jbo-corpus / data /validation /phrasebook_validation.jsonl
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{"id": "Money:13", "jb": "ma ti fo do jdima", "jb_tok": "ma ti fo do jdima", "en": "How much do you want to sell this?", "en_tok": "how much do you want to sell this ?", "source": "phrasebook"}
{"id": "Food:7", "jb": "bakyrectu", "jb_tok": "bakni## rectu", "en": "beef", "en_tok": "beef", "source": "phrasebook"}
{"id": "EverydayLojban:61", "jb": ".ianai mi na ka'e krici .i la'a lo drata cu krinu", "jb_tok": "ia nai mi na ka'e krici i la'a lo drata cu krinu", "en": "No, I can't believe. There must have been another reason.", "en_tok": "no , i can ' t believe . there must have been another reason .", "source": "phrasebook"}
{"id": "EverydayLojban:34", "jb": "do nelci lo vanju xu", "jb_tok": "do nelci lo vanju xu", "en": "So, you like wine?", "en_tok": "so , you like wine ?", "source": "phrasebook"}
{"id": "GettingAround:3", "jb": "ma pluta da", "jb_tok": "ma pluta da", "en": "How do I get to X?", "en_tok": "how do i get to x ?", "source": "phrasebook"}
{"id": "Money:16", "jb": "mi te vecnu ti fo da", "jb_tok": "mi te vecnu ti fo da", "en": "I offer ... (amount of money) for this.", "en_tok": "i offer . . . ( amount of money ) for this .", "source": "phrasebook"}
{"id": "SimplePhrases:44", "jb": "selgugycmi", "jb_tok": "se## gugde## cmima", "en": "citizenship", "en_tok": "citizenship", "source": "phrasebook"}
{"id": "SimplePhrases:19", "jb": "je'enai", "jb_tok": "je'e nai", "en": "I don't understand.", "en_tok": "i don ' t understand .", "source": "phrasebook"}
{"id": "Food:6", "jb": "recycau", "jb_tok": "rectu## claxu", "en": "vegetarian (food)", "en_tok": "vegetarian ( food )", "source": "phrasebook"}
{"id": "SimplePhrases:54", "jb": "do klama ma", "jb_tok": "do klama ma", "en": "Where are you going to?", "en_tok": "where are you going to ?", "source": "phrasebook"}
{"id": "EverydayLojban:6", "jb": "lo xunre xu", "jb_tok": "lo xunre xu", "en": "Red one?", "en_tok": "red one ?", "source": "phrasebook"}
{"id": "EverydayLojban:10", "jb": ".e'o ko vecnu lo karce mi .i mu'i bo lo za'i do ponse ra cu na'e cinri", "jb_tok": "e'o ko vecnu lo karce mi i mu'i bo lo za'i do ponse ra cu na'e cinri", "en": "If you are bored then sell it to me!", "en_tok": "if you are bored then sell it to me !", "source": "phrasebook"}
{"id": "SimplePhrases:42", "jb": "mi xadgu'a", "jb_tok": "mi xadni## gunka", "en": "I practice sport.", "en_tok": "i practice sport .", "source": "phrasebook"}
{"id": "EverydayLojban:9", "jb": ".iacu'i .i mi co'u se cinri", "jb_tok": "ia cu'i i mi co'u se cinri", "en": "You think? I'm bored with it.", "en_tok": "you think ? i ' m bored with it .", "source": "phrasebook"}
{"id": "EverydayLojban:32", "jb": "do ro xu xalka naku pinxe", "jb_tok": "do ro xu xalka na ku pinxe", "en": "You don't drink alcohol beverage at all?", "en_tok": "you don ' t drink alcohol beverage at all ?", "source": "phrasebook"}
{"id": "Health:2", "jb": "le spita cu zvati ma", "jb_tok": "le spita cu zvati ma", "en": "Where is a hospital?", "en_tok": "where is a hospital ?", "source": "phrasebook"}
{"id": "GettingAround:15", "jb": "le trene cu klama fi ma poi tsina", "jb_tok": "le trene cu klama fi ma poi tsina", "en": "What platform does the train leave from?", "en_tok": "what platform does the train leave from ?", "source": "phrasebook"}
{"id": "SimplePhrases:26", "jb": "ma stuzi le djacu kumfa", "jb_tok": "ma stuzi le djacu kumfa", "en": "Where is the bathroom?", "en_tok": "where is the bathroom ?", "source": "phrasebook"}
{"id": "Money:1", "jb": "ma jdima ti", "jb_tok": "ma jdima ti", "en": "What's the price of this?", "en_tok": "what ' s the price of this ?", "source": "phrasebook"}
{"id": "GettingAround:4", "jb": "le renytcana", "jb_tok": "le trene## tcana", "en": "the train station", "en_tok": "the train station", "source": "phrasebook"}
{"id": "Food:12", "jb": "geryrectu", "jb_tok": "gerku## rectu", "en": "dog (meat)", "en_tok": "dog ( meat )", "source": "phrasebook"}
{"id": "SimplePhrases:59", "jb": "xu mi do melbi", "jb_tok": "xu mi do melbi", "en": "Do you find me pretty?", "en_tok": "do you find me pretty ?", "source": "phrasebook"}
{"id": "Money:21", "jb": "mi na te vecnu ti poi snacukyvei .i se sraku", "jb_tok": "mi na te vecnu ti poi sance## cukla## vreji i se sraku", "en": "I would like to buy some cigarettes.", "en_tok": "i would like to buy some cigarettes .", "source": "phrasebook"}
{"id": "SimplePhrases:18", "jb": "mi jimpe", "jb_tok": "mi jimpe", "en": "I understand.", "en_tok": "i understand .", "source": "phrasebook"}
{"id": "SimplePhrases:50", "jb": "xu do ka'e tavla bau da", "jb_tok": "xu do ka'e tavla bau da", "en": "Can you speak language ...?", "en_tok": "can you speak language . . . ?", "source": "phrasebook"}
{"id": "EverydayLojban:63", "jb": ".ie ju'oru'e go'i", "jb_tok": "ie ju'o ru'e go'i", "en": "I think so, too.", "en_tok": "i think so , too .", "source": "phrasebook"}
{"id": "EverydayLojban:8", "jb": "karce .a'u", "jb_tok": "karce a'u", "en": "A cool car.", "en_tok": "a cool car .", "source": "phrasebook"}
{"id": "Food:13", "jb": "boldembi", "jb_tok": "bolci## dembi", "en": "peas", "en_tok": "peas", "source": "phrasebook"}
{"id": "EverydayLojban:57", "jb": "bu'unai cliva .i ky. cliva ca lo prulamdei", "jb_tok": "bu'u nai cliva i ky cliva ca lo purci## lamji## djedi", "en": "Yeah, she quit yesterday.", "en_tok": "yeah , she quit yesterday .", "source": "phrasebook"}
{"id": "SimplePhrases:21", "jb": "e'o ko skusno", "jb_tok": "e'o ko cusku## masno", "en": "Could you talk more slowly please?", "en_tok": "could you talk more slowly please ?", "source": "phrasebook"}
{"id": "EverydayLojban:12", "jb": "xu tolyfadni jdika va'u lo pendo", "jb_tok": "xu to'e## fadni jdika va'u lo pendo", "en": "A special discount for a friend?", "en_tok": "a special discount for a friend ?", "source": "phrasebook"}
{"id": "SimplePhrases:32", "jb": "mi se bangu le glibau", "jb_tok": "mi se bangu le glico## bangu", "en": "I speak English.", "en_tok": "i speak english .", "source": "phrasebook"}
{"id": "EverydayLojban:53", "jb": "xu mintu .i la'a mi mutce gunka", "jb_tok": "xu mintu i la'a mi mutce gunka", "en": "Really? I must have been ery busy those days.", "en_tok": "really ? i must have been er ##y busy those days .", "source": "phrasebook"}
{"id": "EverydayLojban:33", "jb": "lo birje po'o .i ma na nelci le vrusi", "jb_tok": "lo birje po'o i ma na nelci le vrusi", "en": "No. Only beer, I don't like its taste.", "en_tok": "no . only beer , i don ' t like its taste .", "source": "phrasebook"}
{"id": "SimplePhrases:12", "jb": ".iu sai", "jb_tok": "iu sai", "en": "I love you.", "en_tok": "i love you .", "source": "phrasebook"}
{"id": "Food:5", "jb": "stagi", "jb_tok": "stagi", "en": "vegetarian (food)", "en_tok": "vegetarian ( food )", "source": "phrasebook"}
{"id": "Health:19", "jb": "by.cimoi mivytcuxu'i", "jb_tok": "by ci moi jmive## nitcu## xukmi", "en": "vitamin B3", "en_tok": "vitamin b ##3", "source": "phrasebook"}
{"id": "EverydayLojban:4", "jb": "na go'i", "jb_tok": "na go'i", "en": "No, it isn't.", "en_tok": "no , it isn ' t .", "source": "phrasebook"}
{"id": "EverydayLojban:7", "jb": ".ie", "jb_tok": "ie", "en": "Exactly.", "en_tok": "exactly .", "source": "phrasebook"}
{"id": "SimplePhrases:25", "jb": "mi taske", "jb_tok": "mi taske", "en": "I am thirsty.", "en_tok": "i am thirsty .", "source": "phrasebook"}
{"id": "EverydayLojban:13", "jb": "go'i .i jdika zo'e li muno", "jb_tok": "go'i i jdika zo'e li mu no", "en": "Yeah, $50 down.", "en_tok": "yeah , $ 50 down .", "source": "phrasebook"}
{"id": "Money:3", "jb": ".ei mi pleji vi ma", "jb_tok": "ei mi pleji vi ma", "en": "Where should I pay?", "en_tok": "where should i pay ?", "source": "phrasebook"}
{"id": "Money:12", "jb": "ti se vecnu fo ma", "jb_tok": "ti se vecnu fo ma", "en": "How much does this cost?", "en_tok": "how much does this cost ?", "source": "phrasebook"}