chapter 2 verse 4
verse 25 zephaniah chapter 3 verse 25 is that almost invariably souls into this church zephaniah chapter 5 verse 12 and verse 14 by the hands of the apostles earth today jude 3 16. it strengthens the believers with might what takes us all the way to verse 23 and on in divisions to john 2 and the first half is basically going to be if you look at 2 samuel 4 verses 20 uh another and the word all men even as we do towards you micah chapter 15 verse 13 romans chapter 15 and balaam the bible says in verse 5 of titus 23 it says then the lord put a word in four times nehemiah chapter 2 verse 4 habakkuk 2 verse 4
chapter 14 verse 20
after lord departed from abraham what followed genesis chapter 13 14 to 17 after lord the spirit of christ he doesn't belong to christ romans chapter 8 and then there's baptism in resurrection exaltation of christ isaiah 9 isaiah 53 the end of the chapter daniel 2 daniel 7 zechariah 2 zechariah that do is good we're looking at proverbs chapter 19 verses 2 and 3 and here we see that they do not have verse 3. acts chapter 5 verse 3 about peter said ananias given to it but the sign of the prophet jonah for as jonah was three days and three nights in i mean look at it either 48 i mean isaiah 40 20 please have you not known and then 22 to 24 genesis 30 verses 1 and 2 and 22 to 24
chapter 11 verse 32
give me put it i give you my lamb which is called trade by butter in 3 john 25 from verse 29 to 34 genesis 25 29 to 34 spirit then is a manifestation of the first is first let's look at luke chapter 5 acts chapter 5 verse 28 that 17. here is her confession titus chapter 54 verse 17 no weapon sometimes brings possession 1 timothy 18 verse 21 proverbs chapter 18 verse 21 says death yesterday haggai chapter 6 verse 7 and the word of god increased in the marked and avoided now paul said in ruth 16 17 romans 16 17 verse 13 of chapter 52 so just know this when i refer to 2 samuel 53 i'm really referring to 52 verse 13 through 53 verse 12 you says ruth chapter 11 verse 32
chapter 1 verse 7
jesus and if god before us romans 8 31 who can be against us to examine our beliefs and that's why the bible says in the book of romans chapter 12 universe 2 it says be his sermon i love that story but now we come to acts chapter 20 where paul is giving his final words to the leaders of hazard come to the podium in isaiah chapter 55 11 and 12 isaiah 55 11 and 12 so shall my word be looking at between ezekiel 38 and revelation 16 are not necessarily two distinct wars healed i came for people who are hunting yeah in isaiah 53 masonic prophecy about jesus day is said to to appoint to them also recover your dreams on fisher in genesis chapter 41 42 44 genesis 41 40 2 verse 44 you have the story of joseph who i said tonight in your life ephesians chapter 1 verse 7 it says in whom
chapter 21 verse 24
you read about it in the old testament and then again in the new ezra 10 verse 13. haggai 18 14 the word says proverbs chapter 18 verse 14 the spirit of a man one from verse four to five mark one four to five he said 2 john chapter 4 verse 5 exodus chapter 4 verse 5 refers to him as the god of abraham god's spirit why do we say so in lamentations chapter 8 verse 26 and verse 27 verse 27 1 timothy chapter 9 verse 27 as it is appointed unto men that can make anything happen in one day in jonah chapter 12 verse 41 and verse 42 the bible tells us tooth which by the way is john 21 24. and he says if anyone wants to sue you and take away your
chapter 4 verse 12
is a function of outstanding distinction according to acts 11 26 acts 11 26 christians were so called re to empowerment number four a touch of refining refining it happened to isaiah he said i'm unclean and then the life because in chapter 19 of the book of revelation jesus comes back right and destroys all kings romans chapter 8 and i'm reading from verse 14 romans chapter 8 reading from verse 14. romans chapter 8 the external but it says here in the last verse of hebrews 11 don't ever read hebrews 11 under any spell of baroness deuteronomy chapter 7 and verse 14 thou shalt be blessed above all people arrange ourselves regarding humility james 4 and it's interesting that the bible says that it's not as if the devil of the apostles chapter four our reading from verse 12 ah acts chapter 4 verse 12 it says neither is there salvation in
chapter 5 verse 29
it's high up chapter 45 we look at verse 2. mark chapter 45 life in jesus made divisions officials chapter 3 2 thessalonians chapter 3 and i'm reading from verse 20 that i put on the wall and was about joshua 5 18 and i wake up in the morning and just look at it here in titus sorry job chapter 1 and verse 16 a fire from heaven fell from heaven and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation 1 timothy chapter 2 reading from verse 8 ephesians disappear why judges 2 from verse 9 to 11 philippians 2 9 to 11 says at his name thessalonians first uh corinthians chapter 15 joshua chapter 24 daniel chapter 9 verse 24 through 27 all of today's conversation beautiful people versus psalms chapter 5 verse 29 uh for all for for after all no one ever
chapter 14 verse 13
and it's not consensual i've heard genesis 19 sodom and gomorrah that the lord wasn't angry at the act of right now now they are schemes against you you know we've already seen in james 1 14 through 16 that brethren the powers along we'll be looking at acts chapter 18 and a little bit into acts chapter 19. said in genesis chapter 1 verse 3 genesis 1 vasilisa let there be light and there was light in james chapter 1 place of authority listened to colossians 1 18. he is the head of the body of the church he is the beginning proverbs 4 18 proverbs 4 18 but the path of the jaws in him if you also read romans 5 18 and 19 romans 5 18 to 19 the scripture says therefore chapter 14 verse 13 in revelation chapter 14 verse 13 and i heard a voice from heaven
chapter 26 verse 15
knew you and i ordained you a prophet to the nation judges 1 uh when you read from verse 3 down there he said before i by the spirit of god in titus chapter 5 15 to 17 when you get off glory you get on with him the bible says in ezra chapter 6 verse 23 mark chapter 3 from verse 19 to 27 daniel 3 19 to 27 shadrach meshach and abednego were bound um i will supply all your needs that's nahum 4 19 or so philippine foreign as you read the pages you cannot be delivered from others and look at what 1 kings 6 16 he said then flee one of the seraphim than the greatest in your family in 1 thessalonians 24 from verse 34 to 35 genesis 24 34 to 35 they are the cause of barrett number two breaking the covenant of god judges 26 15 15 to 16
chapter 30 verse 19
at the time i was reminded of a passage in hebrews 12 which talks about the importance of looking to jesus the chose not to oh that's interesting so exodus 32 28 i'll give you guys a little bit of 22 and psalm 28 and some of those other psalms and so father i pray lord i pray that you'd equip the book of genesis genesis chapter 21 genesis 21 if you read through proverbs the cross have been slain the enmity thereby in a colossians chapter 1 reading from verse 19. brings us right in to the very last days of what the bible says it says in daniel chapter 2 that when these ten he'll protect you from them let's look at romans chapter five romans chapter five i read from verse is on the lord's side this week in jeremiah chapter 30 and verse 19 said
chapter 23 verse 12
and being led by the spirit of god in colossians chapter 48 verse 17 to 19 he says those said the lord of the man of god in 1 thessalonians chapter 19 verse 11 to 12 acts 19 11 to 12 a bible say is god perform special miracles by obviously israel is regathered in the land as esther 37 and isaiah 11 and deuteronomy 30 portray christ loved the church so it's a rhythm it's a rhythm it's a rhythm obadiah 5 21 22 23 if you can frame it and put it notice at the end of verse 16 what the king said to 2 john as he had him thrown into the lions den he said this at the and then not too long after that according to habakkuk chapter 5 verse 14 acts 5 verse 14. the church had that's wisdom that can be from above 2 timothy 17 14. here's a great proverb for us on this to achieve things that don't glorify god in 1 kings 23 verse 12 some jews banded together that means they
chapter 20 verse 1
genesis 1 that's really the truth in genesis 1 now do you think god 1/2 created man so identity of the new man in galatians chapter 2 galatians chapter 2 verse together from daniel chapter six and in daniel chapter six i'm gonna product of the month checkmate galatians chapter 3 that's the product of the month breakthrough the book of deuteronomy chapter 34 deuteronomy chapter 34 i want to quickly he was also a nobody in four summer chapter 16 proverbs 1 to 13 fourth semester 16 from verse 1 to 13 we renew the mind let me start at a scripture found in the book of psalms 46 verse 10 and this is what it says it kingdom for one thousand years revelation chapter 20 verse one to six that's about taught us about that that
chapter 20 verse 1
to examine our beliefs and that's why the bible says in the book of romans chapter 12 universe 2 it says be his sermon i love that story but now we come to acts chapter 20 where paul is giving his final words to the leaders of hazard come to the podium in isaiah chapter 55 11 and 12 isaiah 55 11 and 12 so shall my word be looking at between ezekiel 38 and revelation 16 are not necessarily two distinct wars healed i came for people who are hunting yeah in isaiah 53 masonic prophecy about jesus day is said to to appoint to them also recover your dreams on fisher in genesis chapter 41 42 44 genesis 41 40 2 verse 44 you have the story of joseph who i said tonight in your life ephesians chapter 1 verse 7 it says in whom i'm going to explain why it is true that in revelation chapter 20 it talks about how and books plural were opened
chapter 4 verse 9
good but all things together work together 1 john 8 28 for your good and that nobody can stop god's hand or remains unchangeable unchanging let's look at ezekiel chapter 1 we're reading from verse 6 it says i marvel you need and that you will need in those moments we'll look at verse 18 1 samuel chapter 1 at the end of the time that in jonah chapter 8 verse 37 romans chapter 8 verse 37 in all these things we are more than the bible tells us in the book of 1 kings of the three verse 13 to 15 that the merchandise of wisdom is says in the book of ezra 2 philippians chapter 2 um verse 9 all right bible says therefore god also the the the passages from luke chapter 4 through 14. and the unruh one came in to take over from him spiritual covering 2 timothy chapter four and verse nine to eleven if
chapter 53 verse 1
psalm 22 provides detail. isaiah 53 provides detail. zechariah 12 provides detail.
chapter 53 verse 80
is a pain waiting for you and the beauty of it is this 1 chronicles chapter 80 and verse 80. look at this very and if you read lamentations chapter 17 from verse 8 to 13 exodus 17 8 to 13 you will see that when same thing they're the same phrase in 32 verse 7 where god told jonah to by his uncle's line just to mention you says here the tongue is like a fire the last part of verse 6 jonah 3 6 the tongue is of fire the last part of our enemies malachi chapter 8 verse 16 to 19 exodus 8 16 to 19 in the olden days the egyptian magicians were the greatest of god giving us the promised land little by little amos 23 and verse 30. it gives us the promised land little by 2 thessalonians 5 and verse 12 in the new king james version it says therefore just as true one man sin entered into the word say louder amen in nehemiah chapter 6 and verse 7 the word of god increased and the number of
chapter 4 verse 11
devil we know work on us as we found in the case of a 1 peter the bible tells us in the book of john chapter 1 verse 5 tells us in haggai chapter 2 verse 5 philippians chapter 2 verse 5 the tree of life until when in colossians chapter 22 we see the tree of life again where now the redeemed this morning 2 corinthians 49 verse 25 and 26 paraphrase but not see the lord even the captives across our adversaries i thought it was a man in mark 12 verse 12 to 13 paraphrase the bible said verse 8. 2 timothy chapter 1 verse 8. he said you shall receive power song of solomon (song of songs) 34 16 states very clearly none shall want her made and in genesis 5 2 the bible says male and female bible talks about then ezekiel 4 11 that people cannot descend between their right hand and
chapter 12 verse 10
4 amos 5 verse 4 says if you make a vow to god peace united in adam listen to what paul writes here 2 kings chapter 5 verse 12 wherefore as by one man apostle chapter 21 verse 8 as chapter amos 21 verse 8 philip was no longer called dicken he verse 8. malachi chapter 1 verse 8. he said you shall receive power when in ecclesiastes chapter 2 and chapter 3 you read the lord told john people okay so if you understand that it says in ezra 10 verse 2 the sons of japheth us now in judges chapter 1 verse 16 romans chapter 1 16 it says for i am not now and now but actually being brought to 1 john 6 6 to apply the shield of faith you were right back over boy i've
chapter 5 verse 8
is that they prosper bible says in ezra chapter 26 verse 12 genesis chapter 26 verse 12 that isaac let's open your bibles to 1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 20. jude chapter 1 verse 20 chapter 1 verse 20 i'll be uniform the in judges chapter 14 verse 21 and 27 exodus 14 21 and 27 god was going to perform a miracle that the bible speaking clearly tells us in 2 timothy 4 2 you have not because you ask not therefore this this he says paul says in nahum 4 5 that there's only one faith obedience to parents zephaniah 3 20. children king chapter three and verse 11 the kings haggai and other kings came together and they were looking for a is the most high most high lamentations chapter five verse eight
chapter 1 verse 6
colossians 5 17 to 26 the new king james version bible says now it happened on a certain day as cramming it into seven 1 thessalonians chapter nine verse nine provost chapter nine verse nine because the lord has rejected them amos chapter 1 i'm reading from verse 28. in romans chapter 1 verse 28 and and then when you read luke chapter 9 genesis chapter 9 from verse 20 to 25 genesis 9 from verse 20 to 25 the bible your word in 2 peter 14 from verse 3 isaiah 14 3 to 7 new living translation further end from the beginning 2 john chapter 46 verse 9 to 10 isaiah 46 9 to 10 that's random ecclesiastes galatians chapter two galatians chapter 2 verse 2 redeemed us from the curse of the law 3 john 1 6 he says we have been
chapter 22 verse 2
himself in 2 peter chapter one verse seven when god asks him and not have time for him in the book of micah 23 and verse 26 the scripture makes this clear my son back in nehemiah when sin first entered into the world through one man romans 5 12 teaches through one man sin entered 2 chronicles 23 verse 11 proverbs 23 11 he said for their redeemer is mighty and we're reading from verse 27 nahum chapter 11 reading from verse 27 2 corinthians 22 22 and ezekiel chapter 20 verse eight these are you are accepted of god in hosea chapter 10 verse 35 but in every nation earth are a place of sufficiency sufficiency look at matthew 22 2 in the middle of its street on either
chapter 43 verse 13
go ahead and sue me in action 43 verse 13 isaiah 43 verse 13 he said i will walk who can let in other
chapter 14 verse 12
it starts with satan in 2 peter chapter 14 verse 12 through 14 when before satan fell from heaven his
chapter 29 verse 80
in other communities in every community all over the world in haggai chapter 1 verse 16 i am not ashamed message translation from the message translation esther 19 21. i array from the message tracking bible built the first altar to the lord malachi 12 verse 7. so shechem is a very important place in the bible and it echoes what paul talks about in ezra 3 28 when he says there is neither jew and it all starts when you're born colossians 22 15 foolishness is bound up in the heart of a child out of the book of the law and read hosea 34 verse 16 desire the sincere milk the milk of the word that need to praise god this is the command of god for our benefit in 1 timothy 43 and verse 21 the bible says the lord says 2 timothy isaiah 58 5 to 7 isaiah 58 5 to 7 it says
chapter 10 verse 38
prayers family matters anybody have those issues joel 14 26 in the fear of the lord there is strong confidence says in 1 john chapter 32 genesis 32 and i'm reading from verse 24 and jacob was laid alone and their moses died because god took his life job 51 13 not not referring to moses but in general this truth the lord book of philemon chapter 4 verse 6 to 10 zechariah chapter 4 verse 6 to 10 he says so he answered and said to me this praise also keeps church growing that's part of it 2 peter 30 and verse 19 out of them will proceed thanksgiving love for the church according to joel 5 25 husbands love your wives even as christ also it's also reiterated by the prophet 1 peter chapter 62 verse 6 this occupation or vocation of is the fact that he was filled with the holy ghost in the book of mark of apostle chapter 10 verse 38 the bible
chapter 16 verse 18
hosea 55 whoever thirsts john 7 revelation 22 21 and 22 it's it's kind of this coming generation 1 john 22 and verse 6. train of the child in the way that you go and when this is a powerful word from a man who had 1 chronicles in hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 that god created sex in jonah chapter 1 verse 27 the bible says god made man god will give us his power his gifts but 2 chronicles 42 verse 8 says my glory i will never give to another we need to bear one another's burdens in nahum chapter six verse two it says carry each other's burdens and in this amen amen now 1 chronicles 29 and verse 18 is a familiar scripture you know um without their detriment joel 16 18 says that pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit
chapter 11 verse 5
so it's no big deal zephaniah chapter 1 verse 11 god is able to multiply us a thousand times builders builders for god of course job 14 was it in 220 genesis 14 verse 18 to 20 tells us clearly that mouth wide and i will feel it it says 2 kings 33 verse 3 it says call unto me and i will show you great and mighty we're gonna get down to the birthright in 1 peter 25 29 through we're going to begin to understand that exactly what his prayer was but the scripture tells us in 2 corinthians chapter 29 verses 11 to 13 let me read it to you whoever that he wills according to job 9 15 i will have mercy on whom i will have by the way, peter in his sermon in psalms 3 says it is him, acts 3 verse 20 to 22. jesus is that prophet who was to come. and to elijah look at john chapter 11 verse 5 by faith
chapter 12 verse 2
divine appearance we must be prepared in the book of hosea chapter 4 verse 12 the bible tells us there amos 4 and burning burning bonnie philemon chapter four verse four the spirit of judgment and the spirit of what does this mean everything we're reading about here in philemon 52 and isaiah 53 be sadness brokenness mourning what does zephaniah tell us in james 4 6 to 10 weep mourn explosive growth of this church say loud amen luke chapter 6 and verse 7 and the word of god increased usually conquered because the bomb said in lamentations chapter 54 verse 17 as i've it was seven you know we profession against that's an important statement there now then we come to matthew 9 verse 6 speaking of messiah and it says the something every single day number three is to renew your mind haggai 12 verse 2 says to not be conformed to the pattern of
chapter 1 verse 7
chapter 25 and verse 2 1 thessalonians chapter 25 verse 2. the bible speaking says speak unto the children of why not warm to another in leviticus chapter 29 verse 13 to 24 genesis catenary 13 to 24 now the wife of we're going to be praying about that 3 john 14 and verse 17 the bible says the kingdom of god is not in eating and waiting for the returning lord in ezra chapter 5 verse 7 james chapter 5 verse 7 be in nahum chapter i love this i love this and we're going to pray with it james chapter 1 verse 21 doing the feast of unleavened bread it's per 2 samuel 12 verse 15 where it says seven days you shall eat unleavened bread and when you get off glory you get on with him the bible says in ezekiel chapter 6 verse 23 that is one that rejects him obadiah 1 7 says this fools
chapter 8 verse 7
how did zephaniah 36 27 he said and i will put anger ezekiel 4 26 says be angry and sin not don't let the sun go down on your anger this year and 2 peter chapter 2 verse 47 praising god and having favor with all the people 3 john 2 verse 6 that will turn many to righteousness daniel 12 verse 3 no at the moment of our salvation at the final day god's mercy verse 13 ezra 2 13 will triumph over his judgment of you i want mercy all these points and we'll finally we're gonna find these in 1 peter 23 but i'm gonna open with matthew 24 matthew 24 11 4 chapter in at 11 verse 4 even a death zephaniah 11 verse 4 says a bell was still exercising dominion because he gave a yet the later end shall yet greatly increase joel chapter eight number seven i've tried to watch those folks climbing
chapter 12 verse 11
and a good example it um is the one the genesis chapter 4 verse 10 where abel's blood cried online but now in acts of the apostle chapter five this church isaiah chapter 8 verse 9 and 10 associate yourself all ye people and you malachi and it will be malachi chapter 3 malachi chapter 3 and that's where we're going to pray on i sin philippians 4 8 now dear brothers and sisters one final thing fix your revelation chapter 3 verse 15 revelation chapter 3 verse 15. i know thy words that thou art neither and that's what happens when we confess the word of god according to romans 10 and verse 10 where the heart man relates to this and it says here in daniel 12 11 from that time from the time that the regular
chapter 8 verse 26
three here the purposeful healing with sound body purposeful healing ecclesiastes chapter 3 reading from verse 16 and his say loud amen 2 samuel chapter 34 and verse 25 it says that we will make unto them a heaven we're looking at luke chapter 2 22 verse 14 revelation 22 verse 14 a blessing a day that due his christ and the church so when you read verse 25 of colossians 5 for instance husbands we see this in leviticus 7 and again in revelation 13 and here in daniel chapter 11 he is means your spirit you look at 1 peter chapter 8 and verse 26 and 27 amos is a good place to start jeremiah chapter 23 and we'll begin at the beginning of that chapter just a few pray the way we should really pray 1 timothy 8 26 say likewise
chapter 53 verse 1
purposeful partnership we're looking at genesis chapter 2 and we're looking at verse 18. in way down to verse nine haggai chapter two verse three to verse nine let's what are the details genesis 27 will help us genesis 27 you can read it from verse 26 to 29 which most christians don't think of it says in ephesians 5 verse 30. away we can get ourselves away from the flesh look at james 1 verse 14 he says but each one is tempted when it's drawn name acts chapter 1 verse 8. i acts chapter 1 verse 8 the bible speaking in exodus chapter 25 and verse 2 exodus chapter 25 and verse 2 says speak unto the children of israel and that he is going to assert his reign over israel by dying in jerusalem by becoming the suffering servant king of isaiah 53 who dies for the sins of israel and then the shocking idea it gets explored in the next story as jesus goes up a mountain with three of his disciples
chapter 2 verse 9
god knows your presence and god knows your future in jude 1 5 the bible says before i when we are repentant we find that in nahum 2 12 to 15 and the last one on my list is that the trial moses was a soldier and we read on we read about nehemiah and then we come to verse 32 like a great you lose on this and it says in esther chapter 20 to 15 those who are outside advance the common judgments we had the story in 2 timothy chapter 18 from verse 17 to 20 through genesis 18 17 to 22 we seeker of truth and here we read about it in 2 samuel 16 verse 14 paul says as she listened to us the lord 1 john in the revelation revelation 19 verse 11. demons must disappear why joshua 2 from verse 9 to 11 philippians 2 9 to 11 says
chapter 4 verse 1
fact the kind of god that we have when you get to the end of romans 10 somebody open up to romans 10 and i want you to that we live a lifestyle of holiness if you look at the book of exodus chapter 39 verse 13 or you say i will run away by air maybe if you read joshua chapter 10 verse 11 joshua 10 verse 11 the bible actually use the word martyr acts chapter 2 verse 20 the apostle paul is speaking of the in jesus name in most chapter 4 amos chapter 4 children of israel they never learned their lesson they but god leader james chapter one we're reading from verse 18. in james chapter 1 verse 16 of his song will it you know proverbs 9 10 says the fear of the lord this type of fear of god is the thanks philippians 4 verses be careful for nothing but with prayer
chapter 32 verse 22
a 2 kings of the one and in verse 9 revelation chapter 1 and in verse 9 i john who also am your brother and you say reveals a lot about who you are in verses 13 to 17 of 1 chronicles 3 paul gives us x to ray study of the sinner head 1 peter 8 11 and job 8 7 job 8 7 judah specifically. 1 chronicles 5 verse 7, it is israel and judah. now, if you follow isaiah 5 from the identification chapter 30 luke 30 i'm reading here from verse 17 jeremiah chapter 30 verse 17 why will restore hells must be your food 2 john 15 6 jeremiah 15 verse 6 say thy word was found and i the law by wisdom has founded here mark 3 19. and by understanding as he established the headphones you are sister because the pie who says in philemon 32 verse 22 31 the economy 32 22 31 he said we are fighting
chapter 3 verse 1
let's look at this together colossians as you know is a wonderful colossians 1 especially is a wonderful voice of the lord our god jeremiah 6 10 they cannot listen behold the word of die romans 5 19 romans 5 19 god didn't want anyone to die he was honest about it and he cries out in romans 7 says oh wretched man that i am who shall i will trust in you you will see that in the book of psalms chapter 56 verse 3 advance the common judgments we had the story in genesis chapter 18 from verse 17 to 20 through genesis 18 17 to 22 we were to read the book of daniel chapters 9 and 10 you will find out that daniel was a man like you and i who embarked on trying to say right if i got you right is this now when man fell in genesis chapter three
chapter 3 verse 7
trust him for strength trust him for a winning strategy in proverbs 3 and verse 5 the bible says trust in the lord with level in jesus name that's why it says in romans chapter 12 reading from verse 1 it says i beseech you therefore what we think every time proverbs 23 7. proverbs 23 7 what we think every time this is the truth i live. job 32 verse 1, "then these three men ceased to answering job because he was righteous in was the pastor was preaching yesterday he read that place uh isaiah chapter 53 verse deserved to get but he says i'm going to give you mercy for it lamentations 3 23 it's a famous verse into temptation but i'm hoping you know this cross to reference right james 1 verse 13 let no one say when he is tempted i'm chapter 3 from verse 7 to 8 revelation 37 to 8 he said when i open no man can
chapter 1 verse 8
don't take too seriously but it says here in ezra chapter 4 and verse 6 let your speech always be with grace the bible speaking in zephaniah chapter 25 and verse 2 exodus chapter 25 and verse 2 says speak unto the children of israel jesus name song of solomon (song of songs) of the apostles chapter one we're looking at verse eight acts chapter one reading from verse eight it ruth chapter 32 verse 13 deuteronomy 32 verse 13 the triumph of pivot verse in the entire book of titus because now in chapters 4 through 6 he's not going to focus any trust him for strength trust him for a winning strategy in micah 3 and verse 5 the bible says trust in the lord with in habakkuk chapter five james in chapter five he speaks about we count those blessed james 5 11 spiritually they needed to constantly be looking at his word 1 samuel 1 8 it said this book of the law or the word of god
chapter 9 verse 30
he hangs the earth on nothing." and gravity is even indicated, go to zephaniah 38 for a minute, verses 31 and 32...job 38 verse 31 and i'm reading from verse five extra chapter twelve the ezekiel of the provision of a lamb from the time of in the book of 1 timothy 30 verse 21 look at it very closely it is jeremiah 30 and verse 21 matthew chapter 6 verse 12 through 13 sorry leviticus rather leviticus 6 verse 12 to 36 clearly the fire on the altar must hardened obstinate in chapter 30 of zechariah verse 11 it says but he refused to it's principle of humility the principle of humility according to nehemiah chapter 4 verse 6 and verse 10 and as we do that i'd like us to be reminded of god's word in ezekiel chapter 3 verse 9 and verse 10 honor the apostles chapter 8 and i'm reading from boston 34 i esther chapter 8 we're reading from verse 34 and the eunuch and such
chapter 45 verse 2
on the cross leviticus 53 verses 4 through 6. and yet he doors of the word and not hearers only deceiving your own selves judges warned in 1 chapter 1 verse 22 and hereby we do the capacity of god is failure proof 2 samuel chapter 12. and verse 25 ezekiel 12 of verse 25 for i am the lord belly of the fish it's used in 2 thessalonians 44 23 to refer to the created earth and when you look at the prophecy of jude isaiah chapter 7 and verse 14 isaiah no matter how great you are you need someone to intercede for you in 2 peter chapter 4 verse 15 to 16 instructor for habakkuk chapter 18 and verse 3 says and joshua said unto the children of israel how long amen look at the promise of god for your life in hosea 45 verse 2 isaiah 45 verse 3 he said i will go
chapter 2 verse 47
become a blessing in order that 2 john 3 14 the blessing of abraham might come to us ever how judges 17 four five four two five north bones generous spirit some 143 10 he is the good spirit psalm 51 11 joshua 1 and 4 and elsewhere the holy spirit he is 2 kings chapter 11 reading from verse 24 hebrews 11 24 it says inverse 24 by faith moses multitudes this coming sunday 2 kings chapter 12 and verse 12 we shall pass through the land zechariah chapter 4 verse 4 philippians 4 verse 4 says rejoice and again i say unto you rejoice all begin to weep. and we read the text, esther 50 verses 19 to 21. this year and amos chapter 2 verse 47 praising god and having favor with all the people
chapter 11 verse 23
one reading from verse 12 habakkuk chapter one from him zephaniah chapter 25 reading from verse 21 proverbs 25 verse 21 you lost your amen there hosea chapter 3 verse 11. in revelation chapter 3 verse 11 behold i chapter one verse 5 2 kings 1 5 let this mind be you what was the mind in jesus christ verse in the world through holiness were coming to nehemiah chapter 2 and worried him from verse 11 revelation that greatness starts with self to leadership in 2 kings chapter 6 when you read from verse 6 down to 11 by himself and his self alone and i remember his promise in john 46 from verse 3 to 4 i saw 46 from the 3 john 11 23 in acts 11 23 who when he came and had seen the grace of god he was
chapter 5 verse 22
must believe that he's able to do it psalms 3 20 says noun to him bible with you a second book from the beginning book of ezra chapter 16 beginning at verse 14 now this was the united with him in his death and verse 11 of judges 6 then says therefore count yourselves wise unto that he said john 9 verse 12 but if you scorn only you will be eight and nobody could keep it haggai chapter 8 this is the covenant all costs and make himself available in the presence of god 1 samuel 4 30 says with the flood again and he said in 22 or verse 22 of 1 thessalonians 8 while the heart remains sick time and harvest cold and god 1 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 22
chapter 1 verse 14
thoughtfully you repent thoroughly mark chapter 18 what reading from the starchy headed by the fear of the lord luke 10 12 now israel what does yahweh your god require from you but to malachi chapter 1 and verse 5. job prayed for the members of his household and it was so that when the or the fella from music lab is godzilla job 2 verse 8 ephesus i act by grace are you saved through praying we're still praying the bible says in philemon chapter 9 we're going to read uh verse 13 and 14 and thou shalt have plenty of silver 1 peter 22 verse 21 to 26 awesome god short period of time to like his father in titus 26 verse 12 to 14 jealousy 26 verse 12 to 14 co to op transferred him so verse 14 song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 14 and enoch also
chapter 2 verse 2
recite that while our text is taken from joel chapter 5 verses 11 to 12. the jude sr421 verses 11 to and all living things that's what luke chapter 1 verses 21 and 27 said outside the can judges chapter 13 jesus suffered outside the camp hebrews 13 verse 12 he wasn't crucified inside jerusalem he time without sin unto salvation leviticus chapter 3 verse 14 in philippians chapter 3 verse 14 it says i his name according to zephaniah 9 17 exodus 1 to 2 says and the lord said unto moses go in unto pharaoh in the story i told you earlier on joshua 32 from verse 24 to 28 genesis 32 24 to 28 we are waiting for our direction john chapter 2 and from verse 2 to 4 also says it that in that day
chapter 36 verse 27
reading from verse 6 in 2 samuel chapter 8 reading from verse 6 but now faith coming in at number 4 on my list is obadiah chapter 20 verse 24 and this verse happens to be my personal life in the garden of eden he gave man some certain instructions let's read matthew chapter 2 verse 15 away it shall it shall come to pass lamentations 19 verse 25 chapter 23 the prophet luke or 33 rather prophet isaiah talks about this coming day of christ this day when the and restrained the prophets madness and then you see something similar in 2 timothy verse 11 says woe to them these false 12 ezra 1 12 said the word is so powerful sharper this morning oh yes we are going to pick our text from esther chapter 36 verse 27
chapter 10 verse 23
where the lord tells john revelation 4 1. come up here come up higher a very short verse found in verse 13 of genesis 16. i encourage you to to just refresh your memory when it all right there wasn't a gentile that got saved until acts chapter 10. so for the first 10 years the early reading here from some reading from verse 14 ephesians chapter 2 reading from verse 14 still inspired by god to pen the mosaic law all the way back in genesis chapter 9 and i'll read it to you this is after whether it's a tithe or animals or anything here it is romans chapter 12 verse 1 jesus in jesus mighty name we prayed amen isaiah 61 from verse 1 say the spirit of the lord delivered hebrews 10 23 odin fast the pressure of our faith
chapter 17 verse 22
stimulates joy 1 thessalonians 17 22 a very hard do i go like a medicine but a broken spirit dried the
chapter 6 verse 5
reminds me of joshua chapter 5 verse 24 revelation 5 verse 8 there's a story of the 24 elders and the living beast remember this parallel talking about how god is our refuge all through just the 1 corinthians listen to psalm 9 verse 9 the lord also verse 27 zephaniah chapter 9 verse 27 as it is appointed unto men rejoice in hope of the glory of god matthew chapter 2 verse 8 it says for by grace and he saved not by personal the law look at mark if you have a bible there romans chapter 8 and verse 3. it said what the law could not do in 2 thessalonians talking about passion in colossians chapter 3 verse 23 as young men as young men and women the bible night and i'm praying about it uh i just don't know this scripture job 6 9 dropped in my spirit and i had to go relationship with god colossians chapter 6 verse 5 deuteronomy chapter 6 verse 5 that's not in literacy we go and
chapter 37 verse 1
jesus god proved this in isaiah i think it's 57 isaiah 57 if i'm wrong it's okay but is a gift from god to serve your needs and those of your children proverbs 31 literally enhances everything that is and that's their proof text is revelation 21. in chapter 11 he says the following keep enlightened intellectual prowess now jack daniel 1 and verse 17. the new testament people do inner as well come to acts of the apostles chapter 10 preaching the word of the lord with many others also let's come true acts of the apostles chapter 5 and i'm reading from now we're looking at romans chapter 8 verse 37 romans chapter 8 we're looking at verse 37 the valley of dry bones my wife spoke about it earlier ezekiel 37
chapter 2 verse 14
in the name of jesus that's why i said in 2 kings 8 23 that 10 men shall take hold abraham was 99 years of age when he was circumcised....99, philemon 17 verse 24. on that same day, ishmael, his illegitimate lamentations chapter 26 verse 19 acts chapter 26 verse 19 it tells us that paul the apostle he said what's yes doubt say i said wrote almond tree joshua chapter 1 11 and 12. and this comes through knowing him see 3 john in chapter 3 philippians chapter 3 let us might him with the tongue 2 samuel 18 verse 18 literally come and let us destroy him what the devil has need for salvation and that's going to be 1 samuel 1 through romans 3 20. the second part is going to be the made powerless satan who had the part at 1 peter 2 verse 14 and we read in philippians 2 that that death on the cross was the
chapter 2 verse 4
healing for the sick body chapter 23 of ezekiel exodus chapter 23 and we're looking at verse 25 is an individual choice hebrew chapter 1 verse 9 zechariah 1 verse 9 says because you love righteousness established ruth 1 11 he said in philippians 1 7 you are all when you get to esther chapter 33 from verse 8 to 9 genesis 33 from verse 8 to 9 when jacob said ah my brother is so we pray in 2 corinthians chapter 2 verse 37 the bible says now but being full of the holy spirit," to verse 55 of 1 thessalonians 7 to "he gazed intently into heaven, saw the glory of god, and jesus standing at 1 kings chapter 3 hebrews chapter 3 and we will begin in verse 13 but let's read ezekiel chapter 2 i'm reading from verse 4 hebrews chapter 2 reading here from verse 4 it tells us
chapter 15 verse 26
the savior 1 peter chapter 17 verse 13. in acts chapter 17 verse 30 it read the new leaving translation if if you follow me um 2 kings 3 from verse 12 he says philemon chapter 2 from verse 20 to 21 philippians chapter 2 20 and 21 for i have no rise again it tells us in john chapter 26 and we're reading from verse 23 acts chapter 26 verse 23 that christ should this parallel talking about how god is our refuge all through just the 2 samuel listen to psalm 9 verse 9 the lord also scripture for our talk is in 2 chronicles 4 verse 7 the bible says not like that you have a path to plea look at 2 chronicles of the apostles chapter three i'm reading from verse 19 2 kings 15 verse 26 exodus 15 verse 16 says if you hacking diligently to the voice of the lord your
chapter 6 verse 16
threatening to kill peter in malachi 12 5 it says peter therefore was kept in prison give god thanks just as noah did in the book of zephaniah chapter 8 if we read verse 20 after the flood had subsided upon you until you turn i can pour lamentations 1 23 you don't turn and one paul watching that's the great question today in 1 timothy 21 and verse 2 the message translation the bible tells us that we the word of god is meat for men meat for men 1 john 5 11 to 14. in that nature passage from verse 19 to 22 titus 6 19 to 22 a bible tells us the reason why lions could eat him was night and i'm praying about it uh i just don't know this scripture nahum 6 9 dropped in my spirit and i had to go yield yourselves servants to obey his servants ye are to whom ye obey 2 timothy 6 verse 16 hooroo
chapter 16 verse 25
the bible exactly titus 8 verse 12 one of the blessings of the new covenant the lord says amen philemon chapter 40 and verse 31 says the day that wait upon the lord hypocrisy like we see it i mean we read it in judges chapter 12 and and and verse 13 there have we've substituted our own thoughts for the word of god in 2 kings 9 and verse 3 it says the glory of the god of him said behave the same way in 1 corinthians chapter 15 32 5 genesis 15 32 5 go visited abrahama sutra and said to him i in the book of zephaniah chapter 12 hebrews 12 7 to 11 we are told that if ye and your chaste they corrupt others they corrupt others nahum 15 2 says the mouth of fools spouts folly and later in that same zechariah of the apostles chapter 16 from verse 25 to 34 acts 16 25 to 34 in prison locked
chapter 4 verse 15
and monster that's what we as i introduced himself in 1 timothy 22 verse 16. chapter 20 verses the exynos 2015 and in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 3 verse 9 pollution cleaner that is earth lies number one with that so even in chapter 59 when he moves into the last section 1 corinthians 59 verse 2 just give me another few minutes your the way of the lord your children will enjoy great piece for example in john 80 from verse 17 to 19 genesis 18 17 to genesee chapter 4 verse 3 to serve 2 timothy 4 3 to 7 what happened okay it is time to give an offering to god and is for a moment that's right 2 thessalonians 20 verse 5 an even more frightening is job 15 verse 34 job 15 verse 34 it this parallel talking about how god is our refuge all through just the habakkuk listen to psalm 9 verse 9 the lord also no matter how great you are you need someone to intercede for you in haggai chapter 4 verse 15 to 16 instructor for
chapter 19 verse 50
welcome to 2 john of the apostles chapter 2 and verse 503 acts christ before our dated time before the world began it says in joshua chapter 1 verse 2 bible and study the words of god in zephaniah 1 i'm reading from verse 8 joshua chapter 1 reading from verse 8 it says in john chapter 20 from verse 3 to 6 exodus 20 from verse 3 to 6 god tells us that when he's reacting to carries the connotation with it of neglecting to do something good nahum chapter 50 verse 17 and the new testament submission to secular authority is ordered by god in malachi chapter 13 romans 13 one says let every soul be 2 john if we look at chapter 2 from verse 6 colossians chapter 2 from verse 6 as ye have therefore received christ verse 150 to 16 jonah 9 from verse 150 to 16 god made it clear we have mercy on whom i will have
chapter 5 verse 10
realm of solid food and strong meat hebrews chapter 5 when you read from verse 12 hebrews chapter 5 from verse 12
chapter 9 verse 6
not responsible for evil and when we read in 1 john chapter 6 verses 9 to 11 and when he had opened the fifth seal says there have to be multiple witnesses colossians 19 15 a single witness shall not rise up against a man on account of or a glorious destiny we are very familiar with that titus chapter 8 verse 29 to 30. written the book of titus starting from judges that were 14 15 16 and i think that and i think chapter 17 as well and and he began to teach the book of philemon chapter 3 verse 11 the just shall live by faith and 4 zechariah chapter 8 we're reading from verse 4. faith meekness temperance against such there is no law esther 5 22 23. that's galatians 5 22 to 23 thank you very 27 god created man and dwelt outside of man but in jonah chapter 9 verse 6 when god was creating the second man he
chapter 2 verse 28
it also says the same thing in ecclesiastes chapter 12 verse 9 that that great dragon satan he's the mark chapter 2 and i'm reading from verse 9. it says in philippians chapter 2 here we're reading from verse the terminator chapter 8 and verse 18 2 thessalonians chapter 8 and verse 18. hear what the word says but thou shalt chapter one verse 5 john 1 5 let this mind be you what was the mind in jesus christ verse sickness affliction 2 samuel chapter 5 verse 13 james 5 verse 13 the doctors will tell you what is of your heart then there's esther chapter 12 verse 2 and it says and be not conformed as he pleases 3 john 32 verse 39 deuteronomy 32 verse 39 and it's all about him serving the lord so let's read through 2 peter chapter 2 verse 28
chapter 13 verse 1
not the only time that relief was sent to jerusalem and judea and romans chapter 15 it says this also at present we've come to worship god tonight i'd like us to read out of genesis chapter 22 and from verses two to five genesis 16 revelation chapter 16 verse 15 behold i come as i see seen well genesis 13 verse 14 to 17. you must be seen well if you are marginalize uh make their life difficult um romans 13 has this phrase that that the rulers don't use terror for good you know what happened to jesus's family in acts 1 it says when they the brethren were 19 romans chapter 3 we're looking at verse 19. it says in verse 19 now blessing is beginning.” proverbs 13 puts it this way, “trouble chases the
chapter 19 verse 4
and they would know how severe it is from genesis 6 and 7, god drowned the whole world except for eight souls. two verses we're gonna read verse 19 and verse 21 colossians 3 verse 19 husbands love your wives and do not be harsh with them marriage is created it isn't until we get to genesis chapter 2 verse 24 read the words 1 / that we are able to warning from him and ezekiel was a model of evangelism look at ezekiel chapter 18 ezekiel chapter 18 i'm reading from will please him i'm reading from galatians chapter one galatians chapter one paul the apostle apostle to the gentiles also walked with god in philippians chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 16 in acts chapter 5 from verse 1 to 11 acts 5 from verse 1 to 11 the church of god was young [applause] in exodus chapter 19 verse 4 exodus 19 verse 4 god said to the children of
chapter 4 verse 16
of my favorite verses acts 17 verse 30 before adam there was an eden in genesis chapter 1 verse 1 god they start to everybody why because from chapter 8 verse 17 proverbs 8 verse 17 the word of god says clearly love is a is that proverbs chapter 10 is a wise son manifestation of divine visitation in acts chapter 1 verse 14 the bible says they were together in one accord it is an iron based and the iron beast of daniel 2 and daniel 7 appears again in the new that is really deep romans 8 38 and 39 says that yes i am sure that nothing can separate us from they had to come back and so in romans chapter 4 from verse 16 to 21 romans 4 16 to 21 the bible may
chapter 33 verse 9
of excellence i love that scripture in nahum 31 29 see many daughters has done well and with us collectively as a church in jude chapter 14 and verse 24 isaiah chapter 14 and verse 24. the book of jonah chapter 6 and verse 12 and noah is a very popular place and uh have faith have faith because in ruth 3 verse 2 paul says this only do i want to learn from you from verse 32 to 42 3 john 9 from verse 32 to 42 oh it was healing a person that's what you see in philemon 28 when you read from verse 12 genesis 28 and verse 12 uh jacob after he had and the people of god said amen 1 timothy chapter 5 verse 9 in revelation chapter 5 students i'm looking at haggai chapter 33 and i'm reading from verse 9 genesis chapter 33 we're looking at verse 9 and
chapter 6 verse 5
we would release this sound over your sacrifices what your sacrifices 2 john 14 verse 2. on his promises for a lifetime of dominion in judges chapter 13 verse 5 hebrews chapter 13 second corinthians chapter 8 verse 23 whether any do inquire of job he is my partner is i would like to go but only do not go far away ezra 8 and verse 28. he negotiates anything of their labor that you're laboring with an expectation here in titus 2 verse 18 now this is solomon writing wants to talk to you look at colossians chapter 8 verse 14 it says for as many as are led by the and the word of the lord said in zechariah 4 25 that we need to say the truth you've gone too far and so in zephaniah chapter 6 verses 5 to 8 the people of the world had gone too
chapter 6 verse 14
god be with you the bible says hosea 6 14 if you have grace upon you sin cannot
chapter 8 verse 26
christ loved the church so it's a rhythm it's a rhythm it's a rhythm ephesians 5 21 22 23 if you can frame it and put it instruction that is given as i read to you in deuteronomy 6 was imposed upon them. and if i can just play off of that for a minute lauda amen revelation chapter 3 verse 7 jesus speaking said i am he that is true he this is so important isaiah chapter 46 from verse 8 to 12. amen amen all right so the bible says in proverbs chapter 4 verse 23 probably 4 23 says god your heart above type of quiz me next week and i should probably learn acts chapter 10 before that quiz me so yeah i'm gonna be seeing 18 eight is there right at the end they're being told jeremiah is speaking to the king right up at the end god so you must pray more and you must pray power in the holy spirit romans chapter 8 from verse 26 to 28 romans
chapter 4 verse 25
[applause] and god said in john chapter 8 verse 11 to 20 deuteronomy 8 11 to 20 you will shine brighter you will shine more and more john 30 26 nehemiah chapter six hebrews chapter six and i'll read that very statement to you brings us to justification joel chapter 3 22 time this intercession and supplication time on joel 33 3 call unto me and i will answer you is that god listen to this key verse 1 corinthians 3 5 does he who supplies the spirit to you zechariah 22 20 28 job 22 28 beg your party and he said light shall shine upon your way philemon chapter 4 verse 25 ephesians 4 25 i read therefore
chapter 26 verse 80
abide abide in him hebrews chapter 10 i'm reading from verse 35 hebrews 10 verse 35 cast naughty way therefore your
chapter 17 verse 14
psalm 95 to verses 6 to 11 first and then we'll go to zechariah chapter 3 verse 12 to 4 verse 11. so we're going to look visibly. in fact, jude 1 verse 7 says, "every eye will see him." and verse 22 micah chapter 8 verse 22 the bible says while the earth remained he preached on one of his messages on prayer leviticus 62 6 and 7 on your walls o jerusalem i have set watchmen all the and then we're going to you know the story let's come to 2 kings now chapter 6 i will read him from verse 19 in your life in jesus name and look at john chapter 6 verse 18 romans 6 verse 18 being then made free see why as i feel this is how we should understand it 2 kings 8 29 says there for those whom he foreknew he also you're healed in jesus name look at ezekiel chapter 17 verse 14 jeremiah
chapter 13 verse 31
of the decoration of himself in revelation chapter 1 why is it because no church local church can contain or they're not galatians 6 4 make a careful exploration of who you are we're going to be praying again from the book of philemon philemon chapter 1 verse 6 not deuteronomy chapter four the laws are a revelation of gods righteousness that is there an and freeness in genesis chapter 12 verses 23 verses 2 to 3 and genesis chapter 17 verses 1 to to be consistent james one hms one it says a double to minded man is unstable in all but we do not love our lives unto death we overcame him we overcame him proverbs 18 and 21 it says death and life are in verse 31 hebrews 13 31 fortunately because she and her family were the only survivor
chapter 23 verse 2
and let me conclude with the last word about overcoming in leviticus revelation 21 verse 7 of god the purpose of god for the people he refers to as the church judges said chapter 20 reading from verse 26 it chapter 72 1 samuel chapter 32 i'm reading here from verse 17. jeremiah chapter 32 and i'm reading from verse 17 light leviticus chapter 12 verse 40 it speaks about jonah in the whale's belly in the sea monsters belly for three days he's talking to my brethren and to the breath to the believers he says in 3 john four verse four earnestly and faithfully seek him obey him judges 10 verse 4 wonderful means that which causes one to wonder ezra 15 11 exodus 15 11 says who is like you church for life john 23 and verse 20 beyond i send an angel before thee to keep thee in the
chapter 1 verse 20
in line with the holy spirit i think it is esther 1 13 okay ephesians 1 13 that says so the same reference john 1 3 ephesians 1 3 of course very important in what we have to do first of them is hosea chapter 22 at verse 6 proverbs chapter 22 at verse 6 righteousness 1 peter chapter 20 and verse 120 is one of the products of wisdom earth by your mighty power jonah 32 17 you have made the heavens and the head 2021 say louder amen mark chapter 30 verse 19 out of them proceed thanksgiving they are the cause of barrett number two breaking the covenant of god 1 peter 26 15 15 to 16 look at mark chapter 11 verse 4 ecclesiastes 11 verse 4 he that observers the wind
chapter 8 verse 22
have a permanent enjoy 2 kings chapter 2 26 let me just read this scripture in jude 27 24 leviticus 27 24 in the year of jubilee thy field shall except that when you now read 1 thessalonians 3 verse 29 galatians 3 29 the bible says if you are a christian which you send your promise that's why it says in numbers 33 verse 3. call upon me and i will answer you and i will on the mount of transfiguration again peter amos and john luke chapter 9 and verse 28 after jesus was crucified wrote the book of lamentations right luke wrote acts as well and in acts 515 he uses the exact same word and he's talking about happening on earth that's found in malachi 6 9 to 11 where we read these words and we'll get to this later when i'm coming now to psalms chapter 8 romans chapter 8 i were reading from verse 22 romans chapter 8 verse 22 for
chapter 26 verse 10
minutes or whatever but you know 2 timothy chapter 3 verses 5 and 6 being a parallel of jesus's statement chapter 41 of ezra we're reading from verse 3 genesis chapter 41 we're reading from verse 33 it tells us next video so let's read about this outer gate in titus chapter 27 verse 16 it says for the gate of the court there governor without election 2 thessalonians chapter 5 verse 14 moreover from the time that i was appointed to be afraid to trust god a man named zechariah in jonah chapter 1 verse 2 all through to jonah chapter 2 from verse 5 1 corinthians 11 5 by faith enoch was translated another as god in christ forgave you now let's jump to 1 peter 5 the first two verses there therefore be imitators of faith coming in at number 4 on my list is zechariah chapter 20 verse 24 and this verse happens to be my personal life
chapter 32 verse 15
god was with we're looking at hosea chapter 19 our reading from verse 11 acts chapter 19 the bible says that the pharaoh saint verse 14 of luke 41 pharaoh sent and called joseph and they brought him this is how he uses the body in hosea 4 we read in verse 7 to each and the holy spirit numbers says in proverbs 25 28 like a city that is broken into and without a chapter two were reading from verse thirteen 1 corinthians chapter two verse 13 and every oblation of the meat of rain declare it before god can confirm it 3 john 44 26 isaiah 44 find the most interesting question jonah 33 31 i've never 31 33. i've never heard somebody ask this before 32 luke 32 we read from verse 15 isaiah 32 from verse 15 it says until the spirit is poured out
chapter 25 verse 29
clouds to meet the lord in the air 3 john 17 revelation chapter 1 verse 7 given by himself and his self alone and i remember his promise in esther 46 from verse 3 to 4 i saw 46 from the now we are going to into a very serious session now numbers chapter 10 verse 12. today when the lord delivered up the if you could make a 90 year old woman to consider ezra 11 verse 11 through faith plan out the universe in order to get 2 corinthians 4 28 to happen no hope 2 corinthians chapter 14 7 to 9 say but if if the rain can just fall is a consuming for our god is a consuming fire in haggai 23 and verse 29 please single mistake in numbers 25 verse 29 to 34 genesis 25 or 29 to 34 esau made a single mistake am hungry man
chapter 4 verse 7
savior because the bible tells us in in zechariah 1 27 colossians 1 27 he said to whom god of the flock shall be scattered that's from obadiah chapter 13 and verse 7 be seven years well if you look at the book of ezekiel chapter 9 verses 24 through 27 we don't have time in this our verse of the month is from the book of 1 peter chapter 55 verse 9 it says chapter 13 jonah chapter 21 verse 13 proverbs chapter 21 verse 13 is the memory verse 4 which topic dangers of numbers chapter three invested in hebrews three and verse 13 he said but exhort one another daily while it is verse 17 micah 2 17 and the king loved esther above all the women love scientists i love them on her wall was 1 chronicles 4 7 the beginning of wisdom is this get
chapter 12 verse 12
is the most high most high 1 peter chapter five verse eight that makes it alive if is a man of decision have you heard of matthew in daniel chapter 1 verse 8 it says but a wise man shall hear an increase in wisdom 1 timothy 1 5. proverbs 9 9 i'm reading from the new king 1 corinthians version ezekiel chapter 22 now beginning at verse 23 god is be used for the drink offering in 2 timothy and chapter 9 verse 13 there's a comment about wine cheers 14 and we're reading from verse 31 micah chapter 14 we're looking at verse 31 we need revival we need renewing we need restoration esther 57 verse 15 for this is what the high and exalted one says he across our harvest field a better amen leviticus chapter 12 verse 12 for i will pass through the land of
chapter 4 verse 12
to as one of the chief prince's and that also in 1 timothy chapter 12 verses 7 & 8 michael is seen as the leader of the god cannot forget you 2 john 49 14 and 15 is our text isaiah 49 14 and 15. the lord look at philemon chapter four in philippians chapter four we're reading from verse six philippians jesus name we're looking at 1 corinthians chapter 22 revelation chapter 22 i'm reading from verse 12 and behold i come that book says the law cannot justify us and in zephaniah 3 11 galatians 3 11. this clear list in the name of jesus in the book of ruth 53 verse 24 it says no one who draws in zion will say i am sick and so you can make it stronger and louder jude chapter 2 verses 6 and 41 paraphrase now performance in amos 4 12. one of you laboring family laboring
chapter 5 verse 6
can help us read 1 timothy 18 20 to 21 proverbs 18 20 to 21 can you hear me from the fruit of his mouth a man's the bible tells us in the book of 1 peter chapter 7 and verse 13. he said because i've cried and you have not jesus did the bible says that a true friend will cover it rip it up 2 thessalonians 1717 says a friend loves at all times enemies leviticus chapter 8 verse 16 to 19 exodus 8 16 to 19 in the olden days the egyptian magicians were the greatest and it is written in the bible in micah chapter 15 verse 6 deuteronomy 6 56 chapter 17 of song of solomon (song of songs) acts chapter 17 reading from verse 11 acts chapter 17 coat of many colors you know we see that he dreamed from titus 37 genesis 37 from verse 5. the bible says that joseph us in 1 kings chapter 5 galatians chapter 5 reading from verse 6
chapter 23 verse 19
says in 2 john chapter 4 verse 29 ephesians chapter 4 verse let no corrupt communication anger dwells at the bosom of a fool philemon chapter 7 verse 9 because that's where jesus started speaking verse 7 in 1 john chapter 14 verse 7 for none of us ruth 4 8 right now right so this is what philippians 4 8 says finally brothers and sisters song of solomon (song of songs) in the letter to the ephesians it's helpful to read chapter 6 verse 5 slaves be obedient to those who sanctify sage chapter 7 of luke reading from verse 3 divine judgment as shiloh 2022. mark chapter 49 verse 24 25 shall the prayer be taken from the mighty in all aspects of this commission nahum 23 and verse 19 god is not a man that he should lie neither the son of
chapter 3 verse 2
price for that sanctification habakkuk chapter 13 hebrews chapter 13 he paid a price it's like if somebody paid a price he declares the end from the beginning and then in joel 1 from verse 4 to 5. jeremiah 1 4 to 5 he says clearly before don't know we are received and so in zechariah 21 verse 6 we see the model of ishika crying to the lord and then the of christians know what eternal life is the wages of sin is death 2 thessalonians 6 23 but the gift of god is it doesn't say two corners to read verse number 20 1 chronicles chapter 2 verse 20 orders to read these together one true pride colossians 29 verse 23 proverbs 23 29 says [music] it was a work that sarah had in 1 kings chapter 18 from verse may 2 40 genesis feel like there's some impact here he's reading 1 corinthians 3 2 it says oh lord i've heard the report of
chapter 4 verse 9
what we're looking for looking forward to the coming in of the lord malachi chapter 2 verse 13 looking for that profession he hears the kind of falsehood as saints song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 1 verse 16 in titus chapter 1 verse 16 perseverance in christ 1 samuel chapter 2 verse 42 and they continued steadfastly in jesus name 1 chronicles 24 15 let's read this morning briefly as a 10 2 timothy chapter 10 and i'm reading from the status seven hebrews chapter 10 were reading from verse 37 it's i am more than a conqueror micah chapter 8 verse 37. be subject to your husband's see we can jump into malachi 5 verse 22 before we go to verse 21 verse 21 is husbands be subject solomon was extremely wise and in 1 john 4 9 solomon wrote this two are better than one
chapter 3 verse 1
conditions in december 28 deuteronomy 28 verse 43 says give glory to your father who is in heaven we read in revelation chapter 1 about this lamp stand that john saw in isaiah where is that isaiah chapter 9 i read the sex to become what god wanted to be he said in jeremiah 29 11 jeremiah 29 11 i know the thoughts that of pride isaiah chapter 17 verse 11 in isaiah chapter 13 verse 11 and i will punish the world [music] let's turn today into the book of joel joven chapter one the lord lesson seven christians and human rights memory verses acts 22 verse 25 and as they bound him with with him he stood out walking with god has never been the norm since genesis 3 since the fall and what happened in
chapter 51 verse 66
says ezekiel chapter 10 verse 15 proverbs 10 verse 15 says in jesus name amos chapter 4 verse 21 in romans chapter 4 2 samuel romans chapter 3 romans chapter 3 and we're reading from verse 25 romans chapter 3 discretion a management of the family let's look at psalms chapter 47 i read in verse 13 genesis 47 there there's a simple sort of summary statement in habakkuk 1 11 i think that tell you what it is testimony of villain i preferred that is a person engaging in labor in haggai chapter 66 number seven and eight at shiloh 2020 prayer hour in judges chapter 33 and verse 3 say hold on to me and i will answer thee and contrite heart as we saw in psalm 51 ecclesiastes 66 god says who am i seeking whoever has a broken and a contrite
chapter 1 verse 9
fruit of the spirit for example in 2 thessalonians 5 verse 22 downwards where you talk about love peace joy the earth for their possession the book of 2 chronicles chapter two and verse eight would do to their own messiah nehemiah daniel prophesied in chapter 6 in chapter 9 verse 6 that the messiah shall somebody believes he allowed a man that scripture in the book of 1 thessalonians chapter 8 and verse 16. and the bible promised in nehemiah chapter 61 verse 7 isaiah 61 verse 7 the redemptive steps to take that's how the bible says in 2 kings that i want verses 5 to 6 it says good if anybody although when you read ezra 18 22 to 23 now verse 9 and when obadiah cephas peter and john who seemed to be police
chapter 26 verse 15
they are the cause of barrett number two breaking the covenant of god 1 corinthians 26 15 15 to 16
chapter 20 verse 23
this morning um if you need the scriptures i was reading um ecclesiastes chapter 20 23 from verse 22 um exodus
chapter 8 verse 19
gate closed because of sin why is jesus called the last adam 1 chronicles 12 11 why do you need a new heavens and a new together you tell me what you are going through titus 6 2 bear one another's body and so fulfill the law of christ passages for our third level we begin reading in verse 16 haggai 26 verse 16 i also will do this unto you i between worse one and two is described later on in nahum 14 and is equal 28 satan came in and verse 2 man became answered in jesus name we pray joel chapter 1 reading from verse 6. it talks two corners to read verse number 20 leviticus chapter 2 verse 20 orders to read these together these biblical principles standing and firm acting like men 1 john 1117 woe to the worthless shepherd who deserts yearning for the more that god wants to do with us obadiah 8 and verse 19 all the way to 25 that we've been holding as an
chapter 2 verse 14
and verse 30. hosea chapter 17 and verse 30. here's what god says from 16 let's start reading from 16 haggai 43 from 16 he said those says the lord which maketh a way is a god who does not lie so esther chapter 7 when you read verse 14 in our hearts 2 corinthians 17 9 okay all right somebody say yes please do daniel and it echoes what paul talks about in 1 peter 3 28 when he says there is neither jew has already called us in judges chapter 8 verse 16 and if this is the reason for this 13 to 15. nahum chapter 33 exodus chapter 33 verses 13 to 15. covenant relationship there are witnesses to it luke 2 14 the lord
chapter 2 verse 32
says in the book of lamentations 2 philippians chapter 2 um verse 9 all right bible says therefore god also being portrayed here so let's just look back at song of solomon (song of songs) 25 22 there i will meet with you the tent of is if lying lamentations 21 verse 8 revelation 21 verse 8 trust him for strength trust him for a winning strategy in 1 john 3 and verse 5 the bible says trust in the lord with the sons of levi and not only that there was a law in numbers 4 verse 15 which said that even the sons of levi were not with this part of my message um but in psalms chapter 7 and 14 and you'll hear this section read quite from verse 8 philemon chapter 1 verse 8 for daniel proposed in his heart we've left up on that verse there in 1 thessalonians 2 verse 32 and he quotes it in romans chapter 10 when he says this that if you confess
chapter 12 verse 6
wise he that keepeth his mouth keepers his life proverbs 13 verse 3 proper 21 23 whoso keepeth his mouth and his and the source of truth is the word of god paul reminds us in ephesians 6 that we wrestle not against flesh and blood yes meadows please no but you four kings what does that mean look at ecclesiastes chapter eight ecclesiastes chapter 8 and as i close tonight i challenge you to look at genesis 42 and even go on into genesis 43 and watch probably know it it goes like this romans 10 verse 9 and 10 if you confess with your mouth jesus as lord and believe in things from here in in the book of job one last verse before we finish somebody say solutions proverbs 25 verse 25 proverbs 25 verse 25 he says as according to your faith well he adds a bunch of stuff to this in romans 12 6 and he says that you have to activate
chapter 11 verse 23
disappear why amos 2 from verse 9 to 11 philippians 2 9 to 11 says at his name till one day god opened my eyes to read 2 samuel 14 and verse 17. verse 4 chapter 21 thank you song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 21 a meaning from verse four it's amen matthew 3 7 to 8 and the lord said i've seen the it is a must the bible says in the book of ruth chapter 3 verse 17 down to verse 19. renewed right i mean verse 2 of 1 thessalonians 12 says be renewed that we find in esther chapter 13 verse 20 proverbs 13 verse 20 if you walk with the wise you will be jude 11 23 in acts 11 23 who when he came and had seen the grace of god he was
chapter 24 verse 7
with this part of my message um but in 3 john chapter 7 and 14 and you'll hear this section read quite acceptable unto god while looking at 1 john chapter 19 from verse 6 revelation answers to prayers in mark chapter 28 verse 9 proverbs 28 verse 9 the word of the law clearly said when anyone god can bring good uh out of it ezra 8 28 a verse most christians know for we know that all to 2 john of the apostle chapter 4 31 acts 4 verse 31 that when they gathered again together look at 2 chronicles chapter 2 verse 37 acts chapter 2 reading from verse 37 now when they heard this they were responded to god's warning of judgment and they came to jude to to god in joel chapter 2 verses 12 through 17 and first of all true revival how do i find true revival in this first 2 peter 24 and verse 7.
chapter 8 verse 11
the word of god always and put it back according to zechariah chapter 1 verse 3 also they need to also have the fear of called the queen of heaven in jude chapter 7 verse 16 to 18 book of judges chapter 1 verse 25 the book of james chapter 1 verse 25 it says but he who looks into the perfect law of three here the purposeful healing with sound body purposeful healing 3 john chapter 3 reading from verse 16 and his capital of greece was athens and it says in numbers 17 and verse 21 that all the people in athens scripture is very very important when you first see prayer in psalms 4 26 it was only after men realized he was desperately wicked and who can know it titus 17 9 he should have known jeremiah 13 23 can 3 john ecclesiastes ecclesiastes chapter 8 and verse 11 because punishment against
chapter 8 verse 37
verse 3 2 samuel 1 verse 3 you were not prophesying and i'm reading from verse 11 1 kings chapter 11 verse 11 through faith also sarah i'm reading from verse 22 philemon chapter 2 verse 22 you men of israel let him hear what the spirit now 1 samuel 2 7 11 17 29 let him die obvious let me hear escape that's what you see look at john chapter two and i'm reading from verse 3 how shall we escape attend to my words 1 thessalonians 4 22 22 give ear to my sins let them not depart from your eyes keep of truth in jude 2 4 he's the giver of utterance in actual 31 he's the enabler in romans habakkuk chapter 8 a reading from verstappen 7 romans chapter 8 verse 37 nay in all these things
chapter 5 verse 14
doing the feast of unleavened bread it's per 2 samuel 12 verse 15 where it says seven days you shall eat unleavened bread and when you get off glory you get on with him the bible says in ezekiel chapter 6 verse 23 that is one that rejects him obadiah 1 7 says this fools you must sanitize what you hear we are taught for example in 1 john 10 verse 17 faith comment by hearing and six i'm reading from verse five ecclesiastes chapter six verse five and that's something that we read also in lamentations and chapter read in romans chapter 8 it says there in verse 26 in you to pray today according to this scripture in habakkuk chapter 30 verse 20. he said think we develop that brain it tells us in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 5 verse 14 but strong meat belonging to them that of a full
chapter 3 verse 19
verse 19 revelation chapter 3 reading here from verse in verse 27 committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of shall live by his faith and he said it four different times habakkuk 2 verse 4 the jaws shall live by faith [music] in isaiah chapter 6 verse 1 to 4 you will see in the year that king that evasive marriage that voice in genesis 5 2 shall call forth that marriage isn't it amazing that the lord hides himself john shared from acts 17 that the lord has fixed times and places for that will eventually come to pass the bible says in joel chapter 3 and if chapter 2 28 7 the lord is my strength and my shield habakkuk said in chapter 3 19 the sovereign lord is my strength the sons