4 values
The Face of a Stranger
Since I started somewhere in the middle of the series, this book was the explanation of who Monk was and about his accident in which he lost his memory. This is a wonderful series and I would recommend it to anyone and suggest beginning with this book, "The Face of a Stranger" which is the first in the series, for a more complete appreciation of each following book.
The Face of a Stranger Since I started somewhere in the middle of the series, this book was the explanation of who Monk was and about his accident in which he lost his memory. This is a wonderful series and I would recommend it to anyone and suggest beginning with this book, "The Face of a Stranger" which is the first in the series, for a more complete appreciation of each following book.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.687727689743042}
Waste of time and money
I have used this product in addition to the fogger and carpet powder. I have sprayed all furniture, bedding, hard to reach spaces,etc. And a month later I still have fleas. It is a major waste of time and money.
Waste of time and money I have used this product in addition to the fogger and carpet powder. I have sprayed all furniture, bedding, hard to reach spaces,etc. And a month later I still have fleas. It is a major waste of time and money.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.9087275862693787}
This is not a normal Mercedes Lackey book.
When I read a Mercedes Lackey book I expect to care about what happens to *someone* in the book. There was no one here who was 'real' enough to care about. The people all felt like shadows, without true substance (or reasons) to their actions. I couldn't find reasons to cheer for anyone. One problem is there were too many people to follow easily. Since there were so many none of them were drawn richly enough to draw me into their world.
This is not a normal Mercedes Lackey book. When I read a Mercedes Lackey book I expect to care about what happens to *someone* in the book. There was no one here who was 'real' enough to care about. The people all felt like shadows, without true substance (or reasons) to their actions. I couldn't find reasons to cheer for anyone. One problem is there were too many people to follow easily. Since there were so many none of them were drawn richly enough to draw me into their world.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.456964910030365}
I hope Frances Mayes Got A Lot of Money for the Rights...
I love her books so much! This movie is an absolute insult! The original story was so wonderful I can't understand why the film makers thought they were making something better. And Ed! What about Ed? Geez. I could only get through the part where they were taking out the wall between the two rooms, foolishly thinking that the movie would get better, and after that I was done. Another good thing about DVDs is that you don't have to be kind and rewind. It would have be a waste of electricity and my VCR. This movie is right up there with Ishtar! Except worse!
I hope Frances Mayes Got A Lot of Money for the Rights... I love her books so much! This movie is an absolute insult! The original story was so wonderful I can't understand why the film makers thought they were making something better. And Ed! What about Ed? Geez. I could only get through the part where they were taking out the wall between the two rooms, foolishly thinking that the movie would get better, and after that I was done. Another good thing about DVDs is that you don't have to be kind and rewind. It would have be a waste of electricity and my VCR. This movie is right up there with Ishtar! Except worse!
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.8197782635688782}
very much disappointed
It was just terrible for me, living in Italy for many years now. I hated to see exaggerated stereotyping of Italian men. it seemed to me a real bad Hollywood interpretation of A Room with A View.
very much disappointed It was just terrible for me, living in Italy for many years now. I hated to see exaggerated stereotyping of Italian men. it seemed to me a real bad Hollywood interpretation of A Room with A View.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.6025781035423279}
A very sexy and entertaining film! 5 stars!
A very sexy and entertaining film. Sure, this film is heartwarming and inspiring. It is also funny and pleasant. BUT it is also sexy, very sexy infact! And it is very enjoyable and entertaining. 5 stars!
A very sexy and entertaining film! 5 stars! A very sexy and entertaining film. Sure, this film is heartwarming and inspiring. It is also funny and pleasant. BUT it is also sexy, very sexy infact! And it is very enjoyable and entertaining. 5 stars!
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.9631022214889526}
Terrible movie
I rented this movie with the highest of expectations due to the things I had heard talked about it, like that it was funny and romantic and had wonderful scenery. What a disappointing story!The story had no sense of direction. It seemed badly glued together, as if the scriptwriters were saying, "we'll make her a divorced woman...and then we'll make her go on a gay tour...and oh wait, let's make her have no morals and have sex with a man she hasn't known for even one day...and lets make her flirt with the real estate man." All in all, the story turned out to be pretty stupid with nothing to admire in the main character.
Terrible movie I rented this movie with the highest of expectations due to the things I had heard talked about it, like that it was funny and romantic and had wonderful scenery. What a disappointing story!The story had no sense of direction. It seemed badly glued together, as if the scriptwriters were saying, "we'll make her a divorced woman...and then we'll make her go on a gay tour...and oh wait, let's make her have no morals and have sex with a man she hasn't known for even one day...and lets make her flirt with the real estate man." All in all, the story turned out to be pretty stupid with nothing to admire in the main character.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.6990513205528259}
Last time I let the Blockbuster guy recommend a movie....
What a waste of two hours! As a romantic comedy, it falls short on both romance and comdey. As a movie trying to give over a lesson, it is trite, overdone, and poorly performed. The writing is unimpressive, the story is dull and far fetched, and many details either make no sense or detract from the overall plot. What was the point? They seemed to have forgotten to find one.
Last time I let the Blockbuster guy recommend a movie.... What a waste of two hours! As a romantic comedy, it falls short on both romance and comdey. As a movie trying to give over a lesson, it is trite, overdone, and poorly performed. The writing is unimpressive, the story is dull and far fetched, and many details either make no sense or detract from the overall plot. What was the point? They seemed to have forgotten to find one.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.6565703749656677}
under the Tuscany Sun
Was Very Very disappointed!! Movie though brand new, just out of the box it was stopping all the time during the latter part of the movie.
under the Tuscany Sun Was Very Very disappointed!! Movie though brand new, just out of the box it was stopping all the time during the latter part of the movie.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.5417976975440979}
Wonderfully Inspiring Movie!
In this movie, as with life(usually),our "plans" from our "beginnings", don't work out like we think they will.[If yours have and you are one of the those living your dreams, twenty, fifty, etc. years later, I'm sure you are counting your blessings! ;)]Frances' "new" story begins when she acts on instinct instead of "planning" and thus life begins, rather unexpectedly to Frances, to have its own "design" for her life. She has her hopes and dreams for what her life will become. Little does she know she will get exactly what she asks for. However, as in true life, it may not be in the way you expect it.A truly, inspirational movie for anyone struggling through some tough times in your life. I can't tell you how many times I've seen it, but I probably couldn't use my fingers to count, even if I counted each of them twice!Also, must mention Diane Lane, Sandra Oh, you guys are the best!
Wonderfully Inspiring Movie! In this movie, as with life(usually),our "plans" from our "beginnings", don't work out like we think they will.[If yours have and you are one of the those living your dreams, twenty, fifty, etc. years later, I'm sure you are counting your blessings! ;)]Frances' "new" story begins when she acts on instinct instead of "planning" and thus life begins, rather unexpectedly to Frances, to have its own "design" for her life. She has her hopes and dreams for what her life will become. Little does she know she will get exactly what she asks for. However, as in true life, it may not be in the way you expect it.A truly, inspirational movie for anyone struggling through some tough times in your life. I can't tell you how many times I've seen it, but I probably couldn't use my fingers to count, even if I counted each of them twice!Also, must mention Diane Lane, Sandra Oh, you guys are the best!
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.7974540591239929}
Diane Lane is great but skip this movie
Diane Lane is the only redeemable part to this lame effort.The film takes tremendous liberties with the plot from the book. Way way too much PC madness.A waste of time and money.
Diane Lane is great but skip this movie Diane Lane is the only redeemable part to this lame effort.The film takes tremendous liberties with the plot from the book. Way way too much PC madness.A waste of time and money.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.6134656667709351}
Canon NB-5L good for the XS200IS
I think it's always best to get the actual canon battery rather than a "replacement substitute". The battery life so far is pretty good- at least 8 hours.
Canon NB-5L good for the XS200IS I think it's always best to get the actual canon battery rather than a "replacement substitute". The battery life so far is pretty good- at least 8 hours.
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.6394035816192627}
Here's what really happened...
The John Houseman character from the excellent James Caan original version, jumped into a time machine with the intent of destroying the social commentary critical to multinational monopolies from the first film and spreading cultural plastics so prevalent in his future history. The result is dumbed down junk where you must give up the idea of wondering how movie executive's decisions are made. I think he did a good job.
Here's what really happened... The John Houseman character from the excellent James Caan original version, jumped into a time machine with the intent of destroying the social commentary critical to multinational monopolies from the first film and spreading cultural plastics so prevalent in his future history. The result is dumbed down junk where you must give up the idea of wondering how movie executive's decisions are made. I think he did a good job.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.42146629095077515}
A failure of "Battlefield Earth" proportions!
I should say, "worse than Battlefield Earth proportions!" This whole movie makes you just sit there at the end and go, "why?" Everything about this convoluted, sarcastic, beefed up, badly edited tripe is confusing to watch, poorly executed and loses you 10 minutes into the film. You are introduced to boring characters, cliched camera angles and material we all know John Mcteirnan is far more capable of. I was thankful I got to rent this instead of buying it because quite frankly this movie just plain stinks! If you really want to see the real "Rollerball" rent (don't buy) the original. The original has a much stronger story and for cryin out loud-James Caan! He's a legend man!! I don't know what kind of future Chris Klein has in movies but as far as action movies go, let's just put it this way, we already have Keanu Reeves and quite bluntly, he's a much better actor. Steer clear and save your money!
A failure of "Battlefield Earth" proportions! I should say, "worse than Battlefield Earth proportions!" This whole movie makes you just sit there at the end and go, "why?" Everything about this convoluted, sarcastic, beefed up, badly edited tripe is confusing to watch, poorly executed and loses you 10 minutes into the film. You are introduced to boring characters, cliched camera angles and material we all know John Mcteirnan is far more capable of. I was thankful I got to rent this instead of buying it because quite frankly this movie just plain stinks! If you really want to see the real "Rollerball" rent (don't buy) the original. The original has a much stronger story and for cryin out loud-James Caan! He's a legend man!! I don't know what kind of future Chris Klein has in movies but as far as action movies go, let's just put it this way, we already have Keanu Reeves and quite bluntly, he's a much better actor. Steer clear and save your money!
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.8509960770606995}
This movie was one of the worst films I've seen in years. The script is horrible, the movie had little glitches on it, and a big scene of the movie is shot in night vision (GREEN!) If you are thinking of buying this movie, read this review. I'd give this movie 0 stars, but the minimum is 1 star.
TERRIBLE MOVIE! DO NOT BUY! This movie was one of the worst films I've seen in years. The script is horrible, the movie had little glitches on it, and a big scene of the movie is shot in night vision (GREEN!) If you are thinking of buying this movie, read this review. I'd give this movie 0 stars, but the minimum is 1 star.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.9821695685386658}
I had high hopes for this movie.I actually thought it would be at least a little bit decent.It wasn't.It was pure garbage.I had to leave this movie after the first 30 minutes.Its that bad.Avoid this movie at all costs.
Horrible. I had high hopes for this movie.I actually thought it would be at least a little bit decent.It wasn't.It was pure garbage.I had to leave this movie after the first 30 minutes.Its that bad.Avoid this movie at all costs.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.9558121562004089}
ZERO stars... OMG I can't believe I even bothered to finish this thing.
I wish I had read the reviews. As it is I distroyed the copy of the tape I had so that won't inflict damage on anyone else. (In an evironmentally friendly way of course).The original Roller ball was pretty bad, and the remake is worse if that were possible. In a fit of weakness I put the tape in the machine and let it play. I kept thinking, this can't get any worse and then it did. <repeat> And then thank god it was over.If I could sue for the return of my 2hrs of veiwing time I would.
ZERO stars... OMG I can't believe I even bothered to finish this thing. I wish I had read the reviews. As it is I distroyed the copy of the tape I had so that won't inflict damage on anyone else. (In an evironmentally friendly way of course).The original Roller ball was pretty bad, and the remake is worse if that were possible. In a fit of weakness I put the tape in the machine and let it play. I kept thinking, this can't get any worse and then it did. <repeat> And then thank god it was over.If I could sue for the return of my 2hrs of veiwing time I would.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.9803085327148438}
Junk, need I say more JUNK
This movie should have never been made, there is basically no story present and is just a bunch of people going around on rollerblades bashing each other's brains in. I was really looking foreword to this flick, it's previews were misleading, it looked as though it was brilliant and exciting. Guess what, it's really really really NOT!Trust me don't waste your time unless the only thing better you have to do is give the cat a bath, even then I really don't believe you should waste your time!
Junk, need I say more JUNK This movie should have never been made, there is basically no story present and is just a bunch of people going around on rollerblades bashing each other's brains in. I was really looking foreword to this flick, it's previews were misleading, it looked as though it was brilliant and exciting. Guess what, it's really really really NOT!Trust me don't waste your time unless the only thing better you have to do is give the cat a bath, even then I really don't believe you should waste your time!
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.9439666867256165}
I Hope I'm Not Allergic To It!
I ordered this, based on the reviews. I ordered on 11/16, and received it on 11/21 (I needed it by 11/29). I love the musky smell. I only tested 1 drop on my wrist. I have to say that after a couple of hours, the smell turned into a strong sex smell... not bad, but definitely sex. I'm going to test it out at work next week, but the real test is on 11/30. I'll report my findings then.12/6/12: It works! This is definitely going to be my "go-to" scent. It drove my man crazy! I love it. I will purchase again.
I Hope I'm Not Allergic To It! I ordered this, based on the reviews. I ordered on 11/16, and received it on 11/21 (I needed it by 11/29). I love the musky smell. I only tested 1 drop on my wrist. I have to say that after a couple of hours, the smell turned into a strong sex smell... not bad, but definitely sex. I'm going to test it out at work next week, but the real test is on 11/30. I'll report my findings then.12/6/12: It works! This is definitely going to be my "go-to" scent. It drove my man crazy! I love it. I will purchase again.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.5793362259864807}
concisely written
This book has been a great help to us as we work with our Russian guests. We are never going to be fluent in Russian but this little handbook makes communication possible. Thank you .
concisely written This book has been a great help to us as we work with our Russian guests. We are never going to be fluent in Russian but this little handbook makes communication possible. Thank you .
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.6760450005531311}
What the????
It is jut an action figure you build and then you let it sit on the floor for months until it is stepped on. What will this do for you. All it does is make noises. Have you looked at the price of the item and do you think it is a good price for something that does nothing, but make a noise and just sits there after one day of being played with? This has no education value. For Yu-Gi-Oh fans, you should try buying Yu-Gi-Oh tins instead of this CRAP!
What the???? It is jut an action figure you build and then you let it sit on the floor for months until it is stepped on. What will this do for you. All it does is make noises. Have you looked at the price of the item and do you think it is a good price for something that does nothing, but make a noise and just sits there after one day of being played with? This has no education value. For Yu-Gi-Oh fans, you should try buying Yu-Gi-Oh tins instead of this CRAP!
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.6292887926101685}
When Good Products Go Bad
I bought two of the 633's two years ago and actually fell in love with the machine - despite the TV Guide debacle (blame cable companies on that, not the manufacturers). After a year and a half the first one stopped working. Best I can tell, the Hard Drive just failed. The cost for fixing makes it smarter to buy a new one - so I trashed it. A few months later the second one stopped working altogether also. I absolutely love the machine but there is obviously some problme with the hard drives. I am waiting until pioneer replaces this line (533/633) to buy a better one. Don't know why there is so little to choose from in the industry for this type of product.
When Good Products Go Bad I bought two of the 633's two years ago and actually fell in love with the machine - despite the TV Guide debacle (blame cable companies on that, not the manufacturers). After a year and a half the first one stopped working. Best I can tell, the Hard Drive just failed. The cost for fixing makes it smarter to buy a new one - so I trashed it. A few months later the second one stopped working altogether also. I absolutely love the machine but there is obviously some problme with the hard drives. I am waiting until pioneer replaces this line (533/633) to buy a better one. Don't know why there is so little to choose from in the industry for this type of product.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.5114678144454956}
Very disappointed
Although these sheets are pretty and warm, their size and fit are horrible. The fitted bottom sheet is far too long plus the elastic around the corners is not tight enough to keep the sheet on the mattress (which tends to come off through the night). And the flat sheet is barely wide enough. I would not buy these again.
Very disappointed Although these sheets are pretty and warm, their size and fit are horrible. The fitted bottom sheet is far too long plus the elastic around the corners is not tight enough to keep the sheet on the mattress (which tends to come off through the night). And the flat sheet is barely wide enough. I would not buy these again.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.5111370086669922}
Very large
These run VERY large and do not fit correctly because of this. However, for the price, I still think they are a great bargain. They are very heavy duty and will probably last many years. They are also very warm. Almost too warm here in southen California. Those people in cold climates would LOVE them! Anyhow, I would be giving five stars except for the mismatched fit. But I just tucked it in really good and they stay on the bed just fine.
Very large These run VERY large and do not fit correctly because of this. However, for the price, I still think they are a great bargain. They are very heavy duty and will probably last many years. They are also very warm. Almost too warm here in southen California. Those people in cold climates would LOVE them! Anyhow, I would be giving five stars except for the mismatched fit. But I just tucked it in really good and they stay on the bed just fine.
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.7922500371932983}
dont get it
Dont get it the graphics suck and u can only get mega man. U should wait to get the progress pet or the double soul PET.
dont get it Dont get it the graphics suck and u can only get mega man. U should wait to get the progress pet or the double soul PET.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.5442413091659546}
Not a good toy
This toy isn't well made or designed with kids in mind. You have to shake it forever before it will even do anything. I thought it was broken at first but then I found out that you can shake it for 10 min and nothing will happen but that's normal. If you like Megaman then I'd get the GBA game instead of the PET toy.
Not a good toy This toy isn't well made or designed with kids in mind. You have to shake it forever before it will even do anything. I thought it was broken at first but then I found out that you can shake it for 10 min and nothing will happen but that's normal. If you like Megaman then I'd get the GBA game instead of the PET toy.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.5184416770935059}
JBL has several price points for it's professional sound reinforcement products. JRX is the least expensive and MRX is the second least expensive. The MRX series offer higher quality and durability for a very reasonable price. These are normally $700.00 each. Amazon offered a new "opened" package which I was able to purchase for much less. These are extremely lightweight for the amount of power they can handle. Power handling is between 400 and 1600 watts depending on the program. Nominal wattage is 800 watts into 8 ohms. Excellent for live monitoring or as mains for smaller venues. Speakon in and out connectors only. Non protruding handle. Great product.
JBL MRX512M JBL has several price points for it's professional sound reinforcement products. JRX is the least expensive and MRX is the second least expensive. The MRX series offer higher quality and durability for a very reasonable price. These are normally $700.00 each. Amazon offered a new "opened" package which I was able to purchase for much less. These are extremely lightweight for the amount of power they can handle. Power handling is between 400 and 1600 watts depending on the program. Nominal wattage is 800 watts into 8 ohms. Excellent for live monitoring or as mains for smaller venues. Speakon in and out connectors only. Non protruding handle. Great product.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.6358200311660767}
Good for downhill only
I can't believe this rates higher than 2 Stars. Don't be fooled, this only good for down hill. While it is well built, you can't propel this trike as advertized. Save your money, don't buy this!
Good for downhill only I can't believe this rates higher than 2 Stars. Don't be fooled, this only good for down hill. While it is well built, you can't propel this trike as advertized. Save your money, don't buy this!
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.9738215804100037}
Pratchetts Best!!!!
Since I am a literature student I am a reads-everything-I-can-get person. Having once recognized Pratchetts works, I left all my classic German literature aside and started reading and reading and reading... . But this book, "Small Gods", has beaten everything I've read before (even my all-time favorite "Faust" - you know: the Goethe one). It is witty, intelligent and above all deaply questioning. I remained nodding all the time:"Yes, that's what I always believed religion is about."
Pratchetts Best!!!! Since I am a literature student I am a reads-everything-I-can-get person. Having once recognized Pratchetts works, I left all my classic German literature aside and started reading and reading and reading... . But this book, "Small Gods", has beaten everything I've read before (even my all-time favorite "Faust" - you know: the Goethe one). It is witty, intelligent and above all deaply questioning. I remained nodding all the time:"Yes, that's what I always believed religion is about."
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.8022563457489014}
Pratchett Review Haiku
I've been trying to distill my reviews to seventeen syllables. Here's an attempt.A tortoise falls fromthe sky. Brutha must showthe heretics Truth.
Pratchett Review Haiku I've been trying to distill my reviews to seventeen syllables. Here's an attempt.A tortoise falls fromthe sky. Brutha must showthe heretics Truth.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.5056939125061035}
Why do people like this garbage?
Okay, I had to read this book for a Fantasy Lit. class I am taking. My teacher and all of my fellow classmates, it seems, find it hilarious. I, however, am left wondering: why?I understand what he's getting at with religion and what not, I've just seen it done in a much better way by much better authors. The characters are boring and flat. His humor is downright stupid. This book is not clever in the least. If you don't know the things he's pointing out in a way which suggests he thinks they are quite witty, you really need to think for yourself.I guess it might appeal to the great masses who can find nothing better to do with their time than go to the next big blockbuster movie and buy the latest crap novel. But then, the back of the book does say he is a popular author, and like most things that are popular, it must be accessible to the public or else they won't understand.
Why do people like this garbage? Okay, I had to read this book for a Fantasy Lit. class I am taking. My teacher and all of my fellow classmates, it seems, find it hilarious. I, however, am left wondering: why?I understand what he's getting at with religion and what not, I've just seen it done in a much better way by much better authors. The characters are boring and flat. His humor is downright stupid. This book is not clever in the least. If you don't know the things he's pointing out in a way which suggests he thinks they are quite witty, you really need to think for yourself.I guess it might appeal to the great masses who can find nothing better to do with their time than go to the next big blockbuster movie and buy the latest crap novel. But then, the back of the book does say he is a popular author, and like most things that are popular, it must be accessible to the public or else they won't understand.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.678092360496521}
Boring plot.
I liked what it was about, the characters and alot of the ideas. What I didn't like was the plot, it just bored me. The only reason I kept reading was to see if it had anymore ideas in it, I love his ideas, especially in books like Mort, Colour of Magic, and Light Fantastic.
Boring plot. I liked what it was about, the characters and alot of the ideas. What I didn't like was the plot, it just bored me. The only reason I kept reading was to see if it had anymore ideas in it, I love his ideas, especially in books like Mort, Colour of Magic, and Light Fantastic.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.7117235064506531}
cross contamination
The many ideas given (eat the inside of sandwiches, eat the top off of canapes, avoid the crust) can give a true celiac serious consequences. Sometimes, a person can eat gluten with no obvious side effects but do great "silent damage" to one's intestines. There are complications to celiac disease such as refractory sprue and collagenous sprue. I have these complications due to not being strict enough when following the gluten free diet.
cross contamination The many ideas given (eat the inside of sandwiches, eat the top off of canapes, avoid the crust) can give a true celiac serious consequences. Sometimes, a person can eat gluten with no obvious side effects but do great "silent damage" to one's intestines. There are complications to celiac disease such as refractory sprue and collagenous sprue. I have these complications due to not being strict enough when following the gluten free diet.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.36138978600502014}
Just Accepting Gluten Free Life
I have read the other reviews of this book, and while I appreciate everyone's opinions I must say that this book helped me immensely! I am new to the gluten free life. I have been ill for two years and am just finding out that gluten is one of my issues. I had NO prior knowledge and this book did a lot to allay my fears. I haven't read Against the Grain, so I cannot compare the two. Jax made me laugh often, even through my tears. I recommend it for those just starting out.
Just Accepting Gluten Free Life I have read the other reviews of this book, and while I appreciate everyone's opinions I must say that this book helped me immensely! I am new to the gluten free life. I have been ill for two years and am just finding out that gluten is one of my issues. I had NO prior knowledge and this book did a lot to allay my fears. I haven't read Against the Grain, so I cannot compare the two. Jax made me laugh often, even through my tears. I recommend it for those just starting out.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.6817423701286316}
My sister was recently diagnosed with Celiac Disease and there is a strong chance that I may have it as well. I wanted to read about it to learn more and was told that this book was a great place to start. Unfortunately, I found the book to be poorly written and with the most bizarre suggestions; how to write your family a Christmas letter, informing them of the diagnosis. Come on! There are other instances that I felt it was just a little over the top and was not realistic to everyday life.Since finishing this book, I began reading Elizabeth Hasselbeck's book, The G-Free diet and have found it to be much more informative and much better written. Ms. Hasselbeck's book gets right to the point giving you the information that you really need to understand this disease.
Terrible! My sister was recently diagnosed with Celiac Disease and there is a strong chance that I may have it as well. I wanted to read about it to learn more and was told that this book was a great place to start. Unfortunately, I found the book to be poorly written and with the most bizarre suggestions; how to write your family a Christmas letter, informing them of the diagnosis. Come on! There are other instances that I felt it was just a little over the top and was not realistic to everyday life.Since finishing this book, I began reading Elizabeth Hasselbeck's book, The G-Free diet and have found it to be much more informative and much better written. Ms. Hasselbeck's book gets right to the point giving you the information that you really need to understand this disease.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.6081238389015198}
get the facts
Most of the people who gave shining, sparkly reviews of this book focus on how it made them feel. It is not boring. Jax is a talented writer, I'll give her that. But when I read on page 394 that the perscription drugs I was on and had been on for 5 years (both Pfizer drugs) were not GF I was seriously troubled.Many follow-ups with both Pfizer and online support groups have indicated just how full of erroneous information this book is.I went off my meds immediately thinking I was injesting gluten. I suffered the undue consequences of going off "cold turkey" when I needed to taper off. In actuality those meds ARE GF, and always were!!!If you want the facts (as boring as they are) -- dont rely on this book. If you want some comfort and laughs then give it a read, but be sure to take any factual information with a grain of salt, as they say.Jax was indeed very lax when writing this book.
get the facts Most of the people who gave shining, sparkly reviews of this book focus on how it made them feel. It is not boring. Jax is a talented writer, I'll give her that. But when I read on page 394 that the perscription drugs I was on and had been on for 5 years (both Pfizer drugs) were not GF I was seriously troubled.Many follow-ups with both Pfizer and online support groups have indicated just how full of erroneous information this book is.I went off my meds immediately thinking I was injesting gluten. I suffered the undue consequences of going off "cold turkey" when I needed to taper off. In actuality those meds ARE GF, and always were!!!If you want the facts (as boring as they are) -- dont rely on this book. If you want some comfort and laughs then give it a read, but be sure to take any factual information with a grain of salt, as they say.Jax was indeed very lax when writing this book.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.43729233741760254}
Thank God for Jax Peters Lowell ! !
What a wonderful, easy book to read. And so helpful. So many books and articles on this subject are just too plain technical and boring to read. Not the Gluten-Free Bible. It is clear, easy-to-understand and very engaging. I really appreciate how the author relates the issues of living gluten-free to everyday life. It is an intelligent book that is fun to read and very, very informative at the same time. I have never written a book review before, but I am so impressed with The Gluten-Free Bible that I want to share these thoughts with everyone and I intend to rush out to buy the other books by this insightful, witty writer. Enjoy! To your health!
Thank God for Jax Peters Lowell ! ! What a wonderful, easy book to read. And so helpful. So many books and articles on this subject are just too plain technical and boring to read. Not the Gluten-Free Bible. It is clear, easy-to-understand and very engaging. I really appreciate how the author relates the issues of living gluten-free to everyday life. It is an intelligent book that is fun to read and very, very informative at the same time. I have never written a book review before, but I am so impressed with The Gluten-Free Bible that I want to share these thoughts with everyone and I intend to rush out to buy the other books by this insightful, witty writer. Enjoy! To your health!
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.8831933736801147}
Not useful and a waste of money
The software does not cocur to the current USMLE pattern.It is a waste of money. The questions present on the trial CD are misleading....they do not reflect the pattern of questions inside. Do not waste your money on this!
Not useful and a waste of money The software does not cocur to the current USMLE pattern.It is a waste of money. The questions present on the trial CD are misleading....they do not reflect the pattern of questions inside. Do not waste your money on this!
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.8820487260818481}
Devoid of depth or even much substance
The only type of person to whom I could possibly recommend this book is someone with no experience with children and who wants a "forest" level view of them from one source. There is nothing in this book for a parent in the thick of childrearing. Although they are completely out of date with respect to political correctness and product availability, the series from the Gesell Institute (Your One Year Old, Your Two Year Old, etc. etc.) provides immensely better insight into what is going on with children at particular ages and stages. "Raising Your Spirited Child" is a much better place to start looking for advice getting along with a difficult child or even an average difficulty child. I am saddened and more than a bit annoyed (I purchased the book on the basis of the organization's recommendation) that the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry would put its imprimatur on a book containing such little insight.
Devoid of depth or even much substance The only type of person to whom I could possibly recommend this book is someone with no experience with children and who wants a "forest" level view of them from one source. There is nothing in this book for a parent in the thick of childrearing. Although they are completely out of date with respect to political correctness and product availability, the series from the Gesell Institute (Your One Year Old, Your Two Year Old, etc. etc.) provides immensely better insight into what is going on with children at particular ages and stages. "Raising Your Spirited Child" is a much better place to start looking for advice getting along with a difficult child or even an average difficulty child. I am saddened and more than a bit annoyed (I purchased the book on the basis of the organization's recommendation) that the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry would put its imprimatur on a book containing such little insight.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.5985116958618164}
Try something else.
I picked up this book at B&N; because I had just read two Jane Austin novels and I thought this would be a light read. I was wrong. The beggining and the end had a purpose in the story but the middle could have been much, much shorter and the ending made a little longer.I liked the character of Mr. Bounderby. He was very well developed. I would even say over-developed, but he was the only one. How did Sissy influence the youngest Gradgrind? Why didn't we know of Mrs. Bounderbys inner turmoil till she ran to her father? Every character had something missing. What happened to Mr. Bounderby once he was found out? Why is Sissy so special and what did she really do for the family?It was a long book where nothing much happened until the last quarter and when it finally ended I felt cheated because it lacked a complete story line and full characters. The story line could have been forgiven if I was more satisfied with the characters.
Try something else. I picked up this book at B&N; because I had just read two Jane Austin novels and I thought this would be a light read. I was wrong. The beggining and the end had a purpose in the story but the middle could have been much, much shorter and the ending made a little longer.I liked the character of Mr. Bounderby. He was very well developed. I would even say over-developed, but he was the only one. How did Sissy influence the youngest Gradgrind? Why didn't we know of Mrs. Bounderbys inner turmoil till she ran to her father? Every character had something missing. What happened to Mr. Bounderby once he was found out? Why is Sissy so special and what did she really do for the family?It was a long book where nothing much happened until the last quarter and when it finally ended I felt cheated because it lacked a complete story line and full characters. The story line could have been forgiven if I was more satisfied with the characters.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.4458477795124054}
Mr. Dickens slams industrial horror scenes.
Charles Dickens, as is his custom, slams into so-called civilized 19th century British industrial scenes in a smoky place called Coketown. He writes with a sharp knife about poverty, hunger, cruel management and lack of compassion. Humor here is on the grim side.
Mr. Dickens slams industrial horror scenes. Charles Dickens, as is his custom, slams into so-called civilized 19th century British industrial scenes in a smoky place called Coketown. He writes with a sharp knife about poverty, hunger, cruel management and lack of compassion. Humor here is on the grim side.
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.3033958077430725}
Less than one star.
Didn't like this book at all. For several reasons: 1. the hero Ben seemed weak especially when he allowed his mother to slap him, come on he is like 37-39 years old!!! Unbelievable! 2. the heroine was way too dependent upon daddy; did she not have any type of backbone? 3. The biggest, Ben knew the truth and yet he had to create all this angst on both their parts!!! YUCK!!
Less than one star. Didn't like this book at all. For several reasons: 1. the hero Ben seemed weak especially when he allowed his mother to slap him, come on he is like 37-39 years old!!! Unbelievable! 2. the heroine was way too dependent upon daddy; did she not have any type of backbone? 3. The biggest, Ben knew the truth and yet he had to create all this angst on both their parts!!! YUCK!!
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.9781574606895447}
Parents - Don't waste your money! Buy the GBA game
I purchased the Red and Blue PETs for my son who loves the show. These toys don't work properly. My son carries it around as a prop but it too difficult for a child between 6-10 to understand. If your child wants a PET, but the GBA game Red Sun / Blue Moon. There is a build it PET that works. Kids can battle each other.
Parents - Don't waste your money! Buy the GBA game I purchased the Red and Blue PETs for my son who loves the show. These toys don't work properly. My son carries it around as a prop but it too difficult for a child between 6-10 to understand. If your child wants a PET, but the GBA game Red Sun / Blue Moon. There is a build it PET that works. Kids can battle each other.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.6339360475540161}
Rivetting Sci-Fi in Paradise
A regular nail biter: strong plotlines, excellent cast give relaible performances, killer locations. Sci-fi what-if horror flick with a twist. Who knew Tim Hutton was a sci-fi fan? Nice uncomplicated performance.,
Rivetting Sci-Fi in Paradise A regular nail biter: strong plotlines, excellent cast give relaible performances, killer locations. Sci-fi what-if horror flick with a twist. Who knew Tim Hutton was a sci-fi fan? Nice uncomplicated performance.,
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.5850517749786377}
A Must Have
For those familiar with the Burzum name, Hvis Lyset Tar Oss is largely and widely accepted as his crowning achievement. Utilizing a stunning mixture of layered guitar melodies, gloomy synths, and thunderous percussion, Varg works his way through three hypnotic metal songs before the ambitious ambient outro - Tomhet. Rather than sit here and rattle on about the magic contained within this record, I would rather just claim that it is a must have for any black metal fan, and ranks among the highest calibur or metal releases period.
A Must Have For those familiar with the Burzum name, Hvis Lyset Tar Oss is largely and widely accepted as his crowning achievement. Utilizing a stunning mixture of layered guitar melodies, gloomy synths, and thunderous percussion, Varg works his way through three hypnotic metal songs before the ambitious ambient outro - Tomhet. Rather than sit here and rattle on about the magic contained within this record, I would rather just claim that it is a must have for any black metal fan, and ranks among the highest calibur or metal releases period.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.6139220595359802}
Super Reader
An excellent book. Kim Newman puts his own spin on a turn around a Wold Newton style universe. He also has a bunch of sneaky 'now who was that' style cameos, a la John Myers Myers' Silverlock.Dracula has found another way to be in charge in England, by marrying in to the royal family. To prevent problems, he has had the Great Detective thrown in a prison camp.So when a serial killed called Silver Knife is killing vampire whores, it falls to the Diogenes Club to investigate. Vampires heal normal wounds, but not silver. The investigation uncovers a lot more than just a chain of killings.
Super Reader An excellent book. Kim Newman puts his own spin on a turn around a Wold Newton style universe. He also has a bunch of sneaky 'now who was that' style cameos, a la John Myers Myers' Silverlock.Dracula has found another way to be in charge in England, by marrying in to the royal family. To prevent problems, he has had the Great Detective thrown in a prison camp.So when a serial killed called Silver Knife is killing vampire whores, it falls to the Diogenes Club to investigate. Vampires heal normal wounds, but not silver. The investigation uncovers a lot more than just a chain of killings.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.5371953845024109}
A rather disappointing read since the book fails to adequately deal with the politics of the period. House's argument that oppositional painting is necessarily political is not only flawed but little evidence is offered in support of his argument, an argument which goes something like this: many impressionist works and also those by Manet explicitly reject preordained hierachies of value in terms of both legibility of subject matter and technique,they are thus subversive,disruptive and oppositional and as a result political. I had expected the book to address in a more explicit, detailed and concrete manner the relationship of art produced at the time to politics. However, many of the descriptions of the works themselves are enlightening and chapter 4, 'The Viewer of Modern Life' is well worth a read.
Politics? A rather disappointing read since the book fails to adequately deal with the politics of the period. House's argument that oppositional painting is necessarily political is not only flawed but little evidence is offered in support of his argument, an argument which goes something like this: many impressionist works and also those by Manet explicitly reject preordained hierachies of value in terms of both legibility of subject matter and technique,they are thus subversive,disruptive and oppositional and as a result political. I had expected the book to address in a more explicit, detailed and concrete manner the relationship of art produced at the time to politics. However, many of the descriptions of the works themselves are enlightening and chapter 4, 'The Viewer of Modern Life' is well worth a read.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.4750359058380127}
A Must for Handgunners - Old and New
This is a great reference for anyone considering using handguns as self-defense. Even experienced people should have a book like this as a refresher and reference. Is it perfect? No, such a short book is only so comphrensive. But it manages to impart a lot of knowledge nonetheless and anyone who thinks they know a lot about guns should study the experts. See alsoThe Seven Myths of Gun Control: Reclaiming the Truth About Guns, Crime, and the Second Amendment.
A Must for Handgunners - Old and New This is a great reference for anyone considering using handguns as self-defense. Even experienced people should have a book like this as a refresher and reference. Is it perfect? No, such a short book is only so comphrensive. But it manages to impart a lot of knowledge nonetheless and anyone who thinks they know a lot about guns should study the experts. See alsoThe Seven Myths of Gun Control: Reclaiming the Truth About Guns, Crime, and the Second Amendment.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.6323855519294739}
Lousy Camera
This is the first time I post a review because I am compelled to do so.I bought this camera to use during the Christmas holidays. I tried to use it the first time to take a picture of the Christmas tree, all I saw was complete darkness. Then I realized that I needed more light. So I turned on all the lights in the house and it was still darkness. If you plan to use this camera indoor, please forget about it! No way.It isn't that great outdoor neither. I took many pictures with the automatic exposure setting. It cannot handle anything with a bright background. It will just be VERY bright.I tried to use it on the ski slopes. I think it is because of the cold temperature, the camera has to be reset often. To make the matter worse, the pictures turned out literally "twisted".I can't belive a HP camera can have so many flaws. Very disappointing. Please don't buy one.
Lousy Camera This is the first time I post a review because I am compelled to do so.I bought this camera to use during the Christmas holidays. I tried to use it the first time to take a picture of the Christmas tree, all I saw was complete darkness. Then I realized that I needed more light. So I turned on all the lights in the house and it was still darkness. If you plan to use this camera indoor, please forget about it! No way.It isn't that great outdoor neither. I took many pictures with the automatic exposure setting. It cannot handle anything with a bright background. It will just be VERY bright.I tried to use it on the ski slopes. I think it is because of the cold temperature, the camera has to be reset often. To make the matter worse, the pictures turned out literally "twisted".I can't belive a HP camera can have so many flaws. Very disappointing. Please don't buy one.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.5940719842910767}
Piece of junk
Camera is only usable outside in broad daylight. Trying anything inside your home/place of business and you'll have nothing but black on your screen.I am returning the product and will probably try lifeview camera with flash to see if camera aperture allows more light in.I was in rooms that were pretty well lit up...and viewfinder is dark as night.Should never have been released as a product because of these flaws...and it doesn't have to be this way. Laptop usb cameras offer incredibly bright pictures in low light conditions.
Piece of junk Camera is only usable outside in broad daylight. Trying anything inside your home/place of business and you'll have nothing but black on your screen.I am returning the product and will probably try lifeview camera with flash to see if camera aperture allows more light in.I was in rooms that were pretty well lit up...and viewfinder is dark as night.Should never have been released as a product because of these flaws...and it doesn't have to be this way. Laptop usb cameras offer incredibly bright pictures in low light conditions.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.9072372913360596}
Video too!
I was very impressed with it. It take stills and movie clips great and it so small. Great pocket p.c. add on .
Video too! I was very impressed with it. It take stills and movie clips great and it so small. Great pocket p.c. add on .
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.7628927230834961}
Motown Heaven -- The Soundtrack for Boomers!
This 3 CD album is a wonerful collection of the "best" of Motown, in which the Holland/Dozier/Holland tagline under the title of the record meant high quality R&B;, and almost always resulted in a mega-hit. The collection begins with the very earliest hit -- Eddie Holland singing "Jamie", and proceeds through most of the major early hits of The Miracles, The Supremes, Martha and the Vandellas, Mary Wells, The Marvalettes, The 4 Tops, the Isley Brothers, and more.This CD replaces my old collection of 45 RPM recordings, and has allowed me to enjoy the Motown Sound without haaving a huge number of CD's to collect. The one downside about this wonderful collection is that the 3rd CD contains mostly less well-known tunes, with the exceeption of two Diana Ross/Supremes cuts: "My World is Empty Without You" and "Forever Came Today". In all, the collection is a terrific value and brings back fond memories: The soundtrack to my teenage years; Rock On!!
Motown Heaven -- The Soundtrack for Boomers! This 3 CD album is a wonerful collection of the "best" of Motown, in which the Holland/Dozier/Holland tagline under the title of the record meant high quality R&B;, and almost always resulted in a mega-hit. The collection begins with the very earliest hit -- Eddie Holland singing "Jamie", and proceeds through most of the major early hits of The Miracles, The Supremes, Martha and the Vandellas, Mary Wells, The Marvalettes, The 4 Tops, the Isley Brothers, and more.This CD replaces my old collection of 45 RPM recordings, and has allowed me to enjoy the Motown Sound without haaving a huge number of CD's to collect. The one downside about this wonderful collection is that the 3rd CD contains mostly less well-known tunes, with the exceeption of two Diana Ross/Supremes cuts: "My World is Empty Without You" and "Forever Came Today". In all, the collection is a terrific value and brings back fond memories: The soundtrack to my teenage years; Rock On!!
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.5852487683296204}
Great true crime read
I really have to give this author credit, as far as being able to be so objective in writing about her cousin's killers, and the police detectives who forced a confession from her innocent brother. The book presents its facts on the case, leaving us to our own conclusions. What is so ironic about the case is that the cousins were going to the Old Chain of Rocks Bridge to read an anti-racism poem written by one of the victims, only to be brutally murdered by a gang of the minorities that she was probably referring to.A very fast and good read.
Great true crime read I really have to give this author credit, as far as being able to be so objective in writing about her cousin's killers, and the police detectives who forced a confession from her innocent brother. The book presents its facts on the case, leaving us to our own conclusions. What is so ironic about the case is that the cousins were going to the Old Chain of Rocks Bridge to read an anti-racism poem written by one of the victims, only to be brutally murdered by a gang of the minorities that she was probably referring to.A very fast and good read.
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.49590733647346497}
static central
Audio playback through this extension is terrible -- constant static. I have used it with multiple sources and playback devices, speakers and headphones, and all have the same result, static. Replaced it with a higher quality cable and the problem was solved. Not worth the hassle of trying to get a replacement when the cable only cost $3 shipped to begin with.
static central Audio playback through this extension is terrible -- constant static. I have used it with multiple sources and playback devices, speakers and headphones, and all have the same result, static. Replaced it with a higher quality cable and the problem was solved. Not worth the hassle of trying to get a replacement when the cable only cost $3 shipped to begin with.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.7365009188652039}
I expected something better
EDIT: I updated this review in response to comments and changes in the product description.When I purchased the cable the product photo showed gold-plated connectors, and existing reviews (Jose Lima 2007, Larkenfield 2007) mentioned separately insulated wires and gold-plated connectors, so that's what I originally thought I was going to get.The cable I received had nickel-plated connectors; it did not have separately insulated wires. It worked, but the sound started cutting out after less than a month and I've long since thrown the cable away.Given at least one other reviewer of this product (Joseph Z. Singer 2012) didn't get what they expected based on the product description, I think it's safe to say that the product photo and the descriptions of the product in all but the most recent reviews is unreliable. If I were you, I'd buy from another shipper.
I expected something better EDIT: I updated this review in response to comments and changes in the product description.When I purchased the cable the product photo showed gold-plated connectors, and existing reviews (Jose Lima 2007, Larkenfield 2007) mentioned separately insulated wires and gold-plated connectors, so that's what I originally thought I was going to get.The cable I received had nickel-plated connectors; it did not have separately insulated wires. It worked, but the sound started cutting out after less than a month and I've long since thrown the cable away.Given at least one other reviewer of this product (Joseph Z. Singer 2012) didn't get what they expected based on the product description, I think it's safe to say that the product photo and the descriptions of the product in all but the most recent reviews is unreliable. If I were you, I'd buy from another shipper.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.470181941986084}
Somewhat worked for 30 days....now starting to fail
Update...so the workaround described below work for about 33 days...just outside the return window. The tracks that play in just the left headset channel do not come through. I've tried 2 sets of ear buds and one set of over the ear headsets...all have the same issue. Plug the same headsets into the source (PC), all channels play out of both ear.WOULD NOT RECOMMEND PURCHASING THIS ITEM.---Out of the box, if I plug my ear buds from my iPhone into the extension (fully connected in the female end) I only get sound out of the right ear bud. Verified the same condition with a pair of JVC ear buds as well. I have found if you insert the male end of the headphones into the extender to the first "click" (not fully inserted), sound comes from both ear buds. There is tension with it connected in this fashion, so it works but could be better. Others may have better luck with other headphones.
Somewhat worked for 30 days....now starting to fail Update...so the workaround described below work for about 33 days...just outside the return window. The tracks that play in just the left headset channel do not come through. I've tried 2 sets of ear buds and one set of over the ear headsets...all have the same issue. Plug the same headsets into the source (PC), all channels play out of both ear.WOULD NOT RECOMMEND PURCHASING THIS ITEM.---Out of the box, if I plug my ear buds from my iPhone into the extension (fully connected in the female end) I only get sound out of the right ear bud. Verified the same condition with a pair of JVC ear buds as well. I have found if you insert the male end of the headphones into the extender to the first "click" (not fully inserted), sound comes from both ear buds. There is tension with it connected in this fashion, so it works but could be better. Others may have better luck with other headphones.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.5364187359809875}
Freud is crazy!
I've studied philosophy to a good degree and therefore and to read some of Freud's work in Philosophy of Psychology. While making some entertaining remarks, Freud has now long been discounted as anything valid and understandably so.
Freud is crazy! I've studied philosophy to a good degree and therefore and to read some of Freud's work in Philosophy of Psychology. While making some entertaining remarks, Freud has now long been discounted as anything valid and understandably so.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.4619722068309784}
If life is a dream, then don't wake me up
This book is a watershed in human intellectual history. In it Freud undermines the picture of mankind as primarily a being of reason, and presents the idea that we are all creatures of our wishes, our inner unconscious lives. Dreams are not nothing, and they are not in Freud's eyes rare religious gifts, but rather to the key to our own mental life. Freud in this book presents a vast world of examples and interpretations .I am not a psychologist and do not consider myself competent to really judge how much of what Freud presents here is valid or even capable of scientific testing. I do know that this work is one which like a great literary masterpiece has inspired countless interpretations and reinterpretations.Understanding human Intellectual History is now impossible without knowing this work.
If life is a dream, then don't wake me up This book is a watershed in human intellectual history. In it Freud undermines the picture of mankind as primarily a being of reason, and presents the idea that we are all creatures of our wishes, our inner unconscious lives. Dreams are not nothing, and they are not in Freud's eyes rare religious gifts, but rather to the key to our own mental life. Freud in this book presents a vast world of examples and interpretations .I am not a psychologist and do not consider myself competent to really judge how much of what Freud presents here is valid or even capable of scientific testing. I do know that this work is one which like a great literary masterpiece has inspired countless interpretations and reinterpretations.Understanding human Intellectual History is now impossible without knowing this work.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.45206964015960693}
It arriived
Ordered it. It arrived quickly. It is used and is as described . I'll update whenever I read it. d
It arriived Ordered it. It arrived quickly. It is used and is as described . I'll update whenever I read it. d
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.3399212956428528}
Barely Unbeatable Theory
Freud's "The Interpretation of Dreams" is a unique book. His treatise on human dreams is truly a product of a brilliant mind. But neither the process of creation itself nor not the results and findings it brought out are the true wonders of this book. The great achievement of Freud's theory is its immunity to criticism. In other words, it is virtually impossible to criticize the results and propositions inserted in this book. His main tenet - a dream is a fulfillment of a desire - cannot be attacked in any intelligible way. If one says for instance that an unpleasant dream or a bloody nightmare is clearly not the fulfillment of a desire, Freud would promptly mention masochism or self punishment. Or, if one finally brings forth a dream that is surely not a desire fulfilled, he might nonetheless say there is at least a desire accomplished, viz: the desire to destroy Freud's dream theory.
Barely Unbeatable Theory Freud's "The Interpretation of Dreams" is a unique book. His treatise on human dreams is truly a product of a brilliant mind. But neither the process of creation itself nor not the results and findings it brought out are the true wonders of this book. The great achievement of Freud's theory is its immunity to criticism. In other words, it is virtually impossible to criticize the results and propositions inserted in this book. His main tenet - a dream is a fulfillment of a desire - cannot be attacked in any intelligible way. If one says for instance that an unpleasant dream or a bloody nightmare is clearly not the fulfillment of a desire, Freud would promptly mention masochism or self punishment. Or, if one finally brings forth a dream that is surely not a desire fulfilled, he might nonetheless say there is at least a desire accomplished, viz: the desire to destroy Freud's dream theory.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.46746087074279785}
When did Grandpa die and what do we tell the kids?
Grandma and a brother? That's just weird. I'm a Grandfather of a Five year old Granddaughter and I, I!, bought my Granddaughter the dollhouse and the full set of house furniture. What the, no, wtf were they thinking? Simpletons rule the fricking world. Grandma? Grandpa. Brother? Sister. Idiots.That said my Granddaughter loves this entire set. Full on wonderful for her, and yes if they came out with Grandpa with a sister I would buy both sets, throw the older brother away and give her the rest so maybe their not idiots, just soulless vampires.
When did Grandpa die and what do we tell the kids? Grandma and a brother? That's just weird. I'm a Grandfather of a Five year old Granddaughter and I, I!, bought my Granddaughter the dollhouse and the full set of house furniture. What the, no, wtf were they thinking? Simpletons rule the fricking world. Grandma? Grandpa. Brother? Sister. Idiots.That said my Granddaughter loves this entire set. Full on wonderful for her, and yes if they came out with Grandpa with a sister I would buy both sets, throw the older brother away and give her the rest so maybe their not idiots, just soulless vampires.
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.3376731872558594}
Amazon.com sent wrong size
Amazon.com sent the wrong size engine oil cooler than what I ordered. Rather than sending it back I made due but it didn't work out like I wanted it to because the cooler was wider than what I originally ordered.
Amazon.com sent wrong size Amazon.com sent the wrong size engine oil cooler than what I ordered. Rather than sending it back I made due but it didn't work out like I wanted it to because the cooler was wider than what I originally ordered.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.45549747347831726}
One of the best of the Marco Polo Josef Strauss series.
This is one of the best of Marco Polo’s Josef Strauss Edition. Mika Eichenholf allows to quick polkas to gallop fleetly, the march has plenty of swagger, the polkas mazur have poise, and there is a lilt and a joy in the waltzes that make you welcome rather than dread the many repeats. Josef Strauss often succeeded in creating dances in the minor key, but there are none of them here. What is here is his last composition, the “Hesperus-Bahnen Waltz”, published as Op 279, after the forty-three year old composer’s death.
One of the best of the Marco Polo Josef Strauss series. This is one of the best of Marco Polo’s Josef Strauss Edition. Mika Eichenholf allows to quick polkas to gallop fleetly, the march has plenty of swagger, the polkas mazur have poise, and there is a lilt and a joy in the waltzes that make you welcome rather than dread the many repeats. Josef Strauss often succeeded in creating dances in the minor key, but there are none of them here. What is here is his last composition, the “Hesperus-Bahnen Waltz”, published as Op 279, after the forty-three year old composer’s death.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.6370196342468262}
Janet, is the Best female singer!
I watched The Velvet rope tour on HBO and it was the bomb, it was the greatest tour that I have ever seen, everything was choreographed pefectly, the music was slammin and Janet really communicated with her fans. When she sang "I get Lonely", "Nasty" and "You", it sent me Crazy. I love you Janet!
Janet, is the Best female singer! I watched The Velvet rope tour on HBO and it was the bomb, it was the greatest tour that I have ever seen, everything was choreographed pefectly, the music was slammin and Janet really communicated with her fans. When she sang "I get Lonely", "Nasty" and "You", it sent me Crazy. I love you Janet!
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.9753546714782715}
Another Great Addition To The Buddy Holl(e)y Story!
If you are a totally out of control Buddy Holly fan (like I am), then this book is a "must have" for your library! It adds a great deal of information about Buddy and his performances in England and is well written and researched with some great bibliographic information!
Another Great Addition To The Buddy Holl(e)y Story! If you are a totally out of control Buddy Holly fan (like I am), then this book is a "must have" for your library! It adds a great deal of information about Buddy and his performances in England and is well written and researched with some great bibliographic information!
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.8309341669082642}
Very simply, I was unable to put this book down. Not unlike some of the other reviewers I too was on my way to Boston on business whilst reading this "glued to my seat" book. For the first time, I can say that I was pleased for all the flight delays as I managed to finish reading this book on route. I am an avid reader and can say without reservation that Rapid Descent was easily as good as any of the books being written by some of the better known authors, such as Crichton, Grisham, Cook etc to name a few of my favorites. Well Done Dr. Jack when's the next one.....
Captivating Very simply, I was unable to put this book down. Not unlike some of the other reviewers I too was on my way to Boston on business whilst reading this "glued to my seat" book. For the first time, I can say that I was pleased for all the flight delays as I managed to finish reading this book on route. I am an avid reader and can say without reservation that Rapid Descent was easily as good as any of the books being written by some of the better known authors, such as Crichton, Grisham, Cook etc to name a few of my favorites. Well Done Dr. Jack when's the next one.....
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.7650413513183594}
Sure she's a little annoying... BUT.
Yes, by reading every review we all know by now that Sheri is a wee bit annoying, and her "participants" are an interesting sort of people, AND YES it did put my husband in a coma like trance everytime we watched it. BUT everything in this DVD is so valuable! I learned everything I needed to know through this DVD without taking more time off work to go to classes. And since it was always available to me by the touch of a button I was able to review the important things while I was acually in labor. I had to kill time waiting for my contractions to be 5 mins apart before we went to the hospital, so I popped in the DVD, and trust me my husband was no longer in a trance, he was taking notes! This was my first child and thanks to Sheri my labor was only 12 hour and I only pushed for 20 mins, 3 good ones and he was out! I think doing what Sheri says and waiting till your dialated 5 cm before you get an epideral was really key.
Sure she's a little annoying... BUT. Yes, by reading every review we all know by now that Sheri is a wee bit annoying, and her "participants" are an interesting sort of people, AND YES it did put my husband in a coma like trance everytime we watched it. BUT everything in this DVD is so valuable! I learned everything I needed to know through this DVD without taking more time off work to go to classes. And since it was always available to me by the touch of a button I was able to review the important things while I was acually in labor. I had to kill time waiting for my contractions to be 5 mins apart before we went to the hospital, so I popped in the DVD, and trust me my husband was no longer in a trance, he was taking notes! This was my first child and thanks to Sheri my labor was only 12 hour and I only pushed for 20 mins, 3 good ones and he was out! I think doing what Sheri says and waiting till your dialated 5 cm before you get an epideral was really key.
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.5377794504165649}
Great Information
My husband and I got more out of this than the free classes the hospital nurses give. We've been able to watch it over for things we missed. There is tons of useful information...too much to take in at once. I love having it becasue if I forget something I just re-watch that section. Its helped us become familar with the terms the nurses use and we have great information for question asking when we go to our Dr. Apts.
Great Information My husband and I got more out of this than the free classes the hospital nurses give. We've been able to watch it over for things we missed. There is tons of useful information...too much to take in at once. I love having it becasue if I forget something I just re-watch that section. Its helped us become familar with the terms the nurses use and we have great information for question asking when we go to our Dr. Apts.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.6379910111427307}
Good Overview and Very Informative
I really enjoyed this DVD, it provided good content at a nice pace. I highly recommend this DVD.
Good Overview and Very Informative I really enjoyed this DVD, it provided good content at a nice pace. I highly recommend this DVD.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.6051958799362183}
When I was 5 months pregnant, I'm desperate to take Child Birth Class in order to help me have Normal Delivery. I searched over the net the best detailed class. Voila! I came accross this product on one of my searches. I never had second thoughts of ordering this product. I regularly viewed and applied all the techniques taught on DVD. It really works! I had an easy labor plus I had Normal Delivery. Superb! I recommend this DVD for those who wanted a Modern and comprehensive Child Birth Class. - Margery Bermejo (Davao City, Philippines)
Superb! When I was 5 months pregnant, I'm desperate to take Child Birth Class in order to help me have Normal Delivery. I searched over the net the best detailed class. Voila! I came accross this product on one of my searches. I never had second thoughts of ordering this product. I regularly viewed and applied all the techniques taught on DVD. It really works! I had an easy labor plus I had Normal Delivery. Superb! I recommend this DVD for those who wanted a Modern and comprehensive Child Birth Class. - Margery Bermejo (Davao City, Philippines)
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.8604907989501953}
Chilbirth Education Video
Great videos!!!! I'm a former labor and delivery nurse. The videos were purchased for my daughter who is expecting her first child this summer. The videos were extrememly ionformative and great fun to watch! They helped my daughter prepare for her first labor and delivery experience. They also helped review and update me on current L and D practices. Thanks for a wonderful product!
Chilbirth Education Video Great videos!!!! I'm a former labor and delivery nurse. The videos were purchased for my daughter who is expecting her first child this summer. The videos were extrememly ionformative and great fun to watch! They helped my daughter prepare for her first labor and delivery experience. They also helped review and update me on current L and D practices. Thanks for a wonderful product!
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.9064306020736694}
I'm sure this woman has lots of valuable info to impart, but we could barely watch this DVD. Sheri Bayles is sooo annoying and unfunny that we fast forwarded through the whole thing, trying to cling on to pieces of important information. Even the people taking the class seem embarassed for her. Avoid this DVD unless you think you can look past a nurse who thinks she's a stand up comedian. I wish I had another to suggest.
TH E MOST ANNOYING WOMAN ON EARTH I'm sure this woman has lots of valuable info to impart, but we could barely watch this DVD. Sheri Bayles is sooo annoying and unfunny that we fast forwarded through the whole thing, trying to cling on to pieces of important information. Even the people taking the class seem embarassed for her. Avoid this DVD unless you think you can look past a nurse who thinks she's a stand up comedian. I wish I had another to suggest.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.7669216394424438}
This tape is simply fun and informative. I am not even pregnant or expecting to have to conceive anytime soon but I had to watch this. (I'm a woman, why not?) The lady is so corky and yet serious enough to have you practically writing notes like your in a college. I would recommend this video to anyone interested in REALLY learning about childbirth. She explains everything. How your body should be functioning, what is stretching, what liquids to look for as signs of this and that, charts of how the baby is actually sitting and how exactly it's growing and she even quizzes the husbands! There is so much to learn. Open a bag of kettle corn and grab a pillow though, it's like four or five hours long. PHEW. But it probably wouldn't be best to watch it all in one sitting anyway. It is a lot of information to grasp. Enjoy!!
GO FOR IT! This tape is simply fun and informative. I am not even pregnant or expecting to have to conceive anytime soon but I had to watch this. (I'm a woman, why not?) The lady is so corky and yet serious enough to have you practically writing notes like your in a college. I would recommend this video to anyone interested in REALLY learning about childbirth. She explains everything. How your body should be functioning, what is stretching, what liquids to look for as signs of this and that, charts of how the baby is actually sitting and how exactly it's growing and she even quizzes the husbands! There is so much to learn. Open a bag of kettle corn and grab a pillow though, it's like four or five hours long. PHEW. But it probably wouldn't be best to watch it all in one sitting anyway. It is a lot of information to grasp. Enjoy!!
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.5779269337654114}
LOVED this video!
After I bought this DVD, I watched it about 8 times on my own and with my husband before our son was born. We both laughed at Sheri's mannerisms but really loved all we learned from her. We both felt more prepared, even though we weren't able to attend birthing classes.
LOVED this video! After I bought this DVD, I watched it about 8 times on my own and with my husband before our son was born. We both laughed at Sheri's mannerisms but really loved all we learned from her. We both felt more prepared, even though we weren't able to attend birthing classes.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.9083237648010254}
I was going for a med-free birth...not for any reason other than I wanted to because my mom did it with my sisters and I and I figured I could do it as well. It's what our bodies are meant to do, right? Well, this DVD was great! It saved me from paying over $100 for a lamaze class and I felt the stuff she touched on for the lamaze section was perfect. I did not have a doula or a midwife...just my husband, an awesome nurse and this DVD. I enjoyed being able to watch it in the comfort of my own home and go back to certain parts to rewatch. It's a bit OUTDATED, and CHEESY, but overall very honest and good. Worked for me. If anything, its worht the few $$ for reference AFTER a birthing class. (I'm giving 4 stars instead of 5, b/c they should really look into updating it soon).
RECOMMEND! I was going for a med-free birth...not for any reason other than I wanted to because my mom did it with my sisters and I and I figured I could do it as well. It's what our bodies are meant to do, right? Well, this DVD was great! It saved me from paying over $100 for a lamaze class and I felt the stuff she touched on for the lamaze section was perfect. I did not have a doula or a midwife...just my husband, an awesome nurse and this DVD. I enjoyed being able to watch it in the comfort of my own home and go back to certain parts to rewatch. It's a bit OUTDATED, and CHEESY, but overall very honest and good. Worked for me. If anything, its worht the few $$ for reference AFTER a birthing class. (I'm giving 4 stars instead of 5, b/c they should really look into updating it soon).
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.9716569781303406}
Couldn't finish watching
Thank goodness I borrowed this from the public library and didn't waste my money. My husband and I did attend live classes, but wanted a refresher before the big event. While the information is consistent with what we've learned from other professionals - the presenter is terribly annoying. Although we wanted the information, the jokes were so unbearable we had to stop watching. If you can deal with the presenter's sense of humor, you'll benefit from the information - good luck!
Couldn't finish watching Thank goodness I borrowed this from the public library and didn't waste my money. My husband and I did attend live classes, but wanted a refresher before the big event. While the information is consistent with what we've learned from other professionals - the presenter is terribly annoying. Although we wanted the information, the jokes were so unbearable we had to stop watching. If you can deal with the presenter's sense of humor, you'll benefit from the information - good luck!
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.5657415390014648}
very informative
Laugh and Learn About Childbirthexcellent information, and humorous all at the same time !!!
very informative Laugh and Learn About Childbirthexcellent information, and humorous all at the same time !!!
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.6333208084106445}
Poignant & Intelligent -- give this one a listen!
Ron's playful and probing musicality emerges in this album with the no-holds-barred clairvoyance I came to expect after he wrote and performed two film scores for me. I find him to be a certifiable, bonafide talent -- one of life's genuine little treasures secreted away in the mountains of Montana. In a way I am [selfishly] sorry to hear his album is realizing such widespread success -- I was kind of hoping to keep him all to myself.
Poignant & Intelligent -- give this one a listen! Ron's playful and probing musicality emerges in this album with the no-holds-barred clairvoyance I came to expect after he wrote and performed two film scores for me. I find him to be a certifiable, bonafide talent -- one of life's genuine little treasures secreted away in the mountains of Montana. In a way I am [selfishly] sorry to hear his album is realizing such widespread success -- I was kind of hoping to keep him all to myself.
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.3408515453338623}
Exquisitely fresh, jazzy & melodius, crisp & classy!
Mysterious jazz that rolls into the imaginary worlds of a Native American dance, a smokey Nashville nightclub, a cruise with the whales...hints of Paul Consort with a crisp and haunting classical foundation, a journey through the 20th Century...and back again into the lonely Montana night where Ron strolls with star gazing abandon.
Exquisitely fresh, jazzy & melodius, crisp & classy! Mysterious jazz that rolls into the imaginary worlds of a Native American dance, a smokey Nashville nightclub, a cruise with the whales...hints of Paul Consort with a crisp and haunting classical foundation, a journey through the 20th Century...and back again into the lonely Montana night where Ron strolls with star gazing abandon.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.8245936036109924}
At least it's free
I guess the best part of getting this was that it was totally free.No wonder why it's free, though...
At least it's free I guess the best part of getting this was that it was totally free.No wonder why it's free, though...
{'label': '3 stars', 'score': 0.4111883342266083}
Very informative and fun to listen to for someone of my generation. I had heard bits and pieces of the Yardbirds story, but never the complete picture.
Yardbirds Very informative and fun to listen to for someone of my generation. I had heard bits and pieces of the Yardbirds story, but never the complete picture.
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.5927849411964417}
One of my favorites...
...with two of my favorite actors: Mark Harmon and the lovely Madeline Stowe.I caught this on cable back in the early 90's. I had a big crush on Madeline Stowe, since seeing her in "Revenge". So I decided to check this out...and I was not disappointed.Definitely not a general classic, but I love this film. With less-capable and less-likeable actors, this film would (...). This is one of those rare cases where the actors elevate the material.This is one of those rainy-day, "got-nothing-else-to-do" movies.It's definitely worth a look, and the Amazon price is definitely right. Give it a shot. I don't think you'll be disappointed.
One of my favorites... ...with two of my favorite actors: Mark Harmon and the lovely Madeline Stowe.I caught this on cable back in the early 90's. I had a big crush on Madeline Stowe, since seeing her in "Revenge". So I decided to check this out...and I was not disappointed.Definitely not a general classic, but I love this film. With less-capable and less-likeable actors, this film would (...). This is one of those rare cases where the actors elevate the material.This is one of those rainy-day, "got-nothing-else-to-do" movies.It's definitely worth a look, and the Amazon price is definitely right. Give it a shot. I don't think you'll be disappointed.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.7660383582115173}
Nice French farce, similar to 'un elephant'
Showed this film to my French class, and it was a hit. The same actors as in Jean de Florette, but about 20 years later. Thoroughly enjoyable.
Nice French farce, similar to 'un elephant' Showed this film to my French class, and it was a hit. The same actors as in Jean de Florette, but about 20 years later. Thoroughly enjoyable.
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.5656131505966187}
Daniel Auteuil is fabulous
I've been a fan of Daniel Auteuil for some time and look forward to each new movie. This one is very funny and entertaining.
Daniel Auteuil is fabulous I've been a fan of Daniel Auteuil for some time and look forward to each new movie. This one is very funny and entertaining.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.8346458673477173}
This book is AWEFUL
I read this book 3-4 years ago. It's still makes me highly agitated every time I think about it. You just feel bad for the main character through most of the book and there is no redemption at the end. It has the worst ending ever! It still pisses me off that I spent the time reading it. There isn't really much of a story, just a lot of details and weird issues. There are too many tangents and the protagonist is the only character with ANY sort of common sense. ASIDE: DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE TO RAPE! That should be on the back cover or in a disclaimer somewhere. Not Recommended.
This book is AWEFUL I read this book 3-4 years ago. It's still makes me highly agitated every time I think about it. You just feel bad for the main character through most of the book and there is no redemption at the end. It has the worst ending ever! It still pisses me off that I spent the time reading it. There isn't really much of a story, just a lot of details and weird issues. There are too many tangents and the protagonist is the only character with ANY sort of common sense. ASIDE: DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE TO RAPE! That should be on the back cover or in a disclaimer somewhere. Not Recommended.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.5170645713806152}
Captivating and Engrossing
When I first picked up this book (some 8 years ago) I was initially put off by the thickness of it. But once I started reading I was totally hooked.The strong, self-assured and intellegent female character was truely refreshing. I have given this book to my sisters and to several friends. And whenever I get into a discussion about 'good books' this is one of the books I bring up and strongly encourage every I know to read.Today I have come to shop for this book so that I might send it to a pen-pal in West Africa. He wants me to send him books that will assist him in speaking better english. And this was the first book I thouht to send him. Well that and a dictionary.Thanks to Jean Auel for writing such a great novel.
Captivating and Engrossing When I first picked up this book (some 8 years ago) I was initially put off by the thickness of it. But once I started reading I was totally hooked.The strong, self-assured and intellegent female character was truely refreshing. I have given this book to my sisters and to several friends. And whenever I get into a discussion about 'good books' this is one of the books I bring up and strongly encourage every I know to read.Today I have come to shop for this book so that I might send it to a pen-pal in West Africa. He wants me to send him books that will assist him in speaking better english. And this was the first book I thouht to send him. Well that and a dictionary.Thanks to Jean Auel for writing such a great novel.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.8589365482330322}
Absolutely Breathtaking!!!!!!!!!!!
I first read Clan of the Cave Bear when I was prompted by my mom.I thought "another one of your lousy stories" I read the first page and I was enthralled!! I simply could not take my eyes off the page!!I am a 12-year-old living in Kars,Ontario,and I reccommend this book to EVERYONE!!!!!!!Nobody writes like Jean M. Not ever.This book made me laugh,as well as cry. I have read all of her books,and am eagerly awaiting her 5th book.I love this book! I would give it 10000000 stars,if possible. If anyone dares to insult her work in my presence.......
Absolutely Breathtaking!!!!!!!!!!! I first read Clan of the Cave Bear when I was prompted by my mom.I thought "another one of your lousy stories" I read the first page and I was enthralled!! I simply could not take my eyes off the page!!I am a 12-year-old living in Kars,Ontario,and I reccommend this book to EVERYONE!!!!!!!Nobody writes like Jean M. Not ever.This book made me laugh,as well as cry. I have read all of her books,and am eagerly awaiting her 5th book.I love this book! I would give it 10000000 stars,if possible. If anyone dares to insult her work in my presence.......
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.8048624396324158}
one of the best series EVER!!!
When my dad first gave me this book to read, it had the orignal cover, and was sort of deteriorating, and I had a feeling that I woudln't really like it. That was definitely NOT what happened! Ayla is a very inspirational character, and it's hard to put the book down once you start it. Unfortunetaly I was on vacation when I started it, so I had to stop reading, but I would have read it in a day! I quickly bought the other books in the series and read, each one better than the next, although the Clan of the Cave Bear was ultimatly the best one. I'd recommend the series to someone over the age of 13. It would be hard to follow if you were younger, and some parts are inappropriate, especially in the following books. This was one of my favorite books, and be warned: once you start, its so hard to stop!
one of the best series EVER!!! When my dad first gave me this book to read, it had the orignal cover, and was sort of deteriorating, and I had a feeling that I woudln't really like it. That was definitely NOT what happened! Ayla is a very inspirational character, and it's hard to put the book down once you start it. Unfortunetaly I was on vacation when I started it, so I had to stop reading, but I would have read it in a day! I quickly bought the other books in the series and read, each one better than the next, although the Clan of the Cave Bear was ultimatly the best one. I'd recommend the series to someone over the age of 13. It would be hard to follow if you were younger, and some parts are inappropriate, especially in the following books. This was one of my favorite books, and be warned: once you start, its so hard to stop!
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.9381531476974487}
Giants Mats
The blue portion of the mats was a different blue. It looked more like a navy blue which I found very disappointing because that's like having a pair of bootleg mats.
Giants Mats The blue portion of the mats was a different blue. It looked more like a navy blue which I found very disappointing because that's like having a pair of bootleg mats.
{'label': '3 stars', 'score': 0.42629021406173706}
Exactly what I ordered
Product arrived on time, in great condition. As usual, Amazon provided a vehicle to acquire a product that I wanted.
Exactly what I ordered Product arrived on time, in great condition. As usual, Amazon provided a vehicle to acquire a product that I wanted.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.7793480753898621}
Beautiful film, excellent acting. The story transports you to other worlds to experience the full gamut of emotions. These are real people with real issues, another example of life being stranger than fiction, as portrayed in a film. Hope there's a Part II. :)
Touching Beautiful film, excellent acting. The story transports you to other worlds to experience the full gamut of emotions. These are real people with real issues, another example of life being stranger than fiction, as portrayed in a film. Hope there's a Part II. :)
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.6819484233856201}
One of the best foreign language films
For once, a film coming from a north european country that is neither unhealthy nor perverse.Suzanne Bier is a wonderful director as she proved in two of my favorite films "Things we lost in the fire" and "Brothers".
One of the best foreign language films For once, a film coming from a north european country that is neither unhealthy nor perverse.Suzanne Bier is a wonderful director as she proved in two of my favorite films "Things we lost in the fire" and "Brothers".
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.8944693207740784}
Wonderfully emotional.
Great story line. The pacing of the plot was well thought out (sometimes rather predictable) but the actors really brought a sense of honesty.
Wonderfully emotional. Great story line. The pacing of the plot was well thought out (sometimes rather predictable) but the actors really brought a sense of honesty.
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.5523030757904053}
The remix is different
I own this album in the original vinyl and a earlier CD release. I am always a sucker for a remaster, so decided what the heck. I chose poorly - the remixes just don't sound right. For all I know, this 2006 version was the original intent, I hope not.
The remix is different I own this album in the original vinyl and a earlier CD release. I am always a sucker for a remaster, so decided what the heck. I chose poorly - the remixes just don't sound right. For all I know, this 2006 version was the original intent, I hope not.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.5135043263435364}
Why the remix?
If a music company wants to remix an old album they should put it on a second disc like Pearl Jam did with their recent re-release of 10, not replace the original album mix like Mushroom is doing here. This new remix is not as good as the original versions of these songs. Wish they would remaster the original mix and issue it.
Why the remix? If a music company wants to remix an old album they should put it on a second disc like Pearl Jam did with their recent re-release of 10, not replace the original album mix like Mushroom is doing here. This new remix is not as good as the original versions of these songs. Wish they would remaster the original mix and issue it.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.4301796555519104}
Art and Passion...but no Science
A series of short vignettes about fencing, none detailed enough to impart and real knowledge. A definite lack of technical instruction on fencing. Not sure who this video would be useful for...certainly not a beginner trying to learn about the technical aspects of the sport.
Art and Passion...but no Science A series of short vignettes about fencing, none detailed enough to impart and real knowledge. A definite lack of technical instruction on fencing. Not sure who this video would be useful for...certainly not a beginner trying to learn about the technical aspects of the sport.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.5754936933517456}
No illustrations
The Kindle version has no illustrations, and the formatting makes it hard to read and enjoy the verses. The limericks appear without logical line shifts, and where the illustration is supposed to be, it just says [illustration] which is a lot more annoying than not having anything there at all.It's free, but it's hard to read and that kind of takes the fun out of it, at least for me.
No illustrations The Kindle version has no illustrations, and the formatting makes it hard to read and enjoy the verses. The limericks appear without logical line shifts, and where the illustration is supposed to be, it just says [illustration] which is a lot more annoying than not having anything there at all.It's free, but it's hard to read and that kind of takes the fun out of it, at least for me.
{'label': '3 stars', 'score': 0.46238839626312256}
No drawings!
I love love loved Edward Lear but unfortunately this free copy doesn't have the marvelous drawings. It would be better to get another edition of this wonderful book, one that is illustrated.
No drawings! I love love loved Edward Lear but unfortunately this free copy doesn't have the marvelous drawings. It would be better to get another edition of this wonderful book, one that is illustrated.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.42037513852119446}
what hard rock is all about
Cut the crap! it's motorhead, it's rock n' roll, loud, dirty, agressive, but also a singalong album.By far, my favourite Motorhead album, actually the only one that still survives in my collection nowadays.many eternal hard rock classics that must be listened by every metal, hard rock, stoner fan of the XXI century.check out Overkill, stay clean, no class, i'll be your sister, metropolis.
what hard rock is all about Cut the crap! it's motorhead, it's rock n' roll, loud, dirty, agressive, but also a singalong album.By far, my favourite Motorhead album, actually the only one that still survives in my collection nowadays.many eternal hard rock classics that must be listened by every metal, hard rock, stoner fan of the XXI century.check out Overkill, stay clean, no class, i'll be your sister, metropolis.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.7900353670120239}
Thuvia maid of mars
Typical ERB Mars series, which I find light reading. Not too much depth or thought provoking, but nice escape from everyday.
Thuvia maid of mars Typical ERB Mars series, which I find light reading. Not too much depth or thought provoking, but nice escape from everyday.
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.5680133700370789}