6 values
All of the 3 infected people were students who came back after traveling in other countries at the beginning of this month; all of them were not hospitalized because they were mild cases.
[ { "source": "在这些人中,23人在领土治疗,已知31人在海外接受了治疗。", "target": "Of these persons, 23 are being treated in the Territory and 31 are known to have accessed care overseas." }, { "source": "约16%的学生为外国人,来自120余个不同的国家。", "target": "About 16% of these students are foreigners, from about 120 different countries." }, { "source": "<BT> 机场官员最初说,有16人需要医院护理,但后来表示,在事件发生后,只有12人得到治疗。", "target": "Airport officials initially said 16 people needed hospital care, but later indicated only 12 had been treated after the incident." }, { "source": "<BT> 他说:“这个人可能是一个新生婴儿,一个移民,一个长期的学生,或者一个前澳大利亚背包客从国外旅行归来,持续了12个多月。", "target": "'The person could be a newborn baby, an immigrant, a long-term student or a former Australian backpacker returning from a trip abroad which lasted more than 12 months,' he said." }, { "source": "<BT> 他说,该医院用这项技术治疗了1,600名儿童,并治疗了99%的患者。", "target": "The hospital has used this technique on 1,600 children and procedure cures 99 percent of patients, he said." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 在这些人中,23人在领土治疗,已知31人在海外接受了治疗。\\nEnglish: Of these persons, 23 are being treated in the Territory and 31 are known to have accessed care overseas.\\nChinese: 约16%的学生为外国人,来自120余个不同的国家。\\nEnglish: About 16% of these students are foreigners, from about 120 different countries.\\nChinese: <BT> 机场官员最初说,有16人需要医院护理,但后来表示,在事件发生后,只有12人得到治疗。\\nEnglish: Airport officials initially said 16 people needed hospital care, but later indicated only 12 had been treated after the incident.\\nChinese: <BT> 他说:“这个人可能是一个新生婴儿,一个移民,一个长期的学生,或者一个前澳大利亚背包客从国外旅行归来,持续了12个多月。\\nEnglish: 'The person could be a newborn baby, an immigrant, a long-term student or a former Australian backpacker returning from a trip abroad which lasted more than 12 months,' he said.\\nChinese: <BT> 他说,该医院用这项技术治疗了1,600名儿童,并治疗了99%的患者。\\nEnglish: The hospital has used this technique on 1,600 children and procedure cures 99 percent of patients, he said.\\nChinese: 这3人都是学生,本月初从国外旅行回来,由于均为轻症,并未入院治疗。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "All of the 3 infected people were students who came back after traveling in other countries at the beginning of this month; all of them were not hospitalized because they were mild cases.", "role": "assistant" } ]
In order to prevent the spreading of the Omicron strains, the government of Cyprus kept strengthening the prevention and control.
[ { "source": "为了防止在其水域过度捕捞,美国政府在2009年8月采取预防商业性捕捞的渔业管理计划。", "target": "To prevent overfishing in its waters, the US adopted precautionary commercial fisheries management plan in August 2009." }, { "source": "与此同时,最弱国家的情况出现恶化,经济危机加剧,政治动荡蔓延,各国政府正采取更严厉的态度来保护强势。", "target": "Meanwhile, the situation of the weakest countries deteriorates, the economic crisis worsens, political upheaval spreads and Governments are taking a harsher stance to protect their power." }, { "source": "然而,国际社会如果要到2015年制止和扭转艾滋病毒/艾滋病蔓延,就必须作出更大的努力。", "target": "However, greater efforts are needed if the international community is to halt and reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS by 2015." }, { "source": "(b) 监督: 本组织密切监测政府当局,以防止其滥用权力。", "target": "(b) Watchdog: the organization closely monitors government authorities to prevent abuse of their power." }, { "source": "2001-2006年政府国防开支", "target": "Government defence expenditure 2001-2006" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 为了防止在其水域过度捕捞,美国政府在2009年8月采取预防商业性捕捞的渔业管理计划。\\nEnglish: To prevent overfishing in its waters, the US adopted precautionary commercial fisheries management plan in August 2009.\\nChinese: 与此同时,最弱国家的情况出现恶化,经济危机加剧,政治动荡蔓延,各国政府正采取更严厉的态度来保护强势。\\nEnglish: Meanwhile, the situation of the weakest countries deteriorates, the economic crisis worsens, political upheaval spreads and Governments are taking a harsher stance to protect their power.\\nChinese: 然而,国际社会如果要到2015年制止和扭转艾滋病毒/艾滋病蔓延,就必须作出更大的努力。\\nEnglish: However, greater efforts are needed if the international community is to halt and reverse the spread of HIV/AIDS by 2015.\\nChinese: (b) 监督: 本组织密切监测政府当局,以防止其滥用权力。\\nEnglish: (b) Watchdog: the organization closely monitors government authorities to prevent abuse of their power.\\nChinese: 2001-2006年政府国防开支\\nEnglish: Government defence expenditure 2001-2006\\nChinese: 为防范奥密克戎毒株蔓延,塞政府不断加大防控力度。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "In order to prevent the spreading of the Omicron strains, the government of Cyprus kept strengthening the prevention and control.", "role": "assistant" } ]
All the passengers above 12 years old who enter the country by plane shall take nucleic acid test at their own expenses at the airport from December 6 to January 10 next year.
[ { "source": "截至1998年12月1日,几乎有117,000位个人接受了检查。", "target": "As of 1 December 1998 almost 117,000 individuals had been examined." }, { "source": "77. 2002年2月15日,一架飞机在接近罗伯茨国际机场的跑道时坠毁。", "target": "77. On 15 February 2002, an aircraft crashed as it approached the runway of Roberts International Airport." }, { "source": "2002年10月10日;12月12日", "target": "10 October; 12 December 2002" }, { "source": "此外,截至2011年1月12日,他们有9架Mi-35直升机、3架An-32飞机和8架C-27飞机。", "target": "In addition, they have nine Mi-35 helicopters, three An-32 aircraft and eight C-27 aircraft as of 12 January 2011." }, { "source": "2009年12月10日;2010年1月15日;5月10日;6月28日", "target": "10 December 2009; 15 January; 10 May; 28 June 2010" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 截至1998年12月1日,几乎有117,000位个人接受了检查。\\nEnglish: As of 1 December 1998 almost 117,000 individuals had been examined.\\nChinese: 77. 2002年2月15日,一架飞机在接近罗伯茨国际机场的跑道时坠毁。\\nEnglish: 77. On 15 February 2002, an aircraft crashed as it approached the runway of Roberts International Airport.\\nChinese: 2002年10月10日;12月12日\\nEnglish: 10 October; 12 December 2002\\nChinese: 此外,截至2011年1月12日,他们有9架Mi-35直升机、3架An-32飞机和8架C-27飞机。\\nEnglish: In addition, they have nine Mi-35 helicopters, three An-32 aircraft and eight C-27 aircraft as of 12 January 2011.\\nChinese: 2009年12月10日;2010年1月15日;5月10日;6月28日\\nEnglish: 10 December 2009; 15 January; 10 May; 28 June 2010\\nChinese: 从12月6日到明年1月10日,乘飞机入境的12岁以上旅客抵塞后都需自费在机场接受核酸检测。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "All the passengers above 12 years old who enter the country by plane shall take nucleic acid test at their own expenses at the airport from December 6 to January 10 next year.", "role": "assistant" } ]
It was also announced by Ministry of Health of Cyprus on December 10 that they would start inoculate children from 5 to 11 years old in the country with Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.
[ { "source": "年龄:5岁至11岁的儿童", "target": "Ages: children from 5 to 11 years old" }, { "source": "年龄:5岁至11岁的儿童", "target": "Ages: children from 5 to 11 years old" }, { "source": "年龄:5岁至11岁的儿童", "target": "Ages: children from 5 to 11 years old" }, { "source": "年龄:5岁至11岁的儿童", "target": "Ages: children from 5 to 11 years old" }, { "source": "年龄组:5岁至11岁儿童", "target": "Age group: children aged 5 to 11" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 年龄:5岁至11岁的儿童\\nEnglish: Ages: children from 5 to 11 years old\\nChinese: 年龄:5岁至11岁的儿童\\nEnglish: Ages: children from 5 to 11 years old\\nChinese: 年龄:5岁至11岁的儿童\\nEnglish: Ages: children from 5 to 11 years old\\nChinese: 年龄:5岁至11岁的儿童\\nEnglish: Ages: children from 5 to 11 years old\\nChinese: 年龄组:5岁至11岁儿童\\nEnglish: Age group: children aged 5 to 11\\nChinese: 塞卫生部10日还宣布,将开始为该国5岁至11岁的儿童接种辉瑞新冠疫苗。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "It was also announced by Ministry of Health of Cyprus on December 10 that they would start inoculate children from 5 to 11 years old in the country with Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine.", "role": "assistant" } ]
Kunbizze Chiponda, Minister of Ministry of Health of Malawi, said on December 9 that Malawi found 3 cases of infection with the Omicron strains for the first time.
[ { "source": "3. 根据卫生部2005年2月26日第67号条例,鉴于性传播感染病例出现的范围很广,开办了30家保密诊所,提供匿名、免费的性传播感染治疗。", "target": "3. By regulation No. 67 of the Ministry of Health, of 26 February 2005, in view of the broad incidence of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), 30 confidential clinics were opened for anonymous and free treatment of STIs." }, { "source": "2010年,病例数减少到242例,妇女占新发现病例的50.6%。", "target": "The number of cases declined to 242 in 2010 and women accounted for 50.6 per cent of the new cases identified." }, { "source": "41. 在撒哈拉以南非洲地区,以异性传播为主,南部非洲的艾滋病毒流行率尤其高,占2007年全世界所有艾滋病毒感染新病例的35%。", "target": "41. In sub-Saharan Africa, heterosexual transmission predominates, with especially high HIV prevalence in southern Africa, which accounted for 35 per cent of all new HIV infections worldwide in 2007." }, { "source": "截至1999年年底,在中国报告的总共17,316例艾滋病毒/艾滋病感染病例中,因静脉注射毒品而感染的病例占72.4%。", "target": "By the end of 1999, out of a total of 17,316 reported cases of HIV/AIDS infection in China, those infected through intravenous injections of drugs accounted for 72.4 per cent." }, { "source": "2001年至2012年,26个低收入和中等收入国家的艾滋病毒新感染病例减少50%以上。", "target": "In 26 low- and middle-income countries new HIV infections decreased by more than 50 per cent between 2001 and 2012." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 3. 根据卫生部2005年2月26日第67号条例,鉴于性传播感染病例出现的范围很广,开办了30家保密诊所,提供匿名、免费的性传播感染治疗。\\nEnglish: 3. By regulation No. 67 of the Ministry of Health, of 26 February 2005, in view of the broad incidence of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), 30 confidential clinics were opened for anonymous and free treatment of STIs.\\nChinese: 2010年,病例数减少到242例,妇女占新发现病例的50.6%。\\nEnglish: The number of cases declined to 242 in 2010 and women accounted for 50.6 per cent of the new cases identified.\\nChinese: 41. 在撒哈拉以南非洲地区,以异性传播为主,南部非洲的艾滋病毒流行率尤其高,占2007年全世界所有艾滋病毒感染新病例的35%。\\nEnglish: 41. In sub-Saharan Africa, heterosexual transmission predominates, with especially high HIV prevalence in southern Africa, which accounted for 35 per cent of all new HIV infections worldwide in 2007.\\nChinese: 截至1999年年底,在中国报告的总共17,316例艾滋病毒/艾滋病感染病例中,因静脉注射毒品而感染的病例占72.4%。\\nEnglish: By the end of 1999, out of a total of 17,316 reported cases of HIV/AIDS infection in China, those infected through intravenous injections of drugs accounted for 72.4 per cent.\\nChinese: 2001年至2012年,26个低收入和中等收入国家的艾滋病毒新感染病例减少50%以上。\\nEnglish: In 26 low- and middle-income countries new HIV infections decreased by more than 50 per cent between 2001 and 2012.\\nChinese: 马拉维卫生部长昆比泽·奇蓬达9日说,该国首次发现3例奥密克戎毒株感染病例。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Kunbizze Chiponda, Minister of Ministry of Health of Malawi, said on December 9 that Malawi found 3 cases of infection with the Omicron strains for the first time.", "role": "assistant" } ]
The Department of Health of Malawi conducted genomic sequencing for 12 COVID-19 positive samples collected from November 9 to December 2 and found the 3 cases of infection.
[ { "source": "疫情在2012年11月12日那一周达到高峰,报告了382个新病例。", "target": "The outbreak reached a peak during the week of 12 November 2012, when 382 new cases were reported." }, { "source": "353. 根据卫生部统计系统,1987年至2003年12月期间登记了1,231例艾滋病毒/艾滋病患者,其中894例为男性,307例为女性。", "target": "353. According to MINSA &apos; s statistical system, between 1987 and December 2003 1,231 cases of HIV/AIDS were registered and of these 894 cases were in men and 307 in women." }, { "source": "(2005年11月20日至12月2日)", "target": "(20 November to 2 December 2005)" }, { "source": "2010年11月22日至12月3日", "target": "22 November to 3 December 2010" }, { "source": "(2010年11月22日至12月3日)", "target": "(22 November - 3 December 2010)" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 疫情在2012年11月12日那一周达到高峰,报告了382个新病例。\\nEnglish: The outbreak reached a peak during the week of 12 November 2012, when 382 new cases were reported.\\nChinese: 353. 根据卫生部统计系统,1987年至2003年12月期间登记了1,231例艾滋病毒/艾滋病患者,其中894例为男性,307例为女性。\\nEnglish: 353. According to MINSA &apos; s statistical system, between 1987 and December 2003 1,231 cases of HIV/AIDS were registered and of these 894 cases were in men and 307 in women.\\nChinese: (2005年11月20日至12月2日)\\nEnglish: (20 November to 2 December 2005)\\nChinese: 2010年11月22日至12月3日\\nEnglish: 22 November to 3 December 2010\\nChinese: (2010年11月22日至12月3日)\\nEnglish: (22 November - 3 December 2010)\\nChinese: 该国卫生部门对从11月9日至12月2日采集的12个新冠阳性样本开展基因组测序,发现了这3例感染病例。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Department of Health of Malawi conducted genomic sequencing for 12 COVID-19 positive samples collected from November 9 to December 2 and found the 3 cases of infection.", "role": "assistant" } ]
The takeout order never arrived.
[ { "source": "3-5日送达", "target": "3-5 day delivery" }, { "source": "您的消息已成功送达。", "target": "Your message was successfully sent." }, { "source": "但我从来没有 . . .", "target": "but I was never..." }, { "source": "* 2 从免费接送到机场!", "target": "* 2 Free transfer from to the airport!" }, { "source": "首先,确保您的订单已送达 。", "target": "First, ensure that your order has been Delivered ." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 3-5日送达\\nEnglish: 3-5 day delivery\\nChinese: 您的消息已成功送达。\\nEnglish: Your message was successfully sent.\\nChinese: 但我从来没有 . . .\\nEnglish: but I was never...\\nChinese: * 2 从免费接送到机场!\\nEnglish: * 2 Free transfer from to the airport!\\nChinese: 首先,确保您的订单已送达 。\\nEnglish: First, ensure that your order has been Delivered .\\nChinese: 外卖从没送达\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The takeout order never arrived.", "role": "assistant" } ]
Even the number of the delivery person is fake.
[ { "source": "电话号码:", "target": "Telephone number:" }, { "source": "电话号码:", "target": "Telephone number:" }, { "source": "电话号码:", "target": "Telephone number:" }, { "source": "电话号码:", "target": "Telephone number:" }, { "source": "电话号码", "target": "Telephone number" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 电话号码:\\nEnglish: Telephone number:\\nChinese: 电话号码:\\nEnglish: Telephone number:\\nChinese: 电话号码:\\nEnglish: Telephone number:\\nChinese: 电话号码:\\nEnglish: Telephone number:\\nChinese: 电话号码\\nEnglish: Telephone number\\nChinese: 连骑手电话号码都是假的\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Even the number of the delivery person is fake.", "role": "assistant" } ]
I have already re-placed the order.
[ { "source": "我可以重新下载吗?", "target": "Can I re-download it?" }, { "source": "我已经有经验。", "target": "I already do have experience." }, { "source": "我已经27岁了", "target": "I'm 27 years old." }, { "source": "我已经77岁了。", "target": "I am 77 years old." }, { "source": "我们已经找到了!", "target": "We’ve found it!" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 我可以重新下载吗?\\nEnglish: Can I re-download it?\\nChinese: 我已经有经验。\\nEnglish: I already do have experience.\\nChinese: 我已经27岁了\\nEnglish: I'm 27 years old.\\nChinese: 我已经77岁了。\\nEnglish: I am 77 years old.\\nChinese: 我们已经找到了!\\nEnglish: We’ve found it!\\nChinese: 我已经重新下单\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I have already re-placed the order.", "role": "assistant" } ]
Will I get a refund for the last order?
[ { "source": "有一个 56 天退款期.", "target": "There is a 56 days refund period." }, { "source": "- 我的订单是否已处理?", "target": "- Was my order processed?" }, { "source": "它有一张单人床.", "target": "It has a single bed." }, { "source": "基本退款", "target": "Basic refund" }, { "source": "我能得到退款?", "target": "Can I get a refund?" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 有一个 56 天退款期.\\nEnglish: There is a 56 days refund period.\\nChinese: - 我的订单是否已处理?\\nEnglish: - Was my order processed?\\nChinese: 它有一张单人床.\\nEnglish: It has a single bed.\\nChinese: 基本退款\\nEnglish: Basic refund\\nChinese: 我能得到退款?\\nEnglish: Can I get a refund?\\nChinese: 上一张单是否会退款?\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Will I get a refund for the last order?", "role": "assistant" } ]
If it doesn’t work, please cancel the order and ask for a refund.
[ { "source": "如果我们取消您的预订", "target": "If we cancel your reservation" }, { "source": "如果在 14 天内取消,您将获得全额退款。", "target": "If you cancel within 14 days, you receive a full refund." }, { "source": "如果在抵达前14天前没有取消,则该预订将不予退款。", "target": "If not cancelled 14 days prior to arrival, the reservation will be non-refundable." }, { "source": "如果客人在抵达前7天内取消预订,则押金将不予退款。", "target": "If guests cancel the booking within 7 days before arrival, the deposit will not be refunded." }, { "source": "如果您在购票后的 24 小时内在网上取消预订,您将获得全额退款。", "target": "If you cancel your reservation online within 24 hours of purchase, you will receive a full refund." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 如果我们取消您的预订\\nEnglish: If we cancel your reservation\\nChinese: 如果在 14 天内取消,您将获得全额退款。\\nEnglish: If you cancel within 14 days, you receive a full refund.\\nChinese: 如果在抵达前14天前没有取消,则该预订将不予退款。\\nEnglish: If not cancelled 14 days prior to arrival, the reservation will be non-refundable.\\nChinese: 如果客人在抵达前7天内取消预订,则押金将不予退款。\\nEnglish: If guests cancel the booking within 7 days before arrival, the deposit will not be refunded.\\nChinese: 如果您在购票后的 24 小时内在网上取消预订,您将获得全额退款。\\nEnglish: If you cancel your reservation online within 24 hours of purchase, you will receive a full refund.\\nChinese: 如果不行,请取消订单并退款\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "If it doesn’t work, please cancel the order and ask for a refund.", "role": "assistant" } ]
想着早点叫餐,可以早点吃,但是现在都等到 7 点了还没有吃上
I thought if I ordered early, I could eat it early, but now it’s 7 and I still don’t have it.
[ { "source": "我们可以先吃饭 。 '", "target": "We could eat first.'" }, { "source": "早餐可以采取在2小时。", "target": "Breakfast can be taken in 2 hours." }, { "source": "一点都没有!", "target": "None at all!" }, { "source": "在该站点上,您可以找到:", "target": "On this site you'll find:" }, { "source": "这些站点可以是:", "target": "These sites can be:" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 我们可以先吃饭 。 '\\nEnglish: We could eat first.'\\nChinese: 早餐可以采取在2小时。\\nEnglish: Breakfast can be taken in 2 hours.\\nChinese: 一点都没有!\\nEnglish: None at all!\\nChinese: 在该站点上,您可以找到:\\nEnglish: On this site you'll find:\\nChinese: 这些站点可以是:\\nEnglish: These sites can be:\\nChinese: 想着早点叫餐,可以早点吃,但是现在都等到 7 点了还没有吃上\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I thought if I ordered early, I could eat it early, but now it’s 7 and I still don’t have it.", "role": "assistant" } ]
I don’t understand what you are talking about...
[ { "source": "我不明白你在说什么。", "target": "I don't understand what you're saying." }, { "source": "我不明白你在说什么。", "target": "I don't understand what your saying." }, { "source": "你明白我在说什么吗?", "target": "Do you understand what I'm saying?" }, { "source": "你明白他在说什么吗?", "target": "Do you realize what he is saying?" }, { "source": "我不明白为什么.", "target": "I don't understand why." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 我不明白你在说什么。\\nEnglish: I don't understand what you're saying.\\nChinese: 我不明白你在说什么。\\nEnglish: I don't understand what your saying.\\nChinese: 你明白我在说什么吗?\\nEnglish: Do you understand what I'm saying?\\nChinese: 你明白他在说什么吗?\\nEnglish: Do you realize what he is saying?\\nChinese: 我不明白为什么.\\nEnglish: I don't understand why.\\nChinese: 我不明白你在说什么……\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I don’t understand what you are talking about...", "role": "assistant" } ]
你的中文是翻译过来的吗?还是你 prefer 用英文?
Was your Chinese translated? Or would you prefer English?
[ { "source": "翻译: 英文, 法文, 德文", "target": "Translations: english, french, german" }, { "source": "翻译: 英文, 德文, 俄文", "target": "Translations: english, german, russian" }, { "source": "如果英文翻译是必要的, 你可以使用一个专业的翻译服务, 或者你可以自己翻译的文档.", "target": "If English translations are necessary, you may use the services of a professional translator, or you may translate the document yourself." }, { "source": "Shayne's 英文翻译 捷克语 中文", "target": "Shayne's English translation Czech Chinese" }, { "source": "Aashiana 英文翻译 捷克语 中文", "target": "Aashiana English translation Czech Chinese" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 翻译: 英文, 法文, 德文\\nEnglish: Translations: english, french, german\\nChinese: 翻译: 英文, 德文, 俄文\\nEnglish: Translations: english, german, russian\\nChinese: 如果英文翻译是必要的, 你可以使用一个专业的翻译服务, 或者你可以自己翻译的文档.\\nEnglish: If English translations are necessary, you may use the services of a professional translator, or you may translate the document yourself.\\nChinese: Shayne's 英文翻译 捷克语 中文\\nEnglish: Shayne's English translation Czech Chinese\\nChinese: Aashiana 英文翻译 捷克语 中文\\nEnglish: Aashiana English translation Czech Chinese\\nChinese: 你的中文是翻译过来的吗?还是你 prefer 用英文?\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Was your Chinese translated? Or would you prefer English?", "role": "assistant" } ]
Then send it to
[ { "source": "撤销必须被发送到:", "target": "The revocation must be sent to:" }, { "source": "将简单的数据发送到其他应用", "target": "Sending simple data to other apps" }, { "source": "发送到 Email", "target": "Send to Email" }, { "source": "发送本页面到打印机", "target": "Send this page to the printer" }, { "source": "将数据发送到其它SPC程序中", "target": "Send data to other SPC program" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 撤销必须被发送到:\\nEnglish: The revocation must be sent to:\\nChinese: 将简单的数据发送到其他应用\\nEnglish: Sending simple data to other apps\\nChinese: 发送到 Email\\nEnglish: Send to Email\\nChinese: 发送本页面到打印机\\nEnglish: Send this page to the printer\\nChinese: 将数据发送到其它SPC程序中\\nEnglish: Send data to other SPC program\\nChinese: 那发送到\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Then send it to", "role": "assistant" } ]
Shall I tell him on the phone?
[ { "source": "今天就打电话给他们!", "target": "Call them today!" }, { "source": "我打电话给他相当频繁。", "target": "I called him quite frequently." }, { "source": "2-打电话寻求帮助", "target": "2 - Call for help" }, { "source": "你们要去跟他们说话?", "target": "You're going to talk to them?" }, { "source": "现在是打电话的时间.", "target": "Now is the time to call." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 今天就打电话给他们!\\nEnglish: Call them today!\\nChinese: 我打电话给他相当频繁。\\nEnglish: I called him quite frequently.\\nChinese: 2-打电话寻求帮助\\nEnglish: 2 - Call for help\\nChinese: 你们要去跟他们说话?\\nEnglish: You're going to talk to them?\\nChinese: 现在是打电话的时间.\\nEnglish: Now is the time to call.\\nChinese: 要打电话跟他说吗\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Shall I tell him on the phone?", "role": "assistant" } ]
Hello, deal customer!
[ { "source": "尊敬的主席先生,", "target": "Dear Mr. President," }, { "source": "我们的顾客是谁?", "target": "Who are our clients?" }, { "source": "我们的顾客如何说", "target": "What our customers say" }, { "source": "尊敬的商人和妇女,", "target": "Dear businessmen and women," }, { "source": "为了您的顾客的安全", "target": "For the safety of your customers" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 尊敬的主席先生,\\nEnglish: Dear Mr. President,\\nChinese: 我们的顾客是谁?\\nEnglish: Who are our clients?\\nChinese: 我们的顾客如何说\\nEnglish: What our customers say\\nChinese: 尊敬的商人和妇女,\\nEnglish: Dear businessmen and women,\\nChinese: 为了您的顾客的安全\\nEnglish: For the safety of your customers\\nChinese: 尊敬的顾客您好!\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Hello, deal customer!", "role": "assistant" } ]
Thank you for choosing Zhi Yun Restaurant, and offering you a pleasant meal has been our mission; we are committed to providing you and your family with delicious food, quality service, and your satisfaction and good review will always be our momentum to move forward!
[ { "source": "我们可能使用您提供的健康数据来为您提供更好的服务并满足您的特殊需求。 返回页首", "target": "We may use health data provided by you to serve you better and meet your particular needs. Back to Top" }, { "source": "我们使用您的信息来更好地理解用户的偏好并改进我们的服务。", "target": "We use your information to enhance our understanding of our users' preferences and improve our services." }, { "source": "以下是我们能够为您提供的一些服务:", "target": "Here are some of the services we can provide for you:" }, { "source": "否则,我们将仅使用您的信息为您提供我们的服务。", "target": "Otherwise, we will use your information solely to provide you with our services." }, { "source": "如果您选择不向我们提供您的个人信息,也可能意味着我们无法向您完成我们的产品或服务的购买或交付。", "target": "If you choose not to give us your personal information, it may also mean that we cannot complete a purchase or deliver our products or services to you." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 我们可能使用您提供的健康数据来为您提供更好的服务并满足您的特殊需求。 返回页首\\nEnglish: We may use health data provided by you to serve you better and meet your particular needs. Back to Top\\nChinese: 我们使用您的信息来更好地理解用户的偏好并改进我们的服务。\\nEnglish: We use your information to enhance our understanding of our users' preferences and improve our services.\\nChinese: 以下是我们能够为您提供的一些服务:\\nEnglish: Here are some of the services we can provide for you:\\nChinese: 否则,我们将仅使用您的信息为您提供我们的服务。\\nEnglish: Otherwise, we will use your information solely to provide you with our services.\\nChinese: 如果您选择不向我们提供您的个人信息,也可能意味着我们无法向您完成我们的产品或服务的购买或交付。\\nEnglish: If you choose not to give us your personal information, it may also mean that we cannot complete a purchase or deliver our products or services to you.\\nChinese: 感谢您能够选择支雲餐厅用餐,您吃的开心快乐一直是我们的使命,为您和您的家人提供更可口放心的菜肴,更优质的服务,您的满意跟好评一直是我们前进的动力!\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Thank you for choosing Zhi Yun Restaurant, and offering you a pleasant meal has been our mission; we are committed to providing you and your family with delicious food, quality service, and your satisfaction and good review will always be our momentum to move forward!", "role": "assistant" } ]
Thank you for your 5-star review, lots of love!
[ { "source": "感谢我的兄弟继续做你在做什么!", "target": "Thanks my brother keep doing what you doing!" }, { "source": "感谢您的评论!", "target": "Thanks for your comment!" }, { "source": "感谢这么多!", "target": "Thanks so much!" }, { "source": "谢谢你的评论!", "target": "Thanks for your comment!" }, { "source": "是因为我不爱你们么?", "target": "Because I don't love you?" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 感谢我的兄弟继续做你在做什么!\\nEnglish: Thanks my brother keep doing what you doing!\\nChinese: 感谢您的评论!\\nEnglish: Thanks for your comment!\\nChinese: 感谢这么多!\\nEnglish: Thanks so much!\\nChinese: 谢谢你的评论!\\nEnglish: Thanks for your comment!\\nChinese: 是因为我不爱你们么?\\nEnglish: Because I don't love you?\\nChinese: 感谢亲的五星好评哦,爱你么么哒!\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Thank you for your 5-star review, lots of love!", "role": "assistant" } ]
Thank you for choosing Zhi Yuan Restaurant, and we are deeply sorry for the trouble brought to you!
[ { "source": "404 对给您带来的不便,深感抱歉!", "target": "404 Sorry for the inconvenience!" }, { "source": "感谢您选择 Chrome!", "target": "Thanks for choosing Chrome!" }, { "source": "感谢您选择我们!", "target": "Thank you for choosing us!" }, { "source": "感谢您选择Geomagic Wrap。", "target": "Thank you for choosing Geomagic Wrap." }, { "source": "感谢您选择了我们!", "target": "Thank you for choosing us!" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 404 对给您带来的不便,深感抱歉!\\nEnglish: 404 Sorry for the inconvenience!\\nChinese: 感谢您选择 Chrome!\\nEnglish: Thanks for choosing Chrome!\\nChinese: 感谢您选择我们!\\nEnglish: Thank you for choosing us!\\nChinese: 感谢您选择Geomagic Wrap。\\nEnglish: Thank you for choosing Geomagic Wrap.\\nChinese: 感谢您选择了我们!\\nEnglish: Thank you for choosing us!\\nChinese: 感谢您能够选择支雲餐厅用餐,由此给您带来困扰,非常抱歉!\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Thank you for choosing Zhi Yuan Restaurant, and we are deeply sorry for the trouble brought to you!", "role": "assistant" } ]
At the same time, we are grateful for your review of your real experience so that we can timely find our shortcomings, and we will definitely take effective measures to make improvement, strictly control the quality and amount of dishes; we are “Xiao Yun” of Zhi Yun Restaurant and our phone number and WeChat account is 18912251735; we look forward to meeting you again.
[ { "source": "它使我们能够轻松地让我们的电路板与我们的FPGA设计同步。", "target": "It allows us to easily synchronize our board with our FPGA designs." }, { "source": "我们之间的差异是我们的力量,而不是我们的弱点。", "target": "The differences between us are our strength, not our weakness." }, { "source": "我们公司的价值观:这些价值观是我们业务的核心,并解释我们作为一个组织的行为方式,以及我们如何期望我们的员工和供应商采取行动。", "target": "Our company values: these values are core to our business and explain the manner in which we behave as an organisation and how we expect our employees and suppliers to act." }, { "source": "我们感谢他们的建议和支持,我们非常期待着进一步深化和加强我们的合作。", "target": "We are grateful for their counsel and support, and we very much look forward to further deepening and intensifying our cooperation." }, { "source": "这些特点使我们能够不断改进我们的产品和服务,同时保持我们的设计质量和生产理念。", "target": "These characteristics allow us to continuously improve our products and service, whilst maintaining the quality of our design and production philosophy." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 它使我们能够轻松地让我们的电路板与我们的FPGA设计同步。\\nEnglish: It allows us to easily synchronize our board with our FPGA designs.\\nChinese: 我们之间的差异是我们的力量,而不是我们的弱点。\\nEnglish: The differences between us are our strength, not our weakness.\\nChinese: 我们公司的价值观:这些价值观是我们业务的核心,并解释我们作为一个组织的行为方式,以及我们如何期望我们的员工和供应商采取行动。\\nEnglish: Our company values: these values are core to our business and explain the manner in which we behave as an organisation and how we expect our employees and suppliers to act.\\nChinese: 我们感谢他们的建议和支持,我们非常期待着进一步深化和加强我们的合作。\\nEnglish: We are grateful for their counsel and support, and we very much look forward to further deepening and intensifying our cooperation.\\nChinese: 这些特点使我们能够不断改进我们的产品和服务,同时保持我们的设计质量和生产理念。\\nEnglish: These characteristics allow us to continuously improve our products and service, whilst maintaining the quality of our design and production philosophy.\\nChinese: 同时非常感谢您给予真实体验评价,让我们及时发现不足的地方,我们一定采取有效的措施进行改善,严格把控菜品的质量及分量,我是支雲餐厅“小雲”我们的电话是18912251735微信同步,期待与再此你相遇\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "At the same time, we are grateful for your review of your real experience so that we can timely find our shortcomings, and we will definitely take effective measures to make improvement, strictly control the quality and amount of dishes; we are “Xiao Yun” of Zhi Yun Restaurant and our phone number and WeChat account is 18912251735; we look forward to meeting you again.", "role": "assistant" } ]
Hello, dear customer, thank you for choosing Zhi Yun Restaurant, and we are deeply sorry for your unpleasant dining experience due to the issues of the dishes; we have communicated with the kitchen to strictly control the quality of dishes, and we would like to thank you for your understanding and support for us at the same time; we are Xiao Yun of Zhi Yun Restaurant, and we look forward to meeting you again!
[ { "source": "我们感谢您,我们的VIP玩家,对于总是在我们身边是因为这种独特的在线游戏体验的一部分,通过介绍您对我们的VIP计划。", "target": "We thank you, our VIP players, for always being by our side as part of this unique online gaming experience, by presenting you our VIP Program." }, { "source": "非常感谢您选择我们为您的旅行经理.", "target": "Thank you very much for choosing us as your trip manager." }, { "source": "我们感谢他们的建议和支持,我们非常期待着进一步深化和加强我们的合作。", "target": "We are grateful for their counsel and support, and we very much look forward to further deepening and intensifying our cooperation." }, { "source": "感谢您对我们的支持!", "target": "Thank you for your support!" }, { "source": "我们衷心感谢您的支持! 搜索", "target": "We sincerely appreciate your support! Search" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 我们感谢您,我们的VIP玩家,对于总是在我们身边是因为这种独特的在线游戏体验的一部分,通过介绍您对我们的VIP计划。\\nEnglish: We thank you, our VIP players, for always being by our side as part of this unique online gaming experience, by presenting you our VIP Program.\\nChinese: 非常感谢您选择我们为您的旅行经理.\\nEnglish: Thank you very much for choosing us as your trip manager.\\nChinese: 我们感谢他们的建议和支持,我们非常期待着进一步深化和加强我们的合作。\\nEnglish: We are grateful for their counsel and support, and we very much look forward to further deepening and intensifying our cooperation.\\nChinese: 感谢您对我们的支持!\\nEnglish: Thank you for your support!\\nChinese: 我们衷心感谢您的支持! 搜索\\nEnglish: We sincerely appreciate your support! Search\\nChinese: 尊敬的顾客您好,感谢您能够选择支雲餐厅用餐,因为菜品的问题给您带来不愉快的用餐体验我们深感歉意,我们已与厨房对接沟通对菜品进行严格把控,同事感谢您对我们的理解与支持,我是支雲餐厅小雲,期待与您再此相遇!\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Hello, dear customer, thank you for choosing Zhi Yun Restaurant, and we are deeply sorry for your unpleasant dining experience due to the issues of the dishes; we have communicated with the kitchen to strictly control the quality of dishes, and we would like to thank you for your understanding and support for us at the same time; we are Xiao Yun of Zhi Yun Restaurant, and we look forward to meeting you again!", "role": "assistant" } ]
Come to Zhi Yun and enjoy a pleasant meal!
[ { "source": "不,不,留下来!", "target": "No, no, stay!" }, { "source": "你为什么不留下来呢?", "target": "Why don't you stay?" }, { "source": "服务与支持 下载中心", "target": "Service&Support Download Centre" }, { "source": "给我留下评论!", "target": "Leave me a comment!" }, { "source": "留下你的评论", "target": "Leave your comment" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 不,不,留下来!\\nEnglish: No, no, stay!\\nChinese: 你为什么不留下来呢?\\nEnglish: Why don't you stay?\\nChinese: 服务与支持 下载中心\\nEnglish: Service&Support Download Centre\\nChinese: 给我留下评论!\\nEnglish: Leave me a comment!\\nChinese: 留下你的评论\\nEnglish: Leave your comment\\nChinese: 赴宴来支雲,留下好心情!\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Come to Zhi Yun and enjoy a pleasant meal!", "role": "assistant" } ]
Dear customer, thank you for you comment and support for “Xiao Yun”, and it is our happiest moment to win your affirmation for the food we carefully cooked!
[ { "source": "感谢您对我们的支持!", "target": "Thank you for your support!" }, { "source": "当我们尝试根据您提供给我们的信息了解更多关于您的情况时(例如,当我们使用您的 IP 地址定制适合我们的某些服务的语言时 ) 。", "target": "when we try and understand more about you based on information you've given to us (e.g., when we use your IP address to customize language for some of our services)." }, { "source": "感谢您对我们的产品感兴趣.", "target": "Thank you for interested in our products." }, { "source": "感谢您对我们的有兴趣! 产品", "target": "We thank you for your interest! Products" }, { "source": "在 Specialized, 您的安全是我们最关心的。", "target": "At Specialized, your safety is our primary concern." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 感谢您对我们的支持!\\nEnglish: Thank you for your support!\\nChinese: 当我们尝试根据您提供给我们的信息了解更多关于您的情况时(例如,当我们使用您的 IP 地址定制适合我们的某些服务的语言时 ) 。\\nEnglish: when we try and understand more about you based on information you've given to us (e.g., when we use your IP address to customize language for some of our services).\\nChinese: 感谢您对我们的产品感兴趣.\\nEnglish: Thank you for interested in our products.\\nChinese: 感谢您对我们的有兴趣! 产品\\nEnglish: We thank you for your interest! Products\\nChinese: 在 Specialized, 您的安全是我们最关心的。\\nEnglish: At Specialized, your safety is our primary concern.\\nChinese: 亲爱的顾客,感谢您对我们“小雲”的评价与支持,当我们用心烹饪的菜品得到您的肯定时,是我们最开心的时刻!\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Dear customer, thank you for you comment and support for “Xiao Yun”, and it is our happiest moment to win your affirmation for the food we carefully cooked!", "role": "assistant" } ]
We look forward to meeting you again.
[ { "source": "我们十分期待与您的相遇!", "target": "We look forward to meeting you!" }, { "source": "我们期待着与您相遇!", "target": "We are looking forward to meeting you!" }, { "source": "我们期待着看到你 !", "target": "We look forward to seeing you!" }, { "source": "我们期待着与您携手工作。", "target": "We look forward to working with you." }, { "source": "我真的很期待与他的再次合作 。 '", "target": "I am really looking forward to working with him again.'" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 我们十分期待与您的相遇!\\nEnglish: We look forward to meeting you!\\nChinese: 我们期待着与您相遇!\\nEnglish: We are looking forward to meeting you!\\nChinese: 我们期待着看到你 !\\nEnglish: We look forward to seeing you!\\nChinese: 我们期待着与您携手工作。\\nEnglish: We look forward to working with you.\\nChinese: 我真的很期待与他的再次合作 。 '\\nEnglish: I am really looking forward to working with him again.'\\nChinese: 期待与再此你相遇\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "We look forward to meeting you again.", "role": "assistant" } ]
Dear customer, we would like to first thank you for your affirmation and comment, and Zhi Yun will work hard and get better and better!
[ { "source": "非常感谢您的支持!", "target": "Thank you for your support!" }, { "source": "非常感谢您的支持!", "target": "Thank you so much for your support!" }, { "source": "非常感谢您的来访!", "target": "Thank you for your visit!" }, { "source": "非常感谢您的访问!", "target": "Thank you for your visit!" }, { "source": "非常感谢您的反馈!", "target": "Thank you for your feedback!" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 非常感谢您的支持!\\nEnglish: Thank you for your support!\\nChinese: 非常感谢您的支持!\\nEnglish: Thank you so much for your support!\\nChinese: 非常感谢您的来访!\\nEnglish: Thank you for your visit!\\nChinese: 非常感谢您的访问!\\nEnglish: Thank you for your visit!\\nChinese: 非常感谢您的反馈!\\nEnglish: Thank you for your feedback!\\nChinese: 亲爱的小主,首先非常感谢您的认可和评价,支雲会努力越做越好!\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Dear customer, we would like to first thank you for your affirmation and comment, and Zhi Yun will work hard and get better and better!", "role": "assistant" } ]
We would also love to thank you for your support and likes out of your busy schedule, and we wish you a happy meal time and good mood every day!
[ { "source": "感谢您的支持!", "target": "Thank you for your support!" }, { "source": "感谢您的支持!", "target": "Thanks for the support!" }, { "source": "我感谢您的支持!", "target": "I appreciate your support!" }, { "source": "感谢您的支持UpdateStar !", "target": "Thank you for supporting UpdateStar!" }, { "source": "非常感谢您的支持!", "target": "Thank you for your support!" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 感谢您的支持!\\nEnglish: Thank you for your support!\\nChinese: 感谢您的支持!\\nEnglish: Thanks for the support!\\nChinese: 我感谢您的支持!\\nEnglish: I appreciate your support!\\nChinese: 感谢您的支持UpdateStar !\\nEnglish: Thank you for supporting UpdateStar!\\nChinese: 非常感谢您的支持!\\nEnglish: Thank you for your support!\\nChinese: 其次也特别感谢您在百忙之中的支持和点赞,祝您用餐愉快天天好心情!\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "We would also love to thank you for your support and likes out of your busy schedule, and we wish you a happy meal time and good mood every day!", "role": "assistant" } ]
I don’t think this act is helpful at all!
[ { "source": "但我不认为会有任何问题!", "target": "But I don't think there will be any problems!" }, { "source": "我不认为你需要我的帮助。", "target": "I don't think you need my help." }, { "source": "我感谢任何帮助.", "target": "I thank any help." }, { "source": "我们如何帮助", "target": "How we help" }, { "source": "我不能帮助!", "target": "I can't help!" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 但我不认为会有任何问题!\\nEnglish: But I don't think there will be any problems!\\nChinese: 我不认为你需要我的帮助。\\nEnglish: I don't think you need my help.\\nChinese: 我感谢任何帮助.\\nEnglish: I thank any help.\\nChinese: 我们如何帮助\\nEnglish: How we help\\nChinese: 我不能帮助!\\nEnglish: I can't help!\\nChinese: 我不认为此举有任何帮助!\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I don’t think this act is helpful at all!", "role": "assistant" } ]
What I received is tripe.
[ { "source": "它只是金钱。", "target": "It's just money." }, { "source": "收到金额", "target": "Amount received" }, { "source": "时间就是金钱。", "target": "Time is money." }, { "source": "这不是有关金钱。", "target": "It is not about money." }, { "source": "时间就是金钱", "target": "Time is money" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 它只是金钱。\\nEnglish: It's just money.\\nChinese: 收到金额\\nEnglish: Amount received\\nChinese: 时间就是金钱。\\nEnglish: Time is money.\\nChinese: 这不是有关金钱。\\nEnglish: It is not about money.\\nChinese: 时间就是金钱\\nEnglish: Time is money\\nChinese: 收到是金钱肚\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "What I received is tripe.", "role": "assistant" } ]
The order is chicken feet.
[ { "source": "订单管理2.", "target": "Order Management 2." }, { "source": "订单状态跟踪", "target": "Order Status Tracking" }, { "source": "订单信息管理", "target": "Order Information Management" }, { "source": "订单状态信息", "target": "Order Status Information" }, { "source": "订单管理支持", "target": "Order Management Support" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 订单管理2.\\nEnglish: Order Management 2.\\nChinese: 订单状态跟踪\\nEnglish: Order Status Tracking\\nChinese: 订单信息管理\\nEnglish: Order Information Management\\nChinese: 订单状态信息\\nEnglish: Order Status Information\\nChinese: 订单管理支持\\nEnglish: Order Management Support\\nChinese: 订单是凤爪\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The order is chicken feet.", "role": "assistant" } ]
Okay, the phone number is #PHONENUMBER#.
[ { "source": "电话: 电话是必需的.", "target": "Telephone: Telephone is required." }, { "source": "支持的电话连接是 T1 和 E1。", "target": "Supported telephone connections are T1 and E1." }, { "source": "电话* 请输入您的电话号码。", "target": "Phone* Please enter your telephone number." }, { "source": "电话 * 请填写有效的电话号码", "target": "Phone * Please fill in a valid phone number" }, { "source": "你的电话:", "target": "Your phone number:" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 电话: 电话是必需的.\\nEnglish: Telephone: Telephone is required.\\nChinese: 支持的电话连接是 T1 和 E1。\\nEnglish: Supported telephone connections are T1 and E1.\\nChinese: 电话* 请输入您的电话号码。\\nEnglish: Phone* Please enter your telephone number.\\nChinese: 电话 * 请填写有效的电话号码\\nEnglish: Phone * Please fill in a valid phone number\\nChinese: 你的电话:\\nEnglish: Your phone number:\\nChinese: 好的,电话是 #PHONENUMBER#\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Okay, the phone number is #PHONENUMBER#.", "role": "assistant" } ]
Do I need to stay in this conversation?
[ { "source": "我们要留在这里。", "target": "We shall stay here." }, { "source": "我们需要什么在他的眼睛吗?", "target": "What we need in his eyes?" }, { "source": "我需要安装任何软件吗?", "target": "Do I need to install any software?" }, { "source": "我需要支付道路税费吗?", "target": "Do I need to pay road tax?" }, { "source": "我需要安装特殊软件吗?", "target": "Do I need to install special software?" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 我们要留在这里。\\nEnglish: We shall stay here.\\nChinese: 我们需要什么在他的眼睛吗?\\nEnglish: What we need in his eyes?\\nChinese: 我需要安装任何软件吗?\\nEnglish: Do I need to install any software?\\nChinese: 我需要支付道路税费吗?\\nEnglish: Do I need to pay road tax?\\nChinese: 我需要安装特殊软件吗?\\nEnglish: Do I need to install special software?\\nChinese: 我需要留在对话里吗\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Do I need to stay in this conversation?", "role": "assistant" } ]
我#NAME#打电话跟你们的 staff 说明了
I #NAME# called your staff to explain it.
[ { "source": "我们的专家可以打电话给你", "target": "Our experts can call you" }, { "source": "我们的专家可以打电话给你", "target": "Our experts can call you" }, { "source": "我很抱歉我打搅了你 。 ”", "target": "I’m sorry I disturbed you.”" }, { "source": "现在打电话给我们", "target": "Call Us Now" }, { "source": "我们不明白他所说的话 。 ”", "target": "We don't understand what he is saying.'" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 我们的专家可以打电话给你\\nEnglish: Our experts can call you\\nChinese: 我们的专家可以打电话给你\\nEnglish: Our experts can call you\\nChinese: 我很抱歉我打搅了你 。 ”\\nEnglish: I’m sorry I disturbed you.”\\nChinese: 现在打电话给我们\\nEnglish: Call Us Now\\nChinese: 我们不明白他所说的话 。 ”\\nEnglish: We don't understand what he is saying.'\\nChinese: 我#NAME#打电话跟你们的 staff 说明了\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I #NAME# called your staff to explain it.", "role": "assistant" } ]
Your delivery person told me the address is too far.
[ { "source": "你只需告诉我们:", "target": "You only tell us:" }, { "source": "我们的地址是:", "target": "Our address is:" }, { "source": "你们能理解我们在此告诉你们什么吗?", "target": "Can you understand what we are telling you here?" }, { "source": "告诉我们你的需求", "target": "Tell us your needs" }, { "source": "告诉我们你的经验", "target": "Tell us your experiences" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 你只需告诉我们:\\nEnglish: You only tell us:\\nChinese: 我们的地址是:\\nEnglish: Our address is:\\nChinese: 你们能理解我们在此告诉你们什么吗?\\nEnglish: Can you understand what we are telling you here?\\nChinese: 告诉我们你的需求\\nEnglish: Tell us your needs\\nChinese: 告诉我们你的经验\\nEnglish: Tell us your experiences\\nChinese: 你们的骑手告诉我说地址太远\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Your delivery person told me the address is too far.", "role": "assistant" } ]
Damei 360 Integrated Home Decoration
[ { "source": "D+360天", "target": "D + 360 days" }, { "source": "360度照片", "target": "360 Degree Photos" }, { "source": "拨款: 360 000美元", "target": "Allocation: $360,000" }, { "source": "易于集成和安装", "target": "Easy to integrate and install" }, { "source": "组装和系统集成", "target": "Assembly & System Integration" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: D+360天\\nEnglish: D + 360 days\\nChinese: 360度照片\\nEnglish: 360 Degree Photos\\nChinese: 拨款: 360 000美元\\nEnglish: Allocation: $360,000\\nChinese: 易于集成和安装\\nEnglish: Easy to integrate and install\\nChinese: 组装和系统集成\\nEnglish: Assembly & System Integration\\nChinese: 大美360集成家装\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Damei 360 Integrated Home Decoration", "role": "assistant" } ]
地 址:环城南路156号幸福家园12楼
Address: Happy Home Building 12, South Ring Road 156
[ { "source": "河南南路159号, 上海, 中国", "target": "159 South He Nan Road, Shanghai, China" }, { "source": "联系地址:广州市天河区体育东路122号羊城国际商贸中心东塔27楼", "target": "Contact Address:Guangzhou City, Tianhe District Sports Road East Tower International TradeCenter No. 122 27 floor" }, { "source": "- 改善家庭幸福;", "target": "– Improvement of family well-being;" }, { "source": "地址:上海市湖南路5号(近上海图书馆)", "target": "Adress: No.5 Hunan Road, Shanghai (near Shanghai Library)" }, { "source": "地址(城市/国家/邮政编码)", "target": "Address (City/State/Postal Code)" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 河南南路159号, 上海, 中国\\nEnglish: 159 South He Nan Road, Shanghai, China\\nChinese: 联系地址:广州市天河区体育东路122号羊城国际商贸中心东塔27楼\\nEnglish: Contact Address:Guangzhou City, Tianhe District Sports Road East Tower International TradeCenter No. 122 27 floor\\nChinese: - 改善家庭幸福;\\nEnglish: – Improvement of family well-being;\\nChinese: 地址:上海市湖南路5号(近上海图书馆)\\nEnglish: Adress: No.5 Hunan Road, Shanghai (near Shanghai Library)\\nChinese: 地址(城市/国家/邮政编码)\\nEnglish: Address (City/State/Postal Code)\\nChinese: 地 址:环城南路156号幸福家园12楼\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Address: Happy Home Building 12, South Ring Road 156", "role": "assistant" } ]
I trusted it because my friend made the recommendation, so I chose to check it out, and originally my budget for a basic decoration was 70,000.
[ { "source": "这不是一种选择;这是一项基本义务。", "target": "That is not a choice; it is a fundamental duty." }, { "source": "我可以介绍一下我的女儿吗?", "target": "May I introduce my daughter?" }, { "source": "我亲爱的朋友,你缺乏的是基督 !", "target": "My dear friend, you lack Christ !" }, { "source": "本隐私政策介绍了您对 Feral 收集和使用信息的方式可以做出的选择。", "target": "This Privacy Policy explains the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used by Feral." }, { "source": "我们不打算收集PII从我们所知道的任何一个人的年龄是16岁以下。", "target": "We do not intend to collect PII from anyone we know to be under 16 years of age." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 这不是一种选择;这是一项基本义务。\\nEnglish: That is not a choice; it is a fundamental duty.\\nChinese: 我可以介绍一下我的女儿吗?\\nEnglish: May I introduce my daughter?\\nChinese: 我亲爱的朋友,你缺乏的是基督 !\\nEnglish: My dear friend, you lack Christ !\\nChinese: 本隐私政策介绍了您对 Feral 收集和使用信息的方式可以做出的选择。\\nEnglish: This Privacy Policy explains the choices you can make about the way your information is collected and used by Feral.\\nChinese: 我们不打算收集PII从我们所知道的任何一个人的年龄是16岁以下。\\nEnglish: We do not intend to collect PII from anyone we know to be under 16 years of age.\\nChinese: 一开始是朋友介绍的因为信任,所以选择来看一下起初我的预算是7万做个基本装修。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I trusted it because my friend made the recommendation, so I chose to check it out, and originally my budget for a basic decoration was 70,000.", "role": "assistant" } ]
A series of scam began as soon as I came into the store.
[ { "source": "开始一个新的博客", "target": "Start a New Blog" }, { "source": "开始一个新的话题", "target": "Begin a new topic" }, { "source": "开始一个新的搜索", "target": "Start a new search" }, { "source": "计划于2006年开始一项技术调查。", "target": "A technical survey is planned to commence in 2006." }, { "source": "今天就开始!", "target": "Get started today!" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 开始一个新的博客\\nEnglish: Start a New Blog\\nChinese: 开始一个新的话题\\nEnglish: Begin a new topic\\nChinese: 开始一个新的搜索\\nEnglish: Start a new search\\nChinese: 计划于2006年开始一项技术调查。\\nEnglish: A technical survey is planned to commence in 2006.\\nChinese: 今天就开始!\\nEnglish: Get started today!\\nChinese: 来到店里就开始一系列的骗术。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "A series of scam began as soon as I came into the store.", "role": "assistant" } ]
When I first came to the store, I showed them my floor plan; although they didn’t really go to my apartment to take the measurement, they said they could do it within 70,000 for my 135 square meters apartment, and they showed me their materials whose brand was unclear.
[ { "source": "的概念有一个理想的价值,他们有没有真正的价值,或者至少我们不知道他们是否有真正的价值。", "target": "The concepts have an ideal value; they have no real value, or at least we do not know whether they have a real value." }, { "source": "我们的主要资源是我们的人民,特别是我们的青年,他们是我们的未来。", "target": "Our primary resource is our people, particularly our youth -- our future." }, { "source": "前,我们已经使用了他们的材料,并发现他们是非常有帮助的。", "target": "We've used their materials before and found them to be very helpful." }, { "source": "我们不只是出售我们的产品,我们试图完全支持我们的客户满足他们的需求。", "target": "We do not just sell our products, we try to fully support our customers to meet their needs." }, { "source": "'如果他们不给我们送来和平,我们就送给他们战争。 如果他们不送来生命,我们就送给他们死亡。", "target": "'If they do not bring us peace, we will give them war; if they do not bring life, we will give them death.'" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 的概念有一个理想的价值,他们有没有真正的价值,或者至少我们不知道他们是否有真正的价值。\\nEnglish: The concepts have an ideal value; they have no real value, or at least we do not know whether they have a real value.\\nChinese: 我们的主要资源是我们的人民,特别是我们的青年,他们是我们的未来。\\nEnglish: Our primary resource is our people, particularly our youth -- our future.\\nChinese: 前,我们已经使用了他们的材料,并发现他们是非常有帮助的。\\nEnglish: We've used their materials before and found them to be very helpful.\\nChinese: 我们不只是出售我们的产品,我们试图完全支持我们的客户满足他们的需求。\\nEnglish: We do not just sell our products, we try to fully support our customers to meet their needs.\\nChinese: '如果他们不给我们送来和平,我们就送给他们战争。 如果他们不送来生命,我们就送给他们死亡。\\nEnglish: 'If they do not bring us peace, we will give them war; if they do not bring life, we will give them death.'\\nChinese: 我是第一次到店只是给他们看了我的户型图,他们并没有去实地量过房子,他们居然就能给我报价说我的135的房子7万是可以搞定的,大概的给我看了一下他们的材料也并不知道他们是什么品牌的材料。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "When I first came to the store, I showed them my floor plan; although they didn’t really go to my apartment to take the measurement, they said they could do it within 70,000 for my 135 square meters apartment, and they showed me their materials whose brand was unclear.", "role": "assistant" } ]
The second scam was forcing you to pay the deposit, which cannot be refunded once paid, unless you have enough experience to reason with them.
[ { "source": "我们做出了这个集体决定,但仅此是不够的,我们需要你们的。", "target": "We made this collective decision but this is not enough. We need yours." }, { "source": "他不会这么做的,不是除非你想要的。", "target": "He won't do that, not unless you want to." }, { "source": "你永远不能有足够的!", "target": "You canâ€TMt ever have enough!" }, { "source": "你永远不能有足够的!", "target": "You can’t ever have enough !" }, { "source": "他们不了解你们的历史。", "target": "They do not know your history." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 我们做出了这个集体决定,但仅此是不够的,我们需要你们的。\\nEnglish: We made this collective decision but this is not enough. We need yours.\\nChinese: 他不会这么做的,不是除非你想要的。\\nEnglish: He won't do that, not unless you want to.\\nChinese: 你永远不能有足够的!\\nEnglish: You canâ€TMt ever have enough!\\nChinese: 你永远不能有足够的!\\nEnglish: You can’t ever have enough !\\nChinese: 他们不了解你们的历史。\\nEnglish: They do not know your history.\\nChinese: 他们的第二套骗术就是你只要到店就会拖着你把定金交了(而这个钱一旦交了你是永远退不出来,除非你有足够的经历和他们打理论战)。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The second scam was forcing you to pay the deposit, which cannot be refunded once paid, unless you have enough experience to reason with them.", "role": "assistant" } ]
As I hesitated about whether to pay the deposit, they would invite their so-called manager to tell me that once I paid the deposit on that day, they could give me certain discount.
[ { "source": "'如果他们不给我们送来和平,我们就送给他们战争。 如果他们不送来生命,我们就送给他们死亡。", "target": "'If they do not bring us peace, we will give them war; if they do not bring life, we will give them death.'" }, { "source": "为此目的,我们需要你们的经验和你们的信任。", "target": "To do so, we need your experience and your trust." }, { "source": "我 们需要你们的支持来帮助我们保护你们。", "target": "We need your support to help us protect you." }, { "source": "现在我们会告诉你他们是怎么死的。", "target": "Now we'll tell you how they died." }, { "source": "如果他们向我们要求太多,我们就说'不 ' 。", "target": "If they're making too much of a demand on us, we say 'no.'" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: '如果他们不给我们送来和平,我们就送给他们战争。 如果他们不送来生命,我们就送给他们死亡。\\nEnglish: 'If they do not bring us peace, we will give them war; if they do not bring life, we will give them death.'\\nChinese: 为此目的,我们需要你们的经验和你们的信任。\\nEnglish: To do so, we need your experience and your trust.\\nChinese: 我 们需要你们的支持来帮助我们保护你们。\\nEnglish: We need your support to help us protect you.\\nChinese: 现在我们会告诉你他们是怎么死的。\\nEnglish: Now we'll tell you how they died.\\nChinese: 如果他们向我们要求太多,我们就说'不 ' 。\\nEnglish: If they're making too much of a demand on us, we say 'no.'\\nChinese: 我在犹豫要不要交定金的时候,他们就会邀请他们所谓的经理来告诉你,你今天只要把定金交了我们就能给你多少的优惠。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "As I hesitated about whether to pay the deposit, they would invite their so-called manager to tell me that once I paid the deposit on that day, they could give me certain discount.", "role": "assistant" } ]
This is a big swindle, and I was a victim who paid a deposit of more than 10,000 when I didn’t really think it through.
[ { "source": "这里就是一个例子。", "target": "Here is an example." }, { "source": "一个很明显的例子就是时间。", "target": "An obvious example is time." }, { "source": "肯尼亚就是一个典型的例子。", "target": "Kenya is a typical example." }, { "source": "在我们开展活动的一个国家,近54%的人口生活在贫穷线以下,并且在这一群体中妇女的比例大大高于男子,特别是在农村地区。", "target": "In one country that we operate approximately 54% of the population lives below the poverty line, and women make up a significantly greater proportion of that group than men, particularly in the rural area." }, { "source": "这就是我们的生活。", "target": "This is our life." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 这里就是一个例子。\\nEnglish: Here is an example.\\nChinese: 一个很明显的例子就是时间。\\nEnglish: An obvious example is time.\\nChinese: 肯尼亚就是一个典型的例子。\\nEnglish: Kenya is a typical example.\\nChinese: 在我们开展活动的一个国家,近54%的人口生活在贫穷线以下,并且在这一群体中妇女的比例大大高于男子,特别是在农村地区。\\nEnglish: In one country that we operate approximately 54% of the population lives below the poverty line, and women make up a significantly greater proportion of that group than men, particularly in the rural area.\\nChinese: 这就是我们的生活。\\nEnglish: This is our life.\\nChinese: 这个就是一个大坑,我就是活生生被骗的例子,在头脑冲动的时候,交了一万多的定金。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "This is a big swindle, and I was a victim who paid a deposit of more than 10,000 when I didn’t really think it through.", "role": "assistant" } ]
他给我的报价有很多问题7万不包括水电改造,不包括任何门和橱柜 浴室,而这三个就是基装的费用大头。
Their quoted price had a lot of problems; for instance, the 70,000 didn’t include water and electricity renovation, doors, cabinets or bathrooms, and these three take up a large proportion of the cost of basic installation.
[ { "source": "(2)除非另有约定,价格不包括包装,运费,邮费或保险。", "target": "(2) Unless otherwise agreed to, prices do not include packaging, freight, postage or insurance." }, { "source": "(该价格不包括运费和税 ) 。", "target": "(The price not included Freight and taxes.)" }, { "source": "Cookie 不包括任何 PII。", "target": "Cookies do not include any PII." }, { "source": "造成这个问题的原因很多,包括与经济、社会和健康相关的因素。", "target": "There are many causes for this, including economic, social and health-related factors." }, { "source": "价格包括: 税费和其他费用(包括服务费 ) 。", "target": "Prices include: Taxes and other fees (service charges included)." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: (2)除非另有约定,价格不包括包装,运费,邮费或保险。\\nEnglish: (2) Unless otherwise agreed to, prices do not include packaging, freight, postage or insurance.\\nChinese: (该价格不包括运费和税 ) 。\\nEnglish: (The price not included Freight and taxes.)\\nChinese: Cookie 不包括任何 PII。\\nEnglish: Cookies do not include any PII.\\nChinese: 造成这个问题的原因很多,包括与经济、社会和健康相关的因素。\\nEnglish: There are many causes for this, including economic, social and health-related factors.\\nChinese: 价格包括: 税费和其他费用(包括服务费 ) 。\\nEnglish: Prices include: Taxes and other fees (service charges included).\\nChinese: 他给我的报价有很多问题7万不包括水电改造,不包括任何门和橱柜 浴室,而这三个就是基装的费用大头。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Their quoted price had a lot of problems; for instance, the 70,000 didn’t include water and electricity renovation, doors, cabinets or bathrooms, and these three take up a large proportion of the cost of basic installation.", "role": "assistant" } ]
Apart from these, their service point fee is also higher than that of other companies.
[ { "source": "这些是由政府免费提供给他们的。", "target": "These are provided for free to them by the Government." }, { "source": "另外,在有些国家,他们可能得不到免疫服务或其他保健方案的服务。", "target": "Furthermore, in some countries, they may not have access to immunization or other health-care programmes." }, { "source": "我们也向他们提供免费的预防服务和药品。", "target": "We also provide them with free prevention services and medications." }, { "source": "这些发展的其他特点包括:", "target": "Other features of these developments include:" }, { "source": "检查他们的服务", "target": "Check Their Services" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 这些是由政府免费提供给他们的。\\nEnglish: These are provided for free to them by the Government.\\nChinese: 另外,在有些国家,他们可能得不到免疫服务或其他保健方案的服务。\\nEnglish: Furthermore, in some countries, they may not have access to immunization or other health-care programmes.\\nChinese: 我们也向他们提供免费的预防服务和药品。\\nEnglish: We also provide them with free prevention services and medications.\\nChinese: 这些发展的其他特点包括:\\nEnglish: Other features of these developments include:\\nChinese: 检查他们的服务\\nEnglish: Check Their Services\\nChinese: 除去这些他们的服务点费收的也比其他家公司的高。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Apart from these, their service point fee is also higher than that of other companies.", "role": "assistant" } ]
I’ve lost trust in this company, because they asked me to sign the contract when they didn’t explain anything clearly.
[ { "source": "这里什么都没有了啊", "target": "There's nothing here." }, { "source": "为什么我没有签下他?", "target": "Why didn't I sign him?" }, { "source": "作为一个公司我们做了些什么?", "target": "What have we done as a company?" }, { "source": "但我什么也没找到 — — 绝对什么也没有。", "target": "But I could find nothing--absolutely nothing." }, { "source": "我什么也没做,我们什么也没做。", "target": "I didn't do anything, we didn't do anything." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 这里什么都没有了啊\\nEnglish: There's nothing here.\\nChinese: 为什么我没有签下他?\\nEnglish: Why didn't I sign him?\\nChinese: 作为一个公司我们做了些什么?\\nEnglish: What have we done as a company?\\nChinese: 但我什么也没找到 — — 绝对什么也没有。\\nEnglish: But I could find nothing--absolutely nothing.\\nChinese: 我什么也没做,我们什么也没做。\\nEnglish: I didn't do anything, we didn't do anything.\\nChinese: 我对这个公司失去了信任,一开始什么都没有讲清楚就让我签合同。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I’ve lost trust in this company, because they asked me to sign the contract when they didn’t explain anything clearly.", "role": "assistant" } ]
When I went to ask for a refund, they acted rather experienced and sent a small team to deal with me.
[ { "source": "我们给了他们所有的同样的实验。", "target": "We gave them all the same experiment." }, { "source": "我们应当将我们的经验汇集起来。", "target": "We should pool our experiences." }, { "source": "我们的 GPP 专家将在您的实验室现场为您和您的团队提供培训。", "target": "Our GPP experts will train you and your team right in your lab." }, { "source": "我们的团队对美国的房地产市场有丰富的经验和专业的技能。", "target": "Our team has extensive experience and professional expertise in the U .S. real estate market ." }, { "source": "<BT> “我们不要求他们花他们没有的钱,” Baird 先生说。", "target": "'We are not asking them to spend money they don't have,' Mr Baird said." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 我们给了他们所有的同样的实验。\\nEnglish: We gave them all the same experiment.\\nChinese: 我们应当将我们的经验汇集起来。\\nEnglish: We should pool our experiences.\\nChinese: 我们的 GPP 专家将在您的实验室现场为您和您的团队提供培训。\\nEnglish: Our GPP experts will train you and your team right in your lab.\\nChinese: 我们的团队对美国的房地产市场有丰富的经验和专业的技能。\\nEnglish: Our team has extensive experience and professional expertise in the U .S. real estate market .\\nChinese: <BT> “我们不要求他们花他们没有的钱,” Baird 先生说。\\nEnglish: 'We are not asking them to spend money they don't have,' Mr Baird said.\\nChinese: 当我去找他们退钱的时候他们表现出很有经验的样子,有专门的小团队来对付你。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "When I went to ask for a refund, they acted rather experienced and sent a small team to deal with me.", "role": "assistant" } ]
Anyway, they just said it was the client’s problem and they had absolutely no responsibility for it.
[ { "source": "无论如何老是他现在25或48。", "target": "No matter how old is he now 25 or 48." }, { "source": "无论如何,在一周的168个小时里,", "target": "Anyway, in 168 hours a week," }, { "source": "无论如何,我不记得我问什么你想过我们在做什么 。 '", "target": "Anyhow, I don't remember asking what you thought about what we were doing.'" }, { "source": "无论出于何种原因,客户端可能会找到一个合适的贷款计划,从我们的公司,以满足他们的金融需求。", "target": "For whatever reason, clients may find a suitable loan plan from our company that meet with their financial requirements." }, { "source": "Google 无论如何都不会将您的 IP 地址与 Google 的其它数据联系起来。", "target": "Google will on no account link your IP address with other Google data." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 无论如何老是他现在25或48。\\nEnglish: No matter how old is he now 25 or 48.\\nChinese: 无论如何,在一周的168个小时里,\\nEnglish: Anyway, in 168 hours a week,\\nChinese: 无论如何,我不记得我问什么你想过我们在做什么 。 '\\nEnglish: Anyhow, I don't remember asking what you thought about what we were doing.'\\nChinese: 无论出于何种原因,客户端可能会找到一个合适的贷款计划,从我们的公司,以满足他们的金融需求。\\nEnglish: For whatever reason, clients may find a suitable loan plan from our company that meet with their financial requirements.\\nChinese: Google 无论如何都不会将您的 IP 地址与 Google 的其它数据联系起来。\\nEnglish: Google will on no account link your IP address with other Google data.\\nChinese: 无论如何都会一口咬死是客户的问题他们全然无责。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Anyway, they just said it was the client’s problem and they had absolutely no responsibility for it.", "role": "assistant" } ]
They just shrunk their responsibility in any way possible, and there were a lot more details that I don’t want to mention now; all in all, do not choose them because my friend had them renovate her apartment, and the quality was poor and they would charge you all kinds of other costs in the later stage.
[ { "source": "<BT> “不幸的是,医生们并不总是最新的事情,因为他们只是没有时间,” Lyster 说。", "target": "'Sadly, doctors aren't always the most up-to-date on things because they just don't have the time,' Lyster said." }, { "source": "大多数人失败不是因为他们不够好,或者是不能胜利或成功的。", "target": "Most people fail not because they are not good enough, or are incapable of victory or success." }, { "source": "他们是一辆马车的两个部分,一个是左边,另一个是右边,他们不是不平等,他们是平等的,但是他们不是同样的,他们有各自的作用。", "target": "They are two parts of one chariot, one is the left and other is the right. They are not unequal, they are equal, but they are not similar, they have their own role." }, { "source": "不是因为我们该得的,不是因为我们是好的,但因为'祂'就是爱。", "target": "Not because we deserve, not because we are good, but because 'He' is love." }, { "source": "他们说, &quot; 我们不仅是未来,我们也是现在 &quot; 。", "target": "&quot; We are not only the future, we are also the present &quot; , they said." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: <BT> “不幸的是,医生们并不总是最新的事情,因为他们只是没有时间,” Lyster 说。\\nEnglish: 'Sadly, doctors aren't always the most up-to-date on things because they just don't have the time,' Lyster said.\\nChinese: 大多数人失败不是因为他们不够好,或者是不能胜利或成功的。\\nEnglish: Most people fail not because they are not good enough, or are incapable of victory or success.\\nChinese: 他们是一辆马车的两个部分,一个是左边,另一个是右边,他们不是不平等,他们是平等的,但是他们不是同样的,他们有各自的作用。\\nEnglish: They are two parts of one chariot, one is the left and other is the right. They are not unequal, they are equal, but they are not similar, they have their own role.\\nChinese: 不是因为我们该得的,不是因为我们是好的,但因为'祂'就是爱。\\nEnglish: Not because we deserve, not because we are good, but because 'He' is love.\\nChinese: 他们说, &quot; 我们不仅是未来,我们也是现在 &quot; 。\\nEnglish: &quot; We are not only the future, we are also the present &quot; , they said.\\nChinese: 各种推卸责任,还有很多细节,不想一一说了都是泪,总之不要选择他们,因为我朋友找他们装修的房子也是质量不好,后期给你算各种费用。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "They just shrunk their responsibility in any way possible, and there were a lot more details that I don’t want to mention now; all in all, do not choose them because my friend had them renovate her apartment, and the quality was poor and they would charge you all kinds of other costs in the later stage.", "role": "assistant" } ]
Swindle; they used to be the swindler company Longtou Renovation, then it’s changed to Damei, and now it seems they have closed down and changed into something else.
[ { "source": "他们装饰花园在夏季和秋季。", "target": "They decorate the garden in summer and autumn." }, { "source": "他们的生命完全被改变了。", "target": "Their lives completely changed." }, { "source": "<BT> “他们不仅是我们正在为未来做准备的人,现在他们是我们家庭和社区的积极组成部分,” Robertson 女士说。", "target": "'It's not just that they're people we are preparing for the future, but they're an active part of our families and the communities now,' said Ms Robertson." }, { "source": "因此他们就像完美的演员。", "target": "So they're like perfect actors." }, { "source": "正是他们的努力、他们的能力和他们的成就,是他们必须体验的,而非上帝的。", "target": "It is their efforts, their abilities and their accomplishments which they must experience, not God's." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 他们装饰花园在夏季和秋季。\\nEnglish: They decorate the garden in summer and autumn.\\nChinese: 他们的生命完全被改变了。\\nEnglish: Their lives completely changed.\\nChinese: <BT> “他们不仅是我们正在为未来做准备的人,现在他们是我们家庭和社区的积极组成部分,” Robertson 女士说。\\nEnglish: 'It's not just that they're people we are preparing for the future, but they're an active part of our families and the communities now,' said Ms Robertson.\\nChinese: 因此他们就像完美的演员。\\nEnglish: So they're like perfect actors.\\nChinese: 正是他们的努力、他们的能力和他们的成就,是他们必须体验的,而非上帝的。\\nEnglish: It is their efforts, their abilities and their accomplishments which they must experience, not God's.\\nChinese: 坑爹,他们就是原来骗人的龙头装饰,现在改成大美,好像又倒闭了又改成其他的。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Swindle; they used to be the swindler company Longtou Renovation, then it’s changed to Damei, and now it seems they have closed down and changed into something else.", "role": "assistant" } ]
So please don’t choose such a swindler company.
[ { "source": "所以我选择了家具。", "target": "So I chose furniture." }, { "source": "所以不要这样做。", "target": "So don't do that." }, { "source": "公司 :选择公司", "target": "Company : Select the company" }, { "source": "国家* 请选择您所在的国家。", "target": "Country* Please select your country." }, { "source": "若要选择什么保险公司?", "target": "What insurance company to choose?" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 所以我选择了家具。\\nEnglish: So I chose furniture.\\nChinese: 所以不要这样做。\\nEnglish: So don't do that.\\nChinese: 公司 :选择公司\\nEnglish: Company : Select the company\\nChinese: 国家* 请选择您所在的国家。\\nEnglish: Country* Please select your country.\\nChinese: 若要选择什么保险公司?\\nEnglish: What insurance company to choose?\\nChinese: 所以大家别选择这样坑爹的装修公司。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "So please don’t choose such a swindler company.", "role": "assistant" } ]
When you choose renovation companies in the future, please search them on Baidu because renovation cost is not a small amount.
[ { "source": "在我们的网站上,您可以查看这些条款和条件。 4。", "target": "You may view these terms and conditions on our website. 4." }, { "source": "点击'查找您的列车路线'以查看这条路线的不同选择。", "target": "Click on 'Find your train route' to view your different options for that route." }, { "source": "这些都不是有效的原因,因为这些原因不会持久;它们并不稳定。", "target": "These are not valid reasons, because they don't last; they're not stable." }, { "source": "让我们看看一些原因:", "target": "Let us see some of the reasons:" }, { "source": "许多妇女选择这一选项,因为它是很容易的照顾。", "target": "Many women choose this option because it is pretty easy to care for." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 在我们的网站上,您可以查看这些条款和条件。 4。\\nEnglish: You may view these terms and conditions on our website. 4.\\nChinese: 点击'查找您的列车路线'以查看这条路线的不同选择。\\nEnglish: Click on 'Find your train route' to view your different options for that route.\\nChinese: 这些都不是有效的原因,因为这些原因不会持久;它们并不稳定。\\nEnglish: These are not valid reasons, because they don't last; they're not stable.\\nChinese: 让我们看看一些原因:\\nEnglish: Let us see some of the reasons:\\nChinese: 许多妇女选择这一选项,因为它是很容易的照顾。\\nEnglish: Many women choose this option because it is pretty easy to care for.\\nChinese: 以后大家在选择的时候多百度看看这些查一下这些咨询因为装修不是小钱。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "When you choose renovation companies in the future, please search them on Baidu because renovation cost is not a small amount.", "role": "assistant" } ]
If you want to ask the merchant a question, please log in or register first.
[ { "source": "请登录或注册。", "target": "Please login or register." }, { "source": "请登录 或注册", "target": "Please login or register" }, { "source": "登录或注册", "target": "Login or register" }, { "source": "English 登录或注册", "target": "English Login or Register" }, { "source": "请登入或注册", "target": "Please login or register" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 请登录或注册。\\nEnglish: Please login or register.\\nChinese: 请登录 或注册\\nEnglish: Please login or register\\nChinese: 登录或注册\\nEnglish: Login or register\\nChinese: English 登录或注册\\nEnglish: English Login or Register\\nChinese: 请登入或注册\\nEnglish: Please login or register\\nChinese: 想要向商家提问,请先登录或注册\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "If you want to ask the merchant a question, please log in or register first.", "role": "assistant" } ]
It is strictly prohibited to publish any type of merchant review, and please refer to the Merchant Inclusion Statement for details.
[ { "source": "关于更详细的信息和评估见附录5。", "target": "For more detailed information and assessments see Appendix 5." }, { "source": "要想知道更多的细节,请见详细的用户指南。", "target": "For further details, see the Detailed User Guide." }, { "source": "请输入您的详细联系方式:", "target": "Please enter your contact data:" }, { "source": "1. 作出《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》第14条所提到的声明。", "target": "1. Make the declaration referred to in article 14 of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination." }, { "source": "2002年只有112宗请求声明的案件待决,但总共发布了121项声明。", "target": "In 2002, only 112 requests for statement became pending, but a total of 121 statements were issued." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 关于更详细的信息和评估见附录5。\\nEnglish: For more detailed information and assessments see Appendix 5.\\nChinese: 要想知道更多的细节,请见详细的用户指南。\\nEnglish: For further details, see the Detailed User Guide.\\nChinese: 请输入您的详细联系方式:\\nEnglish: Please enter your contact data:\\nChinese: 1. 作出《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约》第14条所提到的声明。\\nEnglish: 1. Make the declaration referred to in article 14 of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.\\nChinese: 2002年只有112宗请求声明的案件待决,但总共发布了121项声明。\\nEnglish: In 2002, only 112 requests for statement became pending, but a total of 121 statements were issued.\\nChinese: 严禁发布各种形式的商家点评,详细请见商户收录声明\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "It is strictly prohibited to publish any type of merchant review, and please refer to the Merchant Inclusion Statement for details.", "role": "assistant" } ]
Dianping Kunming Renovation and Design Channel will provide you with the address, phone number, operation time and other information of Damei 360 Integrated Home Renovation, and please come to Dianping if you are looking for a renovation company.
[ { "source": "该数据大纲来源于三个信息集:a) Celestica公司的测试工具组装报告,b) Rockwell Collins公司的热循环测试报告和c) Adtran公司的焊点银含量计算。", "target": "This compendium of data resulted from three information sets: a) Test vehicle assembly report by Celestica, b) Thermal cycle test report by Rockwell Collins and c) Solder joint silver content calculations by Adtran Inc." }, { "source": "● 上海三湘装饰设计有限公司被上海市装饰装修行业协会评为“2012年社会公众满意度调查市民满意家装企业 ” 。", "target": "● Shanghai Sanxiang Decoration Design Co., Ltd. is elected by Shanghai Municipal Decoration Industrial Association as “Satisfying Residential Decoration Enterprise in Survey of Social Public Satisfaction 2012”. Apr." }, { "source": "电子设备销售及安装公司", "target": "Electronic equipment sales and installation company" }, { "source": "珠宝/手表, 时装公司", "target": "Jewelry/Watches, Fashion Company" }, { "source": "它是在 2013 年底重新装修.", "target": "It was renovated in late 2013." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 该数据大纲来源于三个信息集:a) Celestica公司的测试工具组装报告,b) Rockwell Collins公司的热循环测试报告和c) Adtran公司的焊点银含量计算。\\nEnglish: This compendium of data resulted from three information sets: a) Test vehicle assembly report by Celestica, b) Thermal cycle test report by Rockwell Collins and c) Solder joint silver content calculations by Adtran Inc.\\nChinese: ● 上海三湘装饰设计有限公司被上海市装饰装修行业协会评为“2012年社会公众满意度调查市民满意家装企业 ” 。\\nEnglish: ● Shanghai Sanxiang Decoration Design Co., Ltd. is elected by Shanghai Municipal Decoration Industrial Association as “Satisfying Residential Decoration Enterprise in Survey of Social Public Satisfaction 2012”. Apr.\\nChinese: 电子设备销售及安装公司\\nEnglish: Electronic equipment sales and installation company\\nChinese: 珠宝/手表, 时装公司\\nEnglish: Jewelry/Watches, Fashion Company\\nChinese: 它是在 2013 年底重新装修.\\nEnglish: It was renovated in late 2013.\\nChinese: 大众点评昆明装修设计频道为您提供大美360集成家装地址,电话,营业时间等最新商户信息,找装修公司装修公司,就上大众点评\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Dianping Kunming Renovation and Design Channel will provide you with the address, phone number, operation time and other information of Damei 360 Integrated Home Renovation, and please come to Dianping if you are looking for a renovation company.", "role": "assistant" } ]
这么恐怖,30 分钟内不到的话请取消订单!
It’s so horrible, and I will cancel the order if it doesn’t arrive in 30 minutes!
[ { "source": "您需要在30分钟内付款", "target": "You need to make the payment within 30 minutes." }, { "source": "我能否取消订单?", "target": "Can I cancel the order?" }, { "source": "4.1 我怎么取消订阅?", "target": "4.1 How do I unsubscribe?" }, { "source": "我是否可以修改或取消订单?", "target": "Can I modify or cancel my order?" }, { "source": "预订后 24 小时内免费取消", "target": "Free cancellation within 24 hours of booking" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 您需要在30分钟内付款\\nEnglish: You need to make the payment within 30 minutes.\\nChinese: 我能否取消订单?\\nEnglish: Can I cancel the order?\\nChinese: 4.1 我怎么取消订阅?\\nEnglish: 4.1 How do I unsubscribe?\\nChinese: 我是否可以修改或取消订单?\\nEnglish: Can I modify or cancel my order?\\nChinese: 预订后 24 小时内免费取消\\nEnglish: Free cancellation within 24 hours of booking\\nChinese: 这么恐怖,30 分钟内不到的话请取消订单!\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "It’s so horrible, and I will cancel the order if it doesn’t arrive in 30 minutes!", "role": "assistant" } ]
Is there really no other way? For example, change the address?
[ { "source": "再没有其他方法了!", "target": "There is no other way!" }, { "source": "没有其他方法!", "target": "There is no other way!" }, { "source": "也许没有其他的方式吗?", "target": "Maybe there's no other way?" }, { "source": "没有其他的方法 。 '", "target": "There is no other way.'" }, { "source": "没有其他更好的位置比我们。", "target": "There is no other better location than us." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 再没有其他方法了!\\nEnglish: There is no other way!\\nChinese: 没有其他方法!\\nEnglish: There is no other way!\\nChinese: 也许没有其他的方式吗?\\nEnglish: Maybe there's no other way?\\nChinese: 没有其他的方法 。 '\\nEnglish: There is no other way.'\\nChinese: 没有其他更好的位置比我们。\\nEnglish: There is no other better location than us.\\nChinese: 难道没有其他方法了吗?比如,换个地址?\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Is there really no other way? For example, change the address?", "role": "assistant" } ]
好的,那你就别取消这个对话,如果 5 到 10 天没退我款,一定追究。
OK, then don’t cancel this conversation, and I’ll pursue it further if I don’t receive the refund in 5 to 10 days.
[ { "source": "解释你的 10 天退款政策", "target": "Explain your 10 Day Money Back Policy" }, { "source": "3天取消政策:如果取消前不少于3天(72小时 ) , 入住或没出现,你是收取预订的全部余额。", "target": "3 day cancellation policy: If cancelled less than 3 days (72 hours) prior to check-in or no-show, you are charged the full remaining balance of your reservation." }, { "source": "除非另有规定,预订付款不予退还。 如果要取消,之前不到72小时到达,或没有任何显示,第一夜将收取。", "target": "Unless otherwise specified, booking payments are non-refundable.In case of late cancellation, less than 72h before arrival, or no show, the first night will be charged." }, { "source": "没有退还押金的预订给出任何理由,如果你要么取消预订或不显示的公寓。 如果你让BARTS知道61天或以上提前取消,我们将退还50 %的定金", "target": "No refunds on the booking deposit are given for any reason if you either cancel the booking or don't show up to the apartment.If you let BARTS know within 61 days or more in advance about a cancellation, we will refund 50% of the deposit" }, { "source": "(请参阅团体和假日旅游的特别规定)取消政策100%退款(减$ 50的服务费)如果取消入住日30天之前。", "target": "(Please see special provisions for groups and holiday travel)Cancellation Policy100% refund (less $ 50 service charges) if cancellation made prior to 30 days of arrival date." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 解释你的 10 天退款政策\\nEnglish: Explain your 10 Day Money Back Policy\\nChinese: 3天取消政策:如果取消前不少于3天(72小时 ) , 入住或没出现,你是收取预订的全部余额。\\nEnglish: 3 day cancellation policy: If cancelled less than 3 days (72 hours) prior to check-in or no-show, you are charged the full remaining balance of your reservation.\\nChinese: 除非另有规定,预订付款不予退还。 如果要取消,之前不到72小时到达,或没有任何显示,第一夜将收取。\\nEnglish: Unless otherwise specified, booking payments are non-refundable.In case of late cancellation, less than 72h before arrival, or no show, the first night will be charged.\\nChinese: 没有退还押金的预订给出任何理由,如果你要么取消预订或不显示的公寓。 如果你让BARTS知道61天或以上提前取消,我们将退还50 %的定金\\nEnglish: No refunds on the booking deposit are given for any reason if you either cancel the booking or don't show up to the apartment.If you let BARTS know within 61 days or more in advance about a cancellation, we will refund 50% of the deposit\\nChinese: (请参阅团体和假日旅游的特别规定)取消政策100%退款(减$ 50的服务费)如果取消入住日30天之前。\\nEnglish: (Please see special provisions for groups and holiday travel)Cancellation Policy100% refund (less $ 50 service charges) if cancellation made prior to 30 days of arrival date.\\nChinese: 好的,那你就别取消这个对话,如果 5 到 10 天没退我款,一定追究。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "OK, then don’t cancel this conversation, and I’ll pursue it further if I don’t receive the refund in 5 to 10 days.", "role": "assistant" } ]
我问 15 分钟不到是不是可以取消
I asked if I could cancel it if it didn’t arrive in 15 minutes.
[ { "source": "它是仅 15 分钟 步行。", "target": "It's just a 15 minutes walk." }, { "source": "但是这不是不可能的。", "target": "But it is not impossible." }, { "source": "我们不能假装他们是不是!", "target": "We can't pretend that they are not!" }, { "source": "But 我不可以.", "target": "But i can't ." }, { "source": "'如果你不喜欢我们的服务,你总是可以取消订阅'", "target": "'If you don't like our service, you can always unsubscribe»" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 它是仅 15 分钟 步行。\\nEnglish: It's just a 15 minutes walk.\\nChinese: 但是这不是不可能的。\\nEnglish: But it is not impossible.\\nChinese: 我们不能假装他们是不是!\\nEnglish: We can't pretend that they are not!\\nChinese: But 我不可以.\\nEnglish: But i can't .\\nChinese: '如果你不喜欢我们的服务,你总是可以取消订阅'\\nEnglish: 'If you don't like our service, you can always unsubscribe»\\nChinese: 我问 15 分钟不到是不是可以取消\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I asked if I could cancel it if it didn’t arrive in 15 minutes.", "role": "assistant" } ]
Poached Chicken with Chili Sauce is supposed to be fully cooked, but what I received is raw and inedible.
[ { "source": "<BT> “药物应该是短期的干预措施,但这常常不是发生的事情,” Lorber 说。", "target": "'Medications are supposed to be short-term interventions, but that's frequently not what happens,' Lorber said." }, { "source": "但是,我们能否找到解决办法?", "target": "But can we find a solution?" }, { "source": "'是啊,先生,这是最好的办法。", "target": "'Yes, sir, it's the best way." }, { "source": "应该是这样的!", "target": "It should be so!" }, { "source": "水是我们的生命", "target": "Water is our life" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: <BT> “药物应该是短期的干预措施,但这常常不是发生的事情,” Lorber 说。\\nEnglish: 'Medications are supposed to be short-term interventions, but that's frequently not what happens,' Lorber said.\\nChinese: 但是,我们能否找到解决办法?\\nEnglish: But can we find a solution?\\nChinese: '是啊,先生,这是最好的办法。\\nEnglish: 'Yes, sir, it's the best way.\\nChinese: 应该是这样的!\\nEnglish: It should be so!\\nChinese: 水是我们的生命\\nEnglish: Water is our life\\nChinese: 口水鸡应该是熟的,但收到的是生肉,没办法吃\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Poached Chicken with Chili Sauce is supposed to be fully cooked, but what I received is raw and inedible.", "role": "assistant" } ]
Rendezvous with the starry sky | Geminid meteor shower will usher in the maximum scale on December 14 - Xinhuanet
[ { "source": "星期三,5月14日", "target": "Wednesday, 14 May" }, { "source": "14日星期四", "target": "14 Thursday" }, { "source": "9月14日,星期日", "target": "Sunday, 14 September" }, { "source": "3月14日,星期二", "target": "Tuesday, 14 March" }, { "source": "3月14日,星期二", "target": "Tuesday, 14 March" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 星期三,5月14日\\nEnglish: Wednesday, 14 May\\nChinese: 14日星期四\\nEnglish: 14 Thursday\\nChinese: 9月14日,星期日\\nEnglish: Sunday, 14 September\\nChinese: 3月14日,星期二\\nEnglish: Tuesday, 14 March\\nChinese: 3月14日,星期二\\nEnglish: Tuesday, 14 March\\nChinese: 星空有约丨双子座流星雨14日迎来极大-新华网\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Rendezvous with the starry sky | Geminid meteor shower will usher in the maximum scale on December 14 - Xinhuanet", "role": "assistant" } ]
Message from Xinhua News Agency Tianjin on December 12 (journalist: Zhou Runjian) According to introduction from astronomy science popularization expert, as the final large-scale meteor shower this year, the geminid meteor shower as one of the three major meteor showers in the Northern Hemisphere will be the maximum on December 14, and people who like meteor showers can observe during the latter half of the night on that day.
[ { "source": "12月1日,星期一,下午;12月2日,星期二,上午和下午和12月3日,星期三,上午", "target": "Monday, 1 December, p.m.; Tuesday, 2 December, a.m. and p.m.; and Wednesday, 3 December, a.m." }, { "source": "16. 从2007年12月10日星期一到12月14日星期五,委员会将举行十次会议。", "target": "16. The Commission will hold ten meetings from Monday, 10 December, to Friday, 14 December 2007." }, { "source": "2011年12月14日,星期三", "target": "Wednesday, 14 December 2011" }, { "source": "2011年12月14日,星期三", "target": "Wednesday, 14 December 2011" }, { "source": "2011年12月14日,星期三", "target": "Wednesday, 14 December 2011" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 12月1日,星期一,下午;12月2日,星期二,上午和下午和12月3日,星期三,上午\\nEnglish: Monday, 1 December, p.m.; Tuesday, 2 December, a.m. and p.m.; and Wednesday, 3 December, a.m.\\nChinese: 16. 从2007年12月10日星期一到12月14日星期五,委员会将举行十次会议。\\nEnglish: 16. The Commission will hold ten meetings from Monday, 10 December, to Friday, 14 December 2007.\\nChinese: 2011年12月14日,星期三\\nEnglish: Wednesday, 14 December 2011\\nChinese: 2011年12月14日,星期三\\nEnglish: Wednesday, 14 December 2011\\nChinese: 2011年12月14日,星期三\\nEnglish: Wednesday, 14 December 2011\\nChinese: 新华社天津12月12日电(记者周润健)天文科普专家介绍,作为本年度最后一场大规模流星雨,北半球三大流星雨之一的双子座流星雨将在12月14日迎来极大,喜欢流星雨的朋友可在当日后半夜进行观测。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Message from Xinhua News Agency Tianjin on December 12 (journalist: Zhou Runjian) According to introduction from astronomy science popularization expert, as the final large-scale meteor shower this year, the geminid meteor shower as one of the three major meteor showers in the Northern Hemisphere will be the maximum on December 14, and people who like meteor showers can observe during the latter half of the night on that day.", "role": "assistant" } ]
Photo of geminid meteor shower shot on December 13, 2018 in Qinghai by An Jiu, a lover of astronomy from Beijing.
[ { "source": "2010年12月13日,星期一", "target": "Monday, 13 December 2010" }, { "source": "2010年12月13日,星期一", "target": "Monday, 13 December 2010" }, { "source": "2010年12月13日,星期一", "target": "Monday, 13 December 2010" }, { "source": "2000年12月13日,星期三", "target": "Wednesday, 13 December 2000" }, { "source": "2000年12月13日,星期三", "target": "Wednesday, 13 December 2000" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 2010年12月13日,星期一\\nEnglish: Monday, 13 December 2010\\nChinese: 2010年12月13日,星期一\\nEnglish: Monday, 13 December 2010\\nChinese: 2010年12月13日,星期一\\nEnglish: Monday, 13 December 2010\\nChinese: 2000年12月13日,星期三\\nEnglish: Wednesday, 13 December 2000\\nChinese: 2000年12月13日,星期三\\nEnglish: Wednesday, 13 December 2000\\nChinese: 北京市天文爱好者安久2018年12月13日在青海拍摄的双子座流星雨。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Photo of geminid meteor shower shot on December 13, 2018 in Qinghai by An Jiu, a lover of astronomy from Beijing.", "role": "assistant" } ]
The parent object of most of the meteor showers are periodic comets; however, the parent object of the geminid meteor showers is Phaethon, No. 3200 asteroid, which is also an Apollo type asteroid.
[ { "source": "这些物体包括太阳、行星、它们的卫星、小行星、彗星以及许多航天器。", "target": "Those objects include the Sun, the planets, their moons, asteroids, comets and many spacecraft." }, { "source": "这些物体包括太阳、行星和它们的卫星、小行星、彗星以及许多航天器。", "target": "These objects include the Sun, the planets and their moons, asteroids, comets and many spacecraft." }, { "source": "PW-Sat是波兰发射的第一颗卫星。", "target": "PW-Sat is the first satellite launched by Poland." }, { "source": "今天的天气 - 星期天, 30.", "target": "Weather for today - Sunday, 30." }, { "source": "125. 工作日从星期一至星期五,一般为8小时,星期六例外,为4小时。", "target": "125. The working day is generally 8 hours from Monday to Friday and, exceptionally, 4 hours on Saturdays." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 这些物体包括太阳、行星、它们的卫星、小行星、彗星以及许多航天器。\\nEnglish: Those objects include the Sun, the planets, their moons, asteroids, comets and many spacecraft.\\nChinese: 这些物体包括太阳、行星和它们的卫星、小行星、彗星以及许多航天器。\\nEnglish: These objects include the Sun, the planets and their moons, asteroids, comets and many spacecraft.\\nChinese: PW-Sat是波兰发射的第一颗卫星。\\nEnglish: PW-Sat is the first satellite launched by Poland.\\nChinese: 今天的天气 - 星期天, 30.\\nEnglish: Weather for today - Sunday, 30.\\nChinese: 125. 工作日从星期一至星期五,一般为8小时,星期六例外,为4小时。\\nEnglish: 125. The working day is generally 8 hours from Monday to Friday and, exceptionally, 4 hours on Saturdays.\\nChinese: 大部分流星雨的母天体都是周期彗星,但双子座流星雨的母天体却是3200号小行星法厄同,这是一颗阿波罗型小行星。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The parent object of most of the meteor showers are periodic comets; however, the parent object of the geminid meteor showers is Phaethon, No. 3200 asteroid, which is also an Apollo type asteroid.", "role": "assistant" } ]
The geminid meteor shower is the second known meteor shower that is not “bred” by comets so far.
[ { "source": "您的座位是左边第二个。", "target": "Your seat is the second on the left." }, { "source": "他意识到,差异是由于不同颜色的星星。", "target": "He realised that the difference was due to different colours of the stars." }, { "source": "COROT是一个用于系外行星研究的卫星。", "target": "COROT is a satellite designed for extrasolar planet research." }, { "source": "(b) 企业筹资是第二个快速增长的收入源流。", "target": "(b) Corporate fundraising is the second rapidly growing income stream." }, { "source": "69. 第二项指标是目前使用现代避孕方法的已婚或同居年青妇女的百分比。", "target": "69. A second indicator is the percentage of married or in-union young women currently using modern contraception." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 您的座位是左边第二个。\\nEnglish: Your seat is the second on the left.\\nChinese: 他意识到,差异是由于不同颜色的星星。\\nEnglish: He realised that the difference was due to different colours of the stars.\\nChinese: COROT是一个用于系外行星研究的卫星。\\nEnglish: COROT is a satellite designed for extrasolar planet research.\\nChinese: (b) 企业筹资是第二个快速增长的收入源流。\\nEnglish: (b) Corporate fundraising is the second rapidly growing income stream.\\nChinese: 69. 第二项指标是目前使用现代避孕方法的已婚或同居年青妇女的百分比。\\nEnglish: 69. A second indicator is the percentage of married or in-union young women currently using modern contraception.\\nChinese: 双子座流星雨也是目前已知第二个不是由彗星“孕育”的流星雨。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The geminid meteor shower is the second known meteor shower that is not “bred” by comets so far.", "role": "assistant" } ]
天津市天文学会理事、天文科普专家修立鹏介绍说,就如贺岁大片一样,双子座流星雨一般在岁末出现 , “ 上映档期”可以从12月4日持续到17日。
According to introduction from Xiu Lipeng, a member of the Council of Tianjin Astronomy Society and an expert of astronomical science popularization, just like a new year blockbuster, geminid meteor shower generally occurs at the end of a year, with the “screening time” lasting from December 4 to December 17.
[ { "source": "本次会议的会期为五天,从2009年5月4日至8日(星期一至星期五),区域会议按规定将于5月3日举行(星期日)。", "target": "The meeting will comprise five days of sessions from 4 to 8 May 2009 (Monday to Friday), with provision for regional meetings on 3 May (Sunday)." }, { "source": "了'的天文学家欧洲南方天文台 (ESO) 已经宣布 的32个新的系外行星(或发现系外行星 ) 。", "target": "Astronomers of the ' European Southern Observatory (ESO) have announced the discovery of 32 new extrasolar planets (or exoplanets )." }, { "source": "中文版 | ENGLISH 今天是 2016年12月24日 星期六", "target": "中文版 | ENGLISH Today is Dec 24,2016 Sunday" }, { "source": "会期:3天(2006年12月13日至15日)", "target": "Duration: 3 days (13-15 December 2006)" }, { "source": "会期:3天(2005年12月1日至3日)", "target": "Duration: 3 days (1-3 December 2005)" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 本次会议的会期为五天,从2009年5月4日至8日(星期一至星期五),区域会议按规定将于5月3日举行(星期日)。\\nEnglish: The meeting will comprise five days of sessions from 4 to 8 May 2009 (Monday to Friday), with provision for regional meetings on 3 May (Sunday).\\nChinese: 了'的天文学家欧洲南方天文台 (ESO) 已经宣布 的32个新的系外行星(或发现系外行星 ) 。\\nEnglish: Astronomers of the ' European Southern Observatory (ESO) have announced the discovery of 32 new extrasolar planets (or exoplanets ).\\nChinese: 中文版 | ENGLISH 今天是 2016年12月24日 星期六\\nEnglish: 中文版 | ENGLISH Today is Dec 24,2016 Sunday\\nChinese: 会期:3天(2006年12月13日至15日)\\nEnglish: Duration: 3 days (13-15 December 2006)\\nChinese: 会期:3天(2005年12月1日至3日)\\nEnglish: Duration: 3 days (1-3 December 2005)\\nChinese: 天津市天文学会理事、天文科普专家修立鹏介绍说,就如贺岁大片一样,双子座流星雨一般在岁末出现 , “ 上映档期”可以从12月4日持续到17日。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "According to introduction from Xiu Lipeng, a member of the Council of Tianjin Astronomy Society and an expert of astronomical science popularization, just like a new year blockbuster, geminid meteor shower generally occurs at the end of a year, with the “screening time” lasting from December 4 to December 17.", "role": "assistant" } ]
The geminid meteor shower is known for its ample flow and stabilization, which is called together with the Quadrantal meteor shower and the Perseids meteor shower as the three major meteor showers of the Northern Hemisphere.
[ { "source": "在春季,降雨量和径流量加大,很可能会提高河流水位且增加水灾的风险。", "target": "In the spring, increased precipitation and run-off are likely to raise river levels and increase the risk of floods." }, { "source": "每年的降雨量大约为10英尺(250毫米)。", "target": "Average rainfall is about 10 inches (250 mm) per year." }, { "source": "每年平均降雨量大约是 30 英寸。", "target": "Average rainfall is about 30 inches per year." }, { "source": "DC: 直流电;只在一个方向流动的电流,并且值大致是恒定的。", "target": "DC : Direct current; an electric current flowing in one direction only and substantially constant in value." }, { "source": "允许的最大电流为550毫安,500mA的电流最大启动电流。", "target": "The maximum permissible current of 550 mA, 500mA current maximum starting current." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 在春季,降雨量和径流量加大,很可能会提高河流水位且增加水灾的风险。\\nEnglish: In the spring, increased precipitation and run-off are likely to raise river levels and increase the risk of floods.\\nChinese: 每年的降雨量大约为10英尺(250毫米)。\\nEnglish: Average rainfall is about 10 inches (250 mm) per year.\\nChinese: 每年平均降雨量大约是 30 英寸。\\nEnglish: Average rainfall is about 30 inches per year.\\nChinese: DC: 直流电;只在一个方向流动的电流,并且值大致是恒定的。\\nEnglish: DC : Direct current; an electric current flowing in one direction only and substantially constant in value.\\nChinese: 允许的最大电流为550毫安,500mA的电流最大启动电流。\\nEnglish: The maximum permissible current of 550 mA, 500mA current maximum starting current.\\nChinese: 该流星雨以流量大且稳定著称,与象限仪流星雨、英仙座流星雨一起被称为北半球三大流星雨。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The geminid meteor shower is known for its ample flow and stabilization, which is called together with the Quadrantal meteor shower and the Perseids meteor shower as the three major meteor showers of the Northern Hemisphere.", "role": "assistant" } ]
A significant characteristic of the geminid meteor shower is the slow speed of the meteoroid, the abundant colors and the large number of fireballs, which is suitable for both visual observation and shooting by beginners of astronomical photography.
[ { "source": "199. 新的流动的一个显著特征是妇女人数大增,而且在移徙人口中妇女对男子的比例也不断上升(Lim,1998年;Skeldon,1998年)。", "target": "199. A striking feature of the new flows involves the significant increase in the number of women and their rising ratio to men in the migrant stock (Lim, 1998; Skeldon, 1998)." }, { "source": "分配新的SDR也是不合适的。", "target": "Allocating new SDR’s also is inappropriate." }, { "source": "这一点不仅适用于男性,也适用于妇女。", "target": "This is applicable not only to women but to men as well." }, { "source": "一个例子是食品摄影。", "target": "An example is food photography." }, { "source": "以这种缓慢的恢复速度,即使到2011年汇款流量也不大可能达到2008年的水平。", "target": "With this sluggish pace of recovery, remittance flows are unlikely to reach the 2008 level even by 2011." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 199. 新的流动的一个显著特征是妇女人数大增,而且在移徙人口中妇女对男子的比例也不断上升(Lim,1998年;Skeldon,1998年)。\\nEnglish: 199. A striking feature of the new flows involves the significant increase in the number of women and their rising ratio to men in the migrant stock (Lim, 1998; Skeldon, 1998).\\nChinese: 分配新的SDR也是不合适的。\\nEnglish: Allocating new SDR’s also is inappropriate.\\nChinese: 这一点不仅适用于男性,也适用于妇女。\\nEnglish: This is applicable not only to women but to men as well.\\nChinese: 一个例子是食品摄影。\\nEnglish: An example is food photography.\\nChinese: 以这种缓慢的恢复速度,即使到2011年汇款流量也不大可能达到2008年的水平。\\nEnglish: With this sluggish pace of recovery, remittance flows are unlikely to reach the 2008 level even by 2011.\\nChinese: 双子座流星雨的一个显著特点是流星体速度较慢,色彩丰富,火流星也不少,既适合目视,也适合天文摄影的初学者进行拍摄。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "A significant characteristic of the geminid meteor shower is the slow speed of the meteoroid, the abundant colors and the large number of fireballs, which is suitable for both visual observation and shooting by beginners of astronomical photography.", "role": "assistant" } ]
This is the photo of geminid meteor shower shot on December 13, 2020 in Qinghai by Yang Jing, a lover of astronomy from Tianjin.
[ { "source": "会期:3天(2006年12月13日至15日)", "target": "Duration: 3 days (13-15 December 2006)" }, { "source": "第二次谈判会议于2001年1月16日至18日在中国天津举行。", "target": "The second negotiating meeting was held from 16 to 18 January 2001 in Tianjin, China." }, { "source": "2012年10月12日,今天(西班牙文);和", "target": "Today, 12 October 2012 (Spanish); and" }, { "source": "2004年4月10日星期天", "target": "Saturday, 10 April 2004" }, { "source": "集团成立于 1992 年,坐落在天津,中国。", "target": "Founded in 1992, the Group is situated at Tianjin, China." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 会期:3天(2006年12月13日至15日)\\nEnglish: Duration: 3 days (13-15 December 2006)\\nChinese: 第二次谈判会议于2001年1月16日至18日在中国天津举行。\\nEnglish: The second negotiating meeting was held from 16 to 18 January 2001 in Tianjin, China.\\nChinese: 2012年10月12日,今天(西班牙文);和\\nEnglish: Today, 12 October 2012 (Spanish); and\\nChinese: 2004年4月10日星期天\\nEnglish: Saturday, 10 April 2004\\nChinese: 集团成立于 1992 年,坐落在天津,中国。\\nEnglish: Founded in 1992, the Group is situated at Tianjin, China.\\nChinese: 天津市天文爱好者杨婧2020年12月13日在天津蓟州拍摄的双子座流星雨。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "This is the photo of geminid meteor shower shot on December 13, 2020 in Qinghai by Yang Jing, a lover of astronomy from Tianjin.", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on astronomical forecast, the geminid meteor shower this year will be reach its maximum scale at about 15:00 on December 14, and the ZHR at the maximum (in the ideal observation conditions, when the radiation point is right above the head, and the number of the meteors that can be seen every hour) is 150.
[ { "source": "建议的会议时间为12月12日星期一上午10时至下午1时和下午3时至6时以及12月13日星期二上午10时至下午1时。", "target": "Suggested meeting times are from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 3 to 6 p.m. on Monday, 12 December and 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Tuesday, 13 December 2011." }, { "source": "此后,1937年2月4日的政令又规定,工作时间可以定为每星期48小时,但不得超过每天9小时。", "target": "A decree of 4 February 1937 was subsequently to rule that hours of work could be fixed at 48 per week, and must not exceed 9 hours per day." }, { "source": "2009年12月15日星期二,下午3时至6时,会议室D。", "target": "Tuesday, 15 December 2009, from 3 to 6 p.m. in Conference Room D." }, { "source": "2007年12月17日星期一,下午1时15分至2时45时,会议室D。", "target": "Monday, 17 December 2007, from 1.15 to 2.45 p.m. in Conference Room D." }, { "source": "2007年12月17日星期一,下午1时15分至2时45时,会议室D。", "target": "Monday, 17 December 2007, from 1.15 to 2.45 p.m. in Conference Room D." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 建议的会议时间为12月12日星期一上午10时至下午1时和下午3时至6时以及12月13日星期二上午10时至下午1时。\\nEnglish: Suggested meeting times are from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 3 to 6 p.m. on Monday, 12 December and 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Tuesday, 13 December 2011.\\nChinese: 此后,1937年2月4日的政令又规定,工作时间可以定为每星期48小时,但不得超过每天9小时。\\nEnglish: A decree of 4 February 1937 was subsequently to rule that hours of work could be fixed at 48 per week, and must not exceed 9 hours per day.\\nChinese: 2009年12月15日星期二,下午3时至6时,会议室D。\\nEnglish: Tuesday, 15 December 2009, from 3 to 6 p.m. in Conference Room D.\\nChinese: 2007年12月17日星期一,下午1时15分至2时45时,会议室D。\\nEnglish: Monday, 17 December 2007, from 1.15 to 2.45 p.m. in Conference Room D.\\nChinese: 2007年12月17日星期一,下午1时15分至2时45时,会议室D。\\nEnglish: Monday, 17 December 2007, from 1.15 to 2.45 p.m. in Conference Room D.\\nChinese: 天文预报显示,今年的双子座流星雨将于12月14日15时左右迎来极大,极大时ZHR(在理想观测条件下,辐射点位于头顶正上方时,每小时能看到的流星数量)为150。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Based on astronomical forecast, the geminid meteor shower this year will be reach its maximum scale at about 15:00 on December 14, and the ZHR at the maximum (in the ideal observation conditions, when the radiation point is right above the head, and the number of the meteors that can be seen every hour) is 150.", "role": "assistant" } ]
Chart of index of recommendation level of the geminid meteor shower.
[ { "source": "我推荐他们。", "target": "I recommend them." }, { "source": "推荐产品: 推荐产品:", "target": "Recommend Products: Recommend Products:" }, { "source": "这我推荐.", "target": "This I recommend." }, { "source": "● 推荐阅读", "target": "● Recommended Reading" }, { "source": "推荐使用:", "target": "Recommend to use:" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 我推荐他们。\\nEnglish: I recommend them.\\nChinese: 推荐产品: 推荐产品:\\nEnglish: Recommend Products: Recommend Products:\\nChinese: 这我推荐.\\nEnglish: This I recommend.\\nChinese: ● 推荐阅读\\nEnglish: ● Recommended Reading\\nChinese: 推荐使用:\\nEnglish: Recommend to use:\\nChinese: 双子座流星雨推荐指数图。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Chart of index of recommendation level of the geminid meteor shower.", "role": "assistant" } ]
“去年 , ‘ 落英缤纷’的双子座流星雨给人们留下了深刻印象,但今年的双子座流星雨会受到月光干扰,精彩程度会打一点折扣。
“Last year, people were impressed by the geminid meteor shower; however, the geminid meteor shower this year will be influenced by moon light, and its brilliance will be slightly influenced.
[ { "source": "孩子两岁以下;三至五年是 20%的折扣。", "target": "Children under two years of age; three to five years is 20% discount." }, { "source": "不同材料的比较令人印象深刻地显示了OXiC涂层的优异硬度。", "target": "The comparison of different materials impressively shows the superior hardness of the OXiC coating." }, { "source": "<BT> “我认为做了很多令人印象深刻的工作,” De Blasio 说。", "target": "'I think a lot of impressive work was done,' De Blasio said." }, { "source": "她的儿子则留在印度。", "target": "Her son remained in India." }, { "source": "她的儿子则留在印度。", "target": "Her son remained in India." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 孩子两岁以下;三至五年是 20%的折扣。\\nEnglish: Children under two years of age; three to five years is 20% discount.\\nChinese: 不同材料的比较令人印象深刻地显示了OXiC涂层的优异硬度。\\nEnglish: The comparison of different materials impressively shows the superior hardness of the OXiC coating.\\nChinese: <BT> “我认为做了很多令人印象深刻的工作,” De Blasio 说。\\nEnglish: 'I think a lot of impressive work was done,' De Blasio said.\\nChinese: 她的儿子则留在印度。\\nEnglish: Her son remained in India.\\nChinese: 她的儿子则留在印度。\\nEnglish: Her son remained in India.\\nChinese: “去年 , ‘ 落英缤纷’的双子座流星雨给人们留下了深刻印象,但今年的双子座流星雨会受到月光干扰,精彩程度会打一点折扣。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "“Last year, people were impressed by the geminid meteor shower; however, the geminid meteor shower this year will be influenced by moon light, and its brilliance will be slightly influenced.", "role": "assistant" } ]
December 14 is November 11 in Chinese calendar, with the moon in the gibbous phase; the bright moonlight will interfere with the observation; fortunately, the moon will go down in the latter half of the night, and the radiation point of the geminid meteor shower will rise higher.
[ { "source": "在较为成功和盈利的企业,1级工资率要高一些,工人的工资也相应地高一些。", "target": "In more successful and profitable enterprises the grade 1 wage rate is higher, and workers &apos; wages are correspondingly higher." }, { "source": "14. 缔约国第十一届会议在2011年11月28日至12月2日期间举行了10次全体会议。", "target": "14. The Eleventh Meeting of the States Parties held ten plenary sessions from 28 November to 2 December 2011." }, { "source": "16. 从2007年12月10日星期一到12月14日星期五,委员会将举行十次会议。", "target": "16. The Commission will hold ten meetings from Monday, 10 December, to Friday, 14 December 2007." }, { "source": "第二十一届会议的会前工作组于1999年6月28日至7月2日在纽约举行了会议。", "target": "The pre-session working group for the twenty-first session met in New York from 28 June to 2 July 1999." }, { "source": "1999年10月14日,第一颗卫星,即CBER-1号也是从中国成功发射的。", "target": "On 14 October 1999, the first satellite, CBERS-1, was also launched successfully from China." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 在较为成功和盈利的企业,1级工资率要高一些,工人的工资也相应地高一些。\\nEnglish: In more successful and profitable enterprises the grade 1 wage rate is higher, and workers &apos; wages are correspondingly higher.\\nChinese: 14. 缔约国第十一届会议在2011年11月28日至12月2日期间举行了10次全体会议。\\nEnglish: 14. The Eleventh Meeting of the States Parties held ten plenary sessions from 28 November to 2 December 2011.\\nChinese: 16. 从2007年12月10日星期一到12月14日星期五,委员会将举行十次会议。\\nEnglish: 16. The Commission will hold ten meetings from Monday, 10 December, to Friday, 14 December 2007.\\nChinese: 第二十一届会议的会前工作组于1999年6月28日至7月2日在纽约举行了会议。\\nEnglish: The pre-session working group for the twenty-first session met in New York from 28 June to 2 July 1999.\\nChinese: 1999年10月14日,第一颗卫星,即CBER-1号也是从中国成功发射的。\\nEnglish: On 14 October 1999, the first satellite, CBERS-1, was also launched successfully from China.\\nChinese: 14日为农历十一月十一,月相为盈凸月,明亮的月光会对观测造成干扰,好在后半夜月亮就会落下,此时双子座流星雨的辐射点也会升得比较高。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "December 14 is November 11 in Chinese calendar, with the moon in the gibbous phase; the bright moonlight will interfere with the observation; fortunately, the moon will go down in the latter half of the night, and the radiation point of the geminid meteor shower will rise higher.", "role": "assistant" } ]
喜欢流星雨的朋友可在后半夜月落后的这几个小时进行观测,但要注意防寒保暖 。 ”
People who like meteor showers can observe it in the hours after moon goes down in the latter half of the night, but remember to stay warm.”
[ { "source": "我喜欢帮助人们在需要时进行沟通。", "target": "I like helping people communicate when they need to." }, { "source": "与你的朋友分享这个信息 !", "target": "Share this info with your friends!" }, { "source": "这是寻找新的朋友的主要步骤。", "target": "This is the primary step to finding new friends." }, { "source": "2009年8月,他的几个朋友被捕。", "target": "In August 2009, several of his friends were arrested." }, { "source": "2009年8月,他的几个朋友被捕。", "target": "In August 2009, several of his friends were arrested." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 我喜欢帮助人们在需要时进行沟通。\\nEnglish: I like helping people communicate when they need to.\\nChinese: 与你的朋友分享这个信息 !\\nEnglish: Share this info with your friends!\\nChinese: 这是寻找新的朋友的主要步骤。\\nEnglish: This is the primary step to finding new friends.\\nChinese: 2009年8月,他的几个朋友被捕。\\nEnglish: In August 2009, several of his friends were arrested.\\nChinese: 2009年8月,他的几个朋友被捕。\\nEnglish: In August 2009, several of his friends were arrested.\\nChinese: 喜欢流星雨的朋友可在后半夜月落后的这几个小时进行观测,但要注意防寒保暖 。 ”\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "People who like meteor showers can observe it in the hours after moon goes down in the latter half of the night, but remember to stay warm.”", "role": "assistant" } ]
How to observe as many meteors as possible?
[ { "source": "3 我能在什么地方找到更多的资料?", "target": "3 Where can I find more information?" }, { "source": "如何这是可能的?", "target": "How this is possible?" }, { "source": "我如何才能获得有关 fTLD 的更多信息?", "target": "How can I get more information about fTLD?" }, { "source": "如何才能最好地实现技术援助的可持续性以确保此类援助的长期影响?", "target": "How can the sustainability of technical assistance best be achieved to ensure the long-lasting impact of such assistance?" }, { "source": "我们如何才能做到这点?", "target": "How can we do this?" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 3 我能在什么地方找到更多的资料?\\nEnglish: 3 Where can I find more information?\\nChinese: 如何这是可能的?\\nEnglish: How this is possible?\\nChinese: 我如何才能获得有关 fTLD 的更多信息?\\nEnglish: How can I get more information about fTLD?\\nChinese: 如何才能最好地实现技术援助的可持续性以确保此类援助的长期影响?\\nEnglish: How can the sustainability of technical assistance best be achieved to ensure the long-lasting impact of such assistance?\\nChinese: 我们如何才能做到这点?\\nEnglish: How can we do this?\\nChinese: 如何才能尽可能地观测到更多的流星呢?\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "How to observe as many meteors as possible?", "role": "assistant" } ]
“It is not advised to observe meteor showers in the city; you may choose a place facing northeast and has high altitude, a wide view and little light pollution, and then you may observe with your eyes after the moon goes down.
[ { "source": "不,监管测试可以在LoRaWANTM认证测试之前、之后或与之同时进行。", "target": "No, regulatory testing can take place before, after or at the same time with the LoRaWANTM certification testing." }, { "source": "或者你可以简单地选择从海滩向他们简单地凝视。", "target": "Or you may simply choose to simply gaze at them from the beach." }, { "source": "输入城市名或 在上方选择一个城市或 未找到城市。", "target": "Enter city name or Choose a city above or City not found." }, { "source": "你可以简单地选择你的语言,然后就可以开始建立你的网站。", "target": "You can simply select your language and start building your website." }, { "source": "在超过480英尺(150米)的最高的地面是在东北部,土地向下倾斜到西南。", "target": "The highest ground at over 480 feet (150 m) is to the north east with the land sloping downwards to the south-west." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 不,监管测试可以在LoRaWANTM认证测试之前、之后或与之同时进行。\\nEnglish: No, regulatory testing can take place before, after or at the same time with the LoRaWANTM certification testing.\\nChinese: 或者你可以简单地选择从海滩向他们简单地凝视。\\nEnglish: Or you may simply choose to simply gaze at them from the beach.\\nChinese: 输入城市名或 在上方选择一个城市或 未找到城市。\\nEnglish: Enter city name or Choose a city above or City not found.\\nChinese: 你可以简单地选择你的语言,然后就可以开始建立你的网站。\\nEnglish: You can simply select your language and start building your website.\\nChinese: 在超过480英尺(150米)的最高的地面是在东北部,土地向下倾斜到西南。\\nEnglish: The highest ground at over 480 feet (150 m) is to the north east with the land sloping downwards to the south-west.\\nChinese: “不建议在城市进行观测,可以在郊区或是乡村选择一个海拔高、光害小、面向东北方向的视野开阔之处,然后耐心地等到月亮落下后,目视观测即可。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "“It is not advised to observe meteor showers in the city; you may choose a place facing northeast and has high altitude, a wide view and little light pollution, and then you may observe with your eyes after the moon goes down.", "role": "assistant" } ]
It should be noted that the geminid meteor shower will have heavy flows on all directions, and you do not need to keep staring the radiation point of the geminid meteor shower.
[ { "source": "在春季,降雨量和径流量加大,很可能会提高河流水位且增加水灾的风险。", "target": "In the spring, increased precipitation and run-off are likely to raise river levels and increase the risk of floods." }, { "source": "DC: 直流电;只在一个方向流动的电流,并且值大致是恒定的。", "target": "DC : Direct current; an electric current flowing in one direction only and substantially constant in value." }, { "source": "Montevideo是一个降雨量很大的地区。", "target": "Montevideo is a region with a significant rainfall." }, { "source": "KB-DB用于一个方向的测量,而KB-EB则可在X和Y两个方向同时测量。", "target": "The KB-DB is for measurement in one direction, while the KB-EB is for simultaneous measurement in both X and Y directions." }, { "source": "需要精确的低电流测量?", "target": "Need accurate low current measurements?" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 在春季,降雨量和径流量加大,很可能会提高河流水位且增加水灾的风险。\\nEnglish: In the spring, increased precipitation and run-off are likely to raise river levels and increase the risk of floods.\\nChinese: DC: 直流电;只在一个方向流动的电流,并且值大致是恒定的。\\nEnglish: DC : Direct current; an electric current flowing in one direction only and substantially constant in value.\\nChinese: Montevideo是一个降雨量很大的地区。\\nEnglish: Montevideo is a region with a significant rainfall.\\nChinese: KB-DB用于一个方向的测量,而KB-EB则可在X和Y两个方向同时测量。\\nEnglish: The KB-DB is for measurement in one direction, while the KB-EB is for simultaneous measurement in both X and Y directions.\\nChinese: 需要精确的低电流测量?\\nEnglish: Need accurate low current measurements?\\nChinese: 需要注意的是,双子座流星雨朝各个方向的流量都很大,观测时不用一直盯着双子座流星雨的辐射点看。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "It should be noted that the geminid meteor shower will have heavy flows on all directions, and you do not need to keep staring the radiation point of the geminid meteor shower.", "role": "assistant" } ]
喜欢摄影的朋友要想拍摄出绚丽的‘流星雨大片 ’ , 最好选择广角、大光圈的镜头,拍摄时使用高ISO和最大光圈。
People who like photography can select wide angle lens and large aperture, and use high ISO and the maximum aperture while shooting if you want to take marvelous shots of the meteor shower.
[ { "source": "他的家人,朋友和同事成为他的主题照片,但他出色尤其是在拍摄儿童,这是他最大的乐趣。", "target": "His family, friends and colleagues became the subjects of his photographs but he excelled especially at photographing children, which was his greatest pleasure." }, { "source": "所以,根据这个法则,在海滩上摄影时,应该使用F/22光圈,在多云时应使用F/11光圈。", "target": "Therefore, according to this rule, on the beach, photography, you should use the F/22 aperture, in cloudy F/11 apertures should be used." }, { "source": "拍摄的照片大多为JPG或JPEG文件格式。", "target": "The photos captured are mostly in JPG or JPEG file format." }, { "source": "扩展的动态范围适用于最高达 30 fps 的视频拍摄", "target": "Extended dynamic range for video up to 30 fps" }, { "source": "本照片拍摄后数月,他在1944 年 2 月 19 日拍摄美军登陆埃尼威托克岛时壮烈牺牲。 摄影师", "target": "He was killed on February 19, 1944, some months after he took this photo, while filming the landing of U.S. forces on the island of Eniwetok. Photographer" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 他的家人,朋友和同事成为他的主题照片,但他出色尤其是在拍摄儿童,这是他最大的乐趣。\\nEnglish: His family, friends and colleagues became the subjects of his photographs but he excelled especially at photographing children, which was his greatest pleasure.\\nChinese: 所以,根据这个法则,在海滩上摄影时,应该使用F/22光圈,在多云时应使用F/11光圈。\\nEnglish: Therefore, according to this rule, on the beach, photography, you should use the F/22 aperture, in cloudy F/11 apertures should be used.\\nChinese: 拍摄的照片大多为JPG或JPEG文件格式。\\nEnglish: The photos captured are mostly in JPG or JPEG file format.\\nChinese: 扩展的动态范围适用于最高达 30 fps 的视频拍摄\\nEnglish: Extended dynamic range for video up to 30 fps\\nChinese: 本照片拍摄后数月,他在1944 年 2 月 19 日拍摄美军登陆埃尼威托克岛时壮烈牺牲。 摄影师\\nEnglish: He was killed on February 19, 1944, some months after he took this photo, while filming the landing of U.S. forces on the island of Eniwetok. Photographer\\nChinese: 喜欢摄影的朋友要想拍摄出绚丽的‘流星雨大片 ’ , 最好选择广角、大光圈的镜头,拍摄时使用高ISO和最大光圈。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "People who like photography can select wide angle lens and large aperture, and use high ISO and the maximum aperture while shooting if you want to take marvelous shots of the meteor shower.", "role": "assistant" } ]
基于稳定性和持续性考虑,三脚架、备用电池和快门线也必不可少 。 ”
Based on consideration of stability and sustainability, a tripod, a standby battery and a shutter release are also necessary.”
[ { "source": "稳定性和连续性", "target": "Stability and Continuity" }, { "source": "高稳定性和可靠性。", "target": "High stability and reliability." }, { "source": "高稳定性,重复性和可靠性", "target": "High stability, repeatability & reliability" }, { "source": "稳定性和可靠性", "target": "Stability and reliability" }, { "source": "高稳定性和可靠性", "target": "High stability and reliability" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 稳定性和连续性\\nEnglish: Stability and Continuity\\nChinese: 高稳定性和可靠性。\\nEnglish: High stability and reliability.\\nChinese: 高稳定性,重复性和可靠性\\nEnglish: High stability, repeatability & reliability\\nChinese: 稳定性和可靠性\\nEnglish: Stability and reliability\\nChinese: 高稳定性和可靠性\\nEnglish: High stability and reliability\\nChinese: 基于稳定性和持续性考虑,三脚架、备用电池和快门线也必不可少 。 ”\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Based on consideration of stability and sustainability, a tripod, a standby battery and a shutter release are also necessary.”", "role": "assistant" } ]
Xiu Lipeng reminded.
[ { "source": "他立刻说:", "target": "He instantly said:" }, { "source": "神必须唤醒你。", "target": "God must awaken you." }, { "source": "不,谢谢. 稍后提醒我 »", "target": "No, thanks.Remind me later »" }, { "source": "为什么她提醒她的工作对他?", "target": "Why did she remind him of her work?" }, { "source": "您为什么醒了?", "target": "Why did you wake up?" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 他立刻说:\\nEnglish: He instantly said:\\nChinese: 神必须唤醒你。\\nEnglish: God must awaken you.\\nChinese: 不,谢谢. 稍后提醒我 »\\nEnglish: No, thanks.Remind me later »\\nChinese: 为什么她提醒她的工作对他?\\nEnglish: Why did she remind him of her work?\\nChinese: 您为什么醒了?\\nEnglish: Why did you wake up?\\nChinese: 修立鹏提醒说。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Xiu Lipeng reminded.", "role": "assistant" } ]
What is the difference between laser TV and traditional TV in terms of the market positioning?
[ { "source": "电视 电视(有线/卫星)", "target": "Television Television (cable/satellite)" }, { "source": "电视和视频", "target": "TV and Video" }, { "source": "电影和电视", "target": "Film and TV" }, { "source": "电影和电视", "target": "Film and television" }, { "source": "电视和视频设备", "target": "TV and Video Equipment" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 电视 电视(有线/卫星)\\nEnglish: Television Television (cable/satellite)\\nChinese: 电视和视频\\nEnglish: TV and Video\\nChinese: 电影和电视\\nEnglish: Film and TV\\nChinese: 电影和电视\\nEnglish: Film and television\\nChinese: 电视和视频设备\\nEnglish: TV and Video Equipment\\nChinese: 激光电视和传统电视在市场定位上有何差异?\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "What is the difference between laser TV and traditional TV in terms of the market positioning?", "role": "assistant" } ]
In my understanding, traditional TV which the original post mentioned is LCD TV, and the differences between laser TV and LCD TV in terms of market positioning are mainly the following two points:
[ { "source": "大型国际电视节,包括上海电视节、北京国际电视周、中国广播电视博览会和四川电视节,定期举行。", "target": "Large international TV expositions, including the Shanghai Television Festival, Beijing International Television Week, China Radio and Television Exposition and Sichuan Television Festival, are held on a regular basis." }, { "source": "2013年2月中国液晶电视市场分析报告", "target": "February 2013 China's LCD TV market analysis report" }, { "source": "电话 电视 电视(有线/卫星)", "target": "Telephone Television Television (cable/satellite)" }, { "source": "我们的电影和电视部门", "target": "Our film and television department" }, { "source": "多功能视频电话和最大的电视被展示了在上海中国电子博览会。", "target": "Multifunctional video phone and the largest TV were demonstrated at Shanghai China Electronic Fair." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 大型国际电视节,包括上海电视节、北京国际电视周、中国广播电视博览会和四川电视节,定期举行。\\nEnglish: Large international TV expositions, including the Shanghai Television Festival, Beijing International Television Week, China Radio and Television Exposition and Sichuan Television Festival, are held on a regular basis.\\nChinese: 2013年2月中国液晶电视市场分析报告\\nEnglish: February 2013 China's LCD TV market analysis report\\nChinese: 电话 电视 电视(有线/卫星)\\nEnglish: Telephone Television Television (cable/satellite)\\nChinese: 我们的电影和电视部门\\nEnglish: Our film and television department\\nChinese: 多功能视频电话和最大的电视被展示了在上海中国电子博览会。\\nEnglish: Multifunctional video phone and the largest TV were demonstrated at Shanghai China Electronic Fair.\\nChinese: 以我的理解,题主所说的传统电视应该指的就是液晶电视,而激光电视和液晶电视在市场定位上的差异,主要有以下两点:\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "In my understanding, traditional TV which the original post mentioned is LCD TV, and the differences between laser TV and LCD TV in terms of market positioning are mainly the following two points:", "role": "assistant" } ]
First, laser TV focuses more on big screen market.
[ { "source": "电视屏幕矢量", "target": "TV Screen Vector" }, { "source": "更大的市场成功", "target": "Greater market success" }, { "source": "阅读更多:扩大市场", "target": "Read more: Market Expansion" }, { "source": "正如图2所表明,在许多市场上,美国影片和电视节目占整个市场的一半以上。", "target": "As shown in figure 2, in many markets US films and TV programmes account for more than half of the total market." }, { "source": "每间客房均设有一台大屏幕平面电视和DVD播放器。", "target": "Each room includes a large flat-screen TV and a DVD player." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 电视屏幕矢量\\nEnglish: TV Screen Vector\\nChinese: 更大的市场成功\\nEnglish: Greater market success\\nChinese: 阅读更多:扩大市场\\nEnglish: Read more: Market Expansion\\nChinese: 正如图2所表明,在许多市场上,美国影片和电视节目占整个市场的一半以上。\\nEnglish: As shown in figure 2, in many markets US films and TV programmes account for more than half of the total market.\\nChinese: 每间客房均设有一台大屏幕平面电视和DVD播放器。\\nEnglish: Each room includes a large flat-screen TV and a DVD player.\\nChinese: 第一,激光电视更聚焦大屏市场。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "First, laser TV focuses more on big screen market.", "role": "assistant" } ]
Compared with the all-round market positioning of LCD TV, laser TV is obviously more focused on the large screen market, or laser TV itself is a product of big screen.
[ { "source": "长期的市场聚焦和产品生命周期", "target": "Long term market focus and product lifecycles" }, { "source": "有线电视台的数量为70个,而通过卫星转播的电视台为102个,广播电台为50个。", "target": "The number of cable television stations is 70 while 102 television and 50 radio stations broadcast via satellite." }, { "source": "正如图2所表明,在许多市场上,美国影片和电视节目占整个市场的一半以上。", "target": "As shown in figure 2, in many markets US films and TV programmes account for more than half of the total market." }, { "source": "平面显示屏 LCD 电视", "target": "Flat Screen LCD TV" }, { "source": "每间客房均设有一台大屏幕平面电视和DVD播放器。", "target": "Each room includes a large flat-screen TV and a DVD player." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 长期的市场聚焦和产品生命周期\\nEnglish: Long term market focus and product lifecycles\\nChinese: 有线电视台的数量为70个,而通过卫星转播的电视台为102个,广播电台为50个。\\nEnglish: The number of cable television stations is 70 while 102 television and 50 radio stations broadcast via satellite.\\nChinese: 正如图2所表明,在许多市场上,美国影片和电视节目占整个市场的一半以上。\\nEnglish: As shown in figure 2, in many markets US films and TV programmes account for more than half of the total market.\\nChinese: 平面显示屏 LCD 电视\\nEnglish: Flat Screen LCD TV\\nChinese: 每间客房均设有一台大屏幕平面电视和DVD播放器。\\nEnglish: Each room includes a large flat-screen TV and a DVD player.\\nChinese: 相比液晶电视全面铺开的市场定位,激光电视显然更聚焦大屏市场,或者说激光电视本身就是为大屏而生的产物。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Compared with the all-round market positioning of LCD TV, laser TV is obviously more focused on the large screen market, or laser TV itself is a product of big screen.", "role": "assistant" } ]
At present, the size of mainstream LCD TV is mainly from 55 to 65 inches, and the size of laser TV is usually over 75 inches, with bigger ones over 100 inches, which can satisfy the customers’ need for big screen TVs.
[ { "source": "该物体的基本尺寸大约为84英寸宽,71英寸高,物体基面略呈弧形,似以蜂窝状合成材料制成。", "target": "The basic dimensions are approximately 84 inches wide and 71 inches tall, with the base of the object being slightly curved. It appears to be made of a honeycomb composite material." }, { "source": "连接尺寸 — — 1/2英寸,3/4英寸和1英寸标准NPT", "target": "Connection Size - 1/2 Inch, 3/4 Inch and 1Inch NPT are standard" }, { "source": "尺寸小於1⁄8英寸偶爾用於壓縮空氣,而大於2英寸的尺寸是不常見的,這是由於使用與這些較大尺寸一起使用的替代連接方法。", "target": "Sizes smaller than ​1⁄8 inch are occasionally used for compressed air, while sizes larger than 2 inches are uncommon, due to the use of alternative methods of joining that are used with these larger sizes." }, { "source": "任何最长边超过 48 英寸或其第二长边超过 30 英寸的包裹。", "target": "Any package with the longest side exceeding 48 inches or its second-longest side exceeding 30 inches." }, { "source": "它長38英寸(970毫米)、高34英寸(860毫米)、寬30英寸(760毫米)。", "target": "It is 38 inches (970 mm) long, 34 inches (860 mm) high, and 30 inches (760 mm) wide." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 该物体的基本尺寸大约为84英寸宽,71英寸高,物体基面略呈弧形,似以蜂窝状合成材料制成。\\nEnglish: The basic dimensions are approximately 84 inches wide and 71 inches tall, with the base of the object being slightly curved. It appears to be made of a honeycomb composite material.\\nChinese: 连接尺寸 — — 1/2英寸,3/4英寸和1英寸标准NPT\\nEnglish: Connection Size - 1/2 Inch, 3/4 Inch and 1Inch NPT are standard\\nChinese: 尺寸小於1⁄8英寸偶爾用於壓縮空氣,而大於2英寸的尺寸是不常見的,這是由於使用與這些較大尺寸一起使用的替代連接方法。\\nEnglish: Sizes smaller than ​1⁄8 inch are occasionally used for compressed air, while sizes larger than 2 inches are uncommon, due to the use of alternative methods of joining that are used with these larger sizes.\\nChinese: 任何最长边超过 48 英寸或其第二长边超过 30 英寸的包裹。\\nEnglish: Any package with the longest side exceeding 48 inches or its second-longest side exceeding 30 inches.\\nChinese: 它長38英寸(970毫米)、高34英寸(860毫米)、寬30英寸(760毫米)。\\nEnglish: It is 38 inches (970 mm) long, 34 inches (860 mm) high, and 30 inches (760 mm) wide.\\nChinese: 目前,主流液晶电视尺寸多在55英寸到65英寸,而激光电视的尺寸一般在75英寸以上,最大的超过100英寸,充分满足用户对大屏彩电的需求。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "At present, the size of mainstream LCD TV is mainly from 55 to 65 inches, and the size of laser TV is usually over 75 inches, with bigger ones over 100 inches, which can satisfy the customers’ need for big screen TVs.", "role": "assistant" } ]
In recent years, the proportion of the global shipments and sales of laser TV keeps increasing, accounting for over 60% of the total TV sales of 80 inches and above.
[ { "source": "4. 发展中国家在全球商业能源使用量所占的份额在1998年增加到差不多30%,而1970年与之比较只有13%。", "target": "4. The developing countries &apos; share of global commercial energy use increased to almost 30 per cent in 1998 as compared to only 13 per cent in 1970." }, { "source": "目前在世界发电总量中,核能发电占16%至17%,在世界能源消费总量中约5%。", "target": "At present, nuclear power accounts for 16-17 per cent of total world electricity generation and about 5 per cent of total world energy consumption." }, { "source": "结果,发展中国家在全球产出中所占的比重自2000年以来急剧上升(图2)。", "target": "As a result, developing countries &apos; share in global output has risen sharply since 2000 (chart 2)." }, { "source": "2013年,每100名居民中的固定电话用户数量,比1990年高出三倍,每100名居民中的移动电话用户数量比2000年高出六倍。", "target": "In 2013, the number of fixed telephone subscriptions per 100 inhabitants was three times greater than in 1990, and the number of mobile telephone subscriptions per 100 inhabitants was six times greater than in 2000." }, { "source": "他们认为,全球电动汽车销售将于2020年占全球汽车销量的20 % 。", "target": "They assume that the global electric vehicles sales will represents 20% of the global automotive sales in 2020." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 4. 发展中国家在全球商业能源使用量所占的份额在1998年增加到差不多30%,而1970年与之比较只有13%。\\nEnglish: 4. The developing countries &apos; share of global commercial energy use increased to almost 30 per cent in 1998 as compared to only 13 per cent in 1970.\\nChinese: 目前在世界发电总量中,核能发电占16%至17%,在世界能源消费总量中约5%。\\nEnglish: At present, nuclear power accounts for 16-17 per cent of total world electricity generation and about 5 per cent of total world energy consumption.\\nChinese: 结果,发展中国家在全球产出中所占的比重自2000年以来急剧上升(图2)。\\nEnglish: As a result, developing countries &apos; share in global output has risen sharply since 2000 (chart 2).\\nChinese: 2013年,每100名居民中的固定电话用户数量,比1990年高出三倍,每100名居民中的移动电话用户数量比2000年高出六倍。\\nEnglish: In 2013, the number of fixed telephone subscriptions per 100 inhabitants was three times greater than in 1990, and the number of mobile telephone subscriptions per 100 inhabitants was six times greater than in 2000.\\nChinese: 他们认为,全球电动汽车销售将于2020年占全球汽车销量的20 % 。\\nEnglish: They assume that the global electric vehicles sales will represents 20% of the global automotive sales in 2020.\\nChinese: 近年来,激光电视在全球的出货量和销量占比都在不断增加,在80英寸及以上总体电视销量中占比超六成。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "In recent years, the proportion of the global shipments and sales of laser TV keeps increasing, accounting for over 60% of the total TV sales of 80 inches and above.", "role": "assistant" } ]
According to the prediction of CMM, the sales volume of laser TV market in 2020 will increase by over 140% and will continue to maintain a high-speed growth.
[ { "source": "据目前的预测,2010年将增长2.3%,2011年2.6%。", "target": "The current forecast is for growth of 2.3 per cent in 2010 and 2.6 per cent in 2011." }, { "source": "2007年、2008年,中国汽车市场将继续保持约20%的增长。", "target": "2007, 2008, China Car market will continue to maintain about 20 percent of the growth." }, { "source": "在今后的5年~10年中,我国肉类产量将会以5%~10%的增长率持续增长。", "target": "In the next 5 to 10 years, meat production in China will be 5% to 10% growth rate continued to grow." }, { "source": "到2020年,妇女的预期寿命预计将继续延长至85岁。", "target": "Life expectancy for women is expected to continue to rise to 85 years of age by 2020." }, { "source": "高增长:企业连续两年营业额年增长超过10%。", "target": "High-growth: Firms with turnover growth above 10 per cent per year for two consecutive years." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 据目前的预测,2010年将增长2.3%,2011年2.6%。\\nEnglish: The current forecast is for growth of 2.3 per cent in 2010 and 2.6 per cent in 2011.\\nChinese: 2007年、2008年,中国汽车市场将继续保持约20%的增长。\\nEnglish: 2007, 2008, China Car market will continue to maintain about 20 percent of the growth.\\nChinese: 在今后的5年~10年中,我国肉类产量将会以5%~10%的增长率持续增长。\\nEnglish: In the next 5 to 10 years, meat production in China will be 5% to 10% growth rate continued to grow.\\nChinese: 到2020年,妇女的预期寿命预计将继续延长至85岁。\\nEnglish: Life expectancy for women is expected to continue to rise to 85 years of age by 2020.\\nChinese: 高增长:企业连续两年营业额年增长超过10%。\\nEnglish: High-growth: Firms with turnover growth above 10 per cent per year for two consecutive years.\\nChinese: 根据中怡康的预测,2020年,激光电视市场销量增长将超过140%,继续保持高速增长。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "According to the prediction of CMM, the sales volume of laser TV market in 2020 will increase by over 140% and will continue to maintain a high-speed growth.", "role": "assistant" } ]
The reason for such great result in the big screen market is mainly the outstanding performance of laser TVs in eye protection .
[ { "source": "1,开拓新市场 一个成功的小企业需要把它的产品在客户面前。", "target": "1. Reach New Markets A successful small business needs to put its product in front of customers." }, { "source": "我们所服务的客户在如今的市场上面临着激烈的竞争。", "target": "The customers we serve face fierce competition in today's market." }, { "source": "更大的市场成功", "target": "Greater market success" }, { "source": "TE 在市场中的角色", "target": "TE'S Role in the Marketplace" }, { "source": "在这方面,碳市场将发挥至关重要的作用。", "target": "The carbon market will play a crucial role in this regard." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 1,开拓新市场 一个成功的小企业需要把它的产品在客户面前。\\nEnglish: 1. Reach New Markets A successful small business needs to put its product in front of customers.\\nChinese: 我们所服务的客户在如今的市场上面临着激烈的竞争。\\nEnglish: The customers we serve face fierce competition in today's market.\\nChinese: 更大的市场成功\\nEnglish: Greater market success\\nChinese: TE 在市场中的角色\\nEnglish: TE'S Role in the Marketplace\\nChinese: 在这方面,碳市场将发挥至关重要的作用。\\nEnglish: The carbon market will play a crucial role in this regard.\\nChinese: 之所以在大屏市场有如此好的成绩,主要归功于激光电视在护眼方面的出色表现。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The reason for such great result in the big screen market is mainly the outstanding performance of laser TVs in eye protection .", "role": "assistant" } ]
Based on the imaging principle of diffuse reflection of laser TV, the light emitted by the laser light source does not go directly into the eyeball; compared with the backlight of LCD TV, its imaging process is closer to that of objects under natural conditions, with less irritation to the eyes.
[ { "source": "这两种产品都不会刺激皮肤;Tamaron SL 200对眼睛有轻微刺激,Tamaron SL 600对眼睛没有刺激性。", "target": "Both products are non-irritating to skin; Tamaron SL 200 is slightly irritant to the eye, Tamaron SL 600 is not irritant to the eye." }, { "source": "这两种产品都不会刺激皮肤;Tamaron SL 200对眼睛有轻微刺激,Tamaron SL 600对眼睛没有刺激性。", "target": "Both products are non-irritating to skin; Tamaron SL 200 is slightly irritant to the eye, Tamaron SL 600 is not irritant to the eye." }, { "source": "(c)光学、光谱和红外线遥控成像系统(OSIRIS)的广角照相机(WAC)。", "target": "(c) Wide-angle camera (WAC) of the optical, spectroscopic and infrared remote imaging system (OSIRIS)." }, { "source": "FARO 的领导团队拥有数十年的制造和销售激光测量和三维成像解决方案的经验。", "target": "FARO's leadership team possesses decades of experience in the manufacture and marketing of laser measurement and 3D imaging solutions." }, { "source": "激光点的大小是可选的,以优化灵敏度和分析速度,或在成像研究中最大化空间分辨率。", "target": "The laser spot size can be selected for optimising sensitivity and speed of analysis, or for maximizing spatial resolution in Imaging studies." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 这两种产品都不会刺激皮肤;Tamaron SL 200对眼睛有轻微刺激,Tamaron SL 600对眼睛没有刺激性。\\nEnglish: Both products are non-irritating to skin; Tamaron SL 200 is slightly irritant to the eye, Tamaron SL 600 is not irritant to the eye.\\nChinese: 这两种产品都不会刺激皮肤;Tamaron SL 200对眼睛有轻微刺激,Tamaron SL 600对眼睛没有刺激性。\\nEnglish: Both products are non-irritating to skin; Tamaron SL 200 is slightly irritant to the eye, Tamaron SL 600 is not irritant to the eye.\\nChinese: (c)光学、光谱和红外线遥控成像系统(OSIRIS)的广角照相机(WAC)。\\nEnglish: (c) Wide-angle camera (WAC) of the optical, spectroscopic and infrared remote imaging system (OSIRIS).\\nChinese: FARO 的领导团队拥有数十年的制造和销售激光测量和三维成像解决方案的经验。\\nEnglish: FARO's leadership team possesses decades of experience in the manufacture and marketing of laser measurement and 3D imaging solutions.\\nChinese: 激光点的大小是可选的,以优化灵敏度和分析速度,或在成像研究中最大化空间分辨率。\\nEnglish: The laser spot size can be selected for optimising sensitivity and speed of analysis, or for maximizing spatial resolution in Imaging studies.\\nChinese: 基于激光电视漫反射的成像原理,激光光源发出的光线并不直射入眼球,相比液晶电视的背光源发光,成像过程更接近自然条件下物体的成像过程,对眼睛产生的刺激也更小。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Based on the imaging principle of diffuse reflection of laser TV, the light emitted by the laser light source does not go directly into the eyeball; compared with the backlight of LCD TV, its imaging process is closer to that of objects under natural conditions, with less irritation to the eyes.", "role": "assistant" } ]
Ophthalmologists from CES Laboratory, China Electronics Standardization Institute, and Peking Union Medical College Hospital obtained 144 groups of test data through a strict comparative experiment of watching laser TV and LCD TV under the same conditions.
[ { "source": "获取 FIPS 140 验证需要由经过认可的测试实验室进行严格的测试。", "target": "Obtaining FIPS 140 validation requires a rigorous testing process by an accredited testing laboratory." }, { "source": "大型国际电视节,包括上海电视节、北京国际电视周、中国广播电视博览会和四川电视节,定期举行。", "target": "Large international TV expositions, including the Shanghai Television Festival, Beijing International Television Week, China Radio and Television Exposition and Sichuan Television Festival, are held on a regular basis." }, { "source": "标准化组件与设备和测试", "target": "Standardized Components & Devices and Tests" }, { "source": "1950 DURAN® 实验室玻璃成为化学实验室的新型通用玻璃。 1955 实现电视机玻璃组件及中空玻璃的完全自动化生产。", "target": "1950 DURAN® laboratory glass becomes the new universal glass for the chemistry laboratory. 1955 Fully automated production of television glass components and hollow glass." }, { "source": "(b) 科学研究和技术测试。", "target": "(b) Scientific research and technological testing." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 获取 FIPS 140 验证需要由经过认可的测试实验室进行严格的测试。\\nEnglish: Obtaining FIPS 140 validation requires a rigorous testing process by an accredited testing laboratory.\\nChinese: 大型国际电视节,包括上海电视节、北京国际电视周、中国广播电视博览会和四川电视节,定期举行。\\nEnglish: Large international TV expositions, including the Shanghai Television Festival, Beijing International Television Week, China Radio and Television Exposition and Sichuan Television Festival, are held on a regular basis.\\nChinese: 标准化组件与设备和测试\\nEnglish: Standardized Components & Devices and Tests\\nChinese: 1950 DURAN® 实验室玻璃成为化学实验室的新型通用玻璃。 1955 实现电视机玻璃组件及中空玻璃的完全自动化生产。\\nEnglish: 1950 DURAN® laboratory glass becomes the new universal glass for the chemistry laboratory. 1955 Fully automated production of television glass components and hollow glass.\\nChinese: (b) 科学研究和技术测试。\\nEnglish: (b) Scientific research and technological testing.\\nChinese: 中国电子技术标准化研究院赛西实验室和北京协和医院眼科专家,通过人群相同条件下观看激光电视和液晶电视的严格对比试验,得出了144组测试数据。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ophthalmologists from CES Laboratory, China Electronics Standardization Institute, and Peking Union Medical College Hospital obtained 144 groups of test data through a strict comparative experiment of watching laser TV and LCD TV under the same conditions.", "role": "assistant" } ]
Statistics prove that laser TVs can indeed protect the eyes and may even make improvement in certain aspects.
[ { "source": "例如,特别报告员在全世界促进和保护人权方面具有重要作用。", "target": "Special rapporteurs, for instance, play an important role in the promotion and protection of human rights worldwide." }, { "source": "HGST具备出色的热特性和电气特性,能够确保很高的精度。", "target": "The HGST has excellent thermal and electrical characteristics to assure high accuracy." }, { "source": "这台电视的一个有趣特性是集成的 WiFi.", "target": "An interesting feature of this TV is the integrated WiFi." }, { "source": "该宣言第6条明文禁止这种歧视,这在就业和保险方面具有特殊的现实意义。", "target": "Article 6 of the Declaration prohibits such discrimination explicitly. It has special relevance in the context of employment and insurance." }, { "source": "17. 对其他类型的协议大多数都根据各案本身的是非曲直逐案进行了分析,确定某些协议在特定情况下是否有具有反竞争或有利竞争的性质。", "target": "17. Most other types of agreements are analysed on a case-by-case basis, each case on its own merit, to determine whether certain agreements are anti-competitive or pro-competitive in the given context." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 例如,特别报告员在全世界促进和保护人权方面具有重要作用。\\nEnglish: Special rapporteurs, for instance, play an important role in the promotion and protection of human rights worldwide.\\nChinese: HGST具备出色的热特性和电气特性,能够确保很高的精度。\\nEnglish: The HGST has excellent thermal and electrical characteristics to assure high accuracy.\\nChinese: 这台电视的一个有趣特性是集成的 WiFi.\\nEnglish: An interesting feature of this TV is the integrated WiFi.\\nChinese: 该宣言第6条明文禁止这种歧视,这在就业和保险方面具有特殊的现实意义。\\nEnglish: Article 6 of the Declaration prohibits such discrimination explicitly. It has special relevance in the context of employment and insurance.\\nChinese: 17. 对其他类型的协议大多数都根据各案本身的是非曲直逐案进行了分析,确定某些协议在特定情况下是否有具有反竞争或有利竞争的性质。\\nEnglish: 17. Most other types of agreements are analysed on a case-by-case basis, each case on its own merit, to determine whether certain agreements are anti-competitive or pro-competitive in the given context.\\nChinese: 数据证实:激光电视的确具有很强的护眼特性,在特定方面甚至具有一定的改善作用。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Statistics prove that laser TVs can indeed protect the eyes and may even make improvement in certain aspects.", "role": "assistant" } ]
As eye protection is gaining more and more attention, laser TVs not only attracted more and more customers with the feature of eye protection, but also made another breakthrough in the market of color TVs.
[ { "source": "在很多情况下,宗教组织、朋友和亲戚越来越多地扮演这一角色。", "target": "In many cases religious organisations, friends and relatives are increasingly taking this role." }, { "source": "99. 近几年来,儿童参与获得了越来越多的重视。", "target": "99. In recent years, child participation has received increased attention." }, { "source": "社会、政治和文化因素的重要性仅仅到现在才得到越来越多的承认。", "target": "The importance of social, political and cultural factors is only now getting more recognition." }, { "source": "57. 随着金融一体化的不断深化,监督的重心越来越多地放在整个系统的稳定上。", "target": "57. With deepening financial integration, the focus of surveillance is increasingly on system stability as a whole." }, { "source": "430. 近年来,妇女在经济、政治和社会活动中发挥了越来越多的作用。", "target": "430. In recent years women have been playing an increasing part in economic, political and social activities." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 在很多情况下,宗教组织、朋友和亲戚越来越多地扮演这一角色。\\nEnglish: In many cases religious organisations, friends and relatives are increasingly taking this role.\\nChinese: 99. 近几年来,儿童参与获得了越来越多的重视。\\nEnglish: 99. In recent years, child participation has received increased attention.\\nChinese: 社会、政治和文化因素的重要性仅仅到现在才得到越来越多的承认。\\nEnglish: The importance of social, political and cultural factors is only now getting more recognition.\\nChinese: 57. 随着金融一体化的不断深化,监督的重心越来越多地放在整个系统的稳定上。\\nEnglish: 57. With deepening financial integration, the focus of surveillance is increasingly on system stability as a whole.\\nChinese: 430. 近年来,妇女在经济、政治和社会活动中发挥了越来越多的作用。\\nEnglish: 430. In recent years women have been playing an increasing part in economic, political and social activities.\\nChinese: 在视力健康越来越受重视的当下,激光电视不仅凭借护眼优势吸引了越来越多用户,也打开了彩电市场的另一个突破口。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "As eye protection is gaining more and more attention, laser TVs not only attracted more and more customers with the feature of eye protection, but also made another breakthrough in the market of color TVs.", "role": "assistant" } ]
Second, laser TV focuses more on high-end market.
[ { "source": "中国电影市场", "target": "Chinese film market" }, { "source": "阅读更多有关客户聚焦的信息", "target": "Read more about customer focus" }, { "source": "最小聚焦距离", "target": "Minimum focus distance" }, { "source": "金融聚焦访谈", "target": "Financial Focus Interview" }, { "source": "动态深度聚焦(DDF)", "target": "Dynamic Depth Focusing (DDF)" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 中国电影市场\\nEnglish: Chinese film market\\nChinese: 阅读更多有关客户聚焦的信息\\nEnglish: Read more about customer focus\\nChinese: 最小聚焦距离\\nEnglish: Minimum focus distance\\nChinese: 金融聚焦访谈\\nEnglish: Financial Focus Interview\\nChinese: 动态深度聚焦(DDF)\\nEnglish: Dynamic Depth Focusing (DDF)\\nChinese: 第二,激光电视更聚焦高端市场。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Second, laser TV focuses more on high-end market.", "role": "assistant" } ]
Contrary to the downward trend of the price of LCD TVs, price of laser TVs on the market now is over 10,000 yuan, and it went up gradually with the upgrading of size and source of light.
[ { "source": "相反,住房价格一直在持续攀升。", "target": "On the contrary, housing prices have continued to rise." }, { "source": "6. 软商品类价格在2002-2005年期间大幅上升,其中食品价格涨了24%以上,热带饮料价格涨了近42%,而农业原料价格涨了41%。", "target": "6. As a group, soft commodity prices recorded a significant rise over the 2002-2005 period, with those of food increasing by more than 24 per cent, tropical beverage prices by almost 42 per cent and prices of agricultural raw materials by 41 per cent." }, { "source": "41. 自2008年以来,油和奶制品等商品的国际价格显著下降,但各项指标显示,食品价格再次攀升。", "target": "41. Since 2008, there have been notable declines in the international prices of commodities like oils and dairy products, but various indices show that food prices have climbed again." }, { "source": "价格 1. 与服务预订相关的价格在预订之前和预订过程中显示。", "target": "Prices 1. Prices relating to the reservation of services are indicated before and during reservation." }, { "source": "价格的普遍上涨,是金属和矿物价格窜升所带动的,两者自2002年以来上升了224%。", "target": "The broad-based rise in prices has been driven by the boom in metal and mineral prices, which have increased 224 per cent since 2002." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 相反,住房价格一直在持续攀升。\\nEnglish: On the contrary, housing prices have continued to rise.\\nChinese: 6. 软商品类价格在2002-2005年期间大幅上升,其中食品价格涨了24%以上,热带饮料价格涨了近42%,而农业原料价格涨了41%。\\nEnglish: 6. As a group, soft commodity prices recorded a significant rise over the 2002-2005 period, with those of food increasing by more than 24 per cent, tropical beverage prices by almost 42 per cent and prices of agricultural raw materials by 41 per cent.\\nChinese: 41. 自2008年以来,油和奶制品等商品的国际价格显著下降,但各项指标显示,食品价格再次攀升。\\nEnglish: 41. Since 2008, there have been notable declines in the international prices of commodities like oils and dairy products, but various indices show that food prices have climbed again.\\nChinese: 价格 1. 与服务预订相关的价格在预订之前和预订过程中显示。\\nEnglish: Prices 1. Prices relating to the reservation of services are indicated before and during reservation.\\nChinese: 价格的普遍上涨,是金属和矿物价格窜升所带动的,两者自2002年以来上升了224%。\\nEnglish: The broad-based rise in prices has been driven by the boom in metal and mineral prices, which have increased 224 per cent since 2002.\\nChinese: 与液晶电视价格不断下探相反,目前市售激光电视的价格大多在万元以上,随着尺寸和光源的升级,价格逐步攀升。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Contrary to the downward trend of the price of LCD TVs, price of laser TVs on the market now is over 10,000 yuan, and it went up gradually with the upgrading of size and source of light.", "role": "assistant" } ]
Why are laser TVs so expensive?
[ { "source": "PHP 为什么这么做呢?", "target": "Why does PHP do this?" }, { "source": "我为什么这么说呢?", "target": "Why did I say that?" }, { "source": "但是为什么要这么做呢?", "target": "But why do so?" }, { "source": "但是,为什么要这么吃惊呢?", "target": "But why be so surprised?" }, { "source": "我为什么这样说呢?", "target": "Why do I say that?" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: PHP 为什么这么做呢?\\nEnglish: Why does PHP do this?\\nChinese: 我为什么这么说呢?\\nEnglish: Why did I say that?\\nChinese: 但是为什么要这么做呢?\\nEnglish: But why do so?\\nChinese: 但是,为什么要这么吃惊呢?\\nEnglish: But why be so surprised?\\nChinese: 我为什么这样说呢?\\nEnglish: Why do I say that?\\nChinese: 激光电视凭什么卖这么贵呢?\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Why are laser TVs so expensive?", "role": "assistant" } ]
There must be a reason.
[ { "source": "肯尼亚就是一个典型的例子。", "target": "Kenya is a typical example." }, { "source": "对软件也是同样的道理。", "target": "The same goes for software." }, { "source": "肯定地说,有不同的条款和条件,必须遵循。", "target": "Definitely, there are different terms and conditions that must be followed." }, { "source": "她知道他在理论上是对的。", "target": "She knew he was right theoretically." }, { "source": "但是没有人真正知道哪种是最好的。", "target": "But no one really knows which is best." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 肯尼亚就是一个典型的例子。\\nEnglish: Kenya is a typical example.\\nChinese: 对软件也是同样的道理。\\nEnglish: The same goes for software.\\nChinese: 肯定地说,有不同的条款和条件,必须遵循。\\nEnglish: Definitely, there are different terms and conditions that must be followed.\\nChinese: 她知道他在理论上是对的。\\nEnglish: She knew he was right theoretically.\\nChinese: 但是没有人真正知道哪种是最好的。\\nEnglish: But no one really knows which is best.\\nChinese: 肯定是有道理的。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "There must be a reason.", "role": "assistant" } ]
With the continuous development of light source and technology, laser TVs have advantages that many LCD TVs and projectors don’t.
[ { "source": "32英寸的液晶电视", "target": "32 inch LCD Television." }, { "source": "部分客房还提供43英寸的液晶电视。", "target": "Some rooms also provide a 43-inch LCD TV." }, { "source": "在DeCSS发布之前,基于Linux的电脑系统都无法播放DVD视频。", "target": "Before the release of DeCSS, Linux-based computing systems could not play video DVDs." }, { "source": "每间现代客房都配有电视和DVD播放机。", "target": "Each modern room features a TV and a DVD player." }, { "source": "水和能源不能再被视为孤立的挑战,即使在化石燃料发电厂或核电厂,冷却基础设施都需要大量的水资源。", "target": "Water and energy can no longer be considered separate challenges; even in fossil-fuelled or nuclear plants, cooling infrastructures require massive amounts of water resources." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 32英寸的液晶电视\\nEnglish: 32 inch LCD Television.\\nChinese: 部分客房还提供43英寸的液晶电视。\\nEnglish: Some rooms also provide a 43-inch LCD TV.\\nChinese: 在DeCSS发布之前,基于Linux的电脑系统都无法播放DVD视频。\\nEnglish: Before the release of DeCSS, Linux-based computing systems could not play video DVDs.\\nChinese: 每间现代客房都配有电视和DVD播放机。\\nEnglish: Each modern room features a TV and a DVD player.\\nChinese: 水和能源不能再被视为孤立的挑战,即使在化石燃料发电厂或核电厂,冷却基础设施都需要大量的水资源。\\nEnglish: Water and energy can no longer be considered separate challenges; even in fossil-fuelled or nuclear plants, cooling infrastructures require massive amounts of water resources.\\nChinese: 在光源和技术水平的不断发展下,激光电视有很多液晶电视和投影都无法实现的优势。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "With the continuous development of light source and technology, laser TVs have advantages that many LCD TVs and projectors don’t.", "role": "assistant" } ]
With the super short focus projection technology, the projection distance of laser TVs is shorter than that of traditional projection equipment; it can realize the 100 inch large screen experience within a short distance; the space required is not large, and the small host takes up very little space.
[ { "source": "图3 影子的显示距离:1000m", "target": "Fig.3 Shadow display distance: 1000m" }, { "source": "*4 当设置距离为 100 mm 且光在距接收器 50 mm 的位置被挡住时。", "target": "*4 When the setting distance is 100 mm and light is shielded at 50 mm position from the receiver." }, { "source": "DWDM是最适合长距离传输的技术,这是因为它能够允许EDFA放大。", "target": "DWDM is the most suitable technology for long-haul transmission because of its ability to allow EDFA amplification." }, { "source": "RGB激光投影 — — 实现Rec.", "target": "RGB laser projection - realizing Rec." }, { "source": "8. 然而,尤其是短期来说,需要投资。", "target": "8. However, especially in the short run, investments are needed." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 图3 影子的显示距离:1000m\\nEnglish: Fig.3 Shadow display distance: 1000m\\nChinese: *4 当设置距离为 100 mm 且光在距接收器 50 mm 的位置被挡住时。\\nEnglish: *4 When the setting distance is 100 mm and light is shielded at 50 mm position from the receiver.\\nChinese: DWDM是最适合长距离传输的技术,这是因为它能够允许EDFA放大。\\nEnglish: DWDM is the most suitable technology for long-haul transmission because of its ability to allow EDFA amplification.\\nChinese: RGB激光投影 — — 实现Rec.\\nEnglish: RGB laser projection - realizing Rec.\\nChinese: 8. 然而,尤其是短期来说,需要投资。\\nEnglish: 8. However, especially in the short run, investments are needed.\\nChinese: 凭借超短焦距投影技术,激光电视的投影距离相对传统投影设备来说要更短,能够在短距离内实现100英寸大屏体验,所需空间不大,而且主机小巧,占用地方很小。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "With the super short focus projection technology, the projection distance of laser TVs is shorter than that of traditional projection equipment; it can realize the 100 inch large screen experience within a short distance; the space required is not large, and the small host takes up very little space.", "role": "assistant" } ]
In terms of lightness, laser TVs from famous brands can reach over 2,000 lumens.
[ { "source": "它能够处理1000A以上的电流。", "target": "It can cope with currents exceeding 1000A." }, { "source": "以这种缓慢的恢复速度,即使到2011年汇款流量也不大可能达到2008年的水平。", "target": "With this sluggish pace of recovery, remittance flows are unlikely to reach the 2008 level even by 2011." }, { "source": "亮度:5,500 ANSI流明", "target": "Brightness: 5,500 ANSI lumens" }, { "source": "她完全充电可以达到 4V.", "target": "She fully charged can reach 4V." }, { "source": "然而,我们能从6500上获得的最明亮图像测得1805流明,而AE3000上的最明亮图像测得1273流明。", "target": "However, the brightest image we can get out of the 6500 measured 1805 lumens, whereas the brightest image on the AE3000 measured 1273 lumens." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 它能够处理1000A以上的电流。\\nEnglish: It can cope with currents exceeding 1000A.\\nChinese: 以这种缓慢的恢复速度,即使到2011年汇款流量也不大可能达到2008年的水平。\\nEnglish: With this sluggish pace of recovery, remittance flows are unlikely to reach the 2008 level even by 2011.\\nChinese: 亮度:5,500 ANSI流明\\nEnglish: Brightness: 5,500 ANSI lumens\\nChinese: 她完全充电可以达到 4V.\\nEnglish: She fully charged can reach 4V.\\nChinese: 然而,我们能从6500上获得的最明亮图像测得1805流明,而AE3000上的最明亮图像测得1273流明。\\nEnglish: However, the brightest image we can get out of the 6500 measured 1805 lumens, whereas the brightest image on the AE3000 measured 1273 lumens.\\nChinese: 在亮度方面,大品牌激光电视可以达到2000以上的流明。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "In terms of lightness, laser TVs from famous brands can reach over 2,000 lumens.", "role": "assistant" } ]
Plus, the heat is lower, equipment loss is small, and the service life of TV is longer.
[ { "source": "(c) 延长资产的使用寿命。", "target": "(c) Extending the useful life of assets." }, { "source": "电池具有120天的使用寿命。", "target": "The battery has a life of 120 days." }, { "source": "高产品品质和最大材料磨损防护意味着长使用寿命和安全性。", "target": "High product quality and maximum protection against material wear means long life span and safety." }, { "source": "电池寿命更长", "target": "Longer battery life" }, { "source": "• 易维护,使用寿命长", "target": "• Easy to maintain, long service life" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: (c) 延长资产的使用寿命。\\nEnglish: (c) Extending the useful life of assets.\\nChinese: 电池具有120天的使用寿命。\\nEnglish: The battery has a life of 120 days.\\nChinese: 高产品品质和最大材料磨损防护意味着长使用寿命和安全性。\\nEnglish: High product quality and maximum protection against material wear means long life span and safety.\\nChinese: 电池寿命更长\\nEnglish: Longer battery life\\nChinese: • 易维护,使用寿命长\\nEnglish: • Easy to maintain, long service life\\nChinese: 加之发热量更低,对设备损耗小,电视的使用寿命也更长。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Plus, the heat is lower, equipment loss is small, and the service life of TV is longer.", "role": "assistant" } ]
In addition, many high-end laser TVs are equipped with real 4K ultra HD image, artificial intelligent systems, bionic screens and other cutting-edge technologies, bringing users a more stunning audio-visual experience.
[ { "source": "AMD Dual Graphics 技术整合了 APU 和 GPU 的处理能力以优化用户的视觉体验。", "target": "The AMD Dual Graphics technology combines APU and GPU computing power to optimize user's visual experience." }, { "source": "尽管如此,还需要做很多工作来改善教育质量,更加注重高中毕业率、高等教育和技能培养。", "target": "Nevertheless, much remained to be done to improve the quality of education and focus more on high school completion rates, tertiary education and skills development." }, { "source": "SupersepTM系统能够带来以下诸多优势:", "target": "SupersepTM systems bring the following benefits:" }, { "source": "除了具备精准的视觉和机械结构之外,EUROPattern系统还通过巧妙的方式来运用现代图像处理技术。", "target": "In addition to the precise visual and mechanical structure, the EUROPattern system uses ingenious methods of modern image processing." }, { "source": "用户可从运行系统调用 SIMATIC HMI Option+ 以方便地显示系统信息而无需高级 IT技能,配置接口和用户标识, 并使用机器监视用的高级功能。", "target": "The user can call SIMATIC HMI Option+ from runtime to easily display system information without requiring advanced IT skills, configure interfaces and user identification and use advanced functions for machine monitoring." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: AMD Dual Graphics 技术整合了 APU 和 GPU 的处理能力以优化用户的视觉体验。\\nEnglish: The AMD Dual Graphics technology combines APU and GPU computing power to optimize user's visual experience.\\nChinese: 尽管如此,还需要做很多工作来改善教育质量,更加注重高中毕业率、高等教育和技能培养。\\nEnglish: Nevertheless, much remained to be done to improve the quality of education and focus more on high school completion rates, tertiary education and skills development.\\nChinese: SupersepTM系统能够带来以下诸多优势:\\nEnglish: SupersepTM systems bring the following benefits:\\nChinese: 除了具备精准的视觉和机械结构之外,EUROPattern系统还通过巧妙的方式来运用现代图像处理技术。\\nEnglish: In addition to the precise visual and mechanical structure, the EUROPattern system uses ingenious methods of modern image processing.\\nChinese: 用户可从运行系统调用 SIMATIC HMI Option+ 以方便地显示系统信息而无需高级 IT技能,配置接口和用户标识, 并使用机器监视用的高级功能。\\nEnglish: The user can call SIMATIC HMI Option+ from runtime to easily display system information without requiring advanced IT skills, configure interfaces and user identification and use advanced functions for machine monitoring.\\nChinese: 除此之外,很多高端激光电视机型还搭载了真4K超高清画质、人工智能系统、仿生屏等众多前沿技术,能够给用户带来更震撼的视听体验。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "In addition, many high-end laser TVs are equipped with real 4K ultra HD image, artificial intelligent systems, bionic screens and other cutting-edge technologies, bringing users a more stunning audio-visual experience.", "role": "assistant" } ]