4 values
I cannot recommend Foundation, and its entire series, highly enough. When it comes to worldbuilding, and examining the possibilities of earth's future, Asimov does it best. His entire basis is that intelligence, learning, and confrontation of the unknown will be our salvation, instead of ignorance or seeing who carries the biggest gun. A welcome change.
Phenomenal I cannot recommend Foundation, and its entire series, highly enough. When it comes to worldbuilding, and examining the possibilities of earth's future, Asimov does it best. His entire basis is that intelligence, learning, and confrontation of the unknown will be our salvation, instead of ignorance or seeing who carries the biggest gun. A welcome change.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.9089971780776978}
Good politics, but no science
The book starts with an enticing psychohistory idea, but then it dives deep into politics. It is quite interesting to read the ingenious solutions for the crises taken by the great leaders of the Foundation, specially for resigning war whenever it seemed the most sensible way out.The problem is that this book is supposed to be science fiction, yet the story seemed to have happened back in the mercantilism period in the XVII century, with its priests, kings, viceroys and merchant ships trading raw materials for manufactured goods. The gadgets used by the traders to fool the other empires are a bit silly as well, for a far future based science fiction.
Good politics, but no science The book starts with an enticing psychohistory idea, but then it dives deep into politics. It is quite interesting to read the ingenious solutions for the crises taken by the great leaders of the Foundation, specially for resigning war whenever it seemed the most sensible way out.The problem is that this book is supposed to be science fiction, yet the story seemed to have happened back in the mercantilism period in the XVII century, with its priests, kings, viceroys and merchant ships trading raw materials for manufactured goods. The gadgets used by the traders to fool the other empires are a bit silly as well, for a far future based science fiction.
{'label': '3 stars', 'score': 0.625662088394165}
Asimow is one of the best writers of all times
Foundation, and all the other books that complete the extense colection are wonderful. I remember when i read this book 8 years ago, and as you see i still love it. If you don't want to read all the books of the series, you don't have to do it, the saga of foundation it's only three books (foundation, foundation and Empire, and Second Foundation), but if you want to read a good, good, GOOD,GOOOOOOOOOOD series of books, read them all, you won't regret it. I really loved all this books.
Asimow is one of the best writers of all times Foundation, and all the other books that complete the extense colection are wonderful. I remember when i read this book 8 years ago, and as you see i still love it. If you don't want to read all the books of the series, you don't have to do it, the saga of foundation it's only three books (foundation, foundation and Empire, and Second Foundation), but if you want to read a good, good, GOOD,GOOOOOOOOOOD series of books, read them all, you won't regret it. I really loved all this books.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.9179206490516663}
Isaac Asimov is an exception author in any genre, he just happens to write in science fiction. His Foundation novels are at the apex of classic science fiction. If you are going to read only one book in this genre then this is the one to choose. The universe he creates is so vivid that the book is difficult to put down. In case you couldn't tell.....I am a fan!
Classic Isaac Asimov is an exception author in any genre, he just happens to write in science fiction. His Foundation novels are at the apex of classic science fiction. If you are going to read only one book in this genre then this is the one to choose. The universe he creates is so vivid that the book is difficult to put down. In case you couldn't tell.....I am a fan!
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.5723928809165955}
Don't Bother
Prelude to Foundation is excellent. However, you should stop there. Foundation is bad. This book is totally predictable. Read DUNE if you want something intelligent and entertaining. Read FOUNDATION if you want something that you probably won't even finish.
Don't Bother Prelude to Foundation is excellent. However, you should stop there. Foundation is bad. This book is totally predictable. Read DUNE if you want something intelligent and entertaining. Read FOUNDATION if you want something that you probably won't even finish.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.479630708694458}
tough going
I got pretty bogged down with the multiple characters and places and time periods. Not a good book to pick up occasionally, takes a focussed reading. And that's just one of the series!
tough going I got pretty bogged down with the multiple characters and places and time periods. Not a good book to pick up occasionally, takes a focussed reading. And that's just one of the series!
{'label': '3 stars', 'score': 0.5328017473220825}
I was dissatisfied with this novel. Being an avid fan of Asimov and the Foundation series,the younger version of the mathimatical genius did not match with older one who changed the history of his race for the better; nor did I think that the story with female very appealing, again it did not match. The story seemed tacked on to the series just to write another novel. It is unfortunate that the writer who invented the positronic brain,the three law of robotics, and of course the genuis of the foundation series wrote such a tacked on story.
Dissatified I was dissatisfied with this novel. Being an avid fan of Asimov and the Foundation series,the younger version of the mathimatical genius did not match with older one who changed the history of his race for the better; nor did I think that the story with female very appealing, again it did not match. The story seemed tacked on to the series just to write another novel. It is unfortunate that the writer who invented the positronic brain,the three law of robotics, and of course the genuis of the foundation series wrote such a tacked on story.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.6280365586280823}
Goes "Haywire" Regularly
Setup was easy enough, but this printer routinely goes haywire, spitting out a whole cartridge load of paper and refusing to print. I have tried it with several different PCs, with this same intermittent weird behavior. Only a reset of both the printerand the computer seem to fix everything.I'm off to buy an Epson!
Goes "Haywire" Regularly Setup was easy enough, but this printer routinely goes haywire, spitting out a whole cartridge load of paper and refusing to print. I have tried it with several different PCs, with this same intermittent weird behavior. Only a reset of both the printerand the computer seem to fix everything.I'm off to buy an Epson!
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.5486827492713928}
Old fashioned, sweet story.
Not much of a challenge to read. Enjoyed it just the same. It was a change from the modern world and therefore, I recommend it.
Old fashioned, sweet story. Not much of a challenge to read. Enjoyed it just the same. It was a change from the modern world and therefore, I recommend it.
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.6479756832122803}
Stay Away
This just plain bad. Boring..... I did not find this the least bit entertaining nor interesting. It was a waste of my time.
Stay Away This just plain bad. Boring..... I did not find this the least bit entertaining nor interesting. It was a waste of my time.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.6270771622657776}
Go break open a red light camera and steal the film. Watch that. It will have 10,000 times better acting and a much more coherent plot too!
worst.........movie............ever Go break open a red light camera and steal the film. Watch that. It will have 10,000 times better acting and a much more coherent plot too!
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.8930028676986694}
Blu-Ray Review
What a terrible movie, garbage. It totally sucks. What is Hollywood coming to. It seems they are running out of stories to make movies about. What garbage. Good Lord. Right up there with Boondock Saints 2 and Smokin Aces 2.
Blu-Ray Review What a terrible movie, garbage. It totally sucks. What is Hollywood coming to. It seems they are running out of stories to make movies about. What garbage. Good Lord. Right up there with Boondock Saints 2 and Smokin Aces 2.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.9545274972915649}
LAST Nicolas Cage film for me!
There is not ONE redeemable quality about this film. Period. Nicolas Cage is at the bottom of the barrel. He now has absolutely NO range. The acting in this was worse than a low budget B movie. I think he seriously was on something! So here we are New Orleans Post Katrina. Nic is supposed to be a tough guy and gets into all kinds of trouble. I couldn't figure out who was coming or going. I was baffled the entire movie! The lines were HORRIBLE! PLEASE SAVE YOUR MONEY!
LAST Nicolas Cage film for me! There is not ONE redeemable quality about this film. Period. Nicolas Cage is at the bottom of the barrel. He now has absolutely NO range. The acting in this was worse than a low budget B movie. I think he seriously was on something! So here we are New Orleans Post Katrina. Nic is supposed to be a tough guy and gets into all kinds of trouble. I couldn't figure out who was coming or going. I was baffled the entire movie! The lines were HORRIBLE! PLEASE SAVE YOUR MONEY!
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.710117518901825}
What did I watch?
So he's a dirty cop and an all around horrible person. Spoiler... Everything worked out in the end? What the heck was the point of that movie? Seriously... everything worked out in the end?I don't know why I continued to watch.
What did I watch? So he's a dirty cop and an all around horrible person. Spoiler... Everything worked out in the end? What the heck was the point of that movie? Seriously... everything worked out in the end?I don't know why I continued to watch.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.6675299406051636}
Great Writing
I think the above review needs a corrective. Tynan was the sharpest, funniest, and best-informed theatre critic of his generation. He was also a wonderful stylist, and a precocious one: many writers never write as well as Tynan did while still in his teens. These letters can be enjoyed simply for their manipulation of language, but there's more to them than that. Tynan always liked to think of himself as an outsider, as someone pushing the envelope; yet he also was entranced by the establishment at play, and he enjoyed lowbrow entertainment almost as much as Shakespeare and Sophocles. These letters demonstrate this bifurcation of character, making for a sort of un-selfconscious autobiography. Well worth buying for anyone who likes reading letters, and a must for Tynan fans. when can we have some more of his work reisssued?
Great Writing I think the above review needs a corrective. Tynan was the sharpest, funniest, and best-informed theatre critic of his generation. He was also a wonderful stylist, and a precocious one: many writers never write as well as Tynan did while still in his teens. These letters can be enjoyed simply for their manipulation of language, but there's more to them than that. Tynan always liked to think of himself as an outsider, as someone pushing the envelope; yet he also was entranced by the establishment at play, and he enjoyed lowbrow entertainment almost as much as Shakespeare and Sophocles. These letters demonstrate this bifurcation of character, making for a sort of un-selfconscious autobiography. Well worth buying for anyone who likes reading letters, and a must for Tynan fans. when can we have some more of his work reisssued?
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.47181031107902527}
If you can't make it to Mongolia this season....
Mykel Board -- punk rocker, New Yorker, gonzo provocateur -- fulfills a lifetime dream by moving to Mongolia for one year to teach English...and I'm so glad he did. His easy-to-read writing style is brutally honest and hysterically funny, from his problems overcoming constipation (because Metamucil is not sold in Outer Mongolia, Board resorts to consuming rancid street food to encourage diarrhea), to his visits to Mongolian dance clubs, to the confusing hurdles presented in this post-Soviet limbo land ("Welcome to Mongolia!" is the standard response from natives when cultural idiosyncracies are brought to attention). Unlike most travel memoirs, there are no overwrought or pretentious analyses of a foreign culture -- even though there were times that I, a fellow traveler, longed for Mykel to take a deeper look at this rarely examined country -- making this book a fun, unrestrained ride through a remote, Kafka-esque kingdom. Buy this book.
If you can't make it to Mongolia this season.... Mykel Board -- punk rocker, New Yorker, gonzo provocateur -- fulfills a lifetime dream by moving to Mongolia for one year to teach English...and I'm so glad he did. His easy-to-read writing style is brutally honest and hysterically funny, from his problems overcoming constipation (because Metamucil is not sold in Outer Mongolia, Board resorts to consuming rancid street food to encourage diarrhea), to his visits to Mongolian dance clubs, to the confusing hurdles presented in this post-Soviet limbo land ("Welcome to Mongolia!" is the standard response from natives when cultural idiosyncracies are brought to attention). Unlike most travel memoirs, there are no overwrought or pretentious analyses of a foreign culture -- even though there were times that I, a fellow traveler, longed for Mykel to take a deeper look at this rarely examined country -- making this book a fun, unrestrained ride through a remote, Kafka-esque kingdom. Buy this book.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.5731673240661621}
Banal and Boring
No, I'm not making this up. Somebody actually produced this recording. Actually, two people produced it. Nearly two string quartets were assembled to play on it. (I say "nearly," because most of the tracks were played by a trio, who apparently used overdubbing to inflate themselves into a quartet.) I'm not sure that any string quartet could have made this music seem appropriate or entertaining: these folks certainly were not up to the task. The end result is so banal and boring that it does not even work as a novelty record that might be fun to play at parties. Unbelievable...
Banal and Boring No, I'm not making this up. Somebody actually produced this recording. Actually, two people produced it. Nearly two string quartets were assembled to play on it. (I say "nearly," because most of the tracks were played by a trio, who apparently used overdubbing to inflate themselves into a quartet.) I'm not sure that any string quartet could have made this music seem appropriate or entertaining: these folks certainly were not up to the task. The end result is so banal and boring that it does not even work as a novelty record that might be fun to play at parties. Unbelievable...
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.5784233212471008}
I find this item to be more than expectedand I think everyone should consider buying oneI will tell everyone about it
GREAT ITEM I find this item to be more than expectedand I think everyone should consider buying oneI will tell everyone about it
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.7406162619590759}
Amazing Score.
Wow, words can barely express the awesomeness of this piece. First I will start with the movie, brilliant! That is all there is to be said about the film. Now the OST, beautiful work. A very dark and somber piece, very moody and atmospheric. Its not something you just listen to for fun, at least for me. Its more of a background music, while doing your business. Its just brilliant. Every track in amazing from beginning to end. I was unfamiliar with Johnny Klimek and Reinhold Heild's work. This cd however makes me want to definatly look into it. It is the perfect sound to go along with the dark nature of the film. Some tracks are very tranquil and moody, while others pound out beats and are very fast paced. All in all a 5/5 for the cd, a definate must have for any collection! Highly recommneded!
Amazing Score. Wow, words can barely express the awesomeness of this piece. First I will start with the movie, brilliant! That is all there is to be said about the film. Now the OST, beautiful work. A very dark and somber piece, very moody and atmospheric. Its not something you just listen to for fun, at least for me. Its more of a background music, while doing your business. Its just brilliant. Every track in amazing from beginning to end. I was unfamiliar with Johnny Klimek and Reinhold Heild's work. This cd however makes me want to definatly look into it. It is the perfect sound to go along with the dark nature of the film. Some tracks are very tranquil and moody, while others pound out beats and are very fast paced. All in all a 5/5 for the cd, a definate must have for any collection! Highly recommneded!
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.683485746383667}
Do not buy this camera
Its a very nice camera don't get me wrong. However due to its compact design, the speaker is too close to the tape motor. During quiet and not so quiet areas, you will hear a high pitched humm coming from your camera as well as on what you record. Canon confirmed this as a design flaw. The ZR45, 40 and 50 all do this. I was really disappointed, I returned mine.. I wish there was a way to fix it.
Do not buy this camera Its a very nice camera don't get me wrong. However due to its compact design, the speaker is too close to the tape motor. During quiet and not so quiet areas, you will hear a high pitched humm coming from your camera as well as on what you record. Canon confirmed this as a design flaw. The ZR45, 40 and 50 all do this. I was really disappointed, I returned mine.. I wish there was a way to fix it.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.4987662434577942}
Brio Medium straight track
BRIO is the most durable and has the best quality wooden train on the market. These pieces are a must for extending your existing train set. My 5 year old loves having these extra pieces to create with.
Brio Medium straight track BRIO is the most durable and has the best quality wooden train on the market. These pieces are a must for extending your existing train set. My 5 year old loves having these extra pieces to create with.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.8803971409797668}
It's too simple even for a KISS book
I know the whole point of "dummie" and "KISS" books is that they are supposed to be easy for anyone to understand but this book was too simple--too basic. I read a chapter and could hardly bear to invest anymore time in it since the information was so sparse. If I hadn't gotten this book for a steal I would have been very upset at my waste of money. There was just no real information. What a waste.
It's too simple even for a KISS book I know the whole point of "dummie" and "KISS" books is that they are supposed to be easy for anyone to understand but this book was too simple--too basic. I read a chapter and could hardly bear to invest anymore time in it since the information was so sparse. If I hadn't gotten this book for a steal I would have been very upset at my waste of money. There was just no real information. What a waste.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.6995609402656555}
Quality from Tripp Lite as always
I always goes with the Trip Lite fiber patch cables, due to their quality, and not being so proud of their name they triple the price.
Quality from Tripp Lite as always I always goes with the Trip Lite fiber patch cables, due to their quality, and not being so proud of their name they triple the price.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.4933711588382721}
Big waste of money! After washing noticed 1 pillow case was a different shade and so wrinkled no matter what I've tried. Stuck with it since I washed and can't find packaging.
awful Big waste of money! After washing noticed 1 pillow case was a different shade and so wrinkled no matter what I've tried. Stuck with it since I washed and can't find packaging.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.951637864112854}
Good grill for the money.
I've been very happy with this easy to use and clean grill. I've used it to grill steaks, duck breasts, veggies, and chicken. Takes longer than a gas grill, but gets to job done without smoking up the kitchen.
Good grill for the money. I've been very happy with this easy to use and clean grill. I've used it to grill steaks, duck breasts, veggies, and chicken. Takes longer than a gas grill, but gets to job done without smoking up the kitchen.
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.5906843543052673}
Excessive Typos Ruined it for Me
Couldn't agree more w/ Prendergast's review concerning the laughable typos. I thought the proof reader or editor of the version I had must be abusing drugs themselves! How distracting to read a so called "classic" and find it reading like a HS sophomore paper - and a drunk sophomore at that! I somehow managed to finish the book, but came on Amazon immediately following it to see if others read the same erroneous version. Weird. Typos, poor punctuation, etc. ruined it for me.
Excessive Typos Ruined it for Me Couldn't agree more w/ Prendergast's review concerning the laughable typos. I thought the proof reader or editor of the version I had must be abusing drugs themselves! How distracting to read a so called "classic" and find it reading like a HS sophomore paper - and a drunk sophomore at that! I somehow managed to finish the book, but came on Amazon immediately following it to see if others read the same erroneous version. Weird. Typos, poor punctuation, etc. ruined it for me.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.6152326464653015}
entertaining action movie SPOILERS
the main reason why i waited up until 2 in the morning cause i am a fan of chris lambert i saw it id say it was excellent of the action and the acting done by chris lambert and ice t.Great action AND I WAS DISSAPIONTED when christopher lambert was told by marcus that he killed his daughter when he didnt and so they killed each other and that ugly old woman who can t even act probably old enough to look like shes 50 mabye she is.So it was very entaining worth a watch.
entertaining action movie SPOILERS the main reason why i waited up until 2 in the morning cause i am a fan of chris lambert i saw it id say it was excellent of the action and the acting done by chris lambert and ice t.Great action AND I WAS DISSAPIONTED when christopher lambert was told by marcus that he killed his daughter when he didnt and so they killed each other and that ugly old woman who can t even act probably old enough to look like shes 50 mabye she is.So it was very entaining worth a watch.
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.42826053500175476}
one more positive note
Don't know if anyone else has addresed this. I have been building my barn shop for 7 years now. The book covers many of my thoughts and concerns. Would have wanted this sooner than later. Points raised for consideration. Noise and sound. I put in some wood walls, painted white and sealed against moisture, but I fussed with that or drywall. I considered my own sound issues and went with wood. But after reading some of the author's comments I will be spending extra time for fire protection and sound absorption when I do other parts of the shop. Not for me alone, but for my nieghbors as well. Good book to read before, during or contemplating a shop. Hey, we get to find out about how the masters of wood roughed it as well.
one more positive note Don't know if anyone else has addresed this. I have been building my barn shop for 7 years now. The book covers many of my thoughts and concerns. Would have wanted this sooner than later. Points raised for consideration. Noise and sound. I put in some wood walls, painted white and sealed against moisture, but I fussed with that or drywall. I considered my own sound issues and went with wood. But after reading some of the author's comments I will be spending extra time for fire protection and sound absorption when I do other parts of the shop. Not for me alone, but for my nieghbors as well. Good book to read before, during or contemplating a shop. Hey, we get to find out about how the masters of wood roughed it as well.
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.520388126373291}
Criminally stupid mistake to not provide the orginal sound
Don't buy this Video. With DVD technology it would have been a no-brainer to provide both sound tracks, the original Aussie version and the rotten American dubbed version. These dopes chose to give us the one that nobody wants. Perhaps if nobody buys it they'll get a clue.
Criminally stupid mistake to not provide the orginal sound Don't buy this Video. With DVD technology it would have been a no-brainer to provide both sound tracks, the original Aussie version and the rotten American dubbed version. These dopes chose to give us the one that nobody wants. Perhaps if nobody buys it they'll get a clue.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.9231136441230774}
This is the movie that introduced me to the awesomeness of action movies of the 1980's
This is probably Mel Gibson's first film. A film he's done while he was in his 20's. There is no doubt that he would become a great star in his native Australia, but this film launched him as an international movie star. Especially since they released Mad Max 2 which was universally released as "The Road Warrior." And "The Road Warrior" is one of my Top Ten favorite films of the 1980's.Sure, Mad Max has some of that cheesy seventies style, but it definitely introduced us to a new kind of nameless hero which became the common theme of all upcoming action films even being made today."Mad Max" is that one film, being over 30 years old, that can still be loved and cherished by people even less than 20 years old today. This film is a classic in the "action hero" dramas for movie lovers who enjoy building a respectable movie library amongst their own home theatre.
This is the movie that introduced me to the awesomeness of action movies of the 1980's This is probably Mel Gibson's first film. A film he's done while he was in his 20's. There is no doubt that he would become a great star in his native Australia, but this film launched him as an international movie star. Especially since they released Mad Max 2 which was universally released as "The Road Warrior." And "The Road Warrior" is one of my Top Ten favorite films of the 1980's.Sure, Mad Max has some of that cheesy seventies style, but it definitely introduced us to a new kind of nameless hero which became the common theme of all upcoming action films even being made today."Mad Max" is that one film, being over 30 years old, that can still be loved and cherished by people even less than 20 years old today. This film is a classic in the "action hero" dramas for movie lovers who enjoy building a respectable movie library amongst their own home theatre.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.7560783624649048}
Great DVD packed with a ton of features!
I've seen Mad Max dozens of times, but after watching the new SE DVD it was like watching it again for the very first time! That is not an exaggeration. The new DVD offers the choice of the poorly dubbed US soundtrack or the original Australian soundtrack. Watch the original track! The pacing of the film changes entirely, as do the characters. The original soundtrack breathes new life into this film.The features are great, there's a trivia track that pops up info about the production, cars, and Aussie slang terms used as you watch it, 2 documentaries, TV spots, theater trailer, and more.The print is fabulous, and it turns out this is a film you really need to see in widescreen. Having seen it both ways now I can tell you that the pan & scanned version misses a lot of the stuntwork and chase scene action. If you've seen this movie in the past and thought, 'It was OK' this new DVD will have you saying, 'It was great!'
Great DVD packed with a ton of features! I've seen Mad Max dozens of times, but after watching the new SE DVD it was like watching it again for the very first time! That is not an exaggeration. The new DVD offers the choice of the poorly dubbed US soundtrack or the original Australian soundtrack. Watch the original track! The pacing of the film changes entirely, as do the characters. The original soundtrack breathes new life into this film.The features are great, there's a trivia track that pops up info about the production, cars, and Aussie slang terms used as you watch it, 2 documentaries, TV spots, theater trailer, and more.The print is fabulous, and it turns out this is a film you really need to see in widescreen. Having seen it both ways now I can tell you that the pan & scanned version misses a lot of the stuntwork and chase scene action. If you've seen this movie in the past and thought, 'It was OK' this new DVD will have you saying, 'It was great!'
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.5867274403572083}
This was the absolute WORST book that I have ever read. It the dullest, most boring thing since I learned algebra. After the first chapter, I already wanted to kill myself. But I gave it another chance. And another, and another, and another. I was continually dissapointecd. DO NOT WASTE YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY ON THIS ABORATION OF A BOOK!
AWFUL This was the absolute WORST book that I have ever read. It the dullest, most boring thing since I learned algebra. After the first chapter, I already wanted to kill myself. But I gave it another chance. And another, and another, and another. I was continually dissapointecd. DO NOT WASTE YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY ON THIS ABORATION OF A BOOK!
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.9750969409942627}
Oh, my God! It's Stereolab!!!
Ever since I got this album since last summer, I kept on thinking what this album will sound like. I never wanted to stop listening to this album, because their music is so spectacular. If you heard the first track, Laetitia kinda does the loud humming and someone keeps on playing the synthesizer. It reminds me of the Beatles' eerie song "Revolution 9" from the "White Album." I could've just imagined while listening to "Baby Lulu" and it makes your mind clear with soothing and beautiful sounds. This is the best album I've ever heard, and I listen to this album while I study and you should listen to this while you're at work or home. Stereolab totally gets your stresses away by listening to them. Bye-Bye! :-)
Oh, my God! It's Stereolab!!! Ever since I got this album since last summer, I kept on thinking what this album will sound like. I never wanted to stop listening to this album, because their music is so spectacular. If you heard the first track, Laetitia kinda does the loud humming and someone keeps on playing the synthesizer. It reminds me of the Beatles' eerie song "Revolution 9" from the "White Album." I could've just imagined while listening to "Baby Lulu" and it makes your mind clear with soothing and beautiful sounds. This is the best album I've ever heard, and I listen to this album while I study and you should listen to this while you're at work or home. Stereolab totally gets your stresses away by listening to them. Bye-Bye! :-)
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.9439913034439087}
Perfect Family Fun!!!
This is a very funny movie that stars Martin Short as Murray, a bumbling fairy god-mother who can hardly do anything right. His first job is helping Anabel Greening, played by Mara Wilson. Anabel's wish is that her dad is auditioning for a part in a broadway musical, and she wants him to get the part. Unfortunately, Murray accidentally turns her dad into a statue. When Anabel, her brother Charlie, and Murray go to NAFGAa and tell the Queen of the Fairy Godmothers what happened, she tells Anabel that if they don't reverse the spell by midnight, he will remain a statue forever. Before they can do that, they have to get the wands back from the evil Claudia. I highly recommend A SIMPLE WISH!!!
Perfect Family Fun!!! This is a very funny movie that stars Martin Short as Murray, a bumbling fairy god-mother who can hardly do anything right. His first job is helping Anabel Greening, played by Mara Wilson. Anabel's wish is that her dad is auditioning for a part in a broadway musical, and she wants him to get the part. Unfortunately, Murray accidentally turns her dad into a statue. When Anabel, her brother Charlie, and Murray go to NAFGAa and tell the Queen of the Fairy Godmothers what happened, she tells Anabel that if they don't reverse the spell by midnight, he will remain a statue forever. Before they can do that, they have to get the wands back from the evil Claudia. I highly recommend A SIMPLE WISH!!!
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.5902985334396362}
Great kids movie
The Kids loved this movie Martin Short is hillarious. The fact that it still teaches kids you dont always get what you ask for.
Great kids movie The Kids loved this movie Martin Short is hillarious. The fact that it still teaches kids you dont always get what you ask for.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.5845390558242798}
This movie has the little girl from Matilda and Martin Short. Good family picture , we loved it. Came in excellent condition!
Funny This movie has the little girl from Matilda and Martin Short. Good family picture , we loved it. Came in excellent condition!
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.5111243724822998}
Excellent Album
I have known Kenneth copland since 1973. He has always set very high standards for the recording & prpduction of all his albums. This album is no exception.
Excellent Album I have known Kenneth copland since 1973. He has always set very high standards for the recording & prpduction of all his albums. This album is no exception.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.8737955689430237}
Well Played Kid's Music
Trout Fishing In America make kids music, they do it well, and the album probably will stand up to the death play the kids will give it, even with adults, although I highly doubt many adults will listen to it for it's own merits. If you need a CD for your kids to listen to that won't drive you crazy, you have found it, but otherwise this is probably not a CD you want to own.
Well Played Kid's Music Trout Fishing In America make kids music, they do it well, and the album probably will stand up to the death play the kids will give it, even with adults, although I highly doubt many adults will listen to it for it's own merits. If you need a CD for your kids to listen to that won't drive you crazy, you have found it, but otherwise this is probably not a CD you want to own.
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.6458346247673035}
Highway Robbery
It always amazes me how some outside vendors try to gouge consumers with their highly over-priced items on here. You can bet I'll never buy anything from this vendor, even if it is a great deal.This is a ridiculously high price for Red Bull. On sale in the stores one can find it for $1.50/can. Why would someone pay more than that online? Caveat emptor --- let the buyer beware!
Highway Robbery It always amazes me how some outside vendors try to gouge consumers with their highly over-priced items on here. You can bet I'll never buy anything from this vendor, even if it is a great deal.This is a ridiculously high price for Red Bull. On sale in the stores one can find it for $1.50/can. Why would someone pay more than that online? Caveat emptor --- let the buyer beware!
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.7623644471168518}
i also really loved the book. it showed two strong willed people who are, at first glance, totally wrong for each other! i mean, a centuries old vampire, and a vampire slayer? it was ironic! i also liked that even though Quin was a cold fish on the outside, inside he was just as lonely as Rashel, even if he rarely admitted it. i loved the book and couldn't put it down! if u haven't read it yet, do so!
well.... i also really loved the book. it showed two strong willed people who are, at first glance, totally wrong for each other! i mean, a centuries old vampire, and a vampire slayer? it was ironic! i also liked that even though Quin was a cold fish on the outside, inside he was just as lonely as Rashel, even if he rarely admitted it. i loved the book and couldn't put it down! if u haven't read it yet, do so!
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.4810301661491394}
Where are the woodwinds?
The performances seem fine. The recording is a mess. The woodwinds are LOST in the intro to Festive Overture because there is too much reverberation. The mics must have been placed in the back of an empty hall (more like a cavern). This is a real disappointment because the orchestra is outstanding. This is a one listen CD... then file it away forever.
Where are the woodwinds? The performances seem fine. The recording is a mess. The woodwinds are LOST in the intro to Festive Overture because there is too much reverberation. The mics must have been placed in the back of an empty hall (more like a cavern). This is a real disappointment because the orchestra is outstanding. This is a one listen CD... then file it away forever.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.4671568274497986}
Vivid colors; tight fit only lasts a few times
This puzzle has lovely graphics and a sturdy construction. As others have mentioned, the pieces are tight and difficult to maneuver right out of the box, because they are all wood and cut from one piece. After about three uses, however, they are now smooth and fit together well. I have not had a problem with splinters, but if you are too rough when you first break apart the pieces, I could see how splinters might develop.My 21-month old daughter loves this puzzle, and had no trouble putting it together without a visual "guide." The colors of each area are very distinguishable, so it's pretty easy to determine where each piece connects. We are happy customers!
Vivid colors; tight fit only lasts a few times This puzzle has lovely graphics and a sturdy construction. As others have mentioned, the pieces are tight and difficult to maneuver right out of the box, because they are all wood and cut from one piece. After about three uses, however, they are now smooth and fit together well. I have not had a problem with splinters, but if you are too rough when you first break apart the pieces, I could see how splinters might develop.My 21-month old daughter loves this puzzle, and had no trouble putting it together without a visual "guide." The colors of each area are very distinguishable, so it's pretty easy to determine where each piece connects. We are happy customers!
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.7185893654823303}
These Shoes are made for walking.
In the Merrill way these are great shoes. As my daughter says, "Merrills are a hug for the feet." Even though there are minimal straps they are in the right places and adjustable. These go everywhere! I love them.
These Shoes are made for walking. In the Merrill way these are great shoes. As my daughter says, "Merrills are a hug for the feet." Even though there are minimal straps they are in the right places and adjustable. These go everywhere! I love them.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.8520541787147522}
Persuasive book with an unusual approach
The book details many or most of the important dynamics of the war as it took place within a single provice. In the process Bergerud reveals much about what is important to know about the war as a whole.For me personally this is possibly the most important Vietnam book I've read. This is because it provided me a framework for understanding the war, from the beginning of American involvement to the end, that I still use.For many readers, this could be an important first book to read about Vietnam and America's relations to it.
Persuasive book with an unusual approach The book details many or most of the important dynamics of the war as it took place within a single provice. In the process Bergerud reveals much about what is important to know about the war as a whole.For me personally this is possibly the most important Vietnam book I've read. This is because it provided me a framework for understanding the war, from the beginning of American involvement to the end, that I still use.For many readers, this could be an important first book to read about Vietnam and America's relations to it.
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.5798024535179138}
Another Sensual Gem from this Composer
This is yet another lush, shimmering pscyo-erotic opera by Franz Schreker, wonderfully performed by the forces involved -- I suggest you just read the review of 02/12/04 to get a good summary of the surreal plot. At least one other reviewer has termed it not as a good as the composer's masterpiece, Die Gezeichneten, and while I wouldn't disagree with that judgement, this music drama comes pretty close to matching its sibling, particularly in the second half. Other than Mozart, Bizet's Carmen and a small handful of others, I'm not a great opera fan but Schreker's output in this genre to be absolutely stunning. Highly recommended.
Another Sensual Gem from this Composer This is yet another lush, shimmering pscyo-erotic opera by Franz Schreker, wonderfully performed by the forces involved -- I suggest you just read the review of 02/12/04 to get a good summary of the surreal plot. At least one other reviewer has termed it not as a good as the composer's masterpiece, Die Gezeichneten, and while I wouldn't disagree with that judgement, this music drama comes pretty close to matching its sibling, particularly in the second half. Other than Mozart, Bizet's Carmen and a small handful of others, I'm not a great opera fan but Schreker's output in this genre to be absolutely stunning. Highly recommended.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.5065312385559082}
Kingston Technology KVR133X64C3/ 256 PC133 256MB 32MX64
Works great. Just snap it into the slot and turn on my pc. In a few seconds I was up and running and my pc working much faster that before
Kingston Technology KVR133X64C3/ 256 PC133 256MB 32MX64 Works great. Just snap it into the slot and turn on my pc. In a few seconds I was up and running and my pc working much faster that before
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.7222664952278137}
You'll enjoy this CD
I got a huge kick out of Vinny's interpretations of the Beatles' songs that they never recorded. Sure. they ver due elements from the later years that they should have skipped, as has been written here. But the don't mimic previous covers, but try to recreate the early Beatle sound. It's light and it's fun. It's is not a must have as a Beatles fan, but I think you'll get a big kick out of this disc.
You'll enjoy this CD I got a huge kick out of Vinny's interpretations of the Beatles' songs that they never recorded. Sure. they ver due elements from the later years that they should have skipped, as has been written here. But the don't mimic previous covers, but try to recreate the early Beatle sound. It's light and it's fun. It's is not a must have as a Beatles fan, but I think you'll get a big kick out of this disc.
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.6914663314819336}
Madonna is a great singer
Madonna is a great singer who sings an even better musical. She is so full of emotion that on her last wispers of "Lament" it actually sounds like she is about to enter immortality. While in the song "Beuonos Aires" she sounds like a ambitious young girl yelling for attention. She is a great actor. If I could change one thing it would be to switch Jimmy Nail and Jonathin Pryce because Nail should sing more songs and Price should sing less.
Madonna is a great singer Madonna is a great singer who sings an even better musical. She is so full of emotion that on her last wispers of "Lament" it actually sounds like she is about to enter immortality. While in the song "Beuonos Aires" she sounds like a ambitious young girl yelling for attention. She is a great actor. If I could change one thing it would be to switch Jimmy Nail and Jonathin Pryce because Nail should sing more songs and Price should sing less.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.4682798683643341}
All I can say is wow! I never thought Madonna could sing like this. Now I am a huge fan of hers. Antonio Banderas's accent makes him fit the part of Che very nicely. The songs are incomparable. If I could change one thing it would be Jonathan Pryce because he has an annoying voice.
EVITA! EVITA! EVITA! EVITA! EVITA! EVITA! All I can say is wow! I never thought Madonna could sing like this. Now I am a huge fan of hers. Antonio Banderas's accent makes him fit the part of Che very nicely. The songs are incomparable. If I could change one thing it would be Jonathan Pryce because he has an annoying voice.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.816239058971405}
Disappointed in product quality and support
After returning the first version of this product because of constant paper jams, the replacement would not recognize the printer drivers from the first or allow me to replace them. In trying to overcome this through HP's support line, the recorded message said I would be directed to a representative and then promptly cut off the call (twice). Returned that version also.
Disappointed in product quality and support After returning the first version of this product because of constant paper jams, the replacement would not recognize the printer drivers from the first or allow me to replace them. In trying to overcome this through HP's support line, the recorded message said I would be directed to a representative and then promptly cut off the call (twice). Returned that version also.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.46989622712135315}
A text book worth keeping for reference
This is a text book that I will not be selling back! I like the reference style set-up, with tabbed pages. I am sure I will be referring to it throughout the rest of my college courses.
A text book worth keeping for reference This is a text book that I will not be selling back! I like the reference style set-up, with tabbed pages. I am sure I will be referring to it throughout the rest of my college courses.
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.5392963886260986}
A small leak, right out of the box
I had to try sleeping on it the first night - in a couple of hours it was less firm, which made it difficult to roll around on. It didn't take long to realize that buying this bed was a mistake.Returning it will be very difficult because it is almost impossible to fit it back in its original carton (because one cannot evacuate all of the residual air necessary to make it fold up small enough). Prospective buyers should be mindful of this.
A small leak, right out of the box I had to try sleeping on it the first night - in a couple of hours it was less firm, which made it difficult to roll around on. It didn't take long to realize that buying this bed was a mistake.Returning it will be very difficult because it is almost impossible to fit it back in its original carton (because one cannot evacuate all of the residual air necessary to make it fold up small enough). Prospective buyers should be mindful of this.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.5247469544410706}
Did not last long
We used this for less than 21 days for a guest. It does everything as advertised except that it began to leak air; by the time you wake up in the morning, it has shrunk to less than half it's inflated height. There is a patch kit included but we could not find where the air was coming out. We had to return it to Amazon. We bought a single folding bed instead with a memory foam mattress, not compact but less risky than an airbed.
Did not last long We used this for less than 21 days for a guest. It does everything as advertised except that it began to leak air; by the time you wake up in the morning, it has shrunk to less than half it's inflated height. There is a patch kit included but we could not find where the air was coming out. We had to return it to Amazon. We bought a single folding bed instead with a memory foam mattress, not compact but less risky than an airbed.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.5992499589920044}
It's a great value!
I purchased a twin size Intex pillow airbed and was so impressed with the quality that I ordered a second. It was easy to inflate, held it's firmness, was VERY easy to take down and easily stored. Now when my granddaughters come to visit, they have their own bed and great pajama parties.
It's a great value! I purchased a twin size Intex pillow airbed and was so impressed with the quality that I ordered a second. It was easy to inflate, held it's firmness, was VERY easy to take down and easily stored. Now when my granddaughters come to visit, they have their own bed and great pajama parties.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.925385057926178}
Great bed for guests
I highly recommend this item, and it's a great price with Amazon Prime.My son uses this whenever he sleeps over. He loves it, says that it's like sleeping on a cloud. With the electric pump, which is attached, it inflates and deflates super fast. It also folds up into a rather small rectangle, and it comes with a canvas bag for store.
Great bed for guests I highly recommend this item, and it's a great price with Amazon Prime.My son uses this whenever he sleeps over. He loves it, says that it's like sleeping on a cloud. With the electric pump, which is attached, it inflates and deflates super fast. It also folds up into a rather small rectangle, and it comes with a canvas bag for store.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.7745233774185181}
comfortable sleep
I found this air bed to be perfect for 1 person. The ease in filling, the height, all exceptional!I would reccomend this bed to anyone.
comfortable sleep I found this air bed to be perfect for 1 person. The ease in filling, the height, all exceptional!I would reccomend this bed to anyone.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.8798931837081909}
Intex Pillow Rest Twin Airbed with Built-in Electric Pump
This product is very difficult for me to use. The air pump does not connect easily and I would not recommend it.
Intex Pillow Rest Twin Airbed with Built-in Electric Pump This product is very difficult for me to use. The air pump does not connect easily and I would not recommend it.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.5208063721656799}
Great Bed for Guests
Bought this for my Grandson to sleep on when the family came to visit over Christmas. It is wonderful. . . super easy to inflate (and deflate) nicely raised off the floor and he said it was very comfortable. Grandma scored a home run on this one!
Great Bed for Guests Bought this for my Grandson to sleep on when the family came to visit over Christmas. It is wonderful. . . super easy to inflate (and deflate) nicely raised off the floor and he said it was very comfortable. Grandma scored a home run on this one!
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.8501875996589661}
Intex pillow rest twin airbed with built in electric pump
Excellent value for the money. Convenient and comfortable, I just wish it was a little higher. I would recommend this product.
Intex pillow rest twin airbed with built in electric pump Excellent value for the money. Convenient and comfortable, I just wish it was a little higher. I would recommend this product.
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.7262248992919922}
Do Not Buy
Inflates like a charm, then deflates under the weight of a child within 3-6 hours, I should have gone with my gut and purchased another Aerobed because the one I already have (queen) has worked for > 7 years.
Do Not Buy Inflates like a charm, then deflates under the weight of a child within 3-6 hours, I should have gone with my gut and purchased another Aerobed because the one I already have (queen) has worked for > 7 years.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.8694924116134644}
It would be great if it stayed inflated!
I have purchased two of these air mattresses. When inflated, they are great. But, during the night, they slowing deflate. I have yet to discover how to keep these mattresses inflated for eight full hours. I wish I would have bought a different air mattress.
It would be great if it stayed inflated! I have purchased two of these air mattresses. When inflated, they are great. But, during the night, they slowing deflate. I have yet to discover how to keep these mattresses inflated for eight full hours. I wish I would have bought a different air mattress.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.48507076501846313}
Valve broke after a couple of uses
My mother bought this bed for my 5 year old to use when we visited on weekends. Worked great the first 4 or so times she used it. But now the valve that lets the air out won't close. It spins, but does not seal shut so you can't inflate the mattress. Very poor quality.
Valve broke after a couple of uses My mother bought this bed for my 5 year old to use when we visited on weekends. Worked great the first 4 or so times she used it. But now the valve that lets the air out won't close. It spins, but does not seal shut so you can't inflate the mattress. Very poor quality.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.5633917450904846}
Ecelente producto
Funciono sin ningun inconveniente de acuerdo a lo informado en las caracteristicas.Recomiedo el mismo a todo el que necesite un colchon inflabe comodo y de rapido armado.Muy bueno el sistema de bomba de aire incorporado al mismo elemento, no esnecesario nada mas para utilizarlo.
Ecelente producto Funciono sin ningun inconveniente de acuerdo a lo informado en las caracteristicas.Recomiedo el mismo a todo el que necesite un colchon inflabe comodo y de rapido armado.Muy bueno el sistema de bomba de aire incorporado al mismo elemento, no esnecesario nada mas para utilizarlo.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.4710054397583008}
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.9764401316642761}
Intex pillow rest twin mattress is a flop
We bought these beds in September for our grandchildren to sleep on when they visit. They are 6 and 7 and weigh under 50 pounds. These beds can not make it through one single night inflated. We either have to get up during the night and re-inflate them or the kids will wake us up because the mattresses have lost so much air they are uncomfortable.We've had to repair both beds because they develop pin holes from being folded when we put them away and you can hear air escaping around the area where the beds inflate themselves.I'm very disappointed in this product and will not buy another air mattress from this company since it's clear their quality has gone down hill drastically since we bought their double bed seven years ago.My opinion is "save your money and find another solution for guests to sleep on", that's what we're doing now.
Intex pillow rest twin mattress is a flop We bought these beds in September for our grandchildren to sleep on when they visit. They are 6 and 7 and weigh under 50 pounds. These beds can not make it through one single night inflated. We either have to get up during the night and re-inflate them or the kids will wake us up because the mattresses have lost so much air they are uncomfortable.We've had to repair both beds because they develop pin holes from being folded when we put them away and you can hear air escaping around the area where the beds inflate themselves.I'm very disappointed in this product and will not buy another air mattress from this company since it's clear their quality has gone down hill drastically since we bought their double bed seven years ago.My opinion is "save your money and find another solution for guests to sleep on", that's what we're doing now.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.5174484848976135}
I bought this air mattress after researching the site. It is indeed very comfortable and easy to operate and most important of all, NO LEAKING!!!
Comfortable I bought this air mattress after researching the site. It is indeed very comfortable and easy to operate and most important of all, NO LEAKING!!!
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.7821685671806335}
Disappointed but shouldn't be surprised
I saw several people had written about air leaks but at that point the majority appeared to be happy with their purchase. We ordered two twins for our camp. Mine started leaking immediately. My husbands seemed to be good from Spring to nearly Winter when his too began to leak, so bad that both of us were pumping air several times during the night to keep a little bit afloat. That was bad enough but having several friends and family in our bunk house part of the camp awake while doing this pushed it over the edge. My father in law bought the same time my husbands started going down hill so it should be interesting to see if it happens again. Our camp closes down during Winter so Spring will be the big test. I suspect we will go with something a little more expensive and not regret wasting the money we did on these. Then again my hubby is very good at fixing things so maybe there's hope.
Disappointed but shouldn't be surprised I saw several people had written about air leaks but at that point the majority appeared to be happy with their purchase. We ordered two twins for our camp. Mine started leaking immediately. My husbands seemed to be good from Spring to nearly Winter when his too began to leak, so bad that both of us were pumping air several times during the night to keep a little bit afloat. That was bad enough but having several friends and family in our bunk house part of the camp awake while doing this pushed it over the edge. My father in law bought the same time my husbands started going down hill so it should be interesting to see if it happens again. Our camp closes down during Winter so Spring will be the big test. I suspect we will go with something a little more expensive and not regret wasting the money we did on these. Then again my hubby is very good at fixing things so maybe there's hope.
{'label': '3 stars', 'score': 0.5743728876113892}
Works well
The air mattress does blow up in seconds. It is comfortable. It is a little difficult to wrap up and the plug is a little difficult to put back but all and all it was well worth the money. My daughter is using it until she can get her new baby to sleep through the night.
Works well The air mattress does blow up in seconds. It is comfortable. It is a little difficult to wrap up and the plug is a little difficult to put back but all and all it was well worth the money. My daughter is using it until she can get her new baby to sleep through the night.
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.7599378824234009}
Great for the summer
My daughter is living with a couple for the summer. This was an alternative to transporting a regular twin bed 80 miles to their house. She has been very pleased with the quality and ease of use. That is a big deal with her as she has two steel rods in her back. As a college student and missions student, I'm sure it will be used again.
Great for the summer My daughter is living with a couple for the summer. This was an alternative to transporting a regular twin bed 80 miles to their house. She has been very pleased with the quality and ease of use. That is a big deal with her as she has two steel rods in her back. As a college student and missions student, I'm sure it will be used again.
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.5355702638626099}
Quick and Easy
This bed is so easy to use. Just plug it in, turn it on, and walk away. The pump is built in, so you don't have to worry about keeping up with an air pump, using a hairdryer, or finding double D batteries to power your pump.
Quick and Easy This bed is so easy to use. Just plug it in, turn it on, and walk away. The pump is built in, so you don't have to worry about keeping up with an air pump, using a hairdryer, or finding double D batteries to power your pump.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.8004926443099976}
Love it
We recently moved into a smaller place. When my parents came into town, they took my oldest sons room. We needed something for him to sleep on but didn't have much room. This twin airbed by Intex is great! I love the fact that the pump is built in. It doesn't get in the way like I thought it might. My son says it's very comfortable. It's easy to inflate and deflate.
Love it We recently moved into a smaller place. When my parents came into town, they took my oldest sons room. We needed something for him to sleep on but didn't have much room. This twin airbed by Intex is great! I love the fact that the pump is built in. It doesn't get in the way like I thought it might. My son says it's very comfortable. It's easy to inflate and deflate.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.7937576770782471}
Great Find at a Great Price
I needed to replace my airbed but didn't want to spend a fortune. This one works great and it was very economical in comparison to the ones I found in my local bed and bath store.
Great Find at a Great Price I needed to replace my airbed but didn't want to spend a fortune. This one works great and it was very economical in comparison to the ones I found in my local bed and bath store.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.8011592030525208}
Its better then a "normal" bed
I just moved out of my moms house and I did'nt want to bring my huge bed/dressar with me so I got the airbed. Its been 2 months since I moved out and I'm still sleeping on it. You can have it fully inflated for a very firm bed or deflate it for a softer bed. I like mine halfway deflated, its like sleeping on a cloud.
Its better then a "normal" bed I just moved out of my moms house and I did'nt want to bring my huge bed/dressar with me so I got the airbed. Its been 2 months since I moved out and I'm still sleeping on it. You can have it fully inflated for a very firm bed or deflate it for a softer bed. I like mine halfway deflated, its like sleeping on a cloud.
{'label': '3 stars', 'score': 0.5326548218727112}
Electric pump failed
Took it to France and electric pump only worked for a minute and blew. Bought a hand pump to pump it up. It was a painful job. After it was fully pumped the bed was rather comfortable. Decided not to bring home to return because once it was pumped there was no way to deflate to the extend that it would fit back into the original box.
Electric pump failed Took it to France and electric pump only worked for a minute and blew. Bought a hand pump to pump it up. It was a painful job. After it was fully pumped the bed was rather comfortable. Decided not to bring home to return because once it was pumped there was no way to deflate to the extend that it would fit back into the original box.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.7385355830192566}
Excellent product for the price
Durable and EXTREMELY comfortable. Loses a little air over extended use, but adding air very easy.
Excellent product for the price Durable and EXTREMELY comfortable. Loses a little air over extended use, but adding air very easy.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.6395759582519531}
great mattress
I am in Iraq and this mattress is great. It is 100x more comfortable then the things they call mattresses over here.
great mattress I am in Iraq and this mattress is great. It is 100x more comfortable then the things they call mattresses over here.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.9096605181694031}
Would not recommend
I bought this for my off campus residence, and the two months it worked fine...and then the problems began. First, two the curves on the top (not sure what exactly they are called) merged into one so I had to sleep on one half of the bed. Recently, I noticed it was starting to sink and re-inflated it. Shortly afterward I heard some air and found where it was leaking and didn't think too much off it. Then in the middle of sleeping I woke up on the floor and then just gave up on it, and now am having to resort to sleeping on the floor. Tried calling their customer support line and it was backed up, then I found out that the main support line is for their pools. I would recommend a different brand like Coleman, or getting something from Cabela's.
Would not recommend I bought this for my off campus residence, and the two months it worked fine...and then the problems began. First, two the curves on the top (not sure what exactly they are called) merged into one so I had to sleep on one half of the bed. Recently, I noticed it was starting to sink and re-inflated it. Shortly afterward I heard some air and found where it was leaking and didn't think too much off it. Then in the middle of sleeping I woke up on the floor and then just gave up on it, and now am having to resort to sleeping on the floor. Tried calling their customer support line and it was backed up, then I found out that the main support line is for their pools. I would recommend a different brand like Coleman, or getting something from Cabela's.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.5374353528022766}
Is loosing air with ALMOST NO USE!!
I bought this airbed on October 2009, I only used it 3 times and now is loosing air!! How can it loose air like that with only 3 uses?? At the beginning it seams good because is comfortable and tall, but now I can't use it anymore unless I want fill it with air at the middle of the night.
Is loosing air with ALMOST NO USE!! I bought this airbed on October 2009, I only used it 3 times and now is loosing air!! How can it loose air like that with only 3 uses?? At the beginning it seams good because is comfortable and tall, but now I can't use it anymore unless I want fill it with air at the middle of the night.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.5211701393127441}
The Best Air Mattress EVER!!!
I love this air mattress so much. It is so easy to inflate and deflate and it is quick too. It is very sturdy and durable as well. Over all it is an excellent gift to anyone who expects to travel and stay over at someone's place or even if you have a lot of guests yourself
The Best Air Mattress EVER!!! I love this air mattress so much. It is so easy to inflate and deflate and it is quick too. It is very sturdy and durable as well. Over all it is an excellent gift to anyone who expects to travel and stay over at someone's place or even if you have a lot of guests yourself
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.9787014722824097}
Bought the Intex pillow rest for visits/visitors. Inflation is quick, quiet and easy. Deflation works the same. Slight loss of air by early morning. Fits back into tote nicely, take an extra moment when flattened to tuck the sides between the upper and lower fabric, fold in thirds length wise, then role from bottom toward pump/pillow end. Easy to tote and store.
Fantastic Bought the Intex pillow rest for visits/visitors. Inflation is quick, quiet and easy. Deflation works the same. Slight loss of air by early morning. Fits back into tote nicely, take an extra moment when flattened to tuck the sides between the upper and lower fabric, fold in thirds length wise, then role from bottom toward pump/pillow end. Easy to tote and store.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.8830327391624451}
Better than the Queen size bed
I bought this to replace my queen size Intex bed that exploded inside (only lasted 6-8months...). I like the twin size way better because it feels more reliable with full air than the queen size. I think the queen size was just too big that too much weigh in one area caused the explosion inside. The twin size is just perfect and it makes my room look even bigger. If you're looking for a bed for just yourself, this should be perfect!
Better than the Queen size bed I bought this to replace my queen size Intex bed that exploded inside (only lasted 6-8months...). I like the twin size way better because it feels more reliable with full air than the queen size. I think the queen size was just too big that too much weigh in one area caused the explosion inside. The twin size is just perfect and it makes my room look even bigger. If you're looking for a bed for just yourself, this should be perfect!
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.5324226021766663}
Step's Best Work So Far!
I have been a fan of Step Rideau and the Zydeco Outlaws since I purchased their CD "Standing Room Only." "I'm So Glad" has quickly become my favorite. Some tunes are folksy with a zydeco flare and others are very zydeco. This is a "must buy" for zydeco lovers. If the Grammys had a catagory for zydeco, Step would win for performer of the year.
Step's Best Work So Far! I have been a fan of Step Rideau and the Zydeco Outlaws since I purchased their CD "Standing Room Only." "I'm So Glad" has quickly become my favorite. Some tunes are folksy with a zydeco flare and others are very zydeco. This is a "must buy" for zydeco lovers. If the Grammys had a catagory for zydeco, Step would win for performer of the year.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.9029093980789185}
200 bucks?
I paid 95 at comp usa (known for being overpriced) over a year ago.anyways, The case doesn't get the best air so I'd recommend getting more fans.If you have problems with the front USB hubs (pc freezes when you plug something in them), unplug the very BOTTOM black wire.[r|r][w|w][g|g][b|b][b|[]
200 bucks? I paid 95 at comp usa (known for being overpriced) over a year ago.anyways, The case doesn't get the best air so I'd recommend getting more fans.If you have problems with the front USB hubs (pc freezes when you plug something in them), unplug the very BOTTOM black wire.[r|r][w|w][g|g][b|b][b|[]
{'label': '3 stars', 'score': 0.4119842052459717}
DVD review
Very good comprehensive review on The Band. Gives good insight into the individual members and why some of their songs were written. A good addition to my collection.
DVD review Very good comprehensive review on The Band. Gives good insight into the individual members and why some of their songs were written. A good addition to my collection.
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.6864727139472961}
Not worth the money
Not what I thought I was getting. I don't think jell is as enjoyable as the silicone and unfortunately I had to pay to find out.
Not worth the money Not what I thought I was getting. I don't think jell is as enjoyable as the silicone and unfortunately I had to pay to find out.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.6280425190925598}
It was good, is not like out of this world and really amazing, but it works soooooo good! If you put a lot of pressure when your using it, it turns off automatically, that sucks!
good It was good, is not like out of this world and really amazing, but it works soooooo good! If you put a lot of pressure when your using it, it turns off automatically, that sucks!
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.5327473878860474}
Too Expensive
I used it once and have not touched it since, the dolfin wont stay on my clit and the clear stuuf is too soft, Waste of MONEY
Too Expensive I used it once and have not touched it since, the dolfin wont stay on my clit and the clear stuuf is too soft, Waste of MONEY
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.6047244668006897}
No way!
This product worked for 4-5 times the the rotation stopped working. Batteries run out or lose power after 3-4 uses. I would read reviews before buying another one... I am looking into the Hitachi wand massager now and I believe I will buy it since is a power operated toy and will never run out of power.Not impressed with this product.
No way! This product worked for 4-5 times the the rotation stopped working. Batteries run out or lose power after 3-4 uses. I would read reviews before buying another one... I am looking into the Hitachi wand massager now and I believe I will buy it since is a power operated toy and will never run out of power.Not impressed with this product.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.7824394702911377}
Not worth the money
What a let down. I was so excited to get this because of the reviews, but when I tried it, it did nothing. First, it is very heavy and hard to hold (if you are using it by yourself). Second, it hurts your clitoris. It is very sharp on the ears, that's the part that goes on you clit. I'm almost temped to cut them off. Third and forth, it smells and it is very loud.I've tried it about 4 times, trying to get used to it. My husband has tried to use it on me too. No luck at all. This is not worth the money.
Not worth the money What a let down. I was so excited to get this because of the reviews, but when I tried it, it did nothing. First, it is very heavy and hard to hold (if you are using it by yourself). Second, it hurts your clitoris. It is very sharp on the ears, that's the part that goes on you clit. I'm almost temped to cut them off. Third and forth, it smells and it is very loud.I've tried it about 4 times, trying to get used to it. My husband has tried to use it on me too. No luck at all. This is not worth the money.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.7462316751480103}
GREAT prodct
For those wondering, like myself, this DOES come in a discrete package. Now, as for the actual product? OMG I've never felt something like this before. This is my first official toy, and I am sooooo pleased! It's a little large, and kinda hard but that's okay. Works wonderfully. I would definitely recommend, especially for the price.
GREAT prodct For those wondering, like myself, this DOES come in a discrete package. Now, as for the actual product? OMG I've never felt something like this before. This is my first official toy, and I am sooooo pleased! It's a little large, and kinda hard but that's okay. Works wonderfully. I would definitely recommend, especially for the price.
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.5084227919578552}
This was much bigger then I had anticipated, that being my own fault. But the reason I gave it only 1 star is because the plastic was so hard it hurt! The bunny for my clit irritated it and was not one bit pleasurable. So my man suggested I turn it around and then my taint became irritated! Not one bit pleased with this product.
Awful This was much bigger then I had anticipated, that being my own fault. But the reason I gave it only 1 star is because the plastic was so hard it hurt! The bunny for my clit irritated it and was not one bit pleasurable. So my man suggested I turn it around and then my taint became irritated! Not one bit pleased with this product.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.958926796913147}
Too big!
While I LOVE the jack rabbit feature, the vibrator is overall too big for me to use. I can sort slip it inside but its tight and not very comfortable. Maybe because its too big, I cannot feel the beads at all, I don't think they have any room to move. The vibrator is also quite heavy. It would be perfect if it were more slender. So girls who are not very big down there might not want to buy this product.
Too big! While I LOVE the jack rabbit feature, the vibrator is overall too big for me to use. I can sort slip it inside but its tight and not very comfortable. Maybe because its too big, I cannot feel the beads at all, I don't think they have any room to move. The vibrator is also quite heavy. It would be perfect if it were more slender. So girls who are not very big down there might not want to buy this product.
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.6272130012512207}
I was misguided by the review ratings... in all honesty, this product is awful. It has a toxic smell to it, and the "bunny ears" cause more pain than pleasure. I don't recommend this product.
Awful! I was misguided by the review ratings... in all honesty, this product is awful. It has a toxic smell to it, and the "bunny ears" cause more pain than pleasure. I don't recommend this product.
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.9471533894538879}
I am very hard to please because I like both clitoral stimulation and vaginal penitration! This item does not work for what I intended it for! I tried it twice and hated it both times I was so worked up from trying to make it work that I had to switch back to my bullet! I gave it to my best friend after swabing it down with rubing alcohol! She loves it she says it does the trick but it is deff not for me!
HATE IT! I am very hard to please because I like both clitoral stimulation and vaginal penitration! This item does not work for what I intended it for! I tried it twice and hated it both times I was so worked up from trying to make it work that I had to switch back to my bullet! I gave it to my best friend after swabing it down with rubing alcohol! She loves it she says it does the trick but it is deff not for me!
{'label': '1 star', 'score': 0.6016144156455994}
Fantastic (and FAST!)
This is definitely better than my last jackrabbit and much higher quality! :) I got the clear one cause like other reviews say, your eye really doesn't jump to it if it is left out and it just looks more mature and less bubble-gum "my first vibrator" hahaha!It's really QUIET for something that moves/does so much and it is more powerful than I expected. I had to keep it on the medium settings for both the rotation and vibration - but even THAT got the job down in 26 seconds (yeah, I timed it). This might take some getting used to for some but I absolutely love it!The only downside of this is that the rabbit ears part needs to be a little more "lifted" off the shaft so you can position it in more ways over you than just the one. People have been complaining of a weird plastic smell and it kind of does have A smell but only if you physically put your nose right on the thing and inhale - and it went away after 2 or 3 washes.I highly recommend buying this!
Fantastic (and FAST!) This is definitely better than my last jackrabbit and much higher quality! :) I got the clear one cause like other reviews say, your eye really doesn't jump to it if it is left out and it just looks more mature and less bubble-gum "my first vibrator" hahaha!It's really QUIET for something that moves/does so much and it is more powerful than I expected. I had to keep it on the medium settings for both the rotation and vibration - but even THAT got the job down in 26 seconds (yeah, I timed it). This might take some getting used to for some but I absolutely love it!The only downside of this is that the rabbit ears part needs to be a little more "lifted" off the shaft so you can position it in more ways over you than just the one. People have been complaining of a weird plastic smell and it kind of does have A smell but only if you physically put your nose right on the thing and inhale - and it went away after 2 or 3 washes.I highly recommend buying this!
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.5226956009864807}
After 6 years, this album is still awesome.
This album contains danceable techno and mellow techno (trancey/ambient). Unlike most albums, ALL of the songs on this album are great. You'll definitely get your money's worth from this album. And even though it's over 6 years old, the music still sounds brilliant. Like Michael Stipe of R.E.M. said, this album was several years ahead of its time.
After 6 years, this album is still awesome. This album contains danceable techno and mellow techno (trancey/ambient). Unlike most albums, ALL of the songs on this album are great. You'll definitely get your money's worth from this album. And even though it's over 6 years old, the music still sounds brilliant. Like Michael Stipe of R.E.M. said, this album was several years ahead of its time.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.7517526745796204}
I'm glad I didn't pay for it.
I received this as a Christmas gift from a friend who knows I like hot tea. ALL of the tea was some variation on flavors of green tea. I avoid drinking caffein, which green tea contains, so I gave away all of the tea and kept the chest to fill with my own selections. The chest is kind of cheap (paper glued over something, as described by another reviewer). It's pretty, but I don't expect it to hold up.
I'm glad I didn't pay for it. I received this as a Christmas gift from a friend who knows I like hot tea. ALL of the tea was some variation on flavors of green tea. I avoid drinking caffein, which green tea contains, so I gave away all of the tea and kept the chest to fill with my own selections. The chest is kind of cheap (paper glued over something, as described by another reviewer). It's pretty, but I don't expect it to hold up.
{'label': '3 stars', 'score': 0.4079177677631378}
Great book!
This book gives a great look into the Jewish mindset of the early 1900s. A must read for any young Bible student.
Great book! This book gives a great look into the Jewish mindset of the early 1900s. A must read for any young Bible student.
{'label': '5 stars', 'score': 0.8545832633972168}
Streisand:Live In Concert (2CD's) - Good
This is a good double CD packed with alot of favorites. I liked slot of her "dialouges" between songs (her words & messages are invaluble & timeless). Il Divo accompanies her on several songs, like "Evergreen" (I would have preferred her to sing that one alone), "The Music of the Night" , & "Somewhere" (not favorable with Il Divo)
Streisand:Live In Concert (2CD's) - Good This is a good double CD packed with alot of favorites. I liked slot of her "dialouges" between songs (her words & messages are invaluble & timeless). Il Divo accompanies her on several songs, like "Evergreen" (I would have preferred her to sing that one alone), "The Music of the Night" , & "Somewhere" (not favorable with Il Divo)
{'label': '4 stars', 'score': 0.7113587260246277}
Come on... You Have Gotta Be Kidding!
Ok, first of all I was looking for Lighthouse the Classic Pop/Rock Group. There was NOTHING to tell me that this album was a Gospel CD.OK, I can live with that...So I listen to my new Lighthouse (GOSPEL) CD. Let me tell you, I was NOT IMPRESSED! The engineering sucked, The Music was mmmmmmm... ok, I guess, and, the singing really had NO feeling or substance behind it!So if you are into Gospel, steer clean and, if you are looking for Lighthouse (the classic pop/rock group), THIS IS NOT IT!Latter...
Come on... You Have Gotta Be Kidding! Ok, first of all I was looking for Lighthouse the Classic Pop/Rock Group. There was NOTHING to tell me that this album was a Gospel CD.OK, I can live with that...So I listen to my new Lighthouse (GOSPEL) CD. Let me tell you, I was NOT IMPRESSED! The engineering sucked, The Music was mmmmmmm... ok, I guess, and, the singing really had NO feeling or substance behind it!So if you are into Gospel, steer clean and, if you are looking for Lighthouse (the classic pop/rock group), THIS IS NOT IT!Latter...
{'label': '2 stars', 'score': 0.45048630237579346}