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[2023-12-07 03:35:49,908][hydra][INFO] -
accelerator: gpu
precision: 32
deterministic: true
tf32_mode: high
_target_: energizer.active_learning.callbacks.Timer
_target_: src.callbacks.SaveOutputs
dirpath: ./logs/
instance_level: false
batch_level: false
epoch_level: false
_target_: energizer.callbacks.early_stopping.EarlyStopping
monitor: train/avg_f1_minclass
stage: train
interval: epoch
mode: max
min_delta: 1.0e-05
patience: 10
stopping_threshold: null
divergence_threshold: null
verbose: true
_target_: energizer.callbacks.model_checkpoint.ModelCheckpoint
dirpath: .checkpoints
monitor: train/avg_f1_minclass
stage: train
mode: max
save_last: false
save_top_k: 1
verbose: true
_target_: energizer.loggers.TensorBoardLogger
root_dir: ./
name: tb_logs
version: null
batch_size: 32
eval_batch_size: 256
num_workers: 32
pin_memory: true
drop_last: false
persistent_workers: true
shuffle: true
seed: 123456
replacement: false
max_length: 512
budget: 100
positive_budget: 5
seed: 654321
min_steps: 100
max_epochs: 10
learning_rate: 4.0e-05
optimizer: adamw
log_interval: 1
enable_progress_bar: false
limit_train_batches: null
limit_validation_batches: null
max_budget: 5000
query_size: 25
reinit_model: true
limit_pool_batches: null
limit_test_batches: null
log_interval: 1
enable_progress_bar: false
limit_batches: null
name: anchoral_entropy
seed: 42
subpool_size: 10000
num_neighbours: 50
max_search_size: null
num_anchors: 10
anchor_strategy_minority: kmeans_pp_sampling
anchor_strategy_majority: kmeans_pp_sampling
minority_classes_ids: null
name: deberta_v3-base
seed: 654321
name: agnews-business-.01
text_column: text
label_column: labels
uid_column: uid
prepared_path: /rds/user/pl487/hpc-work/anchoral/data/prepared/agnews-business-.01
processed_path: /rds/user/pl487/hpc-work/anchoral/data/processed/agnews
- 1
index_metric: all-mpnet-base-v2_cosine
log_interval: 1
enable_progress_bar: false
limit_batches: null
seed: 42
experiment_group: deberta_v3-base/new
run_name: agnews-business-.01/deberta_v3-base_anchoral_entropy_2023-12-06T10-52-24
data_path: /rds/user/pl487/hpc-work/anchoral/data
[2023-12-07 03:35:49,931][hydra][INFO] - Running active learning with strategy {'name': 'anchoral_entropy', 'args': {'seed': 42, 'subpool_size': 10000, 'num_neighbours': 50, 'max_search_size': None, 'num_anchors': 10, 'anchor_strategy_minority': 'kmeans_pp_sampling', 'anchor_strategy_majority': 'kmeans_pp_sampling', 'minority_classes_ids': None}}
[2023-12-07 03:35:49,949][hydra][INFO] - Seed enabled: 42
[2023-12-07 03:35:50,941][hydra][INFO] - loading index from /rds/user/pl487/hpc-work/anchoral/data/processed/agnews/all-mpnet-base-v2_cosine
[2023-12-07 03:35:52,895][hydra][INFO] - Labelled size: 100 Pool size: 90810 Test size: 7600
Label distribution:
| | labels | count | perc |
| 0 | Negative | 95 | 0.95 |
| 1 | Positive | 5 | 0.05 |
[2023-12-07 03:35:52,910][hydra][INFO] - Batch:
{<InputKeys.INPUT_IDS: 'input_ids'>: tensor([[ 1, 1864, 294, 41142, 2729, 2152, 19979, 53884, 5147, 1050,
279, 7439, 2298, 927, 7710, 70907, 2]]), <InputKeys.ATT_MASK: 'attention_mask'>: tensor([[1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]]), <InputKeys.LABELS: 'labels'>: tensor([0]), <InputKeys.ON_CPU: 'on_cpu'>: {<SpecialKeys.ID: 'uid'>: [122709]}}
[2023-12-07 03:35:54,719][hydra][INFO] - Loggers: {'tensorboard': <energizer.loggers.tensorboard.TensorBoardLogger object at 0x14699566a700>}
[2023-12-07 03:35:54,719][hydra][INFO] - Callbacks: {'timer': <energizer.active_learning.callbacks.Timer object at 0x1469954dbf40>, 'save_outputs': <src.callbacks.SaveOutputs object at 0x1469954db430>, 'early_stopping': <energizer.callbacks.early_stopping.EarlyStopping object at 0x146995583130>, 'model_checkpoint': <energizer.callbacks.model_checkpoint.ModelCheckpoint object at 0x146995583af0>}
[2023-12-07 03:35:54,773][hydra][INFO] -
| Name | Type | Params
0 | deberta | DebertaV2Model | 183 M
1 | pooler | ContextPooler | 590 K
2 | classifier | Linear | 1.5 K
3 | dropout | StableDropout | 0
184 M Trainable params
0 Non-trainable params
184 M Total params
737.695 Total estimated model params size (MB)
0.00 GB CUDA Memory used
[2023-12-07 09:33:08,507][submitit][INFO] - Job has timed out. Ran 357 minutes out of requested 360 minutes.
[2023-12-07 09:33:08,526][submitit][WARNING] - Caught signal SIGUSR2 on gpu-q-60: this job is timed-out.
[2023-12-07 09:33:08,543][submitit][INFO] - Calling checkpoint method.
[2023-12-07 09:33:08,568][submitit][INFO] - Job not requeued because: timed-out too many times.
[2023-12-07 09:33:08,568][submitit][WARNING] - Bypassing signal SIGCONT
[2023-12-07 09:33:08,586][submitit][INFO] - Job completed successfully