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Upload data/evaluation/evaluate.py with huggingface_hub
Evaluation script for CAMELYON17.
import sklearn.metrics
import pandas as ps
import argparse
def calculate_kappa(reference, submission):
Calculate inter-annotator agreement with quadratic weighted Kappa.
reference (pandas.DataFrame): List of labels assigned by the organizers.
submission (pandas.DataFrame): List of labels assigned by participant.
float: Kappa score.
ValueError: Unknown stage in reference.
ValueError: Patient missing from submission.
ValueError: Unknown stage in submission.
# The accepted stages are pN0, pN0(i+), pN1mi, pN1, pN2 as described on the website. During parsing all strings converted to lowercase.
stage_list = ['pn0', 'pn0(i+)', 'pn1mi', 'pn1', 'pn2']
# Extract the patient pN stages from the tables for evaluation.
reference_map = {df_row['patient']: df_row['stage'].lower() for _, df_row in reference.iterrows() if df_row['patient'].lower().endswith('.zip')}
submission_map = {df_row['patient']: df_row['stage'].lower() for _, df_row in submission.iterrows() if df_row['patient'].lower().endswith('.zip')}
# Reorganize data into lists with the same patient order and check consistency.
reference_stage_list = []
submission_stage_list = []
for patient_id, reference_stage in reference_map.items():
# Check consistency: all stages must be from the official stage list and there must be a submission for each patient in the ground truth.
submission_stage = submission_map[patient_id].lower()
if reference_stage not in stage_list:
raise ValueError('Unknown stage in reference: \'{stage}\''.format(stage=reference_stage))
if patient_id not in submission_map:
raise ValueError('Patient missing from submission: \'{patient}\''.format(patient=patient_id))
if submission_stage not in stage_list:
raise ValueError('Unknown stage in submission: \'{stage}\''.format(stage=submission_map[patient_id]))
# Add the pair to the lists.
# Return the Kappa score.
return sklearn.metrics.cohen_kappa_score(y1=reference_stage_list, y2=submission_stage_list, labels=stage_list, weights='quadratic')
def collect_arguments():
Collect command line arguments.
(str, str): The parsed reference and submission CSV file paths.
# Configure argument parser.
argument_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Calculate inter-annotator agreement.')
argument_parser.add_argument('-r', '--reference', required=True, type=str, help='reference CSV path')
argument_parser.add_argument('-s', '--submission', required=True, type=str, help='submission CSV path')
# Parse arguments.
arguments = vars(argument_parser.parse_args())
# Collect arguments.
parsed_reference_path = arguments['reference']
parsed_submission_path = arguments['submission']
# Print parsed parameters.
print('Reference: {path}'.format(path=parsed_reference_path))
print('Submission: {path}'.format(path=parsed_submission_path))
return parsed_reference_path, parsed_submission_path
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Parse parameters.
reference_path, submission_path = collect_arguments()
# Load tables to Pandas data frames.
reference_df = ps.read_csv(reference_path)
submission_df = ps.read_csv(submission_path)
# Calculate kappa score.
kappa_score = calculate_kappa(reference=reference_df, submission=submission_df)
except Exception as exception:
print('Score: {score}'.format(score=kappa_score))