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layout: transcript
interviewee: josef none none
rg_number: rg-50.030.0047
gender: m
birth_date: 1915-06-25
birth_year: 1915.0
place_of_birth: vienna
country: austria
experience_group: survivor
ghetto(s)_encyclopedia: przemyśl
ghetto: none
camp(s)_encyclopedia: none
camp: none
non_ss_camp: none
region: none
needs_research: none
data_entry: cl
accession: 1989.a.0338
revisit: none
tags: transcripts
layout: transcript
interviewee: josef none none
rg_number: rg-50.030.0047
gender: m
birth_date: 1915-06-25
birth_year: 1915.0
place_of_birth: vienna
country: austria
experience_group: survivor
ghetto(s)_encyclopedia: przemyśl
ghetto: none
camp(s)_encyclopedia: none
camp: none
non_ss_camp: none
region: none
needs_research: none
data_entry: cl
accession: 1989.a.0338
revisit: none
tags: transcripts
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<body><dialogue class=""><p><sentence id="1">JOSEF September 22, 1989</sentence></p></dialogue>
<dialogue class="Question"><p><sentence id="3">Q: Would you tell me your first name, please?</sentence></p></dialogue>
<dialogue class="Answer"><p><sentence id="5">A: My name is Josef.</sentence></p></dialogue>
<dialogue class="Question"><p><sentence id="7">Q: Where and where were you born?</sentence></p></dialogue>
<dialogue class="Answer"><p><sentence id="9">A: I was born in <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">Vienna</span> in 1915 -- June 25th, 1915.</sentence><sentence id="10">And after a few years, when I was a little boy, my parents moved back to <span class="COUNTRY">Poland</span> and -- before World War I. This was <span class="REGION">Galicia</span>.</sentence><sentence id="11">And I was living in the <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">town</span> of <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">Przemysl</span>, and I went back with my parents and I living in <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">Przemysl</span>.</sentence><sentence id="12">This was my <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">town</span>.</sentence></p></dialogue>
<dialogue class="Question"><p><sentence id="17">Q: Ok, tell me about your parents.</sentence><sentence id="18">What did your father do?</sentence></p></dialogue>
<dialogue class="Answer"><p><sentence id="21">A: My father, he had a small <span class="BUILDING">grocery store</span>, like small <span class="INT_SPACE">cafeteria</span>, and he worked with my mother in the <span class="BUILDING">store</span>.</sentence><sentence id="22">And --</sentence></p></dialogue>
<dialogue class="Question"><p><sentence id="25">Q: Did you have brothers and sisters?</sentence></p></dialogue>
<dialogue class="Answer"><p><sentence id="27">A: Yes, I have one sister, and I have four brothers.</sentence><sentence id="28">So it -- how many?</sentence><sentence id="29">Three brothers, and I was the fourth one -- and one sister.</sentence><sentence id="30">Together, five children.</sentence><sentence id="31">And we went to <span class="BUILDING">school</span> in <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">Przemysl</span>, and my sister was going to the <span class="BUILDING">school</span> in <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">Przemysl</span> until war time.</sentence><sentence id="32">And my older brother, after graduation from <span class="BUILDING">high school</span>, he went to <span class="COUNTRY">Italy</span>, to <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">Bologna</span>.</sentence><sentence id="33">He was studying medicine there.</sentence><sentence id="34">So we were <span class="BUILDING">home</span>.</sentence><sentence id="35">And after he finished the studying, he was still working in <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">Bologna</span>.</sentence><sentence id="36">He was a scientist, and a very good physician.</sentence></p></dialogue>
<dialogue class="Question"><p><sentence id="47">Q: Ok -- what, tell me -- let's bring it back to you, ok, since we want to focus on you.</sentence><sentence id="48">Tell me, you have a family, it's -- you're growing up in the <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">town</span> of <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">Przemysl</span>.</sentence><sentence id="49">Did you go to -- what kind of activities did you take place in?</sentence><sentence id="50">Were you in <span class="BUILDING">Jewish school</span>?</sentence><sentence id="51">What kinds of --</sentence></p></dialogue>
<dialogue class="Answer"><p><sentence id="57">A: No, when I was in <span class="BUILDING">high school</span> -- first of all, when I was in <span class="BUILDING">public school</span>, how my life start?</sentence><sentence id="58">I went one time with my father to a dentist, and I look around and I said, "I would like to be a dentist."</sentence><sentence id="59">So my father look at me and said, "Ok, if you will be a good pupil, student, you will be a dentist."</sentence><sentence id="60">But this dentist, he was a good psychologist, and he said, "If you like to be a dentist, you can come to my <span class="BUILDING">office</span> to watch after <span class="BUILDING">school</span>, after homework, and you are very welcome."</sentence><sentence id="61">And I was coming to him, and when I graduated from <span class="BUILDING">high school</span>, still I was coming to him, and I was assisting him.</sentence><sentence id="62">And I learned about everything else from his work.</sentence><sentence id="63">Then when war broke up, no, that's it, I couldn't do nothing.</sentence><sentence id="64">then after war was finished.</sentence><sentence id="65">I am going a little too -- then I start to study in <span class="BUILDING">grad school</span>, <span class="BUILDING">dentistry</span>.</sentence><sentence id="66">But during the war, first when the German attacked Polish country, this was in September Ist, 1939.</sentence><sentence id="67">There was a terrible time.</sentence><sentence id="68">There suddenly became <span class="SPATIAL_OBJ">airplanes</span> and they start to bombard people on the <span class="DLF">street</span>.</sentence><sentence id="69">There was exactly vacation finishing, and the children, they have first day at <span class="BUILDING">school</span>, and they came in this beautiful weather.</sentence><sentence id="70">The sun was shining and they was walking on the <span class="DLF">street</span>.</sentence><sentence id="71">And suddenly came <span class="SPATIAL_OBJ">planes</span>.</sentence><sentence id="72">You -- we didn't know.</sentence><sentence id="73">We thought this is our own <span class="SPATIAL_OBJ">planes</span>.</sentence><sentence id="74">Very low.</sentence><sentence id="75">And they suddenly start to with machine guns killing the people on the <span class="DLF">street</span>.</sentence><sentence id="76">Throwing bombs, was killed, terrible thing.</sentence><sentence id="77">And then we heard on the news that this is for the war.</sentence><sentence id="78">The Germans attacked Polish country.</sentence><sentence id="79">So after two or three days, there was -- the President of the <span class="COUNTRY">Poland</span>, he gave an order to young people to run away to east, in the direction of <span class="COUNTRY">Russia</span>.</sentence><sentence id="80">So we went, four brothers together in the east to the city of <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">Lvov</span>.</sentence><sentence id="81">We came there.</sentence><sentence id="82">It was terrible way because we were going only really walking, running, and during the day time the <span class="SPATIAL_OBJ">planes</span>, they are going low on the way and was killing people, he refuge, the refuge -- no, the refugees.</sentence><sentence id="83">Ok, so this what happened and <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">Lvov</span>, when we were there a few days there came Russian and the German, they went back and they took the part of <span class="COUNTRY">Poland</span> and half of part of the city of <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">Przemysl</span> where we were living.</sentence><sentence id="84">So the <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">city</span> was divided by river San.</sentence><sentence id="85">One <span class="NPIP">side</span> -- east -- was Russian, and west was German.</sentence><sentence id="86">So we can see each other.</sentence><sentence id="87">And I worked there in <span class="BUILDING">polyclinic</span>, but -- and during this time, when was Russian.</sentence><sentence id="88">My parents, they still were working in our <span class="NPIP">place</span>.</sentence><sentence id="89">And my brother, elder, was in <span class="BUILDING">hospital</span>.</sentence><sentence id="90">And the young-- younger brothers, they were working in the <span class="NPIP">place</span> to get some work because everyone supposed to working.</sentence><sentence id="91">And then started another war.</sentence><sentence id="92">And this was in June 22, 1941, the German attacked <span class="COUNTRY">Russia</span>, and in a few hours later they were in our <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">town</span> and other they came.</sentence><sentence id="93">So it was kills.</sentence><sentence id="94">There was -- after this, the Russian came back and they was fighting about the city of <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">Przemysl</span> one week, seven almost days.</sentence><sentence id="95">So, in the morning, there were Russian.</sentence><sentence id="96">At night, there were Germans.</sentence><sentence id="97">And every person was hiding deep, you know, in the <span class="INT_SPACE">cellars</span> and other, other <span class="NPIP">places</span> because we didn't know what to do.</sentence><sentence id="98">After seven days, the Russians got to go back, pulling back, and the Germans are coming.</sentence><sentence id="99">So we were -- we want-- wanted in the beginning to go with Russian, but they said they won't take us civil people.</sentence><sentence id="100">Only they was going by themselves.</sentence><sentence id="101">So we left there, and the Germans came.</sentence><sentence id="102">And after a few weeks -- this was 1941 -- they start to make orders, ghetto Jewish -- segregate Jewish people.</sentence><sentence id="103">Everybody has to work -- arbeit."</sentence><sentence id="104">And start to be difficult life, but still we didn't know what.</sentence></p></dialogue>
<dialogue class="Question"><p><sentence id="153">Q: How many of you were together?</sentence></p></dialogue>
<dialogue class="Answer"><p><sentence id="155">A: In this time, we were four brothers together.</sentence><sentence id="156">My sister was still in <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">Lvov</span>, in <span class="POPULATED_PLACE" lat="49.855421" long="23.987601">Lemberg</span>."</sentence></p></dialogue>
<dialogue class="Question"><p><sentence id="159">Q: Could you hold up the photograph of your family, please, so we can see it?</sentence></p></dialogue>
<dialogue class=""><p><sentence id="161">" Work (German).</sentence></p><p><sentence id="162"><span class="POPULATED_PLACE" lat="49.855421" long="23.987601">Lemberg</span> is the German name for <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">Lvov</span>.</sentence></p></dialogue><dialogue class="Answer"><p><sentence id="163">A: Yes.</sentence></p><p><sentence id="164">TECHNICAL CONVERSATION</sentence></p></dialogue><dialogue class="Answer"><p><sentence id="165">A: But I will explain who is who.</sentence><sentence id="166">So this is my father.</sentence><sentence id="167">This is my mother.</sentence><sentence id="168">This is my older brother, the physician.</sentence><sentence id="169">And this is my sister, and this is my younger brother, who were killed in the war -- like in <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">ghetto</span>.</sentence><sentence id="170">They took them to <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">concentration camp</span>.</sentence><sentence id="171">This is the mother-in-law of my youngest brother's wife.</sentence><sentence id="172">This is her mother and her father.</sentence><sentence id="173">They was together killed in 1942.</sentence><sentence id="174">Those taken to a <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">concentration camp</span> from <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">ghetto</span>.</sentence><sentence id="175">That's my close family.</sentence><sentence id="176">This is from <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">ghetto</span>, when we were there.</sentence><sentence id="177">We were working.</sentence><sentence id="178">This is for my oldest brother, the physician.</sentence><sentence id="179">He worked in <span class="BUILDING">hospital</span>, and there was like a <span class="BUILDING">field hospital</span> in <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">ghetto</span> -- small <span class="BUILDING">hospital</span>.</sentence><sentence id="180">He was working like a physician there, and this is his ID.</sentence><sentence id="181">And this was my ID.</sentence><sentence id="182">I was working with him there, the same, given in, in the <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">ghetto</span>.</sentence></p></dialogue>
<dialogue class="Question"><p><sentence id="201">Q: Thank you.</sentence></p></dialogue>
<dialogue class="Answer"><p><sentence id="203">A: So in the beginning, when we were in <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">ghetto</span>, we have to go.</sentence><sentence id="204">We were organized.</sentence><sentence id="205">Young people -- everybody has to go in the morning under the guard to do work.</sentence><sentence id="206">So I was working with my older brother.</sentence><sentence id="207">We have to -- they took us to a special <span class="NPIP">place</span>.</sentence><sentence id="208">We were loading coals in the <span class="SPATIAL_OBJ">wagons</span> forward and back, under heavy guard, from morning until late evening.</sentence><sentence id="209">And nothing to eat.</sentence><sentence id="210">Only you have to work in there.</sentence><sentence id="211">If you have something with you -- a piece of bread, anything -- you could have.</sentence><sentence id="212">And we work very hard.</sentence><sentence id="213">Then -- this was like in 1941.</sentence><sentence id="214">Then in 1942, they start to take so- called Aktion" -- take people from the <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">ghetto</span> and make smaller <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">ghetto</span>.</sentence><sentence id="215">So they surround, for example, one part of <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">ghetto</span>.</sentence><sentence id="216">And this part people couldn't live there.</sentence><sentence id="217">They have to go to the <span class="SPATIAL_OBJ">wagon</span>, to the <span class="SPATIAL_OBJ">train</span>, and they was taking them out.</sentence><sentence id="218">Nobody knows where they were sent.</sentence><sentence id="219">There's only -- they're taking us another <span class="NPIP">place</span>.</sentence><sentence id="220">They will have good life working, and this and this.</sentence><sentence id="221">So the people cannot say no because there was an order.</sentence><sentence id="222">So you have to stay.</sentence><sentence id="223">So this was in 1942.</sentence><sentence id="224">1941, they, they asked to get -- to give to them thousand young boys.</sentence><sentence id="225">But the <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">ghetto</span>, the -- no.</sentence><sentence id="226">In <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">ghetto</span>, the people who are partners like small government in <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">ghetto</span>, they, they was taking time.</sentence><sentence id="227">They didn't like to give the young people.</sentence><sentence id="228">They wanted to have a list of young people.</sentence><sentence id="229">So this was going to 1942.</sentence><sentence id="230">And then in the beginning of 1942, they said, "Two thousand."</sentence><sentence id="231">And they came.</sentence><sentence id="232">They have at least -- they came to our <span class="BUILDING">home</span>, and they wanted to take me.</sentence><sentence id="233">But my younger brother, he was a little physical stronger, he said, "No, I will go."</sentence><sentence id="234">And they took him to the concentration labor-like camp in <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">Lvov</span>.</sentence><sentence id="235">And this was the young boy who they later hanged.</sentence><sentence id="236">And they took him there.</sentence><sentence id="237">He, he voluntary -- he was going because he wanted to save my life.</sentence><sentence id="238">And I was still working with my, with my parents and, Murderous campaigns undertaken by the Nazis for political, racial, or eugenic ends (German).</sentence><sentence id="239">and my brothers in <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">ghetto</span>.</sentence><sentence id="240">We apparently didn't know about deaths, what's happened to my brother.</sentence><sentence id="241">But my wife how she told you, she was going over there.</sentence><sentence id="242">She was in contact with us.</sentence><sentence id="243">She help us.</sentence><sentence id="244">She was working with my mother and father in this small <span class="BUILDING">shop</span>.</sentence><sentence id="245">She was like our own sister, like a daughter.</sentence><sentence id="246">She was very attached to us.</sentence><sentence id="247">We were attached to her.</sentence><sentence id="248">But she was Aryan.</sentence><sentence id="249">She had no -- Catholic, so they didn't touch her.</sentence><sentence id="250">So she can go some.</sentence><sentence id="251">She was sneaking under the <span class="DLF">fences</span> in the <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">ghetto</span>, and she brought something and this and this.</sentence><sentence id="252">We have contact.</sentence><sentence id="253">When they took my brother to <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">Lvov</span>, she was going to see him, because she was a girl and she was Catholic.</sentence><sentence id="254">She could go close and see something.</sentence><sentence id="255">He can go to the <span class="DLF">fence</span> or something.</sentence><sentence id="256">She ask some watchman who are same day.</sentence><sentence id="257">Maybe they let her go to talk.</sentence><sentence id="258">So she was in contact with him.</sentence><sentence id="259">One thing she make arrangement with him, but she will break.</sentence><sentence id="260">He asked her that he wanted to run away and maybe she will hide him.</sentence><sentence id="261">So she has to bring him some clothes, this and this; and they make arrangement where, where he has to come to see her.</sentence><sentence id="262">And this time she came but they make special hours when she will meet him.</sentence><sentence id="263">But there was now going the <span class="SPATIAL_OBJ">military trains</span>, and all kinds of <span class="SPATIAL_OBJ">civil trains</span> were stopped.</sentence><sentence id="264">First, military.</sentence><sentence id="265">So it was a couple of hours, maybe two or three hours late she came, because the <span class="SPATIAL_OBJ">trains</span> was - - she couldn't come.</sentence><sentence id="266">In meantime, he -- according to, to his agreement with her -- he left the, the <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">camp, and</span> he saw a woman who was similar to my wife.</sentence><sentence id="267">He came to her.</sentence><sentence id="268">And then she was not this right person.</sentence><sentence id="269">So when he was turning back, he want to go back, some watchman, they find him.</sentence><sentence id="270">They saw him.</sentence><sentence id="271">Now they took him back to, to <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">camp</span>.</sentence><sentence id="272">And when my wife came to see him, they told her it's too late.</sentence><sentence id="273">They hanged him.</sentence><sentence id="274">So she came very depressed.</sentence></p></dialogue>
<dialogue class="Question"><p><sentence id="347">Q: Let's make something very clear.</sentence><sentence id="348">Slow down a minute, please.</sentence><sentence id="349">Relax.</sentence><sentence id="350">We have plenty of time.</sentence><sentence id="351">You are about 18?</sentence><sentence id="352">How old are you?</sentence></p></dialogue>
<dialogue class="Answer"><p><sentence id="359">A: 24 at this time.</sentence></p></dialogue>
<dialogue class="Question"><p><sentence id="361">Q: 24 at this point, all right.</sentence><sentence id="362">Your wife was 16, 17?</sentence></p></dialogue>
<dialogue class="Answer"><p><sentence id="365">A: She was 17, yes.</sentence></p></dialogue>
<dialogue class="Question"><p><sentence id="367">Q: All right.</sentence><sentence id="368">We need to make clear that she was obviously not yet your wife.</sentence></p></dialogue>
<dialogue class="Answer"><p><sentence id="371">A: No.</sentence></p></dialogue>
<dialogue class="Question"><p><sentence id="373">Q: And that there was indeed -- because she was Catholic, you would have tended not to think in those directions.</sentence></p></dialogue><dialogue class="Answer"><p><sentence id="374">A: No.</sentence><sentence id="375">She was only very, very attached to us.</sentence><sentence id="376">She was like a relative.</sentence><sentence id="377">We, we love her very much, and she love us very much.</sentence></p></dialogue><dialogue class="Question"><p><sentence id="378">Q: Let's talk now -- I want to talk about you.</sentence><sentence id="379">I don't want her story, or her side of it.</sentence><sentence id="380">I want your side of it, all right?</sentence><sentence id="381">Your brother has been has been taken, has been killed.</sentence></p></dialogue>
<dialogue class="Answer"><p><sentence id="386">A: Yes.</sentence></p></dialogue>
<dialogue class="Question"><p><sentence id="388">Q: What did you do?</sentence><sentence id="389">Where were you at this point in time?</sentence></p></dialogue>
<dialogue class="Answer"><p><sentence id="392">A: In <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">ghetto</span>, in <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">Przemysl</span>.</sentence><sentence id="393">And we got the message.</sentence><sentence id="394">We didn't tell the parents what was happened.</sentence><sentence id="395">To them, they didn't know about it.</sentence><sentence id="396">And we work.</sentence><sentence id="397">And then -- and this was July -- in August 1942.</sentence><sentence id="398">They make another <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">ghetto</span> -- smaller -- another <span class="BUILDING">Aktion</span>.</sentence><sentence id="399">They took our parents, and they took away.</sentence><sentence id="400">And I remember when they was concentration them in the <span class="NPIP">place</span> I was staying, and I was crying.</sentence><sentence id="401">And there was staying a young soldier.</sentence><sentence id="402">He asked me, "Why are you crying?"</sentence><sentence id="403">I said, "They are my parents!"</sentence><sentence id="404">He said, "You will never see them."</sentence><sentence id="405">I said, "They supposed to take them to, to a <span class="NPIP">job</span> to work." "</sentence><sentence id="406">They will murder," he said. "</sentence><sentence id="407">You will never see him -- them."</sentence><sentence id="408">If you want, you can bring them little tea or something to drink.</sentence><sentence id="409">But go fast."</sentence><sentence id="410">And I was running back to <span class="BUILDING">home</span>, and I prepare something for them, and I came.</sentence><sentence id="411">It was too late.</sentence><sentence id="412">I saw them already pushing to the <span class="SPATIAL_OBJ">cattle wagon</span>, with sticks.</sentence><sentence id="413">They was pushing.</sentence><sentence id="414">And my father, he turns -- like my mother was turned down; and he looked and he saw me, and he said like this [gesturing father waving goodbye to Josef].</sentence><sentence id="415">And this was the last thing what I saw.</sentence><sentence id="416">Then -- and there was in the meantime other <span class="BUILDING">Aktion</span>.</sentence><sentence id="417">And we still working hard.</sentence><sentence id="418">And, and November 18, 1942, there was the Aktion.</sentence><sentence id="419">Right before the people, they was finding out that they were an Aktion.</sentence><sentence id="420">So they make under the <span class="INT_SPACE">kitchen</span> an <span class="INT_SPACE">apartment</span>.</sentence><sentence id="421">There was like an <span class="DLF">entrance</span> to <span class="INT_SPACE">cellar</span>, and we make like a <span class="INT_SPACE">bunker</span>.</sentence><sentence id="422">Was hiding <span class="DLF">entrance</span>, and we make like a <span class="INT_SPACE">bunker</span>.</sentence><sentence id="423">And we were sitting there.</sentence><sentence id="424">There was almost thirty people there, and we are sitting.</sentence><sentence id="425">And we went on November 17th at night there hiding.</sentence><sentence id="426">On November 18th, in the morning, start to be the Aktion.</sentence><sentence id="427">We heard noises, shooting, screaming.</sentence><sentence id="428">And barking dogs and everything.</sentence><sentence id="429">And we heard what's going on.</sentence><sentence id="430">Then, almost at the end, was almost probably before seven o'clock, after six, before seven o'clock in the evening, there was dark because the weather was snow, cold.</sentence><sentence id="431">And somebody pushed the <span class="DLF">window</span>, and they said it was covered with sack -- with straw.</sentence><sentence id="432">We didn't know about that.</sentence><sentence id="433">Because was called a sound from the people who were Ordnungs," the people who was helping the, the, the SS men.</sentence><sentence id="434">He pushed with a stick the, the, the sack with straw, and was a little light.</sentence><sentence id="435">Because we were sitting in dark, but still came a little light <span class="NPIP">inside</span>.</sentence><sentence id="436">He said, "If somebody's hiding there" -- he said this automatically -- "has to get out, because we will throw grenades insi-- <span class="NPIP">inside</span>."</sentence><sentence id="437">So there was a woman near the <span class="DLF">window</span> sitting.</sentence><sentence id="438">She pushed her daughter, and said, "Go.</sentence><sentence id="439">Save your life."</sentence><sentence id="440">She pushed her through the <span class="DLF">window</span>.</sentence><sentence id="441">4 Ordnungsdienst [Order Service] (German).</sentence><sentence id="442">The daughter was maybe eight, nine years old.</sentence><sentence id="443">And she pushed her, and she start to scramble go through the <span class="DLF">window</span>.</sentence><sentence id="444">And suddenly, the SS man who was far away, they was almost finished the job.</sentence><sentence id="445">They turned back and saw the girl coming out, and this guy, he was helping her.</sentence><sentence id="446">They came back.</sentence><sentence id="447">And they start to beat her and kick her with feet in, in the face in front of <span class="DLF">entrance</span>.</sentence><sentence id="448">And then the mother start to scream.</sentence><sentence id="449">And they opened the <span class="DLF">doors</span>, and they said, "Out!</sentence><sentence id="450">Out!</sentence><sentence id="451">Out!"</sentence><sentence id="452">And there was standing a row with soldiers and with policemen with rifles.</sentence><sentence id="453">And they throw us -- "Ground!</sentence><sentence id="454">Ground!"</sentence><sentence id="455">And was they hitting us with rifles.</sentence><sentence id="456">Who got down, they killed him on the spot.</sentence><sentence id="457">Who could run has to go another <span class="NPIP">place</span>.</sentence><sentence id="458">And they, they -- L, I, with my brother and my cousin, we were running.</sentence><sentence id="459">We got the full blows, but we survive.</sentence><sentence id="460">We came to the <span class="NPIP">place</span> they keep us together.</sentence><sentence id="461">And there came a sergeant, and he said, "Now, we will shoot you.</sentence><sentence id="462">Stay in a row."</sentence><sentence id="463">And my older brother, who was saying to me, he said, "Aim your chest to the rifles.</sentence><sentence id="464">Because," he said, "They will hit you in the arm or in your ear.</sentence><sentence id="465">They will not shoot you twice.</sentence><sentence id="466">And they will put <span class="DLF">line</span> -- put you in a great big <span class="DLF">line</span>, and you will suffocate.</sentence><sentence id="467">So try to aim yourself," he said, "and stay."</sentence><sentence id="468">And we were staying in <span class="DLF">line</span>, and they with the rifles, they wanted to shoot us.</sentence><sentence id="469">Suddenly came an officer, an SS officer, and he's asking, "What's going on here?"</sentence><sentence id="470">They said, "No.</sentence><sentence id="471">We find they're hiding Jewish people.</sentence><sentence id="472">According to the order, they're supposed to voluntary come here.</sentence><sentence id="473">They didn't come, so we picked them up.</sentence><sentence id="474">And now we have to shoot them."</sentence><sentence id="475">He look on us.</sentence><sentence id="476">He said, "No.</sentence><sentence id="477">The <span class="SPATIAL_OBJ">train</span> still is under the <span class="BUILDING">station</span>.</sentence><sentence id="478">We need fat Jewish people.</sentence><sentence id="479">We need there for some -- " He said like soap or something, I don't remember so. "</sentence><sentence id="480">Put them to the <span class="SPATIAL_OBJ">train</span>."</sentence><sentence id="481">And he put us -- they put us to the <span class="SPATIAL_OBJ">train</span>.</sentence><sentence id="482">There was in my <span class="SPATIAL_OBJ">wagon</span> was over a hundred people like sardine together, you know.</sentence><sentence id="483">And was -- this was winter.</sentence><sentence id="484">But we were thirsty, dry mouth, dry tongue.</sentence><sentence id="485">high temperature.</sentence><sentence id="486">We was sitting, and we couldn't, we couldn't breathe.</sentence><sentence id="487">And they locked the <span class="DLF">door</span>.</sentence><sentence id="488">There was barbed wires on the small <span class="DLF">window</span>.</sentence><sentence id="489">And the <span class="SPATIAL_OBJ">train</span> start to move.</sentence><sentence id="490">And one man, he hang himself in the <span class="SPATIAL_OBJ">train</span> in the belt, and they tried to cut him off, and they cut him off and he was angry.</sentence><sentence id="491">He said, "No.</sentence><sentence id="492">I will not go for -- so you will have to... No!</sentence><sentence id="493">Don't!</sentence><sentence id="494">No!"</sentence><sentence id="495">He was screaming.</sentence><sentence id="496">He hanged himself.</sentence><sentence id="497">And I was going, I said to my brother, "No, I will not go there.</sentence><sentence id="498">I will commit suicide.</sentence><sentence id="499">I will not go."</sentence><sentence id="500">He said, "Don't do this.</sentence><sentence id="501">Don't."</sentence><sentence id="502">I said, "No, I will never go."</sentence><sentence id="503">And I was going little by little, they helped me came to the <span class="DLF">window</span>.</sentence><sentence id="504">And I don't know how I find in my pocket pliers.</sentence><sentence id="505">I have this small pliers.</sentence><sentence id="506">And I start to break the <span class="DLF">barbed wires</span>.</sentence><sentence id="507">I was working a long time, and I cut my hands, was bleeding.</sentence><sentence id="508">And I broke the wires.</sentence><sentence id="509">When I was in <span class="INT_SPACE">bunker</span>, I had a loaf of round bread.</sentence><sentence id="510">And I saved them.</sentence><sentence id="511">They was taking us, I took the bread.</sentence><sentence id="512">Here I had little belt.</sentence><sentence id="513">And when I broke the wire, I said, "Push me through the <span class="DLF">window</span>.</sentence><sentence id="514">I will jump."</sentence><sentence id="515">And the people start to push me and my head forward.</sentence><sentence id="516">Was tight, but when I was looking down, I was on the running, you know, the wheels <span class="SPATIAL_OBJ">train</span>.</sentence><sentence id="517">And then I saw the <span class="DLF">tracks</span> and the small stones, like gravels.</sentence><sentence id="518">Everything.</sentence><sentence id="519">I said, "No.</sentence><sentence id="520">I will not go with my head, because I will -- right to the wheels."</sentence><sentence id="521">It was like instant.</sentence><sentence id="522">One second, I wanted to commit suicide.</sentence><sentence id="523">Another second -- like instant -- I said, "Put me back!</sentence><sentence id="524">Put me back!"</sentence><sentence id="525">They, they pull me back, and I said, "I will go with my legs forward."</sentence><sentence id="526">And they pushed me with my legs, and I was hanging on the left hand.</sentence><sentence id="527">I was holding the <span class="DLF">window</span> <span class="NPIP">outside</span>.</sentence><sentence id="528">I was hanging, and the <span class="SPATIAL_OBJ">train</span> was in good speed.</sentence><sentence id="529">When the <span class="SPATIAL_OBJ">train</span> was taking a curve, I jumped forward and I was sliding.</sentence><sentence id="530">And suddenly I felt severe pain in my chest, and I was unconscious maybe a few minutes.</sentence><sentence id="531">I don't know how long.</sentence><sentence id="532">Then when I came to my normal condition, I saw in my breast there was a <span class="DLF">hole</span> like a fist.</sentence><sentence id="533">And this hurt my chest, because I stopped on a small post with wires.</sentence><sentence id="534">There were some wires.</sentence><sentence id="535">And I came out, and the <span class="SPATIAL_OBJ">train</span> was far away, and I was running up the <span class="SPATIAL_OBJ">train</span>.</sentence><sentence id="536">The <span class="SPATIAL_OBJ">train</span> -- there was snow, and I was looking where would I find my brother.</sentence><sentence id="537">No, but I find two other boys who jumped.</sentence><sentence id="538">One has broken here bone, clavicula (ph) bone, broken.</sentence><sentence id="539">One was moving.</sentence><sentence id="540">Another, his face scratched, but nothing special.</sentence><sentence id="541">So I helped.</sentence><sentence id="542">I took the, the belt.</sentence><sentence id="543">I put like here [showing that he tied the arm to the man's side], to, to keep the hands not moving.</sentence><sentence id="544">And I said, "We have to run away."</sentence><sentence id="545">So we are going under the <span class="DLF">hill</span> just like small way.</sentence><sentence id="546">There was snow.</sentence><sentence id="547">And we were going to the <span class="NPIP">place</span> that was called <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">Lipowice</span>.</sentence><sentence id="548">Was after <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">Przemysl</span> maybe seven kilometers, maybe more.</sentence><sentence id="549">And I went there, and I told them, "I have here a man."</sentence><sentence id="550">And normal, in wintertime of skiing, and I was coming to him to buy tea or coffee or some cookies.</sentence><sentence id="551">And I said, "I will go to him.</sentence><sentence id="552">Maybe he will give us shelter for one night.</sentence><sentence id="553">But then he will think in the morning what he have to do."</sentence><sentence id="554">And I went to him, and I knocked on the <span class="DLF">window</span>.</sentence><sentence id="555">He opened, and I told him who I am.</sentence><sentence id="556">He was a nice man.</sentence><sentence id="557">He was scared, very, because he knows what happens. "</sentence><sentence id="558">Nobody has seen you?"</sentence><sentence id="559">I said, "No, no."</sentence><sentence id="560">And he gives us the <span class="BUILDING">shelter</span>.</sentence><sentence id="561">We were sitting on the <span class="SPATIAL_OBJ">bench</span> all night.</sentence><sentence id="562">And he give some to drink, you know, coffee or anything.</sentence><sentence id="563">People drink only water, because we have very high temperature, very.</sentence><sentence id="564">Then in the morning we said goodbye.</sentence><sentence id="565">And we said to each other, "Everybody's going in different way.</sentence><sentence id="566">They will not catch us together.</sentence><sentence id="567">Only separate way."</sentence><sentence id="568">As a matter of fact, after war I met them.</sentence><sentence id="569">They survive.</sentence><sentence id="570">So I went to my friend, who was working in <span class="BUILDING">hospital</span>.</sentence><sentence id="571">And I went to him.</sentence><sentence id="572">I was holding my loaf, bread loaf, under my arm, and I was looking like a working man who's going to work.</sentence><sentence id="573">And when I came to him, he was scared.</sentence><sentence id="574">I told him what's happened, and he said, "Ok, I will try to do the best for you."</sentence><sentence id="575">And he was keeping me in a small <span class="BUILDING">cottage</span>, which was his <span class="BUILDING">mother's cottage</span>, but she was not in this time at <span class="BUILDING">home</span>.</sentence><sentence id="576">So he said, "Stay here."</sentence><sentence id="577">He locked me <span class="NPIP">inside</span>.</sentence><sentence id="578">And I was there all day, and I didn't know what to do.</sentence><sentence id="579">And I was..."Maybe I can trust him, maybe no.</sentence><sentence id="580">Maybe he can go to Gestapo or something, and this will be the end."</sentence><sentence id="581">But on the evening, he came.</sentence><sentence id="582">Was about eight o'clock.</sentence><sentence id="583">He said, "Joe, I am sorry.</sentence><sentence id="584">I was going around.</sentence><sentence id="585">I cannot find <span class="NPIP">place</span> for you.</sentence><sentence id="586">I cannot keep you, because my wife she is scared.</sentence><sentence id="587">We cannot risk our lives.</sentence><sentence id="588">So what you want to do?</sentence><sentence id="589">Tell me.</sentence><sentence id="590">I will bring you in any <span class="NPIP">place</span>."</sentence><sentence id="591">He worked in <span class="BUILDING">hospital</span>, and he had those <span class="SPATIAL_OBJ">carriage</span> with two horses.</sentence><sentence id="592">Always he could travel, because he can ride this.</sentence><sentence id="593">So there was -- on the other side of the <span class="ENV_FEATURES">Przemysl</span> there was a <span class="DLF">bridge</span>.</sentence><sentence id="594">So to go to the <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">town</span> where I was living before, we have to cross the <span class="DLF">bridge</span>.</sentence><sentence id="595">But on the <span class="DLF">bridge</span>, there was always watchmen, German.</sentence><sentence id="596">They were watching who was crossing; they were looking <span class="NPIP">inside</span> you're not smuggling something.</sentence><sentence id="597">So he said, "I will risk my life and your life.</sentence><sentence id="598">But you have to lie down under my feet.</sentence><sentence id="599">I will cover you with a blanket.</sentence><sentence id="600">I will keep my feet on your face.</sentence><sentence id="601">And I have the pass, so I will try to go.</sentence><sentence id="602">But don't move.</sentence><sentence id="603">We will see.</sentence><sentence id="604">Maybe we'll be lucky."</sentence><sentence id="605">And really, we went there.</sentence><sentence id="606">They stopped him.</sentence><sentence id="607">But they know him, and he's showed them the pass.</sentence><sentence id="608">They was looking <span class="NPIP">inside</span>, but they didn't look too much.</sentence><sentence id="609">He was holding the feet on my back.</sentence><sentence id="610">And we passed.</sentence><sentence id="611">So they came downtown, close to my <span class="DLF">street</span> that I was living.</sentence><sentence id="612">He said, "Joe, good luck.</sentence><sentence id="613">That's it.</sentence><sentence id="614">And do what you want."</sentence><sentence id="615">I said thank you, and he left.</sentence><sentence id="616">So I didn't know where to go.</sentence><sentence id="617">I went back to the <span class="NPIP">place</span> where we were living before.</sentence><sentence id="618">And I went to <span class="INT_SPACE">cellar</span>.</sentence><sentence id="619">There was not <span class="INT_SPACE">basement</span>, only <span class="INT_SPACE">cellar</span> -- open <span class="INT_SPACE">cellars</span>.</sentence><sentence id="620">And I was sitting there, and, and I saw this is not realistic because the people who maybe who lives there know who was living there, they can come back to <span class="INT_SPACE">cellar</span>.</sentence><sentence id="621">They will see me.</sentence><sentence id="622">There was open <span class="INT_SPACE">space</span>.</sentence><sentence id="623">And there's -- in fact there were rats and mice and dirt.</sentence><sentence id="624">So I said, "Maybe Stefania, maybe she will let me stay for one night."</sentence><sentence id="625">And I went upstairs, and I was knocking at her <span class="DLF">door</span>.</sentence><sentence id="626">And she -- first she asked me, I told her quietly, "It's me."</sentence><sentence id="627">And she opened the <span class="DLF">door</span>, and she saw me.</sentence><sentence id="628">Now, I was really in very bad condition.</sentence><sentence id="629">And she was very mercy to me with her really soft heart.</sentence><sentence id="630">She was most caring.</sentence><sentence id="631">She helped me to wash and this -- and she gave me her <span class="SPATIAL_OBJ">bed</span> to sleep.</sentence><sentence id="632">And her sister, she was wondering what's going on.</sentence><sentence id="633">Because she saw me first, little sister.</sentence><sentence id="634">And she explained her how this, anyway.</sentence><sentence id="635">And the morning, she put me under the <span class="SPATIAL_OBJ">bed</span>; and on the front of me, she put a sack with potatoes.</sentence><sentence id="636">She had a sack of potatoes there.</sentence><sentence id="637">So I was behind the sack of the potatoes, and she covered me blanket.</sentence><sentence id="638">She said, "Don't make noise, because the people are coming -- friends and this -- and they cannot see you."</sentence><sentence id="639">So this was for a few days.</sentence><sentence id="640">Then she went to my brother.</sentence><sentence id="641">He worked in, in a <span class="DLF">farm</span> which was under supervision of military, belonged to the military, and they -- all brothers was going through the military.</sentence><sentence id="642">So my brother was working there with his fiancee.</sentence><sentence id="643">And when was the Aktion in the <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">ghetto</span>, they hold the people there because they know they will go back to <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">ghetto</span>, and they will take them.</sentence><sentence id="644">The, the -- no, the SS will take them.</sentence><sentence id="645">But they wanted to save them, because they needed them for work.</sentence><sentence id="646">So they told them stay this night and one day more here.</sentence><sentence id="647">They were sleeping there.</sentence><sentence id="648">So my wife, she came.</sentence><sentence id="649">She told him what's happened, and she told him that I survive.</sentence><sentence id="650">I came, and I'm at her <span class="BUILDING">home</span>.</sentence><sentence id="651">He was very happy.</sentence><sentence id="652">And he was crying, also, because we lost the rest of the family.</sentence><sentence id="653">And then his wife, and they was taking them back to <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">ghetto</span> under guard -- I don't know how -- she run away.</sentence><sentence id="654">And she came to us to <span class="BUILDING">home</span> my wife's, where I was hiding temporary.</sentence><sentence id="655">No, she said, no, she will not go to <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">ghetto</span>.</sentence><sentence id="656">She doesn't like to go.</sentence><sentence id="657">I didn't like to either go to <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">ghetto</span>, but my brother, he went back to <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">ghetto</span> with the group.</sentence><sentence id="658">And then he came there.</sentence><sentence id="659">He start to contact with us.</sentence><sentence id="660">And then he told us in the <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">ghetto</span> now is quiet, temporarily is quiet. "</sentence><sentence id="661">Nothing there, nothing.</sentence><sentence id="662">No Aktion.</sentence><sentence id="663">So you maybe you'll come back."</sentence><sentence id="664">After a few days, we went back to <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">ghetto</span>.</sentence></p></dialogue>
<dialogue class="Question"><p><sentence id="938">Q: What was the <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">ghetto</span> like at that time?</sentence></p></dialogue><dialogue class="Answer"><p><sentence id="939">A: This was no -- there were a few <span class="DLF">streets</span> they surrounded with <span class="DLF">fences</span>.</sentence><sentence id="940">And there was watch, like police.</sentence><sentence id="941">Police watch-- watching men, Polish, and there was German.</sentence><sentence id="942">Was the stationary because when it was Aktion, it came special group--SS or special military group who was taking the Aktion then or doing this.</sentence><sentence id="943">But when this other, they left to the domestic people to take care about the <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">ghetto</span>.</sentence><sentence id="944">That the people cannot get out, that cannot go in.</sentence><sentence id="945">But my wife's little sister.</sentence><sentence id="946">She was going, playing and she was the messenger.</sentence><sentence id="947">She was bringing some message.</sentence><sentence id="948">We wanted something.</sentence><sentence id="949">We asked her.</sentence><sentence id="950">She would prepare in, in the evening.</sentence></p></dialogue>
<dialogue class=""><p><sentence id="963">Always I was under the <span class="DLF">fence</span> sneaking through the <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">town</span> and I was coming and I took her to pick up something.</sentence><sentence id="964">No.</sentence><sentence id="965">In the meantime, my brother, he got typhus and his friend got typhus.</sentence><sentence id="966">That was terrible thing, but we need something to -- there was no medicine.</sentence><sentence id="967">Nothing but something to, to keep them strong, to fight the temperature.</sentence><sentence id="968">So my wife, she prepared a sugar or milk or some cheese, butter -- something.</sentence><sentence id="969">And I smuggled this back to <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">ghetto</span>.</sentence><sentence id="970">Some drugs like painkiller drugs, you know, against high fever.</sentence><sentence id="971">This was, she could get without a, a prescription.</sentence><sentence id="972">So, like aspirin, you know -- such things like that.</sentence><sentence id="973">So kids, they survive, thanks God.</sentence><sentence id="974">But one time -- I have to tell this story.</sentence><sentence id="975">I was going from <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">ghetto</span>, and, and my watch was 8:30.</sentence><sentence id="976">But the, the curfew was until 9:00.</sentence><sentence id="977">After 9:00, they can catch anybody on the, on the <span class="DLF">street</span>.</sentence><sentence id="978">They can kill without asking if you have no permission to go on the <span class="DLF">pavement</span>.</sentence><sentence id="979">And I had always dressed similar to the dress like the young Hitlerjugend,deg they were wear.</sentence><sentence id="980">Those high shoes, short tight black pants, and nice coat and a nice hat with a, with a -- with the, with a -- like a, no, like a shaving thing, you know?</sentence><sentence id="981">Like a feather, yes.</sentence><sentence id="982">And I was going always dressed in this.</sentence><sentence id="983">But this time I had an attache case, because I was going to my way to pick up some food and my watch.</sentence><sentence id="984">And I changed my dress from my old dress to this dress.</sentence><sentence id="985">I forget to put this -- I'll show you this false document.</sentence><sentence id="986">And I'm going... There was a <span class="DLF">bridge</span> from the <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">ghetto</span>, which was going to the <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">town</span>, but the, the <span class="DLF">bridge</span> was going from <span class="DLF">street</span> to the <span class="BUILDING">factory</span> which there was fixing broken <span class="SPATIAL_OBJ">cars</span>, <span class="SPATIAL_OBJ">trains</span> and everything.</sentence><sentence id="987">So -- but on the side was <span class="DLF">entrance</span> to <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">ghetto</span>, but this was blocked by <span class="DLF">barbed wires</span>.</sentence><sentence id="988">And was like a <span class="DLF">road</span> that you cannot go to <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">ghetto</span>.</sentence><sentence id="989">But always I was going through the <span class="DLF">holes</span>, and I was going to the <span class="DLF">bridge</span> down to the <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">town</span>.</sentence><sentence id="990">And when I was going downstairs to the <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">town</span> already, suddenly a flashlight went to my face. "</sentence><sentence id="991">Oh," I said.</sentence><sentence id="992">"That's it!"</sentence><sentence id="993">And in German language, somebody said, "Hande hoch!""</sentence><sentence id="994">I put my "Hande hoch," and the attache case fell down.</sentence><sentence id="995">So he came close.</sentence><sentence id="996">And I said, "No, this is German police.</sentence><sentence id="997">That's it!</sentence><sentence id="998">They will finish me."</sentence><sentence id="999">But I said why.</sentence><sentence id="1000">And then came this Polish policeman.</sentence><sentence id="1001">He was speaking German.</sentence><sentence id="1002">He asked me, "Who are you?</sentence><sentence id="1003">Where are you going?"</sentence><sentence id="1004">I said, "No, I will not tell him that I am come from <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">ghetto</span>."</sentence><sentence id="1005">I said, "I am going from the <span class="BUILDING">factory</span>.</sentence><sentence id="1006">I worked for my father."</sentence><sentence id="1007">I said, "Dinner -- lunch.</sentence><sentence id="1008">And I -- dinner -- and I am going back from <span class="BUILDING">factory</span> &gt; Hitler Youth (German).6 "Hands up!" (</sentence><sentence id="1009">German).</sentence><sentence id="1010">0 <span class="BUILDING">home</span>." "</sentence><sentence id="1011">Give me your documents."</sentence><sentence id="1012">And I am looking in pocket, and I don't have my -- they called the ID card was Kennkarte" in German, ID card.</sentence><sentence id="1013">I was looking.</sentence><sentence id="1014">I said, "I am sorry.</sentence><sentence id="1015">I don't have in this dress.</sentence><sentence id="1016">But if you like to come with me to the <span class="BUILDING">factory</span>, there everybody knows me and, and they will tell you who Iam."</sentence><sentence id="1017">And I told, "I will go with you back."</sentence><sentence id="1018">Then we will be close to the <span class="DLF">entrance</span> to the <span class="DLF">block</span>, <span class="DLF">entrance</span> to the <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">ghetto</span>.</sentence><sentence id="1019">I will give him a blow, and I will jump to <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">ghetto</span>.</sentence><sentence id="1020">But he was smart.</sentence><sentence id="1021">He said, "No, no.</sentence><sentence id="1022">No way!</sentence><sentence id="1023">No way!"</sentence><sentence id="1024">I said, "Why?"</sentence><sentence id="1025">He said, "Maybe you are a spy."</sentence><sentence id="1026">I said, "What kind of spy?</sentence><sentence id="1027">You are a Polish man, and I am a Polish man.</sentence><sentence id="1028">And I am a spy for whom?</sentence><sentence id="1029">I am spying for <span class="COUNTRY">Germany</span>?"</sentence><sentence id="1030">He was working for <span class="COUNTRY">Germany</span>. "</sentence><sentence id="1031">I'm not spying for <span class="COUNTRY">Germany</span>."</sentence><sentence id="1032">He said, "Don't touch me."</sentence><sentence id="1033">He start to swear to me: "You such -- out.</sentence><sentence id="1034">And you, we're going to Gestapo."</sentence><sentence id="1035">And I know if he will go with me, and this is -- he said, "You know, it is 9:30."</sentence><sentence id="1036">And I show him my watch, was 8:30.</sentence><sentence id="1037">He said, "Throw your watch under the running <span class="SPATIAL_OBJ">train</span>.</sentence><sentence id="1038">This is 9:30."</sentence><sentence id="1039">My watch was not working.</sentence><sentence id="1040">And I was late.</sentence><sentence id="1041">After curfew, curfew.</sentence><sentence id="1042">So he said, "We are going to Gestapo."</sentence><sentence id="1043">And like this, and I know if he will go on the <span class="DLF">street</span> at night with this -- with me, the German, you know, police, they are going also patrols.</sentence><sentence id="1044">And they will see him holding.</sentence><sentence id="1045">They will take me from him, and they will kill me on the spot.</sentence><sentence id="1046">So I, I know the psychology of the Polish people.</sentence><sentence id="1047">I start to talk him: "Hey, you are a tall guy and I am a little short man.</sentence><sentence id="1048">And you are holding me under gun.</sentence><sentence id="1049">What you think, that I will kill you or I will run away?You're supposed to be ashamed!</sentence><sentence id="1050">You're a coward."</sentence><sentence id="1051">Like this.</sentence><sentence id="1052">And he said to me, "You don't --" I said, "You're a coward."</sentence><sentence id="1053">So he put his gun here, the rifle.</sentence><sentence id="1054">He walked with me like this, and we start to talk Polish.</sentence><sentence id="1055">I talk to him Polish.</sentence><sentence id="1056">So, really, there was going a German patrol, but they look on us and they didn't touch.</sentence><sentence id="1057">Because he was a policeman, and I was talking to him Polish.</sentence><sentence id="1058">He was talking to me Polish.</sentence><sentence id="1059">They didn't understand what we were talking about.</sentence><sentence id="1060">So they thought maybe I'm also a, a secret police.</sentence><sentence id="1061">So I am going with him.</sentence><sentence id="1062">So one thing passed away behind me, and then we are going, there was a <span class="DLF">street</span> up.</sentence><sentence id="1063">And I see from far away, like maybe two hundred yards, a small light.</sentence><sentence id="1064">And there stand a watchman as the Gestapo watchman.</sentence><sentence id="1065">That's the <span class="BUILDING">Gestapo office</span>.</sentence><sentence id="1066">I said, "This is the end!"</sentence><sentence id="1067">And I talked to him.</sentence><sentence id="1068">No, no, no.</sentence><sentence id="1069">He is taking me there.</sentence><sentence id="1070">I said, "Listen, if I am a partisan, you know, they are watching you.</sentence><sentence id="1071">Your whole family will be killed, and you will be killed.</sentence><sentence id="1072">They will put in fire your <span class="BUILDING">house</span>.</sentence><sentence id="1073">You will not survive."</sentence><sentence id="1074">I said, "I don't care.</sentence><sentence id="1075">They will kill me, but you will -- " He said, "I don't care.</sentence><sentence id="1076">Now this is wartime, and this is my duty."</sentence><sentence id="1077">And sudden, I don't know, came to my mind something.</sentence><sentence id="1078">And I hit him with my right hand.</sentence><sentence id="1079">He was taller than me.</sentence><sentence id="1080">I hit him once right, and then upper cut his left.</sentence><sentence id="1081">He fell down like a piece of wood.</sentence><sentence id="1082">I felt I have such power because this was death -- life or death.</sentence><sentence id="1083">And I was so angry.</sentence><sentence id="1084">I was said to him, "You dirty pig!</sentence><sentence id="1085">You will get what you deserve!</sentence><sentence id="1086">I could kill you right now," I said, "but I will not do this.</sentence><sentence id="1087">I will not make my hands dirty."</sentence><sentence id="1088">And I turn around and I was going on the <span class="DLF">hill</span> TID card (German).</sentence><sentence id="1089">1 the <span class="DLF">street</span> down.</sentence><sentence id="1090">I was not running.</sentence><sentence id="1091">And then, in the last minute, I start to run away.</sentence><sentence id="1092">And I came to my wife at night.</sentence><sentence id="1093">I was out after 10:00, and she was, "What's happen?"</sentence><sentence id="1094">And I told her the story.</sentence><sentence id="1095">And I was all night staying there.</sentence><sentence id="1096">And next morning, I told her, "Go look on the <span class="DLF">street</span>.</sentence><sentence id="1097">Watch what's happen."</sentence><sentence id="1098">She went.</sentence><sentence id="1099">She came, said, "Nothing.</sentence><sentence id="1100">No nothing, and nobody."</sentence><sentence id="1101">I don't know.</sentence><sentence id="1102">You know, quiet.</sentence><sentence id="1103">And in the evening, I was going back to <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">ghetto</span>.</sentence><sentence id="1104">And when I was jumping through the <span class="DLF">bridge</span>, I heard shooting -- [Imitating shooting sound].And I went myself, and then I saw, look what's happen.</sentence><sentence id="1105">There are another like SS man or maybe not SS man, but he was a secret police.</sentence><sentence id="1106">There was lying a woman he took from the <span class="SPATIAL_OBJ">train</span>.</sentence><sentence id="1107">A woman, he was taking off her shoes.</sentence><sentence id="1108">She was still alive, and he was taking off her shoes.</sentence><sentence id="1109">He killed her because he felt she was a Jewish person.</sentence><sentence id="1110">They found her.</sentence><sentence id="1111">Anyway, I went to <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">ghetto</span>.</sentence><sentence id="1112">And I came to there, and I was there for a while.</sentence><sentence id="1113">Then her sister always was with her and counting, and I came back.</sentence><sentence id="1114">I talked to my wife was yet to find a <span class="NPIP">place</span> to hide, because in this <span class="NPIP">place</span> we cannot stay.</sentence><sentence id="1115">I said, "I have to come with my brother, with his fiancee, and my friend and his daughter.</sentence><sentence id="1116">Would be about five to seven people."</sentence><sentence id="1117">And so we organized.</sentence><sentence id="1118">She's under -- "The beginning," she said, "it will be very hard."</sentence><sentence id="1119">So I said, "Listen.</sentence><sentence id="1120">We have to do this."</sentence><sentence id="1121">So she was looking, and she find on the <span class="DLF">hill</span> is like a side <span class="DLF">street</span> on the <span class="DLF">border</span> of the <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">town</span>.</sentence><sentence id="1122">The name of Tatarska (ph) Street.</sentence><sentence id="1123">And this was like a nice small <span class="BUILDING">cottage</span>.</sentence><sentence id="1124">And I came with her once there before she made the arrangement.</sentence><sentence id="1125">And I said, "This is perfect for this purpose."</sentence><sentence id="1126">So she make the whole thing legal.</sentence><sentence id="1127">She says she make -- she get the papers.</sentence><sentence id="1128">And when she moved there, I came there with my friend.</sentence><sentence id="1129">And first we were looking around; and I think, "We have to make a <span class="INT_SPACE">bunker</span>."</sentence><sentence id="1130">So under her <span class="SPATIAL_OBJ">bed</span>, I cut a piece of <span class="INT_SPACE">floor</span>.</sentence><sentence id="1131">We start to <span class="DLF">digging hole</span>.</sentence><sentence id="1132">We were digging, and she was taking in the evening in a sack this ground.</sentence><sentence id="1133">And there was some <span class="ENV_FEATURES">trees</span>, and between them she was putting the, the, you know, the soil, so nobody would see the soil.</sentence><sentence id="1134">And we make such in that two could stay there.</sentence><sentence id="1135">The <span class="INT_SPACE">attic</span> was too open.</sentence><sentence id="1136">And there was like a <span class="DLF">ladder</span> from the <span class="DLF">hole</span>.</sentence><sentence id="1137">There was a <span class="DLF">hole</span> between <span class="INT_SPACE">attic</span>.</sentence><sentence id="1138">So I was thinking, "Later."</sentence><sentence id="1139">But for first thing, I said, "Instead of sit in the open <span class="INT_SPACE">attic</span>, maybe we will be there."</sentence><sentence id="1140">But then came the father of, the father of the girl, and, and came another, my friend.</sentence><sentence id="1141">So was a little more people.</sentence><sentence id="1142">And I...I don't know what to do.</sentence><sentence id="1143">I said, "Now we have to go upstairs because we cannot be in the <span class="DLF">hole</span>."</sentence><sentence id="1144">So we are, we are sitting in the open <span class="INT_SPACE">attic</span>.</sentence><sentence id="1145">And then I told to my wife, "Look, maybe we will find an old <span class="ENV_FEATURES">wood</span>, something that we can call and make a first row similar to this round wood."</sentence><sentence id="1146">This would be nothing new.</sentence><sentence id="1147">And I said, "We will make a false <span class="DLF">wall</span>, do something."</sentence><sentence id="1148">Was very difficult.</sentence><sentence id="1149">She was running around many <span class="NPIP">places</span>, and then she find somebody.</sentence><sentence id="1150">And they brought her this, and she said she like to have this for wintertime for, for fire.</sentence><sentence id="1151">So they left this.</sentence><sentence id="1152">And she brought this little by little <span class="NPIP">inside</span>.</sentence><sentence id="1153">The neighbors was asking, "What?"</sentence><sentence id="1154">She said, "No, for I like to cut this and cut for wintertime."</sentence><sentence id="1155">So was not for -- not I wanted.</sentence><sentence id="1156">Then when she brought the -- we measured everything.</sentence><sentence id="1157">We cut it by little and we make numbers that everything will fit.</sentence><sentence id="1158">Then we have to nail this.</sentence><sentence id="1159">There will be noise.</sentence><sentence id="1160">So I advised my wife 2 make washing, laundry -- everything.</sentence><sentence id="1161">And ask them if they have ropes and nails, that you will put them in <span class="INT_SPACE">attic</span>, you will hang them and they will dry.</sentence><sentence id="1162">The, the, you know, the washed laundry.</sentence><sentence id="1163">So that.</sentence><sentence id="1164">So they did, and this time, instead of putting nails and put, you know, the ropes, we know they, they were fast.</sentence><sentence id="1165">Then we put a little also <span class="NPIP">outside</span>, and if you put everything there, there will be not now, they will be exact like is dirt and, and from the spiders.</sentence><sentence id="1166">The -- took from our <span class="NPIP">place</span> they put another <span class="NPIP">place</span>.</sentence><sentence id="1167">Was look exactly like old thing.</sentence><sentence id="1168">And this the, the <span class="INT_SPACE">attic</span> was shut in maybe like two <span class="DLF">yards</span>.</sentence><sentence id="1169">I make sure of it.</sentence><sentence id="1170">And I make, make the <span class="DLF">roof</span> was going on an angle, so I make a small <span class="DLF">door</span>, so that I can every time open, watch and close right away if somebody will come.</sentence><sentence id="1171">And I was this what I have my curved spine.</sentence><sentence id="1172">And that's because almost two weeks I was laying like this, because I was watching always if somebody not come.</sentence><sentence id="1173">And it's hard to know.</sentence><sentence id="1174">We were there.</sentence><sentence id="1175">It was very fine.</sentence><sentence id="1176">And then the people that come, little by little, from <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">ghetto--</span> then my brother and his wife, they came, the last ones.</sentence><sentence id="1177">But so other people, they came little by little.</sentence><sentence id="1178">There was story how they were coming.</sentence><sentence id="1179">But my wife, I think she thought about it.</sentence><sentence id="1180">So anyway, we were all 13 there.. Now we have to organize food and organize the regime control that we do not do something which can be dangerous to our life.</sentence><sentence id="1181">So I make like the [indecipherable].</sentence><sentence id="1182">Every two hours somebody sitting watching.</sentence><sentence id="1183">They will be not snoring at night.</sentence><sentence id="1184">So we have a stick with a rabbit, this was from a rabbit like with the tail.</sentence><sentence id="1185">And I told them if somebody was snoring, you go to your nose to wake up.</sentence><sentence id="1186">But don't make noise.</sentence><sentence id="1187">Because you have to be, perhaps somebody will wake you up and try to sleep on the stomach.</sentence><sentence id="1188">Everybody on the stomach, not on the back because you will snore.</sentence><sentence id="1189">That was dangerous, number one.</sentence><sentence id="1190">Number two, no smoking.</sentence><sentence id="1191">The people, they want to smoke.</sentence><sentence id="1192">They were smoking anything.</sentence><sentence id="1193">I said, "No smoking, because the, the smoke will go to the <span class="NPIP">place</span> within the, the <span class="DLF">wall</span>, or they can see at night light through, or can be a fire.</sentence><sentence id="1194">We don't need this."</sentence><sentence id="1195">So there was really a fight to convince the people that this is tragedy.</sentence><sentence id="1196">This is not for us.</sentence><sentence id="1197">Then one, the woman who came with her two children, she got typhus there.</sentence><sentence id="1198">And she, she was infected in <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">ghetto</span>, but after a few days, after a week, the typhus develop.</sentence><sentence id="1199">And she had high fever, temperature.</sentence><sentence id="1200">She was talking.</sentence><sentence id="1201">So I was the one who was taking care of her.</sentence><sentence id="1202">I said nobody could come close to her.</sentence><sentence id="1203">So it was really tough, because there was not too much <span class="INT_SPACE">space</span>, but she was -- I was watching her.</sentence><sentence id="1204">I shave her hair, and I said to my wife, "Do anything what you wanted to get something."</sentence><sentence id="1205">Because after experience with my brother in <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">ghetto</span>, to keep her going.</sentence><sentence id="1206">And she was trying to buy for her sugar and something, and aspirin and this and this.</sentence><sentence id="1207">And anyway, I, I make also a prescription for heart, you know, some medicine to keep, make the heart going.</sentence><sentence id="1208">And she went to <span class="BUILDING">pharmacy</span>.</sentence><sentence id="1209">And I said, "Maybe, we ok.</sentence><sentence id="1210">Maybe, no."</sentence><sentence id="1211">And she made it. .</sentence><sentence id="1212">I don't know how.</sentence><sentence id="1213">She got started.</sentence><sentence id="1214">It was another story, but a lot -- she made it, she got it, she came.</sentence><sentence id="1215">Anyway, the children were prepared if she, God forbidding, passed away, that we in the <span class="DLF">hole</span> will make a, we will make a <span class="DLF">hole</span>, a <span class="DLF">grave</span>.</sentence><sentence id="1216">We will put her temporary there.</sentence><sentence id="1217">Because 3 we had to be prepared for everything, I told them.</sentence><sentence id="1218">But anyway, she survived, was Ok.</sentence><sentence id="1219">Then I convinced the people stop smoking, and about snoring.</sentence><sentence id="1220">Then was problem with, with food, because this woman she wanted special, special food all the time.</sentence><sentence id="1221">But something was very difficult to get.</sentence><sentence id="1222">This was not so easy.</sentence><sentence id="1223">Was tough time.</sentence><sentence id="1224">But we were sitting.</sentence><sentence id="1225">Was many, many stories, like my wife told you.</sentence><sentence id="1226">They came, they gave her two hours to move out.</sentence><sentence id="1227">We asked her to run away, to save her life and her sister. "</sentence><sentence id="1228">No," she said no.</sentence><sentence id="1229">And she was staying, and she survived.</sentence><sentence id="1230">Then came the German.</sentence><sentence id="1231">They came, they have two nurses -- there were two nurse and their two boyfriends.</sentence><sentence id="1232">And they was almost everyday sleeping there.</sentence><sentence id="1233">So we were above them.</sentence><sentence id="1234">And sometimes there was little noise, because they can hear.</sentence><sentence id="1235">And I was feeling that this is very dangerous.</sentence><sentence id="1236">They are there.</sentence><sentence id="1237">And one time, like my wife told, they came.</sentence><sentence id="1238">They was holding my wife, and one nurse also was with them and one was running.</sentence><sentence id="1239">There was like not <span class="DLF">stairs</span>, only there was like no...</sentence></p></dialogue>
<dialogue class="Question"><p><sentence id="1522">Q: <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">Ladder</span>.</sentence></p></dialogue>
<dialogue class="Answer"><p><sentence id="1524">A: Ladder.</sentence><sentence id="1525">And...and no -- you can hear the noise if somebody stepping on the -- so I was hearing something.</sentence><sentence id="1526">And I closed the <span class="DLF">door</span>.</sentence><sentence id="1527">And suddenly came one of the nurse.</sentence><sentence id="1528">She was looking around, going around looking, not quiet.</sentence><sentence id="1529">Was the last moment.</sentence><sentence id="1530">And she went down, and she told them no.</sentence><sentence id="1531">So my wife, she saw what's going on.</sentence><sentence id="1532">Then she bought chicken, and she was holding the chicken in, in the <span class="DLF">hole</span>, and the chicken was making noise.</sentence><sentence id="1533">Something to, you know, to mask the noise.</sentence><sentence id="1534">And this was what we're doing to, to try to, you know, to camouflage everything.</sentence><sentence id="1535">Then about food.</sentence><sentence id="1536">Her little sister, she was coming bringing something bread.</sentence><sentence id="1537">I have always there a few loaves of bread, which changing I make some mess, like a <span class="ENV_FEATURES">nest</span>; and there was exchanging every time fresh and they all using what we were eating.</sentence><sentence id="1538">And to not make suspicious the, the neighbor, so she says, "She is bringing bread and she is selling bread."</sentence><sentence id="1539">And always was going in this way, that they couldn't count how it is.</sentence><sentence id="1540">What was hiding.</sentence><sentence id="1541">And she never was talking to people.</sentence><sentence id="1542">She could play with little children, and never -- she never said a word about us.</sentence><sentence id="1543">And one time, they came.</sentence><sentence id="1544">My wife, she didn't come to <span class="BUILDING">work</span>.</sentence><sentence id="1545">And there was another, she has to work.</sentence><sentence id="1546">So she was -- a few days she didn't come because she was feeling sick.</sentence><sentence id="1547">She didn't feel good.</sentence><sentence id="1548">And I see through the <span class="DLF">window</span> -- because always we were watching to see if someone could see a policeman is coming -- a Polish policeman and a German policeman is coming.</sentence><sentence id="1549">So I told her, "Go with us to the, to the" I said, "to the <span class="INT_SPACE">bunker</span>.</sentence><sentence id="1550">Hide.</sentence><sentence id="1551">And they will only your little sister. .</sentence><sentence id="1552">She will tell them that you went to buy some food, you know, in the <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">village</span>, something."</sentence><sentence id="1553">And they knocked on the <span class="DLF">door</span>, and she opened.</sentence><sentence id="1554">They came. "</sentence><sentence id="1555">Where's your sister?</sentence><sentence id="1556">Who are you, your sister?</sentence><sentence id="1557">Where's your sister?"</sentence><sentence id="1558">Said, "She went to the <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">village</span> buy some food."</sentence><sentence id="1559">The policeman, he turned and slapped her in the face.</sentence><sentence id="1560">She fell down.</sentence><sentence id="1561">And he said, "Why are you lying?</sentence><sentence id="1562">Your neighbor, they told us that she was just now out here in the <span class="DLF">yard</span>."</sentence><sentence id="1563">And she start stutter "Why I, I have to lie?</sentence><sentence id="1564">She went -- she has to go through the <span class="DLF">yard</span>.</sentence><sentence id="1565">So she was in 4 the <span class="DLF">yard</span>, and she went to, to the <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">village</span>.</sentence><sentence id="1566">How she can go to, to the <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">village</span>.</sentence><sentence id="1567">She has to go through the <span class="DLF">yard</span>, so maybe they saw her."</sentence><sentence id="1568">She talk to them.</sentence><sentence id="1569">I, I don't know.</sentence><sentence id="1570">She told she told them that she's going to, to buy food, and they look and they start to look around.</sentence><sentence id="1571">She didn't have nothing there.</sentence><sentence id="1572">A piece of bread and a little soup.</sentence><sentence id="1573">Nothing.</sentence><sentence id="1574">He said, "That's all you have?" "</sentence><sentence id="1575">Yes." "</sentence><sentence id="1576">You're alone at <span class="BUILDING">home</span>?"</sentence><sentence id="1577">She said, "Yes." "</sentence><sentence id="1578">You sleep alone?" "</sentence><sentence id="1579">Yes." "</sentence><sentence id="1580">You're not afraid?"</sentence><sentence id="1581">She said, "Why I have to be afraid?" "</sentence><sentence id="1582">That's what you are eating?"</sentence><sentence id="1583">And she said, "Yes."</sentence><sentence id="1584">They left her, and she didn't say nothing.</sentence><sentence id="1585">And they left her, and, and my wife was hiding, and she came out.</sentence><sentence id="1586">That was one episode.</sentence><sentence id="1587">There was many, many episodes during the time.</sentence><sentence id="1588">There was almost two years.</sentence><sentence id="1589">Every day, each hour was something that our life was threatened with gun.</sentence><sentence id="1590">At the end, when our -- one thing was good.</sentence><sentence id="1591">They have a radio, the German.</sentence><sentence id="1592">And they was listening to the news, and I was listening to the news.</sentence><sentence id="1593">And we can, they are listening to us we can thinking how they are going back.</sentence><sentence id="1594">They're running away.</sentence><sentence id="1595">And I said to my wife, "Soon or later, very soon, you will have your Russian.</sentence><sentence id="1596">Because they give them <span class="NPIP">hell</span>, and they ran."</sentence><sentence id="1597">And all my -- almost I find the day when they will come.</sentence><sentence id="1598">And I remember the last day when we heard there was fighting.</sentence><sentence id="1599">And we can hear the noise of the different noise of different bullet, different rifles.</sentence><sentence id="1600">The Russians have different rifles, and the German have different rifles.</sentence><sentence id="1601">We heard the difference in the noise.</sentence><sentence id="1602">So I said to my wife, "Probably they will come, but they are fighting."</sentence><sentence id="1603">We cannot go down, and we have to stay in the <span class="INT_SPACE">attic</span>.</sentence><sentence id="1604">But the bullets and ding, ding, ding, you know, was hitting.</sentence><sentence id="1605">I said to my all people there, "Listen, we have to lie down.</sentence><sentence id="1606">Keep something between your teeth.</sentence><sentence id="1607">If somebody -- they will hit somebody, you cannot scream.</sentence><sentence id="1608">If somebody will be dead, he will be dead.</sentence><sentence id="1609">This is our last chance.</sentence><sentence id="1610">But if they find us, if somebody will scream, she will be killed and her sister will be killed.</sentence><sentence id="1611">And we will be killed.</sentence><sentence id="1612">Because everybody now look for each other.</sentence><sentence id="1613">So you have to be prepared that something will happen no worse, nothing."</sentence><sentence id="1614">And we are lying down and listening, and she went down with her sister.</sentence><sentence id="1615">She went down, and with the neighbors was waiting.</sentence><sentence id="1616">And anyway, we under-- we can hear the bullet.</sentence><sentence id="1617">Some start to be more close, and some start to go away.</sentence><sentence id="1618">And I said, "I think probably the Russian are coming.</sentence><sentence id="1619">Because listen to the Russian sound of the bullets, the noise.</sentence><sentence id="1620">But we will see."</sentence><sentence id="1621">Then early in the morning, by six or seven o'clock in the morning, I look through the small thing.</sentence><sentence id="1622">They are going about six German soldiers with rifles, the helmets.</sentence><sentence id="1623">All came back going on the <span class="DLF">street</span> up.</sentence><sentence id="1624">I said, "My God, still, still there are Germans here."</sentence><sentence id="1625">And suddenly it came out a few boys with the armbands and a few soldiers, Russian soldiers and to them, "Hands up!"</sentence><sentence id="1626">And they fell down, and they were begging.</sentence><sentence id="1627">I said, "Thanks God, we are free!"</sentence><sentence id="1628">And that's it.</sentence><sentence id="1629">Next day, this what happened -- or the same day.</sentence><sentence id="1630">I don't remember.</sentence><sentence id="1631">Came two Russian, White Russian.</sentence><sentence id="1632">One was the lieutenant and one was a sergeant.</sentence><sentence id="1633">And they came.</sentence><sentence id="1634">She was in the <span class="DLF">window</span> singing, and this happened.</sentence><sentence id="1635">And they came, and first they asked, "Is Germans here?"</sentence><sentence id="1636">She said, "No, there are no Germans here." "</sentence><sentence id="1637">Can we come?"</sentence><sentence id="1638">And said, "Ok."</sentence><sentence id="1639">They came <span class="NPIP">inside</span>.</sentence><sentence id="1640">And my wife, she 5 closed the <span class="DLF">windows</span>; and they start to talk this and this and not so.</sentence><sentence id="1641">My wife asked them always, "How far are Germans?</sentence><sentence id="1642">Maybe they can come back."</sentence><sentence id="1643">They was suspicious.</sentence><sentence id="1644">"What?,"</sentence><sentence id="1645">they asking. "</sentence><sentence id="1646">What?" "</sentence><sentence id="1647">Because," she said, "there was one time that he went back, the Germans came back.</sentence><sentence id="1648">So this is what I'm asking."</sentence><sentence id="1649">He said, "Don't worry.</sentence><sentence id="1650">They are chasing them.</sentence><sentence id="1651">They are running away.</sentence><sentence id="1652">They are loosing their pants, pants."</sentence><sentence id="1653">And they said, "They are running away.</sentence><sentence id="1654">They will never come back here."</sentence><sentence id="1655">And we heard.</sentence><sentence id="1656">We were standing behind the <span class="DLF">doors</span>, but we heard this.</sentence><sentence id="1657">And we came and sat.</sentence><sentence id="1658">But look, we couldn't talk, because we didn't talk, only were whispering for almost two years.</sentence><sentence id="1659">We couldn't walk, because there was not walking up and down, just not exercise.</sentence><sentence id="1660">We were pale, you know, and terrible.</sentence><sentence id="1661">And they picked up their rifles. "</sentence><sentence id="1662">Who there?"</sentence><sentence id="1663">They thought maybe partisans.</sentence><sentence id="1664">So she told them.</sentence><sentence id="1665">And one of them was a Jewish lieutenant and his family was from <span class="COUNTRY">Ukraine</span> killed by Germans.</sentence><sentence id="1666">And he -- and his sergeant, he was a regular Russian.</sentence><sentence id="1667">He said, "My, my goal is to chase the German and give them back what they did to my family, to my family."</sentence><sentence id="1668">He was crying.</sentence><sentence id="1669">He was kissing us, hugging.</sentence><sentence id="1670">He said to my wife, "You are really hero!</sentence><sentence id="1671">You are really hero!Without weapons, without nothing, you could fight so many as in the little girl, the sister."</sentence><sentence id="1672">They took pictures, and said, "What you need?</sentence><sentence id="1673">We will give you what you need."</sentence><sentence id="1674">He said, "We have the <span class="BUILDING">German hospital</span> here, there, there.</sentence><sentence id="1675">The whole thing there.</sentence><sentence id="1676">Loaded with everything.</sentence><sentence id="1677">What you -- dresses, shoes maybe.</sentence><sentence id="1678">And we will bring you meat."</sentence><sentence id="1679">And we said, "No, no.</sentence><sentence id="1680">Not now.</sentence><sentence id="1681">We would like to have freedom."</sentence><sentence id="1682">And how we did it, because we were afraid about neighbors still.</sentence><sentence id="1683">So we told them that -- it was night, we will go, the men, with them back to <span class="BUILDING">hospital</span>.</sentence><sentence id="1684">And next day, they will bring us, we will come back like guerrillas who are coming to, you know, with the army.</sentence><sentence id="1685">And we will look for my wife.</sentence><sentence id="1686">I will ask the neighbors about her.</sentence><sentence id="1687">We will come like guests.</sentence><sentence id="1688">We came.</sentence><sentence id="1689">We survived; we will hug her, we will kiss her.</sentence><sentence id="1690">So they will not suspect that it was us she was hiding people.</sentence><sentence id="1691">They said, "That's a good idea."</sentence><sentence id="1692">And we went, and the women and children were still with my wife there.</sentence><sentence id="1693">Next day, in the morning, we came with them.</sentence><sentence id="1694">There was a <span class="SPATIAL_OBJ">wagon</span> with horses and everything was there.</sentence><sentence id="1695">We had rifles with us.</sentence><sentence id="1696">And I came, and I am looking; and I asked one neighbor.</sentence><sentence id="1697">I know them, because when I saw them, I said, "Hey, do you know if still around a...a girl?Her name is Podgorska, Stefania Podgorska.</sentence><sentence id="1698">She's my friend, my, my neighbor.</sentence><sentence id="1699">I have to seek her."</sentence><sentence id="1700">She said, "Why, yeah, yeah, yeah.</sentence><sentence id="1701">She is a good girl.</sentence><sentence id="1702">She's...she's..." They thought maybe we would kill her.</sentence><sentence id="1703">Because some people came to take advantage, maybe somebody that paid them or hanged them.</sentence><sentence id="1704">Said, "No, no.</sentence><sentence id="1705">She is my good friend.</sentence><sentence id="1706">She's -- I'd like to see her."</sentence><sentence id="1707">She said, "Well, she lives there."</sentence><sentence id="1708">We were going there.</sentence><sentence id="1709">We knocked on the <span class="DLF">door</span>.</sentence><sentence id="1710">She came: "Ahhh!</sentence><sentence id="1711">Hi.</sentence><sentence id="1712">Hi."</sentence><sentence id="1713">And we were greeting each other.</sentence><sentence id="1714">And there was beautiful thing what she did.</sentence><sentence id="1715">They -- we start to give to her some food, bring everything.</sentence><sentence id="1716">And we lived --</sentence></p></dialogue>
<dialogue class="Question"><p><sentence id="1913">Q: Ok, we've got about two minutes.</sentence><sentence id="1914">Is there anything -- this is quite a story.</sentence><sentence id="1915">When you, you had embraced, you were free, where did you go?</sentence></p></dialogue>
<dialogue class="Answer"><p><sentence id="1919">A: In <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">town</span>, to find an <span class="INT_SPACE">apartment</span> to live.</sentence><sentence id="1920">And next day, I find <span class="INT_SPACE">apartment</span>.</sentence><sentence id="1921">Was occupied by German, some people.</sentence><sentence id="1922">German, and they run away.</sentence><sentence id="1923">They left everything they had.</sentence><sentence id="1924">Everything was there.</sentence><sentence id="1925">So I moved to the <span class="INT_SPACE">apartment</span>.</sentence><sentence id="1926">And I took the <span class="INT_SPACE">apartment</span>.</sentence><sentence id="1927">And then I 6 had -- twice they came because there was some band of people who were killing people who saved Jewish life and, and the survivors.</sentence><sentence id="1928">They killed them.</sentence><sentence id="1929">They said, "One bullet for the survivor, two bullets for this who saved them -- for them who saved them."</sentence><sentence id="1930">And they was going around, but after a while they caught them.</sentence><sentence id="1931">They came twice to my <span class="INT_SPACE">apartment</span>.</sentence><sentence id="1932">I was living with my brother, his fiancee, my wife, her sister; and we lived there.</sentence><sentence id="1933">And they came.</sentence><sentence id="1934">That was on the <span class="INT_SPACE">second floor</span>, and there was a <span class="INT_SPACE">balcony</span> outside.</sentence><sentence id="1935">There was knocking on the <span class="DLF">door</span>.</sentence><sentence id="1936">So it was night, was like in winter, in February.</sentence><sentence id="1937">And they said -- I said, "Who are there?"</sentence><sentence id="1938">And they said, "Milice!</sentence><sentence id="1939">Milice!(r) Open!"</sentence><sentence id="1940">I said, "What are you looking for?" "</sentence><sentence id="1941">You have to go with us to, to work.</sentence><sentence id="1942">We have to fix the <span class="DLF">bridge</span>.</sentence><sentence id="1943">Is broken <span class="DLF">bridge</span>."</sentence><sentence id="1944">I said, "No, I'm not going at night with nobody.</sentence><sentence id="1945">You have some business to me, well, come in the morning when it's lighter."</sentence><sentence id="1946">People.</sentence><sentence id="1947">I will see who's who.</sentence><sentence id="1948">They start to swear to me. "</sentence><sentence id="1949">Open the <span class="DLF">door</span>, or we will break the <span class="DLF">door</span>!"</sentence><sentence id="1950">Like this, like this.</sentence><sentence id="1951">1 saw who were there.</sentence><sentence id="1952">I run on the <span class="INT_SPACE">balcony</span>.</sentence><sentence id="1953">I was screaming for help, help -- and they start to run away.</sentence><sentence id="1954">This was number one.</sentence><sentence id="1955">And then a few months later, another time they came.</sentence><sentence id="1956">So the commandant of the <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">city</span> -- there was a Russian commandant.</sentence><sentence id="1957">And I went to him, and he told me, "Listen, you will never survive here."</sentence></p></dialogue>
<dialogue class="Question"><p><sentence id="1997">Q: You left, is that true?</sentence></p></dialogue>
<dialogue class="Answer"><p><sentence id="1999">A: Yes, I left.</sentence><sentence id="2000">He said, "Go to another part of <span class="COUNTRY">Poland</span>, where nobody will know you.</sentence><sentence id="2001">Nobody.</sentence><sentence id="2002">Change your name from the Pol -- Jewish name or German name to the Polish name."</sentence><sentence id="2003">And we did. "</sentence><sentence id="2004">Under new name, go and stay in another place of <span class="COUNTRY">Poland</span> where nobody knows you.</sentence><sentence id="2005">Maybe you will survive."</sentence><sentence id="2006">But the best thing that I will tell, if I don't tell you this in secret.</sentence><sentence id="2007">I ran away from him.</sentence><sentence id="2008">This no <span class="NPIP">place</span> for me to live.</sentence><sentence id="2009">We want to survive. "</sentence><sentence id="2010">Go west in the <span class="COUNTRY">country</span>.</sentence><sentence id="2011">West, if you can."</sentence><sentence id="2012">And this happened.</sentence><sentence id="2013">I went to <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">Krakow</span>.</sentence><sentence id="2014">I changed my name.</sentence><sentence id="2015">And then I went to <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">Wroclaw</span>.</sentence><sentence id="2016">I was studying.</sentence><sentence id="2017">I was accepted there.</sentence><sentence id="2018">Again, I studied from beginning my <span class="BUILDING">dentistry</span>.</sentence><sentence id="2019">I graduated.</sentence><sentence id="2020">I was working.</sentence><sentence id="2021">I was assistant, and until I left <span class="COUNTRY">Poland</span>; and now I am here, thanks God.</sentence><sentence id="2022">And I am very happy I am in the <span class="COUNTRY">United States</span>.</sentence><sentence id="2023">I went here to <span class="BUILDING">Tufts University</span>.</sentence><sentence id="2024">I graduated, and I am a dentist.</sentence><sentence id="2025">Thanks God.</sentence></p></dialogue>
<dialogue class="Question"><p><sentence id="2053">Q: We have I think two seconds.</sentence><sentence id="2054">Take out the picture that you did in hiding.</sentence><sentence id="2055">Just hold it up.</sentence></p></dialogue><dialogue class="Question"><p><sentence id="2056">Q: Ok, you drew that in hiding?</sentence></p></dialogue>
<dialogue class="Answer"><p><sentence id="2058">A: When I was hiding, I was drawing.</sentence><sentence id="2059">This was the old man who passed away after war, a few years after war.</sentence><sentence id="2060">This is a woman and mother of two children.</sentence><sentence id="2061">This is her son.</sentence><sentence id="2062">And this is my brother's fiancee, and this time.</sentence><sentence id="2063">No, excuse me.</sentence><sentence id="2064">This is the wife of my friend, who -- she was survived, my wife, she saved her life and her husband.</sentence><sentence id="2065">He passed away in, in <span class="POPULATED_PLACE">Jerusalem</span>, I think so.</sentence><sentence id="2066"><span class="COUNTRY">Israel</span>.</sentence><sentence id="2067">He was a dentist.</sentence><sentence id="2068">Then, here we have what?</sentence><sentence id="2069">That is my brother's wife.</sentence><sentence id="2070">This was his fiance.</sentence><sentence id="2071">And this is a father, he's a dentist still in <span class="COUNTRY">Poland</span>.</sentence><sentence id="2072">He 8 Militia (French, but adopted into many languages).</sentence><sentence id="2073">7 was with his daughter.</sentence><sentence id="2074">We saved him and his daughter.</sentence><sentence id="2075">And I was drawing at this time the faces.</sentence></p></dialogue>
<dialogue class="Question"><p><sentence id="2094">Q: Thank you very much.</sentence></p></dialogue>
<dialogue class="Answer"><p><sentence id="2096">A: Thank you.</sentence></p></dialogue>
<dialogue class="Question"><p><sentence id="2098">Q: That's it.</sentence></p></dialogue>