4 values
misleading photo
There was little information about the product other than the photo which showed the Watchtower toys with 3 action figures. We thought that the 3 action figures were included - they were not. Also, do not be fooled by the "too good to be true" price. They charge so much for shipping it costs the same as you would pay in a store.Otherwise, the package arrived in a timely manner, was in good condition and appeared to be from a legitamate supplier.
misleading photo There was little information about the product other than the photo which showed the Watchtower toys with 3 action figures. We thought that the 3 action figures were included - they were not. Also, do not be fooled by the "too good to be true" price. They charge so much for shipping it costs the same as you would pay in a store.Otherwise, the package arrived in a timely manner, was in good condition and appeared to be from a legitamate supplier.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.42715442180633545}
Waste of money
If you get to this review, please, please, do not spend your hard earned money on this toy, even at half price it is not worth it. I faced the same problems as everyone else, I'm forced to use my own glue and take time out to re work the toy so that it does what it was supposed to out of the box. A watse of money! Nuff Said!
Waste of money If you get to this review, please, please, do not spend your hard earned money on this toy, even at half price it is not worth it. I faced the same problems as everyone else, I'm forced to use my own glue and take time out to re work the toy so that it does what it was supposed to out of the box. A watse of money! Nuff Said!
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.8750253319740295}
What a waste!
After an hour of trying to put the tower together we gave up. The legs kept falling off making the tower fall over and the lever did not make the doors open. This was a major disapointment. We returned it the next day in pieces.
What a waste! After an hour of trying to put the tower together we gave up. The legs kept falling off making the tower fall over and the lever did not make the doors open. This was a major disapointment. We returned it the next day in pieces.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.9459550976753235}
Slick Looking - Components are older technology - Keyboard sucks!
Picked one of these up the other day, mostly for the slick design and for the wireless keyboard with trackball type mouse controller. But that's all it has, is looks...After using the keyboard, it quickly became tedious to use, since not only are the keys hard to push down, they are in a tight proximity of each other and not in the usual places, and the wireless is hit and miss, possibly because it runs at only 49MHz frequency. It will miss keys here and there, so you have to type very slooow, and check your work very often, and with passwords where you can't see what you are typing, good luck! It quickly becomes a tire... There is no number pad and the trackball mouse is skippy and lacks a scroll feature...The processor is 2 "generations" older than the current dual core intel processors and the RAM is standard DDR instead of DDR2...Unless HP updates the components and the keyboard, this is a terrible value and a POS.
Slick Looking - Components are older technology - Keyboard sucks! Picked one of these up the other day, mostly for the slick design and for the wireless keyboard with trackball type mouse controller. But that's all it has, is looks...After using the keyboard, it quickly became tedious to use, since not only are the keys hard to push down, they are in a tight proximity of each other and not in the usual places, and the wireless is hit and miss, possibly because it runs at only 49MHz frequency. It will miss keys here and there, so you have to type very slooow, and check your work very often, and with passwords where you can't see what you are typing, good luck! It quickly becomes a tire... There is no number pad and the trackball mouse is skippy and lacks a scroll feature...The processor is 2 "generations" older than the current dual core intel processors and the RAM is standard DDR instead of DDR2...Unless HP updates the components and the keyboard, this is a terrible value and a POS.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.48517221212387085}
I downloaded the sample and could barely get though the first chapter. The authors writing felt very juvenile and kept mixing American with London slang. Honestly, it was the dumbest book I've tried to read in a long time. At least download the sample first.
Confused I downloaded the sample and could barely get though the first chapter. The authors writing felt very juvenile and kept mixing American with London slang. Honestly, it was the dumbest book I've tried to read in a long time. At least download the sample first.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.7647436261177063}
Great deliver of all products
Fast delivery of all products. We just received the Bunn coffee maker. This is the fourth Bunn coffee maker we have purchased over thirty years. Great product. The book and the hair iron were gifts so we don't know how they were liked.
Great deliver of all products Fast delivery of all products. We just received the Bunn coffee maker. This is the fourth Bunn coffee maker we have purchased over thirty years. Great product. The book and the hair iron were gifts so we don't know how they were liked.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.8569198846817017}
Romeo and Juliet, the tragic story
Romeo and Juliet is the story of two young children who decided to live their forbidden love, although their parents were terrible enemies. Because of this, their lives ended with their tragic deaths, making their families agree in what for years they were fighting for.I like this story because it shows the bravery young people have, without caring what adults say. They should have thought this better, so their wouldn't have ended in the tragic way they did, both of them committing a tragic suicide. This tragic also affected other lives, such as their parents, which suffered a lot for them.
Romeo and Juliet, the tragic story Romeo and Juliet is the story of two young children who decided to live their forbidden love, although their parents were terrible enemies. Because of this, their lives ended with their tragic deaths, making their families agree in what for years they were fighting for.I like this story because it shows the bravery young people have, without caring what adults say. They should have thought this better, so their wouldn't have ended in the tragic way they did, both of them committing a tragic suicide. This tragic also affected other lives, such as their parents, which suffered a lot for them.
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.6758037209510803}
Oh Romeo
Stupid teenagers. A boy who falls out of love as quickly as he falls in. And poor communication. Shakespeare got teenage romance down pat.
Oh Romeo Stupid teenagers. A boy who falls out of love as quickly as he falls in. And poor communication. Shakespeare got teenage romance down pat.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.6375221610069275}
A good introduction to the tragedies.
Romeo and Juliet is a beautiful story, and it is a marvellous play to introduce young people to the beauty of Shakespeare. Who doesn't like to read or hear about star-crossed lovers? Who hasn't already heard the legend? The play is easy to read as the plot moves along rapidly, and it's beautifully written. Romeo and Juliet are so tragic in their love, and the silly feud between their two families is so destructive and senseless. Read it for the story, but enjoy it for the beautiful prose.
A good introduction to the tragedies. Romeo and Juliet is a beautiful story, and it is a marvellous play to introduce young people to the beauty of Shakespeare. Who doesn't like to read or hear about star-crossed lovers? Who hasn't already heard the legend? The play is easy to read as the plot moves along rapidly, and it's beautifully written. Romeo and Juliet are so tragic in their love, and the silly feud between their two families is so destructive and senseless. Read it for the story, but enjoy it for the beautiful prose.
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.7303320169448853}
RoMeO aNd JuLiEt!!!!
We think that the book was a great influence to our English because it had a very difficult language so we had to look for the words all the time in the dictionary and that way we learn two things, to look up words in the dictionary and new words.We liked the end when all the main characters died. It left me a great message. If it wasn't for the video the school hired at the videoclub we hadn't understand it and the video is a bit boring also but we only liked it because Leonardo Di Caprio acted as Romeo in the video!
RoMeO aNd JuLiEt!!!! We think that the book was a great influence to our English because it had a very difficult language so we had to look for the words all the time in the dictionary and that way we learn two things, to look up words in the dictionary and new words.We liked the end when all the main characters died. It left me a great message. If it wasn't for the video the school hired at the videoclub we hadn't understand it and the video is a bit boring also but we only liked it because Leonardo Di Caprio acted as Romeo in the video!
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.4145185947418213}
Good book -- but not this edition
This is an excellent book. But this edition is extremely poorly produced. There are far too many typos, and little information about the original publication of the book, for example. The layout is ugly. It's great the book is cheap, but I wish I had paid a little more for a nicer version.
Good book -- but not this edition This is an excellent book. But this edition is extremely poorly produced. There are far too many typos, and little information about the original publication of the book, for example. The layout is ugly. It's great the book is cheap, but I wish I had paid a little more for a nicer version.
{'label': '3 stars', 'score': 0.5588852763175964}
How do films like this get made?
If this isn't the worst movie I've ever seen it certainly is in the running. I would point out all the absurdities in the film, but it would be much easier and less time consuming to just list the positives. So here goes: Kevin Sorbo, while delivering a truly pathetic performance -- I swear! He must have been drinking while filming this -- looked to be in fairly good shape. That's it!
How do films like this get made? If this isn't the worst movie I've ever seen it certainly is in the running. I would point out all the absurdities in the film, but it would be much easier and less time consuming to just list the positives. So here goes: Kevin Sorbo, while delivering a truly pathetic performance -- I swear! He must have been drinking while filming this -- looked to be in fairly good shape. That's it!
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.5494158267974854}
What the Heck ???
The uniforms were ridiculous, mixing ribbons and stripes on officer's uniforms..the technical advisor should be fired....I had to rewind the movie several times as it put me to sleep...Kevin Sorbo...puleeze don't get roped into making these bovine feces type movies again...a real stinker !!!!!
What the Heck ??? The uniforms were ridiculous, mixing ribbons and stripes on officer's uniforms..the technical advisor should be fired....I had to rewind the movie several times as it put me to sleep...Kevin Sorbo...puleeze don't get roped into making these bovine feces type movies again...a real stinker !!!!!
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.8454489707946777}
Cute, But a Little Cheap...
This is a nice costume, but the material is quite cheap. Also, it makes my bust look strange (because the black part is right in the middle of it). But the bottom part is really cute, I LOVE the polka dots on the inner layer of the skirt.I just don't really like it, myself. I think it could be better.
Cute, But a Little Cheap... This is a nice costume, but the material is quite cheap. Also, it makes my bust look strange (because the black part is right in the middle of it). But the bottom part is really cute, I LOVE the polka dots on the inner layer of the skirt.I just don't really like it, myself. I think it could be better.
{'label': '3 stars', 'score': 0.7989845871925354}
I'm glad I read the reviews! I agree, if I can't choose my color I don't want to order. There is another box, very similar (doesn't lock) where I can choose my color. That one I will order. Thanks for all YOUR reviews!
Disappointed I'm glad I read the reviews! I agree, if I can't choose my color I don't want to order. There is another box, very similar (doesn't lock) where I can choose my color. That one I will order. Thanks for all YOUR reviews!
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.47878795862197876}
no color, no buy
I wanted very much to get a blue one for my grand-daughter, but was afraid I'd end up with black. So......a lost sale for this company. Sorry!
no color, no buy I wanted very much to get a blue one for my grand-daughter, but was afraid I'd end up with black. So......a lost sale for this company. Sorry!
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.883823812007904}
Not classic Yello - but very very good!
Not everyone can like every album. But, for me, One Second is my all-time favorite. I have listed to it regularly since it was first released and have never tired of the complex rhythms and musical variety that it offers. One Second is different from Yello's other albums and, in my opinion, doesn't hold as much appeal for someone looking for pure techno. While the drum machines and sequencers are certainly there (and brilliantly done), the sound is less annalog and has more feel. It is not background music, but rather must be listened to to be enjoyed. The latin influence is wonderful and the music sounds as if it were made for Shirley Bassey's style and voice. In my mind, this album creates its own genre of music which I have yet to find elsewhere. It is different, but it is very very good!
Not classic Yello - but very very good! Not everyone can like every album. But, for me, One Second is my all-time favorite. I have listed to it regularly since it was first released and have never tired of the complex rhythms and musical variety that it offers. One Second is different from Yello's other albums and, in my opinion, doesn't hold as much appeal for someone looking for pure techno. While the drum machines and sequencers are certainly there (and brilliantly done), the sound is less annalog and has more feel. It is not background music, but rather must be listened to to be enjoyed. The latin influence is wonderful and the music sounds as if it were made for Shirley Bassey's style and voice. In my mind, this album creates its own genre of music which I have yet to find elsewhere. It is different, but it is very very good!
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.7340738773345947}
Thrilled at my daughter's pregnancy, I purchased this book for her because I could remember how much I admired it 25 years ago when I read it. Her feedback? "Mom - it's really good until it gets to homosexuality. It fails miserably there!"I just reread the passage on page 144 of the library edition and now I want to throw it out of the public library's collection! (I won't....I'll keep it for the good parts and try to forgive Brigg's out-dated and misinformed attitude!) But I won't give it 5 stars any more!
Disappointed! Thrilled at my daughter's pregnancy, I purchased this book for her because I could remember how much I admired it 25 years ago when I read it. Her feedback? "Mom - it's really good until it gets to homosexuality. It fails miserably there!"I just reread the passage on page 144 of the library edition and now I want to throw it out of the public library's collection! (I won't....I'll keep it for the good parts and try to forgive Brigg's out-dated and misinformed attitude!) But I won't give it 5 stars any more!
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.5291737914085388}
A double edged sword
This book is unlike most of the books written on the topic. While Nuel Emmons seems to have started out with an eye on the ball, to release new information on Manson and the case against him, he fell short of his goal by virtue of adding a lot of things which weren't really Manson "in his own words" but were nothing more than fabrication.
A double edged sword This book is unlike most of the books written on the topic. While Nuel Emmons seems to have started out with an eye on the ball, to release new information on Manson and the case against him, he fell short of his goal by virtue of adding a lot of things which weren't really Manson "in his own words" but were nothing more than fabrication.
{'label': '3 stars', 'score': 0.33910107612609863}
Watch Charlie on video in an interview and hear for yourself him say,"Emmons took his life, and put that in my book..then he took my life, and wrote a second book with his name on it and said it was his life..so he's milked you for two books.. he's a good crook."The way Charlie himself talks about the book indicates that less than 1 percent is factual.
MANSON HATES EMMONS. Watch Charlie on video in an interview and hear for yourself him say,"Emmons took his life, and put that in my book..then he took my life, and wrote a second book with his name on it and said it was his life..so he's milked you for two books.. he's a good crook."The way Charlie himself talks about the book indicates that less than 1 percent is factual.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.6312603950500488}
Lies, Lies, Lies
For all of you who are under the illusion that this book is in Charlie's own words, you're mistaken. At the time of the so called interviews, the author was not allowed any sort of writing utensils, tape recorders, etc. The words you see are those of the authors. Same old media hype to make a buck. The author betrayed Charlie by pretending to be his 'friend'. This is why Charlie declines so many interviews. Everybody distorts everything he has ever said. So my advice is: If you want to read the authors take on Charlie, buy it. If you want the TRUTH, don't buy it.
Lies, Lies, Lies For all of you who are under the illusion that this book is in Charlie's own words, you're mistaken. At the time of the so called interviews, the author was not allowed any sort of writing utensils, tape recorders, etc. The words you see are those of the authors. Same old media hype to make a buck. The author betrayed Charlie by pretending to be his 'friend'. This is why Charlie declines so many interviews. Everybody distorts everything he has ever said. So my advice is: If you want to read the authors take on Charlie, buy it. If you want the TRUTH, don't buy it.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.8203708529472351}
DO you really think that this stuff is going to work? especially the trapping? so many people love trapping but when then try it in sparring it doesnt work.the lin lop sau,the bong lop sau,the same hand tan to lop sau-cmon now none of that works against anyone who doesnt leave their hand out there after they throw a punch! this may have been how people fought hundreds if not a thousand years ago but it certainly isnt practical now! if you want to spend lots of your precious time learning an art that most of it you cant use in sparring or in the street then so be it.but like bruce said "man {or for that matter any person man or woman} is MORE IMPORTANT than any art or system" even applies to jkd and wing chun-not the other way around!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
REALLY CMON NOW LETS GET REAL!!!!!!!!!!!! DO you really think that this stuff is going to work? especially the trapping? so many people love trapping but when then try it in sparring it doesnt work.the lin lop sau,the bong lop sau,the same hand tan to lop sau-cmon now none of that works against anyone who doesnt leave their hand out there after they throw a punch! this may have been how people fought hundreds if not a thousand years ago but it certainly isnt practical now! if you want to spend lots of your precious time learning an art that most of it you cant use in sparring or in the street then so be it.but like bruce said "man {or for that matter any person man or woman} is MORE IMPORTANT than any art or system" even applies to jkd and wing chun-not the other way around!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.6016833186149597}
I couldn't put it down
Nappily Ever After was a true page turner. I couldn't put it down. Venus was a down to earth character that I could relate too. You wanted to know how the story turned out by the first chapter, I was tempted to read the last chapter right after the first. I look forward to more books By Trisha R. Thomas. I wish it could have went the other way, but the author made it very believable.
I couldn't put it down Nappily Ever After was a true page turner. I couldn't put it down. Venus was a down to earth character that I could relate too. You wanted to know how the story turned out by the first chapter, I was tempted to read the last chapter right after the first. I look forward to more books By Trisha R. Thomas. I wish it could have went the other way, but the author made it very believable.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.23793554306030273}
sadly predictable
If you don't like to be surprised in the least bit, this novel is for you. If you don't mind the writer's technique or don't see literary language necessary to be entertaining then you too will like this book. I, on the other did not. The plot was predictable,the characters were one-dimensional and the language reminded me some what of McMillan. ( an unpolished McMillan, of course.) The best part of this book was the cover, and that was just not enough to keep me satisfied.
sadly predictable If you don't like to be surprised in the least bit, this novel is for you. If you don't mind the writer's technique or don't see literary language necessary to be entertaining then you too will like this book. I, on the other did not. The plot was predictable,the characters were one-dimensional and the language reminded me some what of McMillan. ( an unpolished McMillan, of course.) The best part of this book was the cover, and that was just not enough to keep me satisfied.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.6503266096115112}
Struggled Through!
I struggled through this book. The storyline was a bore! I was also anxious to read this book as it was highly recommended, but too was I disappointed. If you absolutely have to read this book, borrow it from someone or the library!
Struggled Through! I struggled through this book. The storyline was a bore! I was also anxious to read this book as it was highly recommended, but too was I disappointed. If you absolutely have to read this book, borrow it from someone or the library!
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.5899603366851807}
Klaatu Hopeless
I purchased the original Klaatu album on vinyl in 1976. I love the album as much now on CD as it did then. However "Hope" is far too theatrical, with virtually no actual songs on it. If I could give it 0 stars I would.
Klaatu Hopeless I purchased the original Klaatu album on vinyl in 1976. I love the album as much now on CD as it did then. However "Hope" is far too theatrical, with virtually no actual songs on it. If I could give it 0 stars I would.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.7447683811187744}
A Must read
This book and author were interviewed on Friday 16 April by Bill Moyers on PBS. Fascinating. The book is insightful and explains so much we in the west truly do NOT understand. All government officials need to read this! Well written. Makes you think.
A Must read This book and author were interviewed on Friday 16 April by Bill Moyers on PBS. Fascinating. The book is insightful and explains so much we in the west truly do NOT understand. All government officials need to read this! Well written. Makes you think.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.8779405951499939}
A unique take on a classic theme
I really enjoyed this book with the exception that the story was slightly disjointed at times. There are sudden jumps in the story and one in particular in which a large chunk of plot seems to suddenly go missing. Aside from these short comings, however, The science & plot work well together. The characters are reasonably complex & the universe captivating.
A unique take on a classic theme I really enjoyed this book with the exception that the story was slightly disjointed at times. There are sudden jumps in the story and one in particular in which a large chunk of plot seems to suddenly go missing. Aside from these short comings, however, The science & plot work well together. The characters are reasonably complex & the universe captivating.
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.7948086261749268}
One Brave Act changes a civilization
this story is gripping in part because the 2 female protagonists honestly feel they are making the best decisions that will affect the whole crew. They are severely opposed to each others approach despite being close friends originally. The act of the captain to pursue the fleeing "object" and thus stranding here crew forever, inspires the entire human race to pursue a future in space and fulfill some aspect of a larger destiny. That this comet takes them to the end of time and space has its own amazing affect on the crew, there is a span of billions of years. This book is about responsibility and living up to it, including taking ownership for a vision and a mistake. great read
One Brave Act changes a civilization this story is gripping in part because the 2 female protagonists honestly feel they are making the best decisions that will affect the whole crew. They are severely opposed to each others approach despite being close friends originally. The act of the captain to pursue the fleeing "object" and thus stranding here crew forever, inspires the entire human race to pursue a future in space and fulfill some aspect of a larger destiny. That this comet takes them to the end of time and space has its own amazing affect on the crew, there is a span of billions of years. This book is about responsibility and living up to it, including taking ownership for a vision and a mistake. great read
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.5472520589828491}
GREAT Dali book .... Great Amazon price
Love the book, love dealing with Amazon.com I've been dealing with Amazon for years now, and have never had a problem with them. THANKS ONCE AGAIN AMAZON.
GREAT Dali book .... Great Amazon price Love the book, love dealing with Amazon.com I've been dealing with Amazon for years now, and have never had a problem with them. THANKS ONCE AGAIN AMAZON.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.8990302085876465}
Great space heater!
It swivels, has a remote and a tipover safety feature, and you can mount it on the wall if you desire. It works wonderfully, providing plenty of heat when you need it.
Great space heater! It swivels, has a remote and a tipover safety feature, and you can mount it on the wall if you desire. It works wonderfully, providing plenty of heat when you need it.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.8968029618263245}
Thorough and interesting look at this most intriguing literary woman.
After watching the Masterpiece Theatre presentation of "Portrait of a Marriage" years ago, I went on a search for more information about the life of Vita Sackville-West. This bio was one of the gems overturned in that quest for treasure. Having only been able to find it in UNCA's library at the time, I was delighted to be able to stumble over it again during a search at Amazon.com. I have now made it a permanent addition to my extensive library of a subject I call "The Three V's." The three V's are: Vita Sackville-West, Violet Trefusis, and Virginia Woolf, three women joined via literary and emotional attachment with Vita Sackville-West acting as the hinge.
Thorough and interesting look at this most intriguing literary woman. After watching the Masterpiece Theatre presentation of "Portrait of a Marriage" years ago, I went on a search for more information about the life of Vita Sackville-West. This bio was one of the gems overturned in that quest for treasure. Having only been able to find it in UNCA's library at the time, I was delighted to be able to stumble over it again during a search at Amazon.com. I have now made it a permanent addition to my extensive library of a subject I call "The Three V's." The three V's are: Vita Sackville-West, Violet Trefusis, and Virginia Woolf, three women joined via literary and emotional attachment with Vita Sackville-West acting as the hinge.
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.5640785098075867}
Buyer Beware!!
If I'd only read the reviews before purchasing this for my 6 year old I would never have bought it! It is VERY flimsy and top heavy. The elevator gets stuck and it does take awhile to put together. As I was driving all over town looking for the best price I wondered why no store had the batcave out on display. Once we got it together I realized why. We ended up taking off the bottom poles and moving some of the parts around so it would stop falling over. We have lots of batman toys and other mattel products. This is by far the biggest disappointment in 10 years of toy buying. If it wasn't from Santa it would be going back without a doubt. Buy anything else!
Buyer Beware!! If I'd only read the reviews before purchasing this for my 6 year old I would never have bought it! It is VERY flimsy and top heavy. The elevator gets stuck and it does take awhile to put together. As I was driving all over town looking for the best price I wondered why no store had the batcave out on display. Once we got it together I realized why. We ended up taking off the bottom poles and moving some of the parts around so it would stop falling over. We have lots of batman toys and other mattel products. This is by far the biggest disappointment in 10 years of toy buying. If it wasn't from Santa it would be going back without a doubt. Buy anything else!
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.8456825613975525}
This will be an additional toy for next spring's yard sale
Our almost 4 year old couldn't wait to get this toy to add to his super hero collection. It looks great on the box. However, this is by far the worst toy we have purchased for any of our kids in almost 8 years. It is so flimsy and cheaply built. Pieces fall off and it tips a lot. Hopefully it will be re-designed with sturdier materials. If you are considering purchasing it...don't...you'll save your self some money and frustration.
This will be an additional toy for next spring's yard sale Our almost 4 year old couldn't wait to get this toy to add to his super hero collection. It looks great on the box. However, this is by far the worst toy we have purchased for any of our kids in almost 8 years. It is so flimsy and cheaply built. Pieces fall off and it tips a lot. Hopefully it will be re-designed with sturdier materials. If you are considering purchasing it...don't...you'll save your self some money and frustration.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.4978761076927185}
Worst scanner I've owned.
I was looking forward to a new scanner after my HP died after just a year. I purchased this one based on the several good reviews on Amazon and other sites.Now that I have the scanner I am sorely disappointed. The picture quality is horrible. No matter the tweaking I do in the scanner dialog, the picture is faded and grainy.The software itself is the least useful interface I've ever worked with. The "auto" buttons makes the image worse, the image area recognition has never yet gotten it right, and the most useful feature only applies if you are sending the scan to Paperport, something I never want to do.
Worst scanner I've owned. I was looking forward to a new scanner after my HP died after just a year. I purchased this one based on the several good reviews on Amazon and other sites.Now that I have the scanner I am sorely disappointed. The picture quality is horrible. No matter the tweaking I do in the scanner dialog, the picture is faded and grainy.The software itself is the least useful interface I've ever worked with. The "auto" buttons makes the image worse, the image area recognition has never yet gotten it right, and the most useful feature only applies if you are sending the scan to Paperport, something I never want to do.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.8301740288734436}
a childhood favorite
In "The Greengage Summer" five English youths have their vacation trip to the battlefields of France derailed when their mother develops a disabling illness due to an insect bite. While she is in hospital, they stay at a hotel run by two sour proprietors and peopled by an eccentric cast of characters. Each of the youths pursues his or her interests (painting, photography, etc.) while exploring the hotel and the grounds nearby. They befriend the handyman Paul, a young man with a perplexing past, and bond with their temporary guardian, Eliot, whose background, they eventually discover, is even more disturbing. In their summer stay, the children also stumble upon a mystery. As they collide with a foreign adult world, they receive an education, but not quite the one their mother originally intended.
a childhood favorite In "The Greengage Summer" five English youths have their vacation trip to the battlefields of France derailed when their mother develops a disabling illness due to an insect bite. While she is in hospital, they stay at a hotel run by two sour proprietors and peopled by an eccentric cast of characters. Each of the youths pursues his or her interests (painting, photography, etc.) while exploring the hotel and the grounds nearby. They befriend the handyman Paul, a young man with a perplexing past, and bond with their temporary guardian, Eliot, whose background, they eventually discover, is even more disturbing. In their summer stay, the children also stumble upon a mystery. As they collide with a foreign adult world, they receive an education, but not quite the one their mother originally intended.
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.7117425799369812}
Forget Belkin, look no further than the GUF320
This thing was easy to intall. I have a Dual 1.25 G4 Mac. No driver installations under Panther 10.3.3. If you're pre 10.2.X on a Mac you'll have to visit Iogear's website for USB 2.0 drivers. You shouldn't have any problems using this card with a G5 given the bus supports PCI cards either. Apple should just sell this card in their stores. This is my first Iogear product, and this is the best combo firewire/usb PCI card currently on the market.
Forget Belkin, look no further than the GUF320 This thing was easy to intall. I have a Dual 1.25 G4 Mac. No driver installations under Panther 10.3.3. If you're pre 10.2.X on a Mac you'll have to visit Iogear's website for USB 2.0 drivers. You shouldn't have any problems using this card with a G5 given the bus supports PCI cards either. Apple should just sell this card in their stores. This is my first Iogear product, and this is the best combo firewire/usb PCI card currently on the market.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.6915642619132996}
Great Book
For those of you who might think that a Clavell novel might be a little too long for you, this book is great, and the shortest of the six books in the Asian Saga. Plus it stands out in its own right as a book that will leave an impression on you. Emotionally, and as a result of reading a good book
Great Book For those of you who might think that a Clavell novel might be a little too long for you, this book is great, and the shortest of the six books in the Asian Saga. Plus it stands out in its own right as a book that will leave an impression on you. Emotionally, and as a result of reading a good book
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.6761749982833862}
Most Interesting Ending
This is an excellent book, and of the Clavell books I have read (all except Gai-Jin), this has the most interesting, if not the best, ending. It seemed to me that Clavell got slightly redundant with the "natural disaster" ending, but he managed to avoid it in this book. I found that the way the story and the character's individual stories were resolved (or rather unresolved) fit perfectly with the insanity that would be occurring in a WWII prison camp. Oh yeah, the rest of the book is pretty cool, too
Most Interesting Ending This is an excellent book, and of the Clavell books I have read (all except Gai-Jin), this has the most interesting, if not the best, ending. It seemed to me that Clavell got slightly redundant with the "natural disaster" ending, but he managed to avoid it in this book. I found that the way the story and the character's individual stories were resolved (or rather unresolved) fit perfectly with the insanity that would be occurring in a WWII prison camp. Oh yeah, the rest of the book is pretty cool, too
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.6675466299057007}
Afghan lovers unite
This is a great new book from our friends at Liesure Arts, I had so much fun looking at all the new patterns and color combos. I recomment this book take it to the yarn store with you and pick a design and then your favorite colors and enjoy.
Afghan lovers unite This is a great new book from our friends at Liesure Arts, I had so much fun looking at all the new patterns and color combos. I recomment this book take it to the yarn store with you and pick a design and then your favorite colors and enjoy.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.8270684480667114}
complete nuisance
I set it up according to the directions, clicked the scan button, and the contraption made a noise but never began the scanning process. Uninstalled it, then re-installed it, and the same thing happened. Complete and utter waste of my time. I gave it one star only because it had all the parts in the box.
complete nuisance I set it up according to the directions, clicked the scan button, and the contraption made a noise but never began the scanning process. Uninstalled it, then re-installed it, and the same thing happened. Complete and utter waste of my time. I gave it one star only because it had all the parts in the box.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.9799278974533081}
bad company
The scanner looks nice but very deceiving, I bought this scanner because of the name Xerox.I had it for about 2 months and scanned maybe 100 sheets, now it died!Xerox after 3weeks of calls now wants me to pay return shipping and they say I will get a refurbished unit. (Bad company)
bad company The scanner looks nice but very deceiving, I bought this scanner because of the name Xerox.I had it for about 2 months and scanned maybe 100 sheets, now it died!Xerox after 3weeks of calls now wants me to pay return shipping and they say I will get a refurbished unit. (Bad company)
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.7037631273269653}
does not work
You get two sets of dice: one that always comes up 7 or11 and another set. Planned to have some family fun with it. Only fun we had was how it did not work at all. The 7-11 set comes up all kinds of numbers. What were they thinking with this item?
does not work You get two sets of dice: one that always comes up 7 or11 and another set. Planned to have some family fun with it. Only fun we had was how it did not work at all. The 7-11 set comes up all kinds of numbers. What were they thinking with this item?
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.7648060917854309}
Decent player... while it lasts
After a little over a year my Zen Xtra has stopped playing sound. Everything else works it just appears to be a faulty headphone jack which is a common problem on Creative's players. On a dinky $30 portable I wouldn't expect much but on a $300 device this is just unacceptable.Their warranty period and customer service is a joke. Go have a look at their forums. Stay away from Creative products. There are other alternatives out there.
Decent player... while it lasts After a little over a year my Zen Xtra has stopped playing sound. Everything else works it just appears to be a faulty headphone jack which is a common problem on Creative's players. On a dinky $30 portable I wouldn't expect much but on a $300 device this is just unacceptable.Their warranty period and customer service is a joke. Go have a look at their forums. Stay away from Creative products. There are other alternatives out there.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.501600444316864}
Poor substitute for an iPod
Simply not as friendly for functional as an iPod. Even better, iPod integrates perfectly with iTunes so that managing music is a snap.
Poor substitute for an iPod Simply not as friendly for functional as an iPod. Even better, iPod integrates perfectly with iTunes so that managing music is a snap.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.6047671437263489}
Yet another broken headphone jack.
After roughly a year of fairly reliable use, I've also fallen prey to the faulty headphone jack. Now i'm wondering what to do with an item that I paid nearly $400 because the limited warranty conveniently ran out eight or nine months ago ("limited" being somewhat of an understatement). No one should ever have to consider "fixing", and possibly further marring something they paid that much money for.A month ago I would've given this item four stars. After coming here and seeing so many people with the exact same problem that Creative continues to neglect, I'm outright angry that I'm not alone.
Yet another broken headphone jack. After roughly a year of fairly reliable use, I've also fallen prey to the faulty headphone jack. Now i'm wondering what to do with an item that I paid nearly $400 because the limited warranty conveniently ran out eight or nine months ago ("limited" being somewhat of an understatement). No one should ever have to consider "fixing", and possibly further marring something they paid that much money for.A month ago I would've given this item four stars. After coming here and seeing so many people with the exact same problem that Creative continues to neglect, I'm outright angry that I'm not alone.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.4346469044685364}
Discontinued 70PD05500032?
Another reviewer recently advised that this is the model to look for. I was just advised at a well known retailer that this model has been discontinued. Is this true or is this a classic bait-and-switch technique? Their current weekly sales circular features this model at a sale price. When you get to the store, they don't have it but when they look it up in their computer, it shows up as "Discontinued". It is difficult to relate reviews to actual products when the reviews you base your buying decision on could be about(a)different model(s) from the one you actually buy online or in-store. The Creative Labs' own website does not give model numbers so they are adding to the confusion.
Discontinued 70PD05500032? Another reviewer recently advised that this is the model to look for. I was just advised at a well known retailer that this model has been discontinued. Is this true or is this a classic bait-and-switch technique? Their current weekly sales circular features this model at a sale price. When you get to the store, they don't have it but when they look it up in their computer, it shows up as "Discontinued". It is difficult to relate reviews to actual products when the reviews you base your buying decision on could be about(a)different model(s) from the one you actually buy online or in-store. The Creative Labs' own website does not give model numbers so they are adding to the confusion.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.4087671637535095}
Top Notch Christmas Jazz
I own several dozen Christmas Jazz CD's. How did I miss this one for so long? It's a winner from begining to end. The Trio really delivers some tasty versions of your favorite Christmas standards. Each nugget features a unique take on the song without straying too far from the original sound. Very upbeat and lively thtoughout. Not your standard, elevator jazz.
Top Notch Christmas Jazz I own several dozen Christmas Jazz CD's. How did I miss this one for so long? It's a winner from begining to end. The Trio really delivers some tasty versions of your favorite Christmas standards. Each nugget features a unique take on the song without straying too far from the original sound. Very upbeat and lively thtoughout. Not your standard, elevator jazz.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.7933595776557922}
The whole book could have been written in half of its size. Not very well written due to being too wordy, hard to follow.
review The whole book could have been written in half of its size. Not very well written due to being too wordy, hard to follow.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.5512341856956482}
I actually give this ZERO stars. But had to give it a star due to Amazon's rules.The title is slightly misleading as it is not all about Wilson's involvment with Manson. That's just a part of it. And warning, that part contains explicit material if anyone cares to know. I know Brian Wilson is the brains behind the Beach Boys, but this documentary was predominantly about Brian. This should have been titled: "Brian Wilson and the Satan (featuring the rest of them)".I've seen other Beach Boys documentaries (even made for tv movies) that were better than this jumpy compilation. I felt like I was trying to watch a documentary put together by someone who had ADD.
Wow I actually give this ZERO stars. But had to give it a star due to Amazon's rules.The title is slightly misleading as it is not all about Wilson's involvment with Manson. That's just a part of it. And warning, that part contains explicit material if anyone cares to know. I know Brian Wilson is the brains behind the Beach Boys, but this documentary was predominantly about Brian. This should have been titled: "Brian Wilson and the Satan (featuring the rest of them)".I've seen other Beach Boys documentaries (even made for tv movies) that were better than this jumpy compilation. I felt like I was trying to watch a documentary put together by someone who had ADD.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.9150501489639282}
Basketball, not at its best
Ok, as yall might know me, im Gamer8. To the game. This game is sorta like the first NBA Street game for the PS2. It has some flaws, such as lighting. Also, at points of the game, you might say, is this game worth $50.00? Well, its worth about $30.00. 1.- Its not a good game for portability. 2.- Lighting is bad at times 3.-Can be hard for beginners. So I suggest that you must know what the first few NBA Street games are about before buying thsi title. PS:Its a fun game after a while
Basketball, not at its best Ok, as yall might know me, im Gamer8. To the game. This game is sorta like the first NBA Street game for the PS2. It has some flaws, such as lighting. Also, at points of the game, you might say, is this game worth $50.00? Well, its worth about $30.00. 1.- Its not a good game for portability. 2.- Lighting is bad at times 3.-Can be hard for beginners. So I suggest that you must know what the first few NBA Street games are about before buying thsi title. PS:Its a fun game after a while
{'label': '3 stars', 'score': 0.6417719125747681}
never again
I bought this heater and it didn't even work on arrival. The pilot light came on, but nothing else. What a waste of time and money.
never again I bought this heater and it didn't even work on arrival. The pilot light came on, but nothing else. What a waste of time and money.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.8998613953590393}
Reaching for the Light
I have really enjoyed this book! I have been learning a lot for my own healing. The reason I bought it was because a few months back I was able to read a portion of the book and I was hooked! I think this book is a must read for people struggling with ritual abuse!!
Reaching for the Light I have really enjoyed this book! I have been learning a lot for my own healing. The reason I bought it was because a few months back I was able to read a portion of the book and I was hooked! I think this book is a must read for people struggling with ritual abuse!!
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.7499805092811584}
Hardly worth reading
This book, while fairly well written, was quite a dull story, and was very depressing to read. Sherwood seems to have researched her subject well, but the book seemed to be unnecessarily vulgar in a number of places, and this made the book all the more unpleasant to read.
Hardly worth reading This book, while fairly well written, was quite a dull story, and was very depressing to read. Sherwood seems to have researched her subject well, but the book seemed to be unnecessarily vulgar in a number of places, and this made the book all the more unpleasant to read.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.7667081952095032}
Statin levels
Based on what I have researched/read each pill in this formula should contain 3.4mg ofLovastatins, (Icluding monacolins KA form).The FDA will not allow these companies to print this on the label. They want everyone reliant on large pharma. This formula was tested and contained no mycotoxin citrinin (thought to cause chronic kidney disease in the Balkans where this toxin is found in high levels) a dosage of three pills a day should be a good start and is the minimum effective dosage shown to work in clinical trials.I would also recommend taking a CoQ10 supplement like Q-gel which is solubilized in polysorbate 80, for excellent absorption.
Statin levels Based on what I have researched/read each pill in this formula should contain 3.4mg ofLovastatins, (Icluding monacolins KA form).The FDA will not allow these companies to print this on the label. They want everyone reliant on large pharma. This formula was tested and contained no mycotoxin citrinin (thought to cause chronic kidney disease in the Balkans where this toxin is found in high levels) a dosage of three pills a day should be a good start and is the minimum effective dosage shown to work in clinical trials.I would also recommend taking a CoQ10 supplement like Q-gel which is solubilized in polysorbate 80, for excellent absorption.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.30281853675842285}
Me encanta leer libros de cocina y pense que este sería "el libro" para conocer arte y costumbres culinarias de otros paises. Como soy originario de México y ahora vivo en Brasil, lo primero que leí fue lo referente a estoa paises. QUE DECEPCIÓN!La idea del libro es excelente y seguramente la autora tuvo que viajar, leer y estudiar mucho, pero pienso que debió haber pedido ayuda a que revisaran sus capítulos personas conocedoras de cada país o región.Tiene muchos errores históricos, geográficos, culinarios y de ortografía del idioma original. Estoy preparando una lista de ellos que posteriormente enviaré.La felicito por su dedicación, perodes graciadamente el resultado no es del todo bueno.Hans Rio de Janeiro/Brasil
DECEPCIONADO Me encanta leer libros de cocina y pense que este sería "el libro" para conocer arte y costumbres culinarias de otros paises. Como soy originario de México y ahora vivo en Brasil, lo primero que leí fue lo referente a estoa paises. QUE DECEPCIÓN!La idea del libro es excelente y seguramente la autora tuvo que viajar, leer y estudiar mucho, pero pienso que debió haber pedido ayuda a que revisaran sus capítulos personas conocedoras de cada país o región.Tiene muchos errores históricos, geográficos, culinarios y de ortografía del idioma original. Estoy preparando una lista de ellos que posteriormente enviaré.La felicito por su dedicación, perodes graciadamente el resultado no es del todo bueno.Hans Rio de Janeiro/Brasil
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.6002227663993835}
Excellent show, poor sound
Unfortunatelly the DVD is dissapointing for Tina's fans. The show is fantastic, but both Dolby Digital and DTS version of this DVD have one of the worst sounds I ever heard. My subwoofer didn't move once while the tweeters of the front speakers nearly went on flames. More, the soundtrack was re-edited with sound taken from other concerts (that's incredible - at one moment I swear that I heard the word Munchen despite the fact that the concert is in Amsterdam). And, oh yes, the DVD is overpriced. Forget "Amsterdam" and don't miss "One Last Time in Concert" as it has verry good sound quality and image. Not speaking abut the phantastic show...
Excellent show, poor sound Unfortunatelly the DVD is dissapointing for Tina's fans. The show is fantastic, but both Dolby Digital and DTS version of this DVD have one of the worst sounds I ever heard. My subwoofer didn't move once while the tweeters of the front speakers nearly went on flames. More, the soundtrack was re-edited with sound taken from other concerts (that's incredible - at one moment I swear that I heard the word Munchen despite the fact that the concert is in Amsterdam). And, oh yes, the DVD is overpriced. Forget "Amsterdam" and don't miss "One Last Time in Concert" as it has verry good sound quality and image. Not speaking abut the phantastic show...
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.5657708644866943}
Northwinds - 'Great God Pan' (Black Widow)
Northwinds seems to have a good share of originality to their sound.It might be sort of tough to describe their work,but I'll try.A French progressive outfit that blends old school Sabbath with celtic music.Would that formula even fly?It does here.Notice some truly inspired heavy guitar work along with some superb keyboard and flute playing on 'Great...'.A total of six cuts,with each one averaging eight minutes.Tunes I couldn't get enough of were the title track,"Great God Pan",their Sabbath cover of "A National Acrobat"(talk about covering an obscurity-great work!!)and the epic "The Forest Of Koncerei".A real keeper.
Northwinds - 'Great God Pan' (Black Widow) Northwinds seems to have a good share of originality to their sound.It might be sort of tough to describe their work,but I'll try.A French progressive outfit that blends old school Sabbath with celtic music.Would that formula even fly?It does here.Notice some truly inspired heavy guitar work along with some superb keyboard and flute playing on 'Great...'.A total of six cuts,with each one averaging eight minutes.Tunes I couldn't get enough of were the title track,"Great God Pan",their Sabbath cover of "A National Acrobat"(talk about covering an obscurity-great work!!)and the epic "The Forest Of Koncerei".A real keeper.
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.5012720227241516}
It does not use your classification for the musics.
I organize all my files into folders. However this device ignores my classification and sort all files by artist and album. There is no way to configure the device so I can browse my music through my folders.Moreover, there is no easy way to create a playlist. To do that you have to install the software that cames whith it and you can not add new musics to the playlist in another computer. All playlists editions must be done in the same computer. This is a huge limitation for me because I use a lot of different computers (home, office, notebook,...). I haven't bought an Ipod because it has the same limitations. Futhermore, the software that comes with it is terrible, much worst than Itunes.So if you organize your files into folder and would like to use this classification in your mp3 player, and if you don't want to buy an Ipod because you will be tied on in a specific computer, you SHOULD NOT BUY this device.
It does not use your classification for the musics. I organize all my files into folders. However this device ignores my classification and sort all files by artist and album. There is no way to configure the device so I can browse my music through my folders.Moreover, there is no easy way to create a playlist. To do that you have to install the software that cames whith it and you can not add new musics to the playlist in another computer. All playlists editions must be done in the same computer. This is a huge limitation for me because I use a lot of different computers (home, office, notebook,...). I haven't bought an Ipod because it has the same limitations. Futhermore, the software that comes with it is terrible, much worst than Itunes.So if you organize your files into folder and would like to use this classification in your mp3 player, and if you don't want to buy an Ipod because you will be tied on in a specific computer, you SHOULD NOT BUY this device.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.5161027312278748}
Returned the View twice in one week
I bought a sansa e280 for myself and have not encountered any troubles, so I decided to buy a View for my boyfriend. Right out of the box, the player would not turn on because the power button was stuck. We tried everything but nothing would happen. The customer service people could not turn it on also, so we exchanged that one. The next one we received at least turned on. We went home to charge it and then tried to start loading media on. Thats where trouble came. For video and pictures, you have to convert the file format by using the sansa downloadable converter. I was able to transfer photos with no problem but we never were able to get video on the player. We tried different files, different computers, and different people and nothing. My boyfriend spoke to the customer representatives and had no luck. I have transferred music, video, and photos to my sansa e280 with no problems, but this player has many problems.
Returned the View twice in one week I bought a sansa e280 for myself and have not encountered any troubles, so I decided to buy a View for my boyfriend. Right out of the box, the player would not turn on because the power button was stuck. We tried everything but nothing would happen. The customer service people could not turn it on also, so we exchanged that one. The next one we received at least turned on. We went home to charge it and then tried to start loading media on. Thats where trouble came. For video and pictures, you have to convert the file format by using the sansa downloadable converter. I was able to transfer photos with no problem but we never were able to get video on the player. We tried different files, different computers, and different people and nothing. My boyfriend spoke to the customer representatives and had no luck. I have transferred music, video, and photos to my sansa e280 with no problems, but this player has many problems.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.6316410303115845}
Worst mp3 player on the market.
I bought at the end of 2009 and have been meaning to leave a review ever since but have not done so on account of not having anything nice to say about this product. This is about the worst mp3 player on the market. Sound quality is so-so. I cannot create or save any playlists. The worst aspect of this player is the battery life. I charged it for one whole day and then when I disconnected it from the power source the battery bar immediately went to RED.Please, please do not waste your money & time on this product. I for one will never buy anythign that has the SanDisk name on it.
Worst mp3 player on the market. I bought at the end of 2009 and have been meaning to leave a review ever since but have not done so on account of not having anything nice to say about this product. This is about the worst mp3 player on the market. Sound quality is so-so. I cannot create or save any playlists. The worst aspect of this player is the battery life. I charged it for one whole day and then when I disconnected it from the power source the battery bar immediately went to RED.Please, please do not waste your money & time on this product. I for one will never buy anythign that has the SanDisk name on it.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.953783392906189}
Nice Device
This is a nice MP3. I got it on Black Friday on Amazon for only $99.99 , yes Sansa View 8 GB MP3 280. While everyone else was looking at the lighting rounds on Black Friday they didn't see the tiny small icons around the today's deal page. If you use a computer you should be able to tranfer sound & images files without using a program. It's basic computer 101. I use Sony's SonicStage myself. Records at 192 for crisp sound.
Nice Device This is a nice MP3. I got it on Black Friday on Amazon for only $99.99 , yes Sansa View 8 GB MP3 280. While everyone else was looking at the lighting rounds on Black Friday they didn't see the tiny small icons around the today's deal page. If you use a computer you should be able to tranfer sound & images files without using a program. It's basic computer 101. I use Sony's SonicStage myself. Records at 192 for crisp sound.
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.562404990196228}
This player is very very good
Wow, this has been one of the best products I bought, with great sound, great quality pictures in the video, easy to load files into memory, compatible with WMP, it also brings a player-Sync in the installation cd . I like, I take all Pareto, I plug in the car, sounds very hard, is extremely friendly to navigate between playlists. Presntacion has several languages''. The Spanish translation used is very good and relevant, unlike others who say one thing and mean another. I recommend
This player is very very good Wow, this has been one of the best products I bought, with great sound, great quality pictures in the video, easy to load files into memory, compatible with WMP, it also brings a player-Sync in the installation cd . I like, I take all Pareto, I plug in the car, sounds very hard, is extremely friendly to navigate between playlists. Presntacion has several languages''. The Spanish translation used is very good and relevant, unlike others who say one thing and mean another. I recommend
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.8446499705314636}
Don't buy without a good return policy.
This player freezes constantly. It's possible not everyone has this issue. Also the menus can be a bit sluggish. Don't buy without a good return policy.
Don't buy without a good return policy. This player freezes constantly. It's possible not everyone has this issue. Also the menus can be a bit sluggish. Don't buy without a good return policy.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.4840496778488159}
Don't buy this piece of crap
I bought this piece of crap and found out it's not compatible with tracks which are downloaded in DRM (Digital Rights Management) format which 6 out of 6 songs I downloaded from Napster were in. So, I have basically a $200 radio. Worthless. DO NOT BUY!!!
Don't buy this piece of crap I bought this piece of crap and found out it's not compatible with tracks which are downloaded in DRM (Digital Rights Management) format which 6 out of 6 songs I downloaded from Napster were in. So, I have basically a $200 radio. Worthless. DO NOT BUY!!!
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.9836047291755676}
Nothing is from scratch?
Why on Earth would "nothing is made from scratch" be a selling point for a cookbook? How horrid!For good, simple cooking, look into Mark Bittman's cookbooks.
Nothing is from scratch? Why on Earth would "nothing is made from scratch" be a selling point for a cookbook? How horrid!For good, simple cooking, look into Mark Bittman's cookbooks.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.7764155864715576}
Really funny and exciting
I'd say this book is extremely informative for the responsible, occasional sit at home drug user. I read it and learned a few things about the law I didn't know about. Definately a must read for anyone who uses any drugs whether it be a little or a lot. If you're a dealer it gives you an outlook of legal information, but one of the author's commandments in the book is "Thou shall not sell" which every dealer already knows. The only rule for dealers is DON'T GET CAUGHT.
Really funny and exciting I'd say this book is extremely informative for the responsible, occasional sit at home drug user. I read it and learned a few things about the law I didn't know about. Definately a must read for anyone who uses any drugs whether it be a little or a lot. If you're a dealer it gives you an outlook of legal information, but one of the author's commandments in the book is "Thou shall not sell" which every dealer already knows. The only rule for dealers is DON'T GET CAUGHT.
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.6023727655410767}
Good book
Good story and interesting characters..A lot of history in this story that I found to be interesting..the life of Indians has always fascinated me.
Good book Good story and interesting characters..A lot of history in this story that I found to be interesting..the life of Indians has always fascinated me.
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.740450918674469}
Great History
I am a big fan of Ms. Blake's but this was not one of her better books. It dragged a lot at times but the history involved in the story more than made up for it. If you're a fan of people and their cultures, you might want to give this book a try.
Great History I am a big fan of Ms. Blake's but this was not one of her better books. It dragged a lot at times but the history involved in the story more than made up for it. If you're a fan of people and their cultures, you might want to give this book a try.
{'label': '3 stars', 'score': 0.577515721321106}
Handy card holders
I play canasta and frequently wind up with gobs of cards, which, since I have small hands and am also a klutz, I drop a lot and mix up. The card holders are on the large size so they hold a lot of cards and have little props so they can stand alone. They are also slightly curved to prevent other players from "accidentally" seeing your cards. A very good deal for klutzes everywhere.
Handy card holders I play canasta and frequently wind up with gobs of cards, which, since I have small hands and am also a klutz, I drop a lot and mix up. The card holders are on the large size so they hold a lot of cards and have little props so they can stand alone. They are also slightly curved to prevent other players from "accidentally" seeing your cards. A very good deal for klutzes everywhere.
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.5515484809875488}
It does the job
If you can't hold the cards, this will work but I believe they lost sight of their purpose and are trying to address a problem from outside the box. The idea is to make it easier for the individual. It can be difficult to get the cards in place and then change their positions defeating the fundamental purpose. A block of wood will do better. The card holder shouldn't be a game within a game.
It does the job If you can't hold the cards, this will work but I believe they lost sight of their purpose and are trying to address a problem from outside the box. The idea is to make it easier for the individual. It can be difficult to get the cards in place and then change their positions defeating the fundamental purpose. A block of wood will do better. The card holder shouldn't be a game within a game.
{'label': '3 stars', 'score': 0.6333748698234558}
Buy this now!
Very attractive, solid and sturdy, materials are very well organized. Not the cheapest, but well worth it -- especially at the discount Amazon provides... And then there's the content -- top notch stuff, perfect.
Buy this now! Very attractive, solid and sturdy, materials are very well organized. Not the cheapest, but well worth it -- especially at the discount Amazon provides... And then there's the content -- top notch stuff, perfect.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.8101474046707153}
Forward the Mage an Alternate Style
Eric Flint has become an established SF Author. However he has more than one style of writing. This book is in an experimental style more related to Rabelais, Cervantes, Voltaire, Swift and Sterne. This book set in "Joe's World" is the second book in this series. Although not main stream in any way it is an enjoyable book and well worth reading. Once read I was hooked into asking "where is the rest of this story", this is quite normal for this style of writing and I await eagerly the next volume.
Forward the Mage an Alternate Style Eric Flint has become an established SF Author. However he has more than one style of writing. This book is in an experimental style more related to Rabelais, Cervantes, Voltaire, Swift and Sterne. This book set in "Joe's World" is the second book in this series. Although not main stream in any way it is an enjoyable book and well worth reading. Once read I was hooked into asking "where is the rest of this story", this is quite normal for this style of writing and I await eagerly the next volume.
{'label': '3 stars', 'score': 0.5395687222480774}
Fantasy writing at its best
Eric Flint and Richard Roach's Forward The Mage is fantasy writing at its best: an artist-swordsman faces an evil sorcerer, arrest, and politics when his artistic ambitions are rerouted in a struggle for survival. Both feature fast-paced action and complex, believable settings.
Fantasy writing at its best Eric Flint and Richard Roach's Forward The Mage is fantasy writing at its best: an artist-swordsman faces an evil sorcerer, arrest, and politics when his artistic ambitions are rerouted in a struggle for survival. Both feature fast-paced action and complex, believable settings.
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.5948147177696228}
A device grows old
Related to the Philosophical Strangler. Stories overlap, but this book focuses on Gwendolyn, Benvenutti & the Sorcerer. Story of events in these characters' lives before, during, and after, Phil Strangler. Found the language a bit much to wade through a second time, and not as funny. If you loved Philosophical Strangler, you'll probably love this one, but if you were growing weary by the end of the Strangler, you should probably pass this one up.
A device grows old Related to the Philosophical Strangler. Stories overlap, but this book focuses on Gwendolyn, Benvenutti & the Sorcerer. Story of events in these characters' lives before, during, and after, Phil Strangler. Found the language a bit much to wade through a second time, and not as funny. If you loved Philosophical Strangler, you'll probably love this one, but if you were growing weary by the end of the Strangler, you should probably pass this one up.
{'label': '3 stars', 'score': 0.5495812892913818}
Cool Documentary
I was extremely excited to pop this DVD into my computer and watch it. But please be aware this is more like a documentary. And please don't let me deter you from buying this DVD.A lot of interviews about the the World Championship mixed with some GREAT interludes of the interviewee riding. Watching them ride will inspire all of you mountain biking enthusiast out there. As the description states, this is about the riders and sacrifices they go through, not about their riding skill and extreme stunts. I expected non-stop action, but this is still a great DVD to add to my collection. I've watched it a few times just to watch them ride their riding chapters.A must buy for anyone serious about competitive DH racing. Shred it up all!
Cool Documentary I was extremely excited to pop this DVD into my computer and watch it. But please be aware this is more like a documentary. And please don't let me deter you from buying this DVD.A lot of interviews about the the World Championship mixed with some GREAT interludes of the interviewee riding. Watching them ride will inspire all of you mountain biking enthusiast out there. As the description states, this is about the riders and sacrifices they go through, not about their riding skill and extreme stunts. I expected non-stop action, but this is still a great DVD to add to my collection. I've watched it a few times just to watch them ride their riding chapters.A must buy for anyone serious about competitive DH racing. Shred it up all!
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.563097357749939}
Informative but idiosyncratic coverage of historical warships
This book offers an interesting diagrammatic presentation of thirty-six warships, ranging from a Roman galley to a "Nimitz"-class aircraft carrier. Naval buffs will find this a useful book, with numbered guides accompanying the cut-away color diagrams that offered details about the layouts of the various ships. Yet the selection of what constitutes a "great" warship is rather idiosyncratic. The selection is exclusively Western in its orientation, as Chinese junks, Ottoman galleys or Imperial Japanese Navy vessels completely absent. Moreover, the compilers seemed to have been unable to decide whether a great warship was an innovative one or a historic one and included selections of both, leaving out others more deserving in the process. As a result, while an interesting resource, it is a limited one that lacks a theme that could have made it a truly valuable book.
Informative but idiosyncratic coverage of historical warships This book offers an interesting diagrammatic presentation of thirty-six warships, ranging from a Roman galley to a "Nimitz"-class aircraft carrier. Naval buffs will find this a useful book, with numbered guides accompanying the cut-away color diagrams that offered details about the layouts of the various ships. Yet the selection of what constitutes a "great" warship is rather idiosyncratic. The selection is exclusively Western in its orientation, as Chinese junks, Ottoman galleys or Imperial Japanese Navy vessels completely absent. Moreover, the compilers seemed to have been unable to decide whether a great warship was an innovative one or a historic one and included selections of both, leaving out others more deserving in the process. As a result, while an interesting resource, it is a limited one that lacks a theme that could have made it a truly valuable book.
{'label': '3 stars', 'score': 0.6201121211051941}
Jabra Eargels
The service was good but the product didn't have enough info for me to make a wise decision. At the end I couldn't use the product on my jabra ear piece. The item description should have information on compatible Ear sets to help make a better purchasing choice.
Jabra Eargels The service was good but the product didn't have enough info for me to make a wise decision. At the end I couldn't use the product on my jabra ear piece. The item description should have information on compatible Ear sets to help make a better purchasing choice.
{'label': '3 stars', 'score': 0.4487174153327942}
Jabra Ear Gels
These are not the same that come on the earbud, and are not easy to use, or to hear from. I sent mine back!
Jabra Ear Gels These are not the same that come on the earbud, and are not easy to use, or to hear from. I sent mine back!
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.48902392387390137}
What a waste
Complete waste of $12.00. If they stayed in your ear they might be worth something, but good luck with that. In-ear earbuds work so much better than these.
What a waste Complete waste of $12.00. If they stayed in your ear they might be worth something, but good luck with that. In-ear earbuds work so much better than these.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.9032769799232483}
Fast delivery, great product
Super fast delivery. The last ear loop on my Jawbone had worn out. The large ear gel fit over the Jawbone earbud and, with a little superglue, stays there. It fits in my ear without using any loops. After a full day, the ear is a little tender, but it is getting better the more I use it. I would highly recommend the ear gels for anyone with a Jawbone. Improves sound and the fit of the sensor with the jaw.
Fast delivery, great product Super fast delivery. The last ear loop on my Jawbone had worn out. The large ear gel fit over the Jawbone earbud and, with a little superglue, stays there. It fits in my ear without using any loops. After a full day, the ear is a little tender, but it is getting better the more I use it. I would highly recommend the ear gels for anyone with a Jawbone. Improves sound and the fit of the sensor with the jaw.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.7634584903717041}
Save youself some money. The Jabra Ear Gels are an absolute waste. They actually fit worse than the stock ear buds from Jawbone.I was even more disappointed that I paid $4.63 shipping on a worthless $9.99 product. It's not even worth returning. Lesson learned. Hopefully you will also.
JABRA EAR GELS Save youself some money. The Jabra Ear Gels are an absolute waste. They actually fit worse than the stock ear buds from Jawbone.I was even more disappointed that I paid $4.63 shipping on a worthless $9.99 product. It's not even worth returning. Lesson learned. Hopefully you will also.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.8835984468460083}
jabra eargels
These really do make wearing a jawbone a lot better for me. The only problem I found with them is that you have to buy so many just to get the one that fits right.
jabra eargels These really do make wearing a jawbone a lot better for me. The only problem I found with them is that you have to buy so many just to get the one that fits right.
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.5606029629707336}
Don't waste your money
They look cheep and feel cheep and well.. they are cheep but they don't work which is the bottom line. Fitting them onto the jawbone does not lock into place so the ear piece you just spent over a 100bucks for falls out of your ear! It's not worth it since Jawbone gives you five ear buds that lock onto the Jawbone, which fit your snugly in your ear. They also give you a left ear or a right ear bar that lets you choose which works for you. So this product fails and had I'd seen them in person I wouldn't have spent my money on them.
Don't waste your money They look cheep and feel cheep and well.. they are cheep but they don't work which is the bottom line. Fitting them onto the jawbone does not lock into place so the ear piece you just spent over a 100bucks for falls out of your ear! It's not worth it since Jawbone gives you five ear buds that lock onto the Jawbone, which fit your snugly in your ear. They also give you a left ear or a right ear bar that lets you choose which works for you. So this product fails and had I'd seen them in person I wouldn't have spent my money on them.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.8044319748878479}
Not well suited for the Jawbone II
When I first installed one of these on my new Jawbone II, they were fantastic. They fit my ear canal perfectly, negating the need for the ear loop that came with it. Unfotunately after a few days they started rejecting my headset. The ear pieces would not stay on the Jawbone, and they would no longer stay firmly in my ear. I tried washing and drying them thoroughly, but that only helped for an hour or so. I am not sure what the fit problem is, but they turned out to not work for my Jawbone II and me at all.
Not well suited for the Jawbone II When I first installed one of these on my new Jawbone II, they were fantastic. They fit my ear canal perfectly, negating the need for the ear loop that came with it. Unfotunately after a few days they started rejecting my headset. The ear pieces would not stay on the Jawbone, and they would no longer stay firmly in my ear. I tried washing and drying them thoroughly, but that only helped for an hour or so. I am not sure what the fit problem is, but they turned out to not work for my Jawbone II and me at all.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.6221916079521179}
pain in the ear
They feel better than the jawbone junk but there is no perfect fit even though they give you several different sizes. Then the jawbone bluetooth falls out of most of them.Basically, a waste of money unless you are one of the lucky ones that all fits as you had hoped.
pain in the ear They feel better than the jawbone junk but there is no perfect fit even though they give you several different sizes. Then the jawbone bluetooth falls out of most of them.Basically, a waste of money unless you are one of the lucky ones that all fits as you had hoped.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.5539725422859192}
The product arrived as expected. The ear gels fit the JawBone well and were perfect for ill perfect ears.
JEG The product arrived as expected. The ear gels fit the JawBone well and were perfect for ill perfect ears.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.7135189175605774}
I bought this to see if using the gels would help keep my Jawbone in place. None of the gels fit in my ear.
scottiesgems I bought this to see if using the gels would help keep my Jawbone in place. None of the gels fit in my ear.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.3448367416858673}
Don't waste your money
After ordering these eargels, I spent an enormous amount of time trying to make them fit. It was useless. Unless you have elephant ears, or you wish to grease them and use a hammer to insert them, they won't work.
Don't waste your money After ordering these eargels, I spent an enormous amount of time trying to make them fit. It was useless. Unless you have elephant ears, or you wish to grease them and use a hammer to insert them, they won't work.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.8970088362693787}
This movie is not all that
originally i would give this horrible dipiction of The Odyssey 1 star, but because of one of the last scenes where ugly t(telemachus) threw two spears at once, i give it two stars. Everything was horrible to my opinion. The accents kept changing everything. If you read the book before you watched the movie, you would thinkt hat this was all a joke. So if anything just read the book by itself. So two stars for two stars thrown by ugly T
This movie is not all that originally i would give this horrible dipiction of The Odyssey 1 star, but because of one of the last scenes where ugly t(telemachus) threw two spears at once, i give it two stars. Everything was horrible to my opinion. The accents kept changing everything. If you read the book before you watched the movie, you would thinkt hat this was all a joke. So if anything just read the book by itself. So two stars for two stars thrown by ugly T
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.9804994463920593}
I've seen better movies on The All News Channel. Odysseus was played very well, but his part was boring. As well as the rest of the movie. Scylla looks like 1930's cartoons.I drew better stuff in 1st grade.Every single scene looks so fake it isn't even funny. I can probably get more entertainment watching an earthworm. I would not recommend this to anyone young or old. This movie isn't worth a penny in my book!
Hmmmmmmm I've seen better movies on The All News Channel. Odysseus was played very well, but his part was boring. As well as the rest of the movie. Scylla looks like 1930's cartoons.I drew better stuff in 1st grade.Every single scene looks so fake it isn't even funny. I can probably get more entertainment watching an earthworm. I would not recommend this to anyone young or old. This movie isn't worth a penny in my book!
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.5233920216560364}
Crap, all crap
...you would have noticed how horrible the allusions are in this crap-that-calls-itself-a-movie. The characters were simply annoying; Telemakhos, the whiny school boy that cries whenever he doesn't get his way, creepy Athena, who's eyes are SUPPOSED to be gray, Penelope, who obviously has a more pleasureful time on the water on the beach than with her husband, and of course Odysseus, who would make me weep if he was my captain. The sets looked as if elementary school kids put them together, Scylla was a sock-puppet, and the shades were just sad. I have never in my life seen such crap and I hope you won't fall for these other 4-star reviews that make me want to PUKE!
Crap, all crap ...you would have noticed how horrible the allusions are in this crap-that-calls-itself-a-movie. The characters were simply annoying; Telemakhos, the whiny school boy that cries whenever he doesn't get his way, creepy Athena, who's eyes are SUPPOSED to be gray, Penelope, who obviously has a more pleasureful time on the water on the beach than with her husband, and of course Odysseus, who would make me weep if he was my captain. The sets looked as if elementary school kids put them together, Scylla was a sock-puppet, and the shades were just sad. I have never in my life seen such crap and I hope you won't fall for these other 4-star reviews that make me want to PUKE!
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.9366678595542908}
The Odyssey with Armand Asanti
I really like this version; especially since there is really very few versions of this work of literature.
The Odyssey with Armand Asanti I really like this version; especially since there is really very few versions of this work of literature.
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.5736609101295471}
Great movie, but what's with the price?
I have seen this movie before, and was looking to buy it to show in my classroom, but...why the heck is it $99? It's good, but not THAT good!
Great movie, but what's with the price? I have seen this movie before, and was looking to buy it to show in my classroom, but...why the heck is it $99? It's good, but not THAT good!
{'label': '3 stars', 'score': 0.4518507719039917}
This movie was very boaring. I really didnt enjoy it at all. It was to gory. I just dont enjoy when people kill. I also dont enjoy when people dress like old stone age, and dont enjoy the anceint times they were rough and crewl times. The movie the odyssey took place in Greece back thousands of years ago when there was such things as mythical creatures. I really dont enjoy things like that others might. Although , there is a part I did like. I enjoyed the part of the movie when calypso(Venessa Williams) kept odysseus on the island for two years she nor her maids had not seen a man for 100 years. I thought that was very interesting. The other parts of the muvie confuse me and the names confuse me such as: Penelope(Greta Scacchi), Athene(Isabella Rossellini), Cyclopes(Reid Asato), and Eurybates(Ron Cook). Those were just a few. So all in all I would give this movie one star. I f you like movies like this then its great and go watch it but if you dont its not a movie for you as you can see.
Very BORING This movie was very boaring. I really didnt enjoy it at all. It was to gory. I just dont enjoy when people kill. I also dont enjoy when people dress like old stone age, and dont enjoy the anceint times they were rough and crewl times. The movie the odyssey took place in Greece back thousands of years ago when there was such things as mythical creatures. I really dont enjoy things like that others might. Although , there is a part I did like. I enjoyed the part of the movie when calypso(Venessa Williams) kept odysseus on the island for two years she nor her maids had not seen a man for 100 years. I thought that was very interesting. The other parts of the muvie confuse me and the names confuse me such as: Penelope(Greta Scacchi), Athene(Isabella Rossellini), Cyclopes(Reid Asato), and Eurybates(Ron Cook). Those were just a few. So all in all I would give this movie one star. I f you like movies like this then its great and go watch it but if you dont its not a movie for you as you can see.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.5140271782875061}
Birds, Beasts and Relatives
As always, Gerard Durrell's works make me want to hop on a flight to Greece right now. His imagery of the lush flora and fauna there make it seem irresistible to anyone, especially small boys. Though it was an enjoyable read, it seemed a bit too similar to My Family and Other Animals, as though this sequel was everything he had forgotten to put into the first one, which is exactly what the author states in the introduction. This book seemed to focus a bit more on the animals, less on the comical family, and though sea life is fascination, crustaceans do get a bit old. This book is very relaxing to read, and almost makes you feel like you are a little boy again. Slow paced and funny, this enjoyable book put Corfu at the top of my list of places to go.
Birds, Beasts and Relatives As always, Gerard Durrell's works make me want to hop on a flight to Greece right now. His imagery of the lush flora and fauna there make it seem irresistible to anyone, especially small boys. Though it was an enjoyable read, it seemed a bit too similar to My Family and Other Animals, as though this sequel was everything he had forgotten to put into the first one, which is exactly what the author states in the introduction. This book seemed to focus a bit more on the animals, less on the comical family, and though sea life is fascination, crustaceans do get a bit old. This book is very relaxing to read, and almost makes you feel like you are a little boy again. Slow paced and funny, this enjoyable book put Corfu at the top of my list of places to go.
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.7373666763305664}
I Don't Think So!
Quite often, bringing a classic story like "Moby Dick" to the screen is a thankless task. But at least John Huston's 1956 version has a lot of class as well any number of great performances (even Moby Dick looked a lot more realistic in 1956!). This version just doesn't make it - skip it and buy a copy of Gregory Peck's rendition instead. You'll be glad you did.
I Don't Think So! Quite often, bringing a classic story like "Moby Dick" to the screen is a thankless task. But at least John Huston's 1956 version has a lot of class as well any number of great performances (even Moby Dick looked a lot more realistic in 1956!). This version just doesn't make it - skip it and buy a copy of Gregory Peck's rendition instead. You'll be glad you did.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.4882562756538391}
The white whale isn't
The annimation for the white whale was lousy. The original with G. Peck is a classic & you can't do a remake to match it. The attempt to give underwater scenes with the white whale sending the ship to the bottom stunk.
The white whale isn't The annimation for the white whale was lousy. The original with G. Peck is a classic & you can't do a remake to match it. The attempt to give underwater scenes with the white whale sending the ship to the bottom stunk.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.40889987349510193}
Did not fit in ear
I was amazed how poorly these fit in my ear, in fact, after trying for a couple of weeks, I could not tell which one was the R and which was the L as they both fit so poorly. The spiky part hurt my ear after a few minutes of wearing.I threw these out and purchased the Umbo earbud. Much, much better fit there.
Did not fit in ear I was amazed how poorly these fit in my ear, in fact, after trying for a couple of weeks, I could not tell which one was the R and which was the L as they both fit so poorly. The spiky part hurt my ear after a few minutes of wearing.I threw these out and purchased the Umbo earbud. Much, much better fit there.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.48476409912109375}
Great Series opener
I picked up this book used for a couple dollars while on vacation and spent the rest of my vacation reading it. I rated this book 4 stars because even though I found it to be very enjoyable, I seemed to easily figure out where the plot was heading, Nevertheless, I was still surprised by the ending. I found the tension between hester and Monk to be both intriguing and frustrating, especially when it was not resolved at the end of the book. Needless to say, I was delighted to discover that there are 11 (soon to be 12) more books in the series. I plan to read them all.
Great Series opener I picked up this book used for a couple dollars while on vacation and spent the rest of my vacation reading it. I rated this book 4 stars because even though I found it to be very enjoyable, I seemed to easily figure out where the plot was heading, Nevertheless, I was still surprised by the ending. I found the tension between hester and Monk to be both intriguing and frustrating, especially when it was not resolved at the end of the book. Needless to say, I was delighted to discover that there are 11 (soon to be 12) more books in the series. I plan to read them all.
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.9742969274520874}