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Same But Different: A Wood Engraving Retrospective by Rob Chapman Wood engravings and artist’s books Rob Chapman launches his retrospective exhibition of prints and artist’s books ‘Same But Different’ in The Smallprint Company Studio Gallery, Derby. Rob Chapman’s thought-provoking and intimate examination of the individual in times of upheaval and tragic disruption is powerful and evocative, with the choice of wood engraving serving to heighten the viewers’ awareness of tiny details and major injustices. Rob first started practicing the discipline of wood engraving in 2014, having previously made paintings and working as an illustrator. Using mainly paint and pen and ink, cutting a block he found, was a new and challenging occupation. The retrospective reflects the journey so far, with the earlier work looking at the woods in which he walks most days. The consideration and reflection on a woodland which has existed in some form for many hundreds of years, invited further exploration and fictionalisation with Rob explaining that his work has always been a narrative. “[Finding] the sounds of the trees and the unseen animal life would evoke images of those dwellers, workers and exploiters of, and in, the environment. Such ephemeral images would lead to investigation of the connections between the woodland and its inhabitants and provide a means to view them more closely.” It is probably no surprise therefore that this avenue led him to look at these human involvements, reviewing aspects of the lives we lead as communities and individuals, and the peoples that were subject to enormous historical and contemporary experiences; Rob doesn’t just consider the physical form but expressions of their condition. “My subjects and my working practices are, and will continue to be, the same but different.” Rob Chapman, 2023 About the artist I have a degree in Painting and Printmaking from many years ago. Initially I taught in secondary education, then worked as a designer and illustrator of educational materials, became a freelance illustrator in books and periodicals, working notably with Osprey Publishing, and have illustration work in several museums and private collections. I took part in group and solo exhibitions of paintings and drawings in galleries in Birmingham and the West Midlands, and more recently in Derbyshire. I have been a lecturer in 2D studies including life drawing, graphic design and painting in colleges throughout the West Midlands and on ceasing my freelance illustration work I returned to printmaking as my central area of study. “Rob Chapman has worked as an illustrator for a number of years, initially in children’s books but then specialising in military history. He has worked closely with a number of British regiments and corps and his paintings are held in regimental and public museums, regimental messes and private collections.” Osprey Publishing About the show 28 January – 11 March at The Smallprint Company The studio is open Monday – Saturday, 10am – 4pm and is closed Wednesdays and Sundays Format23, International Photography Festival launches 16 March www.smallprintcompany.com | firstname.lastname@example.org | 07948 266652
Upfront, opinionated smart-ass writers who love technology and video games. We force our opinions on you. Forcing Our Opinions On You Here at SmartAssTech.com, we tend to give our opinions on the coolest tech around, especially the smart stuff. Our articles are direct and upfront, if something sucks, we will tell you it sucks. We are smartasses who love smart technology, streaming and video games. If that’s you, then cool, you came to the right place. – Kevin, The Smart Ass Tech Founder Our Journey – 2021 Well, we are new and don’t have a cute journey to tell you about. Right now, we are made up of just a couple of smart-asses but hope to build on this to make our site informative and entertaining. Kevin, the founder is a father of 2, I.T. Specialist. Not So Professional Team We aren’t here to be hubby dubby. We are here to get you some news on cool-ass tech, video games and streaming, among other smart stuff in the tech world.
"Hi, I have a dapple grey with a yellow tail - I’'ve tried everything to get it white (doesn't help that she's not a clean horse) do you have anything that can help?” This is one of our most regular questions that we receive and thought it would be good to share our answer to help others with the ‘yellow tail syndrome’… This is a very common problem, and the answer really depends how stained as to how instantly the original colour can be retrieved. With mares, the urine will obviously stain the tail, but if it is washed very regularly and conditioned - at least every week - then this will then not allow the stain to penetrate the hair. Once this has happened it is very difficult to get it instantly completely white again. I myself have a mare with a white tail, when she came to me the tail was in yellow ringlets, it is now very white. I started by washing the tail every day for a couple of weeks, this really helped and gradually over a few weeks it regained its originally white colour. You Will Need The products I used to achieve this are: 1. First fully immerse the tail in a bucket of very warm water, if you can allow it to soak for as long as possible (3-4 mins is ideal) this will allow the water to really soak into the hair. 2. Spray with Polar White and massage/rub in well, from the bottom of the tail up to the dock. Leave for 3-4 mins. 3. Add Deep Purple shampoo and repeat the massage/rubbing procedure. 4. Rinse off and shampoo once more before a final rinse in very warm water. 5. Lastly, add half a teaspoon of Super Blue powder to 1/4 bucket of water, stir in and then submerge the tail. Swish the water over and around the tail (the water will be royal blue) remove from the bucket and then rinse off with clear water. Here’s a quick video of the Super Blue in action… 6. Spin the tail to remove excess water and then apply a mane and tail conditioning spray - we use our Gloss n Go or Super Shine lotion which is a more concentrated barrier lotion. This not only conditions and makes the tail easy to brush, but also provides a barrier from more urine seeping into the hair before the next wash. 7. Repeat each day for the first week to maximise results.
Women and Spending: Exposed Read our Q&A with Kerry Cohen, author of Spent: Exposing Our Complicated Relationship with Shopping. 4 Ways to Protect Your Finances During Divorce Facing divorce? Ouch. Cut your losses by taking these four actions to protect your financial interests during the process. Raising Your Parents: Helping Aging Parents Cope Financially Helping aging parents cope after retirement? Be prepared to cover all bases—legal, financial and otherwise. Seven Finance Lessons for Your New College Student Donna Skeels Cygan—author of The Joy of Financial Security (and mom of two)—shares seven lessons to impart on your young adult. Financial Aid for Nontraditional College Students Scrambling to fund a return to higher education? Explore the financial aid climate for nontraditional students. Protecting College Students from Common Money Mistakes Expert tips for saving your college-bound student from making common money mistakes. Best Apps for Back to School Success Check out the best new back to school apps to see you through the school year. Intern at PGOA Media! Interested in writing for Smarty Cents and our sister brands? Apply to intern with us! Waste Not, Want Not: Q&A with The Ultimate Cheapskate Looking for inspiration on living a more waste-free lifestyle? Check out our Q&A with Jeff Yeager, The Ultimate Cheapskate. Ask an Expert: Prepaid Funeral Expenses Prepaid funeral plans may not offer the reassurance you’re looking for. Paying for College: Q&A with a College Admissions Expert Read a Q&A session with Mandee Heller Adler, founder and CEO of International College Counselors, for expert college admissions tips. Cutting the Cord: Untangling Family and Money Essential tips for drawing financial boundaries with family—for both young adults and their parents. The Frugal Traveler: How to Find Good Cheap Eats Blogger Seth Kugel, aka The Frugal Traveler, shares tips for finding the best cheap food on the road. 10 DIY Father’s Day Gifts He’ll Love This roundup of DIY gifts offers up surefire ways to make sure Dad feels the love on his special day. When She Makes More: Q&A with Farnoosh Torabi Read our Q&A with Farnoosh Torabi, author of When She Makes More: 10 Rules for Breadwinning Women.
If you’re sick and tired of heading to work in the morning knowing that your day is going to be a boring one, filled with the same old uninspiring tasks that you could do with your eyes closed, knowing that you could be doing so much more with your life, it might be time to start climbing the career ladder. Of course, doing that is often easier said than done. It seems like, for every job role, there are tens of candidates fighting it out to become victorious. That means, you need to do everything you can to stand out from the rest; what you need are the secrets to climbing the career ladder that those other candidates don’t know… Getting to Know the Boss Really Helps If you plan to climb the career ladder within the company you’re currently working for, then one of the best things you can do is get to know the boss. This doesn’t mean that you need to kiss up to the top man or woman , but if you can get into a position where you have contact with the boss, and you can make the interactions you have with him or her favorable, then when you apply for promotion, your face will be recognized and that will give you an advantage over the other faceless candidates applying for the same position. Communication is Key Most of the people applying for the same roles as you will have pretty similar backgrounds and achievements, which means you need to offer a little extra, and being able to communicate very effectively with the people interviewing you is one such extra that could see you go far. If you can communicate calmly, confidently and effectively, it will not only impress the HR department, but it will show them that, should you be promoted, you’ll be able to effectively talk to anyone clearly – something which is invaluable in business. Get an Education Getting a master of arts in leadership online or studying for an MBA in business at the University of Florida, for example, is a great way of improving your prospects and climbing up the career ladder. So many people,when they enter the world of work, leave education behind, thinking that they can just work their way to the top, and although they may well be able to do just that, it’s getting a lot harder as competition increases to do so. Having something that makes you stand out and shows your capabilities, like a higher level of education, can really help you to beat the competition. Make Your Own Role One way of climbing the career ladder that very few people consider is the act of simply creating your own tole. If you notice, for example, that there is a shortage of staff in a higher up department or that there is scope for your company to expand in a particular direction, why not pitch a new job to your boss? You have nothing to lose, and you might be surprised how willing employers are to create new roles for existing staff if said staff can prove that there is a real need for the role and that it will add value to the company. Take a chance, and take your career into your own hands! With these secrets, you can bet that climbing the career ladder will be much easier for you than the competition who are still in the dark.
A terrific analysis of fiscal responses to the pandemic is just out! Led by Hill and Friedman, the 2022 edition of the flagship Poverty and Shared Prosperity report is a goldmine of quantitative analysis on the Covid response as well as thoughtful reflections on future directions. My main takeaways: global poverty increased by 71-89 million people during the pandemic, but fiscal responses (for households and firms) mitigated the effects significantly – tho much more effectively in higher income countries (see p.136). Almost 3 months passed between lockdowns announcements and initial support was received. Such relatively slow responsiveness has structural roots: this includes, for example, the level of formalization (which affected the ability to use instruments like wage subsidies), but also the overall configuration of tax-transfer systems. Out of 94 countries, in 2/3 the income of poorest decile “falls by the time taxes have been paid and transfers and subsidies have been received”. In fact, poorer countries provide less transfers, collect less taxes and those that are collected are the least progressive (64% of taxes are indirect). Furthermore, countries with better access to financing (i.e., with higher sovereign credit rating) achieved a larger fiscal response. Did the response “stick”? In some cases, premature withdrawal of support may be reflected in recent response to inflation, which – as I discussed a couple of weeks ago – involves an array of new programs and large subsidies. Paraphrasing a prominent economist, we know so much, but when do we learn? And here is another spectacular piece: a comprehensive review by Banerjee elegantly lays out social protection issues, design tradeoffs, implementation quandaries, and empirical gaps. Focused on low- and middle-income countries, the paper offers an analytical framework for thinking about some of the hottest debates, like the selection of beneficiaries, that affect assistance and insurance schemes. These are not independent choices, which in fact “… operate together to create a unified social protection system” (h/t Julian Koschorke). Eager for a regional deep dive? A report led by Lokshin and Torre zooms into social protection issues in the ECA region. See for instance table 2.1, p.47 for a nice overview of pre- and post-pandemic spending, as well as box 2.2, p.55-56 on pandemic responses. Among the findings, and somewhat consistently with the role of informality in shaping responses mentioned earlier, countries that “… spent larger shares of their social protection response budget on job protection measures (as opposed to income protection) observed smaller decreases in employment and smaller increases in inactivity and poverty”. From policy to implementation, with a flurry of resources on digital cash transfers. Blogging on a new G2Px report on the theme, Qiang et al argued that the embracement of digital transfers during the pandemic represented “a unique opportunity for progress”. At country level, a paper by Hosny and Sollaci found that implementing digital payments could have cushioned the Covid-19 income shock in Vietnam, especially among the urban middle-class. But what is the lived experience at local level? Fieldwork from Indonesia offers qualitative evidence on the pros and cons of digital cash as expressed by local actors and communities (see table 5). More on delivery matters: how can social protection programs be adapted for displaced population? Lowe et al enrich the growing research from Cameroon, Colombia, and Greece by assessing if and how some key functions were adjusted. This includes activities like “outreach and communication” (no much adjustment), “intake, registration and assessment” (no real adaptation); “determination and notification of eligibility” (more mixed, with positive examples form Cameroon and Colombia); and “provision of benefits or services”, which was “… not necessarily worse than that of host populations”; and “accountability, management and monitoring”, which wasn’t used much. Moving to Africa, a paper by Tondini investigates the short and longer-terms effect of the South African Child Support Grant on mothers’ labor market outcomes. The article shows that the program increased the probability of being active and looking for a job in the short term; but 5 years later, mothers who benefited for one year are as likely to be employed as those who never received it. In other words, “the grant appears to facilitate job search for single mothers in the presence of high search costs, but does not significantly change job prospects” (h/t Amber Peterman). Recommendations on providing some form of targeted cash transfers is mushrooming across themes. For example, what could be done to curb inflation in Iran? “[T]he poorer segments of the population could be compensated directly through better targeting the existing cash transfers”, according to a new IMF working paper by Ture and Khazaei. And what about mitigating the effects of climate change in Small Island States? Cevik’s suggestion is to provide “… compensatory policies designed to recycle additional revenue through lowering other taxes and increasing targeted cash transfers and public investment can alleviate adverse effects on disposable household income”. Final question: guess what’s are among the most researched themes across 15 humanitarian lessons-learned papers since 2003? Yes of course, cash transfers, as Alexander and Kerkvliet show in their ALNAP “lessons from lessons” review. Ugo Gentilini is from the World Bank’s Social Protection & Jobs global practice. The Social Protection Links newsletter, issued every Friday, distills and discusses a selection of curated resources on the topic, from academic articles to podcasts. The blog is republished on socialprotection.org each week, offering knowledge on social protection to help you stay on top of it — succinctly, regularly and frequently. Previous editions can be found here.
Emily Walton, associate professor of sociology and a faculty fellow in the Society of Fellows, will become the society’s next director, Dean of the Guarini School of Graduate and Advanced Studies Jon Kull ’88 announced. Walton follows Mona Domosh, the Joan P. and Edward J. Foley Jr. 1933 Professor of Geography, who has led the society since 2019. Domosh welcomed Walton and praised the mission of the Society of Fellows, founded in 2014 by President Philip J. Hanlon ’77 to foster intellectual innovation across the institution. “The Society of Fellows is one of the few—if not only—spaces at Dartmouth dedicated to the interdisciplinary exchange of knowledge and experiences, an invaluable asset in a world that can only be comprehended through multiple lenses,” says Domosh. Kull says the society, which is part of the Guarini School of Graduate and Advanced Studies, has fostered an interdisciplinary network of early career scholars and faculty mentors that has continued to grow in the eight years since its founding. “I want to thank Mona for guiding the evolution of this extraordinary project at Dartmouth,” Kull says. “And I am thrilled that Emily Walton, whose work in sociology looks at how racially diverse communities function, will transition from faculty fellow to the role of director of the Society of Fellows.” The society’s postdoctoral fellows, in collaboration with faculty fellows and faculty affiliates, form an interdisciplinary community that integrates research and teaching across all divisions within the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, the Tuck School of Business, Thayer School of Engineering, and the Geisel School of Medicine. Walton says her work in sociology to understand how differently racialized groups interact together in community is well suited to the task of leading the Society of Fellows. She sees the core of this work as integrating people from diverse scholarly fields into a creative collaborative project. “My tasks as the director are to support a culture of openness and curiosity and encourage a spirit of risk-taking. This kind of atmosphere will help bring the postdoctoral fellows together across disciplinary boundaries in order to create something that is new,” Walton says. “What’s really incredible about interdisciplinary space is that it is integrating, it is synthesizing, it is energizing,” she says. The application period for the next cohort of postdoctoral fellows will open in July and run through Sept. 12, 2022.
The Kavli Centre for Ethics, Science and the Public Major scientific breakthroughs deepen our understanding of nature and ourselves. Such discoveries have the potential to transform our everyday lives. Yet the same science that holds promise for progress often raises concerns and questions for society. Under Centre Director Anna Middleton, Deputy Director and Research Lead Richard Milne and Innovation and Translation Lead Catherine Galloway, we are starting with conversations around genome editing of embryos, artificial intelligence in health research, and the sharing of Big Data. Visit the Kavli Centre for Ethics, Science and the Public‘s website to learn more.
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Who was Henry Croft? Henry Croft was a British-born chemist who became a pioneer of forensic science in Canada. He was born in London in 1820 and studied chemistry under the famous Michael Faraday. He moved to Canada in 1846 and became a professor of chemistry at the University of Toronto. He was also a consultant for various industries, such as oil, mining, and agriculture. He was known for his innovative and practical applications of chemistry, as well as his eccentric and adventurous personality. How did Henry Croft die? Henry Croft died in 1898 at the age of 78 in Texas, where he had moved to start a ranch. According to his obituary, he died of natural causes. However, some historians have speculated that he may have been poisoned by his enemies, who were jealous of his success and wealth. Croft had made many enemies throughout his life, especially during his involvement in the Fenian raids, a series of attacks by Irish nationalists on Canada in the 1860s. Croft had helped the Canadian government to identify and capture the Fenian leaders by using his chemical skills to analyze their letters and documents. How did Henry Croft solve a murder case with a pickling jar? One of the most famous cases that Henry Croft solved with his forensic expertise was the murder of Sarah King, a doctor’s wife who died in 1858 in Brighton, Ontario. Sarah King had been suffering from stomach pains and vomiting for several days before she died. Her husband, Dr. William King, claimed that she had eaten some bad pickles, but the coroner suspected foul play and ordered an autopsy. The autopsy revealed that Sarah King had died of arsenic poisoning, but there was no trace of arsenic in her stomach or intestines. The coroner then decided to send her stomach to Henry Croft in Toronto for further analysis. Croft received the stomach in a pickling jar, sealed with wax. He carefully opened the jar and examined the stomach. He noticed that the stomach lining was inflamed and ulcerated, indicating a corrosive poison. He then performed a series of chemical tests to detect the presence of arsenic. He used a method called Marsh’s test, which involved heating a sample of the stomach contents with zinc and sulphuric acid. This produced a gas called arsine, which could be ignited and deposited on a cold surface as a metallic film. Croft found that the stomach contents produced a large amount of arsine, confirming the presence of arsenic. He also found that the pickling liquid in the jar contained arsenic, suggesting that the poison had been added after the stomach was removed from the body. Croft wrote a detailed report of his findings and sent it to the coroner. He also testified as an expert witness at the trial of Dr. William King, who was accused of murdering his wife. Croft explained his methods and results to the jury, and demonstrated the Marsh’s test in court. He also refuted the defense’s argument that Sarah King had taken arsenic as a medicine, by showing that the amount of arsenic in her stomach was much higher than the therapeutic dose. Croft’s testimony was crucial in convincing the jury of Dr. King’s guilt. Dr. King was convicted of murder and sentenced to death by hanging. What is the impact of Henry Croft’s work? Henry Croft’s work was groundbreaking in the field of forensic science. He was the first person in Canada to use chemical analysis to solve a murder case. He also improved and simplified the methods for detecting poisons, and published several papers on the subject. He trained many students and colleagues in the techniques of forensic chemistry, and inspired them to pursue careers in the field. He also raised public awareness and interest in the science of crime detection, and influenced the development of the legal system and the criminal justice system. Henry Croft was a remarkable chemist who used his skills and knowledge to serve the society and the truth.
Hi, my name is Candy and I’m an Independent Travel Consultant living in Portugal since 2016. I’m here to help you plan the perfect trip to Portugal, Spain and Italy. With 15+years of travel planning experience (7 of them in Portugal) I can help you cut through the overwhelming amount of information online. Whether you have an exact route in mind or you have no idea where to start I can curate a personalised itinerary that offers you a truly unique experience. Candy spent most of her twenties working as a lifeguard & surf instructor in the summer, and traveling & surfing far flung destinations in the winter. In 2015, whilst on a ‘happiness mission’ in Thailand and Indonesia Candy founded the Soi 55 brand so she could work from anywhere. In 2016 she moved to Portugal where she is now based permanently. In 2021 Candy’s world got turned upside down when she was diagnosed with angle-closure glaucoma and ovarian cancer in the space of a year. Despite chronic illness and ongoing treatment she continues to make the most of life, traveling at every given opportunity. Since diagnosis she has continued to build on her travel experience and finally put her expert travel knowledge to use by offering personal travel planning. When she’s not seeking out hidden gems and booking flights, she’s on the beach, swimming in the Atlantic or drinking spritz in the sun. Planning a trip to Portugal, Spain or Italy? I’m here to help. If you want to plan the perfect trip but there are just too many options, I can help you make the most of your time. If you want a personalised travel itinerary, full to the brim with authentic experiences, I’ve got you…
A letter from Mozart to his father in July 1782, four days after the successful first performance of Die Entführung aus dem Serail, attests to Mozart’s serious attempts to share in the lucrative yet highly-competitive market for Harmoniemusik arrangements. A furore was caused in 1977 by the discovery of a corresponding Harmoniemusik in the collections of the Schwarzenberg Chapel in Bohemia’s Český Krumlov, which in fact turned out to be the work of Johann Went, a former Schwarzenberg court musician, at that time second oboist of the Kaiserlichen Harmonie. In all probability, Went was that rival so feared by Mozart. However, the most exciting – and in some respects still puzzling – discovery in this connection so far fell ultimately to the conductor and researcher of Harmoniemusik, Bastiaan Blomhert. In 1984 he came across an unusually interesting and superior arrangement in the Princely Fürstenberg Archive in Donaueschingen. An inventory dated 1827 attributes the surviving set of handwritten parts of the Harmoniemusik to the Donaueschingen oboist and arranger Franz Joseph Rosinack. However, doubts that this version of the Entführungcould really have been penned by a musician of somewhat parochial proficiency were soon justified. Two further versions of Mozart operas ascribed to Rosinack – The Marriage of Figaroand The Magic Flute– written by the same copyists on paper unusual for Donaueschingen, proved in the case of Figaroto be the work of Johann Went, and in the case of TheMagic Flutethat of the no less well-known arranger, Joseph Heydenreich. Blomhert’s exhaustive comparison with the working methods of other important arrangers of the time did not reveal any compelling correlations, and his hunch – that the Donaueschingen Harmoniemusik of the Entführungaus dem Serailwas probably a transcript of the lost Mozart arrangement – has since achieved broad consensus amongst researchers. The wind ensemble “La Scintilla dei Fiati” is composed of members of the “Orchestra La Scintilla” at the Zurich Opera.
Who may apply for an Early Voting ballot? Anyone may apply for an Early Voting ballot, such as: - Persons not able to go to the polls due to their work or vacation schedule, or - Persons not able to go to the polls due to a medical condition or hospitalization, or - Persons temporarily out of the county, state or country - Persons not wishing to travel to the polls - Persons not wishing to leave their homes Do I need to give the reason why I am voting early when applying for Early Voting ballots? No, since 1999 Nebraska law has not required a person to disclose a reason for their request on the Early Voting application. How do I apply for and vote an Early Voting ballot? You can apply for an early voting ballot by contacting your County Clerk or Election Commissioner by mail, by fax, or by a scan/picture of your signed application and email it to your county election official. Please remember to write your driver’s license/state ID number on the application or attach a copy of an acceptable form of photo ID or reasonable impediment certification. How do I apply by mail? Print the online early voting application request form. Complete the form; then mail or fax it to your County Clerk or Election Commissioner. You can also scan or take a picture of your signed application and email it to your county election official. Please remember to write your driver’s license/state ID number on the application or attach a copy of an acceptable form of photo ID or reasonable impediment certification. Write to your County Clerk or Election Commissioner, including: - Your name and residence address, - Nebraska Driver's License or Nebraska State ID Number - If you do not have a Nebraska Driver's License or State ID, you may enclose with your letter a photocopy of other acceptable photo identification or a reasonable impediment certification. For more information, please visit our Voter ID page. - Your voting precinct, if known, - Your phone number, - The mailing address you want the ballots sent to, and - Your signature. Is there a process to assist military and overseas citizens in obtaining Early Voting ballots? When may I apply for an Early Voting ballot? All county election offices will accept Early Voting applications up to 120 days prior to a statewide Primary or General election. The last day to request an Early Voting ballot to be mailed is close of business on the second Friday preceding the election. 35 days before the Election is also the first day ballots are sent to non-military stateside applicants. 30 days before Election Day is the first day Early Voting ballots are available to vote at the county office. Contact your County Clerk or Election Commissioner for information on their office hours. Should your ballots not arrive, contact your County Clerk or Election Commissioner to confirm the date and address the ballots were mailed out. You can also use Votercheck to see when your ballot was sent out. Make arrangements with the county election official to receive a replacement ballot if it is determined your ballots were lost, destroyed, spoiled or never received. The Monday before Election Day is the last day to cast an early voting ballot at the County Election Office. What are the procedures when casting an Early Voting Ballot by mail? Ballots received via the postal service will be accompanied by instructions on how to cast a vote and a return envelope. If assistance is needed marking the ballot a friend or voter-designated person may provide assistance. The voted ballot must be placed in the return envelope. The envelope must be sealed and signed (or their mark made) by the voter and if assistance was provided by the person providing assistance. The return envelope containing the ballots may be mailed back to the County Election Office, returned by personal delivery, an agent, or courier service to the county office or drop box. When must the Early Voting ballot be returned to the Election Office? All Early Voting ballots, whether personally delivered, delivered by agent, delivered by mail or other carriers must arrive at the county election official's office by the closing of the polls on Election Day (8:00 pm Central Time / 7:00 pm Mountain Time).
Instagram is an important social media platform that has become more and more popular among users. One of the main users of this platform is Soraia, who created a strategy to make the most of Instagram's potential. She has been following a series of steps to increase her reach and create meaningful engagement. First, Soraia uses relevant hashtags to help users find her content. She also posts content consistently and responds to follower comments. In addition, she interacts with other profiles and shares content from other users to further increase her reach. Another important part of Soraia's strategy is to attract new followers. She uses Instagram features to promote her content and attract new users. She also creates ad campaigns to help grow her following. In addition, she participates in influencer campaigns, which allows her to reach an even larger audience. By using these strategies, Soraia is able to achieve greater reach and create meaningful engagement. Who is Soraia and why is she popular on Instagram? Soraia is a Brazilian digital influencer who rose to fame on Instagram for her fun and entertaining content about fashion, beauty, trends and lifestyle. She is also known for her videos on YouTube, where she posts videos of humor and fashion-related content. Soraia gained a lot of popularity on Instagram for her unique and fun style of storytelling and sharing her fashion knowledge. She is also known for her versatility with regards to photography style and image editing. Additionally, she is very active on Instagram, responding to her followers' comments and sharing her content on a regular basis. What impact has Instagram had on Soraia's career and how has she used this platform to gain exposure? Instagram has been a huge career booster for Soraia. She discovered the platform a few years ago and decided to use it as a way to expand her brand and reach a wider audience. The artist uses the platform to share her work, as well as news and information about herself. She also uses Instagram to partner with brands and artists, as well as to promote her work in a personalized way. The platform is also used by Soraia to keep in touch with her fans, which has helped to increase their commitment to the artist. Furthermore, she has been using Instagram to promote her shows, release new music, and even to promote campaigns and projects that she believes in. With these strategies, Soraia has gained a lot of exposure, which has allowed her to reach new levels of success. What are Soraia's Instagram strategies for engaging with her followers and staying popular on the platform? Soraia has been using Instagram to reach a large audience and stay popular on the platform. Here are some tips to help you engage with your Instagram followers: 1. Publish Quality Content - Publish compelling, quality content that builds a dialogue with your followers. It shows that you are committed to the quality of the platform. 2. Use the best hashtags - Use the most relevant hashtags in your posts to increase your content's reach and visibility. 3. Interact with other users - Interact with other users in your area of interest, like and comment on their posts to gain more followers. 4. Promote your content on other platforms - Promote your content on other platforms to reach a wider audience. 5. Create Engagement - Create fun, interactive videos and content to engage your followers. What are Soraia's most memorable Instagram moments, and how have these posts been received by her fans and the media? Soraia is a Brazilian electronic music artist who has gained a lot of recognition for her music. She has been using Instagram to share her most memorable moments with her fans. Her posts are highly acclaimed by the media and her followers and have inspired many other artists to do the same. Some of his most memorable posts include the following: 1. A photo of Soraia with her family, which she posted to celebrate her birthday. This post touched the hearts of her followers and earned her a lot of praise for how she values her family. 2. A post from Soraia, where she shares her love for her hometown and reveals how proud she feels of where she came from. This post was very well received and inspired many of her fans to love her roots. 3. A post by Soraia that she shared when she released her debut album. This post was widely applauded by her followers and the media, who highlighted her great achievement.
I am happy to be back in the land of sweater weather, aka the Pacific North West. Cashmere, tights, boots, knit hats and dresses. It's a wardrobe built on layers. One of my favorite mini dresses is from Gilner Farrar. It is the Raquel dress. I now have 3 of them. It's flattering, fun and easy to style. And, souchi's Long Lake Cardi works with all my dresses. I love the mix of something chunky with something sheer. The chiffon on the Raquel dress is pretty while the rest of it is lined. The cashmere tweed is stunning. The Long Lake Cardi is 6 ply cashmere form Scotland that is durable, soft, cozy and cool. This one is mine and is 4 years old. It's survived me, Jack, Ruby, Aspen and Charleston. Love souchi cashmere! Yes, it's an investment but one that pays off. How old is your oldest souchi?
Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with #Gill Chang - Recommended arrow_drop_down Ethereal and emotional songwriting and vocals with a fast turnaround. High quality stems delivered to you comped, edited, and including doubles, harmonies, whispers and octaves. I've worked with artists such as KLOUD, MitiS, Gill Chang, tofû, ARMNHMR, YungSnapLorde, Barren Gates & many more. Caleb Wiseman has been working as a producer and mixer for three years. He is passionate about making the best music, with all of the best and new elements. Music evolution is extremely important to Caleb, because he believes that people always want something new. He is excited to be apart of new projects! Top 10 Finalist on American Idol 2018. Professional vocalist, songwriter, guitarist and producer. With my precise ear for pitch, harmony and melody, I can ensure you an exceptional vocal to pair well with your tracks. Maybe you can write, maybe you can’t. Either way that’s why your here. Whether it’s to buy or find something that inspires. We all hit some sort of block that holds us back. I don’t care if you pick me, I’m just the helping hand from which you can feed 300+ Remote recordings done for all music genres and TV/films. I offer top quality performances and HQ audio percussions at affordable rates. Versatile drummer, percussionist and producer with 14 years of experience. 100% guaranteed job (130 5-Star reviews on Fiverr). Credits: Leonardo Aguilar, Cumbiastars (Latin Grammy Nominees), Reykon, many more VOCALIST/ SONGWRITER/ PRODUCER I specialise in Pop and Singer-songwriter music and would love to be considered to be apart of your project! I can guarantee that I will work on your project until we are both happy and satisfied with the end result. The most important thing is that we both love what we’ve created together and can be proud of it. "Meeting Chuck Sabo through Soundbetter is the best thing that happened to our music. The consummate professional: helpful, dependable, uncomplicated. A great drummer, but even if you don't need drums, hire him for his..." "Amazing mix engineer and co-producer. Simon was not afraid to share constructive criticism and really helped make the song the best it could be. He has many other musical services such as tracking and even had a sin..." "After Eric I won't look for another engineer. His mixes are beautiful and flawless. Not only are his skills exceptional but he is professional, polite, and prompt. Eric is also very willing to offer suggestions and..." "very professional and prompt. the work was really well done." "I am very demanding of myself, I like a very well done, it takes a lot of discipline against me but also against people with whom I work. Working with Mike was a great experience. One of the things that I enjoyed a ..." "Good job.Lukas always present for any question or doubt. It was my first experience and I'm happy to work with him" "His price was low and his mixing was good. It is easy to tell that Irving knows what he's doing. Thanks!" "I tried Leo on one song and he definitely came thru. I came back to him for the next song and once again he performed well. Most of all I like his people skills. It is easy to communicate with this man! " "It was a great pleasure working with Mr. Victorino. I am happy with the work that he did with two of my songs I highly recommend for all you song writers out there give this talented producer A call . You will be glad..." "Repeat client.. Did a great job once again.. " "Many thanks to Eric! It was very easy to communicate, despite my terrible english. I got exactly what I wanted. Very fast, very easy, very neat, very professional. I'd be happy to contact him again. A true master, sur..." "Very professional, great top line writer and clean beautiful vocals. She delivers as promised and in excellent audio quality. I would definitely work with Natalie again. Thanks."
28 Déc INTERVIEW — False Heads on its second record Before their second record, « Sick Moon », got released, we sat with Luke Griffiths, False Head’s lead singer. SOB : Hi ! Can you maybe start by telling me why you decided to start a band? Luke : So I was playing guitar and then kind of came up with the name. We’re best friends. Jake and Barney were in another band, and basically me and Jay kind of been on and off, but he never really joined at that point. And then we came back and Jake came back and Barney came back and then, um, yeah. And then we decided to sort of take it seriously and then it became fairly serious, fairly quick because we signed a small but terrible record deal within about six, seven months of us. That was kind of the origin of it. SOB : You started in like 2015 and your first record came out in March of 2020. Do you consider your second album to be your first? Luke : The first album was kind of the combination of all of the songs that I’d written from, you know, 17 to 24, really. And, that was some songs that we put out or I’d done versions of them and put them up on SoundCloud or whatever. And we put out some EPS that had been self-funded, and then we rerecorded some of the older songs, and then we had a brand new song, The Island, which was like a rabbit hole, which obviously kind of went on to become our most well-known song, you know? And it was lovely, obviously, and there was a few other new ones on there. So it was kind of like five brand new ones that had been written only about four months before we went into the studio and then five one to encapsulate the band and my journey on my own, and then the band forming kind of over the last five years. And then literally all of these songs, “Sick Moon”, which got rewritten basically took the roof off our song and the chorus and said and done are all brand new that were all written in a lockdown. I mean, even most of the riffs and everything like that weren’t really taken from anywhere. They were brand new songs. So it’s definitely a weird kind of catch over a year, I suppose, you know, a lot of lockdown, but I mean, we had nothing else to do, so. SOB : How did you feel about your first LP, because you couldn’t promote it ? Luke : Well, I mean, to be honest, it was fucking brutal. We had so much lined up as well. I mean, we got our TV debut lined up in the factory in Germany. We were going to America and play South by South West on Friday, and on Monday the lockdown happened. We were pretty much locked down, not just in the UK but everywhere. At that point I just took in the fucking records and the vinyl and the CD in my flat, which my girlfriend obviously wasn’t very happy about at the time. And because there was no point in going to record shops and stuff like that at that point. And then I was working for my dad part time. My dad has a small little coffee business and I was working for him. But that is what my situation was. It didn’t have a job. And I was on the fucking dole. And then we started, I think between us and our management and our label, we borrowed some money. And one of the projects I was doing was with video advertising, which was kind of like my day job at that point for my dad and some other freelance companies just to keep the bills paid. We just kind of went mad and the album kind of sort of saved the day. And our manager was right ! We started writing the album and then we sold out five. I mean, it was small venues doing 100, 200 cap, but we sold out maybe five or six of that. SOB : What are your influences on this record? Luke : We definitely don’t like to write the same kind of song. I mean they still race and we work a lot on them. There’s obviously classic influences that people can make up on : Rage against machine, Sex Pistols and Radiohead to a large degree. But there’s also, I think, other influences. I mean, Elliot Smith is one of my favorites. I think he’s probably the greatest of all time. And The Beatles. Barney’s really into electronics. So I think that influences a lot of his bass. Um, I mean, Jake Love like Neutral Milk Hotel and I love hip hop. So that’s probably why it comes out that way because if I’m only listening to that, at that moment, yeah, that influences that song. The lyrics I was writing, a lot of the instrumental and vocal album was kind of me and then we, we changed them and shifted them and went and when we became both sides. But then some of the newer ones were very copying Bonnie for the breakdown riff. I wrote the bass line, so it was a lot more collaborative and in lockdown it was quite nice because what really happened was there were months where we couldn’t see each other. So we started writing separately and there were riffs and choruses and I had so much time that I was trying to write four or five different vocal melodies for one part, and then we’d go in and we’d all have different parts and we sort of emerged together. I felt even worse than the first album, which I’m not sure was possible. But I do think that my anger in a rage knows no bounds obviously, but is more melodic. I think we have songs on the album, the melodic, but I think we kind of find it a lot more honest. And we’ve always loved pop songs. SOB : Who did you work with on the album ? Luke : We did a few singles with Joe Cross. He’s a really great producer in terms it’ll just big band stuff because Frank ended up recording it for us. We played with him two years ago. He built a studio in his garden and I was like, “Do you want to produce it?” So we went and did a couple of tracks. We love it. We ended up staying there for two and a half weeks. That was a great experience. And it was interesting as well because, you know, Frank’s a songwriter as well. So it was nice to have a kind of producer songwriter who I mean, he didn’t write. He wasn’t someone that kind of wrote parts for the tracks. But it was nice to have someone in there that was producing that you can bounce ideas off.
Parker, Colorado Real Estate & Information Parker, Colorado is a popular suburb located south of Denver, in Douglas County. Parker currently has a population of approximately 50,000 people and is steadily growing! In Parker, you will find all of the small town charm but with easy access to the "big city" amenities. Parker is proud to be the home of the PACE (Parker Arts, Culture & Events) Center - a beautiful state-of-the-art performing arts center that hosts concerts, activities, musicals, plays and more throughout the year. No matter where you live in Parker, you are literally just minutes from everything else. Easy access to the Denver is provided through E-470 toll road that runs on the north end of town. Or, you can hop onto I-25 and be in downtown Denver in 20-30 minutes, depending on traffic. Parks and Recreation: With miles of trails that wind throughout the community there is always somewhere available for you to be outside enjoying the great outdoors! O'Brien Park, located in the center of town, has a huge park, basketball courts, a baseball field and pool area that all residents can utilize. The Parker Recreation Center and Fieldhouse have workout facilities, daily classes, and areas where local sports teams can play. The popular Cherry Creek runs through the Town of Parker and the newly built Hess Reservoir may offer even more recreational opportunities in the future. Parker is located in the award-winning Douglas County School District. Three high schools, three middle schools and several elementary schools are available as a public school option and there are also charter and private schools for those who prefer an alternative to public schools. The graduation rate for Douglas County schools is 91.4%, one of the highest in the state.
(RALEIGH, N.C.) – The North Carolina Jewelers Association (NCJA) is pleased to announce the appointment of Jane Kirk as Executive Director, effective immediately. The Board’s action comes with the fullest confidence that Kirk will be an excellent steward of NCJA’s goals and an advocate for North Carolina jewelers. Kirk, a graduate of UNC-Chapel Hill, has worked in Chicago for Golin Harris International as a public relations account executive with Ronald McDonald Children’s Charities, has years of experience as a freelance writer, and recently worked in the psychology department at East Carolina University. Kirk says of her new position: “The North Carolina Jewelers Association has and will continue to play a unique and vital role in the promotion of positive development and profitable practices for North Carolina small business jewelers. This Association is a strong group of dynamic professionals whose interaction and relationships continue to share and promote successful ideas, strategies, and innovation within the industry.” NCJA Board President, Brad Padgett stated: “The board is excited to have Jane as our new Executive Director. Her experience and energy will serve to enhance, strengthen and preserve the responsibilities of this position.” The NCJA, in alliance with the South Carolina Jewelers Association, is currently preparing for it’s annual conference in Charleston, SC at the Charleston Harbor Resort & Marina, April 28th – 30th. There will be numerous educational and networking events. Contact the NCJA at 919-789-7979 or email@example.com.
PA Sebastian Centre for Arachnology Research (PASCAR) The centre was established in the year 1998 with the objective of conducting authentic studies on spiders of South India, especially in the state of Kerala. This is the only research centre in South India engaged in Arachnology research. The division functions under the Department of Zoology of Sacred Heart College, Thevara, Cochin, Kerala, India. South Indian Spiders A database of Common Spider Families from South India. Museum for Arachinoids Collection of 1200 specimens with systamatic documentation. Routine faunal explorations in different parts of Kerala state. Courses & Research Research projects & Credit based courses on archinology. awarded doctoral degree finished and Ongoing by this research centre South Indian spider database The South Indian spider database is a data collection of Indian spiders emphasis in the South India region. This database also includes Pseudo Scorpions, opinions, Millipedes and Centipedes. The use of this database is limited to, research, educational, non-commercial use. Contained data are publicly available under a CC BY license (Creative Commons Attribution). Spiders are found worldwide on every continent except for Antarctica, at least 48,200 spider species, and 120 families have been recorded by taxonomists. We have data of 1869 species in 61 families. There are more than 3,300 species of pseudoscorpions recorded in more than 430 genera. Our database have 120 number of Pseudo scorpions from 12 families identified in India. over 6,650 species of Opiliones have been discovered worldwide, although the total number of extant species may exceed 10,000. We have data of 200 species of Opiliones in India. There are 7,000 species of millipede in the world, and 1,400 of these occur in the United States and Canada. xxx Species identified in India. Our database have xxx species found in India. Worldwide, an estimated 8,000 species of centipedes are thought to exist, of which 3,000 have been described. xxx Species identified in India. Our database have xxx species found in India. Collection of 1200 specimens found in India with systamatic documentation.The Western Ghats collections have 275 species of spiders belonging to 139 genera of 39 families. ASA 2020 (The 6th Conference and Meeting of the Asian Society of Arachnology) and the Asian Society of Arachnology (ASA) has decided to reschedule the event to December 20-23, 2021. More details are available in the website. Homage to PA Sebastian P. A. Sebastian, the eminent Indian arachnologist, ecologist and conservationist, passed away on 13 January 2021. He was one of the leading experts in India, who had sound knowledge on the taxonomy and biology of spiders.
On the Intersection of US Highway 287 and MT Highway 84, Norris, Montana is the perfect place to stop and relax after a trip in Yellowstone National Park. Hot Spring Creek, which runs through the town, uses the same geothermal energy that makes the Park so spectacular. For years miners, cowhands, and travelers sought out a warm bath at the springs. Today, Norris Hot Springs offers guests a soak in mineral water pouring from the earth's depths at 120 degrees. Clean, clear, hot water bubbles up through smooth planks into an historic wooden pool. Watch the sun set over the Tobacco Root Mountains and enjoy the live music as you relax in the hot springs. The restaurant offers local microbrews, a selection of fine wine, and delicious local food. Camp in Norris and go hiking in the nearby Tobacco Root Mountains, part of the Beaverhead-Deerlodge National Forest. Or, enjoy the abundant natural beauty of the Gallatin National Forest to the east. Soaking in the Norris Hot Springs would be the perfect way to end a day of rafting the Class IV and V rapids in the roadless Beartrap Canyon Wilderness Area. Norris makes the perfect pace to enjoy bounteous natural wonder by day, and the exceptional comfort of a natural hot springs at night.
Everybody loves pasta, in my household whenever I´m serving up a pasta dish everyone runs to the table without hesitation. Lately one-pot pasta recipes have been popping up everywhere, and with good reason why, they´re easy to make and a load of fun to put together. So today I´m going to show you How to Make the Ultimate One-Pot Vegetarian Pasta. This pasta dish is loaded with an array of beautiful vegetables and truly has an incredible flavor and texture. Even my kids love this pasta dish, of course the melted mozzarella helps, but hey they get a boat-load of veggies too! If you´re a vegan, you can easily veganize this pasta dish by just simply removing the fresh mozzarella. So seriously, what´s the difference between one-pot pastas and just your regular old pasta dishes. Well, in a one-pot pasta you add the water and pasta to the pan you´re cooking your sauce in and then everything comes together. One-pot pastas have a creamier texture, thanks to the starch that stays in the pan. One of the downfalls is that your pasta can have a starchy taste to it, so you have to make sure you add a ton of flavor to mask that starchiness. In this recipe of How to Make the Ultimate One-Pot Vegetarian Pasta I added the perfect combination of produce and spices & herbs to really make all the flavors stand out. Watch the video below on How to Make the Ultimate One-Pot Vegetarian Pasta or check out the recipe card below, which you can print. Salud! Watch the Video Below on How to Make the Ultimate One-Pot Vegetarian Pasta Recipe How to Make the Ultimate One-Pot Vegetarian Pasta Recipe - -2 tbsp extra virgin Spanish olive oil - -6 cloves garlic - -1/2 onion - -1 zucchini - -1 red bell pepper - -1 tsp dried oregano - -1 1/2 cups diced tomatoes - -1/4 white wine - -1 3/4 cups water - -2 cups whole wheat penne pasta 8 oz/225G - -fresh basil - -fresh mozzarella - -sea salt - -black pepper - -white sugar Thinly slice 6 cloves of garlic, thinly slice 1/2 of an onion, cut 1 small zucchini into thin slices and then cut the slices in half to end up with half moons, cut 1 small red bell pepper into strips that are about 1 inch long and finely chop a handful of fresh basil leaves Heat a large non-stick frying pan with a medium-high heat and add 2 tablespoons of pine nuts, dry roast them for about 4 minutes, mixing them continuously so they roast evenly and not burn, then set them aside Using the same pan with the same heat add 2 tablespoons of extra virgin Spanish olive oil, then add the sliced garlics and sliced onions and mix with the oil, after cooking for 3 minutes add the pieces of red bell pepper and mix with the onion and garlic and cook for an additional 3 minutes, then add the slices of zucchini and cook for another 3 minutes, then season everythin with sea salt, freshly cracked black pepper and a generous teaspoon of dried oregano and mix everything together, next add a 1/4 cup of white wine and cook for about 2 minutes, then add 1 1/2 cups of diced tomatoes and season again with sea salt, freshly cracked black pepper, a pinch of white sugar and the chopped basil and mix everything together until well combined, about 3 minutes after adding the tomatoes add 1 3/4 cups of water and lightly season with sea salt Once the water comes to a boil add 2 cups of whole wheat penne pasta and mix it around to make sure it´s evenly distributed, after 9 minutes place a lid on the pan and lower the fire to a LOW heat, 3 minutes after adding the lid remove the pan from the heat, take off the lid and add some pieces of fresh mozzarella and place the lid back in the pan just for a minute to lightly melt the cheese, remove the lid and garnish with freshly chopped basil If you need any of the above ingredients to make this recipe, you can purchase them through this Amazon Affiliate Link Shop for Ingredients and get them delivered right to your door! Disclosure: At Spain on a Fork, we offer affiliate links to help you find what you need to re-create our recipes. If you like what we do, you can support us through our chosen links, which earn us a commission, but you still pay the same price. Learn more here.
The 5 Stages of Grief is a myth. Buying into this myth can derail one in their grief journey. Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Spark of Life exists to instill hope that, though life can never be the same after loss, it can be rich and fulfilling. We are here to walk beside you on that journey, and hope begins now. We are a non-profit organization.
In the second post in celebration of the 10th Anniversaries of PLOS and the Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative (DNDi), PLOS Medicine Senior Editor, Rhona MacDonald, discusses the new PLOS Collection highlighting the valuable work of DNDi published in PLOS throughout the years. This special DNDi anniversary will also be celebrated at the Institut Pasteur from the 4th December. As part of a collaborative initiative, PLOS and the Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative (DNDi) are delighted to launch a special Collection—PLOS & DNDi: a decade of Open Access and Neglected Tropical Diseases R&D—to coincide with a joint event at the Institut Pasteur in Paris celebrating the 10 year anniversary of DNDi. In addition to being the same age, PLOS and DNDi have much in common. Both organisations have broken convention, both have pushed boundaries, and both have successfully combined the pursuit of quality scientific research and its publication with a strong advocacy. In a recent blog, DNDi describe their history and their drive to prioritise the R&D of neglected diseases by putting it on the international health agenda and by facilitating networks of scientists from around the world. DNDi has shown that a new model in which public and private actors share knowledge and work together towards a common purpose can work. Likewise, PLOS’s efforts have placed Open Access firmly on the international scientific publishing agenda and shown that a different model, which has demolished the publishing pay wall, does not rely on pharmaceutical advertising or reprints, and can measure the effect of scientific publications in a more meaningful way than impact factors, can be successful. The Collection showcases the best of Open Access R&D for neglected diseases. The 21 articles in the Collection from across the PLOS journals highlight the journey over the past decade from advocacy, new innovations and partnerships, to the scientific research of new drugs. For example, included in the Collection is the rallying call of DNDi Executive Director, Bernard Pécoul, first published in 2004 in PLOS Medicine, for governments from across the world to take an active interest in the R&D of new drugs for neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). Six years later, he joined with Peter Hotez, the founding editor of PLOS NTDs—itself celebrating its 5th anniversary this year—to give a joint Manifesto for Advancing the Control and Elimination of Neglected Tropical Diseases. Keeping with advocacy, published in PLOS Medicine last year, Suerie Moon and colleagues called for a new Treaty to Address a Broken Pharmaceutical R&D system and John-Arne Røttingen and colleagues detail the Recommendations of the Consultative Expert Working Group on Research and Development. In case we need to be reminded why of such advocacy is still needed, in an article published in October this year in PLOS NTDs, Peter Hotez and Bernard Pécoul join forces again, along with co-authors from the Carlos Slim Health Institute and Médecins Sans Frontières/Doctors Without Borders, to share the Unfolding Tragedy of Chagas Disease in North America, discussing how the poorest people living in the Mexico and the U.S. are still silently suffering under the heavy burden of Chagas disease. In their article on the global estimates of leishmaniasis published in PLOS NTDs in May last year, Jorge Alvar and colleagues show that although estimated to cause the ninth largest disease burden among individual infectious diseases, leishmaniasis is largely ignored in discussions of tropical disease priorities. And writing in PLOS NTDs in 2010, Oliver Yun and colleagues explain how Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT; sleeping sickness), fatal if left untreated, still afflicts sub-Saharan Africa, with only a minority of cases being reported. But there is some more encouraging news. Other articles in the Collection highlight the positive steps in the path of NTD R&D. Published in PLOS ONE in 2010, Joshua Cohen and colleagues detail the drugs that have recently come through the pipeline. In an article published in PLOS NTDs in 2011, Palle Jakobsen and colleagues describe a successful public and private partnership, and in PLOS Medicine in 2010, Solomon Nwaka and colleagues describe the work of the African Network for Drugs and Diagnostics Innovation (ANDI). As PLOS and DNDi celebrate and commemorate 10 years of Open Access and NTD R&D as shown through the Collection, it is also an opportunity for reflection and forward thinking. Where might the agenda be in 10 years’ time? At the end of 2013, every person with an NTD still cannot access the drugs they need to save or improve their lives and such drugs might not even be in existence. In 2023, might this unacceptable situation have changed? Might it be possible to drop the “neglected” and for tropical diseases to have the full attention of scientists, the pharmaceutical industry, and the wider international community? And what of Open Access? Might all scientific research be freed from the publishing pay wall and so be accessible to everyone world-wide by 2023? Although perhaps aspirational, PLOS and DNDi will keep pushing towards these aims over the next 10 years and beyond, with a view to making tangible progress along the way. We hope that you enjoy the Collection. Here’s to ten more years of pushing the boundaries! Please visit the Collection here: www.ploscollections.org/dndi Dr. Rhona MacDonald is a Senior Editor for PLOS Medicine and PLOS Collections.
If you’re trying to cut back and simplify your life, then you really need to understand the impact that your activities have on your brain and how this alters the chemical balance of your grey matter. Everything that you do produces some form of stress on your body. This stress generates a feeling or emotion. These feelings cause the release of different chemicals, or neurotransmitters within your body. Depending on they type of activity and the feelings caused these chemicals can either do good things for your brain or bad things. Generally, the feeling and the chemical produces are positively correlated with the effect on your body. In other words, if you feel good, a good chemical is produced and that has a positive effect on your body. When you feel bad, a bad chemical is produced and that has a negative effect on your body. Examples of exceptions would be when guilt and sadness are healthy such as when you did something wrong. That is a bad feeling but it is good for your body in small doses. Another example would be drug users. They are producing a good feeling and a good chemical. However, because of the dosage, it is bad for the body. Once you recognize this, you can then start to be more aware of what you’re doing to your mind and how it is really affecting your body. You can begin to recognize how your feelings effect, not only your mood and general well being, but also, the chemical makeup of your mind and body. With this in mind, you can be more cognizant of what is really going on inside your body. You can also take extra care to make sure that what you are doing will have a positive effect on your body instead of a negative one. Whenever you’re working, whenever you’re being productive, and even when you’re playing games or watching TV, your brain is in a state of focus and alert. This means that your brain is wired and completely fixed on what’s going on. Your brain thinks that the activity is important and therefore requires your full attention. In these circumstances, your brain acts as though you’re facing off against a lion or otherwise doing something that is a matter of life and death. Your brain is producing the chemicals to maintain your awareness and keep you in a state of fight or flight. It is working extra hard to make sure that the second you decide to do something else, your body will be able to instantly follow the command. All of this is accomplished via the production of chemicals. Some of the chemicals that your brain produces to maintain this constant state of awareness are cortisol, dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. Not only do these chemicals increase focus and awareness, but they can also alter your mood. These chemicals also cause your heart rate to increase which means blood is directed away from the important-yet-less-pressing functions in the body such as your immune system and digestion. In the short term, this makes you more focused and productive, in the long run, it takes its toll and makes you ill. If you are constantly in a stressed state of fight or flight then your body is directing all of its energy into keeping you vigilant, alert, and focused. That means that your immune system isn’t getting the energy that it needs to keep your body healthy. In addition, your digestive system isn’t getting the nutrients it needs to feed your body. You may have different eating habits when you are stressed. This is because your body isn’t dedicated resources to your digestive system, so you may not know if you are hungry or not. This also weakens the immune system because you are not getting nutrients. In addition, you may not be efficiently expelling the waste products or toxins from your body. These are huge issues because without proper nutrients your immune system can’t fight off bad bacteria. And if you aren’t expelling waste or toxins, then you are effectively increasing bad bacteria while at the same time you are weakening your immune system. Therefore, you are doubling the toll on your body by deprivation of nutrients and increased production of bad bacteria. Although this happens when you are overly engaged in tasks that cause you to be stressed. There is a scenario when you can be overly engaged in a task and it is very healthy for you. This is when you are so dedicated to a task and enjoy doing it so much that you lose the concept of time. In other words, you may feel like you have only been engaged in the activity for a little while when, in reality, several hours have passed. This is a psychological term known as Flow. A flow state is something that happens when you’re incredibly engaged in an activity because you enjoy it so much. You are intently focused on what you are doing and are actively engaged to the point of enjoyment. In this state, your body produces the regular stress chemicals mentioned above. However, they are produced in different quantities. More serotonin and dopamine are produced. In addition, endorphins and anandamide are also produced. These are some chemicals that produce feelings of euphoria and positivity. They are very good for you, however, in excessive doses, they can be a problem as many of these chemicals are found in many narcotic drugs. In this state of flow, you become so focused on what’s happening in front of you that you stop thinking about anything else and lose your inner monolog entirely. Basically, you are fully absorbed in whatever you are doing. In some cases, people become so focused that there can be anything happening near them and they won’t even notice. I mean anything: car accident, sirens, gunshots, you name it these people are are so focused that they lose all external awareness. It is sort of like an enhanced state of daydreaming. Of course, not everyone is this engaged and many people still have the ability to maintain their awareness of the things around them. Overall, flow is a pretty good thing. Of course, you don’t want to always be in such a state because then you would never get anything else done. You need to have some stress in your life, there has to be a balance. You need both good and bad chemicals. After all, vaccines are an inoculation of a small dose of the virus. This is so that you can develop antibodies and beat the virus. In the same way, you need stress so that your body will learn how to handle and cope with it. You also need flow because the feeling of pure enjoyment is something that is very good for the mind and body. Another state of mind that is very important is known as the Default Mode Network. Default Mode Network The Default Mode Network is exactly like it sounds. This is the default state of mind that you constantly experience. This is a very important state of mind because it helps you to cope with stress and flow. It is essentially the middle ground between the draining chemicals of stress and the exhilarating chemicals of flow. This is the state of mind when your brain is allowed to wander. You may find yourself daydreaming, fantasizing, or making plans. The Default Mode Network often occurs when walking or engaging in menial everyday tasks. It is your brain’s coping mechanism. It allows you to decompress and overcome the highs and lows produced by stress and flow. In addition, the Default Mode Network is associated with heightened creativity. Your mind is unwinding from the excitement of something. It is chilling out and mellowing to become even-keeled again. Therefore, it is thinking. Your brain is producing all kinds of thoughts and ideas to try to get your mind away from the heightened state it was once in. This is a state of mind that you know all too well as it most likely occurs when you are trying to go to sleep. This is because all day you have been in a state of stress or flow. You have not decompressed. Therefore, when you lay down to go to sleep, your brain is relieved. However, before it can shut off, it needs to unwind. It must think. That is why you may not be able to turn off the thoughts for a while and you may lie in bed with your mind racing with everything that you need to do or have done. You may wonder why it is that your brain is thinking now, especially when you want to go to sleep. Well, it is because this is the only chance you have given it all day. To avoid this, you must dedicate time throughout the day to “meditate”, or think. You need to give your mind the chance to decompress. So, before you go to sleep, spend some time in relaxation and allow your mind to wander. This way, when you decide to go to sleep, your mind and body will be unwound and ready to rest. In order to maintain a healthy mind and body, you need to allow your body to experience all three of these states. Of course, stress isn’t something that you need to make time for. It is something that will naturally happen. It is almost unavoidable. Flow is something that will take a little more effort. You must find something that you enjoy doing so much, that you will forget about everything else for the time being. You need to make sure that you have a healthy balance of stress and flow. Therefore, if you have triple the stress than flow you may want to cut out some of the stress. Stress is something that will happen no matter what; so don’t get worked up about it. That’s all you need, is to become stressed out over being stressed. Instead, try to find more things that put you in a state of flow. That way you will learn to enjoy yourself more often. Finally, you need to make sure that you allow your mind the ability to decompress. You must transition into the Default Mode Network. This is very important, as it allows your mind and body the time it needs to reset. It also will spark your creativity and give you great inspiration and new ideas, if you let it, of course. The bottom line is that you need to allow yourself to experience all three of these states: Stress, Flow, and Default Mode Network. If you do this, you will be much better able to relax and unwind when you need to. In addition, you may also improve your creativity, your sleep, and lots more!
Merlin Heritage Trading Cards returns for2023/24 with a classic take on modern stars. The new UEFA club competitions collectionincludes all the top players from the 2023/24season printed on vintage Merlin designs! Lookout for Merlin’s Most Wanted, Shiny Logo cards,Young Guns, Legends of the Game, FanFavourites, Vintage Illustrated cards plus theultra-rare Merlin Dream Team. Expect two numbered parallel cards and oneautograph card per box. 10 packets of 8 cards per box. Art subject to change. Not responsible fortypographical/printer errors.
- Real Madrid were held to a 0-0 draw by resilient Real Sociedad on Sunday night at the Santiago Bernabeu - All eyes are now on Real Madrid to see if they can bounce back and close the gap on FC Barcelona, who won their fixture against Girona on Saturday Real Madrid were held to a 0-0 draw by resilient Real Sociedad on Sunday night at the Santiago Bernabeu. The result left the Spanish giants five points behind league leaders FC Barcelona. Despite being in control of the first half, the home side failed to convert their chances. Real Sociedad’s goalkeeper Alex Remiro excelled for the visitors with fine saves to keep them in the game. The visitors came close to taking an early lead in the sixth minute, but Alexander Sorloth could not make contact with Aihen Munoz’s brilliant cross. Vinicius Jr. had the opportunity to open the scoring for the Los Blancos in the 14th minute, but his shot was too wide. Karim Benzema and Toni Kroos then came close to finding the back of the net, but goalkeeper Alex Remiro denied them with fantastic saves. Real Madrid had two more chances before the end of the first half, with Dani Ceballos firing wide and Remiro denying Vinicius. The second half was more balanced as both teams created chances. However, no player was able to find the back of the net for his team until the referee blew his whistle to signal the end of the match. Vinicius Junior saw three of his four chances saved by Alex Remiro. Speaking after the match, Real Madrid manager, Carlo Ancelotti, said that his side played a complete game even though they couldn’t score. The Italian manager is satisfied with the draw. He also spoke about Vinicius, saying the Brazilian winger had a good game. “We played a very complete game but couldn’t score. We were close. I’m satisfied with the draw because we played well. Vinicius played a good match; if he had scored it would have been a spectacular one. He has been playing well. Sometimes he will miss, but he is always trying.” Carlo Ancelotti said, as per Sportsnet. Real Sociedad are now third on the table after earning one point at Santiago Bernabeu, one of the most difficult venues to win as opponents. All eyes are now on Real Madrid to see if they can bounce back and close the gap on FC Barcelona, who won their fixture against Girona on Saturday. Real Madrid, who have a game in hand, will face Valencia on Thursday at Santiago Bernabeu. On the other hand, Real Sociedad will next play Real Valladolid at home. Meanwhile, Atletico Madrid bounced back from their Copa elimination against Real Madrid with a 1-0 win over Osasuna. Diego Simeone’s side now sit fourth on the La Liga table after the win on Sunday at Estadio El Sadar. Saul Niguez, who was on loan at Chelsea towards the end of last season, scored the only goal of the match in the 74th minute.
In Switzerland, the CRC has had a significant impact. On the 20th anniversary of its ratification by the Swiss State, the ADEM aims to reflect upon the rights of migrant children in Switzerland. While the implementation of their rights is essential, it faces a number of challenges. Toward this end, during the course of the year, the ADEM will publish a series of articles specifically dedicated to the rights of accompanied and unaccompanied migrant children in Switzerland. To start off the series, the ADEM presents an interview with Rolf Widmer, President of the ISS and of the TIPITI association. He will share his insight borne from 30 years of experience in the field of asylum policy in Switzerland. Interview of Rolf Widmer «There are no refugee children, or illegal children. There are just children » For the past 40 years, Rolf Widmer has been involved in developing living spaces for children who are unable to grow up in their own family. This interview contains his insight on the provision of care for unaccompanied minors in Switzerland, based on his decade of experience heading the Organization for Asylum of Canton Zurich (AOZ), and his fifteen years of experience heading the Swiss Foundation for the International Social Service (ISS). He is currently president of the ISS and of the Tipiti association. 30 years ago, Switzerland witnessed the influx of the first unaccompanied minors from Africa. How were they welcomed at the time? In the ‘90s, the care of unaccompanied migrant children was not at all on the political agenda. Only the Swiss Cantons of Geneva and Basel possessed legal frameworks which allowed specific intervention. In other Cantons, unaccompanied minors were not considered as children, but first and foremost as asylum seekers. They were housed in centres without adequate oversight or support. No one thought that these young people deserved special care. At the time, no one talked about unaccompanied migrant children. From a procedural perspective, migrant children were treated in the same manner as migrant adults. What drew you to this issue? Every child needs an individualized form of support. In my view, there was no difference between unaccompanied minors and other children. They should receive the exact same treatment as all other children in Switzerland, including in terms of access to schooling and psychosocial support. Can you tell us about your memories related to the arrival of migrant children in Switzerland over the past 20 years? The trigger factor for awareness on the issue of unaccompanied child migrants was the beginning of the conflict in ex-Yougoslavia in 1992. A large number of children came to Switzerland with their mothers, aided by humanitarian action. In 1993-1994, Switzerland also witnessed the incoming of unaccompanied child migrants fleeing African conflicts. At this time, the first sector specifically created for the care of unaccompanied child migrants emerged in the AOZ in Zurich.
(In a.d. 368 the City of Nicæa in Bithynia was almost entirely destroyed by a terrible earthquake. Cæsarius lost his house, and his personal escape was almost miraculous. Gregory writes (as also did Basil) to congratulate him on his escape, and profits by the occasion to urge upon him retirement from his secular avocations. Cæsarius soon resolved to follow this advice, and was taking steps to carry this resop. 459 lution into effect, when he died suddenly, early in a.d. 369, aged only 40. He left the whole of his large property to the poor, but it fell for a time into the hands of designing persons, and Gregory, who was his brothers executor, had much difficulty in recovering it for the purpose for which it had been intended. (See the letter to Sophronius, Prefect of Constantinople on this subject.) He was buried at Nazianzus in the Church of the Martyrs, in a vault which his parents had prepared for themselves. Gregory preached the funeral sermon, which is given in the former part of this volume. These four are the only letters known to have passed between the brothers.) Even frights are not without use to the wise; or, as I should say, they are very valuable and salutary. For, although we pray that they may not happen, yet when they do they instruct us. For the afflicted soul, as Peter 4740 somewhere admirably says, is near to God; and every man who escapes a danger is brought into nearer relation to Him Who preserved him. Let us not then be vexed that we had a share in the calamity, but let us give thanks that we were delivered. And let us not shew ourselves one thing to God in the time of peril, and another when the danger is over, but let us resolve, whether at home or abroad, whether in private life or in public office (for I must say this and may not omit it), to follow Him Who has preserved us, and to attach ourselves to His side, thinking little of the little concerns of earth; and let us furnish a tale to those who come after us, great for our glory and the benefit of our soul, and at the same time a very useful lesson to all, that danger is better than security, and that misfortune is preferable to success, at least if before our fears we belonged to the world, but after them we belong to God. Perhaps I seem to you somewhat of a bore, by writing to you so often on the same subject, and you will think my letter a piece not of exhortation but of ostentation, so enough of this. You will know that I desire and wish especially that I might be with you and share your joy at your preservation, and to talk over these matters later on. But since that cannot be, I hope to receive you here as soon as may be, and to celebrate our thanksgiving together. Bible | Daily Readings | Agbeya | Books | Lyrics | Gallery | Media | Links Short URL (link):
“I won't remember?” “I'll remind you of everything.” God, I love this movie so much. 🥺 (bumped to 5 stars) Tender and sweet and beautiful and honest and human in all the ways a Mike Mills film can be. As an uncle myself, I don't even have the words to express how much this resonated with me. This is one of those films that inspire you to be better; not by preaching but by just showing. Heart-rending performances from Joaquin Phoenix, Gaby Hoffman and (a revelatory) Woody Norman. Poignant writing/dialogue that never veers into maudlin or manipulative territory. Sublime score by Aaron & Bryce Dessner of The National. Superb film. One of 2021's best. Words fail me. Cinema is supposed to make you feel, right? Roma is cinema. I don't know if there are many other films in the last decade that have affected me quite like this. After making astounding movies like Y Tu Mamá También, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Children of Men and Gravity, you would think that a director has somewhat reached his peak. Not Alfonso Cuarón. With Roma, he has given us his magnum opus.
Part of Cased photographs collection Cased photograph featuring a portrait of a somber girl wearing a plaid dress and holding a Union flag tied with a black ribbon. The flag has been hand-colored. The date, "4.17.1865" is handwritten into the velvet lining of the case. This was likely taken as a memorial for President Abraham Lincoln, 2 days after his assassination. Legacy collection records contain a note reading, "Proprietary 3 cent stamp with hand cancelation John Julius Spencer." Case is made of wood and leather with embossed paper.
I wrote in my previous post how companies should try to to cultivate a LinkedIn-style culture of collaboration around analytics so business users throughout the organization can stay engaged, energized and accountable when it comes to data. I included the caveat that this do-it-yourself urge among employees to innovate and experiment should be harnessed, but only if you can ensure your underlying data remains accessible. I think it’s worth expanding on this point, since the relationship between these two worthwhile goals – user engagement and data accessibility – is one that can easily veer into conflict. Think about it: We hire people to use their intelligence to take action for the benefit of the company. We pay recruiters top dollar to get folks who think creatively and innovate through solving challenges. These are the qualities that drive success; they’re also the qualities that drive the go-getters, in the face of slow moving IT and analytics solutions, to set up their own isolated data marts to solve particular problems for their business units. Unfortunately, doing so opens a Pandora’s box of bigger problems, chiefly the spread of “data anarchy,” or the “Wild Wild West” of big data siloes and data marts. This inevitably leads to ballooning IT costs to handle all the redundancies, as multiple departments copy and alter data, and ultimately deal with Data Drift, which is essentially a lack of data accuracy. Nails in the Data Mart Coffin While the road to data anarchy may be paved with good intentions, it still leads us to the point where more than 75-percent of people’s time can be spent sifting through data, rather than making data-driven decisions. Consider the daily or weekly fire drills that take place in the CEO’s office when numbers from two departments – say marketing and finance – don’t match up and the circular arguments begin over which data are right, and which data are wrong. Users and technology executives alike can spin their wheels if the organization doesn’t have systems and policies that are inclusive and effective around data. It’s no wonder that users get frustrated. In “Drive,” his bestselling book on workplace motivation, author Daniel Pink explains how scientists have developed a “new operating system” for business success that revolves around three elements: autonomy, or the urge to direct our own lives; mastery, the desire to get better and better at something; and purpose, the yearning to do something that matters. How many of these qualities can you expect to find in the earnest employee who just went the extra mile for the company, building a data mart silo only to later realize that the effort set the company back? The extra mile was traveled in reverse. When it comes to the culture around data analytics and business intelligence, it’s not hard to think of these latest insights on workforce motivation as additional nails in the data mart coffin. The key to solving this problem is building a data platform that can remain the source for all future analytics and applications, which can change and evolve over time. Here’s where the Virtual Data Mart comes in. A Virtual Data Mart is a staging area with real-time, self-serve characteristics that looks and feels like a traditional data mart to the end user, but that is designed to allow such experimentation to happen while protecting the underlying data. It also allows new data or new intermediaries to be added in an agile manner without the need to copy core data at all. Because multiple users in the organization can create VDMs simultaneously in real time, you can get centralized access for decentralized use cases across the organization. As a result, the data remains accurate, clean and flexible. Anyone in the enterprise can request and analyze that data, anytime and anywhere. This is the kind of framework that enables teams across an organization to ask complex questions that drive insights and innovation at scale. Without veering into a technical deep-dive, I think it’s important to stress that businesses need to back up the vision with production-grade architectures that can execute the approach at the enterprise level. My own approach – part of the Sentient Enterprise methodology I advocate — is what I call a Layered Data Architecture. In a nutshell, it’s a framework that makes the organization’s data assets safely available via multiple layers of access and complexity to accommodate everyone from the die-hard data scientist to the casual business user. A Layered Data Architecture is one way to provide frictionless, self-service analytics for everyone while still controlling access to data and the rules that govern that data. Whatever your specific approach may be, your benchmark for success is whether you were able to put a stop to the data anarchy and related pitfalls that can cripple your organization.
- Posted in All University - Category: Campus News WASHINGTON & LINCOLN UNIVERSITY, Pa.– A unique partnership has been created for students interested in covering the automobile industry from a multimedia perspective. Dubbed The Driving Force (TDF), the Black Automotive Media Group (BAMG) sought out applicants to participate in a 10-week, virtual, field-credit internship comprising training and mentoring sessions. The internship program evolved following a series of discussions between automakers and BAMG members this past summer. While those conversations began with an effort to improve the diversity and inclusion of African American journalists covering the industry, an opportunity presented itself to help prepare the next generation of automotive reporters. “Lincoln University’s Learn. Liberate. Lead. tagline has a clear distinction within this opportunity with BAMG, Audi, The Office of Internship Services, and the Mass Communications Department,” said Kolbi Calhoun, a graduating senior from California. "To be seen as a leader and to have an educational experience that shows me, I can be a future world leader is truly an amazing opportunity for a young African American woman, like myself.” The inaugural program will expose selected interns to careers as reporters, videographers, photographers, and digital and social media influencers within the auto industry. During the program, students will showcase their work in various platforms, including vehicle review writing and production of YouTube style videos; and will also liaise with industry professionals from the many businesses that support the industry. “Awarded the opportunity to learn from Lincoln alumni in the field of mass communication and to work Audi is a great way to finish my senior semester,” said Tatyana Livingston, a graduating senior from New York state. For the Winter/Spring 2021 academic sessions, the BAMG follows the “North Star” to Oxford, Pennsylvania, where the next internship program will be supported by Audi of America for students at Lincoln University. “At Audi, we recognize that people of diverse backgrounds, including people of color, are underrepresented and undervalued within the automotive industry,” said Tara Rush, Chief Marketing Officer, Audi of America. “That is why we’ve chosen to collaborate with the Black Automotive Media Group and Lincoln University to sponsor an internship program that will help introduce students of color to the exciting world of auto journalism. We believe that embracing diverse and unique perspectives is the key to discovering new and innovative solutions within the automotive industry and beyond.” “The Black Automotive Media Group Internship Program is perfectly aligned with the University’s liberal arts student success model ensuring that all students participate in co-curricular high-impact learning opportunities such as internships, community service, and/or international experiences,” said Crystal Faison, director of internship services, Lincoln University. The program is led by respected media professionals Kimatni D. Rawlins of Automotive Rhythms Communications, Greg Morrison of Bumper2Bumpertv, and guest host automotive media journalists and publishers. “Our collaboration with Audi of America and Lincoln University marks the second diversity-focused and academic program for the BAMG that allows us to extend new opportunities to HBCU students,” said BAMG founding member Kimatni D. Rawlins. “An internship with automaker Jaguar 25 years ago deeply influenced my pathway, ultimately leading to comprehensive experience and an extensive automotive career. So, to be able to create similar opportunities for African American interns with a strong interest in this field represents another opportunity to give back.” Greg Morrison, a Lincoln University alumnus whose 52-year career in the industry with media outlets such as CNN, NBC, The Black Family Channel, and others, said, “This brings my career full circle. Many events in our country led to the awareness that Blacks are underrepresented in many industries, and the BAMG is proud to have created the synergy between the auto industry, HBCU’s, and student media hopefuls.” To learn more about this opportunity and others alike, please contact Crystal Faison at firstname.lastname@example.org. # # # About Audi of America At Audi of America, we believe the Future is Electric. Our U.S. model lineup will be 30 percent electrified, including fully electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids, by 2025, and globally we are committed to net CO2 neutrality by 2050. In 2020, Audi sold 186,620 vehicles in the U.S., and this year, we look forward to the next chapter in our journey to reinvent premium mobility with the arrivals of the fully electric Audi e-tron GT and Audi Q4 e-tron. Learn more about who we are and how we’re working to create a more electric, innovative, and inclusive future at audiusa.com or media.audiusa.com. About the Black Automotive Media Group The BAMG is a distinguished group of seven Black reporters and writers representing over 200 years of combined experience in automotive journalism within radio, television, print, experiential marketing, and social media. BAMG members either work for or own various automotive media platforms. BAMG’s primary objective is to bring equity and equality to Black professionals who work in and around the automotive industry. For additional details regarding TDF, please visit AutomotiveRhythms.com.
Cleaning moss off your roof is rarely fun—but it’s necessary. While overhead greenery can add a rural effect to your home, moss is quite damaging to shingles and can limit the longevity of your roof, costing you time and money Some people choose to seek professional roof moss removal services, while others may attempt to remove it on their own. Alternatively, some choose to repair or replace their roofs entirely. This guide includes everything you need to know about roof moss treatment—from getting it off to keeping it off. What Is Roof Moss and Why Remove It? There are many different types of roof moss, but they all pose the same challenges to the structure and integrity of your home. Mosses often grow in dry, nutrient-free environments like rooftops because, unlike other plants, they do not gather water from roots. Mosses soak up water like sponges and hold onto it to create a consistent source of hydration. This means that mosses will prevent drainage from your roof, causing moisture-related problems. Moss also tends to grow into and under shingles, causing them to lift and introduce water into your home. How to Spot Roof Moss There are several ways to determine if you have moss on your roof. First, you can look for telltale green tufts on your shingles. Moss can also appear yellow, gray, or brown. If you have water damage inside your home, consider taking a closer look at your roof, as this could indicate moss. Consider conducting routine roof inspections to check for any loss or damage. When to Consider Roof Moss Removal Mosses tend to grow together and propagate, so you should remove moss from your shingles upon noticing the problem. Even if the moss appears dead, consider removing it or hiring an expert since moss can dry out and between rainfall episodes—only to rehydrate and grow again. How to Remove Moss From Your Roof Shingles There are several ways to remove moss from your shingles. The most effective way to remove moss is to use roof moss killer products, but many people prefer to pressure wash or scrub moss off of their shingles since chemicals may pose a personal and environmental danger. Ultimately, the method you use will depend entirely on your comfort level. Use the steps below to guide your roof moss removal process, making adjustments as necessary. For this project, you’ll need to acquire tools and materials and set aside a day to complete your moss removal process. Removing moss from your roof shingles will likely take between three and four hours, so plan accordingly. Experts recommend saving this project for an overcast morning or afternoon when your roof is unlikely to get much direct sun. This ensures your comfort and allows your product (if you use one) to sink into the moss without evaporating. You can expect to spend between $50 and 75 on supplies for the roof moss removal process. You will need the following: - Roof moss removal product - Safety goggles or sunglasses - Rubber or latex gloves - Work clothes - A large spraying bottle - Garden hose or power washer - Scrub brush - A safety rope - A ladder - Plastic tarps or sheets You’ll only need a half hour to prepare. Remember to choose an overcast day, as this can help ensure the cleaning fluid penetrates the surface of the moss. If you plan to make your moss removal fluid, you can mix one quart of bleach with a gallon of water and a quarter of a cup of non-ammonia-based cleaner. Alternatively, mix eight ounces of dish soap with half a cup of white v vinegar and two gallons of water. Pour your mixture into the spray bottle. Put on your work clothes and protect your eyes, fingers, and hair. If you use a chemical product, wear gloves and goggles if possible. Set up your ladder. Work with another person who can spot you. Lastly, cover your plants with plastic tarps to protect them from stray chemicals. Climb your ladder with your hose and prepare to get started! Roof Moss Removal in Five Steps Follow these five steps to complete your roof moss removal process. Step 1: Clean Your Roof With Water First, spray all moss-covered sections of your roof with hose water. You should begin at the top of the roof and move down to avoid lifting or shattering your shingles. Also, spray at a downward angle, which will help prevent your shingles from falling off the roof. Step 2: Scrub Your Shingles Use your brush to remove the moss from your roof. Start at the top again and work your way down. You can also manually tug moss springs long enough to remove them by hand. Remember not to scour or scrub too hard, as you could crack or tear your shingles from the roof. If you use a pressure washer, use it on the lowest setting. Some professionals advise against using a power washer, so use it at your discretion. Step 3: Apply the Moss Removal Product Bring your cleaning product up to the top of the roof. Using the above directions, you can use a store-bought product or make your own. Apply the cleanser thoroughly across the entire roof—even surfaces without moss. Step 4: Wait Wait 20 to 45 minutes for the product to sit. Step 5: Brush and Rinse Once you are ready, lightly brush the remaining moss from the singles. It should come off quickly. Rinse your roof off with the hose. Remember to start at the top again and work your way downward. How to Prevent Moss From Growing Once you have cleared the moss from your roof, you should take measures to prevent future growth. You can do so by installing a metal roof instead of using shingles. A copper or zinc roof will likely prevent moss from growing. While copper is more effective, zinc is less expensive. You can install metal paneling on your roof yourself, or you can hire an expert to install a metal roof for you. Avoid the Process Entirely Now that you know how to remove your roof moss, consider taking long-term precautions. A metal roof can save you time and money over the long run and prevent you from having to learn the roof moss removal process. Contact Perfect Exteriors today to speak with one of our experts.
Is your Frndly App suddenly not working today? It’s weird that sometimes, glitches and several other reasons cause it which we would be exploring. In this article, I will discuss all you need to know to fix this issue and get your Frndly TV App running smoothly again on your Roku. Let’s get started! - Connectivity issues like weak Wi-Fi can cause issues. Troubleshoot by restarting the router/modem and moving Roku closer to the router. - Server outage on Frndly’s end. Check Twitter for reports. - Outdated Roku software. Check for updates in Settings. - Issues with Frndly channel like crashing. Remove and reinstall the channel. - If the Display settings are not supported, adjust the resolution in Roku Settings. - Solutions include restarting devices, updating software/apps, checking your account, resetting the router, clearing the app cache, removing/re-adding channels, and factory resetting Roku as a last resort. Why is Frndly TV App not working on Roku? One of the most common reasons why the Frndly TV app is not working on Roku is because of connectivity issues. If your internet connection is weak or unstable, you may experience buffering, freezing, or other playback issues. To troubleshoot connectivity issues, you can try restarting your router and modem, and then restarting your Roku device. You can also try moving your Roku device closer to your router or using a wired connection instead of Wi-Fi. The Frndly TV App server may have an outage that is causing this. So, don’t worry, you can easily check that too. You can search on Twitter for that using terms like “frndly TV down” or even “frndly TV not working today” and select the latest tab to check for any other user reports. Outdated Roku Software Another reason this is happening is because of outdated software. If your Roku device is not running the latest software version, you may experience compatibility issues with the Frndly app. To check for software updates, go to Settings > System > System update on your Roku device. There may also be issues related specifically to the Frndly channel on your Roku. For example, the channel may crash, certain features may not work properly, or you may have trouble logging in or subscribing to the channel. In such cases, you can try removing the channel from your Roku device, and then reinstalling it. You can also try contacting Frndly TV support for further assistance. If you’re experiencing issues with the display of the Frndly app on your Roku, it may be because of your display settings. For example, if your display settings are set to a resolution that is not supported by the Frndly app, you may experience issues with the video playback. To troubleshoot display issues, you can try adjusting your display settings on your Roku device. Fixing This Frndly App Issue on Roku Here are some potential troubleshooting steps to try: Power Cycle Your Roku Sometimes, simply power cycling your Roku device can resolve issues with the Frndly app. To do this, unplug your Roku device from the power source, wait a few seconds, and then plug it back in. Update Your Roku Software Make sure that your Roku device is running the latest software version. To check for updates, go to “Settings” > “System” > “Software Update” > “Check Now”. If an update is available, follow the on-screen instructions to install it. Check For Frndly TV Server Outage Update Frndly App If the Frndly app is not working properly, make sure that it is up-to-date. To check for updates, go to the Roku home screen, select the Frndly app, press the * button on your remote, and select “Check for Updates”. Check Account and Subscription Make sure that your Frndly account is active and that your subscription is active too. You can check this by logging into your Frndly account on their website or contacting their customer support. Check Your Internet Connection Ensure that your Roku device is connected to the internet and that your Wi-Fi signal is strong. You can check your internet connection by going to “Settings” > “Network” > “Check Connection” on your Roku device. Reset Your Router If your internet connection is not working properly, try resetting your router. To do this, unplug your router from the power source, wait a few seconds, and then plug it back in. Then try checking with another device if the internet connection is working properly. If there are still any issues, call your Internet Service Provider to check if there are any outages or issues. Clear the Frndly App Data and Cache Clearing the Frndly app data and cache can help fix issues with the app. To do this, go to “Settings” > “System” > “Advanced System Settings” > “App Manager” > “Frndly” > “Clear Data” and “Clear Cache”. Remove and Re-add Frndly TV Channel Removing and re-adding the Frndly TV channel can also help fix issues with the app. To do this, go to the Roku home screen, select the Frndly TV channel, press the * button on your remote, and select “Remove Channel”. Then, go back to the Roku home screen, select “Streaming Channels”, search for “Frndly TV”, and select “Add Channel”. Factory Reset the Roku Device If none of the above solutions work, you can try performing a factory reset on your Roku device. Keep in mind that this will erase all of your settings and data, so make sure to back up any important information before proceeding. To perform a factory reset, go to “Settings” > “System” > “Advanced System Settings” > “Factory Reset”. If you have followed the steps I mentioned in this post above and still the issue is there, then it’s time to contact the Customer support team. Contact Roku Customer Support If you’re experiencing issues with your Roku device, the first step is to contact Roku customer support. You can do this by visiting the Roku support website. From there, you’ll be able to choose whether you want to chat with a support representative, send an email, or request a phone call. You can also reach the Roku Support Team on Twitter @RokuSupport. When you contact Roku customer support, be sure to provide as much detail as possible about the issue you’re experiencing. Contact Frndly App Customer Support If you’re having trouble specifically with the Frndly app on your Roku device, you can also contact Frndly app customer support directly. To do this, visit the Frndly TV help center and click on the speech bubble icon in the bottom-right corner of the page to start a chat with a live customer experience specialist. Alternatively, you can send an email to [email protected] with a description of the issue you’re experiencing. Be sure to include as much detail as possible, including the make and model of your Roku device and any error messages you may be seeing. Also, you can reach them on Twitter @FrndlyTV Frequently Asked Questions Why is the Frndly TV Channel Not working on My Roku? How do I fix Frndly Channel issues on Roku? Why does Frndly TV keep buffering? Was this Post helpful? Anirban Saha is the Founder and Editor of StallionZo. He holds a B.Tech degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from the Institute of Engineering and Management in Kolkata, India(affiliated under Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, Accredited by the NBA and approved by AICTE). He is an engineer, with a passion for writing, and reading about the latest tech. As an expert in the field of Engineering, Anirban Saha is well-equipped to write extensive helpful tech guides and information to help readers to solve their daily issues. Check Anirban’s Crunchbase Profile here.
Scientists have been detailing the benefits of healthy estuaries for decades – protecting shorelines from erosion and storms, improving water quality, providing vital habitat for economically valuable fish and marine species, and boosting local tourism. A new study underway in Tampa Bay focuses on yet another benefit: buffering both global and local ecosystems from the effects of increased carbon. Mangroves, marshes and seagrasses, dubbed “blue carbon” resources, may capture up to 50 times more carbon from the atmosphere than tropical forests, sequestering it in soil where it is less likely to be released. Locally, healthy seagrass beds may create refuges for oysters and other shellfish that are impacted by ocean acidification caused by excess atmospheric carbon. The Tampa Bay studies expand upon recent research from Puget Sound and the Florida Keys. The Washington study shows that marsh grasses and the sediments they accumulate can capture significant amounts of carbon. In the Keys, corals surrounded by seagrasses may be more protected from ocean acidification than those that live where there is less seagrass. The study, directed by Restore America’s Estuaries with funding from the Tampa Bay Estuary Program, Tampa Bay Environmental Restoration Fund, Environmental Science Associates and Scotts MiracleGro, will focus on four major questions: • How much carbon can healthy mangroves, marshes and seagrass capture in Tampa Bay? Globally, sequestration ranges from nearly 140 grams to about 20 grams of carbon per square meter per year, with local results expected to be somewhere in the middle of that 7-fold range. Are healthy seagrasses minimizing the impact of ocean acidification in Tampa Bay? The effects of acidification are already being seen in coral and shellfish in other areas, but Tampa Bay’s oyster population appears to be healthy and pH in the bay is rising. • Which uplands should be prioritized for purchase so that important ecosystems can move inland as sea level rises? • And finally, can wetlands restoration become a viable option for the voluntary carbon market, creating another revenue source for ongoing conservation and restoration initiatives, both in Tampa Bay and around the world? Multiple benefits to continued habitat restoration Globally, the emphasis on blue carbon has been on mangroves because they’re larger plants that can sequester significant amounts of carbon in their biomass, capture carbon-laden detritus in their tangled roots and don’t die back in the winter except in extreme cold. In some areas, an acre of mangroves can sequester carbon equal to the annual emissions of 130 automobiles. In Tampa Bay, where seagrass beds have been the focus of a comprehensive restoration effort for nearly 30 years, scientists will be looking at the potential for storing carbon in underwater grasses as well as creating potential “refuges” for oysters and other shellfish. “We’re adding about 880 acres of seagrasses per year and as we study carbon sequestration with seagrasses, we’ll need to look at a whole suite of impacts,” said Dave Tomasko, an ESA researcher. “Already, we have twice as many acres of seagrasses as either mangroves or marshes.” Part of the reason that seagrasses were considered less important than mangroves was the rapid turnover of biomass, which releases the carbon that the plant had captured. As it turns out, that decomposing biomass may react with oxygen and carbonate sediments and “fix” the carbon in a chemical process known as a bicarbonate pathway. Perhaps even more importantly, that chemical reaction could help reduce ocean acidification. Seawater absorbs about 30% of the excess carbon in the atmosphere, but those higher levels of carbon make seawater more acidic. That acidity, in turn, makes carbonate ions less abundant. Without carbonate ions, calcifying organisms such as oysters, scallops and coral can’t build the structures they need to survive. Although ocean acidity has increased about 30% on a global scale, acidity levels have been dropping in Tampa Bay since the mid-1980s. Researchers theorize that restoration of seagrass beds may have been an important part of that change. “Over the past few years we’ve heard about oyster reefs dissolving in the Pacific Northwest, but that doesn’t seem to be happening here,” notes Peter Clark, president of Tampa Bay Watch and current chairman of RAE. “We’re not sure whether they’re linked or not, but the increase in pH coincided with the seagrass recovery,” adds Ed Sherwood, senior scientist at the Tampa Bay Estuary Program. TBEP, working with the U.S. Geological Survey, hopes to establish a long-term monitoring program to track pH levels in the bay and nearby gulf waters beginning with a small pilot project this year. “There are a number of variables we need to consider,” said Kim Yates, a biogeochemist at USGS in St. Petersburg. “In the Florida Keys, some coral reefs are surrounded by seagrasses and in the U.S. Virgin Islands reef-building corals are migrating into mangroves,” Yates adds. “Some recent studies indicate that photosynthesis in seagrass beds and mangrove communities buffers ocean acidification enough to create ‘refuges’ for benthic communities, including corals.” Carbon credits to support ongoing restoration, conservation An important part of the blue carbon study will be creating a replicable approach for bay managers across the state and nation as part of the voluntary carbon market. Once approved, voluntary blue carbon credits could be used as an additional source of funding for restoration and conservation, said Steve Emmett-Mattox, strategic director of planning for Restore America’s Estuaries. Globally, about $379 million in carbon credits kept about 76 million tons of greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere in 2013, and some suppliers predict the market will triple by 2020. “Since most of the companies involved in the voluntary carbon market say that corporate responsibility is why they are buying credits, offering wetland restoration projects with third-party verification of carbon sequestration would be a significant advantage,” he said. Reprinted from the Spring 2015 Issue of Bay Soundings Photo by Caroline Rogers, USGS
It didn’t take long after last month’s announcement of the Healthy Pond Collaborative moving to Manatee County for a number of communities to contact us about help with their ponds. One of the first to reach out to the HPC Manatee was Fresh Meadows, a community in Palmetto built back in 1990-1993 consisting of 156 residences and a population of approximately 520 people. Fresh Meadows has four stormwater ponds and the HPC Manatee was asked to examine them to address the community’s concerns about a number of eroding banks and some unsightly algal buildup. After looking over their ponds, we recommended the expansion of the existing No Mow Zone that will help control further bank erosion and the installation of more aquatic plants in the ponds’ littoral zones that will help reduce erosion from wind and waves in the pond and limit algal growth by crowding out and shading sun-loving algae. After further consultation with Solitude, their pond service provider, it was agreed that the HPC Manatee would provide a $2,590 grant to cover the cost of the aquatic plant stock necessary for a successful pond enhancement program. As a result of the grant, Fresh Meadows received over 3,500 aquatic plants covering 5,500 linear feet of new pond shoreline. The principal plants used in the installation were Pickerel Weed, Duck Potato and Gulf Spike Rush. If your ponds are plagued with unsightly algae or damaging bank erosion, you should contact us for a free pond consultation. In Manatee County contact Dr. Charles Reith at email@example.com. In Sarasota County, contact Sandy Gilbert at firstname.lastname@example.org.
Massachusetts LLC Formation Checklist Launching an LLC for your small business in Massachusetts but not sure where to begin? Just follow these five steps on our LLC checklist: Step 1: Name Your LLC Your business’s name is one of the first — and arguably most important — decisions you make when forming an LLC in Massachusetts. When selecting the name for your LLC, there are a few things to keep in mind: - Your state’s naming requirements - Whether the name is available in Massachusetts - Whether there is a matching domain name (URL) available Each state has its own requirements for naming a business entity. Massachusetts LLC Naming Rules: - Your name must include the phrase “limited liability company” or one of the following abbreviations: “LLC,” “L.L.C.,” “Limited,” “Ltd.,” “Company,” or “Co.” - Your name cannot include words that could confuse your LLC with a government agency (e.g., FBI, Treasury, State Department, etc.). - Restricted words (e.g., Bank, Attorney, University, etc.) may require additional paperwork and a licensed individual, such as a doctor or lawyer, to be part of your LLC. - Read the Massachusetts state statute about LLC names for a complete list of naming rules. The first step in naming your LLC is to make sure it is available. In Massachusetts, your business name must be unique. To make sure your business name meets this requirement, use our Massachusetts LLC Name Search guide to confirm the availability of your chosen LLC name. Domain Name Availability Before you decide on a business name, it is important that you check if the matching web domain name is available. Find a Domain Now Need Help Naming Your Business? Fortunately, choosing a business name for an LLC is easy with the help of our free business name generator. Simply include a keyword and industry to explore potential business names with available domain names at no cost to you. For more help, visit our How to Name a Business in Massachusetts guide. Step 2: Choose a Resident Agent A resident agent, known as a registered agent in most states, is responsible for accepting legal and tax documents on behalf of your business. A Massachusetts resident agent can be an individual or a business entity (such as a professional service). You can also be your own resident agent. If you’re not sure about serving as your own resident agent, you might consider hiring a registered agent service. Using a registered agent service ensures that your business never misses important mail or falls behind in legal obligations, while also maintaining your privacy. Form an LLC and get free registered agent service for the first year with Northwest. Step 3: File Formation Documents To officially start a Massachusetts LLC, you need to file the Certificate of Organization with the state. You can form an LLC on your own or with the help of an LLC formation service. For help with completing your LLC application, visit our Massachusetts Articles of Organization guide. Recommended: Check out our Best LLC Services review to learn more about choosing the right service to form your LLC. Step 4: Draft an LLC Operating Agreement Now that you’ve officially formed your LLC, the next step is to draft an LLC operating agreement. An LLC operating agreement outlines the ownership and membership duties of your LLC. In essence, this document allows the business owner(s) to clearly define both the financial and working relationships between each business owner or “members” as well as the members and managers. This makes managing your business not only easier but also more streamlined, thanks to a solidified set of rules that inform voting rights, ownership stakes, and more. How to Draft an LLC Operating Agreement Here’s the good news: drafting an LLC operating agreement is easy and free using our free operating agreement tool or by downloading this free operating agreement template. If you’d prefer to create your own, here are the six articles you can generally expect to cover: - Management and voting - Capital contributions - Changes to the membership structure Visit our full How to Create a Massachusetts LLC Operating Agreement guide to learn more. Step 5: Get an EIN An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is like a Social Security number for your LLC. Besides allowing the IRS to identify your business for tax reporting, an EIN allows you to get a bank account for your LLC. If you’re not sure if you need an EIN for your business, here are some circumstances that require LLCs to obtain an EIN. Your LLC is required to get an EIN if: - Your LLC has employees - Your LLC files excise tax - Your LLC withholds taxes for nonwage income paid to a nonresident alien The benefits of having an EIN outweigh the disadvantages and most banks require LLCs to have an EIN to open a checking account. Not to mention, it is free and easy to file for an EIN using the IRS website. After You've Formed Your LLC There are some important tasks you need to complete after forming your LLC, from obtaining the right permits to developing a strong web presence. These are some of the most important things you need to do after forming your LLC: Open a Business Bank Account and Credit Card Opening a business bank account and getting a business credit card before you start operating is one of the most important things to do to maintain your LLC’s liability protection — also known as its corporate veil. Limited liability protection means that the personal assets of the owner are not in danger if the business is sued or goes into debt. This is one of the biggest benefits of forming an LLC. The easiest way to lose personal liability protection is to mix your personal financial accounts with the business. Hire an Accountant You might be thinking about doing your own accounting and avoiding hiring a professional to save some money. While this might be possible (especially with the help of accounting software), the advantages of hiring an accountant are likely to save you money in the long run — not to mention help you avoid potential legal troubles. Hiring an accountant for your LLC can: - Prevent the business from overpaying on taxes and helps it avoid penalties and fines - Give you more time to focus on your growing business instead of doing accounting and bookkeeping - Help you discover areas of unforeseen loss or extra profit Take advantage of a free tax consultation with our trusted partners. Research and Register for Business Licenses Getting the right Massachusetts business licenses and permits is one of the most important things to do after forming an LLC. This can sometimes be an intimidating step, as the business license and permit requirements vary considerably from state to state and even between counties and cities. Different types of businesses may also have different licensing requirements, like seller's permits. There are three main licensing jurisdictions: federal, state, and local. To find out which business licenses you might need and how to get them, check out our How to Get a Business License guide. Get Business Insurance Every LLC should have some type (or types) of business insurance. At a minimum, your LLC should have general liability insurance, which is a broad insurance policy that protects your business from lawsuits. Before you decide on which business insurance to get for your LLC, check out our review of the 7 Best Small Business Insurance Companies. Establish Your Web Presence All businesses should have an internet presence. This includes having: - A website - Social media accounts - A YouTube channel The style of your website could vary greatly depending on the type of business you have as well as your own personal preferences. If you don’t feel comfortable making your own website, there are a lot of tools and website builders that can help you create your own business website. Website builder tools like the GoDaddy Website Builder have made creating a basic website extremely simple. You don’t need to hire a web developer or designer to create a website that you can be proud of. Massachusetts LLC Checklist FAQ How long does it take to get an LLC in Massachusetts? The average time it takes to process LLC formation documents in Massachusetts is four to five hours online and four to five days by mail. What are the requirements for an LLC in Massachusetts? To form an LLC, you need to file the Certificate of Organization with the Secretary of the Commonwealth online or by mail, along with a $500 filing fee. Learn more by visiting our full How to Start an LLC in Massachusetts guide. How much does an LLC cost per year in Massachusetts? In the state of Massachusetts, LLCs are required to complete an annual report. There is a $500 filing fee. How much does it cost to start an LLC in Massachusetts? If you are filing Massachusetts LLC formation documents yourself, you will only need to pay the $500 filing fee. If you choose to hire one of these Best LLC Services to complete your filing, you’ll be charged a small additional fee. What do you need to start a business? To start a business, you’ll need a few things such as: - A business idea - A business name - A business plan - A business structure - Licensing and permits - Business insurance In addition to this, you need to satisfy any state or federal requirements as well as any requirements unique to your business. For a more in-depth guide to starting a business, visit our How to Start a Business in Massachusetts guide. Can I be my own resident agent in Massachusetts? Yes, Massachusetts does allow you to be your own resident agent. However, before you decide to act as your own resident agent, there are a few things you need to consider: - You’ll have to maintain normal (i.e., 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.) business hours at the address you provide. - If you run your business from home, you’ll be required to make your personal address public. - You must keep up on important notices, dates, and deadlines. - You could be served in front of your family or coworkers. Check our Massachusetts resident agent guide for more details. What is better: a DBA or LLC? Unlike an LLC, a “doing business as” (DBA) name is not a business structure. Therefore, it is difficult to compare DBA vs. LLC. Generally, however, we recommend forming an LLC for your business. If you choose to form as a sole proprietorship or would like to operate under a different business name than the one you have registered, filing a DBA is a great optio Massachusetts State Resources
On Sept. 24, 2023, global pop star Taylor Swift attended her first Kansas City Chiefs game and has since attended numerous others. Her boyfriend, Travis Kelce, is a tight end for the team and her attendance at his games has sparked national conversation. As a result, Swift has been the source of a lot of negative backlash from football fans. Informational science sophomore Adry Munoz is a fan of the pop star and says the criticism towards her is unfounded. "A lot of the backlash ... I believe that it’s mostly on the NFL," Munoz said. "I think the NFL controls a lot, and I’ve noticed they are pushing it a lot: posting her, posting references to her without her asking for that attention." Even if people are frustrated by her being shown, which Munoz understands understands to a certain degree, the blame shouldn’t be placed on Swift, she said. "In the end, she’s just there to support her boyfriend," Munoz said. "I understand it can be annoying, a lot of it needs to be put on the NFL for making it such a big deal." Music education sophomore Ryan Bryne also believes people criticizing her for her screen time during games need to "leave her alone." Byrne said there are other things Swift does that should instead be criticized, like her exorbitant carbon emissions and private jet usage. However, she said, many people are grouping these points in with unfounded scrutiny over her attendance at NFL events. "People are trying to tie valid arguments to something like the NFL that doesn’t really matter," Byrne said. Munoz believes much of this criticism comes from a place of misogyny. "I think a lot of the men are bothered by this very popular woman being thrown into their football culture," Munoz said. Similarly, Byrne said this type of sexist criticism is inevitable. "She has been a target of misogyny for as long as she has had a career," Byrne said. "As a woman, in general, in the public eye she is going to experience that." The presence of Swift at games, however, has opened up NFL viewership to the singer's predominantly young and female fan base. Swift Squad Club President and hospitality sophomore Liz Brey said this is one of the large benefits of Swift being shown. "If girls want to watch football because they see someone like Taylor interested in football and suddenly they’re interested ... (and) if you like football and you want other people to watch games with you and be interested in it, then why not?" Support student media! Please consider donating to The State News and help fund the future of journalism. Share and discuss “'It's not her fault': Taylor Swift fans discuss backlash over her attendance at NFL games” on social media.
Nine new members were ushered into SWC during an installation ceremony on May 16. Two new members with prior commitments were also recognized. Honored members and guests alike received puzzle pieces reminding that ALL members contribute essential pieces to the puzzle making SWC’s projects and services successful. Survival kit gifts containing miscellaneous items remind the new members of virtues that both inspire and forgive as we embark upon community service journeys. New members were pinned and recited a pledge to promote, attend, volunteer, and contribute to SWC causes. All guests enjoyed a reception prior to and during the event.
It can be difficult to maintain your oral health. Unless you religiously follow a strict diet and health regimen, most of us find it impossible to stop caving into whatever food or drink we view as appetizing. We humans have always enjoyed eating whatever we like. However, excessive intake of certain foods can lead to health problems, including mouth cancer. Simple dental hygiene routines such as brushing and flossing may not be enough to sustain your teeth, gums, and even your breath. Some of us who are short on money may also be unable to afford simple dental checkups. Drastic calls require drastic measures – that’s where dental supplements come to play. Today we will be looking at Dentitox Pro, a new natural supplement that is well worth checking out. For those of you who prefer a more visual experience, here is a video review from Henry on his YouTube channel Henry Review. To get a comprehensive overview of Dentitox, you may still want to check out our article below. What is Dentitox Pro? Dentist Offices On Rapids Road Manitowoc Dentitox Pro, a liquid supplement that is natural, helps to improve dental hygiene and protect the gums and teeth from various diseases. It can help fix a multitude of issues that may pertain to gum bleeding, bad breath, cavities, and tooth decay, among others. The 30ml dropper contains a combination of extracts of a few curated nutrients and ingredients that have been scientifically proven to provide lasting benefits for one’s oral hygiene and overall health. Dentitox Pro is a breakthrough contribution made by Marc Hall, an expert in natural medicines. According to Hall, who lives in North Carolina near the Charlotte area, Dentitox Pro came about as a result of his experimentations with a bunch of herbal medicines to treat his issues with his teeth and gums. It contains fail-proof plant-based ingredients, including spearmint and peppermint, which work to produce fresh breath, and the chemicals you can expect from any other dental product. Additionally, it’s also enriched with vitamins and minerals to further fortify one’s overall health. How Does It Work? Dentitox Pro works in a variety of ways to improve one’s oral health. It begins within the body by increasing the concentration of probiotics, fondly known as good bacteria. The formulation’s splendid mix of natural extracts and nutrients makes its efforts to maintain a perfect balance between the bad bacteria and the good. The toxins found in the mouth’s nooks and crevices are gradually being eliminated one at a time. These toxins may have caused a variety of issues and concerns along the oral cavity. This includes the gums, teeth, tonsils, plaque buildup, gum inflammation, and cavities. As the product’s name cheekily suggests – ‘Dentitox’ is a play of words between ‘dentist’ and ‘detox’ – Dentitox Pro works to detoxify whatever bad stuff is affecting the mouth out of the body. Dentitox Pro is not only life-saving, but also helps to improve one’s immune system and function. This means you won’t have to deal with many dental issues that may result in further infections and illnesses upon continuous usage. Let’s take an in-depth look at the following ingredients that make up the strong, impressive foundation of Dentitox Pro: Dentitox Pro is rich with nutrients. The drop supplement is loaded with all-essential vitamins. This will help you have a healthier mouth and teeth. Each of these vitamins – A, C, D3, and K2 – is more than crucial in its role in your body, as it keeps all your activities stabilized and your conditions immune to potential disease. Vitamin A (beta carotene), apart from its ability to let you see clearly, can aid in stimulating saliva in the mouth, which in turn helps wash out of the system bad bacteria and plaque that may contribute to unkempt health. Vitamin C has been known to prevent scurvy, a condition that can worsen the standing of your gums and other gum problems, to facilitate a stronger foundation for the teeth. Vitamin D3 helps your body absorb calcium and other minerals – which we’ll cover very shortly, resulting in improved teeth health and, eventually, bone health. Vitamin K2 plays the same role as the other in bone metabolism, making the teeth more immune to brittleness and decay. DentitoxPro is rich in minerals that help maintain a healthier mouth. Potassium, one of its listed minerals, contributes to the stability of the mouth’s pH levels, keeping it away from acids that may deteriorate its crucial parts. Phosphorous, another one on the list, holds your gums and jawbone together against any misalignment or weakening. Zinc and iron, meanwhile, have been proven to bring much-needed improvements to one’s blood flow. Because your gums and teeth depend on stable blood levels, this is crucial for them. Additionally, zinc helps reduce further plaque and tartar buildup between your teeth. Calcium is the main mineral responsible for teeth and bone fortification. Calcium forms a natural enamel coating that protects teeth from cracking or damage. Some of you may be familiar with the term ‘xylitol’ as a brand of chewing gum that aims to give you pearly white teeth. But for anyone who may be wondering what xylitol, the ingredient, has to do with dental health in general, it is considered a sugar alcohol component that not only is proven to prevent such diseases as tooth decay with its boosting properties but doesn’t contribute to a spike in blood sugar levels. Collagen is a protein which is responsible for the structure of your bones and muscles. With that being said, it is equally as crucial as calcium and other bone-enriching vitamins in keeping each of your teeth together from falling off your gums. MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) is a naturally occurring chemical often found in food, from vegetables to dairy products. MSM has been shown to be effective in treating a range of health issues, including osteoarthritis and allergies. It can also improve your gums and make your dental assets more sensitive. Peppermint and Spearmint Oils Both spearmint and peppermint oils are made from the same mint leaves. They have been known for their ability create fresher and more pleasant breath. They are also beneficial to the gums. Backed by a rich and diverse history as a herbal treatment for various bodily ailments, licorice root is powered by anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Researchers have determined its ability to eradicate bad bacteria as a way to fight cavities and other signs of tooth decay. Sage extract, like licorice root has been shown to contain antimicrobial elements which are necessary to prevent dental plaque and cavities. Cinnamon is arguably among the most widely used spices everywhere around the world. Its oil extract has been shown to prevent cavities and oral infections. Used in traditional British medicine as a treatment for colds, fever, and bad flu cases, elderberry is strengthened with vitamin C, which, as we previously discussed, can aid in the prevention of deteriorating gum diseases such as scurvy. How to Use Dentitox Pro Marc Hall and his team recommend that you take around 1ml DentitoxPro daily. This amount is equivalent to somewhere between around six drops to a full dropper. The best time to use the supplement drops is not the right time. You can take the drops at any hour of the day. Dentitox Pro can be used daily as long as you practice good dental hygiene, such as brushing your teeth well and having regular checkups. Dentist Offices On Rapids Road Manitowoc What exactly are the types of advantages that Dentitox Pro can readily provide? Let’s take a look at the list of ingredients and how it contributes to oral health. - Dentitox Pro is a powerful combination of nutrients, natural ingredients, and chemicals that strengthen your teeth to prevent cracks, decay and sensitivity. - It keeps your gums fortified and intact from any potential issues that could debilitate your life, such as inflammation, bleeding, and gum disease. - Its probiotic and antimicrobial properties prevent harmful bacteria from growing in the cavities and walls of the mouth. This means that there is less chance of cavities, bad breath and other dental problems. - Thanks to a few of the ingredients found in Dentitox Pro, particularly MSM, and xylitol, your teeth become white, healthy, and brightly shining. - Overall, Dentitox Pro, by design, gives your oral health a sorely needed boost, resulting in a cleaner, fresher, and more pristine oral cavity. Dentist Offices On Rapids Road Manitowoc Are there any side effects? We have not yet seen any reports about the possible side effects Dentitox Pro could cause to some users. It should therefore be considered safe to use. We cannot guarantee that these side effects will not occur. The only possible scenarios where this instance may happen would likely be derived from either overdose or allergies from any of the supplement’s listed ingredients. Regardless, you should rest assured that bottles of Dentitox Pro are safely manufactured in the USA, in an FDA-cleared facility, following Good Manufacturing Practices standards. Pricing and where to buy The Dentitox Pro 30ml capsule drops are priced at $69. The cost of each 30ml bottle of Dentitox Pro supplement drops is $69. - A three-bottle pack costs a total of $177, with $59 per item. - A six-pack bundle costs $294, and each bottle is $49 Dentitox PRO can still be purchased via its official web site. It is also available in select online marketplaces such as Amazon; however, prices may vary slightly different from the original price range from the flagship storefront. Dentist Offices On Rapids Road Manitowoc There isn’t much information available right now about Dentitox Pro, but the reviews that we have seen so far are encouraging. The supplement has been praised by a large majority of people as a valuable tool in maintaining good oral health. Despite the positive vibes surrounding it, there are still some issues, such as complaints about the slow results and ineffectiveness of the process. These may most likely stem from how they take it. Dentitox Pro is a continuous product that must be used to produce results. From the selection of herbal medicines to the enrichment of vitamins and minerals, there is no doubt that Dentitox Pro can do amazing wonders that can ultimately affect one’s overall oral health. Considering it was only released not long ago, we can sense that these breakthrough supplement drops could be making an impact and reaching more audiences in the future. Dentist Offices On Rapids Road Manitowoc The cost of dental checkups is often higher than those for flossing, supplements, or toothcare kits. If your oral health issues take a turn for the worst, you might need surgery or tooth removals, but those maintenance fees will skyrocket, leaving you to make a lot of sacrifices. Dentitox Pro is ideal in a way that it prevents such things from happening in the first place. If you maintain good dental hygiene, this supplement will be of great benefit to you. FAQ Dentist Offices On Rapids Road Manitowoc Is Dentitox Pro covered by a money back guarantee? Dentitox Pro offers a 60 day money-back guarantee on all of its stocks. If you are unhappy with the performance of Dentitox Pro, you can contact their customer service hotline anytime within the specified period. You will then receive a full refund once everything is done. What should I do if I want a full refund? You should always keep your Dentitox Pro bottles intact, empty, and unopened. This is important in case you need it to return your money. Also, prepare your receipt from when you made your first purchase! What is the shelf life of Dentitox Pro? According to its official website, one Dentitox Pro bottle is equivalent to around 30 days worth of supplies. This could vary depending on how much you take from the bottle and the dropper.
Anthraquinone Red - 37ml Oil Paint - M Graham & Co M. Graham & Co's Anthraquinone Red is PR177 pigment and walnut oil. Lightfast Rating - Excellent Opacity Rating - Transparent Drying Time - Moderate Anthraquinone Red is a deep madder mass tone combined with brilliant, clean tints. This transparent red offers a lightfast alternative to Alizarin. In the tradition of the masters, M. Graham artists’ oil color is made with pure walnut oil for its brilliance, clarity, texture, and resistance to fading and yellowing. Working in small batches, they craft oil colors true to the roots of Renaissance painting: delicately free-flowing, solvent-free, and with no fillers or additives. With the exceptionally high pigment loads in M. Graham artists’ oil colors, your work will naturally feel more alive and vibrant, imbued with rich, lustrous color for years to come.
M. Graham & Co's Zinc White oil paint is PW4 pigment and walnut oil. Lightfast Rating - Excellent Opacity Rating - Semi Opaque Drying Time - Slow Zinc White is a semi-opaque tinting and scumbling white. Produces cool tints with excellent resistance to yellowing. In the tradition of the masters, M. Graham artists’ oil color is made with pure walnut oil for its brilliance, clarity, texture, and resistance to fading and yellowing. Working in small batches, they craft oil colors true to the roots of Renaissance painting: delicately free-flowing, solvent-free, and with no fillers or additives. With the exceptionally high pigment loads in M. Graham artists’ oil colors, your work will naturally feel more alive and vibrant, imbued with rich, lustrous color for years to come.
We’ve probably all been faced with the challenge at one time or another where we have a Mac set of fonts and we need to create or output from a Windows workstation, or vice versa. Whether a Mac or Windows user, TransType Pro, simply put, will convert Mac fonts to Windows fonts and Windows fonts to Mac fonts but it doesn’t end there. In addition to converting the platform of a font, TransType Pro is a TrueType, PostScript Type 1, and OpenType font-conversion utility. TransType Pro will quickly: - Convert Type 1 to TrueType or OpenType - Convert TrueType to Type 1 or OpenType - Convert OpenType to TrueType or Type 1 - Convert to a FontLab proprietary format called VFB or - Convert multiple master Type 1 fonts either into single master or into multiple master Type 1 fonts or into TrueType or OpenType fonts for Windows or Mac. You can perform both a platform and a format conversion at the same time, or perform the conversions independently, but still, TransType can do more. Much more. When converting fonts to a Mac Type 1 format, TransType can: - Automatically generate the bitmaps - Enable the user to choose the encoding for both the source and destination font - Build font suitcases automatically – or you can control this feature manually - Process converted fonts with Python macro scripts (using MacPython interpreter) - Convert fonts inside a .sit archive (using Stuffit) TransType is extremely simple to use, with a clean interface that will have you converting fonts within seconds of completing the installation. When the fonts have been successfully converted (e.g. from Mac format to Windows format), you can then use a jump drive or email them to your Windows platform and install as you would any other font on your system. TransType offers control over how resulting conversions will be named. You may add a suffix to a resulting Macintosh file. One option is .suit for a suitcase of fonts, but you may a suffix here and it will be added after the font name. One of the greatest features of TransType is the ability to create a missing plain, bold, italic, or other styles of a font. True genius at font work With TransType 4, your fonts work when and where you want them to. Fully redesigned, built on a brand-new software core, amazingly fast and versatile, TransType is far more than the ultimate font converter. TransType organizes font families, fixes font problems, and allows you to play and experiment with monochrome and multi-color fonts. Generate rock-solid, high-quality OpenType, TrueType or @font-face web fonts. Turn monochrome layered fonts or any color fonts into gorgeous multi-color OpenType fonts. And if you’re a font publisher, TransType is the best tool to turn your VFBs or UFOs into shipping fonts. With TransType you can easily change outline font format or platform, take any Windows font and get correctly built Mac PostScript font suitcase with set of bitmap fonts.
The most festive season is here, and Starbucks recently debuted a new selection of colorful drinkware to get people in the holiday spirit! Customers can add a sprinkle of holiday cheer to their everyday coffee by sipping on their Christmas Blend or Iced Sugar Cookie Almondmilk Lattes in the trendiest cups, mugs, and tumblers. The following items are available now at Starbucks stores in the U.S. Embrace the trend of winter florals with this five-pack of cold cups. Glitter Floral Cups with Straws (5 pack, 24 oz) Suggested retail price (SRP) is $19.95 The new Gradient Bling Cup comes in two of the season’s trendiest colors, a jewel-toned teal and a pink blush. And for even more holiday joy, the matching ornaments are the perfect addition to holiday decor. Gradient Bling Cup (24 oz) and Matching Ornaments SRP: $22.95 for the cold cup; $12.95 for the ornament For fans of all things shiny and bright, this metallic cup is sure to stand out and make any holiday gathering a little more festive. Glitter Bubble Cup (24 oz) The eye-catching multicolor metallic tumbler will turn heads while keeping your favorite beverage warm. Ion Ombre Tumbler (12 oz) No other color screams Christmas more than burning red—one of the hottest hues this season—and this mug is the perfect vessel for any hot holiday Starbucks beverage. Red Woodland Lace Mug (14 oz) For a frosty holiday feel, customers can purchase the shiny yet festive tumbler. Shiny Mint Tumbler (16 oz) *Pricing of drinkware varies by retailer; availability may vary based on store location.
Opening lines are hard to write because they have to do so much: What Opening Lines Must Do: - Set up the main question the reader is going to be asking all the way through - Establish the voice of the protagonist/narrator - Set the tone - Ground the reader in a time or place That’s why I advocate writing the first lines last—or at least tweaking them after you’ve finished the story, when you know what it’s about. So, how do you make your first line reflect all these things? Let’s look at some examples. Continue reading “Mastering The Magic of Opening Lines”
Next Tuesday is Release Day for a new picture book illustrated by our friend, the lovely and talented Debbie Ridpath Ohi. The book is called “Naked!” and was written by Michael Ian Black. (The two previously collaborated on the hilarious “I’m Bored“.) It’s such a good title, that we’re going to steal it today. - Use the term literally or figuratively to put your characters in an interesting/awkward/trying situation. - You can start the story with the moment of ‘being naked’ or you can end up there. - Consider the fact that physical nudity means different things in different cultures. Perhaps this is your chance to explore the naturist community or invent a futuristic colony in which clothes are considered vulgar. How Naked! did you go? Leave a comment, below, about how you handled this prompt (or a link to your story online, if you posted it anywhere).
I used to keep my canning recipes in my recipe book but the more recipes I accumulated, the less space I had for the seasonal canning ones. Then I switched them to my herbal but that also grew in size. This summer, I began gathering all my canning notes, recipes, etc., and placing them in their own dedicated binder. I call it my "Preserving Notebook". After much deliberation (yes I think hard on such things 🤓), I decided to use alphabet tabs (affiliate link) to organize everything. That way, any canning recipe would have a home alphabetically. Apple recipes would go under “A”, blueberry recipes under "B", strawberry recipes under “S” and so forth. I also inserted a few other things that are useful to my preserving needs. Here is what I included in my notebook: (These first few items I keep in the beginning of the binder, prior to the tabs since they don't fit a certain "produce" theme. I consider them informational.) - my food preservation planner pages (free printable here) In the autumn and winter months, as I go through my canning books, I make note on the recipes I would like to try. I input the recipe, book and page number in my planner pages. That way, when the season hits, I already know what I want to make with a certain fruit or vegetable. It is very useful. - pressure canning instructions (I don’t do it enough to rely on my memory so these steps are helpful and always conveniently located) I keep these at the front of the index tabs and have it covered in plastic as I take these in and out more. I copied these directions from The Prairie Homestead where she gives a great in-depth tutorial on how to use a pressure canner. Here is the link in case you are interested. - pressure canning vegetable and meat charts (with time and pressure amounts) These I photocopied from the pressure canner manual (not shown). - photocopies of my favorite recipes from my canning books (this way I don’t have to search them out), any handwritten recipes and so forth. Of course, these are placed alphabetically by "produce". - themed recipe articles from State extension offices (they’ll have printable pages on how to preserve foraged fruits, etc., and list various preserving ideas and recipes which are very handy - here is a sample of the foraged fruit and here is the how to preserve peppers booklet that I included as well) - individual preserving recipes I print from websites (once again these are placed in alphabetical order according to what is being preserved) Here is the apple pie filling recipe I use. I did do some fall decorating on the page as it was a little bland :) - any food preservation recipes in general (including freezer jam recipes, fermenting recipes, dehydrating, etc.) Here are a few from my blog which may be printed for your notebook: - citrus fruit preserving ideas (this would be helpful to fill up your planner pages with ideas) - fruit scrap jelly (here is a recipe sheet so you can record this vert versatile, frugal recipe) - lemon drop jelly - lemon juice - lemon scrap syrup - strawberry freezer jam To add interest, I covered my notebook with a floral fabric to give it a cozy feeling. I am quite embarrassed to show this up close as I am not a great seamstress and quite an impatient one. I just used the remnant fabric from an old sheet (which had lots of piling but was still a cute print). I used the remnant gingham border from another project as ribbon (it still had a frayed side but I thought it added to the charm). Next, I cut off a rose from a retired duster-housedress and used that as a little embellishment. I also added a strip of lace to the back cover for more interest (pictured below). I made the cover in the same way we used to have to cover our school books but used fabric instead of a paper bag. And I used a sewing machine instead of tape. It took 10 minutes to make because I obviously did it quickly (to be honest, I was supposed to be doing something else that day and I was feeling quite guilty for making this!). I’ll be fine-tuning my binder over autumn as our garden has faded and I’ll have extra time to work on such projects. In fact, as I was typing this up, I thought I would add a food dehydration chart to this. I am always looking up the degrees and length of time for each piece of produce and it would be nice to have it handy here. This project cost me a total of $3.76 because I had to purchase the alphabet tabs. Everything else was used from foraged materials around the house. This is a great way to use an old, ugly binder since you can cover it. Do you think you would ever make something like this? How do you store and keep track of your food preservation recipes? Is there anything else you would place in this binder? Please share!
Strathconas in Lebanon Operation IMPACT: “Canada’s Training Mission in the Middle East” Written by: Master Corporal Lukas McKenzie As in recent years, members of the Regiment were spread all over the globe with a small contingent of Strathconas being deployed to Lebanon to compose the core of the Canadian Training Assistance Team Lebanon (CTAT-L). The team hit the ground running conducting a speedy but detailed handover with the outgoing personnel which at times was comparable to drinking from a firehose. Introductions were made, relationships built, and the focus was shifted to what could be delivered in training or equipment that would improve the Lebanese Armed Forces’ (LAF) capabilities to maintain and enhance security in the region. Our nerves, (and reflexes) were immediately put to the test as the team was introduced to what can only be described as “unique” driving conditions in the local area. None more so than the CO, Major Jack Nguyen’s body double, Master Corporal Henry Chen who was responsible for ensuring the entire team got behind the wheel to familiarize themselves with the emergency routes to the hospital and airport. The nuances of which traffic laws to follow and which were only recommendations was difficult to discern. Concurrently, the Project Officer, Captain Emma Perry, busied herself with understanding the capability gaps of the LAF and identifying ways where Canada and CTAT-L could best support. To the Projects Officers delight, the hard work of the previous Roto came to fruition with minimal complications. A Mobile Training Team was successfully deployed to develop and teach CIMIC Operators curriculum, as well as a contingent of Logistics Officers and NCOs were embedded into the LAF support their logistic enhancement. Captain Perry was responsible for overseeing the delivery of FOB toolkits, and wet weather clothing and their subsequent donation to the LAF, as well as setting the conditions for future project success for the next Roto. The constant stream of incoming and outgoing personnel kept the Force Protection Team, Sergeant Underwood, Master Corporal Chen, Master Corporal McKenzie and Corporal Tanner on their toes with a multitude of white knuckle rides through Beirut. The team was assigned the complex task of ensuring everyone was capable of driving “safely” in Lebanon. Further, their time was spent leading various hikes up and down the mountainside to recce and familiarize everyone with the local terrain. Scenarios were conducted to ensure CTAT-L remained sharp in the event of an intruder and to keep people refreshed on Combat First Aid ensuring the teams Standard Operating Procedures were wired tight for the most likely situations. Despite the high pace and number of ongoing projects, the members of CTAT-L still managed to sample their fair share of local cuisine, many developing a borderline addiction to the local shawarma and hummus. Lebanon’s history and location provided many opportunities for professional development trips to places like the ancient city of Byblos and the natural beauty of the Jeita Grotto.
ALL GOD ALL DAY ALL GAME MEN'S SOCCER DRIP GRAPHIC PATTERN HOODIE SWEATSHIRT Living every day and every game in God’s glory is life’s greatest achievement! Live in His grace every day with this exclusive Street Stances print crafted with faith. This comfy unisex hoodie has a soft outside with a vibrant print and an even softer brushed fleece inside. The hoodie has a relaxed fit, and it's perfect for wrapping yourself on a chilly evening. We ensure premium quality gear that’s long-lasting. Each sweatshirt hoodie is double-lined with double-needle stitching throughout so you live in your highly durable sweatshirt. • 70% polyester, 27% cotton, 3% elastane • Fabric weight: 8.85 oz/yd² (300 g/m²) • Soft cotton-feel fabric face • Brushed fleece fabric inside • Double-lined hood with design on both sides • Unisex style • Overlock seams • Comes with drawstring
How is it that promoters like Brent Jones and Richard Siegelman are struggling to get just a fraction of the competitors their contests got less than a year ago, today? What’s different? They’re at the helm, they’re using the same venues, with the same host hotels and the same top notch productions. What’s different is that they’re no longer with the National Physique Committee, or NPC, and they’re now with the IFBB Physique America. That’s the only difference, but it’s the difference between having hundreds of amateur competitors and have virtually none. What accounts for the fact that most of these athletes who have been doing these Rich’s two shows in Maryland or Brent’s two shows in Kentucky each and every year have opted to stay in 2023? Are they being told not to compete? And if so, by whom? Are they being threatened? Are there repercussions for those who do compete? The question of unfair business practices in the sport of bodybuilding is one that’s been analyzed over the years, but never before have we had such a glaring case of it as with the shocking drop in competitor sign-up as with Rich and Brent’s shows. This is at minimum, concerning, and if tortious interference is in fact at play, it may be grounds for legal action.
Picture yourself: you’re home, cozy with a cup of tea, and don’t really feel like going out that day, but are in a mood to get some new clothes. Can you imagine being able to try on clothes without actually having to go out, or even putting any clothes on? Augmented reality clothes development is already here with us and not just as the sci fi fantasy it once was. After many years of development is coming unto us at a fast pace with a ton of pilots and investments. Companies are starting to take notice of this new trend and all the benefits it brings to the table and are getting creative in order to maintain or even grow their customer base by implementing augmented reality try-on clothes. What is different about AR trying clothes virtually is that is a three dimensional try on that appears automatically on a person as they move on real time which is revolutionary unlike a static image digitally fitted the way we have already seen before. DEVELOPMENT OF AR CLOTHES Mid last year the development started flourishing with the hardware and software updates from companies such as Snapchat and Apple. The Lidar cameras were a big improvement as well as the markerless body tracking, body segmentation and pose estimation. You have to take into account that being restricted at home made people more comfortable into trying new types of online tools and tech. Either way augmented reality try-on clothes need more time to develop for more brands to join in the AR clothes wagon. Brands like “DressX”, “Rtfkt”, “The Fabricant”, “The Dematerialised” among others claim that the virtual world has limitless possibilities for fashion and have plans to make virtually try-on clothes that can be worn on Zoom por example. Or there is this new possibility for artists to sell digital versions of their products internationally, taking into account that the physical merchandise is not available in certain parts of the world. There is still a lot of room for improvement in this field, real-time virtually try-on clothes will need to feel authentic. So far, shoes, watches and sunglasses look pretty real in apps like Snapchat, but they are still working on the full-on apparel. Plus, there is another type of problem, which is the access to it. Not everyone has the latest device, so there is a great chance that not everybody will be able to try on clothes virtually. There are some predictions that dictate that in years from now, people will own more digital clothes than physical items and expose them and express themselves through avatars. BRANDS AND AR CLOTHES Major brands are already experimenting and exploring in this scope, luxury brands such as Prada. Prada has invested in a try on app that includes a product catalog. The other brand is Macy’s, this retailer that is currently using both VR and AR technology which includes AR mirrors. But the most advanced augmented reality brand has to be Carolina Herrera bringing the experience to a lot more customers by web browser, which features their clothing collections and interactive options such as moving the clothes around, rotating it and how it would look in customers local surroundings. Ralph Lauren is also using try on virtual clothes, but in their case its nor necessary any customers body footage because the clothing is modeled on avatars created by the same customers. Last but not least The GAP, this brand has been using AR for about 4 years now, their products can be modeled on a 3D mannequin with different body types. BRANDS USING AUGMENTED REALITY TRY ON CLOTHES AU clothes in the fashion industry allow businesses to build their brands based on giving customers an immersive and unique experience, where they will be able to engage in a new and interactive way with the brands. Some of the following brands are already taking advantage of the AU clothes: 1.- SAKS FIFTH AVE Has a RPR’s virtual clothing configurator that can be used with smart glasses or a phone. Has the option of an AR try on sneakers before customers purchase. 3.- RALPH LAUREN Has installed virtual mirrors in store fitting rooms to give customers a virtual try on experience. 4.- WARBY PARKER Warby Parker allows customers to try on virtually glasses on their faces. BENEFITS OF AR CLOTHES DEVELOPMENT FOR RETAILERS AR clothes development offers so many opportunities for your business, as it increases the shoppers satisfaction while reducing expenses at the same time. It will benefit both, the consumer and the retailer, creating a synergy that improves customers experience, companies sales and brand visibility. The following are the most outstanding benefits we see fit for your business: - Increased sales - Minimizing returns - Increasing customer engagement - New social media content - Customer preferences data recollection - Exciting experiences - Reduced staff expense - Customer loyalty - Reduces hygiene issues THE FUTURE OF AR CLOTHES There are quite a few benefits for companies choosing to go this way, like the functionality that an AR clothing app can bring, allowing customers to try on AR clothes at any time and in place, which will increase online sales. By using the app, it will definitely make more people engage with the brand’s products, which will leave a positive impact and will strengthen the company’s brand. This revolutionary way of making business and marketing will give customers an experience that many other brands will not be able to match, at least for a while if they don’t get on the AR clothes wagon. The possibilities are many, and as it will keep developing more possibilities will be available in the future. At Stringnet US we create and develop AR experiences for fashion stores, and are available at any time for a consultation with our Augmented Reality solution providers, we can find an option for you according to your company’s goal, size of your brand and budget.
Ever since covid-19, the medical field has been trying to find for new and innovative solutions that are more flexible. Virtual reality seems to be adapting to the global healthcare as well as any other tech company is at the moment. Hopefully, hospitals and medical institutions will be ready when another global health crisis arises. Although VR is still in their early stages as far as medical applications is concerned, it is a safe bet to that it will increasingly be used to strengthen the safety and efficacy of surgical procedures and to understand better the intricacies of the human body. How is virtual reality changing healthcare? The healthcare industry needs a systematic and strategic renovation of how the future workforce will be train, how patients are treated. So here comes VR as a solution to many of the current challenges in the field. Virtual reality is a technology that allows users to experience a situation through an immersive simulation. And you may ask yourself, but how is virtual reality changing healthcare? Well, virtual reality can be used in so many areas in the healthcare industry and in a variety of applications, such as: medical training, patient treatments, medical marketing and educating the general public about disease or medical conditions. Virtual reality is already being used in many fitness apps to promote physical activity and healthy habits. It can also make it possible for doctors to share their knowledge with patients and them to communicate their experiences 6 Unimaginable Ways Virtual Reality is reshaping Healthcare We can say medical VR has enriched with endless possibilities and there are a lot of good examples of its positive effect on the lives of both patients and medical practitioners. We managed to narrow down to 6 ways virtual reality is reshaping the healthcare industry at the moment: 1) Medical training: currently any kind of medical situation can be now simulated using VR technology which allows students to train as they were in a real-life process. With advantage that these practices can be safely followed by feedback to allow them to learn from their mistakes. It can also help medical professionals practice for complex procedures. 2) Treatment of patients: VR can be very effective in planning complex operations, helping the medical team to rehearse planned interventions. Which will maximize safety and minimize surprises during the procedure. VR can also be very helpful in treating mental health patients by recreating the corresponding phobia or situation in a safe environment. 3) Pain management: Virtual Reality can be also used to relieve pain and in rehabilitation patients with severe pain, or to help children feel less afraid. An immersive experience can be effective to distract a patient and relieve their pain. 4) Physical therapy and rehabilitation: Virtual Reality can be used to shorten the recovery of patients by making it easier to do their exercises by encouraging them to complete their activities. 5) Addiction: In this case Virtual Reality can be used to gradual exposure techniques such as the simulated patients own environment where the patient can practice resisting known triggers. 6) Health education: Patients can find Virtual Reality very helpful to understand their medical condition, how will their surgeries would be exactly or how bad habits can have a big impact on their health. Top virtual companies in healthcare Here are the top virtual augmented and virtual reality companies in healthcare that are making unimaginable things and are making bets for the future in the medicine field. 1) FundamentalVR: Offers a flight simulator training for surgeons and AR tech using Microsoft’s HoloLens tech. 2) Karuna Labs: Uses virtual reality simulation to treat chronic pain. 3) OxfordVR: Targets relieve of the symptoms of mental disorders and fear with virtual reality. 4) Augmedics: Has the first augmented reality guidance system for surgery called Xvision. This tech allows surgeons to see the patient’s tissue like they had X-ray vision. 5) Surgical Theater: Have created a surgical rehearsal platform called Precision VR, it works as a preoperative planning, it can also show the patient a VR scenario of their surgery process. 6) Echopixel: Has an AR platform called True3D that serves to visualize and interact with organs and tissue of the patients. This tech can also show holograph images so the patients can see the medical results. 7) Medivis: Uses both augmented reality and artificial intelligence to get presurgical information of the patient’s anatomy. 8) Health Scholars: Provides VR training solutions for first responders and clinicians using AI-enabled VR simulations and performance assessment of life-saving experiences. 9) Vicarious Surgical: Makes minimal invasive procedures possible through a surgical robot and virtual reality. 10) Touch Surgery: Provides more than 200 virtual reality surgical simulations and videos on 17 specialties. 11) Proprio Vision: Uses computerized tech to enable surgeons to see the body in immersive ways. 12) ImmersiveTouch: Designs 3D virtual reality models using patient’s medical information. 13) OSSO VR: Facilitates surgical training using immersive virtual reality experiences and haptic feedback. 14) SentiAR: Uses augmented reality to create holographic visualization of patient’s anatomy during interventional procedures. 15) Medical Augmented Intelligence: Offers virtual reality training for anatomy and acupuncture as well as digital models for patient education. 16) SyncThink: Developed a virtual reality headset, the EYE-SYNC. It helps clinicians determine if patients have a concussion tracking eye movements. The future is exciting as we can see with these early stages of virtual reality and augmented reality in the medical field. And these companies are reshaping the future of healthcare as we know it. We are sure that it won’t be long before these tools will be used on a daily basis in the healthcare industry. ¿VR experience for your company? The VR experience is already here, and not only in the medical field. If you want to be part of this and be a step ahead in the future of marketing, let us help you. In Stringnet we build innovative events for brands, hybrid marketing, immersive space for virtual networking, among others. Let’s talk. Contact us here.
What is ankylosing spondylitis? Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is an inflammatory disease usually focused in the spinal joints but can affect other joints as well. Inflammation in the joints over time causes the joints to fuse causing decreased motion. The cause of AS is poorly understood. This condition starts in late adolescence or early adulthood and is largely considered to be more prevalent in males. The ratio of male to female incidence has been found to be as high as 5:1, however, there is conflicting data on this ratio and there are some researchers that believe that the ratio is closer to 1:1 and that women are grossly under diagnosed.1 Diagnosing Ankylosing Spondylitis An early indication of ankylosing spondylitis is low back pain that is worse with prolonged disuse, for example after sleeping, and gets better with use. People with AS are often slow to get the correct diagnosis because it looks like other more common conditions. People with AS have usually seen a multitude of different health care providers in different disciplines before they finally find out that they have AS. The diagnosis is usually made via x-ray but can also be confirmed by looking for a specific gene marker. Because there is a correlation between a specific gene marker ( HLA-B27) and this condition, if you have symptoms of AS and the gene marker, it is likely you will be given a diagnosis of AS even if your x-rays are clear. It can take awhile for AS to show up on x-rays, thus symptoms plus a positive HLA-B27 is a good proxy for early diagnosis. However, just because you have this gene does not mean that you will get AS. Also, if you don’t have this gene it doesn’t mean that you won’t get AS. The gene marker is only a correlation not causation. Due to a correlation between certain kinds of arthritis and genetics, it helps to know your family history of inflammatory diseases. Those people with a family history of rheumatoid arthritis, reiters, sjogins, crohn’s disease, and psoriasis (not a complete list) are at an increased risk of having AS. Having a good picture of your family’s health history and being able to share this information with your health care provider will help you get a proper diagnosis more quickly. Ankylosing Spondylitis and Chiropractic Care Chiropractors are often the first to diagnose AS because it usually starts as low back pain. Caring for ankylosing spondylitis calls for a different kind of chiropractic treatment than the average person with low back pain would receive. The goal when treating AS is to keep as much movement in the joints for as possible for as long as possible. A mobilization technique should be used. Typically a chiropractic adjustment focuses on moving one joint that is hypomoble (a joint with not enough motion) at a time. In the case of AS, the chiropractor is trying to help the patient maintain a normal range of motion through the whole spine. First and foremost, these adjustments should feel good; if the adjustments don’t feel good, you need to talk to your chiropractor so that they can change their technique to one that works for you. Second, they will most likely be “pop” free. The stereotypical “popping” adjustment might be utilized at the onset of ankylosing spondylitis but it should be phased out as the disease progresses. It is very important for people with AS to receive some sort of mobilization care. A chiropractor who has worked with AS is a good choice for administering mobilization treatment. Other options for mobilization care are physical therapists and doctors of osteopathy. Whoever you chose for this part of your treatment should be actively doing mobilization with you as well as giving you posture exercises, core stabilization exercises, and active range of motion exercises to do as homework. Who else should be on your health care team? You should have a rheumatologist on your team. Ankylosing spondylitis falls within a rheumatologist specialty. They will be able to help you with the full scope of this disease. It would be wise to get a dietitian involved because bone loss and inflammation are concerns. A dietitian can help mitigate both of these issues. AS sometimes involves the eyes, the intestines, and/or the heart. It is a good idea to have an ophthalmologist on your team before you need them so that you aren’t trying to get in to see them as a new patient if it becomes an emergency. It is always more challenging to be seen as a new patient than a returning patient. The same is true for a cardiologist. Your rheumatologist will, hopefully, be your lead health care provider and coordinate with the rest of your team. - Inman, Robert D. Primer on the Rheumatic Diseases. Atlanta: Arthritis Foundation, 2001.
Office Location: TSC 225 Email Address: email@example.com Students should cancel their appointments in a timely manner. Appointments are available in-person and virtually (Zoom/phone). As you select an appointment date below, the location offering for the appointment will be listed next to the appointment time. Select the academic program or service you would like to make an appointment under: *
Characteristics of Oligopoly Oligopoly is the dominant market structure in advanced economies. Oligopolistic markets have the following characteristics: 1. The Market is Dominated by a few Large firms There may be a large number of firms, but a large percentage of the market is accounted for by a few big firms. For instance there is a large number of food retailers, but the leading supermarkets get most of the trade. The extent to which markets are dominated by big firms can be measured by using concentration ratios. For instance, if in industry A, the four largest firms have 60% of the market, but in industry B they only have 55%, we would say that the four firm concentration ratio is higher in industry A, and therefore the biggest firm in industry A have more market power than their equivalents in industry B. However, the use of concentration ratios to compare markets raises some questions: - What if the four biggest firms in industry A all have 15% each of the market, but in industry B, the biggest has 40%, and the next three have 5% each? Would we still say that industry A is more concentrated than B? There is no clear answer. - We might get a different picture depending on the number of firms we include. For instance, the seven firm concentration ration might be higher in industry B than A. - How concentrated a market is depends in part on how widely, or narrowly we define the market in question. For instance the package tour holiday market is dominated by a few big operators, but the holiday market as a whole is much less concentrated, and consumers have a choice between a package holiday and booking separate flights and hotels. 2. High Entry Barriers Oligopolistic markets are often difficult for new firms to enter, for the following reasons: Economies of scale – Existing firms may be producing at the minimum efficient scale and therefore have significant cost advantages over a new firm, which is unlikely to generate enough sales in the short or medium term to get costs down. The car industry is a good example of this. It is dominated by a small number of giant global firms such as VW, Toyota and Ford, each of which produces millions of vehicles each year. Capital costs – Some industries require huge investment in buildings and machinery before any production is possible. Shipbuilding, car manufacturing and mobile phone networks are all examples. This makes it difficult for new firms to enter, as they may struggle to raise the capital. Natural cost advantages – Some producers may own or have better access to superior or cheaper resources which makes it difficult for new producers to compete. For instance most of the world’s ‘rare earth’ minerals used in making mobile phones are in China. This gives Chinese mining companies a huge advantage over potential rivals who have to find scarcer, more expensive sources of minerals elsewhere. Legal barriers – In some industries firms may be protected from new entrants by legal restrictions. For instance, the government grants broadcasting licences to a limited number of TV and radio stations. It also licences only a handful of mobile phone networks. It is possible for new mobile phone service providers to set up, but they have to use one of the networks already set up and pay for the access, restricting their ability to compete. All of the above barriers are described as innocent entry barriers. This is because they arise without deliberate intent or action on the part of existing firms (sometimes referred to as incumbent firms). In addition, there are other barriers, which existing firms can deliberately create. They are sometimes called artificial entry barriers. They include the following: Limit pricing – This is a pricing policy that can be used by incumbent firms. Price may be set below the short-run profit maximising level in order to deter entrants. This may help firms to make higher long-run profits as the industry looks less attractive to potential entrants. Marketing barriers – Firms in oligopolistic markets are likely to spend a lot of money on branding and advertising. They can spread this spending over a very large output, so the cost per unit is very low. Successful branding and advertising makes it harder for new firms to penetrate a market. Existing firms may also use multiple branding, which involves selling very similar products under different brands. This increases the number of brands that new entrants have to compete with, making it harder for them to win market share. Detergents are a good example; Unilever and Procter & Gamble each sell a variety of washing powders under different brand names. Anti-competitive practices – Incumbent firms can restrict a rival’s access to the market in a number of ways: A manufacturer can threaten to cut off supplies to a retailer if the retailer stocks the product of a rival. A firm may boycott a supplier if it supplies a rival firm. Incumbent firms sometimes use predatory pricing to deter or drive out competitors. It involves lowering the price in a part of the market where an entrant is competing to a level below cost, so deliberately incurring a loss. Once the entrant has been driven out, an incumbent can then push price back up again. The practice usually involves a cross-subsidy, where the firm uses its profits from other parts of the business to support the losses until the competitor is driven out. Anti-competitive practices are usually illegal and can result in large fines and prosecutions. 3. Exit Barriers Where it is difficult for a firm to leave a market without incurring a high cost or some other penalty, an exit barrier exists. The most important of these is sunk costs. These are costs that cannot be recovered if a firm leaves the market. For instance a firm setting up to compete in the fizzy drinks market might be able to sell its plant and equipment if it leaves the market, but it won’t be able to recover any of the costs of the marketing costs, which are likely to be high if it takes on the likes of Coca Cola. Exit barriers are also entry barriers, since firms may be reluctant to enter markets they cannot easily leave. An important characteristic of oligopolistic markets is that firms are interdependent. This means that the price, output and other decisions taken by one firm will affect the other firms in the market. For instance, if Tesco cuts its prices, this will affect sales at other supermarkets. If Renault launches a new model or increases its production, this will affect sales of other car makers. Interdependence is a unique characteristic of oligopoly. In perfect competition and monopolistic competition, no individual firm is big enough to have any influence on the market. Under monopoly, there are no other firms at all. Because of this interdependence between firms, it is not possible to construct a demand curve. This is because if a firm cuts or raises its price, it is not possible to know how much it will sell, since other firms may react with price changes of their own. In other words the ceterus paribus assumption on which constructing a demand curve depends does not apply. It therefore follows that we cannot construct diagrams to predict equilibrium output and price, since we cannot construct revenue curves. 5. Product Differentiation Firms can reduce interdependence to some extent by making their product as distinctive as possible, through a mixture of design features, branding and after-sales service. Product differentiation is easier in some markets than others. Car makers, for instance can introduce all sorts of features that differentiate their cars from those of rivals, but it is much harder for a supplier of gas or electricity to do this. In some oligopolistic markets, firms may engage in collusion with rival firms. This means making agreements with other firms to restrict competition in order to increase profits. Collusion is most likely to occur under the following conditions: - Where the number of firms in the industry is very low: - the smaller the number, the more easy it is to make an agreement and see that it is being kept to - Where the firms are of roughly similar size and face similar costs: - under these conditions it is harder for any firm to win a ‘price war’ (see notes below) which would reduce the profits of all the firms. - Where there is little opportunity to compete through product differentiation and other forms of non-price competition (see notes below). Collusion can take a number of forms. In some industries there is__ informal (or tacit) collusion__. This means that there is no formal agreement between firms, but there is an established pattern of behaviour that firms keep to. The most common form of informal collusion is price leadership. This is where the largest firm sets the price. If the price leader raises or lowers price, the price followers will do the same. This is a way of avoiding damaging price wars and also avoids the risk of losing market share as a result of raising price. Price leadership has often been suspected to take place at petrol/diesel filling stations. Other forms of informal collusion include avoiding trying to ‘poach’ customers from other firms. Formal collusion involves an explicit agreement (written or verbal) to restrict competition. The firms involved share out the market between them, resulting in higher prices and profits for all firms. The main examples are: - Cartels - A cartel exists if the firms involved reach an agreement on both price and how much each firm can sell (called a quota). In effect the firms behave as if they were a single enterprise, and can therefore enjoy _monopoly __profits (_see notes on 3.4.5). Cartels are likely to be unstable agreements. This is because there will be a strong temptation for individual members to ‘cheat’, by either increasing their production beyond their quota, and/or selling some output below the agreed price, in order to win market share. Cartels are illegal in most developed countries, and so the agreements are hard to enforce. Governments may also encourage ‘whistle blowing’ by not prosecuting firms that own up to the practice and inform on other members of the cartel. - Bid Rigging – This involves firms agreeing between them not to compete openly to win contracts from the government or other big organisations. The firms concerned effectively take it in turn put in a bid that is likely to be accepted; the others put in deliberately over-priced bids. - Geographical Market Sharing – Firms can share out a national market by agreeing to allow each other dominance in different regions. It could be achieved by firms not competing for contracts outside their area, or by selling to each other regional outlets for their businesses; eg hotel chains could swap hotels between them to give them regional dominance. Where collusion is considered too risky, and there is little opportunity for product differentiation, it is likely that there will be price competition. Occasionally this may develop into a full-blown ‘price war’ in which a firm may attempt to drive rivals out of the market altogether. Provided that prices genuinely reflect a firm’s costs, it is fair competition. But if a firm deliberately sustains losses, financed by profits or resources from elsewhere (see notes on ant-competitive practices above), it is not legal and considered to be predatory pricing. Game Theory - the ‘Prisoner’s Dilemma’ A major decision for firms in oligopolistic markets is whether to collude or not. If all the conditions identified above (small number of firms, of similar size, limited product differentiation) a further important consideration is whether or not the firms concerned trust each other. If there is a high degree of trust, collusion is much more likely. This is demonstrated by the __‘prisoner’s dilemma’ __scenario, which is an example of game theory. Two prisoners are being held by police in separate cells. The police have enough evidence to convict both for a minor offence, but suspect both have been involved in a much more serious crime. The prisoners are offered a deal with the following possible outcomes: - A fine for a minor offence if both prisoners keep silent. - No punishment for one prisoner who confesses to the serious crime and informs on the other, but a life sentence for the other prisoner. - A two-year sentence for both prisoners if they both confess. Game theory suggests that if they trust each other they will both keep silent and just pay a fine. If there is little or no trust, the rational course of action for each prisoner is to confess and inform on the other, since the certainty of a two-year sentence (or just getting a fine) is preferable to the possibility of a life sentence. We can transfer this reasoning to the simple situation where there are two firms in a market. Each firm can either raise its price or leave it unchanged. If both raise prices, they will both be better off (more profit) than by leaving price unchanged. But if one raises price and the other doesn’t, the firm that raises price will make a loss, while the other firm makes even more profit than if both firms raised prices. The theory predicts that the outcome depends on the level of trust and opportunity to get together and collude. If they trust each other and can get together, they will both raise prices. Otherwise, the safe option is to leave price unchanged, to avoid the risk of making a loss. Governments can reduce the likelihood of collusion (and therefore higher prices for consumers) by increasing the risks for firms, in the form of very large fines, and/or imprisonment. ‘Whistle blowing’ is also encouraged by not prosecuting firms that inform the authorities; this will discourage collusion in the first place. Evaluation of Oligopoly Where there is collusion, it is likely that firms will earn abnormal profit and consumers may be exploited, as prices will be higher than in a market where the firms compete. It is also likely that price will be above marginal cost, if firms collude, so the market will not be allocatively efficient. If there is no collusion, and little or no product differentiation, firms are likely to produce at, or close to minimum long run average cost (ie at the minimum efficient scale). This means that the industry will be productively efficient. If there is collusion, there will be less incentive to reduce costs and less productive efficiency. Firms in oligopolistic markets may be dynamically efficient if they earn abnormal profit and face significant competition from rivals. They will have resources to invest in new products and technologies and have the incentive to inovate. - Explain why collusion amongst firms is more likely to occur amongst airlines operating on routes from Europe to North America, compared to hairdressers in a major city. - Your answer should include: number of firms / concentration / product differentiation / oligopoly / imperfect competition Where it is relatively easy to differentiate products, firms can compete on price and other elements of the marketing mix. The marketing mix comprises four elements that can be adjusted to create a competitive position in the market: - __Product __– the design of the good or service; its functions, appearance, quality, size, after sales service etc - __Promotion __– advertising and marketing, including the attempt to build up a powerful brand with a loyal following. A strong brand is a major source of power in the market. - __Place __- how the customer can buy the product; for instance on-line retailing has taken a large market share from traditional high street shops.
Origins and Influence - The Anglo-Saxon institutions are often considered to have formed the foundations of English constitutional law and the British political system. - The term refers to the system of laws, governance mechanisms, and social structures present in England prior to the Norman Conquest in 1066. - The Witan, or Witenagemot, were critical to the Anglo-Saxon institutional framework. They were essentially a council of nobles who advised the king. - While Witan had no explicit legislative power, the king rarely acted against their counsel. This is often seen as a precursor to the parliamentary system. Law and Local Government - Anglo-Saxon law constituted a distinctive system of jurisprudence with unique principles and mechanisms. - This period saw the birth of English common law, which was highly influential worldwide. - The duties and privileges of the Anglo-Saxon freemen held significant political implications and contributed to the development of local governance structures. - Anglo-Saxon England had well-defined local government units, such as the shire and the hundred, both of which played crucial roles while maintaining public order and administration. - The court system during this era was driven more by communal verdicts, and the institution of the jury has its roots in Anglo-Saxon practises. Church, Society, and Culture - The Anglo-Saxon Church was a profound social and cultural institution, significantly influencing governance. - The Church played a vital role because it was responsible for educating the elites, maintaining written records, and shaping mediaeval legislation and jurisprudence. - Anglo-Saxon societal norms and cultural practises also added to their institutional scheme. Their emphasis on an egalitarian society and customary laws are reflected in England’s later political systems. Transition and Legacy - Despite the Norman conquest, many Anglo-Saxon institutional elements were preserved and continued to evolve. - The idea of consent of the governed present in the Witan system can be traced through to the Magna Carta (1215), the 1689 Bill of Rights and into modern parliamentary democracy. - The Anglo-Saxon institutions have profoundly impacted the British political and legal landscape.
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How Do Businesses Measure Success? Success Quarterly is a tech and business blog that focuses on the intersection of Silicon Valley and Hollywood, including technology, business, mobile, entertainment, media, and related topics. What does it take to succeed in business? More than just having a successful career, it is defining what success means to you. Are you able to measure your personal success by how much money you make or how many followers you have on social media? If so, then you are not measuring your true success. You can be very rich with no sense of achievement or satisfaction. Having more toys doesn’t make you happy anymore, I’ll tell you that! Business owners who focus only on such external markers of success will find themselves struggling eventually. Why? Because they don’t know what makes them feel accomplished as people and professionals. Internal milestones like these are much better indicators of long term success. Here are some examples of internal business success metrics: \- Being known for your quality work and getting great reviews from customers \- Becoming known in your field through consistent excellence \- Achieving goals you've set for yourself These are all good things to look into when trying to determine if someone is doing well in their life or not. It's important to recognize that though external success may boost their self-confidence, internal ones are what really matter. Quality of product or service As we have seen, marketing is all about creating an impression with your audience. This includes creating content people are willing to read, posting pictures that appeal to your target market, and offering products they will want to purchase. But it also means knowing what customers expect from you and delivering beyond their expectations. You should be aware of how other companies perform similar services and whether they are better than yours! By comparing yourself against others, you can determine if there’s something about your business that makes it more successful than others. You may need to look at changing anything about your operation — staff, procedures, etc. Alternatively, you could find out why theirs seem to succeed where yours falter and fix whatever isn’t working for them. Either way, you’ll know when you’ve hit upon something that helps your business succeed. Willingness to try new things Being willing to try new things is one of the biggest traits successful people have. These individuals are constantly changing styles, strategies, and approaches to see what works best for them. They never feel like they’ve got it “figured out,” which is why there’s always a new thing going into place. By having an open mind, you’ll find yourself trying new types of products and services, exploring different areas of work, and looking at your current career from a whole new perspective. If you want to achieve success in business, start letting go of the habits that hold you back and giving more opportunities to other brands and companies.
Okay greeting cards are designed using hand-cut block prints. The original print is scanned, and then the cards are printed on a, heavyweight matte paper, adding to the look and feel of a block print. The cards are 5" x 7" and come with matching colored envelopes. Printed in USA on papers from responsibly managed forests. Inside: "Wishing you a wonderful life together.
Jet Lag Mask Our best-selling Jet Lag Mask is the intensely-hydrating multi-purpose hydrator that acts as a mask, moisturizer, eye cream, and hand cream — all in one. The community-favorite formula includes Niacinamide (a.k.a. vitamin B3) that helps reduce the appearance of fine lines and pores, works to brighten skin, and even tone and texture. It also contains Hyaluronic Acid and Glycerin to give your skin the hydration it needs, along with a plump and youthful glow. Put these all together with our Skin-Soothing Blend which includes Allantoin, Bisabolol, and Panthenol to soothe stressed skin and simultaneously pump it full of hydration. Formulated to be compatible with even the most sensitive skin types, Jet Lag Mask has received the National Eczema Association Seal of Acceptance™. Heavenly Sixteen All-In-One Face Oil You might be a little wary of introducing a face oil into your routine, especially if your skin is blemish-prone. Not to worry — Heavenly Sixteen is filled with a restorative blend of 16 non-comedogenic (non-pore-clogging), vegan oils to deeply condition, plump, and boost your skin's elasticity. It also contains omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins, and antioxidants to deliver an instant infusion of moisture and radiance for healthy-looking, glowing skin.
Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Summit County Sheriff's Office will wear specially designed pink patches to support Breast Cancer Awareness in October. The limited-edition patches will raise funds to support the Breast Cancer Fund at St. Anthony Summit Medical Center. Contact: Lt. Wanda Wilkerson, Public Information Officer, Summit County Sheriff's Office SUMMIT COUNTY, CO – The Summit County Sheriff's Office is proud to announce its participation in the Pink Patch Project during October, Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This collaboration is part of the Sheriff's Office commitment to raising awareness and supporting those affected by breast cancer. Breast Cancer Awareness Month is an annual international campaign aimed at increasing awareness about breast cancer, highlighting the importance of early detection, and supporting research efforts to find a cure. The Pink Patch Project is a nationwide initiative that brings together law enforcement agencies, including the Summit County Sheriff's Office, to promote breast cancer awareness and raise funds for breast cancer research and treatment. Throughout the month of October, members of the Summit County Sheriff's Office will proudly wear specially designed pink patches on their uniforms to show solidarity with those battling breast cancer and to remind the community about the importance of regular screenings and early detection. These pink patches will serve as a visual reminder of our dedication to the cause. In addition to wearing pink patches, the Summit County Sheriff's Office will be offering limited-edition pink patches to the public for a suggested donation of $15. The funds raised from patch sales will go towards supporting local care and patients’ needs through the Breast Cancer Fund at St. Anthony Summit Medical Center in Frisco, Colorado. Those interested in obtaining a pink patch should stop by the Sheriff’s Office, located at 501 N. Park Avenue in Breckenridge or mail a check or money order made payable to the Summit County Sheriff’s Office, Attention Pink Patch Project at P.O. Box 210, Breckenridge, CO 80424. By purchasing and proudly displaying these patches, community members can join our efforts in the fight against breast cancer. Sheriff Jaime FitzSimons expressed his enthusiasm for this initiative, stating, "Breast cancer affects millions of individuals and families across the world. As members of the law enforcement community, it's our duty to not only protect and serve but also to support important causes like breast cancer awareness. We are excited to be part of the Pink Patch Project and contribute to this essential cause." The Summit County Sheriff's Office encourages residents and businesses in the community to participate in Breast Cancer Awareness Month by displaying pink ribbons, organizing awareness events, and supporting local breast cancer charities. For more information about the Summit County Sheriff's Office's involvement in the Pink Patch Project, patch sales, or other Breast Cancer Awareness Month activities, please visit the Pink Patch website https://pinkpatchproject.com/. The Summit County Sheriff's Office is dedicated to serving and protecting the residents of Summit County. Committed to community engagement and fostering a safe environment, our agency actively participates in various initiatives and outreach programs.
- Range: 63A ~ 1800A - Pole: 4 Pole SunLord introduces On Load By Pass Switches having modular construction to offer a truly global product platform.These changeover switches are used to control & disconnect any kind of circuit-disconnection feeders both resistive & inductive loads.Individual phase barrier can be incorporated without tools, between two terminals. They are designed according to customer’s demand and present day complex requirement of electrical systems. We unveil our by pass switches which are designed to meet the complex requirements of electrical systems of today and tomorrow ensuring reliability which can offer un-interrupted service throughout the product life undergoing all the stresses that system encounters. They can be easily maintained as each pole can be replaced easily due to modular construction, saving cost of entire Switch in case of single pole being burnt or damaged. - Operated manually with single handle comfortably - Convenience of easy contacts visibility - Permits contact inspection, without removing the switch from installation, thus saving down time - Compact construction - Window for visual contact inspection - Suitable for capacitor switching and as a Main switch Handle with in-built padlockable facility in-off position
Direct Contact Opportunities Please know that individual direct contact (one on one) is reserved for individuals who have been associated with Sunnybrook in a group volunteer role for 6+ months. After the initial 6 month period, the following options will involve working face-to-face with residents and helping them directly. - Educate residents about your vocation: Some residents have interests in specific job fields and can benefit from learning about the field and being inspired to potentially pursue it. - Mentor individual residents or house of residents: One-on-one relationships are very beneficial to our residents' growth and development. This opportunity requires a time commitment from volunteers to ensure residents' trust. - Employ residents: Several residents are job-ready for first-time employment or entry-level positions. Our desire is that these potential employers have values that align with Sunnybrook's mission. - Share personal stories of success and struggles in your transitional years: Powerful testimonies are welcome. Please keep in mind that our residents may have faced trauma and/or neglect in their past, and it's important to remain sensitive to their situation. Our team can discuss best ways to share this form of encouragement. - Tutor a resident: Tutoring opportunities are available weekly from 3:45-5:00 p.m. Specifically, residents need help with GED prep, ACT prep, High School Science, Math, English, and Social Studies. - Teach a skill or activity: Sunnybrook has a course catalog available for your viewing. We are looking for instructors to come facilitate life-skills courses on weekends. - Connect residents to other community partners for internships or employment: Any support you can give by networking on our residents' behalf or spreading the word about our Transitional Living Program is appreciated. - Serve with residents during community service projects on or off campus: Residents benefit greatly from serving alongside other individuals helping in the community. - Lead or participate in summer courses: The following courses are being offered at Sunnybrook this summer: Worldview, Focus Group, Book Club, and Driver’s Ed. We welcome volunteers to pick a day to teach or to sit in on a class and participate in discussions. The following options do not involve being face-to-face with residents, but they are critically valuable in helping the organization better meet the needs of the residents on campus. Volunteers may work individually or as a group to support Sunnybrook residents and may start immediately upon the completion of a background check. - Connect us to other associates that would support the Transitional Living Program: Any support you can give by networking on our residents' behalf or spreading the word about our Transitional Living Program is appreciated. Our team can provide speakers and a short video for events. - Sponsor a resident financially: There are several ways to donate directly to support current residents. Please contact us for more information. - Participate as a sponsor: Annual event sponsorship opportunities are available, including our Champions event, typically hosted each Fall. Sponsors receive benefits for helping support our mission, as we want to shine a light on partners who positively change lives here! - Direct your Mississippi state taxes to Sunnybrook through The Children’s Promise Act: The State of Mississippi now offers a tax credit for donations made to Qualified Charitable Organizations. Businesses will receive a tax credit of up to 50%, and households receive a dollar-for-dollar tax credit up to $500 (individuals) or $1,000 (joint return). www.sunnybrookMS.org - Complete a traditional service project: On-campus work projects exist year-round. Examples include painting, raking leaves, planting flowers, organizing study spaces, and more. - Hold a collection drive: Sunnybrook is always in need of specific items to support our residents and operations on campus. Please contact us for a list of our ongoing and current needs for office drives, school drives, or collections with your immediate family while you pick up your own groceries. - Sell or donate a vehicle to a resident: Through on and off campus jobs, residents save up money to qualify for a matching car grant. When they become eligible for the grant, they are tasked with finding an affordable used car in good condition. - Share what God is doing here with personal friends or contacts: Please consider sharing Sunnybrook's mission and the work God is doing in our residents' lives with your personal contacts. Sunnybrook is active on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, and our posts are able to be shared with your community. God connects paths in surprising ways, and we appreciate your help.
Specialised training was involved in how to react to the sight of large reptilian type aliens beings. Plans and agreements had to be drawn up because our moon was already occupied. Now with bases on the planet Mars, there are new challenges. Incredible disclosure on a space program far beyond secret! This channel is managed by Zohar Entertainment Group UK, Zohar Entertainment Group International Inc, USA and AdRev, USA.
This section is where you can create set templates for processes that can be used over and over again for Job Roles and Positions that are regularly recruited for. Once a template has been created, it is saved on your system to use in the future where information from the template will help populate many of the fields in a new Onboardee record. Please note that you will still be able to alter and customise the Onboardee’s process after selecting a template. Adding an Onboard Template The Onboard Template section is accessible from the menu on the left hand side. If you cannot see the option please use the switch icon at the top to select the Company you want to add a template for. Click Add onboard template on the right-hand side of the screen. Account Level Templates If you are a System Admin you will be able to create this template at Account Level making it available to multiple companies within one account. To create an Account Level template select Yes in the pop up box that appears. Add a Name and Description for the template and then click on the Companies tab. In here you can select all the Companies that you want to have access to that template. Please note that the template will only be able to use Documents, Forms, Reading Items and Courses that are available to all the Companies that have been selected. Add Companies by double clicking them or using the or buttons before creating the rest of the template. Creating a Template You will see a number of tabs across the top for information to be added to the template. The fields pull through to the merge fields on the Contract, Offer Letters, Signed Documents and email templates. Unlike “adding an onboardee” all fields are optional when setting up a template. In this section you can start to build information about the offer. In the Offer Template section you will be able to add an Offer Letter from the Document Library. The drop down list here will show all Offer Letters available for this template. If nothing shows in this list please check that you have Offer Letters set up for the relevant Companies. You can complete any other relevant information here and these fields are available to merge into Documents, Forms and email templates. Salary and Benefits In this section you can add other relevant information for the Offer and Contract, these fields are available to merge into Documents, Forms and email templates. In this section you can add Forms that you want the Onboardee to complete as part of their process that are available for this template. Simply double click or use the arrow buttons and to add Forms. In this section you can add other documents that you want the Onboardee to upload or complete as part of their process that are available for this template. Simply double click or use the arrow buttons and to add Documents. The key at the bottom will help differentiate documents. In this section you can add Tasks that you want to be completed as part of the Onboardee process by internal users that are available for this template. Simply double click or use the arrow buttons and to add Tasks. The key at the bottom will help differentiate Tasks. Reading and Courses In this section you can add Reading Items and Courses that you want the Onboardee to read or sign up to that are available for this template. There is a box for Reading Items and a separate box for Courses. Simply double click or use the arrow buttons and to add them. The key at the bottom will help differentiate.
IR Lights and How They Function Your camera is equipped with a total of 6 infrared lights (IRs) which provide night vision up to a distance of 328ft. The number of IRs visible on the front of the camera will be dependent on the amount light that is recognized by the image of the camera. For instance, by default, the camera will have 2 IRs illuminated, this is because the camera's zoom function is set at its default position and the amount of light being detected by the camera is less than what is required for the additional IR lights to illuminate. If the camera is zoomed in further on an object the amount of IRs will increase based upon the amount of light the camera is detecting at that exact moment. At its furthest distance, the camera will display a maximum of 6 IR lights to compensate for the amount of light, or lack thereof, that is being detected by the camera's IR sensors. This is an algorithm that is built into the camera which allows for more efficient night time operation. The function cannot be enabled or disabled by the user unless night vision is manually turned off completely in the web user interface or via the Amcrest View Pro app directly. For more information on how to turn night vision off please click here.
Indicator prices vary based on complexity and other factors. You can find the current prices for our indicators in our Base Camp Trading Store. Many of the indicators in the store include an overview video that can give a better idea of what the indicator provides. Each indicator description also lists which platforms the indicator is currently available for. If you can't find an item in the store, contact our support team for assistance at firstname.lastname@example.org. If you're interested in purchasing more than one indicator, you can contact our support team at email@example.com to see if a bundled price can be applied. They can also help you with any questions you may have about the indicator. Questions about indicators can also be asked in the Live Trading Room, where the instructor can often demonstrate the use of the indicator, and talk about how it helps their trading. Let us know how we can help answer any questions you have about these important tools that we use in our own trading.
In Print Reports, the Standard section can generate premade report styles. - Check the boxes for the items you want to include in the report: - Standard bill or material: Current Article View with default View Settings - Floor Plan: Overall 2D drawing view - Perspective: Overall 3D drawing view; uses current camera angle in 3D view - Check the Print border box if you want an outline around your drawing views. The Frame style can also be changed: - For the Floor Plan, select a precise Scale, or check Fitted to have the drawing automatically scaled to fit on the page. Set a margin to create space between the edge of the page or frame and your drawing area. - Select what Views Mode you desire for the Floor Plan (i.e. Normal, Panels, Architectural, etc.). - Select the printer and paper size. (A) - To print the plan in black & white, select the Page Setup button to the right of the paper size. - Check Black and White (fax). (B) - To print on the page horizontally, check Landscape. - Check Create an Adobe PDF document if you want to print to PDF. (C) - Once you have everything set, proceed with Preview or Print (D). The project name, sold-to, and distributor information is set in the Project Data dialog. To change the logo found in the bottom left of your Floor Plan and Perspective, and the top right of your Article View, Go to the Document Contents section and browse for a new Logotype:
The Client Feedback feature on the FitGrid Pro App allows you to see exactly what your clients are thinking with regards to your teaching style and classes. Review anonymous feedback and comments to see what is working well in your classes and what you could improve upon. This article will explore all the elements within Client Feedback. 2. Getting Started This feature is only available to instructors who have been enabled to use it by their studio admin. Once enabled, the feature will be added to the Home tab of your FitGrid Pro app. To start reviewing your messages, click the Client Feedback:__ new messages button. Here you will find a list of all the new feedback messages from the time your studio admin enabled the feature. Click the message that you would like to view. Then click anywhere outside of the message to exit. The message will be marked as read, and will be removed from the list of new messages after you exit out. To view read messages, click the “Show already read” button in the top right corner. 3. Frequently Asked Questions Q: What are Client Feedback Surveys? A: One of FitGrid’s features, Client Feedback Surveys, gives your clients the opportunity to review your teaching style and provide direct feedback on their class experience , giving you the advantage of deeper insight into your community. Unlike other survey programs, FitGrid Client Feedback Surveys give you and your studio admin feedback directly from clients in your class. This helps you to better understand what your clients really love about your classes as well as provide you with constructive advice to help further improve their experience. Q: How often are clients sent requests for reviews? A: Clients will be emailed a survey after class every 3 months, inviting them to leave real-time feedback. For example, if a client takes your class 3 days in a row, he or she will only receive a survey after the first class, but if a client takes classes from you and another instructor in one week, then he or she will receive two different surveys. Clients will never receive more than one survey in a 3 month span, per instructor. Q: What do owners and managers see? A: FitGrid admins have direct access to view client feedback and client profiles. Q: What do instructors see? A: You will receive anonymous client feedback directly through your FitGrid Pro App.
A watermark can display a viewer’s name, email address, custom text of your choosing, your logo, or any combination of these watermark types. In this article, we’ll show you how to create a reusable watermark template to apply to your titles. Note that creating watermark templates is limited to Administrators; neither Content Managers or Publicists can create watermark templates. Create a New Watermark Template As an Administrator, you can create a new watermark template for you and your team to apply to titles. First, select Watermarks from the menu on the left. |The Watermarks button is not visible to Content Managers or Publicists. This opens the watermark template builder. Under the preview window, click the Add Mark button to add a new watermark to the template; by default, this watermark will display the viewer’s email address. Click Remove Mark to remove a selected watermark from the template. With a watermark selected, you can adjust its settings in the right-side panel. Under the Field Type menu, select the type of watermark you want: - Custom text - The viewer’s email address - The viewer’s name - An image Whichever watermark type you choose, simply click and drag the watermark to change its position on the screen. To add another watermark to the template, just click Add Mark again, move the watermark to the desired spot, and change its type as needed. If you select a Custom Text watermark, a text field will appear in the right-side panel. Here, you can enter any custom text you want to display, such as “Property of My Network.” If you select Image, an upload window appears on the right. Be sure to upload an image file in PNG format. The file size cannot exceed 5MB, and we recommend image dimensions of 300 x 400px. Transparency should be set in the file itself, since image transparency cannot be adjusted in the template builder. Once you upload an image, click the image icon to choose a different image or the trash-can icon to remove the image. Note that a single template can contain up to three image watermarks. You can adjust the color, size, or opacity of a text watermark (name, email, or custom text) by selecting the watermark and changing its settings on the right side of the template builder. Under Text Align, you can set a watermark’s position relative to the “X” button above the watermark itself. For example, clicking “Center” will center the watermark directly below its “X.” By default, a new watermark is left-aligned. When you’re done customizing your watermark, click the green Save Template button in the bottom right. On the next screen, you’ll enter a title for this template. A title is required, and a description is optional. Both of these fields are for your internal reference only and are not displayed to your audience. Below the description, you can turn on the toggle to enable forensic watermarking. Lastly, click Create Template. You’re now ready to apply the new watermark template to your titles. Update a Watermark Template To make changes to an existing watermark template, start by selecting Watermarks from the main menu on the left. This button is not visible to Content Managers or Publicists; only Administrators can create and edit watermark templates. Go to the top left corner and select Show Templates. Now, select a template from the list of templates, and make any desired changes to the visible watermarks. When you’re done, click the Save Template button in the bottom right. On the next page, you can update the name and description of the template and enable or disable forensic watermarking. Click Update Template to finish saving your changes. The changes will be automatically applied to any title that is currently using that template. Note that you cannot delete a watermark template, since the template might be in use by one or more titles in your network. Add Forensic Watermarking to a Template When you create or update a template as outlined above, you’ll land on a page with the template’s title and description. To enable forensic watermarking, turn on the toggle below the description field. When you’re done, click either the Create Template or Update Template button in the bottom right. |If you’d like to learn more about forensic watermarking, please see Secure Your Content with Forensic Watermarking. When choosing a title’s settings, a checkmark below the template preview window will confirm if the selected template includes forensic watermarking.
This KB explains the Current RTI Downloads section and Downloaded Lists section in RTI Connect. When you go to SEVIS Admin and click the RTI button, you are brought to a dashboard. Current RTI Downloads The Current RTI Downloads section is where you can monitor your active reports that are currently downloading from SEVIS RTI into Terra Dotta. Clicking on the first link under the header will allow you to check the progress of any current active downloads. The second link will indicate which reports, if any, are actively downloading at the present time. The Downloaded Lists section of the RTI Connect dashboard locally maintains stored reports that are indexed by campus or program type on the dropdown menu. You may sort the lists by download date, full/partial/alert, Sorted by and Sort Order and (number of) Records Downloaded (these refer to partial lists downloaded from SEVIS), and the initials of the advisor who was logged in to SEVIS to complete the list download. Then, click on a list link to open and view the data. From the opened report you can also compare and update data. See the KB SEVIS Admin: RTI Connect Actions > Selecting and Downloading Data > Student and EV Lists for further information.
Button to edit recurring task isntead of annoying popup Please add a button to edit series instead to ask it every time a task from a series is edited, it is very annoying. Kuidas te hindaksite meie klienditeenindust? Satisfaction mark by Juan José Blasco Burguillos 8 aastat tagasi Add a comment about quality of support you received (optional):
- Hi-absorb is a heavyweight microfibre cloth made from a knitted blend of polyester and polyamide yarns, which are coated with polyurethane (PUR) to give it a soft and strong chamois-like feel. - This means the fabric is effective at surface cleaning and is especially suited to high gloss surfaces requiring a streak-free finish such as mirrors. - Highly absorbent, long lasting and washable at 40° - Size – 35 x 38 cm - Colour – Blue
Pulex Rubber 36″ Soft 10 pack The professional’s No.1 choice! The edge of the rubber is the key to success. Genuine Pulex rubber is used for its grip and adherence for a streak-free finish. Laser tested throughout manufacture. Cut-to-length finest quality hard or soft compound moulded rubber replacement squeegee blade, ready to use.
Summer is long not over yet at Surfivor! Are you having an amazing summer? Well, if that is not the case, then get in touch with us, because summer isn’t over yet at Surfivor. Last places available in September to still catch the wave of your summer. Enjoy a fantastic Surf Camp holiday in northern Portugal. Surf, Sunsets, Beach, Beer & BBQ – This most of all describes our way of life! Book a Surf Camp week at Surfivorcamp. PRICES IN OCTOBER €540 private single €400 shared double €470 shared double ensuite €365 mixed dorms PRICES IN SEPTEMBER €640 private single €500 shared double €570 shared double ensuite €400 mixed dorms
Aloha! I am Sabine For a great part of my life I often felt lonely. I thought nobody understood the many feelings I experienced. I felt "different", often not fitting in. These feelings and life events such as getting "Lyme disease" showed me the way to Gestalt therapy and (energetic) bodywork. When I consciously started with my self-development in 2011, I slowly started to understand that beliefs from the past, often learned in interaction with my environment, were getting in the way (and still get sometimes) to live from authenticity. I now work as a: - Gestalt professional therapist / coach / counselor - Energetic & body worker (Qure, breath work / psoas releasing work etc.) - Masseuse (Holistic Pulsing) I have experience with, and specialize in (emotional) themes such as: - High sensitivity - Fear or Missing Out - Fear of bandonment - Fear of attachment High sensitivity became a strength After some years of personal development I made my sensitivity (which always bothered me so much) a strength. Fourteen years after my mom's death I finally managed to face the pain of her loss. I started going through the grieving process. Slowly I gained trust, self-confidence and the believe that life could actually be nice to live. This new strength and my passion for people are the reasons I started Studio Liefde in 2014. Studio Liefde is a practice for holistic psychotherapy and bodywork and is based in The Hague, The Netherlands. In my practice I see clients and I also facilitate online sessions. It is exciting and a lot of fun to work for my own company. I now feel equally excited about mixing the methods I learnt with my passion for surfing. The satisfaction it gives when someone benefits from a session or a therapy process (see testimonials) always fills me with love. No wonder my studio is called Studio Liefde (love in Dutch). And then suddenly there was Surf Therapy And as shared before, surfing has now found its way into the therapy. The reason why? I started surfing at the age of eighteen, a year before my mother died of cancer. Surfing brought me to the here and now on days of mourning and extreme sadness. My confidence also grew because of the contact I had with the sea. Ten years after my mother's death, I founded Soul Surfers Foundation to support projects that motivate children to go to school, develop business skills, or overcome trauma. In retrospect ironic, because three years after founding Soul Surfers I found myself face to face with the trauma of her loss. At that time surfing alone as a therapy proved to be no longer enough. After fourteen years of postponed grieving I had no other choice than to mourn. I needed to reconnect with the many feelings and emotions related to her death, such as anger, sadness, loneliness. My life changed completely. Symptoms such as worry, high sensitivity, ADD, Fear Of Missing Out and acting out (all caused by inner 'dis-ease' and the avoidance of pain) faded over the years of healing into the background or even disappeared completely. From my own experience and with the support of surfing and the holistic methods I use, I make sure that I keep my body and mind healthy. By experiencing life, learning from it and working with it I can now guide you on your path to a vital body and healthy mind! And I love doing it with some sexy, cool, awesome surf in the mix! I am really ‘stoked’ to meet you during one of our retreats. And if you are not sure yet, you can always join a Fluro Friday in The Hague between April and September or on a beach near you! Let's change the world and our worlds one wave at a time! Training and courses followed Dutch Gestalt Foundation 2014 - 2018: 4-year training as a Gestalt professional therapist Touch of Matrix 2015: Basic course & inspiration day Qure Energetic Connections 2015: Completion of energetic training Full Body de-armouring The Gaia Method 2018: 4-day training de-armouring The Sacred Journey Annual training March 2019 - present: Trauma realease bodywork training In addition, I did refresher courses in the field of depression, body & mind language, abuse and much more!
To understand more about the Avduramani surname is to know more about the people whom probably share common origins and ancestors. That is amongst the explanations why it is normal that the Avduramani surname is more represented in one single or higher countries of this globe than in others. Right Here you can find down by which countries of the entire world there are many more people with the surname Avduramani. Globalization has meant that surnames distribute far beyond their country of origin, so that it is achievable to find African surnames in Europe or Indian surnames in Oceania. Similar takes place in the case of Avduramani, which as you're able to corroborate, it can be said that it is a surname that can be present in a lot of the nations of the globe. In the same way you will find nations in which certainly the thickness of individuals with all the surname Avduramani is greater than in other countries. The likelihood of examining for a world map about which nations hold more Avduramani on the planet, assists us a lot. By placing ourselves on the map, on a concrete country, we can see the concrete number of people with all the surname Avduramani, to have this way the precise information of the many Avduramani that you could presently get in that country. All this also helps us to comprehend not only where the surname Avduramani comes from, but also in excatly what way the people who're initially area of the family members that bears the surname Avduramani have moved and relocated. Just as, you are able to see in which places they have settled and developed, which is the reason why if Avduramani is our surname, this indicates interesting to which other nations of this globe it is possible that one of our ancestors once relocated to. If you look at it very carefully, at apellidos.de we supply all you need to be able to have the actual information of which nations have the highest number of individuals with all the surname Avduramani in the whole world. Moreover, you can see them really visual way on our map, in which the countries aided by the highest number of individuals using the surname Avduramani is visible painted in a stronger tone. In this manner, and with a single look, you can easily locate in which countries Avduramani is a common surname, plus in which countries Avduramani is an unusual or non-existent surname. Over time, the surname Avduramani has undergone some changes in its spelling or pronunciation. Discerning whether the surname Avduramani or any of the surnames similar to Avduramani came first is not always easy. There are many reasons that could have led to the surname Avduramani being written or pronounced differently, giving rise to a new, different surname Avduramani with a common root.
The latest meme created by JWR: To share this, you can find it here: https://kapwi.ng/c/T0on8u2d Will He Be the Fox in Charge of the Hen House? “Many see putting a committed gun control proponent, like David Chipman, in charge of ATF… is like putting Antifa in charge of the Portland police department.” – Senator Chuck Grassley Related News Links: Note From JWR: Please phone and e-mail both of your state’s U.S. Senators and urge them to vote down this horrible nominee!
After spending over a decade bringing Bertie: The Best Stuttering King to life, Susan sent a copy of the book to Queen Elizabeth II. She hoped the esteemed monarch would take joy from a book written about her dear father. In June 2022, Susan was thrilled to receive an actual reply from Windsor Castle, dictated by the queen herself. (Image below!) What a joy it is to share the history of King George VII with new generations.
Where can i buy clenbuterol australia. Buy Clenbuterol in Australia: Top Places to Get Your Hands on This Performance-Boosting Supplement Looking to buy clenbuterol in Australia? Look no further than our comprehensive guide that covers everything you need to know about this powerful weight loss supplement. Our guide includes detailed information on the benefits of clenbuterol, its uses, dosages, and potential side effects. We also provide tips on where to find the best clenbuterol deals and how to ensure you’re buying a safe and high-quality product. If you’re serious about achieving your fitness goals and want to try clenbuterol, our guide is a must-read. It will help you make an informed decision and get the most out of your clenbuterol experience. Clenbuterol effect on running. The Impact of Clenbuterol on Running Performance: Exploring its Benefits and Risks Athletes today are constantly seeking new ways to improve their performance, and one controversial method that has garnered attention in recent years is the use of Clenbuterol. This substance, originally designed as a medication for asthma and respiratory illnesses, is now used by some to increase athletic performance. But what exactly is Clenbuterol, and how does it impact running performance? Clenbuterol is a beta-2 agonist, which means it stimulates the beta-2 receptors in the body. This leads to an increase in heart rate and metabolism, which can result in increased energy and endurance during physical activity. However, the use of Clenbuterol is banned by most sporting organizations and is considered a performance-enhancing drug. Despite this, some athletes continue to use it in secret, leading to questions about its effectiveness and safety. In this article, we will explore the impact of Clenbuterol on running performance and the potential risks associated with its use. So, does Clenbuterol really improve running performance? While some studies have indicated a potential increase in endurance and energy, the overall scientific consensus is that the benefits are not significant enough to justify the risks. In fact, the use of Clenbuterol can lead to negative side effects such as palpitations, anxiety, and muscle tremors. The risk of developing long-term health problems also cannot be ignored. As such, it is important for athletes to carefully consider the potential consequences before turning to Clenbuterol as a means of improving their running performance. How does Clenbuterol improve running performance? Clenbuterol can improve running performance by several mechanisms. It increases the body’s metabolic rate, which leads to an increase in energy expenditure and fat burning. It also increases oxygen delivery to the muscles and dilates the airways, which can improve endurance and reduce fatigue. Additionally, Clenbuterol can enhance the activity of certain enzymes involved in energy production, leading to improved performance. What are the potential side effects of Clenbuterol? Common side effects of Clenbuterol include tremors, anxiety, sweating, insomnia, and increased heart rate. More serious side effects may include chest pain, heart palpitations, and shortness of breath. It is important to follow dosage instructions carefully and to be aware of any unusual symptoms while taking the drug. How does Clenbuterol work to help burn fat? Clenbuterol is a stimulant that works by binding to beta-2 receptors in the body, which in turn increases the body’s metabolic rate and thermogenesis (body heat). This leads to an increase in fat-burning and weight loss. It also has a muscle-sparing effect, which means it can help preserve lean muscle mass while reducing body fat. Is Clenbuterol legal in Australia? Technically, Clenbuterol is not approved for human consumption in Australia and is considered a banned substance by the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority. However, it is legal to import for personal use with a valid prescription from a licensed doctor. Is Clenbuterol legal for use in sports? No, Clenbuterol is not legal for use in sports. It is classified as a banned substance by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) and other sports organizations due to its performance-enhancing effects. Athletes caught using Clenbuterol can face suspension and other penalties. Get to Know Clenbuterol: Benefits, Side Effects, and More. Where can i buy clenbuterol australia The Benefits of Clenbuterol. Clenbuterol effect on running Clenbuterol is a powerful stimulant that can help you reach your weight loss goals. This is because it increases your body’s metabolic rate, which means you burn more calories even when resting. But Clenbuterol isn’t just for weight loss. Athletes also use it to improve their performance. Clenbuterol can increase oxygen levels in your body, making it easier to work out for longer periods without getting tired. It can also enhance muscle growth and strength. The Side Effects of Clenbuterol. Best clenbuterol cycle While Clenbuterol has many benefits, it can also have some negative side effects. The most common side effect is shakiness or tremors, but other side effects can include headaches, nausea, and insomnia. In some cases, Clenbuterol can also cause heart palpitations or high blood pressure. It’s important to use Clenbuterol responsibly and under the guidance of a medical professional. How to Get Clenbuterol. Buy clenbuterol uk If you’re interested in using Clenbuterol, it’s important to find a safe and reliable source. You can buy Clenbuterol online from reputable suppliers, like us! Our Clenbuterol is high-quality and affordable, with fast and discreet shipping. We pride ourselves on our excellent customer service and are here to help you reach your weight loss and performance goals. - High-quality Clenbuterol - Affordable prices - Fast and discreet shipping - Excellent customer service Order now and start your journey to a healthier, stronger you! The Advantages of Using Clenbuterol. Can spironolactone and clenbuterol taken at the sa Clenbuterol: a widely used supplement that can help you achieve your fitness goals. Here are some of its benefits: - Increased metabolic rate: Clenbuterol stimulates the body’s thermogenic process, leading to an increase in metabolic rate that results in enhanced fat burning and weight loss. - Improved athletic performance: Clenbuterol’s ability to boost oxygen transportation and increase energy levels can help you train harder and longer, thereby improving your athletic performance. - Muscle preservation: Clenbuterol is known to have an anticatabolic effect, which means it can help prevent muscle breakdown while helping you lose weight. - Appetite suppression: Clenbuterol has been shown to have appetite-suppressing effects, which can be particularly helpful when you’re trying to stick to a calorie-restrictive diet. - Bronchodilation: Clenbuterol is also used in medical applications to relieve bronchial asthma and other breathing disorders. It acts as a bronchodilator, which can help improve breathing function. Overall, Clenbuterol can be an effective aid in achieving your fitness goals. However, it’s important to use it responsibly and consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen. Effortless Steps to Purchase Clenbuterol in Australia. How much weight do you lose using clenbuterol Looking for a reliable source to purchase Clenbuterol in Australia? Look no further! We provide a hassle-free process to buy Clenbuterol while ensuring high-quality products and prompt delivery. Choose Your Product. Clenbuterol and cytomel for sale Browse through our wide range of Clenbuterol products and choose the one that best fits your needs. We offer a variety of options for both beginners and advanced users. Place Your Order. Clenbuterol avis musculation Once you have chosen your product, simply add it to your cart and proceed to the checkout. Fill in your details and make the payment using one of our secure options. Receive Your Order. Clenbuterol tablets price in pakistan We offer prompt and reliable delivery throughout Australia. Your order will be dispatched within 24 hours and delivered straight to your doorstep. Enjoy the Benefits. Clenbuterol raw powder Clenbuterol is a popular supplement used by athletes and fitness enthusiasts for its fat-burning and muscle-building properties. Enjoy the benefits of this supplement and achieve your fitness goals with ease. Contact Us. Clenbuterol dangers Our friendly customer service team is available 24/7 to assist you with any queries you may have. Contact us via email or phone and we will be happy to help. The Potential Health Risks and Side Effects of Clenbuterol Use. Us peptides clenbuterol Clenbuterol, commonly known as “Clen,” is often used as a weight loss supplement and a performance enhancer among professional athletes and bodybuilders. However, the misuse and abuse of this drug can have serious health consequences. - Cardiovascular Effects: Clenbuterol use can lead to an abnormal heart rhythm, high blood pressure, and an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. - Central Nervous System Effects: Clenbuterol can cause nervousness, increased alertness, and insomnia. Chronic use can cause tremors, seizures, and even psychological dependence. - Metabolic Effects: While Clenbuterol can enhance fat burning and promote weight loss, it can also cause metabolic disturbances and disrupt the body’s natural hormonal balance. - Other Adverse Effects: Clenbuterol use can also lead to muscle cramps, headaches, dry mouth, and sweating. It is important to note that while Clenbuterol is not approved for human use in Australia, some individuals still obtain this drug through illegal means. If you are considering using Clenbuterol, it is essential to weigh the risks versus the benefits and to consult with a healthcare professional before use. Reviews. Clenbuterol effect on running Great guide for anyone looking to buy Clenbuterol in Australia. It’s concise and to the point, giving all the necessary information without any fluff. Highly recommend! This guide was a real game changer for me. I was nervous about buying Clenbuterol in Australia because I didn’t know where to start, but this guide made it easy. It covers everything from legalities to finding a reputable seller, and even includes dosage recommendations. I feel confident and informed now, thanks to this guide! As someone who was considering purchasing Clenbuterol in Australia, I found this guide to be an invaluable resource. It’s clear, detailed, and covers all the important aspects of buying and using this product safely. What I appreciated most about it was the way it breaks down the legalities of purchasing and using Clenbuterol, as well as information on common side effects and how to manage them. The guide also provides tips on how to find a reputable seller and includes dosage recommendations tailored to individual needs. Overall, I would highly recommend this guide to anyone considering buying Clenbuterol in Australia. It’s a comprehensive and user-friendly resource that will help you make informed decisions about your purchase. Popular articles: Clenbuterol depression, https://thekindnessapp.com/groups/clenbuterol-gel-comprar-stacking-clenbuterol-oxandrolone/, askmarket.ru/2023/07/14/dosis-clenbuterol-para-quemar-grasa-will-clenbuterol-show-up-on-a-probation-drug-test/
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It has been a while since we've spotted Chitrangada Singh on the style circuit but she more than made up for it once she stepped back in with one of her recent looks. For a party, the Bollywood actress wore a striking dress with a yellow bodice, black straps and a tulle bottom with an abstract design over it. Keeping it simple, she paired the outfit with minimal makeup and grey pumps. With a unique pattern that blended watercolour with floral, her dress was nothing short of a masterpiece. It's also a refreshing step aside from the regular prints that are always seen. So if you'd like to dress outside the box with abstract prints like Chitrangada, get these 4 picks. (Also Read: Bored Of Stripes? Try These 9 Prints Instead) The Disrupt Red T-shirt Dress comes in a comfy t-shirt style with prints in black and burgundy, which is pretty without being over-the-top. Throw on sneakers and a backpack for good measure. It is available for Rs 747 from Rs 1099. Shop here. You can get a more traditional printed flair with the Saadgi Multicoloured Maxi Dress. With puff sleeves, an elasticated bodice and bold prints in orange, red and blue, it'll need no accessories to do the talking. It is available for Rs 899 from Rs 1998. Shop here. Go abstract with a dainty touch when you pick the Goswankyy A-line Dress. Along with frilly pink sleeves, its digital prints in khaki and black really give it an edge. It is available for Rs 1156 from Rs 1999. Shop here. For a more formal occasion, you might like the Harpa Maxi Dress. The green flouncy beauty has prints in black and pink and will look fantastic for a cocktail party. It is available for Rs 1500 from Rs 2499. Shop here. Will you be ditching your prints in favour of abstract ones like Chitrangada? Tell us in the comments.
Biblical Parenting Resources for Gospel-Driven Families Before we get into the biblical parenting resources guide, we want to recommend our 12-day Colossians Bible study: The Preeminence of Christ. It’s the quickest way to start a daily Bible reading habit and learn how to get more out of God’s Word. Colossians is a short and powerful letter by Paul, because it’s all about Jesus and his authority over all things (including parenting). The Preeminence of Christ study will teach you how to read the Bible and apply it more faithfully to your daily life. The Preeminence of Christ 12-Day Bible Study This Bible study will help you set a steady pace to study the book of Colossians over 12 days. Each section highlights a particular passage, provides background context and helps the reader examine what God is saying. Then, it finishes with a few questions to guide your personal application. Snowbird Wilderness Outfitters exists to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the exposition of Scripture and personal relationships in order to equip the Church to impact this generation. Let’s get into the resources guide on biblical parenting… The Goal of Biblical Parenting What is the goal of biblical parenting? Raising well-behaved kids who contribute positively to society, or are simply well-prepared for life, are great places to start—but they fall short of Scripture’s foundational calling. The goal of Gospel-centered parenting is to lay the groundwork for future generations to put their hope in Christ. Biblical parenting is a daily mission to show our children the beautiful picture of God and his attributes. Point your kids to the works and glory of our Lord. Help them understand how and why to place their trust in Him alone. Our hope for a godly legacy of generations devoted to the Lord lies in Christ alone, by grace alone. Parenting is difficult, but it is eternally rewarding. Let’s pray for our kids continually, and trust the Lord to guide us and them. Principles of Biblical Parenting - The Grace of the Lord in Parenting – We will get some things right and some wrong. We must rely entirely on the grace of the Lord. Here are some reflections from Brody Holloway on what he wishes he had known before his kids started leaving home. - How to Parent Your Kids With Grace – What does it mean to be a Gospel-centered parent? Here are four plumblines to help you focus on what really matters. - The Fatherhood of God in 3 Stages of Biblical Parenting – We learn from secular psychology that there are three general stages of parenting over the course of a child’s development. Here’s how to follow the model of God’s fatherhood through each of the three: Cop, Coach, and Counselor. - Navigating the Teen Years of Parenting – How to parent your teens by example, according to Ephesians 6 (without provoking them). - Parenting & Discipleship in the Early Years – Here are some practical tips on discipleship and godly discipline within the home when in the early phases of parenting. By God’s grace, you are shaping an eternal soul and teaching them about the Lord. Don’t let past failures hold you back. - How to Pray for Your Kids (Consistently) – The simple truth is that most of us struggle to pray consistently. Here’s some encouraging instruction from the Apostle Paul on how to pray for your children. - Family Worship & Discipleship – Practical wisdom (and personal stories) to guide your family discipleship and worship time, without overcomplicating things. - Parenting Your Children to Be Disciples – We’re called to disciple and shepherd our kids. Here’s what that looks like on a daily basis. - A Parent’s Role in Their Child’s Faith – Brody Holloway shares the story of his youngest son’s salvation and gives a few helpful thoughts on how to faithfully guide your kids through conversations about their personal faith. - Parenting on Mission – The core of biblical parenting is an unshakeable focus to proclaim the glory of God to those around us. Hank Parker Jr. shares how to raise kids who embrace this mission and impact the culture for the glory of God (as a family). - Personal Bible Study & Family Discipleship – The only way to lead well in your marriage, family, and other relationships is to lean into the Lord. Here are some personal stories from John Ridenour of how the Lord has taught him to finish strong as a godly husband, father, and grandad. - How to Be a Godly Leader in Your Home (for dads) – How do we find our identity in Christ? What do we do with our shame and regret for sin? Brody walks through a few extra questions asked by men from our most recent Be Strong Conference. - Every Man is a Theologian – You don’t need a seminary degree to teach your children about Jesus, but you do need to point them toward the source of Truth. Here are some practical tips on how to prepare your children for questions they will face after they leave home: Cultural Trends & Tough Questions - A Conversation on Gender & Sexuality – Your kids were created in God’s image, so his Word should guide their understanding of gender identity, sex, and relationships. Here’s how to teach your children to find their identity in the Lord and not their sexuality. - Social Media & Parenting Your Teens – How to fight for your teens. - Courageous Parenting & Social Media – Brody Holloway, Rob Conti, and Spencer Davis discuss raising godly teenagers in the age of social media and what we can do as parents to protect them. - Spiritual Disciplines in the Social Media Age – In a day and age when so many things are competing for our time and devotion, it is crucial we follow the Bible’s command to train ourselves in godliness. - What Does the Bible Say About Alcohol & Marijuana? – Brody addresses these issues by looking at Scripture and statistics and shares his personal thoughts. - A Conversation on Parenting with Brody & Little – Here’s how to parent your kids in a way that teaches them a correct view of God and helps them learn to submit their will to his. - How to Discipline Your Kids in a Way that Mirrors God the Father – How to raise your kids with loving discipline that follows the fatherhood of God. - Biblical Discipline in the Home – Amy Davis speaks on how to train and discipline your children according to the Bible’s instruction. Obedience is a heart issue and a sin problem—for us and our children. Practical Wisdom for Family Life - Don’t Idolize Your Children – How can we love our children well but not idolize them? In this episode, Brody Holloway walks through what child idolatry is, the dangers of it, and how we can raise our children faithfully. You’ll get practical examples of how they’ve done this with each of his children regarding academics and sports. - Why Do I Need the Church, if I Already Have Jesus? – What’s the big deal about joining a local church? Your church family plays a key role in every aspect of your family life. Here’s why it’s so important and how to help your family grow spiritually within your local body. - How to Use Family Traditions to Nurture Thankfulness – In this episode, Brody talks about how to place family traditions (and Christian traditions) in the right perspective. Your kids’ salvation doesn’t rest in a religious tradition but in the finished work of Christ. - Q&A for Moms of Littles – This podcast features a conversation between Little Holloway, Sarah Conti, Bethany Clark, Amy Davis, and Amy Rasmussen. They offer a wealth of support and helpful advice for moms of toddlers and young children. If you’re undergoing the hectic toddler years when you can’t seem to stop picking up toys, this panel discussion is for you. Gospel-Driven Resources for Your Teens We host over 11,000 campers every year at our camp and conference location in North Carolina. The teenagers of today’s generation are facing large hurdles coming from every direction. Jesus and his Word offer the wisdom you need to equip your children to grow in godliness. Here are some resources designed specifically for students, that will be a helpful aid in conversation. Biblical Parenting Books & Bible Studies This is a list of recommended books and biblical parenting resources from our Snowbird teachers to help encourage your habit of learning. We encourage you to read critically and evaluate every book through the lens of the Bible. - The Things Concerning Himself – Snowbird Advent Bible Study - 25 Advent Passages to Read with Your Family Every Christmas - The Preeminence of Christ – Snowbird Colossians Bible Study - Family Worship: In the Bible, In History, and in Your Home – by Donald Whitney - Father Hunger: Why God Calls Men to Love and Lead Their Families – by Doug Wilson - Future Men: Raising Boys to Fight Giants – by Doug Wilson - Why Children Matter – by Doug Wilson - Adopted for Life: The Priority of Adoption for Christian Families and Churches – by Russell Moore - Big Truths for Young Hearts: Teaching and Learning the Greatness of God – by Bruce Ware - Fit to Burst: Abundance, Mayhem, and the Joys of Motherhood – by Rachel Jankovic - Shepherding a Child’s Heart – by Tedd Tripp - The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry – by John Mark Comer
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Did you think we’ll leave you behind? After defining some unique viewpoints for restaurant owners that wish to excel in digital marketing, we have decided to release the next part, aimed at those who have business in the retail industry. This article will summarize five key points you should check for your business. They may not fit perfectly, but they’re supposed to improve at least a small margin of your overall performance and allow you to see your stats from a different point of view. Some of those may also apply to other segments, so read it with fresh and open-minded eyes! Reach Campaigns are your Best Friends While some folks prefer the comfort of high-repentance campaigns, we will aim our instant deals, limited offers, and other goods to the department of mass-promoting your ad to as many as possible in the shortest period imaginable. Why? Because unless you are targeting a particular niche, many people can enjoy your new promotion. After all, selling standard products for a fair price is something most people want., and showcasing what you have can make people interested in your court. Do notice that activities, and campaigns meant to get conversions, video views, traffic, messages, and so on will be better handled in their respectable campaign targets rather than applying this tactic to all types of ads planned. Promote your Loyalty Club You’ve launched a dedicated loyalty club for a reason, and you can’t forget about it when you wish to expand to new audiences and markets. Create special targeted campaigns using your lists of customers, and include some of their perks in regular ads, promoting people to join your club to get the limited offer. Besides that, you can create particular campaigns set to bring people to register, usually followed by a worthy gift. Use your Offline Data People who’ve joined your ranks of customers before anyone knew how to use the internet can still be reached via campaigns. How? Thanks to advanced matching capabilities based on phone numbers, emails, etc. It doesn’t matter how you gather the data (as long as it’s legal, of course) – you need to use it. This means that even if you’ve thought that someone who registered to your loyalty club with a pencil and paper can still become a part of your new audience (or at least be the basis of a new lookalike audience). Set up Conversions, Even if your Focus is Offline Even if you prefer to send people to your physical location, your website is an important gateway that can be elevated towards scoring relevant and profitable conversions. If you offer eCommerce options, then this one’s obvious (Do your best to include less common options such as search, view category, and so forth). But even if you use your website to promote ways to contact your business, you can still list an order that was placed or even someone that registered to your newsletter as a worthy conversion event you can use later for improving your digital marketing infrastructure. Your Area is Blooming! It may be tough to realize it or even believe in it. Still, even the physical retail world is constantly getting updates, improvements, and upgrades with remarkable technologies you can utilize quite quickly. Some of those new additions can improve your digital marketing experience altogether. That’s why we encourage you to check some of the most suitable options and solutions to help you track, manage and order various services and products, followed by devices that’ll help you market better. Don’t hesitate to enjoy the perks of today’s tech! Work with the Best Retail Teams for Digital Marketing You can start using all of it and begin working with us to get all of those advantages without you having to sweat. How? Contact us now, and we’ll demonstrate how we can improve your digital marketing infrastructure and find new ways to increase your sales and revenue. Leave your details below, and one of our pros will contact you ASAP.
The Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) serves as a benchmark, setting the lowest price at which resellers can advertise a product. However, it’s important to note that Resale Price Maintenance (RPM) imposed by manufacturers could potentially breach legal boundaries if coupled with stringent restrictions. While manufacturers cannot directly dictate reseller prices, it’s common for resellers to […] Smartly crafted MAP strategies for effectively preventing violations of the Minimum Advertised Price. Are you interested in learning how to create clever MAP policies that effectively avoid violations of the Minimum Advertised Price? It’s crucial to understand the significance of resale price maintenance (RPM) and the potential unlawfulness associated with it when combined with specific restrictions or enforcement. While manufacturers cannot legally dictate price levels to their resellers, […] The Minimum Advertised Price (MAP) is a standard representing the lowest price at which a reseller is allowed to advertise a product. It’s crucial to be aware that any Resale price maintenance (RPM) undertaken by manufacturers might become illegal, if paired with certain restrictions or enforced too rigidly. While manufacturers legally can’t dictate the price […]
Systems Atlanta's IDS4 is one of the largest systems ever fielded by the FAA. Referred to as an "electronic position binder," IDS4 effectively created a "paperless" environment for ATC facilities. A Proven Leader Since the award of its first contract to provide the SA-IDS network for the FAA in 1983, Systems Atlanta has excelled in information display system design. Having been awarded numerous contracts by the FAA, Systems Atlanta has always fulfilled the terms of these contracts, many even ahead of schedule, and with systems and services that exceeded expectations. Three more versions of our IDS system soon followed and in September, 1993, SAI was awarded the "Great Lakes Contract" by the FAA to supply IDS4 systems to ATC facilities throughout the FAA's nine regions. Under this contract, as many as 2,272 IDS4 workstations and software licenses were supplied to more than 390 FAA facilities over a period of five years. In terms of units fielded, IDS4 was one of the largest systems ever fielded by the FAA. IDS4 workstations have been in operation in the FAA NAS since 1993 when the first IDS4 system was installed at DIA. With over 20 years of operation in the field, Systems Atlanta's IDS4 was the first "NIDS." Learn More About the IDS4 - Redundant distributed data protects against system failure and data loss. - NDI software product running on COTS PCI workstations over RS-485 network media. - Set of software tools for creating a user-defined database of up to 10,000 display screens. - Graphical User Interface, widely accepted by controllers.Rapid dissemination and display of data via local and/or wide area networks. - Automatic input of data from external systems interfaced to IDS4. - Serves as an electronic position binder of critical information. - Features may be configured locally by the system administrator to allow for site-specific requirements. - Historical archive and retrieval system. - Users automatically alerts to changes in critical information. - Security features help prevent unauthorized changes to configuration and page data. - IDS Text Interface (ITI) - Runway Visual Range (RVR) - Digital Altimeter Setting Indicator (DASI) - Low Level Alert Windshear Alert System (LLWAS) - Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS) - Flight Data Input/Output (FDIO) - Notices to Airman (NOTAMS) - Significant Meteorological Information (SIGMETS) - Automation of Field Operations and Services (AFOS) - Meteorological Aerodrome Report (METAR) - Instrument Landing System (ILS) - Terminal Doppler Weather Radar (TDWR) Depending upon system configuration, IDS4 networks may be locally independent or may connect a number of separate facilities. The software provides tools for creating an individualized database of information based on local requirements. However, many IDS4 networks connect a large hub site with a number of remote sites, all of which share a common database. Additionally, there are a number of IDS4 intersystems, in which separate IDS4 networks, each having an individual database, exchange defined page sets over wide area networks. A notable example is the Chicago O'Hare, Elgin TRACON, Chicago DuPage, and Midway Airports IDS4 intersystem. Additionally, the 12 separate IDS4 networks in the FAA Central Region are interconnected to form a large IDS4 network. Want to Know More? If you have questions or would like more information about any of our products or services, please contact us by phone, email, or by using this information request form. We look forward to hearing from you!
Which ‘American Song Contest’ Host Are You? Take This Quiz to Find Out Reading Time: 3 minutes American Song Contest officially kicked off on NBC on March 21. This Eurovision-like contest began its first ever season off with 11 artists representing states/territories of the U.S.A. Along with a new series comes a new set of hosts, take this quiz to find out which one you are. The celebrity hosts keeping viewers entertained on this series are rapper Snoop Dogg and The Voice coach Kelly Clarkson. The hosts were definitely one of my favorite parts of the premiere. Their humor complimented the show and made the viewers want to continue watching. Answer simple questions about you and find out which American Song Contest host you are. Are you Kelly Clarkson or Snoop Dogg? Take this quiz to find out. Hueston Wins First Ever American Song Contest Jury Vote The American Song Contest premiere was live broadcast on NBC on March 21. This fast paced music series is going to air for another seven weeks in the 8 to 10 p.m. time slot. The first episode featured artists from Arkansas, Connecticut, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, Wisconsin and Wyoming. Each artist brought a different genre and style of performance to the stage. Many performances had animations behind the singers with backup dancers behind them, while others were more bare to place emphasis on the singer. Hueston representing Rhode Island ended the competition as the first artist to advance into the semi final round of the competition. The hosts will announce the other three advancing artists on Monday, March 28. The three yet-to-be announced artists will advance on behalf of the public vote. The first episode of American Song Contest was energetic and left me wanting more. Each of the 11 artists put on a great show, so I can’t wait to see the artists that will appear next. This brand new series averaged 2.892 million viewers during their first live episode.
Over the past couple of years, I’ve been dealing with some pretty major dryness around my part and hairline. It had gotten so intense that I was worried that it was some sort of psoriasis or dandruff, so when I recently sat down to get my scalp analyzed by Act+Acre founder Helen Reavey (who, fun fact: used to be Harry Style’s hairstylist), I had no idea what to expect. As she explored my scalp with a camera, she reassured me that things were actually in pretty good shape—and informed me that the culprit of my dryness was not at all what I had thought. I’d always assumed that the flaking was coming from my part or hairline, so had focused the attention of my at-home treatments to those areas. But Reavey discovered a patch at the crown that was in desperate need of some TLC, and in that moment, taught me a trick that has pretty much changed my life (or at least, my hair). Instead of lathering and rinsing my scalp the way I always have, she recommended a double shampoo routine—with a twist. First, she told me I should spend two minutes lathering and scrubbing just the specific spot where the dryness was coming from. Then, I should rinse it all out before going in with a second shampoo—this time, on my full scalp and strands—and finishing things off with my usual conditioner. The first time I tried this method out for myself, I lathered up at the crown and massaged the shampoo directly into my dry patch—which was a big difference from the way I usually pile all of my hair on top of my head and try to shampoo it all at once. When it came time to blow dry, I was shocked to discover that there wasn’t a single, solitary flake on my head. The dryness surrounding my part and around my forehead was gone, and my scalp looked (and felt) soft, smooth, and healthy. Given this success, I’ve continued following Reavey’s wash-day recommendation for the past few months, and haven’t seen a single flake since I started. As someone who expected dryness to follow me throughout the rest of my days, I am beyond thrilled that this one tip from Reavey changed my life—and my hair—for the better. Act+Acre, Cold Processed Scalp Detox — $48.00 To give my scalp a little extra love, I opt for this pre-cleansing oil—another one of Reavey’s recommendations—every three to four washes. It contains vitamin E, basil leaf complex, moringa extract, and baobab oil, which work together to remove sweat and buildup, hydrated the skin, and relieve irritation. It has a cooling, almost zesty feel upon application, and has further helped keep dryness at bay. Our editors independently select these products. Making a purchase through our links may earn Well+Good a commission.
Walkie Talkies come in two main designs; the wired mounted walkie talkie and the regular wireless walkie talkie. Think about those walkie talkies you see in police or military vehicles or at out-stations, especially among coastal guards, on boats, ships and vessels, as well as weather outposts and other stations, then you’ll have an idea of what the Midland MicroMobile Two-Way Radio looks like. In 2015, Midland bagan experimenting on MicroMobile Two-Way radios, beginning with the MXT100 in 2015. With the success recorded on that first release several other models were introduced subsequently, including the MXT275, which saw an improvement in wattage, range and other user-friendly features. But when compared to other similar products on the market, just how great is this walkie talkie? Are you shopping for a two-way radio you can mount on your dashboard or somewhere in your outpost? Did you just come across the Midland MXT275 MicroMobile walkie talkie but you’re not sure if it is the right radio for you? Well, you’ve come to the right place. This comprehensive post is a detailed review of the Midland MicroMobile 15W radio, and it is sure to help you make an informed decision to buy or not to buy. This multi-channel GMRS radio comes fully powered by as much as 15 watts. It is a mountable radio with a handheld control microphone with buttons and a LED display to monitor your activities. This two-way radio is packed with so much mileage, offering a city-wide coverage for communication in whatever situation you find yourself. In fact, this product is at the top of the list when it comes to range. So, if you’re big on road trips and adventures, you’d need something like this in your vehicle. Remember, a walkie talkie will help you connect with friends, loved ones and emergency services where your mobile phone will fail you. The most important thing to note is that this radio has to be mounted because it is not portable enough to be carried everywhere in your hands. If this is not what you want, you should consider other products. The radio comes fully equipped and is easily mounted, while the Integrated Control Microphone is plugged in via a cord. It is through this mic that the radio is controlled easily. You don’t have to worry about buying extra gear as the package includes the mount, a magnetically-mounted antenna that is easily detachable, a microphone holder, adapters and other accessories that the radio requires to work effectively. And if you lack sufficient space on your dashboard, you can simply attach the radio to the roof, under your dashboard or simply stash it away somewhere in the vehicle. The control buttons on the microphone make it all-encompassing. There are a whole lot of features that make this radio a quite popular brand among walkie talkie enthusiasts. Specifications of Midland MicroMobile 15W GMRS Two-Way Radio - Radio and detachable control microphone connected via a cord - 15 GMRS channels with high and low power variations - 8 GMRS Repeater Channels - 142 Privacy Codes for secure conversations - Includes USB output that can charge mobile devices - 12-volt accessory plug can connect temporarily or permanently to a vehicle - Flip-frame detachable mount allows radio to slide out when necessary - Weighs 2.75 pounds - Uses 6 AAA batteries - Has a dimension of 9.72 x 9.61 x 2.83 inches. - 15-Watt output power At What Frequencies Midland MicroMobile Two-Way Radio Works? The Midland MXT275 MicroMobile walkie talkie uses the General Mobile Radio Service (GMRS) Frequency. This would require a license from the FCC, especially for people who want to enjoy the maximum capacity at 15 watts of output. But, it is important to note that the radio can connect and communicate with Midland FRS and GMRS radios as well as some other radios out there. In terms of band, the radio operates on the UHF frequency band, which means you can use it for both indoor and outdoor purposes. Range of Midland MicroMobile 15W GMRS Two-Way Radio The Range of the Midland MicroMobile radio is 50 miles within the best circumstances. While this will reduce in bad terrains, weather or in the midst of severe obstacles, it is a considerably great mileage and can be used over long distances. So, if you’re in a neighborhood with lots of buildings in your way, range can be reduced to about 10 miles, or anywhere between 10 and 50 miles. How long Midland MicroMobile 15W GMRS Two-Way Radio’s Battery Survives? This radio uses 6 replaceable AAA batteries which can keep you going for as long as 18 hours. So, you need to be sure you’ve got replacements if you’re not using a vehicle power source. Accessories that come with Midland MicroMobile 15W GMRS Two-Way Radio - 12-Volt Accessory Plug: If you’re going to be mounting your Midland MicroMobile radio in your vehicle, the product comes with a 12-vote plug that can be plugged into your accessory port, in the form of a car charger. This connection powers up your radio. If you’re savvier with electronics, you can hardwire the plug and establish a permanent connection. - Detachable Flip-Frame Mount: This mount ensures you can install your radio on your dashboard or under it, on your car roof or on the wall of outpost. The unique thing about this accessory is that while it can be permanently installed, it allows the radio to be flipped in and out whenever necessary. This means you can move your radio whenever you deem necessary without actually taking off the mount. - External Magnetic Antenna: Antennas are generally signal boosters or receptors. The detachable antenna is an added advantage to enhance the signal of the radio as well as ensure audio clarity. It may also be a boost for range and can help make communication more effective. - Microphone Holder: Apart from the mount which aids radio installation, there is also a holder for the microphone. No one expects the mic to simply be all over the place when you drive. The holder is often attached to the dashboard area just above the AC vents and beside the radio, while the microphone is easily attached to it. Important Features of Midland MicroMobile 15W GMRS Two-Way Radio 1. NOAA Weather Scan and Alert One key feature for outdoor walkie talkie use is weather alert and the ability to search for weather updates and information. With the Midland MicroMobile, you have access to 10 weather channels which you can scan through. The radio then automatically locks onto the channel with the strongest signals. With this connection, you’re sure to be alerted of severe weather conditions. This includes sounding an alarm to tell you when there is a risk of dangerous weather approaching your area. 2. 142 CTCSS/DCS Codes The Continuous Tone-Coded Squelch System and Digital Coded System are privacy codes that help to secure communication over walkie talkie channels. This product has 142 of such codes and is able to block out conversations from users on the same channels which can otherwise disrupt or interrupt your own communication. 3. GMRS Radio One thing to note about GMRS signals is that they travel really far. These radios come with incredible range and are often used by law enforcement and other agencies that require very long, stable communication. Usually, you’ll require a license from the FCC to use the radio due to its possibilities. 4. Car-Power Adapter This is not just an efficient feature for ease and convenience, but is also a cost-saving measure as well. When connected to your car power source, you don’t have to worry about the batteries dying out or letting go of a few dollars to get replacements. 5. Convenient Design The compact nature of the Midland MicroMobile Two-Way Radio makes it very convenient for use. The control buttons available on the microphone means you can implement settings without consulting the radio. You can only imagine how bulky and burdensome it will be if you have to pick up the radio every time. And if you have troubles setting it up the first time, you can always consult the user manual included in the box. 6. 15-Watt Output The wattage of a two-way radio often determines its range. This should explain why this product can cover as much as 50 miles in range. What is the Best Usage of Midland MicroMobile 15W GMRS Two-Way Radio? This product has to be stationed somewhere because it cannot be carried by hand everywhere. Therefore, this walkie talkie is best suited for people who are always on the road as it can be mounted in the vehicle. It is also suitable for outposts and boats. What’s more, the 50-mile range makes it a great choice for long-distance communication, so it can be used by law enforcement or rescue operatives. It will be a waste of mileage to use this in neighborhoods or at home. It’ll work within buildings and warehouses, but you may just be underusing it. if we’re to recommend, this is most suited for vehicles. 9 Reasons to Buy Midland MicroMobile 15W GMRS Two-Way Radio - Incredible coverage up to 50 miles means you can reach out to radios several miles apart. - Weather Alert and Scan features means you’ll always be one step ahead of unexpected unpleasant weather. - Compatible with all other Midland FRS and GMRS radios - Convenient accessories like the power plug and the USB output for charging your devices enhance its value for money. - It is easy to use and requires no technical expertise to set up. - Superior sound quality over 15 channels and 8 repeater channels. - Quite sturdy and will take some heat without damage. - Great for off-road adventure. - Quite affordable. 2 Reasons Not to Buy Midland MicroMobile 15W GMRS Two-Way Radio - This radio is designed to be mounted. If you want something you can hold in your hands or strap to your body, you should consider a regular hand-held radio. - Obstruction can limit range by up to 80%. This can be a problem if you act on the assumption that you’ve still got 50 miles. Our Rating of Midland MicroMobile 15W GMRS Two-Way Radio |Ease of Use - 2-WAY RADIO: The Full 15-Watt MicroMobile is a two-way radio device that operates on GMRS (General Mobile Radio Service) frequencies. 15 Hi Power Channels GMRS Channels: 1-7 & 15-22 provide increased range communication over a long range. Its channel scan allows you to search for active channels in the area. The MicroMobile is for camping, hunting, outdoors. Its compact size, easy-to-use interface make it great for communicating on the go. Speaker Mic Jack - Split Tone Capable - GMRS: The GMRS channels used by the 15-Watt MicroMobile walkie-talkie are licensed by the FCC for personal and business use. These channels have a range of up to several miles, depending on terrain, weather conditions, and obstacles in the way. While a 50-mile range may be possible under ideal conditions, it's important to consider terrain and other factors that can affect the range of the radio in use. For best communication, it's best to test the range of your radio where you plan to use it. - PRIVACY CODES: The 142 CTCSS/DCS privacy codes of the MicroMobile walkie talkie allow you to select a specific code to use with a particular channel, which helps to prevent unwanted transmissions from being heard on the same channel. This provides a level of privacy and security for your communications, especially in crowded areas where multiple radios may be in use. Use silent operation to turn off all tone - NOAA WEATHER SCAN + ALERT: NOAA Weather Scan will automatically scan through 10 available weather (WX) band channels and locks onto the strongest weather channel to alert you of severe weather updates. NOAA Weather Alert will sound an alarm indicating that there is a risk of severe weather in your area. NOAA Weather Radio will also be used to broadcast AMBER alerts for missing children. - MIDLAND MICROMOBILE: Take your radio range to the next level with the most powerful GMRS two-way radios on the market. These compact radios bring reliable and versatile communication to overlanders, off-roaders, farmers, RV’ers, and others. The MicroMobile is compatible with all Midland FRS and GMRS walkie-talkies. Whether on a hunting trip, exploring outdoors, or working on a farm, the MicroMobile can help you stay connected with your team or family, even when you're far from civilization. Midland is a leading brand in the Walkie talkie industry, and it proves itself once again with this MicroMobile radio. For its convenience, great design quality, incredible range and valuable accessories, this walkie talkie may just be what you need for your vehicle. The NOAA weather alert and scan features are also an important addition for anyone who will always be on the road. If you’re that person, do not hesitate to give this radio a try.
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Randy Houser’s Slowly Building a Movie Career, But His Fans Shouldn’t Worry – Taste of Country Nights, On Demand Evan Paul hosts Taste of Country Nights, On Demand, a weekly country music interview podcast that focuses on the music. Follow wherever podcasts are found, like Apple Podcasts and Spotify and leave a rating and review. This show is part of the Townsquare Media On Demand network. We know and love Randy Houser and the country music that he puts out, but did you know that Randy is kind of low-key sliding into an acting career? I got to sit down for a long in-depth interview with Randy, and we covered a lot of fun and interesting topics. He has been in a few movies, and just finished shooting one recently that was written by the guy that wrote the movie Rudy. I started asking Randy — whose new song "Note to Self" is sounding great on ToC Nights — about an acting role that he had last summer, where he had to shave off all of his facial hair. I wanted to know if he would ever go back to that look. He cut me off rather quickly, with a firm no. He said it was starting to cost him at home, his wife wasn't feeling it. I started telling Randy about Lainey Wilson and her acting role coming up on Yellowstone, and asked how we can get Randy on the show. He was really interested, saying he can ride and rope and would be ready to join the cast if they asked. That led me to asking Randy if acting was going to become more prevalent in his career, and maybe be as important to him as music. You can hear his reply in Episode 44 of Taste of Country Nights, On Demand. As for my idea that he and his wife do a reality show? That was shot down real quick with a firm NOPE. I had the name ready to go, Houser's House, but he wouldn't bite. Finally, you have to hear what he had to say about TikTok and a whole lot of other things when we had a long sit-down with the one and only Randy Houser in Taste of Country Nights, On Demand Ep. 44 with Randy Houser.
What I googled this week while working on my next book: - What are the 5 Stages of Grief? - How many days until Jan 1, 2022? - Why do geysers smell like farts? Currently watching:The Walking Dead. Season 10. I'm a fan, what can I say? Hopeful that Rick will eventually make another appearance and I like little Judith a million times more than I ever liked Carl. The Last Flight. Haven't even cracked page one yet. Looks like a great read. Check out the Books Worth Reading Blog for My Favorite Reads. I am finalizing the contract for my first ever audiobook. It's a very exciting time. Just making sure the narrator is comfortable with a couple of the chapters in the book that deal with some really painful parts of my life and the reason I ran away to Scotland to heal myself in the first place. (Chapters 15, 16 and 32. If you've read it, you know.) Click here to join the Ninyons. It's where I give books away, share details of my life, and try to make coffee shoot out of your nose with my meme game. It's rated R in there, so if off-color humor offends you, we are not your people.
Complex Relationships3:37 with Kenneth Love Classes are great, but they're even better with parents. Inheritance in Python is both easier and harder than in some other languages. Python's inheritance usually works exactly how you expect it to. The child classes, or subclasses, get all of the attributes and methods of their parents and grandparents and so on. But thanks to things like the "method resolution order (MRO)", which we'll talk about later, sometimes it's not that simple. But let's not worry about that just yet! Make sure you understand these terms before moving on: - Parent or Super class: the class that a class inherits from. These can go on for a long way, too, so be sure to consider grandparent and great-grandparent classes, too. All classes have the ultimate ancestor of - Child or Sub class: the class that inherits from a particular class. Letter has two superclasses: Symbol inherits from object even though we didn't explicitly state it). Letter has one subclass, An instance of the class Alpha could use any attributes or methods that were defined on Letter. Those two classes, though, wouldn't have access to attributes or methods that belonged to Alpha. Inheritance is a one-way street. You need to sign up for Treehouse in order to download course files.Sign up
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