This week we will study the story of Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. It is found in Daniel chapters 1-3. Some of the key points we will explore are– - We should stand for God. - God will help us through difficult situations - God is with us in difficult situations Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego Lesson Guide Talk about how Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were young men when they were taken from their homes. Explain that they were taken to another land and made to serve the king there. Talk about how the people in this foreign land did not know, love or obey God. Explain there are still many people who do not know or obey God. Some live-in foreign lands, and others live in our own home countries. Remind the child that no matter where we are, we should stand for God. You may select someone you know or have heard of who stands for God and help the child say a prayer for them. This can be anyone from a missionary to a pastor to a relative or friend. Think about ways that we can stand for God. Talk about how Daniel and his friends refused to eat the food God told them not to eat. (The focus should not be the type of food, but the obedience.) Talk about how Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to bow down to the golden idol. Talk about ways we can stand for God. Sit your child in a chair. Explain that you are going to read some actions. If they think it is an action God would like, they should stand up. If it is an action God would hate, they should stay seated. Begin listing different items like, praying, stealing, lying, helping others, etc. If your child is old enough, you may let them take a turn listing items. Read I Corinthians 10:31. Talk about how everything we do should be for God’s glory. Talk about some challenging situations you might have experienced. Explain that God can help us through difficult situations. We might still experience things that are hard, but God will be there with us. Remind the child that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were probably afraid when the king ordered them into the furnace. Point out that they still did the right thing, and God was with them. Set up a simple obstacle course in or outside of your house. For indoors, you may use stacks of pillows, Legos, chairs with string etc. Outdoors, puddles, pots, etc. Some of the obstacles should be insurmountable. When the child realizes that they can’t succeed on their own, pick them up or help them through each obstacle. Explain that God helps us through each obstacle, just as you helped them. He is always with us as we walk the path, He lays out for us. You also have the option of creating an obstacle course with your child for a doll or small toy. Talk about how your child assists the toy in completing the course. Pray with your child and thank God for always being with us. Praise God that He can help us overcome obstacles. Printable Bible Story Games and Activities Guess the smell When Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego left the fire, the Bible says that their clothes didn’t even smell of smoke. To help your child apply this, you can play a guess the smell game. Either blindfold your child or place objects in a cup and cover with kitchen paper with a small hole. The idea is simple, the child must smell the hidden object and guess what it is.You could use an old match or a burnt piece of paper as one of the objects for a smoke smell. Other easy to make smells with household objects could be oranges, toothpaste, shampoo, vanilla, and chocolate. (Warning: Check for allergies) Make a Fruit Salad Make a fruit salad with your children. You could even have it as a snack while reading the story. Allow your child to peel the fruit (bananas and oranges etc), depending on their age, you could help them with apples, etc. Ask them why they think fruit has a peel. Speak about how it protects the fruit and how God protects us. A classic children’s game. Children must dance around, but when the music stops, they must freeze and not move. To make it more interesting, you could give them things to do when the music is playing, for example, dance, hop, act like a chicken and so on. Remind the children how the king ordered everyone to worship the idol when the music played, but Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused as they would only worship God. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego Coloring Pages Fiery Furnace Craft Easy Bible craft based on Daniel 3, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and the Fiery Furnace. Free printable template in lesson. - Template on white card, - Red, yellow and orange tissue paper. - Coloring pencils or crayons. - Color in the template pages. Fold along middle. - Cut around Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego and glue in place - Glue on red, yellow, and orange tissue paper to create flames. Allow to dry.
Most modern programming languages have support for Object-Oriented programming (OOP) but the OOP journey started back in 1967 with the appearance of Simula, the first programming language to use objects and classes. As the name suggests, Simula was designed to perform simulations. Indeed it is useful to think of OOP as a way to simulate real-world entities (objects) in software. Most real-world entities can be represented through their state and behaviour, and this is exactly what OOP does. For instance a Person class of objects will have state properties such as name and date of birth, and behaviour (or methods) such as celebrateBirthday. In 1972 Smalltalk, based on Simula, was created for educational purposes at Xerox and in 1980 it became the first commercial release of an OOP environment. In 1979 Bjarne Stroustrup began working on OOP enhancements to the C programming language, and in 1985 the C++ language was born bringing OOP into mainstream software development of large-scale commercial systems. The complexity of C++ motivated a development team at Sun Microsystems to create a pure OOP language that was cross-platform and had automatic memory management, leading to the first release of Java to be announced in 1995. And the rest, as they say, is history.
With its potential for precision and automation, it’s no wonder that Computer Numeric Control (CNC) processes have found their way into the worlds of architecture and art. And yet, it may seem like an unusual match. How exactly do industrial machining techniques like CNC mesh with the creativity of the architectural world? CNC originated in the 1950s, but it wasn’t until the 1990s that architects started to use the technique. In this article we’ll cover a brief summary of what CNC is and how it works; then we’ll jump into the two primary uses for CNC in architecture. CNC began with punch cards and now involves advanced computers and programming languages. Regardless of the technology involved, CNC relies on a simple principle: giving a machine a set of coordinates and instructions. That combination of coordinates and instructions is known as g-code. With it, an operator can pre-program an entire process into a CNC machine, telling the machine where to go, what to do, and where and when to stop. CNC delivers two primary advantages. First, any program can be repeated infinitely, meaning that a machine operator doesn’t actually have to be involved in running the machine. A single operator could program and then supervise dozens of machines simultaneously, all producing the same part to the same specifications. The second advantage lies in the high degree of precision CNC delivers, allowing for a steady stream of highly-accurate, identical parts. How do highly-precise, programmable CNC machines fit into the architectural process? In general, CNC use in architecture falls into one of two areas. CNC isn’t just for repeatable processes; the technique is also used to create prototypes and models. Architects can design a building using a CAD (Computer Assisted Design) program, and then generate cutting and machining programs for a CNC machine to render those models. The result is a highly accurate representation of the architect’s design, allowing builders and other designers to fully understand the idea. In some cases, the same programs and techniques used to create the models can then be applied to the actual construction of the home, a process known as mechanization. When it comes to various architectural flourish, nothing works more efficiently than a CNC router. In the industrial setting, CNC machinery works with metal fabrication, but an architect can create designs in Corian countertops as easily as elegant wooden banisters or metal accents. CNC design and manufacture adds a whole other range of tools for an architect to work with, expanding the possibilities for architectural work. What does the integration of CNC processes and architectural work look like? Here’s a quick outline. Everything starts with the architect’s idea. That idea may be fully-formed, or just an initial concept, but it’s the stage in which the broad boundaries of the project are sketched out. Armed with an idea, most architects proceed to a CAD program to further develop their concept. CAD programs can render designs in 3D, allowing an architect to explore every aspect of the potential design. Computer Assisted Machining programs assist a designer by adding run-out, flanges, and all the extra bits of information that a CNC machine needs to properly execute the program. Essentially, CAM programs translate the architect’s design into the machine language. Further calibrations are done within the CNC machine. While all CNC machines use g-code, most have their own variants of that language depending on age and manufacturer. The toolpath stage creates the actual, detailed instructions for the CNC machine - what to cut, where to move, etc. The last stage is the simplest; executing the program and creating the model or part needed. This is also the stage with the least amount of human involvement; just simple oversight to ensure that all necessary troubleshooting is done. Unlike its industrial counterpart, the CNC process for architectural work doesn’t produce the actual finished product in most cases. Instead, it aids the entire concept and design process necessary for any architectural endeavor. The article has been contributed by Design Dekko reader and follower Bailey Hudson. Bailey Hudson is a freelance industrial writer currently writing for SummitMT. To share your views on Design Dekko, write to us on: email@example.com Disclaimer: The views expressed are of author's own
Ear Infections Explained What is the cause of an ear infection? Ear Infections Explained: The middle ear is a small space behind the eardrum that should be kept clean and dry by air that generally travels up from behind the nose through the Eustachian tube. When the middle ear isn’t adequately ventilated with fresh air, such as when the Eustachian tube is clogged or obstructed, the area becomes damp, sluggish, and heated, making it an ideal breeding ground for germs. The Eustachian tube is frequently too soft or immature in children and newborns and has difficulties keeping open. Allergies, postnasal discharge, sinus infections, cold viruses, and polyps can all impair the Eustachian tube’s ability to transport air into the middle ear. When the doctor examines the eardrum, they notice it is red and frequently bulging, allowing the doctor to diagnose an ear infection. Ear Infections Can Take Many Different Forms A solitary, isolated case of an acute ear infection (acute otitis media). A recurrent ear infection occurs when a problem cures but recurs three times within six months (or four times within a year) (acute otitis media). This usually suggests that the Eustachian tube isn’t working correctly. Otitis medium with effusion, a disease in which fluid lingers in the ear due to poor ventilation, but germs have not yet begun to develop, is caused by an accumulation of fluid in the middle ear without infection. In recent years, experts have discovered the people who are most prone to suffer from recurring middle ear infections: Those who have a family history of ear infections A bottle-fed baby (Breastfed infants have more minor ear infections.) Children who visit daycare facilities People who live in tobacco-smoking households People who have palate abnormalities, such as a cleft palate People are more susceptible to infections with weakened immune systems or long-term respiratory problems like cystic fibrosis or asthma. How can I avoid getting an ear infection? Eliminate as many harmful substances as you can from your home, such as: Cleaning supplies and solvents Ear infections are classified into three categories. They are named after the three major components of the ear: the inner, middle, and outer ear. Infection of the Inner Ear An inner ear infection may be misdiagnosed as an inflammation rather than an infection. Symptoms other than ear ache include: unexpected hearing loss In rare situations, inner ear symptoms may be a warning of a more dangerous condition, such as meningitis. Infection in the Middle Ear The area right behind the eardrum is known as the middle ear. Otitis media is another name for a middle ear infection. An accumulation of fluid behind the eardrum is to blame, which causes the eardrum to protrude. In addition to ear pain, you may feel fullness in your ear. A fever may accompany a middle ear infection. You may experience hearing loss until the illness clears. Fluid oozing from the ear may indicate that the middle ear infection has progressed to eardrum rupture. This disorder can result in temporary hearing loss, but it usually resolves independently. Infection of the Outer Ear The ear region that extends from the eardrum to the ear hole is known as the outer ear. Otitis externa is another name for an outer ear infection. An itchy rash is a common symptom of an outer ear infection. The ear may develop into: Bacterial, viral, and fungal infections can all cause ear infections. However, whether you have an outer or middle ear infection is determined by how you become infected. Infection in the Middle Ear A cold or other respiratory ailment is frequently the cause of a middle ear infection. The infection enters one or both ears via the Eustachian tubes. These tubes control the pressure in your ear. They attach to the back of your nose and throat. An infection can irritate and enlarge the Eustachian tubes. They may not discharge correctly due to edoema. When the fluid in these tubes cannot drain, it accumulates on the eardrum. The external auditory canal is infected. that might take place as a result of swimming is referred to by the colloquial phrase “swimmer’s ear.” This is because it is frequently caused by water remaining in the ear after swimming or bathing. Bacteria multiply in a damp environment. A bacterial infection can occur if the outer ear is scratched or irritated by placing your fingers or other things in your ear. Brought To You By – Ear Wax Removal Letchworth
What does this sign mean? If a substance is corrosive, it can eat through objects. Many scientists have to work with chemicals that are corrosive or otherwise dangerous. That's one reason that following safety precautions in the laboratory or field is very important. Safety in the Life Sciences There can be some very serious safety risks in scientific research. If researchers are not careful, they could poison themselves or contract a deadly illness. The kinds of risks that scientists face depend on the kind of research they perform. For example, a scientist working with bacteria in a laboratory faces different risks than a scientist studying the behavior of lions in Africa, but both scientists must still follow safety guidelines. Safety practices must be followed when working with the hazardous things such as parasites, radiation and radioactive materials, toxins, and wild animals. Also, carcinogens, which are chemical that cause cancer, pathogens, which are disease-causing virus, bacteria or fungi, and teratogens, which are chemical that cause deformities in developing embryos, are extremely hazardous, and extreme care must be used when working with these items as well. For example, scientists studying dangerous organisms such as Yersinia pestis, the cause of bubonic plague, use special equipment that helps keep the organism from escaping the lab. A biohazard is any biological material that could make someone sick, including disease-causing organisms. Therefore, a used needle is a biohazard because it could harbor blood contaminated with a disease-causing organism. Bacteria grown in a laboratory are also biohazards if they could potentially cause disease. If you perform an experiment in your classroom, your teacher will explain how to be safe. Professional scientists follow safety rules as well, especially for the study of dangerous organisms like the bacteria that cause bubonic plague (Figure below). Sharp objects, chemicals, heat, and electricity are all used at times in laboratories. Below is a list of safety guidelines that you should follow when in the laboratory: - Be sure to obey all safety guidelines given in lab instructions and by your teacher. - Follow directions carefully. - Tie back long hair. - Wear closed toe shoes with flat heels and shirts with no hanging sleeves, hoods, or drawstrings. - Use gloves, goggles, or safety aprons when instructed to do so. - Broken glass should only be cleaned up with a dust pan and broom. Never touch broken glass with your bare hands. - Never eat or drink anything in the science lab. Table tops and counters could have dangerous substances on them. - Be sure to completely clean materials like test tubes and beakers. Leftover substances could interact with other substances in future experiments. - If you are using flames or heat plates, be careful when you reach. Be sure your arms and hair are kept far away from heat. - Alert your teacher immediately if anything out of the ordinary occurs. An accident report may be required if someone is hurt. Also, the teacher must know if any materials are damaged or discarded. Field Research Safety A field scientist studies an organism in a natural setting, which is not usually an indoor laboratory. Scientists who work outdoors are also required to follow safety regulations. These safety regulations are designed to prevent harm to themselves, other humans, animals, and the environment. If scientists work outside the country, they are required to learn about and follow the laws and restrictions of the country in which they are doing research. For example, entomologists following monarch butterfly (Figure below) migrations between the United States and Mexico must follow regulations in both countries. Before biologists can study protected wildlife or plant species, they must apply for permission to do so, usually from the government. This is important to protect these fragile species. For example, if scientists collect rare butterflies, they must first get a permit. They must also be careful to not disturb the habitat. - There are serious risks in scientific research, including carcinogens, biohazards, and toxins. - You need to carefully follow all safety rules while working in the laboratory. Use the resources below to answer the questions that follow. Explore More I - FSU Chemistry Lab Safety at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hv9imJzZWrY (6:51) - Is applying cosmetics in a lab allowed? - What should you do if there is an accident? - How should you dispose of waste? Explore More II - Science Lab Safety Rules at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yclOrqEv7kw (2:24) - List five lab safety rules covered in the video. - What kind of clothing should you wear in a science lab? - What should you wear in a science lab that you would not usually wear outside of a science lab? - What is a biohazard? - List three hazards found in scientific research. - List three safety guidelines that you should follow in the laboratory.
Haeinsa Temple Origin Haeinsa Temple was built in the year 802 during King Ae-Jang’s reign. There were two monks, Suneung and Ijung, who cured King Ae-Jang’s sick wife. As a result, the king ordered the temple to be built out of gratitude to Buddha’s mercy. So the legend goes, anyways, but can’t be verified. It makes for a good story though. “Haein” originates from the expression Haeinsammae from Buddhist scripture. Haeinsammae means truly enlightened world of Buddha and our naturally undefiled mind. The temple was renovated in the 10th century, 1488, 1622, and 1644. Temple abbot Hurirang enjoyed the patronage of Taejo of Goryeo during that king’s reign. Haeinsa was burned down in a fire in 1817 and was subsequently rebuilt in 1818. Another renovation in 1964 uncovered a royal robe of Gwanghaegun of Joseon. He was responsible for the 1622 renovation, and an inscription on a ridge beam. Daejeokkwangjeon is the main hall and is unusual because it is dedicated to Vairocana. That is because most other Korean temples house images of Gautama Buddha in their main halls. Haeinsa Temple is home to many treasures and artifacts.The most important and well known treasure is Tripitaka Koreana. Tripitaka is a collection of Buddhist scriptures. Tripitaka is a Sanskrit word which means three baskets. It is the world’s most comprehensive and oldest intact version of Buddhist canon in Hanja script. Silver magnolias growing near the South Sea and Geojae area were used to make the printing blocks. They were cut down and soaked in sea water for several years and then dried to make the printing blocks. The blocks are a result of the king and his people’s effort to repulse the Mongolian army with support from Buddha. It took 16 years to finish the Tripitaka Koreana. There are no known errors in the over 52 million characters. The scriptures are organized in over 1496 titles and 6568 volumes. Each wood block measures 24 centimeters in height and 70 centimeters in length. The thickness of the blocks ranges from 2.6 to 4 centimeters and each weighs about three to four kilograms. The woodblocks are almost as tall as Mount Baekdu at 2.74 km when stacked. It measure 60 km long when lined up and weigh 280 tons in total. The woodblocks are in pristine condition without warping or deformation despite being created more than 750 years ago. UNESCO World Heritage Site Designation Tripitaka Koreana is not the only treasure located inside the temple. There are 15 more public treasures and some 200 private treasures enshrined at Haeinsa Temple. Haeinsa Temple was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site in December of 1995 because of its many cultural properties and historical remains. Iljumun, Daejeokgwangjeon and the Tripitaka Koreana are recognized as famous treasures. Iljumun Gate was the first gate that every sattva must pass to become a Buddha and considered as a representative work of ancient architecture. Check out other things to do in Korea: https://thisiskoreatours.com/things-to-do-in-korea/ Book a tour with This is Korea: https://thisiskoreatours.com/korea-tour-package/ Learn more about Haeinsa Temple: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haeinsa Summer Season: 08:30am to 6:00pm Winter Season: 08:30am to 5:00pm Adults (ages over 19): 3,000 won / Group: 2,500 won Youths (ages 13-18): 1,500 won / Group: 1,000 won Children (ages 7-12): 700 won / Group: 500 won *Group: 30 people or more
I. What is Contrast? Contrast means difference, especially when that difference is very noticeable. It usually shows up in pairs: steak and salad, salt and pepper, table and chairs, hero and villain, etc. Contrast often means “opposite”: for example, black is the opposite of white, and so there’s a contrast between black ink and white paper. But contrast can also happen when the two things are just very different. For example, cats and dogs are definitely a contrast, but they’re not opposites. II. Types of Contrast The types of contrast are basically infinite, but these are a few of the most common ones: - Visual Contrast: Maybe the simplest form of contrast is purely visual. It often includes colors, such as black and white or green and purple. But it could also involve shapes, sizes, etc. - Social/Cultural Contrast: rich and poor, male and female, Christian and atheist, Congolese, Brazilian and Turkish. These are all social or cultural contrasts - Personal Contrast: Imagine two people who have different skills, habits, or personalities. One’s messy, the other’s clean. One’s tough, the other’s wimpy. One’s tall and skinny, the other’s short and squat. - Emotional Contrast: within a single story, you can have strong emotional contrasts, e.g. between fear in one scene and love in another. III. Examples of Contrast Movie posters use visual contrast all the time. They’re especially known for using blue-and-orange contrast – in fact, so many posters use this technique that it’s become a cliché! All the characters in The Simpsons are full of contrast, but Homer and Lisa are particularly striking. Notice how there are several different kinds of contrast here, including social, personal, and visual! This will be true of most of our examples. Personal contrast usually takes place between two characters, but it can also happen within a single person! People often talk, for example, about how Thomas Jefferson was a man of contrasts: he wrote beautifully about freedom and equality, yet he owned slaves; he always loved solitude and the countryside, yet he spent his whole life in crowded cities working on politics. IV. The Importance of Contrast Contrast helps the reader see the attributes of each thing in the pair. A blue sky looks even more blue when you put it next to an orange bonfire, and the bonfire looks more orange next to the blue sky. Similarly, a kind character looks more kind next to a cruel villain, and the cruel villain looks more cruel. And so on. Contrasts are often compelling to read because they simplify things. Once you know that one character is brave while the other is a coward, you can easily predict their actions, and this makes the story easier to read. But at the same time, contrasts can make room for all sorts of complexity, as in the Jefferson example above. In short, contrasts are important because they can fill a wide variety of functions within a story or essay. V. Examples of Contrast in Literature The two main characters in Of Mice and Men provide a striking contrast: The story revolves around a friendship between these two opposite characters – a friendship that is particularly charming because of the way the two characters complement each other’s strengths. The two would never have survived individually in the rough world of Steinbeck’s novel, but together they’re able to muddle through…for a while, anyway. Harry Potter has a foil in Draco Malfoy: VI. Examples of Contrast in Popular Culture R2-D2 and C-3PO from Star Wars: Rufus Wainwright has a song called Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk. The contrast here is obvious: cigarettes are associated with adulthood, sickness, and addiction, while chocolate milk is associated with childhood, enjoyment, and innocence. The song is all about how the singer contains many contrasts: in some ways he’s a bitter adult with a nicotine addiction; in other ways he’s just a child who loves sweets. VII. Related Terms Juxtaposition is when you place two things side-by-side, usually without explanation so that it’s up to the reader to work out their connection. In most cases, when people talk about “juxtaposition,” though, they’re talking about a juxtaposition between two things that are strikingly different from each other. So juxtaposition is a near-synonym for contrast. A complement is a combination of two things that makes them complete. Individually, the things are OK, but together they’re unbeatable. Think about a superhero team with contrasting skills: one is physically strong, but the other is intelligent. Together, their complementary skills add up to the ultimate duo. The point is that the two things work together because they’re different. You could say the same thing about chocolate and peanut butter, or sand and waves at the beach. The contrast between the two is really what makes them work together. (Don’t confuse this word with “compliment,” which means saying nice things. They’re totally unrelated.) This is a very common kind of emotional contrast. In it, a serious movie suddenly lightens up with a joke or humorous scene. For example, right after the terrifying appearance of the giant shark in Jaws, the main character slowly walks back to the captain, trying to contain his fear. He then says, very calmly, “You’re gonna need a bigger boat.” In literature, a foil is a character who forms a contrast with the main character – often this is a villain, but it could also be simply a character with very different attributes. If the main character is sour and serious, the foil will be a jokester. If the main character is a tough, brawny fighter, the foil will be nimble and stealthy.
Ear infections are one of the most common health problems for children, with most kids experiencing at least one by their third birthday. Annual costs in the United States alone are in the billions of dollars. When these infections are left untreated, complications can include hearing loss, speech problems and more severe infections that can spread to bone and brain, causing meningitis. But not all kids have the same access to medical specialists and medicines. A new study by researchers at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA and Harvard Medical School has found that racial and ethnic disparities among children with frequent ear infections can significantly influence access to health care resources. The findings, published in the November 2010 issue of the journal Otolaryngology—Head and Neck Surgery, show that compared with white children, African American and Hispanic children are at increased odds of not being able to afford prescription medications, not having medical insurance and not being able to see a specialist. The study also shows that African American and Hispanic children are more likely than white children to visit the emergency room for an ear infection. "Our goal was to provide an accurate demographic picture of the U.S. so that we could identify disparities to target for intervention," said study co-author Dr. Nina Shapiro, director of pediatric otolaryngology at UCLA Mattel Children's Hospital and an associate professor of surgery at the Geffen School of Medicine. "Clearly, we found that children of certain ethnicities who suffer from frequent ear infections are more likely to face greater barriers to care. This information provides an opportunity for improvements in our current health care reform." Researchers used data from a 10-year period (1997–2006) taken from the National Health Interview Survey, a large-scale, household-based survey of a statistically representative sample of the U.S. population. Parents of children under the age of 18 were asked various questions, including whether their child had three or more ear infections over the previous 12 months. For those who answered yes, researchers pulled demographic data — including age, sex, race/ethnicity, income level and insurance status — to determine the influence of these variables on frequent ear infections. The study found that each year, 4.6 million children reportedly had "frequent" ear infections —defined as more than three infections over a 12-month period. Overall, 3.7 percent of children with frequent ear infections could not afford care, 5.6 percent could not afford prescriptions and only 25.8 percent saw a specialist. Among the study's other findings for children with frequent ear infections: - A greater percentage of African American children (42.7 percent) and Hispanic children (34.5 percent) lived below the poverty level than white children (12.0 percent) and those of "other ethnicity" (28.0 percent). - A greater percentage of Hispanic children (18.2 percent) and "other ethnicity" children (16.6 percent) were uninsured, compared with whites (6.5 percent). - A greater percentage of white children (29.2 percent) reported having access to specialty care than African American children (20.0 percent), Hispanic children (17.5 percent) and "other ethnicity" children (18.9 percent). - A greater percentage of African American children (28.4 percent) and Hispanic children (19.8 percent) visited the emergency room at least twice for ear infections over a 12-month period than white children (15.5 percent). "Emergency room visits for ear infections by African American and Hispanic children may represent their source of primary care services, which is more costly and a significant burden on the health care system," Shapiro said. "This finding, along with the fact that fewer Hispanic and African American children were insured or received specialty care, highlights the importance of targeting interventions that help children with frequent ear infections." The next stage of the research is to follow the racial and ethnic groups prospectively and to monitor whether changes stemming from health care reform influence disparities in these groups over time. Co-authors of the study included Dr. Kalpesh T. Vakharia of the Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary and Harvard Medical School, and Dr. Neil Bhattacharyya, of Brigham and Women's Hospital and Harvard Medical School. The research was not funded. Bhattacharyya is a consultant for Intellus and Intersect ENT, and Shapiro is a consultant for ArthroCare ENT. Vakhaira has no disclosures.
What are the main refrigeration components? A refrigeration system is made up of several key components, each of which plays an important role in the overall function of the system. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the main components of a typical refrigeration system and how they work together to keep things cool. The compressor is one of the main refrigeration components. It compresses the refrigerant, which raises its temperature. The hot gas then flows through the coils or tubes in the condenser, where it is cooled and turned back into a liquid. The cooled liquid then flows through the expansion valve or orifice tube, where it expands and evaporates. This absorbs heat from the surrounding air, and the air is then cooled by the evaporator coils or tubes. The compressor is usually powered by an electric motor, but it can also be powered by a gasoline engine. The condenser is one of the main refrigeration components. It is used to cool and liquefy refrigerant gas. The condenser consists of a compressor, a heat exchanger, and an expansion valve. The compressor compresses the refrigerant gas, which increases its pressure and temperature. The heat exchanger then removes the heat from the refrigerant gas, cooling it down. The expansion valve then reduces the pressure of the refrigerant gas, causing it to expand and cool further. The cooled and liquefied refrigerant gas then flows back into the evaporator, where it starts the process again. The evaporator is one of the most important components in a refrigeration system. Its job is to remove heat from the air or liquid, and this process is what helps to keep food and other perishables cool. The evaporator typically consists of a coil or series of coils that are filled with a refrigerant. As the refrigerant evaporates, it absorbs heat from the surrounding air or liquid. This process continues until the desired temperature is reached, at which point the evaporator turns off. In order to work effectively, the evaporator must be able to maintain a close temperature differential between itself and the air or liquid that it is cooling. Otherwise, the refrigerant will not be able to absorb enough heat to be effective. As such, the evaporator is a crucial component in any refrigeration system. The metering device is one of the main refrigeration components. It regulates the flow of refrigerant into the evaporator and is therefore critical to the proper operation of the system. There are several different types of metering devices, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The most common type is the capillary tube, which is simple and reliable but can be difficult to adjust. Expansion valves are more efficient but can be delicate and require regular maintenance. Thermostatic expansion valves are the most expensive but offer the best performance. When choosing a metering device, it is important to consider the specific needs of your refrigeration system. Those are the main components of a refrigeration system! As you can see, each component plays an important role in keeping things cool. When all of these components work together, they can provide effective cooling for your food storage needs. Thanks for reading!
A new study found that frequent fruit eaters had greater positive mental well-being. The study surveyed 428 adults and looked at the relationship between their consumption of fruit, vegetables, sweet, and savoury food snacks and their psychological health The more often people ate fruit, the lower they scored for depression and the higher for mental well-being. People who frequently eat fruit are more likely to report greater positive mental well-being and are less likely to report symptoms of depression than those who do not, according to new research from the College of Health and Life Sciences at Aston University. The researchers’ findings suggest that how often we eat fruit is more important to our psychological health than the total amount we consume during a typical week. The team also found that people who eat savoury snacks such as crisps, which are low in nutrients, are more likely to report greater levels of anxiety. Published in the British Journal of Nutrition, the study surveyed 428 adults from across the UK and looked at the relationship between their consumption of fruit, vegetables, sweet and savoury food snacks, and their psychological health. After taking demographic and lifestyle factors such as age, general health and exercise into account, the research found that both nutrient-rich fruit and nutrient-poor savoury snacks appeared to be linked to psychological health. They also found that there was no direct association between eating vegetables and psychological health. Based on the survey, the more often people ate fruit, the lower they scored for depression and the higher for mental wellbeing, independent of the overall quantity of fruit intake. People who frequently snacked on nutrient-poor savoury foods (such as crisps) were more likely to experience ‘everyday mental lapses’ (known as subjective cognitive failures) and report lower mental wellbeing. A greater number of lapses, was associated with higher reported symptoms of anxiety, stress and depression, and lower mental wellbeing scores. By contrast, there was no link between these everyday memory lapses and fruit and vegetable intake or sweet snacks, suggesting a unique relationship between these nutrient-poor savoury snacks, everyday mental lapses, and psychological health. Examples of these frustrating little everyday mental lapses included forgetting where items had been placed, forgetting the purpose of going into certain rooms, and being unable to retrieve names of acquaintances whose name was on the ‘tip of the tongue’. Lead author, PhD student Nicola-Jayne Tuck commented: ‘Very little is known about how diet may affect mental health and wellbeing, and while we did not directly examine causality here, our findings could suggest that frequently snacking on nutrient-poor savoury foods may increase everyday mental lapses, which in turn reduces psychological health. ‘Other studies have found an association between fruit and vegetables and mental health, but few have looked at fruit and vegetables separately – and even fewer evaluate both frequency and quantity of intake. ‘Both fruit and vegetables are rich in antioxidants, fibre and essential micronutrients which promote optimal brain function, but these nutrients can be lost during cooking. As we are more likely to eat fruit raw, this could potentially explain its stronger influence on our psychological health. ‘It is possible that changing what we snack on could be a really simple and easy way to improve our mental wellbeing. Conversely, it is also possible that the forthcoming restriction of processed snack foods at checkouts, due to come in this October, could not only improve the country’s physical health, but mental health too. ‘Overall, it’s definitely worth trying to get into the habit of reaching for the fruit bowl.’
Childhood Tracheobronchial Tumors Treatment (PDQ®)–Patient Version General Information About Childhood Tracheobronchial Tumors - Tracheobronchial tumor is a type of childhood lung cancer that forms in the lining of the trachea or bronchi. - Signs and symptoms of a tracheobronchial tumor include wheezing and dry cough. - Tests that examine the trachea and bronchi are used to help diagnose tracheobronchial tumor. - Certain factors affect treatment options and prognosis (chance of recovery). Tracheobronchial tumor is a type of childhood lung cancer that forms in the lining of the trachea or bronchi. There are several types of tracheobronchial tumors or cancers, such as the following: Most tracheobronchial tumors in children are malignant (cancer). Sometimes, a slow-growing tracheobronchial tumor, such as inflammatory myofibroblastic tumor, becomes cancer that may spread to other parts of the body. Signs and symptoms of a tracheobronchial tumor include wheezing and dry cough. Conditions other than tracheobronchial tumors may cause these same signs and symptoms. For example, symptoms of tracheobronchial tumors are a lot like the symptoms of asthma, which can make it hard to diagnose the tumor. Tests that examine the trachea and bronchi are used to help diagnose tracheobronchial tumor. - Chest x-ray: An x-ray of the organs and bones inside the chest. An x-ray is a type of energy beam that can go through the body and onto film, making a picture of areas inside the body. - CT scan (CAT scan): A procedure that makes a series of detailed pictures of areas inside the body, such as the neck and chest, taken from different angles. The pictures are made by a computer linked to an x-ray machine. A dye may be injected into a vein or swallowed to help the organs or tissues show up more clearly. This procedure is also called computed tomography, computerized tomography, or computerized axial tomography. - Bronchoscopy: A procedure to look inside the trachea and large airways in the lung for abnormal areas. A bronchoscope is inserted through the nose or mouth into the trachea and lungs. A bronchoscope is a thin, tube-like instrument with a light and a lens for viewing. It may also have a tool to remove tissue samples, which are checked under a microscope for signs of cancer. Rarely, the following tests and procedures may be used: - Bronchography: A procedure to look for abnormal areas in the larynx, trachea, and bronchi and to check whether the airways are wider below the level of the tumor. A contrast dye is injected or put through a bronchoscope to coat the airways and make them show up more clearly on x-ray film. - Octreotide scan: A type of radionuclide scan used to find tracheobronchial tumors or cancer that has spread to the lymph nodes. A very small amount of radioactive octreotide (a hormone that attaches to carcinoid tumors) is injected into a vein and travels through the bloodstream. The radioactive octreotide attaches to the tumor and a special camera that detects radioactivity is used to show where the tumors are in the body. Certain factors affect treatment options and prognosis (chance of recovery). Treatment options and prognosis depend on the following: The prognosis for children with tracheobronchial tumors that can be removed by surgery is very good. This is the case for most tracheobronchial tumors except rhabdomyosarcoma, which require more aggressive treatment. Stages of Tracheobronchial Tumors - There is no standard staging system for childhood tracheobronchial tumors. - There are three ways that cancer spreads in the body. - Cancer may spread from where it began to other parts of the body. There is no standard staging system for childhood tracheobronchial tumors. The process used to find out if cancer has spread from the trachea or bronchi to nearby areas or to other parts of the body is called staging. There is no standard system for staging childhood tracheobronchial cancer. The results of the tests and procedures done to make a diagnosis are used to help make decisions about treatment. There are three ways that cancer spreads in the body. - Tissue. The cancer spreads from where it began by growing into nearby areas. - Lymph system. The cancer spreads from where it began by getting into the lymph system. The cancer travels through the lymph vessels to other parts of the body. - Blood. The cancer spreads from where it began by getting into the blood. The cancer travels through the blood vessels to other parts of the body. Cancer may spread from where it began to other parts of the body. The metastatic tumor is the same type of cancer as the primary tumor. For example, if a tumor in the trachea or bronchi spreads to the liver, the cancer cells in the liver are actually from the trachea or bronchi. The disease is metastatic tracheobronchial cancer, not liver cancer. Treatment Option Overview - There are different types of treatment for children with a tracheobronchial tumor. - Children with a tracheobronchial tumor should have their treatment planned by a team of doctors who are experts in treating childhood diseases. - Four types of standard treatment are used: - Radiation therapy - Targeted therapy - New types of treatment are being tested in clinical trials. - Treatment for childhood tracheobronchial tumor may cause side effects. - Patients may want to think about taking part in a clinical trial. - Patients can enter clinical trials before, during, or after starting their cancer treatment. - Follow-up tests may be needed. There are different types of treatment for children with a tracheobronchial tumor. Some treatments are standard (the currently used treatment), and some are being tested in clinical trials. A treatment clinical trial is a research study meant to help improve current treatments or obtain information on new treatments for patients with cancer. When clinical trials show that a new treatment is better than the standard treatment, the new treatment may become the standard treatment. Because cancer in children is rare, taking part in a clinical trial should be considered. Some clinical trials are open only to patients who have not started treatment. Children with a tracheobronchial tumor should have their treatment planned by a team of doctors who are experts in treating childhood diseases. Treatment will be overseen by a pediatric oncologist, a doctor who specializes in treating children with cancer. The pediatric oncologist works with other pediatric health professionals who are experts in treating children with cancer and who specialize in certain areas of medicine. This may include the following specialists and others: Four types of standard treatment are used: Surgery to remove the tumor is used to treat all types of tracheobronchial tumor except rhabdomyosarcoma. Sometimes a type of surgery called a sleeve resection is used. The tumor and lymph nodes and vessels where cancer has spread are removed. Chemotherapy is a cancer treatment that uses drugs to stop the growth of cancer cells, either by killing the cells or by stopping them from dividing. When chemotherapy is taken by mouth or injected into a vein or muscle, the drugs enter the bloodstream and can reach cancer cells throughout the body (systemic chemotherapy). Chemotherapy is used to treat rhabdomyosarcoma. For more information, see Drugs Approved for Rhabdomyosarcoma. Radiation therapy is a cancer treatment that uses high-energy x-rays or other types of radiation to kill cancer cells or keep them from growing. External radiation therapy uses a machine outside the body to send radiation toward the area of the body with cancer. Radiation therapy is used to treat rhabdomyosarcoma. Targeted therapy is a type of treatment that uses drugs or other substances to identify and attack specific cancer cells. New types of treatment are being tested in clinical trials. Treatment for childhood tracheobronchial tumor may cause side effects. Side effects from cancer treatment that begin after treatment and continue for months or years are called late effects. Late effects of cancer treatment may include: Some late effects may be treated or controlled. It is important to talk with your child's doctors about the possible late effects caused by some treatments. Patients may want to think about taking part in a clinical trial. For some patients, taking part in a clinical trial may be the best treatment choice. Clinical trials are part of the cancer research process. Clinical trials are done to find out if new cancer treatments are safe and effective or better than the standard treatment. Many of today's standard treatments for cancer are based on earlier clinical trials. Patients who take part in a clinical trial may receive the standard treatment or be among the first to receive a new treatment. Patients who take part in clinical trials also help improve the way cancer will be treated in the future. Even when clinical trials do not lead to effective new treatments, they often answer important questions and help move research forward. Patients can enter clinical trials before, during, or after starting their cancer treatment. Some clinical trials only include patients who have not yet received treatment. Other trials test treatments for patients whose cancer has not gotten better. There are also clinical trials that test new ways to stop cancer from recurring (coming back) or reduce the side effects of cancer treatment. Clinical trials are taking place in many parts of the country. Information about clinical trials supported by NCI can be found on NCI’s clinical trials search webpage. Clinical trials supported by other organizations can be found on the ClinicalTrials.gov website. Follow-up tests may be needed. As your child goes through treatment, they will have follow-up tests or checkups. Some of the tests that were done to diagnose the cancer may be repeated to see how well the treatment is working. Decisions about whether to continue, change, or stop treatment may be based on the results of these tests. Some of the tests will continue to be done from time to time after treatment has ended. The results of these tests can show if your child's condition has changed or if the cancer has recurred (come back). Treatment of Childhood Tracheobronchial Tumors For information about the treatments listed below, see the Treatment Option Overview section. - Surgery to remove the tumor, for all types of tracheobronchial tumors except rhabdomyosarcoma. - Chemotherapy and radiation therapy, for rhabdomyosarcoma that forms in the trachea or bronchi. For more information about rhabdomyosarcoma and its treatment, see Childhood Rhabdomyosarcoma Treatment. - Targeted therapy (crizotinib), for inflammatory myofibroblastic tumors that form in the trachea or bronchi. Sometimes childhood tracheobronchial tumors can recur (come back) after treatment. If your child is diagnosed with a recurrent tracheobronchial tumor, your child's doctor will work with you to plan treatment. For information about the treatment of tracheobronchial carcinoid tumors, see Childhood Gastrointestinal Neuroendocrine Tumors Treatment. Use our clinical trial search to find NCI-supported cancer clinical trials that are accepting patients. You can search for trials based on the type of cancer, the age of the patient, and where the trials are being done. General information about clinical trials is also available. To Learn More About Tracheobronchial Tumors For more childhood cancer information and other general cancer resources, see the following: - About Cancer - Childhood Cancers - CureSearch for Children's Cancer - Late Effects of Treatment for Childhood Cancer - Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer - Children with Cancer: A Guide for Parents - Cancer in Children and Adolescents - Coping with Cancer - Questions to Ask Your Doctor about Cancer - For Survivors and Caregivers About This PDQ Summary Physician Data Query (PDQ) is the National Cancer Institute's (NCI's) comprehensive cancer information database. The PDQ database contains summaries of the latest published information on cancer prevention, detection, genetics, treatment, supportive care, and complementary and alternative medicine. Most summaries come in two versions. The health professional versions have detailed information written in technical language. The patient versions are written in easy-to-understand, nontechnical language. Both versions have cancer information that is accurate and up to date and most versions are also available in Spanish. PDQ is a service of the NCI. The NCI is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). NIH is the federal government’s center of biomedical research. The PDQ summaries are based on an independent review of the medical literature. They are not policy statements of the NCI or the NIH. Purpose of This Summary This PDQ cancer information summary has current information about the treatment of childhood tracheobronchial tumors. It is meant to inform and help patients, families, and caregivers. It does not give formal guidelines or recommendations for making decisions about health care. Reviewers and Updates Editorial Boards write the PDQ cancer information summaries and keep them up to date. These Boards are made up of experts in cancer treatment and other specialties related to cancer. The summaries are reviewed regularly and changes are made when there is new information. The date on each summary ("Updated") is the date of the most recent change. The information in this patient summary was taken from the health professional version, which is reviewed regularly and updated as needed, by the PDQ Pediatric Treatment Editorial Board. Clinical Trial Information A clinical trial is a study to answer a scientific question, such as whether one treatment is better than another. Trials are based on past studies and what has been learned in the laboratory. Each trial answers certain scientific questions in order to find new and better ways to help cancer patients. During treatment clinical trials, information is collected about the effects of a new treatment and how well it works. If a clinical trial shows that a new treatment is better than one currently being used, the new treatment may become "standard." Patients may want to think about taking part in a clinical trial. Some clinical trials are open only to patients who have not started treatment. Permission to Use This Summary PDQ is a registered trademark. The content of PDQ documents can be used freely as text. It cannot be identified as an NCI PDQ cancer information summary unless the whole summary is shown and it is updated regularly. However, a user would be allowed to write a sentence such as “NCI’s PDQ cancer information summary about breast cancer prevention states the risks in the following way: [include excerpt from the summary].” The best way to cite this PDQ summary is: PDQ® Pediatric Treatment Editorial Board. PDQ Childhood Tracheobronchial Tumors Treatment. Bethesda, MD: National Cancer Institute. Updated <MM/DD/YYYY>. Available at: https://www.cancer.gov/types/lung/patient/child-tracheobronchial-treatment-pdq. Accessed <MM/DD/YYYY>. Images in this summary are used with permission of the author(s), artist, and/or publisher for use in the PDQ summaries only. If you want to use an image from a PDQ summary and you are not using the whole summary, you must get permission from the owner. It cannot be given by the National Cancer Institute. Information about using the images in this summary, along with many other images related to cancer can be found in Visuals Online. Visuals Online is a collection of more than 3,000 scientific images. The information in these summaries should not be used to make decisions about insurance reimbursement. More information on insurance coverage is available on Cancer.gov on the Managing Cancer Care page. More information about contacting us or receiving help with the Cancer.gov website can be found on our Contact Us for Help page. Questions can also be submitted to Cancer.gov through the website’s E-mail Us.
During the Easter season, the Church sings the song of “Alleluia,” meaning “Praise God!” Teach children the meaning of the word Alleluia as they compose a song to celebrate Easter. Catechists and parents may want to encourage Catholic kids to use a familiar melody for their original lyrics. They also may want to record children performing their songs and compile a classroom or family album to enjoy and share! Download a primary printable activity for use in the classroom or home and sing “Alleluia” with the children during the Easter season. Teaching Catholic kids in your religious education program to praise God through song will be a real high note!
The Earth as viewed from the Moon during the Apollo 8 mission. Click on image for full size Image courtesy of NASA Earth as a System The first time people got to see the whole Earth was in 1968 when astronauts took pictures of the Earth as they traveled to and from the Moon. In their photographs, the Earth looks like a small blue and white marble in a sea of black space. Looking at the planet from that far away makes it easy to see that all its parts - the living things, the air, the water, the ice, and the rocks - are connected. Everything on Earth is in the same boat floating through space - a system. Since the 1980s, NASA scientists have been studying the Earth as they study other planets - mainly from above with satellites. Based on this way of looking at Earth, they developed the idea of Earth system science. There are five parts of the Earth system. Plus the Sun plays a special role too. These parts of the Earth system all interact with other parts in many ways. You might also be interested in: Frozen water is found in many different places on Earth. Snow blankets the ground at mid and high latitudes during winter. Sea ice and icebergs float in the chilly waters of polar oceans. Ice shelves are...more Scientists have noticed that the Earth system is changing because of global warming. It is also changing because people have changed the way that land is used and have made pollution in the air, water,...more Earth's climate is determined by the amount of energy received from the Sun and the amount of energy held in the Earth system - in short, Earth's radiation budget. The Sun emits a huge amount of energy,...more Looking for online content that can be used for a climate change education course or module? Pages linked below can be used to support an introductory climate change education for either a unit or a full...more This picture was taken from high above our planet. Looking at the Earth from very far away like this we can see that some parts of our planet look light in color, and some parts look dark. The color of...more Did you know that many species of birds live in the desert? You have probably heard of the roadrunner or seen the cartoon. The roadrunner is a real bird that lives in the desert! It prefers to run rather...more Deserts are very hot and dry places. Deserts get very little rain each year. So how do plants and animals live here? This section on the desert ecosystem will explain how! Do you know what a desert looks...more
Most of the Spanish expeditions of colonization and conquest of North America focused on the southern zone, with the Gulf of Mexico and Florida, and the coast this. Many men and resources were allocated to the colonization of these points mainly because of their strategic military value, from there the access to Antilles islands and fleets passing by were protected. But some years later the coast of the Pacific Ocean, called South Sea at that time, its value was rising and expeditions of exploration and population began to be sent. Pedro de Alvarado in charge of the expedition In 1541 the great conqueror Pedro de Alvarado, who participated in the conquest of Mexico, in the one of Central America and also tried it with the Peru and who at that time was governor of Guatemala, signed two capitulations with the Spanish crown that enabled him to make a navigation on the coast of Nueva España to the north to look for the passage to the Atlantic but this time from the other side, that is, from west to east. And another navigation to the island of the Spices, that is, Asia, and to find the route of return to Nueva España. He organized a large expedition with 11 boats and about 800 men who set sail from Acajutla off the shores of El Salvador and headed north. Arriving at the port of Purification in Jalisco (Nueva España) they stopped to make water, collect bastiments and more soldiers. There he went to meet the Viceroy of Nueva España, don Antonio de Mendoza, and to ask him for help because of some problems that had arisen with the indigenous people in Nueva Galicia. There had been a rebellion known as Mixón War that was very hard for the Spaniards. The viceroy asked her to intervene to suffocate her. They carried out a couple of raids against the Indians but were rejected. In one of those retreats while riding on a hill a horse of a companion got angry and fell down the slope dragging Alvarado with him that was so badly wounded that he died a few days later. Rodriguez Cabrillo new captain of the expedition to California Despite Alvarado’s death, Viceroy Mendoza, who was part of the expedition, continued to advance with Alvarado’s plans by commissioning Captain Rodríguez Cabrillo as commander of the expedition, now somewhat reduced, assigning him two ships. The objectives remained the same: to find the mythical city of Cibola, which probably was further north, and to look for the Anian Strait, which was supposed to link the South Sea (Pacific Ocean) with the Atlantic Ocean and would allow a better navigation between Europe and Asia, the old dream of Christopher Columbus. The expedition departed on June 27th, 1542 from the Puerto de Navidad (Jalisco). In it were sailors, soldiers, Indians, African slaves, a priest, food for two years, animals on their feet and goods. Cabrillo commanded from the ship San Salvador, the captain ship. Discovery of California On July 3th, just one week later, they headed for the south coast of the Baja California. Always heading north, they went along the coast and discovered the Magdalena Bay and the island of Cedros. In mid-September, after a quiet navigation, they arrived at the current Ensenada port, which they named San Mateo and at the end of the month they arrived at what we would call San Miguel Bay, which is the current San Diego Bay. This was the first time that a European entered the current territory of North American California. Of all these points, they had a good note in their maritime charts and the geographical maps they were building. In the first week of October, they travel along the current Los Angeles and go as far as Santa Barbara and reach Punta Concepcion. In this place there were such strong winds that they had to go back to the island of San Miguel where they took refuge waiting for the storm to stop. Finally, in early November they continued their northbound route to the present Monterey Bay or Pinos Bay. Death of Rodriguez Cabrillo The storm returned and they decided to return to the shelter of the island of San Miguel, where they spent several months waiting for winter to pass. Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo died on January 3,1543 on this island in a skirmish with the native islanders and was buried in the isla Santa Catalina. Bartolomé Ferrelo new captain arrives to the current Oregon The command was taken by Bartolomé Ferrelo in February and mid-month, after the winter storms had passed, and untiring sailors continued to sail north. They arrived at the cabo Mendocino already very close to the present state of Oregon and in the month of April they decided to return to Nueva España Spain arriveng in Puerto Navidad on April 14,1543. The expedition, from the geographical point of view, had been a success, thanks to it the knowledge of what was beyond the Baja California peninsula was widened, traveling and discovering several thousand kilometers of coast. But from the economic point of view, of profitability, it was a real failure, since the existence of Cibola and of any really interesting wealth could not be proved. And the passage from the South Sea to the Atlantic could not be found either. Progress had been made, yes, but not much. Index of the conquest and colonization of North America- Spanish conquest and colonization of North America. - Ponce de león and the Discovery of de Florida. - Francisco de Garay, Expeditions along the Gulf of Mexico Coast. - Lucas Vázquez de Ayllón, Foundation of the First Spanish Settlement in North America. - Esteban Gómez, exploration of the entire east coast. - Pánfilo de Narváez and Cabeza de Vaca, exploration of the Southern United States - Nuño de Guzmán, conquistador of Nueva Galicia - The Viceroy Mendoza and the Seven Cities of Cibola - Hernando de Soto, the great American marathon - Francisco Vázquez de Coronado, Arizona y Nuevo México, Texas, Kansas and Oklahoma - Juan Rodríguez Cabrillo and the discovery of California - Menéndez de Avilés found San Agustín of the Florida - Juan de Oñate, the conquest of New Mexico - The peaceful conquest - The conquest of Texas, the Missions - The conquest of California - Los Caminos Reales Españoles - The Spanish Alaska - The Spanish Louisiana - The loss of North America
When it comes to American history, there are numerous phrases that have become famous over the years. From political speeches to popular culture, there are several quotes that have left a lasting impact on American society. However, when it comes to the most famous phrase in American history, one quote stands out above the rest: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.” This quote is perhaps the most well-known sentence from the Declaration of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson in 1776. The document was a statement announcing the separation of the thirteen North American British colonies from Great Britain and declaring them as independent states. The Declaration of Independence is considered one of America’s most important historical documents and remains a symbol of liberty and freedom for many people around the world. The phrase “all men are created equal” has become synonymous with American values. It represents the idea that every person deserves equal rights and opportunities regardless of their race, gender, religion, or social status. The concept has been engrained into America’s political and cultural identity and continues to inspire generations. There are several reasons why this quote is considered the most famous phrase in American history. Firstly, it embodies America’s founding principles and values. It represents the country’s commitment to democracy, freedom, and equality for all people. Secondly, it has been referenced countless times in popular culture over the years. From Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech to Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, this quote has inspired some of America’s greatest leaders. Moreover, this phrase remains relevant today as America continues to grapple with issues related to racial inequality and social justice. It serves as a reminder that despite progress made over time there is still much work left to be done towards achieving true equality for all Americans. In conclusion, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal” is undoubtedly the most famous phrase in American history. Its impact on American society and culture cannot be overstated, and it will continue to inspire generations to come. As we move forward, we must remember the importance of these words and strive to uphold the values they represent.
The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is a fundamental concept in the field of finance and investment. It is a term that is frequently used in financial modelling and capital budgeting, playing a critical role in the decision-making process of businesses and investors. This article aims to demystify the concept of IRR, explaining its meaning, calculation, and application in real-world scenarios. The Internal Rate of Return is a discount rate that makes the Net Present Value (NPV) of all cash flows (both inflow and outflow) from a particular project or investment equal to zero. It is an indicator of the profitability, efficiency, quality, or yield of an investment. In simpler terms, the IRR can be defined as the interest rate that reduces the cost of an investment to its benefits. When the IRR of a project or investment is higher than the required rate of return, the project or investment is considered a good choice. Conversely, if the IRR is lower than the required rate of return, the project or investment may not be a viable option. The IRR can also be used to compare the profitability of two or more potential projects or investments. Calculating the IRR involves a somewhat complex mathematical process. It requires the use of a formula that takes into account the initial investment, the cash inflows from the investment, and the number of periods over which the investment will generate returns. The formula for calculating the IRR is as follows: IRR = NPV = ∑ [Rt / (1+i)^t] – C0 = 0 It's important to note that the IRR equation cannot be solved analytically; it must be solved either through trial-and-error or using software that can handle such calculations. The IRR is a key component in financial modelling, particularly in models that are designed to project the future financial performance of a company or investment. It is used to evaluate the attractiveness of a project or investment. If a project has an IRR that is higher than the cost of capital, it is considered a profitable project. If the IRR is lower than the cost of capital, the project is not profitable. The IRR can also be used to rank multiple prospective projects a company is considering. Such a scenario is commonly referred to as the 'capital budgeting' process. While the IRR is a useful financial metric, it is not without its limitations. One of the main criticisms of the IRR is that it assumes that the cash flows from a project or investment are reinvested at the IRR itself, which may not always be the case. Another limitation is that the IRR can be misleading when comparing projects of different sizes or lengths. For example, a larger project may have a lower IRR but a higher total return over time. Similarly, a shorter project may have a higher IRR but a lower total return over time. Despite these limitations, the IRR remains a popular and widely used financial metric due to its simplicity and ease of interpretation. The Internal Rate of Return is a critical financial concept that helps businesses and investors make informed decisions. While it has its limitations, its benefits far outweigh them, making it a valuable tool in the financial modelling and capital budgeting process. Understanding the IRR, how it is calculated, and its applications can provide valuable insights into the financial viability of projects and investments. It is a key skill for anyone involved in finance, investment, or business management. Now that you understand the importance of the Internal Rate of Return in financial decision-making, it's time to elevate your financial modelling capabilities. Causal's business planning platform automates your finance processes, allowing you to concentrate on strategic decision-making. With dynamic modelling, you can unlock deeper insights for revenue and expense projections, manage driver-based scenarios with ease, and automate data consolidation for a comprehensive view of your business. Plus, empower stakeholders with interactive dashboards tailored to their needs. Ready to transform your financial modelling and make better business decisions faster? Sign up today and put your finance on autopilot with Causal.
When you recognize the cause of hearing loss, you start directing your efforts to its proper management. Hearing loss can occur due to aging, excess noise exposure, injury, Meniere’s disease, Otosclerosis and fall into the category of sensorineural or conductive hearing loss. Sensorineural Hearing Loss Causes Sensorineural hearing loss occurs when there is a defect in the function of either your inner ear or the auditory nerve, which interfere in the transmission of sound or nerve signals to the brain. It can occur both early and later in life. Sensorineural hearing loss which occurs at birth of a baby is called congenital sensorineural hearing loss and can occur due to genetic, acquired and unknown causes. Genetic causes are the most common cause of congenital sensorineural hearing loss, consisting of congenital syndromes and chromosomal abnormalities. Acquired causes of sensorineural hearing loss include infections, metabolic causes, toxins, and birth injury. Infections in newborns can occur as a result of the transmission of disease-causing agents such as toxoplasmosis, cytomegalovirus, herpes viruses, mumps, measles, meningococcal bacteria from mother to fetus in the womb. These can cause damage to the hearing system of the baby leading to sensorineural hearing loss. Metabolic causes include birth asphyxia which is decreased oxygen levels to the newborn baby due to circulation problems of the mother, leading to various issues including hearing loss. Toxins such as alcohol, thalidomide, quinine in mother can cause birth defects in the newborn involving hearing loss. Birth injury: Birth injury during the delivery of a baby can cause skull trauma or bleeding in the brain, affecting the hearing system. Indeterminate causes have also been reported to cause sensorineural hearing loss in the newborn. Sensorineural hearing loss occurring later in life can be caused by several factors including normal aging, excess noise exposure, infections, injury, tumors, medications and Meniere’s disease. Aging can lead to hearing loss known as presbycusis It is one of the common conditions which affects hearing as you grow older characterized by damage to the hair cells of the inner ear. Noise-induced hearing loss occurs as a result of exposure to a single episode of loud noise, such as an explosion or gunshot, or excess noise exposure to sounds louder than 85 decibels (dB). As per the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders, NIDCD approximately 20 percent of US adults suffer from noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL). You are prone to hearing loss, in case you have to shout to be heard or your ears ring after attending a live concert. Disease And Infections Exposure to infections, such as measles, meningitis and mumps during childhood and adulthood can cause sensorineural hearing loss. Trauma such as injury to the head or ear can disrupt the normal functioning of your hearing system causing sensorineural hearing loss. Tumors such as acoustic neuroma, a benign tumor that affects your hearing system and cholesteatoma, an abnormal skin growth in the middle ear can cause sensorineural hearing loss. Numerous medications and chemicals are ototoxic or causing damage to your hearing health. Permanent hearing loss can occur after prolonged intake of certain antibiotics such as gentamycin, streptomycin; anti-inflammatory medications like salicylates and cancer chemotherapy drugs like cisplatin and carboplatin. Meniere’s disease affects your inner ear and can cause pressure or pain in the ear, dizziness or vertigo, sensorineural hearing loss, and tinnitus. Conductive Hearing Loss Causes The conductive hearing loss occurs when there is a defect in the function of your outer or middle ear due to damage or obstruction which inhibits the conduction of sound to the inner ear. Impaction of Wax The amount and type of ear wax are genetically determined similar to hair color or height. It may not be easy for smaller or oddly shaped ear canals for the wax to get out of the canal lead to wax impactions and conductive hearing loss. Narrowing Of The Ear Canal Narrowing/obstruction of the ear canal or stenosis can occur due to genetic causes which can lead to conductive hearing loss. Foreign bodies can cause damage to the ear canal or ear drum, leading to conductive hearing loss. Inflammation or infection of the outer ear is known as Otitis externa or swimmer’s ear which can occur due to moisture in your ear. In case left untreated, it can cause conductive hearing loss. Exostoses are bone-like protrusions that can form inside the ear canal and cause likely conductive hearing loss. Damage To The Tympanic Membrane Perforation to the tympanic membrane or ear drum can be caused by injury, ear infections or extreme and rapid air pressure changes, resulting in conductive hearing loss. Tympanosclerosis or thickening of the tympanic membrane can lead to a defect in sound conduction and hearing. Otitis media or infection of the middle ear can result in a buildup of fluid in the middle ear, causing obstruction in hearing. Eustachian Tube Block Obstruction in the Eustachian tube, which connects the middle ear to the back of the nose and throat, can be caused by allergies, common cold or increased altitude. It can cause changes in your hearing. Otosclerosis is the freezing up of middle ear bones due to abnormal bone growth which results in obstruction in the transmission of sound through the middle ear. Ossicular Chain Discontinuity Break in the connection between the bones of the middle ear, caused by injury or heavy trauma can lead to disruption in the conduction of sounds, causing hearing loss. Tumors or abnormal growths that form within the middle ear, such as cholesteatoma or glomus tumors can cause obstruction and conductive hearing loss. Identifying the cause of hearing loss is one of the critical steps in the management of hearing loss. The management of hearing loss can focus on watchful observation, hearing aids, cochlear implants and treatment of other symptoms such as tinnitus and vertigo. In case, you are looking for a hearing aid, then our team of experts is happy to provide you assistance in making the right choice.
The dicot leaves have two side the upper side and the lower side. The upper side is directed above and the lower side is directed below so these leaves are known as bifacial leaf or dorsiventral leaves. The leaves obtain more sunlight on the upper side than on the lower side so there is difference in the anatomical structure and the tissue orientation on either side. The internal structure may be differentiated into; (i) Epidermis: The epidermis is present on both sides so known as the upper epidermis and lower epidermis. The epidermis is made up of uniseriate cells, which are compactly arranged, thin walled and parenchymatous. On the upper epidermis there is the presence of thick cuticle layer but it is thinner on the lower surface. The cuticle prevents the greater evaporation of water from the surface of the leaves. The stomata are present on the lower side of the epidermis so the known as the hypostomatal leaf. (ii) Mesophyll tissues: The mesophyll tissue is differentiated into two; the palisade tissue and the spongy cells. The palisade tissues are found below the upper epidermis and are arranged at right angles to its cells. These cells are columnar in shape arranged without the inter cellular space. All these cells contain large number of chloroplast arranged along the radial walls of the cells. The main function of palisade tissue is photosynthesis. The spongy cells lie below the lower epidermis and these cells are polygonal in shape. These cells are loosely arranged with large inter cellular space. The spongy tissue has greater air spaces, the internal exposed cell surface facilitate gaseous exchange. The water vapour exchange between the cells and inter cellular space this inter ventilating system open through the stomata on the lower epidermis. Number of chloroplast present in the mesophyll cells lesser than the palisade tissue so the lower surface of the leaf appears as pale green. (iii) Vascular bundles: The vascular bundles are embedded in mesophyll tissue. The bundles are conjoint, collateral and closed. Vascular bundle of the mid vein is large in size than the other bundle. Colorless parenchymatous cell surrounds the bundle and spread up to upper and lower epidermis. These cells are collectively called as the bundle sheath extensions. The vascular bundles have xylem lying towards the upper epidermis and phloem lies towards the lower epidermis. The xylem is composed of annular and spirally thickened vessels, tracheids, fibres and xylem parenchyma. The proto xylem of the vascular bundle lies towards upper surface and the meta xylem lies towards the lower side. Phloem consists of sieve tubes, companion cells and phloem parenchyma.
Wellbeing framework for schools The Wellbeing Framework for Schools supports schools to create teaching and learning environments that enable students to be healthy, happy, engaged and successful. Wellbeing in our public schools is driven by the themes of Connect, Succeed and Thrive. Wellbeing resources to download What is wellbeing? In very broad terms, wellbeing can be described as the quality of a person's life. Wellbeing needs to be considered in relation to how we feel and function across several areas, including our cognitive, emotional, social, physical and spiritual wellbeing. Wellbeing in schools is for all students. A focus on wellbeing goes beyond just welfare needs of a few individual students and aims for all students to be healthy, happy, successful and productive individuals who are active and positive contributors to the school and society in which they live. Wellbeing Framework for Schools The NSW Wellbeing Framework for schools is a statement of what is valued as excellence in student wellbeing in NSW public schools. It supports schools to create a planned approach to wellbeing using evidenced-based strategies that are strengths based, preventative and focus on early intervention. This includes strengthening students’ cognitive, physical, social, emotional and spiritual wellbeing domains of development. Schools will achieve this through planning and decision-making at the local level to meet the needs of their students. Schools can engage with professional learning to build staff capacity on: - understanding the domains of the Wellbeing Framework for Schools - classroom and school-wide strategies to build holistic student wellbeing - how to build-in student wellbeing improvement measures into new and existing wellbeing programs. Assessing wellbeing and inclusion The following four Department resources have been integrated to support schools to measure wellbeing and inclusion across the domains of teaching, learning and leading. - School Excellence Framework V2 - NSW Wellbeing Framework for Schools - Inclusive Education Statement for students with disability - Inclusive Education Policy for students with disability Schools determine wellbeing targets that align with their specific context or needs. When creating these targets, schools should align them to student wellbeing improvement measures. There are many student wellbeing improvement measures including Tell Them From Me (TTFM) survey results, school based data from Positive Behaviour for Learning, the Personal and Social Capability learning continuum (ACARA), attendance data, referral data, learning and support team meeting records and the provision of individual learning and behaviour programs. Wellbeing and learning are inextricably linked and research shows that effective, evidence-based wellbeing initiatives and strategies enhance student learning. By aligning student wellbeing improvement measures with School Excellence Framework themes and the Principles of Inclusive Practice, this document shows how wellbeing and inclusion can be evidenced across the School Excellence Framework.
An Afrometrics Poll on Self Definition conducted in February, 2013 highlights how many African Americans\Black people define racial identity in multidimensional ways that transcend dictionary definitions and common scientific definitions of race. African Americans\Black people were surveyed about how they define what it means to be African American\Black. They were also asked how they felt about being African American\Black. Responses to the question, “What does being African American\Black mean to you?” were coded into categories representing common themes. The initial categorization had an intercoder reliability rating on 85.7% representing strong reliability. The African American\Black respondents who participated in this study most frequently mentioned six aspects of what it means to be African American\Black: 1) Struggle and Resilience, 2) Ancestry, 3) Pride, 4) History and Legacy, 5) African descent Community, and 6) Physicality. Struggle and Resilience The most common aspect of what it means to be Black mentioned in this study was struggle and resilience. Twenty-five percent of the participants in this study identified being Black with being a part of a struggle for justice and equality against the forces of racism and other forms of oppression. Respondents made statements such as: Twenty-three percent of respondents mentioned their ancestors as a significant part of what it means to be Black\African American. It appears that the conception of a Black identity in the present day is informed by one’s ancestors. Respondents made statements such as the following: Twenty-three percent of the participants in this study identified being African American\Black with pride. They defined their racial identity as a source of personal and collective pride and empowerment. Respondents made statements such as: History and Legacy Respondents indicated that the meaning of being Black involved being rooted in history. To have a sense of the history associated with being Black seems to suggest an awareness of the memory and legacy of an African origin, descent, and historical events that mold Blackness as a racial identity. Fifteen percent of respondents stated that being Black was informed by the past in that it connects one with Africa. This is exemplified by statements like the following: African Descent Community Thirteen percent of respondents referenced being of African descent, having membership in a globally diverse African-descended community, and embracing culture, tradition, and a value system that is more far-reaching than geographical constraints. Respondents made statements such as the following: Least common among the respondents’ descriptions of what it means to be Black was specific reference to physical features and phenotype. Four percent of respondents stated that being Black meant displaying some physical characteristic that represents racial distinction. This is characterized by statements such as the following: Respondents were also asked to indicate how they felt about being African American\Black on a scale ranging from “very negatively” to “very positively.” Respondents were also asked to indicate their annual income level, highest level of education, age, and gender. A Pearson correlation was calculated for the relationship between respondents’ feelings about Blackness and respondents’ annual income level, highest level of education, age, and gender. A positive relationship was found (r(55) = -.220, p<.05), indicating a statistically significant positive correlation between respondents’ feelings about being African American\ Black and their levels of education (See Table 2). As respondents’ levels of education increased, there was an increase in their feelings about being African American\Black, indicating that the higher Black people’s education levels were, the more likely they were to feel positively about being African American/Black. This finding indicates that the large majority (91%) of African Americans in this sample feel positively about being Black. Dialogue about racism should be careful to differentiate African American\Black people's attitudes about racial identity and their attitudes about racism. It is important to understand that negative attitudes about racism do not equate to negative attitudes about racial identity.
We all know that Hydrogen is an invisible gas without any color. But still, we find people talking about different colors of Hydrogen. They usually talk about Green Hydrogen, Blue Hydrogen, Black Hydrogen, Brown Hydrogen, Pink Hydrogen, Turquoise Hydrogen, Yellow Hydrogen, Red Hydrogen, and White Hydrogen. So, what are these colors? In this article, we will learn about different types of Hydrogen colors and their meanings. Colors of Hydrogen As hydrogen atoms don’t exist on their own, they need energy to produce hydrogen. Hydrogen is highly abundant in form of water or natural gases but to create pure hydrogen, one needs to break those molecular bonds using some form of energy. Depending on the process of how Hydrogen is produced, it is provided with 9 color codes. They are: - Green Hydrogen - Blue Hydrogen - Grey Hydrogen - Black or Brown Hydrogen - Pink Hydrogen - Turquoise Hydrogen - Yellow Hydrogen - Red Hydrogen, and - White Hydrogen This color coding is unofficially provided by North American Council for Freight Efficiency (NACFE). However, still, there is no universal naming convention for the above hydrogen colors which may change in the future over time or even between countries. The name green hydrogen is given to the hydrogen produced using clean electricity from surplus renewable energy sources to electrolyze water. As this production method does not produce greenhouse gas emissions, the production of green hydrogen is environmentally friendly and sustainable. A device called an electrolyzer is used to produce green hydrogen. Electricity generated by renewable sources like wind, solar, etc split the water into its components i.e Hydrogen and Oxygen using an electrochemical reaction. Thus the process emits zero carbon and helps in the net-zero carbon philosophy. As the production of green hydrogen is costly, it makes up only a small percentage of the overall produced hydrogen. Blue hydrogen is generated using the steam reforming method of natural gas (Fossil Fuel). Natural gas and heated steam are brought together which produces hydrogen and carbon dioxide. This carbon-di-oxide is stored underground for industrial use using Carbon Capture and Storage (CSS) technology. As the steam reduction process does not avoid greenhouse gas creation, Blue hydrogen is also known as low-carbon hydrogen. Grey hydrogen is the most common form of Hydrogen that is produced from natural gas, coal, or methane. A method called steam methane reformation is used for creating grey hydrogen. A smaller amount of greenhouse gases are also generated while producing grey hydrogen but those are not captured and released into the atmosphere. Black or Brown hydrogen Black and Brown Hydrogen is produced from black coal or brown coal (lignite). This type of hydrogen production is the most environmentally damaging. Most hydrogen produced in the United States is “brown hydrogen”. The steam-methane reforming process is used to create black and brown hydrogen. In this process, steam is used to split natural gas or coal into clean, zero-emission hydrogen fuel and CO2 gas. When hydrogen production is done by the water electrolysis process which is powered by nuclear energy, the generated hydrogen is termed pink hydrogen. Sometimes, this hydrogen is also termed purple hydrogen. Very high temperatures of nuclear reactors are used in this process which is highly efficient. Turquoise hydrogen is produced using the methane pyrolysis process. Natural gas is broken down using the thermal process to create hydrogen and solid carbon. The thermal process to split the natural gas is powered by renewable energy and the generated carbon is permanently stored or used. When solar energy is used for the electrolysis process to generate hydrogen, It is termed yellow hydrogen. This method of hydrogen production is relatively new. Sometimes, various other mixed energy sources are also used to produce yellow hydrogen. A high-temperature catalytic process is used to split water with nuclear thermal power and the generated hydrogen is termed Red Hydrogen. White hydrogen is the naturally-occurring geological hydrogen. This type of hydrogen is usually found in underground deposits. Sometimes, white hydrogen is created through fracking. At present, there are no strategies to exploit this hydrogen. All the above discussions can be summarized in a tabular format as provided below: |Electrolysis of water using clean electricity from renewable energy sources. |Steam reforming of natural gas using CSS technology |Steam reforming of natural gas without CSS technology |Black and Brown Hydrogen |Steam reforming of black or brown coals |Water electrolysis using nuclear energy |Electrolysis using solar power |High-temperature catalytic process using nuclear power |Naturally occurring Hydrogen Blue Hydrogen vs Grey Hydrogen The production of Blue and Grey hydrogen is almost similar. The main difference between the two processes is that in Blue hydrogen production, the greenhouse carbon-di-oxide gas is captured using CSS technology whereas in the Grey hydrogen production process the CO2 is not captured. Blue hydrogen is an alternative low-carbon hydrogen production process but Grey hydrogen is not considered a low-carbon fuel. Is Hydrogen a Clean Energy Solution? As discussed above, most hydrogen production processes are not a solution to clean energy. However, green hydrogen is fully clean energy but the production process is costly. Green hydrogen is produced following the zero carbon emissions process and fully clean energy.
By Maurizio from dev.emcelettronica.com: Our body is built with biological tissue. The tissue that can generate or detect bioelectrical signals is called excitable tissue. Some examples of this tissue (and its cells) are: neurons and muscular tissue. Neurons are responsible of transmitting the excitatory bioelectrical signal to another neuron (forming nerves) or to a muscle tissue, gland or brain, while muscular cells are responsible of muscular contraction and distension. Some specialized cells generate bioelectric signals: optic receptors (eyes), muscular cells that transmit the feeling of pain, etc. Bioelectricity concerns the magnetic and electrical fields produced by organisms or cells. Understanding bioelectricity – [Link]
Sleep – it’s something that we all need, and also something that many of us don’t get enough of! But have you ever wondered why we sleep, and why it is so important to us? We’ve tried to track down some of the science behind why we sleep. Sleep occurs in cycles, and divided into two types of sleep – non-REM sleep, and REM sleep. There are four stages of sleep within non-REM sleep. The first stage of non-REM sleep is where we are in a light sleep, being neither fully awake nor fully asleep. A person can be easily woken up in this stage of sleep. Stage two, or true sleep, last for about twenty minutes and, in this stage, a person’s heart rate and respiration slows down. This stages accounts for the largest portion of sleep. Stages three and four are stages of deep sleep. Stage three sees the brain producing delta waves, a pattern that is large and slow. A person’s breathing and heart rate is at its lowest during this stage. Stage four is represented by a rhythmic breathing pattern and limited muscle activity. If a person is awakened during this stage, they cannot immediately adjust and may feel groggy or disorientated for several minutes after awakening. The first period of REM or rapid eye movement sleep starts anywhere from 70 to 90 minutes after falling asleep. The average person will have anywhere from three to five episodes of REM sleep per night. During REM sleep, the brain is very active, sometimes even more so than when a person is awake! REM sleep is when most dreaming happens. The eyes move around (which is where the name comes from), and the respiration rate and blood pressure rises. Despite this, the body is essentially paralysed, so that a person cannot act out their dreams. Once the REM sleep is over, the whole sleep cycle begins again. Sleep is essential because it helps to maintain cognitive skills and also plays an important role in brain development. If a person does not get enough sleep, there will be serious effects on the brain and its ability to function. After just one night without sleep, concentration is difficult, the attention span shortens, and a person may feel irritable, grumpy, groggy, or forgetful. If a person continually gets less sleep than they need, the area of the brain that controls language, memory, planning, and the sense of time becomes severely affected. People that don’t get enough sleep also have trouble responding to rapidly changing situations and have trouble making rational judgments. If people are in a continual state of wakefulness, they can hallucinate and lose their grip on reality. In fact, if sleep is withheld for a long enough period of time, it can actually be fatal. Lack of sleep not only affects a person’s cognitive functioning but also their emotional and physical health. Disorders such as sleep apnea have been linked to stress and high blood pressure. Lack of sleep has also been linked to obesity because the chemicals and hormones that play an important role in controlling appetite and weight gain are released during sleep. As well, children secrete growth hormone during their sleep, which is important for their development. Chemicals that are needed by the immune system are also secreted during sleep, so a lack of sleep can actually result in a person becoming more prone to disease. There are no hard and fast rules about how much sleep a person needs to function optimally as each person is different. The amount of sleep necessary could be anywhere between five and eleven hours, with just under eight hours being the average. The amount of sleep a person needs seems to decrease with age. For example, a newborn may sleep for twenty hours a day, while elderly people may need only six or seven hours a day. A person has sleep patterns, which vary according to their sleep hygiene, how much physical activity they undertake, and how healthy the person is both physically and mentally. The term “sleep hygiene” refers to how we choose to sleep and it is vital to a person’s health and fitness. Because sleep is practiced according to a circadian rhythm, a person’s sleep patterns are at their best if bedtimes and the amount of sleep are consistent. If a person delays their normal bedtime or wakes up earlier than usual, this will affect a person’s performance the next day, both mentally and physically.
March is Women’s History Month – the perfect time to celebrate women in the workplace and the invaluable contributions they make. It goes without saying that we would be lost without the wonderful women who work in every industry and position imaginable. They quite literally keep things running across a variety of fields, specialties, and organizations. Think of the women throughout history who have made an impact in the workplace. Florence Nightingale founded modern nursing in mid-1800s England. Anna Bissell became America’s first woman CEO in 1889. Frances Perkins became the first female Secretary of Labor in 1933, helping to create the Social Security program. In 1972, Katharine Graham became head of The Washington Post, making her the first woman CEO of a Fortune 500 company. And in 2021, Kamala Harris became the first female Vice President in American history. Of course, the history of women in the workplace hasn’t always been positive. And the truth is that we still have a long way to go. The gender pay gap is just one example. The Equal Pay Act was passed back in 1963, but we’re still far from true equality. Click here to enter text. According to Census.gov, data shows that women won’t achieve equal pay to their male counterparts until 2059, if the trend continues at its current pace. The pay gap is even worse for women of color. Black women working full-time in the U.S. make 62 cents for every dollar paid to white men; Latina women 54 cents; and Native American women 57 cents, according to the National Partnership for Women & Families. In spite of these struggles, vast numbers of women are successfully dominating the workplace. And it’s been a long road to get there. Let’s take a look back at the history of women in the workplace and the impact they’ve had. We’ll also discuss the impact of COVID-19 on women in the workplace and what the future looks like. The History of Women in the Workplace In the early 1900s, most women didn’t work outside of the home. And many who did would leave the labor force when they got married because of cultural normality and legal reasons. However, by 1930 or so, that started to change. Workforce participation rates for women reached nearly 50 percent for single women by 1930, and more married women remained in the workforce, too. Cultural norms were starting to change in this time, in no small part because of the first wave of the women’s rights movement. Over the next few decades, women’s participation in the workforce continued to rise both for married and unmarried women. By 1970, 50 percent of single women and 40 percent of unmarried women were working. This was thanks to a number of factors: education and graduation rates increased for women, new technology created more clerical jobs which were often filled by women, and cultural mores about women in the workplace were continuing to fade. Women’s participation in the labor force peaked around 1990, when the rate of working-age women (those between 25 and 54 years of age) topped 74 percent. Unfortunately, it hasn’t increased significantly since then, currently standing around 75 percent. The Importance of Women in the Workplace It’s easy to see why women are so important in the workplace: They bring invaluable expertise, insight, and perspective into any team, industry, or organization. But it’s about more than semantics. There is hard data to reference that makes it quite clear: Organizations who make a point of maintaining gender-diverse workforces and leadership teams fare better than those who don’t. Over the past few years, we’ve seen the call for diverse workplaces reach a fever pitch. And there’s a good reason for that. Multiple studies confirm that organizations with diverse workforces and leadership teams produce better financial results than those with non-diverse teams. One study by Gallup evaluated companies in the retail and hospitality industries and concluded unequivocally that gender-diverse business units yield better financial outcomes than units dominated by one gender. In fact, gender-diverse businesses enjoy 14 percent higher revenue than less-diverse business units. And quarterly net profits are 19 percent higher for diverse units (more than $16,000 per quarter compared to $13,000 per quarter). Of course, it’s not just about the money. Other benefits of a gender-diverse and well-balanced workplace include: - Increased job satisfaction. Everyone in the workplace is more satisfied with their jobs, it turns out, when women are present. A study by the Center for Creative Leadership found having more women in the workplace improved overall satisfaction for both genders. - Employees feel more supported. Gallup finds that employees who work for female managers more often felt their employer was committed to their career development. - Lower burnout rates. The same data showed that those working under female leadership suffered less burnout than those working under men. - Increased retention. When more women hold leadership positions, an organization is less likely to exhibit conscious and unconscious gender bias. That, in turn, increases retention rates. To put it simply, organizations with more women at the helm attract and keep more female employees. COVID’s Impact on Women in the Workplace The COVID-19 pandemic impacted people of every sort. Unfortunately, it impacted women disproportionately. According to McKinsey’s 2020 Women in the Workplace study, women felt more pressure than men during the height of the pandemic. One in four women considered leaving the workforce entirely or taking a step back in their careers, compared to one out of five men. Why the disproportionate effect on women? Unfortunately, the answer lies primarily in traditional gender mores. More women than men quit their jobs during the pandemic to stay home and care for their children. And because of the still-wide pay gap, it simply made sense for many heterosexual dual-career partnerships that the mother would leave work while the man stayed on. One silver lining of the pandemic and the social shifts we’ve seen during the past few years: Women, as well as marginalized groups and people of color, have made gains in representation since the start of COVID-19. The percentage of women in leadership positions is higher than it has ever been. In 2021, the number of women in senior management roles rose to 31 percent across the globe – that’s the highest number ever recorded. And 90 percent of companies worldwide have at least one woman in a senior management role. Still, women are promoted to management roles at a far lower rate than men, and the overall gains in representation for women don’t necessarily translate to women of color. According to McKinsey’s Women in the Workplace report from 2021, the representation for women of color drops off by more than 75 percent between entry-level and C-suite roles. The Future of Women in the Workplace When examined from a bird’s-eye view, the role of women in the workplace has improved drastically since, say, the 1800s. Women in business and government have more representation, power, and pay equity than ever before. But there are still biases and barriers to women in the workplace that can’t be ignored. Women, and particularly women of color, still have far less opportunities than their male counterparts – and the pandemic didn’t help. So, what does the future of work look like for women in the workplace? Companies are more committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) efforts than ever before, and that must continue before women see the equality that’s necessary. The workplaces of the future need to view women as workers and leaders who are equally valued as anyone else, and to celebrate their contributions and perspectives. Women’s History Month is the perfect time to do that, but it needs to happen all year-round. Then and only then will the longstanding disparities in pay and opportunities be permanently addressed. Regardless, women have always made significant and permanent positive changes to their workplaces – and that’s not going to change. During Women’s History Month and beyond, PrideStaff salutes the women of the workforce and celebrates their contributions now and in the future. Make Your Next Hire With PrideStaff PrideStaff is a leading national employment agency providing temporary, temp-to-hire, and permanent hire staffing solutions to companies of all shapes and sizes. Our staffing firm is committed to finding you the qualified, diverse, and talented candidates you’re looking for. If you’re ready to hire, contact your local PrideStaff office to learn more about our services and to get started on your talent search.
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines environment as the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or operates. A person’s environment, or social surroundings, have an enormous impact on the way that person thinks and operates. If a person is surrounded by negativity, he/she is more likely to replicate that negativity and display negative behaviors in other areas of life. The environment of a troubled teen can often be the root cause or factor in the troubled adolescent’s negative behavior. When an impressionable teenage boy or girl is surrounded by negative peers, it is common for these teens to develop negative behaviors themselves. It is for this reason that parents should be aware of their child’s social surroundings and environmental influences. If a teenage boy or girl is troubled, a total change in their environment may be in order. By replacing a troubled teen’s negative environment with that of a therapeutic, nurturing and rehabilitative environment, troubled adolescents are able to emotional, therapeutic and behavioral restoration.
The lymphatic system includes the lymph nodes and related organs that are part of the body's immune and blood-forming systems. The lymph nodes are small, bean-shaped organs located in the neck, underarm, groin, chest, abdomen, and pelvis. Lymph nodes make and store infection-fighting white blood cells called lymphocytes. They are connected throughout the body by lymph vessels that carry lymphatic fluid containing the lymphocytes. Cancers of the lymph system (lymphomas) are divided into Hodgkin's disease (HD) and Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. As the cancer cells in HD grow, they can compress, invade, and destroy normal tissue and spread to other tissues either through the lymph system or the bloodstream. The American Cancer Society has estimated that about 7,400 new cases of HD will be diagnosed in the year 2000. It tends to affect men more often than women. Hodgkin's disease can occur at any age, even in childhood, although there are two periods in which it is more common: between the ages of 15 and 24, and after age 55. HD is potentially curable even in late stages. Current treatment regimens have achieved long-term disease-free survival in 70-90% of persons with advanced-stage disease and 85-100% of persons with localized disease. The Medifocus Guide on Hodgkin's Disease provides answers to the following important questions and medical issues: What are the most common symptoms of Hodgkin's disease? Are there any recognized risk factors for developing Hodgkin's disease? What kinds of medical tests are used to establish the diagnosis of Hodgkin's disease? What is the current standard of care for the treatment of Hodgkin's disease? What treatment options are available for the management of Hodgkin's disease? Are there any promising new developments or potential breakthroughs in treatment? Who are the most notable medical authorities who specialize in Hodgkin's disease? Where are the leading hospitals and centers of research for Hodgkin's disease? What are the most important questions to ask my doctor about Hodgkin's disease? What Your Doctor Reads: This MediFocus Guide contains an extensive listing of citations and abstracts of recent journal articles that have been published about this condition in trustworthy medical journals. This is the same type of information that is available to physicians and other health care professionals. A partial selection of journal articles that are abstracted in this MediFocus Guide includes: Human immunodeficiency virus-associated Hodgkin's disease. Seminars in Oncology. 2000 Current treatment of Hodgkin's disease. Critical Reviews in Oncology-Hematology. 2000 The contemporary use of radiation therapy in the management of lymphoma. Surgical Oncology Clinics of North America. 2000 Evidence-based management of Hodgkin's disease: the role of autologous stem cell transplantation. Cancer Control. 2000 Hodgkin's disease. Cancer Journal From Scientific American. 2000 Interventions for early stage Hodgkin's disease in children. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews [computer file]. 2000 Down syndrome and Hodgkin disease in childhood. Medical & Pediatric Oncology. 2000 Treatment of Hodgkin's disease: results and current concepts of the German Hodgkin's Lymphoma Study Group. Annals of Oncology. 2000 The molecular and cellular origins of Hodgkin's disease. Journal of Experimental Medicine. 2000 MediFocus.com understands that consumers who are facing serious medical issues need access to credible, up-to-date medical information to help them make informed health-care decisions. That's why we've developed the MediFocus Guides...the most advanced and trustworthy patient research guides for over 200 chronic and life-threatening conditions. Each MediFocus Guide includes a detailed overview of the condition including information about diagnosis, treatment options, cutting-edge research, and new developments; excerpts of important journal articles from the current medical literature focusing on standard treatments and treatment options; a directory of leading authors and medical institutions who specialize in the treatment of the condition; and a listing of organizations and support groups where you can obtain additional information about the illness. MediFocus Guides are the perfect solution for consumers who wish to gain an in-depth understanding of their medical issue and avail themselves of the same type of professional level medical information that is used by physicians and other health-care professionals to help then in the clinical decision making process. Medifocus: Medical Information You Can Trust
Mental health topics Definitions and diagnostic criteria of mental health problems and neurodevelopmental conditions are primarily based on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5th Edition (DSM-5). We highlight any diagnostic differences in the International Classification of Diseases 10th Revision (ICD-10). Mental health topics Mental health conditions Anxiety (general or non-specific) Anxiety is most often diagnosed as Generalized Anxiety Disorder, a condition characterised by persistent and excessive worry about a variety of daily circumstances, such as events, topics, or activities. The intensity, duration, or frequency of this worry is out of proportion to the actual likelihood or impact of the circumstance(s) and does not prevail in any specific one. - Excessive worry (apprehensive expectation), about several circumstances, such as performance at school (children) or at work (adults) - Difficulty controlling the worry and keeping worried thoughts from interfering with attention to the task at hand Main symptoms are accompanied by at least three additional symptoms in adults, and one additional symptom in children, from the following list: - Restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge - Being easily fatigued - Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank - Muscle tension - Disturbed sleep The symptoms occur on most days for at least six months and cause significant impairment in several areas of functioning, such as at work or school, or in family or social life. ICD-10 symptoms for diagnostic criteria include persistent nervousness, trembling, muscular tensions, sweating, light-headedness, palpitations, dizziness, and epigastric discomfort. During early to mid-adolescence. Symptoms tend to be chronic, and rates of full remission are low. Over the course of the condition, the focus of worry may shift from one topic to another. In the Catalogue Anxiety, unless specified, refers to symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder and/or general or non-specific worry. Anxiety – phobias Phobias are an unreasonable and excessive form of fear, with an immediate anxiety response, triggered by a particular situation or object. Phobias tend to result in the avoidance of the feared situation or object, and/or in extreme distress when this cannot be avoided. Specific phobias can be about nature and the environment, injuries, animals, or situations. An example of a common phobia is agoraphobia, the fear of being in crowded or open spaces (and being unable to escape) and/or leaving home alone. Anxiety – panic disorder Panic disorder is a condition characterised by recurrent and frequent panic attacks without a clear cause or trigger. The recurring panic attacks can generate a constant fear of having another panic attack, and this generated fear can then trigger further panic attacks. Panic attacks are characterised by sudden intense fear, feelings of loss of control, and accompanying physical symptoms such as shortness of breath, tightening of the chest, nausea, and dizziness. Depression is diagnosed as Major Depressive Disorder and is characterised by a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest (also called anhedonia). It impacts mood and behaviour as well as various physical functions, such as appetite and sleep. People with depression often lose interest in activities they once enjoyed and have trouble performing everyday tasks. Occasionally, they may also feel that life is no longer worth living. - Persistent low mood - Markedly diminished interest or pleasure in activities For diagnosis, a total of five symptoms should be present, made up from one or both main symptoms accompanied by additional symptoms from the following list: - Significant weight loss or weight gain, or changes in appetite - Insomnia or hypersomnia - Slowing down or agitation of mental and physical functions - Fatigue or loss of energy - Feelings of worthlessness or excessive or inappropriate guilt - Diminished ability to think or concentrate, or indecisiveness - Thoughts of death and/or suicide Symptoms should be present for at least two weeks, represent a change from previous functioning, and cause significant impairment in several areas of functioning, such as at work or school, or in family or social life. Depression is described in ICD-10 as Recurrent Depressive Disorder. It is defined by repeated depressive episodes of lowering of mood; reduction of energy; decrease in activity; reduced capacity for enjoyment, interest, and concentration; marked tiredness after even minimum effort; disturbed sleep; diminished appetite; reduced self-esteem and self-confidence; and presence of ideas of guilt or worthlessness. Early adolescence, especially during puberty. The onset of depression can be either sudden or gradual. The duration varies from a few weeks to several months. Some individuals with depression experience many years with few or no symptoms between discrete episodes, while others may not experience remission. In the Catalogue Depression refers to symptoms of Major Depressive Disorder or Recurrent Depressive Disorder. Eating disorders are characterised by a persistent disturbance of eating or eating-related behaviour, that results in the altered consumption or absorption of food, and that significantly impairs physical health or psychosocial functioning. Anorexia nervosa is characterised by deliberate weight loss, induced and sustained by the individual. It is associated with distorted body image, restrictive eating, and a pathological fear of being overweight (even in those who are underweight). There is usually undernutrition of varying severity with secondary physiological changes and disturbances of bodily function. - Persistent restriction of food intake leading to a significantly low body weight (i.e., a weight that is less than minimally normal or, for children and adolescents, less than that minimally expected) - An intense fear of gaining weight or persistent behaviour that interferes with weight gain, even though the individual is underweight - Disturbance in self-perceived weight or shape, undue influence of body weight or shape on self-evaluation, or denial of the seriousness of the current low body weight - Restrictive: Presentations of anorexia nervosa in which weight loss is accomplished primarily through dieting, fasting, and/or excessive exercise - Binge-eating/purging: Presentations of anorexia nervosa which involve recurrent episodes of binge-eating and/or self-induced vomiting behaviour The ICD-10 also characterises the condition as the “specific psychopathology” of persistent and intrusive overvalued dread of fatness and flabbiness of body contour. Onset of anorexia symptoms is most common in adolescent girls and young women, but significant numbers of adolescent boys, young men, children approaching puberty, and women experiencing menopause are also affected. The course and outcome of anorexia nervosa are highly variable. Some individuals with anorexia nervosa recover fully after a single episode, some exhibit a fluctuating pattern of weight gain followed by relapse, and others experience a chronic course over many years. Bulimia nervosa is characterized by frequent episodes of binge-eating followed by inappropriate behaviours such as purging (self-induced vomiting) or excessive exercise to avoid weight gain. Individuals with bulimia nervosa typically remain within the normal weight or overweight range. - Recurrent episodes of binge-eating. Binge eating is eating, in a discrete period, an amount of food that is “definitely larger” than what most individuals would eat in a similar period under similar circumstances, accompanied by a sense of lack of control. - Recurrent inappropriate compensatory behaviours (e.g., purging) to prevent weight gain - Self-evaluation that is unduly influenced by body shape and weight Symptoms occur, on average, at least once per week for three months. Bulimia nervosa commonly begins in adolescence or young adulthood and is far more common in females than in males. Onset before puberty or after age 40 is uncommon. The course may be chronic or intermittent, with periods of remission alternating with recurrences of binge-eating and purging. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is characterised by symptoms of inattention, impulsivity, and/or hyperactivity that interfere with functioning and development. The main symptoms of ADHD fall under two categories: inattentive and hyperactive-impulsive. A presentation of ADHD can be predominantly inattentive, predominantly hyperactive-impulsive, or combined. - Difficulty sustaining attention - Easily distracted (including unrelated thoughts) - Is forgetful in daily activities - Makes careless mistakes/lacks attention to detail - Does not seem to listen when spoken to directly - Does not follow through on tasks and instructions - Exhibits poor organization - Avoids/dislikes tasks requiring sustained mental effort - Often loses things necessary for tasks/activities Hyperactive and impulsive symptoms: - Fidgets with or taps hands or feet, squirms in seat - Leaves seat in situations when remaining seated is expected - Experiences feelings of restlessness - Has difficulty engaging in quiet, leisurely activities - Is “on-the-go” or acts as if “driven by a motor” - Talks excessively - Blurts out answers - Has difficulty waiting their turn - Interrupts or intrudes on others For children up to age 16 years, six or more symptoms of inattention and/or six or more symptoms of hyperactivity/impulsivity are required. For older adolescents and adults (age 17 and older), five or more symptoms of each or either subtype are required. Symptoms must be present for at least 6 months, inappropriate for developmental level, present in two or more settings, and interfere with functioning. The ICD-10 defines the symptoms of ADHD under Hyperkinetic Disorder and does not outline different subtypes of the disorder. Currently, a person must experience some symptoms before age 12 to receive a DSM-5 diagnosis of ADHD. The ICD-10 requires onset of symptoms by the age of seven. Notably, there is emerging evidence from longitudinal studies suggesting that the condition could also emerge in adulthood. For some individuals, symptoms reduce or remit with age, while others experience persistent symptoms and associated impairment into adulthood. Psychological wellbeing and distress Wellbeing is a state of optimal functioning that leads to emotional and social contentment and wellness. The expert group of the World Health Organization propose that wellbeing “exists in two dimensions, subjective and objective. It comprises an individual’s experience of their life as well as a comparison of life circumstances with social norms and values.” Examples of life circumstances that can constitute objective wellbeing include health, education, work, social relationships, built and natural environments, security, civic engagement and governance, housing, and work-life balance. Subjective experiences include a person’s overall sense of their own wellbeing, psychological functioning, and affective states (e.g., optimism). In the Catalogue Psychological wellbeing includes standard and non-standard measures that capture dimensions of subjective wellbeing, such as self-esteem, life satisfaction, happiness, and outlook on life. Treatment, service use and impairment Treatment and service use There are a variety of treatments and services that exist to meet the needs of people living with mental health problems, and their use is often of interest to researchers. Treatments for mental health problems include: - Treatment from a general practitioner - Specialist treatment from a psychologist, psychiatrist, therapist, or counsellor - Care at an outpatient clinic for mental health - Inpatient care, such as in a hospital or rehabilitation centre Service use includes: - Support at school, such as Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEN/SEND) services - Support at home, such as help with activities of daily living - Support in achieving personal or occupational goals, such as from a social worker - Telephone help line and online resources - Community drug and alcohol services - Contact with legal authorities, such as the police or justice system In the Catalogue Types of treatment and service use included are specifically for mental health conditions. American Psychiatric Association (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (DSM-5), 5th edition. American Psychiatric Association. World Health Organization (1992). The ICD-10 classification of mental and behavioural disorders: clinical descriptions and diagnostic guidelines. World Health Organization.
This exhibition was developed in concert with the 2020 New Jersey History Conference. Organized by the New Jersey Historical Commission, this annual conference provides an important venue for local, national, and international scholars to come together and think critically about the lessons to be learned from the Garden State's past. The theme for 2020 was "Battles for the Ballot: New Jersey Voting Rights, Then and Now." The 2020 conference took place during the year when Americans recognized the 150th anniversary of the ratification of the 15th Amendment to the United States Constitution, which states that the right to vote may not be "denied or abridged . . . on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude." As historians are quick to point out, the intention of the 15th Amendment would not be realized, and only incompletely at that, until many years later. The passage of the Voting Rights Act in 1965 eliminated poll taxes, grandfather clauses, literacy tests, and other instruments used to disenfranchise Black voters, and brought the United States closer to the ideal of guaranteeing all citizens' right to vote. The 2020 election, marked as it was by attempts at voter suppression specifically targeting minority voters, was a powerful demonstration of how far the United States still must travel. This past year we have also been commemorating the 100th anniversary of the 19th Amendment, which states that the "right to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex." As this exhibition demonstrates, women put their bodies on the line to win the vote. Nonetheless, even after 1920 Black women's suffrage rights would be denied by the same Jim Crow discriminations that Black men faced. In New Jersey, the ratification of the 19th Amendment represented the restoration of suffrage to women in the state, who had enjoyed this right from 1776 to 1807, when the state legislature struck them from the rolls of voters. The history of the right to vote is replete with both examples of what we might call progress, but also of setbacks. As this exhibition shows, "Battles for the Ballot" can be found in almost any period of the United States' past and continue in the present. With this in mind, we invite visitors to this exhibition to ask questions about the importance of the materials they are encountering and what these objects, images, and documents tell us about what has been and continues to be at stake when people aim to take part in their own self-governance.
The cycad scale is a tiny, orange, sap-sucking bug that lives under a white or translucent shelter (scale) it constructs from anal secretions to protect it from weather and enemies. The scales of females are less than 2 millimetres long and highly variable in form. They tend to be pear-shaped but can be circular, oblong, or irregular in shape when scales are crowded together. They often remained attached to the cycad surface, even after the bug has died. The scales of male are long and narrow and smaller. They have a grooved surface. The underside of this frond shows a scatter of female scales alongside the much smaller males. Photo: John A. Davidson, Univ. Md, College Pk, Bugwood.org This species is very difficult to distinguish from similar scales, and it is their dense white infestations that should be looked for, in combination with sick and dying cycads. They should be looked for on cultivated cycads, and on wild cycads growing near houses. The sago palm (Cycas revoluta), more properly called the sago cycad, is often grown in Australian parks and gardens and is highly susceptible. Plants under early attack reveal their plight by first showing small yellow spots on the upper surface of their fronds. As the infestation progresses fronds turn yellowish then brown and dry. This cycad has brown dessicated fronds, a withering green frond, and frond stalks densely coated in cycad scales. Photo: F.W. Howard, University of Florida, Bugwood.org This cycad is dying from scale attack. Photo: Florida Division of Plant Industry, Bugwood.org Those who aren’t familiar with cycads may confuse them with young palms, since both have fronds. The leathery leaves of cycads are much thicker and stiffer than those of palms. The trunks are very thick for the height of the plant. Many cycads, including sago palm, have fronds on which each leaflet ends in a spine. Its leaflets are rigid and only about 4 millimetres wide. Sago palms can suffer dieback on the tips of their leaflets, which can turn whitish, but this looks very different from scale attack, which is not directed at leaf tips. A female scale can be seen here beneath her semi-transparent cover. Beside her are two male scales. Photo: Jeffrey W Lotz, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Bugwood.org | CC BY 3.0
We make it easy for you to participate in a clinical trial for Epilepsy, and get access to the latest treatments not yet widely available - and be a part of finding a cure. A seizure occurs when there is abnormal electrical activity in the brain. Generally, there is an increase in electrical activity during a seizure. The electrical activity decreases afterward, which is the brain’s way of recovering. It is reported that approximately 10%¹ of people will have at least one seizure in their lifetime. It is most common in children and the elderly. If you have more than one unprovoked seizure, you will likely be diagnosed with epilepsy. Epilepsy is a medical disorder where someone is prone to seizures for any reason. It is relatively common. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 1.2%² of Americans have active epilepsy, which is defined as someone that has had one or more seizures in the past year and/or is taking antiepileptic medication. Many different symptoms present with a seizure. It varies between individuals, but also by the type of seizure. They include: Reduced or loss of consciousness, e.g., not feeling quite there, blacking out Uncontrollable movements of one or more limbs Changes in your sensations, e.g., smell, vision, etc. A feeling of impending doom To get a more extensive list of symptoms, click this link. A seizure can be separated into four stages: prodromal, aura, ictal, and postictal. It is important to note that although these stages occur consecutively, people might not experience the prodromal or early ictal phase. This occurs days to hours before the seizure. Not everyone will feel these symptoms. A review study³ reported that 21.9% of people experienced the prodrome phase. And of those, 10.4% reported feeling funny, 9% felt confused, 8.6% were anxious, and 7.7% were irritable. This occurs minutes to seconds before the seizure. The term ‘aura’ refers to the indescribable feeling that precedes a seizure. This phase varies largely between individuals and may not even occur in some people. In an interview-based study,⁴ approximately 800 people who had experienced generalized seizures were asked if they felt an aura. It found that 21.3% of participants reported an aura without any prompting, which increased to 64.3% on further questioning. This symptom occurs when the temporal lobe is affected. This lobe has many functions: memory, hearing, smell, language, and emotion. It is implicated in both generalized and focal seizures. This refers to the period of the seizure where the brain has increased electrical activity. When the entire brain is affected, it is classified as a generalized seizure. It is called a focal seizure when it is restricted to only one area. The symptoms you might experience depend on which area of the brain is affected. Generally speaking, seizures cause changes in consciousness, cognition, movement, and sensation. This refers to the period after the seizure when the brain reduces its electrical activity to recover. Typically, people will feel very tired and confused. Everyone is different, but there is a period of time needed for the individual to return to their normal baseline. This is typically between 5 and 30 minutes. Everyone is different, but studies have compiled the most common warning signs that precede a seizure. They can be separated into early and late signs, which come from the prodromal and aura phases, respectively. Early warning signs include: Inability to concentrate Problems with sleeping Late warning signs include: Feelings of déjà vu Strange smells, tastes, and sounds Problems with vision Nausea and vomiting Numbness restricted to one part of the body Being aware of these warning signs can give you better control of your seizures. It allows you time to go somewhere you feel safe and makes sure you are supported. Aura can present in many different ways but can be described as an out-of-body feeling, increased sensations, or feelings of detachment from the environment. It is relatively common to experience this minutes to seconds before a seizure. While it is thought to occur mainly in focal seizures, it can also precede generalized seizures. One study⁵ suggests that approximately 70% of people with generalized epilepsy will experience some form of aura. The temporal lobe of the brain has been implicated in this process. This lobe controls many functions, including memory, hearing, smell, language, and emotion. Mood changes have been reported hours to days before a seizure, and Epilepsy Society UK⁶ reports heightened feelings of sadness, irritability, and aggression. This may stem from underlying feelings of fear and anxiety about the upcoming seizure. An article published in the European Journal of Epilepsy⁷ reported the occurrence of emotional changes before a seizure. They stated that approximately half of their participants reported changes in their mood leading up to their seizures. In some cases, the individual may experience a strange out-of-body experience or alteration of consciousness just before or during the start of a seizure. This may also lead to hallucinations or illusions of a visual or auditory nature. Headaches have been reported in some studies. One study⁸ investigated the frequency of headaches preictal, ictal, and postictal. They included 100 participants with epilepsy, and they found that 5% had preictal headaches. The most important thing to do is remove yourself from any dangerous situations. The best option would be to notify someone about what you think will happen and then move to a quieter and safer place. Seizures generally do not cause harm due to their brief duration. Often, the harm done is the indirect consequence of losing consciousness or muscle tone. Experiencing a seizure while engaged in some activities, such as driving, may result in serious harm. After a seizure, the brain typically responds by decreasing its electrical activity for a period of time in order to recover. Typically, this occurs minutes or hours afterward, but symptoms, particularly changes in mood, can persist for days. Commonly reported symptoms to include unresponsiveness, headaches, fatigue, and feeling not quite yourself. This is completely normal. A study⁹ published in Neurology, 2016 found that 72% of people with epilepsy and 50% of people with non-epileptic seizures (e.g., first time having a seizure) experienced some level of cognitive behavioral impairment. This period is necessary for recovery, so you should be patient and give the brain some time to return to its baseline. Lying down and relaxing as much as possible is recommended. When you return to a feeling of normality, this is your sign that you can get back to your normal routine without any risk. Epilepsy cannot be cured, but it can be managed successfully – seven out of ten people¹⁰ with epilepsy control their seizures by taking medication. There are several different types of anti-epileptic medications, but they all act to reduce the 'excitability' in the brain. Asking your doctor about these medications is important if you think you could be having seizure activity. They will be able to take your full history and complete an examination to rule out any other causes of your symptoms. Another prevention strategy is to stay away from any triggers. There are numerous triggers, and different ones will affect different people. If you are aware of any triggers for you, such as flashing lights, minimizing your exposure to them will help. Seizures occur due to excessive electrical activity in the brain and can be separated into four stages: prodromal, aura, ictal, and postictal. In the first two phases, there are several warning signs that you might be able to feel. Being aware of these symptoms is crucial, as it will allow you time to manage your seizure as safely as possible. Epilepsy data and statistics | Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Prodrome in epilepsy (2018) Links between epilepsy and mood | Epilepsy Society Epilepsy: Overview (2016) What happens during a seizure? | Epilepsy Foundation Seizure phases | Epilepsy Foundation Lobes of the brain | Queensland Brain Institute Postictal seizure state (2022) Identifying the warning signs of a seizure | North Suffolk Neurology Aura and seizures | Health Link BC
At a Glance A powerful predator of northern and mountain woods. Goshawks hunt inside the forest or along its edge; they take their prey by putting on short bursts of amazingly fast flight, often twisting among branches and crashing through thickets in the intensity of pursuit. In some years, perhaps when prey is scarce in the north, autumn invasions may bring Goshawks well to the south of their normal range in the east and into lowland valleys in the west. All bird guide text and rangemaps adapted from Lives of North American Birds by Kenn Kaufman© 1996, used by permission of Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved. Hawk-like Birds, Hawks and Eagles Arroyos and Canyons, Fields, Meadows, and Grasslands, Forests and Woodlands, High Mountains, Shrublands, Savannas, and Thickets Alaska and The North, California, Eastern Canada, Great Lakes, Mid Atlantic, New England, Northwest, Plains, Rocky Mountains, Southeast, Southwest, Western Canada Range & Identification Migration & Range Maps Some may remain through winter in north woods, others (especially young birds) move south. Sometimes big invasions move south of breeding range, possibly when prey is scarce in north. Migrates relatively late in fall, early in spring. 20-26" (51-66 cm). W. 3' 6 (1.1 m). Adult distinctive if seen well, gray-barred below, with black face, sharp white eyebrow. (Note that some female Cooper's can look quite gray.) Compare also to Gyrfalcon, Juvenile much like young Cooper's Hawk, but fluffy white undertail coverts have large dark spots; bars on tail form more obvious zigzag pattern. About the size of a Crow, About the size of a Mallard or Herring Gull Black, Brown, Gray, Red, White, Yellow Songs and Calls Loud kak-kak-kak-kak-kak when disturbed. Coniferous and mixed forests. Generally restricted to wooded areas, but may be in relatively open woods or along edges. Often more common as a breeding bird in mixed woods than in pure stands of coniferous trees. During winter incursions to the south, may be found in any forest type. Sign up for Audubon's newsletter to learn more about birds like the Northern Goshawk 2-4, rarely 5. Bluish white, fading to white. Incubation is mostly by female, 32-38 days; male brings food to her. Female remains with young most of time at first; male brings food, and female feeds it to young. Adults (especially female) very bold in defense of nest, diving at intruders, including humans, and sometimes drawing blood. Age of young at first flight about 5-6 weeks. Hunts by perching quietly at mid-levels in trees, watching for prey, often moving from one perch to another. When prey is spotted, hawk attacks with a short flight, putting on a great burst of speed and often plunging through tangled branches and thickets in pursuit of quarry. Sometimes searches for prey by flying low through woods. Mostly birds and small mammals. Feeds on many medium-sized birds, such as grouse and crows; also many squirrels, rabbits, snowshoe hares. Also eats some small birds, small rodents, snakes, insects. May mate for life. In display over nesting territory, adult glides and circles, often with fluffy white feathers under tail spread out to sides; also may do a series of shallow dives and upward flights. Male provides most or all food for female, beginning before eggs are laid. Nest site is in tree, often in deciduous tree in mixed forest, at a major crotch in the trunk. Height varies, commonly 25-50' above ground, sometimes 15-75' up. Nest (built mostly by female) is platform of sticks, lined with finer material, including green foliage. Nest may be reused, with more material added each year, becoming quite large. Expanding range and possibly increasing in northeast during recent decades. Populations in southwestern mountains may be threatened or endangered by loss of habitat. Audubon’s scientists have used 140 million bird observations and sophisticated climate models to project how climate change will affect the range of the Northern Goshawk. Learn even more in our Audubon’s Survival By Degrees project. Climate Threats Facing the Northern Goshawk Choose a temperature scenario below to see which threats will affect this species as warming increases. The same climate change-driven threats that put birds at risk will affect other wildlife and people, too.
The earliest evidence of grape vine cultivation and winemaking dates back 7,000 years. The history of viticulture is closely related to the history of wine, with evidence that humans cultivated wild grapes to make wine as far back as the Neolithic period. Evidence suggests that some of the earliest domestication of Vitis vinifera occurred in the area of the modern countries Georgia and Armenia. The oldest-known winery was discovered in the „Areni-1“ cave in Vayots Dzor, Armenia. Dated to c. 4100 BC, the site contained a wine press, fermentation vats, jars, and cups. Archaeologists also found V. vinifera seeds and vines. Commenting on the importance of the find, McGovern said, „The fact that winemaking was already so well developed in 4000 BC suggests that the technology probably goes back much earlier.“ There is also evidence of grape domestication in the Near East in the early Bronze Age, around 3200 BC. Evidence of ancient viticulture is provided by cuneiform sources (ancient writing on clay tablets), plant remains, historical geography, and archaeological excavations. The remnants of ancient wine jars have been used to determine the culture of wine consumption and cultivated grape species. In addition to winemaking, grapes have been grown for the production of raisins. The earliest act of cultivation appears to have been the favoring of hermaphroditic members of the Vitis vinifera species over the barren male vines and the female vines, which were dependent on a nearby male for pollination. With the ability to pollinate itself, over time the hermaphroditic vines were able to sire offspring that were consistently hermaphroditic. In the Middle Ages, Catholic monks (particularly the Cistercians) were the most prominent viticulturists of the time period. Around this time, an early system of Metayage emerged in France with laborers (Prendeur) working the vineyards under contractual agreements with the landowners (Bailleur). In most cases, the prendeurs were given flexibility in selecting their crop and developing their own vineyard practice. Les Très Riches Heures du duc de Berry dates back to 1416 and depicts horticulture and viticulture in France. The images illustrate peasants bending down to prune grapes from vines behind castle walls. Additional illustrations depict grape vines being harvested, with each vine being cut to three spurs around knee height. Many of the viticultural practices developed in this time period would become staples of European viticulture till the 18th century. Varietals were studied more intently to see which vines were the most suitable for a particular area. Around this time, an early concept of terroir emerged as wines from particular places began to develop a reputation for uniqueness. The concept of pruning for quality over quantity emerged, mainly through Cistercian labors, though it would create conflict between the rich landowners who wanted higher quality wines and the peasant laborers whose livelihood depended on the quantity of wine they could sell. The Riesling is the famous example for higher quality of wine. In 1435 Count John IV. of Katzenelnbogen started this successful tradition. In Burgundy, the Cistercian monks developed the concept of cru vineyards as homogeneous pieces of land that consistently produce wines each vintage that are similar. In areas like the Côte-d’Or the monks divided the land into separate vineyards, many of which are still around today—like Montrachet and La Romanée.
The city of Minnetonka, Minnesota was at one time a very sacred place for the Native Americans. There was plenty of game that was offered by the surrounding lake and prairies, as well the large lake, Lake Minnetonka. The Dakota Sioux and Ojibway Chippewa would cross through Minnetonka as they traveled between Shakopee and Mille Lacs. Eventually however, the indians left the land due to a treaty that allowed the settlers to claim the land for themselves. The majority of the early settlers came to Minnetonka primarily from New England, and northern Europe. Between 1946 and 1955, Deephaven, Wayzata, Hopkins, and St. Louis Park annexed separately developed residential areas in the Minnetonka Township. This is the reason why the big city is surrounded by so many smaller ones. The Minnetonka Township’s geographical area had been reduced from 36 to 28 square miles, while at the same time the population was increasing from 6,466 in 1940 to about 15,600 in 1956. By the late 1960s, Minnetonka still hosted many agricultural areas. Through railroads and booming local businesses, the area grew quickly. People continued to move to Minnetonka, and today’s population is above 51,000. Lake Minnetonka plays a part Minnetonka’s history. Save for the Native Americans, the lake was a secret to all. The wooded areas and shores surrounding the lake provided plenty of food for the Natives to live off of. Therefore, Lake Minnetonka was critical for their survival and kept hidden from the settlers. However, settlers eventually discovered the lake in 1822. By 1851, the treaty of Mendota between the Natives and the U.S. Government provided the settlers access to a wide stretch of land, including Lake Minnetonka. Development around the lake thrived in the 1880’s and 90’s. Steamboats created access to the lake as they offered locals cruises across the water. Big Island, a park near the lake that was built in 1902, offered entertainment that people traveled miles for in order to experience. There is a reason that Minnetonka considers itself to be the main lakeshore city. Lake Minnetonka is the 10th largest lake and the most heavily accessed body of water in the state of Minnesota.
Phylum: Chordata - Class: Mammalia - Order: Chiroptera - Family: Vespertilionidae Natterer's Bat is a fairly common species in the British isles. It is of medium size, reaching 4 to 5cm head-and-body length and weighing 6.5gm to 12gm. Rather long ears and a long, pink face are helpful identification features. You will see these bats taking insects as they fly beside deciduous woodland or along hedgerows. Natterer's bats often fly very low, and they can sometimes be seen taking spiders and insects from vegetation. When over water, Natterer's bats are reported usually to fly higher than Daubenton's Bats. Old building and gaps in stone walls are used by these bats as summer roosting places. They make use of gaps in old timber roofs as well as hollow trees, and maternity colonies can comprise between 30 and 200 individual bats. In winter, Natterer's Bats usually roost in cold underground sites. They stay there during the cold months of December, January and February. Please Help Us: If you have found this information interesting and useful, please consider helping to keep First Nature online by making a small donation towards the web hosting and internet costs. Any donations over and above the essential running costs will help support the conservation work of Plantlife, the Rivers Trust and charitable botanic gardens - as do author royalties and publisher proceeds from books by Pat and Sue.
The soccer ball has 2 function to represent the bound and roll behavior of a soccer ball. It also have a property call diameter that tells you the length of the ball. Classes in Kotlin has a primary constructor and may have one or more secondary constructors. They are used to set variables and execute logic before an instance of the object is actually created.. Classes in Kotlin has a primary constructor and may have one or more secondary constructors. They are used to set variables and execute code before the object is actually created. Classes in Kotlin has a primary constructor and may have one or more secondary constructors. They are similar to a functions with parameters. Creating an Instance To create an instance of an object using a Class is the same as calling a function. In the above code, we created an Earth object and stored it in a variable call earthObject. This way, we can reference the object and access it's properties and functions. Here, we called the spin() function. Classes in Kotlin has a primary constructor and may have one or more secondary constructors. They are used to set the values of variables and execute logic before the object is actually created. The Primary Constructor is located after the class name in the Class header. In the example, there is a class call Earth with a Primary Constructor. Similar to calling a function with parameters, when we create an object with a class that has a constructor that contains parameters, we need to pass in the value. Variables that are placed in the primary constructors are also properties that we can access inside the class or outside. Primary Constructors does not allow you to execute logic. In order to perform logic, you need to add Initializer Blocks inside the class definition using the init keyword. Secondary Constructors are located inside the class definition using the "constructor" keyword. In the example, there is a Class call Earth with a empty primary constructor and a secondary constructor with a parameter call life. Since there are multiple constructors, as long as we fulfil the need of at least one of them, we can create an object. Both statements are valid. If the class have a Primary Constructor, all the secondary constructor must be combined with the primary constructor. In the above example, the Earth class now has a parameter in the Primary Constructor. The secondary constructor needs to contain the same parameter(s) that the primary constructor have.and more. Then after the parenthesis, you need to add a colon, then "this," and then pass in the necessary values. ©2019 - 2024 Codeible. All rights reserved.
Congenital heart disease is an umbrella term for any condition that affects the heart from birth. Such illnesses or defects range from simple to complex, and can either be structural, affecting the anatomy of the heart; or functional, affecting the primarily responsibilities of the heart, specifically how blood is pumped to the rest of the body. Common forms of congenital heart disease include: - Heart valve defects, which prevent the heart from pumping blood properly - Heart wall defects, which can cause the heart to pump harder, leading to high blood pressure - Blood vessel defects, which can reduce or block blood flow from the heart to the body Some congenital heart diseases are minor and pose little to no threat to one’s general health and quality of life. Others, however, are more serious and can have life-threatening consequences if not addressed promptly. Thankfully, most can be treated via medicines and surgery. What Are the Symptoms of Congenital Heart Disease? The signs of congenital heart disease can be detected during pregnancy or soon after birth. Symptoms vary according to the type of illness and severity. Some forms of congenital heart disease show symptoms at birth, while others have symptoms that develop during childhood, adolescence or even early adulthood. Generally, symptoms include: - Blue tinge to the skin, lips and fingernails - Rapid or troubled breathing - Fast heartbeat or heart murmur - Poor feeding - Sleepiness and fatigue - Swelling in the hands, feet and ankles What Causes Congenital Heart Disease? Congenital heart disease occurs when there is a problem with the normal development of the heart. The exact reason why this happens is unknown, but there are factors that are said to contribute to an increased risk of congenital heart problems. - Genetics – Babies or siblings of an individual with a congenital heart disease have a higher risk of developing the same illness. - Genetic conditions – Children diagnosed with genetic illnesses such as Down syndrome, Turner syndrome and Noonan syndrome are more likely to be born with a congenital heart disease. - Diabetes – High levels of insulin can disrupt the normal development of the baby, increasing the risk of problems with the development of the heart. - Alcohol – Excessive drinking during pregnancy can lead to fetal alcohol spectrum disorder, which increases risk of developing heart wall defects. Infections like rubella and the flu, taking certain medicines, and exposure to organic solvents also increase a pregnant woman’s chances of giving birth to a baby with congenital heart problems. How is Congenital Heart Disease Treated? Depending on the type and severity of the congenital heart disease, treatment may range from medicines to transplants. - Implantable medical devices – Pacemakers and implantable cardioverter defibrillators can be implanted to regulate heartbeats. - Cardiac catheterization – Apart from diagnosing congenital heart diseases, cardiac catheterization may also be used to treat birth defects. - Open heart surgery – For major repairs that require better visualization, including for repairing heart valves and walls, widening blood vessels and closing holes, open surgery is recommended. - Heart transplant – In cases where a birth defect is severe or cannot be addressed via open surgery, the heart may be replaced by a new heart from a healthy donor.
API is a term no longer unfamiliar to programmers. Apart from familiar API architectures like RESTful or SOAP, have you grasped the characteristics of other popular types of APIs? Let’s delve into the following article to gain a better understanding of APIs! What is API? The full name of API is Application Programming Interface. It comprises a set of protocols, mechanisms, commands, etc., used to define how two components of software can interact and exchange data with each other. In other words, an API serves as a communication software between a program and an operating system. What is API Architecture? API architecture is a collection of rules and standards that provide guidance to enable software applications to share data with each other through APIs. API architecture is often explained in a straightforward manner using the client-server model, where the requesting application is referred to as the client, and the responding application plays the role of the server. Popular API Architectures Depending on the requirements of each website, programmers choose the suitable API architecture. Each API architecture will have its own advantages, disadvantages, and distinct characteristics. Some of the most popular API architectures nowadays include: SOAP, based on the Web Services Description Language (WSDL), an extendable markup language (XML), is used to send data between software applications. It’s employed for exchanging messages between applications through HTTP and is often implemented for transmitting highly secure internal data. Another advantage of SOAP is its ability to operate across various communication protocols, not limited to HTTP like REST. - SOAP can be developed in any language due to its language neutrality. - SOAP is XML-formatted, making it easily readable and understandable. - Due to XML formatting, SOAP may have slower loading times compared to other middleware standards like CORBA and RPC. - In comparison to newer methods that utilize multiple languages, SOAP is less flexible as it’s only formatted in XML. GraphQL is an open-source query and manipulation language for APIs, providing clients an easy way to request exactly what they need. This facilitates easier API development over time. - GraphQL allows your application to add new APIs without affecting existing queries. - It doesn’t require a specific application architecture and can function like a REST API. It can also work with existing API tools. - Offers maximum control and processing of data types, reducing miscommunication between server and client. - Detailed and readily available learning resources and documentation for GraphQL. - Many open-source GraphQL extensions are incompatible and can’t work with REST APIs. - Many queries are pushed to the server, adding extra workload and complexity. - Implementing GraphQL and servers might be more extensive than developing a REST API. gRPC stands for Google Remote Procedure Call. It’s an open-source RPC framework used to create fast and scalable APIs. It enables the development of networked systems and open communication between client and server applications. - gRPC is a comprehensive replacement for RPC, making it easy to work across various systems and languages. - Using HTTP/2 and TLS-encrypted connections in gRPC ensures higher API security. - gRPC supports client or server streaming with heavy semantics, simplifying the creation of streaming services or applications. - The message compression of Protobuf can make the content unreadable for users. - No edge caching: gRPC uses POST methods, posing a security threat to APIs. - As gRPC uses multiple HTTP/2, it can’t directly operate services from a web browser. You need a proxy layer and gRPC-web to convert between HTTP/1.1 and HTTP/2. A webhook, also known as a reverse API, web callback, or HTTP push API, is a way for one application to provide real-time information to other applications. It delivers data when an event occurs or nearly immediately. Presently, webhooks are commonly used by developers (IT professionals) to serve the purpose of updating events in real-time and also to optimize resource usage. Additionally, webhooks serve as a tool used through an API when your API isn’t performing well or you don’t have an API. Thanks to webhooks, you can create optimal solutions to provide necessary data for your application. As a result, the operational process becomes faster and more straightforward. Despite having numerous advantages and features, if you don’t use webhooks regularly to call data, you won’t receive the latest updates when the system stops operating. now if your business is looking for professional digital solutions. Office: 45 Street 39, Royal Van Phuc, Van Phuc City, Thu Duc
Cultural Clues & Cues: Tips for Dealing with Diversity African Countries: Eritrea and Ethiopia Eritrea existed inside Ethiopian political boundaries for decades before gaining independence in 1993. These two peoples have fought a long war, including an armed conflict over borders until the cease fire in 2000. People of different ethnic groups live in these countries making the cultures within the two countries a composite of different groups. Eritreans may prefer not to be equated with Ethiopians and commonly request Tigrigna interpreters. Body Language: Eye contact by a child with an adult or with the person in charge is considered disrespectful. Looking down is considered respectful. But it is OK for the person in charge to request eye contact while giving instruction. Speech should be soft and is thought to be polite even when giving instruction. It is considered rude and aggressive to speak loudly. Social situations: An Eritrean child’s parents were called to the school because the teacher complained that the six year old was touching other students on their shoulders, backs and hands. Explanation: The child making body contact with another of the same gender, such as hugging or putting an arm around the shoulders is expressing friendship, affection and closeness. Acceptable levels of touching should be explained to children who are new to the US. A child who seems quiet in class may be perceived as shy. When in fact children are raised with the expectation that they listen to elders, and are taught not to talk back. Dating is a cause of concern. Parents are offended that there is talk of dating in the school or neighborhood. In their culture, marriage is usually arranged by parents. Dating is rare. Communication with these families can be tricky. They may not read or write English. Parents expect schools to take immediate action, and to notify them if there is a problem as soon as possible. They are not used to initiating communication with he school or community center. Parents may not understand that participation is valued, and assume that it is the school or community center’s responsibility to deal with the students. Countries: Ethiopia, Kenya (East Africa) Some African cultures may be very old and have remained distinct, with members residing in more than one country. We must remember that political borders in some parts of the world have been redrawn more than once, frequently forming new boundaries that split areas where members of a culture live. The Oromo are an example of a group who seek to retain their identity and language and would prefer Americans to refer to them as Oromos rather than Ethiopian. Body Language: Touching a person on the head signals a negative intention or insult. Eye Contact: Eye contact with an adult or authority figure while being disciplined is considered disrespectful. But it is appropriate for the boss or teacher to request it. Scenario: An adult summons a child with her finger indicating “Come Here”. The child responds with an angry expression and mumbles something in his language which seems to the adult like a lack of respect. Explanation: From the child’s point of view, the disrespect is in the adult’s hand gesture. The student refuses to be belittled, and expresses concern. Food and Eating: Pork and pork products are not allowed. Food is eaten with the fingers of the right hand. Western utensils may be used in homes in America. Giving Gifts: Gift giving is accepted, and reciprocating with a gift of similar value is appreciated. Supporting others with help in time of need is encouraged. Names: Male and female children are given their father’s first name as their surname, and keep this name throughout their lives. Social Interaction: It is customary to yield to a person of higher authority. A group that doesn’t accept a higher authority may risk condemnation or punishment. Respect for adults and elders is expected. But the elders and adults must maintain their status by being model citizens, worthy of respect. Formality is expected. An adult or authority figure may confuse others by being too informal and causing disrespectful behavior. Dating without parental consent or promise of marriage is not allowed. Health Practice: It is customary to see a doctor only if one is seriously ill, since clinics here will not prescribe medicines for minor illnesses such as colds and flu. Religious Practices: The majority of Oromo in the U.S. are followers of Islam, reflecting a Muslim majority within Ethiopia. Other Oromos have adopted Christianity. Members of the two faiths co-mingle peacefully. Holidays such as Ramadan and Eid al Fitr, a feast day at the end of Ramadan, are observed here by Muslims.
In this homework you will write simple programs to exercise with basic operators and input/output operations. Please do not forget that your program should work exactly as the example runs given below the part definitions. Write a simple program that calculates the overall grade of the students. There are 3 midterms, 2 homeworks and 1 final exam. You will ask the user to enter the weight of each exam/homework and the grades taken by the student. Then you will calculate the last grade in a single expression and print the result. Write a program that calculates how many days the user has lived. You will ask the user to enter the current year,month and day and then his birthday. Then you will calculate the total days he has lived (assume that each month is 30 days and there is no leap year). Then you will ask the user about the time of another planet and calculate how old he would be if he were lived in that planet.
Skillathons: Experiential Learning in Action Experiential Learning Process for skillathon learners and leaders Youths do before being told or shown how. Experiential learning focuses on the learner not the group leader. Youths test and discover their own solutions while practicing one or more life skills. The group leader’s challenge is to observe and encourage, instead of showing or telling how. Depending on the size of the groups and the number of stations, divide the members into teams of two to four. Start each team at a different station. Rotate the groups through all stations. Allow about ten minutes at each station. Then ask each team to select a station and give a short presentation on how they solved that task. Follow with questions about the overall activity. Share: (What Happened) Youths describe the result of the experience and their reactions. Helpers ask questions such as, “What did you do? What happened? How did it feel?” and encourage everyone to reflect on their individual experiences. What was it like to plan and conduct a skillathon? What was hardest for you to do? Easiest? Process: (What’s Important?) Youths discuss what was most important about what they did. Learners expand on common themes and ideas discussed in the Share stage. They discuss both project subject matter and life skills practiced. What did you learn from this activity that you didn’t know before? What difference did you notice about how different teams did or did not work together? Why is it important to take time to plan carefully? Generalize (So What?) Youths relate the project and life skill practiced to their everyday experiences. Key questions include: “So what? What does this mean to you? What similar experiences have you had?” Again, the discussion should focus on both the subject matter and the life skill. How did teaching and learning this way compare to what happens in classrooms? What did you learn about being a leader that will help you in working with groups? Apply: (Now What?) Youths share how they could use the new life and project skills and knowledge gained from the experience. Ideally this stage leads directly to building on the experience by youths doing another activity and intentionally using what they learned. Thus, the cycle begins again. If you were going to conduct another activity, what aspects of planning would you do differently?
By MARÍA TERESA HERNÁNDEZ MEXICO CITY (AP) — Across the main entrance of a former Jesuit college in the heart of Mexico City, a bright-colored mural depicting Our Lady of Guadalupe represents both the Indigenous religiosity and the Christianity that shaped the culture of post-colonial Mexico. The mural was created by Mexican artist Fermín Revueltas between 1922 and 1923, when the walls of Antiguo Colegio de San Ildefonso became the canvases for the country’s emerging muralist movement. To honor the art of Revueltas, Diego Rivera and José Clemente Orozco, who among others led the artistic movement a century ago, the baroque building that currently serves as a museum hosts an exhibition that reflects on the significance of their monumental art. The exhibit, which is regularly updated, recently welcomed a contemporary mural created by Mexican craftsmen who were inspired by the old masters and will run through June 12. That mural, called “La Muerte de las Culturas” (“The Death of Cultures”), depicts how Mexicans of African descent struggled for freedom and equality, and how the community’s identity was forged from that. Jonatan Chávez, historian of San Ildefonso, said that muralism arose in a highly politicized context. Many of the wall paintings criticize political leaders, inequality or the Catholic Church because the young muralists were influenced by revolutionary nationalism and academic scholarship that transformed their ideas about the Indigenous population. Some artists expressed their social and political views by painting divine figures or religious references. A 1924 fresco that José Clemente Orozco titled “La Alcancía” (“The Piggy Bank”) shows two slender hands depositing coins into a box that is open at the bottom and drops the money into another hand that looks more powerful and represents the Catholic Church. For a few other muralists – such as Revueltas and Fernando Leal – the goal was to find new ways to portray what the military and spiritual conquest led by the Spaniards meant. “San Ildefonso has that reminiscence where the religious is present because it is part of the cultural identity of the people,” Chávez said. It is no coincidence that muralism was born in this place. Hundreds of years before 1923, when the earliest murals were finished, this was the place where the Jesuits led their educational work. The Jesuits arrived in the capital half a century after the Spanish conquest, in 1572, and a few years later they founded San Ildefonso, a school for seminarians and missionaries. Their objective was to educate the descendants of Spaniards – the “criollo” – who were born in the colony, Chávez said. Before they were expelled from the Spanish Empire in 1767, the Jesuits travelled extensively. According to Chávez, these priests visited remote towns and sought to understand the worldview of the “criollo” people, whose Indigenous spiritual practices intertwined with new Christian customs and beliefs. “They went beyond these branches of spiritual identity or the diffusion of faith,” Chávez said. This dynamic allowed the Jesuits to teach the “criollo” arts and crafts, but it also strengthened the concept of “criollo” identity throughout the territory, a theme that muralists portrayed in the 20th century. “Alegoría de la Virgen de Guadalupe” (“Allegory of the Virgin of Guadalupe”) is an example. In the mural created by Revueltas, the Catholic image of Virgin Mary is in the top center and her children – men and women with different skin tones – pray around her. The painting is not meant to inspire devotion, Chávez said, but to portray how Our Lady of Guadalupe unifies people of different races and origins. A few steps away, two murals are in dialogue with each other and share a common theme. On the right side of the main stairs of San Ildefonso, a piece by Jean Charlot illustrates the massacre that the Spaniards led in the most sacred site of the Aztec empire – Templo Mayor – in 1521. On the opposite wall, Leal portrays what came after the conquest and the imported Christianity of the Spanish: religious festivities where sacred and profane symbols blend. In a recent article published in a digital magazine from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, art historians Rita Eder and Renato González explain that these murals praise the country’s ancient cultures while strongly rejecting the violence brought by the Spanish conquest. Artists like Charlot, the article says, “identify the Conquest as the most significant process in the history of Mexico, and its characterization as a struggle between civilization and barbarism (the latter, of course, represented by the armored attackers).” According to Chávez, these murals will never lose relevance because they are a way to understand how history triggers a constant redefinition of spaces. “Our past is important because it speaks of our present,” he said. “These murals tell a lot about who we are and what we are made of.” Associated Press religion coverage receives support through the AP’s collaboration with The Conversation US, with funding from Lilly Endowment Inc. The AP is solely responsible for this content.
The Antarctic Region What Will You Find There? South of the Antarctic Circle (at 66.5°S latitude) you will find the continent of Antarctica surrounded by the Southern Ocean, the geographic South Pole and the magnetic South Pole, and a large amount of ice covering the land and spilling over adjacent seas as ice shelves. The aurora, called the Southern Lights in the Southern Hemisphere can be visible. There are large mountains and active volcanoes on the continent. You will also find wildlife such as several species of penguins and many other birds such as albatrosses and skuas. Seals and whales can be found in the ocean water surrounding Antarctica, as well as tons of small shrimp-like arthropods called krill that swim in large schools. Scientists at Research Stations In the summer there may be as many as 4000 people in the Antarctic at scientific research stations including McMurdo Station on the shore of McMurdo Sound, Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station at the geographic South Pole, and Halley Research Station on an ice shelf in the Weddell Sea. The scientists visiting Antarctica are doing various types of research including studies of biology, geology, oceanography, astronomy, astrophysics, glaciology, climatology, and meteorology to better understand this part of our planet. Some of these people stay year-round at the research stations, even during winter when there is little or no daylight in this region. The South Pole Atop the 2700 meter (9000 foot) thickness of ice that covers the land at the South Pole, scientists have marked the location of the geographic pole with a marker sign. The brass-topped marker sign is about twelve feet long. About eight feet of it gets pounded into the ice to hold it in place. The rest sits above the ice. Each year the marker moves approximately 10 meters (30 feet) away from the Pole as the ice flows. So, on the first day of January, scientists at the South Pole Station add another marker at 90 degrees south latitude to re-mark the true location of the geographic South Pole.
UNDERSTANDING THE DIFFERENT TYPES OF TREE DISEASES AND HOW TO IDENTIFY THEM Trees play a fundamental role in supporting ecosystems, the environment, and human well-being in numerous ways: - Biodiversity Conservation: Trees provide habitats and food sources for a wide variety of plant and animal species. Forests are some of the most biodiverse ecosystems on Earth, housing countless species and contributing to global biodiversity. - Ecosystem Services: Trees offer a range of ecosystem services that benefit both nature and people. They purify air by absorbing pollutants, regulate water cycles by absorbing and releasing water, and provide valuable soil stability and erosion control. - Carbon Sequestration: Trees are natural carbon sinks, absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere during photosynthesis and storing it as biomass. This helps mitigate the impacts of climate change by reducing greenhouse gas concentrations. - Climate Regulation: Trees play a vital role in regulating climate patterns. They release water vapor through transpiration, which cools the air and influences local and global climate patterns. - Air Quality Improvement: Trees absorb pollutants such as sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxides, and particulate matter, thereby improving air quality and reducing the negative impacts of air pollution on human health. - Water Management: Trees help maintain balanced water cycles by capturing rainwater and reducing surface runoff. Their root systems enhance soil infiltration, prevent soil erosion, and reduce the risk of floods and droughts. - Natural Resource Provision: Trees provide valuable resources such as timber, wood products, fruits, nuts, and medicinal compounds, contributing to local economies and livelihoods. - Aesthetic and Recreational Value: Trees enhance the aesthetic appeal of landscapes, parks, and urban areas. They provide places for relaxation, recreation, and a connection with nature, which positively impacts mental and physical well-being. - Wildlife Habitat: Forests and trees provide shelter, nesting sites, and food for various wildlife species, supporting healthy ecosystems and biodiversity. - Cultural and Spiritual Significance: Trees have cultural and spiritual importance in many societies. They are often revered as symbols of growth, renewal, and interconnectedness with nature. - Human Health: Access to green spaces with trees has been linked to stress reduction, improved mental health, and overall well-being. Trees contribute to cooler urban environments, reducing the heat island effect and related health risks. - Economic Benefits: Trees contribute to economies through sectors like forestry, agriculture, and tourism. They can increase property values, attract businesses, and create employment opportunities. - Sustainable Agriculture: Trees are important in agroforestry systems, providing shade, windbreaks, and nitrogen fixation for crops. This sustainable approach enhances soil fertility and crop productivity. - Educational Opportunities: Trees offer educational value by promoting environmental awareness and providing opportunities for learning about ecosystems, biology, and environmental stewardship. In summary, trees are integral to the health of ecosystems, the balance of our environment, and the well-being of humanity. Recognizing their importance and implementing sustainable practices for their conservation and management is essential for a harmonious coexistence between people and the natural world. Threats Posed by Tree Diseases to Tree Health and Overall Ecological Balance Tree diseases pose significant threats to tree health and overall ecological balance, with potential cascading effects on ecosystems and the environment. Here are some key threats posed by tree diseases: - Loss of Tree Health and Vitality: Diseased trees often experience reduced growth, weakened structure, and decreased ability to photosynthesize, leading to diminished overall health and vitality. This makes trees more susceptible to other stressors, such as environmental changes, pests, and extreme weather events. - Biodiversity Loss: When tree species are affected by diseases, it can lead to declines in their populations or even local extinctions. This loss of tree species diversity can disrupt ecosystems, impact food chains, and reduce habitats for various wildlife species. - Habitat Degradation: Diseased trees can lose their canopy cover, reducing the availability of habitats for birds, insects, and other organisms that depend on trees for nesting, shelter, and food. This disruption can lead to shifts in species composition and ecosystem dynamics. - Invasive Species Spread: Some tree diseases are introduced by invasive pathogens that can spread rapidly through susceptible tree populations. Invasive diseases can have severe impacts on native trees that lack natural defenses against these pathogens. - Changes in Carbon Sequestration: Diseased trees may have reduced photosynthetic capacity, leading to decreased carbon dioxide uptake and storage. This disrupts the ability of forests to act as carbon sinks, potentially exacerbating climate change. - Altered Nutrient Cycling: As diseased trees decay or die, nutrient cycling processes in ecosystems can be disrupted. This can affect soil fertility, nutrient availability, and the health of other plant species within the same ecosystem. - Increase in Pests and Insects: Tree diseases can weaken trees, making them more susceptible to insect infestations. Pests and insects can introduce additional stress and further compromise the health of trees. - Forest Fragmentation: In areas heavily affected by diseases, tree mortality can lead to gaps in forest canopies. This fragmentation can alter microclimates, disrupt animal movement, and impact ecosystem connectivity. - Erosion and Soil Degradation: Diseased trees may lose their root systems, leading to soil erosion and reduced stability. This can result in increased sedimentation in water bodies, negatively impacting aquatic ecosystems. - Loss of Ecosystem Services: Diseased trees provide fewer ecosystem services such as air purification, water regulation, and habitat provision. This loss can have far-reaching impacts on local communities, economies, and human well-being. - Economic Impact: Tree diseases can harm industries reliant on trees, such as timber, paper, and fruit production. The economic impact extends to industries like tourism and outdoor recreation that depend on healthy forests. - Resistance to Treatment: Some tree diseases can be challenging to manage or treat effectively. The spread of resistant strains of pathogens can lead to limited options for controlling disease outbreaks. In conclusion, tree diseases have the potential to disrupt ecosystems, impact biodiversity, and alter vital ecosystem services. Addressing and managing tree diseases is crucial for maintaining the health of forests, promoting biodiversity, and ensuring the overall ecological balance of natural landscapes. Common Types of Tree Diseases - Fungal Diseases: Fungi are one of the primary causes of tree diseases. They can infect various parts of a tree, including leaves, stems, branches, and roots. Common fungal tree diseases include: - Dutch Elm Disease: A fungal infection that affects elm trees, causing wilting and eventually killing the tree. - Oak Wilt: A disease caused by a fungus that affects oak trees, leading to leaf discoloration, wilting, and death. - Anthracnose: A group of fungal diseases that cause spotting, browning, and distortion of leaves in a wide range of tree species. - Cedar Apple Rust: A fungal disease that affects apple and cedar trees, causing distinctive orange spore-producing structures on the leaves. - Bacterial Diseases: Bacteria can enter trees through wounds, causing a variety of symptoms. Bacterial diseases are often spread by insects, wind-driven rain, or contaminated tools. Common bacterial tree diseases include: - Fire Blight: A bacterial disease that affects trees in the rose family, causing blackened, wilted shoots resembling fire damage. - Bacterial Leaf Scorch: A disease that affects many tree species, causing marginal leaf scorching and premature leaf drop. - Viral Diseases: Viruses can infect trees, leading to a range of symptoms such as discoloration, stunting, and distortion. Viruses are often spread by insects that feed on plant sap. Common viral tree diseases include: - Apple Mosaic Virus: A viral disease affecting apple trees, causing mosaic patterns and distortion of leaves. - Plum Pox Virus: A viral disease affecting stone fruit trees, leading to reduced fruit quality and yield. - Parasitic Diseases: Parasitic plants can attach themselves to trees and derive nutrients from the host tree. These plants can weaken and eventually kill the host tree. Common parasitic tree diseases include: - Mistletoe: A parasitic plant that attaches to tree branches, weakening the host tree and potentially causing deformities and reduced growth. - Broomrape: A parasitic plant that forms root connections with tree roots, causing stunted growth and reduced vigor. - Root Diseases: Pathogens that affect tree roots can lead to reduced water and nutrient uptake, ultimately impacting tree health. Common root diseases include: - Armillaria Root Rot: A fungal disease that attacks tree roots, causing decay and ultimately leading to tree death. - Phytophthora Root Rot: A disease caused by waterborne pathogens, leading to root decay and reduced tree vitality. - Cankers and Wilts: Cankers are localized areas of dead bark and cambium tissue, often caused by fungal or bacterial infections. Wilts are diseases that affect water-conducting tissues, leading to wilting and death of branches or the entire tree. - Cytospora Canker: A fungal disease that causes cankers on the branches of various tree species. - Verticillium Wilt: A disease caused by soil-borne fungi, leading to wilting and death of branches. Understanding the different types of tree diseases is crucial for early detection, proper diagnosis, and effective management strategies to protect trees and maintain ecosystem health.
Understanding the intricacies of Google Sheets can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to the use of complex formulae. One such formula is the CHISQ.INV, a statistical function that is often overlooked but can be incredibly useful in data analysis. This function calculates the inverse of the left-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution, a concept that may seem complicated at first glance. However, with a little patience and practice, you can master this formula and significantly enhance your data analysis skills. Understanding the CHISQ.INV Function The CHISQ.INV function is a statistical function that returns the inverse of the left-tailed probability of the chi-squared distribution. In simpler terms, it calculates the chi-square value for a given probability and degrees of freedom. This function is particularly useful in hypothesis testing and in the analysis of variance (ANOVA). Before diving into the specifics of the CHISQ.INV function, it's important to understand the chi-square distribution. The chi-square distribution is a theoretical distribution that is used in inferential statistics. It is particularly useful when dealing with variables that are measured on a nominal scale. The shape of the chi-square distribution depends on the degrees of freedom, which is usually the number of categories in the data minus one. Using the CHISQ.INV Function The syntax for the CHISQ.INV function is quite straightforward. It requires two arguments: the probability and the degrees of freedom. The probability must be a value between 0 and 1, and the degrees of freedom must be a positive integer. The formula is written as follows: CHISQ.INV(probability, degrees_freedom). Let's look at an example to illustrate how this function works. Suppose you have a data set with 5 categories, and you want to find the chi-square value for a probability of 0.05. The degrees of freedom would be 5-1=4. So, you would write the formula as follows: CHISQ.INV(0.05, 4). The result would be the chi-square value that corresponds to a probability of 0.05 and 4 degrees of freedom. Practical Applications of the CHISQ.INV Function The CHISQ.INV function can be used in a variety of data analysis scenarios. One common application is in hypothesis testing, specifically in chi-square tests. These tests are used to determine whether there is a significant association between two categorical variables. The CHISQ.INV function can be used to calculate the critical value, which is then compared to the test statistic to determine whether to reject the null hypothesis. Another application of the CHISQ.INV function is in the analysis of variance (ANOVA). ANOVA is a statistical method used to compare the means of two or more groups. The CHISQ.INV function can be used to calculate the F-statistic, which is then used to determine whether the group means are significantly different. Common Errors and How to Avoid Them While the CHISQ.INV function is relatively easy to use, there are a few common errors that you should be aware of. One common error is inputting a probability value that is not between 0 and 1. If you input a value outside of this range, Google Sheets will return a #NUM! error. To avoid this, always ensure that your probability value is between 0 and 1. Another common error is inputting a non-integer value for the degrees of freedom. The degrees of freedom must be a positive integer. If you input a non-integer value, Google Sheets will return a #VALUE! error. To avoid this, always ensure that your degrees of freedom is a positive integer. Understanding Error Messages If you encounter an error when using the CHISQ.INV function, the error message can give you a clue as to what went wrong. A #NUM! error usually means that the probability value is not between 0 and 1, or that the chi-square value could not be computed for the given probability and degrees of freedom. A #VALUE! error usually means that the degrees of freedom is not a positive integer. By understanding these error messages, you can quickly identify and correct any mistakes in your formula. This will save you time and frustration, and help you to get the most out of the CHISQ.INV function. The CHISQ.INV function is a powerful tool in data analysis. While it may seem complex at first, with a little practice, you can master this function and use it to enhance your data analysis skills. Whether you're conducting hypothesis testing, analyzing variance, or simply exploring your data, the CHISQ.INV function can provide valuable insights and help you to make informed decisions. So, don't be intimidated by the complexity of this function. Embrace it, practice it, and before you know it, you'll be using the CHISQ.INV function like a pro. Take Your Data Analysis Further with Causal Now that you're equipped with the knowledge of the CHISQ.INV function in Google Sheets, imagine taking your data analysis to the next level with Causal. As a platform designed specifically for number crunching and data visualization, Causal simplifies the process of modelling, forecasting, and scenario planning. With intuitive tools for creating interactive dashboards and visualizations, you can present your findings with clarity and impact. Ready to elevate your data skills? Sign up today and start exploring the possibilities with Causal's easy-to-use interface – your first step towards more insightful and efficient data analysis.
A test or exam is an educational test meant to measure the knowledge, skill, ability, aptitude, mental aptitude, memory, comprehension, or condition of a test-taker. It is usually given to people who are going to take a college-level examination and to people who have already graduated from school. The examination that is given is usually of different kinds and is usually conducted by professionals who are appointed by a school, a government agency, a consulting company, a business, or an institution. Students and adults also can take the test for a number of reasons such as to enhance their knowledge about a specific subject, to obtain an improved grade, or to refresh their memory about a particular topic. There are various ways by which you may take an advanced test. You may either use a paper-based test or an online-based test. Paper tests may be conducted at home using a personal computer. Students can use the test manual that comes with the course they have taken, or they can create a custom-made checklist. The students should keep a copy of the checklist so that they may easily check their test results. Online based tests are usually web-based examinations. Students may access educational institution websites that offer to administer the examinations. These websites require the students to register with the educational institution website in order to gain access to the examination materials and to take the test. Some of these tests may also require you to download software to your personal computers. Assessments are usually of two types. One type of examination is normally a behavioral observation where the examiner watches the way the person performs while answering the questions and the way he/she answers them. Another type of examination includes a standardized question test that asks the students to answer several similar questions under different situations and conditions. Standardized tests are more reliable because they have been designed using research regarding the way that students learn best. Students should purchase tests that are approved by the Psychological Society. Students should also consider the mode of distribution of the standardized tests. Most standardized tests are distributed over the Internet. Students should ensure that they complete all the paper work required for each examination before they proceed to the next one. Failure to do so may result in a lower grade. Students who fail to meet the distribution requirements may not be allowed to take the examination for the particular subject they failed. The standardized tests are a good way to assess a student’s learning, reasoning, and problem solving skills. Students should ensure that they study well before taking the exam. They should develop study skills such as reading, writing, and arithmetic. Students who are preparing for a certification exam should acquire knowledge about the subject matter they will be tested on. They should read a variety of books and articles on the subject matter that they will be tested on. Students should also seek advice from a licensed professional to help them prepare for their tests.
X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), also known as ESCA (electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis) is a surface analysis technique which provides both elemental and chemical state information virtually without restriction on the type of material which can be analysed. It is a relatively simple technique where the sample is illuminated with X-rays which have enough energy to eject an electron from the atom. These ejected electrons are known as photoelectrons. The kinetic energy of these emitted electrons is characteristic of the element from which the photoelectron originated. The position and intensity of the peaks in an energy spectrum provide the desired chemical state and quantitative information. The surface sensitivity of XPS is determined by the distance that that photoelectron can travel through the material without losing any kinteic energy. These elastiaclly scattered photoelectrons contribute to the photoelectron peak, whilst photoelectrons that have been inelastically scattered, losing some kinetic energy before leaving the material, will contribute to the spectral background. The importance of surfaces in materials science is discussed in greater detail elsewhere The chemical environment of an atom alters the binding energy (BE) of a photoelectron which results in a change in the measured kinetic energy (KE). The BE is related to the measured photoelectron KE by the simple equation; BE = hν - KE where hv is the photon (x-ray) energy. The chemical or bonding information of the element is derived from these chemical shifts. Importance of energy resolution in XPS XPS is a spectroscopic technique and therefore the energy resolution of the instrument is of fundamental importance. Energy resolution of an XPS instrument is usually measured as the full width at half-maximum (FWHM) of the Ag 3d5/2 peak. But is this useful? The short answer is yes. The longer answer is that the FWHM of the Ag 3d5/2 peak is a useful indication performance. It allows the ultimate energy resolution of instruments from different manufacturers to be compared. It also provides insight into the ability of the spectrometer to resolve, or separate, two closely spaced peaks in a photoelectron spectrum. Importantly, it doesn’t provide information on the peak intensity (counts per second). And therein lies the paradox of most spectroscopic techniques. As the energy resolution increases, the amount of signal collected decreases. So, to properly define the performance of an XPS instrument it is important to know the count rate at a given energy resolution. What affects the energy resolution of my photoelectron spectrometer? The easiest way to answer this is to understand what contributes to the measured peak width in an XPS spectrum. If we assume that the peak shape is the convolution of several Gaussian peaks, the measured peak width is given by: Em2 = Ex2 + Elw2 + Einst2 equation 1 Where Em is the measured peak width, Ex is the width of the photon source, Elw is the natural line with of the electronic state being measured and Einst is the instrument resolution. The commonly used excitation source for XPS experiments is monochromated Al Kα where Ex = 0.25 eV. The line widths of other excitation sources used on the AXIS spectrometers are shown in appendix 1. As outlined above, the term Elw is the natural line width of the core-level that is being measured. This physical value will vary depending on the electronic energy level measured for the atom and the environment or chemical state of the atom within the material. Specifically, the natural line width is dominated by the lifetime broadening due to the core-hole lifetime of the excited state. In simple terms, this term contributes to the measured peak width as a consequence of the core level measured and the form of the material. For example, metal oxides typically have greater Elw than their elemental forms. The final term considered is Einst and is the one that experimentalists have the most control over. The energy resolution of the instrument analyser is dependent on the chosen mode of operation, defined by the slit width used at the entrance to the analyser, the mean radius of the hemispheres, the angle of electrons entering the analyser at the entrance slit and the photoelectron pass energy. In practical terms most of the instrumental terms are defined by the manufacturer and the energy resolution is defined by the User in selecting the pass energy at which the data is collected. The electron energy analyser is most commonly operated in fixed analyser transmission (FAT) mode. The photoelectrons are retarded to the selected pass energy, which is the mean kinetic energy of the photoelectrons as they move between the two hemispheres of the analyser. Operating in FAT mode has the advantage that energy resolution remains constant across the entire measured kinetic energy range. Selecting lower pass energy results in better the energy resolution of the collected photoelectrons at the cost of lower number of electrons being counted, or lower sensitivity. Understanding the performance of the spectrometer and the information required from the sample defines how an XPS experiment is designed. The starting point for any XPS surface materials characterisation is a survey spectrum. It will provide a quantitative overview of the elemental composition of the sample. The survey spectrum is a low energy resolution, high sensitivity acquisition across the entire binding energy scale, typically 1200 to -5 eV. It is acquired at a high pass energy, for AXIS instruments this is 160 eV, and the step size is 1 eV. Acquiring data at 160 eV pass energy will give typical peak widths in the order of 3 to 4 eV. Under these acquisition conditions it will not be possible to determine chemical state information. But the spectrometer is in its most sensitive mode, so any trace, low concentration elements are most likely to be detected in this mode. High count rates associated with high pass energies mean that survey spectra can be collected inca. 60 seconds with excellent signal-to-noise. To determine the chemistry of the sample the spectrometer must be operated at lower pass energy, typically 10 or 20 eV and acquisition step size of 0.1 eV for AXIS instruments. Narrow region, high resolution spectra are acquired from specific core-levels. Using these acquisition parameters, metallic core levels are typically < 0.6 eV. It is possible to determine chemical shifts caused by local chemical environment of the element being measured. It is worth commenting on the effect the sample plays on the measured peak resolution. Insulating samples often have broader peaks due to longer core-hole lifetimes, such that Elw is the dominant term in equation 1 and the Einst does not limit the resolution of the acquired peak. In such a case, acquiring the narrow scan at 10 eV would not result in a narrower, higher energy resolution peak than one acquired at 20 or 40 eV. This physical effect is not limited to insulators, and many p, d and f core-level spectra are relatively broad and limit the ultimate peak resolution. A rough, topographic sample will have broader peaks than an atomically flat sample due to the scattering of photoelectrons as they leave the rough surface. Again, for such samples little or no improvement in energy resolution would be observed acquiring data at the lowest pass energies. The skill of the spectroscopist is selecting the appropriate pass energy for the sample and analysis required. For AXIS instruments when acquiring ‘large area’ spectra a pass energy of 20 eV is found to be the best compromise between good energy resolution and enough signal for acquisition times to be between 60 – 300 s for a narrow region scan. Under these conditions polished Ag foil would have Ag 3d5/2 FWHM = 0.55 eV. Effects of spectrometer configuration on energy resolution of the spectra can be explored using selected area spectroscopy for the AXIS instruments. To acquire spectra a fixed diameter aperture and variable diameter iris are used in the lens column of the spectrometer. A benefit of using this mechanism to define the small analysis area is that the spectroscopic resolution increases when compared to the large area (slot) analysis. By inserting the aperture and closing the iris, the trajectories of the photoelectrons are narrowed and there is less electron scattering in the analyser. This effect is more apparent for the smaller 27 um and 15 um analysis diameters. For the experimentalist, the significance of this is that when using smaller analysis areas, it is possible to work at a higher pass energy and get similar energy resolution to the lower pass energies of large area mode. And, as stated, working at higher pass energy gives a higher sensitivity with the opportunity to reduce the acquisition time. These acquisition parameters also allow the ultimate energy resolution spectra to be acquired when required. This is well demonstrated in the figure where the Al 2p region from aluminium foil was acquired from a large area (700x300 mm) at a pass energy of 10 eV where Al 2p3/2 FWHM = 0.40 eV, and a 55 mm diameter area at a pass energy of 40 eV where Al 2p3/2 FWHM = 0.46 eV. Higher energy excitation sources (HAXPES) In modern spectrometers the x-rays are energy filtered or monochromatised using a quartz crystal to give x-rays with very little energy spread. This monochromatic x-ray illumination of the sample enables high energy resolution of chemical shifts as well as detailed study of line profiles and subtle bonding changes evident in the valence band. There is growing interest in using higher energy X-ray excitation sources relative to the commonly used Al Kα (1486.6 eV) such as Ag Lα ( 2984.3 eV), Cr Kα (5414.9 eV) or Ga (9252 eV). One significant advantage of using higher energy photons is the ability to excite photoelectrons from higher binding energy core-levels. It is also the case that, with increased kinetic energy of core level electrons, the information depth also increases allowing greater sampling depth relative to conventional Al Kα. This is demonstrated by the increase in the information depth for Si 2p excited by Al Kα and Ag Lα which is 7 nm and 13 nm respectively . Photoelectrons may also be collected from the surface in two dimensions to generate elemental or chemical state images of the surface. The AXIS Supra+ spectrometers can be configured with XPS. M. P. Seah and W. A. Dench, Surf. Interface Anal. 1, 2 (1979) Natural line widths of excitation sources commonly used for photoemission spectroscopy experiments M.J. Edgell et al, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 37 (1985) 241-256
In the field of medicine, understanding the underlying factors that contribute to various health conditions is crucial for effective diagnosis and treatment. When it comes to thrombosis, a condition characterized by the formation of blood clots within blood vessels, Virchow’s Triad plays a pivotal role in shedding light on its causes. First proposed by the eminent German physician Rudolf Virchow in the 19th century, Virchow’s Triad highlights three fundamental components that contribute to thrombosis: - and endothelial damage. Today, we will delve into each element of the triad and explore its significance in triggering thrombosis. 1. Stasis: The Calm before the Clot Stasis refers to the slowing or stagnation of blood flow within blood vessels. This can occur for various reasons, such as prolonged immobility during long journeys or extended bed rest after surgery. When blood flow slows down, the risk of clot formation increases. Additionally, certain medical conditions, such as heart failure or varicose veins, can disrupt the natural flow of blood, promoting stasis. Understanding the role of stasis in Virchow’s Triad allows healthcare professionals to identify patients who are more susceptible to thrombosis and implement preventive measures. 2. Hypercoagulability: The Clotting Culprit Hypercoagulability refers to a state in which the blood has an increased tendency to clot. Normally, blood clotting is a vital mechanism that helps stop bleeding from wounds. However, when the blood’s clotting factors become imbalanced, it can lead to the formation of unnecessary and harmful clots. Hypercoagulability can be caused by genetic factors, hormonal changes, certain medications, or underlying medical conditions. Identifying and addressing hypercoagulability is crucial in reducing the risk of thrombosis, particularly in high-risk patients. 3. Endothelial Damage: When the Lining Suffers The endothelium is the inner lining of blood vessels, and its integrity is vital for smooth blood flow. When the endothelium becomes damaged due to injury, inflammation, or other factors, it can trigger the activation of platelets and clotting factors, leading to thrombosis. Common culprits behind endothelial damage include smoking, hypertension, and high levels of cholesterol in the blood. By understanding the significance of endothelial damage in Virchow’s Triad, healthcare professionals can emphasize lifestyle modifications and treatments that promote endothelial health. Navigating Thrombosis with Virchow’s Triad Virchow’s Triad remains an indispensable framework for comprehending the complex interplay of factors that lead to thrombosis. By recognizing the significance of stasis, hypercoagulability, and endothelial damage, healthcare professionals can tailor their interventions to effectively prevent and manage thrombotic events. Equipped with this knowledge, patients can also take proactive steps to reduce their risk of thrombosis through lifestyle modifications and appropriate medical guidance. As medical research advances, further understanding of Virchow’s Triad may pave the way for more targeted and precise treatments, ultimately enhancing the quality of patient care in the realm of thrombosis management. Picture Credit: Freepik
We’re very pleased to be able to offer you another in our series of occasional guest posts by teachers and writers we admire. This time, a young teacher from Moscow called Masha Andreivitch, who we first saw speak at a conference over there last year, outlines her thoughts on how to apply a lexical way of looking at language to the teaching of young learners. Be sure to follow her on Facebook here as well. Over to Masha . . . Lexical chunks and collocations are probably not the first thing that comes to mind when you think about teaching very young or young learners – the central role is usually given to games and movement-rich activities which support the learning of single words. However, offering young students target language in the form of chunks rather than single words seems an easy further step to take, and an extremely efficient one too. Here’s why – and how. Why chunks and not just single words? When children learn English as a foreign language outside of the L2 environment, the process comes down to learners ‘collecting’ vocabulary and structures in the early stages of their learning, and then practising in order to manipulate these. Focusing on chunks of language rather than single words provides young learners with bigger building blocks, thus allowing them to avoid mistakes, sound more natural and generally express their ideas more precisely – all with the same effort they would just put into learning single words. A great tool for helping young learners remember collocations or longer chunks (and even sentences!) is stories or, for younger learners, storyboards. Basically, a storyboard is a short story consisting of 6-8 sentences, each of which is represented by a picture, usually accompanied by an audio recording. Such stories can be found in most of mainstream YL coursebooks (Kid’s Box, Playtime, Tiger Time, Academy Stars, Playway to English, etc), are aimed at different levels and built around various vocabulary sets. The greatest benefit of such stories is that they offer a variety of lexical chunks on a particular topic, including noun and verb phrases, and set expressions, rather than traditional target language in the form of single nouns, verbs or adjectives. In class, a teacher can talk to their learners about the story, introduce the setting and, perhaps, help young students relate to the topic or the characters in the story. Students can then listen and order the pictures, engaging with the whole story. With their straightforward visual support, storyboards are really accessible to young learners, even when stories include what might be seen as more advanced chunks. Having checked the order of the pictures with the learners, a teacher can then focus on language and in most cases, learners would be able to gradually learn the story sentence by sentence. This is best done when sentences are repeated by the teacher, supported by mime or gestures to help learners anchor the story in their memory. Ideally, in one lesson, young students move from meeting a story for the first time to reproducing it themselves while using complete sentences. What this type of language work demonstrates clearly is that for young learners it makes very little difference what language they are given to memorize (single words or lexical chunks). This happens firstly because children’s learning capacity at a young age allows them to commit longer lexical items to memory, and secondly because when supported by emotional and physical engagement (mimes and gestures), language learning happens naturally for children. So moving onto teaching chunks to young learners can be just a small step for a teacher, and a great opportunity for their students.
This article is for people that have good knowledge in Python and want to learn and practise new skills and do some network basics. Information about sockets is very important when using Python for network scripting. Before we can create and use sockets we have to import the socket library as we explained and showed in Part 1 of this series. If you have been introduced to my articles about basics in Python you know that we have worked in interactive mode, but now is time to learn and create scripts. To create scripts, we need a text editor and after we finish writing the code we save the file with the extension .py which stands for Python. The text editor I will use is called vim, which is almost compatible version of the Unix editor vi and I think that it’s a well known text editor to Linux geeks. I must say I love this text editor because it offers a beautiful syntax highlighting that makes my code easy to read and friendly to other people. The first line we will write is called the shebang line which indicates what interpreter to use. This line is necessary only in Unix base platforms such as Linux, Mac OS and does not apply to other platforms. We will use Python interpreter to interpret our Python scripts so the shebang line will be #!/usr/bin/Python like shown in Figure1. If you have problems with vim and never used it before feel free to post you question in the comment section or you can use a text editor of your choice. After we finish creating the shebang line we import the socket library like shown in Figure 2. Now we can create a socket object. The variable I will use is called my_socket. How does the client identify the server and connects to it? The server has an IP address like houses have addresses. Since we will run our script in our local machine , the IP address will be aka localhost. Our server should listen on some port, so we need a port number too. Figure 3 shows how to create the socket object which we assign to my_socket variable and two other variables, one for the hostname of the server, one for the port in which the server will listen for connections. Time to bind and listen, to do that we use the bind method and listen method like shown in Figure 4. The bind() method accepts a tuple with two elements, the server name and the port on which the server will listen for incoming connections. We know that when used inside expressions variables return their actual values so we use use our variables, hostname and port_number as elements for the tuple in bind() method. The listen() method sets up and start TCP listener. We want our server to listen all the time, day and night. How do we do that in Python? To do that we need a condition that returns always true bolean value when tested. Open a new terminal in your Linux machine, type Python (interactive mode) and write the code exactly as shown in Figure 5. Now press enter and see what happens (Figure 6). This simple program prints ‘unixmen’ string infinitly. This is what we need for the server. We will use the while conditional statement because it returns the ‘true’ bolean value all the time. Our server will accept client requests all the time so we need a while statement that is always true. Figure 7 shows the finished server and there are explanation comments for each line The line ‘connection, address = my_socket.accept()’ accepts TCP client connection and waits until it arrives. The send() method is used to transmit TCP message. This is enough for a beginner in network scripting. You will learn about the client in the next articles, “How to program” and “How to connect to the server”.
A foreign object in the ear can cause pain, infection and hearing loss. Usually you know if an object is stuck in your ear, but small children may not be aware of it. If an object becomes lodged in the ear: - Don’t probe the ear with a tool such as a cotton swab or matchstick. You risk pushing the object farther in and damaging the ear. - Remove the object if possible. If the object is clearly visible, pliable and can be grasped easily with tweezers, gently remove it. - Try using gravity. Tilt the head to the affected side to try to dislodge the object. - Try using oil for an insect. If the foreign object is an insect, tilt the person’s head so that the ear with the insect is upward. Try to float the insect out by pouring mineral oil, olive oil or baby oil into the ear. The oil should be warm, but not hot. Don’t use oil to remove an object other than an insect. Don’t use this method for a child if ear tubes are in place or if you think the eardrum may be perforated. Signs and symptoms of a perforated eardrum are pain, bleeding or discharge from the ear. - Try washing the object out. Use a rubber-bulb ear syringe and warm water to irrigate the object out of the canal, again provided no ear tubes are in place and you don’t suspect the eardrum is perforated. If these methods fail or the person continues to experience pain, discharge from the ear canal, reduced hearing or a sensation of something lodged in the ear, seek medical assistance. What are some other types of ear emergencies? - Ruptured tympanic membrane (eardrum) can be a result of foreign bodies, middle ear infection, or pressure trauma to the ear. Often the patient feels pain, notices a thin bloody discharge from the ear, and has a decreased sense of hearing. If a person experiences these symptoms and thinks the eardrum may be ruptured or damaged, keep the ear dry, and seek medical care. Do not place cotton swabs, liquids, or other objects in ear. - Acute otitis externa (swimmer’s ear) is an infection of the outer ear canal that is usually caused by irritation of the canal skin that is made worse by water remaining in the ear canal after swimming or bathing. Cellulitis (skin infection) causes the ear canal to turn red and swell. The ear becomes very painful and a thin yellow fluid (infected pus) comes out of the canal. Some patients experience pain with mouth opening and chewing because of inflammation in the ear canal. The infection can spread to the side of the face or the lymph glands in the neck. Treatment of swimmer’s ear includes antibiotic drops and, in severe cases, IV or oral antibiotics. - Earwax impaction is usually a harmless cause of decreased hearing. Wax is formed in the ear canals naturally. Individuals who over-aggressively clean their ears with cotton swabs can push wax further into the canal, impacting (compressing) it against the ear drum. Over-the-counter (OTC) products, like carbamide peroxide (Auro, Debrox, Murine Earwax Drops) can be used to clean the ear regularly. If the wax impaction is causing pain, decreased hearing or dizziness, a doctor can irrigate (flush) the wax out of the ear gently with warm water and peroxide. If a person has chronic problems with earwax buildup, discuss long-term solutions with an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialist (an otolaryngologist).
Study of Sound - Vibrating body produces sound. - Vibration motion– to-and-fro or back-and-forth or up-and-down motion of a body. - Sound is a form of energy that is produced by producing vibration in an object. - Sound cannot move through vacuum; sound waves are longitudinal waves. - Sound requires material medium for propagation. - Sound can travel through solid, liquid or gas. - Sound cannot travel through vacuum. - No sound can be heard in outer spaces. Sound is a form of energy that is produced by producing vibrations in an object. Sound cannot move through vacuum. Sound is a wave that requires a medium for its propagation. The medium particles vibrate only to and fro. They do not move with the soun… To view the complete topic, please
Download the 250 English Antonyms Solved MCQs Free PDF for PPSC, FPSC, PMS, NTS, KPKPSC, and SPSC exam Antonyms are words that have opposite meanings. They are important in English grammar because they can be used to: Add contrast and emphasis to your writing. Using antonyms can help you to create a more interesting and engaging writing style. For example, you could say "The cat was happy, but the dog was sad" to create a sense of contrast. Improve your vocabulary. Learning antonyms can help you to expand your vocabulary and become a more precise writer. For example, if you know that the antonym for "happy" is "sad," you will be more likely to choose the correct word when you are writing. Answer questions about vocabulary in competitive exams. Many competitive exams include questions about vocabulary, and knowing antonyms can help you to answer these questions correctly. For example, if you are asked to choose the antonym for the word "happy," you will be more likely to choose the correct answer if you know that the antonym is "sad." Improve your critical thinking skills. Being able to identify antonyms can help you to think more critically about the language you use. For example, if you are reading a passage and you come across the word "happy," you can think about its opposite, "sad," and consider how that might affect the meaning of the passage. Overall, antonyms are an important part of English grammar and can be a valuable asset in competitive exams. If you are preparing for a competitive exam, it is a good idea to learn as many antonyms as possible. Here are some tips for learning antonyms: Read widely. The more you read, the more you will be exposed to new words and their antonyms. Use a dictionary or thesaurus. A dictionary or thesaurus can help you to find the antonyms for any word. Create an antonym notebook. Keep a notebook where you can write down new antonyms that you learn. Practice using antonyms. The more you use antonyms, the more comfortable you will become with them.
Pacific Coastlines May Respond Differently to El Niño and La Niña Cycles Complete the form below to unlock access to ALL audio articles. Researchers from UNSW Sydney have analysed millions of satellite photos to observe changes in beaches across the Pacific Ocean. The findings, published in Nature Geoscience today, reveal for the first time how coastlines respond to different phases of the El-Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle. ENSO is a natural climate phenomenon that causes variations in sea surface temperatures over the Pacific Ocean. The warming phase, known as El Niño, and the cooling phase, known as La Niña, affect weather patterns across different coastlines depending on the cycle. During these periods, coastal erosion can also intensify, shifting sand away from beaches and threatening beachfront homes and habitats. But scientists haven’t been able to study this broadly using conventional coastal monitoring techniques, which have been limited to on-ground observations on just a few beaches. “Scientists have known beaches respond to ENSO cycles for decades, but we’ve only been able to paint a small picture of this from a few sporadic beach monitoring sites,” says Dr Mitchell Harley, co-author of the study from UNSW’s Water Research Laboratory at the School of Civil & Environmental Engineering. “For this research, we were able to take a completely different angle to complete the bigger picture of how climate cycles impact entire Pacific coasts.” Observing coastal changes from the cosmos Satellites orbiting the Earth have captured images of the world’s coastlines at regular intervals for almost forty years. The researchers developed a new open-source tool called CoastSat, which combines image processing and machine learning algorithms to extract information from every pixel about thousands of sandy beaches along the Pacific rim. “The tool automatically maps the position of the interface between the sand and water. Doing this over multiple images and beaches, and correcting for the tide, we can discover changes in the coastline over a large temporal and spatial scale and how this correlates with ENSO cycles,” says Dr Kilian Vos, lead author of the study from the Water Research Laboratory. Using the tool, the researchers processed 38 years of Landsat satellite photos to find correlations in beach width and El Niño and La Niña cycles across more than 8000km of sandy coastline, from the east coast of Australia to the west coast of California and down to Chile. They found that beaches on the southeast coast of Australia narrow during prolonged La Niña, while they widen – or accrete – during El Niño periods. But beaches on the other side of the Pacific experience the opposite effect – eroding during El Nino and recovering during La Niña. “While our study is looking at the average behaviour of sandy beaches correlated with the ENSO cycle, this is consistent with what we’ve observed, for example, with the recent triple-dip La Niña in Australia, where successive coastal storms have been stripping sand from beaches along the NSW and QLD coastlines,” says Dr Vos. Forecasting coastal erosion risk The researchers say understanding the impact of ENSO cycles on different coasts of the Pacific can help coastal managers and residents anticipate coastal erosion risks and prepare with protection measures like beach nourishment. “Sandy coasts are some of the most dynamic and populated environments on the planet. In some conditions, they can completely disappear overnight and take years to come back,” Dr Vos says. “It’s essential we continue to monitor them through studies like this which help inform how we can manage our beaches, which provide a buffer between ocean waves and the high-value infrastructure around them. “If you’re a tourist looking to spend a holiday on the beach, it might be worth looking at the ENSO forecast as it might give you an indication of where to expect wide sandy beaches.” Dr Harley also leads the CoastSnap citizen science project, where community members share their shoreline photos to create new insights into how beaches respond to changing conditions. The researchers plan to further analyse the data from both projects to uncover insights on how beaches respond to waves, sea levels and climate change as close to real-time as possible. “Some studies suggest climate change will alter ENSO patterns, which may affect how coastlines change further, in terms of intensification of these erosion and accretion effects, or a shift in where they occur,” Dr Harley. “Using all these incredible data sources from space and the community, we can continue to increase our understanding of how our coastlines are changing now and in the future.” Reference: Vos K, Harley MD, Turner IL, Splinter KD. Pacific shoreline erosion and accretion patterns controlled by El Niño/Southern Oscillation. Nat Geosci. 2023;16(2):140-146. doi:10.1038/s41561-022-01117-8 This article has been republished from the following materials. Note: material may have been edited for length and content. For further information, please contact the cited source.
Learn the summative assessment of fairplay This is an excerpt from Meeting Physical Education Standards Through Meaningful Assessment With Web Resource by Greg Bert & Lisa Summers. Summative Assessment of Fair Play With power standard 5, “I can play fairly,” we are assessing self-initiated behaviors that promote personal and group success in activity settings. These include safe practices, adherence to rules, self-officiating, etiquette, cooperation and teamwork, ethical behavior, positive social interaction, and participation. All of the learning targets help teach students the levels of the Pyramid of Active Participation. Our goal is to assess and record our students achieving each level of the pyramid. The entire purpose of this standard is to teach students about appropriate behavior in sport and games. Appropriate behavior makes sport and games fun for everyone during participation. When students can enjoy sport and games, they achieve more success in the activities and are more likely to participate in them because everyone is helping to make the game fun for each other. Assessing behavior can be challenging. The word behavior can imply subjectivity, but we have attempted to keep the assessment of this standard objective. With emphasis placed on SOTG (spirit of the game) and the Pyramid of Active Participation, these assessments encourage students to show that they can play fairly. The Pyramid of Active Participation is based on four levels of self-initiated behaviors. The most bottom level is moving without a ball, such as V-pattern cutting, L-pattern cutting, and perhaps just concentrating on moving! When students perform these basic off-ball movements, the game is more enjoyable for both offensive and defensive players—everyone is participating with purpose or intent. The second level of the pyramid involves students moving with a ball, such as passing, dribbling, sharing, looking for receivers, and involving others by being productive teammates. The third level involves verbalizing language that is helpful, instructive, and welcoming to others. The fourth level is the leadership level, which challenges students to teach others and to use their advanced skills in order to help others or assist the teacher. The top level of the pyramid is SOTG—when students demonstrate mastery of the four lower levels, they possess SOTG! Form 8.7 is a summative assessment with three options. The first option directs students to make a poster, visual aid, or collage that illustrates what it means to play fair and show respect for the game and others. Students also have the option to write an essay or discuss the characteristics of fair play and respect for the game. Form 8.8 is a summative assessment in the form of an end-of-term essay. It requires that students compose and argue their point of view in writing as to how they meet power standard 5, “I can play fairly.” Students are self-reflective in essay form as they discuss how they displayed SOTG and how they were active participants. Learn more about Meeting Physical Education Standards Through Meaningful Assessment.More Excerpts From Meeting Physical Education Standards Through Meaningful Assessment With Web Resource Get the latest insights with regular newsletters, plus periodic product information and special insider offers. - Factors Influencing Player Development and Performance - The Three Cs to Athlete Development: Winning Championships Through Group Dynamics - Methods of Program Variation - Interplay Between Federal Laws and State and Tribal Governance in Sports Betting - The Ethics of Gambling Advertising - Gamification in the Gambling Market
In a U-boat rampage off the East Coast in 1918, the schooner Dornfontein was captured and burned On Aug. 3, 1918, a small boat carrying nine sailors arrived at Gannet Rock in the Bay of Fundy. They had a tale to tell. The previous day, a submarine had stopped their schooner—looted it, and took the crew as prisoners. Then the raiders set the schooner on fire and turned its crew loose in their small boat. It had taken more than 12 hours to row to shore. It was not supposed to happen. When the First World War started in 1914, submarines were a novelty weapon. Their range was short and everyone expected them to operate inshore, fully submerged and, in accordance with international law, to sink only warships. After all, submarines did not have enough crew to take ships as prizes, or space for prisoners, or—in the German case—the ability to bring captured ships home as prizes of war. Certainly they presented no threat to Canada, if only because they could not cross the Atlantic. So Canada sent troops to the Western Front and the British promised to protect Canada from whatever naval threat developed. No one expected much. However, the establishment of a “distant blockade” of Germany by the Allies in 1914, by closing off the Strait of Dover and the passage between Scotland and Norway, gave the Germans an opening. To be lawful, a blockade had to be right along the enemy coast. The Germans responded in early 1915 with a “blockade” of Great Britain by submarines, threatening to sink warships and merchant ships on sight. With that, the U-boat war on Allied merchant shipping began in earnest. The sinking of RMS Lusitania by a U-boat in May 1915, with a heavy loss of life (many American), brought enough international pressure to end the first unrestricted campaign. The pattern repeated itself in 1916, when neutral pressure stopped another unrestricted U-boat campaign. In the meantime, Germany’s U-boat fleet grew in size, power and range, including a program of “U-freighters” to evade the Allied blockade. In July 1916, the 1,600-tonne U-Deutschland arrived at Baltimore, Maryland, to load cargo. (The second U-freighter, U-Bremen, was lost at sea on its maiden voyage). Clearly, U-boats could cross the Atlantic. More alarming was the arrival in October of U-53—a 740-tonne combat submarine—at Newport, Rhode Island, which promptly sank four British vessels just outside American waters. By the end of 1916, the shooting war had come to the western Atlantic. As 1918 dawned, the Canadian coast was largely undefended. Germany declared another unrestricted submarine campaign against the Allies in February 1917. They expected the Americas to declare war, but believed they could not intervene decisively in Europe for years. And if Germany could sink more than 800,000 tonnes of British shipping a month over the next six months, Britain would capitulate. The 1917 U-boat campaign was a gamble, but one worth the risk. The British beat the U-boats by introducing convoys in the summer of 1917, but the subs kept the Royal Navy fully engaged in European waters for the rest of the war. Canada was left to fend for itself—with some important help from the Americans. By 1917, the Royal Canadian Navy had 20 small ships and 12 Battle-class trawlers armed with puny 12-pounder guns at best. As 1918 dawned, the Canadian coast was largely undefended. The U-boats arrived in the summer of 1918. U-151 was already in U.S. waters when U-156 reached Cape Race, Nfld., in early July. It sank a couple of Norwegian schooners and then headed for New York. After dropping mines, which sank the cruiser USS San Diego on July 19, U-156 turned back north. In broad daylight—and just five kilometres away from vacationers on the beach at Cape Cod—the U-boat leisurely sank four barges and damaged their tug with gunfire. News of the attack off Cape Cod reached Canada just as the fishermen came ashore in Canso to tell their story. The nine crew members were taken aboard the sub while the schooner was looted. The next day, July 26, U-156 attempted to sink two British freighters south of Cape Sable, N.S. News of these attacks reached Ottawa on July 27. The presence of U-156 in the Bay of Fundy makes it difficult to explain what happened next. On July 31, the 695-tonne four-masted cargo schooner Dornfontein cleared Saint John, N.B., on its maiden voyage with a load of lumber for Natal, South Africa. Highly classified routing instructions issued before departure were supposed to keep it safe. These were usually kept in a weighted bag, ready to throw overboard should the enemy appear. Other than that, Dornfontein was on its own. By the afternoon of Aug. 2, Dornfontein was about 60 kilometres south of Grand Manan Island when U-156 rose from the depths and fired two shots across the bow. Dornfontein hove to. The nine crew members were taken aboard the sub while the schooner was looted for food (it carried six months of supplies), the seamen’s clothing, other valuables—including Dornfontein’s secret instructions—and gasoline. The Canadians were held on the U-boat for five hours, interrogated and fed a meal of bully beef and rice. Nearly all the German crew spoke English and one lieutenant claimed to have vacationed annually on the Maine coast for decades. Dornfontein’s captain described the Germans as “a beastly looking set of fellows….” The presence of blueberry pie on the mess table seemed suspicious, and seaman James Oliver of New River, N.B., protested that the food was probably poisoned. What happened next is unclear, except that Oliver was shot in the leg. The cheery calls of “Goodbye!” and “Good luck!” from the Germans were bitterly ironic for Dornfontein’s crew as they set off for Grand Manan that afternoon. As they rowed away, their ship was ablaze from stem to stern. At 6 a.m. the next day, Dornfontein’s crew scrambled ashore on Gannet Rock and, later that day, rowed the short distance to Grand Manan, where they were met by the RCN and taken to Saint John. The men provided details of U-156’s size, armament and crew. The signal to Ottawa read in part, “Submarine two hundred and seventy feet long, able to submerge in twenty seconds. Engine room plates marked U fifty-six. Vessel painted black on top, grey underneath, old paint….” More alarmingly, the report noted that “All papers taken.” A board of inquiry found the schooner’s captain “gravely negligent” and suspended his master’s licence for the rest of the war. Meanwhile, U-156 headed for the Grand Banks of Newfoundland, sinking more fishing schooners and then the 4,900-tonne British tanker Luz Blanco in a running gun battle off Halifax. On Aug. 20, the Germans captured the Canadian steam trawler Triumph, which they armed with one or two 3-pounder guns. Triumph was a familiar sight, and it had no problem getting close. After sinking four schooners off Canso, U-156 and the hijacked Triumph headed for the fishing grounds south of Newfoundland. The Canadian navy could do little. Its ships were too small, too slow, too poorly armed and too few to either trap the big subs or fight them. Evidence of that was soon clear. On Aug. 25, one section of an RCN patrol, HMCS Hochelaga and Trawler 22, caught sight of a schooner’s masts falling and went to investigate: they found U-156 lying on the surface. Instead of attacking immediately, the Canadians ran away. By the time the whole patrol—Cartier, Hochelaga and two trawlers—returned to the scene, U-156 was long gone and soon on its way home. The captain of Hochelaga was dismissed from the service for failing to use “his utmost exertion to bring his ship into action.” To provide the RCN with a safe refuge, the Halifax fortress was fully manned until the end of the war. Dornfontein burned to the waterline but was salvaged. It sailed again under the American flag as Netherton until it was abandoned at sea—on fire—in August 1920. James Oliver limped for the rest of his life. And U-156 never made it home. The life of U-156 During the Great War, the Germans built 373 U-boats, most of them small and intended for European waters. But a portion were large, displaced up to 1,000 tonnes, and were capable of long-range patrols. The biggest, however, were the five remaining U-freighters which the Germans converted into warships in 1917. These submerged cruisers were the largest submarines in the world, over 60 metres long with a cruising radius of 49,000 kilometres and full displacement weight of over 2,200 tonnes. Just one of these monsters, like U-156, carried more firepower than the entire RCN: two 15-centimetre deck guns, two 88-millimetre guns and 18 torpedoes. The U-cruisers were a law of the sea unto themselves. U-156 was commissioned at Bremen, on the Weser River about 60 kilometres from the North Sea, on Aug. 28, 1917. Its first voyage was to the Canary Islands to load contraband. The British learned of this effort to breach the blockade and sent a sub to ambush U-156. A torpedo from a British sub hit U-156, but failed to explode. The U-boat escaped. The sub’s only cruise operation began on June 15, 1918, when Captain Richard Feldt and his crew of 76 set off for Long Island, N.Y. Over the next nine weeks, U-156 accounted for approximately four small steamers, three trawlers, 19 fishing schooners, two very large sailing ships, one tanker, four barges and a U.S. Navy cruiser. U-156 did not escape retribution. The Allies laid deep minefields at the entrances to the North Sea to sink U-boats slipping through. Signals sent by Feldt in the final approaches gave precise timing and routing for his passage through the Northern Barrage. When U-156 failed to report in on Sept. 25, it was assumed that it had struck a mine and sunk with all hands. It carried to the grave the other side of one of the most fascinating stories of Canada’s Great War.
The galaxy cluster eMACS J1353.7+4329, about eight billion light-years away, is merging to form a massive cluster acting as a gravitational lens. The NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope has captured a monster in the making in this observation of the exceptional galaxy cluster eMACS J1353.7+4329, which lies about eight billion light-years from Earth in the constellation Canes Venatici. This disturbed collection of at least two galaxy clusters is in the process of merging together to create a cosmic monster, a single gargantuan cluster acting as a gravitational lens. Gravitational lensing is a dramatic example of Einstein’s general theory of relativity in action. A celestial body such as a galaxy cluster is sufficiently massive to distort spacetime, which causes the path of light around the object to be visibly bent as if by a vast lens. Gravitational lensing can also magnify distant objects, allowing astronomers to observe objects that would otherwise be too faint and too far away to be detected. It can also distort the images of background galaxies, turning them into streaks of light. The first hints of gravitational lensing are already visible in this image as bright arcs which mingle with the throng of galaxies in eMACS J1353.7+4329. The data in this image are drawn from an observing proposal called Monsters in the Making, which used two of Hubble’s instruments to observe five exceptional galaxy clusters at multiple wavelengths. These multi-wavelength observations were made possible by Hubble’s Wide Field Camera 3 and Advanced Camera for Surveys. The astronomers behind these observations hope to lay the groundwork for future studies of vast gravitational lenses with next-generation telescopes such as the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope.
When it comes to telling a story, authors need every tool they can use to make it a memorable one. One such tool writers can use are framing devices. Framing devices help writers tell a story within a story. One story helps “frame” the other one and give more context or understanding. Even expert writers need ways to put stories together into a cohesive framework. Otherwise, your story will not have any kind of structure or suspense. You might not know how to use framing devices, but by the end of this article, you should understand what they are and how to use them. In this complete guide to framing devices, we're going to cover what it is, how to use it, and dive into some examples so you can understand how they work. Complete guide to framing devices Before we dive into framing devices, you will need to know that plot devices are techniques to tell stories and make them intriguing. They can increase tension, help the reader understand what's happening, and are the main reason we keep reading. A framing device is part of a plot device that writers can use in their stories. A framing device is simply a story within a story, or a way to “frame” the main story being told. It has a few purposes such as establishing context, helping the readers meet the characters, or setting the overall tone for the story about to be told. You will see framing devices in almost every form of entertainment and media out there from books to TV shows to movies. Authors will often start out their books using framing devices because it's a great way to enter into a story. It gives the reader some point of understanding of either the characters, the environment, or the overall tone of the book. You might choose to go back and forth in time, too, to give full context. That lets you go between different “frames” to keep giving more and more context or tell two stories that overlap. When framing devices are used Sometimes framing devices are also referred to as frame stories. When multiple frame stories are used, sometimes they are referred to as nested stories, as the layers of complexities unfold. Now, most of us know what a plot and a main storyline are. A framing device helps you tell different stories all under the umbrella of the main storyline. It's a way to tell a story to frame the main story being told. As if the main story was inside of an actual picture frame but the people around the frame are telling another story to frame it. The smaller stories often play into the bigger storyline, so the author needs to think about how they wind together. Framing devices are also used to cast doubt on the reliability of the narrator. Why use framing devices Sometimes framing devices can be used to plant doubt in the reader's mind. It might even cause the reader to think about whether the second storyline is happening at all. Outside of using it for that reason, they're often used to give greater context to a story and plot. It can be used to answer what is setting in this story, or why is this setting significant. It can be used to understand things like why characters make the choices they do or the overall cultural situation of the town and environment the characters are in. It can give the reader a deeper understanding of a character's motivations. Without it, some parts of a story might not make any sense. What isn't a framing device? However, things like flashbacks are not always a framing device, although they can be used to give much deeper context to a story. Done well, using a framing device can also help increase the tension throughout the story. As the characters that help frame the story have tension, it increases the tension in the main story as well. If you're wondering if something is technically a framing device, you only need to ask a few question: Is this part of a larger narrative and does it help move the story forward? Or does it at least help explain the theme of the story? If not, then it's not a framing device. That doesn't mean authors can't use things like flashbacks, voiceovers, or characters telling a sub-story in their books, but it doesn't always mean those are always framing devices. At the same time, you don't always have to use framing devices in stories. Use what makes sense to your writing and your story (but know that you probably should have some kind of framing device). There are so many writing techniques out there to use and pull from, so use what makes the most sense for you. How to use framing devices The purpose of a framing device is to lead readers along the story. Each of the stories need each other to guide them forward and tell the story in a comprehensive way. Imagine trying to read The Great Gatsby without any of the context of the history between Gatsby and Daisy. He would just be a neighbor throwing parties for absolutely no other reason than to show off his wealth. However, once you have the background story of how in love they were before and how he's trying to win her back, everything in the story moving forward makes sense. As you write your story, you're going to have to ask yourself if there's context that the readers need in order to understand the main plot of the story. Is there some background context the reader needs or another story that can help them understand the main story? If you include a framing device and aren't sure if it should stay, just ask yourself if your story still makes sense if you remove the framing devices. If you remove the framing device and the story no longer works, then you have successfully used a framing device. You want to make sure the ones you are using are essential, otherwise you can end up with too many side stories. Examples of framing devices One famous example of a framing device is when Forrest Gump is talking to people on the bench while he eats his chocolate. Without him being on the bench and talking to strangers, there's no reason for him to tell his life story. The Grand Budapest Hotel is another big example people can imagine when it comes to understanding what framing devices are. This story uses three different framing devices and stories to tell the overall story happening at the same time. In The Wizard of Oz, Dorothy falls asleep in the beginning and we find out in the end that the entire story was a dream. (In the book, though, it's not a dream at all.) In the written form, you can see it in famous old stories such as the famous Odyssey by Homer. Odysseus recalls and tells his story throughout it. In the story Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, Frankenstein is telling the main story of the creature but it also contains another story about the family. By understanding the family and the story, the readers are able to understand why the characters start to choose the paths they do. What to do next Ready to put your book together? Get the fiction book outline!
In today's world, technology is a fundamental part of our daily lives, offering us the ability to connect with others, access information, and streamline tasks. However, technology can also lead to addiction and negative effects on our mental health and wellbeing. In this article, we will explore the concept of mindful use of technology, its impact on our lives, and strategies for achieving balance in the digital age. What is mindful use of technology? Mindful use of technology refers to a conscious and intentional approach to using digital devices and applications. It involves being aware of how and why we use technology, and making informed decisions about when and how much we use it. Mindful use of technology can help us avoid digital addiction, reduce stress, and increase our overall wellbeing. The impact of technology addiction Technology addiction can have significant impacts on our lives, including decreased productivity, poor sleep quality, and negative impacts on mental health and wellbeing. The overuse of technology can lead to anxiety, depression, and social isolation, as well as physical health issues such as eye strain, headaches, and back pain. Technology addiction can also impact our relationships, as it can lead to decreased face-to-face communication and a lack of social connection. Achieving balance in the digital age Achieving balance in the digital age is essential for maintaining our mental health and wellbeing. Here are some strategies for achieving mindful use of technology and finding balance: Set boundaries: Set clear boundaries for technology use, such as limiting screen time or turning off notifications during specific times of the day. Create tech-free zones: Create tech-free zones in your home or workplace where digital devices are not allowed, such as the bedroom or the dinner table. Find alternative activities: Find alternative activities to replace technology use, such as reading, exercising, or spending time with friends and family. Practice mindfulness: Practice mindfulness techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or yoga to help reduce stress and increase awareness of your technology use. Take breaks: Take regular breaks from technology throughout the day to rest your eyes and give your brain a break. Seek support: Seek support from friends, family, or a therapist. They can provide encouragement and accountability as you work towards achieving mindful use of technology. In conclusion, technology can have both positive and negative impacts on our lives. By achieving mindful use of technology and finding balance, we can improve our mental health and overall wellbeing. Setting boundaries, creating tech-free zones, finding alternative activities, practicing mindfulness, taking breaks, and seeking support are all strategies for achieving balance in the digital age. Remember, it's time to take control of our technology use and find balance in our lives! Are you struggling with anxiety, depression, or other mental health issues? Do you feel like you're stuck in a cycle of negative thoughts and behaviours? If so, therapy can be a powerful tool to help you break free and achieve your goals. At our clinic, we offer a safe and supportive environment where you can explore your thoughts and emotions, learn new coping strategies, and develop a deeper understanding of yourself. Our experienced therapists use evidence-based techniques to help you overcome your challenges and achieve lasting change. Whether you're struggling with a specific issue or simply want to improve your overall mental health and wellbeing, therapy can help. Through one-on-one sessions, we'll work together to identify your goals and develop a personalised treatment plan that meets your unique needs. We believe that everyone has the capacity for growth and change. With the right support and guidance, you can break free from negative patterns and achieve the life you deserve. So why wait?
Are you tired of traditional teaching methods that seem to put students to sleep faster than a lullaby? Well, get ready to press start on a new era in education! With the rise of digital game-based learning, classrooms are transforming into exciting virtual playgrounds where students can level up their knowledge while having a blast. In this blog post, we will explore how games are revolutionizing education by creating immersive and engaging experiences that not only captivate young minds but also enhance their learning outcomes. So grab your controllers and let’s dive into the world of game-based learning – it’s time to play like never before! Benefits of using games in education The use of digital game-based learning in education has been gaining momentum in recent years as more and more educators and researchers are recognizing the benefits it offers. Games have long been used as a form of entertainment, but their potential for enhancing learning experiences is now being explored. In this section, we will delve into the various benefits of using games in education and how they can revolutionize traditional teaching methods. Engagement and Motivation: One of the biggest advantages of using games in education is that they are highly engaging and motivating for students. Unlike traditional classroom activities, games provide an immersive experience that keeps students actively involved in the learning process. This level of engagement can lead to increased motivation and interest in the subject matter, making it easier for students to retain information. Games allow for personalized learning experiences as they can adapt to each student’s individual needs and pace. With features like adaptive difficulty levels and immediate feedback, games cater to different learning styles and abilities, making them suitable for all types of learners. This personalized approach ensures that students receive a tailored learning experience that meets their specific needs. Gamification vs. Game-Based Learning Gamification and game based learning in education are two terms that are often used interchangeably, but they actually refer to two distinct approaches to incorporating games into education. While both have the potential to engage students in a more interactive and enjoyable learning experience, there are key differences between them. Gamification is the process of applying game design elements and principles to non-game contexts, such as education. This can include adding points, levels, challenges, badges, and leaderboards to educational activities or content. The goal of gamification is to motivate learners by tapping into their natural desire for competition, achievement, and rewards. It aims to make learning more fun and engaging by turning it into a game-like experience. On the other hand, game-based learning involves using actual games as a central part of the learning process. These could be digital games specifically designed for educational purposes or traditional board games adapted for use in classrooms. Game-based learning focuses on providing students with hands-on experiences that allow them to actively apply their knowledge and skills in a simulated environment. One way to understand the difference between gamification and game-based learning is through their goals. Gamification seeks to enhance existing educational materials or activities by making them more interactive and rewarding. On the other hand, game-based learning uses games as a means of delivering educational content or teaching specific skills. Game design elements and how they enhance learning Game design elements are critical components of digital game-based learning that can greatly enhance the learning experience for students. These elements refer to the various features and mechanics that make up a game, such as narrative, gameplay, levels, challenges, and rewards. When incorporated thoughtfully into educational games, these elements can motivate and engage students in ways that traditional teaching methods may not be able to. - One of the key ways in which game design elements enhance learning is by creating an immersive and interactive environment. In a well-designed educational game, students are actively involved in the learning process as they navigate through different challenges and tasks. This hands-on approach allows them to understand concepts better and apply what they have learned in real-world scenarios. - Another important aspect of game design elements is their ability to provide immediate feedback. Unlike traditional classroom settings where students have to wait for test results or teacher feedback, digital games offer instantaneous feedback on performance. This instant gratification can boost motivation levels as students receive validation for their efforts and also identify areas where they need to improve. Incorporating narrative into educational games also has a significant impact on student engagement and retention. A compelling storyline can capture students’ attention and make them emotionally invested in the game’s outcome. By immersing themselves in the story, students become more motivated to progress through the game’s levels and complete tasks towards achieving their objectives. Challenges and criticisms of game-based learning Game-based learning has been gaining popularity in recent years as a fun and engaging way to teach various subjects. However, like any new approach to education, it also faces its fair share of challenges and criticisms. In this section, we will explore the potential challenges and criticisms of game-based learning. One of the main challenges facing game-based learning is its cost. Developing high-quality educational games can be expensive and time-consuming, making it inaccessible for many schools with limited budgets. This means that only privileged students have access to these resources, creating an unequal playing field for education. In addition to cost, there are also concerns about accessibility for all students. Not every student has access to the necessary technology or devices required for game-based learning. This can create a disadvantage for students who do not have access to computers or internet at home. - Technical issues: As with any digital platform, technical issues can arise during gameplay which can interrupt the flow of learning and cause frustration among students and teachers alike. These issues could include slow loading times, glitches or bugs within the game itself, or compatibility problems with different devices. - Lack of standardization: Another criticism of game-based learning is the lack of standardization across different games and platforms. Unlike traditional textbooks which follow a structured curriculum set by educational boards, games may vary in their content and effectiveness in teaching specific concepts. Tips for incorporating game-based learning into the classroom Game-based learning is a revolutionary method of education that has gained significant popularity in recent years. It involves using digital games and simulations as a tool for teaching and learning. By incorporating elements of gameplay, such as competition, rewards, and challenges, into the classroom setting, game-based learning provides an engaging and interactive way for students to acquire knowledge and skills. If you are interested in implementing game-based learning in your classroom but don’t know where to start, here are some tips to help you get started: - Identify the Learning Objectives: Before selecting any games or activities, it is essential to identify the specific learning objectives that you want your students to achieve. This will help you choose games that align with your curriculum and effectively reinforce the desired concepts. - Start Small: It can be overwhelming to completely replace traditional teaching methods with game-based learning. To avoid feeling overwhelmed, start small by incorporating one or two games into your lesson plans at a time. As you become more comfortable with this approach, you can gradually increase the number of games used in your classroom. - Choose Age-Appropriate Games: When selecting games for your students, make sure they are age-appropriate and suitable for their level of understanding. You can also consider their interests when choosing games as this will further enhance their engagement. - Encourage Collaboration: Many digital games allow for multiplayer options where students can work together towards a common goal or compete against each other. Encouraging collaboration among students not only promotes teamwork Conclusion: The Future of Education and Digital Game-Based Learning Digital game-based learning has already made a significant impact in the field of education, and it is only set to continue growing and evolving in the future. As technology advances, so do the possibilities for incorporating digital games into traditional teaching methods. In this concluding section, we will explore some potential future developments in digital game-based learning and how they are likely to shape the future of education. 1) Personalized Learning Experience: One of the most exciting prospects for digital game-based learning is its ability to adapt and personalize the learning experience for each student. With sophisticated algorithms and artificial intelligence, educational games can gather data about a student’s performance, strengths, and weaknesses. This information can then be used to tailor the game’s difficulty level, pacing, and content according to each individual’s needs. This feature ensures that students receive a personalized learning experience that caters to their unique abilities and challenges. 2) Immersive Virtual Reality Games: Virtual reality (VR) technology has been making leaps and bounds in recent years, with more affordable devices now available on the market. It is predicted that VR will become an integral part of digital game-based learning in the near future. Imagine students being completely immersed in a historical event or scientific phenomenon through realistic virtual simulations – this would undoubtedly enhance their understanding and engagement with complex concepts.
In this lesson, students will identify which public information is considered "safe" and "not safe" then use code blocks to create a quiz game about internet safety. Additionally, students will be asked 5 quiz questions on internet safety concepts. Students will... Apply computer technology knowledge to answer questions about internet safety Use code blocks to create an interactive quiz game about internet safety Try Kids Academy for FREE!
A genetic modification in a “clock gene” that influences circadian rhythm produced significant changes in the length and magnitude of cycles, providing insight into the complex system and giving scientists a new tool to further investigate how circadian rhythm is regulated. The study, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, was co-authored by Kazuhiro Shimomura, DVM, research assistant professor in The Ken & Ruth Davee Department of Neurology. Circadian rhythms influence organisms’ daily sleeping and feeding patterns, as well as contribute to the measurement of day length that predicts seasonal changes crucial for migration or reproduction; While these patterns are easily observable, decoding the genetics behind the behavior has been difficult. Previous studies have demonstrated that mammals have a biological timer called a circadian oscillator that uses a series of genetic feedback loops, but the mechanisms of this system are complicated and not fully understood. In the current study, scientists generated mouse models with small changes to the gene Per2, cutting out a section of genetic code. That caused the Per2 gene to code for more PER2 proteins than usual. The mice in the study lengthened circadian period and displayed more robust oscillations in the cycle, showing that normal levels of the PER2 protein are important for regulating those rhythms. According to the authors, defining how an accumulation of PER2 proteins changes circadian rhythm has the potential to make mouse models a useful research tool for future circadian rhythm studies, helping to provide insight into the potential causes of human circadian rhythm disorders.
Evidence for Climate Change New Download Options: With Video includes our full videos (1 GB, MOV files) - With YouTube Video link includes a link to the same videos on YouTube Evidence for Climate Change is an inquiry-based educational resource. Hands-on activities focused on heat, carbon dioxide, and thermal expansion explore the essential science behind climate change. Students are introduced to the observational data for climate change and the climate models that describe the principal factors involved. Opportunities are provided throughout the resource for students to consider how they contribute to both the problem and the solution. Math topics include using trigonometry and geometry to calculate the carbon stored in trees, using algebraic equations to calculate carbon footprints, and solving linear relations to make better decisions. This digital resource is designed to excite learning in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM), with an emphasis on global competencies—including critical thinking and problem solving, collaboration, and communication.
International Day Of Innocent Children Victims Of Aggression International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression is a United Nations observance that raises awareness about the pain and suffering of children all over the world who suffer mental, physical, and emotional abuse. This day has been observed since 1982 when the UN convened an emergency special session to address the large number of Palestinian and Lebanese children who were victims of Israel’s acts of aggression during the 1982 Lebanon War. It has been a UN observance ever since and a day on which millions of people around the world come together to try to solve the victimization of the world’s children. This day is observed annually on June 4th. The History of International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression This observance day was first created during the 31st plenary meeting of the United Nations General Assembly on August 19, 1982. While the assembly was considering the question of Palestine during its 7th emergency special session, they became appalled by the large number of innocent Lebanese and Palestinian children who had become victims of Israel’s aggression. That’s when it was decided that June 4th would become an international observance day known as International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression. Facts About Violence Against Children Below are some harrowing facts about the violence perpetrated against children all around the world. - It has been estimated that over a billion children between the ages of 2 and 17 have experienced sexual, mental, physical, or emotional violence. - Violence against children can include maltreatment, bullying, sexual violence, and emotional or psychological violence. - Death by homicide is one of the top four causes of death among adolescents around the world. Observing International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression This observance day is marked by special meetings held by children’s organizations all over the world, as well as government agencies of many different countries. Everyone’s goal on this day is the same: to eliminate the suffering of children, especially during armed conflicts. It’s also a day that affirms the United Nations’ commitment to protecting children’s rights around the globe.
Please follow us on Twitter @NISDMSScience to see all the amazing things happening in science in middle school! Academic Science Grades 6 - 8 Grades 6, 7 and 8 science are all interdisciplinary in nature. However, each grade does have a specific content focus with 6th grade focusing on physical science, 7th grade focusing on organisms and environment and 8th grade focusing on earth and space. In all science classes, students use models and events as tools for understanding how the natural world works. Students learn that certain types of questions can be answered by investigations, and the methods, models, and conclusions built from these investigations change as new observations are made. Advanced Science Grades 7 and 8 Advanced science classes do cover the same content as the academic science courses and participate in the same practices for understanding the natural world. However, students should expect a more rigorous class with more in-depth classroom discussions using the Argument Driven Inquiry (ADI) model and an increased amount of reading and writing assignments known as Free Response Questions (FRQ) as they prepare for future Advanced Placement (AP) courses and exams. Please Note: Students do not earn high school credit in the advanced science courses. Middle School Science District Calendar The suggested pacing for all grades can be found on the: All level MS Science Pacing Calendar This All Level MS Science Pacing Calendar outlines the suggested pacing for the units in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade science by the approximate number of weeks. All 6th, 7th, and 8th grade middle school science students also participate in two science Curriculum Diagnostic Benchmarks (CDB) each year. Please contact your child’s science teacher for information as to when those exams will be administered. Middle School Science District Grading Policy The state requires that at least 40% of instructional time be spent conducting laboratory and field investigations. The district grading policy for middle school science is as follows: Safety and Equipment in the Science Lab All students have the opportunity to work with a variety of equipment during their three years in middle school, including but not limited to data collecting devices, motion detectors, and temperature probes, compound and digital microscopes, spring scales, triple beam balances, graduated cylinders, dissecting equipment and models. Teachers receive annual science safety training in operating and maintaining a safe learning environment for their students. Students are expected to sign a district science safety contract each year and review safety expectations before participating in any lab experience. Science Fusion Textbook Middle school science students use the Science Fusion textbook published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt (HMH). This textbook is a consumable resource, meaning it is replaced every year. Therefore, students are encouraged to write in it as well as tear out the pages to use the diagrams in their science notebooks. Images of the textbooks for each grade level are shown. Students are also able to access an online version of the textbook, which includes options to have the book read aloud to the student. The online platform, known as ThinkCentral, also has digital lessons and interactive virtual labs and can be accessed through the student’s NISD portal. Look for the following icon. Grade 8 Science STAAR Middle school students participate in a cumulative Science STAAR test at the end of their 8th grade year. Students prepare all three years for this test focusing on the mastery of TEKS considered to be foundational as well as TEKS directly assessed on STAAR. The Quick Reference Guide identifies those standards directly assessed on the 8th grade STAAR test. The STAAR Grade 8 Science Reference Materials is provided by the Texas Education Agency, TEA, and can be used on the 8th grade STAAR test. Parents and students can access the Texas Assessment Family Portal at texasassessment.gov to view and print released STAAR tests as well as login to access the online practice tests.
Everyone deserves to have the opportunity to succeed in education, and from an early age, federal programs help children and their parents achieve just that — a chance to be set up for success in school and at home. With the promise to “Give every vulnerable child an opportunity to succeed,” Head Start is one of the leading federal programs promoting learning readiness for young students in the U.S. So exactly what is Head Start and what services does it include? Use this guide to understand the ins and outs of the program. What Is Head Start? Head Start is a federal program that provides early childhood education, health, nutrition, and parent involvement services to low-income children and families. The program’s goal is to prepare children for school and to help them succeed in life. Head Start programs provide a wide range of services to meet the needs of each individual child and family — including educational activities, health screenings and services, nutritious meals, social and emotional support, and help finding childcare or employment. Head Start programs, which vary state by state, provide support for parents as they work to improve their own skills and knowledge. Parent involvement is a key part of the Head Start program because it helps ensure parents are actively involved in their child’s education and development. What Is the Goal of Head Start? The goal of Head Start is to help vulnerable children catch up to their peers academically, socially, and emotionally. The program provides comprehensive services that include early education, health and nutrition, and social and emotional support. Head Start also works to involve families in their child’s education and development. According to the National Head Start Association (NHSA), this is the goal of Head Start: “NHSA’s vision is to lead — to be the untiring voice that will not be quiet until every income-eligible child can access the Head Start model of support for the whole child, the family, and the community — and to advocate — to work for policy and institutional changes that ensure all children and families have what they need to succeed.” Head Start is a federal program administered by local organizations, which means each Head Start program tailors its services to meet the needs of the community it serves. However, all Head Start programs must adhere to certain standards set by the federal government. What Is the History of Head Start? The Head Start program began in 1965 as part of President Lyndon B. Johnson’s war on poverty. Since that time, the program has helped millions of children get a head start on their education and development. Head Start programs are available in every state, as well as in many tribal communities and in Puerto Rico. While Head Start is a federally funded program, it also relies on funding from state and local sources. This funding helps to cover the costs of staffing, supplies, and transportation. In some cases, Head Start programs also receive funding from private sources, such as foundations or businesses. What Are the Most Important Things to Know about Head Start? Head Start is a hugely impactful program for young children and their families. Here’s a recap of must-know points about Head Start, including: - The program gives every child the chance to succeed. - You can easily see if you qualify for Head Start. - Guardians receive services from Head Start, too. - Head Start is free to those who qualify. What Services Does Head Start Provide? Center-based programs provide services to children in a group setting, usually at a childcare center or school. Some of these include: - Home-based programs that provide services to families with young children in their homes - Migrant and seasonal farmworker programs that provide services to families who move frequently for work Head Start programs are required to offer the following services: - Early childhood education designed to meet the needs of each individual child - Health and dental screenings and referrals - Mental health and disabilities services - Nutrition education and meals - Parental involvement opportunities - Social services In addition to the required services, other services through Head Start may include before and after school care, summer programs, and family literacy programs. Exact programs and services vary by region. What Are the Age and Eligibility Requirements of the Head Start Program? To be eligible for Head Start, a child must come from a family that meets the federal poverty guidelines. In addition, Head Start programs give preference to children with special needs, such as those who are homeless, in foster care, or have a disability. Head Start programs are required to provide services to eligible children from birth to age five. In some cases, Head Start programs also provide services to individuals with disabilities and pregnant women and their families. According to Neighborhood House, foster children, homeless families, and families receiving TANF, SSI, or SNAP (CalFresh) are considered categorically eligible for Head Start. Children with disabilities are fully-included into the program. Services for children with disabilities and their families are provided in coordination with local early intervention and education agencies, community organization, and school districts. Head Start staff work closely with families to advocate in securing necessary services and resources for their children. In order to receive Head Start services, families must apply through the local program. Once a family is accepted into the program, they will work with staff to create an individualized service plan for their child. This service plan will outline the activities and services the child will receive while in Head Start. What Is the Head Start Curriculum? Head Start curriculum includes individualized learning plans for students to reach their full potential. The Head Start Early Childhood Learning & Knowledge Center outlines the Head Start curriculum families can expect their children to receive. All curriculum must: - Be research-based - Be content-rich - Include broad and varied experiences and activities - Promote children’s learning and development The individualized service plan is just one way Head Start programs ensure each child gets the services they need. Head Start staff also conduct regular assessments of each child’s development and progress. These assessments help to identify any areas where a child may need additional support. Head Start programs are required to provide services for a minimum of six hours per day, five days per week. However, many programs offer extended hours or even full-day services. This allows working families to participate in the program and still have time for their jobs. What Is the Cost of Head Start? If you meet the eligibility requirements, in some cases Head Start is a free program, per MAAC’s description of the federal service. It can also be a low-cost option for early childhood education. Income-eligible families may participate in the program at no cost. Head Start provides a comprehensive early childhood education and development program to low-income children and their families. Depending on the location, the program may include education; medical, dental, social, and mental health services; and nutrition. Families also receive assistance with finding and accessing resources in their communities. Head Start promotes school readiness by enhancing the social and cognitive development of children through the provision of educational, health, nutritional, social, and other services to enrolled children and families. Head Start programs provide a learning environment that supports children’s growth in many areas including language, literacy, mathematics, science, social, and emotional development. At little or no cost, Head Start also works with families to set goals and achieve them. The program helps families by providing information about child development, parenting, and other topics related to family life. Referrals to community resources can help families meet their needs. Children and guardians are encouraged to participate in all aspects of the program as they play a key role in decisions that affect their lives. Head Start vs. Preschool When it comes to early childhood education, there are several options available. Two of the most popular educational programs for young children are Head Start and preschool, according to education site The Classroom. Both programs have unique benefits that can help prepare children for kindergarten and beyond. Let’s take a closer look at the similarities and differences. As described above, Head Start is a federally funded program that provides free or low-cost early childhood education and developmental services to eligible children from birth to age five. In order to be eligible for Head Start, children must live with families that meet certain income guidelines. Head Start programs are typically located in high-poverty areas and provide comprehensive services that address the needs of the whole child, including their physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development. Preschool, on the other hand, is a type of early childhood education typically offered by private schools or daycare centers. Preschool programs vary in terms of their cost, curriculum, and length of time they are open each day. However, most preschools follow a similar basic structure and typically operate for two to four hours each weekday. Like Head Start, preschool programs also focus on the development of the whole child and provide a variety of activities that encourage learning. What Is a Head Start Teacher? The Resilient Educator describes a Head Start teacher as a highly trained and experienced early childhood educator who works with children from birth to age five. As Head Start programs are designed to promote school readiness by providing comprehensive educational, health, nutritional, social, and other services, Head Start teachers serve as the coordinators for these programs to children and their families. Head Start teachers work closely with other members of the Head Start team — including family service workers, health care providers, and education specialists — to ensure each child in the program receives the individualized care and attention they need to succeed. If you’re interested in working for a Head Start program, there are a few steps you can take to prepare. First, check with your state’s department of education to see if they have any specific requirements for working in a Head Start program. Then, contact your local Head Start program to inquire about job openings and get more information. Finally, consider pursuing a degree in early childhood education* or a related field to further improve your chances of working in a Head Start program. * An online degree from the University of Arizona Global Campus does not lead to immediate teacher licensure in any state. If you want to become a classroom teacher, contact your state’s education authorities prior to enrolling at the University of Arizona Global Campus to determine what state-specific requirements you must complete before obtaining your teacher’s license. Certain degree programs may not be available in all states.
This article was originally published on March 13, 2020. It was updated on April 4, 2020, to reflect new information about this rapidly evolving situation. Cleveland Clinic is a non-profit academic medical center. Advertising on our site helps support our mission. We do not endorse non-Cleveland Clinic products or services. Policy With coronavirus (COVID-19) dominating the news cycle, you’re starting to throw around words like “quarantine” with an uneasy casualness. But what do these words really mean for your life? “Quarantine doesn’t have to be a scary thing,” explains infectious disease specialist Steven Gordon, MD. “And it’s an effective way to protect the public.” Dr. Gordon explains the ins and outs of quarantine and other common terms connected with disease outbreaks. Governments use quarantines to stop the spread of contagious diseases. Quarantines are for people or groups who don’t have symptoms but were exposed to the sickness. A quarantine keeps them away from others so they don’t unknowingly infect anyone. Quarantines may be used during: While isolation serves the same purpose as quarantine, it’s reserved for those who are already sick. It keeps infected people away from healthy people to prevent the sickness from spreading. According to the U.S. Constitution, yes. The federal government can use isolation and quarantine to protect people from contagious diseases. States also have the authority to institute isolations or quarantines. Breaking a quarantine has consequences that range from a fine to imprisonment. But government-mandated quarantines are rare. You have to go all the way back to the infamous Spanish flu pandemic of 1918-1919 for the last enforced, large-scale isolation and quarantine, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In response to suspected or confirmed coronavirus exposure, some have been asked to self-quarantine. And while it’s highly recommended that you do, these quarantines are currently voluntary. “For anyone who has close contact with someone infected with the coronavirus, it is important that you listen to instructions from your health department,” Dr. Gordon says. What exactly is “close contact?” It’s defined as being within approximately 6 feet (2 meters) of someone with COVID-19 for a prolonged period of time. That includes if you are living with, visiting or sharing a healthcare waiting area or room with someone with COVID-19. Or if you have been coughed on by someone with the disease. Health departments identify close contacts through what’s called contact tracing, Dr. Gordon explains. “They will notify you if they think you have been exposed to a known case and provide you with instructions for next steps,” he says. Unsure if you qualify as having been in close contact? Reach out to your local health department. While not all quarantines are the same, look to the CDC for how best to do your part. Currently, the CDC recommends: Quarantine isn’t the only way to protect yourself during an epidemic. Dr. Gordon also recommends: Being cooped up inside may seem unbearable. But the time WILL pass, and your forced staycation may save lives.
Africa, the first cradle of humanity and home to the earliest civilization, has contributed immensely to various aspects of human development including politics, agriculture and art. Despite the fact that the most famous world artists were of European descent, their work was heavily influenced by African art. According to the Met Museum, the 1900’s saw a lot of European artists incorporating African ideas in their art pieces. Some of these artists included Pablo Picasso, Henri Matisse and their School of Paris friends. These forward thinking artists formed an avant-garde group whose creative work became clearly distinct from the art of the time. After coming in contact with African sculptures, this new group of artists thought to incorporate the abstract treatment of human bodies in African sculptures with painting styles derived from the post-impressionist era which gave birth to what we know as modernism. Though they may not have understood the meanings and spiritual undertones of the African art they had incorporated in their creations, they connected with the expression of emotions and spirituality and were able to move beyond naturalism into a new era of world art. (Naturalism is a style of art tied to realism and is focused on achieving the most credible representation of natural reality.) Art progressed into a space of what must be, to what can be interpreted. German artists such as Ernst Ludwig Kirchner after contact with African art created pieces with dissonant color tones and figural distortion to represent the anxieties of living in modern times. This avant-garde group were among the first to collect African art for their aesthetic value. Prior to this they had been viewed as artifacts of colonized cultures and had so little value they could be found in pawnshops. Presently, these sculptures are showcased in museums over the world, and are appreciated for the creative geniuses they are. The African continent has also continued to produce great art pieces influenced by culture and the experiences of their people.
There are many medical centers that produce large amounts of waste daily click here. The wastes that are commonly called biohazard waste and medical waste pose serious risks to the public’s health and the environment if they are not handled properly. In this article we will explore the role medical waste disposal has in protecting both communities and eco systems. Medical waste: a diverse range of medical waste Medical waste can be a variety of items, including used needles and syringes as well as bandages that have been soaked in blood. It also includes pharmaceuticals and radioactive materials. Each category has specific handling and disposal protocols to be followed in order to prevent contamination or harm. Specialized medical disposal services have become necessary because of the complexity. Preventing Disease Transmission Medical waste should be disposed of properly to avoid the transmission of infectious disease. If not handled properly medical wastes can be contaminated with bacteria, viruses and fungi. These pathogens can be dangerous to waste management workers, healthcare professionals and the public. Medical waste services are able to handle and destroy pathogens in order to reduce the spread of disease. Medical waste that is not properly managed can cause harm to the environment. Biohazards that are improperly disposed or dumped on landfills can contaminate the soil and water. The environmental effects can be detrimental, harming wildlife and ecosystems. Medical waste management services utilize processes and technology that eliminate these threats. Compliance with Regulations Medical waste disposal is governed by strict regulations at all regulatory levels. This includes local, state and federal. The healthcare facility must adhere to these regulations, or else they could face severe penalties. The medical waste disposal company is familiar with these regulations and will handle wastes in accordance with the law. Equipment Specialized Training Medical waste removal companies invest in equipment with a high level of specialization and offer intensive training to their staff. Medical waste is disposed of using autoclaves and shredders. Staff are also trained on how to safely handle waste, which reduces the risk of exposure and injury. Proper disposal of medical wastes is crucial to the smooth operation of any healthcare facility. Their services protect public health, the environment and ensure compliance with regulations. The healthcare providers can concentrate on caring for their patients and know that the medical waste is handled by qualified professionals.
Limestone is a sedimentary rock composed mainly of calcium carbonate (CaCO3). However, it can also contain magnesium carbonate, clay, iron carbonate, feldspar, pyrite and quartz in minor quantities, according to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Most types of limestone have a granular texture. Often, the grains are microscopic fragments of fossil animal shells. Calcite, aragonite, travertine, tufa, caliche, chalk, sparite, and micrite are some varieties of limestone. Calcium carbonate comprises more than 4 percent of the earth's crust, according to the Industrial Minerals Association of North America. Calcium carbonate reacts with acids, producing carbon dioxide. The compound is also the main component of stalactites and stalagmites, which are cave formations created by dripping water. Calcium carbonate is widely used in the paper, plastics, paints and coatings industries. It can represent as much as 30 percent of paints by weight. Calcium carbonate is also important in the construction industry as an ingredient of cement. Magnesium carbonate is a compound that mostly occurs in nature as the mineral magnesite. It is also an important component of dolomitic or magnesian limestone, ranging from 4.4 percent to 22 percent of these limestones. Dolomitic limestone is used in the steel industry. It is used as a neutralizing agent in water treatment and as a source of lime and magnesia in the glass fiber industry. Also called siderite, iron carbonate is a compound that can be found in limestone but only in small quantities. It is often associated with calcium carbonate. Iron carbonate is a valuable source of iron, containing 48 percent of the element. It is often found in sedimentary deposits and in metamorphosed sedimentary rocks. In its pure state, it has a vitreous, silky appearance. Minor chemical components of limestone include clay, feldspar, pyrite and quartz. Feldspar crystallizes from magma, thus is more commonly found in volcanic rocks. Feldspar is widely used in the ceramic, adhesive and glass industries. Limestone containing pyrite is rare, but has been found Padappakara, India. Quartz and clay are more commonly associated with limestone.
Main Article Content The accumulation of heavy metals in rivers’ sediments near industrial wastes and mining activities has been a serious issue in developing countries including Rwanda and it has caused different environmental impacts on aquatic and terrestrial lives. Environmental studies have reported heavy metals pollution (lead, manganese, copper, zinc, nickel, iron, and cadmium) in major Rwandese rivers such as Mpazi, Rusine, and Nyabugogo. The increase in heavy metal concentrations in the environment results in abnormal enrichment, which in turn, affects the surrounding environment. This study aimed to investigate the heavy metals in Nyabarongo sediments, Mageragere sector using both X-ray fluorescence (XRF) and Atomic Absorption Spectrometer (AAS) instruments. Sediments samples were collected systematically on four sampling stations and the results showed that the Cadmium (Cd), Lead (Pb), and Manganese (Mn) concentrations among the investigated heavy metals are above the Rwanda Standard Board (RSB) and World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines for soils and sediments, meaning that those metals are the measure pollutants in the sediments of Nyabarongo River and the study has recommended the people around the river to reinforce the erosion control measures and not to use Nyabarongo water for domestic use and animal farming activities because of the concentration of heavy metals it contains that are toxic to animals, plants and micro-organisms. Keywords: Heavy metals; Nyabarongo River; Pollution; River sediments; World Health Organization (WHO).
Early Childhood Education Human beings are unique in that 90% of our human brain growth takes place outside the womb in the care of adults, almost all in the first three to five years of life. How is this most important period in an individual’s life reflected in our cultures, societies and educational systems? “I will never be the artist I was as a child.” — Willa Cather Birth through preschool (0–5 years) is the first optimal period for human development. As humans, we are predisposed to learn from other members of our group, particularly at first from those who are older or of higher social status. Like our ape ancestors, we start life by imitating those with whom we have the closest bonds: our mothers and caregivers. Unlike apes, we want to know what others are thinking, to know what they know, and how they know it. That’s how we learn and thrive. In their book Social: Why Our Brains Are Wired to Connect, Matthew Lieberman and colleagues point out that we are all neurobiologically wired for social connection. Attachment to others is key to healthy development. Education starts from the moment we are born, and it is a lifelong endeavor – we are always learning. But 90% of our brain growth takes place outside the womb, in the first three years of life. Unsurprisingly then, birth through preschool (0–5 years) is the first optimal period for human development. During this period, we are capable of learning and developing rapidly; we develop our senses, our motor skills, identify our group, develop our language and social behaviors. By age six, the brain is already 95% of its adult size. But the gray matter, or thinking part of the brain, continues to thicken throughout childhood as the synapses make extra connections in response to input from the world outside. What’s Needed to Help All Children Reach Their Potential It stands to reason, then, that quality child care and preschool experiences during these formative years would have a significant life-long effect for children, and benefit society as a whole. Research bears this out. A longitudinal study over 40 years found that the children enrolled in a quality preschool program experienced fewer teen pregnancies and were more likely to graduate from high school, have a high-paying job, and own their own home and car. A more recent long-term study of children at Chicago’s Child-Parent Centers revealed a 29% higher high school graduation rate and a 42% lower arrest rate for a violent offense than their peers. They reached a higher level of education by age 35 and were more likely to earn a post-secondary degree. A longitudinal study over 40 years found that the children enrolled in a quality preschool program experienced fewer teen pregnancies and were more likely to graduate from high school, have a high-paying job, and own their own home and car. In 2000, based on the growing understanding of the importance of a child’s first five years of development and mounting research on the positive impact of preschool, the National Research Council (NRC) conducted a major study of early childhood education in the U.S. In their final report, Eager to Learn: Educating our Preschoolers, the authors wrote: “As the twenty-first century begins, there can be little doubt that something approaching voluntary universal early childhood education, a feature of other wealthy industrialized nations, is also on the horizon here.” Moreover, they concluded, “the considerable lead by other developed countries in the provision of quality preschool programs suggests that it can, indeed, be done on a large scale.” Efforts would be required, the report concluded, in four key areas: professional development of teachers, knowledge-based teaching, public policy, and public education. The National Institute for Early Education Research (NIEER) began tracking the progress of state-funded preschool in 2002. Their 2014 report noted, “Every state is capable of delivering high quality pre-K to all 4-year-olds within 10 years, if they set high standards and commit adequate resources. Many states could reach this goal in less than 10 years.” Where We Stand “At the nation’s current rate of growth, it would take 150 years to reach 75% enrollment, and much of that would not meet the quality benchmarks necessary to produce long-term benefits.” Almost two decades after the NRC study, in spite of widespread bipartisan public support, we are still far short of providing quality preschool for all U.S. children. Programs are fragmented, operating under a variety of names and auspices including the federal Early Learning and Head Start programs, and private and public funded child-care. Both the number of children enrolled and the quality of teaching varies widely. NIEER’s 2017 annual State of Preschool report indicates that progress is mixed at best, and alarmingly, overall per-child spending has actually decreased. A subsequent 2019 report by NIEER and CityHealth, Pre-K in American Cities, indicates that although more cities are stepping up, the national trend is disappointing: “[Less than] 25% of 4-year-olds and a very small percentage of 3-year-olds have access to high-quality pre-K. At the nation’s current rate of growth, it would take 150 years to reach 75% enrollment, and much of that would not meet the quality benchmarks necessary to produce long-term benefits.” Measuring the Impact Unfortunately, much of the current research and discussion about benefits of preschool focus on a relatively short term impact, specifically on children’s subsequent academic performance in elementary school. That performance, in turn, is defined by student scores on standardized tests. On that basis, some researchers point to a “fade out” effect: by third grade, students who went to preschool are doing no better than those who did not. There are many issues with evaluating the value of preschool based on a few standardized test scores—and it is especially troubling if the practice of “teaching to the test” starts as early as age 3 or 4. In her book The Most Important Year: Pre-Kindergarten and the Future of Our Children, Suzanne Bouffard writes about the misguided practice of pressing pre-school children to rack up a certain number of “sight words” by the time they start kindergarten—instead of focusing on more foundational skills for learning to read such as context and comprehension. “Research shows that third grade is a critical marker for reading skill, when children have to be solid enough readers that they can make a transition that educators often describe as moving ‘from learning to read to reading to learn.’ But in order to prepare children to meet that milestone, many schools have pushed reading instruction and assessments earlier and earlier. Some of that pressure comes from administrators and some of it comes from other teachers. Tracy Crosby, the director of early childhood for the Elizabeth, New Jersey, public schools, frequently fields phone calls from pre-K teachers complaining that kindergarten teachers blame them for their former students’ inability to read. When Crosby looked into the issue, she found that the kindergarten teachers were passing on pressure they were getting from the first-grade teachers, and so on and so on all the way up to third grade.” Even considering “kindergarten readiness” as the purpose of preschool, says education professor Yong Zhao, is shortsighted. “The last time I checked, kindergarten was not a job. It’s the job of kindergarten to be ready for me, ready for my children.” Basing the value of preschool on how well children do or do not “catch up” also reinforces the harmful tendency to stigmatize some children, especially children of poverty and immigrant children, as “damaged goods.” Says Lisa Delpit in Multiplication is for White People: Raising expectations for Other People’s Children, “When many look at low-income children of color in low-performing schools, they identify what the children don’t know—much of it the vocabulary, strategies, or conventions of middle-class life. None of the early school assessments look at what these children do know—how to make accurate judgments and evaluate real-life situations accurately and act accordingly.” The role of school, she says, is to help children build on the strengths and knowledge they have, and to help them acquire the skills and knowledge they need. When children don’t receive healthy, nurturing impulses in early development, they adapt to those they do receive, with negative consequences for their futures. It would be unfortunate if the so-called “fade out” effect is used as an excuse for not investing in quality state-funded preschool for all children. For poor families, and even many families with two working parents, a primary benefit of preschool is that it relieves one of their greatest sources of stress: finding reliable child care. As education writer Michelle Chen put it, “There are two things every parent knows about preschool: They can’t live without it, and they can’t afford it.” For children of poverty, quality state-funded preschool programs meet some of their most basic needs: a safe place to learn and grow in a dangerous neighborhood, the guarantee of nutritious meals, and basic medical services and screening. For all young people of any socio-economic background, care and education should go hand-in-hand. All children need cognitive and motor stimulation, rich language environments and social emotional support. Providing children with security and love improves their social and intellectual competence and gives them confidence to enjoy and take advantage of learning opportunities. When children don’t receive healthy, nurturing impulses in early development, they adapt to those they do receive, with negative consequences for their futures. Why would we not want to ensure the benefits of quality, enriching experiences for all our children in their most formative years? Quality is Key As the Pre-K in American Cities report says, “This chain of benefits from cradle to career and beyond generates economic benefits far exceeding cost, making Pre-K programs a strong public investment. However, programs that do not meet high quality standards don’t produce the same benefits.” “The most crucial role teachers play is in the questions they ask and the dialogue they facilitate with children about what they are learning, how, and why.” In its assessments, NIEER has defined benchmarks for ten features of effective programs, benchmarks covering development standards, curriculum supports, class size, and ongoing improvement. Notably, no fewer than four of the ten benchmarks have to do with the training and qualifications of teachers. Bouffard brings these features to life with many inspiring stories of innovative, effective preschools. About the renowned early childhood program of Reggio Emilia, a small city in northern Italy, she writes: “The most crucial role teachers play is in the questions they ask and the dialogue they facilitate with children about what they are learning, how, and why. They are constantly challenging children to look at things from new angles, try original ways of doing things, and reflect on why, with questions like…‘How do you know?’ In those conversations, they use rich vocabulary and complex concepts about geometry, physics, art, and other topics. Children are never drilled on the alphabet or numbers; instead, they explore those concepts as they come up through rich, meaningful explorations.” Historically, preschool educators have had little in the way of formal training requirements. A beautiful example of such contextual learning is described by Washington D.C. preschool teacher Daniela Silver. When her class of 4- and 5-year olds encountered a massive tree that had fallen across the trail of a local park, they wrote notes to the tree with their questions and concerns. They left their notes, along with a packet of blank note cards and markers in a plastic bag on the tree, inviting passers-by to share what they knew about what happened. The response was amazing. In the process Silver was able to turn the experience into a learning opportunity for herself and her students that encompassed nature, writing, knowledge-sharing and community building. Working at this level of understanding and intentionality requires caring, well-trained teachers who are valued, supported and regarded as professionals. But historically, preschool educators have had little in the way of formal training requirements. Low wages make it difficult to retain the most-qualified workers, who, once they earn degrees, often move into higher-paid K-12 jobs. A joint report of the Institute of Medicine and National Research Council calls for all teachers of young children to have a four-year college degree and specialized training, adding that “States should create a timeline to ensure that all teachers in state-funded preschool programs obtain these qualifications and that their compensation is comparable to that for K-12 teachers with similar qualifications.” Progress to Build On In spite of the painfully slow movement toward universal preschool for U.S. children, the most recent NIEER reports cite many signs of hopeful progress: - 16 states now serve more than a third of 4-year-olds, 10 states enrolled half or more, and 5 states surpassed 70% enrollment. - States have made progress—albeit uneven—on adopting policies that support high-quality classroom practices. Three states (Alabama, Michigan, and Rhode Island) met all 10 of NIEER’s new benchmarks for minimum state preschool quality standards. These three programs have led on quality standards while also expanding enrollment. Even as our political polarization becomes more extreme, solid support of early childhood education unites American voters. - Six states have expressed the intention to provide universal pre-K. Three have largely achieved that goal—West Virginia, Vermont, and Wisconsin. Two are on their way up—Alabama and New York—both demonstrating how states can rapidly raise both quality and enrollment. - The Pre-K in American Cities report released in January of 2019 awarded gold medals to five cities whose pre-K programs met 8 out of the 10 NIEER quality benchmarks and enrolled more than 30% of their children: Boston, Charlotte, Nashville, New York and San Antonio. A 2017 First Five Years Fund poll showed that even as our political polarization becomes more extreme, solid support of early childhood education unites American voters. In fact, 89% of Trump voters and 79% of Clinton voters want congress and the administration to work together to improve preschool and make it more affordable for parents. According to the Center for American Progress, 16 governors elected in the 2018 mid-term elections ran on platforms that included the expansion of early childhood education, as did many of their opponents. And two of those governors, Gavin Newsom of California and Kate Brown of Oregon ran on cradle-to-grave education platforms. “It is clear that early childhood policies appeal to voters. Now, it is time for elected leaders to follow through on their promises and lead on this issue.” Watch: The “Big Bang” in Learning: Brain Changes and Childhood Learning Dr. Patricia K. Kuhl and Dr. Andrew N. Meltzoff, internationally recognized experts in child development and co-directors of the University of Washington Institute for Learning & Brain Sciences explain the essential components that make early childhood learning a big bang that no child should miss and society can’t ignore. The National Institute for Early Education Research The latest state-by-state report card on progress in early childhood education. Uncover the world of oral and written storytelling from a time before formal schools, when stories were the way in which everyone learned universal lessons of empathy and tolerance. Books for Afghanistan Books for Pakistan The literacy needs of Afghan and Pakistani children are crucial to the stability and progress of their countries and the region, yet their ability to educate its children in turbulent years is severely impeded. Matthew D. Lieberman Explore the groundbreaking research in social neuroscience revealing that our need to connect with other people is even more fundamental, more basic, than our need for food or shelter. Because of this, our brain uses its spare time to learn about the social world – other people and our relation to them. The Rebirth of a Great American School System and a Strategy for America’s Schools David L. Kirp How do we determine if our schools are preparing students for a meaningful future in our society and improve the schools that are not living up to those standards? Explores the current crisis in American education and four districts that have made positive changes. There may be a young girl in an African village with the potential to find a cancer cure. A fisherman’s son in New Guinea might have incredible insight into the health of the oceans. By combining the enlightened use of technology with the best teaching practices, we can foster students who are capable of self-directed learning, deep understanding of fundamentals, and creative approaches to real-world problems. Discover the Power of Self-Organized Learning Sugata Mitra’s now famous experiments have shone light on the immense capacities that children have for learning in self-composed and self-regulated groups.
In the United States, between 1% and 5% of children experience sleep apnea. This condition causes disruptions to your child’s breathing, leading to interrupted sleep. If your child is not sleeping well, they may have sleep apnea. Learn more about the condition, how to recognize it, and what to do if your child has it. What Is Pediatric Sleep Apnea? Pediatric sleep apnea is a sleeping disorder that causes your child to momentarily stop breathing, potentially leading to pediatric pulmonology issues. When the brain senses that the body is not getting enough oxygen, it wakes the child up so they can take a breath. These interruptions are brief, but they affect your child’s sleeping patterns. There are two types of pediatric sleep apnea: central sleep apnea and obstructive sleep apnea. Of the two, obstructive sleep apnea is the most common. Central sleep apnea occurs most often in infants younger than 12 months. It happens when the baby’s brain has trouble communicating with the muscles that control breathing. In children older than 12 months, obstructive sleep apnea is the most common type of sleep apnea. It happens when something blocks the airway. Some of the causes of obstructive sleep apnea are enlarged tonsils and adenoids. Childhood obesity is also a factor. Symptoms of Sleep Apnea in Children - The most common symptom of pediatric sleep apnea is snoring. Children are not supposed to snore, so getting them to a doctor can be important if you notice your child doing so. You may also hear abrupt moments of silence between loud snores. Other symptoms include: - Breathing through the mouth while sleeping - Sleep terrors - Night sweats - Frequent illnesses - Difficulty concentrating - Daytime sleepiness You may notice your child is in an irritable mood during the day. They may even have trouble controlling their emotions. Your child may also experience frequent headaches and could display behavioral problems. Effects of Sleep Apnea on Children Sleep apnea can seriously affect a developing child’s body and brain. Although you may only notice mood changes and irritability, this can lead to issues at school. Not being able to concentrate can cause issues with learning. Sleep apnea affects pulmonary health as well. It can lead to a reduced amount of oxygen entering the lungs, which, over a long period, can cause heart and lung damage. Inadequate levels of oxygen often cause stunted mental development and physical growth. Treating Pediatric Sleep Apnea The first step is usually for a pediatric pulmonology expert or a pediatrician to identify the kind of sleep apnea your child has. In most cases, it will be obstructive sleep apnea. This leads your child’s doctor to understand what type of obstruction is causing the problem. If your child has enlarged tonsils or adenoids, surgery may be necessary to remove them. The same applies if your child has any structural abnormalities in their airways. Obesity can cause obstructive sleep apnea. If your child is overweight, you must place them on a healthier diet and an exercise plan that suits your child’s needs. A pediatrician or dietician can do this. For some children, the best option is a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) mask. This mask goes over their mouth and nose as they sleep and blows air through the nose and into the lungs, which ensures a constant supply of oxygen. A pediatric pulmonology expert or respiratory therapist will help with its proper use. In children with milder sleep apnea, allergy medications, steroid sprays, and even saline rinses can help reduce inflammation and make breathing easier. These options usually work best when combined with other treatments. A firm mattress may also be an important tool in combating pediatric sleep apnea. A firm mattress may reduce pressure on the chest while your child sleeps. Slightly elevating your child’s head while they sleep could also help. Pediatric Pulmonology: Helping Your Child Sleep Better Sleep apnea can seriously impact your child’s development and overall well-being. If you notice any signs that your child may be struggling to breathe as they sleep, the best thing you can do is turn to the pediatric pulmonology experts at Newport Children’s Medical Group. Contact us today to learn more.
The shock wave raised the Appalacian Mountains in the push off from Africa. Central America unfolded from between North and South America. Greenland and the Northern Canadian Islands broke away from North America as it moved west. A trench formed when the Antilles was pulled off of South America. Friction along the entire leading edge built major mountain chains and stopped all movement. The Appalachians exemplify impulse mountains raised at the beginning of the Shock Dynamics event. Folding of these mountains was caused by pressure from the shock wave initiated by the giant meteorite impact east of Africa. This is borne out by a specialist in Appalachian geology who wrote, "maximum orogeny [mountain building] took place in a linear core belt... These rocks, and any floor on which they may have rested, were as if gripped and squeezed between the jaws of a giant vise, and at the same time heated up enough to become quite plastic and to stew in their own juice, in the fluids released as they transformed into mineral assemblages." "...for me the vise is not a metaphor but a fairly exact model. Thus the evidence of intense shortening perpendicular to the length of the chain, not only in the folded marginal belts but also in the central core belt, is too clear for me to doubt that there was not only confining but directed pressure, the greatest compressive stress being consistently directed roughly horizontally across the orogenic belt." "Compression then relaxed, and the thickened crust rose isostatically to form mountains and has continued to do so ever since." As a believer in Plate Tectonics, he could not find a mechanism in the crust that could do this, but imagined mantle convection must be involved.-- Rodgers, John. 1970. The Tectonics of the Appalachians. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York. p. 224. there were already two large meteorite impact craters in the protocontinent before the Shock Dynamics event. Though Hudson Bay opened up as North America moved, their forms and central peaks can still Hudson Bay has been a puzzle for Plate Tectonics. These are conclusions from a 2021 study: "Hudson Bay occurs directly above the subcontinental lithospheric mantle keel of North America." "Tomography data reveal a vertical axial zone in the lithosphere beneath Hudson Bay, which extends from the lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary to the base of the crust or, perhaps, even to the present day surface. The zone is made up of relatively light low-velocity igneous boundary rocks." "The structure of subcontinental lithospheric mantle beneath the bay was produced through the effects of a succession of mantle plumes." Mints, Michael V., Ksenia A. Dokukina, Tamara B. Afonina. 20 January 2021. Precambrian lithosphere beneath Hudson Bay: A new geological model based on the Hudson Bay Lithospheric Experiment (HuBLE), Canadian Shield. Tectonophysics, Vol. 799, 228701. DOI:10.1016/j.tecto.2020.228701 However, there is no tomographic evidence of mantle plumes beneath Hudson Bay. Where did they go? In Shock Dynamics, the Hudson Bay meteorite impacts struck where Iceland is today. When North America moved rapidly west, the pressure relief led to an outpouring of magma that formed Iceland. So the surface features are in Hudson Bay; the deep features are in Iceland. If it had happened at a slow, Plate Tectonics pace, there would have been a wide magmatic trail between the two. The Chicxulub meteorite impact crater is on the northern edge of the Yucatan Peninsula. The meteorite apparently struck at a low angle, leaving features similar to an oblique impact on Mars, imaged (below right) by the High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment camera on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter. The arrow shows the direction of travel of the meteorites that formed both craters. The Mars picture has been turned for the purpose of comparison, but the Chicxulub crater is oriented as it is on Earth. Despite the clarity of the image, researchers have had different opinions on the direction of travel of the Chicxulub meteorite. A study of particles in the center of the crater produced the chart below showing their orientation to be southeast to northwest in the Yucatan Peninsula's current position. That indicates the line of travel, in the crater's present position. Comets and asteroids entering the solar system tend to align with the orbits of the planets in the plane of the ecliptic due to the pull of gravity. It is extremely unlikely that an object would ever collide with Earth while travelling perpendicular to Earth's orbit, so we would not expect to see a meteorite crater oriented southeast to northwest. So what happened? Plate Tectonics has no answer, but Shock Dynamics does: Before the event, the Yucatan Peninsula was turned 145 degrees clockwise from the way it is now, folded in with the rest of Central America in the protocontinent. The Chicxulub meteorite, travelling west to east, struck the protocontinent and weakened the continental crust there. When North and South America moved west during the Shock Dynamics event, Central America separated from Africa at that point, opening up to its current position in which the Chicxulub crater is oriented southeast-to-northwest. We can see where the Chicxulub impact left a mark in the crust where it hit. That place is the Cape Verde volcanic islands. The Cape Verde Islands remained behind when the Chicxulub crater on the Yucatan Peninsula was drawn far to the west with North America during the Shock Dynamics event. These islands are in the right place off the west coast of Africa, at the right latitude, the right shape and arc-orientation, and the right size (the length of the yellow line equals the diameter of the Chicxulub crater). The Chicxulub crater was apparently made by a low-oblique impact, inclined perhaps 15 degrees. That means much of the impact energy near the surface was directed towards the downrange end. Notice that the Chicxulub crater is open-ended on the downrange side. The Cape Verde volcanic islands complete the crater in its original orientation, where impact energy forced magma up from below. The Cape Verde volcanic islands are in oceanic crust. Let's look at continental crust. When the Chicxulub impact occurred, the western part of Cuba was attached to the Yucatan Peninsula in the Shock Dynamics reconstruction. A geologic map of Cuba shows the approximate extent of deep melt from the impact - the Batabano Massif. The Pinos metamorphic complex is unique in Cuba because its high-grade metamorphic rocks formed at a peak temperature of around 750° Centigrade and 11-12 kilobar pressure, "and then underwent strong decompression". It "is a coherent metamorphic complex that probably represents a portion of the continental margin of the Yucatan Block during the Mesozoic." - Garcia-Casco, A., R.L. Torres-Roldan, G. Millan, P. Monie, F. Haissen. November 2001. High-grade metamorphism and hydrous melting of metapelites in the Pinos terrane (W Cuba): Evidence for crustal thickening and extension in the northern Caribbean collisional belt. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, Vol. 19, No. 6, pp. 699-715 DOI:10.1046/j.0263-4929.2001.00343.x This is a topographic map of Cuba. At the western end are the Sierra del Rosario and Sierra de los Organos chain. The Island below them is the Pinos metamorphic complex. This is how western Cuba and the Cape Verde volcanic islands look on Googe Earth. They are similar in size. Below is an overlay of the Sierra del Rosario, the Sierra de los Organos, the Batabano Massif, and the Pinos metamorphic complex onto the Cape Verde volcanic islands. Shock Dynamics theory explains what Plate Tectonics theory cannot. Here are excerpts from two studies of the area. The first finds lithospheric anomalies that are, you might say, off the charts. The islands are on elevated crust called the Cape Verde Rise. The researcher is at a loss as to what could have reheated the lithosphere to such a degree. Energy released by the Chicxulub impact would have been sufficient. "The Cape Verde Rise represents an extreme case of the process of oceanic midplate volcanism. The regional depth and geoid anomalies relative to the plate model are the largest observed.The effective elastic thickness for the plate supporting the volcanoes is 28+4 km and the compensation depth for the broad swell is 69+10 km. These two results, combined with heat flow observations from the rise, are consistent with a model for reheating of the lithosphere beneath Cape Verde such that the average thermal gradient is increased by about 35%. While there is no doubt that the Cape Verde lithosphere has been reheated, it is unlikely that the entire depth anomaly is explained by thermal anomalies confined to the lithosphere. There are no permissible thermal models fitting all of the geophysical data that do not require either dynamic support from or elevated temperature within the asthenosphere." -- McNutt, Marcia. 10 April 1988. Thermal and mechanical properties of the Cape Verde Rise. Journal of Geophysical Research, Solid Earth, Vol. 93, No. B4, pp. 2784-2794. DOI:10.1029/JB093iB04p02784 The second study concludes that there is something unusual underneath the Cape Verde islands - the type of mantle that is found below cratons, which are considered to be ancient continental crust. Apparently the Chicxulub impact was large enough to at least partially melt the subcrustal mantle, allowing some elements to differentiate to the point where it now resembles subcontinental lithospheric mantle. That is a more reasonable explanation than what the researchers speculate. "The Cape Verde Islands lie in the Atlantic Ocean off West Africa, in a clearly oceanic setting." "...data and seismic tomography suggest that part of the Cape Verde Archipelago is underlain by a fragment of ancient subcontinental lithospheric mantle, left stranded in the oceanic lithosphere during the opening of the Atlantic Ocean." -- Coltortia, Massimo, Costanza Bonadiman, Suzanne Y. O'Reilly, William L. Griffin, Norman J. Pearson. November 2010. Buoyant ancient continental mantle embedded in oceanic lithosphere (Sal Island, Cape Verde Archipelago). Lithos, Vol. 120, No. 1-2, pp. 223-233. DOI: 10.1016/j.lithos.2009.11.005 An August 2022 report found a meteorite impact crater on the west coast of Africa that the authors say could be associated with the Chicxulub impact, either by the breakup of the Chicxulub meteor in the atmosphere or as part of a swarm of meteors. They named it the Nadir Crater after a nearby seamount. This is its seismic cross section: However, Nadir Crater is 4,800 miles away from the northern Yucatan Peninsula, and the current orientation of the Chicxulub Crater is southwest-northeast. The Cape Verde Islands, on the other hand, are only 650 miles away, over 7 times closer to the Nadir Crater. And the orientation is a better fit to a dual impact.
No record found in this category. What Does Sports Mean? Sports refer to a variety of physical activities or games that involve skill, strategy, and competition. They encompass a wide range of disciplines, from team sports like soccer and basketball to individual sports like swimming and gymnastics. The Importance of Sports Sports play a significant role in our lives and society: - Physical Health and Fitness: Sports promote physical well-being, encouraging an active lifestyle, building strength, and improving cardiovascular health. - Mental and Emotional Well-being: Engaging in sports enhances mental focus, reduces stress, boosts self-confidence, and fosters teamwork and sportsmanship. - Social Interaction: Sports provide opportunities for social interaction, team bonding, and the development of lifelong friendships. - Character Development: Participating in sports cultivates values such as discipline, perseverance, resilience, and respect for oneself and others. - Community Building: Sports unite communities, creating a sense of belonging, pride, and shared experiences. Tips for Sports Participation To make the most of your sports participation, consider these tips: - Choose a Sport You Enjoy: Select a sport that aligns with your interests, strengths, and goals, making the experience enjoyable and fulfilling. - Set Realistic Goals: Set realistic and achievable goals to track your progress and motivate yourself to improve. - Train Regularly: Dedicate time to regular training, practicing skills, and improving your physical fitness. - Seek Guidance and Coaching: Work with experienced coaches or mentors who can provide guidance, technique correction, and strategic advice. - Embrace Sportsmanship: Emphasize fair play, respect for opponents, and good sportsmanship in all aspects of your sports participation. Recommendations for Spectating Sports To enhance your experience as a spectator of sports, consider the following recommendations: - Learn the Game: Familiarize yourself with the rules, strategies, and nuances of the sport you're watching to better appreciate the action. - Support Your Team: Cheer for your favorite team or athlete, contribute to a positive atmosphere, and respect the opposing team and their supporters. - Follow Sports News: Stay updated on sports news, upcoming events, and player performances to enhance your understanding and engagement. - Attend Live Events: Whenever possible, attend live sporting events to immerse yourself in the excitement and energy of the game. - Engage in Discussion: Share your passion for sports by engaging in discussions, joining fan communities, and sharing insights and opinions. Questions about Sports 1. How does participating in sports benefit children and adolescents? Participating in sports benefits children and adolescents by promoting physical fitness, developing social skills, fostering discipline, and building self-esteem. 2. What are the advantages of team sports compared to individual sports? Team sports promote teamwork, cooperation, and communication skills, while individual sports foster self-reliance, personal accountability, and self-motivation. 3. How do sports contribute to community development? Sports contribute to community development by fostering community pride, encouraging volunteerism, and providing opportunities for local businesses and tourism. 4. How can sports promote inclusivity and diversity? Sports can promote inclusivity and diversity by breaking down barriers, providing equal opportunities for participation, and celebrating athletes from diverse backgrounds. 5. What are the benefits of lifelong sports participation? Lifelong sports participation promotes physical fitness, mental well-being, social connections, and a healthy and active lifestyle throughout all stages of life. Sports offer an exhilarating platform for physical activity, personal growth, and community engagement. By participating in sports, supporting athletes and teams, and fostering a positive sports culture, we can enjoy the thrill of athletic competition and reap the many benefits it brings.
When you look up at a full moon, just remember that somewhere on the lunar face, the remains of Apollo 11, 12, 14, 15, 16 and 17 along with 8 unmanned Russian Luna missions and 5 pre-Apollo unmanned American surveyor missions are all still there….. silently looking back….. unless of course you’re a NASA non-believer. so… why can’t we see these from the earth, why can’t we train our best telescopes on to the moon’s surface and see them there exactly where we left them the best part of 50 years ago. Well, there a bit of a problem…. and that is that the moon is 384,000 kilometres or 238,000 miles away and the landers and all the other things left behind are just few meters across. To give you an Idea how difficult a problems that it is….. it’s like looking for an object the size of a coin from 1000 miles away or the equivalent from New York to Florida…. so you going to need a pretty serious telescope. One telescope that springs to mind is the Hubble space telescope, after all if it can see galaxy’s billions of light years away then it should be able to see the Apollo landers easily…. shouldn’t it ?? Well, as with many things to do with space it’s not that simple. Yes, the Hubble space telescope was indeed designed to look at very faint objects at astronomical distances but those objects are clusters of galaxy’s trillions of millions across, it was not designed the take high-resolution images of small objects at fairly close ranges in astronomical terms like to the moon. The problem is down to the resolution of the images that the telescope can produce and that is limited by the laws of physics. The resolution determines the size the smallest Picture Element is or pixel in the image. The higher the resolution more of the fine detail in an image can be seen. In a telescope, the bigger the mirror, the more the magnification, so the closer the object will appear but at the very large magnifications the image is also affected by the wavelength of the light itself. The shorter the wavelength like ultraviolet light, the finer the detail that can be captured and the resolution increases but invisible light as we go from blue through green to red, the wavelength increases and the resolution is decreased. The Hubble has a mirror which is 2.4 meters in diameter, that was the largest that could fit in to the Space Shuttle when it was placed in to orbit. This gives it a single pixel resolution in ultraviolet light of about 43 meters across on the moon’s surface, anything smaller than 43 meters across will just be hidden in a single dot which cannot be resolved any further, in fact we need really 2 pixels or more to make out anything at all. In visible light, it’s even worse and the size of area covered by a single pixel increasing to 90 meters. The only way we are going to see objects a few meters across on the lunar surface is to either increase the size of the mirror or get closer to the object you looking at. Back on earth, the current largest optical telescope in the world is GTC on the canary islands with a mirror diameter of 10.4 meters. This increase’s the resolution so that the smallest area covered by one pixel would be 20 meters across in visible light, still too big to see the apollo lander which is just over 4 meters across. In fact to see the Apollo landers from earth you need a telescope with a mirror size 10 times that of the GTC or about 100 meters across and that does not yet exist. Even then a 100 meter telescope would only give you a 2 meter resolution coverage, so the lander would be 2 pixels in visible light and 4 pixels in ultraviolet light, still not enough to discern any real detail. This is the reason why we have been unable to the see any of the vehicles on the moon from earth and although in theory it is possible to use a group of telescopes in an array to get a higher resolution, no one has yet don’t it because telescope time is in very high demand and very limited and looking for objects that we know exist is not a high priority just to disprove the none believers. What we need is to put a camera in orbit around the moon, just like the spy satellites and the ones which give us satellite mapping services like google earth for example. In 2009 that’s exactly what happened when the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter or LRO was launched to photograph and survey the moon from a distance of between 12 and 100 miles above its surface. Even with a much smaller camera lens, at its closest passes, it has a resolution of just 0.5 meters or 18 inches per pixel, so now all of the Apollo sites with the lunar landers and rovers as well as the Russian sites can be seen for the first time since they landed. It shows the trails left in the lunar dust by the astronauts both on foot and in the lunar rovers. The science experiments that where left there over 44 years ago are still visible and even the shadows of the American flags can be seen as they vary in size with the changing position of the sun during the lunar day. We can’t see the flags themselves because they are hanging vertically and the camera is looking from a top down position and the flags are just a fraction on an inch thick. It’s not just NASA’s LRO which doing this, the Indians and Chinese also have the own satellites doing the same. So now we have the photographic evidence of the Apollo landers, unless of course you don’t believe anything official out of NASA and that they were placed the by robotic landers or aliens years later or the moon is a hologram and the earth is flat.
Bullying is the act of harassing, torturing, taunting or targeting an individual based on their physical appearance, caste, creed, religious affiliations or social class belonging. Most of the times, kids have to face this behavior in school or college but it can also prevail in work place and other organizations. Even though the government and various organizations are trying to control this social problem but it persists. People who become a victim of bullying have adverse effects on their personality. It may also lead to suicidal thoughts and trigger social anxiety in the person. For example, if a student is fat and joins a certain school. A group of other students starts calling him weird names and titles depending upon his physical attributes. The victim feels under confident and insecure about his or her personality and he or she will face worse consequences. If you are to write a research paper for your school and want to choose a great topic then you can certainly talk about bullying. You need to divide the subject into a narrower category if you want to write a relevant and precise paper. decide whether you want to talk about types of bullying, causes of bullying, effects of bullying on the victim, future consequences of bullying, revenge and retaliation resulting as bullying etc. when you decide the topic of your research paper, it will be easy to carry out research, find relevant data and compose a winning paper If your teacher wants you to write a paper following the MLA style, then you must adopt this style for formatting your research paper. MLA stands for modern language association and usually includes paper in sciences. It depends upon the preferences and instructions of your teacher which style you should use for formatting your paper Below are general guidelines for a research paper in MLA style
the Second Week of Lent Click here to learn more! 1910 New Catholic Dictionary An ornamental staff in the shape of a shepherd's crook, conferred on bishops, mitered abbots, and certain other prelates. It usually consists of a metal tube, plated with silver and gold; sometimes of elaborately carved wood, or even of pure gold and silver. The crook symbolizes that the bishop should act as a shepherd to those who may wander from his fold; the pointed lower end, that he should goad on the spiritually indifferent; and the tall shaft, that he should support the weak. The bishop always carries the crosier in the left hand with the crook turned outward towards the people, in accordance with the above symbolism; other prelates using the crosier hold it with the crook turned inwards. The popes have not used the crosier since before the 11th century; this is supposed by some to symbolize the giving of his staff by Saint Peter to one of his disciples to raise a dead person to life. As the emblem of a saint, it indicates that he was a bishop or abbot; it is especially associated in art with Saint Benedict, Saint Bernard, and Saint Giles. These files are public domain. Text Courtesy of BibleSupport.com. Used by Permission. Entry for 'Pastoral Staff'. 1910 New Catholic Dictionary. https://www.studylight.org/​dictionaries/​eng/​ncd/​p/pastoral-staff.html. 1910.
Solar Power: Harnessing the Sun in Arid Regions Solar power has emerged as a significant player in the renewable energy sector, providing a clean and sustainable alternative to traditional sources of energy. While solar technology has been widely adopted in various parts of the world, its potential in arid regions, particularly deserts, is gaining increasing attention. This article explores the advancements in solar technology and how these arid regions are uniquely positioned to harness the power of the sun. The Advancements in Solar Technology In recent years, there have been remarkable advancements in solar technology, making it more efficient and cost-effective. The development of photovoltaic (PV) cells, which convert sunlight into electricity, has played a crucial role in the growth of solar power. These cells are now capable of capturing a higher percentage of sunlight and converting it into usable energy. Furthermore, the manufacturing process of PV cells has become more streamlined, resulting in reduced production costs. This has made solar power more accessible and affordable for both residential and commercial use. Additionally, the integration of energy storage systems, such as batteries, has addressed the issue of intermittent power supply, allowing solar energy to be utilized even during non-sunlight hours. The Potential of Arid Regions Desert regions, characterized by their vast stretches of open land and abundant sunlight, offer immense potential for harnessing solar power. These areas receive high levels of solar radiation throughout the year, making them ideal for large-scale solar energy projects. One of the primary advantages of arid regions is the availability of land. Unlike urban areas or regions with dense vegetation, deserts provide vast expanses of open space, allowing for the installation of large solar farms. The flat terrain and minimal obstructions also facilitate the efficient positioning of solar panels, maximizing their exposure to sunlight. Moreover, arid regions often have a low population density, reducing the potential for land-use conflicts. This makes it easier to secure the necessary land for solar power projects and minimizes the impact on local communities. Challenges and Solutions While arid regions offer great potential for solar power, they also present unique challenges that need to be addressed. One of the primary challenges is the extreme heat and dust prevalent in these areas. High temperatures can reduce the efficiency of solar panels, leading to a decrease in energy production. To overcome this challenge, solar panels designed for desert environments are equipped with advanced cooling systems. These systems use water or air to dissipate heat, ensuring that the panels operate optimally even in high-temperature conditions. Additionally, regular cleaning of the panels helps to remove dust and debris, maintaining their efficiency over time. Another challenge is the transmission of solar power from remote desert regions to populated areas. To address this, innovative solutions such as high-voltage direct current (HVDC) transmission lines have been developed. HVDC lines can transport electricity over long distances with minimal power loss, making it feasible to transmit solar energy from arid regions to urban centers. Economic and Environmental Benefits The harnessing of solar power in arid regions brings both economic and environmental benefits. From an economic perspective, solar energy projects create employment opportunities, both during the construction phase and in ongoing operations and maintenance. These projects also attract investment, stimulating local economies and contributing to regional development. Furthermore, solar power reduces dependence on fossil fuels, which are finite resources and contribute to climate change. By utilizing the abundant sunlight in arid regions, we can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the impact of climate change. Solar energy is a clean and renewable source of power, making it a sustainable long-term solution for meeting our energy needs. The advancements in solar technology, coupled with the unique characteristics of arid regions, present a tremendous opportunity for the harnessing of solar power. From the availability of land to the abundance of sunlight, these regions are well-suited to exploit this renewable energy source. By overcoming challenges and leveraging innovative solutions, we can unlock the full potential of solar power in arid regions, contributing to a sustainable and greener future.
Reproductive tract infections (RTI) are recognized as a public health problem and ranking second – after maternal morbidity and mortality – as the cause of loss of healthy life among women of reproductive age in developing countries (Jindal et al, 2009.). Infections of the reproductive tract causes serious health problem worldwide, with an impact on individual women and men, their families and communities (Adler et al., 1998). Are RTI infections which affect the reproductive tract, part of the reproductive system. For females, the reproductive tract infections may be much higher in the reproductive tract (fallopian tubes, ovaries and uterus) and lower reproductive tract (vagina, cervix and vulva). The global burden of reproductive tract infections (RTI) is a huge and a serious public health problem, especially in developing countries, where ITR are endemic . They can have serious consequences including infertility, ectopic pregnancy, chronic pelvic pain, abortion, cervical cancer, menstrual disorders, pregnancy loss, babies with low birth weight and increased risk of HIV transmission. The presence of the ITR (especially ulcer causing sexually transmitted infections) can promote the acquisition and transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (Rabiu et al., 2010). Reproductive tract infections include endogenous infections, iatrogenic infections and sexually transmittedinfections (STDs) (Muula et al., 2006) . Reproductive tract infections (RTI) refers to three different types of infections affecting the reproductive tract : 1. Endogenous infections are probably the most common RTI worldwide. They result from an overgrowth of organisms normally present in the vagina. Endogenous infections include candidiasis and bacterial vaginosis. These infections can be easily treated and cured . 2. Iatrogenic infections occur when the cause of infection (bacteria or other microorganism) is introduced into the reproductive tract via a medical procedure, such as menstrual regulation, abortion, insertion of an IUD or during childbirth. This can happen if the surgical instruments used during the procedure has not been properly sterilized, or an infection, which was already present in the lower reproductive tract is pushed through the cervix into the upper reproductive tract . 3. Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are caused by viruses, bacteria or parasites microorganisms that are transmitted through sexual activity with an infected partner. About 30 different sexually transmitted infections have been identified, some of which are easily treatable, many of which are not. HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, is perhaps the most serious sexually transmitted infection, since it eventually leads to death. STDs affect men and women, and can also be transmitted from mother to child during pregnancy and childbirth. (Germain et al. 1992). Female RTI usually originate in the lower genital tract, such as vaginitis or cervicitis and can produce symptoms such as : - abnormal vaginal discharge , - genital pain - burning feeling with urination - abdominal pain - irregular mensural cycle - blood stained discharge However, a high prevalence of asymptomatic disease occurs, which is a barrier to effective control (Elias et al., 1993). Such as: - Prolaps Uterus / Vaginal Even when symptoms occur, their presence may overlap with and be misdiagnosed as a normal physiological change and normal physiological discharge can be diagnosed as RTI. (Trollope – Kumar, 1999). The presence of ulcers, especially RTI causing STI may increase the acquisition and transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (Fleming et al. 1999). Infertility is a health problem in Africa, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa, where 20-30 % of couples are unable to conceive (Sciarrha, 1994). Most health advocates consider infertility as the most important reproductive health and social issues confronting the Nigerian women and gynecologists often report that infertility is 60 % – 70 % of your queries at higher education institutions (Okonofua et al, 1997.). In Nigeria, most cases of infertility RTI following (Snow et al. 1997) Ectopic pregnancy is a large percentage of acute gynecological emergencies in Nigeria and is a major cause of maternal mortality [ 11-13 ]. A study in Lagos, Nigeria found previous STI and pelvic inflammatory disease as the main risk factors for ectopic pregnancy (Anorlu et al., 2005) Cervical cancer is usually the result of a sexually transmitted infection, and human papilloma virus is the causative agent. It is the most common malignancy of the reproductive system and a leading cause of death from cancer in Nigerian women (Thomas, 2000). In contrast to most other types of cancer, it is common below the age of 50, and is therefore a leading cause of premature death (Dey et al. 1996). Sites of Reproductive Tract Infections : Reproductive tract infections can affect the outer genitals and reproductive organs. Infections in the area of the vulva, vagina, cervix or are referred to as the lower reproductive tract infections. Infections in the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries are considered upper reproductive tract infections. (Bulut et al. 1995) Minor infections of the reproductive tract : . Vaginitis : RTI affecting the external genital area and lower reproductive tract in women is often referred to as vulvo – vaginitis, vaginitis or simply indicating that the vulva and / or vagina become inflamed and sometimes itchy or painful. Vaginitis is most commonly caused by endogenous infections such as candida (thrush, yeast) or bacterial vaginosis, sexually transmitted infections despite certain as trichomoniasis, can also commonly cause these symptoms and signs. Pelvic infections can have consequences far more dangerous than the initial vaginitis, such as ectopic pregnancy or infertility. (Bulut et al. 1995) 2. Infection of the cervix Infection of the cervix can be caused by a variety of pathogens, particularly sexually transmitted infections, such as gonorrhea, chlamydia and Human Papillomavirus transmitted. Infections of the cervix are considered more serious than vaginitis because more commonly result in infection of the upper reproductive tract, with its serious consequences. Unfortunately, they are also more difficult to detect and are often asymptomatic. (Bulut et al. 1995) Upper Reproductive Tract Infections : The migration of infection in the upper reproductive tract, including the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries, and tends to be more severe than infections of the lower reproductive tract. Infections of the upper reproductive tract are often a direct complication of infections, especially sexually transmitted lower reproductive tract. (Bulut et al. 1995) - Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), for example, is one of the most serious problems of gonorrhea or chlamydia. This can result in chronic abdominal pain, ectopic pregnancy, menstrual irregularities, infertility and as a result of scarring of the fallopian tubes . - Ectopic pregnancy, which can cause death, is a particularly serious complication, since it requires emergency interventions that are not available in many resource-poor settings. - Iatrogenic infections -. Caused by the introduction of bacteria in normally sterile environment of the womb through a medical procedure such as insertion of an IUD – can also result in serious, and reproductive tract infections, occasionally life -threatening upper (Bulut et al .., 1995) PLACE THIS ORDER OR A SIMILAR ORDER WITH NURSING TERM PAPERS TODAY AND GET AN AMAZING DISCOUNT
When light goes through a material, it often behaves in unpredictable ways. This phenomenon is the subject of an entire field of study called “nonlinear optics,” which is now integral to technological and scientific advances from laser development and optical frequency metrology, to gravitational wave astronomy and quantum information science. In addition, recent years have seen nonlinear optics applied in optical signal processing, telecommunications, sensing, spectroscopy, light detection, and ranging. All these applications involve the miniaturization of devices that manipulate light in nonlinear ways onto a small chip, enabling complex light interactions chip-scale. Now, a team of scientists at EPFL and the Max Plank Institute has brought nonlinear optical phenomena into a transmission electron microscope (TEM), a type of microscope that uses electrons for imaging instead of light. The study was led by professor Tobias J. Kippenberg at EPFL and professor Claus Ropers, director of the Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences. It is now published in Science. At the heart of the study are “Kerr solitons,” waves of light that hold their shape and energy as they move through a material, like a perfectly formed surf wave traveling across the ocean. This study used a particular type of Kerr solitons called “dissipative,” which are stable, localized pulses of light that last tens of femtoseconds (a quadrillionth of a second) and form spontaneously in the microresonator. Dissipative Kerr solitons can also interact with electrons, which made them crucial for this study. The researchers formed dissipative Kerr solitons inside a photonic microresonator, a tiny chip that traps and circulates light inside a reflective cavity, creating the perfect conditions for these waves. “We generated various nonlinear spatiotemporal light patterns in the microresonator driven by a continuous-wave laser,” explains EPFL researcher Yujia Yang, who led the study. “These light patterns interacted with a beam of electrons passing by the photonic chip, and left fingerprints in the electron spectrum.” Specifically, the approach demonstrated the coupling between free electrons and dissipative Kerr solitons, which allowed the researchers to probe soliton dynamics in the microresonator cavity and perform ultrafast modulation of electron beams. “Our ability to generate dissipative Kerr solitons [DKS] in a TEM extends the use of microresonator-base frequency combs to unexplored territories,” says Kippenberg. “The electron-DKS interaction could enable high repetition-rate ultrafast electron microscopy and particle accelerators empowered by a small photonic chip.” Ropers adds: “Our results show electron microscopy could be a powerful technique for probing nonlinear optical dynamics at the nanoscale. This technique is non-invasive and able to directly access the intracavity field, key to understanding nonlinear optical physics and developing nonlinear photonic devices.” - This press release was provided by the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
The air which we breathe in and breathe out is not pure oxygen or carbon dioxide respectively. As we all knew that our body and the cells inside it require more oxygen to respire and to perform its regular functions and our environment does not provide us with an exclusive supply of oxygen. In a similar way, while breathing out, we do exclusively give out carbon dioxide. Let’s know more about the composition of gases we breathe. Composition of Inhaled and Exhaled Air Gases we Breathe In We all are aware that our atmosphere is a mixture of gases and it contains 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 1% argon, 0.04% carbon dioxide, 0.5% water vapour. When we breathe in, we inhale the same mixture of gases contained in the atmosphere as our nose cannot filter out the oxygen from other gases. During the respiration process, the total composition of the air that we breathe in also depends on our surrounding environment. Let say, the underwater divers inhale air containing more oxygen or helium. Similarly, the spacesuits worn by astronaut supplies pure oxygen for them to breathe in space. Gases we Breathe Out Stand in front of a mirror and breath out. You will see a film of moisture appearing on the mirror surface. Have you ever wondered where do these water droplets come? It is the same air that we inhale. As mentioned earlier the air which we breathe in contains 0.05% water vapour. Therefore, the film of moisture formed on the mirror surface is because of the water vapour content in the air. When we exhale, the composition of the air remains almost the same as the air we inhale, only the percentage of carbon dioxide and oxygen changes. The amount of inhaled air contains 21% of oxygen and 0.04% of carbon dioxide, while the air we breathe out contains 16.4% of oxygen and 4.4% of carbon dioxide. This is because our cells use oxygen from the inhaled air to release energy and give out carbon dioxide as a byproduct. This was a brief introduction to the composition of gases during respiration. Stay tuned with BYJU’S to learn more about Gases
When first learning about energy and power, it‘s easy to get confused between the units of joules and watts. On the surface, they may seem interchangeable. But in physics and engineering, these units have very distinct meanings. In this comprehensive guide, we‘ll uncover the key differences between joules and watts, look at some practical everyday examples, and gain a deeper understanding of how energy flows in our world. A Quick Summary Let‘s quickly recap what we learned earlier: Joules measure the total energy or work. Joules quantify the cumulative effect over time. Watts measure the rate of energy transfer or power. Watts represent how quickly energy moves in an instant. It‘s a common misconception that watts and joules are the same. But remembering the definitions above helps explain their unique purposes. Joules tell us the total energy present or used, while watts reveal the speed of energy flow. With this key distinction in mind, let‘s dive deeper! Energy Pioneers – Joule and Watt The joule and watt units are named after two pioneering scientists whose discoveries fundamentally changed how we view energy. James Prescott Joule (1818-1889) was an English physicist who established the relationship between heat, electricity and mechanical motion. One of Joule‘s most important discoveries was that the heat produced by an electric current flowing through a resistor is proportional to the product of the current squared and the resistance. This relationship became known as Joule‘s first law and demonstrated the conversion between electrical and thermal energy. Joule later showed through experiments that the amount of heat generated by a given amount of mechanical work is constant. This finding revealed the first law of thermodynamics – that energy is conserved between different forms. It also led to the establishment of the joule unit to quantify energy. James Watt (1736-1819) was a Scottish inventor best known for improving the efficiency of steam engines that powered the Industrial Revolution. Watt introduced innovations like the separate condenser which radically increased engine efficiency. This allowed steam engines to become practical power sources for factories, mills, trains and ships. In honor of Watt‘s pioneering work on power, the unit of power was named the watt in 1882. One watt represents the rate of energy conversion that Watt‘s efficient steam engines achieved. Joule and Watt‘s discoveries formed the foundation for the fields of thermodynamics, electromagnetism and energy conversion that gave us the modern electric world. The joule and watt units continue to memorialize their contributions. Energy in Food – Calories to Joules One place we encounter energy in everyday life is in the food we eat. Food energy is commonly measured in calories. But how do calories relate to joules? The relationship is: - 1 calorie = 4.184 joules So a food item containing 300 calories provides around 1,255 joules of chemical energy for our bodies. The average adult human requires about 2,000 calories per day to maintain body functions, which equals roughly 8,368 joules. Intense exercise can burn over 1,000 calories (4,184 joules) per hour. Here are some examples of total energy in common foods: - Apple (100g) – 218 calories = 915 joules - Chicken breast (100g) – 165 calories = 690 joules - Potato (100g) – 77 calories = 323 joules - Chocolate bar (50g) – 230 calories = 964 joules The joule allows us to quantify the full energy content of foods which is provided to our bodies over time as the food is digested and metabolized. Powering Your Home – Watts and Kilowatt-Hours For home electricity consumption, power is more commonly measured in watts or kilowatt-hours. Let‘s look at some examples: - Incandescent light bulb – 60 watts - LED light bulb – 15 watts - Laptop – 50 watts - Refrigerator – 150 watts - Electric oven – 2,000 watts - Central A/C – 3,500 watts - Water heater – 4,500 watts The wattage represents the rate that electricity is consumed by each appliance or device. Higher watt devices use energy faster. Utility bills show home electricity usage in kilowatt-hours (kWh), the total energy used over time. One kWh equals using 1000 watts for one hour, or 3,600,000 joules. The average U.S. home consumes about 900 kWh per month, costing around $100. So controlling the wattage of appliances and your usage habits allows you to manage the energy joules consumed. Comparing Human Power Output We can also look at examples of energy usage in the human body: - Resting metabolic rate – ~100 watts - Walking slowly – ~200 watts - Cycling leisurely – ~400 watts - Running moderately – ~800 watts - Sprinting swiftly – ~2,000 watts So sprinting as fast as possible generates over 10 times more power than resting! But keep in mind that this high power output can only be sustained for a short period before exhaustion sets in. Over longer times, energy usage is better measured in joules: - Sleeping 8 hours – ~288,000 joules - Desk work 8 hours – ~460,000 joules - Construction work 8 hours – ~1,500,000 joules So in a full workday, a construction worker may burn over 1.5 million joules through physically intensive labor. World Energy Consumption On a global scale, energy usage is usually quantified using joules or alternative units like tonnes of oil equivalent. Some facts about worldwide energy consumption: - Total global energy usage in 2021 – 613 quadrillion joules - Projected worldwide electricity generation by 2040 – 43 trillion kWh = 155 quadrillion joules - 1 barrel of oil equivalent = 6.12 billion joules of energy The total global energy demand continues to rise steadily by around 2% each year, requiring us to find more sources of power generation. The joule helps us conceptualize and compare the immense scale of global energy production and use across nations and energy resources. Optimizing Energy Efficiency A key priority for scientists and engineers is finding ways to maximize energy efficiency – delivering more useful energy output while minimizing joule inputs. For example, electric motors have seen vast efficiency improvements from about 60% in the early 1900s to over 95% in modern motors. This means converting a much larger proportion of electric joules into useful mechanical work. Engineers also optimize efficiency by reducing wasted joule outputs like heat, sound or friction. Improving automobile fuel economy from 20 miles per gallon to 40 miles per gallon halves fuel waste. Efficient use of energy resources results in greater productivity and economic growth. It also reduces environmental impacts. Adopting LED lighting that uses 70% less watts than incandescent bulbs is one simple way we can achieve energy efficiency in our daily lives. - Joules measure total energy, watts measure power (rate of energy transfer) - One watt equals one joule per second - Joules quantify energy content; watts reveal rate of energy consumption - Maximizing efficiency means minimizing wasted joules as heat or friction - Understanding energy units helps us visualize and compare usage across applications I hope this detailed exploration has helped demystify the critical differences between joules and watts! Let me know if you have any other questions.
Behavior of a current-carrying conductor in a magnetic field (Experiment 1) Induced eddy currents (Experiment 2) Diamagnetism and paramagnetism (Experiment 3) Note: For every experiment, make sure that the bars and the entire set up are aligned properly because this can affect the position of the rods, copper wire, and pendulums. Experiment 1a: Induced Force on Current in Wire Use the adjustable silver screw at the center of the magnet attachment to attach the magnet-screw system to the vertical bar of the stand. The copper wire should be suspended in between the magnets by screwing its bar onto the top of the upper bar of the stand. Plug in the blue and red wires from the 20V/5A power supply into the copper Slowly increase the current (in A) through the wire, not exceeding 6A. The conductor swing should displace either to the right or left. As the current increases, the swing should displace a greater distance. Experiment 1b: Lorentz Force Attach the magnet-screw system to the horizontal bottom bar. The copper wire is suspended in between the magnets by screwing its bar onto the bottom of the upper bar of the stand (use the first hole on the top silver bar to screw the bar). This time, increasing the current in the wire does not displace the conductor swing in any direction. This is because the Lorenz force does not act in the direction of the magnetic field or current flow. Experiment 2: Eddy Current Pendulum Remove the two magnets and adjust the magnet-screw system to be closer Hang the solid pendulum and slotted pendulum onto any two slots on the pendulum axle mount. The magnet-screw system is attached to the horizontal bar, as in Experiment 1b. Displace the pendulums at the same angle and release. The solid pendulum should come to a full stop before the slotted pendulum does. This is because the slotted pendulum does not allow for the buildup of eddy Experiment 3: Magnetic Properties of Materials The setup of the magnet system is identical to experiment 2. Instead of using the pendulums, we will instead hang the glass or aluminum rod. You can use any slot from the black axle mount, just make sure to adjust the magnet screw system Suspending the glass rod between the magnets will cause it to rotate one way and then the other. Suspending the aluminum rod will cause it to rotate completely before stopping parallel to the horizontal bar (in the direction of the magnetic field). Explanation: The rods align themselves in the magnetic field. Due to the different materials, their relative permeabilities are different. These differing permeabilities cause differing flux densities in each rod. Ensure that the setup is aligned properly. To do this, setup experiment 3 and ensure the center of mass of the rods are aligned with the magnet-screw system. Last Update 2023 - University of Texas at Austin Physics Dept - All Rights Reserved.
Volcanoes can produce ash, toxic gases, flash floods of hot water and debris called lahars, lava flows, and fast-moving flows of hot gases and debris called pyroclastic flows. Some dangers from volcanoes can be predicted ahead of time while others may occur with little or no notice after an eruption. Each volcano and situation is unique. Learn more about volcanic eruptions and pay attention to warnings from local authorities for the best advice available on specific actions you can take to stay safe. Health and Safety Concerns for All Disasters Illnesses, injuries, carbon monoxide poisoning, animals and insects, food, water, cleanup, mold, environmental concerns, and coping with a disaster. Learn more.
Official websites use .mil Secure .mil websites use HTTPS As a result of WWII, the Korean peninsula was separated at the 38th Parallel with the North being occupied and supported by the Soviet Union and its allies, and the South, occupied by the United States and its allies. This war started when the North Koreans crossed the 38th parallel and invaded South Korea. Active hostilities took place from June 25, 1950, to July 27, 1953, but to date, no formal peace treaty has been signed. Initially fought between the North and South Koreans for control of the Korean peninsula, it eventually escalated into what was considered by many to be a proxy war between the United States and its allies and the Chinese and Russian communist regimes. This conflict was often called a "policing action," mainly to bypass the need for Congress to present an official "declaration of war." Many Americans, and especially American Veterans of the Korean War, consider this to be the "forgotten war" because it is seldom referred to as a major conflict by historians. For a list of Vermonters who died in the Korean War, click here.
YVC Philadelphia youth volunteers and staff are celebrating Black History Month by sharing the stories and lessons of historical figures that we admire. We will be posting here as well as on our social media platforms, so please follow along with us as we recognize black excellence and show our gratitude for the generations of black heroes who have sacrificed everything to move us towards a more inclusive and just society. W.E.B. Dubois was a champion for equality as an activist, organizer and civil rights leader. He founded a group of African American scholars and professionals dedicated to protesting inequality called the Niagara Movement. The quote above was from a Niagara Movement speech he delivered in 1905 and unfortunately remains extremely relevant and timely more than 115 years later. and was among the co-founders of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP). Locally, Du Bois served as an assistant instructor in sociology at the University of Pennsylvania from 1896-1897. He conducted a study of Black Philadelphians and published the results in his work titled The Philadelphia Negro: A Social Study (1899). This work was trailblazing and is one of the reasons Du Bois is credited as being one of the founding fathers of American Sociology. Many of Du Bois words still ring true today. Here are some notable quotations that still require our attention and focus today: A "great nation, which today ought to be in the forefront of the march toward peace and democracy, finds itself continuously making common cause with rate hate" "Daily the Negro is coming more and more to look upon law and justice, not as protecting safeguards, but as sources of humiliation and oppression. The laws are made by men who have little interest in him; they are executed by men who have absolutely no motive for treating the black people with courtesy or consideration; and, finally, the accused law-breaker is tried, not by his peers, but too often by men who would rather punish ten innocent negroes than let one guilty one escape." -The Souls of Black Folk, 1903. "A system cannot fail those it was never meant to protect." "There is always a certain glamour about the idea of a nation rising up to crush an evil simply because it is wrong. Unfortunately, this can seldom be realized in real life; for the very existence of the evil usually argues a moral weakness in the very place where extraordinary moral strength is called for." -The Suppression of the African Slave Trade to the United States of America, 1638-1870, 1897. "I believe that all men, black and brown, and white, are brothers, varying, through Time and Opportunity, in form and gift and feature, but differing in no essential particular, and alike in soul and in the possibility of infinite development." "I believe in Liberty for all men: the space to stretch their arms and their souls; the right to breathe and the right to vote, the freedom to choose their friends, enjoy the sunshine, and ride on the railroads, uncursed by color; thinking, dreaming, working as they will in a kingdom of beauty and love."
How can tens of thousands of people in a large football stadium all clap together with the same beat even though they can only hear the people near them clapping? A combination of a partial differential equation and a synthetic circuit in microbes answers this question. An interdisciplinary collaborative team of Professor Jae Kyoung Kim at KAIST, Professor Krešimir Josić at the University of Houston, and Professor Matt Bennett at Rice University has identified how a large community can communicate with each other almost simultaneously even with very short distance signaling. The research was reported at Nature Chemical Biology. Cells often communicate using signaling molecules, which can travel only a short distance. Nevertheless, the cells can also communicate over large distances to spur collective action. The team revealed a cell communication mechanism that quickly forms a network of local interactions to spur collective action, even in large communities. The research team used an engineered transcriptional circuit of combined positive and negative feedback loops in E. coli, which can periodically release two types of signaling molecules: activator and repressor. As the signaling molecules travel over a short distance, cells can only talk to their nearest neighbors. However, cell communities synchronize oscillatory gene expression in spatially extended systems as long as the transcriptional circuit contains a positive feedback loop for the activator. Professor Kim said that analyzing and understanding such high-dimensional dynamics was extremely difficult. He explained, “That’s why we used high-dimensional partial differential equation to describe the system based on the interactions among various types of molecules.” Surprisingly, the mathematical model accurately simulates the synthesis of the signaling molecules in the cell and their spatial diffusion throughout the chamber and their effect on neighboring cells. The team simplified the high-dimensional system into a one-dimensional orbit, noting that the system repeats periodically. This allowed them to discover that cells can make one voice when they lowered their own voice and listened to the others. “It turns out the positive feedback loop reduces the distance between moving points and finally makes them move all together. That’s why you clap louder when you hear applause from nearby neighbors and everyone eventually claps together at almost the same time,” said Professor Kim. Professor Kim added, “Math is a powerful as it simplifies complex thing so that we can find an essential underlying property. This finding would not have been possible without the simplification of complex systems using mathematics." The National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, the Robert A. Welch Foundation, the Hamill Foundation, the National Research Foundation of Korea, and the T.J. Park Science Fellowship of POSCO supported the research.
Whether we name them streets, avenues, ways, drives, lanes, routes or highways, roads are an essential component of our daily lives, and the backbone of national life. And even before the invention of the wheel, ancient people were widening and improving the surfaces of the paths they and their animals traveled by. Interestingly, the first formal ‘roadways’ would not have been on land, so to speak, but in the form of river and swamp crossings. Let’s take a look at how they started, and how we’ve come to make the types of roads we depend on so much today. Tracks and trails Before humans even walked the planet, animals have been following traditional migration paths and creating tracks over many generations. It’s thought that the first human-utilized trails probably followed these routes, and may have become formalized over time. One notable example of this type of route is the Icknield Way in England, which is thought to have been used by ancient Romans and by Iceni traders before them. In what is now Iraq and was formerly Mesopotamia, stone paved streets that may originate from as far back as 4000 BC have been discovered, although it is, of course, impossible to verify their exact age. These would originally have formed routes in Babylon and were constructed by the Sumerians. It’s fascinating to note that these same builders were using bitumen (which we now produce as a byproduct of petroleum distillation) in their stone-laying activities – a technique which was forgotten about for centuries before we started using it again today in the construction of asphalt roads in Europe and America! We know that between 2600 BC and 2200 BC, the ancient Egyptians were constructing paved roads, and that brick-paved streets were used in India as early as 3000 BC. And it was only recently in 2009 that a 6,000 year old track way in Plumstead, London was discovered. The might of kings and militaries The first great roads which connected different empires and nations were usually constructed under the auspices of kings and military leaders, either for trade or as routes to move their armies. One of the first such great roads was the Royal Road constructed for the Persian king Darius I the Great in 500 BC, which remained in use during Roman times, and extended as far as India. The Roman Empire used stone to construct extremely strong and durable roads from 312 BC onwards in order to extend their military capabilities, including into North Africa. And at the height of their power, the Roman Empire’s road network covered an impressive 78,000 kilometers! The route to the modern road The foundation, if you will, of the modern road was laid by a Scottish man named John Metcalfe, who succeeded in developing many bridges and roadways during his lifetime despite being blinded at age 6! His technique involved starting with a layer of large stones to encourage drainage, a layer of finer road material, and a final layer of gravel on top. Thomas Telford and John McAdam took this idea a little further, raising the center of the road foundation to encourage runoff to drain outwards. Telford also implemented a system that took gradient slopes, expected traffic volume and road alignment into consideration- and if that sounds familiar, it’s because we’re still using many of his ideas today! McAdam was involved with the first tar roads, laid in Paris. His technique, which used bitumen or tar as a binding agent, was nicknamed ‘Tarmacadam’ after him – and is where our word ‘tarmac’ comes from! The present and future of roads While the materials we use to construct our roads today may differ from country to country and depending on the road’s traffic load and purpose, the underlying technique has remained much the same as it was 19th century – but a new revolution may well be underway. Companies like PRS Geo-Technologies have demonstrated how stabilization of the underlying soil through the use of honeycomb-like “geocells” filled with local or recycled materials as infill can make roads much more durable, sustainable, and long-lasting – like the ancients. Some countries are experimenting with the use of solar roads, where roads lined with photovoltaic cells could become giant solar panels providing electricity for the cars that use them. And while there’s still a lot of work to be done in making roads more sustainable and kinder to the environment, one thing’s for sure – it’s definitely going to be an interesting ride!
As part of the diagnosis, your pediatrician will look for other conditions that show the same types of symptoms as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Your child may simply have a different condition or ADHD and another condition. Most children with a diagnosis of ADHD have at least one coexisting condition. Common coexisting conditions of ADHD: Learning disabilities—Learning disabilities are conditions that make it difficult for a child to master specific skills such as reading or math. ADHD is not a learning disability. However, ADHD can make it hard for a child to do well in school. Diagnosing learning disabilities requires evaluations, such as IQ and academic achievement tests, and it requires educational interventions. Oppositional defiant disorder or conduct disorder—Up to 35% of children with ADHD also have oppositional defiant disorder or conduct disorder. Children with oppositional defiant disorder tend to lose their temper easily and annoy people on purpose, and they are defiant and hostile toward authority figures. Children with conduct disorder break rules, destroy property, get suspended or expelled from school, and violate the rights of other people. Children with coexisting conduct disorder are at much higher risk for getting into trouble with the law or having substance abuse problems than children who have only ADHD. Studies show that this type of coexisting condition is more common among children with the primarily hyperactive/impulsive and combination types of ADHD. Your pediatrician may recommend behavioral therapy for your child if she has this condition. Mood disorders/depression—About 18% of children with ADHD also have mood disorders such as depression or bipolar disorder (formerly called manic depression). There is frequently a family history of these types of disorders. Coexisting mood disorders may put children at higher risk for suicide, especially during the teenage years. These disorders are more common among children with inattentive and combined types of ADHD. Children with mood disorders or depression often require additional interventions or a different type of medication than those normally used to treat ADHD. Anxiety disorders—These affect about 25% of children with ADHD. Children with anxiety disorders have extreme feelings of fear, worry, or panic that make it difficult to function. These disorders can produce physical symptoms such as racing pulse, sweating, diarrhea, and nausea. Counseling and/or different medication may be needed to treat these coexisting conditions. Language disorders—Children with ADHD may have difficulty with how they use language. It is referred to as a pragmatic language disorder. It may not show up with standard tests of language. A speech and language clinician can detect it by observing how a child uses language in her day-to-day activities. Additional Information on HealthyChildren.org: The following is a list of support groups and additional resources for further information about ADHD. Check with your pediatrician for resources in your community.
Robotic exoskeletons promise to play an important role in supporting an aging population. Essentially, they are suits that people can wear, allowing them to exert strength when their old bodies are not capable of exerting strength themselves. However, developing exoskeletons has been hampered by the fact that they are generally heavy, and if not properly controlled can act as hindrances rather than assistance. Thus, it is important to develop exoskeletons that are both lightweight and can assist the efforts of the user without hindering their efforts. The current research involved two main elements. First, the researchers developed a lightweight, carbon fiber-based exoskeleton for the lower body that was attached to the thighs and lower legs of users. The exoskeleton was built with highly back-drivable actuators, so that it did not impede the movements of users even when the actuators were not activated. And importantly, the research team turned to artificial intelligence to see if they could use it to predict how the user wanted to move. They used a method known as PU-learning, or positive and unlabeled, to have the exoskeleton learn to correctly read the intentions of the user, based on measurements of the muscle activities of the user. The PU-classification method allows the use of ambiguous data, by combining positively labeled data, which the machine knows is correct, with other unlabeled data that might either be positive or negative, allowing the artificial intelligence to learn from data that is not all labeled. For the experiment, participants performed various movements that can begin in the same way—standing up, crossing their legs, leaning forward, and repositioning themselves in a chair. The exoskeleton used machine learning to guess when they were actually trying to stand up and then provided assistance for the movement. The experiment was successful. According to Jun-ichiro Furukawa of the Guardian Robot Project, the first author of the paper, the results were better than conventional systems that use fully labeled data in situations where user's behavior other than the target sit-to-stand motion can occur, indicating that the method could be expanded to other movements as well. According to Jun Morimoto, who led the research team, "The key element of our research is that when controlling a robot to assist human movement, it is important to develop it based on the assumption that humans will behave in ways that are not in the learning data."
INVOLUNTARY BODY MOVEMENTS, SHAKING, TEMORS The term movement disorders refers to a group of nervous system (neurological) conditions that cause either increased movements or reduced or slow movements. These movements may be voluntary or involuntary. This includes movement disorders include problems with physical coordination, trouble walking, episodes of uncontrolled movements (such as during a seizure), muscle weakness, twitching, or muscle spasm. Ataxia is a degenerative disorder affecting the brain, brainstem or spinal cord. This can result in clumsiness, inaccuracy, instability, imbalance, tremor or a lack of coordination while performing voluntary movements. Movements are not smooth and may appear disjointed or jerky. Patients may fall down frequently due to an unsteady gait. Ataxia also can affect speech and movement of the eyes. Patients with dystonia may experience uncontrollable twisting, repetitive movements or abnormal postures and positions. These can affect any part of the body, including the arms, legs, trunk, eyelids and vocal cords. Jerky movements usually have a regular rhythm and may be limited to one muscle or muscle group (focal) or several different muscle groups (multifocal). They may occur without an obvious cause or be a result of many diseases. What is Unsteady Gait - Lack of Coordination - Abnormal Posture During Ambulation - Gait Influenced By Pain - Muscle Abnormalities - Nervous System Parkinson’s produces many common symptoms, including tremor; muscle rigidity or stiffness of the limbs; gradual loss of spontaneous movement, often leading to decreased mental skill or reaction time, voice changes or decreased facial expression; gradual loss of automatic movement, often leading to decreased blinking, decreased frequency of swallowing, and drooling; a stooped, flexed posture, with bending at the elbows, knees and hips; an unsteady walk or balance; and depression or dementia. - Check slippery floors - Remove door, bath mats - Be careful while turning, in darkness, uneven surface, narrow lanes - Persons having frequent fall head gear and tetra pod stick use - Avoid caffeine. Caffeine and other stimulants can increase tremors. - Use alcohol sparingly, if at all. Some people notice that their tremors improve slightly after they drink alcohol, but drinking isn’t a good solution. - Learn to relax. - Make lifestyle changes.
Cultivating Children’s Higher Order Thinking Skills by : Fitri Adji Rarasati In this modern era, the rapidity of information and technology has changed the way people gain knowledge. In this century, children are encouraged to be more independent, creative and able to solve problems using various solutions. Critical thinking is therefore the foundation of a strong education. Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) are those that enable learners to think critically, going beyond observation and memorization of facts. Developing strong core critical thinking skills in primary and secondary education leads to better learner engagement, academic progress, and future success in the workplace. Higher Order Thinking takes thinking to higher levels rather than just restating facts and requiring students to do something with the facts. Through this way of learning, students need to understand, infer, connect facts to other concepts, categorize, manipulate, and apply the facts by seeking new solutions to new problems. Here are 3 ways to cultivate a student’s thinking while using higher-order thinking skills (HOTS). During the learning process, students are given the opportunity to broaden their knowledge about information by helping them connect new concepts to things they already know. This level of thinking will help the student understand how connections are made and give them the ability to build upon connections for an ultimate level of understanding. By making connections, the power of HOTS is at full force. It is really important in applying context as well as relevance to teaching by making these connections and training students to think deeper, broader, and higher. Teach Problem Strategies Higher Order Thinking Skills will be activated when the students encounter unfamiliar problems, uncertainties, questions or dilemmas. By applying these thinking skills, students have the ability to solve problems faster and more efficiently. Being creative and considering alternative strategies to reach a solution is a part of being a good problem solver. The process of getting to the solution is one of the most important aspects of this process. It is important for students to learn that making mistakes are opportunities to learn and grow and each mistake brings them closer to an answer. The sooner that students understand this, the more quality learning is achieved. Give Students Freedom To Imagine Teachers can be a good facilitator for the students by asking them to create something based on their imagination. At this phase, students develop their creative thinking since they will invent, imagine, and design what is in their minds. Through the process of thinking creatively, students can increase and broaden their understanding in order to make even more connections and achieve more learning through higher-order thinking skills. Students achieve a high level of connection when they gain a sense of ownership and responsibility. In conclusion, Higher Order Thinking Skills is an effective way to ensure that students will be more successful in their learning process. Thomas, A., and Thorne, G. (2009). How To Increase Higher Order Thinking. Metarie, LA: Center for Development and Learning. Retrieved Dec. 7, 2009, from http://www.cdl.org/resource-library/articles/HOT.php?type=subject&id=18. Harper, N. (2020). 3 Ways To Elevate Your Students’ Thinking Using Higher Order Thinking Skills. https://www.yeseep.org/blog/3-ways-to-elevate-your-students-thinking.
Marine biologists have discovered a species of glow-in-the-dark turtles that have an unusual biofluorescence capability. Bioflourescence is the ability to emit light into different colors, such as green and red. The difference from bioluminenscence and biolflourescence is that bioluminescence is the act of creating an animal’s own light through a chemical reaction. The study of bilflourescence is only about ten years old, and scientists have discovered some incredibly common factors in many things like plankton, algae and numerous fish. The discovery of the Hawksbill turtle species in the region of the Solomon Islands is the first of its kind. National Geographic broke the story of the discovery with some amazing footage of the turtles changing colours. Marine biologists David Gruber and Alexander Gaos told National Geographic they discovered the turtles on a night dive while in the Solomon Islands. The biologist team has no real answer why the turtles possess this unique feature – other species typically use it to communicate with one another or, oddly, as camouflage. Although it is too soon to say, Gaos told National Geographic that corals are often biofluorscent and the turtles may possess this unique feature to blend into their environment. In an interview with the Daily Dot, Gruber said that after discovering the Hawksbill’s fluorescent capabilities, he took a closer look at the ‘loggerhead turtle’ and found it was able to create the same fluoresces as well. The next step to understanding more details of their capabilities, the biologist team will look into the eyes of the glow-in-the-dark turtles to see if they can actually see the fluorescent colors that each one creates. The team will also look into the chemical reaction within the turtles and see what is causing the fluorescence. “It is very exciting, as sea turtles live in a blue ocean, which is the perfect light environment to excite the fluorescent molecules and cause them to give off light in other colors,” Gruber said. “We are finding biofluorescent marine life to be much more widespread than we ever imagined.” Scientists in the Philippines are hoping to find some of the same biofluorescent Hawksbill turtles in the seas surrounding the country. This unique discovery can easily lead to other massive discoveries within animals which have unknown capabilities surrounding the Philippines.
Summary: A new study presents the first quantitative comparison of adaptation response. Source: University of Toronto Research on sensory adaptation led by University of Toronto Engineering professor Willy Wong may have unearthed a previously overlooked organizational principle of physiology. Biologists have long known that organisms adapt to a constant stimulus in a similar way, says Wong. “Imagine you walk into a room someone has just painted. You’ll likely think, ‘This smells bad.’ But the sensation decreases as you stay in there. The molecules don’t disappear, not within that time frame. You’ve just gotten used to it.” From an initial state, the organism’s response activity rises to a peak response, then falls to a new final steady state. Wong has discovered that those three fixed points on the adaptation curve form a mathematical relationship that is obeyed across all sensory modalities and organisms. “I compared 250 measurements of adaptation from different branches of sensory physiology and found that they are all compatible with a single, simple equation,” says Wong. His findings, the first quantitative comparison of adaptation responses, are presented in a paper in Frontiers of Human Neuroscience. Wong’s recent work in brain-machine interfaces, such as a retinal prosthesis to restore vision for blind patients, builds on his long-standing fascination with the neural code—how neurons process information. Though today’s understanding of the code remains far from perfect, the more researchers understand how our brains convert signals into perceptions, the better they can design technologies to replace lost functions or enhance existing ones. The idea of a sensory response curve that drops off over time might seem counterintuitive: Shouldn’t a strong sensation return a consistently strong rate of response? But as long ago as the 1920s, physiologists such as Edgar Adrian were demonstrating why not. Adrian, whose work would win the 1932 Nobel Prize for Physiology or Medicine, used a frog specimen to trace the adaptation phenomenon to the level of single neurons. He discovered that neurons use a basic unit of communication, a nerve impulse called an action potential, which fires the same signal strength as long as a threshold is reached. “Action potentials don’t come in half measures,” says Wong. “Either you get one or you don’t. If you do, the neuron needs some time to recharge before it can fire another. In adaptation, the rate of action potential generation falls gradually to some non-zero steady state.” Adaptation response occurs in all animals, from vertebrates like mammals to invertebrates like insects, and across all sensory modalities. This includes the five traditional senses of vision, hearing, touch, taste and smell, along with somatosensory functions such as proprioception—the body’s awareness of itself—and electroreception, as found in eels. One of Wong’s biggest surprises was that his equation holds true for some of the oldest multicellular organisms, such as jellyfish, which have very different sensory systems. “If you shine a light on them, they either fly to the light or away from it—but only because their photoreceptors are hardwired to their motor output,” he says. “Which raises the question, is this equation universal? In the future, if we find aliens with exobiology never seen on this planet, could they also be constrained by the same limitations or principles?” In the physical sciences, universality is determined by replication of results, regardless of when, where, or by what method they are obtained. But this is not always possible in biological experiments, which can pose significant barriers to repetition of measurements. However, when data from unrelated independent studies—across different time periods, researchers and methods—converge as evidence, it strengthens the case for the conclusion. This principle, called consilience, is based on the premise that science is unified, bolstering consensus in theories such as evolutionary theory and the big bang theory, among others. “All this data was there,” says Wong, “I took a curve here, a curve there, compared them—even Adrian’s canonical graphs. All conformed to the same geometric mean relationship. It’s not dependent on the researcher, on what equipment was used, or on the organism. From that perspective, it is universal.” “This is illuminating work from Professor Wong,” says Professor Deepa Kundur, Chair of Electrical & Computer Engineering at the University of Toronto. “It’s a reminder of just how pervasive electrical and computer engineering is—how researchers are able to contribute to many seemingly far-reaching areas of study.” The discovery of a new physiological equation doesn’t happen every day, and it’s unlikelier still to come from an engineer. Though Wong had been developing these ideas for years, he credits the pandemic with giving him some time to refocus, as well as fruitful periods of research progress. “I was on the elliptical,” he says, when asked to pinpoint his “a-ha” moment. “Either reading news or thinking about my work. I think that was the moment.” About this neuroscience research news Author: Matthew Tierney Source: University of Toronto Contact: Matthew Tierney – University of Toronto Image: The image is credited to Willy Wong / University of Toronto Engineering
Aims of the National Curriculum The 2014 National Curriculum for Maths aims to ensure that all children: - Become fluent in the fundamentals of Mathematics - Are able to reason mathematically - Can solve problems by applying their Mathematics At Mylor Bridge School, we believe that all children should be the best they can be. Through the continuous focus of the four Rs (being Resilient Resourceful, Reflective and building Relationships), our intent is that we have a maths’ curriculum that is accessible by all children. Through lesson design, we intend to offer children opportunities to ‘master’ key mathematical skills and concepts through their experiences in the classroom. The National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics (NCETM) suggest that mastery of mathematics means, ‘acquiring a deep, long term understanding of the subject’. We encourage children to make rich connections across mathematical ideas to develop fluency, mathematical reasoning and competence in solving increasingly sophisticated problems. Our intention is that children will build a curiosity for maths, a love for the subject and become lifelong learners. To ensure whole school consistency and progression, the school uses the principles underpinned by the NCTEM and deliver a mastery approach using the five big ideas of a mastery curriculum: Fluency, variation, representation and structure, mathematical thinking and coherence. The school organises the maths in to blocks and follow the White Rose maths hub long-term planner. It is expected however, that teachers use their professional judgement as to when consolidation of existing skills is required and appropriate interventions are needed. The focus, should remain on depth of understanding rather than moving up and accelerating through concepts. The school’s ongoing engagement with the DFE funded Maths Hubs programme continues to ensure that staff at all levels understand the pedagogy of the approach. We formally assess at the end of each block using the White Rose end of block assessments. In addition, at the end of each term, we use the WR end of term assessments to assess at a distance. If children are working more than one year behind their year group, individualised and bespoke programmes have been put in to place. All teachers have access to resources from the White Rose Maths Hub, including their premium resources as a starting point. Teachers also use a range of other resources to help with their lesson design including, Testbase, NCTEM and Times Table Rockstars. The school strives to foster in our pupils: creativity, kindness, confidence, determination and self-awareness. By using the four Rs the children develop these attributes, in turn creating children who are fluent in the fundamentals of maths; children who can reason mathematically; and children who are independent problem solvers, but whom have an empathy to recognise the need and achievement in others. These factors ensure that we are able to maintain high standards, with achievement and progress at the end of KS2 above the national average.
- Class: Aves (Birds) - Order: Struthioniformes - Family: Casuaridae - Genus: Casuarius - Species: casuarius (southern or double-wattled cassowary), unappendiculatus (northern or single-wattled cassowary), bennetti (dwarf cassowary) Flightless feathered family. The cassowary is a large, flightless bird most closely related to the emu. Although the emu is taller, the cassowary is the heaviest bird in Australia and the second heaviest in the world after its cousin, the ostrich. It is covered in dense, two-quilled black feathers that, from a distance, look like hair. These feathers are not designed for flight but for protection in the cassowary's rainforest habitat, keeping the bird dry and safe from the sharp thorns found on many rainforest plants. Long, strong bare quills hang from the bird's tiny wings. Cassowaries are generally jet black as adults, but the fabulous skin colors on their face and neck vary according to species and location. Female cassowaries are larger than the males and are even more brightly colored. Wild headgear! All three cassowary species have a casque, also called a helmet, that starts to develop on top of their head at one to two years of age. The casque is made of a sponge-like material and covered with a thick layer of keratin, the same thing our fingernails are made of. Although it is quite sturdy, the casque can be squeezed in the middle fairly easily. No one knows for certain why cassowaries have a casque. It could reveal a bird’s age or dominance, or be used as a sort of helmet or shock absorber that protects the bird's head as it pushes through the rainforest underbrush. The casque could also work much like a hornbill’s casque does in helping the bird make sounds. We know that both the southern and dwarf cassowary can produce very low frequency sounds, called booms, that help them communicate through the dense rainforest, so perhaps the casque helps with that in some way. Females tend to have a larger casque than males. Cassowaries also hiss and whistle to communicate, and clap their bills or rumble when making a threat. The rumble is so low and powerful that wildlife care specialists working with the birds report they can feel it in their bones. Wonderful wattles. Two of the three cassowary species have wattles, or bare, fleshy pouches of skin that hang from the neck: southern or double-wattled cassowaries and northern or single-wattled cassowaries. The wattles are brightly colored blue, red, gold, purple, or white, depending on the species or subspecies. Their purpose? Perhaps to help indicate the bird’s mood or relay other social cues known only to the cassowaries. Crepuscular creatures. Cassowaries are extremely difficult to observe and study, as they are quick to retreat in their thick rainforest home, so little is known about their behavior. They seem to be most active at dawn and dusk (called crepuscular behavior), when they search for food, resting in a spot of sun during the day. What a kick. The cassowary is rightfully considered the most dangerous bird in the world! Each 3-toed foot has a dagger-like claw on the inner toe that is up to 4 inches (10 centimeters) long! The cassowary can slice open any predator or potential threat with a single swift kick. Powerful legs help the cassowary run up to 31 miles per hour (50 kilometers per hour) through the dense forest underbrush. A cassowary can also jump nearly 7 feet (2 meters) straight up into the air and swim like a champ, so the bird is quite good at fending off threats or escaping danger! That long claw also comes in handy when digging for fallen fruit in the leaf litter. Who is who? Of the three cassowaries, the southern or double-wattled cassowary is the largest and probably most well known. It lives in the New Guinea lowland rainforests and is slightly less common in northern Queensland, Australia. Its casque is bladelike and brownish, and the head, neck, and throat are featherless so bright blue skin can be seen. Dutch traders first brought this bird from New Guinea to Europe in 1597. A bit smaller than its southern cousin, the northern or single-wattled cassowary is the most recent to be learned of by scientists (in 1860) and is probably the most threatened of the three types. It is found only along the banks or rivers and coastal swampy lowlands of New Guinea. Its casque is larger and more flared than the southern cassowary’s, and the throat skin and wattle are either red or golden, depending on where the cassowary is found. The smallest and most colorful of the cassowaries, the dwarf cassowary is the only one without wattles. Instead, it has a round, purple spot where the wattles would be and bright pink spots on its cheeks. The dwarf cassowary's casque is black, triangular in shape, and is flattened at the back. The head and face are black, the neck is deep blue, and the shoulders are red or violet. This bird lives in the higher elevations of New Guinea, leaving the lowland rainforests to its larger cousins. It is common in New Guinea. HABITAT AND DIET These fascinating birds range across Northern Australia, New Guinea, and surrounding islands. They live in tropical forests and wetlands. Cassowaries are frugivores that feed on the fruits of several hundred rainforest plants. Because their digestive tract is relatively short, their droppings contain fruit seeds that are only partially digested. Sometimes these seeds are so large that no other wildlife can swallow them! One test showed that seeds from a rare Australian rainforest tree, Ryparosa sp., were much more likely to sprout after passing through a cassowary’s digestive tract than those that simply fell to the ground on their own. In fact, many plants require passage through the cassowary's digestive system to be able to sprout! Leave me alone. Cassowaries are solitary most of the year, living in loosely defined home ranges. If two males meet accidentally, they stretch, fluff up their feathers, and rumble at each other until one decides to leave. But if a male meets a female, she can usually make him run merely by stretching a little and staring quietly! Breeding season coincides with the time of year when fruit is most abundant in the bird's rainforest home: June to October. The solitary female becomes more tolerant of adult males as breeding season approaches. The male struts in a circle around the female and calls to her in a series of low booms. The pair stays together for a few weeks until the female is ready to lay eggs, and they find a nesting site made of a simple scrape in the ground and a few leaves. Once the female lays her three to five eggs, which are green, she moves on, leaving the male to incubate the eggs and look after the hatchlings. Like the female emu, she may find and breed with another male and lay another clutch of eggs. Daddy day care. A male sits on his nest to incubate the eggs for up to 60 days. Once the brown-and-tan striped chicks hatch, he leads them to his regular feeding grounds, protecting them and teaching them the ways of the world. Youngsters stay with their father for up to 16 months, but usually 9 to 10 months, when he chases them off to live on their own so he can get ready to breed again. By this time, they are almost adult size and can certainly take care of themselves! Wealthy European collectors sought cassowaries for display in private menageries in the 16th and 17th centuries. Even today, some Indigenous people use cassowary feathers for ceremonial headdresses. Young birds are often kept and sold for meat when they get large enough or used as dowries. There are now fewer southern cassowaries in Australia than there are giant pandas in China. Although none of the three cassowary types are considered globally threatened, all are suffering from loss of habitat. Much of the Australian rainforest where the southern cassowary is found has now been cleared, and the birds that remain face threats from dogs, feral pigs, hunters, traffic when crossing roads, starvation, and diseases. Hunting and the clearing of forests for farmland affect cassowaries living in New Guinea and its surrounding islands. Nonprofit organizations in Australia are working to plant rainforest trees in an effort to restore habitat and food sources for cassowaries. Many accredited zoos participate in a Species Survival Plan (SSP) for southern cassowaries; its North American Regional Studbook, through which data about genetics is recorded, is held at the San Diego Zoo. In addition, San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance is helping to support a study to place radio collars on juvenile cassowaries that are rescued and reintroduced after being raised in human care to see if tracking is feasible. This would allow conservationists to follow their activities and determine if the reintroduction is successful. By supporting San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance, you are our ally in saving and protecting wildlife worldwide.
Wind over Ireland The wind at a particular location can be influenced by a number of factors such as obstruction by buildings or trees, the nature of the terrain and deflection by nearby mountains or hills. For example, the rather low frequency of southerly winds at Dublin Airport is due to the sheltering effect of the mountains to the south. The prevailing wind direction is between south and west. Average annual wind speeds range from 3m/s in parts of south Leinster to over 8 m/s in the extreme north. On average there are less than 2 days with gales each year at some inland places like Carlow, but more than 50 a year at northern coastal locations such as Malin Head. During the course of a typical day, the range (difference between the highest and lowest) of mean hourly wind speed is considerable. At Belmullet, a western coastal station, the mean diurnal range is 11.5 m/s in January and is still as high as 8.4 m/s in July. At Clones, a typical inland station the mean diurnal range is 8.4 m/s in January and 6.2 m/s in July. The diurnal variation is much more pronounced in summer than in winter. This is a result of surface heating, which increases mixing of the faster-moving air at higher levels with the air near the surface. As the effect of surface heating diminishes, the wind speed decreases and during the night there is little variation from hour to hour. The diurnal variation is greatest on sunny days and least on dull days. The tendency for maximum wind speed to occur in the afternoon is noticeable only in the long-term figures and on individual days the maximum may be at any hour. Wind blows most frequently from the south and west for open sites while winds from the northeast or north occur least often. In January the southerly and south-easterly winds are more prominent than in July, which has a high frequency of westerly winds. Easterly winds occur most often between February and May and are commonly accompanied by dry weather. The influence of topography can be seen in the low frequency of winds from a south easterly direction at Valentia Observatory, and winds from a southerly direction at Dublin Airport. Click station to view data. Wind is the movement of air caused by pressure differences at the earth’s surface, which in turn are caused by the differential heating of the earth’s surface by the sun. Winds play a key role in the global transport of heat and energy. The wind regime at the surface is influenced by local topography. Wind measuring sites need to be open, level and free from obstructions due to buildings and trees etc., for this reason wind speed and direction are measured generally at 10m above ground level. Wind has been measured in Ireland since the late 19th century. Wind speed and direction are measured at synoptic weather stations. Up until the 1990s, wind speed and direction were measured by Dines pressure tube anemometers, these operate on the basis of the pressure caused by the wind blowing into an opening on the wind facing end of a wind vane, since the early 1990s these have been replaced by cup and vane anemometers, with wind speed measured by rotating cups, and direction by a separate wind vane. The wind at a particular location can be influenced by a number of factors such as obstruction by buildings or trees, the nature of the terrain (roughness) and deflection by nearby mountains or hills. Inhomogenieties arise in wind data time series due to changes in instrumentation and changes in station exposure due to new buildings, tree growth etc. in the vicinity of the station. Data used in this section have not been homogenised or corrected for roughness. Wind speed and direction are continuously recorded and tabulated, either manually or automatically depending on the station location and type. Gust speeds are also recorded, as are the times of highest daily gusts and the mean wind speed and direction at the time of the highest gust and the highest 10 minute mean speed in a 24 hour period. Time Series and Trends: Mean annual wind speeds and the number of days per year with gale gusts (a gust of greater than 17.5 m/s or 34kt) are shown below for Valentia and Dublin Airport. Note (2 Jun 2023): Values from 2010 and 2011 are under investigation due to missing data at Valentia Observatory. Every effort is being to retrieve these. Queries to firstname.lastname@example.org and quote reference “SS-Wind04”.
The Future of Disaster Areas Relief Operations Will Change With The Introduction of Compact Fusion Reactors The recent devastating fires and heat waves in southern Europe and the Greek islands are a reminder of how humans are almost powerless in the face of nature’s wrath. When natural disasters hit, especially in remote locations, they hit hard, and the minimal infrastructure that people had, is gone in a blink of an eye. Health services, drinking water, shelter, and heat are the basic securities people need during and after any natural disaster, and electricity is at the heart of all of them. Without power, other life support systems are almost impossible to maintain until the infrastructure has been restored which could take too long. Even during the fires themselves, the lack of power hinders local rescue operations. The Greek islands are surrounded by water that could have easily been pumped to help fight the fires, but no power and no way of getting power to those areas left firefighters with what they had in their trucks. Compact fusion reactors are a niche future within the big fusion power vision. A large fusion reactor can replace traditional power plants, but the infrastructure and grids needed to use them are huge and just like today, do not reach all habitable areas on the planet. The UN Sustainable Development says that even today millions of humans do not have access to electricity, and many more do not have access to clean energy, due to the logistics and costs of expanding the grid. Compact reactors, however, have several implementations that could solve energy problems in speed and with no reliance on grids, topography, or weather. One of these scenarios is, of course, a natural disaster. Traditional power sources, such as fossil fuels and even nuclear fission, are often unavailable or unreliable in disaster areas, as plants are down, and grids are out of service. This is where fusion reactors, and specifically, compact fusion reactors come in. This solution could quickly supply 15 to 20 MWh of power as a quick, air-lifted emergency deployment solution. Literally a lifesaver. nT-tao is working on that solution. An independent, clean, safe, and modular power source that can, on one hand, light up a new modern-designed off-grid neighborhood, and on the other hand, a whole village and its very own water purifier, hospital, or school. The usability of a compact fusion reactor is limitless, as is the power source itself. Compact fusion reactors can operate 24/7, regardless of the weather or other external factors. This means that they can provide a reliable source of power for life support, water purification, and other essential services. They also produce no emissions, or radioactive waste, making them a clean and sustainable source of power. This is especially important in disaster areas. If a fusion reactor is faulty, it simply stops producing power with no meltdowns or other hazards. The future is not only in clean cities, gridless skies, and safe energy, it’s also in getting developing countries and underdeveloped countries to join the human advancement journey.
Sickle cell anaemia Sickle cell disease can cause a wide range of symptoms. These can start from a few months of age, although many children have few or no symptoms if treatment is started early on. Some of the main symptoms are outlined below, although not everyone with the condition will experience all of these. Episodes of pain known as sickle cell crises are one of the most common and distressing symptoms of sickle cell disease. They occur when blood vessels to part of the body become blocked. The pain can be severe and lasts for up to seven days on average. A sickle cell crisis often affects a particular part of the body, such as the: How often someone with sickle cell disease gets episodes of pain varies a lot. Some people may have one every few weeks, while others may have less than one a year. The average is one bad episode a year. It's not always clear what triggers bad pain, but sometimes they can be caused by the weather (such as wind, rain or cold), Dehydration , stress or strenuous exercise. People with sickle celldisease are more vulnerable to infections, particularly when they're young. This is because the condition can mean the body isn't very good at dealing with bacteria and viruses. Infections thatmay occur can range from mild (such as colds ), to much more serious and potentially life-threatening (such as meningitis ). Vaccinations and daily doses of antibiotics can help reduce the risk of many infections. Nearly all people with sickle cell disease have anaemia, where the haemoglobin in the blood is low. Haemoglobin is the substance found in red blood cells that's used to transport oxygen around the body. This doesn't usually cause many symptoms, but sometimes it can get worse if you become infected with the virus that causes slapped cheek syndrome (parvovirus). This can lead to a sudden drop in the number of red blood cells and may cause additional symptoms such as headaches , a rapid heartbeat, dizziness and fainting . It's usually treated with a blood transfusion. In young children, swelling of the spleen can also cause sudden anaemia that requires a blood transfusion. Sickle cell disease can also sometimes cause a wide range of other problems, including: See treatments for sickle cell disease for information about how many of these problems are treated. Find out about sickle cell disease, a serious inherited blood disorder where the red blood cells develop abnormally. Find out about the symptoms, causes and treatments. Read about the possible symptoms of sickle cell disease, including painful episodes (crises), infections and anaemia. Read about what causes sickle cell disease, how it's inherited and how it affects the body. Read about testing for sickle cell disease, including screening during pregnancy, newborn screening and tests to find out if you're a carrier of the sickle cell trait. Read about the main treatments for sickle cell disease, including medications to prevent pain, blood transfusions and stem cell transplants. Read advice about living with sickle cell disease, including how to avoid pain and infections, when to get medical advice and getting pregnant.
HARDNESS OF STEEL ACCORDING TO THE ROCKWELL SCALE (HRC) Part 2 In Part 2, we will continue discussing the Rockwell scale and take a look at different types of hardness levels. Depth of Penetration (HRc – cone and HRb – ball) Indenters measure the depth of penetration by loading a certain force. Two types of objects can be used – a cone (HRc), or a ball (HRb). This is a quick and simple measurement and is suitable for cutlery steel. Vickers Hardness Test (HV) The Vickers Hardness Test can be used for all types of metals . It uses a diamond indenter with a 136° angle and produces an indentation on the surface of the material being tested on. Mohs Scale of Minerals Hardness The Mohs Scale measures the hardness of both minerals and synthetic materials. With this scale, a mineral’s hardness is measured by scratching the mineral against another object of known hardness. The Mohs scale ranges from 1 to 15, with talc having a hardness of 1, and diamond having a hardness of 15. How Is Hardness Measured According to HRC A special device is used to measure hardness according to the HRC method. The device comprises of 3 main parts – a diamond cone, anvil, and measuring dial. First, a sample is placed on the anvil and a minor load is applied. With the measuring dial set to zero, a major load is then applied. The depth of penetration from zero-level is measured from the dial. HRc cones feature 120° angles and is impressed on surfaces by applying a force of 100 N. This is the starting point for all measurements, and additional forces of 1400 N to 1500 N is applied and left to ‘dwell’ until sufficient time is passed for indentation to come to a halt. Once indentation comes to a halt, the load is released and the penetration of the depth of the cone is measured in millimeters at the initial load of 100 N. The HRc hardness scale ranges from 100-500h, where h equals penetration depth in mm. The Properties of Cutting Tools According to HRC Scale 52-54 HRC steel is very soft, but solid and inexpensive knives can be made from it. The sharpness is average, not overly smooth or fine. One benefit of these steels is that they’re able to withstand deformation when under large tensile loads due to its high ductility, as knives with lower HRC values bend rather than break when too much force is applied. The structure of these steels means sharpening with whetstones isn’t an easy task. 52-54 HRC steels are great for outdoor knives. 54-56 HRC steel is hard enough to be used for kitchen knives but they need to be regularly honed with a honing rod to maintain suitable sharpness. The steel is easy to harden, and most French kitchen knives use 54-56 HRC steel. This level of hardness is common on professional German kitchen knives. Is honed regularly with a steel honing rod, these knives will maintain excellent sharpness, and they’re also easy to sharpen. Quality pocketknives feature 58-60 HRC steel. These knives maintain sharpness for longer periods of time, and they’re easy to sharpen. Brands such as Spyderco, Cold Steel, Buck, and Global are known to use this type of steel. High-quality Japanese knives employ steels with hardness levels of 60-64 HRC. These knives remain sharp for long periods of time; however, they require careful maintenance and they must be used on suitable surfaces in order to prevent breakage or damage to the blade. These knives are brittle and thin, so they’re suitable for only very specific cutting tasks. These knives are easy to sharpen. Powdered steels such as ZDP-189, HAP-40, R2, and Super X fall into this category. Technological advancements in recent years resulted in new types of steels being created that reached hardness levels as high as 64-68 HRC. They’re harder to re-sharpen, however kitchen knives in this category represent the pinnacle of kitchen tools.