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135 values
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Don wanted to find out if a battery powered toy truck would always travel the same distance in 10 seconds no matter how heavy a load the truck carried. He placed one or more blocks (the load) in the back of the truck and recorded his results. (Each block had the same mass.) The following graph displays his results. What is the relationship between the number of blocks and the distance traveled by the truck in 10 seconds?
The more blocks the truck carries, the less distance the truck travels in 10 seconds.
The more blocks the harder the truck tries to go faster causing it to go slower.
Don wanted to find out if a battery powered toy truck would always travel the same distance in 10 seconds no matter how heavy a load the truck carried. He placed one or more blocks (the load) in the back of the truck and recorded his results. (Each block had the same mass.) The following graph displays his results. What is the relationship between the number of blocks and the distance traveled by the truck in 10 seconds?
The more blocks the truck carries, the less distance the truck travels in 10 seconds.
Every time he put a block in it went 5 meters shorter.
Don wanted to find out if a battery powered toy truck would always travel the same distance in 10 seconds no matter how heavy a load the truck carried. He placed one or more blocks (the load) in the back of the truck and recorded his results. (Each block had the same mass.) The following graph displays his results. What is the relationship between the number of blocks and the distance traveled by the truck in 10 seconds?
The more blocks the truck carries, the less distance the truck travels in 10 seconds.
The more the block, the less it goes, the less the blocks, the farther it goes.
Don wanted to find out if a battery powered toy truck would always travel the same distance in 10 seconds no matter how heavy a load the truck carried. He placed one or more blocks (the load) in the back of the truck and recorded his results. (Each block had the same mass.) The following graph displays his results. What is the relationship between the number of blocks and the distance traveled by the truck in 10 seconds?
The more blocks the truck carries, the less distance the truck travels in 10 seconds.
The relationship is it goes down one every time you add a block.
Don wanted to find out if a battery powered toy truck would always travel the same distance in 10 seconds no matter how heavy a load the truck carried. He placed one or more blocks (the load) in the back of the truck and recorded his results. (Each block had the same mass.) The following graph displays his results. What is the relationship between the number of blocks and the distance traveled by the truck in 10 seconds?
The more blocks the truck carries, the less distance the truck travels in 10 seconds.
The relationship between the number of blocks and the distance traveled by the truck in 10 seconds is that they both change how far the truck goes.
Don wanted to find out if a battery powered toy truck would always travel the same distance in 10 seconds no matter how heavy a load the truck carried. He placed one or more blocks (the load) in the back of the truck and recorded his results. (Each block had the same mass.) The following graph displays his results. What is the relationship between the number of blocks and the distance traveled by the truck in 10 seconds?
The more blocks the truck carries, the less distance the truck travels in 10 seconds.
The relationship is that the less blocks the toy truck has the more it will carry and the more blocks the less it can carry.
Don wanted to find out if a battery powered toy truck would always travel the same distance in 10 seconds no matter how heavy a load the truck carried. He placed one or more blocks (the load) in the back of the truck and recorded his results. (Each block had the same mass.) The following graph displays his results. What is the relationship between the number of blocks and the distance traveled by the truck in 10 seconds?
The more blocks the truck carries, the less distance the truck travels in 10 seconds.
The relationship between the number of blocks and the distance is that it decreases every time and all of it decreases together.
Don wanted to find out if a battery powered toy truck would always travel the same distance in 10 seconds no matter how heavy a load the truck carried. He placed one or more blocks (the load) in the back of the truck and recorded his results. (Each block had the same mass.) The following graph displays his results. What is the relationship between the number of blocks and the distance traveled by the truck in 10 seconds?
The more blocks the truck carries, the less distance the truck travels in 10 seconds.
The relationship is that the more blocks that you put in the truck the less distance it will cover.
Don wanted to find out if a battery powered toy truck would always travel the same distance in 10 seconds no matter how heavy a load the truck carried. He placed one or more blocks (the load) in the back of the truck and recorded his results. (Each block had the same mass.) The following graph displays his results. What is the relationship between the number of blocks and the distance traveled by the truck in 10 seconds?
The more blocks the truck carries, the less distance the truck travels in 10 seconds.
The more blocks he puts in the truck the less the truck will travel.
Don wanted to find out if a battery powered toy truck would always travel the same distance in 10 seconds no matter how heavy a load the truck carried. He placed one or more blocks (the load) in the back of the truck and recorded his results. (Each block had the same mass.) The following graph displays his results. What is the relationship between the number of blocks and the distance traveled by the truck in 10 seconds?
The more blocks the truck carries, the less distance the truck travels in 10 seconds.
That it is increasing by the matter of seconds.
Don wanted to find out if a battery powered toy truck would always travel the same distance in 10 seconds no matter how heavy a load the truck carried. He placed one or more blocks (the load) in the back of the truck and recorded his results. (Each block had the same mass.) The following graph displays his results. What is the relationship between the number of blocks and the distance traveled by the truck in 10 seconds?
The more blocks the truck carries, the less distance the truck travels in 10 seconds.
The more number of blocks the less distance it goes or the less block the more distance.
Don wanted to find out if a battery powered toy truck would always travel the same distance in 10 seconds no matter how heavy a load the truck carried. He placed one or more blocks (the load) in the back of the truck and recorded his results. (Each block had the same mass.) The following graph displays his results. What is the relationship between the number of blocks and the distance traveled by the truck in 10 seconds?
The more blocks the truck carries, the less distance the truck travels in 10 seconds.
The number of blocks is measuring by meters.
Don wanted to find out if a battery powered toy truck would always travel the same distance in 10 seconds no matter how heavy a load the truck carried. He placed one or more blocks (the load) in the back of the truck and recorded his results. (Each block had the same mass.) The following graph displays his results. What is the relationship between the number of blocks and the distance traveled by the truck in 10 seconds?
The more blocks the truck carries, the less distance the truck travels in 10 seconds.
If the truck has less blocks it goes further.
Don wanted to find out if a battery powered toy truck would always travel the same distance in 10 seconds no matter how heavy a load the truck carried. He placed one or more blocks (the load) in the back of the truck and recorded his results. (Each block had the same mass.) The following graph displays his results. What is the relationship between the number of blocks and the distance traveled by the truck in 10 seconds?
The more blocks the truck carries, the less distance the truck travels in 10 seconds.
The more blocks you add the less distance it would go. It would have more mass.
Don wanted to find out if a battery powered toy truck would always travel the same distance in 10 seconds no matter how heavy a load the truck carried. He placed one or more blocks (the load) in the back of the truck and recorded his results. (Each block had the same mass.) The following graph displays his results. What is the relationship between the number of blocks and the distance traveled by the truck in 10 seconds?
The more blocks the truck carries, the less distance the truck travels in 10 seconds.
The more blocks Don added the slower the toy truck will go.
Don wanted to find out if a battery powered toy truck would always travel the same distance in 10 seconds no matter how heavy a load the truck carried. He placed one or more blocks (the load) in the back of the truck and recorded his results. (Each block had the same mass.) The following graph displays his results. What is the relationship between the number of blocks and the distance traveled by the truck in 10 seconds?
The more blocks the truck carries, the less distance the truck travels in 10 seconds.
That will more number of blocks the slower it goes.
Don wanted to find out if a battery powered toy truck would always travel the same distance in 10 seconds no matter how heavy a load the truck carried. He placed one or more blocks (the load) in the back of the truck and recorded his results. (Each block had the same mass.) The following graph displays his results. What is the relationship between the number of blocks and the distance traveled by the truck in 10 seconds?
The more blocks the truck carries, the less distance the truck travels in 10 seconds.
The distance of the meter is going lower. The number of blocks is going lower too.
Don wanted to find out if a battery powered toy truck would always travel the same distance in 10 seconds no matter how heavy a load the truck carried. He placed one or more blocks (the load) in the back of the truck and recorded his results. (Each block had the same mass.) The following graph displays his results. What is the relationship between the number of blocks and the distance traveled by the truck in 10 seconds?
The more blocks the truck carries, the less distance the truck travels in 10 seconds.
The distance of the meter is going lower. Number of blocks is getting lower too.
Don wanted to find out if a battery powered toy truck would always travel the same distance in 10 seconds no matter how heavy a load the truck carried. He placed one or more blocks (the load) in the back of the truck and recorded his results. (Each block had the same mass.) The following graph displays his results. What is the relationship between the number of blocks and the distance traveled by the truck in 10 seconds?
The more blocks the truck carries, the less distance the truck travels in 10 seconds.
The more blocks added the farther it went.
Don wanted to find out if a battery powered toy truck would always travel the same distance in 10 seconds no matter how heavy a load the truck carried. He placed one or more blocks (the load) in the back of the truck and recorded his results. (Each block had the same mass.) The following graph displays his results. What is the relationship between the number of blocks and the distance traveled by the truck in 10 seconds?
The more blocks the truck carries, the less distance the truck travels in 10 seconds.
The more blocks the less it goes.
Don wanted to find out if a battery powered toy truck would always travel the same distance in 10 seconds no matter how heavy a load the truck carried. He placed one or more blocks (the load) in the back of the truck and recorded his results. (Each block had the same mass.) The following graph displays his results. What is the relationship between the number of blocks and the distance traveled by the truck in 10 seconds?
The more blocks the truck carries, the less distance the truck travels in 10 seconds.
It goes up each one.
Don wanted to find out if a battery powered toy truck would always travel the same distance in 10 seconds no matter how heavy a load the truck carried. He placed one or more blocks (the load) in the back of the truck and recorded his results. (Each block had the same mass.) The following graph displays his results. What is the relationship between the number of blocks and the distance traveled by the truck in 10 seconds?
The more blocks the truck carries, the less distance the truck travels in 10 seconds.
The relationship is that each time he add a block it goes about one meter lower.
Don wanted to find out if a battery powered toy truck would always travel the same distance in 10 seconds no matter how heavy a load the truck carried. He placed one or more blocks (the load) in the back of the truck and recorded his results. (Each block had the same mass.) The following graph displays his results. What is the relationship between the number of blocks and the distance traveled by the truck in 10 seconds?
The more blocks the truck carries, the less distance the truck travels in 10 seconds.
The more blocks the less it will go.
Don wanted to find out if a battery powered toy truck would always travel the same distance in 10 seconds no matter how heavy a load the truck carried. He placed one or more blocks (the load) in the back of the truck and recorded his results. (Each block had the same mass.) The following graph displays his results. What is the relationship between the number of blocks and the distance traveled by the truck in 10 seconds?
The more blocks the truck carries, the less distance the truck travels in 10 seconds.
The more blocks it carried the less farther it would go.
Don wanted to find out if a battery powered toy truck would always travel the same distance in 10 seconds no matter how heavy a load the truck carried. He placed one or more blocks (the load) in the back of the truck and recorded his results. (Each block had the same mass.) The following graph displays his results. What is the relationship between the number of blocks and the distance traveled by the truck in 10 seconds?
The more blocks the truck carries, the less distance the truck travels in 10 seconds.
The more blocks the less meters it goes.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. What variable did the girls control in the contest?
The launch position (line on the playground) is the variable that is controlled.
Where she threw the ball.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. What variable did the girls control in the contest?
The launch position (line on the playground) is the variable that is controlled.
Where you throw the ball from.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. What variable did the girls control in the contest?
The launch position (line on the playground) is the variable that is controlled.
Throwing the ball from the same line.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. What variable did the girls control in the contest?
The launch position (line on the playground) is the variable that is controlled.
The size, mass, and whether or not they take a running start, stay in front of the line or 2 step start.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. What variable did the girls control in the contest?
The launch position (line on the playground) is the variable that is controlled.
Where they throw their ball from.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. What variable did the girls control in the contest?
The launch position (line on the playground) is the variable that is controlled.
They controlled where they throw their ball.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. What variable did the girls control in the contest?
The launch position (line on the playground) is the variable that is controlled.
Where they threw.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. What variable did the girls control in the contest?
The launch position (line on the playground) is the variable that is controlled.
That they all threw their ball at the same place.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. What variable did the girls control in the contest?
The launch position (line on the playground) is the variable that is controlled.
The girls controlled the basketball and baseball. Also a football.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. What variable did the girls control in the contest?
The launch position (line on the playground) is the variable that is controlled.
They all used a ball.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. What variable did the girls control in the contest?
The launch position (line on the playground) is the variable that is controlled.
Where they let go of the ball.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. What variable did the girls control in the contest?
The launch position (line on the playground) is the variable that is controlled.
How far the balls went in the field.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. What variable did the girls control in the contest?
The launch position (line on the playground) is the variable that is controlled.
They had to throw at a line.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. What variable did the girls control in the contest?
The launch position (line on the playground) is the variable that is controlled.
They all threw the ball at the line.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. What variable did the girls control in the contest?
The launch position (line on the playground) is the variable that is controlled.
Where they threw it from.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. What variable did the girls control in the contest?
The launch position (line on the playground) is the variable that is controlled.
Where they threw their ball from.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. What variable did the girls control in the contest?
The launch position (line on the playground) is the variable that is controlled.
The variable the girls controlled was the way they threw the ball.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. What variable did the girls control in the contest?
The launch position (line on the playground) is the variable that is controlled.
They controlled the line.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. What variable did the girls control in the contest?
The launch position (line on the playground) is the variable that is controlled.
The variable they controlled was bringing their own balls.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. What variable did the girls control in the contest?
The launch position (line on the playground) is the variable that is controlled.
Where the place they had to throw the ball from.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. What variable did the girls control in the contest?
The launch position (line on the playground) is the variable that is controlled.
The controlled the line where they were going to throw the ball.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. What variable did the girls control in the contest?
The launch position (line on the playground) is the variable that is controlled.
Throwing the ball.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. What variable did the girls control in the contest?
The launch position (line on the playground) is the variable that is controlled.
The balls.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. What variable did the girls control in the contest?
The launch position (line on the playground) is the variable that is controlled.
She controlled her energy to throw more.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. What variable did the girls control in the contest?
The launch position (line on the playground) is the variable that is controlled.
How they stood in the line, and how far they are.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. What variable did the girls control in the contest?
The launch position (line on the playground) is the variable that is controlled.
The line.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. What variable did the girls control in the contest?
The launch position (line on the playground) is the variable that is controlled.
They threw the balls.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. What variable did the girls control in the contest?
The launch position (line on the playground) is the variable that is controlled.
They all threw the ball at the line.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. What variable did the girls control in the contest?
The launch position (line on the playground) is the variable that is controlled.
The way they stand at the line.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. What variable did the girls control in the contest?
The launch position (line on the playground) is the variable that is controlled.
How far the ball goes behind the line.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. What variable did the girls control in the contest?
The launch position (line on the playground) is the variable that is controlled.
How high it will go.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. What variable did the girls control in the contest?
The launch position (line on the playground) is the variable that is controlled.
Staying at the line.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. What variable did the girls control in the contest?
The launch position (line on the playground) is the variable that is controlled.
Kinds of balls.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. What variable did the girls control in the contest?
The launch position (line on the playground) is the variable that is controlled.
The line.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. What variable did the girls control in the contest?
The launch position (line on the playground) is the variable that is controlled.
The lines.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. What variable did the girls control in the contest?
The launch position (line on the playground) is the variable that is controlled.
Where they threw the ball.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. Describe 2 variables that are not controlled in the contest.
Different girls are throwing the balls. The girls use different launch techniques. Each girl uses a different type of ball.
No one had the same ball and threw the ball differently.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. Describe 2 variables that are not controlled in the contest.
Different girls are throwing the balls. The girls use different launch techniques. Each girl uses a different type of ball.
One variable that should be controlled is the ball, everyone should use the same ball. Another is if you should get a running start.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. Describe 2 variables that are not controlled in the contest.
Different girls are throwing the balls. The girls use different launch techniques. Each girl uses a different type of ball.
The type of ball they use how they got to the point of where they were supposed to throw the ball.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. Describe 2 variables that are not controlled in the contest.
Different girls are throwing the balls. The girls use different launch techniques. Each girl uses a different type of ball.
Size of ball because they all should have used the same ball, where to start they should have all stood in the same spot.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. Describe 2 variables that are not controlled in the contest.
Different girls are throwing the balls. The girls use different launch techniques. Each girl uses a different type of ball.
If they get a running start and if they had the same ball or not.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. Describe 2 variables that are not controlled in the contest.
Different girls are throwing the balls. The girls use different launch techniques. Each girl uses a different type of ball.
They do not use the same kind of ball and they get different speeds.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. Describe 2 variables that are not controlled in the contest.
Different girls are throwing the balls. The girls use different launch techniques. Each girl uses a different type of ball.
The same kind of balls. Having a running start.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. Describe 2 variables that are not controlled in the contest.
Different girls are throwing the balls. The girls use different launch techniques. Each girl uses a different type of ball.
One is they all have different balls. 2 is they have some bigger which makes them go not as far as distance as the smaller ones which go farther.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. Describe 2 variables that are not controlled in the contest.
Different girls are throwing the balls. The girls use different launch techniques. Each girl uses a different type of ball.
They did not control the size, and they did not control the type of ball they used.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. Describe 2 variables that are not controlled in the contest.
Different girls are throwing the balls. The girls use different launch techniques. Each girl uses a different type of ball.
The first variable they did not control is the different kind of ball. The second is the speed they went to get to the line.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. Describe 2 variables that are not controlled in the contest.
Different girls are throwing the balls. The girls use different launch techniques. Each girl uses a different type of ball.
They do not have the same amount of weight. And not have the same ball. And they run and step. They need to run or step.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. Describe 2 variables that are not controlled in the contest.
Different girls are throwing the balls. The girls use different launch techniques. Each girl uses a different type of ball.
The balls all need to be the same. And they all need to stand and throw.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. Describe 2 variables that are not controlled in the contest.
Different girls are throwing the balls. The girls use different launch techniques. Each girl uses a different type of ball.
Throwing at the line and using the same ball.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. Describe 2 variables that are not controlled in the contest.
Different girls are throwing the balls. The girls use different launch techniques. Each girl uses a different type of ball.
How far they throw the balls and the kind of balls that bring are 2 uncontrolled variables.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. Describe 2 variables that are not controlled in the contest.
Different girls are throwing the balls. The girls use different launch techniques. Each girl uses a different type of ball.
The variable that was not controlled was that they just brought any ball and made a line and threw it.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. Describe 2 variables that are not controlled in the contest.
Different girls are throwing the balls. The girls use different launch techniques. Each girl uses a different type of ball.
How they start and what ball they use.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. Describe 2 variables that are not controlled in the contest.
Different girls are throwing the balls. The girls use different launch techniques. Each girl uses a different type of ball.
2 variables that are not controlled in the contest were the amount of steps and what ball they are going to use.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. Describe 2 variables that are not controlled in the contest.
Different girls are throwing the balls. The girls use different launch techniques. Each girl uses a different type of ball.
They all brought different balls. They all started at different starting points.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. Describe 2 variables that are not controlled in the contest.
Different girls are throwing the balls. The girls use different launch techniques. Each girl uses a different type of ball.
One of the variables is the type of ball. And the second one is how many steps they took during the time when they were throwing balls.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. Describe 2 variables that are not controlled in the contest.
Different girls are throwing the balls. The girls use different launch techniques. Each girl uses a different type of ball.
What kind of ball you use, and how you throw it.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. Describe 2 variables that are not controlled in the contest.
Different girls are throwing the balls. The girls use different launch techniques. Each girl uses a different type of ball.
One variable they did not control was that Rachael ran. The other one is that the other 2 girls walked.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. Describe 2 variables that are not controlled in the contest.
Different girls are throwing the balls. The girls use different launch techniques. Each girl uses a different type of ball.
That they get different lines.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. Describe 2 variables that are not controlled in the contest.
Different girls are throwing the balls. The girls use different launch techniques. Each girl uses a different type of ball.
That their balls are different.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. Describe 2 variables that are not controlled in the contest.
Different girls are throwing the balls. The girls use different launch techniques. Each girl uses a different type of ball.
Ball flying in air.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. Describe 2 variables that are not controlled in the contest.
Different girls are throwing the balls. The girls use different launch techniques. Each girl uses a different type of ball.
When they did not throw the ball the same. When they did not do the same starting position.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. Describe 2 variables that are not controlled in the contest.
Different girls are throwing the balls. The girls use different launch techniques. Each girl uses a different type of ball.
How they all threw balls. They all should do the same position.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. Describe 2 variables that are not controlled in the contest.
Different girls are throwing the balls. The girls use different launch techniques. Each girl uses a different type of ball.
The balls and how they held the ball.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. Describe 2 variables that are not controlled in the contest.
Different girls are throwing the balls. The girls use different launch techniques. Each girl uses a different type of ball.
How they ran to the line and threw their balls.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. Describe 2 variables that are not controlled in the contest.
Different girls are throwing the balls. The girls use different launch techniques. Each girl uses a different type of ball.
Rachael had a running start and Ling took 2 steps Diana stood at the line.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. Describe 2 variables that are not controlled in the contest.
Different girls are throwing the balls. The girls use different launch techniques. Each girl uses a different type of ball.
Ran, stood, and walked 2 steps. Also the balls they used.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. Describe 2 variables that are not controlled in the contest.
Different girls are throwing the balls. The girls use different launch techniques. Each girl uses a different type of ball.
Having different balls, and the way they stood at the line.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. Describe 2 variables that are not controlled in the contest.
Different girls are throwing the balls. The girls use different launch techniques. Each girl uses a different type of ball.
You have to test it out and you start with the ball to see who throws the farthest. The other thing is to not go past the line and not mess up.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. Describe 2 variables that are not controlled in the contest.
Different girls are throwing the balls. The girls use different launch techniques. Each girl uses a different type of ball.
They have different kind of ball. Some of them run some took 2 steps.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. Describe 2 variables that are not controlled in the contest.
Different girls are throwing the balls. The girls use different launch techniques. Each girl uses a different type of ball.
Basketball and football.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. Describe 2 variables that are not controlled in the contest.
Different girls are throwing the balls. The girls use different launch techniques. Each girl uses a different type of ball.
The balls are different.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. Describe 2 variables that are not controlled in the contest.
Different girls are throwing the balls. The girls use different launch techniques. Each girl uses a different type of ball.
One of them is they did not have the same kind of ball. 2 is they took different amounts of steps to the line.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. Describe what the girls need to do to make the contest a controlled experiment (fair test).
All variables except the girl need to be held constant (controlled). The girls all need to throw the same ball and use the same launch technique.
They need to have the same ball and throw the ball at the same place.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. Describe what the girls need to do to make the contest a controlled experiment (fair test).
All variables except the girl need to be held constant (controlled). The girls all need to throw the same ball and use the same launch technique.
They need to use the same ball and they need to throw the same way.
3 girls wanted to see who could throw a ball the farthest. Each girl brought her favorite ball to the park. Ling brought her basketball, Diana brought her football, and Rachael brought her baseball. They made a line on the playground. They all had to throw the ball from that line. Ling took 2 steps up to the line and threw her basketball. Diana stood at the line and threw her football. Rachael got a running start and threw her baseball when she reached the line. Rachael threw her ball the farthest. Describe what the girls need to do to make the contest a controlled experiment (fair test).
All variables except the girl need to be held constant (controlled). The girls all need to throw the same ball and use the same launch technique.
They need to use the same ball and throw it from the same spot without running to the line, taking steps to the line, or one person just standing at the line.