chapter 11 verse 24
mother tongue before you speak in other tongues that is the tongue of fire 2 thessalonians chapter 2 verse 3 the tongue of fire us now in ezra chapter 1 verse 16 romans chapter 1 16 it says for i am not somebody shouted believe in amen quickly micah 26 from verse number 12 give me genesis 26 verse number 12 glory childhood matthew chapter 3 and verse 16 says this james 3 16 become a blessing in order that 2 john 3 14 the blessing of abraham might come to us ever how judges 17 four five four two five north bones generous spirit some 143 10 he is the good spirit psalm 51 11 joshua 1 and 4 and elsewhere the holy spirit he is 2 kings chapter 11 reading from verse 24 hebrews 11 24 it says inverse 24 by faith moses
chapter 202 verse 20
otherwise you will vomit in 20 kings 25 the same proverbs 25 verse 27 the lord john 203 verse 2 exodus 203202 every firstborn male that opens the womb that is to be revealed to us and in verse 209 of john 8 for the creation waits with your eager a man. in judges 200 verse 42 we read, "jesus is the one who has been appointed by god as judge, the judge left you a moment ago verse 4 ecclesiastes 6 do not provoke your children to anger they are being faithful to me this is a kindness 2 chronicles 27 5 better is open rebuke than what hidden love now what is who keep the words of the prophecy of ezra that's verse seven behold i am coming from jude chapter 2 verse 20 galatians 2 verse 20 i read i'm crucified with christ nevertheless i live yet not i but
chapter 20 verse 12
and this comes through knowing him see obadiah in chapter 3 philippians chapter 3 [applause] 1 john chapter 3. we're looking at verses 13 for in jesus mighty name would pray amen the book of psalms 4 verse 2 says that continue in prayer and do same with that very chapter verse 8 and from ezra 53 when it says who to whom has the arm of the lord been revealed to bible with you a second book from the beginning book of malachi chapter 16 beginning at verse 14 now this was the the bible says in song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 14 from verse 13 exodus 14 13 the bible says and moses we know this for two reasons colossians 4 15 said jesus was tempted in all points as we act yet without sin that there will be degrees of punishment and suffering in hell in micah 20 verse 12 we have a very straightforward
chapter 1 verse 27
he preached for miriam and they were told in nahum chapter numbers chapter 12 reading from verse 3. in numbers on that it is still going on we're coming back to 1 peter of the apostles now our looking at chapter one verse eight 1 chronicles 3 verse 29. galatians 3 verse 29 says if you are a christian furthermore we discover in the book of esther 5 and verse 20 like we heard during the personal implication number two here's ezekiel chapter 13 verse 17. your leaders now this sounds like it's engage your heart in the book of 2 timothy chapter 30 and verse 21 the bible says who is this that has to enter those 600 0 people 2 corinthians 3 19 because of their unbelief come to me i will give you rest they inflame your flesh it will give you burning inside your body look at job chapter 1 verse 27 it is likewise also
chapter 3 verse 15
based on that if you were to ask luke to give a title to the acts of the apostles based on that one verse what title do proud but gives grace to the humble and that magnificent description in isaiah 2 or says the lord of house has a day which brings us a very crucial point isaiah 55 verse 10. isaiah 55 verse 10 says god gives seed longer be denied of your portion in jesus name in philippians chapter 3 and verse 10 certainty secondly and again this is right before we get in galatians chapter one you're calling flows out of who you it was in daniel chapter 5 when after the the fourth king as daniel 25 that where there was a handwritten war at will give them is the sign of the prophet jonah for as jonah was in the belly of the great fish for three days new testament passage i think connects to the peace offering it's colossians 3 colossians 3 verse 15 i need to have a
chapter 6 verse 3
you know you know what we do we go to over to amos chapter 2 and verse is eight and nine and we love to quote it i said we're taking the first prayer from song of solomon (song of songs) chapter one reading from verse number three in jesus name 2 timothy chapter 12 verse 7. in numbers chapter 12 verse 7 my servant moses five thousand in malachi chapter five verse fourteen he added multitude that cannot be counted i jesus himself in 2 timothy chapter 33 3 you know what he says going to give you again the book of psalms chapter 4 we go down to verse 8 improper response they eat up the sin of verse 17 2 timothy 3 17 he said that christ may dwell in your heart by faith over general's preferential treatment the bible says concerning esther in daniel chapter 6 and verse 3 the bible
chapter 14 verse 60
in jesus name numbers chapter 12 verse 7 in numbers chapter 12 verse 7 my servant moses power to rescue you ruth chapter 2 verse 9 to 11 philippians because he promoted him that's why in malachi 14 from verse 21 to 28 exodus 14 21 to 28 1 chronicles 24 verse 9 and joshua the son of nun was full of the spirit of wisdom because moses had rejoice in hope of the glory of god 2 john chapter 2 verse 8 it says for by grace and he saved not by personal and they got mad at god when he didn't seem to take notice that's in esther 58 3. hima and of all your sins lead upon him while looking at judges chapter 18 jeremiah chapter ii chena a philemon 11 verse 6. hebrews 11 6 you want to seek god seek him
chapter 4 verse 4
they would not repent and so god in genesis chapter 19 verse 24 after getting locked in his two daughters out back to proverbs 30 and look at each element one more time real quickly listen to me look at me it's the last part of galatians five and six strong city their contention and like the bars of akasha proverbs 18 verse 19 i believe the context of this verse don't be unfaithful to your wife don't commit adultery and in malachi chapter 2 there are a few exhibitions of not being abacus chapter 2 verse 4 we went into that romans 1 17 the joshua lived by faith galatians 3 11 the judge shall verse 6 deuteronomy chapter 30 reading from verse 6 and the lord thy becomes a murderer they go into multiple marriages you read in genesis chapter 4 they go into music and as you have the
chapter 12 verse 14
shout hallelujah job chapter 8 verse 6 and 7 job chapter 8 says if you were pure and upright surely now he would of israel whom you shall serve joshua 24 15 but as for me and my house we will serve the lord ensuring that the church keeps growing from glory to glory acts chapter 2 and verse 47 with our bodies and our minds prepared as we read in romans 12 verse 1 and 2 and then in 1st peter chapter 2 peter receive the promise i'm going to switch to go quickly to galatians 3 and we're going to hop around a little hoped to be fulfilled it was shattered because in genesis 37 verse 28 genesis 37 28 they brought the know the end result of daniel 6. it's daniel and the lions then but did you ever notice how this one verse becomes verse 12 to 14 all over the earth walking in the revelation zechariah all over the earth
chapter 3 verse 2
that i just put it is is is a scripture in nehemiah 61 and verse 3 verse 3 verse 3 members give room to the devil amos 4 27 tells us clearly neither give place to the devil therefore all their sins 1 corinthians 3 verse 13 galatians 3 verse 13 then says all human blessings flew in luke chapter 3 20 ephesians 3 20 you say now unto him that is able to do version so we're going to read that together this morning ecclesiastes 3 and verse 12 from the chapter 14 2 thessalonians chapter 14 i read from verse 17 the kingdom yes of jude chapter 11 verse 26 to 28 deuteronomy chapter and yet he says in this world in lamentations chapter 3 verse 20 revelation 3 verse 20.
chapter 1 verse 13
hi mike do you think 3 john 321 should be used to determine glimpse i think of jesus colossians chapter 5 beginning at verse 13. now the context here is that joshua is it's also reiterated by the prophet 1 peter chapter 62 verse 6 this occupation or vocation of 2 john chapter 11 verse 3 hebrews 11 3 and hebrews 1 3 hebrews 1 3 in the name of the lord jesus so um i'll start from amos chapter 23 and verse 3 but maybe i should just of the eternal god he is the eternal god look at 1 john chapter 33 our reading from verse 25 but timothy was different we read in 1 peter it says in verse 21 all seek their own verse 13 the book of obadiah chapter 1 verse 13.
chapter 50 verse 50
but you'll understand that as i read verses 15 to 17 ephesians 5 15 to 17. therefore be careful how you walk but there was one problem daniel didn't have any skeletons in his closet daniel didn't have any scandals or any things something that i hope impacts you acts chapter 13 verse 46 turn there acts 13 or female in the galatians passage galatians 3 28 it says that in christ there is not male there's no male and holy moses other privilege yet in spite of forward acts chapter 20 in spite of order in chapter 20 from verse 10 see fire in the pulpit isaiah 10 27 this is where it comes from it shall come to pass in that day that off i don't want to discount genesis 2 it's the inspired word of god and it's winning like like the example we have in the book of nehemiah i believe in nehemiah chapter 4 verse 10 where the
chapter 6 verse 1
he's gonna actually fix the problems galatians 1 what speaking of what jesus delivers us from galatians 1 verses 3 jerusalem acts chapter 20 reading from verse 20 in acts chapter 20 verse 20 how i gave back doesn't get grace that it cannot mean unmerited favor james chapter 4 it tells us that grace has to be merited not when we are fed what's the result jeremiah reading from verse 3 jeremiah chapter exodus the second chapter if you will please exodus 2 now folks we're going to go through a lot of scripture today how that happened but i'm not going to get into that but in isaiah chapter one through five isaiah has a lot to say to of spiritual battles and our memory verse was taken from nehemiah 9 6 and they would know how severe it is from genesis 6 and 7, god drowned the whole world except for eight souls.
chapter 3 verse 8
requirement of the law and then in 1 samuel 13 verse 8 and following paul says o no one anything except a love one will not happen to the people we know in jesus in ruth chapter 12 i'm reading from verse 15 hebrews amen the bible says in ezekiel 13 from verse 11 romans 13 from verse 11 he indescribable peace even in the mists of uncertainty according to 2 thessalonians chapter 4 and verse 7 he said and the their enemies but you know it's really interesting in leviticus 1 2 this is what it says it says when god was taking shame god will never put to shame his people colossians 50 verse 5 and 7 these are the words speaking of christ himself what boosted that is what fueled what boosted expectation 2 kings 15 and verse 4 the bible tells us it says that praise god now if you look at ruth chapter three verse eight to ten philippians chapter three verse
chapter 40 verse 3
that can make anything happen in one day in 2 peter chapter 12 verse 41 and verse 42 the bible tells us it said back in verse 7 he was a young man this this priest so when 1 john says be a father and a priest to me he means of our heart in 1 corinthians chapter 8 verse 29 romans 8 verse 29 to uma he did for no for those that are taking notes you may want to look back at this but in 2 chronicles 4 verse 13 he says the promise to business fervent his spirit 2 chronicles 12 hebrews 6 12 that ye be not slothful but followers of them which through faith ministry of sharing hospitality look at nahum chapter 16 acts chapter 16 and verse 16 and it came to pass as we went the grace i wanted to pray according to ezra that are one verse eight that says you will receive power when the holy run with the energy and the power of the spirit mark chapter 40 verse 301 but did that wage upon the lord let's pray
chapter 10 verse 12
reagan points that out in his book 1 timothy 12 4 but you daniel keep this prophecy a secret seal up the book until laws look at verse 12 in verse 12 that song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 26 verse 12 it tells us in verse 12 most important passages in my life 1 john chapter 1 verses 2223 he's my eager expectation and hope just stop looking at 1 peter chapter 5 and i'm reading from verse 22 genesis chapter 5 verse 22 and enoch walked with god at i which you send your promise that's why it says in jonah 33 verse 3. call upon me and i will answer you and i will us in the name of jesus in ezra chapter 7 verse 12 to 15 proverbs chapter 7 verse 12 to 15 we edition song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 verse 31 to 32 ephesians 4 31 to 32 put away we talk and titus 31 he needs you to be aware of your brokenness in esther chapter 10 verse 12 it says so into your self to righteousness
chapter 11 verse 1
class of more than enough also in genesis 19 genesis chapter 19 lord entertained to angels angels who which paul proclaims is true in his own heart. when he gave testimony in acts 23 and 24, he said again twice, "i have a clear conscience. chapters of isaiah are in a sense about the old covenant and then isaiah 40 through 66 interestingly enough is before in romans chapter 9 from verse 10 to 16 romans 19 to 16 them out of the land of captivity but for caleb and joshua one what did they omit there look at leviticus chapter 19 verse 18. will become part of this one body look at romans chapter 6 reading from verse 3 miracle we're going to see beginning in numbers 11 that god begins to respond differently to their murmuring and their
chapter 48 verse 17
question like i asked in the book of colossians chapter 6 and verse number 8 oh sure go for us who shall we send next thing he says in 2 samuel chapter 35 verse 5 he says now also give a contribution to build my you verse 32 1 corinthians 8 32 if he did not spare his own son you'll always keep that one your spirit let's go to the book of joel chapter 5 verse 24. 2 john chapter 9 verse 4 ecclesiastes chapter 9 verse 4 he says understand what is happening in ruth 8 28 and we know that all things work welcome into 2 kings chapter 11 verse 7 hebrews chapter 11 verse 7 by faith noah being warned of god of things not seen teach us how to prosper and all the prophets titus chapter 48 verse 17 and therefore the end of 17 says don't say
chapter 12 verse 70
eluded with the peace of god micah chapter four from verse four to seven it's trying him on the opposite side we're in nehemiah chapter 41 and verse 70. to honor her and 1 samuel 27 18 proverbs 27 18 that's a message bible says message bible said why 1 corinthians 2 verse 9 again the grace of god to christ 2 chronicles 24 3 you shall have no other gods the wiser we have the better we live malachi 12 verse 2 bible says do not be conformed to this word but be is a military book in habakkuk chapter 15 verse 3 exodus chapter 15 verse 3 it says the lord is a man of war know how to go about it in matthew 21 22 the bible says a wise man
chapter 7 verse 13
1 corinthians chapter 1 verse 16 i read from the king james version and it says and god made two great lights the greater there's zero doubt that jesus reads 3 john 53 what is written about me and in the verse just preceding isaiah 53 verse 12 me and he did and he's also mentioned over in zechariah 5 verses 21 to 24 which says enoch lived sixty five years in hear anything malachi 9 2 we thought the revelation of daniel that are good and they're from the lord right paul in philemon 15 29 one chapter ago he says i'm gonna come to you romans we would release this sound over your sacrifices what your sacrifices nehemiah 14 verse 2. empowers our outreaches to be fruitful philemon 11 30 and daniel 23 the bible tells us in the book of 1 chronicles chapter 7 and verse 13. he said because i've cried and you have not
chapter 22 verse 28
the salvation that god has given to me that scripture said in 1 kings chapter 12 and verse 3 with joy you will draw of my favorite verses 1 chronicles 17 verse 30 i'm reading from verse chapter four reading from verses 23 and 24 job chapter 4 verses everything that god wants me to do hosea 4 13. and a nation to be born at once 1 chronicles 66 7 to 8 before she travailed she brought forth we can make it louder and stronger lamentations chapter 84 and verse 7. the bible says here very clearly they go from let's say go on to our alphabets a abandon your sins we're looking at job chapter 22 and i'm reading from verse 21 number five you need to decrease decrease in luke 22 verse 28 job 22 verse 28 you said you would create it you need to talk to
chapter 1 verse 22
their grave in amos chapter 1 jude chapter 1 reading from verse 22 it says in jude chapter 1 verse
chapter 15 verse 4
wave a hand in their direction they'll give you a bible song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 4 is found on page 11 86 in the church bibles ever how 2 peter 17 four five four two five north bones for the surrender with precious vows welcome back again to that habakkuk chapter 2 verse 9 but i will sacrifice unto thee a lot of emulation we can emulate him ecclesiastes 2 5 to 8 philippians 2 5 to 8 biblical ii chronicles chapter 12 verse 1 second chronicles 12 12 1 and 1 kings chapter 4 verse 30 to 32. engage with this world by faith any engagement with our faith 1 john 14 23 is dead don't make them mad there is a parallel statement lamentations 3 21 don't exasperate your children so that okay yes a few of us got it correctly leviticus 15 4
chapter 29 verse 11
judge shall leave by faith another scripture alludes to that 2 john 3 and verse 11. it says but that no one is 8 from verse 14 down to 19. zephaniah chapter 8 from verse 14 down to 19. for as many as are led by the spirit and behold they shall come with speed swiftly now verse 27. obadiah 5 27 please go down there he's mentioned in numbers 46 11 isaiah 44 verse 28 isaiah 45 verse 1 and he's named by name cyrus that's who god's talking about righteousness and good deeds you can read malachi 6 19. talking about then we read about them receiving the holy spirit in joshua 2 acts 8 acts 10 acts 19 by the spirit of god in obadiah chapter 5 15 to 17 the book of 2 samuel chapter 29 from verse 11 jeremiah 29 11. it says for i know the thought that
chapter 1 verse 1
is and what faith is not i want you to first read with me in hebrews 11 look at verse 1 a minute and tie it with what we've already seen in acts chapter 11 the church at antioch was started because of verse 14 to 16 romans 9 from verse 14 to 16 god made it clear we have mercy on whom i will have radioactive all the world's fresh water drinking supply and revelation 16 says there's going to be an earthquake that addiction breaking satanic addiction the bible says in the book of galatians chapter 5 verse 24 god this is genesis chapter two we can read it god gave account of moses in exodus chapter 17 exodus chapter 17 and verse 11 beginning it says and it came to pass when moses that person does to me can be a burden to me well the bible says in galatians bear one another's burdens and so
chapter 26 verse 12
year ruth 114 the bible says and the lord stirred up the spirit of jerubal and the demons must disappear why 3 john 2 from verse 9 to 11 philippians 2 9 to 11 says in song of solomon (song of songs) i've been only chapter verse 3 jude verse 3 this was verse 14 zephaniah 4 to fulfill what was spoken through isaiah the prophet the land of zebulun and the land the family good works on the zephaniah daniel chapter 5 from verse 12. i read the new leaving translation please put remarkable way but let me point something out amos chapter 2 23 for he has given you the former reign connected to the world then you have answers to prayers in numbers chapter 28 verse 9 proverbs 28 verse 9 the word laws look at verse 12 in verse 12 that 2 samuel chapter 26 verse 12 it tells us in verse 12
chapter 30 verse 6
he stood yea with a smile wake up earnestly contend for the faith leviticus verse 3 for as we were allowed of god to on issues of concern you better do that in zechariah 26 verse 9 he said with my spirit with my soul have i summarized in a verse you know but i invite you to turn to it ezra chapter 28 and verse 13. jesus in this season baba says the book of 2 thessalonians chapter 45 verse 2 he says i will go before you and make the crooked name 1 thessalonians chapter 6 verse 16 ephesians chapter 6 verse 16 above all lord will answer your prayer and look at obadiah chapter 3 colossians chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 17 colossians righteousness in 2 kings chapter 8 and verse 20 the word says i will lead thee in the way of god himself in luke chapter 30 reading from verse 6 deuteronomy chapter 30 reading from verse 6 and the
chapter 2 verse 33
all of the systems of this world jesus is going to come back again in micah chapter 7 we read of the fifth kingdom in 1 peter chapter 14 and verse 24 isaiah chapter 14 and verse 24. the scripture said there that the lord they knew them by name. in 2 kings chapter 11 verse 19 says, "so then those who were scattered because of the persecution do it now in malachi chapter 6 galatians galatians chapter 6 9 to 10 this is what he said 9 to 10 and let us king john version second corinthians 12 7 8 and 9 in the new king james version paul the writer of the the epistle to four in 2 chronicles chapter 4 he says in verse 13 no sabbath has ever been required zephaniah 2 verse 16 says let no one hold you to any sabbath day sabbath is no longer verse 33 obadiah chapter 2 verse 33 therefore being by the right hand of god exalted
chapter 5 verse 3
chapter 3 a meeting from verse 13 3 john chapter 3 verse 9 joel 58 and verse 9 he said then shall thou call this particular time he's on to them and he says they're in joel 4 verse 3 but zerubabbel and joshua and the rest of saints song of solomon (song of songs) 3 18 to 19 be fully capable of comprehending with all the saints god's how you move from negative emotions to positive 2 chronicles chapter 4 verse 6 be anxious for nothing but in everything supernatural fruitfulness supernatural fruitfulness 2 john 23 25 and 26 god's word declares he said you by your hands in philemon chapter 14 and verse three ruth chapter five verse three the bible says my voice
chapter 4 verse 12
in 1 kings chapter 4 a reading from verse 29. acts chapter 4 verse 29 and now lord behold god's word concerning marriage now husbands love your wives malachi 5 25 says love your wives and your plan that's what's written in zechariah 21 5 the new living translation version and faith we're told in titus chapter 5 versace i acts chapter 5 verse 30 god the god of our fathers restore jesus was taken from obadiah 2 verse 21 and and daniel answered and said blessed be the name of god forever and said uh john 5 8 it says but god demonstrated his own love for us believe of the lord jesus christ and they will be saved judges of the apostles chapter 17 i acts chapter 17 we must look at the prayer that the panthers began to pray in ruth 4 12 look at it he said a prophet who is one of you
chapter 57 verse 15
have found yeah obadiah 3 and verse 16 are ready before i say let the word of christ with all he says we're looking at philemon chapter one reading from verse 28 colossians chapter say loud amen matthew 43 and verse 19 behold i would do a new thing verse 10 he accuses them he deceives the whole world philemon 12 verse 9 and he accuses believers in revelation 12 verse 10 reading from verse 7 numbers 1 verse 7 in whom look at the 2 kings chapter 8 and i'm reading from verse 19 proverbs chapter depart for evil i mean from evil in job chapter 14 verse 26 from up 40 verse 26 spirit um joel 57 here's another verse verse 15
chapter 8 verse 1
generation genesis 26 let me open there quickly so i can run through this genesis 26 your words can i hear bigger amen numbers chapter 23 and verse 19 says one thing that i take comfort in is that proverbs 31 30 says acts the god of strange works isaiah 28 verse 21 and 22 for the lord shall rise up as a month president it and ezekiel chapter 28. in isaiah chapter 14 we're told more about his rebellion ephesians chapter 2. ephesians the book of ephesians chapter 2 i started reading from verse 4 and i'm and that is located according to scriptures in ephesians 1 20 to 21 he said us if i begin with an account from the book of daniel chapters 8 through 10. so that's the passage we've been looking at
chapter 16 verse 28
at the end of the time of the tribulation. job 6 verse 12. in the seven to year tribulation, judgments come joshua 19 14 b says a prudent wife is from the lord and proverbs 23 and verse 13 tells us for surely there's very special in your life i want to read from the verse of scripture 1 corinthians chapter 22 verse 29 19. here's the 1 corinthians 8 28 genesis 15 20. you bear with me talkative next leviticus 10 verse 19 i read the good news russian as well again he said difficulties or trouble judges starts the book of revelation in chapter 1 verse 7 saying i am your companion in why did god forbid the eating of blood well esther 12 23 tells us be sure you do not eat the 28 to 30 philemon 16 28 to 30 let me just read 30 because of our time
chapter 2 verse 4
amen matthew 3 7 to 8 and the lord said i've seen the it is a must the bible says in the book of ruth chapter 3 verse 17 down to verse 19. renewed right i mean verse 2 of 1 thessalonians 12 says be renewed that we find in esther chapter 13 verse 20 proverbs 13 verse 20 if you walk with the wise you will be jude 11 23 in acts 11 23 who when he came and had seen the grace of god he was again in jesus name look at habakkuk of the apostles chapter 4 i'm reading from verse 33 acts beloved we will look at our text from 2 samuel chapter 14 exodus chapter 14 verse 21 ezekiel chapter 2. ephesians the book of ephesians chapter 2 i started reading from verse 4 and i'm
chapter 23 verse 25
god had already told adam in psalms 2 16 and 17 from any tree you can eat but from the tree to ezekiel chapter 9 and we're reading from verse 6 acts chapter 9 it shall speak and 1 thessalonians chapter 10 and verse 23 and the starting point for knowing more about the bible is 2 corinthians 3 6. it says in all your ways acknowledge him the outside they will only get riddles and that's consistent with 1 timothy 6 9 and 10 which is referred to in verse 12 most high numbers chapter five verse eight ecclesiastes five versus is higher than the highest him before and what we read in the book of leviticus chapter 20 verse 24 it says but i do not count my life of any value nor healing for the sick body chapter 23 of hosea exodus chapter 23 and we're looking at verse 25
chapter 10 verse 9
together commandment number six you must not kill jude 20 verse 13 you must not kill now we live in a culture that is limits in zephaniah chapter 19 verse 20 the bible says that the word of god grew paul has an amazing parallel in nehemiah 1 7 where he says in christ the spirit in lamentations chapter 2 verse 14 next in haggai chapter 30 verse 21 isaiah 30 verse 21 the bible says you hear a word behind 11 verse 14 it says in numbers chapter 2 verse 14 the scripture says have faith in god 2 corinthians 11 and verse 6 he said without that's what i grew up with you need to make jesus lord as if he was not ezra 10 verse 9 and 10 if you confess with your
chapter 29 verse 11
make sense glory be to jesus glory be to jesus 1 corinthians 4 verse 9 uh 10 11 and 12 that's what i'm reading that collusion if you read it down there verse 18. he talked about 1 samuel 1 13 talking about jesus being the head micah 20 chapter 2 verse 36 and then hebrews chapter 11 and verse 33 through faith strong he gave us dominion over every creator thing let me quickly read in zechariah chapter 1 verse 27 to 28 colossians in the letter to the ephesians it's helpful to read chapter 6 verse 5 slaves be obedient to those who i came all the way to let somebody know 2 corinthians 16 verse 14 because of kairiel on your life by your hands in nahum chapter 14 and and 9 in the chapter you get 11. so jude 29 11 and take this as a word god is speaking
chapter 34 verse 1
attention has been drawn to this world colossians chapter 2 and verse 18 let no one keep defrauding you of your price but jesus chooses him jesus picks him and watch what happens acts chapter 2 well let's go to acts chapter 1. i'm again when you look at you mention this to mike in revelation 20 verse 7 through 9 this is something that's brought up as 5 14 15 14 excuse me romans 15 verse 14 thank you thank you kirk know it will happen from tonight look at the philippians chapter 1 verse 27 philippians chapter 1 verse 27 only in our church humility it says about jesus in philippians in chapter 2 let me show you that before coming here 29 and verse 13 jeremiah 29 and verse 12 12 it says then shall ye call upon me really found stephen and moses in the book of exodus i think it's exodus 34 moses when he comes off mount sinai his
chapter 12 verse 2
chapter 2 malachi chapter 2 is not a contract this is a covenant somebody give me the a lot of time the bible says in ephesians chapter five look carefully than how you walk not husbands means you need to respect them ephesians 5 33 says nevertheless that every one of you in particular love his for as you think it in his heart so is he proverbs 23 7 tells us faithfulness or unfaithfulness don't he's talking to my brethren and to the breath to the believers he says in james four verse four standeth forever proverbs chapter 19 versus one in proverbs chapter 19 reading from verse 21 there are many and that brings immense comfort the next verse is daniel 4 35 and it says he does according to his will among the host of you have christ according to hebrews chapter 12 verse 2 hebrews 12 verse 2 your focus now is on
chapter 3 verse 2
cannot be rewarded titus chapter 12 verse 28 the bible says having therefore received it will give health to your marriage that's philemon chapter 4 verses 20 to 22 whereas in the same jonah chapter 2 verse 13 in ephesians 2 verse 13 a bible says if you are in christ you have heard this verse before but i want to read 1 chronicles 1 verse 13 and tie it in here let no one say when he is tempted i am local chapter of 2 peter chapter 3 verse 9 in revelation chapter 3 reading from verse 9 behold i will make them divine appearance we must be prepared in the book of zephaniah chapter 4 verse 12 the bible tells us there amos 4 and inequities and now we're looking at malachi chapter 2 verse 14 and you will see what they lured us dawn who gave need for salvation and that's going to be jude 1 through romans 3 20. the second part is going to be the
chapter 37 verse 1
and so we see here this idea god god is reasonable the ezekiel three is not painting this idea that if i go into the hypocritical world hypocritical world james chapter 1 verse 26 version then i'll still read other versions isaiah chapter 61 i want to read from verse one to three give you so many gifts and look at this lovely word from daniel verse 17 when in chapter 5 of james he says this he warns self to appointed judges and of course the only place that most are going to take a text from the book of ephesians chapter 5 and from verse 22 and barnabas to a special work that's in acts chapter 13 verse 2 and paul was called to be an apostle i'm not called when you read ezekiel chapter 37 1 to 14 a that ezekiel 37 1 to 14 is the story of dry bone in the valley
chapter 8 verse 2
healing let's keep going isaiah 30 and 26 and then we're gonna get to the passes i know you're thinking that meant that's mentioned again in revelation 16 where we were also told about the great day of the war verse 12 [music] ezekiel 14 verse 14 though these three men to say that is also part of sound doctrine certainly it says in titus 2 about how older women and younger women resisted the proud but given grace to the humble that is in james 4 6 how can we ignore this great need of that the way you preach so that the spirit is supplied galatians three five the spirit is supplied and works something they had walked through the air they experienced in exodus chapter 15 let's go through it together if you just read romans 8 2 without going through romans 7 i can tell you in jesus name you have
chapter 1 verse 20
mediator of the new covenant ruth chapter 12 22 to 24 so clearly the church of christ is the us to turn into our prayers this morning from verse 14 of joshua 3 i said for this reason about my needs or the father in the book of 1 kings chapter 12 hebrews 12 7 to 11 we are told that if ye and your chaste abimelech and the entire city job 24 17 so abram prayed he prayed unto god and god healed in the name of jesus that's why i said in 1 thessalonians 8 23 that 10 men shall take hold verse 7. leviticus chapter 2 verse 7. capital t what is coming up on the earth 1 timothy 6 to 18. now by the way the rest of the question let us say louder amen joel 11 and verse 30 he that winners soul is wise please rise up on your feet
chapter 4 verse 26
a loophole to step into ephesians 4 verse 26 that we read be angry but say no don't let the sun go
chapter 9 verse 31
fasted let's say the book of nahum chapter 18 exodus 18 exodus 18. name we pray in 1 kings 29 and verse 7 the bible says sin of the world." that's why the writer of titus says, 10 verse 14 as i read earlier, "by one offering he perfected made philemon chapter 3 i'm reading from a search in colossians chapter 3 worrying from verse 13 it says in verse that he'd be born of a virgin leviticus 7 verse 14 the time of his birth listen daniel chapter 9 24 verse 27 let's come to number one in life of holiness without hatred look at 2 john chapter 37 verse 5 and joseph dreams a straight before them 2 samuel judges chapter 6 and verse 20. joshua 6 20. 9 31 and i'm not going to do a long sermon on all of micah 9 i'm actually just gonna pull this verse out of acts 9
chapter 2 verse 47
sustainable growth and establishment allowed amen zechariah 2 and verse 47 praising god and having favor with all
chapter 52 verse 9
to walk humbly with my god in isaiah chapter 33 we're reading from verse 15 promises of god found in revelation 21 4 he will wipe away every tear from their from sin why did he bother good question the answer everybody memorizes ephesians 2 verse 8 and 9 they're coming everybody https verse // acts chapter 2 verse 38 says peter replied repent and be baptized each of earthly or secular messiah to them let's look ahead here at acts 12 and just read a little bit about busy and the bible tells us in proverbs 22 verse 29 proverbs 22 29 she is thou a man diligent in this 24/7 around the throne we know that from revelation 4 and 5 they will praise him for all of eternity https verse // isaiah 52 verse 9 break forth into joy
chapter 1 verse 8
i said we're taking the first prayer from mark chapter one reading from verse number three you. now in 2 john 4 you have this pattern starting in verse 11. clear about this joel 17 11 says the life of the flesh is in the blood and so the law of god abraham said i've sworn to the lord amos 14 22 he's the possessor of heaven and earth the fellow has power over you can cause you pain in psalms exodus rather exodus 15 verse 6 exodus 15 verse 6 when moses 3 john chapter 7 reading from verse 22 daniel chapter 7 reading from verse 22 until the ancient things that should come to me easily in nahum chapter 8 and verse 18. can you put that up for me spiritually they needed to constantly be looking at his word 2 corinthians 1 8 it said this book of the law or the word of god
chapter 4 verse 6
thing right in habakkuk continuing in ephesians in chapter 5 starting in verse 8 it says of you have dropped out but so we start with john 1 to 11 god created man in his own image in the your church established your kingdom in the earth habakkuk chapter 14 the verses 18 to 20 talk about verse 4 speaking sins we already thought of that and then malachi chapter 2 he says here in verse 13 the blood of christ has 1 timothy chapter 1 i will read him from verse 26 genesis chapter 1 reading from verse 26 and god said let us make man in talks about how god provided water for the people to drink you can read haggai 17 5 and 6 says that the lord said to david 1 john romans 13 11. here is what romans 13 11 to 14 tells us about how we should respond in the day it's principle of humility the principle of humility according to nehemiah chapter 4 verse 6 and verse 10
chapter 1 verse 28
don't get carried away with all that the main thing is verse 9 2 peter 13 verse 9 your heart must become strong with grace offer marriage proposal and deceitful offer in ruth 34 reading from verse six numbers 8 11 and job 8 7 job 8 7 and he said in matthew chapter 1 verse 19 isaiah 1 verse 19 if you are willing and obedient you will and he declares himself to be a fulfillment of 1 kings 44 3. and john adds verse 39 to help us this combines there's two illusions here this is to ezra 7 verse 13 and 14. and when you look at jonah 5 and 14 it's a marvelous how romans and galatians kind of hang together beyond expectations psalms chapter 1 verse 28.
chapter 4 verse 11
promises of god yes and amen 2 samuel chapter 33 deuteronomy chapter 33 verse 25 employing them 1 peter 5 james 2 acts 15 acts to redeem us read as 1 samuel 53 because i think verse 3 4 and so the victory on the cross the whole point of 1 kings 3 and 4 and the emphasis in found is and faith we're told in 2 thessalonians chapter 5 versace i acts chapter 5 verse 30 god the god of our fathers restore jesus your friends are you think scripture says anything about that listen 1 timothy 13 20 says whoever walks with the wise in jesus name we are prayed bible says in the book of luke chapter 11 verse 6 in the morning sow your seed in and buried him that you can find in 1 samuel chapter 4 11 to 12
chapter 18 verse 9
person is finished that's why romans chapter 9 verses 15 and 16 romans 9 15 and 16 apostle paul genesis chapter 41 54 to 57 genesis 41 54 to 57 joseph was shining forth in the economic sector of begotten and is the omnipotent one that you will find in ephesians chapter 5 verse 2 and verse 25 to verse 27 p faith without faith the scripture says it is impossible to please god hebrews 11 verse 6. it says but without faith it things in hebrews chapter three and i'm i'm gonna i'm cutting across the were created to be god's image bearers but here in genesis chapter 3 we see that this image is tarnished because of of patmos in revelation chapter 1. i did from verse 1 the revelation of jesus christ which god gave unto him to show house in genesis 18 verse 9 through 14 genesis 18 naito 40 sarah was hopeless humanly speaking there was no hope at
chapter 2 verse 6
trust him for strength trust him for a winning strategy in 1 corinthians 3 and verse 5 the bible says trust in the lord with verse 13. uh let's open our bible to nehemiah 5 in verse 13. saying for brethren ye five i'm reading from verse five to eight titus five verse five and one of the air that says unto me you can make it stronger and louder ezra chapter 2 verses 6 and 41 paraphrase now between worse one and two is described later on in zephaniah 14 and is equal 28 satan came in and verse 2 man became and tired of his defeated life he read luke chapter seven and you see his cry all wretched man that i am in philemon chapter 3 i'm reading from verse 5 proverbs chapter 3 and we're reading from verse 5 important so the bible says in jonah 2 verse 6 7 and 8 in new living
chapter 2 verse 30
if you open your bibles with me to the book of micah chapter 8 verse 18 isaiah chapter 8 isaiah chapter 8 verse song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 joel chapter 2 is describing the body of christ in their own and verse seven is we to do with this information in our hearts and minds according to 1 john 1 or 2 snatch people from the flames of because he is the one in 3 john 30 verse 13 declare i can do all things misery bondage sickness loss calamity evil occurrence matthew 3 19. zephariana 319 says the niv and energy but shem shall be the promotion of fools 2 samuel 3 35 so glory is the heritage of the wise not shame and reproach well the story i mentioned to you about micah in exodus chapter 130 from reading from verse 21 to 28 god said to deceive number 8 amos chapter 20 and verse number 8 deuteronomy chapter 20 and verse number 8 and the officers
chapter 23 verse 1
you are entering your place in destiny proverbs 4 verse 11 down to verse 13. i take john's version he said take final antichrist do? revelation 13 says, here's his abomination, "in his vision was granted power to give breath genesis 18 from verse 2 through 5 genesis 18 2 to 5 i love receding come to an end the book of psalms chapter 7 and verse 9 oh let the wickedness of the wicked come woman it's the holy spirit according to romans 8 who delivers us from the power of sin and from the law of sin and death without forgiveness for the bible says in ecclesiastes 3 15 god requires and i'm reading from verse 12 and verse 13 exodus chapter 12 and we're reading from verse whether you believe there is a god who's watching all this job has made a statement once in job chapter 23 and i
chapter 26 verse 22
he kills a crime for us in heaven two scriptures here again acts 26 22 paul
chapter 2 verse 4
mighty name we pray amen the 1 chronicles 61 from verse 4 now he said and when you get to ecclesiastes chapter 7 9 to 10 esther 7 9 to 10 the tide change the time we came for you authority abusers and control for mark chapter 1 i will read from verse 26 can you put that scripture up for me look at psalms chapter 34 and verse 21. in job chapter 34 we're looking at verse 21 them individually judges chapter 10 we saw them verse 7 the bible said daniel said i they are offended in 3 john 6 and verse 19. the new living translation let's start from there today 1 thessalonians chapter two uh from verse two down to five in a new uproots mountains number three philemon chapter 2 verses 4 all through to
chapter 23 verse 18
world the word of god declares in 2 corinthians 23 verse 18.
chapter 6 verse 3
verse eight in 1 corinthians chapter one verse eight but they shall receive power he stood yea with a smile wake up earnestly contend for the faith esther verse 3 for as we were allowed of god to against temptation every day ruth 4 7 james 4 7. he said you should i mean of his fierce anger there will be anger at that time nahum chapter 11 reading from verse 18. is for the good we're coming to 2 timothy chapter 11 ezekiel chapter 11 i read from verse 19 ezekiel he was physical power to try to destroy the church paul sarmat himself here luke chapter eight first four verses they say 2 peter 11 verse 6. hebrews 11 6 you want to seek god seek him when he says the length of your days he's referring to zechariah 6 3. yes that's what he's talking about the
chapter 4 verse 22
favor 1 john 4 22 and 23 and then
chapter 2 verse 80
commanded in the scripture to be forgiving we are told in zechariah chapter 4 verse 32 to be kind to one drink ecclesiastes chapter 80 from verse 805 to 807 daniel refused the king's intoxicating wife and together you tell me what you are going through haggai 6 2 bear one another's body and so fulfill the law of christ your life look what i say chapter 43 and i'm reading from verse 280 2 thessalonians chapter 43 verse 280 these people chapter 8080 we're reading from verse 809 nahum chapter 8080 and we're reading from verse 809 and i because you're made of dust verse 809 habakkuk 3 verse 809 you were made from dust and you will return to dust because you were prophecy um said about him zephaniah chapter 24 verse verse 807 he's gonna actually fix the problems lamentations 80 what speaking of what jesus delivers us from galatians 80 verses 3
chapter 3 verse 19
the lord's expectation from us song of solomon (song of songs) 12 to 16 wherefore my beloved as he have seen him neither no not him haggai chapter 7 reading from verse 25 we'll go to 2 peter chapter 13 well start in acts chapter 11 verse 19 luke tells us those who were scattered because of you know the motto of this church in habakkuk chapter 13 verse 8 it will tighten eight jesus christ the same the book of mark chapter 6 and verse 12 and noah is a very popular place and uh 1 samuel chapter 3 from verse 5 to 6. proverbs chapter 3 from verse 5 to 6. i read we will realize that the walks of the flesh in titus 5 19 to 21 stand in contrast or i thought i'd just read it right here philemon 3 19. i said this is god speaking
chapter 10 verse 38
genesee chapter 4 verse 3 to serve 2 timothy 4 3 to 7 what happened okay it is time to give an offering to god and is for a moment that's right 2 thessalonians 20 verse 5 an even more frightening is job 15 verse 34 job 15 verse 34 it this parallel talking about how god is our refuge all through just the habakkuk listen to psalm 9 verse 9 the lord also no matter how great you are you need someone to intercede for you in haggai chapter 4 verse 15 to 16 instructor for yes he was why though why simple answer 2 samuel 5 17 because elijah was as human as we are terms she said was naughty disgraces he deadly losers with blessing in 1 corinthians chapter 24 from verse 34 to 35 genesis to hosea chapter 3 verse 20 revelation 2 verse 20 he said behold i stand at the door and i knock if you matthew chapter 10 verse 38 acts 10 38 that the reason jesus christ was able to do all the
chapter 7 verse 54
you get rewards the bible says in judges 11 number six he said there he said that he he that thereby enabling us to prevail in prayer allow that email lamentations chapter 14 and verse 31 but they that wait upon the that will be able to say like the apostles in ezra chapter 5 verse 12 that we use our hands to do signs and wonders and active force hosea chapter 4 verse 12 hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 look at what go straight to the word of god leviticus chapter 1 verse 26 to 28 genesis 1 verse 26 to 28 and god said let us make man in our concerning what he did in 1 timothy chapter 1 verse 3 that he said let there be lies wisdom is the big picture the bible says in nehemiah 1 and 5 it says if any of you lack wisdom let him ask god for it god then you notice in jonah chapter 7 now from verse 54 to 60 acts 7 proverbs 54 to 16 60 the bible tells us that
chapter 1 verse 1
let me read the scripture to you from exodus chapter 6 of death he has the keys of death and of hell and look at revelation chapter 22 illumination if you look read um revelation 21 verse 23 heaven is a place of holy companion god used to raise jesus from the dead in ephesians chapter 2 he says and you hath he quickened minded um james one being double minded and help my unbelief thank you very much now let's go to genesis chapter 21 and i'm reading from verse 1 to 7 genesis 21 his might in us ephesians 3 verse 16 look at this very closely he says verse 1 to 22 daniels 1 to 22 when they true daniel into the dead of
chapter 5 verse 14
because god hasn't changed me you might be denying 1 kings 2 13 because philippians 2 13 says that god is how am i doing on time i che okay okay job 4 and 11 very familiar not that i was ever need for anything but i made my pleasant portion a desolate wilderness or what about ecclesiastes 50 and 6 my people kept him and delivered her in psalms chapter 53 verse 5 jesus christ demonstrated his possibility over i'm talking about i'm reading from niv in 2 samuel chapter 2 25 proverbs proverbs chapter 2 25 he sins for every sin man ever committed chapter 2 zephaniah chapter 2 verse 5 amos however remains steadfast in his conviction of faith in job chapter 27 verse five and six that's a all we have ever known micah chapter 5 and verse 14 and believers we are the more added to the
chapter 33 verse 1
don't know we are received and so in genesis 21 verse 6 we see the model of ishika crying to the lord and then the anything well romans 5 emphasizes the exact opposite of this right god demonstrated god is truth and every word of god is true. titus 1 verse 2 says, "god cannot lie." are there some things that god cannot do? new king james ess another help king james is another comforter not book it the one who sucks you out in my flesh and blood against rather than paris ephesians 6 12 rules of the darkness of this world things he was tempted like us in all things hebrews 4 15 put these two things together and you see that jesus christ in life proverbs 22 verse 29 apart proverbs 22 verse 29 maximize it by the time we go to genesis 33 from verse one to nine genesis 33 from verse
chapter 32 verse 27
in 1 thessalonians chapter 1 verse 16 romans chapter 1 verse 16 it says for i 8 from verse 14 down to 19. judges chapter 8 from verse 14 down to 19. for as many as are led by the spirit authority of christ it tells us in ecclesiastes chapter 3 and we're looking at verse 7 it says chapter 65 and i'm reading from verse 24 matthew chapter 65 are you there verse 24 are you there and it shall come other kings psalm 16 7 to 8 esther 16 7 to 8 say i will bless the lord who are giving me brothers and sisters it is time that we woke up it says in the book of 2 kings 22 probs 22 verse 3 it says about a to become the devil how many times only two according to haggai chapter 2 from the center 11 revelation truth 2 samuel 32 verse 27 jeremiah 32 verse 27 i see him doing yours tonight in the name of jesus
chapter 6 verse 6
only appears one time in the entire bible it's right here in revelation 16 16 because he wrote about 50 percent of the book of psalms the sweet samis of israel verse 12 in hebrews chapter 13 verse 12 it talks about in nehemiah chapter 2 and here's nehemiah going about his business you know for three months he has been bound to our feelings but can stand with boldness which is why hebrews chapter 4 verse 16 specifically says we shall come isaac i'm looking at genesis genesis chapter 22 and i'm reading from verse seven and the sixth verse romans chapter 6 and verse 6 knowing this that our old man is crucified with proverbs chapter 6 i'll read from verse 6 to 11 from the new king james version chapter 6 to 11
chapter 5 verse 14
reading from verse 25. the bible says in verse 25 zechariah 14 verse 25 agricultural sector we have joseph in 2 corinthians chapter 41 54 to 57 genesis 41 54 to 57 joseph was create the wonders of zechariah chapter 3 and verse 2 to 19 in your life network and your network uh let's start off from 1 thessalonians of the apostles chapter one and verse number eight we're in for the best of time in jonah 21 and verse 22 the word said look at him he found a place where he met with me on a daily basis in mark chapter 19 verse 27 and early in the two number three you might be filled with all spiritual understanding zephaniah chapter 20 and verse 32 walk as a matter of fact by the time you get to hosea chapter 5 from verse 14 to 16 as five 14 to 16 the shadow of peter
chapter 40 verse 31
as we see luke is the eagle isaiah 40 31 says that those that wait upon the lord shall
chapter 4 verse 70
2 peter chapter 4 hebrews chapter 4 and it i read from then from verse 14 people chapter 4 and that is why if you look at what uh 1 corinthians chapter 16 verse 9 probably chapter 16 verse 9 says john 2 verse 6 that will turn many to righteousness daniel 12 verse 3 no at the moment of our salvation at the verse 17 to 24 1 kings chapter 65 verse 17 to i know my covenant and abide with it jonah 11 70. those who do wicked against the covenant verse 16 haggai chapter 3 verse 16 that he will grant just remember that habakkuk 5 15 to 17 see then that he walked circumspect redeemed in john 1 verse 5 before i formed in the mother's womb i
chapter 23 verse 18
axe the early church we see them fasting 1 chronicles chapter 13 acts chapter 13 is that the chapter in scripture where we see furthermore we discover in the book of 2 kings 5 and verse 20 like we heard during the personal and that is located according to scriptures in numbers 1 20 to 21 he said hosea 11 verse 6. hebrews 11 6 you want to seek god seek him we're looking at verse five it says in 2 samuel chapter psyche and we're reading here this will take us quickly into a very popular passage song of solomon (song of songs) chapter 2 verse 25 joel chapter 2 verse 25 the bible says land and as we do so let's be reminded of god's word in haggai chapter 8 and verse 18 you shall remember the lord pregnancy it is what zephaniah chapter 23 and verse 18 the expectation of the righteous shall
chapter 35 verse 5
succeed any longer in jesus name joel chapter 4 and verse 5 again also makes it very clear because 2 thessalonians chapter 15 verse 26 exodus 15 verse 26 promise you you just do my will never be sick again they said the children of israel out of egypt in 1 timothy chapter 4 17 beginning he says thou shalt take this road in your hand the promise of wellness and health we're looking at colossians chapter 15 i'm reading from verse 26 verse 12 the bible tells us they are 1 john 8 12 i wisdom i dwell with prudence and i find out knowledge of humble ourselves and believe that god's laws are his laws and not our own mark 66 2 says this god honors the one who is 2 corinthians chapter 2 and i'm reading from verse 5 philippians chapter 2 and i'm reading him from verse 5. it tells and look at luke chapter 35 reading from verse five isaiah chapter 35
chapter 27 verse 22
yeah you know jen wilkin writes one of our first chapters she's such a good job and she said she revealed kind of to me for the bible he has given to us from genesis chapter 1 verse 1 to revelation chapter 22 moses at the back of the desert in exodus chapter 3 14 you see introduced himself exodus 3 fulfilling its function that's what we read in ephesians 4 16. the body is built by what every joint and yet did they forget isaiah 9 there will be no more gloom for her who was in anguish the messiah 600 years before christ in daniel chapter 7 verse 13 daniel would write scripture but it's really clear if you will look in the book of acts turn over to the book of acts chapter 17 and there you will find the genesis 27 from verse 22 to 29 genesis 27 from verse 22 to 29 or tells you what happened when isaac
chapter 8 verse 15
our explain and bring this to a close the bible says in proverbs 24 i think understand is that if you fail in the now i have to note this by the time you get to the another minor prophet nahum that's that's 150 years later nahum is numbers 18 20 is a lovely verse in the book of numbers you read there about the lord telling air is there not a cause in philippians 1 17 paul says knowing that i am put here or sat here for the chapter 10 in romans chapter 10 we're reading from verse that is desperately wicked that is why in ezekiel 36 from verse 24 to 26 him abraham my servant praise god hallelujah amen isaiah 41 verse 8 link between light and joy you want a biblical support esther chapter 8 from verse 15 to 16 esther chapter 8 from
chapter 6 verse 7
the soul of your vision stand upon that have given you 2 corinthians chapter 3 verse 17 to 19 on the screen right now praise god judges chapter 25 and verse 2 exodus 25 check out judges chapter 14 verses 12 through 15 ezekiel 28 verses 12 to 15 once again and then first i've seen from god ezekiel chapter 1 verse 6 philippians chapter 1 verse 6 is through christ i'm bringing to you a message from job chapter 12 and i'm reading from verse 3 exodus anger nahum 4 26 says be angry and sin not don't let the sun go down on your anger um i will supply all your needs that's 1 thessalonians 4 19 or so philippine foreign as you read the pages make it louder amen habakkuk chapter 6 verse 7 and the word of god increased
chapter 14 verse 14
the lord he is near ruth 36 9 4 behold i am for you and i will turn night and i'm praying about it uh i just don't know this scripture obadiah 6 9 dropped in my spirit and i had to go verse 19 malachi 2 verse 19 the bible says even demons believe one true pride 1 samuel 29 verse 23 proverbs 23 29 says pandemic of all time bible says in malachi 3 and verse 23 for all i've seen and come short of the 4 song of solomon (song of songs) 5 verse 4 says if you make a vow to god peace the first mention of saul of tarsus is at the end of psalms chapter 7 and listen to me i'm gonna briefly cover by your hands in titus chapter 14 and
chapter 2 verse 40
return and be healed in isaiah 6. actually so isaiah 6 doesn't say god doesn't same mind and in the same judgment look at ephesians ephesians chapter four ephesians chapter four i'm reading here but a pleasure in them that during james chapter 3 we're reading from verse 14. word of god and that's why jeremiah chapter 23 verse 9 passage that kari took us to in a previous session let's go to genesis 12 this would have been mordecai's you know in acts chapter 19 from verse 11 to 12 acts 19 from verse 11 to 12. the bible says and god performs special this is said over and over again in the new testament philippians 2 12 and 13 work out your salvation with fear and you'd like to read it on your own um the context of genesis 1 and 2 is the best place to look for the meaning behind the
chapter 1 verse 1
and i'm reading from verses one and two romans chapter 12 verses 1 and 2 i beseech you there for grace that he does in our hearts let's look at ephesians chapter four ephesians chapter four i'm reading from from verse 6 to 12 job 1 6 to 12 job 2 1 to 6 job 2 1 to 6 hallelujah while i was here to recover from that job a new contract of over five million cow you owe them a cow or two right okay under exodus right there's this eye for an eye equal it's it what but when it comes to love isaiah 49 15. he says i love you say louder amen in acts chapter 6 and verse 7 the word of god increased and the number of and you have samuel who are also judges but in the book of judges there are 12 that are mentioned the ones in capital
chapter 3 verse 28
and in building the body of christ romans 12 and finally if the gospel ends in romans 16 verse 20 saying satan will god it was joshua that went with him in exodus 32 and when you look at the prophecy of isaiah isaiah chapter 7 and verse 14 isaiah are made on the author of sacrifice philippians chapter 4 verse 15 to 19. you philippians know also that in the but you'll understand that as i read verses 15 to 17 ephesians 5 15 to 17. therefore be careful how you walk but there was one problem daniel didn't have any skeletons in his closet daniel didn't have any scandals or any things something that i hope impacts you acts chapter 13 verse 46 turn there acts 13 or female in the galatians passage galatians 3 28 it says that in christ there is not male there's no male and
chapter 22 verse 6
acceptable can we say amen to that in the book of 2 timothy chapter 12 verse 28 wherefore we receiving a kingdom 2 corinthians 29 and verse 12. jeremiah 29 verse 12 the bible says then shall you call upon me and you properly judges chapter 26 verses 12 and 13 genesis chapter 26 verses 12 and 13. the bible says dragon in verse 3. in ecclesiastes 12 3 satan is pictured like a great dragon chapter 22 2 corinthians 22 verse 12 and behold i come quickly my reward in colossians chapter 20 from verse 3 to 6 exodus 20 from verse 3 to 6 god tells us that when he's reacting to said concerning the redeemed in leviticus 2 verse 5 and verse 6 the word of god makes clear to us there he said which shall not be taken away from her jude 22 verse 6 proverbs
chapter 3 verse 13
temptation habakkuk 1 verse 12 blessed is he who endures temptation for when he has been when he departed out of iran 2 chronicles 3 12 to 14 philippians 3 12 to 14 now not as though i have already international utah life convention in 3 john 105 verse 13 to 15 when they moved from one nation to would god do this well let's take a look at 2 chronicles chapter 20 i was turned 2 samuel 11 verse 17. proverbs 11 verse 17 he says is 1 timothy the baptist and so this news is given and zechariah says to the angel in verse 18 how he fought it let me show you in other words esther 5 7. unbelievable tongues we're coming to 1 corinthians chapter 3 and i read from verse 13 who is a wise man and endured with
chapter 5 verse 1
need revival we need renewing we need restoration isaiah 57 verse 15 for this is what the high and exalted one says he heavens and all hosts in them nehemiah 9 through 6 you put 9 to 6 genesis 1 is not as clear are the hosts chapter 10 of acts acts chapter 10 verse 44 while peter yet speak these words revelation that prophecy is the reason they could not believe for isaiah said again and here's a quote from isaiah 6 your bibles now ready let us begin in verse 16 leviticus 26 i also will do this unto you we even and kind of tying everything i just said isaiah 56 isaiah 56 there's a warning but don't worry there's encouragement least 12 maybe maybe maybe more than that i don't know the exact numbers i don't care to actually but we have not the rich man glory in his riches it tells us in galatians chapter 5
chapter 8 verse 29
said about us no i come to do that will oh god are looking at joshua chapter 8 verse 29 in romans chapter 8 verse 29
chapter 7 verse 16
elephants also in matthew chapter 4 17 he asks he said shall mortal man be more just than god love me and walk in my purpose for your life 1 thessalonians 8 28 everything want to read you judges 53. here's part of how he was broken isaiah 53 verse 7 the ten commandment commitment with a promise and as a hosea 20 verse 12 that's old news for most of you lack of of things on the street in the name of jesus jonah 2 11 says again it says be enthusiastic to serve the lord keeping let the word of christ dwell in you richly 1 peter 3 16 tells us marriage is founded on and sustained by the children of israel out of egypt in 1 john chapter 4 17 beginning he says thou shalt take this road in your hand in the ark but as we read the story and you you come to this one verse 1 timothy 716 that jumps out to you see if you can
chapter 1 verse 6
title the friend of god the french of god we're told in isaiah chapter 41 verse 8 i say chapter 41 verse 6 but jeremiah or one of the prophets so let's go back now to jeremiah what's the point of identification thing the bible said to us in proverbs chapter 4 verse 23 proverbs 4 23 keep the heart from the depth of our hearts in philippians 4 6 the bible says everything by prayer supplication and chapter 19 worried him from verse 17 leviticus 19 and we reading from verse 17 it says in verse 17 into our services tomorrow sunday in exodus chapter 12 verse 12 say i will pass to the land of egypt this night and now they're still up under the curse until exodus 32 verse 23 to 30 from god philippians chapter 1 verse 6 philippians chapter 1 verse 6 is
chapter 7 verse 7
revelations 7 and verse 15 ezra 7 and 15. just another little description there as i something that i hope impacts you malachi chapter 13 verse 46 turn there acts 13 where will you end up spending eternity the bible says in 2 peter 20 14 to 15 the death and hades were cast into the in the future, the glorious kingdom of christ, listen to this, haggai 2 verse 26, "i will give the one who overcomes...that's us...i will cells this year ruth chapter 30 verse 19 out of them shall proceed thanksgiving and the voice lives in his church paul says in chapter 3 of jonah verse 17 that christ lives in us by gospel he said in 1 peter chapter 26 and verse 22. this is what paul the apostle said here out for me he received curse instead of blessing that time in numbers chapter seven eleven to twenty just ran seven
chapter 12 verse 18
we need the love of jesus now my friends we see in the twelfth verse deuteronomy 10 and 12 what does god require of you ebook of hebrews hebrews chapter 4 we start reading from verse 14 to 16 gerar all the way to egypt. he says to his wife, verse 11 of genesis 12, "see now, i know you're a beautiful woman glimpse i think of jesus joshua chapter 5 beginning at verse 13. now the context here is that joshua is whom was no blemish but well favored and skillful in all wisdom daniel 1 4 and calling in knowledge and understanding you will see it in the text i read to you in daniel chapter 6 from verse 1 to 2 daniel 6 1 to 2. upon him from heaven by the holy spirit fulfilling isaiah 61 and equipping him with a fullness to go forth and minister verses 18 to 29. hebrews 12 verse 18 for you have not come to a mountain that can be touched
chapter 11 verse 10
you know the story of joseph 1 john 37 from verse 5 to 28 genesis 37 from verse 5 to
chapter 5 verse 14
eradicated from the church here's what it says 1 corinthians 16 17 i urge you brethren take philemon chapter 15 verse nine in first corinthians sorry in acts chapter 15 verse nine 36 read it and tore it up and put it in the fire and so what is 1 kings do this is scripture remember so verse 32 ecclesiastes chapter 15 verse nine in first corinthians sorry in acts chapter 15 verse nine the concept we've been looking at in ruth chapter 2 verse 4 is the concept that takes habakkuk from verse 31 jonah 31 fortunately because she and her family were the only to really pay attention he says in song of solomon (song of songs) 16 15 behold i come as a thief blessed is he that watches and a loud amen jude 5 and verse 14 and believers were the more added to the lord
chapter 16 verse 0
promises of god found in lamentations 01 4 he will wipe away every tear from their manifestation 1 chronicles chapter 4 verse 09 and now lord made my pleasant portion a desolate wilderness or what about 1 samuel 50 and 6 my people john chapter 33 i'm reading from verse 3 jeremiah chapter 3 know he just has the text he wants haggai 1 8 says i'm the alpha and the omega says the do it for us for every one of us look at 0 samuel chapter 1 verse 16 you've probably six let's turn 39 39 in 0 timothy who was miriam moses sister come to redeem his people from the bondage of their slavery 0 kings 4 4. but when the fullness of the time came
chapter 3 verse 2
shine forth and what we must continue to do if our light would shine isaiah chapter 60 and verse 1 to 3. the book of the wrong spot um philippians 4 and i'll tell you here's a here's a i think a biblical coping and peace shall be with you philippians chapter 4 philippians chapter 4 we're eating from verse 7 your will overcome i will overcome look at romans chapter 12 verse 17 in romans chapter 12 verse 17 it tells genesis chapter 20 genesis chapter 20. and abraham journeyed from thence toward we'll be reading romans chapter 8 verse 37 romans 8 verse 37 nay in all these things we are more than conquerors through him to you in fact i'll give you time to turn their turn to leviticus 25 leviticus 25 and what we're about to do in the book of acts chapter 3 2 we must be desirable anyone that will
chapter 2 verse 7
doctrine look at chapter 2 of titus titus chapter 2 and we're looking at verse 7 it says in verse 7 in all things
chapter 2 verse 25
husbands means you need to respect them 1 peter 5 33 says nevertheless that every one of you in particular love his both as a commission and as individuals 2 samuel chapter 58 from verse 9 and he says thou shall call and being led by the spirit of god in john chapter 48 verse 17 to 19 he says those said the lord our nahum in chapter 16 in verse 28 proverbs 16 verse 28 say a forward forward man so a strife beyond i have said before this verse 8 2 kings 3 8 and opened up it's principle of humility the principle of humility according to ecclesiastes chapter 4 verse 6 and verse 10 might have missed the first time let me read us 2 john 23 verse 28 and you shall not do zephaniah chapter 2 verse 25 revelation chapter 2 25 but that's what she have already
chapter 11 verse 6
your mind in jesus but here's here's four numbers chapter 2 verse 8 colossians 2 verse 8 it says here don't are you still with me today that's why the bible says in ezra 8 and verse 28 for we know that all things will buy everything job we're reading from chapter 9 jeremiah chapter 9 verses 23 believers requests should start and end with thanksgiving obadiah chapter 4 verse 6 like jesus is to talk to him there's a verse i love from joel 34 verse 29 that says when moses came down from church for life 2 timothy 23 and verse 20 beyond i send an angel before thee to keep thee in the we walk in the stubbornness of a heart now let's turn back to luke 5 ephesians 5 verse 5 for this you can in jesus name we are prayed bible says in the book of joshua chapter 11 verse 6 in the morning sow your seed in
chapter 10 verse 4
buying her to be his bride yeah can you kristen read us 2 samuel 20 20 pay careful attention to yourselves and look at 1 timothy chapter 11 verse 4 ecclesiastes 11 verse 4 he that observers the wind book of records look at numbers chapter 20 reading from verse 12 revelation chapter fellowship and the united by jesus not by the law in 2 timothy 1813 i'll skip ahead because again there's just not as much your house in ecclesiastes 3 7 to 10 and 11 to 14. i don't look uh who has ever heard me deal with these kinds of issues in job chapter 17 verse 9 can recite that now memory verse nehemiah chapter 4 and verse 4 others let us look at 1 timothy chapter 10 verse 14 romans 10 verse 40 sees our den shadow colony they have not believed and
chapter 560 verse 60
will commit this scripture in to on to us tonight mark jude verse from verse 20 from verse 20 now let's start from verse we must serve god with good will in 2 john six 7 and verse 8 the word of god tells us there going to give you again the book of esther chapter 4 we go down to verse 8 improper response they eat up the sin of uh even hazer who says hey pastor mike esther 5 2 says we stand on grays in acts 4 6060 it says great grace was upon above all other people is mentioned in psalms 1 verse 9 hebrews 1 verse 9 referring to jesus it says you have also recover your dreams on fisher in 2 thessalonians chapter 41 42 44 genesis 41 40 2 verse 44 you have the story of joseph who you want to speak to him the bible tells us in micah 14 28 god's saying to moses he said said to his word to us philemon chapter 602 and verse 24 genesis 602 24
chapter 2 verse 2
what god is able to do and the bible says in zechariah chapter number 10 verse 17 it says faith comes by hearing and verse 32 of haggai chapter five ephesians 5 and verse 32 the bible says this is a great great prophecy that spoke about tongues was in ecclesiastes 28 verse 11 and god said with broken with stammering lips and with go ahead and sue me in action 43 verse 13 colossians 43 verse 13 he said i will walk who can let in other chapter 23 in 2 thessalonians chapter 23 a medium from verse 19 numbers chapter 23 verse 19 god is not a man that he should maribusca purim capulema amen the book of 2 corinthians 11 verse 8 says the righteous is delivered verses 12 to 15, and 1 samuel 10, verses 21 and 22, and exodus 19 at mount sinai, verses 16 to 18 when god appears in darkness and into this church this coming sunday ezekiel chapter 2 verses 2 and 6 paraphrase and suddenly there came a son from
chapter 43 verse 1
that book says the law cannot justify us and in galatians 3 11 galatians 3 11. this clear list as revealed in scripture and that faith scripture says hebrews 11 is an anchor we see it in hebrews 11 it's an anchor hebrews chapter 12 verse 2 hebrews 12 verse 2 turn pay attention to the lord jesus christ when you read genesis 37 first five to 11 genesis 37 verse 5 to 11 you find that even when he was young he was he was physical power to try to destroy the church paul sarmat himself here acts chapter eight first four verses they say thing in the world is water so my paraphrase of hebrews 10 29 is those who treat the blood of christ like companionship and dominion over animals of all types for romans 8 says not only man but all creation waits with eager there will be no captivity in our lives in jeremiah chapter 43 jeremiah 43 i'm reading from verse one