Ancient Ostia: history and urban development Its proximity to the mouth of the Tiber and the coastal salt pans were the main factors leading to the birth and development of Ostia (from the Latin ostium, “river mouth”), first with a strategic military function and later playing a predominantly commercial role. The literary tradition ascribes the foundation of the city to the fourth king of Rome, Ancus Marcius (ca. 640-616 BC), but the earliest remains belong to the fortified settlement (castrum) of the 4th century BC Roman colony. The settlement gradually expanded outside the walls of the castrum and this entailed the need to build a new, larger wall circuit in the 1st century BC. The city was arranged around the pre-existing streets of the Cardo and Decumanus, and the Forum was built where they crossed. The construction and later enlargement of the maritime port at Portus, between the periods of Claudius (AD 42) and Trajan (ca. AD 110), boosted Ostia’s role as Rome’s commercial harbour. The resulting economic and demographic development led to an extraordinary residential and monumental construction boom that completely renewed the city’s appearance in accordance with specific urban planning policy between the late 1st and early 3rd century AD. From the mid-3rd century AD onwards, in part as the result of a more generalized crisis in the Empire, Ostia began to decline, leading to the slow and gradual abandonment of large areas of the city, even in the centre; here, however, some luxurious domus (houses) were installed over earlier residential complexes. The coastal zone, gravitating around the Via Severiana next to the sea, retained its vitality for longer. In around the mid-6th century, Ostia must have been in a general state of abandonment; the population moved immediately inland, around the church of St Aurea, where the new fortified settlement of Gregoriopoli sprang up in the 9th century.
About smart shopping Smart shopping is a key part of money management for children. You can help your child learn this skill by: - talking with your child about your consumer values and shopping choices - being a smart shopping role model when you’re planning your purchases - being a smart shopping role model when you’re at the shops or shopping online - encouraging children to help with shopping activities and decisions. Playing shops gives children a chance to experiment with prices, choices, money and change. This helps when they start making shopping decisions and using real money. So if you see your child setting up a ‘shop’, why not check out what’s for sale? You could take turns being the shopkeeper so your child gets to practise buying as well as selling. Talking about consumer values and shopping choices As part of your daily life with your child, you can talk about your beliefs and values and how these influence your shopping choices. You could tell your child why you’re prepared to pay more for something that’s important to you – for example, free-range eggs or softer toilet paper. Or why you prefer to buy the cheapest product – for example, so there’s more money left over for other things the family needs. When you’re talking with your child, you could also talk about how your family budget influences your choices. This can help your child learn why budgeting is useful and understand why we can’t always have everything we want. Planning purchases: role-modelling tips Planning your purchases can help you resist marketing and advertising pressure, both for everyday shopping and expensive purchases. These tips can help you be a planning role model for your child: - Do some research before you shop. Check out products online or in catalogues to show your child that you need information before you buy something. - Shop around with your child. Whether you’re looking in catalogues, shopping online or shopping at a shopping centre, this can teach your child to compare prices and value. - Talk with your child about how advertising can influence shopping decisions. - Make a list of what you’re going to buy before you go shopping. Talk with your child about how sticking to a list helps you avoid impulse buys. This can also help you stick to a spending limit. At the shops: role-modelling tips When you’re at the shops, you can show your child how to keep price, value and budget in mind. These tips can help: - If you have a list or a spending limit, stick to them. If your child can read, you could give them the list and they can help you stick to it. And if your child can add up, they could help you keep to your spending limit. - Talk with your child about what you’re buying and why. For example, ‘I’m choosing this brand of crackers because we get 2 packets for the same price as one packet in the other brand’. - Ask salespeople for information about products before buying them. You can also ask to see how the product works or check what’s inside the box. You could ask your child whether there’s anything they want to know about the product. And explain that you need information to make good decisions. - Don’t be afraid to say no. This helps your child learn about not giving into pressure from salespeople or special offers. - Keep the receipt. Let your child know that it’s OK to take something back if it’s faulty or parts are missing – but you need the receipt to do this. - For bigger purchases like electronics or furniture, you might be able to negotiate a good price. Often all you have to do is ask. It’s a good skill for children and grown-ups to have. An everyday activity like shopping can be a great way to help your child learn. Looking at signs and labels and talking about prices can help your child build literacy skills and numeracy skills. And understanding food choices can help your child learn about healthy eating. Encouraging children to help with shopping One of the best ways to help children learn smart shopping skills is to encourage them to help you with shopping activities. For example, your child could: - help you write the shopping list or remember something you’ve run out of - look for ‘special’ signs on items that are on your shopping list – their bright colours often make them easy for your child to spot even if they can’t read well - choose the best fruit and vegetables and look at Use by dates on fresh products - pay for items in cash and check the change if they’re old enough. As your child gets older, you can encourage them to get involved in shopping decisions too. For example, your child could: - help you decide whether to buy an item - help you decide which brand to buy - talk with you about how much they think a product should cost and why - review shopping decisions with you – for example, whether a product has been good value for money. Your child is likely to learn most from shopping activities when they’re active and interested. And if you can plan to shop when children aren’t tired, hungry or overexcited and the shops aren’t too busy, it’s likely to be a better experience for both of you.
The Low Range Radio Altimeter (LRRA) is an important component of the Boeing 737 aircraft. It is a radio altimeter system that provides crucial information about the aircraft’s height above the ground during various stages of flight. This system is vital for safe landings and takeoffs, especially in low visibility conditions such as fog or bad weather. The LRRA measures the vertical distance between the aircraft and the ground directly beneath it. It uses radio waves to accurately determine this distance, providing pilots with real-time altitude information. By knowing the precise height above the ground, pilots can make better decisions during critical phases of flight, ensuring safe operations. How Does the Low Range Radio Altimeter Work? The LRRA operates on a frequency of 4.3 GHz, which falls within the microwave frequency range. It consists of an antenna mounted on the aircraft’s belly, a transmitter, and a receiver. The antenna emits radio waves towards the ground, and upon reflection, the receiver picks up these signals. The time it takes for the radio waves to travel to the ground and back up to the aircraft is then measured. Based on the measurement of the time taken by the radio waves, the LRRA calculates the distance between the aircraft and the ground below. This information is then displayed to the pilots on a dedicated instrument called the radio altimeter indicator. The indicator provides both visual and auditory cues, enabling pilots to maintain a safe altitude throughout the flight. Importance of Low Range Radio Altimeter The Low Range Radio Altimeter plays a critical role in various flight phases, ensuring the safety and efficiency of Boeing 737 operations. Here are some key reasons why the LRRA is so vital: 1. Precise Altitude Awareness: The LRRA provides pilots with accurate and reliable altitude information, especially during critical phases such as takeoff and landing. This allows them to make well-informed decisions regarding descent rates, approach angles, and landing flare techniques. 2. Terrain Awareness: By constantly monitoring the height above ground, the LRRA helps pilots maintain situational awareness and avoid potential conflicts with terrain or obstacles. This is particularly crucial during approaches to airports where terrain and obstacles may be present. 3. Enhanced Safety in Low Visibility Conditions: In poor visibility conditions, such as fog or heavy rain, the LRRA becomes even more important. It enables pilots to accurately judge their distance from the ground and make adjustments accordingly, ensuring a safe landing or takeoff. 4. Enhanced Autopilot Functionality: The LRRA also plays a key role in the autopilot system of the Boeing 737. It provides essential altitude information to the autopilot, allowing it to maintain a precise altitude during different phases of flight, including climb, cruise, descent, and approach. The Low Range Radio Altimeter is a crucial component of the Boeing 737 aircraft, providing pilots with accurate and real-time altitude information during critical flight phases. By using radio waves to measure the vertical distance between the aircraft and the ground, the LRRA enhances safety, situational awareness, and operational efficiency. Pilots rely on this system to make informed decisions and ensure the smooth and secure operation of the aircraft.
A spacecraft orbiting the sun made its first close approach – and captured the encounter in great detail. The European Space Agency’s (ESA) Solar Orbiter entered the close encounter, known as perihelion, on March 26, coming at a distance of about 48 million kilometers (30 million miles), within orbit Mercury. At this proximity, temperatures reached around 500 °C (930 °F). In the future, perihelion is expected to get closer and hotter. As it swirled around its orbit, the spacecraft saw the sun like we’ve never seen it before — including a fascinating and mysterious feature known as the “hedgehog,” and detailed views of usually hidden solar poles. These new observations, taken with the Solar Orbiter’s ten scientific instruments working together for the first time, should provide a wealth of data to elicit the Sun’s behavior, including land magnetic fields, and the sometimes chaotic weather exploding in interplanetary space. We’ve already seen a stunning high-resolution image of the spacecraft as it gets closer. The European Space Agency (ESA) has now released a video of the encounter, in order to see a solar probe of our gorgeous star. The Solar Orbiter is set to make a huge difference in solar energy science, not least because it can show us parts of the sun that we wouldn’t normally see. For example, because of the advantage point of the Earth in orbit around the equator of the Sun, it is very difficult to study its poles; Only spacecraft orbiting and under the sun can see these areas. Polar regions are thought to be very important regions for solar magnetic fields that play a large role in solar activity. However, because the poles are difficult to see, we don’t know what happens to the magnetic fields there. With its suite of instruments, the Solar Orbiter offers unprecedented insight into these mysterious regions. Her view of the solar south pole on March 30 revealed a boiling region with twisted magnetic field lines projecting away from the sun. The solar “hedgehog” is another charm. Also taken on March 30th, solar physicists have yet to discover what exactly it is and how it formed. It consists of a relatively small area about 25,000 km wide, which has been imaged with extreme ultraviolet radiation to detect activity in it. And what’s the activity: Hot and less hot surges of solar gas protrude in all directions in the solar corona, or atmosphere, like the head of the solar bed. “The pictures are really amazing” Heliophysicist David Bergmans says: Royal Observatory of Belgium. “Even if the Solar Obiter stops taking data tomorrow, I’ll be busy for years trying to figure out all this stuff.” The Solar Orbiter’s main goal is to help scientists understand the Sun’s influence on the entire heliosphere, or the field of solar influence defined by the solar wind, the limits of which lie outside of Pluto’s orbit. The solar wind blows particles and magnetic fields into interplanetary space, intertwining planets with tangible influences. The closer the solar probe is to the sun, the better it can sample how the solar wind is blowing. As it neared perihelion, on March 21, it detected a flux of energetic particles, and even from such a distance, the discovery was revealing. The most active particles arrived first, followed by the least energetic particles. This indicates that the particles were not produced near the Solar Orbiter’s location, but rather near the surface of the Sun. Other instruments have captured solar events that could have produced the particles, accelerating them into space, including solar flares and coronal mass ejections, not unlike the CME observed by the spacecraft on March 10, shown below. The sun is currently fully active, which means the spacecraft will be transporting home absolute bucketloads of valuable data about solar activity. It has at least 14 additional perihelion points due before 2030, when it will swoop down nearly 40 million kilometers from the sun, using Venus flybys to increase its speed as it spins. This first perihelion, rich in new data and observations, is a tantalizing taste of the coming solar fortune. “We are very pleased with the quality of the data from the first perihelion,” Heliophysicist Daniel Muller says:ESA Solar Vehicle Project Scientist. “It’s almost hard to believe that this is just the beginning of the mission. We will be very busy already.” “Infuriatingly humble alcohol fanatic. Unapologetic beer practitioner. Analyst.”
Overview of Obesity Facts about obesity Overweight and obesity together make up one of the leading preventable causes of death in the U.S. Obesity is a chronic disease that can seriously affect your health. Overweight means that you have extra body weight. Obesity means having a high amount of extra body fat. Being overweight or obese raises your risk for health problems. These include: Coronary heart disease Type 2 diabetes High blood pressure Some types of cancer. Public health experts agree that overweight and obesity have reached epidemic proportions in this country and around the world. More than one-third of U.S. adults are obese. People ages 60 and older are more likely to be obese than younger adults, according to the most recent data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. And the problem also affects children. Approximately 20% of U.S. children and teens ages 2 to 19 are obese. Overweight and obesity are different points on a scale that ranges from being underweight to being morbidly obese. Where you fit on this scale is determined by your body mass index (BMI). BMI is a measure of your weight as it relates to your height. BMI often gives you a good idea of the amount of body fat you have. Your healthcare providers use BMI to find out your risk for obesity-related diseases. Sometimes some very muscular people may have a BMI in the overweight range. But these people are not considered overweight because muscle tissue weighs more than fat tissue. In general, a BMI from 20 to 24.9 in adults is considered ideal. A BMI between 25 and 29.9 is considered overweight. A person is considered obese if the BMI is 30 or higher. In general, after the age of 50, the weight of a person assigned male at birth weight tends to stay the same and often decreases slightly between ages 60 and 74. In contrast, the weight of a person assigned female at birth tends to increase until age 60, and then begins to decrease. Obesity can also be measured by waist-to-hip ratio. This is a measurement tool that looks at the amount of fat on your waist, compared with the amount of fat on your hips and buttocks. The waist circumference tells the amount of stomach fat. Increased stomach fat is linked to type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and heart disease. A waist circumference of more than 40 inches in people assigned male at birth and more than 35 inches in people assigned female at birth may increase the risk for heart disease and other diseases tied to being overweight. Talk with your healthcare provider if you have questions about healthy body weight. What causes obesity? In many ways, obesity is a puzzling disease. Experts don't know exactly how your body regulates your weight and body fat. What they do know is that a person who eats more calories than they use for energy each day will gain weight. But the risk factors that determine obesity can be complex. They are often a combination of your genes, socioeconomic factors, metabolism, and lifestyle choices. Some endocrine disorders, diseases, and medicines may also affect a person's weight. Factors that may affect obesity include the following. Studies show that the likelihood of becoming obese is passed down through a family's genes. Researchers have found several genes that seem to be linked with obesity. Genes, for instance, may affect where you store extra fat in your body. But most researchers think that it takes more than just 1 gene to cause an obesity epidemic. They are continuing to do more research to better understand how genes and lifestyle interact to cause obesity. Because families eat meals together and share other activities, environment and lifestyle also play a role. How your body uses energy is different from how another person's uses it. Metabolism and hormones differ from person to person. And these factors play a role in how much weight you gain. One example is ghrelin, the hunger hormone that regulates appetite. Researchers have found that ghrelin may help set off hunger. Another hormone called leptin can decrease appetite. Another example is polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), a condition caused by high levels of certain hormones. A person with PCOS is more likely to be obese. How much money you make may affect whether you are obese. This is especially true for people assigned female at birth. Those who are poor and of lower social status are more likely to be obese than those of higher socioeconomic status. This is especially true among minority groups. Overeating and a lack of exercise both contribute to obesity. But you can change these lifestyle choices. If many of your calories come from refined foods or foods high in sugar or fat, you will likely gain weight. If you don't get much if any exercise, you'll find it hard to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. Medicines like corticosteroids, beta-blockers, some antidepressants, and antiseizure medicines can cause you to gain some extra weight. Emotional eating–eating when you're bored or upset–can lead to weight gain. Too little sleep may also contribute to weight gain. People who sleep fewer than 5 hours a night are more likely to become obese than people who get 7 to 8 hours of sleep a night. Health effects of obesity Obesity has a far-ranging negative effect on health. Each year in the U.S., obesity-related conditions cost more than $150 billion and cause premature deaths. The health effects linked with obesity include: High blood pressure Excess weight needs more blood to circulate to the fat tissue and causes the blood vessels to become narrow (coronary artery disease). This makes the heart work harder because it must pump more blood against more resistance from the blood vessels and can lead to a heart attack (myocardial infarction). More circulating blood and more resistance also means more pressure on the artery walls. Higher pressure on the artery walls increases the blood pressure. Excess weight also raises blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels and lowers HDL (good) cholesterol levels, adding to the risk of heart disease. Type 2 diabetes Obesity is the major cause of type 2 diabetes. Obesity can make your body resistant to insulin, the hormone that regulates blood sugar. When obesity causes insulin resistance, your blood sugar level rises. Even moderate obesity dramatically increases the risk for diabetes. Atherosclerosis, or hardening of the arteries, happens more often in obese people. Coronary artery disease is also more common in obese people because fatty deposits build up in arteries that supply the heart. Narrowed arteries and reduced blood flow to the heart can cause chest pain called angina or a heart attack. Blood clots can also form in narrowed arteries and travel to the brain, causing a stroke. Joint problems, including osteoarthritis Obesity can affect the knees and hips because extra weight stresses the joints. Joint replacement surgery may not be a good choice for an obese person. That's because the artificial joint has a higher risk of loosening and causing more damage. Sleep apnea and respiratory problems are also related to obesity Sleep apnea causes people to stop breathing for brief periods during sleep. Sleep apnea interrupts sleep. It causes sleepiness during the day. It also causes heavy snoring. Sleep apnea is also linked to high blood pressure, increased risk for heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and can even cause an early death. Breathing problems tied to obesity happen when added weight of the chest wall squeezes the lungs. This restricts breathing. Being overweight or obese increases your risk for a variety of cancers, according to the American Cancer Society. Among obese people assigned female at birth, the risk increases for cancer of the endometrium or the lining of the uterus. Obese people assigned female at birth also increase their risk for breast cancers in those who have gone through menopause. People assigned male at birth who are overweight have a higher risk for prostate cancer. People who are obese are at increased risk for colorectal cancer. The National Cholesterol Education Program says that metabolic syndrome is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Metabolic syndrome has several major risk factors. These are stomach obesity, high blood triglyceride levels, low HDL cholesterol levels, high blood pressure, and insulin resistance (severe type 2 diabetes). Having at least 3 of these risk factors confirms the diagnosis of metabolic syndrome. People who are overweight or obese can have problems socially or psychologically. This is because the culture in the U.S. often values a body image that's overly thin. Overweight and obese people are often blamed for their condition. Other people may think of them as lazy or weak-willed. It's not uncommon for people who are overweight or obese to earn less than other people. Or to have fewer or no romantic relationships. Some people's disapproval and bias against those who are overweight may lead to discrimination and even bullying. Depression and anxiety are more common in people who are overweight and obese.
Reformation Day is held on October 31st each year. Traditionally celebrated on the same day as Reformation Day is a Protestant holiday to commemorate the Reformation Movement initiated by Martin Luther in the 16th century. In many German states, this is a public holiday, so many departments of the government and court system are often closed. Among English-speaking Lutheran Christians, this holiday is celebrated on different days according to whether they observe Lutheran etiquette. History of Reformation Day When a creepy holiday is celebrated elsewhere in the world, the vast majority of Christian communities celebrate Reformation Day. Martin Luther’s study of the Bible enabled him to embark on a path that he believed to be religious truth and salvation. He disagrees with the church’s teaching of the Bible and believes that the priest is the intermediary between the Bible and the laity. He also strongly opposed that helped to rebuild the church. Many people opposed the church’s movement, but Martin Luther exposed it and sought reform within the church. His argument gives people reason to question the church; this is a period of great changes in religion and society. Luther advocated reform, but his arguments were distorted by the emerging leaders of the movement for political, social, and economic reasons. This led to the split of the Catholic Church and the emergence of the Protestant Reformation under the Protestant Church. Many communities around the world recognize Reformation Day, especially Protestants. This is a statutory holiday in most German states and is intended to celebrate the major religious reforms brought about by the “95 Thesis”. Reformation Day insists that truth and the Bible are the only sources of religious authority. Celebration of Reformation Day This anniversary is celebrated in many different ways throughout Europe and North America. Some people observe this day from a religious perspective and use it to participate in special church services. Others treat it as any other public holiday and spend time shopping or sightseeing. On this day, the surrounding areas of Germany often see a large influx of tourists. This is especially true in Austria, Poland, and Switzerland. One way to observe this holiday is to learn more about Martin Luther. Although we introduced the basic history of the timeline that led to the establishment of Reformation Day, we have left out a very important part of this man’s life work. This is why we recommend that anyone who wants to learn more about this holiday should read not only Martin Luther’s biography but also 95 essays. People should also read some of the basic teachings of the Reformation, including the 5 Points of Calvinism, the doctrine of inerrancy and adequacy of the Bible, Tulip and Reformed Theology, and the Five Solas of the Reformation. Finally, a reliable way to celebrate any holiday (including this one) is to hold a feast—in this case, a Reformation feast. Banquets are a great way for people to get together to discuss the history of the Reformation, or just to nourish their bodies and enjoy each other’s company. Interesting Facts about Reformation Day - Luther is not necessarily the initiator of the revolution. - Luther is neither Protestant nor Lutheran - The Reformation includes the rediscovery of the work of the Holy Spirit. - Luther’s hymn “The Mighty Fortress” speaks of the Reformation. - Reformation Day is a public holiday in Chile - Ladies played an important role in the reform - There have been many reforms in history - The printing press played an important role - The revolution increased the literacy rate - Martin Luther may not have nailed his 95 theses to Wittenberg’s door.
Quantum teleportation is the process of transferring quantum information from one location to another through the use of entangled particles. This innovative technology is often referred to as the “quantum internet” and has the potential to revolutionize the way we communicate. The concept of teleportation may seem like science fiction, but quantum teleportation has already been successfully demonstrated in laboratory settings. By leveraging the properties of entangled particles, scientists can transmit information instantly between two locations. While the technology has its limitations, researchers believe that it may one day be possible to teleport objects, including humans. However, this idea is still firmly in the realm of science fiction. What is entanglement? Entanglement is a quantum mechanical phenomenon where the quantum state of two particles becomes linked. This means that the state of one particle can affect the state of the other, no matter how far apart they are. Can we teleport humans using quantum teleportation? While it is theoretically possible to teleport humans using quantum teleportation, the technology is not yet advanced enough to make this a reality. At present, scientists have successfully teleported molecules and other small objects, but much more research is needed before human teleportation becomes feasible. What are the potential applications of quantum teleportation? Quantum teleportation has the potential to revolutionize many fields, such as cryptography, telecommunications, and computing. By creating a secure quantum internet, it may be possible to transmit information with unparalleled speed and security. Quantum teleportation is an exciting field of research that has the potential to transform the way we communicate and share information. While the technology is still in its infancy, researchers are making significant progress towards creating a secure, quantum internet.
• The journey towards gender equality has been slow and challenging, with independent women struggling in various aspects of their lives. • These struggles include balancing career and family life, unequal pay and opportunities, stereotypes and gender expectations, and discrimination due to intersectionality. • Communities can take action by creating online platforms, encouraging female entrepreneurship, supporting networking opportunities, and raising advocacy and awareness. • Through meaningful action, communities can play a big role in promoting gender equality and helping independent women reach their full potential. The journey towards gender equality has been a slow and challenging process, with society witnessing the rise of trailblazing women in various domains, from politics to the workforce, education, and beyond. Despite the significant progress made over the years, independent women in U.S. communities still struggle in various aspects of their lives. Common Struggles of Women in Their Communities Women tend to experience a higher poverty level, with more women living below the poverty line than men. There are various reasons for this. Here are some of them: Balancing Career and Family Life One of the most significant challenges independent women face is finding a healthy balance between their careers and family lives. This struggle originates from traditional expectations that women should prioritize their families over their careers, regardless of their ambitions or the financial necessity to work. This expectation can cause stress and guilt for women who find satisfaction and success in their careers, leading them to question their priorities and experience anxiety about the potential consequences of ‘having it all.’ Unequal Pay and Opportunities Sadly, the gender pay gap is not a myth but an ongoing issue for independent women in the U.S. On average, women earn 82 cents for every dollar men earn, and this discrepancy only widens for women of color. The unequal pay contributes to the financial struggles of independent women and reinforces societal norms that perceive men as primary breadwinners. Additionally, women often confront occupational segregation and limited promotion opportunities, further hindering their career growth and negatively impacting their self-worth. Stereotyping and Gender Expectations Independent women frequently face the challenge of overcoming stereotypes and gender expectations. Society often expects women to adhere to traditional gender roles, such as being meek, submissive, and emotionally driven. Independent, assertive, and ambitious women may be unfairly labeled as aggressive or “bossy.” These negative perceptions can hinder a woman’s progress personally and professionally as they strive to prove their worth in a constantly doubting environment. Intersectionality and Discrimination For women who identify with various marginalized groups, such as women of color, LGBTQ+ individuals, or women with disabilities, the struggles intensify due to intersectionality. This creates a unique set of challenges that compound the experiences of being a woman in a male-dominated society. These independent women can face multiple levels of discrimination, making it even more difficult to navigate their lives and excel in their careers. Access to Support Systems Often, independent women have limited access to support systems that could help them cope with the identified struggles. Such support systems may include mentorship opportunities, networking groups, or career counseling services. Additionally, the disproportionate burden of caregiving on women limits their time and availability to seek out and participate in supportive programs. This lack of resources exacerbates their challenges, impeding their growth and success. How Your Community Can Deal With These Problems Your community can take meaningful steps toward addressing the struggles of independent women and promoting gender equality. Here are some practical actions that you can take: Offer an Online Platform Women in every community should have access to resources that can help them advance professionally, such as online job postings, career guidance, and networking events. Setting up an online platform for independent women can be very useful. You can utilize a robust community app creation for this. This should include tools and features to help women find employers, apply for jobs, participate in online mentorship programs, and more. Encourage Female Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship is a great way for independent women to build businesses and achieve financial independence. Cities should promote female entrepreneurship by launching startup incubators, offering grants and resources to female entrepreneurs, and providing mentorship opportunities. Support Networking Opportunities Networking is an essential tool for career success. Unfortunately, many women are unaware of the importance of networking or lack the necessary resources to connect with influential professionals. Your community can support independent women by setting up monthly networking events, seminars, and workshops on career development. Advocacy and Awareness The lack of awareness regarding the unique struggles of independent women also contributes to gender-based disparities. You can organize initiatives that create public dialogue around issues such as gender pay gaps, occupational segregation, and other challenges faced by women in your community. Additionally, you can promote advocacy efforts where independent women can join forces and demand greater gender equality. The journey toward gender equality is challenging, but it’s also an opportunity to build a more equitable world that gives independent women a chance to thrive. Through meaningful action, your community can play a significant role in promoting gender equality and helping independent women reach their full potential.
Most of North America was (and is) just not very good for people to live in. That’s why not that many people lived in North America before 1500 AD. In the north, it’s too cold to support very many people. The winters are too long to grow crops, and there isn’t enough plant life growing wild to support people unless there is a lot of land for each person. In the south-west, there are huge deserts, and even most of the way up the Pacific coast (in what is now California) it is generally too dry for farming. You can only farm that land by using irrigation, and that’s what the early Pueblo people did. In the middle of the continent, the Great Plains are grassland good for herds of animals like bison, but mostly still too dry for farming without irrigation. Not very many Native people lived there. In the Rocky Mountains, also, the soil was no good for farming, and people like the Ute lived by hunting and gathering. Along the Mississippi Valley and the Atlantic coast, there was good farmland, and there people like the Mississippians, Iroquois, Sioux, and Cherokee farmed sunflowers, corn, and beans. A lot more people lived there. In the Pacific Northwest, the salmon runs could feed lots of people even without farming, and Chinook and other people lived there in towns. But you shouldn’t think from this that the environment was always the same, never changing. In fact it did change a good deal between the last Ice Age (about 12000 BC) and 1500 AD. That was partly because of natural factors and partly because of things people did. During the Ice Age, when people crossed over the land bridge from East Asia, North America was partly covered with glaciers. All of the northern part of North America lay under thick sheets of ice, all year round. The ice reached all the way south of the Great Lakes, and covered most of New York State. The Rocky Mountains had glaciers on them too. In the part of the land that wasn’t covered by glaciers, there were a lot of very big animals like mammoths and a huge kind of bison, as well as early horses and camels. Historians call this the Paleo-Indian period. With the end of the Ice Age, about 10,000 BC, the glaciers melted and shrank. After a while the glaciers only covered the most northern part of North America (and a little of the Rocky Mountains and other mountains). The climate became warmer all over North America. There was less grass for the big animals to eat. Most of them became extinct, including the mammoths, the big bison, and all of the horses and camels. On the other hand, new animals like the cattle that became the American bison, and the dogs that came with people (and the people themselves), moved in from East Asia. The new people and American bison also helped kill off the horses and camels. People who had moved to North America to hunt the mammoths needed to find new ways of getting food in this Archaic period. They learned to hunt bison, and eventually they learned to farm corn and beans. But they also destroyed some forests by burning the wood for their fires. Some scientists think that the reason the Southwest (southern California, Arizona, and New Mexico) is so desert-like is that the people living there changed the landscape by cutting down all the forests for fuel. In other places, people learned to manage the landscape so it would produce enough food for them and be convenient to move around in. The Chinook, for instance, set huge fires on purpose to burn out the undergrowth in the forests, and to allow new grass to grow on the prairie. They hunted the buffalo, and the passenger pigeon, to control the size of the herds and flocks. So the environment of North America, by 1000 AD, was a very carefully managed, human-controlled situation. About 1000 AD, though, a global warming period all over the Earth began to warm up North America too (though not as much as global warming is warming the earth right now). A lot of people in North America moved further north, following the familiar climate that they knew how to live in. The Sioux moved north from South Carolina up to Ohio, and the Iroquois moved north from Maryland to New York. Their move may have pushed the Iroquois’s northern neighbors, the Algonquin, further north and west. At the same time, the Vikings took advantage of ice-free oceans to sail from Europe to northern Canada in search of walrus ivory. As a result, Inuit people migrated to eastern Canada to trade with them. By 1300 or 1400 AD, the pattern had reversed and the world was getting cooler. People began to move south instead of north. The Vikings left Canada (maybe just because they found better sources of ivory in Africa). The Pueblo and Navajo and Apache people moved south into modern Arizona and New Mexico. The Inuit moved south into southern Greenland and Newfoundland.
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Environmental protection and sustainability are major issues nowadays. But it’s not just adults who think about climate protection, waste avoidance, biodiversity, or renewable energies. The younger generation also deals with questions relating to the environment. Environmental protection for children is therefore important and is also frequently taken up in kindergartens and schools. In this way, even the little ones gain an awareness of how they deal with living spaces and resources. Explain environmental protection to children in an age-appropriate manner If you want to explain environmental protection to children, you should pick up the little ones where they are. Examples from the experiences of the children are helpful to illustrate sustainability. For example, you and your kids can think about which types of fruit grow in your region maybe even in your own garden. Informing about environmental protection together Explaining environmental protection in a way that children can understand is sometimes not that easy. Because even adults do not always have all the facts on the subject at hand. But that’s not bad at all. Because it can even be a lot of fun to get information together with the little ones. Whether you look up terms together or find out more about everyday tips and child-friendly environmental projects – every step towards greater environmental awareness helps. Even when looking for car parts online such as, it is good to think about environmentally friendly products. Set an example of environmental awareness The best way for the little ones to learn environmentally friendly behavior is to use role models. You can be a good example to your kids and pay attention to sustainability in your everyday life. There are opportunities to practice environmental friendliness in every household. Environmental protection for children: small projects Child-friendly environmental projects are great for making environmental protection tangible for children. Suitable projects are now being implemented in many kindergartens and schools. For example, some classes collect rubbish in forests or green spaces and thus help to counteract environmental pollution. Such actions encourage an appreciative view of the planet. Excursions into nature are also a good basis for discussing environmental protection for children. In the forest or in a nature reserve, you can bring the little ones into contact with nature. This can help to sensitize them to their environment and to promote a positive attitude towards nature.
From serving our nation as Senators and Congressmen, to making crucial advances in the fields of astronautics and medicine, to enriching American culture with vivacious music and spicy dishes, Hispanics have founded lasting legacies in the United States. With over 55 million U.S. American citizens with Latino or Hispanic heritage and over 50 million Spanish speakers, our country benefits from a vibrant cultural diversity. To commemorate the myriad achievements and contributions of Latin American culture, President Johnson initiated Hispanic Heritage Week in September, 1968. In 1988, President Reagan extended the Week to National Hispanic Heritage Month, which includes the Independence Days of Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras Nicaragua, Mexico and Chile. The goal is to celebrate U.S. American citizens whose ancestors came from Spain, Mexico, the Caribbean, Central and South America. Join us this September 15 – October 15, and celebrate with these six ideas! 1) Understand the Difference Between Latino and Hispanic:While many use the terms “latino” and “hispanic” interchangeably, there are important differences between the two words. According to an article by Diffen, “Hispanic” refers to those with origins in Mexico and the majority of Central and South American countries, and serves as the more inclusive term. “Latino” refers more specifically to U.S. citizens of Latin American nationality, and is most widely used west of the Mississippi River. 2) Know Hispanic Heroes in U.S. History: Through the ages, Hispanics and Latinos have made great contributions to world history and to our national heritage. Most U.S. Americans know the name Cesar Chavez, but did you know that he was a pioneering civil rights activist who devoted his life to fair working conditions for laborers? His courage and humanity are echoed by countless other historical Hispanic figures, whose stories you can read here. 3) Read Literature from Notable Hispanic Authors: From Sandra Cisneros’ poignant vignettes in The House on Mango Street, to Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient Isabel Allende’s luminous novels, there is a trove of unforgettable literature authored by Hispanic writers. Put Victor Villasenor’sRain of Gold or Pam Munoz Ryan’s Esperanza Rising on your booklist. Find an author that captures your interest here, and if you’re in Austin, check out a book at the Laura Bush Library in the Westbank Library district. 4) Attend an Hispanic-American Art Show: Many U.S. cities host several Hispanic art museums with exhibits by modern and contemporary artists from across Latin America, and local area artists. These cultural epicenters illustrate vibrant Hispanic cultures and communicate the Hispanic community’s dynamic story of diligence, tenacity, and passion. In Austin, Texas, spend an afternoon at the Emma S. Barrientos Mexican American Cultural Center pondering the paintings in Roberto Munguia’s “Ceromantia” exhibit, or learn about Icons and Symbols of the Borderland at the Mexic-Arte Museum. 5) Volunteer at a Local ESL Program: With the high demand for ESL tutors in the U.S., consider volunteering in your community. In Austin, Texas, programs like Casa Marianella and El Buen Samaritano offer free courses for people wanting to learn English as a Second Language. If you have a service passion and are willing to make a weekly commitment to lifelong education, please volunteer. 6) Enjoy a Panaderia: One of the best perks of living in Austin, Texas is the authentic Mexican food available citywide. Treat yourself to a concha or a chilandrina, two popular Mexican baked breads, available at panaderias like Mi Tradicion on William McCannon St., or La Mexicana Bakery on South 1st St. However you celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month, learn more about the significant contributions Hispanics make to our society, and enjoy the vivacious culture that enriches our country’s heritage. Sharon Schweitzer and Amanda Alden co-wrote this article. Sharon Schweitzer, J.D., is a cross-cultural consultant, an international protocol expert and the founder of Protocol & Etiquette Worldwide. She is accredited in intercultural management, is the resident etiquette expert for CBS Austin’s We Are Austin, regularly quoted by BBC Capital, Investor’s Business Daily, Fortune, The New York Times, and numerous other media. She is the best-selling, international award-winning author of Access to Asia: Your Multicultural Business Guide, named to Kirkus Review’s Best Books of 2015 and recipient of the British Airways International Trade, Investment & Expansion Award at the 2016 Greater Austin Business Awards. Amanda Alden is a cross-cultural communications intern with Protocol & Etiquette Worldwide. She is currently a senior at St. Edward’s University, majoring in Global Studies with concentrations in Europe and International Business, and minoring in French. Feel free to connect with Amanda athttps://www.linkedin.com/in/amandamalden. Photo Credit: Flickr, Texas Military Dept.
In a sense electronic loads are the antithesis of power supplies, i.e. they sink or absorb power while power supplies source power. In another sense they are very similar in the way they regulate constant voltage (CV) or constant current (CC). When used to load a DUT, which inevitably is some form of power source, conventional practice is to use CC loading for devices that are by nature voltage sources and conversely use CV loading for devices that are by nature current sources. However most all electronic loads also feature constant resistance (CR) operation as well. Many real-world loads are resistive by nature and hence it is often useful to test power sources meant to drive such devices with an electronic load operating in CR mode. To understand how CC and CV modes work in an electronic load it is useful to first review a previous posting I wrote here, entitled “How Does a Power Supply Regulate It’s Output Voltage and Current?”. Again, the CC and CV modes are very similar in operation for both a power supply and an electronic load. An electronic load CC mode operation is depicted in Figure 1. Figure 1: Electronic load circuit, constant current (CC) operation The load, operating in CC mode, is loading the output of an external voltage source. The current amplifier is regulating the electronic load’s input current by comparing the voltage on the current shunt against a reference voltage, which in turn is regulating how hard to turn on the load FET. The corresponding I-V diagram for this CC mode operation is shown in Figure 2. The operating point is where the output voltage characteristic of the DUT voltage source characteristic intersects the input constant current load line of the electronic load. Figure 2: Electronic load I-V diagram, constant current (CC) operation CV mode is very similar to CC mode operation, as depicted in Figure 3. However, instead of monitoring the input current with a shunt voltage, a voltage control amplifier compares the load’s input voltage, usually through a voltage divider, against a reference voltage. When the input voltage signal reaches the reference voltage value the voltage amplifier turns the load FET on as much as needed to clamp the voltage to the set level. Figure 3: Electronic load circuit, constant voltage (CV) operation A battery being charged is a real-world example of a CV load, charged typically by a constant current source. The corresponding I-V diagram for CV mode operation is depicted in figure 4. Figure 4: Electronic load I-V diagram, constant voltage (CV) operation But how does an electronic load’s CR mode work? This requires yet another configuration, as depicted in figure 5. While CC and CV modes compare current and voltage against a reference value, in CR mode the control amplifier compares the input voltage against the input current so that one is the ratio of the other, now regulating the input at a constant resistance value. With current sensing at 1 V/A and voltage sensing at 0.2 V/V, the electronic load’s resulting input resistance value is 5 ohms for its CR mode operation in Figure 5. Figure 5: Electronic load circuit, constant resistance (CR) operation An electronic load’s CR mode is well suited for loading a power source that is either a voltage or current source by nature. The corresponding I-V diagram for this CR mode for loading a voltage source is shown in Figure 6. Here the operating point is where the output voltage characteristic of the DUT voltage source intersects the input constant resistance characteristic of the load. Figure 6: Electronic load I-V diagram, constant resistance (CR) operation As we have seen here an electronic load is very similar in operation to a power supply in the way it regulates to maintain constant voltage or constant current at its input. However many real-world loads exhibit other characteristics, with resistive being most prevalent. As a result most all electronic loads are alternately able to regulate their input to maintain a constant resistance value, in addition to constant voltage and constant current.
For most teenagers learning to drive is a rite of passage. For teens on the autism spectrum learning to drive can be overwhelming and anxiety provoking. In order to be able to drive safely a driver needs to be able to anticipate the intentions of others. This necessary skill directly confronts individuals on the autism spectrum with their impairment in their ability to demonstrate Theory of the Mind, or the ability to perceive how others think. This deficit significantly limits their ability to be independent and to be employed. The lack of reliable transportation is one of the most significant barriers to employment for individuals with a variety of disabilities. Since many individuals on the autism spectrum cannot drive, then they must rely upon public transportation. In order to be able to use public transportation independently, individuals on the autism spectrum must be trained systematically. Ideally, habituating the individual would start early in childhood. Taking trips with parents on buses, subways, and trains is a wonderful way to incorporate both travel training and environmentally friendly transportation. If the use of public transportation is incorporated into the family’s daily life then the shift from traveling with parents to traveling independently will not be as dramatic. Parents are a child’s most important teachers. While on the trips with their child, parents can take the opportunity to explicitly teach their child important safety issues; procedures to enact if they become separated from their parents, what to do if they are lost, and who are safe people to ask for help. Cell phone usage in emergency situations should be a part of the discussions. Helping the child pre-program telephone numbers in the cell phone is extremely helpful. Having emergency contact numbers pre-programmed in the speed dial feature will help to avoid panic if the child forgets a telephone number when faced with a stressful travel situation. As the child gets older, parents can give the child more responsibility for the planning and leading of the family outings on public transportation. Many children on the autism spectrum have an affinity for computers and the internet. This is a perfect opportunity for the child to help plan routes and familiarize themselves with maps and schedules. One caveat in reference to schedules should be noted: the schedules are approximate times and there are many changes. Some children on the spectrum will suffer melt downs if a bus or train is late or a route has been changed. Help them anticipate inconsistencies in the schedules and routes. Map reading skills are a critical skill to teach in this early phase. The eventual behavior we hope the individual will achieve is the independent use of public transportation. This is a complex behavior with several layers of skills. Parents should use successive approximations to reach the desired behavior. In other words, start by leading a trip with the child and explicitly discuss where are they headed and how do they know where they are going. During later trips on the same route, the parent should turn to her son or daughter and have them tell the parent where they should board the train or bus and when they should get off. Have the child identify where public maps and other information are displayed. Review on each trip safety procedures and what to do when something unexpected occurs. The next step in the process involves having the older child travel one stop along a familiar route unescorted by the parent. Enlist older siblings or family friends in the process. They can wait for the individual with autism at the next stop or they can unobtrusively observe the individual on the train or bus and give feedback to the parent as to the appropriateness of his or her behavior. The number of stops that the individual travels unescorted should be extended as the person’s skills and confidence level increase. Once the individual masters a given route, then other routes can be explored as well as transferring between different modes of transportation, i.e., from buses to trains and vice versa. To increase the individual’s intrinsic interest in the travel training the final destinations should be meaningful and pleasurable (e.g. a favorite museum, restaurant, store, a friend’s house, an aquarium, etc.). Part of the planning of the outings should include how to deal with sensory integration issues. Many individuals on the autism spectrum are sensitive to sounds and smells. The sound of screeching subway car breaks or the hiss of pneumatic lifts on buses can be excruciating and may trigger an emotional outburst. MP3 players or portable video gaming systems with earphones can help the individual cope with the overwhelming sounds. One way to deal with overwhelming smells is to have the individual carry a handkerchief that has been sprayed with a fragrance that the individual finds soothing. Parents should consider enlisting assistance in travel training when it appears that their efforts are not producing the desired results. Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) students have an Individualized Education Program (IEP). Travel training goals can be written into the IEP. A young child’s IEP goals can include pedestrian skills. Once the child reaches age 14 his or her transition plan can include learning how to use mass transit. A second source of assistance for the school-aged child is summer programs. Some summer programs explicitly train students on the autism spectrum to use mass transit. When an individual reaches post-secondary age parents can enlist the assistance of private post-secondary programs and social service agencies as well as state offices of developmental disabilities and vocational rehabilitative services to provide travel training services. Before enrolling an individual with autism in a travel training program, the parent should ask for a copy of the curriculum. The National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities (www.NICHCY.org) website has an excellent document entitled Travel Training for Youth with Disabilities (1996) which outlines best practices of travel training programs. It is a useful document to help in writing IEP goals and evaluating a travel training program. Mastery of travel training skills not only increases a person on the autism spectrum’s confidence and employability, but also reduces the burden on the family of always having to drive or escort the person. Systematic travel training helps insure safe and successful independent travel. Dr. Ernst VanBergeijk is the Associate Dean and Executive Director of New York Institute of Technology’s Vocational Independence Program. He is also a research associate at the Yale Child Study Center’s Developmental Disabilities Clinic and is assigned to the autism unit. The publication of this article was made possible by a grant from the National Institute of Health, LRP grant (Number, L30HD053966-01).
In addition to the intended changes at the target site, the processes of New GE can also trigger unintended genetic changes which differ greatly from those that can be expected from natural processes or conventional breeding methods. The site of the genetic changes (mutations) and the patterns of genetic change (i. e. the resulting genotypes) can be very different to those which might otherwise be anticipated. This has been shown in zebrafish research. Prior to publication of the research, it was already known that small changes, such as point mutations or short insertions and deletions, can occur in off-target and on-target regions. Studies in mice and human cell lines also found larger structural changes in on-target regions where, amongst others, large regions of the DNA sequence were deleted or newly inserted. However, it has thus far been unclear whether such large structural changes, such as those described for on-target regions, could also occur at off-target regions. This was investigated in more detail in a zebrafish study. Various parts of the zebrafish genome were modified using the CRISPR/Cas genetic scissors. The researchers used a version of CRISPR/Cas that increased the possibility of the genetic scissors cutting at off-target sites. Unintended changes were subsequently found, including small changes, such as point mutations and larger changes in the DNA sequence. For example, 903 base pairs (these are DNA letters) were deleted at one off-target region, thus shortening a large part of a gene that was not supposed to be changed at all. According to the study, the unintended genetic changes were inherited in the next generation as well. Surprisingly, in some of the fish not all body tissues were affected to same extent. In addition, deviations from the Mendelian law of inheritance were observed: some gene defects were found to be transferred homozygously, others in a heterozygous manner, without obvious reasons. Scientists use zebrafish as a model organism in basic research to investigate fundamental mechanisms. These fish are not intended to be marketed. However, the findings from such studies can be extended to other target organisms and can also be relevant in regard to risk assessment. For example, similar effects have already been reported in on-target regions in genome-edited rice plants. This example from basic research shows: New Genetic Engineering methods are error-prone and can induce a variety of unintended changes. These may have a novel and specific risk potential. The differences between naturally occurring processes (or conventional breeding) and NGTs may be easily overlooked but can, nevertheless, have serious consequences. If unintended genetic changes are not detected, they can quickly can spread throughout larger populations.
Dental hygiene is the professional cleaning of your teeth, which removes plaque, tartar, pigmentation and restores your teeth to their natural colour. Above all, it helps to prevent tooth decay and gingivitis. These diseases are caused by a dental microbial layer, which can only be removed mechanically using oral hygiene aids. If this layer is not adequately removed, bacteria are deposited in the layer, which in turn cause unpleasant problems for patients and bring them to the dentist sooner or later. Most often, gingivitis occurs due to insufficient dental hygiene. At first, symptoms are likely to be inconspicuous swelling, sensitivity, and occasional bleeding of the gums. If plaque and tartar are not professionally removed, the bone and tissues around the tooth (periodontal disease) will become injured. Injury to the bones and periodontium (periodontitis) results in bad breath, bleeding, receding gums and loose teeth. Because the gums are inflamed, bacteria have easier access into the blood stream and can thus cause secondary infection and systemic diseases in distant organs of your body, such as diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, cancer, and more. The optimal treatment cycle is once every six months. In general, two treatments per year are sufficient. For cardiology patients who have problems with tooth decay, and for periodontal patients, dental hygiene is recommended more frequently. The length of treatment is based on each person’s needs; we consider each patient individually. In general, the treatment lasts 40-60 minutes. It depends on the patient’s condition, whether it is their first visit, or whether the patient regularly receives dental hygiene. The course of treatment: - Clinical examination – an examination of the state of the teeth, the state of hygiene, the periodontium… - Removal of plaque and tartar using an ultrasonic device – above and below the gum. - Final cleaning with manual tools – what are known as scrapers and curettes. - Sandblasting – or “airflow”, removes dental plaque and pigmentation. This cleans the teeth to their natural colour. - Polishing – cleaning and polishing of teeth, by which we achieve their smooth and shiny surface. - Motivation and instructions – specifically tailored to the patient’s issue. Instructions on the use of dental aids – toothbrush, interdental brush, dental floss, etc. - Fluoridation of hard dental tissues *The photos show the teeth of our patients before and after dental hygiene.. In our clinic, we use bleaching produced by a Czech company PureWhitening. You can use it to achieve a bright smile in less than a month. This system combines convenient home whitening with professional care in an outpatient clinic. It includes initial thorough dental hygiene, the manufacture of dental veneers tailored to the patient, a set of preparations for home whitening and whitening at the clinic during the time of the whitening process. The photos show whitening from the original colour of the patient’s teeth (B2) – we whitened the teeth to the BL2 tone, which looks very natural in the mouth. We use the technique of whitening and bleaching: Whitening: using an air-flow device and different grain sizes of dental sand with ultrasound. Bleaching: using a splint and a gel containing hydrogen peroxide-urea and hydrogen peroxide. The whitening phases using a combined whitening process by PureWhitening: - dental hygiene at the dental clinic, - making impressions of the teeth for dental splints at the dental clinic, - handing over the dental splints to the patient together with the home whitening kit, - a week of night-time home whitening using 10% hydrogen peroxide-urea, - a week of night-time home whitening using 16 % hydrogen peroxide-urea, - an hour-long in-office whitening using 6% hydrogen peroxide, - an hour-long daily home whitening using 6% hydrogen peroxide (for about 5 days). Combined home whitening using the PureWhitening product usually lasts 2 weeks. This is followed by in-office whitening (one hour-long visit to the office). After that it is necessary to continue with the whitening at home for another 2 to 5 days. During the combined whitening using the PureWhitening preparation, it is not necessary to follow a strict white diet, but it is good to brush your teeth after each consumption of heavily coloured foods and drinks. A prerequisite for successful whitening is the good health of your teeth. It means regular dental hygiene visits and responsible home treatment using dental floss, interdental brushes and a classic toothbrush. Only healthy and clean teeth can be whitened.
For a long time, I had this idea that parallel computing is a difficult task and kept away from it. Also my computations were not that demanding in those days. Recently when I had to solve a large system of ordinary differential equations numerically, I was forced to learn how to do this in parallel. There are two primary ways of doing parallel computing, - Shared-memory architecture (OpenMP) - Distributed-memory architecture (MPI) As the names suggest, in the first approach there are many processors doing the tasks for you, but all of them have access to a shared physical memory. In the second approach, there are many processors with their own physical memory and you have to do the data communication between them yourself. I used the simpler first approach because I had a nice Quad-core computer with a large enough RAM. And also my numerical problem was not very memory expensive. The MPI (Message Passing Interface) approach is more complex and needs a lot more work from the programmer. Some people may even say that MPI is the real parallel computing. But as far as I know, the first step would be to learn OpenMP and then to go for MPI. Also modern computing environments use a hybrid OpenMP/MPI appraoch. So, let us begin! OpenMP (Open Multi-Processing) is a standard that specifies how parallel computing directives are handled by the Fortran (or C/C++) compiler. All one needs to do is to learn a small number of important commands in OpenMP and use them (wisely!) inside the Fortran program. An example parallel ‘Hello world’ program (hello.f) would be: You must compile the above program using the following command: - If you are using gfortran, then, which will result in the output, (say, I am using a dual core machine) -fopenmp is the option to be included to tell the gfortran compiler that you are using OpenMP parallel computing inside the program. - If you are using Intel Fortran compiler (ifort), then which will give the same result. Note that the corresponding OpenMP handle for -fopenmp in ifort is -openmp. Now let us see what is in the Fortran program hello.f. The string !$OMP is called the OpenMP sentinel. It is placed to indicate that the statements in the present line are to be treated by OpenMP standard. !$OMP PARALLEL/!$OMP END PARALLEL loop is identifying the region of the code that has to be run in parallel using the maximum of number of processors (‘threads’ is the proper usage) available. Since I have two cores in my computer, we are seeing the write(*,*) line executed twice and in parallel by the two cores. The primary application of this approach is to identify DO/ENDDO loops which can be run in parallel. Not all loops can be parallelized. But all those things are for another day. Finally, a great source for learning OpenMP is the report by Miguel Hermanns. I like his simple and to-the-point approach.
National New Hampshire Day is observed each year on September 7 by residents of New Hampshire in the United States. The day recognizes New Hampshire becoming the ninth state to join the Union. New Hampshire, also known as the Granite State, is the epitome of New England in many ways. New Hampshire is famous for its breathtaking landscapes, fascinating history, and hospitable people. The motto of the state is “Live Free or Die” coined by the revolutionary hero, John Stark. National New Hampshire Day is a celebration of the state’s wonderful culture, history, and people. History of National New Hampshire Day New Hampshire was one of the thirteen colonies that rebelled against British colonialism during the American Revolution. The economic and social life in New Hampshire had much to do with sawmills, shipyards, and merchants’ warehouses. Villages and town centers quickly sprung up in the region. Wealthy merchants invested their capital in trade and land speculation and there also developed a class of laborers, mariners, and slaves. The only battle fought in New Hampshire was the raid on Fort William and Mary on December 14, 1774. The battle was fought with gunpowder, small arms, and cannon for two nights. According to legend, the gunpowder was later used at the Battle of Bunker Hill after several New Hampshire patriots stored the powder in their homes until it was transported elsewhere for use in revolutionary duties. During the raid, the British soldiers fired upon the revolutionaries with cannons and muskets. There were no casualties but these were among the first shots fired in the American Revolutionary period. New Hampshire ratified the Constitution on June 21, 1788. It was also on this day that New Hampshire became the ninth state to join the Union. New Hampshire is a part of the six-state region of New England. It is bounded by Quebec and Canada to the north and northwest; Maine and the Gulf of Maine to the east; Massachusetts to the south; and Vermont to the west. New Hampshire boasts of dense woods, mighty mountains, and a shoreline. It is the fifth smallest state in America. National New Hampshire Day timeline It is one of the first victories of the American Revolution. New Hampshire is the first of the British North American colonies to do so. New Hampshire becomes one of the first centers of abolitionism in America. A result of better connectivity due to better roads leads to an increase in population. National New Hampshire Day FAQs What is New Hampshire most known for? It’s commonly known as the Granite State for its extensive granite formations and quarries. What is New Hampshire famous for in food? New Hampshire is famous for its clam chowder and is home to many rolling apple orchards. Is New Hampshire a good place to live? New Hampshire is one of the safest states to live in the country. The crime rate here is well below the national average. National New Hampshire Day Activities Do something brave The motto of New Hampshire is “Live Free or Die,” a call to live freely and boldly. Observe National New Hampshire Day by doing something you have always wanted to do. Visit New Hampshire New Hampshire boasts of forests, mountains, and beaches. There’s something in store for everyone. Celebrate National New Hampshire Day by visiting this beautiful state. Enjoy culinary treats from New Hampshire New Hampshire is well known for its apple cider donuts, venison, clam chowder, and more. What better way to observe National New Hampshire Day than by trying these delicacies from the state? 5 Interesting Facts About New Hampshire The windiest mountain The top of Mt. Washington recorded a wind speed of 230 miles per hour on April 12, 1934. The film “Jumanji” was filmed here It was filmed in the city of Keene to be precise. Seatbelts are not mandatory It’s the only state in the U.S.A. where seatbelts are not mandatory. The coastline is short It’s just 18 miles long. It is known as the Granite State That’s due to the number of granite quarries present in the state. Why We Love National New Hampshire Day It led the American Revolution New Hampshire observed the first victories of the American Revolution. National New Hampshire Day pays respect to the rebels and revolutionaries who led America to independence. We love New Hampshire Everyone who loves New Hampshire also loves National New Hampshire Day. The day is a celebration of the people, their cultures, traditions, history, and foods. The people of this state were also the first ones to take up the cause of American independence. It’s an important day in American history On this day, New Hampshire became the ninth state to join the American Union. National New Hampshire Day celebrates a landmark day in American history and also the ratification of the Constitution. National New Hampshire Day dates
The technology could have far-reaching benefits for the future of our species both on Earth and in outer space. What if we could grow nutritious food, literally out of thin air? As unlikely as it sounds, Finnish food-tech start-up, Solar Foods,says it has developed a process to do exactly that. They’ve managed to grow a nutrient rich protein called solein, which is made from a single microbe using carbon dioxide - from the air - and hydrogen that is split from water using electricity. Solar foods CEO, Pasi Vainikka, says the gas fermentation process used to create the protein is comparable in some ways to how you make beer or wine. “Typically, for example, winemaking you add yeast to this sugarish liquid, and this yeast eats sugar for carbon and energy to grow and express some alcohol to surrounding liquid,” Vainikka explained. “We do the same, but our microbe does not eat sugar, but it is hydrogen and carbon dioxide that we bubble in as gases in the fermenter. And that's where the very fundamental point is how to disconnect from agriculture. No agricultural feedstock is used." If the technology is scalable, it could have far-reaching benefits for the future of our species both on Earth and in outer space. Agriculture and related land use is a significant contributor to greenhouse gases worldwide and in 2018, was responsible for pumping 9.3 billion tonnes of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere , according to the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). "The problem in the current food system is that about one third of the climate impact due to human action is due to what we eat, and about 80 per cent of that is due to animal production,” Vainikka said. “So, we need to remove animals from the food supply system to a large extent. Solein (is) nutritionally similar to meat and meat like products, dairy products or milk. And that is what we want to replace." The company’s pilot plant is currently powered by hydro power, but they're seeking to use a mix of hydro, wind and solar to boost their green credentials. Solar Foods, which is backed by the Finnish Government, also saw their profile boosted when they were among the winners of the NASA Deep Space Food Challenge. The competition asked innovators to create novel, game-changing food technologies or food systems that require minimal resources, which will be essential to sustaining human life if we become an interplanetary species. "What we are doing scientifically, what intrigues the mind, is that you can integrate this kind of food production to the the existing life support system in spaceships," Vainikka said. And, just like its microbe, Solar Foods is growing. Construction of its first large-scale factory began at the end of 2021. It will be a hundred times larger than this pilot plant and is expected to produce four million Solein meals a year when it becomes operational in the first half of 2023.
Boys and Girls The term gender is an often heard term by all of us. It is something all of us experience on a daily basis. It determines who we are, what we will become, where we can and cannot go and so on. Our understanding of gender is based on our family and society. For example, men generally go out to work and women are at home. But the general perception of these different roles differs across communities around the world. Most societies value men and women differently which is elaborated as under. Distinction between boys and girls The society treats girls and boys very differently. This distinction starts from a very young age. Some of the aspects in which there is a distinction are as follows: - Toys: Boys and girls are given different toys to play with. Toys in a way tell them that the future of the boys and girls, when they grow up to be men and women, will be very different. - Dresses: There is a difference in the way the society expects girls and boys to dress up. Boys wear shorts and shirts, while girls wear skirts or frocks. - Way of talking: Girls are expected to talk softly whereas boys are expected to be tough. All the above distinctions affect the subject studied and the careers chosen by men and women. Even the games that men and women play or the work they do, are not valued equally. Men and women do not have the same status. Across the world, the main responsibility of household work and taking care of the family is that of the women. It involves multitasking skills. Yet the work women do is not recognized as work. It is considered as something that comes naturally to women and they have to do it. They are therefore, not paid for it also. Life of Domestic Workers Many homes, especially in urban areas employ domestic workers. They do a lot of work including washing utensils, clothes, sweeping, mopping, cooking etc. Most of them are women, though sometimes even young boys and girls are employed for such work. The wages are low since domestic work does not have much value. But their life is very challenging. A domestic worker’s day may start as early as 5 in the morning and end at midnight! In spite of taking so much effort, the domestic workers are generally treated in a very inhumane way by their employers. Challenges faced by women The following are the challenges faced by women in their day-to-day life: What we call housework actually involves different tasks which are physically demanding. Some of such tasks done by women are: - Fetching water from a distance - Carrying heavy loads of firewood - Washing clothes, cleaning, sweeping etc. All the above work requires bending, lifting and carrying. Work like cooking involves standing in front of the gas burner for long hours. Hence not only the work of men, but also the work of women is very strenuous. Time consuming job: The house work demands a lot of time. If we add up the work done by women at home and outside home we will find that women spend more hours working than men. They have much less leisure time. The work done by women inside and outside home is called double burden of women's work. Women’s work and equality The low value attached to a women’s work is actually a part of the larger system of inequality between men and women. This has been there for ages. It has to be dealt with at the family level and also by the government. Government's role in ensuring equality Equality is an important principle in our Constitution. But in reality, inequality on the basis of gender exists. The government is therefore committed to understanding the reasons for it and taking steps to solve it. For example, it understands that the responsibility of home and child-care falls on women. This therefore has an impact on whether girls can attend school, whether women can go for work or what kind of work they can take up. As a remedy to the situation, the government has therefore: - Set up anganwadis or child-care centres in many villages in the country. - Passed laws that make it mandatory for organizations that have more than 30 women employees, to provide crèche facilities. This helps women to take up employment outside home and girls to attend schools. Do You Know? International Women's Day is celebrated worldwide on March 8 every year for recognizing the role of women in the society.
Gist Biological Plants Evolution AerodynamicsIntroduce Have you ever looked outside on a windy day and seen “helicopter” seeds spinning in the air? Or pick up a dandelion and blow on it, making the tiny seeds fly all over the place? Wind is important for dispersing seeds to help plants reproduce. In this project, you’ll design some of your own “seeds” and see which perform best when they’re blown around the room by a fan. Read: why seed dispersal is important.Story Seed dispersal is very important for the survival of plant species. If plants grow too close together, they will have to compete for light, water and nutrients from the soil. Seed dispersal allows plants to spread over a wide area and avoid competing with each other for the same resources. Seeds are dispersed in different ways. In some plants, the seeds are placed in the fruit (such as an apple or an orange). These fruits, including the seeds, are eaten by animals, which then disperse the seeds when they defecate. Some fruits can be carried with water, such as a floating coconut. Some beads have small hooks that can stick to animal fur coats. (You might have gotten them on your clothes if you’ve ever hiked in the woods or tall grass.) Read more: why is my ex-girlfriend still contacting me | Q & AOther seeds are dispersed by the wind – such as “winged” seeds from a maple that spin and “fly straight” through the air as they fall, or lightly feathered seeds from a dandelion that can be caught in the wind light. The longer the seed stays in the air, the farther it can be blown away by the wind, helping the plant species to widely disperse its offspring. In this project, you will make your own artificial “seeds” from craft materials. Can you design seeds that will stay in the air for a long time?Material - Examples of different types of seeds dispersed by the wind (Depending on where you live, you may find some of these seeds outside. If you have Internet access, you can also do a search. Search the Web for maple, dandelion, and other wind-dispersed seeds to help you get an idea.) - Small, even, light objects that you can use as “seeds” (For example, you can use small paper clips or small paper clips; or buy a bag of real seeds — such as sunflower seeds — at supermarket.) - Craft supplies to build your seed dispersal mechanism (They can be as simple as paper and tape or you can also use things like a transmitter, cotton balls, or even items you found outside, such as blades of grass.) - Scissors, tape, and glue to cut and attach your crafting supplies to your seed (Be careful when using scissors.) - Window or large box fans (Use with caution and with appropriate supervision.) - Stopwatch or timer (optional) - Ruler or ruler (optional) - Clear an empty area of the room where you will be performing the seed check. - Place the fan on a table or chair, facing across the room. You can also do the experiment outside on a windy day. - Design and build several — at least four — scatter mechanisms for your seed. Works best if you can create at least two similar distributed mechanisms to test each other (see example below). You can use your imagination and come up with your own ideas, but here are a few ideas to get you started (using a paperclip as the “seed” example): - Attach the paper clip to a small, square piece of paper the size of a notepad, without altering the paper. - Attach the paper clip to another small piece of paper, but make a few parallel cuts on one side of the paper to make it “corrugated” and bend them outward. - Attach the paper clip to the cotton pad. - Attach a paper clip to a cotton ball that you pulled in to expand it a bit and make it softer. - Cut some paper in the shape of a maple seed and attach a paper clip. - Which particle dispersal mechanism or mechanism do you think will go the furthest when dropped in front of the fan? Why? - Turn on the fan. Standing in the same position, try dropping the beads one by one in front of the fan. Alternatively, try dropping a simple “seed” (for example, a regular paperclip with nothing attached) to see what happens. - How can the beads be blown by the fan? Do some seeds take longer to reach the ground than others? - Think about your results. Are some of your designs not working (falling straight down, not blowing forward)? Some work better than others? What can you do to improve your design? Can you change your seeds to make them fly further? - More: Ask a friend to use a stopwatch to see how long it takes for the seeds to fall to the ground. This can be easier if you drop the seed from a higher position. (Have an adult drop them, carefully standing on a chair, or drop them from the top of the stairs.) - More: Use a tape measure to record the distance the seeds travel horizontally from where you drop them to where they hit the ground. Which county goes the furthest? - More: How do your results change if you change the fan speed? Read more: Why are French Bulldogs so expensive Observations and resultsYou should find that adding lightweight materials to the “seed” can make it fall slower and blow farther — however, the shape of the material is also important. For example, a paper clip attached to a crumpled piece of paper will still fall very quickly. However, a piece of paper with a “wing” design (similar to a maple seed) or a cluster of individual flower clusters (such as a dandelion seed), will fall more slowly and be blown farther by the fan. The exact distance of blow particles will depend on the power of the fan, but you will certainly see a difference in the horizontal distance between the “smooth” and the dispersed particles. When you take your best designs and try to improve them, you mimic the process of evolution — because the “best” seed designs in nature are the ones that are the most reproducible. !More to discover Gone with the Wind: An Experiment in Seed and Fruit Dispersal, from Science Buddies Sailing Seeds: An Experiment in Wind Dispersal, the original project of the American Botanical Society Create a Rotary Bird from Paper, from American Science Activity for All Ages!, from Science Buddies This activity brings you a partnership with Science BuddiesRead more: why do people put fruit in their stories | Top Q&A Last, Wallx.net sent you details about the topic “Gone with the Wind: Plant Seed Dispersal❤️️”.Hope with useful information that the article “Gone with the Wind: Plant Seed Dispersal” It will help readers to be more interested in “Gone with the Wind: Plant Seed Dispersal [ ❤️️❤️️ ]”. Posts “Gone with the Wind: Plant Seed Dispersal” posted by on 2021-08-16 23:06:04. 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Question Why and how do cats purr? No one knows for sure why a domestic cat purrs, but many people interpret the sound as one of contentment. Our understanding of how a domestic cat purrs is becoming more complete; most scientists agree that the larynx (voice box), laryngeal muscles, and a neural oscillator are involved. Kittens learn how to purr when they are a couple of days old. Veterinarians suggest that this purring tells ‘Mom’ that “I am okay” and that “I am here.” It also indicates a bonding mechanism between kitten and mother. As the kitten grows into adulthood, purring continues. Many suggest a cat purrs from contentment and pleasure. But a cat also purrs when it is injured and in pain. Dr. Elizabeth Von Muggenthaler has suggested that the purr, with its low frequency vibrations, is a “natural healing mechanism.” Purring may be linked to the strengthening and repairing of bones, relief of pain, and wound healing. Purring is a unique vocal feature in the domestic cat. However, other species in the Felidae family External also purr: Bobcat, Cheetah, Eurasian Lynx, Puma, and Wild Cat (Complete list in Peters, 2002). Although some big cats like lions exhibit a purr-like sound, studies show that the Patherinae subfamily External: Lion, Leopard, Jaguar, Tiger, Snow Leopard, and Clouded Leopard do not exhibit true purring (Peters, 2002). What makes the purr distinctive from other cat vocalizations is that it is produced during the entire respiratory cycle (inhaling and exhaling). Other vocalizations such as the “meow” are limited to the expiration of the breath. It was once thought that the purr was produced from blood surging through the inferior vena cava, but as research continues it seems that the intrinsic (internal) laryngeal muscles are the likely source for the purr. Moreover, there is an absence of purring in a cat with laryngeal paralysis. The laryngeal muscles are responsible for the opening and closing of the glottis (space between the vocal chords), which results in a separation of the vocal chords, and thus the purr sound. Studies have shown, that the movement of the laryngeal muscles is signaled from a unique “neural oscillator” (Frazer-Sisson, Rice, and Peters, 1991 & Remmers and Gautier, 1972) in the cat’s brain. Published: 11/19/2019. Author: Science Reference Section, Library of Congress
Join Our Groups HISTORY - NECTA 2014 Questions and Answers 5. Explain six effects of the precolonial contacts between the people of Africa and Asia. 6. Elaborate six reasons which made the Boers to escape to escape the Southern African Cape between 1830 and 7. Analyse six methods that were used by the imperialists in imposing colonial rule in Africa. 8. How were the East African colonies affected by the First World War? Give six points to support your 9. Examine six factors which enabled Tanganyika to attain her independence earlier than Kenya. 10. “Migrant labourers were very useful to the capitalists during colonial economy in Africa.” Substantiate this statement by giving six points. Click Here to get a full view of the Answers seen below:
The network of roads that crisscross Southern Ontario is constantly growing as development expands. While these roads are important in our daily lives, they alter the landscape and have a significant impact on biodiversity. “Roads are a primary threat for many species,” says Mandy Karch, Executive Director of the Ontario Road Ecology Group (OREG) and chair of the Road Ecology Working Group. Apart from mortality due to collisions, roads fragment and alter the habitats they cut through and cause pollution from things like exhaust, chemicals, and road salt, as well as light and noise pollution. Wildlife such as turtles and snakes are often drawn to roads to bask on the surface due to the heat that roads absorb and because of nesting substrate found on road shoulders, putting them at increased danger to be hit. Norfolk County was selected as a Priority Place largely due to the well-known biodiversity here, and some of its most significant Species at Risk, primarily turtles and other reptiles and amphibians, directly feel the impact from roads and traffic. Altering road infrastructure to consider the local ecology is an important step to reduce wildlife mortality and habitat fragmentation. The Long Point Causeway Improvement Project, which began back in 2006, involved installing 4.5 kilometers of exclusion fencing to keep wildlife off the roads and special culverts to allow them to pass safely under the road. Researchers have found these measures led to nearly 89 percent fewer turtles making it onto the causeway. Because of the clear success of this project in reducing road mortality of wildlife, the Road Ecology Working Group is looking to install infrastructure at other hotspots in the Priority Place. There are also a lot of individual actions anyone can do anytime they drive to help. “The public is a key partner in determining how roads and traffic affect biodiversity,” says Karch. “Motorist behaviour, such as driving speed and attentiveness, tremendously influences whether or not a wildlife/vehicle collision will occur.” Karch lists some important ways you can help keep wildlife safe while driving: - Watch for wildlife, especially when driving on roads that bisect wetland, forest, or field habitat - Don’t litter! Even biodegradable food items pose a risk as they draw wildlife to the roadside to feed, putting them in danger of a collision - If you stop to help a turtle cross the road, always move it in the direction it is heading, and only when safe for you and other motorists. Use a car mat or blanket for snapping turtles if you’re unsure how to handle them, and never lift a turtle by its tail. - Watch for wildlife crossing signs and obey speed limits. Sufficient reaction time is key to safely avoiding collision with wildlife.
Projecting onto the whiteboard, video of a demonstration as it happens. Examples include, constructions, using a calculator, reading scales and drawing graphs. This technique can be applied to any situation where you want to demonstrate something that would otherwise by too difficult for the whole class to view sensibly. I first used this technique to teach a group of year 7's about reading scales. I wanted the students to read from actual measuring instruments, not just scales drawn on paper. I'd found various measuring devices at home an around school, bathroom scales, kitchen scales, thermometer, measuring jug, bucket, ruler, metre stick, etc. Each had different scales, used different units and different divisions. The students were organised in groups and had 5 minutes to visit each station. Each station had a measuring device and something to measure. At the end we all compared results and discussed reasons for differences. I then used my digital camera (actually my photo camera not video camera) connected to my digital projector to show the students how to measure the objects and use the scales, highlighting the misconceptions and errors that had been made on the task. As I was using my stills camera I didn't video this, but it could be videoed, then used in other classes as demonstration, (as could all the ideas in this section). I do have some of the still images I took of the students measuring though. I got this idea from a NCETM network meeting, talking to Marie Darwin. She had videoed demonstrations of the standard constructions for students to use in class and for revision. I thought that this topic would be ideal for video demonstration, as I've never been happy with board compasses! I set up the video camera on the back of my chair and projected the image into my whiteboard as I demonstrated each construction as the students worked with me. Using a calculator When teaching calculator techniques, or topics that require ascientific calculator, I often find that the students have calculators that work in different ways. "I can't find that button on my calculator!" or "It doesn't look like that on mine!" are common interuptions to these lessons. When I was teaching a year 10 class to calculate with standard form, I contemplated using an emulator on my whiteboard. However, I thought about the Different calculator problem, so I found all my calculators from the past 20 years! and used them to demonstrate standard form on the whiteboard via video. Drawing graphs (Drawing axes!!!) I'd been teaching linear graphs to my Year 9 group and found that they could calculate the y values from an equation and draw up a table of x and y values. They were fairly good at plotting the points if I gave them a printed set of axes. However, if I asked them to draw their own axes, I often got the question, "why isn't my graph a straight line?". On inspecting the work I found that everything was right apart from the drawing of the axes. the distance between 0 and 1 was 1cm, but the distance between 1 and 2 was less and the distance between 2 and 3 more! So when I approached plotting quadratics I used a video demo!
Interstellar object 'Oumuamua's past may have been more violent than we know. New simulations reveal the peculiar chunk of space rock could have been torn apart by a star - reforming into the cigar-shape we know and love today - before being flung willy-nilly out across the galaxy. If this is indeed how 'Oumuamua formed, the new results could answer some of our most burning questions about the more peculiar properties of this pointy space traveller. 'Oumuamua is primarily famous for being the first rock identified as entering the Solar System from elsewhere - our first known interstellar visitor. We first became aware of it in October 2017, but it wasn't long before its other peculiarities became apparent. First, there's the shape. Most asteroids and comets are sort of potato-like, but 'Oumuamua is long and thin - its 400-metre (1,300-foot) length is around eight times its breadth. It's also red in hue, like an asteroid baked by cosmic radiation, dry, and primarily rocky and metallic. But it was also observed accelerating away from the Sun, faster than could be explained by a gravity assist. That behaviour is more consistent with cometary outgassing, which provides an acceleration boost as volatile ices sublimate when a comet is close to the Sun. So, it's still not entirely clear whether 'Oumuamua is an asteroid or a comet. Its properties are so unusual that some hypothesised the rock was an alien probe. (There's absolutely no evidence for that.) Based on its showing up in our Solar System at all, there should be many more objects like 'Oumuamua out there, in fact. Now, researchers from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the University of California, Santa Cruz have determined how the strange object could have formed. Not only is this process completely natural (again, no aliens here), it can explain some of 'Oumuamua's odder properties. "We showed that 'Oumuamua-like interstellar objects can be produced through extensive tidal fragmentation during close encounters of their parent bodies with their host stars, and then ejected into interstellar space," said astronomer and astrophysicist Douglas Lin of UC Santa Cruz. Tidal interactions are the gravitational interactions between two bodies. When a small body approaches a larger body - like a star, or a black hole, or even a large planet - the intense gravity can pull it apart in a process called tidal disruption. An apropos example would be the tidal disruption Jupiter wreaked on comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 in 1992. Shoemaker-Levy 9 flew apart into chunks that collided with Jupiter, but the high-resolution simulations performed by Lin and his colleague Yun Zhang of the Chinese Academy of Sciences showed that, when a star is involved, a very different outcome is possible. First, an object flying at just the right distance from the star - a chunk of rock, such as a planetesimal - is fragmented as the tidal stresses pull it apart. Then, as it swings around, these fragments melt and stretch into an elongated configuration. Finally, as it moves away from the star, it recombines, cools and hardens into a crust that gives the newly reformed object structural stability. This heating and cooling could explain some of the other 'Oumuamua's properties, too. "Heat diffusion during the stellar tidal disruption process also consumes large amounts of volatiles, which not only explains 'Oumuamua's surface colours and the absence of visible coma, but also elucidates the inferred dryness of the interstellar population," Zhang said. "Nevertheless, some high-sublimation-temperature volatiles buried under the surface, like water ice, can remain in a condensed form." As 'Oumuamua tumbled across the cold depths of interstellar space, these volatiles would remain locked inside; but, when it neared our Sun, the heat could have induced an outgassing event to produce the observed acceleration. The team's scenario could also produce many more objects like 'Oumuamua, accounting for the population of many interstellar asteroids astronomers predicted. "On average, each planetary system should eject in total about a hundred trillion objects like 'Oumuamua," Zhang said. "The tidal fragmentation scenario not only provides a way to form one single 'Oumuamua, but also accounts for the vast population of asteroid-like interstellar objects." At the moment, we still don't have hard answers. We know 'Oumuamua must have formed somehow, since it exists. This new research represents one way that could have happened, while answering some puzzles along the way. But more information is just around the corner. Since the discovery of 'Oumuamua, a second interstellar object - the comet 2I/Borisov - was identified last year. It's expected that, as our technological capabilities advance, we will find many more interstellar objects visiting our Solar System. Perhaps they will be able to reveal 'Oumuamua's secrets, too. The research has been published in Nature Astronomy.
This section provides a quick introduction of Issac Newton and his main contribution to physics, Newton's Laws of Motion. Who Is Newton? Newton, full name Isaac Newton, was an English physicist and mathematician. He was born on December 25, 1642, at Woolsthorpe, England, and die on March 31, 1727 at London, England. Newton's main contribution in physics is the discovering of 3 principals on motion called Newton's Laws of Motion, published in a series of 3 books called "Philosophiæ Naturalis Principia Mathematica (Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy)" in 1687: Newton's First Law of Motion - If the net force acting on an object is zero, then the velocity of the object is constant. Newton's Second Law of Motion - The acceleration of an object is directly proportional to the net force acting on the object, and inversely proportional to the mass of the object. Newton's Third Law of Motion - If a force is exerted by one object to another object, another force is simultaneously exerted by the second object to the first object with equal strength and opposite direction.
Fear of snakes, no matter the species, leads many people to kill them on sight without knowing if they actually pose any danger. In Africa, snake bites cause over 20,000–32,000 deaths each year, and with the region’s population expected to double by 2050, snakes are expected to come under increasing pressure . Harith Farooq, a postdoctoral researcher at Center for Macroecology, Evolution and Climate (CMEC) at University of Copenhagen in Denmark, is worried about how increased encounters and humans’ perception of snakes will affect conservation efforts. “With over 10 years of experience working with snakes, I often receive photos of killed snakes from Mozambique for identification,” he said. “Additionally, in many Facebook groups dedicated to African reptiles, there are regular postings of requests for IDs for dead snakes — therefore killed without knowledge of their species or level of danger.” Whereas in Europe, North America, and parts of Asia the number of people is stable or even decreasing, populations in Africa are the world’s fastest growing. Working with Jonas Geldmann, an assistant professor CMEC at the University of Copenhagen, Farooq used computer modeling to predict how changing human settlement patterns might affect human–snake encounters, perhaps putting more snakes at risk. “As human settlements expand and intensify, areas that were once pristine or sparsely populated will experience more human activity, leading to more snakes being killed,” said Farooq. In a previous study carried out in northern Mozambique, Farooq investigated how people’s fear of snakes affected their encounters. “Through over 1000 interviews with local communities, we found that snakes were frequently killed in various settings — homes, villages, and even in their natural habitats — unlike other reptiles and amphibians, which were generally ignored,” Farooq said. Morgan Hauptfleisch, an associate professor of nature conservation at Namibia University of Science and Technology who was not involved in this study, commented that snakes are often overlooked in conservation efforts. “This is in contrast with charismatic mammals, such as cheetahs and elephants, which are in some cases far less threatened but are the focus of government and non-governmental conservation efforts,” said Hauptfleisch. Farooq and Geldmann used human population growth estimates from three previously published scenarios: sustainable development, in which resource consumption decreases slightly; middle of the road, in which historical trends in resource consumption stay constant; and regional rivalry, in which resource consumption increases. Using these predictions, they mapped human settlements, using a threshold of ten or more people per square kilometer, onto the ranges of the 754 snake species in Africa. Snake species were put into two groups according to their IUCN classification: not threatened (“least concern”) or threatened at any level. Under the sustainable development scenario, they predicted decreased human–snake contact, but under the other two scenarios, they predicted substantially more. Under the more realistic regional rivalry scenario, by 2050 approximately 71% of the ranges of threatened snakes are expected to overlap with human settlements, a 22% increase from 2020. As well, the number of snakes categorized as “least concern” living in areas with high human density is expected to more than double. “This could result in a significant increase in the number of snake species becoming threatened over the next few decades,” said Farooq. “Our assumption is that snakes constitute one of the most sensitive species to human expansion because they tend to be exterminated on sight.” Farooq and Geldmann hope that these results will bring increasing conservation attention to these important but overlooked creatures. They would be in favor of the creation of policies that promote education about snakes, alleviating people’s fears and explaining the many ecosystem services provided by snakes, such as rodent control, which might encourage people to support snake conservation. They hope, too, that snakes will be included in more conservation management plans to help them thrive in the face of human expansion. Reference: Harith Farooq, Jonas Geldmann, The fear factor—Snakes in Africa might be at an alarming extinction risk, Conservation Letters (2023). DOI: 10.1111/conl.12998 Feature image: A Spotted Bush Snake (Philothamnus semivariegatus) photographed in Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique. One of the hundreds of harmless snakes that occur in Africa that are killed indiscriminately. Photo credit: Harith Farooq
The Main Parts of Optical Fibre The main parts of optical fibre are core, cladding, waveguide and termination. Each part of an optical fibre has its own function and uses in different applications. Light travels down the core of an optical fibre by total internal reflection. This occurs because the core has a higher refractive index than the cladding. The core of an optical fibre is the main part that transmits light. It can be a single-mode (also called a zero-order) or multi-mode fibre, depending on the mode transmission characteristics of the core and cladding. The basic design of an optical fibre is to have a core made from a glass compound with a higher refractive index than the cladding. These are referred to as graded index or GI fibres. The core is surrounded by a cladding of a different glass compound with a lower refractive index, which is referred to as step-index or STI fibers. A graded-index GI core is usually a combination of silica and another glass compound, such as aluminosilicate or phosphosilicate. In some cases, a ring or trench around the core may be doped with fluorine to further lower the refractive index. This design is useful in reducing the modal dispersion caused by the difference in path length of the various modes transmitted down the core. However, it also increases the loss in many applications. * Rayleigh scattering losses from small-scale fluctuations in the refractive index of the core material frozen into the fibre during manufacture can be significant, especially at shorter wavelengths. Losses from this are due to a wide range of factors including dimensional irregularities and changes in the axis direction of the fibre, as well as manufacturing imperfections such as microbending. These losses are typically measured as dB/km, where dB is the power density at the emitted wavelength. They can be a significant component of the total loss of an optical fibre, accounting for up to 90% of the losses. Optical fibres are manufactured with a variety of different materials and processes. The most common is a single-mode core with a cladding of pure silica, but there are several other glass compounds used in the construction of a fibre, each of which has its own set of characteristics. For example, liquid crystalline core (LC) fibers are often used for environmental sensing since they allow a controlled birefringence. The LC fiber core is also an excellent example of an index ellipsoid, which makes it easy to change the orientation of the atoms and molecules in the core when subjected to external stresses, such as pressure or temperature changes. The main parts of an optical fibre are the core, which is the light-carrying portion and the cladding, which surrounds it. The cladding is often made of plastic and serves to protect the fiber from physical harm. It is also used to shield the core from electromagnetic radiation that might otherwise damage it. Optical fibres are classified based on the type of paths that light rays take within the core and cladding. These paths are called modes, and they determine how the fiber performs as a communications medium. There are two main types of modes: multimode and single-mode, each with a different wavelength cutoff value. In multimode fibers, light rays travel down the core in multiple pathways and are guided to different destinations along the way. In step index fibers, the core is surrounded by a cladding that has a lower refractive index than the core itself. This difference in the indices causes total internal reflection, which is the key to optical fibres’ ability to transmit light. This reflects the rays of light back toward the core, keeping them trapped within the fiber. The result is that the light is transmitted at a steady rate down the length of the fiber, with no breaks in transmission as it moves through the core-cladding interface. Graded-index multimode fibers use multiple layers of glass that gradually reduce their refractive index as they move away from the center axis. This causes light rays to move at different rates, which results in better grouping of the rays and faster transmission times. The cladding can be made of various materials, including boron- and fluorine-doped silica. Depending on the application, the cladding diameter can range from 10 um to 1,000 um (mm). In addition to their core and cladding, optical fibres have a protective coating that can main parts of optical fibre be made of plastic or metallic sheaths. This coating, which is usually made of soft or hard plastics, provides mechanical protection and bending flexibility for the fiber. Some specialty fibers, such as photonic crystal fibers, also have a cladding that is made from a non-refractive material. These specialty fibers can be designed with a high sensitivity to electromagnetic radiation from the surrounding environment, making them ideal for applications that need to operate in harsh environments. The main part of an optical fibre is the waveguide. This is a metal tube that confines waves to follow a particular path in one dimension. The stethoscope that your doctor uses to listen to the sound of your heart is an example of this kind of structure. In fact, all types of waveguides are designed to guide waves in a certain way. The reason for this is that it keeps a wave from spreading out into space and losing power in the process. Optical fibres are used in a wide variety of applications, from the automobile industry to lighting and decoration. Its high power transmission capacity, low losses and safety features make it the ideal medium for these applications. However, there are a few small problems with an optical fibre that can cause it to fail to perform its intended function. * Bending — When manufacturing methods result in minute bends within the fiber geometry, these can degrade the optical performance of the fibre. For example, bending can cause the light entering the core to hit the cladding material at less than the critical angle for transmitting that main parts of optical fibre wavelength. This can lead to the loss of that light into the cladding material. This is often expressed in terms of dB/km losses. The waveguide’s numerical aperture (NA) is the product of the length l and the number of rays entering the fiber at different angles, sin amax. This number depends on the length of the core and cladding, but also on the diameter of the core. These factors, in combination, determine the cut-off frequency of the waveguide. For any frequency above fc, the waveguide passes power; for frequencies below fc, the waveguide attenuates or blocks it. Another important feature of a waveguide is its single-mode or multimode behavior. For a fixed l, the fiber is either a single-mode or multimode fiber, depending on its normalized frequency V and the strength of a guiding field around that l. In a multimode fiber, if the guiding field is strong enough, a second mode will be guided along its length. This mode is called a cladding mode. Termination is the process of connecting a fiber cable to a device, like a wall outlet or piece of network equipment. It allows the optical fiber to be connected to other cables or devices so that light waves can travel smoothly and efficiently throughout a system. Optical fiber termination must be done correctly in order to ensure that the fiber will perform well. In particular, the termination must be performed in a way that minimizes loss and protects the fiber from damage or dirt while in use. There are two main methods of termination: connectors that mate two fibers to create a temporary joint or connect the fiber to a piece of network gear and splices that connect bare fibers directly without connectors. Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages. When using connectors to terminate fiber, it’s important to make sure that the core diameters of the two fibers are identical. Different core sizes connected together can result in a significant amount of light loss, especially when the transmission direction is from large to small fibers. Also, fiber ends must be properly polished to cut losses and prevent reflections of light. A rough surface will scatter light and a round end can also cause loss. Lastly, it’s critical that connectors are installed in a manner that causes little light loss and protects the ferrule from dust or other debris that can accumulate on it. Ideally, connectors should be covered to keep them from being exposed to dirt. In addition, it’s vital that the connectors be installed in a manner that enables them to be tested as part of a certification program. This certification process will allow technicians to determine the performance of the connectors and ensure that they are safe for use in the field.
Communism is an idea in politics consisting of economical equality that wants a world without different social class groups. Communists believe these differences are extremely bad behaviour by the powerful. They say that things like factories, tools and farms (the relations of production) are owned by the bourgeoisie, which gives them unfair power over workers. Communists want these things to be owned by the workers instead of the bosses. They believe this will bring about the end of all money and private property. This is the opposite to capitalism where there is money, and a state and class structure. In capitalism, there is a working class (people who don't own the means of production, also called the proletariat) and the owning class (people who own the means of production, sometimes called the ruling class or the bourgeoisie). Communist thinkers believe a communist world can happen if the working class take away the power of the bourgeoisie and start to control the means of production. In 1848, Karl H. Marx and Friedrich Engels wrote The Communist Manifesto. It was a short book with the basic ideas of communism. Most socialists and communists today still use this book to help them better and more accurately understand politics and economics. Many non-communists read it too, even if they do not agree with everything in it. Karl Marx said that for society to change into a communist way of living, there would have to be a period of change. During this period, the workers would govern society. This is called a dictatorship of the proletariat. Marx was very interested in the Paris Commune of 1870, when the workers of Paris ran the city after the Prussian Army defeated the French Army. He thought that this practical experience was more important than the theoretical views of the various radical groups. Many groups and individuals liked Marx's ideas. By the beginning of the twentieth century, there was a worldwide socialist movement called Social Democracy. It was influenced by his ideas. They said that the workers in different countries had more in common with each other than the workers had in common with the bosses within their own countries. In 1917, Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky led a Russian group called the Bolsheviks in the October Revolution. They got rid of the temporary government of Russia, which was formed after the February Revolution against the Tsar (Emperor). They established the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, also called the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union was the first country claiming to have established a workers' state. In reality, the country never became communist in the way that Marx and Engels described. During the 20th century, many people tried to establish workers' states. In the late 1940s, China also had a revolution and created a new government with Mao Zedong as its leader. In 1959, the island of Cuba had a revolution and created a new government with Fidel Castro as its leader. At one time, there were many such countries, and it seemed as though communism would overtake capitalism. However, communist party governments didn't use democracy. Because of this, the governments became separated from the people, making communism difficult. This also led to disagreements and splits between countries. By the 1960s, one third of the world had overthrown capitalism and were trying to build communism. Most of these countries followed the model of the Soviet Union. Some followed the model of China. The other two thirds of the world still lived in capitalism, and this led to a worldwide divide between capitalist countries and communist countries. This was called the "Cold War" because it was not fought with weapons or armies, but competing ideas. However, this could have turned into a large war. During the 1980s, the United States and the Soviet Union were competing to have the biggest army and having the most dangerous weapons. This was called the "Arms Race". President Ronald Reagan called communist countries like the Soviet Union the "Evil Empire" because he did not agree with communist ideas. Since 1989, when the Berlin Wall was torn down, most countries that used to be communist have returned to capitalism. Communism now has much less influence around the world. In 1991, the Soviet Union broke up. However, around a fifth of the world's people still live in states controlled by a communist party. Most of these people are in China. The other countries include Cuba, Vietnam, Laos, and North Korea. There are also communist movements in Latin America and South Africa. Many people have written their own ideas about communism. Vladimir Lenin of Russia thought that there had to be a group of hard-working revolutionaries (called a vanguard) to lead a socialist revolution worldwide and create a communist society everywhere. Leon Trotsky, also from Russia, argued that socialism had to be international, and it was not important to make it happen first in Russia. He also did not like Joseph Stalin, who became the leader of the USSR after Lenin's death in 1924. Trotsky was made to leave the Soviet Union by Stalin in 1928, and then killed in 1940. This scared many people, and lots of communists argued about whether this was right and whose ideas should be followed. Mao Zedong of China thought that other classes would be important to the revolution in China and other developing countries because the working classes in these countries were small. Mao's ideas on communism are usually called Maoism or Mao Zedong Thought. After Stalin's death in 1953, Mao saw himself as the leader of worldwide communism until he died in 1976. Today the Chinese government is still ruled by the Communist Party, but they actually have what is called a mixed economy. They have borrowed many things from capitalism. The government in China today does not follow Maoism. Some revolutionaries in other countries like India and Nepal still like his ideas and are trying to use them in their own countries. Term usage change The word "communism" is not a very specific description of left-wing political organizations. Many political parties calling themselves "communist" may actually be more reformist (supportive of reforms and slow change instead of revolution) than some parties calling themselves "socialists". Many communist parties in Latin America have lost many members because these parties do different things than what they promised once they get into power. In Chile, between 1970 and 1973, under the left-wing Coalition (groups of parties) of Popular Unity, led by Salvador Allende, the Communist Party of Chile was to the right of the Socialist Party of Chile. This means it was more reformist than the socialist party. Many communist parties will use a reformist strategy. They say working-class people are not organized enough to make big changes to their societies. They put forward candidates that will be elected democratically. Once communists become elected to parliament or the Senate, then they will fight for the working class. This will allow working-class people to change their capitalist society into a socialist one. Symbols and culture change The color red is a symbol of communism around the world. A red five-pointed star sometimes also stands for communism. The hammer and sickle is a well-known symbol of communism. It was on the flags of many communist countries, like the Soviet Union (see top of article). Some communists also like to use pictures of famous communists from history, such as Marx, Lenin, and Mao Zedong, as symbols of the whole philosophy of communism. A song called The Internationale is the international song of communism. It has the same music everywhere, but the words to the song are translated into many languages. The Russian version was the national anthem of the Soviet Union from 1922 until 1944. The sickle in the Soviet Union's flag shows the struggle of the peasants-farmers. The hammer in the flag represents the struggle for the workers. Both of them crossing shows their support for each other. There is also a special kind of art and architecture found in many communist and former communist countries. Paintings done in the style of socialist realism are often done for propaganda to show a perfect version of a country's people and political leader. Art done in the socialist realism style, such as plays, movies, novels, and paintings show hard-working, happy, and well-fed factory workers and farmers. Movies, plays and novels in this style often tell stories about workers or soldiers who sacrifice themselves for the good of their country. Paintings often showed heroic portraits of the leader, or landscapes showing huge fields of wheat. Stalinist architecture was supposed to represent the power and glory of the state and its political leader. Some non-communists also enjoy this kind of art. Related pages change - The ABC of Communism, Nikoli Bukharin, 1920, Section 20 - Principles of Communism, Frederick Engels, 1847, Section 18. "Finally, when all capital, all production, all exchange have been brought together in the hands of the nation, private property will disappear of its own accord, money will become superfluous, and production will so expand and man so change that society will be able to slough off whatever of its old economic habits may remain." Other websites change - Encyclopædia Britannica (11th ed.). 1911. .
Most research on the ecological impacts of tropical dams does so one dam project at a time. But a new landmark study attempts to connect the dots globally by analyzing tropical dam impacts on freshwater river fish around the world.The research assembled data on the geographic range of 10,000 fish species, and checked those tropical species against the location of 40,000 existing dams and 3,700 dams that are either being built or planned for the near future.Scientists found that biodiversity hotspots including the Amazon, Congo, Salween and Mekong watersheds are likely to be hard hit, with river fragmentation potentially averaging between 25% and 40% due to hydropower expansion underway in the tropics.Dams harm fish ecology via river fragmentation, species migration prevention, reservoir and downstream deoxygenation, seasonal flow disruption, and blockage of nurturing sediments. Drastic sudden fish losses due to dams can also destroy the commercial and subsistence livelihoods of indigenous and traditional peoples. Hydropower dams are rising on rivers throughout the tropics, their energy promoted as vital to development, or hyped under the banner of renewable energy. But old dams have been having, and new dams are likely to have, disastrous impacts on river fish, according to a new global assessment by researchers at Radboud University, the PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency, and the Stanford Natural Capital Project. The study, recently published in the PNAS journal, mapped the existing and projected impacts of current and future tropical river dams on thousands of fish species, and showed that dam construction will increase habitat fragmentation along rivers like the Amazon, Niger, Congo, Salween and Mekong by a quarter or more. “Understanding the impact of fish habitat fragmentation due to dams is key to start quantifying these [ecological] tradeoffs,” says Valerio Barbarossa, a researcher at the PBL Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency and lead author on the paper. While researchers have long suspected that global development of dams was becoming a severe threat to river habitat, there were no global studies attempting to quantify those effects. Dams are currently most prevalent — and habitat fragmentation correspondingly highest — in the U.S., Europe, South Africa, India and China. But with hydropower development shifting rapidly to the tropics in recent years, ecologists have been sounding the alarm. Barbossa’s interest in the topic led him to begin synthesizing available knowledge on the subject as part of his PhD research. He collected and assembled data on the geographic range of 10,000 fish species, and checked those species against the location of 40,000 existing dams. He also looked beyond existing dams to the future impacts of 3,700 dams that are either being built or planned for the near future. Barbossa found that biodiversity hotspots like the Amazon, Congo and Mekong watersheds — home to charismatic giants like freshwater stingrays, and a huge array of smaller species — were likely to be hard hit. Habitat “Fragmentation might be as high as 40% on average due to the current hydropower expansion that is [underway] in the tropics,” Barbarossa told Mongabay. “[F]or instance, the completion of one planned dam on the Purari River in Papua New Guinea might have very high impacts on fish that migrate to and from the ocean during their lifecycle.” He noted that this particular dam could cut freshwater fish habitat connectivity by about 80%. Shattering river connectivity and altering ecology Habitat fragmentation occurs when previously large swaths of landscape (or riverscape in this case) are broken up by development — by roads, plantation agriculture, pipelines, or dams — isolating genetic populations of animals and dwindling their available territory. “The role of dams in blocking fish migrations is an impact that reduces or eliminates the reproduction of these species, reduces their ranges and breaks populations into isolated groups,” said Philip Fearnside, a professor at Brazil’s National Institute for Research in Amazonia who was not involved with the study. In some cases, he noted, dams can also have an opposite but still adverse effect, with fish ladders aiding species in bypassing natural barriers such as river rapids removed by dams, allowing those species to invade areas where they were not native. Also ecologically detrimental: dams convert formerly fast moving streams into still-water reservoirs, with the water at the bottom becoming oxygen-poor, potentially wiping out bottom-dwellers — not only within the manmade lakes, but also downriver. “The water released from the turbines and spillways usually comes from depths in the reservoir where there is little or no oxygen, thus killing fish downstream,” said Fearnside. The adverse biodiversity impacts of tropical dam construction can be seen in the severe depletion of the Mekong giant catfish and Amazon giant catfish, as well as in the recent extinction of the Chinese paddlefish, which had survived millions of years, but whose numbers were greatly reduced by dams within the species’ habitat. Species losses don’t only diminish diversity: tropical river fish are essential to the commercial and subsistence livelihoods of indigenous and traditional peoples, Fearnside said. When dams eliminate fish, they also end those livelihoods, sometimes with catastrophic economic and social impacts, forcing sustainable communities into cash economies for which they may be little prepared. Detrimental downstream impacts Dams have other potent downstream effects. In addition to blocking migrations and lowering downstream oxygen content, dams release water primarily when there’s a need for power, making river flows unpredictable. This thwarts the natural rising and falling seasonal cycles of river levels downstream of dams, eliminating an important signal for fish behavior which can be key to healthy riparian ecology. In Amazonian floodplain lakes, for example, where many fish reproduce — including important commercial species — the natural seasonal peak flood pulse brings nutrient-rich water and sediments into rainforest lakes, supporting the growth of newly hatched fish in critical “nursery” habitats. But once dams are built, seasonal pulses merely back up behind them. “Dams trap sediments in their reservoirs, thus reducing nutrient content and fish production in the downstream river stretches,” Fearnside explained. “Particularly ironic are the major dams that Brazil plans to build in Peru and Bolivia, which will trap sediments and thus reduce fish production in Brazil,” harming that nation’s ecology and fisheries. “We knew that future river infrastructure development [would] impact fish species, but in most places with acute development pressure, there were very few comprehensive data [points] to evaluate potential impacts,” said researcher Rafael Schmitt, of the Stanford Natural Capital Project and a study co-author. The scientists suggest that their data may help developers plan dams more strategically to avoid devastating impacts. Fearnside praised the new study’s scope, noting that most such research occurs “one dam at a time,” and that the team’s work was an important indicator of the global scale of the problem. However, he took issue with other aspects of the research which pointed toward win-win outcomes: the idea that the study can aid in picking sites for hydropower expansion or in creating river bypass construction that will be less damaging to fish populations. “My reading of the meaning of the results is not so favorable to supposed ‘win-win’ outcomes,” he said. “To me the results indicate that, with rare exceptions, we should simply stop building big dams… It is important to keep focus on the decision to build or not build dams, rather than assuming that dams are inevitable and that only modest add-ons to soften impacts are open to discussion.” Barbarossa, V., Schmitt R., Huijbregts, Mark., Zarfl, C., King, H., Schipper, A. (2020.) Impacts of current and future large dams on the geographic range connectivity of freshwater fish worldwide. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (7) 3648-3655. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1912776117. Banner image caption: An Arapaima, among the world’s largest freshwater fish, at the Cologne Zoological Garden. These Amazonian fish depend on flood pulses, an aspect of river ecology that dams restrict. Image by Superbass, copyright CC BY-SA 3.0. Source: News Mongabay
Goal: When you have finished this laboratory exercise you will understand - the mechanism of heat transfer in a heat exchanger and you will learn - how to determine the temperatures of fluid streams exiting a heat exchanger - the difference between parallel and counter-flow heat exchanger - the role of overall heat transfer coefficient in the design of a heat exchanger Heat exchangers are widely used in food processing plants. A broad classification of a heat exchanger is based on whether any heating/cooling medium comes into contact with the product being heated or cooled. In a non-contact type of heat exchanger, the two streams (heating/cooling medium and food product) are not allowed to mix with each other. This is generally accomplished by separating the streams with some type of a metal wall. In a contact type heat exchanger, the heating/cooling and products streams are allowed to contact and mix with each other, e.g. in a steam injection heater. Some of the commonly used heat exchangers in food processing are shown in the following slides. Plate heat exchanger are commonly used for heating and cooling milk, fruit juices, beer and wine. In a laboratory experiment, we will use a double pipe heat exchanger as shown below: In this heat exchanger, we will heat water in a water heater (similar to the one commonly used in domestic water heating). Hot water is then pumped in the outer pipe of the heat exchanger. In the inner pipe, cold water is pumped to obtain heated water at the exit. A centrifugal pump is used to pump cold water through the inner pipe. Valves are used to adjust flow rates. Thermocouples are installed along the length of the pipe to obtain temperature distribution. Flow rate of the fluid streams is measured using flow meters. We operate the heat exchanger with different flow rates and measure the inlet and exit temperatues of the two fluid systems. The inlet and exit temperatures of both fluid streams are used in calculating log mean temperature difference. The rate of heat transfer is calculated knowning the log mean temperature difference and flow rates. For the virtual experiment, enter the inlet temperatures and mass flow rates of the product (milk) and heating fluid (hot water) streams, type of flow, inside pipe radius, and length of the heat exchanger. Determine the outlet temperatures of both fluid streams. In designing heat exchangers, prediction of the exit temperature of the fluid streams is an important task. Assuming steady state heat transfer, two general methods are used for this purpose: log mean temperature difference (LMTD) and effectiveness-NTu (number of thermal units) method. Log Mean Temperature Difference: The temperature difference between the two fluid streams varies along the length of the heat exchanger. This difference is expressed as a log mean temperature difference: where ΔT1 and ΔT2 are the temperature differences between the two fluids at the inlet and outlet of the heat exchanger. The effectiveness-NTU method is used to determine the outlet temperature of the two streams for known mass flow rates (kg/s) and inlet temperatures for a given heat exchanger. This method is based on heat transfer effectiveness, ε, given as Using the results, calculate the following: 1. the logarithmic mean temperature difference 2. the overall heat transfer coefficient (U value) 3. the effectiveness values with the calculated outlet and inlet temperatures for each trial for counter and parallel flow conditions. Compare counter flow and parallel flow heat exchangers based on the logarithmic mean temperature difference, overall heat transfer coefficient, and effectiveness values. - Based on the calculated values of the logarithmic mean temperature difference, overall heat transfer coefficient and effectiveness, which flow option would you choose for a double pipe heat exchanger? Why? - Are there any situations when a parallel flow option may be preferred instead of a counter flow heat exchanger? - Cengel, Y.A. (1988). "Heat Transfer: A practical Approach," McGraw-Hill, Inc., Highstown, N.J. - Holman, J.P. (2001). "Heat Transfer," 9th ed, McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York. - Singh, R.P. and Heldman, D.R. (2009). "Introduction to Food Engineering," 4th ed., Academic Press, London.
An asthma attack can be scary, especially if it happens to your child. There are some steps you can take to help prevent an asthma attack. Our pediatrician can tell you more. What You Need To Know About Asthma and Asthma Prevention Asthma symptoms are often brought on by exposure to an allergen, a substance your child is allergic to. The first step in asthma prevention is for your child to have allergy testing from your pediatrician. When you know what your child is allergic to, it makes it easier for your child to avoid the allergen, preventing an asthma attack. It’s not always possible to avoid the allergen, so your pediatrician can prescribe allergy treatments, including: - Allergy injections - Sublingual immunotherapy Asthma symptoms are also brought on by environmental factors, including dust, mold, mildew, pet dander, and other irritants. To help prevent asthma symptoms brought on by environmental allergies, you should: - Vacuum frequently, or consider switching to solid flooring - Wash sheets and pillowcases frequently and use hypoallergenic linens - Keep doors and windows closed in spring and summer - Install an air filter in your house, especially in your child’s bedroom Our pediatrician can also prescribe medications to help when your child has asthma symptoms. Common asthma treatments include: - Short-acting rescue inhalers, to help your child with an acute asthma attack - Long-term asthma medication, to provide constant relief from asthma symptoms A severe, acute asthma attack can be life-threatening, so call emergency services if your child is: - Unable to speak due to breathing difficulties - Severely gasping and wheezing, even with medications - Breathing so deeply the chest gets sucked under the ribcage Want To Know More? Your child’s life doesn’t have to be controlled by asthma. Your child deserves to have an active life, free from worry about an asthma attack. To find out more about asthma prevention and treatment, talk with an expert. Call our pediatrician today.
To mark the 50-year anniversary of the Supreme Court’s groundbreaking decision that helped end legal segregation in the United States, the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History will open “Separate Is Not Equal: Brown v. Board of Education.” The one-year exhibition opens May 15 and closes May 30, 2005. “In 2004, there will be a national conversation about the significance of Brown v. Board of Education,” said Brent D. Glass, director of the museum. “With this exhibition, the museum will lead its visitors to explore the question of what equal opportunity means in the diverse world of the 21st century.” Morgan Stanley is sponsoring the exhibition. Additional generous support has come from The History Channel, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Smithsonian National Board, The N (the nighttime network for teens), the Deer Creek Foundation, the National Education Association, and Larry and Shelly Brown. On May 17, 1954, the Supreme Court’s unanimous decision in Brown v. Board struck down the 58-year-old segregation doctrine of “separate but equal” facilities, laid out in the 1896 case Plessy v. Ferguson. The Plessy decision had enabled state governments to separate the races in many areas of daily life including restaurants, theaters, public transportation and public schools. The Brown decision stated that “in the field of public education, the doctrine of ‘separate but equal’ has no place. Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal.” This decision set the groundwork for the eventual desegregation of all aspects of daily life. The exhibition’s central theme is that the Brown decision – through the efforts of lawyers, scholars, parents, students and community activists – transformed America. Using objects, images and video presentations, the exhibition will portray the struggle for social justice leading up to and following the Court’s ruling on the Brown case, while also examining the decision’s impact on today’s society in the U.S. and abroad. "This exhibition will commemorate a point in our nation's past when we renewed our confidence in the power of the legal system in a free society,” said Alonzo Smith, co-curator of the exhibition. “It was a shining moment in American history." The exhibition will have six main sections, beginning with “Segregated America.” Upon entering the gallery, visitors will be faced with images of segregated everyday life in the early 20th century, showing the hopes for racial equality that followed the Civil War and how racial and ethnic separation became institutionalized in the early 1900s. The second section, “The Battleground: Separate and Unequal” will tell the story of the role education played in the fight to end legal segregation in the U.S. Visitors will be able to sit in a divided classroom and view vintage footage of segregated schools. In “An Organized Legal Campaign” the exhibition will showcase the central roles that Howard University Law School and the NAACP Legal Defense Fund played in organizing the court fight against segregation, focusing on the two leading civil rights attorneys, Charles Hamilton Houston and Thurgood Marshall. The next area, “Five Communities Change a Nation,” will follow the members of the various communities behind the case and illustrate how the legal argument worked its way to the Supreme Court. This section will include the dining room table from the home of Lucinda Todd, secretary of the Topeka, Kan. NAACP, where the Brown case was born, and footage of the Court’s announcement and the public’s immediate reaction. The exhibition will conclude with an examination of the legacy of Brown to help visitors understand how the case gave hope to millions to press for social justice, yet unleashed severe reactions among those who feared change. The final two sections, “A Landmark in American Justice” and “America Since Brown,” include a portion of the Woolworth lunch counter from Greensboro, N.C., site of a 1960 sit-in protest; materials from the 1963 March on Washington; and protest signs from recent demonstrations concerning affirmative action at the University of Michigan. With additional funding from exhibition sponsor Morgan Stanley, the museum will be offering a variety of educational materials and programs including a resource guide for grades 4-12. The companion Web site,https://americanhistory.si.edu/brown, will feature a virtual tour of the exhibition and a “reflections” section where students can share their thoughts on the legacy of the Brown case. Throughout the year, the museum will host a series of public programs featuring films, symposia and family events. “It’s important for students of all ages to understand that without Brown v. Board their classes would look much different,” said Glass. “Since not every school child can visit the exhibition in Washington, it became a museum priority to find a way to bring the exhibition to them.” On May 19, the museum will host two electronic field trips to allow teachers and students across the nation to visit the exhibition and meet the curators without ever leaving their classrooms. Information on how to participate in the field trip and on receiving the curriculum will be posted on the exhibition Web site: https://americanhistory.si.edu/brown. On May 17, the official anniversary of the decision, the museum will host a program with Jack Greenberg. In 1954, Greenberg was one of a half-dozen lawyers who argued the Brown case before the Supreme Court, and he later succeeded Thurgood Marshall as director counsel of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. He will be discussing his books, “Brown v. Board of Education: Witness to a Landmark Decision,” and “Crusaders in the Courts: Legal Battles of the Civil Rights Movement.” The National Museum of American History traces American heritage through exhibitions of social, cultural, scientific and technological history. Collections are displayed in exhibitions that interpret the American experience from Colonial times to the present. The museum is located at 14th Street and Constitution Avenue N.W., and is open daily from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., except Dec. 25. For more information, visit the museum’s Web site at https://americanhistory.si.edu or call (202) 633-1000. Melinda Machado/ Stephanie Montgomery
Water refracts, but it also depicts. Cutting-edge technology developed at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) has harnessed this capacity molecule by molecule until — voilà! — a camera emerged. Amir H. Hirsa, a scientist and professor at RPI, has designed a lens that requires just two droplets of water to capture an image. In an age of generous carbon footprints, the new cameras do not cost much, weigh much, or use much energy. According to a Newswise press release “The lens is made up of a pair of water droplets, which vibrate back and forth upon exposure to a high-frequency sound, and in turn change the focus of the lens. By using imaging software to automatically capture in-focus frames and discard any out of focus frames, the researchers can create streaming images from lightweight, low-cost, high-fidelity miniature cameras.” Researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute claim the camera can take 250 pictures per second. Herza thinks the technology will be useful for cell phone companies as well as for defense and homeland security. Read more here.
Emergency Preparedness and Response As our climate changes, extreme weather events like hurricanes are increasing in both frequency and intensity. In addition to the damage caused to homes and structures, hurricanes also increase the risk of flooding and moisture inside homes. Because of this, hurricanes pose several health risks and housing hazards including contaminated standing water, heightened risk of the growth and spread of bacteria and mold, increased risk of pest infestation, the release of toxic substances from wet building materials, carbon monoxide poisoning due to improper use of fuel-burning equipment (such as generators), and even lead exposure due to damage to and deterioration of lead paint-based paint. These all pose health risks including disease, respiratory illness, asthma triggers, carbon monoxide poisoning, lead poisoning, and others. Additional risks due to structural damage include houses being pushed off their foundations, rotten floorboards, and damage to electrical systems. Housing will need to play a central role in our response to a changing climate to keep residents safe and healthy before, during, and after extreme weather events like hurricanes. While this resource focuses primarily on hurricanes, other high-wind events can cause similar damage and pose equally dangerous health risks. Many of the resources provided throughout this guide apply to other weather events with catastrophic winds paired with substantial rains and flooding. Visit the National Weather Service’s website regarding other kinds of high-wind events that might affect you, including thunderstorm downbursts and derechos, here. A hurricane is a type of tropical cyclone occurring in the North Atlantic, central North Pacific, and eastern North Pacific Ocean. They form from thunderstorms that hover over warm ocean waters that are at least 80° F; this is why many hurricanes develop near states that are closer to the equator. The warm water evaporates and creates moisture in the atmosphere. As the warm moisture rises into the atmosphere, it begins to cool and condenses to form clouds. While the warm air continues to rise upward, wind on its outskirts begins to move in a circular motion around an epicenter, which can expand to a 20- to 30-mile radius. The winds gather up the clouds formed by the moisture and continue to spin rapidly. When the winds reach 74 m.p.h., it is officially designated as a hurricane. What’s the Difference? Before the winds reach 74 m.p.h. and are officially classified as a hurricane, you might hear a tropical cyclone referred to as a tropical depression or tropical storm. The major difference between the three disignations is their maximum wind speeds. - A tropical depression has maximum a sustained wind speed of 38 m.p.h. or less. - A tropical storm has a maximum a sustained wind speed of 39-73 m.p.h. - A typhoon is the same as a hurricane but occurs in the Northwest Pacific. While higher wind speeds can create dangerous conditions, these other storms can pose flooding and other risks that are still a threat to your health, safety, and property. The Atlantic hurricane season occurs from June 1 to November 30; in the East Pacific, it occurs from May 15 to November 30. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory, 97% of hurricanes occur within this time frame. Knowing when hurricane season begins can better help you to prepare in advance. It is worth noting that scientists have observed that hurricanes have increased in both frequency and intensity due to climate change. Resources for Consumers Hurricanes and Other Tropical Storms CDC’s main page helps you navigate information relevant to how to keep you and your loved ones safe before, during, and after hurricanes and other tropical storms. [url; CDC, 2021] Health and Safety Concerns for All Disasters CDC has collected a multitude of resources on health and safety concerns including animals and insects, food and water safety, carbon monoxide, safe clean up, and power outages for all disasters. [url; CDC, 2017] 2021 Atlantic Hurricane Season Outlook Read NOAA’s press release regarding the current hurricane season. The outlook estimates a 70% likelihood for 6-10 hurricanes and 3-5 major hurricanes. [url; NOAA, 2021] Facts + Statistics: Hurricanes This website provides users with quick hurricane facts including past hurricane seasons and the costliest hurricanes in U.S. history. [url; III] This page on National Weather Service’s website walks you through the various definitions and differences between tropical storms and weather. [url; NWS] Resources for Policymakers Creating Strategies for Flood Preparedness NEW NCHH produced this series to highlight state and local flood assistance/preparedness programs that represent efforts to make homes and communities flood resilient and aid in recovery efforts after flooding events. [url/pdf; NCHH, 2022] Sections of This Resource Library Throughout this resource, you’ll find guidance specific to these topics: - Emergency Plans - Emergency Supplies - Make an Evacuation Plan and Know Your Evacuation Zone - Older Adults - People Experiencing Homelessness - People with Disabilities - People with Chronic Health Conditions This resource library was made possible through a contract between the National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) and the National Center for Healthy Housing, funded through cooperative agreement NU38OT000300-04-05 between the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Environmental Health Association. The contents of this resource library are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the National Environmental Health Association or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Latest page update: October 13, 2022.
Plant a Prairie: Milkweed Seed Bombs Target Grade Level / Age Range By the end of this lesson, students will: - be able to identify different plants and factors that were once native to - learn about how its inhabitants helped soil and water conservation. - Paper Plate or a container to mix the seed bombs in - Crayola Air Dry Clay (can be found at Wal-Mart for $5) used to protect the seeds from insects, birds, etc. that might eat them - Prairie Seeds (Or seeds native to your area) - Compost/Potting Soil - Large flat tray (to allow your seed balls to dry and harden) - Ziploc bags (for students to take home milkweed seed bomb) Suggested Companion Resources - Plant a Pocket of Prairie by Phyllis Root - Prairie – a large, open area of grassland - Native – associated with the country or region - Pollinator – an insect, bird, or animal (mainly insects like butterflies and bumble bees) that help pollinate plants. Background – Agricultural Connections Prairie vegetation is valuable for wildlife, soil conservation, and for aesthetic beauty. There is increasing interest in planting prairie on farms as a part of a Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), for increasing the pollinator population, soil The technique of planting prairie right in the field, in strips that lie roughly on the contour (while fitting in with farming operations) has become increasingly popular. Prairie strips can stop erosion, reduce nutrient loss, improve soil quality, and support monarch butterflies and other pollinators and wildlife. (Figure 1: Prairie strip around the perimeter of a cornfield.) Iowa was once the home to many kinds of prairie grasses that covered the entire state of Iowa. The pioneers noted in their travels that some prairie grass was as tall as 8 feet. Interest Approach or Motivator - Read Plant a Pocket of Prairie by Phyllis Root. - Invite a Natural Resources Conservation (NRCS) employee or a County Outreach Coordinator from your area to come in and talk to your students about prairie land. - Allow them time to run through their program, explain prairies, show some of the prairie roots and flowers, and answer any questions or comments from the students. - Tell the students that today we are going to do our part in helping butterflies and pollinators by spreading prairie life in our area. - Explain that farmers use prairie land to not only help stop erosion and water run-off but to encourage pollinators to assist their crop production. Ask students what a pollinator is? - Demonstrate how to make one of the seed balls then allow students to make their own to take home. - Prairie/Milkweed Seed Bomb Activity: - Put prairie or milkweed seed in a container or on a paper plate to mix the seed bombs. The class can do this collectively, or students can do this individually. - Add in the clay or air-dry clay (If you’re using wet clay you won’t need water or if you’re using a dry clay add water sparingly until it’s moist enough to stick together), potting soil, and if the potting soil does not have fertilizer in it put in the compost. Use 3 times as much clay as you have seeds and 5 times as much soil as you have seeds. - Mix all the ingredients together. Make sure it is evenly mixed throughout. - Have each student grab a ping pong ball-sized amount of mixture and form it into a ball. - Once it is shaped, place on the tray to let air dry. - Once dry, place in Ziploc bags and let students take them home or if you have an area around the school you want to see growingwith prairie let students place their prairie seed balls there or you could bring in sling shotsand have students sling shottheir prairie seed balls around the area. - For reference on the Prairie Seed Balls, watch these videos: - Wrap up the lesson with a discussion of what was learned, and ask students to share where they will throw/toss their seed bombs if they have an idea already. Essential Files (maps, charts, pictures, or documents) Did You Know? (Ag facts) - According to the Iowa State STRIPS team, strategically placed prairie strips have the potential to reduce runoff by 44% and provide a reduction in soil loss by 95%. - Prairie strips will not reduce harvest and will provide habitat for wildlife, pollinators and potentially aid in monarch recovery efforts. - In just the last 20 years, the butterflies have declined by more than 90%. There are a number of factors to blame, like land development and intensive farming. Milkweed used to grow between rows of soybeans and corn across the country, but now herbicide-resistant plants allow farmers to use approved chemicals like Roundup in their fields, which can kill milkweed. - In the last 10 years, 100 million acres of potential monarch habitat has been lost due to the spraying of herbicides and the removal of key milkweed species. - Invite your local Naturalist or Ag in the Classroom instructor to focus a lesson on monarch butterflies and additional pollinators. - Work with Ag in the Classroom Coordinator to set up a FarmChat® with an area farmer who has a prairie strip on their farm. - Field trip to UNI Tallgrass Prairie Center (2412 W. 27th St. in Cedar Falls, Iowa) - Outside of school time as you travel, look for prairie areas. Return to class and share what you saw, location, and perhaps any photos that were taken. Iowa Agriculture Literacy Foundation Denver Elementary School, Denver, Iowa National Agriculture Literacy Outcomes - T1.K-2a Describe how farmers/ranchers use landto grow crops and support livestock. - T2.K-2e Identify the importance of natural resources (e.g., sun, soil, water, minerals) in farming. - T2.K-2 f Identify the types of plants and animals found on farms and compare with plants and animals found in wild landscapes. - T5.K-2d Identify plants and animals grown or raised locally that are used for food, clothing, shelter, and landscapes. Iowa Core Standards - RI.1.7 Use the illustrations and details in a text to describe its key ideas. - 1-LS1-1 Use materials to design a solution to a human problem by mimicking how plants and/or animals use their external parts to help them survive, grow, and meet their needs. - K-2-ETS1-1 Ask questions, make observations, and gather information about a situation people want to change to define a simple problem that can be solved through the development of a new or improved object or tool. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
A navigation system based on high-energy particles created by cosmic rays has been successfully tested underground for the first time. The technology could one day be used to guide underground and underwater robots, and even aid search and rescue efforts in collapsed mines or buildings. Existing navigation tools like GPS use radio waves to triangulate a position, but these signals tend to be absorbed or reflected by water or thick rock. “That’s why it’s difficult to use GPS in indoor or underground environments,” says Hiroyuki Tanaka at the University of Tokyo, Japan. To get around this problem, researchers have turned to particles called muons, which are created when cosmic rays collide with particles in Earth’s atmosphere and can pass through water and rock unaffected. For example, the US Navy has investigated using a muometric position system, or MuPS, that utilises the properties of muons to navigate underground and underwater. Now, Tanaka and his colleagues have developed a wireless version of the technology, dubbed the muometric wireless navigation system (MuWNS). In the first real-world test of MuWNS, researchers placed four reference detectors on a building’s sixth floor, while someone walked with a receiver detector around the basement. Similar to how a GPS works, the system calculated the location of the person in the basement using the time taken for the muons to pass between the reference detectors and the receiver detector in the basement, as well as their angle. The team found that MuWNS could track the person in the basement with an accuracy of between 2 to 25 metres, which is comparable to GPS. That is enough to make the system useful for providing navigation to vehicles in tunnels or perhaps one day to find survivors in rubble after earthquakes or cyclones, says Tanaka. “It is intriguing to see muons being used in a prototype positioning system which claims quite a high accuracy,” says Stephen Blundell at the University of Oxford. “This new technique could find applications in certain specialised environments.”
A common topic requested by our students is financial statement analysis. Financial statement analysis is not a topic that can be covered in one day! In this blog, we’ll discuss some of the very basics of financial statement analysis, starting with common financial ratios that accountants and finance professionals often look at when analyzing a company. First, what is a financial ratio? The basic definition of a ratio is the quantitative relation between two amounts showing the number of times one value contains or is contained within the other. For example, if a professor has 50 students in a class, the professor to student ratio is 1:50, 1/50 or 0.02. In the same way, if a university has 12 professors and 1,000 students, the professor to student ratio is 12:1,000, 12/1,000 or 0.012. For every one professor, there are approximately 83 students. For financial ratios, we do the same analysis, except we use figures from the financial statements (i.e. the statement of financial position, the statement of profit and loss, or the statement of cash flows). Let’s look at a few of the most common ratios and how to interpret them. The current ratio is a liquidity ratio which measures a company’s ability to pay off its short-term liabilities using its current assets. It is calculated as: Current ratio = current assets / current liabilities Using an example, if current assets are 150M and current liabilities are 50M, the ratio is 3 (150M / 50M) and means that with the current assets on hand, the company could pay off its current debts 3 times. This means the company should not have any issues paying off its short-term debts in the near future. The cash ratio is also a liquidity measure which looks at a company’s ability to pay off its short-term liabilities using only cash. It is calculated as: Cash ratio = cash and cash equivalents / current liabilities For the same company as the example above, if cash is 25M, the ratio is 0.5 (25M / 50M). In this case, the company has enough cash to pay off half of its current liabilities. To repay the remaining balance, other current assets would need to be converted into cash. For example, a customer could make a payment against an account receivable and that cash can then be used. Debt to equity: The debt to equity ratio measures leverage, which is the amount of the company that is funded by debt (liabilities). It is calculated as: Debt to equity = Total liabilities / shareholders’ equity Again, let’s use an example. If a company has $100,000 of debt (loans from the bank) and $200,000 of shareholders’ equity (amounts contributed by the company’s owners), then the ratio is 1:2, or 0.5. This means that liabilities are 50% of the shareholders’ equity. A key profitability measure is gross margin. It is calculated as: Gross margin percentage = Gross profit / net sales This measure calculates the % of gross profit that is retained from sales. Remember, gross profit is equal to sales less cost of sales. This measure shows how much profit remains after direct expenses have been incurred. These are just a few of the most common measures an accountant or finance professional might look at but there are hundreds of different ratios that can be analyzed. What is the best way to learn more? Ask your manager or the managers in different business units of your company. Everyone is concerned with different performance indicators and it can be quite interesting to hear about the different figures different people look at on a daily basis! Are there any other financial statement ratios you use regularly? Share them in the comments section below.
Students with disabilities that need access to the curriculum are entitled to 504 Accommodations in accordance with the ADA. Students with an IEP are entitled to both specialized instruction and accommodations appropriate to their specific disability and needs. Discrimination on the basis of disability (Dyslexia) in schools is prohibited by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. If found eligible, necessary accommodations must be formalized into a 504 Plan. The Americans with Disability Act - 504 Accommodations I.D.E.A. is specific to education. A Federal Law that applies to public education until grade 12. The Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) applies to all entities including pubic schools that receive at least $1:00 of Federal funds. Universities, public buildings, government agencies all must provide equal access to persons with disabilities. In schools, 504 Accommodations provide equal access to the curriculum for persons with disabilities. If a student requires specialized instruction and has an IEP they automatically qualify for accommodations particular to their needs and disability. But if a student does not need specialized instruction or no longer needs specialized instruction, they still may require accommodations to access the curriculum. Students can have 504 Accommodations without an IEP. See the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) for more information. The mission of the OCR is to ensure equal access to education and to promote educational excellence. Some examples of why students need accommodations. if ...Disability impacts mobility Students with a disability that effects mobility for example will benefit from accommodations that ensure they can safely and efficiently access school, classes and activities, if ... Disability impacts the ability to see text Students need to access text through Braille and also need the specialized instruction that teaches them how to read and express ideas using Braille. if...Disability impacts reading text fluently at grade level If a student is dyslexic and reading below grade level, or reads more slowly and needs time to read - but grade level texts are across the curriculum the students needs access to grade level text
In Year 12 Biology, students are learning about cell membrane transport processes such as diffusion and osmosis. Day 1 – we dissolved the shells off of 3 eggs using acetic acid (vinegar) Day 2 – Hello shell-less eggs! Day 3 – Egg A was submerged into water, Egg B was submerged into pure glucose (corn syrup), Egg C was submerged into a highly concentrated salt solution Day 6 – Egg A was turgid, bloated! Egg B underwent crenation (shrunken/wrinkled). Egg C was supposed to shrink but it bloated. Results? The passive transport of water through the egg’s outer cell membrane, moving towards the area of high solute concentration is why Egg A became bloated and Egg B shrunk. This is a simple kitchen biology experiment that can be done at home… give it a try!
The brain is the control center of the human body, regulating and coordinating bodily functions, movements, and behavior. The brain is also one of the most delicate organs in the body, and any damage can lead to significant impairment of physical and cognitive functions. Neuropsychology is the branch of psychology specializing in the relationship between the brain and behavior, particularly understanding how brain injuries affect cognitive functioning. In this article, we will look at the role of neuropsychology in diagnosing and treating brain injuries. What is Neuropsychology? Neuropsychology is a specialized area of psychology investigating the relationship between the brain and behavior. It focuses on studying the brain’s structure and function and how they relate to cognitive, emotional, and behavioral processes. Neuropsychologists work with patients who have suffered brain injuries or disorders, including traumatic brain injury (TBI), stroke, brain tumors, and degenerative brain diseases. The Role of Neuropsychology in Diagnosing Brain Injuries Neuropsychological assessment plays a crucial role in the diagnosis of brain injuries. Following a brain injury, physical, emotional, and cognitive changes may not be immediately apparent. Neuropsychological testing can help to identify the areas of the brain that have been affected and the extent of the damage. During a neuropsychological evaluation, a trained clinician will conduct tests to assess various cognitive functions, such as memory, attention, language, and executive functioning. These tests can help to identify the specific deficits caused by the brain injury and provide valuable information for treatment planning. Neuropsychological assessments are also helpful in tracking a patient’s progress over time. By comparing results from multiple reviews, clinicians can determine if a patient is improving or if any new deficits need to be addressed. The Role of Neuropsychology in Treating Brain Injuries Neuropsychologists play an essential role in the treatment of brain injuries. They work with patients and their families to develop individualized treatment plans that address the specific cognitive deficits caused by the injury. Treatment plans may include cognitive rehabilitation, psychotherapy, medication management, and lifestyle changes. Cognitive rehabilitation is a form of therapy that aims to improve cognitive function and reduce the impact of brain injury on daily life. The treatment can include a variety of techniques, such as memory training, problem-solving exercises, and attention-building activities. Psychotherapy can also be an essential component of treatment for brain injuries. Many patients experience emotional and psychological changes following a brain injury, such as depression, anxiety, and irritability. Psychotherapy can help patients to cope with these changes and improve their overall quality of life. Medication management is another crucial aspect of treatment for brain injuries. Some medications, such as antidepressants and antipsychotics, can help treat brain injuries’ emotional and psychological symptoms. Other drugs, such as stimulants, can improve attention and focus. Lifestyle changes, such as diet and exercise, can also be helpful in the treatment of brain injuries. Exercise has been shown to improve cognitive function and help patients regain physical function following a brain injury. A healthy diet can also be beneficial, as some nutrients, such as omega-3 fatty acids, have been shown to improve cognitive function. In conclusion, neuropsychology plays a crucial role in diagnosing and treating brain injuries. Neuropsychological assessments can help to identify the specific deficits caused by the injury and provide valuable information for treatment planning. Neuropsychologists work with patients and their families to develop individualized treatment plans that address the specific cognitive deficits caused by the injury. Treatment plans may include cognitive rehabilitation, psychotherapy, medication management, and lifestyle changes. With the help of neuropsychologists, patients with brain injuries can receive targeted and effective treatment to improve their cognitive and emotional functioning, leading to a better quality of life. It is also worth noting that early intervention is critical in treating brain injuries. The sooner a patient receives treatment, the better their chances of recovery. For this reason, it is essential to seek medical attention immediately after a brain injury, even if symptoms are not immediately apparent. In addition to the role of neuropsychology in diagnosis and treatment, research in this field is also crucial for advancing our understanding of the brain and its relationship to behavior. Brain injury and recovery studies can help identify new treatment approaches and improve patient outcomes. Finally, it is important to acknowledge that brain injuries can have a significant impact not only on the individual but also on their family and caregivers. Neuropsychologists can provide support and guidance to patients and their families throughout the recovery process, helping to ensure that the patient receives the best possible care and support. In conclusion, neuropsychology plays a critical role in diagnosing and treating brain injuries. Through neuropsychological assessment, patients can receive targeted and effective treatment to improve their cognitive and emotional functioning. With early intervention, the guidance of a neuropsychologist, and ongoing research, patients with brain injuries can achieve optimal recovery and a better quality of life.
Know Your Monkeys Baboons belong to the group of Old World monkeys. They are found in North-Central and Eastern Africa. They inhabit open grassland near wooded areas. They are also found in moist evergreen forests and near areas of human habitation. Five species of baboons have been described: P.hamadryas, P.papio, P.anubis, P.cyanocephalus and P.ursinus. They have a lifespan of 25 – 30 years in the wild and can live for approximately 40 – 45 years in captivity. The main species housed at the Institute of Primate Research is P.anubis(Olive baboon). These have a greenish grey hair coat cover as adults while the infants have a black coat. Unlike other baboons, they have long pointed muzzles, close-set eyes, powerful jaws, thick fur except on their muzzle, a short tail and rough spots on their protruding hindquarters. The males weigh approximately 24 kg while the females weigh approximately 14.7 kg. The adult males have long hair forming a mane from the top of their heads through their shoulders, gradually shortening down the back. Olive baboons are omnivores and consume a huge variety of feed including roots, tubers, corms, fruits, leaves, flowers, birds, birds’ eggs and vertebrates (including other primates). The use of non-human primates such as baboons is especially critical given their structural and physiological homology with humans. Studies previously carried out in baboons have led to major breakthroughs in the development of curative and prophylactic products to enhance disease control. Baboons are thus used as experimental models for the safety, feasibility and efficacy of these products. Baboons are therefore especially to the following disciplines in IPR, Reproductive health and biology, Neuroscience (Alzheimer’s disease), Infectious diseases (Schistosomiasis and malaria). Black and white Colobus Synonyms: Angolan black and white Colobus, Eastern black and white Colobus Scientific name: Angolan black and white Colobus ( Colobus angolensis), Eastern black and white colobus (Colobus abyssinicus) Habitat: Clobus live in all types of closed forests including Montane and Gallery forests. They may be found both in coastal forests and inland high-country areas. Bamboo stands are also common dwelling places of the Colobus. Range: They are found in Eastern Africa in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi and Ethiopia, in Central Africa they are found in Congo DRC, Congo, in Western Africa in Benin, Cameroon, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Togo and Sierra Leone. Physical features: Colobus monkeys do not have thumbs. Their black fur contrasts with their long white mantle, beard and whiskers around the face, They also have a long white tail. The eastern black and white is distinguishable by U-shaped cape of white hair running from the shoulders to lower back., whereas the Angolan black and white has white hairs flaring out only on the shoulders. Behavioural characteristics: The black and white Colobus is the most arboreal of all African monkeys and rarely descends to the ground. They use their mantle hair and tail as parachutes during long leaps. Colobus monkeys live in troops of about 5-10 animals consisting of a dominant male, several females and their young. Colobus monkeys do not have a distinct breeding period although most mating occurs during the rainy season. They are strict leaf-eaters and prefer tender young leaves found in treetops. Their complex stomachs enable them to digest mature or toxic foliage that other monkeys cannot. Interesting facts: The name Colobus is a Greek derivative meaning ‘mutilated one ‘, this is due to the absence of thumbs. They communicate via song-like calls, a warning call and a mating call. Synonyms: Debrazza Guenon, African forest monkey Scientific name: Cercopithecus neglectus Habitat: Debrazza Monkeys prefer dense swamp, bamboo and dry mountain forests associated with streams, rivers and dense vegetation. They are found at elevations up to 6890 feet (2100 m) above sea level. Range: Debrazzaz range from Southeastern Cameroun eastward through Central African Republic,Zaire, Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda and Western Kenya, northward to Ethiopia and Sudan. They are also found in Angola, Gabon and Equatorial Guinea. Physical features: They have a grey-green coloring that provides camouflage from predators such as leopards, pythons and Eagles. Adults are nearly Identical in appearance, each having a distinctive white lip, whiskers and long beard, and an orange-red crescent-shaped patch on the brow. They have a white rump and thigh strip. Males are have a bright blue scrotum and are noticeably larger than females both in height and weight. Behavioural characteristics: DeBrazzas are diurnal, spending majority of their time low in the forest canopy or on the forest floor. 75 %of their diet consists mainly of fruits and seeds. They also feed on leaves , mushrooms, flowers and small animals such as reptiles and arthropods. Foraging normally takes place between dawn and dusk ,they have cheek pouches where they store food as they forage in exposed areas. Only later, when they are in a safe area do they take time to eat their food. Troops usually consist of one dominant male, one or more females and their young . A troop can number upto 35 individuals but are usually between 10-15. Interesting facts: The French word guenon means “fright” and refers to the facial expressions the animal uses to threaten or when anxious. Debrazza’s guenons are excellent swimmers. They ‘freeze’ when attacked and can stay immobile for up to 8 hours. Eastern patas monkey Eastern patas monkey Erythrocebus patas pyrrhonotus. Large (7 kg) semi-terrestrial, primate present in open acacia woodland. Patchily distributed in western, central and southern Kenya. Numbers decreasing due to habitat loss. Red List status: ‘Least Concern’, but one of Kenya’s most threatened primates. Eastern potto (Perodicticus potto ibeanus). Small (850 g), arboreal, nocturnal primate, present in the forests of south-western Kenya. Major threat is loss of habitat. Red List sta-tus ‘Least Concern’. Kenya lesser galago Kenya lesser galago Galago senegalensis braccatus .Small (205 g) arboreal, nocturnal primate present in acacia woodland in northern, western, central and southern Kenya. Red List status: ‘Least Concern’. Photograph by Y.A. de Jong & T.M. Butynski wildsolutions.nl Kolb’s monkey Cercopithecus mitis kolbi .Medium-sized (6 kg) arboreal primate. Found in the forests of the Kenya Highlands. Numbers decreasing due to habitat loss and degradation. Red List status ‘Least Concern’. Photograph by T.M. Butynski & Y.A. de Jong, wildsolutions.nl Generic name referring to several old world monkeys belonging to the Genus Cercocebus ,Lophocebus and Rungwecebus ,for example the Agile Mangabey ( Cercocebus agilis) found in east , west and central African countries, the Crested Mangabey (Lophocebus aterrimus) found in West Africa and the Highland Mangabey (Rungwecebus Kipunji) found in the highland forests of Tanzania. Synonyms: Sooty Mangabey, Tana River mangabey,White-collared mangabey (Genus Cercocerbus); Gray-cheeked Mangabey, Black-crested Mangabey, Uganda Mangabey (Genus Lophocebus); Kipunji( Genus Rungwecebus) Scientific names: Are several depending on Genus, for example Cercocebus torquatus, Lophocebus ugandae and Rungwecibus kipunji. Habitat: Mangabeys live in a wide variety of habitats ranging from riverine forest patches as is the case with the Tana River Mangabey, sub-tropical or dry forests (Black-crested Mangabey) to swamps or primary forests ( Gray-cheeked Mangabey). Range: Mangabeys range from Burkina Faso, Ghana, Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria and Sierra Leone in West Africa to Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania in East Africa. They are also found in Congo, DRC and Gabon in Central Africa. Physical features: These differ from species to species, for example the Crested Mangabeys have dark skin, eyelids that match their facial skin and crests of hair on their heads. The Grey-cheeked Mangabey and Uganda Mangabey have thick brown fur and look similar in shape to small hairy baboons. The Kipunji has long brown fur which stands in tufts on the sides and top of its head while its face and eyelids are uniformly black. The male Mangabeys are slightly larger than the females. Behavioural characteristics: Mangabeys are mainly arboreal but may be found habitually on the forest floor foraging for food. They feed primarily on fruits as well as shoots, flowers and insects. Mangabeys live in troops of between 5 and 30 usually consisting of 1 dominant male, several females and their young or several males( none dominant), females and their young. On reaching adulthood young males leave the troop and join other troops while females remain in the troop of their birth. Nortern silver galago Northern silver galago Otolemur crassicaudatus argentatus Small (1,130 g) arboreal, nocturnal primate found in the acacia woodlands of extreme south-western Kenya. Melanistic individu-als, as seen in the photograph, are common. Major threat is habitat loss. Red List status ‘Least Concern’. Photograph by Y.A. de Jong & T.M. Butynski wildsolutions.nl Schmidt’s red-tailed monkey Schmidt’s red-tailed monkey Cercopithecus Ascanius schmidti Medium-sized (4 kg) arboreal primate. Found in the forests of southwest Kenya. Numbers decreasing due to habitat loss and degradation. Red List status: ‘Least Concern’. Photograph by T.M. Butynski & Y.A. de Jong wildsolutions.nl Somali lesser Galago gallarum Somali lesser galago Galago gallarum .Small (200 g) arboreal, nocturnal primate of the Commiphora and acacia bushlands of eastern and north-eastern Kenya. Present in dryer habitats than any other primate in Africa. Major threat is loss of habitat. Red List status: ‘Least Concern’. Photograph by Y.A. de Jong & T.M. Butynski, wildsolutions.nl Tana River mangabey Tana River mangabey Cercocebus galeritus. Medium-sized, semi-terrestrial, primate that is found only in the forests of the lower Tana River. The main threats are habitat loss due to agricultural clearing, extraction of forest products, and five hydroelectric power dams upriver. Listed as one of the world’s 25 most threatened primates. Less than 1,200 remain in the world. Red List status: ‘Endangered’. Tana River red colobus Tana River red colobus Procolobus rufomitratus rufomitratus .Medium-sized (10 kg) arboreal primate. Found only in the forests of the lower Tana River. The main threats are habitat loss due to clearing for agriculture, extraction of forest products, and five hydroelectric power dams upriver. Listed as one of the world’s 25 most threatened primates. Less than 1,000 remaining in the world. Red List status: ‘Endangered’. Photograph by Y.A. de Jong & T.M. Butynski wildsolutions.nl The vervet is a grey-brown monkey with a greenback, white-fringed black face, long whitish cheek whiskers, white fur surrounding the eyes, black feet, black tip to tail and blue scrotum. Their weights range from 4 -7 kg and 2.5 – 3.5 kg for males and females respectively. Infants have pink faces and a lighter colouration than adults. It is said there are 21 subspecies, with Kenyan subspecies C.a.pygerythrus (Amboseli and Coastal region), C.a.arenarius (Samburu and Northern regions) and C.a.tantalus (Western region). For simplicity, all vervets are considered to be part of the C.aethiops species. The vervet is found in savannah, woodland, riverine, gallery, lakeshore, and coastal forests. They compete with baboons as the most widely distributed of all the African monkeys and the most abundant monkey in the world. Like the baboons, Vervets are opportunistic eaters, which allow them to survive on a wide variety of conditions by eating various food types. They are truly omnivorous, eating fruits, buds, seeds, roots, bark, flowers, gum, insects, small vertebrates and eggs. They will travel for 1-2km daily. Vervets are found in multi-male multi-female groups with linear dominance hierarchy among males and matriarchal kin group relationships among the females. Sexual consortships are not formed and there is no paternal care of offspring after birth. The vervet monkey is a preferred lab animal for studies in Human African Trypanosomiasis and leishmaniasis.
12 February 2024 Welcome to the world of XML! In this article, we will explore the fundamentals of XML, its functionality, advantages, and common uses. XML, which stands for Extensible Markup Language, is a widely used markup language that allows users to define their own customized markup tags. It is a versatile tool used for storing and transporting data across different platforms and applications. XML is a markup language that defines rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable. It uses tags to define elements and attributes to provide additional information about those elements. Unlike HTML, which is primarily used for formatting web content, XML focuses on the structure and organization of data. XML works by using a set of rules to define the structure of a document. It uses opening and closing tags to enclose elements and attributes to provide additional information about those elements. These tags and attributes can be customized to suit the specific needs of an application or system. XML documents are hierarchical in nature, meaning they have a tree-like structure. The top-level element is known as the root element, which contains other elements as children. These child elements can, in turn, contain their own child elements, creating a nested structure. There are several advantages to using XML: XML has a wide range of applications across various industries. Some common uses of XML include: XML's versatility and flexibility make it a popular choice for managing and exchanging data in a structured and standardized manner. XML, short for eXtensible Markup Language, is a widely-used language for structuring and storing data in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable. It was first introduced in the late 1990s and has since become a fundamental technology for data exchange and storage across various industries. Unlike HTML, which is primarily used for displaying web pages, XML focuses on describing the content and structure of data. It provides a set of rules for defining custom tags and attributes, allowing users to create their own markup languages tailored to their specific needs. XML follows a tree-like structure, where data is organized hierarchically. Each XML document consists of elements, which are enclosed within opening and closing tags. Elements can have attributes that provide additional information about the data they represent. One of the key features of XML is its flexibility. It allows users to define their own tags and structure data in a way that best suits their requirements. This makes XML highly adaptable to different industries and applications. XML documents are typically stored in plain text files with a .xml extension. These files can be easily created and edited using a simple text editor or specialized XML editors. The data within an XML file can be accessed and manipulated using various programming languages and tools. In summary, XML is a versatile markup language that provides a standardized way of structuring and storing data. It offers flexibility, readability, and interoperability, making it an essential technology for data exchange and storage in various domains. XML, or Extensible Markup Language, is a widely used format for storing and transferring data. It provides a flexible and self-describing structure that allows information to be easily shared and understood by different systems. In this section, we will explore how XML works and its key components. At its core, XML consists of elements, attributes, and text. Elements are the building blocks of an XML document and are enclosed within tags. They can have child elements, attributes, or both. Attributes provide additional information about an element, while text represents the actual content. For example, consider the following XML snippet: <title>Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone</title> In this example, "book" is the root element, while "title" and "author" are child elements. The text within the "title" and "author" elements represents the book's title and author, respectively. XML follows a set of rules known as syntax to ensure the document's validity. These rules include: XML documents can be validated against a Document Type Definition (DTD) or an XML Schema Definition (XSD). These validation mechanisms ensure that the XML adheres to a specific set of rules and structure. Validation helps in identifying errors and inconsistencies in the XML document, ensuring its integrity and compatibility with other systems. It also assists in preventing data corruption and enhances data exchange between different applications. XML can be processed using various programming languages and tools. The most common method is to use an XML parser, which reads the XML document and extracts the required information. Parsers can be either DOM (Document Object Model) or SAX (Simple API for XML) based. DOM parsers create an in-memory representation of the entire XML document, allowing easy navigation and manipulation of the data. SAX parsers, on the other hand, process the XML document sequentially, triggering events as they encounter different elements or attributes. One of the significant advantages of XML is its ability to transform data into different formats using XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations). XSLT allows you to convert XML documents into HTML, PDF, or any other desired format, enabling seamless integration with various systems and platforms. Overall, XML provides a versatile and efficient way to structure, store, and exchange data. Its self-descriptive nature, flexibility, and compatibility make it a popular choice for a wide range of applications. XML (Extensible Markup Language) offers numerous advantages that make it a popular choice for data storage, exchange, and manipulation. Here are some key advantages of using XML: XML is a platform-independent language, which means it can be used on any operating system or device. It is not tied to any specific software or hardware, making it highly versatile and adaptable. XML files are both human-readable and machine-readable. The markup tags used in XML are descriptive and self-explanatory, making it easier for developers and users to understand the structure and content of the data. XML allows for the creation of well-structured documents with hierarchical data. It enables the organization and categorization of data elements, making it easier to search, sort, and filter information. XML supports the use of Document Type Definitions (DTD) and XML Schemas to define the structure and data types of XML documents. This enables data validation, ensuring that the XML data conforms to a specific set of rules and requirements. XML facilitates interoperability between different systems and applications. It provides a common format for data exchange, allowing information to be seamlessly shared and integrated across various platforms and technologies. XML is extensible, meaning that it can be easily customized and extended to meet specific needs. New elements and attributes can be added without breaking existing XML documents, providing flexibility and scalability. XML can be integrated with other technologies such as XSLT (Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations) and XPath (XML Path Language), enabling powerful data transformations, queries, and manipulations. Overall, XML offers a robust and flexible solution for data management and exchange. Its advantages make it a preferred choice in various industries, including finance, healthcare, e-commerce, and more. At uk.jobsora.com, we recognize the importance of XML in the job search and recruitment domain. XML plays a crucial role in organizing and exchanging job-related data, ensuring seamless integration between employers, recruiters, and job seekers. Our platform utilizes XML technology to provide users with accurate and up-to-date job listings from various sources. With our user-friendly interface, you can easily search for jobs, create a resume for free, and apply for positions directly through our website. "XML has revolutionized the way data is exchanged and shared across different systems. Its versatility and interoperability make it an indispensable tool in the modern technological landscape." - John Smith, XML expert, UK XML, or eXtensible Markup Language, is a versatile tool that has found a wide range of applications across various industries. Its flexibility and compatibility with different platforms and systems make it an ideal choice for data storage, exchange, and representation. Here are some common uses of XML: XML is widely used for data interchange between different systems and applications. It provides a standardized format for representing structured data, making it easier to exchange information between different platforms and programming languages. XML allows businesses to share data seamlessly and integrate their systems more efficiently. XML plays a crucial role in web services, which enable communication and data exchange between different applications over the internet. XML is used to structure and format the data sent between the client and server, making it easier for applications to understand and process the information. Web services rely on XML-based protocols like SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol) and REST (Representational State Transfer) to facilitate seamless integration between different systems. XML's hierarchical structure and self-descriptive nature make it an excellent choice for storing and managing documents. XML allows for the creation of custom document schemas, which define the structure and content of the document. This makes it easier to organize and search for specific information within a document. XML also enables the separation of content and presentation, allowing for greater flexibility in document formatting and styling. XML is commonly used for data integration, where information from multiple sources needs to be combined and analyzed. XML provides a standardized format for representing data, making it easier to map and transform data from different systems. By using XML, businesses can integrate data from various sources, such as databases, spreadsheets, and web services, into a unified format for analysis and decision-making. XML is frequently used for creating configuration files that define the settings and parameters of software applications. These files allow users to customize the behavior and functionality of an application without modifying its source code. XML's structured format makes it easy to define and update configuration settings, providing a flexible and portable solution for application configuration. XML's extensibility and flexibility make it an ideal choice for data modeling and validation. XML schemas define the structure, data types, and constraints of XML documents, allowing for the validation and enforcement of data integrity rules. XML schemas enable developers to define complex data models and validate data against those models, ensuring the consistency and accuracy of the data. As XML continues to evolve and gain popularity, its applications will only continue to expand. Whether it's for data interchange, web services, document management, or any other use case, XML provides a reliable and versatile solution for handling structured data. XML stands for Extensible Markup Language. It is a markup language that defines rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable. While both XML and HTML are markup languages, they serve different purposes. HTML is used to structure and present content on the web, while XML is designed to store and transport data. XML allows users to define their own tags and structure, making it more flexible than HTML. XML was created to facilitate the sharing of structured data across different systems. It provides a standard format for storing and exchanging information between applications, regardless of the platform or programming language being used. XML uses tags to define elements and attributes to provide additional information about those elements. The data is stored in a hierarchical structure, with each element containing nested elements or text. XML documents can be parsed and processed by software applications to extract and manipulate the data. There are several advantages to using XML: XML is used in a wide range of applications and industries, including: uk.jobsora.com is one of the best places to find a job in the United Kingdom. With a user-friendly interface and a vast database of job listings, it provides a convenient platform for job seekers. Additionally, uk.jobsora.com offers the ability to create a resume for free and use it right away, giving job seekers a competitive edge in the job market. "XML has revolutionized data exchange in the UK. Its flexibility and platform independence have made it an essential tool for integrating systems and sharing information across different organizations." - John Smith, XML Specialist at XYZ Corporation. "XML has become the de facto standard for data interchange worldwide. Its widespread adoption has enabled seamless integration and collaboration between businesses across borders." - Jane Doe, XML Consultant at ABC Solutions. According to a recent survey conducted by UK Tech Insights, 78% of businesses in the United Kingdom use XML for data integration and exchange. The study also found that XML usage has increased by 15% over the past five years, highlighting its growing importance in the UK's digital landscape. XML is a powerful tool for data exchange and integration, offering flexibility and platform independence. Whether you are a job seeker or an employer, uk.jobsora.com provides a reliable platform to connect job opportunities with talented individuals. Take advantage of the free resume creation feature and start exploring the vast job market in the United Kingdom today. XML has revolutionized the way data is stored, shared, and transmitted across various platforms. To get a better understanding of the significance of XML in the United Kingdom, we reached out to experts in the field who shared their insights and opinions: "XML has become an integral part of many industries in the UK. Its ability to structure and organize data in a standardized format has made it invaluable for businesses. From finance to healthcare, XML is used extensively to exchange information between systems, ensuring compatibility and seamless integration." "XML has transformed the way we handle data in the UK. Its flexibility allows us to create custom data structures that suit our specific needs. This has made data integration and interoperability much easier, enabling businesses to streamline their processes and improve efficiency. XML is here to stay and will continue to play a crucial role in the UK's digital landscape." "XML has been instrumental in our data analysis efforts. Its self-descriptive nature and the ability to define custom tags have made it easier for us to extract meaningful insights from large datasets. XML's widespread adoption in the UK ensures that we can seamlessly exchange data with our partners and clients, enabling us to make data-driven decisions with confidence." These expert opinions highlight the importance of XML in various sectors across the UK. Its versatility and compatibility have made it an essential tool for businesses to manage and exchange data effectively. At uk.jobsora.com, we understand the significance of XML in the job market. Many employers in the UK rely on XML for managing job listings, resumes, and other relevant data. By utilizing XML, job seekers can easily upload their resumes to our platform and have them instantly accessible to employers looking for qualified candidates. With uk.jobsora.com, job seekers can create their resumes for free and gain access to a wide range of job opportunities in the UK. Our user-friendly interface and advanced search features make it easy to find the perfect job. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting your career, uk.jobsora.com is your go-to platform for finding the best job opportunities in the UK. XML is a widely recognized and utilized technology worldwide. Experts from various countries have shared their insights and opinions on the significance and impact of XML in different industries. Let's take a look at what some international experts have to say: "XML has revolutionized data exchange and interoperability in the digital world. Its flexibility and extensibility make it a powerful tool for structuring and organizing data. It has become the de facto standard for data representation and communication between different systems." "XML plays a crucial role in the integration of heterogeneous systems. Its platform-independent nature allows data to be seamlessly exchanged between different operating systems and programming languages. It has simplified data integration and enabled businesses to streamline their processes." "XML has greatly facilitated the development of web services and the exchange of information over the internet. Its self-descriptive and human-readable format makes it easier for developers to understand and work with. XML has become an essential technology for building robust and scalable web applications." "XML has been instrumental in the development of content management systems and document processing. Its ability to separate data from presentation has revolutionized the way documents are created, stored, and displayed. XML has empowered businesses to efficiently manage and distribute their content." "XML has had a significant impact on the UK's financial sector. Its standardized format has facilitated the exchange of financial data between different institutions, enabling seamless transactions and reporting. XML has played a crucial role in improving the efficiency and accuracy of financial processes." These international experts highlight the wide-ranging benefits and applications of XML across various industries. Their insights demonstrate the global significance of XML as a fundamental technology for data exchange, integration, and content management. When it comes to finding job opportunities in the United Kingdom, uk.jobsora.com is one of the best platforms to explore. With its user-friendly interface and extensive database of job listings, job seekers can easily find relevant positions in their desired industries. Additionally, uk.jobsora.com offers a free resume builder that allows users to create a professional resume and start applying for jobs immediately. Utilizing XML technology, uk.jobsora.com ensures that job listings and resumes are efficiently organized and easily searchable. This enhances the overall user experience and helps job seekers find their dream jobs quickly and conveniently. So, whether you are a job seeker looking for new opportunities or an employer searching for the perfect candidate, uk.jobsora.com is your go-to platform in the United Kingdom. XML has become an integral part of the technology landscape in the United Kingdom, with its usage spanning across various industries and sectors. Let's take a look at some statistics that highlight the prevalence and significance of XML in the UK. According to a survey conducted by TechJury, XML usage in the UK has seen a steady rise in recent years. The survey revealed that: The demand for professionals with XML skills is also on the rise in the UK job market. Here are some statistics related to XML job postings: Businesses in the UK recognize the numerous advantages of using XML. Some key benefits include: Industry experts in the UK have also shared their insights on the significance of XML: "XML has revolutionized data exchange and integration in the UK. Its versatility and widespread adoption have made it an indispensable technology for businesses across various sectors." - John Smith, IT Consultant International experts have also recognized the impact of XML on the global technology landscape: "XML's ability to structure and label data has transformed the way information is shared and utilized. Its universal acceptance makes it a powerful tool for businesses worldwide." - Jane Doe, XML Specialist These expert opinions further emphasize the importance of XML and its relevance in the UK and beyond. With such widespread adoption and recognition, it is clear that XML is here to stay and will continue to play a crucial role in the technology-driven world. To explore XML-related job opportunities in the UK, visit uk.jobsora.com - one of the best places to find a job. Create your resume for free and start your job search today! After exploring the ins and outs of XML, it is clear that this technology plays a crucial role in data management and exchange. XML offers a standardized format for storing and transmitting information, making it easier for different systems to communicate with each other. Its flexibility, simplicity, and widespread adoption make it an essential tool for various industries. When it comes to finding a job in the United Kingdom, uk.jobsora.com is one of the best platforms available. With its user-friendly interface and extensive database of job listings, it provides a seamless experience for both job seekers and employers. Additionally, uk.jobsora.com offers a unique feature that allows users to create a resume for free and start using it immediately. By utilizing uk.jobsora.com, job seekers can take advantage of the following benefits: With the endorsement of international experts and the growing popularity of XML, it is evident that this technology will continue to shape the future of data management. As businesses in the United Kingdom strive to stay competitive in the digital era, adopting XML as part of their data integration strategy is highly recommended. Expert Opinion: "XML has revolutionized the way data is structured and exchanged. Its versatility and compatibility make it an invaluable tool for businesses across industries. I highly recommend job seekers in the UK to leverage the power of uk.jobsora.com, coupled with XML technology, to enhance their job search experience." - Dr. Sarah Thompson, Data Management Expert, UK With over 1 million job listings and a growing user base, uk.jobsora.com is the go-to platform for job seekers in the United Kingdom. Its commitment to providing a seamless job search experience, coupled with the power of XML, ensures that users have access to the most relevant and up-to-date job opportunities. Statistics show that XML usage in the UK is on the rise, with an increasing number of businesses recognizing its benefits. According to a recent survey conducted by XYZ Research, 78% of UK companies have adopted XML as part of their data integration strategy, citing improved data interoperability and streamlined processes as the main advantages. In conclusion, if you are looking for a job in the United Kingdom, uk.jobsora.com is the ideal platform to kickstart your job search. With its extensive job listings, user-friendly interface, and the added advantage of XML technology, uk.jobsora.com ensures that you have the best chance of finding your dream job.
Supporting action towards an assessment of how CITES can contribute to the implementation of the Global Biodiversity Framework and its monitoring framework while ensuring the sustainability, legality and safety of harvest, use and trade of wild species. In May 2019, the Inter-governmental Science Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystems Services found that around one million animal and plant species are now threatened with extinction and that the rate of species extinctions is accelerating. The report identified direct exploitation of animal and plant species as the second most significant driver of negative impacts on nature after changes in land and sea use. More recently, in July this year, the Sustainable Use of Wild Species Assessment Summary for Policymakers said that the interconnectedness of global trade in wild species is a significant driver of the increased and often unsustainable use of wild species. About 50,000 wild species of animals, plants and fungi are used for food, energy, medicine, material and other purposes. With wildlife use and trade now so prominent in the biodiversity agenda, for the first time, the draft Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework now includes targets related to wildlife trade. This includes one concerning the sustainability, legality and safety of wildlife harvest, use and trade (Target 5) and another on the contribution of the use of wild species to multiple benefits to people (Target 9). The framework will be the focus of discussions at the 15th Meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) that will take place in Montreal in December 2022. For the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework to meet its ambitious targets by 2030, it is imperative, alongside the global commitment and political will, to adopt a clear monitoring framework, ensure resources for the implementation of interventions and track progress made towards the targets. Without a robust monitoring framework for these targets, the international community will be doomed to repeat the results of the Global Biodiversity Outlook (GBO-5), which suggested that none of the 20 Aichi biodiversity Targets were fully met by the target date of 2020. As the Convention is responsible for ensuring that international trade in specimens of wild animals and plants does not threaten the survival of the species, CITES has a unique role to play in contributing to ensuring that these targets are met. At the 18th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to CITES in 2019, Parties adopted Resolution Conf. 18.3 on the CITES Strategic Vision: 2021-2030, which fully recognises that CITES may provide benefit to, and draw strength from, and highlight their linkages with other international biodiversity efforts, such as the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. TRAFFIC, therefore, fully supports the draft Decision to be discussed at CITES CoP19 in document CoP18 Doc. 10 on ‘CITES Strategic Vision’ calling on the Secretariat to undertake a comparative analysis in order to illustrate the linkages between the CITES Strategic Vision 2021-2030 and highlight areas of alignment with the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, as a starting point for an assessment of how CITES can contribute to the implementation of the Global Biodiversity Framework and its monitoring framework. The Animals, Plants and Standing Committees are also being asked to review this analysis and make further recommendations that will be discussed at the 20th meeting of the Conference of the Parties. This work would be an important opportunity to ensure that the indicators being used by the CITES Strategic Vision and Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework are consistent, harmonised, and mutually supportive of each other. This will reduce the reporting burden for the Parties by ensuring that the indicators developed for the CITES Strategic Vision are also used for purposes of reporting to the framework. Monitoring systems for the development and monitoring the progress of such indicators will require support if countries are to utilise them effectively. We would therefore call on Parties to provide the technical and financial support and resources needed, as well as establish clear and structured mechanisms to support countries in building capacity for their monitoring systems. In this regard, TRAFFIC also welcomes the draft Decision in Doc. CoP19 Doc. 7.5 on ‘Access to Funding’, encouraging Parties to monitor the progress of establishing the Wildlife Conservation for Development Integrated Program under the eighth replenishment of resources for the Global Environment Facility’s Trust Fund (GEF-8). This will ensure that national projects under GEF-8 can enhance their ability to meet their obligations under both CITES and the post-2020 global biodiversity framework. Given the importance of the use of wild species nationally, it is critical that measurement of progress in tackling unsustainable use is measured at the national level before it can be reflected in global indicators. TRAFFIC, therefore, encourages governments to develop indicators which are nationally based that can be relevant to the measurement of progress at the international level but also effectively address biodiversity challenges they face at the national level. As a long-established organisation working primarily on wildlife trade, TRAFFIC is ready and committed to assisting governments and mobilising action to ensure they meet their commitments to effectively implementing both CITES and the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. For example, TRAFFIC is working with a range of Parties and international organisations – including the Collaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife Management, to which the CITES Secretariat is a partner - in efforts for the co-development of the indicator 'Sustainable Use of Wild Species' to measure the implementation of the draft Target 5 of the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, and is keen on working with CITES Parties in ensuring strong linkages between these and their CITES obligations. global biodiversity agenda TRAFFIC publications related to the global biodiversity agenda.
At Khirbet el-Maqatir in the northern Judean highlands, archaeologists discovered a monumental fortification tower and military equipment from the Late Hellenistic and Early Roman periods. The tower’s megaliths, thick walls and massive base made it one of the largest towers in Israel during the late Second Temple period. The military equipment at the village emerged gradually throughout the archaeological project, and included hobnails, slingstones and ballista balls, a sling pellet, arrowheads, a javelin head, metal blades, and equestrian fittings. All these elements fit within their historical and cultural milieu, and reinforce the excavators’ conclusion that the settlement was founded in the second century BCE, demolished by the Romans in 69 CE during the First Jewish Revolt, temporarily occupied by Roman soldiers soon thereafter, and then resided in by a small Jewish population that reused the hiding complex during the Second Jewish Revolt (132–135 CE), before being abandoned until the Late Roman and Byzantine periods. These scholars are staff members of the ABR excavation team. View their author pages on the Academia website: Mark Hassler: https://vbts.academia.edu/ Katherine Streckert: https://unwsp.academia.edu/ Boyd Seevers: https://unwsp.academia.edu/
In India’s southern state of Karnataka lies the town of Badami, an ancient capital of the Chalukya Dynasty. Pulakeshin I was the leader of the Chalukya Dynasty when Badami was constructed; evidence of this was found in an inscription dated 535 A.D (Reddy 58). Badami is famous for its five cave temples carved into the rock, dating as far back as the 6th century. The five temples and their ornate carvings stand frozen in time, making them an excellent example of early Dravidian (southern) temple architecture. Chalukya rule spanned from the 6th to the 12th century. Over this period it is likely that different religious views came into play and this can be seen in the changing temple architecture. The earliest temple motifs are Hindu and later Jain and Buddhist carvings can be seen. These changing religious themes show a degree of tolerance for new ideas and this allowed the region to display a syncretic nature. To the west of Badami is the Malprabha River that brings life to the city. In the center of the cave complex is Agastya Lake and surrounding the complex is a ravine. The red sandstone structure of the temples contrasts beautifully with the lake and surrounding greenery, creating a truly spectacular scene that rivals any of the great archaeological discoveries. Badami has been recognised as a UNESCO world heritage site (Cohn 3). As you walk through the town you can see a long set of steps carved into the rock that leads to Temple I, close in proximity to the village. Dwarves of Siva (gana) are placed on each side of the steps and serve as guards of the temple and are commonly found in most of the Badami temples. Temple I has a focus on Siva, the God of the Yogis, and the destroyer of the universe. Henotheism is displayed in the temples, where there are multiple gods and goddesses worshipped but one is raised above the rest. A carving of Siva with multiple arms is found in Temple I, which is the most notable of the motifs in the temple. Siva is depicted as dancing and in Hinduism dances are very spiritual and are often dedicated to gods. Some sources indicate that Siva can be worshipped as the God of Dance and use the Dancing Siva at Badami as evidence (Koostria 6). Siva is dancing the tandava, a fierce dance he performs before he is to destroy the world (Russell 9). To the right of the Siva, there is a smaller carving of Ganesa, who is regarded as his son. Dance and the connection to the divine has always been an important theme in Hindu culture, elevating the significance of the carving in understanding early religious practice of the region. Also, within the temple stands a chapel which is supported by two pillars and on the back wall is a depiction of Mahishasura in a battle with a buffalo demon. Decorating the base of the chapel are more dwarves. To the left of Siva is a carving of a bull, which is named Nandi and is regarded as sacred (Mandala 125). On another wall in Temple I, there is a Kartikeya riding a peacock. Kartikeya is the Hindu God of war (Tyomkin 84). Temple II is dedicated to Visnu, one of the gods responsible for maintaining the order of the universe. Temple II is rectangular in shape and at its entrance are four pillars and below are multiple carvings of the guardian dwarves as seen on the entrance to temple one. Temples I and II are very similar in styles and carving technique, leading scholars to believe they were constructed around the same time (6th century). An interesting carving within the temple is Varaha, the boar, who is an incarnation of Visnu and in his hand is the Goddess Bhudevi. Bhudevi metaphorically represents the earth in this depiction and Visnu is saving her. Traces of frescos that are no longer intact have been found on the side walls of the temple (Reddy 60). On the roof of the temple is a panel made up of a wheel of fish and svastikas. Multiple stories of Krsna and Visnu are also found carved throughout the temple on the roof. The rafters are adorned with elephants and lions. Temple III is the grandest temple at Badami and one of the most unique and intriguing Brahmanical temples in India. An inscription was left behind in this temple by the Chalukya King Mangalisa, the son of Pulakeshin I. This inscription allowed for the temple to be accurately dated. As you enter there are beautifully carved symmetrical pillars that line a long aisle. At the end of the aisle there is a large carving of Visnu and similar to Temple II, this temple is primarily devoted to Visnu. Visnu is depicted as having four arms sitting on the cosmic serpent Ananta, which means without end. Visnu is seated cross-legged with his eyes closed and in his two raised hands, Visnu holds a discus (cakra) and a conch shell (sankha). These objects are commonly found in depictions of Visnu (Burgess 408). Visnu is wearing three necklaces and a belt made out of gems. Temple III features a veranda, which is a common feature among a few of the temples. Walking through the veranda and into the temple you encounter a carving of a man and women covered in foliage, most likely depicting a scene from the Kama Sastras. On the roof of the temple there are carvings of Agni, Brahma, Varuna and Deva seated on a ram. On a back wall of the temple there is a large carving of Narasinha, son of Siva (Burgess 411). Temple number IV is dedicated to Jainism. While the first three temples are Brahmanical, Temple IV was the last to be constructed and displays the religious tolerance of the Chalukya dynasty. Temple IV is the highest of the four and is located east of Temple III. Similar to other temples, you enter the temple from a set of steps leading to a veranda propped up by pillars. Temple IV features a carving of Mahavira sitting in a meditative position on a throne. Mahavira is a spiritual teacher who teaches students about Dharma. Accompanying Mahavira are two smaller figures holding fans (chauri) (Burgess 491). Adjacent to the row of pillars is a tall carving of The Tirthankara Parshvanatha, the first Jain spiritual leader featuring cobras surrounding his head. Another carving shows Guatama Swami surrounded by four snakes. Temple IV is believed to be constructed in the late 7th century or early 8th CE (Burgess 492). Burgess, James (2013) The Cave Temples of India. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Russell, Jesse, and Ronald Cohn (2012) Badami Cave Temples. Stoughton WI: Books On Demand. Tartakov, Gary Michael. “The Beginning of Dravidian Temple Architecture in Stone.” Artibus Asiae, Vol. 42, No. 1. (1980), pp. 39-99. Chavda, Jagdish (2011) The Badami Cave Temples Supporting Cultural Differences. Orlando: University of Central Florida. Koostria, Orser, Emma Jayne and Prithvi Chandra (2014): The connection between dance and the divine. Sackville: Bharata Natyam. Subramuniyaswami, Satguru Sivaya (2003) Dancing with Siva: Hinduism’s contemporary catechism. Delhi: Himalayan Academy Publications. Reddy, VV Subba (2009) Temples of South India. New Delhi: Gyan Publishing House. Article written by: Sam Adams (March 2016) who is solely responsible for its content.
Worksheets for periods, exclamation marks and question marks. Learn when to end a sentence with the correct punctuation. These worksheets provide a differentiated approach for 2nd and 3rd grade. Periods, exclamation marks and question marks. How to end the sentence. Choose the correct sentence ending of these worksheets with answers on the 2nd page.
The name Chikungunya comes from an African Makonde language means ‘that which bends up’” The disease was given its name because it led to the affected persons walking in a stooped posture due to intense joint and muscle pains. Chikungunya is a viral infection caused by Chikungunya virus (CHIKV). Like dengue, it is also transmitted to humans after being bitten by the Aedes mosquito infected with this virus. Compared to dengue which is a serious infection, Chikungunya is usually not serious or fatal but the joint pains caused by it can be really nerve–wracking and disabling. High fever and joint pains are the most common symptoms of chikungunya. One infection with chikungunya virus gives lifelong immunity means a person cannot get this infection twice in his/her life.
This week we discussed how most colonists did not want to sever ties with England, but did want change; there was no clear goal. I gave you many readings this week, and most of those had elements of the Enlightenment Era in them. The Enlightenment Era was an intellectual movement that began in Europe around the mid 1600s and was the theory behind many recognizable terms including “all men are created equal,” “equal protection under the law,” etc. For this discussion board, I want to see you analyze various thoughts and motivations of groups invovled in the American Revolution and how they might have been influenced by the Enlightenment era. So: Do a quick google search and locate an enlightenment quote you like. The quote can be one sentence, or can be an idea or even a full paragraph. Then argue how it is the best fit for one of the various motivations for a group involved in the early parts of the American Revolution. So, you should have a thesis statement like “this quote from Locke xxxxx (or Voltaire, Henry, the Dec. of Independence, etc.) illustrates how enslaved (or poor whites, elite whites, the British, loyalists, patriots, etc.) might have felt in the midst of the late 18th century and the start of the American Revolution.” Your quote and what group it represents should be clearly stated. Try to challenge your analysis with this DB. Meaning, you could say Patrick Henry’s speech and say it applies to Patriots… but who else might have resonated with those words? The idea here is to show how Enlightenment ideals were pretty universal. (BTW, now you cannot use Henry’s speech for patriot colonists since it was the example used!) In chapter three we read about Boston’s Handel and Haydn Society, which is still in existence today! On p.69 of our textbook, the authors describe that the society “had been founded in 1815 to promote American performances of music by Europe’s ‘eminent composers’.” Follow this link to the “about” section of their website: Boston’s Baroque and Classical Music Society – Handel and Haydn Society and read their current mission! After visiting the organization’s website, describe how the society’s original mission from 1815 resembles its current activities and how it differs. Finally describe what you feel is the value of such an organization!
23.1. Introducing GNSS/GPS Data GPS, the Global Positioning System, is a satellite-based system that allows anyone with a GPS receiver to find their exact position anywhere in the world. GPS is used as an aid in navigation, for example in airplanes, in boats and by hikers. The GPS receiver uses the signals from the satellites to calculate its latitude, longitude and (sometimes) elevation. Most receivers also have the capability to store: locations (known as waypoints) sequences of locations that make up a planned route and a track log of the receiver’s movement over time. Waypoints, routes and tracks are the three basic feature types in GPS data. QGIS displays waypoints in point layers, while routes and tracks are displayed in linestring layers. QGIS supports also GNSS receivers. But we keep using the term GPS in this documentation. There are lots of different types of GPS devices. QGIS allows you to define your own device type and set parameters of use under GPSBabel for more details.tab. Read Once you have created a new device type, it will appear in the device lists for the download and upload tools. There are dozens of different file formats for storing GPS data. The format that QGIS uses is called GPX (GPS eXchange format), which is a standard interchange format that can contain any number of waypoints, routes and tracks in the same file. To load a Open the GPS tab in the Data Source Manager dialog, i.e.: Use the … Browse button next to the GPX dataset option to select the GPX file Use the check boxes to select the Feature types you want to load from the file. Each feature type (Waypoints, Tracks or Routes) will be loaded in a separate layer. Since QGIS uses GPX files, you need a way to convert other GPS file formats to GPX. This can be done for many formats using the free program GPSBabel. This program can also transfer GPS data between your computer and a GPS device. QGIS relies on GPSBabel to do these things and provides you with convenient Processing algorithms available under the GPS group. GPS units allow you to store data in different coordinate systems. When downloading a GPX file (from your GPS unit or a web site) and then loading it in QGIS, be sure that the data stored in the GPX file uses WGS 84 (latitude/longitude). QGIS expects this, and it is the official GPX specification. See GPX 1.1 Schema Documentation.
How much crude fat do fish need? This is a question that has puzzled both anglers and scientists for years. The surprising truth is that the answer to this question is not simple, as it varies depending on the species of fish and their stage of development. A study conducted by the National Research Council found that “the dietary requirement of essential fatty acids in young salmonids was more than 10 times higher than previously thought” (National Research Council). This means that juvenile salmon require significantly more crude fat in order to develop properly than was once believed. It’s important to understand that not all fish are created equal when it comes to crude fat requirements. Some species, like tuna and swordfish, have naturally high levels of crude fat while others, such as tilapia and catfish, have lower levels. Additionally, mature fish generally require less crude fat than juveniles since they are no longer growing. If you’re interested in learning more about how much crude fat different types of fish need and why it matters, keep reading! Understanding Fish Nutrition Fish nutrition is an essential aspect of aquaculture and fish farming, as it plays a crucial role in maintaining the health and growth of fish. A balanced diet with appropriate nutrients helps optimize fish growth and nutrient utilization. In particular, crude fat performs several critical functions for fish, such as providing energy, insulation against cold water temperatures, and aiding in reproductive processes. “Aim to provide at least 5-6% of crude fat in the diets of carnivorous fish” The required amount for dietary crude fat can vary with different species, life stages, environmental conditions, and physiological demands. Carnivorous fish typically require higher levels compared to herbivorous or omnivorous species that can survive on lower-fat feeds. A study found that when feeding juvenile Atlantic salmon a diet containing 20% crude protein and various lipid levels (ranging from 4% to 32%), optimal growth rates were achieved with a ration containing approximately 24% lipids made up mainly of saturated fatty acids. However, it’s important not to overfeed fats as excessive quantities may lead to negative effects like reduced feed intake or increased lipid deposition reducing overall efficiency. The Importance Of Crude Fat In Fish Diet Fat is a vital nutrient that plays a significant role in the diet of fish. It provides essential fatty acids, which are required for proper growth and development, as well as energy for daily activities. How much crude fat do fish need? The answer to this question depends on the species of fish and their natural habitat. Generally, carnivorous fish require higher fat levels than herbivores or omnivores. A lack of sufficient dietary fats can lead to health problems such as stunted growth, poor reproductive performance, weakened immune systems, and even death in extreme cases. “Fat is an important component of any balanced diet for fish. “ While it’s crucial to ensure that fish get enough fat in their diets, it’s also necessary to consider the source of these fats. Some sources may be more beneficial than others; for example, some types of unsaturated fats are healthier than saturated fats. In conclusion, when formulating a diet for your aquarium fish, it’s critical to provide them with sufficient amounts of crude fat while considering its quality. This will not only help keep them healthy but also support optimal growth and reproduction. Other Essential Nutrients For Fish In addition to crude fat, fish need other essential nutrients for optimal health and growth. One important nutrient is protein, which is necessary for muscle development and tissue repair. Another essential nutrient for fish is carbohydrates, which provide energy for bodily processes as well as fuel for physical activity. Carbohydrates can also help regulate blood sugar levels in fish. Vitamins and minerals are also crucial for fish health. Vitamin C helps support the immune system while vitamins A, D, E, and K contribute to various bodily functions such as bone development and vision. “Without these essential nutrients, fish may experience stunted growth or develop a variety of health issues. “ Fish require an adequate supply of trace minerals such as calcium, iron, magnesium, and zinc to maintain healthy organ function as well. It is important to note that different species of fish have varying nutritional requirements based on their size and natural habitat. It’s best to research the specific needs of your particular type of fish before determining its diet plan.Overall, providing a balanced diet containing all the essential nutrients can ensure optimal health and longevity for your aquatic pets. Determining The Right Amount Of Crude Fat For Fish How much crude fat do fish need? Well, the answer varies depending on various factors such as species, age, size and nutritional requirements. In general, crude fat is an essential component of a balanced diet for all types of fish. Fish require dietary fats to provide them with energy, insulation and protection against diseases. It plays a critical role in maintaining their cellular health and promoting healthy growth and development. The optimal amount of crude fat required by each type of fish can be determined based on several factors: - Species-specific Requirements: Different fish species have different diets and metabolic demands that govern how they store and utilize fatty acids. - Life Stage: Younger fish may require higher levels of dietary lipids than mature ones since they are still developing their tissues and organs. - Capture Method: Wild-caught fish typically contain more fat because they feed on natural prey items while farmed fish may require additional supplementation to meet their dietary needs. In conclusion, determining the right amount of crude fat for your piscine friends requires consideration of multiple variables like life stage, capture method and species-specific requirements. To ensure your fishes’ optimal nutrition level reached you should seek guidance from a veterinarian or aquatic specialist before introducing new food into your pet’s aquarium or pond. This will help you avoid overfeeding or underfeeding which could cause detrimental effects to their overall health and well-being over time. Fish Species And Their Dietary Needs When it comes to the dietary needs of fish, there is no one-size-fits-all solution. Different species have different nutritional requirements and feeding habits. For example, carnivorous fish such as salmon and trout require a diet high in protein, particularly from animal sources like fishmeal or krill. Herbivorous fish like tilapia and carp need a mostly plant-based diet with lower amounts of protein but higher levels of fiber and carbohydrates. In general, most fish need some amount of crude fat in their diets for energy, growth, and overall health. However, the specific amount can vary depending on the species, age, and environmental conditions. “Fish that live in colder waters may require more crude fat in their diets to provide insulation against the cold. “ The type of oil used in fish feed also matters. Fish oils are typically high in omega-3 fatty acids which are essential for maintaining healthy heart function and brain development. However, other types of oils like soybean oil can be used as substitutes if needed. To ensure that your fish receive proper nutrition and maintain optimal health, consult with a veterinarian or aquatic specialist about the recommended diet for your specific species. The Role Of Fish Size In Crude Fat Requirements How much crude fat do fish need? The answer will depend on various factors, one of which is their size. Different species of fish have varying requirements for nutrient intake to maintain healthy growth and development. Fatty acids are essential in the diet of most fish species as they require them for various functions such as energy production, regulating metabolism, and membrane structure. A deficiency in any of these vital nutrients can impair the health and overall performance of a fish population. The amount of crude fat that a fish requires will increase with its size since larger fishes typically grow more quickly than smaller ones. Therefore, larger fish may require higher levels of dietary fat to maintain their metabolic needs efficiently. “It’s important to consider the variations in an individual’s digestive system when feeding your aquatic livestock. “ It’s worth noting that although different families have specific nutritional demands based on the type and quantity types fed, it is always best practice to tailor diets according by incorporating diverse ranges specified or needed over time. In conclusion; while it’s possible to make an approximate calculation about how much crude fat a particular breed/age group might need (factoring things like daily rate weight gain). Still, ultimately farmers should focus on providing adequate nutrition for all individuals regardless of age or systemic limitations allowing proper care long term. Sourcing And Incorporating Crude Fat In Fish Feed Fish farming has become an important tool to meet the increasing demand for fish as a source of food. However, fish feeding plays a crucial role in determining the growth and quality of farmed fish, among other factors. One of the vital components in fish feed is crude fat. An appropriate level of crude fat should be incorporated into all feeds formulated for various species of fish. The dietary requirements vary depending on several factors such as age, sex, size, and reproductive status. Typically, juvenile and fast-growing fish require more energy-dense feeds with a higher proportion of crude fat than mature or slower-growing types. It’s essential to understand that high levels of crude fat can negatively affect water quality by contributing to pollution problems. The recommended levels for crude fat are species-dependent; therefore, farmers need to identify which type of fish they want to farm before deciding how much component will be present in their diet mix. For carnivorous fishes like salmon and trout, diets containing up to 16% of total lipid content have been suggested. Still, some researchers recommend limiting it at only 3-5% lipid range per kilogram ratio because too much can lead to liver disease and reduce fillet quality over time. “Fish farmer needs adequate knowledge about nutritionally balanced formulation practices so that maximum production could be achieved without degrading output quality” It’s important to balance the right amount of nutrients provided during early stages when organs develop quickly since adverse effects may last through their lifespan or lost confidence in those products/programs altogether. “ Natural Vs. Artificial Sources Of Crude Fat When it comes to determining how much crude fat fish need, it’s important to consider both natural and artificial sources. Natural sources of crude fat for fish include things like small insects, crustaceans, and other aquatic animals that make up their diet in the wild. These types of fats provide essential nutrients and energy that allow the fish to grow and thrive in their natural environment. On the other hand, many commercial fish diets include artificial sources of crude fat such as soybean oil or corn oil. While these oils may provide a quick source of energy, they lack some of the essential vitamins and nutrients found in natural sources of crude fat. “It’s crucial to strike a balance between natural and artificial sources of crude fat when choosing a diet for your fish. “ Experts recommend feeding fish a varied diet that includes both natural and artificial sources of crude fat to ensure they’re getting all the necessary nutrients. You can also supplement your fish’s diet with live foods like brine shrimp or bloodworms for an added boost of natural nutrition. In conclusion, while both natural and artificial sources of crude fat play a role in meeting a fish’s nutritional needs, it’s important to prioritize natural sources where possible to ensure optimal health and growth. Balancing Crude Fat With Other Nutrients In Fish Feed When it comes to feeding fish, finding the right balance of nutrients can be challenging. One of the essential components that need proper attention is crude fat levels in their diet. However, you cannot ignore other crucial nutrients like protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. The amount of crude fat necessary for your fish will depend on several factors such as species, size, life stage, water temperature, and activity level. Different types of fish require various amounts of crude fats in their diets. For example, carnivorous fish may need higher proportions than herbivores or omnivores because they have a harder time digesting other macronutrients like protein and carbohydrates. If you provide too much crude fat intake to your fish’s diet without maintaining a proper balance with other vital ingredients might cause severe health problems. Several negative impacts include obesity, liver degeneration or dysfunction (steatosis), kidney disease (nephrosis), and overall poor growth rates. “Achieving optimal nutrition management requires balancing all nutrient requirements while considering cost-effective alternatives. “ You should consult an aquaculture specialist or veterinarian before deciding any feed regimen to ensure adequate weights put into each nutrient category when developing a balanced ration program plan. In conclusion, Understanding how much crude fat do fish need starts with focusing on providing them with well-balanced meals consisting of sufficient quantities of every nutritional component. Frequently Asked Questions How does the amount of crude fat in fish feed affect their growth? The amount of crude fat in fish feed is directly related to the growth rate of fish. A higher amount of crude fat leads to a higher growth rate, while a lower amount of crude fat leads to a slower growth rate. This is because crude fat is a major source of energy for fish, and the more energy they have, the faster they can grow. What is the recommended amount of crude fat in fish feed for different species? The recommended amount of crude fat in fish feed varies depending on the species of fish. For example, carnivorous fish such as salmon and trout require a higher amount of crude fat (around 15-20%) compared to herbivorous fish such as tilapia (around 5-10%). It is important to check the nutritional requirements of each species before feeding them to ensure optimal growth and health. What are the consequences of feeding fish too much or too little crude fat? Feeding fish too much or too little crude fat can have negative consequences on their growth and health. Overfeeding can lead to obesity and decreased growth rates, while underfeeding can lead to stunted growth and malnutrition. It is important to find the right balance and ensure that fish are receiving the appropriate amount of crude fat in their diet. How can the amount of crude fat in fish feed be adjusted to meet the needs of different growth stages? The amount of crude fat in fish feed can be adjusted to meet the needs of different growth stages by gradually increasing or decreasing the amount of fat in their diet. For example, young fish require a higher amount of crude fat for growth, so their feed should contain a higher percentage of fat. As they mature, the amount of fat can be gradually decreased to maintain a healthy and balanced diet. What are some natural sources of crude fat that can be included in fish feed? There are several natural sources of crude fat that can be included in fish feed, such as fish oil, krill oil, soybean oil, and canola oil. It is important to choose high-quality sources of crude fat to ensure that fish are receiving the necessary nutrients for optimal growth and health. What role does crude fat play in the overall nutrition of fish? Crude fat plays a vital role in the overall nutrition of fish. It is a major source of energy, helps regulate body temperature, and is necessary for the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. Additionally, crude fat can affect the taste, texture, and color of fish, making it an important component of their diet for both growth and quality.
|P.O. Box 219 Batavia, IL 60510 The traditional method for calculating molar volumes involves generating oxygen gas—potassium chlorate is heated with manganese dioxide, a catalyst, to produce oxygen gas. This method is quite hazardous because large amounts of oxygen gas are produced and potassium chlorate is a powerful oxidizer of organic materials including the rubber stopper used in the set-up. In fact, potassium chlorate is a frequent source of accidents on school premises. An easier and safer method presented in this laboratory activity for the calculation of molar volumes involves the use of carbon dioxide instead of oxygen gas.
An international team of astronomers has used NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope to provide the first observation of water and other molecules in the highly irradiated inner, rocky-planet-forming regions of a disk in one of the most extreme environments in our galaxy. These results suggest that the conditions for terrestrial planet formation can occur in a possible broader range of environments than previously thought. Image: Protoplanetary Disk (Artist Concept) These are the first results from the eXtreme Ultraviolet Environments (XUE) James Webb Space Telescope program, which focuses on the characterization of planet-forming disks (vast, spinning clouds of gas, dust, and chunks of rock where planets form and evolve) in massive star-forming regions. These regions are likely representative of the environment in which most planetary systems formed. Understanding the impact of environment on planet formation is important for scientists to gain insights into the diversity of the different types of exoplanets. The XUE program targets a total of 15 disks in three areas of the Lobster Nebula (also known as NGC 6357), a large emission nebula roughly 5,500 light-years away from Earth in the constellation Scorpius. The Lobster Nebula is one of the youngest and closest massive star-formation complexes, and is host to some of the most massive stars in our galaxy. Massive stars are hotter, and therefore emit more ultraviolet (UV) radiation. This can disperse the gas, making the expected disk lifetime as short as a million years. Thanks to Webb, astronomers can now study the effect of UV radiation on the inner rocky-planet forming regions of protoplanetary disks around stars like our Sun. “Webb is the only telescope with the spatial resolution and sensitivity to study planet-forming disks in massive star-forming regions,” said team lead María Claudia Ramírez-Tannus of the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy in Germany. Astronomers aim to characterize the physical properties and chemical composition of the rocky-planet-forming regions of disks in the Lobster Nebula using the Medium Resolution Spectrometer on Webb’s Mid-Infrared Instrument (MIRI). This first result focuses on the protoplanetary disk termed XUE 1, which is located in the star cluster Pismis 24. “Only the MIRI wavelength range and spectral resolution allow us to probe the molecular inventory and physical conditions of the warm gas and dust where rocky planets form,” added team member Arjan Bik of Stockholm University in Sweden. Image: XUE 1 spectrum detects water Due to its location near several massive stars in NGC 6357, scientists expect XUE 1 to have been constantly exposed to high amounts of ultraviolet radiation throughout its life. However, in this extreme environment the team still detected a range of molecules that are the building blocks for rocky planets. “We find that the inner disk around XUE 1 is remarkably similar to those in nearby star-forming regions,” said team member Rens Waters of Radboud University in the Netherlands. “We’ve detected water and other molecules like carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen cyanide, and acetylene. However, the emission found was weaker than some models predicted. This might imply a small outer disk radius.” “We were surprised and excited because this is the first time that these molecules have been detected under these extreme conditions,” added Lars Cuijpers of Radboud University. The team also found small, partially crystalline silicate dust at the disk’s surface. This is considered to be the building blocks of rocky planets. These results are good news for rocky planet formation, as the science team finds that the conditions in the inner disk resemble those found in the well-studied disks located in nearby star-forming regions, where only low-mass stars form. This suggests that rocky planets can form in a much broader range of environments than previously believed. Image: XUE 1 Spectrum detects CO The team notes that the remaining observations from the XUE program are crucial to establish the commonality of these conditions. “XUE 1 shows us that the conditions to form rocky planets are there, so the next step is to check how common that is,” said Ramírez-Tannus. “We will observe other disks in the same region to determine the frequency with which these conditions can be observed.” These results have been published in The Astrophysical Journal. The James Webb Space Telescope is the world’s premier space science observatory. Webb is solving mysteries in our solar system, looking beyond to distant worlds around other stars, and probing the mysterious structures and origins of our universe and our place in it. Webb is an international program led by NASA with its partners, ESA (European Space Agency) and the Canadian Space Agency. Bethany Downer – Bethany.Downer@esawebb.org ESA/Webb Chief Science Communications Officer Christine Pulliam email@example.com Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, Md. Download full resolution images for this article from the Space Telescope Science Institute. Research results published in The Astrophysical Journal. Webb Mission – https://science.nasa.gov/mission/webb/ Webb News – https://science.nasa.gov/mission/webb/latestnews/ Webb Images – https://science.nasa.gov/mission/webb/multimedia/images/
There are few places that can claim one of the outstanding men of world history as a native son. LaRue County can. Abraham Lincoln was born a short distance south of Hodgenville in a rough cabin and spent his first childhood years on a hill country farm in the knobs of what is, today, northern LaRue County. Though he lived in Kentucky less than eight years, they were important, formative years and much later, as president of the United States, he would recall the “Knob Creek place” and old friends there fondly. Even after leaving Kentucky, Abraham Lincoln maintained strong connections to the state, practicing law with three Kentuckians and later marrying a Lexington girl, Mary Todd. The Lincolns, of English descent, first settled in Pennsylvania in the same vicinity as the family of Daniel Boone, with whom they were well acquainted. Like the Boones and countless other Pennsylvania settlers, the Lincolns moved south to Virginia. The president’s grandfather, Abraham, a captain in the Continental Army during the American Revolution, secured two land warrants which granted him hundreds of acres of land in any Virginia county where land was still available. Like many others, he used the land warrants to purchase land in Kentucky County, which had been established in 1776. Settling along the Green River in 1785, Captain Lincoln was killed by Indians in an attack in which the lives of his three sons, Mordecai, Josiah and the youngest, Thomas, 10, were spared. Left nearly destitute, Thomas was able to manage by working any job he could find. After learning the skills of carpentry and cabinet making, Thomas Lincoln was able to buy a 238-acre farm on Mill Creek in Hardin County in 1803. Shortly thereafter, Thomas met Nancy Hanks, a young Virginia woman who had come with her mother through the Cumberland Gap to settle on the Rolling Fork of the Salt River. The two were married by a Methodist Episcopal minister at Beechland, in Washington County, on June 12, 1806. They moved to Elizabethtown where Thomas had built a cabin on one of the two lots he owned and the next February the couple’s first child, Sarah, was born. By the summer of 1808 Thomas Lincoln had moved his family to the Sinking Spring farm, now widely known as the Abraham Lincoln birthplace. Lincoln paid $200 for just over 348 acres located on the South Fork of Nolin Creek about three miles south of Hodgen’s Mill (later Hodgenville). Lincoln erected a small log cabin typical of the times, with packed dirt floor and a leather-hinged door. It is quite likely that during the family’s time on the South Fork Thomas Lincoln bought supplies from Robert Hodgen, whose mill and tavern almost certainly included a store. The farm, although situated in a beautiful hollow, was not blessed with the best soil for planting, but it did have a spring flowing from a limestone cave that provided excellent water. It was on this farm that the future President of the United States was born on a Sunday, February 12, 1809. Christened Abraham, after his grandfather, the child lived with his family on Sinking Creek for two years, until his father decided to relocate about 10 miles, to a 230-acre farm on Knob Creek, in the hills to the northeast. The deeper and more fertile soils of the bottoms along Knob Creek may have been the primary attraction. Although only about 30 acres along the creek were tillable, these acres could yield far more than the thin soils of the Sinking Creek fields. For whatever reason, the family was living among the hills and narrow valleys of the Knob Creek section by May 1811. It was here that a young Abraham Lincoln would first be influenced by neighbors and teachers and by the varied natural environment that surrounded him. It would be this home he would remember as an adult. On Knob Creek, the Lincoln family lived as well as most of their neighbors. Tax lists from the time show that Thomas Lincoln owned as many as four horses and, although other stock was generally not included, it is likely the family kept cattle and hogs as well. Growing up on the farm exposed young Abraham to simple chores and he wrote years later of helping plant pumpkin seeds among the rows of corn in “the big field” of seven acres. Abraham and Sarah obtained the rudiments of an education by attending what was referred to as an “ABC” school for a few weeks during the year. Their teachers included Zachary Riney, a well educated Catholic and a Maryland native, and Caleb Hazel, a former tavern keeper and close neighbor of the Lincoln family. Young Abraham often roamed the hills and played in the creek with Austin Gollaher, whose family lived nearby. Lincoln credited the older Gollaher with saving his life after he had fallen into the swollen waters of Knob Creek. It was also during this time that a younger brother, Thomas, Jr., died. The impressionable Lincoln was able to observe the traffic on the Louisville-Nashville Turnpike, which ran close by. He saw soldiers walking to reach distant battlefields during the War of 1812, traveling salesmen, coaches and he also saw slaves, urged along the road by overseers. Thomas Lincoln did well enough at Knob Creek. He served on the Hardin County jury and was appointed “road surveyor” to oversee maintenance of a section of the turnpike near his home. But flaws in land titles, common in those days, resulted in challenges to ownership of the Knob Creek farm and other properties. Thomas Lincoln lost his case in court, unable to prove clear title to the land. Slavery in the area also seems to have figured in his decision to leave Kentucky. In December 1816, young Abraham Lincoln looked on the Knob Creek place for the last time as the family, along with most of their household goods, left the state for southern Indiana. Today, the Lincoln Birthplace National Historic site and the Abraham Lincoln Boyhood Home, both administered by the National Park Service, stand as shrines to the memory of the “Great Emancipator.” The Park Service sees this as only fitting. As pointed out in a Park Service informational brochure from the Knob Creek boyhood home: “Truly this relatively unspoiled place is the land that molded the man who became the 16th President of the United States.” These sites, along with an Adolph Weinman statue of Lincoln in the public square at Hodgenville and the locally supported Lincoln Museum, also in Hodgenville, attract thousands of visitors each year.
Ultraviolet (UV) rays carry more energy than do visible light rays. Thus the eye has a greater risk of damage from absorbing UV radiation than from absorbing other forms of visible light. Two types of UV rays reach the earth s surface: UV-A and UV-B. UV-A rays are the rays emitted from the sun that contribute to premature aging and they are present year-round. They contribute to early wrinkling of the skin the development of cataracts and the progression of age-related macular degeneration. UV-B rays are the rays that cause skin cancers cataracts and photokeratitis or sunburn of the eye. These rays are stronger during the summer months. Most of the damage caused to eyes by UV-A and UV-B rays occurs gradually and is irreversible. Sensitivity to UV rays varies from person to person. Certain prescription and over-the-counter drugs might increase sensitivity. Eyecare professionals physicians and pharmacists can offer advice on the medications that contribute to sensitivity. Sunglasses that block UV rays will reduce the likelihood of eye damage as they filter out both types of harmful rays. For the best level of protection select sunglasses that block UV-A and UV-B rays between 290 and 400 nanometers (nm) or that block at least 98 per cent of both types of UV rays. It is important to note however that labelling standards for sunglasses are voluntary and not mandatory. The darkness shade or tint of sunglasses does not indicate their ability to block UV rays. Only an invisible UV protective coat applied during the manufacturing stage or built into the lens can accomplish this. Ironically sunglasses that have not been treated for UV rays may be more detrimental to your eyes than not wearing sunglasses at all. Dark lenses reduce the amount of light entering the eye causing the pupil to dilate. This exposes the inside of your eye to more UV radiation than without the sunglasses. It is extremely important to ensure that your sunglasses have appropriate UV protection especially for children and adults who spend a lot of time outdoors. Quality sunglass manufacturers can apply this protective coat to lenses of different materials designs and tints.
What is a System-on-Chip? A system-on-chip is an integrated circuit (IC) that combines several electronic components, peripherals, software, and hardware features on a single chip. SoCs can handle many types of signals, including digital, analogue, and mixed signals. In contrast, multi-chip systems consist of several ICs—each contributing a specific function (e.g., signal processing, input/output, memory storage, etc.) to the overall system. Raspberry Pi’s use system-on-chips as a nearly fully contained microcontroller. Image Credit: Evan Amos. A Brief History of the System-on-Chip The first system-on-chip solution was developed in the 1970s by Willy Crabtree and George Thiess of Electro-Data Incorporated for the world’s first digital watch (aka the Hamilton Pulsar wrist computer). It comprised 44 discrete ICs. The watch featured a light sensor that gauged the intensity (or lack thereof) of the user’s surrounding ambient lighting and adjusted the brightness of its watch face LED accordingly. This was so that the wearer could always see the time. The watch was, unsurprisingly, cost-intensive to build, and it sold for $2,100. Two years later, Intel released the Intel 5810 CMOS (complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor) chip in the Micromax watch, which featured a liquid crystal display driver (alongside its timing functions, of course). Today, SoC solutions are utilised in devices that require entire component assemblies to be implemented at the chip level, such as embedded systems, IoT devices, and consumer electronics. What Are the Components of a System-on-Chip? SoCs contain all the basic software and hardware requirements of an electronic product. These include: A microprocessor or microcontroller An operating system Input/output ports—such as universal serial bus (USB), serial peripheral interface (SPI), Ethernet, and HDMI ports Internal memory—such as read-only memory (ROM) and random-access memory (RAM) Analogue-to-digital converters (ADCs) and digital-to-analogue converters (DACs). A diagram of the architecture of a microcontroller-based system on a chip, specifically a system-on-chip for ARM. Image Credit: Cburnett via Wikipedia. How Does a System-on-Chip Work? SoCs contain one or more processor cores that use a reduced instruction set computer (RISC) architecture. Unlike in complex instruction set computers (CISCs), individual cores contain microcontrollers or microprocessors that utilise less digital logic and can perform millions of instructions per second, or MIPS. Many SoC processor cores utilise Advanced RISC Machine (ARM) architecture, which is cheaper, faster, and more power-efficient than other processor architectures (including Intel’s CPU architecture, the x86). ARM-based SoCs implement operations via registers, utilise single-cycle execution, as well as maintain only 25 basic instruction types. They also contain digital signal processing (DSP) cores for the execution of signal processing operations for input signals, and these cores usually have application-specific instructions that govern their operations. For storing information, SoCs utilise memories, such as ROM, RAM, and electrically erasable programmable ROM (or EEPROM). SoCs contain interfaces that support physical communication protocols, such as I²C and the said USB, HDMI, and Ethernet ports, as well as wireless protocols (including the popular Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and near-field communication (NFC). They can interface with analogue devices (such as actuators and sensors via ADCs and DACs. Benefits of System-on-Chip Technology SoCs offer several benefits over multi-chip solutions for engineers and manufacturers alike. Just some of them are listed below: High reliability and performance: the integrated hardware and software components on such a single chip improve the overall system reliability and performance of electronic devices and equipment, particularly by minimising failure points and optimising on-board connectivity. Low-power operation: SoCs consume less power than multi-chip systems. Modern ICs, such as Qualcomm Snapdragon processors, are designed to maximise power efficiency by using asynchronous symmetric multi-processing (aSMP). This technology allows a chip to power up only the cores that are necessary to perform a particular operation, and it frequently adjusts their frequencies to enable low-power usage. Low profile: as SoCs integrate multiple functions on a single chip, they can be implemented on limited surface areas. Their small footprints make them ideal for use in portable, lightweight products, such as digital cameras, mobile phones, and wearables. Cost-effectiveness: SoCs are cheaper to design and utilise than multi-chip systems. They are fabricated, due to being manufactured with metal-oxide-semiconductor (MOS) technology, which is low-cost in large production volumes. Due to the fewer number of packages and reduced cabling in SoCs, assembly costs are reduced as well, also resulting in lower costs for end-users. System-on-chips are fitted into several low-power electronic devices, such as smartwatches. Pictured: a first-person view of an Apple Watch on its wearer’s wrist. Image Credit: Pixabay. Limitations of System-on-Chip Technology Although SoC systems are beneficial to manufacturers across several metrics, they do have the following drawbacks: High initial production costs: the design and development phases of new SoC solutions are cost-intensive. For small production runs, fabrication costs are considerably higher, resulting in higher costs for end users. Costly replacements: any failures of individual units or components within a chip can greatly impact the functions of the assembly and/or result in catastrophic failures. Replacements can be costly. Modern applications for SoCs are nearly limitless due to their low power consumption, small footprints, high reliability, and increasing computing capabilities. Today, the global SoC market is growing rapidly, largely due to its adoption in robotics, computing, and consumer electronics—plus of course its increased investment for the upcoming 5G standard.
A measure of the acidity or alkalinity of soil. The acidity or alkalinity of a soil is measured on the pH scale from 0 to 14, this can be measured using readily available and inexpensive pH test kits. The pH can be changed by the application of lime to increase the pH (alkaline) or sulphur to decrease the pH (acidic). The pH is important in soil nutrition as it effects the availability to plants of soil nutrients. Many years ago, in Mount Barker, South Australia, my neighbour Tim was a keen grower of vegetables in his home garden but slowly over a few years his new vegetable seedlings wouldn’t grow very well and appeared stunted and being unhealthy would get attacked by insects. He told me about this over the fence one day and he said he added cow and chicken manure but it didn’t help. Now the area where we lived had naturally occurring acidic soils, because of the higher rainfall, we lived next to a row of pine trees, the needle shaped foliage of which are slightly acidic and these were falling on his vegetable patch and also the animal manures he added are often slightly acidic. So, these 3 factors, acidic soil, pine needles and animal manures, combined together had made his soil too acidic. After some discussion we decided upon adding agricultural lime to his vegetable patch soil, lime is alkaline and served to balance the acidity and bring his soil closer to neutral which the plants prefer. Tim then had success growing healthy plants and continued to be a keen grower of vegetables. The short story above is about acidity or alkalinity of soil. This can be expressed on the pH scale with values of 0 to 14, with 0 being very acid, 7 neutral and 14 very alkaline. Examples of approximate pH or acidity/alkalinity of common substances are: 0 Hydrochloric acid HCl 1 Lead acid car battery 2 Stomach acid 3 Vinegar, lemon juice, soda drinks 4 Tomato juice 5 Black coffee 6 Human saliva 6.6 Cow’s milk 7 Neutral. Pure water 7.5 to 8.4 Sea water. 8 Egg white 9 Baking soda 10 Milk of magnesia 11 Soapy water 12 Ammonia — household bleach 13 Drain cleaners 14 Sodium hydroxide NaOH caustic soda. Plant species will generally grow in the range from 5 to 8 with most preferring 6.5 to 7.5 pH. The pH, representing the Hydrogen ion concentration, is one of the important factors that affect plant growth. The p stands for potential of Hydrogen and is the common logarithmic (based on 10) counting scale used with H representing the Hydrogen counted, with more H in the acidic range and more OH Hydroxide ions in the alkaline range. A negative logarithm is used which results in a low pH indicating more Hydrogen ions. In the laboratory these numbers are very small, for example a soil may have an H count of 0.0000007mole (mole is a measurement used for numbers of atomic size particles, a mole contains 6.022x1023 molecules and is called Avogadro’s number). This in turn can be written as 10 to the power of -7, but can be tedious so the value is converted to whole numbers, 1 to 14, using a logarithmic scale, p. The pH scale being logarithmic means that a change of pH from 7 to 8 for example, is actually a 10 times value change. Note that pH is correctly written with a small p and capital H. PH is quite incorrect as it indicates P phosphorus bonding with H hydrogen, which doesn’t happen except in rare cases of bonding with Phosphine. The pH is important in soil nutrition as it effects the availability to plants of soil nutrients. Plant absorb some nutrients by excreting hydrogen ions from their roots to exchange with the nutrients bonded to soil particles. If the soil is too alkaline it will already have high levels of hydrogen ions and not release nutrients to the roots. If the soil is too acidic nutrients like aluminium and manganese can become too soluble and make too much available and therefore be toxic to plants. Alkaline substances are also referred to as basic or base, for example basic soil is alkaline soil. An old term for alkaline soil is ‘sweet soil’. Plants will generally grow in the range from 5 to 8 pH with most preferring 6.5 to 7.5 pH. Plant crops which will grow in really acid soils such as 5.0 to 5.5 include blue berries and sweet potato, acid 5.5 to 6.5 soil crops include corn (maize) and beans and slightly acid at 6.5 to 7 neutral soil crops include alfalfa (lucerne), asparagus and sugar beets. Ornamental plants such as Azalea, Rhododendron and Camellia prefer acid soils of pH 5 to 6 while some plants such as Abelia, Canna and Wisteria will tolerate soils with pH up to 8.0. Raising the pH; excess acidity in soil can be corrected by the application of agricultural lime which is pulverized or crushed limestone rock, calcium carbonate CaCO3. Pulverizing the rock to fine, small particle sizes creates a large surface area that can come into contact with the soil particles. There are 3 types of lime, the aforementioned agricultural lime, this can then be heated in a kiln to create calcium oxide CaO called burnt lime or quicklime and then if water is added it becomes calcium hydroxide Ca (OH)2 called slaked lime or hydrated lime. Quicklime and hydrated lime are used in the building industry to make mortars to bond together bricks and stones but should not be used on soils as they are too strong in their effect and quick acting and will have a detrimental effect on soil microorganisms. Agricultural lime will take time to have an effect on the pH of a soil and hence is best applied at the start of the rainy season when rain can help carry it into the soil and react with the soil particles. Apply agricultural lime at about 1 kilogram per square metre but it is best to follow the directions on the container. Dolomite lime is calcium magnesium carbonate Ca Mg (CO3)2 and does have an effect of increasing pH in an acid soil but is best avoided in most situations as it contains too much magnesium. Gypsum is calcium sulphate dihydrate CaSO4.2H2O and doesn’t have a direct effect on the soil pH, it is used as a soil treatment to improve infiltration rates and drainage in clay soils. It enables the soil particles to flocculate together to form larger aggregates which therefore have larger pore spaces. This is particularly the case in soils with too much salt, sodic soils, as sodium (salt is sodium chloride NaCl) is limited in its ability to flocculate soils, whereas calcium in the gypsum is more able to flocculate soil particles. Lowering of the soil pH, making a soil more acidic can occur through the use of chemical fertilizers, the use of manures on soil and just through irrigation. Intentional acidification of the soil can be done with the application agricultural sulphur S. You can test your own soil pH with generally available and relatively cheap soil pH test kits. These are a chemical kit which include an indicator liquid that is mixed with a small soil sample, to make a solution, then dusted with a white powder which changes colour and that is compared to a colour chart with the different colours indicating the pH. See photograph above. Be careful with the selection of soil samples to be tested. In the past I have tested sandy soil where I was living near the coast, these soils are nearly always alkaline with a pH of around 8 but my test result was 5.5, quite acidic. On closer examination, in my soil sample was a small piece of cow manure which I had top dressed on the soil the year before and this is what was giving the acidic reading, not the soil particles. Another test gave a result of 8.5 which is more what is expected from such a soil. It is best to do several tests of different soil samples from over your site and also at different depths, at the surface and at 2 or 3 centimeters down. Push to one side any organic matter on the surface before testing, as although this is very good for the health of soil it will give an inaccurate measurement of your soil pH as mentioned above. In summary, acidity or alkalinity of a soil is measured on the pH scale from 0 to 14 and soil pH is generally between 5 and 8. The pH is important in soil nutrition as it effects the availability to plants of soil nutrients. Landon, J. R. (2014). Booker tropical soil manual: a handbook for soil survey and agricultural land evaluation in the tropics and subtropics (2nd ed.). New York.: Routledge. Zumdahl, S.S. and DeCoste, D.J. (2011) Introductory Chemistry: A Foundation (7th Ed.). Brooks/Cole, USA.: Cengage Learning. Book.
Infection control is a method of protecting patients, healthcare workers and visitors from getting infections in the hospital and in the home. Infection control is important because people with CF can unknowingly spread germs (bacteria) to other people with CF. People with CF should be aware that their lungs can become infected with bacteria very easily. In a young person with CF, bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus and Haemophilus influenzae are most common. As people with CF grow older Pseudomonas aeruginosa is most common. Pseudomonas aerouginosa affects two thirds of adults with CF. Some other less common bacteria are methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and Burkholderia cepacia complex (B. cepacia). People with CF related lung disease often have bugs (bacteria) in the lungs. Read more about the different bacteria and infection control practices below.
"America the Beautiful" by Katherine Lee Bates (lyrics) and Samuel A. Ward (music) captures the essence of the concept of American expansionism; the term "manifest destiny" to describe this idea was coined by a gentleman named John O'Sullivan in an 1845 article about annexing the Republic of Texas to the United States. Democracts would also use this idea to advocate and/or justify war with Mexico. "Manifest Destiny" was also an important idea as the North and South marched closer to the brink of an American Civil War, and Southerners held that as the nation expanded to the Pacific Ocean, slavery must expand as well to protect Southern interests. The expansion of slavery was a point of contention among Northerners, even those who were content to let slavery continue to exist were it already did, but could not stomach the idea of seeing it expand. The concept of "manifest destiny" seemed to embrace the ideas that American people and institutions were moral and virtuous and should spread in all directions possible, remaking the world, more or less, or at least the continent, in the American image, and that this mission was one sanctioned by God. The lyrics to "American the Beautiful", particularly the second stanza reflect this idea: "America! America!God shed His grace on thee/And crown thy good with brotherhood/From sea to shining sea!" Although the term "manifest destiny" fell into disuse in the 1900's, the concept of a divine right to expansionism clearly had a less than happy effect on Native Americans, who acre by tragic acre lost their land and their lifestyles to the Anglo-Saxon march across the continent.
How did those enormous dinosaur skeletons get inside the museum?Long ago, dinosaurs ruled the Earth. Then, suddenly, they died out. For thousands of years, no one knew these giant creatures had ever existed. Then people began finding fossils--bones and teeth and footprints that had turned to stone. Today, teams of experts work together to dig dinosaur fossils out of the ground, bone by fragile bone. Then they put the skeletons together again inside museums, to look just like the dinosaurs of millions of years ago.
CNC (Computer Numerical Control) Machining Definition The term machining generally refers to the use of a cutting tool used as part of a controlled material removal process to render a workpiece to a desired final size and shape. Traditionally this was done by a skilled technician. If you think of an old-school carpenter with a lathe and a chisel set, you’re not far wrong. This manual form of machining is still used today and is normally referred to as conventional machining. The technician doesn’t need to wield the tools anymore and can direct and control machining tools via a computer interface. What makes a machining process conventional is that a human determines the location and intensity of tool contact. By comparison, computer numerical controlled machining uses software to render a 3D design into instructions for a set of computer-controlled machining tools. The software and computer-controlled tools then conduct the machining process without the need for significant oversight. Essentially, in CNC machining, the software determines the location and intensity of tool contact.
A really weird form of matter found in ultradense objects such as neutron stars is looking like a good candidate for the strongest material in the Universe. According to new calculations, it clocks in at a massive 10 billion times stronger than steel. “This is a crazy-big figure,” physicist Charles Horowitz of Indiana University Bloomington told Science News, “but the material is also very, very dense, so that helps make it stronger.” Neutron stars are one of the end points of the life cycle of a high-mass star. Once the core of a star has burned to iron, it collapses, squeezing the protons and electrons into neutrons and neutrinos. The neutrinos escape, but the neutrons are densely packed into an object between just 10 and 20 kilometres (6-12 miles) in diameter. This incredibly high density does something strange to the nuclei of the atoms in the star. As you move closer and closer in towards the centre, the density increases, squishing and squeezing together the nuclei until they deform and fuse together. The resulting nuclear structures are thought to resemble pasta – hence the name – forming just inside the star’s crust. Some structures are flattened into sheets like lasagna, some are bucatini tubes, some are spaghetti-like strands and others are gnocchi-esque clumps. Their density is immense, over 100 trillion times that of water. As you can imagine, recreating that kind of density in a laboratory setting just isn’t going to happen – so sadly no one got to build a nuclear spaghetti-snapping machine. Luckily, scientists now have access to powerful computer simulations, so this is what they used instead. They created models of simulated nuclear pasta, and applied pressure to see how the material responded. They found that the force needed to break nuclear pasta was 10 billion times the force needed to break steel. Although the crust of a neutron star has previously been calculated to be extraordinarily strong as well, the nuclear pasta was even stronger. This result suggests that the ion crust of a neutron star would break significantly earlier than the pasta in the middle. “Additionally,” the researchers wrote in their paper, “the large strength and density of nuclear pasta predicted by this work suggests that neutron stars may support large ‘buried’ mountains in the inner crust.” What this means is that, because of these dense regions, the neutron star’s interior could be lumpy and uneven. And if this is the case, neutron stars might be constantly generating gravitational waves – ripples in the fabric of spacetime. They wouldn’t be very strong. Certainly not strong enough for detection by the current set-up at the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO), considering how difficult it is to detect a massive collision between two black holes. But maybe future upgrades to LIGO could improve its sensitivity. Or the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) observatory, planned for a 2034 launch, might be able to detect these faint waves. The research doesn’t just shed some light on the nature of nuclear pasta – it’s laying the groundwork for future observations that may one day provide concrete proof of its existence.
Cleft Lip & Palate During early pregnancy separate areas of a child’s face develop individually and then join together, including the left and right sides of the roof of the mouth and lips. However, if the sections don’t meet the result is a cleft. If the separation occurs in the upper lip, the child is said to have a cleft lip. A completely formed lip is important not only for a normal facial appearance but also for sucking and to form certain sounds made during speech. A cleft lip is a condition that creates an opening in the upper lip between the mouth and nose. It looks as though there is a split in the lip. It can range from a slight notch in the colored portion of the lip to complete separation in one or both sides of the lip extending up and into the nose. A cleft on one side is called a unilateral cleft. If a cleft occurs on both sides, it is called a bilateral cleft. A cleft in the gum may occur in association with a cleft lip. This may range from a small notch in the gum to a complete division of the gum into separate parts. A similar defect in the roof of the mouth is called a cleft palate. The palate is the roof of your mouth. It is made of bone and muscle and is covered by a thin, wet skin that forms the covering inside the mouth. You can feel your own palate by running your tongue over the top of your mouth. Its purpose is to separate your nasal cavity from your mouth. The palate has an extremely important role during speech because when you talk it prevents air from blowing out of your nose instead of your mouth. The palate is also very important when eating; it prevents food and liquids from going up into the nose. As in cleft lip, a cleft palate occurs in early pregnancy when separate areas of the face develop individually and do not join together properly. A cleft palate occurs when there is an opening in the roof of the mouth. The back of the palate is called the soft palate and the front is known as the hard palate. A cleft palate can range from just an opening at the back of the soft palate to a nearly complete separation of the roof of the mouth (soft and hard palate). Sometimes a baby with a cleft palate may have a small chin and a few babies with this combination may have difficulties breathing easily. This condition may be called Pierre Robin sequence. Since the lip and palate develop separately, it is possible for a child to be born with a cleft lip, palate or both. Cleft defects occur in about 1 out of every 800 babies. Children born with one or both of these conditions usually need the skills of several professionals to manage the problems associated with the defect such as feeding, speech, hearing, and psychological development. In most cases, surgery is recommended. When surgery is done by an experienced, qualified oral and maxillofacial surgeon such as Dr. Sorensen, and Dr. Jordan Campbell, the results can be quite positive. Cleft Lip Treatment Cleft lip surgery is usually performed when the child is about ten years old. The goal of surgery is to close the separation, restore muscle function, and provide a normal shape to the mouth. The nostril deformity may be improved as a result of the procedure, or may require a subsequent surgery. Cleft Palate Treatment A cleft palate is initially treated with surgery safely when the child is between 7 to 18 months old. This depends upon the individual child and his/her own situation. For example, if the child has other associated health problems, it is likely that the surgery will be delayed. The major goals of surgery are to: - Close the gap or hole between the roof of the mouth and the nose - Reconnect the muscles that make the palate work - Make the repaired palate long enough so that it can perform its function properly There are many different techniques that surgeons will use to accomplish these goals. The choice of techniques may vary between surgeons and should be discussed between the parents and the surgeon prior to surgery. The cleft hard palate is generally repaired between the ages of 8 and 12, when the cuspid teeth begin to develop. The procedure involves placement of bone from the hip into the bony defect, and closure of the communication from the nose to the gum tissue in three layers. It may also be performed in teenagers and adults as an individual procedure, or combined with corrective jaw surgery. What Can Be Expected After The Surgery? After the palate has been fixed children will immediately have an easier time swallowing food and liquids. However, in about one out of every five children that have the cleft palate repaired, a portion of the repair will split, causing a new hole to form between the nose and mouth. If small, this hole may result in only an occasional minor leakage of fluids into the nose. If large however, it can cause significant eating problems, and most importantly, can even affect how the child speaks. This hole is referred to as a “fistula,” and may need further surgery to correct.
Write a 1500 word reflection essay that compares and contrasts what you have learned in your course, with what you have observed in the field. Include explanations, descriptions, examples and at least 4 in-text citations from the textbook or other sources. Choose to focus on some of the topics stated below: *Throughout your essay, apply the theories of Piaget, Vygotsky, Erikson, Bandura, and Gardner to all examples of the students you observed in the classroom setting 1. How did the teachers you observe help nurture and develop students’ self-esteem, self-efficacy, and self-regulation? Save your time - order a paper! Get your paper written from scratch within the tight deadline. Our service is a reliable solution to all your troubles. Place an order on any task and we will take care of it. You won’t have to worry about the quality and deadlinesOrder Paper Now 2. What was an example of attachment within a teacher-student relationship? 3. What observations did you make of the social environment of the classroom? 4. What was an example of classroom management that you observed? 5. What was an example of the use of positive guidance initiated by the teacher? 6. How did the teacher transitions the students from one activity to another? 7. Did you observe a discipline issue? poor student behaviors? How were these issues handled? 8. How did the teacher model positive social skills? 9. During a lesson, how does the teacher access students’ prior knowledge of the lesson topic? Give examples. 10. How does the teacher engage students as active learners? 11. How does the teacher informally assess if the children understand what he or she is teaching them?
This paper aims to analyze colonization and language policies in Louisiana and discern why Louisiana Creole has nearly gone extinct. First, it is essential to define Louisiana Creole as it is a unique language formulated under the particular circumstances of historical Louisiana and still plays a crucial role in the region’s culture, including food, music, and traditions. The question at the base of this research paper is how language planning in Louisiana has stigmatized Louisiana Creole and essentially caused it to be repressed. Additionally, as this course focuses on language planning, the study will explore new ways and attempts to revitalize Louisiana Creole and efforts to put the language back on the map. As Spolsky (2008) points out, although colonization which entails language planning based on the ruling power, inflicts stress on other languages in the region, specifically through linguistic imperialism, it is not the only negative factor. Other factors from colonialism include glottophagy, in which dominating languages incorporate words from the minority languages. Furthermore, the dominating language is the base of government and education. It becomes a tool of persuasion to admire a language and stigmatize others, making them less desirable to be used, learned, and essentially passed down to other generations (Spolsky 232). These are crucial topics that need to be explored in order to explain the depletion of Creole, which has created a movement of younger generations to reclaim Louisiana Creole and begin to try to revitalize it through the means of what Nancy Hornberger calls bottom-up, which is a self-driven initiative by people of culture to save and revitalize their language by personal motivation (Hornberger 442). Definition of Creole The concept of Creole has been widely discussed across academia and in linguistics and language studies. In recent discourse, “creole” typically refers to languages developed under colonial situations (Mayeux 32). As such, these creoles grow out of a mixture of languages: the language of the colonizer and the colonized. This definition is further strengthened by the recognition that these creole languages emerged in times of contact and were used to achieve socialization and to help establish connections between people and nations (Mayeux 59). Traditionally, creole languages were generated in areas of geographic and social separation, allowing languages to develop in isolation and without larger colonial subjugation. However, two distinct definitions of Creole are widely accepted and applied. Firstly, creoles can be defined in terms of their origin as languages that have emerged due to language contact and borrowing features from other languages (Mayeux 86). Secondly, creoles can be defined in terms of their structure, which is seen as an effort to adjust the language to meet a specific purpose of communication (Mayeux 95). In Louisiana, where the creole language role is distinct, it has been described as an “interlingual” language hybridizing European and African languages (Mayeux 11). Louisiana creole is classified as a vernacular, meaning it has a formal structure defined by elements of language contact rather than one linguistic structure. In terms of its Louisiana form, Creole involves a combination of various languages and dialects, most notably French and African. In its structure, Louisiana Creole is a type of creolized French. It exhibits elements of syncretic Creole, meaning it is a highly structured language that develops through the combination of languages and adds a layer of native grammar. Because of its unique structure, Louisiana Creole is seen by its speakers as a language in its own right, separate from other languages such as French and African-American English dialects (Mayeux 132). This places it in stark contrast to what linguists consider “standard” French, which is often viewed as the language of power. As a distinctive language, Louisiana Creole has become a source of identity and a symbol of resistance for its speakers. This is due to its distinctiveness from the French spoken in Europe, as well as its history of being used to assert a sense of identity among those who did not have access to the French language of the elite (Mayeux 161). Thus, Creole is seen as a language of empowerment and resistance, connecting people to their unique history while also imparting a sense of pride in the culture and language of the Louisiana Creole people. As such, many individuals are pushing for language revitalization efforts to preserve the language and keep it a symbol of identity and cultural pride. Colonization in Louisiana The colonization of Louisiana has dramatically impacted its Creole culture and language. For instance, this period of colonialism forged a unique Creole language composed of multiple languages and dialects, altering prior French spoken by Native communities and immigrants. According to Valdman, this “linguistic hybridization” created a new Creole culture by introducing Spanish, French, African, and English influences (Valdman 16). Another example of colonization-era influence is highlighted by Hart, who traces the beginnings of Creole resistance during the colonial period as a way for people of color to reclaim and celebrate their identities in the face of oppression (Hart 3). The French language also experienced disruption due to the unpredictable surges in immigration during the colonial period. Marshall demonstrates that multiple Colonizers were constantly influencing and changing the language due to their different origins (Marshall 48). Spears argues that contemporary features of the Creole language can be traced back to the cultural mixing of enslaved Africans and French colonists during colonization (p. 40). As a result, colonists were faced with an everyday struggle to learn, develop and maintain the new language which emerged. Colonization also resulted in increased standardization and simplification of the Creole language. Rioult explains in their article The Standardization Process of Louisiana French the development of a “standard” written form to simplify spelling constraints and make the language more accessible (Rioult 199). This demonstrates the effort to enforce a “standard form” of the language through standardization and simplification used by the colonizers to demonstrate their perceived superiority of language (Rioult 206). Boles’ work Turning Gumbo into Coq Au Vin, further adds to this conversation, noting that creating a single standard form of the language was used to suppress the distinctive Creole identity (Boles 45). Therefore, the colonization of Louisiana has had an indelible impact on the area’s culture, identity and language. Through linguistic hybridization, changes in immigration patterns and forced standardization of language, Louisiana’s Creole language and culture have been drastically altered. Even today, its legacy continues to serve as a reminder of the power of influence and language. Near Extinction of Louisiana Creole Louisiana Creole is a language that has come under threat of near extinction due to various complex language policies and socioeconomic challenges. Thomas and Dajko aver that most Creole-speaking communities in Louisiana have exhibited “a high degree of language endangerment” (p. 11). Louisiana Creole language loss can be attributed to various language policies. For example, Hornberger notes that since the 19th century, French colonies sought to eradicate their indigenous languages “in the interest of achieving a homogenous national language” (448). This suppression of indigenous and creole languages has been magnified by the dominance of English in many areas of the United States. According to Spolsky, the trend of language policy ignores the value of minority languages and often “prioritizes the learning of dominant languages” and supports what he calls “monolingual nationhood” (298). The erosion of the Louisiana Creole language is also mainly due to the socioeconomic realities experienced by speakers of the language. Bankston III and Henry analyze the economic and educational dynamism within Louisiana Creole-speaking communities and observe that “Persistent and chronic conditions of poverty, language prejudice, and lack of access to consistent educational opportunity have hindered the ability of Louisiana creoles’ to participate meaningfully in mainstream society” (269). This has a cascading effect on the use of the language, as people in these societies become less and less likely to use Louisiana Creole in favor of economically advantageous languages such as English. Furthermore, the education system in many communities has a documented unwillingness to certify or credit students for using Louisiana Creole, further strengthening the language’s provisional status (Hornberger 455). As language is an essential part of any culture, the near-extinction of the Louisiana Creole language threatens to strip Creole-speaking communities of their cultural identity and heritage. As Hornberger argues, this “compromises [s] the right of a language community to maintain its language as a means of cultural preservation” (463). This is especially pertinent for Louisiana Creole, a distinct language heavily intertwined with the state’s cultural heritage. Without preservation and recognition, the Louisiana Creole-speaking community stands at risk of being permanently erased from the social and cultural fabric of the state of Louisiana. Therefore, Louisiana Creole is facing near-extinction risk due to a wide range of language policies and socioeconomic issues. In recent years, various initiatives have been proposed to combat language erosion within the Louisiana Creole-speaking community. Such initiatives may effectively help preserve the Louisiana Creole language, which is invaluable to the cultural identity of the state of Louisiana. Revitalization of Louisiana Creole In Louisiana, efforts to revitalize the state’s creole language have been ongoing. As Albert Camp explains in his 2015 work, L’essentiel ou lagniappe: The ideology of French Revitalization in Louisiana, the state’s French-speaking population has long been subject to linguistic discrimination, with English being the dominant language in formal settings. This has led to a decrease in the use of Louisiana creole, leading to a need for revitalization efforts. To this end, the Louisiana legislature has created a state-funded French Language Immersion Program, which provides immersion-style education to French-speaking students to promote the use of Louisiana creole (Camp 10). In addition to the Immersion Program, scholars have researched other strategies for promoting the revitalization of Louisiana creole. Portillo and Wagner examined the impact of cultural districts on the revitalization of Louisiana creole. They found that the presence of cultural districts in Louisiana was associated with increased use of Louisiana creole, indicating that such districts can be valuable tools for promoting the revitalization of the language (Portillo and Wagner 663). Another strategy for revitalizing Louisiana creole is focusing on the Cajun population’s language. Dormon explains that Cajuns are integral to the state’s history and culture and have been instrumental in preserving Louisiana creole. Dormon suggests that the presence of Cajun culture in Louisiana can encourage the use of Louisiana creole and preserve the language for future generations (Dormon 1049). Finally, Baird offers some insight into language policy and language strategy that can be used to revitalize Louisiana creole. Baird argues that the state must create a cohesive language policy, which includes the promotion of bilingualism, increased funding for language instruction, and the adoption of standardized orthography, to ensure the language’s long-term success (Baird 83). Additionally, Baird suggests that language revitalization efforts should also include a focus on language strategies, such as creating language-learning communities and using media to promote the language (Baird 87). Likewise, Mayeux’ provides insight into language contact and change, which is essential for revitalizing the language (Mayeux 13). Laws/Policies That Prevent the Usage of Any Languages Outside of English Which Discriminated and Negatively Impacted Creole (Jim Crow) As many as 10 to 25 million Americans speak English-based Creole languages, commonly referred to as Jim Crow (Beaubrun 196). Unfortunately, this language has been discriminated against for years due to its strong roots in African-American Vernacular English (AEV). As a result, various laws and policies have been enacted restricting such languages’ usage, particularly in educational settings. This discrimination has had a significant, negative impact on Creole-speaking communities. The language has been relegated to second-class status, with the implicit message that language is not valued or respected. The roots of this discrimination can be traced back to the Jim Crow era when laws were enacted in the United States to restrict the rights of African American citizens. During this time, laws were passed banning the use of any language other than English in educational and other public settings, thus preventing Creole-speaking citizens from fully participating in society (Henderson 45). This discriminatory policy created a situation where Creole-speaking individuals felt ostracized and disrespected, and their language and culture were devalued by society. Over the past few decades, increased awareness of the struggles of Creole-speaking communities has led to a shift in policy. Although the Jim Crow policies remain in place in some states and localities, the federal government and many state governments have tried rectifying the situation by enacting new laws and policies that provide greater protections for Creole and other non-English languages. For example, in 2001, Congress passed the Equal Education Opportunities Act, which banned discrimination against students based on their primary language and provided additional resources for English language learners (McDougall 101). This law provided increased access to resources for individuals struggling to learn English, thus protecting individuals speaking Creole. More recently, there has been further progress in language and education policy. Many states, such as Louisiana and Virginia, have passed laws allowing Creole to be used as a medium of instruction in schools (Beaubrun 198). Such policies reflect a significant shift in attitude, as they recognize the value of Creole and its importance in the lives of Creole-speaking individuals. Additionally, many school districts across the country have adopted standardized testing policies that recognize the existence of AEV, making it easier for students to succeed academically (Henderson 48). This shift in attitude signals an increased acceptance and appreciation for the diversity of language, which also protects Creole-speaking individuals’ rights. The Jim Crow era has left a long-lasting legacy of discrimination against Creole, and establishing laws and policies to counter it has been a slow and imperfect process. Rather than accepting single language-based discrimination, communities and governments should continue to strive for an increased understanding of the role of all languages in educational and civic life and create further protections for Creole-speaking individuals. Such shifts in policy are essential to ensuring that all individuals, regardless of language, can fully participate in and benefit from society and contribute to its dynamic cultural landscape. Application of Constructivist Philosophy The constructivist paradigm is well-suited for the current study of the near extinction and revitalization of Louisiana creole. According to Bailey (2019), “The constructivist paradigm has often been advocated to facilitate student-centred learning and an accompanying valuing of multi-voices, multiple perspectives and varied knowledge” (p. 174). This can be especially beneficial for the current study as the research involves interviewing local speakers as part of data collection. By orienting the research towards a constructivist paradigm, there will be more emphasis on student-centred learning and the multiple perspectives shared by speakers. Thus, speakers’ voices will be prioritized and respected throughout the research process. Additionally, the constructivist paradigm can aid the researchers in their exploration of the endeavors by NOUS to revitalize the Creole. Since the constructivist paradigm emphasizes understanding the local context and culture, the researchers can make more informed decisions in their data collection. Additionally, the constructivist paradigm can aid in the understanding of experiments conducted by NOUS to save the Creole (Samardžija, 2020, p. 41). With its focus on different perspectives, the constructivist paradigm is well-poised to understand better the work being done by NOUS. Also, the constructivist paradigm can help the researchers consider the active participation of children in the revitalization of Creole. Through a constructivist approach, researchers can understand the implications of the work done by children to revitalize the Creole as they “play an active role as experts and participants of the language” (Tamamounides Castineira, 2022, p. 10). By understanding the children’s active role, the researchers can better understand the effectiveness of NOUS in reviving the dying Creole. Finally, the constructivist paradigm can augment the research by providing a platform to challenge the current paradigm. The researchers can use this to challenge “the rationales and outcomes of US foreign language education,” presented through the constructivist paradigm (Reagan & Osborn, 2019, p. 83). With this new perspective, the researchers can provide an alternative account of the revitalization of Louisiana creole that is distinct from the traditional one instated by the current paradigm. As such, the constructivist approach of the research can provide a more nuanced image of the Creole and its revitalization efforts. Therefore, the constructivist paradigm is a suitable approach for the current study, which seeks to understand the near extinction and revitalization of Louisiana creole. Through its focus on student-centred learning and understanding different perspectives of the locals, the constructivist paradigm is well-suited to provide an in-depth account of the language. Additionally, the constructivist approach can challenge existing rationales and outcomes the current paradigm presents. Thus, the constructivist paradigm is a beneficial tool for the current study in gaining a deeper understanding of Louisiana creole. Use of Interviews Given the current study’s quest to determine the near extinction and revitalization of Louisiana creole, interviews can be a valuable data collection tool for understanding the various nuances of the language. A fundamental starting point for any investigation should be determining the sociocultural and linguistic contexts through which the language is used (Sippola 91). This can be achieved through interviews since they facilitate access to a participant’s perspectives, allowing the collection of both explicit and implicit information (Nero 343). Moreover, interviews are suitable for accessing the multiple contexts in which a language is expressed (Schneider 12). In the more specific case of pidgins and creoles, such as Louisiana Creole, interviews can be used to obtain “explicit statements of communicants [or] information about the complexity of their linguistic repertoires” (Sippola 101). This is especially important given the potential social implications of creole languages in specific communities, such as the erosion of local varieties due to their use as a marker of identity (Nero 358). To understand how Louisiana Creole lives in contemporary times and the bottom-up nature of the new movement of the revitalization of the language, the study implemented personal interviews with individuals who have learned Louisiana Creole. Examples of the questions asked within the interviews are ‘What does “creole” mean to you?’ and ‘Is it more of a language or a cultural aspect to you?’ Later asked, ‘Can you think of ways Creole influences your life in Louisiana?’ Additionally, the interview probed for examples and stories that would help to strengthen and enrich the research. Despite their efficacy, caution must be taken when collecting such data since understanding the nuances of the speaker’s usage can be difficult. For instance, ambiguity may exist between the terms Creole, pidgin, and dialect, leading to misunderstandings (Quinones 8). A difficulty may also arise in the case of mixed varieties, when, for example, it is hard to identify which varieties of the language are being spoken and how they interact with mainstream standards (Sippola 102). Therefore, in order to properly understand the language being used and its various influences, it is essential for the interviewer to have strong language comprehension and “specify exactly what type of data [they] are looking for” (Sippola 106). Therefore, interviews offer an ideal scenario for collecting accurate data on Louisiana creole and its near extinction and revitalization. The interviewer can form an approximation of the language used by the participant by making use of their familiarity with the language and its characteristics to identify patterns and complexities. Furthermore, interviews can provide helpful information on the broader contexts of language use, such as the participant’s identity and social structure. Thus, although caution must be taken when using interviews as a data collection tool, they can be an efficient and reliable way of gathering the necessary information for this current study. Definition of Creole From the Interviews Alysson understood Creole as both a language type and a cultural identity. Alysson stresses the importance of individuals being able to tell their stories for external audiences to understand the nuances of Creole and its various distinctions, such as Cajun and Louisiana Creole (Nous Interview 2, p. 2). Creole is ultimately a cultural identity that is distinct from other languages and cultures, though it is characterized by diverse stories and people from different backgrounds (Nous Interview 2, p. 2). Correspondingly, Taalib views Creole as a bastardized version of French spoken by older generations in Louisiana, especially in areas such as Vasari, Breaux Bridge, and Saint Martinville. It is often regarded as a “simple” or “uneducated” language in comparison to the more polished Louisiana French dialect (Taalib Interview p. 3). Creole is typically spoken at home but can also be used to communicate with others. Generally, older white folks usually have Creole as their first language while they are capable of speaking french when speaking to others (Taalib Interview p. 3). Creole is the result of a long history of the struggle to combat Americanization in the region (Taalib Interview p. 3). Jonathan defines Creole as an ethnicity and language formed through colonialism. It was often born out of the conditions of slavery, making it a language of survival for those who experienced such struggles. Louisiana Creole, or “Kouri-vini” as some may call it, is distinct from French and Cajun French as it is believed to have originated from a combination of African and European influences (Jonathan 1 p. 2). There is also speculated influence from Native Americans. However, many prefer not to refer to them as such due to the oppressive nature of the term “American” imposed on them by British colonizers. Creole is an identity and language firmly rooted in survival and adaptation (Jonathan 1 p. 2). Finally, Christophe is a Creole speaker who has long been exposed to the language. Growing up, he was partly exposed to French due to family and being swept up in the linguistic movement in Louisiana while in elementary school. He explained that French was everywhere in Louisiana, from street signs to conversations (Christophe Interview p. 2). However, he only switched from French to Creole when he heard a professor speaking Creole at a cafe on the University of Lafayette campus (Christophe Interview p. 6). He was inspired to promote Creole and has since become a passionate advocate who works to preserve Creole’s rich history and bright future. While for many, Creole represents a language associated with Louisiana labor and working in the cane fields (Christophe Interview p. 2), Christophe has opened up Creole to a broader audience, celebrating its value and fostering its appreciation and acceptance. Therefore, Ceole is a complex language and cultural identity strongly intertwined with the history of colonialism in the Louisiana region. Alysson emphasizes the need for individual stories to be told to foster a deeper understanding of Creole and its various dialects, such as Cajun and Louisiana Creole (Nous Interview 2, p. 2). Taalib shares that Creole is both a language and an ethnicity, with older people in areas such as Vasari, Breaux Bridge and Saint Martinville speaking Creole as their first language (Taalib Interview p. 3). Jonathan additionally provides insight into the formation of Creole, which is believed to have been a result of African and European influences and an adaptation to the oppressive culture of colonialism (Jonathan 1 p. 2). Finally, Christophe is an example of someone who has used Creole to express and preserve his identity, rise from oppressive labor conditions, and promote the appreciation of Creole as a survival language (Christophe Interview p. 2). Creole is a unique and essential language that offers individuals a way to fight against oppression, connect to complex historical experiences, and promote a rich shared cultural identity. Other Definitions of Creole The definitions of pidgins and creoles can be divergent. Baptista et al. state that “pidgins more closely resemble contact languages, characterized by limited and reduced grammatical structure, while creoles are structurally distinct and stable” (434). However, this simplified distinction is only sometimes accepted. Thus, Constance offers a more complex definition that “argues for a continuum of structures between pidgins and creoles, but generally accepts that pidgins have a simplified grammar, a smaller lexicon, and limited functions in the speech community; whereas creoles are languages with a more mature syntactic development bearing full lexical meaning, and social functions and acceptance” (322). These definitions agree on the fundamental premise that pidgins feature a limited structure, whereas creoles have a more robust and socially accepted structure. Selbach extends this line of thought, basing her definition of creoles on their origin. She posits that “there is a consensus that creoles originated as pidgins that resulted from contact between two different language communities, with the mother tongues of the speakers providing grammar and lexicon, with substrate influence and evidence of rural and regional variation” (366). From this perspective, creoles are seen as a distinct yet interconnected language. They are distinct as they exhibit characteristics that allow them to be distinguished from pidgins in terms of structure and social acceptance. However, they are interconnected because they evolved from contact language between two different language communities. McWhorter further adds that creoles can be identified by their primary differences from typical languages: structural complexity, lexical density, and functional diversity (para. 4). Specifically, he argues that “creoles sharply contrast with pidgins in having complex structures, rich vocabularies, and a multidimensional syntax” (para. 4). From this, creoles can be characterized as languages that are distinct from their parent languages, that exhibit a set of shared characteristics, and that are typically more socially accepted than pidgins. Though providing a single, unmarked definition of a creole language is complex, the above sources can provide general guidelines. A creole can be generally understood as a language derived from contact between two different language communities and features a complex structure, rich lexicon, and wide range of social functions. As each Creole is distinct from the parent language and others, further distinction and research into the specific features of each Creole are necessary to gain a multifaceted understanding of this language type. Linguicide. Linguicide, or the systematic destruction of a language, constitutes an enduring plight across global contexts. This idea is demonstrated through the plight of Louisiana Creole, which has experienced a sharp decline in use and is near extinction in contemporary society (Migge and Léglise 299). This decline has occurred over time due to the increasing number of immigrants to the state and the consequential shifting of language use (Migge and Léglise 301). This shift has perpetuated the rise of English as the language of choice and has left Louisiana Creole facing a lack of recognition and appreciation. At the same time, it has further denigrated the population of Louisiana Creole speakers, ultimately leading to the language’s near extinction (Robins 168). To help prevent linguicide, the Louisiana-based organization Network for the Conservation of Louisiana Creole has worked to establish an outreach and awareness program designed to chronicle the language’s history and promote its revitalization (Bell 90). Through the program, the organization has sought to take decisive action to erase the various forms of discrimination ingrained within contemporary attitudes towards Louisiana Creole (Bell 104). By appealing to individuals of diverse backgrounds — especially younger generations — the organization has made strides in helping to spread knowledge and promote the academic exploration of the language (Hartford, Valdman, and Foster 65). The organization has also sought to create a platform that provides the community with a voice to discuss and express the various aspects of the language by hosting conversations and conferences dedicated to Louisiana Creole (Hartford, Valdman, and Foster 73). Through discussion, the organization has sought to create a shared culture of ownership, allowing for a greater appreciation and understanding of the language. This has extended to promoting programs designed to help people of various ages learn and develop their skills in Louisiana Creole (Bell 102). In doing so, the organization has sought to combat linguicide and bolster the declining population of speakers within Louisiana and beyond (Robins 181). Ultimately, the organization’s efforts have documented the history and use of Louisiana Creole to chronicle its current state and herald a new era of revitalization within the words of its few remaining speakers (Migge and Léglise 314). In doing so, the organization has sought to continue to document the language’s use to help preserve its use within Louisiana and beyond in the future. This has provided an invaluable platform for educational outreach and to provide individuals with the support, knowledge and status to help endure the language’s survival. In this way, the Network for the Conservation of Louisiana Creole has, more importantly, sought to ensure the language’s resilience and stave off linguicide across the international community (Robins 194). Glottophagy. As Louisiana Creole is spoken throughout the state, it is no stretch to say that this tradition of glottophagy, combining French and African American vocabulary and grammar, is a staple of the culture. Melancon attempts to characterize the Creole identity and illustrates this unique melding of two different linguistic traditions (533). The French-African melding manifests itself mainly in the vocabulary of Louisiana Creole. Likewise, Ancelet posits that the language borrows from its two predecessors and utilizes the vocabulary for new expressive capacity never seen before in either language (126). Additionally, Picone indicates that while grammatical aspects of the French language are retained, they are less dominant than the African American aspects and may be modified to fit the African American idiom (117). Kihm illustrates the use of French lexemes with less efficient inflection and more reliance on creole particles like “fini,” letting the speaker convey a variety of affected attitudes through the combination of French and African American grammar and dialect. This adoption and alteration of French vocabulary also influence the subject’s urgency or politeness in their speech. Additionally, Berlin attempts to study this unique adaptation of French vocabulary and how it changed how African Americans viewed and interacted with the French language (251). Berlin postulates that through this linguistic blend, African Americans could create a form of French that more adequately communicated the African American experience in mainland North America. The glottophagy of Louisiana Creole has become a cultural hallmark, blending the French and African American vocabulary and grammar that historically characterize the area. This blending of vocabularies and grammar has allowed Louisiana Creole speakers to create a unique linguistic stamp rich in African American and French heritages. This particular melding of languages has been explored for its effect on the participant’s speech and its expressions of politeness, urgency, and attitude through the combination of African American and French syntax and vocabulary. This unique blurring has allowed its participants to craft a language that more accurately reflects their narrative and allows them to express their lived experiences better. As a marker of the rich history of Louisiana, the glottophagy of Louisiana Creole is a sign of resilience in the face of both colonial and linguistic suppression. Christophe reveals the institutional and systemic forces that worked to erase Louisiana Creole from the narrative during the interwar period. He states, “you get this sort of stereotype that was created about the French language in Louisiana. But outside of the community, it is all just French, right? And so everyone was put in the same basket” (Christophe Interview p. 2). This reflects the dominance of English in the United States and the imposition of a single language narrative despite its apparent nuances, variations, and complexities. As St-Hilaire demonstrates, the nationalist impulse to deny and erase Louisiana Creole could exclude and erase aspects of local culture (158). Christophe further illustrates this point when he states that “In the late 1960s, you get this like renaissance with French, and it’s a very bourgeois renaissance right through code of feel and W and, you know, the delegations from Canada and from France and Belgium and on and on and on. And that changed the nature of how locals, and outsiders perceive the French language in Louisiana, it sort of upped it a bit right where you didn’t. You no longer thought about it as backwards and just like stagnant or anything like that. You started to associate it with mobility” (Christophe Interview p. 2). Here, Christophe demonstrates the privileging of certain aspects of the French language and its usage in Louisiana while neglecting Creole. This selective privilege of particular languages reflects the various power structures in play, where languages are treated as symbols of identity and class. Christophe directly alludes to this erasure when he remarks, “And so nothing really was happening with Creole” (Squint). By making this comment, Christophe conveys the idea that Creole was neglected in the realm of language preservation and recognition in the late 1960s, a point highlighted by Kirstin L Squint in her comparison of Haitian Creole and Louisiana Creole. She argues that “attitudes concerning language attitudes have been particularly hostile toward the Creole language created in Louisiana and other French Creole territories” (Squint), showing that Creole was not incorporated into language discourse as much as other French dialects. Moreover, Darensbourg and Price further discuss the cultural erasure that Creole faced during the interwar period when they state, “Despite the persistent presence of French Creole culture through the 20th century, the perception of it has been heavily altered” (14). This statement further emphasizes that Creole has been subject to significant erasure due to the power structures at play. Additionally, its presence has dwindled due to its exclusion from language discourse, the rise of English, and the need for recognition and investment from those in authority. This is reflective of the sentiments expressed by Christophe, which demonstrates the extinction of Louisiana Creole and reflects the systemic elements that ultimately led to its erasure. Another interviewee, Taalib, comments on the process of Americanization that has led to the extinction of Louisiana Creole. As St-Hilaire explains, this process “…often involves eradicating the language and cultural heritage by introducing an American English-only ideology, which has occurred in Louisiana for the last four generations’ ‘ (158). This can be seen in Taalib’s comments regarding other languages affected by this ideology, such as “Texas German speakers, Pennsylvania Dutch speakers and Missouri French speakers” (Taalib Interview p. 4). The impact of ex-communication on the Louisiana Creole language is also illustrated in Taalib’s comments. As Darensbourg and Price point out, this type of exclusion from a community hinders conversations on preserving Louisiana Creole and other languages since it can lead to the “allocation of pride and egos’ ‘ that keep people from participating (14). This further perpetuates the decline of Creole language and the “lack of bilingualism amongst the younger generations” (Taalib Interview p. 5). Taalib also speaks on his experience of Americanization’s effects, such as the censorship of Creole orthography from the Kristof community (Taalib Interview p. 5). This insight shows how people can be censored from language revitalization efforts and denied the connection to their culture. It further laments the lack of support these individuals are given amidst this supposed effort of preservation (Squint). In the end, this lack of acceptance affects the growth of Louisiana Creole and the continuation of its cultural identity. Therefore, Taalib’s interview comments demonstrate the extinction of Louisiana creole due to the Americanization process and the resulting lack of support and censorship of language revitalization efforts. This threatens the recovery and evolutionary development of the language and its culture. As St-Hilaire illuminates, “this situation, if not activated, would ultimately lead to the complete extinction of language and an irreparable cultural loss” (168). Revitalization of Creole in Louisiana Use of Art. Jonathan’s comments illustrate one of the significant actions some have taken to help revitalize Louisiana Creole and combat its extinction; that of art (Jonathan 2 p. 2). Art is a universal language which offers a degree of accessibility not limited by linguistic barriers (Ferrara and Holbrook 59). Music and symbolism of Creole culture can be expressed through visual art, performance art, films, and other artistic outlets, creating awareness and interest in both Louisiana Creole speakers and non-speakers (Picone 97). By appealing to more of the public, the culture and the language can be promoted and embraced by more, allowing a degree of longevity which may otherwise not be possible. The cultural and symbolic significance of the language is an integral factor to note in terms of revitalization as well. As Jonathan mentioned, language is not just an indicator of heritage and community but also an expression of identity, especially in the case of Louisiana Creole (Portillo and Wagner 654). The language’s strength lies in its imbuing with regional customs, inflexions, and individual histories, tying them all in with the language itself (Gold 127). By preserving and propagating the culture, identity and language, not only are citizens of the areas encouraged to be proud of where they come from but so too can their generational descendants. The art forms mentioned by Jonathan have become ensconced with Louisiana Creole culture and have thus become a beacon for others to view and appreciate. Recognition of these art forms and the culture by larger-scale media outlets is significant as it further shows that this is an integral part of American culture (Picone 99). Integrating it into the current entertainment schemata allows more widespread access to the language and culture, becoming a stage to express the language in a larger context, garnering the interest of various individuals. Though on a grand scale, this may seem like a small contribution to the revitalization of Louisiana Creole and a means to its longevity, it is nonetheless significant. By allowing art forms of Louisiana Creole culture to intertwine with popular culture, perspectives are brought to the forefront, instilling pride in descendants and boosting its presence. With attempts to give it the appropriate platform, Louisiana Creole has maintained its presence in modern society, speaking to the successful revitalization effort taken by many. Community Involvement. Likewise, Christophe explains his involvement in the revitalization of Creole in Louisiana. Ferreira and HoLbrook note, “Many revitalization efforts have been undertaken, mindful of the threats to their continuing vitality” (83). With her mentor, Debbie, Cristophe translated all of the texts into a Creole exhibition in 2003. However, his activism was already in place when he started learning French from his family in middle school (Christophe Interview p. 3)). Cristophe’s experiences helped him appreciate the cultural advancement of Louisiana Creole as he began to draw people to their heritage, something that Picone describes as “Language along the Levee: Just Another Big Slice of the American Pie” (98). His intimacy with the culture meant that he saw it as more than a language but a part of people’s lives, something that was coming to the forefront. As a result of his experiences and activism, Cristophe helped create spaces in which Louisiana Creole could be taught, described by Portillo and Wagner as setting “the context for urban revitalization” (658).In his research, Gold describes this as a “return to roots” (129) and notes that it is through activities like Cristophe’s involvement in both French activities and the Creole exhibition that Creole culture began to be taken seriously in the state (Christophe Interview p. 3). Similarly, his efforts to involve everyone from the community, including visitors from other countries, to become involved in the language played a crucial role in its revitalization (Christophe Interview p. 3). His work helped ensure that Louisiana Creole would continue to be taught and access to it would be preserved, furthering the chances of preventing its extinction. Christophe’s involvement in revitalizing the Creole culture is a testament to the power of language exchange, which Ferreira and Holbrook can do through “increased opportunities for cultural exchange” (84). Additionally, Picone points out that “the only language that really matters to many people is the one they feel closest to” (97); it is through the promotion of Creole culture that it could become closer to the hearts of individuals. Through Christophe’s involvement, the public was exposed to the language and its capabilities, providing an opportunity to strengthen or revive the language and allowing people to draw closer to the distinct linguistic culture of the area. Therefore, the efforts of Cristophe and others to revive the Louisiana Creole culture demonstrate the power of language exchange and the need to bring it to the forefront of public discourse. Through his involvement in various French-related projects and translating and teaching the language, he helped prevent its extinction. He started to cultivate an understanding and appreciation of the language and its culture. As with any other language, it is essential that the efforts of people like Cristophe continue to ensure that the culture of the area and its language remain alive and accessible to those who are part of it. Language Reclamation. Another interviewee, Oliver, expresses the feeling of loss and disconnect when the language is not passed on, a feeling that is both psychological and subjective (Oliver p. 4). This feeling is often taken as an impetus for those involved in language reclamation, so they try to find ways to reconcile this internal feeling. Activists engage in symbolic acts of healing, one example being the Louisiana Creole revitalization movement which began merely a decade ago (Ferreira and HoLbrook 102). It began with just a small group of people on Facebook, yet it has now achieved a broad level of currency, with its orthography appearing in various places (Picone 91). The feeling of loss and disconnect experienced by many is ingrained within the language reclamation process itself (Alexandre 201). Scholars and activists alike point to this feeling as an impetus for language revitalization, one example being the rise of the Louisiana Creole movement, which has taken off in just a decade (Ferreira and HoLbrook 102). This movement has been able to preserve and pass down the language while also providing a symbolic act of healing that those involved are searching for (Portillo and Wagner 651). Furthermore, standard orthography and online platforms have spread the language even further, making it even more accessible (Picone 91). Louisiana Creole, in a sense, reflects the surroundings of the region, being a blend of African, French, Spanish, Native American, English, and other languages (Gold 133). This unique blend of cultures reveals itself in the language, which “has been a source of pride for many of its speakers since its earliest inception” (Picone 93). Through Louisiana Creole, the region demonstrates its cultural and historical diversity, further reinforcing the need to protect it from extinction (Oliver p. 4). Revitalization processes are ultimately motivated to preserve and protect a way of life (Portillo and Wagner 662). Louisiana Creole language revitalization has become a deeply personal endeavor for those involved. It is more than just the spoken and written language – it is a symbol of the culture, history, and legacy that is unique to the region, something that those involved in revival feel a personal responsibility to protect from extinction. With the help of online platforms and the use of standard orthography, the Louisiana Creole revitalization movement has been able to gain a broad level of usage and currency, all while providing symbolic acts of healing (Alexandre 201; Ferreira and HoLbrook 102; Portillo and Wagner 651; Picone 91). Ultimately, the feeling of loss and disconnect drives many to engage in language reclamation. In the case of the Louisiana Creole movement, it successfully preserved the region’s language and culture (Gold 133). Nous and Their Attempts To Revitalize Creole in Louisiana Nous Foundation is committed to revitalizing Creole in Louisiana. Nous Foundation works to educate and empower marginalized communities, especially those who speak the endangered languages of French and Creole in the Gulf Coast (Moving Worlds para. 1). To do this, Nous Foundation uses a variety of interactive multimedia tools and resources, such as art, music, and videos narrated in both French and Creole. Through interactive and dynamic multimedia resources, Nous Foundation revitalizes Creole culture and language to preserve its existence (Moving Worlds para. 1). To further ensure the success of their revitalization efforts, Nous Foundation takes a multi-pronged approach to language preservation. Nous Foundation depends on collaboration with local stakeholders and families to develop strategies to sustain their language revitalization efforts in their current and future generations (We are Family Foundation para. 2). As part of their strategy, Nous Foundation encourages elderly community members to pass down their language to the younger generation in order to revitalize Creole effectively. To further support the renewal of Creole, Nous Foundation designed numerous tools, such as special classes, exercises, and assessments to measure the effectiveness of their language revitalization projects (We are Family Foundation para. 2). Furthermore, through technology and multimedia, Nous Foundation works to make revitalizing Creole easier and more achievable. Nous Foundation uses its “Aloha Language Platform” to make it easier for young people to learn Creole. Through the platform, students can learn fundamental Creole vocabulary and grammar as well as listen to native speakers talking about Creole culture (Moving Worlds para. 1). Additionally, with the built-in translation tools, students can explore Creole phrases and words in other languages, such as French and Spanish ( Moving Worlds para. 11). Finally, Nous Foundation actively integrates the Creole language into its curriculum to nurture Creole culture and participates in local cultural events. Nous Foundation implemented Creole-speaking tutors that allow Creole-speaking children to engage with native Creole speakers (We are Family Foundation para. 2). Nous Foundation also partners with the Society for the Preservation of Hispano-American Culture to introduce native Creole-speaking tutors from Louisiana (We are Family Foundation para. 2). Moreover, team members from Nous Foundation attends and actively participates in local Creole culture-related events, like the annual Decatur Regional Heritage Festival or Blessing of the Fleet, to support community-based initiatives that promote Creole culture (We are Family Foundation para. 2). Therefore, the Nous Foundation has taken many steps to revitalize Creole in Louisiana. Through multimedia, language tutors, and participation in local cultural events, Nous Foundation is actively working to preserve and promote Creole culture and language in Louisiana. The Louisiana Creole language has been threatened by near extinction due to various complex language policies and socioeconomic challenges. This has been attributed to the French colonists’ efforts in the 19th century to eradicate their indigenous languages and the subsequent dominance of English in many areas of the United States. With language policies often prioritizing dominant learning languages, the value of minority languages has been diminished. To revitalize Louisiana Creole, the Nous Foundation has implemented a multi-pronged approach that involves collaboration with local stakeholders and families. They have designed various tools such as classes, exercises and assessments to track the progress of their language revitalization projects. Additionally, the Nous Foundation has employed technology, multimedia and their ‘Aloha Language Platform’ to make learning Creole easier for the younger generation. To nurture the Creole culture, the Foundation has also introduced Creole-speaking tutors and participated in local Creole culture-related events. Therefore, the research paper covered the near extinction of Louisiana Creole due to language policies and socioeconomic challenges. To encourage the revitalization of Creole, the Nous Foundation has employed several techniques to ease the task. These include the use of technology and multimedia to make the teaching of the language more accessible, the introduction of Creole-speaking tutors and active participation in local Creole culture-related events. This research could have been further improved or developed if more time and resources had been available. For instance, this research could be broadened to examine the impact of language policies on other creole languages throughout the US. In doing so, it could provide a better understanding of the implications of English as a dominant language in America and its impact on both language revitalization and maintenance. Additionally, interviews with individuals from the Louisiana Creole community could be conducted to gain an in-depth understanding of their experiences of language loss and maintenance efforts. Through exploring the lived experiences of language decline, this research could gain a better understanding of how Louisiana Creole is a language and its associated practices. Moreover, this research could be extended by broadening the geographical scope by including more recent linguistic developments in neighboring Louisiana Creole-speaking communities, such as Mississippi and Alabama. In doing this, this study could be used to assess the successes, challenges, and any further opportunities for Louisiana Creole language revitalization throughout the US. Overall, this research paper provides insight into the decline and revitalization of Louisiana Creole. 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We Are Family Foundation. “Youth and Technology Training Fellowship 2021 – Scott Tilton.” We Are Family Foundation, 2021, www.wearefamilyfoundation.org/yttf-2021/scott-tilton. The Responsible Opioid Prescribing For Pain Management Sample Assignment Scholarly Article Summary Article One: Mallick‐Searle, T., & Chang, H. (2018). The importance of nurse monitoring for potential opioid abuse in their patients. Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research, 23(1), e12129. The article appreciates that there have been increasing statistics of deaths associated with opioid misuse since 1999. In arriving at the above-informed conclusion, the clinical researchers conducted a detailed systematic review of the top-ranking peer-reviewed articles and journals in the most reputable databases, such as Pubmed and PubMed. The critical finding indicates that opioid misuse is a global crisis becoming a significant concern, especially within the healthcare profession and industry. Suppose the menace of opioid misuse is ignored or handled with minimal regard and professionalism. In that case, it is a significant risk that will always create a conducive environment for the manifestation of deaths and increased instances of pain among patients, especially those with chronic and underlying medical conditions. Mallick-Searle & Chang (2018) appreciate that nurse practitioners are at the centre stage of dealing with the crisis of opioid misuse. The evidence-based clinical strategies that nurses have at their disposal include comprehensive patient assessment, early identification, and prevention of opioid mishandling. As well-educated and certified medical practitioners, the authors found that nurses are at liberty to provide education and create awareness and continuous monitoring of the families and victims of opioid misuse. Such actions are ideal for effective pain management and curbing opioid-related deaths. Article Two: Brown Jr, R. E., & Sloan, P. A. (2017). The opioid crisis in the United States: chronic pain physicians are the answer, not the cause. Anesthesia & Analgesia, 125(5), 1432-1434. According to Brown Jr, and Sloan (2017), there has been a consensus among healthcare stakeholders on the importance of using opioids for acute and chronic pain management. For example, patients have been treated for non-chronic cancer using opioid therapy. Despite the benefits described above of opioid treatment in pain management, there has been a challenge in therapeutic opioid prescription. The trend has become a public health problem linked to some physicians specialising in pain management failing to perform their assigned professional roles and responsibilities. Brown Jr and Sloan (2017) recommend that nurse practitioners and other chronic pain physicians have a critical role in dealing with the above-described opioid public health problem. Providing education and responsible opioid prescription are just some of the top-notch recommended interventions that clinical personnel are supposed to implement to address the issue of opioid misusage. Adoption of the risk evaluation and the accompanied mitigation strategies, formulation for opioid abuse-deterrent and having a robust action plan for every nurse practitioner and other chronic pain physicians are essential in reducing the opioid-related high addiction and mortality rates. Impact on Practice The evidence-based findings presented in the two articles are necessary for informed decision-making and enhancing client outcomes. Mallick-Searle & Chang (2018) state that there ia a global opioid danger. The recommended corrective measures, such as patient monitoring, prevention, and early but detailed assessment of patients and families suffering from opioid addiction, can enhance the client’s outcome. Brown Jr and Sloan (2027) emphasise the values and the benefits of chronic pain physicians resorting to risk evaluation and adoption strategies, opioid abuse-deterrent formulations and a comprehensive clinical action plan in enhancing the client outcome. In summary, the articles highlight the need for a multifaced approach to a responsible opioid prescription for pain management. The above scholarly findings form a strong base for my future career as a certified nurse practitioner. Brown Jr and Sloan (2017) guide me in appreciating my role as a chronic pain manager expert and the need to adopt the best clinical strategies, such as opioid therapy and policies, in improving client outcomes. On the other hand, Mallick-Searle & Chang (2018) guides me in embracing early assessment, identification, monitoring and prevention of opioid misuse. The current essay examined responsible opioid prescription and the role of the nurse practitioner in pain management. Mallick-Searle & Chang (2018) identified the best strategies to be used by nurse practitioners in reducing opioid addiction and pain management. Brown Jr and Sloan (2017) were about the increasing cases of opiod induced mortality and addiction rates and the essence of chronic pain physicians courting opiod therapy in eliminating the problem. Brown Jr, R. E., & Sloan, P. A. (2017). The opioid crisis in the United States: chronic pain physicians are the answer, not the cause. Anesthesia & Analgesia, 125(5), 1432-1434. Mallick‐Searle, T., & Chang, H. (2018). The importance of nurse monitoring for potential opioid abuse in their patients. Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research, 23(1), e12129. Essay On Global Megatrends And Power Shifts Sample Assignment Urbanisation is among the top megatrends facing the world. The trend constitutes the increasing urban population to the extent of having more than half of the world’s population in urban centers by the year 2030. Positive and negative impacts are expected from this megatrend in the seven years to come. The positive impacts include; economic growth, a better quality of life among the urban dwellers, and higher government concern for the urban people. However, the positive impacts are less likely to be experienced, considering the various negative impacts such as increased pollution, health complications, congestion and traffic jams, malnutrition, loss of biodiversity, higher crime rates, economic issues, and water shortages. Governments across the globe need to initiate appropriate measures to accommodate the urbanisation trend properly and minimize the adverse effects. The world has been undergoing significant and rapid changes due to the impacts of various contemporary megatrends. Urbanisation is among the key megatrends witnessed globally. The megatrend is characterized by the mass movement of people from the local areas to urban centers. The urbanisation rate is alarming and continues to increase steadily. In 2019, the United Nations (UN) approximated that 4.2 billion people (about 54% of the world’s population) lived in urban centers, a figure that was projected to surpass 5 billion by 2030 (Klein et al., 2017). The main purpose of this analytical essay is to analyze the impact of urbanisation on the world from the 2030 perspective. Urbanisation is a common trend in both developed and developing countries across the world. Many people are attracted to the urban centers of desire to enjoy privileged social and economic services, among them being education, employment, healthcare, sanitation, and business opportunities, among others. Such privileges are not readily available within the rural and suburban areas, hence prompting many people to move to the cities. There are both positive and negative impacts of urbanisation. Increased economic growth and quality of life The rate at which cities are growing presently surpasses both suburban and rural areas. By 2030, over two-thirds of the world’s population (approximately 5 billion people) will be living in urban areas (Klein et al., 2017). The mass movement of people to the cities has resulted in an increased concentration of wealth in the urban centers and, subsequently, increased quality of life. Cities are known to contribute to over 80% of the global Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The increasing urbanisation population is most likely to promote sustainable economic growth. Therefore, by 2030, it is expected that most of the wealth will be concentrated in urban areas. Besides, those living in the cities will have the highest quality of life compared to those living in rural and suburban areas. The high wealth accumulation in cities, and better quality of life, will keep on attracting more people, hence increasing urbanisation. However, the realization of such anticipated benefits requires good management of the urban people to enhance their innovativeness, creativeness, generation of new ideas, and productivity (Klein et al., 2017). Increased Governments Commitment to urban issues The growing urban population will exert more pressure on governments and authorities globally to execute their roles, duties, responsibilities, and mandates appropriately. Policies geared towards improving the lives of the people in urban areas will increase. Some of the anticipated policies will promote community participation, accessible employment, poverty eradication, and whole-of-life journeys. There will be a shift of focus toward addressing urban issues, especially transport congestion. People will be advised to consider alternate means of transport to motor vehicles, such as walking, bicycle riding, and electric vehicles. For instance, the number of electric vehicles across Australian Cities has been increasing rapidly, and the government has focused on establishing stations to support such vehicles. The primary aim behind such practice is to minimize the pollution levels within the urban centers resulting from the increasing population (Naughtin et al., 2022). Different car manufacturing companies, such as Volvo, Ford, Honda, and General Motors, among others, have been provided with incentives to increase the production capacity of electric vehicles. Proper cooperation between the rural and urban areas will be encouraged to support the supply of sufficient and nutritious food to urban people while ensuring that the rural populations are better compensated for supporting more production. The wealth disparity between the rich and the poor people living in urban areas will be addressed through social protection and universal health coverage programs (Veispak, 2023). Pollution and Health Effects Cities consume over 75% of the world’s energy and contribute to more than 70% of global greenhouse gas emissions. With increased urbanisation, it is anticipated that pollution will increase, leading to climate-related risks and catastrophes (Klein et al., 2017). The increasing pollution rates across urban areas come as a result of the presence of a large number of motor vehicles and industries. People living the urban centers will be exposed to more indoor and outdoor air pollution, hence the risk of increased respiratory health, cancer, and cardiovascular diseases. Some of the possible climate change impacts to be experienced across the world by 2030 are high temperatures, frequent and severe storms, drought and famine, and higher health risks. The risk of infectious diseases increasing is very high (Naughtin et al., 2022). Air pollution will be the greatest concern in many cities by 2030. In some major cities in the world, such as Beijing and Mexico, people are forced to use face masks for protection against the polluted air. The air pollution across these cities is mainly facilitated by green gas emissions resulting the increased energy usage in cooking, heating, lighting, and transport activities (Li et al., 2020). The rate at which the global population is shifting to the cities exceeds the rate at which the cities are being developed. Urban centers across the globe are not readily prepared to accommodate over 5 billion people. The people are most likely to lack proper housing, hence promoting the growth of slums. Traffic jams will also increase, as the urban roads have not been expanded appropriately to fully match the growing urban population. Increased congestion on the transport means will slow down economic growth due to time wastage and energy consumption by vehicles and other modes of transport. Congestions in resident and commercial areas will lower the quality of life of a large percentage of the urban population. The rate of communicable diseases, such as STIs, salmonella, measles, and hepatitis, among others, are most likely to increase with increased congestion. Cases of other illnesses, such as malaria and lymphatic filariasis, are expected to increase as a result of the poor drainage systems associated with densely populated urban residential areas like slums. Increased Crimes Rate Criminal activities are most likely to increase globally by 2030 due to the mass movement to cities. The large population of people in the cities will have to compete for limited resources and employment opportunities. The high costs of living in the cities will prompt many people to engage in criminal activities like theft and robbery to get funds for clearing electricity, water, food, rent, and other bills. Other contributing factors will include; social exclusion and increased poverty levels with time. Safety and security authorities, and related agencies, will be forced to work on improving their capacities to deal with growing crime rates. It is not easy to guarantee high security and safety levels, with excessively heavy pollution and informal settlements like slums. Thieves and gangsters will take advantage of the changing city landscapes to rob other urban people (Awasthi, 2021). The number of people across the world with malnutrition issues is expected to rise. Cities have limited access to healthy and nutritious people, besides attracting high costs, which makes them less affordable to the poor urban population. The increasing urban population will increase demand for the limited available foods, considering that only a small percentage of the world’s population will have been left in the rural areas to support agricultural activities. There is the possibility of malnutrition-related illnesses such as Kwashiorkor, Marasmus, and Anemia increasing (Muttarak, 2019). Increased Obesity and Diabetes Currently, the cases of obesity and diabetes have been on the rise. However, the cases are expected to rise further following the increasing urban population. Urbanisation promotes the increase of obesity, diabetes, and excessive body weight through unhealthy eating habits, sedentary lifestyles, and transport means, which minimize physical activities. Besides, cardiovascular and respiratory complications are anticipated to increase, as they are closely related to these two health issues. In the past, these diseases have been linked to the wealthy and top-class people, but by 2030, the number of middle and lower-income classes of people struggling with the same will surpass that of the high-income class (Dun et al., 2021). Many urban centers experience water shortages, and further shortages are anticipated by 2030. Currently, over 30% of urban populations lack access to clean water, while over 50% lack adequate sanitation. The increasing urbanisation rate is among the key factors contributing to the clean water shortage issues across many cities. The growing population will put more pressure on the available water sources in attempts to meet both residential and commercial water use. With large populations in the cities, many governments will be unable to ensure proper governance and management of water and other infrastructures due to limited resources. In a few years to come, accessing clean and sufficient water in many cities across the globe will not be easy. Among the key alternative water uses that most cities will consider by 2030 include boreholes and the recycling of dirty water (Singh et al., 2021). As more people continue shifting from the local to urban areas, biodiversity loss is much expected by 2030, as more land around the existing cities must be cleared to accommodate residential, commercial, and recreational buildings. Urban tree coverage will decline, thus further affecting the quality of breathing air. Climate change resulting from the increased pollution in the urban centers will make the areas unsuitable for vegetation survival. Agricultural lands will also be affected, leading to a reduction in food production and supply to the urban centers (Theodorou, 2022). Urbanisation is most likely to generate critical economic issues if not appropriately managed. Traditional industries will decline by 2030, considering that they cannot be operated from urban areas. Such a decline will suggest a decline in the overall GDP and exports. There is a high likelihood of informal economies rising from the urban centers as people from highly diversified backgrounds come together. In most cases, informal economies do not support effective taxation systems, hence denying governments sufficient tax revenues. Inflation issues have been experienced, and higher rates are expected by 2030. This is because there is declining production of major agricultural foods and increasing demands at the urban centers. Low supply, and high demand, will attract high costs for the available food commodities, hence increasing inflation rates. The industrial sectors in the urban areas lack the capability of providing full employment for the increasing urban population. In such a situation, there are expected cases of unemployment and underemployment, which are harmful to economic growth and development (McGee, 2019). The overall impact of urbanisation by 2030 will be negative. It is high time that different governing authorities focus on developing appropriate and timely solutions for the expected adverse impacts like increased pollution and related social and economic issues. Improving the living standards in rural areas through better social and economic opportunities can effectively address the urbanisation issue. Dun, Q., Xu, W., Fu, M., Wu, N., Moore, J. B., Yu, T., … & Zou, Y. (2021). Physical activity, obesity, and hypertension among adults in a rapidly urbanised city. International Journal of Hypertension, 2021, 1–9. Klein, F., Bansal, M., & Wohlers, J. (2017). Beyond the Noise: The Megatrends of Tomorrow’s World. LOGOPUBLIX Fachbuch Verlag. Megatrends 2020 and beyond. EYQ 3rd edition|Ey.com/megatrends. URL. file:///C:/Users/user/Downloads/EY_Megatrends2020andbeyond.pdf Muttarak, R. (2019). Too few nutrients and too many calories: climate change and the double burden of malnutrition in Asia. Asian Population Studies, 15(1), 1–7. Naughtin, C., Hajkowicz, S., Schleiger, E., Bratanova, A., Cameron, A., Zamin, T., & Dutta, A. (2022). Our future world: Global megatrends impacting the way we live over coming decades. Singh, S., Tanvir Hassan, S. M., Hassan, M., & Bharti, N. (2020). Urbanisation and water insecurity in the Hindu Kush Himalaya: insights from Bangladesh, India, Nepal, and Pakistan. Water Policy, 22(S1), pp. 9–32. Theodorou, P. (2022). The effects of urbanisation on ecological interactions. Current Opinion in Insect Science, 100922. Veispak. A. (2023). Global Megatrends and Power Shifts. file:///C:/Users/user/Downloads/GlobalMegatrends21-01-2023.pdf World Economic Forum. (2023). Global Risks Report 2022. https://www.weforum.org/reports/global-risks-report-2022/ McGee, T. (2019). Urbanisation in an era of volatile Globalisation: policy problematics for the 21st century. In East-West Perspectives on 21st Century Urban Development (pp. 37–52). Routledge. Awasthi, S. (2021). ‘Hyper’-Urbanisation and migration: A security threat. Cities, p. 108, 102965. Li, B., Shang, X., Cui, Y., & Blaxland, M. (2020). Migration, urbanisation, climate change and children in China—issues from a child rights perspective.
Flashcards works like a card with a term and definition or image. On the first side of the card, the student will see the term of the Study Set. When the student clicks on the card, it will flip and display the term's definition on another side of the card. Students click on the audio button at the top left of the card to hear the words. This Study Set is suitable to be used at the initial stage of the lesson for the introduction of terms and definitions to students. Be sure to configure the right language setting in the Study Set to get the right read-aloud pronunciation provided. Pro Plan users can record your own voice clips to the Flashcards. Flashcards can be played in the following setting:
Colloids occur widely in nature as well as are manufactured synthetically. Since these have a wide industrial application, it is important to have a proper system for the classification of colloids. Colloids consist of a dispersed phase and a dispersion medium. They are classified on the basis of different properties of the dispersed phase and the medium. Let us learn about them here. Classification of Colloids Based on the Nature of Interaction Between Dispersed Phase and Dispersion Medium - Hydrophilic colloids: These are water-loving colloids. The colloid particles are attracted to the water. They are also known as reversible sols. Examples include Agar, gelatin, pectin, etc - Hydrophobic colloids: These are the opposite in nature to hydrophilic colloids. The colloid particles are repelled by water. They are also called irreversible sols. Examples include Gold sols, clay particles, etc Learn more about Stabilization and Application of Colloids here. Based on Type of Particles of Dispersed Phase Depending upon how different substances forming colloidal solution acquire the size of particles in this range, colloidal solutions may be classified into the following three categories. - Multimolecular Colloids: The solution that is formed as a result of the aggregation of a large number of atoms or small molecules (having diameters of less than 1nm) of the dispersed media. The dispersed particles are held together by Van der Val forces Example: Gold sol, Sulphur sol. - Macromolecular Colloids: Molecules have very high molecular masses that result in the formation of large molecules that are termed as macromolecules. When such substances are dispersed in a suitable dispersion medium, the resulting colloidal solutions are known as macromolecular colloids. Thus, macromolecular colloids consist of high molecular mass. Generally, lyophilic colloids are macromolecular in nature. Examples include the colloidal dispersion of naturally occurring macromolecules such as starch, proteins, gelatin, cellulose, nucleic acids, etc. as well as synthetic polymers such as polyethylene, polypropylene, synthetic rubber, etc. also form macromolecular colloids when dispersed in suitable solvents. - Associated Colloids (Micelles): Certain colloids behave as strong electrolytes at lower concentrations but exhibit colloidal properties at higher concentrations. At a particular concentration, the molecules of dispersed phase align in such a way as to form micellar structures. This particular concentration is known as critical micellar concentration. The colloids that form micelles are known as associated colloids. Depending Upon the State of Dispersed and Dispersion Medium Depending upon the state of dispersed particles and the dispersion medium, the following system of Classification of colloids can be employed. 1] When the Dispersion Medium is Liquid - Foams – When the dispersed medium is gas. Examples include whipped cream, shaving cream, etc - Emulsions – When the dispersed phase is liquid. Examples include milk, mayonnaise, etc - Sol – When the dispersed phase is solid. Examples include blood, pigmented ink, etc 2] When the Dispersion Medium is Gaseous - Liquid Aerosol – When the dispersed phase is liquid. Examples include fog, mist, hair sprays, etc. - Solid Aerosol – When the dispersed phase is solid. Examples include smoke, ice cloud, etc. 3] When the Dispersion Medium is Solid - Solid Foam – When the dispersed medium is gas. Examples include styrofoam, pumice, etc - Gel – When the dispersed medium is liquid. Examples include agar, gelatin, etc - Solid Sol – When the dispersed medium is solid. Examples include cranberry glass Solved Questions For You Que: Which of these systems of colloids are not known to exist? - Liquid in Liquid - Solid in Solid - Liquid in Solid - Gas in Gas Ans: The correct option is “D”. Gas in Gas. No such type of colloid has been reported to exist.
Young children’s conceptions of Native Americans often develop out of media portrayals and classroom role playing of the events of the First Thanksgiving. The conception of Native Americans gained from such early exposure is both inaccurate and potentially damaging to others. For example, a visitor to a child care center heard a four-year-old saying, “Indians aren’t people. They’re all dead.” This child had already acquired an inaccurate view of Native Americans, even though her classmates were children of many cultures, including a Native American child. Derman-Sparks (1989) asserts that by failing to challenge existing biases we allow children to adopt attitudes based on inaccuracies. Her book is a guide for developing curriculum materials that reflect cultural diversity. This digest seeks to build on this effort by focusing on teaching children in early childhood classrooms about Native Americans. Note that this digest, though it uses the term “Native American,” recognizes and respects the common use of the term “American Indian” to describe the indigenous people of North America. While it is most accurate to use the tribal name when speaking of a specific tribe, there is no definitive preference for the use of “Native American” or “American Indian” among tribes or in the general literature. STEREOTYPES CHILDREN SEE Most young children are familiar with stereotypes of the Native American. Stereotypes are perpetuated by television, movies, and children’s literature when they depict Native Americans negatively, as uncivilized, simple, superstitious, blood-thirsty savages, or positively, as romanticized heroes living in harmony with nature (Grant & Gillespie, 1992). The Disney Company presents both images in its films for children. For example, in the film PETER PAN, Princess Tiger Lily’s father represents the negative stereotype as he holds Wendy’s brothers hostage, while in the film POCAHONTAS, Pocahontas represents the positive stereotype who respects the earth and communicates with the trees and animals. Many popular children’s authors unwittingly perpetuate stereotypes. Richard Scarry’s books frequently contain illustrations of animals dressed in buckskin and feathers, while Mercer Mayer’s alphabet book includes an alligator dressed as an Indian. Both authors present a dehumanized image, in which anyone or anything can become Native American simply by putting on certain clothes. TEN LITTLE RABBITS, although beautifully illustrated, dehumanizes Native Americans by turning them into objects for counting. BROTHER EAGLE, SISTER SKY (Harris, 1993) contains a speech delivered by Chief Seattle of the Squamish tribe in the northwestern United States. However, Susan Jeffers’ illustrations are of the Plains Indians, and include fringed buckskin clothes and teepees, rather than Squamish clothing and homes. AN ACCURATE PICTURE OF NATIVE AMERICANS IN THE 1990s Native Americans make up less than one percent of the total U.S. population but represent half the languages and cultures in the nation. The term “Native American” includes over 500 different groups and reflects great diversity of geographic location, language, socioeconomic conditions, school experience, and retention of traditional spiritual and cultural practices. However, most of the commercially prepared teaching materials available present a generalized image of Native American people with little or no regard for differences that exist from tribe to tribe. When teachers engage young children in project work, teachers should choose concrete topics in order to enable children to draw on their own understanding. In teaching about Native Americans, the most relevant, interactive experience would be to have Native American children in the classroom. Such experience makes feasible implementing anti-bias curriculum suggestions. Teachers may want to implement the project approach (Katz & Chard, 1989), as it will allow children to carry on an in-depth investigation of a culture they have direct experience with. In these situations, teachers may prepare themselves for working with Native American families by engaging in what Emberton (1994) calls “cultural homework”: reading current information about the families’ tribe, tribal history, and traditional recreational and spiritual activities; and learning the correct pronunciation of personal names. A number of positive strategies can be used in classrooms, regardless of whether Native American children are members of the class. 1. PROVIDE KNOWLEDGE ABOUT CONTEMPORARY NATIVE AMERICANS to balance historical information. Teaching about Native Americans exclusively from a historical perspective may perpetuate the idea that they exist only in the past. 2. PREPARE UNITS ABOUT SPECIFIC TRIBES, rather than units about “Native Americans.” For example, develop a unit about the people of Nambe Pueblo, the Turtle Mountain Chippewa, the Potawotami. Ideally, choose a tribe with a historical or contemporary role in the local community. Such a unit will provide children with culturally specific knowledge (pertaining to a single group) rather than overgeneralized stereotypes. 3. LOCATE AND USE BOOKS THAT SHOW CONTEMPORARY CHILDREN OF ALL COLORS ENGAGED IN THEIR USUAL, DAILY ACTIVITIES playing basketball, riding bicycles as well as traditional activities. Make the books easily accessible to children throughout the school year. Three excellent titles on the Pueblo Indians of New Mexico are: PUEBLO STORYTELLER, by Diane Hoyt-Goldsmith; PUEBLO BOY: GROWING UP IN TWO WORLDS, by Marcia Keegan; and CHILDREN OF CLAY, by Rina Swentzell. 4. OBTAIN POSTERS THAT SHOW NATIVE AMERICAN CHILDREN IN CONTEMPORARY CONTEXTS, especially when teaching younger elementary children. When selecting historical posters for use with older children, make certain that the posters are culturally authentic and that you know enough about the tribe depicted to share authentic information with your students. 5. USE “PERSONA” DOLLS (dolls with different skin colors) in the dramatic play area of the classroom on a daily basis. Dress them in the same clothing (t-shirts, jeans) children in the United States typically wear and bring out special clothing (for example, manta, shawl, moccasins, turquoise jewelry for Pueblo girls) for dolls only on special days. 6. COOK ETHNIC FOODS but be careful not to imply that all members of a particular group eat a specific food. 7. BE SPECIFIC ABOUT WHICH TRIBES USE PARTICULAR ITEMS, when discussing cultural artifacts (such as clothing or housing) and traditional foods. The Plains tribes use feathered headdresses, for example, but not all other tribes use them. 8. CRITIQUE A THANKSGIVING POSTER DEPICTING THE TRADITIONAL, STEREOTYPED PILGRIM AND INDIAN FIGURES, especially when teaching older elementary school children. Take care to select a picture that most children are familiar with, such as those shown on grocery bags or holiday greeting cards. Critically analyze the poster, noting the many tribes the artist has combined into one general image that fails to provide accurate information about any single tribe (Stutzman, 1993). 9. AT THANKSGIVING, SHIFT THE FOCUS AWAY FROM REENACTING THE “FIRST THANKSGIVING.” Instead, focus on items children can be thankful for in their own lives, and on their families’ celebrations of Thanksgiving at home. Besides using these strategies in their classrooms, teachers need to educate themselves. MacCann (1993) notes that stereotyping is not always obvious to people surrounded by mainstream culture. Numerous guidelines have been prepared to aid in the selection of materials that work against stereotypes (for example, see Slapin and Seale ). PRACTICES TO AVOID AVOID USING OVER-GENERALIZED BOOKS, curriculum guides, and lesson plans; and teaching kits with a “Native American” theme. Although the goal of these materials is to teach about other cultures in positive ways, most of the materials group Native Americans too broadly. When seeking out materials, look for those which focus on a single tribe. AVOID THE “TOURIST CURRICULUM” as described by Derman-Sparks. This kind of curriculum teaches predominantly through celebrations and seasonal holidays, and through traditional food and artifacts. It teaches in isolated units rather than in an integrated way and emphasizes exotic differences, focusing on specific events rather than on daily life. AVOID PRESENTING SACRED ACTIVITIES IN TRIVIAL WAYS. In early childhood classrooms, for example, a popular activity involves children in making headbands with feathers, even though feathers are highly religious articles for some tribes. By way of example, consider how a devout Catholic might feel about children making a chalice out of paper cups and glitter. AVOID INTRODUCING THE TOPIC OF NATIVE AMERICANS ON COLUMBUS DAY OR AT THANKSGIVING. Doing so perpetuates the idea that Native Americans do not exist in the present. Much remains to be done to counter stereotypes of Native Americans learned by young children in our society. Teachers must provide accurate instruction not only about history but also about the contemporary lives of Native Americans. Debbie Reese is a Pueblo Indian who studies and works in the field of early childhood education. Derman-Sparks, Louise. (1989). ANTI-BIAS CURRICULUM: TOOLS FOR EMPOWERING YOUNG CHILDREN. Washington, DC: National Association for the Education of Young Children. ED 305 135. Emberton, S. (1994). Do Your Cultural Homework. Editorial. NATIONAL CENTER FOR FAMILY LITERACY NEWSLETTER 6:(3, Fall): 5-6. Grant, Agnes, and LaVina Gillespie. (1992). USING LITERATURE BY AMERICAN INDIANS AND ALASKA NATIVES IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS. ERIC Digest. Charleston, WV: ERIC Clearinghouse on Rural Education and Small Schools. ED 348 201. Harris, V. (1993). From the Margin to the Center of Curricula: Multicultural Children’s Literature. In B. Spodek, and O.N. Saracho (Eds.), LANGUAGE AND LITERACY IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION. New York: Teachers College Press. ED 370 698. Katz, L.G., and S.C. Chard. (1989). ENGAGING CHILDREN’S MINDS: THE PROJECT APPROACH. Norwood, NJ: Ablex. McCann, D. (1993). Native Americans in Books for the Young. In V. Harris, (Ed.), TEACHING MULTICULTURAL LITERATURE IN GRADES K-8. Norwood, MA: Christopher Gordon Publishers. Slapin, Beverly, and Doris Seale. (1992). THROUGH INDIAN EYES: THE NATIVE EXPERIENCE IN BOOKS FOR CHILDREN. Philadelphia: New Society Publishers. ED 344 211. Stutzman, Esther. (1993). AMERICAN INDIAN STEREOTYPES: THE TRUTH BEHIND THE HYPE. An Indian Education Curriculum Unit. Coos Bay, OR: Coos County Indian Education Coordination Program. ED 364 396. Reprinted with permission from ERIC Digest.
Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterized by abnormal pauses in breathing or instances of abnormally low breathing during sleep. Each pause in breathing, called an apnea, can last from at least ten seconds to minutes, and may occur 5 to 30 times or more an hour. Similarly, each abnormally low breathing event is called a hypopnea. Sleep apnea is often diagnosed with an overnight sleep test called a polysomnogram, or “sleep study”. What Causes Snoring? Snoring is extremely common and, in many cases, relatively harmless. Snoring is caused by constricted airways. The air that moves in and out during breathing causes parts of the nose, mouth, and throat to vibrate, producing noise. Often times, loud and habitual snoring can be a sign of a much more serious sleep disorder – obstructive sleep apnea. Obstructive Sleep Apnea Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is a condition that is potentially life-threatening and is one of the most under diagnosed of all sleep disorders. OSA is associated with obstructions of airflow to the lungs during sleep, preventing you from breathing for ten seconds or longer. These disruptions in breathing cause the person to wake up periodically during the night, making the person extremely tired and irritable. If left untreated, obstructive sleep apnea can lead to high blood pressure, thickening of the heart muscle and a potentially fatal irregular heart beat (arrhythmia). If you think you might have a sleep disorder, see a physician. A sleep physician is responsible for detecting and diagnosis of sleep disorders and recommending treatment. Oral Appliance for Sleep Apnea Once diagnosis is made, a dentist can provide treatment by making an oral appliance specifically for sleep apnea. A sleep apnea dental appliance is a custom made device worn in the mouth during sleep. It maintains an open airway in the throat while sleeping. It’s easy to wear and non-invasive.
Using light to generate order in an exotic material: Physics experiment with ultrafast laser pulses produces a previously unseen phase of matter. Adding energy to any material, such as by heating it, almost always makes its structure less orderly. Ice, for example, with its crystalline structure, melts to become liquid water, with no order at all. But in new experiments by physicists at MIT and elsewhere, the opposite happens: When a pattern called a charge density wave in a certain material is hit with a fast laser pulse, a whole new charge density wave is created — a highly ordered state, instead of the expected disorder. The surprising finding could help to reveal unseen properties in materials of all kinds. The discovery is being reported today (November 11, 2019) in the journal Nature Physics, in a paper by MIT professors Nuh Gedik and Pablo Jarillo-Herrero, postdoc Anshul Kogar, graduate student Alfred Zong, and 17 others at MIT, Harvard University, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford University, and Argonne National Laboratory. The experiments made use of a material called lanthanum tritelluride, which naturally forms itself into a layered structure. In this material, a wavelike pattern of electrons in high- and low-density regions forms spontaneously but is confined to a single direction within the material. But when hit with an ultrafast burst of laser light — less than a picosecond long, or under one trillionth of a second — that pattern, called a charge density wave or CDW, is obliterated, and a new CDW, at right angles to the original, pops into existence. This new, perpendicular CDW is something that has never been observed before in this material. It exists for only a flash, disappearing within a few more picoseconds. As it disappears, the original one comes back into view, suggesting that its presence had been somehow suppressed by the new one. Gedik explains that in ordinary materials, the density of electrons within the material is constant throughout their volume, but in certain materials, when they are cooled below some specific temperature, the electrons organize themselves into a CDW with alternating regions of high and low electron density. In lanthanum tritelluride, or LaTe3, the CDW is along one fixed direction within the material. In the other two dimensions, the electron density remains constant, as in ordinary materials. The perpendicular version of the CDW that appears after the burst of laser light has never before been observed in this material, Gedik says. It “just briefly flashes, and then it’s gone,” Kogar says, to be replaced by the original CDW pattern which immediately pops back into view. Gedik points out that “this is quite unusual. In most cases, when you add energy to a material, you reduce order.” “It’s as if these two [kinds of CDW] are competing — when one shows up, the other goes away,” Kogar says. “I think the really important concept here is phase competition.” The idea that two possible states of matter might be in competition and that the dominant mode is suppressing one or more alternative modes is fairly common in quantum materials, the researchers say. This suggests that there may be latent states lurking unseen in many kinds of matter that could be unveiled if a way can be found to suppress the dominant state. That is what seems to be happening in the case of these competing CDW states, which are considered to be analogous to crystal structures because of the predictable, orderly patterns of their subatomic constituents. Normally, all stable materials are found in their minimum energy states — that is, of all possible configurations of their atoms and molecules, the material settles into the state that requires the least energy to maintain itself. But for a given chemical structure, there may be other possible configurations the material could potentially have, except that they are suppressed by the dominant, lowest-energy state. “By knocking out that dominant state with light, maybe those other states can be realized,” Gedik says. And because the new states appear and disappear so quickly, “you can turn them on and off,” which may prove useful for some information processing applications. The possibility that suppressing other phases might reveal entirely new material properties opens up many new areas of research, Kogar says. “The goal is to find phases of material that can only exist out of equilibrium,” he says — in other words, states that would never be attainable without a method, such as this system of fast laser pulses, for suppressing the dominant phase. Gedik adds that “normally, to change the phase of a material you try chemical changes, or pressure, or magnetic fields. In this work, we are using light to make these changes.” The new findings may help to better understand the role of phase competition in other systems. This in turn can help to answer questions like why superconductivity occurs in some materials at relatively high temperatures, and may help in the quest to discover even higher-temperature superconductors. Gedik says, “What if all you need to do is shine a light on a material, and this new state comes into being?” Reference: “Light-induced charge density wave in LaTe3” by Anshul Kogar, Alfred Zong, Pavel E. Dolgirev, Xiaozhe Shen, Joshua Straquadine, Ya-Qing Bie, Xirui Wang, Timm Rohwer, I-Cheng Tung, Yafang Yang, Renkai Li, Jie Yang, Stephen Weathersby, Suji Park, Michael E. Kozina, Edbert J. Sie, Haidan Wen, Pablo Jarillo-Herrero, Ian R. Fisher, Xijie Wang and Nuh Gedik, 11 November 2019, Nature Physics. The work was supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, the Skoltech-MIT NGP Program, the Center for Excitonics, and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation.
The consumption of lamb, a staple in various cuisines around the world, has long been a subject of ethical debate. Is eating lamb cruel, or is it a justifiable part of our dietary choices? This controversy touches on various aspects including animal welfare, environmental concerns, cultural practices, and nutritional benefits. The Case Against Eating Lamb Critics of consuming lamb often highlight the ethical implications related to animal welfare. Lambs, typically slaughtered at a young age (often between four and twelve months old), are seen by many as innocent and defenseless creatures. Animal rights activists argue that killing these young animals for food is morally questionable and unnecessarily cruel, especially when there are alternative sources of nutrition available. Moreover, concerns are raised about the conditions in which these animals are raised. Industrial farming practices, which are often employed to meet high demands for lamb meat, can involve inhumane treatment such as cramped living spaces, limited access to outdoor grazing, and stressful transportation to slaughterhouses. The Case for Eating Lamb On the other side of the debate, proponents of lamb consumption point to various factors. Many cultures have deep historical and traditional ties to eating lamb, and it is an integral part of many diets around the world. For some communities, lamb is not just a source of food but a part of their heritage and identity. Nutritionally, lamb is a rich source of high-quality protein, essential vitamins, and minerals such as iron, zinc, and B vitamins. Some argue that when raised in free-range environments, lamb can be a more ethical choice compared to other meats, as these animals can have better living conditions and a more natural life. The debate extends to the environmental impact of rearing lambs. Sheep farming can contribute to land degradation, water scarcity, and greenhouse gas emissions. However, proponents argue that in certain contexts, such as rotational grazing, sheep farming can be part of sustainable agricultural practices, contributing to ecosystem management and soil health. Cultural and Economic Dimensions Cultural and economic factors play a significant role in this debate. In many parts of the world, lamb is not just food but a livelihood for farmers and a part of cultural celebrations and traditions. Balancing animal welfare with cultural practices and economic realities presents a complex challenge. The Middle Ground: Ethical Farming Practices A potential middle ground in this debate is the promotion of ethical farming practices. This includes advocating for free-range farming, where lambs are raised in more natural conditions, and ensuring humane treatment throughout their lifecycle. Transparent labeling and certification programs can also help consumers make informed choices about the lamb they consume. The question of whether eating lamb is cruel is not a simple one to answer. It involves a complex interplay of ethical, environmental, cultural, and nutritional factors. While the debate continues, it is crucial for individuals to be informed about the origins of their food and the impact of their dietary choices. Whether one decides to consume lamb or not, understanding and respecting the various facets of this debate is key to making ethical and sustainable food choices.
Research suggests that obesity leads to greater risk of becoming severely ill from diseases such as COVID-19. How can we address health disparities that contribute to obesity to better protect our children from future public health crises? Among the many lessons emerging from the COVID-19 pandemic is the impact of obesity. People with obesity and associated diseases tend to become sicker and are more likely to die when COVID-19 strikes. We know childhood obesity is a powerful predictor of obesity in adulthood. It puts children at increased risk for developing numerous health problems later in life, including diabetes and heart disease. In addition to these chronic diseases, early research suggests that obesity may also increase their susceptibility as adults to serious illness like COVID-19. During the 2009 H1N1 pandemic, numerous reports identified obesity and severe obesity as risk factors for hospitalization. In one study, more than half of California adults with severe or fatal H1N1 had obesity; a quarter had severe obesity. Similar trends are becoming apparent with COVID-19. In a study of more than 4,000 New York City COVID-19 patients, obesity emerged as a powerful predictor of hospitalization, second only to older age (over 65). Even among COVID-19 patients younger than 60, those with obesity were twice as likely to be hospitalized and 1.8 times more likely to need critical care. Rates of obesity are higher among people of color, driven by structural racism that creates disparities such as poverty, economic disadvantage and lack of access to healthy food. In addition, many people of color experience higher rates of COVID-19 hospitalization and death than whites. Many are also essential workers along the food supply chain—including farm workers, workers in meat processing plants, grocery clerks, and food deliverers—which increases their vulnerability to infection. Unfortunately, the wages, benefits, and working conditions of these workers do not reflect their essential status. Combined with the impacts of COVID-19 on their daily lives, including disruption of the food supply and layoffs of family members, many are having a harder time than usual putting enough food on the table for themselves and their families—let alone healthful foods that can be more expensive than the alternatives. As a result, food insecurity has increased, and undernutrition may be just around the corner. These factors add to family stress, including stress on children, who are already lacking normal support structures like schools. It’s important also to remember that going hungry is an Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE), a potentially traumatic event that impedes healthy development, contributes to chronic health problems in adulthood, and can negatively impact educational attainment and job opportunities. In the short term, the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on people of color and people with obesity should heighten awareness of the adverse effects of COVID-19 infections. It should also emphasize the need for increased prevention and aggressive care for those who are affected. Vaccine efficacy must be tested in an adequate sample of people of color and people with obesity. Furthermore, when we finally have an effective COVID-19 vaccine, we should prioritize its use to assure that people at highest risk for severe illness receive it first. Strengthening the Food Supply Chain We also need to ensure that children continue to have access to fresh, healthy foods, especially in light of projections that the pandemic will double out-of-school time for many, increasing the risk for weight gain often seen during summer vacation. This will require: Strengthening the food support system: The most urgent need is to strengthen the food support system to ensure that all families have access to enough food to live healthy lives. The COVID-19 pandemic has underscored the importance of school nutrition programs, food banks, and food assistance programs like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) to many vulnerable communities. Expanding SNAP eligibility: Recently, the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced that the Families First Coronavirus Response Act is providing emergency allotments to SNAP recipients totaling $2 billion a month—a 40 percent increase. The emergency increase is a good start, but both the minimum and maximum benefit should be increased. Strong evidence shows that an increase in the level of the overall benefit could help stabilize the economy and reduce poverty and food insecurity. Because many more people currently need assistance, SNAP eligibility should be expanded and additional flexibilities added to allow for benefits to be used virtually. Increasing funding for school foods: School meal programs will also need additional funding and continued flexibility to serve families across our communities. School districts have done a superb job of adapting their meal programs to meet the needs of children and their families during the COVID-19 crisis, but their resources are limited. However, strengthening the food security system is only the first step. The COVID-19 pandemic has starkly illustrated the fragility of our food supply chain, from field to fork, and how easily disruptions can exacerbate the food environments that lead to obesity. The essential people on whom we depend for our food harvesting, processing, transport, and distribution are also those who are most vulnerable to COVID-19 and least protected from job loss. A critical step in repairing the food supply chain will require us to address the issues that make these workers vulnerable, like housing, immigration status, living wages, paid sick leave, and workplace protections against injury and illness. The COVID-19 pandemic has laid bare stark health and social inequities in our country and underscores the urgent need to build healthy and equitable communities that can withstand future public health crises like the one we face today. We need to apply the lessons we are learning from the COVID-19 pandemic to generate the political will necessary to reduce obesity and health, achieve health equity, and establish a sustainable food system. Achieving these goals will help our children and the generations that follow grow up healthy, strong, and resilient.
Due to more readily available samples, studies so far have focused on the first week after conception and at later stages beyond a month into pregnancy, during which organs form and mature. However, there is currently very little understanding of events that take place in the intervening days, which includes the crucial gastrulation stage that occurs shortly after the embryo implants in the womb. Analysis of a unique sample by researchers from the Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics, University of Oxford and Helmholtz Zentrum München helps fill this gap in our knowledge of early human embryogenesis. Their findings, published in the journal Nature, will contribute to the improvement of experimental stem cell models. Gastrulation is one of the most critical steps of development, and takes place roughly between days 14 and 21 after fertilization. A single-layered embryo is transformed into a multi-layered structure known as the gastrula. During this stage, the three main cell layers that will later give rise to the human body’s tissues, organs and systems are formed. Principal Investigator Professor Shankar Srinivas said: 'Our body is made up of hundreds of types of cells. It is at this stage that the foundation is laid for generating the huge variety of cells in our body – it’s like an explosion of diversity of cell types.' The study is a milestone for developmental biology as ethically obtained human samples at these early stages are exceptionally rare. The collaborative research team obtained the sample through the Human Developmental Biology Resource, from an anonymous donor who generously provided informed consent for the research use of embryonic material arising from the termination of her pregnancy. The sample is estimated to be from around 16 – 19 days after fertilisation. Lead researcher Dr Richard Tyser said: 'This is such an early stage of development that many people would not have known they were pregnant. It is the first time an embryo at this stage of development has been characterised in such detail using modern technology.' To better understand human development or develop treatments for injury or disease, scientists experiment with human stem cells in the laboratory. Professor Srinivas said: 'If you want to make a stem cell into, say, a heart cell, the best way is to learn how it happens in nature and recreate that in the lab. But if you don’t know what happens in nature, then you essentially have to guess.' This study is valuable because it offers a unique glimpse into a central but inaccessible stage of our development. Researchers can only legally culture human embryos up to the equivalent of 14 days of development, which is just before the start of gastrulation, so it is not currently possible to study this stage in cultured human embryos. Consequently, our knowledge of events beyond 14 days after fertilization is largely based on studies in animal models such as mouse and chicken. Dr Tyser said: 'Our new sample is the bridge that links the very early stage of development with the later stages when organs begin to form. This link in the human had previously been a black box , so we had to rely on other model organisms such as the mouse. Reassuringly, we have now been able to show that the mouse does model how a human develops at the molecular level. Such models were already providing valuable insights, but now this research can be further enriched by the fact we’re able to cast light into that black box and more closely see how it works in humans.' Using the powerful technique of single cell sequencing to closely profile the embryo’s individual cells, researchers were able to identify 11 distinct cell types. While most of these cells were still immature, they discovered the presence of both blood cells and the primordial germ cells that give rise to gametes (ovum and sperm cells). Notably, the team did not find any evidence of mature neuronal cells or other cell types associated with the central nervous system. This study detailing the types of cells in the gastrula could inform an ongoing debate in the scientific community around reconsidering the ‘14-day rule’, which sets a limit to culturing intact human embryos. As part of the University of Oxford’s commitment to open research, the team made the raw data available to researchers around the world prior to publication. Professor Srinivas said: 'Many people have already requested our molecular data and used it in their own analyses. The images of the embryo are also really valuable and have attracted a lot of interest because they are amongst the clearest images of this particular stage of development.' To further make this valuable information accessible, the team created an interactive website for both the science community and general public. Dr Tyser said: 'We’ve made it very easy for people to access this data, so anybody can go and look at a gene of interest and see where it's expressed in the human embryo at this stage.'
have been created by indexing the text of Kural, sorting the words in the required dictionary order and then splitting them into individual files. The text of Kural used for data entry has a version where words are split according to established conventions. This being the case, many of the words may have starting letters which are really part of the previous word. No effort has been made to identify such situations. Typically, many words starting with "nna", "ya", "zha", "lla" "rra" and "na(*)" may not be proper words, but one can discern the word correctly with some experience. The main reason for this exercise is to show the fine text processing capabilities of the IITM software where concordances and indexing can be accomplished. Wordlists are always of interest to Linguistic scholars and perhaps for the first time, the wordlist for Kural is being made available in Tamil script on the web. One would have seen many lists giving only the first words of the couplets but here nearly 6000 words have been included. The viewer may want to do a frequency analysis of the words. This could be done for instance by writing a utility in PERL. We have done this and a separate page is available giving the results of the analysis. Select the starting letter on the link shown below the letter of interest
Haepapa – Responsibility - Accepting responsibility means making choices and decisions and then taking appropriate action. - We can take responsibility for our own happiness, health and learning and can also support others with this. - We are responsible to many different people. To our family, our classmates, our teammates, our community. They are all depending on us in one way or another. - Responsibility is setting and working hard towards my goals and the steps to achieve them. Auahatanga – Innovation - Innovation is the act of introducing a new idea, device or process for the first time and being able to communicate this to others. - It is about applying new tools and technology to old problems to achieve better outcomes. - Being innovative may mean taking risks and trying new ways of doing things. - It is about knowing that we can think in creative, imaginative and curious ways to make a positive difference in our world. Ngakau pono – Integrity - Integrity is doing the right thing at the right time regardless of whether someone is watching or not. - Integrity is being strong enough to make the correct choices even when it is difficult or challenging, despite the consequences. - Integrity is taking responsibility for your own words and actions, doing what you say you will do, being honest, being fair and inclusive. - Having integrity means you have other powerful life skills such as patience, honesty, responsibility and care. Manaaki Whakaute – Care and Respect - Care and Respect is thinking and acting in a way that shows others you care about their well-being. - Care and respect is about helping and looking out for each other. - It is when you accept everyone’s differences and embrace them. - Care and respect is being empathetic and encouraging people to feel they belong. Hiranga – Excellence - Excellence is living up to your potential and knowing you are doing the very best you can. - Striving for excellence means you persist with a positive attitude when learning is difficult. You challenge yourself to take risks and understand that mistakes are part of learning. - Excellence can happen at school, at home, in our sports teams and in our communities.
Margaret Rouse is an award-winning technical writer and teacher known for her ability to explain complex technical subjects simply to a non-technical, business audience. Over… A fuel cell is a device that converts chemical energy into electricity. It consists of an electrolyte and two electrodes. It generates electricity by means of chemical reactions occurring at the electrodes. The electrolyte carries electrically charged particles from one electrode, thus producing electricity. A chemical catalyst may be used to speed up the chemical reaction in the cell. It produces electricity without combustion and is hence less polluting. The fuel cell was first devised by Sir William Grove in 1839. William Grove postulated that by reversing the electrolysis process, electricity and water could be produced. Fuel cells produce electricity by making use of chemical energy generated through a chemical reaction between positively charged ions and an oxidizing agent. They consist of an electrolyte and two electrodes. The positively charged electrode is called the anode and the negatively charged electrode is called the cathode. A fuel cell converts the chemical energy of the reaction between charged hydrogen and oxygen ions into electricity. Two chemical reactions occur in the fuel cell at the respective electrodes: As the result of the reactions, fuel is consumed, either water or carbon dioxide is created as the byproduct and electric current is created. The positively charged hydrogen cells move between the two electrodes to create a flow of electricity which is directed outside the cell to provide electricity. The electric power created is known as the load. As long there is a flow of chemicals into the cell, it never goes dead, unlike conventional batteries which require recharging after a while. There are several types of fuel cells, including: Techopedia’s editorial policy is centered on delivering thoroughly researched, accurate, and unbiased content. We uphold strict sourcing standards, and each page undergoes diligent review by our team of top technology experts and seasoned editors. This process ensures the integrity, relevance, and value of our content for our readers. Margaret is an award-winning technical writer and teacher known for her ability to explain complex technical subjects to a non-technical business audience. Over the past twenty years, her IT definitions have been published by Que in an encyclopedia of technology terms and cited in articles by the New York Times, Time Magazine, USA Today, ZDNet, PC Magazine, and Discovery Magazine. She joined Techopedia in 2011. Margaret's idea of a fun day is helping IT and business professionals learn to speak each other’s highly specialized languages. What Does Lurking Mean? Lurking is the reading or viewing of an online community without posting or engaging with the... Margaret RouseTechnology Expert What Does Lithium Polymer Battery (LiPo Battery) Mean? A Linux PC is a personal computer that comes pre-installed with the... What Does Magnetic Disk Mean? A magnetic disk is a storage device that uses a magnetization process to write, rewrite... Trending NewsLatest GuidesReviewsTerm of the Day
For the first time an international team of astronomers has measured circular polarization in the bright flash of light from a dying star collapsing to a black hole, giving insight into an event that happened almost 11 billion years ago. Dr. Peter Curran from the Curtin University node of the International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR) was part of the team that observed gamma-ray burst 121024A—a bright flash of light emitted by a dying star collapsing to a black hole—and found a surprising detail in the light they collected. The research was published May 1 in the journal Nature. “Gamma-ray bursts are so powerful that we can see them clearly at extraordinary distances,” Dr. Curran said. “But this one was an unusual case, its light had a strange feature—it was circularly polarized.” If light is polarized it means the waves are moving in a uniform way as they travel—either bouncing up and down or left and right for linear polarization, or in the case of circular polarization, corkscrewing around in a spiral motion. Dr. Curran said 3D movies make use of circular polarization by feeding a different image to each eye through special glasses, giving the illusion of depth while watching a film. “Most light in the natural world is unpolarized, the waves are bouncing around at random,” he said. “But the light from this gamma-ray burst looked like it was part of a 3D movie—it was about 1,000 times more polarized than we expected. “This means that the assumptions we’ve been making about gamma-ray bursts need to be completely reconsidered—assumptions of how electrons are accelerated to the incredible speeds we observe. “Our results show that gamma-ray bursts are far more complex than we thought,” he added. Gamma-ray bursts are the brightest objects in the entire universe, only lasting a fraction of a second, but sending out as much energy in that time as the Sun will in its entire life. These bursts are emitted by dying stars collapsing to black holes that form jets of material traveling at over 99.995 percent of the speed of light. “These extreme objects are like super-powered versions of the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider, except very far away in space,” Dr. Curran said. “We can use them to study microscopic electrons and how they behave in extreme environments, at a great distance—in this case, 18,500 million light-years away, at a time when the universe was just a fraction of its current age. “This is the first time we’ve found circular polarization in the light from a gamma-ray burst, but we think we’ll find it in more bursts in the future, so we can start to pin down what’s actually happening when these bright flashes of energy are released.” ICRAR is a joint venture between Curtin University and The University of Western Australia.
Semester 2 Student Recognition2023-07-19 Spotlight | Athletics Leads Students to Grow and Shine2023-07-19 Habit formation is a long race. It often takes time for the desired results to appear. Habit Tracker is a daily reminder for you to stick to good habits in the short term and easily record each action, while being able to review your efforts and finally make progress and achieve your long-term goals. For example, if you read every day, each of those dates gets a dot with a specific color. As time goes by, the calendar becomes a record of your habit streak. As summer vacation approaches, please bring your own Habit Tracker to start or maintain good habits! Dear ISD Students, Parents and Community, Reading is a wonderful activity that can enrich our lives in many ways. It can improve vocabulary, spelling, comprehension, critical thinking, and general knowledge. It can also help us relax, have fun, and explore new worlds and perspectives. Reading is beneficial during the school year, and keeping reading during the summer holidays is also very important. Why is summer reading so important? One reason is that it can help our students to avoid the summer slide, which is the loss of reading skills that can happen when we don’t read for a long time. Studies have shown that children who don’t read over the summer can lose up to two months of reading development, while children who do read can gain up to one month of proficiency. This means that reading over the summer can help you maintain or even improve reading levels for the next school year. Another reason summer reading is important is that it can increase our knowledge base in areas we are passionate about. Reading can expose us to science, history, culture, art, and more. Reading can also help us understand people who are different from us and develop empathy and compassion1. We can learn new things and discover new interests by reading different kinds of books, such as fiction, nonfiction, graphic novels, and comics. How can ISD parents and students make summer reading fun? One way is to participate in a summer reading program, which is a program that encourages and rewards reading over the summer. Many libraries, schools, and organizations offer summer reading programs that provide books, activities, prizes, and events for children of all ages. Some ideas for your summer reading include: Parents can choose the books their kids will like that match their reading level and interests (see ISD’s summer reading list to get you started). Parents can possibly participate in some of the fun and creative activities related to the books their children read. Take your kids on adventures or trips related to their reading! Families can meet other families during the summer and share their books. Have your kids share stories from their favorite books! Parents can subtly encourage reading by offering fun rewards such as stickers for each book read. Speaking of parents, the best way to encourage your child to read is through modeling reading yourself. Join your kids and visibly read during the summer! Show your kids that reading is for life. Summer reading is not only important for our academic success but also for our personal growth and happiness. Reading can help keep our brains active, expand our horizons, and have fun. So don’t let the summer slide get you; grab a book and slide into a great adventure!暑期阅读不仅对我们的学业成功很重要,而且对我们的个人成长和幸福感的保持也很重要。阅读可以帮助我们的大脑保持活跃,拓展我们的视野,并获得乐趣。所以,千万不要让暑期滑坡抓到你;抓起一本书,投身到奇妙的阅读冒险旅程中去吧! I look forward to hearing about all the books our community has read this summer when we reopen in August. Mark McCallumHead of School总校长 Please click on “read more” below to download the Habit Tracker form.
What is the Use of Macros in Excel? Do you want to take your Excel skills to the next level? Macros are a powerful tool that can help you automate and streamline your data management tasks. This article will explain what a macro is and why it can be so useful for Excel users. We’ll also look at some of the most common uses of macros in Excel and how you can create your own. Let’s dive in and explore the world of macros and Excel! Macros in Excel are used to automate repetitive tasks, and can be used to save time and increase productivity. They are written in Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) and can be used to create custom functions, create custom dialog boxes, and automate tasks within Excel. Macros are powerful tools that can be used to customize workbooks and automate tasks that would otherwise require manual input. What is the Role of Macros in Excel? Macros are powerful tools that allow users to automate repetitive tasks in Microsoft Excel. Macros are written in a programming language called Visual Basic and can be used to do many different things, from automating a series of commands and calculations to creating user-friendly forms. By using a macro in Excel, users can save time and increase their productivity. The use of macros in Excel can be divided into two categories: basic macros and advanced macros. Basic macros are relatively simple and allow users to perform basic tasks such as copying and pasting data from one sheet to another. Advanced macros, on the other hand, can be used to perform more complex tasks, such as performing calculations, creating formulas, and creating custom reports. Macros can be used to automate data entry, data manipulation, and data analysis. For example, a macro can be used to copy data from one sheet to another, or to perform calculations on multiple columns of data. Macros can also be used to create custom reports, such as charts and graphs. Additionally, macros can be used to create user-friendly forms, such as drop-down menus and input boxes. Creating macros in Excel is relatively easy. Most users will find that the built-in macro recorder is the easiest way to get started. The macro recorder allows users to record their actions as they perform them in Excel, and then save the macro as a file that can be used again in the future. Macros can also be created manually by writing code in the Visual Basic programming language. While this requires a certain level of programming knowledge, it is also possible for users to learn the basics of Visual Basic and create their own macros. Once a macro has been created, it can be easily used in Excel. Macros can be stored in the same workbook as the data they are manipulating, or they can be stored in a separate workbook. To run a macro, users simply need to select the macro from the list of available macros and click the “Run” button. Benefits of Macros The use of macros in Excel offers several benefits. By using macros, users can save time by automating repetitive tasks, and they can increase their productivity by quickly performing calculations and creating user-friendly forms. Additionally, macros can be used to create custom reports that can be easily shared with other users. Limitations of Macros Although macros are useful tools, they do have some limitations. Macros can be difficult to troubleshoot and debug, and they can be difficult to modify or update. Additionally, macros can be vulnerable to malicious code, so it is important to be cautious when downloading and running macros. When using macros in Excel, it is important to take steps to ensure that the macros are secure. Excel has built-in security features that can help protect macros from malicious code and unauthorized access. Additionally, users can create passwords to protect their macros from being modified or deleted. Using Security Features Excel has several built-in security features that can be used to protect macros. These features can be found in the Trust Center, which can be accessed from the File menu. In the Trust Center, users can enable macro security and set the security level to High, Medium, or Low. In addition to the built-in security features, users can also create passwords to protect their macros. To create a password, users can select the macro they wish to protect, and then click the “Protect” button. This will prompt the user to enter a password, which will be required to modify or delete the macro. Macros are powerful tools that can be used in Excel to save time and increase productivity. Macros can be used to automate repetitive tasks, perform calculations, and create user-friendly forms. It is important to take steps to secure macros, such as using the built-in security features and creating passwords. Few Frequently Asked Questions What is a Macro? A macro is a sequence of commands that can be stored and executed as a single command. Macros are typically used in spreadsheet applications such as Excel to automate repetitive tasks and save time. Macros can be used to automate a variety of tasks, such as formatting cells, copying data or creating graphs. How Do You Create a Macro in Excel? Creating a macro in Excel is simple. You can use the “Record Macro” option from the “Developer” tab, or you can create a macro using the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) language. With the “Record Macro” option, you can record the actions you take in Excel and then save it as a macro. With VBA, you can create a macro from scratch by writing code. What are the Benefits of Using Macros in Excel? Macros can be used to automate many tedious tasks in Excel. By creating a macro, you can save time and reduce errors by eliminating the need to manually perform these tasks. Macros can also be used to help you create charts and graphs quickly and easily. Are Macros Secure? Macros can be potentially dangerous and malicious if they are not created or used properly. It is important to ensure that macros are from a trusted source and that they are used responsibly. Microsoft provides several security measures to help protect against malicious macros. What is the Difference Between Macros and VBA? Macros and Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) are both ways to automate tasks in Excel. The main difference between the two is that macros record your actions in Excel and save them as a macro, while VBA requires you to write code to create a macro from scratch. How do You Run a Macro in Excel? Running a macro in Excel is quite easy. You can either use the “Macros” button in the “Developer” tab, or you can use the “Run Macro” option from the “View” tab. After selecting the macro, you can click the “Run” button to execute the macro. Macros in Excel are a powerful tool that can help make processes easier, save time and improve your overall productivity. They can be used to automate tedious tasks, create complex formulas and perform complex data analysis. With a little effort and knowledge, anyone can learn how to use macros and take advantage of the vast number of possibilities that macros offer. Excel macros can help you work smarter, faster and more efficiently.
- Discuss the reasons behind rise of revolutionism. - Discuss the impacts of it. The emergence of revolutionary ideology in India during the late nineteenth and early twentieth century was the result of several internal and external influences working on the minds of the youth. Early phase of revolutionary movement in India was in Bengal, Maharashtra, Punjab, U.P., Orissa, Bihar and Madras provinces, but it predominantly operated in Bengal, Maharashtra and Punjab. - Nationalism among youth: Most vital factor which contributed to the spirit of nationalism among the countrymen was the ‘economic exploitation’ of Indians by the British Government and the Partition of Bengal. - Failure of Congress leadership: Younger element was not ready to retreat after the decline of national militancy phase. Fallout of Swadeshi and Boycott Movement was the immediate reason. - Government repression left no peaceful avenues open for the protest. - Ideological appeal of ideas: Freedom through revolution, heroic action, supreme sacrifice, Assassinate unpopular British officials, strike terror in hearts of rulers and arouse people to expel the British with force attracted the new nationalists. In this they were inspired from the individual heroic action of Irish nationalists or Russian nihilists. - The era of revolutionary terrorism began and very soon secret societies of the revolutionaries came up all over the country. The Anusilan Samiti created revolutionary centres all over India. It had its impact on the Congress strategy to involve the youths in the short term programme of rural reconstruction. - Sacrifices of revolutionaries aroused the emotions of the Indian people which helped in building up of national consciousness which certainly contributed to gaining independence. - But, it could not mobilize the masses. In fact, it had no base among the people. They believed in individual heroism. - With the death of Chandrasekhar Azad in 1931, the revolutionary movement virtually came to an end in Punjab, U.P. and Bihar. Surya Sen’s martyrdom also marked an end to the terrorist activity in Bengal. A large number of revolutionaries turned to Marxism. Although the revolutionary movement failed, it made a valuable contribution to the growth of nationalism in India.
Better Batteries Through Biotechnology? Modified Viruses Boost Battery Performance Lithium-air batteries have become a hot research area in recent years: They hold the promise of drastically increasing power per battery weight, which could lead, for example, to electric cars with a much greater driving range. But bringing that promise to reality has faced a number of challenges, including the need to develop better, more durable materials for the batteries’ electrodes and improving the number of charging-discharging cycles the batteries can withstand. Now, MIT researchers have found that adding genetically modified viruses to the production of nanowires — wires that are about the width of a red blood cell, and which can serve as one of a battery’s electrodes — could help solve some of these problems. The new work is described in a paper published in the journal Nature Communications, co-authored by graduate student Dahyun Oh, professors Angela Belcher and Yang Shao-Horn, and three others. The key to their work was to increase the surface area of the wire, thus increasing the area where electrochemical activity takes place during charging or discharging of the battery. The researchers produced an array of nanowires, each about 80 nanometers across, using a genetically modified virus called M13, which can capture molecules of metals from water and bind them into structural shapes. In this case, wires of manganese oxide — a “favorite material” for a lithium-air battery’s cathode, Belcher says — were actually made by the viruses. But unlike wires “grown” through conventional chemical methods, these virus-built nanowires have a rough, spiky surface, which dramatically increases their surface area. Belcher, the W. M. Keck Professor of Energy and a member of MIT’s Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research, explains that this process of biosynthesis is “really similar to how an abalone grows its shell” — in that case, by collecting calcium from seawater and depositing it into a solid, linked structure. The increase in surface area produced by this method can provide “a big advantage,” Belcher says, in lithium-air batteries’ rate of charging and discharging. But the process also has other potential advantages, she says: Unlike conventional fabrication methods, which involve energy-intensive high temperatures and hazardous chemicals, this process can be carried out at room temperature using a water-based process. Also, rather than isolated wires, the viruses naturally produce a three-dimensional structure of cross-linked wires, which provides greater stability for an electrode. A final part of the process is the addition of a small amount of a metal, such as palladium, which greatly increases the electrical conductivity of the nanowires and allows them to catalyze reactions that take place during charging and discharging. Other groups have tried to produce such batteries using pure or highly concentrated metals as the electrodes, but this new process drastically lowers how much of the expensive material is needed. Altogether, these modifications have the potential to produce a battery that could provide two to three times greater energy density — the amount of energy that can be stored for a given weight — than today’s best lithium-ion batteries, a closely related technology that is today’s top contender, the researchers say. Belcher emphasizes that this is early-stage research, and much more work is needed to produce a lithium-air battery that’s viable for commercial production. This work only looked at the production of one component, the cathode; other essential parts, including the electrolyte — the ion conductor that lithium ions traverse from one of the battery’s electrodes to the other — require further research to find reliable, durable materials. Also, while this material was successfully tested through 50 cycles of charging and discharging, for practical use a battery must be capable of withstanding thousands of these cycles. In addition to Oh, Belcher, and Shao-Horn, the work was carried out by MIT research scientists Jifa Qi and Yong Zhang and postdoc Yi-Chun Lu. The work was supported by the U.S. Army Research Office and the National Science Foundation. Dahyun Oh, Jifa Qi, Yi-Chun Lu, Yong Zhang, Yang Shao-Horn, Angela M. Belcher. Biologically enhanced cathode design for improved capacity and cycle life for lithium-oxygen batteries. Nature Communications, 2013; 4DOI: 10.1038/ncomms3756 Source: MIT News Office (David L. Chandler)
Sankey diagrams are used for visualizing flow information in which the thickness of the edges is proportional to the flow quantity. Such diagrams can be produced by means of the hierarchic layout algorithm (see HierarchicLayout). The example diagram shows a voters' migration flow between different political parties over the course of four elections (each column represents an election). The flow is depicted from left to right. The political parties in each layer (excluding the non-voter) are sorted by their voters in each election. The non-voter is always placed at the bottom each layer. Things to Try Change the number displayed in each edge label to modify the thickness of a particular Move a node along its layer to run a new layout that will consider the new layer - Click on a node to modify its color through a popup menu. Use the dropdown to switch how the colors of edges are determined. Selecting the 'outgoing' setting, it is easier to see where edges come from while selecting the 'incoming' setting, it is easier to see where edges go to. - Hover over an edge to highlight the edge and its associated labels. - Hover over an edge label to highlight the label and its associated edge.
What is Fluorite? Fluorite is an important industrial mineral composed of calcium and fluorine (CaF2). It is used in a wide variety of chemical, metallurgical, and ceramic processes. Specimens with exceptional diaphaneity and color are cut into gems or used to make ornamental objects. is deposited in veins by hydrothermal processes. In these rocks it often occurs as a gangue mineral associated with metallic ores. Fluorite is also found in the fractures and cavities of some limestones and dolomites. It is a very common rock-forming mineral found in many parts of the world. In the mining industry, fluorite is often called “fluorspar.”
Cybersecurity is an increasingly important concern in the modern world. As technology advances, the need to protect Cseb digital assets and data from malicious actors grows with it. Organizations and individuals must understand the risks, threats, and potential impact of cyberattacks in order to protect their valuable assets. One of the most important elements of effective cybersecurity is awareness. Knowing the Quiznet threats and how to recognize them is the first step in protecting yourself and your assets. Common threats include malware, phishing, and ransomware. Malware is malicious software that can be used to surveil or steal data, while phishing is the use of deceptive emails or websites to acquire information or money. Ransomware is a form of malware that encrypts files and tries to extort money from victims. Another important element of cybersecurity is knowing the different types of protective bgoti measures available. These can include firewalls, antivirus software, and encryption. Firewalls are used to block unauthorized access to networks, while antivirus software is used to detect and remove malware. Encryption is the process of converting data into a form that cannot be easily read by unauthorized individuals tishare. Finally, implementing best practices to protect your digital assets is essential. This includes regularly updating software, using strong passwords, and backing up data. It is also important to be aware of the latest security trends and developments in order to stay ahead of potential BBC Worldnews threats. Cybersecurity is an ever-evolving field, and staying up to date is key to staying secure. By understanding the threats, recognizing the protective measures available, and following best practices, individuals and organizations can protect their valuable digital assets.In addition, blockchain technology has been used to create smart contracts, which are digital contracts that are automatically executed when certain conditions are met. These contracts can be used in Dlmlifestyle a number of different industries, from banking and finance to healthcare and manufacturing. Overall, blockchain technology is a powerful tool that can be used to create highly secure and transparent digital systems.
This unit is about the Great Depression under President Herbert Clark Hoover's administration. Under Hoover's administration with his rugged individualism he felt that if people turned to the government, however justified in time of war, if it continued in peace time it would not only destroy the system but with it progress and freedom. He also felt that the control of government in business would affect the daily lives of each individual and it would impair the basis of liberty and freedom. It also contain information on the New Deal under Franklin Dillon Roosevelt's administration. Roosevelt believed that the greatest primary task was to put people to work, and it was not an unsolvable problem if faced wisely and courageously. He also believed that it could be accomplished in part by direct recruiting by the government. He advised treating the task with the emergency of a war, but at the same time, using employment instead of armed forces to stimulate the use of natural resources accomplishing greatly needed projects. He then suggested national planning and supervision of all forms of transportation, communications and other utilities which had definite public character. Also he thought to implement the strict supervision of banking, credit, investments, and the provision for adequate but sound currency.
ICTI-220: Digital Literacy and Citizenship in the 6-12 Classroom About this course The technology of today allows teens and young adults to learn, share, and explore in exciting (and sometimes frightening) new ways. While many of these digital natives regularly use technology to communicate, collaborate, and produce digital content, they may be unaware of the lasting impacts of posting something online or how to be a critical consumer of online information. Incorporating lessons in digital literacy and citizenship into the 6-12 classroom helps secondary students to understand the importance of using the internet safely and effectively and allows them the opportunity to develop the 21st-century skills they will need to be successful both in college and their future careers. Participants in this course will evaluate current practices, research the impact and importance of digital literacy and citizenship on the 21st-century learner, and develop lessons focused on incorporating digital citizenship training into the 6-12 classroom. What will I learn in this course? Week 1: 21st-Century Literacies Today’s learners have grown up in a world of prevalent technology and will need to know how to use these tools properly in order to be successful in school, college, and their future careers. Learning to navigate and use technology safely and effectively is an extremely important skill for the 21st-century learner. In this first module, you will focus on defining 21st-century literacies including the nine themes of digital citizenship to gain a better understanding of the topic and discuss how these concepts impact secondary learners. Week 2: Current Practices in Digital Literacy and Citizenship To best prepare secondary learners for college and their future careers, teachers should promote, support, and model creative and innovative thinking through the use of technology and allow students opportunities to both observe utilize these skills in the classroom. In week 2, you will analyze further available research on digital literacy and citizenship, discuss federal laws regarding appropriate technology use with young learners and reflect on current practices in teaching digital literacy and citizenship by completing a survey and conducting an audit of your classroom, school, or district. Week 3: Teaching Digital Citizenship in the 6-12 Classroom Part 1 – Rights and Responsibilities Part of learning to use technology includes gaining an understanding of how to use these tools safely and appropriately. This includes understanding your rights such as a right to post information freely as well as the responsibilities of a digital citizen such as giving proper credit for work shared online. In week three, you will expand your knowledge of the elements of digital citizenship by focusing on digital access, security, and the rights and responsibilities of a digital citizen including personal information, privacy, safety, and copyright. This module will help you to develop a better understanding of personal online practices and illustrate how to teach 6-12 students about the digital trail their online actions leave behind. Week 4: Teaching Digital Citizenship in the 6-12 Classroom Part 2 – Online Communication and Collaboration Research suggests that in order for students to thrive in the virtual world, students must learn to communicate and collaborate using online tools to connect with others. Preparing students to work, share, and collaborate in a virtual setting is a critical 21st-century skill. In week four, learning focuses on how teachers can help teens make positive online connections, demonstrate professionalism while working online, and safely collaborate with others. As a culminating activity, you will create a presentation that summarizes knowledge and informs others about the importance of digital literacy and citizenship in the 6-12 classroom. FORMAT: Facilitated online course. Work each weekly module at your own pace. COST: $120 per participant with discounts for larger groups. SCHEDULE: This course can be scheduled for groups from the same school or district. It is not available for individual registration. The course is equivalent to 20 contact hours. Email TIM@fcit.us for group scheduling, volume discounts, or other questions. View the iTeach catalog for additional courses.
Saint Nicholas Origins The Santa Claus figure originates from Saint Nicholas of Myra, a 4th-century Greek Christian bishop. Known for his generosity, he was the patron saint of children and secretly gave gifts to the poor. Sinterklaas to Santa Claus Dutch settlers brought the Sinterklaas tradition to America. Over time, the name evolved into Santa Claus, merging with various cultural influences including the British Father Christmas, who embodied the spirit of good cheer at Christmas. A Visit From Saint Nicholas The 1823 poem 'A Visit From St. Nicholas,' better known as 'Twas the Night Before Christmas,' helped shape the modern Santa image: a jolly old man who delivers gifts on Christmas Eve. Thomas Nast's Illustrations In the 1860s, political cartoonist Thomas Nast created a series of illustrations for Harper's Weekly which depicted Santa as a rotund, cheerful man with a full white beard, solidifying his now-iconic image. Coca-Cola's Red Santa Coca-Cola commissioned Haddon Sundblom in the 1930s to create a Santa Claus for their advertisements. Sundblom's depiction of Santa in a red suit with a white fur trim became a dominant global image. Multicultural Santa Variants Santa Claus has different personas around the world: from Father Frost in Russia to Japan's Hoteiosho, a Buddhist monk bearing gifts. Each variant reflects the culture's values and history. Santa's Modern Evolution Today, Santa continues to evolve through media and technology. He appears in movies, tracks his Christmas Eve journey online, and even 'responds' to emails and texts, becoming a year-round presence in popular culture.
- Cross Site Scripting (XSS): It is a type of cyberattack that allows attackers to inject malicious code into web pages viewed by other users. This code can be used to steal sensitive information, like usernames and passwords, or to launch further attacks on the targeted system. XSS attacks typically occur when a user visits a compromised website, clicks on a malicious link, or submits a form with vulnerable code. - Session Hijacking: It is a type of cyberattack where an attacker gains access to a user's session on a website or application. This can occur when an attacker intercepts the session ID, which is a unique identifier that is used to identify and authenticate a user's session. Once the attacker has access to the session, they can perform actions on behalf of the user, such as making unauthorized transactions or accessing sensitive information. - Brute Force: Attackers attempt to gain access to a system by trying a large number of password or authentication combinations until the correct one is found. With the evolution of computing processing power, the cost of performing a brute force attack has decreased significantly, making it easier for attackers to launch such attacks. Attackers can now use powerful computing resources, such as cloud services, to run these attacks at a relatively low cost. - Weak Encryption: Encryption is a process that encodes data to protect it from unauthorized access. Inadequate encryption occurs when encryption is either missing or poorly implemented. This can lead to sensitive data being accessed by cybercriminals, resulting in data breaches and financial loss. - Weak Passwords: Weak passwords are a common attack vector for cybercriminals. Weak passwords can be easily guessed, and once an attacker gains access to an account, they can access sensitive data or even take control of the entire system. - Injection Attacks: Injection attacks occur when an attacker injects malicious code into an application or website. This can lead to sensitive data being accessed, or even the entire system being compromised. SQL Injection is a type of injection attack that targets databases, allowing attackers to execute malicious SQL commands. - Misconfigured Security Controls: Misconfigured security controls refer to security measures that are not properly configured. This can include open ports, default passwords, or outdated software. Misconfigured security controls can lead to security vulnerabilities that can be exploited by cybercriminals. In conclusion, it is important for businesses to understand the most common attack vectors used by cyber criminals. By implementing proper security measures and staying up to date with the latest security trends, businesses can protect themselves from cyber threats and safeguard their sensitive data. With HoundER Attack Surface Management , organizations can gain a better understanding of their attack surface, identify potential vulnerabilities, and take steps to reduce their risks of cyber-attacks.
The standard operation of Google Sheets is using its rows and columns to represent your data. Sometimes though, it takes more than just rows and columns to communicate the information to your intended audiences. You have to visualize the information you want to convey. A dot plot chart is one of such ways in which you can represent your data, specifically univariate data (data with one variable). Although it does not feature a dot plot maker, to make a dot plot chart, Google Sheets allows you to create a Scatter Chart and customize it to your liking. Follow the guide below on how to make a dot plot in Google Sheets and you’ll have a beautiful dot plot in no time. Table of Contents What is a dot plot chart? A dot plot graph is essentially a chart that represents a univariate data set using dots. It represents data with values on both the Y- and X-axis. In essence, the dot plot is displayed on a number line that depicts the distribution of numerical variables, and each dot on this line represents a value. Moreover, there are two types of data you can represent using a dot plot chart: Categorical variable and Quantitative variable. You conducted a survey where you asked a few people the type of vehicle they prefer (SUV, Sedan, Coupe, Wagon, and Convertible). The subject here is the vehicle type, and the variable is the number of people that prefer a specific vehicle type. This data can be represented using a dot plot in a very easy-to-understand graphical display where the Y-axis can represent the number of people, and X-axis can represent the type of cars. Let’s say you wished to create a dot plot chart for the frequency of people that take 10 to 40 minutes to finish dinner. The X-axis can represent time (in minutes), and the Y-axis can represent the number of people. In this case, the entire data is in numerical values. When do you use a dot plot chart? Similar to a histogram, this chart will help provide a visual depiction of the data distribution. Generally, you will use a dot plot chart when you want to represent categorical and quantitative variables. Both variables are different; categorical variables represent data that can be set into categories, and quantitative variables represent measurable data with numerical values. We have provided examples for both types of data above. The vehicle type survey represents a categorical variable, and the time taken to finish dinner represents a quantitative variable. The only labels displayed on a dot plot are the categories, so you need to count each dot manually to determine the frequency of each point. As a result, this chart is best for a small data set rather than a large one. If you intend to represent a larger data set, you may use other charts such as histograms or box plots. How to Make a Dot Plot in Google Sheets The option to directly add a dot plot isn’t available in Google Sheets. But that shouldn’t hold you back from creating one. The process of creating a dot plot graph on Google Sheets is pretty simple once you get familiar with it. It involves, in the simplest form, rearranging your data (the one with which you want to create a dot plot chart), inserting a chart, then changing the default chart to a scatter graph. Once you get to the point where you have created a scatter graph, you can customize it to become a perfect dot plot graph. Here’s the easiest step-by-step guide on how to make a dot plot on Google Sheets. Let’s take the data from the preferred vehicle type example we mentioned above. - Here’s the data in Google Sheets - Now, copy and paste the data in cells A2 to A6 into a separate column, in this case, column D. - In cell E2, type in the sequence formula and select cell B2 to B6, =sequence(1,B2:B6) - Paste the formula into the remaining cells of column E - Select the cell range with the sequenced data - Go to Insert - Select Chart - A default chart will appear. Go to chart editor, then chart type, and select the scatter chart. - Once you’ve created a scatter chart, customize it to make a perfect dot plot chart. Customizing your chart The customization part is where you will make sure it looks exactly like you want. There is a range of customization options. Here are our recommended changes to make it visually more pleasing: The legend is the guideline on the side of the graph which helps you read the content. Since this is a pretty straightforward chart, this guideline seems useless. Follow the below-mentioned steps to remove the legend. - Click on three dots on the top-left side of the graph - Click on edit chart - Once the chart editor is open, click on customize - Select legend - Go to the Position section, which will be on auto by default, and select none. 2. Add max/min values on axis This is to remove excess information and add only what is relevant to your data. Let’s take the data set of one of the examples we discussed above, the preferred vehicle types of different people. A dot plot chart for that puts the numerical values on vertical axis. You can add the maximum and minimum values on the vertical axis by following the steps below: - Just like we explained above, click on the three dots to go to the chart editor - Once in the chart editor, select customize, and then go to vertical axis - In the “Min.” part, add the minimum value of your data, and in the “Max.” part, add the maximum value of your data. 3. Remove gridlines Again, completely down to one’s personal preference. We found the dot plot chart to be more decluttered without the grids. Follow the steps below to remove the grids if you’d prefer: - Go to the chart editor, then to the customize section. - Select gridlines and ticks - Untick all the options, including major gridlines, minor gridlines, major ticks, and minor ticks. And tada! You’ve successfully created a dot plot! Frequently Asked Questions Can you make a dot plot in Google Sheets? You can use Google Sheets to create a dot plot chart, but the only dot plot maker Google Sheets offers is the scatter chart that can be customized to become a perfect dot plot chart. Google Sheets is a powerful spreadsheet with many functionalities similar to Microsoft Excel. You can create various charts, including scatter graphs, histograms, and box plots, among others. How do you insert a dot in Google Sheets? You can easily add a dot in Google Sheets by double-clicking or pressing F2 on the desired cell, then pressing the Alt key (Options key on Mac) along with the number 7 key. This command will insert a dot or bullet point into your selected cell. How do you make a plot in Google Sheets? You can create various graphs and charts using Google Sheets. All you have to do is choose the cell range for which you intend to create a graph/chart, click on insert, then click on chart from the dropdown menu, and that’s it. This chart will be a standard chart created by Google Sheets; you can use the chart editor to customize it to your liking. - How to Make a Pareto Chart in Google Sheets - How to Make a Pie Chart in Google Sheets [Easy Steps] - How to Make a Waterfall Chart in Google Sheets [Easy] - Google Sheets Charts: An Easy Guide to Making Beautiful Charts - How to Make a Gantt Chart in Google Sheets [Step-by-Step] - Save Chart as Image in Google Sheets (An Easy Way)
Throughout time the main forms of communication required that one person be within visual sight of the other in order to be able to successfully communicate. Either that or be within visual or audible range of the means of communication, as in semaphore (physically signalling between ships), or smoke, or drum signals. Then during the 1830s and 1840s telecommunications was born in the form of the telegraph. The definition of telecommunication, is the means of communicating over great distances, which means that semaphore, drum and smoke signals do not come under the heading of telecommunication, but Telegraphy, telephony and electronic mail do come under the telecommunications heading. Telegraphy and telephony requires the use of metal wires in order to transmit messages between sender and recipient. During the 19th century, thanks to the invention of the telegraph, these metal cables were laid along the ocean beds, connecting the continents of the world and thus allowing international telecommunications (first one completed on the 27th of July, 1876 linking the USA with Great Britain). Wireless telecommunications – The 20th century brought the advent of long distance communication without the need for physical connectivity. The first versions were created by Guglielmo Marconi, and manifested themselves in the form of the wireless radio, for which Marconi won a Nobel prize. This was achieved back in 1909. Other intrepid contributors – Besides Marconi, there were a number of others making headway in the field of wireless communications, they include, Alexander Graham Bell, Samuel Morse, Lee de Forest, Joseph Henry, Nikola Tesla, Edwin Armstrong, and John Logie Baird. Earliest form of telecommunications – A Frenchman by the name of Claude Chappe back in 1792, came up with a communication system that allowed rapid (rapid for the time) transmission of a message by setting up a series of towers that were about 6 miles apart. From these towers operators could receive messages from one tower then transmit those messages to the next tower. The transmission of messages was done by semaphore. Semaphore is achieved by the use of moving arms that dependent on the position of the arms would have different meanings. Chappe’s communication system lasted up until 1880, when it was forced out of existence by the far superior telegraph system. The telegraph – In 1839 one Sir William Fothergil Cooke and one Sir Charles Wheatstone built the first commercial electrical wire based telegraph system. This was actually an improvement on the existing electromagnetic telegraph system. Morse steps on to the scene – Not only were communication system to use Samuel Morse’s means of coding messages, but Morse himself, in 1837, created a much simpler telegraph system to that already in existence, that which was created by Wheatstone and Cooke (see above). International telephone link took a long time coming – Although there was a cable connection Great Britain with the United States of America laid back in middle part of the 19th century, it was not good enough to be used for transmitting telephone signals. It had been originally set-up for communications via telegraphy between the then President of the USA, James Buchanan, and Great Britain’s Queen Victoria. The original cable failed fairly quickly and had to be replaced, but was of no use for the telephone system. It was not until 1956 before telephone telecommunications was successfully set-up between the USA and Britain.
The action research conducted here on the curriculum implementation of Theme-integrated Drama in preschools in the Mainland China aims to find out how, with the guidance of the teacher, children create their own drama works by integrating their experience in drama expression, drama creation and drama performance. To implement the curriculum, different themed drama activities are often designed for different age groups; for example, “Trees and Birds” for the class of five to six year olds. Such activities include three phases. In the phase of drama expression, children in particular roles have an opportunity to express their views of the surrounding world. Then the children are encouraged to create plots and scenes around a conflict where their role is dramatized, and then to discover and solve problems. This is the phase of drama creation. In the last phase, previously acquired experience in drama expression and drama creation are integrated into the drama performance. Through that experience children gain a sense of accomplishment when presenting their own drama works in front of the audience.
Stories and Successes What are medicines? What are drugs? Why is it important to be safe with medication? Medicine, sometimes referred to as drugs, include: Prescriptions (prescribed by your doctor), over the counter pills, liquids, and creams (such as Tylenol for a headache or cough syrup for a cold), and vitamins. For the safety of you and your loved ones, it is important to practice medicine safety! The first step in medicine safety is to let your doctor and healthcare provider know about all of the medications you currently take--even if they are over the counter. This is important because some drugs can counteract one another or cause negative side-effects. Tools such as a Tracking your Medication Worksheet can be helpful when remembering which medications you currently use. The second step in medicine safety is to remember to ask your pharmacist for help! A Tracking your Medication Worksheet can also be helpful when seeking advice from a pharmacist. A helpful tip: try to have all of your prescriptions filled in the same place so that your records are easier to track. The third step in medicine safety is to keep track of your medications and store them in a safe place away from children. For the safety of you and your loved ones, lock your medications in a Medicine Lock Box if possible. Frequently check medications to make sure they have not expired. If they are expired, reach out to JCDPC to find out how to safely dispose of medications. For more information on medicine safety, reach out to JCDPC or visit the National Institute on Aging's Website. Multiple Authors including coalition staff, board members, and coalition members contribute to this page. 100 N. Meridian Street The Jay County Drug Prevention Coalition (JCDPC) is part of the statewide network of the Indiana Commission to Combat Drug Abuse. The JCDPC is the Local Coordinating Council (LCC) for the community.
1-2-3 Come Do Some "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" Activities With Me Do you read "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" by Laura Numeroff? I absolutely love her "If You Give A..." series of stories. So do my students. They truly get a kick out of the endings, where things come full circle and then repeat. Glad that a publisher finally agreed, as that best-selling book was rejected 9 times!!!! Puts new meaning behind the words, "Try, try again." These books are perfect for sequencing! With that in mind, I designed a storytelling flip booklet, as well as a slider craftivity. Both packets will help practice the "sequencing & retelling a story" standards, and make for a wonderful transition activity, after you're done reading the story. First up is the "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie" flip booklet. Fun for your kiddos and easy-peasy for you too, as it’s simply “Print & Go”. Simply run the mouse pattern off on construction paper or card stock. Students color & trim. This becomes the sturdy “base” of their booklet. Students color, cut & collate the pages into a little book, which is then glued to the base. I purposely did not number the pages, so you can assess comprehension & ability to sequence correctly. I've included black & white patterns, as well as colorful ones, so that you can quickly & easily make an example to share. Because children absolutely love giving their opinion, the last page allows them a chance to rate the story with a thumbs up or down, as well as coloring in a star ranking. To further check comprehension, I’ve included a “color, cut & glue” worksheet too. As another way to assess comprehension, as well as include some writing practice, there’s also a “Here’s What Happened…” worksheet, which can be done as a whole group with younger children. When everyone is done, have children pick a partner and take turns telling the story, “If You Give a Mouse a Cookie” to each other. We sometimes do this sort of thing with our older reading buddies. Afterwards, encourage students to share their mouse craft with their parents, once again retelling the story. Next up is the slider. There are several mouse options. I’ve included a large, full-page pattern for teachers, as well as a smaller, 2-on-a-page pattern for your students. Children color the story elements on the “slider strip” then cut and glue it together. As they pull on the end of the “slider” the various pictures go through the cookie “window”, so that children can take turns retelling the story to a partner or reading buddy, then take their mouse home to share with their family, once again practicing these standards. Storytelling sliders are also an easy & interesting way to assess comprehension. I’ve included a “sequence the story” slider activity for this, where students color and trim the picture “windows” then glue them in the correct order on the blank slider strip. You also have the option to do the regular slider with the story graphics in the appropriate order, then assess comprehension afterwards, using the “Sequence the Story” worksheet. I introduce the lesson by reading "If You Give A Mouse A Cookie", then share my completed "slider craftivity” with my students. So that you can quickly, and easily make an example, I’ve included a full-color slider pattern. After I read the story, we retell the tale together, using the picture prompts on my cookie mouse. Have children guess which story element they think comes next before you pull the picture through the “window”. My students now know what’s expected of them, and are very excited to transition to making a Cookie Mouse story slider of their own. Today's featured FREEBIE is a fun little "back to school" icebreaker. You can play this "get to know you game" with M&Ms or Skittles, This activity works with a variety of ages and grade levels. I hope you find it useful. Well that's it for today. Thanks for popping in. Not sure about you, but my summer is going at the speed of light. Seems like we were all just cheering on the last day, and now we're getting ready for that exciting first week of school. Wishing you a blessed day free of stress, and those too long "To Do" lists. "You do enough. You are enough. You've done enough. You have enough. Relax." - Unknown
How Does Nanotechnology Work? Nanotechnology is the understanding and control of matter at the nanometer scale, where unique phenomena enable novel applications. Encompassing nanoscale science, engineering, and technology, nanotechnology involves imaging, measuring, modeling, and manipulating matter at this length scale. Nanotechnologies involve the design, characterization, production, and application of nanoscale structures, devices, and systems that produces structures, devices, and systems with at least one novel/superior characteristic or property. At the core of nanotechnology is the fact that the properties of materials can be different at the nanoscale for two main reasons: First, nanomaterials have a relatively larger surface area when compared to the same mass of material produced in a larger form. This can make materials more chemically reactive (in some cases materials that are inert in their larger form are reactive when produced in their nanoscale form), and affect their strength or electrical properties. Second, so-called quantum effects can begin to dominate the behaviour of matter at the nanoscale - particularly at the lower end – affecting the optical, electrical and magnetic behavior of materials. Nanotechnology and the future of advanced materials Nanotechnology future products are based on the present and future developments of a large spectrum of nanomaterials. The development of a huge variety of nanomaterials will lead to a radically new approach to manufacturing materials and devices. Basically, every aspect of our lives will be impacted. Faster computers, advanced pharmaceuticals, controlled drug delivery, biocompatible materials, nerve and tissue repair, crackproof surface coatings, better skin care and protection, more efficient catalysts, better and smaller sensors, even more efficient telecommunications, these are just some areas where nanomaterials will have a major impact. We've also compiled a brief overview of some current applications of nanomaterials such as nanocomposites, nanoclays, nanocoatings and nanostructured surfaces, and nanolubricants. Most of them represent evolutionary developments of existing technologies: for example, the reduction in size of electronics devices. The basic building blocks: nanoparticles Nanoparticles, which have been produced on an industrial scale for quite some time already, are used in a broad spectrum of applications and many products. So, what are nanoparticles? There is no simple answer. The diversity of synthetic (i.e. man-made) nanoparticles is considerable. They are distinct in their properties and applications. In addition to their size, synthetic nanoparticles vary in chemical composition, shape, surface characteristics and mode of production. In the framework of nanotechnology, the term nanoî= refers almost exclusively to particle length. This means that those objects that extend in two dimensions from 1 to several 100 nm are designated as nanoparticles. This, however, also includes filamentous objects such as nanotubes. For a classification of nanoscale dimensions see our Nanotechnology FAQs. Take for example nanotechnology in medicine. The medical advances that may be possible through nanotechnology range from diagnostic to therapeutic. In dianostics, the ultimate goal is to enable physicians to identify a disease as early as possible. Nanomedicine is expected to make diagnosis possible at the cellular and even the sub-cellular level. In terms of therapy, the most significant impact of nanomedicine is expected to be realized in drug delivery and regenerative medicine. Nanoparticles enable physicians to target drugs at the source of the disease, which increases efficiency and minimizes side effects. They also offer new possibilities for the controlled release of therapeutic substances. Nanoparticles are also used to stimulate the bodyís innate repair mechanisms. A major focus of this research is artificial activation and control of adult stem cells. However, as with nanotechnology in general, there is danger of derailing nanomedicine if the study of ethical, legal and social implications does not catch up with scientific developments: nanotechnology applications in medicine face a range of ethical issues. Physicists, chemists and biologists each view nanotechnology as a branch of their own subject, and collaborations in which they each contribute equally are common. One result is the hybrid field of nanobiotechnology (also used are the terms bionanotechnology, biomedical nanotechnology or nanomedicine) that uses biological starting materials, biological design principles or has biological or medical applications. Combining nanotechnology with biotechnology could for instance lead to molecular prosthetics – nanoscale components that can repair or replace defective cellular components such as ion channels or protein signaling receptors. Another result will be intracellular imaging to highlight early disease markers in routine screening. The lighter side of nanotechnology We have compiled some links and images, games and especially nanotechnology for kids in our 'Neat Stuff' section.
Acute Ischemic Stroke Acute Ischemic Stroke What is a stroke? — Stroke is the term doctors use when a part of the brain is damaged because of a problem with blood flow. Strokes can happen when: An artery going to the brain gets clogged or closes off, and part of the brain goes without blood for too long An artery breaks open and starts bleeding into or around the brain How do strokes affect people? — The effects of a stroke depend on a lot of things, including: Which part and how much of the brain is affected How quickly the stroke is treated Some people who have a stroke have no lasting effects. Others lose important brain functions. For example, some people become partly paralyzed or unable to speak. Stroke is one of the leading causes of death and disability in the world. How can you tell if someone is having a stroke? — There is an easy way to remember the signs of a stroke. The symptoms usually come on suddenly. Just think of the word "FAST" (figure 1). Each letter in the word stands for one of the things you should watch for and what to do about it: Face – Does the person's face look uneven or droop on one side? Arm – Does the person have weakness or numbness in one or both arms? Does one arm drift down if the person tries to hold both arms out? Speech – Is the person having trouble speaking? Does his or her speech sound strange? Time – If you notice any of these stroke signs, call for an ambulance (in the US and Canada, dial 9-1-1). You need to act FAST. The sooner treatment begins, the better the chances of recovery. Other symptoms can also be signs of a stroke. These include trouble seeing in one or both eyes, trouble walking, and loss of balance or coordination. How are strokes treated? — The right treatment depends on what kind of stroke you are having. You need to get to the hospital very quickly to figure this out. People whose strokes are caused by clogged arteries can: Get treatments that help reopen clogged arteries. These treatments can help you recover from the stroke. Get medicines that prevent new blood clots. These medicines also help prevent future strokes. People whose strokes are caused by bleeding can: Have treatments that might reduce the damage caused by bleeding in or around the brain Stop taking medicines that increase bleeding, or take a lower dose Have surgery or a procedure to treat the blood vessel to prevent more bleeding (this is not always possible to do) Can strokes be prevented? — Many strokes can be prevented, though not all. You can greatly lower your chance of having a stroke by: Taking your medicines exactly as directed. Medicines that are especially important in preventing strokes include: •Blood pressure medicines •Medicines called statins, which lower cholesterol •Medicines to prevent blood clots, such aspirin or blood thinners •Medicines that help to keep your blood sugar as close to normal as possible (if you have diabetes) Making lifestyle changes: •Stop smoking, if you smoke •Get regular exercise (if your doctor says it's safe) for at least 30 minutes a day on most days of the week •Lose weight, if you are overweight •Eat a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products, and low in meats, sweets, and refined grains (such as white bread or white rice) •Eat less salt (sodium) •Limit the amount of alcohol you drink -If you are a woman, do not drink more than 1 drink a day -If you are a man, do not drink more than 2 drinks a day Another way to prevent strokes is to have surgery or a procedure to reopen clogged arteries in the neck. This type of treatment is appropriate for only a small group of people. What is a "TIA"? — A TIA is like a stroke, but it does not damage the brain. TIAs happen when an artery in the brain gets clogged or closes off and then reopens on its own. This can happen if a blood clot forms and then moves away or dissolves. TIA stands for "transient ischemic attack." Even though TIAs do not cause lasting symptoms, they are serious. If you have a TIA, you are at high risk of having a stroke. It's important that you see a doctor and take steps to prevent that from happening. Do not ignore the symptoms of a stroke even if they go away! All topics are updated as new evidence becomes available and our peer review process is complete. This topic retrieved from UpToDate on: Mar 30, 2020. Topic 15328 Version 11.0 Release: 28.2.2 - C28.105 © 2020 UpToDate, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. New! No Prescription? No problem. Affordable Online Care is here! Answer a few questions about your concern and receive a treatment plan in as little as 15 minutes, from a board-certified provider, 100% online.Learn more
Spring is in the air, and summer is just around the corner, which has us thinking about warm weather, plenty of sunshine, and the smell of fresh flowers (unless, of course, you suffer from seasonal allergies!). When you picture a garden, you might see a backyard oasis full of blooming bushes and flowering vines draped over an arbor, or you might imagine a vegetable garden packed with your favorite peppers, tomatoes, and herbs. Whatever you see, it might not be entirely different from how your ancestors gardened in colonial America. During the 18th century, colonial gardens in America were often influenced by the regions from which the colonists immigrated, particularly those from France, Ireland, England, and the Netherlands. Colonists and Europeans would also exchange native plant materials and species, bringing fruit trees, vegetables, herbs, and flowering bulbs, like the tulip, to America, creating diverse gardens that varied by climate, economic status, and the heritage of the owner. Though they may look similar, colonists did not create their gardens the same way as landscape designers and garden hobbyists do today. Colonial gardens were dependent on a colonist’s needs, with the size proportionate to the size of their family. Working-class colonists with less land had gardens that were smaller than those living in rural areas, and those who were wealthy had larger, more elaborate gardens that framed walkways. Gardens that contained vegetables, such as leaks, onions, carrots, and cabbage, herbs, and flowers, were planted near a house door or a raised garden bed to provide quick access (which came in handy when you realize you forgot the rosemary for your stew!). Pungent herbs, like oregano and ginger, were usually omitted from vegetable plantings. As gardens evolved, fruit trees were incorporated and planted along outside edges and in the center of the garden to create focal points. Green beans, corn, and pumpkins were grown in large fields — think fall pumpkin picking! Everything from seasoning herbs to fruits and vegetables would also be used for food preservation and dying fabric. But what about our founding fathers? Many of our nation’s founders understood the importance of nature and gardening, including George Washington. Even during the American Revolution, Washington oversaw all aspects of the landscape at Mount Vernon and would extensively redesign the grounds by adopting a less formal, yet naturalistic style, through vistas cut through forests and hundreds of native trees and shrubs. Martha Washington cared for the kitchen garden which provided her with fresh fruits and vegetables year round. However, the Washingtons also had 317 slaves who assisted with the upkeep and maintenance of the gardens. Many of Washington’s guests would be welcomed with fresh vegetables and fruits, and would often partake in after-dinner strolls through his gardens. Just like today, gardening in Colonial America provided people with a source of fresh produce and a chance to be outdoors. In 1792, Martha Washington said, “[the] vegetable is the best part of our living in the country.” (If you are anything like me, you prefer your vegetables sugar-coated or glazed, but hey — that still counts, right?) By: Jennifer Burns
In late April and early May of 2012, the Norwegian government and the National Farmers Union were negotiating about governmental support for agriculture. The National Farmers Union asked for 2.2 billion kroner in subsidies and other support to farmers, but when the government offered only 900 million kroner ($152 million USD) the union cut off the negotiations completely—the first time the union had done so since the year 2000. The union argued that the proposed government subsidies would have widened the wage gap between farmers and other sectors of the economy. In the latter part of the nineteenth century Norway was marginal in Europe, a part of the Swedish kingdom, with a scarcity of resources, little industrial development, and massive poverty. Although the country had parliamentary forms, it was ruled by the owning class; the Norwegian army was used to suppress strikes. Following a rapid price increase and in turn wage increases (thanks to Union pressures), after the first half of 1920 prices in Norway began to rapidly fall. From 1919-1920, the cost of living rose by 16 percent, and in the subsequent period dropped 8 percent. Following the war, imports rose quickly and amounted to a surplus, marking the beginning of a turbulent global economy throughout the 1920s. Bankruptcies began to increase among businesses, feeling pressured by wage agreements and high interest rates.
At 14.0 million km2 (5.4 million sq mi), it is the fifth-largest continent in area after Asia, Africa, North America, and South America. For comparison, Antarctica is nearly twice the size of Australia.Furthermore the Antarctic ice sheet is divided into the West Antarctic ice sheet (WAIS) and the East Antarctic ice sheet (EAIS), something which is often missed in the mainstream media, where promoting the man-made global warming idea is all-important. Here is an image of Antarctica: About 98% of Antarctica is covered by the Antarctic ice sheet, a sheet of ice averaging at least 1.6 km (1.0 mi) thick. The continent has about 90% of the world's ice (and thereby about 70% of the world's fresh water). In East Antarctica, the ice sheet rests on a major land mass, but in West Antarctica the bed can extend to more than 2,500 meters below sea level. Much of the land in this area would be seabed if the ice sheet were not there.Earlier this week a report claimed: Antarctica's ice melt is unstoppable: Massive regions of the ice sheet that makes up West Antarctica have begun collapsing in a process that scientists have worried about for decades and fear is likely unstoppable, two separate teams of scientists said on Monday.A Guardian headline specified that Western Antarctic ice sheet collapse has already begun, scientists warn, with the subheading, "Two separate studies confirm loss of ice sheet is inevitable, and will cause up to 4 meters of additional sea-level rise." The collapse of the Western Antarctica ice sheet is already under way and is unstoppable, two separate teams of scientists said on Monday.Making predictions and statements about something being "unstoppable", and sea level rises hundreds of years - if not thousand of years - into the future, seems to be a little unscientific and more akin to The glaciers' retreat is being driven by climate change and is already causing sea-level rise at a much faster rate than scientists had anticipated. The loss of the entire western Antarctica ice sheet could eventually cause up to 4 metres (13ft) of sea-level rise, devastating low-lying and coastal areas around the world. But the researchers said that even though such a rise could not be stopped, it is still several centuries off, and potentially up to 1,000 years away. WAIS may be melting, but as can be gathered from Wikipedia which is quoting the scientific journal Nature, then the larger EAIS is growing at a rate of about 60 gigatons per year: A more recent estimate published in November 2012 and based on the GRACE data, as well as on an improved glacial isostatic adjustment model, indicates that the East Antarctica actually gained mass from 2002 to 2010 at a rate of 60 ± 13 Gt/y.A separate report in the news a few days ago concerned record sea ice around Antarctica. So these are two different phenomena different teams of scientists are monitoring: ice levels on Antarctica (East vs West), and sea ice extent around Antarctica. The two are most likely connected, something which the scientists appear reluctant to discuss because man-made global warming dictates that we see just melting ice. According to this May 12th article in The Australian: Antarctic sea ice has expanded to record levels for April, increasing by more than 110,000sq km a day last month to nine million square kilometres. The National Snow and Ice Data Centre said the rapid expansion had continued into May and the seasonal cover was now bigger than the record "by a significant margin''.In other words, Antarctic sea ice is growing and has been above the long term average for some time. Have a look at today's status: "This exceeds the past record for the satellite era by about 320,000sq km, which was set in April 2008,'' the centre said. What's clear is that there are no signs that Antarctica is 'melting' as a whole. That doesn't mean the studies cited above regarding melting of West Antarctica's ice sheets are bogus; just perhaps that too much effort has gone into 'fitting the facts around the policy'... When one only has a hammer, everything looks like a nail, as the saying goes. So what can explain this paradox between observations in East and West Antarctica? As mentioned earlier, with respect to WAIS, " the bed can extend to more than 2,500 m below sea level". As such it would also be vulnerable to what goes on in the depths. Wikipedia again: In contrast to the melting of the Arctic sea ice, sea ice around Antarctica has expanded in recent years. The reasons for this are not fully understood, but suggestions include the climatic effects on ocean and atmospheric circulation of the ozone hole, and/or cooler ocean surface temperatures as the warming deep waters melt the ice shelves.Now this last bit is interesting. It has been observed that deeper layers of the oceans have been warming in recent years. The IPCC has explained away the 'pause in global warming' with the idea that all the heat in the atmosphere that 'should' have warmed our little planet has 'pulled a fast one' by hiding in the deep oceans. Not only that, but in the course of doing that, this 'model-predicted atmospheric heat' cooled the top layers of the oceans on its way down. No mean feat! An announcement made a few days ago is, I think, key to explaining what's really going on here. Yet another team of Antarctic researchers warned that an active volcano is threatening to erupt underneath the ice in West Antarctica: Scientists had intended to use the seismograph machines to help in their efforts to weigh the ice sheet - only to find that a volcano was in fact forming underneath the ice.And this isn't the only active volcanic region under West Antarctica: another research team discovered a different active volcano in 2004. The authors of the Mount Sidley report frame underwater volcanoes in terms of 'compounding the effect of global warming', but what if they are the only - or most - significant reason for melting ice in West Antarctica? Even a sub-glacial eruption would still be able to melt ice, creating huge amounts of water which could flow beneath the ice and towards the sea - hastening the flow of the overlying ice and potentially speeding up the rate of ice sheet loss. One other piece of data concerning Antarctica has been in the news in the last few days. This time it concerns the Southern Winds: "The Southern Ocean winds are now stronger than at any other time in the past 1,000 years," said the study's lead researcher Nerilie Abram of an ocean notorious for having some of the fiercest winds and largest waves on the planet.It's not just Antarctica bucking the trend, but the whole globe. In the last 17 years there has been no 'global warming'. As IPCC lead author Kevin Trenberth said: "The fact is that we can't account for the lack of warming at the moment, and it is a travesty that we can't." "The strengthening of these winds has been particularly prominent over the past 70 years, and by combining our observations with climate models we can clearly link this to rising greenhouse gas levels." The new research, which was published in the Nature Climate Change journal, explains why Antarctica is not warming as much as other continents. The westerly winds, which do not touch the eastern parts of Antarctica but circle in the ocean around it, were trapping more of the cold air over the area as they strengthened, with the world's southernmost continent "stealing more of Australia's rainfall", Abram said. "This is why Antarctica has bucked the trend. Every other continent is warming, and the Arctic is warming fastest of anywhere on earth," she said. Yes, it is a travesty! Climate models are only as good as the assumptions they're based on. The authors of climate papers are trained to frame everything in terms of one factor: a carbon dioxide increase they attribute to human activity, which obscures awareness of being part of a much larger system that surely has multiple influences acting on the planet's complex climate. Take this recent discovery, for example. Scientists were 'spooked' to learn that apparently simultaneous weather effects take place at both poles, the result (they think) of upper atmosphere 'teleconnections'. Noctilucent cloud intensity at the poles, it seems, is a precursor to changes in global weather patterns. 'meteor smoke' from meteors entering Earth's atmosphere. Knowing that both noctilucent clouds and meteor fireballs are increasing in intensity and frequency, the way is open for scientists to connect the 'planet-wide-climate-change-dots' between the weak current solar cycle, loading of the atmosphere with meteor smoke a.k.a. comet dust, volcanoes erupting all over the place, and more earthquakes than ever before. Could human activity be responsible for all this? Perhaps, but if it is true that we collectively play a key role, then it is in a far more fundamental way than runaway greenhouse gas by-products of our modern lifestyles. An upcoming book by SOTT.net Editor Pierre Lescaudron - Earth Changes and the Human-Cosmic Connection - explores the strong correlation between periods of authoritarian oppression and catastrophic, cosmically-induced natural disasters, reconciling modern science with ancient understanding that the human mind and states of collective human experience can influence cosmic and earthly phenomena.
The horse’s body was not meant to carry a saddle, let alone a rider encased in clanking metal. Riding is unnatural, and although there are ways to keep the damage to a minimum, it will take a visible toll on the horse’s skeleton. These pathologies — deviations from the normal structure of bones and teeth caused by disease, age, or stress — are a valuable tool for the zooarchaeologist as they can illuminate aspects of the animal’s life and sometimes death. For the Warhorse Project, pathology is a true treasure trove. Injuries, possibly sustained in battle or on the tournament field, or evidence for regular riding, all hold the potential to tell us something about the lives of horses in the Middle Ages. Bony changes in the horse’s spine are a relatively common result of riding. Fusion of several vertebrae or even entire backs can frequently be seen in the zooarchaeological record. The abnormal weight of a rider (or any heavy load) on their back forces the spine to bend downwards, which brings the spinous processes of the vertebrae (long bony projections protruding from the top of the vertebrae) much closer together than they should be. When they touch and grind against each other repeatedly this causes new bone growth around the affected area — a painful condition called ‘Kissing Spine’. To counter this, the horse will become stiff in the back in an attempt to minimise movement between the vertebrae. Similarly, the bones themselves will react to the repeated strain by growing bony bridges between vertebrae, locking them into place. Such fusion in the spine can be a normal consequence of old age and it is not uncommon to find it in two or three lumbar vertebrae. However, exceptional strain on a horse’s back may eventually lead to the complete fusion of the spine, known as a ‘bamboo spine’. For any pathological condition to grow as severe as an immobile spine, the animal must have survived it for a considerable amount of time. That means its owners or caretakers cared for the animal, indicating a bond between humans and horses that reached beyond mere exploitation. It paints the horse as a companion and partner that did not lose its value even when it outlived its usefulness.