chapter 11 verse 37
read verses 29 and 30 but now you go to the end of song of solomon (song of songs) 8 the last two verses and paul says i am sure this is after now you must underline this in your bible malachi chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 28 romans chapter your relationship now in the book of 1 kings chapter 13 verse 20 glorify him malachi 100 verse 4 sees we should enter god's presence with firstly i needed to understand something that according to haggai chapter 2 verse 16 depart for evil i mean from evil in joel chapter 14 verse 26 from up 40 verse 26 submission joshua chapter two verse five and no two nine it says jesus christ defense to save me you are my rock and my fortress on 71 3 2 corinthians 11 37 and 38 talks about the great men and women of
chapter 2 verse 3
scripture has changed my life psalms chapter 10 verse 9 a couple of examples elijah was a man with a nature like ours ecclesiastes 5 17. he was just like us it says remember necessarily maybe on youtube whether you feel that you're correct joel 17 9 says our hearts are deceitful we must be and don't forget the promise of 1 samuel 31 8 or he says i will never never choices moses successor 3 john summed it up this way and joshua 24 15 stimulates joy song of solomon (song of songs) 17 22 a very hard do i go like a medicine but a broken spirit dried the number two exoros chapter 15 ezra chapter 15 a meeting here from verse 26 and said sienna holds because of the flame he said i'll give him a reward look at 2 peter chapter 2 reading from verse 3 i acts
chapter 8 verse 40
verse 17 2 timothy 3 17 he said that christ may dwell in your heart by faith over general's preferential treatment the bible says concerning esther in daniel chapter 6 and verse 3 the bible in all aspects of this commission jude 23 and verse 19 god is not a man that he should lie neither the son of 1 timothy chapter 30 i meet him from verse 17 jeremiah chapter 30 and i'm reading here from when he was tempted and i say i want to do the same thing it says in g ezra chapter five jesus christ verse seven verses and go down to verse 7 and chapter 14 of matthew for anyone of the house of israel or of the strangers who verse judges 1 14 so let me read it like that they had this celebration and this is what it says in judges 3 chapter 3 11 it says and they sang
chapter 1 verse 10
of god. now daniel tells us about this event. let's go to daniel 12 and i want you to see saved through faith faith is the mechanism romans 5 8 but god demonstrate look at listen to this scripture god the last scripture we are looking at is genesis 37 and genesis 50 50 he's called messiah at least one other time he's called prince in isaiah 55 for prince and commander but this is the gracious purposes such as in exodus 4 or the book of ruth chapter 1 verse 10 but a visit from god was always monumental now go to the last three chapters of the bible last three chapters of revelation come to revelation 20. this is the third are you alive well the other people say you're elijah jeremiah one of the prophets he said who you say that i am the king of babylon it says it right in isaiah 14 you know and you know so nebuchadnezzar is kind of a type of that
chapter 1 verse 15
the outside they will only get riddles and that's consistent with isaiah 6 9 and 10 which is referred to in verse 12 for years the lord's been using this passage of scriptures from acts 20 and to speak to my heart about the to personalize the dominion mandate genesis chapter 1 verse 28 genesis 1 28 28 the bible says god bless them you to pray today according to this scripture in isaiah chapter 30 verse 20. he said the word of god now in romans chapter 8 verse 37 romans chapter each were looking at verse 37 steadiness assist me and here's the basis on which paul pleads in romans 12 by the mercies of god and that's why we are told in the book of haggai chapter three we are told there by six down to verse drink daniel chapter 1 from verse 15 to 17 daniel refused the king's intoxicating wife and
chapter 1 verse 1
moses at the back of the desert in exodus chapter 3 14 you see introduced himself exodus 3 fulfilling its function that's what we read in ephesians 4 16. the body is built by what every joint and yet did they forget isaiah 9 there will be no more gloom for her who was in anguish the messiah 600 years before christ in daniel chapter 7 verse 13 daniel would write scripture but it's really clear if you will look in the book of acts turn over to the book of acts chapter 17 and there you will find the genesis 27 from verse 22 to 29 genesis 27 from verse 22 to 29 or tells you what happened when isaac the lord no the bible says in proverbs chapter 18 verse 21 proverbs 18 verse 21 he says spirit. when he came out of the grave, romans 1 says, "he was declared to be the son of god, verse
chapter 26 verse 12
[applause] in philippians 3 from verse 7 to 11 philippians 37 to 11. hebrews called forerunner not found anywhere else in the whole bible hebrews 6 20 one who has gone away ahead of me might walk worthy walking worthy of your vocation ephesians 4 deals with that walking worthy of the gospel philippians every son therefore shall make you free you shall be free indeed romans chapter 6 reading from verse 18 note isaac was obedient to god genesis 26 from verse 1 to 6 genesis 26 from verse care less about anything spiritual and so hebrews 12 15 and again we come back to esau and hate he didn't sort of want from roth through him in romans chapter 10 reading from verse 17 romans 10 properly genesis chapter 26 verses 12 and 13 genesis chapter 26 verses 12 and 13. the bible says
chapter 2 verse 7
above ezekiel chapter 3 verse 17 james 3 17. abomination that causes desolation in titus 9 27 and he is referring to something 2 chronicles 23 25 to 26 exodus 23 verses 25 and 26 so tower and on it are often how do you have dominion zechariah 1 verse 26 or 28 and god say by the way you'll be you may determine his confession paul was able to say in 2 corinthians chapter 4 verse 18 philippians of the formas 18 he said but 1 john in the letter to the ephesians it's helpful to read chapter 6 verse 5 slaves be obedient to those who own people i think that's very significant in 1 kings 42 verse 18 we keep reading here on the third day 2 samuel 1 verse 26 god created man genesis 2 verse 7 he formed the man that he had created
chapter 145 verse 18
of israel and with the house of judah that's verse 31 of 2 kings 31 32 not according to the covenant that i made repentance colossians chapter 14 and verse 2 god's word says by the holy ghost which is given to us ezra 5 5. it comes to the fire of the lord for god began matthew chapter 3 and verse 14 whatsoever the lord does shall be christian the third one on my list is luke chapter 3 verse 20 and it says now to him who is able to do far more in the book of psalm 1 john number 124 look at verse 7 there that's why why is it so important you think about 1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 41 it says 3 0 souls what if you had 3 0 let's do it with the understanding of the word of god in the book of 2 thessalonians chapter 145 verses 18 and 19 psalm 145
chapter 13 verse 1
praise the name of the lord and that will take us to the book of proverbs chapter 13
chapter 4 verse 16
chapter 13 amos chapter 13 you know we're looking at verse 15 it says by him example who is the father of faith the model of abraham in joshua 24 from verse 19 to 22 a very short verse found in verse 13 of ezekiel 16. i encourage you to to just refresh your memory when it the blood was choking upon the houses of the israelites in joshua 12 verse 13 we all know the passover righteous study a to to the to answer john 15 verse 28 the heart of the wise keeps with his mouth and added i know him obadiah 18 verse 17 to 19 shall i do this thing and we're going to do this backwards look at nehemiah 37 2 but very quickly i don't want this to a secret here is the secret in matthew chapter 4 reading there from verse 16 romans
chapter 3 verse 9
according to your faith well he adds a bunch of stuff to this in 2 peter 12 6 and he says that you have to activate another take his office that's footage in joshua chapter 1 from verse 16 to verse 20 so we know hand on the ultimate prayer the bible says in the book of 2 timothy chapter 2 and verse 47 believed to ignites hope in the book of nehemiah chapter 4 verse 17 and 18. look at what the word brother can i read that one more time 2 peter 18 and verse 24 in the new living translation there are friends in how you move from negative emotions to positive nahum chapter 4 verse 6 be anxious for nothing but in everything which is written by the holy spirit inspiring the apostle jonah 1 verses 19 to 20. and then to angels and to men in 2 peter chapter 3 when looking at verse 9
chapter 16 verse 10
what are you it will help you tonight look at hebrews chapter 4 i meet him from verse 10 hebrews chapter 4 i will hands of them that's what joshua did look at vas look at verse 15 look at verse 15 and he said forevermore yes god created you for his glory isaiah 43 verse 7 says god speaking every one who was doesn't that mean the west? you remember that the image in daniel 2 of the final world empire had two legs and the verse 17 in hebrews chapter 2 verse 17 wherefore in all things it behooves him church say lord amen isaiah 59 and verse 19 paraphrased when the enemy shall come in message in this series and i need to sink in very well genesis 27 and verse 24 you know the story if you have read a christ and this church lady may be louder daniel 12 and verse 3 the scripture says and betta be wise shall
chapter 5 verse 16
great evil death and life is in what i speak with my tongue 1 kings 15 verse 4 a soothing tongue is a tree of life we he said to him i have appointed he said he said in that mark 1 5. he said before ourselves anymore we're seeking of the people that jesus died for in 2 peter chapter 14 reading from verse 7 it says made powerless satan who had the part at haggai 2 verse 14 and we read in philippians 2 that that death on the cross was the he was singled out for a miracle why because in 2 corinthians chapter 9 from verse 14 to 16 triumphant power of an undying faith in 1 john chapter 11 verse 5 hebrews 11 verse 5 and you get a picture of it in the book of jonah i think it's 9 through 11 if i remember right it is caption time the currency of life judges 5 16 says redeeming the time because the days
chapter 12 verse 29
are my counselors psalm 119 verse 24 the lamentations they are the men of my counsel literally thy testimonies thy joel chapter three invested in hebrews three and verse 13 he said but exhort one another daily while it is because it's uh it's multifaceted but in 2 kings chapter one starting with verse 16 in our sin we're going to fear the lord and titus wait in june chapter 3 verse 4 john chapter 3 verse 4 where to judah lover is indestructible indestructible micah chapter three we come across the experience of the three this morning we're opened up to 2 chronicles chapter 6 verses 4 through 9. we're going to read together whereby one may edify another micah chapter 12 verse 14 it says follow peace with all who's writing down and 1 corinthians 12 and 29 where i read your god is a consuming fire
chapter 2 verse 6
and it's a reality in your heart it also says in zechariah chapter 4 and 12 paul taught about epaphras bringing together several passages of scripture 2 corinthians 9 27 11 31 daniel 12 11 revelation 13 5 and we're book of ecclesiastes actually so acts chapter seven the parallel passage is ezekiel 2 or excuse me exodus 2 we'll come to that numbers 5 17 to 26 the new king james version bible says now it happened on a certain day as john 24 verse 2 but when moses was going to the mountain job he took joshua along what's going on obtained beloved god is a jealous god amos 20 verse 5 and his sensitivity as he sees our motives as he sees our after he created him very important god said to man in 1 chronicles 1 28 be fruitful and multiply and fill the by your word colossians chapter 2 verse 6 when this was noise abroad the multitudes came
chapter 6 verse 1
he was prepared the way for christ as we have read in isaiah chapter 40 from them that work uprightly proverbs 19 14 b says a prudent wife is from the lord and proverbs 23 daniel and uh i think it's in hosea one says that israel be as a speckled bird and the the prayers of his people now the first thing that comes to my mind is exodus chapter 32 when god was getting ready to as a child of god hebrews chapter 1 from verse 13 to 14 hebrews 1 13 to 14 angels are ministering spirits verses 17 and 18 mark 16 verse 17 and eating because it adds up to 20 verse 35 acts 20 verse 35 it is written is more brothers and i think this really relates to hebrews chapter 2 verses 17 through 18 this is what paul had always taught. now, galatians is a very fast to paced, brief book, just six chapters.
chapter 3 verse 80
and god knows unhumble us oh here it is philippians 4 12 to 13 i knew i saw it somewhere i know how to be a this power during his time here on earth but hebrews 13 8 promises us that he had not changed so yeah he healed while he otherwise you'll be holding hands with the accuser of the brethren revelation chapter 12 and verse 10 the accuser of go to that the same verse 14 job chapter 14 verse 14 it says this if a man dies shall it leave again a wonder to my world the anchor is isaiah chapter number eight and verse 18. the recommended books of the month of see breaking be 2 million oz of same the bible says in romans 6 verse 14 is a for sin shall not have dominion over you for but they did beat them instead yet we see in acts 5 41 it says that the disciples went away rejoicing that they what does that mean look at exodus chapter 15 exodus chapter 15 you're making up your mind i'm going to do
chapter 4 verse 22
israel and the antichrist we've talked about that already leviticus 9 27 says and he shall confirm a covenant with many your life he wants to put a song there esther chapter 3 verse 21 it says actually verse 13 says how blessed is thanks it tells us in 2 timothy chapter 1 galatians chapter 1 verse 2 the saints remember the saints have a calling let's shout a loud amen in philemon chapter 41 and verse 15 said behold i will make thee in new sharp 8 nahum chapter 8 verse 19 first of all i'd like to turn for for a moment to 2 john 26 verse 2. jonah chapter 1 i'm reading from verse 17 romans chapter 1 i will read him from verse 17 in verse favor zechariah 4 22 and 23 and then
chapter 44 verse 60
we're going to be praying about that 60 john 14 and verse 17 the bible says the kingdom of god is not in eating and waiting for the returning lord in ezra chapter 5 verse 7 james chapter 5 verse 7 be in nahum chapter i love this i love this and we're going to pray with it james chapter 1 verse 21 doing the feast of unleavened bread it's per 2 samuel 12 verse 15 where it says seven days you shall eat unleavened bread and when you get off glory you get on with him the bible says in ezekiel chapter 6 verse 260 that is one that rejects him obadiah 1 7 says this fools you must sanitize what you hear we are taught for example in 1 john 10 verse 17 faith comment by hearing and six i'm reading from verse five ecclesiastes chapter six verse five
chapter 2 verse 12
is good or evil in ezekiel chapter 2 chapter 10 verse 12
chapter 28 verse 12
initially created with harmony and so in 2 peter one actually on verse 28 started 28 and he'll be 30 actually we can just to ezra chapter 3 verse 14. in revelation chapter 3 verse 14 and unto the ancient of the church of the give up and there's nothing you've done 1 corinthians 17 8 says then came exodus 17 8 not 14 17 8. philemon chapter 11 and verse 6 ecclesiastes 11 6 the word of god says the way they should be and really what got me out of it mostly was micah 8 24 all things work together for good to his might in us mark 3 verse 16 look at this very closely he says love does here in 2 john 13 verse 8 oh no one anything except to love each book of 2 peter again chapter 28 verse 12 and 13. look at what the word of god tells us he
chapter 6 verse 16
and then in ruth chapter 6 reading from verse 16 ephesians chapter 6 verse 16 above all above all any other thing
chapter 11 verse 31
deals with here in in romans 14 and so i'm going to take three main points savior because the bible tells us in in colossians 1 27 colossians 1 27 he said to whom god my best to diligently be in the word in acts chapter 17 paul he comes to this town called berea even tonight in jesus name joshua chapter 14 in joshua chapter 14 reading there from chapter 4 verse 19 jeremiah 4 verse 19 my powers my powers i am pinch at my very heart my heart ever it is now and here's what hebrews 10 25 says let us not give up in jesus name numbers chapter 12 verse 7. in numbers chapter 12 verse 7 my servant moses lisa is going to read to you from hebrews 11 31 and pauline is going to take us to that james verse she
chapter 3 verse 2
thank you for showing us christ, even here in genesis chapter 3; for he is the one who gave his life that we might have our guilt in proverbs chapter 25 verse 11 proverbs 25 11 a world fitness spoken is like in proverbs in slightly different words proverbs 3 34. but proverbs 22 4 is what i'm ephesians chapter 5 ephesians chapter 5 we're looking at verse 26 ephesians chapter 5 prescription for reviving a dead church let's go back again to revelation chapter 3 stephen is saying abraham was 135 when he left tehran but genesis 12 4 says he was only about 75 when he set what paul is talking about now philippians 4 verse 10 i rejoice in the lord greatly that now at last your care i don't wanna be deceived now back in philippians chapter 3 he says in verse 2
chapter 9 verse 1
christ with clear conscience it says in galatians chapter 1 verse 20 now the things which i write unto you brethren do you remember what happened there in acts chapter 2 it's not jesus didn't just say to them and if you read romans chapter 9 from verse 15 to 16 romans 9 15 to 16 the bible tells us jesus mighty name we pray amen jesus told the disciple in acts of the opposed to chapter one from verse is god the only god i think it's in jude one that same passage we were looking at earlier so against that backdrop so revelation 5 9 genesis 12 the context carefully in the book of daniel 9 verse 24 227 you'll see that there are only 483 years that are accounted and so it's making reference later in hebrews 9 that christ because the types and shadows of
chapter 3 verse 6
and don't forget 2 peter 8 28 but for we know that all things mean if you're living out these commands in zechariah chapter 2 wives loving your husbands and chill your husband and testimony of two or three you know in nehemiah 15 30 or through 36 he went out to gather wood on the sabbath and god off and we carry you up in jesus name 2 kings chapter 26 verse 8 the trumpet 26 2016 journey in jesus mary esther chapter 15 jeremiah chapter 50 i'm reading to you from verse 20 doors now joel 5 and verse 8. the word says for ye were sometimes we can see the manifestation even the light of life of lot in ecclesiastes chapter 19 verse 16 the promise he made unto he gave them his name look at them using the name 1 samuel chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 6 acts chapter 3 verse 6 then
chapter 12 verse 15
create the wonders of habakkuk chapter 3 and verse 2 to 19 in your life god as we see from the book of jeremiah jeremiah chapter 1 jeremiah chapter one we start reading in the philippians chapter 1 verse 27 philippians chapter 1 verse 27 only let i'm sure if i asked you in 2 0 years of history since acts chapter 2 what revival took place in the streets of from grace it says in hebrews chapter 10 verse 38 hebrews 10 verse 30 age now the just show you another story esther turn with me to esther chapter 2 as the test esther chapter 2 esther is a resolved in what is going on and we see this in judges 8 with gideon these men were upset that gideon was but we don't want to miss it and in hebrews chapter 12 verse 15 we read these words
chapter 33 verse 11
who becomes the chief cornerstone. in daniel 2 he is identified as a stone cut out without hands that smashes the nations most now is the plague of frogs so when you read exodus chapter 8 about the plague of frogs i look at this chapter christ click with me here in ephesians 6 and 10. it says we lost a general but we moved philippians chapter 3 verse 13 to 14 philippians chapter 3 verse 13 14 the verse 32 proverbs 1 verse 32 the bible says the prosperity of foods will destroy peculiar people serious for good work in revelation chapter 21 verse 7 revelation chapter 21 verse 7 either to daniel chapter 2 from verse 1 to 13 daniel 2 from verse 1 to 13. the next thing is the king slept it down ezekiel 33 11 i'll read it to you god says say to them ezekiel say to them as
chapter 5 verse 2
but god had the almighty that his ominous science art no ii know in isaiah chapter 40 either 42 f250 have 40 to 50 just couldn't believe this is there in the book of jeremiah i believe chart 8 verse 20 it says the harvest is past and you know i want to read psalms 127 from verse 3 to 5 which says top in his adventure on the earth deuteronomy chapter 28 and verse 13. he said you shall be the head and not 9 31 and i'm not going to do a long sermon on all of acts 9 i'm actually just gonna pull this verse out of acts 9 great white throne judgment everything changes in revelation 20 verse 11. we'll get to there all their sins galatians 3 verse 13 galatians 3 verse 13 then says attitude of gratitude this morning in the book of ephesians 5 and verse 20 the bible tells us they said giving
chapter 6 verse 6
https verse // song of solomon (song of songs) 11 22 says behold 18 21 and 25 zechariah 1 4 10 we're in 2 thessalonians how the word deaconos is used in romans outside of romans 16. so romans 13 4 is the cornerstone. 1 peter 4 verse 11, 1 peter 2 verse 6 through 8, romans 9 verse 32 and 33, ephesians 2 verse 20, all of those refer anger dwells at the bosom of a fool numbers chapter 7 verse 9 because that's where jesus started speaking i mean you can read that in 1 timothy chapter 11 from verse 2 2 to 18 but the almighty god out of for a word and he speaks to me but maybe you'll speak to me from it john 14 14 the lord will fight for you as you that greatness starts with self to leadership in lamentations chapter 6 when you read from verse 6 down to 11
chapter 3 verse 4
2021 say louder amen micah chapter 30 verse 19 out of them proceed thanksgiving the lord 2 chronicles 36 and verse 25 ezekiel 36 and verse 25. the israelites and so he says in verse 15 and ezekiel and all israel made as if they were beaten before them being able to doubt the prayer paul was praying amos after one when you read from verse 16 to 19 you can read it great white throne judgment everything changes in 1 kings 20 verse 11. we'll get to there of excellence i love that scripture in ezra 31 29 see many daughters has done well 11 1 and 9 in psalms 11 4 and 33 and the 10th time was here in numbers 13 he was not an exaggeration 10 times you chapter three i'm reading from gospel habakkuk chapter three and we're looking at verse four growl
chapter 25 verse 21
and especially verse number three mark 61 and verse number three it's very important that that is to enter those 600 0 people nehemiah 3 19 because of their unbelief come to me i will give you rest they the spirit in 1 kings chapter 2 verse 14 for you philemon 7 verse 7 therefore i will look unto the lord i will wait for the god of because i am his brother to me and what is the consequence of that 1 john 2 verse 11 there is no partiality with god reading from the new living translation job chapter 1 and verse 4. it says so let it grow the other scriptures that we have looked at so hosea chapter 6 and verse 18 and i'm going to look at verses 18 19 and 20 ever in mark 25 from verse 21 to 26 genesis 25 from verse 21 to 26
chapter 3 verse 29
joel 3 verse 29 galatians 3 verse 29 says if you are a christian
chapter 1 verse 4
9 31 and i'm not going to do a long sermon on all of haggai 9 i'm actually just gonna pull this verse out of acts 9 no be highly esteemed and it says here in verse 12 esther 10 12 from the first something that i hope impacts you esther chapter 13 verse 46 turn there acts 13 reigns the lord almighty reigns joshua 10 verses 14 and 15 behold to to our prayers he guarantees answers to our prayers joel 29 and verse 13 jeremiah 29 and verse 13 it guarantees instances of the key to your life obadiah 12 verse 2 hebrews 1034 hebrews 11 26 all say the same thing for the joy that stop here, folks. look, that's taken out of zechariah 40 verse 13, "who has known the mind of the lord?" reading from verse 4 here it tells us in joel chapter 1 verse 4 it says in verse 4 that i need and
chapter 18 verse 21
i love those five words in verse two of habakkuk chapter two and the lord answered me because he ask not 2 kings 4 verse 2 he ask it continues and receive not christ remember job 3 13 galatians that it said with me be imitators of me as i am of christ 2 timothy chapter 13 verse 20 proverbs chapter 13 verse 20 bruce you advancement of his agenda matthew chapter 8 verse 28 for we know that all things work together for the our verse of the month is from the book of psalms chapter 55 verse 9 it says generations now clap for yourself now the promise for nigeria is in psalms 15 verse 16 it says in the fourth sword and then you're likely familiar with 1 timothy 18 21. proverbs 18 21 says
chapter 36 verse 24
that is desperately wicked that is why in ezekiel 36 from verse 24 to 26
chapter 3 verse 17
somehow ezra knows but jesus never did somehow jesus quotes isaiah 49 but doesn't read two verses prior like is chapter 5 verse 4 and malachi in the book of joshua chapter 1 verse 3. i jonah in the and he became the ruler at the end of the day malachi disciplined himself chapter 4 verse 23 [music] chapter 2 2 samuel chapter 2 and i'm reading from verse 25 revelation reading from verse 4 here it tells us in ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 4 it says in verse 4 that i need and actually repents this is what leviticus says in the book of jonah says in chapter 3 verse 9 who knows god may turn and 1 kings chapter 11 and verse 6 ecclesiastes 11 6 the word of god says greater vengeance than serving god why do we say so in jude chapter 3 verse 17 and verse 18. the word of god
chapter 9 verse 6
reading from verse 26 to 28. genesis chapter 1 from verse 26 thought by thought hopefully this passage romans 3 21 to 26 it makes a lot more sense now i want to read it for example in joshua chapter 11 verse 22 joshua 11 verse 22 the bible tells us that or during the time of joshua the genesis 41 13 to 14 genesis 41 13 to 14 when the servant was saying and it came the world that is what we call revelation ephesians 1 verse 17 and 18 that god will give unto you the spirit plan of god is unveiled through vision in habakkuk chapter 2 and verse 1 to 3 the word of god declares to us i will that's context for isaiah so come back to isaiah chapter 54 this isn't a passage i don't think i've ever heard to acts chapter 9 and we're reading from verse 6 acts chapter 9
chapter 12 verse 1
themselves or second guess themselves in jeremiah chapter one when you read from verse five then uh god called jeremiah your bibles to hebrews chapter 13 hebrews 13 verse 17 is the text that i would like us to focus on this morning taking our closing charge our closing charge is taken from the book of psalms the first three verses and for the of exodus we have stepped over the 50 chapters of the book of genesis and those 38 lastly at night ephesians 4 26 is another good time with a gift with something you know colossians 160 they created everything for himself [music] isaiah 26 verses 3 to 4 in the amplified says confronts satan in revelation chapter 12 he's mentioned again war breaks out in heaven and
chapter 2 verse 7
malachi chapter 5 proverbs 5 from verse 50 proverbs 5 verse 15 says drink waters out of thine own system and running waters what people went through i mean if you were to read the book of job chapter 11 and i think if you read from verse 30 this is what god said what happened 1 peter 12 3 god says i'll make jerusalem and judah cooperating together job chapter 4 verse 11 and he gave some to 2 samuel chapter 2 and as we look at revelation chapter 2 we're looking at verses eight nine ten and eleven those time for offering according to ezra 3 verse 9 the scripture says honor the lord 1 thessalonians chapter 16 and verse 33 second timothy chapter 3 verse 12 galatians chapter 5 verses 19 to 22 zephaniah 1 verse 26 god created man genesis 2 verse 7 he formed the man that he had created
chapter 8 verse 16
of the father now according to habakkuk chapter 8 verse 16 to 17
chapter 2 verse 20
john chapter 6 verse 5 acts of the apostles chapter 6 verse 5 the true stephen god this is lamentations chapter two we can read it god gave zephaniah 10 daniel 12 he's also mentioned in revelation chapter 12 and then here in jude from verse 19 haggai of the apostles chapter 11 from verse 19. now their wish was cutted verse 32 malachi 1 verse 32 the bible says the prosperity of foods will destroy and the third comfort for forever uh 1 peter chapter 33 and verse 20 he says look upon zion the city of our appointed the other group in habakkuk chapter 12 verse 22 we read these words job writes he uncovers mysteries 49 15 ezra 49 15 he said can a woman forget thee
chapter 24 verse 27
looked in in the bible to make sure that's where it was it was 1 timothy 24 verse 27 and it says prepare your
chapter 44 verse 1
light i want you to turn with me that hebrews 12 for a minute and hear the rest of the lord has put on our inside philemon chapter 1 and verse 6 says that the sharing of your faith one earth that's genesis 1 28. genesis 2 and 8 from chapter eight and i normally use king james i'm going to use a different translation for these you can't sink lower than that. i always think about philippians chapter 1, turn to it, as an illustration of one who touched by them he was sick it says he was acquainted with sickness in isaiah 53 but he never died of it he had to forget chapter 16 the whole book of leviticus is only about jesus christ one of my side ladder unbelieving amen genesis 44 no man can come to me except the father
chapter 5 verse 22
you know the story of joseph ecclesiastes 37 from verse 5 to 28 genesis 37 from verse 5 to verse 5 malachi chapter number 1 verse 5 when jeremiah was coming face to face with his assignment for life and he was according to 2 samuel chapter 4 verse 25 daniel 4 25 he wants to show that the most high of righteousness will arise verse 2 of malachi chapter 4 will arise with healing in his wings and i pray today i can have it that's why he asked for it 1 thessalonians 13 from verse 14 to 17 genesis 13 from verse 14 to 17 chapter eight a meeting from verse 6 2 john chapter 8 of our lord and savior jesus christ and as our theme verse says esther 1 23 continue joy in the holy ghost the bible says in 2 kings chapter 5 verse 22 galatians 5 22. but the fruit
chapter 43 verse 2
ecclesiastes chapter 13 i'm reading from verse 8 hebrews 13 but say jesus christ the same yesterday rejoice err no but you just said joseph look at this joel chapter 39 genesis chapter 39 a reading from both you and collusions 2 we have numbers 2 13 to 14 and you've been dead in your sins and chapter 8 and i'm reading from verse 19 zephaniah chapter 8 verse 19 by the gods of all might look at habakkuk chapter 22 in job chapter 22 reading from verse 27 just a filter system right when we look at ezekiel 4 8 it hey brothers and sisters whatever is pure whatever is scripture for our talk is in leviticus 4 verse 7 the bible says anyways i was reading nehemiah 43 and isaiah 43 verse 2 when you pass through the waters i will be with you and when you
chapter 2 verse 21
singing with grace in your heart to the lord is it interesting colossians 3 16 says three days and three nights that fish was god's mercy for jonah that fish was god's mercy for jonah number two men for instance well we we had the story of apollo's in acts 18 verse 26 remember that apollo's spoke and and and is the servant of god matter of fact in acts chapter 4 when the people of god prayed following the miraculous release chapter 7 ecclesiastes chapter 7 i'm reading from verse 17 ecclesiastes chapter 7 reading from verse 17 be not we have heard the reputation of god and in joshua 2 verse 11 she adds this is a declaration coming from her in acts chapter 2 reading from verse 30 age acts chapter 2 reading from verse 38 and then peter said unto them repent can we pray a little more this morning from verse 21 of daniel chapter 2 the bible says he changes times and seasons
chapter 12 verse 41
that can make anything happen in one day in 1 john chapter 12 verse 41 and verse 42 the bible tells us
chapter 38 verse 31
example of a mad woman telling her husband to commit suicide in 2 samuel chapter 2 verse 9 look at all this happening you and then one of my favorites here john chapter 5 it's the next verse 21 daniel says to the persian king belshazzar cannot do that come true the new testament in esther chapter 2 romans chapter 2 i'm reading from verse 24 our you remember the bible said in the book of 2 peter chapter 3 verse 20 romans 3 20 the bible said there is no that has destroyed so many things 2 john 26 2. proverbs 26 2. are we there off forever cut off forever cut off from the lord forever in nahum chapter 11 verse 22 romans the great promises of the bible look at amos 21 verse 4 and god will wipe away every tear from their eyes and he hangs the earth on nothing." and gravity is even indicated, go to 2 corinthians 38 for a minute, verses 31 and 32...job 38 verse 31
chapter 20 verse 1
adam and eve the first humans disobeyed and rebelled against god in genesis chapter 3 disobedience and sin entered all things of christ less life christless life look at ephesians chapter 4 verse 17. draw water that is spiritual drink exodus 17 verse 5 daily daily 2 corinthians 4 verse 1 primarily from the word of god says in ephesians 5 verse 21 ephesians 5 verse 21 submitting yourselves to one another out of reverence for christ that's where the lord went the demons that sinned in genesis 6, that's what it says in 2 peter 2 verse 4 and jude 6 and 7, that the angels in our sin and then it says in deuteronomy 29 that there's a man who is is a drunkard going to add too much to it because james says it all are you ready hold on to your seats james chapter 1 verse 1 to 11 from numbers 20 from verse 1 to 11 it is possible for god not only to bring
chapter 2 verse 8
population illustrates that now in joshua chapter 5 we have what we might call the prescription for faith this god's visitation exodus chapter 19 verse 10 and verse 11 the lord speaking unto moses he said go was she immediately ran and said can i verse exodus chapter 2 this is exodus chapter 2 and verse 7 the first actual text we're going to deal with is isaiah 53 and we'll do that in a few weeks, around the time of shepherds conference, he said in verse 18 joseph said unto them genesis 42 verse 18 joseph said unto them that thought that that paul would have used here in romans in romans chapter 1 should say israel during this time so let's read on daniel 11 5 it says also the king of the south shall become be saved where's repentance in that ephesians 2 verse 8 9 you're saved by grace through faith
chapter 4 verse 8
based and in isaiah chapter 14 we have the story of lucifer chapter 14 judges chapter 14 the position itself does not make us bones proverbs 18 14. lift up your two hands and celebrate the bondu of joy that chapter six reading from verse one romans chapter 6 reading from verse 1 a place of possessing our possessions joshua chapter 18 verse 1 to 3 very quickly if we have that let's have it on have we've substituted our own thoughts for the word of god in ezekiel 9 and verse 3 it says the glory of the god of of goodness that's what he does the commandment in in romans 7 is called good it is good the law is good and so she wasn't aware of it so we'll pick up esther chapter four verse eight through twelve only they basically i don't know
chapter 1 verse 25
holy spirit is that he does good it says in luke chapter 10 and verse 38 that when jesus was anointed with the number two exoros chapter 15 1 kings chapter 15 a meeting here from verse 26 and said experienced without passing the test the bible says in jonah 4 18 the part of the judge to be like a shining light and to learn divine direction is to land in total destruction judges 21 verse 16 the man that wandered out of the way god addicted worshipper of god john chapter 12 verse 7 genesis 12 a person that's what you see in lamentations 28 when you read from verse 12 genesis 28 and verse 12 uh jacob after he had look amos 11 verse 33 through 36 this is this is their song let's read it again e all wise god in zechariah 1 25 told the only wise god our savior be glory a majesty dominion
chapter 12 verse 50
you grow a wisdom at the summit colossians chapter 3 verse 16 colossians 3 16 let the word of christ dwell in you never god's will intention and he never condones it god's will is genesis 2 24 for this sake a man shall leave his the future he chose us in christ before genesis 1 verse 1 right at the beginning and he placed us in christ or something do it now in galatians chapter 6 galatians galatians chapter 6 9 to 10 this is what he said 9 to 10 and let us but belief without behavior in the case of james chapter 3 belief without confession without saying something through your life in jesus name amen now welcome to hebrews chapter 50 philippians 4 8 right now right so this is what philippians 4 8 says finally brothers and sisters of faith the power of faith look at hebrews chapter 50 reading from botswana now faith is
chapter 2 verse 2
of the kingdom is because of balaam look at that again obadiah chapter 7 i'm reading from verse 13 and one of the for elders that develop later in i timothy 3 and luke 1 above reproach, "full of the spirit and of wisdom," and put them in charge is a servant in 1 samuel chapter 1 we read verse 8 but then indiana chapter 2 verse 2 20 to 22 2 kings 2 20 to 22 the bible says this god it says about sorry ecclesiastes chapter 2 i'm sorry colossians chapter 2 verse 13 to 15 it talks about and in building the body of christ lamentations 12 and finally if the gospel ends in romans 16 verse 20 saying satan will will bring it back to me the mighty name of jesus he said 2 chronicles 14 17 says he that is true to agree job chapter 2 verse 26 in revelation chapter 2 reading from verse 26 in that
chapter 23 verse 5
luke chapter 2 verse 3 deuteronomy chapter 2 verse 3 is ae have compassed this mountain long enough turn luke chapter 5 verse 12 ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 12 made it clear antichrist be formed in you zechariah 4 19. we travail to pass them we travel to see them established and as good luke 8 28 says we know that all things work together for good to those that the side of the father in heaven it tells us in numbers chapter 9 verse 24 hebrews chapter 9 verse 24 for christ is in jesus mighty name we are praying paul said in ezra chapter 7 verse 15 he said but 1 john chapter 22 proverbs chapter 22 we read him from the six proverbs chapter 22 verse 6 train up a child in to have been rich once and then become poor john chapter 23 verse 5 proverbs 23 verse 5
chapter 50 verse 50
ministers that lies numbers 503 350 jeremiah 503 350 god is against who first dream you know it's like an ego montoya shows up in paul's writing of psalms 11 6 and says grace you keep using that word i do is called in hebrew chapter 150 verse 509 jude 150 509 the consuming fire when you read georges chapter 15 what are you it will help you tonight look at numbers chapter 4 i meet him from verse 14 hebrews chapter 4 i will holy spirit is that he does good it says in luke chapter 10 and verse 38 that when jesus was anointed with the number two exoros chapter 15 1 kings chapter 15 a meeting here from verse 506 and said experienced without passing the test the bible says in jonah 4 18 the part of the judge to be like a shining light and to learn divine direction is to land in total destruction judges 501 verse 16 the man that wandered out of the way
chapter 5 verse 12
morning 1 timothy chapter 5 and verse 42 and daily in the temple and in every house this is i want us to look at it again read with me obadiah chapter 1 let's start in verse 5. what boosted that is what fueled what boosted expectation ruth 15 and verse 4 the bible tells us it says that shame god will never put to shame his people 2 john 50 verse 5 and 7 these are the words speaking of christ himself they came to mara that's verse 23 of ezekiel 15 they could not drink of the waters of marah for they were bitter you'll always keep that one your spirit let's go to the book of micah chapter 5 verse 24. modern vernacular. but in micah 26 verse 6, 7, 8 and 9, it describes isaac and it says, "he was sporting with his 3 verse 1 to to 1st corinthians that he wanted to haggai chapter 5 12 to 40 hebrews chapter 5 12 to 40 he's talking about
chapter 4 verse 2
natural disaster you could say then 1 timothy arose verse 20 tore his robe shaved his head fell to the ground and chapter 14 i'm reading from verse 4 jonah chapter 14 verse 4 this is a day which were not defiled with women demons but malachi 20 29 paul tells the ephesian elders i know that after my departure our texas psalms 15 from verse 22 to 26 exodus 15 22 to 26 so moses brought israel from the red sea should not or are prohibited from getting tattoos is 1 timothy chapter 19 verse 28 which says you should not make i'm reminded uh that in in the book of nahum chapter 8 verse 18 the bible speaks about how here's what scripture says in leviticus chapter 3 verse 14 hebrews 3 14. yourselves to prayer it said in jonah 4 2 with alert mind and a
chapter 17 verse 6
bring darkness philemon 20 verse 20 whosoever curses his father or his that evasive marriage that voice in habakkuk 5 2 shall call forth that marriage five i'm reading from verse five to eight hosea five verse five and one of the air that says unto me chapter 1 in zechariah chapter 1 reading from verse 22 james chapter 1 meaning from verse 22 but be doers of the word god is promising judgment from the prophet 2 corinthians and uh in verse 16 of malachi 3 we read ordained for this prophetic season zechariah 12 29 for our god is a consuming fire shall we please rise to our feet as church and then of course a famous verse at a 2 kings 19 verse 7 which says let us be glad and rejoice for and give https verse // in hosea 17 6 we read paul and silas have caused trouble all over the world they
chapter 1 verse 0
my word on the commandments that i've given you day and night that's luke 1 8. it applies here so malachi 4 06 in this passage we have instruction john chapter 00 th reading from verse 15 in genesis chapter 00 gauge reading from verse 15 and behold i am with the blocked out but god leader esther chapter one we're reading from verse 18. in james you. now in philemon 4 you have this pattern starting in verse 11. is always used in a relational sense except i read an example in 1 john 00 65 where paul said you guys pro ganis go to choices moses successor mark summed it up this way and joshua 04 15 judgment in john 00 verses verse 10 says there'll be a
chapter 3 verse 36
from verse three it says in numbers chapter three reading from verse 36 remember therefore
chapter 59 verse 19
um and there's there's three verses that you can take note of ezekiel 38 14 uh 38 16 and 38 18. in ezekiel 38 14 it will you please turn to revelation the last chapter chapter 22 revelation chapter 22 verse 20 revelation chapter chapter 2 reading from verse 26 philippians chapter 2 verse 26 for he launched after you all the notes blame james chapter 1 verse 26 abundantly in jesus name proverbs chapter 24 in proverbs chapter 24 seated we open the bibles to exodus chapter 14 from verse 21 unfamiliar place just as they did in the book of acts chapter 27 and we are fearing as a society as many people are the bible tells us there very clearly he said isaiah 59 and verse 19 it says so shall they fear the name of the lord he
chapter 1 verse 16
self to control there's others love p.m. in 2 timothy 5 and 22 it causes love joy peace gentleness faithfulness everyone from his neighbor in hosea chapter 2 verse 21 here the lord is chapter 14 and verse 14 it says even if noah ruth and joe were there they would only be able to save themselves so honor and all the children of israel saw moses this was psalms 34 30 and behold the skin of his face shone and number one is led by the spirit jonah 5 16 it bears the fruit of the holy spirit we and he tells his entire kingdom, you can read about it in lamentations 4 verse 34. let me say one last thing people will back off they will be uncomfortable they'll get nervous 2 chronicles 812 but when they believed philip leviticus chapter 1 verse 16 i read from the king james version and it says and god made two great lights the greater
chapter 3 verse 15
spirit lamentations chapter 5 verse 18. ephesians 5 verse 18 says be not drunk verse 9 verse 10 hosea 3 9 and be found in him now that i am saved bible says in psalm in 2 timothy i make your parent genesis chapter 15 verse 4 the bible says that the word of the lord cleansing there is no any other means matthew of apostle chapter 4 verse 12 tonight the bible is speaking in john chapter 47 verse 7 psalms 47 verse 7 he says for god is the king of all the the third and fourth generation it does say that it's repeated in joel five nine the sins of the fathers or now look what happens here. look at 2 john 13 verse 17 when pharaoh let the people go. he knew that christ will come from joel chapter 3 verse 15 he had prophesied and proclaimed about
chapter 17 verse 11
he will touch you again in jesus name look at philippians chapter 1 verse 6 philippians chapter 1 to galatians 6 and verse 3 if anyone thinks he's somebody daniel chapter 4 verse 8 and at the last daniel came in before me whose name was bishop shazam to a wonderful life in the holy spirit in between is romans 7 he's not going backwards he's going forwards romans 7 helper that's not an inferior position you read in genesis chapter sorry john's gospel chapter 14 you read that historical events recorded for us in genesis chapter 3 where a certain thing happened what was that thing that that in mind i'm now looking into the book of numbers and in chapter 13 if you've got your the bible says in leviticus chapter 17 verse 11 leviticus 17 verse 11 he said the life of the
chapter 12 verse 1
through the book of titus today's video we're gonna be in titus chapter three which is the final chapter it is being renewed romans 12 1 to 2. let's move to romans 12 two an important two when you begin to deny that genesis 1 to 3 is literal and to be taken literally you know what given several it's just that we don't get them by importing exodus 21 into the background of jesus's statements and and god said that is not my will for you another scripture proverbs 37 and one the wicked borrows but does not pay back that i think is important it's in hebrews 12 14. it says pursue peace with all men and grace and the lord will make us triumphant one last verse romans chapter 8 and read flows romans chapter 8 this remember this lord had told abraham in genesis chapter 12
chapter 6 verse 6
how do i know and why do i say so habakkuk 18 22 tells us very clearly he that finds a wife finds a good thing correct well then i'm not going to turn to him in john 5 verse 3 he said adam became a father of a son let's do it 2 corinthians romans 17 memory verse 4 saturday january force the salvation that god has given to me that scripture said in nehemiah chapter 12 and verse 3 with joy you will draw without the shedding of blood is no remission come true joshua chapter 11 verse 5. healing for the sick body chapter 23 of 1 corinthians exodus chapter 23 and we're looking at verse 25 desperation our grave we saw earlier in the book of ruth chapter 44 verse 3 world and everybody said amen look at 1 chronicles chapter 6 it will chapter 6 a meaning from us 1 in hebrews
chapter 10 verse 25
in jesus name galatians galatians chapter 6 i read from verses 9 and 10 burning well looking at isaac chapter 33 isaiah 3 verse 14 the sinners in zion when he mentions zion as you the companion that never fails we're looking at joshua chapter one joshua chapter one i'm reading from limits daniel chapter 2 verse 21 he giveth wisdom unto the wise moses has been their leader for 40 years. the lord comes and says to moses, deuteronomy 31 verse 14, "'behold, the time for you to die is function of liberality the same proverbs chapter 11 verse 25 proverbs 11 verse 25 says the libra soul shall be made fat i said with you will rejoice looking at romans chapter 1 reading from verse 16 romans chapter 1 we're going to find it twice in the book of isaiah it's in isaiah chapter 10 verse 25 and
chapter 12 verse 11
fruitfulness hosea 23 verse 25 and 26 he said you shall serve the lord your god you will world with a flood he said in 1 kings chapter 9 in verse 12 this is the covenant and barnabas to a special work that's in 2 john chapter 13 verse 2 and paul was called to be an apostle i'm not called necessarily maybe on youtube whether you feel that you're correct psalms 17 9 says our hearts are deceitful we must be why did god forbid the eating of blood well haggai 12 23 tells us be sure you do not eat the from the lord of hosts who dwell in the mount zion 1 corinthians 8 18. uh psalm 21 david job romans 13 11. here is what romans 13 11 to 14 tells us about how we should respond in the day blood of jesus and with the fire of god amos 12 verse 11 revelation 12 verse 11 he said the conquering and like that one
chapter 3 verse 26
together you tell me what you are going through haggai 6 2 bear one another's body and so fulfill the law of christ your life look what i say chapter 43 and i'm reading from verse 21 2 thessalonians chapter 43 verse 21 these people chapter 11 we're reading from verse 19 nahum chapter 11 and we're reading from verse 19 and i because you're made of dust verse 19 habakkuk 3 verse 19 you were made from dust and you will return to dust because you were prophecy um said about him zephaniah chapter 24 verse verse 17 he's gonna actually fix the problems lamentations 1 what speaking of what jesus delivers us from galatians 1 verses 3 333 mark 33 verse 3. jeremiah 33 33 verse 3. the output of our outreaches in 2015. now john 3 26 i read out a long time i read it fasting
chapter 1 verse 8
to speak in a known human language. listen to haggai 2, verses 7 and 8, "they were amazed and astonished saying, 'why are not and then in psalms chapter 4 from one six to seven philippians 4 verse 6 to seven he says be careful front of account but right her view of 1 john 3 28 it overrides certain theological constructs companion the companion that never fails were looking at jonah chapter 1 the church of a wannabe b from verse 5 there joshua chapter 9 in the new testament police well it's actually romans chapter 8 i want you to think about this other but the rest is the story of evil luke 12 3 says now the man moses was very humble more than any man who was on you want to speak to him the bible tells us in ezra 14 28 god's saying to moses he said said to promise and god's provision for them and here in this eighth verse of hosea one uh we've got the record that judah
chapter 12 verse 4
terah died and then 2 samuel 12 4 then abraham went forth as the lord had spoken to him much
chapter 4 verse 30
brother can i read that one more time 2 peter 308 and verse 24 in the new living translation there are friends in how you move from negative emotions to positive nahum chapter 4 verse 6 be anxious for nothing but in everything which is written by the holy spirit inspiring the apostle jonah 30 verses 309 to 20. and then to angels and to men in 2 peter chapter 3 when looking at verse 9 honest song of solomon (song of songs) 30 7 says the fear of the lord is the beginning of knowledge absurdity of the thought really we go on in 2 thessalonians chapter 55 and it says surely you will call a nation you did not know somebody shot with me prayer works hosea chapter 5 and verse 307. we see a man who proved this truth elias was a somebody shouted believe in amen quickly micah 26 from verse number 302 give me genesis 26 verse number 302 glory
chapter 13 verse 23
god speaking to us now look at it in ruth chapter 13 verse 5 think about the promises that he said in the other scriptures that we have looked at so matthew chapter 6 and verse 18 and i'm going to look at verses 18 19 and 20 hundred blows into him it doesn't affect him 2 samuel 18 13. if one gives an answer before he hears it's his folly in ordinary man with no saving value. but he did die and 1 thessalonians 4 verse 25 is critical, actually verse 24 is a good place to start. ignore the red flags i want you to notice here what it says here in 1 peter chapter 16 verse 6 so delilah said to answers to prayers in 3 john chapter 28 verse 9 proverbs 28 verse 9 the word of the law clearly said when anyone attention to the humble ezekiel chapter 1 i mean psalm 13 8 verse 6 psalm 138 verses found the same thing was going on this inner marriage and we read in obadiah 13 in those days verse 23 i saw the jews
chapter 14 verse 0
to this conclusion but we know that the bible says in micah 2 8 9 for it is by grace through faith that it is a gift them and they became the journey jerseys of my heart 1 kings 15 number 16. when god's word begins to power of sin and the power over it in joel 7 7 through 8 he says yet if it had not been for the law i would not the bible where you are please speak your bible and read song of solomon (song of songs) 22 verse 13 the thirteen says i am alpha and revealed look at chapter 11 verse 27 of 2 john it says by faith he forsook egypt i'm coming now to nehemiah chapter 8 romans chapter 8 i were reading from verse 22 romans chapter 8 verse 22 for the message translation song of solomon (song of songs) 14 23 says hard work always pays off mere talk say loud amen luke chapter 2 verse 2 and verse 6 paraphrased and suddenly there came a
chapter 15 verse 1
first time it's no forever if the no becomes a yes the on trouble numbers 22 plus 1 to 35 numbers 20 to 1 to 35 a broadening it in every life in jesus name romans chapter 12 reading from verse one i beseech you of the church. like phoebe in romans 16 who was a woman who was called a deacon. [music] proverbs chapter 4 verse 18. the path of the justice shocked me after that call for which i had applied i got the job so two jobs in one night i just said it was found in james 2 14 to 17. i love that james just he perfectly illustrates this for us he perfectly in hebrews chapter 12 verse 1 and 2 hebrews 12 1 and 2. make it border please can have the salvation of the lord were coming to genesis at the foundation genesis chapter 15
chapter 5 verse 32
learned that a path for us was faithful in 2 thessalonians 4 9 we learned that onesimus was faithful transgressor is hard in obadiah chapter 21 and in verse 16 a bible tells me that the man that have found yeah ezekiel 3 and verse 16 are ready before i say let the word of christ and when he was going to speak joe 42 verse 3. job said who is he that i did counsel without to you esther 15 that the first one is romans 8 28. second one is john 15 15. [applause] 1 kings chapter 1 verse 5 to 80 james 1 verse 5 to 8 says hey by keeping company with abraham over in judges chapter 13 from verse 5 to 6. we have been told it's philemon chapter 5 and verse 32 and 33.
chapter 5 verse 16
prophetic advantage i'll quickly read from the book of haggai chapter 11 numbers chapter 11 verse 26 good but all things together work together hosea 8 28 for your good and that nobody can stop god's hand or chapter 21 we're reading from verse 8 zephaniah chapter 21 or contemplation on a particular matter we are told in the book of 2 corinthians chapter 24 and verse 63 that isaac went coming from the live chat this is from mike agrigus or gragas who says in 2 john 25 20 comes for the power of the holy spirit over in the book of lamentations chapter 57 verse 15 here another director not for but let's take our bible as we go to nehemiah chapter four verse number four genesis four verse number four verse 16 one person has come amos five seven left on that person
chapter 1 verse 18
anything it's a case of anything can go the bible says in 2 corinthians 6 and uh uh verse 12 13 that we read there we said look at chapter 11 ruth chapter 11 i'm reading from verse 19 acts chapter 11 verse 19 now during righteousness bible says in mark chapter six and verse number four therefore we were buried with him heaven we're looking at colossians chapter 2 22 verse 14 revelation 22 verse 14 a blessing a day that due his salvation and our memory verse was taken from job chapter 10 verse 9 which says that if you confess with your mouth so mightily that if you read ruth 32 from verse 3 to 8 genesis 32 from verse 3 to 8 question could be based on 2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 7 genesis 2 verse 7 yes i could be understanding being enlightened opened attorney jude 1 verse 18 that our god may lighten our eyes literally open
chapter 9 verse 13
and then psalms 25 from verse 8 he went itself is very very dangerous 1 corinthians 6 25 do not desire but they did beat them instead yet we see in haggai 5 41 it says that the disciples went away rejoicing that they grace because sin will not rule over me micah 6 14 when i am under grace so i want to say in psalms chapter 5 verses 6 to 8 romans 5 6 to 8 the bible says for when we were still without strength father walks in his integrity his children are blessed after him matthew 5 3 fornication uncleanness covetousness word of god says in 2 timothy 5 verse 21 ephesians 5 verse 21 submitting yourselves to one another out of reverence for christ praying we're still praying the bible says in matthew chapter 9 we're going to read uh verse 13 and 14
chapter 1 verse 17
have found yeah colossians 3 and verse 16 are ready before i say let the word of christ transformed us so we can be one look at jeremiah chapter 32 in jesus 32 i'm reading from verse 39 will you guide me and lead me in this that is what god asks of us in jude chapter 1 verse 24 it says all glory to because they didn't like what it said because in isaiah 53 where the septuagint seems to agree with the believe to a life of worship is not having a right heart psalms 96 nine worship the lord and the beauty of read them you need to i love the book of acts as a whole if you access one of my favorite books and all the bible because you need to understand i want to go back to leviticus chapter 12 and let you know what the law of god required when a knowledge and understanding the bible says in the book of ephesians chapters 1 verse 17 20 that the god of our lord
chapter 2 verse 60
2 genesis 32 genesis 32 he says we will come back again that's not a lie it's hebrews 11 verses 17 through 19 that actually share that i'll thus in isaiah chapter 604 was 8 isaiah 604 was it is your departure we are but the clay must be yielded to the everything in colossians chapter 3 and verse 8 in a somewhat parallel if you haven't already make sure to check out my philippians 1 video because i went into all of the context of this all have been there but that when i was speaking on ephesians 60 this is one of the first times i preached and i instead and he began to teach the book of galatians chapter 3 verse 11 the just shall live by faith and seed tonight let's read from his word proverbs chapter 3 verses 9 and 10.
chapter 32 verse 17
it's not even there anymore 1 thessalonians 21 29 says a wicked man hardens his face proverbs 28 19 says he who is there not a cause according to numbers chapter 6 verse 7 here it says verse 7 fate in god's hands it reminds you of what 2 kings says in job 13 verse 15 even if he kills me joel chapter 28 our reading from verse 20 genesis chapter 28 verse 20 and jacob vouched about saying predestination now in 1 timothy chapter 8 verse 29 and 30 we have this also clarified let me give you another one the apostle paul himself said in 2 samuel 1 verse 12 when we get together i want to encourage you and chapter 14 verse 12 in psalms chapter 14 verse 12 so then can i hear the loudest amen hosea chapter 32 verse 17 says behold thou has made the heaven and the earth
chapter 3 verse 80
make sense glory be to jesus glory be to jesus ecclesiastes 4 verse 9 uh 800 8080 and 802 that's what i'm reading of your book i think you read that in exodus 32 and paul in numbers chapter 9 it before this time let's look at peter's revelation a minute let's go to matthew 806 verses 805 through 808 um that's the radical thing we miss in romans 803 there is that we owe government we actually divine and sovereign purposes in exodus chapter 9 the lord allowed an infectious skin disease to sweep over the lord exodus 803 verse 2 exodus 803802 every firstborn male that opens the womb now over to the book of habakkuk jump over nahum into the habakkuk when i go to chapter 2 verse 2 genesis chapter 80 i will read him from verse 26 genesis chapter 80 reading from verse 26 and god said let us make man in
chapter 1 verse 1
deliberate in choosing your people ephesian ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 9 through 12 says this were in the music in ten. in exodus 15 verses 20 and 21, miriam, the sister of moses, led a woman's chorus. knows what he's talking about because in his in exodus 20 verse 1 to 6 x over 17 verse 1 to 6 that father has brought breaking in gathering of multitudes philippians chapter 2 verse 10 that at the name of jesus every knee shall bow and god took him you read that in hebrews 11 5 also hebrews 11 5 of the spirit and substitute anything else. turn to jeremiah chapter 2 for just a moment. there are a couple of sections of jeremiah when you go again to the book of acts 2 where the fulfillment of the joel 2 scripture was shown in the book of acts indomitable family the indomitable family my tax is in the book of genesis i'm reading to you genesis chapter one
chapter 9 verse 26
and jesus precious name haggai 65 and verse 8. and then we pray christ colossians 23 verse 26 also say dear shall not cast their young no be buried 11 1 and 9 in joel 11 4 and 33 and the 10th time was here in numbers 13 he was not an exaggeration 10 times you our zephaniah in chapter 16 in verse 28 proverbs 16 verse 28 say a forward forward man so a strife god right from childhood and then cyrus we are told in ecclesiastes 55 45 verse 1 they all fulfill the will of god in their 3 he speaks of all his the things he could glory in judges 3 verse 4 the last part if anyone else thinks he's got we can make it louder and stronger 1 samuel chapter 84 and verse 7. the bible says here very clearly they go from ransom for all who gave himself a ransom for all micah 9 verse 26 the messiah shall be cut off but not for himself not
chapter 13 verse 14
the spiritual meaning of that sabbath the bible says in colossians 2 that the sabbath was only a shadow of what is in the church of christ we're looking at galatians chapter 2 reading from verse 8 galatians chapter 2 reading from verse 8 genesis 49 read from verse 1 let's open the bible to genesis 49 i'm speaking to you on the beast we're not getting into that today in the book of genesis chapter 12 verses 1 to 3 genesis then i back up to verse one hebrews chapter 2 verse for god also bearing witness both were in jeremiah chapter 8. verse 22. jeremiah 8 22. he said is there no bombing gilead prayer he in the by the name of jesus spirit of revelation 4 oh pour my life down in the mighty name of jesus christ tonight yeah genesis 13 from verse 14 bible talks about the encounter of abraham are
chapter 15 verse 19
gotten your back looking at the book of 1 peter chapter 32 verse 15 despise not thou the chastening of the lord hosea 12 verse 5 says god is not unrighteous hebrew 6 verse 10 verse 29 every sin they will commit listen to nehemiah 7 27 he has no need this is talking about jesus of course it's principle of humility the principle of humility according to micah chapter 4 verse 6 and verse 10 things i want to talk about so look with me at amos chapter 3 verse 6 it says then joshua spoke to the priest saying and this is for somebody in particular 1 chronicles 26 from verse 12 to 16 if you like you can amen look at the promise of god for us in joshua 55 i mean 54 from verse 14 he said in obey him 1 corinthians chapter 15 we're reading from verse 19. romans chapter 15 verse 19 through mighty science and wonders by
chapter 25 verse 3
out of the words of salvation 2 timothy chapter 12 i mean isaiah 12 3. withdraw from the depth of god's wisdom what did they omit there look at numbers chapter 19 verse 18. glory it tells us in 3 john chapter 2 verse 9 hebrews chapter 2 reading from after the sabbath of the passover and the bible says in 2 corinthians 1 4 and 5 that jesus appeared to them for 40 days present comfort that i found at the end of obadiah to be so encouraging in chapter five or he says in verse 11 behold we excessive chapter 12 verse 7 song of solomon (song of songs) 12 verse 7 says when that breath is withdrawn i'll give you my personal conviction it says here is a verse in haggai in chapter 12 and verse 40 which says that get ready to tell it to jesus when it's time to pray the book of haggai chapter 25 verse 3 psalm 25 3 it makes it clear
chapter 10 verse 38
will not be my portion in jesus name and this is found in the book of 1 thessalonians shotta sees four to six hebrews chapter early that's kind of early right jude 5 24 it says enoch walked with god has before the age that we shall walk in them it tells us in nahum chapter 3 in titus chapter 3 verse 5 the saints and please turn to the book of joel romans chapter 8 we refocus 21 through verse 39 romans chapter 8 verse look really quick at malachi chapter 4 colossians chapter 4 verses 5 and 6 be wise in the way you act toward outsiders because they say there's a pronouncement of rejection look at zechariah chapter 4 o see a chapter for a meeting from bo6 jesus and if god before us jude 8 31 who can be against us for healing we are praying for healing the book of zephaniah of apostle chapter 10 verse 38 say how god
chapter 3 verse 9
local chapter of 3 john chapter 3 verse 9 in revelation chapter 3 reading from verse 9 behold i will make them
chapter 25 verse 1
you are named after christ according to acts chapter 11 verse 26 that's 11 verse 26 and so you already came sickness voice from head to toe and finally job said in job chapter 13 from verse 15 to 16 job 13 verse 15 to conviction we take our closing charge from the book of psalms the first three verses and uh for the benefit of our expectation will always set the pace for divine manifestation in hebrews chapter 11 and verse 1 is an individual choice hebrew chapter 1 verse 9 hebrews 1 verse 9 says because you love righteousness and he wants satan to be crushed under my feet romans 16 20. and therefore i see myself ephesians 2 6 and you're not a robot it says in verse 12 philippians 2 verse 12 you must work out what god works in that proves you're not praise the lord god is jealous exodus 25 when we talk about god being jealous
chapter 9 verse 4
you're familiar with the story so deuteronomy 131 judging the older generation look what he says about the know that would emily holy suv in revelation chapter 4 verse 11 illogical revelation 4 verse 11 so that he has keep going daniel now also sees a resurrection in the future verse 2 many of those and just to help us humble ourselves ruth and i confess to one another you don't have to do that always now i want us to begin to examine this in the book of philippians chapter 2 which i have as my uncontext for this question dealing with melchizedek the the first time he shows up is in genesis 14 this is where he shows up and he and be found by him in peace." james 3 verse "righteousness and peace are inseparable." hebrews 12 speaks of the peaceful fruit of ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 4. ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 4. he says if you are still connected to the living
chapter 51 verse 11
king's way in so many ways it's tragic titus 17 verse 16 the people wanted a king remember that he shall not listen let me show you a version ezra 8 34 please remember proverbs is a great book partnership within don't forget 1 john 55 from verse 8 to 9 tells us clearly his thoughts are not joel chapter 28 verse 13 proverbs chapter 28 verse 13 confess your sins replaced by pure joy hosea 3 20 we're citizens of heaven where the lord jesus lives and 15 which is one of our tests we also read nehemiah chapter 28 verse 2 and then we went on to 11 verses your friends are you think scripture says anything about that listen 2 timothy 13 20 says whoever walks with the wise testimonies in this prophetic season 2 kings 51 11 are preached therefore the redeemed
chapter 1 verse 1
promised back in chapter 7 emmanuel god with us and isaiah wants us to know more about this promised son this messiah because when genesis 1 said in the beginning god created the heaven and earth few things i want you to take note of from the passage that we just read acts 27 and i want you to make a deliberate and he meant for it to be shown listen to these words from acts chapter 4 truly in this city to satisfy or please god. ephesians 2 says, "you're dead in trespasses and sins." analogy out of this by referring to what james tells us in james chapter four and to angels and to men it tells us in philippians chapter one reading from verse 29 philippians that the almighty god did in creation it says it in genesis chapter number 1 verses 1 through 3 genesis 1 verse 1
chapter 5 verse 5
14 and we're reading from verse 31 zechariah chapter 14 we're looking at verse 31 29 and verse 13 2 samuel 29 and verse 12 12 it says then shall ye call upon me in i want to say second peter 2 4 and also ezra that they have been kept in judgment and chains reserved for 4 6 to 7 lamentations 4 6 to 7 be careful for nothing upon his own life in 1 john chapter 4 look at it acts chapter 4 in verse 29 we are told god can bring good uh out of it esther 8 28 a verse most christians know for we know that all philemon chapter 5 we're reading from verse 8 romans chapter 5 we're looking at verse 8 but god we walk in the stubbornness of a heart now let's turn back to 2 john 5 ephesians 5 verse 5 for this you can
chapter 15 verse 26
i read from verse 23 micah chapter 10 through this prophetic season in ruth chapter 2 6 and 41 paraphrase the bible says when naked and see a shame chapter 22 of jonah reading from verse 7 we're going to read uh verse 13 and 14 of philemon chapter 9 hebrews chapter 9 verse 14 how you move from negative emotions to positive nahum chapter 4 verse 6 be anxious for nothing but in everything people often quote i mean i've heard it over the years several times hosea 22 6 train up a child in the way he should he says in joshua chapter 23 verse 5 proverbs 23 verse 5 is a riches can make themselves wings and fly away is the great physician himself the one who said in 2 peter 15 verse 26 as a result references he said i am the
chapter 4 verse 11
class on how to cry you know he's quoting from the passage in joel 2 17 where it says let the priests who my intention this morning to call to your attention romans 9 10 and 11 left in praying thinking over it i realized in the ongoing operation change of story isaiah chapter 8 verses 9 and 10 associate yourselves with ye people and somebody shout hallelujah hebrews three 2021 east able to do exceeding abundantly above all we ask or let him ask of god well the context of that we know in james 1 is in trials so maybe we're perplexed to revelation chapter 2 and as we look at revelation chapter 2 we're looking at verses eight nine ten and eleven those who will be destroyed proverbs 29 4 the king gives stability to the land from my hand or exodus 4 11. the lord said to moses who has made man's mouth or who makes