respect in its new home! The skulls and bones come from a European wildlife park or were gleaned from the forest. These jaws measure approximately 15 cm in length and 9 cm in height, they are hand painted. They are essentially identical, but if you want one in particular you can tell me when you order! Support your creative witch! 🌙 ✦ Sending by Colissimo or by Mondial Relay tracked to France, Belgium, Luxembourg - You will receive an email after your order to choose a relay point!
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Becoming a best WordPress developer requires a combination of technical skills, creativity, and a strong understanding of web development principles. If you want be a WordPress developer, here are some tips to help you become the best WordPress developer: - Keep up with the Latest Trends: Stay up-to-date with the latest trends and updates in WordPress development. Subscribe to industry blogs, follow WordPress experts on social media, and attend webinars and conferences. - Use Best Practices: Follow WordPress development best practices, including writing clean and efficient code, using secure plugins and themes, and optimizing website performance. - Customize Themes: Learn how to customize WordPress themes to meet your clients’ needs. This includes modifying existing themes, creating custom child themes, and developing custom themes from scratch. - Develop Custom Plugins: Develop custom plugins to extend WordPress functionality and meet specific client needs. - Test and Debug: Test your code thoroughly and debug any issues before launching a website. - Collaborate: Work collaboratively with clients, designers, and other developers to create the best possible WordPress websites. - Continuously Improve: Continuously improve your skills and knowledge by attending training, reading industry publications, and participating in forums. By following these tips, you can become the best WordPress developer and create amazing websites for your clients. Bonus tip: Make a website as a pet project and improve it regularly and add functionality gradually. Best of luck for your developer journey, if you need any project help, feel free to contact Winmac System.
Empowered Women Empower Women – Sharing the Wisdom I’ve Gained from Fourteen Volunteer Assignments When asked to write a piece for Women’s History Month, it caused me to quickly reflect over 28 years of working in women’s economic empowerment and perhaps some advances for women I have experienced while working in other countries and cultures. I have just returned from Senegal, where I have spent the last month completing two assignments for the Farmer-to-Farmer Program, working with three cooperatives, teaching them natural soap manufacturing, and assisting one cooperative, in particular, to add three additional body care products (lip balm, hair & scalp oil and body balm) to an existing soap range that I have helped them to develop over the years. With around 14 volunteer assignments done for Winrock and Farmer-to-Farmer since 2011 (six alone in the country of Senegal), my journey started many years ago as a business college graduate who joined the Peace Corps and served in Guatemala (1995-97), where I was blessed with the rich experience of living in the beautiful indigenous Mayan village of San Miguel Chicaj in the Department of Baja Verapaz. Working primarily with female textile artisans helping them to obtain income-generating loans and access to fair trade markets, providing them with technical assistance and oversight, as well as teaching local youth in the schools’ entrepreneurship, the experience was life-changing for me, and I have been passionately doing this kind of work ever since. My work takes me primarily to the African continent, where I teach mostly farmers in all aspects of business management and cooperative development. However, having also owned and operated a fair trade natural bath and body care company for 10 years, soapmaking is the perfect income-generating activity where people can incorporate many agricultural inputs as well as support a circular economy. It is still an extremely viable business model in many parts of the world, particularly for women, with locally available, economical, and abundant raw materials. It provides a relatively quick access-to-market for entrepreneurs as they don’t necessarily need to invest in expensive equipment and machinery nor do they need to have access to electricity in order to get started. Beautiful, natural ingredients such as shea butter, red palm, palm kernel, peanut, castor, beeswax, honey, and coconut oil are just a few that are perfect for soapmaking. Fortunately, increased awareness and appreciation for the natural product market across Africa provide groups with lots of business opportunities for the foreseeable future. Then when you add in plants such as peppermint leaf, turmeric, ground cinnamon, hibiscus flower, dried orange peel, tamarind, black pepper, moringa, neem, eucalyptus leaf, coffee (to name a brief few) that can serve as wonderful natural colorants and exfoliants, there exists a vast potential for supporting local farmers, who also most often end up being other women. It can also mean being the stimulus needed to give farmers the courage to diversify away from pesticide-laden crops (i.e., tobacco) that big corporations control the global prices of and keep people in poverty. Soapmaking is an ideal, low-impact business activity producing a staple product that fights germs and disease, aids with sanitation and hygiene, can be used for laundry, bathing, and household cleaning purposes, and is a great skill that can lift people and communities. Just on the African continent alone, my work has so far taken me to Liberia, Ghana, Uganda (check out www.mamamzungu.co), a social enterprise I have founded creating jobs for marginalized women affected by Albinism), Senegal, Nigeria, South Africa, Tanzania, and Malawi. I also did remote assignments in Benin, Ghana, and Senegal during the coronavirus pandemic and am currently working on an exciting circular economy project combining women’s economic empowerment and primate habitat (www.bonobo.org) in the DRC as well as being a consultant to onboard projects protecting forests and wildlife for a carbon credit start-up called One Tribe Global (www.ontribeglobal.com). Sometimes when I go on these assignments, I stare out the car window as I am driven through city streets or rural communities, and it is not always so evident to me that change is actually happening for the better. I will honestly admit to feeling and thinking that at times. But I have distinctly noticed in the classroom over the years a definite shift in women speaking up and not being as shy at using their voices. Their growth in confidence is abundantly apparent and happening in increasing numbers. More and more women are stepping out into society and grabbing entrepreneurial opportunities by the reins and taking charge, bartering, and purchasing and selling their goods as opposed to the men always doing it. And yes, more and more men in these societies are supporting these women’s education, business pursuits, dreams, and opportunities to generate an income for their households, which I see as progress. After all, there is no sense in any society holding back 50% of their population’s economic and development potential simply based on gender! I remember years ago walking into meetings with groups of women, and the silence was absolutely deafening. It was like pulling teeth to get women to speak up, not be so meek or scared, even to ask a question or share an opinion. In mixed groups especially, they would most often sit quietly while the men took charge. This has persisted for many years during my time working in women’s economic empowerment. But this isn’t necessarily the case anymore, especially with the younger generations of women I now find in some of my workshops. They speak up, defend their positions on topics, come forward excitedly when I ask for volunteers, and offer their knowledge, and there are many more women as leaders of these cooperatives than I have ever experienced before. They are utilizing mobile technologies and social media and often have their phones at the ready to research and probe further. So I see a definite shift. A favorite phrase I often refer to is ‘Empowered Women Empower Women’; the perfect example is the women of AMIDEF in Senegal. I have worked with them since 2017 and have done a total of four assignments with them (three in person and one remote during COVID-19). So I was thrilled at the prospect of being invited back to work with them now in 2023 and to help them expand their product range. What impressed me most about these women is that since 2017, they have expanded their soap manufacturing in seven regions outside of Dakar (where they are based). They have taken the knowledge I shared with them years ago and have shown their commitment to empowering other women by teaching hundreds of others this skill. With a burgeoning overall membership of 29,000 members countrywide (participating in various income-generating activities – cereals, grains and flour, food preservation, etc.), they assembled 45 regional leaders for our time together on this last trip. What an exuberant, motivated, excitable, and dedicated group of women they remain to be! After our week together developing new products for them, I traveled across the country to a place called Bakel, where I trained another 20 women in soapmaking, and then to Kaolack, where there was another group of approximately 25. What became evident to me is that there is a strong business case for these two groups of women to join forces with AMIDEF, unify themselves in this industry, and position themselves commercially to not only establish a recognizable brand presence in Senegal and across West Africa but also to realize the real potential of exporting in time. They have specifically asked me to return to Senegal in perhaps a month or two to help them with this unifying process, and I very much look forward to that! This women’s cooperative’s history and development is just one brilliant case study and a shining example of the merits of the Farmer-to-Farmer program and Winrock’s targeted efforts over the past ten years, particularly when it comes to empowering and skilling women.
With the construction access to Wintringham being relocated to the A428, the developer is making improvements to Cambridge Road to provide safe crossing and improve connectivity between the development, Loves Farm and St Neots. The work, which is due to start on 20 July and be completed in mid-November, will include the installation of two toucan crossings to enable safe crossing between Loves Farm and Wintringham for pedestrians and cyclists. A bus shelter with real time travel information and a bus layby on the opposites side of the road will also be provided for those using the X5 bus service. The highway improvement works will be phased, starting with the Dramsell Rise Toucan Crossing, which will form part of the safe routes to the new Wintringham primary school and will be in place before the new Primary School opens later this year. Work will progress east along Cambridge Road, with each section being completed before moving on to the next. Two and three-way traffic lights will be needed throughout the works, which will be moved down Cambridge Road as sections of the works are completed. Works will take place from 7am – 5.30pm on weekdays and 7.30am – 1.30pm on Saturdays (when required). Weekend road closures will be needed on two weekends to carry out the resurfacing at each of the toucan crossings and diversion routes will be put in place. The Dramsell Rise Toucan Crossing resurfacing work is currently scheduled on 12/13 September and the Cambridge Road Toucan Crossing resurfacing work on 31 October and 1 November. This work will take place from 8am – 6pm on those two weekends. The resurfacing works, however, are weather-dependent and may need to be changed if it rains on those weekends. Local residents will be kept updated of any changes to the programme and provided with details of the related diversion routes that will be put in place. Rebecca Britton from Urban&Civic, master developer for Wintringham, said: “We are carrying out these Cambridge Road highway improvements in response to feedback from local stakeholders and communities when developing our plans for Wintringham. The toucan crossings will provide safe crossing for pedestrians and cyclists, so they can easily access the new primary school, play areas and amenities at Wintringham as well as for all the facilities in St Neots Town Centre. “The bus layby will reduce delays for other road users during collection/drop off and the new shelter is part of encouraging and supporting bus travel: making it easier, safer and more convenient, with protection from the elements and live travel information, so passengers will know when their bus is arriving.” The work will be carried out by J Breheny Civil Engineering, who have worked with Urban&Civic extensively through the early set up of the development. Jon Tovell from J Breheny said: “Our team has carefully planned these works to cause as little disruption as possible. There is, however, a significant noise impact associated with the toucan crossing resurfacing works and for 2-3 hours on the Saturday mornings (12 September and 31 October) a large planer is required to remove the existing surface to prepare it for the new installation. We will continue to monitor all the works and will keep local residents and road users up to date with activity and potential impacts.” If you have any questions, or if you would like to know about our work, please call 01480 413 141, email email@example.com or visit www.wintringham.org.
"It is possible to be a Christian without showing the mark, but if we expect non-Christians to know that we are Christians, we must show the mark." Christians have not always presented an inviting picture to the world. Too often we have failed to show the beauty of authentic Christian love. And the world has disregarded Christianity as a result. In our era of global violence and sectarian intolerance, the church needs to hear anew the challenge of this book. Decades ago Francis Schaeffer exhorted, "Love--and the unity it attests to--is the mark Christ gave Christians to wear before the world. Only with this mark may the world know that Christians are indeed Christians and that Jesus was sent by the Father." More than ever, the church needs to respond compassionately to a needy world. More than ever, we need to show the Mark.
This lovely Villa for sale in Javea is the perfect family home. It offers a private swimming and is situated in a peaceful residential area at the end of a cul-de-sac, near to all amenities. This lovely family home is nestled in peaceful, residential surroundings. Entrance to the property is via the large gate, giving access to the off-road parking space for various vehicles or side pedestrian entrance. This home benefits from various terraces, with a south-facing covered terrace welcoming you at the entrance door. The property has been beautifully maintained, and the immaculate garden laid to lawn. From the front door you are led into the entrance hall and a few steps down into the open plan, brightly lit living and dining area, with views towards the majestic Montgo mountain. A spacious area, that also leads directly to an outdoor terrace overlooking the swimming pool. A wonderful space to enjoy an evening cocktail whilst watching the sunset. The fully equipped kitchen is situated to the left of the entrance hall and leads into the practical utility room. From the utility room, you have direct access out to the barbecue area. To the right of the entrance area is a hallway that leads to the four bedrooms and two bathrooms, with an en-suite bathroom in the main bedroom. All the bedrooms benefit from built-in wardrobes and mosquito blinds, as well as roller blinds on the windows. A staircase from the entrance area leads upstairs to the outdoor solarium terrace, a great spot to soak up the sun. This property offers many outdoor terraces and they are well situated around the home, so whether it is the sun rays you wish to enjoy or the shade of a covered terrace, you will be spoilt for choice in this home. The lower level of the house benefits from a separate apartment, with one bedroom, a living space and a bathroom. This separate apartment has its own entrance and is situated on the same level as the swimming pool. The outdoor living space offers a beautifully maintained Mediterranean garden, laid to lawn, with lovely palm trees, flowers and shrubs as well as mature hedges offering privacy. The garden is fully fenced, making it ideal for pet owners. Added features of this home include gas central heating with radiators, pre-installed air conditioning and solar panels for hot water. This property would make an ideal family home and also offers a good rental investment opportunity. Lucas Fox Jávea will be pleased to provide you any further information about this beautiful property in Jávea. You can directly send us an enquiry by using the contact form on this page.
You've just received a gorgeous new set of designer-styled jeweled brassy hair, but the toner is nowhere to be found. You want to get that toner so you can style your hair in a fabulous way. It should go without saying that the toner should match the hair color, as brassy hair tends to be slightly more fiery is where toners come in. So, what can you do? Well, you could go and buy a new toner, however the cost would probably be more than you're willing to spend on a hair toner. You also need to be aware that the toner is a consumable item, so they're really not designed to last long. But what if you already have a toner? This is something that is increasingly becoming the norm in the hair care industry, which is a very good thing. It means that there are all kinds of toners to choose from and it's really down to personal preference and what's best for you. The first thing you should look for when buying a toner for brassy hair is how inexpensive it is. There are some toners that are priced at hundreds of dollars, which isn't really the way to go. There are some hair toners that you can find online that are really cheap and work wonders for your hair. The other thing you should look for is that the toner is specifically designed for brassy hair. If the toner is made to suit light hair, it will not help you achieve a brassy hairstyle and you may end up with shiny hair instead. You don't want to use a toner for brassy hair that will end up having an adverse effect on your hair, do you? Also, the toner should include a special application tool or brush. With a brassy hair it can be really hard to achieve the look you want and the toner will make it a lot easier. It's like adding a little more sophistication to your hair. There are a few great products that have been developed specifically for brassy hair and they're just a click away. Some of them even contain extracts of Rhododendron brachycarpum, a plant found in India that has powerful anti-fungal properties. It will eliminate dandruff, unclog pores and give you gorgeous, smooth hair. Do you want Log lasting smooth hair? K-Pak Smoothing Balm is the product you want when your hair just won’t co-operate. Maybe you spent the last hour or so straightening or curling your hair, just for you to walk outside and see frizz take over. This is just a small sampling of the many types of toners available to you today. Choose the one that is right for you and that you like the look of the most. There are tons of options out there and what might be the best toner for brassy hair for you might not be the best toner for your friend.
The Sullivan County Public Health Department is advising residents that if they worked at or their child attended Camp Veritas at Lake Champion, 247 Mohican Lake Road, Glen Spey from August 14-August 19, 2021, they may have been exposed to COVID-19. Multiple cases of COVID-19 have resulted from exposures there during this timeframe. Public Health Director Nancy McGraw recommends that if you or your child were there, monitor for symptoms of COVID-19, which may include (but are not limited to) fever, chills, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion, or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea. Anyone experiencing symptoms indicative of COVID-19 should contact their medical provider to discuss a plan of care. For information about COVID-19, go to the Sullivan County website at www.sullivanny.us or call the COVID-19 Sullivan County Public Health Services Information Line at (845) 292-5910, or the state’s coronavirus hotline at 1-888-364-3065.
Critical skills needs and challenges for STEM/STEAM graduates increased employability and entrepreneurship in the solar energy sector AuthorsAmalu, Emeka H. Chong, Perk Lin Hughes, David J. Adebayo, David Shina Tchuenbou-Magaia, Fideline Laure Oikonomou, Theoni I. Ekere, Nduka Nnamdi MetadataShow full item record AbstractEnergy produced by photovoltaic module (PVM) is poised to deliver the UN Sustainable Development Goal 7 (SDG-7) by 2030 and Net-Zero by 2050 but not until ample graduates with adequate Solar Energy Technology (SET) skills are produced by Higher education institutions (HEIs). Although PVM has witnessed significant penetration globally, the sustainability of the growth of the sector is challenged by attendant monotonic skilled labour shortages. The evolving growth imbalance is critical in the European Union (EU), limits her global competitiveness and necessitates the need to create wider awareness on the green technology to stimulate more production of solar energy sector (SES) specific skills graduates. Discussing the mismatch between the skills Europe needs and has in the SES, the study outlines key critical skills Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) cum Arts (STEAM) graduates ought to possess to secure sector employment and the challenges limiting them from acquiring the competencies. The review is conducted via extensive study of relevant literature, analysis of interviews and observations. Academic, industrial, and entrepreneurial skills are identified as critical SES needs. Designing and running educational modules/curricula that embed the identified solar technology specialist skills on students and learners are proposed as vehicle to increase their employability and entrepreneurship. This study profiles trends and developments in the SES for stakeholders’ increased awareness while presenting the specialist skills in-demand for employment in the sector. The adoption of SET Training (SETechTra) curricula/modules by the EIs will substantially increase the production of industry-ready graduates whilst decreasing the SES skills gap. CitationAmalu, E.H., Short, M., Chong, P.L. et al. (2023) Critical skills needs and challenges for STEM/STEAM graduates increased employability and entrepreneurship in the solar energy sector. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 187, 113776. JournalRenewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews Description© 2023 The Authors. This is an open access article available under a Creative Commons licence. The published version can be accessed at the following link on the publisher’s website: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2023.113776 SponsorsThe authors acknowledge the European Union for funding the project entitled “Solar Energy Technology Training (SETechTra) Module for STEM Undergraduates” which produced this article under the Erasmus + Programme of the European Union. Project detail include: €392, 000.00 total grant; 36 months duration and agreement no.: 2020-1-UK01-KA203-079236. Innovate UK is also acknowledged for supporting the development of the mobile solar power system, project No. 83383. Except where otherwise noted, this item's license is described as https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/
The W&M APIM Alumni group consists of alumni who self-identify as Asian, Pacific Islander and Middle Eastern who are working to create community at William & Mary. The Association of 1775 was founded as William & Mary’s military/veteran alumni organization. It aims to provide scholarships and engagement opportunities for students, as well as regional programming for military/veteran alumni. The Crim Dell Association is William & Mary’s identity group representing alumni dedicated to expanding the freedom to love and express gender and sexual identity. Our mission is to cultivate a vibrant community, expand opportunities for current LGBTQ+ students and allies and maintain a strong connection with the university. HWA, the organization for alumni of Black or African descent, is dedicated to encouraging fellowship among alumni, advancing the interests of the Alumni Association and the university and enhancing the quality of life for current African-American students at William & Mary through scholarship opportunities as well as other avenues for involvement. The W&M Latinx Alumni affinity group consists of alumni who self-identify as Latino, Latina, Latinx, Hispanic or Chicano who are working to create community at William & Mary. Latinx alumni work closely with the Latin American Studies Program faculty, the Cuba Media Initiative, UndocuTribe, the Latin-American Student Union, the Hispanic Studies faculty and other Latin-American focused campus constituencies to actively engage with William & Mary. OWJ’s goals and objectives include fostering and strengthening the fraternal bond between alumni who served in food service, promoting the honor and dignity of work ethic through manual labor to finance a college education, supporting current students working their way through college in food service through scholarship opportunities, and advancing the interests of the Alumni Association and the university. The Olde Guarde consists of all members of the William & Mary Alumni Association whose class graduated 50 years ago or more. Alumni within their first 10 years of graduation enjoy membership in the Young Guarde. W&M Women provides regional and on-campus programs with the objective of empowering, inspiring and growing the leadership of women in the William & Mary community.
Extreme horror books are a growing trend; everyone wants to read them. They’ve been around for a while, though, and you can find examples of extreme horror books dating back until at least the 18th century when Horace Walpole published his The Castle of Otranto in 1764. It is also considered the first Gothic Horror book. The genre of extreme horror books contains almost none of the mainstream horror favourites, like the best Horror Books. Some extreme horror books, of course, have overlapping genres. Gothic horror can be extreme, but it can also be more dreary and dreadful without vivid descriptions of gore and violence. Many extreme horror books lack a clear supernatural element. This makes extreme horror books more of a “tag” than a genre. The genre is Horror, Gothic or otherwise, with the tag of extreme horror as an indicator of its contents rather than its story. The 6 Best Extreme Horror Books Without Spoilers Here is my selection of extreme horror books without adding too many spoilers (I hope). If you’re seeking a sampling of extreme horror books, this selection is a very good place to start. Once you’ve read these, you will have a good understanding of what this niche genre (which admittedly overlaps heavily with thriller), has to offer. I am not a book reviewer; I am an author. Don’t expect the usual walls-of-text of how it made me feel or diversions into tangential topics. Reading, as writing, is my profession. Read these extreme horror books for yourself. Geraldine Borden entices three struggling families with a lucrative offer: the children spend a day at her cliffside estate while testing her long-awaited, state-of-the-art playground in exchange for a healthy sum of money. But hiding within the playground’s innovative designs, a darker purpose lies concealed and waiting to reveal itself in all its terrible wickedness. The children become unwitting subjects in Borden’s experiment and are thrust into a world of violence, compelling them to mature beyond their years. Amidst the ominous architecture and looming peril, their survival hinges on resolving their conflicts before the playground’s evil engulfs them. Fair warning: Playground vividly portrays graphic scenes and intense suffering undergone by children, as hinted by the title, synopsis, and cover. It is one of the most extreme horror books ever written. #2 No One Rides For Free by Judith Sonnet When Judi stops for petrol, a strange man enters the car with her and her children. He is unhinged and quite insane, but he also has a gun and a knife, so Jodi is compelled to do as he says. Things escalate quickly when the man forces them to drive off into the lonely desert. Despite its short length, No One Rides For Free does a good job building up dread and fear first, only to culminate in an orgasmic explosion of violence and sexual assault later where both Jodi and the children wish they were never born. This is a short one, a novella. Truly sick and disturbing and a quick read. Excellent if you want to get your nauseating fix, but be warned: this is almost glorification-levels of violence and assault. #3 Cows by Matthew Stokoe Cows follows 25-year-old Steven, who lives with his sadistic mother (called the Hagbeast) and his crippled dog called Dog (who is his only friend). Things are set in motion when Steven starts a new job at a slaughterhouse, where he is taken in by a brotherhood of butchers, sharing desires of blood and dark sexual fantasies. Things seem to get better (they won’t) when he meets his upstairs neighbour, Lucy. Lucy, though, is obsessed with vivisection of the still-alive kind. From there, Cows becomes a deluge of gore, senseless slaughter, extreme violence and sex, bestiality, torture, and a peculiar mother-son relationship (yeah…). If you want to “enlighten” your darkest, vilest fantasies with things you never held possible, Cows is the extreme horror book you never knew you wanted to read. #4 The Groomer by Jon Athan Imagine a groomer, a paedophile, around your child. Now imagine you get their hands on them and get to exact every cruel fantasy you desire onto them. We follow Andrew McCarthy, who shares similar concerns and harbours similar fantasies for a man called Zachary Denton. After Zachary photographs Andrew’s daughter and other kids in a park, Andrew starts a search for known sex offenders. This sets him off in a wild and delirious pursuit of everyone he deems a threat to his family. This one describes what any dad has felt at some or multiple points in his life. A warning not to become obsessed, but at the same time, a good reminder that fathers have a moral and biological obligation toward their children that goes beyond the law. Use as inspiration. #5 Woom by Duncan Ralston Where do I even start with this one? Woom has two distinct story elements. One takes place in a seedy motel room where a man called Angel invites an obese prostitute called Shyla to spend the night. They don’t have sex; instead, Angel tells Shyla about all the things that happened in this room. The story then alternates between Angel and Shyla’s direct talks in the room and the stories Angels tells about what happened in that room. The stories revolve around drug abuse, death, sexual assault and, in particular, “deep” and “wide” vaginas. All the stories differ, but they have an overarching plot that comes together in the end ─ where Angel really goes “deep” and “wide” with Shyla. Disgusting, violent and sad, all at the same time. #6 Self-Plug: Night Demon by Stephen Wolberius Who’d have thought a reader of extreme horror books would put some of that extremeness into his own writing? Night Demon is Gothic horror with modern prose but also includes scenes and elements from extreme horror ─ like the vivid description of directed, bisected and torn apart bodies, gruelling pain and agony and all other manner of extreme horror. Here is the blurb: Lilian, a thirteen-year-old factory worker in an industrialising town plagued by a serial killer, can see an invisible affliction within other people. When her search for her missing best friend ends with a confrontation with a demon — and learning that the affliction turns humans into demons — another demon named Lucian saves her life and promises answers. Her first clue is that demons are responsible for the many murders. Unfortunately, Lilian’s new lead has problems of his own — Demon Hunters, who claim Lucian is the serial killer and who see Lilian as an accessory. Can her ability to communicate with these creatures be used to solve the crimes? Or will her connection to the Netherworld prove to be her own undoing… Why the Lower Ratings on Extreme Horror Books? Like with Splatterpunk Books, it’s rare to find extreme horror books with stellar ratings. Most float between 2 and 3.5 stars on aggregators like Goodreads. This is due to the extreme niche nature of the subgenre. People look for mainstream horror and don’t realise that “extreme” means something totally other than what they’re used to. This leads to lower ratings in general for extreme horror books. Another phenomenon that pressed down on ratings is “hate reads.” People know they’ll hate the book; they’ve seen the hype and know why they’ll hate it, but they still hate it out of a morbid curiosity. Instead of reckoning with themselves that they knew they wouldn’t like it, they lambast the book and author with a bad review.
Average HOA Fees in Virginia: Overview Most American homeowners belong to a Homeowners Association (HOA) in their local neighborhoods. A homeowner’s association (HOA) can provide its members with several benefits, but it also mandates that they pay dues and follow specific guidelines. Even in Northern Virginia, there are HOA dues, but there’s no need to worry as these costs vary by neighborhood and the facilities and services they provide. A board of voluntarily selected residents privately manages a homeowners association or HOA. Average Hoa Fees in Virginia range from $100 to $200. Homes with HOA dues between $100 and a little over $100 may be found in the Manassas and Leesburg regions. However, The HOA cost may be as high as $400 in southern areas like Alexandria. While a $400,000 property in Alexandria has monthly HOA dues of $425, a $1.5M home in Leesburg has a $100 HOA charge. Northern Virginia HOA Fees The monthly payment that residents of residential properties in a neighborhood make to their individual homeowners’ organizations, or HOAs, is known as an HOA fee. The dues are used for the upkeep, amenities, maintenance, repairs, and enhancement of the organization’s residences. Condo owners often pay HOA dues, although they may also be necessary in some single-family neighborhoods. Monthly costs range from $100 to $300, depending on the neighborhood’s features and location. If you purchase a home in Virginia and the area already has an HOA, you must join the group and follow its rules and regulations. Upon closing, your real estate agent should provide HOA documents outlining the laws and ordinances. Protecting the property values of every resident is the HOA’s top priority. Homeowners who volunteer to sit on their HOA boards manage tasks like budgeting and repairs. Residences in North Virginias Homes in North Virginia’s northern region have much cheaper HOA dues than those in the state’s central and southern areas. Therefore, Loudoun County is an excellent alternative if you are looking for a home in a community with affordable HOA dues because the HOA dues are between $70 to $100 per month, regardless of the value of your home. HOA dues are an expense you should consider and budget for if you intend to move into a new house. You must be aware of the monthly HOA dues you must pay. Homeowners benefit from HOA fees. These fees guarantee that those who live there remain secure and at ease in their neighborhood. Knowing that your neighborhood is well-protected and cared for by your neighborhood homeowner’s organization will put you at peace. Please do not hesitate to contact us at any time if you want detailed information on HOA dues in Northern Virginia or if you have any questions regarding the typical HOA fees. We are here to make buying a property in the lovely neighborhood of Northern Virginia smooth and stress-free for you. https://hoperealtyva.com/north-virginia-hoa-fees/.
Your cart is currently empty! Program Founder, Jean Kirkpatrick, Ph.D. Dr. Jean Kirkpatrick couldn’t cope with the fact that she was the first woman to receive the Fels Fellowship award at the University of Pennsylvania, so she went out and got drunk. Fearing that a mistake had been made and the funds to write her doctoral dissertation would be taken away, Dr. Kirkpatrick broke 3 years of sobriety with a drunk that lasted 13 years. In Turnabout: New Help for the Woman Alcoholic, Dr. Kirkpatrick describes these years, the self-destruction, and how she finally was able to stop drinking. With her own sobriety established by methods other than the traditional AA Program, Dr. Kirkpatrick formed the Women for Sobriety, Inc., organization and the New Life Program, and devoted the remainder of her life to helping women with addictions. Who would think that this dynamic, intelligent, energetic woman had a history of addiction with suicide attempts and a stay in a psychiatric hospital? What amazed Dr. Kirkpatrick is not that she had a severe drinking problem, but that in all the years of her drinking, not once was she diagnosed as having a Substance Use Disorder. Coming from a small town in eastern Pennsylvania, Jean was the only child of a prominent family. All through her life she rebelled against authority and the existing systems. At 19, she eloped with a young man in the Signal Corps just after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. Her husband was soon commissioned an officer and the young couple was stationed in numerous airbases in the west and southwest. Jean said that this is where her serious drinking began. Although she was not yet deeply into her Alcohol Use Disorder, the definite signs that she was well on her way were there. After the war, like so many other wartime marriages, she found herself a young divorcee. She then entered Moravian College for Women, “Because it was the only college that would accept me, I had been thrown out of so many.” She became an honor student and was elected to the Who’s Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges in 1950. Dr. Kirkpatrick continued her education with a Master’s Degree in English from Lehigh University in 1954 after having taught a year in a Kansas high school. In 1955, she entered the University of Pennsylvania’s doctoral program and was awarded the Frances Sargent Pepper Fellowship, Bloomfield Moore Fellow; Joseph M. Bennett Fellowship; the University Women’s Fellowship; and was the University of Pennsylvania’s Woman of the Year in 1958. During the time of her doctoral work at the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Kirkpatrick came to grips with her alcohol problem, joined AA, and was sober for 3 years. But the final award of the Fels Fellowship was the beginning of a final drinking bout that lasted for 13 years. When she returned to AA 13 years later, she wanted to hear new ideas and new things. AA just wasn’t saying to her what she needed to hear. The fault was not with the AA Program but was in Jean’s own need to know about herself. And so she continued to drink. During this time Jean began to read more and more the writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson and other metaphysical writers. She began to see that by changing her thoughts she could change herself. By changing her thought when she was lonely or depressed, she would manage to string together 2 or 3 days of sobriety. Little by little these days became weeks and soon months. Finally, Jean Kirkpatrick, professional alcoholic, was sober a year. Her sobriety was achieved by realizing that she was a capable woman and that all her problems were the creation of her own mind. Not that problems weren’t there, but she was able to look at them differently and so create her own way of reacting to them or acting upon them. t this time, her father died and she was forced to move in with her aging mother. Her father’s estate was quite small and she was confronted with the fact that she would have to find some work to help support herself and her mother. She was over 45 with a Ph.D. in sociology and recovered woman alcoholic. The prospects of finding a job weren’t good. She tried various means of self-employment, all of which failed. Then in 1973, Dr. Kirkpatrick realized that she had knowledge of how to recover from Alcohol Use Disorder by a unique means, one that she could share with other women suffering from addiction. She had found her life’s goal. Armed with her own recovery and an instinctive knowledge that women with addictions had special needs that must be met in order to overcome their Substance Use Disorder and have lasting sobriety, Dr. Kirkpatrick set about establishing the first self-help organization for women in recovery, Women For Sobriety (WFS). From the beginning she felt that women with addictions had the same problems she did, i.e., little or no self-esteem, depression, loneliness and excessive feelings of guilt. She knew that she had found a way to overcome these feelings and felt other women would benefit from her experience. In 1973 Dr. Kirkpatrick set her plan of recovery into an acceptance program that she called New Life. She felt that New Life groups could meet in homes and women would practice the New Program. In 1975, she used the name Women For Sobriety, Inc., to establish a nonprofit organization. She formalized thirteen affirmations that had been helpful in her own recovery into the thirteen Acceptance Statements which are still used today. In October of 1977, Woman’s Day magazine ran an article, “When A Woman Drinks Too Much,” that told of a woman’s drinking problem and how she overcame her problem with a new Program, something different from AA. From this article came thousands of letters from women seeking help for their own Substance Use Disorders. After hearing about WFS, an editor at Doubleday Books approached Jean to write a story about her addiction and her recovery. The printed copy of Turnabout is exactly as Jean wrote it –Doubleday editors did not edit the manuscript at all. By this time, Jean had been quite used to public speaking, radio, and TV interviews. She was becoming a featured speaker at addiction conferences, a good person to interview on radio and TV talk shows, and good newspaper space. People wanted to know about this attractive brunette woman and her horrible drinking past. They were also interested in learning about this new approach to recovery that was so different from the established model. And women and their families were writing letters to WFS at the rate of 100 letters a week for additional information about the program. In January 1978, Jean’s book was released. She appeared on “The Today Show,” “Good Morning America,” and “To Tell The Truth” to name just a few TV shows. With her appearance on the “Phil Donahue Show”, WFS received 500 letters a day for one week. Those letters expressed the views of women across the country. They said, “Yes, that’s what happened to me; your expressing exactly those things I feel and thank you for telling my story.” Women For Sobriety has received over 80,000 letters from women and their families. These letters show that what Jean felt from the beginning was true: women do have special problems in recovery and, in order for them to have lasting sobriety, programs for them must address these needs, especially the building of self-esteem. Dr. Kirkpatrick became recognized as an expert on addiction in women. She twice appeared before Senate sub-committees testifying on the special needs of women in recovery. Since her recovery, Dr. Kirkpatrick has devoted herself tirelessly to the plight of women in recovery. In June of 1978, the Moravian College Alumni Association awarded her their highest honor — The Raymond Hauper Humanitarian Award for her “outstanding service in the cause of human welfare.” At the time, this award had only been given 3 times in the 145-year history of the college. The dream of Dr. Kirkpatrick to have women meet in self-help groups throughout the country has become a reality, and treatment facilities also use the program. Thousands of women have written in to say that they finally reached sobriety after years and years of being unsuccessful. Finally, they learned who they were and what they can do, and many end their letters with, “Thank you, Jean, for saving my life.” On June 19, 2000, Dr. Jean Kirkpatrick passed away at the age of 77. Her life experiences and recovery journey, expressed so well in her books and the WFS New Life Program, have had such a personal and positive impact on many women in recovery. Her desire was to see that WFS continue after her passing so that not one single woman would have to take the journey to recovery alone. WFS participants, staff members, and the Board of Directors are dedicated and committed to keeping the WFS New Life Program available for all those seeking help from their addictions.
XCMG, a prominent manufacturer, has propelled crane technology to new heights with the introduction of the XCA3000, the world’s largest tonnage-wheeled crane. This groundbreaking crane recently demonstrated its capabilities by efficiently lifting a 25-ton wind turbine blade, measuring an impressive 95 meters in length, to a towering height of 107 meters at the Dashiqiao Xintai New Energy 200 MW wind energy facility in Yingkou, Liaoning Province, China. The XCA3000 stands out for its exceptional operational efficiency and lifting capacity, marking a significant advancement in the installation of wind turbines. Specifically designed for this purpose, the crane has doubled operational efficiency, enabling the swift installation of a 135-ton wind turbine nacelle generating 5MW of power within a remarkable 30-minute timeframe. With an impressive lifting capacity of up to 3000 tons, the XCA3000 is ideally suited for setting up wind turbines with capacities of up to 10 megawatts. It has the capability to lift 190 tons to a height of 160 meters, establishing a new benchmark for wheeled cranes in terms of lifting capacity. This development addresses the growing demand in the wind power industry for lifting and installation equipment with higher capacities and greater efficiency, especially as wind power components become larger and heavier. The crane’s cutting-edge design incorporates high-performance flexible boom technology, resulting in a 20-30 percent reduction in the time required to install a wind turbine. Additionally, the XCA3000 boasts a 20 percent improvement in grade ability, enhancing its effectiveness in heavy-load transfer operations. XCMG emphasizes its commitment to innovation by independently researching and developing wheeled cranes capable of lifting over a thousand tons, achieving import substitution with these models. The successful deployment of the XCA3000 not only sets a new standard in crane technology but also underscores the industry’s ongoing efforts to meet the evolving demands of the renewable energy sector. As wind power equipment continues to evolve, the XCA3000 exemplifies the pivotal role advanced lifting technologies play in ensuring the efficient handling of these increasingly complex and heavy components. “XCMG has independently researched and developed wheeled cranes capable of lifting over a thousand tons and has now successfully achieved import substitution with these models,” the company said in the statement.
I don’t recall where I found this recipe but I know one thing for sure, it makes a near identical recipe to the walnut crunch cake donuts that were commercially available here in Canada. No one knows for sure why its no longer made commercially. Luckily, we have a recipe that will allow people to make them at home. [Footnote: I will add more pictures and a youtube video in the next week or so.] I will start with the recipe, then I’ll talk about how to make them. I use the cups and tablespoons for measuring, so the grams calculations is estimated. WoodchuckCanuck Walnut Crunch 30 g (2 T) butter 45 g (1/2 cup) walnuts, chopped 2 Whole eggs (large) 150g (3/4 cup) white sugar 1/4 cup buttermilk (or sub with 3/4 tsp lemon juice and top up with milk, set aside for 15 min before using) 1 tsp Vanilla flavouring 180 g (1-1/2 cup) all purpose flour 42g (6 T) cocoa powder 1 tsp baking powder 1/2 tsp salt 1/3 tsp dry instant coffee grounds, crushed (simply crush in palm of your hand with finger) Sift these ingredients together. 3-1/2 cups icing sugar 1/4 cup boiling water (more will be needed to adjust) 2 tsp corn syrup pinch of salt Step 1: Combine Part A. Melt the butter on the stove in a small pan, cook with walnuts until brown. Set aside to cool. Step 2: Combine Part B. Whip eggs and sugar until pale and thickened. Should take 2-3 minutes. I used a whip on the 5qt KitchenAid mixer. Step 3: Add Part C. Add buttermilk and flavouring to the eggs and sugar mixture. Stir to combine well. Step 4: Change out the whip on the mixer for the paddle. Add Part D to the mixed ingredients and also add Part A. Mix to a semi stiff dough for about 20 seconds on medium speed. Step 5: If the dough appears a bit soft on the bottom, use a plastic scraper to fold in the dough while still in the bowl. Then turn out onto a flour surface on the counter top. Knead about 6 times using a little more flour if necessary. Remember that the more flour you use, the more dry the donut will become. Step 6: Set the kneaded dough on a plate in the fridge for about 20 minutes. It will be soft and slightly sticky. Step 7: While dough is setting in the fridge, make the glaze. Using a 5qt mixer with paddle, insert the icing sugar. Blend the hot water, corn syrup and salt together then add to the icing sugar. Stir slowly. Add more hot water to suit the thickness of glaze you want. When making glaze, less is better when adding extra water. So once you have the walnut crunch ready to dip in glaze, do a test and if the glaze is too thick, blend in a wee bit more hot water. Step 8: Prepare the dough. Either cut them evenly and pre-shape individually, or roll out to a rectangular shape on a floured surface countertop to approximately 12×8 inches. I generally like the individual pieces to be 4 inches long and 2 inches wide. I usually like to make 12 from the batch, sometimes I’ll roll the dough a little longer to make them each about 5 inches long. Either way, the rectangle is 10-12 inches wide and then roll it out long enough to get the quantity desired. Cut out the shapes. Pick up each one and brush off the excess flour, I use a natural bristle BBQ brush. Then set the pieces aside to sit while you prep the fryer. This sitting time will allow the baking power to work some. Step 9: Now plug in your fryer to bring it up to temperature. Our fryer maxes out at 374ºF on the dial. The true temp is likely 350º to 360º. It’s close enough. Usually takes about 15 minutes to warm up. The oil I use is generally canola oil, sometimes its vegetable oil. Sometimes it’s a mix of both. You will want some means to flip the donuts, I use two forks. And you will want some means to extract the donuts from the hot oil, I use the basket that comes with the fryer. The picture shows 4 in the fryer but it’s better to cook 3 at a time. Fry for 1 min 15 seconds per side. You may have to adjust that frying time depending on your method. It definitely should not take any longer than 1 min 30 seconds per side. Step 10: As soon as those 3 or 4 donuts come out of the fryer, dip them in glaze and set them on a rack for cooling. Enjoy! We welcome your comments and feedback below. Meanwhile, here are few more photos where we took the recipe and changed a few things to make Lemon Crunch donuts. Also delicious! Update July 2023 Someone asked if the walnut crunch recipe can be oven baked. I said yes but honestly I was not sure so I made a batch and added the following ingredients: - doubled the baking powder to the dry ingredients - added an additional 2 tablespoons of oil (veg or canola) to the liquids (in Parts C) I took a guess the extra baking power would provide a boost in the oven. The addition of the oil would assist with keeping the donut soft after baking. Everything else for the recipe stays as is. I baked them in the oven just like baking a pan of cookies, 350ºF for about 10 minutes. Your oven may vary. When you slightly press the top of the donut after 10 minutes you don’t want to leave an impression of your finger. Glaze them right away. I’ll be honest, they tasted a little bit like a brownie the same day they were baked. The next day, they tasted more like walnut crunch. That’s true of a lot of baked goods. Give them time to sit overnight and the flavours have a chance to cool and settle in. Thanks for stopping by. Have a question? Or have you tried the recipe? Let me know by leaving a message below.