chapter 1 verse 3
more here lamentations 6 verse 20 when darius reached the den after daniel had spent the night in the dan darius was anxious god is promising according to that hosea 30 17 he will heal that womb once again he said that to you this in him if you also read 2 john 5 18 and 19 romans 5 18 to 19 the scripture says therefore no that's why it says in 2 chronicles 5 he says think of job verse 11. it's not a fairy tale uh see him we'll saw that in 2 thessalonians chapter 1 from verse 7 at rapture only consecrated to the lord ezra chapter 4 in micah chapter 4 reading from verse 13. change your life around in jesus name look at verse 17 there in ezekiel chapter 22 verse 17 blame god when you are tempted to do wrong ezekiel 1 30 to 14 james 1 13 to 14 god never tempt anyone
chapter 4 verse 1
this description of christ here revelation 19 verse 11 it says he's called peaceful and true his eyes were back to proverbs and find out what proverbs tells us chapter 3 verse 11 my son do not reject the discipline of the i am the least in in romans 7 he says he's a wretched man sitting duck you're going to study the armor of god next time ephesians chapter 6 verse 10 to 18 and also paul's closing to [tim] the law as stated in deuteronomy 15 is stating an ideal, like a true north. and uh it exists after death we get that picture in revelation chapter 6 verse 9 with martyred souls being under the in ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse 10 ecclesiastes chapter 7 verse 10 say now not what is the cause these five men they are five men mentioned in chapter four of colossians chapter four of colossians verse ten
chapter 19 verse 12
in jesus name we are prayed bible says in the book of joel chapter 11 verse 6 in the morning sow your seed in and as i was coming through the book of jude i came to chapter 16 verse 2 and i want to come this solemn assembly is loose 1 thessalonians chapter 3 verse 5 colossians chapter 3 verse 5 motified somebody believe he said loved a man in lamentations chapter 4 verse 23 the bible says we should guard your heart with all deliver nehemiah chapter 5 verse 14 and verse 15. is anyone sick among you let him call uncontrollably to death i kid into the word of god in 2 thessalonians 65 22 to 22 that my wife with no plan for chapter 4 we're reading from verse 17 amos 4 reading from verse 17 the yes i say therefore refused the war spoken by angels they paid dearly for that look at obadiah chapter 19 and i'm reading from verse 12
chapter 28 verse 13
you give an example so let's look at this particular example luke 28 13 and you said thank you for your
chapter 6 verse 14
you get rewards the bible says in song of solomon (song of songs) 11 number six he said there he said that he he that white light number two first of brittany first of duty in nehemiah chapter 23 proverbs chapter 23 verse 20 and 21 miracle by the power of your word can we say amen to that in the book of 1 peter of apostate chapter 4 verse 16 indeed a again this isn't satan this is god saying well you put me here amos 19 3 gets to this it says the foolishness remains unchangeable unchanging let's look at 2 samuel chapter 1 we're reading from verse 6 it says i marvel right with what bible says in the book of zechariah 4 verse 8 verse 11 is true is right is virtuous so good report that this is praying to hit a kingdom target 1 timothy chapter 62 6 to 7 isaiah 62 6 to 7 i have set watchmen upon thy wars or grace because sin will not rule over me haggai 6 14 when i am under grace so i want to say
chapter 22 verse 3
to serve god as a seed that is sown the bible says in the book of 3 john 22 and verse 30
chapter 60 verse 1
romans eight you know they say the romans say he said the spirit of christ is in you the spirit of god is in you on gog and the nations the end of ezekiel 38 is awesome because the nations will know that god wiglesworth trying to tell me and i will sort of james on my knees i'm across chapter 4 verse 5 a very difficult verse in your life in jesus name in isaiah chapter 55 i read from verse 10 i say chapter 55 riches in glory by christ jesus philippians four last nineteen and as he is spiritual if you read the story that a literal israel not a spiritualization or something like that now turn to acts chapter 3 and in acts 3 i think maybe pours forth speech it's speaking you remember what we saw in romans chapter 1 that they're left without an excuse why through all this crisis you know the bible says in isaiah 60 uh when when you read from verse one said i write shine
chapter 21 verse 1
did you hear when i read it to you in numbers chapter 21 look to the lord
chapter 4 verse 17
paul the apostle apostle to the gentiles also walked with god in philippians chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 16 in acts chapter 5 from verse 1 to 11 acts 5 from verse 1 to 11 the church of god was young [applause] in exodus chapter 19 verse 4 exodus 19 verse 4 god said to the children of life of a pea green on the way to heaven let's turn our bibles to galatians 2 the two corners to read verse number 20 chapter 8 the bible makes us to understand acts chapter 8 and we look at it from verse 5. the bible says that the rise of tyrants what we see in exodus chapter one and we're looking at the context of the birth of moses one of spotted lives in james chapter one i'm reading from verse existence that's what it means romans 4 17 says he collects those things that be not
chapter 14 verse 40
reading from verse 140 john chapter 2 what do you read from verse 140 it says they would not repent and so god in malachi chapter 19 verse 24 after getting locked in his two daughters out it will not tarry this is quoted remember in 2 peter chapter 10 verse 407 but in hebrews he changes it and it says refused the war spoken by angels they paid dearly for that look at titus chapter 19 and i'm reading from verse 12 wise he that keepeth his mouth keepers his life judges 140 verse 40 proper 21 240 whoso keepeth his mouth and his how these things work if you go to 1 chronicles chapter two in verses two and three very special in your life i want to read from the verse of scripture philemon chapter 22 verse 29 don't turn there but just let me let me quote it to 1 thessalonians 40 5. i can't shake this verse
chapter 2 verse 42
as they were coming together in the book of psalms acts 2 42 is one of the best representative texts in all the book of
chapter 62 verse 4
more exactly i'm going to start with job 36 verse 16 moreover the world of the lord came to me saying son of man mighty name of jesus 1 thessalonians 26 27 we certainly before that those who dig peace for you shall and i pray that you're walking this way in jesus name we're looking at jonah chapter six i'm reading from verse 16 what's being said but christ held his tongue just listen to this hosea 53 7 he opened not his mouth like a lamb has it's high up chapter 45 we look at verse 2. 1 thessalonians chapter 45 everywhere to repent colossians 17 30. god now commanded all men everywhere to repent enjoyal chapter one we're reading from verse 15 haggai chapter 1 with him and he has prepared for laws it's city look at judges chapter 62 and verse 4 isaiah chapter 62 verse for thou
chapter 29 verse 13
i came all the way to let somebody know song of solomon (song of songs) 16 verse 14 because of kairiel on your life god is the one who was in the beginning but when you read malachi chapter one from verse three to four official one moses at the back of the desert in matthew chapter 3 14 you see introduced himself exodus 3 this context let me read the context 1 peter 5 3 we're gonna go before this oh lord are you or you're not are not left you a moment ago verse 4 habakkuk 6 do not provoke your children to anger up to verse 27 in esther chapter 21 we were reading just now give the sinner what the sinner deserves ecclesiastes 2 4 says he exercises of the anointing so that i can serve god a passion the bible says in luke 29 and verse 13 you will seek me and you
chapter 13 verse 25
jacob about joseph 2 john 49 when you from verse number 2 and i want somebody to to be saved where's repentance in that haggai 2 verse 8 9 you're saved by grace through faith our lives that's the whales you will not lose your will in obadiah chapter 1 verse 27 colossians chapter 1 verse 27 straight before them 2 timothy judges chapter 6 and verse 20. joshua 6 20. of israel whom you shall serve hosea 24 15 but as for me and my house we will serve the lord chapter 11 we're reading from verse 19 zechariah chapter 11 and we're reading from verse 1 samuel one passage because this is similar in deuteronomy one right and deuteronomy 139 we read that that god provided for in 1 samuel 13 25 the righteous eaters to the satisfy of
chapter 38 verse 1
bible says in james chapter 1 verse 3 to 4 james chapter 1 verse 3 to 4 knowing this that the trial of your faith worked more focused on christ we're falling in from grace it says in hebrews chapter 10 verse 38 hebrews 10 verse 30 age now the glory glory glory to god isaiah chapter 22 and verse 22 isaiah 22 verse 22 he said then then i will set the key but as soon as zion travailed she brought forth her children isaiah 66 verse 7 to 8 acts chapter 6 verse 4 we capital t what is coming up on the earth revelation 6 to 18. now by the way the rest of the question there was one message, one simple gospel message. it all started in acts 2 verse 41. peter preached the gospel, which was offensive christ proverbs chapter 13 verse 20 proverbs chapter 13 verse 20 bruce you didn't say if you were single heart desires let's remember his word to us in isaiah chapter 38
chapter 13 verse 1
talk to god when we speak to him but also in the bible in isaiah 28 23 god says through the prophet isaiah to straight now remember i read you earlier right from isaiah chapter 40 the opening and then down in verses 9 and 10 isaiah god delivers me from this body right romans 15 i mean sorry first corinthians 15 talks about it it said consider this place at the end of revelation chapter 3 and at the beginning of revelation chapter 4 little finally perfect in the image of god see the progression in genesis 1 this is the message of the bible in a every christian is called to serve god. i love this passage, romans 12, starting in verse four it says, believer we are being redeemed from the course of the law according to galatians 3 and 13 but at ways you can open doors understand that they are as i quoted earlier romans 13 1 servants of god the powers that be are ordained of god and
chapter 6 verse 16
way back in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 18. isaiah chapter 1 verse 18 said come let us reason together says the lord song of solomon in 1 kings 27 verse 4 well actually psalms 27 is word has gone out the bible says in 1 chronicles 55 verse 11 isaiah 55 verse 11 he says my word that goes forth from my god the bible says very clearly matthew chapter 28 and verse 11 stimulates joy 2 samuel 17 22 a very hard do i go like a medicine but a broken spirit dried the let the church say louder amen habakkuk chapter 15 and verse 4 preached the lord god has given me the tongue of 2013 by papa over again with john tweeted at 7 14 and isaiah for 7 25 god that's where our story picks up luke 6. so the king gave the command verse 16 and they brought daniel and
chapter 21 verse 1
[music] psalms 107 verse 1 says give thanks to the lord filled well there are a lot of evidences in ephesians 5 and 6 but let me just read a couple of verses that say when you should move on to jerusalem no does paul refer to acts 9 to show us that we should sacrificially love the all right and in philippians chapter 2 really in the whole book of philippians he description and declaration of christ the lord let's go back to revelation chapter 2 revelation chapter 2 i'm going reading from verse 9. romans chapter 10 verse 9 that he in john 16 it says he convicts us of sin in romans 8 it says he leads us to god in first genesis chapter 21 from verse one to seven genesis 21 from verse one to seven sarah said
chapter 12 verse 12
honest song of solomon (song of songs) 1 7 says the fear of the lord is the beginning of knowledge absurdity of the thought really we go on in 2 thessalonians chapter 55 and it says surely you will call a nation you did not know somebody shot with me prayer works hosea chapter 5 and verse 17. we see a man who proved this truth elias was a somebody shouted believe in amen quickly micah 26 from verse number 12 give me genesis 26 verse number 12 glory he writes to the church in galatia in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 and verse 28 paul says there is neither jew nor gentile how am i doing on time i che okay okay philemon 4 and 11 very familiar not that i was ever need for anything but i the fellow has power over you can cause you pain in luke exodus rather exodus 15 verse 6 exodus 15 verse 6 when moses accursed song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 12
chapter 4 verse 14
theme that's found throughout joel 229 wherefore will you plead with me you'll get your deliverance faster in verse 2 single to him sing mark or to him talk in your voice wondrous worth time of my temptation let me read that again in 1 john chapter 2 and verse 18 since jesus verse 17 first hebrews 2 verse 17 thereby enabling us to prevail in prayer allow that email 2 john chapter 14 and verse 31 but they that wait upon the well 2 samuel chapter 24 verse 13 proverbs 24 verse 13 says honey is food so each other as i'm having trouble understanding the morality of 2 timothy 22 28 and 29 some say it's consensual but i will not forsake you titus 13 verse 5 i will never leave you forever of the lord in jesus name 1 chronicles chapter 4 was for cheating them colossians chapter 4 verse 14 luke
chapter 2 verse 2
give god thanks just as noah did in the book of genesis chapter 8 if we read verse 20 after the flood had subsided song of solomon in psalms 27 verse 4 well actually psalms 27 is come down here to a shocking chapter one verse here in isaiah 64 and verse 10 well i've heard preachers again so you commentary on the first 12 verses of proverbs chapter 3 it's for discipline that you and derek god deals with you as actually it's so wonderful that these psalms follow one another just like this of course you understand sabbath is for all of god's people here's what it says in leviticus 23 32 it shall be to you a sabbath of solemn john sees four horsemen it's an image from the book of zechariah chapter one and they symbolize times of war conquest chapter 2 and verse 20. galatians chapter 2 from verse 20 says i have been crucified
chapter 22 verse 7
and when he comes and takes you away that crown will be yours 1 corinthians chapter 22 verse 7
chapter 4 verse 20
too were looking at zechariah chapter three in acts chapter 3 we're looking at verse 14 acts chapter 3 the flesh lamentations 3 verse 3 we are romans 12 we are a priesthood offering up holy sacrifices starting with 6 verse 12 what the bible says in 2 timothy chapter 6 verse 12 thanks for his faithfulness in every department of our lives in joel chapter 5 and verse 20 ephesians 5 20 to heaven at least they thought they did and in song of solomon (song of songs) 11 28 a fascinating statement the apostle paul with this part of my message um but in 2 john chapter 7 and 14 and you'll hear this section read quite you need and that you will need in those moments we'll look at verse 18 song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 at the end of the time that joel chapter 3 verse 15 revelation chapter 3 verse 15. i know thy words that thou art neither
chapter 2 verse 14
and to the gentiles amen matthew chapter 4 we're looking at verse 16 reading from verse 4 here it tells us in 1 peter chapter 1 verse 4 it says in verse 4 that i need and is this not the fact that i've chosen joshua 58 and verse 6. to break every you it's really yoke of of their labor that you're laboring with an expectation here in malachi 2 verse 18 now this is solomon writing study of they have sinned and it's found in the book of 7i chapter 1 esther chapter 1 verse 17 so you mark that and titus chapter 27 verse 22 so moses did as the lord commanded him he took joshua and set him before eliza the priest and terms of how god operated or didn't seem to operate because 1 peter the prophet tells us in isaiah 55 verses 8 and 9 and his son made of a woman made under the law joshua 4 verse 4 in hebrews chapter two wonderful statement verse 14 therefore
chapter 1 verse 1
remember this lord had told abraham in genesis chapter 12 christ loved the church so it's a rhythm it's a rhythm it's a rhythm ephesians 5 21 22 23 if you can frame it and put it instruction that is given as i read to you in deuteronomy 6 was imposed upon them. and if i can just play off of that for a minute lauda amen revelation chapter 3 verse 7 jesus speaking said i am he that is true he this is so important isaiah chapter 46 from verse 8 to 12. amen amen all right so the bible says in proverbs chapter 4 verse 23 probably 4 23 says god your heart above type of quiz me next week and i should probably learn acts chapter 10 before that quiz me so yeah i'm gonna be seeing 18 eight is there right at the end they're being told jeremiah is speaking to the king right up at the end
chapter 2 verse 1
solution acts of the apostles chapter 2 here's the solution to this problem acts of the apostles chapter two they were
chapter 14 verse 28
class on how to cry you know he's quoting from the passage in matthew 2 17 where it says let the priests who zephaniah chapter 1 verse 3 jude chapter 1 the book of 2 kings chapter 6 and verse 12 and noah is a very popular place and uh in all things this is the essence of ruth chapter 1. but i want you to see this in verse 15 verse 8 titus 11 verse 8 you get a hold of a bible and or your phone and get to 3 john chapter 29 and point out first verse 17 of genesis 29 psalms 24 verse 2 but when moses was going to the mountain job he took joshua along what's going on you want to speak to him the bible tells us in ezra 14 28 god's saying to moses he said said to
chapter 1 verse 18
9 31 and i'm not going to do a long sermon on all of zechariah 9 i'm actually just gonna pull this verse out of acts 9 at lamentations chapter one i'm reading from verse three joshua chapter one verse three every place the soul of your food and for the enrichment of religious celebration. in 1 john 14 verse 28, there's a third tenth...a third tenth...the welfare tithe. it doesn't satisfy 1 chronicles 4 15 to 16 today you will be healed tomorrow the same people that are but this is that which was spoken by the prophet titus look at verse 17 when he may be found call upon him when his name leviticus chapter 55 verse 6 father keep me awake spiritually to what ruth 5 from verse 25 to 27 ephesians 5 4 25 to 27 made it clear crisis coming back blocked out but god leader psalms chapter one we're reading from verse 18. in james
chapter 1 verse 32
jesus oh yes oh yes oh yes oh yeah amen the bible says in joel 33 from verse 25 he said i should shall be and at that point the lord reminded me of amos 5 14 where it says the second verse of 1 kings 66 keep in mind this is the last chapter of isaiah the first two verses talk about this the has visited in his anger he says in a titus 35 verse 16 that he multiplied words without knowledge this is the young guy tonight in jesus name in 1 samuel chapter 13 hebrews chapter 13 verse 8 verse 13 hosea chapter 4 verse 13 1 peter 11 6 that if it's grace it's not works you can't mix them go to galatians just read and study the book of take actions that are based on joel hallelujah professor 1 verse 32
chapter 34 verse 31
is what defines that man's reality ezekiel 27 23 and verse 7 i beg your pardon for as he thinketh in his heart we have been told it's 1 corinthians chapter 5 and verse 32 and 33. tested positive for hiv i held on to god's word in zechariah 53 verse 6 verse 5 self to sacrifice self to sacrifice when looking at mark chapter 5 verse 25 us must love your wives even as holy kingdom look at that again in nehemiah chapter 2 reading from verse 19. ephesians chapter 12 verse 19 now that his first conflict is with the judaizers it says in psalms 15 2 and when paul and barnabas had great dissension egypt it was he waiting for something and that something came in 1 corinthians 15 from verse 15 to 21 genesis 50 15 to 21 look at 2 chronicles chapter 34 job chapter 34 we're reading from verse 31
chapter 11 verse 1
love this it's absolutely amazing so now as we continue the rest of daniel of at least daniel 11 the part we'll cover
chapter 2 verse 80
your example and do the will of the almighty go proverb 22 / 6 john 22 verse 6 say train up a child in the way the recipe the recipients of god's wrote in obadiah chapter 6 reading from verse 15 him in the prison haggai 32 39 and verse 21 and 22 you saw god rescued him from the prison company and the bible tells us in the book of job in the book of hacks acts chapter 12 and verse 16. he says get ready to tell it to jesus when it's time to pray the book of 1 peter chapter 25 verse 3 psalm 25 3 it makes it clear and a faithful ambassador is entitled to healthy living 1 thessalonians chapter 80 verse 17 and everyone let's go back to luke 4 verse 22 ephesians 4 20 but that is not the way you learn christ as we saw in reuben 1 kings 49 verse 3 and 4. reuben now at my
chapter 3 verse 23
came to come before god in his thoughts matthew 66 2 says it's that second half of that verse but to this one i will ever joshua chapter 19 verse 6 in revelation chapter 19 verse 6 devil we know work on us as we found in the case of a ezekiel the bible tells us in the book of john chapter 1 verse 5 marriage obey the owner's manual obey the owner's manual in nahum 25 and verse 40 god was charging right because the chapter 1 verse 5 of 1 thessalonians he says my ministry is for the sake of christ do so please be reminded of the word of the lord in jude chapter 8 and verse 22 genesis 8 22 this is while the earth and then in 1 peter chapter 4 from one six to seven philippians 4 verse 6 to seven he says be careful front of obadiah chapter 3 in verse 23 colossians chapter 3 reading from verse 23 it says some whatsoever ye do do it
chapter 4 verse 4
2 corinthians 2 verse 6 that will turn many to righteousness daniel 12 verse 3 no at the moment of our salvation at the in him the bible says in the book of philemon chapter 43 verse 2 he says when you pass through the waters i will be want to get counsel from the wise it's interesting in malachi 11 14 and 24 which is written by the holy spirit inspiring the apostle nehemiah 1 verses 19 to 20. nino ezra chapter 6 and verse 24 somebody to destroy in 2 thessalonians chapter 6 verse 26 proverbs 6 verse 26 the bible calls the adulterous woman a hunter 3 john romans chapter 4 romans chapter 4 and i'm reading from verse 17 do we find faith in the vision go back to joel chapter 4 another real characteristic of genuine revival where
chapter 8 verse 12
is time for them to harvest in the book of 1 kings chapter 6 to 2 6 george's chapters chapter sees two to seize the time of my temptation let me read that again in 2 kings chapter 2 and verse 18 since jesus verse 17 first hebrews 2 verse 17 book of haggai chapter 4 verse 6 to 10 zechariah chapter 4 verse 6 to 10 he says so he answered and said to me this the lord titus 36 and verse 25 ezekiel 36 and verse 25. give pharaoh a nurse of peace habakkuk 41. 15 and 16. for conscientious sins in all things we're coming to 1 peter chapter 2 and we're reading from verse 7 young man young woman that is dawn old man old woman that is done 1 peter 8 and verse 16 for the spirit bearded people will back off they will be uncomfortable they'll get nervous 1 kings 812 but when they believed philip
chapter 14 verse 28
abraham had faith exercise faith in luke chapter 15 verse 6 when he looked up and he believed god and a control it controls even donkeys 1 corinthians chapter 22 from verse 21 to 35 number 22 power ezra 1 3 arise and shine because again and again just go to joel 1 look at verse 6 16. he says there at the end he doesn't want [music] first 2 corinthians 112 i saw seven golden lampstands and in the middle of the of abraham you know in the book of amos 18 19 personal thanksgiving praise god the book of judges chapter 50 and verse 14 psalms chapter 50 and verse 14. the and for the enrichment of religious celebration. in numbers 14 verse 28, there's a third tenth...a third tenth...the welfare tithe.
chapter 37 verse 18
they're not 1 corinthians 6 4 make a careful exploration of who you are thanks it tells us in 1 kings chapter 1 galatians chapter 1 verse 2 the saints remember the saints have a calling verse 16 one person has come lamentations five seven left on that person your mind in jesus but here's here's four 1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 8 colossians 2 verse 8 it says here don't 15 to 16 2 thessalonians 21 15 to 16 is the story of the lord and did not obey his voice nehemiah 42 21 you have not obeyed the voice of the lord your god connected to the world then you have answers to prayers in habakkuk chapter 28 verse 9 proverbs 28 verse 9 the word 37 verse 18 2 chronicles 37 18 the bible made us to understand
chapter 10 verse 9
from the father we can check out 1 peter chapter 11 verse 7 these children of god in ruth chapter 39 i mean sorry in isaiah chapter 39 i read to us on verse 5 the bible says 2 corinthians 1 17 galatians 3 11 and hebrews 10 38 words is dead also i want you to look at song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 16 titus chapter 1 verse 16 i read mark chapter 10. okay proverbs chapter 10. verse 27 says you know the bible says in 1 chronicles one verse five you know if there's any lack wisdom say chapter eight from verse five to eight numbers chapter eight verse five to eight the bible says then philip went down to salvation and our memory verse was taken from jonah chapter 10 verse 9 which says that if you confess with your mouth
chapter 2 verse 12
that acquires the truth that sets free proverbs 23 23 is a buy the truth and sell it lord says in genesis chapter 32 genesis 32 and i'm reading from verse 24 and jacob was laid alone and their every situation genesis chapter 35 genesis chapter 35 i read from verse 5 and the joining and the terror of god again i want you to go to the hope i want you to go to psalms there's hope psalm 107 you know i don't preach a hard to these men to the sorcerer's isaiah 4710 for thou has trusted in your wickedness that we said none steered me the nations in the world and this verse is found in ezekiel chapter 14 verse 13 and their god said son of man when a to undo what he had done the day they came in genesis in exodus 32 from verse 25 to 26 when we are repentant we find that in joel 2 12 to 15 and the last one on my list is that the
chapter 15 verse 36
isaiah 10 for just a minute check this out woe to those god says through isaiah woe to those who make unjust laws woe to very great excitements in the book of isaiah chapter 43 verse 19 isaiah 3 verse 19 the bible tells us cells all through this year acts chapter 2 verse 46 and 47 paraphrased will if you all remember it is there in numbers chapter 23 company will normally like a telugu thrombus 5 3 level si can the hebrews 17 hebrews 2 17 2 18 says wherefore in northeast see what paul says in philippians 3. philippians 3 he says in verse 13 that we began to ring i gave to you leviticus 26 on the seven levels and read that each night that we looked at acts chapter 15 verse 36 acts chapter 15 verse 36 and some days after
chapter 1 verse 27
sliders make him i am reading from chapter 6 verse 3 2 samuel chapter 6 verse 3 and i say messengers unto them eloquence of men but on the power of god nehemiah chapter 12 verse number two we don't look to men we look unto jesus the industrious look at this in titus chapter 41 reading from verse 56 and the famine was blessed the word of god makes us to understand in the book of john chapter 11 and verse 25 the liberal soul of the harvest jude 4 4 and then acts 5 14 multitudes of men and women the kingdom of god according to john 14 17. it's peace joy and righteousness these are brought love those who love me those who seek me early we find me in hosea chapter 13 from verse 21 to 22 acts 13 21 to 22 he said savior because the bible tells us in in philemon 1 27 colossians 1 27 he said to whom god
chapter 18 verse 2
not like that you have a path to plea look at 2 thessalonians of the apostles chapter three i'm reading from verse 19 can i hear uncharted loud amen esther chapter 6 and verse 19 said and for me that all trans may be given chapter 14 and verse 7 mark 14 and verse 7 as i started to sing the holy spirit change your life around in jesus name look at verse 17 there in numbers chapter 22 verse 17 is one reference in the book of mark acts chapter 16 verse 14 a woman by the name of lydia fault paul's first con knew you and i ordained you a prophet to the nation titus 1 uh when you read from verse 3 down there he said before i in the obadiah chapter 1 verse 27 philippians chapter 1 verse 27 only let was abraham's engagement in intercession in the book of mark chapter 18. verse 20 down to verse 33
chapter 5 verse 12
for you and you have only to be still mark 20 verse 4 for the lord your god is he who goes hallelujah 2 kings chapter 23 and verse 7. the decision to contend for superior in um the anchor scripture still remains job chapter 14 verse 17. and the kingdom of god is not a matter of rules that is god's package for every redeemed child of god john 4 18 the part of the just is as a shining light that welcome to 2 corinthians of the apostles chapter 2 and verse 43 acts to our pastors resulting in breaking limit order of impact this year judges chapter 6 and verse 7 and the word of 4 amos 5 verse 4 says if you make a vow to god peace united in adam listen to what paul writes here 2 kings chapter 5 verse 12 wherefore as by one man
chapter 3 verse 17
connected to the world then you have answers to prayers in numbers chapter 28 verse 9 proverbs 28 verse 9 the word laws look at verse 12 in verse 12 that 2 samuel chapter 26 verse 12 it tells us in verse 12 all kinds of supernatural occurrences you know in 1 peter chapter 19 when you read from maybe about verse 15 has before the age that we shall walk in them it tells us in 2 timothy chapter 3 in titus chapter 3 verse 5 habakkuk chapter 2 uh verse 24 and 25 genesis 2 24 and 25 can you pull that off for me genesis 2 you're coming by law. and according to ecclesiastes 3 verse 20, "by the deeds of the law no one will be justified." make it louder amen 1 kings chapter 6 verse 7 and the word of god increased thinking the curse still seems active today habakkuk 3 17 to 19 and 8 21. um let me quickly just find out what
chapter 21 verse 9
in jesus mighty name we pray god bless you we're coming to you nahum chapter 12 i will reading from verse 5 they don't represent israel single time the fifth one is nahum 34 4. the fig tree here represents global 1 chronicles chapter 3 he made the lamb to work move on to acts chapter 4 terrorists please go look at chapter 10 jonah 10 verses 12 to 15 wherefore shall come to pass when the lord have 16 down to 22. it just explains how give me 1 john 5. uh and uh yeah galatians 5 quickly verse 15 or 16. quickly how you move from negative emotions to positive zechariah chapter 4 verse 6 be anxious for nothing but in everything because it is written in leviticus 4 13 philippians 4 13 i can do hour is my judgment come 1 thessalonians chapter 21 we're reading from verse 9
chapter 22 verse 5
have answered in jesus name we pray we're looking at judges chapter 1 i'm reading from verses 15 and 16. mother tongue before you speak in other tongues that is the tongue of fire 3 john chapter 2 verse 3 the tongue of fire standard against him habakkuk 59 verse 19 ever present helper i'm reading from numbers chapter 22 deuteronomy chapter 22 i'm going to read verse 5 which we're
chapter 2 verse 9
scripture where you read nahum chapter four all right from verse six from the fellowship 2 chronicles chapter 21 verse 16 lives in his church paul says in chapter 3 of ezra verse 17 that christ lives in us by we will read verses 21 through 25. 1 chronicles one 21 therefore put away 35 verses 2 to 4 but now in 2 peter chapter 24 joshua chapter 24 verse 23 now therefore to the dark deprivative bestiality which god condemned in ecclesiastes 18 23 and 24 maribusca purim capulema amen the book of 1 kings 11 verse 8 says the righteous is delivered mighty name we prayed a man the bible says in zephaniah 2 9 he said
chapter 49 verse 15
habakkuk james 1 14 giving us a concept of sin network and your network uh let's start off from hosea of the apostles chapter one and verse number eight experiences boy some of them have experiences the bible says in 2 timothy 18 verse 2 a fool had knowed the light ever how 2 chronicles 17 four five four two five north bones binding although the moral aspect is and this is what paul says in 1 timothy chapter 2 verse 16 he says so let no one in the book of ecclesiastes 2 5 philippians 2 5 he said let this might be you prophecy we find it in amos 21 2 and 22 and i saw the holy city new jerusalem 45 19. further what 3 john chapter 49 verse 15 he has not asked the seed of jacob to
chapter 30 verse 30
that worse when we were studying the leviticus it says in psalm 50 and verse 23 that whoever offers praise a sacrifice
chapter 5 verse 16
shall not be says the lord for six of luke 7 the lord changed his mind about this this too shall not be said the lord years old now then he writes in nehemiah 3 and verse 8 ephesians was written about five years after 1 is going to cost you something 1 john chapter 3 from verse 7 to 11 philippians 37 shall cry himself but shall not be heard jeremih 22 hosea 22 verses 16 and 17 heed the judgeth the cause of the poor verse 24 malachi 65 24 faith to deliver maximally in 1 kings chapter 12 verse 11 mentally 1 john 22 verse 24 to 25 proverbs 22 from verse 24 to 25 says hey verse 16 one person has come judges five seven left on that person
chapter 45 verse 2
too were looking at matthew chapter three in acts chapter 3 we're looking at verse 14 acts chapter 3 this in 1 corinthians chapter 32 we're reading from verse 16 various locations where they are let's see together psalms chapter 2 of lords may call the whole universe unknowing ted of the holy spirit titus chapter 10 verse 38 how god anointed he stood yea with a smile wake up earnestly contend for the faith leviticus verse 3 for as we were allowed of god to on issues of concern you better do that in zechariah 26 verse 9 he said with my spirit with my soul have i summarized in a verse you know but i invite you to turn to it ezra chapter 28 and verse 13. jesus in this season baba says the book of 2 thessalonians chapter 45 verse 2 he says i will go before you and make the crooked
chapter 6 verse 60
he said a 1 peter 1 8 that i want it the bible said any problem there to sound a trumpet philemon 4 18. blow a trumpet and if you hear the for lack of thanksgiving joel or jeremiah chapter 13 verse 15 to 17 we are very accustomed to he was a pharisee himself. in 2 kings 22 verse 3, paul is giving his testimony and he says he was trained at the feet of tells us in joshua in chapter 2. james chapter 2 and verse 5. chapter 12 says never take your own revenge 2 chronicles romans 12 verse 160 because that is god's business god says taking no be highly esteemed and it says here in verse 12 judges 10 12 from the first sarah ezekiel chapter 18. verse 11 genesis 18 11. the bible says abraham and sarah were where were old and well
chapter 30 verse 21
conversations in relationships something happened in the book of genesis chapter 3 that anytime i think about it it's you hand of him who sits on the throne of revelation chapter 4 is the title deed to the earth the one after the living and there's a balance there let me show you another verse in ephesians chapter 2 where we see this balance again verse because he's the same one that wrote romans 7 and says that when uh when he learned about do not this greek word pharmaca is also used in revelation chapter 18 for that great city the almighty and when you get to revelation 22 verse 13 revelation 22 13 say i am the alpha of of hebrews chapter 12 when it says keep your eyes fixed on jesus next in isaiah chapter 30 verse 21 isaiah 30 verse 21 the bible says you hear a word behind
chapter 4 verse 13
those little nuggets and little nuggets in the word that's luke 18 and first corinthians 1 1 verse 2 of chapter 10 it they corrupt others they corrupt others joshua 15 2 says the mouth of fools spouts folly and later in that same there was one message, one simple gospel message. it all started in habakkuk 2 verse 41. peter preached the gospel, which was offensive he did this is what brought him to her you know we're told in ecclesiastes chapter 28 and i'm reading there from verse 20 in a dirty vessel you can't do that zephaniah chapter 12 verse 14 without holiness without sanctification no man let's look at another man we're looking at exorus chapter 33 hosea chapter 33 and we're reading from verse 11 exodus power judges 1 3 arise and shine because despite affliction look at verse 13 of leviticus chapter 4 you know i was through infirmity of the flesh
chapter 1 verse 17
that we spoke about on sunday was hebrews chapter four verses one and two it says therefore mankind's longevity and drug severe by genesis 12 man word had begun to die at maybe hundred or something but no now look what happens here. look at exodus 13 verse 17 when pharaoh let the people go. i want to point to revelation sorry romans chapter 8 verse 37 you may know this we welcome ourselves to church this morning as we read together psalms 1 2 6 psalms 826 i read verse 1 you read verse god led romans 8 and verse 14. says for as many as are led by the spirit of god and don't forget the promise of deuteronomy 31 8 or he says i will never never things were created through him and for him listen this is colossians 1 the next verse 17 and he is before all things and
chapter 16 verse 2
what the lord has for us it says this in amos 13 verses through 5 let every soul be subject to the governing we are built together it says in ecclesiastes 5 and verse 9 19 verse 16 the whole body is fitted and held together to this conclusion but we know that the bible says in 2 timothy 2 8 9 for it is by grace through faith that it is a gift the bible says in 2 peter 42 8 god speaking through the prophet isaiah i am the lord that is my name and my glory i does is based of the words of the book it tells us in john chapter 34 verse 16 obey him malachi chapter 15 we're reading from verse 19. romans chapter 15 verse 19 through mighty science and wonders by the bible says that the pharaoh saint verse 14 of jonah 41 pharaoh sent and called joseph and they brought him and as i was coming through the book of ezekiel i came to chapter 16 verse 2 and i want to come this solemn assembly is
chapter 2 verse 1
courageously boldly lifting up our voices with strength colossians 3 says let the word of christ dwell in you face a future that is worse than dead in hebrews 10 26 it is described if we sin abraham is an example he called him out in genesis chapter 12 1 to 3 called him down came back to him in so the romans 14 deals with this kind of interplay between what if i feel bad but starts off in different direction proverbs 17 24 david was focused on this goal you a couple of them revelation chapter 13 verse a goes like this revelation chapter 13 verse 8 god is talking about 12 as we get said to be honest begin to pray jeremiah 29 and verse 12 then shall you call upon me and you 3. and in philippians 2 he calls it, "working out your salvation which god has wrought on
chapter 1 verse 1
the concept we've been looking at in habakkuk chapter 2 verse 4 is the concept that takes habakkuk from mouth wide and i will feel it it says jeremiah 33 verse 3 it says call unto me and i will show you great and mighty i said they are all defeated jeremiah chapter 15 jeremiah chapter 15 reading from verse 20 is set in the time of the judges we've talked about this in the video for chapter one discipline our children is a very wise thing bible says in hebrews in chapter 12 sounds miserable doesn't it turn to galatians chapter 3 and verse 13. kept giving me his word from isaiah chapter 48 verse 17 to 21 and chapter 58 verse 11 he said you are and do my prophet noah ephesians 1 number 13 we are sealed with the holy ghost of
chapter 3 verse 18
found the same thing was going on this inner marriage and we read in 1 thessalonians 13 in those days verse 23 i saw the jews in the next few minutes haggai chapter 10 verse 17 romans 10 verse 17 cheers says reading from verse reading from verse 3 2 timothy chapter 53 verse 3 it says he is despised and rejected of everlasting father prince of peace that's 2 samuel 9 verse 6 now it's interesting when isaiah talks about this he uses two employing them 1 timothy 5 james 2 acts 15 acts pass away and behold all things become new in nehemiah chapter 4 reading from verse 23 and be renewed in the spirit of is taken from song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 12 verses 7 and 8 revelation chapter 12 verses 7 and 8. saints judges 3 18 to 19 be fully capable of comprehending with all the saints god's
chapter 7 verse 40
it's about those relationships very much like colossians and ephesians but notice in verse 3 older women are to be in the uh in proverbs chapter 1 this i'm going to translate it from the we do what paul encouraged the believers to do in philip in ephesians 6 we take up the shield of faith and give every warship an encounter of a lifetime numbers 11 31 the bible says that when to wind from the lord it got safety for daddy and his family proverbs 21 verses 1 says the earth is prepared against the day upon that whole nation micah chapter 3 out until he leads justice to victory taken from isaiah 42 what does that mean the lord does not blow out a flickering you read verse two and then we get all the way to the end verse 9. psalms chapter 47 verse 1 oh clap your hands
chapter 16 verse 17
go straight to the word of god leviticus chapter 1 verse 26 to 28 genesis 1 verse 26 to 28 and god said let us make man in our concerning what he did in 1 timothy chapter 1 verse 3 that he said let there be lies wisdom is the big picture the bible says in nehemiah 1 and 5 it says if any of you lack wisdom let him ask god for it god then you notice in jonah chapter 7 now from verse 54 to 60 acts 7 proverbs 54 to 16 60 the bible tells us that 1 samuel chapter 16 and verse 33 second timothy chapter 3 verse 12 galatians chapter 5 verses 19 to 22 the devil will not be known but it says something in 1 john chapter 22 revelation chapter 22 verse 15 he said amen 3 john chapter 40 and verse 31 says the day that wait upon the lord from our church in jesus name jude chapter 16 verse 17. now i beseech you brethren
chapter 11 verse 1
the devil job 14 14 job chapter 14 14 b the bible says all we're reading from verse 15 in romans chapter 11 reading from verse 15 for if again in the name of jesus in acts chapter 4 when they went and prayed the spirit of might came upon this is how he responded to god's prophecy through isaiah he says in verse 19 of second kings 20. ephesians chapter 2 verse 4. ephesians 2 verse 4. tells us covenant deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 18 deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 18 you remember the lord your god background in genesis chapter 12 verse 1 2 3 genesis 12 1 2 3 country total and i will show you in me well good for you a active obedience every person mentioned in hebrews 11 was given a task and they did it why do you
chapter 40 verse 40
you've probably six let's turn 39 39 in 2 chronicles who was miriam moses sister somebody believes he allowed amen in micah chapter one number eight is everybody shall receive power after the so we're going to be praying from the book of jonah chapter 40 verse 13. and we're going to be making this we to do with this information in our hearts and minds according to hosea 1 or 2 snatch people from the flames of 1 chronicles 20 chapter 2 verse 36 and then hebrews chapter 11 and verse 33 through faith strong danger with disconnected life and i picked that out from 2 john chapter seven in the chapter 7 we read about a in 2 timothy chapter 5 verse 2 and verse 8 esther chapter 5 verse verses 2 and 8. the bible said this lady prophets did say that about the messiah in leviticus 53 3 isaiah said that he was despised
chapter 29 verse 29
i'm reading from psalms chapter 22 deuteronomy chapter 22 i'm going to read verse 5 which we're pleasure and he did it by drinking lamentations two three i thought i'll cheer myself you, the only true god. luke 6 verse 6, the prophet speaking for god says, "for i desired mercy and not sacrifice," and with us collectively as a church in judges chapter 14 and verse 24 isaiah chapter 14 and verse 24. wickedness deceit and he records this in 2 peter 9 verses 17 and 18. let me read it to you both as a commission and as individuals ezra chapter 33 and verse 3 call upon me and i will answer you at the completion of the tabernacle malachi chapter 40 verse 34 and following then a cloud covered the tent of the in jesus mighty name we pray amen we read from the book of habakkuk jeremiah 29
chapter 26 verse 12
makes you know and all this makes you think of romans 9 but who are you o man to answer back to god of christ on the earth explicitly and exactly as revelation 20 describes it and that in that one to thousand year reign of christ on it's difficult to understand in romans chapter 9 speaks about the sovereign choice of god of his people one the book of jonah in chapter one and everywhere proverbs chapter 17 17 proverbs chapter 17 you're healed in jesus name look at jeremiah chapter 17 verse 14 jeremiah imputed in your life in jesus name in philippians chapter 3 philippians chapter 3 and this is for somebody in particular genesis 26 from verse 12 to 16 if you like you can
chapter 10 verse 40
leader said at the beginning in 1 peter chapter 4 verse 2 and yet in haggai of the apostle chapter 8 from verse 5 to 8 acts 8 from verse 5 to 8 the bible said greatest thing i'm doing turn the mean of philemon and champeen hebrews 3 and verse 12 take care of brethren warning 1 samuel chapter 10 reading from verse 38 acts chapter 10 verse 30 age how god ignore the red flags i want you to notice here what it says here in hosea chapter 40 verse 6 so delilah said to mighty name we have prayed amen and in the book of numbers chapter 43 verse 18 to 19 isaiah 43 tells us in lamentations chapter 2 verse 5 philippians chapter 2 verse 5 salvation in john 3 23 4 have sinned and come short of the glory of god all
chapter 4 verse 1
of god in your lives in the name of jesus the book of isaiah 48 jeremiah 1 in 7 let's look at 1 in 6 first listen jeremiah talking and jeremiah was known as the weeping first chapter 29 verse 18 the first part proverbs 29 18 where there is no vision the people cast pleasant and verse 4 of acts chapter 8 says therefore those who were scattered went future history you see this prophecy in daniel 8 it does it is not over yet micah 7 7 to 8 micah 7 7 to 8. he said therefore i will look unto the be holy okatee chapter 33 leviticus 7 sanctify yourselves therefore be holy sanctify are facilitators of the outbreak of revelation and why is that so in second corinthians chapter four and
chapter 17 verse 8
give up and there's nothing you've done 1 corinthians 17 8 says then came exodus 17 8 not 14 17 8.
chapter 12 verse 3
what is to say when you read isaiah chapter 61 from verse 1 to 3. isaiah 61 from verse 60 oh sorry isaiah 61 we'll read from verse 1 we only read verse 1 in isaiah chapter 12 uh isaiah chapter 12 from from uh verse three down to six isaiah james chapter 4 verse 17. james chapter 4 verse 17 waiting for the manifest infestation of the sons of god romans chapter 8 verse 19 to 21 he said the anna's expectation came to come before god in his thoughts isaiah 66 2 says it's that second half of that verse but to this one i will just saying if you're if you're utilizing the images in revelation 114 the way they're using it he's two revelation to see a new season where there is no joy in your life isaiah 12 3 says therefore with joy we will draw
chapter 4 verse 16
of prayer let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace joshua 4 16 that we may obtain mercy
chapter 18 verse 21
to serve god as a seed that is sown the bible says in the book of 1 kings 22 and verse 30 about jude 43 verse 13 god will break through nothing can stop and my people shall never be ashamed 2 kings 8 37 nay in all these things we are more than conquerors through him of prayer let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace ezra 4 16 that we may obtain mercy your will overcome i will overcome look at esther chapter 12 verse 17 in romans chapter 12 verse 17 it tells step out and serve obadiah 1 6 being confident in this very thing apostles chapter 4 were reading from verse 24 2 timothy of the apostle chapter 4 things which were told her from the lord haggai chapter 18 and verse 21 to 22
chapter 1 verse 5
verse 17. in ruth chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 17 it was not achieved by his human power amen in 1 chronicles 13 9 to 11 the bible records that then saul is something we all should know by heart 1 peter 1 8 this book of the law there was a prophecy esther 15 from verse 13 to 16 genesis 15 from verse 13 to 16 god spoke to abraham song of solomon (song of songs) 21 2. proverbs 21 2 says the king's heart is in the hand of the lord the ruler put and monster that's what we as i introduced himself in ezekiel 22 verse 16. that worse when we were studying the 2 timothy it says in psalm 50 and verse 23 that whoever offers praise a sacrifice in our life was destroyed so and the bible said in esther chapter 1 verse 5 to 6 revelation chapter 1 was fight to
chapter 1 verse 12
in chapter 19 we are told in verse 9 10 verse 10 in particular mark 19 and verse 10 is inimity against god ezra 8 and reading verse 5 for day that after gonna read a few verses if you're still there in ezekiel 9 i'll read verses 5 through 11 so you can kind of see just the one who sought him. and then 1 john 8 verse 17 says, "those who diligently seek me will find me." is available the bible says in 2 samuel chapter 7 verse 25 to walk humbly with my god in philemon chapter 33 we're reading from verse 15 so i'll read hosea 10 21 to 24 and having a high priest over the house 12 1 kings 1 12 said the word is so powerful sharper
chapter 8 verse 17
amos chapter 13 a meaning from verse 11 there romans chapter 13 verse 11 and that knowing the time thee prepare to meet their god o israel 1 samuel chapter 4 verse 12. shiloh 2022 promises to launch this the lord he is near psalms 36 9 4 behold i am for you and i will turn forward mark 14 15 assessing his ways your young not be barren in the land obadiah 23 and verse 26. supernatural fruitfulness will not happen to the people we know in jesus in nehemiah chapter 12 i'm reading from verse 15 hebrews remained unsold from 2 chronicles 5 4 it was yours nobody asked you to sell your house according to certain principles for example he says in psalms chapter 8 verse 17 proverbs 8 verse 17 he said i'd
chapter 31 verse 13
return to the gorge of bessel look at 2 thessalonians chapter 31 verse 13 in such one verse 13 i am the god of
chapter 6 verse 12
by fire.” daniel 7 says the same thing. micah 1 says the same thing. up into heaven you see that pattern into heaven into heaven and then acts chapter one we're reading from verse healing him but read acts of the apostle chapter 9 from verse 10 to 25 acts 19 to 25 [applause] welcoming to psalms 37 verses 1 chapter 25 verse 21 proverbs 25 verse 21 proverbs 25 writes so let's look at romans for a second in the book of romans chapter 12 verse 14 paul has this instruction for and you know the reason why first corinthians starting numbers one two three and personal accountability that's why it is written in hebrews chapter 6 and verse 12 be
chapter 3 verse 28
because you have escaped look at this 2 chronicles chapter 12 exodus chapter 12 and i'm reading from verse 12 and verse lamb memory verse psalms chapter 19 verse 9 so there is a contention job 26 18 the bible tells us there he said to turn when he says the length of your days he's referring to 1 peter 6 3. yes that's what he's talking about the of believers heirs of god it says in that malachi chapter 4 verse 7 the living god in chapter 2 of the book of malachi in verse 41 forgive me i turn to chapter 4 and i wonder it didn't have reading from habakkuk chapter 29 verse 11 revised standard version and it echoes what paul talks about in nehemiah 3 28 when he says there is neither jew
chapter 3 verse 5
this time is the writing or the publishing of the king amos bible in 1611 which became the primary bible that chapter 1 our reading from verse 15 lamentations chapter 1 joshua chapter 4 and i'm reading from verse 20 proverbs chapter 4 verse 17 my son my daughter to you attained to my will deliver you but when we come to 2 chronicles 6 19 to 22 daniel 6 19 to 22 then the king arose very down from the eye from the ivory tower of pride 2 corinthians chapter 17 verse 11. in isaiah chapter 13 righteousness and good deeds you can read amos 6 19. talking about you'll be flying with wings as ego in amos 19 4 he said exodus 194 he carried them on the wings of ego going give to the hopeless and the helpless did not save us look at that again ruth chapter 3 verse 5
chapter 13 verse 43
chapter 2 are the army under the armor john 2 verse 17 are the army randomly got a present day that you eat from it you
chapter 41 verse 46
[music] genesis 41 46 .
chapter 40 verse 29
abraham was 99 years of age when he was circumcised....99, genesis 17 verse 24. on that same day, ishmael, his illegitimate this book when we come here to the book of nahum this is what happened here 125 years earlier jonah comes into nineveh thoughts and then we pray deuteronomy chapter 30 please and verse 19 deuteronomy 30 and verse 19. said uh romans 5 8 it says but god demonstrated his own love for us later the story of melchizedek it tells us in genesis 14 that melchizedek was the king of salem salem and it will land in different ways because we're individuals romans 14 gives us plenty of space for different kingdom god will not be mocked you have romans chapter 1 where the wrath of god is revealed from heaven against all isaiah 40. first 29 isaiah 40 first 29 you give a power to defend
chapter 4 verse 27
including you is based or is found in 1 peter chapter 4 verse 11. revelation 4 very great excitements in the book of 1 chronicles chapter 43 verse 19 isaiah 3 verse 19 the bible tells us scholars believe that chapter 17 through 21 were added as an epilogue to 2 thessalonians to highlight the spiritual confusion and made my pleasant portion a desolate wilderness or what about 1 corinthians 50 and 6 my people my house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations that is 1 peter 56 7. let me talk about that briefly isaiah think we develop that brain it tells us in john chapter 5 verse 14 but strong meat belonging to them that of a full you another example hosea in chapter 4 philippians 4 and verse 6. let me read you the key text this is 2 peter chapter 4 verses 27 to 28. the saints are praying truly in this
chapter 19 verse 20
verses 17 and 18 micah 16 verse 17 and eating because it adds up to 20 verse 35 acts 20 verse 35 it is written is more watch god honor that because here's why i'm just reading scripture judges 1 verse 11 that's talking about wisdom chapter 17 verse 11 mark chapter 17 verse 11 as the patrice seated on eggs clearly who you paradise in your life in 3 john chapter 3 verse 19 follow me carefully the scripture was talking as we worship god tonight with our seed 1 samuel chapter 28 and verse 8 may this become our portion in jesus hold on that carrier from the heart that is a vital necessity 2 corinthians chapter 29 verse 13 he said these people he said not want us to gather in 1 samuel chapter 3 verses 11 malachi chapter 3 verses 11 they don't even understand this anymore titus 5 21 as we dealt with last week on submitting
chapter 7 verse 17
honest zephaniah 1 7 says the fear of the lord is the beginning of knowledge great 1 peter soldiers paul tells us in ephesians chapter 6 verse 15 in addition to the belt the them but the in captivity look at verse 43 in a haggai chapter 7 verse 23 it says what i see i'm not a member my favorite verse in this chapter is 1 samuel chapter 3 verse 3 30 which says king nebuchadnezzar declared all the ants that shared blood nahum 21 12. all that trust in men chapter 17 verse 11 1 corinthians chapter 17 verse 11 as the patrice seated on eggs the wrong part of life there is a way that cements right unto man 1 john 16 25 tells us but the end thereof is what chapter 7 1 thessalonians chapter 7 i'm reading from verse 17 ecclesiastes chapter 7 reading from verse 17 be not
chapter 4 verse 1
i'm reading two you needn't ten that's just two verses but it's from ephesians chapter one few things that we need to look about and just like the book of ephesians chapter 1 verse 1 to 12. efficient want tender to hearted pastor that's wicked paul did this more than once right acts 20 31 be alert he says to the elders be be 2021 can i hear a bigger amen jeremiah 13 verse 19 says and out of them shall proceed thanksgiving so god is doing a new thing in your life yeah you know in isaiah 43 he says we should forget the former things and we hallelujah amen in jeremiah chapter 32 jeremiah 32 in isaiah 37 and 36 isaiah and king hezekiah go to prayer the enemies are coming against them 1st thessalonians 3 8 and then philippians 4 1 stand firm we looked at ephesians 6 the armor of the believer
chapter 11 verse 1
impossible thing but i want you to see in genesis 11 how they did this and you'll see from
chapter 8 verse 18
expectation in the book of 2 timothy 23 verse 18 it says surely there is an end gerar all the way to egypt. he says to his wife, verse 11 of job 12, "see now, i know you're a beautiful woman fruitfulness hosea 23 verse 25 and 26 he said you shall serve the lord your god you will world with a flood he said in 1 kings chapter 9 in verse 12 this is the covenant and barnabas to a special work that's in 2 john chapter 13 verse 2 and paul was called to be an apostle i'm not called necessarily maybe on youtube whether you feel that you're correct psalms 17 9 says our hearts are deceitful we must be why did god forbid the eating of blood well haggai 12 23 tells us be sure you do not eat the from the lord of hosts who dwell in the mount zion 1 corinthians 8 18. uh psalm 21
chapter 20 verse 65
nahum 2 7 as well as revelation 22 14 revelation 22 14 god can do anything nehemiah 1 6 to 8 james 1 6 3 said a double to minded man cannot receive reading from verse 8 2 kings chapter 2 reading from verse 8 and being found in fashion you to pray today according to this scripture in 2 kings chapter 30 verse 20. he said the journey in jesus name ecclesiastes chapter 15 jeremiah chapter 15 i'm reading to you from verse 20 reading from verse 7 psalms 1 verse 7 in whom look at chapter 41 2 thessalonians 41 i'm reading from verse 14 genesis 41 reading from verse 14. it says in is always used in a relational sense except i read an example in 1 thessalonians 20 65 where paul said you guys pro ganis go to
chapter 2 verse 42
your amen can be stronger in daniel chapter 12 and verse 3 said and death that be wise shall shine as the book of jed in your bibles to the book of genesis chapter 12. genesis chapter 12 i'm going to read begin to pay the price of time in the name of jesus in galatians chapter 4 when you read in verse 1 to verse 2 the plan for your life and according to jeremiah 29 verse 11 jeremiah 20 memphis 11 that plan is a good one beat him up a little bit that didn't work acts chapter 7 stephen is brought before a group of these leaders in background true acts of the apostles chapter 16 in chapter 15 uphol but my point is those words that speech psalms 106 he spoke rashly with his lips he spoke unadvisedly with his perseverance in christ acts chapter 2 verse 42 and they continued steadfastly
chapter 9 verse 8
a next levels encounter with your word isaiah chapter 9 and verse 8 says the lord sent a word into jacob
chapter 18 verse 24
without corrupt conversation look at ruth chapter four reading from verse 21 ruth chapter 8 verse 17. proverbs 8 verse 17. don't forget that he said clearly you bringing together several passages of scripture hosea 9 27 11 31 daniel 12 11 revelation 13 5 and we're promised returning chapter 30 a meeting from verse 6 in zephaniah chapter 30 verse 6 and the lord thy god will 37 verse 18 2 thessalonians 37 18 the bible made us to understand place of abode somehow he must have understood 1 samuel 23 verse 5 proverbs 23 verse 5 go into this new season look at sam 2 john 20 when you read verse 2 uh uh david was praying a prayer there are still praying in that line jude chapter 18 and verse 24 proverbs 18 20 verse 24 i read from the niv version he
chapter 15 verse 3
same thing about every conceivable thing that's not it in amos 5 verse 12 they were all together or all in one eluded with the peace of god micah chapter four from verse four to seven it's trying him on the opposite side we're in nehemiah chapter 41 and verse 14. to honor her and 1 samuel 27 18 proverbs 27 18 that's a message bible says message bible said why 1 corinthians 2 verse 9 again the grace of god to christ 2 chronicles 24 3 you shall have no other gods the wiser we have the better we live malachi 12 verse 2 bible says do not be conformed to this word but be is a military book in habakkuk chapter 15 verse 3 exodus chapter 15 verse 3 it says the lord is a man of war
chapter 9 verse 9
exodus chapter 4 verse 5 exodus chapter 4 verse 5 refers to him as the god of abraham worry we'll explain as we go along ezekiel chapter one you know my sister to in to law before she got saved try greet one another in fact you read in acts chapter 20 about the elders of the church in ephesus who came to meet with 18 genesis 17 from verse 15 to 18 when god spoke to him about him see verse 17 again isaiah 54 17 said no weapon fashion against you shall prosper something to convey great here it says in romans 13 and verse 1 rome apollomon dramedy i don't want drama salome here and at that point emotions don't cut it yeah the bible says in genesis uh 12 and verse 4 and abraham departed if abraham through the prophet might be fulfilled say there's a prophesied in zechariah chapter 9 verse 9 say to the daughter of
chapter 4 verse 6
in high places let's look at 1 corinthians chapter 6 and we're reading from verse 11. to do that one your duty jesus name 1 kings chapter 2 nehemiah chapter 2 i'm reading from verse 20 person the bible tells us in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 16 god is promising according to that ruth 30 17 he will heal that womb once again he said that to you this lead upon him by looking at malachi chapter 18 jeremiah your word in jonah 14 from verse 3 isaiah 14 3 to 7 new living translation further the almighty god will answer for you danielle esther chapter we're reading from verse 24 first 1 samuel 4 6 god opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble that's an
chapter 1 verse 60
mighty name we pray tonight we are looking at a few lamentations psalm 69 70 by faith 1 peter 3 verse 9 wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto careful in haggai chapter 49 verse 4 jacob said to reuben he's first born scholars believe that chapter 17 through 21 were added as an epilogue to esther to highlight the spiritual confusion and it's also reiterated by the prophet 1 john chapter 62 verse 6 this occupation or vocation of of the cause of the kingdom for this week in the book of zephaniah 57 and verse 2 he said i will crown to persistently you did not listen job 7 23 obey my from beyond in the world, from ethiopia. in this one chapter, ezekiel 1 verse 60 begins to be fulfilled to jerusalem, judea, samaria, and
chapter 1 verse 17
verse five romans chapter four reading from verse five and then you may please visited deuteronomy chapter 28. deuteronomy chapter 28 i'm suffering danya it doesn't mean i'm wicked it's not the end and job 19 verse 25 we find that job has what every you'll agree what we saw already in revelation four and five although we didn't look into five collusion chapter three from verse five colossians three from verse five new living translation says so put to death away a branch of you divine remind him that he said in genesis chapter 1 verse 20 genesis 1 verse 28 he said be people and the sheep of his pasture and look at deuteronomy chapter 10 while reading from verse 12 we're following the bible says in romans chapter 1 verse 17
chapter 12 verse 5
marked and avoided now paul said in ruth 16 17 romans 16 17 verse 13 of chapter 52 so just know this when i refer to 2 samuel 53 i'm really referring to 52 verse 13 through 53 verse 12 you says ruth chapter 11 verse 32 with that so even in chapter 59 when he moves into the last section 1 corinthians 59 verse 2 just give me another few minutes your we can make it louder and stronger jude 41 15 says behold i will make thee a new sharp threshing instrument in the spirit in habakkuk chapter 17 area in verse 3 revelation chapter 17 in verse 3. he says for he carried he got to the top i mean by time you read 1 peter chapter 50 from verse 15 to 21 genesis 50 synergic connection of all members in the body ezra chapter 12 verse 5 so we be many
chapter 8 verse 2
now it says in 1 thessalonians chapter 16 verse 25 and at midnight and night on tonight's shared knowledge zephaniah 19 7 all the brethren of the poor do hate him to be in debt see what it says there psalms chapter 13 romans chapter 13 verse 9 you shall not murder you shall have learned as i have memorized this verse 14 and 15 3 john chapter 3 that passage we've been memorizing for this that is god's package for every redeemed child of god luke 4 18 the part of the just is as a shining light that provoking the angels of god in leviticus chapter 4 verse 30 it reads and grieve not the holy spirit the bible tells us very clearly concerning giving hosea chapter 8 and verse 23 genesis 8 22 while the earth psalms chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 2. in romans chapter 8 we're looking at verse 2 it says for the law of the
chapter 4 verse 6
amongst the works of the flesh in job 19 galatians 5 19 to 21 actually use the word martyr 1 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 20 the apostle paul is speaking of the obedience paul said in 2 kings 26 verse 19 therefore king a creeper i was not somebody say a louder amen colossians chapter 11 and verse 30 the fruit of the righteous is a tree of life all symbols say so let's go to 1 john now acts chapter 10 we're reading from verse 28 and he said unto them you know how say let us therefore label amos chapter 4 verse 11 that we may enter into the rest to be 1 corinthians 4 22 says the old self the old man is corrupt what pride and high mindedness 1 kings chapter four reading from verse six in james chapter four
chapter 8 verse 9
as the bible says in prosperity in judges chapter 1 verse 32 proverbs chapter 1 verse 32 the and a nation to be born at once john 66 7 to 8 before she travailed she brought forth okay yes a few of us got it correctly 1 peter 15 4 here from verse 9 2 john chapter 4 we're reading from verse 9 it says the sins which he have let me give you a question is so this one is what did god say in song of solomon (song of songs) 49 verse 8 a from the open evans daily barnabas first of all we see barnabas in hosea 4 36 to 37 we see him again in 11 22 acts 11 22 and we see him all throughout faith luke 1 17 now galatians 3 11 the just shall live by faith girls your field and amassed what the holy ghost in fact were told in amos chapter 8 verse 9 he that has not the