6 values
Connecting the South China Sea and Sulu Sea, the Balabac Strait is a strategic place on the first island chain in the Western Pacific.
[ { "source": "87. 海洋和沿海资源和环境对于太平洋岛屿各国、社区和个人都至关重要。", "target": "87. Ocean and coastal resources and environments are of vital importance to the nations, communities and individuals of the Pacific Islands." }, { "source": "在大西洋、印度洋、地中海和南海区域和太平洋区域,总人口中的30%至80%生活在农村地区,主要依靠农业、林业和渔业维持生计。", "target": "In the Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Mediterranean and South China Sea and Pacific regions, between 30 and 80 per cent of the total population live in rural areas, relying mainly on agriculture, forestry and fisheries for their livelihood." }, { "source": "B:沿海地区、海洋和岛屿", "target": "B: Coasts, oceans and islands" }, { "source": "B:沿海地区、海洋和岛屿", "target": "B: Coasts, oceans and islands" }, { "source": "B:沿海地区、海洋和岛屿", "target": "B: Coasts, oceans and islands" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 87. 海洋和沿海资源和环境对于太平洋岛屿各国、社区和个人都至关重要。\\nEnglish: 87. Ocean and coastal resources and environments are of vital importance to the nations, communities and individuals of the Pacific Islands.\\nChinese: 在大西洋、印度洋、地中海和南海区域和太平洋区域,总人口中的30%至80%生活在农村地区,主要依靠农业、林业和渔业维持生计。\\nEnglish: In the Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Mediterranean and South China Sea and Pacific regions, between 30 and 80 per cent of the total population live in rural areas, relying mainly on agriculture, forestry and fisheries for their livelihood.\\nChinese: B:沿海地区、海洋和岛屿\\nEnglish: B: Coasts, oceans and islands\\nChinese: B:沿海地区、海洋和岛屿\\nEnglish: B: Coasts, oceans and islands\\nChinese: B:沿海地区、海洋和岛屿\\nEnglish: B: Coasts, oceans and islands\\nChinese: 巴拉巴克海峡连通南海和苏禄海,是西太平洋第一岛链上的战略要地。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Connecting the South China Sea and Sulu Sea, the Balabac Strait is a strategic place on the first island chain in the Western Pacific.", "role": "assistant" } ]
The platform predicts that Carl Vinson will do deployment at the South China Sea.
[ { "source": "第89号工作文件,非洲南部分部", "target": "Working paper No. 89, Africa South Division" }, { "source": "预计该法将于2001年生效。", "target": "The law is expected to go into effect in 2001." }, { "source": "预计该计划草案将于1998年初完成。", "target": "The draft plan is expected to be completed in early 1998." }, { "source": "该 " 战略计划 " 将土耳其划分为5个地理区域,即西部、南部、中部、北部和东部。", "target": "The Strategic Plan divides Turkey into 5 geographic regions; namely West, South, Central, North and East." }, { "source": "目前,该交易平台最受欢迎的版本是MetaTrader4和MetaTrader5。", "target": "Nowadays, the most popular versions of the trading platform are MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 第89号工作文件,非洲南部分部\\nEnglish: Working paper No. 89, Africa South Division\\nChinese: 预计该法将于2001年生效。\\nEnglish: The law is expected to go into effect in 2001.\\nChinese: 预计该计划草案将于1998年初完成。\\nEnglish: The draft plan is expected to be completed in early 1998.\\nChinese: 该 " 战略计划 " 将土耳其划分为5个地理区域,即西部、南部、中部、北部和东部。\\nEnglish: The Strategic Plan divides Turkey into 5 geographic regions; namely West, South, Central, North and East.\\nChinese: 目前,该交易平台最受欢迎的版本是MetaTrader4和MetaTrader5。\\nEnglish: Nowadays, the most popular versions of the trading platform are MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5.\\nChinese: 该平台预计,“卡尔·文森”号将前往南海部署。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The platform predicts that Carl Vinson will do deployment at the South China Sea.", "role": "assistant" } ]
This will be the first time that Carl Vinson carries F-35C fighter and CMV-22 Osprey carrier transport aircraft to do the deployment.
[ { "source": "在第二次大战之前,大部分货物和产品交换都是通过公路运输进行的。", "target": "Prior to the second war most exchanges of goods and products were conducted through road transportation." }, { "source": "CF-5 A和B Freedom战斗机", "target": "CF-5 A &amp; B Freedom Fighter" }, { "source": "这对你来说有多重要? 政府应该取消生产F-35战斗机?", "target": "How important is this to you? Should the government cancel production of the F-35 fighter?" }, { "source": "这架飞机载有40名乘客和6名机组人员。", "target": "The aircraft was carrying 40 passengers and 6 crew members." }, { "source": "<BT> 目前有15名 Su -33和 MiG -29K / KUB 战斗机在航空母舰上,以及10多家 Ka -52K 、 Ka -27和 Ka -31型直升机。", "target": "There are currently 15 Su-33 and MiG-29K / KUB fighters on board the aircraft carrier, as well as more than 10 Ka-52K, Ka-27 and Ka-31 helicopters." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 在第二次大战之前,大部分货物和产品交换都是通过公路运输进行的。\\nEnglish: Prior to the second war most exchanges of goods and products were conducted through road transportation.\\nChinese: CF-5 A和B Freedom战斗机\\nEnglish: CF-5 A &amp; B Freedom Fighter\\nChinese: 这对你来说有多重要? 政府应该取消生产F-35战斗机?\\nEnglish: How important is this to you? Should the government cancel production of the F-35 fighter?\\nChinese: 这架飞机载有40名乘客和6名机组人员。\\nEnglish: The aircraft was carrying 40 passengers and 6 crew members.\\nChinese: <BT> 目前有15名 Su -33和 MiG -29K / KUB 战斗机在航空母舰上,以及10多家 Ka -52K 、 Ka -27和 Ka -31型直升机。\\nEnglish: There are currently 15 Su-33 and MiG-29K / KUB fighters on board the aircraft carrier, as well as more than 10 Ka-52K, Ka-27 and Ka-31 helicopters.\\nChinese: 这是“卡尔·文森”号航母首次搭载F-35C战斗机和CMV-22“鱼鹰”舰载运输机进行部署。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "This will be the first time that Carl Vinson carries F-35C fighter and CMV-22 Osprey carrier transport aircraft to do the deployment.", "role": "assistant" } ]
现在正在太平洋上游弋的美军航母,除了“卡尔·文森”号外,还有1月3日从美国出发的“亚伯拉罕·林肯”号(USS Abraham Lincoln)航母。
In addition to Carl Vinson, the US aircraft carriers cruising in the Pacific Ocean now also include the USS Abraham Lincoln, which departed from the United States on January 3.
[ { "source": "太平洋西南航空1771号班机", "target": "Pacific Southwest Airlines Flight 1771" }, { "source": "飞往 美国的航班 飞往 美国的航班", "target": "Flights to United States Flights to United States" }, { "source": "亚洲/太平洋 欧洲 美国 中东/非洲", "target": "Asia / Pacific Europe America Africa / Middle East" }, { "source": "从美洲 出发的航班 |", "target": "Flights from The Americas |" }, { "source": "Meridiana 航空公司 有 3 航班 美国", "target": "Meridiana airlines has 3 flights from USA" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 太平洋西南航空1771号班机\\nEnglish: Pacific Southwest Airlines Flight 1771\\nChinese: 飞往 美国的航班 飞往 美国的航班\\nEnglish: Flights to United States Flights to United States\\nChinese: 亚洲/太平洋 欧洲 美国 中东/非洲\\nEnglish: Asia / Pacific Europe America Africa / Middle East\\nChinese: 从美洲 出发的航班 |\\nEnglish: Flights from The Americas |\\nChinese: Meridiana 航空公司 有 3 航班 美国\\nEnglish: Meridiana airlines has 3 flights from USA\\nChinese: 现在正在太平洋上游弋的美军航母,除了“卡尔·文森”号外,还有1月3日从美国出发的“亚伯拉罕·林肯”号(USS Abraham Lincoln)航母。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "In addition to Carl Vinson, the US aircraft carriers cruising in the Pacific Ocean now also include the USS Abraham Lincoln, which departed from the United States on January 3.", "role": "assistant" } ]
USS Abraham Lincoln also carried the F-35C carrier based aircraft squadron for the first time, which belongs to the 314th Fighter Attack Squadron of the US Marine Corps.
[ { "source": "目前,共部署了48个部队:其中35个是军事部队,其余13个是建制警察部队。", "target": "Currently there are 48 units deployed; 35 are military units and the remaining 13 are formed police units." }, { "source": "<BT> 该观察站称,这包括269名民兵部队,其中包括一名指挥官和三名欧洲战士,以及与932名伊拉克伊斯兰国战斗人员有关的部队。", "target": "That includes 269 militia forces -- among them a commander and three European fighters -- and 932 ISIS militants, the observatory said." }, { "source": "<BT> 1991年,该部队拥有134个战斗机中队;今天只有55个。", "target": "In 1991, the force had 134 fighter squadrons; today, only 55." }, { "source": "SAAB 37 战斗/攻击机", "target": "SAAB 37 Fighter/Attack Aircraft" }, { "source": "SAAB 37 战斗/攻击机", "target": "SAAB 37 Fighter/Attack Aircraft" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 目前,共部署了48个部队:其中35个是军事部队,其余13个是建制警察部队。\\nEnglish: Currently there are 48 units deployed; 35 are military units and the remaining 13 are formed police units.\\nChinese: <BT> 该观察站称,这包括269名民兵部队,其中包括一名指挥官和三名欧洲战士,以及与932名伊拉克伊斯兰国战斗人员有关的部队。\\nEnglish: That includes 269 militia forces -- among them a commander and three European fighters -- and 932 ISIS militants, the observatory said.\\nChinese: <BT> 1991年,该部队拥有134个战斗机中队;今天只有55个。\\nEnglish: In 1991, the force had 134 fighter squadrons; today, only 55.\\nChinese: SAAB 37 战斗/攻击机\\nEnglish: SAAB 37 Fighter/Attack Aircraft\\nChinese: SAAB 37 战斗/攻击机\\nEnglish: SAAB 37 Fighter/Attack Aircraft\\nChinese: “林肯”号也首次搭载了F-35C舰载机中队,该中队隶属美国海军陆战队的第314战斗机攻击中队。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "USS Abraham Lincoln also carried the F-35C carrier based aircraft squadron for the first time, which belongs to the 314th Fighter Attack Squadron of the US Marine Corps.", "role": "assistant" } ]
除了上述两艘航母外,目前美国海军部署在亚太地区的还有停靠在日本横须贺的“里根”号(USS Ronald Reagan)航母。
Apart from the above two aircraft carriers, the US Navy currently also deploys the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier, which is docked in Yokosuka, Japan, in the Asia Pacific region.
[ { "source": "1. 2002年12月26日,澳大利亚海军某部队的两艘巡逻艇,每艘载有9人,在伊拉克领水内的一号航标附近对Taj al-ma`arik号拖船进行了检查。", "target": "1. On 26 December 2002 two patrol boats, each carrying nine persons and both belonging to an Australian naval unit, undertook to inspect the tugboat Taj al-ma`arik near buoy No. 1 in Iraqi territorial waters." }, { "source": "1951年,他在美国海军学院获得海军科学学士学位,1957年在密歇根大学获得了航空工程学硕士学位。", "target": "He received a Bachelor of Science degree in Naval Science from the United States Naval Academy in 1951, and Master of Science degrees in Aeronautical Engineering and Instrumentation Engineering from the University of Michigan in 1957." }, { "source": "飞往 美国的航班 飞往 美国的航班", "target": "Flights to United States Flights to United States" }, { "source": "目前,共有1 120名官兵部署在阿比让区,3 018人部署在西区,2 159人部署在东区。", "target": "A total of 1,120 troops are currently deployed in the Abidjan sector, 3,018 in the west and 2,159 in the east." }, { "source": "除了在国内播放外,AzTV还在互联网上进行国际广播,并通过卫星广播到欧洲、北美以及北非、中东和中亚的部分地区。", "target": "In addition to broadcasting domestically, AzTV broadcasts internationally on the internet and via free-to-air satellite to Europe, North America, and portions of North Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 1. 2002年12月26日,澳大利亚海军某部队的两艘巡逻艇,每艘载有9人,在伊拉克领水内的一号航标附近对Taj al-ma`arik号拖船进行了检查。\\nEnglish: 1. On 26 December 2002 two patrol boats, each carrying nine persons and both belonging to an Australian naval unit, undertook to inspect the tugboat Taj al-ma`arik near buoy No. 1 in Iraqi territorial waters.\\nChinese: 1951年,他在美国海军学院获得海军科学学士学位,1957年在密歇根大学获得了航空工程学硕士学位。\\nEnglish: He received a Bachelor of Science degree in Naval Science from the United States Naval Academy in 1951, and Master of Science degrees in Aeronautical Engineering and Instrumentation Engineering from the University of Michigan in 1957.\\nChinese: 飞往 美国的航班 飞往 美国的航班\\nEnglish: Flights to United States Flights to United States\\nChinese: 目前,共有1 120名官兵部署在阿比让区,3 018人部署在西区,2 159人部署在东区。\\nEnglish: A total of 1,120 troops are currently deployed in the Abidjan sector, 3,018 in the west and 2,159 in the east.\\nChinese: 除了在国内播放外,AzTV还在互联网上进行国际广播,并通过卫星广播到欧洲、北美以及北非、中东和中亚的部分地区。\\nEnglish: In addition to broadcasting domestically, AzTV broadcasts internationally on the internet and via free-to-air satellite to Europe, North America, and portions of North Africa, the Middle East, and Central Asia.\\nChinese: 除了上述两艘航母外,目前美国海军部署在亚太地区的还有停靠在日本横须贺的“里根”号(USS Ronald Reagan)航母。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Apart from the above two aircraft carriers, the US Navy currently also deploys the USS Ronald Reagan aircraft carrier, which is docked in Yokosuka, Japan, in the Asia Pacific region.", "role": "assistant" } ]
The aircraft carrier battle group also includes the missile cruiser “Champlain Lake” and guided missile destroyer “Stockdale”.
[ { "source": "美国为2012年规划的战略核力量态势包括14艘弹道导弹潜艇、450枚洲际弹道导弹和76架重型轰炸机。", "target": "The strategic nuclear force posture planned by the United States for 2012 includes 14 ballistic missile submarines, 450 intercontinental ballistic missiles and 76 heavy bombers." }, { "source": "迄今为止,美国已经退役1 000多枚战略导弹、350架重型轰炸机、28艘弹道导弹核潜艇和450座洲际弹道导弹发射井。", "target": "To date, the United States has retired more than 1,000 strategic missiles, 350 heavy bombers, 28 ballistic submarines and 450 intercontinental ballistic missile silos." }, { "source": "他曾担任Bosísio号护卫舰(2002和2003年)和Paraná号驱逐舰(1997年)指挥官。", "target": "He was Commanding Officer of the frigate Bosísio (2002 and 2003) and the destroyer Paraná (1997)." }, { "source": "M113 ADATS(反坦克导弹)", "target": "M113 ADATS (Anti-tank missile)" }, { "source": "M113 ADATS (反坦克导弹)", "target": "M113 ADATS (Anti-tank missile)" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 美国为2012年规划的战略核力量态势包括14艘弹道导弹潜艇、450枚洲际弹道导弹和76架重型轰炸机。\\nEnglish: The strategic nuclear force posture planned by the United States for 2012 includes 14 ballistic missile submarines, 450 intercontinental ballistic missiles and 76 heavy bombers.\\nChinese: 迄今为止,美国已经退役1 000多枚战略导弹、350架重型轰炸机、28艘弹道导弹核潜艇和450座洲际弹道导弹发射井。\\nEnglish: To date, the United States has retired more than 1,000 strategic missiles, 350 heavy bombers, 28 ballistic submarines and 450 intercontinental ballistic missile silos.\\nChinese: 他曾担任Bosísio号护卫舰(2002和2003年)和Paraná号驱逐舰(1997年)指挥官。\\nEnglish: He was Commanding Officer of the frigate Bosísio (2002 and 2003) and the destroyer Paraná (1997).\\nChinese: M113 ADATS(反坦克导弹)\\nEnglish: M113 ADATS (Anti-tank missile)\\nChinese: M113 ADATS (反坦克导弹)\\nEnglish: M113 ADATS (Anti-tank missile)\\nChinese: 航母战斗群中还包括“尚普兰湖”号导弹巡洋舰、“斯托克达尔”号导弹驱逐舰等。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The aircraft carrier battle group also includes the missile cruiser “Champlain Lake” and guided missile destroyer “Stockdale”.", "role": "assistant" } ]
美三航母集结中国周边 最强大武器罕见访问关岛 2022年1月17日,“南海战略态势感知平台”公布最新卫星图片,显示美军三艘航母正在中国周边集结。
Three US aircraft carriers are assembling around China; the most powerful weapon paid a visit to Guam in a rare case; on January 17, 2022, the “South China Sea Strategic Situation Detection Platform” released the latest satellite images, showing that three US aircraft carriers are assembling around China.
[ { "source": "查看结果 结果已经在2019年1月17日 公布", "target": "View Results Results were announced on January 17, 2019" }, { "source": "(j) 双边战略核武器裁减和新战略框架(2002年11月22日第57/68号决议);", "target": "(j) Bilateral strategic nuclear arms reductions and the new strategic framework (resolution 57/68 of 22 November 2002);" }, { "source": "(j) 双边战略核武器裁减和新战略框架(2002年11月22日第57/68号决议);", "target": "(j) Bilateral strategic nuclear arms reductions and the new strategic framework (resolution 57/68 of 22 November 2002);" }, { "source": "(j) 双边战略核武器裁减和新战略框架(2002年11月22日第57/68号决议);", "target": "(j) Bilateral strategic nuclear arms reductions and the new strategic framework (resolution 57/68 of 22 November 2002);" }, { "source": "Spirit 航空公司 有 1117 航班 美国", "target": "Spirit airlines has 1117 flights from USA" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 查看结果 结果已经在2019年1月17日 公布\\nEnglish: View Results Results were announced on January 17, 2019\\nChinese: (j) 双边战略核武器裁减和新战略框架(2002年11月22日第57/68号决议);\\nEnglish: (j) Bilateral strategic nuclear arms reductions and the new strategic framework (resolution 57/68 of 22 November 2002);\\nChinese: (j) 双边战略核武器裁减和新战略框架(2002年11月22日第57/68号决议);\\nEnglish: (j) Bilateral strategic nuclear arms reductions and the new strategic framework (resolution 57/68 of 22 November 2002);\\nChinese: (j) 双边战略核武器裁减和新战略框架(2002年11月22日第57/68号决议);\\nEnglish: (j) Bilateral strategic nuclear arms reductions and the new strategic framework (resolution 57/68 of 22 November 2002);\\nChinese: Spirit 航空公司 有 1117 航班 美国\\nEnglish: Spirit airlines has 1117 flights from USA\\nChinese: 美三航母集结中国周边 最强大武器罕见访问关岛 2022年1月17日,“南海战略态势感知平台”公布最新卫星图片,显示美军三艘航母正在中国周边集结。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Three US aircraft carriers are assembling around China; the most powerful weapon paid a visit to Guam in a rare case; on January 17, 2022, the “South China Sea Strategic Situation Detection Platform” released the latest satellite images, showing that three US aircraft carriers are assembling around China.", "role": "assistant" } ]
(微博@南海战略态势感知) 美三航母集结中国周边 最强大武器罕见访问关岛 2022年1月17日,美军舰载运输机CMV-22B飞行路线。
(Weibo @SouthChinaSeaStrategicSituationDetection) three US aircraft carriers assembled around China; the most powerful weapon paid a visit to Guam in a rare case; on January 17, 2022, the flight route of the US carrier-borne transport aircraft CMV-22B.
[ { "source": "我们赞扬美国-俄罗斯减少战略进攻武器条约在2002年5月24日签署。", "target": "We commend the signing of the United States-Russia Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty on 24 May 2002." }, { "source": "(j) 双边战略核武器裁减和新战略框架(2002年11月22日第57/68号决议);", "target": "(j) Bilateral strategic nuclear arms reductions and the new strategic framework (resolution 57/68 of 22 November 2002);" }, { "source": "(j) 双边战略核武器裁减和新战略框架(2002年11月22日第57/68号决议);", "target": "(j) Bilateral strategic nuclear arms reductions and the new strategic framework (resolution 57/68 of 22 November 2002);" }, { "source": "(j) 双边战略核武器裁减和新战略框架(2002年11月22日第57/68号决议);", "target": "(j) Bilateral strategic nuclear arms reductions and the new strategic framework (resolution 57/68 of 22 November 2002);" }, { "source": "它于1995年3月18日由H-II第三次飞行发射,并于1996年1月13日由STS-72航天飞机收回。", "target": "It was launched by the H-II third flight on March 18, 1995 and was retrieved by Shuttle STS-72 on January 13, 1996." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 我们赞扬美国-俄罗斯减少战略进攻武器条约在2002年5月24日签署。\\nEnglish: We commend the signing of the United States-Russia Strategic Offensive Reductions Treaty on 24 May 2002.\\nChinese: (j) 双边战略核武器裁减和新战略框架(2002年11月22日第57/68号决议);\\nEnglish: (j) Bilateral strategic nuclear arms reductions and the new strategic framework (resolution 57/68 of 22 November 2002);\\nChinese: (j) 双边战略核武器裁减和新战略框架(2002年11月22日第57/68号决议);\\nEnglish: (j) Bilateral strategic nuclear arms reductions and the new strategic framework (resolution 57/68 of 22 November 2002);\\nChinese: (j) 双边战略核武器裁减和新战略框架(2002年11月22日第57/68号决议);\\nEnglish: (j) Bilateral strategic nuclear arms reductions and the new strategic framework (resolution 57/68 of 22 November 2002);\\nChinese: 它于1995年3月18日由H-II第三次飞行发射,并于1996年1月13日由STS-72航天飞机收回。\\nEnglish: It was launched by the H-II third flight on March 18, 1995 and was retrieved by Shuttle STS-72 on January 13, 1996.\\nChinese: (微博@南海战略态势感知) 美三航母集结中国周边 最强大武器罕见访问关岛 2022年1月17日,美军舰载运输机CMV-22B飞行路线。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "(Weibo @SouthChinaSeaStrategicSituationDetection) three US aircraft carriers assembled around China; the most powerful weapon paid a visit to Guam in a rare case; on January 17, 2022, the flight route of the US carrier-borne transport aircraft CMV-22B.", "role": "assistant" } ]
(微博@南海战略态势感知) 另据美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)1月17日报道,美国海军武器库中最强大的武器之一上周末罕见地访问了关岛。
(Weibo @SouthChinaSeaStrategicSituationDetection) According to report of CNN on January 17, one of the most powerful weapons in the US Navy arsenal paid a visit to Guam in a rare case.
[ { "source": "<BT> 纽约居民 Ben Brooks 与美国有线电视新闻网( CNN )的子公司 NY1说:“我在第22街和第7大街[大道]坐在外面吃晚饭。", "target": "Ben Brooks, a New York resident who spoke with CNN affiliate NY1: 'I was at 22nd [Street] and 7th [Avenue] sitting outside having dinner." }, { "source": "储存 27. 如我在上一份报告中所述,储存管理和控制已成为小武器问题最大的挑战之一。", "target": "27. As indicated in my previous report, stockpile management and control has emerged as one of the greatest challenges relating to small arms." }, { "source": "自1991年9月30日以来,美国非战略核武器减少了大约90%。", "target": "The number of U.S. non-strategic nuclear weapons has declined by approximately 90 percent since September 30, 1991." }, { "source": "《刑法》第278/a条 载有与防止武器运输和国际武器贸易有关的另一条规定。", "target": "Penal Code, Article 278/a, provides another provision related to the prevention of weapon transporting and international commerce of weapons." }, { "source": "<BT> 美国有线电视新闻网( CNN )的 Dominique Debucquoy - Dodley 对这份报告作出了贡献。", "target": "CNN's Dominique Debucquoy-Dodley contributed to this report." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: <BT> 纽约居民 Ben Brooks 与美国有线电视新闻网( CNN )的子公司 NY1说:“我在第22街和第7大街[大道]坐在外面吃晚饭。\\nEnglish: Ben Brooks, a New York resident who spoke with CNN affiliate NY1: 'I was at 22nd [Street] and 7th [Avenue] sitting outside having dinner.\\nChinese: 储存 27. 如我在上一份报告中所述,储存管理和控制已成为小武器问题最大的挑战之一。\\nEnglish: 27. As indicated in my previous report, stockpile management and control has emerged as one of the greatest challenges relating to small arms.\\nChinese: 自1991年9月30日以来,美国非战略核武器减少了大约90%。\\nEnglish: The number of U.S. non-strategic nuclear weapons has declined by approximately 90 percent since September 30, 1991.\\nChinese: 《刑法》第278/a条 载有与防止武器运输和国际武器贸易有关的另一条规定。\\nEnglish: Penal Code, Article 278/a, provides another provision related to the prevention of weapon transporting and international commerce of weapons.\\nChinese: <BT> 美国有线电视新闻网( CNN )的 Dominique Debucquoy - Dodley 对这份报告作出了贡献。\\nEnglish: CNN's Dominique Debucquoy-Dodley contributed to this report.\\nChinese: (微博@南海战略态势感知) 另据美国有线电视新闻网(CNN)1月17日报道,美国海军武器库中最强大的武器之一上周末罕见地访问了关岛。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "(Weibo @SouthChinaSeaStrategicSituationDetection) According to report of CNN on January 17, one of the most powerful weapons in the US Navy arsenal paid a visit to Guam in a rare case.", "role": "assistant" } ]
载有20枚三叉戟(Trident)弹道导弹和数十枚核弹头的俄亥俄级核潜艇“内华达号”(USS Nevada)上周六(1月15日)驶入美国关岛海军基地。
The Ohio class nuclear submarine USS Nevada, which carries 20 Trident ballistic missiles and dozens of nuclear warheads, entered the US naval base in Guam last Saturday (January 15).
[ { "source": "我们拆除了1 328个洲际弹道导弹和潜艇弹道导弹发射台、2 670枚导弹、45艘战略核潜艇和66架重型轰炸机。", "target": "We have eliminated 1,328 launch pads for intercontinental ballistic missiles and for ballistic missiles on submarines; 2,670 missiles; 45 strategic nuclear submarines; and 66 heavy bombers." }, { "source": "559枚Milan-1型导弹,1981、1982和1983年制造", "target": "559 Missiles Milán-1, manufactured 1981, 1982 and 1983" }, { "source": "(e) 维护和遵守《限制反弹道导弹系统条约》(2000年11月20日第55/33 B号决议);", "target": "(e) Preservation of and compliance with the Treaty on the Limitation of Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems (resolution 55/33 B of 20 November 2000);" }, { "source": "自2009年9月30日以来,美国拆除了1,204枚核弹头。", "target": "Since September 30, 2009, the United States has dismantled 1,204 nuclear warheads." }, { "source": "目前,俄罗斯已消除总共1 250个洲际弹道导弹和潜射导弹发射器、43艘战略核潜艇和65架重型轰炸机。", "target": "At present, Russia has eliminated a total of 1,250 ICBM and SLBM launchers, 43 strategic nuclear submarines and 65 heavy bombers." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 我们拆除了1 328个洲际弹道导弹和潜艇弹道导弹发射台、2 670枚导弹、45艘战略核潜艇和66架重型轰炸机。\\nEnglish: We have eliminated 1,328 launch pads for intercontinental ballistic missiles and for ballistic missiles on submarines; 2,670 missiles; 45 strategic nuclear submarines; and 66 heavy bombers.\\nChinese: 559枚Milan-1型导弹,1981、1982和1983年制造\\nEnglish: 559 Missiles Milán-1, manufactured 1981, 1982 and 1983\\nChinese: (e) 维护和遵守《限制反弹道导弹系统条约》(2000年11月20日第55/33 B号决议);\\nEnglish: (e) Preservation of and compliance with the Treaty on the Limitation of Anti-Ballistic Missile Systems (resolution 55/33 B of 20 November 2000);\\nChinese: 自2009年9月30日以来,美国拆除了1,204枚核弹头。\\nEnglish: Since September 30, 2009, the United States has dismantled 1,204 nuclear warheads.\\nChinese: 目前,俄罗斯已消除总共1 250个洲际弹道导弹和潜射导弹发射器、43艘战略核潜艇和65架重型轰炸机。\\nEnglish: At present, Russia has eliminated a total of 1,250 ICBM and SLBM launchers, 43 strategic nuclear submarines and 65 heavy bombers.\\nChinese: 载有20枚三叉戟(Trident)弹道导弹和数十枚核弹头的俄亥俄级核潜艇“内华达号”(USS Nevada)上周六(1月15日)驶入美国关岛海军基地。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Ohio class nuclear submarine USS Nevada, which carries 20 Trident ballistic missiles and dozens of nuclear warheads, entered the US naval base in Guam last Saturday (January 15).", "role": "assistant" } ]
美三航母集结中国周边 最强大武器罕见访问关岛 分析称,这是向印度-太平洋地区日益紧张的局势中的盟友和敌人发出了一个信号。
Three US aircraft carriers are assembling around China; the most powerful weapon paid a visit to Guam in a rare case; according to analysis, this is a signal to allies and enemies in the increasingly tense situation in the Indo-Pacific region.
[ { "source": "中国、日本和印度是该地区最大的经济体和人口最多的市场。", "target": "China, Japan and India are the largest economies and most populous markets in the region." }, { "source": "仅76%的国家开展了有关残疾人需求的评估或情况分析,而太平洋次区域这一数字特别低。", "target": "Only 76 per cent of the countries had carried out assessments or situation analyses on needs of persons with disabilities, and this figure was particularly low in the Pacific subregion." }, { "source": "1990年,世界上近一半生活在赤贫中的人口,位于东亚和太平洋区域,仅中国就超过三分之一。", "target": "In 1990, nearly half of the world &apos; s people living in extreme poverty were located in East Asia and the Pacific, with more than one third in China alone." }, { "source": "2005年,全球劳动力中的约84%位于发展中国家,亚洲和太平洋地区占到了世界就业人数的大约60%。", "target": "In 2005, about 84 per cent of the global labour force was found in developing countries, with Asia and the Pacific accounting for about 60 per cent of world employment." }, { "source": "它还启动了一个新项目,以加强国际和区域合作,防范、打击和消除在亚洲及太平洋区域的小武器和轻武器非法经纪活动。", "target": "It also launched a new project on enhancing international and regional cooperation to prevent, combat and eradicate illicit brokering in small arms and light weapons in the Asia and Pacific region." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 中国、日本和印度是该地区最大的经济体和人口最多的市场。\\nEnglish: China, Japan and India are the largest economies and most populous markets in the region.\\nChinese: 仅76%的国家开展了有关残疾人需求的评估或情况分析,而太平洋次区域这一数字特别低。\\nEnglish: Only 76 per cent of the countries had carried out assessments or situation analyses on needs of persons with disabilities, and this figure was particularly low in the Pacific subregion.\\nChinese: 1990年,世界上近一半生活在赤贫中的人口,位于东亚和太平洋区域,仅中国就超过三分之一。\\nEnglish: In 1990, nearly half of the world &apos; s people living in extreme poverty were located in East Asia and the Pacific, with more than one third in China alone.\\nChinese: 2005年,全球劳动力中的约84%位于发展中国家,亚洲和太平洋地区占到了世界就业人数的大约60%。\\nEnglish: In 2005, about 84 per cent of the global labour force was found in developing countries, with Asia and the Pacific accounting for about 60 per cent of world employment.\\nChinese: 它还启动了一个新项目,以加强国际和区域合作,防范、打击和消除在亚洲及太平洋区域的小武器和轻武器非法经纪活动。\\nEnglish: It also launched a new project on enhancing international and regional cooperation to prevent, combat and eradicate illicit brokering in small arms and light weapons in the Asia and Pacific region.\\nChinese: 美三航母集结中国周边 最强大武器罕见访问关岛 分析称,这是向印度-太平洋地区日益紧张的局势中的盟友和敌人发出了一个信号。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Three US aircraft carriers are assembling around China; the most powerful weapon paid a visit to Guam in a rare case; according to analysis, this is a signal to allies and enemies in the increasingly tense situation in the Indo-Pacific region.", "role": "assistant" } ]
This is the first visit to Guam by a US ballistic missile submarine since 2016 and the second public visit to Guam since the 1980s.
[ { "source": "这是2014年3月20日至30日期间对该地区的第二次访问。", "target": "This was the second visit to that area in the period from 20 to 30 March 2014." }, { "source": "这是自2006年以来开展的首次深入调查。", "target": "This is the first in-depth survey conducted since 2006." }, { "source": "这是自2008年9月18日以来第一次允许从加沙出口。", "target": "This was the first export allowed out of Gaza since 18 September 2008." }, { "source": "148个国家中,约有30%最后一次农业普查是在1980年代或1990年代,有21个国家自20世纪80年代或更早时期以来未做过农业普查。", "target": "Some 30 per cent of the 148 countries last did an agricultural census for either the 1980 or 1990 rounds and 21 countries have not conducted one since the 1980s or earlier." }, { "source": "这是自2004年5月以来关于这个问题的第一次会议。", "target": "This was the first meeting on this issue since May 2004." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 这是2014年3月20日至30日期间对该地区的第二次访问。\\nEnglish: This was the second visit to that area in the period from 20 to 30 March 2014.\\nChinese: 这是自2006年以来开展的首次深入调查。\\nEnglish: This is the first in-depth survey conducted since 2006.\\nChinese: 这是自2008年9月18日以来第一次允许从加沙出口。\\nEnglish: This was the first export allowed out of Gaza since 18 September 2008.\\nChinese: 148个国家中,约有30%最后一次农业普查是在1980年代或1990年代,有21个国家自20世纪80年代或更早时期以来未做过农业普查。\\nEnglish: Some 30 per cent of the 148 countries last did an agricultural census for either the 1980 or 1990 rounds and 21 countries have not conducted one since the 1980s or earlier.\\nChinese: 这是自2004年5月以来关于这个问题的第一次会议。\\nEnglish: This was the first meeting on this issue since May 2004.\\nChinese: 这是美国弹道导弹潜艇自2016年以来首次访问关岛,也是自20世纪80年代以来第二次公开访问关岛。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "This is the first visit to Guam by a US ballistic missile submarine since 2016 and the second public visit to Guam since the 1980s.", "role": "assistant" } ]
美三航母集结中国周边 最强大武器罕见访问关岛 中国近年来在南沙群岛修建大批军事设施。
Three US aircraft carriers are assembling around China; the most powerful weapon paid a visit to Guam in a rare case; China has built a large number of military facilities in the Nansha Islands in recent years.
[ { "source": "110. 一些小岛屿发展中国家近年来在高等教育方面取得成就。", "target": "110. Some small island developing States have made progress in the area of tertiary education in recent years." }, { "source": "109. 一些小岛屿发展中国家近年来在高等教育方面取得成就。", "target": "109. Some small island developing States have made progress in the area of tertiary education in recent years." }, { "source": "中国台湾/ 东南亚/ 中国大陆 中国台湾/ 东南亚/ 中国大陆", "target": "Taiwan/ Southeast Asia/ Mainland China Taiwan/ Southeast Asia/ Mainland China" }, { "source": "3. 协助太平洋岛屿发展中国家的能力建设。", "target": "3. Assist in capacity-building of Pacific island developing countries." }, { "source": "(c) 访问军事基地和(或)设施;", "target": "(c) Visits to military bases and/or installations;" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 110. 一些小岛屿发展中国家近年来在高等教育方面取得成就。\\nEnglish: 110. Some small island developing States have made progress in the area of tertiary education in recent years.\\nChinese: 109. 一些小岛屿发展中国家近年来在高等教育方面取得成就。\\nEnglish: 109. Some small island developing States have made progress in the area of tertiary education in recent years.\\nChinese: 中国台湾/ 东南亚/ 中国大陆 中国台湾/ 东南亚/ 中国大陆\\nEnglish: Taiwan/ Southeast Asia/ Mainland China Taiwan/ Southeast Asia/ Mainland China\\nChinese: 3. 协助太平洋岛屿发展中国家的能力建设。\\nEnglish: 3. Assist in capacity-building of Pacific island developing countries.\\nChinese: (c) 访问军事基地和(或)设施;\\nEnglish: (c) Visits to military bases and/or installations;\\nChinese: 美三航母集结中国周边 最强大武器罕见访问关岛 中国近年来在南沙群岛修建大批军事设施。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Three US aircraft carriers are assembling around China; the most powerful weapon paid a visit to Guam in a rare case; China has built a large number of military facilities in the Nansha Islands in recent years.", "role": "assistant" } ]
The picture shows China’s Yongshu Island in the Nansha Islands.
[ { "source": "荷兰人于1648年在群岛建立了第一个永久的欧洲人社区。", "target": "The Dutch established the first permanent European community on the islands in 1648." }, { "source": "天气预报为国家 法罗群岛 H Hoyvík", "target": "Weather Forecast in Faroe Islands Country H Hoyvík" }, { "source": "其他希腊群岛", "target": "Other Greek Islands" }, { "source": "希腊群岛: 景点", "target": "Greek Islands: Attractions" }, { "source": "南岛的其他建议:", "target": "Other South Island suggestions:" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 荷兰人于1648年在群岛建立了第一个永久的欧洲人社区。\\nEnglish: The Dutch established the first permanent European community on the islands in 1648.\\nChinese: 天气预报为国家 法罗群岛 H Hoyvík\\nEnglish: Weather Forecast in Faroe Islands Country H Hoyvík\\nChinese: 其他希腊群岛\\nEnglish: Other Greek Islands\\nChinese: 希腊群岛: 景点\\nEnglish: Greek Islands: Attractions\\nChinese: 南岛的其他建议:\\nEnglish: Other South Island suggestions:\\nChinese: 图为中国在南沙群岛的永暑岛。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The picture shows China’s Yongshu Island in the Nansha Islands.", "role": "assistant" } ]
(南海研究论坛) 美国海军在声明中称,俄亥俄级核潜艇“内华达号”此次对关岛的访问加强了美国和该地区盟友之间的合作,展示了美国的能力、灵活性、战备状态,以及对印太地区安全与稳定的持续承诺。
(South China Sea Research Forum) the U.S. Navy said in a statement that the visit of the Ohio class nuclear submarine “Nevada” to Guam strengthened the cooperation between the US and its allies in the region, demonstrated the ability, flexibility, combat readiness of the US, as well as its continued commitment to security and stability in the Indo-Pacific region.
[ { "source": "61. Jaiswal先生(印度)说,印度参加维持和平反映它对加强联合国系统以及国际和平与安全的承诺。", "target": "61. Mr. Jaiswal (India) said that India &apos; s participation in peacekeeping reflected its commitment to the strengthening of the United Nations system and international peace and security." }, { "source": "因此,南中国海地区所有各国必须更加紧密地合作,以达成相互谅解,使南中国海成为一个和平与稳定的地区。", "target": "It is therefore essential for all States in the South China Sea region to work together more closely in order to reach mutual understandings so as to make the South China Sea a peaceful and stable zone." }, { "source": "加强发达国家和发展中国家之间的合作以及发展中国家之间的机会。", "target": "Strengthening cooperation between developed and developing countries and opportunities among developing countries." }, { "source": "6. 1995年的决定突出表明了无核武器区对于加强全球和区域和平与安全的重要性。", "target": "6. The 1995 Decision underscored the importance of nuclear-weapon-free zones for enhancing global and regional peace and security." }, { "source": "36. 在南美洲和中美洲区内贸易占地区出口总额的四分之一,虽然就该地区出口目的地国家而言,差异很大。", "target": "36. The intraregional trade in South and Central America accounts for a quarter of the total exports from the region, although there is significant variation in the export destinations of the countries in the region." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 61. Jaiswal先生(印度)说,印度参加维持和平反映它对加强联合国系统以及国际和平与安全的承诺。\\nEnglish: 61. Mr. Jaiswal (India) said that India &apos; s participation in peacekeeping reflected its commitment to the strengthening of the United Nations system and international peace and security.\\nChinese: 因此,南中国海地区所有各国必须更加紧密地合作,以达成相互谅解,使南中国海成为一个和平与稳定的地区。\\nEnglish: It is therefore essential for all States in the South China Sea region to work together more closely in order to reach mutual understandings so as to make the South China Sea a peaceful and stable zone.\\nChinese: 加强发达国家和发展中国家之间的合作以及发展中国家之间的机会。\\nEnglish: Strengthening cooperation between developed and developing countries and opportunities among developing countries.\\nChinese: 6. 1995年的决定突出表明了无核武器区对于加强全球和区域和平与安全的重要性。\\nEnglish: 6. The 1995 Decision underscored the importance of nuclear-weapon-free zones for enhancing global and regional peace and security.\\nChinese: 36. 在南美洲和中美洲区内贸易占地区出口总额的四分之一,虽然就该地区出口目的地国家而言,差异很大。\\nEnglish: 36. The intraregional trade in South and Central America accounts for a quarter of the total exports from the region, although there is significant variation in the export destinations of the countries in the region.\\nChinese: (南海研究论坛) 美国海军在声明中称,俄亥俄级核潜艇“内华达号”此次对关岛的访问加强了美国和该地区盟友之间的合作,展示了美国的能力、灵活性、战备状态,以及对印太地区安全与稳定的持续承诺。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "(South China Sea Research Forum) the U.S. Navy said in a statement that the visit of the Ohio class nuclear submarine “Nevada” to Guam strengthened the cooperation between the US and its allies in the region, demonstrated the ability, flexibility, combat readiness of the US, as well as its continued commitment to security and stability in the Indo-Pacific region.", "role": "assistant" } ]
弹道导弹潜艇通常被称为“雷鸣潜艇”(Boomer submarine)。
Ballistic missile submarines are often called “Boomer submarines”.
[ { "source": "我们拆除了1 328个洲际弹道导弹和潜艇弹道导弹发射台、2 670枚导弹、45艘战略核潜艇和66架重型轰炸机。", "target": "We have eliminated 1,328 launch pads for intercontinental ballistic missiles and for ballistic missiles on submarines; 2,670 missiles; 45 strategic nuclear submarines; and 66 heavy bombers." }, { "source": "ISBN 0-642-99375-0 Steven L Carruthers (1982年),《围困下的澳大利亚:日本潜艇,1942年》(《Australia Under Siege: Japanese Submarine Raiders, 1942》)Solus Books出版。", "target": "ISBN 0-642-99375-0 Steven L Carruthers (1982), Australia Under Siege: Japanese Submarine Raiders, 1942." }, { "source": "Scorpene潜艇", "target": "Scorpene submarine" }, { "source": "Moonen 133 - 船潜艇", "target": "Moonen 133 - boat submarine" }, { "source": "4 潜艇 (SSK type U 212)", "target": "4 Submarines (SSK type U 212)" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 我们拆除了1 328个洲际弹道导弹和潜艇弹道导弹发射台、2 670枚导弹、45艘战略核潜艇和66架重型轰炸机。\\nEnglish: We have eliminated 1,328 launch pads for intercontinental ballistic missiles and for ballistic missiles on submarines; 2,670 missiles; 45 strategic nuclear submarines; and 66 heavy bombers.\\nChinese: ISBN 0-642-99375-0 Steven L Carruthers (1982年),《围困下的澳大利亚:日本潜艇,1942年》(《Australia Under Siege: Japanese Submarine Raiders, 1942》)Solus Books出版。\\nEnglish: ISBN 0-642-99375-0 Steven L Carruthers (1982), Australia Under Siege: Japanese Submarine Raiders, 1942.\\nChinese: Scorpene潜艇\\nEnglish: Scorpene submarine\\nChinese: Moonen 133 - 船潜艇\\nEnglish: Moonen 133 - boat submarine\\nChinese: 4 潜艇 (SSK type U 212)\\nEnglish: 4 Submarines (SSK type U 212)\\nChinese: 弹道导弹潜艇通常被称为“雷鸣潜艇”(Boomer submarine)。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ballistic missile submarines are often called “Boomer submarines”.", "role": "assistant" } ]
The whereabouts of the 14 “Boomer Submarines” in the US Navy fleet are usually strictly confidential.
[ { "source": "一些指导原则是非常严格的。", "target": "Some guiding principles are very strict." }, { "source": "美国为2012年规划的战略核力量态势包括14艘弹道导弹潜艇、450枚洲际弹道导弹和76架重型轰炸机。", "target": "The strategic nuclear force posture planned by the United States for 2012 includes 14 ballistic missile submarines, 450 intercontinental ballistic missiles and 76 heavy bombers." }, { "source": "在1807年和1860年之间,皇家海军舰队共抓获约1600艘参与奴隶贸易的船只,释放了150000名在这些船上的非洲人。", "target": "Between 1807 and 1860, the Royal Navy's Squadron seized approximately 1,600 ships involved in the slave trade and freed 150,000 Africans who were aboard these vessels." }, { "source": "美国军队", "target": "United States Army" }, { "source": "Feral Interactive 尊重您的隐私,并对与客户的所有通信严格保密。", "target": "Feral Interactive respects your privacy, and treats all communications from customers in confidence." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 一些指导原则是非常严格的。\\nEnglish: Some guiding principles are very strict.\\nChinese: 美国为2012年规划的战略核力量态势包括14艘弹道导弹潜艇、450枚洲际弹道导弹和76架重型轰炸机。\\nEnglish: The strategic nuclear force posture planned by the United States for 2012 includes 14 ballistic missile submarines, 450 intercontinental ballistic missiles and 76 heavy bombers.\\nChinese: 在1807年和1860年之间,皇家海军舰队共抓获约1600艘参与奴隶贸易的船只,释放了150000名在这些船上的非洲人。\\nEnglish: Between 1807 and 1860, the Royal Navy's Squadron seized approximately 1,600 ships involved in the slave trade and freed 150,000 Africans who were aboard these vessels.\\nChinese: 美国军队\\nEnglish: United States Army\\nChinese: Feral Interactive 尊重您的隐私,并对与客户的所有通信严格保密。\\nEnglish: Feral Interactive respects your privacy, and treats all communications from customers in confidence.\\nChinese: 美国海军舰队中14艘“雷鸣潜艇”的行踪通常是被严格保密的。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The whereabouts of the 14 “Boomer Submarines” in the US Navy fleet are usually strictly confidential.", "role": "assistant" } ]
The secret surrounding ballistic missile submarines makes “Boomer Submarine" the “most important survival weapon in the Nuclear Trinity”; this system also includes launching silo ballistic missile located in the US, as well as bombers such as B-2 and B-52 that can carry nuclear warheads.
[ { "source": "美国为2012年规划的战略核力量态势包括14艘弹道导弹潜艇、450枚洲际弹道导弹和76架重型轰炸机。", "target": "The strategic nuclear force posture planned by the United States for 2012 includes 14 ballistic missile submarines, 450 intercontinental ballistic missiles and 76 heavy bombers." }, { "source": "冷战结束后,美国取消了若干弹头开发计划,其中包括W-89型和W-91型导弹核弹头和B-90型核炸弹。", "target": "The United States cancelled a number of its warhead development programmes at the end of the cold war, including the W-89 and W-91 nuclear missile warheads and the B-90 nuclear bomb." }, { "source": "58. 自2010年以来核武器开支急剧增加,这是因为核武器国家决定升级和更换老旧的核生产厂、导弹、潜艇和轰炸机。", "target": "58. Spending on nuclear weapons had sharply increased since 2010, following the decisions by nuclear-weapon States to upgrade and replace their aging nuclear production factories, missiles, submarines and bombers." }, { "source": "67. 在同一辆车上,专家组还发现了有关武器和弹药的其他文件,包括关于PG-7榴弹和一批2010年生产的弹药的文件。", "target": "67. In the same vehicle, the Group discovered other documents related to weapons and ammunition, including PG-7 propelled grenades and a batch of ammunition produced in 2010." }, { "source": "20. 武器贸易条约需要涵盖所有常规武器,从小武器和轻武器到军舰、作战飞机和导弹,以及这些武器使用的弹药。", "target": "20. An arms trade treaty needs to cover all conventional arms, from small arms and light weapons to warships, combat aircraft and missiles, as well as ammunition for such weapons." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 美国为2012年规划的战略核力量态势包括14艘弹道导弹潜艇、450枚洲际弹道导弹和76架重型轰炸机。\\nEnglish: The strategic nuclear force posture planned by the United States for 2012 includes 14 ballistic missile submarines, 450 intercontinental ballistic missiles and 76 heavy bombers.\\nChinese: 冷战结束后,美国取消了若干弹头开发计划,其中包括W-89型和W-91型导弹核弹头和B-90型核炸弹。\\nEnglish: The United States cancelled a number of its warhead development programmes at the end of the cold war, including the W-89 and W-91 nuclear missile warheads and the B-90 nuclear bomb.\\nChinese: 58. 自2010年以来核武器开支急剧增加,这是因为核武器国家决定升级和更换老旧的核生产厂、导弹、潜艇和轰炸机。\\nEnglish: 58. Spending on nuclear weapons had sharply increased since 2010, following the decisions by nuclear-weapon States to upgrade and replace their aging nuclear production factories, missiles, submarines and bombers.\\nChinese: 67. 在同一辆车上,专家组还发现了有关武器和弹药的其他文件,包括关于PG-7榴弹和一批2010年生产的弹药的文件。\\nEnglish: 67. In the same vehicle, the Group discovered other documents related to weapons and ammunition, including PG-7 propelled grenades and a batch of ammunition produced in 2010.\\nChinese: 20. 武器贸易条约需要涵盖所有常规武器,从小武器和轻武器到军舰、作战飞机和导弹,以及这些武器使用的弹药。\\nEnglish: 20. An arms trade treaty needs to cover all conventional arms, from small arms and light weapons to warships, combat aircraft and missiles, as well as ammunition for such weapons.\\nChinese: 围绕着弹道导弹潜艇的秘密使“雷鸣潜艇”成为“核三位一体中最重要的生存武器”,这一体系还包括位于美国本土的发射井弹道导弹,以及B-2和B-52等可携带核弹头的轰炸机。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The secret surrounding ballistic missile submarines makes “Boomer Submarine\" the “most important survival weapon in the Nuclear Trinity”; this system also includes launching silo ballistic missile located in the US, as well as bombers such as B-2 and B-52 that can carry nuclear warheads.", "role": "assistant" } ]
跟朋友聊起最近Meta大跌 26%,市值蒸发 2510 亿美元,扎克伯格回应「面临前所未有的竞争」,原因为何?
I talked to my friend about the recent 26% plunge in Meta and its loss of US $251 billion in market value; Zuckerberg responded that he was “facing unprecedented competition”; why?
[ { "source": "- 竞争政策(125,000美元)", "target": "- Competition policies ($125 000)" }, { "source": "我们所服务的客户在如今的市场上面临着激烈的竞争。", "target": "The customers we serve face fierce competition in today's market." }, { "source": "例如,您无法从美国向居住在挪威的朋友发送价值 25 美元的 App Store 与 iTunes 礼品。", "target": "For example, you can't send a $25 App Store & iTunes Gift from the United States to a friend who lives in Norway." }, { "source": "2. 商品供应/价值链中的竞争", "target": "2. Competition in commodity supply/value chains" }, { "source": "Maguy 女性 26 到30岁 邀请成为朋友", "target": "Maguy Woman 26 to 30 years Invite as friend" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: - 竞争政策(125,000美元)\\nEnglish: - Competition policies ($125 000)\\nChinese: 我们所服务的客户在如今的市场上面临着激烈的竞争。\\nEnglish: The customers we serve face fierce competition in today's market.\\nChinese: 例如,您无法从美国向居住在挪威的朋友发送价值 25 美元的 App Store 与 iTunes 礼品。\\nEnglish: For example, you can't send a $25 App Store & iTunes Gift from the United States to a friend who lives in Norway.\\nChinese: 2. 商品供应/价值链中的竞争\\nEnglish: 2. Competition in commodity supply/value chains\\nChinese: Maguy 女性 26 到30岁 邀请成为朋友\\nEnglish: Maguy Woman 26 to 30 years Invite as friend\\nChinese: 跟朋友聊起最近Meta大跌 26%,市值蒸发 2510 亿美元,扎克伯格回应「面临前所未有的竞争」,原因为何?\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I talked to my friend about the recent 26% plunge in Meta and its loss of US $251 billion in market value; Zuckerberg responded that he was “facing unprecedented competition”; why?", "role": "assistant" } ]
Meta(原 Facebook)实质是一家广告公司,收入主要来自于广告,今时今日赚钱的广告公司,自己是有流量渠道的。
Meta (formerly Facebook) is essentially an advertising company, whose revenue mainly comes from advertising; the advertising company that makes money today has its own channel for traffic.
[ { "source": "您知道 Facebook 广告的平均点击率(CTR)仅有 0.9%吗?", "target": "Did you know that the average Click Through Rate (CTR) for Facebook Ads is just 0.9%?" }, { "source": "如何在Facebook登广告", "target": "How to Advertise on Facebook" }, { "source": "第三方广告 本网站上出现的广告可能由外部广告客户或Web广告公司交付给您.", "target": "Third Party Advertising The ads appearing on this Site may be delivered to you by an outside advertiser or Web advertising company." }, { "source": "此外,Microsoft 还与第三方广告公司合作来帮助提供部分广告服务,我们还允许其他第三方广告公司在我们的站点上显示广告。", "target": "Additionally, Microsoft partners with third-party ad companies to help provide some of our advertising services, and we also allow other third-party ad companies to display advertisements on our sites." }, { "source": "我们使用一家或多家第三方广告公司在您访问本网站时展示广告。", "target": "We use one or more third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our Web site." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 您知道 Facebook 广告的平均点击率(CTR)仅有 0.9%吗?\\nEnglish: Did you know that the average Click Through Rate (CTR) for Facebook Ads is just 0.9%?\\nChinese: 如何在Facebook登广告\\nEnglish: How to Advertise on Facebook\\nChinese: 第三方广告 本网站上出现的广告可能由外部广告客户或Web广告公司交付给您.\\nEnglish: Third Party Advertising The ads appearing on this Site may be delivered to you by an outside advertiser or Web advertising company.\\nChinese: 此外,Microsoft 还与第三方广告公司合作来帮助提供部分广告服务,我们还允许其他第三方广告公司在我们的站点上显示广告。\\nEnglish: Additionally, Microsoft partners with third-party ad companies to help provide some of our advertising services, and we also allow other third-party ad companies to display advertisements on our sites.\\nChinese: 我们使用一家或多家第三方广告公司在您访问本网站时展示广告。\\nEnglish: We use one or more third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our Web site.\\nChinese: Meta(原 Facebook)实质是一家广告公司,收入主要来自于广告,今时今日赚钱的广告公司,自己是有流量渠道的。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Meta (formerly Facebook) is essentially an advertising company, whose revenue mainly comes from advertising; the advertising company that makes money today has its own channel for traffic.", "role": "assistant" } ]
Facebook,Instagram,Whatsapp 等等,无论什么样的功能定位,都是 Meta 的流量渠道。
Regardless of its function positioning, Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, etc. are all channels of traffic for Meta.
[ { "source": "你认为WhatsApp怎么样?", "target": "What do you think about WhatsApp?" }, { "source": "你认为WhatsApp messenger怎么样?", "target": "What do you think about WhatsApp Messenger?" }, { "source": "应该提供什么样的功能 / 服务?", "target": "What functions / services should be offering?" }, { "source": "2.7 什么样的定期检查是必需的?", "target": "2.7 What kind of periodic check-ups are necessary?" }, { "source": "2.10什么样的定期检查是必要的?", "target": "2.10 What kind of periodic check-ups are necessary?" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 你认为WhatsApp怎么样?\\nEnglish: What do you think about WhatsApp?\\nChinese: 你认为WhatsApp messenger怎么样?\\nEnglish: What do you think about WhatsApp Messenger?\\nChinese: 应该提供什么样的功能 / 服务?\\nEnglish: What functions / services should be offering?\\nChinese: 2.7 什么样的定期检查是必需的?\\nEnglish: 2.7 What kind of periodic check-ups are necessary?\\nChinese: 2.10什么样的定期检查是必要的?\\nEnglish: 2.10 What kind of periodic check-ups are necessary?\\nChinese: Facebook,Instagram,Whatsapp 等等,无论什么样的功能定位,都是 Meta 的流量渠道。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Regardless of its function positioning, Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp, etc. are all channels of traffic for Meta.", "role": "assistant" } ]
不仅如此,Meta 还是最大的”广告联盟”,很多 App 外接 Meta 的广告,通过 Meta 的广告平台是实现变现。
Not only that, Meta is also the biggest “advertisement alliance”; Many apps are externally connected to Meta’s advertising, and they achieve realization through Meta’s advertising platform.
[ { "source": "通过 Apple 广告平台投放的广告可能会在 Apple 新闻和 App Store 中展示。", "target": "Ads that are delivered by Appleâ€TMs advertising platform may appear in Apple News and in the App Store." }, { "source": "通过 Apple 广告平台投放的广告可能会在 Apple 新闻和 App Store 中展示。", "target": "Ads that are delivered by Apple's advertising platform may appear in Apple News and in the App Store." }, { "source": "通过 Apple 广告平台投放的广告可能会在 Apple 新闻和 App Store 中展示。", "target": "Ads that are delivered by Appleâ€TMs advertising platform may appear in Apple News and in the App Store." }, { "source": "On-page Optimization : > Meta t 更多", "target": "On-page Optimization : > Meta t More" }, { "source": "Meta Integration OEM . . . 更多", "target": "Meta Integration OEM... more" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 通过 Apple 广告平台投放的广告可能会在 Apple 新闻和 App Store 中展示。\\nEnglish: Ads that are delivered by Appleâ€TMs advertising platform may appear in Apple News and in the App Store.\\nChinese: 通过 Apple 广告平台投放的广告可能会在 Apple 新闻和 App Store 中展示。\\nEnglish: Ads that are delivered by Apple's advertising platform may appear in Apple News and in the App Store.\\nChinese: 通过 Apple 广告平台投放的广告可能会在 Apple 新闻和 App Store 中展示。\\nEnglish: Ads that are delivered by Appleâ€TMs advertising platform may appear in Apple News and in the App Store.\\nChinese: On-page Optimization : > Meta t 更多\\nEnglish: On-page Optimization : > Meta t More\\nChinese: Meta Integration OEM . . . 更多\\nEnglish: Meta Integration OEM... more\\nChinese: 不仅如此,Meta 还是最大的”广告联盟”,很多 App 外接 Meta 的广告,通过 Meta 的广告平台是实现变现。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Not only that, Meta is also the biggest “advertisement alliance”; Many apps are externally connected to Meta’s advertising, and they achieve realization through Meta’s advertising platform.", "role": "assistant" } ]
But, the time has changed.
[ { "source": "但是材料已经改变了。", "target": "But the materials have changed." }, { "source": "但是她错了。", "target": "But she was wrong." }, { "source": "但是我错了。", "target": "But I was wrong." }, { "source": "但是你错了。", "target": "But you are wrong." }, { "source": "但是他被拒了。", "target": "But he was refused." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 但是材料已经改变了。\\nEnglish: But the materials have changed.\\nChinese: 但是她错了。\\nEnglish: But she was wrong.\\nChinese: 但是我错了。\\nEnglish: But I was wrong.\\nChinese: 但是你错了。\\nEnglish: But you are wrong.\\nChinese: 但是他被拒了。\\nEnglish: But he was refused.\\nChinese: 但是,时代变了。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "But, the time has changed.", "role": "assistant" } ]
第一,因为苹果隐私政策的调整,Meta 很难再拿到用户的数据信息,影响了广告投放的效率。
First, due to the adjustment of Apple’s privacy policy, it is difficult for Meta to get users’ data information now, which affects the efficiency of advertising.
[ { "source": "欲了解关于我们的隐私政策的信息,请参阅第 6 条“关于您的数据 ” 。", "target": "For information about our privacy policy, see clause 6 ‘About your Data’." }, { "source": "请参阅我们的 隐私政策 以了解详细信息。", "target": "See our privacy policy for details." }, { "source": "隐私政策 . iPhone为苹果公司的商标。", "target": "Privacy Policy . iPhone is a trademark of Apple Inc." }, { "source": "隐私和 cookie 政策 客户数据处理", "target": "Privacy and cookie policy Customer data processing" }, { "source": "我们的隐私政策的更多信息.", "target": "More information about our privacy Policy." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 欲了解关于我们的隐私政策的信息,请参阅第 6 条“关于您的数据 ” 。\\nEnglish: For information about our privacy policy, see clause 6 ‘About your Data’.\\nChinese: 请参阅我们的 隐私政策 以了解详细信息。\\nEnglish: See our privacy policy for details.\\nChinese: 隐私政策 . iPhone为苹果公司的商标。\\nEnglish: Privacy Policy . iPhone is a trademark of Apple Inc.\\nChinese: 隐私和 cookie 政策 客户数据处理\\nEnglish: Privacy and cookie policy Customer data processing\\nChinese: 我们的隐私政策的更多信息.\\nEnglish: More information about our privacy Policy.\\nChinese: 第一,因为苹果隐私政策的调整,Meta 很难再拿到用户的数据信息,影响了广告投放的效率。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "First, due to the adjustment of Apple’s privacy policy, it is difficult for Meta to get users’ data information now, which affects the efficiency of advertising.", "role": "assistant" } ]
苹果现在的隐私政策对用户很友好,会很明显的提示用户是否允许 App 获取自己的信息,大多数人的正常反应肯定是不允许。
Apple’s current privacy policy is very user-friendly; it will use explicit prompt to ask users whether they allow apps to access their own information; most people’s normal reaction is definitely not to allow it.
[ { "source": "允许使用本地帐户的 iCloud 密码: 选择用户是否可以使用其 Apple ID 和 iCloud 密码登录其 Mac。", "target": "Allow use of iCloud password for local accounts: Select whether users can use their Apple ID and iCloud password to sign on to their Macs." }, { "source": "请参阅我们的《隐私政策》获取更多信息。", "target": "Please see our Privacy Policy for more information." }, { "source": "允许来自新用户的电子邮件 : 这允许没有自动确认权限的用户向您发送邮件。", "target": "Allow emails from brand-new users : This allows users without the autoconfirmed permissions to send you emails." }, { "source": "注意 :部分网络提供商不允许用户安装来自未知来源的应用。", "target": "Note: Some network providers don't allow users to install applications from unknown sources." }, { "source": "我们不允许 18 周岁以下的人员创建用户帐户。", "target": "We do not allow persons under 18 years of age to create user accounts." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 允许使用本地帐户的 iCloud 密码: 选择用户是否可以使用其 Apple ID 和 iCloud 密码登录其 Mac。\\nEnglish: Allow use of iCloud password for local accounts: Select whether users can use their Apple ID and iCloud password to sign on to their Macs.\\nChinese: 请参阅我们的《隐私政策》获取更多信息。\\nEnglish: Please see our Privacy Policy for more information.\\nChinese: 允许来自新用户的电子邮件 : 这允许没有自动确认权限的用户向您发送邮件。\\nEnglish: Allow emails from brand-new users : This allows users without the autoconfirmed permissions to send you emails.\\nChinese: 注意 :部分网络提供商不允许用户安装来自未知来源的应用。\\nEnglish: Note: Some network providers don't allow users to install applications from unknown sources.\\nChinese: 我们不允许 18 周岁以下的人员创建用户帐户。\\nEnglish: We do not allow persons under 18 years of age to create user accounts.\\nChinese: 苹果现在的隐私政策对用户很友好,会很明显的提示用户是否允许 App 获取自己的信息,大多数人的正常反应肯定是不允许。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Apple’s current privacy policy is very user-friendly; it will use explicit prompt to ask users whether they allow apps to access their own information; most people’s normal reaction is definitely not to allow it.", "role": "assistant" } ]
接下来如果 Google 再捅一刀,对 Meta 的收入影响还会更大。
If Google stabs again next, it will have a greater impact on Meta’s revenue.
[ { "source": "影响 Google 搜索结果的过滤器", "target": "Filters affecting Google search results" }, { "source": "如果您停用 Google+,您的用户将无法再使用他们的 Google Apps 帐户登录 Google+。", "target": "If you disable Google+, your users can no longer sign in to Google+ using their Google Apps account." }, { "source": "不影响您的网站在 Google 搜索结果中的评级。", "target": "Does not affect your site's ranking in Google search results." }, { "source": "接收来自 Q-Lab 的更新", "target": "Receive updates from Q-Lab" }, { "source": "收入来源多样化可帮助缓解气候变化对农业生计造成的负面影响。", "target": "Diversification of income sources can help cushion the negative impact of climate change on agricultural livelihoods." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 影响 Google 搜索结果的过滤器\\nEnglish: Filters affecting Google search results\\nChinese: 如果您停用 Google+,您的用户将无法再使用他们的 Google Apps 帐户登录 Google+。\\nEnglish: If you disable Google+, your users can no longer sign in to Google+ using their Google Apps account.\\nChinese: 不影响您的网站在 Google 搜索结果中的评级。\\nEnglish: Does not affect your site's ranking in Google search results.\\nChinese: 接收来自 Q-Lab 的更新\\nEnglish: Receive updates from Q-Lab\\nChinese: 收入来源多样化可帮助缓解气候变化对农业生计造成的负面影响。\\nEnglish: Diversification of income sources can help cushion the negative impact of climate change on agricultural livelihoods.\\nChinese: 接下来如果 Google 再捅一刀,对 Meta 的收入影响还会更大。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "If Google stabs again next, it will have a greater impact on Meta’s revenue.", "role": "assistant" } ]
第二,以前 Meta 的收入增长里的中国因素也弱化了(这个因素的比重不确定有多高,但确实存在)。
Second, the Chinese factor in Meta’s revenue growth has also been weakened (the proportion of this factor is uncertain, but it does exist).
[ { "source": "人口高增长及不断提高的收入增长和能源需求是这一趋势的主要推动因素。", "target": "High population growth and increasing income growth and energy needs are the main drivers of this trend." }, { "source": "23. 人口健康是经济增长的一个重要决定因素。", "target": "23. The health of a population is an important determinant of economic growth." }, { "source": "因此,健康和教育是收入能力和个人发展的重要推动因素和决定因素。", "target": "Health and education are therefore important contributors to and significant factors in determining earnings capacity and personal development." }, { "source": "因此,健康和教育是收入能力和个人发展的重要推动因素和决定因素。", "target": "Health and education are therefore important contributors to and significant factors in determining earnings capacity and personal development." }, { "source": "10. 导致全球经济增长疲软的多数因素2011年依然存在,2012年有时甚至恶化。", "target": "10. Most of the factors that led to the weakening of global economic growth in 2011 persisted and sometimes deepened in 2012." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 人口高增长及不断提高的收入增长和能源需求是这一趋势的主要推动因素。\\nEnglish: High population growth and increasing income growth and energy needs are the main drivers of this trend.\\nChinese: 23. 人口健康是经济增长的一个重要决定因素。\\nEnglish: 23. The health of a population is an important determinant of economic growth.\\nChinese: 因此,健康和教育是收入能力和个人发展的重要推动因素和决定因素。\\nEnglish: Health and education are therefore important contributors to and significant factors in determining earnings capacity and personal development.\\nChinese: 因此,健康和教育是收入能力和个人发展的重要推动因素和决定因素。\\nEnglish: Health and education are therefore important contributors to and significant factors in determining earnings capacity and personal development.\\nChinese: 10. 导致全球经济增长疲软的多数因素2011年依然存在,2012年有时甚至恶化。\\nEnglish: 10. Most of the factors that led to the weakening of global economic growth in 2011 persisted and sometimes deepened in 2012.\\nChinese: 第二,以前 Meta 的收入增长里的中国因素也弱化了(这个因素的比重不确定有多高,但确实存在)。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Second, the Chinese factor in Meta’s revenue growth has also been weakened (the proportion of this factor is uncertain, but it does exist).", "role": "assistant" } ]
大家平时都知道 Meta 在中国是没有业务的,但是这个理解并不准确。
We all know that Meta doesn’t have business in China, but this understanding is not accurate.
[ { "source": "<BT> 但克林顿说,虽然 Blumenthal 是一位“惊人”的作家,但她说他提供的信息“有时准确,有时不准确”。", "target": "But Clinton said that while Blumenthal is a 'prodigious' writer, she said the information he provided was 'sometimes accurate and sometimes not.'" }, { "source": "“每个人都知道这是不可能的。", "target": "'Everyone knows it's impossible." }, { "source": "7 然而,不是所有的人都有这知识。", "target": "7 But not everyone possesses this knowledge." }, { "source": "不幸的是,现实生活不是这样的,但不是所有的父母都理解这一点。", "target": "Unfortunately, real life isn't like that, but not all parents understand this." }, { "source": "每个人都知道冰茶,但不是'真正的'冰茶!", "target": "Everyone knows Iced Tea, but not ``real`` Iced Tea!" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: <BT> 但克林顿说,虽然 Blumenthal 是一位“惊人”的作家,但她说他提供的信息“有时准确,有时不准确”。\\nEnglish: But Clinton said that while Blumenthal is a 'prodigious' writer, she said the information he provided was 'sometimes accurate and sometimes not.'\\nChinese: “每个人都知道这是不可能的。\\nEnglish: 'Everyone knows it's impossible.\\nChinese: 7 然而,不是所有的人都有这知识。\\nEnglish: 7 But not everyone possesses this knowledge.\\nChinese: 不幸的是,现实生活不是这样的,但不是所有的父母都理解这一点。\\nEnglish: Unfortunately, real life isn't like that, but not all parents understand this.\\nChinese: 每个人都知道冰茶,但不是'真正的'冰茶!\\nEnglish: Everyone knows Iced Tea, but not ``real`` Iced Tea!\\nChinese: 大家平时都知道 Meta 在中国是没有业务的,但是这个理解并不准确。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "We all know that Meta doesn’t have business in China, but this understanding is not accurate.", "role": "assistant" } ]
每年 Meta 至少10%的收入都来自中国,主要是中国做出海业务的公司贡献的。
At least 10% of Meta’s revenue comes from China every year, mainly contributed by Chinese companies engaged in offshore business.
[ { "source": "集团超过50%的收入来自海外35个国家的业务。", "target": "Over 50 per cent of the Group's revenues flow from its overseas operations in 35 countries." }, { "source": "此项收入中至少70%必须来自有偿就业。", "target": "At least 70% of this income must come from paid employment." }, { "source": "在总共141个发展中国家中,有95个国家至少50%的出口收入都依赖于商品,约半数非洲国家从商品中获得80%以上的货物出口收入。", "target": "Of a total of 141 developing countries, 95 depend on commodities for at least 50 per cent of their export earnings, and approximately half the countries in Africa derive over 80 per cent of their merchandise export income from commodities." }, { "source": "Datatec 是南非跨国程度最高的信息技术公司,2004年95%的营业收入来自于海外活动,主要是来自于美国和欧洲联盟(表17)。", "target": "Datatec is South Africa &apos; s most transnationalized IT company with 95 per cent of its revenue in 2004 from overseas activities, mainly from the United States and the European Union (table 17)." }, { "source": "13. 旅游业为许多发展中国家的发展作出了重要贡献。", "target": "13. Tourism makes an important contribution to the development of many developing countries." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 集团超过50%的收入来自海外35个国家的业务。\\nEnglish: Over 50 per cent of the Group's revenues flow from its overseas operations in 35 countries.\\nChinese: 此项收入中至少70%必须来自有偿就业。\\nEnglish: At least 70% of this income must come from paid employment.\\nChinese: 在总共141个发展中国家中,有95个国家至少50%的出口收入都依赖于商品,约半数非洲国家从商品中获得80%以上的货物出口收入。\\nEnglish: Of a total of 141 developing countries, 95 depend on commodities for at least 50 per cent of their export earnings, and approximately half the countries in Africa derive over 80 per cent of their merchandise export income from commodities.\\nChinese: Datatec 是南非跨国程度最高的信息技术公司,2004年95%的营业收入来自于海外活动,主要是来自于美国和欧洲联盟(表17)。\\nEnglish: Datatec is South Africa &apos; s most transnationalized IT company with 95 per cent of its revenue in 2004 from overseas activities, mainly from the United States and the European Union (table 17).\\nChinese: 13. 旅游业为许多发展中国家的发展作出了重要贡献。\\nEnglish: 13. Tourism makes an important contribution to the development of many developing countries.\\nChinese: 每年 Meta 至少10%的收入都来自中国,主要是中国做出海业务的公司贡献的。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "At least 10% of Meta’s revenue comes from China every year, mainly contributed by Chinese companies engaged in offshore business.", "role": "assistant" } ]
Meta 在香港的办公室大概几百人,在大陆还有几大代理商。
There are around hundreds of staff at its Hong Kong office and several major agents in the mainland.
[ { "source": "3. 香港的人口中,华裔人士占大多数(95%)。", "target": "3. The majority of the population in Hong Kong are Chinese (95%)." }, { "source": "它的办公室位于澳大利亚。", "target": "Its office is located in Australia." }, { "source": "香港:香港中文大學,1986年。", "target": "Hong Kong: Chinese University of HK, 1986." }, { "source": "香港:中文大學出版社,1995。", "target": "Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 1995." }, { "source": "目前,每年新感染的人数几乎稳定在大约4 000人。", "target": "Currently, the number of newly infected persons remains almost stable at about 4,000 a year." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 3. 香港的人口中,华裔人士占大多数(95%)。\\nEnglish: 3. The majority of the population in Hong Kong are Chinese (95%).\\nChinese: 它的办公室位于澳大利亚。\\nEnglish: Its office is located in Australia.\\nChinese: 香港:香港中文大學,1986年。\\nEnglish: Hong Kong: Chinese University of HK, 1986.\\nChinese: 香港:中文大學出版社,1995。\\nEnglish: Hong Kong: Chinese University Press, 1995.\\nChinese: 目前,每年新感染的人数几乎稳定在大约4 000人。\\nEnglish: Currently, the number of newly infected persons remains almost stable at about 4,000 a year.\\nChinese: Meta 在香港的办公室大概几百人,在大陆还有几大代理商。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "There are around hundreds of staff at its Hong Kong office and several major agents in the mainland.", "role": "assistant" } ]
中国公司想要拓展海外市场,Meta 都是绕不过的广告渠道,烧的钱大多都给了 Meta。
When Chinese companies want to expand overseas market, Meta is an advertising channel that cannot be bypassed, and so most of the money is given to Meta.
[ { "source": "Meta Integration OEM . . . 更多", "target": "Meta Integration OEM... more" }, { "source": "隱私政策 - Meta", "target": "Privacy policy - Meta" }, { "source": "为了 education-related 软件易于安装,在那里是一些 DebianEdu 的 meta-packages。", "target": "For an easy installation of education-related software, there are some meta-packages for DebianEdu." }, { "source": "H Meta Italy da Nilsa @ 0.4 km 公寓", "target": "H Meta Italy da Nilsa @ 0.3 miles Apartment" }, { "source": "I Meta Italy da Nilsa @ 0.5 km 公寓", "target": "I Meta Italy da Nilsa @ 0.3 miles Apartment" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: Meta Integration OEM . . . 更多\\nEnglish: Meta Integration OEM... more\\nChinese: 隱私政策 - Meta\\nEnglish: Privacy policy - Meta\\nChinese: 为了 education-related 软件易于安装,在那里是一些 DebianEdu 的 meta-packages。\\nEnglish: For an easy installation of education-related software, there are some meta-packages for DebianEdu.\\nChinese: H Meta Italy da Nilsa @ 0.4 km 公寓\\nEnglish: H Meta Italy da Nilsa @ 0.3 miles Apartment\\nChinese: I Meta Italy da Nilsa @ 0.5 km 公寓\\nEnglish: I Meta Italy da Nilsa @ 0.3 miles Apartment\\nChinese: 中国公司想要拓展海外市场,Meta 都是绕不过的广告渠道,烧的钱大多都给了 Meta。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "When Chinese companies want to expand overseas market, Meta is an advertising channel that cannot be bypassed, and so most of the money is given to Meta.", "role": "assistant" } ]
有意思的是,现在字节的 TT 是 Meta 主要的竞争对手之一,但是前两年 Meta 从字节身上可赚到不少钱。
Interestingly, the TT of ByteDance now is one of Meta’s main competitors, but Meta made a lot of money from ByteDance in the past two years.
[ { "source": "<BT> 如果 ITV 无法在节目质量上竞争,那就是它的问题,而不是 BBC 的问题。", "target": "If ITV can't compete on programme quality, then that is its problem, not the BBC's." }, { "source": "要为字段启用本地化,您可以在 Meta 类中使用 localized_fields 属性。", "target": "To enable localization for fields, you can use the localized_fields attribute on the Meta class." }, { "source": "CDB 通常长度为 6、10 或 12 个字节,但也可以达到 16 个字节或具有可变长度。", "target": "CDBs are commonly 6, 10, or 12 bytes long, though they can be 16 bytes or of variable length." }, { "source": "具有不同属性的多个Meta元素可以在同一页面上使用。", "target": "Multiple Meta elements with different attributes can be used on the same page." }, { "source": "我们相信制造过程是创新的主要竞争优势之一。", "target": "We believe the manufacturing process is one of the main competitive advantages of innovation." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: <BT> 如果 ITV 无法在节目质量上竞争,那就是它的问题,而不是 BBC 的问题。\\nEnglish: If ITV can't compete on programme quality, then that is its problem, not the BBC's.\\nChinese: 要为字段启用本地化,您可以在 Meta 类中使用 localized_fields 属性。\\nEnglish: To enable localization for fields, you can use the localized_fields attribute on the Meta class.\\nChinese: CDB 通常长度为 6、10 或 12 个字节,但也可以达到 16 个字节或具有可变长度。\\nEnglish: CDBs are commonly 6, 10, or 12 bytes long, though they can be 16 bytes or of variable length.\\nChinese: 具有不同属性的多个Meta元素可以在同一页面上使用。\\nEnglish: Multiple Meta elements with different attributes can be used on the same page.\\nChinese: 我们相信制造过程是创新的主要竞争优势之一。\\nEnglish: We believe the manufacturing process is one of the main competitive advantages of innovation.\\nChinese: 有意思的是,现在字节的 TT 是 Meta 主要的竞争对手之一,但是前两年 Meta 从字节身上可赚到不少钱。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Interestingly, the TT of ByteDance now is one of Meta’s main competitors, but Meta made a lot of money from ByteDance in the past two years.", "role": "assistant" } ]
国内各个代理都在帮字节去 Meta 那里投广告,Meta 大中华区的业绩也很不错。
All domestic agents are helping ByteDance to do advertising at Meta, and Meta’s performance in Greater China is also very good.
[ { "source": "您可以在Meta-Wiki上提交您的問題。", "target": "You can submit your questions on Meta-Wiki ." }, { "source": "Meta Trader > FXT格式历史文件", "target": "Meta Trader > History Files in FXT Format" }, { "source": "要为字段启用本地化,您可以在 Meta 类中使用 localized_fields 属性。", "target": "To enable localization for fields, you can use the localized_fields attribute on the Meta class." }, { "source": "为了 education-related 软件易于安装,在那里是一些 DebianEdu 的 meta-packages。", "target": "For an easy installation of education-related software, there are some meta-packages for DebianEdu." }, { "source": "隱私政策 - Meta", "target": "Privacy policy - Meta" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 您可以在Meta-Wiki上提交您的問題。\\nEnglish: You can submit your questions on Meta-Wiki .\\nChinese: Meta Trader > FXT格式历史文件\\nEnglish: Meta Trader > History Files in FXT Format\\nChinese: 要为字段启用本地化,您可以在 Meta 类中使用 localized_fields 属性。\\nEnglish: To enable localization for fields, you can use the localized_fields attribute on the Meta class.\\nChinese: 为了 education-related 软件易于安装,在那里是一些 DebianEdu 的 meta-packages。\\nEnglish: For an easy installation of education-related software, there are some meta-packages for DebianEdu.\\nChinese: 隱私政策 - Meta\\nEnglish: Privacy policy - Meta\\nChinese: 国内各个代理都在帮字节去 Meta 那里投广告,Meta 大中华区的业绩也很不错。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "All domestic agents are helping ByteDance to do advertising at Meta, and Meta’s performance in Greater China is also very good.", "role": "assistant" } ]
I haven’t specifically learned about it recently, but it’s definitely not better than before.
[ { "source": "我没有速度测试, 但它似乎好.", "target": "I haven't speed test, but it seems good." }, { "source": "但是没有人真正知道哪种是最好的。", "target": "But no one really knows which is best." }, { "source": "但最终我失去了17磅。", "target": "But in the end I lost 17 pounds." }, { "source": "不,我没有带不好的照片.", "target": "No, IÂ didn't take a bad photo." }, { "source": "没有其他更好的位置比我们。", "target": "There is no other better location than us." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 我没有速度测试, 但它似乎好.\\nEnglish: I haven't speed test, but it seems good.\\nChinese: 但是没有人真正知道哪种是最好的。\\nEnglish: But no one really knows which is best.\\nChinese: 但最终我失去了17磅。\\nEnglish: But in the end I lost 17 pounds.\\nChinese: 不,我没有带不好的照片.\\nEnglish: No, IÂ didn't take a bad photo.\\nChinese: 没有其他更好的位置比我们。\\nEnglish: There is no other better location than us.\\nChinese: 最近我没有专门去了解,但是肯定不会比之前好。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I haven’t specifically learned about it recently, but it’s definitely not better than before.", "role": "assistant" } ]
The stage when Chinese companies were burning money overseas on a large scale has passed.
[ { "source": "即使在2005年,它已经过去了七年。", "target": "Even in 2005, it has passed seven years." }, { "source": "28. 在1974年后的阶段里,经济经历了重大的结构改革。", "target": "28. In the post-1974 period the economy underwent major structural changes." }, { "source": "外国公司在中国", "target": "Foreign Companies in China" }, { "source": "您的公司规模:", "target": "Your Company size:" }, { "source": "我的公司规模", "target": "My company size" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 即使在2005年,它已经过去了七年。\\nEnglish: Even in 2005, it has passed seven years.\\nChinese: 28. 在1974年后的阶段里,经济经历了重大的结构改革。\\nEnglish: 28. In the post-1974 period the economy underwent major structural changes.\\nChinese: 外国公司在中国\\nEnglish: Foreign Companies in China\\nChinese: 您的公司规模:\\nEnglish: Your Company size:\\nChinese: 我的公司规模\\nEnglish: My company size\\nChinese: 中国公司在海外大规模烧钱的阶段已经过去了。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The stage when Chinese companies were burning money overseas on a large scale has passed.", "role": "assistant" } ]
Third, the expansion of new traffic channels is not smooth.
[ { "source": "流量通道 1或2", "target": "Flow channels 1 or 2" }, { "source": "第三方物流 (8)", "target": "Third Party Logistics (8)" }, { "source": "59. 贸易便利化谈判的进展情况相对顺利。", "target": "59. Negotiations on trade facilitation progressed relatively smoothly." }, { "source": "3、开辟新的合作渠道,并协助营销进行合同谈判;", "target": "3, opening up new channels of cooperation and assist marketing contract negotiations ;" }, { "source": "48. Léques先生说,1998年取得《努美阿协定》的道路并不平坦顺利。", "target": "48. Mr. Lèques stated that the road to the 1998 Nouméa Accord had not been smooth." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 流量通道 1或2\\nEnglish: Flow channels 1 or 2\\nChinese: 第三方物流 (8)\\nEnglish: Third Party Logistics (8)\\nChinese: 59. 贸易便利化谈判的进展情况相对顺利。\\nEnglish: 59. Negotiations on trade facilitation progressed relatively smoothly.\\nChinese: 3、开辟新的合作渠道,并协助营销进行合同谈判;\\nEnglish: 3, opening up new channels of cooperation and assist marketing contract negotiations ;\\nChinese: 48. Léques先生说,1998年取得《努美阿协定》的道路并不平坦顺利。\\nEnglish: 48. Mr. Lèques stated that the road to the 1998 Nouméa Accord had not been smooth.\\nChinese: 第三,新的流量渠道拓展不顺利。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Third, the expansion of new traffic channels is not smooth.", "role": "assistant" } ]
Facebook 越来越老了,新的包括 TT 在内的平台,都不在 Meta 手中。
Facebook is getting older, and new platforms including TT is not in the hands of Meta.
[ { "source": "19. 越来越多的发展中国家目前正在收集创新统计数字。", "target": "19. More and more developing countries are currently collecting innovation statistics." }, { "source": "越来越多的企业现在认识到企业社会责任的重要性。", "target": "More and more businesses now recognize the importance of corporate social responsibility." }, { "source": "包括税。 早餐不包括在内。", "target": "Taxes included.Breakfast not included." }, { "source": "63. 越来越多的妇女本身成为矿工。", "target": "63. More women are becoming miners themselves." }, { "source": "我们不断地面临着越来越多走进我们的水的污染。", "target": "We are faced continually with more and more pollution going into our water." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 19. 越来越多的发展中国家目前正在收集创新统计数字。\\nEnglish: 19. More and more developing countries are currently collecting innovation statistics.\\nChinese: 越来越多的企业现在认识到企业社会责任的重要性。\\nEnglish: More and more businesses now recognize the importance of corporate social responsibility.\\nChinese: 包括税。 早餐不包括在内。\\nEnglish: Taxes included.Breakfast not included.\\nChinese: 63. 越来越多的妇女本身成为矿工。\\nEnglish: 63. More women are becoming miners themselves.\\nChinese: 我们不断地面临着越来越多走进我们的水的污染。\\nEnglish: We are faced continually with more and more pollution going into our water.\\nChinese: Facebook 越来越老了,新的包括 TT 在内的平台,都不在 Meta 手中。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Facebook is getting older, and new platforms including TT is not in the hands of Meta.", "role": "assistant" } ]
The biggest problem is not the decline of revenue but lack of growth expectation.
[ { "source": "11. 因此全球化不仅仅是一个经济学问题,而在很大程度上是一种政治现象。", "target": "11. Globalization is therefore not simply an issue of economics; it is very much a political phenomenon." }, { "source": "其不仅仅是一个WordPress主题。", "target": "It IS Not just a WordPress Theme." }, { "source": "但是妇女不仅仅是受害者。", "target": "But women are not just victims." }, { "source": "' 它不仅仅是一个 CRM 系统。", "target": "' It's not just a CRM system." }, { "source": "最后,这些都不是“女性的问题 ” , 而是社会和经济问题。", "target": "Finally, these are not “women’s issues,” but social and economic issues." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 11. 因此全球化不仅仅是一个经济学问题,而在很大程度上是一种政治现象。\\nEnglish: 11. Globalization is therefore not simply an issue of economics; it is very much a political phenomenon.\\nChinese: 其不仅仅是一个WordPress主题。\\nEnglish: It IS Not just a WordPress Theme.\\nChinese: 但是妇女不仅仅是受害者。\\nEnglish: But women are not just victims.\\nChinese: ' 它不仅仅是一个 CRM 系统。\\nEnglish: ' It's not just a CRM system.\\nChinese: 最后,这些都不是“女性的问题 ” , 而是社会和经济问题。\\nEnglish: Finally, these are not “women’s issues,” but social and economic issues.\\nChinese: 最大的问题不仅仅是收入下滑,而是缺乏增长预期。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The biggest problem is not the decline of revenue but lack of growth expectation.", "role": "assistant" } ]
The capital market not only focuses on income; more importantly, it depends on future expectations.
[ { "source": "更重要的是,神正看着我!", "target": "More importantly, God is watching me!" }, { "source": "同样的,居住在新兴市场的投资者预期更高的投资回报,预期今年12%的平均回报,在未来的10年则预期平均18%的回报。", "target": "Â Similarly, investors residing in emerging markets expected higher returns on their investments, with an average return expectation of 12% this year and 18% over the next 10 years." }, { "source": "<BT> “[但是,仅仅增加总的税收负担,以增加更多的收入,则不是答案,” Fraser 说。", "target": "'[But] simply increasing the overall tax burden to raise more revenue is not the answer,' Mr Fraser said." }, { "source": "<BT> “[但是,仅仅增加总的税收负担,以增加更多的收入,则不是答案,” Fraser 说。", "target": "'[But] simply increasing the overall tax burden to raise more revenue is not the answer,' Mr Fraser said." }, { "source": "但未来怎么样呢?", "target": "But what of the future?" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 更重要的是,神正看着我!\\nEnglish: More importantly, God is watching me!\\nChinese: 同样的,居住在新兴市场的投资者预期更高的投资回报,预期今年12%的平均回报,在未来的10年则预期平均18%的回报。\\nEnglish: Â Similarly, investors residing in emerging markets expected higher returns on their investments, with an average return expectation of 12% this year and 18% over the next 10 years.\\nChinese: <BT> “[但是,仅仅增加总的税收负担,以增加更多的收入,则不是答案,” Fraser 说。\\nEnglish: '[But] simply increasing the overall tax burden to raise more revenue is not the answer,' Mr Fraser said.\\nChinese: <BT> “[但是,仅仅增加总的税收负担,以增加更多的收入,则不是答案,” Fraser 说。\\nEnglish: '[But] simply increasing the overall tax burden to raise more revenue is not the answer,' Mr Fraser said.\\nChinese: 但未来怎么样呢?\\nEnglish: But what of the future?\\nChinese: 资本市场不仅仅看中收入,更重要的是看未来的预期怎么样。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The capital market not only focuses on income; more importantly, it depends on future expectations.", "role": "assistant" } ]
很显然,Meta 的预期是不够的。
Obviously, the expectation for Meta is not enough.
[ { "source": "但是,一项良好的政策是不够的。", "target": "But a good policy is not enough." }, { "source": "但是,单靠消费者政策是不够的。", "target": "However, consumer policy alone is not sufficient." }, { "source": "90. 然而,国家的解决方案是不够的。", "target": "90. However, national solutions are insufficient." }, { "source": "但是这是不够的。", "target": "But this is not enough." }, { "source": "但这是不够的。", "target": "But that is not enough." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 但是,一项良好的政策是不够的。\\nEnglish: But a good policy is not enough.\\nChinese: 但是,单靠消费者政策是不够的。\\nEnglish: However, consumer policy alone is not sufficient.\\nChinese: 90. 然而,国家的解决方案是不够的。\\nEnglish: 90. However, national solutions are insufficient.\\nChinese: 但是这是不够的。\\nEnglish: But this is not enough.\\nChinese: 但这是不够的。\\nEnglish: But that is not enough.\\nChinese: 很显然,Meta 的预期是不够的。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Obviously, the expectation for Meta is not enough.", "role": "assistant" } ]
为了给市场讲出新的故事,扎克伯格讲了 “元宇宙”.
In order to tell new stories to the market, Zuckerberg told the story about “Meta-universe”.
[ { "source": "我为什么讲述这些故事?", "target": "Why do I tell these stories?" }, { "source": "我的小宇宙", "target": "My little universe" }, { "source": "<BT> 首席执行官马克?扎克伯格( Mark Zuckerberg )说,2015年对 Facebook 来说是“伟大的一年”。", "target": "Chief executive Mark Zuckerberg said that 2015 was a 'great year for Facebook." }, { "source": "苏克先生还参加了关于《罗马规约》和国际刑事法院的筹备讲习班和各次会议。", "target": "Mr. Sock also took part in the preparatory workshops and meetings on the Rome Statute and the International Criminal Court." }, { "source": "苏克先生还参加了关于《罗马规约》和国际刑事法院的筹备讲习班和各次会议。", "target": "Mr. Sock also took part in the preparatory workshops and meetings on the Rome Statute and the International Criminal Court." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 我为什么讲述这些故事?\\nEnglish: Why do I tell these stories?\\nChinese: 我的小宇宙\\nEnglish: My little universe\\nChinese: <BT> 首席执行官马克?扎克伯格( Mark Zuckerberg )说,2015年对 Facebook 来说是“伟大的一年”。\\nEnglish: Chief executive Mark Zuckerberg said that 2015 was a 'great year for Facebook.\\nChinese: 苏克先生还参加了关于《罗马规约》和国际刑事法院的筹备讲习班和各次会议。\\nEnglish: Mr. Sock also took part in the preparatory workshops and meetings on the Rome Statute and the International Criminal Court.\\nChinese: 苏克先生还参加了关于《罗马规约》和国际刑事法院的筹备讲习班和各次会议。\\nEnglish: Mr. Sock also took part in the preparatory workshops and meetings on the Rome Statute and the International Criminal Court.\\nChinese: 为了给市场讲出新的故事,扎克伯格讲了 “元宇宙”.\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "In order to tell new stories to the market, Zuckerberg told the story about “Meta-universe”.", "role": "assistant" } ]
元宇宙确实应该是未来的方向之一,但是元宇宙的实现周期比较长,这个故事在这两三年应该不足以支撑起 Meta 的市值。
Meta-universe indeed should be one of the future directions, but the period of the realization of Meta-universe is long, and this story is not sufficient to support the market value of Meta.
[ { "source": "这不是'我应该 做这个或我不应该 做那个'的问题。", "target": "It's not an issue of 'I should do this or I shouldn't do that.'" }, { "source": "这是一个无法否认的现实;这个现实是不可逆转的。", "target": "This is a reality one cannot deny; it is irreversible." }, { "source": "这些目标应该是你真正想要实现的那些 — — 而不是那些你认为你应该实现的。", "target": "These goals should be the ones you really want to achieve--not the ones you think you should have." }, { "source": "但我的故事不应该是例外。", "target": "But my story should not be an exception." }, { "source": "但是在现实中,这是做不到的。", "target": "But in reality, this can't be done." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 这不是'我应该 做这个或我不应该 做那个'的问题。\\nEnglish: It's not an issue of 'I should do this or I shouldn't do that.'\\nChinese: 这是一个无法否认的现实;这个现实是不可逆转的。\\nEnglish: This is a reality one cannot deny; it is irreversible.\\nChinese: 这些目标应该是你真正想要实现的那些 — — 而不是那些你认为你应该实现的。\\nEnglish: These goals should be the ones you really want to achieve--not the ones you think you should have.\\nChinese: 但我的故事不应该是例外。\\nEnglish: But my story should not be an exception.\\nChinese: 但是在现实中,这是做不到的。\\nEnglish: But in reality, this can't be done.\\nChinese: 元宇宙确实应该是未来的方向之一,但是元宇宙的实现周期比较长,这个故事在这两三年应该不足以支撑起 Meta 的市值。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Meta-universe indeed should be one of the future directions, but the period of the realization of Meta-universe is long, and this story is not sufficient to support the market value of Meta.", "role": "assistant" } ]
所以未来这两年,应该是 Meta 比较艰难的时期。
Therefore, the next two years should be a difficult time for Meta.
[ { "source": "所以,你应该是这样的孩子。", "target": "So you ought to be such a child." }, { "source": "2009年将是艰难的一年。", "target": "2009 will be a tough year." }, { "source": "这使得在这些年之间进行直接比较很难。", "target": "This makes direct comparison between these years difficult." }, { "source": "这些是困难的时刻。", "target": "These are difficult times." }, { "source": "这些报告应是我们未来讨论的基础。", "target": "Those reports should be the basis of our future discussions." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 所以,你应该是这样的孩子。\\nEnglish: So you ought to be such a child.\\nChinese: 2009年将是艰难的一年。\\nEnglish: 2009 will be a tough year.\\nChinese: 这使得在这些年之间进行直接比较很难。\\nEnglish: This makes direct comparison between these years difficult.\\nChinese: 这些是困难的时刻。\\nEnglish: These are difficult times.\\nChinese: 这些报告应是我们未来讨论的基础。\\nEnglish: Those reports should be the basis of our future discussions.\\nChinese: 所以未来这两年,应该是 Meta 比较艰难的时期。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Therefore, the next two years should be a difficult time for Meta.", "role": "assistant" } ]
Although Facebook is very popular now with an annual income of US $100 billion to $200 billion; in fact, Facebook has a strong sense of crisis; compared with other Internet companies and high-tech companies, there is not any good security moat.
[ { "source": "在2008年度,美国企业在中国的投资回报率高达33 % , 其他跨国企业也能实现22%的投资效益。", "target": "In 2008, US corporations gained a 33% return on their investments in China, while other multinationals got a 22% return." }, { "source": "然而,在1996年约600亿美元的增长额中,只有约140亿美元进入低收入国家。", "target": "However, of the approximately USD60 billion increase in 1996, only about USD14 billion went to low income countries." }, { "source": "其次,1750年到1975年间,收入分配在全球也呈现出扩大之势,一些地区实现了来自工业和后工业科技的收益,而另一些地区没有。", "target": "Second, between 1750 and 1975, income distribution also widened globally, as some parts of the world realized gains from industrial and post-industrial technologies, while others did not." }, { "source": "仅在2004年超过2.72十亿欧元(3.47十亿美元),通过外国公司的投资。", "target": "In 2004 alone, over 2.72 billion euro ($3.47 billion) were invested by foreign companies." }, { "source": "在此期间,它们的债务实际上从1980年的6 180亿美元增加到2006年的3.25万亿美元。", "target": "During that period, their debt actually increased from $618 billion in 1980 to $3.25 trillion in 2006." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 在2008年度,美国企业在中国的投资回报率高达33 % , 其他跨国企业也能实现22%的投资效益。\\nEnglish: In 2008, US corporations gained a 33% return on their investments in China, while other multinationals got a 22% return.\\nChinese: 然而,在1996年约600亿美元的增长额中,只有约140亿美元进入低收入国家。\\nEnglish: However, of the approximately USD60 billion increase in 1996, only about USD14 billion went to low income countries.\\nChinese: 其次,1750年到1975年间,收入分配在全球也呈现出扩大之势,一些地区实现了来自工业和后工业科技的收益,而另一些地区没有。\\nEnglish: Second, between 1750 and 1975, income distribution also widened globally, as some parts of the world realized gains from industrial and post-industrial technologies, while others did not.\\nChinese: 仅在2004年超过2.72十亿欧元(3.47十亿美元),通过外国公司的投资。\\nEnglish: In 2004 alone, over 2.72 billion euro ($3.47 billion) were invested by foreign companies.\\nChinese: 在此期间,它们的债务实际上从1980年的6 180亿美元增加到2006年的3.25万亿美元。\\nEnglish: During that period, their debt actually increased from $618 billion in 1980 to $3.25 trillion in 2006.\\nChinese: 别看脸书现在非常的风光,每年也有1,000亿到2,000亿美元的收入,实际上脸书现在危机感非常强,跟其他的互联网企业和高科技公司相比,没有什么好的安全的护城河。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Although Facebook is very popular now with an annual income of US $100 billion to $200 billion; in fact, Facebook has a strong sense of crisis; compared with other Internet companies and high-tech companies, there is not any good security moat.", "role": "assistant" } ]
Although the DAU of several of his social software is relatively high, and they are mainstream social software such as Facebook, WhatsApp; however, in the face of the rapid development of TikTok, Facebook has little confidence, and subversion could happen in the blink of an eye.
[ { "source": "虽然妇女在较低层次的高等教育中占有较高比例(学院,62%),但是,他们在较高的教育层次(大学)上占多数,为55%。", "target": "Though women make up a higher percentage at the lower level of tertiary education (college, 62%), they are over-represented in the higher (university) level as well, at 55%." }, { "source": "它曾經也是一個社交媒體中心,用戶可以在其中集成他們的社交網絡帳戶(例如Twitter),但Windows和社交媒體服務中的API更改導致此功能中斷。", "target": "It used to also be a social media hub, in which users could integrate their social networking accounts (e.g. Twitter), but API changes in both Windows and social media services caused this functionality to break." }, { "source": "当然,市场上,同类的隔热产品也是有的,比如较为大家所熟知的ATO和ITO。", "target": "Certainly, there are also similar heat insulation products on the market, such as ATO and ITO, which are well known." }, { "source": "虽然第24条第2款(f)没有明文规定,但是委员会的理解是,凡是提到父母当然也包括其他照顾者。", "target": "Although not explicit in article 24, paragraph 2 (f), the Committee understands any reference to parents to also include other caregivers." }, { "source": "例如,公众领域软件(没有被版权保护的软件)是自由软件;但是任何人可以制作一个由它修改而来的私有版本。", "target": "For example, public domain software (software that is not copyrighted) is free software; but anyone can make a proprietary modified version of it." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 虽然妇女在较低层次的高等教育中占有较高比例(学院,62%),但是,他们在较高的教育层次(大学)上占多数,为55%。\\nEnglish: Though women make up a higher percentage at the lower level of tertiary education (college, 62%), they are over-represented in the higher (university) level as well, at 55%.\\nChinese: 它曾經也是一個社交媒體中心,用戶可以在其中集成他們的社交網絡帳戶(例如Twitter),但Windows和社交媒體服務中的API更改導致此功能中斷。\\nEnglish: It used to also be a social media hub, in which users could integrate their social networking accounts (e.g. Twitter), but API changes in both Windows and social media services caused this functionality to break.\\nChinese: 当然,市场上,同类的隔热产品也是有的,比如较为大家所熟知的ATO和ITO。\\nEnglish: Certainly, there are also similar heat insulation products on the market, such as ATO and ITO, which are well known.\\nChinese: 虽然第24条第2款(f)没有明文规定,但是委员会的理解是,凡是提到父母当然也包括其他照顾者。\\nEnglish: Although not explicit in article 24, paragraph 2 (f), the Committee understands any reference to parents to also include other caregivers.\\nChinese: 例如,公众领域软件(没有被版权保护的软件)是自由软件;但是任何人可以制作一个由它修改而来的私有版本。\\nEnglish: For example, public domain software (software that is not copyrighted) is free software; but anyone can make a proprietary modified version of it.\\nChinese: 虽然他的几款社交软件现在的日活比较高,也是主流的社交软件,比如Facebook,WhatsApp等等,但是面对tiktok的快速发展,脸书也没有什么信心,颠覆之间也就是眨眼的功夫。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Although the DAU of several of his social software is relatively high, and they are mainstream social software such as Facebook, WhatsApp; however, in the face of the rapid development of TikTok, Facebook has little confidence, and subversion could happen in the blink of an eye.", "role": "assistant" } ]
而搞元宇宙这个可望而不可及的概念,短时间之内完全没有成功的希望,因此脸书非常的危险,这也是为什么扎克伯格又是换公司的名字,又是不停的寻找新的赛道的根本原因,但是我觉得他的赛道选择是错的,是一条不归路 以上是我的一些思考,供参考。
The unattainable concept of meta universe has no hope of success in a short time, so Facebook is in danger; this is also the fundamental reason why Zuckerberg changed the name of the company and kept looking for new tracks, but I think his choice is wrong and there is no way back; the above is some of my thoughts for reference.
[ { "source": "<BT> “我不是美国人,也不一定依附于他们的历史……但我觉得这是一个非常美丽而有趣的故事,”他说。", "target": "'I'm not American and not necessarily attached to their history... but I felt this was a very beautiful and intriguing story,' he said." }, { "source": "<BT> “我不是美国人,也不一定依附于他们的历史……但我觉得这是一个非常美丽而有趣的故事,”他说。", "target": "'I'm not American and not necessarily attached to their history... but I felt this was a very beautiful and intriguing story,' he said." }, { "source": "因此,从我们有限的观点,你知道,这是好的,这是坏的;这是苦难;这是我喜欢的,这是我不喜欢的。", "target": "So, from our limited view, you know, this is good, this is bad; this is suffering; this is what I like, this is what I don't like." }, { "source": "宇宙中有超过95%的东西是我们完全看不见的,包括暗物质,但宇宙的主要成分是一种名为'暗能量'的神秘力量。", "target": "Over 95% of the stuff in our Universe is totally invisible to us. This includes dark matter, but the main ingredient is a mysterious force called dark energy." }, { "source": "而且,这些模型在性质上可以是短期的(考虑十年以下的时间范围),也可以是长期的(考虑的时间长度在10年以上)。", "target": "Furthermore, these models can be short term in nature (considering time-frames of up to 10 years) or long term (considering time-frames of over 10 years)." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: <BT> “我不是美国人,也不一定依附于他们的历史……但我觉得这是一个非常美丽而有趣的故事,”他说。\\nEnglish: 'I'm not American and not necessarily attached to their history... but I felt this was a very beautiful and intriguing story,' he said.\\nChinese: <BT> “我不是美国人,也不一定依附于他们的历史……但我觉得这是一个非常美丽而有趣的故事,”他说。\\nEnglish: 'I'm not American and not necessarily attached to their history... but I felt this was a very beautiful and intriguing story,' he said.\\nChinese: 因此,从我们有限的观点,你知道,这是好的,这是坏的;这是苦难;这是我喜欢的,这是我不喜欢的。\\nEnglish: So, from our limited view, you know, this is good, this is bad; this is suffering; this is what I like, this is what I don't like.\\nChinese: 宇宙中有超过95%的东西是我们完全看不见的,包括暗物质,但宇宙的主要成分是一种名为'暗能量'的神秘力量。\\nEnglish: Over 95% of the stuff in our Universe is totally invisible to us. This includes dark matter, but the main ingredient is a mysterious force called dark energy.\\nChinese: 而且,这些模型在性质上可以是短期的(考虑十年以下的时间范围),也可以是长期的(考虑的时间长度在10年以上)。\\nEnglish: Furthermore, these models can be short term in nature (considering time-frames of up to 10 years) or long term (considering time-frames of over 10 years).\\nChinese: 而搞元宇宙这个可望而不可及的概念,短时间之内完全没有成功的希望,因此脸书非常的危险,这也是为什么扎克伯格又是换公司的名字,又是不停的寻找新的赛道的根本原因,但是我觉得他的赛道选择是错的,是一条不归路 以上是我的一些思考,供参考。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The unattainable concept of meta universe has no hope of success in a short time, so Facebook is in danger; this is also the fundamental reason why Zuckerberg changed the name of the company and kept looking for new tracks, but I think his choice is wrong and there is no way back; the above is some of my thoughts for reference.", "role": "assistant" } ]
第十七条 国家对注册消防工程师资格实行注册执业管理制度。
Article 17 The state implements the registration and practice management system for the qualification of certified Fire Engineers.
[ { "source": "第六条 国际注册的有效期;国际注册的依附和独立", "target": "Article 6 Period of Validity of International Registration; Dependence and Independence of International Registration" }, { "source": "在国家登记册上的注册日期:", "target": "Date of entry in national registry:" }, { "source": "在国家登记册上的注册日期:", "target": "Date of entry in national registry:" }, { "source": "注册: 无需预先注册。", "target": "Registration: No need to pre-register." }, { "source": "在国家登记册上的注册日期:", "target": "Date of entry in national registry:" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 第六条 国际注册的有效期;国际注册的依附和独立\\nEnglish: Article 6 Period of Validity of International Registration; Dependence and Independence of International Registration\\nChinese: 在国家登记册上的注册日期:\\nEnglish: Date of entry in national registry:\\nChinese: 在国家登记册上的注册日期:\\nEnglish: Date of entry in national registry:\\nChinese: 注册: 无需预先注册。\\nEnglish: Registration: No need to pre-register.\\nChinese: 在国家登记册上的注册日期:\\nEnglish: Date of entry in national registry:\\nChinese: 第十七条 国家对注册消防工程师资格实行注册执业管理制度。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Article 17 The state implements the registration and practice management system for the qualification of certified Fire Engineers.", "role": "assistant" } ]
People who obtained the Level 1 and Level 2 qualification certificates of registered Fire Engineers can practice in the name of registered Fire Engineers of corresponding level.
[ { "source": "迄今为止,约有248名工作人员注册,有90名已经顺利完成课程。", "target": "To date, some 248 staff members have registered, and 90 have successfully completed the course." }, { "source": "注册 - 我的 ASP.NET 应用程序 应用程序名称 主页", "target": "Register - My ASP.NET Application Application name Home" }, { "source": "注册 - 我的 ASP.NET 应用程序", "target": "Register - My ASP.NET Application" }, { "source": "注册: 无需预先注册。", "target": "Registration: No need to pre-register." }, { "source": "• 如果您没有从无线网络收到注册消息,请注册您的设备。", "target": "• If you have not received a registration message from the wireless network, register your device." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 迄今为止,约有248名工作人员注册,有90名已经顺利完成课程。\\nEnglish: To date, some 248 staff members have registered, and 90 have successfully completed the course.\\nChinese: 注册 - 我的 ASP.NET 应用程序 应用程序名称 主页\\nEnglish: Register - My ASP.NET Application Application name Home\\nChinese: 注册 - 我的 ASP.NET 应用程序\\nEnglish: Register - My ASP.NET Application\\nChinese: 注册: 无需预先注册。\\nEnglish: Registration: No need to pre-register.\\nChinese: • 如果您没有从无线网络收到注册消息,请注册您的设备。\\nEnglish: • If you have not received a registration message from the wireless network, register your device.\\nChinese: 取得一级、二级注册消防工程师资格证书的人员,经注册方可以相应级别注册消防工程师名义执业。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "People who obtained the Level 1 and Level 2 qualification certificates of registered Fire Engineers can practice in the name of registered Fire Engineers of corresponding level.", "role": "assistant" } ]
第十八条 公安部消防局是一级注册消防工程师资格的注册审批部门。
Article 18 The Fire Department of the Ministry of Public Security is the registration and approval department of the qualification of Level 1 registered Fire Engineer.
[ { "source": "• 如果您没有从无线网络收到注册消息,请注册您的设备。", "target": "• If you have not received a registration message from the wireless network, register your device." }, { "source": "第六条 国际注册的有效期;国际注册的依附和独立", "target": "Article 6 Period of Validity of International Registration; Dependence and Independence of International Registration" }, { "source": "第18条 : 关于公布的国际注册的信息", "target": "Article 18 : Information Concerning Published International Registrations" }, { "source": "PCIe 是 PCI-SIG 公司的注册商标。", "target": "PCIe is a registered trademark of PCI-SIG Corporation." }, { "source": "Dota 2 是Valve 公司的注册商标。", "target": "Dota 2 is a registered trademark of Valve Corporation." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: • 如果您没有从无线网络收到注册消息,请注册您的设备。\\nEnglish: • If you have not received a registration message from the wireless network, register your device.\\nChinese: 第六条 国际注册的有效期;国际注册的依附和独立\\nEnglish: Article 6 Period of Validity of International Registration; Dependence and Independence of International Registration\\nChinese: 第18条 : 关于公布的国际注册的信息\\nEnglish: Article 18 : Information Concerning Published International Registrations\\nChinese: PCIe 是 PCI-SIG 公司的注册商标。\\nEnglish: PCIe is a registered trademark of PCI-SIG Corporation.\\nChinese: Dota 2 是Valve 公司的注册商标。\\nEnglish: Dota 2 is a registered trademark of Valve Corporation.\\nChinese: 第十八条 公安部消防局是一级注册消防工程师资格的注册审批部门。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Article 18 The Fire Department of the Ministry of Public Security is the registration and approval department of the qualification of Level 1 registered Fire Engineer.", "role": "assistant" } ]
The fire departments of the public security organs of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government are the registration and approval departments for the qualification of Level 2 registered Fire Engineers, and are responsible for the preliminary review of the qualification of registration of Level 1 registered Fire Engineers.
[ { "source": "学生如何报名参加 课程取决于机构;例如,他们可以自己注册,或由他们的教师手工注册,或由管理员自动注册。", "target": "How students enrol on courses depends on the establishment; for example they can self-enrol, be enrolled manually by their teacher or automatically by the admin." }, { "source": "• 如果您没有从无线网络收到注册消息,请注册您的智能手机。", "target": "• If you haven't received a registration message from the wireless network, register your smartphone." }, { "source": "• 如果您没有从无线网络收到注册消息,请注册您的设备。", "target": "• If you have not received a registration message from the wireless network, register your device." }, { "source": "基金会于2000年在尼日利亚、2009年在英格兰注册,并于2010年在英格兰和威尔士注册为慈善机构。", "target": "The Foundation was registered in Nigeria in 2000 and in England in 2009. It was registered as a charity in England and Wales in 2010." }, { "source": "当您作为 DFP自行注册时,您的注册将自动得到确认。", "target": "when you register yourself, as DFP, your registration will be automatically confirmed." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 学生如何报名参加 课程取决于机构;例如,他们可以自己注册,或由他们的教师手工注册,或由管理员自动注册。\\nEnglish: How students enrol on courses depends on the establishment; for example they can self-enrol, be enrolled manually by their teacher or automatically by the admin.\\nChinese: • 如果您没有从无线网络收到注册消息,请注册您的智能手机。\\nEnglish: • If you haven't received a registration message from the wireless network, register your smartphone.\\nChinese: • 如果您没有从无线网络收到注册消息,请注册您的设备。\\nEnglish: • If you have not received a registration message from the wireless network, register your device.\\nChinese: 基金会于2000年在尼日利亚、2009年在英格兰注册,并于2010年在英格兰和威尔士注册为慈善机构。\\nEnglish: The Foundation was registered in Nigeria in 2000 and in England in 2009. It was registered as a charity in England and Wales in 2010.\\nChinese: 当您作为 DFP自行注册时,您的注册将自动得到确认。\\nEnglish: when you register yourself, as DFP, your registration will be automatically confirmed.\\nChinese: 省、自治区、直辖市公安机关消防机构为二级注册消防工程师资格的注册审批部门,并负责一级注册消防工程师资格注册的初步审查工作。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The fire departments of the public security organs of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government are the registration and approval departments for the qualification of Level 2 registered Fire Engineers, and are responsible for the preliminary review of the qualification of registration of Level 1 registered Fire Engineers.", "role": "assistant" } ]
第十九条 取得一级、二级注册消防工程师资格证书并申请注册的人员,应当受聘于一个经批准的消防技术服务机构或者消防安全重点单位,并通过聘用单位向本单位所在地(聘用单位属企业的,通过本企业向工商注册所在地)的公安机关消防机构提交注册申请材料。
Article 19 A person who has obtained the qualification certificate of Level 1 and Level 2 registered Fire Engineer and applies for registration shall be employed by an approved fire protection technical service institution or key fire safety unit, and the employer shall submit registration application materials to the fire protection institution of the public security organ in the place where the employer is located (if the employer is an enterprise, it shall be submitted to the place where the industrial and commercial registration is located).
[ { "source": "国际联合家庭协会是在美国注册(501 (c) (3))的、致力于维持和加强家庭作为社会基本单位的一家公共慈善机构。", "target": "The Association of United Families International is a public charity registered in the United States (501 (c) (3)) devoted to maintaining and strengthening the family as the fundamental unit of society." }, { "source": "通过 /etc/slp.reg.d 进行的静态注册 为每个新服务创建单独的注册文件。", "target": "Static Registration with /etc/slp.reg.d Create a separate registration file for each new service." }, { "source": "学生如何报名参加 课程取决于机构;例如,他们可以自己注册,或由他们的教师手工注册,或由管理员自动注册。", "target": "How students enrol on courses depends on the establishment; for example they can self-enrol, be enrolled manually by their teacher or automatically by the admin." }, { "source": "其职能包括与其它地点的消防安全股密切合作,并对所有工作人员进行消防安全培训。", "target": "Its functions involve working in close collaboration with the Fire Safety Units at other locations and conducting fire safety training for all staff." }, { "source": "[图 1.2a] 输入您的资料并单击'注册 ' , 或使用您的 Facebook 或 Google 账户注册。", "target": "[Fig 1.2a] Enter your details and click 'Sign Up', or sign up using your Facebook or Google account." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 国际联合家庭协会是在美国注册(501 (c) (3))的、致力于维持和加强家庭作为社会基本单位的一家公共慈善机构。\\nEnglish: The Association of United Families International is a public charity registered in the United States (501 (c) (3)) devoted to maintaining and strengthening the family as the fundamental unit of society.\\nChinese: 通过 /etc/slp.reg.d 进行的静态注册 为每个新服务创建单独的注册文件。\\nEnglish: Static Registration with /etc/slp.reg.d Create a separate registration file for each new service.\\nChinese: 学生如何报名参加 课程取决于机构;例如,他们可以自己注册,或由他们的教师手工注册,或由管理员自动注册。\\nEnglish: How students enrol on courses depends on the establishment; for example they can self-enrol, be enrolled manually by their teacher or automatically by the admin.\\nChinese: 其职能包括与其它地点的消防安全股密切合作,并对所有工作人员进行消防安全培训。\\nEnglish: Its functions involve working in close collaboration with the Fire Safety Units at other locations and conducting fire safety training for all staff.\\nChinese: [图 1.2a] 输入您的资料并单击'注册 ' , 或使用您的 Facebook 或 Google 账户注册。\\nEnglish: [Fig 1.2a] Enter your details and click 'Sign Up', or sign up using your Facebook or Google account.\\nChinese: 第十九条 取得一级、二级注册消防工程师资格证书并申请注册的人员,应当受聘于一个经批准的消防技术服务机构或者消防安全重点单位,并通过聘用单位向本单位所在地(聘用单位属企业的,通过本企业向工商注册所在地)的公安机关消防机构提交注册申请材料。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Article 19 A person who has obtained the qualification certificate of Level 1 and Level 2 registered Fire Engineer and applies for registration shall be employed by an approved fire protection technical service institution or key fire safety unit, and the employer shall submit registration application materials to the fire protection institution of the public security organ in the place where the employer is located (if the employer is an enterprise, it shall be submitted to the place where the industrial and commercial registration is located).", "role": "assistant" } ]
第二十条 省、自治区、直辖市公安机关消防机构在收到申请人的注册申请材料后,对申请材料不齐全或者不符合法定形式的,应当当场或者在5个工作日内,一次 性告知申请人需要补正的全部内容,逾期不告知的,自收到申请材料之日起即为受理。
Article 20 After receiving the registration application materials of the applicant, the fire protection institutions of the public security organs of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government shall inform the applicant of all the contents that need to be supplemented and corrected all at once on the spot or within 5 working days if the application materials are incomplete or do not conform to the legal form; if they fail to inform within the time limit, they will be accepted from the date of receiving the application materials.
[ { "source": "(b) 收到申请的15个工作日内与申请人进行面谈。", "target": "(b) Interview with the applicant within 15 working days following receipt of the application." }, { "source": "在中国,大部分情况下您将在大使馆/领事馆收到申请后2至15个工作日内获得申请的结果。", "target": "In China, you will in most cases get the result of your application within 2 to 15 working days after the embassy/consulate has received the application." }, { "source": "理事会收到来自48个国家的申请,在对所有申请进行审查后,邀请了35名候选人参加一次统一的笔试,以测试其法律专门知识和起草能力。", "target": "The Council received applications from 48 countries and, following a review of all applications, invited 35 candidates to take a common written examination to test their legal expertise and drafting ability." }, { "source": "6.11 在2008年1月18日提交的申请中,申诉人重申了他们之前的主张并补充说,第二申诉人患有忧郁症,在申请中附有医疗报告证明。", "target": "6.11 In applications submitted on 18 January 2008, the complainants reiterated their previous claims and added that the second complainant suffers from depression as documented by a medical report attached to their applications." }, { "source": "6.11 在2008年1月18日提交的申请中,申诉人重申了他们之前的主张并补充说,第二申诉人患有忧郁症,在申请中附有医疗报告证明。", "target": "6.11 In applications submitted on 18 January 2008, the complainants reiterated their previous claims and added that the second complainant suffers from depression as documented by a medical report attached to their applications." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: (b) 收到申请的15个工作日内与申请人进行面谈。\\nEnglish: (b) Interview with the applicant within 15 working days following receipt of the application.\\nChinese: 在中国,大部分情况下您将在大使馆/领事馆收到申请后2至15个工作日内获得申请的结果。\\nEnglish: In China, you will in most cases get the result of your application within 2 to 15 working days after the embassy/consulate has received the application.\\nChinese: 理事会收到来自48个国家的申请,在对所有申请进行审查后,邀请了35名候选人参加一次统一的笔试,以测试其法律专门知识和起草能力。\\nEnglish: The Council received applications from 48 countries and, following a review of all applications, invited 35 candidates to take a common written examination to test their legal expertise and drafting ability.\\nChinese: 6.11 在2008年1月18日提交的申请中,申诉人重申了他们之前的主张并补充说,第二申诉人患有忧郁症,在申请中附有医疗报告证明。\\nEnglish: 6.11 In applications submitted on 18 January 2008, the complainants reiterated their previous claims and added that the second complainant suffers from depression as documented by a medical report attached to their applications.\\nChinese: 6.11 在2008年1月18日提交的申请中,申诉人重申了他们之前的主张并补充说,第二申诉人患有忧郁症,在申请中附有医疗报告证明。\\nEnglish: 6.11 In applications submitted on 18 January 2008, the complainants reiterated their previous claims and added that the second complainant suffers from depression as documented by a medical report attached to their applications.\\nChinese: 第二十条 省、自治区、直辖市公安机关消防机构在收到申请人的注册申请材料后,对申请材料不齐全或者不符合法定形式的,应当当场或者在5个工作日内,一次 性告知申请人需要补正的全部内容,逾期不告知的,自收到申请材料之日起即为受理。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Article 20 After receiving the registration application materials of the applicant, the fire protection institutions of the public security organs of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government shall inform the applicant of all the contents that need to be supplemented and corrected all at once on the spot or within 5 working days if the application materials are incomplete or do not conform to the legal form; if they fail to inform within the time limit, they will be accepted from the date of receiving the application materials.", "role": "assistant" } ]
For the registration applications that are accepted or rejected, a written certificate stamped with the special seal of the fire protection institution of the public security organ at the same level and date shall be issued.
[ { "source": "5. 关联申请者的申请书所涵盖的总区域不得超过本条第2款、第3款和第4款的限制。", "target": "5. The total area covered by applications by affiliated applicants shall not exceed the limitations set out in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 of this regulation." }, { "source": "妇女担任了57个政府机关或机构中的8个机关或机构(14%)的高级管理者。", "target": "Women were senior administrators in 8 (14 per cent) of the 57 Government agencies or institutions." }, { "source": "注册号为9Q-CGQ的飞机显然于2004年9月1日获得适航证书。", "target": "The 9Q-CGQ-registered aircraft apparently received its certificate of airworthiness on 1 September 2004." }, { "source": "为了有效解决这些挑战,安全理事会应当成为一个更具有代表性、更加透明和有效的机构。", "target": "To address those challenges effectively, the Security Council should become a more representative, transparent and efficient body." }, { "source": "注册人( Registrant ) – 在 ccTLD 注册机构中将自己的名称注册为域名的的公司,组织或个人。", "target": "Registrant - A company, organisation or individual for whom a name has been registered as a domain name in the ccTLD domain name register." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 5. 关联申请者的申请书所涵盖的总区域不得超过本条第2款、第3款和第4款的限制。\\nEnglish: 5. The total area covered by applications by affiliated applicants shall not exceed the limitations set out in paragraphs 2, 3 and 4 of this regulation.\\nChinese: 妇女担任了57个政府机关或机构中的8个机关或机构(14%)的高级管理者。\\nEnglish: Women were senior administrators in 8 (14 per cent) of the 57 Government agencies or institutions.\\nChinese: 注册号为9Q-CGQ的飞机显然于2004年9月1日获得适航证书。\\nEnglish: The 9Q-CGQ-registered aircraft apparently received its certificate of airworthiness on 1 September 2004.\\nChinese: 为了有效解决这些挑战,安全理事会应当成为一个更具有代表性、更加透明和有效的机构。\\nEnglish: To address those challenges effectively, the Security Council should become a more representative, transparent and efficient body.\\nChinese: 注册人( Registrant ) – 在 ccTLD 注册机构中将自己的名称注册为域名的的公司,组织或个人。\\nEnglish: Registrant - A company, organisation or individual for whom a name has been registered as a domain name in the ccTLD domain name register.\\nChinese: 对受理或者不予受理的注册申请,均应当出具加盖本级公安机关消防机构专用印章和注明日期的书面凭证。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "For the registration applications that are accepted or rejected, a written certificate stamped with the special seal of the fire protection institution of the public security organ at the same level and date shall be issued.", "role": "assistant" } ]
第二十一条 省、自治区、直辖市公安机关消防机构自受理注册申请之日起20个工作日内,按规定条件和程序完成一级注册消防工程师资格注册申请材料的初步审查工作和二级注册消防工程师资格的注册审批工作,并将一级注册消防工程师资格注册申请材料和初步审查意见报公安部消防局审批。
Article 21 The fire protection institutions of the public security organs of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government shall, within 20 working days after the date of accepting the registration application, complete the preliminary review of the application materials for the registration of the Level 1 registered Fire Engineer qualification and the registration and approval of the Level 2 registered Fire Engineer qualification according to the specified conditions and procedures, and submit the application materials for the registration of the Level 1 registered Fire Engineer qualification and the preliminary review opinions to the Fire Department of the Ministry of Public Security for approval.
[ { "source": "2001年4月2日,司法部驳回注册申请,说申请注册的公共协会不能向公民提供法律援助。", "target": "On 2 April 2001, the Ministry of Justice rejected the application for registration, stating that the public association for which registration was sought could not provide legal assistance to citizens." }, { "source": "学生如何报名参加 课程取决于机构;例如,他们可以自己注册,或由他们的教师手工注册,或由管理员自动注册。", "target": "How students enrol on courses depends on the establishment; for example they can self-enrol, be enrolled manually by their teacher or automatically by the admin." }, { "source": "93. 工会法第13节规定了登记处可拒绝某一工会注册的依据,而第14节则规定了可导致登记处终止或取消注册的理由。", "target": "93. Section 13 of the Act provides the grounds upon which the Registrar may refuse to register a trade union, while section 14 spells out reasons which may lead to the suspension or cancellation of its registration." }, { "source": "第23条: &quot; 教育部长可应注册私立学校或教育机构拥有者的要求,批准对注册的具体材料的任何修正. &quot;", "target": "Section 23: &quot; The Minister may at the request of the proprietor of a registered private school or educational institution, approve any amendment of the particulars registered... &quot;" }, { "source": "第六条 国际注册的有效期;国际注册的依附和独立", "target": "Article 6 Period of Validity of International Registration; Dependence and Independence of International Registration" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 2001年4月2日,司法部驳回注册申请,说申请注册的公共协会不能向公民提供法律援助。\\nEnglish: On 2 April 2001, the Ministry of Justice rejected the application for registration, stating that the public association for which registration was sought could not provide legal assistance to citizens.\\nChinese: 学生如何报名参加 课程取决于机构;例如,他们可以自己注册,或由他们的教师手工注册,或由管理员自动注册。\\nEnglish: How students enrol on courses depends on the establishment; for example they can self-enrol, be enrolled manually by their teacher or automatically by the admin.\\nChinese: 93. 工会法第13节规定了登记处可拒绝某一工会注册的依据,而第14节则规定了可导致登记处终止或取消注册的理由。\\nEnglish: 93. Section 13 of the Act provides the grounds upon which the Registrar may refuse to register a trade union, while section 14 spells out reasons which may lead to the suspension or cancellation of its registration.\\nChinese: 第23条: &quot; 教育部长可应注册私立学校或教育机构拥有者的要求,批准对注册的具体材料的任何修正. &quot;\\nEnglish: Section 23: &quot; The Minister may at the request of the proprietor of a registered private school or educational institution, approve any amendment of the particulars registered... &quot;\\nChinese: 第六条 国际注册的有效期;国际注册的依附和独立\\nEnglish: Article 6 Period of Validity of International Registration; Dependence and Independence of International Registration\\nChinese: 第二十一条 省、自治区、直辖市公安机关消防机构自受理注册申请之日起20个工作日内,按规定条件和程序完成一级注册消防工程师资格注册申请材料的初步审查工作和二级注册消防工程师资格的注册审批工作,并将一级注册消防工程师资格注册申请材料和初步审查意见报公安部消防局审批。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Article 21 The fire protection institutions of the public security organs of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government shall, within 20 working days after the date of accepting the registration application, complete the preliminary review of the application materials for the registration of the Level 1 registered Fire Engineer qualification and the registration and approval of the Level 2 registered Fire Engineer qualification according to the specified conditions and procedures, and submit the application materials for the registration of the Level 1 registered Fire Engineer qualification and the preliminary review opinions to the Fire Department of the Ministry of Public Security for approval.", "role": "assistant" } ]
The Fire Department of the Ministry of Public Security shall make a decision on whether to approve or not within 20 working days from the date of receiving the application materials and preliminary review opinions submitted by the Fire Department of the provincial public security organ.
[ { "source": "(b) 收到申请的15个工作日内与申请人进行面谈。", "target": "(b) Interview with the applicant within 15 working days following receipt of the application." }, { "source": "我们将在收到索赔申请后的两 (2) 个工作日内与您联系。", "target": "We will contact you within two (2) business days after receiving your claim." }, { "source": "110. 应进一步加强日内瓦的人权机构与纽约的和平与安全机构之间的交流。", "target": "110. Communications between the human rights institutions in Geneva and the peace and security institutions in New York should be strengthened further." }, { "source": "a. 自申请人收到对管理评价的答复算起,30日之内;或", "target": "a. Within 30 days of the applicant &apos; s receipt of the response to the management evaluation; or" }, { "source": "a. 自申请人收到对管理评价的答复算起,30日之内;或", "target": "a. Within 30 days of the applicant &apos; s receipt of the response to the management evaluation; or" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: (b) 收到申请的15个工作日内与申请人进行面谈。\\nEnglish: (b) Interview with the applicant within 15 working days following receipt of the application.\\nChinese: 我们将在收到索赔申请后的两 (2) 个工作日内与您联系。\\nEnglish: We will contact you within two (2) business days after receiving your claim.\\nChinese: 110. 应进一步加强日内瓦的人权机构与纽约的和平与安全机构之间的交流。\\nEnglish: 110. Communications between the human rights institutions in Geneva and the peace and security institutions in New York should be strengthened further.\\nChinese: a. 自申请人收到对管理评价的答复算起,30日之内;或\\nEnglish: a. Within 30 days of the applicant &apos; s receipt of the response to the management evaluation; or\\nChinese: a. 自申请人收到对管理评价的答复算起,30日之内;或\\nEnglish: a. Within 30 days of the applicant &apos; s receipt of the response to the management evaluation; or\\nChinese: 公安部消防局应当自收到省级公安机关消防机构报送的申请材料和初步审查意见之日起,20个工作日内作出是否批准的决定。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The Fire Department of the Ministry of Public Security shall make a decision on whether to approve or not within 20 working days from the date of receiving the application materials and preliminary review opinions submitted by the Fire Department of the provincial public security organ.", "role": "assistant" } ]
If the approval decision cannot be made within the prescribed time limit, the applicant shall be informed of the extended time limit and the reason.
[ { "source": "在规定期限内交付92%的产出", "target": "92 per cent of output delivered within established deadlines" }, { "source": "在规定期限内交付93%的产出", "target": "93 per cent of output delivered within established deadlines" }, { "source": "由于这些规定,每份勘探合同的期限也是从生效之日起的15 年,但前提是合同的期限可根据标准条款3.2和17.2予以延长。", "target": "As a result of those provisions, each contract for exploration also has a limited duration of 15 years from the date of its entry into force, provided that the contract may be extended in accordance with standard clauses 3.2 and 17.2." }, { "source": "13. 在第1857(2008)号决议中,安全理事会决定再次延长制裁制度的期限,将其延至2009年11月30日。", "target": "13. By resolution 1857 (2008), the Security Council decided to extend the sanctions regime for a further period expiring on 30 November 2009." }, { "source": "规定的60天期限将于2007年2月20日到期。", "target": "The 60 days time frame expires on 20 February 2007." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 在规定期限内交付92%的产出\\nEnglish: 92 per cent of output delivered within established deadlines\\nChinese: 在规定期限内交付93%的产出\\nEnglish: 93 per cent of output delivered within established deadlines\\nChinese: 由于这些规定,每份勘探合同的期限也是从生效之日起的15 年,但前提是合同的期限可根据标准条款3.2和17.2予以延长。\\nEnglish: As a result of those provisions, each contract for exploration also has a limited duration of 15 years from the date of its entry into force, provided that the contract may be extended in accordance with standard clauses 3.2 and 17.2.\\nChinese: 13. 在第1857(2008)号决议中,安全理事会决定再次延长制裁制度的期限,将其延至2009年11月30日。\\nEnglish: 13. By resolution 1857 (2008), the Security Council decided to extend the sanctions regime for a further period expiring on 30 November 2009.\\nChinese: 规定的60天期限将于2007年2月20日到期。\\nEnglish: The 60 days time frame expires on 20 February 2007.\\nChinese: 在规定的期限内不能作出批准决定的,应当将延长的期限和理由告知申请人。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "If the approval decision cannot be made within the prescribed time limit, the applicant shall be informed of the extended time limit and the reason.", "role": "assistant" } ]
If the decision of disapproval is made, the reasons shall be explained in writing, and the applicant shall be informed of the right to apply for administrative reconsideration or file an administrative lawsuit according to law.
[ { "source": "2.11 2009年5月25日,申诉人针对该裁决向联邦行政法院提起上诉。", "target": "2.11 On 25 May 2009, the complainant lodged an appeal against this decision with the Federal Administrative Court." }, { "source": "2.11 2009年5月25日,申诉人针对该裁决向联邦行政法院提起上诉。", "target": "2.11 On 25 May 2009, the complainant lodged an appeal against this decision with the Federal Administrative Court." }, { "source": "证据在提出异议申请时不能提交的,应当在异议申请书中声明,并应自提交异议申请之日起3个月内提交证据(可在3个月内邮寄补交 ) 。", "target": "Challenged evidence not submitted with the application, shall be declared in the notice of opposition, and shall within 3 months from the date of submission of objection submitted evidence (can be mailed back within 3 months)." }, { "source": "在最高法院作出第120号判决对确认不给予Asensi先生监护权的决定之后,没有关于所进行的进一步法律诉讼、申诉或上诉的记录。", "target": "Following sentence No. 120 by the Supreme Court confirming the decision not to grant Mr. Asensi custody, there is no record of further legal proceedings, petitions or appeals having taken place." }, { "source": "&quot; 受害者应有权参加诉讼程序并申请对所受的损失或损害作出赔偿。", "target": "&quot; A victim shall have the right to take part in the proceedings and to apply for compensation for the loss or injury suffered." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 2.11 2009年5月25日,申诉人针对该裁决向联邦行政法院提起上诉。\\nEnglish: 2.11 On 25 May 2009, the complainant lodged an appeal against this decision with the Federal Administrative Court.\\nChinese: 2.11 2009年5月25日,申诉人针对该裁决向联邦行政法院提起上诉。\\nEnglish: 2.11 On 25 May 2009, the complainant lodged an appeal against this decision with the Federal Administrative Court.\\nChinese: 证据在提出异议申请时不能提交的,应当在异议申请书中声明,并应自提交异议申请之日起3个月内提交证据(可在3个月内邮寄补交 ) 。\\nEnglish: Challenged evidence not submitted with the application, shall be declared in the notice of opposition, and shall within 3 months from the date of submission of objection submitted evidence (can be mailed back within 3 months).\\nChinese: 在最高法院作出第120号判决对确认不给予Asensi先生监护权的决定之后,没有关于所进行的进一步法律诉讼、申诉或上诉的记录。\\nEnglish: Following sentence No. 120 by the Supreme Court confirming the decision not to grant Mr. Asensi custody, there is no record of further legal proceedings, petitions or appeals having taken place.\\nChinese: &quot; 受害者应有权参加诉讼程序并申请对所受的损失或损害作出赔偿。\\nEnglish: &quot; A victim shall have the right to take part in the proceedings and to apply for compensation for the loss or injury suffered.\\nChinese: 对作出不予批准决定的,应当书面说明理由,并告知申请人享有依法申请行政复议或者提起行政诉讼的权利。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "If the decision of disapproval is made, the reasons shall be explained in writing, and the applicant shall be informed of the right to apply for administrative reconsideration or file an administrative lawsuit according to law.", "role": "assistant" } ]
第二十二条 注册审批部门应当自作出批准决定之日起10个工作日内,颁发、送达相应级别的注册证。
Article 22 The registration review and approval department shall issue and deliver the registration certificate of the corresponding level within 10 working days from the date of making the approval decision.
[ { "source": "(i) 此申请于国际注册被撤销之日起三个月内提交,", "target": "(i) such application is filed within three months from the date on which the international registration was cancelled," }, { "source": "第二条(用户注册)", "target": "Article 2 (User Registration)" }, { "source": "注册参加 Windows Server 2016 培训或获得相应认证", "target": "Sign up for training or get certified for Windows Server 2016" }, { "source": "注册是自由的。", "target": "Registration is free." }, { "source": "168. 委员会第五十二届会议审议了工作组第二届会议的报告(E/CN.4/1996/ 101),并在第1996/85号决议中注意到工作组作出的进展。", "target": "168. At its fifty—second session, the Commission considered the report on the second session of the working group (E/CN.4/1996/101) and, in its resolution 1996/85, noted the progress made by the working group." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: (i) 此申请于国际注册被撤销之日起三个月内提交,\\nEnglish: (i) such application is filed within three months from the date on which the international registration was cancelled,\\nChinese: 第二条(用户注册)\\nEnglish: Article 2 (User Registration)\\nChinese: 注册参加 Windows Server 2016 培训或获得相应认证\\nEnglish: Sign up for training or get certified for Windows Server 2016\\nChinese: 注册是自由的。\\nEnglish: Registration is free.\\nChinese: 168. 委员会第五十二届会议审议了工作组第二届会议的报告(E/CN.4/1996/ 101),并在第1996/85号决议中注意到工作组作出的进展。\\nEnglish: 168. At its fifty—second session, the Commission considered the report on the second session of the working group (E/CN.4/1996/101) and, in its resolution 1996/85, noted the progress made by the working group.\\nChinese: 第二十二条 注册审批部门应当自作出批准决定之日起10个工作日内,颁发、送达相应级别的注册证。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Article 22 The registration review and approval department shall issue and deliver the registration certificate of the corresponding level within 10 working days from the date of making the approval decision.", "role": "assistant" } ]
第二十三条 注册证的每一注册有效期为3年。
Article 23 The period of validity is 3 years for each registration period of the registration certificate.
[ { "source": "第二条(用户注册)", "target": "Article 2 (User Registration)" }, { "source": "在国家登记册上的注册日期:", "target": "Date of entry in national registry:" }, { "source": "在国家登记册上的注册日期:", "target": "Date of entry in national registry:" }, { "source": "在国家登记册上的注册日期:", "target": "Date of entry in national registry:" }, { "source": "第13条:注册", "target": "Article 13: Registration" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 第二条(用户注册)\\nEnglish: Article 2 (User Registration)\\nChinese: 在国家登记册上的注册日期:\\nEnglish: Date of entry in national registry:\\nChinese: 在国家登记册上的注册日期:\\nEnglish: Date of entry in national registry:\\nChinese: 在国家登记册上的注册日期:\\nEnglish: Date of entry in national registry:\\nChinese: 第13条:注册\\nEnglish: Article 13: Registration\\nChinese: 第二十三条 注册证的每一注册有效期为3年。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Article 23 The period of validity is 3 years for each registration period of the registration certificate.", "role": "assistant" } ]
The registration certificate is the practicing certificate of the registered Fire Engineer of the corresponding level within the period of validity, which is kept and used by the registered Fire Engineer themselves.
[ { "source": "瑞士商标注册费用和注册程序(2018)", "target": "Switzerland Trademark Registration Costs and Procedures (2018)" }, { "source": "注册用户: 没有注册用户", "target": "Registered users: No registered users" }, { "source": "注册是自由的。", "target": "Registration is free." }, { "source": "此有助于防止自动注册。", "target": "This helps prevent automated registrations." }, { "source": "第六条 国际注册的有效期;国际注册的依附和独立", "target": "Article 6 Period of Validity of International Registration; Dependence and Independence of International Registration" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 瑞士商标注册费用和注册程序(2018)\\nEnglish: Switzerland Trademark Registration Costs and Procedures (2018)\\nChinese: 注册用户: 没有注册用户\\nEnglish: Registered users: No registered users\\nChinese: 注册是自由的。\\nEnglish: Registration is free.\\nChinese: 此有助于防止自动注册。\\nEnglish: This helps prevent automated registrations.\\nChinese: 第六条 国际注册的有效期;国际注册的依附和独立\\nEnglish: Article 6 Period of Validity of International Registration; Dependence and Independence of International Registration\\nChinese: 注册证在有效期内是相应级别注册消防工程师的执业凭证,由注册消防工程师本人保管、使用。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The registration certificate is the practicing certificate of the registered Fire Engineer of the corresponding level within the period of validity, which is kept and used by the registered Fire Engineer themselves.", "role": "assistant" } ]
第二十四条 申请初始注册的,应当自取得一级、二级注册消防工程师资格证书之日起1年内提出申请。
Article 24 Initial registration shall be applied within 1 year from the date of obtaining the qualification certificate of Level 1 and Level 2 registered Fire Engineer.
[ { "source": "证据在提出异议申请时不能提交的,应当在异议申请书中声明,并应自提交异议申请之日起3个月内提交证据(可在3个月内邮寄补交 ) 。", "target": "Challenged evidence not submitted with the application, shall be declared in the notice of opposition, and shall within 3 months from the date of submission of objection submitted evidence (can be mailed back within 3 months)." }, { "source": "(i) 此申请于国际注册被撤销之日起三个月内提交,", "target": "(i) such application is filed within three months from the date on which the international registration was cancelled," }, { "source": "(b) 根据本规约第3条,申请人有资格提出申请;", "target": "(b) An applicant is eligible to file an application, pursuant to article 3 of the present statute;" }, { "source": "(b) 根据本规约第3条,申请人有资格提出申请;", "target": "(b) An applicant is eligible to file an application, pursuant to article 3 of the present statute;" }, { "source": "(b) 根据本规约第3条,申请人有资格提出申请;", "target": "(b) An applicant is eligible to file an application, pursuant to article 3 of the present statute;" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 证据在提出异议申请时不能提交的,应当在异议申请书中声明,并应自提交异议申请之日起3个月内提交证据(可在3个月内邮寄补交 ) 。\\nEnglish: Challenged evidence not submitted with the application, shall be declared in the notice of opposition, and shall within 3 months from the date of submission of objection submitted evidence (can be mailed back within 3 months).\\nChinese: (i) 此申请于国际注册被撤销之日起三个月内提交,\\nEnglish: (i) such application is filed within three months from the date on which the international registration was cancelled,\\nChinese: (b) 根据本规约第3条,申请人有资格提出申请;\\nEnglish: (b) An applicant is eligible to file an application, pursuant to article 3 of the present statute;\\nChinese: (b) 根据本规约第3条,申请人有资格提出申请;\\nEnglish: (b) An applicant is eligible to file an application, pursuant to article 3 of the present statute;\\nChinese: (b) 根据本规约第3条,申请人有资格提出申请;\\nEnglish: (b) An applicant is eligible to file an application, pursuant to article 3 of the present statute;\\nChinese: 第二十四条 申请初始注册的,应当自取得一级、二级注册消防工程师资格证书之日起1年内提出申请。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Article 24 Initial registration shall be applied within 1 year from the date of obtaining the qualification certificate of Level 1 and Level 2 registered Fire Engineer.", "role": "assistant" } ]
When applying for initial registration beyond the time limit, it must meet the requirements on continuing education in this Regulation.
[ { "source": "约35%的教师不符合教育部的要求。", "target": "About 35 percent of the teachers do not meet Ministry of Education requirements." }, { "source": "它们必须符合以下要求:", "target": "They shall meet the following requirements:" }, { "source": "要使用 SBD,必须符合以下要求:", "target": "To use SBD, the following requirements must be met:" }, { "source": "因此,行政规定并不符合这项要求。", "target": "Hence, administrative provisions do not meet this requirement." }, { "source": "根据《民事诉讼法》第79条第1款,诉讼开始于一项动议,它必须符合法律规定的要求。", "target": "Under §79, paragraph 1, of the Civil Procedure Code the proceedings start with a motion, which must satisfy the requirements prescribed by law." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 约35%的教师不符合教育部的要求。\\nEnglish: About 35 percent of the teachers do not meet Ministry of Education requirements.\\nChinese: 它们必须符合以下要求:\\nEnglish: They shall meet the following requirements:\\nChinese: 要使用 SBD,必须符合以下要求:\\nEnglish: To use SBD, the following requirements must be met:\\nChinese: 因此,行政规定并不符合这项要求。\\nEnglish: Hence, administrative provisions do not meet this requirement.\\nChinese: 根据《民事诉讼法》第79条第1款,诉讼开始于一项动议,它必须符合法律规定的要求。\\nEnglish: Under §79, paragraph 1, of the Civil Procedure Code the proceedings start with a motion, which must satisfy the requirements prescribed by law.\\nChinese: 逾期申请初始注册时,须符合本规定继续教育要求。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "When applying for initial registration beyond the time limit, it must meet the requirements on continuing education in this Regulation.", "role": "assistant" } ]
The specific measures for registration administration of initial registration, continuation of registration, change of registration, cancellation of registration and not-approved registration shall be separately formulated by the Ministry of Public Security.
[ { "source": "注册: 无需预先注册。", "target": "Registration: No need to pre-register." }, { "source": "注册条款和规定", "target": "Registration Terms & Rules" }, { "source": "注册和帐户管理", "target": "Registration and account management" }, { "source": "瑞士商标注册费用和注册程序(2018)", "target": "Switzerland Trademark Registration Costs and Procedures (2018)" }, { "source": "已经注册/未注册医疗设备和医药产品", "target": "registered / unregistered medical equipment and medical products" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 注册: 无需预先注册。\\nEnglish: Registration: No need to pre-register.\\nChinese: 注册条款和规定\\nEnglish: Registration Terms & Rules\\nChinese: 注册和帐户管理\\nEnglish: Registration and account management\\nChinese: 瑞士商标注册费用和注册程序(2018)\\nEnglish: Switzerland Trademark Registration Costs and Procedures (2018)\\nChinese: 已经注册/未注册医疗设备和医药产品\\nEnglish: registered / unregistered medical equipment and medical products\\nChinese: 初始注册、延续注册、变更注册、注销注册和不予注册等注册管理的具体办法,由公安部另行规定。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The specific measures for registration administration of initial registration, continuation of registration, change of registration, cancellation of registration and not-approved registration shall be separately formulated by the Ministry of Public Security.", "role": "assistant" } ]
第二十五条 继续教育是注册消防工程师延续注册、重新注册和逾期初始注册的必备条件。
Article 25 Continuation of Education is a necessary condition for the continuation of registration, re-registration and overdue initial registration of registered Fire Engineers.
[ { "source": "第六条 国际注册的有效期;国际注册的依附和独立", "target": "Article 6 Period of Validity of International Registration; Dependence and Independence of International Registration" }, { "source": "第17条 : 国际注册的首期期限和续展以及保护期", "target": "Article 17 : Initial Term and Renewal of the International Registration and Duration of Protection" }, { "source": "• 如果您没有从无线网络收到注册消息,请注册您的设备。", "target": "• If you have not received a registration message from the wireless network, register your device." }, { "source": "第二条(用户注册)", "target": "Article 2 (User Registration)" }, { "source": "通过在 Icecat 中注册,您接受 注册条款 .", "target": "By registering in Icecat you accept the Registration Terms ." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 第六条 国际注册的有效期;国际注册的依附和独立\\nEnglish: Article 6 Period of Validity of International Registration; Dependence and Independence of International Registration\\nChinese: 第17条 : 国际注册的首期期限和续展以及保护期\\nEnglish: Article 17 : Initial Term and Renewal of the International Registration and Duration of Protection\\nChinese: • 如果您没有从无线网络收到注册消息,请注册您的设备。\\nEnglish: • If you have not received a registration message from the wireless network, register your device.\\nChinese: 第二条(用户注册)\\nEnglish: Article 2 (User Registration)\\nChinese: 通过在 Icecat 中注册,您接受 注册条款 .\\nEnglish: By registering in Icecat you accept the Registration Terms .\\nChinese: 第二十五条 继续教育是注册消防工程师延续注册、重新注册和逾期初始注册的必备条件。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Article 25 Continuation of Education is a necessary condition for the continuation of registration, re-registration and overdue initial registration of registered Fire Engineers.", "role": "assistant" } ]
Within the period of validity of each registration, registered Fire Engineer of different levels shall complete the corresponding continuation of education according to the regulations.
[ { "source": "注册是完全免费的。", "target": "Registration is completely free." }, { "source": "• 如果您没有从无线网络收到注册消息,请注册您的设备。", "target": "• If you have not received a registration message from the wireless network, register your device." }, { "source": "注册: 无需预先注册。", "target": "Registration: No need to pre-register." }, { "source": "95. 在制定2015年后发展议程中的教育相关目标的过程中,应当特别注意一些具有重要意义的关键问题。", "target": "95. In the process of the formulation of education-related goals in the post-2015 development agenda, some key issues of critical importance deserve special attention." }, { "source": "在2011-2012学年,女生辍学率为0.40%(相比之下前一年是0.45%),完成9年教育周期的学生有91%注册了高中教育(47%是女生)。", "target": "In 2011-2012 school the dropout rate among females was 0.40% (compared to 0.45% in the previous year) and 91% of the students who finished the 9-year education cycle enrolled in secondary education (47% of whom were female)." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 注册是完全免费的。\\nEnglish: Registration is completely free.\\nChinese: • 如果您没有从无线网络收到注册消息,请注册您的设备。\\nEnglish: • If you have not received a registration message from the wireless network, register your device.\\nChinese: 注册: 无需预先注册。\\nEnglish: Registration: No need to pre-register.\\nChinese: 95. 在制定2015年后发展议程中的教育相关目标的过程中,应当特别注意一些具有重要意义的关键问题。\\nEnglish: 95. In the process of the formulation of education-related goals in the post-2015 development agenda, some key issues of critical importance deserve special attention.\\nChinese: 在2011-2012学年,女生辍学率为0.40%(相比之下前一年是0.45%),完成9年教育周期的学生有91%注册了高中教育(47%是女生)。\\nEnglish: In 2011-2012 school the dropout rate among females was 0.40% (compared to 0.45% in the previous year) and 91% of the students who finished the 9-year education cycle enrolled in secondary education (47% of whom were female).\\nChinese: 在每个注册有效期内,各级别注册消防工程师应当按照规定完成相应的继续教育。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Within the period of validity of each registration, registered Fire Engineer of different levels shall complete the corresponding continuation of education according to the regulations.", "role": "assistant" } ]
第二十六条 注册审批部门应当及时向社会公告注册消防工程师注册有关情况,建立注册消防工程师诚信档案,对其执业活动实行信用管理。
Article 26 The registration review and approval department shall timely announce the registration of registered Fire Engineers to the public, establish the integrity archives of registered Fire Engineers, and implement credit management on their practices.
[ { "source": "第六条 国际注册的有效期;国际注册的依附和独立", "target": "Article 6 Period of Validity of International Registration; Dependence and Independence of International Registration" }, { "source": "当您作为 DFP自行注册时,您的注册将自动得到确认。", "target": "when you register yourself, as DFP, your registration will be automatically confirmed." }, { "source": "第18条 : 关于公布的国际注册的信息", "target": "Article 18 : Information Concerning Published International Registrations" }, { "source": "• 如果您没有从无线网络收到注册消息,请注册您的设备。", "target": "• If you have not received a registration message from the wireless network, register your device." }, { "source": "• 如果您没有从无线网络收到注册消息,请注册您的智能手机。", "target": "• If you haven't received a registration message from the wireless network, register your smartphone." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 第六条 国际注册的有效期;国际注册的依附和独立\\nEnglish: Article 6 Period of Validity of International Registration; Dependence and Independence of International Registration\\nChinese: 当您作为 DFP自行注册时,您的注册将自动得到确认。\\nEnglish: when you register yourself, as DFP, your registration will be automatically confirmed.\\nChinese: 第18条 : 关于公布的国际注册的信息\\nEnglish: Article 18 : Information Concerning Published International Registrations\\nChinese: • 如果您没有从无线网络收到注册消息,请注册您的设备。\\nEnglish: • If you have not received a registration message from the wireless network, register your device.\\nChinese: • 如果您没有从无线网络收到注册消息,请注册您的智能手机。\\nEnglish: • If you haven't received a registration message from the wireless network, register your smartphone.\\nChinese: 第二十六条 注册审批部门应当及时向社会公告注册消防工程师注册有关情况,建立注册消防工程师诚信档案,对其执业活动实行信用管理。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Article 26 The registration review and approval department shall timely announce the registration of registered Fire Engineers to the public, establish the integrity archives of registered Fire Engineers, and implement credit management on their practices.", "role": "assistant" } ]
第二十七条 各级注册消防工程师资格的注册管理部门,应当严格执行《中华人民共和国行政许可法》有关规定。
Article 27 The registration administration departments for the qualification of registered Fire Engineers at all levels shall strictly implement the relevant provisions of the Administrative License Law of the people’s Republic of China.
[ { "source": "18. 《宪法》第29条规定,中华人民共和国武装力量属于人民。", "target": "18. Article 29 of the Constitution stipulates that the armed forces of the People &apos; s Republic of China belong to the people." }, { "source": "第六条 国际注册的有效期;国际注册的依附和独立", "target": "Article 6 Period of Validity of International Registration; Dependence and Independence of International Registration" }, { "source": "149. 中国法律对于行政处罚的程序有严格的规定。", "target": "149. Chinese law has strict provisions in respect of procedures for administrative penalties." }, { "source": "(h) 公共管理部门之间的行政协调(例如就签发执照和许可);", "target": "(h) Administrative coordination between public authorities (e.g. for issuing licences and permits);" }, { "source": "中华人民共和国中央银行", "target": "Central Bank of the Republic of China" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 18. 《宪法》第29条规定,中华人民共和国武装力量属于人民。\\nEnglish: 18. Article 29 of the Constitution stipulates that the armed forces of the People &apos; s Republic of China belong to the people.\\nChinese: 第六条 国际注册的有效期;国际注册的依附和独立\\nEnglish: Article 6 Period of Validity of International Registration; Dependence and Independence of International Registration\\nChinese: 149. 中国法律对于行政处罚的程序有严格的规定。\\nEnglish: 149. Chinese law has strict provisions in respect of procedures for administrative penalties.\\nChinese: (h) 公共管理部门之间的行政协调(例如就签发执照和许可);\\nEnglish: (h) Administrative coordination between public authorities (e.g. for issuing licences and permits);\\nChinese: 中华人民共和国中央银行\\nEnglish: Central Bank of the Republic of China\\nChinese: 第二十七条 各级注册消防工程师资格的注册管理部门,应当严格执行《中华人民共和国行政许可法》有关规定。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Article 27 The registration administration departments for the qualification of registered Fire Engineers at all levels shall strictly implement the relevant provisions of the Administrative License Law of the people’s Republic of China.", "role": "assistant" } ]
This is the end of the sharing of today’s examination information; I hope this will be helpful to you.
[ { "source": "分享此游戏给你的朋友。", "target": "Share this game to your friends." }, { "source": "另一个有用的测试手段即扪心自问 : ' 这能否给我的用户带来帮助?", "target": "Another useful test is to ask, 'Does this help my users?" }, { "source": "迄今为止,我们获得了64个国家的帮助。", "target": "To date, we have received help from 64 countries." }, { "source": "我希望这是有帮助!", "target": "I hope this has been helpful!" }, { "source": "我只希望 我们可以帮助.", "target": "I only wish we could help." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 分享此游戏给你的朋友。\\nEnglish: Share this game to your friends.\\nChinese: 另一个有用的测试手段即扪心自问 : ' 这能否给我的用户带来帮助?\\nEnglish: Another useful test is to ask, 'Does this help my users?\\nChinese: 迄今为止,我们获得了64个国家的帮助。\\nEnglish: To date, we have received help from 64 countries.\\nChinese: 我希望这是有帮助!\\nEnglish: I hope this has been helpful!\\nChinese: 我只希望 我们可以帮助.\\nEnglish: I only wish we could help.\\nChinese: 今日的考试资讯分享到此为止,希望能给大家一些帮助。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "This is the end of the sharing of today’s examination information; I hope this will be helpful to you.", "role": "assistant" } ]
Everyone, please work hard on this and hopefully you will pass the Fire Engineer examination soon!
[ { "source": "国家竞争考试", "target": "National Competitive Examination" }, { "source": "100%通过任何IT考试", "target": "100% Pass Any IT Exams" }, { "source": "在另一方面, 也有不同的不同的方式,通过学习考试适当的GMAT考试的时间管理。", "target": "On the other hand, there's also different different ways to learn proper GMAT time management through the exam." }, { "source": "4. 考试过程", "target": "4. Examination process" }, { "source": "G. 考试过程", "target": "G. Examination process" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 国家竞争考试\\nEnglish: National Competitive Examination\\nChinese: 100%通过任何IT考试\\nEnglish: 100% Pass Any IT Exams\\nChinese: 在另一方面, 也有不同的不同的方式,通过学习考试适当的GMAT考试的时间管理。\\nEnglish: On the other hand, there's also different different ways to learn proper GMAT time management through the exam.\\nChinese: 4. 考试过程\\nEnglish: 4. Examination process\\nChinese: G. 考试过程\\nEnglish: G. Examination process\\nChinese: 大家一定要努力备考,争取早日通过消防工程师考试!\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Everyone, please work hard on this and hopefully you will pass the Fire Engineer examination soon!", "role": "assistant" } ]
Real time sharing of the latest examination information of Finance/ Accounting/Architecture.
[ { "source": "首页 > 新闻资讯 > 最新资讯", "target": "Home > News > Latest information" }, { "source": "银行与金融服务 建筑工程", "target": "Banking & Financial Services Construction" }, { "source": "最新金融新闻", "target": "Latest financial news" }, { "source": "经济:旅游、金融服务、建筑。", "target": "Economy: Tourism, financial services, construction." }, { "source": "经济:旅游、金融服务、建筑。", "target": "Economy: Tourism, financial services, construction" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 首页 > 新闻资讯 > 最新资讯\\nEnglish: Home > News > Latest information\\nChinese: 银行与金融服务 建筑工程\\nEnglish: Banking & Financial Services Construction\\nChinese: 最新金融新闻\\nEnglish: Latest financial news\\nChinese: 经济:旅游、金融服务、建筑。\\nEnglish: Economy: Tourism, financial services, construction.\\nChinese: 经济:旅游、金融服务、建筑。\\nEnglish: Economy: Tourism, financial services, construction\\nChinese: 实时分享金融/财会/建筑最新考试资讯。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Real time sharing of the latest examination information of Finance/ Accounting/Architecture.", "role": "assistant" } ]
I’ll cancel it~ I’ve waited for a long time.
[ { "source": "我如何取消或删除会议?", "target": "How do I cancel or delete a meeting?" }, { "source": "我怎样才能取消我的帐户?", "target": "How can I cancel my account?" }, { "source": "我准备好了吗?", "target": "Am I ready?" }, { "source": "我取消时会发生什么情况?", "target": "What happens when I cancel?" }, { "source": "我可以取消自己的帐户吗?", "target": "Can I cancel my account?" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 我如何取消或删除会议?\\nEnglish: How do I cancel or delete a meeting?\\nChinese: 我怎样才能取消我的帐户?\\nEnglish: How can I cancel my account?\\nChinese: 我准备好了吗?\\nEnglish: Am I ready?\\nChinese: 我取消时会发生什么情况?\\nEnglish: What happens when I cancel?\\nChinese: 我可以取消自己的帐户吗?\\nEnglish: Can I cancel my account?\\nChinese: 我取消~等了好久\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "I’ll cancel it~ I’ve waited for a long time.", "role": "assistant" } ]
You kept putting it off.
[ { "source": "你们不信!", "target": "You don't believe it!" }, { "source": "你们不相信!", "target": "You don't believe it!" }, { "source": "你们不饿吗?", "target": "Aren't you hungry?" }, { "source": "你们不需要。", "target": "You don't need." }, { "source": "我们不会停止。", "target": "We don't stop." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 你们不信!\\nEnglish: You don't believe it!\\nChinese: 你们不相信!\\nEnglish: You don't believe it!\\nChinese: 你们不饿吗?\\nEnglish: Aren't you hungry?\\nChinese: 你们不需要。\\nEnglish: You don't need.\\nChinese: 我们不会停止。\\nEnglish: We don't stop.\\nChinese: 你们不停推迟\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "You kept putting it off.", "role": "assistant" } ]
But the Poached Chicken in Chili Sauce is just a box of inedible raw chicken, and can I get a refund for it?
[ { "source": "但是,这是最好的办法来对付它?", "target": "But is that the best way to deal with it?" }, { "source": "但是,这是否足够?", "target": "But is this sufficient?" }, { "source": "但是情况是否如此呢?", "target": "But is that the case?" }, { "source": "203. 按照最近修订的乌拉圭法律,退休可以是:", "target": "203. Under Uruguayan legislation as recently amended, retirement may be:" }, { "source": "但是,我们能否找到解决办法?", "target": "But can we find a solution?" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 但是,这是最好的办法来对付它?\\nEnglish: But is that the best way to deal with it?\\nChinese: 但是,这是否足够?\\nEnglish: But is this sufficient?\\nChinese: 但是情况是否如此呢?\\nEnglish: But is that the case?\\nChinese: 203. 按照最近修订的乌拉圭法律,退休可以是:\\nEnglish: 203. Under Uruguayan legislation as recently amended, retirement may be:\\nChinese: 但是,我们能否找到解决办法?\\nEnglish: But can we find a solution?\\nChinese: 但口水鸡整盒是生肉,没办法吃,是否可以退款\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "But the Poached Chicken in Chili Sauce is just a box of inedible raw chicken, and can I get a refund for it?", "role": "assistant" } ]
菠萝、玉子烧、馒头都没有到,#PRS_ORG# 退了 #NUMBER# 元
Pineapple, tamagoyaki and steamed buns have not arrived, #PRS_ORG# returned #NUMBER# yuan
[ { "source": "'昨天或前天你一点都没有感觉到什么吗 ? ' '没有 。 ' '没有昏睡的感觉吗 ? '", "target": "'Did you feel nothing of it yesterday or the day before?' 'Nothing.' 'No drowsiness?'" }, { "source": "我从来没有猜到了 . . .", "target": "I would have never guessed..." }, { "source": "我从来都没有喜欢过你 。 '", "target": "I never liked you.'" }, { "source": "这里什么都没有了啊", "target": "There's nothing here." }, { "source": "'但他没有孩子呀 。 '", "target": "'But he has no children.'" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: '昨天或前天你一点都没有感觉到什么吗 ? ' '没有 。 ' '没有昏睡的感觉吗 ? '\\nEnglish: 'Did you feel nothing of it yesterday or the day before?' 'Nothing.' 'No drowsiness?'\\nChinese: 我从来没有猜到了 . . .\\nEnglish: I would have never guessed...\\nChinese: 我从来都没有喜欢过你 。 '\\nEnglish: I never liked you.'\\nChinese: 这里什么都没有了啊\\nEnglish: There's nothing here.\\nChinese: '但他没有孩子呀 。 '\\nEnglish: 'But he has no children.'\\nChinese: 菠萝、玉子烧、馒头都没有到,#PRS_ORG# 退了 #NUMBER# 元\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Pineapple, tamagoyaki and steamed buns have not arrived, #PRS_ORG# returned #NUMBER# yuan", "role": "assistant" } ]
But can I ask for a refund of the Poached Chicken with Chili Sauce?
[ { "source": "但是,这是否足够?", "target": "But is this sufficient?" }, { "source": "但这是否足够?", "target": "But is this enough?" }, { "source": "但是情况是否如此呢?", "target": "But is that the case?" }, { "source": "但是,这是不可能的。", "target": "But that's impossible." }, { "source": "但是这不是不可能的。", "target": "But it is not impossible." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 但是,这是否足够?\\nEnglish: But is this sufficient?\\nChinese: 但这是否足够?\\nEnglish: But is this enough?\\nChinese: 但是情况是否如此呢?\\nEnglish: But is that the case?\\nChinese: 但是,这是不可能的。\\nEnglish: But that's impossible.\\nChinese: 但是这不是不可能的。\\nEnglish: But it is not impossible.\\nChinese: 但口水鸡是否可退款\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "But can I ask for a refund of the Poached Chicken with Chili Sauce?", "role": "assistant" } ]
Because it is so raw that it is not edible.
[ { "source": "原因及解决办法:", "target": "Causes and Solutions:" }, { "source": "因为他没有否认。", "target": "Because he didn't deny." }, { "source": "找到解决办法", "target": "Find a solution" }, { "source": "我们已经找到了解决办法!", "target": "We have found the solution!" }, { "source": "它为什么没有发生?", "target": "Why has it not happened?" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 原因及解决办法:\\nEnglish: Causes and Solutions:\\nChinese: 因为他没有否认。\\nEnglish: Because he didn't deny.\\nChinese: 找到解决办法\\nEnglish: Find a solution\\nChinese: 我们已经找到了解决办法!\\nEnglish: We have found the solution!\\nChinese: 它为什么没有发生?\\nEnglish: Why has it not happened?\\nChinese: 因为生到没办法吃\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Because it is so raw that it is not edible.", "role": "assistant" } ]
If I want to cancel it? Is it okay?
[ { "source": "我可以取消它吗?", "target": "Can I cancel it?" }, { "source": "但是如果我们不能竞争,那么我们可以合作吗?", "target": "But if we can’t compete, can we co-operate?" }, { "source": "我能在搬进前取消我的合同吗?", "target": "Can I cancel my contract before I move in?" }, { "source": "如果我们取消您的预订", "target": "If we cancel your reservation" }, { "source": "如果你想要这份工作吗?", "target": "If You want this job?" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 我可以取消它吗?\\nEnglish: Can I cancel it?\\nChinese: 但是如果我们不能竞争,那么我们可以合作吗?\\nEnglish: But if we can’t compete, can we co-operate?\\nChinese: 我能在搬进前取消我的合同吗?\\nEnglish: Can I cancel my contract before I move in?\\nChinese: 如果我们取消您的预订\\nEnglish: If we cancel your reservation\\nChinese: 如果你想要这份工作吗?\\nEnglish: If You want this job?\\nChinese: 我如果想取消?可以吗?\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "If I want to cancel it? Is it okay?", "role": "assistant" } ]
The “Peaceful Rescue-2021” military health service joint exercise of armies of China and Vietnam completed successfully - Xinhuanet
[ { "source": "这两项活动都在2004年结束。", "target": "Both activities ended in 2004." }, { "source": "这个项目帮助了78人,并于2001年7月14日圆满结束。", "target": "This project helped 78 people and was successfully concluded on 14 July 2001." }, { "source": "这是你们的辛勤工作的结束吗?", "target": "Is this the end of your hard work?" }, { "source": "军事援助和合作 (8)", "target": "Military assistance and cooperation (8)" }, { "source": "军事援助和合作(8)", "target": "Military assistance and cooperation(8)" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 这两项活动都在2004年结束。\\nEnglish: Both activities ended in 2004.\\nChinese: 这个项目帮助了78人,并于2001年7月14日圆满结束。\\nEnglish: This project helped 78 people and was successfully concluded on 14 July 2001.\\nChinese: 这是你们的辛勤工作的结束吗?\\nEnglish: Is this the end of your hard work?\\nChinese: 军事援助和合作 (8)\\nEnglish: Military assistance and cooperation (8)\\nChinese: 军事援助和合作(8)\\nEnglish: Military assistance and cooperation(8)\\nChinese: 中越两军“和平救援-2021”卫勤联合演习圆满结束-新华网\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The “Peaceful Rescue-2021” military health service joint exercise of armies of China and Vietnam completed successfully - Xinhuanet", "role": "assistant" } ]
新华社河内12月12日电(周娜 滕怀金)12日上午,参加中越两军“和平救援-2021”卫勤联合演习的中方参演分队全部安全返回中国广西境内,标志着此次持续7天的演训任务顺利完成。
Message from Xinhua News Agency Hanoi on December 12 (journalists: Zhou Na and Teng Huaijin): in the morning of December 12, all the Chinese squads participating in the “Peaceful Rescue-2021” military health service joint exercise of armies of China and Vietnam returned to Guangxi, China, indicating the successful completion of exercise and training tasks which lasted 7 days.
[ { "source": "62. 在2009年12月10日的联合演说中,任务承担者们呼吁全球做出更坚定的承诺并采取更坚决的行动,来消除歧视。", "target": "62. In the joint statement of 10 December 2009 the mandate holders called for stronger commitments and more determined action globally to defeat discrimination." }, { "source": "2012年3月1日和5月25日,在隔离区内发生了涉及叙利亚军队和安全部队的两起事件。", "target": "There were two incidents involving the Syrian military and security forces inside the area of separation on 1 March and 25 May 2012." }, { "source": "它于1911年7月31日恢复活动,并在年度舰队演习中被分配至第三分舰队,然后于9月15日返回预备役支队。", "target": "She was reactivated on 31 July 1911 and assigned to the III Squadron during the annual fleet exercises, then returned on 15 September to the Reserve Division." }, { "source": "<BT> 2014年,美国太平洋司令部启动了160次双边和多边军事演习,但2015年的演习次数增加到175次。", "target": "In 2014, US Pacific Command initiated 160 bilateral and multilateral military exercises, but the number of drills rose to 175 in 2015." }, { "source": "<BT> 12(新华社)--中国和加拿大星期一承诺在北京举行的高层对话中加强安全合作。", "target": "12 (Xinhua) -- China and Canada on Monday pledged to strengthen security cooperation at a high-level dialogue held in Beijing." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 62. 在2009年12月10日的联合演说中,任务承担者们呼吁全球做出更坚定的承诺并采取更坚决的行动,来消除歧视。\\nEnglish: 62. In the joint statement of 10 December 2009 the mandate holders called for stronger commitments and more determined action globally to defeat discrimination.\\nChinese: 2012年3月1日和5月25日,在隔离区内发生了涉及叙利亚军队和安全部队的两起事件。\\nEnglish: There were two incidents involving the Syrian military and security forces inside the area of separation on 1 March and 25 May 2012.\\nChinese: 它于1911年7月31日恢复活动,并在年度舰队演习中被分配至第三分舰队,然后于9月15日返回预备役支队。\\nEnglish: She was reactivated on 31 July 1911 and assigned to the III Squadron during the annual fleet exercises, then returned on 15 September to the Reserve Division.\\nChinese: <BT> 2014年,美国太平洋司令部启动了160次双边和多边军事演习,但2015年的演习次数增加到175次。\\nEnglish: In 2014, US Pacific Command initiated 160 bilateral and multilateral military exercises, but the number of drills rose to 175 in 2015.\\nChinese: <BT> 12(新华社)--中国和加拿大星期一承诺在北京举行的高层对话中加强安全合作。\\nEnglish: 12 (Xinhua) -- China and Canada on Monday pledged to strengthen security cooperation at a high-level dialogue held in Beijing.\\nChinese: 新华社河内12月12日电(周娜 滕怀金)12日上午,参加中越两军“和平救援-2021”卫勤联合演习的中方参演分队全部安全返回中国广西境内,标志着此次持续7天的演训任务顺利完成。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Message from Xinhua News Agency Hanoi on December 12 (journalists: Zhou Na and Teng Huaijin): in the morning of December 12, all the Chinese squads participating in the “Peaceful Rescue-2021” military health service joint exercise of armies of China and Vietnam returned to Guangxi, China, indicating the successful completion of exercise and training tasks which lasted 7 days.", "role": "assistant" } ]
In this joint exercise, the armies of China and Vietnam completed joint military health service command, joint field rescue, batched treatment of the wounded and other content according to practical combat standard on the major topic of humanitarian medical assistance and the mission of healing the wounded and rescuing the dying; it effectively improved the military health service support ability of the two armies.
[ { "source": "这一次,有六名联合国警察受伤(两人重伤),两辆车辆被毁,这次事件严重打击了当地人口和联合国雇员的信心。", "target": "On this occasion, six UN police personnel were wounded (two seriously), and two vehicles destroyed, in an incident that severely undermined the confidence of the local population and UN employees alike." }, { "source": "向艰苦工作地点的43个药房和外勤任务区的45个医疗设施中的联合国医务人员提供了技术支助。", "target": "Technical support was provided to United Nations medical personnel in 43 dispensaries in hardship duty stations and 45 medical facilities in field mission areas." }, { "source": "以色列军队杀死18名卫生工作人员,打伤370人;它损坏了240辆救护车,摧毁了34辆救护车。", "target": "The Israeli army has killed 18 health workers and injured 370; and it has damaged 240 ambulances and destroyed 34." }, { "source": "将部署多达200名的联络官和300名联合国军事观察员,以及使能能力,它包括军事工程师、医疗、通讯、运输和后勤能力。", "target": "Up to 200 liaison officers and 300 United Nations military observers would be deployed, as well as enabling capabilities comprising military engineers, medical, communication, transport and logistic capabilities." }, { "source": "13. 加强联合国紧急人道主义和救灾援助,包括特别经济援助的协调:第二委员会的报告 (A/61/429) [69]", "target": "13. Strengthening of the coordination of humanitarian and disaster relief assistance of the United Nations, including special economic assistance: report of the Second Committee (A/61/429) [69]" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 这一次,有六名联合国警察受伤(两人重伤),两辆车辆被毁,这次事件严重打击了当地人口和联合国雇员的信心。\\nEnglish: On this occasion, six UN police personnel were wounded (two seriously), and two vehicles destroyed, in an incident that severely undermined the confidence of the local population and UN employees alike.\\nChinese: 向艰苦工作地点的43个药房和外勤任务区的45个医疗设施中的联合国医务人员提供了技术支助。\\nEnglish: Technical support was provided to United Nations medical personnel in 43 dispensaries in hardship duty stations and 45 medical facilities in field mission areas.\\nChinese: 以色列军队杀死18名卫生工作人员,打伤370人;它损坏了240辆救护车,摧毁了34辆救护车。\\nEnglish: The Israeli army has killed 18 health workers and injured 370; and it has damaged 240 ambulances and destroyed 34.\\nChinese: 将部署多达200名的联络官和300名联合国军事观察员,以及使能能力,它包括军事工程师、医疗、通讯、运输和后勤能力。\\nEnglish: Up to 200 liaison officers and 300 United Nations military observers would be deployed, as well as enabling capabilities comprising military engineers, medical, communication, transport and logistic capabilities.\\nChinese: 13. 加强联合国紧急人道主义和救灾援助,包括特别经济援助的协调:第二委员会的报告 (A/61/429) [69]\\nEnglish: 13. Strengthening of the coordination of humanitarian and disaster relief assistance of the United Nations, including special economic assistance: report of the Second Committee (A/61/429) [69]\\nChinese: 此次联演,中越两军围绕人道主义医学救援这一重大课题,紧扣卫勤救死扶伤使命任务,按照实战化标准完成了联合卫勤指挥、联合现场救援、批量伤员处置等课目内容,有效提升了两军卫勤保障能力。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "In this joint exercise, the armies of China and Vietnam completed joint military health service command, joint field rescue, batched treatment of the wounded and other content according to practical combat standard on the major topic of humanitarian medical assistance and the mission of healing the wounded and rescuing the dying; it effectively improved the military health service support ability of the two armies.", "role": "assistant" } ]
The results of the exercise have won recognition from both armies of China and Vietnam.
[ { "source": "30项最近提交的个案得到预先评估的肯定,并已收到公众的意见", "target": "30 recently submitted cases were positively pre-assessed and have received public comments" }, { "source": "(b) 学生在监测学习成果测验中得到的平均分提高", "target": "(b) Increase in the mean score obtained by students in the monitoring of learning achievement tests" }, { "source": "取得的成果:", "target": "Results achieved:" }, { "source": "取得的成果:", "target": "Results achieved:" }, { "source": "取得的成果:", "target": "Results Achieved:" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 30项最近提交的个案得到预先评估的肯定,并已收到公众的意见\\nEnglish: 30 recently submitted cases were positively pre-assessed and have received public comments\\nChinese: (b) 学生在监测学习成果测验中得到的平均分提高\\nEnglish: (b) Increase in the mean score obtained by students in the monitoring of learning achievement tests\\nChinese: 取得的成果:\\nEnglish: Results achieved:\\nChinese: 取得的成果:\\nEnglish: Results achieved:\\nChinese: 取得的成果:\\nEnglish: Results Achieved:\\nChinese: 演习成果得到中越两军的肯定。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The results of the exercise have won recognition from both armies of China and Vietnam.", "role": "assistant" } ]
Ruan Xiongsheng, Director of the Exercise Guiding Committee of Vietnam and the Deputy Director and the Chief of Staff of the Administration of Logistics of People’s Army of Vietnam, said at the ending ceremony that military doctors of Vietnam learned knowledge about exercise organization and specialized activities from military doctors of China, and widened their knowledge of medical and logistics equipment of China.
[ { "source": "越南人民现在可以更好地取得宗教信息,并越来越清楚地了解其在宗教活动方面的法律权利和义务。", "target": "The Vietnamese people now have better access to religious information and have increasingly better understanding of their legal rights and obligations in religious activities." }, { "source": "192. 有关政府在这一领域,以及在识字和识数、家庭学习和终身学习方案等方面采取行动方面的详情,见附件1(第10条,第7页。", "target": "192. For more information on Government action in this area including literacy and numeracy, family learning and lifelong learning programmes see annex 1 (article 10, p. 7)." }, { "source": "1959年5月15日,越南人民军成立了559小组,负责从越南北部向南部运输必需品的后勤工作。", "target": "On 15 May 1959, the People's Army of Vietnam established Group 559; this unit was charged with the logistics of moving the necessities of war from North Vietnam to the South." }, { "source": "1959年5月15日,越南人民军 成立了559小组 ,负责从越南北部向南部运输必需品的后勤工作。", "target": "On 15 May 1959, the People's Army of Vietnam established Group 559 ; this unit was charged with the logistics of moving the necessities of war from North Vietnam to the South." }, { "source": "来自110多个国家的17 000多名青年在该岛学习各种专门知识,其中多数人学习高等知识。", "target": "More than 17,000 young people from more than 110 countries study various specialties in the island, most of them at the higher level." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 越南人民现在可以更好地取得宗教信息,并越来越清楚地了解其在宗教活动方面的法律权利和义务。\\nEnglish: The Vietnamese people now have better access to religious information and have increasingly better understanding of their legal rights and obligations in religious activities.\\nChinese: 192. 有关政府在这一领域,以及在识字和识数、家庭学习和终身学习方案等方面采取行动方面的详情,见附件1(第10条,第7页。\\nEnglish: 192. For more information on Government action in this area including literacy and numeracy, family learning and lifelong learning programmes see annex 1 (article 10, p. 7).\\nChinese: 1959年5月15日,越南人民军成立了559小组,负责从越南北部向南部运输必需品的后勤工作。\\nEnglish: On 15 May 1959, the People's Army of Vietnam established Group 559; this unit was charged with the logistics of moving the necessities of war from North Vietnam to the South.\\nChinese: 1959年5月15日,越南人民军 成立了559小组 ,负责从越南北部向南部运输必需品的后勤工作。\\nEnglish: On 15 May 1959, the People's Army of Vietnam established Group 559 ; this unit was charged with the logistics of moving the necessities of war from North Vietnam to the South.\\nChinese: 来自110多个国家的17 000多名青年在该岛学习各种专门知识,其中多数人学习高等知识。\\nEnglish: More than 17,000 young people from more than 110 countries study various specialties in the island, most of them at the higher level.\\nChinese: 越方演习指导委员会主任、越南人民军后勤总局副主任兼参谋长阮雄胜在演习结束仪式上说,通过此次演习,越南军医从中国军医身上学到了演习组织及专业活动方面的知识,也见识了中方的医疗、保障设备。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "Ruan Xiongsheng, Director of the Exercise Guiding Committee of Vietnam and the Deputy Director and the Chief of Staff of the Administration of Logistics of People’s Army of Vietnam, said at the ending ceremony that military doctors of Vietnam learned knowledge about exercise organization and specialized activities from military doctors of China, and widened their knowledge of medical and logistics equipment of China.", "role": "assistant" } ]
The achievements made from the exercise proved the specialized ability of military doctors of two countries on medical assistance and epidemic prevention and control.
[ { "source": "我们的员工包括医药、医疗保健和客户管理方面的高素质专业人员。", "target": "Our staff includes highly-qualified professionals in medicine, healthcare and client management." }, { "source": "106. 有效的救灾也需要协调应急人员的调配,以加强受灾国的应急能力,包括医疗队、搜索救援队以及技术专家的能力。", "target": "106. Effective disaster relief also necessitates coordination with regard to the provision of emergency response personnel to strengthen the response capacity of the affected State, including medical teams, search and rescue teams, and technical specialists." }, { "source": "第12条:获取医疗保健服务方面的平等", "target": "Article 12: Equal access to health services" }, { "source": "学习和评估方面的能力建设", "target": "Learning and evaluation capacity-building" }, { "source": "(b) 捐助方扩大支助,以加强援助分析、政策、战略、谈判及成果评估方面的国家能力;", "target": "(b) Donors to scale up support to reinforce country capacity in aid analysis, policy, strategy, negotiation and the evaluation of results;" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 我们的员工包括医药、医疗保健和客户管理方面的高素质专业人员。\\nEnglish: Our staff includes highly-qualified professionals in medicine, healthcare and client management.\\nChinese: 106. 有效的救灾也需要协调应急人员的调配,以加强受灾国的应急能力,包括医疗队、搜索救援队以及技术专家的能力。\\nEnglish: 106. Effective disaster relief also necessitates coordination with regard to the provision of emergency response personnel to strengthen the response capacity of the affected State, including medical teams, search and rescue teams, and technical specialists.\\nChinese: 第12条:获取医疗保健服务方面的平等\\nEnglish: Article 12: Equal access to health services\\nChinese: 学习和评估方面的能力建设\\nEnglish: Learning and evaluation capacity-building\\nChinese: (b) 捐助方扩大支助,以加强援助分析、政策、战略、谈判及成果评估方面的国家能力;\\nEnglish: (b) Donors to scale up support to reinforce country capacity in aid analysis, policy, strategy, negotiation and the evaluation of results;\\nChinese: 演习取得的成果证明了两国军医力量在医疗援助、疫情防控方面的专业能力。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "The achievements made from the exercise proved the specialized ability of military doctors of two countries on medical assistance and epidemic prevention and control.", "role": "assistant" } ]
According to Chen Chunming, leader of Guidance and Coordination Group of China and Deputy Director of Health Bureau of the Logistics Support Department of the Central Military Commission, the exercise is another pioneering practice based on the joint voluntary clinics event held in 2018, which has an essential milestone significance.
[ { "source": "44. 因此,2010-2015年中期战略具有特别重要的意义。", "target": "44. The medium-term strategy for 2010-2015 was therefore of particular importance." }, { "source": "180. 联邦中央政治教育局(Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung)的工作具有特别重要的意义。", "target": "180. The work of the Federal Central Agency for Political Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung) is of particular significance." }, { "source": "这是继2011年成功举办会议之后在北京举办的第二次此类会议。", "target": "This is the second such conference organized in Beijing, following the successful conference in 2011." }, { "source": "1. 2013年举行的国际移徙与发展高级别对话是一个具有里程碑意义的事件。", "target": "1. The 2013 High-level Dialogue on International Migration and Development was a landmark event." }, { "source": "2015年是在诸多方面具有里程碑意义的一年。", "target": "The year 2015 is a milestone in many respects." } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 44. 因此,2010-2015年中期战略具有特别重要的意义。\\nEnglish: 44. The medium-term strategy for 2010-2015 was therefore of particular importance.\\nChinese: 180. 联邦中央政治教育局(Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung)的工作具有特别重要的意义。\\nEnglish: 180. The work of the Federal Central Agency for Political Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung) is of particular significance.\\nChinese: 这是继2011年成功举办会议之后在北京举办的第二次此类会议。\\nEnglish: This is the second such conference organized in Beijing, following the successful conference in 2011.\\nChinese: 1. 2013年举行的国际移徙与发展高级别对话是一个具有里程碑意义的事件。\\nEnglish: 1. The 2013 High-level Dialogue on International Migration and Development was a landmark event.\\nChinese: 2015年是在诸多方面具有里程碑意义的一年。\\nEnglish: The year 2015 is a milestone in many respects.\\nChinese: 中方指导协调组组长、中央军委后勤保障部卫生局副局长陈春明表示,此次演习是在2018年成功举办联合义诊活动的基础上又一次开拓创新实践,具有非常重要的里程碑意义。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "According to Chen Chunming, leader of Guidance and Coordination Group of China and Deputy Director of Health Bureau of the Logistics Support Department of the Central Military Commission, the exercise is another pioneering practice based on the joint voluntary clinics event held in 2018, which has an essential milestone significance.", "role": "assistant" } ]
During the exercise, Chinese People’s Liberation Army donated health and epidemic prevention materials such as medical masks, medical protective suits and quick nucleic acid detectors to People’s Army of Vietnam.
[ { "source": "最佳 DDoS 防护:快速实现 DDoS 检测和 DDoS 抵御", "target": "Best DDoS protection: Fast DDoS detection and DDoS mitigation" }, { "source": "(g) 预防性医疗卫生服务", "target": "(g) Preventive health care services" }, { "source": "11. 在施用期间是否穿戴了防护服? □ 否 □ 是", "target": "11. Was protective clothing used during application? □ no □ yes" }, { "source": "11. 在施用期间是否穿戴了防护服? □ 否 □ 是", "target": "11. Was protective clothing used during application? □ no □ yes" }, { "source": "11. 在施用期间是否穿戴了防护服? □否 X是", "target": "11. Was protective clothing used during application? □ no X yes" } ]
[ { "content": "Chinese: 最佳 DDoS 防护:快速实现 DDoS 检测和 DDoS 抵御\\nEnglish: Best DDoS protection: Fast DDoS detection and DDoS mitigation\\nChinese: (g) 预防性医疗卫生服务\\nEnglish: (g) Preventive health care services\\nChinese: 11. 在施用期间是否穿戴了防护服? □ 否 □ 是\\nEnglish: 11. Was protective clothing used during application? □ no □ yes\\nChinese: 11. 在施用期间是否穿戴了防护服? □ 否 □ 是\\nEnglish: 11. Was protective clothing used during application? □ no □ yes\\nChinese: 11. 在施用期间是否穿戴了防护服? □否 X是\\nEnglish: 11. Was protective clothing used during application? □ no X yes\\nChinese: 演习期间,中国人民解放军向越南人民军捐赠了医用防护口罩、医用防护服、快速核酸检测仪器等卫生防疫物资。\\nEnglish: ", "role": "user" }, { "content": "During the exercise, Chinese People’s Liberation Army donated health and epidemic prevention materials such as medical masks, medical protective suits and quick nucleic acid detectors to People’s Army of Vietnam.", "role": "assistant" } ]