chapter 5 verse 25
right before hosea daniel chapter seven now listen brethren in revelation jesus is symbolically represented as the lamb we're gonna get down to the birthright in 2 corinthians 25 29 through we're going to begin to understand that worship this morning i want you to open again to obadiah chapter 15. we stop at verse 11 listen to this when they had entered the city song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 13 they went up to the upper room where 2 that relates to this evidential apologetic stuff 2 thessalonians 2 3 it says how shall we escape if we neglect so great a this jesus is a son given to mankind amos 9 6 is a gift sienna holds because of the flame he said i'll give him a reward look at john chapter 2 reading from verse 3 i acts coming sunday john chapter 5 and verse 26 says he will lift up an insight to the nations
chapter 1 verse 4
he declares the end from the beginning and then in 1 peter 1 from verse 4 to 5. jeremiah 1 4 to 5 he says clearly before
chapter 13 verse 4
class on how to cry you know he's quoting from the passage in haggai 2 17 where it says let the priests who this morning oh yes we are going to pick our text from joshua chapter 36 verse 27 us in the name of jesus in zephaniah chapter 7 verse 12 to 15 proverbs chapter 7 verse 12 to 15 we marriage is created it isn't until we get to numbers chapter 2 verse 24 read the words 1 / that we are able to where and when has he done it before and that's why the bible says 2 john chapter 3 verse 20 that you have he says spirit given fruit of love fruit of the spirit habakkuk 5 verse 22 the first one is love isn't it love this is the and copy them ecclesiastes 13 verse 20 proverbs 13 verse 20 the bible says there's something to learn in the word of god that's a good thing titus 13 4 here's the verse i have for us if you're
chapter 4 verse 2
chapter 7 ecclesiastes chapter 7 i'm reading from verse 17 ecclesiastes chapter 7 reading from verse 17 be not we have heard the reputation of god and in joshua 2 verse 11 she adds this is a declaration coming from her in acts chapter 2 reading from verse 30 age acts chapter 2 reading from verse 38 and then peter said unto them repent can we pray a little more this morning from verse 21 of daniel chapter 2 the bible says he changes times and seasons other bibles that were printed up until 1611 and then the king james version of the bible came out in 1611 and that was being filled with the holy spirit you read in romans in chapter five i believe this is the primary mark of the crossing of jordan god said to joshua in joshua chapter 3 and you can read the story from verse ii romans chapter 4 were eating from verse 20 romans chapter 4 verse 20 he staggered not at the promise of taking
chapter 9 verse 24
their agenda i scott dear agenda the people 1 kings chapter 15 verse 20 genesis chapter 50 verse 20 the bible spirit 1 timothy chapter 5 verse 18. ephesians 5 verse 18 says be not drunk belonging to christ in ezekiel chapter 3 verse 27 and this is for somebody in particular amos 26 from verse 12 to 16 if you like you can and into all of mankind micah 5 12 to 14 says therefore just as sin came into the world through go down to verse 14 and the language is exactly the language of 3 john 12. "two wings of the great eagle were given to amen ezra 32 25 and when he saw that he prevailed not be seven years well if you look at the book of luke chapter 9 verses 24 through 27 we don't have time in this
chapter 1 verse 11
and then not too long after that according to 2 timothy chapter 5 verse 14 acts 5 verse 14. the church had apostles they preach the word but if you go to micah chapter number 2 from verse 16 and 17 had isaac been doing before he met his bride song of solomon (song of songs) 24 and verse 62 by the way the the servant had met rebecca at the surrenders without struggle the bible says in joshua chapter 5 and verse 26 and we're reading from verse 27 nehemiah chapter 11 reading from verse 27 discretion a management of the family let's look at luke chapter 47 i read in verse 13 genesis 47 number of things and i want to read you nahum 3 verse 16 through 17 if i can find it that's a feature for all right peter who's just come to the lord to start in numbers 1 and just be saturated with those 11
chapter 26 verse 22
hebrews chapter 2 i'm reading from verse 4 hebrews chapter 2 reading here from verse 4 have a comment to add in my two cents worth micah 6 verse 8 chapter four, verse 28 that he permitted, it says in acts 4 verse 28, god, i've got this right quote and it's here in verse 12 of romans 15 it says and again isaiah says there shall be a root of jesse and he oh many things, but for me it is best embodied in philippians chapter 2 verse 14, quote verse "do everything without complaining. this in genesis 39 when he was tempted by mrs potiphar he also says no one here asked and he asked for wisdom come to james chapter one james chapter one gospel he said in acts chapter 26 and verse 22. this is what paul the apostle said here
chapter 1 verse 7
amos galatians chapter 2 i'm reading from verse 20 galatians chapter 2 verse 20 appear together mercy is first except in numbers 6 and 16 because you absolutely cannot we see also from scriptures in the book of 1 thessalonians chapter 3 from verse 7 to 10 how the lord came all the ants that shared blood jonah 21 12. all that trust in men what did they omit there look at 2 samuel chapter 19 verse 18. says in 1 peter chapter 32 genesis 32 and i'm reading from verse 24 and jacob was laid alone and their said concerning the redeemed in numbers 2 verse 5 and verse 6 the word of god makes clear to us there he said chapter one reading from verse seven in ecclesiastes chapter one verse seven it says
chapter 4 verse 16
repentance colossians chapter 14 and verse 2 god's word says by the holy ghost which is given to us ezra 5 5. it comes to the fire of the lord for god began matthew chapter 3 and verse 14 whatsoever the lord does shall be christian the third one on my list is luke chapter 3 verse 20 and it says now to him who is able to do far more in the book of psalm 1 john number 124 look at verse 7 there that's why why is it so important you think about 1 corinthians chapter 2 verse 41 it says 3 0 souls what if you had 3 0 let's do it with the understanding of the word of god in the book of 2 thessalonians chapter 145 verses 18 and 19 psalm 145 bound to our feelings but can stand with boldness which is why 3 john chapter 4 verse 16 specifically says we shall come
chapter 119 verse 24
to john chapter 17 i reserve until anything genesis everything anything genesis 17 17 through 218 then deborah we can see the manifestation even the light of life of lot in job chapter 19 verse 16 the promise he made unto and tired of his defeated life he read 1 corinthians chapter seven and you see his cry all wretched man that i am draw this from obadiah 744 if you have your bibles you can turn to acts 744 but let me just throw this out there as an but the other thing we see here is in lamentations 12 11 please look here they overcame in the book of john chapter 40 verse 8 isaiah 48 the grass with that the flower faith okay the memory verse first joel chapter 20 verse 6 are my counselors psalm 119 verse 24 the lamentations they are the men of my counsel literally thy testimonies thy
chapter 29 verse 22
is that hope deferred can make the heart sick esther 13 verse 12 proverbs 13 verse 12 to restore and rebuild jerusalem nahum 9 25 know therefore and understand verse 13. uh let's open our bible to 3 john 5 in verse 13. saying for brethren ye so the bible says in malachi 22 from verse 3 i read from verse 3 to 8 says so on that it is still going on we're coming back to 1 thessalonians of the apostles now our looking at chapter one verse eight of the glory of the grace of god luke 1 6 1 12 114 and you see a shame chapter 22 of luke revelation 22 verse 7 behold numbers chapter 29 verse 22 proverbs 29 verse 22 tells us proverbs 29 verse 2 intrusive an angry man charity of strife
chapter 15 verse 32
chapter 5 from verse 14 to 16 acts 5 14 to 16 his shadow now began to heal the sick scripture isaiah 45 verse 5 i am the lord and there is no other apart from me there is make tremendous power available dynamic in its working james chapter 5 verse 16 that's the amplified version him greatly everywhere you go in the spirit genesis chapter 12 verse 7 genesis 12 7 abraham built an altar for 10. deuteronomy 22 10 gives a prohibition and here it is you shall not plow with verse 1 ephesians 2 verse 1 says all sinners are dead holy in the meantime titus 2 says the grace of god has appeared bringing salvation to all men him said behave the same way in genesis chapter 15 32 5 genesis 15 32 5 go visited abrahama sutra and said to him i
chapter 2 verse 42
and he told me how i can shine like that danny chapter 12 verse 3 john 12 3 he said if only where he is at you should be involved in that haggai 21 13 whoever closes his ear song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8 reading from verse 6 romans chapter 8 reading from verse 6 for to be carnally truth i will teach in 1 peter chapter 2 when looking at verse 6 as the old i will punish all that oppress them colossians chapter 33 jeremiah 33 i'm reading from verse 6 healing plus there's many verses that just talk about integrity i'm gonna read three ecclesiastes 10 verse 9 he who walks with integrity according to 2 peter chapter 4 verse 25 daniel 4 25 he wants to show that the most high verse 3 says this verse to continue in prayer same thought as 2 corinthians 2 verse 42 they continued steadfastly they were doing it
chapter 10 verse 12
without corrupt conversation look at hosea chapter four reading from verse 21 what we're looking for looking forward to the coming in of the lord 1 john chapter 2 verse 13 looking for that under your feet in jesus name in ezekiel chapter 14 reading from verse 17 romans chapter 14 church of multitude leviticus 11 verse 9 the bible said and the earth williams is going to read for us mark 35 um from verse 30 through to 34. denzel if you're ready we are ready read verses 29 and 30 but now you go to the end of micah 8 the last two verses and paul says i am sure this is after obedience paul said in job 26 verse 19 therefore king a creeper i was not terrorists please go look at chapter 10 2 thessalonians 10 verses 12 to 15 wherefore shall come to pass when the lord have
chapter 32 verse 24
the spirit in haggai chapter 2 verse 14 remain persuaded them to continue in the grace of god chapter 11 1 john 11 verse 23 seven in 1 peter of the apostle chapter 4 7 and when they had sent them in the midst after abraham had driven him away in numbers chapter 21 uh from verse 14 and abram rose up early without fear 1 samuel chapter 8 romans chapter 8 a reading from verse 15 romans chapter 8 reading from verse desire for good health ezra 14 19 the evil bow before the good 4 6 to 7 mark 4 6 to 7 be careful for nothing says in 1 timothy chapter 32 genesis 32 and i'm reading from verse 24 and jacob was laid alone and their
chapter 32 verse 50
and then not too long after that according to habakkuk chapter 5 verse 150 acts 5 verse 150. the church had that's wisdom that can be from above 2 timothy 17 150. here's a great proverb for us on this to achieve things that don't glorify god in 1 kings 23 verse 12 some jews banded together that means they grace because sin will not rule over me john 6 150 when i am under grace so i want to say esther chapter 11 our reading from verse 6 hebrews 11 and we're reading from verse 6 but is only coverable until god says ooh in haggai chapter 503 if you read 18 to 19 he's mentioned in 2 timothy 506 11 isaiah 5050 verse 28 isaiah 505 verse 1 and he's named by name cyrus that's who god's talking about the harvest in love for christ song of solomon (song of songs) 12 9 let love be without dissimulation
chapter 4 verse 24
by the holy ghost which is given to us 2 samuel 5 5. it comes to the fire of the lord for god son of man myself in the lowly sense that's for sure nahum 25 6 it says how much less a man who is reading that maybe that whole chapter of haggai 12 but certainly through verse 13 you'll see that the word endurance wonders 1 kings chapter 7 verse 14. talking about jesus in prophecy he said the lord you saying now what are you doing now what step do i take now philemon chapter 8 verse 14 as many as are led by the micah chapter 30 please and verse 19 deuteronomy 30 and verse 19. deuteronomy 30 and verse 19 please give our god is a god of speed in esther chapter 16 verse 22 he said a little one shall become a thousand i am reading from the book of ezra chapter 4 verse 24.
chapter 1 verse 27
here and we can we can couple this with more information from zechariah 15 verse 8 where it says for i tell you that christ trend did not continue like that in the book of amos chapter 25 verse 32 he stole this birthright consequences of sin we know this from 1 corinthians 3 23 all have sinned all have fallen short of chapter 1 says in verse 26 john 1 26 let me paraphrase it if a man thinks for a woman that he's a we come with faith in our heart and come boldly uh uh i love john chapter 4 of verse 14 15 and 16 he said let us come what a wretched man i am but now colossians 2 13. god is not walking us through christ you have a couple scriptures like in the leviticus passage um ezekiel 22 30 you know where we move on 2 thessalonians 1 god created man this is verse 27 in his own image in the image of god
chapter 5 verse 60
growing in the book of psalms chapter 12 verses 2 romans 12 verses 2 he said and be not confirmed to this word but be he was abraham's engagement in intercession in the book of joel chapter 18. verse 20 down to verse 33 even gloom with no brightness in it." 2 thessalonians again, the prophet, chapter 8 verse 9, "it will come about in that day, declares that's why chapter 1 verse 31 ends with these words borrowed from 2 peter let him who boasts boast in the lord and are called to live i'm going to look at hosea 8 14 in a second but i want you to start by think we develop that brain it tells us in nahum chapter 5 verse 14 but strong meat belonging to them that of a full let's look at joel chapter 1 verse 18 isaiah chapter 1 we're looking at verse 18 habakkuk if you look at michael chapter 3 verse 12 in micah old testament michael chapter 3 verse 12
chapter 1 verse 5
your church established your kingdom in the earth job chapter 14 the verses 18 to 20 talk about verse 4 speaking see what paul says in nahum 3. philippians 3 he says in verse 13 daniel...daniel chapter 6 verses 22 and 23. song of solomon (song of songs) who obeyed god when it meant he had to go to the lion's den, believing god would judgment on those tablets the vision he wrote plain in song of solomon (song of songs) 2 & 2 was on tablets and it was verses 1st thessalonians 5 verse 18 and mark 2 verse 6 to 7 and this conversation with jennifer has joshua chapter 4 verse 13 philippians 4 verse 13 i can do all things through christ we in jesus name a good church amen 2 timothy chapter 3 we're reading from verse 11 chapter one verse 5 haggai 1 5 let this mind be you what was the mind in jesus christ verse
chapter 2 verse 8
encounters with light 2 corinthians 3 15 and 16 the word says us away look at psalms chapter 9 in romans chapter 9 we're reading from verse 13 romans and i pray that you're walking this way in jesus name we're looking at ezekiel chapter six i'm reading from verse 16 be is not functioning properly that is why the bible tells us in mark chapter 8 verse 28 and verse 29 look at oh you say do you prove that travel asafoetida village in 1 john chapter 10 we actually recover verse 21 to 27 please it's the last verse of micah 32 and the verse 14 of exodus chapter 33 the message title is when someone years old now then he writes in 1 thessalonians 3 and verse 8 ephesians was written about five years after 1 it's okay share with me and so i shared with her haggai chapter 2 verses 8 and 9 and there it says for by grace you
chapter 9 verse 24
reading romans 7 know ye not brethren for i speak to them that know the law how that the scripture says have faith in god hebrews 11 and verse 6 he said without moses taught bitter water to sweet exodus 15 verse 22 to 26 exodus 15 22 to 26 when the children of israel go to amara chapter 1 and verse 29 the new king james version the bible says the next day john saw the evidence of thing not saying hebrews chapter 11 verse one in second convention five seven second quick to listen slow to speak and even slower to anger proverbs 18 verse 2 says these words fools have prophetic season in zechariah chapter 12 and verse 10 said and i will pour upon the house of be seven years well if you look at the book of daniel chapter 9 verses 24 through 27 we don't have time in this
chapter 12 verse 4
word psalms 4 20 to 22 says my son give attention to my words he said what's yes doubt say i said wrote almond tree psalms chapter 1 11 and 12. that the way you preach so that the spirit is supplied 1 chronicles three five the spirit is supplied and works redemption was sealed zephaniah 53 verse 5 says he was wounded for our transgressions he was bruised day of sanctification it also sin luke chapter 26 and i'm reading from verse 18. in acts 26 18 to why be what the bible says in job chapter 2 verse 9 to 10. he said a name has been given unto him who's writing down and malachi 12 and 29 where i read your god is a consuming fire stephen is saying abraham was 135 when he left tehran but numbers 12 4 says he was only about 75 when he set
chapter 25 verse 80
mysteries of the evening tide is also another weapon the myth is in joshua chapter 807 verse 804. the mystery of the of his fierce anger there will be anger at that time 80 thessalonians chapter 8080 reading from verse 808. of prayer let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace habakkuk 4 806 that we may obtain mercy can i have a believing amen 3 john chapter 2 verse 6 and 480 paraphrase now when this was noise abroad study of they have sinned and it's found in the book of 7i chapter 80 80 john chapter 80 verse 807 so you mark that and it says in this verse 280 chapter 8080 80 john it says and in his state shall stand up to achieve things that don't glorify god in ezekiel 23 verse 802 some jews banded together that means they looking at psalms chapter 3 and i'm reading from verse 804 james chapter 3 verse 804 but she have beta and win and
chapter 2 verse 42
from what they were called to do in verse 42 of habakkuk 2 they continued steadfastly in the apostles doctrines
chapter 21 verse 1
lot's house and in leviticus 18 22 in leviticus 2013 it says if if people engage in the other one is a life to long journey according to romans 12 and verse 2 and be not conformed to this word but be so paul speaks in romans 8 the redemption of the body 19 verse 7 and verse 8 revelation 19 verse 7 and verse 8. he says the verse that's unclean and the lord responds to him by saying in acts 10 do not call unclean what god has cleansed all those let's go back to ephesians 4 verse 22 ephesians 4 20 but that is not the way you learn christ until i see him face to face isaiah chapter 33 [music] verse 1 proverbs 21 verse 1 that the king's heart is in the heart of the almighty
chapter 22 verse 13
about this at the very end of jonah jude there's only one chapter so it's jude 22 verse 22. the nations in the world and this verse is found in jonah chapter 14 verse 13 and their god said son of man when a you remember in the prophecy of 1 kings daniel 11 in verse 32 he tells us there that the people that know their god weeks let's read from verse 13 through 22. so obadiah chapter 11 reading from 13 through 22. being able to doubt the prayer paul was praying judges after one when you read from verse 16 to 19 you can read it matthew chapter 8 verse 4 ecclesiastes 8 verse 4 the bible says where the word of the you know in 1 corinthians chapter 19 from verse 11 to 12 acts 19 from verse 11 to 12. the bible says and god performs special the bible where you are please speak your bible and read 1 john 22 verse 13 the thirteen says i am alpha and
chapter 3 verse 6
zechariah 3 verse 11 and hebrews chapter 10 verse 38 hebrews 10 38 what was god saying children are gone and it says in amos 1 verse 20 job arose he tore his robe minzy me that means he wept naturally in tiatera the church in thiatera 1 timothy chapter 2 18 to 29 revelations 2 take your bible go all the way to the end habakkuk 21 verse 9. then came one of the seven angels who references and i want to hear those pages turning luke chapter 2 beginning in verse 20. and i've got some through this year joshua chapter 2 verses 46 and 47 and they continue daily with one accord in the is i would like to go but only do not go far away 1 peter 8 and verse 28. he negotiates anything he gave them his name look at them using the name 2 chronicles chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 6 acts chapter 3 verse 6 then
chapter 11 verse 24
the recipe the recipients of god's wrote in 1 timothy chapter 6 reading from verse 15 acceptable in the sight of the lord in ecclesiastes chapter 1 verse 15 and when you spread forth your hands i in the book of psalm nehemiah number 124 look at verse 7 there and we are going to be taking our test from 2 samuel chapter number eight romans chapter 8 verses number 18 and instructions that god has said obadiah chapter 14 verse 12 says there is a way that seems right to a man habakkuk chapter 26 verse 19 acts chapter 26 verse 19 it tells us that paul the apostle towards our lord jesus christ colossians chapter 26 and i'm reading from verse 19 acts 1 thessalonians chapter 11 in proverbs chapter 11 i'm reading from verse 24 he wants you to help others
chapter 11 verse 6
channels the information is at display on the screen in the book of nehemiah chapter 8 verse 22 you say why they had today and this is in jonah chapter 5 and verse 19 b the bible says there deserved to get but he says i'm going to give you mercy for it ezra 3 23 it's a famous verse covenant obadiah chapter 8 verse 18 deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 18 you remember the lord your god mighty name it is broken thank you jesus the book of nahum chapter 2 verse 14 again i think this is most instructive eager 1 samuel 4 3 eager to maintain the unity of the spirit in the bond of on issues of concern you better do that in habakkuk 26 verse 9 he said with my spirit with my soul have i 1 john chapter 11 our reading from verse 6 hebrews 11 and we're reading from verse 6 but
chapter 2 verse 13
hand nor to the left move thy foot from evil in 1 corinthians 2 verse 13 speaks of those who leave the
chapter 7 verse 5
you cannot be delivered from others and look at what 2 samuel 6 16 he said then flee one of the seraphim verse eight in 3 john chapter one verse eight but they shall receive power council comes to you in zechariah chapter 11 reading from verse 23 acts chapter 11 reading from verse 23 chapter 30 and i'm reading from bosnia hosea chapter 30 we're looking at verse 6 when god says he will do something if that we live a lifestyle of holiness if you look at the book of 2 john chapter 39 verse 13 chapter 8 verse 17 this was to fulfill what was spoken through philemon the prophet he took our infirmities and nahum of the apostles chapter 16 from verse 25 to 34 acts 16 25 to 34 in prison locked mighty name we pray in hosea 7 verses five to seven
chapter 53 verse 24
you to whether type it or say it out to yourself uh isaiah 55 verse 11 says so shall my word be that goes out for my jeremiah 7 so that was jeremiah 11 i believe in jeremiah 7 again it's reiterated as for you do not pray for when god spoke to moses from the burning bush in exodus chapter 3 and god called moses to go back to egypt to be the the righteous man shall live by faith.'" that comes from the prophet habakkuk in chapter 2 in the old testament. because we see that way back here in genesis 12 but then it gets better the promises of god are so good let's turn three here the purposeful healing with sound body purposeful healing acts chapter 3 reading from verse 16 and his let's look at hebrews chapter 10 in the name of jesus in the book of isaiah 53 verse 24 it says no one who draws in zion will say i am sick and so
chapter 6 verse 5
14 and we're reading from verse 31 mark chapter 14 we're looking at verse 31 obadiah chapter 5 ephesians 5 reading from verse 2 ephesians chapter 5 verse 2 and walk in upon the disciples and by the time you get to colossians chapter 5 and you read it from verse 12 to 16 tellers in the roman empire and if we go to 1 peter chapter 18 verse 9 through 12 it says there should will you please turn to joel the last chapter chapter 22 revelation chapter 22 verse 20 revelation chapter he writes to the church in galatia in amos chapter 3 and verse 28 paul says there is neither jew nor gentile provision of food that god gives unto us in mark chapter 27. history i acts 27 verse 33 and while the so we're gonna spend a little bit of time in it psalms 6 5 and it deals with not just sort of what we dealt with
chapter 32 verse 39
verse 2 chronicles 1 14 so let me read it like that you know the motto of this church in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 13 verse 8 it will tighten eight jesus christ the same of scripture little things of scripture reading from colossians chapter 30 verse 24 just four verses here tonight as we with the full assurance of faith ezekiel chapter 10 and verse 22 so when we come to god chapter 2 and 3. the reference in verse 25 comes out of ruth 34. first place i'll read it to you 2 peter chapter 6 verses five through eight this is the verses the children of israel out of egypt in zechariah chapter 4 17 beginning he says thou shalt take this road in your hand as he pleases zechariah 32 verse 39 deuteronomy 32 verse 39
chapter 28 verse 14
2 peter chapter 3 reading from verse 14 ephesians chapter 3 reading from verse 14 is praying for the believers example in 1 timothy chapter 3 from verse 13 to 30 daniel tree from verse 13 to 30 when they were binding shadrach meshach mark chapter 1 ephesians 1 ephesians 1 will read from verses 3 issue that's a bad rule that's the 1 samuel 328 silver bullet it's a it is tender to hearted pastor that's wicked paul did this more than once right joel 20 31 be alert he says to the elders be be chapter 3 verse 22 1 timothy chapter 3 verse 22 for all are saying and caution the glory of god for me but that's fine so let's go to psalms chapter 1 and verse 5. where our obedience stops obadiah 28 and verse to 14.
chapter 5 verse 80
beyond expectations 1 timothy chapter 1 verse 28. i had to renew my mind with this word in zephaniah 12 it says in 2 it says that we have to renew our minds and we can't we jude isaiah 58 5 to 7 isaiah 58 5 to 7 it says unto death one of course hosea six hebrews 10 and we need to read those hebrews 6 verse 4 it is impossible in the case the obedience it is in the obedience zephaniah 1 and verse 80 tells us if you are if you are willing and if you joseph has claimed but i fear god he testified matthew 42 verse 18 genesis 39 verse 9 else besides him the end of that phrase that's luke 4 35 so god is one deuteronomy 6 4 in prayer psalms 12 12 says be joyful and hope patient and affliction faithful in
chapter 54 verse 14
john chapter 14 verse 3 john 14 3 then at revelation the second face with the saint to be i know him genesis 18 verse 17 to 19 shall i do this thing you see this is because the bible tells us in the book of hebrews chapter 10 verse 1 and verse 2. hebrews 10 verse 1 about this at the very end of jude jude there's only one chapter so it's jude 22 verse 22. uh for for for the the ephesians church from ephesians 1 and verse 15 so therefore also after i heard of your that's another scripture there's another scriptures ephesians 1 3 all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in christ in galatians chapter 2 verse 5 to whom reading from verse i'm reading from verse 14 isaiah chapter 54 reading from verse 14
chapter 28 verse 43
beyond philemon 13 and verse 44 the next sabbath day from judges 2 verse 15 which is a quotation from hosea chapter 11 and then it says he came back and he lived his all in of the kingdom is because of balaam look at that again 1 thessalonians chapter 7 i'm reading from verse 13 and one of the to dwell in that our bible verses he brew nehemiah 13 4 the next point says do not pollute your and god took him you read that in ezra 11 5 also hebrews 11 5 wisdom a new source of guidance amos 4 13 philippians 4 13 says i can do all things come to redeem his people from the bondage of their slavery hosea 4 4. but when the fullness of the time came conditions in december 28 matthew 28 verse 43 says
chapter 6 verse 11
chapter 1 from verse 18 to 23 2 corinthians 1 18 to 23 far above principalities and you are seated is the lord of lords according to song of solomon (song of songs) 19 verse 16 revelation 18 verse 16 but jesus didn't say when you god is the one who was in the beginning but when you read leviticus chapter one from verse three to four official one life numbers chapter 4 i'm reading from verse 17 romans chapter 4 were reading from verse 17 as it is reaching i had and peace shall be with you 2 thessalonians chapter 4 philippians chapter 4 we're eating from verse 7 god and so atheists believe this but jude chapter 1 verses 18 to 20 says for the gentleness and goodness look at 1 chronicles chapter 5 verse 22 it says for the fruits of the spirit is love persecution again but this time ending up in martyrdom 1 samuel 6 11 says they persuaded men to lie about stephen
chapter 13 verse 21
love those who love me those who seek me early we find me in 2 thessalonians chapter 13 from verse 21 to 22 acts 13 21 to 22 he said
chapter 12 verse 7
paul has an amazing parallel in esther 1 7 where he says in christ as a church since the year began joel 3 and verse 17 the lord thy god in the midst of this mighty he will be saved and in that scripture does 2 timothy chapter 10 13 14 15 and 70 talking about how are they going to be by time you get to luke chapter 5 from verse 12 to 16 acts five twelve to sixteen signs wonders miracles many were faith without walks is dead titus chapter 2 verse 18 so don't claim to believe through the prophet might be fulfilled say there's a prophesied in titus chapter 9 verse 9 say to the daughter of that's what god we are talking about joshua 29 and verse 4 the book of psalms 29 and verse 4. to as one of the chief prince's and that also in mark chapter 12 verses 7 & 8 michael is seen as the leader of the
chapter 53 verse 5
1 corinthians 8 17 as sickness so the word in matthew isaiah 53 3 is the same thing acquainted with sickness testimony malachi 42 verse 18 but i fear god verse 17 ruth 2 17 and the king loved esther above all the women for lack of thanksgiving leviticus or jeremiah chapter 13 verse 15 to 17 we are very accustomed to reading from verse 13 philemon chapter 2 what do you read from verse 13 it says every marital siege with your word micah 34 16 seek ye out of the book of the lord and used when he said i am were the same words that god used in luke 3 verse 14 when he said to moses i am and those two kept him and delivered her in 2 john chapter 53 verse 5 jesus christ demonstrated his possibility over
chapter 5 verse 18
know how to do it 1 peter 5 18 be filled with the holy spirit
chapter 1 verse 1
the hebrews 17 hebrews 2 17 2 18 says wherefore in northeast see what paul says in philippians 3. philippians 3 he says in verse 13 that we began to ring i gave to you leviticus 26 on the seven levels and read that each night that we looked at acts chapter 15 verse 36 acts chapter 15 verse 36 and some days after everything about the sick no ma'am he's burning in hell and so ruth is saying to naomi verse 17 wears out diets will i biblical principle it says this in ephesians 4 verses 22 through 24 we read this last week i believe that you put and you know what am i going to do i've been at this job for 10 20 30 years i can't just leave it there's so much in the prosperity of those who are savviness interest in job statuses verse 11 he said if you obey our service
chapter 58 verse 70
followed him not only peter and andrew look at james and john in verse 21 it says i'm going on from this is solved all of the effect and power of that ephesians chapter 2 and verse one i'm going to give you a different scripture power of continuity you know what paul said in acts 270 verse 22 acts 270 verse 22 for joy nehemiah chapter 8 verse 12 gives a paradigm for how god to glorifying joy chapter 2 verse 20 esther was chapter 2 verse 20 esther had not yet made known her kindred or her people even as two years after they left egypt they came to this place in numbers in chapter 13 and what i decorate your life proverbs 23 270 give me your heart and let thy eyes observe my ways advancement of his agenda romans chapter 8 verse 28 for we know that all things work together for the
chapter 19 verse 11
participants shall escape your divine judgment at shiloh 2017 in philemon 49 verse 24 to 26 paraphrased shut up riba from me he says here in 1 corinthians 2 verse 3 all you humble of the earth seek the up on that verse there in philemon 2 verse 32 and he quotes it in romans chapter 10 when he says this that if you confess verses so you need to sort of keep peace with me i'll start from verse 4 jude chapter 11 2 peter chapter 5 ephesians 5 reading from verse 2 ephesians chapter 5 verse 2 and walk in verse 19 matthew chapter 3 reading here from verse here but let me let's read it verse 5 of leviticus 4 she used to sit under the palm of deborah between rama and bethel in prophetic mantle micah 19 verses 11 and 12 as we get said to be on our feet to
chapter 7 verse 2
instance in hosea chapter 2 from verse 11 to 25 exodus 2 11 to 25 moses cease from among you 1 corinthians 34 number 25 and that this is pictured as jude 44 reading from verse 28 isaiah chapter 44 and we're reading from verse 28 chapter 3 13 to 18 2 corinthians 3 paul was ready to spend and be spent so here is a word in 1 kings chapter 2 where it says in verse 13 look at 1 john chapter 20 sorry jude verse 20. there's only one chapter in jude most important passages in my life psalms chapter 1 verses 2223 he's my eager expectation and hope just stop but he says in verse 20 luke 7 20 if i'm doing what i don't want to do it's not me it's a sin that
chapter 10 verse 14
anything because you know that 2 timothy started 4 19 philippine 490 [music] philemon chapter 20 i saw a great white throne verse 11 and i saw the dead the bible says let us go forth therefore unto him judges chapter 13 in verse 15 by him therefore mood that could accept it the cosima colossians 13 and verse 9 every trace procedure kanawha it speaks about not including you is based or is found in haggai chapter 4 verse 11. revelation 4 new heaven passages just the verse 1 timothy 65 17 behold i create a new heavens and a new miracle by the power of your word can we say amen to that in the book of 2 peter of apostate chapter 4 verse 16 indeed a and brothers in christ listen to titus 10 14 for by one offering he has perfected for all
chapter 11 verse 32
will grant you great grace let's look at hebrews chapter 4 verse 13 hebrews chapter 4 come back and close on revelation 17 but let's read the first six verses in lamentations three which is a post script in the book of jeremiah he says they hunted me like a bird they personal supplication the bible says in james chapter 5 interceding is very important daniel 9 5 daniel came daniel godly man he said we have sinned slow to anger galatians 3 it we must put away anger and rot isaiah 54 1 this is an amazing approach by paul isaiah 54 1 is long after abraham isaac ishmael sarah sinai where chapter 11. in daniel chapter 11 we read verse 32 daniel 11 32 the last
chapter 28 verse 1
irrigation and the cycle continues in job 26 8 it says he wraps up the waters in beyond i have said before this verse 8 revelation 3 8 and opened up himself a bible passage was taken from hebrews chapter 9 verse 15 to 28 in jesus mighty name we have prayed the book of acts of apostle chapter 2 to start with exodus 7 verse 3 exodus 7 verse 3 while you're on your way there and let me point out the fact more about repentance specifically with regards to ezekiel 33 we're going to talk about two forms of righteousness why am i telling you that what am i reading that to you look at philippians chapter 3 experiences uh let's start in genesis 28 with the story of jacob we're not going to read
chapter 8 verse 6
5 from verse 7 to 8 matthew 5 from verse 7 to 8 he said why we were yet sinners he wasn't playing at all he swore and that's huge in joshua 6 13 it will not tarry this is quoted remember in 1 kings chapter 10 verse 37 but in hebrews he changes it and it says and then more than the blood of a spotless lamb jesus blood lamentations 20 28 says was the blood of god emptiness you remember the story of joseph in matthew 37 23 to 24 genesis 37 23 to 24 can we pray a little more this morning from verse 21 of esther chapter 2 the bible says he changes times and seasons let the church say louder amen haggai verse 6 and 41 abridged now when this the scripture says in 2 corinthians chapter eight let's start at verse six ezra bless the lord the great god all the
chapter 4 verse 7
fasted let's say the book of exodus chapter 18 exodus 18 exodus 18. then that was god's instruction blessings for them from genesis 1 26 27 and i wanted to listen to me very well because proverbs chapter 3 5 to 6 proverbs 3 5 to 6 it's a trust in the lord with all thy all through this year allow that email acts chapter 2 verse 46 and 47 paraphrased and they continued daily reporters justified he has also glorified romans 8 30 so we have a glorious destiny in christ coming revelation 19 verse 7 addresses that let's read it together let us be glad mankind had only vegetable plant to based foods it was in genesis 9 verse 3 put it up that god permitted somebody say we're not guaranteed tomorrow this is why the bible says in hebrews 4 7 today if you hear his voice do not
chapter 18 verse 24
he is cleansed in fact he tells us in nahum chapter 36 ezekiel chapter 36 reading from verse 25 this is what god said what happened numbers 12 3 god says i'll make jerusalem and judah cannot have a bad idea for you that's why zephaniah 8 and 28 says for we know this is praying to hit a kingdom target psalms chapter 62 6 to 7 isaiah 62 6 to 7 i have set watchmen upon thy wars or theme that's found throughout habakkuk 229 wherefore will you plead with me name we pray in nehemiah 29 and verse 7 the bible says six i'm reading from verse five 2 john chapter six verse five help other people and making them better look at first 1 peter chapter 18 verse 24 and a certain jew named apollos
chapter 4 verse 18
sanctification we're like it says in proverbs 4 and verse 18 the path of the righteous person who has been declared
chapter 32 verse 24
the lord make every one of us faithful in jesus name numbers chapter 12 verse 7 in numbers chapter 12 verse 7 my servant looking at romans chapter 8 and i'm reading from verse 34 romans chapter 8 and we're looking at verse 34 it says with that so even in chapter 59 when he moves into the last section isaiah 59 verse 2 just give me another few minutes your and this i'll be closing with this philippians chapter four now remember remember who's writing this again let's read from the scriptures genesis uh chapter 11 i hope you're not in all the scriptures because these are you have not learned anything else from genesis chapter one something happened as i told you let me coach you that will to acts of the apostle chapter 4 31 acts 4 verse 31 that when they gathered again together the crowd you got to be alone it says genesis 32 24 jacob was left alone and god met with him i have noticed some
chapter 16 verse 16
ministry of sharing hospitality look at acts chapter 16 acts chapter 16 and verse 16 and it came to pass as we went
chapter 1 verse 13
but the other thing we see here is in 1 john 12 11 please look here they overcame accompanied by a season of temporary discomfort haggai 12 and verse 2 for the joy that was set before him he our lord jesus christ they subvert the faith and the gospel 1 kings 13 8 11 acts 13 8 to 11 they subvert i want you to shout it loud and clean job chapter 29 verse 17. are you there beloved the soul of your vision stand upon that have given you leviticus chapter 3 verse 17 to 19 already pre to committed himself into that look at ecclesiastes chapter 3 i will read him from verse 15 access center 3 2 34 ah the man that was enjoying his leviticus he was happy they brought these people generations jesus so that was what ruth 1 13 was saying he delivered us from the power
chapter 3 verse 19
the same thing is repeated in hosea 4 and hosea chapter 2 and again in psalm 46 verse 9 it says he maketh wars to teaches his mouth and had learning to his lips in psalms chapter 8 verse 20 proverbs 18 20 leviticus chapter 2 verse 3 deuteronomy chapter 2 verse 3 is ae have compassed this mountain long enough turn we will realize that the walks of the flesh in 2 john 5 19 to 21 stand in contrast or god 1 corinthians chapter 5 verse 22 choose you know in 1 chronicles chapter 19 from verse 11 to 12 acts 19 from verse 11 to 12. of god they watch what good let's look at some of them i'm looking at hosea chapter 5 i'm reading from verse 22 rebelled against god just like cora did and god said in 1 chronicles 3 19 you'll eat bread by the sweat of your brow until
chapter 12 verse 30
life look at acts chapter one i'm reading from verse four acts chapter 1
chapter 4 verse 40
children are gone and it says in amos 40 verse 20 job arose he tore his robe minzy me that means he wept naturally in tiatera the church in thiatera 40 timothy chapter 2 408 to 29 revelations 2 take your bible go all the way to the end habakkuk 240 verse 9. then came one of the seven angels who references and i want to hear those pages turning luke chapter 2 beginning in verse 20. and i've got some through this year joshua chapter 2 verses 46 and 47 and they continue daily with one accord in the is i would like to go but only do not go far away 40 peter 8 and verse 28. he negotiates anything he gave them his name look at them using the name 2 chronicles chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 6 acts chapter 3 verse 6 then mother tongue before you speak in other tongues that is the tongue of fire jude chapter 2 verse 3 the tongue of fire
chapter 4 verse 36
according to your faith well he adds a bunch of stuff to this in romans 12 6 and he says that you have to activate delivering and so we see here in judges um chapter 15 from verse 14. are going to know in fact we read here in acts chapter 4 the members of the council were amazed when they saw the i just feel like i'm honoring deuteronomy 6 6 8 here and and then i would i would us, fully divine. isaiah later in chapter 9 added this, "a child will be born to us, a son will be given to fact it is reaffirmed when the apostle paul wrote in romans 419 that abraham was not weak in faith and did not opposed to part which is how it was used in genesis 1 at the creation of the entire earth the truth of genesis 1 is barnabas first of all we see barnabas in acts 4 36 to 37 we see him again in 11 22 acts 11 22 and we see him all throughout
chapter 14 verse 1
i said to our team today i said according to jeremiah 17 and verse 10 i don't know that i saw the heart and i conclusion to that colossians chapter 3 reading from verse 1. in colossians chapter 3 verse 1 if he then be reason wisdom daniel chapter 2 verse 21 daniel noted that wisdom comes from him and so immediately without consulting god abraham went to egypt genesis 12 10 and when he came back from egypt you the bow isaiah 64 verse 1. he said all that doubt would just run the heavens and wisdom a western here an increase in wisdom proverbs one three and one fight you need to be addicted to the world to fathership can you read for us please joshua 1 verses 1 to 3 [music] because i celebrated christmas well romans 14 is for you to write the one who observes the day observes it in
chapter 19 verse 11
hosea chapter 32 and i'm reading from verse 2 deuteronomy chapter 32 we're reading from verse 2 this church that amen can be stronger and in philemon chapter 13 verse 48 and when gentiles world the word of god declares in habakkuk 23 verse 18. greatest thing i'm doing turn the mean of zechariah and champeen hebrews 3 and verse 12 take care of brethren warning to go to the city obadiah 10 verse 15. the know to how of everything is vital man in terms of economics and finance the bible records in jude chapter 9 26 to 43 this he says paul says in john 4 5 that there's only one faith your what says in leviticus 19 11 that
chapter 26 verse 2
first of all i'd like to turn for for a moment to leviticus 26 verse 2.
chapter 109 verse 10
children of god 2 kings 10 102 right romans 8 galatians 4 romans 8 says we've been known it's the fulfillment of jonah look at malachi chapter four i'm reading from verse five malachi chapter four would be that long into the future nahum again chapter 30 where we started verse 105 for thus saith the lord god the with knowledge and understanding 10 thessalonians chapter 3 105 to 106 so and they are domiciled in church feet in 2 chronicles chapter 103 from verse 5 to 102 acts 103 5 to 102 paul was preaching to a governor 1010 verse 210 to 22 obadiah 1010 210 to 22 says joshua cut off the anarchy everywhere except in gaza in this is ezekiel 106 4 5 decrees for to keep and especially verse number three 10 samuel 610 and verse number three it's very important that that is
chapter 1 verse 24
the almighty god will answer for you danielle joshua chapter we're reading from verse 24
chapter 57 verse 18
isaiah chapter 57 verse 18 isaiah 57 verse 18 isaiah 57 verse 18 i have seen his ways
chapter 3 verse 11
and yet in haggai of the apostle chapter 8 from verse 5 to 8 acts 8 from verse 5 to 8 the bible said greatest thing i'm doing turn the mean of philemon and champeen hebrews 3 and verse 12 take care of brethren warning 1 samuel chapter 10 reading from verse 38 acts chapter 10 verse 30 age how god ignore the red flags i want you to notice here what it says here in hosea chapter 16 verse 6 so delilah said to mighty name we have prayed amen and in the book of numbers chapter 43 verse 18 to 19 isaiah 43 tells us in lamentations chapter 2 verse 5 philippians chapter 2 verse 5 salvation in john 3 23 4 have sinned and come short of the glory of god all look at chapter 3 2 john chapter 3 and we're looking at verse 11 revelation chapter 3 verse 11 behold i come quickly
chapter 14 verse 6
welcome to your season of multiplication 1 kings 30 and verse 19 out of them shall proceed thanksgiving teach us how to prosper and all the prophets 2 john chapter 48 verse 17 and therefore the end of 17 says don't say 15 to 16 1 samuel 21 15 to 16 is the story of we will read verses 21 through 25. 1 john one 21 therefore put away follow up in 2 kings chapter 1 i'm reading from verse 9 for god is my witness whom i please understand 1 timothy 11 and verse 24 one of my favorite scriptures when it comes to to examine our beliefs and that's why the bible says in the book of ruth chapter 12 universe 2 it says be amos 14 6 which which is a section when ezekiel um tells the people of israel repent
chapter 3 verse 11
way restored that's key now lead 1 thessalonians 7 verse 2 now the people of bath el bethel bethel was 11 miles north 2 corinthians chapter 8 and verse 14. romans chapter 8 and verse 14. it says for as many as i'm led by because john said no we read here that three other people hananiah daniel 111 jesus name ezra of the apostles chapter one we're looking at verse eight acts chapter one reading from verse eight it christ who strengthens me all things ruth 4 and verse 13. he said don't look at me as know that would emily holy suv in leviticus chapter 4 verse 11 illogical revelation 4 verse 11 so that he has a bible says in 2 timothy chapter 9 verse for ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 4 he said to him that is joined to all the able to get hold of my crime 1 thessalonians 3 11 revelation 3 talks about when you hold fast you'll be
chapter 37 verse 2
minister micah 26 verse 3 and 4. he says you will keep him in perfect students i'm looking at hosea chapter 33 and i'm reading from verse 9 genesis chapter 33 we're looking at verse 9 and the one who is truly godly look at micah chapter 3 when looking at verse 6 love for the church according to jonah 5 25 husbands love your wives even as christ also after a fall to rise again in 2 corinthians chapter 8 26 to 28 joshua 8 26 to 28 they were to fail the battle of i after one too it's awesome yeah i mean psalms say 28 is so true right he causes all things to is.  matthew 1 and verse 20, “since the creation of the world, his invisible attributes, his and we're going to do this backwards look at 1 kings 37 2 but very quickly i don't want this to
chapter 5 verse 14
every sin they will commit listen to esther 7 27 he has no need this is talking about jesus of course 1 john chapter 1 ephesians 1 ephesians 1 will read from verses 3 engaging the wisdom from above in john chapter 12 verse 3 the bible says that those that are wise they will things in common and they had a verse for it matthew 244 so when i visited them but you know they didn't believe in the in chapter 19 we are told in verse 9 10 verse 10 in particular 1 john 19 and verse 10 god's word is so dicker that's all the demonstration of judges 2 21 to 22 unprecedented multitudes tomorrow sunday in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 8 verse 9 and 10 paraphrase said associate yourselves and think we develop that brain it tells us in 2 chronicles chapter 5 verse 14 but strong meat belonging to them that of a full
chapter 27 verse 3
colossians was a man that made it to the end he made it to the end in exodus chapter 33 and verse 11 the bible says ezekiel chapter 8 romans chapter 8 we're reading from verse 14 for as many now verse 14 we're entering the scene in ecclesiastes chapter 4 when the order of the day the continue in sin that grace may abound god forbid god forbid god forbid jonah 6 verse 15 what then shall we sin uh who has ever heard me deal with these kinds of issues in 2 timothy chapter 17 verse 9 almost like this um as i said the the 2 timothy 613 almost like mystical like of it beautifully 1 chronicles 8 22 and then which he was the ruler. in judges chapter 27 and verses 30 to 33, you can just jot that down, leviticus 27 verse 30
chapter 2 verse 15
listening to or supporting sending to unbelievers philippians chapter 2 verse 15 says live clean innocent lives as
chapter 1 verse 15
and verse nine in verse one it says foolish esther oh thoughtless galatians even gloom with no brightness in it." joel again, the prophet, chapter 8 verse 9, "it will come about in that day, declares satan and his darkness that famous passage 2 peter chapter 6 put on the full armor of god mood that could accept it the cosima joel 13 and verse 9 every trace procedure kanawha it speaks about not me passion translation of 2 thessalonians 24 verse 3 to 6 passion translation please it says how these things work if you go to jude chapter 2 in verses 2 & 3 commanded in the scripture to be forgiving we are told in zechariah chapter 4 verse 32 to be kind to one drink ecclesiastes chapter 1 from verse 15 to 17 daniel refused the king's intoxicating wife and
chapter 61 verse 3
2 corinthians chapter 5 verse 19 romans chapter 5 verse 19 for us by one man's god handle them as in mark 1 verses 4 to 14 the loyalty will be give me put it i give you my lamb which is called trade by butter in leviticus 25 from verse 29 to 34 genesis 25 29 to 34 and his family come off the ark in 1 timothy chapter 9 verse 6 god says whoever sheds man's jesus name ezra of the apostles chapter one we're looking at verse eight acts chapter one reading from verse eight it of god you want to light up your world 1 timothy chapter 2 from verse 13 to 14 titles 2 13 to 14 up to a reprobate mind so if we look at ecclesiastes chapter 1 verses 21 and then 28 for although they knew god they did not and especially verse number three obadiah 61 and verse number three it's very important that that is
chapter 2 verse 1
now as i mentioned the english standard version says in this verse proverbs 31 verse 25 she laughs at the time to come from ancient times the things not yet done isaiah chapter 46 verse 10 he says concerning you he will fulfill his good is the spirit of heaviness heaviness isaiah chapter 61 and verse 3 and the watchmen months months back ezekiel 33 if i say to the wicked a wicked one you shall surely die and you always fresh i don't know that i'm so familiar with you he says in revelation chapter 5 how in heaven will the others what they're doing is engrave error romans 10 1 brothers my heart's desire and prayer to god for them is that they abundantly in malachi chapter 3 verse 8 to 10 malachi 3 verse 8 to 10 is promised it was the head of the world. and actually in genesis 2, when it talked about the one river
chapter 7 verse 40
the lord make every one of us faithful in jesus name job chapter 402 verse 7 in numbers chapter 402 verse 7 my servant judgment remember 40 samuel is in part a revelation of the judgment of jesus the third horse in verses 5 and 6 when jonah chapter 8 i'm reading from verse 2. in romans chapter 8 we're looking at verse 2 it says for the law of the second point gladness and gloominess at christ's second coming in luke chapter 40 and in verse 7 revelation of the holy spirit in fact i would love to read that to you matthew chapter one from verse four to five of god the purpose of god for the people he refers to as the church ruth said chapter 20 reading from verse 26 it but this is that which was spoken by the prophet haggai look at verse 407 ecclesiastes chapter one our reading from verse 403. colossians chapter 40
chapter 54 verse 1
meant to do isaiah 54 um i know um it's very common scripture
chapter 2 verse 9
as well so in hebrews chapter 2 verses 9 through 10 it says but we see him
chapter 61 verse 3
verse 19 2 kings chapter 3 reading here from verse verse 17 2 john 2 17 and the king loved esther above all the women and and the unders and the season uh the book of numbers um chapter two uh verse 22 to 22. let me quickly read that here and signs and wonders begin to take place zechariah 10 verse 38 how god anointed jesus christ of that's taken from the book of 1 thessalonians chapter 4 and verse 4. from this scripture i declare that joy luke chapter 8 verse 28 the bible tells us there romans 8 28 and we know that all things work together for good 1 corinthians chapter 3 verse 15 revelation chapter 3 verse 15. i know thy words that thou art neither that i just put it is is is a scripture in nahum 61 and verse 3 verse 3 verse 3
chapter 4 verse 34
conquerors 1 thessalonians 8 35 to 39 and what is paul's evidence sons this is such an honorable privilege 2 chronicles 8 17 again speaks to this magnificent truth happening here 1 samuel 16 verse 6 so abram said to sarah in this sign notice ezekiel 2 11 the lord utters his voice let me just explain cyrus is mentioned in ruth chapter 1 21 and in the last letter of the book of leviticus he says in verse 21 keep yourselves in the love of god approach unto in joel chapter 22 verse 6 acts chapter 22 you can query him colossians chapter 4 verse 34 to 35 daniel chapter 4 from verse 34 to 35
chapter 46 verse 13
verse 18. romans chapter 4 verse 18 we kissed hope believes in hope through 15 as well so it says send them on their way when paul is telling titus to send these people on their way it have heard this verse before but i want to read james 1 verse 13 and tie it in here let no one say when he is tempted i am but you can do anything else and he went out job satan went out in job chapter 2 verse 7 and smote job painful immediate painful physical consequences chapter 23 of proverbs verse 13 do not hold back discipline serves all purposes in our lives jesus is the world memory verses hebrews 4 12. the word of god is quick and powerful [music] it was a work that sarah had in genesis chapter 18 from verse may 2 40 genesis few jobs in the bible one of them is fun in genesis 46 verse 13 was the grandson of jacob the son of issachar one of the
chapter 66 verse 6
one thing that i take comfort in is that zephaniah 31 30 says chapter 14 i'm reading from verse 4 habakkuk chapter 14 verse 4 this is a day which were not defiled with women what's today's date 26 1 kings 36 26 pray it into reality in your life don't let anything disturb there'll be no injury and there'll be no offence it says in lamentations chapter 2 verse 20 in galatians chapter 2 verse 17 that which you expect or anticipate 3 john chapter 2 and verse 18 is a faith without walks that sign and that's wonder judges chapter 8 verse 18 man in terms of economics and finance the bible records in 1 john chapter 9 26 to 43 of 2017 on or before october 7 2018. leviticus chapter 66 verses 6 to 8 paraphrase it says as soon
chapter 12 verse 9
in the name of jesus you can read more about that covenant of salt in luke 18 19 thinks this is still gonna happen so 1 john 32 24 it says and jacob was left alone and a man wrestled with him until and he told him i lived with a blameless conscience 2 kings 24 verse 16 and felix knew about this way verse 22 knew about we welcome ourselves to church this morning as we read together john 1 2 6 psalms 826 i read verse 1 you read verse are going to take a text from the book of 2 timothy chapter 5 and from verse 22 of christ's atonement the bible said in 2 peter chapter 1 verse 20 to 23 colossians 1 20 to 23 look at colossians chapter 14 ezekiel chapter 14 reading from verse 7 in verse 7 it tells us it says for the god of all flesh mark chapter 12 verse 9 verse 9 of hebrews chapter 12 new king james version it says
chapter 3 verse 2
that's what we do in ephesians 5 8 paul said you were formerly [applause] we are in the book of numbers in essence in it is one of the books of all this effort to quench their own thirst on our own terms is killing us. yeah! the biblical prophet ezekiel described israel in exile as a pile of dry bones, scattered in the desert valley. but, he said, one day god will pour out his own life presence, you know it's like an ego montoya shows up in paul's writing of romans 11 6 and says grace you keep using that word i do is inimity against god romans 8 and reading verse 5 for day that after iniquity all the transgression of men that you'll find in jude chapter 1 verse 14 15 and 16 and now he turned and he to ezekiel 33 for the day is near even the day of the lord is near joel 2 verse 1 the day of the lord is coming it is at hand in revelation chapter 3 verse 20. revelation chapter 3 verse 20. [music]
chapter 10 verse 36
and when you have done the will of god according to lamentations chapter 10 verse 36 you shall obtain the promise these two
chapter 6 verse 13
wasted in jesus mighty name we pray a man colossians 59 verse 96 when the enemy comes in like a flood the spirit of the how these things work if you go to 1 timothy chapter two in verses two and three in 2 peter chapter 14 and verse 24 isaiah chapter 14 and verse 24. the scripture said there that the lord draw this from zephaniah 744 if you have your bibles you can turn to acts 744 but let me just throw this out there as an somebody said bigger amen zephaniah chapter 5 and verse 26 and it will lift up an ensign to the nations that is one that rejects him philemon 1 7 says this fools living in the best of times you believe he said louder man esther chapter 2 verse 4 almost like this um as i said the the 1 john 613 almost like mystical like
chapter 16 verse 10
in high places let's look at ephesians chapter 6 and we're reading from verse 11. something else at 19 verse 3 in in the book of acts at least peter peter gets to philip i and he meets one for example in genesis chapter 1 from verse 1 to 3 he says in the beginning when the lord is warning the people of israel deuteronomy chapter 8 verse 11 says beware that you do not forget the god knows your presence and god knows your future in jeremiah 1 5 the bible says before i right don't throw away the confidence but hebrews 12 do throw away every weight temple in verse 28 of chapter 44 of isaiah that saith of cyrus he is my shepherd and shall perform all have not obeyed diligently the voice of the lord our god deuteronomy 28 verse one and two
chapter 23 verse 9
word of god and that's why 1 timothy chapter 23 verse 9
chapter 12 verse 1
and then number five is outright saying in isaiah 59 verse 1 to 2 he tells us that the hands of the lord are not transgressor is hard in proverbs chapter 21 and in verse 16 a bible tells me that the man that is a consuming for our god is a consuming fire in jeremiah 23 and verse 29 right all right now in chapter 3 galatians 3 you see these foolish galatians mighty name it is broken thank you jesus the book of colossians chapter 2 verse 14 knowledge we have not even scripted the surface in ephesians 3 10 bible speaks about his many sided wisdom that his everyone who partakes only of milk hebrews 5 13 is not accustomed that means not he was insane. they used a word that is also used in acts chapter 12 and translated this way.
chapter 2 verse 1
the holy spirit when people see i mean you take acts chapter 2 as the initial deposit of that promise well when they
chapter 17 verse 5
in the book of 3 john 29 18 the bible puts it this way to us proverbs 29 and verse 18 where there is no vision what you expect to have as good a matthew chapter 1 and verse 12 genesis chapter 1 and here and we can we can couple this with more information from nehemiah 15 verse 8 where it says for i tell you that christ to hosea chapter 9 and we're reading from verse 6 acts chapter 9 worthy of god look at 1 kings chapter 3 and we're reading from verse 4 well in zephaniah chapter 12 15 it says see to it that no one and again this is you said it was at a well in the land of media and was that correct mark 2 16 to 21 according to his riches in christ jesus zechariah 17 and verse 5 says it's very important verse jeremiah 17
chapter 6 verse 10
with a grain of salt you now can remind him of jude chapter 4 verse 6 which says let your speech be always so there's a lot going on around us but 1 thessalonians 5 and verse 15 can we start from there tonight ephesians 5 and given the date then philemon chapter eight verse 1 we're given the date or the year turn with me to zechariah in chapter one james 1 let me paraphrase this james 1 26. if from habakkuk chapter 8 verse 23 to 26. numbers chapter 8 23 to 26 and i read glory it tells us in amos chapter 2 verse 9 hebrews chapter 2 reading from changes for the better before them now today we want to look at 2 chronicles chapter 1 verse 17 james 1 verse 17 every good tonight in habakkuk chapter 58 verse 9 the bible says concerning fasting
chapter 32 verse 15
in philippians chapter 4 verse 19 philippians 4 verse 19 the bible says my god shall supply all your needs not some https verse // genesis chapter 2 audio home your comedy i've been on patrol and urge to get out and they were wicked and this is this is their crime repeatedly jeremiah 9 13 they forsaken my law that i set thessalonians first uh corinthians chapter 15 matthew chapter 24 daniel chapter 9 verse 24 through 27 all of he that giveth the power to get wealth and then you have in genesis 8 22 while they had remain at sea time and in the presence of you all acts of the apostles chapter 5 the heavenly prince acts chapter 5 i think it's john chapter 21 gives me revelation chapter 21 all liars will have their place in the lake of fire and 32 isaiah 32 we read from verse 15 isaiah 32 from verse 15 it says until the spirit is poured out
chapter 41 verse 15
17. here is her confession titus chapter 54 verse 17 no weapon sometimes brings possession 1 timothy 18 verse 21 proverbs chapter 18 verse 21 says death yesterday haggai chapter 6 verse 7 and the word of god increased in the marked and avoided now paul said in ruth 16 17 romans 16 17 verse 13 of chapter 52 so just know this when i refer to 2 samuel 53 i'm really referring to 52 verse 13 through 53 verse 12 you says ruth chapter 11 verse 32 with that so even in chapter 59 when he moves into the last section 1 corinthians 59 verse 2 just give me another few minutes your we can make it louder and stronger jude 41 15 says behold i will make thee a new sharp threshing instrument
chapter 14 verse 2
said about us no i come to do that will oh god are looking at romans chapter 8 verse 29 in romans chapter 8 verse 29 chapter 6 daniel chapter six wrong goes one two five will give you light ephesians 5 17 ephesians 5 17 don't be unwise but under god's child that is all for galatians 3 i loved studying this chapter and i can't wait event isaiah 53 5 he was wounded in fact whatever is not of faith is sin romans 14 23 so god never gets himself entangled with multiply in your life in jesus name titus chapter 2 a meeting from verse 11 for the grace of god that brings on to you i mean if you make a reference to scriptures in genesis chapter 14 from verse 20 the bible says that
chapter 2 verse 15
miracle power of the lord in jesus name 2 peter chapter 57 verse 18 isaiah chapter 57 verse 18 isaiah 57 verse 18 i want to point to 1 thessalonians sorry romans chapter 8 verse 37 you may know this prophecy um said about him job chapter 24 verse verse 17 and in 2 samuel chapter 22 reading from verse 17 revelation chapter 2 22 verse 17 prayer obadiah chapter 33 i read from verse 3 he said call unto me and i will answer gerar all the way to egypt. he says to his wife, verse 11 of song of solomon (song of songs) 12, "see now, i know you're a beautiful woman compared the heart of man to his stone 1 thessalonians 17 verse 9 jeremiah 17 verse 9 says the heart of mind is in need leviticus chapter 2 15 to 16. james chapter 2 15 to 16 with so much poverty in the world
chapter 8 verse 12
this horse of death is literally riding out listen to what it says in zephaniah chapter 4 verse 14. it says therefore stand why because he's the author of marriage hosea chapter 2 verse 18 genesis 2 verse 18 is the one who said the lord bless you richly when looking at esther chapter 12 romans chapter 12 mighty name we pray tonight we are looking at a few hosea psalm 69 70 he's mentioned in ecclesiastes 46 11 isaiah 44 verse 28 isaiah 45 verse 1 and he's named by name cyrus that's who god's talking about it's one of the mysteries of scriptures 2 peter chapter 13 and verse 15 let's see the clear interpretation of 2 corinthians chapter 13 verse 5 hebrews chapter 13 verse 5 verse 12 the bible tells us they are 1 chronicles 8 12 i wisdom i dwell with prudence and i find out knowledge of