dct pinc Sx,Dz
111110********** 10011010xx00zzzz
If DC = 1: MSW of Sx + 1 -> MSW of Dz, clear LSW of Dz Else: nop
Conditionally adds 1 to the top word of the Sx operand, stores the result in the upper word of the Dz operand, and clears the bottom word of the Dz operand with zeros. The instruction is executed if the DC bit is set to 1. The DC, N, Z, V, and GT bits are not updated.
void pinc_sx_dct (void) { switch (EX2_SX) { case 0x0: DSP_ALU_SRC1 = X0; if (DSP_ALU_SRC1_MSB) DSP_ALU_SRC1G = 0xFF; else DSP_ALU_SRC1G = 0x0; break; case 0x1: DSP_ALU_SRC1 = X1; if (DSP_ALU_SRC1_MSB) DSP_ALU_SRC1G = 0xFF; else DSP_ALU_SRC1G = 0x0; break; case 0x2: DSP_ALU_SRC1 = A0; DSP_ALU_SRC1G = A0G; break; case 0x3: DSP_ALU_SRC1 = A1; DSP_ALU_SRC1G = A1G; break; } DSP_ALU_DST_HW = DSP_ALU_SRC1_HW + 1; carry_bit = ((DSP_ALU_SRC1_MSB | DSP_ALU_SRC2_MSB) & ! DSP_ALU_DST_MSB) | (DSP_ALU_SRC1_MSB & DSP_ALU_SRC2_MSB); DSP_ALU_DSTG_LSB8 = DSP_ALU_SRC1G_LSB8 + DSP_ALU_SRC2G_LSB8 + carry_bit; overflow_bit = PLUS_OP_G_OV || ! (POS_NOT_OV || NEG_NOT_OV); #include "integer_overflow_protection.c" if (DC == 1) { DSP_REG_WD[ex2_dz_no*2] = DSP_ALU_DST_HW; DSP_REG_WD[ex2_dz_no*2+1] = 0x0; // clear LSW if (ex2_dz_no == 0) { A0G = DSP_ALU_DSTG & MASK000000FF; if (DSP_ALU_DSTG_BIT7) A0G = A0G | MASKFFFFFF00; } else if (ex2_dz_no == 1) { A1G = DSP_ALU_DSTG & MASK000000FF; if (DSP_ALU_DSTG_BIT7) A1G = A1G | MASKFFFFFF00; } } }
dcf pcopy Sx,Dz
111110********** 11011011xx00zzzz
If DC = 0: Sx -> Dz Else: nop
Conditionally stores the Sx operand in the Dz operand. The instruction is executed if the DC bit is set to 0. The DC, N, Z, V, and GT bits are not updated.
void pcopy_sx_dcf (void) { switch (EX2_SX) { case 0x0: DSP_ALU_SRC1 = X0; if (DSP_ALU_SRC1_MSB) DSP_ALU_SRC1G = 0xFF; else DSP_ALU_SRC1G = 0x0; break; case 0x1: DSP_ALU_SRC1 = X1; if (DSP_ALU_SRC1_MSB) DSP_ALU_SRC1G = 0xFF; else DSP_ALU_SRC1G = 0x0; break; case 0x2: DSP_ALU_SRC1 = A0; DSP_ALU_SRC1G = A0G; break; case 0x3: DSP_ALU_SRC1 = A1; DSP_ALU_SRC1G = A1G; break; } DSP_ALU_SRC2 = 0; DSP_ALU_SRC2G = 0; DSP_ALU_DST = DSP_ALU_SRC1 + DSP_ALU_SRC2; carry_bit = ((DSP_ALU_SRC1_MSB | DSP_ALU_SRC2_MSB) & ! DSP_ALU_DST_MSB) | (DSP_ALU_SRC1_MSB & DSP_ALU_SRC2_MSB); DSP_ALU_DSTG_LSB8 = DSP_ALU_SRC1G_LSB8 + DSP_ALU_SRC2G_LSB8 + carry_bit; overflow_bit = PLUS_OP_G_OV || ! (POS_NOT_OV || NEG_NOT_OV); #include "fixed_pt_overflow_protection.c" if (DC == 0) { DSP_REG[ex2_dz_no] = DSP_ALU_DST; if (ex2_dz_no == 0) { A0G = DSP_ALU_DSTG & MASK000000FF; if (DSP_ALU_DSTG_BIT7) A0G = A0G | MASKFFFFFF00; } else if (ex2_dz_no == 1) { A1G = DSP_ALU_DSTG & MASK000000FF; if (DSP_ALU_DSTG_BIT7) A1G = A1G | MASKFFFFFF00; } } }
ldbank @Rm,R0
(Specified register bank entry) -> R0
The register bank entry indicated by the contents of general register Rm is transferred to general register R0. The register bank number and register stored in the bank are specified by general register Rm.
void LDBANK (int m) { R[0] = Read_Bank_32 (R[m]); PC += 2; }
ldc Rm,SR
Rm -> SR
Stores the source operand in the control register SR.
void LDCSR (int m) { #if SH1 || SH2 || SH2 || SH3 SR = R[m] & 0x0FFF0FFF; #elif SH2A SR = R[m] & 0x000063F3; #elif SH4 || SH4A SR = R[m] & 0x700083F3; #endif PC += 2; }
ldc.l @Rm+,SR
(Rm) -> SR, Rm+4 -> Rm
Stores the source operand in the control register SR.
void LDCMSR (int m) { #if SH1 || SH2 || SH2 || SH3 SR = Read_32 (R[m]) & 0x0FFF0FFF; #elif SH2A SR = Read_32 (R[m]) & 0x000063F3; #elif SH4 || SH4A SR = Read_32 (R[m]) & 0x700083F3; #endif R[m] += 4; PC += 2; }
ldc Rm,TBR
Rm -> TBR
Stores a source operand in control register TBR.
void LDCTBR (int m) { TBR = R[m]; PC += 2; }
ldc Rm,GBR
Rm -> GBR
Stores a source operand in control register GBR.
void LDCGBR (int m) { GBR = R[m]; PC += 2; }
ldc.l @Rm+,GBR
(Rm) -> GBR, Rm+4 -> Rm
Stores a source operand in control register GBR.
void LDCMGBR (int m) { GBR = Read_32 (R[m]); R[m] += 4; PC += 2; }
ldc Rm,VBR
Rm -> VBR
Stores a source operand in control register VBR.
void LDCVBR (int m) { VBR = R[m]; PC += 2; }
fmul FRm,FRn
FRn * FRm -> FRn
Arithmetically multiplies the two single-precision floating-point numbers in FRn and FRm, and stores the result in FRn.
void FMUL (int m, int n) { PC += 2; clear_cause (); if (data_type_of (m) == sNaN || data_type_of (n) == sNaN) invalid (n); else if (data_type_of (m) == qNaN || data_type_of (n) == qNaN) qnan (n); else if (data_type_of (m) == DENORM || data_type_of (n) == DENORM) set_E (); else switch (data_type_of (m)) { case NORM: switch (data_type_of (n)) { case PZERO: case NZERO: zero (n, sign_of (m) ^ sign_of (n)); break; case PINF: case NINF: inf (n, sign_of (m) ^ sign_of (n)); break; default: normal_fmul (m, n); break; } break; case PZERO: case NZERO: switch (data_type_of (n)) { case PINF: case NINF: invalid (n); break; default: zero (n,sign_of (m) ^ sign_of (n)); break; } break; case PINF: case NINF: switch (data_type_of (n)) { case PZERO: case NZERO: invalid (n); break; default: inf (n, sign_of (m) ^ sign_of (n)); break } break; } }
movx.w @Ax,Dx
(Ax) -> MSW of Dx, 0 -> LSW of Dx
Transfers the memory source operand data to the destination register operand. The transferred data can only be word length for X memory. The word data is loaded to the top word of the register and the bottom word is cleared with zeros.
MOVX.W @R4,X0 ! Before execution: R4 = 0x08010000, @R4 = 0x5555, X0 = 0x12345678 ! After execution: R4 = 0x08010000, X0 = 0x55550000
movx.w @Ax+,Dx
(Ax) -> MSW of Dx, 0 -> LSW of Dx, Ax+2 -> Ax
Transfers the memory source operand data to the destination register operand. The transferred data can only be word length for X memory. The word data is loaded to the top word of the register and the bottom word is cleared with zeros.
MOVX.W @R4+,X0 ! Before execution: R4 = 0x08010000, @R4 = 0x5555, X0 = 0x12345678 ! After execution: R4 = 0x08010002, X0 = 0x55550000
movx.w @Ax+Ix,Dx
(Ax) -> MSW of Dx, 0 -> LSW of Dx, Ax+Ix -> Ax
Transfers the memory source operand data to the destination register operand. The transferred data can only be word length for X memory. The word data is loaded to the top word of the register and the bottom word is cleared with zeros.
movx.w Da,@Ax
MSW of Da -> (Ax)
Transfers the register source operand data to the destination memory operand. The transferred data can only be word length for X memory. The source word data is the top word of the register.
movx.w Da,@Ax+
MSW of Da -> (Ax), Ax+2 -> Ax
Transfers the register source operand data to the destination memory operand. The transferred data can only be word length for X memory. The source word data is the top word of the register.
movx.w Da,@Ax+Ix
MSW of Da -> (Ax), Ax+Ix -> Ax
Transfers the register source operand data to the destination memory operand. The transferred data can only be word length for X memory. The source word data is the top word of the register.
No Operation
No access operation for Y memory.
ldc.l @Rm+,DBR
(Rm) -> DBR, Rm+4 -> Rm
Stores a source operand in control register DBR.
void LDCMDBR (int m) { DBR = Read_32 (R[m]); R[m] += 4; PC += 2; }
ldc Rm,Rn_BANK
Rm -> Rn_BANK (n = 0-7)
Stores a source operand in banked general register. Rn_BANK0 is accessed when the RB bit in the SR register is 1, and Rn_BANK1 is accessed when this bit is 0.
void LDCRn_BANK (int m) { Rn_BANK = R[m]; PC += 2; }
ldc.l @Rm+,Rn_BANK
(Rm) -> Rn_BANK, Rm+4 -> Rm
Stores a source operand in banked general register. Rn_BANK0 is accessed when the RB bit in the SR register is 1, and Rn_BANK1 is accessed when this bit is 0.
void LDCMRn_BANK (int m) { Rn_BANK = Read_32 (R[m]); R[m] += 4; PC += 2; }
ldre @(disp,PC)
disp*2 + PC -> RE
Stores the effective address of the source operand in the repeat end register RE. The effective address is an address specified by PC + displacement. The PC is the address four bytes after this instruction. The 8-bit displacement is sign-extended and doubled. Consequently, the relative interval from the branch destination is -256 to +254 bytes.
void LDRE (int d) { long disp; if ((d & 0x80) == 0) disp = (0x000000FF & (long)d); else disp = (0xFFFFFF00 | (long)d); RE = PC + (disp << 1); PC += 2; }
ldrs @(disp,PC)
disp*2 + PC -> RS
Stores the effective address of the source operand in the repeat start register RS. The effective address is an address specified by PC + displacement. The PC is the address four bytes after this instruction. The 8-bit displacement is sign-extended and doubled. Consequently, the relative interval from the branch destination is -256 to +254 bytes.
void LDRS (int d) { long disp; if ((d & 0x80) == 0) disp = (0x000000FF & (long)d); else disp = (0xFFFFFF00 | (long)d); RS = PC + (disp << 1); PC += 2; }
lds Rm,MACH
Rm -> MACH
Stores the source operand into the system register MACH.
void LDSMACH (int m) { MACH = R[m]; #if SH1 if ((MACH & 0x00000200) == 0) MACH &= 0x000003FF; else MACH |= 0xFFFFFC00; #endif PC += 2; }
lds.l @Rm+,MACH
(Rm) -> MACH, Rm+4 -> Rm
Stores the source operand into the system register MACH.
void LDSMMACH (int m) { MACH = Read_32 (R[m]); #if SH1 if ((MACH & 0x00000200) == 0) MACH &= 0x000003FF; else MACH |= 0xFFFFFC00; #endif R[m] += 4; PC += 2; }
movy.w @Ay,Dy
(Ay) -> MSW of Dy, 0 -> LSW of Dy
Transfers the memory source operand data to the destination register operand. The transferred data can only be word length for Y memory. The word data is loaded to the top word of the register and the bottom word is cleared with zeros.
movy.w @Ay+,Dy
(Ay) -> MSW of Dy, 0 -> LSW of Dy, Ay+2 -> Ay
Transfers the memory source operand data to the destination register operand. The transferred data can only be word length for Y memory. The word data is loaded to the top word of the register and the bottom word is cleared with zeros.
movy.w @Ay+Iy,Dy
(Ay) -> MSW of Dy, 0 -> LSW of Dy, Ay+Iy -> Ay
Transfers the memory source operand data to the destination register operand. The transferred data can only be word length for Y memory. The word data is loaded to the top word of the register and the bottom word is cleared with zeros.
movy.w Da,@Ay
MSW of Da -> (Ay)
Transfers the register source operand data to the destination memory operand. The transferred data can only be word length for Y memory. The source word data is the top word of the register.
movy.w Da,@Ay+
MSW of Da -> (Ay), Ay+2 -> Ay
Transfers the register source operand data to the destination memory operand. The transferred data can only be word length for Y memory. The source word data is the top word of the register.
pinc Sy,Dz
111110********** 1011100100yyzzzz
MSW of Sy + 1 -> MSW of Dz, clear LSW of Dz
Adds 1 to the top word of the Sy operand, stores the result in the upper word of the Dz operand, and clears the bottom word of the Dz operand with zeros. The DC bit of the DSR register is updated according to the specifications for the CS bits. The N, Z, V, and GT bits of the DSR register are also updated.
void pinc_sy (void) { switch (EX2_SY) { case 0x0: DSP_ALU_SRC1 = Y0; break; case 0x1: DSP_ALU_SRC1 = Y1; break; case 0x2: DSP_ALU_SRC1 = M0; break; case 0x3: DSP_ALU_SRC1 = M1; break; } if (DSP_ALU_SRC1_MSB) DSP_ALU_SRC1G = 0xFF; else DSP_ALU_SRC1G = 0x0; DSP_ALU_DST_HW = DSP_ALU_SRC1_HW + 1; carry_bit = ((DSP_ALU_SRC1_MSB | DSP_ALU_SRC2_MSB) & ! DSP_ALU_DST_MSB) | (DSP_ALU_SRC1_MSB & DSP_ALU_SRC2_MSB); DSP_ALU_DSTG_LSB8 = DSP_ALU_SRC1G_LSB8 + DSP_ALU_SRC2G_LSB8 + carry_bit; overflow_bit = PLUS_OP_G_OV || ! (POS_NOT_OV || NEG_NOT_OV); #include "integer_overflow_protection.c" #include "integer_unconditional_update.c" #include "integer_plus_dc_bit.c" }
pdec Sx,Dz
111110********** 10001001xx00zzzz
MSW of Sx - 1 -> MSW of Dz, clear LSW of Dz
Subtracts 1 from the top word of the Sx operand, stores the result in the upper word of the Dz operand, and clears the bottom word of the Dz operand with zeros. The DC bit of the DSR register is updated according to the specifications for the CS bits. The N, Z, V, and GT bits of the DSR register are also updated.
void pdec_sx (void) { DSP_ALU_SRC2 = 0x1; DSP_ALU_SRC2G = 0x0; switch (EX2_SX) { case 0x0: DSP_ALU_SRC1 = X0; if (DSP_ALU_SRC1_MSB) DSP_ALU_SRC1G = 0xFF; else DSP_ALU_SRC1G = 0x0; break; case 0x1: DSP_ALU_SRC1 = X1; if (DSP_ALU_SRC1_MSB) DSP_ALU_SRC1G = 0xFF; else DSP_ALU_SRC1G = 0x0; break; case 0x2: DSP_ALU_SRC1 = A0; DSP_ALU_SRC1G = A0G; break; case 0x3: DSP_ALU_SRC1 = A1; DSP_ALU_SRC1G = A1G; break; } DSP_ALU_DST_HW = DSP_ALU_SRC1_HW - 1; carry_bit = ((DSP_ALU_SRC1_MSB | ! DSP_ALU_SRC2_MSB) && ! DSP_ALU_DST_MSB) | (DSP_ALU_SRC1_MSB & ! DSP_ALU_SRC2_MSB); borrow_bit = ! carry_bit; DSP_ALU_DSTG_LSB8 = DSP_ALU_SRC1G_LSB8 - DSP_ALU_SRC2G_LSB8 - borrow_bit; overflow_bit = PLUS_OP_G_OV || ! (POS_NOT_OV || NEG_NOT_OV); #include "integer_overflow_protection.c" #include "integer_unconditional_update.c" #include "integer_minus_dc_bit.c" }
movy.w @Ay,Dy
(Ay) -> MSW of Dy, 0 -> LSW of Dy
Transfers the memory source operand data to the destination register operand. The transferred data can only be word length for Y memory. The word data is loaded to the top word of the register and the bottom word is cleared with zeros.
movy.w @Ay+,Dy
(Ay) -> MSW of Dy, 0 -> LSW of Dy, Ay+2 -> Ay
Transfers the memory source operand data to the destination register operand. The transferred data can only be word length for Y memory. The word data is loaded to the top word of the register and the bottom word is cleared with zeros.
movy.w @Ay+Iy,Dy
(Ay) -> MSW of Dy, 0 -> LSW of Dy, Ay+Iy -> Ay
Transfers the memory source operand data to the destination register operand. The transferred data can only be word length for Y memory. The word data is loaded to the top word of the register and the bottom word is cleared with zeros.
movy.w Da,@Ay
MSW of Da -> (Ay)
Transfers the register source operand data to the destination memory operand. The transferred data can only be word length for Y memory. The source word data is the top word of the register.
movy.w Da,@Ay+
MSW of Da -> (Ay), Ay+2 -> Ay
Transfers the register source operand data to the destination memory operand. The transferred data can only be word length for Y memory. The source word data is the top word of the register.
movy.w Da,@Ay+Iy
MSW of Da -> (Ay), Ay+Iy -> Ay
Transfers the register source operand data to the destination memory operand. The transferred data can only be word length for Y memory. The source word data is the top word of the register.
movs.w @-As,Ds
As-2 -> As, (As) -> MSW of Ds, 0 -> LSW of Ds
Transfers the source operand data to the destination. The transferred data is a word, the word data is loaded to the top word of the register and the bottom word is cleared with zeros. When the destination operand is a register with guard bits, the sign is extended and stored in the guard bits.
exts.w Rm,Rn
Rm sign-extended from word -> Rn
Sign-extends the contents of general register Rm and stores the result in Rn. The value of Rm bit 15 is transferred to Rn bits 16 to 31.
void EXTSW (int m, int n) { R[n] = R[m]; if ((R[m] & 0x00008000) == 0) R[n] & = 0x0000FFFF; else R[n] |= 0xFFFF0000; PC += 2; }
extu.b Rm,Rn
Rm zero-extended from byte -> Rn
Zero-extends the contents of general register Rm and stores the result in Rn. 0 is transferred to Rn bits 8 to 31.
void EXTUB (int m, int n) { R[n] = R[m]; R[n] &= 0x000000FF; PC += 2; }
extu.w Rm,Rn
Rm zero-extended from word -> Rn
Zero-extends the contents of general register Rm and stores the result in Rn. 0 is transferred to Rn bits 16 to 31.
void EXTUW (int m, int n) { R[n] = R[m]; R[n] &= 0x0000FFFF; PC += 2; }
mac.l @Rm+,@Rn+
Signed, (Rn) * (Rm) + MAC -> MAC 32 * 32 + 64 -> 64 bits
Performs signed multiplication of the 32-bit operands whose addresses are the contents of general registers Rm and Rn, adds the 64-bit result to the MAC register contents, and stores the result in the MAC register. Operands Rm and Rn are each incremented by 4 each time they are read. When the S bit is cleared to 0, the 64-bit result is stored in the coupled MACH and MACL registers. When bit S is set to 1, addition to the MAC register is a saturation operation of 48 bits starting from the LSB. For the saturation operation, only the lower 48 bits of the MACL register are enabled and the result is limited to a range of 0xFFFF800000000000 (minimum) and 0x00007FFFFFFFFFFF (maximum).
void MACL (int m, int n) { unsigned long RnL, RnH, RmL, RmH, Res0, Res1, Res2; unsigned long temp0, temp1, temp2, temp3; long tempm, tempn, fnLmL; tempn = Read_32 (R[n]); R[n] += 4; tempm = Read_32 (R[m]); R[m] += 4; if ((long)(tempn ^ tempm) < 0) fnLmL = -1; else fnLmL = 0; if (tempn < 0) tempn = 0 - tempn; if (tempm < 0) tempm = 0 - tempm; temp1 = (unsigned long)tempn; temp2 = (unsigned long)tempm; RnL = temp1 & 0x0000FFFF; RnH = (temp1 >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF; RmL = temp2 & 0x0000FFFF; RmH = (temp2 >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF; temp0 = RmL * RnL; temp1 = RmH * RnL; temp2 = RmL * RnH; temp3 = RmH * RnH; Res2 = 0; Res1 = temp1 + temp2; if (Res1 < temp1) Res2 += 0x00010000; temp1 = (Res1 << 16) & 0xFFFF0000; Res0 = temp0 + temp1; if (Res0 < temp0) Res2++; Res2 = Res2 + ((Res1 >> 16) & 0x0000FFFF) + temp3; if(fnLmL < 0) { Res2 = ~Res2; if (Res0 == 0) Res2++; else Res0 = (~Res0) + 1; } if (S == 1) { Res0 = MACL + Res0; if (MACL > Res0) Res2++; Res2 += MACH & 0x0000FFFF; if (((long)Res2 < 0) && (Res2 < 0xFFFF8000)) { Res2 = 0xFFFF8000; Res0 = 0x00000000; } if (((long)Res2 > 0) && (Res2 > 0x00007FFF)) { Res2 = 0x00007FFF; Res0 = 0xFFFFFFFF; } MACH = (Res2 & 0x0000FFFF) | (MACH & 0xFFFF0000); MACL = Res0; } else { Res0 = MACL + Res0; if (MACL > Res0) Res2 ++; Res2 += MACH; MACH = Res2; MACL = Res0; } PC += 2; }
fcmp/eq DRm,DRn
If DRn = DRm: 1 -> T Else: 0 -> T
Arithmetically compares the two double-precision floating-point numbers in DRn and DRm, and stores 1 in the T bit if they are equal, or 0 otherwise.
void FCMP_EQ (int m, int n) { PC += 2; clear_cause (); if (fcmp_chk_double (m, n) == INVALID) fcmp_invalid (); else if (fcmp_chk_double (m, n) == EQ) T = 1; else T = 0; } int fcmp_chk_double (int m, int n) { if (data_type_of (m) == sNaN || data_type_of (n) == sNaN) return INVALID; else if (data_type_of (m) == qNaN || data_type_of (n) == qNaN) return UO; else switch (data_type_of (m)) { case NORM: switch (data_type_of (n)) { case PINF: return GT; case NINF: return LT; default: break; } break; case PZERO: case NZERO: switch (data_type_of (n)) { case PZERO: case NZERO: return EQ; default: break; } break; case PINF: switch (data_type_of (n)) { case PINF: return EQ; default: return LT; } case NINF: switch (data_type_of (n)) { case NINF: return EQ; default: return GT; } } if (DR[n >> 1] == DR[m >> 1]) return EQ; else if (DR[n >> 1] > DR[m >> 1]) return GT; else return LT; } void fcmp_invalid (void) { set_V (); if ((FPSCR & ENABLE_V) == 0) T = 0; else fpu_exception_trap (); }
pdec Sy,Dz
111110********** 1010100100yyzzzz
MSW of Sy - 1 -> MSW of Dz, clear LSW of Dz
Subtracts 1 from the top word of the Sy operand, stores the result in the upper word of the Dz operand, and clears the bottom word of the Dz operand with zeros. The DC bit of the DSR register is updated according to the specifications for the CS bits. The N, Z, V, and GT bits of the DSR register are also updated.
void pdec_sy (void) { DSP_ALU_SRC2 = 0x1; DSP_ALU_SRC2G = 0x0; switch (EX2_SY) { case 0x0: DSP_ALU_SRC1 = Y0; break; case 0x1: DSP_ALU_SRC1 = Y1; break; case 0x2: DSP_ALU_SRC1 = M0; break; case 0x3: DSP_ALU_SRC1 = M1; break; } if (DSP_ALU_SRC1_MSB) DSP_ALU_SRC1G = 0xFF; else DSP_ALU_SRC1G = 0x0; DSP_ALU_DST_HW = DSP_ALU_SRC1_HW - 1; carry_bit = ((DSP_ALU_SRC1_MSB | ! DSP_ALU_SRC2_MSB) && ! DSP_ALU_DST_MSB) | (DSP_ALU_SRC1_MSB & ! DSP_ALU_SRC2_MSB); borrow_bit = ! carry_bit; DSP_ALU_DSTG_LSB8 = DSP_ALU_SRC1G_LSB8 - DSP_ALU_SRC2G_LSB8 - borrow_bit; overflow_bit = PLUS_OP_G_OV || ! (POS_NOT_OV || NEG_NOT_OV); #include "integer_overflow_protection.c" #include "integer_unconditional_update.c" #include "integer_minus_dc_bit.c" }
shlr8 Rn
Rn >> 8 -> [0 -> Rn]
Logically shifts the contents of general register Rn 8 bits to the right, and stores the result in Rn. The bits shifted out of the operand are discarded.
void SHLR8 (int n) { R[n] >>= 8; R[n] &= 0x00FFFFFF; PC += 2; }
shlr16 Rn
Rn >> 16 -> [0 -> Rn]
Logically shifts the contents of general register Rn 16 bits to the right and stores the result in Rn. The bits shifted out of the operand are discarded.
void SHLR16 (int n) { R[n] >>= 16; R[n] &= 0x0000FFFF; PC += 2; }
bf label
If T = 0: disp*2 + PC + 4 -> PC Else: nop
This is a conditional branch instruction that references the T bit. The branch is taken if T = 0, and not taken if T = 1. The branch destination is address (PC + 4 + displacement * 2). The PC source value is the BF instruction address. As the 8-bit displacement is multiplied by two after sign-extension, the branch destination can be located in the range from -256 to +254 bytes from the BF instruction.
void BF (int d) { int disp; if ((d & 0x80) == 0) disp = (0x000000FF & d); else disp = (0xFFFFFF00 | d); if (T == 0) PC = PC + 4 + (disp << 1); else PC += 2; }
bf/s label
If T = 0: disp*2 + PC + 4 -> PC Else: nop (Delayed branch)
This is a delayed conditional branch instruction that references the T bit. If T = 1, the next instruction is executed and the branch is not taken. If T = 0, the branch is taken after execution of the next instruction.
void BFS (int d) { int disp; unsigned int temp; temp = PC; if ((d & 0x80) == 0) disp = (0x000000FF & d); else disp = (0xFFFFFF00 | d); if (T == 0) PC = PC + 4 + (disp << 1); else PC += 4; Delay_Slot (temp + 2); }
bt label
If T = 1: disp*2 + PC + 4 -> PC Else: nop
This is a conditional branch instruction that references the T bit. The branch is taken if T = 1, and not taken if T = 0. The branch destination is address (PC + 4 + displacement * 2). The PC source value is the BT instruction address. As the 8-bit displacement is multiplied by two after sign-extension, the branch destination can be located in the range from -256 to +254 bytes from the BT instruction.
void BT (int d) { int disp; if ((d & 0x80) == 0) disp = (0x000000FF & d); else disp = (0xFFFFFF00 | d); if (T == 1) PC = PC + 4 + (disp << 1); else PC += 2; }
bt/s label
If T = 1: disp*2 + PC + 4 -> PC Else: nop (Delayed branch)
This is a conditional branch instruction that references the T bit. The branch is taken if T = 1, and not taken if T = 0. The PC source value is the BT/S instruction address. As the 8-bit displacement is multiplied by two after sign-extension, the branch destination can be located in the range from -256 to +254 bytes from the BT/S instruction.
void BTS (int d) { int disp; unsigned temp; temp = PC; if ((d & 0x80) == 0) disp = (0x000000FF & d); else disp = (0xFFFFFF00 | d); if (T == 1) PC = PC + 4 + (disp << 1); else PC += 4; Delay_Slot (temp + 2); }
bra label
disp*2 + PC + 4 -> PC (Delayed branch)
This is an unconditional branch instruction. The branch destination is address (PC + 4 + displacement * 2). The PC source value is the BRA instruction address. As the 12-bit displacement is multiplied by two after sign-extension, the branch destination can be located in the range from -4096 to +4094 bytes from the BRA instruction. If the branch destination cannot be reached, this branch can be performed with a JMP instruction.
void BRA (int d) { int disp; unsigned int temp; temp = PC; if ((d & 0x800) == 0) disp = (0x00000FFF & d); else disp = (0xFFFFF000 | d); PC = PC + 4 + (disp << 1); Delay_Slot(temp + 2); }
movs.l Ds,@As+
Ds -> (As), As+4 -> As
Transfers the source operand data to the destination. The transferred data is a longword.
movs.l Ds,@As+Is
Ds -> (As), As+Is -> As
Transfers the source operand data to the destination. The transferred data is a longword.
pabs Sx,Dz
111110********** 10001000xx00zzzz
If Sx >= 0: Sx -> Dz If Sx < 0: 0 - Sx -> Dz
Finds absolute values. When the Sx operand is positive, the contents of the operand are transferred to the Dz operand. If the value is negative, the value of the Sx operand is subtracted from 0 and stored in the Dz operand.
pabs Sy,Dz
111110********** 1010100000yyzzzz
If Sy >= 0: Sy -> Dz If Sy < 0: 0 - Sy -> Dz
Finds absolute values. When the Sy operand is positive, the contents of the operand are transferred to the Dz operand. If the value is negative, the value of the Sy operand is subtracted from 0 and stored in the Dz operand.
padd Sx,Sy,Dz
111110********** 10110001xxyyzzzz
Sx + Sy -> Dz
Adds the contents of the Sx and Sy operands and stores the result in the Dz operand.
dcf pdec Sy,Dz
111110********** 1010101100yyzzzz
If DC = 0: MSW of Sy - 1 -> MSW of DZ, clear LSW of Dz Else: nop
Conditionally subtracts 1 from the top word of the Sy operand, stores the result in the upper word of the Dz operand, and clears the bottom word of the Dz operand with zeros. The instruction is executed if the DC bit is set to 0. The DC, N, Z, V, and GT bits are not updated.
void pdec_sy_dcf (void) { DSP_ALU_SRC2 = 0x1; DSP_ALU_SRC2G = 0x0; switch (EX2_SY) { case 0x0: DSP_ALU_SRC1 = Y0; break; case 0x1: DSP_ALU_SRC1 = Y1; break; case 0x2: DSP_ALU_SRC1 = M0; break; case 0x3: DSP_ALU_SRC1 = M1; break; } if (DSP_ALU_SRC1_MSB) DSP_ALU_SRC1G = 0xFF; else DSP_ALU_SRC1G = 0x0; DSP_ALU_DST_HW = DSP_ALU_SRC1_HW - 1; carry_bit = ((DSP_ALU_SRC1_MSB | ! DSP_ALU_SRC2_MSB) && ! DSP_ALU_DST_MSB) | (DSP_ALU_SRC1_MSB & ! DSP_ALU_SRC2_MSB); borrow_bit = ! carry_bit; DSP_ALU_DSTG_LSB8 = DSP_ALU_SRC1G_LSB8 - DSP_ALU_SRC2G_LSB8 - borrow_bit; overflow_bit = PLUS_OP_G_OV || ! (POS_NOT_OV || NEG_NOT_OV); #include "integer_overflow_protection.c" if (DC == 0) { DSP_REG_WD[ex2_dz_no*2] = DSP_ALU_DST_HW; DSP_REG_WD[ex2_dz_no*2+1] = 0x0; // clear LSW if (ex2_dz_no == 0) { A0G = DSP_ALU_DSTG & MASK000000FF; if (DSP_ALU_DSTG_BIT7) A0G = A0G | MASKFFFFFF00; } else if (ex2_dz_no == 1) { A1G = DSP_ALU_DSTG & MASK000000FF; if (DSP_ALU_DSTG_BIT7) A1G = A1G | MASKFFFFFF00; } } }
fmov DRm,DRn
DRm -> DRn
Transfers DRm contents to DRn.
void FMOV_DR (int m, int n) { DR[n >> 1] = DR[m >> 1]; PC += 2; }
fmov DRm,XDn
DRm -> XDn
Transfers DRm contents to XDn.
void FMOV_DRXD (int m, int n) { XD[n >> 1] = DR[m >> 1]; PC += 2; }
fmov XDm,DRn
XDm -> DRn
Transfers XDm contents to DRn.
void FMOV_XDDR (int m, int n) { DR[n >> 1] = XD[m >> 1]; PC += 2; }
fmov XDm,XDn
XDm -> XDn
Transfers XDm contents to XDn.
void FMOV_XDXD (int m, int n) { XD[n >> 1] = XD[m >> 1]; PC += 2; }
fmov.d @Rm,DRn
(Rm) -> DRn
Transfers contents of memory at address indicated by Rm to DRn.
void FMOV_LOAD_DR (int m, int n) { DR[n >> 1] = Read_64 (R[m]); PC += 2; }
fmov.d @Rm,XDn
(Rm) -> XDn
Transfers contents of memory at address indicated by Rm to XDn.
void FMOV_LOAD_XD (int m, int n) { XD[n >> 1] = Read_64 (R[m]); PC += 2; }
fmov.d DRm,@Rn
DRm -> (Rn)
Transfers DRm contents to memory at address indicated by Rn.
void FMOV_STORE_DR (int m, int n) { Write_64 (R[n], DR[m >> 1]); PC += 2; }
pclr Dz
111110********** 100011010000zzzz
0x00000000 -> Dz
Clears the Dz operand. The DC bit of the DSR register is updated according to the specifications for the CS bits. The Z bit of the DSR register is set to 1. The N, V, and GT bits are cleared to 0.
void pclr (void) { DSP_REG[ex2_dz_no] = 0x0; if (ex2_dz_no == 0) A0G = 0x0; else if (ex2_dz_no == 1) A1G = 0x0; carry_bit = 0; negative_bit = 0; zero_bit = 1; overflow_bit = 0; #include "fixed_pt_plus_dc_bit.c" }
prnd Sx,Dz
111110********** 10011000xx00zzzz
Sx + 0x00008000 -> Dz, clear LSW of Dz
Does rounding. Adds the immediate data 0x00008000 to the contents of the Sx operand, stores the result in the upper word of the Dz operand, and clears the bottom word of Dz with zeros. The DC bit of the DSR register is updated according to the specifications for the CS bits. The N, Z, V, and GT bits of the DSR register are also updated.
void prnd_sx (void) { switch (EX2_SX) { case 0x0: DSP_ALU_SRC1 = X0; if (DSP_ALU_SRC1_MSB) DSP_ALU_SRC1G = 0xFF; else DSP_ALU_SRC1G = 0x0; break; case 0x1: DSP_ALU_SRC1 = X1; if (DSP_ALU_SRC1_MSB) DSP_ALU_SRC1G = 0xFF; else DSP_ALU_SRC1G = 0x0; break; case 0x2: DSP_ALU_SRC1 = A0; DSP_ALU_SRC1G = A0G; break; case 0x3: DSP_ALU_SRC1 = A1; DSP_ALU_SRC1G = A1G; break; } DSP_ALU_DST = (DSP_ALU_SRC1 + DSP_ALU_SRC2) & MASKFFFF0000; carry_bit = ((DSP_ALU_SRC1_MSB | DSP_ALU_SRC2_MSB) & ! DSP_ALU_DST_MSB) | (DSP_ALU_SRC1_MSB & DSP_ALU_SRC2_MSB); DSP_ALU_DSTG_LSB8 = DSP_ALU_SRC1G_LSB8 + DSP_ALU_SRC2G_LSB8 + carry_bit; overflow_bit = PLUS_OP_G_OV || ! (POS_NOT_OV || NEG_NOT_OV); #include "fixed_pt_overflow_protection.c" #include "fixed_pt_unconditional_update.c" #include "fixed_pt_plus_dc_bit.c" }
fsub FRm,FRn
FRn - FRm -> FRn
Arithmetically subtracts the single-precision floating-point number in FRm from the single-precision floating-point number in FRn, and stores the result in FRn.
void FSUB (int m, int n) { PC += 2; clear_cause (); if (data_type_of (m) == sNaN || data_type_of (n) == sNaN) invalid (n); else if (data_type_of (m) == qNaN || data_type_of (n) == qNaN) qnan (n); else if (data_type_of (m) == DENORM || data_type_of (n) == DENORM) set_E (); else switch (data_type_of (m)) { case NORM: switch (data_type_of (n)) { case NORM: normal_faddsub (m, n, SUB); break; case PZERO: case NZERO: register_copy (m, n); FR[n] = -FR[n]; break; default: break; } break; case PZERO: break; case NZERO: switch (data_type_of (n)) { case NZERO: zero (n, 0); break; default: break; } break; case PINF: switch (data_type_of (n)) { case PINF: invalid (n); break; default: inf (n, 1); break; } break; case NINF: switch (data_type_of (n)) { case NINF: invalid (n); break; default: inf (n, 0); break; } break; } }
dct pdmsb Sy,Dz
111110********** 1011111000yyzzzz
If DC = 1: Sy data MSB position -> MSW of Dz, clear LSW of Dz Else: nop
Conditionally finds the first position to change in the lineup of Sy operand bits and stores the bit position in the Dz operand. The instruction is executed if the DC bit is set to 1. The DC, N, Z, V, and GT bits are not updated.
void pdmsb_sy_dct (void) { switch (EX2_SY) { case 0x0: DSP_ALU_SRC1 = Y0; break; case 0x1: DSP_ALU_SRC1 = Y1; break; case 0x2: DSP_ALU_SRC1 = M0; break; case 0x3: DSP_ALU_SRC1 = M1; break; } if (DSP_ALU_SRC1_MSB) DSP_ALU_SRC1G = 0xFF; else DSP_ALU_SRC1G = 0x0; short int i; unsigned char msb, src1g; unsigned long src1 = DSP_ALU_SRC1; msb = DSP_ALU_SRC1G_BIT7; src1g = (DSP_ALU_SRC1G_LSB8 << 1); for (i = 38; ((msb == (src1g >> 7)) && (i >= 32)); i--) src1g <<= 1; if (i == 31) for(i; ((msb == (src1 >> 31)) && (i >= 0)); i--) src1 <<= 1; DSP_ALU_DST = 0x0; DSP_ALU_DST_HW = (short int)(30 - i); if (DSP_ALU_DST_MSB) DSP_ALU_DSTG_LSB8 = 0xFF; else DSP_ALU_DSTG_LSB8 = 0x0; carry_bit = 0; if (DC == 1) { DSP_REG_WD[ex2_dz_no*2] = DSP_ALU_DST_HW; DSP_REG_WD[ex2_dz_no*2+1] = 0x0; // clear LSW if (ex2_dz_no == 0) { A0G = DSP_ALU_DSTG & MASK000000FF; if (DSP_ALU_DSTG_BIT7) A0G = A0G | MASKFFFFFF00; } else if (ex2_dz_no == 1) { A1G = DSP_ALU_DSTG & MASK000000FF; if (DSP_ALU_DSTG_BIT7) A1G = A1G | MASKFFFFFF00; } } }
dct pclr Dz
111110********** 100011100000zzzz
If DC = 1: 0x00000000 -> Dz Else: nop
Conditionally clears the Dz operand. The instruction is executed when the DC bit is set to 1. The DC, N, Z, V, and GT bits are not updated.
void pclr_dct (void) { if (DC == 1) DSP_REG[ex2_dz_no] = 0x0; }
fmov.d DRm,@(R0,Rn)
DRm -> (R0 + Rn)
Transfers DRm contents to memory at address indicated by (R0 + Rn).
void FMOV_INDEX_STORE_DR (int m, int n) { Write_64 (R[0] + R[n], DR[m >> 1]); PC += 2; }
fmov.d XDm,@(R0,Rn)
XDm -> (R0 + Rn)
Transfers XDm contents to memory at address indicated by (R0 + Rn).
void FMOV_INDEX_STORE_XD (int m, int n) { Write_64 (R[0] + R[n], XD[m >> 1]); PC += 2; }
fmov.d @(disp12,Rm),DRn
0011nnn0mmmm0001 0111dddddddddddd
(disp*8 + Rm) -> DRn
Transfers memory contents at the address indicated by (disp + Rn) to DRn.
void FMOV_INDEX_DISP12_LOAD_DR (int m, int n, int d) { long disp = (0x00000FFF & (long)d); DR[n >> 1] = Read_64 (R[m] + (disp << 3)); PC += 4; }
fmov.d DRm,@(disp12,Rn)
0011nnnnmmm00001 0011dddddddddddd
DRm -> (disp*8 + Rn)
Transfers DRm contents to memory at the address indicated by (disp + Rn).
void FMOV_INDEX_DISP12_STORE_DR (int m, int n, int d) { long disp = (0x00000FFF & (long)d); Write_64 (R[n] + (disp << 3), DR[m >> 1]); PC += 4; }
fldi0 FRn
0x00000000 -> FRn
When FPSCR.PR = 0, this instruction loads floating-point 0.0 (0x00000000) into FRn. If FPSCR.PR = 1, the instruction is handled as an illegal instruction.
void FLDI0 (int n) { FR[n] = 0x00000000; PC += 2; }
fldi1 FRn
0x3F800000 -> FRn
When FPSCR.PR = 0, this instruction loads floating-point 1.0 (0x3F800000) into FRn. If FPCSR.PR = 1, the instruction is handled as an illegal instruction.
void FLDI1 (int n) { FR[n] = 0x3F800000; PC += 2; }
flds FRm,FPUL
Transfers the contents of floating-point register FRm into system register FPUL.
void FLDS (int m) { FPUL = FR[m]; PC += 2; }
1 -> S
Sets the S bit to 1.
void SETS (void) { S = 1; PC += 2; }
1 -> T
Sets the T bit to 1.
void SETT (void) { T = 1; PC += 2; }
Sleep or standby
Places the CPU in the power-down state.
void SLEEP (void) { Sleep_standby(); }
stbank R0,@Rn
R0 -> (specified register bank entry)
R0 is transferred to the register bank entry indicated by the contents of general register Rn.
void STBANK (int n) { Write_Bank_32 (R[n], R[0]) PC += 2; }
stc SR,Rn
SR -> Rn
Stores control register SR in the destination.
void STCSR (int n) { R[n] = SR; PC += 2; }
stc.l SR,@-Rn
Rn-4 -> Rn, SR -> (Rn)
Stores control register SR in the destination.
void STCMSR (int n) { R[n] -= 4; Write_32 (R[n], SR); PC += 2; }
stc TBR,Rn
TBR -> Rn
Stores control register TBR in the destination.
void STCTBR (int n) { R[n] = TBR; PC += 2; }
cmp/eq Rm,Rn
If Rn = Rm: 1 -> T Else: 0 -> T
Compares general registers Rn and Rm, and sets the T bit if they are equal. The contents of Rn and Rm are not changed.
void CMPEQ (int m, int n) { if (R[n] == R[m]) T = 1; else T = 0; PC += 2; }
cmp/hs Rm,Rn
If Rn >= Rm (unsigned): 1 -> T Else: 0 -> T
Compares general registers Rn and Rm, and sets the T bit if Rn is greater or equal Rm. The values for the comparison are interpreted as unsigned integer values. The contents of Rn and Rm are not changed.
void CMPHI (int m, int n) { if ((unsigned long)R[n] >= (unsigned long)R[m]) T = 1; else T = 0; PC += 2; }
cmp/ge Rm,Rn
If Rn >= Rm (signed): 1 -> T Else: 0 -> T
Compares general registers Rn and Rm, and sets the T bit if Rn is greater or equal Rm. The values for the comparison are interpreted as signed integer values. The contents of Rn and Rm are not changed.
void CMPGE (int m, int n) { if ((long)R[n] >= (long)R[m]) T = 1; else T = 0; PC += 2; }
cmp/hi Rm,Rn
If Rn > Rm (unsigned): 1 -> T Else: 0 -> T
Compares general registers Rn and Rm, and sets the T bit if Rn is greater Rm. The values for the comparison are interpreted as unsigned integer values. The contents of Rn and Rm are not changed.
void CMPHI (int m, int n) { if ((unsigned long)R[n] > (unsigned long)R[m]) T = 1; else T = 0; PC += 2; }
cmp/gt Rm,Rn
If Rn > Rm (signed): 1 -> T Else: 0 -> T
Compares general registers Rn and Rm, and sets the T bit if Rn is greater Rm. The values for the comparison are interpreted as signed integer values. The contents of Rn and Rm are not changed.
void CMPGT (int m, int n) { if ((long)R[n] > (long)R[m]) T = 1; else T = 0; PC += 2; }
cmp/pl Rn
If Rn > 0 (signed): 1 -> T Else: 0 -> T
Compares general register Rn and sets the T bit if Rn is greater 0. The value in Rn for the comparison is interpreted as signed integer. The contents of Rn are not changed.
void CMPPL (int n) { if ((long)R[n] > 0) T = 1; else T = 0; PC += 2; }
cmp/pz Rn
If Rn >= 0 (signed): 1 -> T Else: 0 -> T
Compares general register Rn and sets the T bit if Rn is greater or equal 0. The value in Rn for the comparison is interpreted as signed integer. The contents of Rn are not changed.
void CMPPZ (int n) { if ((long)R[n] >= 0) T = 1; else T = 0; PC += 2; }
ocbwb @Rn
Write back operand cache block
Accesses data using the contents indicated by effective address Rn. If the cache is hit and there is unwritten information (U bit = 1), the corresponding cache block is written back to external memory and that block is cleaned (the U bit is cleared to 0). In other cases (i.e. in the case of a cache miss or an access to a non-cache area, or if the block is already clean), no operation is performed.
void OCBWB (int n) { if (is_dirty_block (R[n])) write_back (R[n]); PC += 2; }
pref @Rn
(Rn) -> operand cache
SH4 and SH4A: Reads a 32-byte data block starting at a 32-byte boundary into the operand cache. The lower 5 bits of the address specified by Rn are masked to zero. This instruction is also used to trigger a Store Queue write-back operation if the specified address points to the Store Queue area. For more information refer to Store Queues in the manual. SH3 and SH2A: Reads a 16-byte data block into the cache. The address specified by Rn should be on 32-bit boundary. No address related error is detected in this instruction. In case of an error, the instruction operates as NOP. Note: On products with no cache, this instruction is handled as a NOP instruction.
void PREF (int n) { prefetch_operand_cache_block (R[n]); PC += 2; }
prefi @Rn
Reads 32-byte instruction block into instruction cache
Reads a 32-byte block of data starting at a 32-byte boundary within the instruction cache. The lower 5 bits of the address specified by Rn are masked by zeroes. This instruction does not generate data address error and MMU exceptions. In the event of an error, the PREFI instruction is treated as an NOP (no operation) instruction. When the address to be prefetched is missing from UTLB or is protected, the PREFI instruction is treated as an NOP instruction and a TLB exception does not occur. Note: This instruction can be used before the SLEEP command is issued to prefetch instructions for execution on return from the SLEEP state.
void PREFI (int n) { prefetch_instruction_cache_block (R[n]); PC += 2; }
Bank -> R0 to R14, GBR, MACH, MACL, PR
Restores the last register saved to a register bank. Note: The issue cycle count is 19 when a bank overflow has occured and the registers are restored from the stack.
void RESBANK (void) { int m; // Number of register bank to which a save was last performed. if (BO == 0) { PR = Register_Bank[m].PR_BANK; GBR = Register_Bank[m].GBR_BANK; MACL = Register_Bank[m].MACL_BANK; MACH = Register_Bank[m].MACH_BANK; for (int i = 0; i <= 14; i++) R[i] = Register_Bank[m].R_BANK[i]; } else { for (int i = 0; i <= 14; i++) { R[i] = Read_32 (R[15]); R[15] += 4; } PR = Read_32 (R[15]); R[15] += 4; GBR = Read_32 (R[15]); R[15] += 4; MACH = Read_32 (R[15]); R[15] += 4; MACL = Read_32 (R[15]); R[15] += 4; } PC += 2; }
pcopy Sx,Dz
111110********** 11011001xx00zzzz
Sx -> Dz
Stores the Sx operand in the Dz operand. The DC bit of the DSR register is updated according to the specifications for the CS bits. The N, Z, V, and GT bits are also updated.
void pcopy_sx (void) { switch (EX2_SX) { case 0x0: DSP_ALU_SRC1 = X0; if (DSP_ALU_SRC1_MSB) DSP_ALU_SRC1G = 0xFF; else DSP_ALU_SRC1G = 0x0; break; case 0x1: DSP_ALU_SRC1 = X1; if (DSP_ALU_SRC1_MSB) DSP_ALU_SRC1G = 0xFF; else DSP_ALU_SRC1G = 0x0; break; case 0x2: DSP_ALU_SRC1 = A0; DSP_ALU_SRC1G = A0G; break; case 0x3: DSP_ALU_SRC1 = A1; DSP_ALU_SRC1G = A1G; break; } DSP_ALU_SRC2 = 0; DSP_ALU_SRC2G = 0; DSP_ALU_DST = DSP_ALU_SRC1 + DSP_ALU_SRC2; carry_bit = ((DSP_ALU_SRC1_MSB | DSP_ALU_SRC2_MSB) & ! DSP_ALU_DST_MSB) | (DSP_ALU_SRC1_MSB & DSP_ALU_SRC2_MSB); DSP_ALU_DSTG_LSB8 = DSP_ALU_SRC1G_LSB8 + DSP_ALU_SRC2G_LSB8 + carry_bit; overflow_bit = PLUS_OP_G_OV || ! (POS_NOT_OV || NEG_NOT_OV); #include "fixed_pt_overflow_protection.c" #include "fixed_pt_unconditional_update.c" #include "fixed_pt_plus_dc_bit.c" }
pand Sx,Sy,Dz
111110********** 10010101xxyyzzzz
Sx & Sy -> Dz, clear LSW of Dz
Does an AND of the upper word of the Sx operand and the upper word of the Sy operand, stores the result in the upper word of the Dz operand, and clears the bottom word of the Dz operand with zeros. When Dz is a register that has guard bits, the guard bits are also zeroed. The DC bit of the DSR register is updated according to the specifications for the CS bits. The N, Z, V, and GT bits of the DSR register are also updated.
void pand (void) { switch (EX2_SX) { case 0x0: DSP_ALU_SRC1 = X0; break; case 0x1: DSP_ALU_SRC1 = X1; break; case 0x2: DSP_ALU_SRC1 = A0; break; case 0x3: DSP_ALU_SRC1 = A1; break; } switch (EX2_SY) { case 0x0: DSP_ALU_SRC2 = Y0; break; case 0x1: DSP_ALU_SRC2 = Y1; break; case 0x2: DSP_ALU_SRC2 = M0; break; case 0x3: DSP_ALU_SRC2 = M1; break; } DSP_ALU_DST_HW = DSP_ALU_SRC1_HW & DSP_ALU_SRC2_HW; DSP_REG_WD[ex2_dz_no*2] = DSP_ALU_DST_HW; DSP_REG_WD[ex2_dz_no*2+1] = 0x0; // clear LSW if (ex2_dz_no == 0) A0G = 0x0; // clear Guard bits else if (ex2_dz_no == 1) A1G = 0x0; carry_bit = 0x0; negative_bit = DSP_ALU_DST_MSB; zero_bit = (DSP_ALU_DST_HW == 0); overflow_bit = 0x0; #include "logical_dc_bit.c" }
pand Sx,Sy,Dz
111110********** 10010101xxyyzzzz
Sx & Sy -> Dz, clear LSW of Dz
Does an AND of the upper word of the Sx operand and the upper word of the Sy operand, stores the result in the upper word of the Dz operand, and clears the bottom word of the Dz operand with zeros. When Dz is a register that has guard bits, the guard bits are also zeroed. The DC bit of the DSR register is updated according to the specifications for the CS bits. The N, Z, V, and GT bits of the DSR register are also updated.
void pand (void) { switch (EX2_SX) { case 0x0: DSP_ALU_SRC1 = X0; break; case 0x1: DSP_ALU_SRC1 = X1; break; case 0x2: DSP_ALU_SRC1 = A0; break; case 0x3: DSP_ALU_SRC1 = A1; break; } switch (EX2_SY) { case 0x0: DSP_ALU_SRC2 = Y0; break; case 0x1: DSP_ALU_SRC2 = Y1; break; case 0x2: DSP_ALU_SRC2 = M0; break; case 0x3: DSP_ALU_SRC2 = M1; break; } DSP_ALU_DST_HW = DSP_ALU_SRC1_HW & DSP_ALU_SRC2_HW; DSP_REG_WD[ex2_dz_no*2] = DSP_ALU_DST_HW; DSP_REG_WD[ex2_dz_no*2+1] = 0x0; // clear LSW if (ex2_dz_no == 0) A0G = 0x0; // clear Guard bits else if (ex2_dz_no == 1) A1G = 0x0; carry_bit = 0x0; negative_bit = DSP_ALU_DST_MSB; zero_bit = (DSP_ALU_DST_HW == 0); overflow_bit = 0x0; #include "logical_dc_bit.c" }
If FPSCR.PR = 0: ~FPSCR.SZ -> FPSCR.SZ Else: Undefined Operation
Inverts the SZ bit of the floating-point status register FPSCR. Changing the value of the SZ bit in FPSCR switches the amount of data for transfer by the FMOV instruction between one single-precision data and a pair of single-precision data. When FPSCR.SZ = 0, an FMOV instruction transfers a single-precision number. When FPSCR.SZ = 1, the FMOV instruction transfers a pair of single-precision numbers.
void FSCHG (void) { if (FPSCR_PR == 0) { FPSCR ^= 0x00100000; // toggle bit 20 PC += 2; } else undefined_operation (); }
Inverts the PR bit of the floating-point status register FPSCR. The value of this bit selects single-precision or double-precision operation.
void FPCHG (void) { FPSCR ^= 0x00080000; // toggle bit 19 PC += 2; }
fmul DRm,DRn
DRn * DRm -> DRn
Arithmetically multiplies the two double-precision floating-point numbers in DRn and DRm, and stores the result in FRn.
void FMUL (int m, int n) { PC += 2; clear_cause (); if (data_type_of (m) == sNaN || data_type_of (n) == sNaN) invalid (n); else if (data_type_of (m) == qNaN || data_type_of (n) == qNaN) qnan (n); else if (data_type_of (m) == DENORM || data_type_of (n) == DENORM) set_E (); else switch (data_type_of (m)) { case NORM: switch (data_type_of (n)) { case PZERO: case NZERO: zero (n, sign_of (m) ^ sign_of (n)); break; case PINF: case NINF: inf (n, sign_of (m) ^ sign_of (n)); break; default: normal_fmul (m, n); break; } break; case PZERO: case NZERO: switch (data_type_of (n)) { case PINF: case NINF: invalid (n); break; default: zero (n,sign_of (m) ^ sign_of (n)); break; } break; case PINF: case NINF: switch (data_type_of (n)) { case PZERO: case NZERO: invalid (n); break; default: inf (n, sign_of (m) ^ sign_of (n)); break } break; } }