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{"text": "### Instruction: Extract consolidated statements of operations over the years in a tsv formatted text.\n\n### Input:\nApple Inc.\nCONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS\n(In millions, except number of shares which are reflected in thousands and per share amounts)\nYears ended\nSeptember 24,\n2022\nSeptember 25,\n2021\nSeptember 26,\n2020\nNet sales:\nProducts $ 316,199 $ 297,392 $ 220,747\nServices 78,129 68,425 53,768\nTotal net sales 394,328 365,817 274,515\nCost of sales:\nProducts 201,471 192,266 151,286\nServices 22,075 20,715 18,273\nTotal cost of sales 223,546 212,981 169,559\nGross margin 170,782 152,836 104,956\nOperating expenses:\nResearch and development 26,251 21,914 18,752\nSelling, general and administrative 25,094 21,973 19,916\nTotal operating expenses 51,345 43,887 38,668\nOperating income 119,437 108,949 66,288\nOther income/(expense), net (334) 258 803\nIncome before provision for income taxes 119,103 109,207 67,091\nProvision for income taxes 19,300 14,527 9,680\nNet income $ 99,803 $ 94,680 $ 57,411\nEarnings per share:\nBasic $ 6.15 $ 5.67 $ 3.31\nDiluted $ 6.11 $ 5.61 $ 3.28\nShares used in computing earnings per share:\nBasic 16,215,963 16,701,272 17,352,119\nDiluted 16,325,819 16,864,919 17,528,214\nSee accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.\nApple Inc. | 2022 Form 10-K | 29\n\n### Response:\nApple Inc.\t\t\t\nCONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS\t\t\t\n(In millions, except number of shares which are reflected in thousands and per share amounts)\t\t\t\n\t\tYears ended\t\n\tSeptember 24, 2022\tSeptember 25, 2021\tSeptember 26, 2020\n\t\t\t\nNet sales:\t\t\t\nProducts\t316,199\t297,392\t220,747\nServices\t78,129\t68,425\t53,768\nTotal net sales\t394,328\t365,817\t274,515\nCost of sales:\t\t\t\nProducts\t201,471\t192,266\t151,286\nServices\t22,075\t20,715\t18,273\nTotal cost of sales\t223,546\t212,981\t169,559\nGross margin\t170,782\t152,836\t104,956\nOperating expenses:\t\t\t\nResearch and development\t26,251\t21,914\t18,752\nSelling, general and administrative\t25,094\t21,973\t19,916\nTotal operating expenses\t51,345\t43,887\t38,668\nOperating income\t119,437\t108,949\t66,288\nOther income/(expense), net\t-334\t258\t803\nIncome before provision for income taxes\t119,103\t109,207\t67,091\nProvision for income taxes\t19,300\t14,527\t9,680\nNet income\t99,803\t94,680\t57,411\nEarnings per share:\t\t\t\nBasic\t6.15\t5.67\t3.31\nDiluted\t6.11\t5.61\t3.28\nShares used in computing earnings per share:\t\t\t\nBasic\t16,215,963\t16,701,272\t17,352,119\nDiluted\t16,325,819\t16,864,919\t17,528,214\nSee accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.\t\t\t\nApple Inc. | 2022 Form 10-K | 29\t\t\t"}
{"text": "### Instruction: Extract consolidated statements of operations over the years in a tsv formatted text.\n\n### Input:\nApple Inc.\nCONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS\n(In millions, except number of shares which are reflected in thousands and per share amounts)\nYears ended\nSeptember 25, \n2021\nSeptember 26, \n2020\nSeptember 28, \n2019\nNet sales:\n Products $ 297,392 $ 220,747 $ 213,883 \n Services 68,425 53,768 46,291 \nTotal net sales 365,817 274,515 260,174 \nCost of sales:\n Products 192,266 151,286 144,996 \n Services 20,715 18,273 16,786 \nTotal cost of sales 212,981 169,559 161,782 \nGross margin 152,836 104,956 98,392 \nOperating expenses:\nResearch and development 21,914 18,752 16,217 \nSelling, general and administrative 21,973 19,916 18,245 \nTotal operating expenses 43,887 38,668 34,462 \nOperating income 108,949 66,288 63,930 \nOther income/(expense), net 258 803 1,807 \nIncome before provision for income taxes 109,207 67,091 65,737 \nProvision for income taxes 14,527 9,680 10,481 \nNet income $ 94,680 $ 57,411 $ 55,256 \nEarnings per share:\nBasic $ 5.67 $ 3.31 $ 2.99 \nDiluted $ 5.61 $ 3.28 $ 2.97 \nShares used in computing earnings per share:\nBasic 16,701,272 17,352,119 18,471,336 \nDiluted 16,864,919 17,528,214 18,595,651 \nSee accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.\nApple Inc. | 2021 Form 10-K | 29\n\n### Response:\nApple Inc.\t\t\t\nCONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS\t\t\t\n(In millions, except number of shares which are reflected in thousands and per share amounts)\t\t\t\n\t\tYears ended\t\n\tSeptember 25, 2021\tSeptember 26, 2020\tSeptember 28, 2019\n\t\t\t\nNet sales:\t\t\t\nProducts\t297,392\t220,747\t213,883\nServices\t68,425\t53,768\t46,291\nTotal net sales\t365,817\t274,515\t260,174\nCost of sales:\t\t\t\nProducts\t192,266\t151,286\t144,996\nServices\t20,715\t18,273\t16,786\nTotal cost of sales\t212,981\t169,559\t161,782\nGross margin\t152,836\t104,956\t98,392\nOperating expenses:\t\t\t\nResearch and development\t21,914\t18,752\t16,217\nSelling, general and administrative\t21,973\t19,916\t18,245\nTotal operating expenses\t43,887\t38,668\t34,462\nOperating income\t108,949\t66,288\t63,930\nOther income/(expense), net\t258\t803\t1,807\nIncome before provision for income taxes\t109,207\t67,091\t65,737\nProvision for income taxes\t14,527\t9,680\t10,481\nNet income\t94,680\t57,411\t55,256\nEarnings per share:\t\t\t\nBasic\t5.67\t3.31\t2.99\nDiluted\t5.61\t3.28\t2.97\nShares used in computing earnings per share:\t\t\t\nBasic\t16,701,272\t17,352,119\t18,471,336\nDiluted\t16,864,919\t17,528,214\t18,595,651\nSee accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.\t\t\t\nApple Inc. | 2021 Form 10-K | 29\t\t\t"}
{"text": "### Instruction: Extract consolidated statements of operations over the years in a tsv formatted text.\n\n### Input:\nApple Inc.\nCONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS\n(In millions, except number of shares which are reflected in thousands and per share amounts)\nYears ended\nSeptember 26, \n2020\nSeptember 28, \n2019\nSeptember 29, \n2018\nNet sales:\n Products $ 220,747 $ 213,883 $ 225,847 \n Services 53,768 46,291 39,748 \nTotal net sales 274,515 260,174 265,595 \nCost of sales:\n Products 151,286 144,996 148,164 \n Services 18,273 16,786 15,592 \nTotal cost of sales 169,559 161,782 163,756 \nGross margin 104,956 98,392 101,839 \nOperating expenses:\nResearch and development 18,752 16,217 14,236 \nSelling, general and administrative 19,916 18,245 16,705 \nTotal operating expenses 38,668 34,462 30,941 \nOperating income 66,288 63,930 70,898 \nOther income/(expense), net 803 1,807 2,005 \nIncome before provision for income taxes 67,091 65,737 72,903 \nProvision for income taxes 9,680 10,481 13,372 \nNet income $ 57,411 $ 55,256 $ 59,531 \nEarnings per share:\nBasic $ 3.31 $ 2.99 $ 3.00 \nDiluted $ 3.28 $ 2.97 $ 2.98 \nShares used in computing earnings per share:\nBasic 17,352,119 18,471,336 19,821,510 \nDiluted 17,528,214 18,595,651 20,000,435 \nSee accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.\nApple Inc. | 2020 Form 10-K | 31\n\n### Response:\nApple Inc.\t\t\t\nCONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS\t\t\t\n(In millions, except number of shares which are reflected in thousands and per share amounts)\t\t\t\n\t\tYears ended\t\n\tSeptember 26, 2020\tSeptember 28, 2019\tSeptember 29, 2018\n\t\t\t\nNet sales:\t\t\t\nProducts\t220,747\t213,883\t225,847\nServices\t53,768\t46,291\t39,748\nTotal net sales\t274,515\t260,174\t265,595\nCost of sales:\t\t\t\nProducts\t151,286\t144,996\t148,164\nServices\t18,273\t16,786\t15,592\nTotal cost of sales\t169,559\t161,782\t163,756\nGross margin\t104,956\t98,392\t101,839\nOperating expenses:\t\t\t\nResearch and development\t18,752\t16,217\t14,236\nSelling, general and administrative\t19,916\t18,245\t16,705\nTotal operating expenses\t38,668\t34,462\t30,941\nOperating income\t66,288\t63,930\t70,898\nOther income/(expense), net\t803\t1,807\t2,005\nIncome before provision for income taxes\t67,091\t65,737\t72,903\nProvision for income taxes\t9,680\t10,481\t13,372\nNet income\t57,411\t55,256\t59,531\nEarnings per share:\t\t\t\nBasic\t3.31\t2.99\t3\nDiluted\t3.28\t2.97\t2.98\nShares used in computing earnings per share:\t\t\t\nBasic\t17,352,119\t18,471,336\t19,821,510\nDiluted\t17,528,214\t18,595,651\t20,000,435\nSee accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.\t\t\t\nApple Inc. | 2020 Form 10-K | 31\t\t\t"}
{"text": "### Instruction: Extract consolidated statements of operations over the years in a tsv formatted text.\n\n### Input:\nApple Inc.\nCONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS\n(In millions, except number of shares which are reflected in thousands and per share amounts)\nYears ended\nSeptember 28, \n2019\nSeptember 29, \n2018\nSeptember 30, \n2017\nNet sales:\n Products $ 213,883 $ 225,847 $ 196,534\n Services 46,291 39,748 32,700\nTotal net sales 260,174 265,595 229,234\nCost of sales:\n Products 144,996 148,164 126,337\n Services 16,786 15,592 14,711\nTotal cost of sales 161,782 163,756 141,048\nGross margin 98,392 101,839 88,186\nOperating expenses:\nResearch and development 16,217 14,236 11,581\nSelling, general and administrative 18,245 16,705 15,261\nTotal operating expenses 34,462 30,941 26,842\nOperating income 63,930 70,898 61,344\nOther income/(expense), net 1,807 2,005 2,745\nIncome before provision for income taxes 65,737 72,903 64,089\nProvision for income taxes 10,481 13,372 15,738\nNet income $ 55,256 $ 59,531 $ 48,351\nEarnings per share:\nBasic $ 11.97 $ 12.01 $ 9.27\nDiluted $ 11.89 $ 11.91 $ 9.21\nShares used in computing earnings per share:\nBasic 4,617,834 4,955,377 5,217,242\nDiluted 4,648,913 5,000,109 5,251,692\nSee accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.\nApple Inc. | 2019 Form 10-K | 29\n\n### Response:\nApple Inc.\t\t\t\t\t\nCONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS\t\t\t\t\t\n(In millions, except number of shares which are reflected in thousands and per share amounts)\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\tYears ended\t\t\n\tSeptember 28, 2019\t\tSeptember 29, 2018\t\tSeptember 30, 2017\n\t\t\t\t\t\nNet sales:\t\t\t\t\t\nProducts\t213,883\t\t225,847\t\t196,534\nServices\t46,291\t\t39,748\t\t32,700\nTotal net sales\t260,174\t\t265,595\t\t229,234\nCost of sales:\t\t\t\t\t\nProducts\t144,996\t\t148,164\t\t126,337\nServices\t16,786\t\t15,592\t\t14,711\nTotal cost of sales\t161,782\t\t163,756\t\t141,048\nGross margin\t98,392\t\t101,839\t\t88,186\nOperating expenses:\t\t\t\t\t\nResearch and development\t16,217\t\t14,236\t\t11,581\nSelling, general and administrative\t18,245\t\t16,705\t\t15,261\nTotal operating expenses\t34,462\t\t30,941\t\t26,842\nOperating income\t63,930\t\t70,898\t\t61,344\nOther income/(expense), net\t1,807\t\t2,005\t\t2,745\nIncome before provision for income taxes\t65,737\t\t72,903\t\t64,089\nProvision for income taxes\t10,481\t\t13,372\t\t15,738\nNet income\t55,256\t\t59,531\t\t48,351\nEarnings per share:\t\t\t\t\t\nBasic\t11.97\t\t12.01\t\t9.27\nDiluted\t11.89\t\t11.91\t\t9.21\nShares used in computing earnings per share:\t\t\t\t\t\nBasic\t4,617,834\t\t4,955,377\t\t5,217,242\nDiluted\t4,648,913\t\t5,000,109\t\t5,251,692\nSee accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.\t\t\t\t\t\nApple Inc. | 2019 Form 10-K | 29\t\t\t\t\t"}
{"text": "### Instruction: Extract consolidated statements of operations over the years in a tsv formatted text.\n\n### Input:\nApple Inc.\nCONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS\n(In millions, except number of shares which are reflected in thousands and per share amounts)\nYears ended\nSeptember 29, \n2018\nSeptember 30, \n2017\nSeptember 24, \n2016\nNet sales $ 265,595 $ 229,234 $ 215,639\nCost of sales 163,756 141,048 131,376\nGross margin 101,839 88,186 84,263\nOperating expenses:\nResearch and development 14,236 11,581 10,045\nSelling, general and administrative 16,705 15,261 14,194\nTotal operating expenses 30,941 26,842 24,239\nOperating income 70,898 61,344 60,024\nOther income/(expense), net 2,005 2,745 1,348\nIncome before provision for income taxes 72,903 64,089 61,372\nProvision for income taxes 13,372 15,738 15,685\nNet income $ 59,531 $ 48,351 $ 45,687\nEarnings per share:\nBasic $ 12.01 $ 9.27 $ 8.35\nDiluted $ 11.91 $ 9.21 $ 8.31\nShares used in computing earnings per share:\nBasic 4,955,377 5,217,242 5,470,820\nDiluted 5,000,109 5,251,692 5,500,281\nSee accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.\nApple Inc. | 2018 Form 10-K | 38\n\n### Response:\nApple Inc.\t\t\t\nCONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF OPERATIONS\t\t\t\n(In millions, except number of shares which are reflected in thousands and per share amounts)\t\t\t\n\t\tYears ended\t\n\tSeptember 29, 2018\tSeptember 30, 2017\tSeptember 24, 2016\n\t\t\t\nNet sales\t265,595\t229,234\t215,639\nCost of sales\t163,756\t141,048\t131,376\nGross margin\t101,839\t88,186\t84,263\nOperating expenses:\t\t\t\nResearch and development\t14,236\t11,581\t10,045\nSelling, general and administrative\t16,705\t15,261\t14,194\nTotal operating expenses\t30,941\t26,842\t24,239\nOperating income\t70,898\t61,344\t60,024\nOther income/(expense), net\t2,005\t2,745\t1,348\nIncome before provision for income taxes\t72,903\t64,089\t61,372\nProvision for income taxes\t13,372\t15,738\t15,685\nNet income\t59,531\t48,351\t45,687\nEarnings per share:\t\t\t\nBasic\t12.01\t9.27\t8.35\nDiluted\t11.91\t9.21\t8.31\nShares used in computing earnings per share:\t\t\t\nBasic\t4,955,377\t5,217,242\t5,470,820\nDiluted\t5,000,109\t5,251,692\t5,500,281\nSee accompanying Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements.\t\t\t\nApple Inc. | 2018 Form 10-K | 38\t\t\t"}