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Michel O. Maceda Memorial Act
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 5302 Reported in House (RH)] <DOC> Union Calendar No. 450 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 5302 [Report No. 118-542, Part I] To designate the Air and Marine Operations Marine Unit of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection located at 101 Km 18.5 in Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico, as the ``Michel O. Maceda Marine Unit''. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES August 29, 2023 Mrs. Gonzalez-Colon (for herself, Mr. Green of Tennessee, Ms. Salazar, Mrs. Radewagen, and Mr. Soto) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Homeland Security, and in addition to the Committee on Ways and Means, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned June 7, 2024 Additional sponsors: Mr. Waltz, Mr. Rutherford, Mr. Tony Gonzales of Texas, Mr. Moylan, Mr. Bacon, Mr. Thompson of Mississippi, Mr. Correa, Mr. Gottheimer, Mr. Donalds, Mr. Luttrell, and Mr. Higgins of Louisiana June 7, 2024 Reported from the Committee on Homeland Security June 7, 2024 Committee on Ways and Means discharged; committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To designate the Air and Marine Operations Marine Unit of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection located at 101 Km 18.5 in Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico, as the ``Michel O. Maceda Marine Unit''. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Michel O. Maceda Memorial Act''. SEC. 2. FINDINGS. Congress finds the following: (1) Marine Interdiction Agent Michel O. Maceda served honorably in the United States Army as a wheeled vehicle mechanic prior to joining the United States Border Patrol as an Agent in Douglas, Arizona, in April 2016. (2) Agent Maceda became a Marine Interdiction Agent with U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Air and Marine Operations in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, in 2021. (3) On November 17, 2022, Agent Maceda and 2 other agents were conducting a drug interdiction stop off the coast of Puerto Rico, during which the agents boarded the target vessel. (4) During the stop, Agent Maceda was mortally wounded when 1 of the occupants of the vessel shot the boarding agents with a firearm. (5) Agent Maceda is survived by his daughter, brother, and parents. SEC. 3. DESIGNATION. The Air and Marine Operations Marine Unit of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection located at 101 Km 18.5 in Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico, shall forever be known and designated as the ``Michel O. Maceda Marine Unit''. SEC. 4. REFERENCES. Any reference in a law, map, regulation, document, paper, or other record of the United States to the marine unit referred to in section 3 shall be deemed to be a reference to the ``Michel O. Maceda Marine Unit''. Union Calendar No. 450 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 5302 [Report No. 118-542, Part I] _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To designate the Air and Marine Operations Marine Unit of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection located at 101 Km 18.5 in Cabo Rojo, Puerto Rico, as the ``Michel O. Maceda Marine Unit''. _______________________________________________________________________ June 7, 2024 Reported from the Committee on Homeland Security June 7, 2024 Committee on Ways and Means discharged; committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed
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Transparency in Reporting of Adversarial Contributions to Education Act
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 8649 Introduced in House (IH)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 8649 To ensure that parents are aware of foreign influence in their child's public school, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES June 7, 2024 Mr. Bean of Florida introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Education and the Workforce _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To ensure that parents are aware of foreign influence in their child's public school, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Transparency in Reporting of Adversarial Contributions to Education Act''. SEC. 2. PARENTS' RIGHT TO KNOW ABOUT FOREIGN INFLUENCE. (a) In General.--Subpart 2 of part F of title VIII of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7901 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``SEC. 8549D. PARENTS' RIGHT TO KNOW ABOUT FOREIGN INFLUENCE. ``(a) In General.--As a condition of receiving funds under this Act, a local educational agency shall ensure that each elementary school and each secondary school served by such agency provides to each parent of a child attending the school, at a minimum-- ``(1) the right (in a manner consistent with copyright law) to review, and make copies of free of cost, at least every four weeks, any curricular material or professional development material used at the school that was purchased, or otherwise obtained, using funds received from the government of a foreign country or a foreign entity of concern; ``(2) the right to know how many personnel of the school are compensated, in whole or in part, using funds received from the government of a foreign country or a foreign entity of concern; and ``(3) the right to know of-- ``(A) any donation received by the school or local educational agency from a foreign country or a foreign entity of concern; ``(B) any agreement in writing (such as a contract or memorandum of understanding) between the school or local educational agency and a foreign country or a foreign entity of concern; and ``(C) any financial transaction between the school or local educational agency and a foreign country or a foreign entity of concern. ``(b) Donations, Agreements, and Financial Transactions.--The information described in subsection (a)(3) shall include, at minimum, the following: ``(1) The name of the foreign country or foreign entity of concern. ``(2) In any case in which funds were received by the school or local educational agency from a foreign country or a foreign entity of concern-- ``(A) the amount of such funds; and ``(B) any terms or conditions applicable to the receipt of such funds. ``(c) Notice of Rights.--At the beginning of each school year, a local educational agency receiving funds under this Act shall ensure that each elementary school and each secondary school served by such agency posts on a publicly accessible website of the school or, if the school does not operate a website, widely disseminates to the public, a summary notice of the rights of parents described in subsections (a) and (b). ``(d) Notification of Requirements.--At the beginning of each school year, the Secretary shall notify State educational agencies about the requirements of this section. As a condition of receiving funds under this Act, State educational agencies shall, at the beginning of each school year, notify local educational agencies of the requirements of this section. ``(e) Definitions.--In this section: ``(1) The term `foreign country' means a foreign country or a dependent territory or possession of a foreign country. Such term does not include any of the outlying areas. ``(2) The term `foreign entity of concern' has the meaning given such term in section 10612(a) of the Research and Development, Competition, and Innovation Act (42 U.S.C. 19221(a)).''. (b) Table of Contents.--The table of contents in section 2 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 8549C the following: ``Sec. 8549D. Parents' right to know about foreign influence.''. <all>
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Civil Rights Protection Act of 2024
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 8648 Introduced in House (IH)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 8648 To increase the transparency of colleges and universities in carrying out their civil rights responsibilities, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES June 7, 2024 Mrs. Chavez-DeRemer introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Education and the Workforce _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To increase the transparency of colleges and universities in carrying out their civil rights responsibilities, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Civil Rights Protection Act of 2024''. SEC. 2. COMPLIANCE AND TRANSPARENCY RELATED TO TITLE VI OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS ACT OF 1964. (a) Program Participation Agreement Requirement.--Section 487 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1094) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a), by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ``(30) The institution will comply with the provisions of subsection (i) and provide to the Secretary an annual attestation of such compliance.''. (2) by redesignating subsections (i) and (j) as subsections (j) and (k), respectively; and (3) by inserting after subsection (h) the following new subsection: ``(i) Compliance and Transparency Related to Complaints Under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.-- ``(1) Compliance and transparency.--With respect to complaints received by an institution related to alleged violations of title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq.), the institution will-- ``(A) have in effect, make publicly available (including on the website of the institution), and widely distribute to students and their families (including in student orientation materials) a description of the investigative processes of the institution related to such complaints; and ``(B) include in the description of investigative processes described in subparagraph (A) at least the following: ``(i) The processes and factors used to determine whether such a complaint will be investigated and how the outcome of an investigation will be determined. ``(ii) A designation of at least one employee to coordinate its efforts to comply with title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq.), including any investigation of any complaint alleging the noncompliance of the institution with requirements under the Act. ``(iii) The contact information and necessary steps for reporting such a complaint to the institution. ``(iv) A procedure to ensure that, for each such complaint received by the institution, the complainant will receive from the institution timely notification of each of the following: ``(I) Confirmation of receipt of the complaint. ``(II) Notification of whether or not an investigation has been opened in response to the complaint. ``(III) In the case that an investigation was not opened in response to the complaint, an explanation of why an investigation was not opened including a summary of the information that was used to determine that an investigation should not be opened. ``(IV) In the case that an investigation was opened-- ``(aa) notification that an investigation of the complaint will be carried out, and that the complainant will be notified of the outcome of the investigation; and ``(bb) notification of the outcome of the investigation, including an explanation of how the outcome was reached, and any remedial actions taken in response to the complaint. ``(v) A system for keeping and maintaining records of such complaints, including the determination and reasoning for whether or not an investigation into a complaint was opened, a record of the investigation (including the outcome thereof), and a record of any remedial actions taken in response to the complaint. ``(vi) The contact information and necessary steps for reporting a complaint related to an alleged violation of title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq.) to the Office for Civil Rights of the Department of Education, including the hyperlink to the electronic complaint form of the Office for Civil Rights for an alleged violation of such title VI. ``(2) Enforcement.--An institution of higher education that fails to comply with any provision of subsection (a)(30) for two consecutive award years shall be ineligible to participate in the programs authorized by this title for a period of not less than two years. To regain eligibility to participate in the programs authorized by this title, an institution of higher education shall demonstrate compliance with paragraph (1) prior to the completion of the period during which the institution is ineligible due to failure to comply with such paragraph.''. (b) Effective Date.--The amendments made by subsection (a) shall take effect on the first day of the first award year beginning after the date of enactment of this Act. SEC. 3. OFFICE FOR CIVIL RIGHTS REQUIREMENTS. (a) Congressional Briefings.-- (1) In general.--Beginning not later than 30 days after the date of the enactment of this Act and ending 2 years after such date of enactment, the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights of the Department of Education shall give a monthly briefing to the Committee on Education and the Workforce of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions of the Senate regarding discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin in violation of title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq.), disaggregated by the basis of discrimination, including shared ancestry, that-- (A) explains the number of complaints alleging such discrimination that the Office for Civil Rights of the Department of Education (referred to in this section as the ``Office'')-- (i) is investigating; and (ii) has received in the preceding month; (B) describes-- (i) how the Office plans to address those complaints; and (ii) the investigations being carried out in response to those complaints, as applicable; and (C) provides data about the length of time that those complaints are pending after being received by the Office. (2) Report.--Not later than 48 hours prior to each briefing required under paragraph (1), the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights of the Department of Education shall provide a written report to the Committee on Education and the Workforce of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions of the Senate that contains the information that will be presented at such briefing, in a manner that protects personally identifiable information in accordance with applicable privacy laws. (b) OCR Process Reforms.-- (1) Dismissals.--The Office shall not close or dismiss any complaint regarding discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin in violation of title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C. 2000d et seq.) due to the filing of a complaint involving the same allegations against the same recipient-- (A) by an individual other than the complainant with another Federal, State, or local agency, a court, or the recipient, unless the Office determines that such other individual's complaint is part of a class action in which the complainant is part of such class; or (B) by the complainant with another Federal, State, or local agency, a court, or the recipient. (2) Investigations.--The Office shall not delay an investigation of a complaint due to the filing of a complaint involving the same allegations against the same recipient with another Federal, State, or local agency or a recipient. (3) Recipient defined.--For purposes of this subsection, the term ``recipient'' means an institution of higher education (as such term is defined in section 102 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1002)) that receives funds under an applicable program (as such term is defined in section 400 of the General Education Provisions Act (20 U.S.C. 1221)). <all>
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Fixing Administrations Unethical Corrupt Influence Act; FAUCI Act
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [S. 4232 Introduced in Senate (IS)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session S. 4232 To amend title 18, United States Code, to prohibit former employees of covered health agencies from serving on the board of entities involved in development and research of a drug, biological product, or device and from profiting from a drug, biological product, or device, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES May 1, 2024 Mr. Vance introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend title 18, United States Code, to prohibit former employees of covered health agencies from serving on the board of entities involved in development and research of a drug, biological product, or device and from profiting from a drug, biological product, or device, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Fixing Administrations Unethical Corrupt Influence Act'' or the ```FAUCI Act'''. SEC. 2. PROHIBITION AGAINST SERVICE BY FORMER EMPLOYEES OF COVERED HEALTH AGENCIES ON BOARDS OF ENTITIES INVOLVED IN DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH OF A DRUG, BIOLOGICAL PRODUCT, OR DEVICE. (a) Prohibition Against Service on Boards of Entities.--Title 18, United States Code, is amended by inserting after section 207 the following: ``Sec. 207A. Prohibition against service by former employees of covered health agencies on boards of entities involved in development and research of a drug, biological product, or device. ``(a) Definitions.--In this section: ``(1) Biological product.--The term `biological product' has the meaning given such term in section 351(i) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 262(i)). ``(2) Covered health agency.--The term `covered health agency' means any of the following: ``(A) The National Institutes of Health. ``(B) The Food and Drug Administration. ``(C) The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. ``(3) Device; drug.--The terms `device' and `drug' have the meanings given those terms in section 201 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 321). ``(4) Top official.--The term `top official' means-- ``(A) any officer or employee in the executive branch who occupies a position classified at or above GS-13 of the General Schedule or, in the case of any position not under the General Schedule, for which the rate of basic pay is equal to or greater than the minimum rate of basic pay payable for GS-13 of the General Schedule; or ``(B) any employee of the Federal Government who directly or indirectly has input or any authority to determine or help determine the authorization for use or emergency use authorization of a drug, biological product, or device. ``(b) Prohibition Against Service by Former Employees of Covered Health Agencies on Boards of Entities Involved in Development and Research of a Drug, Biological Product, or Device.--Any person who is a top official of a covered health agency of the United States, and who, within 8 years after the termination of the service or employment of the top official with the United States, serves as an officer or member of the board of any association, corporation, or entity that directly manufactures or researches a drug, biological product, or device shall be punished as provided in section 216 of this title. ``(c) Prohibition Against Profiting From a Drug, Biological Product, or Device by Former Employees of Covered Health Agencies Involved in the Approval of Related Grant Applications.--Any person who is a former Federal employee of a covered health agency who profits from a drug, biological product, or device if such employee at any point during the course of service or employment with the United States was directly involved in determining whether a grant application for such drug, biological product, or device was approved shall be subject to a civil penalty of $250,000 and imprisoned for not more than five years nor less than one year.''. (b) Penalties and Injunctions.--Section 216(a) of title 18, United States Code, is amended, in the matter preceding paragraph (1), by inserting ``207A,'' after ``207,''. (c) Table of Chapters.--Chapter of 11 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by inserting after the item relating to section 207 the following: ``Sec. 207A. Prohibition against service by former employees of covered health agencies on boards of entities involved in development and research of a drug, biological product, or device.''. (d) Effective Date.--Except as provided in subsection (d), the amendments made by this section shall apply with respect to an individual whose service or employment with the United States terminates on or after the date of the enactment of this Act. (e) Special Rule for Certain Former Federal Employees of Covered Health Agencies.-- (1) Application.--Section 207A(c) of title 18, United States Code, as added by subsection (a), shall apply to an individual who at any point served or was employed with the United States. (2) Compliance period.--With respect to the prohibition under section 207A(c) of title 18, United States Code, as added by subsection (a), the compliance period for a former Federal employee whose service or employment with the United States terminated prior to the date of enactment of this Act shall be 6 months from such date of enactment. SEC. 3. PROHIBITION AGAINST OWNERSHIP OR FINANCIAL INTEREST IN CERTAIN PATENTS. Section 208 of title 18 is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(e) Prohibition Against Ownership or Financial Interest in Certain Patents.-- ``(1) Definitions.--In this subsection: ``(A) Biological product.--The term `biological product' has the meaning given such term in section 351(i) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 262(i)). ``(B) Covered patent.--The term `covered patent' means a patent issued by the United States for a drug, biological product, or device. ``(C) Device; drug.--The terms `device' and `drug' have the meanings given those terms in section 201 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 321). ``(D) Top official.--The term `top official' means-- ``(i) each officer or employee in the executive branch who occupies a position classified at or above GS-13 of the General Schedule or, in the case of any position not under the General Schedule, for which the rate of basic pay is equal to or greater than the minimum rate of basic pay payable for GS-13 of the General Schedule; or ``(ii) any employee of the Federal Government who directly or indirectly has input or any authority to determine or help determine the authorization for use or emergency use authorization of a drug, biological product, or device. ``(2) In general.--A person who is a top official may not submit an application for a covered patent (or be included in the application for a covered patent)-- ``(A) in the case of a drug, biological product, or device invented by the person during the course of employment as a top official, at any point during employment as a top official; and ``(B) in the case of a drug, biological product, or device invented by the person outside the course of employment as a top official, at any point during employment as a top official. ``(3) Disclosure.-- ``(A) Requirement as of date of enactment of the fauci act.--A person who is a top official or a spouse of a top official on the date of enactment of the FAUCI Act shall disclose not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of such Act any ownership of, or any rights or interest in, a covered patent. ``(B) Requirement after date of enactment of the fauci act.--A person who is a top official or a spouse of a top official after the date of enactment of the FAUCI Act shall disclose not later than 90 days after becoming a top official or the spouse of a top official any ownership of, or any rights or interest in, a covered patent.''. <all>
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No Bailouts for Campus Criminals Act
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [S. 4240 Introduced in Senate (IS)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session S. 4240 To establish that an individual who is convicted of any offense under any Federal or State law related to the individual's conduct at and during the course of a protest that occurs at an institution of higher education shall be ineligible for forgiveness, cancellation, waiver, or modification of certain Federal student loans. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES May 2, 2024 Mr. Cotton (for himself, Mr. Hawley, Mr. Romney, Mr. Scott of South Carolina, Mr. Tuberville, Mr. Tillis, Mr. Daines, Mr. Wicker, Mr. Crapo, Mr. Risch, Mrs. Blackburn, Mrs. Hyde-Smith, Mrs. Fischer, Mr. Graham, Mrs. Britt, Mr. Vance, Mr. Rubio, Mr. Marshall, and Mr. Cruz) introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To establish that an individual who is convicted of any offense under any Federal or State law related to the individual's conduct at and during the course of a protest that occurs at an institution of higher education shall be ineligible for forgiveness, cancellation, waiver, or modification of certain Federal student loans. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``No Bailouts for Campus Criminals Act''. SEC. 2. PROHIBITION ON LOAN FORGIVENESS FOR CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS. (a) Prohibition.-- (1) In general.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, an individual described in paragraph (2) shall not be eligible to have any covered loan, or a portion of such loan, forgiven, cancelled, waived, or modified under the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1001 et seq.) or under any other Executive Order or action of the Department of Education. (2) Affected individual.--An individual described in this paragraph is an individual who is convicted of any offense under any Federal or State law related to the individual's conduct at and during the course of a protest that occurs at an institution of higher education. (b) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Covered loan.--The term ``covered loan'' means-- (A) a loan made, insured, or guaranteed under part B, D, or E of title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1071 et seq.; 1087a et seq.; 1087aa et seq.) before, on, or after the date of enactment of this Act; or (B) a loan under the Health Education Assistance Loan Program under title VII of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 292 et seq.) made before, on, or after the date of enactment of this Act. (2) Institution of higher education.--The term ``institution of higher education'' has the meaning given that term in section 102 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1002). <all>
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Drought Preparedness Act
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [S. 4242 Introduced in Senate (IS)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session S. 4242 To extend the authorization of the Reclamation States Emergency Drought Relief Act of 1991, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES May 2, 2024 Mr. Hickenlooper (for himself, Ms. Lummis, and Mr. Wyden) introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To extend the authorization of the Reclamation States Emergency Drought Relief Act of 1991, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Drought Preparedness Act''. SEC. 2. EXTENSION OF AUTHORIZATION. (a) Drought Program.--Section 104(c) of the Reclamation States Emergency Drought Relief Act of 1991 (43 U.S.C. 2214(c)) is amended by striking ``2022'' and inserting ``2028''. (b) Authorization of Appropriations.--Section 301 of the Reclamation States Emergency Drought Relief Act of 1991 (43 U.S.C. 2241) is amended by striking ``2022'' and inserting ``2028''. <all>
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To require the head of each agency to submit to Congress and make publicly available information relating to the implementation of Executive Order 14019.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [S. 4239 Introduced in Senate (IS)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session S. 4239 To require the head of each agency to submit to Congress and make publicly available information relating to the implementation of Executive Order 14019. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES May 2, 2024 Mr. Hagerty introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To require the head of each agency to submit to Congress and make publicly available information relating to the implementation of Executive Order 14019. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. AGENCY INFORMATION. (a) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Agency.--The term ``agency''-- (A) has the meaning given the term in section 3502 of title 44, United States Code; and (B) does not include an independent regulatory agency (as defined in section 3502 of title 44, United States Code). (2) Implementation plan.--The term ``implementation plan'' means-- (A) a strategic plan of an agency required under section 3(b) of Executive Order 14019 (86 Fed. Reg. 13623; relating to promoting access to voting); and (B) any other plan of an agency for implementing Executive Order 14019 (86 Fed. Reg. 13623; relating to promoting access to voting). (b) Agency Requirement.--Not later than 30 days after the date of enactment of this Act, the head of each agency shall submit to Congress and make publicly available a report that includes-- (1) a copy of each implementation plan of the agency; (2) a status update and timeline on the implementation of each implementation plan of the agency; and (3) the date on which the head of the agency expects to substantially complete the implementation of each implementation plan of the agency. <all>
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CFR Index and Finding Aids, 2024
[CFR Index and Finding Aids, 2024] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office,] CFR Index and Finding Aids Revised as of January 1, 2024 ________________________ Published by Office of the Federal Register National Archives and Records Administration as a Special Edition of the Federal Register [[Page ii]] U.S. GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL EDITION NOTICE Legal Status and Use of Seals and Logos The seal of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) authenticates the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) as the official codification of Federal regulations established under the Federal Register Act. Under the provisions of 44 U.S.C. 1507, the contents of the CFR, a special edition of the Federal Register, shall be judicially noticed. The CFR is prima facie evidence of the original documents published in the Federal Register (44 U.S.C. 1510). It is prohibited to use NARA's official seal and the stylized Code of Federal Regulations logo on any republication of this material without the express, written permission of the Archivist of the United States or the Archivist's designee. Any person using NARA's official seals and logos in a manner inconsistent with the provisions of 36 CFR part 1200 is subject to the penalties specified in 18 U.S.C. 506, 701, and 1017. Use of ISBN Prefix This is the Official U.S. Government edition of this publication and is herein identified to certify its authenticity. Use of the 0-16 ISBN prefix is for U.S. Government Publishing Office Official Editions only. The Superintendent of Documents of the U.S. Government Publishing Office requests that any reprinted edition clearly be labeled as a copy of the authentic work with a new ISBN. U.S. G O V E R N M E N T P U B L I S H I N G O F F I C E ------------------------------------------------------------------ U.S. Superintendent of Documents Washington, DC 20402- 0001 Phone: toll-free (866) 512-1800; DC area (202) 512-1800 [[Page iii]] Table of Contents Page Explanation................................................. v Subject/Agency Index........................................ 1 List of Agency-prepared Indexes Appearing in Individual CFR Volumes................................................. 959 Parallel Table of Authorities and Rules..................... 961 List of CFR Titles, Chapters, Subchapters, and Parts........ 1081 Alphabetical List of Agencies Appearing in the CFR.......... 1299 [[Page v]] Explanation The CFR Index and Finding Aids volume is a supplemental publication to the Code of Federal Regulations. Its content consists of the following: (1) A subject/agency index for rules currently codified in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). (2) A list of agency-prepared indexes appearing in individual CFR volumes. (3) A table of laws and Presidential documents cited as authority for regulations currently codified in the CFR. (4) A list of CFR titles, chapters, subchapters, and parts. (5) An alphabetical list of agencies appearing in the CFR. The entries appearing in the current edition of the CFR Index reflect the content of the Code of Federal Regulations effective as of the January 1 revision date. Users are encouraged to consult the electronic Code of Federal Regulations (E-CFR) which is kept up-to-date and is available at Because the annual Code of Federal Regulations volumes are revised on a quarterly rotation, some references appearing in the CFR Index may reflect amendatory changes appearing after the revision date of a particular volume. Users should consult the ``LSA (List of CFR Sections Affected)'' issued monthly and the ``Cumulative List of Parts Affected'' appearing daily in the Federal Register. These two lists will lead the user to the appropriate Federal Register page for the latest amendment of any given regulation. Users of the CFR Index volume may also find the monthly Federal Register Index helpful in locating documents pertaining to CFR content. Where the CFR Index provides a general guide to all existing regulations, the Federal Register Index characterizes changes to regulations in more specific terms, emphasizing current trends and areas of immediate public interest. The Office of the Federal Register encourages users to comment on any aspect of the CFR Index and Finding Aids volume. Address comments to Oliver A. Potts, Director, Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, DC 20408. Specific questions related to on how to use this index, or the finding aids, or for help in locating particular information through the index are also welcomed. For answers to these questions, please contact the Information Services staff at the Office of the Federal Register by telephone at 202-741-6000, or Email The CFR Index and Finding Aids volume is revised annually as of January 1. [[Page vi]] ELECTRONIC SERVICES The full text of the Code of Federal Regulations, the CFR Index and Finding Aids volume, the LSA (List of CFR Sections Affected), The United States Government Manual, the Federal Register, Public Laws, Daily Compilation of Presidential Documents and the Privacy Act Compilation are available in electronic format via For more information, contact the GPO Customer Contact Center, U.S. Government Publishing Office. Phone 202-512-1800, or 866-512-1800 (toll-free). E- mail, The Office of the Federal Register also offers a free service on the National Archives and Records Administration's (NARA) World Wide Web site for public law numbers, Federal Register finding aids, and related information. Connect to NARA's web site at register For this edition of the CFR Index and Finding Aids, Brian Swidal was Chief Editor, assisted by Don Zero. This volume was prepared under the direction of John Hyrum Martinez, Director of the Publications and Services Division. Oliver A. Potts, Director, Office of the Federal Register January 1, 2024. [[Page 1]] SUBJECT/AGENCY INDEX -------------------------------------------------------------------- The following index provides the reader with a way to locate CFR regulations by a specific subject or by the issuing agency. Emphasis is placed on directing the reader to regulations at the CFR Part level. A Part in the CFR contains the regulations pertaining to a single function or specific subject matter controlled by the issuing agency. References in the index are to CFR Title and Part, e.g., 12 CFR 228 refers to Part 228 of Title 12. Due to the size and organization of Title 26, Part 1 of that Title includes section references, e.g., 26 CFR 1 (1.1-1.11). Descriptive entries for each CFR Part appear under the name of the issuing agency and under as many subject terms as apply to the content of the Part. The agency names appearing in the index are taken from the CFR Chapter headings published in the List of CFR Titles, Chapters, Subchapters and Parts. Subject terms appearing in the index are derived from the thesaurus developed by the Office of the Federal Register first published in the Federal Register of September 18, 1990 (55 FR 38443). A current version, revised as of January 1, 2024, is available electronically at Cross-references to agency names and thesaurus terms are added to better assist readers in navigating this index. This index covers regulations codified in the CFR as of January l, 2024. [[Page 3]] A Accidents See Safety Accountants Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975, form and content of and requirements for financial statements, 17 CFR 210 Investment Advisers Act of 1940, form and content of and requirements for financial statements, 17 CFR 210 Investment Company Act of 1940, form and content of and requirements for financial statements, 17 CFR 210 Practice before Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Bureau, 31 CFR 8 Farm Credit Administration, 12 CFR 623 Internal Revenue Service, 31 CFR 10 Securities Act of 1933, form and content of and requirements for financial statements, 17 CFR 210 Securities Exchange Act of 1934, form and content of and requirements for financial statements, 17 CFR 210 Accounting See al Business and industry; Uniform System of Accounts Acquisition regulations Agency for International Development, Government contracts-- Administration, 48 CFR 742 Cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 731 Financing, 48 CFR 732 Agriculture Department, Government contracts-- Administration, 48 CFR 442 Cost accounting standards, 48 CFR 430 Cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 431 Financing, 48 CFR 432 Broadcasting Board of Governors, contract administration, 48 CFR 1942 Commerce Department, Government contracts-- Administration, 48 CFR 1342 Cost accounting standards, 48 CFR 1330 Cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 1331 Financing, 48 CFR 1332 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Government contracts-- Residential mortgage loan originators, Federal registration of (Regulation G), 12 CFR 1007 State compliance and bureau registration system, (Regulation H), 12 CFR 1008 Defense Department, Government contracts-- Administration and audit services, 48 CFR 242 Cost accounting standard administration, 48 CFR 230 Cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 231 Financing, 48 CFR 232 Education Department, Government contracts-- Administration and audit services, 48 CFR 3442 Financing, 48 CFR 3432 Modifications, 48 CFR 3443 Energy Department, Government contracts-- [[Page 4]] Administration and audit services, 48 CFR 942 Cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 931 Financing, 48 CFR 932 Management and operating contracts, 48 CFR 970 Environmental Protection Agency, Government contracts-- Administration and audit services, 48 CFR 1542 Commercial items, 48 CFR 1512 Contract types, 48 CFR 1516 Cost accounting standards, 48 CFR 1530 Cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 1531 Definition of words and terms, 48 CFR 1502 Financing, 48 CFR 1532 Information technology, 48 CFR 1539 Simplified acquisition procedures, 48 CFR 1513 Federal Acquisition Regulation, Government contracts-- Administration and audit services, 48 CFR 42 Cost accounting standards administration, 48 CFR 30 Cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 31 Financing, 48 CFR 32 Federal Housing Finance Agency, miscellaneous Federal home loan bank operations and authorities, 12 CFR 1271 Federal Procurement Policy Office, Cost Accounting Standards Board-- Contract coverage, 48 CFR 9903 Contractor practices, cost accounting standards, 48 CFR 9904 Educational institutions, cost accounting standards, 48 CFR 9905 Rules and procedures, 48 CFR 9901 Scope of chapter, 48 CFR 9900 General Services Administration, Government contracts-- Administration and audit services, 48 CFR 542 Financing, 48 CFR 532 Homeland Security Department, Government contracts-- Administration and Audit Services, 48 CFR 3042 Cost accounting standards administration, 48 CFR 3030 Cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 3031 Financing, 48 CFR 3032 Housing and Urban Development Department, Government contracts-- Administration, 48 CFR 2442 Financing, 48 CFR 2432 Interior Department, Government contracts-- Administration, 48 CFR 1442 Cost accounting standards administration, 48 CFR 1430 Cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 1431 Financing, 48 CFR 1432 Modifications, 48 CFR 1443 Justice Department, Government contracts-- Administration and audit services, 48 CFR 2842 Cost accounting standards administrating, 48 CFR 2830 Cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 2831 Financing, 48 CFR 2832 Labor Department, Government contracts-- Administration and audit services, 48 CFR 2942 Cost accounting standards, 48 CFR 2930 Cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 2931 Financing, 48 CFR 2932 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Government contracts-- Administration and audit services, 48 CFR 1842 Cost accounting standards, 48 CFR 1830 Cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 1831 Financing, 48 CFR 1832 National Science Foundation, contract financing, 48 CFR 2532 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Government contracts-- [[Page 5]] Administration and audit services, 48 CFR 2042 Cost accounting standards, 48 CFR 2030 Cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 2031 Financing, 48 CFR 2032 Personnel Management Office (Federal Employees Health Benefits Acquisition Regulation), Government contracts-- Administration, 48 CFR 1642 Cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 1631 Financing, 48 CFR 1632 Modifications, 48 CFR 1643 Personnel Management Office (Federal Group Life Insurance Federal Acquisition Regulation), Government contracts-- Administration, 48 CFR 2142 Cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 2131 Modifications, 48 CFR 2143 State Department, Government contracts-- Administration and audit services, 48 CFR 642 Cost accounting standards, 48 CFR 630 Cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 631 Financing, 48 CFR 632 Transportation Department, Government contracts-- Administration and audit services, 48 CFR 1242 Cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 1231 Financing, 48 CFR 1232 Treasury Department, Government contracts-- Administration and audit services, 48 CFR 1042 Financing, 48 CFR 1032 Veterans Affairs Department, Government contracts-- Administration and audit services, 48 CFR 842 Cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 831 Financing, 48 CFR 832 Book-entry procedures Federal Financing Bank securities, 12 CFR 811 Postal Service, 39 CFR 761 Resolution Funding Corporation, 12 CFR 1511 Child and Adult Care Food Program, 7 CFR 226 Child Support Enforcement Office Annual State self-assessment review and report, 45 CFR 308 Program performance measures, standards, financial incentives, and penalties, 45 CFR 305 Children and Families Administration, Head Start program, Federal administrative requirements, 45 CFR 1304 Commodity Credit Corporation Conservation Stewardship Program, 7 CFR 1470 Technical assistance for specialty crops, 7 CFR 1487 Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act of 1994, cost recovery regulations, 28 CFR 100 Comptroller of the Currency Federal savings associations-- Accounting and disclosure standards, 12 CFR 162 Electronic operations, 12 CFR 155 Real estate lending and appraisals, 12 CFR 34 Savings associations, operations, 12 CFR 163 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Adjudication proceedings, rules of practice, 12 CFR 1081 Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Financial Protection Act enforcement, State official notification rules, 12 CFR 1082 Consumer Product Safety Act, third party conformity assessment bodies, requirements pertaining to, 16 CFR 1112 Customs and Border Protection Customs financial and accounting procedure, 19 CFR 24 Grants and agreements-- Award and administration, 32 CFR 22 For-profit organizations, administrative requirements, 32 CFR 34 Technology investment agreements, 32 CFR 37 Operational contract support outside the U.S., 32 CFR 158 [[Page 6]] United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, implementation of duty preference related customs provisions, 19 CFR 182 Defense Department, grants and cooperative agreements Cost-type grants and cooperative agreements to nonprofit and government entities, Administrative requirements terms and conditions-- Financial, programmatic, and property reporting; general award terms, 2 CFR 1134 Nonprofit and government entities; recipient financial and program management, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1128 Subawards requirements, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1138 Definitions, 2 CFR 1108 Education Department Direct grant programs, 34 CFR 75 State-administered programs, 34 CFR 76 Employee Benefits Security Administration; Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, reporting and disclosure, 29 CFR 2520 Energy Department Audit requirements for State and local governments receiving Federal financial assistance (OMB A-128 implementation), 10 CFR 600 Technology investment agreements, 10 CFR 603 Environmental Quality Office management fund, 40 CFR 1518 Farm Credit Administration, administrative expenses assessment and apportionment, 12 CFR 607 Farm Credit System Accounting and reporting requirements, 12 CFR 621 Capital adequacy of system institutions, 12 CFR 628 Disclosure to shareholders, 12 CFR 620 Funding and fiscal affairs, 12 CFR 615 Margin and capital requirements for covered swap entities, 12 CFR 624 Organization, 12 CFR 611 Systemwide and consolidated bank debt obligations, disclosure to investors, 12 CFR 630 Farm Service Agency; farm loan programs, general program administration, 7 CFR 761 Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation, disclosure and reporting requirements, 12 CFR 655 Federal Aviation Administration Airport aid program, 14 CFR 152 Interstate Identification Index system for noncriminal justices purposes, 28 CFR 907 Federal Communications Commission Accounting authorities in maritime and maritime mobile-satellite radio services, authorization and administration, 47 CFR 3 Bell operating companies, special provisions, 47 CFR 53 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Annual independent audits and reporting requirements, 12 CFR 363 Financial and other information by FDIC-insured State nonmember banks, disclosure, 12 CFR 350 Securities of nonmember insured banks, 12 CFR 335 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments, general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Defense Department; nonprofit and government entities, administrative requirements terms and conditions for Cost-type grants and cooperative agreements-- Financial, programmatic, and property reporting; general award terms, 2 CFR 1134 Nonprofit and government entities; recipient financial and program [[Page 7]] management, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1128 Other administrative requirements, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1136 Overview, 2 CFR 1126 Property administration, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1130 Recipient procurement procedures, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1132 Subawards requirements, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1138 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Environmental Protection Agency-- Disadvantaged business enterprises, participation in agency programs, 40 CFR 33 Fellowships, 40 CFR 46 National Environmental Education Act grants, 40 CFR 47 State and local assistance grants, 40 CFR 35 Training assistance, 40 CFR 45 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements, implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Energy Department, 2 CFR 910 Environmental Protection Agency, 2 CFR 1500 Federal Communications Commission, 2 CFR 6000 Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council, 2 CFR 5900 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Labor Department, 2 CFR 2900 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 Museum and Library Services Institute, 2 CFR 3187 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 2 CFR 1800 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 2 CFR 2000 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Treasury Department, 2 CFR 1000 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Universal identifier and system for award management, 2 CFR 25 Federal Highway Administration; highway construction projects performed by a State under Federal-aid procedures, reimbursement eligibility of administrative settlement costs, 23 CFR 140 Federal Housing Finance Agency, banks financial statements, 12 CFR 1274 Federal Management Regulation Government aircraft management, 41 CFR 102-33 Transportation payment and audit, 41 CFR 102-118 Federal Property Management Regulations Government aviation administration and coordination, 41 CFR 101-37 Transportation documentation and audit, 41 CFR 101-41 Federal Reserve System Debit card interchange fees and routing, 12 CFR 235 [[Page 8]] State banking institutions, membership (Regulation H), 12 CFR 208 Federal Travel Regulation, temporary duty (TDY) travel allowances, agency travel accountability requirements, 41 CFR 301-71 Fiscal Service Federal agency disbursements, management, 31 CFR 208 Federal agency receipts, disbursements management, and operation of cash management improvements fund, 31 CFR 206 Government Accountability Office, certificates and approvals of basic vouchers and invoices, 4 CFR 75 Grants and agreements with institutions of higher education, hospitals, and other non-profit organizations, uniform administrative requirements (OMB A-110 implementation) Broadcasting Board of Governors, 22 CFR 518 Education Department, 34 CFR 74 General Services Administration, 41 CFR 105-72 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 84 Labor Department, 29 CFR 95 Veterans Administration, 38 CFR 49 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments, uniform administrative requirements (OMB A-102 implementation) Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, 29 CFR 1470 General Services Administration, 41 CFR 105-71 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 85 Labor Department, 29 CFR 97 Health and Human Services Department Federal financial assistance, uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for federal awards, 2 CFR 300 Remedial actions applicable to letter of credit administration, 45 CFR 77 Housing and Urban Development Department Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) and Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac), HUD Secretary's regulation, 24 CFR 81 Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Program-- New construction set-aside for Section 515 rural rental housing projects, 24 CFR 884 Special allocations, 24 CFR 886 Income taxes Accounting methods, general, 26 CFR 1 (1.446-1--1.448-2T) Accounting periods, 26 CFR 1 (1.441-0--1.444-4) Accounting periods and methods of accounting-- Adjustments, 26 CFR 1 (1.481-1--1.483-4) Inventories, 26 CFR 1 (1.471-1--1.475(e)-1) Taxable year for which deductions taken, 26 CFR 1 (1.461-0--1.469- 11) Taxable year for which items of gross income included, 26 CFR 1 (1.451-1--1.460-6) Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981, temporary income tax regulations, 26 CFR 5c Interior Department, audit requirements for State and local governments receiving Federal financial assistance (OMB A-128 implementation), 43 CFR 12 Job Training Partnership Act; general provisions governing programs under Titles I, II, and III, 20 CFR 627 Labor Department Grants, contracts, and other agreements; audit requirements, 29 CFR 96 States, local governments, and non-profit organizations, audits, 29 CFR 99 Legal Services Corporation Cost standards and procedures, 45 CFR 1630 Recipient auditors, debarment, suspension and removal, 45 CFR 1641 Subgrants, 45 CFR 1627 Medicaid, payments for services, 42 CFR 447 National Credit Union Administration, supervisory committee audits and verifications, 12 CFR 715 National Indian Gaming Commission Gaming operations-- [[Page 9]] Class II gaming, minimum internal control standards, 25 CFR 543 Minimum internal control standards, 25 CFR 542 Monitoring and investigations, 25 CFR 571 Natural Resources Revenue Office Delegation to States, 30 CFR 1229 Marginal properties, alternatives, 30 CFR 1204 Outer continental shelf oil and gas, accounting procedures for determining net profit share payment for, 30 CFR 1220 States and Indian tribes, cooperative activities, 30 CFR 1228 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, domestic licensing of special nuclear material, 10 CFR 70 Postal Service, book entry procedures, 39 CFR 761 Public housing operating fund program, 24 CFR 990 Puerto Rico, nutrition assistance grant provision, 7 CFR 285 Rural Development Account servicing and collections policies, 7 CFR 1951 Debt settlement, 7 CFR 1956 Loan and grant program funds, 7 CFR 1940 Program regulations, general, 7 CFR 1950 Real property, 7 CFR 1965 Supervised bank accounts, 7 CFR 1902 Rural Housing Service, direct multi-family housing loans and grants, 7 CFR 3560 Rural Utilities Service Accounting requirements for RUS telecommunications borrowers, 7 CFR 1770 Awardees, audits policy, 7 CFR 1773 Post-loan policies and procedures common to guaranteed and insured telephone loans, 7 CFR 1744 San Carlos Apache Tribe Development Trust Fund and Lease Fund, use and distribution, 25 CFR 183 Securities and Exchange Commission Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975, form and content of and requirements for financial statements, 17 CFR 210 Financial reporting matters, interpretations relating to, 17 CFR 211 Investment Advisers Act of 1940, form and content of and requirements for financial statements, 17 CFR 210 Investment Company Act of 1940, form and content of and requirements for financial statements, 17 CFR 210 Securities Act of 1933-- Financial statements, form and content of and requirements for, 17 CFR 210 Forms, 17 CFR 239 Securities Exchange Act of 1934, form and content of and requirements for financial statements, 17 CFR 210 Special nuclear material, material control and accounting, 10 CFR 74 Tennessee Valley Authority, for TVA power securities issued through Federal Reserve Banks, 18 CFR 1314 Transportation Security Administration Aviation security infrastructure fee, 49 CFR 1511 Passenger civil aviation security service fees, 49 CFR 1510 Validation firms and validators, 49 CFR 1522 Treasury Department, financial research fund, 31 CFR 150 Water and waste programs, servicing, 7 CFR 1782 Acid Rain Appeal procedures, 40 CFR 78 Continuous emission monitoring, 40 CFR 75 Excess emissions, 40 CFR 77 Nitrogen oxides emission reduction program, 40 CFR 76 Permits regulation, 40 CFR 72 State operating permit programs, 40 CFR 70 Sulfur dioxide Allowance system, 40 CFR 73 Opt-ins, 40 CFR 74 Acquisition regulations See Government procurement Acreage allotments See al Agricultural commodities Agricultural risk coverage, price loss coverage, and cotton transition assistance programs, 7 CFR 1412 Conservation Reserve Program, 7 CFR 1410 [[Page 10]] Cranberries grown in MA, RI, CN, NJ, WI, MI, MN, OR, WA, and Long Island, NY, 7 CFR 929 Farm marketing quotas, acreage allotments, and production adjustment; multiple programs, applicable provisions, 7 CFR 718 Federal crop insurance regulations Area risk protection insurance regulations, 7 CFR 407 Common crop insurance regulations, 7 CFR 457 General administrative regulations, 7 CFR 400 Indemnity payment programs, 7 CFR 760 Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program, 7 CFR 1437 Sugar program, 7 CFR 1435 Tobacco transition program, 7 CFR 1463 Actuaries, Joint Board for the Enrollment of Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, regulations governing performance of actuarial services, 20 CFR 901 Information availability, 20 CFR 902 Internal Revenue Service, procedure and administration Practice before, 31 CFR 10 User fees, 26 CFR 300 Organization statement, 20 CFR 900 Records access, 20 CFR 903 Additives See Color additives; Food additives; Fuel additives Adhesives Flammable contact adhesives, ban, 16 CFR 1302 Indirect food additives, adhesives and components of coatings, 21 CFR 175 Products subject to other Acts under Consumer Product Safety Act, 16 CFR 1145 Adjustment assistance See Trade adjustment assistance Administrative Committee of the Federal Register See Federal Register, Administrative Committee Administrative Conference of the United States Organization and purpose, 1 CFR 301 Records or information disclosure, 1 CFR 304 Administrative practice and procedure See al Claims; Environmental impact statements; Equal access to justice; Freedom of information; Indians-law; Military law; Privacy; Sunshine Act Actuaries, Joint Board for the Enrollment of, suspension or termination of enrollment, 20 CFR 901 Administrative Conference of the United States, records or information disclosure, 1 CFR 304 Advocacy and Outreach Office, Department of Agriculture Agricultural Career and Employment (ACE) grants program, 7 CFR 2502 Federal financial assistance programs, general award administrative procedures, 7 CFR 2500 African Development Foundation Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 22 CFR 1508 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 22 CFR 1509 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 22 CFR 1510 Agency for International Development Acquisition regulations; protests, disputes and appeals, 48 CFR 733 Administrative enforcement procedures for post-employment restrictions, 22 CFR 223 Commodities and services financed by USAID, procurement rules, 22 CFR 228 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 780 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 2 CFR 782 Federal awards; uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements, 2 CFR 700 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 22 CFR 219 [[Page 11]] Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 22 CFR 224 Public information, 22 CFR 212 Agricultural Marketing Service Agricultural and vegetable seed quality, inspection and certification, 7 CFR 75 Agricultural commodity inspection and grading services, withdrawal procedures, 7 CFR 50 Commodity laboratory testing programs-- Plant variety and protection, 7 CFR 97 Restricted use pesticides, recordkeeping by certified applicators; surveys and reports, 7 CFR 110 Services and general information, 7 CFR 91 Cotton classing, testing, and standards, 7 CFR 28 Diversion programs-- Clingstone peach, 7 CFR 82 Fresh Russet potato, 7 CFR 80 Prune/dried plum diversion program, 7 CFR 81 Domestic hemp production program, 7 CFR 990 Export grapes and plums, standards, 7 CFR 35 Federal Grain Inspection Service, Fair Trade Practices Program-- Agricultural commodities, general regulations and standards, 7 CFR 868 General regulations, 7 CFR 800 Packers and Stockyard Act proceedings, governing rules of practice, 9 CFR 202 Federal Seed Act-- Administrative procedures, 7 CFR 202 Requirements, 7 CFR 201 General regulations, 7 CFR 900 National Organic Program, 7 CFR 205 National Sheep Industry Improvement Center, 7 CFR 63 Naval stores, regulations and standards, 7 CFR 160 Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act, procedures, 7 CFR 47 Processed fruits and vegetables, processed products thereof, and certain other processed food products, 7 CFR 52 Promotion, research and information orders and programs-- Beef, 7 CFR 1260 Blueberry, 7 CFR 1218 Christmas tree, 7 CFR 1214 Egg, 7 CFR 1250 Hass avocado, 7 CFR 1219 Honey packers and importers, 7 CFR 1212 Lamb, 7 CFR 1280 Mango, 7 CFR 1206 Mushroom, 7 CFR 1209 Paper and paper-based packaging, 7 CFR 1222 Peanut, 7 CFR 1216 Popcorn, 7 CFR 1215 Pork, 7 CFR 1230 Proceedings, practice and procedure rules, 7 CFR 1200 Softwood lumber, 7 CFR 1217 Sorghum, 7 CFR 1221 Soybeans, 7 CFR 1220 Watermelon, 7 CFR 1210 Tobacco inspection, 7 CFR 29 Voluntary official grade standards; development, revision, suspension or termination procedures, 7 CFR 36 Wool and mohair advertising and promotion agreements, 7 CFR 1270 Agricultural Research Service; non-assistance cooperative agreements, general administrative policy, 7 CFR 550 Agriculture Department Acquisition regulations, protests, disputes, and appeals, 48 CFR 433 Administrative regulations, 7 CFR 1 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 417 Debt management, 7 CFR 3 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 2 CFR 421 Equal opportunity for religious organizations, 7 CFR 16 General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Highly erodible land and wetland conservation, 7 CFR 12 Import quotas and fees, 7 CFR 6 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 National Appeals Division, 7 CFR 11 [[Page 12]] Natural gas curtailment priority adjustments, administrative procedures, 7 CFR 2901 Nondiscrimination, adjudication process for complaints filed under section 741, 7 CFR 15f Nondiscrimination on basis of age in programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 7 CFR 15c Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs or activities, 7 CFR 15e Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 400 Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally-assisted programs, cross references to governmentwide rule, 7 CFR 21 Air Force Department Defense Department Commercial Air Transportation Quality and Safety Review Program, 32 CFR 861 Personnel review boards, 32 CFR 865 Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau Alcohol, tax free distribution and use, 27 CFR 22 Attorneys, certified public accountants, enrolled practitioners, and other persons representing clients, practice before Bureau, 31 CFR 8 Beer, production and sales, 27 CFR 25 Distilled spirits and wine nonindustrial use, distilled spirits bulk sales and bottling; basic permit requirements under Federal Alcohol Administration Act, 27 CFR 1 Distilled spirits plants, 27 CFR 19 Labeling proceedings, 27 CFR 13 Permit proceedings, rules of practice, 27 CFR 71 Procedure and administration, 27 CFR 70 Seized personal property, disposition, 27 CFR 72 Taxpaid distilled spirits used in manufacturing nonbeverage products, drawback, 27 CFR 17 Tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes-- Miscellaneous regulations, 27 CFR 46 Removal, without payment of tax, for use of the U.S., 27 CFR 45 Wine, treatment and classification, 27 CFR 24 Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives Bureau Arms, ammunition, and implements of war, imports, 27 CFR 447 Contraband cigarettes, 27 CFR 646 Explosive license and permit proceedings, rules of practice, 27 CFR 771 Explosives, commerce, 27 CFR 555 Firearms and ammunition, commerce in, 27 CFR 478 Machine guns, destructive devices, and certain other firearms, 27 CFR 479 American Battle Monuments Commission, nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 36 CFR 406 Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Endangered species regulations concerning terrestrial plants, forfeiture procedures, 7 CFR 356 Organisms modified or produced through genetic engineering, movement, 7 CFR 340 Uniform Rules of Practice, Agriculture Department-- Animal Welfare Act, proceedings, 9 CFR 4 APHIS Proceedings under certain acts, 7 CFR 380 Exports and imports, proceedings under certain acts, 9 CFR 99 Horse protection, proceedings, 9 CFR 12 Interstate transportation of animals and animal products, proceedings under certain acts, 9 CFR 70 Livestock or poultry diseases, cooperative control and eradication; proceedings under certain acts, 9 CFR 49 Swine Health Protection Act, proceedings, 9 CFR 167 Veterinarian accreditation suspension proceedings, 9 CFR 162 Virus-Serum-Toxin Act, proceedings, 9 CFR 123 [[Page 13]] Veterinarians, accreditation and suspension or revocation of such accreditation-- Definition of terms, 9 CFR 160 Requirements and standards, 9 CFR 161 Rules of practice, 9 CFR 162 Veterinary biologics, patent term restoration, 9 CFR 124 Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board Compliance hearings, practice and procedures, 36 CFR 1150 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 36 CFR 1154 Arctic Research Commission, nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs or activities, 45 CFR 2301 Army Department Litigation, 32 CFR 516 Personnel review board, 32 CFR 581 Broadcasting Board of Governors Acquisition regulations, contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 1909 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 22 CFR 513 Legal proceedings, employee testimony, production of official records and official information disclosure, 22 CFR 504 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 22 CFR 530 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 22 CFR 521 Service of process, 22 CFR 510 Census Bureau Decennial census population information release, 15 CFR 101 Population estimates, challenging procedure, 15 CFR 90 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Basic Health Programs; administration, eligibility, essential health benefits, performance standards, service delivery requirements, premium and cost sharing, allotments, reconciliation, 42 CFR 600 Civil money penalties, assessments, and exclusions, 42 CFR 402 Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement model, 42 CFR 510 Medicaid-- Appeals procedures for determinations that affect participation in the Medicare program and for determinations that affect participation of ICFs/IID and certain NFs in the Medicaid program, 42 CFR 498 Electronic Health Record Technology Incentive Program, 42 CFR 495 Grants to States for medical assistance programs, 42 CFR 430 Laboratory requirements, 42 CFR 493 Local and national coverage determinations, reviews, 42 CFR 426 Payments for services, 42 CFR 447 Quality, 42 CFR 437 Specialized services furnished by suppliers, conditions for coverage, 42 CFR 486 State fiscal administration, 42 CFR 433 Utilization control, 42 CFR 456 Medicare-- Advantage program, 42 CFR 422 Appeals procedures for determinations that affect participation in the Medicare program and for determinations that affect participation of ICFs/IID and certain NFs in the Medicaid program, 42 CFR 498 Electronic Health Record Technology Incentive Program, standards, 42 CFR 495 Federal health insurance for aged and disabled, 42 CFR 405 Health maintenance organizations, competitive medical plans, and health care prepayment plans, 42 CFR 417 Home health services, 42 CFR 484 Inpatient hospital services, prospective payment systems, 42 CFR 412 Intermediaries and carriers, 42 CFR 421 Laboratory requirements, 42 CFR 493 Part B medical and other health services, payment, 42 CFR 414 Radiation oncology model and end stage renal disease treatment choices model, 42 CFR 512 Shared savings program, 42 CFR 425 [[Page 14]] Specialized services furnished by suppliers, conditions for coverage, 42 CFR 486 Survey, certification, and enforcement procedures, 42 CFR 488 Most Favored Nation (MFN) Model, 42 CFR 480 Peer Review Organizations, reconsiderations and appeals, 42 CFR 478 Pharmacy benefit manager standards under the Affordable Care Act, 45 CFR 184 State children's health insurance programs, allotments and grants to States, 42 CFR 457 Voluntary Medicare prescription drug benefit, 42 CFR 423 Central Intelligence Agency Freedom of Information Act, public access to agency records, 32 CFR 1900 Legal proceedings-- Production of official records or official information disclosure before Federal, State or local governmental entities of competent jurisdiction, 32 CFR 1905 Service of process, procedures governing acceptance, 32 CFR 1904 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs or activities, 32 CFR 1906 Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board Administrative investigations, 40 CFR 1610 Federal Tort Claims Act, administrative claims, 40 CFR 1620 Legal proceedings-- Employees testimony, 40 CFR 1611 Records production, 40 CFR 1612 Privacy and access to individual records, protection under 1974 Privacy Act, 40 CFR 1602 Records disclosure procedures under the Freedom of Information Act, 40 CFR 1601 Children and Families Administration Family Assistance Office, assistance programs-- General administration, State plans and grant appeals, 45 CFR 204 Hearings to States on conformity of public assistance plans to Federal requirements, practice and procedure, 45 CFR 213 Other accountability provisions, 45 CFR 264 State and Federal TANF funds, expenditures, 45 CFR 263 Family Violence Prevention and Services Program, 45 CFR 1370 Head Start program-- Definitions, 45 CFR 1305 Financial and administrative requirements, 45 CFR 1303 Program governance, 45 CFR 1301 Native Employment Works (NEW) program-- Data collection and reporting requirements, 45 CFR 265 Ensuring that recipients work, 45 CFR 261 General accountability provisions, 45 CFR 262 General provisions, 45 CFR 260 Implementation, 45 CFR 287 Tribal provisions, 45 CFR 286 Native Americans Administration, Native American programs, 45 CFR 1336 Runaway and homeless youth program, 45 CFR 1351 Civil Rights Commission Hearings, reports, and hearings rules, 45 CFR 702 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 45 CFR 707 Coast Guard Administrative definitions used to determine water under Coast Guard jurisdiction, 33 CFR 2 Bridge locations and clearances, administrative procedures, 33 CFR 115 Cargo containers, safety, control and enforcement, 49 CFR 453 Civil monetary penalties, inflation adjustment, 33 CFR 27 Coast Guard Discharge Review Board, review procedures, 33 CFR 51 Coast Guard Retiring Review Board, review procedures, 33 CFR 50 [[Page 15]] Dangerous cargoes; ships carrying bulk liquid, liquefied gas, or compressed gas hazardous materials, 46 CFR 153 Deepwater ports, general requirements, 33 CFR 148 Formal administrative proceedings; practice, procedure, and evidence rules, 33 CFR 20 General provisions, 33 CFR 1, 46 CFR 125 Great Lakes pilotage regulations, 46 CFR 401 Marine casualties and investigation, 46 CFR 4 Marine investigation regulations, personnel action, 46 CFR 5 Marine oil spill liability trust fund, claims procedures, source designation, and advertisement, 33 CFR 136 Military Records Correction Board of Coast Guard, application procedures, 33 CFR 52 Organization, general course and methods governing marine safety functions, 46 CFR 1 Pollution prevention-- Oil, noxious liquid substances, and garbage, reception facilities, 33 CFR 158 Vessels carrying oil, noxious liquid substances, garbage, municipal or commercial waste, and ballast water, 33 CFR 151 Ports and waterways safety, 33 CFR 160 Vessels-- Identification system, 33 CFR 187 Inspection alternatives, 46 CFR 8 Safe operation rules and safety management systems, 33 CFR 96 Waterfront facilities or vessels, identification credentials for persons requiring access to, 33 CFR 125 Whistleblower protection, 33 CFR 53 Commerce Department Acquisition regulations-- Contract qualifications, 48 CFR 1309 Protests, disputes, and appeals, 48 CFR 1333 Concrete masonry research, education, and promotion, 15 CFR 1500 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 1326 Debt collection, 15 CFR 19 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 2 CFR 1329 Employee responsibilities and conduct, 15 CFR 0 Government information disclosure, 15 CFR 4 Guidance documents, 15 CFR 29 Information and communications technology and services supply chain, securing, 15 CFR 7 Legal proceedings, 15 CFR 15 Nondiscrimination on basis of age in federally assisted programs, 15 CFR 20 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally assisted programs, 15 CFR 8c Program fraud civil remedies, 15 CFR 25 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 1327 Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally-assisted programs, cross references to governmentwide rule, 15 CFR 11 Voluntary product standards, development procedures, 15 CFR 10 Commodity Credit Corporation Agricultural management assistance, 7 CFR 1465 Bioenergy program, 7 CFR 1424 Biomass Crop Assistance Program, 7 CFR 1450 Conservation Reserve Program, 7 CFR 1410 Contractor debarment and suspension, 7 CFR 1407 Emergency agricultural disaster assistance programs, 7 CFR 1416 Environmental Quality Incentives Program, 7 CFR 1466 Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program, 7 CFR 1491 Farm Storage Facility Loan program regulations, 7 CFR 1436 Grassland Reserve Program, 7 CFR 1415 Specialty crops, technical assistance, 7 CFR 1487 Wetlands Reserve Program, 7 CFR 1467 Commodity Futures Trading Commission Commodity Exchange Act, general regulations, 17 CFR 1 [[Page 16]] Consumer financial information under Title V of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, privacy, 17 CFR 160 Consumer information under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, protection, 17 CFR 162 Derivatives clearing organizations, 17 CFR 39 Exchange disciplinary, access denial or other adverse actions, rules relating to review, 17 CFR 9 Information disclosure and testimony of present or former officers and employees in response to subpoenas or other demands of court, procedures, 17 CFR 144 Investigations, rules relating to, 17 CFR 11 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 17 CFR 149 Physical commodity swaps, large trader reporting, 17 CFR 20 Practice rules, 17 CFR 10 Prohibition against manipulation, 17 CFR 180 Registration, 17 CFR 3 Reparations, related rules, 17 CFR 12 Review of National Futures Association decisions in disciplinary, membership denial, registration, and member responsibility actions, rules relating to, 17 CFR 171 Rulemaking petitions, procedures, 17 CFR 13 Suspension or disbarment from appearance and practice, rules relating to, 17 CFR 14 Swap data repositories, 17 CFR 49 Whistleblower rules, 17 CFR 165 Community Living Administration Developmental disabilities program-- National Network of University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, Education, Research, and Service, 45 CFR 1328 Program requirements, 45 CFR 1325 Projects of National significance, 45 CFR 1327 State plans for formula grant programs, 45 CFR 1326 State and community program grants, 45 CFR 1321 State Health Insurance Assistance program, 45 CFR 1331 State independent living services and centers for independent living, 45 CFR 1329 Supportive and nutritional services grants-- Indian Tribes, 45 CFR 1322 Older Hawaiian Natives, 45 CFR 1323 Vulnerable elder rights protection activities, allotments, 45 CFR 1324 Comptroller of the Currency Adjudicatory proceedings, practice and procedure, 12 CFR 109 Capital adequacy standards, 12 CFR 3 Computer-security incident notification, 12 CFR 53 Corporate activities; rules, policies, and procedures, 12 CFR 5 Covered swap entities, margin and capital requirements, 12 CFR 45 Federal savings associations-- Fiduciary powers, 12 CFR 150 Removals, suspensions, and prohibitions where a crime is charged or proven, 12 CFR 108 Investigative proceedings and formal examination proceedings, 12 CFR 112 Liquidity risk measurement standards, 12 CFR 50 Practice and procedure, 12 CFR 19 Organization and functions, information availability and release, contracting outreach program, post-employment restrictions for senior examiners, 12 CFR 4 Qualified financial contracts, mandatory contractual stay requirements, 12 CFR 47 Safety and soundness standards, 12 CFR 30 Savings associations-- Definitions, 12 CFR 161 Operations, 12 CFR 163 Prompt corrective action, 12 CFR 165 Uninsured national banks, receiverships for, 12 CFR 51 Construction Industry Collective Bargaining Commission, collective bargaining disputes, procedures and policy statements, 29 CFR 901 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau [[Page 17]] Adjudication proceedings, rules of practice, 12 CFR 1081 Advertising, mortgage acts and practices (Regulation N), 12 CFR 1014 Civil penalty adjustments, 12 CFR 1083 Consumer Financial Civil Penalty Fund rule, 12 CFR 1075 Consumer leasing (Regulation M), 12 CFR 1013 Debt collection practices, 12 CFR 1006 Debt reduction procedures, 12 CFR 1073 Depository institutions lacking Federal deposit insurance, disclosure requirements (Regulation I), 12 CFR 1009 Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Financial Protection Act enforcement, State official notification rules, 12 CFR 1082 Home mortgage disclosure (Regulation C), 12 CFR 1003 Investigations, rules relating to, 12 CFR 1080 Mortgage assistance relief services (Regulation O), 12 CFR 1015 Rulemaking and guidance, 12 CFR 1074 S.A.F.E. Mortgage Licensing Act-- Residential mortgage loan originators, Federal registration (Regulation G), 12 CFR 1007 State compliance and bureau registration system (Regulation H), 12 CFR 1008 Supervisory authority over certain nonbank covered persons based on risk determination, procedural rule to establish, 12 CFR 1091 Consumer Product Safety Commission Adjudicative proceedings, rules of practice, 16 CFR 1025 Adult portable bed rails, safety standards, 16 CFR 255 Agency activities, notice, 16 CFR 1011 16 CFR 1061 Choking incidents involving marbles, small balls, latex balloons, and other small parts, reporting, 16 CFR 1117 Consumer Product Safety Act-- Crib bumpers, ban, 16 CFR 1309 Civil penalty factors, 16 CFR 1119 Durable infant or toddler products, consumer registration requirements, 16 CFR 1130 Inclined sleepers for infants, ban, 16 CFR 1310 Information disclosure under section 6(b), 16 CFR 1101 Investigations, inspections, and inquiries, 16 CFR 1118 Reports submitted pursuant to section 37, 16 CFR 1116 Third party conformity assessment bodies, requirements pertaining to, 16 CFR 1112 Contributions to costs of participants in development of consumer product safety standards, 16 CFR 1105 Custom window coverings operating cords, safety standards, 16 CFR 1260 Exemption from preemption of State and local requirements, applications, 16 CFR 1060 Flammable Fabrics Act; investigations, inspections, and inquiries, 16 CFR 1605 Formal evidentiary public hearing procedures, 16 CFR 1502 Imports, general statements of policy or interpretation, 16 CFR 1009 Informal oral presentations in proceedings before Consumer Product Safety Commission, procedural regulations, 16 CFR 1052 Information-- Disclosure and Commission employee testimony in private litigation, policies and procedures regarding, 16 CFR 1016 Procedures for disclosure or production under the Freedom of Information Act, 16 CFR 1015 Meetings between agency personnel and outside parties, policy, 16 CFR 1012 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 16 CFR 1034 Petitioning for rulemaking, procedure, 16 CFR 1051 Poison Prevention Packaging Act requirements, petitions for exemptions, procedures and requirements, 16 CFR 1702 Publicly available database, 16 CFR 1102 Substantial product hazard list, 16 CFR 1120 [[Page 18]] Substantial product hazard reports, 16 CFR 1115 Copyright Office, Library of Congress; general provisions, 37 CFR 201, 37 CFR 220 Copyright Royalty Board, Library of Congress Administrative assessment proceedings, 37 CFR 355 Determinations, 37 CFR 352 General administrative provisions, 37 CFR 303 Proceedings, 37 CFR 351 Rehearing, 37 CFR 353 Register of Copyrights, submissions to, 37 CFR 354 Royalty fees collected under compulsory license, filing of claims to, 37 CFR 360 Scope, 37 CFR 350 Corporation for National and Community Service Administrative practice and procedure, 45 CFR 2509 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 2200 Debt collection, 45 CFR 2506 Donations, solicitation and acceptance, 45 CFR 2544 Drug-free workplace requirements, financial assistance, 2 CFR 2245 Employee indemnification regulations, 45 CFR 2502 General administrative provisions, 45 CFR 2540 Grants and contracts, suspension and termination and application for refunding denial, 45 CFR 1206 Member and volunteer discrimination complaint procedure, 45 CFR 1225 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 45 CFR 1214 Official information production or disclosure, 45 CFR 1201 State commissions, alternative administrative entities, and transitional entities, requirements and general provisions, 45 CFR 2550 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Volunteers, legal expenses payment, 45 CFR 1220 Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia Guidance development procedures, 28 CFR 813 Salary offset procedures, 28 CFR 814 Customs and Border Protection Administrative rulings, 19 CFR 177 Air commerce regulations, 19 CFR 122 Antidumping and countervailing duties, investigation of evasion claims, 19 CFR 165 Carriers, cartmen, and lightermen, licensing and bonding, 19 CFR 112 Centralized examination stations, 19 CFR 118 Customs brokers, 19 CFR 111 Customs records, general administrative review, 19 CFR 173 District director, protests against administrative decisions by, 19 CFR 174 Express consignments, 19 CFR 128 Fines, penalties, and forfeitures of seized merchandise; relief from, 19 CFR 171 Foreign trade zones, 19 CFR 146 Information availability, 19 CFR 103 Inspection, search, and seizure, 19 CFR 162 Liquidated damages, claims; penalties secured by bonds, 19 CFR 172 North American Free Trade Agreement, 19 CFR 181 Petitions by domestic interested parties, 19 CFR 175 Recordkeeping, 19 CFR 163 United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, 19 CFR 182 Defense Department Acquisition regulations-- Contractor employee communications with government officials, 48 CFR 203 Protests, disputes, and appeals, 48 CFR 233 Archaeological resources protection, uniform regulations, 32 CFR 229 Base closure and realignment; indemnification or defense, or providing notice to DoD, relating to [[Page 19]] a third party environmental claim, 32 CFR 175 Civil monetary penalty inflation adjustment, 32 CFR 269 Civilian Health and Medical Program of Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS), 32 CFR 199 Cost-type grants and cooperative agreements to nonprofit and government entities, administrative requirements terms and conditions-- Other administrative requirements, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1136 Property administration, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1130 Courts of criminal appeals, practice and procedure rules, 32 CFR 150 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 1125 Debts resulting from erroneous payments of pay and allowances, waiver procedures, 32 CFR 284 Defense Industrial Personnel Security Clearance Program, 32 CFR 155 Discharge Review Board (DRB) procedures and standards, 32 CFR 70 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 32 CFR 26 Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program, 32 CFR 188 Erroneous payments of pay and allowances, debt waiver, 32 CFR 283 Grants and agreement regulations, technology investment agreements, 32 CFR 37 Guidance documents, 32 CFR 339 Homeowners Assistance Program, application processing, 32 CFR 239 Identification cards for members of the uniformed services, their dependents, and other eligible individuals, 32 CFR 161 Interagency reciprocity of facilities, national policy and implementation, 32 CFR 148 Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) program, 32 CFR 222 Off-base housing, equal opportunity in, 32 CFR 192 Personnel and general claims settlement procedures and advance decision request processing, 32 CFR 282 Personnel and general claims settlement procedures and general claims settlement and processing advance decision requests, 32 CFR 281 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 32 CFR 277 Restoration advisory boards, 32 CFR 202 Technical Assistance for Public Participation (TAPP) program, defense environmental restoration activities, 32 CFR 203 Tricare Program, civil money penalty authorities, 32 CFR 200 Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally-assisted programs, cross references to governmentwide rule, 32 CFR 259 Defense Logistics Agency, protests, disputes, and appeals, 48 CFR 5433 Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board Employees testimony and production of official records in legal proceedings, 10 CFR 1707 Safety investigations, procedures, 10 CFR 1708 Delaware River Basin Commission, practice and procedure rules, 18 CFR 401 Denali Commission, National Environmental Policy Act implementing procedures, 45 CFR 900 Drug Enforcement Administration Controlled substances-- Administrative functions, practices, and procedures, 21 CFR 1316 Electronic orders and prescriptions, requirements, 21 CFR 1311 Ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and phenylpropanolamine; importation and production quotas, 21 CFR 1315 Importation and exportation, 21 CFR 1312 List I and II chemicals, exportation and importation, 21 CFR 1313 List I chemicals, manufacturers, distributors, importers, and exporters; registration, 21 CFR 1309 Machines, importation and exportation; records and reports of listed chemicals and certain machines, 21 CFR 1310 [[Page 20]] Manufacturers, distributors, and dispensers; registration, 21 CFR 1301 Marihuana manufacturing, controls to satisfy the requirements of the Act applicable to, 21 CFR 1318 Production and manufacturing quotas, 21 CFR 1303 Schedules, 21 CFR 1308 Mailing address, 21 CFR 1321 Economic Development Administration, trade adjustment assistance for firms, 13 CFR 315 Education Department Acquisition regulations, protests, disputes, and appeals, 48 CFR 3433 Client Assistance Program, 34 CFR 370 Conduct standards, 34 CFR 73 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 3485, 34 CFR 85 Drug and alcohol abuse prevention, 34 CFR 86 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 34 CFR 84 Education of children with disabilities, assistance to States, 34 CFR 300 Elementary and Secondary Education Act, general provisions, 34 CFR 299 Family educational rights and privacy, 34 CFR 99 Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) program, 34 CFR 682 General Education Provisions Act, enforcement, 34 CFR 81 Impact aid programs, 34 CFR 222 Native American Career and Technical Education Program, 34 CFR 401 Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs on basis of age in federally assisted programs, 34 CFR 110 Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs on basis of disability in federally assisted programs, 34 CFR 105 Nondiscrimination under programs receiving federally assisted assistance through DOE effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 34 CFR 100 Practice and procedure for hearings under 34 CFR Part 100, 34 CFR 101 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 34 CFR 33 State-administered programs, 34 CFR 76 State Vocational Rehabilitation Services program, 34 CFR 361 Student assistance, general provisions, 34 CFR 668 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 3474 Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally-assisted programs, cross references to governmentwide rule, 34 CFR 15 Wage garnishment, administrative, 34 CFR 34 William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program, 34 CFR 685 Election Assistance Commission Conduct standards, 11 CFR 9411 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 5800 Debt collection, 11 CFR 9430 Freedom of Information Act, records disclosure, 11 CFR 9405 Legal proceedings, testimony by Commission employees relating to official information and production of official records, 11 CFR 9409 Nondiscrimination on basis of handicap in federally conducted programs, 11 CFR 9420 Privacy Act, implementation, 11 CFR 9410 Sunshine Act, implementation, 11 CFR 9407 Emergency Oil and Gas Guaranteed Loan Board, Emergency Oil and Gas Guaranteed Loan Program, 13 CFR 500 Emergency Steel Guarantee Loan Board, Emergency Steel Guarantee Loan Program, 13 CFR 400 Employee Benefits Security Administration Employee Retirement Income Security Act-- Administration and enforcement, procedural regulations, 29 CFR 2571 Civil penalties adjustment under Title I, 29 CFR 2575 Procedural regulations, 29 CFR 2570 [[Page 21]] Federal Employees' Retirement System Act, administration and enforcement, 29 CFR 2589 Employment and Training Administration Aliens, Labor certification process for permanent employment in U.S., 20 CFR 656 Disaster unemployment assistance, 20 CFR 625 Foreign workers in U.S., temporary employment, 20 CFR 655 Job Training Partnership Act-- Complaints, investigations and hearings, 20 CFR 636 General provisions governing programs under Titles I, II, and III, 20 CFR 627 Indian and Native American employment and training programs, 20 CFR 632 Senior Community Service Employment Program, governing provisions, 20 CFR 641 Trade adjustment assistance under the Trade Act of 1974, as amended, 20 CFR 618 Unemployment compensation-- Ex-servicemembers, 20 CFR 614 Federal civilian employees, 20 CFR 609 Wagner-Peyser Act Employment System, administrative provisions governing, 20 CFR 658 Welfare-to-work grants, governing provisions, 20 CFR 645 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, TItle I; Administrative provisions, 20 CFR 683 Workforce Investment Act, Title I; administrative provisions, 20 CFR 667 Endangered Species Committee Applications-- Consideration by Secretary, 50 CFR 452 Procedure, 50 CFR 451 Definitions, 50 CFR 450 Review and determination procedures, 50 CFR 453 Energy Department Acquisition regulations, protests, disputes, and appeals, 48 CFR 933 Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturer Assistance Program, 10 CFR 611 Alternate fuels-- Administrative procedures and sanctions, 10 CFR 501 Transportation program, 10 CFR 490 Boulder Canyon Project, charges for sale of power from, 10 CFR 904 Classified matter and special nuclear material, procedures for determining eligibility for access to, 10 CFR 710 Clean energy products, loan guarantees, 10 CFR 609 Collection of claims owed U.S., 10 CFR 1015 Consumer products and commercial and industrial equipment-- Certification, compliance, and enforcement, 10 CFR 429 Energy conservation program, 10 CFR 430 Energy efficiency program, 10 CFR 431 Contractor employee protection program, 10 CFR 708 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 901 Domestic energy supplies, materials allocation and priority performance under contracts or orders to maximize, 10 CFR 216 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 2 CFR 902 Energy conservation grant programs for schools, hospitals, and buildings owned by units of local government and public care institutions, 10 CFR 455 Energy priorities and allocations system, 10 CFR 217 Extraordinary nuclear occurrences, determination, contractor indemnity clauses, 10 CFR 840 Financial assistance-- Appeals procedures, 10 CFR 1024 Audit requirements for State and local governments receiving Federal financial assistance (OMB A-128 implementation), 10 CFR 600 Hearings and Appeals Office procedural regulations, 10 CFR 1003 Human reliability program, 10 CFR 712 Information collection, 10 CFR 207 Manufactured homes, energy conservation standards, 10 CFR 460 [[Page 22]] Natural gas, administrative procedures with respect to import and export, 10 CFR 590 Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs or activities, 10 CFR 1040 Nondiscrimination on basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by Energy Department, enforcement, 10 CFR 1041 Nuclear activities, rules of procedure, 10 CFR 820 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Patent Compensation Board regulations, 10 CFR 780 Patent licensing regulations, 10 CFR 781 Petroleum regulations, 10 CFR 205 Program fraud civil remedies and procedures, 10 CFR 1013 Protected disclosures, security requirements under section 3164 of National Defense Authorization Act for 2000 Fiscal Year, 10 CFR 1044 Security policies, labor-management relations, 10 CFR 706 Standby international oil allocation, 10 CFR 218 State energy program, 10 CFR 420 Technology investment agreements, 10 CFR 603 Unclassified controlled nuclear information, identification and protection, 10 CFR 1017 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 910 Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally-assisted programs, cross references to governmentwide rule, 10 CFR 1039 Voluntary greenhouse gas reporting procedures, general guidelines, 10 CFR 300 Weatherization assistance for low-income persons, 10 CFR 440 Engineers Corps Administrative appeal process, 33 CFR 331 Dredging projects involving discharge of dredged material into U.S. and ocean waters, factors considered in evaluation, 33 CFR 336 Flood plain management services program establishment of fees for cost recovery, 33 CFR 242 General regulatory policies, 33 CFR 320 Hydropower projects under Federal Power Act, 33 CFR 221 Operation and maintenance of civil works projects involving discharge of dredged or fill material into U.S. or ocean waters, practice and procedure, 33 CFR 337 Permits-- Enforcement, 33 CFR 326 Nationwide program, 33 CFR 330 Processing, 33 CFR 325 Public hearings, 33 CFR 327 Water resources infrastructure projects, credit assistance, 33 CFR 386 Environmental Protection Agency Acid Rain-- Appeal procedures, 40 CFR 78 Continuous emission monitoring, 40 CFR 75 Excess emissions, 40 CFR 77 Permits regulations, 40 CFR 72 Acquisition regulations-- Protests, disputes and appeals, 48 CFR 1533 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 1552 Air pollution control-- Ambient air monitoring reference and equivalent methods, 40 CFR 53 Chemical accident prevention provisions, 40 CFR 68 Citizen suits, prior notice, 40 CFR 54 Conformity of Federal actions to State or Federal implementation plans, determining, 40 CFR 93 Engine-testing procedures, 40 CFR 1065 Federal NOx Budget Trading Program, CAIR NOx and SO2 Trading Programs, CSAPR NOx and SO2 Trading Programs, and Texas SO2 Trading Program, 40 CFR 97 Federal operating permit programs, 40 CFR 71 Fuels and fuel additives, 40 CFR 80 Fuels, fuel additives, and regulated blendstocks; regulation, 40 CFR 1090 [[Page 23]] Greenhouse gas, mandatory reporting, 40 CFR 98 Hazardous air pollutants for source categories, national emission standards, 40 CFR 63 Highway, stationary, and nonroad programs; general compliance provisions, 40 CFR 1068 Hydrofluorocarbons, phasedown, 40 CFR 84 Implementation plans, approval and promulgation, 40 CFR 52 Implementation plans; preparation, adoption, and submittal requirements, 40 CFR 51 Locomotives and locomotive engines, 40 CFR 92 Locomotives, emissions control, 40 CFR 1033 Mandatory patent licenses, 40 CFR 95 Marine compression-ignition engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 94 Marine engines and vessels subject to the MARPOL Protocol, emissions control, 40 CFR 1043 Marine spark-ignition engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 91 Marine spark-ignition propulsion engines and vessels, emissions control, 40 CFR 1045 National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants, 40 CFR 61 New and in-use heavy-duty highway engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 1036 New and in-use highway vehicles and engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 86 New and in-use marine compression-ignition engines and vessels, emissions control, 40 CFR 1042 New and in-use nonroad and stationary equipment, evaporative emissions control, 40 CFR 1060 New and in-use nonroad compression-ignition engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 89, 40 CFR 1039 New heavy-duty motor vehicles, emissions control, 40 CFR 1037 New large nonroad spark-ignition engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 1048 New small nonroad spark-ignition engines and equipment, emissions control, 40 CFR 1054 New stationary sources, performance standards, 40 CFR 60 Nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxides, budget trading program for State implementation plans, 40 CFR 96 Noncompliance penalties assessment and collection by EPA, 40 CFR 66 Nonroad engines and nonroad vehicles, preemption of State standards and procedures for waiver of Federal preemption, 40 CFR 1074 Nonroad spark-ignition engines at or below 19 kilowatts, emissions control, 40 CFR 90 Outer Continental Shelf air regulations, 40 CFR 55 Primary nonferrous smelter orders, 40 CFR 57 Recreational engines and vehicles, emissions control, 40 CFR 1051 State operating permit programs, 40 CFR 70 State plans for designated facilities and pollutants, approval and promulgation, 40 CFR 62 Vehicle and engine compliance programs, fees, 40 CFR 1027 Vehicle-testing procedures, 40 CFR 1066 Civil penalties-- Administrative assessment and permits revocation/termination or suspension, consolidated practice rules, 40 CFR 22 Monetary, inflation adjustment, 40 CFR 19 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 1532 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 2 CFR 1536 Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act-- Hearings arising from refusals to register, registrations cancellations, classifications changes, registrations suspensions, and other hearings called pursuant to Act; rules of practice, 40 CFR 164 [[Page 24]] Pesticide products, State registration, 40 CFR 162 Indian country, air quality planning and management, 40 CFR 49 Judicial review under EPA-administered statutes, 40 CFR 23 Motor vehicles, fuel economy and greenhouse gas exhaust emissions, 40 CFR 600 Noise abatement programs, citizens suits, prior notice, 40 CFR 210 Noise Control Act of 1972 proceedings, rules of practice, 40 CFR 209 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 40 CFR 12 Ocean dumping-- Engineers Corps dredged material permits, 40 CFR 225 Permit applications, action on, 40 CFR 222 Permit contents revision, revocation, or limitation, 40 CFR 223 Pesticide chemical residue in food, tolerances and exemptions, 40 CFR 180 Pesticide programs-- Emergency exemptions, time-limited tolerances, 40 CFR 176 Enforcement policies and interpretations, statements, 40 CFR 168 Federal and State agencies use of pesticides under emergency conditions, 40 CFR 166 Formal evidentiary public hearing, 40 CFR 179 Hearings, objections and requests, 40 CFR 178 Pesticides and devices, child resistant packaging requirements, 40 CFR 157 Plant-incorporated protectants, procedures and requirements, 40 CFR 174 Registration and classification procedures, 40 CFR 152 Registration standards and review procedures, 40 CFR 155 Special review procedures, 40 CFR 154 Use violations, procedures governing rescission of State primary enforcement responsibility, 40 CFR 173 Worker protection standards, 40 CFR 170 Pesticides, data requirements, 40 CFR 158 Privacy Act, implementation, 40 CFR 16 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 40 CFR 27 Public information, 40 CFR 2 Radiation protection programs, Waste Isolation Pilot Plant's compliance with 40 CFR Part 191 disposal regulations, certification and recertification criteria, 40 CFR 194 Research fellowships, special research consultants for environmental protection, 40 CFR 18 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, Safe Drinking Water Act, and Clean Water Act, public participation in programs, 40 CFR 25 Sewage sludge, State sludge management program, 40 CFR 501 Small businesses, water pollution control, 40 CFR 21 Solid wastes-- EPA-administered permit programs, hazardous waste permit program, 40 CFR 270 Hazardous waste interim status corrective action orders, issuance and administrative hearings, 40 CFR 24 Hazardous waste management system, general, 40 CFR 260 Prior notice of citizen suits, 40 CFR 254 State hazardous waste programs, authorization requirements, 40 CFR 271 State permit program requirements, adequacy determination, 40 CFR 239 State underground storage tank programs, approval requirements, 40 CFR 281 State underground storage tank programs, approved, 40 CFR 282 Stratospheric ozone protection, 40 CFR 82 Superfund-- Administrative hearing procedures for claims against Superfund, 40 CFR 305 [[Page 25]] Citizen suits, prior notice, 40 CFR 374 Innocent landowners, standards for conducting all appropriate inquiries, 40 CFR 312 Reimbursement to local governments for emergency response to hazardous substance releases, 40 CFR 310 Worker protection for State and local government employees engaged in hazardous waste operations, 40 CFR 311 Toxic substances control-- Asbestos-containing materials in schools, 40 CFR 763 Chemical substances, significant new uses, 40 CFR 721 Confidentiality claims, 40 CFR 703 Data reimbursement, 40 CFR 791 General practices and procedures, 40 CFR 702 Microorganisms, reporting requirements and review processes, 40 CFR 725 Procedures governing testing consent agreements and test rules, 40 CFR 790 Rulemaking procedures, 40 CFR 750 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 1500 Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally-assisted programs, cross references to governmentwide rule, 40 CFR 4 Water programs-- Citizen suits, prior notice, 40 CFR 135 Clean Water Act recognition awards, 40 CFR 105 Dredged or fill material discharges (section 404 program), State program regulations, 40 CFR 231, 40 CFR 233 Employee protection hearings, 40 CFR 108 Great Lakes System, water quality guidance, 40 CFR 132 Hazardous waste injection restrictions, 40 CFR 148 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, EPA administered permit program, 40 CFR 122 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, State program requirements, 40 CFR 123 National primary drinking water regulations implementation, 40 CFR 141, 40 CFR 142 Permits, decisionmaking procedures, 40 CFR 124 Sole source aquifers, 40 CFR 149 State certification of activities requiring Federal license or permit, 40 CFR 121 Toxic pollutants effluent standards, public hearings, 40 CFR 104 Underground Injection Control program, 40 CFR 144 Environmental Quality Office Definitions, 40 CFR 1508 Environmental impact statements-- Drafts and commenting, 40 CFR 1503 Purpose and implementation, 40 CFR 1502 Management fund, 40 CFR 1518 National Environmental Policy Act-- Agency compliance, 40 CFR 1507 Agency decisionmaking, 40 CFR 1505 Agency planning, 40 CFR 1501 Other requirements, 40 CFR 1506 Proposed Federal agency actions determined environmentally unsatisfactory, predecision referrals to Council, 40 CFR 1504 Purpose and policy, 40 CFR 1500 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Age Discrimination in Employment Act, procedures, 29 CFR 1626 Complaints/charges of employment discrimination based on disability filed against employers holding Government contracts or subcontracts; procedures, 29 CFR 1641 Complaints of employment discrimination filed against recipients of Federal financial assistance, procedures, 29 CFR 1691 Coordinating investigation of complaints/charges of employment discrimination based on disability subject to Americans with Disabilities Act and section 504 of 1973 Rehabilitation Act, procedures, 29 CFR 1640 Debt collection, 29 CFR 1650 [[Page 26]] Equal Pay Act, procedures, 29 CFR 1621 Federal sector equal employment opportunity, 29 CFR 1614 Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008, 29 CFR 1635 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 29 CFR 1615 Previously exempt State and local government employee complaints of employment discrimination under section 304 of 1991 Government Employee Rights Act, procedures, 29 CFR 1603 Procedural regulations, 29 CFR 1601 Executive Office of the President, nondiscrimination on basis of handicap in agency conducted programs or activities, 3 CFR 102 Export-Import Bank Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 3513 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 12 CFR 410 Farm Credit Administration Attorneys, certified public accountants, enrolled practitioners, and other persons representing clients before agency, 12 CFR 623 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 12 CFR 606 Practice and procedure rules, 12 CFR 622 Farm Service Agency Agriculture Priorities and Allocation System (APAS), 7 CFR 789 Appeal regulations, 7 CFR 780 Disclosure of foreign investment in agricultural land, 7 CFR 781 End-use certificate program, 7 CFR 782 Farm loans programs, general program administration, 7 CFR 761 Lamb meat adjustment assistance program, 7 CFR 784 United States Warehouse Act regulations, 7 CFR 869 Federal Acquisition Regulation; protests, disputes, and appeals, 48 CFR 33 Federal Aviation Administration Air carriers and commercial operators-- Certification, 14 CFR 119 General requirements, 14 CFR 110 Pilot records database, 14 CFR 111 Airport noise and access restrictions, notice and approval, 14 CFR 161 Commercial space transportation-- Investigations, enforcement, and administrative review, 14 CFR 406 Petition and rulemaking procedures, 14 CFR 404 Federally assisted airport enforcement proceedings, practice rules, 14 CFR 16 Fees, 14 CFR 187 General rulemaking procedures, 14 CFR 11 Investigative and enforcement procedures, 14 CFR 13 Legal proceedings and service of legal process and pleadings, testimony by employees and production of records, 14 CFR 185 Navigable airspace; safe, efficient use, and preservation, 14 CFR 77 Passenger facility charges (PFC's), 14 CFR 158 Protests and contract disputes, procedures, 14 CFR 17 Training centers, 14 CFR 142 Federal Communications Commission Common carrier services-- Commercial mobile services, 47 CFR 20 Interstate rate of return prescription procedures and methodologies, 47 CFR 65 Personal communications services, 47 CFR 24 Satellite communications, 47 CFR 25 Telephone network, connection of terminal equipment, 47 CFR 68 Wireless communications, miscellaneous services, 47 CFR 27 Federal awards, uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements, 2 CFR 6000 Frequency allocations and radio treaty matters; general rules and regulations, 47 CFR 2 Maritime and maritime mobile-satellite radio services, authorization and administration of accounting authorities in, 47 CFR 3 Multichannel video and cable television service, 47 CFR 76 [[Page 27]] Practice and procedure, 47 CFR 1 Private land mobile radio services, 47 CFR 90 Federal Contract Compliance Programs Office Affirmative action and nondiscrimination obligations of Federal contractors and subcontractors regarding-- Disabled veterans, recently separated veterans, active duty wartime or campaign badge veterans, and Armed Forces Service Medal veterans, 41 CFR 60-300 Individuals with disabilities, 41 CFR 60-741 Complaints/charges of employment discrimination based on disability filed against employers holding Government contracts or subcontracts, procedures, 41 CFR 60-742 Contractors and subcontractors, obligations, 41 CFR 60-1 Equal opportunity enforcement under Executive Order 11246, rules of practice for administrative proceedings, 41 CFR 60-30 Federal Crop Insurance Corporation Area risk protection insurance regulations, 7 CFR 407 Catastrophic risk protection endorsement, 7 CFR 402 General administrative regulations, 7 CFR 400 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Annual independent audits and reporting requirements, 12 CFR 363 Capital adequacy of FDIC-supervised institutions, 12 CFR 324 Contractors suspension and exclusion and contracts termination, 12 CFR 367 Corporate debt collection, criminal restitution debt, and civil money penalty debt procedures, 12 CFR 313 Derivatives, 12 CFR 349 Filing procedures, 12 CFR 303 Insured State banks and savings associations, activities, 12 CFR 362 Liquidity risk measurement standard, 12 CFR 329 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 12 CFR 352 Office of Thrift Supervision, regulations transferred from, 12 CFR 390 Practice and procedure rules, 12 CFR 308 Proprietary trading and certain interests in and relationships with covered funds, 12 CFR 351 Qualified financial contracts, recordkeeping requirements, 12 CFR 371 Resolution plans, 12 CFR 381 Supervisory guidance, use, 12 CFR 302 Federal Election Commission Administrative debts, collection, 11 CFR 8 Advisory opinions, 11 CFR 112 Conduct standards, 11 CFR 7 Debts owed by candidates and political committees, 11 CFR 116 Ex parte communications, 11 CFR 201 Federal election regulations, compliance procedure, 11 CFR 111 Presidential election campaign fund, examinations and audits; repayments, 11 CFR 9007 Presidential primary matching fund-- Examinations and audits, 11 CFR 9038 Review of matching fund submissions and certification of payments by Commission, 11 CFR 9036 Rulemaking petitions, 11 CFR 200 Federal Emergency Management Agency Appeals from proposed flood elevation determinations, 44 CFR 67 Cerro Grande fire assistance, 44 CFR 295 Disaster assistance-- Federal disaster assistance, 44 CFR 206 Fire management assistance grant program, 44 CFR 204 Hermit's Peak/Calf Canyon Fire Assistance, 44 CFR 296 Management costs, 44 CFR 207 Mitigation planning, 44 CFR 201 Supplemental property acquisition and elevation assistance, 44 CFR 209 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 2 CFR 3001 Flood elevation determinations-- Hearings, 44 CFR 68 Procedure for map correction, 44 CFR 70 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 44 CFR 16 [[Page 28]] Nondiscrimination on basis of race, color or national origin in federally assisted programs, 44 CFR 7 Radiological emergency-- Commercial nuclear power plants, emergency preparedness planning, 44 CFR 352 Review and approval of State and local radiological emergency plans and preparedness, 44 CFR 350 Qualified financial contracts, restrictions on, 12 CFR 382 Rulemaking, policy and procedures, 44 CFR 1 Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally-assisted programs, cross references to governmentwide rule, 44 CFR 25 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Accounts, records, memoranda and disposition of contested audit, 18 CFR 41 Annual charges, 18 CFR 382 Contested audit findings and remedies disposition, 18 CFR 349 Electric Reliability Organization certification and standards establishment, approval and enforcement, 18 CFR 39 Electronic registration, 18 CFR 390 Federal Power Act-- Integrated license application process, 18 CFR 5 Licenses, permits, exemptions, and determination of project costs, 18 CFR 4 Qualifying process for Non-federal hydropower projects at existing nonpowered dams and for closed-loop pumped storage projects; expedited licensing, 18 CFR 7 Transmission services under section 211, applications, 18 CFR 36 Federal power marketing administrations, confirmation and approval of rates, 18 CFR 300 Gas utilities, accounts, records, and memoranda, 18 CFR 158 General applicability rules, 18 CFR 1 General policy and interpretations, 18 CFR 2 Interstate electric transmission facilities, site applications, 18 CFR 50 Licensed projects, procedures relating to takeover and relicensing, 18 CFR 16 Natural gas facilities-- Certificates of public convenience and necessity and for orders permitting and approving abandonment of facilities under Section 7 of the Natural Gas Act, applications, 18 CFR 157 Extension or improvement applications, 18 CFR 156 Natural Gas Policy Act regulations, accounts, records and memoranda, 18 CFR 286 Oil pipeline proceedings, rules of procedure, 18 CFR 343 Practice and procedure rules, 18 CFR 385 Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council, appraiser regulation, 12 CFR 1102 Federal Highway Administration, drug offender's driver's license suspension, 23 CFR 192 Federal Housing Finance Agency Agency employees, supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 9001 Agency records, information, and employee testimony in third-party legal proceedings, production, 12 CFR 1215 Boards of directors responsibilities, corporate practices, and corporate governance, 12 CFR 1239 Debt collection, 12 CFR 1208 Enterprises, resolution planning, 12 CFR 1242 Equal access to justice, 12 CFR 1203 Executive compensation, 12 CFR 1230 Federal Home Loan Banks, minimum capital--temporary increase, 12 CFR 1225 Flood insurance, 12 CFR 1250 Fraudulent financial instruments, reporting, 12 CFR 1233 Freedom of Information Act, 12 CFR 1202 General definitions, 12 CFR 1201 Housing Trust and Capital Magnet Funds, contributions to, 12 CFR 1251 [[Page 29]] Non-public information, availability, 12 CFR 1214 Ombudsman, Office of the, 12 CFR 1213 Practice and procedure, 12 CFR 1209 Privacy Act implementation, 12 CFR 1204 Senior examiners, post-employment restriction for, 12 CFR 1212 Stress testing of regulated entities, 12 CFR 1238 Suspended Counterparty Program, 12 CFR 1227 Federal Labor Relations Authority Arbitration awards review, 5 CFR 2425 Debt collection, 5 CFR 2418 Ex parte communications, 5 CFR 2414 Federal service labor management relations program, general policy statements or guidance, 5 CFR 2427 Labor management relations program, enforcement of Assistant Secretary standards of conduct decisions and orders, 5 CFR 2428 Labor organizations, National consultation rights and consultation rights on Governmentwide rules or regulations, 5 CFR 2426 Legal proceedings, testimony by employees relating to official information and production of official records, 5 CFR 2417 Miscellaneous and general requirements, 5 CFR 2429 Negotiability proceedings, 5 CFR 2424 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 5 CFR 2416 Representation proceedings, 5 CFR 2422 Unfair labor practice proceedings, 5 CFR 2423 Federal Maritime Commission Administrative offset, 46 CFR 505 Civil monetary penalty inflation adjustment, 46 CFR 506 Foreign maritime practices, restrictive-- Actions to address adverse conditions affecting U.S.-flag carriers that do not exist for foreign carriers in U.S., 46 CFR 555 Actions to address conditions unduly impairing access of U.S.-flag vessels to ocean trade between foreign ports, 46 CFR 560 Controlled carriers, 46 CFR 565 Regulations to adjust or meet conditions unfavorable to shipping in U.S. foreign trade, 46 CFR 550 General regulations, 46 CFR 501 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 46 CFR 507 Ocean common carriers and marine terminal operators, agreements subject to Shipping Act of 1984, 46 CFR 535 Practice and procedure rules, 46 CFR 502 Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service Arbitration services, 29 CFR 1404 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 29 CFR 1471 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 29 CFR 1472 Employee standards of conduct, responsibilities, and discipline, 29 CFR 1400 Mediation assistance in-- Federal service, 29 CFR 1425 Health care industry, 29 CFR 1420 Pesticide data disputes arbitration, 29 CFR 1440 Procedures, 29 CFR 1402 Public information, 29 CFR 1401 Terms of service, 29 CFR 1406 Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission Freedom of Information Act, implementation, 29 CFR 2702 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 29 CFR 2706 Procedural rules, 29 CFR 2700 Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Motor carrier registration and insurance fees, 49 CFR 360 Motor carrier routing regulations, 49 CFR 356 Motor carrier safety-- Commercial driver's license program, State compliance, 49 CFR 384 Commercial driver's license standards, requirements and penalties, 49 CFR 383 Controlled substances and alcohol use and testing, 49 CFR 382 FMCSA proceedings, rules of practice, 49 CFR 386 [[Page 30]] Hazardous materials transportation driving and parking rules, 49 CFR 397 Operating authority applications, governing rules, 49 CFR 365 Registration certificate, application to operate in U.S. municipalities on U.S.-Mexico international border or within commercial zones of such municipalities, 49 CFR 368 Rulemaking procedures, 49 CFR 389 Safety fitness procedures, 49 CFR 385 Special training requirements, 49 CFR 380 Federal Open Market Committee, administrative procedure, 12 CFR 272 Federal Prison Industries, UNICOR business operations, comments, 28 CFR 302 Federal Procurement Policy Office, Cost Accounting Standards Board, acquisition regulations, rules and procedures, 48 CFR 9901 Federal Railroad Administration Conductors, qualification and certification, 49 CFR 242 Locomotive engineers, qualification and certification, 49 CFR 240 Locomotive horns, use at public highway-rail grade crossings, 49 CFR 222 Passenger service, informal rules of practice, 49 CFR 200 Passenger train employees; hours of service, reporting and recordkeeping, sleeping quarters, 49 CFR 228 Railroad safety enforcement procedures, 49 CFR 209 Safety inquiries and proceedings, rules of practice, 49 CFR 211 Safety integration plans governing railroad consolidations, mergers, and acquisitions of control, 49 CFR 244 Safety-related railroad employees; training, qualification, and oversight, 49 CFR 243 Signal system, instructions governing applications for approval of discontinuance or material modification or relief from part 236 requirements, 49 CFR 235 Federal Register, Administrative Committee Definitions, 1 CFR 1 Documents for publication, OFR preparation and transmittal, 1 CFR 18 Documents subject to codification, OFR preparation, 1 CFR 21 General information, 1 CFR 2 General publication policies and procedures for-- Code of Federal Regulations, 1 CFR 8 Federal Register, 1 CFR 5 Indexes and ancillaries, 1 CFR 6 Notices and proposed rules, OFR preparation, 1 CFR 22 Federal Register Office, authorization for incorporation by reference of materials in documents, 1 CFR 51 Federal Reserve System Bank holding companies and change in bank control (Regulation Y), 12 CFR 225 Capital adequacy of bank holding companies, savings and loan holding companies, and State member banks (Regulation Q), 12 CFR 217 Debt collection procedures, 12 CFR 267 Enhanced prudential standards (Regulation YY), 12 CFR 252 Equal opportunity rules, 12 CFR 268 Former members and employees of Board, limitations on activities, 12 CFR 266 Hearings, rules of practice, 12 CFR 263 Information availability, 12 CFR 261 Labor Relations Panel, unfair labor practices charges, 12 CFR 269b Liquidity risk measurement, standards, and monitoring (Regulation WW), 12 CFR 249 Mutual holding companies, 12 CFR 239 Procedure rules, 12 CFR 262 Proprietary trading and certain interests in and relationships with covered funds (Regulation VV), 12 CFR 248 Savings and loan holding companies, 12 CFR 238 Supervision and regulation assessment of fees (Regulation TT), 12 CFR 246 Swaps margin and swaps push-out, 12 CFR 237 Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board, nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs or activities, 5 CFR 1636 Federal Service Impasses Panel Flexible or compressed work schedules, impasses arising pursuant to agency [[Page 31]] determinations not to establish or to terminate, 5 CFR 2472 Panel procedures, 5 CFR 2471 Subpoenas, 5 CFR 2473 Federal Trade Commission Adjudicative proceedings rules of practice, 16 CFR 3 Conduct standards, 16 CFR 5 Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, State exemption application procedures, 16 CFR 901 General procedures, 16 CFR 1 Miscellaneous rules, 16 CFR 4 Mortgage acts and practices, advertising, 16 CFR 321 Nonadjudicative procedures, 16 CFR 2 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 16 CFR 6 Federal Transit Administration Charter service, 49 CFR 604 School bus operations, 49 CFR 605 Financial Crimes Enforcement Network Banks, rules, 31 CFR 1020 Brokers or dealers, rules, 31 CFR 1023 Casinos and card clubs, rules, 31 CFR 1021 Dealers in precious metals, precious stones, and jewels, rules, 31 CFR 1027 Futures Commission merchants and introducing brokers in commodities, rules, 31 CFR 1026 General provisions, 31 CFR 1010 Government sponsored enterprises, rules for housing, 31 CFR 1030 Resolution plans (Regulation QQ), 12 CFR 243 Insurance companies, rules, 31 CFR 1025 Money services businesses, rules, 31 CFR 1022 Mutual funds, rules, 31 CFR 1024 Operators of credit card systems, rules, 31 CFR 1028 Fine Arts Commission Freedom of information, compliance requirements, 45 CFR 2105 Meetings and procedures of Commission, 45 CFR 2102 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 45 CFR 2104 Statements of Commission policy, 45 CFR 2103 Fiscal Service Debt collection authorities under 1996 Debt Collection Improvement Act, 31 CFR 285 Efficient Federal-State funds transfers, rules and procedures, 31 CFR 205 Surety companies doing business with U.S., 31 CFR 223 Fish and Wildlife Service Alaska public lands, subsistence management regulations, 50 CFR 100 Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, geological and geophysical exploration of Coastal Plain, 50 CFR 37 Boating Infrastructure Grant program, 50 CFR 86 Civil procedures, 50 CFR 11 General permit procedures, 50 CFR 13 Listing endangered and threatened species and designating critical habitat, 50 CFR 424 Marine mammal management authority, transfer to States, 50 CFR 403 Marine mammals; taking and importing restrictions, 50 CFR 18 Wildlife, seizure and forfeiture procedures, 50 CFR 12 Wildlife refuges, administrative provisions, 50 CFR 25 Food and Drug Administration Animal drugs, medicated feed mill license, 21 CFR 515 Animal foods, additive petitions, 21 CFR 571 Biologics and establishments, licensing, 21 CFR 601 Civil money penalties hearings, 21 CFR 17 Color additive petitions, 21 CFR 71 Electronic records; electronic signatures, 21 CFR 11 Enforcement policies, 21 CFR 7 Extralabel drug use in animals, 21 CFR 530 Federal Caustic Poison Act, 21 CFR 1230 Federal Import Milk Act, 21 CFR 1210 Food additive petition, 21 CFR 171 Food additives, general provisions, 21 CFR 170 [[Page 32]] Foods, administrative rulings and decisions, 21 CFR 100 Foods, emergency permit control, 21 CFR 108 Formal evidentiary public hearing, 21 CFR 12 General administrative rulings and decisions, 21 CFR 2 Marketed drugs, biologics, and devices, unapproved/new uses, information dissemination, 21 CFR 99 Medical devices-- Banned devices, 21 CFR 895 Classification procedures, 21 CFR 860 Electrode lead wires and patient cables, performance standard, 21 CFR 898 General requirements, 21 CFR 800 Performance standards development procedures, 21 CFR 861 Premarket approval, 21 CFR 814 Recall authority, 21 CFR 810 Unique device identification, 21 CFR 830 Minor use and minor species, 21 CFR 516 New animal drugs, 21 CFR 510 Applications, 21 CFR 514 New drugs, 21 CFR 310 Marketing, applications for FDA approval, 21 CFR 314 Nonprescription human drug products subject to section 760 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 21 CFR 329 Orphan drugs, 21 CFR 316 Patent term restoration, 21 CFR 60 Petitions, hearings, etc., general provisions, 21 CFR 10 Produce for human consumption, standards for growing, harvesting, packing, and holding, 21 CFR 112 Product jurisdiction, 21 CFR 3 Public hearing before-- Commission, 21 CFR 15 Public advisory committee, 21 CFR 14 Public Board of Inquiry, 21 CFR 13 Radiation protection, performance standards, general, 21 CFR 1010 Radiological health-- Electronic products importation, 21 CFR 1005 Notification of defects or failure to comply, 21 CFR 1003 Regulatory hearings before, 21 CFR 16 Tea Importation Act, 21 CFR 1220 Tobacco products Exemption requests and substantial equivalence reports, 21 CFR 1107 General regulations, 21 CFR 1100 General submission requirements, 21 CFR 1105 Premarket tobacco product applications, 21 CFR 1114 Food and Nutrition Service Food donations for use in U.S., 7 CFR 250 General information and definitions, 7 CFR 271 Indian reservations, food distribution program for households on, 7 CFR 253 Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer Program, 7 CFR 292 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program-- Eligible households, certification, 7 CFR 273 Food retailers and food wholesalers, administrative and judicial review, 7 CFR 279 Indian reservations, administration of SNAP on, 7 CFR 281 Miscellaneous regulations, 7 CFR 284 Quality control (``QC'') claims appeals, 7 CFR 283 State administrative expense funds, 7 CFR 235 State agency liabilities and Federal sanctions, 7 CFR 276 Women, infants, and children, special supplemental food program, 7 CFR 246 Food Safety and Inspection Service General requirements, definitions, 9 CFR 530 Meat, poultry products, and egg products inspection requirements, practice rules, 9 CFR 500 Meat inspection proceedings, rules of practice, 9 CFR 335 Poultry products inspection, 9 CFR 381 Rabbits and edible products, voluntary inspection, 9 CFR 354 Rulemaking petitions, 9 CFR 392 Technical animal fats for export, certification, 9 CFR 351 Foreign Assets Control Office [[Page 33]] Control regulations-- Cuban assets, 31 CFR 515 Diamonds, rough, 31 CFR 592 Iranian assets, 31 CFR 535 Iran, transactions and sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 560 Reporting, procedures, and penalties regulations, 31 CFR 501 Sanctions regulations-- Belarus, 31 CFR 548 Burma, 31 CFR 525 Central African Republic, 31 CFR 553 China Military-Industrial Complex, 31 CFR 586 Cyber-related, 31 CFR 578 Darfur, 31 CFR 546 Democratic Republic of the Congo, 31 CFR 547 Elections, U.S.; foreign interference, 31 CFR 579 Ethiopia, 31 CFR 550 Foreign narcotics kingpin, 31 CFR 598 Foreign terrorist organizations, 31 CFR 597 Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act, 31 CFR 583 Global terrorism, 31 CFR 594 Hizballah, 31 CFR 566 Hong Kong, 31 CFR 585 Hostages and wrongful detention, 31 CFR 526 Illicit drug trade, 31 CFR 599 Iran, financial, 31 CFR 561 Iran, sector and human rights abuses, 31 CFR 562 Iraq, stabilization and insurgency, 31 CFR 576 Lebanon, 31 CFR 549 Libya, 31 CFR 570 Magnitsky Act, 31 CFR 584 Mali, 31 CFR 555 Narcotics trafficking, 31 CFR 536 Nicaragua, 31 CFR 582 North Korea, 31 CFR 510 Russian harmful foreign activities, 31 CFR 587 Somalia, 31 CFR 551 South Sudan, 31 CFR 558 Syria, 31 CFR 542 Syria-related, 31 CFR 569 Terrorism, 31 CFR 595 Terrorism list governments, 31 CFR 596 Transnational criminal organizations, 31 CFR 590 Ukraine, 31 CFR 589 Venezuela, 31 CFR 591 Weapons of mass destruction proliferators, 31 CFR 544 Yemen, 31 CFR 552 Zimbabwe, 31 CFR 541 Weapons of mass destruction trade control regulations, 31 CFR 539 Western Balkans stabilization regulations, 31 CFR 588 Foreign Claims Settlement Commission Appearance and practice, 45 CFR 500 International Claims Settlement Act of 1949, as amended, filing of claims and procedures, 45 CFR 509 Subpoenas, depositions, and oaths, 45 CFR 501 War Claims Act of 1948, as amended, Vietnam conflict claims, hearings, 45 CFR 508 Foreign Service Impasse Disputes Panel, 22 CFR 1471 Foreign Service Labor Relations Board and General Counsel of Federal Labor Relations Authority Implementation dispute actions, review, 22 CFR 1425 Miscellaneous and general requirements, 22 CFR 1429 Negotiability issues expedited review, 22 CFR 1424 Policy or guidance, general statements, 22 CFR 1427 Representation proceedings, 22 CFR 1422 Unfair labor practice proceedings, 22 CFR 1423 Foreign Service Labor Relations Board, ex parte communications, 22 CFR 1414 Foreign-Trade Zones Board, zones in U.S., regulations, 15 CFR 400 Forest Service Administration, 36 CFR 211 Agency programs; public notice and comment for applicable standards, criteria, and guidance, 36 CFR 216 Alaska public lands, subsistence management regulations, 36 CFR 242 Archaeological resources protection, uniform regulations, 36 CFR 296 Land and resource management planning, 36 CFR 219 [[Page 34]] National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), compliance, 36 CFR 220 National forest land use, 36 CFR 251 National Forest System-- Lands and resources, postdecisional administrative review process for occupancy or use, 36 CFR 214 Timber, special forest products, and forest botanical products, sale and disposal, 36 CFR 223 Organization, functions, and procedures, 36 CFR 200 Project-level predecisional administrative review process, 36 CFR 218 General Services Administration Acquisition Regulations-- Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 509 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 503 Protests, disputes and appeals, 48 CFR 533 Civilian Board of Contract Appeals, acquisition regulations-- Board procedure rules, 48 CFR 6101 Crop insurance cases, procedure rules, 48 CFR 6102 Decisions authorized under 31 U.S.C. 3529, procedure rules, 48 CFR 6105 Transportation rate cases, procedure rules, 48 CFR 6103 Travel and relocation expenses cases, procedure rules, 48 CFR 6104 Collection of claims owed U.S., 41 CFR 105-55 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 41 CFR 105-68 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 41 CFR 105-74 Federal Management Regulation, real property-- Authority delegation, 41 CFR 102-72 General, 41 CFR 102-71 Real estate acquisition, 41 CFR 102-73 Federal Travel Regulation, temporary duty (TDY) travel allowances; internal policy and procedure requirements, 41 CFR 301-70 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs or activities, 41 CFR 101-8, 41 CFR 105-8 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 41 CFR 105-70 Property management-- Federal real property to assist the homeless, use of, 41 CFR 101-47 Space assignment and utilization, 41 CFR 101-17 Public availability of agency records and informational materials, 41 CFR 105-60 Salary offset, indebtedness of employees to U.S., 41 CFR 105-56 Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally-assisted programs, cross references to governmentwide rule, 41 CFR 105-51 Government Accountability Office Bid protest regulations, 4 CFR 21 Contract Appeals Board, rules of procedure, 4 CFR 22 Personnel Appeals Board, procedures applicable to claims concerning employment practices, 4 CFR 28 Personnel relations and services, 4 CFR 7 Public availability of records, 4 CFR 81 Recognition of attorneys and other representatives, 4 CFR 11 Government Ethics Office Executive Branch Ethics Program, 5 CFR 2638 Legal proceedings, testimony by agency employees relating to official information and production of official records, 5 CFR 2608 Privacy Act rules, 5 CFR 2606 Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council Records availability, 40 CFR 1850 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 5900 Harry S Truman Scholarship foundation, nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 45 CFR 1803 Health and Human Services Department Administrative data standards and related requirements-- Administrative requirements, 45 CFR 162 [[Page 35]] General administrative requirements, 45 CFR 160 Security and privacy, 45 CFR 164 Administrative wage garnishment, 45 CFR 32 Block grants, 45 CFR 96 Child Care and Development Fund-- Hearings, procedures, 45 CFR 99 Implementation, 45 CFR 98 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 376 Debarment or suspension of former employees, 45 CFR 73b Departmental Grant Appeals Board, procedures, 45 CFR 16 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 2 CFR 382 Entities implementing programs and activities under the Leadership Act, organizational integrity, 45 CFR 89 Equal treatment for faith-based organizations, 45 CFR 87 Federal real property use to assist homeless, 45 CFR 12a Health care access requirements-- CMS enforcement in group and individual insurance markets, 45 CFR 150 Individual health insurance market requirements, 45 CFR 148 Health care infrastructure improvement program, 42 CFR 505 Health Care Reform Insurance Web Portal, 45 CFR 159 Health insurance-- Exchange establishment standards and related standards under the Affordable Care Act, 45 CFR 155 Issuer rate increases, disclosure and review requirements, 45 CFR 154 Issuer standards under the Affordable Care Act, including standards related to exchanges, 45 CFR 156 Issuer use of premium revenue, reporting and rebate requirements, 45 CFR 158 Reinsurance, risk corridors, and risk adjustment standards under the Affordable Care Act, 45 CFR 155 Surprise billing and transparency requirements, 45 CFR 149 Inflation, adjustment of civil monetary penalties, 45 CFR 102 Letter of credit administration, remedial actions applicable to, 45 CFR 77 Military Personnel and Civilian Employees Act, claims filed, 45 CFR 34 Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs, hearings, 45 CFR 81 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 45 CFR 85 Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan Program, 45 CFR 152 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 45 CFR 79 Salary offset, 45 CFR 33 Tax refund offset, 45 CFR 31 Unaccompanied alien children, care and placement, 45 CFR 410 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements-- Federal awards, 2 CFR 300 HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally-assisted programs, cross references to governmentwide rule, 45 CFR 15 Healthy Forests Reserve Program, 7 CFR 625 Historic Preservation Advisory Council Federally conducted programs, nondiscrimination on basis of disability, 36 CFR 812 Protection of historic properties, 36 CFR 800 Homeland Security Department Anti-terrorism, supporting regulations fostering effective technologies, 6 CFR 25 Claims, 6 CFR 11 Cybersecurity Talent Management System (CTMS), 6 CFR 158 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 3000 Executive Office for Immigration Review, cross-reference, 8 CFR 3 Homeland Security Secretary, authority, 8 CFR 2 Human resources management system, 5 CFR 9701 Immigration-- Affidavits of support by sponsors, 8 CFR 213a [[Page 36]] Aggravated felons, expedited removal of, 8 CFR 238 Alien status adjustment, rescission of, 8 CFR 246 Aliens, control of employment, 8 CFR 274a Aliens departing from U.S., controls of, 8 CFR 215 Aliens ordered removed, apprehension and detention of, 8 CFR 241 Apprehension and detention of inadmissible and deportable aliens; removal of aliens ordered removed, 8 CFR 236 Asylum and withholding of removal, procedures, 8 CFR 208 Certain resident aliens, status adjustment, 8 CFR 247 Conveyances, seizure and forfeiture of, 8 CFR 274 Definitions, 8 CFR 1 Document fraud, penalties, 8 CFR 270 Documentary requirements, nonimmigrants, waivers, admission of certain inadmissible aliens, parole, 8 CFR 212 Immigration hearings, representation and appearances at, 8 CFR 292 Immigration regulations; benefit requests, USCIS filing requirements, biometric requirements, records availability, 8 CFR 103 Imposition and collection of fines, 8 CFR 280 Lawful permanent residence status, conditional basis of, 8 CFR 216 Nationals of designated states, temporary protected status, 8 CFR 244 Nonimmigrant classes, 8 CFR 214 Persons applying for admission into U.S., inspection of, 8 CFR 235 Petitions, 8 CFR 204 Removability of aliens in U.S., proceedings to determine, 8 CFR 240 Removal proceedings, initiation, 8 CFR 239 Immigration and Nationality Act-- Carrier responsibilities at foreign ports of embarkation, reducing, refunding, or waiving fines under section 273, 8 CFR 273 Persons admitted for lawful temporary or permanent resident status under Section 245A, status adjustment, 8 CFR 245a Petition approval under section 203, revocation, 8 CFR 205 Naturalization-- Application, 8 CFR 334 Application, examination, 8 CFR 335 Hearings on denials of applications, 8 CFR 336 Illegal or fraudulent certificates, documents, or records obtained by aliens, cancellation, 8 CFR 342 Program fraud civil remedies, 6 CFR 13 Rulemaking petitions, 6 CFR 3 Sexual abuse and assault prevention standards, 6 CFR 115 Transportation Security Oversight Board Review Panel, process and procedures, 6 CFR 126 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department Administrative claims, 24 CFR 17 Civil money penalties, certain prohibited conduct, 24 CFR 30 Civil rights matters, consolidated hearing procedures, 24 CFR 180 Community development block grant program, eligibility and applications, 24 CFR 570 Community planning and development programs, expiring programs; savings clause, 24 CFR 500 Conduct standards, 24 CFR 0 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 2424 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 2 CFR 2429 Fair housing-- Certification and funding of State and local fair housing enforcement agencies, 24 CFR 115 Complaint processing, 24 CFR 103 Federal Housing Commissioner, functions, 24 CFR 200 [[Page 37]] Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight Office, prompt corrective action, 12 CFR 1777 Federal real property use to assist homeless, 24 CFR 581 General HUD program requirements, waivers, 24 CFR 5 Government sponsored enterprises, mortgage fraud reporting, 12 CFR 1731 Governmentwide debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 24 CFR 24 Guidance documents, policy and procedures, 40 CFR 11 Hearing procedures, 24 CFR 26 Hearings and Appeals Office, 24 CFR 20 HOME Investment Partnerships Program, 24 CFR 92 Housing counseling program, 24 CFR 214 Housing Trust Fund, 24 CFR 93 HUD Reform Act, 24 CFR 4 Indian HOME program, 24 CFR 954 Investigations in consumer regulatory programs, 24 CFR 3800 Low- and very low-income persons, economic opportunities, 24 CFR 75 Manufactured home dispute resolution program, 24 CFR 3288 Manufactured home installation program, 24 CFR 3286 Manufactured home procedural and enforcement regulations, 24 CFR 3282 Mortgagee Review Board, 24 CFR 25 Multifamily and single family mortgages, nonjudicial foreclosure, 24 CFR 27 Nondiscrimination and equal opportunity in housing under Executive Order 11063, 24 CFR 107 Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs, effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 24 CFR 1 Nondiscrimination in federally conducted programs or activities, 24 CFR 9 Nondiscrimination in programs and activities receiving assistance under Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Title I, 24 CFR 6 Nondiscrimination on basis of age in federally assisted programs, 24 CFR 146 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally assisted programs, 24 CFR 8 Office of Inspector General, subpoenas and production in response to subpoenas or demands of courts or other authorities, 24 CFR 2004 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 24 CFR 28 Property improvement and manufactured home programs, approval of lending institutions and mortgagees, 24 CFR 202 Public housing-- Agency plans, 24 CFR 903 Assessment system, 24 CFR 902 Substantial default by public housing agency, 24 CFR 907 Rental rehabilitation grant program, 24 CFR 511 Revitalizing base closure communities and community assistance, community redevelopment and homeless assistance, 24 CFR 586 Rulemaking, 24 CFR 10 Section 8 Housing assistance payments program-- New construction set-aside for Section 515 rural rental housing projects, 24 CFR 884 Special allocations, 24 CFR 886 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 2400 Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally-assisted programs, cross references to governmentwide rule, 24 CFR 42 Immigration Review, Executive Office for Alien status adjustment, rescission of, 8 CFR 1246 Appeals, records, and fees, 8 CFR 1103 Apprehension and detention of aliens ordered removed, 8 CFR 1241 Apprehension and detention of inadmissible and deportable aliens; removal of aliens ordered removed, 8 CFR 1236 [[Page 38]] Asylum and withholding of removal, procedures, 8 CFR 1208 Conditional basis of lawful permanent residence status, 8 CFR 1216 Control of employment of aliens, 8 CFR 1274a Controls of aliens departing from U.S., 8 CFR 1215 Definitions, 8 CFR 1001 Document fraud, penalties, 8 CFR 1270 Expedited removal of aggravated felons, 8 CFR 1238 Immigrant petitions, 8 CFR 1204 Immigration and Nationality Act violations, imposition and collection of fines, 8 CFR 1280 Immigration hearings, representation and appearances of persons at, 8 CFR 1292 Nationals of designated states, temporary protected status, 8 CFR 1244 Nonimmigrant classes, review, 8 CFR 1214 Nonimmigrants, waivers, admission of certain inadmissible aliens, parole; documentary requirements, 8 CFR 1212 Organization and functions, 8 CFR 1003 Persons applying for admission to U.S., inspection of, 8 CFR 1235 Removability of aliens in U.S., determination proceedings, 8 CFR 1240 Removal proceedings, initiation, 8 CFR 1239 Revocation of approval of petitions, 8 CFR 1205 Indian Affairs Bureau Administrative decisions, appeals, 25 CFR 2 American Indian group exists as Indian tribe, procedures for establishing, 25 CFR 83 Education personnel, 25 CFR 38 Electric power utilities, 25 CFR 175 Enrollment appeals, 25 CFR 62 Financial assistance and social services program, 25 CFR 20 Indian child welfare, 25 CFR 23 Indian highway safety program, 25 CFR 181 Indian judgment funds, use or distribution, 25 CFR 87 Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, contracts, 25 CFR 900 Indian Tribal Energy Development and Self Determination Act, tribal energy resource agreements, 25 CFR 224 Rules applicability, 25 CFR 1 Tribal government, secretarial election procedures, 25 CFR 81 Tribal land encumbrances, contract approvals, 25 CFR 84 Trust funds for Tribes and individual Indians, 25 CFR 115 Indian Health Service, Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, contracts, 25 CFR 900 Industry and Security Bureau Additional protocol programs regulations, enforcement, 15 CFR 785 Chemical Weapons Convention regulations-- Enforcement, 15 CFR 719 Export privileges, denial, 15 CFR 720 Requirements, 15 CFR 745 Export Administration Regulations-- Administrative enforcement proceedings, 15 CFR 766 Appeals and judicial review, 15 CFR 756 Application processing, issuance, and denial, 15 CFR 750 Applications (classification, advisory, and license) and documentation, 15 CFR 748 Enforcement and protective measures, 15 CFR 764 Export clearance requirements and authorities, 15 CFR 758 Foreign availability determination procedures and criteria, 15 CFR 768 General information, 15 CFR 730 General prohibitions, 15 CFR 736 License exceptions, 15 CFR 740 Recordkeeping, 15 CFR 762 Restrictive trade practices or boycotts, 15 CFR 760 Scope, 15 CFR 734 Software and technology exports, special reporting and notification, 15 CFR 743 Special comprehensive license, 15 CFR 752 [[Page 39]] Steps for using the EAR, 15 CFR 732 National Security Industrial Base regulations-- Defense priorities and allocations system, 15 CFR 700 Imported articles, effect on National security, 15 CFR 705 Offset agreements in sales of weapon systems or defense-related items to foreign countries or foreign firms, reporting, 15 CFR 701 Information Security Oversight Office, Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), 32 CFR 2002 Inspector General Office, Health and Human Services Department Advisory opinions, 42 CFR 1008 Civil money penalties, assessments, and exclusions, 42 CFR 1003 Appeals, 42 CFR 1005 Health care practitioners and providers of health care services under Medicare, imposition of sanctions by peer review organization, 42 CFR 1004 Introduction, general definitions, 42 CFR 1000 Investigational inquiries, 42 CFR 1006 Program integrity, Medicare and State health care programs, 42 CFR 1001 State Medicaid fraud control units, 42 CFR 1007 Integrity and Efficiency, Council of the Inspectors General on; Freedom of Information Act regulations, 5 CFR 9800 Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator Office, public availability of information, 5 CFR 10400 Inter-American Foundation Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 22 CFR 1006 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 22 CFR 1008 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 22 CFR 1005 Salary offset, 22 CFR 1007 Interior Department Alaska conservation system units, transportation and utility systems in and across, and access into, 43 CFR 36 Archaeological resources protection, uniform regulations, 43 CFR 7 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 1400 Drug-free workplace (financial assistance), requirements, 2 CFR 1401 FERC hydropower licenses, conditions and prescriptions, 43 CFR 45 Hearings and appeals procedures, 43 CFR 4 Indian probate hearings procedures, 43 CFR 30 Native American graves protection and repatriation regulations, 43 CFR 10 Native Hawaiian community, procedures for reestablishing a formal government-to-government relationship, 43 CFR 50 Nondiscrimination in federally assisted and conducted programs, 43 CFR 17 Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument, 50 CFR 404 Practices when appearing before Department, 43 CFR 1 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, 43 CFR 35 Property management, establishment of quarters rental rates, 41 CFR 114-52 Records and testimony, 43 CFR 2 Rulemaking petitions, 43 CFR 14 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 1402 Internal Revenue Service Attorneys, certified public accountants, enrolled agents, and other persons representing clients, practice before the Internal Revenue Service, 31 CFR 10 Procedural rules statement, 26 CFR 601 Procedure and administration, 26 CFR 301 Seized personal property disposition, 26 CFR 403 International Boundary and Water Commission, U.S. and Mexico, United States Section Archaeological resources protection, uniform regulations, 22 CFR 1104 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 22 CFR 1103 [[Page 40]] International Development Finance Corporation, U.S. Access to and safeguarding of personal information, 22 CFR 707 Federally conducted programs, nondiscrimination on basis of disability, 22 CFR 711 Freedom of Information Act, information disclosure, 22 CFR 706 Legal proceedings, production of nonpublic records and testimony of employees, 22 CFR 713 Post-employment restrictions, administrative enforcement procedures, 22 CFR 710 International Joint Commission, U.S. and Canada, rules of procedure, 22 CFR 401 International Organizations Employees Loyalty Board, 5 CFR 1501 International Trade Administration Aluminum Import Monitoring and Analysis system, 19 CFR 361 Antidumping and countervailing duties, 19 CFR 351 Antidumping or countervailing duty protective order violation, procedures for imposing sanctions, 19 CFR 354 Emergency relief work supplies, 19 CFR 358 Export trade certificates of review, 15 CFR 325 Instruments and apparatus for educational and scientific institutions, duty-free entry, 15 CFR 301 Short supply procedures, 19 CFR 357 Steel import monitoring and analysis system, 19 CFR 360 Suspension of liquidation, duties and estimated duties in accord with Presidential Proclamation 10414, procedures, 19 CFR 362 United States-Mexico-Canada agreement, procedures and rules for Article 10.12, 19 CFR 356 Watches, watch movements and jewelry, duty-free entry, 15 CFR 303 International Trade Commission Duty suspensions and reductions petitions, consideration process, 19 CFR 220 Employee responsibilities and conduct, 19 CFR 200 General application rules, 19 CFR 201 Nonadjudicative investigations-- Global and bilateral safeguard actions, market disruption, trade diversion, and review of relief actions, 19 CFR 206 Imports, effects of on agricultural programs, 19 CFR 204 Imports sold at less than fair value or from subsidized exports to the U.S.; investigations of whether injury to domestic industries results from, 19 CFR 207 Modified trade practices, effects on U.S. economy, investigations to determine, 19 CFR 205 Production costs, 19 CFR 202 Unfair import trade practices investigations, adjudication and enforcement, 19 CFR 210 United States-Mexico cross-border long-haul trucking services, investigations, 19 CFR 208 James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation, nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs or activities, 45 CFR 2490 Japan-United States Friendship Commission, nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 22 CFR 1600 Joint Tolls Advisory Board, rules of procedure, 33 CFR 403 Justice Department Acquisition regulations, protests, disputes, and appeals, 48 CFR 2833 Antitrust Civil Process Act, 28 CFR 49 Civil Liberties Act redress provision, Japanese ancestry, 28 CFR 74 Civil monetary penalties inflation adjustment, 28 CFR 85 Controlled substances possession, civil penalties assessment, procedure rules, 28 CFR 76 Convicted persons, applications for certificates of exemption from certain laws, 28 CFR 4 Criminal history background checks, 28 CFR 105 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 2867 Documentary materials held by third parties, methods of obtaining, guidelines, 28 CFR 59 [[Page 41]] Drug-free workplace requirements (grants), 28 CFR 83 Faith-based and other neighborhood organizations, partnerships with, 28 CFR 38 Foreign Corrupt Practices Act opinion procedure, 28 CFR 80 Forfeiture authority for certain statutes, 28 CFR 8 Information systems, 28 CFR 25 Inmate grievance procedures standards, 28 CFR 40 Justice Programs Office, crime victim services, 28 CFR 94 Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Act regulations, 28 CFR 29 Nondiscrimination, equal employment opportunity policies and procedures, 28 CFR 42 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability by Public accommodations and commercial facilities, 28 CFR 36 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in State and local government services, 28 CFR 35 Office of Justice Programs hearing and appeal procedures, 28 CFR 18 Policy statements, 28 CFR 50 Prisoners, youth offenders, and juvenile delinquents; parole, release, supervision, and recommitment, 28 CFR 2 Procedures for coordinating investigation of complaints/charges of employment discrimination based on disability subject to Americans with Disabilities Act and section 504 of 1973 Rehabilitation Act, 28 CFR 37 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 28 CFR 71 Public safety officers' death, disability and educational benefits claims, 28 CFR 32 Radiation Exposure Compensation Act, claims, 28 CFR 79 Records or information, disclosure or production, 28 CFR 16 Remission or mitigation of administrative, civil and criminal forfeitures, regulations governing, 28 CFR 9 Trafficking in persons, 28 CFR 1100 Unfair immigration-related employment practices, 28 CFR 44 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 2800 Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally-assisted programs, cross references to governmentwide rule, 41 CFR 128-18 Unlawful employment of aliens, unfair immigration-related employment practices, and document fraud, rules of practice and procedure for administrative hearings before administrative law judges, 28 CFR 68 Voting Rights Act of 1965, section 5, as amended, administration procedures, 28 CFR 51 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Program Office, grant programs, 28 CFR 31 Labor Department Acquisition regulations; protests, disputes, and appeals, 48 CFR 2933 Administrative claims under Federal Tort Claims Act and related statutes, 29 CFR 15 Administrative Law Judges Office, rules of practice and procedure for administrative hearings, 29 CFR 18 Administrative Review Board, practice and procedure rules, 29 CFR 26 Apprenticeship programs-- Equal employment opportunity, 29 CFR 30 Registration, 29 CFR 29 Audit requirements-- Grants, contracts, and other agreements, 29 CFR 96 States, local governments, and non-profit organizations, 29 CFR 99 Benefits Review Board, rules of practice, 20 CFR 802 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 29 CFR 94 Employees' Compensation Appeals Board, 20 CFR 501 Federal and federally assisted construction contracts, practice before the Administrative Review Board, 29 CFR 7 Federal contractors-- Minimum wage, establishment, 29 CFR 10 Minimum wage, increase, 29 CFR 23 [[Page 42]] Paid sick leave for, establishment, 29 CFR 13 Federal service contracts, practice before the Administrative Review Boards, 29 CFR 8 General regulations, 29 CFR 2 Government procurement, public contracts, rules of practice, 41 CFR 50-203 Labor standards-- Federal and federally assisted construction contracts and Federal service contracts, rules of practice for administrative enforcement proceedings, 29 CFR 6 Federal service contracts, 29 CFR 4 Federally financed and assisted construction contracts and non- construction contracts under the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, applicable provisions, 29 CFR 5 Nondiscrimination and equal opportunity provisions-- Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, implementation, 29 CFR 38 Workforce Investment Act of 1998, implementation, 29 CFR 37 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 29 CFR 33 Nondiscrimination on basis of age in programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance, 29 CFR 35 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 29 CFR 22 Records access, production or disclosure of information or materials, 29 CFR 70 Retaliation complaints handling procedures under employee protection provisions of six environmental statutes and section 211 of the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, as amended, 29 CFR 24 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 2900 Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally-assisted programs, cross references to governmentwide rule, 29 CFR 12 Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act, 20 CFR 1002 Wage rates, procedures for predetermination, 29 CFR 1 Labor Management Standards Office, labor organizations for Government employees Administrative provisions, 29 CFR 459 Conduct standards, 29 CFR 458 Local labor organization officers, removal procedures, 29 CFR 417 Land Management Bureau Adjudication principles and procedures, 43 CFR 1870 Advisory committees and Land Management Bureau, cooperative relations, 43 CFR 1780 Alaska Natives, land selections, 43 CFR 2650 Appeals procedures, 43 CFR 1840 Coal management-- Competitive leasing, 43 CFR 3420 Exploration licenses, 43 CFR 3410 General, 43 CFR 3400 Noncompetitive leases, 43 CFR 3430 Conveyances, disclaimers and correction documents, 43 CFR 1860 FAA airport grants, 43 CFR 2640 Grazing lands-- Administration, 43 CFR 4100 Livestock in Alaska, 43 CFR 4200 Reindeer in Alaska, general, 43 CFR 4300 Hearing procedures, 43 CFR 1850 Introduction and general administrative guidance, 43 CFR 1810 Land application procedures, 43 CFR 1820 Land classification system-- Land Management Bureau initiated, 43 CFR 2460 Petition-application classification system, 43 CFR 2450 Land exchanges, general procedures, 43 CFR 2200 Local governments, financial assistance, 43 CFR 44 Mineral interests, federally-owned, conveyance, 43 CFR 2720 Mineral Leasing Act, rights-of-way, 43 CFR 2880 Mineral patent applications, adverse claim, protests and conflicts, 43 CFR 3870 [[Page 43]] Mining claims under general mining laws, 43 CFR 3800 Mining in powersite withdrawals, 43 CFR 3730 Multiple mineral development, 43 CFR 3740 Multiple use of land surface while mining, 43 CFR 3710 Oil and gas leasing, delegation of authority, cooperative agreements and contracts for inspection, 43 CFR 3190 Oil shale management-- Exploration and leases, 43 CFR 3930 General, 43 CFR 3900 Leasing, 43 CFR 3920 Onshore oil and gas-- Geophysical exploration, 43 CFR 3150 Operations, 43 CFR 3160 Production, 43 CFR 3170 Resource management planning, programming, and budgeting, 43 CFR 1600 Sales, Federal Land Policy and Management Act, 43 CFR 2710 Timber-- Forest management decisions, 43 CFR 5000 Forest products sale, 43 CFR 5400 Withdrawal of public lands, 43 CFR 2300 Legal Services Corporation Appeals on behalf of clients, 45 CFR 1605 Cost standards and procedures, 45 CFR 1630 Proceedings where the U.S. is not a party, testimony by employees and production of documents in, 45 CFR 1603 Recipient auditors, debarment, suspension and removal, 45 CFR 1641 Suspension procedures, 45 CFR 1623 Termination, limited reduction of funding, and debarment procedures, recompetition, 45 CFR 1606 Libraries and Information Science, National Commission, nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 45 CFR 1706 Management and Budget Office Administrative Procedures Act, public information provisions, 5 CFR 1303 Buy America preferences for infrastructure project, 2 CFR 184 Drug-free workplace, government requirements, 2 CFR 182 Governmentwide debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), guidelines to agencies, 2 CFR 180 Official information release, and testimony by OMB personnel as witnesses, in litigation, 5 CFR 1305 Prompt payment, 5 CFR 1315 Trafficking in persons award term, 2 CFR 175 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 200, 2 CFR 200 Universal identifier and system for award management, 2 CFR 25 Marine Mammal Commission, nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 50 CFR 550 Maritime Administration Audit appeals, policy and procedure, 46 CFR 205 Coastwise-qualified vessels for transportation of platform jackets, determination of availability, 46 CFR 389 Coastwise trade laws, administrative waivers, 46 CFR 388 Conducting condition surveys and administering maintenance and repair subsidy, requirements and procedures, 46 CFR 272 Documented vessels and other maritime interests, regulated transactions, 46 CFR 221 General practice and procedure rules, 46 CFR 201 Liners, operating-differential subsidy, 46 CFR 281 Maritime carriers with vessels engaged in coastwise or intercoastal trade, application procedures, 46 CFR 380 Maritime Subsidy Board actions, review by Transportation Secretary, 46 CFR 202 Merchant Marine Act, procedures relating to conduct of certain hearings, 46 CFR 203 Operating-differential subsidy for liner vessels engaged in essential services [[Page 44]] in foreign commerce of U.S., 46 CFR 282 Seamen's claims, administrative action and litigation, 46 CFR 327 Merit Systems Protection Board Appeals, practice and procedures-- Personnel actions allegedly based on whistleblowing or other protected activity, appeals and stay requests, 5 CFR 1209 Senior Executive Service employees, appeal of a removal or transfer by the Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs, 5 CFR 1210 Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act and Veterans Employment Opportunities Act, 5 CFR 1208 Debt management, 5 CFR 1215 Legal proceedings, employee testimony and official records, 5 CFR 1216 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 5 CFR 1207 Practices and procedures, 5 CFR 1201 Office of Personnel Management Rules and regulations, procedures for review, 5 CFR 1203 Statutory Review Boards, 5 CFR 1202 Military Compensation Retirement Modernization Commission, records and information disclosure, 5 CFR 9901 Millennium Challenge Corporation Agency personnel, release of official information and testimony as witnesses, 22 CFR 1305 Debt collection, 22 CFR 1306 Production or disclosure of information, 22 CFR 1304 Mine Safety and Health Administration Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977, criteria and procedures for proposed assessment of civil penalties, 30 CFR 100 Hazardous conditions complaints, procedures for processing, 30 CFR 43 Mandatory safety and health standards-- Pattern of violations, 30 CFR 104 Petition for modification, 30 CFR 44 Minority Business Development Agency, determination of group eligibility for MBDA assistance, 15 CFR 1400 Morris K. Udall Scholarship and Excellence in National Environmental Policy Foundation, documents and records, public availability, 36 CFR 1600 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Acquisition regulations, protests, disputes, and appeals, 48 CFR 1833 Administrative authority and policy, 14 CFR 1204 Conduct standards, 14 CFR 1207 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 1880 Demand for information or testimony served on agency employees, procedures, 14 CFR 1263 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 14 CFR 1267 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 14 CFR 1251 Patents and other intellectual property rights, 14 CFR 1245 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 14 CFR 1264 Records disclosure under Freedom of Information Act, 14 CFR 1206 Research misconduct, 14 CFR 1275 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 1800 Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally-assisted programs, cross references to governmentwide rule, 14 CFR 1208 National Archives and Records Administration Agency guidance procedures, 36 CFR 1213 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 2600 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 36 CFR 1212 National security information, declassification, 36 CFR 1260 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 36 CFR 1208 President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 (JFK Act), interpretation and [[Page 45]] implementation guidance, 36 CFR 1290 Testimony by agency employees relating to agency information and production of records in legal proceedings, 36 CFR 1251 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 2600 National Capital Planning Commission, nondiscrimination on basis of handicap in agency conducted programs or activities, 1 CFR 457 National Commission for Employment Policy, nondiscrimination on basis of handicap in agency conducted programs or activities, 1 CFR 500 National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service, systems of records, 1 CFR 426 National Council on Disability, nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs or activities, 34 CFR 1200 National Counterintelligence Center Classified information, public requests for mandatory declassification review (section 3.6 of Executive Order 12958), 32 CFR 1803 Documents classification, challenges by authorized holders (section 1.9 of Executive Order 12958), 32 CFR 1802 Historical researchers and former presidential appointees, access (section 4.5 of Executive Order 12958), 32 CFR 1804 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs or activities, 32 CFR 1807 Official records production or official information disclosure in proceedings before Federal, State, or local government entities of competent jurisdiction, 32 CFR 1805 National Credit Union Administration Administrative actions, adjudicative hearings, rules of practice and procedure, and investigations, 12 CFR 747 Appeals procedures, 12 CFR 746 Credit union service organizations (CUSOs), 12 CFR 712 Debt collection procedures, 12 CFR 797 Board procedure rules, promulgation of regulations, and public observation of board meetings, 12 CFR 791 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 12 CFR 794 Share insurance and appendix, 12 CFR 745 National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact Council Dispute adjudication procedures, 28 CFR 902 Outsourcing of noncriminal justice administrative functions, 28 CFR 906 National Drug Control Policy Office; Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 3603 National Foundation on the Arts and Humanities Museum and Library Services Institute-- Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 3185 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 2 CFR 3186 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 45 CFR 1181 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 3187 National Endowment for the Arts-- Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 3254 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 2 CFR 3256 Freedom of Information Act, records disclosure procedures, 45 CFR 1148 Lobbying restrictions, 45 CFR 1158 Nondiscrimination on basis of age in federally conducted programs, 45 CFR 1156 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 45 CFR 1153 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act regulations, 45 CFR 1149 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit [[Page 46]] requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities-- Claims collection, 45 CFR 1177 Employees, indemnification, 45 CFR 1167 Freedom of Information Act, implementation, 45 CFR 1184 Freedom of Information Act, public access to public records, 45 CFR 1171 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 3369 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 2 CFR 3373 Nondiscrimination on basis of age in federally conducted programs, 45 CFR 1172 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 45 CFR 1175 Privacy Act, 45 CFR 1169 Records, testimony and production, 45 CFR 1167 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 3374 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 911 Grant Program, 47 CFR 400 Confidential business information, 49 CFR 512 Fuel economy standards-- Manufacturing incentives for alternative fuel vehicles, 49 CFR 538 Passenger automobile average fuel economy standards, exemptions, 49 CFR 525 Passenger automobiles and light trucks, adjudicative procedures, 49 CFR 511 Information gathering powers, 49 CFR 510 Motor vehicle safety-- Defects remedy, hearings petitions, 49 CFR 557 Inconsequential defect or noncompliance exemption, 49 CFR 556 Petitions for rulemaking, defect and noncompliance orders, 49 CFR 552 Safety and bumper standards, temporary exemption, 49 CFR 555 Standards enforcement and defects investigation, 49 CFR 554 Motor vehicle theft prevention standard, 49 CFR 541 Exemption, 49 CFR 543 Procedures for selecting light duty truck lines to be covered, 49 CFR 542 Procedural rules; foreign manufacturers and importers, process service, 49 CFR 551 Rulemaking procedures, 49 CFR 553 State highway safety grant programs, uniform procedures, 23 CFR 1200, 23 CFR 1300 Vehicles not originally manufactured to conform to Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards-- Fee schedule for services (49 U.S.C. 30141), 49 CFR 594 Import eligibility determination, 49 CFR 593 Registered importers, 49 CFR 592 National Indian Gaming Commission Appeal proceedings before the Commission-- Gaming ordinances, resolutions, or amendments; appeals of disapprovals, 25 CFR 582 General application, rules, 25 CFR 580 Management contracts or amendments to management contracts, appeals from approvals or disapprovals, 25 CFR 583 Motions, 25 CFR 581 Appeals before a presiding official, 25 CFR 584 Appeals to the Commission, 25 CFR 585 Class II gaming, self-regulation, 25 CFR 518 Indian Gaming Regulatory Act, civil fines, 25 CFR 575 Privacy Act procedures, 25 CFR 515 Testimony of commissioners and employees and former commissioners and employees respecting official duties; response to subpoena, 25 CFR 516 National Institute of Food and Agriculture Competitive and non-competitive non-formula Federal assistance programs, [[Page 47]] general award administrative provisions, 7 CFR 3430 Food and agricultural sciences National Needs Graduate and Postgraduate Fellowship Grants Program, 7 CFR 3402 Hispanic-serving agricultural colleges and universities certification process, 7 CFR 3434 Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program, 7 CFR 3431 National Institute of Standards and Technology, National construction safety teams, 15 CFR 270 National Intelligence; Office of the Director Freedom of information, records procedures disclosure, 32 CFR 1700 National security positions, designation, 5 CFR 1400 National Labor Relations Board Administrative procedure statements, 29 CFR 101 Employee rights, obligations of employers, 29 CFR 104 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 29 CFR 100 Other rules, 29 CFR 103 Series 8 rules and regulations, 29 CFR 102 National Mediation Board Board services, applications, 29 CFR 1203 Procedure rules, 29 CFR 1202 Representation disputes, 29 CFR 1206 Special adjustment boards, establishment, 29 CFR 1207 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Atlantic coastal fisheries cooperative management, 50 CFR 697 Civil procedures, 15 CFR 904 Coastal Zone Management Program regulations, 15 CFR 923 Deep seabed mining regulations-- Commercial recovery permits, 15 CFR 971 Exploration licenses, 15 CFR 970 Endangered and threatened species listing and critical habitat designation, 50 CFR 424 Endangered marine and anadromous species, 50 CFR 224 Federal consistency with approved coastal management programs, 15 CFR 930 FERC hydropower licenses, conditions and prescriptions, 50 CFR 221 Fishery management plans, Magnuson-Stevens Act provisions, 50 CFR 600 General endangered and threatened marine species, 50 CFR 222 Hydrographic products distributors certification requirements, 15 CFR 995 International fisheries regulations, 50 CFR 300 Marine and aviation operations, 15 CFR 998 Marine mammal management authority, transfer to States, 50 CFR 403 Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972-- Commercial fisheries authorization, 50 CFR 229 Notice and hearing on section 103(d) regulations, 50 CFR 228 Marine mammals-- Taking and importing, 50 CFR 216, 50 CFR 218, 50 CFR 219 Taking incidental to specified activities, 50 CFR 217 National Appeals Office, rules of procedure, 15 CFR 906 National Estuarine Research Reserve System regulations, 15 CFR 921 National Marine Sanctuary program regulations, 15 CFR 922 National Weather Service modernization, 15 CFR 946 Private remote sensing space systems, licensing, 15 CFR 960 Species-specific seafood marketing councils, 50 CFR 270 Western Pacific fisheries, 50 CFR 665 National Park Service, historic preservation certifications under the Internal Revenue Code, 36 CFR 67 National Railroad Adjustment Board, arbitration rules of procedure, 29 CFR 301 National Science Foundation Acquisition regulations, contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 2509 Antarctica-- Animals and plants, conservation, 45 CFR 670 [[Page 48]] Enforcement and hearing procedures, 45 CFR 672 Non-governmental expeditions, 45 CFR 673 Waste regulation, 45 CFR 671 Cybercorps Scholarship for Service (SFS) program, 44 CFR 296 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 2520 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 45 CFR 630 Nondiscrimination on basis of age in federally assisted programs, 45 CFR 617 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 45 CFR 606 Patent rights, 45 CFR 650 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act regulations, 45 CFR 681 Records and information, availability, 45 CFR 612 Research misconduct, 45 CFR 689 Testimony and production of records, 45 CFR 615 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 2500 National Technical Information Service Patents, uniform patent policy for rights in inventions made by government employees, 37 CFR 501 Rights to inventions made by nonprofit organizations and small business firms under government grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements, 37 CFR 401 National Telecommunications and Information Administration 911 Grant Program, 47 CFR 400 Relocation of and spectrum sharing by Federal government stations, 47 CFR 301 National Transportation Safety Board Air safety proceedings, rules of practice, 49 CFR 821 Merchant Marine appeals from decisions of Coast Guard Commandant, 49 CFR 825 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 49 CFR 807 Production of records in legal proceedings, 49 CFR 837 Transportation investigative hearings, meetings, reports and petitions for reconsideration; rules of practice, 49 CFR 845 Natural Resources Conservation Service Appeal procedures, 7 CFR 614 Emergency Wetlands Reserve Program, 7 CFR 623 Equitable relief from ineligibility, 7 CFR 635 Rural abandoned mine program, 7 CFR 632 Rural clean water program, 7 CFR 634 Water bank program, 7 CFR 633 Wildlife Habitat Incentive Program, 7 CFR 636 Natural Resources Revenue Office Appeal procedures, 30 CFR 590, 30 CFR 1290 Cooperative activities with States and Indian tribes, 30 CFR 1228 Delegation to States, 30 CFR 1227, 30 CFR 1229 Federal and federally-administered mineral leases, suspensions pending appeal and bonding, 30 CFR 1243 Outer Continental Shelf-- Minerals other than oil, gas, and sulphur; leasing, 30 CFR 581 Minerals other than oil, gas, and sulphur; operations, 30 CFR 582 Nondiscrimination, 30 CFR 570 Oil and gas and sulfur operations, 30 CFR 550 Sulphur or oil and gas leasing and bonding requirements, 30 CFR 556 Penalties, 30 CFR 1241 Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation Office Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 25 CFR 720 Operations and relocation procedures, 25 CFR 700 Navy Department Attorneys, professional conduct practicing under the cognizance and supervision of the Judge Advocate General, 32 CFR 776 Board for Correction of Naval Records, 32 CFR 723 [[Page 49]] Naval Discharge Review Board, 32 CFR 724 Northeast Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste Commission, declaration of party state eligibility for Compact, 10 CFR 1800 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Acquisition regulations-- Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 2009 Protests, disputes, and appeals, 48 CFR 2033 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 2000 Debt collection procedures, 10 CFR 15 Domestic licensing and related regulatory functions, environmental protection regulations, 10 CFR 51 Emergency access to non-Federal and regional low-level waste disposal facilities, criteria and procedures, 10 CFR 62 Independent storage of spent nuclear fuel, high-level radioactive waste, and reactor-related greater than class C waste, licensing requirements, 10 CFR 72 Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs, 10 CFR 4 Nuclear equipment and material, export and import, 10 CFR 110 Nuclear power plants-- Licenses, certifications, and approvals, 10 CFR 52 Operating licenses renewal requirements, 10 CFR 54 Nuclear power plants and reactors, fitness for duty programs, 10 CFR 26 Patent licenses, standard specifications for granting, 10 CFR 81 Practice and procedure rules, 10 CFR 2 Production and utilization facilities, domestic licensing, 10 CFR 50 Program fraud civil remedies, 10 CFR 13 Public records, 10 CFR 9 Restricted data or National security information or an employee clearance access, criteria and procedures for determining eligibility, 10 CFR 10 Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board Privacy Act, 10 CFR 1304 Public information and requests, 10 CFR 1303 Occupational Safety and Health Administration Affordable Care Act, procedures for handling retaliation complaints under section 1558, 29 CFR 1984 Criminal Antitrust Anti-Retaliation Act, procedures for handling of retaliation complaints, 29 CFR 1991 Discrimination against employees exercising rights under Williams- Steiger Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, 29 CFR 1977 Discrimination complaints, handling procedures-- Pipeline Safety Improvement Act of 2002 (section 6), 29 CFR 1981 Wendell H. Ford Aviation Investment and Reform Act for 21st Century, discrimination complaints under section 519, 29 CFR 1979 Guidance procedures, 29 CFR 1695 Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act-- Enforcement proceedings under section 41 of Act, practice rules in, 29 CFR 1921 Investigational hearings by Board of Investigations under section 41 of Act, 29 CFR 1922 Occupational safety and health standards; promulgation, modification, or revocation rules of procedure, 29 CFR 1911 Potential occupational carcinogens, identification, classification, and regulation, 29 CFR 1990 Privacy Act regulations, implementation, 29 CFR 2400 Retaliation complaints-- Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010, handling procedures under employee protection provision, 29 CFR 1985 Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008, handling procedures under section 219, 29 CFR 1983 FDA Food Safety Modernization Act, handling procedures under section 402, 29 CFR 1987 Moving Ahead or Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21), handling procedures under section 31307, 29 CFR 1988 [[Page 50]] National Transit System Security Act and the Federal Railroad Safety Act, handling procedures, 29 CFR 1982 Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, as amended; handling procedures under section 806, 29 CFR 1980 Seaman's Protection Act (SPA), handling procedures under employment protection provision, as amended, 29 CFR 1986 Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982, handling procedures under Employment protection provision, 29 CFR 1978 Taxpayer First Act, handling procedures, 29 CFR 1989 State occupational safety and health plans-- Changes, 29 CFR 1953 Evaluation and monitoring procedures, 29 CFR 1954 Standards applicable to State and local government employees in States without approved private health and safety employee plans, development and enforcement, 29 CFR 1956 Standards, development and enforcement, 29 CFR 1902 Withdrawal of approval procedures, 29 CFR 1955 Williams-Steiger Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, practice rules for variances, limitations, variations, tolerances, and exemptions under Act, 29 CFR 1905 Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission Commission programs or activities and accessibility of Commission electronic and information technology, enforcement of nondiscrimination on basis of disability, 29 CFR 2205 Equal Access to Justice Act, implementation in Commission proceedings, 29 CFR 2204 Procedure rules, 29 CFR 2200 Ocean Energy Management Bureau Offshore facilities, oil spill financial responsibility for, 30 CFR 553 Oil and gas and sulphur operations, 30 CFR 550 Renewable energy on the outer continental shelf, 30 CFR 585 Sand, gravel, and/or shell resources on the Outer Continental Shelf, negotiated noncompetitive agreements for use of, 30 CFR 583 Patent and Trademark Office Assignment, recording and rights of assignee, 37 CFR 3 Foreign mask works protection, requests for Presidential proclamation, 37 CFR 150 Goods and services classification under Trademark Act, 37 CFR 6 Government information disclosure, 37 CFR 102 International registration of marks, rules of practice in filings pursuant to protocol relating to Madrid agreement, 37 CFR 7 Invention promoters, complaints regarding, 37 CFR 4 Legal processes, 37 CFR 104 Patent cases, practice rules, 37 CFR 1 Patent Trial and Appeal Board-- Judicial review, 37 CFR 90 Practice before, 37 CFR 41 Trial practice before, 37 CFR 42 Representation of others before Patent and Trademark Office, 37 CFR 11 Trademark cases, practice rules, 37 CFR 2 Peace Corps Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 3700 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 22 CFR 312 Guidance procedures, 22 CFR 313 Volunteer discrimination complaint procedure, 22 CFR 306 Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation Federally conducted programs, nondiscrimination on basis of disability, 36 CFR 909 Policy and procedures to facilitate retention of displaced businesses and residents, 36 CFR 908 Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally-assisted programs, cross [[Page 51]] references to governmentwide rule, 36 CFR 904 Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation Administrative review of agency decisions, 29 CFR 4003 Bylaws, 29 CFR 4002 Federally conducted programs, nondiscrimination on basis of disability, 29 CFR 4907 Filing, issuance, computation of time, and record retention, 29 CFR 4000 People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled, Committee for Purchase From Agency materials, public availability, 41 CFR 51-8 Committee documents or information, production or disclosure in Federal and State proceedings, 41 CFR 51-11 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 41 CFR 51-10 Personnel Management Office Acquisition regulations; protests, disputes, and appeals, 48 CFR 1733 Administrative guidance, 5 CFR 120 Administrative law judges, appointment, pay and removal, 5 CFR 930 Adverse actions, 5 CFR 752 Agency administrative grievance system, 5 CFR 771 Annuitants reemployment, 5 CFR 837 Charitable contributions to private voluntary organizations, solicitation of Federal civilian and uniformed service personnel, 5 CFR 950 Classification of positions under General Schedule, 5 CFR 511 Criminal history inquiries-- Complaint procedures, adverse actions, and appeals prior to conditional offer, 5 CFR 754 Timing, 5 CFR 920 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 5 CFR 919 Debt collection, 5 CFR 835 Dental and vision insurance program for Federal employees, 5 CFR 854 Employee testimony relating to official information and production of official records in legal proceedings, 5 CFR 295 Excepted service, employment practices, 5 CFR 302 Expert and consultant appointments, 5 CFR 304 Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program, 5 CFR 894 Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance Program, 5 CFR 870 Federal Employees Health Benefits Program-- General regulations, 5 CFR 890 Health benefits premiums, pre-tax payment; Federal flexible benefits plan, 5 CFR 892 Federal Employees Retirement System-- Disability retirement, 5 CFR 844 Elections of coverage, 5 CFR 846 General administration, 5 CFR 841 Federal employment suitability, 5 CFR 731 Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program, 5 CFR 875 Federally conducted programs, nondiscrimination on basis of disability in, 5 CFR 723 Health insurance, Multi-State Plan Program, 45 CFR 800 Intergovernmental Personnel Act programs, 5 CFR 900 National security positions, designation, 5 CFR 1400 Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002, Title II implementation, 5 CFR 724 Pathways program, 5 CFR 362 Pay-- Administration, general, 5 CFR 550 Critical position pay authority, 5 CFR 535 Grade and pay retention, 5 CFR 536 Prevailing rate systems, 5 CFR 532 Performance based reduction in grade and removal actions, 5 CFR 432 Personnel management research programs and demonstration projects, 5 CFR 470 Political activities of State and local government employees, 5 CFR 151 Presidential management intern program, 5 CFR 362 Procedures for settling claims, 5 CFR 178 Program fraud civil remedies, 5 CFR 185 [[Page 52]] Recruitment, selection, and placement (general), 5 CFR 330 Reduction in force, 5 CFR 351 Reemployment of civilian retirees to meet exceptional employment needs, 5 CFR 553 Reemployment rights, 5 CFR 352 Regulations, investigations, enforcement, 5 CFR 5 Restoration to duty from uniformed service or compensable injury, 5 CFR 353 Retired Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, 5 CFR 891 Retirement, 5 CFR 831 Retirement and insurance benefits during periods of unexplained absence, 5 CFR 880 Retirement coverage elections by current and former employees of nonappropriated fund instrumentalities, 5 CFR 847 Retirement coverage errors correction under Federal Erroneous Retirement Coverage Corrections Act, 5 CFR 839 Retirement processing, electronic, 5 CFR 850 Senior Executive Service, employment practices, 5 CFR 317 Senior-level and scientific and professional posiions, employment practices, 5 CFR 319 Student loans repayment, 5 CFR 537 Voting rights program, 45 CFR 801 Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Hazardous materials and oil transportation-- Definitions and general procedures, 49 CFR 105 General information, regulations, and definitions, 49 CFR 171 Program procedures, 49 CFR 107 Rulemaking procedures, 49 CFR 106 Pipeline safety enforcement and regulatory procedures, 49 CFR 190 Postal Regulatory Commission Commission views submitted to the Secretary of State, related procedures, 39 CFR 3025 Competitive products, rate regulation, 39 CFR 3035 Complaints alleging violations of 39 U.S.C. 404a, special rules, 39 CFR 3024 Ex parte communications, 39 CFR 3012 Information by Postal Service, procedures for compelling production of, 39 CFR 3013 Letters carried out of the mail, 39 CFR 3065 Market dominant products, regulation of rates, 39 CFR 3030 Non-public materials provided to the Commission, 39 CFR 3011 Periodic reporting, 39 CFR 3050 Practice and procedure rules, 39 CFR 3010 Privacy Act rules, 39 CFR 3005 Product lists and mail classification schedule, 39 CFR 3040 Post offices closure and consolidation, rules applicable to Postal Service determinations, 39 CFR 3021 Postal services, rules applicable to Postal Service requests for changes in the nature of, 39 CFR 3020 Public records and Freedom of Information Act, 39 CFR 3006 Rate or service inquiries, 39 CFR 3023 Service performance and customer satisfaction reporting, 39 CFR 3055 Theoretical competitive products enterprise, accounting practices and tax rules, 39 CFR 3060 Postal Service Administrative subpoenas issuance under 39 U.S.C. 3016, procedures, 39 CFR 913 Board of Governors, 39 CFR 3 Advisory Boards, 39 CFR 11 Committees, 39 CFR 5 Meetings, 39 CFR 6 Officials, 39 CFR 4 Public observation, 39 CFR 7 Rules of conduct, 39 CFR 10 Compromise of obligations, procedures, 39 CFR 931 Contract Appeals Board, practice rules, 39 CFR 955 Debt Collection Act; administrative offsets initiated against former employees, proceedings, 39 CFR 966 Domestic mail, general information on postal service, 39 CFR 111 [[Page 53]] Eligibility of persons to practice before Postal Service, 39 CFR 951 False representation and lottery orders, rules of practice in relative proceedings, 39 CFR 952 General and technical provisions, 39 CFR 2 Government contractors, debarment and suspension from contracting, 39 CFR 957 Inspection service authority, 39 CFR 233 Intellectual property rights other than patents, 39 CFR 602 International Postal Service, 39 CFR 20 Mail contractors, fines, deductions, and damages, 39 CFR 927 Mail disputes, relative proceedings; rules of practice, 39 CFR 965 Mail withheld from delivery, rules of practice governing disposition, 39 CFR 964 Mailability proceedings, 39 CFR 953 Market-dominant mail products, service standards, 39 CFR 121 Material or information, production or disclosure, 39 CFR 265 Pandering advertisements, violation proceedings, 39 CFR 963 Personal injury or property damage arising out of operation of U.S. Postal Service, procedures to adjudicate claims, 39 CFR 912 Postage evidencing systems, authorization to manufacture and distribute, 39 CFR 501 Postal policy, 39 CFR 1 Private express statutes, appeals, 39 CFR 959 Proceedings relative to civil penalties, clean-up costs and damages for violation of hazardous material regulations, practice rules, 39 CFR 958 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act-- Administration, 39 CFR 273 Proceedings, practice rules in, 39 CFR 962 Regulatory application, 39 CFR 211 Second class mail privileges, denial, suspension, or revocation proceedings, 39 CFR 954 Semipostal stamp program, 39 CFR 551 Presidio Trust Debt collection, 36 CFR 1011 Environmental quality, 36 CFR 1010 Federal Tort Claims Act, administrative claims, 36 CFR 1009 Freedom of Information Act, requests, 36 CFR 1007 Privacy Act, requests, 36 CFR 1008 Prisons Bureau Cost of incarceration fee, 28 CFR 505 Inmate administrative remedy, 28 CFR 542 Inmate discipline and special housing units, 28 CFR 541 Public Health Service Health assessments and health effects studies of hazardous substances releases and facilities, administrative functions, practices, and procedures, 42 CFR 90 Health care policies of general applicability, 42 CFR 50 Mental health and substance abuse emergency response procedures, 42 CFR 51d Mental illness program, protection and advocacy for individuals, applicable requirements, 42 CFR 51 Patient safety organizations and patient safety work product, 42 CFR 3 Research misconduct policies, 42 CFR 93 Respiratory protective devices, approval, 42 CFR 84 Senior Biomedical Research and Biomedical Product Assessment Service, 42 CFR 24 World Trade Center Health Program, 42 CFR 88 Railroad Retirement Board Administrative finality, 20 CFR 261 General administration, 20 CFR 200 Hearings, 20 CFR 258 Initial determinations and appeals with respect to employee and employee status, 20 CFR 259 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 20 CFR 365 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 20 CFR 355 Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act, initial determinations, review and appeal, 20 CFR 320 [[Page 54]] Requests for reconsideration and appeals within Board, 20 CFR 260 Unemployment insurance benefits, procedure for determining liability for contributions or repayment, 20 CFR 319 Reclamation Bureau Acreage limitation rules and regulations, 43 CFR 426 Boulder Canyon Project, Arizona/Nevada, general regulations for power generation, operation, maintenance and replacement, 43 CFR 431 Land, facilities, and waterbodies, use of, 43 CFR 429 Water conservation rules and regulations, 43 CFR 427 Rural Business Cooperative Service Biorefineries, payment programs, 7 CFR 4288 General administrative regulations, 7 CFR 2018 Program regulations, environmental policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1970 Rural Development Assets, functions and programs, general provisions, 7 CFR 1900 Construction and repair provisions, 7 CFR 1924 Housing, 7 CFR 1944 Rural Housing Service Community programs, 7 CFR 3570 Direct multi-family housing loans and grants, 7 CFR 3560 Direct single family housing loans and grants, 7 CFR 3550 General administrative regulations, 7 CFR 2018 Guaranteed Rural Housing program, 7 CFR 3555 Program regulations, environmental policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1970 Rural Utilities Service Assistance to high energy cost communities, 7 CFR 1709 Biorefineries, payment programs, 7 CFR 4288 Consultants funded by borrowers, use of, 7 CFR 1789 Electric borrowers, loan security documents, 7 CFR 1718 Environmental policies and procedures, program regulations, 7 CFR 1970 General administrative regulations, 7 CFR 2018 General information, 7 CFR 1700 Insured and guaranteed electric loans, post-loan policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1717 Servicing of water and waste programs, 7 CFR 1782 Safety and Environmental Enforcement Bureau Appeals procedures, 30 CFR 290 Operations in Outer Continental Shelf for minerals other than oil, gas, and sulphur, 30 CFR 282 Outer Continental Shelf-- Nondiscrimination, 30 CFR 270 Oil and gas and sulphur operations, 30 CFR 250 Outer Continental Shelf sulphur or oil and gas leasing, 30 CFR 256 Securities and Exchange Commission Agency members and employees, supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 4401 Electronic filings, general rules and regulations for (Regulation S- T), 17 CFR 232 Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975, standard instructions for filing forms (Regulations S-K), 17 CFR 229 Forms prescribed under the Commission's practice rules, 17 CFR 209 Informal and other procedures, 17 CFR 202 Investigations, 17 CFR 203 Investment Advisers Act of 1940, rules and regulations, 17 CFR 275 Investment Company Act of 1940-- Forms, prescribed under, 17 CFR 274 Rules and regulations, 17 CFR 270 Organization, conduct and ethics, and information and requests and procedures, 17 CFR 200 Practice rules, 17 CFR 201 Securities Act of 1933-- Forms, prescribed under, 17 CFR 239 General rules and regulations, 17 CFR 230 Standard instructions for filing forms (Regulations S-K), 17 CFR 229 Securities Exchange Act of 1934-- Forms, 17 CFR 249 [[Page 55]] General rules and regulations, 17 CFR 240 Standard instructions for filing forms (Regulations S-K), 17 CFR 229 Selective Service System, advisory opinions, 32 CFR 1698 Small Business Administration Administration, 13 CFR 101 Business loans, 13 CFR 120 Conducting business with SBA, standards, 13 CFR 103 Cosponsorships, fee and non-fee based SBA-sponsored activities and gifts, 13 CFR 106 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 2700 Drug-free workplace requirements (nonprocurement), 13 CFR 147 Hearings and Appeals Office, procedure rules governing cases before, 13 CFR 134 HUBZone program, 13 CFR 126 Minority Small Business and Capital Ownership Development program / small disadvantaged business status determinations, 13 CFR 124 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 13 CFR 136 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 13 CFR 142 Small business size regulations, 13 CFR 121 Small businesses located in disaster areas, and surplus personal property for small businesses located in disaster areas, Puerto Rico, and covered territory; contracts, 13 CFR 129 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration Black lung benefits, 20 CFR 410 Civil monetary penalties, assessments and recommended exclusions, 20 CFR 498 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 2336 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 2 CFR 2339 Federal old-age, survivors, and disability insurance (1950-- ), 20 CFR 404 Federal Tort Claims Act and related statutes, administrative claims, 20 CFR 429 Information and records availability to public, 20 CFR 402 Lobbying restrictions, 20 CFR 438 Medicare subsidies, 20 CFR 418 Organization and procedures, 20 CFR 422 Privacy and official records and information disclosure, 20 CFR 401 Service of process, 20 CFR 423 Supplemental Security Income for the aged, blind, and disabled, 20 CFR 416 Ticket to work and self-sufficiency program, 20 CFR 411 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 2300 World War II veterans, special benefits, 20 CFR 408 Special Counsel Office Complaints and allegations, filing, 5 CFR 1800 Freedom of Information Act requests; production of records or testimony, 5 CFR 1820 Investigative authority, 5 CFR 1810 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in activities conducted by the Office of Special Counsel, 5 CFR 1850 Privacy, 5 CFR 1830 Subpoenas, 5 CFR 1840 Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, 5 CFR 9301 State Department Acquisition regulations-- Contractor qualifications, debarment, suspension, and ineligibility, 48 CFR 609 Definitions of words and terms, 48 CFR 602 Protests, disputes, and appeals, 48 CFR 633 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 652 Arms export controls, administrative procedures, 22 CFR 128 Chemical Weapons Convention and Chemical Weapons Implementation Act of 1988, taking of samples and enforcement of recordkeeping and inspection requirements, 22 CFR 103 [[Page 56]] Controls of aliens departing from U.S., 22 CFR 46 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 601 Debt collection, 22 CFR 34 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 22 CFR 133 Employees indemnification, 22 CFR 21 Foreign Service Grievance Board-- Burden of proof, 22 CFR 905 Decisionmaking, 22 CFR 909 General procedures, 22 CFR 901 Hearings, 22 CFR 906 Implementation disputes, 22 CFR 911 Initiation and documentation of cases, 22 CFR 903 Jurisdiction and related matters, 22 CFR 904 Miscellaneous procedural rules, 22 CFR 910 Organization, 22 CFR 902 Procedure when hearing is not held, 22 CFR 907 Remedies, 22 CFR 908 Foreign Service grievance systems, 22 CFR 16 Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund and pension system, overpayments to annuitants, 22 CFR 17 Immigration and Nationality Act-- Visas, documentation of nonimmigrants under the Immigration and Nationality Act, 22 CFR 41 Visas, immigrant documentation, 22 CFR 42 Visas, regulations pertaining to nonimmigrants and immigrants, 22 CFR 40 Information, public access, 22 CFR 171 Intercountry adoption accreditation of agencies and approval of persons, 22 CFR 96 International commercial arbitration, Inter-American Commercial Arbitration Commission procedure rules, 22 CFR 194 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 22 CFR 144 Passports, 22 CFR 51 Post-employment conflict of interest, 22 CFR 18 Program fraud civil remedies, 22 CFR 35 Security information regulations, 22 CFR 9 Service of process; official information production or disclosure in response to court orders, subpoenas, notices of depositions, requests for admissions, interrogatories, or similar requests or demands in connection with Federal or State litigation; expert testimony, 22 CFR 172 Supplies and services, required sources, 48 CFR 608 Torture Convention implementation in extradition cases, 22 CFR 95 Trafficking in persons, 28 CFR 1100 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 600 Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement Office Areas unsuitable for mining-- Petition process for designation of Federal lands and termination of previous designations, 30 CFR 769 State process for designating, 30 CFR 764 Certification of blasters in Federal program States and on Indian lands, 30 CFR 955 General, 30 CFR 700 Initial program-- Civil penalties, 30 CFR 723 Individual civil penalties, 30 CFR 724 Permanent program inspection and enforcement-- Alternative enforcement, 30 CFR 847 Civil penalties, 30 CFR 845 Federal enforcement, 30 CFR 843 Individual civil penalties, 30 CFR 846 Permits, administrative and judicial review of decisions, 30 CFR 775 Permits and permit processing requirements, 30 CFR 773 Protection of employees under Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977, 30 CFR 865 Surface Transportation Board Appellate procedures, 49 CFR 1115 Arbitration of certain disputes subject to statutory jurisdiction, 49 CFR 1108 Board organization, authority delegations, 49 CFR 1011 [[Page 57]] Board proceedings, use of mediation, 49 CFR 1109 Civil monetary penalty inflation adjustment, 49 CFR 1022 Communications, 49 CFR 1102 Complaint and investigation procedures, 49 CFR 1111 Compliance with Commission decisions, 49 CFR 1119 Definitions and construction, 49 CFR 1101 Evidence, discovery, 49 CFR 1114 Filing fees, 49 CFR 1002 Filing with Board-copies-verifications-service-pleadings, generally, 49 CFR 1104 General provisions, 49 CFR 1100 Informal complaints, 49 CFR 1130 Informal proceedings before employee boards, 49 CFR 1118 Informal rulemaking proceedings, 49 CFR 1110 Inspection of records, 49 CFR 1001 Interest rates, calculation procedures, 49 CFR 1141 Modified procedures, 49 CFR 1112 Motor carriers-- Operating rights interpretations and routing regulations, 49 CFR 1004 Pooling operations, 49 CFR 1184 Motor passenger carriers; purchase, merger, and control, 49 CFR 1182 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 49 CFR 1014 Oral argument before Commission, 49 CFR 1116 Oral hearing, 49 CFR 1113 Petitions (for relief) not otherwise covered, 49 CFR 1117 Practitioners, 49 CFR 1103 Protests requesting suspension and investigation of collective ratemaking actions, 49 CFR 1132 Rail carriers and maritime carriers, documents recordation, 49 CFR 1177 Rail common carriage, disclosure, publication, and notice of rate changes and other service terms, 49 CFR 1300 Rail exemption procedures, 49 CFR 1121 Rail lines and rail transportation under 49 U.S.C. 10903, abandonment and discontinuance, 49 CFR 1152 Railroad acquisition, control, merger, consolidation project, trackage rights, and lease procedures, 49 CFR 1180 Railroad contracts for transportation of agricultural products, 49 CFR 1313 Railroad cost recovery procedures, 49 CFR 1135 Railroad performance data reporting, 49 CFR 1250 Railroads-- Certificate to construct, acquire or operate railroad lines, 49 CFR 1150 Feeder railroad development program, 49 CFR 1151 Interlocking officers, 49 CFR 1185 Solid waste rail transfer facilities, 49 CFR 1155 Susquehanna River Basin Commission Hearings and enforcement actions, 18 CFR 808 Projects, review and approval, 18 CFR 806 Water withdrawal registration, 18 CFR 807 Tennessee Valley Authority Archaeological resources protection, uniform regulations, 18 CFR 1312 Contract disputes, 18 CFR 1308 National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, implementation, 18 CFR 1318 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally assisted programs, 18 CFR 1307 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 18 CFR 1313 Tennessee River System, approval of construction and regulation of structures and other alterations, 18 CFR 1304 Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally-assisted programs, cross references to governmentwide rule, 18 CFR 306 Trade Representative, Office of U.S. African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), petition process to review eligibility of countries, 15 CFR 2017 [[Page 58]] Andean Trade Preference Act, eligibility or duty-free treatment of countries under; procedures to petition for withdrawal or suspension, 15 CFR 2016 Generalized System of Preferences, eligibility of articles and countries for, 15 CFR 2007 Records and information disclosure, 15 CFR 2004 Trade Act of 1974, as amended; procedures for filing petitions for action under section 301, 15 CFR 2006 Trade Policy Staff Committee regulations, 15 CFR 2003 Transportation Department Administrative procedures, 49 CFR 5 Aviation proceedings-- Air carrier agreements, review, 14 CFR 303 Airline deregulation, employee protection program, 14 CFR 314 Cargo operations in interstate air transportation, 14 CFR 291 Conduct rules in DOT proceedings, 14 CFR 300 Continuance of expired authorizations by operation of law pending final determination of applications for renewal thereof, 14 CFR 377 Domestic baggage liability, 14 CFR 254 Essential air service procedures, 14 CFR 325 Foreign air carriers, application for permits, 14 CFR 211 Foreign civil aircraft navigation within U.S., 14 CFR 375 Informal nonpublic investigations, practice rules in, 14 CFR 305 Policy statements, general, 14 CFR 399 Practice rules, 14 CFR 302 Special services, fees and charges, 14 CFR 389 Tarmac delay data, reporting, 14 CFR 244 Terminations, suspensions, and reductions of service, 14 CFR 323 Civil penalties, 14 CFR 383 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 1200 Disadvantaged business enterprise, participation in-- Airport concessions, 49 CFR 23 Financial assistance programs, 49 CFR 26 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 49 CFR 32 Legal proceedings, testimony of DOT employees and production of records in, 49 CFR 9 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs or activities, 49 CFR 27, 49 CFR 28 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, 49 CFR 31 Transportation priorities and allocation system, 49 CFR 33 Transportation workplace drug and alcohol testing programs, procedures, 49 CFR 40 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 1201 Transportation Security Administration, investigative and enforcement procedures, 49 CFR 1503 Treasury Department Acquisition regulations; protests, disputes, and appeals, 48 CFR 1033 Agency names, symbols, etc.; civil penalty assessment for misuse, 31 CFR 27 Bonds and insurance, 48 CFR 1028 Construction and architect-engineer contracts, 48 CFR 1036 Contract administration and audit services, 48 CFR 1042 Contract financing, 48 CFR 1032 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 1009 Covered savings associations, 12 CFR 101 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 31 CFR 19 Definitions of words and terms, 48 CFR 1002 Department of the Treasury Acquisition Regulation (DTAR) System, 48 CFR 1001 District of Columbia retirement programs, Federal benefit payments, 31 CFR 29 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 31 CFR 20 Financial recordkeeping and reporting of currency and foreign transactions, administrative rulings, 31 CFR 103 Major system acquisition, 48 CFR 1034 [[Page 59]] Merchant banking investments, 12 CFR 1500 Monetary Offices-- Five-cent and one-cent coin regulations, 31 CFR 82 U.S. Mint operations and procedures, 31 CFR 92 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs or activities, 31 CFR 17 Post-employment conflict of interest, 31 CFR 15 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 31 CFR 16 Programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance from the Treasury Department; nondiscrimination enforcement on basis of race, color, or national origin, 31 CFR 22 Protests, disputes and appeals, 48 CFR 1033 Resolution Funding Corporation, financial subsidiaries, 12 CFR 1501 Securities Exchange Act of 1934, regulations under section 15C, rules of general application, 17 CFR 400 Small business programs, 48 CFR 1019 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 1052 Types of contracts, 48 CFR 1016 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements, 2 CFR 1000 U.S. Institute of Peace, nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs or activities, 22 CFR 1701 U.S. Mint operations and procedures, 31 CFR 92 Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation Commission Mitigation and conservation plan, policies and procedures for developing and implementing, 43 CFR 10005 National Environmental Policy Act, policies and procedures for implementing, 43 CFR 10010 Operating procedures, 43 CFR 10001 Veterans Affairs Department Acquisition regulations-- Protests, disputes, and appeals, 48 CFR 833 Research and development contracting, 48 CFR 835 Small business programs, 48 CFR 819 Veterans Affairs acquisition regulation system, 48 CFR 801 Adaptive sports programs for disabled veterans and disabled members of the Armed Forces, grants, 38 CFR 77 Caregivers benefits and certain medical benefits offered to family members of veterans, 38 CFR 71 Civil rights, hearings, decisions, and review, 38 CFR 18b Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 801 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 38 CFR 48 Faith based organizations, equal treatment, 38 CFR 50 General provisions, 38 CFR 1 Guidance documents, administrative procedures, 38 CFR 5 Health Care for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) program, 38 CFR 63 Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem Program, 38 CFR 61 Information security matters, 38 CFR 75 Legal services, General Counsel, and miscellaneous claims, 38 CFR 14 Medical care, 38 CFR 17 National cemeteries, 38 CFR 38 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 38 CFR 15 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation standards, 38 CFR 42 Rural Veterans Coordination Pilot (RVCP), grants, 38 CFR 64 Staff Sergeant Parker Gordon Fox Suicide Prevention Grant Program, 38 CFR 78 Supportive Services for Veteran Families program, 38 CFR 62 Transportation programs, 38 CFR 70 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 802 Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally-assisted programs, cross references to governmentwide rule, 38 CFR 25 Veterans, State homes-- Grants to States for construction or acquisition, 38 CFR 59 [[Page 60]] Payments to States for programs to promote the hiring and retention of nurses, 38 CFR 53 Per diem rates, 38 CFR 51 Veterans Appeals Board-- Legacy appeals regulations, 38 CFR 19 Practice rules, 38 CFR 20 Veterans benefits, adjudication, 38 CFR 3 Veterans small business regulations, 38 CFR 74 Veterans readiness and employment and education, 38 CFR 21 Wage and Hour Division Attestations by employers using alien crewmembers for longshore activities in U.S. ports, 29 CFR 506 Attestations by facilities using nonimmigrant aliens as registered nurses, 29 CFR 504 Attestations filed by employers utilizing F-1 students for off-campus work, 29 CFR 508 Child labor regulations, orders, and statements of interpretation, 29 CFR 570 Civil money penalties, procedures for assessing and contesting penalties, 29 CFR 580 Employee Polygraph Protection Act of 1988, implementation, 29 CFR 801 Fair Labor Standards Act and Walsh-Healey Act, general enforcement policy, 29 CFR 775 Family Medical Leave Act of 1993, 29 CFR 825 Federal contractors and subcontractors obligations; notification of employee rights under Federal labor laws, 29 CFR 471 Homeworkers in certain industries, employment, 29 CFR 530 Immigration and Nationality Act-- Temporary agricultural workers admitted under Section 218, enforcement of contractual obligations, 29 CFR 501, 29 CFR 502 Temporary nonimmigrant non-agricultural workers, enforcement of obligations, 29 CFR 503 Labor condition applications and requirements for employers using nonimmigrants on H-1B specialty visas in specialty occupations and as fashion models, 29 CFR 507 Migrant and seasonal agricultural worker protection, 29 CFR 500 Student learners, apprentices, learners, messengers, handicapped persons, student workers, and full-time students in agriculture, retail, or service establishments, annulment or withdrawal of certificates for employment at special minimum wage rates, 29 CFR 528 Wage order procedure for American Samoa, 29 CFR 511 Workers with disabilities, employment under special certificates, 29 CFR 525 Workers' Compensation Programs Office Black lung benefits-- Coal mine operators insurance, requirements, 20 CFR 726 Federal Mine Safety and Health Act, benefit claims under Part C of Title IV, 20 CFR 725 Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act, compensation claims, 20 CFR 30 Federal Employees' Compensation Act, claims, 20 CFR 10 Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act, administration and procedure, 20 CFR 702 Performance of functions, 20 CFR 1 Adoption and foster care See al Infants and children Emigrating children, convention and non-convention adoptions, reporting, 22 CFR 99 Federal assistance payments Fiscal requirements applicable to-- Title IV-B, Social Security Act, 45 CFR 1357 Title IV-E, Social Security Act, 45 CFR 1356 General, 45 CFR 1355 Hague Convention adoption cases, adoption certificates and custody declarations issuance, 22 CFR 97 Immigrant petitions, 8 CFR 204 Intercountry Adoption Act [[Page 61]] Adoption Agency accreditation and approval of persons, 22 CFR 96 Convention record preservation, 22 CFR 98 Adult education See al Education Adult Education and Family Literacy Act, intergovernmental programs, 34 CFR 463 Defense Department, voluntary education programs, 32 CFR 68 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council, 2 CFR 5900 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Health care, statutory conscience rights protection, authority delegations, 45 CFR 88 Indian adult education program, 25 CFR 46 Prisoners' education, 28 CFR 544 Voluntary education program, 32 CFR 68 Advance care planning Statutory conscience rights protection in health care, authority delegations, 45 CFR 88 Advertising See al Business and industry Administrative interpretations, general policy statements, and enforcement policy statements, 16 CFR 14 Agricultural commodities, research and promotion Beef, 7 CFR 1260 Blueberries, 7 CFR 1218 Christmas tree, 7 CFR 1214 Cotton, 7 CFR 1205 Eggs, 7 CFR 1250 Hass avocados, 7 CFR 1219 Honey packers and importers, 7 CFR 1212 Lamb, 7 CFR 1280 Mango, 7 CFR 1206 Mushrooms, 7 CFR 1209 Paper and paper-based packaging, 7 CFR 1222 Peanuts, 7 CFR 1216 Pecans, 7 CFR 1223 [[Page 62]] Popcorn, 7 CFR 1215 Pork, 7 CFR 1230 Potatoes, 7 CFR 1207 Softwood lumber, 7 CFR 1217 Sorghum, 7 CFR 1221 Soybeans, 7 CFR 1220 Watermelons, 7 CFR 1210 Wool and mohair, 7 CFR 1270 Alcoholic beverages Distilled spirits, labeling and advertising, 27 CFR 5 Malt beverages, labeling and advertising, 27 CFR 7 Tied house, 27 CFR 6 Wine, labeling and advertising, 27 CFR 4 Animal drugs, extralabel drug use in animals, 21 CFR 530 Automobile parts, rebuilt, reconditioned and used, industry guides, 16 CFR 20 Bait advertising, 16 CFR 238 Business opportunity rule, 16 CFR 437 CAN-SPAM rule, 16 CFR 316 Cigarettes and tobacco Food and Drug Administration-- Cigarette package and advertising, required warnings, 21 CFR 1141 Cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, and covered tobacco products, 21 CFR 1140 Minimum required warning statements, 21 CFR 1143 Unfair or deceptive advertising and labeling in relation to health hazards of smoking, 16 CFR 408 Commodity pool operators and commodity trading advisors, 17 CFR 4 Comptroller of the Currency Nondiscrimination requirements, 12 CFR 128 Savings associations, operations, 12 CFR 163 Concrete masonry research, education, and promotion, 12 CFR 1500 Consumer leasing (Regulation M), 12 CFR 1013 Contact lens rule, 16 CFR 315 Credit unions, advertising accuracy and notice of insured status, 12 CFR 740 Deceptive pricing, 16 CFR 233 Endorsements and testimonials, guides concerning use in advertising, 16 CFR 255 Energy and water use labeling for consumer products under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act, 16 CFR 305 Environmental marketing claims, guides for use, 16 CFR 260 Equal employment opportunity, job advertising Age Discrimination in Employment Act, 29 CFR 1625 Records to be made or kept relating to age, notices to be posted, 29 CFR 1627 Sex discrimination, guidelines, 29 CFR 1604 Farm Credit Administration, nondiscrimination in lending, 12 CFR 626 Federal credit unions, organization and operations, 12 CFR 701 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Advertisements of membership, False advertising, misrepresentation of insured status and misuse of FDIC's name and logo, 12 CFR 328 Fair housing loan requirements, 12 CFR 338 Office of Thrift Supervision, regulations transferred from, 12 CFR 390 Federal Seed Act, requirements, 7 CFR 201 Franchising, disclosure requirements and prohibitions, 16 CFR 436 Fuel economy advertising for new automobiles, 16 CFR 259 Guide concerning use of word ``free'' and similar representations, 16 CFR 251 Health insurance Affordable Care Act-- Exchange establishment standards and related standards under, 45 CFR 155 Issuer standards under, including standards related to exchanges, 45 CFR 156 Highway beautification, 23 CFR 750 Highway system, interstate, incentive (1/2 percent bonus) payments for controlling outdoor advertising, 23 CFR 190 Home insulation, labeling and advertising, 16 CFR 460 Household goods transportation in interstate commerce; consumer protection regulations, 49 CFR 375 [[Page 63]] Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest Federal Employees Group Life Insurance Federal Acquisition Regulation, 48 CFR 2103 Federal Employees Health Benefits Acquisition Regulation, 48 CFR 1603 Industry guides for advertising allowances and other merchandising payments and services, 16 CFR 240 Jewelry, precious metals, and pewter industries; guides, 16 CFR 23 Marine oil spill liability trust fund, claims procedures, source designation, and advertisement, 33 CFR 136 Mortgage acts and practices, advertising, 12 CFR 1014, 16 CFR 321 Mortgage assistance relief services (Regulation O), 12 CFR 1015 National Sheep Industry Improvement Center, 7 CFR 63 Naval stores, regulations and standards, 7 CFR 160 Passenger vessels, disclosure of safety standards and country of registry, 46 CFR 80 Pesticides, advertising unregistered pesticides, statements of enforcement policies and interpretations, 40 CFR 168 Postal Service Pandering advertisements, violation proceedings, 39 CFR 963 Private express statutes suspension, 39 CFR 320 Prescription drugs, 21 CFR 202 Retail food store advertising and marketing practices, 16 CFR 424 S.A.F.E. Mortgage Licensing Act Residential mortgage loan originators, Federal registration (Regulation G), 12 CFR 1007 State compliance and bureau registration system, (Regulation H), 12 CFR 1008 Securities Act of 1933, general rules and regulations, 17 CFR 230 Select leather and imitation leather products, guides, 16 CFR 24 Telemarketing sales rule, 16 CFR 310 Telephone Disclosure and Dispute Resolution Act of 1992, trade regulation rule, 16 CFR 308 Truth in lending Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (Regulation Z), 12 CFR 1026 Consumer leasing (Regulation M), 12 CFR 213 Disclosure of credit information (Regulation Z), 12 CFR 226 Truth in savings Credit unions, 12 CFR 707 Truth in savings (Regulation DD), 12 CFR 1030 U.S. Mint operations and procedures, 31 CFR 92 Warranties and guaranties, advertising guides, 16 CFR 239 Advisory committees Agency for International Development, 22 CFR 214 Agricultural Marketing Service, tobacco inspection, 7 CFR 29 Civil Rights Commission, 45 CFR 703 Consumer Product Safety Commission, 16 CFR 1018 Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, 29 CFR 1430 Federal Trade Commission, 16 CFR 16 Food and Drug Administration, public hearing before public advisory committee, 21 CFR 14 General Services Administration Advisory committee management, 41 CFR 105-54 Federal advisory committee management, 41 CFR 102-3 Health and Human Services Department; health insurance issuer standards under the Affordable Care Act, including standards related to exchanges, 45 CFR 156 Industry and Security Bureau, 15 CFR 730 Land Management Bureau, 43 CFR 1780 Marine Mammal Commission, 50 CFR 510 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 10 CFR 7 Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 29 CFR 1912 Occupational Safety and Health National Advisory Committee, 29 CFR 1912a Postal Service, 39 CFR 5 State Department, 22 CFR 8 Advisory Council on Historic Preservation See Historic Preservation Advisory Council [[Page 64]] Advocacy and Outreach Office Agricultural Career and Employment (ACE) grants program, 7 CFR 2502 Federal Financial Assistance program, general award administrative procedures, 7 CFR 2500 AFDC See Aid to Families with Dependent Children Affirmative action plans See Equal employment opportunity Afghanistan General aircraft operating and flight rules, 14 CFR 91 Afghanistan Reconstruction, Special Inspector General for See Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction African Development Bank See International financial institutions African Development Foundation Acquisition regulations, competition requirements, 48 CFR 5706 Claims collection, 22 CFR 1506 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 22 CFR 1508 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 22 CFR 1509 Employee responsibilities and conduct, 22 CFR 1504 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 22 CFR 1510 Official seal, 22 CFR 1503 Organization, 22 CFR 1501 Privacy Act implementation, 22 CFR 1507 Records availability, 22 CFR 1502 Sunshine Act regulations, 22 CFR 1500 Age discrimination See Aged Aged See al Medicaid; Medicare; Public assistance programs; Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Elderly, all-inclusive care programs, 42 CFR 460 Medicare subsidies, 20 CFR 418 Special services, requirements and limits, 42 CFR 441 Commodity supplemental food program, 7 CFR 247 Consolidation of grants to insular areas for social programs, 45 CFR 97 Developmental disabilities program National Network of University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, Education, Research, and Service, 45 CFR 1328 Program requirements, 45 CFR 1325 Projects of National significance, 45 CFR 1327 State plans for formula grant programs, 45 CFR 1326 Equal Credit Opportunity Act (Regulation B), 12 CFR 202 Equal employment opportunity Age Discrimination in Employment Act-- Interpretations, 29 CFR 1625 Procedures, 29 CFR 1626 Records to be made or kept relating to age, notices to be posted, 29 CFR 1627 Federal Government, equal employment opportunity, 29 CFR 1614 Interagency coordination procedures, 29 CFR 1690 Fair housing Certification and funding of State and local fair housing enforcement agencies, 24 CFR 115 Collection of data, 24 CFR 121 Complaint processing, 24 CFR 103 Discriminatory conduct under the Fair Housing Act, 24 CFR 100 Poster, 24 CFR 110 Federal Acquisition Regulation, application of labor laws to Government acquisitions, 48 CFR 22 Commerce Department, 48 CFR 1322 Federal credit unions, organization and operations, 12 CFR 701 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Fair housing, 12 CFR 338 Office of Thrift Supervision, regulations transferred from, 12 CFR 390 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; [[Page 65]] general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Federal old-age, survivors, and disability insurance (1950-- ), international agreements, 20 CFR 404 Food assistance programs Child and Adult Care Food Program, 7 CFR 226 Food donations for use in U.S., 7 CFR 250 National commodity processing program, 7 CFR 252 Foster grandparent program, 45 CFR 2552 Health insurance Affordable Care Act-- Exchange establishment standards and other related standards under, 45 CFR 155 Issuer standards under, including requirements related to exchanges, 45 CFR 156 Group and individual health insurance markets, reform requirements for, 45 CFR 147 Health professions projects grants in geriatrics, 42 CFR 57 Housing Civil rights matters, consolidated hearing procedures, 24 CFR 180 Community planning and development programs, consolidated submissions, 24 CFR 91 Congregate housing services program, 24 CFR 700 Direct multi-family housing loans and grants, 7 CFR 3560 General HUD program requirements, waivers, 24 CFR 5 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Insurance, 24 CFR 206 Mortgage insurance for elderly, 24 CFR 231 Native American activities, 24 CFR 1000 Public housing-- Admission and to and occupancy, 24 CFR 960 Designated housing-public housing designated for occupancy by disabled, elderly, or disabled and elderly families, 24 CFR 945 Rural housing loans and grants, 7 CFR 1944 [[Page 66]] Supportive housing for elderly and persons with disabilities, 24 CFR 891 Independent living services for older individuals who are blind, 34 CFR 367 Indians, grants to tribes for supportive and nutritional services for aged, 45 CFR 1322 Nondiscrimination on basis of age Agency for International Development, 22 CFR 218 Agriculture Department, 7 CFR 15, 7 CFR 15c Commerce Department, 15 CFR 20 Comptroller of the Currency, 12 CFR 128 Corporation for National and Community Service, 45 CFR 1225 Defense Department, 32 CFR 191 Education Department, 34 CFR 110 Energy Department, 10 CFR 1040 Farm Credit Administration, 12 CFR 626 Federal Emergency Management Agency, 44 CFR 7 Federal Property Management Regulations, 41 CFR 101-8 Federal Reserve System, 12 CFR 268 General Services Administration, 41 CFR 101-8 Health and Human Services Department-- Programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance, 45 CFR 90 Programs and activities receiving federal financing from HHS, 45 CFR 91 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 146 Interior Department, 43 CFR 17 Justice Department, 28 CFR 42 Labor Department-- Age Discrimination Act, nondiscrimination in programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance, 29 CFR 35 Workforce Investment Act f 1998, implementation of nondiscrimination and equal opportunity provisions, 29 CFR 37 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 14 CFR 1252 National Endowment for the Arts, 45 CFR 1156 National Foundation on the Arts and Humanities, 45 CFR 1172 National Science Foundation, 45 CFR 617 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 10 CFR 4 Small Business Administration, 13 CFR 113, 13 CFR 117 State Department, 22 CFR 143 Tennessee Valley Authority, 18 CFR 1309 Treasury Department, 31 CFR 23 Veterans Affairs Department, 38 CFR 18 Older American volunteer programs, locally generated contributions, 45 CFR 1235 Older Hawaiian Natives, grants for supportive and nutritional services, 45 CFR 1323 Peace Corps Volunteer discrimination complaint procedure, 22 CFR 306 Volunteer service, eligibility and standards, 22 CFR 305 Retired and senior volunteer program, 45 CFR 2553 Senior Community Service Employment Program, governing provisions, 20 CFR 641 Senior companion program, 45 CFR 2551 Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program, 7 CFR 249 Social services block grants, 45 CFR 96 State and community program grants on aging, 45 CFR 1321 Supplemental security income for the aged, blind, and disabled, 20 CFR 416 Tax counseling for elderly, 26 CFR 601 Transportation planning and facilities for elderly and handicapped, 49 CFR 609 Passenger carrier regulations, 49 CFR 374 Vulnerable elder rights protection activities, allotments, 45 CFR 1324 Weatherization assistance for low-income persons, 10 CFR 440 World War II veterans, special benefits, 20 CFR 408 Agency for International Development Acquisition regulations Administrative matters, 48 CFR 704 Application of labor laws to Government acquisition, 48 CFR 722 Bonds and insurance, 48 CFR 728 Competition requirements, 48 CFR 706 Construction and architect-engineer contracts, 48 CFR 736 Contract administration, 48 CFR 742 [[Page 67]] Contract cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 731 Contract financing, 48 CFR 732 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 715 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 709 Definitions of words and terms, 48 CFR 702 Extraordinary contractual actions, 48 CFR 750 Federal Acquisition Regulation System, 48 CFR 701 Foreign acquisition, 48 CFR 725 Forms, 48 CFR 753 Government property, 48 CFR 745 Human subjects, protection, 22 CFR 225 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 703 Major system acquisition, 48 CFR 734 Patents, data, and copyrights, 48 CFR 727 Protection of privacy and freedom of information, 48 CFR 724 Protests, disputes and appeals, 48 CFR 733 Publicizing contract actions, 48 CFR 705 Sealed bidding, 48 CFR 714 Service contracting, 48 CFR 737 Simplified acquisition procedures, 48 CFR 713 Small business programs, 48 CFR 719 Socioeconomic programs, 48 CFR 726 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 752 Special contracting methods, 48 CFR 717 Taxes, 48 CFR 729 Termination of contracts, 48 CFR 749 Transportation, 48 CFR 747 Types of contracts, 48 CFR 716 Advisory committee management, 22 CFR 214 Claims collection, 22 CFR 213 Commodities and services financed by USAID, procurement rules, 22 CFR 228 Commodity transactions financing procedures, 22 CFR 201 Court proceedings where AID is not a party, employee testimony and production of documents, 22 CFR 206 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 780 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 2 CFR 782 Egypt loan guarantees standard terms and conditions, 22 CFR 231 Employees Indemnification, 22 CFR 207 Post-employment restrictions, administrative enforcement procedures, 22 CFR 223 Responsibilities and conduct, 22 CFR 200 Environmental procedures, 22 CFR 216 Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, loan guarantees Issued under the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2015; standard terms and conditions, 22 CFR 238 Issued under the Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2013, Div. F, Pub. L. 113-6; standard terms and conditions, 22 CFR 233 Issued under the Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2014, Div. F, Pub. L. 113-6; standard terms and conditions, 22 CFR 235 Havana Act of 2021, implementation, 22 CFR 242 Housing guaranty standard terms and conditions, 22 CFR 204 Human research subjects protection, 22 CFR 225 Israel loan guarantees Guarantees issued under Emergency Wartime Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2003, standard terms and conditions, 22 CFR 230 Standard terms and conditions, 22 CFR 221 Lobbying restrictions, 22 CFR 227 Nondiscrimination, on basis of age in federally assisted programs, 22 CFR 218 Nondiscrimination, on basis of disability in federally conducted programs or activities, 22 CFR 217, 22 CFR 219 Nondiscrimination, on basis of race, color, or national origin In federally assisted programs, 22 CFR 209 Nondiscrimination, on basis of sex in federally assisted education programs, 22 CFR 229 Non-military economic development training programs, payments to and on behalf of participants, 22 CFR 205 Overseas shipments of supplies by voluntary non-profit relief agencies, 22 CFR 202 [[Page 68]] Privacy Act of 1974, implementation, 22 CFR 215 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 22 CFR 224 Public information, 22 CFR 212 Republic of Iraq, loan guarantees issued under the Further Continuing and Security Assistance Appropriations Act of 2017, 22 CFR 241 Republic of Tunisia loan guarantees, issued under Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act of 2016; sec. 7034(o), 22 CFR 239 Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2014, Div. F, Pub. L. 113-6; standard terms and conditions, 22 CFR 236 Transfer of food commodities for food use in disaster relief, economic development, and other assistance, 22 CFR 211 Ukraine, loan guarantees issued under the Sovereignty, Integrity, Democracy, and Economic Stability of Ukraine Act of 2014, Pub. L. 113-95; standard terms and conditions, 22 CFR 234 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for federal awards, 2 CFR 700 Aging Administration See Community Living Administration Agricultural commodities See al Acreage allotments; Agriculture; Commodity futures; Crop insurance; Fruits; Grains; Marketing agreements; Marketing quotas; Nuts; Oilseeds; Price support programs; Surplus agricultural commodities; Vegetables; specific commodities Agricultural and vegetable seed quality, inspection and certification, 7 CFR 75 Agricultural Marketing Service audit verification and accreditation programs (AVAAP), 7 CFR 62 Agriculture Department National Appeals Division, 7 CFR 11 Pandemic Assistance Program, 7 CFR 9 Barrels for fruits, vegetables, other dry commodities, and cranberries, 15 CFR 241 Biodiesel Fuel Education Program, 7 CFR 2903 Commodity Credit Corporation Approved warehouses, 7 CFR 1423 Commodity incentive payment programs, 7 CFR 1413 Conservation Stewardship Program, 7 CFR 1470 Pima Agriculture Cotton Trust Fund (Agriculture Pima Trust) and Agriculture Wool Apparel Manufacturers Trust Fund (Agriculture Wool Trust), 7 CFR 1471 Regional Agricultural Promotion Program, 7 CFR 1489 Commodity Exchange Act, general regulations, 17 CFR 1 Commodity laboratory testing programs Introduction, 7 CFR 90 Meals, Ready-To-Eat (MRE's), meats, and meat products, 7 CFR 98 Plant variety and protection, 7 CFR 97 Poultry and egg products, 7 CFR 94 Processed fruits and vegetables, 7 CFR 93 Restricted use pesticides, recordkeeping by certified applicators; surveys and reports, 7 CFR 110 Services and general information, 7 CFR 91 Commodity supplemental food program, 7 CFR 247 Cooperative marketing associations, 7 CFR 1425 Direct loan making, 7 CFR 764 Direct loan servicing Regular servicing, 7 CFR 765 Special servicing, 7 CFR 766 Disaster relief, economic development and other assistance, transfer of food commodities for food use in, 22 CFR 211 Domestic hemp production program, 7 CFR 990 Emerging Markets Program, 7 CFR 1486 Export programs Bonus programs, 7 CFR 1570 Credit guarantee programs, 7 CFR 1493 Financing of sales of agricultural commodities, 7 CFR 1488 Food for Progress Program, 7 CFR 1499 [[Page 69]] Foreign markets for agricultural commodities-- Development grant agreements, 7 CFR 1485 Development programs, 7 CFR 1484 Specialty crops, technical assistance, 7 CFR 1487 Exports Sales reporting requirements, 7 CFR 20 Short supply controls, 15 CFR 754 Farm products, clear title-protection for purchasers, 9 CFR 205 Farm Service Agency Appeal regulations, 7 CFR 780 Reimbursement transportation cost payment program for geographically disadvantaged farmers and ranchers, 7 CFR 755 Farmers' cooperatives, exempt organizations, income taxes, 26 CFR 1 (1.521-1--1.522-4) Federal Seed Act Administrative procedures, 7 CFR 202 Importation of seed and screenings, 7 CFR 361 Requirements, 7 CFR 201 Fish and shellfish country of origin labeling, 7 CFR 60 Foreign Assets Control Office Sanctions regulations-- Central African Republic, 31 CFR 553 Cyber-related, 31 CFR 578 Darfur, 31 CFR 546 Democratic Republic of the Congo, 31 CFR 547 Foreign terrorist organizations, 31 CFR 597 Foreign trade, 31 CFR 598 Global Magnitsky, 31 CFR 583 Global terrorism, 31 CFR 594 Hong Kong-related, 31 CFR 585 Illicit drug trade, 31 CFR 599 Iraq stabilization and insurgency, 31 CFR 576 Lebanon, 31 CFR 549 Magnitsky Act, 31 CFR 584 Narcotics trafficking, 31 CFR 536 Somalia, 31 CFR 551 Terrorism list governments, 31 CFR 596 Transnational criminal organizations, 31 CFR 590 Weapons of mass destruction proliferators, 31 CFR 544 Yemen, 31 CFR 552 Zimbabwe, 31 CFR 541 Weapons of mass destruction, 31 CFR 539 Western Balkans, stabilization regulations, 31 CFR 588 Fresh fruits, vegetables and other products (inspection, certification, and standards), 7 CFR 51 General regulations and standards, 7 CFR 868 Imports Investigation of effects on agricultural programs, 19 CFR 204 Quotas and fees, 7 CFR 6 Indian reservations, food distribution program for households on, 7 CFR 253 Inspection and grading services, withdrawal procedures, 7 CFR 50 International agricultural trade, emergency relief from duty-free imports of perishable products, 7 CFR 1540 Interstate transportation regulations, exemptions, commercial zones, and terminal areas, 49 CFR 372 Lamb, chicken and goat meat, perishable agricultural commodities, macadamia nuts, pecans, peanuts, and ginseng; country of origin labeling, 7 CFR 65 McGovern-Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program, 7 CFR 1599 National bioengineered food disclosure standard, 7 CFR 66 National Organic Program, 7 CFR 205 Natural Resources Conservation Service, appeal procedures, 7 CFR 614 Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program, 7 CFR 1437 Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act Procedures, 7 CFR 47 Requirements (other than administrative procedures), 7 CFR 46 Pesticide chemical residue in food, tolerances and exemptions, 40 CFR 180 Produce Agency Act, enforcement requirements, 7 CFR 48 Pesticide programs Formal evidentiary public hearing, 40 CFR 179 Objections and requests for hearings, 40 CFR 178 [[Page 70]] Registration and classification procedures, 40 CFR 152 Time-limited tolerances for emergency exemptions, 40 CFR 176 Phytosanitary treatments, 7 CFR 305 Plant protection and quarantine District of Columbia, plants and plant products, movement, 7 CFR 302 Domestic quarantine notices, 7 CFR 301 Plant-incorporated protectants, procedures and requirements, 40 CFR 174 Rail common carriage, disclosure, publication, and notice of rate changes and other service terms, 49 CFR 1300 Railroad contracts for transportation of agricultural products, 49 CFR 1313 Rural development cooperative agreements, 7 CFR 4285 Sales of agricultural commodities made available under Title I of Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954, as amended, financing, 7 CFR 17 Sales policy, 7 CFR 1402 Trade adjustment assistance for farmers, 7 CFR 1580 Trade mitigation program, 7 CFR 1409 Transportation exemptions, 49 CFR 1039 USDA Farmers Market, 7 CFR 170 Voluntary official grade standards; development, revision, suspension or termination procedures, 7 CFR 36 Agricultural Marketing Service Agricultural and vegetable seed quality, inspection and certification, 7 CFR 75 Agricultural commodities; inspection and grading services, withdrawal procedures, 7 CFR 50 Agricultural Marketing Service audit verification and accreditation programs (AVAAP), 7 CFR 62 Bioengineered food, national disclosure standard, 7 CFR 66 Cattle Contracts Library Pilot Program, 7 CFR 180 Commodity laboratory testing programs Meals, Ready-To-Eat (MRE's), meats, and meat products, 7 CFR 98 Plant variety and protection, 7 CFR 97 Poultry and egg products, 7 CFR 94 Processed fruits and vegetables, 7 CFR 93 Restricted use pesticides, recordkeeping by certified applicators; surveys and reports, 7 CFR 110 Services and general information, 7 CFR 91 Cotton classification under cotton futures legislation, 7 CFR 27 Cotton classing, testing, and standards, 7 CFR 28 Cottonseed sold or offered for sale for crushing purposes, inspection, sampling, and certification, 7 CFR 61 Country of origin labeling Fish and shellfish, 7 CFR 60 Lamb, chicken and goat meat, perishable agricultural commodities, macadamia nuts, pecans, peanuts, and ginseng, 7 CFR 65 Cranberries not subject to cranberry marketing order; data collection, reporting, and recordkeeping requirements, 7 CFR 926 Dairy forward pricing program, 7 CFR 1145 Dairy products Grading standards and general specifications for approved plants, 7 CFR 58 Mandatory reporting, 7 CFR 1170 Diversion programs Fresh Russet potato, 7 CFR 80 Prune/dried plum, 7 CFR 81 Domestic hemp production program, 7 CFR 990 Eggs Inspection under Egg Products Inspection Act, 7 CFR 57 Shell eggs, voluntary grading, 7 CFR 56 Export Apple Act requirements, 7 CFR 33 Federal Grain Inspection Service, Fair Trade Practices Program Agricultural commodities, general regulations and standards, 7 CFR 868 Clear title-protection for purchasers of farm products, 9 CFR 205 General policy statements, 9 CFR 203 General regulations, 7 CFR 800 Grain, official U.S. standards, 7 CFR 810 Grain inspection equipment, official performance requirements, 7 CFR 801 Grain-weighing equipment and related grain handling systems, official [[Page 71]] performance and procedural requirements, 7 CFR 802 Practice rules governing proceedings, 9 CFR 202 Regulations, 9 CFR 201 Swine contract library, 9 CFR 206 Federal Seed Act Administrative procedures, 7 CFR 202 Requirements, 7 CFR 201 Fresh fruits, vegetables and other products (inspection, certification, and standards), 7 CFR 51 General regulations, 7 CFR 900 Grapes and plums, export, standards, 7 CFR 35 Grease mohair and mohair top samples, purchase, 7 CFR 32 Livestock Grading, certification, and standards, 7 CFR 53 Mandatory reporting, 7 CFR 59 Marketing agreements Almonds grown in California, 7 CFR 981 Avocados grown in South Florida, 7 CFR 915 Cherries (sweet) grown in designated counties in Washington, 7 CFR 923 Cherries (tart) grown in various States, 7 CFR 930 Cranberries grown in various States, 7 CFR 929 Dates (domestic) produced or packed in Riverside County, California, 7 CFR 987 Grapes grown in designated area of southeastern California, 7 CFR 925 Hazelnuts grown in Oregon and Washington, 7 CFR 982 Import regulations-- Fruits, 7 CFR 944 Specialty crops, 7 CFR 999 Vegetables, 7 CFR 980 Kiwifruit grown in California, 7 CFR 920 Olives grown in California, 7 CFR 932 Onions grown in-- Certain designated counties in Idaho, and Malheur County, Oregon, 7 CFR 958 South Texas, 7 CFR 959 Onions (sweet) grown in the Walla Walla Valley of Southeast Washington and Northeast Oregon, 7 CFR 956 Onions (Vidalia) grown in Georgia, 7 CFR 955 Oranges and grapefruit grown in Texas, 7 CFR 906 Oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, and pummelos grown in Florida, 7 CFR 905 Peanuts (domestic and imported, marketed in U.S.), minimum quality and handling standards, 7 CFR 996 Pears grown in Oregon and Washington, 7 CFR 927 Pears, plums, and peaches grown in California, 7 CFR 917 Pecans grown in Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, North Carolina, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Texas, 7 CFR 986 Pistachios grown in California, Arizona, and New Mexico, 7 CFR 983 Potatoes (Irish) grown in-- Colorado, 7 CFR 948 Idaho, certain designated counties in, 7 CFR 945 Oregon, Malheur County, 7 CFR 945 Prunes (dried) produced in California, 7 CFR 993 Raisins produced from grapes grown in California, 7 CFR 989 Spearmint oil produced in the Far West, 7 CFR 985 Tomatoes grown in Florida, 7 CFR 966 Walnuts grown in California, 7 CFR 984 Meats, prepared meats, and meat products, grading, certification, and standards, 7 CFR 54 Milk Donation Reimbursement Program, 7 CFR 1146 Milk marketing orders Appalachian area, 7 CFR 1005 Arizona-Las Vegas area, 7 CFR 1131 California area, 7 CFR 1051 Central area, 7 CFR 1032 Florida, 7 CFR 1006 General provisions, 7 CFR 1000 Memphis, Tennessee area, 7 CFR 1097 Mideast area, 7 CFR 1033 Northeast area, 7 CFR 1001 Pacific Northwest area, 7 CFR 1124 Southeast area, 7 CFR 1007 Southwest area, 7 CFR 1126 [[Page 72]] Upper Midwest area, 7 CFR 1030 Western area, 7 CFR 1135 National Organic Program, 7 CFR 205 National Sheep Industry Improvement Center, 7 CFR 63 Naval stores, regulations and standards, 7 CFR 160 Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act Procedures, 7 CFR 47 Requirements (other than administrative procedures), 7 CFR 46 Poultry products and rabbit products, voluntary grading, 7 CFR 70 Processed fruits and vegetables, processed products thereof, and certain other processed food products, 7 CFR 52 Produce Agency Act, enforcement requirements, 7 CFR 48 Promotion, research and information; orders, programs, etc. Beef, 7 CFR 1260 Blueberry, 7 CFR 1218 Christmas tree, 7 CFR 1214 Cotton, 7 CFR 1205 Dairy, 7 CFR 1150 Egg, 7 CFR 1250 Fluid milk, 7 CFR 1160 Hass avocado, 7 CFR 1219 Honey packers and importers, 7 CFR 1212 Lamb, 7 CFR 1280 Mango, 7 CFR 1206 Mushroom, 7 CFR 1209 Paper and paper-based packaging, 7 CFR 1222 Peanut, 7 CFR 1216 Pecans, 7 CFR 1223 Popcorn, 7 CFR 1215 Pork, 7 CFR 1230 Potato, 7 CFR 1207 Proceedings, practice and procedure rules, 7 CFR 1200 Softwood lumber, 7 CFR 1217 Sorghum, 7 CFR 1221 Soybean, 7 CFR 1220 Tobacco inspection, 7 CFR 29 Watermelon, 7 CFR 1210 Wool and mohair, 7 CFR 1270 Specialty Crop Block Grant Program, 7 CFR 1290 Standards for condition of food containers, 7 CFR 42 Standards for sampling plans for food containers, 7 CFR 43 Tobacco stocks and standards, 7 CFR 30 USDA Farmers Market, 7 CFR 170 Voluntary official grade standards; development, revision, suspension or termination procedures, 7 CFR 36 Wool and wool top samples, purchase, 7 CFR 31 Agricultural research See al Agriculture; Research Agricultural Marketing Service Promotion, research and information; orders, programs, etc.-- Beef, 7 CFR 1260 Blueberry, 7 CFR 1218 Cotton, 7 CFR 1205 Egg, 7 CFR 1250 Hass avocado, 7 CFR 1219 Honey packers and importers, 7 CFR 1212 Lamb, 7 CFR 1280 Mango, 7 CFR 1206 Mushroom, 7 CFR 1209 Peanut, 7 CFR 1216 Popcorn, 7 CFR 1215 Pork, 7 CFR 1230 Potato, 7 CFR 1207 Proceedings, practice and procedure rules, 7 CFR 1200 Softwood lumber, 7 CFR 1217 Sorghum, 7 CFR 1221 Soybeans, 7 CFR 1220 Watermelon, 7 CFR 1210 Wool and mohair, 7 CFR 1270 Agricultural Research Service Biotechnology risk assessment research grants program, 7 CFR 3415 National Agricultural Library fees for loans and copying, 7 CFR 505 Non-assistance cooperative agreements, general administrative policy, 7 CFR 550 Biological agents and toxins, possession, use, and transfer, 7 CFR 331, 9 CFR 121 National Institute of Food and Agriculture Agricultural research and extension capacity funds at 1890 land-grant institutions, including Central State University, Tuskegee University, and West Virginia State University and at 1862 land- grant institutions in insular areas; matching funds requirement, 7 CFR 3419 [[Page 73]] Agricultural research, education, and extension formula funds recipients, stakeholder input requirements, 7 CFR 3418 Biotechnology risk assessment research grants program, 7 CFR 3415 Competitive and non-competitive non-formula Federal assistance provisions, general administrative provisions, 7 CFR 3430 Food and agricultural sciences National Needs Graduate and Postgraduate Fellowship Grants Program, 7 CFR 3402 Higher Education Challenge Grants program, 7 CFR 3405 Hispanic-serving agricultural colleges and universities certification process, 7 CFR 3434 Institution capacity building grants program (1890), 7 CFR 3406 National Environmental Policy Act, implementation, 7 CFR 3407 Public information, 7 CFR 3404 Rangeland research grants program, 7 CFR 3401 Small business innovation research grants program, 7 CFR 3403 Special research grants program, 7 CFR 3400 Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment program, 7 CFR 3431 Rural development cooperative agreements, 7 CFR 4285 User fees, microbial patent cultures, 7 CFR 504 Agricultural Research Service Biotechnology risk assessment research grants program, 7 CFR 3415 Conduct standards on Government property Beltsville Agricultural Research Center Property, Beltsville, MD, 7 CFR 502 National Arboretum, 7 CFR 500 Plum Island Animal Disease Center, 7 CFR 503 U.S. Meat Animal Research Center, Clay Center, Nebraska, 7 CFR 501 National Agricultural Library fees for loans and copying, 7 CFR 505 Non-assistance cooperative agreements, general administrative policy, 7 CFR 550 Procedures for implementing National Environmental Policy Act, 7 CFR 520 Public information, 7 CFR 510 User fees, microbial patent cultures, 7 CFR 504 Agriculture See al Agricultural commodities; Agricultural research; Fertilizers; Food assistance programs; Foods; Forests and forest products; Irrigation; Migrant labor; Pesticides and pests; Range management; Rural areas Advocacy and Outreach Office Agricultural career and employment (ACE) grants program, 7 CFR 2502 Federal financial assistance programs, general award administrative procedures, 7 CFR 2500 Agricultural loan loss amortizations Federal Reserve System, State banking institutions, membership (Regulation H), 12 CFR 208 Agricultural research and extension capacity funds at 1890 land-grant institutions, including Central State University, Tuskegee University, and West Virginia State University and at 1862 land- grant institutions in insular areas; matching funds requirement, 7 CFR 3419 Aircraft operations Agricultural aircraft operations, 14 CFR 137 General aircraft operating and flight rules, 14 CFR 91 Noise standards, aircraft type and airworthiness certification, 14 CFR 36 Biomass Crop Assistance Program, 7 CFR 1450 Certified Mediation Program, 7 CFR 785 Clingstone peach diversion program, 7 CFR 82 Commodity and conservation programs Agricultural Conservation Easement Program, 7 CFR 1468 Conservation Reserve Program, 7 CFR 1410 Conservation Security Program, 7 CFR 1469 Conservation Stewardship Program, 7 CFR 1470 [[Page 74]] Emergency Wetlands Reserve Program, 7 CFR 623 Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program, 7 CFR 1491 Grassland Reserve Program, 7 CFR 1415 Land Contract Guarantee program, 7 CFR 763 Payment assignment, 7 CFR 1404 Payment limitation and eligibility, 7 CFR 1400 Payments due persons who have died, disappeared, or have been declared incompetent, 7 CFR 707 Record retention requirements, 7 CFR 708 Regional Conservation Partnership Program, 7 CFR 1464 Wetlands Reserve Program, 7 CFR 1467 Commodity Exchange Act, general regulations, 17 CFR 1 Emergency agricultural disaster assistance programs, 7 CFR 1416 Farm Credit System Accounting and reporting requirements, 12 CFR 621 Administrative definitions, 12 CFR 619 Administrative expenses assessment and apportionment, 12 CFR 607 Borrower rights, 12 CFR 617 Capital adequacy of system institutions, 12 CFR 628 Disclosure to shareholders, 12 CFR 620 Electronic commerce, 12 CFR 609 Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation-- Disclosure and reporting requirements, 12 CFR 655 Funding and fiscal affairs, 12 CFR 652 General provisions, 12 CFR 650 Governance, 12 CFR 651 Risk management, 12 CFR 653 Financing eligibility and scope, 12 CFR 613 Funding and fiscal affairs, 12 CFR 615 General provisions, 12 CFR 618 Leasing, 12 CFR 616 Loan policies and operations, 12 CFR 614 Margin and capital requirements for covered swap entities, 12 CFR 624 Nondiscrimination in lending, 12 CFR 626 Organization, 12 CFR 611 Standards of conduct and referral of known or suspected criminal violations, 12 CFR 612 Systemwide and consolidated bank debt obligations, disclosure to investors, 12 CFR 630 Title IV conservators, receivers, bridge system banks, and voluntary liquidations, 12 CFR 627 Farm Service Agency Appeal regulations, 7 CFR 780 Direct loan making, 7 CFR 764 Direct loan servicing-- Regular, 7 CFR 765 Special, 7 CFR 766 Equitable relief, 7 CFR 768 Ewe lamb replacement and retention payment program, 7 CFR 784 Farm loan programs; general program administration, 7 CFR 763 Guaranteed farm loans, 7 CFR 762 Inventory property management, 7 CFR 767 Servicing minor program loans, 7 CFR 772 State and county committees, selection and function, 7 CFR 7 Farmlands Farmland Protection Policy Act, 7 CFR 658 Foreign investment disclosure, 7 CFR 781 Prime and unique farmlands inventory, 7 CFR 657 Prime farmlands, surface coal mining and reclamation operations, performance standards, 30 CFR 823 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 [[Page 75]] Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Federal Seed Act Administrative procedures, 7 CFR 202 Requirements, 7 CFR 201 Four-H Club name and emblem, 7 CFR 8 General Services Administration; Civilian Board of Contract Appeals Acquisition regulations-- Board procedure rules, 48 CFR 6101 Crop insurance cases, procedure rules, 48 CFR 6102 Healthy Forests Reserve Program, 7 CFR 625 Labor standards Agricultural commodities, area of production under Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 CFR 536 Agricultural commodities processing, and related industries, minimum wage and overtime pay requirements exemptions, 29 CFR 780 Child labor-- Agricultural employment of 10 and 11 year old minors in hand harvesting of short season crops, waiver, 29 CFR 575 Regulations, orders, and statements of interpretation, 29 CFR 570 Occupational safety and health standards, 29 CFR 1928 Student employment, full-time at subminimum wages, 29 CFR 519 Student-learners, apprentices, learners, messengers, handicapped persons, student-workers, and full-time students in agriculture, retail, or service establishments, annulment or withdrawal of certificates for employment at special minimum wage rates, 29 CFR 528 Migrant and seasonal agricultural worker protection, 29 CFR 500 National Agricultural Library fees for loans and copying, 7 CFR 505 National Organic Program, 7 CFR 205 Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978 Essential agricultural uses, 7 CFR 2900 Natural gas curtailment priorities for essential agricultural uses, 10 CFR 580 Administrative procedures for adjustments, 7 CFR 2901 Natural Resources Conservation Service Appeal procedures, 7 CFR 614 Equitable relief from ineligibility, 7 CFR 635 Pandemic Assistance Program, 7 CFR 9 Public lands classification system, 43 CFR 2400 Rural development loans and grants Account servicing and collections policies, 7 CFR 1951 Construction and repair provisions, 7 CFR 1924 [[Page 76]] Credit reports, receiving and processing applications, 7 CFR 1910 General program regulations, 7 CFR 1980 Insurance requirements, 7 CFR 1806 Interest rates, terms, conditions, and approval authority, 7 CFR 1810 Loan and grant program funds, 7 CFR 1940 Personal property, servicing and liquidation of chattel security, 7 CFR 1962 Program-related instructions, 7 CFR 1901 Property management, program regulations, 7 CFR 1955 Rural Alaskan village grants, 7 CFR 1784 Rural decentralized water systems, 7 CFR 1776 Taxes, real estate tax servicing, 7 CFR 1925 Title clearance and loan closing, 7 CFR 1927 S.A.F.E. Mortgage Licensing Act Residential mortgage loan originators, Federal registration (Regulation G), 12 CFR 1007 State compliance and bureau registration system (Regulation H), 12 CFR 1008 Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program, 7 CFR 249 Specialty Crop Block Grant Program, 7 CFR 1290 Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer Program, 7 CFR 292 Taxes Agricultural payments for conservation and environmental protection, determining primary purpose of payments for Federal tax purposes, 7 CFR 14 Excise taxes, manufacturers and retailers, 26 CFR 48 Temporary agricultural workers admitted under section 218 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, enforcement of contractual obligations, 29 CFR 501, 29 CFR 502 Tobacco transition program, 7 CFR 1463 Trade mitigation program, 7 CFR 1409 USDA Farmers Market, 7 CFR 170 Voluntary public access and habitat incentive program, 7 CFR 1455 Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Service System, services of, 20 CFR 653 Agriculture Department See al Advocacy and Outreach Office; Agricultural Marketing Service; Agricultural Research Service; Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service; Commodity Credit Corporation; Economic Research Service; Energy Policy and New Uses Office; Farm Service Agency; Federal Crop Insurance Corporation; Food and Nutrition Service; Food Safety and Inspection Service; Foreign Agricultural Service; Forest Service; National Agricultural Statistics Service; National Institute of Food and Agriculture; Natural Resources Conservation Service; Rural Business-Cooperative Service; Rural Housing Service; Rural Telephone Bank; Rural Utilities Service; Transportation Office; World Agricultural Outlook Board Acquisition regulations Administrative matters, 48 CFR 404 Agriculture Acquisition Regulation System, 48 CFR 401 Application of labor laws to Government acquisitions, 48 CFR 422 Bonds and insurance, 48 CFR 428 Commercial items, 48 CFR 412 Commodities, 48 CFR 470 Competition requirements, 48 CFR 406 Construction and architect-engineer contracts, 48 CFR 436 Contract administration, 48 CFR 442 Contract cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 431 Contract financing, 48 CFR 432 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 415 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 409 Cost accounting standards administration, 48 CFR 430 Definitions of words and terms, 48 CFR 402 Describing agency needs, 48 CFR 411 Environment, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace, 48 CFR 423 [[Page 77]] Extraordinary contractual actions, 48 CFR 450 Foreign acquisition, 48 CFR 425 Forms, 48 CFR 453 Government property, 48 CFR 445 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 403 Major system acquisition, 48 CFR 434 Other socioeconomic programs, 48 CFR 426 Patents, data, and copyrights, 48 CFR 427 Planning, 48 CFR 407 Protection of privacy and freedom of information, 48 CFR 424 Protests, disputes, and appeals, 48 CFR 433 Publicizing contract actions, 48 CFR 405 Quality assurance, 48 CFR 446 Required sources of supplies and services, 48 CFR 408 Research and development contracting, 48 CFR 435 Sealed bidding, 48 CFR 414 Service contracting, 48 CFR 437 Simplified acquisition procedures, 48 CFR 413 Small business programs, 48 CFR 419 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 452 Special contracting methods, 48 CFR 417 Termination of contracts, 48 CFR 449 Transportation, 48 CFR 447 Types of contracts, 48 CFR 416 Utility services, 48 CFR 441 Administrative regulations, 7 CFR 1 Agricultural payments for conservation and environmental protection, determining primary purpose of payments for Federal tax purposes, 7 CFR 14 American antiquities, preservation, 43 CFR 3 Authority delegations by Secretary of Agriculture and general officers of Department, 7 CFR 2 Civil Rights Act Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs, effectuation of Title VI, 7 CFR 15 Adjudication process for complaints filed under section 741, 7 CFR 15f Nondiscrimination in education programs or activities receiving or benefitting from Federal financial assistance, 7 CFR 15a Nondiscrimination in federally conducted programs or activities, 7 CFR 15d Age, nondiscrimination on basis, 7 CFR 15c Disability, nondiscrimination on basis of, 7 CFR 15b, 7 CFR 15e Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 417 Debt management, 7 CFR 3 Drug-Free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 2 CFR 421 Employees, supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 8301 Environmental Quality Incentives Program, 7 CFR 1466 Environmental Quality Office, cultural and environmental quality, 7 CFR 3100 Equal opportunity for religious organizations, 7 CFR 16 Excess research equipment donation, Department guidelines under 15 U.S.C. 3710(i), 7 CFR 2812 Export sales reporting requirements, 7 CFR 20 Farm Service Agency state and county committees, selection and function, 7 CFR 7 Finance and Management Office, information availability to public, 7 CFR 3011 Four-H Club name and emblem, 7 CFR 8 Grants and cooperative agreements Administrative regulations, general program, 2 CFR 415 New restrictions on lobbying, 2 CFR 418 Research institutions conducting USDA-funded extramural research; research misconducts, 2 CFR 422 State and local governments, general program administrative regulations for grants and cooperative agreements to, 2 CFR 416 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 400 Young Adult Conservation Corps program, Grants to States for establishing, 43 CFR 32 Youth Conservation Corps programs, grants to States for establishing, 43 CFR 26 [[Page 78]] Highly erodible land and wetland conservation, 7 CFR 12 Human research subjects, protection of, 7 CFR 1c Import quotas and fees, 7 CFR 6 Information Resources Management Office Information availability to public, 7 CFR 2710 Organization and functions, 7 CFR 2700 Inspector General Office Information availability to public, 7 CFR 2620 Organization, functions, and delegations of authority, 7 CFR 2610 Law enforcement authorities, 7 CFR 1a National Agricultural Statistics Service Organization and functions, 7 CFR 3600 Public information, 7 CFR 3601 National Appeals Division, 7 CFR 11 National Environmental Policy Act, 7 CFR 1b Operations Office Information availability to public, 7 CFR 2811 Organization and functions, 7 CFR 2810 Pandemic Assistance Program, 7 CFR 9 Parity prices determination, 7 CFR 5 Rural Development Act Rural development coordination, 7 CFR 22 State and regional annual plans of work, 7 CFR 23 Rural empowerment zones and enterprise communities, 7 CFR 25 Sales of agricultural commodities made available under Title I of Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954, financing, 7 CFR 17 State Cooperative Extension Services, equal employment opportunity, 7 CFR 18 Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally assisted programs, cross reference to 49 CFR 24 (governmentwide rule), 7 CFR 21 Aid to Families with Dependent Children See al Child welfare; Infants and children; Public assistance programs; Social security Certification of recipients for employment incentive tax credit, notification to child support agency, 45 CFR 235 Medicaid Guam, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands; eligibility in, 42 CFR 436 States, District of Columbia, Northern Mariana Islands, and American Samoa; eligibility for financial and medical assistance, 42 CFR 435 AIDS/HIV See HIV/AIDS Air carriers See al Air rates and fares; Air taxis; Air transportation; Charter flights; Common carriers Accounts and property, inspection, 14 CFR 240 Air carrier authority under Subtitle VII of Title 49 of U.S. Code-- (amended), 14 CFR 201 Air carrier guarantee loan program administrative regulations, 14 CFR 1310 Air charter brokers, 14 CFR 295 Air travel, nondiscrimination on basis of disability, 14 CFR 382 Aircraft accident liability insurance, 14 CFR 205 Airline deregulation, employee protection program, 14 CFR 314 Airline passengers, enhanced protections, 14 CFR 259 Airline service quality performance reports, 14 CFR 234 Airline tickets, oversales, 14 CFR 250 Airports certification, 14 CFR 139 Audit reports submission, 14 CFR 248 Aviation disaster relief, air carrier guarantee loan program, 14 CFR 1300 Cargo air carriers, certificates of public convenience and necessity, special authorizations and exemptions, 14 CFR 206 Cargo operations in interstate air transportation, 14 CFR 291 Certification and operations Air carriers and commercial operators-- Certification, 14 CFR 119 General requirements, 14 CFR 110 Domestic, flag, and supplemental operations, operating requirements, 14 CFR 121 [[Page 79]] Change-of-gauge services, disclosure, 14 CFR 258 Code-sharing arrangements and long-term wet leases, disclosure, 14 CFR 257 Consumer Credit Protection Act implementation with respect to air carriers and foreign air carriers, 14 CFR 374 Continuance of expired authorizations by operation of law pending final determination of applications for renewal thereof, 14 CFR 377 Contract of carriage, notice of terms, 14 CFR 253 Customs and Border Protection, air commerce regulations, 19 CFR 122 Data to support fitness determinations, 14 CFR 204 Defense Department Commercial Air Transportation Quality and Safety Review Program, 32 CFR 861 Domestic baggage liability, 14 CFR 254 Drug and alcohol testing program, 14 CFR 120 Electronic Airline Information Systems, 14 CFR 256 Energy Policy and Conservation Act implementation, 14 CFR 313 Essential air transportation, guidelines for subsidizing air carriers providing, 14 CFR 271 Fair Labor Standards Act, miscellaneous exemptions and exclusions from coverage, 29 CFR 786 Foreign air carrier or other foreign person lease of aircraft with crew, 14 CFR 218 Foreign air carriers Commingling of blind sector traffic, 14 CFR 216 Intermodal cargo services, 14 CFR 222 Operations, 14 CFR 129 Permits-- Application, 14 CFR 211 Authorizing charter transportation only, terms, conditions, and limitations, 14 CFR 214 Terms, conditions, and limitations, 14 CFR 213 Traffic statistics, reporting, 14 CFR 217 Foreign air freight forwarders and foreign cooperative shippers associations, 14 CFR 297 General aircraft operating and flight rules, 14 CFR 91 Hazardous materials Carriage by aircraft, 49 CFR 175 Shippers, shipments and packaging general requirements, 49 CFR 173 Immigration Alien crewmembers-- Landing of, 8 CFR 252 Parole of, 8 CFR 253 Arrival and departure manifests, 8 CFR 231 Arrival and departure manifests and lists, supporting documents, 8 CFR 251 Carrier responsibilities at foreign ports of embarkation, reducing, refunding, or waiving fines under section 273 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, 8 CFR 273 Preinspection of aliens outside the U.S., contracts, 8 CFR 233 Ports of entry, designation for aliens arriving by civil aircraft, 8 CFR 234 User fee, 8 CFR 286 Visa waiver program, 8 CFR 217 Incidents involving animals during air transport, reports, 14 CFR 235 Indirect air transportation of property, 14 CFR 296 International air transportation fair competitive practices, 49 CFR 91 International cargo transportation, 14 CFR 292 International passenger transportation, 14 CFR 293 Labor contracts, 29 CFR 1204 Labor disputes, special adjustment boards, 29 CFR 1207 Labor negotiations, employee notices, 29 CFR 1205 Labor organizations, representation disputes, 29 CFR 1206 Mail contractors, fines, deductions, and damages, 39 CFR 927 Mileage records, direct airport-to-airport, 14 CFR 247 Musical instruments, carriage, 14 CFR 251 Names, use and change of names of air carriers, foreign air carriers and commuter air carriers, 14 CFR 215 National Mediation Board Administrative definitions, 29 CFR 1201 [[Page 80]] Mediation services, applications, 29 CFR 1203 Rules of procedure, 29 CFR 1202 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in air travel, 14 CFR 382 Passenger facility charges, 14 CFR 158 Passenger manifest information, 14 CFR 243 Pilot records database, 14 CFR 111 Political candidates, extension of credit by air carriers, 14 CFR 374a Preservation of air carrier records, 14 CFR 249 Review of air carrier agreements, 14 CFR 303 Rules of practice Aviation proceedings, 14 CFR 302 Informal nonpublic investigations, 14 CFR 305 Safety management systems, 14 CFR 5 Sanitation in interstate conveyance, 21 CFR 1250 Shipping restrictions American flag ships and aircraft, 44 CFR 402 Arms, ammunition, and implements of war, 44 CFR 401 Smoking aboard aircraft, 14 CFR 252 Terminations, suspensions, and reductions of service, 14 CFR 323 Transportation Department General policy statements, 14 CFR 399 Sensitive security information protection, 49 CFR 15 Transportation Security Administration Administrative and procedural rules-- Applicability, terms, and abbreviations, 49 CFR 1500 Aviation security infrastructure fee, 49 CFR 1511 Passenger civil aviation security service fees, 49 CFR 1510 Civil aviation security-- Aircraft operator security, air carriers and commercial operators, 49 CFR 1544 Foreign air carrier security, 49 CFR 1546 General rules, 49 CFR 1540 Sensitive security information protection, 49 CFR 1520 Validation firms and validators, 49 CFR 1522 Uniform system of accounts and reports for certified air carriers, 14 CFR 241 Warsaw Convention liability limits and defenses, waiver, 14 CFR 203 Air fares See Air rates and fares; Air taxis Air Force Department Administrative claims, 32 CFR 842 Air Force installations Civil aircraft use of Air Force airfields, 32 CFR 855 Installation entry policy, civil disturbance intervention, and disaster assistance, 32 CFR 809a Counsel fees and other expenses in foreign tribunals, 32 CFR 845 Defense Department Commercial Air Transportation Quality and Safety Review Program, 32 CFR 861 Environmental impact analysis process, 32 CFR 989 Personnel review boards for correction of military records, 32 CFR 865 Visual information materials; release, dissemination, and sale, 32 CFR 811 Wake Island code, 32 CFR 935 Air pollution control See al Environmental protection; Motor vehicle pollution Acid Rain Allowance system, 40 CFR 73 Appeal procedures, 40 CFR 78 Continuous emission monitoring, 40 CFR 75 Excess emissions, 40 CFR 77 Nitrogen oxides emission reduction program, 40 CFR 76 Permits regulation, 40 CFR 72 Sulfur dioxide opt-ins, 40 CFR 74 Acquisition regulations Agriculture Department, environment, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace, 48 CFR 423 General Services Administration, environment, conservation, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace, 48 CFR 23 Labor Department, environment, conservation, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace, 48 CFR 2923 [[Page 81]] Air quality implementation plans Approval and promulgation, 40 CFR 52 Air quality planning purposes, designation of areas, 40 CFR 81 Conformity of Federal actions to State or Federal implementation plans, determining, 40 CFR 93 Mandatory patent licenses, 40 CFR 95 Preparation, adoption, and submittal requirements, 40 CFR 51 Aircraft, turbine engine powered airplanes, fuel venting and exhaust emission requirements, 14 CFR 34 Aircraft and aircraft engines, 40 CFR 87 Aircraft engines, 40 CFR 1031 Ambient air monitoring reference and equivalent methods, 40 CFR 53 Ambient air quality standards, National primary and secondary, 40 CFR 50 Ambient air quality surveillance, 40 CFR 58 Chemical accident prevention provisions, 40 CFR 68 Citizen suits, prior notice, 40 CFR 54 Civil penalties administrative assessment and permits revocation/ termination or suspension, consolidated practice rules, 40 CFR 22 Clean Air Act requirements, special exemptions, 40 CFR 69 Compliance assurance monitoring, 40 CFR 64 Consolidated Federal air rule, 40 CFR 65 Construction, safety and health regulations, 29 CFR 1926 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 1532 Electric power plants, definition of nonrecourse project-financed, 10 CFR 715 Emissions control Engines installed on airplanes, 40 CFR 1030 Marine compression-ignition engines, 40 CFR 94 Marine engines and vessels subject to the MARPOL Protocol, 40 CFR 1043 Marine spark-ignition engines, 40 CFR 91 New and in-use heavy-duty highway engines, 40 CFR 1036 New and in-use marine compression-ignition engines and vessels, 40 CFR 1042 New and in-use nonroad and stationary equipment, evaporative emissions control, 40 CFR 1060 New and in-use nonroad compression-ignition engines, 40 CFR 1039 New heavy-duty motor vehicles, 40 CFR 1037 New large nonroad spark-ignition engines, 40 CFR 1048 New small nonroad spark-ignition engines and equipment, 40 CFR 1054 Recreational engines and vehicles, 40 CFR 1051 Spark-ignition propulsion, emissions control, 40 CFR 1045 Engine-testing procedures, 40 CFR 1065 Environment, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace, 48 CFR 823, 48 CFR 1323 Facilities, certification for tax purposes, 40 CFR 20 Federal operating permit programs, 40 CFR 71 Fuels and fuel additives, regulation, 40 CFR 80 Fuels, fuel additives, and regulated blendstocks; regulation, 40 CFR 1090 Greenhouse gases, mandatory reporting, 40 CFR 98 Hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facilities Interim status standards for owners and operators, 40 CFR 265 Standards for owners and operators, 40 CFR 264 Highway, stationary, and nonroad programs; general compliance provisions, 40 CFR 1068 Hydrofluorocarbons, phasedown, 40 CFR 84 Indian country, air quality planning and management, 40 CFR 49 Judicial review under EPA-administered statutes, 40 CFR 23 Locomotives and locomotive engines, 40 CFR 92 National emission standards Hazardous air pollutants, 40 CFR 61 Hazardous air pollutants for source categories, 40 CFR 63 Volatile organic compounds for consumer and commercial products, 40 CFR 59 [[Page 82]] Natural resource damage assessments, 43 CFR 11 New stationary sources, performance standards, 40 CFR 60 Nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxides Budget trading program for State implementation plans, 40 CFR 96 Federal NOx Budget Trading Program, CAIR NOx and SO2 Trading Programs, CSAPR NOx and SO2 Trading Programs, and Texas SO2 Trading Program, 40 CFR 97 Noncompliance penalty program Assessment and collection by EPA, 40 CFR 66 EPA approval of State programs, 40 CFR 67 Nonroad engines and nonroad vehicles, preemption of State standards and procedures for waiver of Federal preemption, 40 CFR 1074 Nonroad spark-ignition engines at or below 19 kilowatts, emissions control, 40 CFR 90 Outer Continental Shelf Air regulations, 40 CFR 55 Oil and gas and sulphur operations, 30 CFR 550 Permits, decisionmaking procedures, 40 CFR 124 Primary nonferrous smelter orders, 40 CFR 57 Radon proficiency programs, 40 CFR 195 Regional consistency, 40 CFR 56 Solid waste used as fuels or ingredients in combustion units, 40 CFR 241 State and local assistance grants, 40 CFR 35 State operating permit programs, 40 CFR 70 State plans for designated facilities and pollutants, approval and promulgation, 40 CFR 62 Stratospheric ozone protection, 40 CFR 82 Superfund, emergency planning and community right-to-know programs Administrative hearing procedures for claims against Superfund, 40 CFR 305 Arbitration procedures for small Superfund cost recovery claims, 40 CFR 304 Citizen awards for information on criminal violations under Superfund, 40 CFR 303 Citizen suits, prior notice, 40 CFR 374 Claims procedures, 40 CFR 307 Designation of hazardous substances, reportable quantities, and notification, 40 CFR 302 Emergency planning and notification, 40 CFR 355 Hazardous chemical reporting, community right-to-know, 40 CFR 370 Hazardous substances-- Activity, reporting when selling or transferring Federal real property, 40 CFR 373 Designation, reportable quantities, and notification, 40 CFR 302 Hazardous substance releases, reimbursement to local governments for emergency response, 40 CFR 310 National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan, 40 CFR 300 Toxic chemical release reporting, community right-to-know, 40 CFR 372 Trade secrecy claims for emergency planning and community right-to- know information, trade secret disclosures to health professionals, 40 CFR 350 Worker protection for State and local government employees engaged in hazardous waste operations, 40 CFR 311 Vehicle and engine compliance programs, fees, 40 CFR 1027 Vehicle-testing procedures, 40 CFR 1066 Air rates and fares See al Air carriers; Air transportation Code-sharing arrangements and long-term wet leases, disclosure, 14 CFR 257 Electronic Airline Information Systems, 14 CFR 256 Free and reduced rate air transportation, 14 CFR 223 General policy statements, 14 CFR 399 International passenger transportation, 14 CFR 293 Tariffs, 14 CFR 221 Air safety See Aviation safety [[Page 83]] Air tariffs See Air carriers; Air rates and fares; Air transportation Air taxis See al Air carriers; Air transportation Canadian charter air taxi operators, 14 CFR 294 Commuter and on-demand operations and rules governing persons on board such aircraft, operating requirements, 14 CFR 135 Exemptions for air taxi and commuter air carrier operations, 14 CFR 298 General aircraft operating and flight rules, 14 CFR 91 General policy statements, 14 CFR 399 Pilot records database, 14 CFR 111 Air traffic control See al Air transportation Air traffic control services and navigational facilities, establishment and discontinuance criteria, 14 CFR 170 Aircraft, standard instrument procedures, 14 CFR 97 Emergency Security Control of Air Traffic plan (ESCAT), 32 CFR 245 General aircraft operating and flight rules, 14 CFR 91 Instrument flight rules (IFR) altitudes, 14 CFR 95 Non-Federal navigation facilities, 14 CFR 171 Security control of air traffic, 14 CFR 99 Special air traffic rules, 14 CFR 93 Unmanned aircraft, remote identification, 14 CFR 89 Air traffic controllers Certification of airmen other than flight crewmembers, 14 CFR 65 Drug and alcohol testing program, 14 CFR 120 Federal Employees Retirement System Basic annuity, 5 CFR 842 Death benefits and employee refunds, 5 CFR 843 Debt collection, 5 CFR 845 Disability retirement, 5 CFR 844 Elections of coverage, 5 CFR 846 General administration, 5 CFR 841 Phased retirement, 5 CFR 848 Retirement processing, electronic, 5 CFR 850 Air transportation See al Air carriers; Air rates and fares; Air taxis; Air traffic control; Aircraft; Airmen; Airports; Airspace; Aviation safety; Charter flights; Military air transportation; Navigation (air); Transportation Aircraft accidents or incidents and overdue aircraft notification and reporting and preservation of aircraft wreckage, mail, cargo, and records, 49 CFR 830 Aircraft, carriage by, 49 CFR 175 Airworthiness directives, 14 CFR 39 Aviation proceedings; economic regulations, definitions and instructions, 14 CFR 200 Aviation radio services, 47 CFR 87 Essential air transportation Essential air service procedures, 14 CFR 325 Guidelines for individual determinations of basic essential air service, 14 CFR 398 Federal Aviation Administration Commercial air tours and National Parks air tour management, 14 CFR 136 Communications system use, 14 CFR 189 Definitions and abbreviations, 14 CFR 1 Fees, 14 CFR 187 Investigative and enforcement procedures, 14 CFR 13 Voluntarily submitted information, protection, 14 CFR 193 Plutonium, 10 CFR 871 Transportation Security Administration Administrative and procedural rules, applicability, terms, and abbreviations, 49 CFR 1500 Civil aviation security, certified cargo screening program, 49 CFR 1549 Indirect air carrier security, 49 CFR 1548 Protection of sensitive security information, 49 CFR 1560 Sensitive security information protection, 49 CFR 1520 Warsaw Convention liability limits and defenses, waiver, 14 CFR 203 Air Transportation Stabilization Board Air carrier guarantee loan program administrative regulations, 14 CFR 1310 Aircraft See also [[Page 84]] Air transportation Agricultural aircraft operations, 14 CFR 137 Air Force installations, civil aircraft use of Air Force airfields, 32 CFR 855 Air pollution control, 40 CFR 87 Aircraft engines, 40 CFR 1031 Airborne hunting, 50 CFR 19 Aircraft accidents or incidents and overdue aircraft notification and reporting and preservation of aircraft wreckage, mail, cargo, and records, 49 CFR 830 Airport noise and access restrictions, notice and approval, 14 CFR 161 Airworthiness directives, 14 CFR 39 Airworthiness standards Aircraft engines, 14 CFR 33 Manned free balloons, 14 CFR 31 Normal category airplanes, 14 CFR 23 Normal category rotorcraft, 14 CFR 27 Propellers, 14 CFR 35 Transport category airplanes, 14 CFR 25 Transport category rotorcraft, 14 CFR 29 Alcohol, exportation, 27 CFR 28 Aviation insurance, 14 CFR 198 Aviation maintenance technician schools, 14 CFR 147 Certification Airmen other than flight crewmembers, 14 CFR 65 Flight crewmembers other than pilots, 14 CFR 63 Greenhouse gas emissions from engines, control of, 40 CFR 1030 Medical certificates, requirements for operating certain small aircraft without, 14 CFR 68 Pilots, flight instructors, and ground instructors, 14 CFR 61 Certification and operations Air carriers and commercial operators-- Certification, 14 CFR 119 General requirements, 14 CFR 110 Pilot records database, 14 CFR 111 Aircraft having seating capacity of 20 or more passengers or maximum payload capacity of 6,000 pounds or more; and rules governing such persons on board, 14 CFR 125 Domestic, flag, and supplemental operations, operating requirements, 14 CFR 121 Class A, B, C, D, and E airspace areas designations; air traffic service routes; and reporting points, 14 CFR 71 Coast Guard vessels and aircraft, distinctive markings, 33 CFR 23 Airmen Commercial space transportation, launch and reentry license requirements, 14 CFR 450 Commuter and on-demand operations and rules governing persons on board such aircraft, operating requirements, 14 CFR 135 Customs and Border Protection Air commerce regulations, 19 CFR 122 Export control, used self-propelled vehicles, vessels, and aircraft, 19 CFR 192 Diplomatic missions and personnel, compulsory liability insurance, 22 CFR 151 Energy Department, restrictions on aircraft landing and air delivery at DOE nuclear sites, 10 CFR 862 Federal Aviation Administration, representatives of Administrator, 14 CFR 183 Federal Management Regulation, government aircraft management, 41 CFR 102-33 Foreign air carrier or other foreign person, lease of aircraft with crew, 14 CFR 218 Foreign air carriers, operations, 14 CFR 129 Foreign Assets Control Office, North Korea sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 510 Foreign civil aircraft navigation within U.S., 14 CFR 375 Fraud, false or misleading statements about products, parts, appliances and materials, 14 CFR 3 General aircraft operating and flight rules, 14 CFR 91 Government property management, Federal Property Management Regulations, Government aviation Administration and coordination, 41 CFR 101-37 Human space flight requirements, 14 CFR 460 Identification and registration marking of aircraft and related products, 14 CFR 45 Maintenance, preventive maintenance, rebuilding, and alteration of aircraft and parts, 14 CFR 43 [[Page 85]] Moored balloons, kites, amateur rockets, and unmanned free balloons, 14 CFR 101 Naval Defensive Sea Areas, Naval Airspace Reservations, areas under Navy administration, and Trust Territory of Pacific Islands, regulations governing entry, 32 CFR 761 Navy Department aviation facilities use by civil aircraft, 32 CFR 766 Noise standards, aircraft type and airworthiness certification, 14 CFR 36 Parachute operations, 14 CFR 105 Passenger manifest information, 14 CFR 243 Ports of entry, designation for aliens arriving by civil aircraft, 8 CFR 234 Products and parts, certification procedures, 14 CFR 21 Recording of aircraft titles and security documents, 14 CFR 49 Registration, 14 CFR 47 Repair stations, 14 CFR 145 Rockets Experimental permits, 14 CFR 437 Launch safety, 14 CFR 417 Rotorcraft external-load operations, 14 CFR 133 Safety management systems, 14 CFR 5 Seized personal property disposition; Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Bureau, 27 CFR 72 Seizure and forfeiture of conveyances, 8 CFR 274 Seizure and forfeiture of vessels, vehicles and aircraft used to transport counterfeit coins, obligations, securities, and paraphernalia, 31 CFR 401 Sensitive security information protection, 49 CFR 15 Ship and aircraft wrecks under Navy Department jurisdiction, archeological research permits, application guidelines, 32 CFR 767 Small unmanned aircraft Registration and marking requirements, 14 CFR 48 Systems, 14 CFR 107 Smoking aboard aircraft, 14 CFR 252 Tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes, exportation without payment of tax or with drawback of tax, 27 CFR 44 Transport category airplanes; continued airworthiness and safety improvements, 14 CFR 26 Transportation Security Administration Administrative and procedural rules, applicability, terms, and abbreviations, 49 CFR 1500 Civil aviation security-- Aircraft operator security, air carriers and commercial operators, 49 CFR 1544 Aircraft repair station security, 49 CFR 1554 Aircraft security under general operating and flight rules, 49 CFR 1550 Flight schools, 49 CFR 1552 Foreign air carrier security, 49 CFR 1546 Sensitive security information protection, 49 CFR 1520 Turbine engine powered airplanes, fuel venting and exhaust emission requirements, 14 CFR 34 Ultralight vehicles, 14 CFR 103 Unmanned aircraft, remote identification, 14 CFR 89 Water resource development projects administered by Chief of Army Engineers, seaplane operations, 36 CFR 328 Wendell H. Ford Aviation Investment and Reform Act for the 21st Century, section 740, as amended by National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2003, section 1051, 32 CFR 207 Wildfire Suppression Aircraft Transfer Act of 1996, implementation, 32 CFR 171 Aircraft pilots See Airmen Airlines See Air carriers Airmen See al Air transportation Air safety proceedings, practice rules, 49 CFR 821 Aircraft operator security, air carriers and commercial operators, 49 CFR 1544 Airline flight crew employees, special rules applicable under the Family Medical Leave Act of 1993, 29 CFR 825 Alien airmen [[Page 86]] Arrival and departure manifests and lists, supporting documents, 8 CFR 251 Landing of, 8 CFR 252 Parole of, 8 CFR 253 Aviation maintenance technician schools, 14 CFR 147 Certification Airmen other than flight crewmembers, 14 CFR 65 Flight crew members other than pilots, 14 CFR 63 Medical certificates, requirements for operating certain small aircraft without, 14 CFR 68 Pilot records database, 14 CFR 111 Pilots, flight instructors, and ground instructors, 14 CFR 61 Certification and operations Aircraft having seating capacity of 20 or more passengers or maximum payload capacity of 6,000 pounds or more; and rules governing such persons on board, 14 CFR 125 Domestic, flag, and supplemental operations, operating requirements, 14 CFR 121 Flight and duty limitations and rest requirements, 14 CFR 117 Commercial air tours and National Parks air tour management, 14 CFR 136 Commuter and on-demand operations and rules governing persons on board such aircraft, operating requirements, 14 CFR 135 Customs declarations and exemptions, 19 CFR 148 Drug and alcohol testing program, 14 CFR 120 Federal Aviation Administration, representatives of Administrator, 14 CFR 183 Flight simulation training device initial and continuing qualification and use, 14 CFR 60 Foreign air carrier or other foreign person, lease of aircraft with crew, 14 CFR 218 General aircraft operating and flight rules, 14 CFR 91 Medical standards and certification for airmen, 14 CFR 67 Pilot schools, 14 CFR 141 Safety management systems, 14 CFR 5 Small unmanned aircraft systems, 14 CFR 107 Training centers, 14 CFR 142 Unmanned aircraft, remote identification, 14 CFR 89 Airplanes See Aircraft Airports See al Air transportation Air traffic control services and navigational facilities, establishment and discontinuance criteria, 14 CFR 170 Aircraft, standard instrument procedures, 14 CFR 97 Airport aid program, 14 CFR 152 Airport noise and access restrictions, notice and approval, 14 CFR 161 Airports certification, 14 CFR 139 Aviation proceedings practice rules, airport fees, 14 CFR 302 Certification of airmen other than flight crewmembers, 14 CFR 65 Construction, alteration, activation, and deactivation of airports, notice, 14 CFR 157 Customs and Border Protection, air commerce regulations, 19 CFR 122 Disadvantaged business enterprise participation in airport concessions, 49 CFR 23 Disruptions to communications, 47 CFR 4 Expenditures of Federal funds for nonmilitary airports or air navigation facilities, 14 CFR 169 Federal aid, 14 CFR 151 Federally-assisted airport enforcement proceedings, practice rules, 14 CFR 16 General aircraft operating and flight rules, 14 CFR 91 Highway engineering, 23 CFR 620 Housing and Urban Development, environmental criteria and standards, 24 CFR 51 Mileage records, direct airport-to-airport, 14 CFR 247 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, administrative authority and policy, 14 CFR 1204 Navigable airspace; safe, efficient use, and preservation, 14 CFR 77 Noise compatibility planning, 14 CFR 150 [[Page 87]] Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs or activities, 49 CFR 27 Operations, 14 CFR 153 Operations in Washington, DC metropolitan area flight restricted zone, 49 CFR 1562 Passenger facility charges, 14 CFR 158 Ports of entry, designation for aliens arriving by civil aircraft, 8 CFR 234 Public lands Grants, 43 CFR 2640 Leases, 43 CFR 2910 Use, special laws and rules, 43 CFR 2090 Quarantine, foreign, 42 CFR 71 Sensitive security information protection, 49 CFR 15 Special air traffic rules, 14 CFR 93 State block grant pilot program, 14 CFR 156 Surplus property disposal restrictions, release of airport property from, 14 CFR 155 Tarmac delay data, reporting, 14 CFR 244 Transportation Security Administration Administrative and procedural rules, applicability, terms, and abbreviations, 49 CFR 1500 Civil aviation security-- Aircraft operator security, air carriers and commercial operators, 49 CFR 1544 Airport security, 49 CFR 1542 General rules, 49 CFR 1540 Sensitive security information protection, 49 CFR 1520 Airspace See al Air transportation Class A, B, C, D, and E airspace area designations; air traffic service routes; and reporting points; designation, 14 CFR 71 Instrument flight rules (IFR) altitudes, 14 CFR 95 Navigable airspace; Safe, efficient use, and preservation, 14 CFR 77 Safety element approvals, 14 CFR 414 Security control of air traffic, 14 CFR 99 Special air traffic rules, 14 CFR 93 Special use airspace, 14 CFR 73 Airways See Airspace Airworthiness directives and standards See Aircraft Alaska Air transportation Anchorage terminal area, special air traffic rules, 14 CFR 93 General aircraft operating and flight rules, 14 CFR 91 Instrument flight rules (IFR) altitudes, 14 CFR 95 Alaska National wildlife refuges Geological and geophysical exploration of coastal plain, 50 CFR 37 Use and management, 50 CFR 36 Alaska Natives Alaska Native Corporations, income taxes, 26 CFR 1 (1.1502-81T) Indian fishing in Alaska, 25 CFR 241 Lands withdrawn for native selection, deposit of proceeds from, 25 CFR 124 Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System, requirements for equal opportunity during construction and operation, 43 CFR 34 Alaska pipeline Trans-Alaska Liability Fund, 43 CFR 29 Trans-Alaska Pipeline Authorization Act, nondiscrimination in activities conducted under, 43 CFR 27 Coast Guard, pollution prevention regulations Marine facilities transferring oil or hazardous material in bulk, 33 CFR 154 Marine sanitation devices, effluents discharge by cruise vessel operations, 33 CFR 159 Vessels, 33 CFR 155 Community development block grants for Indian tribes and Alaska Native villages, 24 CFR 1003 Exclusive Economic Zone off Alaska, fisheries Implementation, 50 CFR 679 Shellfish, 50 CFR 680 Health insurance; issuer standards under the Affordable Care Act, including requirements related to exchanges, 45 CFR 156 Marine mammal management authority transfer to States, 50 CFR 403 Marine mammals Fish and Wildlife Service-- [[Page 88]] Taking and importing restrictions, 50 CFR 18 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration-- Taking and importing, 50 CFR 216, 50 CFR 218, 50 CFR 219 Taking incidental to specified activities, 50 CFR 217 National forest land uses, 36 CFR 251 National park areas, minerals management, 36 CFR 9 National Park System units in Alaska, 36 CFR 13 Public lands Alaska Native selections, 43 CFR 2650 Alaska Natives, land occupancy and use, 43 CFR 2560 Fish and Wildlife Service, subsistence management regulations, 50 CFR 100 Forest Service, subsistence management regulations, 36 CFR 242 Grazing lands-- Livestock, 43 CFR 4200 Reindeer, 43 CFR 4300 Land leases, 43 CFR 2910 Land use, special laws and rules, 43 CFR 2090 National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska-- Management and protection, 43 CFR 2360 Oil and gas leasing, 43 CFR 3130 Onshore oil and gas geophysical exploration, 43 CFR 3150 State land grants, 43 CFR 2620 Radio services, maritime services stations, 47 CFR 80 Resupply operation, 25 CFR 142 Rural Alaskan village grants, 7 CFR 1784 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, requirements for participating State agencies, 7 CFR 272 Transportation and utility systems in and across, and access into, conservation system units in Alaska, 43 CFR 36 Uninspected vessels, commercial fishing industry vessels, requirements, 46 CFR 28 Alaska Natives See Alaska; Indians Alcohol abuse See al Alcoholism; Drug abuse; Drug testing; Health Army Department, motor vehicle traffic supervision, 32 CFR 634 Defense Department Family Advocacy Program (FAP), 32 CFR 61 Pentagon Reservation, conduct on, 32 CFR 234 Drug and alcohol abuse prevention, 34 CFR 86 Energy Department Human reliability program, 10 CFR 712 Workplace substance abuse programs at DOE sites, 10 CFR 707 Environmental Protection Agency, solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 1552 Federal Aviation Administration Airmen, certification-- Airmen other than flight crewmembers, 14 CFR 65 Flight crew members other than pilots, 14 CFR 63 Pilot records database, 14 CFR 111 Pilots, flight instructors, and ground instructors, 14 CFR 61 Commuter and on-demand operations and rules governing persons on board such aircraft, operating requirements, 14 CFR 135 Domestic, flag, and supplemental operations, operating requirements, 14 CFR 121 Drug and alcohol testing program, 14 CFR 120 Federal employees' health and counseling programs, 5 CFR 792 Federal Railroad Administration, alcohol and drug use control, 49 CFR 219 Federal Transit Administration, alcohol misuse and prohibited drug use prevention in transit operations, 49 CFR 655 Highway safety Motor vehicles operation-- Intoxicated minors, 23 CFR 1210 Intoxicated persons, 23 CFR 1225 Open container laws, 23 CFR 1270 Repeat intoxicated driver laws, 23 CFR 1275 National minimum drinking age, 23 CFR 1208 Marine safety [[Page 89]] Marine investigation regulations, personnel action, 46 CFR 5 Operating a vessel while intoxicated, 33 CFR 95 Motor carrier safety Commercial driver's license program, State compliance, 49 CFR 384 Commercial driver's license standards, requirements and penalties, 49 CFR 383 Commercial motor vehicles, driving of, 49 CFR 392 Controlled substances and alcohol use and testing, 49 CFR 382 Drivers and longer combination vehicle (LCV) driver instructors, qualifications, 49 CFR 391 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, fitness for duty programs, 10 CFR 26 Research subjects, identity protection, 42 CFR 2a State highway safety grant programs, uniform procedures, 23 CFR 1200, 23 CFR 1300 Substance abuse prevention and treatment block grants, 45 CFR 96 Substance use disorder, confidentiality of patient records, 42 CFR 2 Veterans Faith based organizations, equal treatment, 38 CFR 50 Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem Program, 38 CFR 61 Medical care, 38 CFR 17 National cemeteries of the Department of Veterans Affairs, 38 CFR 38 State homes-- Grants to States for construction or acquisition, 38 CFR 59 Payments to States for programs to promote the hiring and retention of nurses, 38 CFR 53 Transportation programs, 38 CFR 70 Alcohol and alcoholic beverages See al Beer; Beverages; Gasohol; Liquors; Wine Alcohol, tax free distribution and use, 27 CFR 22 Alcoholic beverages Basic permit requirements under Federal Alcohol Administration Act, distilled spirits and wine nonindustrial use, distilled spirits bulk sales and bottling, 27 CFR 1 Commercial bribery, 27 CFR 10 Consignment sales, 27 CFR 11 Dealers, 27 CFR 31 Exclusive outlets, 27 CFR 8 Health warning statement, 27 CFR 16 Labeling proceedings, 27 CFR 13 Tied house, 27 CFR 6 Commercial filming and similar projects and still photography on certain areas under department jurisdiction, 43 CFR 5 Customs and Border Protection Air commerce regulations, 19 CFR 122 Customs duties-- Drawback, 19 CFR 191 Modernized drawback, 19 CFR 190 Denatured alcohol and rum Distribution and use, 27 CFR 20 Formulas, 27 CFR 21 Distilled spirits Labeling and advertising, 27 CFR 5 Plants, 27 CFR 19 Distilled spirits, wine, and beer; importation, 27 CFR 27 Exportation, 27 CFR 28 Highway safety, motor vehicles operation Open container laws, 23 CFR 1270 Repeat intoxicated driver laws, 23 CFR 1275 Internal Revenue Service, statement of procedural rules, 26 CFR 601 Liquors and articles from Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands, 27 CFR 26 Malt beverages, labeling and advertising, 27 CFR 7 National park areas, commercial and private operations, 36 CFR 5 Over-the-counter drug products intended for oral ingestion that contain alcohol, 21 CFR 328 Permit proceedings, practice rules, 27 CFR 71 Refined sugar re-export program, sugar containing products re-export program, and polyhydric alcohol program, 7 CFR 1530 Seized personal property, disposition, 26 CFR 403, 27 CFR 72 Stills and miscellaneous regulations, 27 CFR 29 Volatile fruit flavor concentrate, production, 27 CFR 18 [[Page 90]] Wine, labeling and advertising, 27 CFR 4 Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau Alcohol, tax free distribution and use, 27 CFR 22 Alcoholic beverages Basic permit requirements under Federal Alcohol Administration Act, distilled spirits and wine nonindustrial use, distilled spirits bulk sales and bottling, 27 CFR 1 Commercial bribery, 27 CFR 10 Consignment sales, 27 CFR 11 Dealers, 27 CFR 31 Exclusive outlets, 27 CFR 8 Health warning statement, 27 CFR 16 Labeling proceedings, 27 CFR 13 Tied house, 27 CFR 6 Beer, production and sales, 27 CFR 25 Denatured alcohol and rum Distribution and use, 27 CFR 20 Formulas, 27 CFR 21 Distilled spirits Gauging manual, 27 CFR 30 Labeling and advertising, 27 CFR 5 Plants, 27 CFR 19 Distilled spirits, wine, and beer; importation, 27 CFR 27 Drawback on taxpaid distilled spirits used in manufacturing nonbeverage products, 27 CFR 17 Electronic signatures, electronic submission of forms, 27 CFR 73 Exportation, 27 CFR 28 Liquors and articles from Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands, 27 CFR 26 Malt beverages, labeling and advertising, 27 CFR 7 Manufacturers excise taxes, firearms and ammunition, 27 CFR 53 Permit proceedings, practice rules, 27 CFR 71 Practice of attorneys, certified public accountants, enrolled practitioners, and other persons representing clients, practice before Bureau, 31 CFR 8 Procedure and administration, 27 CFR 70 Seized personal property, disposition, 27 CFR 72 Stills and miscellaneous regulations, 27 CFR 29 Tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes Exportation without payment of tax or with drawback of tax, 27 CFR 44 Miscellaneous regulations, 27 CFR 46 Removal without payment of tax for use of U.S., 27 CFR 45 Tobacco products, cigarette papers and tubes, and processed tobacco Importation, 27 CFR 41 Manufacture, 27 CFR 40 Volatile fruit flavor concentrate, production, 27 CFR 18 Wine American viticultural areas, 27 CFR 9 Foreign nongeneric names of geographic significance used in designation of wines, 27 CFR 12 Labeling and advertising, 27 CFR 4 Treatment and classification, 27 CFR 24 Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives Bureau Arms, ammunition, and implements of war, imports, 27 CFR 447 Explosive license and permit proceedings, rules of practice, 27 CFR 771 Explosives, commerce, 27 CFR 555 Firearms and ammunition, commerce, 27 CFR 478 Machine guns, destructive devices, and certain other firearms, 27 CFR 479 Tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes, contraband cigarettes, 27 CFR 646 Alcoholism See al Alcohol abuse Federal employees' health and counseling programs, 5 CFR 792 Research subjects, identity protection, 42 CFR 2a Substance use disorder, confidentiality of patient records, 42 CFR 2 Supplemental Security Income for the aged, blind, and disabled, 20 CFR 416 Veterans Faith based organizations, equal treatment, 38 CFR 50 Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem Program, 38 CFR 61 Medical care, 38 CFR 17 National cemeteries of the Department of Veterans Affairs, 38 CFR 38 State homes-- [[Page 91]] Grants to States for construction or acquisition, 38 CFR 59 Payments to States for programs to promote the hiring and retention of nurses, 38 CFR 53 Transportation programs, 38 CFR 70 Aliens See al Citizenship and naturalization; Immigration; Refugees Aggravated felons, expedited removal of, 8 CFR 238, 8 CFR 1238 Agricultural workers Immigration and Nationality Act-- Temporary agricultural workers admitted under Section 218, enforcement of contractual obligations, 29 CFR 501, 29 CFR 502 Temporary nonimmigrant non-agricultural workers, enforcement of obligations, 29 CFR 503 Migrant and seasonal agricultural worker protection, 29 CFR 500 Special agricultural workers, 8 CFR 210 Alien crewmembers Arrival and departure manifests and lists, supporting documents, 8 CFR 251 Landing, 8 CFR 252 Longshore work by alien crewmen-- Attestations by employers using alien crewmembers in U.S. ports, 29 CFR 506 Performance limitations, 8 CFR 258 Parole, 8 CFR 253 Alien pilots, flight schools, 49 CFR 1552 Alien property Taxes under International Claims Settlement Act, 26 CFR 302 Taxes under Trading with the Enemy Act, 26 CFR 303 Alien terrorist removal procedures, 28 CFR 200 Aliens who have fallen into distress, removal, 8 CFR 250 Apprehension and detention of aliens ordered removed, 8 CFR 241, 8 CFR 1241 Apprehension and detention of inadmissible and deportable aliens; removal of aliens ordered removed, 8 CFR 236, 8 CFR 1236 Arrival and departure manifests, 8 CFR 231 Asylum and withholding of removal, procedures, 8 CFR 208, 8 CFR 1208 Bonding requirements for visitors or students requesting admission to U.S., 8 CFR 221 Carrier responsibilities at foreign ports of embarkation, reducing, refunding, or waiving funds under section 273 of Immigration and Naturalization Act, 8 CFR 273 Change of nonimmigrant classification, 8 CFR 248 Conditional basis of lawful permanent residence status, 8 CFR 216, 8 CFR 1216 Contracts with transportation lines for inspection of aliens, 8 CFR 233 Control of aliens departing from U.S. Immigration and Naturalization, 8 CFR 215 Immigration Review, Executive Office, 8 CFR 1215 State Department, 22 CFR 46 Creation of records of lawful admission for permanent residence, 8 CFR 249, 8 CFR 1249 Defense bases, exchanges, etc., workmen's compensation under Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act, 20 CFR 704 Detention of aliens for physical and mental examination, 8 CFR 232 Document fraud, penalties, 8 CFR 270, 8 CFR 1270 Documentary requirements; nonimmigrants, waivers, admission of certain inadmissible aliens, parole, 8 CFR 212, 8 CFR 1212 Education Department Student assistance, general provisions, 34 CFR 668 Title II reporting system, 32 CFR 612 Employment Attestations by facilities using nonimmigrant aliens as registered nurses, 29 CFR 504 Attestations filed by employers utilizing F-1 students for off-campus work, 29 CFR 508 Control, 8 CFR 274a, 8 CFR 1274a Foreign workers in U.S., temporary employment, 20 CFR 655 [[Page 92]] Labor certification process for permanent employment in U.S., 20 CFR 656 Labor condition applications and requirements for employers using nonimmigrants on H-1B specialty visas in specialty occupations and as fashion models, 29 CFR 507 Longshore work by alien crewmen-- Attestations by employers using alien crewmembers in U.S. ports, 29 CFR 506 Performance limitations, 8 CFR 258 Unlawful employment of aliens, unfair immigration-related employment practices, and document fraud, rules of practice and procedure for administrative hearings before administrative law judges, 28 CFR 68 Federal Employees' Compensation Act, compensation for disability and death of noncitizen Federal employees outside U.S., 20 CFR 25 Financial assistance programs, coverage and conditions of eligibility, 45 CFR 233 Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, general provisions, 31 CFR 1010 Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as amended, administration and enforcement, 28 CFR 5 Foreign official status, notification, 22 CFR 4 Foreign students from American Republics, instruction at U.S. Government institutions, 22 CFR 65 Immigration Review, Executive Office General provisions, 8 CFR 3 Organization and functions, 8 CFR 1003 Income taxes Nonresident aliens, 26 CFR 1 (1.871-1--1.879-1) Nonresident aliens and foreign corporations, miscellaneous provisions, 26 CFR 1 (1.891--1.897-9T) Withholding of tax on nonresident aliens and foreign corporations, 26 CFR 1 (1.1441-0--1.1445-11T) Withholding of tax on nonresident aliens and foreign corporations and tax-free covenant bonds, application of withholding provisions, 26 CFR 1 (1.1461-1--1.1464-1) Information and communications technology and services supply chain, securing, 15 CFR 7 Legal assistance to aliens, restrictions, 45 CFR 1626 Medical examination of aliens, 42 CFR 34 Nonimmigrant classes Change, 8 CFR 248 Immigration, 8 CFR 214 Review, 8 CFR 1214 Notice of address, 8 CFR 265 Persons admitted for permanent residence, status adjustment, 8 CFR 245 Persons applying for admission to U.S., inspection of , 8 CFR 235, 8 CFR 1235 Physicians, criteria for evaluating comprehensive plan to reduce reliance on alien physicians, 45 CFR 51 Ports of entry, designation for aliens arriving by civil aircraft, 8 CFR 234 Quarantine, foreign, 42 CFR 71 Radio service, amateur, 47 CFR 97 Reentry permits, refugee travel documents, and advance parole documents for U.S., 8 CFR 223 Registration and fingerprinting of aliens in U.S., 8 CFR 264 Removability of aliens in the U.S., determination proceedings, 8 CFR 1240 Removal proceedings, initiation, 8 CFR 239, 8 CFR 1239 Sexual abuse and assault prevention standards, 6 CFR 115 Status adjustment Person admitted for lawful temporary or permanent resident status under section 245A of Immigration and Nationality Act, 8 CFR 245a Person admitted for permanent residence, 8 CFR 245, 8 CFR 1245 Refugees and aliens granted asylum, 8 CFR 209, 8 CFR 1209 Rescission, 8 CFR 246, 8 CFR 1246 Resident aliens, 8 CFR 247 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, certification of eligible households, 7 CFR 273 Trafficking in persons, 28 CFR 1100 Unaccompanied alien children, care and placement, 45 CFR 410 Unauthorized entry, prevention by owners of railroad lines, international bridges, or toll roads, 8 CFR 271 [[Page 93]] Visas Immigration and Nationality Act-- Immigrant documentation, 22 CFR 42 Nonimmigrants, documentation, 22 CFR 41 Nonimmigrants and immigrants, regulations pertaining to both, 22 CFR 40 Waiver program, 8 CFR 217 Voluntary departure, suspension of deportation and special rule cancellation of removal, 8 CFR 240 Workforce Investment Act of 1998, implementation of nondiscrimination and equal opportunity provisions, 29 CFR 37 Alimony See al Child support Coast Guard personnel, allotments from active duty pay for certain support obligations, 33 CFR 54 Commerce Department, legal proceedings, 15 CFR 15 Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board, thrift savings plan Court orders and legal processes, 5 CFR 1653 Funds, methods of withdrawing, 5 CFR 1650 Internal Revenue Service, procedure and administration, 26 CFR 301 Personnel Management Office Commercial garnishment of Federal employees' pay, 5 CFR 582 Garnishment orders, processing, 5 CFR 581 Public Health Service, commissioned officers, involuntary child and spousal support allotments, 42 CFR 21 Railroad Retirement Board Garnishment of benefits paid under Railroad Retirement Act, Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act, and under any other act administered by Board, 20 CFR 350 Garnishment of remuneration of Board personnel, 20 CFR 363 Retirement benefits payments to former spouses Annuitants reemployment, 5 CFR 837 Civil service retirement benefits, apportionment, 5 CFR 831 Court orders affecting retirement benefits, 5 CFR 838 Federal Employees Retirement System, basic annuity, 5 CFR 842 Federal old-age, survivors, and disability insurance (1950-- ), 20 CFR 404 Foreign Service retirement and disability system-- Benefits for certain former spouses, 22 CFR 20 Benefits for spouses and former spouses, 22 CFR 19 Phased retirement, 5 CFR 848 Railroad retirement, payments pursuant to court decree or court- approved property settlement, 20 CFR 295 Retirement processing, electronic, 5 CFR 850 Almonds See Nuts Alternative fuel Alternative fuels and alternative fueled vehicles, labeling requirements, 16 CFR 309 Advanced biofuel and biorefineries payment programs, 7 CFR 4288 Biodiesel Fuel Education Program, 7 CFR 2903 Fuels and fuel additives, regulation, 40 CFR 80 Fuels, fuel additives, and regulated blendstocks; regulation, 40 CFR 1090 Solid wastes used as fuels or ingredients in combustion units, 40 CFR 241 Alternative fueled vehicle Alternative fuels and alternative fueled vehicles, labeling requirements, 16 CFR 309 Aluminum See al Metals; Mineral resources Air pollution control New stationary sources, performance standards, 40 CFR 60 State plans for designated facilities and pollutants, approval and promulgation, 40 CFR 62 Foreign Assets Control Office Iranian Financial sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 561 Iranian sector and human rights abuses sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 562 [[Page 94]] Import monitoring and analysis system, 31 CFR 361 Water pollution control, point source category, aluminum forming, 40 CFR 467 Amateur radio service See Radio American Battle Monuments Commission Employee responsibilities and conduct, 36 CFR 400 Freedom of Information Act, procedures and guidelines for compliance with, 36 CFR 404 Monuments and memorials, 36 CFR 401 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 36 CFR 406 Privacy Act, procedures and guidelines for compliance with, 36 CFR 407 American Indians See Indians American Samoa Civil defense, consolidated grants to insular areas, 44 CFR 304 Community development block grants, 24 CFR 570 Consolidation of grants to insular areas for social programs, 45 CFR 97 Customs relations with insular possessions and Guantanamo Bay Naval Station, 19 CFR 7 Education grants, State-administered programs, 34 CFR 76 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Industries in American Samoa, 29 CFR 697 Native American programs, 45 CFR 1336 Wage order procedure for American Samoa, 29 CFR 511 Watches, watch movements and jewelry, duty-free entry, 15 CFR 303 Watches and watch movements, allocation of duty-free watches from Virgin [[Page 95]] Islands, Guam, and American Samoa, 43 CFR 33 Western Pacific fisheries, 50 CFR 665 Americans with Disabilities Act See Individuals with disabilities Ammonia Air pollution control; implementation plans Approval and promulgation, 40 CFR 52 Preparation, adoption, and submittal requirements, 40 CFR 51 Ammunition See Arms and munitions AMTRAK See National Railroad Passenger Corporation (AMTRAK) Anchorage grounds See al Harbors; Vessels Anchorage areas, general requirements, 33 CFR 109 Anchorage regulations, 33 CFR 110 Shipping safety fairways, 33 CFR 166 Andean countries International agricultural trade, emergency relief from duty-free imports of perishable products, 7 CFR 1540 Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Animal breeds, recognition of breeds and books of record of purebred animals, 9 CFR 151 Animal products, voluntary inspection and certification service, 9 CFR 156 Animal welfare Animal Welfare Act, rules of practice governing administrative proceedings, 9 CFR 4 Definition of terms, 9 CFR 1 General regulations, 9 CFR 2 Humane care and transportation standards, 9 CFR 3 Animals destroyed because of Brucellosis, 9 CFR 51 Tuberculosis, 9 CFR 50 Bees, beekeeping byproducts, and beekeeping equipment, 7 CFR 322 Biological agents and toxins, possession, use, and transfer, 7 CFR 331, 9 CFR 121 Chronic wasting disease control Deer, elk and moose, 9 CFR 81 Indemnification and herd certification programs, 9 CFR 55 Exportation of live animals, hatching eggs or other embryonated eggs, animal semen, animal embryos, and gametes from the U.S., 9 CFR 91 Exports and imports Animals and birds, import and export related services; user fees, 9 CFR 130 Practice rules governing proceedings under certain acts, 9 CFR 99 Foot-and-mouth disease, pleuropneumonia, and certain other communicable diseases of livestock or poultry, 9 CFR 53 Freedom of information, 7 CFR 370 H5/H7 low pathogenic avian influenza, control, 9 CFR 56 Horse protection Administrative proceedings, rules of practice governing, 9 CFR 12 Regulations, 9 CFR 11 Imports Animal byproducts (except casings) offered for entry into U.S., sanitary controls, 9 CFR 95 Animal casings from foreign countries, restrictions, 9 CFR 96 Animal embryos and animal semen, 9 CFR 98 Animals and animal products; procedures for requesting recognition of regions and compartments, 9 CFR 92 Animals, birds, fish, and poultry, and certain animal, bird, and poultry products; requirements for means of conveyance and shipping containers, 9 CFR 93 Foot-and-mouth disease, Newcastle disease, highly pathogenic avian influenza, African swine fever, classical swine fever, swine vesicular disease, and bovine spongiform encephalopathy; prohibited and restricted importations, 9 CFR 94 Interstate transportation of animals, restrictions Animal disease traceability, 9 CFR 86 Bovine babesiosis, 9 CFR 72 Brucellosis in cattle, bison, and hogs, 9 CFR 78 Communicable diseases in horses, asses, ponies, mules, and zebras, 9 CFR 75 [[Page 96]] Equines, commercial transportation for slaughter, 9 CFR 88 Feed for transportation of animals under twenty-eight hour law, 9 CFR 89 General provisions, 9 CFR 71 Johne's disease in domestic animals, 9 CFR 80 Land tortoises, interstate movement prohibition, 9 CFR 74 Newcastle disease and chlamydiosis, 9 CFR 82 Proceedings under certain acts, practice rules governing, 9 CFR 70 Pseudorabies, 9 CFR 85 Scabies in cattle, 9 CFR 73 Scrapie in sheep and goats, 9 CFR 79 Tuberculosis, 9 CFR 77 Livestock or poultry diseases, cooperative control and eradication, practice rules governing proceedings under certain acts, 9 CFR 49 National Environmental Policy Act, implementing procedures, 7 CFR 372 National Poultry Improvement Plan Auxiliary provisions, 9 CFR 147 Breeding, 9 CFR 145 Commercial, 9 CFR 146 Noxious weed regulations, 7 CFR 360 Organization, functions, and authority delegations, 7 CFR 371 Overtime services relating to imports and exports Animals and animal products, 9 CFR 97 Plants, 7 CFR 354 Plant pest administrative procedural manuals, incorporation by reference in regulations, 7 CFR 300 Plant protection and quarantine District of Columbia, plants and plant products, movement, 7 CFR 302 Domestic quarantine notices, 7 CFR 301 Endangered species regulations concerning terrestrial plants, 7 CFR 355 Export certification, 7 CFR 353 Federal Seed Act, importation of seed and screenings, 7 CFR 361 Foreign quarantine notices, 7 CFR 319 Forfeiture procedures for seized plants, 7 CFR 356 Illegally taken plants, control, 7 CFR 357 Importation of plants or plant products by mail, 7 CFR 351 Organisms modified or produced through genetic engineering, movement, 7 CFR 340 Phytosanitary treatments, 7 CFR 305 Plant pests dissemination, general restrictions, 7 CFR 330 Plant quarantine safeguard regulations, 7 CFR 352 State of Hawaii and territories quarantine notices, 7 CFR 318 Proceedings under certain acts, rules of practice, 7 CFR 380 Public information, availability, 9 CFR 165 Scrapie control, 9 CFR 54 Swine Health protection, general provisions, 9 CFR 166 Pseudorabies, destroyed because, 9 CFR 52 Swine Health Protection Act, rules of practice, 9 CFR 167 Veterinarians, accreditation and suspension or revocation of accreditation Definition of terms, 9 CFR 160 Requirements and standards, 9 CFR 161 Rules of practice, 9 CFR 162 Veterinary biologics Animals used at licensed establishments for testing, 9 CFR 117 Definitions, 9 CFR 101 Detention; seizure and condemnation, 9 CFR 118 Exemption for biological products used in Department programs or under Department control or supervision, 9 CFR 106 Exemptions from preparation pursuant to an unsuspended and unrevoked license, 9 CFR 107 Experimental production, distribution, and evaluation of biological products prior to licensing, 9 CFR 103 Import permits, 9 CFR 104 Inspections of licensed establishments and products, 9 CFR 115 Licensed establishments, Facility requirements, 9 CFR 108 Licenses, 9 CFR 102 Packaging and labeling, 9 CFR 112 Patent term restoration, 9 CFR 124 Permits for imports and interstate transportation of organisms and vectors, 9 CFR 122 [[Page 97]] Production requirements, 9 CFR 114 Records and reports, 9 CFR 116 Standard requirements, 9 CFR 113 Sterilization and pasteurization at licensed establishments, 9 CFR 109 Suspension, revocation, or termination of licenses or permits, 9 CFR 105 Virus-Serum-Toxin Act, proceedings, 9 CFR 123 Animal biologics See al Animal drugs; Biologics Animals used at licensed establishments for testing, 9 CFR 117 Definitions, 9 CFR 101 Detention; seizure and condemnation, 9 CFR 118 Exemption for biological products used in USDA programs or under USDA control or supervision, 9 CFR 106 Exemptions from preparation pursuant to an unsuspended and unrevoked license, 9 CFR 107 Experimental production, distribution, and evaluation of biological products prior to licensing, 9 CFR 103 Import permits, 9 CFR 104 Inspections of licensed establishments and products, 9 CFR 115 Licensed establishments, facility requirements for, 9 CFR 108 Licenses, 9 CFR 102 Packaging and labeling, 9 CFR 112 Patent term restoration, 9 CFR 124 Proceedings under Virus-Serum-Toxin Act, 9 CFR 123 Production requirements, 9 CFR 114 Records and reports, 9 CFR 116 Standard requirements, 9 CFR 113 Sterilization and pasteurization at licensed establishments, 9 CFR 109 Suspension, revocation, or termination of licenses or permits, 9 CFR 105 Animal diseases See al Animals Animals and birds, import and export related services; user fees, 9 CFR 130 Animals destroyed because of disease Brucellosis, 9 CFR 51 Tuberculosis, 9 CFR 50 Biological agents and toxins, possession, use, and transfer, 9 CFR 121 Chronic wasting disease control Deer, elk and moose, 9 CFR 81 Indemnification and herd certification programs, 9 CFR 55 Commercial poultry, 9 CFR 146 Exportation of live animals, hatching eggs or other embryonated eggs, animal semen, animal embryos, and gametes from the U.S., 9 CFR 91 Foot-and-mouth disease, Newcastle disease, highly pathogenic avian influenza, African swine fever, classical swine fever, swine vesicular disease, and bovine spongiform encephalopathy; prohibited and restricted importations, 9 CFR 94 Foot-and-mouth disease, pleuropneumonia, and certain other communicable diseases of livestock or poultry, 9 CFR 53 H5/H7 low pathogenic avian influenza, control, 9 CFR 56 Importation Animal and animal products; procedures for requesting recognition of regions and compartments, 9 CFR 92 Animal embryos and animal semen, importation, 9 CFR 98 Animals, birds, fish, and poultry, and certain animal, bird, and poultry products; requirements for means of conveyance and shipping containers, 9 CFR 93 Interstate transportation of animals, restrictions Animal disease traceability, 9 CFR 86 Bovine babesiosis, 9 CFR 72 Brucellosis in cattle, bison, and hogs, 9 CFR 78 Communicable diseases in horses, asses, ponies, mules, and zebras, 9 CFR 75 General provisions, 9 CFR 71 Johne's disease in domestic animals, 9 CFR 80 Land tortoises, interstate movement prohibition, 9 CFR 74 Newcastle disease and chlamydiosis, 9 CFR 82 Pseudorabies, 9 CFR 85 Scabies in cattle, 9 CFR 73 Scrapie in sheep and goats, 9 CFR 79 Tuberculosis, 9 CFR 77 [[Page 98]] Mandatory dispositions; performance standards respecting physical, chemical, or biological contaminants, 9 CFR 539 Meat inspection Ante-mortem mandatory inspection, 9 CFR 309 Diseased or otherwise adulterated carcasses and parts, mandatory disposal, 9 CFR 311 Post-mortem mandatory inspection, 9 CFR 310 Voluntary inspection of rabbits and edible products, 9 CFR 354 National Poultry Improvement Plan Auxiliary provisions, 9 CFR 147 Breeding poultry, 9 CFR 145 Permits for imports and interstate transportation of organisms and vectors, 9 CFR 122 Poultry products inspection, 9 CFR 381 Scrapie control, 9 CFR 54 Swine Health protection, general provisions, 9 CFR 166 Pseudorabies, destroyed because, 9 CFR 52 Animal drugs See al Animal biologics; Animal feeds; Animals; Drugs Animal feeds, medicated, current good manufacturing practice, 21 CFR 225 Extralabel drug use in animals, 21 CFR 530 General provisions, 21 CFR 500 New animal drugs Animal feeds, use in, 21 CFR 558 Applications, 21 CFR 514 Certain other dosage form, 21 CFR 529 General regulations, 21 CFR 510 Genomic alterations in animals, 21 CFR 528 Implantation or injectable dosage form, 21 CFR 522 Intramammary dosage forms, 21 CFR 526 Investigational use, 21 CFR 511 Medicated feed mill license, 21 CFR 515 Minor use and minor species, 21 CFR 516 Ophthalmic and topical dosage form, 21 CFR 524 Oral dosage form, 21 CFR 520 Residue tolerances in food, 21 CFR 556 Pharmaceutical good manufacturing practice reports, medical device quality system audit reports, and certain medical device product evaluation reports, mutual recognition, U.S. and European Community, 21 CFR 26 Type A medicated articles, current good manufacturing practice, 21 CFR 226 Animal feeds See al Animal drugs; Animals Additives Food substances affirmed as generally recognized as safe (GRAS) in feed and drinking water of animals, 21 CFR 584 Generally recognized as safe (GRAS), 21 CFR 582 Permitted, 21 CFR 573 Petitions, 21 CFR 571 Safety, 21 CFR 570 Substances prohibited from use in animal food or feed, 21 CFR 589 Animal byproducts (except casings), and hay, and straw, offered for entry into U.S.; sanitary control, 9 CFR 95 Current good manufacturing practice Hazard analysis, and risk-based preventive controls, 21 CFR 507 Medicated feeds, 21 CFR 225 Type A medicated articles, 21 CFR 226 General provisions, 21 CFR 500 Irradiation in production, processing, and handling of animal feed and pet food, 21 CFR 579 New drugs, use in, 21 CFR 558 Animal foods See al Animals; Foods Additives Generally recognized as safe (GRAS), 21 CFR 582 Petitions, 21 CFR 571 Safety, 21 CFR 570 Substances prohibited from use in animal food or feed, 21 CFR 589 Common or usual names for nonstandardized animal foods, 21 CFR 502 Contaminants in food and food-packaging material, 21 CFR 509 Irradiation in production, processing, and handling of animal feed and pet food, 21 CFR 579 Labeling, 21 CFR 501 [[Page 99]] Animal welfare See al Animals Animal Welfare Act, rules of practice governing administrative proceedings, 9 CFR 4 Care and use of animals in conduct of NASA activities, 14 CFR 1232 Chimpanzees held in the federally supported sanctuary system, standards of care, 42 CFR 9 Definition of terms, 9 CFR 1 Environmental Quality Incentives Program, 7 CFR 1466 Exportation of live animals, hatching eggs or other embryonated eggs, animal semen, animal embryos, and gametes from the U.S., 9 CFR 91 General regulations, 9 CFR 2 Horse protection Administrative proceedings, practice rules, 9 CFR 12 Regulations, 9 CFR 11 Humane handling care, treatment, and transportation standards, 9 CFR 3 Humane care and transportation standards, 9 CFR 3 Interstate transportation of animals Equines, commercial transportation for slaughter, 9 CFR 88 Feed for transportation of animals under 28-hour law, 9 CFR 89 Wild free-roaming horses and burros; protection, management, and control, 43 CFR 4700 Wildlife, standards for humane and healthful transport of wild mammals and birds to U.S., 50 CFR 14 Animals See al Animal diseases; Animal drugs; Animal feeds; Animal foods; Animal welfare; Livestock; Pets; Wildlife Animal breeds, recognition of breeds and books of record of purebred animals, 9 CFR 151 Animals and birds, import and export related services; user fees, 9 CFR 130 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), 50 CFR 23 Exotic animals and horses; voluntary inspection, 9 CFR 352 National Organic Program, 7 CFR 205 Quarantine, foreign, 42 CFR 71 Range and feral animal management, 50 CFR 30 Veterinary biologics, animals used at licensed establishments for testing, 9 CFR 117 Voluntary public access and habitat incentive program, 7 CFR 1455 Annuities See Pensions Antarctica Antarctic animals and plants, conservation, 45 CFR 670 Antarctic meteorites, 45 CFR 674 Enforcement and hearing procedures, 45 CFR 672 Environmental assessment procedures for proposed National Science Foundation actions in Antarctica, 45 CFR 641 International fisheries regulations, 50 CFR 300 Medical clearance process for deployment to Antarctica, 45 CFR 675 Non-governmental activities, environmental impact assessment, 40 CFR 8 Non-governmental expeditions, 45 CFR 673 Waste regulation, 45 CFR 671 Antennas See Communications equipment Antibiotics See al Drugs Qualifying pathogens, 21 CFR 317 Topical antimicrobial drug products for over-the-counter human use, 21 CFR 333 Antidumping See al Imports Antidumping and countervailing duties, 19 CFR 351 Antidumping or countervailing duty protective order violation, procedures for imposing sanctions, 19 CFR 354 Emergency relief work supplies, 19 CFR 358 Imports sold at less than fair value or from subsidized exports to the U.S.; investigations of whether injury to domestic industries results from, 19 CFR 207 Liquidation of duties, 19 CFR 159 Suspension of liquidation, duties and estimated duties in accord with [[Page 100]] Presidential Proclamation 10414, procedures, 19 CFR 362 United States-Mexico-Canada agreement, procedures and rules for Article 10.12, 19 CFR 356 Antiquities See Historic preservation Antitrust See al Business and industry Acquisition regulations Agriculture Department, 48 CFR 403 Broadcasting Board of Governors, 48 CFR 1903 Commerce Department, 48 CFR 1303 Education Department, 48 CFR 3403 Energy Department, 48 CFR 903 General Services Administration, 48 CFR 503 Labor Department, 48 CFR 2903 State Department, 48 CFR 603 Veterans Affairs Department, 48 CFR 803 Agriculture Department, administrative regulations, 7 CFR 1 Air carriers Electronic Airline Information Systems, 14 CFR 256 Review of air carrier agreements, 14 CFR 303 Antitrust Civil Process Act, 28 CFR 49 Banks, management official interlocks Comptroller of the Currency, 12 CFR 26, 12 CFR 196 Federal Reserve System (Regulation L), 12 CFR 212 National Credit Union Administration, 12 CFR 711 Criminal Antitrust Anti-Retaliation Act, procedures for handling of retaliation complaints, 29 CFR 1991 Energy Department, collection of claims owed U.S., 10 CFR 1015 Export trade certificates of review, 15 CFR 325 Federal Acquisition Regulation, improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 3 Federal Trade Commission Coverage rules, 16 CFR 801 Exemption rules, 16 CFR 802 Transmittal rules, 16 CFR 803 General Services Administration, collection of claims owed U.S., 41 CFR 105-55 Joint newspaper operating arrangements, Newspaper Preservation Act requirements, 28 CFR 48 Maritime carriers, interpretations and statements of policy, 46 CFR 545 Miscellaneous interpretations of banking regulations, 12 CFR 250 Nuclear power plants; licenses, certifications, and approvals, 10 CFR 52 Nuclear production and utilization facilities, domestic licensing, 10 CFR 50 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, practice and procedure rules, 10 CFR 2 Public lands exchanges, general procedures, exchanges involving fee Federal coal deposits, 43 CFR 2200 Public utility filing requirements, purchaser list, and filing requirements for persons holding interlocking positions, 18 CFR 46 Railroads, interlocking officers, 49 CFR 1185 Appalachian Regional Commission Employee responsibilities and conduct, 5 CFR 1900 Appeal procedures See Administrative practice and procedure Apples Export Apple Act requirements, 7 CFR 33 Special apple loan program, 7 CFR 773 Appliances See Household appliances Apprenticeship programs See Manpower training programs Aquaculture See Marine resources Archaeology See Historic preservation Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board Accessible medical diagnostic equipment, standards, 36 CFR 1195 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility guidelines Buildings and facilities, 36 CFR 1191 Transportation vehicles, 36 CFR 1192 Bylaws, 36 CFR 1151 Employee responsibilities and conduct, 36 CFR 1152 [[Page 101]] Information and communication technology standards and guidelines, 36 CFR 1194 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 36 CFR 1154 Pedestrian facilities in the public right-of-way, accessibility guidelines, 36 CFR 1190 Practice and procedures for compliance hearings, 36 CFR 1150 Privacy Act implementation, 36 CFR 1121 Public availability of information, 36 CFR 1120 Architectural barriers See Individuals with disabilities Archives and records See al Classified information; Freedom of information; Health records; Privacy; Reporting and recordkeeping requirements Air Force Department Personnel review boards for correction of military records, 32 CFR 865 Visual information materials, release, dissemination, and sale, 32 CFR 811 Antitrust Civil Process Act, custody of materials, 28 CFR 49 Army Department, personnel review board, 32 CFR 581 Biologics and establishments, licensing, 21 CFR 601 Blind and Severely Disabled, Committee for Purchase from People Who Are; agency materials, public availability, 41 CFR 51-8 Central Intelligence Agency Classified historical records requested by other agencies, special procedures for discretionary access to, 32 CFR 1911 Classified information, access by historical researchers and certain former Government personnel pursuant to sec. 4.4 of Executive Order 13526, 32 CFR 1909 Civil service personnel records, 5 CFR 293 Defense Department Office of the Secretary, historical research in files, 32 CFR 197 Official information released in litigation and presentation of testimony by DoD personnel as witnesses (Touhy regulation), 32 CFR 97 Privacy Act of 1974, protection of privacy and access to and amendment of individual records, 32 CFR 310 Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board Debt collection procedures, 10 CFR 1709 Legal proceedings, testimony by agency employees and production of official records, 10 CFR 1707 Executive agencies, records transfer between, 36 CFR 1231 Farm Credit System, general provisions, 12 CFR 618 Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation, releasing information, 12 CFR 1402 Farm products, clear title-protection for purchasers, 9 CFR 205 Federal Election Commission, access to Public Disclosure and Media Relations Division documents, 11 CFR 5 Federally owned or administered archaeological collections, curation, 36 CFR 79 General Services Administration Federal Management Regulation-- Records creation, maintenance, and use, 41 CFR 102-193 Standard and optional forms management program, 41 CFR 102-194 Federal Property Management Regulations-- Federal records and standard and optional forms, 41 CFR 101-11 Telecommunications management policy, 41 CFR 101-35 Government Accountability Office Furnishing records in judicial proceedings, 4 CFR 82 Public availability of records, 4 CFR 81 Government Ethics Office; Privacy Act rules, 5 CFR 2606 Information Security Oversight Office Classified National security information, 32 CFR 2001 Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), 32 CFR 2002 Integrity and Efficiency, Council of the Inspector Generals on; Privacy Act regulations, 5 CFR 9801 Justice Department, Civil Liberties Act redress provision, Japanese ancestry, 28 CFR 74 [[Page 102]] Land Management Bureau, land application procedures, 43 CFR 1820 Legal Services Corporation, testimony by employees and production of documents in proceedings where the U.S. is not a party, 45 CFR 1603 Library of Congress News transmissions reproduction, compilation, and distribution under American Television and Radio Archives Act, 36 CFR 705 Records or information disclosure or production, 36 CFR 703 Management and Budget Office, public information provisions of Administrative Procedures Act, 5 CFR 1303 Military Records Correction Board of Coast Guard, application procedures, 33 CFR 52 National Archives and Records Administration Audiovisual, cartographic, and related records management, 36 CFR 1237 Electronic records management, 36 CFR 1236 Exhibits, 36 CFR 1284 Facilities-- Locations and hours of use, 36 CFR 1253 Public use, 36 CFR 1280 Federal records-- Creation and maintenance, 36 CFR 1222 Disposition program, 36 CFR 1224 Emergency authorization to destroy, 36 CFR 1229 General, 36 CFR 1220 Public availability and use, 36 CFR 1250 Restrictions on use, 36 CFR 1256 Scheduling, 36 CFR 1225 Unlawful or accidental removal, defacing, alteration, or destruction, 36 CFR 1230 Federal Records Centers, records transfer, use, and disposition in, 36 CFR 1233 Fees, 36 CFR 1258 General records schedule, 36 CFR 1227 Implementing disposition, 36 CFR 1226 Loan of permanent and unscheduled records, 36 CFR 1228 Microform records management, 36 CFR 1238 National Historical Publications and Records Commission, 36 CFR 1206 National security information, declassification, 36 CFR 1260 Nixon Administration, Presidential historical materials; preservation and protection of and access to, 36 CFR 1275 President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 (JFK Act), interpretation and implementation guidance, 36 CFR 1290 Presidential Records Act, implementation, 36 CFR 1270 Program assistance and inspections, 36 CFR 1239 Records, disclosure procedures under the Freedom of Information Act, 40 CFR 1601 Records, donated historical materials, and facilities; public use, 36 CFR 1252 Records and donated historical materials use, 36 CFR 1254 Records storage facilities-- Records transfer to, 36 CFR 1232 Standards, 36 CFR 1234 Records transfer to, 36 CFR 1235 Vital records management, 36 CFR 1223 National Counterintelligence Center, historical researchers and former presidential appointees, access (section 4.5 of Executive Order 12958), 32 CFR 1804 National Credit Union Administration, records preservation program and appendices; record retention guidelines and Catastrophic Act guidelines, 12 CFR 749 National Endowment for the Arts Freedom of Information Act, procedures for disclosure of records under, 45 CFR 1148 Lobbying restrictions, 45 CFR 1158 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, regulations, 45 CFR 1150 National Organic Program, 7 CFR 205 National Transportation Safety Board, information, public availability, 49 CFR 801 [[Page 103]] Naturalization records, certifications, 8 CFR 343c Naval Discharge Review Board, 32 CFR 724 Navy Department, reporting births and deaths in cooperation with other agencies, 32 CFR 735 Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission, Privacy Act implementation, 29 CFR 2400 Postal Service, records and information management Definitions, 39 CFR 262 General information, 39 CFR 261 Protection of information, 39 CFR 267 Record retention and disposition, 39 CFR 263 Vital records protection, 39 CFR 264 Prisoners, access to records, 28 CFR 513 Social Security Administration, privacy and disclosure of official records and information, 20 CFR 401 Special Counsel Office Freedom of information Act requests, production of records or testimony, 5 CFR 1820 Privacy Act regulations, 5 CFR 1830 State Department, availability of public diplomacy program material in the U.S., 22 CFR 173 Surface Transportation Board, railroads and maritime carriers, documents recordation, 49 CFR 1177 Trade Representative, Office of U.S.; records and information disclosure, 15 CFR 2004 Veterans Affairs Department, general provisions, 38 CFR 1 Arctic Research Commission Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs or activities, 45 CFR 2301 Armed Forces See alArmed Forces Reserves; Conscientious objectors; Military academies; Military law; Military personnel; National defense; Selective Service System; Uniformed services;specific military departments Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, exportation of alcohol, 27 CFR 28 Army cemeteries, 32 CFR 553 Banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions on DoD installations, procedures governing, 32 CFR 231 Civil authorities aid Employment of troops, 32 CFR 501 Relief assistance, 32 CFR 502 Civil Reserve Air Fleet contracts, DoD ratemaking procedures, 32 CFR 243 Debts resulting from erroneous payments of pay and allowances, waiver procedures, 32 CFR 284 Defense contracts Competitive information certificate and profit reduction clause, 32 CFR 173 Productivity enhancing capital investment (PECI), 32 CFR 162 Enlistment, appointment, and induction; qualification standards, 32 CFR 66 Environmental effects abroad of major Defense Department actions, 32 CFR 187 Erroneous payments of pay and allowances, debt waiver, 32 CFR 283 Financial institutions on DoD installations, 32 CFR 230 Homeless shelter, 32 CFR 226 Identification cards for members of the uniformed services, their dependents, and other eligible individuals, 32 CFR 161 Medical malpractice claims by members of the Uniformed Services, 32 CFR 45 Military recruiting and Reserve Officer Training Corps access to institutions of higher learning, 32 CFR 216 Operational contract support outside the U.S., 32 CFR 158 Personnel and general claims settlement procedures; advance decision request processing, 32 CFR 282 Petroleum to armed forces, investigation of discrimination in supply, 28 CFR 57 Postal Service, Defense Department liaison, 39 CFR 235 Public affairs liaison with industry, 32 CFR 237a Settling personnel and general claims and processing advance decision requests, 32 CFR 281 Tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes, exportation without payment of tax or with drawback of tax, 27 CFR 44 [[Page 104]] Vessels of Armed Forces, uniform national discharge standards, 40 CFR 1700 Veterans readiness and employment and education, 38 CFR 21 Voluntary education programs, 32 CFR 68 Armed Forces Reserves See al Armed forces; Military personnel Army Department Army cemeteries, 32 CFR 553 National Guard, regulations, 32 CFR 564 Coast Guard Reserve, 33 CFR 8 Military recruiting and Reserve Officer Training Corps access to institutions of higher learning, 32 CFR 216 Ready Reserve, screening, 32 CFR 44 Recruitment, selection, and placement (general), 5 CFR 330 Wearing of uniform, 32 CFR 53 Armed Forces Retirement Home National Environmental Policy Act, compliance, 38 CFR 200 Privacy Act procedures, 5 CFR 2100 Arms and munitions See al National defense Army Department Loan and sale of property, 32 CFR 621 Regulations affecting military reservations, 32 CFR 552 Atomic weapons and special nuclear materials rewards regulations, 28 CFR 13 Civil aviation security Aircraft operator security, air carriers and commercial operators, 49 CFR 1544 Airport security, 49 CFR 1542 Commerce in firearms and ammunition, 27 CFR 478 Defense materiel disposition, 32 CFR 273 Exports Competitive bidding on U.S. Government guaranteed military export loan agreements, 32 CFR 274 International traffic in arms regulations-- Agreements, offshore procurement, and other defense services, 22 CFR 124 Brokers, registration and licensing, 22 CFR 129 Export controls, administrative procedures, 22 CFR 128 Defense articles, export and temporary import licenses, 22 CFR 123 General policies and provisions, 22 CFR 126 Manufacturers and exporters, registration, 22 CFR 122 Political contributions, fees, and commissions, reporting requirements, 22 CFR 130 Purpose and definitions, 22 CFR 120 Shipments, violations and penalties, 22 CFR 127 Technical data and classified defense articles, export licenses, 22 CFR 125 U.S. munitions list, 22 CFR 121 Offset agreements in sales of weapon systems or defense-related items to foreign countries or foreign firms, reporting, 15 CFR 701 Shipping restrictions, 44 CFR 401 Shipping restrictions, American flag ships and aircraft, 44 CFR 402 Fireworks devices, 16 CFR 1507 Forfeiture authority for certain statutes, 28 CFR 8 Imports, 27 CFR 447 Machine guns, destructive devices, and certain other firearms, 27 CFR 479 Manufacturers excise taxes, firearms and ammunition, 27 CFR 53 Munitions response site prioritization protocol, 32 CFR 179 Seized personal property, disposition, 27 CFR 72 Taxes, Internal Revenue Service, statement of procedural rules, 26 CFR 601 Weapons of mass destruction Proliferators sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 544 Trade control regulations, 31 CFR 539 Army Department See al Engineers Corps American antiquities, preservation, 43 CFR 3 Army cemeteries, 32 CFR 553 Army claims system, 32 CFR 536 Army lands, radiation sources on, 32 CFR 655 Chaplains, 32 CFR 510 Civil authorities aid Employment of troops, 32 CFR 501 Relief assistance, 32 CFR 502 Claims on behalf of U.S., 32 CFR 537 [[Page 105]] Decorations, medals, awards; manufacture, sale, wear, and quality control of heraldic items, 32 CFR 507 Disciplinary control boards, off-installation liaisons and operations, 32 CFR 631 Environmental analysis of Army actions, 32 CFR 651 Kwajalein Missile Range, entry authorization regulation, 32 CFR 525 Law enforcement reporting, 32 CFR 635 Litigation, 32 CFR 516 Loan and sale of property, 32 CFR 621 Loan of Army materiel, 32 CFR 623 Military court fees, 32 CFR 534 Military reservations, regulations affecting, 32 CFR 552 Motor vehicle traffic supervision, 32 CFR 634 National Guard regulations, 32 CFR 564 Personnel review board, 32 CFR 581 Reservoir project lands, joint policies of Interior and Army Departments, 43 CFR 8 Arsenic National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants, 40 CFR 61 Arson See Crime Arts and crafts See al Indians-arts and crafts Projects or productions assisted by grants from National Endowments for the Arts and Humanities, labor standards, 29 CFR 505 Arts and Humanities, Federal Council on See National Foundation on Arts and Humanities Arts and Humanities, National Foundation on See National Foundation on Arts and Humanities Arts, National Endowment for the See National Foundation on Arts and Humanities Asbestos Air pollution control, national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants, 40 CFR 61 Artificial emberizing materials (ash and embers) containing respirable free-form asbestos, ban, 16 CFR 1305 Consumer patching compounds containing respirable freeform asbestos, ban, 16 CFR 1304 Occupational safety and health standards, 29 CFR 1910 Products subject to other Acts, regulation under Consumer Product Safety Act, 16 CFR 1145 Schools and commercial and industrial uses, 40 CFR 763 Water pollution control, effluent guidelines and standards, asbestos manufacturing point source category, 40 CFR 427 Asian Development Bank See International financial institutions Asparagus Revenue market loss assistance payment program, 7 CFR 1429 Assisted suicide See al Suicide Statutory conscience rights protection in health care, authority delegations, 45 CFR 88 Asylum See Immigration Atomic energy See Nuclear energy Attorneys See Lawyers Auditing See Accounting Australia Employment and Training Administration, temporary employment of foreign workers in U.S., 20 CFR 655 Federal Employees' Compensation Act, compensation for disability and death of noncitizen Federal employees outside U.S., 20 CFR 25 Authority delegations (Government agencies) See al Organization and functions (Government agencies) Agriculture Department, 7 CFR 2, 7 CFR 2610 [[Page 106]] Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, 27 CFR 19, 27 CFR 45 Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, 7 CFR 371 Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board, bylaws, 36 CFR 1151 Coast Guard Claims, 33 CFR 25 General provisions, 33 CFR 1 Commodity Futures Trading Commission Organization, functions, and procedures, 17 CFR 140 Practice rules, 17 CFR 10 Registered futures associations, 17 CFR 170 Swaps, dealers and major participants, 17 CFR 23 Consumer Financial Civil Penalty Fund rule, 12 CFR 1075 Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia, gifts acceptance, 28 CFR 804 Drug Enforcement Administration; controlled substances, administrative functions, practices, and procedures, 21 CFR 1316 Employment and Training Administration, temporary employment of foreign workers in U.S., 20 CFR 655 Federal Aviation Administration Airmen, medical standards and certification, 14 CFR 67 Protests and contract disputes, procedures, 14 CFR 17 Representative of Administrator, 14 CFR 183 Testimony by employees and production of records in legal proceedings, and service of legal process and pleadings, 14 CFR 185 Federal Communications Commission Communications common carriers; extension of lines, new lines, and discontinuance, reduction, outage and impairment of service by; and grants of recognized private operating agency status, 47 CFR 63 Organization, 47 CFR 0 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Corporate debt collection, criminal restitution debt, and civil money penalty debt procedures, 12 CFR 313 Insured State banks and savings associations, activities, 12 CFR 362 International banking, 12 CFR 347 Federal Emergency Management Agency Domestic energy supplies, priorities and allocations to maximize, 44 CFR 330 OMB control numbers, 44 CFR 2 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 18 CFR 375 Federal Maritime Commission, 46 CFR 501 Federal Register, Administrative Committee General information, 1 CFR 2 Federal Reserve System, 12 CFR 265 Federal Transit Administration, 49 CFR 601 Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, general provisions, 31 CFR 1010 Fish and Wildlife Service; Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge, 50 CFR 38 Food and Drug Administration, 21 CFR 5 Foreign Assets Control Office, 31 CFR 510 Health and Human Services Department; statutory conscience rights protection in health care, authority delegations 45 CFR 88 Homeland Security Department Classified National security information, 6 CFR 7 Immigration regulations; benefit requests, USCIS filing requirements, biometric requirements, records availability, 8 CFR 103 Naturalization administration, 8 CFR 332 Secretary, authority, 8 CFR 2 Immigration Review, Executive Office for Appeals, records, and fees, 8 CFR 1103 Information Security Oversight Office, classified National security information, 32 CFR 2001 Justice Department Federal Tort Claims Act, administrative claims under, 28 CFR 14 Independent Counsel, Offices of, general powers of Special Counsel, 28 CFR 600 Organization, 28 CFR 0 Radiation Exposure Compensation Act, claims, 28 CFR 79 Land Management Bureau, oil and gas leasing inspections, delegation of authority, cooperative agreements and contracts, 43 CFR 3190 National Aeronautics and Space Administration [[Page 107]] Administrative authority and policy, 14 CFR 1204 Patents and other intellectual property rights, 14 CFR 1245 National Credit Union Administration, debt collection procedures, 12 CFR 797 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 49 CFR 501 National Transportation Safety Board, 49 CFR 800 Natural Resources Revenue Office, delegation to States, 30 CFR 1229 Personnel management in agencies, 5 CFR 250 Postal Regulatory Commission, rules for letters carried out of the mail, 39 CFR 3065 Postal Service, 39 CFR 222 Inspector General Office, 39 CFR 230 Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board, organization and delegation of powers and duties, 6 CFR 1000 Rural Development assets, functions and programs, general provisions, 7 CFR 1900 Rural Utilities Service, general information, 7 CFR 1700 Securities and Exchange Commission, 17 CFR 200 Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program, implementation, 32 CFR 103 Small Business Administration Administration, 13 CFR 101 Business size regulations, 13 CFR 121 Surface Transportation Board, 49 CFR 1011 Transportation Department, 49 CFR 1 Transportation Security Administration, 49 CFR 1502 Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation Commission, 43 CFR 10000 Veterans Affairs Department, 38 CFR 2 Civil rights responsibilities, 38 CFR 18a Automobiles See Motor vehicles Aviation safety See al Air transportation; Safety Accident/incident investigation procedures, 49 CFR 831 Agricultural aircraft operations, 14 CFR 137 Air safety proceedings, practice rules, 49 CFR 821 Aircraft Airworthiness directives, 14 CFR 39 Airworthiness standards-- Aircraft engines, 14 CFR 33 Manned free balloons, 14 CFR 31 Normal category airplanes, 14 CFR 23 Normal category rotorcraft, 14 CFR 27 Propellers, 14 CFR 35 Transport category airplanes, 14 CFR 25 Transport category rotorcraft, 14 CFR 29 Accidents or incidents and overdue aircraft notification and reporting and preservation of aircraft wreckage, mail, cargo, and records, 49 CFR 830 Maintenance, preventive maintenance, rebuilding, and alteration of aircraft, 14 CFR 43 Products and parts, certification procedures for , 14 CFR 21 Transport category airplanes; continued airworthiness and safety improvements, 14 CFR 26 Airports Certification, 14 CFR 139 Operations, 14 CFR 153 Certification and operations Air carriers and commercial operators-- Certification, 14 CFR 119 General requirements, 14 CFR 110 Pilot records database, 14 CFR 111 Airmen other than flight crewmembers, 14 CFR 65 Aircraft having seating capacity of 20 or more passengers or maximum payload capacity of 6,000 pounds or more; and rules governing persons on board such aircraft, 14 CFR 125 Domestic, flag, and supplemental operations, operating requirements, 14 CFR 121 Flight and duty limitations and rest requirements, 14 CFR 117 Flight crewmembers other than pilots, 14 CFR 63 Pilots, flight instructors, and ground instructors, 14 CFR 61 Class A, B, C, D, and E airspace area designations; air traffic service routes; [[Page 108]] and reporting points; designation, 14 CFR 71 Commercial air tours and National Parks air tour management, 14 CFR 136 Commercial space transportation Launch safety, 14 CFR 417 Licenses-- Launch and reentry, license requirements, 14 CFR 450 Reentry site, Operation license, 14 CFR 433 Commuter and on-demand operations and rules governing persons on board such aircraft, operating requirements, 14 CFR 135 Construction, marking and lighting of antenna structures, 47 CFR 17 Defense Department Commercial Air Transportation Quality and Safety Review Program, 32 CFR 861 Drug and alcohol testing program, 14 CFR 120 Experimental permits, 14 CFR 437 Federal Management Regulation, government aircraft management, 41 CFR 102-33 Federal Property Management Regulations, Government aviation administration and coordination, 41 CFR 101-17 Flight simulation training device initial and continuing qualification and use, 14 CFR 60 Foreign air carriers and foreign operators of U.S.-Registered aircraft engaged in common carriage, operations, 14 CFR 129 Fraud, false or misleading statements about products, parts, appliances and materials, 14 CFR 3 General aircraft operating and flight rules, 14 CFR 91 Investigative and enforcement procedures, 14 CFR 13 Moored balloons, kites, amateur rockets, and unmanned free balloons, 14 CFR 101 Navigable airspace; safe, efficient use, and preservation, 14 CFR 77 Operations in Washington DC metropolitan area flight restricted zone, 49 CFR 1562 Parachute operations, 14 CFR 105 Repair stations, 14 CFR 145 Rotorcraft external-load operations, 14 CFR 133 Safety element approvals, 14 CFR 414 Safety management systems, 14 CFR 5 Small unmanned aircraft systems, 14 CFR 107 Transportation Security Administration Civil aviation security-- Aircraft operator security, air carriers and commercial operators, 49 CFR 1544 Aircraft repair station security, 49 CFR 1554 Aircraft security under general operating and flight rules, 49 CFR 1550 Airport security, 49 CFR 1542 Flight school, 49 CFR 1552 Foreign air carrier security, 49 CFR 1546 General rules, 49 CFR 1540 Indirect air carrier security, 49 CFR 1548 Validation firms and validators, 49 CFR 1522 Ultralight vehicles, 14 CFR 103 Unmanned aircraft, remote identification, 14 CFR 89 Voluntarily submitted information, protection, 14 CFR 193 Wendell H. Ford Aviation Investment and Reform Act for 21st Century (section 519), discrimination complaints handling procedures, 29 CFR 1979 Avocados Hass avocado promotion, research, and information, 7 CFR 1219 Marketing agreements Avocados grown in South Florida, 7 CFR 915 Import regulations, 7 CFR 944 Awards See Decorations, medals, awards B Baggage See Freight Bakery products See Food grades and standards; Foods Balloons See Aircraft Bank deposit insurance See also [[Page 109]] Banks, banking; Insurance Credit unions Administrative actions, adjudicative hearings, rules of practice and procedure, and investigations, 12 CFR 747 Advertising accuracy and notice of insured status, 12 CFR 740 Bank conversions and mergers, 12 CFR 708a Insurance requirements, 12 CFR 741 Mergers of insured credit unions into other credit unions, voluntary termination or conversion of insured status, 12 CFR 708b Share insurance and appendix, 12 CFR 745 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Advertisements of membership, False advertising, misrepresentation of insured status and misuse of FDIC's name and logo, 12 CFR 328 Assessments, 12 CFR 327 Assumption of deposits certification and insured status changes, notification, 12 CFR 307 Deposit insurance coverage, 12 CFR 330 Filing procedures, 12 CFR 303 Forms, instructions, and reports required of banks, 12 CFR 304 Golden parachute and indemnification payments, 12 CFR 359 Industrial banks, 12 CFR 354 Insured State banks and savings associations, activities, 12 CFR 362 International banking, 12 CFR 347 Practice and procedure rules, 12 CFR 308 Qualified financial contracts, recordkeeping requirements, 12 CFR 371 Recordkeeping for timely deposit insurance determination, 12 CFR 370 Resolution and receivership rules, 12 CFR 360 Safety and soundness standards, 12 CFR 364 Residential mortgage loan originators under the S.A.F.E. Mortgage Licensing Act, Federal registration (Regulation G), 12 CFR 1007 State compliance and bureau registration system (Regulation H) 12 CFR 1008 Bankruptcy See al Business and industry Airline deregulation, employee protection program, 14 CFR 314 Corporate reorganizations under Chapter X of Bankruptcy Act, interpretative releases relating to, 17 CFR 281 General Services Administration, acquisition regulations, contract administration and audit services, 48 CFR 542 Internal Revenue Service Income taxes-- Corporate organizations and reorganizations, insolvency reorganizations, 26 CFR 1 (1.371--1.374-4) Individuals' Title 11 cases, 26 CFR 1 (1.1398-1--1.1400L(b)-1T) Procedure and administration, 26 CFR 301 Liquidation of certain commodity firms, 17 CFR 190 Private trustee panels established by U.S. Trustees, membership qualifications under Bankruptcy Reform Acts of 1978 and 1994, 28 CFR 58 Railroads, guarantee of certificates of trustees of railroads in reorganization, 49 CFR 250 Rural development loans and grants; personal property, servicing and liquidation of chattel security, 7 CFR 1962 Banks, banking See al Bank deposit insurance; Credit; Electronic funds transfers; Federal home loan banks; Federal Reserve System; Foreign banking; International financial institutions; National banks; Savings associations; Trusts and trustees African Development Bank, reports to SEC, 17 CFR 288 Alternative mortgage transaction parity (Regulation D), 12 CFR 1004 Annual stress test, 12 CFR 46 Asian Development Bank, reports to SEC, 17 CFR 287 Authorization of all banks, U.S. Post Offices, and U.S. disbursing officers and their agents to deliver to Treasury Department counterfeit obligations and [[Page 110]] other U.S. securities and coins or of any foreign government, 31 CFR 403 Automated Clearing House, Federal Government participation, 31 CFR 210 Bank holding companies and change in bank control (Regulation Y), 12 CFR 225 Capital adequacy standards, 12 CFR 3 Checks, availability of funds and collection of checks (Regulation CC), 12 CFR 229 Checks and other items, collection by Federal Reserve banks, and funds transfers through Fedwire (Regulation J), 12 CFR 210 Claims on account of Treasury checks, 31 CFR 245 Commodity Futures Trading Commission Commodity Exchange Act, general regulations, 17 CFR 1 Covered funds; proprietary trading, certain interests in, and relationships with, 17 CFR 75 Swap dealers and major swap participants, 17 CFR 23 Swap execution facilities, 17 CFR 37 Commodity transactions financing procedures, 22 CFR 201 Community Development Financial Institutions Fund, bank enterprise award program, 12 CFR 1806 Competitive bidding on U.S. Government guaranteed military export loan agreements, 32 CFR 274 Comptroller of the Currency Assessment of fees, 12 CFR 8 Computer-security incident notification, 12 CFR 53 Liquidity risk measurement standards, 12 CFR 50 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Adjudication proceedings, rules of practice, 12 CFR 1081 Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Financial Protection Act enforcement, State official notification rules, 12 CFR 1082 Electronic fund transfers (Regulation E), 12 CFR 1005 Equal Credit Opportunity Act (Regulation B), 12 CFR 1002 Fair credit reporting, (Regulation V), 12 CFR 1022 Payday, vehicle title, and certain high-cost installment loans, 12 CFR 1041 Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (Regulation X), 12 CFR 1024 Truth in lending ((Regulation Z), 12 CFR 1026 Covered swap entities; margin and capital requirements, 12 CFR 45 CRA-related agreements, disclosure and reporting Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 12 CFR 346 Federal Reserve System (Regulation G), 12 CFR 207 Debt cancellation contracts and debt suspension agreements, 12 CFR 37 Defense Department Banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions on DoD installations, procedures governing, 32 CFR 231 Financial institutions on DoD installations, 32 CFR 230 Depositary compensation securities, regulations governing, 31 CFR 348 Depositories for campaign funds, 11 CFR 103 Depositories for maritime program funds, 46 CFR 351 Designation of financial market utilities, 12 CFR 1320 Equal Credit Opportunity Act (Regulation B), 12 CFR 202, 12 CFR 1202 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, reports to SEC, 17 CFR 290 Exemptions and definitions related to the exceptions for banks from the definition of broker (Regulation R), 17 CFR 247 Fair credit reporting, 12 CFR 41 Farm Credit System Accounting and reporting requirements, 12 CFR 621 Administrative definitions, 12 CFR 619 Administrative expenses assessment and apportionment, 12 CFR 607 Borrower rights, 12 CFR 617 Capital adequacy of system institutions, 12 CFR 628 Disclosure to shareholders, 12 CFR 620 Electronic commerce, 12 CFR 609 Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation-- Disclosure and reporting requirements, 12 CFR 655 Funding and fiscal affairs, 12 CFR 652 [[Page 111]] General provisions, 12 CFR 650 Governance, 12 CFR 651 Risk management, 12 CFR 653 Financing eligibility and scope, 12 CFR 613 Funding and fiscal affairs, 12 CFR 615 General provisions, 12 CFR 618 Leasing, 12 CFR 616 Loan policies and operations, 12 CFR 614 Margin and capital requirements for covered swap entities, 12 CFR 624 Mortgage loan originators, registration, 12 CFR 610 Nondiscrimination in lending, 12 CFR 626 Organization, 12 CFR 611 Standards of conduct and referral of known or suspected criminal violations, 12 CFR 612 Systemwide and consolidated bank debt obligations, disclosure to investors, 12 CFR 630 Title IV conservators, receivers, bridge system banks, and voluntary liquidations, 12 CFR 627 Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation Practice and procedure rules, 12 CFR 1411 Premiums, 12 CFR 1410 Farm Service Agency Guaranteed farm loans, 7 CFR 762 Land Contract Guarantee program, 7 CFR 763 Federal agency disbursements, management, 31 CFR 208 Federal agency receipts, disbursements management, and operation of cash management improvements fund, 31 CFR 206 Federal credit unions, capital adequacy, 12 CFR 702 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Annual independent audits and reporting requirements, 12 CFR 363 Annual stress test, 12 CFR 325 Appraisals, 12 CFR 323 Assessments, 12 CFR 327 Assumption of deposits certification and insured status changes, notification, 12 CFR 307 Capital adequacy of FDIC-supervised institutions, 12 CFR 324 Community reinvestment, 12 CFR 345 Consumer financial information, privacy, 12 CFR 332 Consumer protection in insurance sales,12 CFR 343 Corporate powers extension, 12 CFR 333 Derivatives, 12 CFR 349 Fair housing, 12 CFR 338 Federal interest rate authority, 12 CFR 331 Filing procedures, 12 CFR 303 Forms, instructions, and reports required of banks, 12 CFR 304 Golden parachute and indemnification payments, 12 CFR 359 Industrial banks, 12 CFR 354 Information disclosure, 12 CFR 309 Insured State banks and savings associations, activities, 12 CFR 362 Insured State nonmember banks, minimum security devices and procedures and Bank Secrecy Act compliance, 12 CFR 326 International banking, 12 CFR 347 Liquidity risk measurement standards, 12 CFR 329 Management official interlocks, 12 CFR 348 Practice and procedure rules, 12 CFR 308 Proprietary trading and certain interests in and relationships with covered funds, 12 CFR 351 Qualified financial contracts-- Recordkeeping requirements, 12 CFR 371 Restrictions, 12 CFR 382 Real estate lending standards, 12 CFR 365 Recordkeeping for timely deposit insurance determination, 12 CFR 370 Resolution and receivership rules, 12 CFR 360 Resolution plans, 12 CFR 381 Sale of assets by FDIC, restrictions, 12 CFR 340 Securities of nonmember insured banks, 12 CFR 335 Securities transactions, recordkeeping and confirmation requirements, 12 CFR 344 Securities transfer agents, registration, 12 CFR 341 Supervisory guidance, use, 12 CFR 302 Suspicious activity reports, 12 CFR 353 Unsafe and unsound banking practices, 12 CFR 337 [[Page 112]] Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council, appraiser regulation, 12 CFR 1102 Federal Financing Bank Bills, 12 CFR 810 Securities, book-entry procedures, 12 CFR 811 Federal Government depositaries and financial agents, 31 CFR 202 Federal home loan bank director, eligibility and elections, 12 CFR 1261 Federal Housing Finance Agency Affordable housing program, 12 CFR 1291 Capital classification and prompt corrective action, 12 CFR 1229 Enterprises, capital adequacy, 12 CFR 1240 Federal home loan banks-- Capital requirements, capital stock and capital plans, 12 CFR 1277 Community support requirements, 12 CFR 1290 Members of the banks, 12 CFR 1263 Voluntary mergers of federal home loan banks, 12 CFR 1278 Federal Reserve bank capital stock (Regulation I), 12 CFR 209 Federal Reserve System Adjustable Interest Rate (LIBOR) Act, implementing regulations (Regulation ZZ), 12 CFR 253 Capital adequacy of bank holding companies, savings and loan holding companies, and State member banks (Regulation Q), 12 CFR 217 Community reinvestment (Regulation BB), 12 CFR 228 Credit extensions by Federal Reserve banks (Regulation A), 12 CFR 201 Debit card interchange fees and routing, 12 CFR 235 Delegations of authority, 12 CFR 265 Depository institutions, reserve requirements (Regulation D), 12 CFR 204 Designated financial market utilities (Regulation HH), 12 CFR 234 Enhanced prudential standards (Regulation YY), 12 CFR 252 Exceptions for banks from the definition of broker in the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Regulation R), 12 CFR 218 Fair credit reporting (Regulation V), 12 CFR 222 Liquidity risk measurement, standards, and monitoring (Regulation WW), 12 CFR 249 Mutual holding companies, 12 CFR 239 Netting eligibility for financial institutions (Regulation EE), 12 CFR 231 Procedure rules, 12 CFR 262 Proprietary trading and certain interests in and relationships with covered funds (Regulation VV), 12 CFR 248 Resolution plans, 12 CFR 243 Retail foreign exchange transactions, 12 CFR 240 Savings and loan holding companies, 12 CFR 238 State banking institutions, membership (Regulation H), 12 CFR 208 Supervision and regulation assessment of fees (Regulation TT), 12 CFR 246 Swaps margin and swaps push-out, 12 CFR 237 Unlawful Internet gambling, funding prohibition (Regulation GG), 12 CFR 233 Federal taxes payment and Treasury tax and loan program, 31 CFR 203 Financial Crimes Enforcement Network Banks, rules, 31 CFR 1020 Brokers or dealers, rules, 31 CFR 1023 Casinos and card clubs, rules, 31 CFR 1021 Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act of 2010, provisions relating to, 31 CFR 1060 Dealers in precious metals, precious stones, or jewels, 31 CFR 1027 Futures Commission merchants and introducing brokers in commodities, rules, 31 CFR 1026 General provisions, 31 CFR 1010 Housing Government sponsored enterprises, 31 CFR 1030 Insurance companies, rules, 31 CFR 1025 Money services businesses, rules, 31 CFR 1022 Mutual funds, rules, 31 CFR 1024 Operators of credit card systems, rules, 31 CFR 1028 [[Page 113]] Financial market utilities, designation of, 12 CFR 1320 Financial privacy Consumer financial information, (Regulation P), 12 CFR 1016 Defense Department, 32 CFR 275 Justice Department, 28 CFR 47 Labor Department, 29 CFR 19 Postal Service, inspection service authority, 39 CFR 233 Reimbursement for providing financial records; recordkeeping requirements for certain financial records (Regulation S), 12 CFR 219 Treasury Department, 31 CFR 14 Financial recordkeeping and reporting of currency and foreign transactions, 31 CFR 103 Fiscal agency checks, regulations governing, 31 CFR 355 Foreign Assets Control Office Control regulations-- Cuban assets, 31 CFR 515 Diamonds, rough, 31 CFR 592 Iranian assets, 31 CFR 535 Iranian transactions and sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 560 Reporting, procedures and penalties, 31 CFR 501 Sanctions regulations-- Belarus, 31 CFR 548 Burma, 31 CFR 525 Central African Republic, 31 CFR 553 Cyber-related, 31 CFR 578 Darfur, 31 CFR 546 Democratic Republic of the Congo, 31 CFR 547 Elections, U.S.; foreign interference, 31 CFR 579 Ethiopia, 31 CFR 550 Foreign narcotics kingpin, 31 CFR 598 Foreign terrorist organizations, 31 CFR 597 Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act, 31 CFR 583 Global terrorism, 31 CFR 594 Hizballah, 31 CFR 566 Hong Kong, 31 CFR 585 Hostages and wrongful detention, 31 CFR 526 Illicit drug trade, 31 CFR 599 Iran, financial sanctions, 31 CFR 561 Iran, sector and human rights abuses, 31 CFR 562 Iraq, stabilization and insurgency, 31 CFR 576 Lebanon, 31 CFR 549 Libya, 31 CFR 570 Magnitsky Act, 31 CFR 584 Mali, 31 CFR 555 Narcotics trafficking, 31 CFR 536 Nicaragua, 31 CFR 582 North Korea, 31 CFR 510 Russian harmful foreign activities, 31 CFR 587 Somalia, 31 CFR 551 South Sudan, 31 CFR 558 Syria, 31 CFR 542 Syria-related, 31 CFR 569 Terrorism, 31 CFR 595 Terrorism list governments, 31 CFR 596 Transnational criminal organizations, 31 CFR 590 Ukraine, 31 CFR 589 Venezuela, 31 CFR 591 Weapons of mass destruction proliferators, 31 CFR 544 Yemen, 31 CFR 552 Zimbabwe, 31 CFR 541 Weapons of mass destruction trade control regulations, 31 CFR 539 Western Balkans, stabilization regulations, 31 CFR 588 Foreign military sales loans made by Defense Department or made by Federal Financing Bank and guaranteed by Defense Department, prepayment, 31 CFR 25 Golden parachute and indemnification payments, 12 CFR 1412 Government securities Book-entry Treasury bonds, notes and bills (Department of Treasury Circular, Public Debt Series No. 2-86), 31 CFR 357 Sale and issue of marketable book-entry Treasury bills, notes, and bonds (Department of Treasury Circular, Public Debt Series No. 1- 93), 31 CFR 356 Home mortgage disclosure (Regulation C), 12 CFR 1003 Income taxes Banking institutions-- [[Page 114]] Affiliates, 26 CFR 1 (1.601-1) General applications, 26 CFR 1 (1.581-1--1.586-2) Mutual savings banks, 26 CFR 1 (1.591-1--1.597-8) Tax depositories, collection of taxes, general provisions, 26 CFR 1 (1.6302-1--1.6302-4) Indorsement and payment of checks drawn on U.S. Treasury, 31 CFR 240 Insurance sales, consumer protection, 12 CFR 14 Inter-American Development Bank, reports to Securities and Exchange Commission, 17 CFR 286 Interbank liabilities (Regulation F), 12 CFR 206 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, reports to Securities and Exchange Commission, 17 CFR 285 International Finance Corporation, reports to SEC, 17 CFR 289 Interstate branches, prohibition against use primarily for deposit production, 12 CFR 369 Investment securities, 12 CFR 1 Issuance of settlement checks for forged checks drawn on designated depositaries, 31 CFR 235 Leasing, 12 CFR 23 Loans by banks on and payment of veterans adjusted service certificates, 38 CFR 11 Lost, stolen, destroyed, mutilated and defaced U.S. checks drawn on accounts maintained in depositary banks in foreign countries or U.S. territories or possessions; issue of substitutes, 31 CFR 248 Management official interlocks (Regulation L), 12 CFR 212 Multilateral development banks (MDBs), environmental review of actions, 31 CFR 26 Proprietary trading and certain interests in and relationships with covered funds, 12 CFR 44 Qualified financial contracts, mandatory contractual stay requirements, 12 CFR 47 Real estate lending and appraisals, 12 CFR 34 Receiverships for uninsured national banks, 12 CFR 51 Restrictive endorsements of U.S. bearer securities, 31 CFR 328 Retain foreign exchange transactions, 12 CFR 48 Rural Development, supervised bank accounts, 7 CFR 1902 S.A.F.E. Mortgage Licensing Act Residential mortgage loan originators, Federal registration (Regulation G), 12 CFR 1007 State compliance and bureau registration system (Regulation H), 12 CFR 1008 Savings bonds and savings notes (Freedom Shares) Payment under special endorsement, 31 CFR 330 Payments by banks and other financial institutions, 31 CFR 321 Securities and Exchange Commission Covered funds, proprietary trading and certain interests in and relationships with, 17 CFR 255 Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975, form and content of and requirements for financial statements, 17 CFR 210 Investment Advisers Act of 1940, form and content of and requirements for financial statements, 17 CFR 210 Investment Company Act of 1940, form and content of and requirements for financial statements, 17 CFR 210 Securities Act of 1933, form and content of and requirements for financial statements, 17 CFR 210 Securities Exchange Act of 1934, form and content of and requirements for financial statements, 17 CFR 210 Securities credit Banks and persons other than brokers or dealers (Regulation U), 12 CFR 221 Borrowers (Regulation X), 12 CFR 224 Brokers and dealers (Regulation T), 12 CFR 220 Small Business Administration, business loans, 13 CFR 120 State due-on-sale usury laws, preemption, 12 CFR 191 State usury laws, preemption, 12 CFR 190 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, participation of retail food stores, wholesale food concerns, meal services, [[Page 115]] and insured financial institutions, 7 CFR 278 Tennessee Valley Authority, book-entry procedures for TVA power securities issued through Federal Reserve Banks, 18 CFR 1314 Transactions between member banks and their affiliates (Regulation W), 12 CFR 223 Treasury Department Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, (Regulation DD), 12 CFR 1030 Financial research fund, 31 CFR 150 Merchant banking investments, 12 CFR 1500 Regulations under section 15C of Securities Exchange Act of 1934-- Exemptions, 17 CFR 401 Forms, 17 CFR 449 General applications, rules, 17 CFR 400 Large position reporting, 17 CFR 420 Protection of customer securities and balances, 17 CFR 403 Recordkeeping and preservation of records, 17 CFR 404 Regulations under Title II of the Government Securities Act of 1986, custodial holdings of Government securities by depository institutions, 17 CFR 450 Treasury tax and loan depositaries, recognition of insurance covering, 31 CFR 226 Barges See Cargo vessels Barley Area risk protection insurance regulations, 7 CFR 407 End-use certificate program, 7 CFR 782 Marketing assistance loans and loan deficiency payments, grains and similarly handled commodities, 7 CFR 1421 Barrels See Packaging and containers Batteries See al Energy Button cell or coin batteries and consumer products containing such batteries, safety standards, 16 CFR 1263 Beaches See Seashores Beans United States Warehouse Act regulations, 7 CFR 869 Beef See Meat and meat products Beer See al Alcoholic beverages Distilled spirits, wine, and beer; importation, 27 CFR 27 Exportation, 27 CFR 28 Liquors and articles from Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands, 27 CFR 26 Malt beverages, labeling and advertising, 27 CFR 7 Production and sales, 27 CFR 25 Stills and miscellaneous regulations, 27 CFR 29 Bees Beekeeping byproducts, and beekeeping equipment, 7 CFR 322 Emergency agricultural disaster assistance programs, 7 CFR 1416 Plant protection and quarantine, foreign quarantine notices, exotic bee diseases and parasites, 7 CFR 319 Belarus Sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 548 Benefits Review Board Establishment and operation of Board, 20 CFR 801 Practice and procedure rules, 20 CFR 802 Benzene Air pollution control, national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants, 40 CFR 61 Coast Guard, marine occupational safety and health standards, general provisions, 46 CFR 197 Beryllium Air pollution control, national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants, 40 CFR 61 Chronic beryllium disease prevention program, 10 CFR 850 Occupational safety and health standards Construction, 29 CFR 1926 Federal standards, 29 CFR 1910 [[Page 116]] Shipyard employment standards, 29 CFR 1915 Beverages See al Alcohol and alcoholic beverages; Coffee; Foods; Fruit juices; Tea; Vegetable juices Air pollution control, performance standards for beverage can surface coating industry, 40 CFR 60 Bottled water Beverages, 21 CFR 165 Processing and bottling, 21 CFR 129 Common or usual name for distinguishing beverages containing fruit or vegetable juice, 21 CFR 102 Degradable plastic ring carriers, 40 CFR 238 Bicycles Bicycle helmets, safety standards, 16 CFR 1203 Safety requirements, 16 CFR 1512 Bilingual education See al Education Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Student support services program, 34 CFR 646 Biobased products Advanced biofuel and biorefineries payment programs, 7 CFR 4288 Biodiesel Fuel Education Program, 7 CFR 2903 Designating biobased products, guidelines for Federal procurement, 7 CFR 3201 Fuels, fuel additives, and regulated blendstocks; regulation, 40 CFR 1090 Fuels and fuel additives, regulation, 40 CFR 80 Voluntary labeling program, 7 CFR 3202 Bioengineered foods See Food labeling Biofuels See Biobased products Biologics See also [[Page 117]] Animal biologics; Blood; Drugs 340B Drug Pricing Program, 42 CFR 10 Allergenic products, additional standards, 21 CFR 680 Biological products, general standards, 21 CFR 610 Clinical trials registration and results information submission, 42 CFR 11 Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program, 42 CFR 110 Diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals, 21 CFR 315 Distribution of reference biological standards and biological preparations, 42 CFR 7 Establishments and products, licensing of, 21 CFR 601 Food and Drug Administration Financial disclosure by clinical investigators, 21 CFR 54 Good manufacturing practices, combination products, 21 CFR 4 Marketed drugs, biologics, and devices, unapproved/new uses, information dissemination, 21 CFR 99 Product jurisdiction, 21 CFR 3 General provisions, establishment standards and inspection, 21 CFR 600 Human cells, tissues, and cellular and tissue-based products, 21 CFR 1271 Immunology and microbiology devices, 21 CFR 866 Laboratory tests, diagnostic substances standards, 21 CFR 660 Medicare, Part B medical and other health services, payment, 42 CFR 414 Microorganisms, reporting requirements and review processes, 40 CFR 725 Nuclear byproduct material, medical use, 10 CFR 35 Occupational safety and health Agriculture standards, 29 CFR 1928 Construction industry regulations, 29 CFR 1926 Federal standards, 29 CFR 1910 Patent cases, practice rules, 37 CFR 1 Pharmaceutical good manufacturing practice reports, medical device quality system audit reports, and certain medical device product evaluation reports, mutual recognition, U.S. and European Community, 21 CFR 26 Quarantine, foreign, 42 CFR 71 Select agents and toxins, 42 CFR 73 Vaccine injury compensation, 42 CFR 100 Bioplastics See Biobased products Birds See Wildlife Birth control See Family planning Bison Animal disease traceability, 9 CFR 86 Animals destroyed because of tuberculosis, 9 CFR 50 Interstate transportation, restrictions Brucellosis, 9 CFR 78 Tuberculosis, 9 CFR 77 Black lung benefits See al Health insurance; Lung diseases; Mine safety and health Benefits Review Board, Labor Department Establishment and operation, 20 CFR 801 Rules of practice, 20 CFR 802 Black lung clinics program grants, 42 CFR 55a Coal mine operator's insurance, requirements, 20 CFR 726 Coal miners who have evidence of development of pneumoconiosis, mandatory health standards, 30 CFR 90 Criteria for determining whether State workers' compensation laws provide adequate coverage for pneumoconiosis and listing of approved State laws, 20 CFR 722 Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act of 1969, Title IV--Black lung benefits (1969- ), 20 CFR 410 Federal Mine Safety and Health Act, benefit claims under Part C of Title IV, 20 CFR 725 Fiscal Service; debt collection authorities under Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996, 31 CFR 285 Standards for determining coal miners' total disability or death due to pneumoconiosis, 20 CFR 718 Blind See al Medicaid; Individuals with disabilities; Public assistance programs; Supplemental Security Income (SSI) [[Page 118]] Consumer Financial Protection Bureau programs and activities, enforcement of nondiscrimination on basis of disability, 12 CFR 1072 Defense Department, vending facility program for the blind on DoD- controlled Federal property, 32 CFR 260 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Federal Management Regulation, real property, facility management, 41 CFR 102-74 Federal Old-age, survivors, and disability insurance (1950-- ), 20 CFR 404 Independent living services for older individuals who are blind, 34 CFR 367 Passenger carrier regulations, 49 CFR 374 Social Security Administration, Medicare subsidies, 20 CFR 418 Supplemental security income for the aged, blind, and disabled, 20 CFR 416 Ticket to work and self-sufficiency program, 20 CFR 411 Vending facilities operated by blind persons on Federal property Commerce Department, 15 CFR 5 Education Department, 34 CFR 395 General Services Administration, 41 CFR 101-20 Interior Department, 43 CFR 13 Treasury Department, 31 CFR 11 Blocking of assets See Foreign trade Blood See al Biologics Allergenic products, additional standards, 21 CFR 680 Blood and blood components, current good manufacturing practices, 21 CFR 606 Blood and blood components intended for transfusion or for further manufacturing use, requirements, 21 CFR 630 Hematology and pathology devices, 21 CFR 864 [[Page 119]] Human blood and blood products Additional standards, 21 CFR 640 Establishment registration and product listing for manufacturers, 21 CFR 607 Meat and poultry products inspection and voluntary inspection and certification, post-mortem inspection, 9 CFR 310 Occupational safety and health standards, 29 CFR 1910 Blood diseases See Diseases Blueberries Promotion, research, and information order, 7 CFR 1218 Boats and boating safety See Marine safety; Navigation (water) Bonding See Surety bonds Bonds See al Government securities; Securities Articles conditionally free, subject to a reduced rate, etc., 19 CFR 10 Book-entry Treasury bonds, notes and bills, 31 CFR 357 Community Development Financial Institutions Bond Guarantee Program, 12 CFR 1808 Comptroller of the Currency, activities and operations, 12 CFR 7 Excise tax on obligations not in registered form, 26 CFR 46 Federally insured credit unions, fidelity bond and insurance coverage, 12 CFR 713 Fiscal Service; sale and issue of marketable book-entry Treasury bills, notes, and bonds (Department of Treasury Circular, Public Debt Series No. 1-93), 31 CFR 356 Highway construction projects performed by a State under Federal-aid procedures, reimbursement eligibility of administrative settlement costs, 23 CFR 140 Income taxes Deferred compensation, pension, profit-sharing, stock bonus plans, 26 CFR 1 (1.401-0--1.420-1) Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1980, Title II, temporary regulations on mortgage bonds, 26 CFR 6a State and local bonds, tax exemption requirements, 26 CFR 1 (1.141-0-- 1.150-4T) Withholding of tax on nonresident aliens and foreign corporations and tax-free covenant bonds, application of withholding provisions, 26 CFR 1 (1.1461-1--1.1464-1) Withholding of tax on tax-free covenant bonds, 26 CFR 1 (1.1451-1-- 1.1451-2) Marketable Treasury securities redemption operations, 31 CFR 375 Retirement savings bond, governing regulations, 31 CFR 347 Securities held in New Treasury Direct system, regulations governing, 31 CFR 363 U.S. individual retirement bonds, 31 CFR 346 U.S. mortgage guaranty insurance company tax and loss bonds, offering, 31 CFR 343 U.S. retirement plan bonds, 31 CFR 341 U.S. savings bonds and notes Payment under special endorsement, 31 CFR 330 Payments by banks and other financial institutions, 31 CFR 321 Savings bonds illustrations, authorized use, 31 CFR 405 Savings notes, offering, 31 CFR 342 Series A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, and K bonds, and savings notes, regulations governing, 31 CFR 315 Series E bonds, offering, 31 CFR 316 Series EE bonds-- Offering, 31 CFR 351 Regulations governing, 31 CFR 353 Series H bonds-- Exchange offering, 31 CFR 339 Offering, 31 CFR 332 Series HH bonds-- Exchange offering, 31 CFR 352 Regulations governing, 31 CFR 353 Series I bonds-- Definitive, regulations governing, 31 CFR 360 Offering, 31 CFR 359 U.S. Treasury bonds, sale through competitive bidding, 31 CFR 340 U.S. Treasury securities, State and local government series, 31 CFR 344 [[Page 120]] Borders See International boundaries Bottled water See Beverages Boy Scouts See Youth organizations Boycotts See Trade practices Bread See Foods Bridges See al Highways and roads; Transportation; Waterways Aliens, prevention of unauthorized entry of by owners of international bridges, 8 CFR 271 Alteration of unreasonably obstructive bridges, 33 CFR 116 Bridges and causeways over navigable U.S. waters, general requirements, 33 CFR 114 Drawbridge operation regulations, 33 CFR 117 Engineering and design, responsibility for safety and structural adequacy of major civil works structures, 33 CFR 222 Facilities repeatedly requiring repair and reconstruction due to emergency events, periodic evaluation, 23 CFR 667 Federal-aid highway programs; bridges, structures, and hydraulics, 23 CFR 650 Federal lands highways Fish and Wildlife Service Management Systems, 23 CFR 972 Forest Service Management Systems, 23 CFR 971 Indian Affairs Bureau and Indian Reservation Roads Program management systems, 23 CFR 973 National Park Service Management Systems, 23 CFR 970 Federal Railroad Administration, safety standards, 49 CFR 237 Indian Reservation Road Bridge Program, 23 CFR 661 Lighting and other signals, 33 CFR 118 Locations and clearances, administrative procedures, 33 CFR 115 National performance management measures, 23 CFR 490 Railroad track safety standards, 49 CFR 213 Railroad workplace safety, 49 CFR 214 Transportation infrastructure management, management and monitoring systems, 23 CFR 500 Broadband See Internet; Telecommunications Broadcasting See Radio; Television Broadcasting Board of Governors Acquisition regulations Administrative matters, 48 CFR 1904 Broadcasting Board of Governors Acquisition Regulation System, 48 CFR 1901 Contract administration, 48 CFR 1942 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 1915 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 1909 Definitions of words and terms, 48 CFR 1902 Forms, 48 CFR 1953 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 1903 Quality assurance, 48 CFR 1946 Small purchase and other simplified purchase procedures, 48 CFR 1913 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 1952 Special contracting methods, 48 CFR 1917 Specifications, standards and other purchase descriptions, 48 CFR 1910 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), drug-free workplace requirements, 22 CFR 513 Debt collection under Debt Collection Act of 1982, 22 CFR 512 Domestic requests, 22 CFR 502 Employee testimony, production of official records, official information disclosure in legal proceedings, 22 CFR 504 Federal tort claims procedure, 22 CFR 511 Foreign Service officers, appointment, 22 CFR 501 Freedom of Information Act regulation, 22 CFR 503 Grants and agreements with institutions of higher education, hospitals, and other non-profit organizations, uniform administrative requirements, 22 CFR 518 Lobbying restrictions, 22 CFR 519 [[Page 121]] Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 22 CFR 530 Part-time career employment program, 22 CFR 506 Privacy Act regulation, 22 CFR 505 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 22 CFR 521 Service of process, 22 CFR 510 Sunshine Act, open meetings, 22 CFR 507 Brokers See al Investments Anti-money laundering, terrorist financing, 17 CFR 42 Arms brokers, registration and licensing, 22 CFR 129 Bankruptcy, 17 CFR 190 Broker associations, 17 CFR 156 Commodity Exchange Act General regulations, 17 CFR 1 Reports, general provisions, 17 CFR 15 Commodity futures exchanges, registration, 17 CFR 3 Commodity futures trading, customer protection rules, 17 CFR 166 Commodity pool operators and commodity trading advisors, 17 CFR 4 Commodity trading standards, 17 CFR 155 Consumer financial information, privacy Consumer Product Safety Commission, 17 CFR 160 Protection of consumer information under the fair credit reporting act, 17 CFR 162 Customs brokers, 19 CFR 111 Federal Deposit insurance Corporation, orderly liquidation authority, 12 CFR 380 Financial Crimes Enforcement Network Banks, rules, 31 CFR 1020 Brokers or dealers, rules, 31 CFR 1023 Casinos and card clubs, rules, 31 CFR 1021 Dealers in precious metals, precious stones, and jewels, rules, 31 CFR 1028 Futures Commission merchants and introducing brokers in communities, 31 CFR 1026 General provisions, 31 CFR 1010 Housing Government sponsored enterprises, rules, 31 CFR 1030 Insurance companies, rules, 31 CFR 1025 Money services businesses, rules, 31 CFR 2022 Mutual funds, rules, 31 CFR 1024 Financial recordkeeping and reporting of currency and foreign transactions, 31 CFR 103 Foreign Assets Control Office Iran, transactions and sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 560 Sanctions regulations-- Central African Republic, 31 CFR 553 Cyber-related, 31 CFR 578 Elections (U.S.), foreign interference, 31 CFR 579 Hizballah, 31 CFR 566 Magnitsky Act, 31 CFR 584 Mali, 31 CFR 555 South Sudan, 31 CFR 558 Ukraine, 31 CFR 589 Venezuela, 31 CFR 591 Yeman, 31 CFR 552 Health and Human Services Department, Affordable Care Act Exchange establishment standards and related standards, 45 CFR 155 Health insurance issuer standards including standards related to exchanges, 45 CFR 156 Motor carriers Registration and insurance fees, 49 CFR 360 Unified Carrier Registration Plan and Agreement, standards for registration with States, 49 CFR 367 Nonbank financial companies, authority to require supervision and regulation, 12 CFR 1310 Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act Procedures, 7 CFR 47 Requirements (other than administrative procedures), 7 CFR 46 Regulations M, SHO, ATS, AC and NMS and customer margin requirements for security futures, 17 CFR 242 Reporting markets, futures commission merchants, clearing members, and foreign brokers, reports, 17 CFR 17 Securities and Exchange Commission Covered funds, proprietary trading and certain interests in and relationships with, 17 CFR 255 Practice rules, 17 CFR 201 [[Page 122]] Privacy of consumer financial information and safeguarding personal information; affiliate marketing limitations; and identity theft red flags (Regulations S-P, S-AM, and S-ID), 17 CFR 248 Securities credit by brokers and dealers (Regulation T), 12 CFR 220 Securities Exchange Act of 1933, forms, 17 CFR 249, 17 CFR 249b Securities Exchange Act of 1934, general rules and regulations, 17 CFR 240 Securities Investor Protection Corporation Forms, 17 CFR 301 General applications, rules, 17 CFR 400 Regulations under section 15C-- Exemptions, 17 CFR 401 Financial responsibility, 17 CFR 402 Forms, 17 CFR 449 Large position reporting, 17 CFR 420 Protection of customer securities and balances, 17 CFR 403 Recordkeeping and preservation of records, 17 CFR 404 Reports and audit, 17 CFR 405 Rules, 17 CFR 300 Security futures products, 17 CFR 41 Special calls, 17 CFR 21 Surface Transportation Board, civil monetary penalty inflation adjustment, 49 CFR 1022 Transportation brokers FMCSA proceedings, rules of practice, 49 CFR 386 Operating authority applications, governing rules, 49 CFR 365 Process agent designation, 49 CFR 366 Property brokers, 49 CFR 371 Budget Office See Management and Budget Office Buildings and facilities See al Federal buildings and facilities; Seismic safety Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility guidelines for buildings and facilities, 36 CFR 1191 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability-- Public accommodations and in commercial facilities, 28 CFR 36 State and local government services, 28 CFR 35 Transportation services for individuals with disabilities, 49 CFR 37 Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board Architectural Barriers Act (ABA) accessibility guidelines, 36 CFR 1191 Pedestrian facilities in the public right-of-way, accessibility guidelines, 36 CFR 1190 Practice and procedure for compliance hearings, 36 CFR 1150 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau programs and activities, enforcement of nondiscrimination on basis of disability, 12 CFR 1072 Energy conservation Energy efficiency standards for the design and construction of new Federal low-rise residential buildings, 10 CFR 435 Manufactured homes, energy conservation standards, 10 CFR 460 New Federal commercial and multi-family high rise residential buildings-- Energy code, 10 CFR 434 Energy efficiency standards, 10 CFR 433 Renewable energy production incentives, 10 CFR 451 State energy program, 10 CFR 420 Technical assistance and energy conservation measures, grant programs for schools, hospitals, and buildings owned by units of local government and public care institutions, 10 CFR 455 Federal Railroad Administration, passenger train employees; hours of service, reporting and recordkeeping, sleeping quarters, 49 CFR 228 Housing and Urban Development Department, enforcement of building standards for accessibility by physically handicapped, 24 CFR 41 Indian Affairs Bureau-operated schools, leases of land or facilities and fundraising activities at, 25 CFR 48 Indian country detention facilities and programs, 25 CFR 10 Indian Self Determination and Education Assistance Act, contracts, 25 CFR 900 National construction safety teams, 15 CFR 270 [[Page 123]] Postal Service, standards for accessibility, 39 CFR 254 Rural Business-Cooperative Service programs, environmental policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1970 Rural Housing Service programs, environmental policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1970 Rural Utilities Service programs, environmental policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1970 Special Counsel Office; nondiscrimination on basis of disability in activities conducted by the Office of Special Counsel, 5 CFR 1850 Bureau of Standards See National Institute of Standards and Technology Burma Sanction regulations, 31 CFR 525 Buses See al Motor carriers; Motor vehicles Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessibility guidelines for transportation vehicles, 36 CFR 1192 Accessibility specifications for transportation vehicles, 49 CFR 38 Transportation services for individuals with disabilities, 49 CFR 37 Applications under 49 U.S.C. 10706 and 13703, 49 CFR 1331 Bus testing, 49 CFR 665 Charter service, 49 CFR 604 Elderly and handicapped persons, transportation, 49 CFR 609 Exemptions, commercial zones, and terminal areas, 49 CFR 372 Financial responsibility, minimum levels, 49 CFR 387 Maritime and surface transportation security General rules, 49 CFR 1570 Highway and motor carrier security, 49 CFR 1584 Motor carrier registration and insurance fees, 49 CFR 360 Operating authority applications, governing rules, 49 CFR 365 Passenger carrier regulations, 49 CFR 374 Receipts and bills, 49 CFR 373 School bus operations, 49 CFR 605 Transportation Security Administration Administrative and procedural rules, applicability, terms, and abbreviations, 49 CFR 1500 Sensitive security information protection, 49 CFR 1520 Business and industry See al Accounting; Advertising; Antitrust; Bankruptcy; Concessions; Confidential business information; Holding companies; Indians- business and finance; Industrial facilities; Labeling; Labor; Minority businesses; Packaging and containers; Relocation assistance; Small businesses; Taxes; Trade adjustment assistance; Trade names; Trade practices; Trademarks; Warranties; Whistleblowing Agriculture Priorities and Allocation System (APAS), 7 CFR 789 Alternate fuels Administrative procedures and sanctions, 10 CFR 501 Definitions, 10 CFR 500 Existing powerplants, 10 CFR 504 New facilities, 10 CFR 503 Air pollution control Hazardous air pollutants for source categories, National emission standards, 40 CFR 63 Performance standards for new stationary sources, 40 CFR 60 Army Department; disciplinary control boards, off-installation liaison and operations, 32 CFR 631 Biobased products Designating products, guidelines for Federal procurement, 7 CFR 3201 Voluntary labeling program, 7 CFR 3202 Business and international education program, 34 CFR 661 Business firms, mail shipments damaged or destroyed through transportation accidents or catastrophes, 39 CFR 281 Business opportunity rule, 16 CFR 437 CAN-SPAM rule, 16 CFR 316 Choking incidents involving marbles, small balls, latex balloons, and other small parts, reporting, 16 CFR 1117 [[Page 124]] Commercial filming and similar projects and still photography on certain areas under department jurisdiction, 43 CFR 5 Commodity Futures Trading Commission Clearing requirement and related rules, 17 CFR 50 Derivatives clearing organizations, 17 CFR 39 Concrete masonry research, education, and promotion, 15 CFR 1500 Conditions and requirements for relying on component part testing or certification, or another party's finished product testing or certification, to meet testing and certification requirements, 16 CFR 1109 Construction industry Collective bargaining disputes in construction industry, procedures and policy statements, 29 CFR 901 Construction contractors, affirmative action requirements, 41 CFR 60-4 Federal and federally assisted construction contracts-- Contractors and subcontractors on public buildings or public works financed by U.S. loans or grants, Federal wage requirements, 29 CFR 3 Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, applicable provisions, 29 CFR 5 Labor standards in Federal and federally assisted construction contracts and Federal service contracts, practice rules for administrative enforcement proceedings, 29 CFR 6 Wage rates, procedures for predetermination, 29 CFR 1 Noise abatement programs, construction equipment noise emission standards, including portable air compressors, 40 CFR 204 Safety and health regulations, 29 CFR 1926 Wage and hour provisions of Fair Labor Standards Act, interpretive bulletin, 29 CFR 776 Consumer Product Safety Act Children's product, definition, 16 CFR 1200 Children's products, children's toys, and child care articles-- Engineered wood products, determinations regarding lead, ASTM F963 elements, and phthalates, 16 CFR 1252 Unfinished manufactured fibers, determinations regarding ASTM F963 elements and phthalates, 16 CFR 1253 Civil penalty factors, 16 CFR 1119 Durable infant or toddler products, consumer registration requirements, 16 CFR 1130 Reports submitted pursuant to section 37, 16 CFR 1116 Consumer Product Safety Commission Children's products, testing and labeling pertaining to product certification, 16 CFR 1107 Children's toys and child care articles containing phthalates, guidance on inaccessible component parts, 16 CFR 1199 Publicly available database, 16 CFR 1102 Toys, determinations regarding heavy elements limits for certain materials, 16 CFR 1251 Toys and child care articles containing specified phthalates, prohibition determinations regarding certain plastics, 16 CFR 1308 Customs and Border Protection, investigation of claims of evasion of antidumping and countervailing duties, 19 CFR 165 Defense Department Cost-type grants and cooperative agreements to nonprofit and government entities, administrative requirements terms and conditions-- Nonprofit and government entities; recipient financial and program management, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1128 Recipient procurement procedures, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1132 Subawards requirements, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1138 Definitions, 2 CFR 1108 Grants and cooperative agreements-- Award administration, 32 CFR 22 Award format, 2 CFR 1120 [[Page 125]] General award terms and conditions, national policy requirements, 2 CFR 1122 Public affairs liaison with industry, 32 CFR 237a Defense Industrial Personnel Security Clearance Program, 32 CFR 155 Defense preparedness, voluntary agreements under section 708 of Defense Production Act of 1950, 44 CFR 332 Defense priorities and allocations system, 15 CFR 700 Economic adjustment assistance investments, 13 CFR 307 Domestic energy supplies, materials allocation and priority performance under contracts or orders to maximize, 10 CFR 216 Energy priorities and allocations system, 10 CFR 217 Equipment and materials, independent testing for approval by Coast Guard, 46 CFR 159 Fastener quality, 15 CFR 280 Federal Election Commission, debts owed by candidates and political committees, 11 CFR 116 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Defense Department, implementation of governmentwide guidance for grants and cooperative agreements, 2 CFR 1104 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, general provisions, 31 CFR 1010 Food processors, National commodity processing program, 7 CFR 252 Franchising, disclosure requirements and prohibitions, 16 CFR 436 Funeral industry, trade practice rules, 16 CFR 453 Health and Human Services Department 340B Drug Pricing Program, 42 CFR 10 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for federal awards, 2 CFR 300 [[Page 126]] Homeland security, regulations to support anti-terrorism by fostering effective technologies, 6 CFR 25 Indians Indian education discretionary grant programs, 34 CFR 263 Indian Tribal Energy Development and Self Determination Act, tribal energy resource agreements, 25 CFR 224 Licensed Indian traders, 25 CFR 140 Navajo, Hopi, and Zuni reservations, business practices on , 25 CFR 141 Industrial, scientific, and medical equipment radio transmissions, 47 CFR 18 Industry and Security Bureau, recordkeeping, 15 CFR 762 Information and communications technology and services supply chain, securing, 15 CFR 7 International trade Aluminum Import Monitoring and Analysis system, 19 CFR 361 Antidumping and countervailing duties, 19 CFR 351 Customs duties petitions by domestic interested parties, 19 CFR 175 Emergency relief work supplies, 19 CFR 358 Nonadjudicative investigations-- Global and bilateral safeguard actions, market disruption, trade diversion, and review of relief actions, 19 CFR 206 Imports, effects of on agricultural programs, 19 CFR 204 Imports sold at less than fair value or from subsidized exports to the U.S.; investigations of whether injury to domestic industries results from, 19 CFR 207 Modified trade practices, effects on U.S. economy, investigations to determine, 19 CFR 205 Production costs, 19 CFR 202 United States-Mexico cross-border long-haul trucking services, 19 CFR 208 Short supply procedures, 19 CFR 357 Steel import monitoring and analysis system, 19 CFR 360 Unfair import trade practices investigations, adjudication and enforcement, 19 CFR 210 International Trade Administration, procedures and rules for Article 10.12 of the United States-Mexico-Canada agreement, 19 CFR 356 Justice Department Americans with Disabilities Act, nondiscrimination on basis of disability by public accommodations and in commercial facilities, 28 CFR 36 Convicted persons, applications for certificates of exemption from certain laws, 28 CFR 4 Standards for private entities providing prisoner or detainee services, 28 CFR 97 Labor Department Contractors, minimum wage for-- Establishing, 29 CFR 10 Increase, 29 CFR 23 Federal and federally assisted construction contracts, practice before the Administrative Review Board, 29 CFR 7 Leather and leather products industry, select leather and imitation leather products, guides, 16 CFR 24 Maritime and surface transportation security General rules, 49 CFR 1570 Mobilization base, maintenance, 44 CFR 321 National Institute of Standards and Technology Advanced technology program, 15 CFR 295 CHIPS funding, clawbacks, 15 CFR 231 Technology innovation program, 15 CFR 296 National park areas, commercial and private operations, 36 CFR 5 National Security Industrial Base regulations, effect of imported articles on National security, 15 CFR 705 National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program, 15 CFR 285 Occupational safety and health standards, 29 CFR 1910 Offset agreements in sales of weapon systems or defense-related items to foreign countries or foreign firms, reporting, 15 CFR 701 Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, terminology, 29 CFR 4001 [[Page 127]] Political activities of corporate and labor organizations, 11 CFR 114 Presidio Trust, commercial and private operations, 36 CFR 1005 Private industry, policy on use of Government owned industrial plant equipment, 44 CFR 327 Private land mobile radio services, 47 CFR 90 Public utility business operations and communications, standards, 18 CFR 38 Rural Business-Cooperative Service Grants, 7 CFR 4284 Guaranteed loans, 7 CFR 5001 Loans and grants, 7 CFR 4280 Rural Development Associations, program regulations, 7 CFR 1942 Debt settlement, 7 CFR 1956 General program regulations, 7 CFR 1980 Technical assistance grants, 7 CFR 1775 Rural Housing Service Guaranteed loans, 7 CFR 5001 Guaranteed Rural Housing program, 7 CFR 3555 Rural industrialization loan and grant programs under Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act of 1972, labor certification procedures, 29 CFR 75 Rural Utilities Service Guaranteed loans, 7 CFR 5001 Loans and grants, 7 CFR 4280 Revolving funds for financing water and wastewater projects (Revolving Fund Program), 7 CFR 1783 Small Business Administration, business loans, 13 CFR 120 State energy program, 10 CFR 420 Substantial product hazard reports, 16 CFR 1115 Trafficking in persons award term, 2 CFR 175 Transportation priorities and allocation system, 49 CFR 33 Voluntary product standards development Commerce Department participation, procedures, 15 CFR 10 Consumer Product Safety Commission employees, participation and involvement in voluntary standards activities, 16 CFR 1031 C Cable television See al Television Cable compulsory license, royalty fee adjustment, 37 CFR 387 Cable television relay service, 47 CFR 78 Communications common carriers; extension of lines, new lines, and discontinuance, reduction, outage and impairment of service by; and grants of recognized private operating agency status, 47 CFR 63 Copyright Office, Library of Congress; general provisions, 37 CFR 201 Copyright Royalty Board, Library of Congress; royalty fees collected under compulsory license, claims filing, 37 CFR 360 Internet freedom, 47 CFR 8 Multichannel video and cable television service, 47 CFR 76 Radio broadcast services, 47 CFR 73 Satellite communications, 47 CFR 25 Video programming, accessibility, 47 CFR 79 Campfire Girls See Youth organizations Campaign funds See al Elections; Political candidates Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 regulations, non-Federal funds, 11 CFR 300 Campaign accounts, permitted and prohibited uses, 11 CFR 113 Campaign fund allocations of candidate and committee activities, 11 CFR 106 Campaign funds depositories, 11 CFR 103 Contribution and expenditure limitations and prohibitions, 11 CFR 110 Document filing, 11 CFR 105 Increased limits for candidates opposing self-financed candidates, 11 CFR 400 International traffic in arms regulations; political contributions, fees, and commissions, 22 CFR 130 Political committees and other persons, reports, 11 CFR 104 Presidential election campaign financing Certification by Commission, 11 CFR 9005 Definitions, 11 CFR 9002 [[Page 128]] Eligibility for payments, 11 CFR 9003 Entitlement of eligible candidates to payments; use of payments, 11 CFR 9004 Examination and audits; payments, 11 CFR 9007 Federal financing of Presidential nominating conventions, 11 CFR 9008 Internal Revenue Service, Presidential election campaign fund, 26 CFR 701 Reports and recordkeeping, 11 CFR 9006 Scope, 11 CFR 9001 Unauthorized expenditures and contributions, 11 CFR 9012 Presidential nominating convention, registration and reports, 11 CFR 107 Presidential primary matching fund Definitions, 11 CFR 9032 Eligibility for payments, 11 CFR 9033 Entitlements, 11 CFR 9034 Examinations and audits, 11 CFR 9038 Expenditure limitations, 11 CFR 9035 Internal Revenue Service, Presidential primary matching payment account, 26 CFR 702 Payments and reporting, 11 CFR 9037 Review and investigation authority, 11 CFR 9039 Review of matching fund submissions and certification of payments by Commission, 11 CFR 9036 Scope, 11 CFR 9031 Canada Air taxi operators, Canadian charter, 14 CFR 294 Carriers, cartmen, and lightermen, licensing and bonding, 19 CFR 112 CBP relations with Canada and Mexico, 19 CFR 123 Entry process, 19 CFR 142 Fresh fruit and vegetable imports, monitoring procedures, 7 CFR 1560 General aircraft operating and flight rules, 14 CFR 91 Global and bilateral safeguard actions, market disruption, trade diversion, and review of relief actions; investigations, 19 CFR 206 Imports sold at less than fair value or from subsidized exports to the U.S.; injury to domestic industries resulting from, 19 CFR 207 International fisheries regulations, 50 CFR 300 North American Free Trade Agreement, implementation Customs and Border Protection, 19 CFR 181 International Trade Commission, 19 CFR 206 Rules of origin, 19 CFR 102 United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement Implementation, 19 CFR 182 Article 10.12, procedures and rules, 19 CFR 356 Canada, International Joint Commission, U.S. and Canada See International Joint Commission, U.S. and Canada Cancer See Diseases Cannabis See Marijuana Capital See Banks, banking; Investments Carbon oxides Acid Rain, continuous emission monitoring, 40 CFR 75 Air pollution control Air quality planning purposes, designation of areas, 40 CFR 81 Ambient air quality standards, National primary and secondary, 40 CFR 50 Conformity of Federal actions to State or Federal implementation plans, determining, 40 CFR 93 Hazardous air pollutants for source categories, National emission standards, 40 CFR 63 Implementation plans-- Approval and promulgation, 40 CFR 52 Preparation, adoption, and submittal requirements, 40 CFR 51 National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan, 40 CFR 300 New stationary sources, performance standards, 40 CFR 60 Outer Continental Shelf air regulations, 40 CFR 55 Pipeline safety, transportation, 49 CFR 195 [[Page 129]] Cargo See Freight Cargo vessels See al Maritime carriers; Vessels Bulk cargoes, special rules pertaining to, 46 CFR 172 Cargoes, stowage and securing of; safe operation rules for vessels, 33 CFR 97 Carrying oil in bulk, rules for protection of marine environment, 33 CFR 157 Commercial fishing vessels dispensing petroleum products, 46 CFR 105 Construction and arrangement, 46 CFR 92 Control and miscellaneous systems and equipment, 46 CFR 96 Dangerous cargoes Barges carrying bulk liquid hazardous material cargoes, 46 CFR 151 Carriage of bulk solid materials that require special handling, 46 CFR 148 Self-propelled vessels carrying bulk liquefied gases, safety standards, 46 CFR 154 Ships carrying bulk liquid, liquefied gas, or compressed gas hazardous materials, 46 CFR 153 Special construction, arrangement, and other provisions for certain dangerous cargoes in bulk, 46 CFR 98 Escort requirements for certain tankers, 33 CFR 168 Fire protection equipment, 46 CFR 95 General provisions, 46 CFR 90 Inspection and certification, 46 CFR 91 Lifesaving systems for certain inspected vessels, 46 CFR 199 Offshore supply vessels Construction and arrangements, 46 CFR 127 Electrical installations, 46 CFR 129 Fire-protection equipment, 46 CFR 132 General provisions, 46 CFR 125 Inspection and certification, 46 CFR 126 Lifesaving systems, 46 CFR 133 Liftboats, added provisions, 46 CFR 134 Marine engineering, equipment and systems, 46 CFR 128 Operations, 46 CFR 131 Vessel control, and miscellaneous equipment and systems, 46 CFR 130 Operations, 46 CFR 97 Stability, 46 CFR 93 Tank vessels Elevated temperature cargoes, 46 CFR 36 Firefighting equipment, 46 CFR 34 General provisions, 46 CFR 30 Inspection and certification, 46 CFR 31 Operations, 46 CFR 35 Special equipment, machinery, and hull requirements, 46 CFR 32 Tankermen certification, 46 CFR 13 Transporting liquefied flammable gases, 46 CFR 38 Vapor control systems, 46 CFR 39 Towing of barges, 33 CFR 163 Towing vessels, construction and arrangement, 46 CFR 144 Carpets and rugs Flammability standards Carpet and rug surfaces, 16 CFR 1630 Small carpet and rug surfaces, 16 CFR 1631 Carpools See al Highways and roads; Motor vehicles Carpool and vanpool projects, 23 CFR 656 Federal Property Management Regulations, ridesharing, 41 CFR 101-6 Carribean Basin Initiative See Trade agreements Cattle Animal disease traceability, 9 CFR 86 Animals destroyed because of Bovine babesiosis, 9 CFR 72 Brucellosis, 9 CFR 51 Tuberculosis, 9 CFR 50 Cattle Contracts Library Pilot Program, 7 CFR 180 Grading, certification, and standards, 7 CFR 53 Interstate transportation, restrictions Brucellosis in cattle, bison, and hogs, 9 CFR 78 Scabies in cattle, 9 CFR 73 Tuberculosis, 9 CFR 77 Livestock mandatory reporting, 7 CFR 59 Cellular and tissue-based products See Human cells and tissue-based products Cemeteries Army cemeteries, 32 CFR 553 National cemetery regulations, 36 CFR 12 [[Page 130]] Human remains, foreign quarantine, 42 CFR 71 Veterans Affairs Department General provisions, 38 CFR 1 National cemeteries, 38 CFR 38 Veterans cemeteries; aid to States for establishment, expansion, and improvement, or operation and maintenance of, 38 CFR 39 Census Bureau Cutoff dates for recognition of boundary changes for 1990 census, 15 CFR 70 Decennial census population information release, 15 CFR 101 Foreign trade regulations, 15 CFR 30 Furnishing personal census data from census of population schedules, 15 CFR 80 Population estimates, challenging procedure, 15 CFR 90 Public information, 15 CFR 60 Seal, 15 CFR 100 Special services and studies, 15 CFR 50 Training of foreign participants in census procedures and general statistics, 15 CFR 40 Census data See al Statistics Cutoff dates for recognition of boundary changes for 1990 census, 15 CFR 70 Decennial census population information release, 15 CFR 101 Furnishing personal census data from census of population schedules, 15 CFR 80 Population estimates, challenging procedure, 15 CFR 90 Special services and studies by Census Bureau, 15 CFR 50 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention See Health and Human Services Department Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Basic Health Programs; administration, eligibility, essential health benefits, performance standards, service delivery requirements, premium and cost sharing, allotments, reconciliation, 42 CFR 600 Introduction, definitions, 42 CFR 400 Medicaid Civil money penalties, assessments, and exclusions, 42 CFR 402 Conditions of participation, hospitals, 42 CFR 482 Contracts, 42 CFR 434 Elderly, all-inclusive care programs, 42 CFR 460 Electronic Health Record Technology Incentive Program, standards, 42 CFR 495 Eligibility for financial and medical assistance in-- Guam, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands, 42 CFR 436 States, District of Columbia, Northern Mariana Islands, and American Samoa, 42 CFR 435 Health facilities certification, 42 CFR 491 Laboratory requirements, 42 CFR 493 Local and national coverage determinations, reviews, 42 CFR 426 Long term care facilities, State requirements, 42 CFR 483 Managed care, 42 CFR 438 Medical assistance programs, grants to States, 42 CFR 430 Nursing facilities and intermediate care facilities for mentally retarded, payment standards, 42 CFR 442 Payments for services, 42 CFR 447 Program integrity, 42 CFR 455 Services, general provisions, 42 CFR 440 Special services, requirements and limits, 42 CFR 441 Specialized providers, conditions of participation, 42 CFR 485 State fiscal administration, 42 CFR 433 State organization and general administration, 42 CFR 431 State personnel administration, 42 CFR 432 Utilization control, 42 CFR 456 Medicare Acute kidney injury dialysis payment, 42 CFR 413 Ambulatory surgical services, 42 CFR 416 Appeals procedures for determinations that affect participation in the Medicare program and for determinations that affect participation of ICFs/IID and certain NFs in the Medicaid program, 42 CFR 498 Civil money penalties, assessments, and exclusions, 42 CFR 402 [[Page 131]] Comprehensive Care for Joint Replacement model, 42 CFR 510 Conditions for payment, 42 CFR 424 Elderly, all-inclusive care programs, 42 CFR 460 Electronic Health Record Technology Incentive Program, standards, 42 CFR 495 End-stage renal disease services payment, 42 CFR 413 Exclusions and limitations on payment, 42 CFR 411 Federal health insurance for aged and disabled, 42 CFR 405 General administrative requirements, official records confidentiality and disclosure, 42 CFR 401 Health facilities certification, 42 CFR 491 Health maintenance organizations, competitive medical plans, and health care prepayment plans, 42 CFR 417 Home health services, 42 CFR 484 Hospice care, 42 CFR 418 Hospital insurance benefits, 42 CFR 409 Hospital insurance eligibility and entitlement, 42 CFR 406 Hospitals, conditions of participation, 42 CFR 482 Inpatient hospital services, prospective payment systems, 42 CFR 412 Intermediaries and carriers, 42 CFR 421 Laboratory requirements, 42 CFR 493 Long term care facilities, State requirements, 42 CFR 483 Medicare Advantage program, 42 CFR 422 Medicare Shared Savings Program, 42 CFR 425 Part B medical and other health services, payment, 42 CFR 414 Physicians in providers, supervising physicians in teaching settings, and residents in certain settings; services furnished by, 42 CFR 415 Program integrity, 42 CFR 420 Prospective payment system for hospital outpatient department services, 42 CFR 419 Provider agreements and supplier approval, 42 CFR 489 Radiation oncology model and end stage renal disease treatment choices model, 42 CFR 512 Reasonable cost reimbursement principles, 42 CFR 413 Skilled nursing facilities, prospectively determined payment rates, 42 CFR 413 Special programs and projects, 42 CFR 403 Specialized providers, conditions of participation, 42 CFR 485 Specialized services furnished by suppliers, conditions for coverage, 42 CFR 486 Supplementary medical insurance (SMI)-- Benefits, 42 CFR 410 Enrollment and entitlement, 42 CFR 407 Premiums, 42 CFR 408 Survey, certification, and enforcement procedures, 42 CFR 488 Voluntary Medicare prescription drug benefit, 42 CFR 423 Most Favored Nation (MFN) Model, 42 CFR 480 Peer Review Organizations Information acquisition, protection, and disclosure, 42 CFR 480 Reconsiderations and appeals, 42 CFR 478 Review, 42 CFR 476 Scope, applicability, and eligibility for grants and contracts, 42 CFR 475 Regulatory review, 40 CFR 404 State children's health insurance programs, allotments and grants to States, 42 CFR 457 Central African Republic Sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 553 Central Intelligence Agency Agency installations, conduct on, 32 CFR 1903 Agency records and information Access by historical researchers and certain former Government personnel pursuant to Sec. 4.4 of Executive Order 13526, 32 CFR 1909 Challenges to documents classification by authorized holders pursuant to Sec. 1.8 of Executive Order 13526, 32 CFR 1907 Classified historical CIA records requested by other agencies, special procedures for discretionary access, 32 CFR 1911 [[Page 132]] Freedom of Information Act, public access to agency records, 32 CFR 1900 Production of official records or disclosure of official information in proceedings before Federal, State or local governmental entities of competent jurisdiction, 32 CFR 1905 Public requests for mandatory declassification review of classified information pursuant to Sec. 3.5 of Executive Order 13526, 32 CFR 1908 Debarment and suspension procedures, 32 CFR 1910 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs or activities, 32 CFR 1906 Privacy Act of 1974, public rights, 32 CFR 1901 Service of process, procedures governing acceptance, 32 CFR 1904 Central Security Service See Defense Department Cereals (commodity) See Grains Cereals (food) See Foods Cervids Chronic wasting disease control Deer, elk and moose, 9 CFR 81 Indemnification and herd certification programs, 9 CFR 55 Reindeer, grazing administration, 43 CFR 4300 Chaplains See Military personnel Charitable contributions See Nonprofit organizations Charter buses See Buses Charter flights See al Air carriers; Air transportation Canadian charter air taxi operators, 14 CFR 294 Certification and operations Air carriers and commercial operators-- Certification, 14 CFR 119 General requirements, 14 CFR 110 Pilot records database, 14 CFR 111 Domestic, flag, and supplemental operations, operating requirements, 14 CFR 121 Foreign air carriers Passenger manifest information, 14 CFR 243 Permits authorizing charter transportation only, terms, conditions, and limitations, 14 CFR 214 General aircraft operating and flight rules, 14 CFR 91 Overseas military personnel charters, 14 CFR 372 Public charters, 14 CFR 380 Special event tours, 14 CFR 381 U.S. and foreign direct air carriers, charter rules, 14 CFR 212 Checks See Banks, banking Cheese See Dairy products Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board Administrative investigations, 40 CFR 1610 Federal Tort Claims Act, administrative claims, 40 CFR 1620 Government in the Sunshine Act, rules implementing, 40 CFR 1603 Legal proceedings Employees testimony, 40 CFR 1611 Records production, 40 CFR 1612 Organization and functions, 40 CFR 1600 Privacy and access to individual records, protection under 1974 Privacy Act, 40 CFR 1602 Records disclosure procedures under Freedom of Information Act, 40 CFR 1601 Chemicals See al Drugs; Fertilizers; Hazardous substances; Pesticides and pests; specific chemicals Accidental chemical release prevention requirements, off-site consequence analysis information distribution, 40 CFR 1400 Air pollution control Hydrofluorocarbons, phasedown, 40 CFR 84 Performance standards for new stationary sources, 40 CFR 60 [[Page 133]] Arms, ammunition, and implements of war, imports, 27 CFR 447 Chemical accident prevention provisions, 40 CFR 68 Chemical Weapons Convention Chemical Weapons Convention and Chemical Weapons Implementation Act of 1988, taking of samples and enforcement of recordkeeping and inspection requirements, 22 CFR 103 Clarification procedures, consultations and challenge inspections, 15 CFR 717 Confidential business information, 15 CFR 718 Declaration, reporting, and notification requirements, general information, 15 CFR 711 Declared facilities, initial and routine inspections, 15 CFR 716 Distilled spirits plants, 27 CFR 19 Enforcement, 15 CFR 719 General information and overview, 15 CFR 710 Records and recordkeeping, inspection, 15 CFR 721 Schedule 1 chemicals, activities involving, 15 CFR 712 Schedule 2 chemicals, activities involving, 15 CFR 713 Schedule 3 chemicals, activities involving, 15 CFR 714 Unscheduled discrete organic chemicals (UDOCs), activities involving, 15 CFR 715 Drug Enforcement Administration, definitions, 21 CFR 1300 Ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and phenylpropanolamine; importation and production quotas, 21 CFR 1315 Excise taxes, environmental taxes, 26 CFR 52 Hazardous materials; shippers, shipments and packaging general requirements, 49 CFR 173 Industry and Security Bureau, Chemical Weapons Convention requirements, 15 CFR 745 Occupational safety and health Construction industry, 29 CFR 1926 Hazard communication (HazCom), 30 CFR 47 Occupational safety and health standards, 29 CFR 1910 Potential occupational carcinogens, identification, classification, and regulation, 29 CFR 1990 Shipyard employment, 29 CFR 1915 Surface metal and nonmetal mines, 30 CFR 56 Underground metal and nonmetal mines, 30 CFR 57 Stratospheric ozone protection, 40 CFR 82 Superfund, emergency planning, and community right-to-know programs Arbitration procedures for small Superfund cost recovery claims, 40 CFR 304 Citizen awards for information on criminal violations under Superfund, 40 CFR 303 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA)-- Administrative hearing procedures for claims against Superfund, 40 CFR 305 Claims procedures, 40 CFR 307 Hazardous chemical reporting, community right-to-know, 40 CFR 370 Hazardous substances-- Activity, reporting when selling or transferring Federal real property, 40 CFR 373 Designation, reportable quantities, and notification, 40 CFR 302 Emergency planning and notification, 40 CFR 355 Releases, reimbursement to local governments for emergency response, 40 CFR 310 National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan, 40 CFR 300 Toxic chemical release reporting, community right-to-know, 40 CFR 372 Trade secrecy claims for emergency planning and community right-to- know information, trade secret disclosures to health professionals, 40 CFR 350 Worker protection for State and local government employees engaged in hazardous waste operations, 40 CFR 311 Toxic substances control [[Page 134]] Chemical data reporting requirements, 40 CFR 711 Chemical fate testing guidelines, 40 CFR 796 Chemical information rules, 40 CFR 712 Chemical substances-- Premanufacture notification --Exemptions, 40 CFR 723 --Procedures, 40 CFR 720 Significant new uses, 40 CFR 721 Chemical substances and mixtures-- Health and safety data reporting, 40 CFR 716 Regulation under Section 6 of the TSCA, 40 CFR 751 Chemical substance inventory, compilation, 40 CFR 710 Confidentiality claims, 40 CFR 703 Data reimbursement, 40 CFR 791 Environmental effects testing guidelines, 40 CFR 797 General, fees, 40 CFR 700 General practices and procedures, 40 CFR 702 Good laboratory practice standards, 40 CFR 792 Health effects testing guidelines, 40 CFR 798 Identification of specific chemical substance and mixture testing requirements, 40 CFR 799 Imports and exports, 40 CFR 707 Metalworking fluids, 40 CFR 747 Microorganisms, reporting requirements and review processes, 40 CFR 725 Provisional test guidelines, 40 CFR 795 Records and reports of allegations that chemical substances cause significant adverse reactions to health or environment, 40 CFR 717 Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, 40 CFR 704 Rulemaking procedures, 40 CFR 750 Testing consent agreements and test rules, procedures, 40 CFR 790 Water treatment chemicals, 40 CFR 749 Water pollution effluent guidelines and standards for point source categories Gum and wood chemicals industry, 40 CFR 454 Inorganic chemicals manufacturing, 40 CFR 415 Organic chemicals, plastics, and synthetic fibers manufacturing, 40 CFR 414 Pesticide chemicals manufacturing, 40 CFR 455 Water programs National primary drinking water regulations, 40 CFR 141 Implementation, 40 CFR 142 Other Safe Drinking Water Act regulations, 40 CFR 143 Cherries Marketing agreements Cherries, sweet, grown in designated counties in Washington, 7 CFR 923 Cherries (tart) grown in various States, 7 CFR 930 Child abuse See Child welfare Child care See Day care Child health See Maternal and child health Child labor See al Child welfare; Labor Agricultural employment of 10 and 11 year old minors in hand harvesting of short season crops, waiver, 29 CFR 575 Agriculture, processing of agriculture commodities and related industries, exemptions from minimum wage and overtime pay requirements, 29 CFR 780 Fair Labor Standards Act, assurances of compliance, 29 CFR 789 Federal Acquisition Regulation, application of labor laws to government acquisitions, 48 CFR 22 Commerce Department, 48 CFR 1322 Labor provisions, public contracts General provisions, 41 CFR 50-201 Practice rules, 41 CFR 50-203 Statements of general policy and interpretation not directly related to regulations, 41 CFR 50-210 Regulations, orders, and statements of interpretation, 29 CFR 570 State agencies used for investigations and inspections of places of employment for compliance with child labor regulations and minimum wage requirements, 29 CFR 515 [[Page 135]] Wages, civil money penalties Assessing and contesting penalties, procedures, 29 CFR 580 Violations, 29 CFR 579 Child support See al Alimony; Child welfare Coast Guard personnel, allotments from active duty pay for certain support obligations, 33 CFR 54 Commerce Department, legal proceedings, 15 CFR 15 Enforcement programs Annual State self-assessment review and report, 45 CFR 308 Comprehensive Tribal child support enforcement programs, 45 CFR 309 Computerized support enforcement systems, 45 CFR 307 Computerized Tribal IV-D Systems and office automation, 45 CFR 310 Operations standards, 45 CFR 303 Program performance measures, standards, financial incentives, and penalties, 45 CFR 305 State grants, Federal financial participation, 45 CFR 304 State plan approval and grant procedures, 45 CFR 301 State plan requirements, 45 CFR 302 Federal employee's pay, commercial garnishment, 5 CFR 582 Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board, thrift savings plan, court orders and legal processes affecting accounts, 5 CFR 1653 Fiscal Service; debt collection authorities under Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996, 31 CFR 285 Government entities, processing of garnishment orders, 5 CFR 581 Group health plan rules and regulations under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, 29 CFR 2590 Internal Revenue Service, procedure and administration, 26 CFR 301 Medicaid program, State fiscal administration of medical support enforcement, 42 CFR 433 Public Health Service, commissioned officers, involuntary child and spousal support allotments, 42 CFR 21 Railroad Retirement Board Garnishment of benefits paid under Railroad Retirement Act, Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act, and under any other act administered by Board, 20 CFR 350 Garnishment of remuneration of Board personnel, 20 CFR 363 Small Business Administration, business loans, 13 CFR 120 Child Support Enforcement Office See al Children and Families Administration Annual State self-assessment review and report, 45 CFR 308 Comprehensive Tribal child support enforcement programs, 45 CFR 309 Computerized support enforcement systems, 45 CFR 307 Computerized Tribal IV-D Systems and office automation, 45 CFR 310 Federal financial participation, 45 CFR 304 Program operations standards, 45 CFR 303 Program performance measures, standards, financial incentives, and penalties, 45 CFR 305 State plan approval and grant procedures, 45 CFR 301 State plan requirements, 45 CFR 302 Child welfare See al Aid to Families with Dependent Children; Child labor; Child support; Day care; Infants and children; Maternal and child health; Public assistance programs; Social security Adoption and foster care General, 45 CFR 1355 Social Security Act-- Title IV-B, fiscal requirements, 45 CFR 1357 Title IV-E, fiscal requirements, 45 CFR 1356 Child abuse and child pornography reporting designations and procedures, 28 CFR 81 Child development programs, 32 CFR 79 Consolidation of grants to insular areas for social programs, 45 CFR 97 Defense Department, victim and witness assistance, 32 CFR 114 Family Advocacy Command Assistance Team (FACAT), 32 CFR 60 [[Page 136]] Family Violence Prevention and Services Programs, 45 CFR 1370 Fiscal Service; debt collection authorities under Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996, 31 CFR 285 Indians Child protection and family violence prevention, 25 CFR 63 Child welfare, 25 CFR 23 Financial assistance and social services program, 25 CFR 20 Social services block grants, 45 CFR 96 Unaccompanied alien children, care and placement, 45 CFR 410 Children See Infants and children Children and Families Administration See al Child Support Enforcement Office; Community Services Office; Refugee Resettlement Office Family Assistance Office Assistance for U.S. citizens returned from foreign countries, 45 CFR 212 Care and treatment of mentally ill nationals of U.S. returned from foreign countries, 45 CFR 211 Public assistance programs-- Administration, 45 CFR 235 Application, determination of eligibility and furnishing assistance, 45 CFR 206 Coverage and conditions of eligibility, 45 CFR 233 Financial assistance to individuals, 45 CFR 234 Fiscal administration, 45 CFR 237 General administration, 45 CFR 205 State grants, 45 CFR 201 State plans, practice and procedure for hearings on conformity with Federal requirements, 45 CFR 213 State plans and grant appeals, 45 CFR 204 Training and use of subprofessionals and volunteers, 45 CFR 225 Federal assistance payments Fiscal requirements applicable to-- Title IV-B, Social Security Act, 45 CFR 1357 Title IV-E, Social Security Act, 45 CFR 1356 Family Violence Prevention and Services Programs, 45 CFR 1370 Head Start program Definitions, 45 CFR 1305 Federal administrative procedures, 45 CFR 1304 Financial and administrative requirements, 45 CFR 1303 Program governance, 45 CFR 1301 Program operations, 45 CFR 1302 Illegitimacy ratio decrease, Social Security Act section 403(a)(2) bonus implementation to reward, 45 CFR 283 Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program Data collection and reporting requirements, 45 CFR 265 Ensuring that recipients work, 45 CFR 261 General accountability provisions, 45 CFR 262 General provisions, 45 CFR 260 High performance bonus awards, 45 CFR 270 Methodology for determining whether State or territory's child poverty rate increase is result of TANF program, 45 CFR 284 Native employment works (NEW) program, 45 CFR 287 Other accountability provisions, 45 CFR 264 State and Federal TANF funds, expenditures, 45 CFR 263 Tribal TANF provisions, 45 CFR 286 Chile Employment and Training Administration, temporary employment of foreign workers in U.S., 20 CFR 655 China Income from sources outside U.S., China Trade Act corporations, income taxes, 26 CFR 1 (1.941-1--1.943-1) Christmas trees Promotion, research, and information order, 7 CFR 1214 Cigars and cigarettes See al Smoking; Tobacco Customs and Border Protection, air commerce regulations, 19 CFR 122 Customs examination, sampling, and testing of merchandise, 19 CFR 151 [[Page 137]] Exemption requests and substantial equivalence reports, 21 CFR 1107 Food and Drug Administration, general regulations,21 CFR 1100 Internal Revenue Service, statement of procedural rules, 26 CFR 601 Premarket tobacco product applications, 21 CFR 1114 Railroad Retirement Board, prohibition of cigarette sales to minors, 20 CFR 368 Tennessee Valley Authority, property management, tobacco products prohibition, 18 CFR 1303 Tobacco products, general, 21 CFR 1105 Tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes Contraband cigarettes, 27 CFR 646 Exportation without payment of tax or with drawback of tax, 27 CFR 44 Miscellaneous regulations, 27 CFR 46 Removal without payment of tax for use of U.S., 27 CFR 45 Tobacco products, cigarette papers and tubes, and processed tobacco Importation, 27 CFR 41 Manufacture, 27 CFR 40 Unfair or deceptive advertising and labeling of cigarettes in relation to health hazards of smoking, 16 CFR 408 Citizens band radio service See Radio Citizenship and naturalization See al Aliens; Foreign relations; Immigration Alien enemies, naturalization under specified conditions and procedures, 8 CFR 331 Application for naturalization, 8 CFR 334 Cancellation of illegal or fraudulent certificates, documents, or records obtained by aliens, 8 CFR 342 Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, programs of all-inclusive care for the elderly, 42 CFR 460 Certificate of naturalization, 8 CFR 338 Certificate of naturalization or repatriation, 8 CFR 343 Certificates of citizenship, 8 CFR 341 Certifications from immigration and naturalization records, 8 CFR 343c Denials of applications for naturalization, hearings, 8 CFR 336 Educational requirements for naturalization, 8 CFR 312 Examination on application for naturalization, 8 CFR 335 Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, general provisions, 31 CFR 1010 Functions and duties of clerks of court regarding naturalization proceedings, 8 CFR 339 Health insurance Affordable Care Act-- Exchange establishment standards and other related standards under, 45 CFR 155 Issuer standards under, including requirements related to exchanges, 45 CFR 156 Group and individual health insurance markets, reform requirements, for, 45 CFR 147 Japanese-Americans, renunciation of U.S. nationality, 8 CFR 349 Maritime Administration programs, requirements for establishing U.S. citizenship, 46 CFR 355 Membership in Communist Party or any other totalitarian organizations; subversives, 8 CFR 313 Nationality forms, 8 CFR 499 Nationality procedures, 22 CFR 50 Nationals and citizens of U.S. at birth, 8 CFR 301 Nationals but not U.S. citizens; residence within outlying possessions, 8 CFR 325 Naturalization Administration, 8 CFR 332 Authority, 8 CFR 310 General requirements, 8 CFR 316 Naturalization and citizenship papers lost, mutilated, or destroyed, new certificate in changed name, certified copy of repatriation proceedings, 8 CFR 343a Naturalization of aliens serving in U.S. Armed Forces and of alien spouses and/or alien adopted children of military and civilian personnel ordered overseas, 32 CFR 94 Oath of allegiance to U.S., 8 CFR 337, 8 CFR 1337 Outer Continental Shelf activities, units engaged in, personnel, 33 CFR 141 Peace Corps volunteer service, eligibility and standards, 22 CFR 305 [[Page 138]] Persons ineligible to citizenship, exemption from military service, 8 CFR 315 Photographs for naturalization certificates, 8 CFR 333 Removal proceedings, pending, 8 CFR 318 Revocation of naturalization, 8 CFR 340 Special certificate of naturalization for recognition by foreign state, 8 CFR 343b Special classes of persons who may be naturalized Child born outside and residing permanently in U.S., automatic acquisition of citizenship, requirements, 8 CFR 320 Child born outside U.S., citizenship certificate application requirements, 8 CFR 322 Naturalization based upon active duty service in U.S. Armed Forces during specified periods of hostilities, 8 CFR 329 Persons who die while serving on active duty with the U.S. Armed Forces during certain periods of hostilities, 8 CFR 392 Persons who lost U.S. citizenship through service in armed forces of foreign country during World War II, 8 CFR 327 Persons with 1 year of service in U.S. Armed Forces, 8 CFR 328 Seamen, 8 CFR 330 Spouses of U.S. citizens, 8 CFR 319 Virgin Islanders, 8 CFR 306 Women who have lost U.S. citizenship by marriage and former citizens whose naturalization is authorized by private law, 8 CFR 324 USCIS fee schedule, 8 CFR 106 Vessels of 100 feet or greater in registered length, requirements to obtain fishery endorsement to vessel's documentation, 46 CFR 356 Citrus fruits See Fruits; specific fruits Civil defense See al Disaster assistance; National defense Civil defense personnel, materials, and facilities for natural disaster purposes; use of, 44 CFR 312 Communications common carriers, 47 CFR 64 Comprehensive emergency management, State assistance programs for training and education, 44 CFR 360 Consolidated grants to insular areas, 44 CFR 304 Defense highways, special direct Federal programs, 23 CFR 600 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, organization, mission and functions, operations during emergency conditions, 18 CFR 376 Government agencies authority in personnel actions, National emergency situations, 5 CFR 230 Graduated mobilization response, 44 CFR 334 Installation entry policy, civil disturbance intervention, and disaster assistance, 32 CFR 809a Postal Service, Defense Department liaison, 39 CFR 235 Public safety awards to public safety officers, 44 CFR 150 Radio services Amateur radio service, 47 CFR 97 Aviation radio services, 47 CFR 87 Broadcast services, 47 CFR 73 Private land mobile radio services, 47 CFR 90 Railroad Retirement Board, national emergency operation plan, 20 CFR 375 Resources in immediate post attack period, guidance on priority use, 44 CFR 323 State and local emergency management assistance program (EMA), 44 CFR 302 Telecommunications emergency preparedness Emergency restoration priority procedures for telecommunications services, 47 CFR 211 Executive policy, 47 CFR 201 Federal Government focal point for electromagnetic pulse (EMP) information, 47 CFR 215 Government and public correspondence telecommunications precedence system, 47 CFR 213 National Communications System issuance system, 47 CFR 216 Planning and execution, 47 CFR 202 Procedures for obtaining international telecommunication service for use [[Page 139]] during wartime emergency, 47 CFR 212 Procedures for use and coordination of radio spectrum during wartime emergency, 47 CFR 214 Civil disorders Civil authorities aid, employment of troops, 32 CFR 501 Installation entry policy, civil disturbance intervention, and disaster assistance, 32 CFR 809a Legal Services Corporation, restrictions on lobbying and certain other activities, 45 CFR 1612 Civil remedies See Penalties; Seizures and forfeitures Civil rights See al Aged; Equal educational opportunity; Equal employment opportunity; Fair housing; Religious discrimination; Sex discrimination; Voting rights Advocacy and Outreach Office; Federal financial assistance programs, general award administrative procedures, 7 CFR 2500 Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility guidelines-- Buildings and facilities, 36 CFR 1191 Transportation vehicles, 36 CFR 1192 Architectural Barriers Act (ABA) accessibility guidelines, buildings and facilities, 36 CFR 1191 Information and communication technology standards and guidelines, 36 CFR 1194 Pedestrian facilities in the public right-of-way, accessibility guidelines, 36 CFR 1190 Army Department, disciplinary control boards, off-installation liaison and operations, 32 CFR 631 Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, all-inclusive care programs for the elderly, 42 CFR 460 Comptroller of the Currency, equal credit opportunity, 12 CFR 27 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Equal Credit Opportunity Act (Regulation B), 12 CFR 1002 Corporation for National and Community Service, member and volunteer discrimination complaint procedure, 45 CFR 1225 Defense Department, civilian equal opportunity program, 32 CFR 191 Education Department, Practice and procedure for hearings, 34 CFR 101 Engineers Corps, prohibition of discriminatory practices in water resource development projects, 36 CFR 312 Farm Credit Administration, equal credit opportunity, 12 CFR 626 Federal Acquisition Regulation, application of labor laws to Government acquisitions, 48 CFR 22 Federal Aviation Administration, airport aid program, 14 CFR 152 Federal contract compliance programs Affirmative action and nondiscrimination obligations of Federal contractors and subcontractors regarding-- Disabled veterans, recently separated veterans, active duty wartime or campaign badge veterans, and Armed Forces Service Medal veterans, 41 CFR 60-300 Individuals with disabilities, 41 CFR 60-741 Sex discrimination requirements, 41 CFR 60-20 Federal credit unions, organization and operations, 12 CFR 701 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, fair housing, 12 CFR 338 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 [[Page 140]] Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 Museum and Library Services Institute, 2 CFR 3187 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Federal Government, equal employment opportunity, 29 CFR Federal Housing Finance Agency Minority and Women Inclusion, 12 CFR 1223 Minority and Women Outreach program, 12 CFR 1207 Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC), regulations governing conduct in or on buildings and grounds, 31 CFR 700 Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Passenger carrier regulations, 49 CFR 374 Title VI civil rights compliance program, 49 CFR 303 Federal Reserve System Equal credit opportunity (Regulation B), 12 CFR 202 Equal opportunity rules, 12 CFR 268 Federal Transit Administration, transportation for elderly and handicapped persons, 49 CFR 609 Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP), 32 CFR 233 Food and Nutrition Service Free and reduced price meals and free milk in schools, determining eligibility for, 7 CFR 245 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, participating State agency requirements, 7 CFR 272 Women, infants, and children, Special supplemental food program for, 7 CFR 246 Health and Human Services Department Federal awards, uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for, 2 CFR 300 Health insurance-- Exchange establishment standards and other related standards under the Affordable Care Act, 45 CFR 155 Group and individual health insurance markets, reform requirements for, 45 CFR 147 Issuer standards under the Affordable Care Act, including requirements related to exchanges, 45 CFR 156 Statutory conscience rights protection in health care, authority delegations, 45 CFR 88 Housing and Urban Development Department Civil rights matters, consolidated hearing procedures, 24 CFR 180 Shelter Plus Care, 24 CFR 582 Supportive housing program, 24 CFR 583 [[Page 141]] Indian Affairs Bureau, student rights, 25 CFR 42 Interior Department Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System, requirements for equal opportunity during construction and operation, 43 CFR 34 Commercial filming and similar projects and still photography on certain areas under department jurisdiction, 43 CFR 5 International Trade Commission, general application rules, 19 CFR 201 Justice Department Americans with Disabilities Act, nondiscrimination on basis of disability-- Public accommodations and in commercial facilities, 28 CFR 36 State and local government services, 28 CFR 35 Civil Liberties Act redress provision, Japanese ancestry, 28 CFR 74 Inmate grievance procedures, standards, 28 CFR 40 Nondiscrimination, equal employment opportunity policies and procedures, 28 CFR 42 Trafficking in persons, 28 CFR 1100 Land Management Bureau, payments in lieu of taxes and mineral development relief loans, financial assistance for local governments, 43 CFR 44 Merit Systems Protection Board, cases involving allegations of discrimination, procedures for, 5 CFR 1201 Minority Business Development Agency, practice and procedures, 15 CFR 1400 National Credit Union Administration, regulations transferred from the Office of Thrift Supervision, 12 CFR 390 National Park Service, commercial and private operations in park areas, nondiscrimination in employment, public accommodations and services, 36 CFR 5 Nondiscrimination and equal opportunity provisions Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, implementation, 29 CFR 38 Workforce Investment Act of 1998, implementation, 29 CFR 37 Nondiscrimination enforcement Age, nondiscrimination in programs or activities conducted by Federal agencies on basis of-- Agency for International Development, 22 CFR 218 Agriculture Department, 7 CFR 15b, 7 CFR 15c Commerce Department, 15 CFR 20 Education Department, 34 CFR 110 Health and Human Services Department, 45 CFR 90, 45 CFR 91 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 146 Labor Department, 29 CFR 35 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 14 CFR 1252 National Endowment for the Arts, 45 CFR 1156 National Endowment for the Humanities, 45 CFR 1172 National Science Foundation, 45 CFR 617 Small Business Administration, 13 CFR 117 State Department, 22 CFR 143 Tennessee Valley Authority, 18 CFR 1309 Treasury Department, 31 CFR 23 Agency programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance-- Agency for International Development, 22 CFR 217 Agriculture Department, 7 CFR 15, 7 CFR 15d Commerce Department, 15 CFR 8 Corporation for National and Community Service, 45 CFR 1203 Defense Department, 32 CFR 195 Education Department, 34 CFR 100 Energy Department, 10 CFR 1040 Environmental Protection Agency, 40 CFR 7 Federal Property Management Regulations, 41 CFR 101-6, 41 CFR 101-8 General Services Administration, 41 CFR 101-6, 41 CFR 101-8 Health and Human Services Department, 45 CFR 80, 45 CFR 81 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 1 [[Page 142]] Interior Department, 43 CFR 17 Justice Department, 28 CFR 39, 28 CFR 41 Labor Department, 29 CFR 31 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 14 CFR 1250 National Science Foundation, 45 CFR 611 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 10 CFR 4 Small Business Administration, 13 CFR 112, 13 CFR 113 State Department, 22 CFR 141 Tennessee Valley Authority, 18 CFR 1302 Transportation Department, 49 CFR 21 Veterans Affairs Department, 38 CFR 18 Water Resources Council, 18 CFR 705 Disability, nondiscrimination in programs or activities conducted by Federal agencies on basis of-- Agency for International Development, 22 CFR 219 African Development Foundation, 22 CFR 1510 Agriculture Department, 7 CFR 15b, 7 CFR 15e American Battle Monuments Commission, 36 CFR 406 Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board, 36 CFR 1154 Arctic Research Commission, 45 CFR 2301 Broadcasting Board of Governors, 22 CFR 530 Central Intelligence Agency, 32 CFR 1906 Civil Rights Commission, 45 CFR 707 Commerce Department, 15 CFR 8b, 8c Commodity Futures Trading Commission, 17 CFR 149 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, 12 CFR 1072 Consumer Product Safety Commission, 16 CFR 1034 Corporation for National and Community Service, 45 CFR 1214, 45 CFR 1232 Defense Department, 32 CFR 56 Education Department, 34 CFR 104, 34 CFR 105 Election Assistance Commission, 11 CFR 9420 Energy Department, 10 CFR 1041 Environmental Protection Agency, 40 CFR 12 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 29 CFR 1615 Executive Office of the President, 3 CFR 102 Export-Import Bank, 12 CFR 410 Farm Credit Administration, 12 CFR 606 Federal Communications Commission, 47 CFR 1 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 12 CFR 352 Federal Election Commission, 11 CFR 6 Federal Emergency Management Agency, 44 CFR 16 Federal Labor Relations Authority, 5 CFR 2416 Federal Maritime Commission, 46 CFR 507 Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission, 29 CFR 2706 Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board, 5 CFR 1636 Federal Trade Commission, 16 CFR 6 Fine Arts Commission, 45 CFR 2104 General Services Administration, 41 CFR 105-8 Harry S Truman Scholarship Foundation, 45 CFR 1803 Health and Human Services Department, activities receiving Federal financial assistance, 45 CFR 84 Health and Human Services Department, activities conducted by Department, 45 CFR 85 Historic Preservation Advisory Council, 36 CFR 812 Homeland Security Department, 6 CFR 15 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 8, 9 Inter-American Foundation, 22 CFR 1005 International Boundary and Water Commission, U.S. and Mexico, U.S. Section, 22 CFR 1103 [[Page 143]] International Development Finance Corporation, U.S., 22 CFR 711 James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation, 45 CFR 2490 Japan-United States Friendship Commission, 22 CFR 1600 Labor Department, 29 CFR 32, 29 CFR 33 Legal Services Corporation, 45 CFR 1624 Libraries and Information Science, National Commission, 45 CFR 1706 Marine Mammal Commission, 50 CFR 550 Merit Systems Protection Board, 5 CFR 1207 Museum and Library Services Institute, 45 CFR 1181 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 14 CFR 1251 National Archives and Records Administration, 36 CFR 1208 National Capital Planning Commission, 1 CFR 457 National Commission for Employment Policy, 1 CFR 500 National Council on Disability, 34 CFR 1200 National Counterintelligence Center, 32 CFR 1807 National Credit Union Administration, 12 CFR 794 National Endowment for the Arts, 45 CFR 1151, 1153 National Endowment for the Humanities, 45 CFR 1170, 45 CFR 1175 National Labor Relations Board, 29 CFR 100 National Science Foundation, 45 CFR 605, 606 National Transportation Safety Board, 49 CFR 807 Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation Office, 25 CFR 720 Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission, programs or activities and accessibility of Commission electronic and information technology, 29 CFR 2205 Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation, 36 CFR 909 Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, 29 CFR 4907 People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled, Committee for Purchase From, 41 CFR 51-10 Personnel Management Office, 5 CFR 723 Railroad Retirement Board, 20 CFR 365 Securities and Exchange Commission, 17 CFR 200 Selective Service System, 32 CFR 1699 Small Business Administration, 13 CFR 136 Special Counsel Office, 5 CFR 1850 State Department, 22 CFR 142, 22 CFR 144 Surface Transportation Board, 49 CFR 1014 Tennessee Valley Authority, 18 CFR 1307, 18 CFR 1313 Transportation Department, 49 CFR 27, 49 CFR 28 Transportation Department, air travel, 14 CFR 382 Treasury Department, 31 CFR 17 U.S. Institute of Peace, 22 CFR 1701 Veterans Affairs Department, 38 CFR 15 Fish and Wildlife Service; contracts, permits, use of facilities, nondiscrimination in, 50 CFR 3 Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, nondiscrimination in programs and activities receiving assistance, 24 CFR 6 Nondiscrimination requirements, Comptroller of the Currency, 12 CFR 128 Outer Continental Shelf, nondiscrimination, 30 CFR 270 Race, color or national origin; nondiscrimination in programs or activities conducted by Federal agencies on basis of-- Agency for International Development, 22 CFR 209 Federal Emergency Management Agency, 44 CFR 7 Health and Human Services Department, 45 CFR 80 Homeland Security Department, 6 CFR 21 Treasury Department, 31 CFR 22 [[Page 144]] Sex, nondiscrimination in education programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance Education Department, 34 CFR 106 Homeland Security Department, 6 CFR 17 Trans-Alaska Pipeline Authorization Act, Nondiscrimination in activities, 43 CFR 27 Peace Corps Volunteer discrimination complaint procedure, 22 CFR 306 Volunteer service, eligibility and standards, 22 CFR 305 Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation, affirmative action policy and procedure, 36 CFR 906 Personnel Management Office Civil service prohibited practices, 5 CFR 4 Intergovernmental Personnel Act programs, 5 CFR 900 Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002, Title II implementation, 5 CFR 724 Postal Service, access of persons with disabilities to programs, activities, facilities, and electronic and information technology, 39 CFR 255 Presidio Trust, commercial and private operations, 36 CFR 1005 Prisons Bureau, miscellaneous regulations, 28 CFR 551 Rural Development, program-related instructions, 7 CFR 1901 State Department Information and communication technology, 22 CFR 147 Trafficking in persons, 28 CFR 1100 Transportation Department Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility specifications for transportation vehicles, 49 CFR 38 Disadvantaged business enterprise participation-- Airport concessions, 49 CFR 23 Financial assistance programs, 49 CFR 26 Transportation services for individuals with disabilities, 49 CFR 37 Veterans Affairs Department Delegation of responsibility, 38 CFR 18a Hearings, decisions, and administrative review, practice and procedure, 38 CFR 18b Veterans readiness and employment and education, 38 CFR 21 Civil Rights Commission Employees Responsibility and conduct, 45 CFR 706 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 7801 Hearings, reports, and meetings, 45 CFR 702 Information disclosure and communications, 45 CFR 704 Materials available pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a (Privacy Act), 45 CFR 705 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 45 CFR 707 Organization and functions, 45 CFR 701 Salary offset, collection by from indebted current and former employees, 45 CFR 708 State Advisory Committees, operations and functions, 45 CFR 703 Civil Service System See Government employees Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS) See Health care Claims See al Administrative practice and procedure; Foreign claims; Indians- claims; War claims Agency for International Development Employees, indemnification, 22 CFR 207 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 22 CFR 224 Agriculture Department Administrative regulations, 7 CFR 1 Debt management, 7 CFR 3 Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Bureau, tax claims Alcohol, exportation, 27 CFR 28 Beer, production and sales, 27 CFR 25 Denatured alcohol and rum, distribution and use, 27 CFR 20 Distilled spirits plants, 27 CFR 19 Distilled spirits used in manufacturing nonbeverage products, 27 CFR 197 [[Page 145]] Drawback on taxpaid distilled spirits used in manufacturing nonbeverage products, 27 CFR 17 Liquors and articles from Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands, 27 CFR 26 Procedure and administration, 27 CFR 70 Stills and miscellaneous regulations, 27 CFR 29 Tobacco products, cigarette papers and tubes, and processed tobacco-- Importation, 27 CFR 41 Manufacture, 27 CFR 40 Tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes-- Exportation, 27 CFR 44 Miscellaneous regulations, 27 CFR 46 Wine, treatment and classification, 27 CFR 24 Army Department Army claims system, 32 CFR 536 Claims on behalf of U.S., 32 CFR 537 Litigation, 32 CFR 516 Military reservations, regulations affecting, 32 CFR 552 National Guard regulations, 32 CFR 564 Broadcasting Board of Governors Debt collection under Debt Collection Act of 1982, 22 CFR 512 Federal tort claims procedure, 22 CFR 511 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 22 CFR 521 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services General administrative requirements, claims collection and compromise, 42 CFR 401 Medicaid quality, 42 CFR 437 State fiscal administration of Medicaid programs, 42 CFR 433 Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board, Federal Tort Claims Act, administrative claims, 40 CFR 1620 Civil Rights Commission, collection by salary offset from indebted current and former employees, 45 CFR 708 Coast Guard, marine oil spill liability trust fund, claims procedures, source designation, and advertisement, 33 CFR 136 Commerce Department Attorney's fees and other expenses, 15 CFR 18 Debt collection, 15 CFR 19 Program fraud civil remedies, 15 CFR 25 Protests, disputes and appeals; acquisition regulations, 48 CFR 1333 Commodity Credit Corporation, debt settlement policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1403 Commodity Futures Trading Commission Claims collection owed U.S. arising from activities under Commission's jurisdiction, 17 CFR 143 Employees, indemnification, 17 CFR 142 Equal Access to Justice Act, implementation in covered adjudicatory proceedings before Commission, 17 CFR 148 Reparations, related rules, 17 CFR 12 Salary offset, 17 CFR 141 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, claims against the U.S., 12 CFR 1076 Consumer Product Safety Commission Adjudicative proceedings, rules of practice, 16 CFR 1025 Salary offset, 16 CFR 1027 Contraband cigarettes, tax claims, 7 CFR 646 Copyright Office, Library of Congress Claims review by officers and attorneys, 37 CFR 224 Copyright claims, preregistration and registration, 37 CFR 202 Copyright Claims Board, Library of Congress-- Claimant's failure to proceed, 37 CFR 228 Default, 37 CFR 227 Discovery, 37 CFR 225 District court referrals, 37 CFR 235 General provisions, 37 CFR 220 Law student representatives, 37 CFR 233 Limitation on proceedings, 37 CFR 234 Opt-out provisions, 37 CFR 223 Party conduct, 37 CFR 232 Proceedings, 37 CFR 222 Reconsideration requests, 37 CFR 230 Records and publications, 37 CFR 229 Register's review, 37 CFR 231 Registration, 37 CFR 221 Smaller claims, 37 CFR 226 Copyright Royalty Board, Library of Congress, royalty fees collected under compulsory license, claims filing, 37 CFR 360 [[Page 146]] Corporation for National and Community Service Collection of debts, 45 CFR 2506 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act regulations, 45 CFR 2554 Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia Federal Tort Claims Act procedure, 28 CFR 801 Salary offset procedures, 28 CFR 814 Customs and Border Protection Customs duties-- Drawback, 19 CFR 191 Modernized drawback, 19 CFR 190 Customs financial and accounting procedure, 19 CFR 24 Defense Department Acquisition regulations; protests, disputes, and appeals, 48 CFR 233 Base closure and realignment; indemnification or defense, or providing notice to DoD, relating to a third party environmental claim, 32 CFR 175 Civilian Health and Medical Program of Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS), 32 CFR 199 Healthcare services, collection from third-party payers of reasonable charges, 32 CFR 220 Indebtedness of military personnel, 32 CFR 113 Medical malpractice claims by members of the Uniformed Services, 32 CFR 45 Personnel and general claims settlement procedures; advance decision request processing, 32 CFR 282 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 32 CFR 277 Settling personnel and general claims and processing advance decision requests, 32 CFR 281 Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board Debt collection, Federal employee salary offset procedures, 10 CFR 1710 Education Department Civil monetary penalties, inflation adjustment, 34 CFR 36 Debt collection-- Administrative offset, 34 CFR 30 Administrative wage garnishment, 34 CFR 34 Salary offset for Federal employees who are indebted to U.S. under programs administered by Secretary of Education, 34 CFR 31 Salary offset to recover overpayments of pay or allowances from Education Department employees, 34 CFR 32 Equal access to justice, 34 CFR 21 Indemnification of employees, 34 CFR 60 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 34 CFR 33 Election Assistance Commission, debt collection, 11 CFR 9430 Employee Benefits Security Administration, Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, administration and enforcement, 29 CFR 2560 Employees' Compensation Appeals Board, rules of procedure, 20 CFR 501 Energy Department Collection of claims owed U.S., 10 CFR 1015 Patent and copyright infringement claims, 10 CFR 782 Program fraud civil remedies and procedures, 10 CFR 1013 Environmental Protection Agency Claims collection standards, 40 CFR 13 Employee personal property claims, 40 CFR 14 Equal Access to Justice Act, administrative proceedings, implementation, 40 CFR 17 Federal Tort Claims Act, administrative claims, 40 CFR 10 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 40 CFR 27 Superfund, Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA)-- Administrative hearing procedures for claims against Superfund, 40 CFR 305 Arbitration procedures for small Superfund cost recovery claims, 40 CFR 304 Claims procedures, 40 CFR 307 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, debt collection, 29 CFR 1650 Farm Credit Administration [[Page 147]] Application for award of fees and other expenses under Equal Access to Justice Act, 12 CFR 625 Collection of claims owed U.S., 12 CFR 608 Farm Credit System, Title IV conservators, receivers, bridge system banks, and voluntary liquidations, 12 CFR 627 Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation, collection of claims owed U.S., 12 CFR 1408 Farm Service Agency Debt settlement policies and procedures, 7 CFR 792 Marketing quota penalties, refunds, 7 CFR 714 Federal Acquisition Regulation; protests, disputes, and appeals, 48 CFR 33 Federal Aviation Administration, Equal Access to Justice Act, implementation, 14 CFR 14 Federal claims collection African Development Foundation, 22 CFR 1506 Agency for International Development, 22 CFR 213 Agriculture Department, 7 CFR 3 Air Force Department, 32 CFR 842 Army Department, 32 CFR 536 Broadcasting Board of Governors, 22 CFR 512 Civil Rights Commission, 45 CFR 708 Coast Guard, 33 CFR 25 Commodity Credit Corporation, 7 CFR 1403 Commodity Futures Trading Commission, 17 CFR 141, 17 CFR 143 Consumer Product Safety Commission, 16 CFR 1027 Corporation for National and Community Service, 45 CFR 2506 Defense Logistics Agency, 32 CFR 1280 Education Department-- Administrative offset, 34 CFR 30 Administrative wage garnishment, 34 CFR 34 Education Department employees, salary offset to recover overpayments of pay or allowances from, 34 CFR 32 Federal employees indebted to U.S. under programs administered by Secretary of Education, salary offset, 34 CFR 31 Energy Department, 10 CFR 1015 Environmental Protection Agency, 40 CFR 13 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 29 CFR 1650 Farm Credit Administration, 12 CFR 608 Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation, 12 CFR 1408 Farm Service Agency, 7 CFR 792 Federal Communications Commission, 47 CFR 1 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 12 CFR 313 Federal Emergency Management Agency, 44 CFR 11 Federal Maritime Commission, 46 CFR 505, 46 CFR 506 Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, 29 CFR 1450 Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board, 5 CFR 1639 Federal Trade Commission, 16 CFR 1 Fiscal Service, 31 CFR 285, 31 CFR 391 Food and Nutrition Service, 7 CFR 272, 7 CFR 273 General Services Administration, 41 CFR 105-55, 41 CFR 105-56, 41 CFR 105-57 Health and Human Services Department, 45 CFR 30, 45 CFR 31, 45 CFR 32 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 17, 24 CFR 201 Inter-American Foundation, 22 CFR 1007 International Trade Commission, 19 CFR 201 Justice Department, debt collection, 28 CFR 11 Labor Department-- Federal claims collection, 29 CFR 20 General regulations, 29 CFR 2 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 14 CFR 1261 National Archives and Records Administration, 36 CFR 1201 National Endowment for the Arts, 45 CFR 1150 National Endowment for the Humanities Collection, 45 CFR 1177 Salary offset, 45 CFR 1179 [[Page 148]] National Indian Gaming Commission, 25 CFR 513 National Labor Relations Board, 29 CFR 102 National Science Foundation, 45 CFR 607, 45 CFR 608 Navy Department, 32 CFR 757 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 10 CFR 16 Peace Corps, 22 CFR 309 Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, 29 CFR 4903 Personnel Management Office-- Civil Service Retirement System, debt collection, 5 CFR 831 Claims collection standards, 5 CFR 179 Debt collection, 5 CFR 835 Federal Employees Retirement System, debt collection, 5 CFR 845 Federal Employees Retirement System, general administration, 5 CFR 841 Pay administration, general, 5 CFR 550 Postal Service, rules of practice-- Administrative offsets initiated against former employees, proceedings relative to, 39 CFR 966 Debt Collection Act, proceedings under section 5, 39 CFR 961 Railroad Retirement Board, 20 CFR 200, 20 CFR 361, 20 CFR 366, 20 CFR 367 Rural Development, 7 CFR 1951, 7 CFR 1956 Securities and Exchange Commission, 17 CFR 204 Selective Service System, 32 CFR 1697 Small Business Administration debt collection, 13 CFR 140 Social Security Administration, 20 CFR 410 State Department, 22 CFR 34 Surface Transportation Board, 49 CFR 1017, 49 CFR 1018, 49 CFR 1021 Transportation Department, 49 CFR 89 Salary offset, recovering debts by, 49 CFR 92 Treasury Department, 31 CFR 5 Veterans Affairs Department, 38 CFR 1 Federal claims collection standards Administrative collection of claims, 31 CFR 901 Compromise of claims, 31 CFR 902 Referrals to Justice Department, 31 CFR 904 Scope of claims, 31 CFR 900 Suspending or terminating collection activity, 31 CFR 903 Federal Communications Commission Communications common carriers, miscellaneous rules, 47 CFR 64 Practice and procedure, 47 CFR 1 Federal Crop Insurance Corporation Catastrophic risk protection endorsement, 7 CFR 402 General administrative regulations, 7 CFR 400 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Corporate debt collection, criminal restitution debt, and civil money penalty debt procedures, 12 CFR 313 Practice and procedure rules, 12 CFR 308 Federal Emergency Management Agency Cerro Grande fire assistance, 44 CFR 295 Hermit's Peak/Calf Canyon Fire Assistance, 44 CFR 296 Reimbursement for costs of firefighting on Federal property, 44 CFR 151 Sale of flood insurance and claims adjustment, 44 CFR 62 Federal Highway Administration; highway construction projects performed by a State under Federal-aid procedures, reimbursement eligibility of administrative settlement costs, 23 CFR 140 Federal Housing Finance Agency, debt collection, 12 CFR 1208 Federal Labor Relations Authority Awards of attorney fees and other expenses, 5 CFR 2430 Debt collection, 5 CFR 2418 Federal Maritime Commission Administrative offset, 46 CFR 505 Civil monetary penalty inflation adjustment, 46 CFR 506 Practice and procedure rules, 46 CFR 502 Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, collections of claims owed U.S., 29 CFR 1450 Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission, Equal Access to Justice Act in Commission proceedings, implementation, 29 CFR 2704 [[Page 149]] Federal Prison Industries, Justice Department, prison inmates, accident compensation, 28 CFR 301 Federal Reserve System Debt collection procedures, 12 CFR 267 Hearings, rules of practice, 12 CFR 263 Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board, Thrift savings plan-- Administrative errors, correction, 5 CFR 1605 Claims collection, 5 CFR 1639 Court orders and legal processes affecting accounts, 5 CFR 1653 Death benefits, 5 CFR 1651 Employee contribution elections, investment elections, and automatic enrollment program, 5 CFR 1600 Funds, methods of withdrawing, 5 CFR 1650 Federal tort claims Air Force Department, 32 CFR 842 Army Department, 32 CFR 536 Broadcasting Board of Governors, 22 CFR 511 Coast Guard, 33 CFR 25 Commerce Department, 15 CFR 2 Defense Logistics Agency, 32 CFR 1280 Education Department, 34 CFR 35 Energy Department, 10 CFR 1014 Environmental Protection Agency, 40 CFR 10 Federal Aviation Administration, 14 CFR 15 Federal Emergency Management Agency, 44 CFR 11 Health and Human Services Department, 45 CFR 35 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 17 Interior Department, 43 CFR 22 Internal Revenue Service, 26 CFR 601 Justice Department-- Administrative claims under Federal Tort Claims Act, 28 CFR 14 Certification and decertification in connection with certain suits based upon acts or omissions of Federal employees and other persons, 28 CFR 15 Labor Department, 29 CFR 15 Maritime Administration, 46 CFR 204 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 14 CFR 1261 National Credit Union Administration, 12 CFR 793 Navy Department, 32 CFR 750, 32 CFR 752 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 10 CFR 14 Peace Corps, 22 CFR 304 Personnel Management Office, 5 CFR 177 Postal Service, 39 CFR 912 Prisons Bureau, 28 CFR 543 Public Health Service, 42 CFR 6 Small Business Administration, 13 CFR 114 Smithsonian Institution including National Gallery of Art, John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts and Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, claims against, 36 CFR 530 Treasury Department, 31 CFR 3 Veterans Affairs Department, 38 CFR 14 Federal Trade Commission Adjudicative proceedings practice rules, 16 CFR 3 General procedures, 16 CFR 1 Fiscal Service Claims on account of Treasury checks, 31 CFR 245 Debt collection authorities under 1996 Debt Collection Improvement Act, 31 CFR 285 Fiscal agency checks, regulations governing, 31 CFR 355 Forged checks drawn on designated depositaries, issuance of settlement checks, 31 CFR 235 Government Losses in Shipment Act, 31 CFR 361 Declaration of valuables, 31 CFR 362 Lost, stolen, destroyed, mutilated and defaced U.S. checks drawn on accounts maintained in depositary banks in foreign countries or U.S. territories or possessions; issue of substitutes, 31 CFR 248 Obtaining payments under judgments and private relief acts, 31 CFR 256 Waiver of interest, administrative costs, and penalties, 31 CFR 391 Food and Nutrition Service Eligible households, certification, 7 CFR 273 [[Page 150]] Quality control (``QC'') claims appeals, 7 CFR 283 General Services Administration Administration wage garnishment, 41 CFR 105-57 Collection of claims owed U.S., 41 CFR 105-55 Death of certain employees, agency requirements for payment of expenses connected with, 41 CFR 303-70 Federal Management Regulation, transportation payment and audit, 41 CFR 102-118 Federal Property Management Regulations-- Interagency fleet management systems, 41 CFR 101-39 Transportation documentation and audit, 41 CFR 101-41 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 41 CFR 105-70 Salary offset for indebtedness of employees to U.S., 41 CFR 105-56 Government Ethics Office, Equal Access to Justice Act, implementation, 5 CFR 2610 Health and Human Services Department Administrative wage garnishment, 45 CFR 32 Equal Access to Justice Act in Agency proceedings, implementation, 45 CFR 13 Health insurance-- Issuer rate increases, disclosure and review requirements, 45 CFR 154 Issuer use of premium revenue, reporting and rebate requirements, 45 CFR 158 Indemnification of employees, 45 CFR 36 Military Personnel and Civilian Employees Act, claims filed, 45 CFR 34 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 45 CFR 79 Public and medical assistance and State children's health insurance grant programs, general administration, 45 CFR 95 Salary offset, 45 CFR 33 Tax refund offset, 45 CFR 31 Homeland Security Department, 6 CFR 11 Program fraud civil remedies, 6 CFR 13 Housing and Urban Development Department Administrative claims, debt collection, 24 CFR 17 Equal Access to Justice Act, implementation, 24 CFR 14 Federal Housing Commissioner, functions, 24 CFR 200 General HUD program requirements, waivers, 24 CFR 5 Indemnification of HUD employees, 24 CFR 18 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 24 CFR 28 Title I property improvement and manufactured home loans, debts owed to U.S., 24 CFR 201 Indian Self Determination and Education Assistance Act, contracts, 25 CFR 900 Inter-American Foundation, salary offset, 22 CFR 1007 Interior Department Equal Access to Justice Act, 43 CFR 4 Indian probate hearings procedures, 43 CFR 30 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, 43 CFR 35 International Trade Commission Equal Access to Justice Act, implementation, 19 CFR 212 General application rules, debt collection, 19 CFR 201 Justice Department Data Protection Review Court, 28 CFR 201 Debt collection, 28 CFR 11 Equal Access to Justice Act in Department administrative proceedings, implementation, 28 CFR 24 Hospital and medical care and treatment furnished by U.S., recovery of costs, 28 CFR 43 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 28 CFR 71 Public safety officers' death, disability and educational benefits claims, 28 CFR 32 Radiation Exposure Compensation Act, claims, 28 CFR 79 September 11th Victim Compensation Fund, 28 CFR 104 Utilization, donation, or disposal of abandoned and forfeited personal property, 41 CFR 128-48 Labor Department [[Page 151]] Acquisition regulations; protests, disputes and appeals, 48 CFR 2933 Equal Access to Justice Act, 29 CFR 16 Federal claims collection, 29 CFR 20 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 29 CFR 22 Maritime Administration Marine protection and indemnity insurance under agreements with agents, 46 CFR 326 Seamen's claims, administrative action and litigation, 46 CFR 327 Time barred claims, 46 CFR 370 Merit Systems Protection Board, debt management, 5 CFR 1215 Military personnel and civilian employees' claims Air Force Department, 32 CFR 842 Army Department, 32 CFR 536 Coast Guard, 33 CFR 25 Defense Logistics Agency, 32 CFR 1280 Environmental Protection Agency, 40 CFR 14 Federal Emergency Management Agency, 44 CFR 11 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 17 Labor Department, 29 CFR 15 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 14 CFR 1261 Millennium Challenge Corporation, 22 CFR 1306 Navy Department, 32 CFR 750, 751, 756 Personnel Management Office, 5 CFR 180 Railroad Retirement Board, 20 CFR 362 Treasury Department, 31 CFR 4 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Astronauts; research, evaluation, assessment, and treatment of, 14 CFR 1241 Equal Access to Justice Act in agency proceedings, 14 CFR 1262 Lobbying restrictions, 14 CFR 1271 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 14 CFR 1264 National Archives and Records Administration, claims collection, 36 CFR 1201 National Credit Union Administration Administrative actions, adjudicative hearings, rules of practice and procedure, and investigations, 12 CFR 747 Appeals procedures, 12 CFR 746 Debt collection procedures, 12 CFR 797 Involuntary liquidation of Federal credit unions and adjudication of creditor claims involving federally insured credit unions in liquidation, 12 CFR 709 Share insurance and appendix, 12 CFR 745 National Endowment for the Arts Claims collection, 45 CFR 1150 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act regulations, 45 CFR 1149 National Endowment for the Humanities Claims collection, 45 CFR 1177 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act regulations, 45 CFR 1174 Salary offset, 45 CFR 1179 National Indian Gaming Commission, debt collection, 25 CFR 513 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Fishermen's Contingency Fund, 50 CFR 296 National Science Foundation, claims collection Administrative offset, 45 CFR 608 Salary offset, 45 CFR 607 National Transportation Safety Board, Equal Access to Justice Act, implementation, 49 CFR 826 Navy Department Affirmative claims regulations, 32 CFR 757 Board for Correction of Naval Records, 32 CFR 723 Claims for injuries to property under Uniform Code of Military Justice, 32 CFR 755 Claims processing procedures involving non-appropriated activities and their employees, 32 CFR 756 General claims regulations, 32 CFR 750 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Debt collection procedures, 10 CFR 15 Equal Access to Justice Act, implementation in agency proceedings, 10 CFR 12 Program fraud civil remedies, 10 CFR 13 Salary offset procedures for collecting debts owed by Federal employees to Federal Government, 10 CFR 16 [[Page 152]] Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission, implementation of Equal Access to Justice Act in Commission proceedings, 29 CFR 2204 Patent and Trademark Office, legal processes, 37 CFR 104 Peace Corps, debt collection, 22 CFR 309 Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, debt collection, 29 CFR 4903 Personnel Management Office Civil service retirement-- Court orders affecting benefits, 5 CFR 838 Coverage errors correction under Federal Erroneous Retirement Coverage Corrections Act, 5 CFR 839 Offset for debts owed to U.S., 5 CFR 831 Electronic processing, 5 CFR 850 Collection standards, 5 CFR 179 Commercial garnishment of Federal employees' pay, 5 CFR 582 Debt collection, 5 CFR 835 Federal Employees Retirement System-- Debt collection, 5 CFR 845 General administration, 5 CFR 841 Representative payees, 5 CFR 849 Child support and/or alimony, garnishment orders proceedings, 5 CFR 581 Information Technology Exchange Program, 5 CFR 370 Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002, Title II implementation, 5 CFR 724 Pay administration, general, 5 CFR 550 Procedures for settling claims, 5 CFR 178 Postal Service Debt Collection Act, rules of practice-- Proceedings relative to administrative offsets initiated against former employees, 39 CFR 966 Proceedings under section 5, 39 CFR 961 Equal Access to Justice Act, implementation in proceedings, 39 CFR 960 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act-- Administration, 39 CFR 273 Proceedings, practice rules, 39 CFR 962 Stolen mail matter and property acquired by Postal Inspection Service for use as evidence, disposition, 39 CFR 946 Presidio Trust Administrative claims under Federal Tort Claims Act, 36 CFR 1009 Debt collection, 36 CFR 1011 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act Agency for International Development, 22 CFR 224 Army Department, 32 CFR 516 Broadcasting Board of Governors, 22 CFR 521 Commerce Department, 15 CFR 25 Defense Department, 32 CFR 277 Education Department, 34 CFR 33 Energy Department, 10 CFR 1013 Environmental Protection Agency, 40 CFR 27 General Services Administration, 41 CFR 105-70 Health and Human Services Department, 45 CFR 79 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 28 Interior Department, 43 CFR 35 Justice Department, 28 CFR 71 Labor Department, 29 CFR 22 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 14 CFR 1264 National Science Foundation, 45 CFR 681 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 10 CFR 13 Personnel Management Office, 5 CFR 185 Postal Service, 39 CFR 273, 39 CFR 962 Railroad Retirement Board, 20 CFR 355 Small Business Administration, 13 CFR 142 State Department, 22 CFR 35 Transportation Department, 49 CFR 31 Treasury Department, 31 CFR 16 Veterans Affairs Department, 38 CFR 42 Public Health Service, Federal Tort Claims Act coverage of certain grantees and individuals, 42 CFR 6 Railroad Retirement Board Application for annuity or lump sum, 20 CFR 217 Benefits claims under Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act, electronic applications filing, 20 CFR 321 [[Page 153]] Civil monetary penalty inflation adjustment, 20 CFR 356 Collection of debts by Federal tax refund offset (effective until January 11, 1994), 20 CFR 366 Evidence required for payment, 20 CFR 219 Family relationships, 20 CFR 222 General administration, 20 CFR 200 Initial determinations under Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act, reviews and appeals of these determinations, 20 CFR 320 Jurisdiction determinations, 20 CFR 221 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 20 CFR 355 Recovery of debts owed to U.S. Government by-- Administrative offset, 20 CFR 367 Board employees, 20 CFR 361 Registration for railroad unemployment benefits, 20 CFR 325 Requests for reconsideration and appeals within Board, 20 CFR 260 Rural Development Complaints and compensation for construction defects, 7 CFR 1924 Debt settlement, 7 CFR 1956 Offset of Federal payments to FmHA borrowers, 7 CFR 1951 Securities and Exchange Commission Adversary Adjudications, practice rules, 17 CFR 201 Debt collection rules, 17 CFR 204 Selective Service System Extraordinary expenses of registrants, 32 CFR 1659 Salary offset, 32 CFR 1697 Small Business Administration Debt collection, 13 CFR 140 Hearings and Appeals Office, procedure rules governing cases before, 13 CFR 134 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 13 CFR 142 Surety bond guarantee, 13 CFR 115 Social Security Administration Federal Tort Claims Act and related statutes, administrative claims, 20 CFR 429 Personnel, 20 CFR 430 State Department Debt collection, 22 CFR 34 Employees indemnification, 22 CFR 21 Equal Access to Justice Act, implementation, 22 CFR 134 Fishermen's Protective Act Guaranty Fund procedures under section 7, seizures of commercial fishing vessels, 22 CFR 33 Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund and pension system, overpayments to annuitants, 22 CFR 17 Program fraud civil remedies, 22 CFR 35 Surface Transportation Board Debt collection-- Collection by offset from indebted government and former government employees, 49 CFR 1017 Prescribed procedures, 49 CFR 1018 Railroad, express company, motor carrier, water carrier, and freight forwarder, investigation and voluntary disposition of loss and damage claims and processing salvage, 49 CFR 1005 Railroads, bulk grain and grain products, loss and damage claims, 49 CFR 1037 Rate procedures, recovery of damages, 49 CFR 1133 Recovery of expenses by parties to Commission adjudicatory proceedings, special procedures, 49 CFR 1016 Tennessee Valley Authority, contract disputes, 18 CFR 1308 Transportation Department Equal Access to Justice Act, implementation, 49 CFR 6 Federal claims collection, 49 CFR 89 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, 49 CFR 31 Recovering debts to U.S. by salary offset, 49 CFR 92 Treasury Department Claims regulations and indemnification of Treasury Department employees, 31 CFR 3 Debt collection, 31 CFR 5 District of Columbia retirement programs, Federal benefit payments, 31 CFR 29 Equal Access to Justice Act, award applications, 31 CFR 6 [[Page 154]] Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986, implementation, 31 CFR 16 Programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance from Treasury Department; nondiscrimination enforcement on basis of race, color, or national origin, 31 CFR 22 Veterans Affairs Department Adjudication of veterans benefits, 38 CFR 3 Board of Veterans Appeals-- Legacy appeals regulations, 38 CFR 19 Practice rules, 38 CFR 20 Caregivers benefits and certain medical benefits offered to family members of veterans, 38 CFR 71 General provisions, 38 CFR 1 Legal services, General Counsel, and miscellaneous claims, 38 CFR 14 Medical care, 38 CFR 17 National cemeteries, 38 CFR 38 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation standards, 38 CFR 42 Rural Veterans Coordination Pilot (RVCP), grants, 38 CFR 64 Veterans, State homes-- Grants to States for construction or acquisition, 38 CFR 59 Payments to States for programs to promote the hiring and retention of nurses, 38 CFR 53 Per diem rates, 38 CFR 51 Veterans readiness and employment and education, 38 CFR 21 Veterans transportation programs, 38 CFR 70 Workers' Compensation Programs Office Black lung benefits; standards for determining coal miners' total disability or death due to pneumoconiosis, 20 CFR 718 State workers' compensation coverage for, 20 CFR 722 Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act, compensation claims, 20 CFR 30 Federal Employees' Compensation Act claims-- Compensation, 20 CFR 10 Noncitizen employees outside U.S., disability and death, 20 CFR 25 Federal Mine Safety and Health Act, benefit claims under Part C of Title IV, 20 CFR 725 Government contractors, War Hazards Compensation Act claims, 20 CFR 61 Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act, administration and procedure, 20 CFR 702 Performance of functions, 20 CFR 1 Classified information See al Archives and records; Information; Personally identifiable information; Security measures Acquisition regulations, administrative matters Administrative and information matters, 48 CFR 4 Agriculture Department, 48 CFR 404 Commerce Department, 48 CFR 1304 Energy Department, 48 CFR 904 General Services Administration, 48 CFR 504 Justice Department, 48 CFR 2804 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 48 CFR 1804 State Department, 48 CFR 604 Central Intelligence Agency, agency records and information Access by historical researchers and certain former Government personnel pursuant to sec. 4.4 of Executive Order 13526, 32 CFR 1909 Challenges to documents classification by authorized holders pursuant to Sec. 1.8 of Executive Order 13526, 32 CFR 1907 Classified historical CIA records requested by other agencies, special procedures for discretionary access to, 32 CFR 1911 Freedom of Information Act, public access to agency records, 32 CFR 1900 Public requests for mandatory declassification review of classified information pursuant to Sec. 3.5 of Executive Order 13526, 32 CFR 1908 Commerce Department; classification, declassification, and public availability of National security information, 15 CFR 4A Defense Department [[Page 155]] Adjudicative guidelines for determining access eligibility, 32 CFR 147 Defense Industrial Personnel Security Clearance Program, 32 CFR 155 Interagency reciprocity of facilities, national policy and implementation, 32 CFR 148 Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) program, 32 CFR 222 National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual, 32 CFR 117 National security investigations, procedures for States and localities to request indemnification for disclosure of criminal history records, 32 CFR 99 Energy Department Access to information on Department computers, consent, 10 CFR 727 Classified matter and special nuclear material, procedures for determining eligibility for access to, 10 CFR 710 Human reliability program, 10 CFR 712 Management and operating contracts, 48 CFR 970 Nuclear classification and declassification, 10 CFR 1045 Permits for access to restricted data, 10 CFR 725 Protected disclosures, security requirements under section 3164 of National Defense Authorization Act for 2000 Fiscal Year, 10 CFR 1044 Safeguarding restricted data by access permittees, 10 CFR 1016 Unclassified controlled nuclear information, identification and protection, 10 CFR 1017 Workplace substance abuse programs at DOE sites, 10 CFR 707 Engineers Corps, danger zone and restricted area regulations, 33 CFR 334 Environmental Protection Agency; security classification regulations pursuant to Executive Order 11652, 40 CFR 11 Export-Import Bank, 12 CFR 403 Farm Credit Administration, 12 CFR 605 Federal Bureau of Investigation National security investigations, procedures for States and localities to request indemnification for disclosure of criminal history records, 28 CFR 20 Federal Communications Commission, 47 CFR 0 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 18 CFR 3a General Services Administration Document security and classification, 41 CFR 105-62 Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council, records availability, 40 CFR 1850 Homeland Security Department Classified National security information, 6 CFR 7 Records and information disclosure, 6 CFR 5 REAL ID driver's licenses and identification cards, 6 CFR 37 Transportation Security Oversight Board Review Panel, process and procedures, 6 CFR 126 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 15 Industry and Security Bureau, imported articles effect on National security, 15 CFR 705 Information Security Oversight Office Classified National security information, 32 CFR 2001 National Industrial Security Program (NISP), 32 CFR 2004 National security information, standard forms, 32 CFR 2003 Interior Department, records and testimony, 43 CFR 2 International Trade Commission, 19 CFR 201 Justice Department, 28 CFR 17 Labor Department; National security information, 29 CFR 14 Management and Budget Office, classification, downgrading, declassification and safeguarding of National security information, 5 CFR 1312 Marine Mammal Commission, 50 CFR 540 Micronesian Status Negotiations Office, 32 CFR 2700 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 14 CFR 1203 National Archives and Records Administration, national security information, declassification, 36 CFR 1260 National Counterintelligence Center [[Page 156]] Classified information, public requests for mandatory declassification review (section 3.6 of Executive Order 12958), 32 CFR 1803 Documents classification, challenges by authorized holders (section 1.9 of Executive Order 12958), 32 CFR 1802 National Credit Union Administration, 12 CFR 792 National Drug Control Policy Office, mandatory declassification review, 21 CFR 1402 National Intelligence, Office of Director Mandatory Declassification Review Program, 32 CFR 1704 National security positions, designation, 5 CFR 1400 National Science Foundation, 45 CFR 601 National Security Council, regulations to implement Executive Order 12065 including procedures for public access to documents that may be declassified, 32 CFR 2103 National Transportation Safety Board, 49 CFR 806 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Access to restricted data or National security information or an employment clearance, 10 CFR 10 Classified information, access authorization, 10 CFR 25 Fitness for duty programs, 10 CFR 26 Independent storage of spent nuclear fuel, high-level radioactive waste, and reactor-related greater than class C waste, licensing requirements, 10 CFR 72 National security information and restricted data, facility security clearance and safeguarding of, 10 CFR 95 Nuclear equipment and material, export and import, 10 CFR 110 Nuclear power plants operating licenses renewal requirements, 10 CFR 54 Practice and procedure rules, 10 CFR 2 Production and utilization facilities, domestic licensing, 10 CFR 50 Special nuclear material, domestic licensing, 10 CFR 70 Patent and Trademark Office, secrecy of certain inventions and licenses to export and file applications in foreign countries, 37 CFR 5 Peace Corps Classified material, public access, 22 CFR 301 Volunteer service, eligibility and standards, 22 CFR 305 Personnel Management Office National security information, mandatory review of classified documents, 5 CFR 175 National security investigations, procedures for States and localities to request indemnification for disclosure of criminal history records, 5 CFR 911 National security positions, designation, 5 CFR 1400 Postal Service, 39 CFR 267 Science and Technology Policy Office Freedom of Information Act, implementation, 32 CFR 2402 Information Security Program, 32 CFR 2400 Securities and Exchange Commission; organization, conduct and ethics, and information and requests, 17 CFR 200 State Department Chemical Weapons Convention and Chemical Weapons Implementation Act of 1988, taking of samples and enforcement of recordkeeping and inspection requirements, 22 CFR 103 Information, public access, 22 CFR 171 International traffic in arms regulations-- Purpose and definitions, 22 CFR 120 Technical data and classified defense articles, 22 CFR 125 U.S. munitions list, 22 CFR 121 Security information regulations, 22 CFR 9 Regulations applicable to certain international energy programs, related material, 22 CFR 9a Surface Transportation Board, 49 CFR 1280 Transportation Department, 49 CFR 8 Treasury Department, 31 CFR 2 Vice President of the U.S., 32 CFR 2800 Clemency Executive clemency, 28 CFR 1 Clothing See also [[Page 157]] Footwear Care labeling of textile wearing apparel and certain piece goods as amended, 16 CFR 423 Flammability standards Children's sleepwear-- Sizes 0 through 6X, 16 CFR 1615 Sizes 7 through 14, 16 CFR 1616 Vinyl plastic film, 16 CFR 1611 Flammable Fabrics Act Clothing textiles, flammability standards, 16 CFR 1610 General rules and regulations, 16 CFR 1608 Investigation, inspections, and inquiries, 16 CFR 1605 Statements of policy or interpretation, 16 CFR 1602 Text of 1953 Act, amendments and revisions prior to 1967, 16 CFR 1609 Homeworkers in certain industries, employment, 29 CFR 530 Substantial product hazard list, 16 CFR 1120 Coal See al Energy; Mineral resources Abandoned Mine Reclamation Fund, fee collection and coal production reporting, 30 CFR 870 Air pollution control, performance standards for new stationary sources, 40 CFR 60 Coal management on public lands Competitive leasing, 43 CFR 3420 Environmental protection, 43 CFR 3460 Existing leases management, 43 CFR 3450 Exploration licenses, 43 CFR 3410 Licenses to mine, 43 CFR 3440 Management, general, 43 CFR 3400 Management provisions and limitations, 43 CFR 3470 Noncompetitive leases, 43 CFR 3430 Resource management planning, programming, budgeting, 43 CFR 1600 Coal mines, health standards, 30 CFR 72 Energy impacted area development assistance program, 7 CFR 1948 Manufacturers and retailers excise taxes, 26 CFR 48 Natural resources revenue Audits and inspections, 30 CFR 1217 Penalties, 30 CFR 1241 Product valuation, 30 CFR 1206 Royalties, 30 CFR 1202 Preparation plants not located within permit area of mine, permanent program performance standards, 30 CFR 827 Public lands exchanges, general procedures, exchanges involving fee Federal coal deposits, 43 CFR 2200 Public lands use, special laws and rules, 43 CFR 2090 Coal miners See Miners Coal mines See Mine safety and health; Mines; Surface mining; Underground mining Coast Guard Administrative definitions used to determine water under Coast Guard jurisdiction, 33 CFR 2 Aids to navigation Artificial islands and fixed structures, 33 CFR 67 Charges for Coast Guard work, 33 CFR 74 Equipment, sale and transfer, 33 CFR 76 Interference or damage, 33 CFR 70 Marine information, 33 CFR 72 Marking of structures, sunken vessels and other obstructions, 33 CFR 64 Private aids, 33 CFR 66 U.S. aids to navigation system, 33 CFR 62 Anchorage areas, general requirements, 33 CFR 109 Anchorage regulations, 33 CFR 110 Boating safety Boats and associated equipment, 33 CFR 183 Defect notification, 33 CFR 179 Equipment requirements, 33 CFR 175 Hazardous conditions, correction, 33 CFR 177 Manufacturer requirements, 33 CFR 181 Vessel identification system, 33 CFR 187 Vessel numbering and casualty and accident reporting-- Preemptive effects over State and local regulation, 33 CFR 173 State systems, 33 CFR 174 Boundary lines for application of vessel inspection laws, 46 CFR 7 Bridges [[Page 158]] Alteration of unreasonably obstructive bridges, 33 CFR 116 Bridge lighting and other signals, 33 CFR 118 Drawbridge operation regulations, 33 CFR 117 Locations and clearances, administrative procedures, 33 CFR 115 Bridges and causeways over navigable U.S. waters, general requirements, 33 CFR 114 Cargo and miscellaneous vessels Construction and arrangement, 46 CFR 92 Fire protection equipment, 46 CFR 95 General provisions, 46 CFR 90 Inspection and certification, 46 CFR 91 Operations, 46 CFR 97 Special construction, arrangement, and other provisions for certain cargoes in bulk, 46 CFR 98 Stability, 46 CFR 93 Vessel control and miscellaneous systems and equipment, 46 CFR 96 Cargo containers safety Control and enforcement, 49 CFR 453 Examination, 49 CFR 452 General, 49 CFR 450 Testing and approval, 49 CFR 451 Child development services, 33 CFR 55 Civil monetary penalties, inflation adjustment, 33 CFR 27 Claim procedures, 33 CFR 25 Coast Guard areas, districts, sectors, marine inspection zones, and captain of port zones, 33 CFR 3 Coast Guard Auxiliary, 33 CFR 5 Coast Guard Reserve, 33 CFR 8 Coast Guard vessels and aircraft, distinctive markings, 33 CFR 23 COLREGS 72 Demarcation lines, 33 CFR 80 Implementing rules, 33 CFR 81 Interpretive rules, 33 CFR 82 Commercial fishing vessels dispensing petroleum products, 46 CFR 105 Dangerous cargoes Barges carrying bulk liquid hazardous material cargoes, 46 CFR 151 Cargo compatibility, 46 CFR 150 Carriage of bulk solid materials that require special handling, 46 CFR 148 Hazardous ships' stores, 46 CFR 147 Safety standards for self-propelled vessels carrying bulk liquefied gases, 46 CFR 154 Ships carrying bulk liquid, liquefied gas, or compressed gas hazardous materials, 46 CFR 153 Waterfront facilities-- Dangerous cargo, handling, 33 CFR 126 Liquefied natural gas and liquefied hazardous gas, handling, 33 CFR 127 Decorations, medals, ribbons, and similar devices, 33 CFR 13 Deepwater ports Design, construction, and equipment, 33 CFR 149 General requirements, 33 CFR 148 Operations, 33 CFR 150 Documentation of vessels General, 46 CFR 67 Pursuant to extraordinary legislative grants, 46 CFR 68 Electrical engineering on vessels Communication and alarm systems and equipment, 46 CFR 113 Electric systems, general requirements, 46 CFR 111 Emergency lighting and power systems, 46 CFR 112 General provisions, 46 CFR 110 Equipment and materials, independent laboratory testing for approval by Coast Guard, 46 CFR 159 Formal administrative proceedings; practice, procedure, and evidence rules, 33 CFR 20 General provisions, 33 CFR 1 Gift fund, 33 CFR 17 Great Lakes pilotage Ratemaking, 46 CFR 404 Regulations, 46 CFR 401 Rules and orders, 46 CFR 402 Uniform accounting system, 46 CFR 403 Identification credentials for persons requiring access to waterfront facilities or vessels, 33 CFR 125 Inland navigation rules Distress signals, 33 CFR 87 Implementing rules, 33 CFR 89 Interpretative rules, 33 CFR 90 Lights and shapes, positioning and technical details, 33 CFR 84 Pilot rules, 33 CFR 88 [[Page 159]] Rules, 32 CFR 83 Sound signal appliances, technical details, 33 CFR 86 Lifesaving systems for certain inspected vessels, 46 CFR 199 Load lines Combination load lines, 46 CFR 47 Domestic and foreign voyages by sea, 46 CFR 42 Great Lakes, 46 CFR 45 Special service limited domestic voyages, 46 CFR 44 Subdivision load lines for passenger vessels, 46 CFR 46 Marine casualties and investigations, 46 CFR 4 Coast Guard and National Transportation Safety Board, 49 CFR 850 Marine investigation regulations, personnel action, 46 CFR 5 Marine engineering Automatic auxiliary boilers, 46 CFR 63 General provisions, 46 CFR 50 Heating boilers, 46 CFR 53 Main and auxiliary machinery and related systems, 46 CFR 58 Marine portable tanks (MPT), 46 CFR 64 Periodic tests and inspections, 46 CFR 61 Piping systems and appurtenances, 46 CFR 56 Power boilers, 46 CFR 52 Pressure vessels, 46 CFR 54 Repairs to boilers, pressure vessels and appurtenances, 46 CFR 59 Vital system automation, 46 CFR 62 Welding and brazing, 46 CFR 57 Marine occupational safety and health standards, 46 CFR 197 Marine pollution financial responsibility and compensation Offshore oil pollution compensation fund, administration and operation, 33 CFR 135 Oil spill liability trust fund-- Claims procedures, source designation, and advertisement, 33 CFR 136 State access, 33 CFR 133 Water pollution (vessels) and OPA 90 limits of liability (vessels, deepwater ports and onshore facilities), financial responsibility, 33 CFR 138 Marine sanitation devices, 33 CFR 159 Maritime security Area maritime security, 33 CFR 103 Facilities, 33 CFR 105 General, 33 CFR 101 National vessel and facility control measures and limited access areas, 33 CFR 107 Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) facilities, 33 CFR 106 Vessels, 33 CFR 104 Measurement of vessels, 46 CFR 69 Medical care for certain personnel of Coast Guard, National Ocean Survey, Public Health Service, and former Lighthouse Service, 42 CFR 31 Merchant marine officers and seamen Certification of tankermen, 46 CFR 13 Chemical testing, 46 CFR 16 Merchant mariner credential, 46 CFR 10 Officer endorsements, requirements, 46 CFR 11 Seamen rating endorsements, requirements, 46 CFR 12 Shipment and discharge of merchant mariners, 46 CFR 14 Vessel manning requirements, 46 CFR 15 Military personnel Amounts due mentally incompetent Coast Guard personnel, 33 CFR 49 Cadets, 33 CFR 40 Discharge Review Board, review procedures, 33 CFR 51 Enlistment of personnel, 33 CFR 45 Military Records Correction Board of Coast Guard, application procedures, 33 CFR 52 Retiring Review Board, review procedures, 33 CFR 50 Support obligations, allotments from active duty pay, 33 CFR 54 Whistleblower protection, 33 CFR 53 Mobile offshore drilling units Design and equipment, 46 CFR 108 Inspection and certification, 46 CFR 107 Operations, 46 CFR 109 Nautical school ships Civilian, 46 CFR 168 Designation and approval, 46 CFR 166 Public, 46 CFR 167 Sailing school vessels, 46 CFR 169 Navigation and vessel inspection laws and regulations, waivers, 33 CFR 19, 46 CFR 6 Oceanographic research vessels [[Page 160]] Construction and arrangement, 46 CFR 190 Control and miscellaneous systems and equipment, 46 CFR 195 Designations, 46 CFR 3 Fire protection equipment, 46 CFR 193 General provisions, 46 CFR 188 Handling, use and control of explosives and other dangerous articles, 46 CFR 194 Inspection and certification, 46 CFR 189 Operations, 46 CFR 196 Offshore supply vessels Construction and arrangements, 46 CFR 127 Electrical installations, 46 CFR 129 Fire-protection equipment, 46 CFR 132 General provisions, 46 CFR 125 Inspection and certification, 46 CFR 126 Lifesaving systems, 46 CFR 133 Liftboats, added provisions, 46 CFR 134 Marine engineering, equipment and systems, 46 CFR 128 Operations, 46 CFR 131 Vessel control, and miscellaneous equipment and systems, 46 CFR 130 OMB control numbers assigned pursuant to Paperwork Reduction Act, 33 CFR 4 Organization, general course and methods governing marine safety functions, 46 CFR 1 Outer Continental Shelf facilities, vessels, and other units engaged in Outer Continental Shelf activities; safety of life and property and protection of marine environment Design and equipment, 33 CFR 143 Fire-fighting equipment, 33 CFR 145 General provisions for safety of life and property, 33 CFR 140 Lifesaving appliances, 33 CFR 144 Operations, 33 CFR 146 Personnel, 33 CFR 141 Safety zones, establishment, 33 CFR 147 Workplace safety and health, 33 CFR 142 Passenger vessels Construction and arrangement, 46 CFR 72 Disclosure of safety standards and country of registry, 46 CFR 80 Fire protection equipment, 46 CFR 76 General provisions, 46 CFR 70 Inspection and certification, 46 CFR 71 Operations, 46 CFR 78 Vessel control and miscellaneous systems and equipment, 46 CFR 77 Pollution prevention regulations Cargo vessels carrying oil in bulk, rules for protection of marine environment, 33 CFR 157 Marine facilities transferring oil or hazardous material in bulk, 33 CFR 154 Oil, noxious liquid substances, and garbage, reception facilities, 33 CFR 158 Oil, noxious liquid substances, garbage, municipal or commercial waste, and ballast water, 33 CFR 151 Oil and hazardous material transfer operations, 33 CFR 156 Oil and hazardous substances control, discharge removal, 33 CFR 153 Vessels, 33 CFR 155 Ports and waterways safety Escort requirements for certain tankers, 33 CFR 168 General requirements, 33 CFR 160 Inland waterway navigation regulations, 33 CFR 162 Mandatory ship reporting systems for protection of northern white whales, 33 CFR 169 Navigation safety regulations, 33 CFR 164 Offshore traffic separation schemes, 33 CFR 167 Regulated navigation areas and limited access areas, 33 CFR 165 Shipping safety fairways, 33 CFR 166 Towing of barges, 33 CFR 163 Vessel traffic management, 33 CFR 161 Protection and security of vessels, harbors, and waterfront facilities, 33 CFR 6 Safety of life on navigable waters, 33 CFR 100 Shipboard fumigation, 46 CFR 147A Small passenger vessels (under 100 gross tons) Construction and arrangement, 46 CFR 177 Electrical installation, 46 CFR 183 Fire protection equipment, 46 CFR 181 General provisions, 46 CFR 175 Inspection and certification, 46 CFR 176 Intact stability and seaworthiness, 46 CFR 178 [[Page 161]] Lifesaving equipment and arrangements, 46 CFR 180 Machinery installation, 46 CFR 182 Operations, 46 CFR 185 Subdivision, damage stability and watertight integrity requirements, 46 CFR 179 Vessel control and miscellaneous systems and equipment, 46 CFR 184 Small passenger vessels carrying more than 150 passengers or with overnight accommodations for more than 49 passengers Construction and arrangement, 46 CFR 116 Electrical installation, 46 CFR 120 Fire protection equipment, 46 CFR 118 General provisions, 46 CFR 114 Inspection and certification, 46 CFR 115 Lifesaving equipment and arrangements, 46 CFR 117 Machinery installation, 46 CFR 119 Operations, 46 CFR 122 Vessel control and miscellaneous systems and equipment, 46 CFR 121 Tank vessels Elevated temperature cargoes, 46 CFR 36 Firefighting equipment, 46 CFR 34 General provisions, 46 CFR 30 Inspection and certification, 46 CFR 31 Operations, 46 CFR 35 Special equipment, machinery, and hull requirements, 46 CFR 32 Transporting liquefied flammable gases, 46 CFR 38 Vapor control systems, 46 CFR 39 Towing vessels Certification, 46 CFR 136 Construction and arrangement, 46 CFR 144 Fire protection, 46 CFR 142 Lifesaving, 46 CFR 141 Machinery and electrical systems and equipment, 46 CFR 143 Operations, 46 CFR 140 Third-party organizations, 46 CFR 139 Towing Safety Management System (TSMS), 46 CFR 138 Vessel compliance, 46 CFR 137 Uninspected vessels Commercial fishing industry vessels, requirements, 46 CFR 28 General provisions, 46 CFR 24 Operations, 46 CFR 26 Requirements, 46 CFR 25 Towing vessels, 46 CFR 27 Vessel operating regulations, operating a vessel while intoxicated, 33 CFR 95 Vessels Bridge-to-bridge radiotelephone regulations, 33 CFR 26 Construction, 46 CFR 163 Construction materials, 46 CFR 164 Electrical equipment, 46 CFR 161 Engineering equipment, 46 CFR 162 Inspected vessels, stability requirements, 46 CFR 170 Inspection alternatives, 46 CFR 8 Inspections, 46 CFR 2 Extra compensation for overtime services, 46 CFR 9 Lifesaving equipment, 46 CFR 160 Safe operation rules and safety management systems, 33 CFR 96 Subdivision and stability, special rules pertaining to-- Bulk cargoes, 46 CFR 172 Specific vessel types, 46 CFR 174 Vessel use, 46 CFR 173 Vessels carrying passengers, 46 CFR 171 Coastal zone See al Continental shelf; Flood plains; Natural resources; Seashores Clean Vessel Act grant program, 50 CFR 85 Coastal Barrier Resources Act Federal disaster assistance, 44 CFR 206 Implementation, flood insurance, 44 CFR 71 Coastal zone management program Federal consistency with approved programs, 15 CFR 930 Regulations, 15 CFR 923 Gulf Coast ecosystem restoration, spill impact component, 40 CFR 1800 Gulf Coast States; resources and ecosystems sustainability, tourist opportunities, and revived economies, 31 CFR 34 Highly erodible land and wetland conservation, 7 CFR 12 National coastal wetlands conservation grant program, 50 CFR 84 National Estuarine Research Reserve System regulations, 15 CFR 921 [[Page 162]] National estuary program, State and local assistance grants, 40 CFR 35 National Marine Sanctuary program regulations, 15 CFR 922 National Sea Grant program Funding regulations, 15 CFR 917 Sea Grant colleges and regional consortia, 15 CFR 918 Natural resource damage assessments, coastal and marine environments, 43 CFR 11 Nonqualified vessels that perform certain aquaculture support, requirements for, 46 CFR 106 Oil Pollution Act regulations, natural resource damage assessments, 15 CFR 990 Outer continental shelf Existing facilities, alternate uses, 30 CFR 586 Renewable energy, 30 CFR 585 Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument, 50 CFR 404 Vessels of Armed Forces, uniform national discharge standards, 40 CFR 1700 Code of Federal Regulations Agency preparation of documents subject to codification, 1 CFR 21 Authorization for incorporation of materials by reference, 1 CFR 51 General publication policies and procedures, 1 CFR 8 Official distribution within Federal Government, 1 CFR 12 Subscriptions, 1 CFR 11 Coffee See al Beverages Plant protection and quarantine, foreign quarantine notices, 7 CFR 319 Puerto Rico, duty on foreign-grown coffee, 19 CFR 7 Coins See Currency Collective bargaining See Labor management relations Colleges and universities See al Education; Medical and dental schools; Military academies; Schools; Student aid Acquisition regulations Federal Procurement Policy Office, Cost Accounting Standards Board; cost accounting standards for educational institutions, 48 CFR 9905 Housing and Urban Development Department; socioeconomic programs, historically black colleges and universities, 48 CFR 2426 Agriculture Department Federal financial assistance-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions Land grant university State cooperative extension services, equal employment opportunity, 7 CFR 18 Rural development, State and regional annual plans of work, 7 CFR 23 Children and Families Administration Older Hawaiian natives, grants for supportive and nutritional services to aged, 45 CFR 1323 Vulnerable elder rights protection activities, allotments for, 45 CFR 1324 Community Living Administration, developmental disabilities Formula grant programs, State plans, 45 CFR 1326 National Network of University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, Education, Research, and Service, 45 CFR 1328 Program requirements, 45 CFR 1325 Projects of National significance, 45 CFR 1327 Corporation for National and Community Service, Higher education innovative programs for community service, 45 CFR 2519 Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Cybercorps Scholarship for Service (SFS) program, 44 CFR 296 Defense Department Acquisition regulations-- Contract cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 231 [[Page 163]] Socioeconomic programs, contracting with historically black colleges and universities and minority institutions, 48 CFR 226 Grants and cooperative agreements-- Award and administration, 32 CFR 22 Award format, 2 CFR 1120 General award terms and conditions, national policy requirements, 2 CFR 1122 Governmentwide guidance, implementation, 2 CFR 1104 Military recruiting and Reserve Officer Training Corps access to institutions of higher learning, 32 CFR 216 National Language Service Corps, 32 CFR 251 National Security Education Program (NSEP) and NSEP service agreement, 32 CFR 208 Reserve component officers appointment to grade above first lieutenant or lieutenant (junior grade), educational requirements, 32 CFR 67 Voluntary education programs, 32 CFR 68 Education Department Drug and alcohol abuse prevention, 34 CFR 86 Fulbright-Hays, higher education programs-- Doctoral dissertation research abroad fellowship program, 34 CFR 662 Faculty research abroad fellowship program, 34 CFR 663 Group projects abroad program, 34 CFR 664 Indian Education discretionary grant programs, 34 CFR 263 Institutional aid programs-- Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions Program, 34 CFR 606 Endowment Challenge Grant Program, 34 CFR 628 Strengthening Historically Black Colleges and Universities Program, 34 CFR 608 Strengthening Historically Black Graduate Institutions Program, 34 CFR 609 Strengthening Institutions Program, 34 CFR 607 International education program-- Business and international education program, 34 CFR 661 Foreign language and area studies fellowships program, 34 CFR 657 General provisions, 34 CFR 655 National resource centers program for foreign language and area or foreign language and international studies, 34 CFR 656 Research and study programs, 34 CFR 660 Undergraduate international studies and foreign language program, 34 CFR 658 Postsecondary education-- Accrediting agencies, Secretary's recognition, 34 CFR 602 Educational opportunity centers program, 34 CFR 644 Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) program, 34 CFR 682 Federal Pell grant program, 34 CFR 690 Federal work-study programs, 34 CFR 675 Gaining early awareness and readiness for undergraduate programs (GEAR UP), 34 CFR 694 Graduate assistance in areas of national need, 34 CFR 648 Graduate study, Jacob K. Javits fellowship program, 34 CFR 650 Higher Education Act of 1965, institutional eligibility, 34 CFR 600 Higher education emergency relief fund programs, 34 CFR 677 Language resource centers program, 34 CFR 669 Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership Program, 34 CFR 692 Minority science and engineering improvement program, 34 CFR 637 Ronald E. McNair postbaccalaureate achievement program, 34 CFR 647 State agencies, Secretary's recognition procedures, 34 CFR 603 Student assistance, general provisions, 34 CFR 668 Student support services program, 34 CFR 646 Talent search program, 34 CFR 643 Training program for Federal TRIO programs, 34 CFR 642 [[Page 164]] Upward Bound Program, 34 CFR 645 William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program, 34 CFR 685 Special educational programs for students whose families are engaged in migrant and other seasonal farmwork, high school equivalency program and college assistance migrant program, 34 CFR 206 Energy Department, Federal financial assistance Financial assistance rules, 10 CFR 600 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, recordkeeping and reporting requirements Americans with Disabilities Act, 29 CFR 1602 Civil Rights Act, Title VII, 29 CFR 1602 Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, 29 CFR 1602 Geological Survey, State Water Research Institute program, 30 CFR 401 Grants and agreements with institutions of higher education, hospitals, and other non-profit organizations, uniform administrative requirements Broadcasting Board of Governors, 22 CFR 518 Education Department, 34 CFR 74 General Services Administration, 41 CFR 105-72 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 84 Labor Department, 29 CFR 95 Health and Human Services Department National Institute for Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research, 45 CFR 1330 Statutory conscience rights protection in health care, authority delegations, 45 CFR 88 Tribes, support and nutritional services grants, 45 CFR 1322 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Indian Affairs Bureau, grants to Tribal colleges and universities and dine colleges, 25 CFR 41 Justice Department, violence against women, 28 CFR 90 Labor Department; audit requirements for grants, contracts, and other agreements, 29 CFR 96 Management and Budget Office Subaward and executive compensation information, reporting, 2 CFR 170 Universal identifier and system for award management, 2 CFR 25 Public Health Service Maternal and child health project grants, 42 CFR 51a Mental health traineeships, obligated service, 42 CFR 64a National Aeronautics and Space Administration, National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program, 14 CFR 1259 National Institute of Food and Agriculture Agricultural research and extension capacity funds at 1890 land-grant institutions, including Central State University, Tuskegee University, and West Virginia State University and at 1862 land- grant institutions in insular areas; matching funds requirement, 7 CFR 3419 Agricultural research, education, and extension formula funds recipients, stakeholder input requirements, 7 CFR 3418 Food and agricultural sciences National Needs Graduate and Postgraduate Fellowship Grants Program, 7 CFR 3402 Higher Education Challenge Grants program, 7 CFR 3405 Hispanic-serving agricultural colleges and universities certification process, 7 CFR 3434 Institution capacity building grants program (1890), 7 CFR 3406 National Labor Relations Board, jurisdictional standards and remedial orders, 29 CFR 103 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Sea Grant Colleges, 15 CFR 918 Personnel Management Office, temporary assignment of employees under the Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA), 5 CFR 334 [[Page 165]] Prisons Bureau, prisoner education, 28 CFR 544 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Veterans Affairs Department Medical care, 38 CFR 17 Veterans readiness and employment and education, 38 CFR 21 Wage and Hour Division, full-time student employment at subminimum wages, 29 CFR 519 Color additives See al Food additives Certification, 21 CFR 80 Certified provisionally listed colors and specifications, 21 CFR 82 Exempt from certification, listing, 21 CFR 73 General specifications and restrictions for provisional use, 21 CFR 81 Packaging and labeling, and safety requirements, 21 CFR 70 Petitions, 21 CFR 71 Public advisory committee, public hearing before, 21 CFR 14 Subject to certification, list, 21 CFR 74 Commerce Department See al Census Bureau; Economic Analysis Bureau; Economic Development Administration; Foreign-Trade Zones Board; Industry and Security Bureau; International Trade Administration; Minority Business Development Agency; National Institute of Standards and Technology; National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; National Telecommunications and Information Administration; Patent and Trademark Office; Technology Administration Acquisition regulations Administrative matters, 48 CFR 1304 Competition and acquisition planning-- Commercial items, 48 CFR 1312 Competition requirements, 48 CFR 1306 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 1309 Describing agency needs, 48 CFR 1311 Planning, 48 CFR 1307 Publicizing contract actions, 48 CFR 1305 Supplies and services, required sources, 48 CFR 1308 Construction and architect-engineer contracts, 48 CFR 1336 Contract management-- Contract administration, 48 CFR 1342 Extraordinary contractual actions, 48 CFR 1350 Government property, 48 CFR 1345 Quality assurance, 48 CFR 1346 Subcontracting policies and procedures, 48 CFR 1344 Termination of contracts, 48 CFR 1349 Value engineering, 48 CFR 1348 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 1315 [[Page 166]] Definitions of words and terms, 48 CFR 1302 Emergency acquisitions, 48 CFR 1318 Forms, 48 CFR 1353 General, 48 CFR 1301 General contracting requirements-- Bonds and insurance, 48 CFR 1328 Contract cost accounting standards administration, 48 CFR 1330 Contract cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 1331 Contract financing, 48 CFR 1332 Patents, data and copyrights, 48 CFR 1327 Protests, disputes and appeals, 48 CFR 1333 Taxes, 48 CFR 1329 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 1303 Information technology, 48 CFR 1339 Major system acquisition, 48 CFR 1334 Research and development contracting, 48 CFR 1335 Sealed bidding, 48 CFR 1314 Service contracting, 48 CFR 1337 Ship repair, 48 CFR 1371 Simplified acquisition procedures, 48 CFR 1313 Small purchase and other simplified purchase procedures, 48 CFR 1313 Socioeconomic programs-- Environment, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace, 48 CFR 1323 Foreign acquisition, 48 CFR 1325 Labor laws to government acquisitions, application of, 48 CFR 1322 Other programs, 48 CFR 1326 Protection of privacy and freedom of information, 48 CFR 1324 Small business programs, 48 CFR 1319 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 1352 Special contracting methods, 48 CFR 1317 Types of contracts, 48 CFR 1316 Universal solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 1370 Utility services, 48 CFR 1341 Attorney's fees and other expenses, 15 CFR 18 Concrete masonry research, education, and promotion, 15 CFR 1500 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 1326 Debt collection, 15 CFR 19 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 2 CFR 1329 Employee responsibilities and conduct, 15 CFR 0 Fair packaging and labeling, 15 CFR 12 Federal Tort Claims Act, 15 CFR 2 Government information disclosure, 15 CFR 4 Guidance documents, 15 CFR 29 Havana Act of 2021, implementation, 15 CFR 3 Human research subjects protection, 15 CFR 27 Inflation, civil monetary penalty adjustments, 15 CFR 6 Information and communications technology and services supply chain, securing, 15 CFR 7 Intergovernmental review of programs and activities, 15 CFR 13 Legal proceedings, 15 CFR 15 Licensing of Government-owned inventions in Commerce Department custody, 15 CFR 17 Lobbying restrictions, 15 CFR 28 National security information; classification, declassification, and public availability, 15 CFR 4a Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs, 15 CFR 8 Nondiscrimination on basis of age in federally assisted programs, 15 CFR 20 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability Federally assisted programs, 15 CFR 8b Federally conducted programs, 15 CFR 8c Nondiscrimination on basis of sex in federally assisted education programs, 15 CFR 8a Penalty mail use in location and recovery of missing children, 15 CFR 23 Program fraud civil remedies, 15 CFR 25 Seal, 15 CFR 1 Shipping restrictions American flag ships and aircraft, 44 CFR 402 Arms, ammunition, and implements of war, 44 CFR 401 [[Page 167]] Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 1327 Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally assisted programs, cross reference to 49 CFR 24 (governmentwide rule), 15 CFR 11 Vending stands operation by blind persons, 15 CFR 5 Voluntary consumer product information labeling program, 15 CFR 16 Voluntary labeling program for household appliances and equipment to effect energy conservation, 15 CFR 9 Voluntary product standards development, 15 CFR 10 Commercial fisheries See Fisheries Commercial space transportation See Space transportation and exploration Commercial Space Transportation Office See Federal Aviation Administration Commission of Fine Arts See Fine Arts Commission Committee for Purchase from People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled See People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled, Committee for Purchase From Committees See Advisory committees Commodities See Agricultural commodities Commodity Credit Corporation Agricultural Conservation Easement Program, 7 CFR 1468 Agricultural management assistance, 7 CFR 1465 Biomass Crop Assistance Program, 7 CFR 1450 Commodity certificates, in kind payments, and other forms of payment, 7 CFR 1401 Commodity incentive payment programs, 7 CFR 1413 Conservation Reserve Program, 7 CFR 1410 Conservation Security Program, 7 CFR 1469 Conservation Stewardship Program, 7 CFR 1470 Contractors, debarment and suspension, 7 CFR 1407 Cooperative marketing associations, 7 CFR 1425 Debt settlement policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1403 Disaster assistance, Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program, 7 CFR 1437 Emergency agricultural disaster assistance programs, 7 CFR 1416 Export programs Export credit guarantee programs, 7 CFR 1493 Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program, 7 CFR 1491 Financing of sales of agricultural commodities, 7 CFR 1488 Food for Progress Program, 7 CFR 1499 Foreign markets for agricultural commodities-- Development grant agreements, 7 CFR 1485 Development programs, 7 CFR 1484 Specialty crops, technical assistance, 7 CFR 1487 Grassland Reserve Program, 7 CFR 1415 Information availability to public, 7 CFR 798 Loans and price support programs Agricultural risk coverage, price loss coverage, and cotton transition assistance programs, 7 CFR 1412 Approved warehouses, 7 CFR 1423 Asparagus, 7 CFR 1429 Bioenergy program, 7 CFR 1424 Cotton, 7 CFR 1427 Dairy products, 7 CFR 1430 Farm Storage Facility Loan program regulations, 7 CFR 1436 Grains and similarly handled commodities, marketing assistance loans and loan deficiency payments, 7 CFR 1421 Honey, nonrecourse marketing assistance loans and loan deficiency payments and LPD regulations, 7 CFR 1434 Sugar, 7 CFR 1435 Loans, purchases, and other operations General regulations and policies, 7 CFR 1405 Regional Conservation Partnership Program, 7 CFR 1464 [[Page 168]] Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentive Program, 7 CFR 1455 Oriental Fruit Fly Program, 7 CFR 756 Payment assignment, 7 CFR 1404 Payment limitation and eligibility, 7 CFR 1400 Pima Agriculture Cotton Trust Fund (Agriculture Pima Trust) and Agriculture Wool Apparel Manufacturers Trust Fund (Agriculture Wool Trust), 7 CFR 1471 Regional Agricultural Promotion Program, 7 CFR 1489 Sales policy for certain commodities, 7 CFR 1402 Soil and water conservation Environmental Quality Incentives Program, 7 CFR 1466 Wetlands Reserve Program, 7 CFR 1467 Trade mitigation program, 7 CFR 1409 Commodity futures See al Agricultural commodities; Investments Agricultural swaps, 17 CFR 35 Bankruptcy, 17 CFR 190 Broker associations, 17 CFR 156 Commodity Futures Trading Commission Commodity Exchange Act, general regulations, 17 CFR 1 Registered entity rules altered or supplemented by the Commission, 17 CFR 7 Reparations, related rules, 17 CFR 12 Reports-- General provisions, 17 CFR 15 Larger traders for physical commodity swaps, 17 CFR 20 Persons holding reportable positions in excess of position limits, and by merchants and dealers in cotton, 17 CFR 19 Reporting markets, 17 CFR 16 Reporting markets, futures commission merchants, clearing members, and foreign brokers, 17 CFR 17 Traders, 17 CFR 18 Rules of practice, 17 CFR 10 Rules relating to-- Investigations, 17 CFR 11 Review of exchange disciplinary, access denial or other adverse actions, 17 CFR 9 Review of national futures association decisions in disciplinary, membership denial, registration, and member responsibility actions, 17 CFR 171 Suspension or disbarment from appearance and practice, 17 CFR 14 Commodity option transactions, 17 CFR 32 Commodity pool operators and commodity trading advisors, 17 CFR 4 Contract market rules altered or supplemented by Commission, 17 CFR 7 Cotton classification under cotton futures legislation, 7 CFR 27 Customer protection rules, 17 CFR 166 Delivery period required for certain grains, 17 CFR 100 Derivatives clearing organizations, 17 CFR 39 Designated contract markets, 17 CFR 38 Designation of financial market utilities, 12 CFR 1320 Domestic exchange-traded commodity option transactions, 17 CFR 33 Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, general provisions, 31 CFR 1010 Foreign boards of trade, registration, 17 CFR 48 Foreign futures and foreign options transactions, 17 CFR 30 Hybrid instruments regulation, 17 CFR 34 Leverage transactions, gold or silver bullion or bulk coins, 17 CFR 31 Limits on positions and trading of agricultural commodities, 17 CFR 150 Pre-enactment swap transactions, 17 CFR 44 Prohibition against manipulation, 17 CFR 180 Registered entities, common provisions, 17 CFR 40 Registered futures associations, 17 CFR 170 Registration, 17 CFR 3 Special calls, 17 CFR 21 Swaps Data repositories, 17 CFR 49 Execution facilities, 17 CFR 37 Swap dealers and major swap participants, 17 CFR 23 Trade execution requirement, 17 CFR 36 Trading standards, 17 CFR 155 [[Page 169]] Commodity Futures Trading Commission Agency employees, supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 5101 Agricultural swaps, 17 CFR 35 Anti-money laundering, terrorist financing, 17 CFR 42 Bankruptcy, 17 CFR 190 Broker associations, 17 CFR 156 Claims collection owed U.S. arising from activities under Commission's jurisdiction, 17 CFR 143 Clearing requirement and related rules, 17 CFR 50 Commission records and information, 17 CFR 145 Commodity Exchange Act, general regulations, 17 CFR 1 Commodity option transactions, 17 CFR 32 Commodity pool operators and commodity trading advisors, 17 CFR 4 Consumer financial information under Title V of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, privacy, 17 CFR 160 Contract market rules altered or supplemented by Commission, 17 CFR 7 Customer protection rules, 17 CFR 166 Delivery period required for certain grains, 17 CFR 100 Derivatives clearing organizations, 17 CFR 39 Designated contract markets, 17 CFR 38 Domestic exchange-traded commodity option transactions, 17 CFR 33 Equal Access to Justice Act, implementation in covered adjudicatory proceedings before Commission, 17 CFR 148 Exchange disciplinary, access denial or other adverse actions, review, 17 CFR 9 Foreign futures and foreign options transactions, 17 CFR 30 Hybrid instruments regulation, 17 CFR 34 Indemnification of employees, 17 CFR 142 Information disclosure and testimony of present or former officers and employees in response to subpoenas or other demands of a court, procedures, 17 CFR 144 Leverage transactions, gold or silver bullion or bulk coins, 17 CFR 31 Limits on positions and trading of agricultural commodities, 17 CFR 150 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 17 CFR 149 Official seal, 17 CFR 2 Open Commission meetings, 17 CFR 147 Organization, functions, and procedures, 17 CFR 140 Pre-enactment swap transactions, 17 CFR 44 Records maintained on individuals, 17 CFR 146 Registered entities Common provisions, 17 CFR 40 Entity rules altered or supplemented by the Commission, 17 CFR 7 Registered futures associations, 17 CFR 170 Registration, 17 CFR 3 Reparations, related rules, 17 CFR 12 Reporting General provisions, 17 CFR 15 Persons holding reportable positions in excess of position limits, and by merchants and dealers in cotton, 17 CFR 19 Reporting markets, 17 CFR 16 Reporting markets, futures commission merchants, clearing members, and foreign brokers, reports, 17 CFR 17 Traders, 17 CFR 18 Rulemaking petitions, procedures, 17 CFR 13 Rules of practice, 17 CFR 10 Rules relating to Investigations, 17 CFR 11 Review of national futures association decisions in disciplinary, membership denial, registration, and member responsibility actions, 17 CFR 171 Suspension or disbarment from appearance and practice, 17 CFR 14 Salary offset, 17 CFR 141 Security futures products, 17 CFR 41 Special calls, 17 CFR 21 Swaps Data repositories, 17 CFR 49 Dealers and major participants, 17 CFR 23 Execution facilities, 17 CFR 37 Trade execution requirement, 17 CFR 36 Trading standards, 17 CFR 155 Common carriers See al Air carriers; Communications common carriers; Freight [[Page 170]] forwarders; Maritime carriers; Motor carriers; Railroads; Transportation Carriers, cartmen, and lightermen, licensing and bonding, 19 CFR 112 Commercial mobile services, 47 CFR 20 Customs bonds, 19 CFR 113 Federal Travel Regulation, temporary duty (TDY) travel allowances Agency responsibilities to common carrier transportation, 41 CFR 301- 72 Internal policy and procedure requirements, 41 CFR 301-70 Transportation expenses, 41 CFR 301-10 Fees, Surface Transportation Board, 49 CFR 1002 Frequency allocations and radio treaty matters; general rules and regulations, 47 CFR 2 Government Losses in Shipment Act Claims, 31 CFR 361 Declaration of valuables, 31 CFR 362 Internet freedom, 47 CFR 8 Maritime and surface transportation security, general rules, 49 CFR 1570 Mineral Leasing Act, rights-of-way, 43 CFR 2880 Non-vessel-operating common carrier negotiated rate arrangements, 46 CFR 532 Private land mobile radio services, 47 CFR 90 Transportation in bond and merchandise in transit, 19 CFR 18 Voting trusts, proper use guidelines for Surface Transportation Board regulated carriers, 49 CFR 1013 Communicable diseases See Diseases Communications See al Communications common carriers; Communications equipment; Defense communications; Internet; Motion pictures; News media; Recordings; Telecommunications Advanced communications services and equipment, access by individuals with disabilities, 47 CFR 14 Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule, 16 CFR 312 Federal Communications Commission Common carrier services-- Commercial mobile services, 47 CFR 20 Extension of lines, new lines, and discontinuance, reduction, outage and impairment of service by; and grants of recognized private operating agency status, 47 CFR 63 Miscellaneous rules, 47 CFR 64 Satellite communications, 47 CFR 25 Wireless communications, miscellaneous services, 47 CFR 27 Emergency service providers (911 and E911) requirements, 47 CFR 9 Frequency allocations and radio treaty matters; general rules and regulations, 47 CFR 2 Multichannel video and cable television service, 47 CFR 76 Organization, 47 CFR 0 Practice and procedure, 47 CFR 1 Private land mobile radio services, 47 CFR 90 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 [[Page 171]] Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Federal Land Policy Management Act, rights-of-way, 43 CFR 2800 Federal radio frequency management, manual of regulations and procedures, 47 CFR 300 Information and communications technology and services supply chain, securing, 15 CFR 7 Information and communication technology standards and guidelines, 36 CFR 1194 Mortgage acts and practices, advertising, 12 CFR 1014, 16 CFR 321 Mortgage assistance relief services, (Regulation O), 12 CFR 1015 Personal radio services, 47 CFR 95 Public diplomacy program material in U.S., availability, 22 CFR 173 Rail operations, U.S.; United States locational requirement for dispatching, 49 CFR 241 Communications common carriers See al Common carriers; Communications Bell operating companies, special provisions, 47 CFR 53 Copyright Royalty Board, Library of Congress; Use of certain copyrighted works in connection with nNoncommercial educational broadcasting, 37 CFR 381 Disruptions to communications, 47 CFR 4 Emergency service providers (911 and E911) requirements, 47 CFR 9 Federal Communications Commission Common Carrier Services-- Commercial mobile services, 47 CFR 20 Miscellaneous wireless communications services, 47 CFR 27 Personal communications services, 47 CFR 24 Public mobile services, 47 CFR 22 Satellite communications, 47 CFR 25 Telecommunications companies, jurisdictional separations procedures, standard procedures for separating telecommunications property costs, revenues, expenses, taxes, and reserves, 47 CFR 36 Uniform system of accounts, telecommunications companies, 47 CFR 32 Upper microwave flexible use service, 47 CFR 30 Wireless communications, miscellaneous services, 47 CFR 27 Frequency allocations and radio treaty matters; general rules and regulations, 47 CFR 2 Organization, 47 CFR 0 Practice and procedure, 47 CFR 1 Federal Government stations, relocation of and spectrum sharing by, 47 CFR 301 Infrastructure sharing, 47 CFR 59 Interconnection, 47 CFR 51 Internet freedom, 47 CFR 8 Interstate rate of return prescription procedures and methodologies, 47 CFR 65 Lines extension, new lines, and discontinuance, reduction, outage and impairment of service by; and grants of recognized private operating agency status, 47 CFR 63 Miscellaneous rules, 47 CFR 64 [[Page 172]] Numbering, 47 CFR 52 Preservation of records of communication common carriers, 47 CFR 42 Private land mobile radio services, 47 CFR 90 Reports of communications common carriers, providers of international service and certain affiliates, 47 CFR 43 Tariffs, 47 CFR 61 Telecommunications emergency preparedness Emergency restoration priority procedures for telecommunications services, 47 CFR 211 Executive policy, 47 CFR 201 Government and public correspondence telecommunications precedence system, 47 CFR 213 International telecommunication service for use during wartime emergency, 47 CFR 212 Planning and execution, 47 CFR 202 Telephone companies, access charges, 47 CFR 69 Terminal equipment connection to telephone network, 47 CFR 68 Universal service, 47 CFR 54 Wireless emergency alerts, 47 CFR 10 Communications equipment See al Communications Amateur radio service, 47 CFR 97 Americans with Disabilities Act, nondiscrimination on basis of disability in State and local government services, 28 CFR 35 Aviation radio services, 47 CFR 87 Cable television Relay service, 47 CFR 78 Video programming, accessibility, 47 CFR 79 Common carrier services-- Commercial mobile services, 47 CFR 20 Miscellaneous rules, 47 CFR 64 Miscellaneous wireless communication services, 47 CFR 27 Personal communications services, 47 CFR 24 Public mobile services, 47 CFR 22 Satellite communications, 47 CFR 25 Upper microwave flexible use service, 47 CFR 30 Communications common carriers, connection of terminal equipment to telephone network, 47 CFR 68 Construction, marking and lighting of antenna structures, 47 CFR 17 Disruptions to communications, 47 CFR 4 Electrical engineering on vessels, communication and alarm systems and equipment, 46 CFR 113 Emergency service providers (911 and E911) requirements, 47 CFR 9 Experimental radio, auxiliary, special broadcasting and other program distributional services, 47 CFR 74 Federal Communications Commission, practice and procedure, 47 CFR 1 Federal Government stations, relocation of and spectrum sharing by, 47 CFR 301 Federal Highway Administration; electronic toll collection, 23 CFR 950 Fixed microwave services, 47 CFR 101 Forfeiture authority for certain statutes, 28 CFR 8 Frequency allocations and radio treaty matters, general rules and regulations, 47 CFR 2 Information and communication technology Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board, 36 CFR 1194 State Department, 22 CFR 147 Maritime services stations, 47 CFR 80 Omnidirectional citizens band base station antennas, safety standards, 16 CFR 1204 Personal radio services, 47 CFR 95 Private land mobile radio services, 47 CFR 90 Radio broadcast services, 47 CFR 73 Radio frequency devices, 47 CFR 15 Rural Utilities Service ``Buy American'' requirement, 7 CFR 1787 Telecommunications system construction policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1753 Telecommunications system planning and design criteria, and procedures, 7 CFR 1751 Small passenger vessels, vessel control and miscellaneous systems and equipment, 46 CFR 184 Small passenger vessels carrying more than 150 passengers or with overnight accommodations for more than 49 [[Page 173]] passengers, vessel control and miscellaneous systems and equipment, 46 CFR 121 Surface coal mines and surface work areas of underground coal mines, safety standards, 30 CFR 77 Telecommunications service and equipment and customer premises equipment, access by persons with disabilities, 47 CFR 6 Telephone and signaling devices used in mines, 30 CFR 23 Underground coal mines, mandatory safety standards, 30 CFR 75 Vessel bridge-to-bridge radiotelephone regulations, 33 CFR 26 Voicemail and interactive menu services and equipment, access by people with disabilities, 47 CFR 7 Community action programs See Community development Community antenna television systems See Cable television Community colleges See Colleges and universities Community development See al Urban renewal Community Development Financial Institutions Fund Bank Enterprise Award Program, 12 CFR 1806 Bond guarantee program, 12 CFR 1808 Capital Magnet Fund, 12 CFR 1807 Community Development Financial Institutions Program, 12 CFR 1805 Community development revolving loan fund access for credit unions, 12 CFR 705 Community planning and development programs, expiring programs; savings clause, 24 CFR 500 Community reinvestment Comptroller of the Currency, 12 CFR 25 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 12 CFR 345 Federal Reserve System Board of Governors (Regulation BB), 12 CFR 228 Comptroller of Currency; Community and economic development entities, community development projects, and other public welfare investments, 12 CFR 24 CRA-related agreements, disclosure and reporting Comptroller of the Currency, 12 CFR 35 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 12 CFR 346 Federal Reserve System (Regulation G), 12 CFR 207 Defense Department Community redevelopment and homeless assistance, 32 CFR 176 Revitalizing base closure communities, 32 CFR 174 Economic development Economic adjustment assistance investments, 13 CFR 307 Economic development districts, 13 CFR 304 Eligibility, investment rate and application requirements, 13 CFR 301 Investment assistance, redistributions, 13 CFR 309 Investments and comprehensive economic development strategies, planning, 13 CFR 303 Performance incentives, 13 CFR 308 Property, 13 CFR 314 Regional Innovation Program, 13 CFR 312 Special impact areas, 13 CFR 310 Training, research and technical assistance investments, 13 CFR 306 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 [[Page 174]] Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Emergency community services homeless grant program, 45 CFR 1080 Federal home loan banks Affordable housing program, 12 CFR 1291 Core mission activities, 12 CFR 1265 Housing associates, 12 CFR 1264 Investments, 12 CFR 1267 Miscellaneous operations and authorities, 12 CFR 1271 New business activities, 12 CFR 1272 Standby letters of credit, 12 CFR 1269 Firms, trade adjustment assistance, 13 CFR 315 Investment assistance, general terms and conditions, 13 CFR 302 John Heinz neighborhood development program, 24 CFR 594 Low- and very low-income persons, economic opportunities, 24 CFR 75 Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation, organization and channeling of functions, 24 CFR 4100 New markets venture capital program, 13 CFR 108 Public works and economic development investments, 13 CFR 305 Renewal communities, 24 CFR 599 Revitalizing base closure communities and community assistance, community redevelopment and homeless assistance, 24 CFR 586 Rural development Coordination, 7 CFR 22 State and regional annual plans of work, 7 CFR 23 Direct and insured loanmaking, 7 CFR 4274 Distance learning and telemedicine loan and grant programs, 7 CFR 1734 Economic development, 7 CFR 1703 Emergency and imminent community water assistance grants, 7 CFR 1778 Grants, 7 CFR 4284 Guaranteed loanmaking, 7 CFR 4279 Loan servicing, 7 CFR 4287 Resource conservation and development (RCD) loans and watershed (WS) loans and advances, 7 CFR 1781 Revolving funds for financing water and wastewater projects (Revolving Fund Program), 7 CFR 1783 Rural Alaskan village grants, 7 CFR 1784 Rural Business Investment Company Program, 7 CFR 4290 Rural decentralized water systems, 7 CFR 1776 Rural eConnectivity Program, 7 CFR 1740 Rural empowerment zones and enterprise communities, 7 CFR 25 Special Evaluation Assistance for Rural Communities and Households Program (SEARCH), 7 CFR 1774 Technical assistance grants, 7 CFR 1775 [[Page 175]] Telecommunications programs, servicing, 7 CFR 1752 Water and waste loans and grants-- Health risk alleviation, 7 CFR 1777 Policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1780 Rural Utilities Service, guaranteed loans, 7 CFR 5001 Small Business Administration Business loans, 13 CFR 120 Intermediary Lending Pilot program, 13 CFR 109 Urban empowerment zones and enterprise communities Round one designations, 24 CFR 597 Round two and three designations, 24 CFR 598 Community development block grants Community-based service-learning programs, 45 CFR 2517 Eligibility and applications, 24 CFR 570 Environmental review procedures for entities assuming HUD environmental responsibilities, 24 CFR 58 Health and Human Services Department, block grants, 45 CFR 96 Indian tribes and Alaska native villages, 24 CFR 1003 Native American housing activities, 24 CFR 1000 Native Hawaiian housing block grant program, 24 CFR 1006 Community Development Financial Institutions Fund Bank Enterprise Award Program, 12 CFR 1806 Capital Magnet Fund, 12 CFR 1807 Community Development Financial Institutions Bond Guarantee Program, 12 CFR 1808 Community Development Financial Institutions Program, 12 CFR 1805 Environmental quality, 12 CFR 1815 Community facilities See al Health facilities; Public works Community planning and development programs, expiring programs; savings clause, 24 CFR 500 Contractors and subcontractors on public buildings or public works financed by U.S. loans or grants, Federal wage requirements, 29 CFR 3 Energy conservation grant programs for schools and hospitals and buildings owned by units of local government and public care institutions, 10 CFR 455 Federal disaster assistance, 44 CFR 206 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 [[Page 176]] National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Health care; statutory conscience rights protection, authority delegations, 45 CFR 88 Homeless Emergency Solutions Grants program, 24 CFR 576 HUD-acquired and -owned single family property, disposition, 24 CFR 291 Shelter Plus Care, 24 CFR 582 Supportive housing program, 24 CFR 583 Housing opportunities for persons with AIDS, 24 CFR 574 Landownership adjustments, 36 CFR 254 Loan guarantee recovery fund, 24 CFR 573 Public works and economic development investments, 13 CFR 305 Rural Business-Cooperatie Services, grants, 7 CFR 4284 Rural development Associations, program regulations, 7 CFR 1942 Emergency and imminent community water assistance grants, 7 CFR 1778 General program regulations, 7 CFR 1980 Guaranteed loans, 7 CFR 5001 Planning and energy impacted area development assistance program, 7 CFR 1948 Resource conservation and development (RCD) loans and watershed (WS) loans and advances, 7 CFR 1781 Revolving funds for financing water and wastewater projects (Revolving Fund Program), 7 CFR 1783 Rural Alaskan village grants, 7 CFR 1784 Rural decentralized water systems, 7 CFR 1776 Servicing and collections, 7 CFR 1951 Technical assistance grants, 7 CFR 1775 Water and waste loans and grants-- Health risk alleviation, 7 CFR 1777 Policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1780 Youthbuild program, 24 CFR 585 Community Living Administration Developmental disabilities program National Network of University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, Education, Research, and Service, 45 CFR 1328 Program requirements, 45 CFR 1325 Projects of National significance, 45 CFR 1327 State plans for formula grant programs, 45 CFR 1326 State and community programs on aging, grants, 45 CFR 1321 State independent living services and centers for independent living, 45 CFR 1329 Support and nutrition services grants Indian tribes, 45 CFR 1322 Older Hawaiian natives, 45 CFR 1323 Vulnerable elder rights protection activities, allotments for, 45 CFR 1324 Community Planning and Development, Office of the See Housing and Urban Development Department Community Services Office See al Children and Families Administration Charitable Choice under Community Services Block Grant Act programs, 45 CFR 1050 Emergency community services homeless grant program, 45 CFR 1080 Individual development account reserve funds established pursuant to grants for assets for independence, 45 CFR 1000 Compensation See Indemnity payments; Unemployment compensation; Wages; Workers' compensation Compilation of Presidential Documents Official distribution within Federal Government, 1 CFR 12 Publication policies and procedures, 1 CFR 10 [[Page 177]] Comptroller of the Currency Accounting and disclosure standards, 12 CFR 162 Activities and operations, 12 CFR 7 Adjudicatory proceedings, practice and procedure, 12 CFR 109 Covered swap entities, margin and capital requirements, 12 CFR 45 Computer-security incident notification, 12 CFR 53 Deposits, 12 CFR 157 Federal mutual savings associations, communication between members, 12 CFR 144 Federal savings associations Definitions for regulations affecting, 12 CFR 141 Electronic operations, 12 CFR 155 Fiduciary powers, 12 CFR 150 Grandfathered authority, 12 CFR 143 Operations, 12 CFR 145 Investigative proceedings and formal examination proceedings, 12 CFR 112 Lending and investment, 12 CFR 160 Liquidity risk measurement standards, 12 CFR 50 Loans in areas having special flood hazards, 12 CFR 172 National banks Annual stress test, 12 CFR 46 Capital adequacy standards, 12 CFR 3 Community and economic development entities, community development projects, and other public welfare investments, 12 CFR 24 Community Reinvestment Act and interstate deposit production regulations, 12 CFR 25 Corporate activities rules, policies, and procedures, 12 CFR 5 CRA-related agreements, disclosure and reporting, 12 CFR 35 Credit extensions to insiders and transactions with affiliates, 12 CFR 31 Credit life insurance sales, 12 CFR 2 Debt cancellation contracts and debt suspension agreements, 12 CFR 37 Disclosure rules-- Securities Exchange Act, 12 CFR 11 Securities offering, 12 CFR 16 Fair credit reporting, 12 CFR 41 Fair housing home loan data system, 12 CFR 27 Fees assessment, 12 CFR 8 Fiduciary activities, 12 CFR 9 Government securities sales practices, 12 CFR 13 Insurance sales, consumer protection, 12 CFR 14 International banking activities, 12 CFR 28 Investment securities, 12 CFR 1 Leasing, 12 CFR 23 Lending limits, 12 CFR 32 Loans in areas having special flood hazards, 12 CFR 22 Management official interlocks, 12 CFR 26 Minimum security devices and procedures, reports of suspicious activities, and Bank Secrecy Act compliance program, 12 CFR 21 Municipal securities dealers, 12 CFR 10 Prompt corrective action, 12 CFR 6 Real estate lending and appraisals, 12 CFR 34 Retail foreign exchange transactions, 12 CFR 48 Safety and soundness standards, 12 CFR 30 Securities transactions, recordkeeping and confirmation requirements, 12 CFR 12 Nondiscrimination requirements, 12 CFR 128 Organization and functions, information availability and release, contracting outreach program, post-employment restrictions for senior examiners, 12 CFR 4 Practice and procedure rules, 12 CFR 19 Proprietary trading and certain interests in and relationships with covered funds, 12 CFR 44 Qualified financial contracts, mandatory contractual stay requirements, 12 CFR 47 Removals, suspensions, and prohibitions where a crime is charged or proven, 12 CFR 108 Savings associations Applicable rules to, 12 CFR 100 Definitions for regulations affecting, 12 CFR 161 [[Page 178]] Operations, 12 CFR 163 Prompt corrective action, 12 CFR 165 Proxies, 12 CFR 169 Security procedures, 12 CFR 168 Securities transactions Conversion from mutual to stock form, 12 CFR 192 Recordkeeping and confirmation requirements, 12 CFR 151 State due-on-sale laws, preemption, 12 CFR 191 State usury laws, preemption, 12 CFR 190 Computer technology See al Internet Acquisition regulations Commerce Department, administrative matters, 48 CFR 1304 Defense Department-- Patents, data, and copyrights, 48 CFR 227 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 252 Environmental Protection Agency, patents, data, and copyrights, 48 CFR 1527 Justice Department, information technology, 48 CFR 2839 Management, acquisition and use of information resources-- Defense Department, 48 CFR 239 Energy Department, 48 CFR 939 Housing and Urban Development Department, 48 CFR 2439 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 48 CFR 1839 Veterans Affairs Department, 48 CFR 839 Adoption and foster care, general, 45 CFR 1355 Agriculture Department, guidelines for the transfer of excess computers or other technical equipment pursuant to section 1420 of the 2008 Farm Bill, 7 CFR 3203 Architectural Transportation and Barriers Compliance Board, information and communication technology standards and guidelines, 36 CFR 1194 Child support, computerized support enforcement systems, 45 CFR 307 Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule, 16 CFR 312 Communications common carriers, miscellaneous rules, 47 CFR 64 Comptroller of Currency, activities and operations, 12 CFR 7 Customer information, safeguard standards, 16 CFR 314 Cyber-related sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 578 Defense Department, pilot program for the temporary exchange of information technology personnel, 32 CFR 241 Energy Department, access to information on Department computers, consent, 10 CFR 727 Farm Credit System, electronic commerce, 12 CFR 609 Federal Acquisition Regulation Administrative and information matters, 48 CFR 4 Information technology acquisition, 48 CFR 39 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, electronic and information technology access; nondiscrimination on basis of disability, 12 CFR 352 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, electronic registration, 18 CFR 390 Federal Trade Commission, CAN-SPAM rule, 16 CFR 316 Food and Drug Administration; electronic records, electronic signatures, 21 CFR 11 General Services Administration Federal Management Regulation-- Records creation, maintenance, and use, 41 CFR 102-193 Standard and optional forms management program, 41 CFR 102-194 Federal Property Management Regulations-- Federal Acquisition Security Council, general regulations, 41 CFR 201-1 Federal records and standard and optional forms, 41 CFR 101-11 Telecommunications management policy, 41 CFR 101-35 Government Accountability Office, public availability of records, 4 CFR 81 Health and Human Services Department Administrative data standards and related requirements-- Administrative requirements, 45 CFR 162 [[Page 179]] General administrative requirements, 45 CFR 160 Security and privacy, 45 CFR 164 Health information technology-- Information blocking, 45 CFR 171 Standards, implementation specifications, certification criteria and certification programs, 45 CFR 170 Public and medical assistance and State children's health insurance grant programs, data processing funds, 45 CFR 95 Health Care Reform Insurance Web Portal, 45 CFR 159 Housing and Urban Development Department Multifamily subsidized projects, electronic transmission of required data for certification and recertification and subsidy billing procedures, 24 CFR 208 Public housing, Indian housing, and section 8 rental certificate, rental voucher, and moderate rehabilitation programs, electronic transmission of required family data, 24 CFR 908 Income taxes, returns and records, submitting information on magnetic tape, 26 CFR 1 (1.9101-1) Information and communications technology and services supply chain, securing, 15 CFR 7 Justice Department, information systems, 28 CFR 25 National Institute of Standards and Technology, clawbacks of CHIPS funding, 15 CFR 231 Private express statutes, suspension, 39 CFR 320 Public assistance programs, general administration, statewide mechanized system, 45 CFR 205 Radio frequency devices, 47 CFR 15 Semiconductor chip products Foreign mask works protection, requests for Presidential proclamation, 37 CFR 150 Mask works protection, 37 CFR 211 Specific positions and examinations, employees responsible for management and use of Federal computer systems, 5 CFR 930 State Department, information and communication technology, 22 CFR 147 Concessions See al Business and industry Disadvantaged business enterprise participation in airport concessions, 49 CFR 23 Federal Management Regulation, real property, facility management, 41 CFR 102-74 Lake Berryessa, management rules, 43 CFR 430 Lands withdrawn or acquired in connection with Indian irrigation projects, concessions, permits, and leases on, 25 CFR 173 National Park Service concessioners, labor standards applicable to employees, 36 CFR 8 National parks, concession contracts, 36 CFR 51 Tobacco products, sale and distribution restriction, 31 CFR 12 Vending facilities operated by licensed blind persons on Federal property Commerce Department, 15 CFR 5 Education Department, 34 CFR 395 General Services Administration, 41 CFR 101-20 Interior Department, 43 CFR 13 Treasury Department, 31 CFR 11 Wildlife refuges, administrative provisions, 50 CFR 25 Condominiums See al Housing Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Insurance, 24 CFR 206 Homeowners associations, exempt organizations, income taxes, 26 CFR 1 (1.528-1--1.528-10) Multifamily housing projects, conversion to condominiums, tenant participation procedures, 24 CFR 245 Ownership, mortgage insurance, 24 CFR 234 Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (Regulation X), 12 CFR 1024 Veterans, housing loan guaranty, 38 CFR 36 Conduct standards See Conflicts of interests Confidential business information See also [[Page 180]] Business and industry; Freedom of information; Privacy Agriculture Department, administrative regulations, 7 CFR 1 Air pollution control Consumer and commercial products, national volatile organic compound emission standards, 40 CFR 59 Highway, stationary, and nonroad programs; general compliance provisions, 40 CFR 1068 Locomotives, emissions control, 40 CFR 1033 Locomotives and locomotive engines, 40 CFR 92 Marine compression-ignition engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 94 Marine spark-ignition engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 91 Mobile sources, 40 CFR 85 New and in-use heavy-duty motor vehicles, emissions control, 40 CFR 1036 New and in-use highway vehicles and engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 86 New and in-use marine compression-ignition engines and vessels, emissions control, 40 CFR 1042 New and in-use nonroad and stationary equipment, evaporative emissions control, 40 CFR 1060 New and in-use nonroad compression-ignition engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 89, 40 CFR 1039 New heavy-duty motor vehicles, emissions control, 40 CFR 1037 New large nonroad spark-ignition engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 1048 New small nonroad spark-ignition engines and equipment, emissions control, 40 CFR 1054 Nonroad spark-ignition engines at or below 19 kilowatts, emissions control, 40 CFR 90 Recreational engines and vehicles, emissions control, 40 CFR 1051 Spark-ignition propulsion marine engines and vessels, emissions control, 40 CFR 1045 Vehicle and engine compliance programs, fees, 40 CFR 1027 Aircraft charters, U.S. and foreign direct air carriers, charter rules, 14 CFR 212 Asbestos-containing products, prohibition of manufacture, importation, processing, and distribution in commerce, exemption applications, 40 CFR 763 Biologics and establishments, licensing, 21 CFR 601 Color additive petitions, 21 CFR 71 Commercial space transportation Investigations, enforcement, and administrative review, 14 CFR 406 License application procedures, 14 CFR 413 Commodity Futures Trading Commission, records and information, 17 CFR 145 Concrete masonry research, education, and promotion, 15 CFR 1500 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, records and information disclosure, 12 CFR 1070 Consumer Product Safety Commission, Consumer Product Safety Act, reports submitted pursuant to section 37, 16 CFR 1116 Cooperative marketing associations, 7 CFR 1425 Cosmetic product ingredient composition statements, voluntary filing, 21 CFR 720 Customs and Border Protection, information availability, 19 CFR 103 Deep seabed mining regulations for commercial recovery permits, 15 CFR 971 Election Assistance Commission, procedures for records disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act, 11 CFR 9405 Eligibility or duty-free treatment of countries under Andean Trade Preference Act, procedures to petition for withdrawal or suspension, 15 CFR 2016 Energy Department Consumer products and commercial and industrial equipment-- Certification, compliance, and enforcement, 10 CFR 429 Energy conservation program, 10 CFR 430 Energy efficiency program, 10 CFR 431 Uranium enrichment decontamination and decommissioning fund; domestic [[Page 181]] utilities special assessment procedures, 10 CFR 766 Environmental Protection Agency Solid wastes-- Hazardous waste management system, general, 40 CFR 260 Hazardous waste permit program, EPA-administered permit programs, 40 CFR 270 State hazardous waste management programs, approved, 40 CFR 272 State hazardous waste programs, authorization requirements, 40 CFR 271 State underground storage tank programs, approved, 40 CFR 282 Pesticide programs-- Antimicrobial pesticides, data requirements for registration, 40 CFR 161 Registration standards and review procedures, 40 CFR 155 Pesticides, data requirements, 40 CFR 158 Privacy Act, implementation, 40 CFR 16 Public information, 40 CFR 2 Toxic substances control-- Chemical data reporting requirements, 40 CFR 711 Chemical substances and mixtures, health and safety data reporting, 40 CFR 716 Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, 40 CFR 704 Testing consent agreements and test rules, procedures, 40 CFR 790 Toxic Substances Control Act Chemical substance inventory, compilation, 40 CFR 710 Confidentiality claims, 40 CFR 703 Export trade certificates of review, 15 CFR 325 Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation, disclosure and reporting requirements, 12 CFR 655 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Capital adequacy of FDIC-supervised institutions, 12 CFR 324 Nonmember insured banks, securities of, 12 CFR 335 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, public information and requests, 18 CFR 388 Federal Housing Finance Agency Enterprise products, prior approval, 12 CFR 1253 Executive compensation, 12 CFR 1230 Federal home loan banks, sharing of information among, 12 CFR 1260 Freedom of Information Act, 12 CFR 1202 Non-public information, availability, 12 CFR 1214 Federal Housing Finance Board, Federal home loan banks, requests for information, 12 CFR 978 Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission Freedom of Information Act, implementation, 29 CFR 2702 Federal Reserve System Information availability, 12 CFR 261 State banking institutions, membership (Regulation H), 12 CFR 208 Federal Trade Commission Fair Credit Reporting Act, affiliate marketing, 16 CFR 680 Identity theft rules, 16 CFR 681 Fishery management plans, Magnuson-Stevens Act provisions, 50 CFR 600 Food and Drug Administration New animal drugs-- Medicated feed mill license, 21 CFR 515 Minor use and minor species, 21 CFR 516 New drugs, Applications for FDA approval to market, 21 CFR 314, 21 CFR 514 Public information, 21 CFR 20 Foreign Assets Control Office; cyber-related sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 578 Forest Service, paleontological resources preservation, 36 CFR 291 General Services Administration, public availability of agency records and informational materials, 41 CFR 105-60 Health and Human Services Department Healthcare Integrity and Protection Data Bank for final adverse information on health care providers, suppliers and practitioners, 45 CFR 61 National practitioner data bank for adverse information on physicians and other health care practitioners, 45 CFR 60 [[Page 182]] Homeland Security Department, protected critical infrastructure information, 6 CFR 29 Industry and Security Bureau Administrative enforcement proceedings, 15 CFR 766 Chemical Weapons Convention-- Clarification procedures, consultations and challenge inspections, 15 CFR 717 Confidential business information, 15 CFR 718 Declaration, reporting, and notification requirements, general information, 15 CFR 711 Declared facilities, initial and routine inspections, 15 CFR 716 Recordkeeping, 15 CFR 762 Integrity and Efficiency, Council of the Inspectors General; Freedom of Information Act regulations, 5 CFR 9800 Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator Office, public availabity of information, 5 CFR 10400 Interior, records and testimony, 43 CFR 2 International trade Antidumping and countervailing duties, 19 CFR 351 Antidumping or countervailing duty protective order violation, procedures for imposing sanctions, 19 CFR 354 Imported articles, effect on National security, 15 CFR 705 Short supply procedures, 19 CFR 357 International Trade Commission Duty suspensions and reductions petitions, consideration process, 19 CFR 220 Imports sold at less than fair value or from subsidized exports to the U.S.; investigations of whether injury to domestic industries results from, 19 CFR 207 Rules of general application, 19 CFR 201 International traffic in arms; political contributions, fees, and commissions, 22 CFR 130 Management and Budget Office, public information provisions of Administrative Procedures Act, 5 CFR 1303 Maritime Administration Determination of fair and reasonable rates for carriage of bulk and packaged preference cargoes on U.S.-flag commercial vessels, 46 CFR 382 Marine hull insurance underwriters, approval, 46 CFR 249 Medical devices Manufacturers and distributors establishment registration and device listing, 21 CFR 807 Premarket approval, 21 CFR 814 Merit Systems Protection Board, availability of official information, 5 CFR 1204 Millennium Challenge Corporation, production or disclosure of information, 22 CFR 1304 National Archives and Records Administration Federal records, public availability and use, 36 CFR 1250 Records, disclosure procedures under the Freedom of Information Act, 40 CFR 1601 Records and donated historical materials use, 36 CFR 1254 National banks, Securities Exchange Act disclosure rules, 12 CFR 11 National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service; systems of records, 1 CFR 426 National Credit Union Administration Information requests under Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act, and by subpoena, security procedures for classified information, 12 CFR 792 Security program, suspicious transactions, catastrophic acts, cyber incidents, and Bank Secrecy Act compliance, 12 CFR 748 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 49 CFR 512 National Mediation Board, information availability, 29 CFR 1208 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, commercial fisheries, authorization under the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972, 50 CFR 229 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, practice and procedure rules, 10 CFR 2 Packers and Stockyards Act, regulations, 9 CFR 201 People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled, Committee for Purchase From; agency [[Page 183]] materials, public availability, 41 CFR 51-8 Postal Regulatory Commission Non-public materials provided to the Commission, 39 CFR 3011 Practice and procedure rules, 39 CFR 3010 Privacy Act rules, 39 CFR 3005 Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board, disclosure procedures of records under the Freedom of Information Act, 6 CFR 1001 Private remote sensing space systems, licensing, 15 CFR 960 S.A.F.E. Mortgage Licensing Act Residential mortgage loan originators, Federal registration (Regulation G), 12 CFR 1007 State compliance and bureau registration system (Regulation H), 12 CFR 1008 Securities and Exchange Commission Electronic filings, general rules and regulations for (Regulation S- T), 17 CFR 232 Investment Company Act of 1940, rules and regulations, 17 CFR 270 Practice rules, 17 CFR 201 Privacy of consumer financial information and safeguarding personal information; affiliate marketing limitations; and identity theft red flags (Regulations S-P, S-AM, and S-ID), 17 CFR 248 Regulations M, SHO, ATS, AC and NMS and customer margin requirements for security futures, 17 CFR 242 Securities Act of 1933-- Forms, prescribed under, 17 CFR 239 General rules and regulations, 17 CFR 230 Securities Exchange Act of 1934, general rules and regulations, 17 CFR 240 Single-employer plan, termination initiated by PBGC, 29 CFR 4042 Small Business Administration Business loans, 13 CFR 120 Hearings and Appeals Office, procedure rules governing cases before, 13 CFR 134 Softwood lumber research, promotion, consumer education and industry information order, 7 CFR 1217 Special Counsel Office; freedom of Information Act requests, production of records or testimony, 5 CFR 1820 State Department, public access to information, 22 CFR 171 Surface mining, exemption for coal extraction incidental to extraction of other minerals, 30 CFR 702 Surface Transportation Board, inspection of records, 49 CFR 1001 Trade Representative, Office of U.S. African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), petition process to review eligibility of countries, 15 CFR 2017 Trade Act of 1974, procedures for filing petitions for action under section 301 of Trade Act of 1974, as amended, filing procedures, 15 CFR 2006 Trade secrecy claims for emergency planning and community right-to-know information, trade secret disclosures to health professionals, 40 CFR 350 Treasury Department Regulatory data collections, 12 CFR 1610 United States-Mexico-Canada agreement, procedures and rules for Article 10.12, 19 CFR 356 Water pollution control Effluent guidelines and standards for point source categories, pretreatment regulations for existing and new sources of pollution, 40 CFR 403 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System-- EPA administered permit program, 40 CFR 122 State program requirements, 40 CFR 123 Underground Injection Control program, 40 CFR 144 State program requirements, 40 CFR 145 Conflicts of interests See al Government employees; Political activities (Government employees) African Development Foundation, responsibility and conduct of employees, 22 CFR 1504 Agency for International Development, employees [[Page 184]] Post-employment restrictions, administrative enforcement procedures, 22 CFR 223 Responsibilities and conduct, 22 CFR 200 Agricultural Marketing Service; grain inspection standards, general regulations, 7 CFR 800 Agriculture Department Acquisition regulations, improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 403 Employees, supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 8301 American Battle Monuments Commission, employees, responsibility and conduct, 36 CFR 400 Appalachian Regional Commission, employees, responsibility and conduct, 5 CFR 1900 Broadcasting Board of Governors, acquisition regulations, improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 1903 Civil Rights Commission, employees Responsibility and conduct, 45 CFR 706 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 7801 Commerce Department Acquisition regulations, improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 1303 Employees, responsibilities and conduct, 15 CFR 0 Commodity Futures Trading Commission Commodity Exchanged Act, general regulations, 17 CFR 1 Employees, supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 5101 Organization, functions, and procedures, 17 CFR 140 Comptroller of the Currency Savings associations, operations, 12 CFR 163 Stress testing, 12 CFR 46 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Employees, supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 9401 S.A.F.E. Mortgage Licensing Act-- Residential mortgage loan originators, Federal registration (Regulation G), 12 CFR 1007 State compliance and bureau registration system (Regulation H), 12 CFR 1008 Consumer Product Safety Commission, employees Conduct standards, 16 CFR 1030 Employee participation and involvement in voluntary standards activities, 16 CFR 10 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 8101 31 Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency of the District of Columbia, supplemental standards of ethical conduct for agency employees, 5 CFR 8001 Defense Department Acquisition regulations, improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 203 Employees, supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 3601 Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board Employee testimony and production of official records in legal proceedings, 10 CFR 1707 Organizational and consultant conflicts of interests, 10 CFR 1706 Education Department Acquisition regulations, improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 3403 Employees Conduct standards, 34 CFR 73 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 6301 Election Assistance Commission, conduct standards, 11 CFR 9411 Energy Department Acquisition regulations, improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 903 Employees-- Conduct of employees and former employees, 10 CFR 1010 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 3301 Environmental Protection Agency Acquisition regulations, improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 1503 Cross-media electronic reporting, 40 CFR 3 [[Page 185]] Employees, supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 6401 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, employees Responsibilities and conduct, 29 CFR 1600 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 7201 Executive Office of the President, employee standards of conduct, 3 CFR 100 Export-Import Bank, employees Financial disclosure and ethical conduct standards, 12 CFR 400 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 6201 Farm Credit Administration Accounting and reporting requirements, 12 CFR 621 Employees-- Responsibilities and conduct, 12 CFR 601 Standards of conduct and referral of known or suspected criminal violations, 12 CFR 612 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 4101 Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation-- General provisions, 12 CFR 650 Governance, 12 CFR 651 Risk management, 12 CFR 653 Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation, employees Organization, 12 CFR 611 Responsibilities and conduct, 12 CFR 1401 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 4001 Federal Acquisition Regulation, 48 CFR 3 Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation, disclosure and reporting requirements, 12 CFR 655 Federal Communications Commission, employees Responsibilities and conduct, 47 CFR 19 Supplemental financial disclosure requirements, 5 CFR 3902 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 3901 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Contractors, suspension and exclusion and contracts termination, 12 CFR 367 Employees-- Responsibilities and conduct, minimum standards of fitness for employment, and post-employment restrictions, 12 CFR 336 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 3201 Integrity and fitness, minimum standards, 12 CFR 366 Proprietary trading and certain interests in and relationships with covered funds, 12 CFR 351 Thrift Supervision Office, regulations transferred from, 12 CFR 390 Federal Election Commission, employees Standards of conduct, 11 CFR 7 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 4701 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Employees-- Standards of conduct, 18 CFR 3c Supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 3401 Open access same-time information systems, 18 CFR 37 Public utilities, business practice standards and communications, standards, 18 CFR 38 Federal Housing Finance Agency Banks, financial statements, 12 CFR 1274 Employees-- Post-employment restriction for senior examiners, 12 CFR 1212 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 9001 Federal home loan bank director, eligibility and elections, 12 CFR 1261 Federal Labor Relations Authority; employees, supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 5901 Federal Labor Relations Authority and Federal Service Impasses Panel, 5 CFR 2415 Federal Maritime Commission; employees, ethical conduct standards and financial disclosure regulations, 46 CFR 508 Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, employee standards of conduct Responsibilities, and discipline, 29 CFR 1400 Supplimental standards, 5 CFR 10300 Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission [[Page 186]] Employee responsibilities and conduct, 29 CFR 2703 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for agency employees, 5 CFR 8401 Federal Reserve System, Board of Governors Employees Responsibilities and conduct, 12 CFR 264 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 6801 Former members and employees of board, limitations on activities, 12 CFR 266 Post-employment activities of senior examiners, 12 CFR 264a Proprietary trading and certain interests in and relationships with covered funds (Regulation VV), 12 CFR 248 Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board Standards of conduct, 5 CFR 1633 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct 5 CFR 8601 Federal Trade Commission, employees Standards of conduct, 16 CFR 5 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 5701 Financial Research Office, organization and functions, 12 CFR 1600 Food and Drug Administration Conduct standards and conflict of interest, 21 CFR 19 Conduct standards, supplement, 45 CFR 73a Foreign Claims Settlement Commission, appearance and practice, disqualification of former employees and partners of current employees, 45 CFR 500 Foreign gifts and decorations, utilization, donation, and disposal, 41 CFR 101-49, 41 CFR 102-42 General Services Administration Acquisition regulations, improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 503 Employees, supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 6701 Government Ethics Office Executive Branch employees, standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 2635 Executive Branch Ethics Program, 5 CFR 2638 Executive branch financial disclosure, qualified trusts, and certificates of divestiture, 5 CFR 2634 Interpretation, exemptions and waiver guidance concerning 18 U.S.C. 208 (acts affecting personal financial interest), 5 CFR 2640 Limitations on outside earned income, employment and affiliations for certain noncareer employees, 5 CFR 2636 Organization and functions, 5 CFR 2600 Post-employment conflict of interest restrictions, 5 CFR 2641 Privacy Act rules, 5 CFR 2606 Statutory gift acceptance authority, implementation, 5 CFR 2601 Testimony by agency employees relating to official information and production of official records in legal proceedings, 5 CFR 2608 Health and Human Services Department Employees-- Conduct standards, 45 CFR 73 Debarment or suspension of former employees, 45 CFR 73b Supplemental financial disclosure requirements, 5 CFR 5502 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 5501 Health insurance-- Exchange establishment standards and related standards under the Affordable Care Act, 45 CFR 155 Issuer standards under the Affordable Care Act, including standards related to exchanges, 45 CFR 156 Responsible prospective contractors, 45 CFR 94 Historic Preservation Advisory Council, 36 CFR 811 Homeland Security Department, supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees, 5 CFR 4601 Housing and Urban Development Department Acquisition regulations, improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 2403 Employees-- Standards of ethical conduct, 24 CFR 0 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 7501 HUD-acquired and -owned single family property, disposition, 24 CFR 291 [[Page 187]] Inter-American Foundation, 5 CFR 7301, 22 CFR 1001 Interior Department Acquisition regulations, improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 1403 Employees-- Responsibilities and conduct, 43 CFR 20 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 3501 International Boundary and Water Commission, U.S. and Mexico, 22 CFR 1100 International Development Finance Corporation, U.S. Employees-- Ethical conduct standards and financial disclosure regulations, 22 CFR 705 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 4301 Post-employment restrictions, administrative enforcement procedures, 22 CFR 710 International Trade Commission, 19 CFR 200 Justice Department Acquisition regulations, improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 2803 Employees-- Responsibilities, 28 CFR 45 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct 5 CFR 3801 Labor Department Acquisition regulations, improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 2903 Employees-- Ethics and conduct of employees, 29 CFR 0 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 5201 Labor Management Standards Office, employee conduct standards, 29 CFR 458 Management and Budget Office Conduct standards, 5 CFR 1300 Post-employment conflict of interest, 5 CFR 1304 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees, 5 CFR 8701 Merit Systems Protection Board, employee supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 7401 Museum and Library Services Institute, employee supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 7701 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Acquisition regulations, improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 1803 Employees-- Conduct standards, 14 CFR 1207 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 6901 National Archives and Records Administration, employee supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 7601 National Credit Union Administration, employees Senior examiners, post-employment restrictions, 12 CFR 796 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 9601 National Endowment for the Arts, employee supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 6501 National Endowment for the Humanities, employee supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 6601 National Foundation on the Arts and Humanities, employee standards of conduct45 CFR 1105 National Labor Relations Board Administrative regulations, 29 CFR 100 Employees, supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 7101 National Mediation Board, employee supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 10101 National Science Foundation Employees, supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 5301 Practice rules and statutory conflict-of-interest exemptions, 45 CFR 680 Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation Office, Commission operations and relocation procedures, 25 CFR 700 Navy Department, professional conduct of attorneys practicing under cognizance and supervision of Judge Advocate General, 32 CFR 776 [[Page 188]] Nuclear Regulatory Commission, supplemental standards of ethical conduct for agency employees, 5 CFR 5801 Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation, 36 CFR 905 Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, ethical conduct of employees, 29 CFR 4904 Personnel Management Office Employees (OPM)-- Responsibilities and conduct, 5 CFR 1001 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for OPM employees, 5 CFR 4501 Employee testimony relating to official information and production of official records in legal proceedings, 5 CFR 295 Federal employees, responsibility and conduct, 5 CFR 735 Postal Rate Commission, supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees, 5 CFR 5601 Postal Regulatory Commission, conduct standards, 39 CFR 3001 Postal Service Employees-- Rules of conduct, 39 CFR 447 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 7001 Governors, rules of conduct, 39 CFR 10 Public Health Service Health care policies of general applicability, applicants responsibility for promoting objectivity in research, 42 CFR 50 Patient safety organizations and patient safety work product, 42 CFR 3 Rural Development assets, functions and programs, general provisions, 7 CFR 1900 Rural Housing Service Direct multi-family housing loan and grants, 7 CFR 3560 Guaranteed Rural Housing program, 7 CFR 3555 Guaranteed Rural Rental Housing Program, 7 CFR 3565 Securities and Exchange Commission Agency members and employees, supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 4401 Organization, conduct and ethics, and information and requests, 17 CFR 200 Professional conduct standards for attorneys appearing and practicing before Commission in representation of issuer, 17 CFR 205 Small Business Administration Cosponsorships, fee and non-fee based SBA-sponsored activities and gifts, 13 CFR 106 Employees, standards of conduct and employee restrictions and responsibilities, 13 CFR 105 Special Counsel Office, U.S.; employees, supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 10201 Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction employees, supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 9303 State Department Acquisition regulations, improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 603 Post-employment conflict of interest, 22 CFR 18 Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement Office Federal employees, restriction on financial interests, 30 CFR 706 State employees, restriction on financial interests, 30 CFR 705 Surface Transportation Board, employees Standards of conduct, 49 CFR 1019 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 5001 Tennessee Valley Authority, employees Standards of conduct, 18 CFR 1300 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 7901 Transportation Department Acquisition regulations, improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 1203 Aviation proceedings, conduct rules, 14 CFR 300 Employees-- Post-employment activities, enforcement of restrictions, 49 CFR 98 [[Page 189]] Responsibilities and conduct, 49 CFR 99 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 6001 Treasury Department Employees-- Post-employment conflict of interests, 31 CFR 15 Rules of conduct, 31 CFR 0 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 3101 Troubled Asset Relief Program, 31 CFR 31 U.S. International Development Cooperation Agency; employee responsibilities and conduct, 22 CFR 1203 Veterans Affairs Department Acquisition regulations, improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 803 Employee values, standards of ethical conduct and related responsibilities, 38 CFR 0 Veterans readiness and employment and education, 38 CFR 21 Water Resources Council, employees, responsibility and conduct, 18 CFR 706 Congo, Democratic Republic of the Sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 547 Congressional elections See Elections Conscientious objectors See al Armed Forces Alternative service instead of military service, 32 CFR 1656 Selective Service System, classification, 32 CFR 1636 Conservation See Energy conservation; Natural resources Construction industry See Business and industry Construction Industry Collective Bargaining Commission Collective bargaining disputes in construction industry, procedures and policy statements, 29 CFR 901 Consular services See Foreign Service Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Adjudication proceedings, practice rules, 12 CFR 1081 Alternative mortgage transaction parity (Regulation D), 12 CFR 1004 Civil penalty adjustments, 12 CFR 1083 Claims against the U.S., 12 CFR 1076 Consumer Financial Civil Penalty Fund rule, 12 CFR 1075 Consumer leasing (Regulation M), 12 CFR 1013 Debt collection practices (Regulation F), 12 CFR 1006 Debt collection procedures, 12 CFR 1073 Defining larger participants of certain consumer financial product and service markets, 12 CFR 1090 Electronic fund transfers (Regulation E), 12 CFR 1005 Employees, supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 9401 Equal Access to Justice Act, implementation, 12 CFR 1071 Equal Credit Opportunity Act (Regulation B), 12 CFR 1002 Fair credit reporting (Regulation V), 12 CFR 2022 Financial products or services, 12 CFR 1001 Home mortgage disclosure (Regulation C), 12 CFR 1003 Investigations, 12 CFR 1080 Land registration (Regulation I), 12 CFR 1010 Mortgage acts and practices, advertising (Regulation N), 12 CFR 1014 Mortgage assistance relief services (regulation O) 12 CFR 1015 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability, enforcement in Bureau programs and activities, 12 CFR 1072 Payday, vehicle title, and certain high-cost installment loans, 12 CFR 1041 Privacy of consumer financial information (Regulation P), 12 CFR 1016 Purchasers' revocation rights, sales practices and standards (Regulation K), 12 CFR 1011 Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (Regulation X), 12 CFR 1024 Records and information disclosure, 12 CFR 1070 Rulemaking and guidance, 12 CFR 1074 S.A.F.E. Mortgage Licensing Act [[Page 190]] Federal registration of residential mortgage loan originators (Regulation G), 12 CFR 1008 State compliance and bureau registration system (Regulation H), 12 CFR 1009 Special rules of practices (Regulation L), 12 CFR 1012 State official notification rules Supervisory authority over certain nonbank covered persons based on risk determination, procedural rule to establish, 12 CFR 1091 Truth in lending (Regulation Z), 12 CFR 1026 Truth in savings (Regulation DD), 12 CFR 1039 Consumer Product Safety Commission Adjudicative proceedings, practice rules, 16 CFR 1025 Advisory committee management, 16 CFR 1018 Agency activities, notice, 16 CFR 1011 Artificial emberizing materials (ash and embers) containing respirable free-form asbestos, ban, 16 CFR 1305 Baby pacifiers, requirements, 16 CFR 1511 Baby rattles, requirements, 16 CFR 1510 Bicycles, requirements, 16 CFR 1512 Bunk beds, requirements, 16 CFR 1513 CB base station antennas, TV antennas, and supporting structures, warning and instruction requirements, 16 CFR 1402 Children's Gasoline Burn Prevention Act regulation, 16 CFR 1460 Children's toys and child care articles containing phthalates Inaccessible component parts, guidance, 16 CFR 1199 Unfinished manufactured fibers, determinations regarding the ASTM F963 elements and phthalates, 16 CFR 1253 Choking incidents involving marbles, small balls, latex balloons, and other small parts, reporting, 16 CFR 1117 Coal and wood burning appliances, notification of performance and technical data, 16 CFR 1406 Commission organization and functions, 16 CFR 1000 Conditions and requirements for relying on component part testing or certification, or another party's finished product testing or certification, to meet testing and certification requirements, 16 CFR 1109 Consumer patching compounds containing respirable freeform asbestos, ban, 16 CFR 1304 Consumer Product Safety Act All terrain vehicles, requirements, 16 CFR 1420 Crib bumpers, ban, 16 CFR 1309 Certificates of compliance, 16 CFR 1110 Children's product, definition, 16 CFR 1200 Children's products, children's toys, and child care articles; determinations regarding lead, ASTM F963 elements, and phthalates for engineered wood products, 16 CFR 1252 Civil penalty factors, 16 CFR 1119 Durable infant or toddler products, consumer registration requirements, 16 CFR 1130 Inclined sleepers for infants, ban, 16 CFR 1310 Information disclosure under section 6(b), 16 CFR 1101 Investigations, inspections, and inquiries, 16 CFR 1118 Reports submitted pursuant to section 37, 16 CFR 1116 Testing and labeling pertaining to product certification, 16 CFR 1107 Third party conformity assessment bodies, requirements pertaining to, 16 CFR 1112 Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act regulations, 16 CFR 1450 Electrically operated toys or other electrically operated articles intended for use by children, requirements, 16 CFR 1505 Employee conduct standards, 16 CFR 1030 Employee participation and involvement in voluntary standards activities, 16 CFR 1031 Environmental review, 16 CFR 1021 Exemption from preemption of State and local requirements, applications, 16 CFR 1061 Export of noncomplying, misbranded, or banned products, 16 CFR 1019 [[Page 191]] Firearms (toy, look-alike, and imitation), marking, 16 CFR 1272 Fireworks devices, 16 CFR 1507 Flammable contact adhesives, ban, 16 CFR 1302 Flammable Fabrics Act Carpet and rug surfaces, 16 CFR 1630 Children's sleepwear-- Sizes 0 through 6X, 16 CFR 1615 Sizes 7 through 14, 16 CFR 1616 Clothing textiles, flammability standards, 16 CFR 1610 General rules and regulations, 16 CFR 1608 Investigations, inspections, and inquiries, 16 CFR 1605 Mattresses and mattress pads, 16 CFR 1632 Small carpet and rug surfaces, 16 CFR 1631 Statements of policy or interpretation, 16 CFR 1602 Text of 1953 Act, amendments and revisions prior to 1967, 16 CFR 1609 Upholstered furniture, flammability standards, 16 CFR 1640 Vinyl plastic film, 16 CFR 1611 Formal evidentiary public hearing procedures, 16 CFR 1502 Hazardous substances and articles, administration and enforcement regulations, 16 CFR 1500 Household refrigerator doors, standards for devices that permit opening from inside, 16 CFR 1750 Human research subjects protection, 16 CFR 1028 Imports, general statements of policy or interpretation, 16 CFR 1009 Informal oral presentations in proceedings before Consumer Product Safety Commission, procedural regulations, 16 CFR 1052 Information Disclosure and Commission employee testimony in private litigation, 16 CFR 1016 Procedures for disclosure or production under the Freedom of Information Act, 16 CFR 1015 Lawn darts, ban, 16 CFR 1306 Lead paint and certain consumer products bearing lead paint, ban, 16 CFR 1303 Meetings policy, meetings between Agency personnel and outside parties, 16 CFR 1012 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 16 CFR 1034 Paperwork Reduction Act, display of control numbers for collection of information requirements, 16 CFR 1033 Petitioning procedures for rulemaking, 16 CFR 1051 Poison prevention packaging Petitions for exemption, 16 CFR 1702 Standards, 16 CFR 1700 Statements of policy and interpretation, 16 CFR 1701 Portable generators, labeling, performance and technical data requirements, 16 CFR 1407 Privacy Act of 1974, 16 CFR 1014 Products subject to other Acts, regulation under Consumer Product Safety Act, 16 CFR 1145 Publicly available database, 16 CFR 1102 Safety standards Adult portable bed rails, 16 CFR 1270 Architectural glazing material, 16 CFR 1201 Automatic residential garage door operators, 16 CFR 1211 Baby cribs-- Full size, safety standards, 16 CFR 1219 Non-full-size, safety standards, 16 CFR 1220 Baby changing products, 16 CFR 1235 Bassinets and cradles, 16 CFR 1218 Bedside sleepers, 16 CFR 1222 Bicycle helmets, 16 CFR 1203 Booster seats, 16 CFR 1237 Bunk beds, entrapment hazards, 16 CFR 1213 Button cell or coin batteries and consumer products containing such batteries, 16 CFR 1263 Carriages and strollers, 16 CFR 1227 Cellulose insulation, 16 CFR 1404 Interim safety standard, 16 CFR 1209 Children's folding chairs and children's folding stools, 16 CFR 1232 Cigarette lighters, 16 CFR 1210 Clothing storage units, 16 CFR 1261 [[Page 192]] Contributions to costs of participants in development of consumer product, 16 CFR 1105 Crib mattresses, 16 CFR 1241 Custom window coverings operating cords, safety standards, 16 CFR 1260 Frame child carriers, 16 CFR 1230 Gates and enclosures, 16 CFR 1239 Hand-held infant carriers, 16 CFR 1225 High chairs, 16 CFR 1231 Infant bath seats, 16 CFR 1215 Infant bath tubs, 16 CFR 1234 Infant bouncer seats, 16 CFR 1229 Infant swings, 16 CFR 1223 Infant walkers, 16 CFR 1216 Magnets, 16 CFR 1262 Matchbooks, 16 CFR 1202 Multi-purpose lighters, 16 CFR 1212 Omnidirectional citizens band base station antennas, 16 CFR 1204 Play yards, 16 CFR 1221 Portable bed rails, 16 CFR 1224 Portable hook-on chairs, 16 CFR 1233 Sling carriers, 16 CFR 1228 Soft infant and toddler carriers, 16 CFR 1226 Swimming pool slides, 16 CFR 1207 Toddler beds, 16 CFR 1217 Toys, safety standard mandating ASTM f963, 16 CFR 1250 Walk-behind power lawn mowers, 16 CFR 1205 Salary offset, 16 CFR 1027 Self-pressurized consumer products containing chlorofluorocarbons; requirements to provide CPSC with performance and technical data; requirements to notify consumers at point of purchase of performance and technical data, 16 CFR 1401 Small business, 16 CFR 1020 Substantial product hazard list, 16 CFR 1120 Substantial product hazard reports, 16 CFR 1115 Sunshine Act, Commission meetings rules, 16 CFR 1013 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for agency employees, 5 CFR 8101 Swaps Data recordkeeping and reporting requirements, 17 CFR 45 Data repositories, 17 CFR 49 Foreign boards of trade, registration, 17 CFR 48 Pre-enactment and transition data recordkeeping and reporting requirements, 17 CFR 46 Pre-enactment transactions, interim final rule, 17 CFR 44 Real-time public reporting, 17 CFR 43 Toys Children's toys and child care articles containing specified phthalates-- Prohibition, 16 CFR 1307 Prohibition determinations regarding certain plastics, 16 CFR 1308 Determinations regarding heavy elements limits for certain materials, 16 CFR 1251 Toys and other articles intended for use by children under 3 years of age which present choking, aspiration, or ingestion hazards because of small parts, method for identifying, 16 CFR 1501 Unstable refuse bins, ban, 16 CFR 1301 Consumer protection See al Labeling; Safety; Trade practices; Truth in lending Air carriers Airline service quality performance reports, 14 CFR 234 Airline tickets, oversales, 14 CFR 250 Change-of-gauge services, disclosure, 14 CFR 258 Code-sharing arrangements and long-term wet leases, disclosure, 14 CFR 257 Consumer Credit Protection Act, implementation with respect to air carriers and foreign air carriers, 14 CFR 374 Contract of carriage, notice of terms, 14 CFR 253 Domestic baggage liability, 14 CFR 254 Incidents involving animals during air transport, reports, 14 CFR 235 Musical instruments, carriage, 14 CFR 251 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability, 14 CFR 382 Passengers, enhanced protections, 14 CFR 259 Smoking aboard aircraft, 14 CFR 252 Special event tours, 14 CFR 381 Tarmac delay data, reporting, 14 CFR 244 [[Page 193]] Agricultural Marketing Service, promotion, research, and consumer information orders Blueberries, 7 CFR 1218 Mango, 7 CFR 1206 Mushroom, 7 CFR 1209 Pecans, 7 CFR 1223 Softwood lumber, 7 CFR 1217 Alcoholic beverage health warning statement, 27 CFR 16 Army Department, solicitation on military reservations, 32 CFR 552 Artificial emberizing materials (ash and embers) containing respirable free-form asbestos, ban, 16 CFR 1305 Automobile dealers, insurance cost information availability from, 49 CFR 582 Automobile parts content labeling, 49 CFR 583 Baby pacifiers, requirements, 16 CFR 1511 Baby rattles, requirements, 16 CFR 1510 Bicycles, requirements, 16 CFR 1512 Bunk beds, requirements, 16 CFR 1513 CAN-SPAM rule, 16 CFR 316 CB base station antennas, TV antennas, and supporting structures, warning and instruction requirements, 16 CFR 1402 Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule, 16 CFR 312 Children's toys and child care articles containing phthalates Inaccessible component parts, guidance, 16 CFR 1199 Unfinished manufactured fibers, determinations regarding ASTM F963 elements and phthalates, 16 CFR 1253 Choking incidents involving marbles, small balls, latex balloons, and other small parts, reporting, 16 CFR 1117 Coal and wood burning appliances, notification of performance and technical data, 16 CFR 1406 Commodity Futures Trading Commission Children's Gasoline Burn Prevention Act regulations, 16 CFR 1460 Commodity Exchange Act, general regulations, 17 CFR 1 Commodity option transactions, 17 CFR 32 Commodity pool operators and commodity trading advisors, 17 CFR 4 Consumer financial information under title V of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, privacy, 17 CFR 160 Contract market rules altered or supplemented by Commodity Futures Trading Commission, customer claims and grievances, 17 CFR 7 Customer protection rules, 17 CFR 166 Derivatives clearing organizations, 17 CFR 39 Domestic exchange-traded commodity option transactions, 17 CFR 33 Foreign futures and foreign options transactions, 17 CFR 30 Leverage transactions, gold or silver bullion or bulk coins, 17 CFR 31 Protection of consumer information under the fair credit reporting act, 17 CFR 162 Registered entity rules altered or supplemented by the Commission, 17 CFR 7 Registration, 17 CFR 3 Reparations, related rules, 17 CFR 12 Comptroller of the Currency Federal savings associations-- Electronic operations, 12 CFR 155 Operations, 12 CFR 145 Lending and investment, 12 CFR 160 Real estate lending and appraisals, 12 CFR 34 Security procedures, 12 CFR 168 Concrete masonry research, education, and promotion, 15 CFR 1500 Consumer financial information, privacy Commodity Futures Trading Commission, 17 CFR 160 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, 12 CFR 1016 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 12 CFR 332 Federal Trade Commission, 16 CFR 313 National Credit Union Administration, 12 CFR 716 Privacy of consumer financial information and safeguarding personal information; affiliate marketing limitations; and Identity theft red flags (Regulations S-P, S-AM, and S-ID), 17 CFR 248 Retail foreign exchange transactions, 12 CFR 48, 12 CFR 349 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau [[Page 194]] Adjudication proceedings, rules of practice, 12 CFR 1081 Civil penalty adjustments, 12 CFR 1083 Consumer Financial Civil Penalty Fund rule, 12 CFR 1075 Consumer leasing, 12 CFR 1013 Debt collection practices (Regulation F), 12 CFR 1006 Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Financial Protection Act enforcement, State official notification rules, 12 CFR 1082 Electronic fund transfers (Regulation E), 12 CFR 1005 Equal Credit Opportunity Act (Regulation B) 12 CFR 1002 Fair credit reporting (Regulation V), 12 CFR 1022 Mortgage acts and practices - advertising (Regulation N), 12 CFR 1014 Mortgage assistance relief services (Regulation O), 12 CFR 1015 Privacy of consumer financial information (Regulation P), 12 CFR 1016 Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (Regulation X), 12 CFR 1024 Records and information disclosure, 12 CFR 1070 S.A.F.E. Mortgage Licensing Act-- Residential mortgage loan originators, Federal registration (Regulation G), 12 CFR 1007 State compliance and bureau registration system, (Regulation H), 12 CFR 1008 Supervisory authority over certain nonbank covered persons based on risk determination, procedural rule to establish, 12 CFR 1091 Truth in lending (Regulation Z), 12 CFR 1026 Truth in savings (Regulation DD), 12 CFR 1030 Consumer Product Safety Commission Button cell or coin batteries and consumer products containing such batteries, safety standards, 16 CFR 1263 Children's toys and child care articles containing specified phthalates-- Prohibition, 16 CFR 1307 prohibition determinations regarding certain plastics, 16 CFR 1308 Conditions and requirements for relying on component part testing or certification, or another party's finished product testing or certification, to meet testing and certification requirements, 16 CFR 1109 Consumer Product Safety Act-- All terrain vehicles, requirements, 16 CFR 1420 Crib bumpers, ban, 16 CFR 1309 Certificates of compliance, 16 CFR 1110 Children's products, children's toys, and child care articles; determinations regarding lead, ASTM F963 elements, and phthalates for engineered wood products, 16 CFR 1252 Children's products, definition, 16 CFR 1200 Civil penalty factors, 16 CFR 1119 Durable infant or toddler products, consumer registration requirements, 16 CFR 1130 Exemption from preemption of State and local requirements, applications, 16 CFR 1061 Inclined sleepers for infants, ban, 16 CFR 1310 Information disclosure under section 6(b), 16 CFR 1101 Investigations, inspections, and inquiries, 16 CFR 1118 Reports submitted pursuant to section 37, 16 CFR 1116 Third party conformity assessment bodies, requirements pertaining to, 16 CFR 1112 Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act regulations, 16 CFR 1450 Electrically operated toys or other electrically operated articles intended for use by children, requirements, 16 CFR 1505 Employee participation and involvement in voluntary standards activities, 16 CFR 1031 Export of noncomplying, misbranded, or banned products, 16 CFR 1019 Firearms (toy, look-alike, and imitation), marking, 16 CFR 1272 [[Page 195]] Imports, general policy, 16 CFR 1009 Informal oral presentations in proceedings before Consumer Product Safety Commission, procedural regulations, 16 CFR 1052 Information, procedures for disclosure or production under the Freedom of Information Act, 16 CFR 1015 Petitioning procedures for rulemaking, 16 CFR 1051 Publicly available database, 16 CFR 1102 Small business, 16 CFR 1020 Testing and labeling pertaining to product certification, 16 CFR 1107 Toys, determinations regarding heavy elements limits for certain materials, 16 CFR 1251 Voluntary standards activities, Commission participation and Commission employee involvement, 16 CFR 1031 Consumer protection in insurance sales Comptroller of the Currency, 12 CFR 14 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 12 CFR 343 Federal Reserve System, 12 CFR 208 Customer information, safeguard standards, 16 CFR 314 Debt cancellation contracts and debt suspension agreements, 12 CFR 37 Defense Department installations, personal commercial solicitation, 32 CFR 50 Distilled spirits, labeling and advertising, 27 CFR 5 Energy and water use labeling for consumer products under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act, 16 CFR 305 Equal Credit Opportunity Act (Regulation B), 12 CFR 202 Fair credit reporting, 12 CFR 717 Fair Credit Reporting Act Federal credit unions, standards, 12 CFR 717 National banks, standards, 12 CFR 41 Prescreen opt-out notice, 16 CFR 642 Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, State exemption application procedures, 16 CFR 901 Fair packaging and labeling, 15 CFR 12 Farm Credit Administration, registration of mortgage loan originators, 12 CFR 610 Federal Reserve System Consumer protection, 12 CFR 213 Electronic funds transfers (Regulation E), 12 CFR 205 Medical information, obtaining and use in connection with credit, 12 CFR 232 Retail foreign exchange transactions, 12 CFR 240 Truth in lending, credit information disclosure (Regulation Z), 12 CFR 226 Federal Trade Commission Advertising, guides concerning use in endorsements and testimonials, 16 CFR 255 Fair Credit Reporting Act-- Affiliate marketing, 16 CFR 680 Consumer reporting agencies, duties of furnishers of information, 16 CFR 660 Consumer reports regarding address discrepancies, duties of users, 16 CFR 641 Identity theft rules, 16 CFR 681 Model forms and disclosures, 16 CFR 698 Risk-based pricing, duties of creditors, 16 CFR 640 Free electronic credit monitoring for active duty military, 16 CFR 609 Health breach notification rule, 16 CFR 318 Mortgage acts and practices, advertising, 16 CFR 321 Mortgage assistance relief services, 16 CFR 322 Fireworks devices, 16 CFR 1507 Flammability standards Carpet and rug surfaces, 16 CFR 1630 Children's sleepwear-- Sizes 0 through 6X, 16 CFR 1615 Sizes 7 through 14, 16 CFR 1616 Clothing textiles, flammability standards, 16 CFR 1610 Mattress sets, flammability standard, 16 CFR 1633 Mattresses and mattress pads, 16 CFR 1632 Small carpet and rug surfaces, 16 CFR 1631 Upholstered furniture, flammability standards, 16 CFR 1640 Vinyl plastic film, 16 CFR 1611 Flammable contact adhesives, ban, 16 CFR 1302 [[Page 196]] Flammable Fabrics Act General rules and regulations, 16 CFR 1608 Investigations, inspections, and inquiries, 16 CFR 1605 Statements of policy or interpretation, 16 CFR 1602 Text of 1953 Act and amendments and revisions prior to 1967, 16 CFR 1609 Food and Drug Administration; recall guidelines, 21 CFR 7 Food Safety and Inspection Service, raw products, consumer protection standards, 9 CFR 441 Formal evidentiary public hearing procedures, 16 CFR 1502 Hazardous substances and articles, administration and enforcement regulations, 16 CFR 1500 Health insurance, Affordable Care Act-- Exchange establishment standards and related standards under, 45 CFR 155 Issuer standards under, including standards related to exchanges, 45 CFR 156 Household goods transportation in interstate commerce; consumer protection regulations, 49 CFR 375 Household refrigerator doors, standards for devices that permit opening from inside, 16 CFR 1750 Housing and Urban Development Department Investigations in consumer regulatory program, 24 CFR 3800 Manufactured home installation program, 24 CFR 3286 Lawn darts, ban, 16 CFR 1306 Lead paint and certain consumer products bearing lead paint, ban, 16 CFR 1303 Manufactured home dispute resolution program, 24 CFR 3288 Manufactured home procedural and enforcement regulations, 24 CFR 3282 Manufactured housing program fee, 24 CFR 3284 Motor vehicle safety, consumer information, 49 CFR 575 National Credit Union Administration, registration of residential mortgage loan originators, 12 CFR 761 Occupational Safety and Health Administration; retaliation complaints handling procedures-- Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010, complaints under employee protection provision, 29 CFR 1985 Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008, complaints under Section 219, 29 CFR 1983 Odometer disclosure requirements, 49 CFR 580 Patching compounds containing respirable freeform asbestos, ban, 16 CFR 1304 Pharmacy benefit manager standards under the Affordable Care Act, 45 CFR 184 Poison prevention packaging, 16 CFR 1700 Petitions for exemptions, 16 CFR 1702 Statements of policy and interpretations, 16 CFR 1701 Portable generators, labeling, performance and technical data requirements, 16 CFR 1407 Products subject to other Acts, regulation under Consumer Product Safety Act, 16 CFR 1145 Retail foreign exchange transactions, 12 CFR 48 Safety standards Adult portable bed rails, 16 CFR 1270 Architectural glazing material, 16 CFR 1201 Automatic residential garage door operators, 16 CFR 1211 Baby changing products, 16 CFR 1235 Baby cribs-- Full-size, safety standards, 16 CFR 1219 Non-full-size, safety standards, 16 CFR 1220 Bassinets and cradles, 16 CFR 1218 Bedside sleepers, 16 CFR 1222 Bicycle helmets, 16 CFR 1203 Booster seats, 16 CFR 1237 Bunk beds, entrapment hazards, 16 CFR 1213 Carriages and strollers, 16 CFR 1227 Cellulose insulation, 16 CFR 1404 Children's folding chairs and children's folding stools, 16 CFR 1232 Cigarette lighters, 16 CFR 1210 Clothing storage units, 16 CFR 1261 [[Page 197]] Contributions to costs of participants in development of consumer product safety standards, 16 CFR 1105 Crib mattresses, 16 CFR 1241 Custom window coverings operating cords, 16 CFR 1260 Frame child carriers, 16 CFR 1230 Gates and enclosures, 16 CFR 1239 Hand-held infant carriers, 16 CFR 1225 High chairs, 16 CFR 1231 Interim standards, 16 CFR 1209 Infant bath seats, 16 CFR 1215 Infant bath tubs, 16 CFR 1234 Infant bouncer seats, 16 CFR 1229 Infant swings, 16 CFR 1223 Infant walkers, 16 CFR 1216 Magnets, 16 CFR 1262 Matchbooks, 16 CFR 1202 Multi-purpose lighters, 16 CFR 1212 Omnidirectional citizens band base station antennas, 16 CFR 1204 Play yards, 16 CFR 1221 Portable bed rails, 16 CFR 1224 Portable hook-on chairs, 16 CFR 1233 Sling carriers, 16 CFR 1228 Soft infant and toddler carriers, 16 CFR 1226 Swimming pool slides, 16 CFR 1207 Toddler beds, 16 CFR 1217 Toys, safety standard mandating ASTM f963, 16 CFR 1250 Walk-behind power lawn mowers, 16 CFR 1205 Self-pressurized can products containing chlorofluorocarbons, requirements to provide Consumer Product Safety Commission with performance and technical data, requirements to notify consumers at point of purchase of performance and technical data, 16 CFR 1401 Student assistance, general provisions, 34 CFR 668 Substantial product hazard list, 16 CFR 1120 Substantial product hazard reports, 16 CFR 1115 Telemarketing sales rule, 16 CFR 310 Toys and other articles intended for use by children under 3 years of age which present choking, aspiration, or ingestion hazards because of small parts, method for identifying, 16 CFR 1501 Transportation Department, general policy statements, 14 CFR 399 Transportation Department, general policy statements, 14 CFR 399 U.S. Mint operations and procedures, 31 CFR 92 Unstable refuse bins, ban, 16 CFR 1301 Voluntary consumer product information labeling program, 15 CFR 16 Wine, labeling and advertising, 27 CFR 4 Contagious diseases See Diseases Containers See Packaging and containers Continental shelf See al Coastal zone; Natural resources Aids to navigation on artificial islands and fixed structures, 33 CFR 67 Air pollution control, Outer Continental Shelf air regulations, 40 CFR 55 Existing facilities, renewable energy and alternate uses of , 30 CFR 285 Facilities, vessels, and other units engaged in Outer Continental Shelf activities; safety of life and property and protection of marine environment Design and equipment, 33 CFR 143 Existing facilities, alternate uses, 30 CFR 586 Firefighting equipment, 33 CFR 145 Lifesaving appliances, 33 CFR 144 Operations, 33 CFR 146 Personnel, 33 CFR 141 Safety of life and property, general provisions, 33 CFR 140 Safety zones, establishment, 33 CFR 147 Workplace safety and health, 33 CFR 142 Fishermen's Contingency Fund, 50 CFR 296 Internal Revenue Service, procedure and administration, 26 CFR 301 Law enforcement on public lands, 43 CFR 9260 Maritime security, Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) facilities, 33 CFR 106 Mineral leasing Geological and geophysical explorations, 30 CFR 251 Minerals other than oil, gas, and sulphur in Outer Continental Shelf, operations, 30 CFR 282 Oil and gas and sulphur operations, 30 CFR 250 [[Page 198]] Oil and Gas Information Program, 30 CFR 252 Outer Continental Shelf, nondiscrimination, 30 CFR 270 Sulphur or oil and gas leasing, 30 CFR 256 Minerals exploration, workmen's compensation under Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act, 20 CFR 704 Minerals revenue management Geological and geophysical explorations, 30 CFR 551 Minerals other than oil, gas, and sulphur-- Leasing, 30 CFR 581 Operations, 30 CFR 582 Prospecting, 30 CFR 580 Offshore facilities, oil spill financial responsibility, 30 CFR 553 Nondiscrimination in, 30 CFR 570 Oil and gas and sulphur operations-- Ocean Energy Management Bureau, 30 CFR 550 Safety and Environmental Enforcement, 30 CFR 250 Oil and Gas Information Program, 30 CFR 552 Oil and gas leasing, 30 CFR 560 Sulphur or oil and gas leasing and bonding requirements, 30 CFR 556 Natural gas, certain sales and transportation under Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978 and related authorities, 18 CFR 284 Natural resources revenue Alternatives for marginal properties, 30 CFR 1204 Forms and reports, 30 CFR 1210 Income taxes, 26 CFR 1 (1.638-1--1.638-2) Outer continental shelf oil and gas, accounting procedures for determining net profit share payment for, 30 CFR 1220 Product valuation, 30 CFR 1206 Records and files maintenance, 30 CFR 1212 Relief or reduction in royalty rates, 30 CFR 203, 30 CFR 1203 Royalties, 30 CFR 1202 Royalties, rentals, bonuses, and other monies due the Federal Government; collection, 30 CFR 1218 Sale of Federal royalty oil, 30 CFR 1208 Sales agreements or contracts governing the disposal of lease products, 30 CFR 1207 Oil pollution regulations, facilities located seaward of the coastline, oil-spill response requirements for, 30 CFR 254 Permits for structures or work in or affecting navigable U.S. waters, 33 CFR 322 Renewable energy, 30 CFR 585 Sand, gravel, and/or shell resources use, negotiated noncompetitive agreements, 30 CFR 583 Water pollution (vessels) and OPA 90 limits of liability (vessels, deepwater ports and onshore facilities), evidence of financial responsibility, 33 CFR 138 Continuing education See Adult education Contracts See Government contracts Controlled substances See Drug abuse; Drug traffic control Cooperative agreements See Grant programs Cooperatives Agricultural cooperatives, interstate transportation regulations, exemptions, commercial zones, and terminal areas, 49 CFR 372 Agriculture Department, administrative regulations, 7 CFR 1 Commodity Futures Trading Commission, clearing requirement and related rules, 17 CFR 50 Cooperative housing mortgage insurance, 24 CFR 213 Cooperative marketing associations, 7 CFR 1425 Cooperatives and their patrons Definitions, special rules, income taxes, 26 CFR 1 (1.1388-1) Tax treatment, 26 CFR 1 (1.1381-1--1.1383-1) Tax treatment by patrons of patronage dividends, 26 CFR 1 (1.1385-1) Farm Credit System, margin and capital requirements for covered swap entities, 12 CFR 624 Farmers' cooperatives, exempt organizations, income taxes, 26 CFR 1 (1.521-1--1.522-4) [[Page 199]] Multifamily housing projects, conversion to cooperative housing, tenant participation procedures, 24 CFR 245 Rural development cooperative agreements, 7 CFR 4285 Rural housing loans, 7 CFR 1944 Copper See al Metals Foreign Assets Control Office; sanctions regulations Iran-- Financial, 31 CFR 561 Sector and human rights abuses, 31 CFR 562 Water programs, National primary drinking water regulations, 40 CFR 141 Copyright Acquisition regulations; patents, data, and copyrights Agriculture Department, 48 CFR 427 Commerce Department, 48 CFR 1327 Defense Department, 48 CFR 227 Energy Department, 48 CFR 927 Environmental Protection Agency, 48 CFR 1527 General Services Administration, 48 CFR 527 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 48 CFR 1827 Transportation Department, 48 CFR 1227 Copyright Office, Library of Congress Copyright claims, preregistration and registration, 37 CFR 202 Copyright Claims Board, Library of Congress-- Claims, review by officers and attorneys, 37 CFR 224 Claimant's failure to proceed, 37 CFR 228 Default, 37 CFR 227 Discovery, 37 CFR 225 District Court referrals, 37 CFR 235 General provisions, 37 CFR 220 Law student representatives, 37 CFR 234 Limitation on proceedings, 37 CFR 233 Opt-out provisions, 37 CFR 223 Party conduct, 37 CFR 232 Proceedings, 37 CFR 222 Reconsideration requests, 37 CFR 230 Records and publications, 37 CFR 229 Register's review, 37 CFR 231 Registration, 37 CFR 221 Smaller claims, 37 CFR 226 Eligible nonsubscription transmissions, new subscription services and making of ephemeral reproductions, rates and terms, 37 CFR 380 General provisions, 37 CFR 201 Legal process, 37 CFR 205 Noncommercial educational broadcasting, use of certain copyrighted works, 37 CFR 381 Physical and digital phonorecords of nondramatic musical works, compulsory license for making and distributing, 37 CFR 210 Copyright Royalty Board, Library of Congress Administrative assessment proceedings, 37 CFR 355 Administrative assessments to fund mechanical licensing collective, amounts and terms, 37 CFR 390 Cable compulsory license, royalty fee adjustment, 37 CFR 387 Coin-operated phonorecord players, royalty rate adjustment, 37 CFR 388 Determinations, 37 CFR 352 General administrative provisions, 37 CFR 303 Nondramatic musical works in the making and distributing of physical and digital phonorecords, rates and terms for use, 37 CFR 385 Nonsubscription services and new subscription services and for the making of ephemeral reproductions to facilitate those transmissions; rates and terms, 37 CFR 380 Organization, 37 CFR 301 Proceedings, 37 CFR 351 Public access to records, 37 CFR 302 Rehearings, 37 CFR 353 Royalty fees collected under compulsory license, claims filing, 37 CFR 360 Scope, 37 CFR 350 Secondary transmissions by satellite carriers, royalty fees adjustment, 37 CFR 386 Sound recordings transmission by preexisting subscription services and preexisting satellite digital audio radio services and for the making of ephemeral reproductions to facilitate [[Page 200]] those transmissions, rates and terms, 37 CFR 382 Statutory licenses, notice and recordkeeping requirements, 37 CFR 370 Submissions to the Register of Copyrights, 37 CFR 354 Subscription transmissions and the reproduction of ephemeral recordings by certain new subscription services, rates and terms, 37 CFR 383 Defense Department, copyrighted sound and video recordings, 32 CFR 142 Education Department, direct grant programs, 34 CFR 75 Energy Department, patent and copyright infringement claims, 10 CFR 782 Federal Acquisition Regulation, patents, data, and copyrights, 48 CFR 27 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Forfeiture authority for certain statutes, 28 CFR 8 National Archives and Records Administration, restrictions on use of records, 36 CFR 1256 Trademarks, trade names, and copyrights, 19 CFR 133 Copright Claims Board, Library of Congress See Copyright Office, Library of Congress Copyright Office, Library of Congress Cable compulsory license, royalty fee adjustment, 37 CFR 387 Copyright claims, preregistration and registration, 37 CFR 202 Copyright Claims Board, Library of Congress-- Claimant's failure to proceed, 37 CFR 228 Claims, review by officers and attorneys, 37 CFR 224 Default, 37 CFR 227 Discovery, 37 CFR 225 District court referrals, 37 CFR 235 General provisions, 37 CFR 220 Law student representatives, 37 CFR 234 [[Page 201]] Limitation on proceedings, 37 CFR 233 Opt-out provisions, 37 CFR 223 Party conduct, 37 CFR 232 Proceedings, 37 CFR 222 Reconsideration requests, 37 CFR 230 Records and publications, 37 CFR 229 Register's review, 37 CFR 231 Registration, 37 CFR 221 Smaller claims, 37 CFR 226 Determinations, 37 CFR 352 Freedom of Information Act, policies and procedures, 37 CFR 203 General administrative provisions, 37 CFR 350 General provisions, 37 CFR 201 Legal process, 37 CFR 205 Noncommercial educational broadcasting, use of certain copyrighted works, 37 CFR 381 Organization, 37 CFR 301 Physical and digital phonorecords of nondramatic musical works, compulsory license for making and distributing, 37 CFR 210 Privacy Act, policies and procedures, 37 CFR 204 Proceedings, 37 CFR 351 Public access to records, 37 CFR 302 Register of Copyrights submissions, 37 CFR 354 Rehearing, 37 CFR 353 Semiconductor chip products; mask work protection, 37 CFR 211 Vessel designs, protection, 37 CFR 212 Copyright Royalty Board, Library of Congress Administrative assessment proceedings, 37 CFR 355 Administrative assessments to fund mechanical licensing collective, amounts and terms, 37 CFR 390 Coin-operated phonorecord players, royalty rate adjustment, 37 CFR 388 General administrative provisions, 17 CFR 303 Nondramatic musical works in the making and distributing of physical and digital phonorecords, rates and terms for use, 37 CFR 385 Nonsubscription services and new subscription services and for the making of ephemeral reproductions to facilitate those transmissions; rates and terms, 37 CFR 380 Rates and terms for transmissions of sound recordings by preexisting subscription services and preexisting satellite digital audio radio services and for the making of ephemeral reproductions to facilitate those transmissions, 37 CFR 382 Royalty fees collected under compulsory license, claims filing, 37 CFR 360 Scope, 37 CFR 350 Secondary transmissions by satellite carriers, royalty fees adjustment, 37 CFR 386 Statutory licenses, notice and recordkeeping requirements, 37 CFR 370 Subscription transmissions and the reproduction of ephemeral recordings by certain new subscription services, rates and terms, 37 CFR 383 Corn Area risk protection insurance regulations, 7 CFR 407 Corporation for National and Community Service Administrative practice and procedure, 45 CFR 2509 AmeriCorps programs Agreements with other Federal agencies for provision of program assistance, 45 CFR 2523 National Service Trust, purpose and definitions, 45 CFR 2525 Participants, programs, and applicants, 45 CFR 2522 Subtitle C-- Eligible applicants and types of grants available for award, 45 CFR 2521 General provisions, 45 CFR 2520 Technical assistance and other special grants, 45 CFR 2524 Collection of debts, 45 CFR 2506 Community-based service-learning programs, 45 CFR 2517 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 2200 Drug-free workplace requirements, financial assistance, 2 CFR 2245 Electoral and lobbying activities, prohibitions, 45 CFR 1226 Employee indemnification regulations, 45 CFR 2502 Foster grandparent program, 45 CFR 2552 [[Page 202]] Freedom of Information Act, records disclosure procedures, 45 CFR 2507 General administrative provisions, 45 CFR 2540 Government in Sunshine Act, rules implementing, 45 CFR 2505 Grants and contracts, suspension and termination and application for refunding denial, 45 CFR 1206 Higher education innovative programs for community service, 45 CFR 2519 Innovative and special demonstration programs, 45 CFR 2532 Intergovernmental review of programs, 45 CFR 1233 Investment for quality and innovation activities, grants purposes and availability, 45 CFR 2531 Lobbying restrictions, 45 CFR 1230 Member and volunteer discrimination complaint procedure, 45 CFR 1225 Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs, 45 CFR 1203 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs or activities, 45 CFR 1214, 45 CFR 1232 Nondiscrimination on basis of sex in federally assisted education programs, 45 CFR 2555 Nondisplacement of employed workers and nonimpairment of contracts for service, 45 CFR 1216 Official information, production or disclosure of, 45 CFR 1201 Older American volunteer programs, locally generated contributions, 45 CFR 1235 Operating name and logs, 45 CFR 2500 Overall purposes and definitions, 45 CFR 2510 Privacy Act of 1974, implementation, 45 CFR 2508 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act regulations, 45 CFR 2554 Retired and senior volunteer program, 45 CFR 2553 School-based service-learning programs, 45 CFR 2516 Senior companion program, 45 CFR 2551 Service-learning clearinghouse, 45 CFR 2518 Service-learning program purposes, 45 CFR 2515 Solicitation and acceptance of donations, 45 CFR 2544 Special activities, 45 CFR 2534 State commissions, alternative administrative entities, and transitional entities, requirements and general provisions, 45 CFR 2550 Technical assistance, training, and other service infrastructure- building activities, 45 CFR 2533 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards; implementation and exemptions, 2 CFR 2205 Volunteer legal expenses, payment, 45 CFR 1220 Volunteers in Service to America, 45 CFR 2556 Corporate fraud See Crime; Fraud Corporations See Business and industry Corps of Engineers See Engineers Corps Cosmetics Color additives Certification, 21 CFR 80 Certified provisionally listed colors and specifications, 21 CFR 82 Exempt from certification, listing, 21 CFR 73 General specifications and restrictions for provisional use, 21 CFR 81 Packaging, labeling, and safety, 21 CFR 70 Petitions, 21 CFR 71 Subject to certification, 21 CFR 74 Cosmetic product ingredient composition statements, voluntary filing, 21 CFR 720 Denatured alcohol and rum, distribution and use in cosmetics, 27 CFR 20 Distilled spirits, wines, and beer, importation, 27 CFR 27 Drawback on taxpaid distilled spirits used in manufacturing nonbeverage products, 27 CFR 17 Food and Drug Administration General administrative rulings and decisions, 21 CFR 2 General enforcement regulations, 21 CFR 1 [[Page 203]] General provisions and requirements for specific products, 21 CFR 700 Labeling, 21 CFR 701 Perfumes containing distilled spirits, importation, 27 CFR 27, 27 CFR 29 Prisoners, miscellaneous regulations, 28 CFR 551 Product warning statements, 21 CFR 740 Voluntary registration of cosmetic product establishments, 21 CFR 710 Cost Accounting Standards Board See Federal Procurement Policy Office, Cost Accounting Standards Board Cotton Agricultural risk coverage, price loss coverage, and cotton transition assistance programs, 7 CFR 1412 Area risk protection insurance regulations, 7 CFR 407 Boll weevil eradication loan program, 7 CFR 771 Classification under cotton futures legislation, 7 CFR 27 Classing, testing, and standards, 7 CFR 28 Customs examination, sampling, and testing of merchandise, 19 CFR 151 Import quotas and fees, 7 CFR 6 Limits on positions and trading of agricultural commodities, 17 CFR 150 Loans and price support programs, 7 CFR 1427 Persons holding reportable positions in excess of position limits, and by merchants and dealers in cotton, 17 CFR 19 Plant protection and quarantine Foreign quarantine notices, 7 CFR 319 State of Hawaii and territories quarantine notices, 7 CFR 318 Research and promotion, 7 CFR 1205 United States Warehouse Act regulations, 7 CFR 869 Cottonseeds See al Oilseeds Loans and price support programs, 7 CFR 1427 Plant protection and quarantine, State of Hawaii and territories quarantine notices, 7 CFR 318 Sold or offered for sale for crushing purposes, inspection, sampling, and certification, 7 CFR 61 United States Warehouse Act regulations, 7 CFR 869 Council on Environmental Quality See Environmental Quality Council Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency See Integrity and Efficiency, Council of the Inspectors General Counterfeiting See al Crime Authorization of all banks, U.S. Post Offices, U.S. disbursing officers, and their agents to deliver to Treasury Department counterfeit obligations and other U.S. securities and coins or of any foreign government, 31 CFR 403 Checks drawn on Treasury, indorsement and payment, 31 CFR 240 Counterfeit gold coins, mitigation of forfeiture, 31 CFR 101 Reproduction of canceled U.S. Internal Revenue stamps, 31 CFR 402 Savings bonds, illustration, 31 CFR 405 Seizure and forfeiture of vessels, vehicles, and aircraft used to transport counterfeit coins, obligations, securities, and paraphernalia, 31 CFR 401 U.S. currency Color illustrations, 31 CFR 411 Distinctive paper for U.S. currency and other securities, 31 CFR 601 [[Page 204]] Countervailing duties See al Imports Antidumping and countervailing duties, 19 CFR 351 Antidumping or countervailing duty protective order violation, procedures for imposing sanctions, 19 CFR 354 Emergency relief work supplies, 19 CFR 358 Imports sold at less than fair value or from subsidized exports to the U.S.; investigations of whether injury to domestic industries results from, 19 CFR 207 Liquidation of duties, 19 CFR 159 Suspension of liquidation, duties and estimated duties in accord with Presidential Proclamation 10414, procedures, 19 CFR 362 United States-Mexico-Canada agreement, procedures and rules for Article 10.12, 19 CFR 356 Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia Agency seal, 28 CFR 803 Community supervision; administrative sanctions, 28 CFR 810 Disclosure of records, 28 CFR 802 DNA information, collection and use, 28 CFR 812 Employees, supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 8001 Federal Tort Claims Act procedure, 28 CFR 801 Gifts acceptance, 28 CFR 804 Guidance development procedures, 28 CFR 813 Organization and functions, 28 CFR 800 Salary offset procedures, 28 CFR 814 Sex offender registration, 28 CFR 811 Courts Agriculture Department, administrative regulations, 7 Part 1 Air Force Department, counsel fees and other expenses in foreign tribunals, 32 CFR 845 Army Department, litigation, 32 CFR 516 Broadcasting Board of Governors, service of process, 22 CFR 510 Central Intelligence Agency, service of process, procedures governing acceptance, 32 CFR 1904 Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board, legal proceedings Employees testimony, 40 CFR 1611 Records production, 40 CFR 1612 Commerce Department, legal proceedings, 15 CFR 15 Corporation for National and Community Service, official information, production or disclosure, 45 CFR 1201 Court of International Trade, proceedings, 19 CFR 176 Courts of Indian Offenses and law-and-order code, 25 CFR 11 Criminal Antitrust Anti-Retaliation Act, procedures for handling of retaliation complaints, 29 CFR 1991 Customs and Border Protection, information availability, 19 CFR 103 Defense Department Court orders, compliance of DoD members, employees, and family members outside U.S., 32 CFR 146 Extraterritorial jurisdiction over civilian employees, certain current and former service members, 32 CFR 153 Service of process on Department, 32 CFR 257 Defense Logistics Agency, preparing and processing minor offenses and violation notices referred to U.S. District Courts, 32 CFR 1290 Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board, testimony by agency employees and production of official records in legal proceedings, 10 CFR 1707 Education Department, service of process on Department, 34 CFR 4 Election Assistance Commission, testimony by Commission employees relating to official information and production of official records in legal proceedings, 11 CFR 9409 Federal Aviation Administration, testimony by employees and production of records in legal proceedings, and service of legal process and pleadings, 14 CFR 185 Federal Housing Finance Agency, production of agency records, information, and employee testimony in third-party legal proceedings, 12 CFR 1215 Foreign criminal and civil jurisdiction, 32 CFR 151 [[Page 205]] Government Ethics Office, testimony by agency employees relating to official information and production of official records in legal proceedings, 5 CFR 2608 Health and Human Services Department, service of process on Department, 45 CFR 4 Homeland Security Department, records and information disclosure, 6 CFR 5 Indian child custody proceedings, tribal reassumption of jurisdiction, 25 CFR 13 Indian probate hearings procedures, 43 CFR 30 Internal Revenue Service, procedure and administration, 26 CFR 301 Judicial review under EPA-administered statutes, 40 CFR 23 Justice Assistance Bureau grant programs, 28 CFR 33 Justice Department, proceedings before U.S. magistrate judges, 28 CFR 52 Legal proceedings, testimony of employees and production of documents or records Agency for International Development, 22 CFR 206 Central Intelligence Agency, 32 CFR 1905 Commodity Futures Trading Commission, 17 CFR 144 Consumer Product Safety Commission, 16 CFR 1016 Copyright Office, Library of Congress, 37 CFR 205 Defense Department, 32 CFR 97 Education Department, 34 CFR 8 Election Assistance Commission, 11 CFR 9409 Energy Department, 10 CFR 202 Environmental Protection Agency, 40 CFR 2 Farm Credit Administration, 12 CFR 602 Federal Aviation Administration, 14 CFR 185 Federal Emergency Management Agency, 44 CFR 5 Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board, 5 CFR 1631 Food and Drug Administration, 21 CFR 20 Government Accounting Office, 4 CFR 82 Government Ethics Office, 5 CFR 2608 Health and Human Services Department, 45 CFR 2 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 15 Inspector General Office, 24 CFR 2004 Interior Department, 43 CFR 2 International Development Finance Corporation, U.S., 22 CFR 713 Justice Department, 28 CFR 16 Labor Department, 29 CFR 2 Management and Budget Office, 5 CFR 1305 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 14 CFR 1263 National Counterintelligence Center, 32 CFR 1805 National Indian Gaming Commission, 25 CFR 516 National Science Foundation, 45 CFR 615 National Security Agency, 32 CFR 93 National Transportation Safety Board, 49 CFR 835, 837 Navy Department, 32 CFR 720, 725 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 10 CFR 9 Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, 29 CFR 4905 Presidio Trust, 36 CFR 1012 Postal Service, 39 CFR 265 Social Security Administration, 20 CFR 403 State Department, 22 CFR 172 Transportation Department, 49 CFR 9 Treasury Department, 31 CFR 1 Veterans Affairs Department, 38 CFR 1, 38 CFR 14 Legal Services Corporation, testimony by employees and production of documents in proceedings where the U.S. is not a party, 45 CFR 1603 Military courts of criminal appeals, practice and procedure rules, 32 CFR 150 Millennium Challenge Corporation, release of official information and testimony by agency personnel as witnesses, 22 CFR 1305 National Counterintelligence Center, service of process acceptance procedures, 32 CFR 1806 National Credit Union Administration, service of process on Administration, 12 CFR 792 National Intelligence, Office of the Director Acceptance of service of process, governing procedures, 32 CFR 1702 [[Page 206]] Production of ODNI information or material in proceedings before Federal, State, local or other government entity of competent jurisdiction, 32 CFR 1703 National Science Foundation, testimony and production of records, 45 CFR 615 Naturalization Administration, 8 CFR 332 Application, 8 CFR 334 Authority, 8 CFR 310 Certifications from records, 8 CFR 343c Denials of applications for naturalization, hearings, 8 CFR 336 Functions and duties of clerks of court regarding naturalization proceedings, 8 CFR 339 Oath of allegiance, 8 CFR 337, 8 CFR 1337 Navy Department Delivery of personnel; service of process and subpoenas; production of official records, 32 CFR 720 Official information release for litigation purposes and testimony by Navy Department personnel, 32 CFR 725 Patent and Trademark Office Goods and services classification under Trademark Act, 37 CFR 6 Legal processes, 37 CFR 104 Patent cases, practice rules, 37 CFR 1 People Who are Blind or Severely Disabled, Committee for Purchase From; production or disclosure of Committee documents in Federal and State proceedings, 41 CFR 51-11 Personnel Management Office Court orders affecting retirement benefits, 5 CFR 838 Employee testimony relating to official information and production of official records in legal proceedings, 5 CFR 295 Presidio Trust, testimony by employees and production of records in legal proceedings, 36 CFR 1012 Public Health Service, patient safety organizations and patient safety work product, 42 CFR 3 Social Security Administration, service of process, 20 CFR 423 Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction, requests for testimony or the production of records in a court or other proceedings in which the U.S. is not a party, 5 CFR 9302 Tax Court, declaratory judgments relating to qualification of certain retirement plans, 26 CFR 1 (1.7476-1--1.7476-3) Trade Representative, Office of U.S.; records and information disclosure, 15 CFR 2004 Trademark cases, practice rules, 37 CFR 2 Veterans Affairs Department, general provisions, 38 CFR 1 Wake Island Code, 32 CFR 935 Witness fees, 28 CFR 21 Workers' Compensation Programs Office; Federal Employees' Compensation Act, claims, 20 CFR 10 Crafts See Arts and crafts Cranberries Cranberries not subject to marketing order; data collection, reporting, and recordkeeping requirements, 7 CFR 926 Marketing agreements, cranberries grown in various States, 7 CFR 929 Cream See Dairy products Credit See al Banks, banking; Credit unions; Mortgages; Swaps; Truth in lending Alcoholic beverages, tied house, credit period extension for retailers, 27 CFR 6 Candidates for Federal office Credit extension by air carriers to political candidates, 14 CFR 374a Credit extension for transportation, 49 CFR 1325 Commodity Credit Corporation, export programs, export credit guarantee programs, 7 CFR 1493 Commodity Futures Trading Commission Derivatives clearing organizations, 17 CFR 39 Proprietary trading and certain interests in and relationships with covered funds, 17 CFR 75 Communications common carriers, miscellaneous rules, 47 CFR 64 [[Page 207]] Community investment cash advance programs, 12 CFR 1292 Community reinvestment Comptroller of the Currency, 12 CFR 25 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 12 CFR 345 Federal Reserve System Board of Governors (Regulation BB), 12 CFR 228 Comptroller of the Currency Activities and operations, 12 CFR 7 Community and economic development entities, community development projects, and other public welfare investments, 12 CFR 24 CRA-related agreements, disclosure and reporting, 12 CFR 35 Lending and investment, 12 CFR 160 Consumer Credit Protection Act with respect to air carriers and foreign air carriers, 14 CFR 374 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Equal Credit Opportunity Act (Regulation B), 12 CFR 1002 Mortgage acts and practices - advertising (Regulation N), 12 CFR 1014 Mortgage assistance relief services (Regulation O), 12 CFR 1015 Payday, vehicle title, and certain high-cost installment loans, 12 CFR 1041 Privacy of consumer financial information (Regulation P), 12 CFR 1016 Supervisory authority over certain nonbanking covered persons based on risk determination, procedural rule to establish, 12 CFR 1091 Truth in lending (Regulation Z), 12 CFR 1026 Consumers' claims and defenses, preservation, 16 CFR 433 Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia, salary offset procedures, 28 CFR 814 Credit life insurance sales, national banks, 12 CFR 2 Credit unions, unfair or deceptive acts or practices, 12 CFR 706 Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia, salary offset procedures, 28 CFR 814 Defense Department, commissary credit and debit card user fee, 32 CFR 225 Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board, debt collection procedures, 10 CFR 1709 Equal credit opportunity Comptroller of the Currency, 12 CFR 27 Farm Credit Administration, 12 CFR 613, 626 Federal credit unions, organization and operations, 12 CFR 701 Federal Reserve System (Regulation B), 12 CFR 202 Small Business Administration, 13 CFR 113 Debt collection practices (Regulation F), 12 CFR 1006 Fair Credit Reporting Act Consumer reporting agencies, duties of furnishers of information, 16 CFR 660 Duties of users of consumer reports regarding address discrepancies, 16 CFR 641 Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, State exemption application procedures, 16 CFR 901 Farm Credit System Federal Agriculture Mortgage Corporation risk management, 12 CFR 653 Margin and capital requirements for covered swap entities, 12 CFR 624 Farm Service Agency Direct loan making, 7 CFR 764 Direct loan servicing-- Regular, 7 CFR 765 Special, 7 CFR 766 Equitable relief, 7 CFR 768 Guaranteed farm loans, 7 CFR 762 Indian tribal land acquisition loans, 7 CFR 770 Inventory property management, 7 CFR 767 Land Contract Guarantee program, 7 CFR 763 Servicing minor program loans, 7 CFR 772 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Fair housing, 12 CFR 338 International banking, 12 CFR 347 Office of Thrift Supervision, regulations transferred from, 12 CFR 390 Proprietary trading and certain interests in and relationships with covered funds, 12 CFR 351 [[Page 208]] Federal Election Commission, debts owed by candidates and political committees, 11 CFR 116 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Federal Highway Administration; surface transportation projects, credit assistance, 23 CFR 180 Federal home loan banks Acquired member assets, 12 CFR 1268 Affordable housing program, 12 CFR 1291 Capital stock and capital plans, 12 CFR 1277 Community support requirements, 12 CFR 1290 Core mission activities, 12 CFR 1265 Housing associates, 12 CFR 1264 Housing goals, 12 CFR 1281 Investments, 12 CFR 1267 Miscellaneous operations and authorities, 12 CFR 1271 Standby letters of credit, 12 CFR 1269 Federal Housing Finance Agency Enterprises, capital adequacy, 12 CFR 1240 Uniform mortgage-backed securities, 12 CFR 1248 Federal Labor Relations Authority, debt collection, 5 CFR 2418 Federal Railroad Administration, surface transportation projects, credit assistance, 49 CFR 261 Federal Reserve banks Credit extensions (Regulation A), 12 CFR 201 Loans to executive officers, directors, and principal shareholders of member banks (Regulation O), 12 CFR 215 Federal Reserve System Community reinvestment (Regulation BB), 12 CFR 228 Designated financial market utilities (Regulation HH), 12 CFR 234 Enhanced prudential standards (Regulation YY), 12 CFR 252 [[Page 209]] Fair credit reporting (Regulation V), 12 CFR 222 Obtaining and using medical information in connection with credit, 12 CFR 232 Proprietary trading and certain interests in and relationships with covered funds (Regulation VV), 12 CFR 248 Truth in lending, credit information disclosure (Regulation Z), 12 CFR 226 Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board, thrift savings plan, loan program, 5 CFR 1655 Federal Trade Commission Consumer financial information, privacy, 16 CFR 313 Credit practices, 16 CFR 444 Customer information, safeguard standards, 16 CFR 314 Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003, 16 CFR 602 Fair Credit Reporting Act-- Active duty alerts duration, 16 CFR 613 Affiliate marketing, 16 CFR 680 Appropriate identity pro, 16 CFR 614 Consumer report information and records disposal, 16 CFR 682 Definitions, 16 CFR 603 Fair Credit Reporting, 16 CFR 604 Free annual file disclosures, 16 CFR 610 Model forms and disclosures, 16 CFR 698 Prescreen opt-out notice, 16 CFR 642 Prohibition against nationwide consumer reporting agency treatment circumvention, 16 CFR 611 Risk-based pricing, duties of creditors, 16 CFR 640 Free electronic credit monitoring for active duty military, 16 CFR 609 General procedures, 16 CFR 1 Identity theft rules, 16 CFR 681 Mortgage acts and practices, advertising, 16 CFR 321 Federal Transit Administration, surface transportation projects, credit assistance, 49 CFR 640 Financial privacy Defense Department, 32 CFR 275 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 12 CFR 309 Justice Department, 28 CFR 47 Labor Department, 29 CFR 19 Postal Service, inspection service authority, 39 CFR 233 Reimbursement for providing financial records; recordkeeping requirements for certain financial records (Regulation S), 12 CFR 219 Treasury Department, 31 CFR 14 Fiscal Service, Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996, debt collection authorities, 31 CFR 285 Foreign Assets Control Office Control regulations-- Cuban assets, 31 CFR 515 Iranian assets, 31 CFR 535 Iranian transactions and sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 560 Sanctions regulations-- Belarus, 31 CFR 548 Burma, 31 CFR 525 Central African Republic, 31 CFR 553 Cyber-related, 31 CFR 578 Darfur, 31 CFR 546 Democratic Republic of the Congo, 31 CFR 547 Elections, U.S.; foreign interference, 31 CFR 579 Foreign narcotics kingpin, 31 CFR 598 Foreign terrorist organizations, 31 CFR 597 Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act, 31 CFR 583 Global terrorism, 31 CFR 594 Hizballah, 31 CFR 566 Hong Kong-related, 31 CFR 585 Hostages and wrongful detention, 31 CFR 526 Illicit drug trade, 31 CFR 599 Iran, financial, 31 CFR 561 Iranian sector and human rights abuses, 31 CFR 562 Iraq stabilization and insurgency, 31 CFR 576 Lebanon, 31 CFR 549 Libya, 31 CFR 570 Magnitsky Act, 31 CFR 584 Mali, 31 CFR 555 Narcotics trafficking, 31 CFR 536 Nicaragua, 31 CFR 582 North Korea, 31 CFR 510 Somalia, 31 CFR 551 South Sudan, 31 CFR 558 [[Page 210]] Syria, 31 CFR 542, 31 CFR 569 Terrorism, 31 CFR 595 Terrorism list governments, 31 CFR 596 Transnational criminal organizations, 31 CFR 590 Ukraine, 31 CFR 589 Venezuela, 31 CFR 591 Weapons of mass destruction proliferators, 31 CFR 544 Yemen, 31 CFR 552 Zimbabwe, 31 CFR 541 Weapons of mass destruction, trade control regulations, 31 CFR 539 Western Balkans stabilization regulations, 31 CFR 588 Health and Human Services Department Salary offset, 45 CFR 33 Tax refund offset, 45 CFR 31 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for federal awards, 2 CFR 300 Indians, business practices on Navajo, Hopi, and Zuni reservations, 25 CFR 141 Military personnel indebtedness, 32 CFR 113 National banks, credit extensions to insiders and transactions with affiliates, 12 CFR 31 National Credit Union Administration Credit union service organizations (CUSOs), 12 CFR 712 Insurance requirements, 12 CFR 741 Member business loans, commercial lending, 12 CFR 723 National Endowment for the Humanities, claims collection, 45 CFR 1177 Presidio Trust, debt collection, 36 CFR 1011 Real estate lending and appraisals, 12 CFR 34 Rural Development Borrower account servicing and collections, special debt-set aside of portion of insured loan indebtedness, 7 CFR 1951 Credit reports, receiving and processing applications, 7 CFR 1910 General program regulations, 7 CFR 1940 Management assistance to individual borrowers and applicants, 7 CFR 1924 Rural Housing Service Guaranteed Rural Housing program, 7 CFR 3555 Guaranteed Rural Rental Housing Program, 7 CFR 3565 Rural Utilities Service, rural decentralized water systems, 7 CFR 1776 Securities and Exchange Commission Privacy of consumer financial information and safeguarding personal information; affiliate marketing limitations; and identity theft red flags (Regulations S-P, S-AM, and S-ID), 17 CFR 248 Securities credit-- Borrowers of securities credit (Regulation X), 12 CFR 224 Brokers and dealers (Regulation T), 12 CFR 220 Securities credit by banks and persons other than brokers or dealers (Regulation U), 12 CFR 221 Servicing of water and waste programs, 7 CFR 1782 Small Business Administration, business loans, 13 CFR 120 State Department Complaint against employees by alleged creditors, 22 CFR 12 Debt collection, 22 CFR 34 Surface transportation projects, credit assistance, 49 CFR 80 Transportation charges, payment, 49 CFR 377 Credit unions See al Credit Advertising accuracy and notice of insured status, 12 CFR 740 Bank conversions and mergers, 12 CFR 708a Banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions on DoD installations, procedures governing, 32 CFR 231 Capital adequacy, 12 CFR 702 Community development revolving loan fund access for credit unions, 12 CFR 705 Consumer financial information, privacy, 12 CFR 716 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Adjudication proceedings, rules of practice, 12 CFR 1081 Alternative mortgage transaction parity (Regulation D), 12 CFR 1004 Depository institutions lacking Federal deposit insurance, disclosure requirements, 12 CFR 1009 [[Page 211]] Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Financial Protection Act enforcement, State official notification rules, 12 CFR 1082 Electronic funds transfers (Regulation E), 12 CFR 1005 Equal Credit Opportunity Act (Regulation B), 12 CFR 1002 Fair credit reporting (Regulation V), 12 CFR 1022 Home mortgage disclosure (Regulation C), 12 CFR 1003 Privacy of consumer financial information (Regulation P), 12 CFR 1016 Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (Regulation X), 12 CFR 1024 S.A.F.E. Mortgage Licensing Act Residential mortgage loan originators, Federal registration (Regulation G), 12 CFR 1007 State compliance and bureau registration system (Regulation H), 12 CFR 1008 Truth in lending (Regulation Z), 12 CFR 1026 Corporate credit unions, 12 CFR 704 Definitions, 12 CFR 700 Depository institutions lacking Federal deposit insurance, disclosure requirements Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, 12 CFR 1009 Federal Trade Commission, 16 CFR 320 Federal credit unions, organization and operations, 12 CFR 701 Federal Savings and Loan Associations and Federal Credit Unions as fiscal agents of U.S., 31 CFR 312 Federally insured credit unions Fidelity bond and insurance coverage, 12 CFR 713 Investment and deposit activities, 12 CFR 703 Incidental powers, 12 CFR 721 Insurance requirements, 12 CFR 741 Involuntary liquidation of Federal credit unions and adjudication of creditor claims involving federally insured credit unions in liquidation, 12 CFR 709 Loans in areas having special flood hazards, 12 CFR 760 Management official interlocks, 12 CFR 711 Mergers of insured credit unions into other credit unions, voluntary termination or conversion of insured status, 12 CFR 708b National Credit Union Administration Administrative actions, adjudicative hearings, rules of practice and procedure, and investigations, 12 CFR 747 Appeals procedures, 12 CFR 746 Board procedure rules, promulgation of regulations, and public observation of board meetings, 12 CFR 791 Central liquidity facility, 12 CFR 725 Credit union service organizations (CUSOs), 12 CFR 712 Fair credit reporting, 12 CFR 717 Golden parachute and indemnification payments, 12 CFR 750 Leasing, 12 CFR 714 Member business loans, commercial lending, 12 CFR 723 Real estate appraisals, 12 CFR 722 Residential mortgage loan originators, registration, 12 CFR 761 Senior examiners, post-employment restrictions, 12 CFR 796 Payday, vehicle title, and certain high-cost installment loans, 12 CFR 1041 Records preservation program and appendices--record retention guidelines; catastrophic Act guidelines, 12 CFR 749 Regulatory flexibility program, 12 CFR 742 Reimbursement to financial institutions for assembling or providing financial records, 7 CFR 219 Security program, suspicious transactions, catastrophic acts, cyber incidents, and Bank Secrecy Act compliance, 12 CFR 748 Share insurance and appendix, 12 CFR 745 Supervisory committee audits and verifications, 12 CFR 715 Trustees and custodians of pension plans, 12 CFR 724 Truth in savings, 12 CFR 707 Unfair or deceptive acts or practices, 12 CFR 706 Voluntary liquidation, 12 CFR 710 Crime See al Counterfeiting; Drug abuse; Forgery; Fraud; Juvenile delinquency, Usury [[Page 212]] Arms shipments, violations and penalties, 22 CFR 127 Army Department Law enforcement reporting, 32 CFR 635 Motor vehicle traffic supervision, 32 CFR 634 Arson, loan guarantee recovery fund, 24 CFR 573 Child Protection Restoration and Penalties Enhancement Act of 1990; Protect Act; Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006; recordkeeping and record-inspection provisions, 28 CFR 75 Comptroller of the Currency National banks; minimum security devices and procedures, reports of suspicious activities, and Bank Secrecy Act compliance program, 12 CFR 21 Practice and procedure rules, 12 CFR 19 Removals, suspensions, and prohibitions where a crime is charged or proven, 12 CFR 108 Savings associations, operations, 12 CFR 163 Confidentiality of identifiable research and statistical information, 28 CFR 22 Convicted persons, applications for certificates of exemption from certain laws, 28 CFR 4 Criminal intelligence systems operating policies, 28 CFR 23 DNA identification system, 28 CFR 28 Farm Credit Administration Accounting and reporting requirements, 12 CFR 621 Organization, 12 CFR 611 Practice and procedure rules, 12 CFR 622 Standards of conduct and referrals of known or suspected criminal violations, 12 CFR 612 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Office of Thrift Supervision, regulations transferred from, 12 CFR 390 Practice and procedure rules, 12 CFR 308 Suspicious activity reports, 12 CFR 353 Federal officers and employees, protective coverage under Federal criminal law 18 U.S.C. 1114, 28 CFR 64 Federal Reserve System Hearings, rules of practice, 12 CFR 263 State banking institutions, membership (Regulation H), 12 CFR 208 Final Crimes Enforcement Network, general provision, 31 CFR 1010 Food and nutrition service, general information and definitions, 7 CFR 271 Foreign Assets Control Office, sanctions regulations-- Hizballah, 31 CFR 566 Transnational criminal organizations, 31 CFR 590 Foreign Corrupt Practices Act opinion procedures, 28 CFR 80 Foreign Service personnel, criminal activities, 22 CFR 13 Forfeiture authority for certain statutes, 28 CFR 8 Housing and Urban Development Department; general program requirements, waivers, 24 CFR 5 Independent Counsel Office Freedom of Information Act, implementation, 28 CFR 701 General powers of Special Counsel, 28 CFR 600 Independent Counsel, jurisdiction in regard to-- Franklyn C. Nofziger, 28 CFR 602 Iran/Contra, 28 CFR 601 Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan Association, 28 CFR 603 Privacy Act, implementation, 28 CFR 700 Information systems Criminal justice, 28 CFR 20 Justice Department, 28 CFR 25 Internal Revenue Service, procedure and administration, 26 CFR 301 Justice Assistance Bureau grant programs, 28 CFR 33 Justice Department, policy statements, 28 CFR 50 Justice Programs Office hearing and appeal procedures, 28 CFR 18 Legal Services Corporation Actions collaterally attacking criminal convictions, restrictions on, 45 CFR 1615 Legal assistance with respect to criminal proceedings, restrictions on, 45 CFR 1613 Maritime and surface transportation security Credentialing and security threat assessments, 49 CFR 1572 General rules, 49 CFR 1570 [[Page 213]] Meat inspection, mandatory, detention, seizure and condemnation, criminal offenses, 9 CFR 329 Meat inspection proceedings, practice rules, 9 CFR 335 Military courts of criminal appeals, practice and procedure rules, 32 CFR 150 Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Act regulations, 28 CFR 29 Motor vehicle theft prevention standards, 49 CFR 541 Exemption from vehicle theft prevention standard, 49 CFR 543 Importation of vehicles and equipment subject to Federal safety, bumper and theft prevention standards, 49 CFR 591 Procedures for selecting light duty truck lines to be covered, 49 CFR 542 National Credit Union Administration Administrative, actions, adjudicative hearings, rules of practice and procedure, and investigations, 12 CFR 747 Security program, suspicious transactions, catastrophic acts, cyber incidents, and Bank Secrecy Act compliance, 12 CFR 748 National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact Council Fingerprint submission requirements, 28 CFR 901 National Fingerprint File Program qualification requirements, 28 CFR 905 State criminal history record screening standards, 28 CFR 904 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Classified information, access authorization, 10 CFR 25 National security information and restricted data, facility security clearance and safeguarding of, 10 CFR 95 Nuclear equipment and material, export and import, 10 CFR 110 Nuclear facilities operators' licenses, 10 CFR 55 Nuclear plants and materials, physical protection, 10 CFR 73 Production and utilization facilities, domestic licensing, 10 CFR 50 Radioactive materials-- Packaging and transportation, 10 CFR 71 Physical protection of category 1 and category 2 quantities, 10 CFR 37 Source material, domestic licensing, 10 CFR 40 Paleontological resources preservation, 43 CFR 49 Prisoners, youth offenders, and juvenile delinquents; parole, release, supervision, and recommitment, 28 CFR 2 Postal Service, inspection service authority, 39 CFR 233 Poultry products inspection, 9 CFR 381 Registration of certain organizations carrying on activities within U.S., 28 CFR 10 Registration of certain persons having knowledge of foreign espionage, counterespionage, or sabotage matters under Act of August 1, 1956 (Pub. L. 84-893), 28 CFR 12 Remission or mitigation of administrative, civil and criminal forfeitures, regulations governing, 28 CFR 9 S.A.F.E. Mortgage Licensing Act Residential mortgage loan originators, Federal registration (Regulation G), 12 CFR 1007 State compliance and bureau registration system (Regulation H), 12 CFR 1008 Sex offender registration and notification, 28 CFR 72 Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program, implementation, 32 CFR 103 Superfund, citizen awards for information on criminal violations under Superfund, 40 CFR 303 Trafficking in persons, 28 CFR 1100 Transportation Security Administration, land transportation security credentialing and threat assessments, 49 CFR 1572 Veterans Affairs Department General provisions, 38 CFR 1 National cemeteries, 38 CFR 38 Violence against women, 28 CFR 90 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, provisions implementing, 28 CFR 93 Critical habitat See Endangered and threatened species [[Page 214]] Critical infrastructure See al Strategic and critical materials Air pollution control; implementation plans Approval and promulgation, 40 CFR 52 Preparation, adoption, and submittal requirements, 40 CFR 51 Cyber-related sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 578 Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council, 40 CFR 1900 Information and communications technology and services supply chain, securing, 15 CFR 7 Crop insurance See al Agricultural commodities; Insurance Agriculture Department, National Appeals Division, 7 CFR 11 Area risk protection insurance regulations, 7 CFR 407 Catastrophic risk protection endorsement, 7 CFR 402 Common crop insurance regulations, 7 CFR 457 Disaster payments, additional, 7 CFR 460 General administrative regulations, 7 CFR 400 Highly erodible land and wetland conservation, 7 CFR 12 Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program, 7 CFR 1437 Crops See Agricultural commodities Crowdfunding See al Investments Filing forms under Security Act of 1933, Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975, standard filing instructions (Regulation S-K), 17 CFR 229 Regulation crowdfunding, general rules and regulations, 17 CFR 227 Crude oil See Petroleum Cuba Assets control regulations, 31 CFR 515 Cuban/Haitian entrant program, 45 CFR 401 Customs and Border Protection Air commerce regulations, 19 CFR 122 Customs duties, modernized drawback, 19 CFR 190 Federal Communications Commission, practice and procedure, 47 CFR 1 General aircraft operating and flight rules, 14 CFR 91 Ports of entry, designation for aliens arriving from Cuba by civil aircraft, 8 CFR 234 Cultural exchange programs See al Foreign relations Aliens Employment, control, 8 CFR 274a, 8 CFR 1274a Nonimmigrant classes, immigration, 8 CFR 214 Physicians, criteria for evaluating comprehensive plan to reduce reliance on, 45 CFR 51 Customs and Border Protection, special classes of merchandise, 19 CFR 12 Exchange Visitor Program, 22 CFR 62 Federal employees participation in cultural exchange programs of foreign countries, 22 CFR 64 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 [[Page 215]] Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Foreign students from American Republics, instruction at U.S. Government institutions, 22 CFR 65 Health and Human Services Department Foreign exchange visitor program, request for waiver of two-year foreign residence requirement, 45 CFR 50 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for federal awards, 2 CFR 300 Immigration and Nationality Act; status adjustment to that of persons admitted for lawful temporary or permanent resident status under Section 245A, 8 CFR 245a International education programs Foreign language and area studies fellowships program, 34 CFR 657 General provisions, 34 CFR 655 National resource centers program for foreign language and area or foreign language and international studies, 34 CFR 656 Research and study programs, 34 CFR 660 Undergraduate international studies, and foreign language program, 34 CFR 658 International educational and cultural exchange program, payments to and on behalf of participants, 22 CFR 63 Non-military economic development training programs, payments to and on behalf of participants, 22 CFR 205 Visas, nonimmigrant documentation under the Immigration and Nationality Act, 22 CFR 41 Curation See Museums Currency See al Foreign currencies; Gold; Silver; Swaps Authorization of all banks, U.S. Post Offices, U.S. disbursing officers, and their agents to deliver to Treasury Department counterfeit obligations and other U.S. securities and coins or of any foreign government, 31 CFR 403 Bank Secrecy Act compliance, monitoring procedures Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 12 CFR 326 Federal Reserve System, State banking institutions, membership (Regulation H), 12 CFR 208 National Credit Union Administration, 12 CFR 748 Counterfeit gold coins, mitigation of forfeiture, 31 CFR 101 Distinctive paper and distinctive counterfeit deterrents for United States Federal Reserve notes, 31 CFR 601 Exchange of paper currency and coin, 31 CFR 100 Financial Crimes Enforcement Network Banks, rules, 31 CFR 1020 Brokers or dealers, rules, 31 CFR 1023 Casinos and card clubs, rules, 31 CFR 1021 Dealers in precious metals, precious stones, and jewels, rules, 31 CFR 1027 [[Page 216]] Futures Commission merchants and introducing brokers in commodities, rules, 31 CFR 1026 General provisions, 31 CFR 1010 Housing Government sponsored enterprises, rules, 31 CFR 1030 Insurance companies, rules, 31 CFR 1025 Money services businesses, rules, 31 CFR 1022 Mutual funds, rules, 31 CFR 1024 Operators of credit card systems, rules, 31 CFR 1028 Financial recordkeeping and reporting of currency and foreign transactions, 31 CFR 103 Foreign assets control regulations Control regulations-- Cuban assets, 31 CFR 515 Iranian assets, 31 CFR 535 Sanctions regulations-- Foreign narcotics kingpin, 31 CFR 598 Foreign terrorist organizations, 31 CFR 597 Narcotics trafficking, 31 CFR 536 Terrorism, 31 CFR 595 Leverage transactions, 17 CFR 31 Monetary Offices, five-cent and one-cent coin regulations, 31 CFR 82 National banks; minimum security devices and procedures, reports of suspicious activities, and Bank Secrecy Act compliance program, 12 CFR 21 Postal money orders, 39 CFR 762 S.A.F.E. Mortgage Licensing Act Residential mortgage loan originators, Federal registration (Regulation G), 12 CFR 1007 State compliance and bureau registration system (Regulation H), 12 CFR 1008 Savings associations, operations, 12 CFR 163 Seizure and forfeiture of gold for violations of Gold Reserve Act of 1934 and gold regulations, 31 CFR 406 Seizure and forfeiture of vessels, vehicles and aircraft used to transport counterfeit coins, obligations, securities, and paraphernalia, 31 CFR 401 U.S. currency, color illustrations, 31 CFR 411 U.S. Mint operations and procedures, 31 CFR 92 Customs and Border Protection, U.S. Administrative rulings, 19 CFR 177 Air commerce regulations, 19 CFR 122 Antidumping and countervailing duties, investigation of evasion claims, 19 CFR 165 Articles conditionally free, subject to reduced duty rate, 19 CFR 10 Articles, country of origin marking, 19 CFR 134 Cargo container and road vehicle certification pursuant to international customs conventions, 19 CFR 115 Carnets, 19 CFR 114 Carriers, cartmen, and lightermen, licensing and bonding, 19 CFR 112 Cartage and lighterage of merchandise, 19 CFR 125 CBP relations with Canada and Mexico, 19 CFR 123 Centralized examination stations, 19 CFR 118 Court of International Trade, proceedings, 19 CFR 176 Customs bonds, 19 CFR 113 Customs brokers, 19 CFR 111 Customs duties Drawback, 19 CFR 191 Modernized drawback, 19 CFR 190 Customs financial and accounting procedure, 19 CFR 24 Customs relations with insular possessions and Guantanamo Bay Naval Station, 19 CFR 7 Customs warehouses and container stations, control of merchandise in, 19 CFR 19 Entry process, 19 CFR 142 Examination, sampling, and testing of merchandise, 19 CFR 151 Export control, 19 CFR 192 Express consignments, 19 CFR 128 Foreign trade zones, 19 CFR 146 Freedom of information, 19 CFR 103 General administrative review of customs records, 19 CFR 173 General authority of Customs Service, 19 CFR 101 General enforcement provisions, 19 CFR 161 General order, unclaimed, and abandoned merchandise, 19 CFR 127 Importation temporarily free of duty, 19 CFR 54 Importer security filing, 19 CFR 149 [[Page 217]] Imports; Packing, stamping, and marking, 19 CFR 11 Information collection requirements approval, 19 CFR 178 Inspection, search, and seizure, 19 CFR 162 Instruments and apparatus for educational and scientific institutions, duty-free entry, 15 CFR 301 Liquidated damages, claims; penalties secured by bonds, 19 CFR 172 Liquidation of duties, 19 CFR 159 Mail importations, 19 CFR 145 Merchandise, special classes, 19 CFR 12 Merchandise classification and appraisement, 19 CFR 152 Merchandise entry, 19 CFR 141 Merchandise quotas, 19 CFR 132 North American Free Trade Agreement, 19 CFR 181 Rules of origin, 19 CFR 102 Personal declarations and exemptions, 19 CFR 148 Petitions by domestic interested parties, 19 CFR 175 Protests against administrative decisions by Customs Service district director, 19 CFR 174 Recordkeeping, 19 CFR 163 Relief from duties on merchandise lost, damaged, abandoned, or exported, 19 CFR 158 Relief from fines, penalties and forfeitures of seized merchandise, 19 CFR 171 Special entry procedures, 19 CFR 143 Trade fairs, 19 CFR 147 Trademarks, trade names, and copyrights, 19 CFR 133 Transferred or delegated authority, 19 CFR 0 Transportation in bond and merchandise in transit, 19 CFR 18 Vessels in foreign and domestic trades, 19 CFR 4 Warehouse and rewarehouse entries and withdrawals of merchandise, 19 CFR 144 Watches, allocation of duty-free watches from Virgin Islands, Guam, and American Samoa, 43 CFR 33 Watches, watch movements and jewelry, duty-free entry, 15 CFR 303 Worsted wool fabric imports, 15 CFR 335 Customs duties and inspection See Exports; Freight; Surety bonds Customs Service See Customs and Border Protection, U.S. Cybersecurity See Computer technology; Internet; Security measures D Dairy products See al Foods; Milk Animal drugs, residue tolerances in foods, 21 CFR 556 Cheese Antidumping and countervailing duties, 19 CFR 351 Food grade and standards, 21 CFR 133 Import quota and fees, 7 CFR 6 Subsidy determinations subject to an in-quota rate or duty, 19 CFR 351 Commodity Credit Corporation approved warehouses, 7 CFR 1423 Dairy forward pricing pilot program Dairy promotion program, 7 CFR 1150 Disaster assistance payment program, 7 CFR 786 Emergency agricultural disaster assistance programs, 7 CFR 1416 Frozen desserts, 21 CFR 135 Grading standards and general specifications for approved plants, 7 CFR 58 Import quotas and fees, 7 CFR 6 Indemnity payment programs, 7 CFR 760 Loans and price support programs, 7 CFR 1430 Mandatory reporting, 7 CFR 1170 Milk and cream, food standards, 21 CFR 131 Water pollution control, dairy products processing point source category, 40 CFR 405 Dams See al Flood control; Water supply Boulder Canyon Project, Arizona/Nevada, general regulations for power generation, operation, maintenance and replacement, 43 CFR 431 Engineering and design, safety and structural adequacy of major civil works structures, 33 CFR 222 [[Page 218]] Engineers Corps, general regulatory policies, 33 CFR 320 Federal Power Act, annual charges under Part I, 18 CFR 11 Flood control regulations, 33 CFR 208 Permit processing, regional, 33 CFR 325 Permits for dams and dikes in navigable U.S. waters, 33 CFR 321 Dangerous cargo See Hazardous materials transportation Darfur See Sudan Data processing See Computer technology Dates Marketing agreements Domestic, produced or packed in Riverside County, California, 7 CFR 987 Specialty crops, import regulations, 7 CFR 999 Day care See al Child welfare Child and Adult Care Food Program, 7 CFR 226 Child Care and Development Fund Hearings, procedure, 45 CFR 99 Implementation, 45 CFR 98 Children and Families Administration Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program-- Data collection and reporting requirements, 45 CFR 265 Ensuring that recipients work, 45 CFR 261 General accountability provisions, 45 CFR 262 General provisions, 45 CFR 260 Other accountability provisions, 45 CFR 264 State and Federal TANF funds, expenditures, 45 CFR 263 Tribal TANF provisions, 45 CFR 286 Coast Guard, child development services, 33 CFR 55 Federal employees' health and counseling programs, 5 CFR 792 Veterans Faith based organizations, equal treatment, 38 CFR 50 Health Care for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) program, 38 CFR 63 Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem Program, 38 CFR 61 Medical care, 38 CFR 17 National cemeteries of the Department of Veterans Affairs, 38 CFR 38 State homes-- Grants to States for construction or acquisition, 38 CFR 59 Payments to States for programs to promote the hiring and retention of nurses, 38 CFR 53 Per diem rates, 38 CFR 51 Supportive Services for Veteran Families program, 38 CFR 62 Transportation programs, 38 CFR 70 U.S. Paralympics, monthly assistance allowance for veterans in connection with, 38 CFR 76 Deaf See Individuals with disabilities Debts See Credit Debentures See Loan programs Declassification See Classified information Decorations, medals, awards Army Department; manufacture, sale, wear, and quality control of heraldic items, 32 CFR 507 Civil service Awards, 5 CFR 451 Performance management, 5 CFR 430 Coast Guard, 33 CFR 13 Congressional Space Medal of Honor, 14 CFR 1221 Corporation for National and Community Service, special activities, 45 CFR 2534 Foreign gifts and decorations Energy Department, foreign gifts and decorations, 10 CFR 1050 Federal Reserve Board members and employees, acceptance restrictions, 12 CFR 264b General Services Administration, utilization, donation, and disposal, 41 CFR 101-49, 41 CFR 102-42 State Department standards, 22 CFR 3 [[Page 219]] National Aeronautics and Space Administration Inventions and contributions awards, 14 CFR 1240 Seal and other devices, 14 CFR 1221 Public safety awards to public safety officers, 44 CFR 150 Seamen's service awards, 46 CFR 350 Transportation Department, medals of honor, 49 CFR 79 Deepwater ports See Harbors Defense See National defense Defense acquisition regulations See Government procurement Defense communications See al Communications; National defense Aviation radio services, 47 CFR 87 Radio broadcast services, 47 CFR 73 Telecommunications emergency preparedness Emergency restoration priority procedures for telecommunications services, 47 CFR 211 Executive policy, 47 CFR 201 Federal Government focal point for electromagnetic pulse (EMP) information, 47 CFR 215 Federal Government stations, relocation of and spectrum sharing by, 47 CFR 301 Government and public correspondence telecommunications precedence system, 47 CFR 213 International telecommunication service for use during wartime emergency, 47 CFR 212 National Communications System issuance system, 47 CFR 216 Planning and execution, 47 CFR 202 Radio spectrum use and coordination during wartime emergency, 47 CFR 214 Defense contracts See Government contracts; Government procurement Defense Department See al Air Force Department; Army Department; Defense Logistics Agency; Engineers Corps; Navy Department Abused dependents, transitional compensation for, 32 CFR 111 Acquisition regulations Administrative information matters, 48 CFR 204 Application of labor laws to Government acquisitions, 48 CFR 22, 48 CFR 222 Bonds and insurance, 48 CFR 228 Commercial products and commercial services, 48 CFR 212 Competition requirements, 48 CFR 206 Construction and architect-engineer contracts, 48 CFR 236 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 209 Contracts-- Administration and audit services, 48 CFR 242 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 215 Cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 231 Financing, 48 CFR 232 Modifications, 48 CFR 243 Termination, 48 CFR 249 Cost accounting standards administration, 48 CFR 230 Definitions of words and terms, 48 CFR 202 Describing agency needs, 48 CFR 211 Emergency acquisitions, 48 CFR 218 Environment, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace, 48 CFR 223 Extraordinary contractual actions, 48 CFR 250 Federal Acquisition Regulations System, 48 CFR 201 Foreign acquisition, 48 CFR 225 Forms, 48 CFR 253 Government property, 48 CFR 245 Government sources by contractors, use of, 48 CFR 251 Guidance documents, 32 CFR 339 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 203 Information technology, 48 CFR 239 Major system acquisition, 48 CFR 234 Patents, data, and copyrights, 48 CFR 227 Planning, 48 CFR 207 Privacy protection and freedom of information, 48 CFR 224 Protests, disputes, and appeals, 48 CFR 233 [[Page 220]] Publicizing contract actions, 48 CFR 205 Quality assurance, 48 CFR 246 Research and development contracting, 48 CFR 235 Sealed bidding, 48 CFR 214 Service contracting, 48 CFR 237 Simplified acquisition procedures, 48 CFR 213 Small business programs, 48 CFR 219 Socioeconomic programs, 48 CFR 226 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 252 Special contracting methods, 48 CFR 217 Subcontracting policies and procedures, 48 CFR 244 Supplies and services, required sources, 48 CFR 208 Taxes, 48 CFR 229 Transportation, 48 CFR 247 Types of contracts, 48 CFR 216 Utility services, 48 CFR 241 Acquisition pilot program policy, 32 CFR 2 Acquisition-related information, release, 32 CFR 286h Active duty service for civilian or contractual groups, 32 CFR 47 Armed Forces; qualification standards for enlistment, appointment, and induction, 32 CFR 66 Atmospheric Nuclear Test Program (1945-1962), guidance for determination and reporting of nuclear radiation dose for DoD participants, 32 CFR 218 Banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions on DoD installations, procedures governing, 32 CFR 231 Base closure and realignment; indemnification or defense, or providing notice to DoD, relating to a third party environmental claim, 32 CFR 175 Child development programs, 32 CFR 79 Civil monetary penalty inflation adjustment, 32 CFR 269 Civilian Health and Medical Program of Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS), 32 CFR 199 Classified information Adjudicative guidelines for determining access eligibility, 32 CFR 147 Interagency reciprocity of facilities, national policy and implementation, 32 CFR 148 Commissary credit and debit card user fee, 32 CFR 225 Competitive bidding on U.S. Government guaranteed military export loan agreements, 32 CFR 274 Consumer credit extension to service members and dependents, terms limitations, 32 CFR 232 Copyrighted sound and video recordings, 32 CFR 142 Court orders, compliance of DoD members, employees, and family members outside U.S., 32 CFR 146 Courts of criminal appeals, practice and procedure rules, 32 CFR 150 Courts-martial manual review, 32 CFR 152 Criminal history background checks on individuals in child care services, 32 CFR 86 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 1125 Debts resulting from erroneous payments of pay and allowances, waiver procedures, 32 CFR 284 Defense Acquisition Regulatory System, market research, 48 CFR 210 Defense contracts Competitive information certificate and profit reduction clause, 32 CFR 173 Productivity enhancing capital investment (PECI), 32 CFR 162 Defense Industrial Personnel Security Clearance Program, 32 CFR 155 Defense Mapping Agency, traffic and vehicle control on certain Defense Mapping Agency sites, 32 CFR 263 Defense materiel disposition, 32 CFR 273 Defense Special Weapons Agency, availability to public of Defense Nuclear Agency (DNA) instructions and changes thereto, 32 CFR 338 Discharge Review Boards (DRB) procedures and standards, 32 CFR 70 Doctors of osteopathy, appointment as medical officers, 32 CFR 74 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 32 CFR 26 Education activity Dependent children, provision of free public education-- Reserve component officers appointment to grade above first lieutenant or lieutenant (junior [[Page 221]] grade), educational requirements, 32 CFR 67 School boards for DoD domestic dependent elementary and secondary schools, 32 CFR 69 Early intervention and special education services provision to eligible DoD dependents, 32 CFR 57 Emergency Security Control of Air Traffic plan (ESCAT), 32 CFR 245 Environmental effects abroad of major DoD actions, 32 CFR 187 Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELAP), 32 CFR 188 Equal opportunity in off-base housing, 32 CFR 192 Equal opportunity program, civilian employees, 32 CFR 191 Erroneous payments of pay and allowances, debt waiver, 32 CFR 283 Extraterritorial jurisdiction over civilian employees, certain current and former service members, 32 CFR 153 Family Advocacy Command Assistance Team (FACAT), 32 CFR 60 Family Advocacy Program (FAP), 32 CFR 61 Federal Acquisition Regulation, 48 CFR Chapter 1 Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP), 32 CFR 233 Financial institutions on DoD installations, 32 CFR 230 Financial privacy, 32 CFR 275 Foreign criminal and civil jurisdiction, 32 CFR 151 Foreign military sales loans made by DoD or made by Federal Financing Bank and guaranteed by DoD, prepayment, 31 CFR 25 Freedom of Information Act program, 32 CFR 286 Grants and cooperative agreements Cost-type grants and cooperative agreements to nonprofit and government entities, Administrative requirements terms and conditions-- Financial, programmatic, and property reporting; general award terms, 2 CFR 1134 Nonprofit and government entities; recipient financial and program management, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1128 Other administrative requirements, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1136 Overview, 2 CFR 1126 Property administration, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1130 Recipient procurement procedures, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1132 Subawards requirements, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1138 Award and administration, 32 CFR 22 Award format, 2 CFR 1120 For-profit organizations, administrative requirements, 32 CFR 34 General award terms and conditions, national policy requirements, 2 CFR 1122 General matters, 32 CFR 21 Technology investment agreements, 32 CFR 37 Healthcare services Eligibility under the Secretarial Designee Program and related special authorities, 32 CFR 108 Reasonable changes, collection from third-party payers, 32 CFR 220 Highways for National defense, 32 CFR 193 Historical research in files of the Office of the Secretary, 32 CFR 197 Homeless shelter, 32 CFR 226 Homeowners Assistance Program, application processing, 32 CFR 239 Human research subjects, protection, 32 CFR 219 Identification cards for members of the uniformed services, their dependents, and other eligible individuals, 32 CFR 161 Identity management, 32 CFR 221 Indebtedness of military personnel, 32 CFR 113 Interagency reciprocity of facilities, national policy and implementation International interchange of patent rights and technical information, 32 CFR 264 Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children, 32 CFR 89 Lobbying restrictions, 32 CFR 28 [[Page 222]] Medical malpractice claims by members of the Uniformed Services, 32 CFR 45 Merit Systems Protection Board Office of Special Counsel, cooperation with, 32 CFR 145 Military medical treatment facilities, personal services authority for direct health care providers, 32 CFR 107 Military recruiting and Reserve Officer Training Corps access to institutions of higher learning, 32 CFR 216 Mission compatibility evaluation process, 32 CFR 211 National defense science and engineering graduate fellowships, 32 CFR 168a National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual, 32 CFR 117 National Language Service Corps, 32 CFR 251 National Security Agency Acceptance of service of process, release of official information in litigation, and testimony by personnel as witnesses, 32 CFR 93 Security measures, 32 CFR 228 National Security Education Program and NSEP service agreement, 32 CFR 208 National security investigations, procedures for States and localities to request indemnification for disclosure of criminal history records, 32 CFR 99 Naturalization of aliens serving in U.S. Armed Forces and of alien spouses and/or alien adopted children of military and civilian personnel ordered overseas, 32 CFR 94 Newspapers, magazines and civilian enterprise publications, 32 CFR 247 Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs, 32 CFR 195 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally assisted programs, 32 CFR 56 Nondiscrimination on basis of sex in federally assisted education programs, 32 CFR 196 Non-Federal entities authorized to operate on Department of Defense installations, procedures and support, 32 CFR 212 Official acceptance of service of legal process papers, 32 CFR 257 Official information released in litigation and presentation of testimony by DoD personnel as witnesses (Touhy regulation), 32 CFR 97 Operational contract support (OCS) outside the U.S., 32 CFR 158 Pentagon Reservation, conduct on, 32 CFR 234 Personal commercial solicitation on DoD installations, 32 CFR 50 Personnel and general claims settlement procedures; advance decision request processing, 32 CFR 282 Personnel security program, 32 CFR 156 Postal Service, Defense Department liaison, 39 CFR 235 Privacy Act regulations, individual records, protection of privacy and access to and amendment of, 32 CFR 310 Private security contractors operating in contingency operations, humanitarian or peace operations, or other military operations or exercises, 32 CFR 159 Professional U.S. scouting organization operations at U.S. military installations overseas, 32 CFR 252 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 32 CFR 277 Public affairs liaison with industry, 32 CFR 237a Ready Reserve, screening, 32 CFR 44 Restoration advisory boards, 32 CFR 202 Revitalizing base closure communities, 32 CFR 174 Community redevelopment and homeless assistance, 32 CFR 176 Settling personnel and general claims and processing advance decision requests, 32 CFR 281 Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program, implementation, 32 CFR 103 Stars and Stripes newspaper and business operations, 32 CFR 246 State traffic laws, enforcement on DoD installations, 32 CFR 210 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for Department employees, 5 CFR 3601 Support for non-Federal entities authorized to operate on DoD installations, 32 CFR 213 Technical Assistance for Public Participation (TAPP) program, defense environmental restoration activities, 32 CFR 203 [[Page 223]] Technical data, unclassified, withholding from public disclosure, 32 CFR 250 Temporary exchange of information technology personnel, pilot program, 32 CFR 241 Transactions other than contracts, grants, or cooperative agreements for prototype projects, 32 CFR 3 Unclassified controlled nuclear information, 32 CFR 223 Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally assisted programs, cross reference to 49 CFR 24 (governmentwide rule), 32 CFR 259 Uniform wearing, 32 CFR 53 Vending facility program for the blind on DoD-controlled Federal property, 32 CFR 260 Vessels of Armed Forces, uniform national discharge standards, 40 CFR 1700 Victim and witness assistance, 32 CFR 114 Voluntary education program, 32 CFR 68 Wendell H. Ford Aviation Investment and Reform Act for the 21st Century, section 740, as amended by National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2003, section 1051, 32 CFR 207 Wildfire Suppression Aircraft Transfer Act of 1996, implementation, 32 CFR 171 Defense Logistics Agency Acquisition regulations Protests, disputes, and appeals, 48 CFR 5433 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 5452 Types of contracts, 48 CFR 5416 Army Department, loan and sale of property, 32 CFR 621 Noncontractual claims, investigating and processing, and reporting related litigation, 32 CFR 1280 Preparing and processing minor offenses and violation notices referred to U.S. District Courts, 32 CFR 1290 Security of DLA activities and resources, 32 CFR 1292 Defense materiel See Arms and munitions Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board Debt collection Federal employee salary offset procedures, 10 CFR 1710 Procedures, 10 CFR 1709 Government in the Sunshine Act, implementation, 10 CFR 1704 Legal proceedings, testimony by agency employees and production of official records in, 10 CFR 1707 Organizational and consultant conflicts of interests, 10 CFR 1706 Privacy Act, 10 CFR 1705 Public information and requests, 10 CFR 1703 Safety investigations, procedures, 10 CFR 1708 Delaware River Basin Commission Flood plain regulations, 18 CFR 415 Ground water protection area, Pennsylvania, 18 CFR 430 High volume hydraulic fracturing, 18 CFR 440 Practice and procedure rules, 18 CFR 401 Water code and water quality standards, 18 CFR 410 Water supply charges, 18 CFR 420 Delinquency See Juvenile delinquency Denali Commission National Environmental Policy Act implementing procedures, 45 CFR 900 Denmark Tax convention, 26 CFR 521 Dental health See al Health Civilian Health and Medical Program of Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS), 32 CFR 199 Head Start program, program operations, 45 CFR 1302 Veterans Faith based organizations, equal treatment, 38 CFR 50 Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem Program, 38 CFR 61 Medical care, 38 CFR 17 National cemeteries of the Department of Veterans Affairs, 38 CFR 38 State homes-- Grants to States for construction or acquisition, 38 CFR 59 [[Page 224]] Payments to States for programs to promote the hiring and retention of nurses, 38 CFR 53 Per diem rates, 38 CFR 51 Transportation programs, 38 CFR 70 Dental schools See Medical and dental schools Deportation See Aliens Deposit insurance See Bank deposit insurance Desegregation in education See Equal educational opportunity Diamonds See Gemstones Diesel Fuel See alPetroleum; fuel additives Fuels, fuel additives, and regulated blendstocks; regulation, 40 CFR 1090 Fuels and fuel additives, regulation, 40 CFR 80 Dietary foods See al Foods Foods for special dietary use, 21 CFR 105 Supplements; current good manufacturing practice in manufacturing, packaging, labeling, or holding operations, 21 CFR 111 Supplements that present a significant or unreasonable risk, 21 CFR 119 Disability benefits See al Individuals with disabilities; Railroad retirement; Workers' compensation Army Department, personnel review board, 32 CFR 581 Civil Service retirement, 5 CFR 831 Coast Guard, retiring review board, 33 CFR 50 Federal Employees Retirement System Coverage elections by current and former employees of nonappropriated fund instrumentalities, 5 CFR 847 Death benefits and employee refunds, 5 CFR 843 Debt collection, 5 CFR 845 Disability retirement, 5 CFR 844 Electronic processing, 5 CFR 850 General administration, 5 CFR 841 Representative payees, 5 CFR 849 Federal Government annuitants reemployment, 5 CFR 837 Federal Old-age, survivors, and disability insurance (1950-- ), 20 CFR 404 Fiscal Service; debt collection authorities under Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996, 31 CFR 285 Foreign Service retirement and disability system Benefits for certain former spouses, 22 CFR 20 Benefits for spouses and former spouses, 22 CFR 19 Overpayments to annuitants, 22 CFR 17 Maritime carriers, war risk insurance, 46 CFR 308 National service life insurance, 38 CFR 8 Personnel Management Office, debt collection, 5 CFR 835 Public safety officers' death, disability and educational benefits claims, 28 CFR 32 Railroad Retirement Board, determining disability, 20 CFR 220 September 11th Victim Compensation Fund, 28 CFR 104 Social Security Administration Medicare subsidies, 20 CFR 418 Supplemental security income for the aged, blind, and disabled, 20 CFR 416 Ticket to work and self-sufficiency program, 20 CFR 411 Treasury Department District of Columbia retirement programs, Federal benefit payments, 31 CFR 29 Programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance from Treasury Department; nondiscrimination enforcement on basis of race, color, or national origin, 31 CFR 22 U.S. Government life insurance, 38 CFR 6 Veterans benefits Adjudication, 38 CFR 3 Disabilities, rating schedule, 38 CFR 4 General provisions, 38 CFR 1 Health Care for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) program, 38 CFR 63 Rural Veterans Coordination Pilot (RVCP), grants, 38 CFR 64 Supportive Services for Veteran Families program, 38 CFR 62 [[Page 225]] Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act, 20 CFR 1002 Disabled See Disability benefits; Individuals with disabilities; Medicaid; Medicare; Public assistance programs; Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Disaster assistance See al Civil defense; Emergency medical services Acquisition regulations Commerce Department, other socioeconomic programs, 48 CFR 1326 Federal Acquisition Regulation, other socioeconomic programs, 48 CFR 26 Veterans Affairs Department, other socioeconomic programs, 48 CFR 826 Air carrier guarantee loan program administrative regulations, 14 CFR 1310 Army Department Civil authorities aid, relief assistance, 32 CFR 502 Emergency employment of Army and other resources, natural disaster procedures, 33 CFR 203 Aviation disaster relief, air carrier guarantee loan program, 14 CFR 1300 Catastrophic risk protection endorsement, 7 CFR 402 Cerro Grande fire assistance, 44 CFR 295 Civil defense personnel, materials, and facilities use for natural disaster purposes, 44 CFR 312 Commodity Credit Corporation, Oriental Fruit Fly Program, 7 CFR 756 Comprehensive emergency management, State assistance programs for training and education, 44 CFR 360 Crisis counseling and training, 42 CFR 38 Disaster preparedness assistance, 44 CFR 300 Disaster unemployment assistance, 20 CFR 625 Emergency agricultural disaster assistance programs, 7 CFR 1416 Emergency Conservation Program, Emergency Forest Restoration Program, and certain related programs, 7 CFR 701 Emergency public transportation services, emergency relief, 49 CFR 602 Farm Service Agency Dairy disaster assistance payment program, 7 CFR 786 Direct loan making, 7 CFR 764 Direct loan servicing-- Regular, 7 CFR 765 Special, 7 CFR 766 Oriental Fruit Fly Program, 7 CFR 756 Federal-aid highway projects, emergency relief programs, 23 CFR 668 Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, additional payments, 7 CFR 460 Federal disaster assistance, 44 CFR 206 Flood mitigation grants, 44 CFR 77 Food commodities transfer for food use in disaster relief, economic development, and other assistance, 22 CFR 211 Food donations for use in U.S., 7 CFR 250 Food stamps, emergency food assistance for victims of disasters, 7 CFR 280 Frequency allocations and radio treaty matters, general rules and regulations, 47 CFR 2 Hermit's Peak/Calf Canyon Fire Assistance, 44 CFR 296 Installation entry policy, civil disturbance intervention, and disaster assistance, 32 CFR 809a Job Training Partnership Act, dislocated workers program under Title III, 20 CFR 631 Land Management Bureau, introduction and general administrative guidance, 43 CFR 1810 Management costs, 44 CFR 207 Mental health and substance abuse emergency response procedures, 42 CFR 51d Mitigation planning, 44 CFR 201 National commodity processing program, 7 CFR 252 National construction safety teams, 15 CFR 270 National earthquake hazards reduction assistance to State and local governments Gifts, bequests, or services, acceptance criteria, 44 CFR 362 Policies, 44 CFR 361 National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, implementation, 18 CFR 1318 [[Page 226]] National urban search and rescue response system, 44 CFR 208 Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program, 7 CFR 1437 Pandemic Assistance Program, 7 CFR 9 Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, hazardous materials public sector training and planning grants, 49 CFR 110 Postal Service and Red Cross cooperation during emergencies, 39 CFR 259 Property acquisition and relocation for open space, 44 CFR 80 Radiological emergency Commercial nuclear power plants, emergency preparedness planning, 44 CFR 352 Federal agency roles, 44 CFR 351 Federal Emergency Management Agency, offsite radiological emergency preparedness program, service fee, 44 CFR 354 Fee for services in support, review, and approval of State and local government or licensee radiological emergency plans and preparedness, 44 CFR 353 Review and approval of State and local radiological emergency plans and preparedness, 44 CFR 350 Rural Development General program regulations, 7 CFR 1980 Servicing and collections, disaster set-aside program, 7 CFR 1951 September 11th Victim Compensation Fund, 28 CFR 104 Small Business Administration Business loans, 13 CFR 120 Disaster loan program, 13 CFR 123 Superfund, emergency planning, and community right-to-know programs Emergency planning and notification, 40 CFR 355 Hazardous chemical reporting, community right-to-know, 40 CFR 370 Trade secrecy claims for emergency planning and community right-to- know information, trade secret disclosures to health professionals, 40 CFR 350 Supplemental property acquisition and elevation assistance, 44 CFR 209 Discrimination See Aged; Civil rights; Equal educational opportunity; Equal employment opportunity; Fair housing; Individuals with disabilities; Marital status discrimination; Political affiliation discrimination; Religious discrimination; Sex discrimination Diseases See al Animal diseases; Alcohol abuse; Drug abuse; Mental health programs 340B Drug Pricing Program, 42 CFR 10 Blood diseases Maternal and child health project grants, 42 CFR 51a National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, prevention and control projects, grants, 42 CFR 52e National Institutes of Health center grants, 42 CFR 52a Cancer Animal drugs, feeds, and related products, regulation of carcinogenic compounds used in food-producing animals, 21 CFR 500 Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act-- Causation probability determination guidelines, 42 CFR 81 Compensation claims, 20 CFR 30 Dose reconstruction, methods for conducting, 42 CFR 82 Employees classes as members of special exposure cohort, designating procedures, 42 CFR 83 National Cancer Institute, clinical cancer education program, 42 CFR 52d Occupational safety and health-- Construction industry regulations, 29 CFR 1926 Longshoring regulations, 29 CFR 1218 Potential occupational carcinogens, identification, classification, and regulation, 29 CFR 1990 Shipyard employment, 29 CFR 1915 Radiation Exposure Compensation Act, claims, 28 CFR 79 Children and Families Administration, Head Start program Federal administrative requirements, 45 CFR 1304 [[Page 227]] Program operations, 45 CFR 1302 Communicable diseases Control procedures, 21 CFR 1240 Disease control grants, 42 CFR 51b Human cells, tissues, and cellular and tissue-based products, 21 CFR 1271 Humans, foreign quarantine, 42 CFR 71 Leprosy (Hansons's Disease)-- Leprosy duty by personnel other than commissioned officers of Public Health Service, 42 CFR 22 Medical care for persons with Hansen's disease and other persons in emergencies, 42 CFR 32 Quarantine, interstate, 42 CFR 70 COVID-19 diagnostic tests, price transparency, 45 CFR 182 End-stage renal disease facilities, coverage conditions, 42 CFR 494 End-stage renal disease services, payment, 42 CFR 413 Food and Nutrition Service; supplemental nutrition assistance and food distribution program, miscellaneous regulations, 7 CFR 284 Genetic diseases, maternal and child health project grants, 42 CFR 51a Heart diseases National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, prevention and control projects, grants, 42 CFR 52e National Institutes of Health center grants, 42 CFR 52a HIV/AIDS Food and Drug Administration; human cells, tissues, and cellular and tissue-based products, 21 CFR 1271 Housing and Urban Development Department, housing opportunities for persons with AIDS, 24 CFR 574 Prisons Bureau-- Inmate discipline and special housing units, HIV positive inmates who pose danger to others, handling procedures, 28 CFR 541 Medical services, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) programs, 28 CFR 549 Kidney diseases Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act, compensation claims, 20 CFR 30 Medicare-- Acute kidney injury dialysis, payment, 42 CFR 413 Exclusions and limitations on payment, 42 CFR 411 Federal health insurance for aged and disabled, 42 CFR 405 Hospital insurance eligibility and entitlement, 42 CFR 406 Part B medical and other health services, payment, 42 CFR 414 Supplementary medical insurance benefits, 42 CFR 410 Lung diseases Chronic beryllium disease prevention program, 10 CFR 850 Coal miners, medical examination specifications, 42 CFR 37 Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act, compensation claims, 20 CFR 30 National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, prevention and control projects, grants, 42 CFR 52e National Institutes of Health center grants, 42 CFR 52a World Trade Center Health Program, 42 CFR 88 Occupational safety and health regulations Construction industry, 29 CFR 1926 Longshoring, 29 CFR 1918 Occupational safety and health standards, 29 CFR 1910 Swine Flu Immunization Program; defense of certain suits against Federal employees, certification and decertification in connection with certain suits based upon acts or omissions of Federal employees and other persons, 28 CFR 15 Venereal diseases, Disease control grants, 42 CFR 51b Distilled spirits See Liquors District of Columbia Department of Corrections employees; recruitment, selection, and placement (general), 5 CFR 330 Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board, thrift savings plan, expanded and continuing eligibility, 5 CFR 1620 Government employees workmen's compensation under Longshoremen's [[Page 228]] and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act, 20 CFR 704 National Park System, special regulations for specific areas of, 36 CFR 7 Pennsylvania Avenue development area Policy and procedures to facilitate retention of displaced businesses and residents, 36 CFR 908 Urban planning and design of development, general guidelines and uniform standards, 36 CFR 910 Prisoners, youth offenders, and juvenile delinquents; parole, release, supervision, and recommitment, 28 CFR 2 Prisons Bureau, transfers of D.C. women offenders, 28 CFR 527 Diversity See Equal employment opportunity Diving Commercial diving operations Construction industry, Safety and health regulations, 29 CFR 1926 Occupational safety and health standards, 29 CFR 1910, 46 CFR 197 Doctors See Health professions Documentaries See Communications Domestic animals See Livestock; Pets; Poultry and poultry products Domestic violence See al Crime Defense Department, Family Advocacy Program (FAP), 32 CFR 61 Family Violence Prevention and Services Programs, 45 CFR 1370 Indian child protection and family violence prevention, 25 CFR 63 Transitional compensation for abused dependents, 32 CFR 111 Draft See Selective Service System Drawbridges See Bridges Drinking water See Water supply Drones See Aircraft Drought assistance See Disaster assistance; Irrigation Drug abuse See al Alcohol abuse; Crime; Drug testing; Health Army Department, motor vehicle traffic supervision, 32 CFR 634 Charitable Choice States, local governments and religious organizations receiving discretionary funding for substance abuse prevention and treatment services, 42 CFR 54a States receiving substance abuse prevention and treatment block grants and/or projects for assistance in transition from homelessness grants, 42 CFR 54 Commerce Department; environment, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace, 48 CFR 823, 48 CFR 1323 Defense Department, conduct on Pentagon Reservation, 32 CFR 234 Drug-free schools and communities, drug and alcohol abuse prevention, 34 CFR 86 Drug-free workplace Contractor requirements-- Defense Department, 48 CFR 223 Energy Department, 10 CFR 707, 48 CFR 970 Environmental Protection Agency, 48 CFR 1523 General Services Administration, 48 CFR 23 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 48 CFR 1823, 48 CFR 1852 State Department, 48 CFR 623 Financial requirements-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 782 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 421 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1329 Corporation for National and Community Service, 2 CFR 2245 Energy Department, 2 CFR 902 Environmental Protection Agency, 2 CFR 1536 [[Page 229]] Federal Emergency Management Agency, 2 CFR 3001 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 382 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3001 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2429 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1401 Museum and Library Services Institute, 2 CFR 3186 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3256 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3373 National policy requirements, 2 CFR 182 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2339 Grantees requirements-- African Development Foundation, 22 CFR 1510 Broadcasting Board of Governors, 22 CFR 513 Defense Department, 32 CFR 26 Education Department, 34 CFR 84 Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, 29 CFR 1472 General Services Administration, 41 CFR 105-74 Health and Human Services Department, 45 CFR 82 Inter-American Foundation, 22 CFR 1008 Justice Department, 28 CFR 83 Labor Department, 29 CFR 94 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 14 CFR 1267 National Archives and Records Administration, 36 CFR 1212 National Science Foundation, 45 CFR 630 Peace Corps, 22 CFR 312 Small Business Administration, 13 CFR 147 State Department, 22 CFR 133 Transportation Department, 49 CFR 32 Treasury Department, 31 CFR 20 Veterans Affairs Department, 38 CFR 48 Energy Department Environment, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace, 48 CFR 707, 48 CFR 923 Human reliability program, 10 CFR 712 Environmental Protection Agency, solicitation provisions and contract clause, 48 CFR 1552 Federal Aviation Administration Airmen, certification-- Airmen other than flight crewmembers, 14 CFR 65 Flight crew members other than pilots, 14 CFR 63 Pilots, flight instructors, and ground instructors, 14 CFR 61 Domestic, flag, and supplemental operations, operating requirements, 14 CFR 121 Commuter and on-demand operations and rules governing persons on board such aircraft, operating requirements, 14 CFR 135 Drug and alcohol testing program, 14 CFR 120 Pilot records database, 14 CFR 111 Federal Communications Commission, practice and procedure, 47 CFR 1 Federal employees' health and counseling programs, 5 CFR 792 Federal motor carrier safety regulations Commercial driver's license program, State compliance, 49 CFR 384 Commercial driver's license standards, requirements and penalties, 49 CFR 383 Commercial motor vehicles, driving of, 49 CFR 392 Controlled substances and alcohol use and testing, 49 CFR 382 Drivers and longer combination vehicle (LCV) driver instructors, qualifications, 49 CFR 391 Federal Transit Administration, alcohol misuse and prohibited drug use prevention in transit operations, 49 CFR 655 Health and Human Services Department, conditions for waiver of denial of Federal benefits, 45 CFR 78 Highway safety programs, drug offender's driver's license suspension, 23 CFR 192 Justice Department [[Page 230]] Controlled substances possession, civil penalties assessment, procedure rules, 28 CFR 76 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, provisions implementing, 28 CFR 93 Legal Services Corporation, restriction on representation in certain eviction proceedings, 45 CFR 1633 Marine safety Marine investigation regulations, personnel action, 46 CFR 5 Operating a vessel while intoxicated, 33 CFR 95 Mental health and substance abuse emergency response procedures, 42 CFR 51d Nuclear Regulatory Commission, fitness for duty programs, 10 CFR 26 Prison drug programs, 28 CFR 550 Railroad safety, alcohol and drug use control, 49 CFR 219 Research subjects, identity protection, 42 CFR 2a State highway safety grant programs, uniform procedures, 23 CFR 1200, 23 CFR 1300 Substance abuse prevention and treatment block grants, 45 CFR 96 Substance use disorder, confidentiality of patient records, 42 CFR 2 Supplemental Security Income for the aged, blind, and disabled, 20 CFR 416 Veterans Faith based organizations, equal treatment, 38 CFR 50 Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem Program, 38 CFR 61 Medical care, 38 CFR 17 National cemeteries of the Department of Veterans Affairs, 38 CFR 38 State homes-- Grants to States for construction or acquisition, 38 CFR 59 Payments to States for programs to promote the hiring and retention of nurses, 38 CFR 53 Transportation programs, 38 CFR 70 Drug Enforcement Administration Administrative functions, practices, and procedures, 21 CFR 1316 Controlled substances Definitions, 21 CFR 1300 Electronic orders and prescriptions, requirements, 21 CFR 1311 Ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and phenylpropanolamine; importation and production quotas, 21 CFR 1315 Importation and exportation, 21 CFR 1312 Labeling and packaging requirements, 21 CFR 1302 List I and II chemicals, exportation and importation, 21 CFR 1313 List I chemicals, manufacturers, distributors, importers, and exporters; registration, 21 CFR 1309 Listed chemicals and certain machines, records and reports; importation of certain machines, 21 CFR 1310 Manufacture and distribution registration exceptions, disposal, and exempted persons, 21 CFR 1307 Marihuana, manufacturing; controls to satisfy requirements of the Act applicable to, 21 CFR 1318 Orders for schedule I and II controlled substances, 21 CFR 1305 Prescriptions, 21 CFR 1306 Production and manufacturing quotas, 21 CFR 1303 Registrants' records and reports, 21 CFR 1304 Registration of manufacturers, distributors, and dispensers, 21 CFR 1301 Scheduled listed chemical products, retail sale, 21 CFR 1314 Schedules, 21 CFR 1308 Mailing address, 21 CFR 1321 Drug testing See al Alcohol abuse; Drug testing Army Department, motor vehicle traffic supervision, 32 CFR 634 Defense Department, conduct on Pentagon Reservation, 32 CFR 234 Energy Department, workplace substance abuse programs at DOE sites, 10 CFR 707 Federal Aviation Administration Commuter and on-demand operations and rules governing persons on board such aircraft, operating requirements, 14 CFR 135 Domestic, flag, and supplemental operations, operating requirements, 14 CFR 121 [[Page 231]] Drug and alcohol testing program, 14 CFR 120 Federal motor carrier safety regulations Commercial driver's license standards, requirements and penalties, 49 CFR 383 Drivers and longer combination vehicle (LCV) driver instructors, qualifications, 49 CFR 391 Marine casualties and investigations, 46 CFR 4 Nuclear power plants and reactors, fitness for duty programs, 10 CFR 26 Prison drug programs, 28 CFR 550 Transportation workplace, drug and alcohol testing programs Coast Guard, 46 CFR 4, 46 CFR 16 Administration, 14 CFR 121 Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, 49 CFR 382, 49 CFR 391 Federal Railroad Administration, 49 CFR 219 Federal Transit Administration, 49 CFR 655 Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, 49 CFR 199 Transportation Department, 49 CFR 40 Drug traffic control See al Law enforcement Controlled substances Administrative functions, practices, and procedures, 21 CFR 1316 Definitions, 21 CFR 1300 Electronic orders and prescriptions, requirements, 21 CFR 1311 Ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and phenylpropanolamine; importation and production quotas, 21 CFR 1315 Importation and exportation, 21 CFR 1312 Labeling and packaging requirements, 21 CFR 1302 List I and II chemicals, 21 CFR 1313 List I chemicals, manufacturers, distributors, importers, and exporters; registration, 21 CFR 1309 Machines, importation and exportation; records and reports of listed chemicals and certain machines, 21 CFR 1310 Manufacture and distribution registration exceptions, disposal, and exempted persons, 21 CFR 1307 Marihuana, manufacturing; controls to satisfy requirements of the Act applicable to, 21 CFR 1318 Orders for schedule I and II controlled substances, 21 CFR 1305 Prescriptions, 21 CFR 1306 Production and manufacturing quotas, 21 CFR 1303 Registrants' records and reports, 21 CFR 1304 Registration of manufacturers, distributors, and dispensers, 21 CFR 1301 Scheduled listed chemical products, retail sale, 21 CFR 1314 Schedules, 21 CFR 1308 Customs and Border Protection Air commerce regulations, 19 CFR 122 Inspection, search, and seizure, 19 CFR 162 Drug Enforcement Administration, mailing address, 21 CFR 1321 Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, general administrative regulations, 7 CFR 400 Foreign Assets Control Office Sanctions regulations-- Central African Republic, 31 CFR 553 Cyber-related, 31 CFR 578 Darfur, 31 CFR 546 Democratic Republic of the Congo, 31 CFR 547 Foreign narcotics kingpins, 31 CFR 598 Foreign terrorist organizations, 31 CFR 597 Global Magnitsky, 31 CFR 583 Hong Kong related, 31 CFR 585 Illicit drug trade, 31 CFR 599 Iraq stabilization and insurgency, 31 CFR 576 Lebanon, 31 CFR 549 Magnitsky Act, 31 CFR 484 Narcotics trafficking, 31 CFR 536 North Korea, 31 CFR 510 Somalia, 31 CFR 551 Terrorism list governments, 31 CFR 596 Transnational criminal organizations, 31 CFR 590 Weapons of mass destruction proliferators, 31 CFR 544 Yemen, 31 CFR 552 [[Page 232]] Zimbabwe, 31 CFR 541 Weapons of mass destruction, trade control regulations, 31 CFR 539 Western Balkans, stabilization regulations, 31 CFR 588 General aircraft operating and flight rules, 14 CFR 91 Housing and Urban Development Department, drug elimination programs, 24 CFR 761 Justice Department, controlled substances possession, civil penalties assessment, procedure rules, 28 CFR 76 Multiple agriculture programs, provisions applicable to, 7 CFR 718 Rural Development, controlled substance production control Loans and grants, property management program regulations, 7 CFR 1955 Personal property, servicing and liquidation of chattel security, 7 CFR 1962 Real property, 7 CFR 1965 State Department Drug traffickers, prohibition of assistance, 22 CFR 140 Passports, 22 CFR 51 Drugs See al Animal drugs; Antibiotics; Biologics; Chemicals; Health; Over- the-counter drugs; Prescription drugs 340B Drug Pricing Program, 42 CFR 10 Branded prescription drug fee, 26 CFR 51 Bioavailability and bioequivalence requirement, 21 CFR 320 Clinical trials registration and results information submission, 42 CFR 11 Color additives Certification, 21 CFR 80 Certified provisionally listed colors and specifications, 21 CFR 82 Exempt from certification, listing, 21 CFR 73 General specifications and restrictions for provisional use, 21 CFR 81 Packaging, labeling, and safety, 21 CFR 70 Petitions, 21 CFR 71 Subject to certification, 21 CFR 74 Combination drugs, prohibited substances, and reporting requirements, 21 CFR 300 Controlled, 21 CFR 290 Diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals, 21 CFR 315 Domestic hemp production program, 7 CFR 990 Drawback on taxpaid distilled spirits used in manufacturing nonbeverage products, 27 CFR 17 Food and Drug Administration Financial disclosure by clinical investigators, 21 CFR 54 General administrative rulings and decisions, 21 CFR 2 General enforcement regulations, 21 CFR 1 General provisions, 21 CFR 200 Good manufacturing practice-- Combination products, 21 CFR 4 Dietary supplements; manufacturing, packaging, labeling, or holding operations, 21 CFR 111 Finished pharmaceuticals, 21 CFR 211 Manufacturing, processing, packing, or holding of drugs; general, 21 CFR 210 Positron emission tomography drugs, 21 CFR 212 Marketed drugs, biologics, and devices, unapproved/new uses, information dissemination, 21 CFR 99 Product jurisdiction, 21 CFR 3 Human cells, tissues, and cellular and tissue-based products, 21 CFR 1271 Human drugs including drugs regulated under a biologics license application, and animal drugs, and the National Drug Code; requirements for foreign and domestic establishment registration and listing, 21 CFR 207 Imprinting of solid oral dosage form drug products for human use, 21 CFR 206 Income taxes, credit for clinical testing expenses for certain drugs for rare diseases or conditions, 26 CFR 1 (1.28-0--1.28-1) Labeling, 21 CFR 201 Medicaid Payments for services, 42 CFR 447 Utilization control, 42 CFR 456 Medicare, Part B medical and other health services, payment, 42 CFR 414 Opioid use disorders, medication assisted treatment for, 42 CFR 8 [[Page 233]] New drugs, 21 CFR 310 Applications for FDA approval to market, 21 CFR 314 Investigational new drug application, 21 CFR 312 Orphan drugs, 21 CFR 316 Nuclear byproduct material, medical use, 10 CFR 35 Official names and established names, 21 CFR 299 Patent term restoration, 21 CFR 60 Pharmaceutical good manufacturing practice reports, medical device quality system audit reports, and certain medical device product evaluation reports, mutual recognition, U.S. and European Community, 21 CFR 26 Pharmacy compounding, 21 CFR 216 Poison prevention packaging, 16 CFR 1700 Poison Prevention Packaging Act, exemption petition procedures and requirements, 16 CFR 1702 Public advisory committee, public hearing before, 21 CFR 14 Public Health Service, health care policies of general applicability, 42 CFR 50 Qualifying pathogens, 21 CFR 317 Research subjects, identity protection, 42 CFR 2a Specific human drugs, special requirement, 21 CFR 250 Water pollution, effluent guidelines and standards, point source categories, pharmaceutical manufacturing, 40 CFR 439 E Early learning and development See al Education; Infants and children Head Start program, Federal administrative requirements, 45 CFR 1304 Earthquakes See Disaster assistance; Seismic safety East-West Foreign Trade Board Reports on exports of technology, 15 CFR 1300 Eavesdropping See Wiretapping and electronic surveillance Ecology See Environmental protection Economic Analysis Bureau Direct investment surveys, 15 CFR 806 International trade in services between U.S. and foreign persons survey and surveys of direct investment, 15 CFR 801 Public information (library), 15 CFR 807 Economic development See Community development Economic Development Administration Economic adjustment assistance investments, 13 CFR 307 Economic development Eligibility, investment rate and application requirements, 13 CFR 301 Investment assistance, general terms and conditions, 13 CFR 302 Investments and comprehensive economic development strategies, planning, 13 CFR 303 Public works and economic development investments, 13 CFR 305 Training, research and technical assistance investments, 13 CFR 306 Economic development districts, 13 CFR 304 Firms, trade adjustment assistance, 13 CFR 315 General information, 13 CFR 300 Investment assistance, redistributions, 13 CFR 309 Performance incentives, 13 CFR 308 Property, 13 CFR 314 Regional Innovation Program, 13 CFR 312 Special impact areas, 13 CFR 310 Economic Research Service Organization and functions, 7 CFR 3700 Public information, 7 CFR 3701 Economic statistics See al Statistics Direct international investment surveys, 15 CFR 806 Employment statistics, process for electing State agency representatives for consultations with Labor Department, 29 CFR 44 Foreign trade regulations, 15 CFR 30 International trade in services between U.S. and foreign persons survey and surveys of direct investment 15 CFR 801 Regulatory data collections, 12 CFR 1610 [[Page 234]] Economics See Economic statistics; Price controls Economics and Statistics Administration See Commerce Department Ecuador Actions to adjust or meet conditions unfavorable to shipping in U.S. foreign trade, 46 CFR 551 Education See al Adult education; Bilingual education; Colleges and universities; Early learning and development; Education of disadvantaged; Education of individuals with disabilities; Educational facilities; Educational research; Educational study programs; Elementary and secondary education; Equal education opportunity; Indians-education; Libraries; School breakfast and lunch programs; School construction; Schools; Student aid; Students; Teachers; Vocational education Agency for International Development, payments to and on behalf of participants in non-military economic development training programs, 22 CFR 205 Boy Scouts of America and other designated youth groups, equal access to public school facilities, 34 CFR 108 Charter school facilities Credit enhancement, 34 CFR 225 State incentive program, 34 CFR 226 Communications common carriers, miscellaneous wireless communication services, 47 CFR 27 Comprehensive emergency management, State assistance programs for training and education, 44 CFR 360 Concrete masonry research, education, and promotion, 15 CFR 1500 Defense Department Interstate Compact on Educational opportunity for Military children, 32 CFR 89 Reserve component officers appointment to grade above first lieutenant or lieutenant (junior grade), educational requirements, 32 CFR 67 Voluntary education programs, 32 CFR 68 Education Department Definitions that apply to Department regulations, 34 CFR 77 Direct grant programs, 34 CFR 75 State-administered programs, 34 CFR 76 Environmental Protection Agency Environmental protection, grants, training assistance, 40 CFR 45 National Environmental Education Act grants, 40 CFR 47 Experimental radio, auxiliary, and special broadcast radio and other program distributional services, 47 CFR 74 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 [[Page 235]] Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Forest Service, paleontological resources preservation, 36 CFR 291 Government employees Supervisory, management, and executive development, 5 CFR 412 Training, 5 CFR 410 Hazardous materials public sector training and planning grants, 49 CFR 110 Hazardous materials table, special provisions, hazardous materials communications, emergency response information, training requirements, and security plans, 49 CFR 172 Head Start and Early Head Start grantees, designation renewal policies and procedures, 45 CFR 1307 Health Education Assistance Loan Program, 34 CFR 681 Hostage relief Assistance, 22 CFR 191 Victims of terrorism compensation, 22 CFR 192 Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, State legalization impact assistance grants, 45 CFR 402 Income taxes, education tax credit, 26 CFR 1 (1.25A-0--1.25A-5) Indian lands, general forestry regulations, 25 CFR 163 Military recruiting and Reserve Officer Training Corps access to institutions of higher learning, 32 CFR 216 Mine rescue teams, 30 CFR 49 Miners, safety training, 30 CFR 48 Miners engaged in shell dredging or employed at sand, gravel, surface stone, surface clay, colloidal phosphate, or surface limestone mines, training and retraining, 30 CFR 46 National Institute of Food and Agriculture Hispanic-serving agricultural colleges and universities certification process, 7 CFR 3434 Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program, 7 CFR 3431 National Mine Health and Safety Academy, 30 CFR 42 Naturalization Administration, 8 CFR 332 Educational requirements, 8 CFR 312 Nondiscrimination on basis of sex in federally assisted education programs Agency for International Development, 22 CFR 229 Agriculture Department, 7 CFR 15a Commerce Department, 15 CFR 8a Corporation for National and Community Service, 45 CFR 2555 Defense Department, 32 CFR 196 Education Department, 34 CFR 106 Energy Department, 10 CFR 1042 Environmental Protection Agency, 40 CFR 5 Federal Emergency Management Agency, 44 CFR 19 General Services Administration, 41 CFR 101-4 Health and Human Services Department, 45 CFR 86 Homeland Security Department, 6 CFR 17 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 3 Interior Department, 43 CFR 41 Justice Department, 28 CFR 54 Labor Department, 29 CFR 36 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 14 CFR 1253 National Archives and Records Administration, 36 CFR 1211 National Science Foundation, 45 CFR 618 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 10 CFR 5 [[Page 236]] Small Business Administration, 13 CFR 113 State Department, 22 CFR 146 Tennessee Valley Authority, 18 CFR 1317 Transportation Department, 49 CFR 25 Treasury Department, 31 CFR 28 Veterans Affairs Department, 38 CFR 23 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, domestic licensing of production and utilization facilities, 10 CFR 50 Nutrition education and training program, 7 CFR 227 Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Office of Training and Education, tuition fees, 29 CFR 1949 Paleontological resources preservation, 43 CFR 49 Prisons Bureau, institutional management, education, 28 CFR 544 Radio broadcast services, 47 CFR 73 Radiologic personnel, accreditation of educational programs for and credentialing of, standards, 42 CFR 75 State Department, availability of public diplomacy program material in the U.S., 22 CFR 173 Surplus Federal real property, disposal and utilization for educational purposes, 34 CFR 12 Thomas R. Pickering foreign affairs/graduate foreign affairs fellowship program, 22 CFR 196 Veterans Affairs Department, medical care, 38 CFR 17 Veterans readiness and employment and education, 38 CFR 21 William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program, 34 CFR 685 World-wide free flow of audiovisual materials, 22 CFR 61 Education Department Acquisition regulations Application of labor laws to Government acquisition, 48 CFR 3422 Bonds and insurance, 48 CFR 3428 Commercial items, 48 CFR 3412 Competition requirements, 48 CFR 3406 Contract administration and audit service, 48 CFR 3442 Contract financing, 48 CFR 3432 Contract modifications, 48 CFR 3443 Contract types, 48 CFR 3416 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 3415 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 3409 Definitions of words and terms, 48 CFR 3402 Foreign acquisition, 48 CFR 3425 Government property, 48 CFR 3445 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 3403 Information technology, 48 CFR 3439 Patents, data, and copyrights, 48 CFR 3427 Protection of privacy and freedom of information, 48 CFR 3424 Protests, disputes, and appeals, 48 CFR 3433 Publicizing contract actions, 48 CFR 3405 Regulation system, 48 CFR 3401 Required sources of supplies and services, 48 CFR 3408 Sealed bidding, 48 CFR 3414 Service contracting, 48 CFR 3437 Simplified procedures, 48 CFR 3413 Small business programs, 48 CFR 3419 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 3452 Special contracting methods, 48 CFR 3417 Transportation, 48 CFR 3447 Adult Education and Family Literacy Act, intergovernmental programs, 34 CFR 463 Boy Scouts of America and other designated youth groups, equal access to public school facilities, 34 CFR 108 Charter school facilities Credit enhancement, 34 CFR 225 State incentive program, 34 CFR 226 Children and youth with disabilities Assistance to States for education, 34 CFR 300 Early intervention program, 34 CFR 303 Service obligations, special education, personnel development to improve services and results for children with disabilities, 34 CFR 304 Civil monetary penalties, inflation adjustment, 34 CFR 36 Conduct standards, 34 CFR 73 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 3485, 34 CFR 85 Debt collection Administrative offset, 34 CFR 30 Administrative wage garnishment, 34 CFR 34 [[Page 237]] Education Department employees, salary offset to recover overpayments of pay or allowances, 34 CFR 32 Federal employees who are indebted to U.S. under programs administered by Secretary of Education, salary offset, 34 CFR 31 Definitions that apply to Department regulations, 34 CFR 77 Demands for testimony or records in legal proceedings, 34 CFR 8 Desegregation of public education Equity Assistance Center Program, 34 CFR 270 Magnet Schools Assistance Program, 34 CFR 280 Direct grant programs, 34 CFR 75 Drug-free schools and communities, drug and alcohol abuse prevention, 34 CFR 86 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 34 CFR 84 Educational opportunity centers program, 34 CFR 644 Elementary and Secondary Education Act, general provisions, 34 CFR 299 Employee inventions, 34 CFR 7 Equal access to justice, 34 CFR 21 Family educational rights and privacy, 34 CFR 99 Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) program, 34 CFR 682 Federal Pell grant program, 34 CFR 690 Federal Perkins loan program, Federal work-study program, and Federal supplemental educational opportunity grant program, general provisions, 34 CFR 673 Federal Perkins Loan Program (National Direct Student Loan Program), 34 CFR 674 Federal supplemental educational opportunity grant program, 34 CFR 676 Federal work-study programs, 34 CFR 675 Federally affected areas, impact aid programs, 34 CFR 222 Fulbright-Hays, higher education programs Doctoral dissertation research abroad fellowship program, 34 CFR 662 Faculty research abroad fellowship program, 34 CFR 663 Group projects abroad program, 34 CFR 664 Language resource centers program, 34 CFR 669 Gaining early awareness and readiness for undergraduate programs (GEAR UP), 34 CFR 694 General Education Provisions Act, enforcement, 34 CFR 81 Graduate assistance in areas of national need, 34 CFR 648 Graduate study, Jacob K. Javits fellowship program, 34 CFR 650 Grants and cooperative agreements Institutions of higher education, hospitals, and other non-profit organizations, uniform administrative requirements (OMB A-110 implementation), 34 CFR 74 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 3474 Higher Education Act of 1965, institutional eligibility, 34 CFR 600 Human subjects, protection, 34 CFR 97 Indemnification of employees, 34 CFR 60 Indian education discretionary grant programs, 34 CFR 263 Individuals with disabilities Interpreters for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing and individuals who are deaf-blind, training, 34 CFR 396 Subminimum wage, limitations on use of, 34 CFR 397 Information availability to public, 34 CFR 5 Institutional aid programs Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions Program, 34 CFR 606 Endowment Challenge Grant Program, 34 CFR 628 Strengthening Historically Black Colleges and Universities Program, 34 CFR 608 Strengthening Historically Black Graduate Institutions Program, 34 CFR 609 Strengthening Institutions Program, 34 CFR 607 Intergovernmental review of Department of Education programs and activities, 34 CFR 79 International education programs Business and international education program, 34 CFR 661 [[Page 238]] Foreign language and area studies fellowships program, 34 CFR 657 General provisions, 34 CFR 655 National resource centers program for foreign language and area or foreign language and international studies, 34 CFR 656 Research and studies program, 34 CFR 660 Undergraduate international studies and foreign language program, 34 CFR 658 Inventions and patents (general), 34 CFR 6 Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership Program, 34 CFR 692 Lobbying restrictions, 34 CFR 82 Minority science and engineering improvement program, 34 CFR 637 Native American Career and Technical Education Program, 34 CFR 401 Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs, 34 CFR 100 Practice and procedure for hearings under 34 CFR Part 100, 34 CFR 101 Nondiscrimination on basis of age in federally assisted programs, 34 CFR 110 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability Federally assisted programs, 34 CFR 104 Federally conducted programs or activities, 34 CFR 105 Nondiscrimination on basis of sex in federally assisted education programs, 34 CFR 106 Official seal, 34 CFR 3 Postsecondary education Accrediting agencies, Secretary's recognition, 34 CFR 602 Higher education emergency relief fund programs, 34 CFR 677 State agencies, Secretary's recognition procedures, 34 CFR 603 Privacy Act regulations, 34 CFR 5b Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 34 CFR 33 Ronald E. McNair postbaccalaureate achievement program, 34 CFR 647 Service of process, 34 CFR 4 Special educational needs students Improving academic achievement of disadvantaged (Title I), 34 CFR 200 Students whose families are engaged in migrant and other seasonal farmwork, high school equivalency program and college assistance migrant program, 34 CFR 206 State-administered programs, 34 CFR 76 Student assistance, general provisions, 34 CFR 668 Student rights in research, experimental programs, and testing, 34 CFR 98 Student support services program, 34 CFR 646 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for Department employees, 5 CFR 6301 Surplus Federal real property for educational purposes, disposal and utilization, 34 CFR 12 Talent search program, 34 CFR 643 Tort claims against Government, 34 CFR 35 Training program for Federal TRIO programs, 34 CFR 642 Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally assisted programs, cross reference to 49 CFR 24 (governmentwide rule), 34 CFR 15 Upward Bound Program, 34 CFR 645 Vending facility program for blind on Federal and other property, 34 CFR 395 Vocational rehabilitation American Indians, 34 CFR 371 Client Assistance Program, 34 CFR 370 Independent living services for older individuals who are blind, 34 CFR 367 Protection and advocacy of individual rights, 34 CFR 381 Rehabilitation National Activities program, 34 CFR 373 State Supported Employment Services program, 34 CFR 363 State Vocational Rehabilitation Services program, 34 CFR 361 Vocational rehabilitation personnel programs Rehabilitation training, 34 CFR 385 Experimental and innovative, 34 CFR 387 Long-term, 34 CFR 386 Short-term, 34 CFR 390 William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program, 34 CFR 685 Education of disadvantaged See al Education [[Page 239]] Educational opportunity centers program, 34 CFR 644 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Federal Pell grant program, 34 CFR 690 Head Start program Facilities purchase, major renovation, and construction, 45 CFR 1309 Federal administrative procedures, 45 CFR 1304 Fellows program, 45 CFR 1311 Financial and administrative requirements, 45 CFR 1303 Performance standards on services for children with disabilities, 45 CFR 1308 Program governance, 45 CFR 1301 Program operations, 45 CFR 1302 Staffing requirements and program options, 45 CFR 1306 Transportation, 45 CFR 1310 Health professions education grants to assist individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds, 42 CFR 57 Ronald E. McNair postbaccalaureate achievement program, 34 CFR 647 Special educational needs students Improving academic achievement of disadvantaged (Title I), 34 CFR 200 Students whose families are engaged in migrant and other seasonal farmwork, high school equivalency program and college assistance migrant program, 34 CFR 206 Student support services program, 34 CFR 646 Talent search program, 34 CFR 643 Training program for Federal TRIO programs, 34 CFR 642 Upward Bound Program, 34 CFR 645 Education of individuals with disabilities See al Education; Individuals with Disabilities Children and youth with disabilities [[Page 240]] Assistance to States for education, 34 CFR 300 Defense Department; early intervention and special education services, provision to eligible DoD dependents, 32 CFR 57 Early intervention program for infants and toddlers with disabilities, 34 CFR 303 Service obligations, special education, personnel development to improve services and results, 34 CFR 304 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Impact aid programs, 34 CFR 222 Interpreters for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing and individuals who are deaf-blind, training, 34 CFR 396 Student support services program, 34 CFR 646 Educational facilities See al Education; Medical and dental schools; School construction; Schools Aviation maintenance technician schools, 14 CFR 147 Bureau-operated schools, leases of land or facilities and fundraising activities at, 25 CFR 48 Charter schools facilities program Credit enhancement, 34 CFR 225 State incentive program, 34 CFR 226 Construction of health teaching facilities, educational improvements, scholarships and student loans, grants, 42 CFR 57 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 [[Page 241]] Corporation for National and Community Service, implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Flight schools, 49 CFR 1552 Health care, statutory conscience rights protection; authority delegations, 45 CFR 88 Instruments and apparatus for educational and scientific institutions, duty-free entry, 15 CFR 301 Pilot schools, 14 CFR 141 Training centers, 14 CFR 142 Educational research See al Education; Research Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 [[Page 242]] National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Fulbright-Hays, higher education programs Doctoral dissertation research abroad fellowship program, 34 CFR 662 Faculty research abroad fellowship program, 34 CFR 663 Group projects abroad program, 34 CFR 664 Language resource centers program, 34 CFR 669 International education programs General provisions, 34 CFR 655 International research and studies program, 34 CFR 660 Student rights in research, experimental programs, and testing, 34 CFR 98 Educational study programs See al Education Census procedures and general statistics, training of foreign participants, 15 CFR 40 Defense Department, voluntary education programs, 32 CFR 68 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Food and agricultural sciences National Needs Graduate and Postgraduate Fellowship Grants Program, 7 CFR 3402 Fulbright-Hays, higher education programs [[Page 243]] Doctoral dissertation research abroad fellowship program, 34 CFR 662 Faculty research abroad fellowship program, 34 CFR 663 Group projects abroad program, 34 CFR 664 Language resource centers program, 34 CFR 669 Health education assistance loan program, 42 CFR 60 Health professions, scholarships and student loans, grants, 42 CFR 57 International education programs Business and international education program, 34 CFR 661 Foreign language and area studies fellowships program, 34 CFR 657 General provisions, 34 CFR 655 National resource centers program for foreign language and area or foreign language and international studies, 34 CFR 656 Research and studies program, 34 CFR 660 Undergraduate international studies and foreign language program, 34 CFR 658 Laboratory standardization and testing fellowships for qualified citizens of other American Republics, 15 CFR 255 Mental health traineeships, obligated service, 42 CFR 64a Minority biomedical research support program, 42 CFR 52c Minority science and engineering improvement program, 34 CFR 637 National Cancer Institute, clinical cancer education program, 42 CFR 52d National defense science and engineering graduate fellowships, 32 CFR 168a National Health Service Corps scholarship and loan repayment programs, 42 CFR 62 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences hazardous waste worker training, 42 CFR 65 National Library of Medicine training grants, 42 CFR 64 National Sea Grant program, funding regulations, 15 CFR 917 Occupational safety and health education programs, grants, 42 CFR 86 Thomas R. Pickering foreign affairs/graduate foreign affairs fellowship program, 22 CFR 196 Eggs and egg products See al Poultry and poultry products Commodity laboratory testing programs, poultry and egg products, 7 CFR 94 Inspection of eggs and egg products, 9 CFR 590 Inspection under Egg Products Inspection Act, 7 CFR 57 Research and promotion of eggs, 7 CFR 1250 Shell eggs Production, storage, and transportation, 21 CFR 118 Standards, 21 CFR 115 Voluntary grading, 7 CFR 56 Standards for egg products, 21 CFR 160 Voluntary inspection of egg products, 9 CFR 592 Elderly See Aged Election Assistance Commission Commission programs or activities, nondiscrimination on basis of handicap, 11 CFR 9420 Conduct standards, 11 CFR 9411 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 5800 Debt collection, 11 CFR 9430 Freedom of Information Act, records disclosure, 11 CFR 9405 Legal proceedings, Testimony by Commission employees relating to official information and production of official records, 11 CFR 9409 Privacy Act, implementation, 11 CFR 9410 Sunshine Act, implementation, 11 CFR 9407 Election finance See Campaign funds Elections See al Campaign funds; Political activities (Government employees); Political candidates; Political committees and parties; Voting rights Advisory opinions, procedure for requesting interpretation of Federal election laws, 11 CFR 112 [[Page 244]] Coordinated and independent election campaign expenditures, 11 CFR 109 Corporation for National and Community Service, prohibitions on electoral and lobbying activities, 45 CFR 1226 Debts owed by candidates and political committees, 11 CFR 116 Election reports and statements, filing copies with State officers, 11 CFR 108 Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation governance, 12 CFR 651 Federal election regulations, compliance procedure, 11 CFR 111 Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP), 32 CFR 233 Foreign interference in U.S. elections, sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 579 Increased limits for candidates opposing self-financed candidates, 11 CFR 400 National Voter Registration Act (52 U.S.C. 20503 et seq.), 11 CFR 9428 Political activities of corporate and labor organizations, 11 CFR 114 Procedures and blocking charges, 29 CFR 103 Prohibition on campaign contributions by Government contractors to Federal election campaigns, 11 CFR 115 Scope and definitions, 11 CFR 100 Tribal government Osage Minerals Council, election of officers, 25 CFR 90 Secretarial election procedures, 25 CFR 81 Electric power See al Electric power plants; Electric power rates; Electric utilities; Energy Boulder Canyon Project, Arizona/Nevada, general regulations for power generation, operation, maintenance, and replacement, 43 CFR 431 Bulk-power system, mandatory reliability standards, 18 CFR 40 Delaware River Basin Commission, water supply charges, 18 CFR 420 Electric and hybrid vehicle research, development, and demonstration program, petroleum-equivalent fuel economy calculation, 10 CFR 474 Electric transmission facilities, coordination of Federal authorizations, 10 CFR 900 Energy planning and management program, 10 CFR 905 Engineers Corps, administrative procedure, 33 CFR 209 Export and electric power system permits and reports, administrative procedures and sanctions, 10 CFR 205 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Approved forms, 18 CFR 131 Statements and reports, 18 CFR 141 Electric Reliability Organization certification and standards establishment, approval and enforcement, 18 CFR 39 Federal Power Act-- Annual charges under Part I, 18 CFR 11 Qualifying process for Non-federal hydropower projects at existing nonpowered dams and for closed-loop pumped storage projects; expedited licensing, 18 CFR 7 Transmission services under section 211, applications, 18 CFR 36 General policy and interpretations, 18 CFR 2 Interstate electric transmission facilities, site applications, 18 CFR 50 Hydroelectric licenses, conditions and prescriptions-- Interior Department, 43 CFR 45 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 50 CFR 221 Practice and procedure rules, 18 CFR 385 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 [[Page 245]] Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Holding companies and service companies records Hydroelectric power projects Integrated license application process, 18 CFR 5 License surrender or termination, 18 CFR 6 License transfer or lease of project property, 18 CFR 9 Licensees and utilities-- Authorization of issuance of securities or assumption of liabilities, applications, 18 CFR 34 Securities, issuance, 18 CFR 20 Licenses, permits, exemptions and determination of project costs, 18 CFR 4 Navigable waters or public lands affected by, 18 CFR 24 Safety of water power projects and project works, 18 CFR 12 Takeover and relicensing, 18 CFR 16 Hydropower projects under Federal Power Act, 33 CFR 221 Indian electric power utilities, 25 CFR 175 Motor vehicles, fuel economy and greenhouse gas exhaust emissions, 40 CFR 600 National forest land uses, 36 CFR 251 Occupational safety and health standards Construction industry, 29 CFR 1926 Federal standards, 29 CFR 1910 Surface coal mines and surface work areas of underground coal mines, safety standards, 30 CFR 77 Surface metal and nonmetal mines, 30 CFR 56 Underground coal mines, mandatory safety standards, 30 CFR 75 Underground metal and nonmetal mines, 30 CFR 57 Offshore supply vessels, electrical installations, 46 CFR 129 Outer continental shelf, renewable energy, 30 CFR 585 Power transmission lines, rights-of-way, National Park Service, 36 CFR 14 Preservation of records of public utilities and hydroelectric power project licensees, 18 CFR 125 Public lands withdrawn for power sites Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 18 CFR 25 Land Management Bureau, 43 CFR 2300 Public Utility Holding Company Act of 2005, Federal Power Act and Natural Gas Act Books and records, 18 CFR 366 Centralized service companies, uniform system of accounts, 18 CFR 367 Recreational opportunities and development at hydroelectric power projects, 18 CFR 8 [[Page 246]] Rights of way, Federal Land Policy Management Act, 43 CFR 2800 Rural Utilities Service Awardees, audits policy, 7 CFR 1773 ``Buy American'' requirement, 7 CFR 1787 Electric and telecommunications borrowers, fidelity and insurance requirements, 7 CFR 1788 Electric and telephone borrowers-- Consultants funded by borrowers, 7 CFR 1789 Guaranteed and insured loans, prepayment, 7 CFR 1786 Loan account computations, procedures, and policies, 7 CFR 1785 Electric borrowers, accounting requirements, 7 CFR 1767 Electric engineering, architectural services and design policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1724 Electric loans and guarantees, general and pre-loan policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1710 Electric system-- Construction policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1726 Operations and maintenance, 7 CFR 1730 General information, 7 CFR 1700 Insured and guaranteed electric loans, post-loan policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1717 Insured electric loans-- Guarantees for bonds and notes issued for utility infrastructure purposes, 7 CFR 1720 Post-loan policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1721 Pre-loan policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1714 Loan security documents, 7 CFR 1718 Materials and construction, electric standards and specifications for, 7 CFR 1728 Rural Energy Savings Plan, 7 CFR 1719 Statements and reports, 18 CFR 369 Susquehanna River Basin Commission, 18 CFR 801 Uniform System of Accounts for public utilities and hydroelectric power project licensees, 18 CFR 101 Electric power plants See al Electric power Air pollution control Acid rain, continuous emission monitoring, 40 CFR 75 Acid rain program, appeal procedures, 40 CFR 78 Federal NOx Budget Trading Program, CAIR NOx and SO2 Trading Programs, CSAPR NOx and SO2 Trading Programs, and Texas SO2 Trading Program, 40 CFR 97 New stationary sources, performance standards, 40 CFR 60 Alternate fuels Administrative procedures and sanctions, 10 CFR 501 Definitions, 10 CFR 500 Existing powerplants, 10 CFR 504 New facilities, 10 CFR 503 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 [[Page 247]] Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Fees, Commission services and benefits, 18 CFR 381 Nonrecourse project-financed, definition, 10 CFR 715 Open access same-time information systems, 18 CFR 37 Powerplant and industrial fuel use, powerplant design capacity determination, 18 CFR 287 Public utilities, business practice standards and communications, standards, 18 CFR 38 Small power production and cogeneration facilities, regulations under sections 201 and 210 of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978, 18 CFR 292 Transmission providers, conduct standards, 18 CFR 358 Water pollution effluent guidelines and standards for point source category pretreatment standards, steam electric power generating, 40 CFR 423 Electric power rates See al Electric power Bonneville Power Administration, average system cost methodology for sales from utilities under Northwest Power Act, 18 CFR 301 Boulder Canyon Project, general regulations for charges for sale of power from, 10 CFR 904 Federal power marketing administrations, confirmation and approval of rates, 18 CFR 300 Health and Human Services Department, uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for federal awards, 2 CFR 300 Organized electricity markets, long-term firm transmission rights, 18 CFR 42 Power and transmission rates, adjustments and extensions for Alaska, southeastern, southwestern, and western area power administrations, public participation, 10 CFR 903 Rate schedules and tariffs, filing, 18 CFR 35 Rural Utilities Service, post-loan policies and procedures common to insured and guaranteed electric loans, 7 CFR 1717 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Electric utilities See al Electric power; Utilities Acid Rain Allowance system, 40 CFR 73 Appeal procedures, 40 CFR 78 Continuous emission monitoring, 40 CFR 75 Excess emissions, 40 CFR 77 Nitrogen oxides emission reduction program, 40 CFR 76 Permits regulation, 40 CFR 72 Application for authority to hold interlocking positions, 18 CFR 45 Bonneville Power Administration, average system cost methodology for sales from utilities under Northwest Power Act, 18 CFR 301 Electric energy and capacity, interim procedures for shortages under Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978, 18 CFR 294 [[Page 248]] Electric transmission facilities, coordination of Federal authorizations, 10 CFR 900 Energy market manipulation, prohibition, 18 CFR 1c Energy planning and management program, 10 CFR 905 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Accounts, records, memoranda and disposition of contested audit, 18 CFR 41 Annual charges, 18 CFR 382 Fees, Commission services and benefits, 18 CFR 381 General policy and interpretations, 18 CFR 2 Transmission providers, conduct standards, 18 CFR 358 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Federal Power Act, section 203, applications, 18 CFR 33 Hydroelectric power project licensees and utilities Authorization of issuance of securities or assumption of liabilities, applications, 18 CFR 34 Securities issuance, 18 CFR 20 Interconnection of facilities, 18 CFR 32 Open access same-time information systems, 18 CFR 37 Organized electricity markets, long-term firm transmission rights, 18 CFR 42 Preservation of records of public utilities and hydroelectric power project licensees, 18 CFR 125 Public utilities, business operations and communications, standards, 18 CFR 38 Public utility filing requirements, purchaser list, and filing requirements for persons holding interlocking positions, 18 CFR 46 Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978, retail electric service, collection of cost of service information under section 133, 18 CFR 290 Rate schedules and tariffs, filing, 18 CFR 35 [[Page 249]] Renewable energy production incentives, 10 CFR 451 Rural Utilities Service Assistance to high energy cost communities, 7 CFR 1709 Bonds and notes issued for utility infrastructure purposes, guarantees, 7 CFR 1720 Consultants funded by borrowers, use of, 7 CFR 1789 Electric borrowers, loan security documents, 7 CFR 1718 Insured and guaranteed electric loans, post-loan policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1717 Small power production and cogeneration facilities, regulations under sections 201 and 210 of Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978, 18 CFR 292 Transmission of power to foreign countries, administrative procedures and sanctions, 10 CFR 205 Uniform Systems of Accounts, public utilities and hydroelectric power project licensees, 18 CFR 101 Uranium enrichment decontamination and decommissioning fund; domestic utilities special assessment procedures, 10 CFR 766 Electronic data processing See Computer technology Electronic filing Copyright Royalty Board, Library of Congress; royalty fees collected under compulsory license, claims filing, 37 CFR 360 Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, general provisions, 31 CFR 1010 Securities and Exchange Commission, general rules and regulations (Regulation S-T), 17 CFR 232 Health information technology; standards, implementation specifications, certification criteria and certification programs, 45 CFR 170 Electronic funds transfers See al Banks, banking; Computer technology Automated Clearing House, Federal Government participation, 31 CFR 210 Book-entry Treasury bonds, notes and bills (Department of Treasury Circular, Public Debt Series No. 2-86), regulations governing, 31 CFR 357 Cash management improvements fund; Federal agency receipts, disbursements management, and operation of, 31 CFR 206 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, 12 CFR 1005 Defense Department Contract financing, acquisition regulations, 48 CFR 232 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 252 Depositary compensation securities, regulations governing, 31 CFR 348 Efficient Federal-State funds transfers, rules and procedures, 31 CFR 205 Excise taxes, payment by electronic funds transfers Beer, 27 CFR 25 Distilled spirits, wine, and beer; importation, 27 CFR 27 Distilled spirits plants, 27 CFR 19 Firearms and ammunition, 27 CFR 53 Liquors and articles from Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands, 27 CFR 26 Tobacco products, cigarette papers and tubes, and processed tobacco-- Importation, 27 CFR 41 Manufacture, 27 CFR 40 Wine, treatment and classification, 27 CFR 24 Federal Acquisition Regulation, contract financing, 48 CFR 32, 48 CFR 1332 Federal agency disbursements, management, 31 CFR 208 Federal Reserve System Designated financial market utilities (Regulation HH), 12 CFR 234 Electronic fund transfers (Regulation E), 12 CFR 205 Federal savings associations Electronic operations, 12 CFR 155 Operations, 12 CFR 145 Financial market utilities, designation, 12 CFR 1320 Fiscal Service, Federal taxes payment and Treasury tax and loan program, 31 CFR 203 Health information technology Information blocking, 45 CFR 171 [[Page 250]] Standards, implementation specifications, certification criteria and certification programs, 45 CFR 170 Natural Resources Revenue Office; royalties, rentals, bonuses, and other monies due the Federal Government; collection, 30 CFR 1218 Occupational safety and health standards, 29 CFR 1910 Securities and Exchange Commission, forms prescribed under Investment Company Act of 1940, 17 CFR 274 Unlawful Internet gambling, funding prohibition, 12 CFR 233, 31 CFR 132 U.S. securities, electronic transactions and funds transfers relating to, 31 CFR 370 Electronic products Amplifiers utilized in home entertainment products, power output claims, 16 CFR 432 Electrically operated toys or other electrically operated articles intended for use by children, requirements, 16 CFR 1505 Electronic components, manufacturing processes, water pollution effluent guidelines and standards, 40 CFR 469 Federal Highway Administration; electronic toll collection, 23 CFR 950 Government Accountability Office, public availability of records, 4 CFR 81 Information and communication technology standards and guidelines, 36 CFR 1194 Occupational safety and health standards, 29 CFR 1910 Omnidirectional citizens band base station antennas, safety standards, 16 CFR 1204 Radiation protection Defects or failure to comply notification, 21 CFR 1003 General, 21 CFR 1000 Imports, 21 CFR 1005 Ionizing radiation emitting products, performance standards, 21 CFR 1020 Light-emitting products, performance standards, 21 CFR 1040 Mammography, 21 CFR 900 Microwave and radio frequency emitting products, performance standards, 21 CFR 1030 Performance standards, general, 21 CFR 1010 Records and reports, 21 CFR 1002 Repurchase, repairs, or replacement, 21 CFR 1004 Electronic surveillance See Wiretapping and electronic surveillance Elementary and secondary education See al Education Charter school facilities program, credit enhancement, 34 CFR 225 Children and youth with disabilities Assistance to States for education, 34 CFR 300 Service obligations, special education, personnel development to improve services and results, 34 CFR 304 Corporation for National and Community Service, school-based service- learning programs, 45 CFR 2516 Defense Department Early intervention and special education services, provision to eligible DoD dependents, 32 CFR 57 School boards for Defense Department domestic dependent elementary and secondary schools, 32 CFR 69 Desegregation of public education Equity Assistance Center Program, 34 CFR 270 Magnet Schools Assistance Program, 34 CFR 280 Drug-free schools and communities, drug and alcohol abuse prevention, 34 CFR 86 Educational opportunity centers program, 34 CFR 644 Equal employment opportunity, recordkeeping and reporting requirements under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, 29 CFR 1602 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 [[Page 251]] Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Federally affected areas, impact aid programs, 34 CFR 222 Gaining early awareness and readiness for undergraduate programs (GEAR UP), 34 CFR 694 General provisions, 34 CFR 299 Indians Geographic boundaries, 25 CFR 37 Indian education contracts under Johnson O'Malley Act, 25 CFR 273 Indian education discretionary grant programs, 34 CFR 263 Indian school equalization program, 25 CFR 39 Minimum academic standards for basic education of Indian children and national criteria for dormitory situations, 25 CFR 36 Standards, assessments, and accountability system, 25 CFR 30 Tribally Controlled Schools Act grants, 25 CFR 44 Uniform direct funding and support, 25 CFR 47 Special educational needs students Improving academic achievement of disadvantaged (Title I), 34 CFR 200 Special educational programs for students whose families are engaged in migrant and other seasonal farmwork, high school equivalency program and college assistance migrant program, 34 CFR 206 Talent search program, 34 CFR 643 Upward Bound Program, 34 CFR 645 Emergency medical services See al Disaster assistance; Health care Cargo air carriers, special authorization for emergency transportation, 14 CFR 206 Medicare, conditions for payment, 42 CFR 424 Mental health and substance abuse emergency response procedures, 42 CFR 51d Private land mobile radio services, 47 CFR 90 Public safety officers' death, disability and educational benefits claims, 28 CFR 32 Special nuclear material, domestic licensing, 10 CFR 70 [[Page 252]] Surface coal mines and surface work areas of underground coal mines, safety standards, 30 CFR 77 Underground coal mines, mandatory safety standards, 30 CFR 75 Voluntary Medicare prescription drug benefit, 42 CFR 423 Emergency mobilization See Civil defense Emergency Oil and Gas Guaranteed Loan Board Emergency Oil and Gas Guaranteed Loan Program, 13 CFR 500 Emergency powers See al National defense Emergency relief work supplies, 19 CFR 358 Passport requirement and exceptions, 22 CFR 53 Procedures for use and coordination of radio spectrum during wartime emergency, 47 CFR 214 Telecommunications emergency preparedness Emergency restoration priority procedures for telecommunications services, 47 CFR 211 Executive policy, 47 CFR 201 Government and public correspondence telecommunications precedence system, 47 CFR 213 Planning and execution, 47 CFR 202 Procedures for obtaining international telecommunication service for use during wartime emergency, 47 CFR 212 Emergency preparedness Civil Service Regulations, absence and leave, 5 CFR 630 Construction industry, safety and health regulations, 29 CFR 1926 Hazardous materials tables, special provisions, hazardous materials communications, emergency response information, training requirements, and security plans, 49 CFR 172 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Nuclear power plants; licenses, certifications, and approvals, 10 CFR 52 Production and utilization facilities, domestic licensing, 10 CFR 50 Emergency Steel Guarantee Loan Board Emergency Steel Guarantee Loan Program, 13 CFR 400 Employee benefit plans See al Labor; Pensions; Wages Abandoned plans, rules and regulations, 29 CFR 2578 Age Discrimination in Employment Act, 29 CFR 1625 Bona fide profit-sharing plans or trusts, requirements under Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 CFR 549 Bona fide thrift or savings plans, requirements under Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 CFR 547 Consolidated Rail Corporation, certain standards relating to Corporation's employee stock ownership plan, attainment determination, 49 CFR 491 Convicted persons, applications for certificates of exemption from certain laws, 28 CFR 4 Eligible multiemployer plans, partitions, 29 CFR 4233 Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 Administration and enforcement, 29 CFR 2560 Civil penalties adjustment under Title I, 29 CFR 2575 Definitions, 29 CFR 2510 Fiduciary responsibilities, 29 CFR 2550 Group health plan rules and regulations, 29 CFR 2590 Interpretive bulletins, 29 CFR 2509 Procedural regulations, 29 CFR 2570, 29 CFR 2571 Reporting and disclosure, 29 CFR 2520 Temporary bonding rules, 29 CFR 2580 Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975, form and content of and requirements for financial statements, 17 CFR 210 Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, 29 CFR 825 Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program, 5 CFR 894 Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program, 5 CFR 875 Income taxes [[Page 253]] Deferred compensation, pension, profit-sharing, stock bonus plans, 26 CFR 1 (1.401-0--1.420-1) Tax Court, declaratory judgments relating to qualification of certain retirement plans, 26 CFR 1 (1.7476-1--1.7476-3) Investment Advisers Act of 1940, form and content of and requirements for financial statements, 17 CFR 210 Investment Company Act of 1940, form and content of and requirements for financial statements, 17 CFR 210 Labor standards Federal and federally assisted construction contracts and Federal service contracts, practice rules for administrative enforcement proceedings, 29 CFR 6 Federal service contracts, 29 CFR 4 Federally financed and assisted construction contracts and non- construction contracts under the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, applicable provisions, 29 CFR 5 Multiemployer plans, insolvency, reorganization, termination, etc. Eligible plans, partitions, 29 CFR 4233 Financial assistance to multiemployer plans, cross-references, 29 CFR 4261 Mergers and transfers between, 29 CFR 4231 Plan sponsor-- Insolvent plan, duties of, 29 CFR 4245 Mass withdrawal, duties following, 29 CFR 4281 Special financial assistance, 29 CFR 4262 Termination, 29 CFR 4041A Multiemployer plans, withdrawal liability Arbitration of disputes, 29 CFR 4221 Complete withdrawal liability, reduction or waiver, 29 CFR 4207 Extension of special rules, 29 CFR 4203 Liability adjustment for withdrawal subsequent to partial withdrawal, 29 CFR 4206 Notice, collection, and redetermination, 29 CFR 4219 Partial withdrawal liability, reduction or waiver, 29 CFR 4208 PBGC approval of plan amendments, procedures, 29 CFR 4220 Unfunded vested benefits, allocation, 29 CFR 4211 Variances for sale of assets, 29 CFR 4204 Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation Filing, issuance, computation of time, and record retention, 29 CFR 4000 Terminology, 29 CFR 4001 Securities Act of 1933, form and content of and requirements for financial statements, 17 CFR 210 Securities Exchange Act of 1934, form and content of and requirements for financial statements, 17 CFR 210 Sex discrimination, guidelines, 29 CFR 1604 Single-employer and multiemployer plans Amounts payable by PBGC, cross-references, 29 CFR 4061 Annual report, 29 CFR 4065 Insurance premiums-- Payment, 29 CFR 4007 Rates, 29 CFR 4006 Liability on termination of single-employer plans under multiple controlled groups, cross-references, 29 CFR 4064 Withdrawal liability, plans under multiple controlled groups, cross- references, 29 CFR 4063 Single-employer plans Annual financial and actuarial information reporting, 29 CFR 4010 Assets allocation, 29 CFR 4044 Benefits payable in terminated plans, 29 CFR 4022 Guaranteed benefits, aggregate limits, 29 CFR 4022B Liability for termination, 29 CFR 4062 Lien for liability, 29 CFR 4068 Missing participants, 29 CFR 4050 Recovery of liability for plan terminations, cross-references, 29 CFR 4067 Reportable events and certain other notification requirements, 29 CFR 4043 Restoration of terminating and terminated plans, 29 CFR 4047 Termination, 29 CFR 4041 Small business loans to qualified employee trusts, 13 CFR 120 [[Page 254]] Employee Benefits Security Administration Abandoned plans, rules and regulations, 29 CFR 2578 Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 Administration and enforcement, 29 CFR 2560 Procedural regulations, 29 CFR 2571 Civil penalties adjustment under Title I, 29 CFR 2575 Definitions, 29 CFR 2510 Employee pension benefit plans, minimum standards, 29 CFR 2530 Fiduciary responsibilities, 29 CFR 2550 Group health plans, rules and regulations, 29 CFR 2590 Interpretive bulletins, 29 CFR 2509 Procedural regulations, 29 CFR 2570 Reporting and disclosure, 29 CFR 2520 Temporary bonding rules, 29 CFR 2580 Federal Employees' Retirement System Act Administration and enforcement, 29 CFR 2589 Allocation of fiduciary responsibility, 29 CFR 2584 Permanent and temporary bonding rules, 29 CFR 2582 Employee management relations See Labor management relations Employees' Compensation Appeals Board Rules of procedure, 20 CFR 501 Trade adjustment assistance under the Trade Act of 1974, as amended, 20 CFR 618 Employment See al Equal employment opportunity; Government employees; Labor; Manpower Acceptance of employment from foreign governments by uniformed services members, 22 CFR 3a Affirmative action and nondiscrimination obligations of Federal contractors and subcontractors regarding-- Disabled veterans, recently separated veterans, active duty wartime or campaign badge veterans, and Armed Forces Service Medal veterans, 41 CFR 60-300 Individuals with disabilities, 41 CFR 60 Construction industry, majority-based bargaining relationship between employer and labor organization, 29 CFR 103 Aliens Attestations by employers using alien crewmembers for longshore activities in U.S. ports, 29 CFR 506 Attestations by facilities using nonimmigrant aliens as registered nurses, 29 CFR 504 Attestations filed by employers using F-1 students for off-campus work, 29 CFR 508 Document fraud, penalties, 8 CFR 270, 8 CFR 1270 Employment, control, 8 CFR 274a, 8 CFR 1274a Foreign workers in U.S., temporary employment, 20 CFR 655 Labor certification process for permanent employment of in U.S., 20 CFR 656 Labor condition applications and requirements for employers using nonimmigrants on H-1B specialty visas in specialty occupations and as fashion models, 29 CFR 507 Nonimmigrant classes, 8 CFR 214 Temporary agricultural workers admitted under section 218 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, enforcement of contractual obligations, 29 CFR 501, 29 CFR 502 Unlawful employment of aliens, unfair immigration-related employment practices, and document fraud, rules of practice and procedure for administrative hearings before administrative law judges, 28 CFR 68 Children and Families Administration Native employment work (NEW) program, 45 CFR 287 Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program-- Data collection and reporting requirements, 45 CFR 265 Ensuring that recipients work, 45 CFR 261 General accountability provisions, 45 CFR 262 General provisions, 45 CFR 260 Other accountability provisions, 45 CFR 264 [[Page 255]] State and Federal TANF funds, expenditures, 45 CFR 263 Tribal TANF provisions, 45 CFR 286 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau programs and activities, enforcement of nondiscrimination on basis of disability, 12 CFR 1072 Employee Polygraph Protection Act, application, 29 CFR 801 Employment statistics, process for electing State agency representatives for consultations with Labor Department, 29 CFR 44 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Availability of records, 29 CFR 1610 Government in the Sunshine Act, 29 CFR 1612 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Federal Contract Compliance Programs Office, discrimination on basis of sex, 41 CFR 60-20 Federal-State employment service system Administrative procedure, approval and certification of State laws and plans of operation for tax credit and grant purposes, 20 CFR 601 Special responsibilities; labor surplus areas, agricultural workers housing, 20 CFR 654 State employment services, establishment and functioning, 20 CFR 652 Veterans, services for veterans, 20 CFR 1001 Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Service-- Administrative provisions governing, 20 CFR 658 General provisions, 20 CFR 651 Services of, 20 CFR 653 Federal work-study programs, 34 CFR 675 Food stamp program, certification of eligible households, 7 CFR 273 Health and Human Services Department Statutory conscience rights protection in health care, authority delegations, 45 CFR 88 [[Page 256]] Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for federal awards, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, Cybersecurity Talent Management System (CTMS), 6 CFR 158 Homeworkers in certain industries, employment, 29 CFR 530 Immigration and Nationality Act Nonimmigrant visas, documentation, 22 CFR 41 Persons admitted for lawful temporary or permanent resident status under Section 245A, status adjustment, 8 CFR 245a Temporary agricultural workers admitted under Section 218, enforcement of contractual obligations, 29 CFR 501, 29 CFR 502 Temporary nonimmigrant non-agricultural workers, enforcement of obligations, 29 CFR 503 Indian Affairs Bureau, Job Placement and Training Program, 25 CFR 26 Indian child protection and family violence prevention, 25 CFR 63 Indian health programs, Indian preference in employment, 42 CFR 136 Indian preference in employment in Indian Affairs Bureau, 25 CFR 5 Labor Department, apprenticeship programs-- Equal employment opportunity, 29 CFR 30 Registration standards, 29 CFR 29 Maritime Administration, reemployment rights of certain merchant seamen, 46 CFR 349 Migrant and seasonal agricultural worker protection, 29 CFR 500 Nuclear Regulatory Commission; licenses, certifications, and approvals for nuclear power plants, 10 CFR 52 Occupational Safety and Health Administration Discrimination complaints, handling procedures-- Pipeline Safety Improvement Act of 2002, complaints under section 6, 29 CFR 1981 Wendell H. Ford Aviation Investment and Reform Act for 21st Century, complaints under section 519, 29 CFR 1979 Williams-Steiger Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, 29 CFR 1977 Retaliation complaints, handling procedures-- Affordable Care Act, complaints under section 1558, 29 CFR 1984 Complaints under employee protection provisions of six environmental statutes and section 211 of the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, as amended, 29 CFR 24 Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010, complaints under employee protection provision, 29 CFR 1985 Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008, complaints under section 219, 29 CFR 1983 FDA Food Safety Modernization Act, complaints under section 402, 29 CFR 1987 Moving Ahead or Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21), complaints under section 31307, 29 CFR 1988 National Transit System Security Act and the Federal Railroad Safety Act, 29 CFR 1982 Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, as amended; complaints under section 806, 29 CFR 1980 Seaman's Protection Act (SPA), complaints under employment protection provision, as amended, 29 CFR 1986 Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982, complaints under employment protection provision), 29 CFR 1978 Outer Continental Shelf activities, units engaged in, personnel, 33 CFR 141 Prisons Bureau, inmate work and compensation, 28 CFR 545 Refugee resettlement program, 45 CFR 400 Senior Biomedical Research and Biomedical Product Assessment Service, 42 CFR 24 Senior Community Service Employment Program, governing provisions, 20 CFR 641 Supplemental nutrition assistance and food distribution program, demonstration, [[Page 257]] research, and evaluation projects, 7 CFR 282 Supportive housing program, 24 CFR 583 Temporary and term employment, 5 CFR 316 Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act, 20 CFR 1002 Veterans' employment and training Hire Vets Medallion Program, 20 CFR 1011 Priority of service for covered persons, application, 20 CFR 1010 Veterans vocational rehabilitation and education, 38 CFR 21 Welfare-to-work grants, governing provisions, 20 CFR 645 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title I Administrative provisions, 20 CFR 683 Adult and dislocated workers activities, 20 CFR 680 Indian and Native American programs, 20 CFR 684 Introduction to regulations for the workforce development systems, 20 CFR 675 Job Corps, 20 CFR 686 National Dislocated Workers Grants, 20 CFR 687 National Farmworker Jobs Program, 20 CFR 685 One-Stop Delivery System, description, 20 CFR 678 Performance accountability, 20 CFR 677 Provisions governing the Youthbuild Program, 20 CFR 688 Statewide activities, 20 CFR 682 Statewide and local governance of Workforce Development System, 20 CFR 679 Unified and combined State plans, 20 CFR 676 Youth activities, 20 CFR 681 Workforce Investment Act, Title I Administrative provisions, 20 CFR 667 Adult and dislocated worker activities, 20 CFR 663 Dislocated workers, national emergency grants, 20 CFR 671 Indian and Native American programs, 20 CFR 668 Job Corps, 20 CFR 670 National Farmworkers Jobs program, 20 CFR 669 One-Stop system description, 20 CFR 662 Performance accountability, 20 CFR 666 Statewide workforce investment activities, 20 CFR 665 Workforce investment system-- Introduction to regulations, 20 CFR 660 Statewide and local governance, 20 CFR 661 Youth activities, 20 CFR 664 Employment and Training Administration Administrative procedure, 20 CFR 601 Aliens, Labor certification process for permanent employment in U.S., 20 CFR 656 Disaster unemployment assistance, 20 CFR 625 Farm labor programs, coordinated enforcement, 29 CFR 42 Federal-State employment service system Special responsibilities, 20 CFR 654 State employment services, establishment and functioning, 20 CFR 652 Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Service-- Administrative provisions governing, 20 CFR 658 General provisions, 20 CFR 651 Services of, 20 CFR 653 Foreign workers in U.S., temporary employment, 20 CFR 655 Job Training Partnership Act Complaints, investigations and hearings, 20 CFR 636 Dislocated workers program under Title III, 20 CFR 631 General provisions governing programs under Titles I, II, and III, 20 CFR 627 Indian and Native American employment and training programs, 20 CFR 632 Introduction to regulations, 20 CFR 626 Job Corps program under Title IV-B, 20 CFR 638 Labor market information programs under Title IV, Part E, 20 CFR 634 Migrant and seasonal farmworker programs, 20 CFR 633 Programs under Title II, 20 CFR 628 Programs under Title V, 20 CFR 637 [[Page 258]] Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act, definitions and use of terms, 20 CFR 701 Senior Community Service Employment Program, governing provisions, 20 CFR 641 Trade adjustment assistance under Trade Act of 1974, as amended, 20 CFR 618 Unemployment compensation Eligibility regulations, 20 CFR 604 Ex-servicemembers, 20 CFR 614 Extended benefits, 20 CFR 615 Federal civilian employees, 20 CFR 609 Federal-State unemployment insurance system, quality control in, 20 CFR 602 Interstate arrangement for combining employment and wages, 20 CFR 616 Standard for appeal's promptness, 20 CFR 650 Standard for benefit payment promptness, 20 CFR 640 State information, confidentiality and disclosure, 20 CFR 603 Tax credits under Federal Unemployment Tax Act, advances under Title XII of Social Security Act, 20 CFR 606 Welfare-to-work grants, governing provisions, 20 CFR 645 Worker adjustment and retraining notification (plant closings), 20 CFR 639 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title I Administrative provisions, 20 CFR 683 Adult and dislocated workers activities, 20 CFR 680 Indian and Native American programs, 20 CFR 684 Introduction to regulations for the workforce development systems, 20 CFR 675 Job Corps, 20 CFR 686 National Dislocated Workers Grants, 20 CFR 687 National Farmworker Jobs Program, 20 CFR 685 One-Stop Delivery System, description, 20 CFR 678 Performance accountability, 20 CFR 677 Provisions governing the Youthbuild Program, 20 CFR 688 State plans, unified and combined20 CFR 676 Statewide activities, 20 CFR 682 Workforce Development System, Statewide and local governance, 20 CFR 679 Youth activities, 20 CFR 681 Workforce Investment Act, Title I Administrative provisions, 20 CFR 667 Adult and dislocated worker activities, 20 CFR 663 Dislocated workers, national emergency grants, 20 CFR 671 Indian and Native American programs, 20 CFR 668 Job Corps, 20 CFR 670 National Farmworkers Jobs Program, 20 CFR 669 One-Stop system description, 20 CFR 662 Performance accountability, 20 CFR 666 Statewide workforce investment activities, 20 CFR 665 Workforce investment system-- Introduction to regulations, 20 CFR 660 Statewide and local governance, 20 CFR 661 Youth activities, 20 CFR 664 Employment Policy, National Commission Nondiscrimination on basis of handicap in agency conducted programs or activities, 1 CFR 500 Employment taxes See al Taxes Contract coverage of employees of foreign subsidies, 26 CFR 36 Criminal Antitrust Anti-Retaliation Act, procedures for handling of retaliation complaints, 29 CFR 1991 Employment tax and collection of income tax at source regulations under Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982, 26 CFR 35 Employment taxes and collection of income tax at source, 26 CFR 31 Internal Revenue Service, procedure and administration, 26 CFR 301 Retirement coverage errors correction under Federal Erroneous Retirement Coverage Corrections Act, 5 CFR 839 Temporary employment tax regulations under [[Page 259]] Act of December 19, 1981 (Pub. L. 97-123), 26 CFR 32 Interest and Dividend Tax Compliance Act of 1983, 26 CFR 35a Unemployment compensation tax credits, 26 CFR 601 Tax credits under Federal Unemployment Tax Act, advances under Title XII of Social Security Act, 20 CFR 606 Withholding of District of Columbia, State, city, and county income or employment taxes by Federal agencies, 31 CFR 215 Endangered and threatened species See al Fish; Marine mammals; Plants; Wildlife Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), 50 CFR 23 Endangered species exemption process Application consideration by Secretary, 50 CFR 452 Application procedure, 50 CFR 451 Endangered Species Committee, 50 CFR 453 General provisions, 50 CFR 450 Federal/State cooperation in conservation of endangered and threatened species, 50 CFR 81 Fish, wildlife, and plants Listing and designating critical habitat, 50 CFR 424 Species identification, 50 CFR 17 Interagency cooperation, Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended, 50 CFR 402 Marine mammals and fish Commercial fisheries, authorization under the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972, 50 CFR 229 Designated critical habitat, 50 CFR 226 Endangered marine and anadromous species, 50 CFR 224 General endangered and threatened marine species, 50 CFR 222 Mandatory ship reporting systems for protection of northern right whales, 33 CFR 169 Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972, notice and hearing under section 103(d) regulations, 50 CFR 228 Taking and importing, 50 CFR 216, 50 CFR 219 Taking incidental to specified activities, 50 CFR 217 Threatened marine and anadromous species, 50 CFR 223 Migratory bird hunting, procedural and substantive requirements, 50 CFR 20 Natural Resources Conservation Service, Wildlife Habitat Incentive Program, 7 CFR 636 Plants, importation and exportation Designated ports, 50 CFR 24 Illegally taken plants, control, 7 CFR 357 Seized plants, forfeiture procedures, 7 CFR 356 Terrestrial plants, endangered species regulations, 7 CFR 355 Endangered Species Committee Endangered species exemption process Application consideration by Secretary, 50 CFR 452 Application procedure, 50 CFR 451 Endangered Species Committee, 50 CFR 453 General provisions, 50 CFR 450 Energy See al Coal; Electric power; Energy conservation; Geothermal energy; Natural gas; Natural resources; Nuclear energy; Petroleum; Pipelines; Solar energy Biodiesel Fuel Education Program, 7 CFR 2903 Cellulosic biofuels, production incentives, 10 CFR 452 Clean energy products, loan guarantees, 10 CFR 609 Commodity Credit Corporation Bioenergy program, 7 CFR 1424 Biomass Crop Assistance Program, 7 CFR 1450 Consolidation of grants to insular areas for social programs, 45 CFR 97 Domestic energy supplies Materials allocation and priority performance under contracts or orders to maximize, 10 CFR 216 Policy guidance and delegations of authority for use of priorities and allocations, 44 CFR 330 Electric power exports, administrative procedures and sanctions, 10 CFR 205 [[Page 260]] Electrical transmission facilities, coordination of Federal authorizations, 10 CFR 900 Energy Department Information collection, 10 CFR 207 Workplace substance abuse programs at DOE sites, 10 CFR 707 Energy priorities and allocations system, 10 CFR 217 Hazardous waste burned for energy recovery, management standards, 40 CFR 266 Indian Tribal Energy Development and Self Determination Act, tribal energy resource agreements, 25 CFR 224 Low income home energy assistance, block grants, 45 CFR 96 Mission compatibility evaluation process, 32 CFR 211 Outer continental shelf Existing facilities, alternate use, 30 CFR 586 Renewable energy, 30 CFR 585 Outer continental shelf, renewable and alternate uses of existing facilities, 30 CFR 285 Rural development Advanced biofuel and biorefineries payment programs, 7 CFR 4288 Guaranteed loanmaking, 7 CFR 4279 Loan servicing, 7 CFR 4287 Loans and grants, 7 CFR 4280 Science Financial Assistance Program Office, 10 CFR 605 State Department, security information regulations applicable to certain international energy programs, related material, 22 CFR 9a Voluntary greenhouse gas reporting program, general guidelines, 10 CFR 300 Energy conservation See al Energy; Fuel economy Airport aid program, 14 CFR 152 Alternate fuels Administrative procedures and sanctions, 10 CFR 501 Definitions, 10 CFR 500 Existing powerplants, 10 CFR 504 New facilities, 10 CFR 503 Transportation program, 10 CFR 490 Alternative fuels and alternative fueled vehicles, labeling requirements, 16 CFR 309 Appropriate technology small grants program, 10 CFR 470 Automatic propulsion research and development, 10 CFR 473 Consumer products and commercial and industrial equipment Certification, compliance, and enforcement, 10 CFR 429 Energy conservation program, 10 CFR 430 Energy efficiency program, 10 CFR 431 Electric and hybrid vehicle research, development, and demonstration program, petroleum-equivalent fuel economy calculation, 10 CFR 474 Electric utility conservation, 10 CFR 208 Energy and water use labeling for consumer products under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act, 16 CFR 305 Energy conservation, efficiency standards for the design and construction of new Federal low-rise residential buildings, 10 CFR 435 Energy planning and management program, 10 CFR 905 Environment, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace, 48 CFR 823, 48 CFR 1323 Federal Acquisition Regulation; environment, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace, 48 CFR 23 Federal energy management and planning programs, 10 CFR 436 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 [[Page 261]] Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Federal Management Regulation Motor vehicle management, 41 CFR 102-34 Real property-- Design and construction, 41 CFR 102-76 Facility management, 41 CFR 102-74 Federal Property Management Regulations, motor vehicle management, 41 CFR 101-38 Federal Trade Commission, general procedures, 16 CFR 1 Federal Transit Administration, buildings, energy assessments, 49 CFR 622 Housing and Urban Development Department programs, comprehensive planning assistance, 24 CFR 600 Income taxes, residential tax credit, 26 CFR 1 (1.23-1--1.23-6) Manufactured homes, energy conservation standards, 10 CFR 460 New Federal commercial and multi-family high rise residential buildings Energy code, 10 CFR 434 Energy efficiency standards, 10 CFR 433 Power plant and industrial fuel use, power plant design capacity determination, 18 CFR 287 Recycled oil, test procedures and labeling standards, 16 CFR 311 Renewable energy production incentives, 10 CFR 451 Rural development Guaranteed loanmaking, 7 CFR 4279 Guaranteed loans, 7 CFR 5001 Loan servicing, 7 CFR 4287 Small business energy conservation loans, 13 CFR 120 State energy program, 10 CFR 420 Technical assistance and energy conservation measures, grant programs for schools, hospitals, and buildings owned by units of local government and public care institutions, 10 CFR 455 Transportation Department, aviation proceedings, implementation of Energy Policy and Conservation Act, 14 CFR 313 Voluntary labeling program for household appliances and equipment to effect energy conservation, 15 CFR 9 Weatherization assistance for low-income persons, 10 CFR 440 Energy Department See al Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Access to information on Department computers, consent, 10 CFR 727 Acquisition regulations [[Page 262]] Administrative matters, 48 CFR 904 Application of labor laws to Government acquisition, 48 CFR 922 Bonds and insurance, 48 CFR 928 Commercial items, 48 CFR 912 Competition requirements, 48 CFR 906 Construction and architect-engineer contracts, 48 CFR 936 Contract administration and audit services, 48 CFR 942 Contract cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 931 Contract financing, 48 CFR 932 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 915 Contracting qualifications, 48 CFR 909 Definitions of words and terms, 48 CFR 902 Describing agency needs, 48 CFR 911 DOE management and operating contracts, 48 CFR 970 Environment, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace, 48 CFR 923 Extraordinary contractual actions and the Safety Act, 48 CFR 950 Federal Acquisition Regulations System, 48 CFR 901 Foreign acquisition, 48 CFR 925 Government property, 48 CFR 945 Government sources by contractors, use of, 48 CFR 951 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 903 Information technology acquisition, 48 CFR 939 Other socioeconomic programs, 48 CFR 926 Patents, data, and copyrights, 48 CFR 927 Protection of privacy and freedom of information, 48 CFR 924 Protests, disputes, and appeals, 48 CFR 933 Publicizing contract actions, 48 CFR 905 Required sources of supplies and services, 48 CFR 908 Research and development contracting, 48 CFR 935 Sealed bidding, 48 CFR 914 Service contracting, 48 CFR 937 Simplified acquisition procedures, 48 CFR 913 Small business programs, 48 CFR 919 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 952 Special contracting methods, 48 CFR 917 Termination of contracts, 48 CFR 949 Transportation, 48 CFR 947 Types of contracts, 48 CFR 916 Utility services, 48 CFR 941 Administrative claims under Federal Tort Claims Act, 10 CFR 1014 Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturer Assistance Program, 10 CFR 611 Alternate fuels Administrative procedures and sanctions, 10 CFR 501 Definitions, 10 CFR 500 Existing powerplants, 10 CFR 504 New facilities, 10 CFR 503 Transportation program, 10 CFR 490 Appropriate technology small grants program, 10 CFR 470 Automatic propulsion research and development, 10 CFR 473 Boulder Canyon Project, general regulations for charges for sale of power from, 10 CFR 904 Byproduct material, 10 CFR 962 Cellulosic biofuels, production incentives, 10 CFR 452 Certain nuclear plant delays, standby support, 10 CFR 950 Chronic beryllium disease prevention program, 10 CFR 850 Civil penalties assessment for classified information security violations, procedures, 10 CFR 824 Claims, collection of claims owed U.S., 10 CFR 1015 Classified matter and special nuclear material, procedures for determining eligibility for access to, 10 CFR 710 Clean energy products, loan guarantees, 10 CFR 609 Consumer products and commercial and industrial equipment Certification, compliance, and enforcement, 10 CFR 429 Energy conservation program, 10 CFR 430 Energy efficiency program, 10 CFR 431 Conduct of employees and former employees, 10 CFR 1010 Contract clauses, 10 CFR 624 [[Page 263]] Contractor employee protection program, 10 CFR 708 Contractor legal management requirements, 10 CFR 719 Contractual provisions, 10 CFR 622 Counterintelligence evaluation program, 10 CFR 709 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 901 Defense mobilization base, maintenance, 44 CFR 321 Domestic energy supplies, materials allocation and priority performance under contracts or orders to maximize, 10 CFR 216 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 2 CFR 902, 10 CFR 607 Electric and hybrid vehicle research, development, and demonstration program, petroleum-equivalent fuel economy calculation, 10 CFR 474 Electric power exports, administrative procedures and sanctions, 10 CFR 205 Electric power plants, definition of Nonrecourse project-financed, 10 CFR 715 Electric transmission facilities, coordination of Federal authorizations, 10 CFR 900 Energy conservation, efficiency standards for the design and construction of new Federal low-rise residential buildings, 10 CFR 435 Energy planning and management program, 10 CFR 905 Energy priorities and allocations system, 10 CFR 217 Epidemiology and other health studies financial assistance program, 10 CFR 602 Extraordinary nuclear occurrences, determination, contractor indemnity agreements, 10 CFR 840 Federal energy management and planning programs, 10 CFR 436 Financial assistance, 10 CFR 600 Appeals procedures, 10 CFR 1024 Flood plain and wetland environmental review requirements, compliance, 10 CFR 1022 Foreign atomic energy activities, assistance, 10 CFR 810 Foreign gifts and decorations, 10 CFR 1050 Foreign oil supply agreement information collection, 10 CFR 215 Freedom of information, 10 CFR 1004 Hearings and Appeals Office procedural regulations, 10 CFR 1003 Human reliability program, 10 CFR 712 Human research subjects, protection of, 10 CFR 745 Information collection, 10 CFR 207 Intergovernmental review of Department of Energy programs and activities, 10 CFR 1005 Limited arrest authority and use of force by Protective Force Officers of Strategic Petroleum Reserve, 10 CFR 1049 Lobbying, new restrictions, 10 CFR 601 Manufactured homes, energy conservation standards, 10 CFR 460 Materials and services sold by DOE, general policy for pricing and charging, 10 CFR 1009 Materials or information, production or disclosure of, 10 CFR 202 Mercury, fee for long-term management and storage under the Mercury Export Ban Act of 2008, as amended, 10 CFR 955 Minority business enterprises seeking DOE contracts and assistance, loans for bid or proposal preparation, 10 CFR 800 National Environmental Policy Act implementing procedures, 10 CFR 1021 Natural gas curtailment priorities for essential agricultural uses, 10 CFR 580 Natural gas import and export, administrative procedures, 10 CFR 590 Nevada Test Site, traffic control, 10 CFR 861 New Federal commercial and multi-family high rise residential buildings Energy code, 10 CFR 434 Energy efficiency standards, 10 CFR 433 Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs or activities, 10 CFR 1040 Disability, on basis of, 10 CFR 1041 Sex, on basis of, 10 CFR 1042 Nuclear activities, procedural rules, 10 CFR 820 Nuclear classification and declassification, 10 CFR 1045 Nuclear safety management, 10 CFR 830 Nuclear sites, restrictions on aircraft landing and air delivery at DOE nuclear sites, 10 CFR 862 [[Page 264]] Nuclear waste repository, general guidelines for preliminary screening of potential sites, 10 CFR 960 Occupational radiation protection, 10 CFR 835 Official seal and distinguishing flag, 10 CFR 1002 Oil, international voluntary agreements, 10 CFR 209 Patent and copyright infringement claims, 10 CFR 782 Patent Compensation Board regulations, 10 CFR 780 Patent licensing regulations, 10 CFR 781 Patent waiver regulation, 10 CFR 784 Patents, waiver of certain rights, 10 CFR 783 Petroleum regulations Administrative procedures and sanctions, 10 CFR 205 Allocation and price, general rules, 10 CFR 210 Crude oil and petroleum products priority supply to Defense Department under Defense Production Act, 10 CFR 221 Mandatory pricing, 10 CFR 212 Price competitive sale of strategic petroleum reserve petroleum, 10 CFR 625 Standby mandatory international oil allocation, 10 CFR 218 Plutonium, air transportation of, 10 CFR 871 Power and transmission rates, adjustments and extensions for Alaska, southeastern, southwestern, and western area power administrations, public participation, 10 CFR 903 Privacy Act, records maintained on individuals, 10 CFR 1008 Program Fraud civil remedies and procedures, 10 CFR 1013 Property management Hazardous materials and certain categories of property, utilization and disposal, 41 CFR 109-42 Interagency fleet management systems, 41 CFR 109-39 Introduction, 41 CFR 109-1 Miscellaneous regulations, 41 CFR 109-6 Motor equipment management, 41 CFR 109-38 Personal property-- Abandoned and forfeited; utilization, donation, or disposal, 41 CFR 109-48 Donation, 41 CFR 109-44 Exchange/sale authority, Utilization and disposal pursuant to, 41 CFR 109-46 Sale, abandonment, or destruction, 41 CFR 109-45 Utilization, 41 CFR 109-43 Special DOE disposal authorities, 41 CFR 109-50 Supply and procurement-- Federal Catalog System, 41 CFR 109-30 General, 41 CFR 109-25 Inventory management, 41 CFR 109-27 Procurement sources and programs, 41 CFR 109-26 Storage and distribution, 41 CFR 109-28 Transportation and traffic management, 41 CFR 109-40 Protected disclosures, security requirements under section 3164 of National Defense Authorization Act for 2000 Fiscal Year, 10 CFR 1044 Protective force officers and personnel Limited arrest authority and use of force, 10 CFR 1047 Medical, physical readiness, training, and access authorization standards, 10 CFR 1046 Renewable energy production incentives, 10 CFR 451 Research misconduct allegations, 10 CFR 733 Restricted data Access permits, 10 CFR 725 Safeguarding by access permittees, 10 CFR 1016 Science Financial Assistance Program Office, 10 CFR 605 Security policies and practices relating to labor-management relations, 10 CFR 706 Spent nuclear fuel and/or high-level radioactive waste, standard contract for disposal, 10 CFR 961 State energy program, 10 CFR 420 Strategic petroleum reserve, petroleum acquisition procedures, 10 CFR 626 [[Page 265]] Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for Department employees, 5 CFR 3301 Technical assistance and energy conservation measures, grant programs for schools, hospitals, and buildings owned by units of local government and public care institutions, 10 CFR 455 Transfer of proceedings to Energy Secretary and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 10 CFR 1000 Transfer of real property at defense nuclear facilities for economic development, 10 CFR 770 Travel expenses payment of persons who are not Government employees, 10 CFR 1060 Trespassing on Government property, 10 CFR 860 Trespassing on Strategic Petroleum Reserve facilities and other property, 10 CFR 1048 Unclassified controlled nuclear information, identification and protection, 10 CFR 1017 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 910 Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally assisted programs, cross reference to 49 CFR 24 (governmentwide rule), 10 CFR 1039 Uranium Domestic program, 10 CFR 760 Reimbursement for costs of remedial action at active uranium and thorium processing sites, 10 CFR 765 Uranium enrichment decontamination and decommissioning fund; domestic utilities special assessment procedures, 10 CFR 766 Voluntary greenhouse gas reporting program, general guidelines, 10 CFR 300 Weatherization assistance for low-income persons, 10 CFR 440 Worker safety and health program, 10 CFR 851 Workplace substance abuse programs at DOE sites, 10 CFR 707 Yucca Mountain site suitability guidelines, 10 CFR 963 Energy Policy and New Uses Office Biodiesel Fuel Education Program, 7 CFR 2903 Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978 Essential agricultural uses and volumetric requirements, 7 CFR 2900 Natural gas curtailment priority adjustments, administrative procedures, 7 CFR 2901 Engineers National defense science and engineering graduate fellowships, 32 CFR 168a New Federal commercial and multi-family high rise residential buildings Energy code, 10 CFR 434 Energy efficiency standards, 10 CFR 433 Engineers Corps Administrative procedure, 33 CFR 209 Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan, programmatic regulations, 33 CFR 385 Danger zone and restricted area regulations, 33 CFR 334 Emergency employment of Army and other resources, natural disaster procedures, 33 CFR 203 Engineering and design, responsibility for safety and structural adequacy of major civil works structures, 33 CFR 222 Environmental protection, policies and procedures for implementing NEPA, 33 CFR 230 Flood control Cost sharing requirements under ability to pay provision, 33 CFR 241 Regulations, 33 CFR 208 Flood damage reduction measures in urban areas, 33 CFR 238 Flood plain management services program establishment of fees for cost recovery, 33 CFR 242 Hydropower projects under Federal Power Act, 33 CFR 221 Intergovernmental review of programs and activities, 33 CFR 384 Navigation regulations, 33 CFR 207 Ocean dumping Dredged material permits, 40 CFR 225 Dredged material transportation, 40 CFR 220 Ohio National Wildlife Conservation Area Falls, Kentucky and Indiana, protection, use and management, 36 CFR 331 [[Page 266]] Operation and maintenance of civil works projects involving discharge of dredged or fill material into U.S. or ocean waters Dredging projects, factors considered in evaluation, 33 CFR 336 Other Corps activities, 33 CFR 338 Policy, applicable laws, definitions, 33 CFR 335 Practice and procedure, 33 CFR 337 Permits Administrative appeal process, 33 CFR 331 Dams and dikes in navigable U.S. waters, 33 CFR 321 Discharges of dredged or fill material into waters, 33 CFR 323 Enforcement, 33 CFR 326 General regulatory policies, 33 CFR 320 Nationwide permit program, 33 CFR 330 Navigable U.S. waters, definition, 33 CFR 329 Ocean dumping of dredged material, 33 CFR 324 Processing of Army Department permits, 33 CFR 325 Public hearings, 33 CFR 327 Structures or work in or affecting navigable U.S. waters, 33 CFR 322 U.S. waters, definition, 33 CFR 328 Water resource development projects administered by Chief of Army Engineers Law enforcement services contracts, 36 CFR 330 Prohibition of discriminatory practices, 36 CFR 312 Public use, 36 CFR 327 Seaplane operations, 36 CFR 328 Water resources infrastructure projects, credit assistance, 33 CFR 386 Waterways, removal of wrecks and other obstructions, 33 CFR 245 Engraving and Printing Bureau Distinctive paper and distinctive counterfeit deterrents for United States Federal Reserve notes, 31 CFR 601 Regulations governing conduct in Bureau of Engraving and Printing buildings and on grounds in Washington, DC and Fort Worth, TX, 31 CFR 605 Entertainment See Communications Environmental impact statements See al Administrative practice and procedure; Environmental protection Agency for International Development, 22 CFR 216 Agricultural Research Service, 7 CFR 520 Agriculture Department, 7 CFR 1b Air Force Department, 32 CFR 989 Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, 7 CFR 372 Army Department, 32 CFR 651 Community Development Financial Institutions Fund, 12 CFR 1815 Consumer Product Safety Commission, 16 CFR 1021 Denali Commission, National Environmental Policy Act implementing procedures, 45 CFR 900 Energy Department, 10 CFR 1021 Engineers Corps, 33 CFR 230 Environmental Protection Agency Antarctica, non-governmental activities, environmental impact assessment, 40 CFR 8 National Environmental Policy Act, environmental effects abroad of EPA actions, implementation procedures, 40 CFR 6 Ocean dumping, permit applications evaluation criteria, 40 CFR 227 Environmental Quality Council Definitions, 40 CFR 1508 Environmental impact statements-- Drafts and commenting, 40 CFR 1503 Purpose and implementation, 40 CFR 1502 National Environmental Policy Act-- Agency compliance, 40 CFR 1507 Agency decisionmaking, 40 CFR 1505 Agency planning, 40 CFR 1501 Other requirements, 40 CFR 1506 Proposed Federal agency actions determined environmentally unsatisfactory, predecision referrals to Council, 40 CFR 1504 Purpose and policy, 40 CFR 1500 Export-Import Bank, environmental effects of Bank actions inside U.S., procedures [[Page 267]] for compliance with National Environmental Policy Act, 12 CFR 408 Farm Service Agency; National Environmental Policy Act, compliance, 7 CFR 799 Federal Communications Commission Common carrier services-- Commercial mobile services, 47 CFR 20 Wireless communications, miscellaneous services, 47 CFR 27 Frequency allocations and radio treaty matters, general rules and regulations, 47 CFR 2 Practice and procedure, 47 CFR 1 Private land mobile radio services, 47 CFR 90 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 18 CFR 380 Federal Highway Administration, environmental impact and related procedures, 23 CFR 771 Federal Maritime Commission, 46 CFR 504 Federal Railroad Administration, environmental impact and related procedures, 23 CFR 771 Federal Trade Commission, general procedures, 16 CFR 1 Federal Transit Administration, environmental impact and related procedures, 23 CFR 771 Food and Drug Administration, 21 CFR 25 Forest Service Land and resource management planning, 36 CFR 219 National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), compliance, 36 CFR 220 Historic Preservation Advisory Council, 36 CFR 805 Housing and Urban Development Department Environmental review procedures for entities assuming HUD environmental responsibilities, 24 CFR 58 Floodplain management and protection of wetlands, 24 CFR 55 Protection and enhancement of environmental quality, 24 CFR 50 Interior Department; National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, implementation, 43 CFR 46 Justice Department, 28 CFR 61 Labor Department, 29 CFR 11 Land Management Bureau; resource management planning, programming, budgeting, 43 CFR 1600 Marine Mammal Commission, 50 CFR 530 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, administrative authority and policy, 14 CFR 1216 National Capital Planning Commission, implementation of the National Environmental Policy Act, 1 CFR 601 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 49 CFR 520 National Institute of Food and Agriculture, 7 CFR 3407 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 15 CFR 921 National Science Foundation, 45 CFR 640 Navy Department, policies and responsibilities for implementation of the National Environmental Policy Act, 32 CFR 775 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, domestic licensing and related regulatory functions, 10 CFR 51 Ocean Energy Management Bureau, oil and gas and sulphur operations in the outer continental shelf, 30 CFR 550 Oil and gas and sulphur operations in the Outer Continental Shelf Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation, 36 CFR 907 People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled, Committee for Purchase From, 41 CFR 51-7 Postal Service, National Environmental Policy Act procedures, 39 CFR 775 Presidio Trust, 36 CFR 1010 Rural Business-Cooperative Service programs, environmental policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1970 Rural Housing Service Direct single family housing loans and grants, 7 CFR 3550 Guaranteed Rural Housing program, 7 CFR 3555 Program regulations, environmental policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1970 Rural Utilities Service programs; environmental policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1970 Safety and Environmental Enforcement Bureau, 30 CFR 250 [[Page 268]] Securities and Exchange Commission; organization, conduct and ethics, and information and requests, 17 CFR 200 Soil Conservation Service, 7 CFR 650 State Department, 22 CFR 161 Surface Transportation Board, 49 CFR 1105 Tennessee Valley Authority, National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 implementation, 18 CFR 1318 Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation Commission, 43 CFR 10010 Veterans Affairs Department, 38 CFR 26 Water Resources Council, National Environmental Policy Act, compliance, 18 CFR 707 Environmental protection See al Air pollution control; Environmental impact statements; Natural resources; Noise control; Pesticides and pests; Reclamation; Waste treatment and disposal; Water pollution control Accidental chemical release prevention requirements, off-site consequence analysis information distribution, 40 CFR 1400 Agricultural payments for conservation and environmental protection, determining primary purpose of payments for Federal tax purposes, 7 CFR 14 Air pollution control Acid rain, continuous emission monitoring, 40 CFR 75 Acid rain program, appeal procedures, 40 CFR 78 Air quality planning purposes, designated areas, 40 CFR 81 Aircraft and aircraft engines, 40 CFR 87 Aircraft engines, 40 CFR 1031 Federal NOx Budget Trading Program, CAIR NOx and SO2 Trading Programs, CSAPR NOx and SO2 Trading Programs, and Texas SO2 Trading Program, 40 CFR 97 Fuels and fuel additives, 40 CFR 80 Fuels, fuel additives, and regulated blendstocks; regulation, 40 CFR 1090 Greenhouse gas emissions from engines installed on airplanes, 40 CFR 1030 Hazardous air pollutants for source categories, National emission standards, 40 CFR 63 Hydrofluorocarbons, phasedown, 40 CFR 84 Implementation plans-- Approval and promulgation, 40 CFR 52 Preparation, adoption, and submittal requirements, 40 CFR 51 Locomotives, emissions control, 40 CFR 1033 Mandatory reporting of greenhouse gas, 40 CFR 98 Motor vehicles, fuel economy and greenhouse gas exhaust emissions, 40 CFR 600 National emission standards, 40 CFR 61 New and in-use heavy-duty highway engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 1036 New and in-use heavy-duty motor vehicles, emissions control, 40 CFR 1037 New and in-use highway vehicles and engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 86 New and in-use marine compression-ignition engines and vessels, emissions control, 40 CFR 1043 New and in-use nonroad compression-ignition engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 1039 New stationary sources, performance standards, 40 CFR 60 Outer Continental Shelf air regulations, 40 CFR 55 Solid wastes used as fuels or ingredients in combustion units, 40 CFR 241 State operating permit programs, 40 CFR 70 State plans for designated facilities and pollutants, approval and promulgation, 40 CFR 62 Stratospheric ozone protection, 40 CFR 82 Vehicle-testing procedures, 40 CFR 1066 Antarctica Environmental assessment procedures for proposed National Science Foundation actions, 45 CFR 641 Waste regulation, 45 CFR 671 Antimicrobial pesticides, registration data requirements, 40 CFR 161 [[Page 269]] Armed Forces Retirement Home, compliance with National Environmental Policy Act, 38 CFR 200 Army Department Army lands, radiation sources on, 32 CFR 655 Environmental analysis of Army actions, 32 CFR 651 Asbestos in schools and commercial and industrial uses, 40 CFR 763 Auger coal mining, performance standards, 30 CFR 819 Civil monetary penalties, inflation adjustment, 40 CFR 19 Coal management, environment, 43 CFR 3460 Coal preparation plants not located within permit area of mine, permanent program performance standards, 30 CFR 827 Commercial space transportation Launch and reentry, license requirements, 14 CFR 450 Launch site, operation license, 14 CFR 420 Reentry site, operation license, 14 CFR 433 Commodity Credit Corporation Biomass Crop Assistance Program, 7 CFR 1450 Conservation Reserve Program, 7 CFR 1410 Regional Conservation Partnership Program, 7 CFR 1464 Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentive Program, 7 CFR 1455 Cross-media electronic reporting, 40 CFR 3 Deepwater ports, general requirements, 33 CFR 148 Defense Department Actions abroad, major environmental effects, 32 CFR 187 Munitions response site prioritization protocol, 32 CFR 179 Technical Assistance for Public Participation (TAPP) program, defense environmental restoration activities, 32 CFR 203 Electric power transmission to foreign countries, administrative procedures and sanctions, 10 CFR 205 Emergency Conservation Program, Emergency Forest Restoration Program, and certain related programs, 7 CFR 701 Engineers Corps Administrative appeal process, 33 CFR 331 Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan, programmatic regulations, 33 CFR 385 General regulatory policies, 33 CFR 320 Permit processing, regional, 33 CFR 325 Environmental Protection Agency Acquisition regulations-- Commercial items, 48 CFR 1512 Contract financing, 48 CFR 1532 Contracts, types, 48 CFR 1516 Definitions of words and terms, 48 CFR 1502 Information technology, 48 CFR 1539 Privacy Act implementation, 40 CFR 16 Simplified acquisition procedures, 48 CFR 1513 Environmental Protection Agency-- Disadvantaged business enterprises, participation in agency programs, 40 CFR 33 Fellowships, 40 CFR 46 National Environmental Education Act grants, 40 CFR 47 State and local assistance grants, 40 CFR 35 Training assistance, 40 CFR 45 OMB approvals under the Paperwork Reduction Act, 40 CFR 9 Organization and general information, 40 CFR 1 Environmental Quality Council Definitions, 40 CFR 1508 Environmental impact statements-- Drafts and commenting, 40 CFR 1503 Purpose and implementation, 40 CFR 1502 National Environmental Policy Act-- Agency compliance, 40 CFR 1507 Agency decisionmaking, 40 CFR 1505 Agency planning, 40 CFR 1501 Other requirements, 40 CFR 1506 Proposed Federal agency actions determined environmentally unsatisfactory, predecision referrals to Council, 40 CFR 1504 Purpose and policy, 40 CFR 1500 [[Page 270]] Environmental reviews, pilot program for delaminating duplication of, 23 CFR 778 Excise taxes, environmental taxes, 26 CFR 52 Federal Trade Commission, environmental marketing claims, guides for use, 16 CFR 260 Fellowships, 40 CFR 46 Forest Service, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), compliance, 36 CFR 220 Formaldehyde standards for composite wood products, 40 CFR 770 Geological and geophysical exploration of coastal plain, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, 50 CFR 37 Hazardous waste Identification and listing, 40 CFR 261 State management programs, approved, 40 CFR 272 State programs, authorization requirements, 40 CFR 271 Hazardous substances; designation, reportable quantities, and notification, 40 CFR 302 Income tax temporary regulations relating to partial exclusion for certain conservation cost sharing payments, 26 CFR 16a Indian country, air quality planning and management, 40 CFR 49 Indian lands, surface exploration, mining, and reclamation, 25 CFR 216 Innocent landowners, standards for conducting all appropriate inquiries, 40 CFR 312 Interior Department; National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, implementation, 43 CFR 46 Justice Department, acquisition regulations; environment, conservation, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace, 48 CFR 2823 Labor Department, retaliation complaints handling procedures under employee protection provisions of six environmental statutes and section 211 of the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, as amended, 29 CFR 24 Land Management Bureau; resource management planning, programming, budgeting, 43 CFR 1600 Marine Mammal Commission, compliance with National Environmental Policy Act, 50 CFR 530 Municipal solid waste landfills, criteria, 40 CFR 258 National coastal wetlands conservation grant program, 50 CFR 84 National Environmental Policy Act, implementing procedures Denali Commission, 45 CFR 900 National Capital Planning Commission, 1 CFR 601 National forest lands used for mineral resource mining, 36 CFR 228 National Institute of Standards and Technology, manufacturing extension partnership, environmental projects, 15 CFR 291 National Marine Sanctuary program regulations, 15 CFR 922 National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan, 40 CFR 300 National park areas Minerals management, 36 CFR 9 Resource protection, public use and recreation, 36 CFR 2 National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska; management and protection, 43 CFR 2360 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, practice and procedure rules, 10 CFR 2 Ocean dumping, criteria for the management of disposal sites, 40 CFR 228 Oil Pollution Act regulations, natural resource damage assessments, 15 CFR 990 Oil shale management Exploration and leases, 43 CFR 3930 Exploration licenses, 43 CFR 3910 General, 43 CFR 3900 Leasing, 43 CFR 3920 Outer Continental Shelf Existing facilities, renewable energy and alternate uses of , 30 CFR 285 Minerals other than oil, gas, and sulphur, operations for-- Ocean Energy Management Bureau, 30 CFR 582 Safety and Environmental Enforcement Bureau, 30 CFR 282 Offshore facilities, oil spill financial responsibility for-- [[Page 271]] Ocean Energy Management Bureau, 30 CFR 553 Safety and Environmental Enforcement Bureau, 30 CFR 254 Oil and gas and sulphur operations-- Ocean Energy Management Bureau, 30 CFR 550 Safety and Environmental Enforcement Bureau, 30 CFR 250 Renewable energy, 30 CFR 585 Sulphur or oil and gas leasing, Safety and Environmental Enforcement Bureau, 30 CFR 256 Sulphur or oil and gas leasing and bonding requirements, 30 CFR 556 Pesticides Applicators certification, 40 CFR 171 Chemical residue in food, tolerances and exemptions, 40 CFR 180 Data requirements, 40 CFR 158 Management and disposal, 40 CFR 165 Plant-incorporated protectants, procedures and requirements, 40 CFR 174 Registration and classification procedures, 40 CFR 152 Public lands Geothermal resource leasing, 43 CFR 3200 Surface exploration, mining, and reclamation of lands, 43 CFR 23 Public lands under wilderness review, mining claims under general mining laws, 43 CFR 3800 Radiation protection programs Environmental radiation protection standards for management and disposal of spent nuclear fuel, high-level and transuranic radioactive wastes, 40 CFR 191 Nuclear power operations, environmental radiation protection standards, 40 CFR 190 Radon proficiency programs, 40 CFR 195 Uranium and thorium mill tailings, health and environmental protection standards, 40 CFR 192 Waste Isolation Pilot Plant's compliance with 40 CFR Part 191 disposal regulations, certification and recertification criteria, 40 CFR 194 Yucca Mountain, Nevada; public health and environmental radiation protection standards, 40 CFR 197 Research fellowships, special research consultants for environmental protection, 40 CFR 18 Rural Business-Cooperative Service programs, environmental policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1970 Rural development; loan and grant program funds, 7 CFR 1940 Rural Housing Service programs, environmental policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1970 Rural Utilities Service programs, environmental policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1970 Small Business Administration; pollution control program, business loans, 13 CFR 120 Solid minerals (other than coal) exploration and mining operations, 43 CFR 3590 State hazardous waste programs, authorization requirements, 40 CFR 271 Surface and underground mining Alluvial valley floors in arid and semi-arid regions, performance standards, 30 CFR 822 Anthracite coal mining in Pennsylvania, performance standards, 30 CFR 820 Bituminous coal mining in Wyoming, performance standards, 30 CFR 825 General performance standards, 30 CFR 715 In situ processing operations, performance standards, 30 CFR 828 Mountaintop removal, special permanent program performance standards, 30 CFR 824 Prime farmlands, performance standards, 30 CFR 823 Special performance standards, 30 CFR 716 Surface mining activities, permanent program performance standards, 30 CFR 816 Surface mining operations within each State, conduct of programs, Georgia, 30 CFR 910 Surface mining permit applications, minimum requirements for information on environmental resources, 30 CFR 779 Underground mining activities, permanent program performance standards, 30 CFR 817 [[Page 272]] Underground mining performance standards, 30 CFR 717 Underground mining permit applications, minimum requirements for environmental resources information, 30 CFR 783 Surface transportation project delivery pilot program, 23 CFR 773 Tennessee Valley Authority, National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 implementation, 18 CFR 1318 Toxic chemical release reporting, community right-to-know, 40 CFR 372 Toxic substances control Chemical data reporting requirements, 40 CFR 711 Chemical fate testing guidelines, 40 CFR 796 Chemical imports and exports, 40 CFR 707 Chemical information rules, 40 CFR 712 Chemical substances-- Premanufacture notification --Exemptions, 40 CFR 723 --Procedures, 40 CFR 720 Significant new uses, 40 CFR 721 Chemical substances and mixtures-- Health and safety data reporting, 40 CFR 716 Regulation under section 6 of the TSCA, 40 CFR 751 Chemical substance inventory, compilation, 40 CFR 710 Confidentiality claims, 40 CFR 703 Data reimbursement, 40 CFR 791 Dibenzo-para-dioxins/dibenzofurans, 40 CFR 766 Environmental effects testing guidelines, 40 CFR 797 General, fees, 40 CFR 700 General practices and procedures, 40 CFR 702 Good laboratory practice standards, 40 CFR 792 Health effects testing guidelines, 40 CFR 798 Identification of specific chemical substance and mixture testing requirements, 40 CFR 799 Mercury supply, use, and trade; reporting requirements, 40 CFR 713 Metalworking fluids, 40 CFR 747 Microorganisms, reporting requirements and review processes, 40 CFR 725 Polychlorinated biphenyls, 40 CFR 761 Provisional test guidelines, 40 CFR 795 Records and reports of allegations that chemical substances cause significant adverse reactions to health or environment, 40 CFR 717 Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, 40 CFR 704 Rulemaking procedures, 40 CFR 750 Testing consent agreements and test rules, procedures governing, 40 CFR 790 Water treatment chemicals, 40 CFR 749 Treasury Department, multilateral development banks (MDBs), environmental review of actions, 31 CFR 26 Underground storage tanks State programs, approval, 40 CFR 281 State programs, approved, 40 CFR 282 Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation Commission, mitigation and conservation plan, policies and procedures for developing and implementing, 43 CFR 10005 Vessels of Armed Forces, uniform national discharge standards, 40 CFR 1700 Waste treatment and disposal; granular mine tailings (Chat), criteria for use in asphalt concrete and Portland Cement concrete, 40 CFR 278 Water pollution effluent guidelines and standards for point source categories Aquatic animal concentrated production, 40 CFR 451 Dental offices, 40 CFR 441 Meat and poultry products, 40 CFR 432 Metal products and machinery, 40 CFR 438 Water programs Clean Water Act recognition awards, 40 CFR 105 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES)-- EPA administered permit programs, 40 CFR 122 State program requirements, 40 CFR 123 National primary drinking water regulations, 40 CFR 141 Other Safe Drinking Water Act regulations, 40 CFR 143 [[Page 273]] Permits, decisionmaking procedures, 40 CFR 124 Pollutants, guidelines establishing test procedures for analysis of, 40 CFR 136 State certification of activities requiring Federal license or permit, 40 CFR 121 Western Pacific fisheries, 50 CFR 665 Woodsy Owl symbol, 36 CFR 272 Environmental Protection Agency Accidental chemical release prevention requirements, off-site consequence analysis information distribution, 40 CFR 1400 Acid Rain Allowance system, 40 CFR 73 Appeal procedures, 40 CFR 78 Continuous emission monitoring, 40 CFR 75 Excess emissions, 40 CFR 77 Nitrogen oxides emission reduction program, 40 CFR 76 Permits regulation, 40 CFR 72 Sulfur dioxide opt-ins, 40 CFR 74 Acquisition regulations Administrative matters, 48 CFR 1504 Application of labor laws to Government acquisition, 48 CFR 1522 Bonds of insurance, 48 CFR 1528 Commercial items, 48 CFR 1512 Competition requirements, 48 CFR 1506 Construction and architect-engineer contracts, 48 CFR 1536 Contract administration, 48 CFR 1542 Contract cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 1531 Contract financing, 48 CFR 1532 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 1515 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 1509 Contracts, types, 48 CFR 1516 Cost accounting standards, 48 CFR 1530 Definition of words and terms, 48 CFR 1502 Describing agency needs, 48 CFR 1511 Environment, conservation, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace, 48 CFR 1523 Foreign acquisition, 48 CFR 1525 Forms, 48 CFR 1553 General, 48 CFR 1501 Government property, 48 CFR 1545 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 1503 Information technology, 48 CFR 1539 Labor surplus area concerns, 48 CFR 1520 Patents, data and copyrights, 48 CFR 1527 Protection of privacy and freedom of information, 48 CFR 1524 Protests, disputes and appeals, 48 CFR 1533 Publicizing contract actions, 48 CFR 1505 Quality assurance, 48 CFR 1546 Required sources of supply, 48 CFR 1508 Research and development contracting, 48 CFR 1535 Sealed bidding, 48 CFR 1514 Service contracting, 48 CFR 1537 Simplified acquisition procedures, 48 CFR 1513 Small business programs, 48 CFR 1519 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 1552 Special contracting methods, 48 CFR 1517 Taxes, 48 CFR 1529 Value engineering, 48 CFR 1548 Air pollution control Air quality planning purposes, designation of areas, 40 CFR 81 Aircraft and aircraft engines, 40 CFR 87 Aircraft engines, 40 CFR 1031 Ambient air monitoring reference and equivalent methods, 40 CFR 53 Ambient air quality standards, National primary and secondary, 40 CFR 50 Ambient air quality surveillance, 40 CFR 58 Chemical accident prevention provisions, 40 CFR 68 Citizen suits, prior notice, 40 CFR 54 Clean Air Act requirements, special exemptions, 40 CFR 69 Clean-fuel vehicles, 40 CFR 88 Compliance assurance monitoring, 40 CFR 64 Conformity of Federal actions to State or Federal implementation plans, determining, 40 CFR 93 Consolidated Federal air rule, 40 CFR 65 Control of NOx and SOx and PM emission from marine engines and vessels subject to the MARPOL Protocol, 40 CFR 1043 Engine-testing procedures, 40 CFR 1065 [[Page 274]] Federal NOx Budget Trading Program, CAIR NOx and SO2 Trading Programs, CSAPR NOx and SO2 Trading Programs, and Texas SO2 Trading Program, 40 CFR 97 Federal operating permit programs, 40 CFR 71 Fuels and fuel additives-- Registration, 40 CFR 79 Regulation, 40 CFR 80 Fuels, fuel additives, and regulated blendstocks; regulation, 40 CFR 1090 Greenhouse gases-- Emissions from engines installed on airplanes, control of, 40 CFR 1030 Mandatory reporting, 40 CFR 98 Highway, stationary, and nonroad programs; general compliance provisions, 40 CFR 1068 Hydrofluorocarbons, phasedown, 40 CFR 84 Implementation plans-- Approval and promulgation, 40 CFR 52 Preparation, adoption, and submittal requirements, 40 CFR 51 Indian country, air quality planning and management, 40 CFR 49 Locomotives, emissions control, 40 CFR 1033 Locomotives and locomotive engines, 40 CFR 92 Mandatory patent licenses, 40 CFR 95 Marine compression-ignition engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 94 Marine spark-ignition engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 91 Mobile sources, 40 CFR 85 Motor vehicles-- Fuel economy and greenhouse gas exhaust emissions, 40 CFR 600 Fuel economy retrofit devices, 40 CFR 610 National emission standards, 40 CFR 61 Hazardous air pollutants for source categories, 40 CFR 63 Volatile organic compounds for consumer and commercial products, 40 CFR 59 New and in-use heavy-duty highway engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 1036 New and in-use heavy-duty motor vehicles, emissions control, 40 CFR 1037 New and in-use highway vehicles and engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 86 New and in-use marine compression-ignition engines and vessels, emissions control, 40 CFR 1042 New and in-use nonroad and stationary equipment, evaporative emissions control, 40 CFR 1060 New and in-use nonroad compression-ignition engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 89, 40 CFR 1039 New heavy-duty motor vehicles, emissions control, 40 CFR 1037 New large nonroad spark-ignition engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 1048 New small nonroad spark-ignition engines and equipment, emissions control, 40 CFR 1054 New stationary sources, performance standards, 40 CFR 60 Nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxides, budget trading programs for State implementation plans, 40 CFR 96 Noncompliance penalty program-- Assessment and collection of penalties by EPA, 40 CFR 66 EPA approval of State program, 40 CFR 67 Nonroad engines and nonroad vehicles, preemption of State standards and procedures for waiver of Federal preemption, 40 CFR 1074 Nonroad spark-ignition engines at or below 19 kilowatts, emissions control, 40 CFR 90 Outer Continental Shelf air regulations, 40 CFR 55 Primary nonferrous smelter orders, 40 CFR 57 Recreational engines and vehicles, emissions control, 40 CFR 1051 Regional consistency, 40 CFR 56 Solid wastes used as fuels or ingredients in combustion units, 40 CFR 241 Spark-ignition propulsion, emissions control, 40 CFR 1045 State operating permit programs, 40 CFR 70 [[Page 275]] State plans for designated facilities and pollutants, approval and promulgation, 40 CFR 62 Stratospheric ozone protection, 40 CFR 82 Vehicle and engine compliance programs, fees, 40 CFR 1027 Vehicle-testing procedures, 40 CFR 1066 Antarctica, non-governmental activities, environmental impact assessment, 40 CFR 8 Asbestos in schools and commercial and industrial uses, 40 CFR 763 Civil monetary penalties, inflation adjustment, 40 CFR 19 Civil penalties administrative assessment and permits revocation/ termination or suspension, consolidated practice rules, 40 CFR 22 Claims collection standards, 40 CFR 13 Cross-media electronic reporting, 40 CFR 3 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 1532 Disadvantaged business enterprises, participation in agency programs, 40 CFR 33 Dredged or fill material discharges (section 404 Program) Definitions, exempt activities not requiring permits, 40 CFR 232 Disposal sites-- Procedures for prohibiting or restricting use, 40 CFR 231 Specification, 40 CFR 230 State program regulations, 40 CFR 233 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 2 CFR 1536 Employee personal property claims, 40 CFR 14 Equal Access to Justice Act in EPA administrative proceedings, implementation, 40 CFR 17 Federal Tort Claims Act, administrative claims, 40 CFR 10 Fellowships, 40 CFR 46 Formaldehyde standards for composite wood products, 40 CFR 770 Grants and cooperative agreements National Environmental Education Act grants, 40 CFR 47 Research and demonstration, 40 CFR 40 Research fellowships, special research consultants for environmental protection, 40 CFR 18 State and local assistance, 40 CFR 35 Training assistance, 40 CFR 45 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 1500 Hazardous waste facilities owners and operators, operating under a standardized permit, standards, 40 CFR 267 Human subjects, protection, 40 CFR 26 Intergovernmental review of programs and activities, 40 CFR 29 Judicial review under EPA-administered statutes, 40 CFR 23 Lobbying restrictions, 40 CFR 34 National Environmental Policy Act, environmental effects abroad of EPA actions, implementation procedures, 40 CFR 6 Noise abatement programs Citizen suits, prior notice, 40 CFR 210 Construction equipment noise emission standards, including portable air compressors, 40 CFR 204 Low noise emission products, 40 CFR 203 Motor carriers engaged in interstate commerce, 40 CFR 202 Noise Control Act of 1972 proceedings, practice rules governing, 40 CFR 209 Product noise labeling, 40 CFR 211 Transportation equipment noise emission controls, 40 CFR 205 Standards, interstate rail carriers, 40 CFR 201 Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs or activities, 40 CFR 7 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 40 CFR 12 Nondiscrimination on basis of sex in federally assisted education programs, 40 CFR 5 Ocean dumping Disposal sites management criteria, 40 CFR 228 Engineers Corps dredged material permits, 40 CFR 225 General, 40 CFR 220 General permits, burial at sea, target vessels, and vessels transportation and disposal, 40 CFR 229 Permit applications, 40 CFR 221 Action on, 40 CFR 222 [[Page 276]] Evaluation criteria for ocean dumping materials, 40 CFR 227 Permit contents, revision, revocation, or limitation, 40 CFR 223 Permittees' records and reports, 40 CFR 224 OMB approvals under Paperwork Reduction Act, 40 CFR 9 Organization statement and general information, 40 CFR 1 Pesticide programs Antimicrobial pesticides, registration data requirements, 40 CFR 161 Enforcement policies and interpretations, statements, 40 CFR 168 Experimental use permits, 40 CFR 172 Federal and State agencies use of pesticides under emergency conditions, 40 CFR 166 Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, practice rules governing hearings arising from refusals to register, registration cancellations, classification changes, registration suspensions and other hearings called pursuant to Act, 40 CFR 164 Formal evidentiary public hearing, 40 CFR 179 Good laboratory practice standards, 40 CFR 160 Labeling requirements for pesticides and devices, 40 CFR 156 Objections and requests for hearings, 40 CFR 178 Packaging requirements for pesticides and devices, 40 CFR 157 Pesticide and active ingredient producing establishments, registration and submission of pesticides reports, 40 CFR 167 Pesticide applicators, certification, 40 CFR 171 Pesticides-- Chemical residue in food, tolerances and exemptions, 40 CFR 180 Data requirements, 40 CFR 158 Management and disposal, 40 CFR 165 Production and distribution, books and records, 40 CFR 169 Plant-incorporated protectants, procedures and requirements, 40 CFR 174 Policies and interpretations, statements, 40 CFR 159 Registration and classification procedures, 40 CFR 152 Registration policies and interpretations, 40 CFR 153 Registration standards and review procedures, 40 CFR 155 Special review procedures, 40 CFR 154 State primary enforcement responsibility for pesticide use violations, procedures governing rescission, 40 CFR 173 State registration of pesticide products, 40 CFR 162 Time-limited tolerances for emergency exemptions, 40 CFR 176 Worker protection standards, 40 CFR 170 Privacy Act, implementation, 40 CFR 16 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 40 CFR 27 Property management, introduction, 41 CFR 115-1 Public information, 40 CFR 2 Radiation protection programs Environmental radiation protection standards for management and disposal of spent nuclear fuel, high-level and transuranic radioactive wastes, 40 CFR 191 Nuclear power operations environmental radiation protection, standards, 40 CFR 190 Radon proficiency programs, 40 CFR 195 Uranium and thorium mill tailings, health and environmental protection standards, 40 CFR 192 Waste Isolation Pilot Plant's compliance with 40 CFR Part 191 disposal regulations, certification and recertification criteria, 40 CFR 194 Yucca Mountain, Nevada, public health and environmental radiation protection standards, 40 CFR 197 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, Safe Drinking Water Act, and Clean Water Act, public participation in programs, 40 CFR 25 Security classification regulations pursuant to Executive Order 11652, 40 CFR 11 Sewage sludge State sludge management program regulations, 40 CFR 501 [[Page 277]] Use or disposal standards, 40 CFR 503 Solid wastes Citizen suits, prior notice, 40 CFR 254 Degradable plastic ring carriers, 40 CFR 238 Granular mine tailings (Chat), criteria for use in asphalt concrete and Portland cement concrete, 40 CFR 278 Hazardous waste-- Generators, applicable standards, 40 CFR 262 Identification and listing, 40 CFR 261 Management system, general, 40 CFR 260 Permit program, EPA-administered permit programs, 40 CFR 270 State management programs, approved, 40 CFR 272 State programs, authorization requirements, 40 CFR 271 Transporters, applicable standards, 40 CFR 263 Universal waste management standards, 40 CFR 273 Hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facilities-- Interim status corrective action orders, issuance and administrative hearings, 40 CFR 24 Interim status standards for owners and operators, 40 CFR 265 Standards for owners and operators, 40 CFR 264 Hazardous wastes and types of hazardous waste management facilities, specific, management standards, 40 CFR 266 Hazardous wastes, land disposal restrictions, 40 CFR 268 Management, regions and agencies identification, 40 CFR 255 Municipal solid waste landfills, criteria, 40 CFR 258 Recovered materials, comprehensive procurement guideline for products containing, 40 CFR 247 Residential, commercial, and institutional-- Source separation, materials recovery guidelines, 40 CFR 246 Storage and collection guidelines, 40 CFR 243 Solid waste disposal facilities and practices, criteria for classification, 40 CFR 257 State permit program requirements, adequacy determination, 40 CFR 239 State solid waste management plans, guidelines for development and implementation, 40 CFR 256 Thermal processing guidelines, 40 CFR 240 Used oil management standards, 40 CFR 279 Superfund, emergency planning, and community right-to-know programs Arbitration procedures for small Superfund cost recovery claims, 40 CFR 304 Citizen awards for information on criminal violations under Superfund, 40 CFR 303 Citizen suits, prior notice, 40 CFR 374 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA)-- Administrative hearing procedures for claims against Superfund, 40 CFR 305 Claims procedures, 40 CFR 307 Designation of hazardous substances, reportable quantities, and notification, 40 CFR 302 Hazardous chemical reporting, community right-to-know, 40 CFR 370 Hazardous substance activity, reporting when selling or transferring Federal real property, 40 CFR 373 Hazardous substance releases, reimbursement to local governments for emergency response, 40 CFR 310 Hazardous substances-- Designation of hazardous substances, reportable quantities, and notification, 40 CFR 302 Emergency planning and notification, 40 CFR 355 Trade secrecy claims for emergency planning and community right-to- know information, trade secret disclosures to health professionals, 40 CFR 350 Innocent landowners, standards for conducting all appropriate inquiries, 40 CFR 312 [[Page 278]] National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan, 40 CFR 300 Toxic chemical release reporting, community right-to-know, 40 CFR 372 Worker protection for State and local government employees engaged in hazardous waste operations, 40 CFR 311 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for agency employees, 5 CFR 6401 Toxic substances control Chemical data reporting requirements, 40 CFR 711 Chemical fate testing guidelines, 40 CFR 796 Chemical imports and exports, 40 CFR 707 Chemical information rules, 40 CFR 712 Chemical substances-- Premanufacture notification --Exemptions, 40 CFR 723 --Procedures, 40 CFR 720 Significant new uses, 40 CFR 721 Chemical substances and mixtures-- Health and safety data reporting, 40 CFR 716 Regulation under section 6 of the TSCA, 40 CFR 751 Chemical substance inventory, compilation, 40 CFR 710 Confidentiality claims, 40 CFR 703 Data reimbursement, 40 CFR 791 Dibenzo-para-dioxins/dibenzofurans, 40 CFR 766 Environmental effects testing guidelines, 40 CFR 797 General, fees, 40 CFR 700 General practices and procedures, 40 CFR 702 Good laboratory practice standards, 40 CFR 792 Health effects testing guidelines, 40 CFR 798 Identification of specific chemical substance and mixture testing requirements, 40 CFR 799 Lead-based paint poisoning prevention in certain residential structures, 40 CFR 745 Mercury supply, use, and trade; reporting requirements, 40 CFR 713 Metalworking fluids, 40 CFR 747 Microorganisms, reporting requirements and review processes, 40 CFR 725 Polychlorinated biphenyls, 40 CFR 761 Provisional test guidelines, 40 CFR 795 Records and reports of allegations that chemical substances cause significant adverse reactions to health or environment, 40 CFR 717 Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, 40 CFR 704 Rulemaking procedures, 40 CFR 750 Testing consent agreements and test rules, procedures governing, 40 CFR 790 Water treatment chemicals, 40 CFR 749 Underground storage tanks State programs, approval, 40 CFR 281 State programs, approved, 40 CFR 282 Technical standards and corrective action requirements for owners and operators, 40 CFR 280 Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally assisted programs, cross reference to 49 CFR 24 (governmentwide rule), 40 CFR 4 Vessels of Armed Forces, uniform national discharge standards, 40 CFR 1700 Water or air pollution control facilities, certification, 40 CFR 20 Water pollution control, small business, 40 CFR 21 Water pollution effluent guidelines and standards for point source categories Aluminum forming, 40 CFR 467 Aquatic animal concentrated production, 40 CFR 451 Asbestos manufacturing, 40 CFR 427 Battery manufacturing, 40 CFR 461 Carbon black manufacturing, 40 CFR 458 Cement manufacturing, 40 CFR 411 Centralized waste treatment, 40 CFR 437 Coal mining, BPT, BAT, BCT limitations and new source performance standards, 40 CFR 434 Coil coating industry, 40 CFR 465 Concentrated animal feeding operations, 40 CFR 412 Construction and development, 40 CFR 450 Copper forming, 40 CFR 468 Dairy products processing industry, performance standards and [[Page 279]] pretreatment standards for new sources, 40 CFR 405 Dental offices, 40 CFR 441 Electrical and electronic components, 40 CFR 469 Electroplating, 40 CFR 413 Explosives manufacturing, 40 CFR 457 Ferroalloy manufacturing, 40 CFR 424 Fertilizer manufacturing, 40 CFR 418 Fruits and vegetables, canned and preserved, 40 CFR 407 General provisions, 40 CFR 401 Glass manufacturing, 40 CFR 426 Grain mills, 40 CFR 406 Gum and wood chemicals industry, 40 CFR 454 Hospitals, 40 CFR 460 Ink formulating, 40 CFR 447 Inorganic chemicals manufacturing, 40 CFR 415 Iron and steel manufacturing, 40 CFR 420 Landfills, 40 CFR 445 Leather tanning and finishing, 40 CFR 425 Meat and poultry products, 40 CFR 432 Metal finishing, 40 CFR 433 Metal molding and casting, 40 CFR 464 Metal products and machinery, 40 CFR 438 Mineral mining and processing, 40 CFR 436 Nonferrous metals forming and metal powders, 40 CFR 471 Nonferrous metals manufacturing, 40 CFR 421 Oil and gas extraction, 40 CFR 435 Ore mining and dressing, 40 CFR 440 Organic chemicals, plastics, and synthetic fibers manufacturing, 40 CFR 414 Paint formulating, 40 CFR 446 Pesticide chemicals manufacturing, 40 CFR 455 Petroleum refining, 40 CFR 419 Pharmaceutical manufacturing, 40 CFR 439 Phosphate manufacturing, 40 CFR 422 Photographic processing, 40 CFR 459 Plastics molding and forming, 40 CFR 463 Porcelain enameling, 40 CFR 466 Pretreatment regulations for existing and new sources of pollution, 40 CFR 403 Pretreatment standards, steam electric power generating, 40 CFR 423 Pulp, paper, and paperboard, 40 CFR 430 Rubber manufacturing, 40 CFR 428 Seafood processing, canned and preserved, 40 CFR 408 Soap and detergent manufacturing, 40 CFR 417 Sugar processing, 40 CFR 409 Tars and asphalt paving and roofing materials, existing and new sources, performance standards and pretreatment standards, 40 CFR 443 Textile mills, 40 CFR 410 Timber products processing, 40 CFR 429 Transportation equipment cleaning, 40 CFR 442 Waste combustors, 40 CFR 444 Water programs Citizen suits, prior notice, 40 CFR 135 Clean Water Act recognition awards, 40 CFR 105 Employee protection hearings, 40 CFR 108 Great Lakes System, water quality guidance, 40 CFR 132 Hazardous substances designation, 40 CFR 116 Hazardous substances, reportable quantities determination, 40 CFR 117 Marine sanitation device standard, 40 CFR 140 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System-- Criteria and standards, 40 CFR 125 EPA administered permit program, 40 CFR 122 State program requirements, 40 CFR 123 National primary drinking water regulations, 40 CFR 141 Implementation, 40 CFR 142 Oil discharge into navigable waters or adjoining shorelines, 40 CFR 110 Oil pollution prevention from onshore and offshore facilities, 40 CFR 112 Oil removal contingency plans criteria, State, local, and regional, 40 CFR 109 Oil storage facilities, small onshore, liability limits, 40 CFR 113 Other Safe Drinking Water Act regulations, 40 CFR 143 Permits, decisionmaking procedures, 40 CFR 124 [[Page 280]] Secondary treatment regulation, 40 CFR 133 Sole source aquifers, 40 CFR 149 State certification of activities requiring Federal license or permit, 40 CFR 121 Toxic pollutants effluent standards-- Prohibitions, 40 CFR 129 Public hearings, 40 CFR 104 Underground Injection Control program, 40 CFR 144 Criteria and standards, 40 CFR 146 Hazardous waste injection restrictions, 40 CFR 148 State program requirements, 40 CFR 145 State, Tribal, and EPA-administered underground injection control programs, 40 CFR 147 Water quality planning and management, 40 CFR 130 Water quality standards, 40 CFR 131 Environmental Quality Council National Environmental Policy Act implementing regulations Agency compliance, 40 CFR 1507 Definitions, 40 CFR 1508 Environmental impact statements-- Commenting, 40 CFR 1503 Purpose and implementation, 40 CFR 1502 NEPA and agency decisionmaking, 40 CFR 1505 NEPA and agency planning, 40 CFR 1501 Other NEPA requirements, 40 CFR 1506 Proposed Federal actions determined to be environmentally unsatisfactory, pre-decisional referrals to the Council, 40 CFR 1504 Purpose and policy, 40 CFR 1500 Freedom of Information Act procedures, 40 CFR 1515 Management fund, 40 CFR 1518 Privacy Act, implementation, 40 CFR 1516 Public meeting procedures, 40 CFR 1517 Equal access to justice See al Administrative practice and procedure Agriculture Department, administrative regulations, 7 CFR 1 Commerce Department, 15 CFR 18 Commodity Futures Trading Commission, 17 CFR 148 Comptroller of the Currency, 12 CFR 19 Consumer Product Safety Commission, 16 CFR 1025 Education Department, 34 CFR 21 Environmental Protection Agency, 40 CFR 17 Farm Credit Administration, 12 CFR 625 Federal Aviation Administration, 14 CFR 14 Federal Communications Commission, 47 CFR 1 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 12 CFR 308 Federal Housing Finance Agency, 12 CFR 1203 Federal Labor Relations Authority, 5 CFR 2430 Federal Maritime Commission, 46 CFR 502 Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission, 29 CFR 2704 Federal Reserve System, 12 CFR 263 Federal Trade Commission, 16 CFR 3 Government Ethics Office, 5 CFR 2610 Health and Human Services Department, 45 CFR 13 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 14 Interior Department, 43 CFR 4 International Trade Commission, 19 CFR 212 Justice Department, 28 CFR 24 Labor Department, 29 CFR 16 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 14 CFR 1262 National Credit Union Administration, 12 CFR 747 National Labor Relations Board, 29 CFR 102 National Transportation Safety Board, 49 CFR 826 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 10 CFR 12 Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission, 29 CFR 2204 Postal Service, 39 CFR 960 Securities and Exchange Commission, 17 CFR 201 Small Business Administration, 13 CFR 134 State Department, 22 CFR 134 Surface Transportation Board, 49 CFR 1016 Transportation Department, 49 CFR 6 Treasury Department, 31 CFR 6 Equal credit opportunity See Credit [[Page 281]] Equal educational opportunity See al Civil rights; Education Assistance to States for education of children with disabilities, 34 CFR 300 Desegregation of public education Equity Assistance Center Program, 34 CFR 270 Magnet Schools Assistance Program, 34 CFR 280 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Health and Human Services Department, nondiscrimination on basis of handicap in federally assisted or conducted programs and activities, 45 CFR 84 Minority science and engineering improvement program, 34 CFR 637 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally assisted and conducted programs and activities Agency for International Development, 22 CFR 217 Commerce Department, 15 CFR 8b Education Department, 34 CFR 104 National Endowment for the Humanities, 45 CFR 1170 National Science Foundation, 45 CFR 605 State Department, 22 CFR 142 Veterans Affairs Department, 38 CFR 18 Workforce Investment Act of 1998, implementation of nondiscrimination and equal opportunity provisions, 29 CFR 37 Equal employment opportunity See al Civil rights; Employment; Labor Acquisition regulations, application of labor laws to Government acquisitions Affirmative action and nondiscrimination obligations of Federal contractors and subcontractors regarding-- Disabled veterans, recently separated veterans, active duty wartime or campaign badge veterans, and Armed Forces Service Medal veterans, 41 CFR 60-300 [[Page 282]] Individuals with disabilities, 41 CFR 60-741 Agency for International Development, 48 CFR 722 Agriculture Department, 48 CFR 422 Commerce Department, 48 CFR 1322 Defense Department, 48 CFR 222 Energy Department, 48 CFR 922 Environmental Protection Agency, 48 CFR 1522 Federal Acquisition Regulation, 48 CFR 22 General Services Administration, 48 CFR 522 Labor Department, 48 CFR 2922 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 48 CFR 1822 Affirmative action programs, interpretative guidelines, 29 CFR 1608 Age discrimination in employment Equal Employment Opportunity Commission procedures, 29 CFR 1626 Interpretations, 29 CFR 1625 Records to be made or kept relating to age, notices to be posted, 29 CFR 1627 Agency for International Development, nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs or activities, 22 CFR 217 Agriculture Department Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs or activities, 7 CFR 15b State Cooperative Extension Service, 7 CFR 18 Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System, requirements for equal opportunity during construction and operation, 43 CFR 34 Americans with Disabilities Act, regulations to implement equal employment provisions, 29 CFR 1630 Apprenticeship programs, equal employment opportunity, 29 CFR 30 Civil service regulations Affirmative employment programs, 5 CFR 720 Federal sector equal employment opportunity, 29 CFR 1614 Medical qualification determinations, 5 CFR 339 Prohibited practices (Rule IV), 5 CFR 4 Commerce Department, nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally assisted programs, 15 CFR 8b Commercial filming and similar projects and still photography on certain areas under department jurisdiction, 43 CFR 5 Comptroller of the Currency, nondiscrimination requirements, 12 CFR 128 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau programs and activities, enforcement of nondiscrimination on basis of disability, 12 CFR 1072 Defense Department Civilian equal opportunity program, 32 CFR 191 Cooperation with Office of Special Counsel of Merit Systems Protection Board, 32 CFR 145 Education Department, nondiscrimination on basis of handicap in federally assisted programs or activities, 34 CFR 104 Employee selection procedures, guidelines, 29 CFR 1607 Energy Department, nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs or activities, 10 CFR 1040 Environmental Protection Agency, nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs or activities, 40 CFR 7 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Equal employment opportunity programs, interagency coordination procedures, 29 CFR 1690 Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008, 29 CFR 1635 Guidance procedures, 29 CFR 1695 Previously exempt State and local government employee complaints of employment discrimination under section 304 of 1991 Government Employee Rights Act, procedures, 29 CFR 1603 Procedural regulations, 29 CFR 1601 Procedures for complaints/charges of employment discrimination based on disability filed against employers holding Government contracts or subcontracts, 29 CFR 1641 Procedures for coordinating investigation of complaints/charges of employment discrimination based on disability [[Page 283]] subject to Americans with Disabilities Act and section 504 of 1973 Rehabilitation Act, 29 CFR 1640 Equal Pay Act, 29 CFR 1620 Procedures, 29 CFR 1621 Federal Aviation Administration, airport aid program, 14 CFR 152 Federal Communications Commission Common carrier services-- Miscellaneous wireless communications services, 47 CFR 27 Satellite communications, 47 CFR 25 Multichannel video and cable television service, 47 CFR 76 Radio broadcast services, 47 CFR 73 Federal Contract Compliance Programs Office Affirmative action programs, 41 CFR 60-2 Construction contractors, affirmative action requirements, 41 CFR 60-4 Contractors and subcontractors, obligations, 41 CFR 60-1 Employee selection procedures, uniform guidelines, 41 CFR 60-3 Equal opportunity enforcement under Executive Order 11246, rules of practice for administrative proceedings, 41 CFR 60-30 Procedures for complaints/charges of employment discrimination based on disability filed against employers holding Government contracts or subcontracts, 41 CFR 60-742 Religion or national origin discrimination, guidelines, 41 CFR 60-50 Sex discrimination requirements, 41 CFR 60-20 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, regulations transferred from the Office of Thrift Supervision, 12 CFR 390 Federal financial assistance recipients, complaints of employment discrimination filed against, procedures, 29 CFR 1691 Federal Highway Administration Civil rights program and related statutes, implementation and review procedures, 23 CFR 200 Federal and Federal-aid highway construction contracts, 23 CFR 230 Federal Housing Finance Agency Minority and Women Inclusion, 12 CFR 1223 Minority and Women Outreach program, 12 CFR 1207 Federal Reserve System, equal opportunity rules, 12 CFR 268 Fish and Wildlife Service, nondiscrimination in contracts, permits, and use of facilities, 50 CFR 3 Government Accountability Office Personnel Appeals Board, procedures applicable to claims concerning employment practices, 4 CFR 28 Personnel relations and services, 4 CFR 7 Health and Human Services Department Nondiscrimination on basis of handicap in federally assisted or conducted programs and activities, 45 CFR 84 Nondiscrimination on basis of sex in federally assisted education programs, 45 CFR 86 Homeland Security Department, nondiscrimination on basis of sex in federally assisted education programs or activities, 6 CFR 17 Housing and Urban Development Department Federal Housing Commissioner, functions, 24 CFR 200 Nondiscrimination in programs and activities receiving assistance under Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Title I, 24 CFR 6 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally assisted programs, 24 CFR 8 Justice Department Nondiscrimination and equal employment opportunity, policies and procedures, 28 CFR 42 Procedures for coordinating investigation of complaints/charges of employment discrimination based on disability subject to Americans with Disabilities Act and section 504 of 1973 Rehabilitation Act, 28 CFR 37 Labor Department Nondiscrimination and equal opportunity provisions-- Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, implementation, 29 CFR 38 [[Page 284]] Workforce Investment Act of 1998, implementation, 29 CFR 37 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs or activities, 29 CFR 32 Legal Services Corporation, attorney hiring, 45 CFR 1616 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally assisted programs, 14 CFR 1251 National Endowment for the Arts, nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs or activities, 45 CFR 1151 National Endowment for the Humanities, nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs or activities or activities, 45 CFR 1170 National origin discrimination, guidelines, 29 CFR 1606 National Park Service, commercial and private operations in park areas, nondiscrimination in employment, public accommodations, and services, 36 CFR 5 National Science Foundation, nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs or activities, 45 CFR 605 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs African Development Foundation, 22 CFR 1510 Agency for International Development, 22 CFR 217, 22 CFR 219 Agriculture Department, 7 CFR 15e American Battle Monuments Commission, 36 CFR 406 Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board, 36 CFR 1154 Arctic Research Commission, 45 CFR 2301 Broadcasting Board of Governors, 22 CFR 530 Central Intelligence Agency, 32 CFR 1906 Civil Rights Commission, 45 CFR 707 Commerce Department, 15 CFR 8c Commodity Futures Trading Commission, 17 CFR 149 Consumer Product Safety Commission, 16 CFR 1034 Corporation for National and Community Service, 45 CFR 1214 Education Department, 34 CFR 105 Energy Department, 10 CFR 1040, 10 CFR 1041 Environmental Protection Agency, 40 CFR 7, 40 CFR 12 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 29 CFR 1615 Export-Import Bank, 12 CFR 410 Farm Credit Administration, 12 CFR 606 Federal Communications Commission, 47 CFR 1 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 12 CFR 352 Federal Emergency Management Agency, 44 CFR 16 Federal Labor Relations Authority, 5 CFR 2416 Federal Maritime Commission, 46 CFR 507 Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission, 29 CFR 2706 Federal Reserve System, 12 CFR 268 Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board, 5 CFR 1636 Federal Trade Commission, 16 CFR 6 Fine Arts Commission, 45 CFR 2104 General Services Administration, 41 CFR 105-8 Harry S Truman Scholarship Foundation, 45 CFR 1803 Health and Human Services Department, 45 CFR 85 Historic Preservation Advisory Council, 36 CFR 812 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 9 Inter-American Foundation, 22 CFR 1005 Interior Department, 43 CFR 17 International Boundary and Water Commission, U.S. and Mexico, U.S. Section, 22 CFR 1103 International Development Finance Corporation, U.S., 22 CFR 711 International Trade Commission, 19 CFR 201 James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation, 45 CFR 2490 Japan-United States Friendship Commission, 22 CFR 1600 Justice Department, 28 CFR 39 [[Page 285]] Labor Department, 29 CFR 32, 29 CFR 33 Libraries and Information Science, National Commission, 45 CFR 1706 Marine Mammal Commission, 50 CFR 550 Merit Systems Protection Board, 5 CFR 1207 Museum and Library Services Institute, 45 CFR 1181 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 14 CFR 1251 National Archives and Records Administration, 36 CFR 1208 National Council on Disability, 34 CFR 1200 National Counterintelligence Center, 32 CFR 1807 National Credit Union Administration, 12 CFR 794 National Endowment for the Arts, 45 CFR 1153 National Endowment for the Humanities, 45 CFR 1170, 45 CFR 1175 National Labor Relations Board, 29 CFR 100 National Science Foundation, 45 CFR 605, 45 CFR 606 National Transportation Safety Board, 49 CFR 807 Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation Office, 25 CFR 720 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 10 CFR 4 Occupational and Safety Health Review Commission, 29 CFR 2205 Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation, 36 CFR 909 Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, 29 CFR 4907 People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled, Committee for Purchase From, 41 CFR 51-10 Personnel Management Office, 5 CFR 723 Postal Service, 39 CFR 255 Railroad Retirement Board, 20 CFR 365 Selective Service System, 32 CFR 1699 Small Business Administration, 13 CFR 136 Special Counsel Office, 5 CFR 1850 State Department, 22 CFR 142, 22 CFR 144 Surface Transportation Board, 49 CFR 1014 Tennessee Valley Authority, 18 CFR 1313 Transportation Department, 49 CFR 28 Treasury Department, 31 CFR 17 U.S. Institute of Peace, 22 CFR 1701 Veterans Affairs Department, 38 CFR 15 Nondiscrimination on basis of handicap in agency conducted programs or activities Executive Office of the President, 3 CFR 102 National Capital Planning Commission, 1 CFR 457 National Commission for Employment Policy, 1 CFR 500 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs, 10 CFR 4 Peace Corps volunteer service, eligibility and standards, 22 CFR 305 Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation, affirmative action policy and procedure, 36 CFR 906 Recordkeeping and reporting requirements under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, 29 CFR 1602 Religious discrimination, guidelines, 29 CFR 1605 Securities and Exchange Commission; organization, conduct and ethics, and information and requests, 17 CFR 200 Senior Community Service Employment Program, governing provisions, 20 CFR 641 Sex discrimination, guidelines, 29 CFR 1604 Small Business Administration Business loans, 13 CFR 120 Hearings and Appeals Office, procedure rules governing cases before, 13 CFR 134 Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs, 13 CFR 113 Special Counsel Office Complaints and allegations, filing, 5 CFR 1800 Investigative authority, 5 CFR 1810 State Department, nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs or activities, 22 CFR 142 Trans-Alaska Pipeline Authorization Act, nondiscrimination in activities, 43 CFR 27 [[Page 286]] Unfair immigration-related employment practices, 28 CFR 44 Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act, 20 CFR 1002 Unlawful employment of aliens, unfair immigration-related employment practices, and document fraud, rules of practice and procedure for administrative hearings before administrative law judges, 28 CFR 68 Veterans Affairs Department; nondiscrimination in federally-assisted programs, effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 38 CFR 18 Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Service System, services of, 20 CFR 653 Workers with disabilities, employment under special certificates, 29 CFR 525 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Affirmative action programs, interpretative guidelines, 29 CFR 1608 Age Discrimination in Employment Act, 29 CFR 1625 Procedures, 29 CFR 1626 Americans with Disabilities Act, regulations to implement equal employment provisions, 29 CFR 1630 Complaints of employment discrimination filed against recipients of Federal financial assistance, procedures, 29 CFR 1691 Debt collection, 29 CFR 1650 Employee responsibilities and conduct, 29 CFR 1600 Employee selection procedures, guidelines, 29 CFR 1607 Equal employment opportunity programs, interagency coordination procedures, 29 CFR 1690 Equal Pay Act, 29 CFR 1620 Procedures, 29 CFR 1621 Federal sector equal employment opportunity, 29 CFR 1614 Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008, 29 CFR 1635 Government in the Sunshine Act, 29 CFR 1612 Guidance procedures, 29 CFR 1695 National origin discrimination, guidelines, 29 CFR 1606 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 29 CFR 1615 Previously exempt State and local government employee complaints of employment discrimination under section 304 of 1991 Government Employee Rights Act, procedures, 29 CFR 1603 Privacy Act, 29 CFR 1611 Procedural regulations, 29 CFR 1601 Procedures for complaints/charges of employment discrimination based on disability filed against employers holding Government contracts or subcontracts, 29 CFR 1641 Procedures for coordinating investigation of complaints/charges of employment discrimination based on disability subject to Americans with Disabilities Act and section 504 of 1973 Rehabilitation Act, 29 CFR 1640 Recordkeeping and reporting requirements under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, 29 CFR 1602 Records availability, 29 CFR 1610 Records to be made or kept relating to age, notices to be posted, 29 CFR 1627 Religious discrimination, guidelines, 29 CFR 1605 Sex discrimination, guidelines, 29 CFR 1604 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for agency employees, 5 CFR 7201 Eritrea Ethiopia sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 550 Eskimos See Alaska; Indians Estate taxes See al Taxes Estates of decedents dying after August 16, 1954, 26 CFR 20 Generation-skipping transfer tax regulations under Tax Reform Act of 1986, 26 CFR 26 Procedure and administration General regulations, 26 CFR 301 User fees, 26 CFR 300 Temporary estate tax regulations under the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981, 26 CFR 22 [[Page 287]] Estates Action on wills of Osage Indians, 25 CFR 17 Deaths and estates of U.S. citizens abroad, 22 CFR 72 Indian estates, probates Five Civilized Tribes, 25 CFR 16 Hearing procedures, 43 CFR 30 Tribal probate codes, 25 CFR 18 Tribes other than members of the Osage Nation and the Five Civilized Tribes, 25 CFR 15 Income taxes, estates, trusts, and beneficiaries Election to treat trust as part of estate, 26 CFR 1 (1.645-1) Estates and trusts which may accumulate income or which distribute corpus, 26 CFR 1 (1.661(a)-1--1.664-4) General rules for taxation, 26 CFR 1 (1.641(a)-0--1.643(d)-2) Grantors and others treated as substantial owners, 26 CFR 1 (1.671-1-- 1.679-7) Income in respect of decedents, 26 CFR 1 (1.691(a)-1--1.692-1) Miscellaneous, 26 CFR 1 (1.681(a)-1--1.684-5) Trusts, treatment of excess distributions, 26 CFR 1 (1.665(a)-0A-- 1.669(b)-2) Trusts which distribute current income only, 26 CFR 1 (1.651(a)-1-- 1.652(c)-4) Indian lands, life estates and future interests, 25 CFR 179 National banks, fiduciary activities, 12 CFR 9 State Department, deaths and estates, 22 CFR 72 Veteran's personal funds and effects, disposition, 38 CFR 12 Estuaries See Coastal zone Ethanol See Biobased products Ethical conduct See Conflicts of interests Ethiopia General aircraft operating and flight rules, 14 CFR 91 Sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 550 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development See International financial institutions Euthanasia See Assisted suicide Ex parte communications See Administrative practice and procedure Exchange visitor program See Cultural exchange programs Excise taxes See al Taxes Alcohol, tax free distribution and use, 27 CFR 22 Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Bureau Alcohol, exportation, 27 CFR 28 Beer, production and sales, 27 CFR 25 Procedure and administration, 27 CFR 70 Denatured alcohol and rum, distribution and use, 27 CFR 20 Distilled spirits, wine, and beer; importation, 27 CFR 27 Distilled spirits plants, 27 CFR 19 Drawback on taxpaid distilled spirits used in manufacturing nonbeverage products, 27 CFR 17 Environmental taxes, 26 CFR 52 Excise tax on policies issued by foreign insurers and obligations not in registered form, 26 CFR 46 Facilities and services excise taxes, 26 CFR 49 Foundation and similar excise taxes, 26 CFR 53 Greenmail, 26 CFR 156 Highway motor vehicles, excise tax on use of certain, 26 CFR 41 Hydraulic mining, tax imposed with respect to certain, 26 CFR 50 Liquor Alcohol beverage dealers, 27 CFR 31 Stills and miscellaneous regulations, 27 CFR 29 Liquors and articles from Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands, 27 CFR 26 Machine guns, destructive devices, and certain other firearms, 27 CFR 479 Manufacturers and retailers excise taxes, 26 CFR 48 Manufacturers excise taxes, firearms and ammunition, 27 CFR 53 [[Page 288]] Motor vehicles, heavy vehicle use tax, enforcement, 23 CFR 669 Pension excise taxes, 26 CFR 54 Procedural regulations, 26 CFR 40 Procedure and administration General regulations, 26 CFR 301 User fees, 26 CFR 300 Public charity excise taxes, 26 CFR 56 Real estate investment trusts and regulated investment companies, 26 CFR 55 Reproduction of canceled U.S. Internal Revenue stamps, 31 CFR 402 Structured settlement factoring transactions, 26 CFR 157 Temporary excise tax regulations Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, 26 CFR 141 Highway Revenue Act of 1982 (Pub. L. 97-424), 26 CFR 145 Tax Reform Act of 1969, 26 CFR 143 Tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes Contraband cigarettes, 27 CFR 646 Exportation without payment of tax or with drawback of tax, 27 CFR 44 Miscellaneous regulations, 27 CFR 46 Removal without payment of tax for use of U.S., 27 CFR 45 Tobacco products, cigarette papers and tubes, and processed tobacco Importation, 27 CFR 41 Manufacture, 27 CFR 40 Transportation by water, 26 CFR 43 Wagering taxes, effective January 1, 1955, 26 CFR 44 Wine, treatment and classification, 27 CFR 24 Executive Office for Immigration Review See Immigration Review, Executive Office for Executive Office of the President See al Administration Office, Executive Office of the President; Central Intelligence Agency; Environmental Quality Council; Management and Budget Office; National Drug Control Policy Office; National Security Council; Science and Technology Policy Office; Trade Representative, Office of the U.S. Nondiscrimination on basis of handicap in agency conducted programs or activities, 3 CFR 102 Public information provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act, 3 CFR 101 Standards of conduct, 3 CFR 100 Executive orders See Presidential documents Explosives See al Hazardous materials transportation; Hazardous substances Blasters, surface coal mining and reclamation operations Certification in Federal program States and on Indian lands, 30 CFR 955 Certification standards, permanent regulatory program requirements, 30 CFR 850 Commerce, 27 CFR 555 Dangerous cargo at waterfront facilities, handling, 33 CFR 126 Explosive license and permit proceedings, rules of practice, 27 CFR 771 Fireworks devices, 16 CFR 1507 Hazardous substances; shippers, shipments and packaging general requirements, 49 CFR 173 Individual threat assessment, appeal and waiver procedures, 49 CFR 1515 Manufacturing, water pollution, effluent guidelines and standards, point source categories, 40 CFR 457 Mine safety and health Explosives and sheathed explosive units used in underground mines, approval requirements, 30 CFR 15 Surface coal mines and surface work areas of underground coal mines, mandatory safety standards, 30 CFR 77 Surface metal and nonmetal mines, 30 CFR 56 Testing by applicant or third party, 30 CFR 7 Underground coal mines, mandatory safety standards, 30 CFR 75 Underground metal and nonmetal mines, 30 CFR 57 Oceanographic vessels, handling, use and control of explosives and other dangerous articles, 46 CFR 194 [[Page 289]] Transportation Security Administration Aircraft operator security, air carriers and commercial operators, 49 CFR 1544 Maritime and land transportation security, credentialing and security threat assessments, 49 CFR 1572 Export-Import Bank Acceptance of payment from non-Federal source for travel expenses, 12 CFR 412 Classification, declassification and safeguarding of National security information, 12 CFR 403 Conference and other fees, 12 CFR 414 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 3513 Employee financial disclosure and ethical conduct standards, 12 CFR 400 Environmental effects of Bank actions inside U.S., procedures for compliance with National Environmental Policy Act, 12 CFR 408 Information disclosure, 12 CFR 404 Lobbying restrictions, 12 CFR 411 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 12 CFR 410 Public observation of Eximbank meetings, 12 CFR 407 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for agency employees, 5 CFR 6201 Exports See al Foreign trade Agricultural commodities, export programs Export bonus programs, 7 CFR 1570 Export credit guarantee programs, 7 CFR 1493 Financing of sales, 7 CFR 1488 Foreign markets for agricultural commodities-- Development grant agreements, 7 CFR 1485 Development programs, 7 CFR 1484 Specialty crops, technical assistance, 7 CFR 1487 Agricultural commodities, export sales reporting requirements, 7 CFR 20 Alcohol and alcoholic beverages Alcohol, exportation, 27 CFR 28 Alcohol beverage dealers, 27 CFR 31 Beer, production and sales, 27 CFR 25 Distilled spirits-- Labeling and advertising, 27 CFR 5 Plants, 27 CFR 19 Distilled spirits, wine, and beer; importation, 27 CFR 27 Liquors and articles from Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands, 27 CFR 26 Malt beverages, labeling and advertising, 27 CFR 7 Wine-- Labeling and advertising, 27 CFR 4 Treatment and classification, 27 CFR 24 Animal products, voluntary inspection and certification service, 9 CFR 156 Animals and birds, import and export related services; user fees, 9 CFR 130 Antarctic animals and plants, conservation, 45 CFR 670 Arms Atomic weapons and special nuclear materials rewards regulations, 28 CFR 13 Firearms and ammunition, commerce in, 27 CFR 478 International traffic in arms regulations-- Agreements, offshore procurement, and other defense services, 22 CFR 124 Brokers, registration and licensing, 22 CFR 129 Defense articles export and temporary import licenses, 22 CFR 123 Export controls administrative procedures, 22 CFR General policies and provisions, 22 CFR 126 Manufacturers and exporters registration, 22 CFR 122 Political contributions, fees and commissions relating to sales of defense articles and services, 22 CFR 130 Purpose and definitions, 22 CFR 120 Technical data and classified defense articles, export licenses, 22 CFR 125 U.S. munitions list, 22 CFR 121 Violations and penalties, 22 CFR 127 Machine guns, destructive devices, and certain other firearms, 27 CFR 479 Manufacturers excise taxes, firearms and ammunition, 27 CFR 53 Shipping restrictions, 44 CFR 401 American flag ships and aircraft, 44 CFR 402 [[Page 290]] Beef, tariff-rate quotas implementation, 15 CFR 2012 Chemical imports and exports, 40 CFR 707 Chemical Weapons Convention regulations Enforcement, 15 CFR 719 General information and overview, 15 CFR 710 Schedule 1 chemicals, activities involving, 15 CFR 712 Schedule 2 chemicals, activities involving, 15 CFR 713 Schedule 3 chemicals, activities involving, 15 CFR 714 Unscheduled discrete organic chemicals (UDOCs), activities involving, 15 CFR 715 Chemicals, stratospheric ozone protection, 40 CFR 82 CHIPS funding, clawbacks, 15 CFR 231 Commerce Control List, 15 CFR 774 Control policy, 15 CFR 742 Overview and Country Chart, 15 CFR 738 Commodity Credit Corporation Emerging Markets Program, 7 CFR 1486 Food for Progress Program, 7 CFR 1499 Regional Agricultural Promotion Program, 7 CFR 1489 Conference and other fees, 12 CFR 414 Consumer Product Safety Commission, export of noncomplying, misbranded or banned products, 16 CFR 1019 Controlled substances Importation and exportation, 21 CFR 1312 List I and II chemicals, 21 CFR 1313 Labeling and packaging requirements, 21 CFR 1302 Machines, importation and exportation; records and reports of listed chemicals and certain machines, 21 CFR 1310 Manufacturers, distributors, and dispensers; registration, 21 CFR 1301 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), 50 CFR 23 Customs duties and inspection Articles conditionally free, subject to reduced duty rate, 19 CFR 10 Carnets, 19 CFR 114 Carriers, cartmen, and lightermen, licensing and bonding, 19 CFR 112 Customs bonds, 19 CFR 113 Customs duties-- Drawback, 19 CFR 191 Modernized drawback, 19 CFR 190 Customs financial and accounting procedure, 19 CFR 24 Customs Service, general enforcement provisions, 19 CFR 161 Customs warehouses and container stations, merchandise control, 19 CFR 19 Foreign trade zones, 19 CFR 146 General order, unclaimed, and abandoned merchandise, 19 CFR 127 Inspection, search, and seizure, 19 CFR 162 Mail importations, 19 CFR 145 Merchandise, special classes, 19 CFR 12 North American Free Trade Agreement, 19 CFR 181 Recordkeeping, 19 CFR 163 Relief from duties on merchandise lost, damaged, abandoned, or exported, 19 CFR 158 Transportation in bond and merchandise in transit, 19 CFR 18 United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, 19 CFR 182 Vessels in foreign and domestic trades, 19 CFR 4 Defense Department, withholding of unclassified technical data from public disclosure, 32 CFR 250 Drawback on taxpaid distilled spirits used in manufacturing nonbeverage products, 27 CFR 17 Drugs, investigational new drug application, 21 CFR 312 East-West Foreign Trade Board, reports on exports of technology, 15 CFR 1300 Eggs and egg products Agricultural Marketing Act, egg products, voluntary inspection, 9 CFR 592 Egg Products Inspection Act-- Eggs, inspection under, 7 CFR 57 Eggs and egg products, inspection, 9 CFR 590 Electric power exports, administrative procedures and sanctions, 10 CFR 205 Electronic products, radiation protection, 21 CFR 1010 Export Administration regulations Administrative enforcement proceedings, 15 CFR 766 Appeals and judicial review, 15 CFR 756 [[Page 291]] Application processing, issuance, and denial, 15 CFR 750 Applications (classification, advisory, and license) and documentation, 15 CFR 748 Chemical Weapons Convention requirements, 15 CFR 745 Embargoes and other special controls, 15 CFR 746 End-user and end-use based control policy, 15 CFR 744 Definitions, 15 CFR 772 Enforcement and protective measures, 15 CFR 764 Export clearance requirements and authorities, 15 CFR 758 Foreign availability determination procedures and criteria, 15 CFR 768 General information, 15 CFR 730 General prohibitions, 15 CFR 736 Interpretations, 15 CFR 770 License exceptions, 15 CFR 740 Recordkeeping, 15 CFR 762 Restrictive trade practices or boycotts, 15 CFR 760 Scope, 15 CFR 734 Short supply controls, 15 CFR 754 Special comprehensive license, 15 CFR 752 Steps for using the EAR, 15 CFR 732 Export Apple Act requirements, 7 CFR 33 Export control, used self-propelled vehicles, vessels, and aircraft, 19 CFR 192 Export trade certificates of review, 15 CFR 325 Federal Aviation Administration Aircraft and related products, identification and registration marking, 14 CFR 45 Products and parts, certification procedures for , 14 CFR 21 Federal Grain Inspection Standards, Fair Trade Practices Program General regulations, 7 CFR 800 Grain inspection equipment, official performance requirements, 7 CFR 801 Grain-weighing equipment and related grain handling systems, official performance and procedural requirements, 7 CFR 802 Official U.S. standards for grain, 7 CFR 810 Food and Drug Administration, general enforcement regulations, 21 CFR 1 Food Safety and Inspection Service, general requirements; definitions, 9 CFR 530 Foreign Assets Control Office Control regulations-- Diamonds, rough, 31 CFR 592 Iranian assets, 31 CFR 535 Iranian transactions and sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 560 Reporting, procedures and penalties, 31 CFR 501 Sanctions regulations-- Belarus, 31 CFR 548 Darfur, 31 CFR 546 Democratic Republic of the Congo, 31 CFR 547 Foreign narcotics kingpin, 31 CFR 598 Foreign terrorist organizations, 31 CFR 597 Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act, 31 CFR 583 Global terrorism, 31 CFR 594 Hizballah, 31 CFR 566 Iran, financial, 31 CFR 561 Iraq stabilization and insurgency, 31 CFR 576 Lebanon, 31 CFR 549 Magnitsky Act, 31 CFR 584 Narcotics trafficking, 31 CFR 536 North Korea, 31 CFR 510 Somalia, 31 CFR 551 Syria, 31 CFR 542 Transnational criminal organizations, 31 CFR 590 Weapons of mass destruction proliferators, 31 CFR 544 Yemen, 31 CFR 552 Zimbabwe, 31 CFR 541 Weapons of mass destruction trade control regulations, 31 CFR 539 Western Balkans stabilization regulations, 31 CFR 588 Fuels, fuel additives, and regulated blendstocks; regulation, 40 CFR 1090 Grapes and plums, standards, 7 CFR 35 Hazardous materials transportation, general information, regulations and definitions, 49 CFR 171 Hazardous waste, standards applicable to generators, 40 CFR 262 Income taxes [[Page 292]] Domestic International Sales Corporations, 26 CFR 1 (1.921-1T), 26 CFR 1 (1.991-1--1.997-1) Export Trade Corporations, 26 CFR 1 (1.970-1--1.972-1) Foreign Sales Corporations, 26 CFR 1 (1.921-1T--1.927(f)-1) Industry and Security Bureau Chemical Weapons Convention, denial of export privileges, 15 CFR 720 International banking operations, export trading companies (Regulation K), 12 CFR 211 Inventions, secrecy and licenses to export and file applications in foreign countries, 37 CFR 5 Investigations to determine effects of modified trade practices on U.S. economy, 19 CFR 205 Lamb meat imports, tariff-rate quota implementation, 15 CFR 2014 List I chemicals, manufacturers, distributors, importers, and exporters; registration, 21 CFR 1309 Live animals, hatching eggs or other embryonated eggs, animal semen, animal embryos, and gametes from the U.S., 9 CFR 91 Marine mammals Taking and importing, 50 CFR 216, 50 CFR 218, 50 CFR 219 Taking incidental to specified activities, 50 CFR 217 Marine mammals and fish Endangered marine and anadromous species, 50 CFR 224 General endangered and threatened marine species, 50 CFR 222 Threatened marine and anadromous species, 50 CFR 223 McGovern-Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program, 7 CFR 1599 Meat inspection Certification of technical animal fats for export, 9 CFR 351 Mandatory export requirements, 9 CFR 322 National Forest System timber, special forest products, and forest botanical products, sale and disposal, 36 CFR 223 Natural gas Administrative procedures with respect to import and export, 10 CFR 590 Authorization to construct, operate, or modify facilities used for export or import of natural gas, applications, 18 CFR 153 Non-vessel-operating common carriers Negotiated rate arrangements, 46 CFR 532 Service arrangements, 46 CFR 531 Nuclear equipment and material Export and import, 10 CFR 110 Radioactive material, physical protection of category 1 and category 2 quantities, 10 CFR 37 Source material, domestic licensing, 10 CFR 40 Nuclear plants and materials Import and Export licenses, fees, 10 CFR 170 Physical protection, 10 CFR 73 Offset agreements in sales of weapon systems or defense-related items to foreign countries or foreign firms, reporting, 15 CFR 701 Overtime services relating to exports of Animals and animal products, 9 CFR 97 Plants, 7 CFR 354 Pesticides, statements of enforcement policies and interpretations, 40 CFR 168 Pharmaceutical good manufacturing practice reports, medical device quality system audit reports, and certain medical device product evaluation reports, mutual recognition, U.S. and European Community, 21 CFR 26 Plant protection and quarantine, export certification, 7 CFR 353 Plants, importation and exportation Endangered species regulations concerning terrestrial plants, 7 CFR 355 Establishing ports, 50 CFR 24 Forfeiture procedures for seized plants, 7 CFR 356 Poultry products inspection, 9 CFR 381 Railroads, export shipments, 49 CFR 1302 Refined sugar re-export program, sugar containing products re-export program, and polyhydric alcohol program, 7 CFR 1530 S.A.F.E. Mortgage Licensing Act Residential mortgage loan originators, Federal registration (Regulation G), 12 CFR 1007 [[Page 293]] State compliance and bureau registration system (Regulation H), 12 CFR 1008 Sales of agricultural commodities made available under Title I of Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954, financing, 7 CFR 17 Small business loans, 13 CFR 120 Sugar-containing products, tariff-rate quotas implementation, 15 CFR 2015 Tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes, exportation without payment of tax or with drawback of tax, 27 CFR 44 Toxic substances control Chemical substances and mixtures under Section 6 of TSCA, regulation of, 40 CFR 751 Mercury supply, use and trade in U.S., reporting requirements for the TSCA inventory of, 40 CFR 713 Vessels in foreign and domestic trades, 19 CFR 4 Veterinary biologics Packaging and labeling, 9 CFR 112 Standard requirements, 9 CFR 113 Wildlife Civil procedures, 50 CFR 11 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), 50 CFR 23 Eagle permits, 50 CFR 22 Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants, 50 CFR 17 General permit procedures, 50 CFR 13 General provisions, 50 CFR 10 Importation, exportation and transportation, 50 CFR 14 International fisheries regulations, 50 CFR 300 Migratory bird hunting-- Permits, 50 CFR 21 Procedural and substantive requirements, 50 CFR 20 Seizure and forfeiture procedures, 50 CFR 12 World-wide free flow of audiovisual materials, 22 CFR 61 Expositions See Fairs and expositions Extension and continuing education See Adult education F Fabrics See Textiles Fair housing See al Civil rights; Housing Certification and funding of State and local fair housing enforcement agencies, 24 CFR 115 Civil rights matters, consolidated hearing procedures, 24 CFR 180 Collection of data, 24 CFR 121 Complaint processing, 24 CFR 103 Compliance procedures for affirmative fair housing marketing, 24 CFR 108 Comptroller of the Currency, nondiscrimination requirements, 12 CFR 128 Defense Department, equal opportunity in off-base housing, 32 CFR 192 Discriminatory conduct under the Fair Housing Act, 24 CFR 100 Fair housing initiatives program, 24 CFR 125 Fair housing poster, 24 CFR 110 Farm Credit Administration, 12 CFR 626 Federal credit unions, organization and operations, 12 CFR 701 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 12 CFR 338 Office of Thrift Supervision, regulations transferred from, 12 CFR 390 Housing and Urban Development Department, Federal Housing Commissioner, functions, 24 CFR 200 National banks, fair housing home loan data system, 12 CFR 27 Nondiscrimination and equal opportunity in housing under Executive Order 11063, 24 CFR 107 Rural Development Loans and grants, program-related instructions, 7 CFR 1901 Management and supervision of loan and grant recipients, 7 CFR 1930 Rural rental housing loan policies, 7 CFR 1944 Rural Housing Service Community programs, 7 CFR 3570 Direct single family housing loans and grants, 7 CFR 3550 Guaranteed Rural Housing program, 7 CFR 3555 [[Page 294]] Guaranteed Rural Rental Housing Program, 7 CFR 3565 Fairs and expositions See al Foreign trade International expositions held in U.S., official U.S. Government recognition of and participation in, 15 CFR 310 Trade fairs, 19 CFR 147 Family Assistance Office See Children and Families Administration Family health See Maternal and child health Family planning See al Health Family planning services, grants, 42 CFR 59 Illegitimacy ratio decrease, Social Security Act section 403(a)(2) bonus implementation to reward, 45 CFR 283 Prisoners, 28 CFR 551 Public Health Service, general policies, 42 CFR 50 Special services, requirements and limits, 42 CFR 441 Statutory conscience rights protection in health care, authority delegations, 45 CFR 88 FAR (Federal Acquisition Regulation) See Government procurement Farm Credit Administration Administrative expenses assessment and apportionment, 12 CFR 607 Application for award of fees and other expenses under Equal Access to Justice Act, 12 CFR 625 Attorneys, certified public accountants, enrolled practitioners, and other persons representing clients before agency, 12 CFR 623 Classified information, 12 CFR 605 Collection of claims owed U.S., 12 CFR 608 Electronic commerce, 12 CFR 609 Employee responsibilities and conduct, 12 CFR 601 Farm Credit Administration Board meetings, 12 CFR 604 Farm Credit System Accounting and reporting requirements, 12 CFR 621 Administrative definitions, 12 CFR 619 Borrower rights, 12 CFR 617 Capital adequacy of system institutions, 12 CFR 628 Disclosure to shareholders, 12 CFR 620 Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation-- Disclosure and reporting requirements, 12 CFR 655 Funding and fiscal affairs, 12 CFR 652 General provisions, 12 CFR 650 Governance, 12 CFR 651 Risk management, 12 CFR 653 Financing eligibility and scope, 12 CFR 613 Funding and fiscal affairs, 12 CFR 615 General provisions, 12 CFR 618 Leasing, 12 CFR 616 Loan policies and operations, 12 CFR 614 Nondiscrimination in lending, 12 CFR 626 Organization, 12 CFR 611 Practice and procedure rules, 12 CFR 622 Standards of conduct and referral of known or suspected criminal violations, 12 CFR 612 Systemwide and consolidated bank debt obligations, disclosure to investors, 12 CFR 630 Title IV conservators, receivers, bridge system banks, and voluntary liquidations, 12 CFR 627 Mortgage loan originators, registration, 12 CFR 610 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 12 CFR 606 Organization and functions, 12 CFR 600 Privacy Act regulations, 12 CFR 603 Releasing information, 12 CFR 602 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for agency employees, 5 CFR 4101 Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation Agency employees, supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 4001 Collection of claims owed U.S., 12 CFR 1408 Employee responsibilities and conduct, 12 CFR 1401 Golden parachute and indemnification payments, 12 CFR 1412 Organization and functions, 12 CFR 1400 Practice and procedure rules, 12 CFR 1411 Premiums, 12 CFR 1410 [[Page 295]] Privacy Act regulations, 12 CFR 1403 Releasing information, 12 CFR 1402 Farm Service Agency See al Rural Housing Service Agriculture Priorities and Allocations System (APAS), 7 CFR 789 Appeal regulations, 7 CFR 780 Boll weevil eradication loan program, 7 CFR 771 Certified Mediation Program, 7 CFR 785 Dairy disaster assistance payment program, 7 CFR 786 Debt settlement policies and procedures, 7 CFR 792 Direct loan making, 7 CFR 764 Direct loan servicing-- Regular, 7 CFR 765 Special, 7 CFR 766 Emergency Conservation Program, Emergency Forest Restoration Program, and certain related programs, 7 CFR 701 End-use certificate program, 7 CFR 782 Farm loan programs General program administration, 7 CFR 761 Guaranteed farm loans, 7 CFR 762 Relending programs, 7 CFR 769 Farm marketing quotas, acreage allotments, and production adjustment Multiple programs, provisions applicable to, 7 CFR 718 Refunds of penalties erroneously, illegally, or wrongfully collected, 7 CFR 714 Foreign investment in agricultural land, disclosure, 7 CFR 781 Guaranteed farm loans, 7 CFR 762 Indemnity payment programs, 7 CFR 760 Indian tribal land acquisition loans, 7 CFR 770 Information availability to public, 7 CFR 798 Inventory property management, 7 CFR 767 Lamb meat adjustment assistance program, 7 CFR 784 Land Contract Guarantee program, 7 CFR 763 Loans and price support programs Grains and similarly handled commodities, marketing assistance loans and loan deficiency payments, 7 CFR 1421 Honey, marketing assistance loans and loan deficiency payments, 7 CFR 1434 Organization, 7 CFR 2003 Oriental Fruit Fly Program, 7 CFR 756 National Environmental Policy Act, compliance, 7 CFR 799 Payment assignment, 7 CFR 1404 Payment limitation, 7 CFR 795 Payments due persons who have died, disappeared, or have been declared incompetent, 7 CFR 707 Record retention requirements, all programs, 7 CFR 708 Reimbursement transportation cost payment program for geographically disadvantaged farmers and ranchers, 7 CFR 755 Seed producers emergency loan program, 7 CFR 774 Servicing minor program loans, 7 CFR 772 Soil Bank Program, 7 CFR 750 Special apple loan program, 7 CFR 773 State and county committee, selection and functions, 7 CFR 7 United States Warehouse Act regulations, 7 CFR 869 Farmers See Agriculture Fats and oils See Oils and fats Federal acquisition regulations See Government procurement Federal aid programs See Grant programs; Indemnity payments; Loan programs; Price support programs; Technical assistance Federal Aviation Administration Administrative claims under Federal Tort Claims Act, 14 CFR 15 Agricultural aircraft operations, 14 CFR 137 Air carriers, certification and operations Air carriers and commercial operators-- Certification, 14 CFR 119 General requirements, 14 CFR 110 Aircraft having seating capacity of 20 or more passengers or maximum payload capacity of 6,000 pounds or more; and rules governing persons on board such aircraft, 14 CFR 125 [[Page 296]] Commuter and on-demand operations and rules governing persons on board such aircraft, operating requirements, 14 CFR 135 Domestic, flag, and supplemental operations, operating requirements, 14 CFR 121 Drug and alcohol testing program, 14 CFR 120 Flightcrew members, flight and duty limitations and rest requirements, 14 CFR 117 Foreign air carriers, 14 CFR 129 Pilot records database, 14 CFR 111 Rotorcraft external-load operations, 14 CFR 133 Air traffic and general operating rules General operating and flight rules, 14 CFR 91 Instrument flight rules (IFR) altitudes, 14 CFR 95 Moored balloons, kites, amateur rockets, and unmanned free balloons, 14 CFR 101 Parachute operations, 14 CFR 105 Security control of air traffic, 14 CFR 99 Small unmanned aircraft systems, 14 CFR 107 Special air traffic rules, 14 CFR 93 Standard instrument procedures, 14 CFR 97 Ultralight vehicles, 14 CFR 103 Air traffic control services and navigational facilities, establishment and discontinuance criteria, 14 CFR 170 Aircraft Airworthiness directives, 14 CFR 39 Identification and registration marking, 14 CFR 45 Maintenance, preventive maintenance, rebuilding, and alteration of, 14 CFR 43 Noise standards, aircraft type and airworthiness certification, 14 CFR 36 Products and parts, certification procedures for , 14 CFR 21 Recording of aircraft titles and security documents, 14 CFR 49 Registration, 14 CFR 47 Transport category airplanes; continued airworthiness and safety improvements, 14 CFR 26 Turbine engine powered airplanes, fuel venting and exhaust emission requests, 14 CFR 34 Aircraft, airworthiness standards Aircraft engines, 14 CFR 33 Manned free balloons, 14 CFR 31 Normal category airplanes, 14 CFR 23 Normal category rotorcraft, 14 CFR 27 Propellers, 14 CFR 35 Transport category airplanes, 14 CFR 25 Transport category rotorcraft, 14 CFR 29 Airmen, certification Airmen other than flight crewmembers, 14 CFR 65 Flight crew members other than pilots, 14 CFR 63 Medical certificates, requirements for operating certain small aircraft without, 14 CFR 68 Medical standards and certification, 14 CFR 67 Pilots, flight instructors, and ground instructors, 14 CFR 61 Airports Airport aid program, 14 CFR 152 Airport noise and access restrictions, notice and approval, 14 CFR 161 Airport noise compatibility planning, 14 CFR 150 Certification, 14 CFR 139 Expenditures of Federal funds for nonmilitary airports or air navigation facilities, 14 CFR 169 Federal aid to airports, 14 CFR 151 Federally assisted airport enforcement proceedings, practice rules, 14 CFR 16 Notice of construction, alteration, activation, and deactivation of airports, 14 CFR 157 Operations, 14 CFR 153 Release of airport property from surplus property disposal restrictions, 14 CFR 155 State block grant pilot program, 14 CFR 156 Airspace Class A, B, C, D, and E airspace area designations; air traffic service routes; and reporting points, 14 CFR 71 Navigable airspace; safe, efficient use, and preservation, 14 CFR 77 Special use airspace, 14 CFR 73 [[Page 297]] Commercial air tours and National Parks air tour management, 14 CFR 136 Commercial space transportation Basis and scope of regulations, 14 CFR 400 Compliance and enforcement, 14 CFR 405 Investigations, enforcement, and administrative review, 14 CFR 406 Licensing-- Application procedures, 14 CFR 413 Experimental permits, 14 CFR 437 Financial responsibility, 14 CFR 440 Human space flight requirements, 14 CFR 460 Launch and reentry, license requirements, 14 CFR 450 Launch safety, 14 CFR 417 Launch site operation, 14 CFR 420 Reentry site operation, 14 CFR 433 Organization and definitions, 14 CFR 401 Petition and rulemaking procedures, 14 CFR 404 Communications system, use of, 14 CFR 189 Definitions and abbreviations, 14 CFR 1 Equal Access to Justice Act, implementation, 14 CFR 14 Fees, 14 CFR 187 Flight simulation training device initial and continuing qualification and use, 14 CFR 60 Fraud, false or misleading statements about products, parts, appliances and materials, 14 CFR 3 General rulemaking procedures, 14 CFR 11 Investigative and enforcement procedures, 14 CFR 13 Non-Federal navigation facilities, 14 CFR 171 Passenger facility charges, 14 CFR 158 Protests and contracts dispute, procedures, 14 CFR 17 Representative of Administrator, 14 CFR 183 Safety element approvals, 14 CFR 414 Safety management systems, 14 CFR 5 Schools Aviation maintenance technician schools, 14 CFR 147 Pilot schools, 14 CFR 141 Repair stations, 14 CFR 145 Training centers, 14 CFR 142 Small unmanned aircraft, registration and marking requirements, 14 CFR 48 Testimony by employees and production of records in legal proceedings, and service of legal process and pleadings, 14 CFR 185 Voluntarily submitted information, protection, 14 CFR 193 War risk insurance, aviation insurance, 14 CFR 198 Federal buildings and facilities See al Buildings and facilities; Government property Air Force Department Civil aircraft use of Air Force airfields, 32 CFR 855 Installation entry policy, civil disturbance intervention, and disaster assistance, 32 CFR 809a Army Department Litigation, criminal offenses committed on military installations, 32 CFR 516 Military reservations, regulations affecting, 32 CFR 552 Motor vehicle traffic supervision, 32 CFR 634 Central Intelligence Agency, conduct on agency installations, 32 CFR 1903 Centralized services, 41 CFR 101-5 Child abuse and child pornography reporting designations and procedures, 28 CFR 81 Conduct and traffic regulations Beltsville Agricultural Research Center Property, Beltsville, MD, 7 CFR 502 Defense Mapping Agency, traffic and vehicle control, 32 CFR 263 Engraving and Printing Bureau buildings and grounds in Washington, DC and Fort Worth, TX, 31 CFR 605 Federal Emergency Management Agency, Mt. Weather Emergency Assistance Center and National Emergency Training Center, 44 CFR 15 Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) buildings and grounds, 31 CFR 700 Government Accountability Office, 4 CFR 25 Health and Human Services Department, conduct of persons and traffic on certain Federal enclaves, 45 CFR 9 Library of Congress, conduct on library premises, 36 CFR 702 [[Page 298]] Merchant Marine Academy, U.S., regulations governing public buildings and grounds, 46 CFR 386 National Arboretum, 7 CFR 500 National Institute of Standards and Technology grounds, Gaithersburg, Maryland, and Boulder and Fort Collins, Colorado, 15 CFR 265 National Institutes of Health Federal enclave, 45 CFR 3 National Zoological Park of Smithsonian Institution, 36 CFR 520 Nevada Test Site, traffic control, 10 CFR 861 Pentagon Reservation, conduct on, 32 CFR 234 Plum Island Animal Disease Center, 7 CFR 503 Postal Service, conduct on postal property, 39 CFR 232 Secret Service, closure of streets near White House, 31 CFR 413 Smithsonian Institution buildings and grounds, 36 CFR 504 Treasury Department building and annex, 31 CFR 407 U.S. Meat Animal Research Center, Clay Center, Nebraska, 7 CFR 501 U.S. Mint building and grounds, 31 CFR 91 Construction and alteration of public buildings, 41 CFR 101-19 Contractors and subcontractors on public buildings or public works financed by U.S. loans or grants, Federal wage requirements, 29 CFR 3 Defense bases, exchanges, etc., workmen's compensation under Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act, 20 CFR 704 Defense Department Banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions on DoD installations, procedures governing, 32 CFR 231 Financial institutions on DoD installations, 32 CFR 230 Non-Federal entities authorized to operate on Department of Defense installations, procedures and support, 32 CFR 212 Personal commercial solicitation on DoD installations, 32 CFR 50 Professional U.S. scouting organization operations at U.S. military installations overseas, 32 CFR 252 Restoration advisory boards, 32 CFR 202 Shelter for homeless program, 32 CFR 226 State traffic laws, enforcement on DoD installations, 32 CFR 210 Defense Logistics Agency Preparing and processing minor offenses and violation notices referred to U.S. District Courts, 32 CFR 1290 Security of activities and resources, 32 CFR 1292 Energy conservation Energy efficiency standards, voluntary for new buildings and mandatory for Federal buildings, 10 CFR 435 New Federal commercial and multi-family high rise residential buildings, energy code, 10 CFR 434 Energy Department Limited arrest authority and use of force by Protective Force Officers of Strategic Petroleum Reserve, 10 CFR 1049 Nuclear safety management, 10 CFR 830 Restrictions on aircraft landing and air delivery at DOE nuclear sites, 10 CFR 862 Transfer of real property at defense nuclear facilities for economic development, 10 CFR 770 Trespassing on Government property, 10 CFR 860 Trespassing on Strategic Petroleum Reserve facilities and other property, 10 CFR 1048 Worker safety and health program, 10 CFR 851 Energy management and planning programs, 10 CFR 436 Federal buildings fund, 41 CFR 101-21 Federal installations in Alaska, Alaska Natives land selections, 43 CFR 2650 Fish and Wildlife Service, nondiscrimination in contracts, permits, and use of facilities, 50 CFR 3 General Services Administration Real property-- Art in architecture, 41 CFR 102-77 Authority delegation, 41 CFR 102-72 [[Page 299]] Design and construction, 41 CFR 102-76 Disposal, 41 CFR 102-75 Facility management, 41 CFR 102-74 General, 41 CFR 102-71 GSA space occupancy, pricing policy, 41 CFR 102-85 Historic preservation, 41 CFR 102-78 Location of space, 41 CFR 102-83 Physical security, 41 CFR 102-81 Real estate acquisition, 41 CFR 102-73 Safety and environmental management, 41 CFR 102-80 Space assignment and utilization, 41 CFR 102-79 Utility services, 41 CFR 102-82 Real property acquisition, 41 CFR 101-18 Housing and Urban Development Department, enforcement of standards for accessibility by physically handicapped, 24 CFR 41 Investment Security Office, transactions by foreign persons involving real estate in the U.S., 31 CFR 802 Management of public buildings and grounds, 41 CFR 101-20 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Administrative authority and policy, 14 CFR 1204 Security areas, 14 CFR 1203a Security programs, arrest authority and use of force by NASA security force personnel, 14 CFR 1203b National Archives and Records Administration Exhibits, 36 CFR 1284 Facilities-- Locations and hours of use, 36 CFR 1253 Public use, 36 CFR 1280 National Security Agency, security measures, 32 CFR 228 Navy Department Aviation facilities, use by civil aircraft, 32 CFR 766 Naval Defensive Sea Areas, Naval Airspace Reservations, areas under Navy administration, and Trust Territory of Pacific Islands, regulations governing entry, 32 CFR 761 Public affairs regulations, 32 CFR 705 Rules limiting public access to naval installations, 32 CFR 770 New Federal commercial and multi-family high-rise residential buildings, energy efficiency standards, 10 CFR 433 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs African Development Foundation, 22 CFR 1510 Agency for International Development, 22 CFR 219 Agriculture Department, 7 CFR 15e American Battle Monuments Commission, 36 CFR 406 Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board, 36 CFR 1154 Arctic Research Commission, 45 CFR 2301 Broadcasting Board of Governors, 22 CFR 530 Central Intelligence Agency, 32 CFR 1906 Civil Rights Commission, 45 CFR 707 Commerce Department, 15 CFR 8c Commodity Futures Trading Commission, 17 CFR 149 Consumer Product Safety Commission, 16 CFR 1034 Corporation for National and Community Service, 45 CFR 1214 Education Department, 34 CFR 105 Energy Department, 10 CFR 1041 Environmental Protection Agency, 40 CFR 12 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 29 CFR 1615 Export-Import Bank, 12 CFR 410 Farm Credit Administration, 12 CFR 606 Federal Communications Commission, 47 CFR 1 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 12 CFR 352 Federal Emergency Management Agency, 44 CFR 16 Federal Labor Relations Authority, 5 CFR 2416 Federal Maritime Commission, 46 CFR 507 Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission, 29 CFR 2706 Federal Reserve System, 12 CFR 268 [[Page 300]] Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board, 5 CFR 1636 Federal Trade Commission, 16 CFR 6 Fine Arts Commission, 45 CFR 2104 General Services Administration, 41 CFR 105-8 Harry S Truman Scholarship Foundation, 45 CFR 1803 Health and Human Services Department, 45 CFR 85 Historic Preservation Advisory Council, 36 CFR 812 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 9 Inter-American Foundation, 22 CFR 1005 Interior Department, 43 CFR 17 International Boundary and Water Commission, U.S. and Mexico, U.S. Section, 22 CFR 1103 International Development Finance Corporation, U.S., 22 CFR 711 International Trade Commission, 19 CFR 201 James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation, 45 CFR 2490 Japan-United States Friendship Commission, 22 CFR 1600 Justice Department, 28 CFR 39 Labor Department, 29 CFR 33 Libraries and Information Science, National Commission, 45 CFR 1706 Marine Mammal Commission, 50 CFR 550 Merit Systems Protection Board, 5 CFR 1207 Museum and Library Services Institute, 45 CFR 1181 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 14 CFR 1251 National Archives and Records Administration, 36 CFR 1208 National Council on Disability, 34 CFR 1200 National Counterintelligence Center, 32 CFR 1807 National Credit Union Administration, 12 CFR 794 National Endowment for the Arts, 45 CFR 1153 National Endowment for the Humanities, 45 CFR 1175 National Labor Relations Board, 29 CFR 100 National Science Foundation, 45 CFR 606 National Transportation Safety Board, 49 CFR 807 Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation Office, 25 CFR 720 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 10 CFR 4 Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission, 29 CFR 2205 Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation, 36 CFR 909 Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, 29 CFR 4907 People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled, Committee for Purchase From, 41 CFR 51-10 Personnel Management Office, 5 CFR 723 Postal Service, 39 CFR 255 Railroad Retirement Board, 20 CFR 365 Selective Service System, 32 CFR 1699 Small Business Administration, 13 CFR 136 Special Counsel Office, 5 CFR 1850 State Department, 22 CFR 144 Surface Transportation Board, 49 CFR 1014 Tennessee Valley Authority, 18 CFR 1313 Transportation Department, 49 CFR 28 Treasury Department, 31 CFR 17 U.S. Institute of Peace, 22 CFR 1701 Veterans Affairs Department, 38 CFR 15 Nondiscrimination on basis of handicap in agency conducted programs or activities Executive Office of the President, 3 CFR 102 National Capital Planning Commission, 1 CFR 457 National Commission for Employment Policy, 1 CFR 500 Nuclear Regulatory Commission property, trespassing, 10 CFR 160 Pedestrian facilities in the public right-of-way, accessibility guidelines, 36 CFR 1190 Public works contracts, denial to suppliers of goods and services of countries that deny procurement market access to U.S. contractors, 49 CFR 30 Securities and Exchange Commission; organization, conduct and ethics, and information and requests, 17 CFR 200 Space assignment and utilization, 41 CFR 101-17 [[Page 301]] State Department, press building passes, regulations governing, 22 CFR 9b Superfund program, oil and hazardous substances, hazardous substance activity reporting when selling or transferring Federal real property, 40 CFR 373 Support for non-Federal entities authorized to operate on DoD installations, 32 CFR 213 Treasury Department, tobacco products, sale and distribution restriction, 31 CFR 12 Vending facilities operated by blind persons on Federal property Commerce Department, 15 CFR 5 Education Department, 34 CFR 395 General Services Administration, 41 CFR 101-20 Interior Department, 43 CFR 13 Treasury Department, 31 CFR 11 White House press pass applications, standards and procedures utilized in issuing security clearance in connection with, 31 CFR 409 Federal Communications Commission Advanced communications services and equipment, access by individuals with disabilities, 47 CFR 14 Amateur radio service, 47 CFR 97 Authorization and administration of accounting authorities in maritime and maritime mobile-satellite radio services, 47 CFR 3 Aviation radio services, 47 CFR 87 Cable television Multichannel video and cable television service, 47 CFR 76 Relay services, 47 CFR 78 Video programming, accessibility, 47 CFR 79 Citizens broadband radio service, 47 FR 96 Commercial radio operators, 47 CFR 13 Commission organization, 47 CFR 0 Communications common carriers Common carrier services-- Bell operating companies, special provisions, 47 CFR 53 Commercial mobile services, 47 CFR 20 Connection of terminal equipment to telephone network, 47 CFR 68 Extension of lines, new lines, and discontinuance, reduction, outage and impairment of service by; and grants of recognized private operating agency status, 47 CFR 63 Infrastructure sharing, 47 CFR 59 Interconnection, 47 CFR 51 Interstate rate of return prescription procedures and methodologies, 47 CFR 65 Miscellaneous rules, 47 CFR 64 Miscellaneous wireless communications services, 47 CFR 27 Numbering, 47 CFR 52 Personal communications services, 47 CFR 24 Preservation of records, 47 CFR 42 Providers of international services and certain affiliates; reports, 47 CFR 43 Public mobile services, 47 CFR 22 Radio broadcast services, 47 CFR 73 Real-time text, 47 CFR 67 Satellite communications, 47 CFR 25 Tariffs, 47 CFR 61 Telecommunications companies, jurisdictional separations procedures, standard procedures for separating telecommunications property costs, revenues, expenses, taxes, and reserves, 47 CFR 36 Telephone company access charges, 47 CFR 69 Uniform system of accounts, telecommunications companies, 47 CFR 32 Universal service, 47 CFR 54 Upper microwave flexible use service, 47 CFR 30 Construction, marking and lighting of antenna structures, 47 CFR 17 Disruptions to communications, 47 CFR 4 Emergency alert system, 47 CFR 11 Emergency service providers (911 and E911) requirements, 47 CFR 9 Employees Responsibilities and conduct, 47 CFR 19 Supplemental financial disclosure requirements, 5 CFR 3902 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 3901 Experimental radio, auxiliary, and special broadcast radio and other program distributional services, 47 CFR 74 Experimental radio service, 47 CFR 5 Fixed microwave services, 47 CFR 101 [[Page 302]] Federal awards, uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements, 2 CFR 6000 Frequency allocations and radio treaty matters, general rules and regulations, 47 CFR 2 Gain or loss on disposition of property, changes to effectuate Federal Communications Commission policy, income taxes, 26 CFR 1(1.1071-1-- 1.1071-4) Industrial, scientific, and medical equipment radio transmissions, 47 CFR 18 Internet freedom, 47 CFR 8 Maritime service stations, 47 CFR 80 Personal radio services, 47 CFR 95 Practice and procedure, 47 CFR 1 Private land mobile radio services, 47 CFR 90 Radio frequency devices, 47 CFR 15 Telecommunications service and equipment and customer premises equipment, access by persons with disabilities, 47 CFR 6 Voicemail and interactive menu services and equipment, access by people with disabilities, 47 CFR 7 Wireless emergency alerts, 47 CFR 10 Federal Contract Compliance Programs Office Affirmative action and nondiscrimination obligations of Federal contractors and subcontractors regarding Disabled veterans, recently separated veterans, active duty wartime or campaign badge veterans, and Armed Forces Service Medal veterans, 41 CFR 60-300 Individuals with disabilities, 41 CFR 60-741 Special disabled veterans and Vietnam era veterans, 41 CFR 60-250 Affirmative action programs, 41 CFR 60-2 Construction contractors, affirmative action requirements, 41 CFR 60-4 Contractors and subcontractors, obligations, 41 CFR 60-1 Employee selection procedures, uniform guidelines, 41 CFR 60-3 Equal opportunity enforcement under Executive Order 11246, rules of practice for administrative proceedings, 41 CFR 60-30 Examination and copying of OFCCP documents, 41 CFR 60-40 Guidelines on discrimination because of religion or national origin, 41 CFR 60-50 OMB control numbers for OFCCP information collection requirements, 41 CFR 60-999 Procedures for complaints/charges of employment discrimination based on disability filed against employers holding Government contracts or subcontracts, 41 CFR 60-742 Sex discrimination requirements, 41 CFR 60-20 Federal Council on Arts and Humanities See National Foundation on Arts and Humanities Federal Crop Insurance Corporation Area risk protection insurance regulations, 7 CFR 407 Catastrophic risk protection endorsement, 7 CFR 402 Common crop insurance regulations, 7 CFR 457 Disaster payments, additional, 7 CFR 460 General administrative regulations, 7 CFR 400 Public information, freedom of information, 7 CFR 412 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Advertisements of membership, False advertising, misrepresentation of insured status and misuse of FDIC's name and logo, 12 CFR 328 Annual independent audits and reporting requirements, 12 CFR 363 Annual stress test, 12 CFR 325 Appraisals, 12 CFR 323 Assumption of deposits certification and insured status changes, notification, 12 CFR 307 Bank assessments, 12 CFR 327 Bank corporate powers, extension, 12 CFR 333 Capital adequacy of FDIC-supervised institutions, 12 CFR 324 Community reinvestment, 12 CFR 345 [[Page 303]] Consumer financial information, privacy, 12 CFR 332 Consumer protection in insurance sales, 12 CFR 343 Contractor integrity and fitness, minimum standards, 12 CFR 366 Contractors suspension and exclusion and contracts termination, 12 CFR 367 Corporate debt collection, criminal restitution debt, and civil money penalty debt procedures, 12 CFR 313 CRA-related agreements, disclosure and reporting, 12 CFR 346 Deposit insurance coverage, 12 CFR 330 Depository institutions lacking federal deposit insurance, disclosure requirements (Regulation I), 12 CFR 1009 Derivatives, 12 CFR 349 Disclosure of information, 12 CFR 309 Economically depressed regions, determination, 12 CFR 357 Employees, 12 CFR 336 Fair housing, 12 CFR 338 Federal interest rate authority, 12 CFR 331 Filing procedures, 12 CFR 303 Forms, instructions, and reports required of banks, 12 CFR 304 Golden parachute and indemnification payments, 12 CFR 359 Government securities sales practices, 12 CFR 368 Industrial banks, 12 CFR 354 Insured State banks and savings associations, activities, 12 CFR 362 International banking, 12 CFR 347 Interstate branches, prohibition against use primarily for deposit production, 12 CFR 369 Liquidity risk measurement standards, 12 CFR 329 Loans in areas having special flood hazards, 12 CFR 339 Management official interlocks, 12 CFR 348 Minimum security devices and procedures and Bank Secrecy Act compliance for insured State nonmember banks, 12 CFR 326 Minority and women outreach program contracting, 12 CFR 361 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability, 12 CFR 352 Office of Thrift Supervision, regulations transferred from, 12 CFR 390 Orderly liquidations authority, 12 CFR 380 Practice and procedure rules, 12 CFR 308 Proprietary trading and certain interests in and relationships with covered funds, 12 CFR 351 Public observation of meetings of Corporation's Board of Directors, 12 CFR 311 Qualified financial contracts Recordkeeping requirements, 12 CFR 371 Restrictions on, 12 CFR 382 Real estate lending standards, 12 CFR 365 Recordkeeping for timely deposit insurance determination, 12 CFR 370 Resolution and receivership rules, 12 CFR 360 Safeguarding personal information in Corporation records, 12 CFR 310 Safety and soundness standards, 12 CFR 364 Sale of assets by FDIC, restrictions, 12 CFR 340 Securities of nonmember insured banks, 12 CFR 335 Securities transactions, recordkeeping and confirmation requirements, 12 CFR 344 Securities transfer agents, registration, 12 CFR 341 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for agency employees, 5 CFR 3201 Suspicious activity reports, 12 CFR 353 Unsafe and unsound banking practices, 12 CFR 337 Federal Election Commission Administrative debts collection, 11 CFR 8 Advisory opinions, procedure for requesting interpretation of Federal election laws, 11 CFR 112 Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 regulations, non-Federal funds, 11 CFR 300 Campaign accounts, permitted and prohibited uses, 11 CFR 113 Campaign fund allocations of candidate and committee activities, 11 CFR 106 Campaign funds depositories, 11 CFR 103 Candidate status and designations, 11 CFR 101 Contribution and expenditure limitations and prohibitions, 11 CFR 110 Coordinated and independent election campaign expenditures, 11 CFR 109 [[Page 304]] Debts owed by candidates and political committees, 11 CFR 116 Document filing, 11 CFR 105 Election reports and statements, filing copies with State officers, 11 CFR 108 Elections, scope and definitions, 11 CFR 100 Employees-- Standards of conduct, 11 CFR 7 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 4701 Ex parte communications, 11 CFR 201 Federal election regulations, compliance procedure, 11 CFR 111 Increased limits for candidates opposing self-financed candidates, 11 CFR 400 National Voter Registration Act (52 U.S.C. 20503 et seq.), 11 CFR 9428 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 11 CFR 6 Political activities of corporate and labor organizations, 11 CFR 114 Political committees and other persons, reports, 11 CFR 104 Presidential election campaign financing Certification by Commission, 11 CFR 9005 Definitions, 11 CFR 9002 Eligibility for payments, 11 CFR 9003 Entitlement of eligible candidates to payments; use of payments, 11 CFR 9004 Examination and audits; payments, 11 CFR 9007 Federal financing of Presidential nominating conventions, 11 CFR 9008 Reports and recordkeeping, 11 CFR 9006 Scope, 11 CFR 9001 Unauthorized expenditures and contributions, 11 CFR 9012 Presidential nominating convention, registration, and reports, 11 CFR 107 Presidential primary matching fund Definitions, 11 CFR 9032 Eligibility for payments, 11 CFR 9033 Entitlements, 11 CFR 9034 Examinations and audits, 11 CFR 9038 Expenditure limitations, 11 CFR 9035 Payments and reporting, 11 CFR 9037 Review and investigation authority, 11 CFR 9039 Review of matching fund submissions and certification of payments by Commission, 11 CFR 9036 Scope, 11 CFR 9031 Privacy Act regulations, 11 CFR 1 Prohibition on campaign contributions by Government contractors to Federal election campaigns, 11 CFR 115 Public Disclosure and Media Relations Division documents, access to, 11 CFR 5 Public records and Freedom of Information Act, 11 CFR 4 Registration, organization, and recordkeeping by political committees, 11 CFR 102 Rulemaking petitions, 11 CFR 200 Sunshine regulations, meetings, 11 CFR 2 Federal Emergency Management Agency Cerro Grande fire assistance, 44 CFR 295 Civil defense Consolidated grants to insular areas, 44 CFR 304 Mobilization base preservation through placement of procurement and facilities in labor surplus areas, 44 CFR 331 Natural disasters, use of civil defense personnel, materials, and facilities, 44 CFR 312 State and local emergency management assistance program (EMA), 44 CFR 302 Claims, 44 CFR 11 Comprehensive emergency management, State assistance programs for training and education, 44 CFR 360 Conduct at Mt. Weather Emergency Assistance Center and National Emergency Training Center, 44 CFR 15 Defense mobilization base, maintenance, 44 CFR 321 Defense preparedness, voluntary agreements with industry under section 708 of Defense Production Act of 1950, 44 CFR 332 Disaster assistance Disaster preparedness assistance, 44 CFR 300 Federal disaster assistance, 44 CFR 206 Fire management assistance grant program, 44 CFR 204 Management costs, 44 CFR 207 [[Page 305]] Mitigation planning, 44 CFR 201 Supplemental property acquisition and elevation assistance, 44 CFR 209 Domestic energy supplies, policy guidance and delegations of authority for use of priorities and allocations, 44 CFR 330 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 2 CFR 3001 Federal supply classification common use items, use of priorities and allocation authority, 44 CFR 329 Firefighters assistance grant program, 44 CFR 152 Firefighting on Federal property, reimbursement for costs, 44 CFR 151 Flood insurance Administrative hearing procedures, 44 CFR 68 Appeals from proposed flood elevation determinations, 44 CFR 67 Coastal Barrier Resources Act, implementation, 44 CFR 71 Communities eligible for sale of, 44 CFR 64 Consultation with local officials, 44 CFR 66 Coverage and rates, 44 CFR 61 Erosion benefits, 44 CFR 63 Exemption of State-owned properties under self-insurance plan, 44 CFR 75 Flood mitigation grants, 44 CFR 77 General provisions, 44 CFR 59 Identification and mapping of special flood or flood-related erosion hazard areas, 44 CFR 65 Land management and use criteria for flood plains and flood-erosion areas, 44 CFR 60 Map changes, procedures and fees for processing, 44 CFR 72 National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, implementation of Section 1316, properties in violation of State and local law, 44 CFR 73 Procedure for map correction, 44 CFR 70 Sale and claims adjustment, 44 CFR 62 Floodplain management and protection of wetlands, 44 CFR 9 Graduated mobilization response, 44 CFR 334 Information production or disclosure, 44 CFR 5 Intergovernmental review of programs and activities, 44 CFR 4 Lobbying restrictions, 44 CFR 18 National earthquake hazards reduction assistance to State and local governments Gifts, bequests, or services, acceptance criteria, 44 CFR 362 Policies, 44 CFR 361 National urban search and rescue response system, 44 CFR 208 Nondiscrimination, on basis of Disability in federally conducted programs, 44 CFR 16 Race, color or national origin in federally assisted programs (FEMA Greg. 5), 44 CFR 7 Sex in federally assisted education programs, 44 CFR 19 OMB control numbers, 44 CFR 2 Privacy Act of 1974, implementation, 44 CFR 6 Private industry, policy on use of Government-owned industrial plant equipment, 44 CFR 327 Property acquisition and relocation for open space, 44 CFR 80 Public safety awards to public safety officers, 44 CFR 150 Radiological emergency Commercial nuclear power plants, emergency preparedness planning, 44 CFR 352 Federal agency roles, emergency planning and preparedness, 44 CFR 351 Fee for services in support, review, and approval of State and local government or licensee radiological emergency plans and preparedness, 44 CFR 353 Offsite radiological emergency preparedness program, service fee, 44 CFR 354 Review and approval of State and local radiological emergency plans and preparedness, 44 CFR 350 Resources in immediate post attack period, guidance on priority use, 44 CFR 323 Rulemaking, policy and procedures, 44 CFR 1 Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally assisted programs, cross [[Page 306]] reference to 49 CFR 24 (governmentwide rule), 44 CFR 25 Federal employees See Government employees Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Annual charges, 18 CFR 382 Bonneville Power Administration, average system cost methodology for sales from utilities under Northwest Power Act, 18 CFR 301 Bulk-power system, mandatory reliability standards, 18 CFR 40 Collection, maintenance, use, and dissemination of records of identifiable personal information, 18 CFR 3b Conduct standards, 18 CFR 3c Contested audit findings and proposed remedies disposition, 18 CFR 349 Electronic registration, 18 CFR 390 Energy market manipulation, prohibition, 18 CFR 1c Establishment and operation, 18 CFR 375 Federal Power Act Accounts prescribed for public utilities and licensees, 18 CFR 101 Accounts, preservation of records of public utilities and licensees, 18 CFR 125 Accounts, records, memoranda and disposition of contested audit, 18 CFR 41 Annual charges under Part I, 18 CFR 11 Application for authorization of issuance of securities or assumption of liabilities, 18 CFR 34 Approved forms, 18 CFR 131 Statements and reports, 18 CFR 141 Authorization of issuance of securities, 18 CFR 20 Integrated license application process, 18 CFR 5 Interconnection of facilities, 18 CFR 32 Interlocking positions, application for authority to hold, 18 CFR 45 License surrender or termination, 18 CFR 6 Licenses, permits, exemptions, and determination of project costs, 18 CFR 4 Open access same-time information systems, 18 CFR 37 Projects affecting navigable waters or public lands, 18 CFR 24 Public lands withdrawn for power sites, 18 CFR 25, 43 CFR 2300 Public utility filing requirements, purchaser list, and filing requirements for persons holding interlocking positions, 18 CFR 46 Qualifying process for Non-federal hydropower projects at existing nonpowered dams and for closed-loop pumped storage projects; expedited licensing, 18 CFR 7 Rate schedules and tariffs, filing, 18 CFR 35 Recreational opportunities and development at licensed projects, 18 CFR 8 Section 203, applications, 18 CFR 33 Takeover and relicensing of licensed projects, procedures, 18 CFR 16 Transfer of license or lease of project property, 18 CFR 9 Transmission services under section 211, application, 18 CFR 36 Water power projects and project works, safety, 18 CFR 12 Federal power marketing administrations, confirmation and approval of rates, 18 CFR 300 Fees, Commission services and benefits, 18 CFR 381 General applicability rules, 18 CFR 1 General policy and interpretations, 18 CFR 2 Holding companies and service companies, preservation of records, 18 CFR 368 Information collection requirements, OMB control numbers, 18 CFR 389 Interstate Commerce Act, rate schedules and tariffs, 18 CFR 340 Interstate electric transmission facilities, site applications, 18 CFR 50 Investigations, rules relating to, 18 CFR 1b National Environmental Policy Act, implementation, 18 CFR 380 National security information, 18 CFR 3a Natural Gas Act Accounts, preservation of records of natural gas companies, 18 CFR 225 Accounts, records, and memoranda, 18 CFR 158 [[Page 307]] Accounts prescribed for natural gas companies, 18 CFR 201 Authorization to construct, operate, or modify facilities used for export or import of natural gas, applications, 18 CFR 153 Certificates of public convenience and necessity and orders permitting and approving abandonment of facilities under Section 7, applications, 18 CFR 157 Exemptions, application, 18 CFR 152 Facilities, extension or improvement, 18 CFR 156 Forms, 18 CFR 250 Rate schedules and tariffs, 18 CFR 154 Statements and reports (schedules), 18 CFR 260 Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978 Accounts, records and memoranda, 18 CFR 286 Natural gas, sales and transportation and related authorities, 18 CFR 284 Curtailment of natural gas, 18 CFR 281 Definitions, 18 CFR 280 Determination procedures for tax credit purposes, 18 CFR 270 Organization, mission, and functions, operations during emergency conditions, 18 CFR 376 Organized electricity markets, long-term firm transmission rights, 18 CFR 42 Pipelines Filing quotations for U.S. Government shipments at reduced rates, 18 CFR 344 Financial statements released by carriers, 18 CFR 351 Oil companies subject to provisions of Interstate Commerce Act, uniform systems of accounts, 18 CFR 352 Oil pipelines-- Cost-of-service filing requirements, 18 CFR 346 Depreciation studies, 18 CFR 347 Market power determinations, applications, 18 CFR 348 Proceedings, procedural rules, 18 CFR 343 Rate methodologies and procedures, 18 CFR 342 Tariffs; oil pipeline companies subject to Section 6 of Interstate Commerce Act, 18 CFR 341 Records preservation for oil pipeline companies, 18 CFR 356 Reports, annual special or periodic, carriers subject to Part I of Interstate Commerce Act, 18 CFR 357 Power plant and industrial fuel use, powerplant design capacity determination, 18 CFR 287 Practice and procedure rules, 18 CFR 385 Public information and requests, 18 CFR 388 Public utility business operations and communications, standards, 18 CFR 38 Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 Electric energy capacity, interim procedures for shortages under section 206, 18 CFR 294 Retail electric service, collection of cost of service information under section 133, 18 CFR 290 Small power production and cogeneration, regulations under sections 201 and 210, 18 CFR 292 Statements and reports, 18 CFR 369 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for agency employees, 5 CFR 3401 Transfer of proceedings to Energy Secretary and Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 10 CFR 1000 Transmission providers, conduct standards, 18 CFR 358 Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council Appraiser regulation, 12 CFR 1102 Office description, procedures, public information, 12 CFR 1101 Federal financial assistance See Grant programs; Loan programs; Scholarships and fellowships Federal Financing Bank Federal Financing Bank bills, 12 CFR 810 Federal Financing Bank securities, book entry procedures, 12 CFR 811 Foreign military sales loans made by Federal Financing Bank and guaranteed by Defense Department, prepayment, 31 CFR 25 [[Page 308]] Rural Utilities Service guaranteed and insured loans to electric and telephone borrowers, prepayment, 7 CFR 1786 Federal Highway Administration Carpool and vanpool projects, 23 CFR 656 Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VI program and related civil rights statutes, implementation and review procedures for federally funded highway projects, 23 CFR 200 Electronic toll collection, 23 CFR 950 Environmental impact and related procedures, 23 CFR 771 Environmental reviews, pilot program for eliminating duplication of, 23 CFR 778 Equal employment opportunity programs in Federal and Federal-aid highway construction contracts, 23 CFR 230 Federal-aid highway programs Bridges, structures, and hydraulics, 23 CFR 650 Construction, inspection and approval, 23 CFR 637 Construction and maintenance, 23 CFR 635 Contract provisions required, 23 CFR 633 Design-build contracting, 23 CFR 636 Design standards, 23 CFR 625 Emergency relief for repair or construction of highways, 23 CFR 668 Engineering, 23 CFR 620 Engineering and design related services; Procurement, management and administration, 23 CFR 172 Facilities repeatedly requiring repair and reconstruction due to emergency events, periodic evaluation, 23 CFR 667 Federal lands highways-- Fish and Wildlife Service Management Systems, 23 CFR 972 Forest Service Management Systems, 23 CFR 971 Indian Affairs Bureau and Indian Reservation Roads Program management systems, 23 CFR 973 National Park Service Management Systems, 23 CFR 970 Heavy vehicle use tax, enforcement, 23 CFR 669 Highway beautification, 23 CFR 750 Highway construction projects performed by a State under Federal-aid procedures, reimbursement eligibility of administrative settlement costs in defense of contract claims on, 23 CFR 140 Incentive (1/2 percent bonus) payments for controlling outdoor advertising on interstate highway system, 23 CFR 190 Indian Reservation Road Bridge Program, 23 CFR 661 Junkyard control and acquisition, 23 CFR 751 Landscape and roadside development, 23 CFR 752 Mass transit and special use highway projects, 23 CFR 810 Mitigation of impacts to wetlands and natural habitat, 23 CFR 777 Pavement policy, 23 CFR 626 Preconstruction procedures, 23 CFR 630 Railroad-highway projects and insurance coverage for these projects, 23 CFR 646 Right-of-way and real estate, 23 CFR 710 Special programs, forest and National defense highways, 23 CFR 660 Surface transportation projects, credit assistance, 23 CFR 180 Traffic noise and construction noise, procedures for abatement, 23 CFR 772 Traffic operations, 23 CFR 655 Truck size and weight, route designations--length, width and weight limitations, 23 CFR 658 Utility facilities, adjustment and relocation, 23 CFR 645 Value engineering, 23 CFR 627 Vehicle size and weight enforcement, State certification, 23 CFR 657 Highway personnel education and training programs, 23 CFR 260 Highway safety Drug offenders, driver's license suspension, 23 CFR 192 Highway safety improvement program, 23 CFR 924 Motor vehicles operation-- Intoxicated minors, 23 CFR 1210 Intoxicated persons, 23 CFR 1225 Open container laws, 23 CFR 1270 Repeat intoxicated driver laws, 23 CFR 1275 [[Page 309]] National minimum drinking age, 23 CFR 1208 Persons with disabilities, uniform system for parking, 23 CFR 1235 Safety belts use-- Compliance and transfer-of-funds procedures, 23 CFR 1215 Safety incentive grants, allocations based on seat belt use rates, 23 CFR 1240 Intelligent transportation system architecture and standards, 23 CFR 940 National electric vehicle infrastructure standards and requirements, 23 CFR 680 Planning and research Highway systems, 23 CFR 470 National performance management measures, 23 CFR 490 Planning and research program administration, 23 CFR 420 Planning assistance and standards, 23 CFR 450 Public road mileage for apportionment of funds, 23 CFR 460 Surface transportation project delivery pilot program, 23 CFR 773 Transportation infrastructure management Asset management plans, 23 CFR 515 Management and monitoring systems, 23 CFR 500 Projects of National and regional significance, evaluation and rating, 23 CFR 505 Real-time System Management Information Program, 23 CFR 510 Federal Home Loan Bank Board See Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; Federal Housing Finance Board Federal home loan banks See al Banks, banking Acquired member assets, 12 CFR 1268 Affordable housing program, 12 CFR 1291 Assessments, 12 CFR 1206 Capital classifications and prompt corrective action, 12 CFR 1229 Capital requirements, capital stock and capital plans, 12 CFR 1277 Community investment cash advance programs, 12 CFR 1292 Community support requirements, 12 CFR 1290 Conservatorship and receivership, 12 CFR 1237 Core mission activities, 12 CFR 1265 Director, eligibility and elections, 12 CFR 1261 Federal Housing Finance Agency Boards of directors responsibilities, corporate practices, and corporate governance, 12 CFR 1239 Practice and procedure, 12 CFR 1209 Sharing of information among Federal home loan banks, 12 CFR 1260 Suspended Counterparty program, 12 CFR 1227 Financial statements, 12 CFR 1274 Fraudulent financial instruments, reporting, 12 CFR 1233 General definitions Federal Housing Finance Agency regulations, 12 CFR 1201 Housing associates, 12 CFR 1264 Housing goals, 12 CFR 1281 Housing Government sponsored enterprises, 31 CFR 1030 Investments, 12 CFR 1267 Liabilities, 12 CFR 1270 Members of the banks, 12 CFR 1263 Minimum capital levels, temporary increase, 12 CFR 1225 Miscellaneous operations and authorities, 12 CFR 1271 New business activities, 12 CFR 1272 Regulated entities and Office of Finance, record retention, 12 CFR 1235 Resolution Funding Corporation, operations, 12 CFR 1510 Standby letters of credit, 12 CFR 1269 Stress testing of regulated entities, 12 CFR 1238 Voluntary mergers, 12 CFR 1278 Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight Office See Housing and Urban Development Department Federal Housing Finance Agency Appraisals, 12 CFR 1222 Assessments, 12 CFR 1206 Boards of directors responsibilities, corporate practices, and corporate governance, 12 CFR 1239 Community investment cash advance programs, 12 CFR 1292 [[Page 310]] Credit score models, validation and approval, 12 CFR 1254 Debt collection, 12 CFR 1208 Employees, supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 9001 Enterprises Book-entry procedures, 12 CFR 1249 Capital adequacy, 12 CFR 1240 Flood insurance, 12 CFR 1250 Housing goals and mission, 12 CFR 1282 Housing Trust and Capital Magnet Funds, contributions to, 12 CFR 1251 Portfolio holdings, 12 CFR 1252 Products, prior approval, 12 CFR 1253 Resolution planning, 12 CFR 1242 Entity regulations Capital classifications and prompt corrective action, 12 CFR 1229 Fraudulent financial instruments, reporting, 12 CFR 1233 Golden parachute payments, 12 CFR 1231 Minimum capital levels, temporary increase, 12 CFR 1225 Record retention for regulated entities and Office of Finance, 12 CFR 1235 Equal access to justice, 12 CFR 1203 Executive compensation, 12 CFR 1230 Federal home loan banks Acquired member assets, 12 CFR 1268 Advances, 12 CFR 1266 Affordable Housing Program, 12 CFR 1291 Capital requirements, capital stock and capital plans, 12 CFR 1277 Community support requirements, 12 CFR 1290 Conservatorship and receivership, 12 CFR 1237 Core mission activities, 12 CFR 1265 Director, eligibility and elections, 12 CFR 1261 Finance Office, 12 CFR 1273 Financial statements, 12 CFR 1274 Housing associates, 12 CFR 1264 Housing goals, 12 CFR 1281 Information sharing, 12 CFR 1260 Investments, 12 CFR 1267 Liabilities, 12 CFR 1270 Members of the banks, 12 CFR 1263 Minimum Capital--temporary increase, 12 CFR 1225 Miscellaneous operations and authorities, 12 CFR 1271 New business activities, 12 CFR 1272 Standby letters of credit, 12 CFR 1269 Suspended Counterparty Program, 12 CFR 1227 Voluntary mergers, 12 CFR 1278 Freedom of Information Act, 12 CFR 1202 General definitions, 12 CFR 1201 Margin and capital requirements for covered swap entities, 12 CFR 1221 Minority and Women Inclusion, 12 CFR 1223 Outreach program, 12 CFR 1207 Non-public information, availability, 12 CFR 1214 Ombudsman, Office of the, 12 CFR 1213 Organization and functions, 12 CFR 1200 Post-employment restriction for senior examiners, 12 CFR 1212 Practice and procedure, 12 CFR 1209 Privacy Act implementation, 12 CFR 1204 Production of agency records, information, and employee testimony in third-party legal proceedings, 12 CFR 1215 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, 12 CFR 1217 Regulated entities and Office of Finance, record retention, 12 CFR 1235 Stress testing of regulated entities, 12 CFR 1238 Uniform mortgage-backed securities, 12 CFR 1248 Federal Labor Relations Authority Debt collection, 5 CFR 2418 Employee responsibilities and conduct, 5 CFR 2415 Employees, supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 5901 Equal Access to Justice Act, awards of attorney fees and other expenses, 5 CFR 2430 Ex parte communications, 5 CFR 2414 Federal service labor management relations program Enforcement of Assistant Secretary standards of conduct decisions and orders, 5 CFR 2428 General policy statements or guidance, 5 CFR 2427 Meaning of terms, 5 CFR 2421 Miscellaneous and general requirements, 5 CFR 2429 National consultation rights and consultation rights on [[Page 311]] governmentwide rules or regulations, 5 CFR 2426 Negotiability proceedings, 5 CFR 2424 Purpose and scope of regulations, 5 CFR 2420 Representation proceedings, 5 CFR 2422 Review of arbitration awards, 5 CFR 2425 Unfair labor practice proceedings, 5 CFR 2423 Foreign service relations Assistant Secretary standards of conduct decisions and orders, enforcement, 22 CFR 1428 Definitions, 22 CFR 1421 Implementation dispute actions, review, 22 CFR 1425 Miscellaneous and general requirements, 22 CFR 1429 Negotiability issues, expedited review, 22 CFR 1424 Official information availability, 22 CFR 1411 Policy or guidance, general statements, 22 CFR 1427 Purpose and scope of provisions, 22 CFR 1420 Representation proceedings, 22 CFR 1422 Unfair labor practice proceedings, 22 CFR 1423 Legal proceedings, employee testimony relating to official information and production of official records, 5 CFR 2417 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 5 CFR 2416 Official information availability, 5 CFR 2411 Open meetings, 5 CFR 2413 Privacy, 5 CFR 2412 Federal Law Enforcement Training Center Regulations governing conduct in or on buildings and grounds, 31 CFR 700 Federal Maritime Commission Administrative offset, 46 CFR 505 Carrier automated tariffs, 46 CFR 520 Civil monetary penalty inflation adjustment, 46 CFR 506 Employee ethical conduct standards and financial disclosure regulations, 46 CFR 508 Environmental policy analysis procedures, 46 CFR 504 Foreign maritime practices, restrictive Actions to address adverse conditions affecting U.S.-flag carriers that do not exist for foreign carriers in U.S., 46 CFR 555 Actions to address conditions unduly impairing access of U.S.-flag vessels to ocean trade between foreign ports, 46 CFR 560 Actions to adjust or meet conditions unfavorable to shipping in U.S. foreign trade, 46 CFR 551 Controlled carriers, 46 CFR 565 Regulations to adjust or meet conditions unfavorable to shipping in U.S. foreign trade, 46 CFR 550 General regulations, 46 CFR 501 Interpretations and statements of policy, 46 CFR 545 Marine terminal operator schedules, 46 CFR 525 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 46 CFR 507 Non-vessel-operating common carriers Negotiated rate arrangements, 46 CFR 532 Service arrangements, 46 CFR 531 Ocean common carriers and marine terminal operators, agreements subject to Shipping Act of 1984, 46 CFR 535 Ocean transportation intermediaries; licensing, registration, financial responsibility requirements, and general duties, 46 CFR 515 Passenger vessel financial responsibility, 46 CFR 540 Practice and procedure rules, 46 CFR 502 Public information, 46 CFR 503 Service contracts, 46 CFR 530 Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service Advisory committees, 29 CFR 1430 Arbitration services, 29 CFR 1404 Collections of claims owed the U.S., 29 CFR 1450 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 29 CFR 1471 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 29 CFR 1472 Employee standards of conduct [[Page 312]] Responsibilities, and discipline, 29 CFR 1400 Supplemental standards, 5 CFR 10300 Employment, part-time, 29 CFR 1405 Functions and duties, 29 CFR 1403 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments, uniform administrative requirements (OMB A-102 implementation), 29 CFR 1470 Mediation assistance Federal service, 29 CFR 1425 Health care industry, 29 CFR 1420 Pesticide data disputes arbitration, 29 CFR 1440 Privacy, 29 CFR 1410 Procedures, 29 CFR 1402 Public information, 29 CFR 1401 Terms of service, 29 CFR 1406 Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission Employee responsibilities and conduct, 29 CFR 2703 Equal Access to Justice Act in Commission proceedings, implementation, 29 CFR 2704 Freedom of Information Act, implementation, 29 CFR 2702 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 29 CFR 2706 Privacy Act implementation, 29 CFR 2705 Procedural rules, 29 CFR 2700 Sunshine Act regulations, 29 CFR 2701 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for agency employees, 5 CFR 8401 Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Federal motor carrier safety regulations Commercial driver's license program, State compliance, 49 CFR 384 Commercial driver's license standards, requirements and penalties, 49 CFR 383 Commercial motor vehicles, driving of, 49 CFR 392 Compatibility of State laws and regulations affecting interstate motor carrier operations, 49 CFR 355 Controlled substances and alcohol use and testing, 49 CFR 382 Cooperative agreements with States, 49 CFR 388 Drivers and longer combination vehicle (LCV) driver instructors, qualifications, 49 CFR 391 Drivers' service hours, 49 CFR 395 Employee safety and health standards, 49 CFR 399 Financial responsibility, minimum levels, 49 CFR 387 FMCSA proceedings, rules of practice, 49 CFR 386 General regulations, 49 CFR 390 Hazardous materials transportation, driving and parking rules, 49 CFR 397 Household goods transportation in interstate commerce; consumer protection regulations, 49 CFR 375 Inspection, repair, and maintenance, 49 CFR 396 Lease and interchange of vehicles, 49 CFR 376 Migrant workers transportation, 49 CFR 398 Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program and High Priority Program, 49 CFR 350 Parts and accessories necessary for safe operation, 49 CFR 393 Passenger carrier regulations, 49 CFR 374 Process agent designation, 49 CFR 366 Property brokers, 49 CFR 371 Rulemaking procedures, 49 CFR 389 Safety fitness procedures, 49 CFR 385 Special training requirements, 49 CFR 380 Unified Carrier Registration Plan and Agreement, standards for registration with States, 49 CFR 367 Waivers, exemptions, and pilot programs, 49 CFR 381 Freight forwarders and motor carriers Exemptions, commercial zones, and terminal areas, 49 CFR 372 Loss and damage claims and processing salvage, investigation and voluntary disposition, principles and practices, 49 CFR 370 Motor carrier noise emission standards, interstate, compliance, 49 CFR 325 Motor carrier registration and insurance fees, 49 CFR 360 Motor carrier routing regulations, 49 CFR 356 Motor carriers, reports, 49 CFR 369 [[Page 313]] Overcharge, duplicate payment, or overcollection claims, procedures governing processing, investigation, and disposition, 49 CFR 378 Receipts and bills, 49 CFR 373 Nonrail licensing procedures Operating authority applications, governing rules, 49 CFR 365 Registration certificate, application to operate in U.S. municipalities on U.S.-Mexico international border or within commercial zones of such municipalities, 49 CFR 368 Records preservation, 49 CFR 379 Title VI civil rights compliance program, 49 CFR 303 Transportation charges, payment, 49 CFR 377 Federal National Mortgage Association See al Housing and Urban Development Department Federal Home Loan Banks, minimum capital--temporary increase, 12 CFR 1225 Federal Open Market Committee See Federal Reserve System Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council General regulations, 40 CFR 1900 Federal Prison Industries, Inc. Federal Acquisition Regulation, required sources of supplies and services, 48 CFR 8 Prison inmates Accident compensation, 28 CFR 301 Work programs, 28 CFR 345 UNICOR business operations, comments, 28 CFR 302 Federal Procurement Policy Office, Cost Accounting Standards Board Acquisition regulations Contract coverage, 48 CFR 9903 Cost accounting standards-- Contractor practices, 48 CFR 9904 Educational institutions, 48 CFR 9905 Rules and procedures, 48 CFR 9901 Scope of chapter, 48 CFR 9900 Federal Property Management Regulations See Government property management Federal Railroad Administration Alcohol and drug use control, 49 CFR 219 Brake system safety standards for freight and other non-passenger trains and equipment; end-of-train devices, 49 CFR 232 Bridge safety standards, 49 CFR 237 Competitive Passenger Rail Service Pilot Program, 49 CFR 269 Conductors, qualification and certification, 49 CFR 242 Critical incident stress plans, 49 CFR 272 Environmental impact and related procedures, 23 CFR 771 Highway-rail grade crossing safety, 49 CFR 234 Intercity passenger train operations, metrics and minimum standards, 49 CFR 273 Local rail service assistance to States under section 5 of Department of Transportation Act, 49 CFR 266 Locomotive engineers, qualification and certification, 49 CFR 240 Locomotive horns, use at public highway-rail grade crossings, 49 CFR 222 Locomotive safety standards, 49 CFR 229 Magnetic levitation transportation technology deployment program, 49 CFR 268 Occupational noise exposure, 49 CFR 227 Passenger equipment safety standards, 49 CFR 238 Passenger service Emergency preparedness, 49 CFR 239 Informal practice rules, 49 CFR 200 Passenger train employees; hours of service, reporting and recordkeeping, sleeping quarters, 49 CFR 228 Rail freight rolling stock, reflectorization, 49 CFR 224 Railroad accidents/incidents; reports classification, and investigations, 49 CFR 225 Railroad communications, 49 CFR 220 Railroad freight car safety standards, 49 CFR 215 Railroad noise emission compliance regulations, 49 CFR 210 Railroad operating practices, 49 CFR 218 Railroad operating rules, filing, 49 CFR 217 [[Page 314]] Railroad passenger terminals, financial assistance, 49 CFR 256 Railroad police officers, 49 CFR 207 Railroad rehabilitation and improvement financing program, regulations governing loans and loan guarantees, 49 CFR 260 Railroad safety appliance standards, 49 CFR 231 Railroad safety enforcement procedures, 49 CFR 209 Railroad track, locomotives and equipment: special notice and emergency order procedures, 49 CFR 216 Railroad track safety standards, 49 CFR 213 Railroad workplace safety, 49 CFR 214 Railroads in reorganization, trustees' certificates guarantee, 49 CFR 250 Rear-end marking device--passenger, commuter and freight trains, 49 CFR 221 Safety glazing standards-locomotives, passenger cars and cabooses, 49 CFR 223 Safety inquiries and proceedings, rules of practice, 49 CFR 211 Safety integration plans, procedures for agency consideration in cases involving railroad consolidations, mergers, and acquisitions of control, 49 CFR 1106 Safety integration plans governing railroad consolidations, mergers, and acquisitions of control, 49 CFR 244 Safety-related railroad employees; training, qualification, and oversight, 49 CFR 243 Signal and train control systems, devices, and appliances; rules, standards, and instructions governing installation, inspection, maintenance, and repair, 49 CFR 236 Signal system Instructions governing applications for approval of discontinuance or material modification or relief from part 236 requirements, 49 CFR 235 Reporting requirement, 49 CFR 233 State safety participation regulations, 49 CFR 212 Steam locomotive inspection and maintenance standards, 49 CFR 230 Surface transportation projects, credit assistance, 49 CFR 261 Texas Central Railroad high-speed rail safety standards, 49 CFR 299 Rail operations, U.S.; United States locational requirement for dispatching, 49 CFR 241 Federal Register Agency liaison officers to Federal Register, 1 CFR 16 Agency preparation and transmittal of documents for publication, 1 CFR 18 Agency preparation of documents subject to codification, 1 CFR 21 Agency preparation of notices and proposed rules, 1 CFR 22 Authorization for incorporation by reference of materials in documents, 1 CFR 51 Document filing for public inspection and publication schedules, 1 CFR 17 Federal Register Office, general information, 1 CFR 2 General publication policies and procedures, 1 CFR 5 Indexes and ancillaries, 1 CFR 6 Official distribution within Federal Government, 1 CFR 12 Preparation and transmittal for publication of Executive orders and Presidential proclamations, 1 CFR 19 Subscriptions, 1 CFR 11 Federal Register, Administrative Committee Agency liaison officers to Federal Register, 1 CFR 16 Authorization for incorporation by reference of materials in documents, 1 CFR 51 Code of Federal Regulations, general publication policies and procedures, 1 CFR 8 Definitions, 1 CFR 1 Executive orders and Presidential proclamations, preparation and transmittal for publication, 1 CFR 19 Federal Register Document filing for public inspection and publication schedules, 1 CFR 17 General publication policies and procedures, 1 CFR 5 Indexes and ancillaries, 1 CFR 6 Preparation and transmittal of documents for publication, 1 CFR 18 Preparation of documents subject to codification, 1 CFR 21 [[Page 315]] Preparation of notices and proposed rules, 1 CFR 22 General information, 1 CFR 2 Presidential papers, publication policies and procedures, 1 CFR 10 Publications, official distribution within Federal Government, 1 CFR 12 Services to Federal agencies, 1 CFR 15 Services to public, 1 CFR 3 Subscriptions to publications, 1 CFR 11 U.S. Government Manual Agency statements, preparation and transmittal for publication, 1 CFR 20 Publication policies and procedures, 1 CFR 9 Federal Register Office See Federal Register, Administrative Committee Federal Reserve System See al Banks, banking Access to personal information under Privacy Act of 1974, 12 CFR 261a Adjustable Interest Rate (LIBOR) Act, implementing regulations (Regulation ZZ), 12 CFR 253 Automated Clearing House, Federal Government participation, 31 CFR 210 Availability of information, 12 CFR 261 Bank holding companies and change in bank control (Regulation Y), 12 CFR 225 Book-entry procedures Enterprise securities, 12 CFR 1249 Resolution Funding Corporation, 12 CFR 1511 TVA power securities issued through Federal Reserve Banks, 18 CFR 1314 Capital adequacy of bank holding companies, savings and loan holding companies, and State member banks (Regulation Q), 12 CFR 217 Capital adequacy standards, 12 CFR 3 Checks, availability of funds and collection of checks (Regulation CC), 12 CFR 229 Checks and other items, collection by Federal Reserve banks, and funds transfers through Fedwire (Regulation J), 12 CFR 210 Checks drawn on Treasury, indorsement and payment, 31 CFR 240 Community reinvestment (Regulation BB), 12 CFR 228 CRA-related agreements, disclosure and reporting (Regulation G), 12 CFR 207 Credit extensions by Federal Reserve banks (Regulation A), 12 CFR 201 Debt collection procedures, 12 CFR 267 Delegations of authority, 12 CFR 265 Depository institutions, reserve requirements (Regulation D), 12 CFR 204 Designated financial market utilities (Regulation HH), 12 CFR 234 Electronic funds transfers (Regulation E), 12 CFR 205 Employee responsibilities and conduct, 12 CFR 264 Enhanced prudential standards (Regulation YY), 12 CFR 252 Enterprise housing goals and mission, 12 CFR 1282 Equal Credit Opportunity Act (Regulation B), 12 CFR 202 Equal opportunity rules, 12 CFR 268 Exceptions for banks from the definition of broker in the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Regulation R), 12 CFR 218 Exchange of paper currency and coin, 31 CFR 100 Fair credit reporting (Regulation V), 12 CFR 222 Federal Financing Bank bills, 12 CFR 810 Federal Housing Finance Agency, 12 CFR 1249 Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) and Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac), HUD Secretary's regulation, 24 CFR 81 Federal Open Market Committee Open market operations of Federal Reserve banks, 12 CFR 270 Purchase of Treasury bills by Federal Reserve banks, 12 CFR 281 Rules of procedure, 12 CFR 272 Rules regarding availability of information, 12 CFR 271 Federal Reserve bank capital stock (Regulation I), 12 CFR 209 Fiscal agency checks, regulations governing, 31 CFR 355 Fiscal Service; sale and issue of marketable book-entry Treasury bills, notes, and bonds (Department of Treasury Circular, Public Debt Series No. 1-93), 31 CFR 356 [[Page 316]] Foreign banks and bankers, relations with Federal Reserve banks (Regulation N), 12 CFR 214 Foreign gifts and decorations, acceptance restrictions, 12 CFR 264b Former members and employees of board, limitations on activities, 12 CFR 266 General regulations governing full-paid interim certificates, 31 CFR 308 General regulations governing U.S. securities, 31 CFR 306 Hearings, rules of practice, 12 CFR 263 Interbank liabilities (Regulation F), 12 CFR 206 International banking operations (Regulation K), 12 CFR 211 Labor relations for Federal Reserve banks, policy, 12 CFR 269 Labor relations panel Definitions, 12 CFR 269a Unfair labor practices charges, 12 CFR 269b Liquidity risk measurement, standards, and monitoring (Regulation WW), 12 CFR 249 Loans to executive officers, directors and principal shareholders of member banks (Regulation O), 12 CFR 215 Management official interlocks (Regulation L), 12 CFR 212 Marketable Treasury securities redemption operations, 31 CFR 375 Miscellaneous interpretations of banking regulations, 12 CFR 250 National banks, prompt corrective action, 12 CFR 6 Netting eligibility for financial institutions (Regulation EE), 12 CFR 231 Obtaining and using medical information in connection with credit, 12 CFR 232 Postal Service, book entry procedures, 39 CFR 761 Procedure rules, 12 CFR 262 Proprietary trading and certain interests in and relationships with covered funds (Regulation VV), 12 CFR 248 Public observation of meetings, 12 CFR 261b Reimbursement for providing financial records; recordkeeping requirements for certain financial records (Regulation S), 12 CFR 219 Resolution Funding Corporation Financial subsidiaries, 12 CFR 1501 Operations, 12 CFR 1510 Resolution plans, 12 CFR 243 Retail foreign exchange transactions, 12 CFR 240 Savings and loan holding companies, 12 CFR 238 Securities credit Banks and persons other than brokers or dealers (Regulation U), 12 CFR 221 Borrowers (Regulation X), 12 CFR 224 Brokers and dealers (Regulation T), 12 CFR 220 Securities held in New Treasury Direct system, regulations governing, 31 CFR 363 State banking institutions, membership (Regulation H), 12 CFR 208 Supervision and regulation assessment of fees (Regulation TT), 12 CFR 246 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for agency employees, 5 CFR 6801 Swaps margin and swaps push-in, 12 CFR 237 Transactions between member banks and their affiliates (Regulation W), 12 CFR 223 Treasury Department, merchant banking investments, 12 CFR 1500 Truth in lending Consumer leasing (Regulation M), 12 CFR 213 Disclosure of credit information (Regulation Z), 12 CFR 226 U.S. savings bonds Series I bonds-- Definitive, regulations governing, 31 CFR 360 Offering, 31 CFR 359 Series EE bonds, offering, 31 CFR 351 Federal Reserve System, Board of Governors See al Federal Reserve System Access to personal information under Privacy Act of 1974, 12 CFR 261a Adjustable Interest Rate (LIBOR) Act, implementing regulations (Regulation ZZ), 12 CFR 253 Automated Clearing House, Federal Government participation, 31 CFR 210 Availability of information, 12 CFR 261 [[Page 317]] Bank holding companies and change in bank control (Regulation Y), 12 CFR 225 Capital adequacy of bank holding companies, savings and loan holding companies, and State member banks (Regulation Q), 12 CFR 217 Checks, availability of funds and collection of checks (Regulation CC), 12 CFR 229 Checks and other items, collection by Federal Reserve banks, and funds transfers through Fedwire (Regulation J), 12 CFR 210 Checks drawn on Treasury, indorsement and payment, 31 CFR 240 Community reinvestment (Regulation BB), 12 CFR 228 CRA-related agreements, disclosure and reporting (Regulation G), 12 CFR 207 Credit extensions by Federal Reserve banks (Regulation A), 12 CFR 201 Debt collection procedures, 12 CFR 267 Delegations of authority, 12 CFR 265 Depository institutions, reserve requirements (Regulation D), 12 CFR 204 Designated financial market utilities (Regulation HH), 12 CFR 234 Electronic funds transfers (Regulation E), 12 CFR 205 Employee responsibilities and conduct, 12 CFR 264 Enhanced prudential standards (Regulation YY), 12 CFR 252 Equal Credit Opportunity Act (Regulation B), 12 CFR 202 Equal opportunity rules, 12 CFR 268 Exceptions for banks from the definition of broker in the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Regulation R), 12 CFR 218 Fair credit reporting (Regulation V), 12 CFR 222 Federal Reserve bank capital stock (Regulation I), 12 CFR 209 Foreign banks and bankers, relations with Federal Reserve banks (Regulation N), 12 CFR 214 Foreign gifts and decorations, acceptance restrictions, 12 CFR 264b Former members and employees of board, limitations on activities, 12 CFR 266 Hearings, rules of practice, 12 CFR 263 Interbank liabilities (Regulation F), 12 CFR 206 International banking operations (Regulation K), 12 CFR 211 Labor relations for Federal Reserve banks, policy, 12 CFR 269 Labor relations panel Definitions, 12 CFR 269a Unfair labor practices charges, 12 CFR 269b Liquidity risk measurement, standards, and monitoring (Regulation WW), 12 CFR 249 Loans to executive officers, directors and principal shareholders of member banks (Regulation O), 12 CFR 215 Management official interlocks (Regulation L), 12 CFR 212 Miscellaneous interpretations of banking regulations, 12 CFR 250 Netting eligibility for financial institutions (Regulation EE), 12 CFR 231 Obtaining and using medical information in connection with credit, 12 CFR 232 Procedure rules, 12 CFR 262 Proprietary trading and certain interests in and relationships with covered funds (Regulation VV), 12 CFR 248 Public observation of meetings, 12 CFR 261b Reimbursement for providing financial records; recordkeeping requirements for certain financial records (Regulation S), 12 CFR 219 Resolution plans, 12 CFR 243 Retail foreign exchange transactions, 12 CFR 240 Savings and loan holding companies, 12 CFR 238 Securities credit Banks and persons other than brokers or dealers (Regulation U), 12 CFR 221 Borrowers (Regulation X), 12 CFR 224 Brokers and dealers (Regulation T), 12 CFR 220 State banking institutions, membership (Regulation H), 12 CFR 208 Supervision and regulation assessment of fees (Regulation TT), 12 CFR 246 Swaps margin and swaps push-in, 12 CFR 237 Transactions between member banks and their affiliates (Regulation W), 12 CFR 223 Truth in lending [[Page 318]] Consumer leasing (Regulation M), 12 CFR 213 Disclosure of credit information (Regulation Z), 12 CFR 226 Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for agency employees, 5 CFR 8601 Thrift savings plan Administrative errors, correction, 5 CFR 1605 Claims collection, 5 CFR 1639 Conduct standards, 5 CFR 1633 Court orders and legal processes affecting accounts, 5 CFR 1653 Death benefits, 5 CFR 1651 Employee contribution elections, investment elections, and automatic enrollment program, 5 CFR 1600 Expanded and continuing eligibility, 5 CFR 1620 Funds, methods of withdrawing, 5 CFR 1650 General and miscellaneous regulations, 5 CFR 1690 Loan program, 5 CFR 1655 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs or activities, 5 CFR 1636 Participants' choices of funds, 5 CFR 1601 Periodic participant statements, 5 CFR 1640 Privacy Act regulations, 5 CFR 1630 Public observation of meetings, 5 CFR 1632 Records availability, 5 CFR 1631 Share prices calculation, 5 CFR 1645 Uniformed services accounts, 5 CFR 1604 Vesting, 5 CFR 1603 Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation See Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Federal Service Impasses Panel Employee responsibilities and conduct, 5 CFR 2415 Flexible or compressed work schedules, impasses arising pursuant to Agency determinations not to establish or to terminate, 5 CFR 2472 Legal proceedings, testimony by employees relating to official information and production of official records, 5 CFR 2417 Official information availability, 5 CFR 2411 Panel procedures, 5 CFR 2471 Privacy, 5 CFR 2412 Purpose of regulations, definitions, 5 CFR 2470 Subpoenas, 5 CFR 2473 Federal-State relations See Intergovernmental relations Federal Trade Commission Adjudicative proceedings practice rules, 16 CFR 3 Administrative interpretations, general policy statements, and enforcement policy statements, 16 CFR 14 Advertising Allowances and other merchandising payments and services, 16 CFR 240 Endorsements and testimonials, guides concerning use, 16 CFR 255 Advisory committee management, 16 CFR 16 Alternative fuels and alternative fueled vehicles, labeling requirements, 16 CFR 309 Amplifiers utilized in home entertainment products, power output claims, 16 CFR 432 Antitrust Coverage rules, 16 CFR 801 Exemption rules, 16 CFR 802 Transmittal rules, 16 CFR 803 Automobile parts, rebuilt, reconditioned and used, industry guides, 16 CFR 20 Automotive fuel ratings, certification and posting, 16 CFR 306 Bait advertising, 16 CFR 238 Business opportunity rule, 16 CFR 437 CAN-SPAM rule, 16 CFR 316 Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule, 16 CFR 312 Cigarettes in relation to health hazards of smoking, unfair or deceptive advertising and labeling, 16 CFR 408 Consumer financial information, privacy, 16 CFR 313 Consumers' claims and defenses, preservation, 16 CFR 433 Contact lens rule, 16 CFR 315 Credit practices, 16 CFR 444 [[Page 319]] Customer information, safeguard standards, 16 CFR 314 Deceptive pricing, 16 CFR 233 Depository institutions lacking Federal deposit insurance, disclosure requirements, 16 CFR 320 Employee conduct standards, 16 CFR 5 Energy and water use labeling for consumer products under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act, 16 CFR 305 Environmental marketing claims, guides for use, 16 CFR 260 Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003, 16 CFR 602 Fair Credit Reporting Act Active duty alerts duration, 16 CFR 613 Affiliate marketing, 16 CFR 680 Appropriate identity pro, 16 CFR 614 Consumer report information and records disposal, 16 CFR 682 Consumer reporting agencies, duties of furnishers of information, 16 CFR 660 Consumer reports regarding address discrepancies, duties of users, 16 CFR 641 Definitions, 16 CFR 603 Fair credit reporting, 16 CFR 604 Free annual file disclosures, 16 CFR 610 Model forms and disclosures, 16 CFR 698 Prescreen opt-out notice, 16 CFR 642 Prohibition against nationwide consumer reporting agency treatment circumvention, 16 CFR 611 Risk-based pricing, duties of creditors regarding, 16 CFR 640 Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, State exemption application procedures, 16 CFR 901 Fair Packaging and Labeling Act Exemptions from requirements and prohibitions, 16 CFR 501 General policy statements or interpretation, 16 CFR 503 Section 4 regulations, 16 CFR 500 Section 5(c) regulations, 16 CFR 502 Franchising, disclosure requirements and prohibitions, 16 CFR 436 Free electronic credit monitoring for active duty military, 16 CFR 609 Fuel economy advertising for new automobiles, 16 CFR 259 Funeral industry practices, 16 CFR 453 Fur Products Labeling Act, rules and regulations, 16 CFR 301 General procedures, 16 CFR 1 Guide concerning use of word ``free'' and similar representations, 16 CFR 251 Health breach notification rule, 16 CFR 318 Hobby Protection Act, rules and regulations, 16 CFR 304 Home insulation, labeling and advertising, 16 CFR 460 Identity theft rules, 16 CFR 681 Industry guides in preventing unlawful practices, applications, 16 CFR 17 Jewelry, precious metals, and pewter industries; guides, 16 CFR 23 Made in USA labeling, 16 CFR 323 Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act Informal dispute settlement procedures, 16 CFR 703 Interpretations, 16 CFR 700 Pre-sale availability of written warranty terms, 16 CFR 702 Written consumer product warranty terms and conditions, disclosure, 16 CFR 701 Mail or telephone order merchandise, 16 CFR 435 Miscellaneous rules, 16 CFR 4 Mortgage assistance relief services, 16 CFR 322 Motor vehicle, used, trade regulation rule, 16 CFR 455 Nonadjudicative procedures, 16 CFR 2 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 16 CFR 6 Ophthalmic practice rules (eyeglass rule), 16 CFR 456 Organization, 16 CFR 0 Prenotification negative option plans, use, 16 CFR 425 Private vocational and distance education schools guides, 16 CFR 254 Recycled oil, test procedures and labeling standards, 16 CFR 311 Retail food store advertising and marketing practices, 16 CFR 424 Sales made at homes or at certain other locations, cooling-off period, 16 CFR 429 Select leather and imitation leather products, guides, 16 CFR 24 [[Page 320]] Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for FTC employees, 5 CFR 5701 Telemarketing sales rule, 16 CFR 310 Telephone Disclosure and Dispute Resolution Act of 1992, trade regulation rule, 16 CFR 308 Textile Fiber Products Identification Act, rules and regulations, 16 CFR 303 Textile wearing apparel and certain piece goods as amended, care labeling, 16 CFR 423 Warranties and guarantees, advertising guides, 16 CFR 239 Wool Products Labeling Act of 1939, rules and regulations, 16 CFR 300 Federal Transit Administration Bus testing, 49 CFR 665 Buy America requirements, 49 CFR 661 Capital leases, 49 CFR 639 Charter service, 49 CFR 604 Elderly and handicapped persons, transportation, 49 CFR 609 Emergency public transportation services, emergency relief, 49 CFR 602 Environmental impact and related procedures, 23 CFR 771, 49 CFR 622 Federal financial assistance recipients, alcohol misuse and prohibited drug use prevention in transit operations, 49 CFR 655 Major capital investment projects, 49 CFR 611 Metropolitan and Statewide and nonmetropolitan planning, 49 CFR 613 National transit database, 49 CFR 630 Organization, functions and procedures, 49 CFR 601 Private investment project procedures, 49 CFR 650 Project management oversight, 49 CFR 633 Public Transportation Safety Certification Training Program, 49 CFR 672 Public Transportation Safety Program, 49 CFR 670 Rail fixed guideway systems, State safety oversight, 49 CFR 674 Rolling stock purchases, pre-award and post-delivery audits, 49 CFR 663 School bus operations, 49 CFR 605 Surface transportation projects, credit assistance, 49 CFR 640 Transit asset management, 49 CFR 625 Federally affected areas Federal Emergency Management Agency Cerro Grande fire assistance, 44 CFR 295 Hermit's Peak/Calf Canyon Fire Assistance, 44 CFR 296 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Hermit's Peak/Calf Canyon Fire Assistance, 44 CFR 296 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 [[Page 321]] National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Impact aid programs, 34 CFR 222 Feed grains See al Grains Agricultural risk coverage, price loss coverage, and cotton transition assistance programs, 7 CFR 1412 Commodity Credit Corporation approved warehouses, 7 CFR 1423 Feeding depredating migratory waterfowl, 50 CFR 90 Marketing assistance loans and loan deficiency payments, grains and similarly handled commodities, 7 CFR 1421 Fees See al Penalties Abandoned Mine Reclamation Fund, fee collection and coal production reporting, 30 CFR 870 Agricultural Marketing Service; processed fruits and vegetables, processed products thereof, and certain other processed food products, 7 CFR 52 Agricultural Research Service Microbial patent cultures, user fees, 7 CFR 504 National Agricultural Library, fees for loans and copying, 7 CFR 505 Agriculture Department; import quotas and fees, 7 CFR 6 Air Force Department, counsel fees and other expenses in foreign tribunals, 32 CFR 845 American Battle Monuments Commission, procedures and guidelines for compliance with Freedom of Information Act, 36 CFR 404 Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service; animals and birds, import and export related services; user fees, 9 CFR 130 Army Department, military court fees, 32 CFR 534 Commerce Department, attorney's fees and other expenses, 15 CFR 18 Comptroller of the Currency Lending and investment, 12 CFR 160 National banks, fees assessment, 12 CFR 8 Copyright Royalty Board, Library of Congress Administrative assessments to fund mechanical licensing collective, amounts and terms, 37 CFR 390 Noncommercial educational broadcasting, use of certain copyrighted works, 37 CFR 381 Rates and terms for transmissions of sound recordings by preexisting subscription services and preexisting satellite digital audio radio services and for the making of ephemeral reproductions to facilitate those transmissions, 37 CFR 382 Royalty fees collected under compulsory license, claims filing, 37 CFR 360 Satellite carriers, adjustment of royalty fees for secondary transmissions, 37 CFR 386 Defense Department, commissary credit and debit card user fee, 32 CFR 225 Delaware River Basin Commission Practice and procedure rules, 18 CFR 401 Water supply charges, 18 CFR 420 Employment and Training Administration, temporary employment of foreign workers in U.S., 20 CFR 655 Energy Department Mercury, fee for long-term management and storage under the Mercury Export Ban Act of 2008, as amended, 10 CFR 955 Pricing and charging for materials and services sold by DOE, general policy, 10 CFR 1009 Engineers Corps, flood plain management services program establishment of fees for cost recovery, 33 CFR 242 Environmental Protection Agency Air pollution control-- [[Page 322]] Implementation plans; preparation, adoption, and submittal requirements, 40 CFR 51 Vehicle and engine compliance programs, fees, 40 CFR 1027 Toxic substances control, fees, 40 CFR 700 Export-Import Bank, conference and other fees, 12 CFR 414 Farm Credit Administration, application for award of fees and other expenses under Equal Access to Justice Act, 12 CFR 625 Federal Aviation Administration, fees, 14 CFR 187 Federal Emergency Management Agency; flood insurance map changes, procedures and fees for processing, 44 CFR 72 Federal Energy Regulation Commission; fees, Commission services and benefits, 18 CFR 381 Federal Housing Finance Agency, records fees, 12 CFR 1202 Federal Labor Relations Authority, awards of attorney fees and other expenses, 5 CFR 2430 Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, public information, 29 CFR 1401 Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, motor carrier registration and insurance fees, 49 CFR 360 Federal Reserve System Debit card interchange fees and routing, 12 CFR 235 Supervision and regulation assessment of fees (Regulation TT), 12 CFR 246 First Responder Network Authority, review and approval of proposed fees, 47 CFR 500 Food and Drug Administration; tobacco products, user fees, 21 CFR 1150 Food Safety and Inspection Service, fees and charges for inspection services and laboratory accreditation, 9 CFR 391 Forest Service Range management, 36 CFR 222 Paleontological resources preservation, 36 CFR 291 General Services Administration Acquisition regulations, administrative matters, 48 CFR 504 Administrative matters, 48 CFR 504 Agency records and informational materials, public availability, 41 CFR 105-60 Civilian Board of Contract Appeals rules of procedure, 48 CFR 6101 Facility management, 41 CFR 102-74 Federal Property Management, art in architecture, 41 CFR 102-77 Real property-- Acquiring leasehold interests, 48 CFR 570 Physical security, 41 CFR 102-81 Government Ethics Office, FOIA rules and schedule of fees for production of public financial disclosure reports, 5 CFR 2604 Homeland Security Department Immigration regulations; benefit requests, USCIS filing requirements, biometric requirements, records availability, 8 CFR 103 USCIS fee schedule, 8 CFR 106 Immigration Review, Executive Office for; appeals, records, and fees, 8 CFR 1103 Integrity and Efficiency, Council of the Inspectors General on; Freedom of Information Act regulations, 5 CFR 9800 Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator Office, public availability of information, 5 CFR 10400 Internal Revenue Service Branded prescription drug fees, 26 CFR 51 User fees, 26 CFR 300 Investment Security Office Investments in the U.S. by foreign persons, 31 CFR 800 Transactions by foreign persons involving real estate in the U.S., 31 CFR 802 Justice Department, witness fees, 28 CFR 21 Land Management Bureau, mining claims Required fees, 43 CFR 3834 Waivers from annual maintenance fees, 43 CFR 3835 Merit Systems Protection Board, practices and procedures, attorney fees, 5 CFR 1201 Mine Safety and Health Administration; fees for testing, evaluation, and approval of mining products, 30 CFR 5 [[Page 323]] National Aeronautics and Space Administration, uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 1800 National Archives and Records Administration, fees, 36 CFR 1258 National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service; freedom of information, 1 CFR 426 National Indian Gaming Commission Fees, 25 CFR 514 Appeals, 25 CFR 585 Appeals before a presiding official, 25 CFR 584 National Institute of Standards and Technology; policies, services, procedures, and fees, 15 CFR 200 National Organic Program, 7 CFR 205 National Park Service, recreation fees, 36 CFR 71 National Technical Information Service; Certification programs for access to the Death master file, 15 CFR 1110 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Nuclear Facilities, materials, import and export licenses, and other regulatory services under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, 10 CFR 170 Nuclear power plants, licenses, certifications, and approvals, 10 CFR 52 Nuclear reactor licenses and fuel cycle licenses and materials licenses, including holders of certificates of compliance, registrations, and quality assurance program approvals and government agencies licensed by NRC, 10 CFR 171 Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Office of Training and Education, tuition fees, 29 CFR 1949 Postal Regulatory Commission, regulation of rates for market dominant products, 39 CFR 3030 Public Health Service, approval of respiratory protective devices, 42 CFR 84 Rural broadband loans, loan/grant combinations, and loan guarantees, 7 CFR 1738 Rural development Guaranteed loan making, 7 CFR 4279 Guaranteed loans, 7 CFR 5001 Small Business Administration, business loans, 13 CFR 120 State Department Finance and accounting for fees for services, 22 CFR 23 Foreign service, schedule of fees for consular service, 22 CFR 22 International traffic in arms; political contributions, fees, and commissions, 22 CFR 130 Visas; immigrants, documentation under Immigration and Nationality Act, 22 CFR 42 Surface Transportation Board, filing fees, 49 CFR 1002 Talent fees, defining and delimiting under Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 CFR 550 Transportation Department; aviation proceedings Airport fees, 14 CFR 302 Special services, fees and charges, 14 CFR 389 Transportation Security Administration, passenger civil aviation security service fees, 49 CFR 1510 Veterans Affairs Department, general provisions, 38 CFR 1 Wage and Hour Division; talent fees, defining and delimiting under Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 CFR 550 Fellowships See Scholarships and fellowships Fertilizers See al Agriculture; Chemicals Air pollution control New stationary sources, performance standards, 40 CFR 60 State plans for designated facilities and pollutants, approval and promulgation, 40 CFR 62 Water pollution control, effluent guidelines and standards, fertilizer manufacturing point source category, 40 CFR 418 Fiduciaries Employee Benefits Security Administration, fiduciary responsibility, 29 CFR 2550 Foreign Assets Control Office, general provisions, 38 CFR 13 [[Page 324]] Veterans Affairs Department, fiduciary activities, 38 CFR 3 Films See Motion pictures Finance See Banks, banking; Credit; Currency; Indians-business and finance; Investments; Loan programs; Mortgages; Swaps; Trusts and trustees Financial Crimes Enforcement Network Banks, 31 CFR 1020 Brokers or dealers, rules, 31 CFR 1023 Casinos and card clubs, rules, 31 CFR 1021 Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act of 2010, provisions relating to, 31 CFR 1060 Dealers in precious metals, precious stones, or jewels, 31 CFR 1027 Futures Commission merchants and introducing brokers in commodities, rules, 31 CFR 1026 General provisions, 31 CFR 1010 Insurance companies, rules, 31 CFR 1025 Money services businesses, rules, 31 CFR 1022 Mutual funds, rules, 31 CFR 1024 Financial disclosure See Conflicts of interests Financial Management Service See Fiscal Service Financial Research Office Organization and functions, 12 CFR 1600 Financial Stability Oversight Council Certain nonbank financial companies, authority to require supervision and regulation of, 12 CFR 1310 Financial market utilities, designation of, 12 CFR 1320 Freedom of information, 12 CFR 1301 Fine Arts Commission Freedom of information, compliance requirements, 45 CFR 2105 Functions and organization, 45 CFR 2101 Meetings and procedures of Commission, 45 CFR 2102 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 45 CFR 2104 Policy statements, 45 CFR 2103 Privacy Act of 1974 compliance, 45 CFR 2106 Fines and penalties See Penalties Fire prevention See al Safety Cargo and miscellaneous vessels Construction and arrangement, 46 CFR 92 Fire protection equipment, 46 CFR 95 Cellulose insulation Labeling requirements, 16 CFR 1404 Safety standards, 16 CFR 1209 Cigarette lighters, safety standard, 16 CFR 1210 Coal and wood burning appliances, notification of performance and technical data, 16 CFR 1406 Deepwater ports; design, construction, and equipment, 33 CFR 149 Disaster assistance Fire management assistance grant program, 44 CFR 204 Fire suppression assistance, Federal disaster assistance, 44 CFR 206 Electrical engineering on vessels, communication and alarm systems and equipment, 46 CFR 113 Federal Management Regulation Facility management, 41 CFR 102-74 Safety and environmental management, 41 CFR 102-80 Fire protection emergency assistance, 43 CFR 28 Fire resistant hydraulic fluids, certification for use in mining equipment, 30 CFR 35 Firefighters assistance grant program, 44 CFR 152 Forest Service, administration, 36 CFR 211 Liquefied natural gas facilities, Federal safety standards, 49 CFR 193 Manufactured home construction and safety standards, 24 CFR 3280 Marine facilities transferring oil or hazardous material in bulk, 33 CFR 154 Mine fire control, 30 CFR 880 Mobile offshore drilling units, design and equipment, 46 CFR 108 Multi-purpose lighters, safety standard, 16 CFR 1212 [[Page 325]] Natural and other gas transportation by pipeline, minimum Federal safety standards, 49 CFR 192 Nautical school ships, public, 46 CFR 167 Nuclear powerplants, domestic licensing of production and utilization facilities, 10 CFR 50 Nursing homes, intermediate care facilities, board and care homes, and assisted living facilities, mortgage insurance, 24 CFR 232 Occupational safety and health standards Construction industry, 29 CFR 1926 Federal standards, 29 CFR 1910 Shipyard employment, 29 CFR 1915 Oceanographic vessels Construction and arrangement, 46 CFR 190 Fire protection equipment, 46 CFR 193 Offshore supply vessels Construction and arrangements, 46 CFR 127 Fire-protection equipment, 46 CFR 132 Operations, 46 CFR 131 Outer Continental Shelf activities, firefighting equipment, 33 CFR 145 Passenger vessels Construction and arrangement, 46 CFR 72 Fire protection equipment, 46 CFR 76 Public lands, fire management, 43 CFR 9210 Railroad passenger equipment safety standards, 49 CFR 238 Reimbursement for costs of firefighting on Federal property, 44 CFR 151 Rural development associations, fire and rescue loans, 7 CFR 1942 Sailing school vessels, 46 CFR 169 Shipboard fumigation, 46 CFR 147A Small passenger vessels (under 100 gross tons) Fire protection equipment, 46 CFR 181 Inspection and certification, 46 CFR 176 Small passenger vessels carrying more than 150 passengers or with overnight accommodations for more than 49 passengers Construction and arrangement, 46 CFR 116 Fire protection equipment, 46 CFR 118 Inspection and certification, 46 CFR 115 Smokey Bear symbol, 36 CFR 271 Surface coal mines and surface work areas of underground coal mines, 30 CFR 77 Surface metal and nonmetal mines, safety and health standards, 30 CFR 56 Tank vessels Firefighting equipment, 46 CFR 34 Special equipment, machinery, and hull requirements, 46 CFR 32 Transporting liquefied flammable gases, 46 CFR 38 Vapor control systems, 46 CFR 39 Towing vessels, 46 CFR 142 Underground coal mines, 30 CFR 75 Underground metal and nonmetal mines, safety and health standards, 30 CFR 57 Uninspected vessels Commercial fishing industry vessels, requirements, 46 CFR 28 Requirements, 46 CFR 25 Towing vessels, 46 CFR 27 Vessels Construction materials, 46 CFR 164 Electrical equipment, 46 CFR 161 Engineering equipment, 46 CFR 162 Equipment requirements, 33 CFR 175 Waterfront facilities handling liquefied natural gas and liquefied hazardous gas, 33 CFR 127 Wildfire Suppression Aircraft Transfer Act of 1996, implementation, 32 CFR 171 Firearms See Arms and munitions Firefighters Civil service Retirement System, 5 CFR 831 District of Columbia retirement programs, Federal benefit payments, 31 CFR 29 Employees of State and local governments, application of Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 CFR 553 Federal Employees Retirement System Basic annuity, 5 CFR 842 Death benefits and employee refunds, 5 CFR 843 Debt collection, 5 CFR 845 Disability retirement, 5 CFR 844 Elections of coverage, 5 CFR 846 General administration, 5 CFR 841 Phased retirement, 5 CFR 848 Public safety awards to public safety officers, 44 CFR 150 Public safety officers' death, disability and educational benefits claims, 28 CFR 32 Retirement, electronic processing, 5 CFR 850 [[Page 326]] Fireworks See Arms and munitions First Responder Network Authority Proposed fees, review and approval, 47 CFR 500 Fiscal Service Acceptance of bonds secured by government obligations in lieu of bonds with sureties, 31 CFR 225 Book-entry Treasury bonds, notes and bills (Department of Treasury Circular, Public Debt Series No. 2-86), regulations governing, 31 CFR 357 Checks and warrants delivery to addresses outside U.S., its territories and possessions, 31 CFR 211 Checks drawn on Treasury, indorsement and payment, 31 CFR 240 Claims, waiver of interest, administrative costs, and penalties, 31 CFR 391 Claims on account of Treasury checks, 31 CFR 245 Collateral acceptability and valuation, 31 CFR 380 Debt collection authorities under 1996 Debt Collection Improvement Act, 31 CFR 285 Depositary compensation securities, regulations governing, 31 CFR 348 Efficient Federal-State funds transfers, rules and procedures, 31 CFR 205 Electronic transactions and funds transfers relating to U.S. securities, 31 CFR 370 Federal agency disbursements, management, 31 CFR 208 Federal agency receipts, disbursements management, and operation of cash management improvements fund, 31 CFR 206 Federal benefit payments, garnishment of accounts containing, 31 CFR 212 Federal Government depositaries and financial agents, 31 CFR 202 Federal Government participation in Automated Clearing House, 31 CFR 210 Federal Housing Administration debentures, supplemental regulations governing, 31 CFR 337 Federal process agents of surety corporations, 31 CFR 224 Federal Savings and Loan Associations and Federal Credit Unions as fiscal agents of U.S., 31 CFR 312 Federal taxes payment and Treasury tax and loan program, 31 CFR 203 Fiscal agency checks, regulations governing, 31 CFR 355 Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of U.S., payment on account of awards, 31 CFR 250 Foreign exchange operations, 31 CFR 281 Forged checks drawn on designated depositaries, issuance of settlement checks, 31 CFR 235 Full-paid interim certificates, general regulations governing, 31 CFR 308 Government Losses in Shipment Act Claims, 31 CFR 361 Declaration of valuables, 31 CFR 362 Lost, stolen, destroyed, mutilated and defaced U.S. checks drawn on accounts maintained in depositary banks in foreign countries or U.S. territories or possessions; issue of substitutes, 31 CFR 248 Marketable Treasury securities redemption operations, 31 CFR 375 Obtaining payments under judgments and private relief acts, 31 CFR 256 Records disclosure, Public Debt Bureau, 31 CFR 323 Sale and issue of marketable book-entry Treasury bills, notes, and bonds (Department of Treasury Circular, Public Debt Series No. 1-93), 31 CFR 356 Securities held in New Treasury Direct system, regulations governing, 31 CFR 363 Student Loan Marketing Association (Sallie Mae), book-entry securities, 31 CFR 354 Surety companies doing business with U.S., 31 CFR 223 Treasury tax and loan depositaries, recognition of insurance covering, 31 CFR 226 U.S. bearer securities, restrictive endorsements, 31 CFR 328 U.S. individual retirement bonds, regulations governing, 31 CFR 346 [[Page 327]] U.S. mortgage guaranty insurance company tax and loss bonds, offering, 31 CFR 343 U.S. retirement plan bonds, regulations governing, 31 CFR 341 U.S. savings bonds and notes Payment under special endorsement, 31 CFR 330 Payments by banks and other financial institutions, 31 CFR 321 Savings notes, offering, 31 CFR 342 Series A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, and K bonds, and savings notes, regulations governing, 31 CFR 315 Series E bonds, offering, 31 CFR 316 Series EE bonds-- Offering, 31 CFR 351 Regulations governing, 31 CFR 353 Series H bonds-- Exchange offering, 31 CFR 339 Offering, 31 CFR 332 Series HH bonds-- Exchange offering, 31 CFR 352 Regulations governing, 31 CFR 353 Series I bonds-- Definitive, regulations governing, 31 CFR 360 Offering, 31 CFR 359 U.S. securities, general regulations governing, 31 CFR 306 U.S. Treasury bills, issue and sale, 31 CFR 309 U.S. Treasury bond sale through competitive bidding, regulations governing, 31 CFR 340 U.S. Treasury certificates of indebtedness, 5 percent, R.E.A. series, regulations governing, 31 CFR 345 U.S. Treasury securities, State and local government series, 31 CFR 344 Withholding of District of Columbia, State, city and county income or employment taxes by Federal agencies, 31 CFR 215 Fish See al Endangered and threatened species; Fisheries; Marine resources; Seafood Anadromous fisheries conservation, development and enhancement, 50 CFR 401 Atlantic coastal fisheries cooperative management, 50 CFR 697 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), 50 CFR 23 Fish and fishery products, processing requirements, 21 CFR 123 Fish and Wildlife Service Alaska public lands, subsistence management regulations, 50 CFR 100 Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration and Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Acts, administrative requirements, 50 CFR 80 Fisheries; Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and South Atlantic, 50 CFR 622 Food Safety and Inspection Service Condemned and other inedible materials, handling and disposition, 9 CFR 540 Definitions, 9 CFR 531 Detention, seizure, condemnation, 9 CFR 559 Exports, 9 CFR 552 Fish and fish products, rules of practice governing inspection actions, 9 CFR 561 Fish products in commerce, transportation, 9 CFR 555 Food ingredients permitted, 9 CFR 544 General requirements, definitions, 9 CFR 530 Importation, 9 CFR 557 Inspection requirements, 9 CFR 532 Mandatory dispositions; performance standards respecting physical, chemical, or biological contaminants, 539 Pre-harvest standards and transportation to processing establishment, 9 CFR 534 Product preparation, 9 CFR 548 Products and containers; marks, marking and labeling, 9 CFR 541 Recordkeeping, 9 CFR 550 Sanitation requirements and hazard analysis and critical control points systems, notification regarding adulterated or misbranded products, 9 CFR 537 Separation of establishment, facilities for inspection, facilities for program employees, other required facilities, 9 CFR 533 State-Federal, Federal-State cooperative agreements; State designations, 9 CFR 560 [[Page 328]] Forest Service, Alaska public lands, subsistence management regulations, 36 CFR 242 Interior Department fish and wildlife policy, State-Federal relationships, 43 CFR 24 Magnuson-Stevens Act provisions, 50 CFR 600 Marine mammals Taking and importing, 50 CFR 216, 50 CFR 218, 50 CFR 219 Taking incidental to specified activities, 50 CFR 217 National fish hatcheries General regulations, 50 CFR 70 Hunting and sport fishing, 50 CFR 71 Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument, 50 CFR 404 Species-specific seafood marketing councils, 50 CFR 270 Wildlife and fish Airborne hunting, 50 CFR 19 Civil procedures, 50 CFR 11 General permit procedures, 50 CFR 13 General provisions, 50 CFR 10 Importation, exportation, and transportation, 50 CFR 14 Injurious wildlife, importation and transportation, 50 CFR 16 International fisheries regulations, 50 CFR 300 Protection and management, 36 CFR 241 Seizure and forfeiture procedures, 50 CFR 12 Species management, 50 CFR 31 Fish and fish products See Fish; Fisheries; Marine resources; Seafood Fish and Wildlife Service Administrative definitions, 50 CFR 1 Airborne hunting, 50 CFR 19 Alaska National wildlife refuges, 50 CFR 36 Alaska public lands, subsistence management regulations, 50 CFR 100 Anadromous fisheries conservation, development and enhancement, 50 CFR 401 Boating Infrastructure Grant program, 50 CFR 86 Civil procedures, 50 CFR 11 Clean Vessel Act grant program, 50 CFR 85 Commercial filming and similar projects and still photography on certain areas under department jurisdiction, 43 CFR 5 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), 50 CFR 23 Eagle permits, 50 CFR 22 Endangered and threatened species Fish, wildlife, and plants, Federal/State, conservation cooperation, 50 CFR 81 Listing and designating critical habitat, 50 CFR 424 Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants, 50 CFR 17 Endangered species exemption process Application consideration by Secretary, 50 CFR 452 Application procedure, 50 CFR 451 Endangered Species Committee, 50 CFR 453 General provisions, 50 CFR 450 Feeding depredating migratory waterfowl, 50 CFR 90 Field organization, 50 CFR 2 General permit procedures, 50 CFR 13 Geological and geophysical exploration of coastal plain, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, 50 CFR 37 Hunting and fishing, 50 CFR 32 Interagency cooperation, Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended, 50 CFR 402 Land use management, 50 CFR 29 Marine mammals Fish and Wildlife Service, taking and importing restrictions, 50 CFR 18 Grants-in-aid research on protection and conservation, administrative procedures, 50 CFR 82 Transfer of management authority to States, 50 CFR 403 Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge, 50 CFR 38 Migratory bird hunting Conservation stamp contest, 50 CFR 91 Permits, 50 CFR 21 Procedural and substantive requirements, 50 CFR 20 Subsistence harvest in Alaska, 50 CFR 92 National coastal wetlands conservation grant program, 50 CFR 84 National fish hatcheries General regulations, 50 CFR 70 Hunting and sports fishing, 50 CFR 71 [[Page 329]] Nondiscrimination in contracts, permits, and use of facilities, 50 CFR 3 Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration and Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Acts, administrative requirements, 50 CFR 80 Plants, importation and exportation, 50 CFR 24 Range and feral animal management, 50 CFR 30 Wild Bird Conservation Act, 50 CFR 15 Wilderness preservation and management, 50 CFR 35 Wildlife General provisions, 50 CFR 10 Importation, exportation, and transportation, 50 CFR 14 Injurious wildlife, importation and transportation, 50 CFR 16 Seizure and forfeiture procedures, 50 CFR 12 Species management, 50 CFR 31 Wildlife refuges Administrative provisions, 50 CFR 25 Enforcement penalty and procedural requirements for regulation violations, 50 CFR 28 Prohibited acts, 50 CFR 27 Public entry and use, 50 CFR 26 Revenues sharing with counties, 50 CFR 34 Fish inspection See Fish; Fisheries; Seafood Fisheries See al Fish; Seafood Anadromous fisheries conservation, development and enhancement, 50 CFR 401 Atlantic coastal fisheries cooperative management, 50 CFR 697 Columbia River fishing sites; use of treaty access sites, 25 CFR 247 Commercial fisheries, authorization under the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972, 50 CFR 229 Enforcement proceedings, use of information collected by voluntary fishery data collectors, 15 CFR 905 FERC hydropower licenses, conditions and prescriptions Interior Department, 43 CFR 45 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 50 CFR 221 Financial aid to fisheries Capital Construction Fund tax regulations, 50 CFR 259 Fisheries assistance programs, 50 CFR 253 Fish and fishery products, processing requirements, 21 CFR 123 Fishermen's Contingency Fund, 50 CFR 296 Fishermen's Protective Act Guaranty Fund procedures, seizures of commercial fishing vessels, 22 CFR 33 Fishery conservation and management Atlantic highly migratory species, 50 CFR 635 Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and South Atlantic fisheries, 50 CFR 622 Crab, Gulf of Mexico stone crab fishery, 50 CFR 654 Exclusive Economic Zone off Alaska, fisheries-- Implementation, 50 CFR 679 Shellfish, 50 CFR 680 Magnuson-Stevens Act provisions, 50 CFR 600 Northeastern U.S. fisheries, 50 CFR 648 Off West Coast fisheries, 50 CFR 660 Fishing and operations on aquatic products, applicability of minimum wage and overtime pay requirements, 29 CFR 784 Gulf Coast ecosystem restoration, spill impact components, 40 CFR 1800 Gulf Coast States; resources and ecosystems sustainability, tourist opportunities, and revived economies, 31 CFR 34 Indian fishing in Alaska, 25 CFR 241 International fisheries regulations, 50 CFR 300 Isle Royale National Park, commercial fishing, 36 CFR 20 Marine mammals, taking and importing, 50 CFR 216 National Appeals Office, rules of procedure, 15 CFR 906 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, civil procedures, 15 CFR 904 Newlands Reclamation Project, Nevada, operating criteria and procedures, 43 CFR 418 Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument, 50 CFR 404 [[Page 330]] Red Lake Indian Reservation, commercial fishing, 25 CFR 242 Western Pacific fisheries, 50 CFR 665 Whaling provisions, 50 CFR 230 Fishing See al Marine resources; Recreation and recreation areas Anadromous fisheries conservation, development, and enhancement, 50 CFR 401 Atlantic coastal fisheries cooperative management, 50 CFR 697 Boating Infrastructure Grant program, 50 CFR 86 Columbia River Indian in-lieu fishing sites, use, 25 CFR 248 Columbia River treaty fishing access sites, use, 25 CFR 247 Fishery conservation and management Atlantic highly migratory species, 50 CFR 635 Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and South Atlantic fisheries, 50 CFR 622 Crab, Gulf of Mexico stone crab fishery, 50 CFR 654 Magnuson-Stevens Act provisions, 50 CFR 600 Northeastern U.S. fisheries, 50 CFR 648 Off West Coast fisheries, 50 CFR 660 Western Pacific fisheries, 50 CFR 665 Indians Alaska, fishing in, 25 CFR 241 Off-reservation Treaty, 25 CFR 249 International fisheries regulations, 50 CFR 300 Marine mammals, taking and importing, 50 CFR 216 National fish hatchery areas, hunting and sports fishing, 50 CFR 71 National Marine Sanctuary program regulations, 15 CFR 922 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, civil procedures, 15 CFR 904 National Wildlife Refuge System, hunting and fishing, 50 CFR 32 Naval installations, rules limiting public access, 32 CFR 770 Small business size standards established by NMFS for Regulatory Flexibility Act compliance purposes only, 50 CFR 200 Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentive Program, 7 CFR 1455 Fishing vessels See al Vessels Capital Construction Fund tax regulations, 50 CFR 259 Coast Guard, navigation rules, 33 CFR 83 Commercial fishing industry vessels, safety requirements, 46 CFR 28 Commercial fishing vessels dispensing petroleum products, 46 CFR 105 Construction reserve funds, establishment, 46 CFR 287 Employment taxes and collection of income tax at source, 26 CFR 31 Fisheries; Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and South Atlantic, 50 CFR 622 Fishermen's Contingency Fund, 50 CFR 296 Fishermen's Protective Act Guaranty Fund procedures under Section 7, seizures of commercial fishing vessels, 22 CFR 33 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Civil procedures, 15 CFR 904 Fishery management plans-- Atlantic highly migratory species, 50 CFR 635 Magnuson-Stevens Act provisions, 50 CFR 600 International fisheries regulations, 50 CFR 300 Marine mammals, taking and importing, 50 CFR 216 Nonqualified vessels that perform certain aquaculture support operations, requirements for, 46 CFR 106 Vessels of 100 feet or greater in registered length, requirements to obtain fishery endorsement to vessel's documentation, 46 CFR 356 Flags Energy Department, 10 CFR 1002 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 14 CFR 1221 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 10 CFR 1 State Department, insignia of rank, 22 CFR 1 Veterans Affairs Department, general provisions, 38 CFR 1 Flammable materials See al Fire prevention; Hazardous substances [[Page 331]] Cellulose insulation Labeling requirements, 16 CFR 1404 Safety standards, 16 CFR 1209 Cigarette lighters, safety standard, 16 CFR 1210 Coal and wood burning appliances, notification of performance and technical data, 16 CFR 1406 Flammability standards Carpet and rug surfaces, 16 CFR 1630 Children's sleepwear-- Sizes 0 through 6X, 16 CFR 1615 Sizes 7 through 14, 16 CFR 1616 Mattress sets, 16 CFR 1633 Mattresses and mattress pads, 16 CFR 1632 Small carpet and rug surfaces, 16 CFR 1631 Upholstered furniture, 16 CFR 1640 Vinyl plastic film, 16 CFR 1611 Flammable contact adhesives Ban, 16 CFR 1302 Products subject to other Acts, regulation under Consumer Product Safety Act, 15 CFR 1145 Flammable Fabrics Act Clothing textiles, flammability standards, 16 CFR 1610 Exemption from preemption of State and local requirements, applications, 16 CFR 1061 General rules and regulations, 16 CFR 1608 Investigation, inspection, and inquiries, 16 CFR 1605 Statements of policy or interpretation, 16 CFR 1602 Text of 1953 Act, amendments and revisions prior to 1967, 16 CFR 1609 Matchbooks, safety standards, 16 CFR 1202 Flavorings See Spices and flavorings Flaxseeds See Oilseeds Flood control See al Dams; Reservoirs Cost sharing requirements under ability to pay provision, 33 CFR 241 Dams, flood control regulations, 33 CFR 208 Emergency employment of Army and other resources, natural disaster procedures, 33 CFR 203 Emergency watershed protection, 7 CFR 624 Engineers Corps, comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan, programmatic regulations, 33 CFR 385 Flood damage reduction measures in urban areas, 33 CFR 238 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), State permit requirements, 40 CFR 123 River basin investigations and surveys, 7 CFR 621 Watershed projects, 7 CFR 622 Flood insurance See al Insurance Federal Emergency Management Agency Administrative hearing procedures, 44 CFR 68 Appeals from proposed flood elevation determinations, 44 CFR 67 Coastal Barrier Resources Act, implementation, 44 CFR 71 Communities eligible for sale of, 44 CFR 64 Consultation with local officials, 44 CFR 66 Coverage and rates, 44 CFR 61 Erosion benefits, 44 CFR 63 Exemption of State-owned properties under flood self-insurance plan, 44 CFR 75 Flood mitigation grants, 44 CFR 77 General provisions, 44 CFR 59 Identification and mapping of special flood or flood-related erosion hazard areas, 44 CFR 65 Land management and use criteria for flood plains and flood-erosion areas, 44 CFR 60 Map changes, procedures and fees for processing, 44 CFR 72 National Flood Insurance Act of 1968, implementation of Section 1316, properties in violation of State and local law, 44 CFR 73 Procedure for map correction, 44 CFR 70 Sale and claims adjustment, 44 CFR 62 Federal Housing Finance Agency, 12 CFR 1250 [[Page 332]] Federal Reserve System, membership of State banking institutions (Regulation H), 12 CFR 208 Guaranteed Rural Housing program, 7 CFR 3555 Loans in areas having special flood hazards Comptroller of the Currency, 12 CFR 22, 12 CFR 172 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 12 CFR 339 National Credit Union Administration, 12 CFR 760 Rural Development, 7 CFR 1806 Small Business Administration, 13 CFR 120 Veterans Affairs Department, 38 CFR 36 Flood plains See al Coastal zone Agriculture programs, highly erodible land and wetlands conservation Agriculture Department, 7 CFR 12 Agricultural conservation programs Wetlands Reserve Program, 7 CFR 1467 Agricultural Conservation Easement Program, 7 CFR 1468 Delaware River Basin Commission, 18 CFR 415 Emergency Wetlands Reserve Program, 7 CFR 623 Engineers Corps, flood plain management services program establishment of fees for cost recovery, 33 CFR 242 Environmental Quality Incentives Program, 7 CFR 1466 Federal aid highway programs Bridges, structures, and hydraulics, 23 CFR 650 Mitigation of impacts to wetlands and natural habitat, 23 CFR 777 Flood insurance program Communities eligible for sale of, 44 CFR 64 Land management and use criteria for flood plains and flood-erosion areas, 44 CFR 60 Flood plain management and wetlands protection Energy Department, 10 CFR 1022 Federal Emergency Management Agency, 44 CFR 9 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 55 Justice Department, 28 CFR 63 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 14 CFR 1216 Postal Service, 39 CFR 776 Small Business Administration, 13 CFR 120 Soil Conservation Service, 7 CFR 650 Water Resources Council, 18 CFR 725 National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, implementation, 18 CFR 1318 Rural Development, loan and grant program funds, 7 CFR 1940 Susquehanna River Basin Commission, 18 CFR 801 Floods See Disaster assistance Fluoride Air pollution control New stationary sources, performance standards, 40 CFR 60 State plans for designated facilities and pollutants, approval and promulgation, 40 CFR 62 Food additives See al Color additives; Foods Animal feeds and drinking water, food additives permitted, 21 CFR 573 Animal foods, 21 CFR 570 Additives generally recognized as safe (GRAS), 21 CFR 582 Food substances affirmed as generally recognized as safe (GRAS) in feed and drinking water of animals, 21 CFR 584 Petitions, 21 CFR 571 Substances prohibited from use in animal food or feed, 21 CFR 589 Distilled spirits, labeling and advertising, 27 CFR 5 Environmental Protection Agency Formal evidentiary public hearing, 40 CFR 179 Objections and requests for hearings, 40 CFR 178 Food Safety and Inspection Service Food ingredients permitted, 9 CFR 544 Preparation of products, 9 CFR 548 Food ingredients Dietary supplements, 21 CFR 190 [[Page 333]] Dietary supplements that present a significant or unreasonable risk, 21 CFR 119 Direct food substances affirmed as generally recognized as safe (GRAS), 21 CFR 184 Indirect food substances affirmed as generally recognized as safe (GRAS), 21 CFR 186 Prior-sanctioned food ingredients, 21 CFR 181 Substances generally recognized as safe (GRAS), 21 CFR 182 Substances prohibited from use, 21 CFR 189 Food standards, general, 21 CFR 130 General provisions, 21 CFR 170 Indirect food additives Adhesives and components of coatings, 21 CFR 175 Adjuvants, production aids, and sanitizers, 21 CFR 178 General, 21 CFR 174 Paper and paperboard components, 21 CFR 176 Polymers, 21 CFR 177 Irradiation in production, processing and handling of food, 21 CFR 179 Malt beverages, labeling and advertising, 27 CFR 7 Meat and poultry inspection, preparation and processing operations, 9 CFR 424 Meat inspection, mandatory, entry into official establishments, reinspection and preparation of products, 9 CFR 318 Patent term restoration, 21 CFR 60 Permitted for direct addition to food for human consumption, 21 CFR 172 Permitted in food or in contact with food on interim basis pending additional study, 21 CFR 180 Petitions, 21 CFR 171 Secondary direct food additives permitted in food for human consumption, 21 CFR 173 Wine Labeling and advertising, 27 CFR 4 Treatment and classification, 27 CFR 24 Food and Drug Administration Administrative practices and procedures, 21 CFR 10 Animal drugs, feeds, and related products Current good manufacturing practice-- Hazard analysis, and risk-based preventive controls for animal food, 21 CFR 507 Type A medicated articles, 21 CFR 226 Extralabel drug use in animals, 21 CFR 530 Irradiation in production, processing, and handling of animal feed and pet food, 21 CFR 579 New animal drugs-- Animal feeds, drugs used in, 21 CFR 558 Applications, 21 CFR 514 Certain other dosage form, 21 CFR 529 General provisions, 21 CFR 500 General regulations, 21 CFR 510 Genomic alterations in animals, 21 CFR 528 Implantation or injectable dosage form, 21 CFR 522 Intramammary dosage forms, 21 CFR 526 Investigational use, 21 CFR 511 Medicated feed mill license, 21 CFR 515 Minor use and minor species, 21 CFR 516 Ophthalmic and topical dosage form, 21 CFR 524 Oral dosage form, 21 CFR 520 Residue tolerances in food, 21 CFR 556 Animal foods Additive petitions, 21 CFR 571 Additives, 21 CFR 570 Generally recognized as safe (GRAS), 21 CFR 582 Certain other dosage form, 21 CFR 529 Common or usual names for nonstandardized foods, 21 CFR 502 Contaminants in food and food-packaging material, 21 CFR 509 Current good manufacturing practice-- Hazard analysis and risk-based preventive controls, 21 CFR 507 Medicated, 21 CFR 225 Food substances affirmed as generally recognized as safe (GRAS) in feed and drinking water of animals, 21 CFR 584 Labeling, 21 CFR 501 Substances prohibited from use in animal food or feed, 21 CFR 589 [[Page 334]] Animal foods and drinking water, food additives permitted, 21 CFR 573 Biological products, general standards, 21 CFR 610 Biologics, additional standards for miscellaneous products, 21 CFR 680 Blood and blood products-- Additional standards, 21 CFR 640 Blood and blood components intended for transfusion or for further manufacturing use, requirements, 21 CFR 630 Current good manufacturing practice, 21 CFR 606 Establishment registration and product listing for manufacturers, 21 CFR 607 General provisions, establishment standards and inspection, 21 CFR 600 Laboratory tests, diagnostic substances standards, 21 CFR 660 Biologics and establishments, licensing, 21 CFR 601 Civil money penalties hearings, 21 CFR 17 Color additives Certification, 21 CFR 80 Certified provisionally listed colors and specifications, 21 CFR 82 Combination products, good manufacturing practices, 21 CFR 4 Exempt from certification, listing, 21 CFR 73 General specifications and restrictions for provisional use, 21 CFR 81 Packaging and labeling, and safety, 21 CFR 70 Petitions, 21 CFR 71 Subject to certification, 21 CFR 74 Communicable diseases control, 21 CFR 1240 Cosmetics Ingredient composition statements, voluntary filing, 21 CFR 720 Labeling, 21 CFR 701 Product establishments, voluntary registration, 21 CFR 710 Product warning statements, 21 CFR 740 Specific products, general provisions and requirements, 21 CFR 700 Diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals, 21 CFR 315 Electronic records; electronic signatures, 21 CFR 11 Employee standards of conduct, supplement, 45 CFR 73a Employee standards of conduct and conflicts of interest, 21 CFR 19 Enforcement policy, recall guidelines, 21 CFR 7 Environmental impact considerations, 21 CFR 25 Financial disclosure by clinical investigators, 21 CFR 54 Food additives Dietary supplements, 21 CFR 190 Dietary supplements that present a significant or unreasonable risk, 21 CFR 119 Direct food substances affirmed as generally recognized as safe (GRAS), 21 CFR 184 General provisions, 21 CFR 170 Indirect food additives-- Adhesives and components of coatings, 21 CFR 175 Adjuvants, production aids, and sanitizers, 21 CFR 178 General, 21 CFR 174 Paper and paperboard components, 21 CFR 176 Polymers, 21 CFR 177 Indirect food substances affirmed as generally recognized as safe (GRAS), 21 CFR 186 Permitted for direct addition to food for human consumption, 21 CFR 172 Permitted in food or in contact with food on interim basis pending additional study, 21 CFR 180 Petitions, 21 CFR 171 Prior-sanctioned food ingredients, 21 CFR 181 Secondary direct, permitted in food for human consumption, 21 CFR 173 Substances generally recognized as safe (GRAS), 21 CFR 182 Substances prohibited from use, 21 CFR 189 Food for human consumption Acidified, 21 CFR 114 Administrative rulings and decisions, 21 CFR 100 Bakery products, 21 CFR 136 Beverages, bottled water, 21 CFR 165 Cacao products, 21 CFR 163 [[Page 335]] Cereal flours and related products, 21 CFR 137 Cheeses and related cheese products, 21 CFR 133 Common or usual name for nonstandardized, 21 CFR 102 Drinking water, processing and bottling, 21 CFR 129 Eggs and egg products, 21 CFR 160 Emergency permit control, 21 CFR 108 Fish and fishery products, processing requirements, 21 CFR 123 Fish and shellfish, general provisions and requirements for specific standardized fish and shellfish, 21 CFR 161 Food dressings and flavorings, 21 CFR 169 Food standards, general, 21 CFR 130 Frozen desserts, 21 CFR 135 Fruit butters, jellies, preserves, and related products, 21 CFR 150 Fruit juices, canned, 21 CFR 146 Fruit pies, 21 CFR 152 Fruits, canned, 21 CFR 145 Good manufacturing practice-- Dietary supplements; manufacturing, packaging, labeling, or holding operations, 21 CFR 111 Hazard analysis and risk-based preventive controls, 21 CFR 117 Manufacturing, packing, or holding human food, 21 CFR 110 Hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) systems, 21 CFR 120 Infant formula, 21 CFR 107 Quality control procedures, 21 CFR 106 Requirements pertaining to good manufacturing practice, quality control procedures, quality factors, records and sports, and notifications, 21 CFR 106 Irradiation in production, processing and handling of food, 21 CFR 179 Labeling, 21 CFR 101 Macaroni and noodle products, 21 CFR 139 Margarine, 21 CFR 166 Milk and cream, 21 CFR 131 Nutritional quality guidelines, 21 CFR 104 Produce; growing, harvesting, packing, and holding standards, 21 CFR 112 Shell eggs, 21 CFR 115 Shell eggs; production, storage, and transportation, 21 CFR 118 Special dietary use, 21 CFR 105 Sweeteners and table sirups, 21 CFR 168 Thermally processed low-acid foods packaged in hermetically sealed containers, 21 CFR 113 Tree nut and peanut products, 21 CFR 164 Unavoidable contaminants in food for human consumption and food- packaging material, 21 CFR 109 Vegetables-- Canned, 21 CFR 155 Frozen, 21 CFR 158 Juices, 21 CFR 156 Formal evidentiary public hearing, 21 CFR 12 General administrative rulings and decisions, 21 CFR 2 General enforcement regulations, 21 CFR 1 Human cells, tissues, and cellular and tissue-based products, 21 CFR 1271 Human drugs Bioavailability and bioequivalence requirement, 21 CFR 320 Combination drugs, prohibited substances, and reporting requirements, 21 CFR 300 Controlled, 21 CFR 290 Current good manufacturing practice-- Finished pharmaceuticals, 21 CFR 211 Manufacturing, processing, packing, or holding of drugs, general, 21 CFR 210 Positron emission tomography drugs, 21 CFR 212 General provisions, 21 CFR 200 Human drugs including drugs regulated under a biologics license application, and animal drugs, and the National Drug Code; requirements for foreign and domestic establishment registration and listing, 21 CFR 207 Imprinting of solid oral dosage form drug products for human use, 21 CFR 206 Investigational new drug application, 21 CFR 312 Labeling, 21 CFR 201 New drugs, 21 CFR 310 Marketing, applications for FDA approval, 21 CFR 314 [[Page 336]] Nonprescription products subject to Section 760 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 21 CFR 329 Official names and established names, 21 CFR 299 Orphan drugs, 21 CFR 316 Over-the-counter drugs-- Anorectal drug products, 21 CFR 346 Antacid products, 21 CFR 331 Antidiarrheal drug products, 21 CFR 335 Antiemetic drug products, 21 CFR 336 Antiflatulent products, 21 CFR 332 Antiperspirant drug products, 21 CFR 350 Cold, cough, allergy, bronchodilator, and antiasthmatic drug products, 21 CFR 341 Drug products intended for oral ingestion that contain alcohol, 21 CFR 328 External analgesic drug products, 21 CFR 348 Generally recognized as safe (GRAS) and effective and not misbranded, 21 CFR 330 Internal analgesic, antipyretic, and antirheumatic drug products, 21 CFR 343 Interpretative statements regarding warnings on drugs and devices for over-the-counter sale, 21 CFR 369 Miscellaneous external drug products, 21 CFR 358 Miscellaneous internal drug products, 21 CFR 357 Nighttime sleep-aid drug products, 21 CFR 338 Ophthalmic drug products, 21 CFR 349 Skin protectant drug products, 21 CFR 347 Stimulant products, 21 CFR 340 Sunscreen drug products, 21 CFR 352 Topical antimicrobial drug products, 21 CFR 333 Topical otic drug products, 21 CFR 344 Prescription, advertising, 21 CFR 202 Prescription drug marketing, 21 CFR 203 Prescription drug products, medication guides, 21 CFR 208 Prescription drugs used in research, generally recognized as safe (GRAS) and effective and not misbranded, 21 CFR 361 Specific human drugs, special requirement, 21 CFR 250 Wholesale prescription drug distributors, State licensing guidelines, 21 CFR 205 Human subjects, protection General, 21 CFR 50 Institutional review boards, clinical investigations, 21 CFR 56 Laboratories, good practice for nonclinical laboratory studies, 21 CFR 58 Marketed drugs, biologics, and devices, unapproved/new uses, information dissemination, 21 CFR 99 Medical devices Anesthesiology devices, 21 CFR 868 Banned devices, 21 CFR 895 Cardiovascular devices, 21 CFR 870 Classification procedures, 21 CFR 860 Clinical chemistry and clinical toxicology devices, 21 CFR 862 Corrections and removals, reports, 21 CFR 806 Dental devices, 21 CFR 872 Ear, nose, and throat devices, 21 CFR 874 Electrode lead wires and patient cables, performance standard, 21 CFR 898 Exemption from Federal preemption of State and local medical device requirement, 21 CFR 808 Gastroenterology-urology devices, 21 CFR 876 General and plastic surgery devices, 21 CFR 878 General hospital and personal use devices, 21 CFR 880 General requirements, 21 CFR 800 Hematology and pathology devices, 21 CFR 864 Immunology and microbiology devices, 21 CFR 866 In vitro diagnostic products for human use, 21 CFR 809 Investigational exemptions, 21 CFR 812 Labeling, 21 CFR 801 Mammography, 21 CFR 900 Manufacturers and distributors establishment registration and device listing, 21 CFR 807 Neurological devices, 21 CFR 882 [[Page 337]] Obstetrical and gynecological devices, 21 CFR 884 Ophthalmic devices, 21 CFR 886 Orthopedic devices, 21 CFR 888 Performance standards development procedures, 21 CFR 861 Physical medicine devices, 21 CFR 890 Postmarket surveillance, 21 CFR 822 Premarket approval, 21 CFR 814 Quality system regulation, 21 CFR 820 Radiology devices, 21 CFR 892 Recall authority, 21 CFR 810 Reporting, 21 CFR 803 Tracking requirements, 21 CFR 821 Unique device identification, 21 CFR 830 Milk, Federal Import Milk Act, 21 CFR 1210 Organization, 21 CFR 5 Patent term restoration, 21 CFR 60 Pharmaceutical good manufacturing practice reports, medical device quality system audit reports, and certain medical device product evaluation reports, mutual recognition, U.S. and European Community, 21 CFR 26 Pharmacy compounding, 21 CFR 216 Poisons, Federal Caustic Poison Act, 21 CFR 1230 Product jurisdiction, 21 CFR 3 Protection of privacy, 21 CFR 21 Public hearing before Commissioner, 21 CFR 15 Public advisory committee, 21 CFR 14 Public Board of Inquiry, 21 CFR 13 Public information, 21 CFR 20 Qualifying pathogens, 21 CFR 317 Radiological health Electronic products-- Importation, 21 CFR 1005 Performance standards, general, 21 CFR 1010 Repurchase, repairs, or replacement, 21 CFR 1004 General, 21 CFR 1000 Ionizing radiation emitting products, performance standards, 21 CFR 1020 Light-emitting products, performance standards, 21 CFR 1040 Microwave and radio frequency emitting products, performance standards, 21 CFR 1030 Notification of defects or failure to comply, 21 CFR 1003 Records and reports, 21 CFR 1002 Regulatory hearings before, 21 CFR 16 Sanitation in interstate conveyance, 21 CFR 1250 Tea Importation Act, 21 CFR 1220 Tobacco products Cigarette package and advertising, required warnings, 21 CFR 1141 Cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, and covered tobacco products, 21 CFR 1140 Exemption requests and substantial equivalence reports, 21 CFR 1107 Exemption requests and substantial equivalence reports, 21 CFR 1107 General regulations, 21 CFR 1100 General submission requirements, 21 CFR 1105 Minimum required warning statements, 21 CFR 1143 Premarket tobacco product applications, 21 CFR 1114 Food and Nutrition Service Availability of information and records to public, 7 CFR 295 Child and Adult Care Food Program, 7 CFR 226 Child nutrition programs Cash in lieu of donated foods, 7 CFR 240 Determining eligibility for free and reduced price meals and free milk in schools, 7 CFR 245 State administrative expense funds, 7 CFR 235 WIC farmers' market nutrition program (FMNP), 7 CFR 248 Commodity supplemental food program, 7 CFR 247 Emergency food assistance program, 7 CFR 251 Food distribution programs, administration Indian households in Oklahoma, 7 CFR 254 Indian reservations, households, 7 CFR 253 Food donations for use in U.S., 7 CFR 250 National commodity processing program, 7 CFR 252 National School Lunch Program, 7 CFR 210 Nutrition education and training program, 7 CFR 227 [[Page 338]] Puerto Rico, nutrition assistance grant provision, 7 CFR 285 School Breakfast Program, 7 CFR 220 Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program, 7 CFR 249 Special milk program for children, 7 CFR 215 Special supplemental food program for women, infants, and children, 7 CFR 246 Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer Program, 7 CFR 292 Summer Food Service Program, 7 CFR 225 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Demonstration, research and evaluation projects, 7 CFR 282 Eligible households, certification, 7 CFR 273 Food retailers, food wholesalers and meal services; administrative and judicial review, 7 CFR 279 General information and definitions, 7 CFR 271 Indian reservations, administration of SNAP on, 7 CFR 281 Participating State agencies, requirements, 7 CFR 272 Participation of retail food stores, wholesale food concerns, meal services, insured financial institutions, 7 CFR 278 Payments of certain administrative costs of State agencies, 7 CFR 277 Performance reporting system, 7 CFR 275 Program benefits, issuance and use of, 7 CFR 274 Quality control (``QC'') claims appeals, 7 CFR 283 State agency liabilities and Federal sanctions, 7 CFR 276 Victims of disasters, emergency food assistance, 7 CFR 280 Food assistance programs See al Agriculture; Foods; School breakfast and lunch programs; Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Child and Adult Care Food Program, 7 CFR 226 Child nutrition programs Cash in lieu of donated foods, 7 CFR 240 Determining eligibility for free and reduced price meals and free milk in schools, 7 CFR 245 State administrative expense funds, 7 CFR 235 WIC farmers' market nutrition program (FMNP), 7 CFR 248 Commodity supplemental food program, 7 CFR 247 Emergency food assistance program, 7 CFR 251 Food distribution programs, administration Indian households in Oklahoma, 7 CFR 254 Indian reservations, households, 7 CFR 253 Food donations for use in U.S., 7 CFR 250 Food for Progress Program, 7 CFR 1499 McGovern-Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program, 7 CFR 1599 National commodity processing program, 7 CFR 252 National School Lunch Program, 7 CFR 210 Puerto Rico, nutrition assistance grant provision, 7 CFR 285 Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program, 7 CFR 249 Special milk program for children, 7 CFR 215 Special supplemental food program for women, infants, and children, 7 CFR 246 Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer Program, 7 CFR 292 Summer Food Service Program, 7 CFR 225 Transfer of food commodities for food use in disaster relief, economic development, and other assistance, 22 CFR 211 USDA Local and Regional Food Aid Procurement Program, 7 CFR 1590 Food grades and standards See al Foods; Meat inspection Agricultural commodities, withdrawal procedures, 7 CFR 50 Agricultural Marketing Service audit verification and accreditation programs (AVAAP), 7 CFR 62 Bakery products, 21 CFR 136 Beverages, bottled water, 21 CFR 165 Cacao products, 21 CFR 163 [[Page 339]] Cereal flours and related products, 21 CFR 137 Cheeses and related products, 21 CFR 133 Common or usual name for nonstandardized foods, 21 CFR 102 Dairy products, 7 CFR 58 Eggs and egg products Agricultural Marketing Act-- Shell eggs, voluntary grading, 7 CFR 56 Voluntary inspection, 9 CFR 592 Egg Products Inspection Act-- Eggs, inspection under, 7 CFR 57 Eggs and egg products, inspection, 9 CFR 590 Shell eggs; production, storage, and transportation of, 21 CFR 118 Standardized identification, 21 CFR 160 Food dressings and flavorings, 21 CFR 169 Food Inspection and grading standards, rules of practice governing withdrawal, 7 CFR 50 Standards, general, 21 CFR 130 Food Safety and Inspection Service Condemned and other inedible materials, handling and disposition, 9 CFR 540 Definitions, 9 CFR 531 Detention, seizure, condemnation, 9 CFR 559 Exports, 9 CFR 552 Fish and fish products, rules of practice governing inspection actions, 9 CFR 561 Fish products in commerce, transportation, 9 CFR 555 Food ingredients permitted, 9 CFR 544 General requirements, definitions, 9 CFR 530 Importation, 9 CFR 557 Inspection requirements, 9 CFR 532 Mandatory dispositions; performance standards respecting physical, chemical, or biological contaminants, 539 Pre-harvest standards and transportation to processing establishment, 9 CFR 534 Product preparation, 9 CFR 548 Products and containers; marks, marking and labeling, 9 CFR 541 Recordkeeping, 9 CFR 550 Sanitation requirements and hazard analysis and critical control points systems, notification regarding adulterated or misbranded products, 9 CFR 537 Separation of establishment, facilities for inspection, facilities for program employees, other required facilities, 9 CFR 533 State-Federal, Federal-State cooperative agreements; State designations, 9 CFR 560 Food Safety Modernization Act, procedures for handling retaliation complaints under section 402, 29 CFR 1987 Fresh fruits, vegetables and other products (inspection, certification, and standards), 7 CFR 51 Frozen desserts, 21 CFR 135 Fruit butters, jellies, preserves, and related products, 21 CFR 150 Fruit juices, canned, standards, 21 CFR 146 Fruit pies, 21 CFR 152 Fruits Canned, 21 CFR 145 Marketing agreements, import regulations, 7 CFR 944 Infant formula requirements pertaining to good manufacturing practice, quality control procedures, quality factors, records and reports, and notifications, 21 CFR 106 Macaroni and noodle products, 21 CFR 139 Margarine, standards, 21 CFR 166 Meat inspection, mandatory, definitions and standards of identity or composition for meat products, 9 CFR 319 Meats, prepared meats, and meat products, grading, certification, and standards, 7 CFR 54 Milk and cream, 21 CFR 131 Nutritional quality guidelines, 21 CFR 104 Peanuts, domestic and imported, marketed in U.S., minimum quality and handling standards, 7 CFR 996 Poultry products and rabbit products, voluntary grading, 7 CFR 70 Poultry products inspection, 9 CFR 381 Processed fruits and vegetables, processed products thereof, and certain other processed food products, 7 CFR 52 Produce for human consumption, growing, harvesting, packing, and holding standards, 21 CFR 112 Seafood [[Page 340]] Fish and fishery products, processing requirements, 21 CFR 123 Fish and shellfish, general provisions and requirements for specific standardized fish and shellfish, 21 CFR 161 Grade standards, 50 CFR 261 Seafood inspection and certification, 50 CFR 260 Special dietary foods, 21 CFR 105 Specialty crops, import regulations, 7 CFR 999 Sweeteners and table sirups, 21 CFR 168 Tree nut and peanut products, 21 CFR 164 Vegetables Canned, 21 CFR 155 Frozen, standards, 21 CFR 158 Import regulations, 7 CFR 980 Juices, 21 CFR 156 Voluntary official grade standards; development, revision, suspension or termination procedures, 7 CFR 36 Food ingredients See Food additives Food inspection See Food grades and standards Food labeling See al Foods; Labeling Agricultural Marketing Service audit verification and accreditation programs (AVAAP), 7 CFR 62 Bioengineered food, national disclosure standard, 7 CFR 66 Cheeses and related cheese products, 21 CFR 133 Common or usual name for nonstandardized foods, 21 CFR 102 Country of origin labeling Fish and shellfish, 7 CFR 60 Lamb, chicken and goat meat, perishable agricultural commodities, macadamia nuts, pecans, peanuts, and ginseng, 7 CFR 65 Dairy products, grading standards and general specifications for approved plants, 7 CFR 58 Eggs and egg products Egg products, voluntary inspection, 9 CFR 592 Eggs and egg products, inspection, 9 CFR 590 Shell eggs, voluntary grading, 7 CFR 56 Inspection under Egg Products Inspection Act, 7 CFR 57 Food and Drug Administration Administrative rulings and decisions, 21 CFR 100 General enforcement regulations, 21 CFR 1 Food Safety and Inspection Service General requirements, definitions, 9 CFR 530 Importation, 9 CFR 557 Products and containers; marks, marking and labeling, 9 CFR 541 Frozen desserts, 21 CFR 135 Infant formula, 21 CFR 107 Irradiation in production, processing and handling of food, 21 CFR 179 Margarine, standards, 21 CFR 166 Meat and poultry products inspection Label approval, 9 CFR 412 Specific classes of product, requirements, 9 CFR 430 Meat inspection Definitions and standards of identity or composition for meat products, 9 CFR 319 Imported products, 9 CFR 327 Labeling, marking devices, and containers, 9 CFR 317 Marking products and their containers, 9 CFR 316 Official marks, devices and certificates, 9 CFR 312 Quantity of contents, labeling and procedures and requirements for accurate weights, 9 CFR 442 Voluntary inspection-- Exotic animals and horses, 9 CFR 352 Rabbits and edible products, 9 CFR 354 Meats, prepared meats, and meat products, grading, certification, and standards, 7 CFR 54 Poultry products and rabbit products, voluntary grading, 7 CFR 70 Poultry products inspection, 9 CFR 381 Processed fruits and vegetables ,processed products thereof, and certain other processed food products, 7 CFR 52 Requirements and exemptions, 21 CFR 101 Seafood inspection and certification, 50 CFR 260 Special dietary foods, 21 CFR 105 [[Page 341]] Food packaging See al Foods; Packaging and containers Acidified foods, 21 CFR 114 Barrels for fruits, vegetables, other dry commodities, and cranberries, 15 CFR 241 Current good manufacturing practice, human foods Hazard analysis and risk-based preventive controls, 21 CFR 117 Manufacturing, packing, or holding, 21 CFR 110 Drinking water, processing and bottling, 21 CFR 129 Food additives Indirect food substances affirmed as generally recognized as safe (GRAS), 21 CFR 186 Prior-sanctioned food ingredients, 21 CFR 181 Substances generally recognized as safe (GRAS), 21 CFR 182 Substances prohibited from use, 21 CFR 189 Food and Drug Administration, administrative rulings and decisions, 21 CFR 100 Food containers, standards for Condition, 7 CFR 42 Sampling plans, 7 CFR 43 Food Safety and Inspection Service Food ingredients permitted, 9 CFR 544 Importation, 9 CFR 557 Product preparation, 9 CFR 548 Products and containers; marks, marking and labeling, 9 CFR 541 Indirect food additives Adhesives and components of coatings, 21 CFR 175 Adjuvants, production aids, and sanitizers, 21 CFR 178 General, 21 CFR 174 Paper and paperboard components, 21 CFR 176 Polymers, 21 CFR 177 Irradiation in production, processing and handling of food, 21 CFR 179 Meat and poultry inspection Label approval, 9 CFR 412 Preparation and processing operations, 9 CFR 424 Meat inspection, mandatory Entry into official establishments, reinspection and preparation of products, 9 CFR 318 Imported products, 9 CFR 327 Labeling, marking devices, and containers, 9 CFR 317 Marking products and their containers, 9 CFR 316 Poultry products inspection, 9 CFR 381 Thermally processed low-acid foods packaged in hermetically sealed containers, 21 CFR 113 Unavoidable contaminants in food for human consumption and food- packaging material, 21 CFR 109 Food Safety and Inspection Service Agency mission and organization, 9 CFR 300 Condemned and other inedible materials, handling and disposition, 9 CFR 540 Definitions, 9 CFR 531 Detention, seizure, condemnation, 9 CFR 559 Eggs and egg products Inspection, 9 CFR 590 Voluntary inspection, 9 CFR 592 Exports, 9 CFR 552 Fish and fish products, rules of practice governing inspection actions, 9 CFR 561 Fish products in commerce, transportation, 9 CFR 555 Food ingredients permitted, 9 CFR 544 Freedom of information and public information, 9 CFR 390 General requirements, definitions, 9 CFR 530 Humane slaughter of livestock, 9 CFR 313 Importation, 9 CFR 557 Inspection requirements, 9 CFR 532 Mandatory dispositions; performance standards respecting physical, chemical, or biological contaminants, 539 Meat, poultry products, and egg products inspection, Federal regulatory requirements Hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) systems, 9 CFR 417 Practice rules, 9 CFR 500 Preparation and processing operations, 9 CFR 424 Raw products, consumer protection standards, 9 CFR 441 [[Page 342]] Recalls, 9 CFR 418 Sanitation, 9 CFR 416 Specific classes of product, requirements, 9 CFR 430 Thermally processed, commercially sterile products, 9 CFR 431 Meat inspection Certification of technical animal fats for export, 9 CFR 351 Fees and charges for inspection services and laboratory accreditation, 9 CFR 391 Interstate shipment of carcasses, parts of carcasses, meat, and meat food products; cooperative program with selective establishments, 9 CFR 332 Non-Federal laboratories, accreditation, 9 CFR 439 Quantity of contents labeling and procedures and requirements for accurate weights, 9 CFR 442 Special services relating to meat and other products, 9 CFR 350 Voluntary inspection-- Exotic animals and horses, 9 CFR 352 Rabbits and edible products, 9 CFR 354 Meat inspection, mandatory Ante-mortem inspection, 9 CFR 309 Application for inspection, grant of inspection, 9 CFR 304 Application of inspection and other requirements, 9 CFR 302 Assignment and authorities of program employees, 9 CFR 306 Cooperation with States and territories, 9 CFR 321 Definitions, 9 CFR 301 Definitions and standards of identity or composition for meat products, 9 CFR 319 Detention, seizure and condemnation, criminal offenses, 9 CFR 329 Disposal of diseased or otherwise adulterated carcasses and parts, 9 CFR 311 Entry into official establishments, reinspection and preparation of products, 9 CFR 318 Exemptions, 9 CFR 303 Export requirements, 9 CFR 322 Facilities for inspection, 9 CFR 307 Handling and disposal of condemned or other inedible products at official establishments, 9 CFR 314 Imported products, 9 CFR 327 Labeling, marking devices, and containers, 9 CFR 317 Marking products and their containers, 9 CFR 316 Official marks, devices, and certificates, 9 CFR 312 Official numbers, inauguration and withdrawal of inspection, reports of violation, 9 CFR 305 Post-mortem inspection, 9 CFR 310 Records, registration, and reports, 9 CFR 320 Rendering or other disposal of carcasses and parts passed for cooking, 9 CFR 315 Rules of practice governing proceedings, 9 CFR 335 Special provisions for designated States and territories, and for designation of establishments which endanger public health and for such designated establishments, 9 CFR 331 Transportation requirements, 9 CFR 325 Poultry inspection regulations, voluntary, 9 CFR 362 Poultry products inspection, 9 CFR 381 Pre-harvest standards and transportation to processing establishment, 9 CFR 534 Product preparation, 9 CFR 548 Products and containers; marks, marking and labeling, 9 CFR 541 Recordkeeping, 9 CFR 550 Rulemaking petitions, 9 CFR 392 Sanitation requirements and hazard analysis and critical control points systems, notification regarding adulterated or misbranded products, 9 CFR 537 Separation of establishment, facilities for inspection, facilities for program employees, other required facilities, 9 CFR 533 State-Federal, Federal-State cooperative agreements; State designations, 9 CFR 560 Food stamps See Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program [[Page 343]] Foods See al Agriculture; Animal foods; Beverages; Dairy products; Dietary foods; Food additives; Food assistance programs; Food grades and standards; Food labeling; Food packaging; Frozen foods; Fruits; Meat and meat products; Nutrition; Nuts; Oils and fats; Poultry and poultry products; Seafood; Spices and flavorings; Sugar; Vegetables Acidified foods, 21 CFR 114 Animal drugs, residue tolerances in foods, 21 CFR 556 Cereal flours and related products, 21 CFR 137 Contaminants, unavoidable, in food for human consumption and food- packaging material, 21 CFR 109 Current good manufacturing practice Dietary supplements; manufacturing, packaging, labeling, or holding operations, 21 CFR 111 Human food, hazard analysis and risk-based preventive controls, 21 CFR 117 Manufacturing, packing, or holding human food, 21 CFR 110 Dietary supplements that present a significant or unreasonable risk, 21 CFR 119 Emergency permit control, 21 CFR 108 Food and Drug Administration Administrative rulings and decisions, 21 CFR 100 Color additives exempt from certification, listing, 21 CFR 73 General administrative rulings and decisions, 21 CFR 2 Hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) systems, 21 CFR 120 Institutional management, prisoners Food servicing, 28 CFR 547 Religious programs, diet, 28 CFR 548 International carriage of perishable foodstuffs and on special equipment to be used for such carriage (ATP), agreement on; inspection, testing, and certification of special equipment, 7 CFR 3300 National Institute of Food and Agriculture, food and agricultural sciences National Needs Graduate and Postgraduate Fellowship Grants Program, 7 CFR 3402 Produce for human consumption; growing, harvesting, packing, and holding standards, 21 CFR 112 Retail food store advertising and marketing practices, 16 CFR 424 Sanitation in interstate conveyance, 21 CFR 1250 Shell eggs, 21 CFR 115 Thermally processed low-acid foods packaged in hermetically sealed containers, 21 CFR 113 Footwear See Clothing Foreign Agricultural Service Availability of information to public, 7 CFR 1520 Export bonus programs, 7 CFR 1570 Imports, procedures to monitor Canadian fresh fruit and vegetable imports, 7 CFR 1560 International agricultural trade, emergency relief from duty-free imports of perishable products, 7 CFR 1540 McGovern-Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program, 7 CFR 1599 Refined sugar re-export program, sugar containing products re-export program, and polyhydric alcohol program, 7 CFR 1530 Trade adjustment assistance for farmers, 7 CFR 1580 USDA Local and Regional Food Aid Procurement Program, 7 CFR 1590 Foreign aid See al Foreign relations Agency for International Development Commodity transactions financed by, 22 CFR 201 Partner vetting in USAID assistance, 2 CFR 701 Agricultural commodities made available under Title I of Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954, as amended, sales of, 7 CFR 17 Commodities and services financed by USAID, procurement rules, 22 CFR 228 Drug traffickers, prohibition of assistance, 22 CFR 140 [[Page 344]] Egypt loan guarantees standard terms and conditions, 22 CFR 231 Food for Progress Program, 7 CFR 1499 Foreign military sales loans, prepayment, 31 CFR 25 Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, loan guarantees Issued under the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act of 2015; standard terms and conditions, 22 CFR 238 Issued under the Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2013, Div. F, Pub. L. 113-6; standard terms and conditions, 22 CFR 233 Issued under the Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2014, Div. F, Pub. L. 113-6; standard terms and conditions, 22 CFR 235 Housing guaranty standard terms and conditions, 22 CFR 204 Israel loan guarantee Loan guarantees issued under Emergency Wartime Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2003, standard terms and conditions, 22 CFR 230 Standard terms and conditions, 22 CFR 221 McGovern-Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program, 7 CFR 1599 Never contract with the enemy, 2 CFR 183 Non-military economic development training programs, payments to and on behalf of participants in, 22 CFR 205 Overseas shipments of supplies by voluntary non-profit relief agencies, 22 CFR 202 Peace Corps volunteer service, eligibility and standards, 22 CFR 305 Republic of Iraq loan guarantees issued under the Further Continuing and Security Assistance Appropriations Act of 2017, 22 CFR 241 Republic of Tunisia loan guarantees issued under Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act of 2016; sec. 7034(o), 22 CFR 239 Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2014, Div. F, Pub. L. 113-6; standard terms and conditions, 22 CFR 236 Sovereign Loan Guarantee--standard terms and conditions, 22 CFR 240 Transfer of food commodities for food use in disaster relief, economic development, and other assistance, 22 CFR 211 Ukraine, loan guarantees issued under the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act of 2015, and the Support for the Sovereignty, Integrity, Democracy, and Economic Stability of Ukraine Act of 2014; standard terms and conditions, 22 CFR 237 Ukraine, loan guarantees issued under the Sovereignty, Integrity, Democracy, and Economic Stability of Ukraine Act of 2014, Pub. L. 113-95; standard terms and conditions, 22 CFR 234 USDA Local and Regional Food Aid Procurement Program, 7 CFR 1590 Foreign air carriers See Air carriers Foreign Assets Control Office Control regulations Cuban assets, 31 CFR 515 Diamonds, rough, 31 CFR 592 Iranian assets, 31 CFR 535 Iranian transactions and sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 560 Reporting, procedures, and penalties regulations, 31 CFR 501 Sanctions regulations Belarus, 31 CFR 548 Burma, 31 CFR 525 Central African Republic, 31 CFR 553 China Military-Industrial Complex, 31 CFR 586 Cyber-related, 31 CFR 578 Darfur, 31 CFR 546 Democratic Republic of the Congo, 31 CFR 547 Ethiopia, 31 CFR 550 Foreign narcotics kingpin, 31 CFR 598 Foreign terrorist organizations, 31 CFR 597 Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act, 31 CFR 583 Global terrorism, 31 CFR 594 Hizballah, 31 CFR 566 Hong Kong, 31 CFR 585 [[Page 345]] Hostages and wrongful detention, 31 CFR 526 Illicit drug trade, 31 CFR 599 Iran-- Financial, 31 CFR 561 Human rights abuses, 31 CFR 562 Iraq stabilization and insurgency sanctions, 31 CFR 576 Lebanon, 31 CFR 549 Libya, 31 CFR 570 Magnitsky Act, 31 CFR 584 Mali, 31 CFR 555 Narcotics trafficking, 31 CFR 536 Nicaragua, 31 CFR 582 North Korea, 31 CFR 510 Russian harmful foreign activities, 31 CFR 587 Somalia, 31 CFR 551 South Sudan, 31 CFR 558 Syria, 31 CFR 542 Syria-related, 31 CFR 569 Terrorism list governments, 31 CFR 596 Terrorism, 31 CFR 595 Transnational criminal organizations, 31 CFR 590 Ukraine, 31 CFR 589 U.S. elections, foreign interference, 31 CFR 579 Venezuela, 31 CFR 591 Weapons of mass destruction proliferators, 31 CFR 544 Yemen, 31 CFR 552 Zimbabwe, 31 CFR 541 Weapons of mass destruction trade control regulations, 31 CFR 539 Western Balkans stabilization regulations, 31 CFR 588 Foreign banking See al Banks, Banking Commodity Credit Corporation export credit guarantee programs, 7 CFR 1493 Commodity Futures Trading Commission Derivatives clearing organizations, 17 CFR 39 Registration, 17 CFR 3 Swap dealers and major swap participants, 17 CFR 23 Comptroller of the Currency Assessment of fees, 12 CFR 8 Lending and investment, 12 CFR 160 Delivery of checks and warrants to addresses outside U.S., its territories and possessions, 31 CFR 211 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Consumer financial information, privacy, 12 CFR 332 Federal interest rate authority, 12 CFR 331 International banking, 12 CFR 347 Federal Reserve System Foreign banks and bankers, relations with Federal Reserve banks (Regulation N), 12 CFR 214 International banking operations, export trading companies (Regulation K), 12 CFR 211 National banks, international banking activities, 12 CFR 28 Proprietary trading and certain interests in and relationships with covered funds (Regulation VV), 12 CFR 248 Swaps margin and swaps push-out, 12 CFR 237 Financial Crimes Enforcement Network Banks, rules, 31 CFR 1020 Brokers or dealers, rules, 31 CFR 1023 Casinos and card clubs, rules, 31 CFR 1021 Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act of 2010, provisions relating to, 31 CFR 1060 Dealers in precious metals, precious stones, and jewels, rules, 31 CFR 1027 Futures Commission merchants and introducing brokers in commodities, rules, 31 CFR 1026 General provisions, 31 CFR 1010 Housing Government sponsored enterprises, rules, 31 CFR 1030 Insurance companies, rules, 31 CFR 1025 Money services businesses, rules, 31 CFR 1022 Mutual funds, rules, 31 CFR 1024 Operators of credit card systems, rules, 31 CFR 1028 Financial recordkeeping and reporting of currency and foreign transactions, 31 CFR 103 Foreign Assets Control Office, North Korea sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 510 Lost, stolen, destroyed, mutilated, or defaced checks of U.S. drawn on accounts [[Page 346]] maintained in depositary banks in foreign countries or U.S. territories or possessions; issue of substitutes, 31 CFR 248 Privacy of consumer financial information (Regulation P), 12 CFR 1016 S.A.F.E. Mortgage Licensing Act Residential mortgage loan originators, Federal registration (Regulation G), 12 CFR 1007 State compliance and bureau and registration system (Regulation H), 12 CFR 1008 Foreign claims See al Claims; Foreign relations; War claims Air Force Department, administrative claims, 32 CFR 842 Checks and warrants delivery to addresses outside U.S., its territories and possessions, 31 CFR 211 Foreign Claims Settlement Commission Appearance and practice, 45 CFR 500 International Claims Settlement Act of 1949, as amended, filing of claims and procedures, 45 CFR 509 Subpoenas, depositions, and oaths, 45 CFR 501 Iranian assets control, 31 CFR 535 Payment on account of awards of Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of U.S., 31 CFR 250 Foreign Claims Settlement Commission Appearance and practice, 45 CFR 500 International Claims Settlement Act of 1949, filing of claims and procedures, 45 CFR 509 Privacy Act and Government in the Sunshine Act regulations, 45 CFR 503 Public information, Freedom of Information Act, 45 CFR 502 Subpoenas, depositions, and oaths, 45 CFR 501 War Claims Act of 1948, as amended, Vietnam conflict claims Civilians captured or prisoners of war, eligibility requirements for compensation of, 45 CFR 506 Claims filing and procedures, 45 CFR 504 Hearings, 45 CFR 508 Payment, 45 CFR 507 Provisions of general application, 45 CFR 505 Foreign currencies See al Currency Acquisition regulations, foreign acquisition Agency for International Development, 48 CFR 725 Agriculture Department, 48 CFR 425 Commerce Department, 48 CFR 1325 Defense Department, 48 CFR 225 Environmental Protection Agency, 48 CFR 1525 General Services Administration, 48 CFR 525 Justice Department Foreign acquisition, 48 CFR 2825 Patents, data, and copyrights, 48 CFR 2827 Veterans Affairs Department, 48 CFR 825 Federal Acquisition Regulation, foreign acquisition, 48 CFR 25 Financial Crimes Enforcement Network Banks, rules, 31 CFR 1020 Brokers or dealers, rules, 31 CFR 2023 Casinos and card clubs, rules, 31 CFR 1021 Futures Commission merchants and introducing brokers in commodities, rules, 31 CFR 1027 General provisions, 31 CFR 1010 Insurance companies, rules, 31 CFR 1025 Money services businesses, rules, 31 CFR 1022 Mutual funds, rules, 31 CFR 1024 Operators of credit card systems, rules, 31 CFR 1028 Financial recordkeeping and reporting of currency and foreign transactions, 31 CFR 103 Foreign exchange operations, 31 CFR 281 Housing Government sponsored enterprises, rules, 31 CFR 1030 International capital and foreign-currency transactions and positions, reporting, 31 CFR 128 Liquidation of customs duties, 19 CFR 159 Open market operations of Federal Reserve banks, 12 CFR 270 Retail foreign exchange transactions, 12 CFR 48, 12 CFR 240 Swap dealers and major swap participants, 17 CFR 23 [[Page 347]] Foreign exchange See Currency; Foreign currencies Foreign investments in U.S. See al Investments Direct international investment surveys, 15 CFR 806 Foreign assets control regulations Control regulations-- Cuban assets, 31 CFR 515 Iranian assets, 31 CFR 535 Sanctions regulations-- Central African Republic, 31 CFR 553 Foreign narcotics kingpin, 31 CFR 598 Foreign terrorist organizations, 31 CFR 597 Magnitsky Act, 31 CFR 584 North Korea, 31 CFR 510 Terrorism, 31 CFR 595 Transnational criminal organizations, 31 CFR 590 Venezuela, 31 CFR 591 Yemen, 31 CFR 552 Foreign investment in agricultural land, disclosure, 7 CFR 781 Foreign portfolio investment survey reporting, 31 CFR 129 Income taxes Foreign corporations, 26 CFR 1 (1.881-0--1.884-5) Nonresident aliens, 26 CFR 1 (1.871-1--1.879-1) Nonresident aliens and foreign corporations, miscellaneous provisions, 26 CFR 1 (1.891--1.897-9T) Tax-free covenant bonds, application of withholding provisions, 26 CFR 1 (1.1461-1--1.1464-1) Withholding of tax on nonresident aliens and foreign corporations, 26 CFR 1 (1.1441-0--1.1445-11T) International capital and foreign-currency transactions and positions, reporting, 31 CFR 128 International trade in services between U.S. and foreign persons survey and surveys of direct investment, 15 CFR 801 Investment Security Office Investments in the U.S. by foreign persons, 31 CFR 800 Review of transactions involving foreign persons and critical technologies, pilot program, 31 CFR 801 Transactions by foreign persons involving real estate in the U.S., 31 CFR 802 Retail foreign exchange transactions, 8 CFR 48 Foreign officials Aliens, immigration of nonimmigrant classes, 8 CFR 214 Foreign Corrupt Practices Act opinion procedures, 28 CFR 80 Foreign diplomatic missions, procedures for providing assistance to State and local governments for protection of missions, 31 CFR 13 Foreign official status, notification, 22 CFR 4 Foreign Service Officers, appointment, 22 CFR 11 Passports, 22 CFR 51 Personal customs declarations and exemptions, 19 CFR 148 Immigration and Nationality Act Visas-- Immigrant documentation, 22 CFR 42 Nonimmigrants, documentation, 22 CFR 41 Protection of foreign dignitaries and other official personnel, 22 CFR 2 Foreign persons See Aliens; Foreign officials Foreign relations See al Citizenship and naturalization; Cultural exchange programs; Foreign aid; Foreign claims; Foreign Service; Foreign trade; Immigration; International boundaries; Passports and visas; Treaties; specific countries; Air Force Department Counsel fees and other expenses in foreign tribunals, 32 CFR 845 Installations, entry policy, civil disturbance intervention, and disaster assistance, 32 CFR 809a Atomic energy activities assistance, foreign, 10 CFR 810 Broadcasting Board of Governors, domestic requests, 22 CFR 502 [[Page 348]] Chemical Weapons Convention and Chemical Weapons Implementation Act of 1988, taking of samples and enforcement of recordkeeping and inspection requirements, 22 CFR 103 Communications common carriers, miscellaneous rules, 47 CFR 64 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), 50 CFR 23 Customs duties and inspection; special classes of merchandise, 19 CFR 12 Defense Department, international interchange of patent rights and technical information, 32 CFR 264 Egypt loan guarantees standard terms and conditions, 22 CFR 231 Electric power transmission to foreign countries, administrative procedures and sanctions, 10 CFR 205 Employment, acceptance from foreign governments by members of uniformed services, 22 CFR 3a Employment taxes, contract coverage of employees of foreign subsidies, 26 CFR 36 Energy Department, petroleum regulations-- International voluntary agreements, 10 CFR 209 Standby mandatory international oil allocation, 10 CFR 218 Environmental effects of U.S. actions abroad Defense Department, 32 CFR 187 Food and Drug Administration, 21 CFR 25 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 14 CFR 1216 Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, administration and enforcement, 28 CFR 5 Foreign Assets Control Office, North Korea sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 510 Foreign criminal and civil jurisdiction, 32 CFR 151 Foreign government agents, notifications to Attorney General, 28 CFR 73 Gifts and decorations from foreign governments Energy Department, 10 CFR 1050 Federal Reserve Board, 12 CFR 264b General Services Administration, utilization, donation, and disposal, 41 CFR 101-49, 41 CFR 102-42 State Department standards, 22 CFR 3 Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, loan guarantees Issued under the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related programs, Appropriations Act, 2015; standard terms and conditions, 22 CFR 238 Issued under the Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2013, Div. F, Pub. L. 113-6; standard terms and conditions, 22 CFR 233 Issued under the Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2014, Div. F, Pub. L. 113-6; standard terms and conditions, 22 CFR 235 Higher Education Act of 1965, institutional eligibility, 34 CFR 600 Immigration and Nationality Act, visas-- Nonimmigrants, documentation, 22 CFR 41 Nonimmigrants and immigrants, regulations pertaining to both, 22 CFR 40 International air transportation fair competitive practices, 49 CFR 91 International Postal Service, 39 CFR 20 Inventions and patents Foreign mask works protection, requests for Presidential proclamation, 37 CFR 150 Secrecy of certain inventions and licenses to export and file applications in foreign countries, 37 CFR 5 Israel loan guarantees issued under Emergency Wartime Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2003, standard terms and conditions, 22 CFR 230 Justice Department Classified National security information and access to classified information, 28 CFR 17 Data Protection Review Court, 28 CFR 201 International energy program, 28 CFR 56 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, information security program, 14 CFR 1203 National Environmental Policy Act Environmental analysis of army actions (AR 200-2), 32 CFR 651 [[Page 349]] Implementation procedures and assessment of environmental effects abroad of EPA actions, 40 CFR 6 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, fishery management plans-- Atlantic highly migratory species, 50 CFR 635 Magnuson-Stevens Act provisions, 50 CFR 600 Navigation of foreign civil aircraft within U.S., 14 CFR 375 Postal Regulatory Commission, product lists and mail classification schedule, 39 CFR 3040 Prisoners, transfer to or from foreign countries, 28 CFR 527 Radio broadcast services, 47 CFR 73 Registration of certain organizations carrying on activities within U.S., 28 CFR 10 Registration of certain persons having knowledge of foreign espionage, counterespionage, or sabotage matters under Act of August 1, 1956 (Pub. L. 84-893), 28 CFR 12 Republic of Iraq loan guarantees issued under the Further Continuing and Security Assistance Appropriations Act of 2017, 22 CFR 241 Republic of Tunisia loan guarantees issued under the Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2014, Div. F, Pub. L. 113-6; standard terms and conditions, 22 CFR 236 Service of legal papers on foreign state, 22 CFR 93 Sovereign Loan Guarantee--standard terms and conditions, 22 CFR 240 State Department International commercial arbitration, Inter-American Commercial Arbitration Commission procedure rules, 22 CFR 194 Public diplomacy program material in the U.S., availability, 22 CFR 173 Security information regulations applicable to certain international energy programs, related material, 22 CFR 9a Tank vessels, general provisions, 46 CFR 30 Treasury Department, multilateral development banks (MDBs), environmental review of actions, 31 CFR 26 Ukraine, loan guarantees issued under the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act of 2015, and the Support for the Sovereignty, Integrity, Democracy, and Economic Stability of Ukraine Act of 2014; standard terms and conditions, 22 CFR 237 Ukraine, loan guarantees issued under the Sovereignty, Integrity, Democracy, and Economic Stability of Ukraine Act of 2014, Pub. L. 113-95; standard terms and conditions, 22 CFR 234 Veterans Medical care, 38 CFR 17 National cemeteries of the Department of Veterans Affairs, 38 CFR 38 State homes-- Grants to States for construction or acquisition, 38 CFR 59 Payments to States for programs to promote the hiring and retention of nurses, 38 CFR 53 Transportation programs, 38 CFR 70 Veterans Affairs Department, legal services, General Counsel, and miscellaneous claims, 38 CFR 14 Warsaw Convention liability limits and defenses, waiver, 14 CFR 203 World Heritage Convention, 36 CFR 73 Foreign Service See al Foreign relations; Government employees Broadcasting Board of Governors, appointment of Foreign Service officers, 22 CFR 501 Consular services Deaths and estates of U.S. citizens abroad, 22 CFR 72 Economic and commercial functions, 22 CFR 101 Fee schedule, 22 CFR 22 Import controls, 22 CFR 91 Notarial and related services, 22 CFR 92 Protection and welfare of U.S. citizens and their property, 22 CFR 71 Employees indemnification, 22 CFR 21 Finance and accounting for fees for services, 22 CFR 23 Foreign Service Grievance Board [[Page 350]] Burden of proof, 22 CFR 905 Decision making, 22 CFR 909 General procedures, 22 CFR 901 Hearings, 22 CFR 906 Implementation disputes, 22 CFR 911 Initiation and documentation of cases, 22 CFR 903 Jurisdiction and related matters, 22 CFR 904 Miscellaneous procedural rules, 22 CFR 910 Organization, 22 CFR 902 Procedure when hearing is not held, 22 CFR 907 Remedies, 22 CFR 908 Foreign Service grievance system, 22 CFR 16 Foreign Service Impasse Disputes Panel General, 22 CFR 1470 Panel procedures, 22 CFR 1471 Foreign Service Labor Relations Board Assistant Secretary standards of conduct decisions and orders, enforcement, 22 CFR 1428 Definitions, 22 CFR 1421 Expedited review of negotiability issues, 22 CFR 1424 Implementation dispute actions, review, 22 CFR 1425 Miscellaneous and general requirements, 22 CFR 1429 Purpose and scope of provisions, 22 CFR 1420 Representation proceedings, 22 CFR 1422 Unfair labor practice proceedings, 22 CFR 1423 Foreign Service Officers, appointment, 22 CFR 11 Foreign Service personnel, criminal activities, 22 CFR 13 Personal property disposition at posts abroad, 22 CFR 136 Retirement and disability system Benefits for certain former spouses, 22 CFR 20 Benefits for spouses and former spouses, 22 CFR 19 Overpayments to annuitants, 22 CFR 17 Thomas R. Pickering foreign affairs/graduate foreign affairs fellowship program, 22 CFR 196 Foreign Service Impasse Disputes Panel General, 22 CFR 1470 Information availability, 22 CFR 1411 Panel procedures, 22 CFR 1471 Foreign Service Labor Relations Board Conduct decisions and orders, enforcement of Assistant Secretary standards, 22 CFR 1428 Definitions, 22 CFR 1421 Ex parte communications, 22 CFR 1414 Implementation dispute actions, review, 22 CFR 1425 Miscellaneous and general requirements, 22 CFR 1429 Negotiability issues, expedited review, 22 CFR 1424 Official information availability, 22 CFR 1411 Open meetings, 22 CFR 1413 Policy or guidance, general statements, 22 CFR 1427 Purpose and scope of provisions, 22 CFR 1420 Representation proceedings, 22 CFR 1422 Unfair labor practice proceedings, 22 CFR 1423 Foreign trade See al Exports; Fairs and expositions; Foreign relations; Imports; Maritime carriers; Trade adjustment assistance; Trade agreements Acquisition regulations, foreign acquisition Agency for International Development, 48 CFR 725 Agriculture Department, 48 CFR 425 Commerce Department, 48 CFR 1325 Defense Department, 48 CFR 225 Energy Department, 48 CFR 925 Environmental Protection Agency, 48 CFR 1525 Federal Acquisition Regulation, 48 CFR 25 General Services Administration, 48 CFR 525 Housing and Urban Development Department, 48 CFR 2425 Justice Department-- Foreign acquisition, 48 CFR 2825 Patents, data, and copyrights, 48 CFR 2827 [[Page 351]] National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 48 CFR 1825 State Department, 48 CFR 625 Veterans Affairs Department, 48 CFR 825 Chemical Weapons Convention General information and overview, 15 CFR 710 Schedule 1 chemicals, activities involving, 15 CFR 712 Schedule 2 chemicals, activities involving, 15 CFR 713 Schedule 3 chemicals, activities involving, 15 CFR 714 Unscheduled discrete organic chemicals (UDOCs), activities involving, 15 CFR 715 CHIPS funding, clawback, 15 CFR 231 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), 50 CFR 23 Employment and Training Administration Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title I; Administrative provisions, 20 CFR 683 Workforce Investment Act, Title I, administrative provisions, 20 CFR 667 Farm Credit Administration, loan policies and operations, 12 CFR 614 Foreign Assets Control Office Control regulations-- Cuban assets, 31 CFR 515 Diamonds, rough, 31 CFR 592 Iranian transactions and sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 560 Reporting, procedures and penalties, 31 CFR 501 Sanctions regulations-- Belarus, 31 CFR 548 Burma, 31 CFR 525 Central African Republic, 31 CFR 553 Cyber-related, 31 CFR 578 Darfur, 31 CFR 546 Democratic Republic of the Congo, 31 CFR 547 Elections, U.S.; foreign interference, 31 CFR 579 Ethiopia, 31 CFR 550 Foreign narcotics kingpin, 31 CFR 598 Foreign terrorist organizations, 31 CFR 597 Former Liberian regime of Charles Taylor, 31 CFR 593 Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act, 31 CFR 583 Global terrorism, 31 CFR 594 Hizballah, 31 CFR 566 Hong Kong, 31 CFR 585 Hostages and wrongful detention, 31 CFR 526 Illicit drug trade, 31 CFR 599 Iran, 31 CFR 535 Iran, financial, 31 CFR 561 Iranian sector and human rights abuses, 31 CFR 562 Iraq stabilization and insurgency, 31 CFR 576 Lebanon, 31 CFR 549 Libya, 31 CFR 570 Magnitsky Act, 31 CFR 584 Mali, 31 CFR 555 Narcotics trafficking, 31 CFR 536 Nicaragua, 31 CFR 582 North Korea, 31 CFR 510 Russian harmful foreign activities, 31 CFR 587 Somalia, 31 CFR 551 South Sudan, 31 CFR 558 Syria, 31 CFR 542 Syria-related, 31 CFR 569 Terrorism list governments, 31 CFR 596 Transnational criminal organizations, 31 CFR 590 Ukraine, 31 CFR 589 Venezuela, 31 CFR 591 Weapons of mass destruction proliferators, 31 CFR 544 Yemen, 31 CFR 552 Zimbabwe, 31 CFR 541 Weapons of mass destruction trade control regulations, 31 CFR 539 Western Balkans stabilization regulations, 31 CFR 588 Foreign Service functions, protection of U.S. economic and commercial interests, 22 CFR 101 Foreign trade regulations, 15 CFR 30 Importer security filing, 19 CFR 149 Industry and Security Bureau, Chemical Weapons Convention requirements, 15 CFR 745 International trade in services between U.S. and foreign persons survey and surveys of direct investment, 15 CFR 801 [[Page 352]] Investigations to determine effects of modified trade practices on U.S. economy, 19 CFR 205 Small Business Administration, business loans, 13 CFR 120 Trade Agreements Act of 1979, procedures for representations under section 422, 15 CFR 2009 Trade remedy assistance, 19 CFR 213 Trade Representative, Office of U.S. African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), petition process to review eligibility of countries, 15 CFR 2017 Andean Trade Preference Act, eligibility or duty-free treatment of countries under; procedures to petition for withdrawal or suspension, 15 CFR 2016 Generalized System of Preferences, eligibility of articles and countries for, 15 CFR 2007 Trade Act of 1974, as amended; procedures for filing petitions for action under Section 301 of, 15 CFR 2006 Foreign trade zones See al Foreign trade Alcohol, exportation, 27 CFR 28 Customs duties Drawback, 19 CFR 191 Modernized drawback, 19 CFR 190 Customs duties and inspection, 19 CFR 146 Foreign-trade zones in U.S., regulations, 15 CFR 400 Importer security filing, 19 CFR 149 Tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes, exportation without payment of tax or with drawback of tax, 27 CFR 44 Weapons of mass destruction trade control regulations, 31 CFR 539 Foreign-Trade Zones Board Foreign-trade zones in U.S., regulations, 15 CFR 400 Forest Service Administration, 36 CFR 211 Agency programs; public notice and comment for applicable standards, criteria, and guidance, 36 CFR 216 Alaska public lands, subsistence management regulations, 36 CFR 242 Archaeological resources protection, uniform regulations, 36 CFR 296 Cave resources management, 36 CFR 290 Fish and wildlife protection and management, 36 CFR 241 Forest transportation system, travel management, 36 CFR 212 Land and resource management planning, 36 CFR 219 Landownership adjustments, 36 CFR 254 Lands under Title III of Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act, 36 CFR 213 Law enforcement support activities, 36 CFR 262 National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), compliance, 36 CFR 220 National forest areas, prohibitions, 36 CFR 261 National forest lands used for mineral resource mining, 36 CFR 228 National forest land uses, 36 CFR 251 National forest special areas, 36 CFR 294 National Forest System Lands and resources, postdecisional administrative review process for occupancy or use, 36 CFR 214 Timber, special forest products, and forest botanical products, sale and disposal, 36 CFR 223 National forest wilderness-primitive areas, 36 CFR 293 National recreation areas, 36 CFR 292 Official insignia for Forest Service and Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument Symbol, 36 CFR 264 Organization, functions, and procedures, 36 CFR 200 Paleontological resources preservation, 36 CFR 291 Project-level predecisional administrative review processes, 36 CFR 218 Range management, 36 CFR 222 Smokey Bear symbol, 36 CFR 271 State and private forestry assistance, 36 CFR 230 Timber management planning, 36 CFR 221 Travel management, 36 CFR 212 Wild and scenic rivers designated as components of water resources projects protection, 36 CFR 297 Woodsy Owl symbol, 36 CFR 272 Forests and forest products See also [[Page 353]] Agriculture; National forests; Natural resources Agricultural conservation programs Conservation Stewardship Program, 7 CFR 1470 Regional Conservation Partnership Program, 7 CFR 1464 Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentive Program, 7 CFR 1455 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), 50 CFR 23 Emergency Conservation Program, Emergency Forest Restoration Program, and certain related programs, 7 CFR 701 Exports, short supply controls, 15 CFR 754 Foreign workers in U.S., temporary employment, 20 CFR 655 Forestry or logging operations with not more than eight employees, exemptions from minimum wage and overtime pay requirements, 29 CFR 788 Healthy Forests Reserve Program, 7 CFR 625 Indian lands, general forestry regulations, 25 CFR 163 Land classification system, 43 CFR 2400 Land Management Bureau, introduction and general administrative guidance, 43 CFR 1810 National Appeals Division, 7 CFR 11 Naval stores, regulations and standards, 7 CFR 160 Public lands, law enforcement provisions, 43 CFR 9260 Railroad contracts for transportation of agricultural products, 49 CFR 1313 Softwood lumber research, promotion, consumer education and industry information order, 7 CFR 1217 State and private forestry assistance, 36 CFR 230 Timber Annual sale plan, 43 CFR 5410 Competitive sales, advertisement, 43 CFR 5430 Conduct of sales, 43 CFR 5440 Forest management decisions, administration, 43 CFR 5000 Forest products sale, 43 CFR 5400 Free use, 43 CFR 5510 Harvesting-- Contract award, 43 CFR 5450 Contract modification, extension and assignment, 43 CFR 5470 National Forest System timber, special forest products, and forest botanical products, sale and disposal, 36 CFR 223 Nonsale disposals, 43 CFR 5500 Sales-- Administration, 43 CFR 5460 Preparation, 43 CFR 5420 Sustained-yield forest units, 43 CFR 5040 Water pollution, effluent guidelines and standards, point source categories for timber products processing, 40 CFR 429 Trade Representative, Office of U.S.; records and information disclosure, 15 CFR 2004 Forfeitures See Seizures and forfeitures Forgery See al Crime Checks drawn on Treasury, indorsement and payment, 31 CFR 240 Information security matters, 38 CFR 75 Issuance of settlement checks for forged checks drawn on designated depositaries, 31 CFR 235 Formaldehyde Standards for composite wood products, 40 CFR 770 Fossils See Paleontological resources Foster care See Adoption and foster care Foundations Excise taxes, 26 CFR 53 Income taxes, exempt organizations, private foundations, 26 CFR 1 (1.507-1--1.509(e)-1) Temporary excise tax regulations under Tax Reform Act of 1969, 26 CFR 143 Four-H Club See Youth organizations France Tax convention, 26 CFR 514 Fraud See also [[Page 354]] Crime Agriculture Department, administrative regulations, 7 CFR 1 Aliens, Labor certification process for permanent employment in U.S., 20 CFR 656 Civilian Health and Medical Program of Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS), 32 CFR 199 Commerce Department, termination of contracts, 48 CFR 1349 Commodity Credit Corporation Loans and price support programs-- Dairy products, 7 CFR 1430 Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program, 7 CFR 1437 Commodity futures transactions Commodity option transactions, 17 CFR 32 Domestic exchange-traded commodity option transactions, 17 CFR 33 Foreign futures and foreign options transactions, 17 CFR 30 Leverage transactions, gold or silver bullion or bulk coins, 17 CFR 31 Corporation for National and Community Service, Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, 45 CFR 2554 Credit unions, unfair or deceptive acts or practices, 12 CFR 706 Education Department; civil monetary penalties, inflation adjustment, 34 CFR 36 Electronic funds transfers, Federal Government participation in Automated Clearing House, 31 CFR 210 Energy Department, collection of claims owed U.S., 10 CFR 1015 Farm Service Agency, dairy disaster assistance payment program, 7 CFR 786 Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, catastrophic risk protection endorsement, 7 CFR 402 Federal Employees Retirement System, representative payees, 5 CFR 849 Federal Trade Commission, affiliate marketing, 16 CFR 680 Food stamps Agency liabilities and Federal sanctions, 7 CFR 276 Eligible households, certification, 7 CFR 273 State agencies, payments of certain administrative costs, 7 CFR 277 Foreign workers in U.S., temporary employment, 20 CFR 655 General Services Administration, collection of claims owed U.S., 41 CFR 105-55 Homeland Security Department Document fraud, penalties, 8 CFR 270 Program fraud civil remedies, 6 CFR 13 Immigration Review, Executive Office, document fraud penalties, 8 CFR 1270 Information security matters, 38 CFR 75 Inspector General Office, Health and Human Services Department Civil money penalties, assessments, and exclusions, 42 CFR 1003 Appeals, 42 CFR 1005 Introduction, general definitions, 42 CFR 1000 Investigational inquiries, 42 CFR 1006 Program integrity-- Medicare and State health care programs, 42 CFR 1001 State-initiated exclusions from Medicaid, 42 CFR 1002 State Medicaid fraud control units, 42 CFR 1007 Job Training Partnership Act programs, Indian and Native American employment and training programs, 20 CFR 632 Legal Services Corporation recipients, Federal law application, 45 CFR 1640 Maritime and surface transportation security, general rules, 49 CFR 1570 Medicaid, program integrity, 42 CFR 455 Medicare, program integrity, 42 CFR 420 National Endowment for the Arts, Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act regulations, 45 CFR 1149 National Foundation on the Arts and Humanities, Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act regulations, 45 CFR 1174 Occupational Safety and Health Administration, procedures for the handling of retaliation complaints under section 806 of Sarbanes- Oxley Act of 2002, as amended, 29 CFR 1980 Postal Service Administrative subpoenas issuance under 39 U.S.C. 3016, procedures, 39 CFR 913 [[Page 355]] False representation and lottery orders, rules of practice in relative proceedings, 39 CFR 952 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986 Agency for International Development, 22 CFR 224 Army Department, 32 CFR 516 Broadcasting Board of Governors, 22 CFR 521 Commerce Department, 15 CFR 25 Defense Department, 32 CFR 277 Education Department, 34 CFR 33 Energy Department, 10 CFR 1013 Environmental Protection Agency, 40 CFR 27 Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, 7 CFR 400 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 12 CFR 308 Federal Housing Finance Agency, 12 CFR 1217 General Services Administration, 41 CFR 105-70 Health and Human Services Department, 45 CFR 79 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 28 Interior Department, 43 CFR 35 Justice Department, 28 CFR 71 Labor Department, 29 CFR 22 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 14 CFR 1264 National Science Foundation, 45 CFR 681 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 10 CFR 13 Personnel Management Office, 5 CFR 185 Postal Service-- Administration, 39 CFR 273 Practice rules in proceedings, 39 CFR 962 Railroad Retirement Board, 20 CFR 355 Small Business Administration, 13 CFR 142 State Department, 22 CFR 35 Transportation Department, 49 CFR 31 Treasury Department, 31 CFR 16 Veterans Affairs Department, 38 CFR 42 Public assistance programs, 45 CFR 235 Public housing agency Section 8 fraud recoveries, 24 CFR 792 Securities and Exchange Commission Investment Company Act of 1940, rules and regulations, 17 CFR 270 Privacy of consumer financial information and safeguarding personal information; affiliate marketing limitations; and identity theft red flags (Regulations S-P, S-AM, and S-ID), 17 CFR 248 Regulations M, SHO, ATS, AC and NMS and customer margin requirements for security futures, 17 CFR 242 Securities Exchange Act of 1934-- Forms, 17 CFR 249 General rules and regulations, 17 CFR 240 Small Business Administration, business loans, 13 CFR 120 Social Security Administration, civil monetary penalties, assessments and recommended exclusions, 20 CFR 498 Tricare Program, civil money penalty authorities, 32 CFR 200 Unemployment compensation Ex-servicemembers, 20 CFR 614 Federal civilian employees, 20 CFR 609 Workers' Compensation Programs Office; Federal Employees' Compensation Act, claims, 20 CFR 10 Freedom of information See al Administrative practice and procedure; Archives and records; Confidential business information Actuaries, Joint Board for the Enrollment, 20 CFR 902 Administrative Conference of the United States, records or information disclosure, 1 CFR 304 African Development Foundation, 22 CFR 1502 Agency for International Development, 22 CFR 212 Agricultural Marketing Service Federal Grain Inspection Service, Fair Trade Practices Program, 7 CFR 800 General regulations, 7 CFR 900 Agricultural Research Service, 7 CFR 510 Agriculture Department Administrative regulations, 7 CFR 1 Economic Research Service, 7 CFR 3701 Finance and Management Office, 7 CFR 3011 Information Resources Management Office, 7 CFR 2710 Inspector General Office, 7 CFR 2620 [[Page 356]] National Appeals Division, 7 CFR 11 National Institute of Food and Agriculture, 7 CFR 3404 Operations Office, 7 CFR 2811 World Agricultural Outlook Board, 7 CFR 3801 Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Bureau, 27 CFR 70 American Battle Monuments Commission, 36 CFR 404 Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, 7 CFR 370, 9 CFR 165 Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board, 36 CFR 1120 Broadcasting Board of Governors, 22 CFR 503 Census Bureau, 15 CFR 60 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Medicare program, 42 CFR 401 Central Intelligence Agency, 32 CFR 1900 Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board Legal proceedings-- Employee testimony, 1611 Records production, 1612 Records disclosure procedures, 40 CFR 1601 Civil Rights Commission, 45 CFR 704 Coast Guard, 33 CFR 1 Commerce Department, 15 CFR 4, 48 CFR 1324 Commodity Credit Corporation, 7 CFR 798 Commodity Futures Trading Commission Derivatives clearing organizations, 17 CFR 39 Records and information, 17 CFR 145 Swap dealers and major swap participants, 17 CFR 23 Comptroller of the Currency CRA-related agreements, disclosure and reporting, 12 CFR 35 Information availability and release, 12 CFR 4 Organization and functions, information availability and release, contracting outreach program, post-employment restrictions for senior examiners, 12 CFR 4 Consumer Product Safety Commission Information disclosure, policies and procedures, 1016 Information disclosure or production procedures, 16 CFR 1015 Records and information disclosure and employee testimony in private litigation, 12 CFR 1070 Copyright Office, Library of Congress, 37 CFR 203, 37 CFR 251 Copyright Royalty Board, Library of Congress, 37 CFR 302 Corporation for National and Community Service Disclosure procedures, 45 CFR 2507 Official information, production or disclosure, 45 CFR 1201 Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia, 28 CFR 802 Customs and Border Protection, 19 CFR 103 Defense Department Acquisition-related information, release, 32 CFR 286h Defense Nuclear Agency, 32 CFR 338 Freedom of Information Act, 32 CFR 286 Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board, 10 CFR 1703 Education Department, 34 CFR 5 Election Assistance Commission, records disclosure procedures under Freedom of Information Act, 11 CFR 9405 Emergency Oil and Gas Guaranteed Loan Board, Emergency Oil and Gas Guaranteed Loan Program, 13 CFR 500 Emergency Steel Guarantee Loan Board, Emergency Steel Guarantee Loan Program, 13 CFR 400 Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, reporting and disclosure, 29 CFR 2520 Energy Department General, 10 CFR 1004 Oil, international voluntary agreements, 10 CFR 209 Environmental Protection Agency Public information, 40 CFR 2 Toxic chemical release reporting, community right-to-know, 40 CFR 372 Environmental Quality Council, 40 CFR 1515 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 29 CFR 1610, 29 CFR 1612 Executive Office of the President Presidential records, 36 CFR 1270 [[Page 357]] Public information provisions of the Administrative Procedures Act, 3 CFR 101 Export-Import Bank, 12 CFR 404 Farm Credit Administration, 12 CFR 602 Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation, 12 CFR 1402 Farm Service Agency Information availability to the public, 7 CFR 798 Organization, 7 CFR 2003 Federal Acquisition Regulation, 48 CFR 24 Federal Communications Commission, 47 CFR 0 Federal Contract Compliance Programs Office, 41 CFR 60-40 Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, 7 CFR 412 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Forms, instructions, and reports required of banks, 12 CFR 304 Information disclosure, 12 CFR 309 Federal Election Commission, disclosure of records procedures, 11 CFR 4 Federal Emergency Management Agency Defense preparedness, voluntary agreements under section 708 of Defense Production Act of 1950, 44 CFR 332 Information, production or disclosure, 44 CFR 5 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 18 CFR 388 Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council, Appraiser regulation, 12 CFR 1102 Office description, procedures, public information, 12 CFR 1101 Federal Housing Finance Agency, 12 CFR 1202 Federal Labor Relations Authority, 5 CFR 2411, 22 CFR 1411 Federal Maritime Commission, 46 CFR 503 Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, 29 CFR 1401 Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission, 29 CFR 2702 Federal Open Market Committee, 12 CFR 271 Federal Reserve System, 12 CFR 261 Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board, 5 CFR 1631 Federal Service Impasses Panel, 5 CFR 2411 Federal Trade Commission, 16 CFR 4 Federal Transit Administration, 49 CFR 601 Financial Stability Oversight Council, 12 CFR 1301 Fine Arts Commission, 45 CFR 2105 Fiscal Service, Public Debt Bureau, 31 CFR 323 Food and Drug Administration, 21 CFR 20 Food and Nutrition Service, 7 CFR 295 Food Safety and Inspection Service Freedom of Information and public information, 9 CFR 390 Rulemaking petitions, 9 CFR 392 Foreign Agricultural Service, Agriculture Department, 7 CFR 1520 Foreign Claims Settlement Commission, 45 CFR 502 Foreign Service Impasse Disputes Panel, 22 CFR 1411 Foreign Service Labor Relations Board, 22 CFR 1411 Forest Service, 36 CFR 200 General Services Administration; agency records and informational materials, public availability, 41 CFR 105-60 Government Accountability Office, public availability of records, 4 CFR 81 Government Ethics Office, 5 CFR 2604 Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council, records availability, 40 CFR 1850 Health and Human Services Department Freedom of information regulations, 45 CFR 5 Statutory conscience rights protection in health care, authority delegations, 45 CFR 88 Historic Preservation Advisory Council, 36 CFR 810 Homeland Security Department Immigration regulations; benefit requests, USCIS filing requirements, biometric requirements, records availability, 8 CFR 103 REAL ID driver's licenses and identification cards, 6 CFR 37 Records and information disclosure, 6 CFR 5 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 15 Office of Inspector General, 24 CFR 2002 Independent Counsel Office, 28 CFR 701 Information Security Oversight Office [[Page 358]] Classified National security information, 32 CFR 2001 Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), 32 CFR 2002 Integrity and Efficiency, Council of the Inspectors General on, 5 CFR 9800 Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator Office, public availability of information, 5 CFR 10400 Inter-American Foundation, 22 CFR 1002 Interior Department, records and testimony, 43 CFR 2 Internal Revenue Service, 26 CFR 601 International Boundary and Water Commission, U.S. and Mexico, 22 CFR 1102 International Development Cooperation Agency, 22 CFR 1201 International Development Finance Corporation, U.S. Access to and safeguarding of personal information, 22 CFR 707 Information disclosure, 22 CFR 706 International Trade Administration, antidumping and countervailing duties, 19 CFR 351 International Trade Commission, 19 CFR 201 Justice Department Acquisition regulations, 48 CFR 2824 Records or information, disclosure or production, 28 CFR 16 Labor Department, 29 CFR 70 Land Management Bureau, paleontological resources preservation, 43 CFR 49 Legal Services Corporation Case information disclosure, 45 CFR 1644 Disclosure procedures, 45 CFR 1602, 45 CFR 1619 Libraries and Information Science, National Commission, 45 CFR 1701 Management and Budget Office, 5 CFR 1303 Marine Mammal Commission, 50 CFR 520 Merit Systems Protection Board, 5 CFR 1204 Millennium Challenge Corporation, production or disclosure of information, 22 CFR 1304 Morris K. Udall Scholarship and Excellence in National Environmental Policy Foundation, 36 CFR 1600 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 14 CFR 1206 National Agricultural Statistics Service, 7 CFR 3601 National Archives and Records Administration Presidential Records Act, implementation, 36 CFR 1270 Records and donated historical materials, use of, 36 CFR 1254 Records subject to FOIA, public availability and use, 36 CFR 1250 National Capital Planning Commission, 1 CFR 602 National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service; systems of records, 1 CFR 426 National Counterintelligence Center, 32 CFR 1800 National Credit Union Administration, 12 CFR 792 National Drug Control Policy Office, 21 CFR 1401 National Endowment for the Arts, records disclosure procedures, 45 CFR 1148 National Endowment for the Humanities Agency records, public access, 45 CFR 1171 Implementation, 45 CFR 1184 National Foundation on Arts and Humanities, 45 CFR 1100 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration; confidential business information, 49 CFR 512 National Indian Gaming Commission, procedures, 25 CFR 517 National Intelligence; Office of the Director Disclosure of records; procedures, 32 CFR 1700 National Labor Relations Board, 29 CFR 102 National Mediation Board, 29 CFR 1208 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 15 CFR 903 National Railroad Passenger Corporation (AMTRAK), 49 CFR 701 National Science Foundation, 45 CFR 612 National Transportation Safety Board, 49 CFR 801 Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation Office, 25 CFR 700 Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation, 24 CFR 4100 Nuclear Regulatory Commission [[Page 359]] Practice and procedure rules, 10 CFR 2 Public records, 10 CFR 9 Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board, public information and requests, 10 CFR 1303 Occupational Safety and Health Administration, 29 CFR 1912 Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission, 29 CFR 2201 Ocean Energy Management Bureau Geological and geophysical explorations of the Outer Continental Shelf, 30 CFR 551 Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Information Program, 30 CFR 552 Patent and Trademark Office, 37 CFR 1 Government information disclosure, 37 CFR 102 Legal processes, 37 CFR 104 Peace Corps, 22 CFR 303 Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation, 36 CFR 902 Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, 29 CFR 4901 People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled, Committee for Purchase From Agency materials, public availability, 41 CFR 51-8 Committee documents or information, production or disclosure in Federal and State proceedings, 41 CFR 51-11 Personnel Management Office, 5 CFR 294 Classification of positions under General Schedule, 5 CFR 511 Employment practices, general, 5 CFR 300 Pay-- Critical position pay authority, 5 CFR 535 Grade and pay retention, 5 CFR 536 Prevailing pay rate systems, 5 CFR 532 Personnel investigations, 5 CFR 736 Personnel records, 5 CFR 293 Postal Regulatory Commission General description, 39 CFR 3000 Practice and procedure rules, 39 CFR 3010 Public records and Freedom of Information Act, 39 CFR 3006 Postal Service Inspector General Office, 39 CFR 230 Material or information, production or disclosure, 39 CFR 265 Presidio Trust, 36 CFR 1007 Prisons Bureau, 28 CFR 513 Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board, 6 CFR 1001 Public Health Service, patient safety organizations and patient safety work product, 42 CFR 3 Railroad Retirement Board, 20 CFR 200 Rural Business-Cooperative Service, organization, 7 CFR 2003 Rural Development, 7 CFR 2018 Rural Housing Service, organization, 7 CFR 2003 Rural Utilities Service General information, 7 CFR 1700 Organization, 7 CFR 2003 Safety and Environmental Enforcement Bureau, Outer Continental Shelf Geological and geophysical explorations, 30 CFR 251 Oil and Gas Information Program, 30 CFR 252 Science and Technology Policy Office, 32 CFR 2402 Securities and Exchange Commission, 17 CFR 200 Selective Service System, 32 CFR 1662 Small Business Administration, 13 CFR 102 Social Security Administration, official records and information Privacy and disclosure, 20 CFR 401 Public availability, 20 CFR 402 Soil Conservation Service, 7 CFR 661 Special Counsel Office, production of records or testimony under the Freedom of Information Act requests, 5 CFR 1820 Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction Records and information disclosure, 5 CFR 9301 Request for testimony or the production of records in a court or other proceedings in which the U.S. is not a party, 5 CFR 9302 State Department, 22 CFR 171 Chemical Weapons Convention and Chemical Weapons Implementation Act of 1988, taking of samples and enforcement of recordkeeping and inspection requirements, 22 CFR 103 [[Page 360]] National Endowment for Democracy records availability, 22 CFR 66 Public access to information, 22 CFR 171 Public diplomacy program material in the U.S., availability, 22 CFR 173 Surface Transportation Board Fees, 49 CFR 1002 Inspection of records, 49 CFR 1001 Tennessee Valley Authority, 18 CFR 1301 Trade Representative, Office of U.S.; records and information disclosure, 15 CFR 2004 Transportation Department, public availability, 49 CFR 7 Treasury Department, 31 CFR 1 Veterans Affairs Department Acquisition regulations, privacy protection and freedom of information, 48 CFR 824 General provisions, 38 CFR 1 Water Resources Council, 18 CFR 701 Freely Associated States See Pacific Islands Trust Territory Freight See al Hazardous materials transportation; Transportation Air carriers Aircraft accident liability insurance, 14 CFR 205 Aviation insurance, 14 CFR 198 Cargo operations in interstate air transportation, 14 CFR 291 Domestic baggage liability, 14 CFR 254 General aircraft operating and flight rules, 14 CFR 91 Intermodal cargo services by foreign air carriers, 14 CFR 222 International cargo transportation, 14 CFR 292 Tariffs, 14 CFR 221 Cargo containers safety Control and enforcement, 49 CFR 453 Examination, 49 CFR 452 General, 49 CFR 450 Testing and approval, 49 CFR 451 Credit extension to shippers by rail common carriers, motor common carriers, water common carriers, and freight forwarders, 32 CFR 1320 Customs duties and inspection Air commerce regulations, 19 CFR 122 Cargo container and road vehicle certification pursuant to international customs conventions, 19 CFR 115 Carriers, cartmen, and lightermen, licensing and bonding, 19 CFR 112 Cartage and lighterage of merchandise, 19 CFR 125 CBP relations with Canada and Mexico, 19 CFR 123 Customs bonds, 19 CFR 113 Customs financial and accounting procedure, 19 CFR 24 Customs warehouses and container stations, control of merchandise in, 19 CFR 19 Express consignments, 19 CFR 128 General order, unclaimed, and abandoned merchandise, 19 CFR 127 Merchandise, special classes, 19 CFR 12 Relief on merchandise lost, damaged, abandoned, or exported, 19 CFR 158 Transportation in bond and merchandise in transit, 19 CFR 18 Vessels in foreign and domestic trades, 19 CFR 4 Distilled spirits Labeling and advertising, 27 CFR 5 Plants, 27 CFR 19 Distilled spirits, wine, and beer; importation, 27 CFR 27 Explosives, commerce, 27 CFR 555 Federal Acquisition Regulation Contract administration and audit services, 48 CFR 42 Transportation, 48 CFR 47 Federal Management Regulation, transportation management, 41 CFR 102-117 Federal Property Management Regulations, transportation and traffic management, 41 CFR 101-40 Firearms and ammunition, commerce in, 27 CFR 478 Government Losses in Shipment Act Claims, 31 CFR 361 Declaration of valuables, 31 CFR 362 Importer security filing, 19 CFR 149 Justice Department, contract administration and audit services, 48 CFR 2842 Liquors and articles from Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands, 27 CFR 26 Malt beverages, labeling and advertising, 27 CFR 7 [[Page 361]] Maritime carriers Cargo preference, U.S.-flag vessels, 46 CFR 381 Carrier automated tariffs, 46 CFR 520 Determination of fair and reasonable rates for carriage of bulk and packaged preference cargoes on U.S.-flag commercial vessels, 46 CFR 382 Marine terminal operator schedules, 46 CFR 525 Ocean common carriers and marine terminal operators, agreements subject to Shipping Act of 1984, 46 CFR 535 Ocean transportation intermediaries; licensing, registration, financial responsibility requirements, and general duties, 46 CFR 515 Service contracts, 46 CFR 530 War risk insurance, 46 CFR 308 Motor carriers Financial responsibility, minimum levels, 49 CFR 387 Household goods transportation in interstate commerce; consumer protection regulations, 49 CFR 375 Motor carrier platform handling factors, use of 1977-1978 study of, 49 CFR 1120 Passenger carrier regulations, 49 CFR 374 Receipts and bills, 49 CFR 373 Unified Carrier Registration Plan and Agreement, standards for registration with States, 49 CFR 367 Occupational safety and health Longshoring regulations, 29 CFR 1918 Marine terminals, 29 CFR 1917 Railroads Cars loaded and cars terminated, report, 49 CFR 1247 Commodity statistics, 49 CFR 1248 Export and import shipments, 49 CFR 1302 Freight car safety standards, 49 CFR 215 Waybill analysis of transportation of property, 49 CFR 1244 Rate procedures, recovery of damages, 49 CFR 1133 Wine, labeling and advertising, 27 CFR 4 Vessel cargo gear certification, 29 CFR 1919 Freight forwarders See al Common carriers Air carriers Foreign air freight forwarders and foreign cooperative shippers associations, 14 CFR 297 Indirect air transportation of property, 14 CFR 296 Applications under 49 U.S.C. 10706 and 13703, 49 CFR 1331 Civilian Board of Contract Appeals, acquisition regulations, transportation rate cases, 48 CFR 6103 Commercial zones and terminal areas, exemptions, 49 CFR 372 Containerized freight, practices of carriers involved in intermodal movement, 49 CFR 1090 Exemptions, 49 CFR 1319 Hazardous materials; shippers, shipments and packaging general requirements, 49 CFR 173 Household goods carriers, tariff requirements, 49 CFR 1310 Investigation and voluntary disposition of loss and damage claims and processing salvage, principles and practices, 49 CFR 1005 Motor carriers Financial responsibility, minimum levels, 49 CFR 387 FMCSA proceedings, rules of practice, 49 CFR 386 Loss and damage claims and processing salvage, investigation and voluntary disposition, principles and practices, 49 CFR 370 Registration and insurance fees, 49 CFR 360 Routing regulations, 49 CFR 356 Unified Carrier Registration Plan and Agreement, standards for registration with States, 49 CFR 367 Ocean transportation intermediaries; licensing, registration, financial responsibility requirements, and general duties, 46 CFR 515 Operating authority applications, governing rules, 49 CFR 365 Overcharge, duplicate payment, or overcollection claims, procedures governing processing, investigation, and disposition, 49 CFR 378 [[Page 362]] Rate-making organization, records and reports, 49 CFR 1253 Receipts and bills, 49 CFR 373 Records preservation, 49 CFR 379, 49 CFR 1220 Surface mail transportation, filing contracts, 49 CFR 1332 Surface Transportation Board, civil monetary penalty inflation adjustment, 49 CFR 1022 Tariffs for transportation of property by or with water carrier in noncontiguous domestic trade; publication, posting, and filing, 49 CFR 1312 Transportation charges, payment, 49 CFR 377 Transportation Security Administration, civil aviation security, aircraft operator security, air carriers and commercial operators, 49 CFR 1544 Uniform Systems of Accounts, Interstate Commerce Act, general accounting regulations, 49 CFR 1200 Fringe benefits See Employee benefit plans Frozen foods See al Foods Common or usual name for distinguishing purposes for certain frozen foods, 21 CFR 102 Desserts, 21 CFR 135 Fruit pies, food grades and standards, 21 CFR 152 Meat inspection, mandatory, definitions and standards of identity or composition for meat products, 9 CFR 319 Nutritional quality guidelines, 21 CFR 104 Processed fruits and vegetables, processed products thereof, and certain other processed food products, 7 CFR 52 Seafood Fish and shellfish, general provisions and requirements for specific standardized fish and shellfish, 21 CFR 161 Grade standards, 50 CFR 261 Vegetables, grade standards, 21 CFR 158 Fruit juices See al Beverages Canned, standards, 21 CFR 146 Commodity laboratory testing programs, processed fruits and vegetables, 7 CFR 93 Customs examination, sampling, and testing of merchandise, 19 CFR 151 Hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) systems, 21 CFR 120 Processed fruits and vegetables ,processed products thereof, and certain other processed food products, 7 CFR 52 Wine, treatment and classification, 27 CFR 24 Fruits See al Agricultural commodities; Foods; specific fruits Canned fruits, standards, 21 CFR 145 Commodity laboratory testing programs, processed fruits and vegetables, 7 CFR 93 Emergency agricultural disaster assistance programs, 7 CFR 1416 Fresh fruits, vegetables and other products (inspection, certification, and standards), 7 CFR 51 Fruit butters, jellies, preserves, and related products, 21 CFR 150 Fruit pies, 21 CFR 152 Imports, procedures to monitor Canadian fresh fruit and vegetable imports, 7 CFR 1560 Plant protection and quarantine Foreign quarantine notices, 7 CFR 319 State of Hawaii and territories quarantine notices, 7 CFR 318 Processed fruits and vegetables, processed products thereof, and certain other processed food products, 7 CFR 52 Produce for human consumption; growing, harvesting, packing, and holding standards, 21 CFR 112 Volatile fruit flavor concentrate, production, 27 CFR 18 Water pollution, effluent guidelines and standards, point source categories, canned and preserved fruits and vegetables processing, 40 CFR 407 Fuel See Diesel Fuel; Energy; Gasoline; Gasohol; Motor vehicles; Petroleum Fuel additives See al Gasoline; Petroleum Air pollution control, fuels and fuel additives Registration, 40 CFR 79 Regulation, 40 CFR 80 [[Page 363]] Automotive fuel ratings, certification and posting, 16 CFR 306 Biodiesel Fuel Education Program, 7 CFR 2903 Commodity Credit Corporation, bioenergy program, 7 CFR 1424 Fuels, fuel additives, and regulated blendstocks; regulation, 40 CFR 1090 Fuel economy See al Energy conservation; Gasoline; Motor vehicles Advertising guide for new automobiles, 16 CFR 259 Alternative fuel transportation program, 10 CFR 490 Alternative fuels and alternative fueled vehicles, labeling requirements, 16 CFR 309 Automotive fuel economy reports by manufacturers, 49 CFR 537 Automobile Fuel Efficiency Act of 1980, petitions and plans for relief, 49 CFR 526 Automobiles (new), advertising guide, 16 CFR 269 Fuel economy standards Light trucks, 49 CFR 533 Passenger automobiles, 49 CFR 531 Exemptions, 49 CFR 525 Manufacturers of multistage automobiles, 49 CFR 529 Manufacturing incentives for alternative fuel vehicles, 49 CFR 538 Medium-and heavy-duty vehicle fuel efficiency program, 49 CFR 535 Motor vehicles, fuel economy and greenhouse gas exhaust emissions, 40 CFR 600 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Fuel economy credits, transfer and trading, 49 CFR 536 Manufacturers responsibilities and rights in changing corporate relationships, 49 CFR 534 Passenger automobiles and light trucks, standards, adjudicative procedures, 49 CFR 511 Recycle and Save Act Program, consumer assistance requirements and procedures, 49 CFR 599 Retrofit devices on motor vehicles, 40 CFR 610 Vehicle classification, 49 CFR 523 Funding portals See Crowdfunding; Electronic funds transfer G Gambling See al Lotteries Casinos, financial recordkeeping and reporting of currency and foreign transactions, 31 CFR 103 Employment taxes and collection of income tax at source, 26 CFR 31 Excise tax on transportation by water, 26 CFR 43 Facility license notifications and submissions, 25 CFR 559 Financial Crimes Enforcement Network Brokers or dealers, rules, 31 CFR 1023 Casinos and card clubs, rules, 31 CFR 1021 Dealers in precious metals, precious stones, or jewels, rules, 31 CFR 1027 Futures Commission merchants and introducing brokers in communities, rules, 31 CFR 1026 General provisions, 31 CFR 1010 Housing Government sponsored enterprises, rules, 31 CFR 1030 Insurance companies, rules, 31 CFR 1025 Money services businesses, rules, 31 CFR 1022 Mutual funds, rules, 31 CFR 1024 Operators of credit card systems, rules, 31 CFR 1028 Forfeiture authority for certain statutes, 28 CFR 8 Gambling devices, 28 CFR 3 Indian Affairs Bureau Class III gaming procedures, 25 CFR 291 Class III Tribal-State gaming compact process, 25 CFR 293 Gaming on trust lands acquired after October 17, 1988, 25 CFR 292 Tribal revenue allocation plans, 25 CFR 290 National Indian Gaming Commission Appeal proceedings before the Commission-- [[Page 364]] Gaming ordinances, resolutions, or amendments; appeals of disapprovals, 25 CFR 582 General application, rules, 25 CFR 580 Management contracts or amendments to management contracts, appeals from approvals or disapprovals, 25 CFR 583 Motions, 25 CFR 581 Appeals, 25 CFR 585 Appeals before a presiding official, 25 CFR 584 Background investigations for primary management officials and key employees, 25 CFR 556 Class II gaming-- Minimum internal control standards, 25 CFR 543 Self-regulation, 25 CFR 518 Systems and equipment, minimum technical standards, 25 CFR 547 Debt collection, 25 CFR 513 Definitions, 25 CFR 502 Fees, 25 CFR 514 Gaming licenses for key employees and primary management officials, 25 CFR 558 Gaming ordinances or resolutions-- Review and approval of existing, 25 CFR 523 Submission, 25 CFR 522 Indian Gaming Regulatory Act-- Civil fines, 25 CFR 575 Compliance and enforcement, 25 CFR 573 Monitoring and investigations, 25 CFR 571 Management contracts-- Approval, 25 CFR 533 Background investigations for persons or entities with financial interest in, or having management responsibility, 25 CFR 537 Content, 25 CFR 531 Post-approval procedures, 25 CFR 535 Minimum internal control standards, 25 CFR 542 Purpose and scope of chapter, 25 CFR 501 Service of official documents, 25 CFR 519 Testimony of commissioners and employees and former commissioners and employees respecting official duties; response to subpoena, 25 CFR 516 Seized personal property disposition, 26 CFR 403 Taxes on wagering, effective January 1, 1955, 26 CFR 44 Unlawful Internet gambling, funding prohibition, 12 CFR 233, 31 CFR 132 Gaming See Gambling Garnishment of wages See Wages Gas exploration See Oil and gas exploration Gas reserves See Oil and gas reserves Gas utilities See Natural gas Gases See al Greenhouse gases; Natural gas; specific gases Dangerous cargoes, self-propelled vessels carrying bulk liquefied gases, safety standards, 46 CFR 154 Occupational safety and health standards Construction industry, 29 CFR 1926 Federal standards, 29 CFR 1910 Tank vessels, transporting liquefied flammable gases, 46 CFR 38 Underground metal and nonmetal mines, safety and health standards, 30 CFR 57 Voluntary greenhouse gas reporting program, general guidelines, 10 CFR 300 Gasohol See al Alcohol and alcoholic beverages; Gasoline Commodity Credit Corporation, bioenergy program, 7 CFR 1424 Distilled spirits plants, 27 CFR 19 Manufacturers and retailers excise taxes, 26 CFR 48 Gasoline See al Fuel economy; Gasohol; Petroleum Air pollution control, performance standards for new stationary sources, 40 CFR 60 Alternative fuel transportation program, 10 CFR 490 Automotive fuel ratings, certification and posting, 16 CFR 306 [[Page 365]] Children's Gasoline Burn Prevention Act regulations, 16 CFR 1460 Excise taxes, manufacturers and retailers, 26 CFR 48 Fuels and fuel additives Registration, 40 CFR 79 Regulation, 40 CFR 80 Fuels, fuel additives, and regulated blendstocks; regulation, 40 CFR 1090 Gasoline additives See Fuel additives Gemstones Foreign Assets Control Office; rough diamonds, control regulations, 31 CFR 592 General Services Administration Acquisition Regulations Acquisition Regulations System, 48 CFR 501 Administrative matters, 48 CFR 504 Application of labor laws to Government acquisitions, 48 CFR 22, 48 CFR 222, 48 CFR 522 Bonds and insurance, 48 CFR 528 Civilian Board of Contract Appeals-- Board procedure rules, 48 CFR 6101 Crop insurance cases, procedure rules, 48 CFR 6102 Decisions authorized under 31 U.S.C. 3529, procedure rules, 48 CFR 6105 Transportation rate cases, procedure rules, 48 CFR 6103 Travel and relocation expenses cases, procedure rules, 48 CFR 6104 Commercial products and commercial services, 48 CFR 512 Construction and architect-engineer contracts, 48 CFR 536 Contract administration and audit services, 48 CFR 542 Contract financing, 48 CFR 532 Contract modifications, 48 CFR 543 Contract types, 48 CFR 16 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 515 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 509 Definitions of words and terms, 48 CFR 502 Describing agency needs, 48 CFR 511 Emergency acquisitions, 48 CFR 18 Environment, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety and drug-free workplace, 48 CFR 523 Federal Supply Schedule contracting, 48 CFR 538 Foreign acquisition, 48 CFR 525 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 503 Patents, data, and copyrights, 48 CFR 527 Privacy protection and freedom of information, 48 CFR 24 Protests, disputes and appeals, 48 CFR 533 Quality assurance, 48 CFR 546 Real property, acquiring leasehold interests, 48 CFR 570 Sealed bidding, 48 CFR 514 Service contracting, 48 CFR 537 Simplified acquisition procedures, 48 CFR 513 Small business programs, 48 CFR 519 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 552 Special contracting methods, 48 CFR 517 Taxes, 48 CFR 529 Transportation, 48 CFR 547 Types of contracts, 48 CFR 516 Utility services, 48 CFR 541 Administration wage garnishment, 41 CFR 105-57 Advisory committee management, 41 CFR 105-54 Agency property management regulations Collection of claims owed U.S., 41 CFR 105-55 Document security and declassification, 41 CFR 105-62 Introduction, 41 CFR 105-1 Organization and functions, statement, 41 CFR 105-53 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 41 CFR 105-70 Provision of special or technical services to State and local units of Government, 41 CFR 105-50 Salary offset for indebtedness of General Services Administration employees to U.S., 41 CFR 105-56 Sale of personal property, 41 CFR 105-67 Seized, forfeited, voluntarily abandoned and unclaimed personal property disposition, 41 CFR 102-41 [[Page 366]] Agency records and informational materials, public availability, 41 CFR 105-60 Collection of claims owed U.S., 41 CFR 105-55 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 41 CFR 105-68 Document security and declassification, 41 CFR 105-62 Domestic gold and silver operations, sale of silver, 31 CFR 56 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 41 CFR 105-74 Employee deaths, agency requirements for payment of expenses connected with, 41 CFR 303-70 Federal Acquisition Regulation Administrative and information matters, 48 CFR 4 Acquisition planning, 48 CFR 7 Agency needs, description, 48 CFR 11 Commercial products and commercial services, acquisition of, 48 CFR 12 Competition requirements, 48 CFR 6 Market research, 48 CFR 10 Publicizing contract actions, 48 CFR 5 Qualifications, 48 CFR 9 Supplies and services, required sources, 48 CFR 8 Clauses and forms-- Forms, 48 CFR 53 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 52 Contract management-- Contract administration and audit services, 48 CFR 42 Contract termination, 48 CFR 49 Contractors, uses of government sources by, 48 CFR 51 Extraordinary contractual actions and the SAFETY Act, 48 CFR 50 Government property, 48 CFR 45 Modifiers, 48 CFR 43 Quality assurance, 48 CFR 46 Subcontracting policies and procedures, 48 CFR 44 Transportation , 48 CFR 47 Utility services, 48 CFR 41 Value engineering, 48 CFR 48 Contract methods and contract types-- Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 15 Emergency acquisitions, 48 CFR 18 Sealed bidding, 48 CFR 14 Simplified acquisition procedures, 48 CFR 13 Small business programs, 48 CFR 19 Special contracting methods, 48 CFR 17 Definitions of words and terms, 48 CFR 2 Federal Acquisition Regulation System, 48 CFR 1 General contracting requirements-- Bonds and insurance, 48 CFR 28 Contract cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 31 Contract financing, 48 CFR 32 Cost accounting standards administration, 48 CFR 30 Patents, data, and copyrights, 48 CFR 27 Protests, disputes, and appeals, 48 CFR 33 Taxes, 48 CFR 29 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 3 Socioeconomic programs-- Environment, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace, 48 CFR 23 Foreign acquisition, 48 CFR 25 Labor laws, application to government acquisitions, 48 CFR 22 Other programs, 48 CFR 26 Privacy and Freedom of Information, protection of, 48 CFR 24 Special contracting categories-- Construction and architect-engineer contracts, 48 CFR 36 Federal Supply Schedule contracting, 48 CFR 38 Information technology, 48 CFR 39 Major system acquisition, 48 CFR 34 Research and development contracting, 48 CFR 35 Service contracting, 48 CFR 37 Utility services, acquisition, 48 CFR 41 Federal Management Regulation Donation of surplus personal property, 41 CFR 102-37 Excess personal property, disposition, 41 CFR 102-36 Federal advisory committee management, 41 CFR 102-3 [[Page 367]] Federal management regulation system, 41 CFR 102-2 Foreign gifts and decorations, utilization, donation, and disposal, 41 CFR 101-49 Government aircraft management, 41 CFR 102-33 House-to-work transportation, 41 CFR 102-5 Location of space, 41 CFR 102-83 Mail management, 41 CFR 102-192 Motor vehicle management, 41 CFR 102-34 Personal property replacement, exchange/sale authority, 41 CFR 102-39 Real property-- Art in architecture, 41 CFR 102-77 Authority delegation, 41 CFR 102-72 Design and construction, 41 CFR 102-76 Disposal, 41 CFR 102-75 Facility management, 41 CFR 102-74 General, 41 CFR 102-71 GSA space occupancy, pricing policy, 41 CFR 102-85 Historic preservation, 41 CFR 102-78 Physical security, 41 CFR 102-81 Real estate acquisition, 41 CFR 102-73 Safety and environmental management, 41 CFR 102-80 Space assignment and utilization, 41 CFR 102-79 Utility service, 41 CFR 102-82 Records creation, maintenance, and use, 41 CFR 102-193 Sale of personal property, 41 CFR 102-38 Standard and optional forms management program, 41 CFR 102-194 Transportation management, 41 CFR 102-117 Transportation payment and audit, 41 CFR 102-118 Federal Property Management Regulations Annual real property inventories, 41 CFR 101-3 Federal buildings and complexes, centralized services, 41 CFR 101-5 Federal Catalog System, 41 CFR 101-30 Federal mail management, 41 CFR 101-9 Federal product descriptions, 41 CFR 101-29 Federal records and standard and optional forms, 41 CFR 101-11 Fire protection (fire safety) engineering, 41 CFR 101-6 Foreign gifts and decorations, utilization, donation, and disposal, 41 CFR 101-49 General, 41 CFR 101-1 List of temporary regulations, 41 CFR Ch. 101 Subch. A App. Government aviation administration and coordination, 41 CFR 101-37 Hazardous materials and certain categories of property, utilization and disposal, 41 CFR 101-42 Interagency fleet management systems, 41 CFR 101-39 Inventory management, 41 CFR 101-27 Motor vehicle management, 41 CFR 101-38 Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs, 41 CFR 101-6, 41 CFR 101-8 Official use of passenger carriers between residence and place of employment, 41 CFR 101-6 Personal property-- Abandoned and forfeited, utilization, donation, or disposal, 41 CFR 101-48 Disposition, 41 CFR 102-35 Donation of surplus, 41 CFR 101-44 Replacement; exchange/sale authority, 41 CFR 101-46 Sale, abandonment, or destruction, 41 CFR 101-45 Utilization, 41 CFR 101-43 Procurement sources and programs, 41 CFR 101-26 Property utilization and disposal, list of temporary regulations, 41 CFR Ch. 101 Subch. H App. Public buildings-- Construction and alteration, 41 CFR 101-19 Federal buildings fund, 41 CFR 101-21 Management of buildings and grounds, 41 CFR 101-20 Real property acquisition, 41 CFR 101-18 [[Page 368]] Public buildings and space, list of temporary regulations, 41 CFR Ch. 101 Subch. D App. Public utilities, 41 CFR 101-33 Real property utilization and disposal, 41 CFR 101-47 Ridesharing, 41 CFR 101-6 Space assignment and utilization, 41 CFR 101-17 Storage and distribution, 41 CFR 101-28 Supplies and services, inspection and quality control, 41 CFR 101-31 Supply and procurement-- General, 41 CFR 101-25 List of temporary regulations, 41 CFR Ch. 101 Subch. E App. Telecommunications management policy, 41 CFR 101-35 Transportation and motor vehicles, list of temporary regulations, 41 CFR Ch. 101 Subch. G App. Transportation and traffic management, 41 CFR 101-40 Transportation documentation and audit, 41 CFR 101-41 Federal Travel Regulation, agency requirements for payment of expenses connected with death of certain employees, 41 CFR 303-70 Federal Travel Regulation, general guidance Agency reporting requirements, 41 CFR 300-70 Federal Travel Regulation (FTR), 41 CFR 300-1 Use and format, 41 CFR 300-2 Glossary of terms, 41 CFR 300-3 Travel and relocation expenses test programs, 41 CFR 300-80 Federal Travel Regulation, miscellaneous expenses Allowance, 41 CFR 302-16 Relocation expenses, taxes on, 41 CFR 302-17 Federal Travel Regulation, permanent change of station allowances Househunting trip expenses, allowance, 41 CFR 302-5 Subsistence and transportation allowances, 41 CFR 302-4 Temporary quarters subsistence expenses, allowance, 41 CFR 302-6 Federal Travel Regulation, relocation allowances Employee eligibility requirements, 41 CFR 302-2 General rules, 41 CFR 302-1 Relocation allowance by specific type, 41 CFR 302-3 Federal Travel Regulation, residence transactions, allowances-- Expenses incurred in connection with residence transactions, allowances, 41 CFR 302-11 Home marketing incentive payments, 41 CFR 302-14 Property management services, allowance, 41 CFR 302-15 Relocation services company use, 41 CFR 302-12 Federal Travel Regulation, temporary duty (TDY) travel allowances Agency travel accountability requirements, 41 CFR 301-71 Applicability, 41 CFR 301-1 Collection of undisputed delinquent amounts owed to contractor issuing individually billed travel charge card, 41 CFR 301-54, 41 CFR 301- 76 Common carrier transportation, agency responsibilities, 41 CFR 301-72 Conference planning, 41 CFR 301-74 Emergency travel, 41 CFR 301-30 General rules, 41 CFR 301-2 Internal policy and procedure requirements, 41 CFR 301-70 Miscellaneous expenses, 41 CFR 301-12 Per diem expenses, 41 CFR 301-11 Pre-employment interview travel, 41 CFR 301-75 Promotional materials and frequent traveler programs use, 41 CFR 301- 53 Reimbursement claims, 41 CFR 301-52 Special needs employees, travel, 41 CFR 301-13 Threatened law enforcement/investigative employees, 41 CFR 301-31 Transportation expenses, 41 CFR 301-10 Travel expenses, payment, 41 CFR 301-51 Travel programs, 41 CFR 301-73 Travel services, arrangements, 41 CFR 301-50 Federal Travel Regulation, transportation and storage of property [[Page 369]] Household goods, extended storage allowances, 41 CFR 302-8 Household goods, professional books, papers, and equipment (PBP&E) and baggage allowance, transportation and temporary storage, 41 CFR 302-7 Mobile homes and boats used as primary residence, transportation allowances, 41 CFR 302-10 Privately owned vehicles, transportation and emergency or temporary storage allowances, 41 CFR 302-9 Federal Travel Regulation, travel expenses payment from non-federal source Acceptance of payment for training-- Authority/applicability, 41 CFR 304-7 Contributions and awards, 41 CFR 304-9 Definitions, 41 CFR 304-8 Agency requirements-- Agency responsibilities, 41 CFR 304-5 Authority, 41 CFR 304-4 Payment guidelines, 41 CFR 304-6 Employee's acceptance-- Authority, 41 CFR 304-1 Definitions, 41 CFR 304-2 Employee responsibility, 41 CFR 304-3 Grants and agreements with institutions of higher education, hospitals, and other non-profit organizations, uniform administrative requirements (OMB A-110 implementation), 41 CFR 105-72 Grants and cooperative agreements with State and local governments, uniform administrative requirements (OMB A-102 implementation), 41 CFR 105-71 Intergovernmental review of General Services Administration programs and activities, 41 CFR 101-6 Lobbying restrictions, 41 CFR 105-69 Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs, 41 CFR 101-6, 41 CFR 101-8 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs or activities, 41 CFR 105-8 Nondiscrimination on basis of sex in federally assisted education programs, 41 CFR 101-4 Organization and functions, statement, 41 CFR 105-53 Personal property with special handling requirements, utilization and disposition, 41 CFR 102-40 Privacy Act of 1974, regulations implementing, 41 CFR 105-64 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 41 CFR 105-70 Salary offset for indebtedness of General Services Administration employees to U.S., 41 CFR 105-56 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for agency employees, 5 CFR 6701 Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally assisted programs, cross reference to 49 CFR 24 (governmentwide rule), 41 CFR 105-51 Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) food ingredients See Food additives Genetic diseases See Diseases Geological Survey State Water Research Institute program, 30 CFR 401 Water resources research program and water resources technology development program, 30 CFR 402 Geothermal energy See al Energy Indian lands Allotted lands, leasing for mineral development, 25 CFR 212 Oil and gas, geothermal, and solid minerals agreements, 25 CFR 225 Tribal lands, leasing for mineral development, 25 CFR 211 Natural resources revenue Forms and reports, 30 CFR 1210 Penalties, 30 CFR 1241 Product valuation, 30 CFR 1206 Records and files maintenance, 30 CFR 1212 Royalties, 30 CFR 1202 Public lands, geothermal resources Leasing, 43 CFR 3200 Unit agreements, 43 CFR 3280 Gift cards See Electronic funds transfers [[Page 370]] Gift taxes See al Taxes Gifts made after December 31, 1954, 26 CFR 25 Procedure and administration General regulations, 26 CFR 301 User fees, 26 CFR 300 Gifts to Government See Government property Ginseng Country of origin labeling, 7 CFR 65 Girl Scouts See Youth organizations Glass and glass products Air pollution control, performance standards for new stationary sources, 40 CFR 60 Architectural glazing material, safety standards, 16 CFR 1201 Locomotives, passenger cars, and cabooses; safety glazing standards, 49 CFR 223 Water pollution, effluent guidelines and standards, point source categories, glass manufacturing, 40 CFR 426 Goats Brucellosis, animals destroyed because of, 9 CFR 51 National Sheep Industry Improvement Center, 7 CFR 63 Scrapie control, 9 CFR 54 Scrapie in sheep and goats, interstate transportation of animals, 9 CFR 79 Gold See al Currency; Metals Counterfeit gold coins, mitigation of forfeiture, 31 CFR 101 Exchange of paper currency and coin, 31 CFR 100 Leverage transactions for gold or silver bullion or bulk coins, 17 CFR 31 Seizure and forfeiture of gold for violations of Gold Reserve Act of 1934 and gold regulations, 31 CFR 406 Government Accountability Office Bid protest regulations, 4 CFR 21 Certificates and approvals of basic vouchers and invoices, 4 CFR 75 Conduct in GAO building and on grounds, 4 CFR 25 Contract Appeals Board, rules of procedure, 4 CFR 22 Personnel system Attendance and leave, 4 CFR 6 Compensation, 4 CFR 5 Employee performance and utilization, 4 CFR 4 Employment, 4 CFR 3 Insurance and annuities, 4 CFR 8 Personnel Appeals Board-- Organization, 4 CFR 27 Procedures applicable to claims concerning employment practices, 4 CFR 28 Personnel relations and services, 4 CFR 7 Purpose and general provision, 4 CFR 2 Recognition of attorneys and other representatives, 4 CFR 11 Senior Executive Service, 4 CFR 9 Privacy procedures for personnel records, 4 CFR 83 Records of Government Accounting Office Furnishing records in judicial proceedings, 4 CFR 82 Public availability, 4 CFR 81 Government buildings See Federal buildings and facilities Government contracts See al Government procurement Agency for International Development Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 2 CFR 782 Partner vetting in USAID assistance, 2 CFR 701 Agricultural Marketing Service Cattle Contracts Library Pilot Program, 7 CFR 180 Swine contract library, 9 CFR 206 Agriculture Department, Procurement and Property Management Office Information technology acquisition, 48 CFR 439 Market research, 48 CFR 410 Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board, information and communication technology standards and guidelines, 36 CFR 1194 Atomic weapons tests, certification and decertification in connection with certain suits based upon acts or omissions of Federal employees and other persons, 28 CFR 15 Bid protest regulations, 4 CFR 21 [[Page 371]] Campaign contributions prohibition by Government contractors to Federal election campaigns, 11 CFR 115 Cartage and lighterage of merchandise, 19 CFR 125 Certificates and approvals of basic vouchers and invoices, 4 CFR 75 CHIPS funding, clawbacks, 15 CFR 231 Commodity Credit Corporation Agricultural management assistance, 7 CFR 1465 Conservation Stewardship Program, 7 CFR 1470 Contractor debarment and suspension, 7 CFR 1407 Corporation for National and Community Service Grants and contracts, suspension and termination and application for refunding denial, 45 CFR 1206 Nondisplacement of employed workers and nonimpairment of contracts for service, 45 CFR 1216 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement) African Development Foundation, 22 CFR 1508 Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 780 Energy Department, 2 CFR 901 Environmental Protection Agency, 2 CFR 1532 Inter-American foundation, 22 CFR 1006 Peace Corps, 2 CFR 3700 Treasury Department, 31 CFR 19 Defense Department Active duty service for civilian or contractual groups, 32 CFR 47 Civil Reserve Air Fleet contracts, DoD ratemaking procedures, 32 CFR 243 Criminal history background checks on individuals in child care services, 32 CFR 86 Crude oil and petroleum products priority supply to Department under Defense Production Act, 10 CFR 221 National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual, 32 CFR 117 Operational contract support outside the U.S., 32 CFR 158 Personal services authority for direct health care providers, 32 CFR 107 Private security contractors operating in contingency operations, humanitarian or peace operations, or other military operations or exercises, 32 CFR 159 Voluntary education programs, 32 CFR 68 Education Department Student rights in research, experimental programs, and testing, 34 CFR 98 Student support services program, 34 CFR 646 Employment and Training Administration Foreign workers in U.S., temporary employment, 20 CFR 655 Senior Community Service Employment Program, governing provisions, 20 CFR 641 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title I; Administrative provisions, 20 CFR 683 Energy Department Automatic propulsion research and development, 10 CFR 473 Certain nuclear plant delays, standby support, 10 CFR 950 Civil penalties assessment for classified information security violations, procedures, 10 CFR 824 Classified matter or special nuclear material, procedures for determining eligibility for access to, 10 CFR 710 Contract clauses, 10 CFR 624 Contractor employee protection program, 10 CFR 708 Contractor legal management requirements, 10 CFR 719 Contractual provisions, 10 CFR 622 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 901 Domestic energy supplies, materials allocation and priority performance under contracts or orders to maximize, 10 CFR 216 Energy priorities and allocations system, 10 CFR 217 Extraordinary nuclear occurrences, determination, contractor indemnity agreements, 10 CFR 840 Human reliability program, 10 CFR 712 Limited arrest authority and use of force by Protective Force Officers of Strategic Petroleum Reserve, 10 CFR 1049 Lobbying, new restrictions, 10 CFR 601 Minority business enterprises seeking DOE contracts and assistance, loans [[Page 372]] for bid or proposal preparation, 10 CFR 800 Nuclear activities, procedural rules, 10 CFR 820 Nuclear safety management, 10 CFR 830 Protected disclosures, security requirements under section 3164 of National Defense Authorization Act for 2000 Fiscal Year, 10 CFR 1044 Protective force officers and personnel-- Limited arrest authority and use of force, 10 CFR 1047 Medical, physical readiness, training, and access authorization standards, 10 CFR 1046 Spent nuclear fuel and/or high-level radioactive waste, standard contract for disposal, 10 CFR 961 Strategic petroleum reserve petroleum-- Acquisition procedures, 10 CFR 626 Price competitive sale, 10 CFR 625 Unclassified controlled nuclear information, identification and protection, 10 CFR 1017 Workplace substance abuse programs at DOE sites, 10 CFR 707 Engineers Corps, law enforcement services contracts at water resources development projects, 36 CFR 330 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, procedures for complaints/ charges of employment discrimination based on disability filed against employers holding Government contracts or subcontracts, 29 CFR 1641 Farm Service Agency, Agriculture Priorities and Allocations System (APAS), 7 CFR 789 Federal Aviation Administration, protests and contract disputes procedures, 14 CFR 17 Federal Contract Compliance Programs Office Affirmative action and nondiscrimination obligations of contractors and subcontractors regarding-- Individuals with disabilities, 41 CFR 60-741 Special disabled veterans and Vietnam era veterans, 41 CFR 60-250 Contractors and subcontractors, obligations, 41 CFR 60-1 Procedures for complaints/charges of employment discrimination based on disability filed against employers holding Government contracts or subcontracts, 41 CFR 60-742 Federal contractors Minimum wage for-- Establishment, 29 CFR 10 Increase, 29 CFR 23 Paid sick leave for, establishment, 29 CFR 13 Federal contractors and subcontractors obligations; notification of employee rights under Federal labor laws, 29 CFR 471 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Contractors suspension and exclusion and contracts termination, 12 CFR 367 FDIC contractor integrity and fitness, minimum standards, 12 CFR 366 Minority and women outreach program contracting, 12 CFR 361 Federal Election Commission, administrative debt collection, 11 CFR 8 Federal Emergency Management Agency; Defense mobilization base, preservation through placement of procurement and facilities in labor surplus areas, 44 CFR 331 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 [[Page 373]] Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Federal Highway Administration; Federal-aid highway programs, preconstruction procedures, 23 CFR 630 Federal Housing Finance Agency Minority and Women Inclusion, 12 CFR 1223 Minority and Women Outreach program, 12 CFR 1207 Federal Management Regulation, disposition of personal property, 41 CFR 102-35 Federal Transit Administration Major capital investment projects, 49 CFR 611 Project management oversight, 49 CFR 633 Federal Travel Regulation; temporary duty (TDY) travel allowances, travel programs, 41 CFR 301-73 Fish and Wildlife Service, nondiscrimination in contracts, permits, and use of facilities, 50 CFR 3 Food and Nutrition Service; supplemental nutrition assistance and food distribution program, evaluation projects, 7 CFR 282 Forest Service, National Forest System timber, special forest products, and forest botanical products, sale and disposal, 36 CFR 223 General Services Administration property management regulations Federal Acquisition Security Council, general regulations, 41 CFR 201- 1 Sale of personal property, 41 CFR 105-67 Geological Survey, water resources research program and water resources technology development program, 30 CFR 402 Government Accountability Office, Contract Appeals Board, rules of procedure, 4 CFR 22 Health and Human Services Department Remedial actions applicable to letter of credit administration, 45 CFR 77 Responsible prospective contractors, 45 CFR 94 Statutory conscience rights protection in health care, authority delegations, 45 CFR 88 Homeland Security Department, contracts with transportation lines for inspection of aliens, 8 CFR 233 Housing and Urban Development Department General HUD program requirements, waivers, 24 CFR 5 Governmentwide debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 24 CFR 24 Hearings and Appeals Office, 24 CFR 20 Low- and very low-income persons, economic opportunities, 24 CFR 75 Special 8 Housing Assistance Payments Program, special allocations, 24 CFR 886 Income taxes, recovery of excessive profits, 26 CFR 1 (1.1471-1) Indian Affairs Bureau [[Page 374]] Goods and services provided to non-Federal users, charges, 25 CFR 143 Indian education contracts under Johnson O'Malley Act, 25 CFR 273 Indian school equalization program, 25 CFR 39 Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, contracts, 25 CFR 900 Indian Health Service, Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, contracts, 25 CFR 900 Industry and Security Bureau Defense priorities and allocations system, basic rules, 15 CFR 700 Offset agreements in sales of weapon systems or defense-related items to foreign countries or foreign firms, reporting, 15 CFR 701 Justice Department, debt collection private counsel retention, 28 CFR 11 Labor Department Contractors and subcontractors on public buildings or public works financed by U.S. loans or grants, Federal wage requirements, 29 CFR 3 Federal and federally assisted construction contracts, practice before the Administrative Review Board, 29 CFR 7 Federal service contracts, practice before the Administrative Review Boards, 29 CFR 8 Grants, contracts, and other agreements; audit requirements, 29 CFR 96 Labor standards-- Federal and federally assisted construction contracts and Federal service contracts, practice rules for administrative enforcement proceedings, 29 CFR 6 Federal service contracts, 29 CFR 4 Federally financed and assisted construction contracts and non- construction contracts under the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, applicable provisions, 29 CFR 5 Wage rates, procedures for predetermination, 29 CFR 1 Land Management Bureau Coal management-- Competitive leasing, 43 CFR 3420 Environment, 43 CFR 3460 Exploration and mining operations rules, 43 CFR 3480 General, 43 CFR 3400 Management of existing leases, 43 CFR 3450 Noncompetitive leases, 43 CFR 3430 Provisions and limitations, 43 CFR 3470 Geothermal resources-- Leasing, 43 CFR 3200 Unit agreements, 43 CFR 3280 Mineral leasing-- Solid minerals (other than coal) exploration and mining operations, 43 CFR 3590 Solid minerals other than coal and oil shale, 43 CFR 3500 Special leasing areas, 43 CFR 3580 Oil and gas leasing, 43 CFR 3100 Combined hydrocarbon leasing, 43 CFR 3140 Competitive, 43 CFR 3120 Delegation of authority, cooperative agreements and contracts for inspection, 43 CFR 3190 Helium contracts, 43 CFR 3195 National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska, 43 CFR 3130 Noncompetitive, 43 CFR 3110 Onshore oil and gas operations, 43 CFR 3160 Onshore oil and gas unit agreements, unproven areas, 43 CFR 3180 Timber-- Competitive sales, 43 CFR 5430 Conduct of sales, 43 CFR 5440 Harvesting, contract award, 43 CFR 5450 Harvesting, contract modification, extension and assignment, 43 CFR 5470 Sales, administration, 43 CFR 5460 Sales, preparation, 43 CFR 5420 Legal Services Corporation Cost standards and procedures, 45 CFR 1630 Grants and contracts, competitive bidding, 45 CFR 1634 Purchasing and property management, 45 CFR 1631 Lobbying restrictions [[Page 375]] Agency for International Development, 22 CFR 227 Broadcasting Board of Governors, 22 CFR 519 Commerce Department, 15 CFR 28 Corporation for National and Community Service, 45 CFR 1230 Defense Department, 32 CFR 28 Education Department, 34 CFR 82 Energy Department, 10 CFR 600, 601 Environmental Protection Agency, 40 CFR 34 Export-Import Bank, 12 CFR 411 Federal Emergency Management Agency, 44 CFR 18 General Services Administration, 41 CFR 105-69 Health and Human Services Department, 45 CFR 93 Homeland Security Department, 6 CFR 9 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 87 Interior Department, 43 CFR 18 International Development Finance Corporation, U.S., 22 CFR 712 Justice Department, 28 CFR 69 Labor Department, 29 CFR 93 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 14 CFR 1271 National Endowment for the Arts, 45 CFR 1158 National Endowment for the Humanities, 45 CFR 1168 National Science Foundation, 45 CFR 604 Peace Corps, 22 CFR 311 Small Business Administration, 13 CFR 146 State Department, 22 CFR 138 Tennessee Valley Authority, 18 CFR 1315 Transportation Department, 49 CFR 20 Treasury Department, 31 CFR 21 Veterans Affairs Department, 38 CFR 45 Management and Budget Office, prompt payment, 5 CFR 1315 Maritime Administration Agency agreements and agents appointment, 46 CFR 315 Audit appeals, policy and procedure, 46 CFR 205 Federal port controllers, 46 CFR 346 Marine terminal operating contract, 46 CFR 347 Vessel repairs under National Shipping Authority-- General agents, authority and responsibility for voyage repairs and vessel equipment repairs in U.S. ports on vessels operated for National Shipping Authority under general agency agreements, 46 CFR 336 Individual contracts for minor repairs, procedures, 46 CFR 339 Master lump sum repair contract, procedures, 46 CFR 338 Migrant and seasonal agricultural worker protection, 29 CFR 500 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Administrative authority and policy, 14 CFR 1204 Inventions and contributions, 14 CFR 1240 National Endowment for the Arts, Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act regulations, 45 CFR 1149 National Park Service, concession contracts, 36 CFR 51 National Science Foundation, patent rights, 45 CFR 650 National Technical Information Service; rights to inventions made by nonprofit organizations and small business firms under Government grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements, 37 CFR 401 Natural Resources Conservation Service Appeal procedures, 7 CFR 614 Water bank program, 7 CFR 633 Wildlife Habitat Incentive Program, 7 CFR 636 Natural Resources Revenue Office Audits and inspections, 30 CFR 1217 Federal and federally-administered mineral leases, suspensions pending appeal and bonding, 30 CFR 1243 Federal royalty oil, sale, 30 CFR 1208 Forms and reports, 30 CFR 1210 General, 30 CFR 1201 Lease products, sale agreements or contracts governing the disposal, 30 CFR 1207 Outer Continental Shelf oil and gas, accounting procedures for determining net profit share payment, 30 CFR 1220 [[Page 376]] Product valuation, 30 CFR 1206 Records and files maintenance, 30 CFR 1212 Royalties, 30 CFR 1202 Royalties, rentals, and bonuses; distribution and disbursement, 30 CFR 1219 Royalty rates, relief or reduction in, 30 CFR 1203 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Byproduct material, domestic licensing, 10 CFR 30 Radioactive material, physical protection of category 1 and category 2 quantities, 10 CFR 37 Source material, domestic licensing, 10 CFR 40 Occupational Safety and Health Administration Construction industry, safety and health regulations, 29 CFR 1926 Federal service contracts, safety and health standards, 29 CFR 1925 Ocean Energy Management Bureau Outer Continental Shelf-- Minerals other than oil, gas, and sulphur; leasing, 30 CFR 581 Minerals other than oil, gas, and sulphur; operations, 30 CFR 582 Nondiscrimination in, 30 CFR 570 Oil and gas and sulphur operations, 30 CFR 550 Oil and gas leasing, 30 CFR 560 Sand, gravel, and/or shell resources use, negotiated noncompetitive agreements, 30 CFR 583 Sulfur or oil and gas leasing and bonding requirements, 30 CFR 556 Personnel Management Office, Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program, 5 CFR 875 Postal Service Contract Appeals Board, practice rules, 39 CFR 955 Government contractors, debarment and suspension from contracting, 39 CFR 957 Mail contractors, fines, deductions, and damages, 39 CFR 927 Surface mail transportation, filing contracts, 49 CFR 1332 Public Health Service Disaster assistance for crisis counseling and training, 42 CFR 38 Research misconduct policies, 42 CFR 93 Scientific peer review of research grant applications and research and development contract projects, 42 CFR 52h Reclamation Bureau, Lake Berryessa management rules, 43 CFR 430 Safety and Environmental Enforcement Bureau Outer Continental Shelf-- Nondiscrimination in, 30 CFR 270 Oil and gas and sulphur operations, 30 CFR 250 Operations for minerals other than oil, gas, and sulphur, 30 CFR 282 Sulphur or oil and gas leasing, 30 CFR 256 Small Business Administration Contracting programs, 13 CFR 125 Small businesses located in disaster areas, and surplus personal property for small businesses located in disaster areas, Puerto Rico, and covered territory; contracts, 13 CFR 129 Veterans Small Business Certification Program, 13 CFR 128 Women-Owned Small Business, Federal contract program, 13 CFR 127 Special Counsel Office, outside inspector general, 5 CFR 1811 State Department Hostage relief assistance, 22 CFR 191 Victims of terrorism compensation, 22 CFR 192 Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement Office, mine fire control, 30 CFR 880 Tennessee Valley Authority Contract disputes, 18 CFR 1308 Contract documents or actions, general conditions and certifications for incorporation, 18 CFR 1316 Transportation Department Disadvantaged business enterprise participation-- Airport concessions, 49 CFR 23 Financial assistance programs, 49 CFR 26 Transportation priorities and allocation system, 49 CFR 33 Treasury Department [[Page 377]] Bonds and insurance, 48 CFR 1028 Construction and architect-engineer contracts, 48 CFR 1036 Contract administration and audit services, 48 CFR 1042 Contract financing, 48 CFR 1032 Contractor Qualifications, 48 CFR 1009 Definitions of words and terms, 48 CFR 1002 Department of the Treasury Acquisition Regulation (DTAR) System, 48 CFR 1001 Major system acquisition, 48 CFR 1034 Programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance from Treasury Department; nondiscrimination enforcement on basis of race, color, or national origin, 31 CFR 22 Protests, disputes and appeals, 48 CFR 1033 Small business programs, 48 CFR 1019 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 1052 Troubled Asset Relief Program, 31 CFR 31 Types of contracts, 48 CFR 1016 Veterans Affairs Department Affirmative action and nondiscrimination obligations of contractors and subcontractors regarding disabled veterans, recently separated veterans, other protected veterans, and Armed Forces Service Medal veterans, 41 CFR 60-300 Faith based organizations, equal treatment, 38 CFR 50 General provisions, 38 CFR 1 Health Care for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) program, 38 CFR 63 Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem Program, 38 CFR 61 Medical care, 38 CFR 17 National cemeteries of the Department of Veterans Affairs, 38 CFR 38 Rural Veterans Coordination Pilot (RVCP), grants, 38 CFR 64 Supportive Services for Veteran Families program, 38 CFR 62 Transportation programs, 38 CFR 70 Veterans, State homes-- Grants to States for construction or acquisition, 38 CFR 59 Payments to States for programs to promote the hiring and retention of nurses, 38 CFR 53 Per diem rates, 38 CFR 51 Veterans Employment and Training Service, Federal contractors annual report, 41 CFR 61-250 Wage and Hour Division, temporary agricultural workers admitted under section 218 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, enforcement of contractual obligations, 29 CFR 501, 29 CFR 502 Workers' Compensation Programs Office, War Hazards Compensation Act claims, 20 CFR 61 Government employees See al Conflicts of interests; Emergency preparedness; Employment; Foreign Service; Military personnel; Political activities (Government employees) Agencies authority in personnel actions, National emergency situations, 5 CFR 230 Agency for International Development Claims collection, 22 CFR 213 Employee testimony and production of documents in court proceedings, 22 CFR 206 Havana Act of 2021, 22 CFR 242 Indemnification of employees, 22 CFR 207 Agriculture Department Administrative regulations, 7 CFR 1 Debt management, 7 CFR 3 Ethical conduct for employees, supplemental standards, 5 CFR 8301 Air Force Department, administrative claims, 32 CFR 842 American Battle Monuments Commission, employee responsibilities and conduct, 36 CFR 400 Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, overtime services relating to imports and exports of Animals and animal products, 9 CFR 97 Plants, 7 CFR 354 Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board, information and communication technology standards and guidelines, 36 CFR 1194 [[Page 378]] Army Department Federal tort claims, 32 CFR 536 Litigation, 32 CFR 516 Private commercial solicitation on military reservations, 32 CFR 552 Broadcasting Board of Governors Debt collection under Debt Collection Act of 1982, 22 CFR 512 Part-time career employment program, 22 CFR 506 Central Intelligence Agency Production of official records or disclosure of official information in proceedings before Federal, State or local governmental entities of competent jurisdiction, 32 CFR 1905 Service of process, procedures governing acceptance, 32 CFR 1904 Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board, employees testimony in legal proceedings, 40 CFR 1611 Civil Rights Commission, employees Responsibility and conduct, 45 CFR 706 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 7801 Civil service regulations Absence and leave, 5 CFR 630 Adverse actions, 5 CFR 752 Affirmative employment employees, 5 CFR 720 Annuitants reemployment, 5 CFR 837 Appointment through competitive system, 5 CFR 2 Awards, 5 CFR 451 Basic concepts and definitions, 5 CFR 210 Career and career-conditional employment, 5 CFR 315 Charitable contributions to private voluntary organizations, solicitation of Federal civilian and uniformed services personnel, 5 CFR 950 Child support and/or alimony, garnishment orders processing, 5 CFR 581 Classification of positions under General Schedule, 5 CFR 511 Commercial garnishment of Federal employees' pay, 5 CFR 582 Competitive service and competitive status, definitions, 5 CFR 212 Court orders affecting retirement benefits, 5 CFR 838 Coverage and definitions, 5 CFR 1 Debt collection, 5 CFR 835 Duty hours, 5 CFR 610 Employee responsibilities and conduct, 5 CFR 735 Employment of relatives, 5 CFR 310 Employment practices, general, 5 CFR 300 Examining system, 5 CFR 337 Excepted service-- Employment practices, 5 CFR 302 General provisions, 5 CFR 213 Expert and consultant appointments, 5 CFR 304 Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program, 5 CFR 894 Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance Program, 5 CFR 870 Federal employees' health and counseling programs, 5 CFR 792 Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, 5 CFR 890 Federal Employees Retirement System-- Basic annuity, 5 CFR 842 Death benefits and employee refunds, 5 CFR 843 Debt collection, 5 CFR 845 Disability retirement, 5 CFR 844 Elections of coverage, 5 CFR 846 General administration, 5 CFR 841 Federal employment suitability, 5 CFR 731 Federal Long term Care Insurance Program, 5 CFR 875 Federal sector equal employment opportunity, 29 CFR 1614 General provisions, 5 CFR 7 Grade and pay retention, 5 CFR 536 Health benefits premiums-- Pre-tax payment, federal flexible benefits plan, 5 CFR 892 Retired Federal employees, 5 CFR 891 Interim relief, 5 CFR 772 Medical qualification determinations, 5 CFR 339 National security positions-- Designation, 5 CFR 1400 General information, 5 CFR 732 Noncompetitive acquisition of competitive status, 5 CFR 3 Nondisciplinary separations, demotions, and furloughs, 5 CFR 715 Other than full-time career employment (part-time, seasonal, on-call, and intermittent), 5 CFR 340 [[Page 379]] Overseas employment, 5 CFR 301 Overseas positions, appointments, 5 CFR 8 Pay-- Administration, general, 5 CFR 550 Allowances and differentials, 5 CFR 591 Fair Labor Standards Act, pay administration under, 5 CFR 551 Other systems, pay under, 5 CFR 534 Prevailing rate systems, 5 CFR 532 Rates and systems, 5 CFR 530 Under General Schedule, 5 CFR 531 Performance based reduction in grade and removal actions, 5 CFR 432 Performance management, 5 CFR 430 Personnel investigations, 5 CFR 736 Personnel management in agencies, 5 CFR 250 Personnel Management Office-- Agency administrative grievance system, 5 CFR 771 Agency relationships with organizations representing Federal employees and other organizations, 5 CFR 251 Personnel management research programs and demonstration projects, 5 CFR 470 Personnel records, 5 CFR 293 Positions excepted from competitive service, 5 CFR 6 Presidential management intern program, 5 CFR 362 Prohibited practices, 5 CFR 4 Promotion and internal placement, 5 CFR 335 Qualification requirements, general, 5 CFR 338 Recruitment and relocation bonuses; retention allowances; supervisory differentials; extended assignment incentives, 5 CFR 575 Recruitment and selection through competitive examination, 5 CFR 332 Recruitment, selection, and placement (General), 5 CFR 330 Reduction in force, 5 CFR 351 Reemployment of civilian retirees to meet exceptional employment needs, 5 CFR 553 Reemployment rights, 5 CFR 352 Restoration to duty from uniformed service or compensable injury, 5 CFR 353 Retirement, 5 CFR 831 Senior Executive Service-- Employment practices, 5 CFR 317 General, 5 CFR 214 Removal from; guaranteed placement in other personnel systems, 5 CFR 359 Senior level and scientific and professional positions, employment practices, 5 CFR 319 Specific positions and examinations, motor vehicle operators and administrative law judges, 5 CFR 930 Supervisory, management, and executive development, 5 CFR 412 Temporary and term employment, 5 CFR 316 Thrift Savings Plan-- Administration and enforcement, 29 CFR 2589 Application of Employee Retirement Income Security Act procedural rules, 29 CFR 2570 Fiduciary responsibility, allocation, 29 CFR 2584 Fiduciary responsibility, permanent and temporary bonding rules, 29 CFR 2582 Training, 5 CFR 410 Travel and transportation expenses, new appointees and interviews, 5 CFR 572 Veteran preference, 5 CFR 211 Veterans readjustment appointments, 5 CFR 307 Voluntary separation incentive payments, 5 CFR 576 Volunteer service, 5 CFR 308 Coast Guard Child development services, 33 CFR 55 Vessel inspections, extra compensation for overtime services, 46 CFR 9 Commerce Department Debt collection, 15 CFR 19 Havana Act of 2021, implementation, 15 CFR 3 Legal proceedings, 15 CFR 15 Commodity Futures Trading Commission Indemnification of employees, 17 CFR 142 [[Page 380]] Information disclosure and testimony of present or former officers and employees in response to subpoenas or other demands of court, procedures, 17 CFR 144 Salary offset, 17 CFR 141 Whistleblower rules, 17 CFR 165 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Claims against the U.S., 12 CFR 1076 Debt reduction procedures, 12 CFR 1073 Employees, supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 9401 Nondiscrimination, enforcement on basis of disability in Bureau programs and activities, 12 CFR 1072 Consumer Product Safety Commission Information disclosure and Commission employee testimony in private litigation, policies and procedures, 16 CFR 1016 Salary offset, 16 CFR 1027 Corporation for National and Community Service Debt collection, 45 CFR 2506 Employee indemnification regulations, 45 CFR 2502 Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency of the District of Columbia, supplementary standards of ethical conduct for agency employees, 5 CFR 8001 Cultural exchange programs of foreign countries, participation by Federal employees, 22 CFR 64 Defense Department Acceptance of process; release of official information in litigation; and testimony by NSA personnel as witnesses, 32 CFR 93 Active duty service for civilian or contractual groups, 32 CFR 47 Court orders, compliance of DoD members, employees, and family members outside U.S., 32 CFR 146 Criminal history background checks on individuals in child care services, 32 CFR 86 Early intervention and special education services, provision to eligible DoD dependents, 32 CFR 57 Employees, supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 3601 Equal employment opportunity, cooperation with Office of Special Counsel of Merit Systems Protection Board, 32 CFR 145 Equal opportunity in off-base housing, 32 CFR 192 Equal opportunity program, civilian employees, 32 CFR 191 Homeowners Assistance Program, application processing, 32 CFR 239 Official information released in litigation and presentation of testimony by DoD personnel as witnesses (Touhy regulation), 32 CFR 97 Personal commercial solicitation on DoD installations, 32 CFR 50 Personnel security program, 32 CFR 156 Revitalizing base closure communities, redevelopment and homeless assistance, 32 CFR 176 School boards for Defense Department domestic dependent elementary and secondary schools, 32 CFR 69 Temporary exchange of information technology personnel, pilot program, 32 CFR 241 Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board, testimony by agency employees and production of official records in legal proceedings, 10 CFR 1707 Defense of certain suits against Federal employees; certification and decertification in connection with certain suits based upon acts or omissions of Federal employees and other persons, 28 CFR 15 Education Department Demands for testimony or records in legal proceedings, 34 CFR 8 Department employees, salary offset to recover overpayments of pay or allowances from, 34 CFR 32 Employee inventions, 34 CFR 7 Federal employees who are indebted to U.S. under programs administered by Secretary of Education, salary offset, 34 CFR 31 Indemnification of employees, 34 CFR 60 Election Assistance Commission Conduct standards, 11 CFR 9411 Legal proceedings, testimony by Commission employees relating to [[Page 381]] official information and production of official records, 11 CFR 9409 Privacy Act, implementation, 11 CFR 9410 Sunshine Act, implementation, 11 CFR 9407 Employee management cooperation in Federal service, nomination of arbitrators, 29 CFR 25 Employees' Compensation Appeals Board, rules of procedure, 20 CFR 501 Employment, acceptance from foreign governments by members of uniformed services, 22 CFR 3a Energy Department Access to information on Department computers, consent, 10 CFR 727 Classified matter or special nuclear material, procedures for determining eligibility for access to, 10 CFR 710 Collection of claims owed U.S., 10 CFR 1015 Conduct of employees and former employees, 10 CFR 1010 Foreign gifts and decorations, 10 CFR 1050 Human reliability program, 10 CFR 712 Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act Causation probability determination guidelines, 42 CFR 81 Dose reconstruction, methods for conducting, 42 CFR 82 Employees classes as members of special exposure cohort, designating procedures, 42 CFR 83 Environmental Protection Agency Claims collection standards, 40 CFR 13 Employee personal property claims, 40 CFR 14 Privacy Act, implementation, 40 CFR 16 Public information, 40 CFR 2 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, debt collection by salary offset, 29 CFR 1650 Export-Import Bank, acceptance of payment from non-Federal source for travel expenses, 12 CFR 412 Fair Labor Standards Act application to employees of State and local governments, 29 CFR 553 Farm Credit Administration Collection of claims owed U.S., 12 CFR 608 Releasing information, records availability, 12 CFR 602 Federal Aviation Administration, employee testimony and production of records in legal proceedings, and service of legal process and pleadings, 14 CFR 185 Federal Communications Commission, practice and procedure, 47 CFR 1 Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, general administrative regulations, 7 CFR 400 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Corporate debt collection, criminal restitution debt, and civil money penalty debt procedures, 12 CFR 313 Office of Thrift Supervision, regulations transferred from, 12 CFR 390 Federal Election Commission, employees Standards of conduct, 11 CFR 7 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 4701 Federal Emergency Management Agency Claims, 44 CFR 11 Information production or disclosure, 44 CFR 5 Federal Employees' Compensation Act Claims, 20 CFR 10 Compensation for disability and death of noncitizen Federal employees outside U.S., 20 CFR 25 Federal Housing Finance Agency Agency records, information, and employee testimony in third-party legal proceedings, production, 12 CFR 1215 Debt collection, 12 CFR 1208 Employees, supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 9001 Non-public information, availability, 12 CFR 1214 Privacy Act implementation, 12 CFR 1204 Federal Labor Relations Authority Debt collection, 5 CFR 2418 Employee testimony relating to official information and production of official records in legal proceedings, 5 CFR 2417 Ethical conduct, supplemental standards, 5 CFR 5901 Federal service labor-management relations program-- Arbitration awards review, 5 CFR 2425 [[Page 382]] Enforcement of Assistant Secretary standards of conduct decisions and orders, 5 CFR 2428 Meaning of terms, 5 CFR 2421 Miscellaneous and general requirements, 5 CFR 2429 National consultation rights and consultation rights on Governmentwide rules or regulations, 5 CFR 2426 Negotiability proceedings, 5 CFR 2424 Policy or guidance, general statements, 5 CFR 2427 Purpose and scope of regulations, 5 CFR 2420 Representation proceedings, 5 CFR 2422 Unfair labor practice proceedings, 5 CFR 2423 Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service Collection of claims owed U.S., 29 CFR 1450 Employees standards of conduct, supplemental standards, 5 CFR 10300 Mediation assistance in Federal service, 29 CFR 1425 Part-time employment, 29 CFR 1405 Federal officers and employees, protective coverage under Federal criminal law 18 U.S.C. 1114, 28 CFR 64 Federal old-age, survivors, and disability insurance, coverage of employees of State and local governments (1950-- ), 20 CFR 404 Federal Reserve System Debt collection procedures, 12 CFR 267 Equal opportunity rules, 12 CFR 268 Foreign gifts and decorations, acceptance restrictions, 12 CFR 264b Post-employment restrictions for senior examiners, 12 CFR 264a Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board Thrift Savings Plan-- Administrative errors, correction, 5 CFR 1605 Claims collection, 5 CFR 1639 Court orders and legal processes affecting accounts, 5 CFR 1653 Death benefits, 5 CFR 1651 Employee contribution elections, investment elections, and automatic enrollment program, 5 CFR 1600 Employee contribution elections, investment elections, and automatic enrollment program, 5 CFR 1600 Expanded and continuing eligibility, 5 CFR 1620 Funds, methods of withdrawing, 5 CFR 1650 General and miscellaneous regulations, 5 CFR 1690 Loan program, 5 CFR 1655 Participants' choices of funds, 5 CFR 1601 Periodic participant statements, 5 CFR 1640 Records availability, 5 CFR 1631 Share prices calculation, 5 CFR 1645 Vesting, 5 CFR 1603 Federal Service Impasses Panel, labor management relations program Flexible or compressed work schedules, impasses arising pursuant to Agency determinations not to establish or to terminate, 5 CFR 2472 Procedures of Panel, 5 CFR 2471 Purpose of regulations, definitions, 5 CFR 2470 Subpoenas, 5 CFR 2473 Federal Travel Regulation, agency requirements for payment of expenses connected with death of certain employees, 41 CFR 303-70 Federal Travel Regulation, general guidance Agency reporting requirements, 41 CFR 300-70 Federal Travel Regulation (FTR), 41 CFR 300-1 Use and format, 41 CFR 300-2 Glossary of terms, 41 CFR 300-3 Travel and relocation expenses test programs, 41 CFR 300-80 Federal Travel Regulation, relocation allowances Employee eligibility requirements, 41 CFR 302-2 General rules, 41 CFR 302-1 Miscellaneous expenses, allowance, 41 CFR 302-16 Permanent change of station allowances-- Househunting trip expenses, allowance, 41 CFR 302-5 Subsistence and transportation allowances, 41 CFR 302-4 [[Page 383]] Temporary quarters subsistence expenses, allowance, 41 CFR 302-6 Property transportation and storage-- Household goods, extended storage allowances, 41 CFR 302-8 Household goods, professional books, papers, and equipment (PBP&E) and baggage allowance, transportation and temporary storage, 41 CFR 302-7 Mobile homes and boats used as primary residence, transportation allowances, 41 CFR 302-10 Privately owned vehicles, transportation and emergency or temporary storage allowances, 41 CFR 302-9 Relocation allowance, by specific type, 41 CFR 302-3 Income tax (RIT) allowance, 41 CFR 302-17 Residence transactions, allowances-- Expenses incurred in connection with residence transactions, allowances, 41 CFR 302-11 Home marketing incentive payments, 41 CFR 302-14 Property management services, allowance, 41 CFR 302-15 Relocation services company, use, 41 CFR 302-12 Federal Travel Regulation, temporary duty (TDY) travel allowances Agency travel accountability requirements, 41 CFR 301-71 Applicability, 41 CFR 301-1 Collection of undisputed delinquent amounts owed to contractor issuing individually billed travel charge card, 41 CFR 301-54, 41 CFR 301- 76 Common carrier transportation, agency responsibilities, 41 CFR 301-72 Conference planning, 41 CFR 301-74 Emergency travel, 41 CFR 301-30 General rules, 41 CFR 301-2 Internal policy and procedure requirements, 41 CFR 301-70 Miscellaneous expenses, 41 CFR 301-12 Per diem expenses, 41 CFR 301-11 Pre-employment interview travel, 41 CFR 301-75 Promotional materials and frequent traveler programs use, 41 CFR 301- 53 Reimbursement claims, 41 CFR 301-52 Special needs employees, travel, 41 CFR 301-13 Threatened law enforcement/investigative employees, 41 CFR 301-31 Transportation expenses, 41 CFR 301-10 Travel expenses, payment, 41 CFR 301-51 Travel programs, 41 CFR 301-73 Travel services, arrangements, 41 CFR 301-50 Federal Travel Regulation, travel expenses payment from non-federal source Acceptance of payment for training-- Authority/applicability, 41 CFR 304-7 Contributions and awards, 41 CFR 304-9 Definitions, 41 CFR 304-8 Agency requirements-- Agency responsibilities, 41 CFR 304-5 Authority, 41 CFR 304-4 Payment guidelines, 41 CFR 304-6 Employee's acceptance-- Authority, 41 CFR 304-1 Definitions, 41 CFR 304-2 Employee responsibility, 41 CFR 304-3 Financial Research Office, organization and functions, 12 CFR 1600 Fiscal Service; debt collection authorities under Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996, 31 CFR 285 Food and Drug Administration, public information, 21 CFR 20 Food and Nutrition Service, certification of eligible households, 7 CFR 273 Food Safety and Inspection Service Assignment and authorities of mandatory meat inspection program employees, 9 CFR 306 Fees and charges for inspection services and laboratory accreditation, 9 CFR 391 Fish and fish products, rules of practice governing inspection actions, 9 CFR 561 Meat inspection, mandatory, facilities for inspection, 9 CFR 307 [[Page 384]] Meat inspection proceedings, practice rules, 9 CFR 335 Poultry products inspection, 9 CFR 381 Separation of establishment; facilities for inspection, facilities for program employees, other required facilities, 9 CFR 533 Free and reduced rate air transportation, 14 CFR 223 General Services Administration Employee deaths, agency requirements for payment of expenses connected with, 41 CFR 303-70 Government aviation administration and coordination, 41 CFR 101-37 Personal property disposition, 41 CFR 102-35 Relocation expenses, taxes on, 41 CFR 302-17 Salary offset for indebtedness to U.S., 41 CFR 105-56 Government Accountability Office Attendance and leave, 4 CFR 6 Compensation, 4 CFR 5 Employee performance and utilization, 4 CFR 4 Employment, 4 CFR 3 Insurance and annuities, 4 CFR 8 Personnel Appeals Board-- Organization, 4 CFR 27 Procedures applicable to claims concerning employment practices, 4 CFR 28 Personnel relations and services, 4 CFR 7 Personnel system basic policy, 4 CFR 2 Privacy procedures for personnel records, 4 CFR 83 Senior Executive Service, 4 CFR 9 Government Ethics Office Executive Branch employees, standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 2635 Executive Branch Ethics Program, 5 CFR 2638 Executive Branch financial disclosure, qualified trusts, and certificates of divestiture, 5 CFR 2634 Limitations on outside earned income, employment and affiliations for certain noncareer employees, 5 CFR 2636 Official records in legal proceedings, testimony by agency employees relating to, 5 CFR 2608 Organization and functions, 5 CFR 2600 Post-employment conflict of interest restrictions, 5 CFR 2641 Privacy Act rules, 5 CFR 2606 Statutory gift acceptance authority, implementation, 5 CFR 2601 Health and Human Services Department Claims collection, 45 CFR 30 Employees-- Indemnification of, 45 CFR 36 Inventions, 45 CFR 7 Supplemental financial disclosure requirements, 5 CFR 5502 Regulatory review, 45 CFR 8 Salary offset, 45 CFR 33 Statutory conscience rights protection in health care, authority delegations, 45 CFR 88 Testimony by employees and production of documents in proceedings where U.S. is not a party, 45 CFR 2 Homeland Security Department Claims, 6 CFR 11 Cybersecurity Talent Management System (CTMS), 6 CFR 158 Human resources management system, 5 CFR 9701 Records and information disclosure, 6 CFR 5 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees, 5 CFR 4601 Hostage relief Assistance, 22 CFR 191 Victims of terrorism compensation, 22 CFR 192 Housing and Urban Development Department Administrative claims, 24 CFR 17 HUD Reform Act, 24 CFR 4 Indemnification of HUD employees, 24 CFR 18 Public access to HUD records under Freedom of Information Act and testimony and production of information by HUD employees, 24 CFR 15 Statutory conscience rights protection in health care, authority delegations, 45 CFR 88 [[Page 385]] Income taxes, recovery of excessive profits, 26 CFR 1 (1.1471-1) Indian Self Determination and Education Assistance Act programs, staffing, 25 CFR 275 Indian Affairs Bureau Employment, Indian preference in, 25 CFR 5 Goods and services provided to non-Federal users, charges, 25 CFR 143 Indian education contracts under Johnson O'Malley Act, 25 CFR 273 Indian school equalization program, 25 CFR 39 Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, contracts, 25 CFR 900 Indian Health Service, Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, contracts, 25 CFR 900 Industry and Security Bureau Defense priorities and allocations system, basic rules, 15 CFR 700 Offset agreements in sales of weapon systems or defense-related items to foreign countries or foreign firms, reporting, 15 CFR 701 Inter-American Foundation, salary offset, 22 CFR 1007 Intergovernmental Personnel Act Programs, 5 CFR 900 Temporary assignment of employees, 5 CFR 334 Interior Department, records and testimony, 43 CFR 2 International Development Finance Corporation, U.S.; Lobbying, new restrictions, 22 CFR 712 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees, 5 CFR 4301 Justice Department Debt collection private counsel retention, 28 CFR 11 Organization, 28 CFR 0 Labor Department Contractors and subcontractors on public buildings or public works financed by U.S. loans or grants, Federal wage requirements, 29 CFR 3 Federal and federally assisted construction contracts, practice before the Administrative Review Board, 29 CFR 7 Federal service contracts, practice before the Administrative Review Boards, 29 CFR 8 Federally financed and assisted construction contracts and non- construction contracts under the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, applicable provisions, 29 CFR 5 General regulations, 29 CFR 2 Labor standards-- Federal and federally assisted construction contracts and Federal service contracts, practice rules for administrative enforcement proceedings, 29 CFR 6 Federal service contracts, 29 CFR 4 Federally financed and assisted construction contracts and non- construction contracts under the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, applicable provisions, 29 CFR 5 Wage rates, procedures for predetermination, 29 CFR 1 Land Management Bureau Coal management-- Competitive leasing, 43 CFR 3420 Environment, 43 CFR 3460 Exploration and mining operations rules, 43 CFR 3480 General, 43 CFR 3400 Provisions and limitations, 43 CFR 3470 Management of existing leases, 43 CFR 3450 Noncompetitive leases, 43 CFR 3430 Geothermal resources-- Leasing, 43 CFR 3200 Unit agreements, 43 CFR 3280 Mineral leasing-- Solid minerals (other than coal) exploration and mining operations, 43 CFR 3590 Solid minerals other than coal and oil shale, 43 CFR 3500 Special leasing areas, 43 CFR 3580 Oil and gas leasing, 43 CFR 3100 Combined hydrocarbon leasing, 43 CFR 3140 Competitive, 43 CFR 3120 [[Page 386]] Delegation of authority, cooperative agreements and contracts for inspection, 43 CFR 3190 Helium contracts, 43 CFR 3195 National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska, 43 CFR 3130 Noncompetitive, 43 CFR 3110 Onshore oil and gas, unit agreements, unproven areas, 43 CFR 3180 Timber-- Competitive sales, 43 CFR 5430 Conduct of sales, 43 CFR 5440 Harvesting, contract award, 43 CFR 5450 Harvesting, contract modification, extension and assignment, 43 CFR 5470 Sales, administration, 43 CFR 5460 Sales, preparation, 43 CFR 5420 Labor Management Standards Office, conduct standards, 29 CFR 458 Legal Services Corporation; Grants and contracts, competitive bidding, 45 CFR 1634 Lobbying restrictions Agency for International Development, 22 CFR 227 Broadcasting Board of Governors, 22 CFR 519 Commerce Department, 15 CFR 28 Corporation for National and Community Service, 45 CFR 1230 Defense Department, 32 CFR 28 Education Department, 34 CFR 82 Energy Department, 10 CFR 600, 601 Environmental Protection Agency, 40 CFR 34 Export-Import Bank, 12 CFR 411 Federal Emergency Management Agency, 44 CFR 18 General Services Administration, 41 CFR 105-69 Health and Human Services Department, 45 CFR 93 Homeland Security Department, 6 CFR 9 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 87 Interior Department, 43 CFR 18 International Development Finance Corporation, U.S., 22 CFR 712 Justice Department, 28 CFR 69 Labor Department, 29 CFR 93 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 14 CFR 1271 National Endowment for the Arts, 45 CFR 1158 National Endowment for the Humanities, 45 CFR 1168 National Science Foundation, 45 CFR 604 Peace Corps, 22 CFR 311 Small Business Administration, 13 CFR 146 State Department, 22 CFR 138 Tennessee Valley Authority, 18 CFR 1315 Transportation Department, 49 CFR 20 Treasury Department, 31 CFR 21 Veterans Affairs Department, 38 CFR 45 Management and Budget Office, prompt payment, 5 CFR 1315 Marine and aviation operations, 15 CFR 998 Maritime Administration Agency agreements and agents appointment, 46 CFR 315 Audit appeals, policy and procedure, 46 CFR 205 Federal port controllers, 46 CFR 346 Marine terminal operating contract, 46 CFR 347 Vessel repairs under National Shipping Authority-- General agents, authority and responsibility for voyage repairs and vessel equipment repairs in U.S. ports on vessels operated for National Shipping Authority under general agency agreements, 46 CFR 336 Individual contracts for minor repairs, procedures, 46 CFR 339 Master lump sum repair contract, procedures, 46 CFR 338 Merit Systems Protection Board, practices and procedures, 5 CFR 1201 Millennium Challenge Corporation, debt collection, 22 CFR 1306 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Administrative authority and policy, 14 CFR 1204 Inventions and contributions, 14 CFR 1240 National Endowment for the Arts, claims collection, 45 CFR 1177 National Institute of Standards and Technology, personnel exchanges [[Page 387]] between Federal laboratories and non-Federal entities, 15 CFR 17 National Intelligence, Office of Director, National security positions, designation, 5 CFR 1400 National Labor Relations Board, supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 7101 National Mediation Board, supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees, 5 CFR 10101 National Park Service, concession contracts, 36 CFR 51 National Science Foundation, patent rights, 45 CFR 650 National Technical Information Service; rights to inventions made by nonprofit organizations and small business firms under Government grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements, 37 CFR 401 Natural Resources Conservation Service Appeal procedures, 7 CFR 614 Water bank program, 7 CFR 633 Wildlife Habitat Incentive Program, 7 CFR 636 Natural Resources Revenue Office Audits and inspections, 30 CFR 1217 Federal and federally-administered mineral leases, suspensions pending appeal and bonding, 30 CFR 1243 Federal royalty oil, sale, 30 CFR 1208 Forms and reports, 30 CFR 1210 General, 30 CFR 1201 Lease products, sale agreements or contracts governing the disposal, 30 CFR 1207 Outer Continental Shelf oil and gas, accounting procedures for determining net profit share payment, 30 CFR 1220 Product valuation, 30 CFR 1206 Records and files maintenance, 30 CFR 1212 Royalties, 30 CFR 1202 Royalty rates, relief or reduction in, 30 CFR 1203 Navy Department; professional conduct of attorneys practicing under the cognizance and supervision of the Judge Advocate General, 32 CFR 776 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, public records, 10 CFR 9 Occupational Safety and Health Administration Federal service contracts, safety and health standards, 29 CFR 1925 Occupational safety and health regulations-- Construction industry, 29 CFR 1926 Longshoring, safety and health regulations, 29 CFR 1918 Occupational safety and health standards-- Agriculture, 29 CFR 1928 Federal standards, 29 CFR 1910 Ocean Energy Management Bureau Outer Continental Shelf-- Minerals other than oil, gas, and sulphur; leasing, 30 CFR 581 Minerals other than oil, gas, and sulphur; operations, 30 CFR 582 Nondiscrimination in, 30 CFR 570 Oil and gas and sulphur operations, 30 CFR 550 Oil and gas leasing, 30 CFR 560 Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, debt collection, 29 CFR 4903 People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled, Committee for Purchase From; production or disclosure of Committee documents and information in Federal or State proceedings, 41 CFR 51-11 Personnel Management Office Criminal history inquiries-- Complaint procedures, adverse actions, and appeals prior to conditional offer, 5 CFR 754 Timing, 5 CFR 920 Federal Employees Health Benefits acquisition regulations-- Contract clauses, 48 CFR 1652 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 1609 Definitions of words and terms, 48 CFR 1602 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 1603 Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program, 5 CFR 875 Prevailing rate systems, 5 CFR 532 Political activities Civil service-- Political activity of Federal employees, 5 CFR 734 Prohibited practices, 5 CFR 4 [[Page 388]] Residing in designated localities, 5 CFR 733 Corporation for National and Community Service, prohibitions on electoral and lobbying activities, 45 CFR 1226 Federal Election Commission, standards of conduct, 11 CFR 7 Legal Services Corporation, prohibited activities, 45 CFR 1608 State or local officers or employees, 5 CFR 151 Postal Service Contract Appeals Board, practice rules, 39 CFR 955 Government contractors, debarment and suspension from contracting, 39 CFR 957 Mail contractors, fines, deductions, and damages, 39 CFR 927 Surface mail transportation, filing contracts, 49 CFR 1332 Public Health Service Disaster assistance for crisis counseling and training, 42 CFR 38 National Health Service Corps, personnel, 42 CFR 23 Research misconduct policies, 42 CFR 93 Scientific peer review of research grant applications and research and development contract projects, 42 CFR 52h Reclamation Bureau, Lake Berryessa management rules, 43 CFR 430 Rural Development Assets, functions and programs, general provisions, 7 CFR 1900 Salary offset of Federal payments to Farmers Home Administration borrowers, 7 CFR 1951 Utilization of gratuitous services, 7 CFR 2045 Safety and Environmental Enforcement Bureau Outer Continental Shelf-- Nondiscrimination in, 30 CFR 270 Oil and gas and sulphur operations, 30 CFR 250 Operations for minerals other than oil, gas, and sulphur, 30 CFR 282 Sulphur or oil and gas leasing, 30 CFR 256 Selective Service System, release of official information in litigation and presentation of witness testimony by agency personnel (Touhy regulation), 32 CFR 1660 Social Security Administration, administrative claims under Federal Tort Claims Act and related statutes, 20 CFR 429 Special Counsel Office, U.S.; Employees, supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 10201 State Department Foreign Service Officers, appointment, 22 CFR 11 Havana Act of 2021, implementation, 22 CFR 135 Hostage relief assistance, 22 CFR 191 Information and communication technology, 22 CFR 147 Victims of terrorism compensation, 22 CFR 192 Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement Office, mine fire control, 30 CFR 880 Tennessee Valley Authority Contract disputes, 18 CFR 1308 Contract documents or actions, general conditions and certifications for incorporation, 18 CFR 1316 Trade Representative, Office of U.S.; records and information disclosure, 15 CFR 2004 Transportation Department Disadvantaged business enterprise participation-- Airport concessions, 49 CFR 23 Financial assistance programs, 49 CFR 26 Transportation priorities and allocation system, 49 CFR 33 Treasury Department Bonds and insurance, 48 CFR 1028 Construction and architect-engineer contracts, 48 CFR 1036 Contract administration and audit services, 48 CFR 1042 Contract financing, 48 CFR 1032 Contractor Qualifications, 48 CFR 1009 Definitions of words and terms, 48 CFR 1002 Department of the Treasury Acquisition Regulation (DTAR) System, 48 CFR 1001 Major system acquisition, 48 CFR 1034 [[Page 389]] Protests, disputes and appeals, 48 CFR 1033 Records disclosure, 31 CFR 1 Small business programs, 48 CFR 1019 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 1052 Troubled Asset Relief Program, 31 CFR 31 Types of contracts, 48 CFR 1016 Veterans Affairs Department Affirmative action and nondiscrimination obligations of contractors and subcontractors regarding disabled veterans, recently separated veterans, other protected veterans, and Armed Forces service medal veterans, 41 CFR 60-300 Employee values, standards of ethical conduct and related responsibilities, 38 CFR 0 General provisions, 38 CFR 1 Health Care for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) program, 38 CFR 63 Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem Program, 38 CFR 61 Legal services, General Counsel, and miscellaneous claims, 38 CFR 14 Medical care, 38 CFR 17 Rural Veterans Coordination Pilot (RVCP), grants, 38 CFR 64 Supportive Services for Veteran Families program, 38 CFR 62 Veterans, State homes-- Grants to States for construction or acquisition, 38 CFR 59 Payments to States for programs to promote the hiring and retention of nurses, 38 CFR 53 Per diem rates, 38 CFR 51 Veterans Employment and Training Service, Federal contractors annual report, 41 CFR 61-250 Women-Owned Small Business, Federal contract program, 13 CFR 127 Workers' Compensation Programs Office, War Hazards Compensation Act claims, 20 CFR 61 Government ethics See Conflicts of interests Government Ethics Office Equal Access to Justice Act, implementation, 5 CFR 2610 Executive Branch Ethics Program, 5 CFR 2638 Executive branch financial disclosure, qualified trusts, and certificates of divestiture, 5 CFR 2634 Freedom of Information Act rules and schedule of fees for production of public financial disclosure reports, 5 CFR 2604 Interpretation, exemptions and waiver guidance concerning 18 U.S.C. 208 (acts affecting personal financial interest), 5 CFR 2640 Limitations on outside earned income, employment and affiliations for certain noncareer employees, 5 CFR 2636 Organization and functions, 5 CFR 2600 Post-employment conflict of interest restrictions, 5 CFR 2641 Privacy Act rules, 5 CFR 2606 Standards of ethical conduct for employees of executive branch, 5 CFR 2635 Statutory gift acceptance authority, implementation, 5 CFR 2601 Testimony by agency employees relating to official information and production of official records in legal proceedings, 5 CFR 2608 Government in the Sunshine Act See Sunshine Act Government National Mortgage Association See Housing and Urban Development Department Government procurement See al Government contracts African Development Foundation, acquisition regulations, competition requirements, 48 CFR 5706 Agency for International Development, acquisition regulations Administrative matters, 48 CFR 704 Application of labor laws to Government acquisition, 48 CFR 722 Bonds and insurance, 48 CFR 728 Competition requirements, 48 CFR 706 Construction and architect-engineer contracts, 48 CFR 736 Contracts-- Administration, 48 CFR 742 Cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 731 [[Page 390]] Financing, 48 CFR 732 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 715 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 709 Definitions of words and terms, 48 CFR 702 Extraordinary contractual actions, 48 CFR 750 Federal Acquisition Regulation System, 48 CFR 701 Foreign acquisition, 48 CFR 725 Forms, 48 CFR 753 Government property, 48 CFR 745 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 703 Major system acquisition, 48 CFR 734 Patents, data, and copyrights, 48 CFR 727 Protection of privacy and freedom of information, 48 CFR 724 Protest, disputes and appeals, 48 CFR 733 Publicizing contract actions, 48 CFR 705 Research and development contracting, 48 CFR 35 Sealed bidding, 48 CFR 714 Service contracting, 48 CFR 737 Simplified acquisition procedures, 48 CFR 713 Small business programs, 48 CFR 719 Socioeconomic programs, 48 CFR 726 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 752 Special contracting methods, 48 CFR 717 Taxes, 48 CFR 729 Termination of contracts, 48 CFR 749 Transportation, 48 CFR 747 Types of contracts, 48 CFR 716 Agriculture Department, acquisition regulations Acquisition of commercial items, 48 CFR 412 Acquisition of utility services, 48 CFR 441 Acquisition planning, 48 CFR 407 Administrative matters, 48 CFR 404 Agriculture Acquisition Regulation System, 48 CFR 401 Application of labor laws to Government acquisitions, 48 CFR 422 Bonds and insurance, 48 CFR 428 Commodities, 48 CFR 470 Competition requirements, 48 CFR 406 Construction and architect-engineer contracts, 48 CFR 436 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 415 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 409 Contracts-- Administration, 48 CFR 442 Cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 431 Financing, 48 CFR 432 Cost accounting standards administration, 48 CFR 430 Definitions of words and terms, 48 CFR 402 Describing agency needs, 48 CFR 411 Environment, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace, 48 CFR 423 Extraordinary contractual actions, 48 CFR 450 Foreign acquisition, 48 CFR 425 Forms, 48 CFR 453 Government property, 48 CFR 445 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 403 Information technology acquisition, 48 CFR 439 Major system acquisition, 48 CFR 434 Other socioeconomic programs, 48 CFR 426 Patents, data, and copyrights, 48 CFR 427 Protection of privacy and freedom of information, 48 CFR 424 Protests, disputes, and appeals, 48 CFR 433 Publicizing contract actions, 48 CFR 405 Quality assurance, 48 CFR 446 Required sources of supplies and services, 48 CFR 408 Research and development contracting, 48 CFR 435 Sealed bidding, 48 CFR 414 Service contracting, 48 CFR 437 Simplified acquisition procedures, 48 CFR 413 Small business programs, 48 CFR 419 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 452 Special contracting methods, 48 CFR 417 Termination of contracts, 48 CFR 449 Transportation, 48 CFR 447 Types of contracts, 48 CFR 416 Broadcasting Board of Governors, acquisition regulations Administrative matters, 48 CFR 1904 [[Page 391]] Broadcasting Board of Governors Acquisition Regulation System, 48 CFR 1901 Contract administration, 48 CFR 1942 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 1915 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 1909 Definitions of words and terms, 48 CFR 1902 Forms, 48 CFR 1953 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 1903 Quality assurance, 48 CFR 1946 Small purchase and other simplified purchase procedures, 48 CFR 1913 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 1952 Special contracting methods, 48 CFR 1917 Specifications, standards and other purchase descriptions, 48 CFR 1910 Buy American Act, determination of areas of substantial unemployment, 20 CFR 654 Commerce Department, acquisition regulations Acquisition planning, 48 CFR 1307 Acquisitions involving ship construction and ship repair, 48 CFR 1371 Administrative matters, 48 CFR 1304 Application of labor laws to government acquisitions, 48 CFR 1322 Bonds and insurance, 48 CFR 1328 Commercial items, 48 CFR 1312 Competition requirements, 48 CFR 1306 Construction and architect-engineer contracts, 48 CFR 1336 Contract administration, 48 CFR 1342 Contract cost accounting standards administration, 48 CFR 1330 Contract cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 1331 Contract financing, 48 CFR 1332 Contract qualifications, 48 CFR 1309 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 1315 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 1309 Definitions of words and terms, 48 CFR 1302 Describing agency needs, 48 CFR 1311 Emergency acquisitions, 48 CFR 1318 Environment, energy, and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace, 48 CFR 1323 Extraordinary contractual actions, 48 CFR 1350 Foreign acquisition, 48 CFR 1325 Forms, 48 CFR 1353 General, 48 CFR 1301 Government property, 48 CFR 1345 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 1303 Information technology, 48 CFR 1339 Major system acquisition, 48 CFR 1334 Other socioeconomic procurement, 48 CFR 1326 Patents, data, and copyrights, 48 CFR 1327 Protection of privacy and freedom of information, 48 CFR 1324 Protests, disputes and appeals, 48 CFR 1333 Publicizing contract actions, 48 CFR 1305 Quality assurance, 48 CFR 1346 Research and development contracting, 48 CFR 1335 Sealed bidding, 48 CFR 1314 Service contracting, 48 CFR 1337 Ship repair, 48 CFR 1371 Simplified acquisition procedures, 48 CFR 1313 Small business programs, 48 CFR 1319 Small purchase and other simplified purchase procedures, 48 CFR 1313 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 1352 Special contracting methods, 48 CFR 1317 Subcontracting policies and procedures, 48 CFR 1344 Supplies and services, required sources, 48 CFR 1308 Taxes, 48 CFR 1329 Termination of contracts, 48 CFR 1349 Type of contracts, 48 CFR 1316 Universal solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 1370 Utility services, 48 CFR 1341 Value engineering, 48 CFR 1348 Customs and Border Protection, administrative rulings, country of origin determinations, 19 CFR 177 Defense Department, acquisition regulations Acquisition planning, 48 CFR 207 Administrative information matters, 48 CFR 204 Application of labor laws to Government acquisitions, 48 CFR 222 [[Page 392]] Bonds and insurance, 48 CFR 228 Commercial products and commercial services, 48 CFR 212 Competition requirements, 48 CFR 206 Construction and architect-engineer contracts, 48 CFR 236 Contracts-- Administration and audit services, 48 CFR 242 Cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 231 Financing, 48 CFR 232 Modifications, 48 CFR 243 Termination, 48 CFR 249 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 215 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 209 Cost accounting standards administration, 48 CFR 230 Definitions of words and terms, 48 CFR 202 Describing agency needs, 48 CFR 211 Emergency acquisitions, 48 CFR 218 Environment, energy and water conservation, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace, 48 CFR 223 Extraordinary contractual actions, 48 CFR 250 Federal Acquisition Regulations System, 48 CFR 201 Foreign acquisition, 48 CFR 225 Forms, 48 CFR 253 Government property, 48 CFR 245 Government sources by contractors, use of, 48 CFR 251 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 203 Information technology, 48 CFR 239 Major system acquisition, 48 CFR 234 Market research, 48 CFR 210 Patents, data, and copyrights, 48 CFR 227 Privacy protection and freedom of information, 48 CFR 224 Protests, disputes, and appeals, 48 CFR 233 Publicizing contract actions, 48 CFR 205 Quality assurance, 48 CFR 246 Supplies and services, required sources 48 CFR 208 Research and development contracting, 48 CFR 235 Sealed bidding, 48 CFR 214 Service contracting, 48 CFR 237 Simplified acquisition procedures, 48 CFR 213 Small business programs, 48 CFR 219 Socioeconomic programs, 48 CFR 226 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 252 Special contracting methods, 48 CFR 217 Subcontracting policies and procedures, 48 CFR 244 Taxes, 48 CFR 229 Transportation, 48 CFR 247 Types of contracts, 48 CFR 216 Utility services, 48 CFR 241 Defense Department, defense contracting Acquisition pilot program policy, 32 CFR 2 Acquisition-related information, release, 32 CFR 286h Competitive information certificate and profit reduction clause, 32 CFR 173 Emergency acquisition, 48 CFR 18 Productivity enhancing capital investment (PECI), 32 CFR 162 Transactions other than contracts, grants, or cooperative agreements for prototype projects, 32 CFR 3 Defense Logistics Agency, acquisition regulations Protests, disputes, and appeals, 48 CFR 5433 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 5452 Types of contracts, 48 CFR 5416 Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board, organizational and consultant conflicts of interests, 10 CFR 1706 Education Department, acquisition regulations Application of labor laws to Government acquisition, 48 CFR 3422 Bonds and insurance, 48 CFR 3428 Commercial items, 48 CFR 3412 Competition requirements, 48 CFR 3406 Contract administration and audit service, 48 CFR 3442 Contract financing, 48 CFR 3432 Contract modifications, 48 CFR 3443 Contract types, 48 CFR 3416 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 3415 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 3409 Definitions of words and terms, 48 CFR 3402 Foreign acquisition, 48 CFR 3425 [[Page 393]] Government property, 48 CFR 3445 Information technology, 48 CFR 3439 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 3403 Patents, data, and copyrights, 48 CFR 3427 Protection of privacy and freedom of information, 48 CFR 3424 Protests, disputes, and appeals, 48 CFR 3433 Publicizing contract actions, 48 CFR 3405 Regulation system, 48 CFR 3401 Required sources of supplies and services, 48 CFR 3408 Sealed bidding, 48 CFR 3414 Service contracting, 48 CFR 3437 Simplified procedures, 48 CFR 3413 Small business programs, 48 CFR 3419 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 3452 Special contracting methods, 48 CFR 3417 Transportation, 48 CFR 3447 Energy Department, acquisition regulations Acquisition of commercial items, 48 CFR 912 Acquisition of utility services, 48 CFR 941 Administrative matters, 48 CFR 904 Application of labor laws to Government acquisition, 48 CFR 922 Bonds and insurance, 48 CFR 928 Competition requirements, 48 CFR 906 Construction and architect-engineer contracts, 48 CFR 936 Contract administration and audit services, 48 CFR 942 Contract cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 931 Contract financing, 48 CFR 932 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 915 Contracting qualifications, 48 CFR 909 Definitions of words and terms, 48 CFR 902 Describing agency needs, 48 CFR 911 DOE management and operating contracts, 48 CFR 970 Environment, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace, 48 CFR 923 Extraordinary contractual actions and the Safety Act, 48 CFR 950 Federal Acquisition Regulations System, 48 CFR 901 Foreign acquisition, 48 CFR 925 Government property, 48 CFR 945 Government sources by contractors, use of, 48 CFR 951 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 903 Information technology acquisition, 48 CFR 939 Other socioeconomic programs, 48 CFR 926 Patents, data, and copyrights, 48 CFR 927 Protection of privacy and freedom of information, 48 CFR 924 Protests, disputes, and appeals, 48 CFR 933 Publicizing contract actions, 48 CFR 905 Required sources of supplies and services, 48 CFR 908 Research and development contracting, 48 CFR 935 Sealed bidding, 48 CFR 914 Service contracting, 48 CFR 937 Simplified acquisition procedures, 48 CFR 913 Small business programs, 48 CFR 919 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 952 Special contracting methods, 48 CFR 917 Termination of contracts, 48 CFR 949 Transportation, 48 CFR 947 Types of contracts, 48 CFR 916 Energy Department, procurement regulations Environmental Protection Agency, acquisition regulations Administrative matters, 48 CFR 1504 Application of labor laws to Government acquisition, 48 CFR 1522 Bonds of insurance, 48 CFR 1528 Commercial items, 48 CFR 1512 Competition requirements, 48 CFR 1506 Construction and architect-engineer contracts, 48 CFR 1536 Contract administration, 48 CFR 1542 Contract cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 1531 Contract financing, 48 CFR 1532 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 1515 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 1509 Contracts, types, 48 CFR 1516 Cost accounting standards, 48 CFR 1530 [[Page 394]] Definition of words and terms, 48 CFR 1502 Describing agency needs, 48 CFR 1511 Environment, conservation, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace, 48 CFR 1523 Foreign acquisition, 48 CFR 1525 Forms, 48 CFR 1553 General, 48 CFR 1501 Government property, 48 CFR 1545 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 1503 Information technology, 48 CFR 1539 Labor surplus area concerns, 48 CFR 1520 Patents, data and copyrights, 48 CFR 1527 Protection of privacy and freedom of information, 48 CFR 1524 Protests, disputes and appeals, 48 CFR 1533 Publicizing contract actions, 48 CFR 1505 Quality assurance, 48 CFR 1546 Required sources of supply, 48 CFR 1508 Research and development contracting, 48 CFR 1535 Sealed bidding, 48 CFR 1514 Service contracting, 48 CFR 1537 Simplified acquisition procedures, 48 CFR 1513 Small business programs, 48 CFR 1519 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 1552 Special contracting methods, 48 CFR 1517 Taxes, 48 CFR 1529 Value engineering, 48 CFR 1548 Environmental Protection Agency, Federal procurement guidelines, products containing recovered materials, 40 CFR 247 Federal Acquisition Regulation Acquisition of utility services, 48 CFR 41 Acquisition planning, 48 CFR 7 Administrative and information matters, 48 CFR 4 Bonds and insurance, 48 CFR 28 Commercial products and commercial services, 48 CFR 12 Competition requirements, 48 CFR 6 Construction and architect-engineer contracts, 48 CFR 36 Contract administration and audit services, 48 CFR 42 Contract cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 31 Contract financing, 48 CFR 32 Contract modifications, 48 CFR 43 Contract types, 48 CFR 16 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 15 Contractors-- Use of government sources by, 48 CFR 51 Qualifications, 48 CFR 9 Cost accounting standards, administration, 48 CFR 30 Definitions of words and terms, 48 CFR 2 Describing agency needs, 48 CFR 11 Disputes and appeals, 48 CFR 33 Environment, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace, 48 CFR 23 Extraordinary contractual actions and the Safety Act, 48 CFR 50 Federal Acquisition System, 48 CFR 1 Federal supply schedule contracting, 48 CFR 38 Foreign acquisition, 48 CFR 25 Forms, 48 CFR 53 Government property, 48 CFR 45 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 3 Information technology acquisition, 48 CFR 39 Labor laws application to Government acquisitions, 48 CFR 22 Major system acquisition, 48 CFR 34 Market research, 48 CFR 10 Patents, data, and copyrights, 48 CFR 27 Privacy protection and freedom of information, 48 CFR 24 Publicizing contract actions, 48 CFR 5 Quality assurance, 48 CFR 46 Sealed bidding, 48 CFR 14 Service contracting, 48 CFR 37 Simplified acquisition procedures, 48 CFR 13 Small business programs, 48 CFR 19 Socioeconomic programs, 48 CFR 26 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 52 Special contracting methods, 48 CFR 17 Subcontracting policies and procedures, 48 CFR 44 Supplies and services, required sources, 48 CFR 8 Taxes, 48 CFR 29 [[Page 395]] Termination of contracts, 48 CFR 49 Transportation, 48 CFR 47 Value engineering, 48 CFR 48 Federal Contract Compliance Programs Office Affirmative action and nondiscrimination obligations of Federal contractors and subcontractors regarding-- Disabled veterans, recently separated veterans, active duty wartime or campaign badge veterans, and Armed Forces service medal veterans, 41 CFR 60-300 Individuals with disabilities, 41 CFR 60-741 Affirmative action programs, 41 CFR 60-2 Construction contractors, affirmative action requirements, 41 CFR 60-4 Employee selection procedures, uniform guidelines, 41 CFR 60-3 Equal opportunity enforcement under Executive Order 11246, rules of practice for administrative proceedings, 41 CFR 60-30 Guidelines on discrimination because of religion or national origin, 41 CFR 60-50 Sex discrimination requirements, 41 CFR 60-20 Federal Emergency Management Agency, procurement regulations Defense mobilization base, preservation through placement of procurement and facilities in labor surplus areas, 44 CFR 331 Federal supply classification common use items, use of priorities and allocation authority, 44 CFR 329 Federal Highway Administration; engineering and design related service contracts; procurement, management, and administration, 23 CFR 172 Federal Procurement Policy Office, Cost Accounting Standards Board, acquisition regulations Contract coverage, 48 CFR 9903 Cost accounting standards-- Contractor practices, 48 CFR 9904 Educational institutions, 48 CFR 9905 Rules and procedures, 48 CFR 9901 Scope of chapter, 48 CFR 9900 General Services Administration, acquisition regulations Acquisition Regulations System, 48 CFR 501 Administrative matters, 48 CFR 504 Application of labor laws, 48 CFR 522 Bonds and insurance, 48 CFR 528 Civilian Board of Contract Appeals-- Board procedure rules, 48 CFR 6101 Crop insurance cases, procedure rules, 48 CFR 6102 Decisions authorized under 31 U.S.C. 3529, procedure rules, 48 CFR 6105 Transportation rate cases, procedure rules, 48 CFR 6103 Travel and relocation expenses cases, procedure rules, 48 CFR 6104 Commercial products and commercial services, 48 CFR 512 Construction and architect-engineer contracts, 48 CFR 536 Contract administration and audit services, 48 CFR 542 Contract financing, 48 CFR 532 Contract modifications, 48 CFR 543 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 515 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 509 Definitions of words and terms, 48 CFR 502 Describing agency needs, 48 CFR 511 Emergency acquisition, 48 CFR 18 Environment, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety and drug-free workplace, 48 CFR 523 Federal Supply Schedule contracting, 48 CFR 538 Foreign acquisition, 48 CFR 525 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 503 Patents, data, and copyrights, 48 CFR 527 Protests, disputes and appeals, 48 CFR 533 Real property, acquiring leasehold interests, 48 CFR 570 Quality assurance, 48 CFR 546 Sealed bidding, 48 CFR 514 Service contracting, 48 CFR 537 Simplified acquisition procedures, 48 CFR 513 Small business programs, 48 CFR 519 [[Page 396]] Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 552 Special contracting methods, 48 CFR 517 Taxes, 48 CFR 529 Transportation, 48 CFR 547 Types of contracts, 48 CFR 516 Utility services, 48 CFR 541 Health and Human Services Department Acquisition regulations-- Acquisition planning, 48 CFR 307 Acquisition Regulation System, 48 CFR 301 Administrative matters, 48 CFR 304 Application of labor laws to government acquisition, 48 CFR 322 Commercial items acquisition, 48 CFR 312 Competition requirements, 48 CFR 306 Construction and architect-engineer contracts, 48 CFR 336 Contract administration, 48 CFR 342 Contract cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 331 Contract financing, 48 CFR 332 Contract types, 48 CFR 316 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 315 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 309 Cost accounting standards, 48 CFR 330 Definitions of words and terms, 48 CFR 302 Describing agency needs, 48 CFR 311 Environment, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety and drug-free workplace, 48 CFR 323 Forms, 48 CFR 353 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 303 Information technology acquisition, 48 CFR 339 Major system acquisition, 48 CFR 334 Market research, 48 CFR 310 Other socioeconomic programs, 48 CFR 326 Patents, data and copyrights, 48 CFR 327 Protection of privacy and freedom of information, 48 CFR 324 Protests, disputes, and appeals, 48 CFR 333 Publicizing contract actions, 48 CFR 305 Research and development contracting, 48 CFR 335 Sealed bidding, 48 CFR 314 Service contracting, general, 48 CFR 337 Simplified acquisition procedures, 48 CFR 313 Small business programs, 48 CFR 319 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 352 Special contracting methods, 48 CFR 317 Special programs affecting acquisition, 48 CFR 370 Supplies and services, required sources, 48 CFR 308 Indian health care services, 42 CFR 136, 42 CFR 136a Homeland Security Department, acquisition regulations Administrative matters, 48 CFR 3004 Bonds and insurance, 48 CFR 3028 Commercial items, 48 CFR 3012 Competition requirements, 48 CFR 3006 Construction and architect-engineer contracts, 48 CFR 3036 Contracts-- Administration and audit services, 48 CFR 3042 Cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 3031 Financing, 48 CFR 3032 Termination, 48 CFR 3049 Types, 48 CFR 3016 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 3015 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 3009 Cost accounting standards administration, 48 CFR 3030 Definitions of words and terms, 48 CFR 3002 Describing agency needs, 48 CFR 3011 Emergency acquisitions, 48 CFR 3018 Environment, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace, 48 CFR 3023 Federal Acquisition Regulations System, 48 CFR 3001 Foreign acquisition, 48 CFR 3025 Forms, 48 CFR 3053 [[Page 397]] Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 3003 Labor laws, application to Government acquisitions, 48 CFR 3022 Major system acquisition, 48 CFR 3034 Patents, data, and copyrights, 48 CFR 3027 Planning, 48 CFR 3007 Protection of privacy and freedom of information, 48 CFR 3024 Protests, disputes, and appeals, 48 CFR 3033 Publicizing contract actions, 48 CFR 3005 Quality assurance, 48 CFR 3046 Research and development contracting, 48 CFR 3035 Service contracting, 48 CFR 3037 Small business programs, 48 CFR 3019 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 3052 Special contracting methods, 48 CFR 3017 Transportation, 48 CFR 3047 Housing and Urban Development Department Acquisition regulations-- Acquisition planning, 48 CFR 2407 Administrative matters, 48 CFR 2404 Application of labor laws to government acquisitions, 48 CFR 2422 Bonds and insurance, 48 CFR 2428 Competition requirements, 48 CFR 2406 Construction and architect-engineer contracts, 48 CFR 2436 Contract administration, 48 CFR 2442 Contract financing, 48 CFR 2432 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 2415 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 2409 Definition of words and terms, 48 CFR 2402 Federal Acquisition Regulations System, 48 CFR 2401 Forms, 48 CFR 2453 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 2403 Information technology acquisition, 48 CFR 2439 Major system acquisitions, 48 CFR 2434 Patents, data, and copyrights, 48 CFR 2427 Protection of privacy and freedom of information, 48 CFR 2424 Protests, disputes, and appeals, 48 CFR 2433 Publicizing contract actions, 48 CFR 2405 Quality assurance, 48 CFR 2446 Sealed bidding, 48 CFR 2414 Service contracting, 48 CFR 2437 Simplified acquisition procedures, 48 CFR 2413 Small business programs, 48 CFR 2419 Socioeconomic programs, 48 CFR 2426 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 2452 Special contracting methods, 48 CFR 2417 Subcontracting policies and procedures, 48 CFR 2444 Supplies and services, required sources, 48 CFR 2408 Taxes, 48 CFR 2429 Termination of contracts, 48 CFR 2449 Trade Agreements Act, 48 CFR 2425 Types of contracts, 48 CFR 2416 Use of Government sources by contractors, 48 CFR 2451 Value engineering, 48 CFR 2448 Public Housing Agency-owned or leased projects, consolidated supply program, 24 CFR 965 Interior Department, acquisition regulations Acquisition planning, 48 CFR 1407 Administrative matters, 48 CFR 1404 Application of labor laws to government acquisitions, 48 CFR 1422 Bonds and insurance, 48 CFR 1428 Competition requirements, 48 CFR 1406 Construction and architect-engineer contracts, 48 CFR 1436 Contract administration and audit services, 48 CFR 1442 Contract cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 1431 Contract financing, 48 CFR 1432 Contract modifications, 48 CFR 1443 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 1415 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 1409 Cost accounting standards administration, 48 CFR 1430 Definitions of words and terms, 48 CFR 1402 [[Page 398]] Department of the Interior Acquisition Regulation System, 48 CFR 1401 Extraordinary contractual actions and the Safety Act, 48 CFR 1450 Foreign acquisition, 48 CFR 1425 Government property, 48 CFR 1445 Government sources by contractors, use of, 48 CFR 1451 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 1403 Other socioeconomic programs, 48 CFR 1426 Patents, data and copyrights, 48 CFR 1427 Protection of privacy and freedom of information, 48 CFR 1424 Protests, disputes, and appeals, 48 CFR 1433 Publicizing contract actions, 48 CFR 1405 Quality assurance, 48 CFR 1446 Required sources of supplies and services, 48 CFR 1408 Research and development contracting, 48 CFR 1435 Sealed bidding, 48 CFR 1414 Service contracting, 48 CFR 1437 Simplified acquisition procedures, 48 CFR 1413 Small business programs, 48 CFR 1419 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 1452 Special contracting methods, 48 CFR 1417 Taxes, 48 CFR 1429 Termination of contracts, 48 CFR 1449 Types of contracts, 48 CFR 1416 Value engineering, 48 CFR 1448 Justice Department, acquisition regulations Acquisition planning, 48 CFR 2807 Administrative matters, 48 CFR 2804 Agency needs, description, 48 CFR 2811 Application of labor laws to Government acquisitions, 48 CFR 2822 Bonds and insurance, 48 CFR 2828 Commercial items, 48 CFR 2812 Competition requirements, 48 CFR 2806 Construction and architect-engineer contracts, 48 CFR 2386 Contract actions, publicizing, 48 CFR 2805 Contracts-- Administration and audit services, 48 CFR 2842 Cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 2831 Financing, 48 CFR 2832 Types of contracts, 48 CFR 2816 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 2815 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 2809 Cost accounting standards administrating, 48 CFR 2830 Definitions of words and terms, 48 CFR 2802 Department of Justice Acquisition Regulations System, 48 CFR 2801 Environment, energy, and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety and drug-free workplace, 48 CFR 2823 Extraordinary contractual actions and the Safety Act, 48 CFR 2850 Foreign acquisitions, 48 CFR 2825 Government property, 48 CFR 2845 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 2803 Information technology, 48 CFR 2839 Major system acquisition, 48 CFR 2834 Market research, 48 CFR 2810 Patents, data, and copyrights, 48 CFR 2827 Protection of privacy and freedom of information, 48 CFR 2824 Protests, disputes, and appeals, 48 CFR 2833 Quality assurance, 48 CFR 2846 Sealed bidding, 48 CFR 2814 Service contracting, 48 CFR 2837 Simplified acquisition procedures, 48 CFR 2813 Small business programs, 48 CFR 2819 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 2852 Special contracting methods, 48 CFR 2817 Supplies and services, required sources, 48 CFR 2808 Taxes, 48 CFR 2829 Utility services, 48 CFR 2841 Value engineering, 48 CFR 2848 Labor Department Acquisition regulations-- Acquisition planning, 48 CFR 2907 Administrative matters, 48 CFR 2904 Application of labor laws to Government acquisitions, 48 CFR 2922 Bonds and insurance, 48 CFR 2928 Commercial items acquisition, 48 CFR 2912 [[Page 399]] Competition requirements, 48 CFR 2906 Construction and architect-engineer contracts, 48 CFR 2936 Contract administration and audit services, 48 CFR 2942 Contract cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 2931 Contract financing, 48 CFR 2932 8Contract modifications, 48 CFR 2943 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 2915 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 2909 Cost accounting standards, 48 CFR 2930 Definition of words and terms, 48 CFR 2902 Department of Labor Acquisition Regulation System, 48 CFR 2901 Describing agency needs, 48 CFR 2911 8Environment, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace, 48 CFR 2923 Forms, 48 CFR 2953 Government property, 48 CFR 2945 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 2903 Protests, disputes and appeals, 48 CFR 2933 Publicizing contract actions, 48 CFR 2905 Required sources of supplies and services, 48 CFR 2908 Sealed bidding, 48 CFR 2914 Service contracting, 48 CFR 2937 Simplified acquisition procedures, 48 CFR 2913 Small business and small disadvantaged business concerns, 48 CFR 2919 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 2952 Special contracting methods, 48 CFR 2917 Specifications, standards, and other purchase descriptions, 48 CFR 2910 Subcontracting policies and procedures, 48 CFR 2944 Taxes, 48 CFR 2929 Type of contracts, 48 CFR 2916 Federal supply contracts, safety and health standards, 41 CFR 50-204 General provisions, 41 CFR 50-201 Labor provisions, public contracts-- Contractors, minimum wage for; establishment, 29 CFR 10 Contractors, minimum wage for; increase, 29 CFR 23 Labor standards provisions applicable to contracts covering federally financed and assisted construction contracts and non-construction contracts under the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, 29 CFR 5 Minimum wage determinations, 41 CFR 50-202 Practice rules, 41 CFR 50-203 State officers and employees, safety and health standards enforcement, 41 CFR 50-205 Statements of general policy and interpretation not directly related to regulations, 41 CFR 50-210 Wage rates, predetermination procedures, 29 CFR 1 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Acquisition regulations-- Acquisition of commercial items, 48 CFR 1812 Acquisition planning, 48 CFR 1807 Administrative matters, 48 CFR 1804 Application of labor laws to Government acquisitions, 48 CFR 1822 Bonds and insurance, 48 CFR 1828 Competition requirements, 48 CFR 1806 Construction and architect-engineer contracts, 48 CFR 1836 Contract administration, 48 CFR 1842 Contract cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 1831 Contract financing, 48 CFR 1832 Contract modifications, 48 CFR 1843 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 1815 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 1809 Cost accounting standards administration, 48 CFR 1830 Describing agency needs, 48 CFR 1811 Emergency acquisition, 48 CFR 18 [[Page 400]] Environment, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace, 48 CFR 1823 Extraordinary contractual actions and the Safety Act, 48 CFR 1850 Federal Acquisition Regulations System, 48 CFR 1801 Foreign acquisition, 48 CFR 1825 Government property, 48 CFR 1845 Government sources by contractors, use of, 48 CFR 1851 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 1803 Information technology acquisition, 48 CFR 1839 Major system acquisition, 48 CFR 1834 Midrange procurement procedures, 48 CFR 1871 NASA supplementary regulations, 48 CFR 1870 Patents, data, and copyrights, 48 CFR 1827 Protection of privacy and freedom of information, 48 CFR 1824 Protests, disputes, and appeals, 48 CFR 1833 Publicizing contract actions, 48 CFR 1805 Quality assurance, 48 CFR 1846 Required sources of supplies and services, 48 CFR 1808 Research and development contracting, 48 CFR 1835 Sealed bidding, 48 CFR 1814 Service contracting, 48 CFR 1837 Simplified acquisition procedures, 48 CFR 1813 Small business programs, 48 CFR 1819 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 1852 Special contracting methods, 48 CFR 1817 Subcontracting policies and procedures, 48 CFR 1844 Termination of contracts, 48 CFR 1849 Transportation, 48 CFR 1847 Types of contracts, 48 CFR 1816 Utility services, 48 CFR 1841 Procurement regulations-- Administrative authority and policy, 14 CFR 1204 Space flight, 14 CFR 1214 National Institute of Standards and Technology, Federal conformity assessment guidance, 15 CFR 287 National Science Foundation, acquisition regulations Contract financing, 48 CFR 2532 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 2515 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 2509 Federal Acquisition Regulations System, 48 CFR 2501 Patents, data, and copyrights, 48 CFR 2527 Navy Department, acquisition regulations Contract cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 5231 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, acquisition regulations Administrative matters, 48 CFR 2004 Agency needs, describing, 48 CFR 2011 Application of labor laws to government acquisitions, 48 CFR 2022 Contract administration, 48 CFR 2042 Contract cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 2031 Contract financing, 48 CFR 2032 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 2015 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 2009 Cost accounting standards, 48 CFR 2030 Definitions, 48 CFR 2002 Government property, 48 CFR 2045 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 2003 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Acquisition Regulation System, 48 CFR 2001 Patents, data, and copyrights, 48 CFR 2027 Protection of privacy and freedom of information, 48 CFR 2024 Protests, disputes, and appeals, 48 CFR 2033 Publicizing contract actions, 48 CFR 2005 Research and development contracting, 48 CFR 2035 Sealed bidding, 48 CFR 2014 Small business programs, 48 CFR 2019 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 2052 Special contracting methods, 48 CFR 2017 Types of contracts, 48 CFR 2016 [[Page 401]] People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled, Committee for Purchase From; acquisition regulations Central nonprofit agencies, designation and responsibilities, 41 CFR 51-3 Contracting requirements, 41 CFR 51-5 General provisions, 41 CFR 51-1 Nonprofit organizations, qualification and responsibilities, 41 CFR 51-4 Organization and functions, 41 CFR 51-2 Procurement procedures, 41 CFR 51-6 Personnel Management Office, Acquisition regulations Cost accounting standards, 48 CFR 1699 Federal Employees Group Life Insurance Program-- Administrative matters, 48 CFR 2104 Application of labor laws to Government acquisitions, 48 CFR 2122 Bonds and insurance, 48 CFR 2128 Competition requirements, 48 CFR 2106 Contract cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 2131 Contract financing, 48 CFR 2132 Contract modifications, 48 CFR 2143 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 2115 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 2109 Definitions of words and terms, 48 CFR 2102 Federal Acquisition Regulations System, 48 CFR 2101 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 2103 Precontract provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 2152 Protection of privacy and freedom of information, 48 CFR 2124 Publicizing contract actions, 48 CFR 2105 Quality assurance, 48 CFR 2146 Sealed bidding, 48 CFR 2114 Service contracting, 48 CFR 2137 Specifications, standards, and other purchase descriptions, 48 CFR 2110 Subcontracting policies and procedures, 48 CFR 2144 Taxes, 48 CFR 2129 Termination of contracts, 48 CFR 2149 Types of contracts, 48 CFR 2116 Federal Employees Health Benefits-- Administrative matters, 48 CFR 1604 Application of labor laws to Government acquisitions, 48 CFR 1622 Competition requirements, 48 CFR 1606 Contract administration, 48 CFR 1642 Contract clauses, 48 CFR 1652 Contract cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 1631 Contract financing, 48 CFR 1632 Contract modifications, 48 CFR 1643 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 1615 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 1609 Definitions of words and terms, 48 CFR 1602 Federal Acquisition Regulations System, 48 CFR 1601 Forms, 48 CFR 1653 Government property, 48 CFR 1645 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 1603 Protection of privacy and freedom of information, 48 CFR 1624 Publicizing contract actions, 48 CFR 1605 Quality assurance, 48 CFR 1646 Sealed bidding, 48 CFR 1614 Subcontracting policies and procedures, 48 CFR 1644 Taxes, 48 CFR 1629 Termination of contracts, 48 CFR 1649 Types of contracts, 48 CFR 1616 Protests, disputes, and appeals, 48 CFR 1733 Postal Service, purchasing of property and services, 39 CFR 601 Procurement and Property Management Office, Agriculture Department Biobased products, voluntary labeling program, 7 CFR 3202 Designating biobased products, guidelines for Federal procurement, 7 CFR 3201 Public works contracts, denial to suppliers of goods and services of countries that deny procurement market access to U.S. contractors, 49 CFR 30 Small businesses [[Page 402]] Government contracting programs, 13 CFR 125 HUBZone program, 13 CFR 126 Minority Small Business and Capital Ownership Development program / small disadvantaged business status determinations, 13 CFR 124 Small business size regulations, 13 CFR 121 Small businesses located in disaster areas, and surplus personal property for small businesses located in disaster areas, Puerto Rico, and covered territory; contracts, 13 CFR 129 Veterans Small Business Certification Program, 13 CFR 128 Social Security Administration Lobbying restrictions, 20 CFR 438 Social Security Acquisition Regulation System, 48 CFR 2301 State Department, acquisition regulations Acquisition of utility services, 48 CFR 641 Acquisition planning, 48 CFR 607 Administrative matters, 48 CFR 604 Application of labor laws to Government acquisitions, 48 CFR 622 Bonds and insurance, 48 CFR 628 Commercial items, 48 CFR 612 Competition requirements, 48 CFR 606 Construction and architect-engineer contracts, 48 CFR 636 Contract administration and audit services, 48 CFR 642 Contract cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 631 Contract financing, 48 CFR 632 Contract modification, 48 CFR 643 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 615 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 609 Cost accounting standards, 48 CFR 630 Definitions of words and terms, 48 CFR 602 Describing agency needs, 48 CFR 611 Environment, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace, 48 CFR 623 Foreign acquisition, 48 CFR 625 Forms, 48 CFR 653 Government property, 48 CFR 645 Government sources by contractors, use of, 48 CFR 651 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 603 Information technology, 48 CFR 639 Major system acquisition, 48 CFR 634 Patents, data, and copyrights, 48 CFR 627 Protection of privacy and freedom of information, 48 CFR 624 Protests, disputes and appeals, 48 CFR 633 Publicizing contract actions, 48 CFR 605 Sealed bidding, 48 CFR 614 Service contracting, 48 CFR 637 Simplified acquisition procedures, 48 CFR 613 Small business programs, 48 CFR 619 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 652 Special contracting methods, 48 CFR 617 State Department Acquisition Regulations System, 48 CFR 601 Subcontracting policies and procedures, 48 CFR 644 Supplies and services, required sources, 48 CFR 608 Taxes, 48 CFR 629 Termination of contracts, 48 CFR 649 Transportation, 48 CFR 647 Types of contracts, 48 CFR 616 Value engineering, 48 CFR 648 Stratospheric ozone protection, 40 CFR 82 Transportation Department, acquisition regulations Acquisition planning, 48 CFR 1207 Administrative and information matters, 48 CFR 1204 Application of labor laws, 48 CFR 1222 Bonds and insurance, 48 CFR 1228 Commercial products and commercial services, acquisition, 48 CFR 1212 Competition requirements, 48 CFR 1206 Construction and architect-engineer contracts, 48 CFR 1236 Contract administration, 48 CFR 1242 Contract cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 1231 Contract financing, 48 CFR 1232 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 1215 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 1209 Definitions of words and terms, 48 CFR 1202 Describing agency needs, 48 CFR 1211 Environment, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, [[Page 403]] occupational safety, and drug-free workplace, 48 CFR 1223 Federal Acquisition Regulation System, 48 CFR 1201 Forms, 48 CFR 1253 Government property, 48 CFR 1245 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 1203 Information technology acquisition, 48 CFR 1239 Labor surplus area contracting, 48 CFR 1220 Patents, data, and copyrights, 48 CFR 1227 Protection of privacy and freedom of information, 48 CFR 1224 Protests, disputes and appeals, 48 CFR 1233 Publicizing contract actions, 48 CFR 1205 Quality assurance, 48 CFR 1246 Research and development contracting, 48 CFR 1235 Sealed bidding, 48 CFR 1214 Service contracting, 48 CFR 1237 Simplified acquisition procedures, 48 CFR 1213 Small business programs, 48 CFR 1219 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 1252 Special contracting methods, 48 CFR 1217 Transportation, 48 CFR 1247 Types of contracts, 48 CFR 1216 Treasury Department, acquisition regulations Bonds and insurance, 48 CFR 1028 Construction and architect-engineer contracts, 48 CFR 1036 Contract administration and audit services, 48 CFR 1042 Contract financing, 48 CFR 1032 Contract types, 48 CFR 1016 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 1009 Definitions of words and terms, 48 CFR 1002 Department of the Treasury Acquisition Regulations (DTAR) System, 48 CFR 1001 Major system acquisition, 48 CFR 1034 Minority and women inclusion, 48 CFR 1022 Protests, disputes, and appeals, 48 CFR 1033 Small business programs, 48 CFR 1019 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 1052 Veterans Affairs Department Acquisition regulations-- Administrative and information matters, 48 CFR 804 Agency needs, description, 48 CFR 811 Application of labor laws to Government acquisitions, 48 CFR 822 Bonds and insurance, 48 CFR 828 Commercial products and commercial items, 48 CFR 812 Competition requirements, 48 CFR 806 Construction and architect-engineer contracts, 48 CFR 836 Contract administration and audit services, 48 CFR 842 Contract cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 831 Contract financing, 48 CFR 832 Contract modifications, 48 CFR 837 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 815 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 809 Contracts, termination, 48 CFR 849 Definitions of words and terms, 48 CFR 802 Environment, energy, and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace, 48 CFR 823 Foreign acquisition, 48 CFR 825 Forms, 48 CFR 853 Government property, 48 CFR 845 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 803 Information technology, 48 CFR 839 Loan guaranty and vocational rehabilitation and employment programs, 48 CFR 871 Market research, 48 CFR 810 Other socioeconomic programs, 48 CFR 826 Privacy protection and freedom of information, 48 CFR 824 Protests, disputes, appeals, 48 CFR 833 Quality assurance, 48 CFR 846 Required sources of supplies and services, 48 CFR 808 Research and development contracting, 48 CFR 835 [[Page 404]] Sealed bidding, 48 CFR 814 Service contracting, 48 CFR 837 Simplified acquisition procedures, 48 CFR 813 Simplified procedures for health-care resources, 48 CFR 873 Small business programs, 48 CFR 819 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 852 Special contracting methods, 48 CFR 817 Subcontracting policies and procedures, 48 CFR 844 Taxes, 48 CFR 829 Transportation, 48 CFR 847 Types of contracts, 48 CFR 816 Utility services, 48 CFR 841 Affirmative action and nondiscrimination obligations of Federal contractors and subcontractors regarding disabled veterans, recently separated veterans, active duty wartime or campaign badge veterans, and Armed Forces service medal veterans, 41 CFR 60-300 Veterans Affairs acquisition regulation system, 48 CFR 801 Government property See al Federal buildings and facilities; Government property management; Surplus Government property Acquisition regulations Agency for International Development, 48 CFR 745 Agriculture Department, 48 CFR 445 Commerce Department, 48 CFR 1345 Defense Department, 48 CFR 245 Energy Department, 48 CFR 945 Environmental Protection Agency, 48 CFR 1545 Interior Department, 48 CFR 1445 Justice Department, 48 CFR 2845 Labor Department, 48 CFR 2945 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 48 CFR 1845 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 48 CFR 2045 State Department, 48 CFR 645 Transportation Department, 48 CFR 1245 Veterans Affairs Department, 48 CFR 845 Agriculture Department, excess personal property, acquisition and transfer guidelines, 7 CFR 3200 Army cemeteries, 32 CFR 553 Central Intelligence Agency, conduct on agency installations, 32 CFR 1903 Coast Guard general gift fund, 33 CFR 17 Community planning and development programs, expiring programs; savings clause, 24 CFR 500 Corporation for National and Community Service, solicitation and acceptance of donations, 45 CFR 2544 Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia, gifts acceptance, 28 CFR 804 Defense Department Grants and agreements with for-profit organizations, administrative requirements, 32 CFR 34 Munitions response site prioritization protocol, 32 CFR 179 Defense Logistics Agency, security of activities and resources, 32 CFR 1292 Farm Service Agency, inventory property management, 7 CFR 767 Federal Acquisition Regulation, 48 CFR 45 Federal Travel Regulation; temporary duty(TDY) travel allowances, transportation expenses, use of government vehicles, 41 CFR 301-10 Firefighting on Federal property, reimbursement for costs, 44 CFR 151 General Services Administration, utilization and disposition of personal property with special handling requirements, 41 CFR 102-40 Gifts and decorations from foreign governments Energy Department, 10 CFR 1050 Federal Reserve Board, 12 CFR 264b General Services Administration, utilization, donation, and disposal of foreign gifts, 41 CFR 101-49, 41 CFR 102-42 State Department standards, 22 CFR 3 Government Ethics Office, implementation of statutory gift acceptance authority, 5 CFR 2601 Government Losses in Shipment Act Claims, 31 CFR 361 Declaration of valuables, 31 CFR 362 [[Page 405]] Government-owned industrial plant equipment, use by private industry, 44 CFR 327 Government-owned properties HOPE for Homeownership of Single Family Homes program (HOPE 3), 24 CFR 572 Urban homesteading program, transfer of federally owned residences, 24 CFR 590 Investment Security Office, transactions by foreign persons involving real estate in the U.S., 31 CFR 802 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 1800 Rural Development Personal property, servicing and liquidation of chattel security, 7 CFR 1962 Property management, program regulations, 7 CFR 1955 Small Business Administration Minority Small Business and Capital Ownership Development program / small disadvantaged business status determinations, 13 CFR 124 Small business size regulations, 13 CFR 121 Small businesses located in disaster areas, and surplus personal property for small businesses located in disaster areas, Puerto Rico, and covered territory; contracts, 13 CFR 129 Solid waste management guidelines Source separation for materials recovery, 40 CFR 246 Storage and collection, 40 CFR 243 Thermal processing, 40 CFR 240 Tennessee Valley Authority Administrative cost recovery, 18 CFR 1310 Property management, tobacco products prohibition, 18 CFR 1303 Veterans Affairs Department, general provisions, 38 CFR 1 Government property management See al Government property Agriculture Department Excess computers or other technical equipment, transfer guidelines pursuant to section 1420 of the 2008 Farm Bill, 7 CFR 3203 Excess personal property, acquisition and transfer guidelines, 7 CFR 3200 Excess research equipment donation guidelines under 15 U.S.C. 3710(i), 7 CFR 2812 Energy Department Hazardous materials and certain categories of property, utilization and disposal, 41 CFR 109-42 Interagency fleet management systems, 41 CFR 109-39 Introduction, 41 CFR 109-1 Miscellaneous regulations, 41 CFR 109-6 Motor equipment management, 41 CFR 109-38 Personal property-- Abandoned and forfeited; utilization, donation, or disposal, 41 CFR 109-48 Donation, 41 CFR 109-44 Sale, abandonment, or destruction, 41 CFR 109-45 Utilization, 41 CFR 109-43 Utilization and disposal pursuant to exchange/sale authority, 41 CFR 109-46 Procurement sources and programs, 41 CFR 109-26 Special DOE disposal authorities, 41 CFR 109-50 Supply and procurement-- Federal Catalog System, 41 CFR 109-30 General, 41 CFR 109-25 Inventory management, 41 CFR 109-27 Storage and distribution, 41 CFR 109-28 Transportation and traffic management, 41 CFR 109-40 Environmental Protection Agency, introduction, 41 CFR 115-1 Federal Contract Compliance Programs Office, Administrative proceedings to enforce equal opportunity under Executive Order 11246, practice rules, 41 CFR 60-30 Federal Management Regulation [[Page 406]] Donation of surplus personal property, 41 CFR 102-37 Excess personal property, disposition, 41 CFR 102-36 Federal advisory committee management, 41 CFR 102-3 Federal management regulation system, 41 CFR 102-2 Foreign gifts and decorations, utilization, donation, and disposal, 41 CFR 102-42 Government aircraft management, 41 CFR 102-33 Home-to-work transportation, 41 CFR 102-5 Mail management, 41 CFR 102-192 Motor vehicle management, 41 CFR 102-34 Personal property replacement, exchange/sale authority, 41 CFR 102-39 Real property-- Art in architecture, 41 CFR 102-77 Authority delegation, 41 CFR 102-72 Design and construction, 41 CFR 102-76 Disposal, 41 CFR 102-75 Facility management, 41 CFR 102-74 General, 41 CFR 102-71 GSA space occupancy, pricing policy, 41 CFR 102-85 Historic preservation, 41 CFR 102-78 Location of space, 41 CFR 102-83 Physical security, 41 CFR 102-81 Safety and environmental management, 41 CFR 102-80 Space assignment and utilization, 41 CFR 102-79 Utility services, 41 CFR 102-82 Records creation, maintenance, and use, 41 CFR 102-193 Sale of personal property, 41 CFR 102-38 Standard and optional forms management program, 41 CFR 102-194 Transportation management, 41 CFR 102-117 Transportation payment and audit, 41 CFR 102-118 Federal Property Management Regulations Abandoned and forfeited personal property, utilization, donation, or disposal, 41 CFR 101-48 Annual real property inventories, 41 CFR 101-3 Federal buildings and complexes, centralized services, 41 CFR 101-5 Federal buildings fund, 41 CFR 101-21 Federal Catalog System, 41 CFR 101-30 Federal mail management, 41 CFR 101-9 Federal product descriptions, 41 CFR 101-29 Federal records and standard and optional forms, 41 CFR 101-11 Foreign gifts and decorations, utilization, donation, and disposal, 41 CFR 101-49 General, 41 CFR 101-1 List of temporary regulations, 41 CFR Ch. 101 Subch. A App. Government aviation administration and coordination, 41 CFR 101-37 Hazardous materials and certain categories of property, utilization and disposal, 41 CFR 101-42 Interagency fleet management systems, 41 CFR 101-39 Inventory management, 41 CFR 101-27 Motor vehicle management, 41 CFR 101-38 Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs, 41 CFR 101-6, 41 CFR 101-8 Official use of passenger carriers between residence and place of employment, 41 CFR 101-6 Personal property-- Donation of surplus, 41 CFR 101-44 Replacement; exchange/sale authority, 41 CFR 101-46 Sale, abandonment, or destruction, 41 CFR 101-45 Utilization, 41 CFR 101-43 Procurement sources and programs, 41 CFR 101-26 Public buildings-- Construction and alteration, 41 CFR 101-19 Real property acquisition, 41 CFR 101-18 Public buildings and grounds, management, 41 CFR 101-20 Public buildings and space, list of temporary regulations, 41 CFR Ch. 101 Subch. D App. [[Page 407]] Public utilities, 41 CFR 101-33 Real property utilization and disposal, 41 CFR 101-47 Ridesharing, 41 CFR 101-6 Space assignment and utilization, 41 CFR 101-17 Storage and distribution, 41 CFR 101-28 Supplies and services, inspection and quality control, 41 CFR 101-31 Supply and procurement-- General, 41 CFR 101-25 List of temporary regulations, 41 CFR Ch. 101 Subch. E App. Telecommunications management policy, 41 CFR 101-35 Transportation and motor vehicles, list of temporary regulations, 41 CFR Ch. 101 Subch. G App. Transportation and traffic management, 41 CFR 101-40 Transportation documentation and audit, 41 CFR 101-41 General Services Administration Administration wage garnishment, 41 CFR 105-57 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 41 CFR 105-68 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 41 CFR 105-74 Grants and cooperative agreements with State and local governments, uniform administrative requirements (OMB A-102 implementation), 41 CFR 105-71 Introduction, 41 CFR 105-1 Motor vehicle management, 41 CFR 102-34 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs or activities, 41 CFR 105-8 Sale of personal property, 41 CFR 105-67 Seized, forfeited, voluntarily abandoned and unclaimed personal property disposition, 41 CFR 102-41 Special or technical services provision to State and local units of Government, 41 CFR 105-50 Indian Self Determination and Education Assistance Act, contracts, 25 CFR 900 Interior Department Establishment of quarters rental rates, 41 CFR 114-52 Government furnished quarters, 41 CFR 114-51 Justice Department Property management regulations, 41 CFR 128-1 Seized personal property, storage and care, 41 CFR 128-50 Utilization, donation, or disposal of abandoned and forfeited personal property, 41 CFR 128-48 Maritime Administration, utilization and disposal of surplus Federal real property for port facility development or operation, 46 CFR 387 Rural Housing Service, direct multi-family housing loans and grants, 7 CFR 3560 Ship and aircraft wrecks under Navy Department jurisdiction, archaeological research permits, application guidelines, 32 CFR 767 Government publications Agricultural Marketing Service, tobacco publications, 7 CFR 29 Coast Guard, marine information, 33 CFR 72 Conference and other fees, 12 CFR 414 Defense Department Newspapers, magazines and civilian enterprise publications, 32 CFR 247 Stars and Stripes newspaper and business operations, 32 CFR 246 Federal Communications Commission, 47 CFR 0 Federal Emergency Management Agency, civil preparedness guides and circulars, 44 CFR 310 Federal Register, Administrative Committee Code of Federal Regulations, 1 CFR 8 Federal Register-- General publication policies and procedures, 1 CFR 5 Indexes and ancillaries, 1 CFR 6 Official distribution within Federal Government, 1 CFR 12 Presidential Papers, 1 CFR 10 Services to the public, 1 CFR 3 Subscriptions, 1 CFR 11 U.S. Government Manual, 1 CFR 9 Federal Register Office, general information, 1 CFR 2 [[Page 408]] Management and Budget Office circulars, 5 CFR 1310 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 1800 National Institute of Standards and Technology, standard reference materials, 15 CFR 200, 230 Public diplomacy program material in the U.S., availability, 22 CFR 173 Government securities See al Bonds; Securities Acceptance of bonds secured by government obligations in lieu of bonds with sureties, 31 CFR 225 Book-entry Treasury bonds, notes, and bills (Department of Treasury Circular, Public Debt Series No. 2-86), regulations governing, 31 CFR 357 Collateral acceptability and valuation, 31 CFR 380 Covered funds, proprietary trading and certain interests in and relationships with Commodity Futures Trading Commission, 17 CFR 75 Comptroller of the Currency, 12 CFR 44 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 12 CFR 351 Federal Reserve System (Regulation VV), 12 CFR 248 Depositary compensation securities, regulations governing, 31 CFR 348 Distinctive paper and distinctive counterfeit deterrents for United States Federal Reserve notes, 31 CFR 601 Electronic transactions and funds transfers relating to U.S. securities, 31 CFR 370 Farm Credit System Capital adequacy of system institutions, 12 CFR 628 Funding and fiscal affairs, 12 CFR 615 Organization, 12 CFR 611 Federal Financing Bank Bills, 12 CFR 810 Securities, book-entry procedures, 12 CFR 811 Federal Home Loan Banks Liabilities, 12 CFR 1270 Miscellaneous operations and authorities, 12 CFR 1271 Federal Housing Administration debentures, supplemental regulations, 31 CFR 337 Federal Housing Finance Agency, uniform mortgage-backed securities, 12 CFR 1248 Fiscal agency checks, regulations governing, 31 CFR 355 Fiscal Service; sale and issue of marketable book-entry Treasury bills, notes, and bonds (Department of Treasury Circular, Public Debt Series No. 1-93), 31 CFR 356 General regulations governing full-paid interim certificates, 31 CFR 308 General regulations governing U.S. securities, 31 CFR 306 Government securities sales practices, 12 CFR 13, 12 CFR 368 Marketable Treasury securities redemption operations, 31 CFR 375 Resolution Funding Corporation, book-entry procedure, 12 CFR 1511 Restrictive endorsements of U.S. bearer securities, 31 CFR 328 Retirement savings bond, governing regulations, 31 CFR 347 Rural Business Investment Company Program, 7 CFR 4290 Securities and Exchange Commission; organization, conduct and ethics, and information and requests, 17 CFR 200 Tennessee Valley Authority, book-entry procedures for TVA power securities issued through Federal Reserve Banks, 18 CFR 1314 Treasury bills Issue and sale, 31 CFR 309 Purchase by Federal Reserve banks, 12 CFR 281 Treasury Department Regulations under section 15C of Securities Exchange Act of 1934-- Exemptions, 17 CFR 401 Financial responsibility, 17 CFR 402 Forms, 17 CFR 449 Large position reporting, 17 CFR 420 Protection of customer securities and balances, 17 CFR 403 Recordkeeping and preservation of records, 17 CFR 404 Reports and audit, 17 CFR 405 [[Page 409]] Rules of general applications, 17 CFR 400 Regulations under Title II of Government Securities Act of 1986, custodial holdings of Government securities by depository institutions, 17 CFR 450 U.S. Treasury certificates of indebtedness, 5 percent, R.E.A. series, regulations governing, 31 CFR 345 U.S. Treasury securities, State and local government series, 31 CFR 344 Government-sponsored enterprises Comptroller of the Currency, capital adequacy standards, 12 CFR 3 Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation, funding and fiscal affairs, 12 CFR 652 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Capital adequacy of FDIC-supervised institutions, 12 CFR 324 Resolution and receivership rules, 12 CFR 360 Federal Housing Finance Agency Boards of directors responsibilities, corporate practices, and corporate governance, 12 CFR 1239 Enterprises-- Capital adequacy, 12 CFR 1240 Products, prior approval, 12 CFR 1253 Flood insurance, 12 CFR 1250 Margin and capital requirements for covered swap entities, 12 CFR 1221 Resolution planning, 12 CFR 1242 Stress testing of regulated entities, 12 CFR 1238 Federal National Mortgage Association (FANNIE MAE) and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FREDDIE MAC), Secretary of HUD's regulation, 24 CFR 81 Federal Reserve System, capital adequacy of bank holding companies, savings and loan holding companies, and State member banks (Regulation Q), 12 CFR 217 Housing Trust and Capital Magnet Funds, contributions to, 12 CFR 1251 Housing and Urban Development Department; fair housing, complaint processing, 24 CFR 103 Government transparency SeeFreedom of information Grains See al Agricultural commodities; Feed grains; specific grains Air pollution control, performance standards for new stationary sources, 40 CFR 60 Commodity futures Delivery period required for certain grains, 17 CFR 100 Limits on positions and trading, 17 CFR 150 Persons holding reportable positions in excess of position limits, and by merchants and dealers in cotton, 17 CFR 19 Distilled spirits, labeling and advertising, 27 CFR 5 Federal Grain Inspection Service, Fair Trade Practices Program General regulations, 7 CFR 800 Grain inspection equipment, official performance requirements, 7 CFR 801 Grain-weighing equipment and related grain-handling systems, official performance and procedural requirements, 7 CFR 802 Official U.S. standards for grain, 7 CFR 810 Marketing assistance loans and loan deficiency payments, grains and similarly handled commodities, 7 CFR 1421 Railroads, bulk grain and grain products, loss and damage claims, 49 CFR 1037 United States Warehouse Act regulations, 7 CFR 869 Water pollution effluent guidelines and standards for point source categories, grain mills, 40 CFR 406 Grant programs See al Intergovernmental relations 911 Grant Program, 47 CFR 400 Administrative requirements for grants and cooperative agreements with institutions of higher education, hospitals and other non-profit organizations, 38 CFR 49 Child and Adult Care Food Program, 7 CFR 226 Commodity Credit Corporation, Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentive Program, 7 CFR 1455 [[Page 410]] Community Living Administration, State Health Insurance Assistance Program, 45 CFR 1331 Connecting Minority Communities Pilot Program, 47 CFR 302 Contractors and subcontractors on public buildings or public works financed by U.S. loans or grants, Federal wage requirements, 29 CFR 3 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement) African Development Foundation, 22 CFR 1508 Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 780 Broadcasting Board of Governors, 22 CFR 513 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1326 Corporation for National and Community Service, 2 CFR 2200 Defense Department, 2 CFR 1125, 32 CFR 25 Education Department, 2 CFR 3485, 34 CFR 85 Energy Department, 2 CFR 901 Environmental Protection Agency, 2 CFR 1532 Export-Import Bank, 2 CFR 3513 Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, 29 CFR 1471 General Services Administration, 41 CFR 105-68 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 376 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3000 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 24 Inter-American Foundation, 22 CFR 1006 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1400 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2867 Labor Department, 29 CFR 94 Management and Budget Office, guidelines to agencies, 2 CFR 180 Museum and Library Services Institute, 2 CFR 3185 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 2 CFR 1880 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3254 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3369 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2520 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 2 CFR 2000 Peace Corps, 2 CFR 3700 Personnel Management Office, 5 CFR 919 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2700 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2336 State Department, 2 CFR 601 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1200 Treasury Department, 31 CFR 19 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 801 Defense Department Administrative requirements terms and conditions for Cost-type grants and cooperative agreements to nonprofit and government entities-- Financial, programmatic, and property reporting; general award terms, 2 CFR 1134 Nonprofit and government entities; recipient financial and program management, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1128 Other administrative requirements, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1136 Overview, 2 CFR 1126 Property administration, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1130 Recipient procurement procedures, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1132 Subawards requirements, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1138 Definitions, 2 CFR 1108 For-profit organizations, administrative requirements, 32 CFR 34 General matters, 32 CFR 21 Governmentwide guidance for grants and cooperative agreements, implementation, 2 CFR 1104 Grants and cooperative awards-- Award and administration, 32 CFR 22 Award format, 2 CFR 1120 General award terms and conditions, national policy requirements, 2 CFR 1122 Technology investment agreements, 32 CFR 37 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance) [[Page 411]] African Development Foundation, 22 CFR 1509 Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 782 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 421 Commerce Department, 2, CFR 1329 Corporation for National and Community Service, 2 CFR 2245 Defense Department, 32 CFR 26 Education Department, 34 CFR 84 Energy Department, 2 CFR 902 Federal Emergency Management Agency, 2 CFR 3001 Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, 29 CFR 1472 General Services Administration, 41 CFR 105-74 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2429 Inter-American Foundation, 22 CFR 1008 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1401 Justice Department, 28 CFR 83 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 182 Museum and Library Services Institute, 2 CFR 3186 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 14 CFR 1267 National Archives and Records Administration, 36 CFR 1212 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3256 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3373 National Science Foundation, 45 CFR 630 Peace Corps, 22 CFR 312 Small Business Administration, 13 CFR 147 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2339 State Department, 22 CFR 133 Transportation Department, 49 CFR 32 Treasury Department, 31 CFR 20 Veterans Affairs Department, 38 CFR 48 Education Department, audit requirements for State and local governments receiving Federal financial assistance (OMB A-128 implementation), 34 CFR 80 Efficient Federal-State funds transfers, rules and procedures, 31 CFR 205 Employment discrimination complaints filed against recipients of Federal financial assistance, 29 CFR 1691 Energy Department Audit requirements for State and local governments receiving Federal financial assistance (OMB A-128 implementation), 10 CFR 600 Lobbying, new restrictions, 10 CFR 601 Technology investment agreements, 10 CFR 603 Equal opportunity for religious organizations, Agriculture Department, 7 CFR 16 Federal Emergency Management Agency Disaster assistance-- Management costs, 44 CFR 207 Mitigation planning, 44 CFR 201 Fire management assistance grant program, 44 CFR 204 Firefighters assistance grant program, 44 CFR 152 Flood mitigation grants, 44 CFR 77 Property acquisition and relocation for open space, 44 CFR 80 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Environmental Protection Agency-- Disadvantaged business enterprises, participation in agency programs, 40 CFR 33 Fellowships, 40 CFR 46 National Environmental Education Act grants, 40 CFR 47 State and local assistance grants, 40 CFR 35 Training assistance, 40 CFR 45 [[Page 412]] Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Energy Department, 2 CFR 910 Environmental Protection Agency, 2 CFR 1500 Federal Communications Commission, 2 CFR 6000 Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council, 2 CFR 5900 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Labor Department, 2 CFR 2900 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 2 CFR 1800 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Treasury Department, 2 CFR 1000 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Universal identifier and system of award management, 2 CFR 25 Grants and agreements with institutions of higher education, hospitals, and other non-profit organizations, uniform administrative requirements Broadcasting Board of Governors, 22 CFR 518 Education Department, 34 CFR 74 General Services Administration, 41 CFR 105-72 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 84 Labor Department, 29 CFR 95 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments, uniform administrative requirements (OMB A-102 implementation) Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, 29 CFR 1470 General Services Administration, 41 CFR 105-71 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 85 Labor Department, 29 CFR 97 Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council, spill impact component, 40 CFR 1800 Health and Human Services Department Remedial actions applicable to letter of credit administration, 45 CFR 77 Statutory conscience rights protection in health care, authority delegations, 45 CFR 88 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for federal awards, 2 CFR 300 Faith-based and other neighborhood organizations, partnerships with, 28 CFR 38 Labor Department Grants, contracts and other agreements; audit requirements, 29 CFR 96 States, local governments, and non-profit organizations; audits, 29 CFR 99 Lobbying restrictions Agency for International Development, 22 CFR 227 Broadcasting Board of Governors, 22 CFR 519 Commerce Department, 15 CFR 28 Corporation for National and Community Service, 45 CFR 1230 Defense Department, 32 CFR 28 [[Page 413]] Education Department, 34 CFR 82 Energy Department, 10 CFR 600, 601 Environmental Protection Agency, 40 CFR 34 Export-Import Bank, 12 CFR 411 Federal Emergency Management Agency, 44 CFR 18 General Services Administration, 41 CFR 105-69 Health and Human Services Department, 45 CFR 93 Homeland Security Department, 6 CFR 9 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 87 Interior Department, 43 CFR 18 International Development Finance Corporation, U.S., 22 CFR 712 Justice Department, 28 CFR 69 Labor Department, 29 CFR 93 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 14 CFR 1271 National Endowment for the Arts, 45 CFR 1158 National Endowment for the Humanities, 45 CFR 1168 National Science Foundation, 45 CFR 604 Peace Corps, 22 CFR 311 Small Business Administration, 13 CFR 146 State Department, 22 CFR 138 Tennessee Valley Authority, 18 CFR 1315 Transportation Department, 49 CFR 20 Treasury Department, 31 CFR 21 Veterans Affairs Department, 38 CFR 45 Management and Budget Office Assistance agreements that include funding under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, award terms, 2 CFR 176 Never contract with the enemy, 2 CFR 183 Subaward and executive compensation information, reporting, 2 CFR 170 Trafficking in persons award term, 2 CFR 175 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 200 Universal identifier and system for award management, 2 CFR 25 National Endowment for the Arts, Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act regulations, 45 CFR 1149 National Institute of Food and Agriculture; Hispanic-serving agricultural colleges and universities certification process, 7 CFR 3434 National Institute of Standards and Technology, clawbacks of CHIPS funding, 15 CFR 231 National Science Foundation, Cybercorps Scholarship for Service (SFS) program, 44 CFR 296 National urban search and rescue response system, 44 CFR 208 Nondiscrimination and equal employment opportunity policies and procedures, 28 CFR 42 Nondiscrimination on basis of age in federally assisted programs Agriculture Department, 7 CFR 15c National Foundation on the Arts and Humanities, 45 CFR 1156 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally assisted programs or activities Defense Department, 28 CFR 41 Election Assistance Commission, 11 CFR 9420 Regional Innovation Program, 13 CFR 312 Research misconduct policies National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 14 CFR 1275 Public Health Service, 42 CFR 93 Rights to inventions made by Nonprofit organizations and small business firms under Government grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements, 37 CFR 401 Rural Business-Cooperative Service, environmental policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1970 Rural development Guaranteed loanmaking, 7 CFR 4279 Loan servicing, 7 CFR 4287 Loans and grants, 7 CFR 4280 Rural Housing Service programs, environmental policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1970 Rural Utilities Service Awardees, audits policy, 7 CFR 1773 Program regulations, environmental policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1970 Special Evaluation Assistance for Rural Communities and Households program, 7 CFR 1774 Seismic safety requirements [[Page 414]] Justice Department, property management regulations, 41 CFR 128-1 Rural Utilities Service, 7 CFR 1792 Transportation Department, 49 CFR 41 Supplemental property acquisition and elevation assistance, 44 CFR 209 Title 2 general information, 2 CFR 1 Treasury Department; resources and ecosystems sustainability, tourist opportunities, and revived economies of Gulf Coast States, 31 CFR 34 Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally-assisted programs Agency cross references to governmentwide rule-- Agriculture Department, 7 CFR 21 Commerce Department, 15 CFR 11 Defense Department, 32 CFR 259 Education Department, 34 CFR 15 Energy Department, 10 CFR 1039 Environmental Protection Agency, 40 CFR 4 Federal Emergency Management Agency, 44 CFR 25 General Services Administration, 41 CFR 105-51 Health and Human Services Department, 45 CFR 15 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 42 Justice Department, 41 CFR 128-18 Labor Department, 29 CFR 12 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 14 CFR 1208 Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation, 36 CFR 904 Tennessee Valley Authority, 18 CFR 1306 Veterans Affairs Department, 38 CFR 25 Grant programs-agriculture Agricultural Research Service, biotechnology risk assessment research grants program, 7 CFR 3415 Advocacy and Outreach Office Agricultural Career and Employment (ACE) grants program, 7 CFR 2502 Federal financial assistance programs, general award administrative procedures, 7 CFR 2500 Agriculture Department, debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 417 Certified Mediation Program, 7 CFR 785 Commodity and conservation programs Assignment of payments, 7 CFR 1404 Conservation Reserve Program, 7 CFR 1410 Emergency Conservation Program, Emergency Forest Restoration Program, and certain related programs, 7 CFR 701 Emergency Wetlands Reserve Program, 7 CFR 623 Payment limitation and eligibility, 7 CFR 1400 Payments due persons who have died, disappeared, or have been declared incompetent, 7 CFR 707 Wetlands Reserve Program, 7 CFR 1467 Commodity Credit Corporation Biomass Crop Assistance Program, 7 CFR 1450 Emerging Markets Program, 7 CFR 1486 Food for Progress Program, 7 CFR 1499 Export programs Foreign markets for agricultural commodities-- Development grant agreements, 7 CFR 1485 Development programs, 7 CFR 1484 Specialty crops, technical assistance, 7 CFR 1487 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 [[Page 415]] Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Fresh Russet potato diversion program, 7 CFR 80 Grains and similarly handled commodities, marketing assistance loans and loan deficiency payments, 7 CFR 1421 Great Plains Conservation Program, 7 CFR 631 Guaranteed farm loans, 7 CFR 762 McGovern-Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program, 7 CFR 1599 Meat inspection Interstate shipment of carcasses, parts of carcasses, meat, and meat food products; cooperative program with selective establishments, 9 CFR 332 Mandatory, cooperation with States and territories, 9 CFR 321 National Institute of Food and Agriculture Agricultural research and extension capacity funds at 1890 land-grant institutions, including Central State University, Tuskegee University, and West Virginia State University and at 1862 land- grant institutions in insular areas; matching funds requirement, 7 CFR 3419 Agricultural research, education, and extension formula funds recipients, stakeholder input requirements, 7 CFR 3418 Biotechnology risk assessment research grants program, 7 CFR 3415 Competitive and non-competitive non-formula Federal assistance provisions, general administrative provisions, 7 CFR 3430 Food and agricultural sciences National Needs Graduate and Postgraduate Fellowship Grants Program, 7 CFR 3402 Higher Education Challenge Grants program, 7 CFR 3405 Institution capacity building grants program (1890), 7 CFR 3406 National Environmental Policy Act, implementation, 7 CFR 3407 Public information, 7 CFR 3404 Rangeland research grants program, 7 CFR 3401 Small business innovation research grants program, 7 CFR 3403 Special research grants program, 7 CFR 3400 Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment program, 7 CFR 3431 Poultry products inspection, 9 CFR 381 Puerto Rico, nutrition assistance grant provision, 7 CFR 285 Rural Development Assets, functions and programs, general provisions, 7 CFR 1900 Credit reports, receiving and processing applications, 7 CFR 1910 [[Page 416]] Loan and grant program funds, 7 CFR 1940 Loans and grants, program-related instructions, 7 CFR 1901 Supervised bank accounts, 7 CFR 1902 Rural development coordination, 7 CFR 22 State and regional annual plans of work, 7 CFR 23 Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program, 7 CFR 249 Servicing of water and waste programs, 7 CFR 1782 Soil Bank Program, 1956, 7 CFR 750 Specialty Crop Block Grant Program, 7 CFR 1290 Taxes, agricultural payments for conservation and environmental protection, determining primary purpose of payments for Federal tax purposes, 7 CFR 14 USDA Local and Regional Food Aid Procurement Program, 7 CFR 1590 Water bank program, 7 CFR 633 Grant programs-business Anadromous fisheries conservation, development and enhancement, 50 CFR 401 Economic development Economic adjustment assistance investments, 13 CFR 307 Investment assistance, general terms and conditions, 13 CFR 302 Performance incentives, 13 CFR 308 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Firms, trade adjustment assistance, 13 CFR 315 Indian business development program, 25 CFR 286 Indian Business Incubators Program, 25 CFR 1187 Microentrepreneurs, investment program, 13 CFR 119 New markets venture capital program, 13 CFR 108 Rural development [[Page 417]] Associations, program regulations, 7 CFR 1942 Guaranteed loanmaking, 7 CFR 4279 Loan servicing, 7 CFR 4287 Loans and grants, 7 CFR 4280 Rural Business Investment Company Program, 7 CFR 4290 Rural industrialization loan and grant programs under Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act of 1972, labor certification procedures, 29 CFR 75 Small business development centers, 13 CFR 130 Small business size regulations, 13 CFR 121 Women's Business Center program, 13 CFR 131 Grant programs-communications Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Rural Utilities Service-- Broadband grant program, 7 CFR 1739 Rural eConnectivity Program, 7 CFR 1740 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Health and Human Services Department, grant programs administered by Office of Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, 45 CFR 63 Grant programs-education Adult Education and Family Literacy Act, intergovernmental programs, 34 CFR 463 Agriculture Department, nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs or activities, 7 CFR 15b Charter schools facilities program Credit enhancement, 34 CFR 225 State incentive program, 34 CFR 226 Child nutrition programs Cash in lieu of donated foods, 7 CFR 240 Determining eligibility for free and reduced price meals and free milk in schools, 7 CFR 245 State administrative expense funds, 7 CFR 235 [[Page 418]] Children and youth with disabilities Assistance to States for education, 34 CFR 300 Early intervention program for infants and toddlers with disabilities, 34 CFR 303 Service obligations, special education, personnel development to improve services and results, 34 CFR 304 Community development block grants, community development work study program, 24 CFR 570 Comprehensive emergency management, State assistance programs for training and education, 44 CFR 360 Defense Department, award and administration, 32 CFR 22 Desegregation of public education Equity Assistance Center Program, 34 CFR 270 Magnet Schools Assistance Program, 34 CFR 280 Developmental disabilities program National Network of University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, Education, Research, and Service, 45 CFR 1328 Program requirements, 45 CFR 1325 Projects of National significance, 45 CFR 1327 State plans for formula grant programs, 45 CFR 1326 Drug-free schools and communities, drug and alcohol abuse prevention, 34 CFR 86 Education Department, general administrative regulations Definitions that apply to Department regulations, 34 CFR 77 Direct grant programs, 34 CFR 75 State-administered programs, 34 CFR 76 Educational opportunity centers program, 34 CFR 644 Elementary and Secondary Education Act, general provisions, 34 CFR 299 Environmental Protection Agency, National Environmental Education Act grants, 40 CFR 47 Federal employees who are indebted to U.S. under programs administered by Secretary of Education, salary offset, 34 CFR 31 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 [[Page 419]] Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Federal Perkins loan program, Federal work-study program, and Federal supplemental educational opportunity grant program, general provisions, 34 CFR 673 Federal supplemental educational opportunity grant program, 34 CFR 676 Federal work-study programs, 34 CFR 675 Federally affected areas, impact aid programs, 34 CFR 222 Fulbright-Hays, higher education programs Doctoral dissertation research abroad fellowship program, 34 CFR 662 Faculty research abroad fellowship program, 34 CFR 663 Group projects abroad program, 34 CFR 664 Language resource centers program, 34 CFR 669 Gaining early awareness and readiness for undergraduate programs (GEAR UP), 34 CFR 694 General Education Provisions Act, enforcement, 34 CFR 81 Graduate assistance in areas of national need, 34 CFR 648 Graduate study, Jacob K. Javits fellowship program, 34 CFR 650 Harry S Truman Scholarship Program, 45 CFR 1801 Hawaiian Natives, supportive and nutritional services for aged, grants to, 45 CFR 1323 Head Start and Early Head Start grantees, designation renewal policies and procedures, 45 CFR 1307 Health and Human Services Department Grant programs administered by Office of Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, 45 CFR 63 Nondiscrimination on basis of sex for nursing school scholarship grants, 45 CFR 83 Health profession, construction of teaching facilities, educational improvements, scholarships and student loans, grants, 42 CFR 57 Higher Education Act of 1965, institutional eligibility, 34 CFR 600 Hostage relief Hostage relief assistance, 22 CFR 191 Victims of terrorism compensation, 22 CFR 192 Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, State legalization impact assistance grants, 45 CFR 402 Indians Education discretionary grant programs, 34 CFR 263 Health care service, health professions pregraduate scholarship program for Indians, 42 CFR 136a Indian school equalization program, 25 CFR 39 Loans, grants, and other assistance for higher education, 25 CFR 40 Native American Career and Technical Education Program, 34 CFR 401 Tribal colleges and universities and dine college, grants to, 25 CFR 41 Tribes, grants for support and nutritional services, 45 CFR 1322 Interpreters for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing and individuals who are deaf-blind, training, 34 CFR 396 Institutional aid programs Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions Program, 34 CFR 606 Endowment Challenge Grant Program, 34 CFR 628 Strengthening Historically Black Colleges and Universities Program, 34 CFR 608 Strengthening Historically Black Graduate Institutions Program, 34 CFR 609 Strengthening Institutions Program, 34 CFR 607 International education programs Business and international education program, 34 CFR 661 Foreign language and area studies fellowships program, 34 CFR 657 General provisions, 34 CFR 655 National resource centers program for foreign language and area or foreign language and international studies, 34 CFR 656 Research and studies program, 34 CFR 660 [[Page 420]] Undergraduate international studies and foreign language program, 34 CFR 658 James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation, 45 CFR 2400 Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership Program, 34 CFR 692 Mental health traineeships, obligated service, 32 CFR 64a Merchant marine training, 46 CFR 310 Minority science and engineering improvement program, 34 CFR 637 National Health Service Corps scholarship and loan repayment programs, 42 CFR 62 National Historical Publications and Records Commission, 36 CFR 1206 National Institute for Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research, 45 CFR 1330 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences hazardous waste worker training, 42 CFR 65 National Library of Medicine training grants, 42 CFR 64 National School Lunch Program, 7 CFR 210 Nondiscrimination on basis of age in federally assisted programs, 34 CFR 110 Nutrition education and training program, 7 CFR 227 Pollution abatement and control, fellowships, 40 CFR 46 Postsecondary education Federal Pell grant program, 34 CFR 690 Higher education emergency relief fund programs, 34 CFR 677 Projects or productions assisted by grants from National Endowments for Arts and Humanities, labor standards, 29 CFR 505 Ronald E. McNair postbaccalaureate achievement program, 34 CFR 647 Rural Utilities Service Distance learning and medical link grant program, 7 CFR 1703 Distance learning and telemedicine loan and grant programs, 7 CFR 1734 Telecommunications programs, servicing, 7 CFR 1752 Sea Grants to Sea Grant colleges and Sea Grant regional consortia, 15 CFR 918 School Breakfast Program, 7 CFR 220 Special educational needs students Improving academic achievement of disadvantaged (Title I), 34 CFR 200 Special educational programs for students whose families are engaged in migrant and other seasonal farmwork, high school equivalency program and college assistance migrant program, 34 CFR 206 Special milk program for children, 7 CFR 215 Student assistance, general provisions, 34 CFR 668 Student rights in research, experimental programs, and testing, 34 CFR 98 Student support services program, 34 CFR 646 Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer Program, 7 CFR 292 Talent search program, 34 CFR 643 Thomas R. Pickering foreign affairs/graduate foreign affairs fellowship program, 22 CFR 196 Training program for Federal TRIO programs, 34 CFR 642 Upward Bound Program, 34 CFR 645 Veterans readiness and employment and education, 38 CFR 21 Vocational rehabilitation Independent living services for older individuals who are blind, 34 CFR 367 Rehabilitation National Activities program, 34 CFR 373 State program, 34 CFR 361 State Supported Employment Services program, 34 CFR 363 Vocational rehabilitation personnel programs Rehabilitation training, 34 CFR 385 Innovative, 34 CFR 387 Long-term, 34 CFR 386 Short-term, 34 CFR 390 Grant programs-energy Appropriate technology small grants program, 10 CFR 470 Assistance to high energy cost communities, 7 CFR 1709 Automatic propulsion research and development, 10 CFR 473 Cellulosic biofuels, production incentives, 10 CFR 452 Consolidation of grants to insular areas for social programs, 45 CFR 97 [[Page 421]] Financial assistance appeals procedures, 10 CFR 1024 Low income home energy assistance, block grants, 45 CFR 96 Methane transportation research and development, review and certification of contracts, grants, cooperative agreements, and projects, 10 CFR 47 Renewable energy production incentives, 10 CFR 451 Rural Utilities Service Electric loans and guarantees, general and pre-loan policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1710 General information, 7 CFR 1700 Rural Energy Savings Program, 7 CFR 1719 Schools and hospitals and buildings owned by units of local government and public care institutions, 10 CFR 455 Science Financial Assistance Program Office, 10 CFR 605 State energy program, 10 CFR 420 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Weatherization assistance for low-income persons, 10 CFR 440 Grant programs-environmental protection Drug-free workplace (financial assistance), 2 CFR 1536 Disadvantaged business enterprises, participation in Environmental Protection Agency programs, 40 CFR 33 Federal financial assistance; uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 1500 Hazardous materials public sector training and planning grants, 49 CFR 110 National Environmental Education Act grants, 40 CFR 47 National Environmental Policy Act, environmental effects of EPA actions abroad, implementation procedures, 40 CFR 6 Pollution abatement and control, fellowships, 40 CFR 46 Reclamation Rural Water Supply Program, 43 CFR 404 Research and demonstration grants, 40 CFR 40 State and local assistance, 40 CFR 35 State solid waste management plans, guidelines for development and implementation, 40 CFR 256 Training assistance, 40 CFR 45 Water quality planning and management, 40 CFR 130 Grant programs-foreign relations Agency for International Development Commodity transactions financed by, 22 CFR 201 Partner vetting in USAID assistance, 2 CFR 701 Commodities and services financed by USAID, procurement rules, 22 CFR 228 Farm Service Agency, Certified Mediation Program, 7 CFR 785 Overseas shipments of supplies by voluntary non-profit relief agencies, 22 CFR 202 Payments to and on behalf of participants in International educational and cultural exchange program, 22 CFR 63 Non-military economic development training programs, 22 CFR 205 Procedures for providing assistance to State and local governments in protecting foreign diplomatic missions, 31 CFR 13 Thomas R. Pickering foreign affairs/graduate foreign affairs fellowship program, 22 CFR 196 Training of foreign participants in census procedures and general statistics, 15 CFR 40 Grant programs-health Agency for Health Care Policy and Research grants and contracts, 42 CFR 67 Black lung clinics program grants, 42 CFR 55a Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Home health services, 42 CFR 484 Introduction, definitions, 42 CFR 400 Medicaid quality, 42 CFR 437 Peer Review Organizations; information acquisition, protection, and disclosure, 42 CFR 480 Child and Adult Care Food Program, 7 CFR 226 Child nutrition programs [[Page 422]] Cash in lieu of donated foods, 7 CFR 240 Determining eligibility for free and reduced price meals and free milk in schools, 7 CFR 245 National School Lunch Program, 7 CFR 210 School Breakfast Program, 7 CFR 220 Special milk program for children, 7 CFR 215 Special supplemental food program for women, infants and children, 7 CFR 246 State administrative expense funds, 7 CFR 235 Summer Food Service Program, 7 CFR 225 Children and Families Administration, Head Start program, Federal administrative requirements, 45 CFR 1304 Community health centers, grants, 42 CFR 51c Consolidation of grants to insular areas for social programs, 45 CFR 97 Construction and modernization of hospitals and medical facilities, grants, loans, and loan guarantees, Secretary's continuing authority, 42 CFR 53 Construction of teaching facilities, educational improvements, scholarships and student loans, grants, 42 CFR 57 Disaster assistance for crisis counseling and training, 42 CFR 38 Disease control grants, 42 CFR 51b Energy Department, epidemiology and other health studies financial assistance program, 10 CFR 602 Entities implementing programs and activities under the Leadership Act, organizational integrity, 45 CFR 89 Family planning services, grants, 42 CFR 59 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Health and Human Services Department [[Page 423]] Block grants, 45 CFR 96 Departmental Grant Appeals Board, procedures, 45 CFR 16 Drug-free workplace requirements, financial assistance, 2 CFR 382 Grant programs administered by Office of Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, 45 CFR 63 Health care, policies of general applicability, 42 CFR 50 Health insurance-- Exchange establishment standards and related standards under the Affordable Care Act, 45 CFR 155 Issuer standards under the Affordable Care Act, including standards related to exchanges, 45 CFR 156 Health maintenance organizations, competitive medical plans, and health care prepayment plans, 42 CFR 417 Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, State legalization impact assistance grants, 45 CFR 402 Public and medical assistance and State children's health insurance grant programs, general administration, 45 CFR 95 Statutory conscience rights protection, authority delegations, 45 CFR 88 Hostage relief Hostage relief assistance, 22 CFR 191 Victims of terrorism compensation, 22 CFR 192 Indian health care services, 42 CFR 136a Inspector General Office, Health and Human Services Department Civil money penalties, assessments, and exclusions, 42 CFR 1003 Appeals, 42 CFR 1005 Introduction, general definitions, 42 CFR 1000 Program integrity-- Medicare and State health care programs, 42 CFR 1001 State-initiated exclusions from Medicaid, 42 CFR 1002 State Medicaid fraud control units, 42 CFR 1007 Maternal and child health project grants, 42 CFR 51a Medicaid Contracts, 42 CFR 434 Eligibility for financial and medical assistance in-- Guam, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands, 42 CFR 436 States, District of Columbia, Northern Mariana Islands, and American Samoa, 42 CFR 435 Grants to States for medical assistance programs, 42 CFR 430 Health facilities certification, 42 CFR 491 Hospitals, conditions of participation, 42 CFR 482 Laboratory requirements, 42 CFR 493 Long term care facilities, State requirements, 42 CFR 483 Managed care, 42 CFR 438 Nursing facilities and intermediate care facilities for mentally retarded, payment standards, 42 CFR 442 Payments for services, 42 CFR 447 Program integrity, 42 CFR 455 Services, general provisions, 42 CFR 440 Skilled nursing facilities and long term care facilities, State requirements, 42 CFR 483 Special services, requirements and limits, 42 CFR 441 Specialized providers, conditions of participation, 42 CFR 485 State fiscal administration, 42 CFR 433 State organization and general administration, 42 CFR 431 State personnel administration, 42 CFR 432 Utilization control, 42 CFR 456 Medical facility construction and modernization, 42 CFR 124 Medicare Health facilities certification, 42 CFR 491 Long term care facilities, State requirements, 42 CFR 483 Special programs and projects, 42 CFR 403 Specialized services furnished by suppliers, conditions for coverage, 42 CFR 486 Mental health and substance abuse emergency response procedures, 42 CFR 51d Mental health traineeships, obligated service, 42 CFR 64a [[Page 424]] Mental illness program, protection and advocacy for individuals, applicable requirements, 42 CFR 51 Migrant workers, health services grants, 42 CFR 56 Minority biomedical research support program, 42 CFR 52c National Cancer Institute, clinical cancer education program, 42 CFR 52d National Health Service Corps scholarship and loan repayment programs, 42 CFR 62 National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, prevention and control projects, grants, 42 CFR 52e National Institute for Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research, 45 CFR 1330 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Hazardous substances basic research and training grants, 42 CFR 65a Hazardous waste worker training, 42 CFR 65 National Institutes of Health Center grants, 42 CFR 52a Construction grants, 42 CFR 52b Training grants, 42 CFR 63a National Institutes of Health and National Library of Medicine, traineeships, 42 CFR 63 National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, research endowment programs, 42 CFR 52i National Library of Medicine Grants, 42 CFR 59a Training grants, 42 CFR 64 National Research Service awards, 42 CFR 66 Nutrition education and training program, 7 CFR 227 Occupational safety and health Education programs grants, 42 CFR 86 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health research and demonstration grants, 42 CFR 87 Peer Review Organizations, 42 CFR 475 Research projects grants, 42 CFR 52 Rural development Distance learning and medical link grant program, 7 CFR 1703 Distance learning and telemedicine loan and grant programs, 7 CFR 1734 Telecommunications programs, servicing, 7 CFR 1752 Scientific peer review of research grant applications and research and development contract projects, 42 CFR 52h Social Security Administration State children's health insurance programs, allotments and grants to States, 42 CFR 457 Substance use disorder, confidentiality of patient records, 42 CFR 2 Supportive Services for Veteran Families program, 38 CFR 62 Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer Program, 7 CFR 292 Veterans Adaptive sports programs for disabled veterans and disabled members of the Armed Forces, 38 CFR 77 Faith based organizations, equal treatment, 38 CFR 50 Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem Program, 38 CFR 61 National cemeteries of the Department of Veterans Affairs, 38 CFR 38 Medical care, 38 CFR 17 Rural Veterans Coordination Pilot (RVCP), grants, 38 CFR 64 Staff Sergeant Parker Gordon Fox Suicide Prevention Grant Program, 38 CFR 78 State homes-- Grants to States for construction or acquisition, 38 CFR 59 Payments to States for programs to promote the hiring and retention of nurses, 38 CFR 53 Per diem rates, 38 CFR 51 Transportation programs, 38 CFR 70 Grant programs-housing and community development Civil money penalties, certain prohibited conduct, 24 CFR 30 Community development block grants Eligibility and applications, 24 CFR 570 Indian tribes and Alaska Native villages, 24 CFR 1003 Native Hawaiian housing block grant program, 24 CFR 1006 Community Development Financial Institutions Fund [[Page 425]] Bank Enterprise Award Program, 12 CFR 1806 Capital Magnet Fund, 12 CFR 1807 Community Development Financial Institutions Program, 12 CFR 1805 Community planning and development programs, expiring programs; savings clause, 24 CFR 500 Defense Department, Homeowners Assistance Program, application processing, 32 CFR 239 Disaster preparedness assistance, 44 CFR 300 Earthquake hazards reduction assistance to State and local governments, policies, 44 CFR 361 Economic development Economic adjustment assistance investments, 13 CFR 307 Eligibility, investment rate, and application requirements, 13 CFR 301 Investment assistance-- General terms and conditions, 13 CFR 302 Redistributions, 13 CFR 309 Performance incentives, 13 CFR 308 Property, 13 CFR 314 Public works and economic development investments, 13 CFR 305 Special impact areas, 13 CFR 310 Training, research and technical assistance investments, 13 CFR 306 Environmental review procedures for entities assuming HUD environmental responsibilities, 24 CFR 58 Fair housing Certification and funding of State and local fair housing enforcement agencies, 24 CFR 115 Fair housing initiatives program, 24 CFR 125 Nondiscrimination and equal opportunity in housing under Executive Order 11063, 24 CFR 107 Federal disaster assistance, 44 CFR 206 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 [[Page 426]] Housing and Urban Development Department Community planning and development programs, consolidated submissions, 24 CFR 91 General HUD program requirements, waivers, 24 CFR 5 Homeless-- Emergency Solutions Grants program, 24 CFR 576 Shelter Plus Care, 24 CFR 582 Supportive housing program, 24 CFR 583 HOPE for homeownership of single family homes program (HOPE 3), 24 CFR 572 Housing counseling program, 24 CFR 214 Housing Trust Fund, 24 CFR 93 HUD Reform Act, 24 CFR 4 Nondiscrimination in programs and activities receiving assistance under Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Title I, 24 CFR 6 Nondiscrimination on basis of age in federally assisted programs, 24 CFR 146 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally assisted programs, 24 CFR 8 Public housing conversion to tenant-based assistance, 24 CFR 972 Reasonable revitalization potential of public housing required by law, assessment, 24 CFR 971 Volunteers, use on projects subject to Davis-Bacon and HUD-determined wage rates, 24 CFR 70 Housing assistance and public and Indian housing programs Allocations of housing assistance funds, 24 CFR 791 Congregate housing services program, 24 CFR 700 Drug elimination programs, 24 CFR 761 Public housing agency section 8 fraud recoveries, 24 CFR 792 Housing assistance (section 8) and direct loan programs (section 202) Family Self-Sufficiency Program, 24 CFR 887 Fair market rents and contract rent annual adjustment factors, 24 CFR 888 Housing development grants, 24 CFR 850 Moderate rehabilitation programs, 24 CFR 882 New construction, 24 CFR 880 New construction set-aside for section 515 rural rental housing projects, 24 CFR 884 Special allocations, 24 CFR 886 State housing agencies, 24 CFR 883 Substantial rehabilitation, 24 CFR 881 Supportive housing for elderly and persons with disabilities, 24 CFR 891 Housing opportunities for persons with AIDS, 24 CFR 574 Indian Affairs Bureau, Housing Improvement Program, 25 CFR 256 Indian HOME program, 24 CFR 954 John Heinz neighborhood development program, 24 CFR 594 Lead-based paint poisoning prevention in certain residential structures, 24 CFR 35 Low- and very low-income persons, economic opportunities, 24 CFR 75 Mortgage and loan insurance programs Evictions from certain subsidized and HUD-owned housing projects, 24 CFR 247 Local rent control, 24 CFR 246 Low income housing mortgages prepayment, technical assistance grants, 24 CFR 248 Multifamily housing mortgage and housing assistance restructuring program (mark-to-market), 24 CFR 401 Rental projects, mortgage insurance and interest reduction payments, 24 CFR 236 Subsidized projects, electronic transmission of required data for certification and recertification and subsidy billing procedures, 24 CFR 208 Tenant participation in multifamily housing projects, 24 CFR 245 Native American housing activities, 24 CFR 1000 Neighborhood Reinvestment Board, organization and channeling of functions, 24 CFR 4100 Public and Indian housing Section 8 and public housing family self-sufficiency program, 24 CFR 984 [[Page 427]] Section 8 tenant-based assistance-- Housing Choice Voucher Program, 24 CFR 982 Management assessment program (SEMAP), 24 CFR 985 Project-based voucher program, 24 CFR 983 Public housing Admission to and occupancy, 24 CFR 960 Contracting with resident-owned businesses, 24 CFR 963 Demolition or disposition of public housing projects, 24 CFR 970 Designated housing-public housing designated for occupancy by disabled, elderly, or disabled and elderly families, 24 CFR 945 Homeownership programs, 24 CFR 906 Lease and grievance procedure, 24 CFR 966 Low rent housing homeownership opportunities, 24 CFR 904 Operating fund program, 24 CFR 990 Public Housing Agency-owned or leased projects, general provisions, 24 CFR 965 Public housing capital fund program, 24 CFR 905 Tenant participation and tenant opportunities in public housing, 24 CFR 964 Public housing, Indian housing, and section 8 rental certificate, rental voucher, and moderate rehabilitation programs, electronic transmission of required family data, 24 CFR 908 Rural Business-Cooperative Service, 7 CFR 4284 Rural community fire protection, 36 CFR 270 Rural development Area planning and energy impacted area development assistance program, 7 CFR 1948 Associations, program regulations, 7 CFR 1942 Construction and repair provisions, 7 CFR 1924 Credit reports, receiving and processing applications, 7 CFR 1910 General program regulations, 7 CFR 1900 Housing, 7 CFR 1944 Loan and grant program funds, 7 CFR 1940 Loans and grants, program-related instructions, 7 CFR 1901 Management and supervision of loan and grant recipients, 7 CFR 1930 Real property, 7 CFR 1965 Servicing and collections, 7 CFR 1951 Supervised bank accounts, 7 CFR 1902 Rural development coordination Roles and responsibilities, 7 CFR 22 State and regional annual plans of work, 7 CFR 23 Rural Housing Service Community programs, 7 CFR 3570 Direct multi-family housing loans and grants, 7 CFR 3560 Direct single family housing loans and grants, 7 CFR 3550 Guaranteed Rural Housing program, 7 CFR 3555 Rural Utilities Service Emergency and imminent community water assistance grants, 7 CFR 1778 Revolving funds for financing water and wastewater projects (Revolving Fund Program), 7 CFR 1783 Rural Alaskan village grants, 7 CFR 1784 Rural decentralized water systems, 7 CFR 1776 Rural development, economic, 7 CFR 1703 Technical assistance grants, 7 CFR 1775 Water and waste loans and grants-- Health risk alleviation, 7 CFR 1777 Policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1780 Supportive Services for Veteran Families program, 38 CFR 62 Urban development action grant program, historic preservation requirements, 36 CFR 801 Urban renewal, rental rehabilitation grant program, 24 CFR 511 Veterans, Supportive Services for Veteran Families program, 38 CFR 62 Weatherization assistance for low-income persons, 10 CFR 440 Youthbuild program, 24 CFR 585 Grant programs-Indians Business development program, 25 CFR 286 Child Care and Development Fund Hearings, procedure, 45 CFR 99 [[Page 428]] Implementation, 45 CFR 98 Child protection and family violence prevention, 25 CFR 63 Child welfare, 25 CFR 23 Community and health services and low income energy assistance, block grants, 45 CFR 96 Community development block grants, 24 CFR 1003 Education Educational loans, grants, and other assistance for higher education, 25 CFR 40 Elementary and secondary education-- Education contracts under Johnson-O'Malley Act, 25 CFR 273 Geographic boundaries, 25 CFR 37 Standards, assessments, and accountability system, 25 CFR 30 Indian education discretionary grant programs, 34 CFR 263 Indian Head Start program, tribal government consultation under the Designation Renewal System, 45 CFR 1307 Indian school equalization program, 25 CFR 39 Indians, grants to tribal colleges and universities and dine college, 25 CFR 41 Tribally Controlled Schools Act grants, 25 CFR 44 Uniform direct funding and support, 25 CFR 47 Employment and training programs, Indian and Native American, 20 CFR 632 Environmental Protection Agency Disadvantaged business enterprises, participation in agency programs, 40 CFR 33 Fellowships, 40 CFR 46 National Environmental Education Act grants, 40 CFR 47 State and local assistance grants, 40 CFR 35 Training assistance, 40 CFR 45 Family Violence Prevention and Services Programs, 45 CFR 1370 Hazardous materials public sector training and planning grants, 49 CFR 110 Health care services, 42 CFR 136a Highway safety program, 25 CFR 181 Housing Congregate housing services program, 24 CFR 700 Drug elimination programs, 24 CFR 761 Housing Choice Voucher Program, 24 CFR 982 Housing Improvement Program, 25 CFR 256 Indian HOME program, 24 CFR 954 Native American activities, 24 CFR 1000 Section 8 and public housing family self-sufficiency program, 24 CFR 984 Indian Affairs Bureau, uniform administrative requirements for grants, 25 CFR 276 Indian Business Incubators Program, 25 CFR 1187 Indian Outreach Program, 7 CFR 1901 Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act Contracts, 25 CFR 900 Tribal Self-Government Act amendments, annual funding agreements, 25 CFR 1000 Job Placement and Training Program, 25 CFR 26 Justice Assistance Bureau grant programs, 28 CFR 33 Native American Career and Technical Education Program, 34 CFR 401 Native American programs, 45 CFR 1336 Native Hawaiian housing block grant program, 24 CFR 1006 Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation Office, operations and relocation procedures, 25 CFR 700 Rural development associations, program regulations, 7 CFR 1942 State and community programs on aging, 45 CFR 1321 Support and nutrition services, grants to tribes for, 45 CFR 1322 Tribal self-governance, 42 CFR 137 Tribal Transportation Self-Governance Program, 49 CFR 29 Violence against women, 28 CFR 90 Vocational rehabilitation, American Indians, 34 CFR 371 Grant programs-labor Employment and Training Administration Administrative procedure, 20 CFR 601 Disaster unemployment assistance, 20 CFR 625 [[Page 429]] Senior Community Service Employment Program, governing provisions, 20 CFR 641 Welfare-to-work grants, governing provisions, 20 CFR 645 Federal-State employment service system State employment services, establishment and functioning, 20 CFR 652 Veterans, services, 20 CFR 1001 Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Service-- Administrative provisions governing, 20 CFR 658 General provisions, 20 CFR 651 Services of, 20 CFR 653 Job Training Partnership Act programs Complaints, investigations and hearings, 20 CFR 636 Dislocated workers program under Title III, 20 CFR 631 General provisions governing programs under Titles I, II, and III, 20 CFR 627 Indian and Native American employment and training programs, 20 CFR 632 Introduction to regulations, 20 CFR 626 Job Corps program under Title IV-B, 20 CFR 638 Labor market information programs under Title IV, Part E, 20 CFR 634 Migrant and seasonal farmworker programs, 20 CFR 633 Programs under Title II, 20 CFR 628 Programs under Title V, 20 CFR 637 Nondiscrimination on basis of age in programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance, 29 CFR 35 Occupational safety and health, consultation programs, 29 CFR 1908 Trade adjustment assistance under the Trade Act of 1974, as amended, 20 CFR 618 Unemployment compensation Extended benefits, 20 CFR 615 Quality control in Federal-State unemployment insurance system, 20 CFR 602 State information, confidentiality and disclosure, 20 CFR 603 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, Labor Department, 2 CFR 2900 Veterans' employment and training, priority of service of covered persons application, 20 CFR 1010 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title I Administrative provisions, 20 CFR 683 Adult and dislocated workers activities, 20 CFR 680 Indian and Native American programs, 20 CFR 684 Introduction to regulations for the workforce development systems, 20 CFR 675 Job Corps, 20 CFR 686 National Dislocated Workers Grants, 20 CFR 687 National Farmworker Jobs Program, 20 CFR 685 One-Stop Delivery System, description, 20 CFR 678 Performance accountability, 20 CFR 677 Provisions governing the Youthbuild Program, 20 CFR 688 Statewide activities, 20 CFR 682 Unified and combined State plans, 20 CFR 676 Workforce Development System, Statewide and local governance, 20 CFR 679 Youth activities, 20 CFR 681 Workforce Investment Act of 1998, Title I Administrative provisions, 20 CFR 667 Adult and dislocated worker activities, 20 CFR 663 Dislocated workers, national emergency grants, 20 CFR 671 Indian and Native American programs, 20 CFR 668 Job Corps, 20 CFR 670 National Farmworkers Jobs Program, 20 CFR 669 Nondiscrimination and equal opportunity provisions, 29 CFR 37 One-Stop system description, 20 CFR 662 Performance accountability, 20 CFR 666 Statewide workforce investment activities, 20 CFR 665 Workforce investment system-- Introduction to regulations, 20 CFR 660 Statewide and local governance, 20 CFR 661 Youth activities, 20 CFR 664 [[Page 430]] Young Adult Conservation Corps (YACC) program, grants to States for establishment, 43 CFR 32 Youth Conservation Corps program, grants to States for establishment, 43 CFR 26 Grant programs-law Criminal intelligence systems operating policies, 28 CFR 23 Emergency Federal law enforcement assistance, 28 CFR 65 Justice Assistance Bureau grant programs, 28 CFR 33 Justice Department Correctional facilities, 28 CFR 91 Violence against women, 28 CFR 90 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, provisions implementing, 28 CFR 93 Justice Programs Office, hearing and appeal procedures, 28 CFR 18 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Program Office Competition and peer review procedures, 28 CFR 34 Grant programs, 28 CFR 31 Legal Services Corporation Appeals on behalf of clients, 45 CFR 1605 Attorney hiring, 45 CFR 1616 Bonding requirements of recipients, 45 CFR 1629 Case information disclosure, 45 CFR 1644 Class actions, 45 CFR 1617 Client grievance procedures, 45 CFR 1621 Client identity and statement of facts, 45 CFR 1636 Cost standards and procedures, 45 CFR 1630 Definitions, 45 CFR 1600 Enforcement procedures, 45 CFR 1618 Fee-generating cases, 45 CFR 1609 Financial eligibility, 45 CFR 1611 Governing bodies of recipients, 45 CFR 1607 Grants and contracts, competitive bidding, 45 CFR 1634 Information disclosure, 45 CFR 1619 Legal Services Corporation recipients, Federal law application, 45 CFR 1640 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability, 45 CFR 1624 Non-LSC funds, transfers of LSC funds, program integrity; use of, 45 CFR 1610 Outside practice of law, 45 CFR 1604 Priorities in use of resources, 45 CFR 1620 Prisoners, representation, 45 CFR 1637 Private attorney involvement, 45 CFR 1614 Prohibited political activities, 45 CFR 1608 Prohibited redistricting activities, 45 CFR 1632 Purchasing and property management, 45 CFR 1631 Recipient auditors, debarment, suspension and removal, 45 CFR 1641 Recipient fund balances, 45 CFR 1628 Restrictions-- Actions collaterally attacking criminal convictions, 45 CFR 1615 Aliens, legal assistance to, 45 CFR 1626 Assisted suicide, euthanasia, and mercy killing, 45 CFR 1643 Legal assistance with respect to criminal proceedings, 45 CFR 1613 Lobbying and certain other activities, 45 CFR 1612 Representation in certain eviction proceedings, 45 CFR 1633 Solicitation, 45 CFR 1638 Subgrants, 45 CFR 1627 Suspension procedures, 45 CFR 1623 Termination, limited reduction of funding, and debarment procedures, recompetition, 45 CFR 1606 Timekeeping requirement, 45 CFR 1635 Welfare reform, 45 CFR 1639 Grant programs-National defense Civil defense, consolidated grants to insular areas, 44 CFR 304 Civil defense personnel, materials, and facilities for natural disaster purposes, use of, 44 CFR 312 State and local emergency management assistance program (EMA), 44 CFR 302 Grant programs-natural resources Abandoned mine land reclamation Grants for certified States and Indian tribes, 30 CFR 885 State plans, 30 CFR 884 Subsidence insurance program grants, 30 CFR 887 [[Page 431]] Uncertified States and Indian tribes, reclamation grants, 30 CFR 886 Anadromous fisheries conservation, development and enhancement, 50 CFR 401 Clean Vessel Act grant program, 50 CFR 85 Coastal zone management program regulations, 15 CFR 923 Conservation of endangered and threatened species of fish, wildlife, and plants, cooperation with States, 50 CFR 81 Emergency Conservation Program, Emergency Forest Restoration Program, and certain related programs, 7 CFR 701 Emergency watershed protection, 7 CFR 624 Emergency wetlands reserve program, 7 CFR 623 Financial assistance, local governments, 43 CFR 44 Fish and Wildlife Service; Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration and Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Acts, administrative requirements, 50 CFR 80 Great Plains Conservation Program, 7 CFR 631 Marine mammals, administrative procedures for grants-in-aid research on protection and conservation, 50 CFR 82 Mine fire control, 30 CFR 880 National coastal wetlands conservation grant program, 50 CFR 84 National Estuarine Research Reserve System regulations, 15 CFR 921 National Sea Grant program Funding regulations, 15 CFR 917 Sea Grant colleges and regional consortia, 15 CFR 918 National Security Education Program (NSEP) and NSEP service agreement, 32 CFR 208 Oil and gas leases, delegation of authority, cooperative agreements and contracts for inspection, 43 CFR 3190 Payments in lieu of taxes and mineral development relief loans, financial assistance for local governments, 43 CFR 44 Recreation and conservation use of abandoned railroad rights-of-way, grants and allocations, 36 CFR 64 Rural abandoned mine program, 7 CFR 632 Rural clean water program, 7 CFR 634 Secretary of Interior's standards for treatment of historic properties, 36 CFR 68 Small mine operator assistance program, permanent regulatory program, 30 CFR 795 Soil Bank Program, 1956, 7 CFR 750 State and private forestry assistance, 36 CFR 230 State, Tribal, and local government historic preservation programs, procedures, 36 CFR 61 State water management planning program, 18 CFR 740 State Water Research Institute program, 30 CFR 401 Subsidence and strip mine rehabilitation, Appalachia, 30 CFR 881 Surface coal mining and reclamation operations, initial performance standards, reimbursement to States for enforcement, 30 CFR 725 Surface coal mining, reclamation, and exploration, non-Federal and non- Indian lands, grants for State program development, administration, and enforcement, 30 CFR 735 Water bank program, 7 CFR 633 Water resources research program and water resources technology development program, 30 CFR 402 Watershed projects, 7 CFR 622 Wetlands Reserve Program, 7 CFR 1467 Young Adult Conservation Corps program, 43 CFR 32 Youth Conservation Corps program, 43 CFR 26 Grant programs-recreation Boating Infrastructure Grant program, 50 CFR 86 Land and Water Conservation Fund program of assistance to States; post- completion compliance responsibilities, 36 CFR 59 Urban Park and Recreation Recovery Act, grants and discretionary funding, 36 CFR 72 Grant programs-science and technology Defense Department, National defense science and engineering graduate fellowships, 32 CFR 168a [[Page 432]] National Institute of Standards and Technology Advanced technology program, 15 CFR 295 Manufacturing extension partnership, infrastructure development projects, 15 CFR 292 Manufacturing technology transfer, regional centers, 15 CFR 290 Technology innovation program, 15 CFR 296 National Science Foundation Patent rights, 45 CFR 650 Research misconduct, 45 CFR 689 National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program, 14 CFR 1259 Public Health Service, misconduct in science, policies of general applicability, 42 CFR 50 Grant programs-social programs Adoption and foster care Fiscal requirements applicable to-- Title IV-B, Social Security Act, 45 CFR 1357 Title IV-E, Social Security Act, 45 CFR 1356 General, 45 CFR 1355 Child support enforcement programs Annual State self-assessment review and report, 45 CFR 308 Comprehensive Tribal child support enforcement programs, 45 CFR 309 Computerized support enforcement systems, 45 CFR 307 Computerized Tribal IV-D Systems and office automation, 45 CFR 310 Program operation standards, 45 CFR 303 Program performance measures, standards, financial incentives, and penalties, 45 CFR 305 State grants, Federal financial participation, 45 CFR 304 State plan approval and grant procedures, 45 CFR 301 State plan requirements, 45 CFR 302 Children and Families Administration Family Violence Prevention and Services Programs, 45 CFR 1370 Head Start program-- Facilities purchase, major renovation, and construction, 45 CFR 1309 Federal administrative procedures, 45 CFR 1304 Fellows program, 45 CFR 1311 Financial and administrative requirements, 45 CFR 1303 Performance standards on services for children with disabilities, 45 CFR 1308 Program operations, 45 CFR 1302 Staffing requirements and program options, 45 CFR 1306 Transportation, 45 CFR 1310 Native employment work (NEW) program, 45 CFR 287 Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program-- Data collection and reporting requirements, 45 CFR 265 Ensuring that recipients work, 45 CFR 261 General accountability provisions, 45 CFR 262 General provisions, 45 CFR 260 High performance bonus awards, 45 CFR 270 Methodology for determining whether State or territory's child poverty rate increase is result of TANF program, 45 CFR 284 Other accountability provisions, 45 CFR 264 State and Federal TANF funds, expenditures, 45 CFR 263 Tribal TANF provisions, 45 CFR 286 Community Services Office Charitable Choice under Community Services Block Grant Act programs, 45 CFR 1050 Emergency community services homeless grant program, 45 CFR 1080 Individual development account reserve funds established pursuant to grants for assets for independence, 45 CFR 1000 Corporation for National and Community Service AmeriCorps programs-- Agreements with other Federal agencies for provision of program assistance, 45 CFR 2523 National Service Trust, purpose and definitions, 45 CFR 2525 [[Page 433]] Participants, programs, and applicants, 45 CFR 2522 Subtitle C, eligible applicants and types of grants available for award, 45 CFR 2521 Subtitle C, general provisions, 45 CFR 2520 Technical assistance and other special grants, 45 CFR 2524 Community-based service-learning programs, 45 CFR 2517 Electoral and lobbying activities, prohibitions, 45 CFR 1226 General administrative provisions, 45 CFR 2540 Grants and contracts, suspension and termination and application for refunding denial, 45 CFR 1206 Higher education innovative programs for community service, 45 CFR 2519 Innovative and special demonstration programs, 45 CFR 2532 Investment for quality and innovation activities, grants purposes and availability, 45 CFR 2531 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs or activities, 45 CFR 1232 Older American volunteer programs, locally generated contributions, 45 CFR 1235 Overall purposes and definitions, 45 CFR 2510 School-based service-learning programs, 45 CFR 2516 Service-learning clearinghouse, 45 CFR 2518 Service-learning program purposes, 45 CFR 2515 State commissions, alternative administrative entities, and transitional entities, requirements and general provisions, 45 CFR 2550 Technical assistance, training, and other service infrastructure- building activities, 45 CFR 2533 Volunteers in Service to America, 45 CFR 2556 Crime victim services, 28 CFR 94 Developmental disabilities program Program requirements, 45 CFR 1325 Projects of National significance, 45 CFR 1327 State plans for formula grant programs, 45 CFR 1326 University affiliated programs, 45 CFR 1328 Family planning services, grants, 42 CFR 59 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 [[Page 434]] National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Food and Nutrition Service Emergency food assistance program, 7 CFR 251 Food distribution programs-- Demonstration, research, and evaluation projects, 7 CFR 282 Eligible households, certification, 7 CFR 273 Food donations for use in U.S., 7 CFR 250 Food retailers, food wholesalers and meal services; administrative and judicial review, 7 CFR 279 General information and definitions, 7 CFR 271 Indian households in Oklahoma, administration, 7 CFR 254 Indian reservations, administration of households on, 7 CFR 253 Indian reservations, administration of SNAP on, 7 CFR 281 Miscellaneous regulations, 7 CFR 284 Participating State agencies, requirements, 7 CFR 272 Performance reporting system, 7 CFR 275 Program benefits, issuance and use of, 7 CFR 274 Retail food stores, wholesale food concerns, meal services, and insured financial institutions; participation of, 7 CFR 278 State agencies, payment of certain administrative costs of , 7 CFR 277 State agency liabilities and Federal sanctions, 7 CFR 276 Victims of disasters, emergency food assistance for , 7 CFR 280 National commodity processing program, 7 CFR 252 Special supplemental food program for women, infants, and children, 7 CFR 246 WIC farmers' market nutrition program (FMNP), 7 CFR 248 Foster grandparent program, 45 CFR 2552 Health and Human Services Department Block grants, 45 CFR 96 Charitable Choice, States, local governments and religious organizations receiving discretionary funding for substance abuse prevention and treatment services, 42 CFR 54a Charitable Choice, States receiving substance abuse prevention and treatment block grants and/or projects for assistance in transition from homelessness grants, 42 CFR 54 Child Care and Development Fund-- Hearings, procedure, 45 CFR 99 Implementation, 45 CFR 98 Consolidation of grants to insular areas, 45 CFR 97 Departmental Grant Appeals Board, procedures, 45 CFR 16 Equal treatment for faith-based organizations, 45 CFR 87 Grant programs administered by Office of Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, 45 CFR 63 National Institute for Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research, 45 CFR 1330 Public and medical assistance and State children's health insurance grant programs, general administration, 45 CFR 95 Housing and Urban Development Department Emergency Solutions Grants program, 24 CFR 576 Housing opportunities for persons with AIDS, 24 CFR 574 Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, State legalization impact assistance grants, 45 CFR 402 Indians Child protection and family violence prevention, 25 CFR 63 [[Page 435]] Child welfare, 25 CFR 23 Native American programs, 45 CFR 1336 Supportive and nutritional services, grants to tribes for, 45 CFR 1322 Older Americans Act, State and community program grants on aging, 45 CFR 1321 Older Hawaiian Natives, grants for supportive and nutritional services, 45 CFR 1323 Public assistance programs Application, determination of eligibility, and furnishing assistance, 45 CFR 206 Assistance for U.S. citizens returned from foreign countries, 45 CFR 212 Care and treatment of mentally ill nationals returned from foreign countries, 45 CFR 211 Coverage and conditions of eligibility, 45 CFR 233 Cuban/Haitian entrant program, 45 CFR 401 Financial assistance to individuals, 45 CFR 234 Fiscal administration, 45 CFR 237 Fraud, child support, tax credit, State and local training provisions, 45 CFR 235 General administration, 45 CFR 205 State plans and grant appeals, 45 CFR 204 Grants to States, 45 CFR 201 Practice and procedure for hearings to States on conformity of plans to Federal requirements, 45 CFR 213 Training and use of sub-professionals and volunteers, 45 CFR 225 Puerto Rico, nutrition assistance grant provision, 7 CFR 285 Refugee resettlement program, 45 CFR 400 Retired and senior volunteer program, 45 CFR 2553 Senior companion program, 45 CFR 2551 Shelter Plus Care, 24 CFR 582 Supportive housing program, 24 CFR 583 Vocational rehabilitation American Indians, 34 CFR 371 Client Assistance Program, 34 CFR 370 Independent living services for older individuals who are blind, 34 CFR 367 Protection and advocacy of individual rights, 34 CFR 381 State program, 34 CFR 361 State Supported Employment Services program, 34 CFR 363 Vulnerable elder rights protection activities, allotments for, 45 CFR 1324 Workshops and rehabilitation facilities assisted by Federal grants, safety standards, 29 CFR 1924 Youth services programs, runaway and homeless youth, 45 CFR 1351 Grant programs-transportation Air carriers providing essential air transportation, guidelines for subsidizing, 14 CFR 271 Airports Aid program, 14 CFR 152 Federal aid to, 14 CFR 151 State block grant pilot program, 14 CFR 156 Design-build contracting, 23 CFR 636 Disadvantaged business enterprise participation in airport concessions, 49 CFR 23 Transportation Department financial assistance programs, 49 CFR 26 Emergency public transportation services, emergency relief, 49 CFR 602 Federal-aid highway programs Bridges, structures, and hydraulics, 23 CFR 650 Carpool and vanpool projects, 23 CFR 656 Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VI program and related civil rights statutes, implementation and review procedures, 23 CFR 200 Construction, inspection and approval, 23 CFR 637 Construction and maintenance, 23 CFR 635 Contract provisions required, 23 CFR 633 Design standards, 23 CFR 625 Emergency relief for repair or construction, 23 CFR 668 Engineering, 23 CFR 620 Engineering and design related service contracts; procurement, management, and administration, 23 CFR 172 Equal employment opportunity, Federal and federally-aided construction contracts, 23 CFR 230 Federal lands highways-- Fish and Wildlife Service Management Systems, 23 CFR 972 [[Page 436]] Forest Service Management Systems, 23 CFR 971 Heavy vehicle use tax, enforcement, 23 CFR 669 Highway beautification, 23 CFR 750 Highway construction projects performed by a State under Federal-aid procedures, reimbursement eligibility of administrative settlement costs, 23 CFR 140 Indian Affairs Bureau and Indian Reservation Roads Program management systems, 23 CFR 973 National Park Service Management Systems, 23 CFR 970 Highway systems, 23 CFR 470 Incentive (1/2 percent bonus) payments for controlling outdoor advertising on interstate highway system, 23 CFR 190 Junkyard control and acquisition, 23 CFR 751 Landscape and roadside development, 23 CFR 752 Mass transit and special use highway projects, 23 CFR 810 Mitigation of impacts to wetlands and natural habitat, 23 CFR 777 Pavement policy, 23 CFR 626 Planning and research, program administration, 23 CFR 420 Preconstruction procedures, 23 CFR 630 Railroad-highway projects and insurance coverage for these projects, 23 CFR 646 Real-Time System Management Information System, 23 CFR 511 Right-of-way and real estate, 23 CFR 710 Special programs, forest and National defense highways, 23 CFR 660 Traffic noise and construction noise, procedures for abatement, 23 CFR 772 Traffic operations, 23 CFR 655 Truck size and weight, route designations-length, width and weight limitations, 23 CFR 658 Utility facilities, adjustment and relocation, 23 CFR 645 Value engineering, 23 CFR 627 Vehicle size and weight enforcement, State certification, 23 CFR 657 Federal Transit Administration Metropolitan and statewide and nonmetropolitan planning, 49 CFR 613 Private investment project procedures, 49 CFR 650 Highway, public transportation and railroad actions; environmental impact and related procedures, 23 CFR 771 Highway personnel, education and training, 23 CFR 260 Highway safety Drug offenders, driver's license suspension, 23 CFR 192 Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program and High Priority Program, 49 CFR 350 Motor vehicles operation-- Intoxicated minors, 23 CFR 1210 Intoxicated persons, 23 CFR 1225 Open container laws, 23 CFR 1270 Repeat intoxicated driver laws, 23 CFR 1275 National minimum drinking age, 23 CFR 1208 Public road mileage for apportionment of funds, 23 CFR 460 Safety belts use-- Compliance and transfer-of-funds procedures, 23 CFR 1215 Safety incentive grants, allocations based on seat belt use rates, 23 CFR 1240 Uniform criteria for State observational surveys, 23 CFR 1340 Uniform procedures for States, 23 CFR 1200, 23 CFR 1300 Indians, Tribal Transportation Self Governance Program, 49 CFR 29 Intelligent transportation system architecture and standards, 23 CFR 940 Magnetic levitation transportation technology deployment program, 49 CFR 268 Major capital investment projects, 49 CFR 611 Maritime carriers Application for subsidies and other direct financial aid, 46 CFR 251 Application procedures, record retention requirements, 46 CFR 380 Bulk cargo vessels engaged in worldwide services, 46 CFR 252 Condition surveys and maintenance and repair subsidy, 46 CFR 272 [[Page 437]] Construction-differential subsidy, repayment, 46 CFR 276 Dividend policy, 46 CFR 283 Insurance of construction-differential subsidy vessels, operating- differential subsidy vessels and vessels sold or adjusted under Merchant Ship Sales Act 1946, 46 CFR 289 Liners-- Information and procedures, 46 CFR 281 Limitation on award and payment, 46 CFR 280 Operating-differential subsidy for liner vessels engaged in essential services in foreign commerce of U.S., 46 CFR 282 Research and development grant and cooperative agreements regulations, 46 CFR 385 National electric vehicle infrastructure standards and requirements, 23 CFR 680 Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, State pipeline safety programs, grant regulations, 49 CFR 198 Planning assistance and standards, 23 CFR 450 Public works contracts, denial to suppliers of goods and services of countries that deny procurement market access to U.S. contractors, 49 CFR 30 Railroad local service assistance to States under section 5 of Department of Transportation Act, 49 CFR 266 Railroad passenger terminals, financial assistance, 49 CFR 256 Surface transportation project delivery pilot program, 23 CFR 773 Transportation infrastructure management, management and monitoring systems, 23 CFR 500 Urban mass transportation Alcohol misuse and prohibited drug use prevention in transit operations, 49 CFR 655 Buy America requirements, 49 CFR 661 Capital leases, 49 CFR 639 Charter service, 49 CFR 604 Employee protection guidelines, section 5333(b), Federal Transit Law, 29 CFR 215 National transit database, 49 CFR 630 Project management oversight, 49 CFR 633 Rail fixed guideway systems, State safety oversight, 49 CFR 674 Rolling stock purchases, pre-award and post-delivery audits, 49 CFR 663 Grant programs-veterans Adaptive sports programs for disabled veterans and disabled members of the Armed Forces, 38 CFR 77 Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem Program, 38 CFR 61 Medical care, 38 CFR 17 Staff Sergeant Parker Gordon Fox Suicide Prevention Grant Program, 38 CFR 78 State homes Faith based organizations, equal treatment, 38 CFR 50 Grants to States for construction or acquisition, 38 CFR 59 Payments to States for programs to promote the hiring and retention of nurses, 38 CFR 53 Per diem for nursing home care of veterans, 38 CFR 51 Rural Veterans Coordination Pilot (RVCP), grants, 38 CFR 64 Supportive Services for Veteran Families program, 38 CFR 62 Veterans cemeteries Aid to States for establishment, expansion, and improvement, or operation and maintenance of, 38 CFR 39 National cemeteries of the Department of Veterans Affairs, 38 CFR 38 Veterans readiness and employment and education, 38 CFR 21 Veterans transportation programs, 38 CFR 70 Grants administration Federal financial assistance Advocacy and Outreach Office, general award administrative procedures, 7 CFR 2500 Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 [[Page 438]] Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Assistance agreements that include funding under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, award terms, 2 CFR 176 Corporation for National and Community Service, implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Defense Department-- Cost-type grants and cooperative agreements, administrative requirements terms and conditions --Financial, programmatic, and property reporting; general award terms, 2 CFR 1134 --Nonprofit and government entities; recipient financial and program management, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1128 --Other administrative requirements, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1136 --Overview, 2 CFR 1126 --Property administration, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1130 --Recipient procurement procedures, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1132 --Subawards requirements, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1138 Definitions, 2 CFR 1108 Grants and cooperative agreements --Award and administration, 32 CFR 22 --Award format, 2 CFR 1120 --General award terms and conditions, national policy requirements, 2 CFR 1122 Governmentwide guidance, implementation of, 2 CFR 1104 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Environmental Protection Agency-- Disadvantaged business enterprises, participation in agency programs, 40 CFR 33 Fellowships, 40 CFR 46 National Environmental Education Act grants, 40 CFR 47 State and local assistance grants, 40 CFR 35 Training assistance, 40 CFR 45 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Environmental Protection Agency, 2 CFR 1500 Federal Communications Commission, 2 CFR 6000 Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council, 2 CFR 5900 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Labor Department, 2 CFR 2900 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 2 CFR 1800 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 [[Page 439]] State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Universal identifier and system of award management, 2 CFR 25 Fish and Wildlife Service, Boating Infrastructure Grant program, 50 CFR 85 Forest Service, State and private forestry assistance, 50 CFR 230 Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council, spill impact component, 40 CFR 1800 Health care, statutory conscience rights protection, authority delegations, 45 CFR 88 Health insurance, Affordable Care Act-- Exchange establishment standards and other related standards under, 45 CFR 155 Issuer standards under, including requirements related to exchanges, 45 CFR 156 Never contract with the enemy, 2 CFR 183 Treasury Department; resources and ecosystems sustainability, tourist opportunities, and revived economies of Gulf Coast States, 31 CFR 34 Grapefruit Marketing agreements Import regulations, 7 CFR 944 Oranges and grapefruit grown in Lower Rio Grande Valley in Texas, 7 CFR 906 Oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, and pummelos grown in Florida, 7 CFR 905 Grapes Export grapes and plums, standards, 7 CFR 35 Marketing agreements Grapes grown in a designated area of southeastern California, 7 CFR 925 Import regulations, 7 CFR 944 Raisins produced from grapes grown in California, 7 CFR 989 Grazing lands See al Public lands Administration, 43 CFR 4100 Administration of lands under Title III of Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act, 36 CFR 213 Commodity Credit Corporation Agricultural Conservation Easement Program, 7 CFR 1468 Conservation Stewardship Program, 7 CFR 1470 Environmental Quality Incentives Program, 7 CFR 1466 Grassland Reserve Program, 7 CFR 1415 Hopi partitioned lands area, grazing regulations, 25 CFR 168 Indian lands, grazing permits, 25 CFR 166 Land use, special laws and rules, 43 CFR 2090 Leases, Pierce Act, 43 CFR 4600 Livestock in Alaska, administration of grazing lands, 43 CFR 4200 Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation Office, operations and relocation procedures, 25 CFR 700 Navajo grazing regulations, 25 CFR 167 Partitioned lands grazing permits, 25 CFR 161 Range management, National forests, 36 CFR 222 Reindeer in Alaska, administration of grazing lands, general, 43 CFR 4300 Soil conservation, technical assistance, 7 CFR 610 Great Lakes Environmental Protection Agency, Great Lakes System, water quality guidance, 40 CFR 132 Maritime services stations, 47 CFR 80 Pilotage ratemaking, 46 CFR 404 Pilotage regulations, 46 CFR 401 Pilotage rules and orders, 46 CFR 402 Pilotage uniform accounting system, 46 CFR 403 Vessel load lines, 46 CFR 45 Greenhouse gases See al Ozone; specific gases Air pollution control Air quality planning purposes, designated areas, 40 CFR 81 Mobile sources, 40 CFR 85 Performance standards for new stationary sources, 40 CFR 60 Stratospheric ozone protection, 40 CFR 82 Air programs Emissions control-- Engines installed on airplanes, 40 CFR 1030 [[Page 440]] New and in-use heavy-duty highway engines, 40 CFR 1036 Fuels and fuel additives, renewable fuel standard, 40 CFR 80 Implementation plans-- Approval and promulgation, 40 CFR 52 Preparation, adoption, and submittal requirements, 40 CFR 51 Mandatory reporting, 40 CFR 98 National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan, 40 CFR 300 Climate change, voluntary greenhouse gas reporting program, general guidelines, 10 CFR 300 Environmental marketing claims guides, carbon offsets, 16 CFR 260 Motor vehicles, fuel economy and greenhouse gas exhaust emissions, 40 CFR 600 Groundwater See Watersheds Guam Allocation of duty-free watches from, 43 CFR 33 Civil defense, consolidated grants to insular areas, 44 CFR 304 Clean Air Act requirements, special exemptions, 40 CFR 69 Community development block grants, 24 CFR 570 Consolidation of grants to insular areas for social programs, 45 CFR 97 Customs relations with insular possessions and Guantanamo Bay Naval Station, 19 CFR 7 Domestic and foreign trade, interpretations, 46 CFR 277 Education grants, State-administered programs, 34 CFR 76 Federal Employees' Compensation Act, compensation for disability and death of noncitizen Federal employees outside U.S., 20 CFR 25 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 [[Page 441]] Foreign workers in U.S., temporary employment, 20 CFR 655 Income taxes, income from U.S. possessions, 26 CFR 1 (1.931-1--1.936-11) Medicaid, eligibility for financial and medical assistance, 42 CFR 436 Native American programs, 45 CFR 1336 Plant protection and quarantine, State of Hawaii and territories quarantine notices, 7 CFR 318 Public assistance programs, 45 CFR 201 Watches, watch movements and jewelry, duty-free entry, 15 CFR 303 Western Pacific fisheries, 50 CFR 665 Guantanamo Bay Naval Station, Cuba Customs duties Drawback, 19 CFR 191 Modernized drawback, 19 CFR 190 Customs relations with insular possessions and Guantanamo Bay Naval Station, 19 CFR 7 Guaranteed loans See Loan programs Guarantees See Warranties Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council Records availability, 40 CFR 1850 Spill impact component, 40 CFR 1800 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 5900 Guns See Arms and munitions H Haiti Cuban/Haitian entrant program, 45 CFR 401 Handicapped See Individuals with disabilities Handicrafts See Arts and crafts Hansen's disease (Leprosy) See Diseases Harbors See al Anchorage grounds; Waterways Boating Infrastructure Grant program, 50 CFR 86 Carriers, cartmen, and lightermen, licensing and bonding, 19 CFR 112 Cartage and lighterage of merchandise, 19 CFR 125 Customs and Border Protection, general provisions, 19 CFR 101 Customs financial and accounting procedure, harbor maintenance fee, 19 CFR 24 Dangerous cargo at waterfront facilities, handling, 33 CFR 126 Deepwater ports Design, construction, and equipment, 33 CFR 149 General requirements, 33 CFR 148 Operations, 33 CFR 150 Federal port controllers, 46 CFR 346 Foreign-trade zones in U.S., regulations, 15 CFR 400 Identification credentials for persons requiring access to waterfront facilities or vessels, 33 CFR 125 Individual threat assessment, appeal and waiver procedures, 49 CFR 1515 Marine terminal operating contract, 46 CFR 347 Marine terminal operator schedules, 46 CFR 525 Maritime security Area maritime security, 33 CFR 103 General, 33 CFR 101 National security and National defense related operations; priority use and allocation of shipping services, containers and chassis, and port facilities and services, 46 CFR 340 National vessel and facility control measures and limited access areas, 33 CFR 107 Oil, noxious liquid substances, and garbage, reception facilities, 33 CFR 158 Plants, designated ports for importation and exportation, 50 CFR 24 Port facilities utilization, restrictions on transfer, or change in use, or terms, 46 CFR 345 Ports and waterways safety General requirements, 33 CFR 160 Offshore traffic separation schemes, 33 CFR 167 Regulated navigation areas and limited access areas, 33 CFR 165 [[Page 442]] Towing of barges, 33 CFR 163 Vessels traffic management, 33 CFR 161 Protection and security, 33 CFR 6 Quarantine, foreign, 42 CFR 71 Safety of life on navigable waters, 33 CFR 100 Ukraine-Russia related sanctions, 31 CFR 589 Vessels in foreign and domestic trades, 19 CFR 4 Waterfront facilities handling liquefied natural gas and liquefied hazardous gas, 33 CFR 127 Harry S Truman Scholarship Foundation Harry S Truman Scholarship Program, 45 CFR 1801 Nondiscrimination of basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 45 CFR 1803 Privacy Act, 45 CFR 1800 Public meeting procedures of Board of Trustees, 45 CFR 1802 Hatch Act See Political activities (Government employees) Hay See Animal feeds Hawaii Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, amendments, 43 CFR 48 Land exchange procedures, 43 CFR 47 Hawaiian Natives See al Indians Aged, grants for supportive and nutritional services, 45 CFR 1323 Job Training Partnership Act, Indian and Native American employment and training programs, 20 CFR 632 Minority Small Business and Capital Ownership Development program /small disadvantaged business status determinations, 13 CFR 124 Native American graves protection and repatriation regulations, 43 CFR 10 Native American programs, 45 CFR 1336 Housing Block grant program, 24 CFR 1006 Section 184A loan guarantees, 24 CFR 1007 Single family mortgage insurance, 24 CFR 203 Western Pacific fisheries, 50 CFR 665 Hazardous materials transportation See al Explosives; Freight; Hazardous substances; Pipeline safety Aircraft, carriage by, 49 CFR 175 Cargo and miscellaneous vessels, special construction, arrangement, and other provisions for certain dangerous cargoes in bulk, 46 CFR 98 Commercial fishing vessels dispensing petroleum products, 46 CFR 105 Dangerous cargoes on vessels Barges carrying bulk liquid hazardous material cargoes, 46 CFR 151 Bulk cargoes, special rules pertaining to, 46 CFR 172 Carriage of solid materials that require special handling, 46 CFR 148 Cargo compatibility, 46 CFR 150 Hazardous ships' stores, 46 CFR 147 Self-propelled vessels carrying bulk liquefied gases, safety standards, 46 CFR 154 Ships carrying bulk liquid, liquefied gas, or compressed gas hazardous materials, 46 CFR 153 Federal Aviation Administration, investigative and enforcement procedures, 14 CFR 13 General information, regulations, and definitions, 49 CFR 171 Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation, regulations and rules, 33 CFR 401 Hazardous materials tables, special provisions, hazardous materials communications, emergency response information, training requirements, and security plans, 49 CFR 172 Hazardous waste EPA-administered permit programs, 40 CFR 270 Generators, applicable standards, 40 CFR 262 State programs-- Approved, 40 CFR 272 Authorization requirements, 40 CFR 271 Transporters, applicable standards, 40 CFR 263 [[Page 443]] Universal waste management standards, 40 CFR 273 Individual threat assessment, appeal and waiver procedures, 49 CFR 1515 Maritime and surface transportation security Credentialing and security threat assessments, 49 CFR 1572 General rules, 49 CFR 1570 Motor carrier registration and insurance, 49 CFR 360 Motor carrier safety Driving and parking rules, 49 CFR 397 Financial responsibility, minimum levels, 49 CFR 387 FMCSA proceedings, rules of practice, 49 CFR 386 National Transportation Safety Board, investigation procedures, 49 CFR 831 Nuclear materials Atomic Energy Act, licensing exemptions and continued regulatory authority in agreement States and in offshore waters under Sec. 174, 10 CFR 150 Nuclear plants and materials, physical protection, 10 CFR 73 Radioactive material-- Category 1 and category 2 quantities, physical protection, 10 CFR 37 Packaging and transportation, 10 CFR 71 Source material, domestic licensing, 10 CFR 40 Special nuclear material-- Criteria and procedures for determination of eligibility for access to or control over, 10 CFR 11 Domestic licensing, 10 CFR 70 Material control and accounting, 10 CFR 74 Oceanographic vessels, handling, use and control of explosives and other dangerous articles, 46 CFR 194 Offshore supply vessels Electrical installations, 46 CFR 129 General provisions, 46 CFR 125 Liftboats, added provisions, 46 CFR 134 Marine engineering, equipment and systems, 46 CFR 128 Packaging Continuing qualification and maintenance, 49 CFR 180 Specifications, 49 CFR 178 Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Hazardous materials, public sector training and planning grants, 49 CFR 110 Hazardous materials program, definitions and general procedures, 49 CFR 105 Program procedures, 49 CFR 107 Rulemaking procedures, 49 CFR 106 Plutonium, air transportation of, 10 CFR 871 Ports and waterways safety, 33 CFR 160 Public highway, carriage by, 49 CFR 177 Radiological emergency planning and preparedness, 44 CFR 351 Rail, carriage by, 49 CFR 174 Railroad safety Enforcement procedures, 49 CFR 209 Passenger train employees; hours of service, recordkeeping and reporting, sleeping quarter, 49 CFR 228 Rail transportation security, 49 CFR 1580 State safety participation regulations, 49 CFR 212 Shippers, general requirements for shipment and packaging, 49 CFR 173 Surface Transportation Board, civil monetary penalty inflation adjustment, 49 CFR 1022 Tank car specifications, 49 CFR 179 Tank vessels Elevated temperature cargoes, 46 CFR 36 General provisions, 46 CFR 30 Transporting liquefied flammable gases, 46 CFR 38 Vapor control systems, 46 CFR 39 Towing vessels, machinery and electrical systems and equipment, 46 CFR 143 Transportation of natural and other gas by pipeline, minimum Federal safety standards, 49 CFR 192 Transportation Security Administration Administrative and procedural rules, applicability, terms, and abbreviations, 49 CFR 1500 Sensitive security information protection, 49 CFR 1520 Vessel, carriage by, 49 CFR 176 Water pollution (vessels) and OPA 90 limits of liability (vessels, deepwater ports and onshore facilities); evidence of financial responsibility, 33 CFR 138 Hazardous substances See also [[Page 444]] Chemicals; Explosives; Flammable materials; Hazardous materials transportation; Hazardous waste; Poison prevention; Radioactive materials; Safety Acquisition regulations Defense Department, 48 CFR 223 Environmental Protection Agency, 48 CFR 1523 General Services Administration, 48 CFR 23, 48 CFR 523 Justice Department, solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 2852 Air pollution control Chemical accident prevention provisions, 40 CFR 68 National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants, 40 CFR 61 Source categories, 40 CFR 63 New stationary sources, performance standards, 40 CFR 60 State operating permit programs, 40 CFR 70 Artificial emberizing materials (ash and embers) containing respirable free-form asbestos, ban, 16 CFR 1305 Asbestos in schools and commercial and industrial uses, 40 CFR 763 Consumer patching compounds containing respirable freeform asbestos, ban, 16 CFR 1304 Consumer Product Safety Commission Administration and enforcement regulations, 16 CFR 1500 Exemption from preemption of State and local requirements, applications, 16 CFR 1061 Export of noncomplying, misbranded, or banned products, 16 CFR 1019 Formal evidentiary public hearing procedures, 16 CFR 1502 Dangerous cargo at waterfront facilities, handling, 33 CFR 126 Energy Department Chronic beryllium disease prevention program, 10 CFR 850 Worker safety and health program, 10 CFR 851 Environment, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace Commerce Department, 48 CFR 1323 Veterans Affairs Department, 48 CFR 823 Explosives, commerce, 27 CFR 555 Formaldehyde standards for composite wood products, 40 CFR 770 Government property management, hazardous materials and certain categories of property, utilization and disposal, 41 CFR 101-42 Hazardous materials public sector training and planning grants, 49 CFR 110 Health assessments and health effects studies of releases and facilities, administrative functions, practices, and procedures, 42 CFR 90 Housing and Urban Development, environmental criteria and standards, 24 CFR 51 Judicial review under EPA-administered statutes, 40 CFR 23 Lead paint and certain consumer products bearing lead paint, ban, 16 CFR 1303 Mail, hazardous, restricted and perishable, 39 CFR 113 Metalworking fluids, distribution in commerce, 40 CFR 747 Multi-purpose lighters, safety standard, 16 CFR 1212 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences hazardous substances basic research and training grants, 42 CFR 65a Natural resource damage assessments, 43 CFR 11 Occupational safety and health regulations Construction industry, 29 CFR 1926 Longshoring, safety and health regulations, 29 CFR 1918 Occupational safety and health standards Federal standards, 29 CFR 1910 Hazard communication (HazCom), 30 CFR 47 Marine terminals, 29 CFR 1917 Potential occupational carcinogens, identification, classification, and regulation, 29 CFR 1990 Shipyard employment, 29 CFR 1915 Surface coal mines and surface work areas of underground coal mines, health standards, mandatory, 30 CFR 71 Surface metal and nonmetal mines, 30 CFR 56 Underground metal and nonmetal mines, 30 CFR 57 [[Page 445]] Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration; hazardous materials tables, special provisions, hazardous materials communications, emergency response information, training requirements, and security plans, 49 CFR 172 Self-pressurized consumer products containing chlorofluorocarbons, requirements to provide Consumer Product Safety Commission with performance and technical data; requirements to notify consumers at point of purchase of performance and technical data, 16 CFR 1401 Shipboard fumigation, 46 CFR 147A Superfund, emergency planning, and community right-to-know programs Arbitration procedures for small Superfund cost recovery claims, 40 CFR 304 Citizen awards for information on criminal violations under Superfund, 40 CFR 303 Citizen suits, prior notice, 40 CFR 374 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA)-- Administrative hearing procedures for claims against Superfund, 40 CFR 305 Claims procedures, 40 CFR 307 Designation, reportable quantities, and notification, 40 CFR 302 Emergency planning and notification, 40 CFR 355 Hazardous chemical reporting, community right-to-know, 40 CFR 370 Hazardous substance activity, reporting when selling or transferring Federal real property, 40 CFR 373 Hazardous substance releases, reimbursement to local governments for emergency response, 40 CFR 310 Innocent landowners, standards for conducting all appropriate inquiries, 40 CFR 312 National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan, 40 CFR 300 Toxic chemical release reporting, community right-to-know, 40 CFR 372 Trade secrecy claims for emergency planning and community right-to- know information, trade secret disclosures to health professionals, 40 CFR 350 Worker protection for State and local government employees engaged in hazardous waste operations, 40 CFR 311 Toxic substances control Chemical data reporting requirements, 40 CFR 711 Chemical fate testing guidelines, 40 CFR 796 Chemical imports and exports, 40 CFR 707 Chemical information rules, 40 CFR 712 Chemical substances-- Premanufacture notification --Exemptions, 40 CFR 723 --Procedures, 40 CFR 720 Significant new uses, 40 CFR 721 Chemical substances and mixtures-- Health and safety data reporting, 40 CFR 716 Mercury supply, use and trade in U.S., reporting requirements for the TSCA inventory of, 40 CFR 713 Regulation under Section 6 of the TSCA, 40 CFR 751 Chemical substance inventory, compilation, 40 CFR 710 Civil penalties administrative assessment and permits revocation/ termination or suspension, consolidated practice rules, 40 CFR 22 Confidentiality claims, 40 CFR 703 Data reimbursement, 40 CFR 791 Dibenzo-para-dioxins/dibenzofurans, 40 CFR 766 Environmental effects testing guidelines, 40 CFR 797 General, fees, 40 CFR 700 General practices and procedures, 40 CFR 702 Good laboratory practice standards, 40 CFR 792 Health effects testing guidelines, 40 CFR 798 Identification of specific chemical substance and mixture testing requirements, 40 CFR 799 [[Page 446]] Lead-based paint poisoning prevention in certain residential structures, 40 CFR 745 Metalworking fluids, 40 CFR 747 Microorganisms, reporting requirements and review processes, 40 CFR 725 Polychlorinated biphenyls, 40 CFR 761 Provisional test guidelines, 40 CFR 795 Records and reports of allegations that chemical substances cause significant adverse reactions to health or environment, 40 CFR 717 Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, 40 CFR 704 Rulemaking procedures, 40 CFR 750 Testing consent agreements and test rules, procedures governing, 40 CFR 790 Water treatment chemicals, 40 CFR 749 Transportation Department procedural regulations, 49 CFR 109 Underground storage tanks State programs, approval, 40 CFR 281 State programs, approved, 40 CFR 282 Technical standards and corrective action requirements for owners and operators, 40 CFR 280 Water pollution control Hazardous substances-- Designation, 40 CFR 116 Reportable quantities determination, 40 CFR 117 Marine facilities transferring oil or hazardous material in bulk, 33 CFR 154 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System-- EPA administered permit program, 40 CFR 122 State program requirements, 40 CFR 123 Oil and hazardous material transfer operations, 33 CFR 156 Oil and hazardous substances control, discharge removal, 33 CFR 153 Oil or hazardous material pollution prevention regulations for vessels, 33 CFR 155 Practice, procedure, and evidence rules for formal administrative proceedings, 33 CFR 20 Waterfront facilities handling liquefied natural gas and liquefied hazardous gas, 33 CFR 127 Hazardous waste See al Hazardous substances; Waste treatment and disposal Civil penalties administrative assessment and permits revocation/ termination or suspension, consolidated practice rules, 40 CFR 22 Environmental Protection Agency Disadvantaged business enterprises, participation in agency programs, 40 CFR 33 State and local assistance grants, 40 CFR 35 Excise taxes, environmental taxes, 26 CFR 52 Generators of hazardous waste, applicable standards, 40 CFR 262 Hazardous materials transportation General information, regulations, and definitions, 49 CFR 171 Hazardous materials tables, special provisions, hazardous materials communications, emergency response information, training requirements, and security plans, 49 CFR 172 Identification and listing, 40 CFR 261 Judicial review under EPA-administered statutes, 40 CFR 23 Land disposal restrictions, 40 CFR 268 Management system, general, 40 CFR 260 Mercury, long-term management and storage under the Mercury Export Ban Act of 2008, 10 CFR 955 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences hazardous waste worker training, 42 CFR 65 Owners and operators of hazardous waste facilities, operating standards under a standardized permit, 40 CFR 267 Permit program Decisionmaking procedures, 40 CFR 124 EPA-administered permit programs, 40 CFR 270 Radioactive waste Byproduct material, 10 CFR 962 Category 1 and category 2 quantities, physical protection, 10 CFR 37 Environmental radiation protection standards for management and disposal of spent nuclear fuel, high-level and transuranic radioactive wastes, 40 CFR 191 [[Page 447]] High-level radioactive wastes, disposal in geologic repositories, 10 CFR 60 Independent storage of spent nuclear fuel, high-level radioactive waste and reactor-related greater than class C waste, licensing requirements, 10 CFR 72 Land disposal, licensing requirements, 10 CFR 61 Non-Federal and regional low-level waste disposal facilities, criteria and procedures, emergency access to, 10 CFR 62 Northeast Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste Commission, declaration of party state eligibility for Compact, 10 CFR 1800 Nuclear Regulatory Commission-- Domestic licensing and related regulatory functions, environmental protection regulations, 10 CFR 51 Practice and procedure rules, 10 CFR 2 Radiation, protection standards against, 10 CFR 20 Nuclear waste repository, general guidelines for preliminary screening of potential sites, 10 CFR 960 Source material, domestic licensing, 10 CFR 40 Spent nuclear fuel and/or high-level radioactive waste, standard contract for disposal, 10 CFR 961 Waste Isolation Pilot Plant's compliance with 40 CFR Part 191 disposal regulations, certification and recertification criteria, 40 CFR 194 Yucca Mountain, Nevada-- Geologic repository, high-level radioactive wastes disposal, 10 CFR 63 Site suitability guidelines, 10 CFR 963 Specific hazardous wastes and specific types of hazardous waste management facilities, management standards, 40 CFR 266 State hazardous waste management programs, approved, 40 CFR 272 State programs, authorization requirements, 40 CFR 271 Superfund, emergency planning, and community right-to-know programs Administrative hearing procedures for claims against Superfund, 40 CFR 305 Arbitration procedures for small Superfund cost recovery claims, 40 CFR 304 Citizen awards for information on criminal violations under Superfund, 40 CFR 303 Citizen suits, prior notice, 40 CFR 374 Emergency planning and notification, 40 CFR 355 Hazardous chemical reporting, community right-to-know, 40 CFR 370 Hazardous substances-- Activity, reporting when selling or transferring Federal real property, 40 CFR 373 Designation, reportable quantities, and notification, 40 CFR 302 National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan, 40 CFR 300 Response claims procedures, 40 CFR 307 Toxic chemical release reporting, community right-to-know, 40 CFR 372 Trade secrecy claims for emergency planning and community right-to- know information, trade secret disclosures to health professionals, 40 CFR 350 Worker protection for State and local government employees engaged in hazardous waste operations, 40 CFR 311 Transporters, applicable standards, 40 CFR 263 Treatment, storage, and disposal facilities Interim status corrective action orders, issuance and administrative hearings, 40 CFR 24 Interim status standards for owners and operators, 40 CFR 265 Standards for owners and operators, 40 CFR 264 Underground Injection Control program, 40 CFR 144 Criteria and standards, 40 CFR 146 Hazardous waste injection restrictions, 40 CFR 148 Universal waste management standards, 40 CFR 273 [[Page 448]] Water pollution (vessels) and OPA 90 limits of liability (vessels, deepwater ports and onshore facilities), evidence of financial responsibility, 33 CFR 138 Head Start Program See Education of disadvantaged Health See al Alcohol abuse; Dental health; Drug abuse; Drugs; Family planning; Health care; Health facilities; Health insurance; Health maintenance organizations (HMO); Health professions; Health records; Health statistics; Home health care; Individuals with disabilities; Maternal and child health; Medical and dental schools; Medical devices; Medical research; Mental health programs; Nutrition; Occupational safety and health; Public health; Quarantine; Radiation protection; Safety 340B Drug Pricing Program, 42 CFR 10 Airmen Medical certificate, requirements for operating small aircraft without, 14 CFR 68 Medical standards and certification, 14 CFR 67 Alcoholic beverage health warning statement, 27 CFR 16 Army Department, disciplinary control boards, off-installation liaison and operations, 32 CFR 631 Block grants, 45 CFR 96 Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, programs of all-inclusive care for the elderly, 42 CFR 460 Consolidation of grants to insular areas for social programs, 45 CFR 97 Energy Department Human reliability program, 10 CFR 712 Workplace substance abuse programs at DOE sites, 10 CFR 707 Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, 29 CFR 825 Family planning services, grants, 42 CFR 59 Food and Drug Administration, qualifying pathogens, 21 CFR 317 Government employees, medical qualification determinations, 5 CFR 339 Health information technology Information blocking, 45 CFR 171 Standards, implementation specifications, certification criteria and certification programs, 45 CFR 170 National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact Council Fingerprint submission requirements, 28 CFR 901 State criminal history record screening standards, 28 CFR 904 National Science Foundation, medical clearance process for deployment to Antarctica, 45 CFR 675 Occupational safety and health regulations Construction industry, 29 CFR 1926 Longshoring, safety and health regulations, 29 CFR 1918 Occupational safety and health standards Agriculture, 29 CFR 1928 Federal standards, 29 CFR 1910 Peace Corps volunteer service, eligibility and standards, 22 CFR 305 Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program, implementation, 32 CFR 103 Tobacco, unfair or deceptive advertising and labeling of cigarettes in relation to health hazards of smoking, 16 CFR 408 Toxic substances control Chemical fate testing guidelines, 40 CFR 796 Environmental effects testing guidelines, 40 CFR 797 Health and safety data reporting, 40 CFR 716 Health effects testing guidelines, 40 CFR 798 Identification of specific chemical substance and mixture testing requirements, 40 CFR 799 Provisional test guidelines, 40 CFR 795 Uniformed Services, medical malpractice claims by members, 32 CFR 45 Uranium and thorium mill tailings, health and environmental protection standards, 40 CFR 192 Health and Human Services Department See also [[Page 449]] Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services; Child Support Enforcement Office; Children and Families Administration; Community Services Office; Family Assistance Office; Food and Drug Administration; Indian Health Service; Inspector General Office, Health and Human Services Department; Public Health Service; Refugee Resettlement Office Acquisition regulations Acquisition planning, 48 CFR 307 Acquisition Regulation System, 48 CFR 301 Administrative matters, 48 CFR 304 Application of labor laws to government acquisition, 48 CFR 322 Commercial items acquisition, 48 CFR 312 Competition requirements, 48 CFR 306 Construction and architect-engineer contracts, 48 CFR 336 Contract administration, 48 CFR 342 Contract cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 331 Contract financing, 48 CFR 332 Contract types, 48 CFR 316 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 315 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 309 Cost accounting standards, 48 CFR 330 Definitions of words and terms, 48 CFR 302 Describing agency needs, 48 CFR 311 Environment, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety and drug-free workplace, 48 CFR 323 Forms, 48 CFR 353 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 303 Information technology acquisition, 48 CFR 339 Major system acquisition, 48 CFR 334 Market research, 48 CFR 310 Other socioeconomic programs, 48 CFR 326 Patents, data and copyrights, 48 CFR 327 Protection of privacy and freedom of information, 48 CFR 324 Protests, disputes, and appeals, 48 CFR 333 Publicizing contract actions, 48 CFR 305 Research and development contracting, 48 CFR 335 Sealed bidding, 48 CFR 314 Service contracting, general, 48 CFR 337 Simplified acquisition procedures, 48 CFR 313 Small business programs, 48 CFR 319 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 352 Special contracting methods, 48 CFR 317 Special programs affecting acquisition, 48 CFR 370 Supplies and services, required sources, 48 CFR 308 Administrative wage garnishment, 45 CFR 32 Adverse information release to news media, 45 CFR 17 Aliens, care and placement of unaccompanied alien children, 45 CFR 410 Block grants, 45 CFR 96 Charitable Choice, States, local governments and religious organizations receiving discretionary funding for substance abuse prevention and treatment services, 42 CFR 54a Charitable Choice, States receiving substance abuse prevention and treatment block grants and/or projects for assistance in transition from homelessness grants, 42 CFR 54 Child Care and Development Fund Hearings, procedure, 45 CFR 99 Implementation, 45 CFR 98 Claims collection, 45 CFR 30 Clinical trials registration and results submission, 42 CFR 11 Conduct of persons and traffic on National Institutes of Health Federal enclave, 45 CFR 3 Consolidation of grants to insular areas for social programs, 45 CFR 97 COVID-19 diagnostic tests, price transparency, 45 CFR 182 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 376 Debarment or suspension of former employees, 45 CFR 73b Departmental Grant Appeals Board, procedures, 45 CFR 16 [[Page 450]] Drug abuse, conditions for waiver of denial of Federal benefits, 45 CFR 78 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 2 CFR 382 Employee conduct standards, 45 CFR 73 Employee inventions, 45 CFR 7 Employees, indemnification, 45 CFR 36 Entities implementing programs and activities under the Leadership Act, organizational integrity, 45 CFR 89 Equal Access to Justice Act in Agency proceedings, implementation, 45 CFR 13 Equal treatment for faith-based organizations, 45 CFR 87 Federal real property use to assist homeless, 45 CFR 12a Freedom of information, 45 CFR 5 Grant programs administered by Office of Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, 45 CFR 63 Head Start and Early Head Start grantees, designation renewal policies and procedures, 45 CFR 1307 Health care access requirements CMS enforcement in group and individual insurance markets, 45 CFR 150 Group health insurance market requirements, 45 CFR 146 Health insurance coverage requirements, 45 CFR 144 Individual health insurance market requirements, 45 CFR 148 Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan Program, 45 CFR 152 Health Care Reform Insurance Web Portal, 45 CFR 159 Health information technology Information blocking, 45 CFR 171 Standards, implementation specifications, certification criteria and certification programs, 45 CFR 170 Health insurance Exchange establishment standards and related standards under Affordable Care Act, 45 CFR 155 Group and individual health insurance markets, health insurance reform requirements for, 45 CFR 147 Issuer use of premium revenue, reporting and rebate requirements, 45 CFR 158 Surprise billing and transparency requirements, 45 CFR 149 Reinsurance, risk corridors, and risk adjustment under the Affordable Care Act; standards, 45 CFR 153 Healthcare Integrity and Protection Data Bank for final adverse information on health care providers, suppliers and practitioners, 45 CFR 61 Hospital price transparency, 45 CFR 180 Human drugs, medication assisted treatment for opioid use disorders, 42 CFR 8 Human subjects, protection, 45 CFR 46 Indian health care services, 42 CFR 136, 42 CFR 136a Inflation, adjustment of civil monetary penalties, 45 CFR 102 Intergovernmental review of programs and activities, 45 CFR 100 Lobbying restrictions, 45 CFR 93 Military Personnel and Civilian Employees Act, claims filed, 45 CFR 34 National Institute for Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research, 45 CFR 1330 National practitioner data bank for adverse information on physicians and other health care practitioners, 45 CFR 60 Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs, 45 CFR 80 Practice and procedure for hearings, 45 CFR 81 Nondiscrimination on basis of age in federally assisted programs Governmentwide regulations, 45 CFR 90 HHS programs, 45 CFR 91 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability, federally conducted programs, 45 CFR 85 Nondiscrimination on basis of handicap, federally assisted or conducted programs and activities, 45 CFR 84 Nondiscrimination on basis of sex Federally assisted education programs, 45 CFR 86 Nursing school scholarship grants, administration and enforcement, 45 CFR 83 Official symbol, logo, and seal, 45 CFR 18 Pharmacy benefit manager standards under the Affordable Care Act, 45 CFR 184 Privacy Act, 45 CFR 5b Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 45 CFR 79 [[Page 451]] Public and medical assistance and State children's health insurance grant programs, general administration, 45 CFR 95 Remedial actions applicable to letter of credit administration, 45 CFR 77 Research facilities, use by academic scientists, engineers, and students, 45 CFR 9 Responsible prospective contractors, 45 CFR 94 Service of process, 45 CFR 4 State Health Insurance Assistance Program, 45 CFR 1331 Supplemental financial disclosure requirement for employees, 5 CFR 5502 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for Department employees, 5 CFR 5501 Surplus real property, disposal and utilization for public health purposes, 45 CFR 12 Tax refund offset, 45 CFR 31 Testimony by employees and production of documents in proceedings where U.S. is not a party, 45 CFR 2 Tort claims against Federal Government, 45 CFR 35 Tribal self-governance, 42 CFR 137 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for federal awards, 2 CFR 300, 45 CFR 75 Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally assisted programs, cross reference to 49 CFR 24 (governmentwide rule), 45 CFR 15 U.S. exchange visitor program, request for waiver of two-year foreign residence requirement, 45 CFR 50 Volunteer services, 45 CFR 57 Health care See al Emergency medical services; Health; Home health care; Medicaid; Medicare 340B Drug Pricing Program, 42 CFR 10 Accessible medical diagnostic equipment, standards, 36 CFR 1195 Agency for International Development, implementation of the Havana Act of 2021, 22 CFR 242 Alien physicians, criteria for evaluating comprehensive plan to reduce reliance on, 45 CFR 51 Aliens, medical examination, 42 CFR 34 Army Department Claims on behalf of U.S., 32 CFR 537 Litigation, 32 CFR 516 National Guard regulations, 32 CFR 564 Astronauts; research, evaluation, assessment, and treatment of, 14 CFR 1241 Black lung clinics program grants, 42 CFR 55a Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Basic Health Programs; administration, eligibility, essential health benefits, performance standards, service delivery requirements, premium and cost sharing, allotments, reconciliation, 42 CFR 600 Civilian Health and Medical Program of Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS), 32 CFR 199 Community health centers, grants, 42 CFR 51c Cuban/Haitian entrant program 45 CFR 401 Defense Department, healthcare services Eligibility under the Secretarial Designee Program and related special authorities, 32 CFR 108 Medical malpractice claims by members of the Uniformed Services, 32 CFR 45 Reasonable charges, collection of third-party payers, 32 CFR 220 Defense of certain suits against Federal employees; certification and decertification in connection with certain suits based upon acts or omissions of Federal employees and other persons, 28 CFR 15 Elderly, all-inclusive care programs, 42 CFR 460 Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, group health plans, rules and regulations, 29 CFR 2590 Federal Employees' Compensation Act Claims, 20 CFR 10 Compensation for disability and death of noncitizen Federal employees outside U.S., 20 CFR 25 Federal employees, services in Federal buildings and complexes, 41 CFR 101-5 Federal Mine Safety and Health Act, benefit claims under Part C of Title IV, 20 CFR 725 [[Page 452]] Foreign Assets Control Office, North Korea sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 510 Government contractor employees, War Hazards Compensation Act claims, 20 CFR 61 Havana Act of 2021, implementation Commerce Department, 15 CFR 3 State Department, 22 CFR 135 Head Start program Performance standards on services for children with disabilities, 45 CFR 1308 Program operations, 45 CFR 1302 Health and Human Services Department Administrative data standards and related requirements-- Administrative requirements, 45 CFR 162 General administrative requirements, 45 CFR 160 Security and privacy, 45 CFR 164 Health information technology-- Information blocking, 45 CFR 171 Standards, implementation specifications, certification criteria and certification programs, 45 CFR 170 Statutory conscience rights protection in health care, authority delegations, 45 CFR 88 Health care access requirements-- CMS enforcement in group and individual insurance markets, 45 CFR 150 Group health insurance market requirements, 45 CFR 146 Health insurance coverage requirements, 45 CFR 144 Individual health insurance market requirements, 45 CFR 148 Health insurance Affordable Care Act-- Exchange establishment standards and related standards under, 45 CFR 155 Issuer standards under, including requirements related to exchanges, 45 CFR 156 Reinsurance, risk corridors, and risk adjustment standards under, 45 CFR 153 Group and individual health insurance markets, health insurance reform requirements for, 45 CFR 147 Issuer rate increases, disclosure and review requirements, 45 CFR 154 Issuer use of premium revenue, reporting and rebate requirements, 45 CFR 158 Surprise billing and transparency requirements, 45 CFR 149 Health maintenance organizations, 42 CFR 417 Healthcare Integrity and Protection Data Bank for final adverse information on health care providers, suppliers and practitioners, 45 CFR 61 Hospital and medical care and treatment furnished by U.S., recovery of costs, 28 CFR 43 Hostage relief Hostage relief assistance, 22 CFR 191 Victims of terrorism compensation, 22 CFR 192 Humans, foreign quarantine, 42 CFR 71 Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, State legalization impact assistance grants, 45 CFR 402 Indian health care services, 42 CFR 136, 42 CFR 136a Indian Self Determination and Education Assistance Act, contracts, 25 CFR 900 Internal Revenue Service, pension excise taxes, 26 CFR 54 Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act, administration and procedure, 20 CFR 702 Mentally ill nationals of U.S., returned from foreign countries, care and treatment, 45 CFR 211 Navy Department, affirmative claims regulations, 32 CFR 757 Nondiscrimination on basis of handicap in federally assisted or conducted programs and activities, 45 CFR 84 Occupational Safety and Health Administration, procedures for handling retaliation complaints under section 1558 of the Affordable Care Act, 29 CFR 1984 Occupational safety and health regulations Construction industry, 29 CFR 1926 Longshoring, safety and health regulations, 29 CFR 1918 Occupational safety and health standards Agriculture, 29 CFR 1928 Federal standards, 29 CFR 1910 [[Page 453]] Organ procurement and transplantation network, 42 CFR 121 Peer Review Organizations Information acquisition, protection, and disclosure, 42 CFR 480 Reconsiderations and appeals, 42 CFR 478 Review, 42 CFR 476 Scope, applicability, and eligibility for grants and contracts, 42 CFR 475 Pharmacy benefit manager standards under the Affordable Care Act, 45 CFR 184 Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan Program, 45 CFR 152 Prisoners' medical services, 28 CFR 549 Public assistance, financial assistance to individuals, 45 CFR 234 Public Health Service Coal miners, medical examination specifications, 42 CFR 37 Health care policies of general applicability, 42 CFR 50 Medical care for certain personnel of Coast Guard, National Ocean Survey, Public Health Service, and former Lighthouse Service, 42 CFR 31 Migrant workers, health services grants, 42 CFR 56 National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, prevention and control projects, grants, 42 CFR 52e Patient safety organizations and patient safety work product, 42 CFR 3 Persons with Hansen's disease and other persons in emergencies, medical care, 42 CFR 32 World Trade Center Health Program, 42 CFR 88 Qualifying pathogens, 21 CFR 317 Refugee resettlement program, 45 CFR 400 Treasury Department, State innovation waivers, 31 CFR 33 Tribal self-governance, 42 CFR 137 Tricare Program, civil money penalty authorities, 32 CFR 200 Veterans Adaptive sports programs for disabled veterans and disabled members of the Armed Forces, grants, 38 CFR 77 Benefits, adjudication, 38 CFR 3 Caregivers benefits and certain medical benefits offered to family members of veterans, 38 CFR 71 Faith based organizations, equal treatment, 38 CFR 50 Fisher Houses and other temporary lodging, 38 CFR 60 Health Care for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) program, 38 CFR 63 Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem Program, 38 CFR 61 Medical care, 38 CFR 17 National cemeteries of the Department of Veterans Affairs, 38 CFR 38 Rural Veterans Coordination Pilot (RVCP), grants, 38 CFR 64 Staff Sergeant Parker Gordon Fox Suicide Prevention Grant Program, 38 CFR 78 State homes-- Grants to States for construction or acquisition, 38 CFR 59 Payments to States for programs to promote the hiring and retention of nurses, 38 CFR 53 Per diem for nursing home care, 38 CFR 51 Supportive Services for Veteran Families program, 38 CFR 62 Transportation programs, 38 CFR 70 Vocational rehabilitation and education, 38 CFR 21 Health facilities See al Community facilities; Health; Hospitals; Nursing homes Black lung clinics program grants, 42 CFR 55a Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services End-stage renal disease facilities, coverage conditions, 42 CFR 494 Introduction, definitions, 42 CFR 400 Most Favored Nation (MFN) Model, 42 CFR 480 Peer Review Organizations; information acquisition, protection, and disclosure, 42 CFR 480 Community health centers, grants, 42 CFR 51c Comprehensive care for joint replacement model, 42 CFR 510 Construction and modernization of hospitals and medical facilities, grants, loans, and loan guarantees, Secretary's continuing authority, 42 CFR 53 [[Page 454]] Construction of teaching facilities, educational improvements, scholarships and student loans, grants, 42 CFR 57 Dental offices point source category, water pollution effluent guidelines and standards, 40 CFR 441 Energy conservation grant programs for schools, hospitals, and buildings owned by units of local government and public care institutions, 10 CFR 455 Federal Communications Commission, universal service, 47 CFR 54 Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program, 5 CFR 894 Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, 5 CFR 890 Health and Human Services Department 340B Drug Pricing Program, 42 CFR 10 Administrative data standards and related requirements-- Administrative requirements, 45 CFR 162 General administrative requirements, 45 CFR 160 Security and privacy, 45 CFR 164 Health care infrastructure improvement program, 42 CFR 505 Health Care Reform Insurance Web Portal, 45 CFR 159 Health information technology-- Information blocking, 45 CFR 171 Standards, implementation specifications, certification criteria and certification programs, 45 CFR 170 Statutory conscience rights protection in health care, authority delegations, 45 CFR 88 Health professional shortage areas, designation, 42 CFR 5 Hospital and public health station management, 42 CFR 35 Indian health care services, 42 CFR 136 Inspector General Office-Health Care, Health and Human Services Department Appeals, 42 CFR 1005 Health care practitioners and providers of health care services under Medicare, imposition of sanctions by peer review organization, 42 CFR 1004 Introduction, general definitions, 42 CFR 1000 Program integrity-- Medicare and State health care programs, 42 CFR 1001 State-initiated exclusions from Medicaid, 42 CFR 1002 Labor management relations Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service assistance, 29 CFR 1420 National Labor Relations Board, appropriate bargaining units, 29 CFR 103 Mammography, 21 CFR 900 Medicaid Appeals procedures for determinations that affect participation in the Medicare program and for determinations that affect participation of ICFs/IID and certain NFs in the Medicaid program, 42 CFR 498 Electronic Health Record Technology Incentive Program, standards, 42 CFR 495 Health facilities certification, 42 CFR 491 Laboratory requirements, 42 CFR 493 Long term care facilities, State requirements, 42 CFR 483 Nursing facilities and intermediate care facilities for mentally retarded, payment standards, 42 CFR 442 Payments for services, 42 CFR 447 Program integrity, 42 CFR 455 Specialized providers, conditions of participation, 42 CFR 485 State organization and general administration, 42 CFR 431 Utilization control, 42 CFR 456 Medical facility construction and modernization, 42 CFR 124 Medicare Acute kidney injury dialysis, 42 CFR 413 Ambulatory surgical services, 42 CFR 416 Appeals procedures for determinations that affect participation in the Medicare program and for determinations that affect participation of ICFs/IID and certain NFs in the Medicaid program, 42 CFR 498 Conditions for payment, 42 CFR 424 Electronic Health Record Technology Incentive Program, standards, 42 CFR 495 End-stage renal disease services, payment, 42 CFR 413 [[Page 455]] Federal health insurance for aged and disabled, 42 CFR 405 General administrative requirements, official records confidentiality and disclosure, 42 CFR 401 Health facilities certification, 42 CFR 491 Home health services, 42 CFR 484 Hospice care, 42 CFR 418 Hospital insurance benefits, 42 CFR 409 Hospital insurance eligibility and entitlement, 42 CFR 406 Inpatient hospital services, prospective payment systems, 42 CFR 412 Intermediaries and carriers, 42 CFR 421 Laboratory requirements, 42 CFR 493 Long term care facilities, State requirements, 42 CFR 483 Medicare Advantage program, 42 CFR 422 Medicare Shared Savings Program, 42 CFR 425 Part B medical and other health services, payment, 42 CFR 414 Physicians in providers, supervising physicians in teaching settings, and residents in certain settings; services furnished by, 42 CFR 415 Program integrity, 42 CFR 420 Provider agreements and supplier approval, 42 CFR 489 Reasonable cost reimbursement principles, 42 CFR 413 Skilled nursing facilities, prospectively determined payment rates, 42 CFR 413 Specialized services furnished by suppliers, conditions for coverage, 42 CFR 486 Supplementary medical insurance benefits, 42 CFR 410 Survey, certification, and enforcement procedures, 42 CFR 488 Mental health and substance abuse emergency response procedures, 42 CFR 51d Mental illness program, protection and advocacy for individuals, applicable requirements, 42 CFR 51 Migrant workers, health services grants, 42 CFR 56 Mortgage insurance, group practice health facilities, 24 CFR 244 National Institutes of Health, construction grants, 42 CFR 52b Nuclear byproduct material, medical use, 10 CFR 35 Nursing homes, intermediate care facilities, and board and care homes, Mortgage coinsurance, 24 CFR 252 Nursing homes, intermediate care facilities, board and care homes, and assisted living facilities, mortgage insurance, 24 CFR 232 Occupational safety and health regulations Construction industry, 29 CFR 1926 Longshoring, safety and health regulations, 29 CFR 1918 Occupational safety and health standards Agriculture, 29 CFR 1928 Federal standards, 29 CFR 1910 Patient safety organizations and patient safety work product, 42 CFR 3 Personnel Management Office, debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 5 CFR 919 Radiation oncology model and end stage renal disease treatment choices model, 42 CFR 512 State independent living services and centers for independent living, 45 CFR 1329 Title I property improvement and manufactured home loans, 24 CFR 201 Veterans Adaptive sports programs for disabled veterans and disabled members of the Armed Forces, grants, 38 CFR 77 Caregivers benefits and certain medical benefits offered to family members, 38 CFR 71 Faith based organizations, equal treatment, 38 CFR 50 Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem Program, 38 CFR 61 Medical care, 38 CFR 17 National cemeteries of the Department of Veterans Affairs, 38 CFR 38 State homes-- Grants to States for construction or acquisition, 38 CFR 59 Payments to States for programs to promote the hiring and retention of nurses, 38 CFR 53 Per diem rates, 38 CFR 51 Transportation programs, 38 CFR 70 [[Page 456]] Voluntary Medicare prescription drug benefit, 42 CFR 423 Volunteer services, 45 CFR 57 Health insurance See al Black lung benefits; Health; Insurance; Medicare Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Basic Health Programs; administration, eligibility, essential health benefits, performance standards, service delivery requirements, premium and cost sharing, allotments, reconciliation, 42 CFR 600 Federal health insurance for aged and disabled, 42 CFR 405 Civil service regulations Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program, 5 CFR 894 Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, 5 CFR 890 Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program, 5 CFR 875 Health benefits premiums, pre-tax payment; Federal flexible benefits plan, 5 CFR 892 Interim relief, 5 CFR 772 Retired Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, 5 CFR 891 Retirement and insurance benefits during periods of unexplained absence, 5 CFR 880 Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, group health plans, rules and regulations, 29 CFR 2590 Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, 29 CFR 825 Health and Human Services Department Administrative data standards and related requirements-- Administrative requirements, 45 CFR 162 General administrative requirements, 45 CFR 160 Security and privacy, 45 CFR 164 Affordable Care Act-- Exchange establishment standards and other related standards under, 45 CFR 155 Issuer standards under, including standards related to exchanges, 45 CFR 156 Reinsurance, risk corridors, and risk adjustment standards under, 45 CFR 153 Coverage requirements, 45 CFR 144 Group and individual health insurance markets Health insurance reform requirements for, 45 CFR 147 Surprise billing and transparency requirements, 45 CFR 149 Individual health insurance market requirements, 45 CFR 148 Issuer rate increases, disclosure and review requirements, 45 CFR 154 Issuer use of premium revenue, reporting and rebate requirements, 45 CFR 158 Pharmacy benefit manager standards under the Affordable Care Act, 45 CFR 184 Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan Program, 45 CFR 152 Statutory conscience rights protection in health care, authority delegations, 45 CFR 88 Health care access requirements CMS enforcement in group and individual insurance markets, 45 CFR 150 Group health insurance market requirements, 45 CFR 146 Health Care Reform Insurance Web Portal, 45 CFR 159 Health information technology Information blocking, 45 CFR 171 Standards, implementation specifications, certification criteria and certification programs, 45 CFR 170 Health maintenance organizations, 42 CFR 417 Internal Revenue Service, pension excise taxes, 26 CFR 54 Issuer standards under the Affordable Care Act, including requirements related to exchanges, 45 CFR 156 Medicare, special programs and projects, 42 CFR 403 Military personnel Civilian Health and Medical Program of Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS), 32 CFR 199 Healthcare services, collection from third-party payers of reasonable charges, 32 CFR 220 [[Page 457]] National Institute for Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research, 45 CFR 1330 Patient safety organizations and patient safety work product, 42 CFR 3 Personnel Management Office Federal Employees Health Benefits, acquisition regulations-- Administrative matters, 48 CFR 1604 Application of labor laws to Government acquisitions, 48 CFR 1622 Competition requirements, 48 CFR 1606 Contract administration, 48 CFR 1642 Contract clauses, 48 CFR 1652 Contract cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 1631 Contract financing, 48 CFR 1632 Contract modifications, 48 CFR 1643 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 1615 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 1609 Cost accounting standards, 48 CFR 1699 Definitions of words and terms, 48 CFR 1602 Federal Acquisition Regulations System, 48 CFR 1601 Forms, 48 CFR 1653 Government property, 48 CFR 1645 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 1603 Protection of privacy and freedom of information, 48 CFR 1624 Publicizing contract actions, 48 CFR 1605 Quality assurance, 48 CFR 1646 Sealed bidding, 48 CFR 1614 Subcontracting policies and procedures, 48 CFR 1644 Taxes, 48 CFR 1629 Termination of contracts, 48 CFR 1649 Types of contracts, 48 CFR 1616 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 5 CFR 919 Multi-State Plan Program, 45 CFR 800 Providers fee, 26 CFR 57 State children's health insurance programs, allotments and grants to States, 42 CFR 457 State Health Insurance Assistance Program, 45 CFR 1331 State innovation waivers, 31 CFR 33 Tricare Program, civil money penalty authorities, 32 CFR 200 Vaccine injury compensation, 42 CFR 100 Health insurance for aged See Medicare Health maintenance organizations (HMO) See al Health insurance Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services; introduction, definitions, 42 CFR 400 Electronic Health Record Technology Incentive Program, standards, 42 CFR 495 Health insurance, Affordable Care Act Exchange establishment standards and related standards under, 45 CFR 155 Issuer standards under, including standards related to exchanges, 45 CFR 156 Medicaid, contracts, 42 CFR 434 Medicare Health care maintenance organizations, competitive medical plans, and health care prepayment plans, 42 CFR 417 Medicare Advantage program, 42 CFR 422 Pharmacy benefit manager standards under the Affordable Care Act, 45 CFR 184 Voluntary Medicare prescription drug benefit, 42 CFR 423 Health professions See al Health; Veterinarians Alien physicians, criteria for evaluating comprehensive plan to reduce reliance on, 45 CFR 51 Armed Forces, appointment of doctors of osteopathy as medical officers, 32 CFR 74 Attestations by facilities using nonimmigrant aliens employed as registered nurses, 29 CFR 504 Comprehensive care for joint replacement model, 42 CFR 510 Construction of teaching facilities, educational improvements, scholarships and student loans, grants, 42 CFR 57 Family planning services, grants, 42 CFR 59 [[Page 458]] Federal Aviation Administration, representatives of Administrator, 14 CFR 183 Foreign workers in U.S., temporary employment, 20 CFR 655 Health and Human Services, statutory conscience rights protection, authority delegations, 45 CFR 88 Health Education Assistance Loan Program, 34 CFR 681;42 CFR 60 Health information technology; information blocking, 45 CFR 171 Health manpower shortage areas, National Health Service Corps, 42 CFR 23 Health professional shortage areas, designation, 42 CFR 5 Healthcare Integrity and Protection Data Bank for final adverse information on health care providers, suppliers and practitioners, 45 CFR 61 Human drugs, medication assisted treatment for opioid use disorders, 42 CFR 8 Indian health care services, 42 CFR 136a Inspector General Office, Health and Human Services Department Civil money penalties, assessments, and exclusions, 42 CFR 1003 Appeals, 42 CFR 1005 Health care practitioners and providers of health care services under Medicare, imposition of sanctions by peer review organizations, 42 CFR 1004 Introduction, general definitions, 42 CFR 1000 Long term care facilities, State requirements, 42 CFR 483 Medicaid, State-initiated exclusions, program integrity, 42 CFR 1002 Medicare and State health care programs, program integrity, 42 CFR 1001 Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act, administration and procedure, 20 CFR 702 Medicaid Appeals procedures for determinations that affect participation in the Medicare program and for determinations that affect participation of ICFs/IID and certain NFs in the Medicaid program, 42 CFR 498 Electronic Health Record Technology Incentive Program, standards, 42 CFR 495 Long term care facilities, State requirements, 42 CFR 483 Nursing facilities and intermediate care facilities for mentally retarded, payment standards, 42 CFR 442 Payments for services, 42 CFR 447 Program integrity, 42 CFR 455 Medicare Ambulatory surgical services, 42 CFR 416 Appeals procedures for determinations that affect participation in the Medicare program and for determinations that affect participation of ICFs/IID and certain NFs in the Medicaid program, 42 CFR 498 Conditions for payment, 42 CFR 424 Electronic Health Record Technology Incentive Program, standards, 42 CFR 495 Federal health insurance for aged and disabled, 42 CFR 405 Home health services, 42 CFR 484 Intermediaries and carriers, 42 CFR 421 Long term care facilities, State requirements, 42 CFR 483 Medicare Shared Savings Program, 42 CFR 425 Part B medical and other health services, payment, 42 CFR 414 Physicians in providers, supervising physicians in teaching settings, and residents in certain settings; services furnished by, 42 CFR 415 Program integrity, 42 CFR 420 Supplementary medical insurance (SMI) benefits, 42 CFR 410 Voluntary Medicare prescription drug benefit, 42 CFR 423 Mental health traineeships, obligated service, 42 CFR 64a Military medical treatment facilities, personal services authority for direct health care providers, 32 CFR 107 National Cancer Institute, clinical cancer education program, 42 CFR 52d National Health Service Corps scholarship and loan repayment programs, 42 CFR 62 National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, prevention and control projects, grants, 42 CFR 52e National Institute of Child Health and Human Development contraception and [[Page 459]] infertility research loan repayment program, 42 CFR 68c National Institutes of Health loan repayment programs, 42 CFR 68 National Institutes of Health and National Library of Medicine, traineeships, 42 CFR 63 National Library of Medicine training grants, 42 CFR 64 National Practitioner Data Bank Adverse information on physicians and other health care practitioners, 45 CFR 60 Veterans Affairs Department participation, 38 CFR 46 National Research Service awards, 42 CFR 66 Navy Department, reporting births and deaths in cooperation with other agencies, 32 CFR 735 Nonimmigrant classes, immigration, 8 CFR 214 Nuclear byproduct material, medical use, 10 CFR 35 Occupational safety and health education programs, grants, 42 CFR 86 Occupational safety and health standards, 29 CFR 1910 Ophthalmic practice rules (eyeglass rule), 16 CFR 456 Peer Review Organizations Information acquisition, protection, and disclosure, 42 CFR 480 Reconsiderations and appeals, 42 CFR 478 Review, 42 CFR 476 Scope, applicability, and eligibility for grants and contracts, 42 CFR 475 Personnel Management Office Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 5 CFR 919 Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program, 5 CFR 894 Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, 5 CFR 890 Health insurance, Multi-State Plan Program, 45 CFR 800 Personnel other than commissioned officers of Public Health Service, 42 CFR 22 Physicians' comparability allowances, 5 CFR 595 Public health fellowships, 42 CFR 61 Public Health Service Commissioned officers, 42 CFR 21 Patient safety organizations and patient safety work product, 42 CFR 3 Radiologic personnel, accreditation of educational programs for and credentialing of, standards, 42 CFR 75 Senior Biomedical Research and Biomedical Product Assessment Service, 42 CFR 24 Survey, certification, and enforcement procedures, 42 CFR 488 Veterans Affairs Department Caregivers benefits and certain medical benefits offered to family members of veterans, 38 CFR 71 Faith based organizations, equal treatment, 38 CFR 50 Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem Program, 38 CFR 61 Medical care, 38 CFR 17 National cemeteries of the Department of Veterans Affairs, 38 CFR 38 Reporting health care professionals to State licensing boards, 38 CFR 47 Veterans, State homes-- Grants to States for construction or acquisition, 38 CFR 59 Payments to States for programs to promote the hiring and retention of nurses, 38 CFR 53 Per diem rates, 38 CFR 51 Veterans transportation programs, 38 CFR 70 Workers' Compensation Programs Office, Federal Employees' Compensation Act, compensation claims, 20 CFR 10 Health records See al Archives and records; Health Civil service, personnel records, 5 CFR 293 Elderly, all-inclusive care programs, 42 CFR 460 Health and Human Services Department Administrative data standards and related requirements-- Administrative requirements, 45 CFR 162 General administrative requirements, 45 CFR 160 Security and privacy, 45 CFR 164 Health information technology-- Information blocking, 45 CFR 171 Standards, implementation specifications, certification criteria [[Page 460]] and certification programs, 45 CFR 170 Health insurance, Affordable Care Act Exchange establishment standards and related standards under, 45 CFR 155 Issuer standards under, including standards related to exchanges, 45 CFR 156 Reinsurance, risk corridors, and risk adjustment standards under, 45 CFR 153 Health breach notification rule, 16 CFR 318 Health Care Reform Insurance Web Portal, 45 CFR 159 Medicaid and Medicare Electronic Health Record Technology Incentive Program, standards, 42 CFR 495 Long term care facilities, State requirements, 42 CFR 483 Medical devices, investigational exemptions, 21 CFR 812 Mental illness program, protection and advocacy for individuals, applicable requirements, 42 CFR 51 Occupational Safety and Health Administration, practice and procedure rules concerning OSHA access to employee medical records, 29 CFR 1913 Occupational safety and health regulations Construction industry, 29 CFR 1926 Longshoring, safety and health regulations, 29 CFR 1918 Occupational safety and health standards, 29 CFR 1910 Patient safety organizations and patient safety work product, 42 CFR 3 Peer Review Organizations Information acquisition, protection, and disclosure, 42 CFR 480 Review, 42 CFR 476 Research subjects, identity protection, 42 CFR 2a Substance use disorder, confidentiality of patient records, 42 CFR 2 Veterans Faith based organizations, equal treatment, 38 CFR 50 Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem Program, 38 CFR 61 Medical records and documents, confidentiality, 38 CFR 17 National cemeteries of the Department of Veterans Affairs, 38 CFR 38 Rural Veterans Coordination Pilot (RVCP), grants, 38 CFR 64 State homes-- Grants to States for construction or acquisition, 38 CFR 59 Payments to States for programs to promote the hiring and retention of nurses, 38 CFR 53 Per diem rates, 38 CFR 51 Veterans transportation programs, 38 CFR 70 Health statistics See al Health; Statistics Health professional shortage areas, designation, 42 CFR 5 Illegitimacy ratio decrease, Social Security Act section 403(a)(2) bonus implementation to reward, 45 CFR 283 Occupational injuries and illnesses, recording and reporting, 29 CFR 1904 Hearing and appeal procedures See Administrative practice and procedure Heart diseases See Diseases Helicopters See Aircraft Heliports See Airports Helium Conservation, 43 CFR 16 Oil and gas leasing, contracts, 43 CFR 3195 Hemophilia See Diseases Hemp See Marijuana Herbicides See Pesticides and pests Higher education See Colleges and universities; Medical and dental schools Highway safety See al Highways and roads; Safety Army Department, motor vehicle traffic supervision, 32 CFR 634 [[Page 461]] Drug offenders, driver's license suspension, 23 CFR 192 Environmental Protection Agency, solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 1552 Grade crossing safety, 49 CFR 234 Indian highway safety program, 25 CFR 181 Maritime and surface transportation security, general rules, 49 CFR 1570 Motor carrier registration and insurance fees, 49 CFR 360 Motor carrier safety Commercial driver's license program, State compliance, 49 CFR 384 Commercial driver's license standards, requirements and penalties, 49 CFR 383 Commercial motor vehicles, driving of, 49 CFR 392 Compatibility of State laws and regulations affecting interstate motor carrier operations, 49 CFR 355 Controlled substances and alcohol use and testing, 49 CFR 382 Cooperative agreements with States, 49 CFR 388 Drivers and longer combination vehicle (LCV) driver instructors, qualifications, 49 CFR 391 Drivers' service hours, 49 CFR 395 Financial responsibility, minimum levels, 49 CFR 387 FMCSA proceedings, rules of practice, 49 CFR 386 General regulations, 49 CFR 390 Hazardous materials transportation, driving and parking rules, 49 CFR 397 Inspection, repair, and maintenance, 49 CFR 396 Migrant workers transportation, 49 CFR 398 Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program and High Priority Program, 49 CFR 350 Parts and accessories necessary for safe operation, 49 CFR 393 Rulemaking procedures, 49 CFR 389 Safety fitness procedures, 49 CFR 385 Special training requirements, 49 CFR 380 Motor vehicles operation Intoxicated minors, 23 CFR 1210 Intoxicated persons, 23 CFR 1225 Open container laws, 23 CFR 1270 Repeat intoxicated driver laws, 23 CFR 1275 National Driver Register Problem Driver Pointer System, procedures for participating in and receiving information from, 23 CFR 1327 National minimum drinking age, 23 CFR 1208 National performance management measures, 23 CFR 490 National Transportation Safety Board, investigation procedures, 49 CFR 831 Occupational Safety and Health Administration, retaliation complaints, handling procedures National Transit Systems Security Act and the Federal Railroad Safety Act, 29 CFR 1982 Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982, complaints under employment protection provision, 29 CFR 1978 Persons with disabilities, uniform system for parking, 23 CFR 1235 Preconstruction procedures, 23 CFR 630 Public road mileage for apportionment of highway safety funds, 23 CFR 460 Real-Time System Management Information Program, 23 CFR 511 Safety belts use Compliance and transfer-of-funds procedures, 23 CFR 1215 Safety incentive grants, allocations based on seat belt use rates, 23 CFR 1240 Uniform criteria for State observational surveys, 23 CFR 1340 State highway safety programs Grant programs, uniform procedures, 23 CFR 1200, 23 CFR 1300 Highway safety improvement program, 23 CFR 924 Transportation infrastructure management, management and monitoring systems, 23 CFR 500 Vehicle in use inspection standards, 49 CFR 570 Highways and roads See al Bridges; Carpools; Highway safety; Motor carriers; Motor vehicle safety; Motor vehicles; Parking; Transportation Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board, accesibity guidelines [[Page 462]] for pedestrian facilities in the public right-of-way, 36 CFR 1190 Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title VI program and related civil rights statutes, implementation and review procedures for federally funded projects, 23 CFR 200 Education and training programs for highway personnel, 23 CFR 260 Electronic toll collection, 23 CFR 950 Environmental impact and related procedures, 23 CFR 771 Environmental reviews, pilot program for delaminating duplication of, 23 CFR 778 Equal employment opportunity programs, implementation in Federal and Federal-aid highway construction contracts, 23 CFR 230 Federal-aid highway programs Bridges, structures, and hydraulics, 23 CFR 650 Construction, inspection and approval, 23 CFR 637 Construction and maintenance, 23 CFR 635 Contract provisions required, 23 CFR 633 Design standards, 23 CFR 625 Design-build contracting, 23 CFR 636 Emergency relief for repair or construction of highways, 23 CFR 668 Engineering, 23 CFR 620 Engineering and design related service contracts; procurement, management, and administration, 23 CFR 172 Facilities repeatedly requiring repair and reconstruction due to emergency events, periodic evaluation, 23 CFR 667 Federal lands highways-- Fish and Wildlife Service Management Systems, 23 CFR 972 Forest Service Management Systems, 23 CFR 971 Indian Affairs Bureau and Indian Reservation Roads Program management systems, 23 CFR 973 National Park Service Management Systems, 23 CFR 970 Heavy vehicle use tax, enforcement, 23 CFR 669 Highway beautification, 23 CFR 750 Highway construction projects performed by a State under Federal-aid procedures, reimbursement eligibility of administrative settlement costs, 23 CFR 140 Highway systems, 23 CFR 470 Incentive (1/2 percent bonus) payments for controlling outdoor advertising, 23 CFR 190 Indian Reservation Road Bridge Program, 23 CFR 661 Junkyard control and acquisition, 23 CFR 751 Landscape and roadside development, 23 CFR 752 Mass transit and special use highway projects, 23 CFR 810 Mitigation of impacts to wetlands and natural habitat, 23 CFR 777 Pavement policy, 23 CFR 626 Planning and research, program administration, 23 CFR 420 Preconstruction procedures, 23 CFR 630 Railroad-highway projects and insurance coverage for these projects, 23 CFR 646 Right-of-way and real estate, 23 CFR 710 Special programs, forest and National defense highways, 23 CFR 660 Surface transportation projects, credit assistance, 23 CFR 180, 49 CFR 80, 640 Traffic noise and construction noise, procedures for abatement, 23 CFR 772 Traffic operations, 23 CFR 655 Truck size and weight, route designations--length, width and weight limitations, 23 CFR 658 Utility facilities, adjustment and relocation, 23 CFR 645 Value engineering, 23 CFR 627 Vehicle size and weight enforcement, State certification, 23 CFR 657 Forest transportation system; travel management, 36 CFR 212 Highway safety improvement program, 23 CFR 924 Highways for National defense, 32 CFR 193 Household goods transportation in interstate commerce; consumer protection regulations, 49 CFR 375 [[Page 463]] Immigration, prevention of unauthorized entry of aliens by owners of international toll roads, 8 CFR 271 Intelligent transportation system architecture and standards, 23 CFR 940 Metropolitan and statewide and nonmetropolitan planning, 49 CFR 613 Motor carrier routing regulations, 49 CFR 356 Motor carrier safety, FMCSA proceedings, rules of practice, 49 CFR 386 Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Act regulations, 28 CFR 29 National electric vehicle infrastructure standards and requirements, 23 CFR 680 National performance management measures, 23 CFR 490 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs or activities, 49 CFR 27 Planning assistance and standards, 23 CFR 450 Public lands rights-of-way Federal Land Policy Management Act, 43 CFR 2800 National Park Service, 36 CFR 14 Surface coal mining and reclamation operations, exemption for Government financed highway and other construction, 30 CFR 707 Surface transportation project delivery pilot program, 23 CFR 773 Tramroads and logging roads, rights-of-way, 43 CFR 2810 Transportation infrastructure management Asset management plans, 23 CFR 515 Management and monitoring systems, 23 CFR 500 Projects of National and regional significance, evaluation and rating, 23 CFR 505 Tribal Transportation Program, 25 CFR 170 Historic preservation See al Monuments and memorials Agriculture Department, enhancement, protection, and management of cultural environment, 7 CFR 3100 American antiquities, preservation, 43 CFR 3 Archaeological and historical properties encountered in Soil Conservation Service-assisted programs, 7 CFR 656 Archaeological resources protection, uniform regulations Defense Department, 32 CFR 229 Forest Service, 36 CFR 296 Indian Affairs Bureau, 25 CFR 262 Interior Department, 43 CFR 7 International Boundary and Water Commission, U.S. and Mexico, 22 CFR 1104 Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation Office, 25 CFR 700 Tennessee Valley Authority, 18 CFR 1312 District of Columbia Policy and procedures to facilitate retention of displaced businesses and residents in Pennsylvania Avenue development area, 36 CFR 908 Urban planning and design of development within Pennsylvania Avenue development area, general guidelines and uniform standards, 36 CFR 910 Engineers Corps, processing of Army Department permits, historic properties protection procedures, 33 CFR 325 Federal Communications Commission, practice and procedure, 47 CFR 1 Federal Management Regulation, real property, historic preservation, 41 CFR 102-78 Federally owned or administered archaeological collections, curation, 36 CFR 79 Geological and geophysical exploration of Coastal Plain, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, 50 CFR 37 Highway, public transportation, and railroad actions; environmental impact and related procedures, 23 CFR 771 Historic Preservation Advisory Council Protection of historic properties, 36 CFR 800 Urban development action grant program, historic preservation requirements, 36 CFR 801 Historic preservation certifications under the Internal Revenue Code, 36 CFR 67 Historical or scientific value of public lands, management procedure, Fossil Forest Research Natural Area, 43 CFR 8200 [[Page 464]] Leasing of properties in park areas, 36 CFR 18 Mining Areas designated by Congress as unsuitable for mining, 30 CFR 761 Criteria for designating areas as unsuitable for mining, 30 CFR 762 National historic landmarks program, 36 CFR 65 National Historic Preservation Act, waiver of Federal agency responsibilities under section 110, 36 CFR 78 National Marine Sanctuary program regulations, 15 CFR 922 National Register of Historic Places, 36 CFR 60 Determinations of eligibility for inclusion, 36 CFR 63 Native American graves protection and repatriation regulations, 43 CFR 10 Outer continental shelf, renewable energy and alternate uses of existing facilities, 30 CFR 285 Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument, 50 CFR 404 Rural Development, loans and grants, program-related instructions, 7 CFR 1901 Secretary of Interior's standards for treatment of historic properties, 36 CFR 68 Ship and aircraft wrecks under Navy Department jurisdiction, archaeological research permits, application guidelines, 32 CFR 767 State, Tribal, and local government historic preservation programs, procedures, 36 CFR 61 Susquehanna River Basin Commission, 18 CFR 801 Title I property improvement and manufactured home loan insurance, preservation of historic structures, 24 CFR 201 World Heritage Convention, 36 CFR 73 Historic Preservation Advisory Council Conflict of interests, 36 CFR 811 Freedom of Information Act regulations, 36 CFR 810 National Environmental Policy Act implementation procedures, 36 CFR 805 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 36 CFR 812 Protection of historic properties, 36 CFR 800 Urban development action grant program, historic preservation requirements, 36 CFR 801 Historical records See Archives and records HIV/AIDS See Diseases Hizballah See Lebanon Hobbies See Recreation and recreational areas Hogs See Swine Holding companies See al Business and industry Bank holding companies Bank holding companies and change in bank control (Regulation Y), 12 CFR 225 Fair credit reporting (Regulation V), 12 CFR 222 International banking operations (Regulation K), 12 CFR 211 Management official interlocks-- Comptroller of Currency, 12 CFR 26 Federal Reserve System (Regulation L), 12 CFR 212 National Credit Union Administration, 12 CFR 711 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, fair credit reporting (Regulation V), 12 CFR 1022 CRA-related agreements, disclosure and reporting,12 CFR 207 Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975, form and content of and requirements for financial statements, 17 CFR 210 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Derivatives, 12 CFR 349 Industrial banks, 12 CFR 354 Resolution and receivership rules, 12 CFR 360 Resolution plans, 12 CFR 381 Orderly liquidations authority, 12 CFR 380 [[Page 465]] Federal Reserve System Capital adequacy of bank holding companies, savings and loan holding companies, and State member banks (Regulation Q), 12 CFR 217 Enhanced prudential standards (Regulation YY), 12 CFR 252 Liquidity risk measurement, standards, and monitoring (Regulation WW), 12 CFR 249 Mutual holding companies, 12 CFR 239 Resolution plans, 12 CFR 243 Retail foreign exchange transactions, 12 CFR 240 Savings and loan holding companies, 12 CFR 238 Supervision and regulation assessment of fees, 12 CFR 246 Swaps margin and swaps push-out, 12 CFR 237 Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, general provisions, 31 CFR 1010 Income taxes Corporate liquidations, collapsible corporations and foreign personal holding companies, 26 CFR 1 (1.341-1--1.342-1) Corporations used to avoid income tax on shareholders-- Foreign personal holding companies, 26 CFR 1 (1.551-1--1.556-3) Personal holding companies, 26 CFR 1 (1.541-1--1.547-7) Investment Advisers Act of 1940, form and content of and requirements for financial statements, 17 CFR 210 Investment Company Act of 1940, form and content of and requirements for financial statements, 17 CFR 210 Privacy of consumer financial information (Regulation P), 12 CFR 1016 Public utility filing requirements and filing requirements for persons holding interlocking positions, purchaser list, 18 CFR 46 S.A.F.E. Mortgage Licensing Act Residential mortgage loan originators, Federal registration (Regulation G), 12 CFR 1007 State compliance and bureau registration system (Regulation H), 12 CFR 1008 Securities Act of 1933, form and content of and requirements for financial statements, 17 CFR 210 Securities Exchange Act of 1934, form and content of and requirements for financial statements, 17 CFR 210 Treasury Department Financial research fund, 31 CFR 150 Merchant banking investments, 12 CFR 1500 Home health care See al Health care Home health services, 42 CFR 484 Specialized services furnished by suppliers, conditions for coverage, 42 CFR 486 Home improvement See al Housing Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 [[Page 466]] Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Guaranteed Rural Housing program, 7 CFR 3555 Housing preservation grants, rural areas, 7 CFR 1944 Property improvement and manufactured home programs, approval of lending institutions and mortgagees, 24 CFR 202 Section 8 Housing assistance payments program New construction set-aside for Section 515 rural rental housing projects, 24 CFR 884 Special allocations, 24 CFR 886 Single family mortgage insurance, 24 CFR 203 Supplementary financing for insured project mortgages, 24 CFR 241 Title I property improvement and manufactured home loans, 24 CFR 201 Urban renewal and concentrated development areas, mortgage insurance and insured improvement loans, 24 CFR 220 Homeland security See Civil defense; National defense; Security measures Homeland Security Department See al Citizenship and Naturalization Service; Coast Guard; Customs and Border Protection, U.S.; Federal Emergency Management Agency; Transportation Security Administration Acquisition regulations Administrative matters, 48 CFR 3004 Bonds and insurance, 48 CFR 3028 Commercial items, 48 CFR 3012 Competition requirements, 48 CFR 3006 Construction and architect-engineer contracts, 48 CFR 3036 Contracts-- Administration and audit services, 48 CFR 3042 Cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 3031 Financing, 48 CFR 3032 Termination, 48 CFR 3049 Types, 48 CFR 3016 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 3015 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 3009 Cost accounting standards administration, 48 CFR 3030 Definitions of words and terms, 48 CFR 3002 Describing agency needs, 48 CFR 3011 Emergency acquisitions, 48 CFR 3018 Environment, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace, 48 CFR 3023 Federal Acquisition Regulations System, 48 CFR 3001 Foreign acquisition, 48 CFR 3025 Forms, 48 CFR 3053 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 3003 Labor laws, application to Government acquisitions, 48 CFR 3022 Major system acquisition, 48 CFR 3034 Patents, data, and copyrights, 48 CFR 3027 Planning, 48 CFR 3007 Protection of privacy and freedom of information, 48 CFR 3024 Protests, disputes, and appeals, 48 CFR 3033 [[Page 467]] Publicizing contract actions, 48 CFR 3005 Quality assurance, 48 CFR 3046 Research and development contracting, 48 CFR 3035 Service contracting, 48 CFR 3037 Small business programs, 48 CFR 3019 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 3052 Special contracting methods, 48 CFR 3017 Transportation, 48 CFR 3047 Anti-terrorism support, regulations fostering effective technologies, 6 CFR 25 Chemical facility anti-terrorism standards, 6 CFR 27 Claims, 6 CFR 11 Classified National security information, 6 CFR 7 Cybersecurity Talent Management System (CTMS), 6 CFR 158 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 3000 Employees, supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 4601 Human research subjects, protection of, 6 CFR 46 Human resources management system, 5 CFR 9701 Immigration Aggravated felons, expedited removal of, 8 CFR 238 Alien crewmen-- Landing of, 8 CFR 252 Limitations on performance of longshore work, 8 CFR 258 Parole of, 8 CFR 253 Aliens-- Admission on giving bond or cash deposit, 8 CFR 213 Apprehension and detention of aliens ordered removed, 8 CFR 241 Arrival and departure manifests, 8 CFR 231 Arrival and departure manifests and lists, supporting documents, 8 CFR 251 Arriving by civil aircraft, designation of ports of entry, 8 CFR 234 Asylum and withholding of removal, procedures, 8 CFR 208 Departing from U.S., controls, 8 CFR 215 Employment, control of, 8 CFR 274a Immigration regulations; benefit requests, USCIS filing requirements, biometric requirements, records availability, 8 CFR 103 Registration and fingerprinting, 8 CFR 264 Unauthorized entry by the owners of railroad lines, international bridges or toll roads, diligent and reasonable prevention efforts, 8 CFR 271 Visa waiver program, 8 CFR 217 Aliens who have fallen into distress, removal of, 8 CFR 250 American Indians born in Canada, 8 CFR 289 Certain resident aliens, status adjustment, 8 CFR 247 Conveyances, seizure and forfeiture of, 8 CFR 274 Definitions, 8 CFR 1 Document fraud, penalties, 8 CFR 270 Documentary requirements, nonimmigrants, waivers, admission of certain inadmissible aliens, parole, 8 CFR 212 Field officers, powers and duties, 8 CFR 287 Immigrant and Nationality Act-- Carrier responsibilities at foreign ports of embarkation, reducing, refunding, or waiving fines under section 273 of the Act, 8 CFR 273 Imposition and collection of fines, 8 CFR 280 Persons admitted for temporary or permanent resident status under section 245A of the Act, status adjustment, 8 CFR 245a Petition approval under section 203, revocation, 8 CFR 205 Immigrants-- Affidavits of support on behalf of, 8 CFR 213a Documentary requirements and waivers, 8 CFR 211 Immigration bonds, deposit of and interest on cash received to secure, 8 CFR 293 Immigration forms, 8 CFR 299 Immigration regulations; benefit requests, USCIS filing requirements, biometric [[Page 468]] requirements, records availability, 8 CFR 103 Immigration user fee, 8 CFR 286 Inadmissible and deportable aliens; removal of aliens ordered removed, 8 CFR 236 Lawful admission, presumption of, 8 CFR 100 Lawful permanent residence status, conditional basis of, 8 CFR 216 Nationals of designated states, temporary protected status, 8 CFR 244 Nonimmigrant classes, 8 CFR 214 Nonimmigrant classification, change, 8 CFR 248 Notices of address, 8 CFR 265 Organization, statement of, 8 CFR 100 Permanent residence, status adjustment of persons admitted for, 8 CFR 245 Persons applying for admission to U.S., inspection of, 8 CFR 235 Petitions, 8 CFR 204 Records of lawful admission for permanent residence, creation of, 8 CFR 249 Reentry permits, refugee travel documents, and advance parole documents, 8 CFR 223 Refugees, admission of, 8 CFR 207 Refugees and aliens granted asylum, status adjustment, 8 CFR 209 Removal proceedings, initiation of, 8 CFR 238 Representation and appearances, 8 CFR 292 Special agricultural workers, 8 CFR 210 Status adjustment, rescission of, 8 CFR 246 Transportation lines, contracts with, 8 CFR 233 USCIS fee schedule, 8 CFR 106 Visitors or students, admission, 8 CFR 221 Voluntary departure, suspension of deportation and special rule cancellation of removal, 8 CFR 240 Lobbying restrictions, 6 CFR 9 Naturalization Alien enemies, naturalization under specific conditions and procedures, 8 CFR 331 Application, 8 CFR 334 Denials, hearings on, 8 CFR 336 Examination on, 8 CFR 335 Authority, 8 CFR 310 Certificates-- Citizenship, 8 CFR 341 Documents or records, administrative cancellation of, 8 CFR 342 Naturalization, 8 CFR 338 Naturalization or repatriation, persons who resumed citizenship under Section 323 of the Nationality Act of 1940, as amended, or Section 4 of the Act of June 29, 1906, 8 CFR 343 Recognition by a foreign state, special certificate of naturalization, 8 CFR 343B Certifications from records, 8 CFR 343C Child born outside the U.S., requirements for application for certification of citizenship, 8 CFR 322 Child born outside the U.S. and residing permanently in the U.S., automatic acquisition of citizenship requirements, 8 CFR 320 Clerks of court, functions and duties regarding naturalization proceedings, 8 CFR 339 Educational requirements, 8 CFR 312 General requirements, 8 CFR 316 Membership in the Communist Party or any other totalitarian organizations, 8 CFR 313 Nationality, loss of, 8 CFR 349 Nationals and citizens of the U.S. at birth, 8 CFR 301 Nationals but not citizens of the U.S., residence within outlying possessions, 8 CFR 325 Naturalization administration, 8 CFR 332 Naturalization and citizenship papers lost, mutilated, or destroyed; new certificate in changed name; certified copy of repatriation proceedings, 8 CFR 343A Oath of allegiance, 8 CFR 337 Pending removal proceedings, 8 CFR 318 Persons ineligible to citizenship, military service exemption, 8 CFR 315 Photographs, required, 8 CFR 333 Revocation, 8 CFR 340 Special classes of persons who may be naturalized-- [[Page 469]] Persons who die while serving on active duty with the U.S. Armed Forces during certain periods of hostilities, 8 CFR 392 Persons who lost U.S. citizenship through service in armed forces of foreign country during World War II, 8 CFR 327 Persons with 1 year of service in the U.S. Armed Forces, 8 CFR 328 Persons with active duty or certain ready reserve service in the U.S. Armed Forces during specified periods of hostilities, 8 CFR 329 Seamen, 8 CFR 330 Spouses of U.S. citizens, 8 CFR 319 Virgin Islanders, 8 CFR 306 Women who have lost U.S. citizenship by marriage and former citizens whose naturalization is authorized by private law, 8 CFR 324 Nondiscrimination in federally conducted programs or activities Disability, on basis, 6 CFR 15 Race, color, or national origin, on basis, 6 CFR 21 Sex, on basis, 6 CFR 17 Program fraud civil remedies, 6 CFR 13 Protected critical infrastructure information, 6 CFR 29 REAL ID driver's licenses and identification cards, 6 CFR 37 Records and information disclosure, 6 CFR 5 Rulemaking petitions, 6 CFR 3 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 3002 Homeless See al Housing; Public assistance programs Community planning and development programs Consolidated submissions, 24 CFR 91 Expiring programs, savings clause, 24 CFR 500 Community Services Office, emergency community services homeless grant program, 45 CFR 1080 Defense Department shelter for homeless program, 32 CFR 226 Emergency Solutions Grants program, 24 CFR 576 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 [[Page 470]] Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Federal Management Regulation, donation of surplus personal property, 41 CFR 102-37 Federal Property Management Regulations Personal property, donation of surplus, 41 CFR 101-44 Real property utilization and disposal, 41 CFR 101-47 Head Start program, operations, 45 CFR 1302 Health and Human Services Department Federal real property use to assist homeless, 45 CFR 12a Lease of surplus real property for facilities to assist homeless, 45 CFR 12 Housing and Urban Development Department, Federal real property use to assist homeless, 24 CFR 581 HUD-acquired and -owned single family property, disposition, 24 CFR 291 Revitalizing base closure communities and community assistance, community redevelopment and homeless assistance, 24 CFR 586 Runaway and homeless youth program, 45 CFR 1351 Section 8 moderate rehabilitation programs, 24 CFR 882 Shelter Plus Care, 24 CFR 582 Supportive housing program, 24 CFR 583 Veterans Faith based organizations, equal treatment, 38 CFR 50 Health Care for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) program, 38 CFR 63 Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem Program, 38 CFR 61 Medical care, 38 CFR 17 National cemeteries of the Department of Veterans Affairs, 38 CFR 38 State homes-- Grants to States for construction or acquisition, 38 CFR 59 Payments to States for programs to promote the hiring and retention of nurses, 38 CFR 53 Supportive Services for Veteran Families program, 38 CFR 62 Transportation programs, 38 CFR 70 Youthbuild program, 24 CFR 585 Homesteads See al Public lands Alaska Natives, land occupancy and use, 43 CFR 2560 Carey Act grants, desert lands reclamation and settlement for agricultural purposes, 43 CFR 2610 Hawaii, land exchange procedures, 43 CFR 47 Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, amendments, 43 CFR 48 Land classification system, disposal classification, 43 CFR 2430 Stockraising Homestead Act (SRHA) lands, special procedures for locating and recording, 43 CFR 3838 Homeworkers See Labor Honey Bees, beekeeping byproducts, and beekeeping equipment, 7 CFR 322 Foreign quarantine notices, 7 CFR 319 Loans and price support programs, nonrecourse marketing assistance loan and LPD regulations, 7 CFR 1434 Honeybees See Bees Hong Kong Sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 585 Horses Exports, short supply controls, 15 CFR 754 Forest Service, range management, 36 CFR 222 Horse protection, practice rules governing administrative proceedings, 9 CFR 12 Horse protection regulations, 9 CFR 11 Interstate transportation of animals Communicable diseases in horses, asses, ponies, mules, and zebras, 9 CFR 75 Equines, commercial transportation for slaughter, 9 CFR 88 [[Page 471]] Wild free-roaming horses and burros; protection, management, and control, 43 CFR 4700 Hospice care See Health facilities; Medicare Hospitals See al Health facilities 340B Drug Pricing Program, 42 CFR 10 Civil service, pay of student-employees in Government hospitals, 5 CFR 534 Construction and modernization of hospitals and medical facilities, grants, loans, and loan guarantees, Secretary's continuing authority, 42 CFR 53 Defense Department, grants and cooperative agreements Award and administration, 32 CFR 22 Cost-type grants and cooperative agreements to nonprofit and government entities, administrative requirements terms and conditions-- Financial, programmatic, and property reporting; general award terms, 2 CFR 1134 Nonprofit and government entities; recipient financial and program management, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1128 Other administrative requirements, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1136 Property administration, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1130 Recipient procurement procedures, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1132 Subawards requirements, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1138 Definitions, 2 CFR 1108 Grants and cooperative agreements-- Award format, 2 CFR 1120 General award terms and conditions, national policy requirements, 2 CFR 1122 Energy conservation grant programs for schools, hospitals, and buildings owned by units of local government and public care institutions, 10 CFR 455 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Defense Department, implementation of governmentwide guidance for grants and cooperative agreements, 2 CFR 1104 Energy Department-- Audit requirements for State and local governments (OMB A-128 implementation), 10 CFR 600 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 [[Page 472]] Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Universal identifier and system for award management, 2 CFR 25 Grants and agreements with institutions of higher education, hospitals, and other non-profit organizations, uniform administrative requirements Broadcasting Board of Governors, 22 CFR 518 Education Department, 34 CFR 74 General Services Administration, 41 CFR 105-72 Grants, contracts, and other agreements; audit requirements, 29 CFR 96 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 84 Labor Department, 29 CFR 95 Health and Human Services Department Administrative data standards and related requirements-- Administrative requirements, 45 CFR 162 General administrative requirements, 45 CFR 160 Security and privacy, 45 CFR 164 Health Care Reform Insurance Web Portal, 45 CFR 159 Health information technology-- Information blocking, 45 CFR 171 Standards, implementation specifications, certification criteria and certification programs, 45 CFR 170 Health insurance-- Exchange establishment standards and related standards under Affordable Care Act, 45 CFR 155 Issuer standards under the Affordable Care Act, including standards related to exchanges, 45 CFR 156 Statutory conscience rights protection in health care, authority delegations, 45 CFR 88 Surprise billing and transparency requirements, 45 CFR 180 Labor Department, States, local governments, and non-profit organizations; audits, 29 CFR 99 Management and Budget Office, reporting subaward and executive compensation information, 2 CFR 170 Medicare Prospective payment systems for hospital outpatient department services, 42 CFR 419 Special programs and projects, 42 CFR 403 Medicare and Medicaid, conditions of participation, 42 CFR 482 Mortgage insurance, 24 CFR 242 Organ procurement and transplantation network, 42 CFR 121 Patient safety organizations and patient safety work product, 42 CFR 3 Trafficking in persons award term Water pollution, effluent guidelines and standards, point source categories, 40 CFR 460 Hostages Federal employees in Iraq, Kuwait, or Lebanon Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program, 5 CFR 894 Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance Program, 5 CFR 870 Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, 5 CFR 890 Retirement and insurance benefits during periods of unexplained absence, 5 CFR 880 Hostage relief assistance, 22 CFR 191 Hostages and wrongful detention, sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 526 Victims of terrorism compensation, 22 CFR 192 Hours of work See Wages Household appliances Air pollution control, performance standards for industrial mew stationary sources, 40 CFR 60 Coal and wood burning appliances, notification of performance and technical data, 16 CFR 1406 [[Page 473]] Consumer products and commercial and industrial equipment Certification, compliance, and enforcement, 10 CFR 429 Energy conservation program, 10 CFR 430 Energy efficiency program, 10 CFR 431 Energy and water use labeling for consumer products under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act, 16 CFR 305 Federal Trade Commission, general procedures, 16 CFR 1 Household refrigerator doors, standards for devices that permit opening from inside, 16 CFR 1750 Induction cooking ranges, 47 CFR 18 Substantial product hazard list, 16 CFR 1120 Voluntary labeling program for household appliances and equipment to effect energy conservation, 15 CFR 9 Housing See al Condominiums; Fair housing; Home improvement; Homeless; Housing standards; Low and moderate income housing; Manufactured homes; Mortgage insurance; Mortgages; Public housing; Relocation assistance Agency for International Development, housing guaranty standard terms and conditions, 22 CFR 204 Community support requirements, 12 CFR 1290 Defense Department, Homeowners Assistance Program, application processing, 32 CFR 239 Energy conservation Energy conservation, efficiency standards for the design and construction of new Federal low-rise residential buildings, 10 CFR 435 New Federal commercial and multi-family high rise residential buildings, energy code, 10 CFR 434 State energy program, 10 CFR 420 Federal disaster assistance, 44 CFR 206 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 [[Page 474]] Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Federal home loan banks Acquired member assets, 12 CFR 1268 Affordable housing program, 12 CFR 1291 Housing goals, 12 CFR 1281 Government property management, Interior Department Government furnished quarters, 41 CFR 114-51 Quarters rental rates, establishment, 41 CFR 114-52 Immigration and Nationality Act Temporary agricultural workers admitted under Section 218, enforcement of contractual obligations, 29 CFR 501, 29 CFR 502 Temporary nonimmigrant non-agricultural workers, enforcement of obligations, 29 CFR 503 Income taxes Exempt organizations, homeowners associations, 26 CFR 1 (1.528-1-- 1.528-10) Residential energy credit, 26 CFR 1 (1.23-1--1.23-6) Indian Affairs Bureau, Housing Improvement Program, 25 CFR 256 Low- and very low-income persons, economic opportunities, 24 CFR 75 Low-income housing, payments in lieu of tax credits, 31 CFR 32 Low-income housing tax credit, 26 CFR 1 (1.42-0--1.42-16) Migrant and seasonal agricultural worker protection, 29 CFR 500 New Federal commercial and multi-family high-rise residential buildings, energy efficiency standards, 10 CFR 433 Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (Regulation X), 12 CFR 1024 Rural Business-Cooperative Service programs, environmental policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1970 Rural Development, account servicing and collections policies, 7 CFR 1951 Rural empowerment zones and enterprise communities, 7 CFR 25 Rural Housing Service Community programs, 7 CFR 3570 Direct single family housing loans and grants, 7 CFR 3550 Guaranteed Rural Housing program, 7 CFR 3555 Program regulations, environmental policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1970 Rural Utilities Service programs, environmental policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1970 Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Program New construction set-aside for Section 515 rural rental housing projects, 24 CFR 884 Special allocations, 24 CFR 886 Urban homesteading, 24 CFR 590 Veterans Fisher Houses and other temporary lodging, 38 CFR 60 Housing loan guaranty, 38 CFR 36 Supportive Services for Veteran Families program, 38 CFR 62 Housing and Urban Development Department Acquisition regulations Acquisition planning, 48 CFR 2407 Administrative matters, 48 CFR 2404 Application of labor laws to government acquisitions, 48 CFR 2422 Bonds and insurance, 48 CFR 2428 Competition requirements, 48 CFR 2406 Construction and architect-engineer contracts, 48 CFR 2436 Contract administration, 48 CFR 2442 Contract financing, 48 CFR 2432 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 2415 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 2409 Definition of words and terms, 48 CFR 2402 Federal Acquisition Regulations System, 48 CFR 2401 Forms, 48 CFR 2453 Government sources by contractors, use of, 48 CFR 2451 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 2403 Information technology acquisition, 48 CFR 2439 Major system acquisitions, 48 CFR 2434 Patents, data, and copyrights, 48 CFR 2427 Protection of privacy and freedom of information, 48 CFR 2424 [[Page 475]] Protests, disputes, and appeals, 48 CFR 2433 Publicizing contract actions, 48 CFR 2405 Quality assurance, 48 CFR 2446 Sealed bidding, 48 CFR 2414 Service contracting, 48 CFR 2437 Simplified acquisition procedures, 48 CFR 2413 Small business programs, 48 CFR 2419 Socioeconomic programs, 48 CFR 2426 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 2452 Special contracting methods, 48 CFR 2417 Subcontracting policies and procedures, 48 CFR 2444 Supplies and services, required sources, 48 CFR 2408 Taxes, 48 CFR 2429 Termination of contracts, 48 CFR 2449 Trade Agreements Act, 48 CFR 2425 Types of contracts, 48 CFR 2416 Value engineering, 48 CFR 2448 Administrative claims, 24 CFR 17 Civil money penalties, certain prohibited conduct, 24 CFR 30 Civil rights matters, consolidated hearing procedures, 24 CFR 180 Community development block grant program Eligibility and applications, 24 CFR 570 Indian tribes and Alaska Native villages, 24 CFR 1003 Native Hawaiian housing block grant program, 24 CFR 1006 Community planning and development programs Consolidated submissions, 24 CFR 91 Expiring programs, savings clause, 24 CFR 500 Condominium ownership, mortgage insurance, 24 CFR 234 Congregate housing services program, 24 CFR 700 Cooperative housing, mortgage insurance, 24 CFR 213 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 2424 Drug-free workplace requirements, financial assistance, 2 CFR 2429 Elderly, mortgage insurance, 24 CFR 231 Emergency Solutions Grants program, 24 CFR 576 Employees Standards of ethical conduct, 24 CFR 0 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 7501 Environmental criteria and standards, 24 CFR 51 Environmental quality, protection and enhancement, 24 CFR 50 Environmental review procedures for entities assuming HUD environmental responsibilities, 24 CFR 58 Equal Access to Justice Act, implementation, 24 CFR 14 Evictions from certain subsidized and HUD-owned housing projects, 24 CFR 247 Fair housing Affirmative fair housing marketing compliance procedures, 24 CFR 108 Certification and funding of State and local fair housing enforcement agencies, 24 CFR 115 Collection of data, 24 CFR 121 Complaint processing, 24 CFR 103 Discriminatory conduct under the Fair Housing Act, 24 CFR 100 Fair housing initiatives program, 24 CFR 125 Nondiscrimination and equal opportunity in housing under Executive Order 11063, 24 CFR 107 Poster, 24 CFR 110 Federal Housing Commissioner Functions, 24 CFR 200 Supplemental regulations governing Federal Housing Administration debentures, 31 CFR 337 Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight Office Government sponsored enterprises, mortgage fraud reporting, 12 CFR 1731 Prompt corrective action, 12 CFR 1777 Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) and Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac), HUD Secretary's regulation, 24 CFR 81 Federal real property use to assist homeless, 24 CFR 581 Floodplain management and protection of wetlands, 24 CFR 55 General HUD program requirements, waivers, 24 CFR 5 Government National Mortgage Association Book-entry procedures, 24 CFR 350 Bylaws, 24 CFR 310 [[Page 476]] Fiduciary activities, 24 CFR 340 Mortgage-backed securities guaranty, 24 CFR 320 Multiclass securities guaranty, 24 CFR 330 Organization and functions, 24 CFR 300 Governmentwide debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 24 CFR 24 Grants and agreements with institutions of higher education, hospitals, and other non-profit organizations, uniform administrative requirements (OMB A-110 implementation), 24 CFR 84 Grants and cooperative agreements State and local governments, uniform administrative requirements (OMB A-102 implementation), 24 CFR 85 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 2400 Health Care for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) program, 38 CFR 63 Health facilities Group practice facilities, mortgage insurance, 24 CFR 244 Hospitals, mortgage insurance, 24 CFR 242 Mortgage insurance-- Nursing homes, intermediate care facilities, and board and care homes, 24 CFR 252 Nursing homes, intermediate care facilities, board and care homes, and assisted living facilities, 24 CFR 232 Hearing procedures, 24 CFR 26 Hearings and Appeals Office, 24 CFR 20 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Insurance, 24 CFR 206 HOME Investment Partnerships Program, 24 CFR 92 HOPE for homeownership of single family homes program (HOPE 3), 24 CFR 572 Housing assistance payments, section 8 housing assistance and public and Indian housing programs Allocations of housing assistance funds, 24 CFR 791 Public housing agency section 8 fraud recoveries, 24 CFR 792 Housing assistance payments, section 8 housing assistance and Section 202 direct loan programs Family Self-Sufficiency Program, 24 CFR 887 Fair market rents and contract rent annual adjustment factors, 24 CFR 888 Housing development grants, 24 CFR 850 Moderate rehabilitation programs, 24 CFR 882 New construction, 24 CFR 880 Special allocations, 24 CFR 886 State housing agencies, 24 CFR 883 Substantial rehabilitation, 24 CFR 881 Supportive housing for elderly and persons with disabilities, 24 CFR 891 Tax exemption of obligations of public housing agencies, 24 CFR 811 Housing counseling program, 24 CFR 214 Housing opportunities for persons with AIDS, 24 CFR 574 Housing Trust Fund, 24 CFR 93 HUD-acquired and -owned single family property, disposition, 24 CFR 291 HUD Reform Act, 24 CFR 4 Human research subjects, protection, 24 CFR 60 Indemnification of HUD employees, 24 CFR 18 Indian HOME program, 24 CFR 954 Indian housing programs Housing activities, 24 CFR 1000 Loan guarantees, 24 CFR 1005 Native Hawaiian housing, section 184A loan guarantees, 24 CFR 1007 Individuals with disabilities Building standards for accessibility by physically handicapped, enforcement, 24 CFR 41 Publicly owned residential structures, accessibility standards for design, construction, and alteration, 24 CFR 40 Inspector General, Office of Public information, availability, 24 CFR 2002 Subpoenas and production in response to subpoenas or demands of courts or other authorities, 24 CFR 2004 Insured housing project mortgages, supplementary financing, 24 CFR 241 Intergovernmental review of programs and activities, 24 CFR 52 Investigations in consumer regulatory programs, 24 CFR 3800 [[Page 477]] John Heinz neighborhood development program, 24 CFR 594 Lead-based paint poisoning prevention in certain residential structures, 24 CFR 35 Loan guarantee recovery fund, 24 CFR 573 Lobbying restrictions, 24 CFR 87 Low and moderate income housing, flexible subsidy program for troubled projects, 24 CFR 219 Low- and very low-income persons, economic opportunities, 24 CFR 75 Low cost and moderate income mortgage insurance, 24 CFR 221 Low income housing mortgages, prepayment, 24 CFR 248 Manufactured home installation program, 24 CFR 3286 Manufactured homes Construction and safety standards, 24 CFR 3280 Dispute resolution program, 24 CFR 3288 Housing program fee, 24 CFR 3284 Model home installation standards, 24 CFR 3285 Multifamily housing mortgage insurance, manufactured home courts or parks, 24 CFR 207 Procedural and enforcement regulations, 24 CFR 3282 Property improvement and manufactured home programs, approval of lending institutions and mortgagees, 24 CFR 202 Model manufactured home installation standards, 24 CFR 3285 Mortgage coinsurance, 24 CFR 204 Multifamily housing projects-- Coinsurance for construction or substantial rehabilitation, 24 CFR 251 Coinsurance for purchase or refinancing, 24 CFR 255 Mortgagee Review Board, 24 CFR 25 Multifamily and single family mortgages, nonjudicial foreclosure, 24 CFR 27 Multifamily housing Housing finance agency risk-sharing program for insured affordable multifamily project loans, 24 CFR 266 Insured, local rent control, 24 CFR 246 Mortgage and housing assistance restructuring program (mark-to- market), 24 CFR 401 Mortgage insurance, 24 CFR 207 Project-based section 8 contract renewal without restructuring under section 524(a) of MAHRA, 24 CFR 402 Subsidized projects, electronic transmission of required data for certification and recertification and subsidy billing procedures, 24 CFR 208 Tenant participation in multifamily housing projects, 24 CFR 245 Multifamily projects disposition and sale of HUD-held multifamily mortgages, 24 CFR 290 Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs, 24 CFR 1 Nondiscrimination in programs and activities receiving assistance under Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Title I, 24 CFR 6 Nondiscrimination on basis of age in federally assisted programs, 24 CFR 146 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability Federally assisted programs, 24 CFR 8 Federally conducted programs or activities, 24 CFR 9 Nondiscrimination on basis of sex in federally assisted education programs, 24 CFR 3 Penalty mail use in location and recovery of missing children, 24 CFR 13 Privacy Act of 1974, implementation, 24 CFR 16 Inspector General Office, 24 CFR 2003 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 24 CFR 28 Property improvement and manufactured home programs, approval of lending institutions and mortgagees, 24 CFR 202 Public access to HUD records under Freedom of Information Act and testimony and production of information by HUD employees, 24 CFR 15 Public and Indian housing Housing Choice Voucher Program, 24 CFR 982 Section 8 and public housing family self-sufficiency program, 24 CFR 984 [[Page 478]] Section 8 management assessment program (SEMAP), 24 CFR 985 Section 8 project-based voucher program, 24 CFR 983 Public housing Admission to and occupancy, 24 CFR 960 Agency consortia and joint ventures, 24 CFR 943 Agency plans, 24 CFR 903 Assessment system, 24 CFR 902 Capital fund program, 24 CFR 905 Contracting with resident-owned businesses, 24 CFR 963 Conversion to tenant-based assistance, 24 CFR 972 Demolition or disposition of public housing projects, 24 CFR 970 Designated housing-public housing designated for occupancy by disabled, elderly, or disabled and elderly families, 24 CFR 945 General provisions, 24 CFR 965 Homeownership programs, 24 CFR 906 Lease and grievance procedure, 24 CFR 966 Low rent housing, homeownership opportunities, 24 CFR 904 Operating fund program, 24 CFR 990 Reasonable revitalization potential required by law, assessment, 24 CFR 971 Substantial default by public housing agency, 24 CFR 907 Tenant participation and tenant opportunities in public housing, 24 CFR 964 Public housing, Indian housing, and section 8 rental certificate, rental voucher, and moderate rehabilitation programs, electronic transmission of required family data, 24 CFR 908 Rehabilitation loan program, section 312, 24 CFR 510 Renewal communities, 24 CFR 599 Rental projects, mortgage insurance and interest reduction payments, general applicability, 24 CFR 236 Rental rehabilitation grant program, 24 CFR 511 Revitalizing base closure communities and community assistance, community redevelopment and homeless assistance, 24 CFR 586 Rulemaking, policy and procedures, 24 CFR 10 Single family mortgage insurance, 24 CFR 203 Shelter Plus Care, 24 CFR 582 Supportive housing program, 24 CFR 583 Title I property improvement and manufactured home loans, 24 CFR 201 Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally assisted programs, cross reference to 49 CFR 24 (governmentwide rule), 24 CFR 42 Urban empowerment zones and enterprise communities Round one designations, 24 CFR 597 Round two and three designations, 24 CFR 598 Urban homesteading, 24 CFR 590 Urban renewal and concentrated development loans, mortgage insurance and insured improvement loans, 24 CFR 220 Volunteers, use on projects subject to Davis-Bacon and HUD-determined wage rates, 24 CFR 70 Youthbuild program, 24 CFR 585 Housing assistance payments See Mortgages; Rent subsidies Housing standards See al Housing Environmental criteria and standards, 24 CFR 51 Housing and Urban Development Department, Federal Housing Commissioner, functions, 24 CFR 200 Housing for agricultural workers, 20 CFR 654 Immigration and Nationality Act; temporary agricultural workers admitted under section 218, enforcement of contractual obligations, 29 CFR 501 Manufactured homes, construction and safety standards, 24 CFR 3280 Migrant and seasonal agricultural worker protection, 29 CFR 500 Model manufactured home installation standards, 24 CFR 3285 Rural development loans and grants, construction and repair provisions, 7 CFR 1924 [[Page 479]] Weatherization assistance for low-income persons, 10 CFR 440 Human cells and tissue-based products Combination products, good manufacturing practices, 21 CFR 4 Human cells, tissues, and cellular and tissue-based products, 21 CFR 1271 Human research subjects See al Research Agency for International Development, 22 CFR 225 Agriculture Department, 7 CFR 1c Commerce Department, 15 CFR 27 Consumer Product Safety Commission, 16 CFR 1028 Defense Department, 32 CFR 219 Education Department, 34 CFR 97 Energy Department, 10 CFR 745 Environmental Protection Agency, 40 CFR 26 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Defense Department, grants and cooperative agreements; general award terms and conditions, national policy requirements, 2 CFR 1122 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Food and Drug Administration General, 21 CFR 50 Institutional review boards, clinical investigations, 21 CFR 56 Health and Human Services Department, clinical trials registration and results information submission, 42 CFR 11 Homeland Security Department, 6 CFR 46 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 60 Human subjects, protection, 45 CFR 46 Justice Department, 28 CFR 46 Labor Department, 29 CFR 21 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 14 CFR 1230 National Science Foundation, 45 CFR 690 Prisons Bureau, 28 CFR 512 Social Security Administration, 20 CFR 431 [[Page 480]] Transportation Department, 49 CFR 11 Veterans Affairs Department, 38 CFR 16 Humane treatment of animals See Animal welfare Humanities, National Endowment for the See National Foundation on Arts and Humanities Hunting See al Recreation and recreation areas Migratory bird hunting Conservation stamp contest, 50 CFR 91 Permits, 50 CFR 21 Procedural and substantive requirements, 50 CFR 20 Subsistence harvest in Alaska, 50 CFR 92 National fish hatchery areas, 50 CFR 71 Naval installations, rules limiting public access, 32 CFR 770 Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration and Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Acts, administrative requirements, 50 CFR 80 Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentive Program, 7 CFR 1455 Wildlife, airborne hunting, 50 CFR 19 Wildlife refuges, 50 CFR 32 Hydrocarbons Mineral leasing, solid minerals other than coal and oil shale, 43 CFR 3500 Oil and gas leasing, combined hydrocarbon leasing, 43 CFR 3140 Outer Continental Shelf air regulations, 40 CFR 55 Hydroelectric power See Electric power I Ice cream See Dairy products; Frozen foods Identity theft See Fraud Immigration See al Aliens; Citizenship and naturalization; Foreign relations Aliens Nationals of designated states, temporary protected status, 8 CFR 244, 8 CFR 1244 Status adjustment-- Lawful temporary or permanent resident status under Section 245A of Immigration and Nationality Act, persons admitted for, 8 CFR 245a Permanent residence, persons admitted for, 8 CFR 245, 8 CFR 1245 Rescission, 8 CFR 246, 8 CFR 1246 Resident aliens, 8 CFR 247 American Indians born in Canada, entry into U.S., 8 CFR 289 Apprehension and detention of aliens ordered removed, 8 CFR 241, 1241 Apprehension and detention of inadmissible and deportable aliens; removal of aliens ordered removed, 8 CFR 236, 8 CFR 1236 Asylum and withholding of removal, procedures, 8 CFR 208, 8 CFR 1208 Bond or cash deposit given by alien Admission to U.S., 8 CFR 213 Interest on cash received to secure immigration bonds, 8 CFR 293 Documentary requirements Immigrants and waivers of requirements, 8 CFR 211, 8 CFR 1211 Nonimmigrants, waivers, admission of certain inadmissible aliens, parole, 8 CFR 212, 8 CFR 1212 Expedited removal of aggravated felons, 8 CFR 1238 Foreign Service, schedule of fees for consular service, 22 CFR 22 Foreign workers in U.S., temporary employment, 20 CFR 655 Health and Human Services Department, U.S. exchange visitor program, request for waiver of two-year foreign residence requirement, 45 CFR 50 Immigrants, affidavits of support by sponsors, 8 CFR 213a Immigration and Nationality Act Imposition and collection of fines, 8 CFR 280, 8 CFR 1280 Petition approval under section 203, revocation, 8 CFR 205, 8 CFR 1205 Petitions, 8 CFR 204 Temporary agricultural workers admitted under Section 218, enforcement of [[Page 481]] contractual obligations, 29 CFR 501, 29 CFR 502 Temporary nonimmigrant non-agricultural workers, enforcement of obligations, 29 CFR 503 Visas-- Immigrant documentation, 22 CFR 42 Nonimmigrants, documentation, 22 CFR 41 Nonimmigrants and immigrants, regulations pertaining to both, 22 CFR 40 Immigration and naturalization Definitions, 8 CFR 1 Executive Office for Immigration Review, 8 CFR 3 Field Officers, powers and duties, 8 CFR 287 Homeland Security Secretary, authority, 8 CFR 2 Immigration forms, 8 CFR 299 Immigration regulations; benefit requests, USCIS filing requirements, biometric requirements, records availability, 8 CFR 103 Immigration hearings, representation and appearances of persons at, 8 CFR 292, 8 CFR 1292 Immigration Review, Executive Office for Definitions, 8 CFR 1001 Expedited removal of aggravated felons, 8 CFR 1238 Field officers, powers and duties, 8 CFR 1287 Immigrant petitions, 8 CFR 1204 Immigration review forms, 8 CFR 1299 Lawful admission, presumption of, 8 CFR 1101 Organization and functions, 8 CFR 1003 Persons applying for admission to U.S., inspection of, 8 CFR 1235 Immigration user fee, 8 CFR 286 Nonimmigrants, waivers, admission of certain inadmissible aliens, parole; documentary requirements, 8 CFR 1212 Permanent residence Creation of records of lawful admission of aliens, 8 CFR 249, 8 CFR 1249 Status adjustment for person admitted for, 8 CFR 245 Persons applying for admission into U.S., inspection of, 8 CFR 235 Presumption of lawful admission of aliens, 8 CFR 101, 8 CFR 1101 Refugees, admission of, 8 CFR 207, 8 CFR 1207 Refugees and aliens granted asylum, status adjustment, 8 CFR 209, 8 CFR 1209 Removal proceedings, initiation, 8 CFR 239, 8 CFR 1239 Seizure and forfeiture of vehicles, vessels, and aircraft transporting illegal aliens, 8 CFR 274 Sexual abuse and assault prevention standards, 6 CFR 115 State legalization impact assistance grants, 45 CFR 402 Trafficking in persons, 28 CFR 1100 Unaccompanied alien children, care and placement, 45 CFR 410 Unfair immigration-related employment practices, 28 CFR 44 Unlawful employment of aliens, unfair immigration-related employment practices, and document fraud, rules of practice and procedure for administrative hearings before administrative law judges, 28 CFR 68 USCIS fee schedule, 8 CFR 106 Immigration Review, Executive Office for Aliens Asylum and withholding of removal, procedures, 8 CFR 1208 Departing from U.S., controls, 8 CFR 1215 Employment of, 8 CFR 1274a Nationals of designated states, temporary protected status, 8 CFR 1244 Registration, document fraud, penalties, 8 CFR 1270 Removability of aliens in U.S., determination proceedings, 8 CFR 1240 Removal proceedings, initiation, 8 CFR 1239 Status adjustment-- Permanent residence --Conditional basis of lawful status, 8 CFR 1216 --Creation of records for lawful admission, 8 CFR 1249 --Person admitted for, 8 CFR 1245 Rescission, 8 CFR 1246 Appeals, records, and fees, 8 CFR 1103 [[Page 482]] Apprehension and detention of aliens ordered removed, 8 CFR 1241 Apprehension and detention of inadmissible and deportable aliens; removal of aliens ordered removed, 8 CFR 1236 Documentary requirements Immigrants and waivers of requirements, 8 CFR 1211 Nonimmigrants, waivers, admission of certain inadmissible aliens, parole of aliens into U.S., 8 CFR 1212 Field officers, powers and duties, 8 CFR 1287 Immigrant petitions, 8 CFR 1204 Immigration and Nationality Act violations, imposition and collection of fines, 8 CFR 1280 Immigration and naturalization, definitions, 8 CFR 1001 Immigration hearings, representation and appearance of persons at, 8 CFR 1292 Immigration review forms, 8 CFR 1299 Lawful admission, presumption of, 8 CFR 1101 Naturalization, Oath of allegiance to U.S., 8 CFR 1337 Nonimmigrant classes, review, 8 CFR 1214 Organization and functions, 8 CFR 1003 Persons applying for admission to U.S., inspection of, 8 CFR 1235 Refugees, admission, 8 CFR 1207 Refugees and aliens granted asylum, status adjustment, 8 CFR 1209 Revocation of approval of petitions, 8 CFR 1205 Immunization See al Public health Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program, 42 CFR 110 Disease control grants, 42 CFR 51b Head Start program, operations, 45 CFR 1302 Occupational safety and health regulations Construction industry, 29 CFR 1926 Longshoring, safety and health regulations, 29 CFR 1918 Occupational safety and health standards Agriculture, 29 CFR 1928 Federal standards, 29 CFR 1910 Qualifying pathogens, 21 CFR 317 Statutory conscience rights protection in health care, authority delegations, 45 CFR 88 Swine Flu Immunization Program, certification and decertification in connection with certain suits based upon acts or omissions of Federal employees and other persons, 28 CFR 15 Vaccine injury compensation, 42 CFR 100 Impacted areas programs See Federally affected areas Imports See al Antidumping; Countervailing duties; Foreign trade; Oil imports; Trade adjustment assistance Agricultural commodities, import quotas and fees, 7 CFR 6 Air pollution control Fuels and fuel additives, regulation, 40 CFR 80 Fuels, fuel additives, and regulated blendstocks; regulation, 40 CFR 1090 Highway, stationary, and nonroad programs; general compliance provisions, 40 CFR 1068 Hydrofluorocarbons, phasedown, 40 CFR 84 Marine engines and vessels subject to the MARPOL Protocol, emissions control, 40 CFR 1043 Mobile sources, air pollution control, 40 CFR 85 New and in-use marine compression-ignition engines and vehicles, emissions control, 40 CFR 1042 New and in-use nonroad and stationary equipment, evaporative emissions control, 40 CFR 1060 New and in-use nonroad compression-ignition engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 1039 New small nonroad spark-ignition engines and equipment, 40 CFR 1054 Spark-ignition propulsion, emissions control, 40 CFR 1045 Vehicle and engine compliance programs, fees, 40 CFR 1027 Aircraft, certification procedures for products and parts, 14 CFR 21 Alcoholic beverages Basic permit requirements under Federal Alcohol Administration Act, distilled [[Page 483]] spirits and wine nonindustrial use, distilled spirits bulk sales and bottling, 27 CFR 1 Liquors and articles from Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands, 27 CFR 26 Aluminum Import Monitoring and Analysis system, 19 CFR 361 Animal breeds, recognition of breeds and books of record of purebred animals, 9 CFR 151 Animal byproducts (except casings), and hay, and straw, offered for entry in U.S.; sanitary control, 9 CFR 95 Animal casings from foreign countries, restrictions, 9 CFR 96 Animal embryos and animal semen, 9 CFR 98 Animals and animal products; procedures for requesting recognition of regions, 9 CFR 92 Animals and birds, import and export related services; user fees, 9 CFR 130 Animals, birds, fish, and poultry, and certain animal, bird, and poultry products; requirements for means of conveyance and shipping containers, 9 CFR 93 Antarctic animals and plants, conservation, 45 CFR 670 Antidumping and countervailing duties, investigation of evasion claims, 19 CFR 165 Arms, ammunition, and implements of war, imports, 27 CFR 447 Articles conditionally free, subject to a reduced rate, etc., 19 CFR 10 Asbestos-containing products, prohibition of manufacture, importation, processing, and distribution in commerce, 40 CFR 763 Beef, tariff-rate quotas implementation, 15 CFR 2012 Beef promotion and research, 7 CFR 1260 Bees, beekeeping byproducts, and beekeeping equipment, 7 CFR 322 Canadian fresh fruit and vegetable imports, procedures to monitor, 7 CFR 1560 Chemical Weapons Convention Enforcement, 15 CFR 719 General information and overview, 15 CFR 710 Schedule 1 chemicals, activities involving, 15 CFR 712 Schedule 2 chemicals, activities involving, 15 CFR 713 Schedule 3 chemicals, activities involving, 15 CFR 714 Unscheduled discrete organic chemicals (UDOCs), activities involving, 15 CFR 715 Chemicals Stratospheric ozone protection, 40 CFR 82 Superfund program, toxic chemical release reporting, community right- to-know, 40 CFR 372 Consumer Product Safety Commission, Button cell or coin batteries and consumer products containing such batteries, safety standards, 16 CFR 1263 Children's product, definition under the Consumer Product Safety Act, 16 CFR 1200 Children's toys and child care articles containing phthalates-- Engineered wood products; determinations regarding lead, ASTM F963 elements, and phthalates, 16 CFR 1252 Inaccessible component parts, guidance on, 16 CFR 1199 Prohibition, 16 CFR 1307 Prohibition determinations regarding certain plastics, 16 CFR 1308 Unfinished manufactured fibers, determinations regarding ASTM F963 elements and phthalates, 16 CFR 1253 Conditions and requirements for relying on component part testing or certification, or another party's finished product testing or certification, to meet testing and certification requirements, 16 CFR 1109 Firearms (toy, look-alike, and imitation), marking, 16 CFR 1272 General statements of policy or interpretation on imports, 16 CFR 1009 Safety standards-- Baby changing products, 16 CFR 1235 Baby cribs, non-full-size, 16 CFR 1220 Bassinets and cradles, 16 CFR 1218 Bedside sleepers, 16 CFR 1222 Booster seats, 16 CFR 1237 Carriages and strollers, 16 CFR 1227 [[Page 484]] Children's folding chairs and children's folding stools, 16 CFR 1232 Cigarette lighters, 16 CFR 1210 Clothing storage units, 16 CFR 1261 Crib mattresses, 16 CFR 1241 Custom window coverings operating cords, 16 CFR 1260 Frame child carriers, 16 CFR 1230 Gates and enclosures, 16 CFR 1239 Hand-held infant carriers, 16 CFR 1225 High chairs, 16 CFR 1231 Infant bath seats, 16 CFR 1215 Infant bath tubs, 16 CFR 1234 Infant bouncer seats, 16 CFR 1229 Infant swings, 16 CFR 1223 Infant walkers, 16 CFR 1216 Magnets, 16 CFR 1262 Play yards, 16 CFR 1221 Portable bed rails, 16 CFR 1224 Portable hook-on chairs, 16 CFR 1233 Sling carriers, 16 CFR 1228 Soft infant and toddler carriers, 16 CFR 1227 Toddler beds, 16 CFR 1217 Toys, safety standard mandating ASTM f963, 16 CFR 1250 Substantial product hazard list, 16 CFR 1120 Testing and labeling pertaining to product certification, 16 CFR 1107 Toys, determinations regarding heavy elements limits for certain materials, 16 CFR 1251 Consumer products and commercial and industrial equipment Certification, compliance, and enforcement, 10 CFR 429 Energy conservation program, 10 CFR 430 Energy efficiency program, 10 CFR 431 Controlled substances Ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and phenylpropanolamine; importation and production quotas, 21 CFR 1315 Importation and exportation, 21 CFR 1312 List I and II chemicals, 21 CFR 1313 Labeling and packaging requirements, 21 CFR 1302 Machines, importation and exportation; records and reports of listed chemicals and certain machines, 21 CFR 1310 Manufacturers, distributors, and dispensers; registration, 21 CFR 1308 Cotton woven fabric, 15 CFR 336 Customs duties and inspection, recordkeeping, 19 CFR 163 Degradable plastic ring carriers, 40 CFR 238 Distilled spirits Labeling and advertising, 27 CFR 5 Plants, 27 CFR 19 Distilled spirits, wine, and beer; importation, 27 CFR 27 Drawback on taxpaid distilled spirits used in manufacturing nonbeverage products, 27 CFR 17 Drugs, investigational new drug application, 21 CFR 312 Eggs and egg products Egg Products Inspection Act-- Eggs, inspection under, 7 CFR 57 Eggs and egg products, inspection, 9 CFR 590 Voluntary inspection, 9 CFR 592 Electronic products, radiation protection, 21 CFR 1005 Explosives, commerce, 27 CFR 555 Fastener quality, 15 CFR 280 Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, civil and criminal penalties, 49 CFR 578 Federal Seed Act Administrative procedures, 7 CFR 202 Importation of seed and screenings, 7 CFR 361 Requirements, 7 CFR 201 Firearms and ammunition Commerce in, 27 CFR 478 Manufacturers excise taxes, 27 CFR 53 Fish and fishery products, processing requirements, 21 CFR 123 Food and Drug Administration General enforcement regulations, 21 CFR 1 Organization, 21 CFR 5 Food Safety and Inspection Service Fish and fish products, 9 CFR 557 General requirements, definitions, 9 CFR 530 Poultry products inspection, 8 CFR 381 Foot-and-mouth disease, Newcastle disease, highly pathogenic avian influenza, African swine fever, classical swine fever, swine vesicular disease, and bovine spongiform encephalopathy; prohibited and restricted importations, 9 CFR 94 [[Page 485]] Foreign Agricultural Service, trade adjustment assistance for farmers, 7 CFR 1580 Foreign Assets Control Office Diamonds (rough) control regulations, 31 CFR 592 Iranian transactions and sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 560 Sanctions regulations-- Belarus, 31 CFR 548 Former Liberian regime of Charles Taylor, 31 CFR 593 Iraq stabilization and insurgency, 31 CFR 576 North Korea, 31 CFR 510 Weapons of mass destruction trade control regulations, 31 CFR 539 Foreign Service functions, import controls, 22 CFR 91 Foreign trade regulations, 15 CFR 30 Foreign-Trade Zones Board, zones in U.S., regulations, 15 CFR 400 Frequency allocations and radio treaty matters, general rules and regulations, 47 CFR 2 Fruits, import regulations, 7 CFR 944 Fuels and fuel additives regulation, 40 CFR 80 Hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) systems, 21 CFR 120 Hazardous materials; general information, regulations, and definitions, 49 CFR 171 Hazardous substances and articles, administration and enforcement regulations, 16 CFR 1500 Hazardous waste generators, applicable standards, 40 CFR 262 Highway, stationary, and nonroad programs; general compliance provisions, 40 CFR 1068 Importer security filing, 19 CFR 149 Industry and Security Bureau Additional protocol regulations-- Civil nuclear fuel cycle-related activities not involving nuclear materials, 15 CFR 783 Complementary access, 15 CFR 784 General information and overview, 15 CFR 781 Imported articles, effect on National security, 15 CFR 705 Instruments and apparatus for educational and scientific institutions, duty-free entry, 15 CFR 301 International agricultural trade, emergency relief from duty-free imports of perishable products, 7 CFR 1540 International fisheries regulations, 50 CFR 300 Investigations Cost of production of article, 19 CFR 202 Effects of imports on agricultural programs, 19 CFR 204 Effects of modified trade practices on U.S. economy, 19 CFR 205 Global and bilateral safeguard actions, market disruption, trade diversion, and review of relief actions, 19 CFR 206 United States-Mexico cross-border long-haul trucking services, 19 CFR 208 Lamb meat imports, tariff-rate quota implementation, 15 CFR 2014 List I chemicals; registration of manufacturers, distributors, importers, and exporters, 21 CFR 1309 Locomotives and locomotive engines, air pollution control, 40 CFR 92 Machine guns, destructive devices, and certain other firearms, 27 CFR 479 Malt beverages, labeling and advertising, 27 CFR 7 Marine compression-ignition engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 94 Marine mammals Taking and importing-- Fish and Wildlife Service, 50 CFR 18 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 50 CFR 216, 50 CFR 218, 50 CFR 219 Taking incidental to specified activities, 50 CFR 217 Marine mammals and fish Atlantic highly migratory species, 50 CFR 635 Endangered marine and anadromous species, 50 CFR 224 General endangered and threatened marine species, 50 CFR 222 Threatened marine and anadromous species, 50 CFR 223 Marine spark-ignition engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 91 [[Page 486]] Meat inspection, mandatory, imported products, 9 CFR 327 Medical devices Corrections and removals, reports, 21 CFR 806 Importers, reporting requirement, 21 CFR 803 Manufacturers and distributors establishment registration and device listing, 21 CFR 807 Tracking requirements, 21 CFR 821 Merchandise, special classes, 19 CFR 12 Milk, Federal Import Milk Act, 21 CFR 1210 Motor vehicles Automobile parts content labeling, 49 CFR 583 Determinations that vehicle not originally manufactured to conform to Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards is eligible for importation, 49 CFR 593 Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards Civil and criminal penalties, 49 CFR 576 General regulations, 49 CFR 571 Fee schedule for services (49 U.S.C. 30141), 49 CFR 594 Importation of vehicles and equipment subject to Federal safety, bumper and theft prevention standards, 49 CFR 591 National Organic Program, 7 CFR 205 New and in-use nonroad compression-ignition engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 89, 40 CFR 1039 New large nonroad spark-ignition engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 1048 Nonroad spark-ignition engines at or below 19 kilowatts, emissions control, 40 CFR 90 Nuclear equipment and material, export and import, 10 CFR 110 Nuclear plants and material Import and export licenses; fees, 10 CFR 170 Physical protection, 10 CFR 73 Pharmaceutical good manufacturing practice reports, medical device quality system audit reports, and certain medical device product evaluation reports, mutual recognition, U.S. and European Community, 21 CFR 26 Phytosanitary treatments, 7 CFR 305 Pima Agriculture Cotton Trust Fund (Agriculture Pima Trust) and Agriculture Wool Apparel Manufacturers Trust Fund (Agriculture Wool Trust), 7 CFR 1471 Plant protection and quarantine, foreign quarantine notices, 7 CFR 319 Poultry products, inspection, 9 CFR 381 Quarantine, foreign, 42 CFR 71 Radioactive material, physical protection of category 1 and category 2 quantities, 10 CFR 37 Railroads, import shipments, 49 CFR 1302 Recreational engines and vehicles, emissions control, 40 CFR 1051 Refined sugar re-export program, sugar containing products re-export program, and polyhydric alcohol program, 7 CFR 1530 Short supply procedures, 19 CFR 357 Specialty crops, import regulations, 7 CFR 999 Steel import monitoring and analysis system, 19 CFR 360 Sugar-containing products, tariff-rate quotas implementation, 15 CFR 2015 Sugars, syrups, and molasses, imported; tariff-rate quota allocation; certificates of eligibility, 15 CFR 2011 Tea Importation Act, 21 CFR 1220 Tobacco Inspection, 7 CFR 29 Tobacco products, cigarette papers and tubes, and processed tobacco-- Importation, 27 CFR 41 Manufacture, 27 CFR 40 Toxic substances control Chemical substances-- Premanufacture notification --Exemptions, 40 CFR 723 --Procedures, 40 CFR 720 Significant new uses, 40 CFR 721 Chemical substances and mixtures under Section 6 of the TSCA, regulation of, 40 CFR 751 Confidentiality claims, 40 CFR 703 Mercury inventory supply, use, and trade; reporting requirements, 40 CFR 713 Microorganisms, reporting requirements and review processes, 40 CFR 725 Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, 40 CFR 704 Trade remedy assistance, 19 CFR 213 [[Page 487]] Unfair import trade practices investigations, adjudication and enforcement, 19 CFR 210 United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement Implementation Act, high-wage components of the labor value content requirements, 29 CFR 810 Vegetables, import regulations, 7 CFR 980 Veterinary biologics Import permits, 9 CFR 104 Packaging and labeling, 9 CFR 112 Permits for imports and interstate transportation of organisms and vectors, 9 CFR 122 Standard requirements, 9 CFR 113 Watches, watch movements and jewelry, duty-free entry, 15 CFR 303 Wildlife Civil procedures, 50 CFR 11 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), 50 CFR 23 Eagle permits, 50 CFR 22 Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants, 50 CFR 17 General permit procedures, 50 CFR 13 General provisions, 50 CFR 10 Importation, exportation, and transportation, 50 CFR 14 Injurious wildlife, exportation and transportation, 50 CFR 16 Migratory bird hunting-- Permits, 50 CFR 21 Procedural and substantive requirements, 50 CFR 20 Seizure and forfeiture procedures, 50 CFR 12 Wild Bird Conservation Act, 50 CFR 15 Wine Foreign nongeneric names of geographic significance used in designation of wines, 27 CFR 12 Labeling and advertising, 27 CFR 4 World-wide free flow of audiovisual materials, 22 CFR 61 Worsted wool fabric, 15 CFR 335 Income taxes See al Tax treaties; Taxes Abatements, credits, and refunds, 26 CFR 1 (1.6411-2--1.6425-3) Accounting methods, general, 26 CFR 1 (1.446-1--1.448-2T) Accounting periods, 26 CFR 1 (1.441-0--1.444-4) Accounting periods and methods of accounting Adjustments, 26 CFR 1 (1.481-1--1.483-4) Inventories, 26 CFR 1 (1.471-1--1.475(e)-1) Taxable year for which deductions taken, 26 CFR 1 (1.461-0--1.469-11) Taxable year for which items of gross income included, 26 CFR 1 (1.451-1--1.460-6) Additions to tax, additional amounts, and assessable penalties, 26 CFR 1 (1.6654-1--1.6709-1T) Agricultural payments for conservation and environmental protection, determining primary purpose of payments for Federal tax purposes, 7 CFR 14 Alternative minimum taxable income, 26 CFR 1 (1.55-1) Banking institutions Affiliates, 26 CFR 1 (1.601-1) General applications, 26 CFR 1 (1.581-1--1.586-2) Mutual savings banks, etc., 26 CFR 1 (1.591-1--1.597-8) Below market loans, 26 CFR 1 (1.7872-5T) Brick and tile clay, fire clay, and shale, regulations under Act of September 26, 1961, 26 CFR 1 (1.9004--1.9004-5) Capital construction funds Internal Revenue Service, 26 CFR 3 Maritime Administration, 46 CFR 390 Federal income tax aspects, 46 CFR 391 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, fishing vessels, 50 CFR 259 Capital gains and losses General rules, 26 CFR 1 (1.1221-1--1.1223-3) Special rules, 26 CFR 1 (1.1231-1--1.1297-3T) Treatment of capital gains, 26 CFR 1 (1.1201-1--1.1202-2) Treatment of capital losses, 26 CFR 1 (1.1211-1--1.1212-1) Collection of taxes, general provisions, 26 CFR 1 (1.6302-1--1.6361-1) Commerce Department, debt collection, 15 CFR 19 [[Page 488]] Computation of taxable income Additional itemized deductions for individuals, 26 CFR 1 (1.211-1-- 1.219-2) Deductions for personal exemptions, 26 CFR 1 (1.151-1--1.154) Definition of gross income, adjusted gross income, and taxable income, 26 CFR 1 (1.61-1--1.67-4T) Itemized deductions for individuals and corporations, 26 CFR 1 (1.161- 1--1.197-2) Items not deductible, 26 CFR 1 (1.261-1--1.280H-1T) Items specifically excluded from gross income, 26 CFR 1 (1.101-1-- 1.133-1T) Items specifically included in gross income, 26 CFR 1 (1.71-1--1.88-1) Special deductions for corporations, 26 CFR 1 (1.241-1--1.249-1) State and local bonds, tax exemption requirements, 26 CFR 1 (1.141-0-- 1.150-4T) Terminal railroad corporations and their shareholders, 26 CFR 1 (1.281-1--1.281-4) Conduit financing arrangements, and fast-pay stock financing arrangements recharacterization, 26 CFR 1 (1.7701(l)-0--1.7701(l)-3) Consolidated returns Administrative provisions and other rules, 26 CFR 1 (1.1502-75-- 1.1502-100) Basis, stock ownership, and earnings and profits rules, 26 CFR 1 (1.1502-30--1.1502-34) Computation of-- Consolidated items, 26 CFR 1 (1.1502-21--1.1502-27) Consolidated taxable income, 26 CFR 1 (1.1502-11) Separate taxable income, 26 CFR 1 (1.1502-12--1.1502-20) General, 26 CFR 1 (1.1502-0--1.1502-1) Regulations applicable to taxable years prior to January 1, 1997, 26 CFR 1 (1.1502-0A--1.1502-51A) Related rules-- Certain controlled corporations, 26 CFR 1 (1.1561-0--1.1564-1) Surtax exemption and accumulated earnings credit, 26 CFR 1 (1.1551- 1--1.1552-1) Returns and payment of tax, 26 CFR 1 (1.1502-0--1.1504-4) Special taxes and taxpayers, 26 CFR 1 (1.1502-41--1.1502-47) Tax liability, 26 CFR 1 (1.1502-2--1.1502-10) Cooperatives and their patrons Definitions, special rules, 26 CFR 1 (1.1388-1) Tax treatment, 26 CFR 1 (1.1381-1--1.1383-1) Tax treatment by patrons of patronage dividends, 26 CFR 1 (1.1385-1) Corporate distributions Definitions, constructive ownership of stock, 26 CFR 1 (1.316-1-- 1.318-4) Effects on corporations, 26 CFR 1 (1.312-1--1.312-15) Effects on recipients, 26 CFR 1 (1.301-1--1.307-2) Corporate liquidations Collapsible corporations and foreign personal holding companies, 26 CFR 1 (1.341-1--1.342-1) Definition, 26 CFR 1 (1.346-1--1.346-3) Effects on corporation, 26 CFR 1 (1.337(d)-1--1.338(i)-1) Effects on recipients, 26 CFR 1 (1.331-1--1.334-1) Corporate organizations and reorganizations Carryovers, 26 CFR 1 (1.381(a)-1--1.383-3) Effects on corporation, 26 CFR 1 (1.361-1--1.367(e)-2) Effects on shareholders and security holders, 26 CFR 1 (1.354-1-- 1.358-6) Insolvency reorganizations, 26 CFR 1 (1.371-1--1.374-4) Special rule, definitions, 26 CFR 1 (1.368-1--1.368-3) Transfer to corporation controlled by transferor, 26 CFR 1 (1.351-1-- 1.351-3) Corporations used to avoid income tax on shareholders [[Page 489]] Corporations improperly accumulating surplus, 26 CFR 1 (1.531-1-- 1.537-3) Deductions for dividends paid, 26 CFR 1 (1.561-1--1.565-6) Foreign personal holding companies, 26 CFR 1 (1.551-1--1.556-3) Personal holding companies, 26 CFR 1 (1.541-1--1.547-7) Credits against tax Computing credit for-- Expenses of work incentive programs, 26 CFR 1 (1.50A-1--1.50B-5) Investment in certain depreciable property, 26 CFR 1 (1.46-1--1.50- 1) Credits allowable, 26 CFR 1 (1.23-1--1.45D-1T) Mortgage credit certificates, 26 CFR 1 (1.25-1T--1.25-8T) New job credits, 26 CFR 1 (1.51-1--1.53-3) Dealer Reserve Income Adjustment Act of 1960, 26 CFR 1 (1.9002-1.9002-8) Deferred compensation Certain stock options, 26 CFR 1 (1.421-1--1.425-1) Pension, profit sharing, stock bonus plans, etc., 26 CFR 1 (1.401-0-- 1.420-1) Determination of tax liability Changes in rates during taxable year, 26 CFR 1 (1.21-1) Corporations, 26 CFR 1 (1.11-1) Individuals, 26 CFR 1 (1.1-1--1.4-4) Minimum tax for tax preferences, 26 CFR 1 (1.56-0--1.58-9T) District of Columbia, State, city and county income or employment taxes by Federal agencies; withholding, 31 CFR 215 Domestic International Sales Corporations, 26 CFR 1 (1.921-1T), 26 CFR 1 (1.991-1--1.997-1) Education tax credit, 26 CFR 1 (1.25A-0--1.25A-5) Election of certain small business corporations as to taxable status, 26 CFR 1 (1.1361-0--1.1378-3) Elections, extension of time, 26 CFR 1 (1.9100-1) Employment tax and collection of income tax at source regulations under Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1981, 26 CFR 35 Employment tax regulations, temporary, Interest and Dividend Tax Compliance Act of 1983, 26 CFR 35a Employment taxes and collection of income tax at source, 26 CFR 31 Empowerment zone employment credit, 26 CFR 1 (1.1396-1) Estates, trusts, beneficiaries, and decedents Election to treat trust as part of estate, 26 CFR 1 (1.645-1) Estates and trusts which may accumulate income or which distribute corpus, 26 CFR 1 (1.661(a)-1--1.664-4) General rules for taxation, 26 CFR 1 (1.641(a)-0--1.643(d)-2) Grantors and others treated as substantial owners, 26 CFR 1 (1.671-1-- 1.679-7) Income in respect of decedents, 26 CFR 1 (1.691(a)-1--1.692-1) Miscellaneous, 26 CFR 1 (1.681(a)-1)--1.684-5) Trusts, treatment of excess distributions, 26 CFR 1 (1.665(a)-0A-- 1.669(b)-2) Trusts which distribute current income only, 26 CFR 1 (1.651(a)-1-- 1.652(c)-4) Exempt organizations Farmers cooperatives, 26 CFR 1 (1.521-1--1.522-4) General, 26 CFR 1 (1.501(a)-1--1.505(c)-1T) Homeowners associations, 26 CFR 1 (1.528-1--1.528-10) Political organizations, 26 CFR 1 (1.527-1--1.527-9) Private foundations, 26 CFR 1 (1.507-1--1.509(e)-1) Taxation of business income, 26 CFR 1 (1.511-1--1.514(g)-1) Federal claims collection; income tax refund offset Agency for International Development, 22 CFR 213 Agriculture Department, 7 CFR 3 Commodity Credit Corporation, 7 CFR 1403 Rural Development, 7 CFR 1951 Education Department, 34 CFR 30 Environmental Protection Agency, 40 CFR 13 [[Page 490]] Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 29 CFR 1650 Farm Service Agency, 7 CFR 792 Federal Communications Commission, 47 CFR 1 Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, 7 CFR 400 Federal Emergency Management Agency, 44 CFR 11 Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board, 5 CFR 1639 Fiscal Service, 31 CFR 285 General Services Administration, 41 CFR 105-57 Health and Human Services Department, 45 CFR 30, 45 CFR 31 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 17 Internal Revenue Service, 26 CFR 301 Justice Department, 28 CFR 11 Labor Department, 29 CFR 20 National Corporation for National and Community Service, 45 CFR 2506 National Indian Gaming Commission, debt collection, 25 CFR 513 National Labor Relations Board, 29 CFR 102 National Science Foundation, 45 CFR 608 Peace Corps, 22 CFR 309 Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, 29 CFR 4903 Personnel Management Office, 5 CFR 835 Railroad Retirement Board, 20 CFR 366 Securities and Exchange Commission, 17 CFR 204 Small Business Administration debt collection, 13 CFR 140 Surface Transportation Board, 49 CFR 1018 Transportation Department, 49 CFR 89 Treasury Department, 31 CFR 5 Federal old-age, survivors, and disability insurance (1950-- ), international agreements (1950-- ), 20 CFR 404 Federal Travel Regulation Glossary of terms, 41 CFR 300-3 Permanent change of station allowances, subsistence and transportation, 41 CFR 302-4 Relocation allowances-- By specific type, 41 CFR 302-3 Employees eligibility requirements, 41 CFR 302-2 General rules, 41 CFR 302-1 Residence transaction allowances-- Property management services, 41 CFR 302-15 Relocation services company, use, 41 CFR 302-12 Taxes on relocation expenses, 41 CFR 302-17 Foreign corporations, 26 CFR 1 (1.881-0--1.884-5) Gain or loss on disposition of property Basis rules of general application, 26 CFR 1 (1.1011-1--1.1021-1) Changes to effectuate Federal Communications Commission policy, 26 CFR 1 (1.1071-1--1.1071-4) Common nontaxable exchanges, 26 CFR 1 (1.1031-0--1.1044(a)-1) Determination of amount of and recognition of gain or loss, 26 CFR 1 (1.1001-1--1.1002-1) Exchanges in obedience to Securities and Exchange Commission orders, 26 CFR 1 (1.1081-1--1.1083-1) Special rules, 26 CFR 1 (1.1051-1--1.1060-1T) Wash sales of stock or securities, 26 CFR 1 (1.1091-1--1.1092(d)-2) Government contracts, recovery of excessive profits, 26 CFR 1 (1.1471-1) Historic preservation certifications under the Internal Revenue Code, 36 CFR 67 Income averaging, 26 CFR 1 (1.1301-1) Income from sources inside or outside U.S., determination of sources of income, 26 CFR 1 (1.861-1--1.865-2) Income from sources outside U.S. China Trade Act corporations, 26 CFR 1 (1.941-1--1.943-1) Controlled foreign corporations, 26 CFR 1 (1.951-1--1.964-5) Earned income of citizens or residents of U.S., 26 CFR 1 (1.911-1-- 1.912-2) Export Trade Corporations, 26 CFR 1 (1.970-1--1.972-1) Foreign currency transactions, 26 CFR 1 (1.985-0--1.989(c)-1T) Foreign law community income, 26 CFR 1 (1.981-0--1.981-3) Foreign Sales Corporations, 26 CFR 1 (1.921-1T--1.927(f)-1) Foreign tax credit, 26 CFR 1 (1.901-1--1.907(f)-1A) [[Page 491]] Possessions of U.S., 26 CFR 1 (1.931-1--1.936-11) Individuals' Title 11 cases, 26 CFR 1 (1.1398-1--1.1400L(b)-1T) Insurance companies Capitalization of certain policy acquisition expenses, 26 CFR 1 (1.848-0--1.848-3) Discounted unpaid losses, 26 CFR 1 (1.846-0--1.846-4) Other than life or mutual, 26 CFR 1 (1.831-1--1.832-7T) Insurance contracts, qualified long-term care; consumer protection, 26 CFR 1 (1.7702B-1--1.7702B-2) Internal Revenue Code of 1954 and regulations, 26 CFR 1 (1.0-1) Internal Revenue Service, procedure and administration, 26 CFR 301 Jeopardy, bankruptcy, and receiverships, 26 CFR 1 (1.6851-1--1.6851-3) Life insurance companies Definition, tax imposed, 26 CFR 1 (1.801-1--1.803-7) Distributions to shareholders, 26 CFR 1 (1.815-1--1.815-6) Gain and loss from operations, 26 CFR 1 (1.809-1--1.812-9) Investment income, 26 CFR 1 (1.804-1--1.807-2) Miscellaneous provisions, 26 CFR 1 (1.817-1--1.820-3) Low-income housing tax credit, 26 CFR 1 (1.42-0--1.42-16) Marital status determination, 26 CFR 1 (1.7703-1) Maritime construction reserve fund, 26 CFR 2 Establishment of construction reserve funds, 46 CFR 287 Motor carrier operating authority deduction, 26 CFR 1 (1.9200-1--1.9200- 2) Mutual insurance companies, 26 CFR 1 (1.821-1--1.826-7) Natural resources Continental shelf areas, 26 CFR 1 (1.638-1--1.638-2) Depletion deductions and exploration expenditures, 26 CFR 1 (1.611-0-- 1.617-4) Mineral production payments, 26 CFR 1 (1.636-1--1.636-4) Payments to encourage exploration and development for defense purposes, exclusions from gross income, 26 CFR 1 (1.621-1) Sales and exchanges, 26 CFR 1 (1.631-1--1.632-1) Nonresident aliens, 26 CFR 1 (1.871-1--1.879-1) Nonresident aliens and foreign corporations, withholding of tax on, 26 CFR 1 (1.1441-0--1.1445-11T) Nonresident aliens and foreign corporations, miscellaneous provisions, 26 CFR 1 (1.891--1.897-9T) Partners and partnerships Certain publicly traded partnerships treated as corporations, transition provisions, 26 CFR 1 (1.7704-1--1.7704-2) Contributions, distributions, and transfers, common provisions, 26 CFR 1 (1.751-1--1.755-1) Contributions to partnership, 26 CFR 1 (1.721-1--1.723-1) Definitions, 26 CFR 1 (1.761-1--1.761-2) Determination of tax liability, 26 CFR 1 (1.701-1--1.709-2) Distributions by partnership, 26 CFR 1 (1.731-1--1.737-5) Effective dates, 26 CFR 1 (1.771-1) Transfers of interests in partnership, 26 CFR 1 (1.741-1--1.743-1) Paying tax Extension of time for payments, 26 CFR 1 (1.6161-1--1.6165-1) Place and due date for payment, 26 CFR 1 (1.6151-1--1.6154-5) Payments, required payments for entities electing not to have required taxable year, 26 CFR 1 (1.7519-0T--1.7519-3T) Prepaid income and reserves for estimated expenses, effect of repeal of provisions, 26 CFR 1 (1.9000-1--1.9000-8) Procedure and administration, 26 CFR 301 Public Debt and Tax Rate Extension Act of 1960, 26 CFR 1 (1.9003-1.9003- 5) Qualified zone academy bonds, 1 (1.1397E-1) Quartzite and clay used in production of refractory products, election for prior taxable years, 26 CFR 1 (1.9005--1.9005-5) [[Page 492]] Real estate investment trusts, 26 CFR 1 (1.856-0--1.860-5) Real estate mortgage investment conduit (REMIC), 26 CFR 1 (1.860A-0-- 1.860G-3) Regulated investment companies, 26 CFR 1 (1.851-1--1.855-1) Deductions for deficiency dividends, 26 CFR 1 (1.860-1--1.860-5) Renewable energy production incentives, 10 CFR 451 Retirement, electronic processing, 5 CFR 850 Retirement-Straight Line Adjustment Act of 1958, 26 CFR 1 (1.9001-- 1.9001-4) Returns and records Information returns, 26 CFR 1 (1.6031(a)-1--1.6060-1) Miscellaneous provisions, 26 CFR 1 (1.6102-1--1.6115-1) Place for filing, 26 CFR 1 (1.6091-1--1.6091-4) Records, statements, and special returns, 26 CFR 1 (1.6001-1--1.6001- 2) Signing and verifying, 26 CFR 1 (1.6061-1--1.6065-1) Submitting information on magnetic tape, 26 CFR 1 (1.9101-1) Tax returns or statements, 26 CFR 1 (1.6011-1--1.6017-1) Time for filing, 26 CFR 1 (1.6071-1--1.6074-3) Time for filing returns, extension, 26 CFR 1 (1.6081-1--1.6081-9T) Self-employment income, 26 CFR 1 (1.1401-1--1.1403-1) State income, withholding of taxes Civil Service Retirement System, 5 CFR 831 Federal Employees Retirement System, general administration, 5 CFR 841 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, certification of eligible households, 7 CFR 273 Tax Court, declaratory judgments relating to qualification of certain retirement plans, 26 CFR 1 (1.7476-1--1.7476-3) Tax readjustment between years and special limitations Claim of right, 26 CFR 1 (1.1341-1--1.1342-1) Involuntary liquidation and replacement of life inventories, 26 CFR 1 (1.1321-1--1.1321-2) Mitigation of effect of limitations and other provisions, 26 CFR 1 (1.1311(a)-1--1.1314(c)-1) Other limitations, 26 CFR 1 (1.1346-1--1.1348-3) War loss recoveries, 26 CFR 1 (1.1331-1--1.1337-1) Tax Reform Act of 1969, 26 CFR 1 (1.9006--1.9006-1) Tax-exempt enterprise zone facility bonds, 26 CFR 1 (1.1394-0--1.1394-1) Tax-free covenant bonds, withholder, 26 CFR 1 (1.1451-1--1.1451-2) Withholding provisions, application, 26 CFR 1 (1.1461-1--1.1464-1) Temporary income tax regulations Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981, 26 CFR 5c Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, 26 CFR 11 Exploration expenditures in case of mining, 26 CFR 15 Installment Sales Revision Act, 26 CFR 15a Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1980, Title II, 26 CFR 6a Partial exclusion for certain conservation cost sharing payments, 26 CFR 16a Revenue Act of 1962, 26 CFR 16 Revenue Act of 1964, 26 CFR 19 Revenue Act of 1971, 26 CFR 12 Revenue Act of 1978, 26 CFR 5 Section 954 of Internal Revenue Code, 26 CFR 4 Subchapter S Revision Act of 1982, 26 CFR 18 Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982, 26 CFR 5f Tax Reduction Act of 1975, 26 CFR 9 Tax Reform Act of 1969, 26 CFR 13 Tax Reform Act of 1976, 26 CFR 7 Travel expenses, members of Congress, 26 CFR 5e Under section 3 of Act of October 26, 1974 (Pub. L. 93-483), 26 CFR 8 Transfers to avoid income tax, 26 CFR 1 (1.1491-1--1.1494-2) User fees, 26 CFR 300 Valuation tables, 26 CFR 1 (1.7520-1--1.7520-4) [[Page 493]] Water or air pollution control facilities, certification for deductions, 40 CFR 20 Incorporation by reference Agency for International Development, nondiscrimination on basis of handicap in programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance, 22 CFR 217 Agricultural Marketing Service Standards, inspections, marketing practices-- Cotton classing, testing, and standards, 7 CFR 28 Federal Seed Act regulations, 7 CFR 201 Fresh fruits, vegetables and other products (inspection, certification, and standards), 7 CFR 51 Grease mohair and mohair top samples, 7 CFR 32 Wool and wool top samples, purchase, 7 CFR 31 Agriculture Department, highly erodible land and wetland conservation, 7 CFR 12 Air pollution control Aircraft engines, 40 CFR 1031 State operating permit programs, 40 CFR 70 Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau Denatured alcohol and rum, formulas, 27 CFR 21 Distilled spirits, gauging manual, 27 CFR 30 Firearms and ammunition, commerce in, 27 CFR 478 Wine, treatment and classification, 27 CFR 24 Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, 7 CFR 300 Export certification, 7 CFR 353 Foreign quarantine notices, 7 CFR 319 Interstate transportation of animals (including poultry) and animal products-- Bovine Babesiosis, 9 CFR 72 Brucellosis, 9 CFR 78 Newcastle disease and chlamydiosis, 9 CFR 82 Tuberculosis, 9 CFR 77 Viruses, serums, toxins, and analogous products, organisms and vectors, standard requirements, 9 CFR 113 Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board Accessibility guidelines, 36 CFR 1191 Information and communication technology standards and guidelines, 36 CFR 1194 Aviation maintenance technician schools, 14 CFR 147 Automotive fuel ratings, certification and posting, 16 CFR 306 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Elderly, all-inclusive care programs, 42 CFR 460 End-stage renal disease facilities, coverage conditions, 42 CFR 494 Hospitals, conditions of participation, 42 CFR 482 Medicare-- Ambulatory surgical services, 42 CFR 416 Federal health insurance for the aged and disabled, 42 CFR 405 Hospice care, 42 CFR 418 Voluntary Medicare prescription drug benefit, 42 CFR 423 Long term care facilities, State Medicare and Medicaid requirements, 42 CFR 483 Nursing facilities and intermediate care facilities for individuals with disabilities, standards for payment, 42 CFR 442 Special programs and projects, 42 CFR 403 Specialized providers, conditions of participation, 42 CFR 485 Checks and other items, collection by Federal Reserve banks, and funds transfers through Fedwire (Regulation J), 12 CFR 210 Coast Guard Barges carrying bulk liquid hazardous material cargoes, 46 CFR 151 Boating safety-- Boats and associated equipment, 33 CFR 183 Manufacturer requirements, 33 CFR 181 Bridges, lighting and other signals, 33 CFR 118 Bulk cargoes, special rules pertaining to, 46 CFR 172 Cargo and miscellaneous vessels-- [[Page 494]] Commercial fishing vessels dispensing petroleum products, 46 CFR 105 Construction and arrangement, 46 CFR 92 Fire protection equipment, 46 CFR 95 General provisions, 46 CFR 90 Inspection and certification, 46 CFR 91 Operations, 46 CFR 97 Special construction, arrangement, and other provisions for certain dangerous cargoes in bulk, 46 CFR 98 Stability, 46 CFR 93 Vessel control and miscellaneous systems and equipment, 46 CFR 96 Construction, 46 CFR 163 Deepwater ports-- Design, 33 CFR 149 Operations, 33 CFR 150 Electrical engineering-- Communication and alarm systems and equipment, 46 CFR 113 Electric systems, general requirements, 46 CFR 111 Emergency lighting and power systems, 46 CFR 112 General provisions, 46 CFR 110 Electrical equipment, 46 CFR 161 Engineering equipment, 46 CFR 162 Hazardous ships' stores, 46 CFR 147 Inland navigation-- Navigation rules, 33 CFR 83 Positioning and technical details of lights and shapes, 33 CFR 84 Inspected vessels, stability requirements, 46 CFR 170 Lifesaving equipment, 46 CFR 160 Lifesaving systems for certain inspected vessels, 46 CFR 199 Marine engineering-- Automatic auxiliary boilers, 46 CFR 63 Boilers, pressure vessels and appurtenances, repairs to, 46 CFR 59 Heating boilers, 46 CFR 53 Main and auxiliary machinery and related systems, 46 CFR 58 Marine portable tanks and cargo handling systems, 46 CFR 64 Periodic tests and inspections, 46 CFR 61 Piping systems and appurtenances, 46 CFR 56 Power boilers, 46 CFR 52 Pressure vessels, 46 CFR 54 Vital system automation, 46 CFR 62 Welding and brazing, 46 CFR 57 Marine occupational safety and health standards, general provisions, 46 CFR 197 Maritime security-- General, 33 CFR 101 Vessels, 33 CFR 104 Materials, 46 CFR 164 Merchant marine officers and seamen-- Manning requirements, 46 CFR 15 Merchant mariner credential, 46 CFR 10 Rating endorsements requirements, 46 CFR 12 Mobile offshore drilling units-- Design and equipment, 46 CFR 108 Inspection and certification, 46 CFR 107 Operations, 46 CFR 109 Navigation aids on artificial islands and fixed structures, 33 CFR 67 Oceanographic research vessels-- Construction and arrangement, 46 CFR 190 Fire protection equipment, 46 CFR 193 General provisions, 46 CFR 188 Inspection and certification, 46 CFR 189 Vessel control and miscellaneous systems and equipment, 46 CFR 195 Offshore supply vessels-- Construction and arrangements, 46 CFR 127 Electrical installations, 46 CFR 129 General, 46 CFR 125 Inspection and certification, 46 CFR 126 Lifesaving systems, 46 CFR 133 Marine engineering, equipment and systems, 46 CFR 128 Operations, 46 CFR 131 Onshore oil and gas production, 43 CFR 3170 Outer Continental Shelf activities-- Design and equipment, 33 CFR 140 General, 33 CFR 140 Operations, 33 CFR 146 Workplace safety and health, 33 CFR 142 Passenger vessels-- [[Page 495]] Construction and arrangement, 46 CFR 72 Disclosure of safety standards and country of registry, 46 CFR 80 Fire protection equipment, 46 CFR 76 General provisions, 46 CFR 70 Inspection and certification, 46 CFR 71 Operations, 46 CFR 78 Vessel control and miscellaneous systems and equipment, 46 CFR 77 Pollution-- Marine facilities transferring oil or hazardous material in bulk, 33 CFR 154 Marine sanitation devises, 33 CFR 159 Oil or hazardous material pollution prevention regulations for vessels, 33 CFR 155 Tank vessels carrying oil in bulk, rules for protection of the marine environment relating to, 33 CFR 157 Ports and waterways safety-- Mandatory ship report systems, 33 CFR 169 Navigation safety regulations, 33 CFR 164 Vessel traffic management, 33 CFR 161 Public nautical school ships, 46 CFR 167 Sailing school vessels, 46 CFR 169 Self-propelled vessels carrying bulk liquefied gases, safety standards, 46 CFR 154 Ships carrying bulk liquid, liquefied gas, or compressed gas hazardous materials, 46 CFR 153 Small passenger vessels carrying more than 150 passengers or with overnight accommodations for more than 49 passengers-- Construction and arrangement, 46 CFR 116 Fire protection equipment, 46 CFR 118 General provisions, 46 CFR 114 Inspection and certification, 46 CFR 115 Machinery installation, 46 CFR 120 Operations, 46 CFR 122 Vessel control and miscellaneous systems and equipment, 46 CFR 121 Small passenger vessels (under 100 gross tons)-- Construction and arrangement, 46 CFR 177 Electrical installation, 46 CFR 183 Fire protection equipment, 46 CFR 181 General provisions, 46 CFR 175 Inspection and certification, 46 CFR 176 Machinery installation, 46 CFR 182 Operations, 46 CFR 185 Subdivision, damage stability, and watertight integrity, 46 CFR 179 Vessel control and miscellaneous systems and equipment, 46 CFR 184 Tank vessels-- Firefighting equipment, 46 CFR 34 General provisions, 46 CFR 30 Inspection and certification, 46 CFR 31 Liquefied flammable gases, 46 CFR 38 Operations, 46 CFR 35 Special equipment, machinery, and hull requirements, 46 CFR 32 Vapor control systems, 46 CFR 39 Towing vessels-- Certification, 46 CFR 136 Construction and arrangement, 46 CFR 144 Fire protection, 46 CFR 142 Lifesaving, 46 CFR 141 Machinery and electrical systems and equipment, 46 CFRF 143 Operations, 46 CFR 140 Third-party organizations, 46 CFR 139 Towing Safety Management System (TSMS), 46 CFR 138 Uninspected vessels-- Commercial fishing industry vessels, requirements, 46 CFR 28 Requirements, 46 CFR 25 Towing vessels, 46 CFR 27 Vessels-- Documentation, 46 CFR 67 Inspection alternatives, 46 CFR 8 Specific types, special rules pertaining to, 46 CFR 174 Vessels and safety management systems, rules for safe operation, 33 CFR 96 Vessels carrying passengers, special rules pertaining, 46 CFR 171 Waterfront facilities-- Handling liquefied natural gas and liquefied hazardous gas, 33 CFR 127 [[Page 496]] Handling of dangerous cargo, 33 CFR 126 Commodity Credit Corporation, cotton loan and loan deficiency payments, 7 CFR 1427 Consumer Product Safety Commission Button cell or coin batteries and consumer products containing such batteries, safety standards, 16 CFR 1263 Children's Gasoline Burn Prevention Act regulations, 16 CFR 1460 Consumer Product Safety Act regulations; safety standards-- Adult portable bed rails, 16 CFR 1270 Architectural glazing materials, 16 CFR 1201 Automatic residential garage door operators, 16 CFR 1211 Baby changing products, 16 CFR 1235 Baby cribs, non-full-size, 16 CFR 1220 Bassinets and cradles, 16 CFR 1218 Bedside sleepers, 16 CFR 1222 Bicycle helmets, 16 CFR 1203 Booster seats, 16 CFR 1237 Carriages and strollers, 16 CFR 1227 CB base station antennas, TV antennas, and supporting structures, 16 CFR 1402 Children's folding chairs and children's folding stools, 16 CFR 1232 Clothing storage units, 16 CFR 1261 Crib mattresses, 16 CFR 1241 Custom window coverings operating cords, 16 CFR 1260 Frame child carriers, 16 CFR 1230 Gates and enclosures, 16 CFR 1239 Hand-held infant carriers, 16 CFR 1225 High chairs, 16 CFR 1231 Infant bath seats, 16 CFR 1215 Infant bath tubs, 16 CFR 1234 Infant bouncer seats, 16 CFR 1229 Infant swings, 16 CFR 1223 Infant walkers, 16 CFR 1216 Magnets, 16 CFR 1262 Play yards, 16 CFR 1221 Portable bed rails, 16 CFR 1224 Portable hook-on chairs, 16 CFR 1233 Sling carriers, 16 CFR 1228 Soft infant and toddler carriers, 16 CFR 1226 Toddler beds, 16 CFR 1217 Toys, safety standard mandating ASTM f963, 16 CFR 1250 Consumer Product Safety Act, requirements pertaining to third-party conformity assessment bodies, 16 CFR 1112 Federal Hazardous Substances Act regulations-- Carpets and rugs (FF 1-70), surface, 16 CFR 1630 Children's sleepwear, sizes 0 through 6X (FF 3-71), 16 CFR 1615 Children's sleepwear, sizes 7 through 14 (FF 5-74), 16 CFR 1616 Electrically operated toys or other electrically operated articles intended for use by children, requirements, 16 CFR 1505 Flammable Fabrics Act regulations, flammability standards-- Mattresses and Mattress Pads (FF4-72, amended), 16 CFR 1632 Small carpets and rugs (FF 2-70), surface, 16 CFR 1631 Upholstered furniture, 16 CFR 1640 Firearms (toy, look-alike, and imitation), marking, 16 CFR 1272 Substantial product hazard list, 16 CFR 1120 Testing and labeling pertaining to product certification, 16 CFR 1107 Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act, 16 CFR 1450 Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia, sex offender registration, 28 CFR 811 Drug Enforcement Administration, electronic orders and prescriptions, requirements, 21 CFR 1311 Education Department Direct grant programs, 34 CFR 75 National Reporting System for adult education, measuring educational gain, 34 CFR 462 Student assistance, general provisions, 34 CFR 668 Energy Department Consumer products and commercial and industrial equipment-- Certification, compliance, and enforcement, 10 CFR 429 Energy conservation program, 10 CFR 430 Energy efficiency program, 10 CFR 431 Energy conservation-- [[Page 497]] Energy Code for new Federal commercial and multi-family high rise residential buildings, 10 CFR 434 Energy efficiency standards for new federal commercial and multi- family high-rise residential buildings, 10 CFR 433 Energy efficiency standards for new federal low-rise residential buildings, 10 CFR 435 Manufactured homes, standards, 10 CFR 460 State Energy Program, 10 CFR 420 Weatherization assistance for low-income persons, 10 CFR 440 Worker safety and health program, 10 CFR 851 Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program; general guidelines, 10 CFR 300 Engineers Corps, engineering and design, 33 CFR 222 Environmental Protection Agency Air pollution controls-- Air quality planning purposes, designated areas, 40 CFR 81 Aircraft and aircraft engines, 40 CFR 87 Engine-testing procedures, 40 CFR 1065 Fuels, fuel additives, and regulated blendstocks; regulation, 40 CFR 1090 Greenhouse gas emissions from engines installed on airplanes, 40 CFR 1030 Locomotives, emissions control, 40 CFR 1033 Locomotives and locomotive engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 92 Marine engines and vessels subject to the MARPOL protocol, emissions control, 40 CFR 1043 Mobile sources, 40 CFR 85 New and in-use heavy-duty highway engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 1036 New and in-use heavy-duty motor vehicles, emissions control, 40 CFR 1037 New and in-use marine compression-ignition engines and vessels, emissions control, 40 CFR 1042 New and in-use nonroad and stationary equipment, emissions control, 40 CFR 1060 New and in-use nonroad compression-ignition engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 1039 New large nonroad spark-ignition engines, controls of emissions from, 40 CFR 1048 Preparation, adoption, and submittal requirements, 40 CFR 51 Recreational engines and vehicles, emissions control, 40 CFR 1051 State plans for designated facilities and pollutants, approval and promulgation, 40 CFR 62 Vehicle-testing procedures, 40 CFR 1066 Air programs-- Acid Rain nitrogen oxides emission reduction program, 40 CFR 76 Chemical accident prevention provisions, 40 CFR 68 Clean-fuel vehicles, 40 CFR 88 Compliance assurance monitoring, 40 CFR 64 Consolidated federal air rule, 40 CFR 65 Emission monitoring, continuous, 40 CFR 75 Fuels and fuel additives, registration, 40 CFR 79, 40 CFR 80 Implementation plans, approval and promulgation, 40 CFR 52 Implementation plans, preparation, adoption, and submittal requirements, 40 CFR 51 Marine compression-ignition engines, emissions control from, 40 CFR 94 Marine spark-ignition engines, emissions control from, 40 CFR 91 National emission standards, hazardous air pollutants, 40 CFR 61 National emission standards, hazardous air pollutants for source categories, 40 CFR 63 National Volatile Organic Compound Emission standards for consumer and commercial products, 40 CFR 59 [[Page 498]] New and in-use highway vehicles and engines, emissions control from, 40 CFR 86 New and in-use nonroad compression-ignition engines, emissions control from, 40 CFR 89 New stationary sources, standards of performance, 40 CFR 60 Nonroad spark-ignition engines at or below 19 kilowatts, emissions control from, 40 CFR 90 Outer Continental Shelf air regulations, 40 CFR 55 Permits regulation, 40 CFR 72 State operating permit programs, 40 CFR 70 State or Federal implementation plans, determining conformity, 40 CFR 92 Stratospheric ozone protection, 40 CFR 82 Effluent guidelines and standards-- Meat and poultry products point source category, 40 CFR 432 Oil and gas extraction point source category, 40 CFR 435 Ore mining and dressing point source category, 40 CFR 440 Pulp, paper, and paperboard point source categories, 40 CFR 430 Textile mills point source category, 40 CFR 410 Waste combustors point source category, 40 CFR 444 Fuel economy and greenhouse gas exhaust emissions of motor vehicles, 40 CFR 600 Indian country, air quality planning and management, 40 CFR 49 Ocean dumping-- Degradable plastic ring carriers, 40 CFR 238 State program regulations, 40 CFR 233 Pesticide chemical residues in food, tolerances and exemptions, 40 CFR 180 Radiation protection, criteria for the certification and recertification of the waste isolation pilot plant's compliance with the 40 CFR Part 191 disposal regulations, 40 CFR 194 Sewage sludge, standards for the use or disposal, 40 CFR 503 Solid wastes-- Granular mine tailings (CHAT) in asphalt concrete and Portland cement concrete in transportation construction projects funded in whole or in part by Federal funds, criteria, 40 CFR 278 Hazardous waste, identification and listing, 40 CFR 261 Hazardous waste, standards applicable to generators, 40 CFR 262 Hazardous waste facilities operating under a standardized permit, standards for owners and operators, 40 CFR 267 Hazardous waste management system, 40 CFR 260 Hazardous waste permit program, 40 CFR 270 Hazardous waste treatment --Storage, and disposal facilities, interim status standards for owners and operators, 40 CFR 265 --Storage, and disposal facilities, standards for owners and operators, 40 CFR 264 Land disposal restrictions, 40 CFR 268 Municipal solid waste landfills, criteria, 40 CFR 258 Residential, commercial, and institutional solid wastes, guidelines for the storage and collection, 40 CFR 243 Specific hazardous waste and specific types of hazardous waste management facilities, standards for the management, 40 CFR 266 State hazardous waste management program, approved, 40 CFR 272 State hazardous waste program, authorization requirements, 40 CFR 271 Underground storage tank programs, approval, 40 CFR 282 Underground storage tank programs, approved, 40 CFR 282 Superfund, emergency planning, and community right-to-know programs-- Emergency response to hazardous substance releases, reimbursement to local governments, 40 CFR 310 [[Page 499]] National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan, 40 CFR 300 Toxic Substances Control Act-- Asbestos, 40 CFR 763 Chemical fate testing guidelines, 40 CFR 796 Identification of specific chemical substance and mixture testing requirements, 40 CFR 799 Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBS) manufacturing, processing, distribution in commerce, and use prohibitions, 40 CFR 761 Provisional test guidelines, 40 CFR 795 Water programs-- National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, EPA-administered permit programs, 40 CFR 122 National primary drinking water regulations, 40 CFR 141 Other Safe Drinking Water Act regulations, 40 CFR 143 Pollutants, guidelines establishing test procedures for analysis of, 40 CFR 136 State, tribal, and EPA-administered underground injection control programs, 40 CFR 147 Federal Aviation Administration Air carriers and operators for compensation or hire, certification and operations-- Commuter and on demand operations and rules governing persons on board such aircraft, 14 CFR 135 Domestic, flag, and supplemental operations, operating procedures, 14 CFR 121 Air traffic and general operating rules-- General operating and flight rules, 14 CFR 91 Standard instrument procedures, 14 CFR 97 Airports-- Aid program, 14 CFR 152 Noise compatibility planning, 14 CFR 150 Airworthiness directives, 14 CFR 39 Class A, B, C, D, and E airspace area designations; air traffic service routes; and reporting points, 14 CFR 71 Non-federal navigation facilities, 14 CFR 171 Transport category airplanes, airworthiness standards, 14 CFR 29 Unmanned aircraft, remote identification, 14 CFR 89 Federal Communications Commission Common carrier services-- Commercial mobile services, 47 CFR 20 Numbering, 47 CFR 52 Public mobile services, 47 CFR 22 Real-time text, 47 CFR 67 Satellite communications, 47 CFR 25 Terminal equipment connection to telephone network, 47 CFR 68 Construction, marketing, and lighting of antenna structures, 47 CFR 17 Emergency alert system, 47 CFR 11 Frequency allocations and radio treaty matters, general rules and regulations, 47 CFR 2 Miscellaneous rules, 47 CFR 64 Multichannel video and cable television service, 47 CFR 76 Personal radio services, 47 CFR 95 Radio broadcast services, 47 CFR 73 Radio frequency devices, 47 CFR 15 Safety and special radio services-- Aviation services, 47 CFR 87 Maritime services, stations in the, 47 CFR 80 Personal radio services, 47 CFR 97 Private land mobile radio services, 47 CFR 90 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Federal Power Act, rate schedules and tariffs, filing, 17 CFR 35 Natural gas, certain sales and transportation under the Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978 and related authorities, 17 CFR 284 Public utility business operations and communications, standards, 18 CFR 38 Federal Highway Administration Engineering and traffic operations-- Bridges, structures, and hydraulics, 23 CFR 650 Highways, design standards, 23 CFR 625 Preconstruction procedures, 23 CFR 630 Traffic operations, 23 CFR 655 [[Page 500]] Utilities, 23 CFR 645 Highway traffic noise and construction noise, procedures for abatement, 23 CFR 772 National performance management measures, 23 CFR 490 Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Commercial driver's license program, State compliance, 49 CFR 384 Parts and accessories necessary for safe operation, 49 CFR 393 Safety fitness procedures, 49 CFR 385 Federal radio frequency management, manual of regulations and procedures, 47 CFR 300 Federal Railroad Administration Brake system safety standards for freight and other non-passenger trains and equipment; end of train devices, 49 CFR 232 Locomotives, passenger cars, and cabooses; safety glazing standards, 49 CFR 223 Occupational noise exposure, 49 CFR 227 Passenger equipment safety standards, 238 Rail freight rolling stocks, reflection, 49 CFR 224 Railroad locomotive safety standards, 49 CFR 229 Railroad workplace safety, 49 CFR 214 Rear end marking device; passenger, commuter, and freight trains, 49 CFR 221 Signal and train control systems, devices, and appliances; rules, standards, and instructions governing the installation, inspection, maintenance, and repair, 49 CFR 236 Signal system or relief from the requirements of part 236; instructions governing applications for approval of a discontinuance or material modification, 49 CFR 235 Texas Central Railroad high-speed rail safety standards, 49 CFR 299 Federal Trade Commission Alternative fuels and alternative fueled vehicles, labeling requirements, 16 CFR 309 Energy and water use labeling for consumer products under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act, 16 CFR 305 Fair Packaging and Labeling Act-- Section 4 regulations, 16 CFR 500 Section 5(c) regulations, 16 CFR 502 Home insulation, labeling and advertising, 16 CFR 460 Recycled oil, test procedures and labeling standards, 16 CFR 311 Textile Fiber Products Identification Act, rules and regulations, 16 CFR 303 Fiscal Service Automated Clearing House, Federal Government participation, 31 CFR 210 Book-entry securities of the Student Loan Marketing Association (SALLIE MAE), governing regulations, 31 CFR 354 Book-entry Treasury bonds, notes and bills held in Treasury/Reserve Automated Debt Entry System (TRADES) and legacy Treasury Direct, 31 CFR 357 Fish and Wildlife Service Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), 50 CFR 23 Wildlife; importation, exportation and transportation, 50 CFR 14 Food and Drug Administration Animal drugs, feeds, and related products-- Food additives permitted in feed and drinking water of animals, 21 CFR 573 General provisions, 21 CFR 500 Animal drugs, new-- Animal feeds, use in, 21 CFR 558 Implantation or injectable dosage form, 21 CFR 522 Ophthalmic and topical dosage form, 21 CFR 524 Oral dosage form, 21 CFR 520 Tolerances for residues in food, 21 CFR 556 Biological products, general standards, 21 CFR 610 Cigarette package and advertising, required warnings, 21 CFR 1141 Color additives exempt from certification, listing, 21 CFR 73 Cosmetics-- General, 21 CFR 700 Labeling, 21 CFR 701 [[Page 501]] Product ingredient composition statements, voluntary filing of, 21 CFR 720 Drugs for human use-- Antacid products for over-the-counter (OTC) human use, 21 CFR 331 Finished pharmaceuticals, current good manufacturing practice, 21 CFR 211 Food for human consumption-- Acidified foods, 21 CFR 114 Bakery products, 21 CFR 136 Beverages, 21 CFR 165 Cacao products, 21 CFR 163 Canned fruit juices, 21 CFR 146 Canned fruits, 21 CFR 145 Canned vegetables, 21 CFR 155 Cereal flours and related products, 21 CFR 137 Direct food substances affirmed as generally recognized as safe (GRAS), 21 CFR 184 Drugs, official names and established names, 21 CFR 299 Eggs and egg products, 21 CFR 160 Fish and shellfish, 21 CFR 161 Food additives, 21 CFR 170 Food additives permitted for direct addition, 21 CFR 172 Food additives permitted in food or in contact with food on an interim basis pending additional study, 21 CFR 180 Food labeling, 21 CFR 101 Food standards, general, 21 CFR 130 Foods for special dietary use, 21 CFR 105 Frozen desserts, 21 CFR 135 Fruit butters, jellies, preserves, and related products, 21 CFR 150 Infant formula requirements pertaining to current good manufacturing practice, quality control procedures, quality factors, records and reports, and notifications, 21 CFR 106 Irradiation in the production, processing and handling of food, 21 CFR 179 Macaroni and noodle products, 21 CFR 139 Margarine, 21 CFR 166 Milk and cream, 21 CFR 131 Nonstandardized foods, common or unusual name, 21 CFR 102 Produce; growing, harvesting, packing, and holding standards, 21 CFR 112 Secondary direct food additives, permitted, 21 CFR 173 Substances prohibited from use in human food, 21 CFR 189 Sweeteners and table sirups, 21 CFR 168 Tree nut and peanut products, 21 CFR 164 Unavoidable contaminants in food for human consumption and food packaging material, 21 CFR 109 Vegetable juices, 21 CFR 156 General administrative rulings and decisions, 21 CFR 2 General enforcement regulations, 21 CFR 1 Indirect food additives-- Adhesives and components of coatings, 21 CFR 175 Adjuvants, production aids, and sanitizers, 21 CFR 178 Paper and paperboard components, 21 CFR 176 Polymers, 21 CFR 177 Light-emitting products, performance standards, 21 CFR 1040 Mammography, 21 CFR 900 Medical devices-- Labeling, 21 CFR 801 Unique identification, 21 CFR 830 Pharmaceutical good manufacturing practice reports, medical device quality system audit reports, and certain medical device product evaluation reports; mutual recognition by United States and the European Community, 21 CFR 26 Food Safety and Inspection Service Definitions and standards of identity or composition, 9 CFR 319 Entry into official establishments; reinspection and preparation of products, 9 CFR 318 Exemptions, 9 CFR 303 Labeling, marketing devices, and containers, 9 CFR 317 Poultry products inspection, 9 CFR 381 Transportation, 9 CFR 325 Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyard Administration Federal Grain Inspection Service-- [[Page 502]] Grain inspection equipment, official performance requirements, 7 CFR 801 Grain weighing equipment and related grain handling systems, official performance and procedural requirements, 7 CFR 802 Packers and Stockyards Act, regulations, 9 CFR 201 Health and Human Services Department Administrative requirements, 45 CFR 162 Health information technology; standards, implementation specifications, certification criteria and certification programs, 45 CFR 170 Homeland Security Department Chemical facility anti-terrorism standards, 6 CFR 27 REAL ID driver's licenses and identification cards, 6 CFR 37 Housing and Urban Development Department Discriminatory conduct under the Fair Housing Act, 24 CFR 100 Environmental criteria and standards, 24 CFR 51 Federal Housing Administration, introduction to programs, 24 CFR 200 Manufactured home construction and safety standards, 24 CFR 3280 Single family mortgage insurance, 24 CFR 203 Information Security Oversight Office, Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), 32 CFR 2002 Interior Department Natural resource damage assessments, 43 CFR 11 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, nondiscrimination and equal employment Opportunity policies and procedures, 28 CFR 42 Labor Department, Federal supply contracts, safety and health standards, 41 CFR 50-204 Mine Safety and Health Administration Coal mines, mandatory health standards-- Miners who have evidence of the development of pneumoconiosis, 30 CFR 90 Surface mines and surface work areas of underground mines, 30 CFR 71 Underground mines, 30 CFR 70 Coal mines, mandatory safety standards-- Surface mines and surface work areas of underground mines, 30 CFR 77 Underground mines, 30 CFR 75 Metal and nonmetal mines, safety and health standards-- Surface mines, 30 CFR 56 Underground mines, 30 CFR 57 Mining products-- Electric motor-driven mine equipment and accessories, 30 CFR 18 Fuses for use with direct current in providing short-circuit protection for trailing cables in coal mines, 30 CFR 28 Testing by applicant or third party, 30 CFR 7 National Archives and Records Administration Permanent and unscheduled records, loan, 36 CFR 1228 Records transfer to records storage facilities, 36 CFR 1232 Unlawful or accidental removal, defacing, alteration, or destruction of records, 36 CFR 1230 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Anthropomorphic test devices, 49 CFR 572 Bumper standard, 49 CFR 581 Consumer information, 49 CFR 575 Deformable barriers, 49 CFR 587 Event data recorders, 49 CFR 563 Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, 49 CFR 571 National Institute of Standards and Technology, National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program, 15 CFR 285 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Distributors of NOAA hydrographic products, certification requirements, 15 CFR 996 Fisheries; Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and South Atlantic, 50 CFR 622 Marine mammals, designated critical habitat, 50 CFR 226 [[Page 503]] National Science Foundation, nondiscrimination on basis of handicap in programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance, 45 CFR 605 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Byproduct material, medical use, 10 CFR 35 Licenses for industrial radiography and radiation safety requirements for industrial radiographic operations, 10 CFR 34 Nuclear equipment and material, export and import, 10 CFR 110 Nuclear plants and materials, physical protection, 10 CFR 73 Nuclear power plants; licenses, certifications, and approvals, 10 CFR 52 Production and utilization facilities, domestic licensing, 10 CFR 50 Radioactive material, packaging and transportation, 10 CFR 71 Ocean Energy Management Bureau, renewable energy and alternate uses of existing facilities on the outer continental shelf, 30 CFR 285 Occupational Safety and Health Administration Occupational safety and health regulations-- Construction industry, 29 CFR 1926 Longshoring, 29 CFR 1918 Occupational safety and health standards-- Agriculture, 29 CFR 1928 Federal standards, 29 CFR 1910 Marine terminals, 29 CFR 1917 Shipyard employment standards, 29 CFR 1915 Patent and Trademark Office, patent cases, rules of practice, 37 CFR 1 Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Hazardous liquids, transportation by pipeline, 49 CFR 195 Hazardous materials-- Aircraft, carriage by, 49 CFR 175 General information, regulations, and definitions, 49 CFR 171 Hazardous materials table, special provisions, hazardous materials communications, emergency response information, training requirements, and security plans, 49 CFR 172 Program procedures, 49 CFR 107 Public highway, carriage by, 49 CFR 177 Rail, carriage by, 49 CFR 174 Shippers, general requirements for shipments and packagings, 49 CFR 173 Vessel, carriage by, 49 CFR 176 Liquefied natural gas facilities, federal safety standards, 49 CFR 193 Natural and other gas transportation by pipeline, minimum Federal safety standards, 49 CFR 192 Packagings-- Continuing qualification and maintenance, 49 CFR 180 Specifications, 49 CFR 178 Tank cars, specifications, 49 CFR 179 Postal Service Domestic mail, general information on postal service, 39 CFR 111 Hazardous, restricted, and perishable mail, 39 CFR 113 International Postal Service, 39 CFR 20 Property and services, purchasing, 39 CFR 601 Public Health Service Chimpanzees held in the federally supported sanctuary system, standards of care, 42 CFR 9 Coal miners, medical examination specifications, 42 CFR 37 Grants-- Community health service, 42 CFR 51C Construction of teaching facilities, educational improvements, scholarships and student loans, 42 CFR 57 National Institutes of Health Center, 42 CFR 52B Respiratory protective devices, approval, 42 CFR 84 Select agents and toxins, 42 CFR 73 Rural Utilities Service Electric engineering, architectural services and design policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1724 Materials and construction, electric standards and specifications for, 7 CFR 1728 [[Page 504]] Telecommunications policies on specifications, acceptable materials, and standard contract forms, 7 CFR 1755 Safety and Environmental Enforcement Bureau, Outer Continental Shelf, Oil and gas and sulphur operations in, 30 CFR 250 Securities and Exchange Commission Electronic filings, general rules and regulations (Regulation S-T), 17 CFR 232 Investment Company Act of 1940-- Forms, 17 CFR 239 Rules and regulations 17 CFR 270 Small Business Administration, Financial Assistance Programs of SBA-- effectuation policies of Federal Government and SBA administrator, 13 CFR 113 Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement Office Abandoned Mine Reclamation Fund, fee collection and coal production reporting, 30 CFR 870 Permanent program performance standards-- Surface mining activities, 30 CFR 816 Underground mining activities, 30 CFR 817 Special mining categories, permit requirements, 30 CFR 785 Surface mining permit applications, minimum requirements for reclamation and operation plan, 30 CFR 780 Underground mining permit applications, requirements for reclamation and operation plan, 30 CFR 784 Transportation Department Education programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance, Nondiscrimination on basis of sex, 49 CFR 27 Programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance, Nondiscrimination on basis of sex, 49 CFR 25 Transportation Security Administration Air carriers and commercial operators, aircraft operator security, 49 CFR 1544 Foreign air carrier security, 49 CFR 1546 Treasury Department, book-entry procedures, 10 CFR 1511 Veterans Affairs Department Housing loan guaranty, 38 CFR 36 Medical care, 38 CFR 17 Nondiscrimination in federally-assisted programs, effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 38 CFR 18 State homes-- Construction or acquisition, grants to States, 38 CFR 59 Per diem rates, 38 CFR 51 Veterans cemeteries, aid for the establishment, expansion, and improvement, or operation and maintenance, 38 CFR 39 Wage and Hour Division; child labor regulations, orders and statements of interpretation, 29 CFR 570 Indemnity payments Agriculture Department Administrative regulations, 7 CFR 1 Farm Service Agency, programs, 7 CFR 760 Pandemic Assistance Program, 7 CFR 9 Commercial space transportation, financial responsibility, 14 CFR 440 Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program, 42 CFR 110 Federal Communications Commission, practice and procedure, 47 CFR 1 Federal Council on Arts and Humanities, indemnities under Arts and Artifacts Indemnity Act, 45 CFR 1160 Federal Prison Industries, prison inmates, accident compensation, 28 CFR 301 Fishermen's Protective Act Guaranty Fund procedures under Section 7, 22 CFR 33 Golden parachute and indemnification payments Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation, 12 CFR 1412 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 12 CFR 359 Federal Housing Finance Agency, 12 CFR 1231 National Credit Union Administration, 12 CFR 750 H5/H7 low pathogenic avian influenza, control, 9 CFR 56 [[Page 505]] Labor Department, administrative claims under Federal Tort Claims Act and related statutes, 29 CFR 15 Livestock and poultry diseases control Animals destroyed because of-- Brucellosis, 9 CFR 51 Tuberculosis, 9 CFR 50 Chronic wasting disease control, 9 CFR 55 Foot-and-mouth disease, pleuropneumonia, and certain other communicable diseases of livestock or poultry, 9 CFR 53 Pseudorabies, swine destroyed because of, 9 CFR 52 Independent Counsel Office See al Justice Department Freedom of Information Act, implementation, 28 CFR 701 Privacy Act, implementation, 28 CFR 700 Indian Affairs Bureau Administrative decisions, appeals, 25 CFR 2 Alaska Natives, reindeer industry, 25 CFR 243 Applicability of Bureau rules, 25 CFR 1 Archaeological resources protection, 25 CFR 262 Bureau-operated schools, leases of land or facilities and fundraising activities at, 25 CFR 48 Child custody proceedings, tribal reassumption of jurisdiction, 25 CFR 13 Class III gaming procedures, 25 CFR 291 Class III Tribal-State gaming compact process, 25 CFR 293 Courts of Indian Offenses and law-and-order code, 25 CFR 11 Education Adult education program, 25 CFR 46 Contracts under Johnson-O'Malley Act, 25 CFR 273 Federal schools for Indians, 25 CFR 31 Grants to tribal colleges and universities and dine college, 25 CFR 41 Indian school equalization program, 25 CFR 39 Loans, grants, and other assistance for higher education, 25 CFR 40 Maintenance and control of student records in Bureau schools, 25 CFR 43 Minimum academic standards for basic education of Indian children and national criteria for dormitory situations, 25 CFR 36 Personnel, 25 CFR 38 Policies for administration of all Bureau education programs, 25 CFR 32 Student rights, 25 CFR 42 Transfer of Indian education functions, 25 CFR 33 Tribally Controlled Schools Act grants, 25 CFR 44 Uniform direct funding and support, 25 CFR 47 Energy and minerals Coal leases, terms and conditions, 25 CFR 200 Lead and zinc mining operations and leases, Quapaw Indian Agency, 25 CFR 215 Leasing of-- Allotted lands for mineral development, 25 CFR 212 Certain lands in Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming, for oil and gas mining, 25 CFR 227 Five Civilized Tribes, Oklahoma; for mining on restricted lands of members, 25 CFR 213 Osage Reservation lands, Oklahoma, for mining, except oil and gas, 25 CFR 214 Osage Reservation lands for oil and gas mining, 25 CFR 226 Tribal lands for mineral development, 25 CFR 211 Oil and gas, geothermal, and solid minerals agreements, 25 CFR 225 Surface exploration, mining, and reclamation of lands, 25 CFR 216 Tribal assets of Ute Indian Tribe, Uintah and Ouray Reservation, Utah, management by tribe and Ute Distribution Corp., 25 CFR 217 Federal lands highways, Indian Affairs Bureau and Indian Reservation Roads Program management systems, 23 CFR 973 Financial activities Ahtanum Unit, Wapato Indian irrigation project, Washington; reimbursement of construction costs, 25 CFR 138 Alaska resupply operation, 25 CFR 142 [[Page 506]] Annuity and other per capita payments, 25 CFR 111 Business practices on Navajo, Hopi, and Zuni reservations, 25 CFR 141 Crow Indian irrigation project, construction assessments, 25 CFR 135 Deposit of proceeds from lands withdrawn for native selection, 25 CFR 124 Fort Hall Indian irrigation project, Idaho, 25 CFR 136 Goods and services provided to non-Federal users, charges, 25 CFR 143 Indian irrigation projects, partial payment construction charges, 25 CFR 134 Indian revolving loan fund, 25 CFR 101 Licensed Indian traders, 25 CFR 140 Loan guaranty, insurance, and interest subsidy, 25 CFR 103 Osage Tribe of Indians, Oklahoma-- Deposit and expenditure of individual funds of members who do not have certificates of competency, 25 CFR 117 Management of judgment funds for education, 25 CFR 122 San Carlos Indian irrigation project, Arizona, reimbursement of construction costs, 25 CFR 137 Trust funds for Tribes and individual Indians, 25 CFR 115 Wapato-Satus Unit, Wapato Indian irrigation project, Washington, reimbursement of construction costs, 25 CFR 139 Fish and wildlife Columbia River fishing sites-- Indian in-lieu sites, use, 25 CFR 248 Treaty access sites, use, 25 CFR 247 Commercial fishing on Red Lake Indian Reservation, 25 CFR 242 Indian fishing in Alaska, 25 CFR 241 Off-reservation Treaty fishing, 25 CFR 249 Gaming on trust lands acquired after October 17, 1988, 25 CFR 292 Grants, uniform administrative requirements, 25 CFR 276 Housing Improvement Program, 25 CFR 256 Indian business development program, 25 CFR 286 Indian child protection and family violence prevention, 25 CFR 63 Indian country detention facilities and programs, 25 CFR 10 Indian country law enforcement, 25 CFR 12 Indian highway safety program, 25 CFR 181 Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act Contracts, 25 CFR 900 Staffing, use of Bureau employees, 25 CFR 275 Indian Tribal Energy Development and Self Determination Act, tribal energy resource agreements, 25 CFR 224 Land and water Concessions, permits, and leases on lands withdrawn or acquired in connection with Indian irrigation projects, 25 CFR 173 Crow Indians, determination of competency, 25 CFR 153 Electric power utilities, 25 CFR 175 Extension of trust or restricted status of certain Indian lands, 25 CFR App. Forestry regulations, general, 25 CFR 163 Grazing permits, 25 CFR 166 Grazing regulations for Hopi partitioned lands area, 25 CFR 168 Inclusion of liens in all patents and instruments executed, 25 CFR 160 Indian lands-- Irrigation projects, operation and maintenance, 25 CFR 171 Life estates and future interests, 25 CFR 179 Records of title, 25 CFR 150 Issuance of patents in fee, certificates of competency, removal of restrictions, sale of certain Indian lands, 25 CFR 152 Land acquisitions by U.S. in trust status for individual Indians and Indian Tribes, 25 CFR 151 Leases and permits, 25 CFR 162 Navajo grazing regulations, 25 CFR 167 Navajo partitioned lands grazing permits, 25 CFR 161 Osage lands, 25 CFR 158 Pueblo Indian lands benefited by irrigation and drainage works of Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District, New Mexico, 25 CFR 172 Rights-of-way over Indian lands, 25 CFR 169 [[Page 507]] Sale of irrigable lands, special water contract requirements, 25 CFR 159 San Carlos Apache Tribe Development Trust Fund and Lease Fund, use and distribution, 25 CFR 183 Preference in employment to Indians, 25 CFR 5 Probate Action on wills of Osage Indians, 25 CFR 17 Estates of Indians, probate of-- Five Civilized Tribes, 25 CFR 16 Tribes other than members of the Osage Nation and the Five Civilized Tribes, 25 CFR 15 Roadless and wild areas on Indian reservations, establishment, 25 CFR 265 Social programs Child welfare, 25 CFR 23 Financial assistance and social services program, 25 CFR 20 Job Placement and Training Program, 25 CFR 26 Tribal government Attorney contracts with Indian tribes, 25 CFR 89 Attorneys and agents to represent Indian claimants, recognition, 25 CFR 88 Enrollment appeals, 25 CFR 62 Government of Indian villages, Osage Reservation, 25 CFR 91 Osage Minerals Council, election of officers, 25 CFR 90 Preparation of membership rolls, 25 CFR 61 Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, North Carolina, 25 CFR 75 Independent Seminole Indians of Florida, 25 CFR 67 Procedures for establishing American Indian Group exists as Indian tribe, 25 CFR 83 Secretarial election procedures, 25 CFR 81 Tribal land encumbrances, contract approvals, 25 CFR 84 Use or distribution of Indian judgment funds, 25 CFR 87 Tribal probate codes, 25 CFR 18 Tribal revenue allocation plans, 25 CFR 290 Tribal Transportation Program, 25, CFR 170 Indian Arts and Crafts Board Alaskan Indian and Alaskan Eskimo hand-made products, use of Government marks of genuineness for, 25 CFR 310 Certificates of Board by Indian enterprises for production and sale of genuine handicrafts, use of, 25 CFR 308 Indian arts and crafts products, protection, 25 CFR 309 Navajo all-wool woven fabrics, use of Government certificate of genuineness, 25 CFR 307 Navajo, Pueblo, and Hopi silver; use of Government mark, 25 CFR 304 Navajo, Pueblo, and Hopi silver and turquoise products; standards, 25 CFR 301 Indian Health Service Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, contracts, 25 CFR 900 Indians See al Indians-arts and crafts; Indians-business and finance; Indians- claims; Indians-education; Indians-enrollment; Indians- judgment funds; Indians-lands; Indians-law; Indians-tribal government Acquisition regulations Defense Department-- Grants and cooperative agreements, implementation of governmentwide guidance, implementation, 2 CFR 1104 Socioeconomic programs, Indian incentive program, 48 CFR 226 Federal Acquisition Regulation, other socioeconomic programs, Indian incentive program, 48 CFR 26 Health and Human Services Department, other socioeconomic programs, 48 CFR 326 Interior Department, other socioeconomic programs, 48 CFR 1426 Veterans Affairs Department, other socioeconomic programs, 48 CFR 826 Administrative requirements for grants and cooperative agreements with institutions of higher education, hospitals and other non-profit organizations, 38 CFR 49 Aged [[Page 508]] Indian tribes, grants for support and nutrition services, 45 CFR 1322 State and community programs on aging, 45 CFR 1321 Alaska Natives, reindeer industry, 25 CFR 243 Alaska resupply operation, 25 CFR 142 American Indian Trust Fund Management Reform Act, 25 CFR 1200 American Indian vocational rehabilitation, 34 CFR 371 American Indians born in Canada, entry into U.S., 8 CFR 289 Appropriate technology small grants program, 10 CFR 470 Audit requirements for State and local and Indian tribal governments receiving Federal financial assistance (OMB A-128 implementation) Child and Adult Care Food Program, 7 CFR 226 Child Care and Development Fund Hearings, procedure, 45 CFR 99 Implementation, 45 CFR 98 Child welfare, 25 CFR 23 Federal assistance payments, fiscal requirements applicable to Title IV-B, Social Security Act, 45 CFR 1357 Columbia River fishing sites Indian in-lieu sites, use, 25 CFR 248 Treaty access sites, use, 25 CFR 247 Community and health services and low income energy assistance, block grants, 45 CFR 96 Community development block grants Indian tribes and Alaska Native villages, 24 CFR 1003 Community planning and development programs, expired programs; savings clause, 24 CFR 500 Comprehensive Tribal child support enforcement programs, 45 CFR 309 Computerized Tribal IV-D Systems and office automation, 45 CFR 310 Corporation for National and Community Service, school-based service- learning programs, 45 CFR 2516 Defense Department, definitions, 2 CFR 1108 Domestic hemp production program, 7 CFR 990 Emergency community services homeless grant program, 45 CFR 1080 Environmental Protection Agency Disadvantaged business enterprises, participation in agency programs, 40 CFR 33 Fellowships, 40 CFR 46 National Environmental Education Act grants, 40 CFR 47 State and local assistance grants, 40 CFR 35 Training assistance, 40 CFR 45 Farm Service Agency Indian tribal land acquisition loans, 7 CFR 770 Inventory property management, 7 CFR 767 Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, 5 CFR 890 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Defense Department-- Award and administration, 32 CFR 22 Award format, 2 CFR 1120 Cost-type grants and cooperative agreements to nonprofit and government entities, administrative requirements terms and conditions-- --Financial, programmatic, and property reporting; general award terms, 2 CFR 1134 --Nonprofit and government entities; recipient financial and program management, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1128 --Other administrative requirements, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1136 [[Page 509]] --Property administration, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1130 --Recipient procurement procedures, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1132 --Subawards requirements, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1138 General award terms and conditions, national policy requirements, 2 CFR 1122 Energy Department, 10 CFR 600 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Universal identifier and system for award management, 2 CFR 25 Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, general provisions, 31 CFR 1010 Food distribution programs for Indian households Administration, 7 CFR 253 Oklahoma, administration, 7 CFR 254 Food donations for use in U.S., 7 CFR 250 Forest Service, land and resource management planning, 36 CFR 219 Goods and services provided to non-Federal users, charges, 25 CFR 143 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local and Indian tribal governments, uniform administrative requirements (OMB A-102 implementation) Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, 29 CFR 1470 General Services Administration, 41 CFR 105-71 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 85 Labor Department, 29 CFR 97 Grants, uniform administrative requirements, 25 CFR 276 Hazardous materials public sector training and planning grants, 49 CFR 110 Head Start program Federal administrative procedures, 45 CFR 1304 Program operations, 45 CFR 1302 Health care; statutory conscience rights protection, authority delegations, 45 CFR 88 Health care services, 42 CFR 136, 42 CFR 136a Health insurance Exchange establishment standards and related standards under Affordable Care Act, 45 CFR 155 Issuer standards under the Affordable Care Act, including standards related to exchanges, 45 CFR 156 Hermit's Peak/Calf Canyon Fire Assistance, 44 CFR 296 Highway safety program, 25 CFR 181 [[Page 510]] Historic Preservation Advisory Council, protection of historic properties, 36 CFR 800 Housing Allocations of housing assistance funds, 24 CFR 791 Community development block grants, 24 CFR 570 Congregate housing services program, 24 CFR 700 Drug elimination programs, 24 CFR 761 Housing Choice Voucher Program, 24 CFR 982 Improvement program, 25 CFR 256 Indian HOME program, 24 CFR 954 Loan guarantees, 24 CFR 1005 Native American activities, 24 CFR 1000 Renewal communities, 24 CFR 599 Rural empowerment zones and enterprise communities, 7 CFR 25 Section 8 and public housing family self-sufficiency program, 24 CFR 984 Supportive housing program, 24 CFR 583 Urban empowerment zones and enterprise communities-- Round one designations, 24 CFR 597 Round two and three designations, 24 CFR 598 Indian Affairs Bureau Employment, preference in, 25 CFR 5 Financial assistance and social services program, 25 CFR 20 Indian child protection and family violence prevention, 25 CFR 63 Indian country, air quality planning and management, 40 CFR 49 Indian Outreach Program, 7 CFR 1901 Indian probate hearings procedures, 43 CFR 30 Indian property, waiving departmental review of appraisals and valuations, 43 CFR 100 Indian Reservation Road Bridge Program, 23 CFR 661 Indian Self Determination and Education Assistance Act Contracts, 25 CFR 900 Program staffing, 25 CFR 275 Tribal-Self Government Act amendments, annual funding agreements, 25 CFR 1000 Indian Tribal Energy Development and Self Determination Act, tribal energy resource agreements, 25 CFR 224 Intergovernmental Personnel Act, temporary assignment of employees, 5 CFR 334 Interior Department, commercial filming and similar projects and still photography on certain areas under Department jurisdiction, 43 CFR 5 International fisheries regulations, 50 CFR 300 Job Placement and Training Program, 25 CFR 26 Job Training Partnership Act, Indian and Native American employment and training programs, 20 CFR 632 Justice Assistance Bureau grant programs, 28 CFR 33 Labor Department Grants, contracts, and other agreements; audit requirements, 29 CFR 96 States, local governments, and non-profit organizations, , audits, 29 CFR 99 Licensed Indian traders, 25 CFR 140 Marine mammals Taking and importing-- Fish and Wildlife Service, 50 CFR 18 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 50 CFR 216, 50 CFR 218, 50 CFR 219 Taking incidental to specified activities, 50 CFR 217 National Marine Sanctuary program regulations, 15 CFR 922 Native American programs, 45 CFR 1336 Native employment work (NEW) program, 45 CFR 287 Off-reservation Treaty fishing, 25 CFR 249 Radioactive waste High-level radioactive wastes, disposal in geologic repositories, licensing procedures, review by State, local and Indian tribal governments, 10 CFR 60 Independent storage of spent nuclear fuel, high-level radioactive waste, and reactor-related greater than class C waste, licensing requirements, 10 CFR 72 Land disposal, licensing requirements, 10 CFR 61 Yucca Mountain, Nevada, geologic repository, high-level radioactive wastes disposal, 10 CFR 63 [[Page 511]] Rural development associations, program regulations, 7 CFR 1942 Rural empowerment zones and enterprise communities, 7 CFR 25 Special supplemental food program for women, infants, and children, 7 CFR 246 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Eligible households, certification, 7 CFR 273 Indian reservations, administration of SNAP on, 7 CFR 281 Tribal self-governance program, 25 CFR 1001 Tribal temporary assistance for needy families (Tribal TANF) provisions, 45 CFR 286 Tribal Transportation Self Governance Program, 49 CFR 29 Veterans Housing loan guaranty, 38 CFR 36 Medical care, 38 CFR 17 Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentive Program, 7 CFR 1455 Weatherization assistance for low-income persons, 10 CFR 440 Whaling provisions, 50 CFR 230 WIC farmers' market nutrition program (FMNP), 7 CFR 248 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Indian and Native American programs under Title I, 20 CFR 684 Workforce Investment Act, Title I, Indian and Native American programs, 20 CFR 668 Indians-arts and crafts See al Arts and crafts; Indians Alaskan Indian and Alaskan Eskimo hand-made products, use of Government marks of genuineness for, 25 CFR 310 Certificates of Indian Arts and Crafts Board by Indian enterprises for production and sale of genuine handicrafts, use of, 25 CFR 308 Homeworkers in certain industries, employment, 29 CFR 530 Indian arts and crafts products, protection, 25 CFR 309 Navajo all-wool woven fabrics, use of Government certificate of genuineness, 25 CFR 307 Navajo, Pueblo, and Hopi silver, use of Government mark, 25 CFR 304 Navajo, Pueblo, and Hopi silver and turquoise products, standards, 25 CFR 301 Indians-business and finance See al Business and industry; Indians Acquisition regulations; Health and Human Services Department, other socioeconomic programs, 48 CFR 326 Annuity and other per capita payments, 25 CFR 111 Business development program, 25 CFR 286 Business practices on Navajo, Hopi, and Zuni reservations, 25 CFR 141 Class III gaming procedures, 25 CFR 291 Class III Tribal-State gaming compact process, 25 CFR 293 Commercial fishing on Red Lake Indian Reservation, 25 CFR 242 Deposit and expenditure of individual funds of members of Osage Tribe of Indians who do not have certificates of competency, 25 CFR 117 Gaming on Trust lands acquired after October 17, 1988, 25 CFR 292 Indian Business Incubators Program, 25 CFR 1187 Indian fishing in Alaska, 25 CFR 241 Indian Self Determination and Education Assistance Act, contracts, 25 CFR 900 Indian Tribal Energy Development and Self Determination Act, tribal energy resource agreements, 25 CFR 224 Loan guaranty, insurance, and interest subsidy, 25 CFR 103 Minority Small Business and Capital Ownership Development program /small disadvantaged business status determinations, 13 CFR 124 Revolving loan fund, 25 CFR 101 San Carlos Apache Tribe Development Trust Fund and Lease Fund, use and distribution, 25 CFR 183 Tribal revenue allocation plans, 25 CFR 290 Trust funds for Tribes and individual Indians, 25 CFR 115 Indians-claims See al Claims; Indians Alaska Natives, land selections, 43 CFR 2650 [[Page 512]] Attorneys and agents to represent Indian claimants, recognition, 25 CFR 88 Deposit of proceeds from lands withdrawn for native selection, 25 CFR 124 Indian property, waiving departmental review of appraisals and valuations, 43 CFR 100 Judgment funds Osage judgment funds, management for education, 25 CFR 122 Preparation of membership rolls-- Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, North Carolina, 25 CFR 75 Independent Seminole Indians of Florida, 25 CFR 67 Use or distribution, 25 CFR 87 Native American graves protection and repatriation regulations, 43 CFR 10 Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation Office operations and relocation procedures, 25 CFR 700 Tribal assets of Ute Indian Tribe, Uintah and Ouray Reservation, Utah, by tribe and Ute Distribution Corp., management, 25 CFR 217 Indians-education See al Education; Indians Administrative policies of all Bureau of Indian Affairs education programs, 25 CFR 32 Adult education program, 25 CFR 46 Bureau-operated schools, leases of land or facilities and fundraising activities at, 25 CFR 48 Education personnel, 25 CFR 38 Educational loans, grants, and other assistance for higher education, 25 CFR 40 Elementary and secondary education Education contracts under Johnson-O'Malley Act, 25 CFR 273 Geographic boundaries, 25 CFR 37 Impact aid programs, 34 CFR 222 Standards, assessments, and accountability system, 25 CFR 30 Uniform direct funding and support, 25 CFR 47 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Tribally Controlled Schools Act grants, 25 CFR 44 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 [[Page 513]] Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Federal schools for Indians, 25 CFR 31 Grant programs Indian Head Start program, tribal government consultation under the Designation Renewal System, 45 CFR 1307 Indians, grants to tribal colleges and universities and dine college, 25 CFR 41 Indian education discretionary grant programs, 34 CFR 263 Indian school equalization program, 25 CFR 39 Judgment funds, management of Osage judgment funds for education, 25 CFR 122 Maintenance and control of student records in Bureau of Indian Affairs schools, 25 CFR 43 Minimum academic standards for basic education of Indian children and national criteria for dormitory situations, 25 CFR 36 Native American Career and Technical Education Program, 34 CFR 401 Special educational needs students, improving academic achievement of disadvantaged (Title I), 34 CFR 200 Student rights, 25 CFR 42 Transfer of Indian education functions in Bureau of Indian Affairs, 25 CFR 33 Indians-enrollment See al Indians Compilation of rolls of Indians, 25 CFR 61 Enrollment appeals, 25 CFR 62 Preparation of membership rolls Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, North Carolina, 25 CFR 75 Independent Seminole Indians of Florida, 25 CFR 67 Indians-judgment funds See al Indians Osage judgment funds, management for education, 25 CFR 122 Preparation of membership rolls Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, North Carolina, 25 CFR 75 Independent Seminole Indians of Florida, 25 CFR 67 Use or distribution, 25 CFR 87 Indians-lands See al Indians; Public lands Abandoned mine land reclamation, 30 CFR 876 Acquisition, management, and disposition of lands and water, 30 CFR 879 Certification and noncoal reclamation, 30 CFR 875 Electric power utilities, 25 CFR 175 Eligible States and Indian tribes, moneys available to, 30 CFR 872 Entry rights procedures to lands or property considered for reclamation, 30 CFR 877 Future reclamation set-aside program, 30 CFR 873 Grants for certified States and Indian tribes, 30 CFR 885 Private land, 30 CFR 882 Reclamation projects, selection requirements of, 30 CFR 874 Uncertified States and Indian tribes, reclamation grants, 30 CFR 886 Archaeological resources protection, uniform regulations Defense Department, 32 CFR 229 Forest Service, 36 CFR 296 Indian Affairs Bureau, 25 CFR 262 Interior Department, 43 CFR 7 International Boundary and Water Commission, U.S. and Mexico, 22 CFR 1104 Tennessee Valley Authority, 18 CFR 1312 Cerro Grande fire assistance, 44 CFR 295 Colorado River water conservation measures, implementation with lower basin contractors and others, 43 CFR 417 Crow Indians, determination of competency, 25 CFR 153 Electric power utilities, 25 CFR 175 Farm loan programs, relending programs, 7 CFR 769 Federal Power Act, annual charges under Part I, 18 CFR 11 Federally owned or administered archaeological collections, curation, 36 CFR 79 [[Page 514]] FERC hydropower licenses, conditions and prescriptions Interior Department, 43 CFR 45 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 50 CFR 221 Fishery conservation and management Fisheries off West Coast States, 50 CFR 660 Forestry regulations, general, 25 CFR 163 Grazing regulations Hopi partitioned lands area, 25 CFR 168 Navajo grazing regulations, 25 CFR 167 Permits, 25 CFR 166 Hermit's Peak/Calf Canyon Fire Assistance, 44 CFR 296 Indian irrigation projects Ahtanum Unit, Wapato Indian irrigation project, Washington; reimbursement of construction costs, 25 CFR 138 Concessions, permits, and leases on lands withdrawn or acquired in connection with Indian irrigation projects, 25 CFR 173 Crow Indian irrigation project; construction and assessments, 25 CFR 135 Fort Hall Indian irrigation project, Idaho; rehabilitation program, 25 CFR 136 Liens, inclusion in all patents and instruments executed, 25 CFR 160 Operation and maintenance, 25 CFR 171 Partial payment construction charges on Indian irrigation projects, 25 CFR 134 Sale of irrigable lands, special water contract requirements, 25 CFR 159 San Carlos Indian irrigation project, Arizona, reimbursement of construction costs, 25 CFR 137 Wapato-Satus Unit, Wapato Indian irrigation project, Washington; reimbursement of construction costs, 25 CFR 139 Indian lands, records of title, 25 CFR 150 Indian property, waiving departmental review of appraisals and valuations, 43 CFR 100 Indian reservation roads program, 25 CFR 170 Indian Tribal Energy Development and Self Determination Act, tribal energy resource agreements, 25 CFR 224 Issuance of patents in fee, certificates of competency, removal of restrictions, sale of certain Indian lands, 25 CFR 152 Land acquisitions by U.S. in trust status for individual Indians and Indian Tribes, 25 CFR 151 Leases and permits, 25 CFR 162 Life estates and future interests, 25 CFR 179 Mineral resources Allotted lands, leasing for mineral development, 25 CFR 212 Coal leases, terms and conditions, 25 CFR 200 Five Civilized Tribes, Oklahoma, leasing for mining on restricted lands of members, 25 CFR 213 Oil and gas, geothermal, and solid minerals agreements, 25 CFR 225 Onshore oil and gas production, 43 CFR 3170 Osage Reservation lands-- Mining except oil and gas, leasing, 25 CFR 214 Oil and gas mining, leasing, 25 CFR 226 Quapaw Indian Agency, lead and zinc mining operations and leases, 25 CFR 215 Surface exploration, mining, and reclamation, 25 CFR 216 Tribal lands, leasing for mineral development, 25 CFR 211 Ute Indian Tribe, Uintah and Ouray Reservation, Utah, management of tribal assets by tribe and Ute Distribution Corp., 25 CFR 217 Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming, leasing for oil and gas mining, 25 CFR 227 Mineral royalties management, relief or reduction in royalty rates, 30 CFR 203 National Indian Gaming Commission Appeal proceedings before the Commission-- Gaming ordinances, resolutions, or amendments; appeals of disapprovals, 25 CFR 582 General application, rules, 25 CFR 580 Management contracts or amendments to management contracts, appeals from approvals or disapprovals, 25 CFR 583 [[Page 515]] Motions, 25 CFR 581 Appeals, 25 CFR 585 Appeals before a presiding official, 25 CFR 584 Background investigations for primary management officials and key employees, 25 CFR 556 Class II gaming-- Minimum internal control standards, 25 CFR 543 Minimum technical standards for gaming equipment, 25 CFR 547 Self-regulation, 25 CFR 518 Definitions, 25 CFR 502 Facility license notifications and submissions, 25 CFR 559 Fees, 25 CFR 514 Gaming licenses for key employees and primary management officials, 25 CFR 558 Gaming ordinances or resolutions-- Review and approval of existing, 25 CFR 523 Submission, 25 CFR 522 Indian Gaming Regulatory Act-- Civil fines, 25 CFR 575 Compliance and enforcement, 25 CFR 573 Monitoring and investigations, 25 CFR 571 Management contracts-- Approval, 25 CFR 533 Background investigations for persons or entities with financial interest in, or having management responsibility, 25 CFR 537 Content, 25 CFR 531 Post-approval procedures, 25 CFR 535 Minimum internal control standards, 25 CFR 542 Purpose and scope of chapter, 25 CFR 501 Service of official documents, 25 CFR 519 Testimony of commissioners and employees and former commissioners and employees respecting official duties; response to subpoena, 25 CFR 516 Native American graves protection and repatriation regulations, 43 CFR 10 Natural resources revenue Cooperative activities with States and Indian tribes, 30 CFR 1228 Delegation to States, 30 CFR 1229 Forms and reports, 30 CFR 1210 Penalties, 30 CFR 1241 Product valuation, 30 CFR 1206 Records and files maintenance, 30 CFR 1212 Relief or reduction in royalty rates, 30 CFR 1203 Royalties, 30 CFR 1202 Royalties, rentals, bonuses, and other monies due the Federal Government; collection, 30 CFR 1218 Sales agreements or contracts governing the disposal of lease products, 30 CFR 1207 Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation Office, 25 CFR 700 Navajo partitioned lands grazing permits, 25 CFR 161 Newlands Reclamation Project, Nevada, operating criteria and procedures, 43 CFR 418 Osage lands, 25 CFR 158 Pesticides, applicators certification, 40 CFR 171 Public lands Alaska occupancy and use, 43 CFR 2560 Alaska Native selections, 43 CFR 2650 Indian allotments, 43 CFR 2530 Land classification system, disposal classification, 43 CFR 2430 Land use, special laws and rules, 43 CFR 2090 Oil and gas leasing-- Delegation of authority, cooperative agreements and contracts for inspection, 43 CFR 3190 Onshore oil and gas operations, 43 CFR 3160 Solid minerals leasing (other than coal), exploration and mining operations, 43 CFR 3590 Public water system programs National primary drinking water regulations, 40 CFR 141 Implementation, 40 CFR 142 Other Safe Drinking Water Act regulations, 40 CFR 143 Pueblo Indian lands benefited by irrigation and drainage works of Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District, New Mexico, 25 CFR 172 [[Page 516]] Rights-of-way over Indian lands, 25 CFR 169 Roadless and wild areas on Indian reservations, establishment, 25 CFR 265 Sewage sludge, State sludge management program, 40 CFR 501 Single family mortgage insurance, 24 CFR 203 State hazardous waste management programs, approved, 40 CFR 272 State hazardous waste programs, authorization requirements, 40 CFR 271 Supportive Services for Veteran Families program, 38 CFR 62 Surface coal mining and reclamation operations Certification of blasters in Federal program States and on Indian lands, 30 CFR 955 Indian tribe abandoned mine land reclamation programs, 30 CFR 756 Requirements, 30 CFR 750 Tribal-Federal intergovernmental agreements, 30 CFR 755 Tribal land encumbrances, contract approvals, 25 CFR 84 Tribal Transportation Program, 25 CFR 170 Trust or restricted status of certain Indian lands, extension, 25 CFR App. Underground storage tanks State programs, approval, 40 CFR 281 State programs, approved, 40 CFR 282 Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentive Program, 7 CFR 1455 Water pollution control Great Lakes System, water quality guidance, 40 CFR 132 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, State program requirements, 40 CFR 123 Permits, decisionmaking procedures, 40 CFR 124 Underground Injection Control program, 40 CFR 144 Criteria and standards, 40 CFR 146 State program requirements, 40 CFR 145 State, Tribal, and EPA-administered underground injection control programs, 40 CFR 147 Water quality planning and management, 40 CFR 130 Water quality standards, 40 CFR 131 Water programs, dredged or fill material discharge (Section 404 Program), State program regulations, 40 CFR 233 Indians-law See al Indians Attorney contracts with Indian tribes, 25 CFR 89 Attorneys and agents to represent Indian claimants, recognition, 25 CFR 88 Child custody proceedings, tribal reassumption of jurisdiction, 25 CFR 13 Courts of Indian Offenses and law and order code, 25 CFR 11 Estates of Indians, probate of Five Civilized Tribes, 25 CFR 16 Indian Tribes other than members of the Osage Nation and the Five Civilized Tribes, probate of, 25 CFR 15 Tribal probate codes, 25 CFR 18 Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, general provisions, 31 CFR 1010 Indian country Air quality planning and management, 40 CFR 49 Detention facilities and programs, 25 CFR 10 Osage Indians, action on wills, 25 CFR 17 Indians-tribal government See al Indians; Intergovernmental relations American Indian Group exists as Indian tribe, procedures for establishing, 25 CFR 83 Correctional facilities, grants, 28 CFR 91 Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, general provisions, 31 CFR 1010 Hermit's Peak/Calf Canyon Fire Assistance, 44 CFR 296 Indian Affairs Bureau, appeals from administrative decisions, 25 CFR 2 Indian country, air quality planning and management, 40 CFR 49 Indian Tribal Energy Development and Self Determination Act, tribal energy resource agreements, 25 CFR 224 Native Hawaiian community, procedures for reestablishing a formal government-to-government relationship, 43 CFR 50 Osage Tribe Government of Indian villages, 25 CFR 91 Osage Minerals Council, election of members, 25 CFR 90 [[Page 517]] National Indian Gaming Commission Appeal proceedings before the Commission-- Gaming ordinances, resolutions, or amendments; appeals of disapprovals, 25 CFR 582 General application, rules, 25 CFR 580 Management contracts; background investigations for persons or entities with financial interest in, or having management responsibility, 25 CFR 537 Management contracts or amendments to management contracts, appeals from approvals or disapprovals, 25 CFR 583 Motions, 25 CFR 581 Submission, 25 CFR 522 Class II gaming-- Minimum internal control standards, 25 CFR 543 Self-regulation, 25 CFR 518 Systems and equipment, minimum technical standards Facility license notifications and submissions, 25 CFR 559 Fees, 25 CFR 514 Pandemic relief programs, 31 CFR 35 State and private forestry assistance, 36 CFR 230 Tax regulations, temporary procedural and administrative, under Indian Tribal Governmental Tax Status Act of 1982, 26 CFR 305 Trafficking in persons award term, 2 CFR 175 Tribal government, secretarial election procedures, 25 CFR 81 Individuals with disabilities See al Blind; Disability benefits; Education of individuals with disabilities; Health; Medicaid; Medicare; Public assistance programs; Supplemental Security Income (SSI); Vocational rehabilitation Acquisition regulations Application of labor laws to Government acquisitions-- Agriculture Department, 48 CFR 422 Commerce Department, 48 CFR 1322 Defense Department, 48 CFR 222 Environmental Protection Agency, 48 CFR 1522 General Services Administration, 48 CFR 522 Housing and Urban Development Department, 48 CFR 2422 Justice Department, 48 CFR 2822 Advanced communications services and equipment, access by people with disabilities, 47 CFR 14 Affirmative action and nondiscrimination obligations of Federal contractors and subcontractors regarding Disabled veterans, recently separated veterans, active duty wartime or campaign badge veterans, and Armed Forces service medal veterans, 41 CFR 60-300 Individuals with disabilities, 41 CFR 741 Air travel, nondiscrimination on basis of disability, 14 CFR 382 Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility guidelines-- Access to advanced communications services and equipment by people with disabilities, 47 CFR 14 Buildings and facilities, 36 CFR 1191 Transportation vehicles, 36 CFR 1192 Accessibility specifications for transportation vehicles, 49 CFR 38 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission procedural regulations, 29 CFR 1601 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability-- Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission programs or activities and accessibility of Commission electronic and information technology, enforcement, 29 CFR 2205 Public accommodations and in commercial facilities, 28 CFR 36 State and local government services, 28 CFR 35 Regulations to implement equal employment provisions, 29 CFR 1630 Transportation services for individuals with disabilities, 49 CFR 37, 49 CFR 39 Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board Accessible medical diagnostic equipment, standards, 36 CFR 1195 Architectural Barriers Act (ABA) accessibility guidelines, 36 CFR 1191 [[Page 518]] Compliance hearings, practice and procedures, 36 CFR 1150 Information and communication technology standards and guidelines, 36 CFR 1194 Pedestrian facilities in the public right-of-way, accessibility guidelines, 36 CFR 1190 Building standards for access by physically handicapped, enforcement, 24 CFR 41 Postal Service, 39 CFR 254 Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, programs of all-inclusive care for elderly, 42 CFR 460 Child and Adult Day Care Food Program, 7 CFR 226 Civil service regulations Affirmative employment programs for disabled veterans, 5 CFR 720 Medical qualification determinations, 5 CFR 339 Civilian Health and Medical Program of Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS), 32 CFR 199 Communications common carriers Miscellaneous rules, 47 CFR 64 Real-time text, 47 CFR 67 Community Living Administration State independent living services and centers for independent living, 45 CFR 1329 Support and nutrition services grants-- Indian tribes for, 45 CFR 1322 Older Hawaiian natives, 45 CFR 1323 Vulnerable elder rights protection, allotments for, 45 CFR 1324 Comptroller of the Currency Nondiscrimination requirements, 12 CFR 128 Organization and functions, information availability and release, contracting outreach program, post-employment restrictions for senior examiners, 12 CFR 4 Corporation for National and Community Service, member and volunteer discrimination complaint procedure, 45 CFR 1225 Defense Department, Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP), 32 CFR 75 Developmental disabilities program Program requirements, 45 CFR 1325 Projects of National significance, 45 CFR 1327 State plans for formula grant programs, 45 CFR 1326 University affiliated programs, 45 CFR 1328 Education Department Service obligations, special education, personnel development to improve services and results for children with disabilities, 34 CFR 304 Subminimum wage, limitations on use of, 34 CFR 397 Election Assistance Commission programs or activities, nondiscrimination, 11 CFR 9420 Employment discrimination based on disability Procedures for complaints/charges filed against employers holding Government contracts or subcontracts, 29 CFR 1641 Procedures for coordinating investigation of complaints/charges of employment discrimination based on disability subject to Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of 1973 Rehabilitation Act-- Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 29 CFR 1640 Justice Department, 28 CFR 37 Equal employment opportunity Federal sector, 29 CFR 1614 Programs, interagency coordination procedures, 29 CFR 1690 Recordkeeping and reporting requirements under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, 29 CFR 1602 Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act, 20 CFR 1002 Fair housing Certification and funding of State and local fair housing enforcement agencies, 24 CFR 115 Collection of data, 24 CFR 121 Complaint processing, 24 CFR 103 Discriminatory conduct under the Fair Housing Act, 24 CFR 100 Poster, 24 CFR 110 Federal Acquisition Regulation [[Page 519]] Application of labor laws to Government acquisitions, 48 CFR 22 Supplies and services, required sources, 48 CFR 8 Federal Communications Commission Practice and procedure, 47 CFR 1 Real-time text, 47 CFR 67 Federal Contract Compliance Programs Office Affirmative action and nondiscrimination obligations of contractors and subcontractors regarding-- Individuals with disabilities, 41 CFR 60-741 Special disabled veterans and Vietnam era veterans, 41 CFR 60-250 Equal employment opportunity under Executive Order 11246, practice rules for administrative proceedings, 41 CFR 60-30 Procedures for complaints/charges of employment discrimination based on disability filed against employers holding Government contracts or subcontracts, 41 CFR 60-742 Federal credit unions, organization and operations, 12 CFR 701 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Fair housing, 12 CFR 338 Office of Thrift Supervision, regulations transferred from, 12 CFR 390 Federal Management Regulation, real property, design and construction, 41 CFR 102-76 Federal old-age, survivors, and disability insurance (1950-- ), international agreements (1950-- ), 20 CFR 404 Federal Travel Regulation, temporary duty (TDY) travel allowances Internal policy and procedure requirements, 41 CFR 301-70 Special needs employees, travel, 41 CFR 301-13 Head Start program Financial administrative requirements, 45 CFR 1303 Performance standards on services for children with disabilities, 45 CFR 1308 Program operations, 45 CFR 1302 Health and Human Services Department Health insurance-- Exchange establishment standards and related standards under Affordable Care Act, 45 CFR 155 Group and individual health insurance markets, health insurance reform requirements for, 45 CFR 147 Issuer standards under the Affordable Care Act, including standards related to exchanges, 45 CFR 156 National Institute for Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research, 45 CFR 1330 Housing Civil rights matters, consolidated hearing procedures, 24 CFR 180 Community planning and development programs, consolidated submissions, 24 CFR 91 Congregate housing services program, 24 CFR 700 General HUD program requirements, waivers, 24 CFR 5 Native American housing activities, 24 CFR 1000 Public housing-- Admission to and occupancy, 24 CFR 960 Designated housing-public housing designated for occupancy by disabled, elderly, or disabled and elderly families, 24 CFR 945 Publicly owned residential structures, accessibility standards for design, construction, and alteration for handicapped, 24 CFR 40 Rural housing loans and grants, 7 CFR 1944 Shelter Plus Care, 24 CFR 582 Supportive housing for elderly and persons with disabilities, 24 CFR 891 Supportive housing program, 24 CFR 583 Interpreters for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing and individuals who are deaf-blind, training, 34 CFR 396 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally assisted and conducted programs African Development Foundation, 22 CFR 1510 Agency for International Development, 22 CFR 217, 22 CFR 219 [[Page 520]] Agriculture Department, 7 CFR 15b, 7 CFR 15e American Battle Monuments Commission, 36 CFR 406 Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board, 36 CFR 1154 Arctic Research Commission, 45 CFR 2301 Broadcasting Board of Governors, 22 CFR 530 Central Intelligence Agency, 32 CFR 1906 Civil Rights Commission, 45 CFR 707 Commerce Department, 15 CFR 8b, 15 CFR 8c Commodity Futures Trading Commission, 17 CFR 149 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, 12 CFR 1072 Consumer Product Safety Commission, 16 CFR 1034 Corporation for National and Community Service, 45 CFR 1214, 45 CFR 1232 Defense Department, 32 CFR 56, 32 CFR 191 Education Department, 34 CFR 104, 34 CFR 105 Energy Department, 10 CFR 1040, 10 CFR 1041 Environmental Protection Agency, 40 CFR 7, 40 CFR 12 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 29 CFR 1615 Export-Import Bank, 12 CFR 410 Farm Credit Administration, 12 CFR 606 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 12 CFR 352 Federal Election Commission, 11 CFR 6 Federal Emergency Management Agency, 44 CFR 16 Federal Labor Relations Authority, 5 CFR 2416 Federal Maritime Commission, 46 CFR 507 Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission, 29 CFR 2706 Federal Property Management Regulations, 41 CFR 101-8 Federal Reserve System, 12 CFR 268 Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board, 5 CFR 1636 Federal Trade Commission, 16 CFR 6 Federal Transit Administration, 49 CFR 609 Fine Arts Commission, 45 CFR 2104 General Services Administration, 41 CFR 101-8, 41 CFR 105-8 Harry S Truman Scholarship Foundation, 45 CFR 1803 Health and Human Services Department, 45 CFR 80, 45 CFR 85 Historic Preservation Advisory Council, 36 CFR 812 Homeland Security Department, 6 CFR 15 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 8, 24 CFR 9 Inter-American Foundation, 22 CFR 1005 Interior Department, 43 CFR 17 International Boundary and Water Commission, U.S. and Mexico, 22 CFR 1103 International Development Finance Corporation, U.S., 22 CFR 711 International Trade Commission, 19 CFR 201 James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation, 45 CFR 2490 Japan-United States Friendship Commission, 22 CFR 1600 Justice Department, 28 CFR 39, 28 CFR 41, 28 CFR 42 Labor Department, 29 CFR 32, 29 CFR 33 Legal Services Corporation, 45 CFR 1624 Libraries and Information Science, National Commission, 45 CFR 1706 Marine Mammal Commission, 50 CFR 550 Merit Systems Protection Board, 5 CFR 1207 Museum and Library Services Institute, 45 CFR 1181 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 14 CFR 1251 National Archives and Records Administration, 36 CFR 1208 National Council on Disability, 34 CFR 1200 National Counterintelligence Center, 32 CFR 1807 National Credit Union Administration, 12 CFR 794 National Endowment for the Arts, 45 CFR 1151, 45 CFR 1153 National Endowment for the Humanities, 45 CFR 1170, 45 CFR 1175 [[Page 521]] National Labor Relations Board, 29 CFR 100 National Science Foundation, 45 CFR 605, 45 CFR 606 National Transportation Safety Board, 49 CFR 807 Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation Office, 25 CFR 720 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 10 CFR 4 Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission, 29 CFR 2205 Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation, 36 CFR 906, 36 CFR 909 Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, 29 CFR 4907 People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled, Committee for Purchase From, 41 CFR 51-10 Personnel Management Office, 5 CFR 723, 5 CFR 900 Postal Service, 39 CFR 255 Prisons Bureau; miscellaneous regulations, 28 CFR 551 Railroad Retirement Board, 20 CFR 365 Selective Service System, 32 CFR 1699 Small Business Administration, 13 CFR 113, 13 CFR 136 Special Counsel Office, 5 CFR 1850 State Department, 22 CFR 142, 22 CFR 144 Surface Transportation Board, 49 CFR 1014 Tennessee Valley Authority, 18 CFR 1307, 18 CFR 1313 Transportation Department, 49 CFR 27, 49 CFR 28 Aviation proceedings, 14 CFR 382 Treasury Department, 31 CFR 17 U.S. Institute of Peace, 22 CFR 1701 Veterans Affairs Department, 38 CFR 15, 38 CFR 18 Nondiscrimination on basis of handicap in agency conducted programs or activities Executive Office of the President, 3 CFR 102 Health and Human Services Department, 45 CFR 80, 45 CFR 84, 45 CFR 85 National Capital Planning Commission, 1 CFR 457 National Commission for Employment Policy, 1 CFR 500 U.S. Paralympics, monthly assistance allowance for veterans in connection with, 38 CFR 76 Parking, uniform system for parking, 23 CFR 1235 Peace Corps Volunteer discrimination complaint procedure, 22 CFR 306 Volunteer service, eligibility and standards, 22 CFR 305 People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled, Committee for Purchase From Central nonprofit agencies, designation and responsibilities, 41 CFR 51-3 Contracting requirements, 41 CFR 51-5 General provisions, definitions, 41 CFR 51-1 Nonprofit organizations, qualification and responsibilities, 41 CFR 51-4 Organization and functions, 41 CFR 51-2 Procurement procedures, 41 CFR 51-6 Private land mobile radio services, 47 CFR 90 Public buildings, construction and alteration, accommodations for physically handicapped, 41 CFR 101-19 Securities and Exchange Commission; organization, conduct and ethics, and information and requests, 17 CFR 200 Small business Assistance loans, 13 CFR 120 Size regulations, 13 CFR 121 Social services block grants, 45 CFR 96 Consolidation of grants to insular areas for social programs, 45 CFR 97 State Department, information and communication technology, 22 CFR 147 Student-learners, apprentices, learners, messengers, handicapped persons, student-workers, and full-time students in agriculture, retail, or service establishments, annulment or withdrawal of certificates for employment at special minimum wage rates, 29 CFR 528 Telecommunications service and equipment and customer premises equipment, access by persons with disabilities, 47 CFR 6 Transportation [[Page 522]] Americans with Disabilities Act-- Accessibility specifications for transportation vehicles, 49 CFR 38 Transportation services for individuals with disabilities, 49 CFR 37 Elderly and handicapped persons, transportation planning, 49 CFR 609 Passenger carrier regulations, 49 CFR 374 Vending facility program for the blind on DoD-controlled Federal property, 32 CFR 260 Veterans Health Care for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) program, 38 CFR 63 Housing loan guaranty, assistance in acquiring special adapted housing, 38 CFR 36 Supportive Services for Veteran Families program, 38 CFR 62 U.S. Paralympics, monthly assistance allowance for veterans in connection, 38 CFR 76 Voicemail and interactive menu services and equipment, access by people with disabilities, 47 CFR 7 Weatherization assistance for low-income persons, 10 CFR 440 Workers with disabilities, employment under special certificates, 29 CFR 525 Workforce Investment Act of 1998, implementation of nondiscrimination and equal opportunity provisions, 29 CFR 37 Industrial facilities See al Business and Industry Air pollution control New stationary sources, performance standards, 40 CFR 60 State plans for designated facilities and pollutants, approval and promulgation, 40 CFR 62 Aluminum forming, point source category, 40 CFR 467 Battery manufacturing; water pollution control, effluent guidelines and standards, point source category, 40 CFR 461 Carbon industry, carbon black manufacturing; water pollution, effluent guidelines and standards, point source categories, 40 CFR 458 Cement manufacturing; water pollution control, effluent guidelines and standards, point source category, 40 CFR 411 Coil coating industry, coil coating facilities; water pollution effluent guidelines and standards for point source category, 40 CFR 465 Construction industry, construction and development; water pollution control, point source category, 40 CFR 450 Furniture industry, timber products processing; water pollution control, effluent guidelines and standards, point source category, 40 CFR 429 Gum and wood chemicals industry; water pollution effluent guidelines and standards; point source categories, 40 CFR 454 Ink industry, ink formulating; water pollution, effluent guidelines and standards, point source categories, 40 CFR 447 Inorganic chemicals manufacturing; water pollution effluent guidelines and standards for point source categories, 40 CFR 415 Leather and leather products industry, tanning and finishing; water pollution, effluent guidelines and standards, point source categories, 40 CFR 425 Organic chemicals, plastics, and synthetic fibers manufacturing; water pollution effluent guidelines and standards, point source categories, 40 CFR 414 Paint industry, paint formulating; water pollution, effluent guidelines and standards, point source categories, 40 CFR 446 Paper and paper products industry Pulp, paper, and paperboard; water pollution, effluent guidelines and standards, point source categories, 40 CFR 430 Recovered materials, comprehensive procurement guideline for products containing, 40 CFR 247 Pesticide chemicals manufacturing; water pollution effluent guidelines and standards for point source categories, 40 CFR 455 Photographic industry [[Page 523]] Photographic processing; water pollution effluent guidelines and standards for point source category, 40 CFR 459 Toxic substances control-- Mercury inventory supply, use, and trade; reporting requirements, 40 CFR 713 Premanufacture notification exemptions, 40 CFR 723 Porcelain enameling industry, porcelain enameling; water pollution, effluent guidelines and standards, point source categories, porcelain enameling, 40 CFR 466 Rubber and rubber products manufacturing, water pollution, effluent guidelines and standards, point source categories, 40 CFR 428 Soap and detergent industry, soap and detergent manufacturing; water pollution, effluent guidelines and standards, point source categories, 40 CFR 417 Industrial safety See Occupational safety and health Industry and Security Bureau Additional protocol regulations Civil nuclear fuel cycle-related activities not involving nuclear materials, 15 CFR 783 Complementary access, 15 CFR 784 Enforcement, 15 CFR 785 General information and overview, 15 CFR 781 Records and recordkeeping, 15 CFR 786 Reporting requirements and procedures, 15 CFR 782 Chemical Weapons Convention regulations Clarification procedures, consultations and challenge inspections, 15 CFR 717 Confidential business information, 15 CFR 718 Declaration, reporting, and notification requirements, general information, 15 CFR 711 Declared facilities, initial and routine inspections, 15 CFR 716 Enforcement, 15 CFR 719 Export privileges, denial, 15 CFR 720 General information and overview, 15 CFR 710 Records and recordkeeping, inspection, 15 CFR 721 Requirements, 15 CFR 745 Schedule 1 chemicals, activities involving, 15 CFR 712 Schedule 2 chemicals, activities involving, 15 CFR 713 Schedule 3 chemicals, activities involving, 15 CFR 714 Unscheduled discrete organic chemicals (UDOCs), activities involving, 15 CFR 715 Export Administration regulations Administrative enforcement proceedings, 15 CFR 766 Appeals and judicial review, 15 CFR 756 Application processing, issuance, and denial, 15 CFR 750 Applications (classification, advisory, and license) and documentation, 15 CFR 748 Commerce Control List, 15 CFR 774 Control policy, 15 CFR 742 Overview and Country Chart, 15 CFR 738 Definitions, 15 CFR 772 Embargoes and other special controls, 15 CFR 746 End-user and end-use based control policy, 15 CFR 744 Enforcement and protective measures, 15 CFR 764 Export clearance requirements and authorities, 15 CFR 758 Foreign availability determination procedures and criteria, 15 CFR 768 General information, 15 CFR 730 General prohibitions, 15 CFR 736 Interpretations, 15 CFR 770 License exceptions, 15 CFR 740 Recordkeeping, 15 CFR 762 Restrictive trade practices or boycotts, 15 CFR 760 Scope, 15 CFR 734 Short supply controls, 15 CFR 754 Software and technology exports, special reporting and notification, 15 CFR 743 Special comprehensive license, 15 CFR 752 Steps for using the EAR, 15 CFR 732 National Security Industrial Base regulations [[Page 524]] Defense priorities and allocations system, 15 CFR 700 Imported articles, effect on National security, 15 CFR 705 Offset agreements in sales of weapon systems or defense-related items to foreign countries or foreign firms, reporting, 15 CFR 701 Infants and children See al Adoption and foster care; Aid to families with dependent children; Child welfare; Early learning and development; Youth Baby pacifiers, requirements, 16 CFR 1511 Baby rattles, requirements, 16 CFR 1510 Bunk beds, requirements, 16 CFR 1513 Child and Adult Care Food Program, 7 CFR 226 Child nutrition programs Cash in lieu of donated foods, 7 CFR 240 Free and reduced price meals and free milk in schools, determining eligibility, 7 CFR 245 State administrative expense funds, 7 CFR 235 WIC farmers' market nutrition program (FMNP), 7 CFR 248 Child Protection Act Forfeiture authority for certain statutes, 28 CFR 8 Postal Service, inspection service authority, 39 CFR 233 Child Protection Restoration and Penalties Enhancement Act of 1990; Protect Act; Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006; recordkeeping and record-inspection provisions, 28 CFR 75 Child restraint systems recordkeeping requirements, 49 CFR 588 Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule, 16 CFR 312 Children's products Definition under the Consumer Product Safety Act, 16 CFR 1200 Testing and labeling pertaining to product certification, 16 CFR 1107 Children's toys and child care articles containing phthalates Inaccessible component parts, guidance, 16 CFR 1199 Unfinished manufactured fibers, determinations regarding ASTM F963 elements and phthalates, 16 CFR 1253 Coast Guard, child development services, 33 CFR 55 Commodity supplemental food program, 7 CFR 247 Common carrier services, universal service, 47 CFR 54 Conditions and requirements for relying on component part testing or certification, or another party's finished product testing or certification, to meet testing and certification requirements, 16 CFR 1109 Consumer Product Safety Commission Crib bumpers, ban, 16 CFR 1309 Children's products, children's toys, and child care articles; determinations regarding lead, ASTM F963 elements, and phthalates for engineered wood products, 16 CFR 1252 Children's toys and child care articles containing specified phthalates-- Prohibition of, 16 CFR 1307 Prohibition determinations regarding certain plastics, 16 CFR 1308 Durable infant or toddler products, consumer registration requirements, 16 CFR 1130 Inclined sleepers for infants, ban, 16 CFR 1310 Safety standards-- Baby changing products, 16 CFR 1235 Baby cribs, full-size, 16 CFR 1219 Baby cribs, non-full-size, 16 CFR 1220 Bassinets and cradles, 16 CFR 1218 Bedside sleepers, 16 CFR 1222 Bicycle helmets, 16 CFR 1203 Booster seats, 16 CFR 1237 Bunk Beds, entrapment hazards, 16 CFR 1213 Button cell or coin batteries and consumer products containing such batteries, 16 CFR 1263 Carriages and strollers, 16 CFR 1227 Children's folding chairs and children's folding stools, 16 CFR 1232 Cigarette lighters, 16 CFR 1210 Crib mattresses, 16 CFR 1241 [[Page 525]] Custom window coverings operating cords, 16 CFR 1260 Frame child carriers, 16 CFR 1230 Gates and enclosures, 16 CFR 1239 Hand-held infant carriers, 16 CFR 1225 High chairs, 16 CFR 1231 Infant bath seats, 16 CFR 1215 Infant bath tubs, 16 CFR 1234 Infant bouncer seats, 16 CFR 1229 Infant swings, 16 CFR 1223 Infant walkers, 16 CFR 1216 Magnets, 16 CFR 1262 Multi-purpose lighters, 16 CFR 1212 Play yards, 16 CFR 1221 Portable bed rails, 16 CFR 1224 Portable hook-on chairs, 16 CFR 1233 Sling carriers, 16 CFR 1228 Soft infant and toddler carriers, 16 CFR 1226 Toddler beds, 16 CFR 1217 Substantial product hazard list, 16 CFR 1120 Toys, safety standard mandating ASTM f963, 16 CFR 1250 Defense Department Child development programs, 32 CFR 79 Criminal history background checks on individuals in child care services, 32 CFR 86 Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children, 32 CFR 89 Transitional compensation for abused dependents, 32 CFR 111 Electrically operated toys or other electrically operated articles intended for use by children, requirements, 16 CFR 1505 Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP), 32 CFR 75 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Flammability standards, children's sleepwear Sizes 0 through 6X, 16 CFR 1615 Sizes 7 through 14, 16 CFR 1616 Food donations for use in U.S., 7 CFR 250 [[Page 526]] Foods, special dietary use, 21 CFR 105 Group health plans, rules and regulations, 29 CFR 2590 Hazardous substances and articles, administration and enforcement regulations, 16 CFR 1500 Household refrigerator doors, standards for devices that permit opening from inside, 16 CFR 1750 Improving academic achievement of disadvantaged (Title I), 34 CFR 200 Indian child custody proceedings, tribal reassumption of jurisdiction, 25 CFR 13 Indian health, Indian child protection and family violence prevention, 42 CFR 136 Infant formula Labeling, nutrient requirements, and recalls, 21 CFR 107 Requirements pertaining to current good manufacturing practice, quality control procedures, quality factors, records and reports, and notification, 21 CFR 106 Infant swings, safety standards, 21 CFR 1223 Infants and children with disabilities, early intervention program, 34 CFR 303 International child abduction, 22 CFR 94 Labor Department, Nondiscrimination on basis of age in programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance, 29 CFR 35 Lead paint and certain consumer products bearing lead paint, ban, 16 CFR 1303 Missing children, use of penalty mail in location and recovery Commerce Department, 15 CFR 23 Federal Communications Commission, 47 CFR 0 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 13 International Trade Commission, 19 CFR 201 Justice Department, 28 CFR 19 National Endowment for the Humanities, 45 CFR 1178 Railroad Retirement Board, 20 CFR 364 Veterans Affairs Department, 38 CFR 1 National commodity processing program, 7 CFR 252 National School Lunch Program, 7 CFR 210 Naturalization Aliens serving in U.S. Armed Forces and alien spouses and/or alien adopted children of military and civilian personnel ordered overseas, 32 CFR 94 Child born outside and residing permanently in U.S., automatic acquisition of citizenship, requirements, 8 CFR 320 Child born outside U.S., citizenship certificate application requirements, 8 CFR 322 Nondiscrimination on basis of handicap in federally assisted or conducted programs and activities, 45 CFR 84 Nutrition education and training program, 7 CFR 227 Pesticide programs, child resistant packaging requirements for pesticides and devices, 40 CFR 157 Poison prevention packaging, 16 CFR 1700 Petitions for exemptions, 16 CFR 1702 Policy statements and interpretations, 16 CFR 1701 Products subject to other Acts, regulation under Consumer Product Safety Act, 16 CFR 1145 School Breakfast Program, 7 CFR 220 Special milk program for children, 7 CFR 215 Special supplemental food program for women, infants and children, 7 CFR 246 Specific services, requirements and limits, 42 CFR 441 Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer Program, 7 CFR 292 Summer Food Service Program, 7 CFR 225 Toys Determinations regarding heavy elements limits for certain materials, 16 CFR 1251 Toys and other articles intended for use by children under 3 years of age which present choking, aspiration, or ingestion hazards because of small parts, method of identifying, 16 CFR 1501 Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act regulations, 16 CFR 1450 Information See also [[Page 527]] Archives and records; Classified information; Confidential business information; Freedom of information; Government publications; Privacy; Reporting and recordkeeping requirements; Sunshine Act Commerce Department, Government information disclosure, 15 CFR 4 Defense Department, release of official information in litigation and presentation of witness testimony by DoD personnel (Touhy regulation), 32 CFR 97 DNA identification system, 28 CFR 28 Export Administration regulations, general information, 15 CFR 730 General Services Administration Federal Acquisition Security Council, general regulations, 41 CFR 201- 1 Records and informational materials, public availability, 41 CFR 105- 60 Hazardous materials; general information, regulations, and definitions, 49 CFR 171 Health and Human Services Department, clinical trials registration and results information submission, 42 CFR 11 Information security matters, 38 CFR 75 Information Security Oversight Office, Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), 32 CFR 2002 Mandatory Declassification Review Program, 32 CFR 1704 National Fingerprint File Program qualification requirements, 28 CFR 905 Peanut promotion, research, and information order, 7 CFR 1216 Public diplomacy program material in the U.S., availability, 22 CFR 173 Safety and soundness standards, 12 CFR 364 Sex offender registration and notification, 28 CFR 72 Information Resources Management Office See Agriculture Department Information Security Oversight Office Classified National security information, 32 CFR 2001 Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), 32 CFR 2002 Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP), bylaws, rules, and appeal procedures, 32 CFR 2003 National Industrial Security Program (NISP), 32 CFR 2004 Inland waters See Waterways Insecticides See Pesticides and pests Insignia See Seals and insignia Inspector General Office, Health and Human Services Department Advisory opinions, 42 CFR 1008 Civil money penalties, assessments, and exclusions, 42 CFR 1003 Appeals, 42 CFR 1005 Imposition of sanctions on health care practitioners and providers of health care services under Medicare by a peer review organization, 42 CFR 1004 Introduction, general definitions, 42 CFR 1000 Investigational inquiries, 42 CFR 1006 Program integrity Medicare and State health care programs, 42 CFR 1001 State-initiated exclusions from Medicaid, 42 CFR 1002 State Medicaid fraud control units, 42 CFR 1007 Insulation See al Asbestos Air pollution control, performance standards for new stationary sources, 40 CFR 60 Cellulose insulation Labeling requirements, 16 CFR 1404 Safety standards, 16 CFR 1209 Home insulation, labeling and advertising, 16 CFR 460 Recovered materials, comprehensive procurement guideline for products containing, 40 CFR 247 Insurance See al Bank deposit insurance; Crime insurance; Crop insurance; Flood insurance; Health insurance; Insurance companies; Life insurance; Mortgage insurance; Pension insurance; Surety bonds; [[Page 528]] Unemployment compensation; War risk insurance; Workers' compensation Abandoned mine land reclamation, subsidence insurance program grants, 30 CFR 887 Acquisition regulations, bonds and insurance Agency for International Development, 48 CFR 728 Agriculture Department, 48 CFR 428 Commerce Department, 48 CFR 1328 Defense Department, 48 CFR 228 Energy Department, 48 CFR 928 Environmental Protection Agency, 48 CFR 1528 General Services Administration, 48 CFR 528 Interior Department, 48 CFR 1428 Justice Department, 48 CFR 2828 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 48 CFR 1828 Transportation Department, 48 CFR 1228 Veterans Affairs Department, 48 CFR 828 Acquisition regulations, management and operating contracts, Energy Department, 48 CFR 970 Air carriers, Warsaw Convention liability limits and defenses, waiver, 14 CFR 203 Aircraft accident liability insurance, 14 CFR 205 Commercial space transportation; financial responsibility, 14 CFR 440 Commodity Futures Trading Commission; proprietary trading, certain interests in, and relationships with covered funds, 17 CFR 75 Comptroller of the Currency Activities and operations, 12 CFR 7 Proprietary trading and certain interests in and relationships with covered funds, 12 CFR 44 Construction-differential subsidy vessels, operating-differential subsidy vessels and vessels sold or adjusted under Merchant Ship Sales Act 1946, insurance, 46 CFR 289 Consumer protection in insurance sales Comptroller of the Currency, 12 CFR 14 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 12 CFR 343 Federal Reserve System, 12 CFR 208 Diplomatic missions and personnel, compulsory liability insurance, 22 CFR 151 Electric and telecommunications borrowers, RUS fidelity and insurance requirements, 7 CFR 1788 Excise tax on policies issued by foreign insurers, 26 CFR 46 Farm Credit System, general provisions, 12 CFR 618 Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation Premiums, 12 CFR 1410 Releasing information, 12 CFR 1402 Federal Acquisition Regulation, bonds and insurance, 48 CFR 28 Federal credit unions Fidelity bond and insurance coverage, 12 CFR 713 Organization and operations, 12 CFR 701 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Industrial banks, 12 CFR 354 Orderly liquidation authority, 12 CFR 380 Proprietary trading and certain in and relationships with covered funds, 12 CFR 351 Federal disaster assistance, 44 CFR 206 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 [[Page 529]] Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Federal old-age, survivors, and disability insurance (1950-- ), international agreements (1950-- ), 20 CFR 404 Federal Reserve System, proprietary trading and certain in and relationships with covered funds (Regulation VV), 12 CFR 248 Government Accountability Office employees, insurance and annuities, 4 CFR 8 Hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facilities Interim status standards for owners and operators, 40 CFR 265 Standards for owners and operators, 40 CFR 264 Health care, statutory conscience rights protection, authority delegations, 45 CFR 88 Homeland security, regulations to support anti-terrorism by fostering effective technologies, 6 CFR 25 Household goods transportation in interstate commerce; consumer protection regulations, 49 CFR 375 Legal Services Corporation, bonding requirements for recipients, 46 CFR 1629 Maritime Administration, marine protection and indemnity insurance under agreements with agents, 46 CFR 326 Maritime carriers, passenger vessel financial responsibility, 46 CFR 540 Migrant and seasonal agricultural worker protection, 29 CFR 500 Motor carriers Financial responsibility, minimum levels, 49 CFR 387 Registration and insurance fees, 49 CFR 360 Unified Carrier Registration Plan and Agreement, standards for registration with States, 49 CFR 367 Motor vehicle insurance cost information availability from automobile dealers, 49 CFR 582 Nuclear power plants and reactors, financial protection requirements and indemnity agreements, 10 CFR 140 Railroad-highway projects and insurance coverage for these projects, 23 CFR 646 Rural development loans, insurance requirements, 7 CFR 1806 Rural Housing Service, direct multi-family housing loans and grants, 7 CFR 3560 S.A.F.E. Mortgage Licensing Act Residential mortgage loan originators, Federal registration (Regulation G), 12 CFR 1007 State compliance and bureau registration system (Regulation H), 12 CFR 1008 Servicing of water and waste programs, 7 CFR 1782 Surface coal mining and reclamation operations under regulatory programs, bond and insurance requirements, 30 CFR 800 Terrorism Risk Insurance Program, 31 CFR 50 [[Page 530]] Treasury tax and loan depositaries, recognition of insurance covering, 31 CFR 226 Underground storage tanks State programs, approval, 40 CFR 281 State programs, approved, 40 CFR 282 Technical standards and corrective action requirements for owners and operators, 40 CFR 280 Water pollution (vessels) and OPA 90 limits of liability (vessels, deepwater ports and onshore facilities), evidence of financial responsibility, 33 CFR 138 Insurance companies See al Insurance Black lung benefits, coal mine operator's insurance requirements, 20 CFR 726 Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975, form and content of and requirements for financial statements, 17 CFR 210 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, orderly liquidations Authority, 12 CFR 380 Proprietary trading and certain interests in and relationships with covered funds, 12 CFR 351 Federal Reserve System, proprietary trading and certain interests in and relationships with covered funds (Regulation VV), 12 CFR 248 Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, general provisions, 31 CFR 1010 Health care, statutory conscience rights protection, authority delegations, 45 CFR 88 Investment Advisers Act of 1940, form and content of and requirements for financial statements, 17 CFR 210 Investment Company Act of 1940, form and content of and requirements for financial statements, 17 CFR 210 Income taxes Capitalization of certain policy acquisition expenses, 26 CFR 1 (1.848-0--1.848-3) Discounted unpaid losses, 26 CFR 1 (1.846-0--1.846-4) Insurance companies other than life or mutual, 26 CFR 1 (1.831-1-- 1.832-7T) Life insurance companies-- Definition, tax imposed, 26 CFR 1 (1.801-1--1.803-7) Distributions to shareholders, 26 CFR 1 (1.815-1--1.815-6) Gain and loss from operations, 26 CFR 1 (1.809-1--1.812-9) Investment income, 26 CFR 1 (1.804-1--1.807-2) Miscellaneous provisions, 26 CFR 1 (1.817-1--1.820-3) Mutual insurance companies, 26 CFR 1 (1.821-1--1.826-7) Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act, insurance regulations, 20 CFR 703 Marine hull insurance underwriters, approval, 46 CFR 249 Securities Act of 1933, form and content of and requirements for financial statements, 17 CFR 210 Securities Exchange Act of 1934, form and content of and requirements for financial statements, 17 CFR 210 Surprise billing and transparency requirements, 45 CFR 149 Insured loans See Loan programs Integrity and Efficiency, Council of the Inspectors General on Freedom of information Act regulations, 5 CFR 9800 Privacy Act regulations, 5 CFR 9801 Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator Office Information, public availability, 5 CFR 10400 Intelligence See Classified information Inter-American Development Bank See International financial institutions Inter-American Foundation Agency employees, supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 7301 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 22 CFR 1006 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 22 CFR 1008 Employee responsibilities and conduct, 22 CFR 1001 Implementing open meetings, 22 CFR 1004 [[Page 531]] Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 22 CFR 1005 Records availability, 22 CFR 1002 Safeguarding personal information in records, 22 CFR 1003 Salary offset, 22 CFR 1007 Intergovernmental relations See al Grant programs; State and local governments Administrative requirements for grants and cooperative agreements with institutions of higher education, hospitals and other non-profit organizations, 38 CFR 49 Agricultural Marketing Service Commodity laboratory testing programs, restricted use pesticides, recordkeeping by certified applicators; surveys and reports, 7 CFR 110 Federal Grain Inspection Service, Fair Trade Practices Program; general regulations, 7 CFR 800 Air pollution control Acid Rain, permits regulations, 40 CFR 72 Air quality planning purposes, designated areas, 40 CFR 81 Ambient air quality surveillance, State and local air monitoring stations (SLAMS), 40 CFR 58 Chemical accident prevention provisions, 40 CFR 68 Conformity of Federal actions to State or Federal implementation plans, determining, 40 CFR 93 Consolidated Federal air rule, 40 CFR 65 EPA approval of State noncompliance penalty program, 40 CFR 67 Federal NOx Budget Trading Program, CAIR NOx and SO2 Trading Programs, CSAPR NOx and SO2 Trading Programs, and Texas SO2 Trading Program, 40 CFR 97 Implementation plans-- Approval and promulgation, 40 CFR 52 Preparation, adoption, and submittal requirements, 40 CFR 51 Indian country, air quality planning and management, 40 CFR 49 National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants, 40 CFR 61 National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants for source categories, 40 CFR 63 New stationary sources, performance standards, 40 CFR 60 Outer Continental Shelf air regulations, 40 CFR 55 State operating permit programs, 40 CFR 70 State plans for designated facilities and pollutants, approval and promulgation, 40 CFR 62 Animal diseases, scrapie control, 9 CFR 54 Armed Forces Army Department-- Employment of troops in aid of civil authorities, 32 CFR 501 Materiel loan, 32 CFR 623 Soldiers summoned to serve on State and local juries, 32 CFR 516 Court orders, compliance of DoD members, employees, and family members outside U.S., 32 CFR 146 Shelter for homeless program, 32 CFR 226 Audits of States, local governments and non-profit organizations; Labor Department, 29 CFR 99 Black lung benefits, criteria for determining whether State workers' compensation laws provide adequate coverage for pneumoconiosis and listing of approved State laws, 20 CFR 722 Boating safety, vessel numbering and casualty and accident reporting, State systems, 33 CFR 174 Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Basic Health Programs; administration, eligibility, essential health benefits, performance standards, service delivery requirements, premium and cost sharing, allotments, reconciliation, 42 CFR 600 Child and Adult Care Food Program, 7 CFR 226 Child labor regulations, orders, and statements of interpretation, 29 CFR 570 Coal management on public lands Coal exploration and mining operations rules, 43 CFR 3480 Competitive leasing, 43 CFR 3420 Existing leases management, 43 CFR 3450 General, 43 CFR 3400 [[Page 532]] Noncompetitive leases, 43 CFR 3430 Community planning and development programs, expired programs; savings clause, 24 CFR 500 Comprehensive emergency management, State assistance programs for training and education, 44 CFR 360 Comptroller of the Currency, lending and investment, 12 CFR 160 Consumer Product Safety Commission, applications for exemption from preemption of State and local requirements, 16 CFR 1061 Credit unions, unfair or deceptive acts or practices, 12 CFR 706 Criminal intelligence systems operating policies, 28 CFR 23 Criminal justice information systems, 28 CFR 20 Cross-media electronic reporting, 40 CFR 3 Debt collection practices (Regulation F), 12 CFR 1006 Defense Department Extraterritorial jurisdiction over civilian employees, certain current and former service members, 32 CFR 153 Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children, 32 CFR 89 District of Columbia retirement programs, Federal benefit payments, 31 CFR 29 Domestic hemp production program, 7 CFR 990 Efficient Federal-State funds transfers, rules and procedures, 31 CFR 205 Emergency employment of Army and other resources, natural disaster procedures, 33 CFR 203 Employment and Training Administration Unemployment compensation for ex-servicemembers, 20 CFR 614 Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Service, administrative provisions, 20 CFR 658 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title I; administrative provisions, 20 CFR 683 Workforce Investment Act, Title I; administrative provisions, 20 CFR 667 Energy Department Consumer products and commercial and industrial equipment-- Certification, compliance, and enforcement, 10 CFR 429 Energy conservation program, 10 CFR 430 Energy efficiency program, 10 CFR 431 Engineers Corps Activities involving discharge of dredged material or fill into U.S. waters, 33 CFR 338 Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan, programmatic regulations, 33 CFR 385 Dredging projects, factors considered in evaluation, 33 CFR 336 General regulatory policies, 33 CFR 320 Operation and maintenance of civil works projects involving discharge of dredged or fill material into U.S. or ocean waters, 33 CFR 335 Practice and procedure, 33 CFR 337 Permits-- Dams and dikes in navigable U.S. waters, 33 CFR 321 Enforcement, 33 CFR 326 Nationwide program, 33 CFR 330 Regional, processing, 33 CFR 325 Water resources infrastructure projects, credit assistance, 33 CFR 386 Water resources policies and authorities, flood damage reduction measures in urban areas, 33 CFR 238 Environmental Protection Agency Disadvantaged business enterprises, participation in agency programs, 40 CFR 33 State and local assistance grants, 40 CFR 35 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Interagency coordination of equal employment opportunity issuances, procedures, 29 CFR 1690 Previously exempt State and local government employee complaints of employment discrimination under Section 304 of 1991 Government Employee Rights Act, procedures, 29 CFR 1603 Procedural regulations, 29 CFR 1601 Procedures for coordinating investigation of complaints/charges of employment discrimination based on disability subject to Americans with Disabilities [[Page 533]] Act and Section 504 of 1973 Rehabilitation Act, 29 CFR 1640 Essential air service procedures, 14 CFR 325 Fair Labor Standards Act application to employees of State and local governments, 29 CFR 553 Farm products, clear title-protection for purchasers, 9 CFR 205 Farm Service Agency, Certified Mediation Program, 7 CFR 785 Federal consistency with approved coastal management programs, 15 CFR 930 Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, general administrative regulations, 7 CFR 400 Federal disaster assistance, 44 CFR 206 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department-- Audit requirements for State and local governments receiving Federal financial assistance (OMB A-128 implementation), 10 CFR 600 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Federal port controllers, 46 CFR 346 Federal Trade Commission, credit practices, 16 CFR 444 Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, general provisions, 31 CFR 1010 Fire Island National Seashore, zoning standards, 36 CFR 28 Firearms and ammunition, commerce in, 27 CFR 478 Fish and wildlife policy, State-Federal relationships, 43 CFR 24 Fish and wildlife protection and management, 36 CFR 241 Fisheries assistance programs, 50 CFR 253 Fishery management plans Atlantic coastal fisheries cooperative management, 50 CFR 697 Magnuson-Stevens Act provisions, 50 CFR 600 Flood control Cost sharing requirements under ability to pay provision, 33 CFR 241 Regulations, 33 CFR 208 Flood insurance Consultation with local officials, flood elevation determinations, 44 CFR 66 [[Page 534]] Erosion benefits, 44 CFR 63 Properties in violation of State and local law, 44 CFR 73 Food labeling, Food and Drug Administration administrative rulings and decisions, State and local requirements, 21 CFR 100 Food Safety and Inspection Service; State-Federal, Federal-State cooperative agreements designations, 9 CFR 560 Foreign diplomatic missions, assistance to State and local governments in protecting, 31 CFR 13 Forest Service Administration, 36 CFR 211 Land and resource management planning, 36 CFR 219 Smokey Bear symbol, 36 CFR 271 State and private forestry assistance, 36 CFR 230 Garnishment of earnings, restrictions, 29 CFR 870 General Services Administration Federal Property Management Regulations, telecommunications management policy, 41 CFR 101-35 Provision of special or technical services to State and local units of government, 41 CFR 105-50 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments, uniform administrative requirements (OMB A-102 implementation) Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, 29 CFR 1470 General Services Administration, 41 CFR 105-71 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 85 Labor Department, 29 CFR 97 Gulf Coast ecosystem restoration, spill impact component, 40 CFR 1800 Gulf Coast States; resources and ecosystems sustainability, tourist opportunities, and revived economies, 31 CFR 34 Hawaii, land exchange procedures, 43 CFR 47 Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, amendments, 43 CFR 48 Health and Human Services Department Health insurance-- Exchange establishment standards and related standards under Affordable Care Act, 45 CFR 155 Group and individual health insurance markets, health insurance reform requirements for, 45 CFR 147 Issuer standards under the Affordable Care Act, including requirements related to exchanges, 45 CFR 156 Reissuance, risk corridors, and risk adjustment under Affordable Care Act; standards, 45 CFR 153 Health care, statutory conscience rights protection, authority delegations, 45 CFR 88 Health care professionals, reporting to State licensing boards, 38 CFR 47 Highway safety, motor vehicles operation Open container laws, 23 CFR 1270 Repeat intoxicated driver laws, 23 CFR 1275 Safety belts use, uniform criteria for State observational surveys, 23 CFR 1340 Historic Preservation Advisory Council, protection of historic properties, 36 CFR 800 Housing Fair housing-- Certification and funding of State and local fair housing enforcement agencies, 24 CFR 115 Complaint processing, 24 CFR 103 General HUD program requirements, waivers, 24 CFR 5 Housing assistance programs under Section 8 and public and Indian housing programs, allocations of housing assistance funds, 24 CFR 791 Housing finance agency risk-sharing program for insured affordable multifamily project loans, 24 CFR 266 Insured multifamily housing, local rent control, 24 CFR 246 Low income housing mortgages, prepayment, 24 CFR 248 Manufactured home dispute resolution program, 24 CFR 3288 Manufactured home installation program, 24 CFR 3286 [[Page 535]] Manufactured home procedural and enforcement regulations, 24 CFR 3282 Manufactured housing program fee, 24 CFR 3284 Reasonable revitalization potential of certain public housing required by law, assessment, 24 CFR 971 Renewal communities, 24 CFR 599 Urban empowerment zones and enterprise communities-- Round one designations, 24 CFR 597 Round two and three designations, 24 CFR 598 Housing and Urban Development Department, revitalizing base closure communities and community assistance, community redevelopment and homeless assistance, 24 CFR 586 Intergovernmental Personnel Act, temporary assignment of employees, 5 CFR 334 Intergovernmental review of programs and activities Commerce Department, 15 CFR 13 Corporation for National and Community Service, 45 CFR 1233 Education Department, 34 CFR 79 Energy Department, 10 CFR 1005 Engineers Corps, 33 CFR 384 Environmental Protection Agency, 40 CFR 29 Federal Emergency Management Agency, 44 CFR 4 General Services Administration, 41 CFR 101-6 Health and Human Services Department, 45 CFR 100 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 52 Interior Department, 43 CFR 9 Justice Department, 28 CFR 30 Labor Department, 29 CFR 17 National Endowment for the Arts, 45 CFR 1152 National Science Foundation, 45 CFR 660 Postal Service, 39 CFR 778 Small Business Administration, 13 CFR 101 Tennessee Valley Authority, 18 CFR 1311 Transportation Department, 49 CFR 17 Veterans Affairs Department, 38 CFR 40 International Atomic Energy Agency, implementation of nuclear material safeguards agreements between United States and, 10 CFR 75 International fishery regulations, 50 CFR 300 Justice Department Criminal history background checks, 28 CFR 105 Procedures for coordinating investigation of complaints/charges of employment discrimination based on disability subject to Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of 1973 Rehabilitation Act, 28 CFR 37 Trafficking in persons, 28 CFR 1100 Labor Department grants, contracts, and other agreements; audit requirements, 29 CFR 96 Labor provisions, public contracts, State officers and employees, safety and health standards enforcement, 41 CFR 50-205 Labor standards Apprenticeship programs registration, 29 CFR 29 Utilization of State agencies for investigations and inspections, 29 CFR 515 Marine mammal management authority transfer to States, 50 CFR 403 Meat inspection, mandatory Cooperation with States and territories, 9 CFR 321 Interstate shipment of carcasses, parts of carcasses, meat, and meat food products; cooperative program with selective establishments, 9 CFR 332 Special provisions for designated States and territories, and for designation of establishments which endanger public health and for such designated establishments, 9 CFR 331 Medical devices, Federal preemption of State and local medical device requirements, exemptions, 21 CFR 808 Medicare, special programs and projects, 42 CFR 403 Migrant and seasonal agricultural worker protection, 29 CFR 500 Mineral royalties, oil and gas leasing; Land Management Bureau delegation of authority, cooperative agreements and contracts for inspections, 43 CFR 3190 Mining claims under general mining laws, 43 CFR 3800 [[Page 536]] Motor carrier safety Compatibility of State laws and regulations affecting interstate motor carrier operations, 49 CFR 355 Cooperative agreements with States, 49 CFR 388 Financial responsibility, minimum levels, 49 CFR 387 Hazardous materials transportation, driving and parking rules, 49 CFR 397 Unified Carrier Registration Plan and Agreement, standards for registration with States, 49 CFR 367 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, administrative authority and policy, 14 CFR 1204 National coastal wetlands conservation grant program, 50 CFR 84 National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact Council, outsourcing of noncriminal justice administrative functions, 28 CFR 906 National Driver Register Problem Driver Pointer System, procedures for participating in and receiving information from, 23 CFR 1327 National Marine Sanctuary program regulations, 15 CFR 922 National Mine Health and Safety Academy, 30 CFR 42 National security investigations, procedures for States and localities to request indemnification for disclosure of criminal history records Defense Department, 32 CFR 99 Justice Department, Federal Bureau of Investigation, 28 CFR 20 Personnel Management Office, 5 CFR 911 Natural resources revenue Cooperative activities with States and Indian tribes, 30 CFR 1228 Delegation to States, 30 CFR 1229 Navigation, private aids to, 33 CFR 66 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Domestic licensing of byproduct material, 10 CFR 30 Nuclear equipment and material, export and import, 10 CFR 110 Nuclear facilities, materials, import and export licenses, and other regulatory services under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954; fees, 10 CFR 170 Nuclear reactor and radioactive materials licenses, financial protection requirements and indemnity agreements, 10 CFR 140 Nuclear reactor licenses and fuel cycle licenses and materials licenses, including holders of certificates of compliance, registrations, and quality assurance program approvals, and government agencies licensed by the NRC; annual fees, 10 CFR 171 Production and utilization facilities, domestic licensing, 10 CFR 50 Occupational safety and health Changes to State plans, 29 CFR 1953 Consultation programs, 29 CFR 1908 Development and enforcement of State standards, 29 CFR 1902 Evaluation and monitoring procedures, 29 CFR 1954 Occupational injuries and illnesses, recording and reporting, 29 CFR 1904 State standards, enforcement, 29 CFR 1952 State standards applicable to State and local government employees in States without approved private health and safety employee plans, 29 CFR 1956 Williams-Steiger Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970; inspections, citations, and proposed penalties for violations, 29 CFR 1903 Withdrawal of approval procedures, 29 CFR 1955 Oil shale management Exploration licenses, 43 CFR 3910 General, 43 CFR 3900 Leasing, 43 CFR 3920 Oil spill liability trust fund; State access, 33 CFR 133 Ocean Energy Management Bureau, Outer Continental Shelf Existing facilities, alternate use, 30 CFR 589 Minerals other than oil, gas, and sulphur-- Leasing, 30 CFR 581 Operations, 30 CFR 582 Offshore facilities, oil spill financial responsibility for, 30 CFR 553 Oil and Gas Information Program, 30 CFR 552 Renewable energy, 30 CFR 585 [[Page 537]] Sand, gravel, and/or shell resources use, negotiated noncompetitive agreements, 30 CFR 583 Sulphur or oil and gas leasing and bonding requirements, 30 CFR 556 Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument, 50 CFR 404 Personnel administration training programs, 5 CFR 900 Persons with disabilities, uniform system for parking, 23 CFR 1235 Pesticide programs Exemption of Federal and State agencies for use of pesticides under emergency conditions, 40 CFR 166 Experimental use permits, 40 CFR 172 Pesticide applicators, certification, 40 CFR 171 Pesticide use violations, procedures governing rescission of State primary enforcement responsibility, 40 CFR 173 State registration of pesticide products, 40 CFR 162 Political activity of State or local officers or employees, 5 CFR 151 Poultry products inspection, 9 CFR 381 Prisons, transfer of inmates, 28 CFR 527 Public lands Carey Act grants, desert lands reclamation and settlement for agricultural purposes, 43 CFR 2610 Payments in lieu of taxes and mineral development relief loans, financial assistance for local governments Recreation and public purposes, public lands sales, 43 CFR 2740 Resource management planning, programming, and budgeting, 43 CFR 1600 State land grants, 43 CFR 2620 Puerto Rico, nutrition assistance grant provision, 7 CFR 285 Radioactive materials Atomic Energy Act, licensing exemptions and continued regulatory authority in agreement States and in offshore waters under Sec. 174, 10 CFR 150 Packaging and transportation, 10 CFR 71 Radioactive waste Emergency access to non-Federal and regional low-level waste disposal facilities, criteria and procedures, 10 CFR 62 High-level radioactive wastes, disposal in geologic repositories, licensing procedures, review by State, local and Indian tribal governments, 10 CFR 60 Independent storage of spent nuclear fuel, high-level radioactive waste, and reactor-related greater than class C waste, licensing requirements, 10 CFR 72 Land disposal, licensing requirements, 10 CFR 61 Yucca Mountain, Nevada, geologic repository, high-level radioactive wastes disposal, 10 CFR 63 Radiological emergency Commercial nuclear power plants, emergency preparedness planning, 44 CFR 352 Federal agency roles, emergency planning and preparedness, 44 CFR 351 Federal Emergency Management Agency, offsite radiological emergency preparedness program, service fee, 44 CFR 354 Review and approval of State and local radiological emergency plans and preparedness, 44 CFR 350 State and local government or licensee radiological emergency plans and preparedness; fee for services in support, review, and approval of, 44 CFR 353 Railroad safety, State safety participation regulations, 49 CFR 212 Range management, 36 CFR 222 Retirement, electronic processing, 5 CFR 850 River basin investigations and surveys, 7 CFR 621 Rural development Coordination, 7 CFR 22 Loans and grants, program-related instructions, 7 CFR 1901 State and regional annual plans of work, 7 CFR 23 Rural empowerment zones and enterprise communities, 7 CFR 25 Rural Utilities Service, post-loan policies and procedures common to insured and guaranteed electric loans, 7 CFR 1717 [[Page 538]] Safety and Environmental Enforcement Bureau Outer Continental Shelf-- Facilities located seaward of coast line, oil-spill response requirements for, 30 CFR 254 Oil and Gas Information Program, 30 CFR 252 Operations for minerals other than oil, gas, and sulphur, 30 CFR 282 Sulphur or oil and gas leasing, 30 CFR 256 Sewage sludge, State sludge management program regulations, 40 CFR 501 Small Business Administration Cosponsorships, fee and non-fee based SBA-sponsored activities and gifts, 13 CFR 106 Size regulations, 13 CFR 121 Solid wastes Identification of regions and agencies for management, 40 CFR 255 State hazardous waste management programs, approved, 40 CFR 272 State hazardous waste programs, authorization requirements, 40 CFR 271 State permit program requirements, adequacy determination, 40 CFR 239 State Department, trafficking in persons, 28 CFR 1100 State exemption application procedures, 16 CFR 901 State highway safety grant programs, uniform procedures, 23 CFR 1200, 23 CFR 1300 State income tax withholding Civil Service Retirement System, 5 CFR 831 Federal Employees Retirement System, general administration, 5 CFR 841 Withholding of District of Columbia, State, city and county income or employment taxes by Federal agencies, 31 CFR 215 Superfund program, oil and hazardous substances Arbitration procedures for small Superfund cost recovery claims, 40 CFR 304 Citizen awards for information on criminal violations under Superfund, 40 CFR 303 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA)-- Administrative hearing procedures for claims against Superfund, 40 CFR 305 Claims procedures, 40 CFR 307 Hazardous chemical reporting, community right-to-know, 40 CFR 370 Hazardous substances-- Activity, reporting when selling or transferring Federal real property, 40 CFR 373 Designation, reportable quantities, and notification, 40 CFR 302 Releases, reimbursement to local governments for emergency response, 40 CFR 310 Trade secrecy claims for emergency planning and community right-to- know information, trade secret disclosures to health professionals, 40 CFR 350 Innocent landowners, standards for conducting all appropriate inquiries, 40 CFR 312 National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan, 40 CFR 300 Natural resource damage assessments, 43 CFR 11 Toxic chemical release reporting, community right-to-know, 40 CFR 372 Worker protection for State and local government employees engaged in hazardous waste operations, 40 CFR 311 Surface coal mining and reclamation operations Federal lands, State-Federal cooperative agreements, 30 CFR 745 Indian lands, tribal-Federal intergovernmental agreements, 30 CFR 755 Non-Federal and non-Indian lands-- Federal program for a State, 30 CFR 736 Requirements, 30 CFR 730 State coal mining program submission, 30 CFR 731 [[Page 539]] State coal mining program submissions, procedures and criteria for approval or disapproval, 30 CFR 732 State programs; early identification of corrective action, maintenance, procedures for substituting Federal enforcement, and withdrawing approval, 30 CFR 733 State regulatory authority inspection and enforcement procedures, 30 CFR 840 Surface mining operations within each State, conduct of programs Alabama, 30 CFR 901 Alaska, 30 CFR 902 Arizona, 30 CFR 903 Arkansas, 30 CFR 904 California, 30 CFR 905 Certification of blasters in Federal program States and on Indian lands, 30 CFR 955 Colorado, 30 CFR 906 Georgia, 30 CFR 910 Idaho, 30 CFR 912 Illinois, 30 CFR 913 Indiana, 30 CFR 914 Introduction, 30 CFR 900 Iowa, 30 CFR 915 Kansas, 30 CFR 916 Kentucky, 30 CFR 917 Louisiana, 30 CFR 918 Maryland, 30 CFR 920 Massachusetts, 30 CFR 921 Michigan, 30 CFR 922 Mississippi, 30 CFR 924 Missouri, 30 CFR 925 Montana, 30 CFR 926 New Mexico, 30 CFR 931 North Carolina, 30 CFR 933 North Dakota, 30 CFR 934 Ohio, 30 CFR 935 Oklahoma, 30 CFR 936 Oregon, 30 CFR 937 Pennsylvania, 30 CFR 938 Rhode Island, 30 CFR 939 South Dakota, 30 CFR 941 Tennessee, 30 CFR 942 Texas, 30 CFR 943 Utah, 30 CFR 944 Virginia, 30 CFR 946 Washington, 30 CFR 947 West Virginia, 30 CFR 948 Wyoming, 30 CFR 950 Susquehanna River Basin Commission, general policies, 18 CFR 801 Toxic substances control, asbestos-containing materials in schools, 40 CFR 763 Underground storage tanks, State programs State programs, approval, 40 CFR 281 State programs, approved, 40 CFR 282 Urban homesteading, 24 CFR 590 Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation Commission Mitigation and conservation plan, policies and procedures for developing and implementing, 43 CFR 10005 National Environmental Policy Act, policies and procedures for implementing, 43 CFR 10010 Vessels of Armed Forces, uniform national discharge standards, 40 CFR 1700 Wage and Hour Division, migrant and seasonal agricultural worker protection, 29 CFR 500 Water programs Dredged or fill material discharges (Section 404 Program)-- Definitions, exempt activities not requiring permits, 40 CFR 232 State program regulations, 40 CFR 233 Great Lakes System, water quality guidance, 40 CFR 132 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, State program requirements, 40 CFR 123 National primary drinking water regulations, establishment, 40 CFR 141 Oil removal contingency plans criteria, State, local, and regional, 40 CFR 109 State, Tribal, and EPA-administered underground injection control programs, 40 CFR 147 Requirements, 40 CFR 145 State certification of activities requiring Federal license or permit, 40 CFR 121 Water quality planning and management, 40 CFR 130 Water quality standards, 40 CFR 131 Wholesale prescription drug distributors, State licensing guidelines, 21 CFR 205 Interior Department See also [[Page 540]] Fish and Wildlife Service; Geological Survey; Indian Affairs Bureau; Indian Arts and Crafts Board; Land Management Bureau; National Indian Gaming Commission; National Park Service; Natural Resources Revenue Office; Ocean Energy Management Bureau; Reclamation Bureau; Safety and Environmental Enforcement Bureau; Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement Office Acquisition regulations Acquisition planning, 48 CFR 1407 Administrative matters, 48 CFR 1404 Application of labor laws to government acquisitions, 48 CFR 1422 Bonds and insurance, 48 CFR 1428 Competition requirements, 48 CFR 1406 Construction and architect-engineer contracts, 48 CFR 1436 Contract administration and audit services, 48 CFR 1442 Contract cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 1431 Contract financing, 48 CFR 1432 Contract modifications, 48 CFR 1443 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 1415 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 1409 Cost accounting standards administration, 48 CFR 1430 Definitions of words and terms, 48 CFR 1402 Department of the Interior Acquisition Regulation System, 48 CFR 1401 Extraordinary contractual actions and the Safety Act, 48 CFR 1450 Foreign acquisition, 48 CFR 1425 Government property, 48 CFR 1445 Government sources by contractors, use of, 48 CFR 1451 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 1403 Other socio-economic programs, 48 CFR 1426 Patents, data, and copyrights, 48 CFR 1427 Protection of privacy and freedom of information, 48 CFR 1424 Protests, disputes, and appeals, 48 CFR 1433 Publicizing contract actions, 48 CFR 1405 Quality assurance, 48 CFR 1446 Required sources of supplies and services, 48 CFR 1408 Research and development contracting, 48 CFR 1435 Sealed bidding, 48 CFR 1414 Service contracting, 48 CFR 1437 Simplified acquisition procedures, 48 CFR 1413 Small business programs, 48 CFR 1419 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 1452 Special contracting methods, 48 CFR 1417 Taxes, 48 CFR 1429 Termination of contracts, 48 CFR 1449 Types of contracts, 48 CFR 1416 Value engineering, 48 CFR 1448 Administrative claims under Federal Tort Claims Act, 43 CFR 22 Administrative wage garnishment, debt collection, 43 CFR 39 Alaska conservation system units, transportation and utility systems in and across, and access into, 43 CFR 36 Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System, requirements for equal opportunity requirements during construction and operation, 43 CFR 34 Allocation of duty-free watches from Virgin Islands, Guam, and American Samoa, 43 CFR 33 American antiquities, preservation, 43 CFR 3 American Indian Trust Fund Management Reform Act, 25 CFR 1200 Archaeological resources protection, uniform regulations, 43 CFR 7 Cabin sites on public conservation and recreation areas, occupancy, 43 CFR 21 Cave management, 43 CFR 37 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 1400 Drug-free workplace (financial assistance), requirements, 2 CFR 1401 Employee responsibilities and conduct, 43 CFR 20 Fire protection emergency assistance, 43 CFR 28 Fish and wildlife policy of Interior Department; State-Federal relationships, 43 CFR 24 [[Page 541]] Grants to States for establishing Young Adult Conservation Corps program, 43 CFR 32 Grants to States for establishing Youth Conservation Corps programs, 43 CFR 26 Hawaii, land exchange procedures, 43 CFR 47 Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, amendments, 43 CFR 48 Hearings and appeals procedures, 43 CFR 4 Helium, conservation, 43 CFR 16 Indian Business Incubators Program, 25 CFR 1187 Indian probate hearings procedures, 43 CFR 30 Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, Tribal Self- Government Act amendments, annual funding agreements, 25 CFR 1000 Intergovernmental review of Department of Interior programs and activities, 43 CFR 9 Key Largo Coral Reef Preserve, 43 CFR 15 Lobbying restrictions, 43 CFR 18 National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, implementation, 43 CFR 46 Native Americans Graves protection and repatriation regulations, 43 CFR 10 Indian property, waiving departmental review of appraisals and valuations, 43 CFR 100 Native Hawaiian community, procedures for reestablishing a formal government-to-government relationship, 43 CFR 50 Nondiscrimination in federally assisted and federally conducted programs, 43 CFR 17 Nondiscrimination on basis of sex in federally assisted education programs, 43 CFR 41 Oil and hazardous substances, natural resource damage assessments, 43 CFR 11 Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument, 50 CFR 404 Patent regulations, 43 CFR 6 Practices when appearing before Department, 43 CFR 1 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, 43 CFR 35 Property management Establishment of quarters rental rates, 41 CFR 114-52 Government furnished quarters, 41 CFR 114-51 Records and testimony under the Freedom of Information Act, 43 CFR 2 Reservoir project lands, joint policies of Interior and Army Departments, 43 CFR 8 Rulemaking petitions, 43 CFR 14 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for Department employees, 5 CFR 3501 Surface exploration, mining, and reclamation of lands, 43 CFR 23 Trans-Alaska Pipeline Authorization Act, nondiscrimination in activities, 43 CFR 27 Trans-Alaska Pipeline Liability Fund, 43 CFR 29 Tribal self-governance program, 25 CFR 1001 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 1402 U.S. Park Police pay, interim geographic adjustments, 43 CFR 38 Vending facilities operated by blind persons, 43 CFR 13 Watches, watch movements and jewelry, duty-free entry, 15 CFR 303 Wilderness preservation, 43 CFR 19 Interlocking directorates See Antitrust Intermodal transportation See al Transportation Boating Infrastructure Grant program, 50 CFR 86 Carrier automated tariffs, 46 CFR 520 Containerized freight, practices of carriers involved in intermodal movement, 49 CFR 1090 Federal motor carrier safety regulations, general regulations, 49 CFR 390 Intermodal cargo services by foreign air carriers, 14 CFR 222 Projects of National and regional significance, evaluation and rating, 23 CFR 505 Transportation exemptions, 49 CFR 1039 [[Page 542]] Internal Revenue Service Attorneys, certified public accountants, enrolled agents, and other persons representing clients, practice before the Internal Revenue Service, 31 CFR 10 Balanced system for measuring organizational and employee performance, 26 CFR 801 Employment tax and collection of income tax at source regulations under Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982, 26 CFR 35 Employment taxes and collection of income tax at source, 26 CFR 31 Employment taxes, contract coverage of employees of foreign subsidies, 26 CFR 36 Employment taxes, temporary regulations Act of December 19, 1981 (Pub. L. 97-123), 26 CFR 32 Interest and Dividend Tax Compliance Act of 1983, 26 CFR 35a Estate taxes Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981, temporary regulations, 26 CFR 22 Estates of decedents dying after August 16, 1954, 26 CFR 20 Generation-skipping transfer tax regulations under Tax Reform Act of 1986, 26 CFR 26 Excise taxes Branded prescription drug fees, 26 CFR 51 Environmental taxes, 26 CFR 52 Excise tax on policies issued by foreign insurers and obligations not in registered form, 26 CFR 46 Facilities and services, 26 CFR 49 Foundation and similar excise taxes, 26 CFR 53 Greenmail, 26 CFR 156 Manufacturers and retailers, 26 CFR 48 Pension, 26 CFR 54 Procedural regulations, 26 CFR 40 Public charity, 26 CFR 56 Real estate investment trusts and regulated investment companies, 26 CFR 55 Structured settlement factoring transactions, 26 CFR 157 Tax imposed with respect to certain hydraulic mining, 26 CFR 50 Tax on use of certain highway motor vehicles, 26 CFR 41 Transportation by water, 26 CFR 43 Wagering taxes, effective January 1, 1955, 26 CFR 44 Excise taxes, temporary regulations Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, 26 CFR 141 Highway Revenue Act of 1982 (Pub. L. 97-424), 26 CFR 145 Tax Reform Act of 1969, 26 CFR 143 Gift tax, gifts made after December 31, 1954, 26 CFR 25 Health insurance providers fee, 26 CFR 57 Income taxes Capital construction fund, 26 CFR 3 Maritime construction reserve fund, 26 CFR 2 Taxable years beginning after December 31, 1953, 26 CFR 1 Income taxes, temporary regulations Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981, 26 CFR 5c Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, 26 CFR 11 Exploration expenditures in case of mining, 26 CFR 15 Installment Sales Revision Act, 26 CFR 15a Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1980, Title II, 26 CFR 6a Partial exclusion for certain conservation cost sharing payments, 26 CFR 16a Revenue Act of 1962, 26 CFR 16 Revenue Act of 1964, 26 CFR 19 Revenue Act of 1971, 26 CFR 12 Revenue Act of 1978, 26 CFR 5 Section 3 of Act of October 26, 1974 (Pub. L. 93-483), 26 CFR 8 Section 954 of Internal Revenue Code, 26 CFR 4 Subchapter S Revision Act of 1982, 26 CFR 18 Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982, 26 CFR 5f Tax Reduction Act of 1975, 26 CFR 9 Tax Reform Act of 1969, 26 CFR 13 Tax Reform Act of 1976, 26 CFR 7 Travel expenses, members of Congress, 26 CFR 5e OMB control numbers under Paperwork Reduction Act, 26 CFR 602 Presidential election campaign fund, 26 CFR 701 [[Page 543]] Presidential primary matching payment account, 26 CFR 702 Procedural rules statement, 26 CFR 601 Procedure and administration Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, temporary regulations, 26 CFR 420 Federal Tax Lien Act of 1966, temporary regulations, 26 CFR 400 General regulations, 26 CFR 301 Indian Tribal Governmental Status Act of 1982, temporary procedural and administrative regulations, 26 CFR 305 International Claims Settlement Act taxes, 26 CFR 302 Personal property, disposition of seized property, 26 CFR 403 Tax Reform Act of 1976, temporary regulations, 26 CFR 404 Trading with Enemy Act Taxes, 26 CFR 303 User fees, 26 CFR 300 Tax conventions Denmark, 26 CFR 521 France, 26 CFR 514 Ireland, 26 CFR 513 Switzerland, 26 CFR 509 International agreements See Treaties International Bank for Reconstruction and Development See International financial institutions International boundaries See al Foreign relations CBP relations with Canada and Mexico, 19 CFR 123 International Joint Commission, U.S. and Canada, rules of procedure, 22 CFR 401 Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Act regulations, 28 CFR 29 International Boundary and Water Commission, U.S. and Mexico Archaeological resources protection, uniform regulations, 22 CFR 1104 Employee responsibilities and conduct, 22 CFR 1100 Freedom of Information Act, 22 CFR 1102 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 22 CFR 1103 Privacy Act of 1974, 22 CFR 1101 International Development Cooperation Agency See al Agency for International Development; International Development Finance Corporation, U.S. Employee responsibilities and conduct, 22 CFR 1203 Privacy Act of 1974 implementation regulations, 22 CFR 1202 Public information, 22 CFR 1201 Ukraine, loan guarantees issued under the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act of 2015, and the Support for the Sovereignty, Integrity, Democracy, and Economic Stability of Ukraine Act of 2014; standard terms and conditions, 22 CFR 237 International Development Finance Corporation, U.S. Access to and safeguarding of personal information, 22 CFR 707 Employees Ethical conduct standards and financial disclosure regulations, 22 CFR 705 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 4301 Freedom of Information Act, information disclosure, 22 CFR 706 Legal proceedings, production of nonpublic records and testimony of employees, 22 CFR 713 Lobbying restrictions, 22 CFR 712 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 22 CFR 711 Post-employment restrictions, administrative enforcement procedures, 22 CFR 710 International expositions See Fairs and expositions International Finance Corporation See International financial institutions International financial institutions African Development Bank, reports to Securities and Exchange Commission, 17 CFR 288 Asian Development Bank, reports to Securities and Exchange Commission, 17 CFR 287 [[Page 544]] European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, reports to Securities and Exchange Commission, 17 CFR 290 Inter-American Development Bank, reports to Securities and Exchange Commission, 17 CFR 286 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development Bretton-Woods Agreements Act, reports to Securities and Exchange Commission, 17 CFR 285 Reports to Securities and Exchange Commission, 17 CFR 285 International Finance Corporation, reports to Securities and Exchange Commission, 17 CFR 289 International Joint Commission, U.S. and Canada Procedure rules, 22 CFR 401 International organizations Chemical Weapons Convention and Chemical Weapons Implementation Act of 1988, taking of samples and enforcement of recordkeeping and inspection requirements, 22 CFR 103 Employees' personal customs declarations and exemptions, 19 CFR 148 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Subaward and executive compensation information, reporting, 2 CFR 170 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 International Organizations Employees Loyalty Board, operations, 5 CFR 1501 Never contract with the enemy, 2 CFR 183 United Nations, North Korea sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 510 International Organizations Employees Loyalty Board Operations, 5 CFR 1501 International Pacific Halibut Commission See National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration [[Page 545]] International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission See National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration International Regulatory Agencies (Fishing and Whaling) See National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration International trade See Foreign trade International Trade Administration Aluminum Import Monitoring and Analysis system, 19 CFR 361 Antidumping and countervailing duties, 19 CFR 351 Antidumping or countervailing duty protective order violation, procedures for imposing sanctions, 19 CFR 354 Cotton woven fabric imports, 15 CFR 336 Emergency relief work supplies, 19 CFR 358 Export trade certificates of review, 15 CFR 325 Instruments and apparatus for educational and scientific institutions, duty-free entry, 15 CFR 301 Official U.S. Government recognition of and participation in international expositions held in U.S., 15 CFR 310 Short supply procedures, 19 CFR 357 Steel import monitoring and analysis system, 19 CFR 360 United States-Mexico-Canada agreement, procedures and rules for Article 10.12, 19 CFR 356 Watches, watch movements and jewelry, duty-free entry, 15 CFR 303 Worsted wool fabric imports, 15 CFR 335 International Trade Commission Duty suspensions and reductions petitions, consideration process, 19 CFR 220 Employee responsibilities and conduct, 19 CFR 200 Equal Access to Justice Act, implementation, 19 CFR 212 General application rules, 19 CFR 201 Nonadjudicative investigations Global and bilateral safeguard actions, market disruption, trade diversion, and review of relief actions, 19 CFR 206 Imports, effects of on agricultural programs, 19 CFR 204 Imports sold at less than fair value or from subsidized exports to the U.S.; investigations of whether injury to domestic industries results from, 19 CFR 207 Modified trade practices, effects on U.S. economy, investigations to determine, 19 CFR 205 Production costs, 19 CFR 202 Trade remedy assistance, 19 CFR 213 Unfair import trade practices investigations, adjudication and enforcement, 19 CFR 210 International Whaling Commission See National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Internet See al Computer technology Children's online privacy protection rule, 16 CFR 312 Common carrier services Miscellaneous rules, 47 CFR 64 Real-time text, 47 CFR 67 Universal service, 47 CFR 54 Connecting Minority Communities Pilot Program, 47 CFR 302 Copyright Royalty Board, Library of Congress; subscription transmissions and the reproduction of ephemeral recordings by certain new subscription services, rates and terms, 37 CFR 383 Emergency service providers (911 and E911) requirements, 47 CFR 9 Federal Communications Commission Multichannel video and cable television service, 47 CFR 76 Practice and procedure, 47 CFR 1 Foreign Assets Control Office, cyber-related sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 578 Internet gambling, Funding prohibition Federal Reserve System (Regulation GG), 12 CFR 233 Treasury Department, 31 CFR 132 National Credit Union Administration; security program, suspicious transactions, catastrophic acts, cyber incidents, and Bank Secrecy Act compliance, 12 CFR 748 Preserving open Internet, 49 CFR 8 Rural Utilities Service [[Page 546]] Rural eConnectivity Program, 7 CFR 1740 Telecommunications programs, servicing, 7 CFR 1752 Interscholastic sports See Education; Youth organizations Intramural athletics See Education; Youth organizations Inventions and patents Acquisition regulations; patents, data, and copyrights Agriculture Department, 48 CFR 427 Commerce Department, 48 CFR 1327 Defense Department, 48 CFR 227 Energy Department, 48 CFR 927 General Services Administration, 48 CFR 527 Housing and Urban Development Department, 48 CFR 2427 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 48 CFR 1827 National Science Foundation, 48 CFR 2527 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 48 CFR 2027 State Department, 48 CFR 627 Transportation Department, 48 CFR 1227 Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, patent term restoration, 9 CFR 124 Assignment, recording and rights of assignee, 37 CFR 3 Defense Department, international interchange of patent rights and technical information, 32 CFR 264 Education Department Direct grant programs, 34 CFR 75 Employee inventions, 34 CFR 7 Inventions and patents (general), 34 CFR 6 Energy Department Patent and copyright infringement claims, 10 CFR 782 Patent Compensation Board regulations, 10 CFR 780 Patent licensing regulations, 10 CFR 781 Patent waiver regulation, 10 CFR 784 Waiver of certain patent rights, 10 CFR 783 Environmental Protection Agency, mandatory patent licenses, 40 CFR 95 Export Administration regulations, scope, 15 CFR 734 Federal Acquisition Regulation, 48 CFR 27 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 [[Page 547]] Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Federal Prison Industries inmate work programs, 28 CFR 345 Food and Drug Administration, patent term restoration, 21 CFR 60 Foreign Assets Control Office, North Korea sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 510 Government employees, uniform patent policy for rights in inventions made by, 37 CFR 501 Health and Human Services Department Employee inventions, 45 CFR 7 Regulatory review, 45 CFR 8 Interior Department, patent regulations, 43 CFR 6 Invention promoters, complaints regarding, 37 CFR 4 Legal processes, 37 CFR 104 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Inventions and contributions, 14 CFR 1240 Patents and other intellectual property rights, 14 CFR 1245 National Institute of Standards and Technology Advanced technology program, 15 CFR 295 Personnel exchange between Federal laboratories and non-Federal entities, 15 CFR 17 Technology innovation program, 15 CFR 296 National Science Foundation, 45 CFR 650 National Technical Information Service, Government-owned inventions, licensing, 37 CFR 404 Navy Department, licensing of Government-owned inventions, 32 CFR 746 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, standard specifications for granting of patent licenses, 10 CFR 81 Patent cases, practice rules, 37 CFR 1 Patent Trial and Appeal Board Judicial review, 37 CFR 90 Practice before, 37 CFR 41 Trial practice before, 37 CFR 42 Representation of others before Patent and Trademark Office, 37 CFR 11 Rights to inventions made by nonprofit organizations and small business firms under Government grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements, 37 CFR 401 Secrecy of certain inventions and licenses to export and file applications in foreign countries, 37 CFR 5 Softwood lumber research, promotion, consumer education and industry information order, 7 CFR 1217 Treasury Department, employee inventions, 31 CFR 7 Veterans Affairs Department, general provisions, 38 CFR 1 Investigations Affirmative action and nondiscrimination obligations of Federal contractors and subcontractors Disabled veterans, recently separated veterans, active duty wartime or campaign badge veterans, and Armed Forces service medal veterans, 41 CFR 60-300 Individuals with disabilities, 41 CFR 60-741 Agricultural Marketing Service, Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act, 7 CFR 46 Aircraft accidents or incidents and overdue aircraft notification and reporting and preservation of aircraft wreckage, mail, cargo, and records, 49 CFR 830 Alternate fuels, administrative procedures and sanctions, 10 CFR 501 Army Department Disciplinary control boards, off-installation liaison and operations, 32 CFR 631 Motor vehicle traffic supervision, 32 CFR 634 Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board, administrative investigations, 40 CFR 1610 Child labor regulations and minimum wage requirements, State agencies used for investigations and inspections of places of employment for compliance, 29 CFR 515 Civil service regulations [[Page 548]] National security position designation, 5 CFR 1400 Personnel investigations, 5 CFR 736 Coal production in mines; notification, investigation, reports, and records of accidents, injuries, illnesses, and employment, 30 CFR 50 Coast Guard, whistleblower protection, 33 CFR 53 Commerce Department, securing the information and communications technology and services supply chain, 15 CFR 7 Commercial space transportation Compliance and enforcement, 14 CFR 405 License to operate reentry site, 14 CFR 433 Commodity Futures Trading Commission Investigations, rules relating to, 17 CFR 11 Whistleblower rules, 17 CFR 165 Comptroller of the Currency Investigative proceedings and formal examination proceedings, rules, 12 CFR 112 Practice and procedure rules, 12 CFR 19 Consumer Product Safety Act, investigations, inspections, and inquiries, 16 CFR 1118 Defense Department Classified information-- Adjudicative guidelines for determining access eligibility, 32 CFR 147 Interagency reciprocity of facilities, national policy and implementation, 32 CFR 148 Cooperation with Office of Special Counsel of Merit Systems Protection Board, 32 CFR 145 Criminal history background checks on individuals in child care services, 32 CFR 86 Technical surveillance countermeasures Defense Logistics Agency, noncontractual claims, investigating and processing, and reporting related litigation, 32 CFR 1280 Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board, procedures for safety investigations, 10 CFR 1708 Drugs Investigational new drug applications, 21 CFR 312 Orphan drugs, 21 CFR 316 Energy Department Research misconduct allegations, 10 CFR 733 Standby mandatory international oil allocation, 10 CFR 218 Engineers Corps, permit enforcement, 33 CFR 326 Environmental Protection Agency, water programs, employee protection hearings, 40 CFR 108 Equal employment opportunity Equal Pay Act, 29 CFR 1620 Recordkeeping and reporting requirements under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, 29 CFR 1602 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Previously exempt State and local government employee complaints of employment discrimination under Section 304 of 1991 Government Employee Rights Act, procedures, 29 CFR 1603 Procedures for coordinating investigation of complaints/charges of employment discrimination based on disability subject to Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of 1973 Rehabilitation Act, 29 CFR 1640 Fair housing, complaint processing, 24 CFR 103 Farm Credit Administration Accounting and reporting requirements, 12 CFR 621 Organization, 12 CFR 611 Practice and procedure rules, 12 CFR 622 Standards of conduct and referral of known or suspected criminal violations, 12 CFR 612 Federal Aviation Administration Commercial space transportation-- Investigations, enforcement, and administrative review, 14 CFR 406 Launch and reentry license requirements, 14 CFR 450 Federally-assisted airport enforcement proceedings, practice rules, 14 CFR 16 Investigative and enforcement procedures, 14 CFR 13 Federal Communications Commission, practice and procedure, 47 CFR 1 [[Page 549]] Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, practice and procedures rules, 12 CFR 308 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 18 CFR 1b Federal Maritime Commission, Foreign maritime practices, restrictive; actions to address adverse conditions affecting U.S.-flag carriers that do not exist for foreign carriers in U.S., 46 CFR 555 Practice and procedure rules, 46 CFR 502 Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, loss and damage claims and processing salvage, investigation and voluntary disposition, principles and practices, 49 CFR 370 Federal Reserve System Labor Relations Panel, unfair labor practices charges, 12 CFR 269b Federal Trade Commission, nonadjudicative procedures, 16 CFR 2 Financial Crimes Enforcement Network Banks, rules, 31 CFR 1020 Brokers and dealers, rules, 31 CFR 1023 Casinos and card clubs, rules, 31 CFR 1021 Dealers in precious metals, precious stones, and jewelry, rules, 31 CFR 1027 Futures Commission merchants and introducing brokers in commodities, rules, 31 CFR 1026 General provisions, 31 CFR 1010 Housing Government sponsored enterprises, rules, 31 CFR 1030 Insurance companies, rules, 31 CFR 1025 Money services businesses, rules, 31 CFR 1022 Mutual funds, rules, 31 CFR 1024 Operators of credit card systems, rules, 31 CFR 1028 Flammable Fabrics Act; investigations, inspections, and inquiries, 16 CFR 1605 Foreign workers in U.S., temporary employment, 20 CFR 655 Forest Service, law enforcement support activities, 36 CFR 262 Housing and Urban Development Department Civil rights matters, consolidated hearing procedures, 24 CFR 180 HUD Reform Act, 24 CFR 4 Investigations in consumer regulatory programs, 24 CFR 3800 Nondiscrimination in programs and activities receiving assistance under Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Title I, 24 CFR 6 Import investigations Antidumping and countervailing duties, 19 CFR 351 General application rules, 19 CFR 201 Imported articles, effect on National security, 15 CFR 705, 31 CFR 9 Nonadjudicative investigations-- Global and bilateral safeguard actions, market disruption, trade diversion, and review of relief actions, 19 CFR 206 Imports, effects of on agricultural programs, 19 CFR 204 Imports sold at less than fair value or from subsidized exports to the U.S.; injury to domestic industries resulting from, 19 CFR 207 Modified trade practices, effects on U.S. economy, investigations to determine, 19 CFR 205 Production costs, 19 CFR 202 Unfair import trade practices investigations, adjudication and enforcement, 19 CFR 210 Independent Counsel Office Freedom of Information Act, implementation, 28 CFR 701 Privacy Act, implementation, 28 CFR 700 Independent Counsel, Offices of General powers of Special Counsel, 28 CFR 600 Independent Counsel, jurisdiction in regard to-- Franklyn C. Nofziger, 28 CFR 602 Iran/Contra, 28 CFR 601 Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan Association, 28 CFR 603 Inspector General Office, Health and Human Services Department, investigational inquiries, 42 CFR 1006 Internal Revenue Service, procedure and administration, 26 CFR 301 International Trade Administration, procedures and rules for Article 10.12 of the North American Free Trade Agreement, 19 CFR 356 [[Page 550]] International Trade Commission Imports sold at less than fair value or from subsidized exports to the U.S.; investigations of whether injury to domestic industries results from, 19 CFR 207 Investigations of United States-Mexico cross-border long-haul trucking services, 19 CFR 208 Investment Security Office Investments in the U.S. by foreign persons, 31 CFR 800 Review of transactions involving foreign persons and critical technologies, pilot program, 31 CFR 801 Transactions by foreign persons involving real estate in the U.S., 31 CFR 802 Justice Department Criminal history background checks, 28 CFR 105 Ethical standards for attorneys for the government, 28 CFR 77 Federal Bureau of Investigation employees, whistleblower protection, 28 CFR 27 Justice Programs Office hearing and appeal procedures, 28 CFR 18 Procedures for coordinating investigation of complaints/charges of employment discrimination based on disability subject to Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of 1973 Rehabilitation Act, 28 CFR 37 Trafficking in persons, 28 CFR 1100 Labor Department, retaliation complaints handling procedures under employee protection provisions of six environmental statutes and section 211 of the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, as amended, 29 CFR 24 Manufactured home procedural and enforcement regulations, 24 CFR 3282 Marine casualties, 49 CFR 850 Marine casualties and investigations, 46 CFR 4 Marine investigation regulations, personnel action, 46 CFR 5 Medicaid, program integrity, 42 CFR 455 Migrant and seasonal agricultural worker protection, 29 CFR 500 Motor carriers and freight forwarders, overcharge, duplicate payment, or overcollection claims, procedures governing processing, investigation, and disposition, 49 CFR 378 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, research misconduct, 14 CFR 1275 National construction safety teams, 15 CFR 270 National Credit Union Administration Administrative, actions, adjudicative hearings, rules of practice and procedure, and investigations, 12 CFR 747 Appeals procedures, 12 CFR 746 National Endowment for the Arts Nondiscrimination on basis of age, 45 CFR 1156 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act regulations, 45 CFR 1149 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Information gathering powers, 49 CFR 510 Standards enforcement and defects investigation, 49 CFR 554 National Indian Gaming Commission Background investigations-- Persons or entities with financial interest in, or having management responsibility for, a management contract, 25 CFR 537 Primary management officials and key employees, 25 CFR 556 Indian Gaming Regulatory Act, monitoring and investigations, 25 CFR 571 National Science Foundation, research misconduct, 45 CFR 689 National security investigations, procedures for States and localities to request indemnification for disclosure of criminal history records Defense Department, 32 CFR 99 Justice Department, Federal Bureau of Investigation, 28 CFR 20 Personnel Management Office, 5 CFR 911 National Transportation Safety Board Procedures, 49 CFR 831 Production of records in legal proceedings, 49 CFR 837 Transportation investigative hearings, meetings, reports and petitions for reconsideration; rules of practice, 49 CFR 845 [[Page 551]] Nuclear Regulatory Commission Classified information, access authorization, 10 CFR 25 Special nuclear material, criteria and procedures for determining eligibility for access to or control over, 10 CFR 11 Occupational safety and health Criminal Antitrust Anti-Retaliation Act, procedures for handling of retaliation complaints, 29 CFR 1991 Discrimination complaints, handling procedures-- Pipeline Safety Improvement Act of 2002, complaints under Section 6, 29 CFR 1981 Wendell H. Ford Aviation Investment and Reform Act for 21st Century, discrimination complaints under section 519, 29 CFR 1979 Williams-Steiger Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, 29 CFR 1977 Employment places, 42 CFR 85a Health hazard evaluation requests, 42 CFR 85 Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act, investigational hearings by Board of Investigation under section 41 of Act, 29 CFR 1922 Pipeline Safety Improvement Act of 2002, complaints under section 6, 29 CFR 1981 Retaliation complaints, handling procedures-- Affordable Care Act, complaints under section 1558, 29 CFR 1984 Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010, complaints under employee protection provision, 29 CFR 1985 Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008, complaints under Section 219, 29 CFR 1983 FDA Food Safety Modernization Act, complaints, under section 402, 29 CFR 1987 Moving Ahead or Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21), complaints under section 31307, 29 CFR 1988 National Transit System Security Act and the Federal Railroad Safety Act, complaints, 29 CFR 1982 Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, as amended; complaints under section 806, 29 CFR 1980 Seaman's Protection Act (SPA), handling procedures under employee protection provision, as amended, 29 CFR 1986 Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982, complaints under Employment protection provision, 29 CFR 1978 Outer Continental Shelf Activities, general provisions, 33 CFR 140 Oil and gas and sulphur operations-- Ocean Energy Management Bureau, 30 CFR 550 Safety and Environmental Enforcement, 30 CFR 250 Patient safety organizations and patient safety work product, 42 CFR 3 Personnel Management Office; regulations, investigations, and enforcement, 5 CFR 5 Petroleum supply to armed forces, investigation of discrimination in, 28 CFR 57 Public Health Service, patient safety organizations and patient safety work product, 42 CFR 3 Railroad accidents, rules pertaining to notification, 49 CFR 840 Railroad accidents/incidents; reports classification, and investigations, 49 CFR 225 Railroad, express company, motor carrier, water carrier, and freight forwarder, investigation and voluntary disposition of loss and damage claims and processing salvage, 49 CFR 1005 Railroad safety, State safety participation, 49 CFR 212 Securities and Exchange Commission, rules relating to investigations, 17 CFR 203 Small Business Administration Administration, 13 CFR 101 Size regulations, 13 CFR 121 Social Security Administration Black lung benefits, 20 CFR 410 Federal old-age, survivors, and disability insurance (1950- ), 20 CFR 404 Supplemental Security Income for the aged, blind, and disabled, 20 CFR 416 [[Page 552]] Special Counsel Office, investigative authority, 5 CFR 1810 State Department Chemical Weapons Convention and Chemical Weapons Implementation Act of 1988, taking of samples and enforcement of recordkeeping and inspection requirements, 22 CFR 103 Trafficking in persons, 28 CFR 1100 Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977, protection of employees, 30 CFR 865 Surface Transportation Board, complaint and investigation procedures, 49 CFR 1111 P Transportation Department Aviation proceedings, practice rules in informal nonpublic investigations, 14 CFR 305 Hazardous materials procedural regulations, 49 CFR 109 Transportation Security Administration, investigative and enforcement procedures, 49 CFR 1503 Treasury Department Financial recordkeeping and reporting of currency and foreign transactions, 31 CFR 103 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986, implementation, 31 CFR 16 Wage and Hour Division, temporary agricultural workers admitted under Section 218 of the Immigration and Nationality Act, enforcement of contractual obligations, 29 CFR 501, 29 CFR 502 Investment advisers See Securities Investment companies See al Investments Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975 Form and content of and requirements for financial statements, 17 CFR 210 Standard filing instructions (Regulation S-K), 17 CFR 229 Excise taxes on regulated investment companies, 26 CFR 55 Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, general provisions, 31 CFR 1010 Financial Stability Oversight Council, authority to require supervision and regulation of certain nonbank financial companies, 12 CFR 1310 Income taxes Regulated investment companies, 26 CFR 1 (1.851-1--1.855-1) Regulated investment companies, deductions for deficiency dividends, 26 CFR 1 (1.860-1--1.860-5) Investment Advisers Act of 1940, form and content of and requirements for financial statements, 17 CFR 210 Investment Company Act of 1940 Financial statements, form and content of and requirements for, 17 CFR 210 Forms, 17 CFR 274, 17 CFR 279 Interpretative releases, 17 CFR 271 Rules and regulations, 17 CFR 270, 17 CFR 275 Investment Security Office Investments in the U.S. by foreign persons, 31 CFR 800 Transactions by foreign persons involving real estate in the U.S., 31 CFR 802 Privacy of consumer financial information and safeguarding personal information; affiliate marketing limitations; and identity theft red flags (Regulations S-P, S-AM, and S-IP), 17 CFR 248 Securities Act of 1933 Financial statements, form and content of and requirements for, 17 CFR 210 General rules and regulations, 17 CFR 230 Standard filing instructions (Regulation S-K), 17 CFR 229 Securities Exchange Act of 1934 Form and content of and requirements for financial statements, 17 CFR 210 Forms, 17 CFR 249 Standard filing instructions (Regulation S-K), 17 CFR 229 Small Business Administration Investment companies, license requirements, 13 CFR 107 Small business size regulations, 13 CFR 121 Investment Security Office Investments in the U.S. by foreign persons, 31 CFR 800 Review of certain transactions involving foreign persons and critical technologies, pilot program, 31 CFR 801 [[Page 553]] Transactions by foreign persons involving real estate in the U.S., 31 CFR 802 Investments See al Brokers; Commodity futures; Crowdfunding; Foreign investments in U.S.; Investment companies; Securities; Swaps; U.S. investments abroad CHIPS funding, clawbacks, 15 CFR 231 Commodity Futures Trading Commission Covered funds; proprietary trading, certain interests in, and relationships with, 17 CFR 75 Limits on positions and trading of agricultural commodities, 17 CFR 150 Swap dealers and major swap participants, 17 CFR 23 Community reinvestment Comptroller of the Currency, 12 CFR 25 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 12 CFR 345 Federal Reserve System Board of Governors (Regulation BB), 12 CFR 228 Comptroller of the Currency Activities and operations, 12 CFR 7 Capital adequacy standards, 12 CFR 3 Community and economic development entities, community development projects, and other public welfare investments, 12 CFR 24 CRA-related agreements, disclosure and reporting, 12 CFR 35 Federal savings associations, operations, 12 CFR 145 Lending and investment, 12 CFR 160 Proprietary trading and certain interests in and relationships with covered funds, 12 CFR 44 Savings associations, operations, 12 CFR 163 Stress testing, 12 CFR 46 Credit union service organizations (CUSOs), 12 CFR 712 Employee Benefits Security Administration, fiduciary responsibility, 29 CFR 2550 Excise taxes Foundation and similar excise taxes, 26 CFR 53 Real estate investment trusts and regulated investment companies, 26 CFR 55 Farm Credit System Accounting and reporting requirements, 12 CFR 621 Capital adequacy of system institutions, 12 CFR 628 Funding and fiscal affairs, 12 CFR 615 Organization, 12 CFR 611 Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation, funding and fiscal affairs, 12 CFR 652 Federal credit unions Capital adequacy, 12 CFR 702 Investment and deposit activities, 12 CFR 703 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Capital adequacy of FDIC-supervised institutions, 12 CFR 324 Insured State banks and savings associations, activities, 12 CFR 362 International banking, 12 CFR 347 Orderly liquidations authority, 12 CFR 380 Proprietary trading and certain interests in and relationships with covered funds, 12 CFR 351 Federal Housing Finance Agency Enterprises, capital adequacy, 12 CFR 1240 Portfolio holdings, 12 CFR 1252 Uniform mortgage-backed securities, 12 CFR 1248 Federal Housing Finance Board; Federal home loan bank capital requirements, capital stock, and capital plans, 12 CFR 1277 Federal Reserve System Bank holding companies and change in bank control (Regulation Y), 12 CFR 225 Capital adequacy of bank holding companies, savings and loan holding companies, and State member banks (Regulation Q), 12 CFR 217 Enhanced prudential standards (Regulation YY), 12 CFR 252 Proprietary trading and certain interests in and relationships with covered funds, (Regulation VV), 12 CFR 248 Retail foreign exchange transactions, 12 CFR 240 State banking institutions, membership (Regulation H), 12 CFR 208 Financial Stability Oversight Council, authority to require supervision and [[Page 554]] regulation of certain nonbank financial companies, 12 CFR 1310 Foreign Assets Control Office Iranian transactions and sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 560 Sanctions regulations-- Central African Republic, 31 CFR 553 Cyber-related, 31 CFR 578 Ethiopia, 31 CFR 550 Hizballah, 31 CFR 566 Iran, financial, 31 CFR 561 Iran, human rights abuses, 31 CFR 562 Libya, 31 CFR 570 Magnitsky Act, 31 CFR 584 South Sudan, 31 CFR 558 Syria, 31 CFR 542 Ukraine, 31 CFR 589 Yemen, 31 CFR 552 Income taxes Credits against tax, computing credit for investment in certain depreciable property, 26 CFR 1 (1.46-1--1.50-1) Life insurance companies, investment income, 26 CFR 1 (1.804-1--1.807- 2) Real estate investment trusts, 26 CFR 1 (1.856-0--1.860-5) Real estate mortgage investment conduit (REMIC), 26 CFR 1 (1.860A-0-- 1.860G-3) International banking operations (Regulation K), 12 CFR 211 International trade in services between U.S. and foreign persons survey and surveys of direct investment, 15 CFR 801 Investment Security Office Investments in the U.S. by foreign persons, 31 CFR 800 Transactions by foreign persons involving real estate in the U.S., 31 CFR 802 National banks, fiduciary activities, 12 CFR 9 Pandemic relief programs, 31 CFR 35 Rural Utilities Service, post-loan policies and procedures common to insured and guaranteed electric loans, 7 CFR 1717 S.A.F.E. Mortgage Licensing Act Residential mortgage loan originators, Federal registration (Regulation G), 12 CFR 1007 State compliance and bureau registration system (Regulation H), 12 CFR 1008 Vessels Capital construction funds, 46 CFR 390 Construction reserve funds, 46 CFR 287 Iran Assets control regulations, 31 CFR 535 General aircraft operating and flight rules, 14 CFR 91 Hostage relief assistance, 22 CFR 191 Independent Counsel Office Freedom of Information Act, implementation, 28 CFR 701 Privacy Act, implementation, 28 CFR 700 Independent Counsel, Offices of, jurisdiction of Independent Counsel; Iran/Contra, 28 CFR 601 Sanctions regulations-- Financial, 31 CFR 561 Hizballah, 31 CFR 566 Human rights abuses, 31 CFR 562 Transactions and sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 560 Iraq U.S. Hostages in Iraq, Kuwait, or Lebanon Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program, 5 CFR 894 Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance Program, 5 CFR 870 Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, 5 CFR 890 General aircraft operating and flight rules, 14 CFR 91 Stabilization and insurgency sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 576 Ireland Tax convention, 26 CFR 513 Iron Air pollution control, performance standards for new stationary sources, 40 CFR 60 Foreign Assets Control Office Sanctions regulations-- Iran, financial, 31 CFR 561 Iran, sector and human rights abuses, 31 CFR 562 Water pollution, effluent guidelines and standards, point source categories Ferroalloy manufacturing, 40 CFR 424 Iron and steel manufacturing, 40 CFR 420 Irrigation See al Agriculture; Water supply Federal reclamation projects [[Page 555]] Acreage limitation rules and regulations, 43 CFR 426 Colorado River water conservation measures, implementation with lower basin contractors and others, 43 CFR 417 Columbia Basin Project, Washington, assessment by irrigation districts of lands owned by U.S., 43 CFR 413 Farm operations in excess of 960 acres and eligibility of certain formerly excess land, information requirements, 43 CFR 428 Newlands Reclamation Project, Nevada, operating criteria and procedures, 43 CFR 418 Offstream storage of Colorado River water and development and release of intentionally created unused apportionment in Lower Division States, 43 CFR 414 Sale of lands, 43 CFR 402 Truckee River Operating Agreement, 43 CFR 419 Water conservation rules and regulations, 43 CFR 427 Indian irrigation projects Ahtanum Unit, Wapato Indian irrigation project, Washington; reimbursement of construction costs, 25 CFR 138 Concessions, permits, and leases on lands withdrawn or acquired in connection with projects, 25 CFR 173 Crow Indian irrigation project, construction assessments, 25 CFR 135 Fort Hall Indian irrigation project, Idaho, 25 CFR 136 Inclusion of liens in all patents and instruments executed, 25 CFR 160 Operation and maintenance, 25 CFR 171 Partial payment of construction charges, 25 CFR 134 Pueblo Indian lands benefited by irrigation and drainage works of Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District, New Mexico, 25 CFR 172 Sale of irrigable land, special water contract requirements, 25 CFR 159 San Carlos Indian irrigation project, Arizona, reimbursement of construction costs, 25 CFR 137 Wapato-Satus Unit, Wapato Indian irrigation project, Washington, reimbursement of construction costs, 25 CFR 139 Public lands use Carey Act grants, desert lands reclamation and settlement for agricultural purposes, 43 CFR 2610 Desert land entries, 43 CFR 2520 Israel International agricultural trade, emergency relief from perishable products imported from Israel, 7 CFR 1540 Loan guarantee standard terms and conditions, 22 CFR 221 Loan guarantees issued under Emergency Wartime Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2003, standard terms and conditions, 22 CFR 230 J James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation Fellowship program requirements, 45 CFR 2400 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs or activities, 45 CFR 2490 Japan Actions to adjust or meet conditions unfavorable to shipping in U.S. foreign trade, 46 CFR 551 Civil Liberties Act redress provision, Japanese ancestry, 28 CFR 74 Compensation for injury, disability, or death of civilian American citizens while detained by or in hiding from Imperial Japanese Government, 20 CFR 71 Federal Employees' Compensation Act, compensation for disability and death of noncitizen Federal employees outside U.S., 20 CFR 25 Japan-United States Friendship Commission Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 22 CFR 1600 Jewelry See Watches and jewelry [[Page 556]] Job Corps Federal Tort Claims Act, claims against Job Corps operations, 29 CFR 15 Job Training Partnership Act programs, Job Corps program under Title IV- B, 20 CFR 638 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Job Corps under Title I, 20 CFR 686 Workforce Investment Act, Title I, 20 CFR 670 John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts See Smithsonian Institution Joint Board for the Enrollment of Actuaries See Actuaries, Joint Board for the Enrollment of Jordan Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, loan guarantees Issued under the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2015; standard terms and conditions, 22 CFR 238 Issued under the Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2013, Div. F, Pub. L. 113-6; standard terms and conditions, 22 CFR 233 Issued under the Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2014, Div. F, Pub. L. 113-6; standard terms and conditions, 22 CFR 235 Justice Department See al Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, Bureau of; Drug Enforcement Administration; Federal Prison Industries; Foreign Claims Settlement Commission; Immigration Review, Executive Office for; Prisons Bureau Accidental chemical release prevention requirements, off-site consequence analysis information distribution, 40 CFR 1400 Acquisition regulations Acquisition planning, 48 CFR 2807 Administrative matters, 48 CFR 2804 Agency needs, description, 48 CFR 2811 Application of labor laws to Government acquisitions, 48 CFR 2822 Bonds and insurance, 48 CFR 2828 Commercial items, 48 CFR 2812 Competition requirements, 48 CFR 2806 Construction and architect-engineer contracts, 48 CFR 2386 Contracts-- Administration and audit services, 48 CFR 2842 Cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 2831 Financing, 48 CFR 2832 Termination, 48 CFR 2849 Types, 48 CFR 2816 Contract actions, publicizing, 48 CFR 2805 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 2815 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 2809 Cost accounting standards administrating, 48 CFR 2830 Data Protection Review Court, 28 CFR 201 Definitions of words and terms, 48 CFR 2802 Department of Justice Acquisition Regulations System, 48 CFR 2801 Environment, energy, and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety and drug-free workplace, 48 CFR 2823 Extraordinary contractual actions and the Safety Act, 48 CFR 2850 Foreign acquisitions, 48 CFR 2825 Government property, 48 CFR 2845 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 2803 Information technology, 48 CFR 2839 Major system acquisition, 48 CFR 2834 Market research, 48 CFR 2810 Patents, data, and copyrights, 48 CFR 2827 Protection of privacy and freedom of information, 48 CFR 2824 Protests, disputes, and appeals, 48 CFR 2833 Quality assurance, 48 CFR 2846 Sealed bidding, 48 CFR 2814 Service contracting, 48 CFR 2837 Simplified acquisition procedures, 48 CFR 2813 Small business programs, 48 CFR 2819 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 2852 Special contracting methods, 48 CFR 2817 [[Page 557]] Specifications, standards, and other purchase descriptions Supplies and services, required sources, 48 CFR 2808 Taxes, 48 CFR 2829 Utility services, 48 CFR 2841 Value engineering, 48 CFR 2848 Alien terrorist removal procedures, 28 CFR 200 Americans with Disabilities Act Nondiscrimination on basis of disability-- Public accommodations and in commercial facilities, 28 CFR 36 State and local government services, 28 CFR 35 Antitrust Civil Process Act, 28 CFR 49 Atomic weapons and special nuclear materials rewards regulations, 28 CFR 13 Bankruptcy Reform Acts of 1978 and 1994 related regulations, 28 CFR 58 Child abuse and child pornography reporting designations and procedures, 28 CFR 81 Child Protection Restoration and Penalties Enhancement Act of 1990; Protection Act; Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006; recordkeeping and record-inspection provisions, 28 CFR 75 Civil Liberties Act redress provision, Japanese ancestry, 28 CFR 74 Civil monetary penalties inflation adjustment, 28 CFR 85 Claims, debt collection, 28 CFR 11 Classified National security information and access to classified information, 28 CFR 17 Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS), Office, 28 CFR 92 Confidentiality of identifiable research and statistical information, 28 CFR 22 Controlled substances possession, civil penalties assessment, procedure rules, 28 CFR 76 Convicted persons, applications for certificates of exemption from certain laws, 28 CFR 4 Correctional facilities, grants, 28 CFR 91 Cost recovery regulations, Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act of 1994, 28 CFR 100 Criminal intelligence systems operating policies, 28 CFR 23 Death sentences procedures, 28 CFR 26 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 2867 Defense of certain suits against Federal employees; certification and decertification in connection with certain suits based upon acts or omissions of Federal employees and other persons, 28 CFR 15 DNA identification system, 28 CFR 28 Documentary materials held by third parties, guidelines on methods of obtaining, 28 CFR 59 Drug-free workplace requirements (grants), 28 CFR 83 Emergency Federal law enforcement assistance, 28 CFR 65 Employee responsibilities, 28 CFR 45 Equal Access to Justice Act in Justice Department administrative proceedings, implementation, 28 CFR 24 Ethical standards for attorneys for the government, 28 CFR 77 Executive clemency, 28 CFR 1 Federal Bureau of Investigation employees, whistleblower protection, 28 CFR 27 Federal claims collection standards Administrative collection of claims, 31 CFR 901 Compromise of claims, 31 CFR 902 Referrals to Justice Department, 31 CFR 904 Scope of claims, 31 CFR 900 Suspending or terminating collection activity, 31 CFR 903 Federal officers and employees, protective coverage under Federal criminal law 18 U.S.C. 1114, 28 CFR 64 Federal Tort Claims Act, administrative claims, 28 CFR 14 Floodplain management and wetland protection procedures, 28 CFR 63 Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, administration and enforcement, 28 CFR 5 Foreign Corrupt Practices Act opinion procedure, 28 CFR 80 Foreign government agents, notifications to Attorney General, 28 CFR 73 Forfeiture authority for certain statutes, 28 CFR 8 Gambling devices, 28 CFR 3 [[Page 558]] Hospital and medical care and treatment furnished by U.S., recovery of costs, 28 CFR 43 Human research subjects protection, 28 CFR 46 Independent Counsel, Offices of General powers of Special Counsel, 28 CFR 600 Independent Counsel, jurisdiction in regard to-- Franklyn C. Nofziger, 28 CFR 602 Iran/Contra, 28 CFR 601 Madison Guaranty Savings and Loan Association, 28 CFR 603 Information systems Criminal justice, 28 CFR 20 Justice Department, 28 CFR 25 Inmate grievance procedures standards, 28 CFR 40 Intergovernmental review of programs and activities, implementation, 28 CFR 30 International energy program, 28 CFR 56 Joint newspaper operating arrangements, Newspaper Preservation Act requirements, 28 CFR 48 Justice Assistance Bureau grant programs, 28 CFR 33 Justice Programs Office Crime victim services, 28 CFR 94 Hearing and appeal procedures, 28 CFR 18 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Office Competition and peer review procedures, 28 CFR 34 Grant programs, 28 CFR 31 Lobbying restrictions, 28 CFR 69 Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Act regulations, 28 CFR 29 National Environmental Policy Act, implementing procedures, 28 CFR 61 Nondiscrimination and equal employment opportunity, policies and procedures, 28 CFR 42 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability Federally assisted programs, 28 CFR 41 Federally conducted programs, 28 CFR 39 Nondiscrimination on basis of sex in federally assisted education programs, 28 CFR 54 Organization, 28 CFR 0 Penalty mail, use in location and recovery of missing children, 28 CFR 19 Petroleum to armed forces, investigation of discrimination in supply, 28 CFR 57 Policy statements, 28 CFR 50 Prisoners, youth offenders, and juvenile delinquents; parole, release, supervision, and recommitment, 28 CFR 2 Procedures for coordinating investigation of complaints/charges of employment discrimination based on disability subject to Americans with Disabilities Act and section 504 of 1973 Rehabilitation Act, 28 CFR 37 Proceedings before U.S. magistrate judges, 28 CFR 52 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 28 CFR 71 Property management Introduction, 41 CFR 128-1 Seized personal property, storage and care, 41 CFR 128-50 Utilization, donation, or disposal of abandoned and forfeited personal property, 41 CFR 128-48 Public safety awards to public safety officers, 44 CFR 150 Public safety officers' death, disability educational benefits claims, 28 CFR 32 Radiation Exposure Compensation Act, claims, 28 CFR 79 Records or information, disclosure or production, 28 CFR 16 Registration of certain organizations carrying on activities within U.S., 28 CFR 10 Registration of certain persons having knowledge of foreign espionage, counterespionage, or sabotage matters under Act of August 1, 1956 (Pub. L. 84-893), 28 CFR 12 Remission or mitigation of administrative, civil and criminal forfeitures, regulations governing, 28 CFR 9 Rewards for capture of escaped Federal prisoners, 28 CFR 7 Right to Financial Privacy Act, 28 CFR 47 Search warrant issuance, Federal law enforcement officers authorization request, 28 CFR 60 September 11th Victim Compensation Fund, 28 CFR 104 Sex offender registration and notification, 28 CFR 72 [[Page 559]] Standards for private entities providing prisoner or detainee services, 28 CFR 97 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for Department employees, 5 CFR 3801 Traffic in contraband articles in Federal penal and correctional institutions, 28 CFR 6 Trafficking in persons, 28 CFR 1100 Unfair immigration-related employment practices, 28 CFR 44 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 2800 Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally assisted programs, cross reference to 49 CFR 24 (governmentwide rule), 41 CFR 128-18 Unlawful employment of aliens, unfair immigration-related employment practices, and document fraud, rules of practice and procedure for administrative hearings before administrative law judges, 28 CFR 68 Violence against women, 28 CFR 90 Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994, provisions implementing, 28 CFR 93 Voting Rights Act of 1965 Minority language requirement, 28 CFR 55 Section 5, as amended, administration procedures, 28 CFR 51 Witness fees, 28 CFR 21 Juvenile delinquency See al Crime; Youth Improving academic achievement of disadvantaged (Title I), 34 CFR 200 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Program Office Competition and peer review procedures, 28 CFR 34 Grant programs, 28 CFR 31 Prisoners, youth offenders, and juvenile delinquents; parole, release, supervision, and recommitment, 28 CFR 2 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Office of See Justice Department K Kidney diseases See Diseases Kites See Aircraft Kiwifruit Marketing agreements Import regulations, 7 CFR 944 Kiwifruit grown in California, 7 CFR 920 Kuwait U.S. Hostages in Iraq, Kuwait, or Lebanon Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program, 5 CFR 894 Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance Program, benefits for U.S. hostages, 5 CFR 870 Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, benefits for U.S. hostages, 5 CFR 890 L Labeling See al Business and industry; Consumer protection; Food labeling; Packaging and containers Agricultural Marketing Service, commodity laboratory testing programs, plant variety and protection, 7 CFR 97 Air pollution control Fuels and fuel additives regulation, 40 CFR 80 Locomotives, emission control, 40 CFR 1033 Locomotives and locomotive engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 92 Mobile sources, 40 CFR 85 New and in-use heavy-duty highway engines, emission control, New and in-use heavy-duty motor vehicles, emission control, New and in-use marine compression-ignition engines and vessels, emission control, 40 CFR 1042 New and in-use nonroad compression-ignition engines, 40 CFR 1039 New stationary sources, standards of performance, 40 CFR 60 Stratospheric ozone protection, 40 CFR 82 Alcohol and alcoholic beverages [[Page 560]] Alcoholic beverage health warning statement, 27 CFR 16 Beer production and sales, labeling requirements, 27 CFR 25 Importation, 27 CFR 28 Alternative fuels and alternative fueled vehicles, labeling requirements, 16 CFR 309 Animal drugs Extralabel drug use in animals, 21 CFR 530 New drugs, 21 CFR 510 Animal drugs, feeds, and related products Current good manufacturing practice-- Hazard analysis, and risk-based preventive controls for animal foods, 21 CFR 507 Medicated feeds, 21 CFR 225 Type A medicated articles, 21 CFR 226 General provisions, 21 CFR 500 Animal foods, 21 CFR 501 Nonstandardized animal foods, Common or usual names for, 21 CFR 502 Architectural glazing material, 16 CFR 1201 Asbestos-containing products in commerce, 40 CFR 763 Automobile parts content labeling, 49 CFR 583 Automotive fuel ratings, certification and posting, 16 CFR 306 Bicycles, requirements, 16 CFR 1512 Biologics Diagnostic substances for laboratory tests, additional standards, 21 CFR 660 General standards, 21 CFR 610 Blood and blood components, current good manufacturing practice, 21 CFR 606 Boats and boat equipment, manufacturer requirements, 33 CFR 181 Bunk beds, requirements, 16 CFR 1513 CAN-SPAM Rule, 16 CFR 316 CB base station antennas, TV antennas, and supporting structures, warning and instruction requirements, 16 CFR 1402 Cellulose insulation Interim safety standard, 16 CFR 1209 Manufacturer's requirement to label as potential fire hazard, 16 CFR 1404 Coal and wood burning appliances, notification of performance and technical data, 16 CFR 1406 Color additives, packaging and labeling, and safety, 21 CFR 70 Communications equipment, terminal equipment connection to telephone network, 47 CFR 68 Consumer and commercial products, national volatile organic compound emission standards, 40 CFR 59 Consumer Product Safety Act, certificates of compliance, 16 CFR 1110 Controlled substances, labeling and packaging requirements, 21 CFR 1302 Cosmetics Labeling, 21 CFR 701 Product warning statements, 21 CFR 740 Country of origin marking, 19 CFR 134 Dangerous cargoes, hazardous ships' stores, 46 CFR 147 Denatured alcohol and rum, 27 CFR 20 Distilled spirits Labeling and advertising, 27 CFR 5 Plants, labeling requirements, 27 CFR 19 Distilled spirits, wine, and beer; importation, 27 CFR 27 Drugs, 21 CFR 201 Controlled, 21 CFR 290 Current good manufacturing practice-- Finished pharmaceuticals, 21 CFR 211 Positron emission tomography drugs, 21 CFR 212 Investigational new drug application, 21 CFR 312 New drugs, 21 CFR 310 Over-the-counter drugs-- Anorectal drug products for human use, 21 CFR 346 Antacid products, 21 CFR 331 Anticaries drug products, 21 CFR 355 Antidiarrheal drug products, 21 CFR 335 Antiemetic drug products, 21 CFR 336 Antiflatulent products, 21 CFR 332 Antiperspirant drug products, 21 CFR 350 Cold, cough, allergy, bronchodilator, and antiasthmatic drug products for human use, 21 CFR 341 Drug products intended for oral ingestion that contain alcohol, 21 CFR 328 External analgesic drug products, 21 CFR 348 Internal analgesic, antipyretic, and antirheumatic drug products, 21 CFR 343 [[Page 561]] Interpretative statements regarding warnings on drugs and devices for over-the-counter sale, 21 CFR 369 Miscellaneous external drug products, 21 CFR 358 Miscellaneous internal drug products, 21 CFR 357 Nighttime sleep-aid drug products, 21 CFR 338 Ophthalmic drug products, 21 CFR 349 Skin protectant drug products for human use, 21 CFR 347 Stimulant products, 21 CFR 340 Sunscreen drug products for human use, 21 CFR 352 Topical antimicrobial drug products, 21 CFR 333 Topical otic drug products, 21 CFR 344 Energy and water use labeling for consumer products under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act, 16 CFR 305 Environmental marketing claims, guides for use, 16 CFR 260 Explosives and sheathed explosive units used in underground mines, approval requirements, 30 CFR 15 Fair Packaging and Labeling Act Exemptions from requirements and prohibitions, 16 CFR 501 Section 4 regulations, 16 CFR 500 Section 5(c) regulations, 16 CFR 502 Statements of general policy or interpretation, 16 CFR 503 Fair packaging and labeling, voluntary standards, 15 CFR 12 Federal Seed Act Administrative procedures, 7 CFR 202 Importation of seed and screenings, 7 CFR 361 Requirements, 7 CFR 201 Federal Trade Commission, general procedures, 16 CFR 1 Flammability standards Carpet and rug surfaces, 16 CFR 1630 Children's sleepwear-- Sizes 0 through 6X, 16 CFR 1615 Sizes 7 through 14, 16 CFR 1616 Mattress sets, 16 CFR 1633 Mattresses and mattress pads, 16 CFR 1632 Small carpet and rug surfaces, 16 CFR 1631 Upholstered furniture, 16 CFR 1640 Food and Drug Administration, general enforcement regulations, 21 CFR 1 Fur Products Labeling Act, rules and regulations, 16 CFR 301 Hazard communication (HazCom), 30 CFR 47 Hazardous materials table, special provisions, hazardous materials communications, emergency response information, training requirements, and security plans, 49 CFR 172 Hazardous substances and articles, administration and enforcement regulations, 16 CFR 1500 Hazardous waste generators, applicable standards, 40 CFR 262 Hobby Protection Act, rules and regulations, 16 CFR 304 Home insulation, labeling and advertising, 16 CFR 460 Human blood and blood products, standards, 21 CFR 640 International fisheries regulations, 50 CFR 300 Jewelry, precious metals, and pewter industries; guides, 16 CFR 23 Lawn mowers, safety standards and labeling requirements for walk-behind lawn mowers, 16 CFR 1205 Lead paint and certain consumer products bearing lead paint, ban, 16 CFR 1303 Light-emitting products, performance standards, 21 CFR 1040 Liquors, labeling proceedings, 27 CFR 13 Made in USA labeling, 16 CFR 323 Malt beverages, labeling and advertising, 27 CFR 7 Marine mammals Taking and importation, 50 CFR 216, 50 CFR 218, 50 CFR 219 Taking incidental to specified activities, 50 CFR 217 Marine spark-ignition engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 91 Matchbooks, 16 CFR 1202 Medical devices, 21 CFR 801 Banned devices, 21 CFR 895 In vitro diagnostic products for human use, 21 CFR 809 Unique device identification, 21 CFR 830 Motion pictures, National Film Registry of Library of Congress, film labeling guidelines, 36 CFR 704 [[Page 562]] Motor vehicle safety Certification, 49 CFR 567 Motor vehicles manufactured in two or more stages, 49 CFR 568 Replica motor vehicles, 49 CFR 586 Safety and bumper standards, temporary exemption, 49 CFR 555 Motor vehicle theft prevention, Federal standard, 49 CFR 541 Motor vehicles and motor vehicle engines, air pollution control Clean-fuel vehicles, 40 CFR 88 Fuel economy and greenhouse gas exhaust emissions, 40 CFR 600 New and in-use heavy-duty highway engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 1036 New and in-use highway vehicles and engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 86 New and in-use nonroad and stationary equipment, evaporative emissions control, 40 CFR 1060 New heavy-duty motor vehicles, emissions control, 40 CFR 1037 New small nonroad spark-ignition engines and equipment, emissions control, 40 CFR 1054 Spark-ignition propulsion marine engines and vessels, emissions control, 40 CFR 1045 National Organic Program, 7 CFR 205 Naval stores, regulations and standards, 7 CFR 160 New and in-use nonroad compression-ignition engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 89, 40 CFR 1039 New large nonroad spark-ignition engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 1048 Noise labeling, 40 CFR 211 Nonroad spark-ignition engines at or below 19 kilowatts, emissions control, 40 CFR 90 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Byproduct material-- General domestic licenses, 10 CFR 31 Medical use, 10 CFR 35 Well logging, licenses and radiation safety requirements, 10 CFR 39 Occupational safety and health standards, 29 CFR 1910 Packing, stamping, and marking imports, 19 CFR 11 Pesticide programs Experimental use permits, 40 CFR 172 Pesticides and devices, labeling requirements, 40 CFR 156 Statements of enforcement policies and interpretations, 40 CFR 168 Worker protection standards, 40 CFR 170 Poisons, Federal Caustic Poison Act, 21 CFR 1230 Portable generators, performance and technical data requirements, 16 CFR 1407 Prescription drug marketing, 21 CFR 203 Prescription drug products, medication guides, 21 CFR 208 Radio frequency devices, 47 CFR 15 Radioactive material, specific domestic licenses to manufacture or transfer certain items containing byproduct material, 10 CFR 32 Recreational engines and vehicles, emissions control, 40 CFR 1051 Recycled oil, test procedures and labeling standards, 16 CFR 311 Respiratory protective devices, approval, 42 CFR 84 Safety standards Automatic residential garage door operators, safety standards, 16 CFR 1211 Baby changing products, 16 CFR 1235 Bassinets and cradles, 16 CFR 1218 Bedside sleepers, 16 CFR 1222 Booster seats, 16 CFR 1237 Bunk beds, Entrapment hazards, 16 CFR 1213 Button cell or coin batteries and consumer products containing such batteries, 16 CFR 1263 Carriages and strollers, 16 CFR 1227 Children's folding chairs and children's folding stools, 16 CFR 1232 Cigarette lighters, 16 CFR 1210 Clothing storage units, 16 CFR 1261 Crib mattresses, 16 CFR 1241 Cribs-- Full-size, 16 CFR 1219 Non-full-size, 16 CFR 1220 Frame child carriers, 16 CFR 1230 Gates and enclosures, 16 CFR 1239 High chairs, 16 CFR 1231 Hand-held infant carriers, 16 CFR 1225 Infant bath seats, 16 CFR 1215 [[Page 563]] Infant bath tubs, 16 CFR 1234 Infant bouncer seats, 16 CFR 1229 Infant swings, 16 CFR 1223 Infant walkers, 16 CFR 1216 Magnets, 16 CFR 1262 Multi-purpose lighters, 16 CFR 1212 Play yards, 16 CFR 1221 Portable bed rails, 16 CFR 1224 Portable hook-on chairs, 16 CFR 1233 Sling carriers, 16 CFR 1228 Soft infant and toddler carriers, 16 CFR 1226 Swimming pool slides, 16 CFR 1207 Toys, safety standard mandating ASTM f963, 16 CFR 1250 Select leather and imitation leather products, guides, 16 CFR 24 Self-pressurized consumer products containing chlorofluorocarbons, requirements to provide Consumer Product Safety Commission with performance and technical data; requirements to notify consumers at point of purchase of performance and technical data, 16 CFR 1401 Summer Food Service Program, 7 CFR 225 Textile Fiber Products Identification Act, rules and regulations, 16 CFR 303 Textile wearing apparel and certain piece goods as amended, care labeling, 16 CFR 423 Tires Identification and record keeping, 49 CFR 574 Regrooved, 49 CFR 569 Tobacco Products Cigarette package and advertising, required warnings, 21 CFR 1141 Cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, and covered tobacco products, 21 CFR 1140 Cigarettes in relation to health hazards of smoking, unfair or deceptive advertising and labeling, 16 CFR 408 Minimum required warning statements, 21 CFR 1143 Tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes-- Exportation without payment of tax or with drawback of tax, 27 CFR 44 Removal without payment of tax for use of U.S., 27 CFR 45 Tobacco products, cigarette papers and tubes, and processed tobacco-- Importation, 27 CFR 41 Manufacture, 27 CFR 40 Toxic substances control Chemical substances-- Significant new uses, 40 CFR 721 Water treatment chemicals, 40 CFR 749 Metalworking fluids, 40 CFR 747 Microorganisms, reporting requirements and review processes, 40 CFR 725 Polychlorinated biphenyls, 40 CFR 761 Transportation equipment noise emission controls, 40 CFR 205 Veterinary biologics, packaging and labeling, 9 CFR 112 Voluntary consumer product information labeling program, 15 CFR 16 Voluntary labeling program for household appliances and equipment to effect energy conservation, 15 CFR 9 Wildlife, importation, exportation, and transportation, 50 CFR 14 Wine Foreign nongeneric names of geographic significance used in designation of wines, 27 CFR 12 Labeling and advertising, 27 CFR 4 Treatment and classification, 27 CFR 24 Wool Products Labeling Act of 1939, rules and regulations, 16 CFR 300 Labor See al Business and industry; Child labor; Employee benefit plans; Employment; Equal employment opportunity; Homeworkers; Labor management relations; Manpower; Migrant labor; Occupational safety and health; Retirement; Unemployment compensation; Wages Acquisition regulations, application of labor laws to Government acquisitions, 48 CFR 22 Agency for International Development, 48 CFR 722 Agriculture Department, 48 CFR 422 Commerce Department, 48 CFR 1322 Defense Department, 48 CFR 222 Energy Department, 48 CFR 922 Environmental Protection Agency, 48 CFR 1522 [[Page 564]] General Services Administration, 48 CFR 522 Housing and Urban Development Department, 48 CFR 2422 Justice Department, 48 CFR 2822 Labor Department, 48 CFR 2922 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 48 CFR 1822 State Department, 48 CFR 622 Transportation Department, 48 CFR 1222 Veterans Affairs Department, 48 CFR 822 Acquisition regulations, labor surplus areas Environmental Protection Agency, 48 CFR 1520 Transportation Department, 48 CFR 1220 Acquisition regulations, management and operating contracts, Energy Department, 48 CFR 970 Administrative Review Board, practice and procedure rules, 29 CFR 26 Aliens, Labor certification process for permanent employment in U.S., 20 CFR 656 Disabled veterans, recently separated veterans, active duty wartime or campaign badge veterans, and Armed Forces service medal veterans; affirmative action and nondiscrimination obligations of Federal contractors and subcontractors regarding, 41 CFR 60-300 Foreign workers in U.S., temporary employment, 20 CFR 655 Homeworkers in certain industries, employment, 29 CFR 530 Immigration and Nationality Act Temporary agricultural workers admitted under Section 218, enforcement of contractual obligations, 29 CFR 501, 29 CFR 502 Temporary nonimmigrant non-agricultural workers, enforcement of obligations, 29 CFR 503 Labor Department Administrative hearings, practice and procedure rules before the Administrative Law Judges Office, 29 CFR 18 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 2900 Labor standards Apprenticeship programs-- Equal employment opportunity, 29 CFR 30 Registration, 29 CFR 29 National Park Service concessioners, standards applicable to employees of, 36 CFR 8 Political activities of corporate and labor organizations, 11 CFR 114 State unemployment compensation eligibility determination purposes, drug testing, 20 CFR 620 Unemployment compensation Data exchange standardization for improved interoperability, 20 CFR 619 Eligibility regulations, 20 CFR 604 Temporary nonimmigrant non-agricultural workers described in the Immigration and Nationality Act, enforcement of obligations, 29 CFR 503 United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement Implementation Act, high-wage components of the labor value content requirements, 29 CFR 810 Workers' Compensation Programs Office, performance of functions, 20 CFR 1 Labor Department See al Benefits Review Board; Employee Benefits Security Administration; Employees' Compensation Appeals Board; Employment and Training Administration; Federal Contract Compliance Programs Office; Labor Management Standards Office; Mine Safety and Health Administration; Occupational Safety and Health Administration; Veterans' Employment and Training Service; Wage and Hour Division; Workers' Compensation Programs Office Acquisition regulations Acquisition planning, 48 CFR 2907 Administrative matters, 48 CFR 2904 Application of labor laws to Government acquisitions, 48 CFR 2922 Bonds and insurance, 48 CFR 2928 Commercial items acquisition, 48 CFR 2912 Competition requirements, 48 CFR 2906 [[Page 565]] Construction and architect-engineer contracts, 48 CFR 2936 Contract administration and audit services, 48 CFR 2942 Contract cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 2931 Contract financing, 48 CFR 2932 Contract modifications, 48 CFR 2943 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 2915 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 2909 Cost accounting standards, 48 CFR 2930 Definition of words and terms, 48 CFR 2902 Department of Labor Acquisition Regulation System, 48 CFR 2901 Describing agency needs, 48 CFR 2911 Environment, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace, 48 CFR 2923 Forms, 48 CFR 2953 Government property, 48 CFR 2945 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 2903 Protests, disputes and appeals, 48 CFR 2933 Publicizing contract actions, 48 CFR 2905 Required sources of supplies and services, 48 CFR 2908 Sealed bidding, 48 CFR 2914 Service contracting, 48 CFR 2937 Simplified acquisition procedures, 48 CFR 2913 Small business and small disadvantaged business concerns, 48 CFR 2919 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 2952 Special contracting methods, 48 CFR 2917 Specifications, standards, and other purchase descriptions, 48 CFR 2910 Subcontracting policies and procedures, 48 CFR 2944 Taxes, 48 CFR 2929 Type of contracts, 48 CFR 2916 Administrative claims under Federal Tort Claims Act and related statutes, 29 CFR 15 Administrative Law Judges Office, practice and procedure rules for administrative hearings, 29 CFR 18 Audits Grants, contracts, and other agreements; requirements, 29 CFR 96 States, local governments, and non-profit organizations, 29 CFR 99 Contractors and subcontractors on public buildings or public works financed by U.S. loans or grants, Federal wage requirements, 29 CFR 3 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 29 CFR 94 Employee ethics and conduct, 29 CFR 0 Employment statistics, process for electing State agency representatives for consultations with Labor Department, 29 CFR 44 Equal Access to Justice Act, 29 CFR 16 Farm labor programs, coordinated enforcement, 29 CFR 42 Federal and federally assisted construction contracts, practice before the Administrative Review Boards, 29 CFR 7 Federal claims collection, 29 CFR 20 Federal contractors Minimum wage for-- Establishment, 29 CFR 10 Increase, 29 CFR 23 Paid sick leave for, establishment, 29 CFR 13 Federal service; employee management cooperation, nomination of arbitrators, 29 CFR 25 Federal service contracts, practice before the Administrative Review Boards, 29 CFR 8 General regulations, 29 CFR 2 Grants and cooperative agreements Institutions of higher education, hospitals, and other non-profit organizations, and with commercial organizations, foreign governments, organizations under jurisdiction of foreign governments, and international organizations, uniform administrative requirements (OMB A-110 implementation), 29 CFR 95 State and local governments, uniform administrative requirements (OMB A-102 implementation), 29 CFR 97 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 2900 Human subjects, protection, 29 CFR 21 [[Page 566]] Intergovernmental review of Department of Labor programs and activities, 29 CFR 17 Labor standards Apprenticeship programs-- Equal employment opportunity, 29 CFR 30 Registration, 29 CFR 29 Federal and federally assisted construction contracts and Federal service contracts, practice rules for administrative enforcement proceedings, 29 CFR 6 Federal service contracts, 29 CFR 4 Federally financed and assisted construction contracts and non- construction contracts under the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, applicable provisions, 29 CFR 5 Lobbying restrictions, 29 CFR 93 National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance procedures, 29 CFR 11 National security information, 29 CFR 14 Nondiscrimination and equal opportunity provisions-- Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, implementation, 29 CFR 38 Workforce Investment Act of 1998, implementation, 29 CFR 37 Nondiscrimination in Federally assisted programs and activities Age, on basis of, 29 CFR 35 Civil Rights Act of 1964, effectuation of Title VI, 29 CFR 31 Disability, on basis of, 29 CFR 32, 29 CFR 33 Sex, on basis of, 29 CFR 36 Privacy Act, individual privacy protection and access to records, 29 CFR 71 Procurement Public contracts-- General, 41 CFR 50-201 Minimum wage determinations, 41 CFR 50-202 Practice rules, 41 CFR 50-203 State officers and employees, safety and health standards enforcement, 41 CFR 50-205 Statements of general policy and interpretation not directly related to regulations, 41 CFR 50-210 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 29 CFR 22 Records access, production or disclosure of information or materials, 29 CFR 70 Retaliation complaints handling procedures under employee protection provisions of six environmental statutes and section 211 of the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, as amended, 29 CFR 24 Right to Financial Privacy Act, implementation, 29 CFR 19 Rural industrialization loan and grant programs under Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act of 1972, labor certification procedures, 29 CFR 75 State unemployment compensation eligibility determination purposes, drug testing, 20 CFR 620 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for Department employees, 5 CFR 5201 Unemployment compensation Data exchange standardization for improved interoperability, 20 CFR 619 Drug testing for state eligibility determination purposes, 20 CFR 620 Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally assisted programs, cross reference to 49 CFR 24 (governmentwide rule), 29 CFR 12 Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act, 20 CFR 1002 Wage rates, procedures for predetermination, 29 CFR 1 Labor management relations See al Labor; Labor unions Collective bargaining disputes in construction industry, procedures and policy statements, 29 CFR 901 Employer reports of payments, agreements, or loans to labor organizations, 29 CFR 405 Energy Department, security policies, labor-management relations, 10 CFR 706 Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, 29 CFR 825 Federal contractors and subcontractors obligations; notification of employee rights under Federal labor laws, 29 CFR 471 [[Page 567]] Federal Labor Relations Authority, Federal service labor management relations program Enforcement of Assistant Secretary standards of conduct decisions and orders, 5 CFR 2428 General statements of policy or guidance, 5 CFR 2427 Meaning of terms, 5 CFR 2421 Miscellaneous and general requirements, 5 CFR 2429 Negotiability proceedings, 5 CFR 2424 Purpose and scope of regulations, 5 CFR 2420 Representation proceedings, 5 CFR 2422 Review of arbitration awards, 5 CFR 2425 Unfair labor practice proceedings, 5 CFR 2423 Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service Conduct, responsibilities, and discipline; standards, 29 CFR 1400 Arbitration services, 29 CFR 1404 Mediation assistance-- Federal service, 29 CFR 1425 Health care industry, 29 CFR 1420 Procedures, 29 CFR 1402 Terms of service, 29 CFR 1406 Federal Reserve banks, labor relations policy, 12 CFR 269 Federal Reserve System Labor Relations Panel Definitions, 12 CFR 269a Unfair labor practices charges, 12 CFR 269b Federal Service Impasses Panel Flexible or compressed work schedules, impasses arising pursuant to agency determinations not to establish or to terminate, 5 CFR 2472 Procedures of Panel, 5 CFR 2471 Purpose of regulations, definitions, 5 CFR 2470 Subpoenas, 5 CFR 2473 Foreign Service Grievance Board Burden of proof, 22 CFR 905 Decisionmaking, 22 CFR 909 General procedures, 22 CFR 901 Hearings, 22 CFR 906 Implementation disputes, 22 CFR 911 Initiation and documentation of cases, 22 CFR 903 Jurisdiction and related matters, 22 CFR 904 Miscellaneous procedural rules, 22 CFR 910 Organization, 22 CFR 902 Procedure when hearing is not held, 22 CFR 907 Remedies, 22 CFR 908 Foreign Service Impasse Disputes Panel General, 22 CFR 1470 Procedures of Panel, 22 CFR 1471 Foreign Service Labor Relations Board and General Counsel of Federal Labor Relations Authority Assistant Secretary standards of conduct decisions and orders, enforcement, 22 CFR 1428 Definitions, 22 CFR 1421 Implementation dispute actions, review, 22 CFR 1425 Miscellaneous and general requirements, 22 CFR 1429 Negotiability issues, expedited review, 22 CFR 1424 Policy or guidance, general statements, 22 CFR 1427 Purpose and scope, 22 CFR 1420 Unfair labor practice proceedings, 22 CFR 1423 Government Accountability Office Personnel Appeals Board, procedures applicable to claims concerning employment practices, 4 CFR 28 Personnel relations and services, 4 CFR 7 Homeland Security Department human resources management system, 5 CFR 9701 International Development Finance Corporation, U.S.; production of nonpublic records and testimony of employees in legal proceedings, 22 CFR 713 Labor management reports, definitions, 29 CFR 401 Labor relations consultants and other persons, certain agreements with employers, reporting, 29 CFR 406 Local labor organization officers, removal procedures, 29 CFR 417 Miners' representative, 30 CFR 40 National Labor Relations Board Jurisdictional standards and remedial orders, 29 CFR 103 [[Page 568]] Series 8 rules and regulations, 29 CFR 102 Statements of administrative procedure, 29 CFR 101 National Mediation Board Administrative definitions, 29 CFR 1201 Mediation services, applications, 29 CFR 1203 Rules of procedure, 29 CFR 1202 National Railroad Adjustment Board, rules of procedure for arbitration, 29 CFR 301 Railroads and air carriers Labor contracts, 29 CFR 1204 Labor disputes, special adjustment boards, 29 CFR 1207 Labor negotiations, employee notices, 29 CFR 1205 Retaliation complaints handling procedures under employee protection provisions of six environmental statutes and section 211 of the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, as amended, 29 CFR 24 Surety companies, reports, 29 CFR 409 Urban mass transportation, employee protection guidelines for processing assistance applications, 29 CFR 215 Worker adjustment and retraining notification (plant closings), 20 CFR 639 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, implementation of nondiscrimination and equal opportunity provisions, 29 CFR 38 Labor-Management Standards Office Employer reports of payments, agreements, or loans to labor organizations, 29 CFR 405 Labor management reports, definitions, 29 CFR 401 Labor organizations Annual financial reports, 29 CFR 403 Bonding requirements, 29 CFR 453 Definitions, 29 CFR 451 Election provisions, 29 CFR 452 Federal service-- Conduct standards, 29 CFR 458 General, 29 CFR 457 Miscellaneous provisions, 29 CFR 459 Information reports, 29 CFR 402 Local officers, removal procedures, 29 CFR 417 Officers and employees report, 29 CFR 404 Trusteeship reports, 29 CFR 408 Reporting by labor relations consultants and other persons, certain agreements with employers, 29 CFR 406 Surety companies, reports, 29 CFR 409 Urban mass transportation, employee protection guidelines for processing assistance applications, 29 CFR 215 Labor unions See al Labor management relations Convicted persons, applications for certificates of exemption from certain laws, 28 CFR 4 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, recordkeeping and reporting requirements under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, 29 CFR 1602 Federal Labor Relations Authority, national consultation rights and consultation rights on Governmentwide rules or regulations, 5 CFR 2426 Federal Reserve banks, labor relations policy, 12 CFR 269 Foreign Service Labor Relations Board and General Counsel of Federal Labor Relations Authority, representation proceedings, 22 CFR 1422 Homeland Security Department human resources management system, 5 CFR 9701 Labor organizations Annual financial reports, 29 CFR 403 Bonding requirements, 29 CFR 453 Definitions, 29 CFR 451 Election provisions, 29 CFR 452 Federal service-- Administrative provisions, 29 CFR 459 Employee conduct standards, 29 CFR 458 General, 29 CFR 457 Information reports, 29 CFR 402 Nomination of arbitrators, 29 CFR 25 Local officers, removal procedures, 29 CFR 417 Officers and employees report, 29 CFR 404 Trusteeship reports, 29 CFR 408 [[Page 569]] National Labor Relations Board; notification of employee rights, obligations of employers, 29 CFR 104 Railroad retirement, employee representatives, 20 CFR 205 Railroads and air carriers, labor organization representation disputes, 29 CFR 1206 Laboratories Agreement on international carriage of perishable foodstuffs and on special equipment to be used for such carriage (ATP); inspection, testing, and certification of special equipment, 7 CFR 3300 Biological agents and toxins, possession, use, and transfer, 7 CFR 331, 9 CFR 121 Biologics, blood and blood components, current good manufacturing practice, 21 CFR 606 Children's products, children's toys, and child care articles; determinations regarding lead, ASTM F963 elements, and phthalates for engineered wood products, 16 CFR 1252 Clinical trials registration and results information submission, 42 CFR 11 Commercial and industrial equipment, energy efficiency program, 10 CFR 431 Commodity laboratory testing programs Meals, Ready-To-Eat (MRE's), meats, and meat products, 7 CFR 98 Plant variety and protection, 7 CFR 97 Poultry and egg products, 7 CFR 94 Processed fruits and vegetables, 7 CFR 93 Services and general information, 7 CFR 91 Customs bonds, 19 CFR 113 Customs examination, sampling, and testing of merchandise, 19 CFR 151 DoD Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELAP), 32 CFR 188 Domestic hemp production program, 7 CFR 990 Drug and alcohol testing, certification of laboratories engaged in urine drug testing, 49 CFR 40 Environmental Protection Agency; regulation of fuels, fuel additives, and regulated blendstocks, 40 CFR 1090 Equipment and materials, independent laboratory testing for Coast Guard approval, 46 CFR 159 Executive, administrative, professional, computer and outside sales employees, defining and delimiting exemptions, 29 CFR 541 Fastener quality, 15 CFR 280 Federal Seed Act requirements, 7 CFR 201 Fellowship in laboratory standardization and testing for qualified citizens of other American Republics, 15 CFR 255 Food and Drug Administration, good manufacturing practice Finished pharmaceuticals, 21 CFR 211 Positron emission tomography drugs, 21 CFR 212 Food Safety and Inspection Service Food ingredients permitted, 9 CFR 544 Preparation of products, 9 CFR 548 Health and Human Services Department Health information technology; standards, implementation specifications, certification criteria and certification programs, 45 CFR 170 Statutory conscience rights protection in health care, authority delegations, 45 CFR 88 Immunology and microbiology devices, 21 CFR 866 Meat and poultry products inspection; non-Federal laboratories, accreditation, 9 CFR 439 Meat inspection, mandatory, entry into official establishments, reinspection and preparation of products, 9 CFR 318 Medicare and Medicaid, laboratory requirements, 42 CFR 493 Medicare, supplementary medical insurance (SMI)benefits, 42 CFR 410 National voluntary conformity assessment system evaluation program, 15 CFR 286 National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program, 15 CFR 285 Nonclinical laboratory studies, good practices, 21 CFR 58 Occupational safety and health standards, 29 CFR 1910 Personnel exchanges between Federal laboratories and non-Federal entities, 15 CFR 17 Pesticide programs, good laboratory practice standards, 40 CFR 160 [[Page 570]] Poultry products inspection, 9 CFR 381 Toxic substances control Chemical fate testing guidelines, 40 CFR 796 Environmental effects testing guidelines, 40 CFR 797 Good laboratory practice standards, 40 CFR 792 Health effects-- Provisional test guidelines, 40 CFR 795 Testing guidelines, 40 CFR 798 Toys and child care articles containing specified phthalates, prohibition determinations regarding certain plastics, 16 CFR 1308 Land See Grazing lands; Indians-lands; Public lands; Rights-of-way Land Management Bureau Adjudication principles and procedures, 43 CFR 1870 Advisory committees and Land Management Bureau, cooperative relations, 43 CFR 1780 Airport land grants, 43 CFR 2640 Alaska Natives Land occupancy and use, 43 CFR 2560 Land selections, 43 CFR 2650 Appeals procedures, 43 CFR 1840 Cadastral survey, 43 CFR 9180 Carey Act grants, desert lands reclamation and settlement for agricultural purposes, 43 CFR 2610 Coal management Coal exploration and mining operations rules, 43 CFR 3480 Competitive leasing, 43 CFR 3420 Environment, 43 CFR 3460 Existing leases management, 43 CFR 3450 Exploration licenses, 43 CFR 3410 Licenses to mine, 43 CFR 3440 Management, general, 43 CFR 3400 Management provisions and limitations, 43 CFR 3470 Noncompetitive leases, 43 CFR 3430 Color-of-title and omitted lands, 43 CFR 2540 Conveyances, disclaimers and correction documents, 43 CFR 1860 Desert land entries, 43 CFR 2520 Designated wilderness areas, management, 43 CFR 6300 Financial assistance Local governments, 43 CFR 44 Mineral development impact relief loans, 43 CFR 1880 Fire management on public lands, wildfire protection, 43 CFR 9210 Geothermal resources Leasing, 43 CFR 3200 Unit agreements, 43 CFR 3280 Grazing lands Administration, 43 CFR 4100 Leases, Pierce Act, 43 CFR 4600 Livestock in Alaska, administration, 43 CFR 4200 Reindeer in Alaska, administration, general, 43 CFR 4300 Hearing procedures, 43 CFR 1850 Historical or scientific value of public lands, management procedure, 43 CFR 8200 Indian allotments, 43 CFR 2530 Introduction and general administrative guidance, 43 CFR 1810 Land application procedures, 43 CFR 1820 Land classification system Criteria, 43 CFR 2410 Disposal classification, 43 CFR 2430 Land Management Bureau initiated, 43 CFR 2460 Multiple-use management classifications, 43 CFR 2420 Petition-application classification system, 43 CFR 2450 Post classification actions for disposal lands, 43 CFR 2470 Segregation by classification, 43 CFR 2400, 43 CFR 2440 Land exchanges, general procedures, 43 CFR 2200 Land leases, 43 CFR 2910 Land use, special laws and rules, 43 CFR 2090 Law enforcement on public lands, 43 CFR 9260 Leases, permits, and easements for non-Federal use of public lands, 43 CFR 2920 Mineral interests, federally-owned, conveyance, 43 CFR 2720 Mineral leases Leasing of solid minerals other than coal and oil shale, 43 CFR 3500 Mineral Leasing Act, rights-of-way, 43 CFR 2880 [[Page 571]] Solid minerals (other than coal) exploration and mining operations, 43 CFR 3590 Special leasing areas, 43 CFR 3580 Mineral materials disposal, 43 CFR 3600 Free use of petrified wood, 43 CFR 3620 Mineral patent applications Adverse claim, protests and conflicts, 43 CFR 3870 Survey plats, lode mining and placer mining, claims, and mill sites, 43 CFR 3860 Minerals management, general regulations, 43 CFR 3000 Mining claims Annual assessment work requirements, 43 CFR 3836 Areas subject to special mining laws, 43 CFR 3820 Delinquent co-claimant's interests, acquiring, 43 CFR 3837 General mining laws, 43 CFR 3800 Lands and minerals open for mining, 43 CFR 3810 Locating, recording, and maintaining, 43 CFR 3830 Location, 43 CFR 3832 Recording, 43 CFR 3833 Required fees, 43 CFR 3834 Stockraising Homestead Act (SRHA) lands, special procedures for locating and recording, 43 CFR 3838 Waivers from annual maintenance fees, 43 CFR 3835 Mining in powersite withdrawals, 43 CFR 3730 Multiple mineral development, 43 CFR 3740 Multiple use of land surface while mining, 43 CFR 3710 National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska; management and protection, 43 CFR 2360 Paleontological resources preservation, 43 CFR 49 Off-road vehicles on public lands, 43 CFR 8340 Oil and gas leasing Combined hydrocarbon leasing, 43 CFR 3140 Competitive, 43 CFR 3120 General regulations, 43 CFR 3100 Helium contracts, 43 CFR 3195 Inspections, delegation of authority, cooperative agreements and contracts, 43 CFR 3190 National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska, 43 CFR 3130 Noncompetitive, 43 CFR 3110 Onshore oil and gas-- Geophysical exploration, 43 CFR 3150 Operations, 43 CFR 3160 Production, 43 CFR 3170 Unit agreements, unproven areas, 43 CFR 3180 Oil shale management Exploration and leases, 43 CFR 3930 Exploration licenses, 43 CFR 3910 General, 43 CFR 3900 Leasing, 43 CFR 3920 Public lands, trespassing, 43 CFR 9230 Railroad land grants, 43 CFR 2630 Recreation and public purposes, public lands sales, 43 CFR 2740 Recreation permits on public lands, 43 CFR 2930 Resource management planning, programming, and budgeting, 43 CFR 1600 Rights of way Federal Land Policy Management Act, 43 CFR 2800 Tramroads and logging roads, 43 CFR 2810 Sales, Federal Land Policy and Management Act, 43 CFR 2710 State land grants, 43 CFR 2620 Timber Annual sale plan, 43 CFR 5410 Competitive sales, advertisement, 43 CFR 5430 Conduct of sales, 43 CFR 5440 Forest management decisions, administration, 43 CFR 5000 Forest products sale, 43 CFR 5400 Free use, 43 CFR 5510 Harvesting-- Contract award, 43 CFR 5450 Contract modification, extension and assignment, 43 CFR 5470 Nonsale disposals, 43 CFR 5500 Sales-- Administration, 43 CFR 5460 Preparation, 43 CFR 5420 Sustained-yield forest units, 43 CFR 5040 [[Page 572]] Visitor services on public lands, 43 CFR 8360 Wild and Scenic Rivers Act and National Trails System Act, management of public lands, 43 CFR 8350 Wild free-roaming horses and burros; protection, management, and control, 43 CFR 4700 Withdrawal of public lands, 43 CFR 2300 Withdrawals or reservations of public lands, restoration and revocation of public land, 43 CFR 2370 Land sales See al Public lands-sale Lasers See al Scientific equipment Radiation protection, light-emitting products, performance standards, 21 CFR 1040 Law See Administrative practice and procedure; Courts; Indians-law; Lawyers; Military law Law enforcement See al Drug traffic control; Wiretapping and electronic surveillance Agriculture Department, authorities, 7 CFR 1a Air Force Department; installation entry policy, civil disturbance intervention, and disaster assistance, 32 CFR 809a Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Bureau, procedure and administration, 27 CFR 70 Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Endangered species regulations concerning terrestrial plants, 7 CFR 355 Forfeiture procedures for seized plants, 7 CFR 356 Armed Forces disciplinary control boards, off-installation liaisons and operations, 32 CFR 631 Army Department Law enforcement reporting, 32 CFR 635 Motor vehicle traffic supervision, 32 CFR 634 Boundary lines for application of vessel inspection laws, 46 CFR 7 Central Intelligence Agency, conduct on agency installations, 32 CFR 1903 Child labor regulations, orders, and statements of interpretations, 29 CFR 570 Child labor regulations and minimum wage requirements, State agencies used for investigations and inspections of places of employment for compliance with, 29 CFR 515 Civil authorities aid, employment of troops, 32 CFR 501 Coast Guard Jurisdiction on certain waters, determination in cases where specific definitions are not provided, 33 CFR 2 Nonqualified vessels that perform certain aquaculture support operations, 46 CFR 106 Consumer protection Adjudication proceedings, rules of practice, 12 CFR 1081 Children's toys and child care articles containing specified phthalates, prohibition, 16 CFR 1307 Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Financial Protection Act enforcement, State official notification rules, 12 CFR 1082 Flammable fabrics regulations, statements of policy or interpretation, 16 CFR 1602 Firearms (toy, look-alike, and imitation), marking, 16 CFR 1272 Hazardous substances and articles, administration and enforcement regulations, 16 CFR 1500 Safety standards-- Baby changing products, 16 CFR 1235 Baby cribs, non-full-size, 16 CFR 1220 Bassinets and cradles, 16 CFR 1218 Bedside sleepers, 16 CFR 1222 Booster seats, 16 CFR 1237 Button cell or coin batteries and consumer products containing such batteries, 16 CFR 1263 Carriages and strollers, 16 CFR 1227 Children's folding chairs and children's folding stools, 16 CFR 1232 Crib mattresses, 16 CFR 1241 Frame child carriers, 16 CFR 1230 Gates and enclosures, 16 CFR 1239 Hand-held infant carriers, 16 CFR 1225 High chairs, 16 CFR 1231 [[Page 573]] Infant bath seats, 16 CFR 1215 Infant bath tubs, 16 CFR 1234 Infant bouncer seats, 16 CFR 1229 Infant swings, 16 CFR 1223 Infant walkers, 16 CFR 1216 Magnets, 16 CFR 1262 Play yards, 16 CFR 1221 Portable bed rails, 16 CFR 1224 Portable hook-on chairs, 16 CFR 1233 Sling carriers, 16 CFR 1228 Soft infant and toddler carriers, 16 CFR 1226 Toddler beds, 16 CFR 1217 Toys, safety standard mandating ASTM f963, 16 CFR 1250 Courts of Indian Offenses and law-and-order code, 25 CFR 11 Criminal intelligence systems operating policies, 28 CFR 23 Criminal justice information systems, 28 CFR 20 Customs and Border Protection General enforcement provisions, 19 CFR 161 Information availability, 19 CFR 103 Inspection, search, and seizure, 19 CFR 162 Relief from fines, penalties, and forfeitures of seized merchandise, 19 CFR 171 Derivatives clearing organizations, 17 CFR 39 Emergency Federal law enforcement assistance, 28 CFR 65 Employee Retirement Income Security Act, procedural regulations for administration and enforcement, 29 CFR 2571 Energy Department; protective force officers-- Limited arrest authority and use of force, 10 CFR 1047 Strategic Petroleum Reserve, limited arrest authority and use of force, 10 CFR 1049 Engineers Corps, permit enforcement, 33 CFR 326 Fair Labor Standards Act, assurances of compliance with, 29 CFR 789 Fair Labor Standards Act and Walsh-Healey Act, general enforcement policy, 29 CFR 775 Farm labor coordinated enforcement, 29 CFR 42 Federal Aviation Administration Commercial space transportation; investigations, enforcement, and administrative review, 14 CFR 406 Investigative and enforcement procedures, 14 CFR 13 Federal contractors Minimum wage for-- Establishment, 29 CFR 10 Increase, 29 CFR 23 Paid sick leave for, establishment, 29 CFR 13 Federal Election Commission Administrative debts collection, 11 CFR 8 Election regulations, compliance procedure, 11 CFR 111 Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977 Civil penalties, criteria and procedures for proposed assessment, 30 CFR 100 Mandatory safety and health standards, pattern of violations, 30 CFR 104 Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, general provisions, 31 CFR 1010 Foreign workers in U.S., temporary employment, 20 CFR 655 Illegal aliens, seizure and forfeiture of conveyances, 8 CFR 274 Immigration and Nationality Act Temporary agricultural workers admitted under Section 218, enforcement of contractual obligations, 29 CFR 501, 29 CFR 502 Temporary nonimmigrant non-agricultural workers, enforcement of obligations, 29 CFR 503 Indian country detention facilities and programs, 25 CFR 10 Indian country law enforcement, 25 CFR 12 Industry and Security Bureau Administrative enforcement proceedings, 15 CFR 766 Enforcement and protective measures, 15 CFR 764 Inflation, civil monetary penalty adjustments for, 15 CFR 6 Internal Revenue Service, procedure and administration, 26 CFR 301 Justice Assistance Bureau grant programs, 28 CFR 33 Justice Department Cost recovery regulations, Communications Assistance for Law [[Page 574]] Enforcement Act of 1994, 28 CFR 100 Criminal history background checks, 28 CFR 105 DNA identification system, 28 CFR 28 Ethical standards for attorneys for the government, 28 CFR 77 Federal service contracts, 29 CFR 4 Information systems, 28 CFR 25 Labor standards provisions applicable to contracts covering federally financed and assisted construction contracts and non-construction contracts under the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, 29 CFR 5 Trafficking in persons, 28 CFR 1100 Justice Programs Office hearing and appeal procedures, 28 CFR 18 Labor Department, procedures for predetermination of wage rates, 29 CFR 1 Migrant and seasonal agricultural worker protection, 29 CFR 500 National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact Council, outsourcing of noncriminal justice administrative functions, 28 CFR 906 National forest areas Law enforcement support activities, 36 CFR 262 Prohibitions, 36 CFR 261 National Wildlife Refuge System General provisions, 50 CFR 10 Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge, 50 CFR 38 Violations, Enforcement penalty and procedural requirements, 50 CFR 28 Naturalization revocation, 8 CFR 340 Occupational safety and health Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act, practice rules in enforcement proceedings under section 41, 29 CFR 1921 State plans-- Changes, 29 CFR 1953 Development and enforcement of State standards applicable to State and local government employees in States without approved private health and safety employee plans, 29 CFR 1956 State standards, enforcement, 29 CFR 1952 Williams-Steiger Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970; inspections, citations, and proposed penalties for violations, 29 CFR 1903 Pensions, Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, administration and enforcement, 29 CFR 2560 Postal Service Inspection service authority, 39 CFR 233 Stolen mail matter and property acquired by Postal Inspection Service for use as evidence, disposition, 39 CFR 946 Public contracts, labor provisions, State officers and employees, safety and health standards enforcement, 41 CFR 50-205 Public lands, law enforcement-criminal, 43 CFR 9260 Reclamation Bureau Law enforcement authority at projects, 43 CFR 422 Public conduct on facilities, lands, and waterbodies, 43 CFR 423 Sex offender registration and notification, 28 CFR 72 State Department, trafficking in persons, 28 CFR 1100 Surface coal mining and reclamation operations Alternative enforcement, 30 CFR 847 Federal inspection, 30 CFR 721 Federal inspections and monitoring procedures, 30 CFR 842 Initial performance standards, reimbursement to States for enforcement, 30 CFR 725 Initial regulatory program, 30 CFR 710 Law enforcement procedures, 30 CFR 722 Mining laws and regulations, enforcement, 30 CFR 843 Non-Federal and non-Indian lands, grants for State program development, administration, and enforcement, 30 CFR 735 Permanent program inspection and enforcement procedures, civil penalties, 30 CFR 845 Permanent regulatory program, 30 CFR 701 State Regulatory Authority, inspection and enforcement procedures, 30 CFR 840 Transportation Department, general policy statements, 14 CFR 399 [[Page 575]] Transportation Security Administration, investigative and enforcement procedures, 49 CFR 1503 Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Safety Act regulations, 16 CFR 1450 Wake Island code, 32 CFR 935 Water resource development projects administered by Chief of Army Engineers, law enforcement services contracts, 36 CFR 330 Law enforcement officers Army Department Law enforcement reporting, 32 CFR 635 Motor vehicle traffic supervision, 32 CFR 634 Civil service regulations Pay under General Schedule, 5 CFR 531 Retirement, 5 CFR 831 Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Office, 28 CFR 92 Critical position pay authority, 5 CFR 535 Death sentences procedures, 28 CFR 26 District of Columbia retirement programs, Federal benefit payments, 31 CFR 29 Employees of State and local governments, application of Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 CFR 553 Federal Employees Retirement System Basic annuity, 5 CFR 842 Death benefits and employee refunds, 5 CFR 843 Debt collection, 5 CFR 845 Disability retirement, 5 CFR 844 Elections of coverage, 5 CFR 846 General administration, 5 CFR 841 Phased retirement, 5 CFR 848 Federal officers and employees; protective coverage under Federal criminal law 18 U.S.C. 1114, 28 CFR 64 Firearms and ammunition, commerce in, 27 CFR 478 Homeland Security Department, field officers powers and duties, 8 CFR 287 Immigration Review, Executive Office, field officers, powers and duties, 8 CFR 1287 Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Act regulations, 28 CFR 29 Public safety awards to public safety officers, 44 CFR 150 Public safety officers' death, disability and educational benefits claims, 28 CFR 32 Railroad police officers, 49 CFR 207 Reclamation Bureau, law enforcement authority at projects, 43 CFR 422 Retirement, electronic processing, 5 CFR 850 Search warrant issuance, Federal law enforcement officers authorization request, 28 CFR 60 Trafficking in persons, 28 CFR 1100 Transportation Security Administration Administrative and procedural rules, applicability, terms, and abbreviations, 49 CFR 1500 Civil aviation security-- Aircraft operator security, air carriers and commercial operators, 49 CFR 1544 Airport security, 49 CFR 1542 General rules, 49 CFR 1540 Protection of sensitive security information, 49 CFR 1560 Sensitive security information protection, 49 CFR 1520 U.S. Park Police, interim geographic pay adjustments, 43 CFR 38 Workers' Compensation Programs Office; Federal Employees' Compensation Act claims, 20 CFR 10 Law Enforcement Training Center, Federal See Federal Law Enforcement Training Center Lawyers See al Law; Legal services Agriculture Department, administrative regulations, 7 CFR 1 Air Force Department, counsel fees and other expenses in foreign tribunals, 32 CFR 845 Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Bureau, practice before, 31 CFR 8 Army Department, litigation, 32 CFR 516 Commerce Department, attorney's fees and other expenses, 15 CFR 18 Commodity Futures Trading Commission Equal Access to Justice Act, implementation, 17 CFR 148 Suspension or disbarment from appearance and practice, 17 CFR 14 Consumer Product Safety Commission, rules of practice for adjudicative proceedings, Equal Access to Justice Act implementation, 16 CFR 1025 [[Page 576]] Copyright Royalty Board, Library of Congress; general administrative provisions, 37 CFR 303 Education Department, Equal Access to Justice Act, implementation, 34 CFR 21 Environmental Protection Agency, Equal Access to Justice Act, implementation, 40 CFR 17 Farm Credit Administration Application for award of fees and other expenses under Equal Access to Justice Act, 12 CFR 625 Practice before agency, 12 CFR 623 Federal Aviation Administration, Equal Access to Justice Act, implementation, 14 CFR 14 Federal Communications Commission, practice and procedure, 47 CFR 1 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Minority and women outreach program contracting, 12 CFR 361 Practice and procedures rules, 12 CFR 308 Federal Labor Relations Authority, awards of attorney fees and other expenses, 5 CFR 2430 Federal Maritime Commission, practice and procedure rules, 46 CFR 502 Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission, Equal Access to Justice Act implementation, 29 CFR 2704 Federal Reserve System, rules of practice for hearings, 12 CFR 263 Federal Trade Commission, practice rules for adjudicative proceedings, 16 CFR 3 Foreign Claims Settlement Commission, appearance and practice, 45 CFR 500 Government Accountability Office, recognition of attorneys and other representatives, 4 CFR 11 Government Ethics Office, Equal Access to Justice Act implementation, 5 CFR 2610 Health and Human Services Department, Equal Access to Justice Act implementation, 45 CFR 13 Housing and Urban Development Department Equal Access to Justice Act implementation, 24 CFR 14 Government National Mortgage Association, general, 24 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, representation and appearances at immigration hearings, 8 CFR 292 Immigration Review, Executive Office, representation and appearances of persons at immigration hearings, 8 CFR 1292 Indian Affairs Bureau Attorney contracts with Indian tribes, 25 CFR 89 Recognition of attorneys and agents to represent claimants, 25 CFR 88 Interior Department, Indian probate hearings procedures, 43 CFR 30 Internal Revenue Service, practice before, 31 CFR 10 International Trade Commission Equal Access to Justice Act implementation, 19 CFR 212 General application rules, 19 CFR 201 Justice Department Debt collection, retention of private counsel, 28 CFR 11 Equal Access to Justice Act implementation, 28 CFR 24 Ethical standards for attorneys for the government, 28 CFR 77 Labor Department, Equal Access to Justice Act implementation, 29 CFR 16 Legal Services Corporation, attorney hiring, 45 CFR 1616 Merit Systems Protection Board, practices and procedures, 5 CFR 1201 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Equal Access to Justice Act implementation, 14 CFR 1262 National Credit Union Administration; administrative actions, adjudicative hearings, rules of practice and procedure, and investigations, 12 CFR 747 National Labor Relations Board, Series 8 rules and regulations, 29 CFR 102 National Transportation Safety Board, Equal Access to Justice Act implementation, 49 CFR 826 Navy Department, professional conduct of attorneys practicing under cognizance and supervision of Judge Advocate General, 32 CFR 776 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Equal Access to Justice Act, implementation in agency proceedings, 10 CFR 12 [[Page 577]] Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission; implementation of Equal Access to Justice Act in Commission proceedings, 29 CFR 2204 Patent and Trademark Office Goods and services classification under Trademark Act, 37 CFR 6 Patent Trial and Appeal Board-- Judicial review, 37 CFR 90 Practice before, 37 CFR 41 Trial practice before, 37 CFR 42 Representation of others before, 37 CFR 11 Trademark cases, practice rules, 37 CFR 2 Postal Service Eligibility of persons to practice before Postal Service, 39 CFR 951 Equal Access to Justice Act implementation, 39 CFR 960 Prisons Bureau, prisoners' legal matters, 28 CFR 543 Securities and Exchange Commission Practice rules, 17 CFR 201 Professional conduct standards for attorneys appearing and practicing before Commission in representation of issuer, 17 CFR 205 Small Business Administration Conducting business with SBA, standards, 13 CFR 103 Hearings and Appeals Office, procedure rules governing cases before, 13 CFR 134 State Department, Equal Access to Justice Act implementation, 22 CFR 134 Surface Transportation Board Practitioners, 49 CFR 1103 Special procedures governing recovery of expenses by parties to Commission adjudicatory proceedings, 49 CFR 1016 Transportation Department, Equal Access to Justice Act implementation, agency proceedings, 49 CFR 6 Treasury Department, Equal Access to Justice Act implementation, 31 CFR 6 Veterans Affairs Department, legal services, General Counsel, and miscellaneous claims, 38 CFR 14 Lead Air pollution control Air quality planning purposes, designated areas, 40 CFR 81 Ambient air quality, National primary and secondary standards, 40 CFR 50 Implementation plans-- Approval and promulgation, 40 CFR 52 Preparation, adoption, and submittal requirements, 40 CFR 51 National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan, 40 CFR 300 New stationary sources, standards of performance, 40 CFR 60 Outer Continental Shelf air regulations, 40 CFR 55 State and Federal implementation plans, determining conformity of Federal actions, 40 CFR 93 Construction industry, occupational safety and health regulations, 29 CFR 1926 Lead mining operations and leases, Quapaw Indian Agency, 25 CFR 215 Water programs, National primary drinking water regulations, 40 CFR 141 Lead poisoning See al Poison prevention Lead-based paint poisoning prevention Certain residential structures-- Environmental Protection Agency, 40 CFR 745 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 35 Community planning and development programs, expired; savings clause, 24 CFR 500 Existing housing, 24 CFR 200 HUD-acquired and -owned single family property, disposition, 24 CFR 291 Public Housing Agency-owned or leased projects, 24 CFR 965 Rehabilitation loan program, section 312, 24 CFR 510 Rental rehabilitation grant program, 24 CFR 511 Section 8 housing assistance payments program, special allocations, 24 CFR 886 Section 8 moderate rehabilitation programs, 24 CFR 882 Lead paint and certain consumer products bearing lead paint, ban, 16 CFR 1303 [[Page 578]] Products subject to other Acts, regulation under Consumer Product Safety Act, 16 CFR 1145 Small Business Administration, business loans, 13 CFR 120 Lebanon U.S. Hostages in Iraq, Kuwait, or Lebanon Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program, 5 CFR 894 Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance Program, 5 CFR 870 Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, 5 CFR 890 Sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 549 Hizballah, 31 CFR 566 Legal services See al Lawyers Community Living Administration Developmental disabilities program-- National Network of University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, Education, Research, and Service, 45 CFR 1328 Program requirements, 45 CFR 1325 Projects of National significance, 45 CFR 1327 State plans for formula grant programs, 45 CFR 1326 Support and nutrition services grants-- Indian tribes, 45 CFR 1322 Older Hawaiian natives, 45 CFR 1323 Vulnerable elder rights protection activities, allotments for, 45 CFR 1324 Corporation for National and Community Service volunteers, payment, 45 CFR 1220 Energy Department, contractor legal management requirements, 10 CFR 719 Foreign Assets Control Office, sanctions regulations-- Venezuela, 31 CFR 591 Weapons of mass destruction proliferators, 31 CFR 544 Foreign Service functions, notarial and related services, 22 CFR 92 Immigration and Naturalization, Executive Office for Immigration Review, list of free legal services providers for aliens, 8 CFR 3 Immigration Review, Executive Office; organization and functions, 8 CFR 1003 Legal Services Corporation Appeals on behalf of clients, 45 CFR 1605 Attorney hiring, 45 CFR 1616 Bonding requirements of recipients, 45 CFR 1629 Case information disclosure, 45 CFR 1644 Class actions, 45 CFR 1617 Client grievance procedures, 45 CFR 1621 Client identity and statement of facts, 45 CFR 1636 Cost standards and procedures, 45 CFR 1630 Definitions, 45 CFR 1600 Enforcement procedures, 45 CFR 1618 Fee-generating cases, 45 CFR 1609 Financial assistance-- Suspension procedures, 45 CFR 1623 Termination, limited reduction of funding, and debarment procedures, recompetition, 45 CFR 1606 Financial eligibility, 45 CFR 1611 Governing bodies, 45 CFR 1607 Grants and contracts, competitive bidding, 45 CFR 1634 Information disclosure, 45 CFR 1619 Procedures under the Freedom of Information Act, 45 CFR 1602 Legal Services Corporation recipients, Federal law application, 45 CFR 1640 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability, 45 CFR 1624 Non-LSC funds, transfers of LSC funds, program integrity; use of, 45 CFR 1610 Outside practice of law, 45 CFR 1604 Priorities in use of resources, 45 CFR 1620 Prisoners, representation, 45 CFR 1637 Private attorney involvement, 45 CFR 1614 Prohibited political activities, 45 CFR 1608 Prohibited redistricting activities, 45 CFR 1632 Purchasing and property management, 45 CFR 1631 Recipient auditors, debarment, suspension and removal, 45 CFR 1641 Recipient fund balances, 45 CFR 1628 Restrictions-- Actions collaterally attacking criminal convictions, 45 CFR 1615 [[Page 579]] Aliens, restrictions on legal assistance, 45 CFR 1626 Assisted suicide, euthanasia, and mercy killing, 45 CFR 1643 Legal assistance with respect to criminal proceedings, 45 CFR 1613 Lobbying and certain other activities, 45 CFR 1612 Representation in certain eviction proceedings, 45 CFR 1633 Solicitation, 45 CFR 1638 Subgrants, 45 CFR 1627 Timekeeping requirement, 45 CFR 1635 Welfare reform, 45 CFR 1639 Prisoners' legal matters, 28 CFR 543 Rural Utilities Service, use of consultants funded by borrowers, 7 CFR 1789 State and community program grants on aging, 45 CFR 1321 Supplemental, nutrition assistance and food distribution program; Food retailers and food wholesalers, administrative and judicial review, 7 CFR 278 Veterans Affairs Department, legal services, General Counsel, and miscellaneous claims, 38 CFR 14 Legal Services Corporation Appeals on behalf of clients, 45 CFR 1605 Attorney hiring, 45 CFR 1616 Bonding requirements of recipients, 45 CFR 1629 Case information disclosure, 45 CFR 1644 Class actions, 45 CFR 1617 Client grievance procedures, 45 CFR 1621 Client identity and statement of facts, 45 CFR 1636 Cost standards and procedures, 45 CFR 1630 Definitions, 45 CFR 1600 Enforcement procedures, 45 CFR 1618 Fee-generating cases, 45 CFR 1609 Financial assistance requirements Suspension procedures, 45 CFR 1623 Termination, limited reduction of funding, and debarment procedures, recompetition, 45 CFR 1606 Financial eligibility for legal assistance, 45 CFR 1611 Governing bodies of recipients, 45 CFR 1607 Grants and contracts, competitive bidding, 45 CFR 1634 Information disclosure, 45 CFR 1619 Procedures under Freedom of Information Act, 45 CFR 1602 Purchasing and property management, 45 CFR 1631 Recipients, Federal law application, 45 CFR 1640 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability, 45 CFR 1624 Non-LSC funds, transfers of LSC funds, program integrity, use of, 45 CFR 1610 Outside practice of law, 45 CFR 1604 Priorities in use of resources, 45 CFR 1620 Prisoners, representation, 45 CFR 1637 Private attorney involvement, 45 CFR 1614 Prohibited political activities, 45 CFR 1608 Prohibited redistricting activities, 45 CFR 1632 Public access to meetings under Government in Sunshine Act, 45 CFR 1622 Recipient auditors, debarment, suspension and removal, 45 CFR 1641 Recipient fund balances, 45 CFR 1628 Restrictions Actions collaterally attacking criminal conviction, 45 CFR 1615 Aliens, restrictions on legal assistance, 45 CFR 1626 Assisted suicide, euthanasia, and mercy killing, 45 CFR 1643 Legal assistance with respect to criminal proceedings, 45 CFR 1613 Lobbying and certain other activities, 45 CFR 1612 Representation in certain eviction proceedings, 45 CFR 1633 Solicitation, 45 CFR 1638 Subgrants, 45 CFR 1627 Timekeeping requirement, 45 CFR 1635 Welfare reform, 45 CFR 1639 Leprosy (Hansen's Disease) See Diseases Liberia Former Liberian regime of Charles Taylor, sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 593 Libraries See al Education Agricultural Marketing Service, Cattle Contracts Library Pilot Program, 7 CFR 180 Economic Analysis Bureau, public information, 15 CFR 807 [[Page 580]] Federal Communications Commission, universal service, 47 CFR 54 Library of Congress Conduct on Library premises, 36 CFR 702 National Film Registry, 36 CFR 704 Procedures and services, 36 CFR 701 Records or information, disclosure or production, 36 CFR 703 National Agricultural Library fees for loans and copying, 7 CFR 505 National Library of Medicine General provisions, 42 CFR 4 Grants, 42 CFR 59a Traineeships, 42 CFR 63 Training grants, 42 CFR 64 Prisoners, library services, 28 CFR 544 Libraries and Information Science, National Commission Government in Sunshine Act, 45 CFR 1703 Information disclosure, 45 CFR 1701 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 45 CFR 1706 Organization and functions, 45 CFR 1700 Privacy Act regulations, 45 CFR 1705 Library of Congress See al Copyright Office, Library of Congress Conduct on Library premises, 36 CFR 702 National Film Registry, 36 CFR 704 News transmissions reproduction, compilation, and distribution under American Television and Radio Archives Act, 36 CFR 705 Procedures and services, 36 CFR 701 Records or information, disclosure or production, 36 CFR 703 Libya General aircraft operating and flight rules, 14 CFR 91 Sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 570 Licensing and registration Air pollution controls Outer Continental Shelf air regulations, 40 CFR 55 State operating permit programs, 40 CFR 70 Copyright Office, Library of Congress, preregistration and registration of claims to copyright, 37 CFR 201 Copyright Royalty Board, Library of Congress; administrative assessments to fund mechanical licensing collective, amounts and terms, 37 CFR 390 Domestic hemp production program, 7 CFR 990 Environmental Protection Agency, water programs; State certification of activities requiring Federal license or permit, 40 CFR 121 Foreign Assets Control Office Control regulations-- Diamonds, rough, 31 CFR 592 Iranian assets, 31 CFR 535 Iranian transactions and sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 560 Reporting, procedures and penalties, 31 CFR 501 Sanctions regulations-- Belarus, 31 CFR 548 Central African Republic, 31 CFR 553 Cyber-related, 31 CFR 578 Darfur, 31 CFR 546 Democratic Republic of the Congo, 31 CFR 547 Foreign narcotics kingpin, 31 CFR 598 Foreign terrorist organizations, 31 CFR 597 Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act, 31 CFR 583 Global terrorism, 31 CFR 594 Hizballah, 31 CFR 566 Iran, financial, 31 CFR 561 Iraq, stabilization and insurgency, 31 CFR 576 Lebanon, 31 CFR 549 Magnitsky Act, 31 CFR 584 Narcotics trafficking, 31 CFR 536 North Korea, 31 CFR 510 Somalia, 31 CFR 551 Syria, 31 CFR 542 Terrorism list governments, 31 CFR 596 Transnational criminal organizations, 31 CFR 590 Weapons of mass destruction proliferators, 31 CFR 544 Yemen, 31 CFR 552 Zimbabwe, 31 CFR 541 Weapons of mass destruction trade control regulations, 31 CFR 539 Western Balkans stabilization regulations, 31 CFR 588 [[Page 581]] Forest Service, range management, 36 CFR 222 Labor standards, apprenticeship programs registration, 29 CFR 29 Migrant and seasonal agricultural worker protection, 29 CFR 500 Nonqualified vessels that perform certain aquaculture support operations, requirements, 46 CFR 106 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Nuclear facilities, materials, import and export licenses, and other regulatory services under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended; fees, 10 CFR 170 Nuclear power plants, licenses, certifications and approvals, 10 CFR 52 Nuclear reactor licenses and fuel cycle licenses and materials licenses, including holders of certificates of compliance, registrations, and quality assurance program approvals, and government agencies licensed by the NRC; annual fees, 10 CFR 171 Radiation, protection standards against, 10 CFR 20 Radioactive material, physical protection of category 1 and category 2 quantities, 10 CFR 37 Well logging, 10 CFR 39 Ocean transportation intermediaries; licensing, registration, financial responsibility requirements, and general duties, 46 CFR 515 Paleontological resources preservation, 43 CFR 49 REAL ID driver's licenses and identification cards, 6 CFR 37 Satellite communications, 47 CFR 25 Lie detector tests See al Law enforcement Employee Polygraph Protection Act, application, 29 CFR 801 Energy Department, counterintelligence evaluation program, 10 CFR 709 Life insurance See al Insurance Army Department, solicitation on military reservations, 32 CFR 552 Civil service Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance program, 5 CFR 870 Interim relief, 5 CFR 772 Retirement and insurance benefits during periods of unexplained absence, 5 CFR 880 Credit life insurance sales, national banks, 12 CFR 2 Defense Department installations, personal commercial solicitation, 32 CFR 50 Investment Company Act of 1940, rules and regulations, 17 CFR 270 National service life insurance, 38 CFR 8 Personnel Management Office Federal Employees Group Life Insurance Federal Acquisition Regulation Administrative matters, 48 CFR 2104 Application of labor laws to Government acquisitions, 48 CFR 2122 Bonds and insurance, 48 CFR 2128 Competition requirements, 48 CFR 2106 Contract cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 2131 Contract financing, 48 CFR 2132 Contract modifications, 48 CFR 2143 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 2115 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 2109 Definitions of words and terms, 48 CFR 2102 Federal Acquisition Regulations System, 48 CFR 2101 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 2103 Precontract provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 2152 Protection of privacy and freedom of information, 48 CFR 2124 Publicizing contract actions, 48 CFR 2105 Quality assurance, 48 CFR 2146 Sealed bidding, 48 CFR 2114 Service contracting, 48 CFR 2137 Specifications, standards, and other purchase descriptions, 48 CFR 2110 Subcontracting policies and procedures, 48 CFR 2144 Taxes, 48 CFR 2129 Termination of contracts, 48 CFR 2149 Types of contracts, 48 CFR 2116 Servicemen's group life insurance and veterans' group life insurance, 38 CFR 9 Soldiers' and sailors' civil relief, 38 CFR 7 [[Page 582]] U.S. Government life insurance, 38 CFR 6 Veterans mortgage life insurance, 38 CFR 8a Lime Air pollution control, performance standards for new stationary sources, 40 CFR 60 Barrels and other containers for lime, 15 CFR 240 Limes Marketing regulations, import regulations, 7 CFR 944 Linseeds See Oilseeds Liquors See al Alcohol and alcoholic beverages Alcohol, exportation, 27 CFR 28 Basic permit requirements under Federal Alcohol Administration Act, distilled spirits and wine nonindustrial use, distilled spirits bulk sales and bottling, 27 CFR 1 Distilled spirits Gauging manual, 27 CFR 30 Labeling and advertising, 27 CFR 5 Plants, 27 CFR 19 Distilled spirits, wines, and beer; importation, 27 CFR 27 Drawback on taxpaid distilled spirits used in manufacturing nonbeverage products, 27 CFR 17 Puerto Rico Liquors and articles, 27 CFR 26 Spirits and wine withdrawn from warehouse for shipment to, 19 CFR 7 Stills and miscellaneous regulations, 27 CFR 29 Wine, treatment and classification, 27 CFR 24 Livestock See al Animals; Meat and meat products; Meat inspection; specific animals Alaska Natives, reindeer industry, 25 CFR 243 Animal products, voluntary inspection and certification service, 9 CFR 156 Concentrated animal feeding operations, water pollution effluent guidelines and standards for point source category, 40 CFR 412 Emergency agricultural disaster assistance programs, 7 CFR 1416 Emergency livestock loans, 7 CFR 1980 Export programs, financing of sales of agricultural commodities, 7 CFR 1488 Exportation of live animals, animal semen, animal embryos, and gametes from the U.S., 9 CFR 91 Farm Service Agency Direct loan making, 7 CFR 764 Direct loan servicing-- Regular, 7 CFR 765 Special, 7 CFR 766 Ewe lamb replacement and retention payment program, 7 CFR 784 Foot-and-mouth disease, pleuropneumonia, and certain other communicable diseases of livestock or poultry, 9 CFR 53 Grading certification and standards, 7 CFR 53 Grazing regulations Hopi partitioned lands area, 25 CFR 168 Indian lands, permits, 25 CFR 166 Lands for livestock in Alaska, 43 CFR 4200 Lands other than Alaska, 43 CFR 4100 National forests, range management, 36 CFR 222 Navajo grazing regulations, 25 CFR 167 Partitioned lands grazing permits, 25 CFR 161 Humane slaughter of livestock, 9 CFR 313 Imports Animal byproducts (except casings), and hay, and straw, offered for entry into the U.S.; sanitary control, 9 CFR 95 Animal casings from foreign countries, restrictions, 9 CFR 96 Animals, birds, fish, and poultry, and certain animal, bird, and poultry products; requirements for means of conveyance and shipping containers, 9 CFR 93 Animals and animal products; procedures for requesting recognition of regions, 9 CFR 92 Foot-and-mouth disease, Newcastle disease, highly pathogenic avian influenza, African swine fever, classical swine fever, swine vesicular disease, and bovine spongiform [[Page 583]] encephalopathy; prohibited and restricted importations, 9 CFR 94 Imports and exports of animals and animal products, overtime services relating to, 9 CFR 97 Interstate transportation of animals Animal disease traceability, 9 CFR 86 Feed for transportation of animals under 28-hour law, 9 CFR 89 General provisions, 9 CFR 71 Johne's disease in domestic animals, 9 CFR 80 Land tortoises, interstate movement prohibition, 9 CFR 74 Pseudorabies, 9 CFR 85 Livestock mandatory reporting, 7 CFR 59 National Organic Program, 7 CFR 205 Loan programs Administrative requirements for grants and cooperative agreements with institutions of higher education, hospitals and other non-profit organizations, 38 CFR 49 Audits for States, local governments, and non-profit organizations; Labor Department, 29 CFR 99 Child and Adult Care Food Program, 7 CFR 226 Contractors and subcontractors on public buildings or public works financed by U.S. loans or grants, Federal wage requirements, 29 CFR 3 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement) African Development Foundation, 22 CFR 1508, 22 CFR 1509 Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 780 Broadcasting Board of Governors, 22 CFR 513 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1326 Defense Department, 32 CFR 26 Education Department, 2 CFR 3485, 34 CFR 84, 85 Energy Department, 2 CFR 902, 10 CFR 607 Environmental Protection Agency, 2 CFR 1532 Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, 29 CFR 1471, 29 CFR 1472 General Services Administration, 41 CFR 105-68, 41 CFR 105-74 Health and Human Services Department, 45 CFR 82 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 24 Inter-American Foundation, 22 CFR 1006, 22 CFR 1008 Justice Department, 28 CFR 83 Labor Department, 29 CFR 94, 29 CFR 98 Museum and Library Services Institute, 2 CFR 3185 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 14 CFR 1267 National Archives and Records Administration, 36 CFR 1212 National Science Foundation, 45 CFR 630 Peace Corps, 2 CFR 3700, 22 CFR 312 Personnel Management Office, 5 CFR 919 Small Business Administration, 13 CFR 147 State Department, 22 CFR 133 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1200, 49 CFR 32 Treasury Department, 31 CFR 19, 31 CFR 20 Veterans Affairs Department, 38 CFR 48 Defense Department, consumer credit extended to service members and dependents, terms limitations, 32 CFR 232 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance) Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 782 Federal Emergency Management Agency, 2 CFR 3001 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2429 Museum and Library Services Institute, 2 CFR 3186 Energy Department, new lobbying restrictions, 10 CFR 601 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 [[Page 584]] Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department-- Audit requirements for State and local governments receiving Federal financial assistance (OMB A-128 implementation), 10 CFR 600 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Environmental Protection Agency-- Disadvantaged business enterprises, participation in agency programs, 40 CFR 33 Fellowships, 40 CFR 46 National Environmental Education Act grants, 40 CFR 47 State and local assistance grants, 40 CFR 35 Training assistance, 40 CFR 45 Management and Budget Office; subaward and executive compensation information, reporting, 2 CFR 170 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Environmental Protection Agency, 2 CFR 1500 Federal Communications Commission, 2 CFR 6000 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Universal identifier and system of award management, 2 CFR 25 Fiscal Service; debt collection authorities under Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996, 31 CFR 285 Foreign Assets Control Office, cyber-related sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 578 Health care infrastructure improvement program, 42 CFR 505 Labor Department audit requirements for grants, contracts, and other agreements, 29 CFR 96 Lobbying restrictions Agency for International Development, 22 CFR 227 Broadcasting Board of Governors, 22 CFR 519 Commerce Department, 15 CFR 28 Corporation for National and Community Service, 45 CFR 1230 Defense Department, 32 CFR 28 Education Department, 34 CFR 82 Emergency Oil and Gas Guaranteed Loan Board, Emergency Oil and Gas Guaranteed Loan Program, 13 CFR 500 Emergency Steel Guarantee Loan Board, Emergency Steel Guarantee Loan Program, 13 CFR 400 Energy Department, 10 CFR 600, 601 Environmental Protection Agency, 40 CFR 34 Export-Import Bank, 12 CFR 411 Federal Emergency Management Agency, 44 CFR 18 [[Page 585]] General Services Administration, 41 CFR 105-69 Health and Human Services Department, 45 CFR 93 Homeland Security Department, 6 CFR 9 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 87 Interior Department, 43 CFR 18 International Development Finance Corporation, U.S., 22 CFR 712 Justice Department, 28 CFR 69 Labor Department, 29 CFR 93 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 14 CFR 1271 National Endowment for the Arts, 45 CFR 1158 National Endowment for the Humanities, 45 CFR 1168 National Science Foundation, 45 CFR 604 Peace Corps, 22 CFR 311 Small Business Administration, 13 CFR 146 State Department, 22 CFR 138 Tennessee Valley Authority, 18 CFR 1315 Transportation Department, 49 CFR 20 Treasury Department, 31 CFR 21 Veterans Affairs Department, 38 CFR 45 Management and Budget Office Assistance agreements that include funding under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, award terms, 2 CFR 176 Governmentwide debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), guidelines to agencies, 2 CFR 180 National Endowment for the Arts, Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act regulations, 45 CFR 1149 National Institute of Health loan repayment programs, 42 CFR 68 Nondiscrimination on basis of age in programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 7 CFR 15c Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally assisted programs, 28 CFR 41 Rural Business-Cooperative Service programs, environmental policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1970 Rural development, Loan servicing, 7 CFR 4287 Rural Housing Service programs, environmental policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1970 Rural Utilities Service, program regulations Environmental policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1970 Seismic safety requirements, 7 CFR 1792 Seismic safety requirements Justice Department, property management regulations, 41 CFR 128-1 Rural Utilities Service, 7 CFR 1792 Transportation Department, 49 CFR 41 Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally-assisted programs, governmentwide rule, agency cross references to Agriculture Department, 7 CFR 21 Commerce Department, 15 CFR 11 Defense Department, 32 CFR 259 Education Department, 34 CFR 15 Energy Department, 10 CFR 1039 Environmental Protection Agency, 40 CFR 4 Federal Emergency Management Agency, 44 CFR 25 General Services Administration, 41 CFR 105-51 Health and Human Services Department, 45 CFR 15 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 42 Justice Department, 41 CFR 128-18 Labor Department, 29 CFR 12 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 14 CFR 1208 Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation, 36 CFR 904 Tennessee Valley Authority, 18 CFR 1306 Veterans Affairs Department, 38 CFR 25 Loan programs-agriculture Agriculture Department Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 417 Debt management, 7 CFR 3 National Appeals Division, 7 CFR 11 Commodity Credit Corporation Export programs-- Export credit guarantee programs, 7 CFR 1493 Financing of sales of agricultural commodities, 7 CFR 1488 Loan and purchase programs-- [[Page 586]] Cotton, 7 CFR 1427 Debt settlement policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1403 Farm Storage Facility Loan program regulations, 7 CFR 1436 Grains and similarly handled commodities, marketing assistance loans and loan deficiency payments, 7 CFR 1421 Honey, nonrecourse marketing assistance loans and loan deficiency payments, 7 CFR 1434 Sugar, 7 CFR 1435 Trustee eligibility, rule of fractions, 7 CFR 1405 Farm Service Agency Appeal regulations, 7 CFR 780 Boll weevil eradication loan program, 7 CFR 771 Direct loan making, 7 CFR 764 Direct loan servicing-- Regular, 7 CFR 765 Special, 7 CFR 766 Equitable relief, 7 CFR 768 Farm loan programs-- General program administration, 7 CFR 761 Relending programs, 7 CFR 769 Guaranteed farm loans, 7 CFR 762 Indian tribal land acquisition loans, 7 CFR 770 Inventory property management, 7 CFR 767 Land Contract Guarantee program, 7 CFR 763 Multiple programs, provisions applicable to, 7 CFR 718 Payments due persons who have died, disappeared, or have been declared incompetent, 7 CFR 707 Seed producers emergency loan program, 7 CFR 774 Servicing minor program loans, 7 CFR 772 Special apple loan program, 7 CFR 773 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 [[Page 587]] Highly erodible land and wetland conservation, 7 CFR 12 Payment limitation and eligibility, 7 CFR 1400 Rural development Account servicing and collections policies, 7 CFR 1951 Associations, program regulations, 7 CFR 1942 Construction and repair provisions, 7 CFR 1924 Credit reports, receiving and processing applications, 7 CFR 1910 Debt settlement, 7 CFR 1956 General program regulations, 7 CFR 1940, 7 CFR 1980 General provisions, 7 CFR 1900 Loans and grants-- Insurance requirements, 7 CFR 1806 Interest rates, terms, conditions, and approval authority, 7 CFR 1810 Program-related instructions, 7 CFR 1901 Personal property, servicing and liquidation of chattel security, 7 CFR 1962 Program regulations, general, 7 CFR 1950 Property management, program regulations, 7 CFR 1955 Real property, 7 CFR 1965 Supervised bank accounts, 7 CFR 1902 Taxes, real estate tax servicing, 7 CFR 1925 Title clearance and loan closing, 7 CFR 1927 Rural development coordination, 7 CFR 22 Rural Housing Service; direct multi-family housing loans and grants, 7 CFR 3560 Rural Utilities Service, servicing of water and waste programs, 7 CFR 1782 Loan programs-business Energy Department, minority business enterprises seeking DOE contracts and assistance, loans for bid or proposal preparation, 10 CFR 800 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 [[Page 588]] Fisheries assistance programs, 50 CFR 253 Indians Indian Business Incubators Program, 25 CFR 1187 Loan guaranty, insurance, and interest subsidy, 25 CFR 103 National Credit Union Administration; member business loans, commercial lending, 12 CFR 723 Rural Development Debt settlement, 7 CFR 1956 Direct and insured loanmaking, 7 CFR 4274 General program regulations, 7 CFR 1940, 7 CFR 1980 Guaranteed loanmaking, 7 CFR 4279 Loan servicing, 7 CFR 4287 Loans and grants, 7 CFR 4280 Rural industrialization loan and grant programs under Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act of 1972, labor certification procedures, 29 CFR 75 Small businesses Business loans, 13 CFR 120 Disaster loan program, 13 CFR 123 Intermediary lending pilot program, 13 CFR 109 Investment companies, 13 CFR 107 Small business size regulations, 13 CFR 121 Loan programs-communications Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Rural Telephone Bank, loan policies, 7 CFR 1610 Rural Utilities Service Awardees, audits policy, 7 CFR 1773 ``Buy American'' requirement, 7 CFR 1787 Electric and telecommunications borrowers, fidelity and insurance requirements, 7 CFR 1788 Electric and telephone borrowers-- Consultants funded by borrowers, use of, 7 CFR 1789 Guaranteed and insured loans, prepayment, 7 CFR 1786 [[Page 589]] Loan account computations, procedures, and policies, 7 CFR 1785 General information, 7 CFR 1700 Guaranteed and insured telephone loans, post-loan policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1744 Insured and guaranteed telecommunications loans, pre-loan policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1737 Rural broadband loans, loan/grant combinations, and loan guarantees, 7 CFR 1738 Rural eConnectivity Program, 7 CFR 1740 RUS telecommunications borrowers, accounting requirements for, 7 CFR 1770 Telecommunications programs-- General policies, types of loans, loan requirements, 7 CFR 1735 Servicing, 7 CFR 1752 Specifications, acceptable materials, and standard contract forms; policies on, 7 CFR 1755 Telecommunications system-- Construction policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1753 Planning and design criteria, and procedures, 7 CFR 1751 Loan programs-education Federal employees who are indebted to U.S. under programs administered by Secretary of Education, salary offset, 34 CFR 31 Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) program, 34 CFR 682 Federal Perkins loan program, Federal work-study program, and Federal supplemental educational opportunity grant program, general provisions, 34 CFR 673 Federal Perkins loan Program (National Direct Student Loan Program), 34 CFR 674 Health and Human Services Department, nondiscrimination on basis of sex for nursing school scholarship grants, administration and enforcement, 45 CFR 83 Health Education Assistance Loan Program, 34 CFR 681; 42 CFR 60 Higher Education Act of 1965, institutional eligibility, 34 CFR 600 Indians, educational loans, grants, and other assistance for higher education, 25 CFR 40 National Health Service Corps scholarship and loan repayment programs, 42 CFR 62 Nondiscrimination on basis of age in Education Department programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance, 34 CFR 110 Rural Utilities Service, distance learning and telemedicine loan and grant programs, 7 CFR 1734 Student assistance general provisions, 34 CFR 668 Student Loan Marketing Association (Sallie Mae), book-entry securities, 31 CFR 354 Veterans readiness and employment and education, 38 CFR 21 Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program, 7 CFR 3431 William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program, 34 CFR 685 Loan programs-energy Energy Department Acquisition regulations, contract financing, loan guarantees, 48 CFR 932 Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturer Assistance Program, 10 CFR 611 Clean energy products, loan guarantees, 10 CFR 609 Financial assistance appeals procedures, 10 CFR 1024 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 [[Page 590]] Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Rural Utilities Service Awardees, audits policy, 7 CFR 1773 ``Buy American'' requirement, 7 CFR 1787 Electric and telecommunications borrowers, fidelity and insurance requirements, 7 CFR 1788 Electric and telephone borrowers-- Consultants funded by borrowers, use of, 7 CFR 1789 Guaranteed and insured loans, prepayment, 7 CFR 1786 Loan account computations, procedures, and policies, 7 CFR 1785 Electric borrowers, accounting requirements, 7 CFR 1767 Electric engineering, architectural services and design policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1724 Electric loans and guarantees, general and pre-loan policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1710 Electric system-- Construction policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1726 Operations and maintenance, 7 CFR 1730 General information, 7 CFR 1700 Insured and guaranteed electric loans, post-loan policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1717 Insured electric loans-- Electric borrowers, Loan security documents, 7 CFR 1718 Guarantees for bonds and notes issued for utility infrastructure purposes, 7 CFR 1720 Post-loan policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1721 Pre-loan policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1714 Materials and construction, electric standards and specifications for, 7 CFR 1728 Rural Energy Savings Program, 7 CFR 1719 Small Business Administration, business loans, 13 CFR 120 Loan programs-foreign relations Agency for International Development Commodity transactions financed by, 22 CFR 201 Partner vetting in USAID assistance, 2 CFR 701 Egypt loan guarantees standard terms and conditions, 22 CFR 231 Foreign Assets Control Office Sanctions regulations-- Central African Republic, 31 CFR 553 Ethiopia, 31 CFR 550 Hizballah, 31 CFR 566 [[Page 591]] Iran, financial, 31 CFR 561 Transnational criminal organizations, 31 CFR 590 Venezuela, 31 CFR 591 Yemen, 31 CFR 552 Foreign military sales loans, prepayment, 31 CFR 25 Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, loan guarantees Issued under the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2015; standard terms and conditions, 22 CFR 238 Issued under the Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2013, Div. F, Pub. L. 113-6; standard terms and conditions, 22 CFR 233 Issued under the Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2014, Div. F, Pub. L. 113-6; standard terms and conditions, 22 CFR 235 Housing guaranty standard terms and conditions, 22 CFR 204 Israel, loan guarantees issued under Emergency Wartime Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2003, standard terms and conditions, 22 CFR 230 Republic of Iraq, loan guarantees issued under the Further Continuing and Security Assistance Appropriations Act of 2017, 22 CFR 241 Republic of Tunisia loan guarantees issued under Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act of 2016; sec. 7034(o), 22 CFR 239 Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2014, Div. F, Pub. L. 113-6; standard terms and conditions, 22 CFR 236 Sales of agricultural commodities made available under Title I of Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954, as amended, financing, 7 CFR 17 Sovereign Loan Guarantee-standard terms and conditions, 22 CFR 240 Ukraine, loan guarantees issued under the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act of 2015, and the Support for the Sovereignty, Integrity, Democracy, and Economic Stability of Ukraine Act of 2014; standard terms and conditions, 22 CFR 237 Ukraine, loan guarantees issued under the Sovereignty, Integrity, Democracy, and Economic Stability of Ukraine Act of 2014, Pub. L. 113-95; standard terms and conditions, 22 CFR 234 Loan programs-health Construction and modernization of hospitals and medical facilities, grants, loans, and loan guarantees, Secretary's continuing authority, 42 CFR 53 Construction of teaching facilities, educational improvements, scholarships and student loans, grants, 42 CFR 57 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 [[Page 592]] Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Health Education Assistance Loan Program, 34 CFR 681; 42 CFR 60 Health insurance Affordable Care Act Exchange establishment standards and related standards under, 45 CFR 155 Issuer standards under, including requirements related to exchanges, 45 CFR 156 Group and individual health insurance markets, health insurance reform requirements for, 45 CFR 147 Health maintenance organizations, 42 CFR 417 National Health Service Corps Personnel, 42 CFR 23 Scholarship and loan repayment programs, 42 CFR 62 National Institutes of Health Clinical research loan repayment program for individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds, 42 CFR 68a National Institute of Child Health and Human Development contraception and infertility research loan repayment program, 42 CFR 68c Nursing homes, intermediate care facilities, and board and care homes, mortgage coinsurance, 24 CFR 252 Nursing homes, intermediate care facilities, board and care homes, and assisted living facilities, mortgage insurance, 24 CFR 232 Rural Utilities Service, distance learning and telemedicine loan and grant programs, 7 CFR 1734 Loan programs-housing and community development Civil money penalties, certain prohibited conduct, 24 CFR 30 Community development Block grants, 24 CFR 570 Revolving loan fund access for credit unions, 12 CFR 705 Community Development Financial Institutions Bond Guarantee Program, 12 CFR 1808 Community Development Financial Institutions Program, 12 CFR 1805 Evictions from certain subsidized and HUD-owned housing projects, 24 CFR 247 Farm Credit Administration, registration of mortgage loan originators, 12 CFR 610 Federal disaster assistance, 44 CFR 206 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 [[Page 593]] Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Flexible subsidy program for troubled projects, 24 CFR 219 Housing and Urban Development Department Federal Housing Commissioner, functions, 24 CFR 200 General HUD program requirements, waivers, 24 CFR 5 HUD Reform Act, 24 CFR 4 Loan guarantee recovery fund, 24 CFR 573 Low and moderate income housing, multifamily projects disposition and sale of HUD-held multifamily mortgages, 24 CFR 290 Low- and very low-income persons, economic opportunities, 24 CFR 75 Low income housing mortgages, prepayment, 24 CFR 248 Mortgage insurance-- Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Insurance, 24 CFR 206 Nursing homes, intermediate care facilities, and board and care homes, mortgage coinsurance, 24 CFR 252 Nursing homes, intermediate care facilities, board and care homes, and assisted living facilities, mortgage insurance, 24 CFR 232 Single family, 24 CFR 203 Mortgagee Review Board, 24 CFR 25 Multifamily and single family mortgages, nonjudicial foreclosure, 24 CFR 27 Multifamily housing-- Insured, local rent control, 24 CFR 246 Mortgage and housing assistance restructuring program (mark-to- market), 24 CFR 401 Tenant participation in multifamily housing projects, 24 CFR 245 Native Hawaiian housing, Section 184A loan guarantees, 24 CFR 1007 Nondiscrimination and equal opportunity in housing under Executive Order 11063, 24 CFR 107 Nondiscrimination in programs and activities receiving assistance under Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Title I, 24 CFR 6 Nondiscrimination on basis of age in federally assisted programs, 24 CFR 146 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally assisted programs, 24 CFR 8 Public housing-- Low rent housing homeownership opportunities, 24 CFR 904 Public Housing Agency-owned or leased projects, general provisions, 24 CFR 965 Rehabilitation housing loan program, section 312, 24 CFR 510 Volunteers, use on projects subject to Davis-Bacon and HUD-determined wage rates, 24 CFR 70 Rural Business-Cooperative Service, grants, 7 CFR 4284 [[Page 594]] Rural development Account servicing and collections policies, 7 CFR 1951 Associations, program regulations, 7 CFR 1942 Credit reports, receiving and processing applications, 7 CFR 1910 Debt settlement, 7 CFR 1956 General program regulations, 7 CFR 1940, 7 CFR 1980 General provisions, 7 CFR 1900 Guaranteed loanmaking, 7 CFR 4279 Housing, 7 CFR 1944 Insurance requirements, 7 CFR 1806 Interest rates, terms, conditions, and approval authority, 7 CFR 1810 Loan servicing, 7 CFR 4287 Loans and grants, related instructions, 7 CFR 1901 Management and supervision of loan and grant recipients, 7 CFR 1930 Personal property, servicing and liquidation of chattel security, 7 CFR 1962 Program regulations, general, 7 CFR 1950 Property management, program regulations, 7 CFR 1955 Real property, 7 CFR 1965 Rural housing asset sales, 7 CFR 1957 Supervised bank accounts, 7 CFR 1902 Taxes, real estate tax servicing, 7 CFR 1925 Title clearance and loan closing, 7 CFR 1927 Rural development coordination, 7 CFR 22 Rural development loans and grants, construction and repair provisions, 7 CFR 1924 Rural economic development, 7 CFR 1703 Rural housing loans and grants, 7 CFR 1822 Rural Housing Service Direct multi-family housing loans and grants, 7 CFR 3560 Direct single family housing loans and grants, 7 CFR 3550 Guaranteed Rural Housing program, 7 CFR 3555 Guaranteed Rural Rental Housing Program, 7 CFR 3565 Rural Utilities Service Resource conservation and development (RCD) loans and watershed (WS) loans and advances, 7 CFR 1781 Water and waste loans and grants-- Health risk alleviation, 7 CFR 1777 Policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1780 State due-on-sale laws, preemption, 12 CFR 191 State usury laws, preemption, 12 CFR 190 Supplementary financing for insured project mortgages, 24 CFR 241 Supportive housing for elderly and persons with disabilities, 24 CFR 891 Title I property improvement and manufactured home loans, 24 CFR 201 Urban renewal and concentrated development areas, mortgage insurance and insured improvement loans, 24 CFR 220 Water and waste facility loans and grants to alleviate health risks, 7 CFR 1777 Veterans, housing loan guaranty, 38 CFR 36 Loan programs-Indians Educational loans, grants, and other assistance for higher education, 25 CFR 40 Indian Business Incubators Program, 25 CFR 1187 Indian housing programs, loan guarantees, 24 CFR 1005 Indian revolving loan fund, 25 CFR 101 Loan guaranty, insurance, and interest subsidy, 25 CFR 103 Native Hawaiian housing, Section 184A loan guarantees, 24 CFR 1007 Rural development Associations, program regulations, 7 CFR 1942 Program-related instructions, Indian Outreach Program, 7 CFR 1901 Veterans, housing loan guaranty, 38 CFR 36 Loan programs-National defense Acquisition regulations Defense Department, contract financing, 48 CFR 232 Energy Department, 48 CFR 932 Competitive bidding on U.S. Government guaranteed military export loan agreements, 32 CFR 274 Federal Acquisition Regulation, contract financing, 48 CFR 32 Loan programs-natural resources Emergency watershed protection, 7 CFR 624 Financial assistance, local governments, 43 CFR 44 [[Page 595]] Payments in lieu of taxes and mineral development relief loans, financial assistance for local governments, 43 CFR 44 Rural development Associations, program regulations, 7 CFR 1942 Guaranteed loans, 7 CFR 5001 Watershed projects, 7 CFR 622 Loan programs-social programs Acquisition regulations, Veterans Affairs Department, loan guaranty and vocational rehabilitation and employment programs, 48 CFR 871 Children and Families Administration Native employment work (NEW) program, 45 CFR 287 Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program-- Data collection and reporting requirements, 45 CFR 265 Ensuring that recipients work, 45 CFR 261 General accountability provisions, 45 CFR 262 General provisions, 45 CFR 260 Other accountability provisions, 45 CFR 264 State and Federal TANF funds, expenditures, 45 CFR 263 Tribal TANF provisions, 45 CFR 286 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Loan programs-transportation Air carrier guarantee loan program administrative regulations, 14 CFR 1310 Aviation disaster relief, air carrier guarantee loan program, 14 CFR 1300 Railroad rehabilitation and improvement financing program, regulations governing loans and loan programs, 49 CFR 260 Railroads reorganization, trustees' certificates guarantee, 49 CFR 250 Short-Term Lending Program (STLP), 49 CFR 22 [[Page 596]] Surface transportation projects, credit assistance, 23 CFR 180, 49 CFR 80, 49 CFR 261, 49 CFR 640 Vessel financing assistance, obligation guarantees, 46 CFR 298 Loan programs-veterans Acquisition regulations, Veterans Affairs Department, loan guaranty and vocational rehabilitation and employment programs, 48 CFR 871 Adjusted service certificates, loans by banks on and payments, 38 CFR 11 Housing loan guaranty, 38 CFR 36 National service life insurance, 38 CFR 8 Small business, veterans loan program, 13 CFR 120 U.S. Government life insurance, 38 CFR 6 Veterans readiness and employment and education, 38 CFR 21 Lobbying Acquisition regulations Contract cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 31 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest-- Federal Acquisition Regulation, 48 CFR 3 General Services Administration, 48 CFR 503 Internal Revenue Service Foundation and similar excise taxes, 26 CFR 53 Public charity excise taxes, 26 CFR 56 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act Implementation, 14 CFR 1264 National Endowment for the Arts, regulations, 45 CFR 1149 Restrictions Agency for International Development, 22 CFR 227 Broadcasting Board of Governors, 22 CFR 519 Commerce Department, 15 CFR 28 Corporation for National and Community Service, 45 CFR 1230 Defense Department, 32 CFR 28 Education Department, 34 CFR 82 Emergency Oil and Gas Guaranteed Loan Board, Emergency Oil and Gas Guaranteed Loan Program, 13 CFR 500 Emergency Steel Guarantee Loan Board, Emergency Steel Guarantee Loan Program, 13 CFR 400 Employment and Training Administration, Job Corps program, 20 CFR 638 Energy Department, 10 CFR 600, 10 CFR 601 Environmental Protection Agency, 40 CFR 34 Export-Import Bank, 12 CFR 411 Federal Emergency Management Agency, 44 CFR 18 General Services Administration, 41 CFR 105-69 Health and Human Services Department, 45 CFR 93 Homeland Security Department, 6 CFR 9 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 87 Interior Department, 43 CFR 18 International Development Finance Corporation, U.S., 22 CFR 712 Justice Department, 28 CFR 69 Labor Department, 29 CFR 93 Legal Services Corporation, 45 CFR 1612 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 14 CFR 1271 National Endowment for the Arts, 45 CFR 1158 National Endowment for the Humanities, 45 CFR 1168 National Science Foundation, 45 CFR 604 Peace Corps, 22 CFR 311 Small Business Administration, 13 CFR 146 State Department, 22 CFR 138 Tennessee Valley Authority, 18 CFR 1315 Transportation Department, 49 CFR 20 Treasury Department, 31 CFR 21 Veterans Affairs Department, 38 CFR 45 Long term care See Aged Longshore and harbor workers Benefits Review Board, Labor Department Establishment and operation, 20 CFR 801 Practice and procedure rules, 20 CFR 802 Longshore work by alien crewmembers Attestations by employers using alien crewmembers for longshore activities in U.S. ports, 29 CFR 506 Foreign workers in U.S., temporary employment, 20 CFR 655 [[Page 597]] Performance limitations, 8 CFR 258 Longshore work by U.S. nationals, foreign prohibitions, 22 CFR 89 Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act Administration and procedure, 20 CFR 702 Definitions and use of terms, 20 CFR 701 Insurance regulations, 20 CFR 703 Safety and health regulations Enforcement proceedings, practice rules, 29 CFR 1921 Investigational hearings by Board of Investigation, 29 CFR 1922 Longshoring, 29 CFR 1918 Marine terminals, 29 CFR 1917 Safety and health regulations, variation from; procedures, 29 CFR 1920 Shipyard employment, 29 CFR 1915 Vessel cargo gear certification, 29 CFR 1919 Lotteries See al Gambling Customs and Border Protection, mail importation, 19 CFR 145 Postal Service Administrative subpoenas issuance under 39 U.S.C. 3016, proceedings, 39 CFR 913 False representation and lottery orders, rules of practice in relative proceedings, 39 CFR 952 Low and moderate income housing See al Housing; Public housing; Rent subsidies Community development block grants, 24 CFR 570 Community planning and development programs Consolidated submissions, 24 CFR 91 Expiring programs, savings clause, 24 CFR 500 Comptroller of Currency; community and economic development entities, community development projects, and other public welfare investments, 12 CFR 24 Congregate housing services program, 24 CFR 700 Energy conservation assistance Block grants, 45 CFR 96 Insular areas, grant consolidation, 45 CFR 97 Federal home loan banks, affordable housing program, 12 CFR 1291 General HUD program requirements, waivers, 24 CFR 5 HOME Investment Partnerships Program, 24 CFR 92 HOPE for homeownership of single family homes program (HOPE 3), 24 CFR 572 Housing Trust Fund, 24 CFR 93 HUD-acquired and -owned single family property, disposition, 24 CFR 291 Indian HOME program, 24 CFR 954 Mortgage and loan insurance programs Evictions from certain subsidized and HUD-owned housing projects, 24 CFR 247 Flexible subsidy program for troubled projects, 24 CFR 219 Housing finance agency risk-sharing program for insured affordable multifamily project loans, 24 CFR 266 Local rent control, 24 CFR 246 Low cost and moderate income mortgage insurance, 24 CFR 221 Low income housing mortgages, prepayment, 24 CFR 248 Mortgage insurance and interest reduction payments for rental projects, 24 CFR 236 Multifamily housing projects-- Coinsurance for construction or substantial rehabilitation, 24 CFR 251 Coinsurance for purchase or refinancing, 24 CFR 255 Mortgage and housing assistance restructuring program (mark-to- market), 24 CFR 401 Project-based section 8 contract renewal without restructuring under section 524(a) of MAHRA, 24 CFR 402 Tenant participation in multifamily housing projects, 24 CFR 245 Multifamily projects disposition and sale of HUD-held multifamily mortgages, 24 CFR 290 Native Hawaiian housing block grant program, 24 CFR 1006 Persons with AIDS, housing opportunities, 24 CFR 574 [[Page 598]] Project-based voucher program, 24 CFR 983 Public housing homeownership programs, 24 CFR 906 Rural development loans and grants Account servicing and collections policies, 7 CFR 1951 Construction and repair provisions, 7 CFR 1924 Credit reports, receiving and processing applications, 7 CFR 1910 General program regulations, 7 CFR 1940, 7 CFR 1980 Insurance requirements, 7 CFR 1806 Interest rates, terms, conditions, and approval authority, 7 CFR 1810 Management and supervision of multiple family housing loan and grant recipients, 7 CFR 1930 Program-related instructions, 7 CFR 1901 Property management, program regulations, 7 CFR 1955 Real property, security servicing of loans, 7 CFR 1965 Rural housing, 7 CFR 1822 Asset sales, 7 CFR 1957 Program regulations, 7 CFR 1944 Taxes, real estate tax servicing, 7 CFR 1925 Title clearance and loan closing, 7 CFR 1927 Rural Housing Service Community programs, 7 CFR 3570 Direct multi-family housing loans and grants, 7 CFR 3560 Direct single family housing loans and grants, 7 CFR 3550 Guaranteed Rural Housing program, 7 CFR 3555 Guaranteed Rural Rental Housing Program, 7 CFR 3565 Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Program New construction set-aside for Section 515 rural rental housing projects, 24 CFR 884 Special allocations, 24 CFR 886 Section 8 Housing Assistance Program and Section 2 Direct Loan Program, housing development grants, 24 CFR 850 Supportive Services for Veteran Families program, 38 CFR 62 Urban homesteading, 24 CFR 590 Urban renewal, rental rehabilitation grant program, 24 CFR 511 Veterans Affairs Department, Health Care for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) program, 38 CFR 63 Volunteers, use on projects subject to Davis-Bacon and HUD-determined wage rates, 24 CFR 70 Youthbuild program, 24 CFR 585 Lumber See Forests and forest products Lung diseases See Black lung benefits; Diseases M Magazines See Newspapers and magazines Mail See Postal Service Mali Foreign Assets Control Office sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 555 Management and Budget Office Assistance agreements that include funding under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, award terms, 2 CFR 176 Aviation disaster relief, air carrier guarantee loan program, 14 CFR 1300 Buy America preference for infrastructure projects, 2 CFR 184 Classification, downgrading, declassification and safeguarding of National security information, 5 CFR 1312 Controlling paperwork burdens on public, 5 CFR 1320 Drug-free workplace, government requirements (financial assistance), 2 CFR 182 Employee conduct standards, 5 CFR 1300 Governmentwide debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), guidelines to agencies, 2 CFR 180 Human resources management, 5 CFR 1330 Official information release, and testimony by OMB personnel as witnesses, in litigation, 5 CFR 1305 OMB circulars, 5 CFR 1310 [[Page 599]] Post-employment conflict of interest, 5 CFR 1304 Privacy Act procedures, 5 CFR 1302 Prompt payment, 5 CFR 1315 Public information provisions of Administrative Procedure Act, 5 CFR 1303 Retirement and insurance benefits during periods of unexplained absence, 5 CFR 880 Subaward and executive compensation information, reporting, 2 CFR 170 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for agency employees, 5 CFR 8701 Title 2 general information, 2 CFR 1 Trafficking in persons award term, 2 CFR 175 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 200 Universal identifier and system of award management, 2 CFR 25 Management official interlocks See Antitrust Mango Promotion, research, and information, 7 CFR 1206 Manpower See al Employment; Manpower training programs; Labor Defense manpower policy, labor surplus areas, classification, 20 CFR 654 Defense mobilization base, preservation through placement of procurement and facilities in labor surplus areas, 44 CFR 331 Employment and Training Administration Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Service, administrative provisions, 20 CFR 658 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title I; Administrative provisions, 20 CFR 683 Workforce Investment Act, Title I; administrative provisions, 20 CFR 667 Foreign workers in U.S., temporary employment, 20 CFR 655 Health professional shortage areas, designation, 42 CFR 5 National Health Service Corps, 42 CFR 23 Manpower training programs See al Manpower; Vocational education Agricultural Career and Employment (ACE) grants program, 7 CFR 2502 Apprenticeship programs Equal employment opportunity, 29 CFR 30 Registration, labor standards, 29 CFR 29 Children and Families Administration Native employment work (NEW) program, 45 CFR 287 Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program-- Data collection and reporting requirements, 45 CFR 265 Ensuring that recipients work, 45 CFR 261 General accountability provisions, 45 CFR 262 General provisions, 45 CFR 260 Other accountability provisions, 45 CFR 264 State and Federal TANF funds, expenditures, 45 CFR 263 Tribal TANF provisions, 45 CFR 286 Economic development, special impact areas, 13 CFR 310 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 [[Page 600]] Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Foreign workers in U.S., temporary employment, 20 CFR 655 Grants to States for establishing Young Adult Conservation Corps (YACC) program (Interior Department), 43 CFR 32 Youth Conservation Corps programs, 43 CFR 26 Health and Human Services Department, statutory conscience rights protection, authority delegations, 45 CFR 88 Industrial radiographic operations, industrial radiography licenses and radiation safety requirements, 10 CFR 34 Job Training Partnership Act programs Complaints, investigations and hearings, 20 CFR 636 Dislocated workers program under Title III, 20 CFR 631 General provisions governing programs under Titles I, II, and III, 20 CFR 627 Indian and Native American employment and training programs, 20 CFR 632 Introduction to regulations, 20 CFR 626 Job Corps Program under Title IV-B, 20 CFR 638 Labor market information programs under Title IV, Part E, 20 CFR 634 Migrant and seasonal farmworker programs, 20 CFR 633 Programs under Title II, 20 CFR 628 Programs under Title V, 20 CFR 637 Mental health traineeships, obligated service, 42 CFR 64a Messengers, learners (including student-learners), and apprentices, employment under special certificate, 29 CFR 520 National Institutes of Health and National Library of Medicine, traineeships, 42 CFR 63 National Language Service Corps, 32 CFR 251 National Library of Medicine training grants, 42 CFR 64 Nondiscrimination and equal opportunity provisions Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, implementation, 29 CFR 38 Workforce Investment Act of 1998, implementation, 29 CFR 37 Nuclear facilities operators' licenses, 10 CFR 55 Prisoners' education, 28 CFR 544 Recordkeeping and reporting requirements under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, 29 CFR 1602 Student-learners, apprentices, learners, messengers, handicapped persons, student-workers, and full-time students in agriculture, retail, or service establishments, annulment or withdrawal of certificates for employment at special minimum wage rates, 29 CFR 528 Supportive Services for Veteran Families program, 38 CFR 62 [[Page 601]] Veterans readiness and employment and education, 38 CFR 21 Vocational rehabilitation, State Supported Employment Services program, 34 CFR 363 Manufactured homes See al Housing Federal savings associations, operations, 12 CFR 145 HOME Investment Partnerships Program, 24 CFR 92 Housing Trust Fund, 24 CFR 93 Indian HOME program, 24 CFR 954 Investigations in consumer regulatory programs, 24 CFR 3800 Lending and investment, 12 CFR 160 Manufactured home courts or parks, multifamily housing mortgage insurance, 24 CFR 207 Manufactured home dispute resolution program, 24 CFR 3288 Manufactured home installation program, 24 CFR 3286 Manufactured home procedural and enforcement regulations, 24 CFR 3282 Manufactured housing program fee, 24 CFR 3284 Model manufactured home installation standards, 24 CFR 3285 Rural Development Construction and repair provisions, manufactured home sites, rental projects and subdivisions, 7 CFR 1924 Housing loans, 7 CFR 1944 Rural Housing Service Direct single family housing loans and grants, 7 CFR 3550 Guaranteed Rural Housing program, 7 CFR 3555 Guaranteed Rural Rental Housing Program, 7 CFR 3565 Section 8 moderate rehabilitation programs, 24 CFR 882 State usury laws, preemption, 12 CFR 190 Title I property improvement and manufactured home loans, 24 CFR 201 Approval of lending institutions and mortgagees, 24 CFR 202 Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally-assisted programs Agency cross references to governmentwide rule-- Agriculture Department, 7 CFR 21 Commerce Department, 15 CFR 11 Defense Department, 32 CFR 259 Education Department, 34 CFR 15 Energy Department, 10 CFR 1039 Environmental Protection Agency, 40 CFR 4 Federal Emergency Management Agency, 44 CFR 25 General Services Administration, 41 CFR 105-51 Health and Human Services Department, 45 CFR 15 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 42 Justice Department, 41 CFR 128-18 Labor Department, 29 CFR 12 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 14 CFR 1208 Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation, 36 CFR 904 Tennessee Valley Authority, 18 CFR 1306 Veterans Affairs Department, 38 CFR 25 Veterans, housing loan guaranty, 38 CFR 36 Manufacturing See Business and industry; Industrial facilities Margarine Food grades and standards, 21 CFR 166 Margin requirements See Investments; Securities Marijuana Domestic hemp production program, 7 CFR 990 Inspection, search, and seizure of illegal import merchandise, 19 CFR 162 Marine Corps See Navy Department Marine engineering See Vessels Marine Mammal Commission Federal Advisory Committee Act implementation, 50 CFR 510 Government in Sunshine Act, implementation, 50 CFR 560 Information security, 50 CFR 540 [[Page 602]] National Environmental Policy Act compliance, 50 CFR 530 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 50 CFR 550 Privacy Act implementation, 50 CFR 501 Public availability of agency materials, 50 CFR 520 Marine mammals See al Endangered and threatened species Administrative procedures for grants-in-aid research on protection and conservation of marine mammals, 50 CFR 82 Animal welfare; Humane handling care, treatment, and transportation standards, 9 CFR 3 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), 50 CFR 23 Mandatory ship reporting systems, 33 CFR 169 Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 Commercial fisheries authorization, 50 CFR 229 Notice and hearing under section 103(d) regulations, 50 CFR 228 Taking and importing Fish and Wildlife Service, 50 CFR 18 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 50 CFR 216, 50 CFR 218, 50 CFR 219 Taking incidental to specified activities, 50 CFR 217 Transfer of management authority to States, 50 CFR 403 Whaling provisions, National Marine Fisheries Service, 50 CFR 230 Marine pollution See Water pollution control Marine resources See al Fisheries; Natural resources Boating Infrastructure Grant program, 50 CFR 86 Deep seabed mining regulations Commercial recovery permits, 15 CFR 971 Exploration licenses, 15 CFR 970 Fisheries; Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and South Atlantic, 50 CFR 622 Gulf Coast ecosystem restoration, spill impact component, 40 CFR 1800 Gulf Coast States; resources and ecosystems sustainability, tourist opportunities, and revived economies, 31 CFR 34 International fisheries regulations, 50 CFR 300 Marine debris, 15 CFR 909 Marine mammals, taking and importing, 50 CFR 216 Marine sanctuaries, Key Largo Coral Reef Preserve, 43 CFR 15 National coastal wetlands conservation grant program, 50 CFR 84 National Marine Sanctuary program regulations, 15 CFR 922 National Sea Grant program Funding regulations, 15 CFR 917 Sea Grant colleges and regional consortia, 15 CFR 918 Natural resource damage assessments, coastal and marine environments, 43 CFR 11 Nonqualified vessels that perform certain aquaculture support operations, requirements for, 46 CFR 106 Outer Continental Shelf Existing facilities, alternate uses, 30 CFR 586 Renewable energy, 30 CFR 585 Sand, gravel, and/or shell resources, negotiated noncompetitive agreements for use, 30 CFR 583 Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument, 50 CFR 404 Marine safety See al Safety; Vessels Boating and water use activities in National parks, 36 CFR 3 Boating infrastructure grant program, 50 CFR 86 Boats and associated equipment, 33 CFR 183 Cargo and miscellaneous vessels Construction and arrangement, 46 CFR 92 Control and miscellaneous systems and equipment, 46 CFR 96 Fire protection equipment, 46 CFR 95 General provisions, 46 CFR 90 Inspection and certification, 46 CFR 91 Operations, 46 CFR 97 Special construction, arrangement, and other provisions for certain cargoes in bulk, 46 CFR 98 Stability, 46 CFR 93 [[Page 603]] Stowage and securing of cargoes, safe operation rules of vessels, 33 CFR 97 Commercial fishing vessels dispensing petroleum products, 46 CFR 105 Danger zone and restricted area regulations, 33 CFR 334 Dangerous cargoes Barges carrying bulk liquid hazardous material cargoes, 46 CFR 151 Cargo compatibility, 46 CFR 150 Carriage of bulk solid materials that require special handling, 46 CFR 148 Hazardous ships' stores, 46 CFR 147 Safety standards for self-propelled vessels carrying bulk liquefied gases, 46 CFR 154 Ships carrying bulk liquid, liquefied gas, or compressed gas hazardous materials, 46 CFR 153 Deep seabed mining regulations Commercial recovery permits, 15 CFR 971 Exploration licenses, 15 CFR 970 Deepwater ports Design, construction, and equipment, 33 CFR 149 Operations, 33 CFR 150 Defect notification for boats and boat equipment, 33 CFR 179 Equipment and materials, independent laboratory testing for approval by Coast Guard, 46 CFR 159 Hazardous conditions on vessels, correction, 33 CFR 177 Lifesaving systems for certain inspected vessels, 46 CFR 199 Manufacturer requirements for boats and boat equipment, 33 CFR 181 Marine casualties and investigations Coast Guard, 46 CFR 4 Coast Guard and National Transportation Safety Board, 49 CFR 850 Marine employees, chemical testing, 46 CFR 16 Marine occupational safety and health standards, 46 CFR 197 Marine terminal operator schedules, 46 CFR 525 Maritime services stations, 47 CFR 80 Merchant marine appeals from decisions of Coast Guard Commandant, 49 CFR 825 Mobile offshore drilling units Design and equipment, 46 CFR 108 Inspection and certification, 46 CFR 107 Operations, marine casualty, 46 CFR 109 National Transportation Safety Board, investigation procedures, 49 CFR 831 National vessel and facility control measures and limited access areas, 33 CFR 107 Nautical schools Public nautical school ships, 46 CFR 167 Sailing school vessels, 46 CFR 169 Oceanographic research vessels Construction and arrangement, 46 CFR 190 Control and miscellaneous systems and equipment, 46 CFR 195 Fire protection equipment, 46 CFR 193 General provisions, 46 CFR 188 Handling, use and control of explosives and other dangerous articles, 46 CFR 194 Inspection and certification, 46 CFR 189 Operations, 46 CFR 196 Offshore supply vessels Construction and arrangements, 46 CFR 127 Electrical installations, 46 CFR 129 Fire-protection equipment, 46 CFR 132 General provisions, 46 CFR 125 Inspection and certification, 46 CFR 126 Lifesaving systems, 46 CFR 133 Liftboats, added provisions, 46 CFR 134 Marine engineering, equipment and systems, 46 CFR 128 Operations, 46 CFR 131 Vessel control, and miscellaneous equipment and systems, 46 CFR 130 Outer Continental Shelf Facilities, vessels, and other units engaged in Outer Continental Shelf activities, safety of life and property and protection of marine environment-- Design and equipment, 33 CFR 143 Existing facilities, renewable energy and alternate uses of, 30 CFR 285 Fire-fighting equipment, 33 CFR 145 General provisions for safety of life and property, 33 CFR 140 Lifesaving appliances, 33 CFR 144 Operations, 33 CFR 146 Renewable energy, 30 CFR 585 Safety zones, establishment, 33 CFR 147 [[Page 604]] Workplace safety and health, 33 CFR 142 Renewable energy, 30 CFR 585 Passenger vessels Construction and arrangement, 46 CFR 72 Disclosure of safety standards and country of registry, 46 CFR 80 Fire protection equipment, 46 CFR 76 General provisions, 46 CFR 70 Inspection and certification, 46 CFR 71 Operations, 46 CFR 78 Vessel control and miscellaneous systems and equipment, 46 CFR 77 Ports and waterways safety General requirements, 33 CFR 160 Navigation safety regulations, 33 CFR 164 Offshore traffic separation schemes, 33 CFR 167 Regulated navigation areas and limited access areas, 33 CFR 165 Shipping safety fairways, 33 CFR 166 Safety of life on navigable waters, 33 CFR 100 Seaman's Protection Act (SPA), procedures for handling retaliation complaints under employee protection provision, as amended, 29 CFR 1986 Small passenger vessels (under 100 gross tons) Construction and arrangement, 46 CFR 177 Electrical installation, 46 CFR 183 Fire protection equipment, 46 CFR 181 General provisions, 46 CFR 175 Inspection and certification, 46 CFR 176 Intact stability and seaworthiness, 46 CFR 178 Lifesaving equipment and arrangements, 46 CFR 180 Machinery installation, 46 CFR 182 Operations, 46 CFR 185 Subdivision, damage stability and watertight integrity requirements, 46 CFR 179 Vessel control and miscellaneous systems and equipment, 46 CFR 184 Small passenger vessels carrying more than 150 passengers or with overnight accommodations for more than 49 passengers Construction and arrangement, 46 CFR 116 Electrical installation, 46 CFR 120 Fire protection equipment, 46 CFR 118 General provisions, 46 CFR 114 Inspection and certification, 46 CFR 115 Lifesaving equipment and arrangements, 46 CFR 117 Machinery installation, 46 CFR 119 Operations, 46 CFR 122 Vessel control and miscellaneous systems and equipment, 46 CFR 121 State numbering and casualty reporting systems for vessels, 33 CFR 174 Subdivision and stability All inspected vessels, stability requirements, 46 CFR 170 Bulk cargoes, special rules pertaining to, 46 CFR 172 Passenger carrying vessels, special rules pertaining to, 46 CFR 171 Specific vessel types, special rules pertaining to, 46 CFR 174 Vessel use, special rules pertaining to, 46 CFR 173 Tank vessels Elevated temperature cargoes, 46 CFR 36 Firefighting equipment, 46 CFR 34 Inspection and certification, 46 CFR 31 Operations, 46 CFR 35 Special equipment, machinery, and hull requirements, 46 CFR 32 Transporting liquefied flammable gases, 46 CFR 38 Vapor control systems, 46 CFR 39 Towing vessels Construction and arrangement, 46 CFR 144 Fire protection, 46 CFR 142 Lifesaving, 46 CFR 141 Machinery and electrical systems and equipment, 46 CFRF 143 Operations, 46 CFR 140 Towing Safety Management System (TSMS), 46 CFR 138 Vessel compliance, 46 CFR 137 Uninspected vessels Commercial fishing industry vessels, requirements, 46 CFR 28 General provisions, 46 CFR 24 Operations, 46 CFR 26 Requirements, 46 CFR 25 Towing vessels, 46 CFR 27 Vessel numbering and casualty and accident reporting, 33 CFR 173 Vessels [[Page 605]] Bridge-to-bridge radiotelephone regulations, 33 CFR 26 Equipment requirements, 33 CFR 175 Identification system, 33 CFR 187 Inspections, 46 CFR 2 Mandatory position reporting system, establishment, 46 CFR 307 Operating regulations, operating a vessel while intoxicated, 33 CFR 95 Specifications-- Construction, 46 CFR 163 Construction materials, 46 CFR 164 Electrical equipment, 46 CFR 161 Engineering equipment, 46 CFR 162 Lifesaving equipment, 46 CFR 160 Vessels, safe operation rules and safety management systems, 33 CFR 96 Marital status discrimination Comptroller of the Currency, 12 CFR 128 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Equal Credit Opportunity Act (Regulation B), 12 CFR 202, 12 CFR 1002 Farm Credit Administration, 12 CFR 626 Federal credit unions, organizations and operations, 12 CFR 701 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, fair housing, 12 CFR 338 Rural development, 7 CFR 1901 Small Business Administration, 13 CFR 113 Maritime Administration America's Marine Highway Program, 46 CFR 393 Application procedures, record retention requirements, 46 CFR 380 Audit appeals, policy and procedure, 46 CFR 205 Capital construction funds Establishment, description, etc., 46 CFR 390 Federal income tax aspects, 46 CFR 391 Cargo preference, U.S.-flag vessels, 46 CFR 381 Claims, miscellaneous, 46 CFR 370 Claims against Maritime Administration under Federal Tort Claims Act, 46 CFR 204 Coastwise-qualified vessels for transportation of platform jackets, determination of availability, 46 CFR 389 Coastwise trade laws, administrative waivers, 46 CFR 388 Construction-differential subsidy vessels, repayment, 46 CFR 276 Construction reserve funds, establishment, 46 CFR 287 Defense mobilization base, maintenance, 44 CFR 321 Depositories for maritime program funds, 46 CFR 351 Documented vessels and other maritime interests, regulated transactions, 46 CFR 221 Domestic and foreign trade, interpretations, 46 CFR 277 Fair and reasonable rates for carriage of bulk and packaged preference cargoes on U.S.-flag commercial vessels, determination, 46 CFR 382 Federal port controllers, 46 CFR 346 Insurance of construction-differential subsidy vessels, operating- differential subsidy vessels and vessels sold or adjusted under Merchant Ship Sales Act of 1946, 46 CFR 289 Mandatory position reporting system for vessels, establishment, 46 CFR 307 Marine hull insurance underwriters, approval, 46 CFR 249 Maritime carriers War risk insurance-- Miscellaneous regulations, 46 CFR 308 Valuation of vessels, 46 CFR 309 Maritime carriers and related activities, uniform financial reporting requirements, 46 CFR 232 Maritime security program, 46 CFR 295, 46 CFR 296 Maritime Subsidy Board, review of actions by Transportation Secretary, 46 CFR 202 Merchant Marine Academy, U.S., regulations governing public buildings and grounds, 46 CFR 386 Merchant Marine Act, procedures relating to conduct of certain hearings, 46 CFR 203 Merchant marine training, 46 CFR 310 National Shipping Authority Agency agreements and agents appointment, 46 CFR 315 Bonding of ship's personnel, 46 CFR 317 Financial transactions under agency agreements, 46 CFR 324 [[Page 606]] General agents authority and responsibility to have emergency vessel repairs done in foreign ports, 46 CFR 335 General agents responsibility for filing foreign repair entries and obtaining relief from customs duties on equipment used for ship repairs, 46 CFR 337 Launch services, 46 CFR 330 Marine protection and indemnity insurance under agreements with agents, 46 CFR 326 Marine terminal operating contract, 46 CFR 347 National security and National defense related operations; priority use and allocation of shipping services, containers and chassis, and port facilities and services, 46 CFR 340 Port facilities utilization, restrictions on transfer, or change in use, or terms, 46 CFR 345 Preparation of invoices and payment of compensation under Order No. 47, 46 CFR 325 Repatriation of seamen, 46 CFR 332 Seamen's claims, administrative action and litigation, 46 CFR 327 Slop chests, 46 CFR 328 Vessel repairs under National Shipping Authority-- Individual contracts for minor repairs, procedures, 46 CFR 339 Master lump sum repair contract, procedures, 46 CFR 338 Voyage data, 46 CFR 329 Voyage repairs and vessel equipment repairs in U.S. ports on vessels operated for National Shipping Authority under general agency agreements, authority and responsibility of general agents, 46 CFR 336 Operating-differential subsidy vessels Bulk cargo vessels engaged in worldwide services, 46 CFR 252 Condition surveys and maintenance and repair subsidy, 46 CFR 272 Dividend policy for operators, 46 CFR 283 Liner vessels-- Engaged in essential services in foreign commerce of U.S., 46 CFR 282 Information and procedures, 46 CFR 281 Limitation on awards and payment, 46 CFR 280 Practice and procedure rules, 46 CFR 201 Reemployment rights of certain merchant seamen, 46 CFR 349 Research and development grant and cooperative agreements regulations, 46 CFR 385 Seamen's service awards, 46 CFR 350 Subsidies and other direct financial aid, applications, 46 CFR 251 Tanker security program, 46 CFR 294 Transportation Security Administration, sensitive security information protection, 49 CFR 1520 U.S. citizenship, requirements, 46 CFR 355 Utilization and disposal of surplus Federal real property for port facility development or operation, 46 CFR 387 Vessel financing assistance, obligation guarantees, 46 CFR 298 Vessels of 100 feet or greater in registered length, requirements to obtain fishery endorsement to vessel's documentation, 46 CFR 356 Maritime carriers See al Cargo vessels; Common carriers; Foreign trade; Passenger vessels; Seamen; Vessels Actions to address adverse conditions affecting U.S.-flag carriers that do not exist for foreign carriers in U.S., 46 CFR 555 Actions to address conditions unduly impairing access of U.S.-flag vessels to ocean trade between foreign ports, 46 CFR 560 Actions to adjust or meet conditions unfavorable to shipping in U.S. foreign trade, 46 CFR 551 Application for subsidies and other direct financial aid, 46 CFR 251 Application procedures, maritime carriers with vessels engaged in coastwise or intercoastal trade, 46 CFR 380 Applications under 49 U.S.C. 10706 and 13703, 49 CFR 1331 Authorization and administration of accounting authorities in maritime and [[Page 607]] maritime mobile-satellite radio services, 47 CFR 3 Bills of lading, 49 CFR 1035 Capital construction funds Establishment, description, etc., 46 CFR 390 Federal income tax aspects, 46 CFR 391 Cargo preference, U.S.-flag vessels, 46 CFR 381 Carrier automated tariffs, 46 CFR 520 Coastwise-qualified vessels for transportation of platform jackets, determination of availability, 46 CFR 389 Coastwise trade laws, administrative waivers, 46 CFR 388 Construction-differential subsidy vessels, repayment, 46 CFR 276 Construction reserve funds, establishment, 46 CFR 287 Containerized freight, practices of carriers involved in intermodal movement, 49 CFR 1090 Controlled carriers, 46 CFR 565 Depositories for maritime program funds, 46 CFR 351 Documented vessels and other maritime interests, regulated transactions, 46 CFR 221 Documents recordation, railroads and maritime carriers, 49 CFR 1177 Domestic and foreign trade Interpretations, 46 CFR 277 Vessels, 19 CFR 4 Employee pension benefit plans, minimum standards, 29 CFR 2530 Fair and reasonable rates for carriage of bulk and packaged preference cargoes on U.S.-flag commercial vessels, determination, 46 CFR 382 Federal Maritime Commission Interpretations and statements of policy, 46 CFR 545 Practice and procedure rules, 46 CFR 502 Service contracts, 46 CFR 530 Hazardous materials Carriage by vessel, 49 CFR 176 Shippers, shipments and packaging general requirements, 49 CFR 173 Immigration Arrival and departure manifests, 8 CFR 231 Arrival and departure manifests and lists, supporting documents, 8 CFR 251 Carrier responsibilities at foreign ports of embarkation, reducing, refunding, or waiving of fines under section 273 of Immigration and Naturalization Act, 8 CFR 273 Contracts for inspection of aliens, 8 CFR 233 Immigration user fee, 8 CFR 286 Landing of alien crewmembers, 8 CFR 252 Parole of alien crewmembers, 8 CFR 253 Visa waiver program, 8 CFR 217 Income taxes Capital construction fund, 26 CFR 3 Maritime construction reserve fund, 26 CFR 2 Insurance of construction-differential subsidy vessels, operating- differential subsidy vessels and vessels sold or adjusted under Merchant Ship Sales Act 1946, 46 CFR 289 Investigation and voluntary disposition of loss and damage claims and processing salvage, principles and practices, 49 CFR 1005 Mail contractors, fines, deductions, and damages, 39 CFR 927 Mandatory position reporting system for vessels, establishment, 46 CFR 307 Marine hull insurance underwriters, approval, 46 CFR 249 Maritime security program, 46 CFR 295, 46 CFR 296 Non-vessel-operating common carrier negotiated rate arrangements, 46 CFR 532 Ocean common carriers and marine terminal operators, agreements subject to Shipping Act of 1984, 46 CFR 535 Ocean transportation intermediaries; licensing, registration, financial responsibility requirements, and general duties, 46 CFR 515 Operating authority applications, governing rules, 49 CFR 365 Operating-differential subsidy vessels Bulk cargo vessels engaged in worldwide services, 46 CFR 252 Condition surveys and maintenance and repair subsidy, 46 CFR 272 Dividend policy for operators, 46 CFR 283 Liner vessels-- [[Page 608]] Engaged in essential services in foreign commerce of U.S., 46 CFR 282 Information and procedures, 46 CFR 281 Limitation on awards and payment, 46 CFR 280 Passenger vessel financial responsibility, 46 CFR 540 Rate-making organization, records and reports, 49 CFR 1253 Records preservation, 49 CFR 379, 49 CFR 1220 Regulations to adjust or meet conditions unfavorable to shipping in U.S. foreign trade, 46 CFR 550 Research and development grant and cooperative agreements regulations, 46 CFR 385 Sanitation in interstate conveyance, 21 CFR 1250 Sensitive security information protection, 49 CFR 15, 49 CFR 1520 Shipping restrictions American flag ships and aircraft, 44 CFR 402 Arms, ammunition, and implements of war, 44 CFR 401 Shipping services, containers and chassis, and port facilities and services, priority use and allocation for National security and National defense related operations, 46 CFR 340 Surface Transportation Board Board proceedings, use of mediation, 49 CFR 1109 Civil monetary penalty inflation adjustment, 49 CFR 1022 Tanker security program (TSP), 46 CFR 294 Tariffs for transportation of property by or with water carrier in noncontiguous domestic trade; publication, posting, and filing, 49 CFR 1312 Transportation charges, payment, 49 CFR 377 Transportation Security Administration; administrative and procedural rules, applicability, terms, and abbreviations, 49 CFR 1500 Uniform Systems of Accounts Interstate Commerce Act, general accounting regulations, 49 CFR 1200 Maritime carriers and related activities, 46 CFR 232 U.S. citizenship, requirements, 46 CFR 355 Vessel financing assistance, obligation guarantees, 46 CFR 298 War risk insurance Miscellaneous regulations, 46 CFR 308 Valuation of vessels, 46 CFR 309 Maritime security See al Security measures Area maritime security, 33 CFR 103 Facilities, 33 CFR 105 General, 33 CFR 101 Individual threat assessment, appeal and waiver procedures, 49 CFR 1515 National vessel and facility control measures and limited access areas, 33 CFR 107 Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) facilities, 33 CFR 106 Vessels, 33 CFR 104 Marketing agreements See al Agricultural commodities; Milk marketing orders Agricultural Marketing Service Almonds grown in California, 7 CFR 981 Avocados grown in South Florida, 7 CFR 915 Blueberries, 7 CFR 1218 Cherries (sweet) grown in designated counties in Washington, 7 CFR 923 Cherries (tart) grown in various States, 7 CFR 930 General regulations, 7 CFR 900 Cranberries, grown in various States, 7 CFR 929 Dates (domestic) produced or packed in Riverside County, California, 7 CFR 987 Grapes grown in a designated area of southeastern California, 7 CFR 925 Hazelnuts grown in Oregon and Washington, 7 CFR 982 Kiwifruit grown in California, 7 CFR 920 Olives grown in California, 7 CFR 932 Onions grown in-- Certain designated counties in Idaho and Oregon, 7 CFR 958 South Texas, 7 CFR 959 Onions (sweet) grown in the Walla Walla Valley of Southeast Washington and Northeast Oregon, 7 CFR 956 Onions (Vidalia) grown in Georgia, 7 CFR 955 [[Page 609]] Oranges and grapefruit grown in Lower Rio Grande Valley in Texas, 7 CFR 906 Oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, and pummelos grown in Florida, 7 CFR 905 Peanuts (domestic and imported, marketed in U.S.) minimum quality and handling standards, 7 CFR 996 Pears grown in Oregon and Washington, 7 CFR 927 Pears, plums, and peaches, fresh, grown in California, 7 CFR 917 Pecans grown in Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, North Carolina, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Texas, 7 CFR 986 Pistachios grown in California, Arizona, and New Mexico, 7 CFR 983 Potatoes (Irish) grown in certain States-- Colorado, 7 CFR 948 Idaho, certain designated counties, 7 CFR 945 Oregon, Malheur County, 7 CFR 945 Promotion, research, and information orders-- Beef, 7 CFR 1260 Christmas tree, 7 CFR 1214 Cotton, 7 CFR 1205 Mango, 7 CFR 1206 Mushrooms, 7 CFR 1209 Peanuts, 7 CFR 1216 Pecans, 7 CFR 1223 Softwood lumber, 7 CFR 1217 Soybeans, 7 CFR 1220 Prunes (dried) produced in California, 7 CFR 993 Raisins produced from grapes grown in California, 7 CFR 989 Spearmint oil produced in Far West, 7 CFR 985 Tomatoes grown in Florida, 7 CFR 966 Vegetables, import regulations, 7 CFR 980 Walnuts grown in California, 7 CFR 984 Watermelon, 7 CFR 1210 Commerce Department, Concrete masonry research, education, and promotion, 15 CFR 1500 Marketing quotas See al Agricultural commodities Farm marketing quotas, acreage allotments, and production adjustment Multiple programs, provisions applicable to, 7 CFR 718 Refunds of penalties erroneously, illegally, or wrongfully collected, 7 CFR 714 Tobacco transition program, 7 CFR 1463 Marshall Islands See Pacific Islands Trust Territory Mass transportation See al Transportation; Urban areas Americans with Disabilities Act Transportation services for individuals with disabilities, 49 CFR 37, 49 CFR 39 Transportation vehicles-- Accessibility guidelines, 36 CFR 1192 Accessibility specifications, 49 CFR 38 Bus testing, 49 CFR 665 Buy America requirements, 49 CFR 661 Capital leases, 49 CFR 639 Charter service, 49 CFR 604 Elderly and handicapped persons, transportation, 49 CFR 609 Emergency public transportation services, emergency relief, 49 CFR 602 Employee protection guidelines, Section 5333(b), Federal Transit Law, 29 CFR 215 Federal-aid highway programs, mass transit and special use highway projects, 23 CFR 810 Federal financial assistance recipients, alcohol misuse and prohibited drug use prevention in transit operations, 49 CFR 655 Major capital investment projects, 49 CFR 611 Maritime and surface transportation security General rules, 49 CFR 1570 Highway and motor carrier security, 49 CFR 1584 Public transportation and passenger railroad security, 49 CFR 1582 Metropolitan and statewide and nonmetropolitan planning, 49 CFR 613 National transit database, 49 CFR 630 National Transit System Security Act and the Federal Railroad Safety Act, procedures for handling retaliation complaints, 29 CFR 1982 [[Page 610]] Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs or activities, 49 CFR 27 Occupational Safety and Health Administration, procedures for the handling of retaliation complaints under section 806 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, as amended, 29 CFR 1980 Planning and research program administration, 23 CFR 450 Private investment project procedures, 49 CFR 650 Project management oversight, 49 CFR 633 Public Transportation Safety Certification Training Program, 49 CFR 672 Public Transportation Safety Program, 49 CFR 670 Rail fixed guideway systems, State safety oversight, 49 CFR 674 Rolling stock purchases, pre-award and post-delivery audits, 49 CFR 663 School bus operations, 49 CFR 605 Surface transportation projects, credit assistance, 23 CFR 180, 49 CFR 80, 49 CFR 261, 49 CFR 640 Texas Central Railroad high-speed rail safety standards, 49 CFR 299 Transit asset management, 49 CFR 625 Transportation Security Administration Administrative and procedural rules, applicability, terms, and abbreviations, 49 CFR 1500 Sensitive security information protection, 49 CFR 1520 Maternal and child health See al Child welfare; Health Block grants, 45 CFR 96 Commodity supplemental food program, 7 CFR 247 Consolidation of grants to insular areas, 45 CFR 97 Disease control grants, 42 CFR 51b Exceptional Family Member Program, 32 CFR 75 Family Advocacy Command Assistance Team (FACAT), 29 CFR 60 Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, 29 CFR 825 Group health plans, rules and regulations, 29 CFR 2590 Head Start program, operations, 45 CFR 1302 Health care, statutory conscience rights protection, authority delegations, 45 CFR 88 Indian health, Indian child protection and family violence prevention, 42 CFR 136 Inspector General Office, Health and Human Services Department Civil money penalties, assessments, and exclusions, 42 CFR 1003 Appeals, 42 CFR 1005 Program integrity, Medicare and State health care programs, 42 CFR 1001 Project grants for maternal and child health, 42 CFR 51a Special supplemental food program for women, infants, and children, 7 CFR 246 WIC farmers' market nutrition program (FMNP), 7 CFR 248 Measurement standards See al Metric system Barrels and other containers for lime, 15 CFR 240 Barrels for fruits, vegetables, other dry commodities, and cranberries, 15 CFR 241 Fellowship in laboratory standardization and testing for qualified citizens of American Republics other than U.S., 15 CFR 255 Fuels, fuel additives, and regulated blendstocks; regulation, 40 CFR 1090 National Institute of Standards and Technology Federal conformity assessment, 15 CFR 287 National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program, 15 CFR 285 Policies, services, procedures, and fees, 15 CFR 200 Standard reference materials issuance, 15 CFR 230 Vessels, measurement, 46 CFR 69 Meat and meat products See al Foods; Livestock; Meat inspection; Stockyards Animal dugs, tolerances for residues in food, 21 CFR 556 Beef, tariff-rate quotas implementation, 15 CFR 2012 Beef promotion and research, 7 CFR 1260 [[Page 611]] Commodity laboratory testing programs, meals, Ready-To-Eat (MRE's), meats, and meat products, 7 CFR 98 Country of origin labeling of Lamb, chicken and goat meat, 7 CFR 65 Food Safety and Inspection Service Agency mission and organization, 9 CFR 300 Label approval, 9 CFR 412 Raw products, consumer protection standards, 9 CFR 441 Foot-and-mouth disease, Newcastle disease, highly pathogenic avian influenza, African swine fever, classical swine fever, swine vesicular disease, and bovine spongiform encephalopathy; prohibited and restricted importations, 9 CFR 94 Grading, certification, and standards, 7 CFR 54 Lamb meat adjustment assistance program, 7 CFR 784 Lamb meat imports, tariff-rate quota implementation, 15 CFR 2014 Lamb promotion, research, and information order, 7 CFR 1280 Livestock mandatory reporting, 7 CFR 59 Meat and poultry products point source category, 40 CFR 432 Pork promotion, research, and consumer information, 7 CFR 1230 Post-mortem inspection, 9 CFR 310 Meat inspection See al Food grades and standards; Livestock; Meat and meat products; Public health Ante-mortem inspection, 9 CFR 309 Application for inspection, grant of inspection, 9 CFR 304 Application of inspection and other requirements, 9 CFR 302 Assignment and authorities of program employees, 9 CFR 306 Certification of technical animal fats for export, 9 CFR 351 Cooperation with States and territories, 9 CFR 321 Definitions and standards of identity or composition for meat products, 9 CFR 319 Definitions of inspection-related terms, 9 CFR 301 Detention, seizure and condemnation, criminal offenses, 9 CFR 329 Disposal of diseased or otherwise adulterated carcasses and parts, 9 CFR 311 Entry into official establishments, reinspection and preparation of products, 9 CFR 318 Exemptions, 9 CFR 303 Exotic animals and horses; voluntary inspection, 9 CFR 352 Export requirements, 9 CFR 322 Facilities for inspection, 9 CFR 307 Fees and charges for inspection services and laboratory accreditation, 9 CFR 391 Food Safety and Quality Service, rules of practice in meat inspection proceedings, 9 CFR 335 Handling and disposal of condemned or other inedible products at official establishments, 9 CFR 314 Humane slaughter of livestock, 9 CFR 313 Imported products, 9 CFR 327 Labeling, marking devices, and containers, 9 CFR 317 Marking products and their containers, 9 CFR 316 Meat, poultry products, and egg products inspection, Federal regulatory requirements Hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) systems, 9 CFR 417 Interstate shipment of carcasses, parts of carcasses, meat, and meat food products; cooperative program with selective establishments, 9 CFR 332 Label approval, 9 CFR 412 Non-Federal laboratories, accreditation, 9 CFR 439 Practice rules, 9 CFR 500 Preparation and processing operations, 9 CFR 424 Quantity of contents labeling and procedures and regulations for accurate weights, 9 CFR 442 Recalls, 9 CFR 418 Sanitation, 9 CFR 416 Specific classes of product, requirements, 9 CFR 430 Thermally processed, commercially sterile products, 9 CFR 431 Non-Federal laboratories, accreditation, 9 CFR 439 [[Page 612]] Official marks, devices, certificates, 9 CFR 312 Official numbers, inauguration and withdrawal of inspection, reports of violations, 9 CFR 305 Post-mortem inspection, 9 CFR 310 Poultry inspection, voluntary, 9 CFR 362 Poultry products inspection, 9 CFR 381 Records, registration and reports, 9 CFR 320 Rendering or other disposal of carcasses and parts passed for cooking, 9 CFR 315 Special provisions for designated States, designation of establishments which endanger public health, 9 CFR 331 Special services relating to meat and other products, 9 CFR 350 Transportation requirements, 9 CFR 325 Voluntary inspection of rabbits and edible products, 9 CFR 354 Medals See Decorations, medals, awards Media productions See Communications Medicaid See al Aged; Blind; Health care; Individuals with disabilities; Peer Review Organizations (PRO); Public assistance programs; Social security Appeals procedures for determinations that affect participation in the Medicare program and for determinations that affect participation of ICFs/IID and certain NFs in the Medicaid program, 42 CFR 498 Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Introduction, definitions, 42 CFR 400 Medicaid quality, 42 CFR 437 Civil money penalties, assessments, and exclusions, 42 CFR 402 Contracts, 42 CFR 434 Elderly, all-inclusive care programs, 42 CFR 460 Electronic Health Record Technology Incentive Program, standards, 42 CFR 495 Eligibility for financial and medical assistance Guam, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands, 42 CFR 436 States, District of Columbia, Northern Mariana Islands, and American Samoa, 42 CFR 435 Grants to States for medical assistance programs, 42 CFR 430 Health and Human Services Department Administrative data standards and related requirements-- Administrative requirements, 45 CFR 162 General administrative requirements, 45 CFR 160 Security and privacy, 45 CFR 164 Statutory conscience rights protection in health care, authority delegations, 45 CFR 88 Health Care Reform Insurance Web Portal, 45 CFR 159 Health facilities certification, 42 CFR 491 Health information technology; standards, implementation specifications, certification criteria and certification programs, 45 CFR 170 Health insurance Affordable Care Act-- Exchange establishment standards and related standards under, 45 CFR 155 Issuer standards, including requirements related to exchanges, 45 CFR 156 Group and individual health insurance markets, health insurance reform requirements for, 45 CFR 147 Hospitals, conditions of participation, 42 CFR 482 Inspector General Office-Health Care, Health and Human Services Department Advisory opinions, 42 CFR 1008 Civil money penalties, assessments, and exclusions, 42 CFR 1003 Appeals, 42 CFR 1005 Introduction, general definitions, 42 CFR 1000 Program integrity, Medicare and State health care programs, 42 CFR 1001 State Medicaid fraud control units, 42 CFR 1007 Laboratory requirements, 42 CFR 493 Long term care facilities, State requirements, 42 CFR 483 Managed care, 42 CFR 438 Most Favored Nation (MFN) Model, 42 CFR 480 [[Page 613]] National Institute for Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research, 45 CFR 1330 Nursing facilities and intermediate care facilities for mentally retarded, payment standards, 42 CFR 442 Payments for services, 42 CFR 447 Program integrity Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, 42 CFR 455 Inspector General Office, Health and Human Services Department, 42 CFR 1002 Radiation oncology model and end stage renal disease treatment choices model, 42 CFR 512 Services, general provisions, 42 CFR 440 Specialized providers, conditions of participation, 42 CFR 485 Specific services, requirements and limits, 42 CFR 441 State fiscal administration, 42 CFR 433 State organization and general administration, 42 CFR 431 State personnel administration, 42 CFR 432 Supportive Services for Veteran Families program, 38 CFR 62 Utilization control, 42 CFR 456 Medical and dental schools See al Colleges and universities; Health Alien physicians, criteria for evaluating comprehensive plan to reduce reliance on, 45 CFR 51 Construction grants, 42 CFR 57 Health care, statutory conscience rights protection, authority delegations, 45 CFR 88 Health Education Assistance Loan Program, 34 CFR 681; 42 CFR 60 Nondiscrimination on basis of sex for nursing school scholarship grants, 45 CFR 83 Veterans Medical care, 38 CFR 17 National cemeteries of the Department of Veterans Affairs, 38 CFR 38 State homes-- Grants to States for construction or acquisition, 38 CFR 59 Payments to States for programs to promote the hiring and retention of nurses, 38 CFR 53 Transportation program, 38 CFR 70 Medical assistance program See Medicaid Medical care See Health care Medical devices See al Health; Scientific equipment Accessible medical diagnostic equipment, standards, 36 CFR 1195 Anesthesiology devices, 21 CFR 868 Banned devices, 21 CFR 895 Cardiovascular devices, 21 CFR 870 Classification procedures, 21 CFR 860 Clinical chemistry and clinical toxicology devices, 21 CFR 862 Clinical trials registration and results information submission, 42 CFR 11 Color additives exempt from certification, listing, 21 CFR 73 Corrections and removals, reports, 21 CFR 806 Dental devices, 21 CFR 872 Drugs and devices for over-the-counter sale, interpretative statements regarding warnings on, 21 CFR 369 Ear, nose, and throat devices, 21 CFR 874 Electrode lead wires and patient cables, performance standard, 21 CFR 898 Federal health insurance for aged and disabled, 42 CFR 405 Federal preemption of State and local medical device requirements, exemptions, 21 CFR 808 Food and Drug Administration Combination products, good manufacturing practices, 21 CFR 4 Financial disclosure by clinical investigators, 21 CFR 54 Marketed drugs, biologics, and devices, unapproved/new uses, information dissemination, 21 CFR 99 Product jurisdiction, 21 CFR 3 Reporting, 21 CFR 803 Foreign Assets Control Office Sanctions regulations-- Central African Republic, 31 CFR 553 Cyber-related, 31 CFR 578 Darfur, 31 CFR 546 Democratic Republic of the Congo, 31 CFR 547 Foreign narcotics kingpin, 31 CFR 598 Foreign terrorist organizations, 31 CFR 597 [[Page 614]] Global Magnitsky, 31 CFR 583 Global terrorism, 31 CFR 594 Hong Kong-related, 31 CFR 585 Illicit drug trade, 31 CFR 599 Iraq stabilization and insurgency, 31 CFR 576 Lebanon, 31 CFR 549 Magnitsky Act, 31 CFR 584 Narcotics trafficking, 31 CFR 536 Somalia, 31 CFR 551 Terrorism list governments, 31 CFR 596 Transnational criminal organizations, 31 CFR 590 Weapons of mass destruction proliferators, 31 CFR 544 Yemen, 31 CFR 552 Zimbabwe, 31 CFR 541 Weapons of mass destruction, trade control regulations, 31 CFR 539 Western Balkans, stabilization regulations, 31 CFR 588 Gastroenterology-urology devices, 21 CFR 876 General and plastic surgery devices, 21 CFR 878 General hospital and personal use devices, 21 CFR 880 General requirements, 21 CFR 800 Hematology and pathology devices, 21 CFR 864 Human cells, tissues, and cellular and tissue-based products, 21 CFR 1271 Immunology and microbiology devices, 21 CFR 866 In vitro diagnostic products for human use, 21 CFR 809 Industrial, scientific, and medical equipment radio transmissions, 47 CFR 18 Investigational exemptions, 21 CFR 812 Labeling, 21 CFR 801 Mammography, 21 CFR 900 Manufacturers and distributors establishment registration and device listing, 21 CFR 807 Neurological devices, 21 CFR 882 New devices, 21 CFR 310 Nuclear byproduct material, medical use, 10 CFR 35 Obstetrical and gynecological devices, 21 CFR 884 Occupational safety and health regulations Construction industry, 29 CFR 1926 Longshoring, safety and health regulations, 29 CFR 1918 Occupational safety and health standards Agriculture, 29 CFR 1928 Federal standards, 29 CFR 1910 Ophthalmic devices, 21 CFR 886 Contact lens rule, 16 CFR 315 Orthopedic devices, 21 CFR 888 Patent term restoration, 21 CFR 60 Performance standards development procedures, 21 CFR 861 Physical medicine devices, 21 CFR 890 Postmarket surveillance, 21 CFR 822 Premarket approval, 21 CFR 814 Reporting, 21 CFR 803 Quality system regulation, 21 CFR 820 Radiation protection performance standards Ionizing radiation emitting products, 21 CFR 1020 Light-emitting products, 21 CFR 1040 Radiology devices, 21 CFR 892 Recall authority, 21 CFR 810 Tracking requirements, 21 CFR 821 Veterans Medical care, 38 CFR 17 National cemeteries of the Department of Veterans Affairs, 38 CFR 38 State homes-- Grants to States for construction or acquisition, 38 CFR 59 Payments to States for programs to promote the hiring and retention of nurses, 38 CFR 53 Transportation program, 38 CFR 70 Unique device identification, 21 CFR 830 Medical facilities See Health facilities Medical personnel See Health professions Medical records See Health records Medical research See al Health; Research Agency for Health Care Policy and Research grants and contracts, 42 CFR 67 Animal drugs, new; investigational use, 21 CFR 511 Biological agents and toxins, possession, use, and transfer, 9 CFR 121 Coal miners, medical examination specifications, 42 CFR 37 [[Page 615]] Energy Department, epidemiology and other health studies financial assistance program, 10 CFR 602 Health and Human Services Department Clinical trials registration and results information submission, 42 CFR 11 Statutory conscience rights protection in health care, authority delegations, 45 CFR 88 Health assessments and health effects studies of hazardous substances releases and facilities, administrative, functions, practices, and procedures, 42 CFR 90 Human drugs, new Investigational new drug application, 21 CFR 312 Orphan drugs, 21 CFR 316 Prescription drugs used in research, generally recognized as safe (GRAS) and effective and not misbranded, 21 CFR 361 Maternal and child health project grants, 42 CFR 51a Medical devices Investigational exemptions, 21 CFR 812 Premarket approval of medical devices, 21 CFR 814 Minority biomedical research support program, 42 CFR 52c National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, prevention and control projects, grants, 42 CFR 52e National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health research and demonstration grants, 42 CFR 87 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development contraception and infertility research loan repayment program, 42 CFR 68c National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences hazardous substances basic research and training grants, 42 CFR 65a National Institutes of Health Center grants, 42 CFR 52a Clinical research loan repayment program for individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds, 42 CFR 68a Construction grants, 42 CFR 52b Loan repayment programs, 42 CFR 68 Training grants, 42 CFR 63a National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, research endowment programs, 42 CFR 52i National Library of Medicine General provisions, 42 CFR 4 Grants, 42 CFR 59a National Research Service awards, 42 CFR 66 Patient safety organizations and patient safety work product, 42 CFR 3 Public health fellowships, 42 CFR 61 Research projects, health related, grants, 42 CFR 52 Research subjects, identity protection, 42 CFR 2a Scientific peer review of research grant applications and research and development contract projects, 42 CFR 52h Veterans Medical care, 38 CFR 17 National cemeteries of the Department of Veterans Affairs, 38 CFR 38 State homes-- Grants to States for construction or acquisition, 38 CFR 59 Payments to States for programs to promote the hiring and retention of nurses, 38 CFR 53 Transportation program, 38 CFR 70 Medicare See al Aged; Health care; Health insurance; Individuals with disabilities; Peer Review Organizations (PRO); Social security Acute kidney injury dialysis, 42 CFR 413 Ambulatory surgical services, 42 CFR 416 Appeals procedures for determinations that affect participation in the Medicare program and for determinations that affect participation of ICFs/IID and certain NFs in the Medicaid program, 42 CFR 498 Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services; introduction, definitions, 42 CFR 400 Civil money penalties, assessments, and exclusions, 42 CFR 402 Community Living Administration, State Health Insurance Assistance Program, 45 CFR 1331 Comprehensive care for joint replacement model, 42 CFR 510 [[Page 616]] Conditions for payment, 42 CFR 424 Elderly, all-inclusive care programs, 42 CFR 460 Electronic Health Record Technology Incentive Program, standards, 42 CFR 495 End-stage renal disease facilities, coverage conditions, 42 CFR 494 End-stage renal disease services, payment, 42 CFR 413 Exclusions and limitations on payment, 42 CFR 411 Federal health insurance for aged and disabled, 42 CFR 405 General administrative requirements, official records confidentiality and disclosure, 42 CFR 401 Health facilities certification, 42 CFR 491 Health maintenance organizations, competitive medical plans, and health care prepayment plans, 42 CFR 417 Home health services, 42 CFR 484 Hospice care, 42 CFR 418 Hospital insurance Benefits, 42 CFR 409 Eligibility and entitlement, 42 CFR 406 Health and Human Services Department Administrative data standards and related requirements-- Administrative requirements, 45 CFR 162 General administrative requirements, 45 CFR 160 Security and privacy, 45 CFR 164 Statutory conscience rights protection in health care, authority delegations, 45 CFR 88 Health Care Reform Insurance Web Portal, 45 CFR 159 Health information technology; standards, implementation specifications, certification criteria and certification programs, 45 CFR 170 Hospitals, conditions of participation, 42 CFR 482 Inpatient hospital services, prospective payment systems, 42 CFR 412 Inspector General Office-Health Care, Health and Human Services Department Advisory opinions, 42 CFR 1008 Civil money penalties, assessments, and exclusions, 42 CFR 1003 Appeals, 42 CFR 1005 Imposition of sanctions on health care practitioners and providers of health care services under Medicare by a peer review organization, 42 CFR 1004 Introduction, general definitions, 42 CFR 1000 Program integrity, 42 CFR 1001 Intermediaries and carriers, 42 CFR 421 Laboratory requirements, 42 CFR 493 Local and national coverage determinations, reviews, 42 CFR 426 Long term care facilities, State requirements, 42 CFR 483 Medicare Advantage program, 42 CFR 422 Medicare Shared Savings Program, 42 CFR 425 Medicare subsidies, 20 CFR 418 Most Favored Nation (MFN) Model, 42 CFR 480 Part B medical and other health services, payment, 42 CFR 414 Program integrity, Health Care Financing Administration, 42 CFR 420 Prospective payment systems for hospital outpatient department services, 42 CFR 419 Provider agreements and supplier approval, 42 CFR 489 Reasonable cost reimbursement principles, 42 CFR 413 Services furnished by physicians in providers, supervising physicians in teaching settings, and residents in certain settings, 42 CFR 415 Skilled nursing facilities, prospectively determined payment rates, 42 CFR 413 Special programs and projects, 42 CFR 403 Specialized providers, conditions of participation, 42 CFR 485 Specialized services furnished by suppliers, conditions for coverage, 42 CFR 486 Supplementary medical insurance (SMI) Benefits, 42 CFR 410 Enrollment and entitlement, 42 CFR 407 Premiums, 42 CFR 408 Supplemental Security Income for the aged, blind, and disabled, 20 CFR 416 Supportive Services for Veteran Families program, 38 CFR 62 Survey, certification, and enforcement procedures, 42 CFR 488 [[Page 617]] Voluntary Medicare prescription drug benefit, 42 CFR 423 Memorandums, Presidential See Presidential documents Memorials See Monuments and memorials Mental health programs See al Health Care and treatment of mentally ill nationals of U.S., returned from foreign countries, 45 CFR 211 Civilian Health and Medical Program of Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS), 32 CFR 199 Disaster assistance for crisis counseling and training, 42 CFR 38 Head Start program, operations, 45 CFR 1302 Health professional shortage areas, designation, 42 CFR 5 Mental health and substance abuse emergency response procedures, 42 CFR 51d Mental illness program, protection and advocacy for individuals, applicable requirements, 42 CFR 51 Obligated service for mental health traineeships, 42 CFR 64a Prisoners, custody, suicide prevention program, 28 CFR 552 Research subjects, identity protection, 42 CFR 2a Shelter Plus Care, 24 CFR 582 Statutory conscience rights protection in health care, authority delegations, 45 CFR 88 Supportive housing program, 24 CFR 583 Veterans Caregivers benefits and certain medical benefits offered to family members, 38 CFR 71 Faith based organizations, equal treatment, 38 CFR 50 Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem Program, 38 CFR 61 Medical care, 38 CFR 17 National cemeteries of the Department of Veterans Affairs, 38 CFR 38 Staff Sergeant Parker Gordon Fox Suicide Prevention Grant Program, 38 CFR 78 State homes-- Grants to States for construction or acquisition, 38 CFR 59 Payments to States for programs to promote the hiring and retention of nurses, 38 CFR 53 Per diem rates, 38 CFR 51 Transportation program, 38 CFR 70 World Trade Center Health Program, 42 CFR 88 Merchant marine See Maritime carriers; Seamen Mercy killing See Assisted suicide Mercury Dental office point source category, water pollution effluent guidelines and standards, 40 CFR 441 Long-term management and storage under the Mercury Export Ban Act of 2008, fee, 10 CFR 955 National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants, 40 CFR 61 TSCA inventory of mercury supply, use, and trade; reporting requirements, 40 CFR 713 Merit Systems Protection Board Appeals, practice and procedures Personnel actions allegedly based on whistleblowing or other protected activity, 5 CFR 1209 Senior Executive Service employees, removal or transfer by the Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs, 5 CFR 1210 Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act and Veterans Employment Opportunities Act, 5 CFR 1208 Availability of official information, 5 CFR 1204 Debt management, 5 CFR 1215 Defense Department cooperation with Office of Special Counsel of Merit Systems Protection Board, 32 CFR 145 Employees; supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 7401 Legal proceedings, employee testimony and official records in, 5 CFR 1216 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 5 CFR 1207 [[Page 618]] Open meetings, 5 CFR 1206 Organization, 5 CFR 1200 Practices and procedures, 5 CFR 1201 Privacy Act regulations, 5 CFR 1205 Rules and regulations of OPM, procedures for review, 5 CFR 1203 Statutory Review Boards, 5 CFR 1202 Metals See al Mineral resources; specific metals Air pollution control New stationary forces, standards of performance, 40 CFR 60 Primary nonferrous smelter orders, 40 CFR 57 Comptroller of the Currency, activities and operations, 12 CFR 7 Customs examination, sampling, and testing of merchandise, metal bearing ores and other metal bearing materials, 19 CFR 151 Federal Property Management Regulations, sale, abandonment, or destruction of personal property, 41 CFR 101-45 Foreign Assets Control Office, sanctions regulations-- Iran, financial, 31 CFR 561 Iran, sector and human rights abuses, 31 CFR 562 Importation temporarily free of duty, 19 CFR 54 Metal and nonmetal mines, health standards, 30 CFR 58 Surface metal and nonmetal mines, safety and health standards, 30 CFR 56 Underground metal and nonmetal mines, safety and health standards, 30 CFR 57 Water pollution control, point source category, copper forming, 40 CFR 468 Water pollution effluent guidelines and standards for point source categories Centralized waste treatment, 40 CFR 437 Electroplating, 40 CFR 413 Ferroalloy manufacturing, 40 CFR 424 Metal finishing, 40 CFR 433 Metal molding and casting, 40 CFR 464 Metal products and machinery, 40 CFR 438 Nonferrous metals forming and metal powders, 40 CFR 471 Nonferrous metals manufacturing, 40 CFR 421 Ore mining and dressing, 40 CFR 440 Metalworking fluids See Hazardous substances Methadone See Drugs Methane Air pollution control; State plans for designated facilities and pollutants, approval and promulgation, 40 CFR 62 Methane monitoring systems for mines, 30 CFR 27 Portable methane detectors for mines, 30 CFR 22 Methyl chloroform Stratospheric ozone protection, 40 CFR 82 Metric system See al Measurement standards Education Department, acquisition regulations, specification standards and other purchase descriptions, 48 CFR 3410 Federal Communications Commission, practice and procedure, 47 CFR 1 Federal product descriptions, Government property management, 41 CFR 101-29 State Department, acquisition regulations, describing agency needs, 48 CFR 611 Mexico Carriers, cartmen, and lightermen, licensing and bonding, 19 CFR 112 CBP relations with Canada and Mexico, 19 CFR 123 Entry process, 19 CFR 142 Experimental radio, auxiliary, and special broadcast radio and other program distributional services, 47 CFR 74 General aircraft operating and flight rules, 14 CFR 91 Global and bilateral safeguard actions, market disruption, trade diversion, and review of relief actions; investigations, 19 CFR 206 Imports sold at less than fair value or from subsidized exports to the U.S.; investigations of whether injury to domestic industries results from, 19 CFR 207 Motor carriers Operating authority applications, governing rules, 49 CFR 365 Registration certificate, application to operate in U.S. municipalities on [[Page 619]] U.S.-Mexico international border or within commercial zones of such municipalities, 49 CFR 368 Safety fitness procedures, 49 CFR 385 North American Free Trade Agreement Implementation, 19 CFR 181 International Trade Commission, 19 CFR 206 Rules of origin, 19 CFR 102 Radio broadcast services, 47 CFR 73 United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement Article 10.12, procedures and rules, 19 CFR 356 Implementation, 19 CFR 182 United States-Mexico cross-border long-haul trucking services, 19 CFR 208 Mexico, International Boundary and Water Commission, U.S. and Mexico See International Boundary and Water Commission, U.S. and Mexico Micrographics National Archives and Records Administration, records and donated historical materials use, 36 CFR 1254 Micronesia See Pacific Islands Trust Territory Micronesian Status Negotiations Office Security information regulations, 32 CFR 2700 Midway Islands Customs relations with insular possessions and Guantanamo Bay Naval Station, 19 CFR 7 Domestic and foreign trade, interpretations, 46 CFR 277 Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge, 50 CFR 38 Migrant labor See al Agriculture; Labor Aliens Labor certification process for permanent employment in U.S., 20 CFR 656 Legal assistance, restrictions on, 45 CFR 1626 Education Improving academic achievement of disadvantaged (Title I), 34 CFR 200 Special educational programs for students whose families are engaged in migrant and other seasonal farmwork, high school equivalency program and college assistance migrant program, 34 CFR 206 Environmental Protection Program, certification of pesticide applicators, 40 CFR 171 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 [[Page 620]] National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Federal-State employment service system Housing for agricultural workers, 20 CFR 654 Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Service System, services of, 20 CFR 653 Foreign workers in U.S., temporary employment, 20 CFR 655 Head Start program, operations, 45 CFR 1302 Housing, farm labor housing loan and grant policies, 7 CFR 1944 Immigration and Nationality Act Temporary agricultural workers admitted under Section 218, enforcement of contractual obligations, 29 CFR 501, 29 CFR 502 Temporary nonimmigrant non-agricultural workers described in, enforcement of obligations, 29 CFR 503 Job Training Partnership Act programs, migrant and seasonal farmworker programs, 20 CFR 633 Labor Department, coordinated enforcement of protective statutes, 29 CFR 42 Migrant and seasonal agricultural worker protection, 29 CFR 500 Migrant workers, health services grants, 42 CFR 56 Motor carrier safety, migrant workers transportation, 49 CFR 398 National Farmwork Jobs Program Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title I, 20 CFR 685 Workforce Investment Act, Title I, 20 CFR 669 Rural Housing Service, direct multi-family housing loans and grants, 7 CFR 3560 Special agricultural workers, resident status adjustment, 8 CFR 210 Migratory birds See Wildlife Military academies See al Armed forces; Colleges and universities Coast Guard cadets, 33 CFR 40 Military air transportation See al Air transportation; National defense Defense Department Commercial Air Transportation Quality and Safety Review Program, 32 CFR 861 Overseas military personnel charters, 14 CFR 372 Military arms sales See Arms and munitions Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission Records and information disclosure, 5 CFR 9901 Military installations See Federal buildings and facilities Military law See al Armed forces Air Force Department, counsel fees and other expenses in foreign tribunals, 32 CFR 845 Army Department Civil authorities aid, employment of troops, 32 CFR 501 Disciplinary control boards, off-installation military enforcement services, 32 CFR 631 Law enforcement reporting, 32 CFR 635 Military court fees, 32 CFR 534 Motor vehicle traffic supervision, 32 CFR 634 Claims for injuries to property under Uniform Code of Military Justice, 32 CFR 755 Courts of criminal appeals, practice and procedure rules, 32 CFR 150 Courts-martial manual review, 32 CFR 152 Naval Defensive Sea Areas, Naval Airspace Reservations, areas under Navy administration, and Trust Territory of Pacific Islands, regulations governing entry, 32 CFR 761 [[Page 621]] Navy Department Courts-martial regulations, 32 CFR 719 Delivery of personnel; service of process and subpoenas; production of official records, 32 CFR 720 Rules applicable to public, 32 CFR 765 Victim and witness assistance, 32 CFR 114 Wake Island Code, 32 CFR 935 Military, National, and Public Service; National Commission on Systems of records, 1 CFR 426 Military personnel See al Armed forces; Armed Forces reserves; Government employees; Veterans Air Force Department Administrative claims, 32 CFR 842 Counsel fees and other expenses in foreign tribunals, 32 CFR 845 Installation entry policy, civil disturbance intervention, and disaster assistance, 32 CFR 809a Personnel review boards for correction of military records, 32 CFR 865 Army Department Army cemeteries, 32 CFR 553 Army claims system, 32 CFR 536 Disciplinary control boards, off-installation liaisons and operations, 32 CFR 631 Motor vehicle traffic supervision, 32 CFR 634 Personnel review board, 32 CFR 581 Private commercial solicitation on military reservations, 32 CFR 552 Atmospheric Nuclear Test Program (1945-1962), guidance for determination and reporting of nuclear radiation dose for participants, 32 CFR 218 Charitable contributions to private voluntary organizations, solicitation of Federal civilian and uniformed service personnel, 5 CFR 950 Civilian Health and Medical Program of Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS), 32 CFR 199 Coast Guard Child development services, 33 CFR 55 Discharge Review Board, review procedures, 33 CFR 51 Enlistment of personnel, 33 CFR 45 Military Records Correction Board of Coast Guard, application procedures, 33 CFR 52 Payments, amounts due mentally incompetent personnel, 33 CFR 49 Retiring Review Board, review procedures, 33 CFR 50 Support obligations, allotments from active duty pay, 33 CFR 54 Whistleblower protection, 33 CFR 53 Court orders, compliance of DoD members, employees, and family members outside U.S., 32 CFR 146 Defense Department Early intervention and special education services, provision to eligible DoD dependents, 32 CFR 57 Identification cards for members of the armed services, their dependents, and other eligible individuals, 32 CFR 161 Munitions response site prioritization protocol, 32 CFR 179 Operational contract support outside the U.S., 32 CFR 158 Professional U.S. scouting organization operations at U.S. military installations overseas, 32 CFR 252 Reserve component officers appointment to grade above first lieutenant or lieutenant (junior grade), educational requirements, 32 CFR 67 Revitalizing base closure communities, redevelopment and homeless assistance, 32 CFR 176 Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SPAR) Program, implementation, 32 CFR 103 Voluntary education programs, 32 CFR 68 Discharge Review Board (DRB) procedures and standards, 32 CFR 70 Doctors of osteopathy, appointment as medical officers, 32 CFR 74 Equal opportunity in off-base housing, 32 CFR 192 Extraterritorial jurisdiction over civilian employees, certain current and former service members, 32 CFR 153 Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program, 5 CFR 894 Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, 5 CFR 890 [[Page 622]] Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program, 5 CFR 875 Firearms and ammunition, commerce in, 27 CFR 478 Foreign criminal and civil jurisdiction, 32 CFR 151 Healthcare services Eligibility under the Secretarial Designee Program and related special authorities, 32 CFR 108 Reasonable charges, collection from third-party payers, 32 CFR 220 Homeowners Assistance Program, application processing, 32 CFR 239, 644 Indebtedness of military personnel, 32 CFR 113 Machine guns, destructive devices, and certain other firearms, 27 CFR 479 Marine and aviation operations, 15 CFR 998 National cemetery regulations, 36 CFR 12 National Labor Relations Board, jurisdictional standards and remedial orders, 29 CFR 103 National service life insurance, 38 CFR 8 Naturalization, special classes of persons who may be naturalized Persons who lost U.S. citizenship through service in armed forces of foreign country during World War II, 8 CFR 327 Persons with 1 year of service in U.S. Armed Forces, 8 CFR 328 Naturalization of aliens serving in U.S. Armed Forces and of alien spouses and/or alien adopted children of military and civilian personnel ordered overseas, 32 CFR 94 Navy Department Births and deaths, reporting in cooperation with other agencies, 32 CFR 735 Board for Correction of Naval Records, 32 CFR 723 Courts-martial regulations, 32 CFR 719 Delivery of personnel; service of process and subpoenas; production of official records, 32 CFR 720 Naval Discharge Review Board, 32 CFR 724 Personnel claims regulations, 32 CFR 751 Public affairs regulations, 32 CFR 705 Pathways programs, 5 CFR 362 Personal commercial solicitation on DoD installations, 32 CFR 50 Reemployment of civilian retirees to meet exceptional employment needs, 5 CFR 553 Rural Development, general program regulations, 7 CFR 1950 School boards for Defense Department domestic dependent elementary and secondary schools, 32 CFR 69 Servicemen's group life insurance and veterans' group life insurance, 38 CFR 9 Soldiers' and sailors' civil relief, 38 CFR 7 Thrift Savings Plan, uniformed services accounts, 5 CFR 1604 U.S. Government life insurance, 38 CFR 6 Wearing of uniform, 32 CFR 53 Milk See al Dairy products; milk marketing orders Child nutrition programs, determining eligibility for free and reduced price meals and free milk in schools, 7 CFR 245 Dairy forward pricing program, 7 CFR 1145 Federal Import Milk Act, 21 CFR 1210 Fluid milk promotion program, 7 CFR 1160 Foot-and-mouth disease, Newcastle disease, highly pathogenic avian influenza, African swine fever, classical swine fever, swine vesicular disease, bovine spongiform encephalopathy; prohibited and restricted importations, 9 CFR 94 Milk and cream, food standards, 21 CFR 131 Milk Donation Reimbursement Program, 7 CFR 1146 Special milk program for children, 7 CFR 215 Milk marketing orders See al Marketing agreements; Milk Appalachian area, 7 CFR 1005 Arizona-Las Vegas area, 7 CFR 1131 California area, 7 CFR 1051 Central area, 7 CFR 1032 Florida, 7 CFR 1006 General provisions, 7 CFR 1000 Mideast area, 7 CFR 1033 Northeast area, 7 CFR 1001 Pacific Northwest area, 7 CFR 1124 [[Page 623]] Southeast area, 7 CFR 1007 Southwest area, 7 CFR 1126 Tennessee, Memphis area, 7 CFR 1097 Upper Midwest area, 7 CFR 1030 Western area, 7 CFR 1135 Millennium Challenge Corporation Debt collection, 22 CFR 1306 Information, production or disclosure of, 22 CFR 1304 Organization and functions, 22 CFR 1300 Release of official information and testimony by agency personnel as witnesses, 22 CFR 1305 Mine safety and health See al Black lung benefits; Miners; Mines; Occupational safety and health; Safety; Surface mining; Underground mining Accidents, injuries, illnesses, employment, and coal production in mines, notification, investigation, reports, and records, 30 CFR 50 Coal mines Coal miners who have evidence of development of pneumoconiosis, mandatory health standards, 30 CFR 90 Dust sampling devices, 30 CFR 74 Health standards, 30 CFR 72 Medical examination specifications, 42 CFR 37 Direct current fuses used to provide short circuit protection for trailing cables in coal mines, 30 CFR 28 Dust collectors for use in connection with rock drilling in coal mines, 30 CFR 33 Electric cap mine lamps, 30 CFR 19 Electric mine lamps other than standard cap lamps, 30 CFR 20 Electric motor driven mine equipment and accessories, 30 CFR 18 Equipment approval, testing by applicant or third party, 30 CFR 7 Explosives and sheathed explosive units used in underground mines, approval requirements, 30 CFR 15 Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977 Civil penalties, criteria and procedures for proposed assessment, 30 CFR 100 Mandatory safety and health standards, pattern of violations, 30 CFR 104 Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission, procedural rules, 29 CFR 2700 Fees for testing, evaluation, and approval of mining products, 30 CFR 5 Fire resistant hydraulic fluids, certification for use in mining equipment, 30 CFR 35 Flame-resistant conveyor belts, approval, 30 CFR 14 Hazard communication (HazCom), 30 CFR 47 Hazardous mine conditions, complaints and complaint processing procedures, 30 CFR 43 Health hazard evaluations, requests, 42 CFR 85 Independent contractors, identification and service of documents on, 30 CFR 45 Independent laboratories and non-MSHA product safety standards, testing and evaluation, 30 CFR 6 Metal and nonmetal mines, health standards, 30 CFR 58 Methane monitoring systems for mines, 30 CFR 27 Mine fire control, 30 CFR 880 Mine rescue teams, 30 CFR 49 Miners, safety training, 30 CFR 48 Miners engaged in shell dredging or employed at sand, gravel, surface stone, surface clay, colloidal phosphate, or surface limestone mines, training and retraining, 30 CFR 46 Miners' representative, 30 CFR 40 National Mine Health and Safety Academy, 30 CFR 42 Occupational noise exposure, 30 CFR 62 Occupational safety and health investigations of places of employment, 42 CFR 85a Operator's legal identity, notification, 30 CFR 41 Permissible mobile diesel-powered transportation equipment, approval requirements, 30 CFR 36 Portable methane detectors for mines, 30 CFR 22 Respiratory protective devices, approval, 42 CFR 84 Safety standards, mandatory, petition for modification, 30 CFR 44 Surface coal mines and surface work areas of underground coal mines [[Page 624]] Health standards, mandatory, 30 CFR 71 Safety standards, mandatory, 30 CFR 77 Surface metal and nonmetal mines, safety and health standards, 30 CFR 56 Telephone and signaling devices used in mines, 30 CFR 23 Underground coal mines Health standards, mandatory, 30 CFR 70 Safety standards, mandatory, 30 CFR 75 Underground metal and nonmetal mines, safety and health standards, 30 CFR 57 Mine Safety and Health Administration Accidents, injuries, illnesses, employment, and coal production in mines, notification, investigation, reports, and records, 30 CFR 50 Coal mine dust sampling devices, 30 CFR 74 Coal mines, health standards, 30 CFR 72 Direct current fuses used to provide short circuit protection for trailing cables in coal mines, 30 CFR 28 Dust collectors for use in connection with rock drilling in coal mines, 30 CFR 33 Electric cap mine lamps, 30 CFR 19 Electric mine lamps other than standard cap lamps, 30 CFR 20 Electric motor driven mine equipment and accessories, 30 CFR 18 Equipment approval, testing by applicant or third party, 30 CFR 7 Explosives and sheathed explosive units used in underground mines, approval requirements, 30 CFR 15 Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977 Civil penalties, criteria and procedures for proposed assessment, 30 CFR 100 Mandatory safety and health standards, pattern of violations, 30 CFR 104 Fees for testing, evaluation, and approval of mining products, 30 CFR 5 Fire resistant hydraulic fluids, certification for use in mining equipment, 30 CFR 35 Flame-resistant conveyor belts, approval, 30 CFR 14 Hazard communication (HazCom), 30 CFR 47 Hazardous mine conditions, complaints and complaint processing procedures, 30 CFR 43 Health standards, mandatory Coal miners who have evidence of development of pneumoconiosis, 30 CFR 90 Surface coal mines and surface work areas of underground coal mines, 30 CFR 71 Underground coal mines, 30 CFR 70 Independent contractors, identification and service of documents on, 30 CFR 45 Independent laboratories and non-MSHA product safety standards, testing and evaluation, 30 CFR 6 Metal and nonmetal mines, health standards, 30 CFR 58 Methane monitoring systems for mines, 30 CFR 27 Mine operator's legal identity, notification, 30 CFR 41 Mine rescue teams, 30 CFR 49 Miners engaged in shell dredging or employed at sand, gravel, surface stone, surface clay, colloidal phosphate, or surface limestone mines, training and retraining, 30 CFR 46 Miners' representative, 30 CFR 40 Miners, safety training, 30 CFR 48 National Mine Health and Safety Academy, 30 CFR 42 Occupational noise exposure, 30 CFR 62 Official emblem, establishment and use, 30 CFR 1 OMB control numbers under Paperwork Reduction Act, 30 CFR 3 Permissible mobile diesel-powered transportation equipment, approval requirements, 30 CFR 36 Portable methane detectors for mines, 30 CFR 22 Safety and health standards Surface metal and nonmetal mines, 30 CFR 56 Underground metal and nonmetal mines, 30 CFR 57 Safety standards, mandatory Petition for modification, 30 CFR 44 Surface coal mines and surface work areas of underground coal mines, 30 CFR 77 Underground coal mines, 30 CFR 75 Telephone and signaling devices used in mines, 30 CFR 23 [[Page 625]] Mine Safety and Health Federal Review Commission See Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission Mineral resources See al Coal; Metals; Natural resources; Oil and gas reserves; Public lands-mineral resources Deep seabed mining regulations Commercial recovery permits, 15 CFR 971 Exploration licenses, 15 CFR 970 Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council, 40 CFR 1900 Income taxes Brick and tile clay, fire clay, and shale, regulations under Act of September 26, 1961, 26 CFR 1 (1.9004--1.9004-5) Natural resources, mineral production payments, 26 CFR 1 (1.636-1-- 1.636-4) Public Debt and Tax Rate Extension Act of 1960, 26 CFR 1 (1.9003-- 1.9003-5) Quartzite and clay used in production of refractory products, election for prior taxable years, 26 CFR 1 (1.9005--1.9005-5) Indian lands, leasing for mining Allotted lands, leasing for mineral development, 25 CFR 212 Five Civilized Tribes, Oklahoma; restricted lands of members, 25 CFR 213 Oil and gas, geothermal, and solid minerals agreements, 25 CFR 225 Osage Reservation lands, Oklahoma; leasing for mining except oil and gas, 25 CFR 214 Quapaw Indian Agency, lead and zinc mining operations and leases, 25 CFR 215 Surface exploration, mining, and reclamation, 25 CFR 216 Terms and conditions, coal leases, 25 CFR 200 Tribal lands, leasing for mineral development, 25 CFR 211 Ute Indian Tribe, Uintah and Ouray Reservation, Utah; management of tribal assets by tribe and Ute Distribution Corp., 25 CFR 217 Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming, leasing for oil and gas mining, 25 CFR 227 Indian property, waiving departmental review of appraisals and valuations, 43 CFR 100 National forest land uses, 36 CFR 251 National recreation areas, 36 CFR 292 Outer continental shelf, oil and gas and sulphur operations-- Ocean Energy Management Bureau, 30 CFR 550 Safety and Environmental Enforcement, 30 CFR 250 Mineral royalties Coal management on public lands Exploration and mining operations rules, 43 CFR 3480 Provisions and limitations, 43 CFR 3470 Geothermal resource leasing, 43 CFR 3200 Mineral leasing on public lands Solid minerals leasing other than coal and oil shale, 43 CFR 3500 Special leasing areas, 43 CFR 3580 Mining claims under general mining laws; locating, recording, and maintaining, 43 CFR 3830 Natural resources revenue Alternatives for marginal properties, 30 CFR 1204 Audits and inspections, 30 CFR 1217 Cooperative activities with States and Indian tribes, 30 CFR 1228 Delegation to States, 30 CFR 1227, 30 CFR 1229 Federal and federally-administered mineral leases, suspensions pending appeal and bonding, 30 CFR 1243 Federal royalty oil, sale, 30 CFR 1208 Forms and reports, 30 CFR 1210 General, 30 CFR 1201 Outer continental shelf oil and gas, Accounting procedures for determining net profit share payment for, 30 CFR 1220 Penalties, 30 CFR 1241 Product valuation, 30 CFR 1206 Records and files maintenance, 30 CFR 1212 [[Page 626]] Relief or reduction in royalty rates, 30 CFR 1203 Royalties, 30 CFR 1202 Royalties, rentals, and bonuses; distribution and disbursement, 30 CFR 1219 Royalties, rentals, bonuses, and other monies due the Federal Government, collection, 30 CFR 1218 Sales agreements or contracts governing the disposal of lease products, 30 CFR 1207 Oil and gas leasing on public lands Combined hydrocarbon leasing, 43 CFR 3140 General regulations, 43 CFR 3100 Inspections, delegation of authority, cooperative agreements and contracts, 43 CFR 3190 National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska, 43 CFR 3130 Onshore oil and gas-- Operations, 43 CFR 3160 Production, 43 CFR 3170 Unit agreements, unproven areas, 43 CFR 3180 Oil shale management Exploration and leases, 43 CFR 3930 General, 43 CFR 3900 Outer Continental Shelf Minerals other than oil, gas, and sulphur, leasing, 30 CFR 581 Minerals other than oil, gas, and sulphur, operations-- Ocean Energy Management Bureau, 30 CFR 582 Safety and Environmental Enforcement, 30 CFR 282 Oil and gas leasing, 30 CFR 560 Sulfur or oil and gas leasing and bonding requirements, 30 CFR 556 Miners See al Mine safety and health; Mines Black lung benefits Coal mine operator's insurance, requirements, 20 CFR 726 Federal Mine Safety and Health Act, benefit claims under Part C of Title IV, 20 CFR 725 Black lung clinics program grants, 42 CFR 55a Blasters, certification standards, surface coal mining operations Federal program States and Indian lands, 30 CFR 955 Permanent regulatory program requirements, 30 CFR 850 Coal miners, medical examination specifications, 42 CFR 37 Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act, compensation claims, 20 CFR 30 Protection of employees under Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977, 30 CFR 865 Mines See al Mine safety and health; Miners; Reclamation; Surface mining; Underground mining Coal management on public lands Coal exploration and mining operations rules, 43 CFR 3480 Competitive leasing, 43 CFR 3420 Environment, 43 CFR 3460 Exploration licenses, 43 CFR 3410 Licenses to mine, 43 CFR 3440 Management, general, 43 CFR 3400 Management of existing leases, 43 CFR 3450 Management provisions and limitations, 43 CFR 3470 Noncompetitive leases, 43 CFR 3430 Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council, 40 CFR 1900 Indian lands, leasing for mining Allotted lands, leasing for mineral development, 25 CFR 212 Five Civilized Tribes, Oklahoma; restricted lands of members, 25 CFR 213 Oil and gas, geothermal, and solid minerals agreements, 25 CFR 225 Osage Reservation lands, Oklahoma; leasing for mining except oil and gas, 25 CFR 214 Quapaw Indian Agency, lead and zinc mining operations and leases, 25 CFR 215 Surface exploration, mining, and reclamation, 25 CFR 216 Tribal lands, leasing for mineral development, 25 CFR 211 [[Page 627]] Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming, leasing for oil and gas mining, 25 CFR 227 Mineral leasing on public lands Leasing of solid minerals other than coal and oil shale, 43 CFR 3500 Solid minerals (other than coal) exploration and mining operations, 43 CFR 3590 Special leasing areas, 43 CFR 3580 Mining claims under general mining laws Adverse claim, protests and conflicts, 43 CFR 3870 Annual assessment work requirements, 43 CFR 3836 Areas subject to special mining laws, 43 CFR 3820 Delinquent co-claimant's interests, acquiring, 43 CFR 3837 General, 43 CFR 3800 Lands and minerals subject to location, 43 CFR 3810 Locating, recording, and maintaining, 43 CFR 3830 Location, 43 CFR 3832 Mineral patent applications, 43 CFR 3860 Recording, 43 CFR 3833 Required fees, 43 CFR 3834 Stockraising Homestead Act (SRHA) lands, special procedures for locating and recording, 43 CFR 3838 Waivers from annual maintenance fees, 43 CFR 3835 Multiple use of public lands Multiple mineral development, 43 CFR 3740 Multiple use of land surface while mining, 43 CFR 3710 Powersite withdrawals, mining in, 43 CFR 3730 National forest lands used for mineral resource mining, 36 CFR 228 National park areas, minerals management, 36 CFR 9 Rural abandoned mine program, 7 CFR 632 Subsidence and strip mine rehabilitation, Appalachia, 30 CFR 881 Surface coal mines and surface work areas of underground coal mines, 30 CFR 77 Surface metal and nonmetal mines, safety and health standards, 30 CFR 56 Tax imposed with respect to certain hydraulic mining, 26 CFR 50 Temporary income tax regulations relating to exploration expenditures in case of mining, 26 CFR 15 Underground metal and nonmetal mines, safety and health standards, 30 CFR 57 Water pollution, effluent guidelines and standards, point source categories Coal mining, BPT, BAT, BCT limitations and new source performance standards, 40 CFR 434 Mineral mining and processing, 40 CFR 436 Ore mining and dressing, 40 CFR 440 Minimum wages See al Wages American Samoa Industries in American Samoa, 29 CFR 697 Wage order procedure, 29 CFR 511 Child labor regulations and minimum wage requirements, State agencies used for investigations and inspections of places of employment for compliance, 29 CFR 515 Contractors and subcontractors on public buildings or public works financed by U.S. loans or grants, Federal wage requirements, 29 CFR 3 Domestic service, minimum wage and overtime provisions, 29 CFR 552 Employers, record retention, 29 CFR 516 Executive, administrative, professional, computer and outside sales employees, defining and delimiting exemptions, 29 CFR 541 Federal and federally assisted construction contracts, practice before the Administrative Review Boards, 29 CFR 7 Federal contractors, establishment, 29 CFR 10 Federal service contracts, practice before the Administrative Review Boards, 29 CFR 8 Full-time student employment at subminimum wages, 29 CFR 519 Government procurement, public contracts General provisions, 41 CFR 50-201 Minimum wage determinations, 41 CFR 50-202 Practice rules, 41 CFR 50-203 [[Page 628]] Statements of general policy and interpretation not directly related to regulations, 41 CFR 50-210 Labor standards Federal and federally assisted construction contracts and Federal service contracts, practice rules for administrative enforcement proceedings, 29 CFR 6 Federal service contracts, 29 CFR 4 Federally financed and assisted construction contracts and non- construction contracts under the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, applicable provisions, 29 CFR 5 Wage raees, predetermination procedures, 29 CFR 1 Messengers, learners (including student-learners), and apprentices, employment under special certificate, 29 CFR 520 National Endowments for Arts and Humanities, projects or productions assisted by grants from, labor standards, 29 CFR 505 Puerto Rico, minimum wage provisions of 1989 amendments to Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 CFR 510 Rural Development, loans and grants, related instructions, 7 CFR 1901 Student-learners, apprentices, learners, messengers, handicapped persons, student-workers, and full-time students in agriculture, retail, or service establishments, annulment or withdrawal of certificates for employment at special minimum wage rates; employment, 29 CFR 528 Wage rates, procedures for predetermination, 29 CFR 1 Workers with disabilities, employment under special certificates, 29 CFR 525 Minority Business Development Agency Determination of group eligibility for MBDA assistance, 15 CFR 1400 Minority businesses See al Business and industry; Small business; Women Agency for International Development, acquisition regulations Small business programs, 48 CFR 719 Socioeconomic programs, 48 CFR 726 Comptroller of the Currency, organization and functions, information availability and release, contracting outreach program, post- employment restrictions for senior examiners, 12 CFR 4 Energy Department Contracts and assistance, loans for bid or proposal preparation, 10 CFR 800 DOE management and operating contracts, 48 CFR 970 Small business programs, 48 CFR 919 Executive, administrative, professional, computer and outside sales employees, defining and delimiting exemptions, 29 CFR 541 Federal-aid highway construction, minority business enterprise, 23 CFR 230 Federal Housing Finance Agency, minority and women Inclusion, 12 CFR 1223 Housing and Urban Development Department acquisition regulations, socioeconomic programs, 48 CFR 2426 Minority and Women Outreach program Federal Housing Finance Agency, 12 CFR 1207 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, contracting, 12 CFR 361 Minority Business Development Agency, determination of group eligibility for assistance, 15 CFR 1400 Minority Small Business and Capital Ownership Development program /small disadvantaged business status determinations, 13 CFR 124 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, acquisition regulations, small business programs, 48 CFR 1819 Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation, affirmative action policy and procedure, 36 CFR 906 Transportation Department, disadvantaged business enterprise participation in-- Airport concessions, 49 CFR 23 Financial assistance programs, 49 CFR 26 Women's Business Center program, 13 CFR 131 Minority groups See Civil rights; Minority businesses Mint, U.S. See Treasury Department [[Page 629]] Mississippi River Water Control Management Board See Engineers Corps Mobile homes See Housing; Manufactured homes Mobile offshore drilling units See Vessels Mohair See Textiles Money See Currency Money laundering See Crime Monuments and memorials See al Historic preservation American Battle Monuments Commission, 36 CFR 401 Army cemeteries, 32 CFR 553 Navy Department, USS Arizona Memorial, Pearl Harbor, 32 CFR 705 Oklahoma City National Memorial Trust, general provisions, 36 CFR 1501 Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument, 50 CFR 404 Morris K. Udall Scholarship and Excellence in National Environmental Policy Foundation Documents and records, public availability, 36 CFR 1600 Mortgage insurance See al Housing; Insurance; Mortgages Condominium ownership mortgage insurance, 24 CFR 234 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (Regulation Act), 12 CFR 1024 Cooperative housing mortgage insurance, 24 CFR 213 Elderly, housing mortgage insurance, 24 CFR 231 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 [[Page 630]] General HUD program requirements, waivers, 24 CFR 5 Group practice health facilities mortgage insurance, 24 CFR 244 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Insurance, 24 CFR 206 Hospitals, 24 CFR 242 Housing and Urban Development Department, Civil money penalties, certain prohibited conduct, 24 CFR 30 Federal Housing Commissioner, functions, 24 CFR 200 Insured housing project mortgages, supplementary financing, 24 CFR 241 Lead-based paint poisoning prevention in certain residential structures, 24 CFR 35 Low cost and moderate income mortgage insurance, 24 CFR 221 Low income housing mortgages, prepayment, 24 CFR 248 Mortgage coinsurance, multifamily housing projects, coinsurance-- Construction or substantial rehabilitation, 24 CFR 251 Purchase or refinancing, 24 CFR 255, 24 CFR 204 Multifamily housing Housing finance agency risk-sharing program for insured affordable multifamily project loans, 24 CFR 266 Mortgage and housing assistance restructuring program (mark-to- market), 24 CFR 401 Mortgage insurance, 24 CFR 207 Multifamily projects disposition and sale of HUD-held multifamily mortgages, 24 CFR 290 Multifamily subsidized projects, electronic transmission of required data for certification and recertification and subsidy billing procedures, 24 CFR 208 Nursing homes, intermediate care facilities, and board and care homes, mortgage coinsurance, 24 CFR 252 Nursing homes, intermediate care facilities, board and care homes, and assisted living facilities, mortgage insurance, 24 CFR 232 Property improvement and manufactured home programs, approval of lending institutions and mortgagees, 24 CFR 202 Rental projects, mortgage insurance and interest reduction payments, general applicability, 24 CFR 236 Rural Housing Service, guaranteed Rural Housing program, 7 CFR 3555 Single family mortgage insurance, 24 CFR 203 Title I property improvement and manufactured home loans, 24 CFR 201 Urban renewal and concentrated development areas, mortgage insurance and insured improvement loans, 24 CFR 220 U.S. mortgage guaranty insurance company tax and loss bonds, offering, 31 CFR 343 Veterans Housing loan guaranty, 38 CFR 36 Mortgage life insurance, 38 CFR 8a Mortgages See al Credit; Housing; Mortgage insurance Alternative mortgage transaction parity, (Regulation D), 12 CFR 1004 Comptroller of the Currency Federal savings associations, operations, 12 CFR 145 Lending and investment, 12 CFR 160 Nondiscrimination requirements, 12 CFR 128 Savings associations, operations, 12 CFR 163 State due-on-sale usury laws, preemption, 12 CFR 191 State usury laws, 12 CFR 190 Fair housing Certification and funding of State and local fair housing enforcement agencies, 24 CFR 115 Collection, 24 CFR 121 Complaint processing, 24 CFR 103 Discriminatory conduct under the Fair Housing Act, 24 CFR 100 Poster, 24 CFR 110 Farm Credit Administration, registration of mortgage loan originators, 12 CFR 610 Farm Service Agency, direct loan making, 7 CFR 764 Federal credit unions [[Page 631]] Loans in areas having special flood hazards, 12 CFR 760 Organization and operations, 12 CFR 701 Real estate appraisals, 12 CFR 722 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Appraisals, 12 CFR 323 Fair housing, 12 CFR 338 Real estate lending standards, 12 CFR 365 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council, appraiser regulation, 12 CFR 1102 Federal home loan banks Affordable housing program, 12 CFR 1291 Community support requirements, 12 CFR 1290 Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight Office, prompt corrective action, 12 CFR 1777 Federal Housing Finance Agency Appraisals, 12 CFR 1222 Credit score models, validation and approval, 12 CFR 1254 Enterprise housing goals and mission, 12 CFR 1282 Enterprise products, prior approval, 12 CFR 1253 Federal home loan bank housing goals, 12 CFR 1281 Fraudulent financial instruments, reporting, 12 CFR 1233 Margin and capital requirements for covered swap entities, 12 CFR 1221 Portfolio holdings, 12 CFR 1252 Uniform mortgage-backed securities, 12 CFR 1248 Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) and Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac), HUD Secretary's regulation, 24 CFR 81 Federal Reserve System State banking institutions, membership (Regulation H), 12 CFR 208 [[Page 632]] Truth in lending, credit information disclosure (Regulation Z), 12 CFR 226 Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, rules for housing Government sponsored enterprises, 31 CFR 1030 Home mortgage disclosure (Regulation C), 12 CFR 1003 Housing and Urban Development Department Civil money penalties, certain prohibited conduct, 24 CFR 30 Civil rights matters, consolidated hearing procedures, 24 CFR 180 Government National Mortgage Association-- Book-entry procedures, 24 CFR 350 Fiduciary activities, 24 CFR 340 Mortgage-backed securities guaranty, 24 CFR 320 Multiclass securities guaranty, 24 CFR 330 HUD-acquired and -owned single family property, disposition, 24 CFR 291 Investigations in consumer regulatory programs, 24 CFR 3800 Multifamily and single family mortgages, nonjudicial foreclosure, 24 CFR 27 Multifamily housing mortgage assistance restructuring program (mark- to-market), 24 CFR 401 Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Program, special allocations, 24 CFR 886 Income taxes Credits against tax, mortgage credit certificates, 26 CFR 1 (1.25-1T-- 1.25-8T) Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1980, Title II, temporary regulations on mortgage bonds, 26 CFR 6a Real estate mortgage investment conduit (REMIC), 26 CFR 1 (1.860A-0-- 1.860G-3) Maritime carriers; documented vessels and other maritime interests, regulated transactions, 46 CFR 221 Mortgage acts and practices, advertising Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (Regulation N), 12 CFR 1014 Federal Trade Commission, 16 CFR 321 Mortgage assistant relief services (Regulation O), 12 CFR 1015 National banks Fair housing home loan data system, 12 CFR 27 Loans in areas having special flood hazards, 12 CFR 22 Real estate lending and appraisals, 12 CFR 34 Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (Regulation X), 12 CFR 1024 Rural Housing Service Direct multi-family housing loans and grants, 7 CFR 3560 Guaranteed Rural Housing program, 7 CFR 3555 Guaranteed Rural Rental Housing Program, 7 CFR 3565 S.A.F.E. Mortgage Licensing Act Residential mortgage loan originators, Federal registration (Regulation G), 12 CFR 1007 State compliance and bureau registration system, (Regulation H), 12 CFR 1008 Truth in lending (Regulation Z), 12 CFR 1026 Vessel financing assistance, obligation guarantees, 46 CFR 298 Vessels of 100 feet or greater in registered length, requirements to obtain fishery endorsement to vessel's documentation, 46 CFR 356 Motion pictures See al Communication Agriculture Department, administrative regulations, 7 CFR 1 Air Force Department, visual information materials, release, dissemination, and sale, 32 CFR 811 Commercial filming and similar projects and still photography on certain areas under Interior Department jurisdiction, 43 CFR 5 Library of Congress National Film Registry, 36 CFR 704 News transmission reproduction, compilation, and distribution under American Television and Radio Archives Act, 36 CFR 705 Motor carriers See al Buses; Common carriers; Highway and roads; Motor vehicles Applications under 49 U.S.C. 10706 and 13703, 49 CFR 1331 [[Page 633]] CBP relations with Canada and Mexico, 19 CFR 123 Consolidation, merger, acquisition of control, pooling operations, 49 CFR 1184 Containerized freight, practices of carriers involved in intermodal transportation, 49 CFR 1090 Employees Exemption from maximum hours provisions, 29 CFR 782 Safety and health standards, 49 CFR 399 Environmental Protection Agency, solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 1552 Exemptions, commercial zones, and terminal areas, 49 CFR 372 Federal motor carrier safety regulations Commercial driver's license program, State compliance, 49 CFR 384 Commercial driver's license standards, requirements and penalties, 49 CFR 383 Commercial motor vehicles, driving of, 49 CFR 392 Compatibility of State laws and regulations affecting interstate motor carrier operations, 49 CFR 355 Controlled substances and alcohol use and testing, 49 CFR 382 Cooperative agreements with States, 49 CFR 388 Drivers and longer combination vehicle (LCV) driver instructors, qualifications, 49 CFR 391 Drivers' service hours, 49 CFR 395 Financial responsibility, minimum levels, 49 CFR 387 FMCSA proceedings, rules of practice, 49 CFR 386 General regulations, 49 CFR 390 Hazardous materials transportation, driving and parking rules, 49 CFR 397 Inspection, repair, and maintenance, 49 CFR 396 Migrant workers transportation, 49 CFR 398 Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program and High Priority Program, 49 CFR 350 Parts and accessories necessary for safe operation, 49 CFR 393 Rulemaking procedures, 49 CFR 389 Safety fitness procedures, 49 CFR 385 Special training requirements, 49 CFR 380 Waivers, exemptions, and pilot programs, 49 CFR 381 Hazardous materials Carriage by public highway, 49 CFR 177 Packagings, continuing qualification and maintenance, 49 CFR 180 Shippers, shipments and packaging general requirements, 49 CFR 173 Household goods carriers, tariff requirements, 49 CFR 1310 Household goods transportation in interstate commerce; consumer protection regulations, 49 CFR 375 Income taxes, motor carrier operating authority deduction, 26 CFR 1 (1.9200-1--1.9200-2) Individual threat assessment, appeal and waiver procedures, 49 CFR 1515 Lease and interchange of vehicles, 49 CFR 376 Loss and damage claims and processing salvage, investigation and voluntary disposition, principles and practices, 49 CFR 370, 49 CFR 1005 Maritime and surface transportation security Credentialing and security threat assessments, 49 CFR 1572 General rules, 49 CFR 1570 Motor carriers Platform handling factors, use of 1977-1978 study of, 49 CFR 1120 Registration and insurance fees, 49 CFR 360 Unified Carrier Registration Plan and Agreement, standards for registration with States, 49 CFR 367 Noise abatement programs, motor carriers engaged in interstate commerce, 40 CFR 202 Noise emission standards, interstate, compliance, 49 CFR 325 Nonrail licensing procedures Operating authority applications, governing rules, 49 CFR 365 Registration certificate, application to operate in U.S. municipalities on U.S.-Mexico international border or within commercial zones of such municipalities, 49 CFR 368 Operating rights interpretations and routing regulations, 49 CFR 1004 [[Page 634]] Overcharge, duplicate payment, or overcollection claims, procedures governing processing, investigation, and disposition, 49 CFR 378 Passenger carrier regulations, 49 CFR 374 Process agent designation, 49 CFR 366 Property brokers, 49 CFR 371 Purchase, merger, and control of motor passenger carriers, 49 CFR 1182 Rate-making organization, records and reports, 49 CFR 1253 Receipts and bills, 49 CFR 373 Records preservation, 49 CFR 379, 49 CFR 1220 Reports, 49 CFR 369 Routing regulations, 49 CFR 356 Sanitation in interstate conveyance, 21 CFR 1250 Seizure and forfeiture of conveyance transporting illegal aliens, 8 CFR 274 Surface mail transportation, filing contracts, 49 CFR 1332 Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982, procedures for handling of retaliation complaints under employee protection provision, 29 CFR 1978 Surface Transportation Board Board proceedings, use of mediations, 48 CFR 1109 Civil monetary penalty inflation adjustment, 49 CFR 1022 Tariffs for transportation of property by or with water carrier in noncontiguous domestic trade; publication, posting and filing, 49 CFR 1312 Transportation charges, payment, 49 CFR 377 Truck size and weight, route designations-length, width and weight limitations, 23 CFR 658 Uniform Systems of Accounts, Interstate Commerce Act, general accounting regulations, 49 CFR 1200 Motor vehicle pollution See al Air pollution; Motor vehicles Alternative fuels and alternative fueled vehicles, labeling requirements, 16 CFR 309 Clean-fuel vehicles, 40 CFR 88 Fuels and fuel additives Fuels, fuel additives, and regulated blendstocks, regulation, 40 CFR 1090 Registration, 40 CFR 79 Regulation, 40 CFR 80 Highway, stationary, and nonroad programs; general compliance provisions, 40 CFR 1068 Mobile sources, 40 CFR 85 Motor vehicles and motor vehicle engines, recalls, defect reporting, etc. New and in-use heavy-duty highway engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 1036 New and in-use heavy-duty motor-vehicles, emissions control, 40 CFR 1037 New and in-use highway vehicles and engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 86 New and in-use nonroad compression-ignition engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 89 New stationary sources, performance standards, 40 CFR 60 Motor vehicle safety See al Highways and roads; Motor vehicles; Safety Bus testing, 49 CFR 665 Event data recorders, 49 CFR 563 Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards Anthropomorphic test devices, 49 CFR 572 Certification, labeling, 49 CFR 567 Child restraint systems recordkeeping requirements, 49 CFR 588 Civil and criminal penalties, 49 CFR 578 Consumer information, 49 CFR 575 Defect and noncompliance-- Notification to owners, 49 CFR 577 Reporting of information and communications about potential defects, 49 CFR 579 Responsibility and reports, 49 CFR 573 Deformable barriers, 49 CFR 587 General regulations, 49 CFR 571 Inconsequential defect or noncompliance, exemption from notification and remedy requirements, 49 CFR 556 Make inoperative exemptions, 49 CFR 595 Manufacturer identification, 49 CFR 566 Manufacturers, record retention, 49 CFR 576 Petitions for hearings on notification and remedy of defects, 49 CFR 557 [[Page 635]] Replaceable light source information, 49 CFR 564 Replica motor vehicles, 49 CFR 586 Safety and bumper standards, temporary exemption, 49 CFR 555 Standards enforcement and defects investigation, 49 CFR 554 Tires-- Identification and recordkeeping, 49 CFR 574 Regrooved, 49 CFR 569 Vehicle identification number requirements, 49 CFR 565 Vehicle in use inspection standards, 49 CFR 570 Vehicles manufactured in two or more stages, 49 CFR 568 Vehicles not originally manufactured to conform to Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards-- Fee schedule for services (49 U.S.C. 30141), 49 CFR 594 Import eligibility determination, 49 CFR 593 Registered importers, 49 CFR 592 Hazardous materials, packagings Continuing qualification and maintenance, 49 CFR 180 Specifications, 49 CFR 178 Importation of vehicles and equipment subject to Federal safety, bumper and theft prevention standards, 49 CFR 591 Migrant and seasonal agricultural worker protection, 29 CFR 500 Motor carrier registration and insurance, fees, 49 CFR 360 Motor carrier safety Compatibility of State laws and regulations affecting interstate motor carrier operations, 49 CFR 355 Cooperative agreements with States, 49 CFR 388 Employee safety and health standards, 49 CFR 399 Financial responsibility, minimum levels, 49 CFR 387 FMCSA proceedings, rules of practice, 49 CFR 386 General regulations, 49 CFR 390 Inspection, repair, and maintenance, 49 CFR 396 Migrant workers transportation, 49 CFR 398 Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program and High Priority Program, 49 CFR 350 Parts and accessories necessary for safe operation, 49 CFR 393 Rulemaking procedures, 49 CFR 389 Safety fitness procedures, 49 CFR 385 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Confidential business information, 49 CFR 512 Petitions for rulemaking, defect and noncompliance orders, 49 CFR 552 Procedural rules, 49 CFR 551 Recycle and Save Act Program, consumer assistance requirements and procedures, 49 CFR 599 Rulemaking procedures, 49 CFR 553 Occupational safety and health Agriculture standards, 29 CFR 1928 Construction industry regulations, 29 CFR 1926 REAL ID driver's licenses and identification cards, 6 CFR 37 Motor vehicles See al Buses; Carpools; Fuel economy; Highways and roads; Motor carriers; Motor vehicle pollution; Motor vehicle safety; Traffic regulations Acquisition regulations, Energy Department, required sources of supplies and services, leasing and acquisition, 48 CFR 908 Air pollution control New stationary sources, performance standards, 40 CFR 60 Stratospheric ozone, protection, 40 CFR 82 Air programs, regulation of fuels and fuel additives, 40 CFR 80 Alternative fuel transportation program, 10 CFR 490 Automatic propulsion research and development, 10 CFR 473 Automobile parts Content labeling, 49 CFR 583 Rebuilt, reconditioned and used, industry guides, 16 CFR 20 Bumper standard, 49 CFR 581 [[Page 636]] Cargo container and road vehicle certification pursuant to international customs conventions, 19 CFR 115 Central Intelligence Agency, conduct on agency installations, 32 CFR 1903 Diplomatic missions and personnel, compulsory liability insurance, 22 CFR 151 Electric and hybrid vehicle research, development, and demonstration program, petroleum-equivalent fuel economy calculation, 10 CFR 474 Event data recorders, 49 CFR 563 Excise taxes Certain highway motor vehicles, 26 CFR 41 Manufacturers and retailers excise taxes, 26 CFR 48 Export control, 19 CFR 192 Federal Acquisition Regulation Contractors, use of government sources by, 48 CFR 51 Required sources of supplies and services, 48 CFR 8 Federal Highway Administration Electronic toll collection, 23 CFR 950 Highway safety improvement program, 23 CFR 924 Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, 49 CFR 571 Federal motor vehicle theft prevention standard, 49 CFR 541 Exemption from, 49 CFR 543 Procedures for selecting light duty truck lines to be covered, 49 CFR 542 Federal Trade Commission, administrative interpretations, general policy statements, and enforcement policy statements, 16 CFR 14 Forfeiture authority for certain statutes, 28 CFR 8 Government property management Federal Management Regulation, motor vehicle management, 41 CFR 102-34 Federal Property Management Regulations-- Interagency fleet management systems, 41 CFR 101-39 Motor vehicle management, 41 CFR 101-38 Head Start program, financial and administrative requirements, 45 CFR 1303 Heavy vehicle use tax, enforcement, 23 CFR 669 Insurance cost information availability from automobile dealers, 49 CFR 582 Make inoperative exemptions, 49 CFR 595 Manufacturing incentives for alternative fuel vehicles, 49 CFR 538 Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Act regulations, 28 CFR 29 Moving Ahead or Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21); procedures for handling retaliation complaints under section 31307, 29 CFR 1988 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, civil and criminal penalties, 49 CFR 578 Manufacturers rights and responsibilities in changing corporate relationships, 49 CFR 534 Procedural rules, process service, 49 CFR 551 Replica motor vehicles, 49 CFR 586 State highway safety grant programs, uniform procedures, 23 CFR 1200, 23 CFR 1300 Odometer disclosure requirements, 49 CFR 580 Operators, civil service, 5 CFR 930 REAL ID driver's licenses and identification cards, 6 CFR 37 Seized personal property disposition; Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Bureau, 27 CFR 72 Seizure and forfeiture of conveyance transporting illegal aliens, 8 CFR 274 Seizure and forfeiture of vessels, vehicles and aircraft used to transport counterfeit coins, obligations, securities, and paraphernalia, 31 CFR 401 Size and weight enforcement, Federal aid highways, State certification, 23 CFR 657 Transportation equipment noise, 40 CFR 205 United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement Implementation Act, high-wage components of the labor value content requirements, 29 CFR 810 [[Page 637]] Used motor vehicle trade regulation rule, 16 CFR 455 Wake Island Code, 32 CFR 935 Motorcycles See Motor vehicles Moving of household goods Federal Management Regulation, transportation management, 41 CFR 102-117 Federal Property Management Regulations, transportation and traffic management, Government employees, employment relocation, 41 CFR 101- 40 Freight forwarders Applications under 49 U.S.C. 10706 and 13703, 49 CFR 1331 Exemptions, commercial zones, and terminal areas, 49 CFR 372 Motor carriers, financial responsibility, minimum levels, 49 CFR 387 Operating authority applications, governing rules, 49 CFR 365 Overcharge, duplicate payment, or overcollection claims, procedures governing processing, investigation, and disposition, 49 CFR 378 Receipts and bills, 49 CFR 373 Records preservation, 49 CFR 379, 49 CFR 1220 Tariffs for transportation of property by or with water carrier in noncontiguous domestic trade; publication, posting and filing, 49 CFR 1312 Transportation charges, payment, 49 CFR 377 Household goods carriers, tariff requirements, 49 CFR 1310 Motor carriers Registration and insurance fees, 49 FR 360 Transportation of household goods in interstate commerce; consumer protection regulations, 49 CFR 375 Munitions See Arms and munitions Museum and Library Services Institute See National Foundation on Arts and Humanities Museums Federally owned or administered archaeological collections, curation, 36 CFR 79 Native American graves protection and repatriation regulations, 43 CFR 10 Paleontological resources preservation Forest Service, 36 CFR 291 Land Management Bureau, 43 CFR 49 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 3187 Mushrooms Promotion, research, and consumer information order, 7 CFR 1209 Music Copyright Royalty Board, Library of Congress Administrative assessments to fund mechanical licensing collective, amounts and terms, 37 CFR 390 Noncommercial educational broadcasting, use of certain copyrighted works, 37 CFR 381 Symphony orchestras, jurisdictional standards under the National Labor Relations Act, 29 CFR 103 N Narcotics See Drug traffic control National Aeronautics and Space Administration Acquisition regulations Administrative matters, 48 CFR 1804 Application of labor laws to Government acquisitions, 48 CFR 22, 48 CFR 1822 Astronauts; research, evaluation, assessment, and treatment of, 14 CFR 1241 Bonds and insurance, 48 CFR 1828 Commercial items, 48 CFR 1812 Competition requirements, 48 CFR 1806 Construction and architect-engineer contracts, 48 CFR 1836 Contract administration, 48 CFR 1842 Contract cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 1831 Contract financing, 48 CFR 1832 [[Page 638]] Contract modifications, 48 CFR 1843 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 1815 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 1809 Cost accounting standards administration, 48 CFR 1830 Describing agency needs, 48 CFR 1811 Emergency acquisitions, 48 CFR 18 Environment, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace, 48 CFR 1823 Extraordinary contractual actions and the Safety Act, 48 CFR 1850 Federal Acquisition Regulations System, 48 CFR 1801 Foreign acquisition, 48 CFR 1825 Government property, 48 CFR 1845 Government sources by contractors, use of, 48 CFR 1851 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 1803 Information technology acquisition, 48 CFR 1839 Major systems acquisition, 48 CFR 1834 Midrange procurement procedures, 48 CFR 1871 NASA supplementary regulations, 48 CFR 1870 Patents, data, and copyrights, 48 CFR 1827 Planning, 48 CFR 1807 Privacy and freedom of information, protection, 48 CFR 1824 Protests, disputes, and appeals, 48 CFR 1833 Publicizing contract actions, 48 CFR 1805 Quality assurance, 48 CFR 1846 Required sources of supplies and services, 48 CFR 1808 Research and development contracting, 48 CFR 1835 Sealed bidding, 48 CFR 1814 Service contracting, 48 CFR 1837 Simplified acquisition procedures, 48 CFR 1813 Small business programs, 48 CFR 1819 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 1852 Special contracting methods, 48 CFR 1817 Subcontracting policies and procedures, 48 CFR 1844 Termination of contracts, 48 CFR 1849 Transportation, 48 CFR 1847 Types of contracts, 48 CFR 1816 Utility services, 48 CFR 1841 Administrative authority and policy, 14 CFR 1204 Animals, care and use in conduct of NASA activities, 14 CFR 1232 Boards and committees, 14 CFR 1209 Congressional Space Medal of Honor, 14 CFR 1221 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 1880 Demands for information or testimony served on agency employees, procurement, 14 CFR 1263 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 14 CFR 1267 Employee standards of conduct, 14 CFR 1207 Equal Access to Justice Act in agency proceedings, 14 CFR 1262 Federal Acquisition Regulation, 48 CFR Chapter 1 Flood plain and wetlands management, 14 CFR 1216 Information security program, 14 CFR 1203 Inventions and contributions, 14 CFR 1240 Liability cross-waiver, 14 CFR 1266 Lobbying, new restrictions, 14 CFR 1271 Monetary claims processing, 14 CFR 1261 National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program, 14 CFR 1259 Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs, 14 CFR 1250 Nondiscrimination on basis of age in federally assisted programs or activities, 14 CFR 1252 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally assisted and conducted programs, 14 CFR 1251 Nondiscrimination on basis of sex in federally assisted education programs, 14 CFR 1253 Patents and other intellectual property rights, 14 CFR 1245 Privacy Act, NASA regulations, 14 CFR 1212 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 14 CFR 1264 Protection of human subjects, 14 CFR 1230 Records disclosure, procedures under Freedom of Information Act, 14 CFR 1206 [[Page 639]] Release of information to news and information media, 14 CFR 1213 Research misconduct, 14 CFR 1275 Seals and other devices, 14 CFR 1221 Security areas, 14 CFR 1203a Security programs, arrest authority and use of force by NASA security force personnel, 14 CFR 1203b Space articles, duty-free entry, 14 CFR 1217 Space flight, 14 CFR 1214 Statement of organization and general information, 14 CFR 1201 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for agency employees, 5 CFR 6901 Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS), 14 CFR 1215 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 1800 Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally assisted programs, cross reference to 49 CFR 24 (governmentwide rule), 14 CFR 1208 National Agricultural Library See Agricultural Research Service National Agricultural Statistics Service Organization and functions, 7 CFR 3600 Public information, 7 CFR 3601 National Arboretum Conduct on U.S. National Arboretum property and fee schedule for facilities and grounds, 7 CFR 500 National Archives and Records Administration See al Federal Register Office; Information Security Oversight Office Agency guidance procedures, 36 CFR 1213 Audiovisual, cartographic, and related records management, 36 CFR 1237 Claims collection, 36 CFR 1201 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 2600 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 36 CFR 1212 Electronic records management, 36 CFR 1236 Emergency authorization to destroy records, 36 CFR 1229 Exhibits, 36 CFR 1284 Facilities Locations and hours of use, 36 CFR 1253 Public use, 36 CFR 1280 Records storage facilities, standards, 36 CFR 1234 Federal records Creation and maintenance, 36 CFR 1222 General, 36 CFR 1220 Public availability and use, 36 CFR 1250 Fees, 36 CFR 1258 General records schedule, 36 CFR 1227 Implementing disposition, 36 CFR 1226 Loan of permanent and unscheduled records, 36 CFR 1228 Microform records management, 36 CFR 1238 National Historical Publications and Records Commission, 36 CFR 1206 National security information, declassification, 36 CFR 1260 Nixon Administration, Presidential historical materials; preservation and protection of and access to, 36 CFR 1275 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 36 CFR 1208 Nondiscrimination on basis of sex in federally assisted education programs, 36 CFR 1211 Official seals, 36 CFR 1200 President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 (JFK Act), interpretation and implementation guidance, 36 CFR 1290 Presidential Records Act, implementation, 36 CFR 1270 Privacy Act of 1974, implementation, 36 CFR 1202 Program assistance and inspections, 36 CFR 1239 Public use of NARA facilities, 36 CFR 1280 Public use of records, donated historical materials, and facilities; general, 36 CFR 1252 Records and donated historical materials use, 36 CFR 1254 Records disposition program, 36 CFR 1224 Records transfer from the custody of one executive agency to another, 36 CFR 1231 Records transfer to records storage facilities, 36 CFR 1232 Records transfer to the National Archives of the U.S., 36 CFR 1235 [[Page 640]] Records transfer, use, and disposition in a NARA Federal Records Center, 36 CFR 1233 Restrictions on use of records, 36 CFR 1256 Scheduling records, 36 CFR 1225 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for agency employees, 5 CFR 7601 Testimony by employees relating to agency information and production of records in legal proceedings, 36 CFR 1251 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 2600 Unlawful or accidental removal, defacing, alteration, or destruction of records, 36 CFR 1230 Vital records management, 36 CFR 1223 National banks See al Banks, banking Alternative Mortgage Transaction Parity (Regulation D), 12 CFR 1004 Community and economic development entities, community development projects, and other public welfare investments, 12 CFR 24 Commodity Futures Trading Commission; proprietary trading, certain interests, in and relationships with covered funds, 17 CFR 75 Community Reinvestment Act and interstate deposit production regulations, 12 CFR 25 Comptroller of the Currency Activities and operations, 12 CFR 7 Annual stress test, 12 CFR 46 Capital adequacy standards, 12 CFR 3 Computer-security incident notification, 12 CFR 53 Covered swap entities, margin and capital requirements, 12 CFR 45 CRA-related agreements, disclosure and reporting, 12 CFR 35 Disclosure rules-- Securities Exchange Act, 12 CFR 11 Securities offering, 12 CFR 16 Insurance sales, consumer protection, 12 CFR 14 Practice and procedure rules, 12 CFR 19 Proprietary trading and certain interests in and relationships with covered funds, 12 CFR 44 Qualified financial contracts, mandatory contractual stay requirements, 12 CFR 47 Regulatory reporting, 12 CFR 52 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Adjudication proceedings, rules of practice, 12 CFR 1081 Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Financial Protection Act enforcement, State official notification rules, 12 CFR 1082 Electronic fund transfers (Regulation E), 12 CFR 1005 Fair credit reporting (Regulation V), 12 CFR 1022 Payday, vehicle title, and certain high-cost installment loans, 12 CFR 1041 Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (Regulation X), 12 CFR 1024 Corporate activities rules, policies, and procedures, 12 CFR 5 Credit extensions to insiders and transactions with affiliates, 12 CFR 31 Credit life insurance sales, 12 CFR 2 Debt cancellation contracts and debt suspension agreements, 12 CFR 37 Equal Credit Opportunity Act (Regulation B), 12 CFR 1002 Fair credit reporting, 12 CFR 41 Fair housing home loan data system, 12 CFR 27 Federal Deposit insurance Corporation Government securities sales practices, 12 CFR 368 Resolution and receivership rules, 12 CFR 360 Federal Reserve System; capital adequacy of bank holding companies, savings and loan holding companies, and State member banks (Regulation Q), 12 CFR 217 Fees assessment, 12 CFR 8 Fiduciary activities, 12 CFR 9 Government securities sales practices, 12 CFR 13 Home mortgage disclosure (Regulation C), 12 CFR 1003 International banking activities, 12 CFR 28 Investment securities, 12 CFR 1 Leasing, 12 CFR 23 Lending limits, 12 CFR 32 Loans in areas having special flood hazards, 12 CFR 22 [[Page 641]] Management official interlocks, 12 CFR 26 Minimum security devices and procedures, reports of suspicious activities, and Bank Secrecy Act compliance program, 12 CFR 21 Municipal securities dealers, 12 CFR 10 Privacy of consumer financial information (Regulation P), 12 CFR 1016 Prompt corrective action, 12 CFR 6 Real estate lending and appraisals, 12 CFR 34 Resolution Funding Corporation, financial subsidiaries, 12 CFR 1501 Retail foreign exchange transactions, 12 CFR 48 S.A.F.E. Mortgage Licensing Act Residential mortgage loan originators, Federal registration (Regulation G), 12 CFR 1007 State compliance and bureau registration system (Regulation H), 12 CFR 1008 Safety and soundness standards, 12 CFR 30 Securities transactions, recordkeeping and confirmation requirements, 12 CFR 12 Truth in lending (Regulation Z), 12 CFR 1026 Truth in savings (Regulation DD), 12 CFR 1030 National Bureau of Standards See National Institute of Standards and Technology National Capital Planning Commission Freedom of Information Act regulations, 1 CFR 602 National Environmental Policy Act, implementation, 1 CFR 601 Nondiscrimination on basis of handicap in agency conducted programs or activities, 1 CFR 457 Privacy Act regulations, 1 CFR 603 National cemeteries See Cemeteries National Commission for Employment Policy See Employment Policy, National Commission National Commission on Libraries and Information Science See Libraries and Information Science, National Commission National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service See Military, National, and Public Service; National Commission National Council on Disability Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs or activities, 34 CFR 1200 National Counterintelligence Center Classified information, public requests for mandatory declassification review (section 3.6 of Executive Order 12958), 32 CFR 1803 Documents classification, challenges by authorized holders (section 1.9 of Executive Order 12958), 32 CFR 1802 Freedom of Information Act, public access to NACIC records, 32 CFR 1800 Historical researchers and former presidential appointees, access (section 4.5 of Executive Order 12958), 32 CFR 1804 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs or activities, 32 CFR 1807 Official records production or official information disclosure in proceedings before Federal, State, or local government entities of competent jurisdiction, 32 CFR 1805 Privacy Act of 1974, public rights, 32 CFR 1801 Service of process acceptance procedures, 32 CFR 1806 National Credit Union Administration Administrative actions, adjudicative hearings, rules of practice and procedure, and investigations, 12 CFR 747 Advertising accuracy and notice of insured status, 12 CFR 740 Appeals procedures, 12 CFR 746 Bank conversions and mergers, 12 CFR 708a Board procedure rules, promulgation of regulations, public observation of Board meetings, 12 CFR 791 Central liquidity facility, 12 CFR 725 Community development revolving loan fund access for credit unions, 12 CFR 705 Consumer financial information, privacy, 12 CFR 716 Corporate credit unions, 12 CFR 704 Credit union service organizations (CUSOs), 12 CFR 712 [[Page 642]] Debt collection procedures, 12 CFR 797 Definitions, 12 CFR 700 Description and requests for agency action, 12 CFR 790 Employees, supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 9601 Fair credit reporting, 12 CFR 717 Federal credit unions Capital adequacy, 12 CFR 702 Investment and deposit activities, 12 CFR 703 Organization and operations, 12 CFR 701 Fidelity bond and insurance coverage for federally insured credit unions, 12 CFR 713 Golden parachute and indemnification payments, 12 CFR 750 Incidental powers, 12 CFR 721 Information requests under Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act, and by subpoena, security procedures for classified information, 12 CFR 792 Insurance requirements, 12 CFR 741 Involuntary liquidation of Federal credit unions and adjudication of creditor claims involving federally insured credit unions in liquidation, 12 CFR 709 Leasing, 12 CFR 714 Loans in areas having special flood hazards, 12 CFR 760 Management official interlocks, 12 CFR 711 Member business loans, commercial lending, 12 CFR 723 Mergers of insured credit unions into other credit unions; voluntary termination or conversion of insured status, 12 CFR 708b Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 12 CFR 794 Real estate appraisals, 12 CFR 722 Records preservation program and appendices--record retention guidelines; Catastrophic Act guidelines, 12 CFR 749 Regulatory flexibility program, 12 CFR 742 Residential mortgage loan originators, registration, 12 CFR 761 Security program, suspicious transactions, catastrophic acts, cyber incidents, and Bank Secrecy Act compliance, 12 CFR 748 Senior examiners, post-employment restrictions, 12 CFR 796 Share insurance and appendix, 12 CFR 745 Supervisory committee audits and verifications, 12 CFR 715 Tort claims against Government, 12 CFR 793 Trustees and custodians of pension plans, 12 CFR 724 Truth in savings, 12 CFR 707 Unfair or deceptive acts or practices, 12 CFR 706 Voluntary liquidation, 12 CFR 710 National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact Council Dispute adjudication procedures, 28 CFR 902 Fingerprint submission requirements, 28 CFR 901 National Fingerprint File Program qualification requirements, 28 CFR 905 Outsourcing of noncriminal justice administrative functions, 28 CFR 906 State criminal history record screening standards, 28 CFR 904 National defense See al Armed Forces; Arms and munitions; Civil defense; Classified information; Defense communications; Emergency powers; Military air transportation; Strategic and critical materials Acquisition regulations Commerce Department, extraordinary contractual actions, 48 CFR 1350 Contract management, extraordinary contractual actions and the Safety Act, 48 CFR 50 Defense Department-- Contractors, use of government sources by, 48 CFR 51 Extraordinary contractual actions, 48 CFR 250 Agriculture Priorities and Allocations System (APAS), 7 CFR 789 Central Intelligence Agency, conduct on agency installations, 32 CFR 1903 Civil service, National security positions, 5 CFR 732 Defense Department [[Page 643]] Identification cards for members of the uniformed services, their dependents, and other eligible individuals, 32 CFR 161 Unclassified controlled nuclear information, 32 CFR 223 Defense priorities and allocations system, 15 CFR 700 Defense Production Act of 1950, voluntary agreements with industry under section 708, 44 CFR 332 Domestic energy supplies, priorities and allocations to maximize, 44 CFR 330 Emergency Security Control of Air Traffic plan (ESCAT), 32 CFR 245 Energy Department Access to information on Department computers, consent, 10 CFR 727 Domestic energy supplies, materials allocation and priority performance under contracts or orders to maximize, 10 CFR 216 Energy priorities and allocations system, 10 CFR 217 Federal supply classification common use items, use of priorities and allocation authority, 44 CFR 329 Highways for National defense, 23 CFR 660, 32 CFR 193 Imported articles effect on National security Industry and Security Bureau, 15 CFR 705 Treasury Department, 31 CFR 9 Information Security Oversight Office, classified National security information, 32 CFR 2001 Investment Securities Office Investments in the U.S. by foreign persons, 31 CFR 800 Review of transactions involving foreign persons and critical technologies, pilot program, 31 CFR 801 Transactions by foreign persons involving real estate in the U.S., 31 CFR 802 Justice Department, organization, 28 CFR 0 Kwajalein Missile Range, entry authorization regulation, 32 CFR 525 Marine terminal operating contract, 46 CFR 347 Maritime Administration, reemployment rights of certain merchant seamen, 46 CFR 349 Mobilization base Maintenance, 44 CFR 321 Preservation through placement of procurement and facilities in labor surplus areas, 44 CFR 331 National Defense Reserve Fleet Agency agreements and agents appointment, 46 CFR 315 Bonding of ship's personnel, 46 CFR 317 Financial transactions under agency agreements, 46 CFR 324 General agents, authority and responsibility for-- Emergency vessel repairs done in foreign ports, 46 CFR 335 Voyage repairs and vessel equipment repairs in U.S. ports on vessels operated under general agency agreements, 46 CFR 336 General agents, procedures for preparation of invoices and payment of compensation under National Shipping Authority Order No. 47, 46 CFR 325 General agents, responsibility for filing foreign repair entries and obtaining relief from customs duties on equipment used for ship repairs, 46 CFR 337 Launch services, 46 CFR 330 Marine protection and indemnity insurance under agreements with agents, 46 CFR 326 Repairs under National Shipping Authority-- Individual contracts for minor repairs, procedures, 46 CFR 339 Master lump sum repair contract, procedures, 46 CFR 338 Seamen, repatriation, 46 CFR 332 Slop chests, 46 CFR 328 Voyage data, 46 CFR 329 National Institute of Standards and Technology, clawbacks of CHIPS funding, 15 CFR 231 Navy Department Naval Defensive Sea Areas, Naval Airspace Reservations, areas under Navy administration, and Trust Territory of Pacific Islands, regulations governing entry, 32 CFR 761 Rules applicable to public, 32 CFR 765 Rules limiting public access to naval installations, 32 CFR 770 [[Page 644]] Port facilities Federal port controllers, 46 CFR 346 Restrictions upon transfer or change in use or in terms governing utilization, 46 CFR 345 Private industry, policy on use of Government-owned industrial plant equipment, 44 CFR 327 Security control of air traffic, 14 CFR 99 Shipping services, containers and chassis, and port facilities and services, priority use and allocation for National security and National defense related operations, 46 CFR 340 Transportation priorities and allocation system, 49 CFR 33 Unclassified controlled nuclear information, identification and protection, 10 CFR 1017 National defense contracts See Government contracts; Government procurement National Drug Control Policy Office Mandatory declassification review, 21 CFR 1402 Public availability of information, 21 CFR 1401 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts See National Foundation on Arts and Humanities National Endowment for the Humanities See National Foundation on Arts and Humanities National forests See al Forests and forest products; Natural resources; Public lands; Recreation and recreation areas Administration of lands under Title III of Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act by Forest Service, 36 CFR 213 Alaska Natives, land selections, 43 CFR 2650 Cave resources management, 36 CFR 290 FERC hydropower licenses, conditions and prescriptions Interior Department, 43 CFR 45 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 50 CFR 221 Fish and wildlife protection and management, 36 CFR 241 Fish and Wildlife Service, Alaska public lands, subsistence management regulations, 50 CFR 100 Forest Service Administration, 36 CFR 211 Agency programs; public notice and comment for applicable standards, criteria, and guidance, 36 CFR 216 Travel management, 36 CFR 212 Alaska public lands, subsistence management regulations, 36 CFR 242 Paleontological resources preservation, 36 CFR 291 Forest Service Management Systems, 23 CFR 971 Indian allotments, 43 CFR 2530 Land and resources Management planning, 36 CFR 219 Postdecisional administrative review process for occupancy or use, 36 CFR 214 Land exchanges, general procedures, 43 CFR 2200 Landownership adjustments, 36 CFR 254 Law enforcement support activities, 36 CFR 262 Mining Areas designated by Congress as unsuitable for mining, 30 CFR 761 Areas subject to special mining laws, 43 CFR 3820 National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), compliance, 36 CFR 220 National forest land uses, 36 CFR 251 National forest lands used for mineral resource mining, 36 CFR 228 National Forest System timber, special forest products, and forest botanical products, sale and disposal, 36 CFR 223 National forest wilderness-primitive areas, 36 CFR 293 Prohibitions, 36 CFR 261 Project-level predecisional administrative review processes, 36 CFR 218 Range management, 36 CFR 222 Special areas, 36 CFR 294 Special direct Federal programs for administering forest highways, 23 CFR 660 [[Page 645]] Timber management planning, 36 CFR 221 National Foundation on Arts and Humanities Conduct standards for employees, 45 CFR 1105 Federal Council on Arts and Humanities, indemnities under Arts and Artifacts Indemnity Act, 45 CFR 1160 Museum and Library Services Institute Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 3185 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 2 CFR 3186 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 45 CFR 1181 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for agency employees, 5 CFR 7701 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 3187 National Endowment for the Arts Claims collection, 45 CFR 1150 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 3254 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 2 CFR 325 Freedom of information, records disclosure procedures, 45 CFR 1148 Intergovernmental review of programs and activities, 45 CFR 1152 Lobbying restrictions, 45 CFR 1158 Nondiscrimination on basis of age, 45 CFR 1156 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs or activities, 45 CFR 1151, 45 CFR 1153 Privacy Act of 1974, implementation, 45 CFR 1159 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for agency employees, 5 CFR 6501 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities Claims collection, 45 CFR 1177 Salary offset, 45 CFR 1179 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 3369 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 2 CFR 3373 Freedom of Information Act-- Implementation, 45 CFR 1184 Public access to agency records, 45 CFR 1171 Lobbying restrictions, 45 CFR 1168 Nondiscrimination on basis of age in federally conducted programs or activities, 45 CFR 1172 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs or activities, 45 CFR 1170, 45 CFR 1175 Part-time career employment, 45 CFR 1176 Penalty mail use in location and recovery of missing children, 45 CFR 1178 Privacy Act, 45 CFR 1169 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act regulations, 45 CFR 1174 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for agency employees, 5 CFR 6601 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 3374 Organization, procedure, and information availability, public guidance statement, 45 CFR 1100 Privacy Act, implementation, 45 CFR 1182 Projects or productions assisted by grants from National Endowments for the Arts and Humanities, labor standards, 29 CFR 505 National Gallery of Art See Smithsonian Institution National grasslands See al Natural resources; Public lands Administration of lands under Title III of Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act, 36 CFR 213 Range management, 36 CFR 222 National Guard See Armed Forces Reserves National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 911 Grant Program, 47 CFR 400 Automobile parts content labeling, 49 CFR 583 Bumper standard, 49 CFR 581 Civil and criminal penalties, 49 CFR 578 Confidential business information, 49 CFR 512 [[Page 646]] Environmental impacts, procedures for considering, 49 CFR 520 Fuel economy standards Adjudicative procedures, 49 CFR 511 Automobile Fuel Efficiency Act of 1980, petitions and plans for relief, 49 CFR 526 Automotive fuel economy reports, 49 CFR 537 Fuel economy credits, transfer and trading, 49 CFR 536 Light trucks, 49 CFR 533 Manufacturers of multistage automobiles, 49 CFR 529 Manufacturing incentives for alternative fuel vehicles, 49 CFR 538 Passenger automobiles, 49 CFR 531 Exemptions, 49 CFR 525 Vehicle classification, 49 CFR 523 Highway safety Motor vehicles operation-- Intoxicated minors, 23 CFR 1210 Intoxicated persons, 23 CFR 1225 Open container laws, 23 CFR 1270 Repeat intoxicated driver laws, 23 CFR 1275 National Driver Register Problem Driver Pointer System, procedures for participating in and receiving information from, 23 CFR 1327 National minimum drinking age, 23 CFR 1208 Persons with disabilities, uniform system for parking, 23 CFR 1235 Safety belts use-- Compliance and transfer-of-funds procedures, 23 CFR 1215 Safety incentive grants, allocations based on seat belt use rates, 23 CFR 1240 Uniform criteria for State observational surveys, 23 CFR 1340 State highway safety grant programs, uniform procedures, 23 CFR 1200, 23 CFR 1300 Importation of vehicles and equipment subject to Federal safety, bumper and theft prevention standards, 49 CFR 591 Information gathering powers, 49 CFR 510 Insurance cost information, availability from automobile dealers, 49 CFR 582 Manufacturers responsibilities and rights in changing corporate relationships, 49 CFR 534 Motor vehicle safety Advanced air bag phase-in reporting requirements, 49 CFR 585 Anthropomorphic test devices, 49 CFR 572 Certification, labeling, 49 CFR 567 Child restraint systems recordkeeping requirements, 49 CFR 588 Consumer information, 49 CFR 575 Defect and noncompliance-- Notification, 49 CFR 577 Reporting of information and communications about potential defects, 49 CFR 579 Responsibility and reports, 49 CFR 573 Deformable barriers, 49 CFR 587 Event data recorders, 49 CFR 563 Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, 49 CFR 571 Inconsequential defect or noncompliance, exemption from notification and remedy requirements, 49 CFR 556 Make inoperative exemptions, 49 CFR 595 Manufacturer identification, 49 CFR 566 Manufacturers, record retention, 49 CFR 576 Motor vehicles manufactured in two or more stages, 49 CFR 568 Petitions for hearings on notification and remedy of defects, 49 CFR 557 Petitions for rulemaking, defect and noncompliance orders, 49 CFR 552 Replaceable light source information, 49 CFR 564 Replica motor vehicles, 49 CFR 586 Safety and bumper standards, temporary exemption, 49 CFR 555 Standards enforcement and defects investigation, 49 CFR 554 Vehicle identification number requirements, 49 CFR 565 Vehicle in use inspection standards, 49 CFR 570 Vehicles not originally manufactured to conform to Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards-- Fee schedule for services (49 U.S.C. 30141), 49 CFR 594 Import eligibility determination, 49 CFR 593 [[Page 647]] Registered importers, 49 CFR 592 Motor vehicle theft prevention standard, 49 CFR 541 Exemption from, 49 CFR 543 Procedures for selecting light duty truck lines to be covered, 49 CFR 542 Odometer disclosure requirements, 49 CFR 580 OMB control numbers for information collection requirements, 49 CFR 509 Organization and delegation of powers and duties, 49 CFR 501 Procedural rules, 49 CFR 551 Recycle and Save Act Program, consumer assistance requirements and procedures, 49 CFR 599 Rulemaking procedures, 49 CFR 553 Tires Identification and record keeping, 49 CFR 574 Regrooved and regroovable, sales, 49 CFR 569 National Indian Gaming Commission Appeal proceedings before the Commission Gaming ordinances, resolutions, or amendments; appeals of disapprovals, 25 CFR 582 General application, rules, 25 CFR 580 Management contracts or amendments to management contracts, appeals from approvals or disapprovals, 25 CFR 583 Motions, 25 CFR 581 Appeals, 25 CFR 585 Appeals before a presiding official, 25 CFR 584 Background investigations for primary management officials and key employees, 25 CFR 556 Class II gaming Minimum internal control standards, 25 CFR 543 Self-regulation, 25 CFR 518 Systems and equipment, minimum technical standards, 25 CFR 547 Commission information collection requirements under Paperwork Reduction Act, OMB control numbers and expiration dates, 25 CFR 503 Debt collection, 25 CFR 513 Definitions, 25 CFR 502 Facility license notifications and submissions, 25 CFR 559 Fees, 25 CFR 514 Freedom of Information Act procedures, 25 CFR 517 Gaming licenses for key employees and primary management officials, 25 CFR 558 Gaming ordinances or resolutions Review and approval of existing, 25 CFR 523 Submission, 25 CFR 522 Indian Gaming Regulatory Act Civil fines, 25 CFR 575 Compliance and enforcement, 25 CFR 573 Monitoring and investigations, 25 CFR 571 Management contracts Approval, 25 CFR 533 Background investigations for persons or entities with financial interest in, or having management responsibility, 25 CFR 537 Content, 25 CFR 531 Post-approval procedures, 25 CFR 535 Minimum internal control standards, 25 CFR 542 Privacy Act procedures, 25 CFR 515 Purpose and scope of chapter, 25 CFR 501 Service of official documents, 25 CFR 519 Testimony of commissioners and employees and former commissioners and employees respecting official duties; response to subpoena, 25 CFR 516 National Institute of Food and Agriculture Agricultural research and extension capacity funds at 1890 land-grant institutions, including Central State University, Tuskegee University, and West Virginia State University and at 1862 land- grant institutions in insular areas; matching funds requirement, 7 CFR 3419 Agricultural research, education, and extension formula funds recipients, stakeholder input requirements, 7 CFR 3418 Biotechnology risk assessment research grants program, 7 CFR 3415 Competitive and non-competitive non-formula Federal assistance provisions, [[Page 648]] general administrative provisions, 7 CFR 3430 Food and agricultural sciences National Needs Graduate and Postgraduate Fellowship Grants Program, 7 CFR 3402 Higher Education Challenge Grants program, 7 CFR 3405 Hispanic-serving agricultural colleges and universities certification process, 7 CFR 3434 Institution capacity building grants program (1890), 7 CFR 3406 National Environmental Policy Act, implementation, 7 CFR 3407 Public information, 7 CFR 3404 Rangeland research grants program, 7 CFR 3401 Small business innovation research grants program, 7 CFR 3403 Special research grants program, 7 CFR 3400 Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment program, 7 CFR 3431 National Institute of Standards and Technology Advanced technology program, 15 CFR 295 Barrels and other containers for lime, 15 CFR 240 Barrels for fruits, vegetables, other dry commodities, and cranberries, 15 CFR 241 CHIPS funding, clawbacks, 15, CFR 231 Fastener quality, 15 CFR 280 Federal conformity assessment guidance, 15 CFR 287 Fellowship in laboratory standardization and testing for qualified citizens of other American Republics, 15 CFR 255 Manufacturing extension partnership Environmental projects, 15 CFR 291 Infrastructure development projects, 15 CFR 292 Manufacturing technology transfer, regional centers, 15 CFR 290 National construction safety teams, 15 CFR 270 National voluntary conformity assessment system evaluation program, 15 CFR 286 National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program, 15 CFR 285 Policies, services, procedures, and fees, 15 CFR 200 Research associate program, 15 CFR 256 Standard reference materials issuance, 15 CFR 230 Technology innovation program, 15 CFR 296 Traffic and conduct on grounds of National Institute, Gaithersburg, Maryland, and Boulder and Fort Collins, Colorado, 15 CFR 265 National Intelligence, Office of the Director Acceptance of service of process, governing procedures, 32 CFR 1702 Freedom of information; records disclosure procedures, 32 CFR 1700 Mandatory Declassification Review Program, 32 CFR 1704 National security positions, designation, 5 CFR 1400 Production of ODNI information or material in proceedings before Federal, State, local or other government entity of competent jurisdiction, 32 CFR 1703 National Labor Relations Board Administrative procedure statements, 29 CFR 101 Employees Employer obligations, notification of employee rights, 29 CFR 104 Ethical conduct, supplemental standards, 5 CFR 7101 Responsibilities and conduct; nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 29 CFR 100 National Labor Relations Act Jurisdictional standards, election procedures, appropriate bargaining units, joint employers, and remedial orders, 29 CFR 103 Series 8 rules and regulations, 29 CFR 102 National Marine Fisheries Service See National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Mediation Board Administrative definitions, 29 CFR 1201 Board services, applications, 29 CFR 1203 Ethical conduct for employees, supplemental standards of , 5 CFR 10101 Information availability, 29 CFR 1208 [[Page 649]] Labor contracts, 29 CFR 1204 Labor disputes, special adjustment boards, 29 CFR 1207 Labor negotiations, employee notices, 29 CFR 1205 Labor organizations, representation disputes, 29 CFR 1206 Public observation of meetings, 29 CFR 1209 Rules of procedure, 29 CFR 1202 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Anadromous fisheries conservation, development and enhancement, 50 CFR 401 Atlantic coastal fisheries cooperative management, 50 CFR 697 Civil procedures, 15 CFR 904 Coastal zone management program Federal consistency with approved programs, 15 CFR 930 Regulations, 15 CFR 923 Deep seabed mining regulations Commercial recovery permits, 15 CFR 971 Exploration licenses, 15 CFR 970 Distributors of hydrographic products, certification requirements, 15 CFR 995 Employees, medical care for certain personnel, 42 CFR 31 Endangered and threatened species, listing and designating critical habitat, 50 CFR 424 Endangered species exemption process Application consideration by Secretary, 50 CFR 452 Application procedure, 50 CFR 451 Endangered Species Committee, 50 CFR 453 General provisions, 50 CFR 450 Enforcement proceedings, use of information collected by voluntary fishery data collectors, 15 CFR 905 Environmental Data and Information Service, 15 CFR 950 FERC hydropower licenses, conditions and prescriptions, 50 CFR 221 Financial aid to fisheries Capital Construction Fund tax regulations, 50 CFR 259 Fisheries assistance programs, 50 CFR 253 Fishermen's Contingency Fund, 50 CFR 296 Fishery conservation and management Atlantic highly migratory species, 50 CFR 635 Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and South Atlantic fisheries, 50 CFR 622 Crab, Gulf of Mexico stone crab fishery, 50 CFR 654 Exclusive Economic Zone off Alaska, fisheries-- Implementation, 50 CFR 679 Shellfish, 50 CFR 680 Magnuson-Stevens Act provisions, 50 CFR 600 Northeastern U.S. fisheries, 50 CFR 648 Off West Coast fisheries, 50 CFR 660 Western Pacific fisheries, 50 CFR 665 Information collection requirements under Paperwork Reduction Act; OMB control numbers, 15 CFR 902 Interagency cooperation, Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended, 50 CFR 402 International fisheries regulations, 50 CFR 300 Marine and aviation operations, 15 CFR 998 Marine debris, 15 CFR 909 Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 Commercial fisheries authorization, 50 CFR 229 Notice and hearing under section 103(d) regulations, 50 CFR 228 Marine mammals Designated critical habitat, 50 CFR 226 Endangered marine and anadromous species, 50 CFR 224 General endangered and threatened marine species, 50 CFR 222 Taking and importing, 50 CFR 216, 50 CFR 218, 50 CFR 219 Taking incidental to specified activities, 50 CFR 217 Threatened marine and anadromous species, 50 CFR 223 Transfer of management authority to States, 50 CFR 403 National Appeals Office, rules of procedure, 15 CFR 906 National Estuarine Research Reserve System regulations, 15 CFR 921 National Marine Sanctuary program regulations, 15 CFR 922 National Sea Grant program Funding regulations, 15 CFR 917 [[Page 650]] Grants to Sea Grant colleges and Sea Grant regional consortia, 15 CFR 918 National Weather Service modernization, 15 CFR 946 Oil Pollution Act regulations, natural resource damage assessments, 15 CFR 990 Private remote sensing space systems, licensing, 15 CFR 960 Processed fishery products, grade standards Inspection and certification, 50 CFR 260 U.S. standards, 50 CFR 261 Public information, 15 CFR 903 Regional Coastal Observing System, 15 CFR 997 Small business size standards established by NMFS for Regulatory Flexibility Act compliance purposes only, 50 CFR 200 Space-based data collection systems, usage policies and procedures, 15 CFR 911 Species-specific seafood marketing councils, 50 CFR 270 Weather modification activities, maintaining records and submitting reports, 15 CFR 908 Whaling provisions, 50 CFR 230 National Park Service Abandoned railroad rights-of-way grants and allocations for recreation and conservation use, 36 CFR 64 Alaska, NPS units in, 36 CFR 13 Arrowhead and parkscape symbols, 36 CFR 11 Boating and water use activities, 36 CFR 3 Commercial and private operations, 36 CFR 5 Concession contracts, 36 CFR 51 Disposal of certain wild animals in National parks, 36 CFR 10 El Portal Administrative Site regulations, 36 CFR 34 Federally owned or administered archaeological collections, curation, 36 CFR 79 Historic preservation certifications under the Internal Revenue Code, 36 CFR 67 Hot Springs National Park, bathhouse regulations, 36 CFR 21 Isle Royale National Park, commercial fishing, 36 CFR 20 Labor standards applicable to employees of National Park Service concessioners, 36 CFR 8 Land and Water Conservation Fund program of assistance to States; post- completion compliance responsibilities, 36 CFR 59 Leasing of properties in park areas, 36 CFR 18 Minerals management, 36 CFR 9 National cemetery regulations, 36 CFR 12 National historic landmarks program, 36 CFR 65 National Historic Preservation Act, waiver of Federal agency responsibilities under section 110, 36 CFR 78 National military parks, licensed guide service regulations, 36 CFR 25 National Natural Landmarks Program, 36 CFR 62 National Park System Freehold and leasehold interests on lands of, conveyance, 36 CFR 17 Solid waste disposal sites in NPS units, 36 CFR 6 Special regulations for specific areas of, 36 CFR 7 National Register of Historic Places, 36 CFR 60 Inclusion, determinations of eligibility, 36 CFR 63 Provisions, general, 36 CFR 1 Recreation fees, 36 CFR 71 Resource protection, public use and recreation, 36 CFR 2 Rights-of-way, 36 CFR 14 Secretary of Interior's standards for treatment of historic properties, 36 CFR 68 State, Tribal, and local government historic preservation programs, procedures, 36 CFR 61 Urban Park and Recreation Recovery Act of 1978, grants and discretionary funding, 36 CFR 72 Vehicles and traffic safety, 36 CFR 4 World Heritage Convention, 36 CFR 73 Zoning standards Cape Cod National Seashore, 36 CFR 27 Fire Island National Seashore, 36 CFR 28 Whiskeytown-Shasta-Trinity National Recreation area, Whiskeytown unit, 36 CFR 30 [[Page 651]] National parks See al Public lands; Recreation and recreation areas Air quality planning purposes, designated areas, 40 CFR 81 Alaska, NPS units in, 36 CFR 13 Areas designated by Congress as unsuitable for mining, 30 CFR 761 Arrowhead and parkscape symbols, 36 CFR 11 Boating and water use activities, 36 CFR 3 Commercial air tours and National Parks air tour management, 14 CFR 136 Commercial and private operations, 36 CFR 5 Commercial filming and similar projects and still photography on certain areas under department jurisdiction, 43 CFR 5 Concession contracts, 36 CFR 51 Disposal of certain wild animals in National parks, 36 CFR 10 El Portal Administrative Site regulations, 36 CFR 34 FERC hydropower licenses, conditions and prescriptions Interior Department, 43 CFR 45 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 50 CFR 221 Hot Springs National Park, bathhouse regulations, 36 CFR 21 Isle Royale National Park, commercial fishing, 36 CFR 20 Labor standards applicable to employees of National Park Service concessioners, 36 CFR 8 Leasing of properties in park areas, 36 CFR 18 Minerals management, 36 CFR 9 National cemetery regulations, 36 CFR 12 National military parks, licensed guide service regulations, 36 CFR 25 National Park Service general provisions, 36 CFR 1 National Park Service Management Systems, 23 CFR 970 National Park System Freehold and leasehold interests on lands of, conveyance, 36 CFR 17 Solid waste disposal sites in NPS units, 36 CFR 6 Special regulations for specific areas, 36 CFR 7 Presidio Trust Commercial and private operations, 36 CFR 1005 Environmental quality, 36 CFR 1010 General provisions, 36 CFR 1001 Resource protection, public use and recreation, 36 CFR 1002 Vehicles and traffic safety, 36 CFR 1004 Resource protection, public use and recreation, 36 CFR 2 Vehicles and traffic safety, 36 CFR 4 Zoning standards Cape Cod National Seashore, 36 CFR 27 Fire Island National Seashore, 36 CFR 28 Whiskeytown-Shasta-Trinity National Recreation area, Whiskeytown unit, 36 CFR 30 National Railroad Adjustment Board Rules of procedure, 29 CFR 301 National Railroad Passenger Corporation (AMTRAK) Freedom of Information Act program, 49 CFR 701 Organization, functioning and available information, 49 CFR 700 National Register of Historic Places See Historic preservation National Science Foundation Acquisition regulations Contract financing, 48 CFR 2532 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 2515 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 2509 Federal Acquisition Regulations System, 48 CFR 2501 Patents, data, and copyrights, 48 CFR 2527 Antarctica Animals and plants, conservation, 45 CFR 670 Antarctic meteorites, 45 CFR 674 Enforcement and hearing procedures, 45 CFR 672 Environmental assessment procedures for proposed National Science Foundation actions, 45 CFR 641 Medical clearance process for deployment to Antarctica, 45 CFR 675 Non-governmental expeditions, 45 CFR 673 Waste regulation, 45 CFR 671 Claims collection [[Page 652]] Administrative offset, 45 CFR 608 Salary offset, 45 CFR 607 Conflict of interests Practice rules and statutory conflict-of-interest exemptions, 45 CFR 680 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for agency employees, 5 CFR 5301 Cybercorps Scholarship for Service (SFS) program, 44 CFR 296 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 2520 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 45 CFR 630 Government in the Sunshine Act regulations of National Science Board, 45 CFR 614 Human subjects protection, 45 CFR 690 Intergovernmental review of programs and activities, 45 CFR 660 Lobbying restrictions, 45 CFR 604 Misconduct in science and engineering, 45 CFR 689 National Environmental Policy Act, compliance with, 45 CFR 640 National security information classification and declassification, 45 CFR 601 Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs, 45 CFR 611 Nondiscrimination on basis of age in federally assisted programs, 45 CFR 617 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs or activities, 45 CFR 605, 606 Nondiscrimination on basis of sex in federally assisted education programs, 45 CFR 618 Patents, 45 CFR 650 Privacy Act regulations, 45 CFR 613 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act regulations, 45 CFR 681 Records and information, availability, 45 CFR 612 Testimony and production of records, 45 CFR 615 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 2500 National seashores See Seashores National Security Agency/Central Security Service See Defense Department National Security Council Privacy Act of 1974, rules and regulations to implement, 32 CFR 2102 Regulations to implement Executive Order 12065 including procedures for public access to documents that may be declassified, 32 CFR 2103 Telecommunications emergency preparedness Emergency restoration priority procedures for telecommunications services, 47 CFR 211 Executive policy, 47 CFR 201 Federal Government focal point for electromagnetic pulse (EMP) information, 47 CFR 215 Government and public correspondence telecommunications precedence system, 47 CFR 213 International telecommunication service for use during wartime emergency, procedures for obtaining, 47 CFR 212 National Communications System issuance system, 47 CFR 216 Planning and execution, 47 CFR 202 Radio spectrum during wartime emergency, procedures for use and coordination, 47 CFR 214 National security information See Classified information National Shipping Authority See Maritime Administration National Technical Information Service Death master file, certification program for access, 15 CFR 1110 Licensing of Government-owned inventions, 37 CFR 404 Rights to inventions made by nonprofit organizations and small business firms under Government grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements, 37 CFR 401 Scientific, technical and engineering information, transfer by Federal agencies to NTIS, 15 CFR 1180 Uniform patent policy for rights in inventions made by Government employees, 37 CFR 501 National Telecommunications and Information Administration 911 Grant Program, 47 CFR 400 [[Page 653]] Connecting Minority Communities Pilot Program, 47 CFR 302 Federal Government stations, relocation of and spectrum sharing by, 47 CFR 301 Federal radio frequency management, manual of regulations and procedures, 47 CFR 300 First Responder Network Authority, review and approval of proposed fees, 47 CFR 500 National trails system See al Recreation and recreation areas Areas designated by Congress as unsuitable for mining, 30 CFR 761 Public lands, management under Wild and Scenic Rivers Act and National Trails System Act, 43 CFR 8350 National Transportation Safety Board Air safety proceedings, practice rules, 49 CFR 821 Aircraft accidents or incidents and overdue aircraft notification and reporting and preservation of aircraft wreckage, mail, cargo, and records, 49 CFR 830 Board employees, testimony, 49 CFR 835 Equal Access to Justice Act, implementation, 49 CFR 826 Government in the Sunshine Act, rules implementing, 49 CFR 804 Information, public availability, 49 CFR 801 Investigation procedures, 49 CFR 831 Marine casualties, investigations, Coast Guard and National Transportation Safety Board, 49 CFR 850 Marine casualties and investigations, 46 CFR 4 Merchant Marine appeals from decisions of Coast Guard Commandant, procedure rules, 49 CFR 825 National security information policy and guidelines, implementing regulations, 49 CFR 806 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 49 CFR 807 Official seal, 49 CFR 803 Organization and functions of Board and authority delegations, 49 CFR 800 Privacy Act of 1974, rules implementing, 49 CFR 802 Production of records in legal proceedings, 49 CFR 837 Railroad accidents, rules pertaining to notification, 49 CFR 840 Transportation investigative hearings, meetings, reports and petitions for reconsideration; rules of practice, 49 CFR 845 National Weather Service See National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National wild and scenic rivers system See al Rivers Areas designated by Congress as unsuitable for mining, 30 CFR 761 Public lands, management under Wild and Scenic Rivers Act and National Trails System Act, 43 CFR 8350 Wild and scenic rivers designated as components of water resources projects protection, 36 CFR 297 National Wildlife Refuge System See Wildlife refuges National Zoological Park See Smithsonian Institution Nationality See Citizenship and naturalization Native Americans See Alaska; Hawaiian Natives; Indians Native Americans Administration See Children and Families Administration Natural gas See al Energy; Gases; Oil and gas exploration; Oil and gas reserves; Pipelines; Utilities Air pollution control, performance standards for new stationary sources, 40 CFR 60 Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System, requirements for equal opportunity during construction and operation, 43 CFR 34 Alternate fuels Administrative procedures and sanctions, 10 CFR 501 Definitions, 10 CFR 500 Existing powerplants, 10 CFR 504 New facilities, 10 CFR 503 Transportation program, 10 CFR 490 Curtailment of deliveries under Natural Gas Policy Act [[Page 654]] Essential agricultural uses and volumetric requirements, 7 CFR 2900 Administrative procedures for adjustments, 7 CFR 2901 High priority and essential agricultural uses, 18 CFR 281 Priorities for essential agricultural uses, 10 CFR 580 Delaware River Basin Commission, high volume hydraulic fracturing, 18 CFR 440 Energy market manipulation, prohibition, 18 CFR 1c Exports and imports, administrative procedures, 10 CFR 590 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Fees, Commission services and benefits, 18 CFR 381 General policy and interpretations, 18 CFR 2 Transmission providers, conduct standards, 18 CFR 358 Holding companies and service companies records preservation, 18 CFR 368 Natural Gas Act Accounts, preservation of records, 18 CFR 225 Accounts, records, and memoranda, 18 CFR 158 Accounts, uniform system of accounts for natural gas companies, 18 CFR 201 Certificates of public convenience and necessity and orders permitting and approving abandonment of facilities under Section 7, applications, 18 CFR 157 Exemptions, application, 18 CFR 152 Facilities extension or improvement, application for orders, 18 CFR 156 Facilities used for export or import of natural gas, applications for authorization to construct, operate, or modify, 18 CFR 153 Forms, 18 CFR 250 Rate schedules and tariffs, 18 CFR 154 Statements and reports (schedules), 18 CFR 260 Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978 Accounts, records and memoranda, 18 CFR 286 Definitions, 18 CFR 280 Determination procedures for tax credit purposes, 18 CFR 270 Natural resources revenue Penalties, 30 CFR 1241 Royalties, 30 CFR 1202 Public Utility Holding Company Act of 2005, Federal Power Act and Natural Gas Act Books and records, 18 CFR 366 Centralized service companies, uniform system of accounts, 18 CFR 367 Sales and transportation of natural gas under Natural Gas Policy Act and related authorities, 18 CFR 284 Small power production and cogeneration, regulations under sections 201 and 210 of Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978, 18 CFR 292 Statements and reports, 18 CFR 369 Transportation of natural and other gas by pipeline Annual reports, incident reports, and other reporting, 49 CFR 191 Minimum Federal safety standards, 49 CFR 192 Waterfront facilities handling liquefied natural gas and liquefied hazardous gas, 33 CFR 127 Natural resources See al Coastal zone; Continental shelf; Energy; Environmental protection; Fish; Forests and forest products; Marine resources; Mineral resources; National forests; Public lands; Reclamation; Recreation and recreation areas; Soil conservation; Water resources; Wildlife Agricultural conservation programs Agricultural Conservation Easement Program, 7 CFR 1468 Agricultural management assistance, 7 CFR 1465 Biomass Crop Assistance Program, 7 CFR 1450 Conservation Reserve Program, 7 CFR 1410 Conservation Security Program, 7 CFR 1469 Conservation Stewardship Program, 7 CFR 1470 Regional Conservation Partnership Program, 7 CFR 1464 [[Page 655]] Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentive Program, 7 CFR 1455 Agricultural payments for conservation and environmental protection, determining primary purpose of payments for Federal tax purposes, 7 CFR 14 Boating Infrastructure Grant program, 50 CFR 86 Commodity Credit Corporation; payment limitation and eligibility, 7 CFR 1400 Emergency wetlands reserve program, 7 CFR 623 Engineers Corps, Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan, programmatic regulations, 33 CFR 385 Environmental Quality Council Definitions, 40 CFR 1508 Environmental impact statements-- Drafts and commenting, 40 CFR 1503 Purpose and implementation, 40 CFR 1502 National Environmental Policy Act-- Agency compliance, 40 CFR 1507 Agency decisionmaking, 40 CFR 1505 Agency planning, 40 CFR 1501 Other requirements, 40 CFR 1506 Proposed Federal agency actions determined environmentally unsatisfactory, predecision referrals to Council, 40 CFR 1504 Purpose and policy, 40 CFR 1500 Environmental Quality Incentives program, 7 CFR 1466 Equitable relief from ineligibility, 7 CFR 635 Federal disaster assistance, 44 CFR 206 Forest Service, State and private forestry assistance, 36 CFR 230 Gulf Coast ecosystem restoration, spill impact component, 40 CFR 1800 Gulf Coast States; resources and ecosystems sustainability, tourist opportunities, and revived economies, 31 CFR 34 Historical or scientific value of public lands, management procedure, Fossil Forest Research Natural Area, 43 CFR 8200 Income taxes, natural resources Depletion deductions and exploration expenditures, 26 CFR 1 (1.611-0-- 1.617-4) Partial exclusion for certain conservation cost sharing payments, temporary regulations, 26 CFR 16a Payments to encourage exploration and development for defense purposes, exclusions from gross income, 26 CFR 1 (1.621-1) Sales and exchanges, 26 CFR 1 (1.631-1--1.632-1) Key Largo Coral Reef Preserve, 43 CFR 15 National Marine Sanctuary program regulations, 15 CFR 922 National Natural Landmarks Program, 36 CFR 62 National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska; management and protection, 43 CFR 2360 Oil Pollution Act regulations, natural resource damage assessments, 15 CFR 990 Outer Continental Shelf Existing facilities-- Alternate uses, 30 CFR 586 Renewable energy and alternate uses, 30 CFR 585 Sand, gravel, and or shell resources, negotiated noncompetitive agreements for the use, 30 CFR 583 Paleontological resources preservation Forest Service, 36 CFR 291 Land Management Bureau, 43 CFR 49 Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument, 50 CFR 404 Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration and Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Acts, administrative requirements, 50 CFR 80 Presidio Trust, resource protection, public use and recreation, 36 CFR 1002 Reclamation Rural Water Supply Program, 43 CFR 404 Rural Business-Cooperative Service programs, environmental policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1970 Rural Housing Service programs, environmental policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1970 Rural Utilities Service programs, environmental policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1970 Solid waste disposal sites in National Park System units, 36 CFR 6 Superfund program, oil and hazardous substances [[Page 656]] Arbitration procedures for small Superfund cost recovery claims, 40 CFR 304 Citizen awards for information on criminal violations under Superfund, 40 CFR 303 Citizen suits, prior notice, 40 CFR 374 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA)-- Administrative hearing procedures for claims against Superfund, 40 CFR 305 Claims procedures, 40 CFR 307 Hazardous substances-- Activity, reporting when selling or transferring Federal real property, 40 CFR 373 Designation, reportable quantities, and notification, 40 CFR 302 Emergency planning and notification, 40 CFR 355 Releases, reimbursement to local governments for emergency response, 40 CFR 310 Trade secrecy claims for emergency planning and community right-to- know information, trade secret disclosures to health professionals, 40 CFR 350 National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan, 40 CFR 300 Natural resource damage assessments, 43 CFR 11 Toxic chemical release reporting, community right-to-know, 40 CFR 372 Worker protection for State and local government employees engaged in hazardous waste operations, 40 CFR 311 Surface exploration, mining, and reclamation of lands, 43 CFR 23 Tennessee River System, approval of construction and regulation of structures and other alterations, 18 CFR 1304 Truckee River Operating Agreement, 43 CFR 419 Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation Commission, mitigation and conservation plan, policies and procedures for developing and implementing, 43 CFR 10005 Water bank program, 7 CFR 633 Wetlands Reserve Program, 7 CFR 1467 Young Adult Conservation Corps (YACC) program, grants to States for establishing, 43 CFR 32 Youth Conservation Corps programs, grants to States for establishing, 43 CFR 26 Natural Resources Conservation Service Appeal procedures, 7 CFR 614 Conservation Security Program, 7 CFR 1469 Conservation Stewardship Program, 7 CFR 1470 Environmental impact statements, 7 CFR 650 Equitable relief from ineligibility, 7 CFR 635 Farmland Protection Policy Act, 7 CFR 658 Functions, 7 CFR 601 Great Plains Conservation Program, 7 CFR 631 Healthy Forests Reserve Program, 7 CFR 625 Operation and maintenance of federally assisted projects, 7 CFR 654 Organization, 7 CFR 600 Plant materials centers, 7 CFR 613 Prime and unique farmlands inventory, 7 CFR 657 Protection of archaeological and historical properties encountered in SCS-assisted programs, 7 CFR 656 Public information and right to privacy, 7 CFR 661 Rural abandoned mine program, 7 CFR 632 Rural clean water program, 7 CFR 634 Snow surveys and water supply forecasts, 7 CFR 612 Soil and water conservation Emergency Wetlands Reserve Program, 7 CFR 623 Long term contracting, 7 CFR 630 Technical assistance, 7 CFR 610 Soil surveys, 7 CFR 611 Technical service provider assistance, 7 CFR 652 Technical standards for conservation practices, 7 CFR 653 Water bank program, 7 CFR 633 Water resources Emergency watershed protection, 7 CFR 624 River basin investigations and surveys, 7 CFR 621 Watershed projects, 7 CFR 622 [[Page 657]] Wildlife Habitat Incentive Program, 7 CFR 636 Natural Resources Revenue Office Alternatives for marginal properties, 30 CFR 1204 Appeal procedures, 30 CFR 1290 Audits and inspections, 30 CFR 1217 Cooperative activities with States and Indian tribes, 30 CFR 1228 Delegation to States, 30 CFR 1227, 30 CFR 1229 Federal and federally-administered mineral leases, suspensions pending appeal and bonding, 30 CFR 1243 Forms and reports, 30 CFR 1210 General, 30 CFR 1201 Outer continental shelf oil and gas, Accounting procedures for determining net profit share payment for, 30 CFR 1220 Penalties, 30 CFR 1241 Product valuation, 30 CFR 1206 Records and files maintenance, 30 CFR 1212 Relief or reduction in royalty rates, 30 CFR 1203 Royalties, 30 CFR 1202 Royalties, rentals, and bonuses; Distribution and disbursement, 30 CFR 1219 Sale of Federal royalty oil, 30 CFR 1208 Sales agreements or contracts governing the disposal of lease products, 30 CFR 1207 Naturalization See Citizenship and naturalization Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation Office Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 25 CFR 720 Operations and relocation procedures, 25 CFR 700 Naval stores See Forests and forest products Navigable waters See Waterways Navigation (air) See al Air transportation Aircraft Navigation over Superior National Forest, 36 CFR 294 Standard instrument procedures, 14 CFR 97 Class A, B, C, D, and E airspace area designations; air traffic service routes; and reporting points, 14 CFR 71 Emergency Security Control of Air Traffic plan (ESCAT), 32 CFR 245 Federal funds expenditures for nonmilitary airports or air navigation facilities, 14 CFR 169 Flight crew members other than pilots, certification, 14 CFR 63 Instrument flight rules (IFR) altitudes, 14 CFR 95 Navigable airspace; safe, efficient use, and preservation, 14 CFR 77 Non-Federal navigation facilities, 14 CFR 171 Security control of air traffic, 14 CFR 99 Special air traffic rules, 14 CFR 93 Special use airspace, 14 CFR 73 Transport category airplanes, airworthiness standards, 14 CFR 25 Navigation (water) See al Vessels Aids to navigation Artificial islands and fixed structures, 33 CFR 67 Equipment, sale and transfer, 33 CFR 76 Interference or damage, 33 CFR 70 Private aids, 33 CFR 66 U.S. aids to navigation system, 33 CFR 62 Work, charges for Coast Guard aids, 33 CFR 74 Boating Infrastructure Grant program, 50 CFR 86 Cargo vessels Control and miscellaneous systems and equipment, 46 CFR 96 Operations, 46 CFR 97 Stowage and securing of cargoes, safe operation rules for, 33 CFR 97 COLREGS, 72 Demarcation lines, 33 CFR 80 Implementing rules, 33 CFR 81 Interpretative rules, 33 CFR 82 Danger zone and restricted area regulations, 33 CFR 334 Deepwater ports Design, construction, and equipment, 33 CFR 149 [[Page 658]] Vessel operations, 33 CFR 150 Engineers Corps Administrative appeal process, 33 CFR 331 Administrative procedure, 33 CFR 209 General regulatory policies, 33 CFR 320 Navigable U.S. waters, definition, 33 CFR 329 Navigation regulations, 33 CFR 207 Permits-- Dams and dikes in navigable waters, 33 CFR 321 Enforcement, 33 CFR 326 Nationwide program, 33 CFR 330 Regional, processing, 33 CFR 325 Structures or work in or affecting navigable U.S. waters, 33 CFR 322 Public hearings, 33 CFR 327 U.S. waters, definition, 33 CFR 328 Wrecks and other obstructions, removal, 33 CFR 245 Great Lakes Pilotage Ratemaking, 46 CFR 404 Regulations, 46 CFR 401 Rules and orders, 46 CFR 402 Uniform accounting system, 46 CFR 403 Hydrographic products Certification requirements, 15 CFR 996 Distributors certification requirements, 15 CFR 995 Inland navigation rules Distress signals, 33 CFR 87 Implementing rules, 33 CFR 89 Interpretative rules, 33 CFR 90 Lights and shapes, positioning and technical details, 33 CFR 84 Navigation rules, 33 CFR 83 Pilot rules, 33 CFR 88 Sound signal appliances, technical details, 33 CFR 86 Mandatory ship reporting systems, 33 CFR 169 Marine information, 33 CFR 72 Marine mammals Taking and importing, 50 CFR 218 Taking incidental to specified activities, 50 CFR 217 Maritime security, facilities, 33 CFR 105 Marking of structures, sunken vessels and other obstructions, 33 CFR 64 National Marine Sanctuary program regulations, 15 CFR 922 National vessel and facility control measures and limited access areas, 33 CFR 107 Navigation and vessel inspection laws and regulations, waivers, 33 CFR 19, 46 CFR 6 Oceanographic research vessels, control and miscellaneous systems and equipment, 46 CFR 195 Offshore supply vessels Operations, 46 CFR 131 Vessel control, and miscellaneous equipment and systems, 46 CFR 130 Vessel control, and various equipment and systems, 46 CFR 130 Outer Continental Shelf activities, establishment of safety zones, 33 CFR 147 Passenger vessels Operations, 46 CFR 78 Vessel control and miscellaneous systems and equipment, 46 CFR 77 Ports and waterways safety Escort requirements for certain tankers, 33 CFR 168 General requirements, 33 CFR 160 Inland waterways navigation regulations, 33 CFR 162 Navigation safety regulations, 33 CFR 164 Offshore traffic separation schemes, 33 CFR 167 Regulated navigation areas and limited access areas, 33 CFR 165 Shipping safety fairways, 33 CFR 166 Towing of barges, 33 CFR 163 Vessel traffic management, 33 CFR 161 Safety of life on navigable waters, 33 CFR 100 Small passenger vessels carrying more than 150 passengers or with overnight accommodations for more than 49 passengers, vessel control and miscellaneous systems and equipment, 46 CFR 121 Small passenger vessels, vessel control and miscellaneous systems and equipment, 46 CFR 184 Tank vessels Operations, 46 CFR 35 Special equipment, machinery, and hull requirements, 46 CFR 32 Tennessee River System, approval of construction and regulation of structures and other alterations, 18 CFR 1304 [[Page 659]] Navy Department Acquisition regulations, contract cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 5231 Attorneys, professional conduct practicing under cognizance and supervision of Judge Advocate General, 32 CFR 776 Births and deaths, reporting in cooperation with other agencies, 32 CFR 735 Board for Correction of Naval Records, 32 CFR 723 Civil aircraft use of Navy Department aviation facilities, 32 CFR 766 Claims Admiralty, 32 CFR 752 Affirmative, regulations, 32 CFR 757 General regulations, 32 CFR 750 Injuries to property under Uniform Code of Military Justice, 32 CFR 755 Personnel regulations, 32 CFR 751 Processing procedures involving non-appropriated activities and their employees, 32 CFR 756 Courts-martial regulations, 32 CFR 719 Delivery of personnel; service of process and subpoenas; production of official records, 32 CFR 720 Licensing of Government inventions in Navy Department custody, 32 CFR 746 National Environmental Policy Act, implementation policies and procedures, 32 CFR 775 Naval Defensive Sea Areas, Naval Airspace Reservations, areas under Navy administration, and Trust Territory of Pacific Islands, regulations governing entry, 32 CFR 761 Naval Discharge Review Board, 32 CFR 724 Naval installations, rules limiting public access, 32 CFR 770 Official information release for litigation purposes and testimony by Navy Department personnel, 32 CFR 725 Public affairs regulations, 32 CFR 705 Rules applicable to public, 32 CFR 765 Ship and aircraft wrecks under Navy Department jurisdiction, archaeological research permits, application guidelines, 32 CFR 767 Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation Organization and channeling of functions, 24 CFR 4100 News media See al Communications; Newspapers and magazines; Radio; Television Broadcasting Board of Governors, domestic requests, 22 CFR 502 Cargo air carriers, special authorization for transportation of newsmen, 14 CFR 206 Food and Drug Administration, administrative practice and procedures, 21 CFR 10 Health and Human Services Department, adverse information release, 45 CFR 17 Justice Department, policy statements, 28 CFR 50 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, information release to news and information media, 14 CFR 1213 Navy Department, public affairs regulations, 32 CFR 705 Prisons Bureau, inmate contact with, 28 CFR 540 State Department press building passes, regulations governing, 22 CFR 9b White House press pass applications, standards and procedures utilized in issuing security clearance in connection with, 31 CFR 409 Newspapers and magazines See al News media; Publications DoD newspapers, magazines and civilian enterprise publications, 32 CFR 247 Joint newspaper operating arrangements, Newspaper Preservation Act requirements, 28 CFR 48 Prisons Bureau, incoming publications and inmate contact with news media, 28 CFR 540 Stars and Stripes newspaper and business operations, 32 CFR 246 State Department purchases, 22 CFR 132 Nicaragua Independent Counsel Office Freedom of Information Act, implementation, 28 CFR 701 Jurisdiction of, Iran/Contra, 28 CFR 601 Privacy Act, implementation, 28 CFR 700 Sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 582 Nitrogen dioxide See Nitrogen oxides [[Page 660]] Nitrogen oxides Acid Rain Appeal procedures for Acid Rain Program, 40 CFR 78 Continuous emission monitoring, 40 CFR 75 Excess emissions, 40 CFR 77 Nitrogen oxides emission reduction program, 40 CFR 76 Permits regulations, 40 CFR 72 Air pollution control Air quality planning purposes, designated areas, 40 CFR 81 Ambient air quality standards, National primary and secondary, 40 CFR 50 Budget trading program for State implementation plans, 40 CFR 96 Conformity of Federal actions to State or Federal implementation plans, determining, 40 CFR 93 Federal NOx Budget Trading Program, CAIR NOx and SO2 Trading Programs, CSAPR NOx and SO2 Trading Programs, and Texas SO2 Trading Program, 40 CFR 97 Hazardous air pollutants for source categories, National emission standards, 40 CFR 63 Implementation plans-- Approval and promulgation, 40 CFR 52 Preparation, adoption, and submittal requirements, 40 CFR 51 National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan, 40 CFR 300 New stationary sources, performance standards, 40 CFR 60 Outer Continental Shelf air regulations, 40 CFR 55 Noise control See al Environmental protection; Transportation Aircraft General aircraft operating and flight rules, 14 CFR 91 Type and airworthiness certification, 14 CFR 36 Airport noise and access restrictions, notice and approval, 14 CFR 161 Airport noise compatibility planning, 14 CFR 150 Citizen suits, prior notice, noise abatement programs, 40 CFR 210 Construction equipment noise emission standards, including portable air compressors, 40 CFR 204 Federal Railroad Administration Occupational noise exposure, 49 CFR 227 Passenger train employees; hours of service, reporting and recordkeeping, sleeping quarters, 49 CFR 228 Federal supply contracts, safety and health standards, 41 CFR 50-204 Highway traffic noise and construction noise, abatement procedures, 23 CFR 772 Housing and Urban Development, environmental criteria and standards, 24 CFR 51 Low noise emission products, 40 CFR 203 Mines Occupational noise exposure, 30 CFR 62 Surface coal mines and surface work areas of underground coal mines, 30 CFR 71 Surface metal and nonmetal mines, 30 CFR 56 Underground coal mines, 30 CFR 70 Underground metal and nonmetal mines, 30 CFR 57 Motor carriers Noise abatement programs, 40 CFR 202 Noise emission standards, compliance, 49 CFR 325 Noise Control Act of 1972, practice rules governing proceedings, noise abatement programs, 40 CFR 209 Occupational safety and health standards Construction industry, 29 CFR 1926 Federal standards, 29 CFR 1910 Product noise labeling, 40 CFR 211 Railroad noise emission compliance regulations, 49 CFR 210 Transportation equipment Noise emission controls, 40 CFR 205 Noise emission standards, interstate rail carriers, 40 CFR 201 Nondiscrimination See Civil rights Nonprofit organizations Audit requirements for institutions of higher education and other nonprofit organizations (OMB A-133 implementation) [[Page 661]] Charitable contributions to private voluntary organizations, solicitation of Federal civilian and uniformed service personnel, 5 CFR 950 Community planning and development programs, expiring programs; savings clause, 24 CFR 500 Corporation for National and Community Service Community-based service-learning programs, 45 CFR 2517 Higher education innovative programs for community service, 45 CFR 2519 School-based service-learning programs, 45 CFR 2516 Service-learning clearinghouse, 45 CFR 2518 Service-learning program purposes, 45 CFR 2515 Defense department, grants and cooperative agreements Administrative requirements, 32 CFR 34 Award and administration, 32 CFR 22 Cost-type grants and cooperative agreements to nonprofit and government entities, administrative requirements terms and conditions-- Financial, programmatic, and property reporting; general award terms, 2 CFR 1134 Nonprofit and government entities; recipient financial and program management, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1128 Other administrative requirements, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1136 Property administration, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1130 Recipient procurement procedures, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1132 Subawards requirements, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1138 Definitions, 2 CFR 1108 Grants and cooperative agreements-- Award format, 2 CFR 1120 General award terms and conditions, national policy requirements, 2 CFR 1122 Implementation of governmentwide guidance, implementation, 2 CFR 1104 Faith-based and other neighborhood organizations, partnership with, 28 CFR 38 Federal Election Commission, Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 regulations, non-Federal funds, 11 CFR 300 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Federal Communications Commission, 2 CFR 6000 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 [[Page 662]] National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Universal identifier and system for award management, 2 CFR 25 Foreign aid Overseas shipments of supplies by voluntary nonprofit relief agencies, 22 CFR 202 Transfer of food commodities for food use in disaster relief, economic development, and other assistance, 22 CFR 211 Forest Service, State and private forestry assistance, 36 CFR 230 Grants and agreements with institutions of higher education, hospitals, and other non-profit organizations, uniform administrative requirements Broadcasting Board of Governors, 22 CFR 518 Education Department, 34 CFR 74 General Services Administration, 41 CFR 105-72 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 84 Labor Department, 29 CFR 95 Health and Human Service Department, equal treatment for faith-based organizations, 45 CFR 87 Housing HOPE for Homeownership of Single Family Homes program (HOPE 3), 24 CFR 572 Loan guarantee recovery fund, 24 CFR 573 Shelter Plus Care, 24 CFR 582 Supportive housing program, 24 CFR 583 Internal Revenue Service Foundation and similar excise taxes, 26 CFR 53 Income taxes, exempt organizations, general rules, 26 CFR 1 (1.501(a)- 1--1.505(c)-1T) Instruments and apparatus for educational and scientific institutions, duty-free entry, 15 CFR 301 Labor Department, audit requirements Grants, contracts, and other agreements, 29 CFR 96 States, local governments, and non-profit organizations, 29 CFR 99 Milk Donation Reimbursement Program, 7 CFR 1146 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences hazardous waste worker training grants, 42 CFR 65 Public charity excise taxes, 26 CFR 56 Rights to inventions made by nonprofit organizations and small business firms under Government grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements, 37 CFR 401 Rural housing loans and grants, 7 CFR 1822 Rural Housing Service, direct multi-family housing loans and grants, 7 CFR 3560 Rural Utilities Service, rural decentralized water system, 7 CFR 1776 Trafficking in persons award term, 2 CFR 175 North Korea General aircraft operating and flight rules, 14 CFR 91 Sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 510 Northeast Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste Commission Northeast Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste Compact, declaration of party state eligibility, 10 CFR 1800 Northern Mariana Islands Civil defense, consolidated grants to insular areas, 44 CFR 304 Community development block grants, 24 CFR 570 Consolidation of grants to insular areas for social programs, 45 CFR 97 Education grants, State administered programs, 34 CFR 76 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 [[Page 663]] Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Native American programs, 45 CFR 1336 Watches, watch movements and jewelry, duty-free entry, 15 CFR 303 Western Pacific fisheries, 50 CFR 665 Nuclear energy See al Energy; Nuclear materials; Nuclear power plants and reactors Defense Department unclassified controlled nuclear information, 32 CFR 223 Defense of certain suits against Federal employees; certification and decertification in connection with certain suits based upon acts or omissions of Federal employees and other persons, 28 CFR 15 Energy Department, protective force officers, limited arrest authority and use of force, 10 CFR 1047 Foreign atomic energy activities assistance, 10 CFR 810 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Atomic Energy Act-- Exemptions and continued regulatory authority in agreement States and in offshore waters under section 274, 10 CFR 150 Fees for facilities, materials, import and export licenses, and other regulatory services under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended; fees, 10 CFR 170 Byproduct material-- Domestic licensing, applicable rules, 10 CFR 30 Irradiators, licenses and radiation safety requirements, 10 CFR 36 Medical use, 10 CFR 35 Specific domestic licenses to manufacture or transfer certain items containing, 10 CFR 32 Domestic licensing and related regulatory functions, environmental protection regulations, 10 CFR 51 Independent storage of spent nuclear fuel, high-level radioactive waste, and reactor-related greater than class C [[Page 664]] waste, licensing requirements, 10 CFR 72 Nuclear equipment and material, export and import, 10 CFR 110 Nuclear facilities, materials, import and export licenses, and other regulatory services; fees, 10 CFR 170 Nuclear plants and materials, physical protection, 10 CFR 73 Practice and procedure rules, 10 CFR 2 Radiation, standards for protection against, 10 CFR 20 Radioactive materials, physical protection of category 1 and category 2 quantities, 10 CFR 37 Reactor licenses and fuel cycle licenses and materials licenses, including holders of certificates of compliance, registrations, and quality assurance program approvals and Government agencies licensed by NRC; annual fees, 10 CFR 171 Safeguards on nuclear material, implementation of safeguards agreements between the United States and the International Atomic Energy Agency, 10 CFR 75 Source material, domestic licensing, 10 CFR 40 Special nuclear material-- Criteria and procedures for determining eligibility for access to or control over, 10 CFR 11 Domestic licensing, 10 CFR 70 Material control and accounting, 10 CFR 74 Well logging, licenses and radiation safety requirements, 10 CFR 39 Unclassified controlled nuclear information, identification and protection, 10 CFR 1017 Nuclear materials See al Nuclear energy; Radioactive materials Atomic weapons and special nuclear materials rewards regulations, 28 CFR 13 Byproduct material Domestic licensing-- General applicability rules, 10 CFR 30 General domestic licenses, 10 CFR 31 Specific domestic licenses of broad scope, 10 CFR 33 Specific domestic licenses to manufacture or transfer certain items containing byproduct material, 10 CFR 32 Medical use, 10 CFR 35 Energy Department Acquisition regulations, extraordinary contractual actions and the Safety Act, 48 CFR 950 Civil penalties assessment for classified information security violations, procedures, 10 CFR 824 Classified matter or special nuclear material, procedures for determining eligibility for access to, 10 CFR 710 Extraordinary nuclear occurrences, determination, contractor indemnity agreements, 10 CFR 840 Materials and services sold by DOE, general policy for pricing and charging, 10 CFR 1009 Nuclear safety management, 10 CFR 830 Restricted data access permits, 10 CFR 725 Safeguarding restricted data by access permittees, 10 CFR 1016 Workplace substance abuse programs at DOE sites, 10 CFR 707 Gaseous diffusion plants, certification, 10 CFR 76 Industry and Security Bureau Additional protocol regulations-- Civil nuclear fuel cycle-related activities not involving nuclear materials, 15 CFR 783 Complimentary access, 15 CFR 784 General information and overview, 15 CFR 781 Records and recordkeeping, 15 CFR 786 Reporting requirements and procedures, 15 CFR 782 Licenses and radiation safety requirements-- Irradiators, 10 CFR 36 Well logging, 10 CFR 39 Nuclear facilities, materials, import and export licenses, and other regulatory services; fees, 10 CFR 170 Nuclear plants and materials, physical protection, 10 CFR 73 Nuclear reactor and radioactive materials licenses, financial protection [[Page 665]] requirements and indemnity agreements, 10 CFR 140 Nuclear reactor licenses and fuel cycle licenses and materials licenses, including holders of certificates of compliance, registrations, and quality assurance program approvals, and government agencies licensed by the NRC; annual fees, 10 CFR 171 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Atomic Energy Act, licensing exemptions and continued regulatory authority in agreement States and in offshore waters under Sec. 174, 10 CFR 150 Domestic licensing and related regulatory functions, environmental protection regulations, 10 CFR 51 Notices, instructions, and reports to workers of NRC licensees, inspection and investigations, 10 CFR 19 Nuclear equipment and material, export and import, 10 CFR 110 Practice and procedure rules, 10 CFR 2 Nuclear waste repository, general guidelines for preliminary screening of potential sites, 10 CFR 960 Public Health Service, guidelines for determining probability of causation under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act of 2000, 42 CFR 81 Radiation, protection standards against, 10 CFR 20 Radioactive materials Packaging and transportation, 10 CFR 71 Physical protection of category 1 and category 2 quantities, 10 CFR 37 Radioactive waste Byproduct material, 10 CFR 962 Emergency access to non-Federal and regional low-level waste disposal facilities, criteria and procedures, 10 CFR 62 High-level radioactive wastes, disposal in geologic repositories, 10 CFR 60 Land disposal, licensing requirements, 10 CFR 61 Waste Isolation Pilot Plant's compliance with 40 CFR Part 191 disposal regulations, certification and recertification criteria, 40 CFR 194 Yucca Mountain, Nevada-- Geologic repository, high-level radioactive wastes disposal, 10 CFR 63 Public health and environmental radiation protection standards, 40 CFR 197 Reimbursement for costs of remedial action at active uranium and thorium processing sites, 10 CFR 765 Safeguards, implementation of safeguards agreements between the United States and the International Atomic Energy Agency, 10 CFR 75 Shipping restrictions American flag ships and aircraft, 44 CFR 402 Arms, ammunition, and implements of war, 44 CFR 401 Source material, domestic licensing, 10 CFR 40 Special exposure cohort, procedures for designating classes of employees as members under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act, 42 CFR 83 Spent nuclear fuel and/or high-level radioactive waste, standard contract for disposal, 10 CFR 961 Special nuclear material Criteria and procedures for determining eligibility for access to or control over, 10 CFR 11 Domestic licensing, 10 CFR 70 Independent storage of spent nuclear fuel, high-level radioactive waste, and reactor-related greater than class C waste, licensing requirements, 10 CFR 72 Material control and accounting, 10 CFR 74 Uranium Enrichment Decontamination and Decommissioning Fund; domestic utilities special assessment procedures, 10 CFR 766 Yucca Mountain site suitability guidelines, 10 CFR 963 Nuclear power plants and reactors See al Nuclear energy Domestic licensing and related regulatory functions, environmental protection regulations, 10 CFR 51 [[Page 666]] Financial protection requirements and indemnity agreements, 10 CFR 140 Fitness for duty programs, 10 CFR 26 Licenses, certifications, and approvals, 10 CFR 52 National security information and restricted data, facility security clearance and safeguarding of, 10 CFR 95 Notices, instructions, and reports to workers of NRC licensees, inspection and investigations, 10 CFR 19 Nuclear equipment and material, export and import, 10 CFR 110 Nuclear facilities, materials, import and export licenses, and other regulatory services under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended; fees, 10 CFR 170 Nuclear facilities operators' licenses, 10 CFR 55 Nuclear reactor licenses and fuel cycle licenses and materials licenses, including holders of certificates of compliance, registrations, and quality assurance program approvals and government agencies licensed by NRC; annual fees, 10 CFR 171 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, practice and procedure rules, 10 CFR 2 Nuclear safety management, 10 CFR 830 Physical protection, 10 CFR 73 Production and utilization facilities, domestic licensing, 10 CFR 50 Radiation, protection standards against, 10 CFR 20 Radiation protection programs Environmental radiation protection standards for management and disposal of spent nuclear fuel, high-level and transuranic radioactive wastes, 40 CFR 191 Nuclear power operations environmental radiation protection, standards, 40 CFR 190 Nuclear power plants operating licenses renewal requirements, 10 CFR 54 Waste Isolation Pilot Plant's compliance with 40 CFR Part 191 disposal regulations, certification and recertification criteria, 40 CFR 194 Yucca Mountain, Nevada, public health and environmental radiation protection standards, 40 CFR 197 Radiological emergency Commercial nuclear power plants, emergency preparedness planning, 44 CFR 352 Federal agency roles, emergency planning and preparedness, 44 CFR 351 Federal Emergency Management Agency, offsite radiological emergency preparedness program, service fee, 44 CFR 354 Fee for services in support, review, and approval of State and local government or licensee radiological emergency plans and preparedness, 44 CFR 353 Review and approval of State and local radiological emergency plans and preparedness, 44 CFR 350 Reactor site criteria, 10 CFR 100 Safeguards on nuclear material, implementation of safeguards agreements between the United States and the International Atomic Energy Agency, 10 CFR 75 Safety defects and noncompliance by NRC licensees, reporting, 10 CFR 21 Spent nuclear fuel and/or high-level radioactive waste, standard contract for disposal, 10 CFR 961 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Acquisition regulations Acquisition Regulation System, 48 CFR 2001 Administrative matters, 48 CFR 2004 Agency needs, describing, 48 CFR 2011 Application of labor laws to government acquisitions, 48 CFR 2022 Contract administration, 48 CFR 2042 Contract cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 2031 Contract financing, 48 CFR 2032 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 2015 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 2009 Cost accounting standards, 48 CFR 2030 Definitions, 48 CFR 2002 Government property, 48 CFR 2045 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 2003 Patents, data, and copyrights, 48 CFR 2027 Protection of privacy and freedom of information, 48 CFR 2024 Protests, disputes, and appeals, 48 CFR 2033 [[Page 667]] Publicizing contract actions, 48 CFR 2005 Research and development contracting, 48 CFR 2035 Sealed bidding, 48 CFR 2014 Small business programs, 48 CFR 2019 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 2052 Special contracting methods, 48 CFR 2017 Types of contracts, 48 CFR 2016 Administrative claims under Federal Tort Claims Act, 10 CFR 14 Advisory committees, 10 CFR 7 Byproduct material Domestic licensing, general applicability rules, 10 CFR 30 General domestic licenses, 10 CFR 31 Irradiators, licenses and radiation safety requirements for, 10 CFR 36 Medical use, 10 CFR 35 Specific domestic licenses of broad scope, 10 CFR 33 Specific domestic licenses to manufacture or transfer certain items containing, 10 CFR 32 Classified information, access authorization, 10 CFR 25 Debt collection procedures, 10 CFR 15 Domestic licensing and related regulatory functions, environmental protection regulations, 10 CFR 51 Equal Access to Justice Act, implementation in agency proceedings, 10 CFR 12 Financial protection requirements and indemnity agreements, 10 CFR 140 Fitness for duty programs, 10 CFR 26 Gaseous diffusion plants, certification, 10 CFR 76 Independent storage of spent nuclear fuel, high-level radioactive waste, and reactor-related greater than class C waste, licensing requirements, 10 CFR 72 Industrial radiographic operations, industrial radiography licenses and radiation safety requirements, 10 CFR 34 Material control and accounting of special nuclear material, 10 CFR 74 National security information and restricted data, facility security clearance and safeguarding of, 10 CFR 95 Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs, 10 CFR 4 Nondiscrimination on basis of sex in federally assisted education programs, 10 CFR 5 Notices, instructions, and reports to workers of NRC licensees, inspection and investigations, 10 CFR 19 Nuclear equipment and material, export and import, 10 CFR 110 Nuclear facilities, materials, import and export licenses, and other regulatory services; fees, 10 CFR 170 Nuclear plants and materials, physical protection, 10 CFR 73 Nuclear power plants Licenses, certifications, and approvals, 10 CFR 52 Operating licenses renewal requirements, 10 CFR 54 Operators' licenses, 10 CFR 55 Nuclear reactor licenses and fuel cycle licenses and materials licenses, including holders of certificates of compliance, registrations, and quality assurance program approvals and government agencies licensed by NRC; annual fees, 10 CFR 171 Organization statement and general information, 10 CFR 1 Patent licenses, standard specifications for granting, 10 CFR 81 Practice and procedure rules, 10 CFR 2 Production and utilization facilities, domestic licensing, 10 CFR 50 Program fraud civil remedies, 10 CFR 13 Public records, 10 CFR 9 Radiation, protection standards against, 10 CFR 20 Radioactive materials Atomic Energy Act, licensing exemptions and continued regulatory authority in agreement States and in offshore waters under Sec. 174, 10 CFR 150 Packaging and transportation, 10 CFR 71 Physical protection of category 1 and category 2 quantities, 10 CFR 37 Radioactive waste Emergency access to non-Federal and regional low-level waste disposal facilities, criteria and procedures, 10 CFR 62 High-level radioactive wastes, disposal in geologic repositories, 10 CFR 60 [[Page 668]] Land disposal, licensing requirements, 10 CFR 61 Yucca Mountain, Nevada, geologic repository, high-level radioactive wastes disposal, 10 CFR 63 Reactor site criteria, 10 CFR 100 Restricted data or National security information or an employment clearance access, criteria and procedures for determining eligibility, 10 CFR 10 Safeguards on nuclear material, implementation of US/IAEA agreement, 10 CFR 75 Safety defects and noncompliance by NRC licensees, reporting, 10 CFR 21 Salary offset procedures for collecting debts owed by Federal employees to Federal Government, 10 CFR 16 Source material, domestic licensing, 10 CFR 40 Special nuclear material Criteria and procedures for determining eligibility for access to or control over, 10 CFR 11 Domestic licensing, 10 CFR 70 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for agency employees, 5 CFR 5801 Trespassing on NRC property, 10 CFR 160 Well logging, licenses and radiation safety requirements, 10 CFR 39 Nuclear safety See Radiation protection Nuclear vessels See al Vessels Marine casualties and investigation, 46 CFR 4 Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board Privacy Act, 10 CFR 1304 Nursery stock See al Plants Emergency agricultural disaster assistance programs, 7 CFR 1416 Plant protection and quarantine, foreign quarantine notices, 7 CFR 319 Nursing homes See al Health facilities Health and Human Services Department, statutory conscience rights protection in health care, authority delegations, 45 CFR 88 Intermediate care facilities, and board and care homes, mortgage coinsurance, 24 CFR 252 Intermediate care facilities, board and care homes, and assisted living facilities, mortgage insurance, 24 CFR 232 Long term care facilities, State Medicare and Medicaid requirements, 42 CFR 483 Medicaid, nursing facilities and intermediate care facilities for mentally retarded, payment standards, 42 CFR 442 Veterans Medical care 38 CFR 17 National cemeteries of the Department of Veterans Affairs, 38 CFR 38 State homes-- Grants to States for construction or acquisition, 38 CFR 59 Payments to States for programs to promote the hiring and retention of nurses, 38 CFR 53 Per diem rates, 38 CFR 51 Transportation program, 38 CFR 70 Nursing schools See Medical and dental schools Nutrition See al Food assistance programs; Foods; Health Developmental disabilities projects of National significance, 45 CFR 1327 Food labeling, 21 CFR 101 Products and containers; marks, marking and labeling, 9 CFR 541 Foods, nutritional quality guidelines, 21 CFR 104 Head Start program Program operations, 45 CFR 1302 Services for children with disabilities, performance standards, 45 CFR 1308 Indian tribes, grants for supportive and nutritional services for aged, 45 CFR 1322 Infant formula, 21 CFR 107 Requirements pertaining to current good manufacturing practice, quality control procedures, quality factors, records and reports, and notifications, 21 CFR 106 Long term care facilities, State Medicare and Medicaid requirements, 42 CFR 483 [[Page 669]] Meat inspection; labeling, marking devices, and containers, 9 CFR 317 National Network of university Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, Education, Research, and Service, 45 CFR 1328 National School Lunch Program, 7 CFR 210 Nutrition education and training program, 7 CFR 227 Older Hawaiian Natives, grants for supportive and nutritional services, 45 CFR 1323 Poultry products inspection, nutrition labeling 9 CFR 381 School Breakfast Program, 7 CFR 220 Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program, 7 CFR 249 Special supplemental food program for women, infants, and children, 7 CFR 246 State and community program grants on aging, 45 CFR 1321 Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer Program, 7 CFR 292 Vulnerable elder rights protection activities, allotments for, 45 CFR 1324 WIC farmers' market nutrition program (FMNP), 7 CFR 248 Nuts See al Agricultural commodities; Foods Commodity laboratory testing programs, processed fruits and vegetables, 7 CFR 93 Fresh fruits, vegetables and other products (inspection, certification, and standards), 7 CFR 51 Macadamia nuts and pecans; country of origin labeling, 7 CFR 65 Marketing agreements Almonds grown in California, 7 CFR 981 Hazelnuts grown in Oregon and Washington, 7 CFR 982 Pecans grown in Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, North Carolina, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Texas, 7 CFR 986 Pistachios grown in California, Arizona, and New Mexico, 7 CFR 983 Walnuts grown in California, 7 CFR 984 Pecan promotion, research, and information order, 7 CFR 1223 Specialty crops, import regulations, 7 CFR 999 Tree nut products, standards, requirements, 21 CFR 164 United States Warehouse Act regulations, 7 CFR 869 O Oats Marketing assistance loans and loan deficiency payments, grains and similarly handled commodities, 7 CFR 1421 Occupational safety and health See al Health; Labor; Mine safety and health; Safety; Workers' compensation Acquisition regulations, environment, conservation, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace Agriculture Department, 48 CFR 423 Defense Department, 48 CFR 223 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 48 CFR 1823 Advisory committees on occupational safety and health standards, 29 CFR 1912 Agriculture industry, occupational safety and health standards, 29 CFR 1928 Asbestos abatement projects, 40 CFR 763 Child labor regulations, orders, and statements of interpretation, 29 CFR 570 Coast Guard Cargo and miscellaneous vessels, construction and arrangement, 46 CFR 92 Commercial fishing industry vessels, safety requirements, 46 CFR 28 Dangerous cargoes, cargo compatibility, 46 CFR 150 Marine occupational safety and health standards, 46 CFR 197 Mobile offshore drilling units-- Design and equipment, 46 CFR 108 Operations, marine casualty, 46 CFR 109 Nautical school ships, civilian, 46 CFR 168 Oceanographic research vessels, construction and arrangement, 46 CFR 190 [[Page 670]] Offshore supply vessels-- Construction and arrangements, 46 CFR 127 Liftboats, added provisions, 46 CFR 134 Operations, 46 CFR 131 Passenger vessels, construction and arrangement, 46 CFR 72 Shipboard fumigation, 46 CFR 147A Tank vessels-- Operations, 46 CFR 35 Special equipment, machinery, and hull requirements, 46 CFR 32 Vapor control systems, 46 CFR 39 Towing vessels-- Lifesaving, 46 CFR 141 Operations, 46 CFR 140 Deepwater ports Design, construction, and equipment, 33 CFR 149 Operations, 33 CFR 150 Education programs in occupational safety and health, grants, 42 CFR 86 Energy Department Chronic beryllium disease prevention program, 10 CFR 850 Epidemiology and other health studies financial assistance program, 10 CFR 602 Human reliability program, 10 CFR 712 Nuclear safety management, 10 CFR 830 Occupational radiation protection, 10 CFR 835 Worker safety and health program, 10 CFR 851 Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act Causation probability determination guidelines, 42 CFR 81 Dose reconstruction, methods for conducting, 42 CFR 82 Employees classes as members of special exposure cohort, designating procedures, 42 CFR 83 Federal employee occupational safety and health programs and related matters, basic program elements, 29 CFR 1960 Federal Management Regulation, real property, safety and environmental management, 41 CFR 102-80 Federal Property Management Regulations, management of buildings and grounds, 41 CFR 101-20 Federal Railroad Administration, occupational noise exposure, 49 CFR 227 Federal service contracts Labor standards-- Federal and federally assisted construction contracts and Federal service contracts, practice rules for administrative enforcement proceedings, 29 CFR 6 General, 29 CFR 4 Safety and health standards, 29 CFR 1925 Federal supply contracts, safety and health standards, 41 CFR 50-204 Health and Human Services Department, statutory conscience rights protection, authority delegations, 45 CFR 88 Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act Enforcement proceedings under section 41 of Act, practice rules, 29 CFR 1921 Investigational hearings by Board of Investigation under section 41 of Act, 29 CFR 1922 Variation from safety and health regulations, procedures, 29 CFR 1920 Marine terminals, 29 CFR 1917 Medical records of employees, practice and procedure rules concerning OSHA access, 29 CFR 1913 Migrant and seasonal agricultural worker protection, 29 CFR 500 Mine Safety and Health Administration, coal mine dust sampling devices, 30 CFR 74 Motor carrier safety, employee safety and health standards, 49 CFR 399 National Endowments for the Arts and Humanities, projects or productions assisted by grants from, labor standards, 29 CFR 505 National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences hazardous waste worker training, 42 CFR 65 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Fitness for duty programs, 10 CFR 26 Industrial radiography licenses and radiation safety requirements for industrial radiographic operations, 10 CFR 34 Notices, instructions, and reports to workers, inspection and investigations, 10 CFR 19 [[Page 671]] Nuclear byproduct material, medical use, 10 CFR 35 Radiation, protection standards against, 10 CFR 20 Well logging, radiation safety requirements, 10 CFR 39 Occupational Safety and Health Administration Occupational injuries and illnesses, recording and reporting, 29 CFR 1904 Retaliation complaints, handling procedures-- Affordable Care Act, complaints under section 1558, 29 CFR 1984 Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008, handling procedures under section 219, 29 CFR 1983 National Transit System Security Act and the Federal Railroad Safety Act, 29 CFR 1982 Pipeline Safety Improvement Act of 2002,complaints under section 6, 29 CFR 1981 Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, as amended; complaints under section 806, 29 CFR 1980 Training and Education Office, tuition fees, 29 CFR 1949 Occupational safety and health consultation programs, 29 CFR 1908 Occupational Safety and Health National Advisory Committee, 29 CFR 1912a Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission, procedure rules, 29 CFR 2200 Occupational safety and health regulations Construction industry, 29 CFR 1926 Longshoring, safety and health regulations, 29 CFR 1918 Occupational safety and health standards Agriculture, 29 CFR 1928 Federal standards, 29 CFR 1910 Promulgation, modification, or revocation rules of procedure, 29 CFR 1911 Shipyard employment standards, 29 CFR 1915 Outer Continental Shelf activities Design and equipment, 33 CFR 143 Employee workplace safety and health, 33 CFR 142 Firefighting equipment, 33 CFR 145 General provisions for safety of life and property, 33 CFR 140 Lifesaving appliances, 33 CFR 144 Operations, 33 CFR 146 Pesticide programs, worker protection standards, 40 CFR 170 Pesticides and devices Labeling requirements, 40 CFR 156 Pesticide applicators, certification, 40 CFR 171 Potential occupational carcinogens, identification, classification, and regulation, 29 CFR 1990 Public contracts, labor provisions General provisions, 41 CFR 50-201 Practice rules, 41 CFR 50-203 State officers and employees, safety and health standards enforcement, 41 CFR 50-205 Statements of general policy and interpretation not directly related to regulations, 41 CFR 50-210 Public Health Service Coal miners, medical examination specifications, 42 CFR 37 Employment places, occupational safety and health investigations, 42 CFR 85a Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act, causation probability determination guidelines, 42 CFR 81 Health hazard evaluation requests, 42 CFR 85 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health research and demonstration grants, 42 CFR 87 Respiratory protective devices, approval, 42 CFR 84 Railroad operating practices, 49 CFR 218 Railroad workplace safety, 49 CFR 214 Retaliation complaints, handling procedures Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010, complaints under employee protection provision, 29 CFR 1985 FDA Food Safety Modernization Act, complaints under section 402, 29 CFR 1987 Moving Ahead or Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21), complaints under section 31307, 29 CFR 1988 Seaman's Protection Act (SPA), complaints under employee protection provision, as amended, 29 CFR 1986 [[Page 672]] Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982, complaints under employee protection provision, 29 CFR 1978 State and local government employees engaged in hazardous waste operations, worker protection, 40 CFR 311 State occupational safety and health plans Evaluation and monitoring procedures, 29 CFR 1954 State plans for development and enforcement, 29 CFR 1902 State standards-- Changes to State plans, 29 CFR 1953 Enforcement, 29 CFR 1952 State and local government employees in States without approved private health and safety employee plans, development and enforcement, 29 CFR 1956 Withdrawal of approval procedures, 29 CFR 1955 Superfund program, National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan, 40 CFR 300 Toxic substances control Chemical substances, significant new uses, 40 CFR 721 Microorganisms, reporting requirements and review processes, 40 CFR 725 Vessel cargo gear certification, 29 CFR 1919 Williams-Steiger Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 Coverage of employers, 29 CFR 1975 Discrimination against employees exercising rights, 29 CFR 1977 Inspections, citations, and proposed penalties for violations, 29 CFR 1903 Variances, limitations, variations, tolerances, and exemptions under Act, practice rules, 29 CFR 1905 Workshops and rehabilitation facilities assisted by Federal grants, safety standards, 29 CFR 1924 Occupational Safety and Health Administration Criminal Antitrust Anti-Retaliation Act, procedures for handling of retaliation complaints, 29 CFR 1991 Discrimination complaints, handling procedures Pipeline Safety Improvement Act of 2002, complaints under Section 6, 29 CFR 1981 Wendell H. Ford Aviation Investment and Reform Act for 21st Century, section 519, discrimination complaints handling procedures, 29 CFR 1979 Employee medical records, practice and procedure rules concerning OSHA access, 29 CFR 1913 Farm labor programs, coordinated enforcement, 29 CFR 42 Federal employee occupational safety and health programs and related matters, basic program elements, 29 CFR 1960 Federal service contracts, safety and health standards, 29 CFR 1925 Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act Enforcement proceedings under section 41 of Act, practice rules, 29 CFR 1921 Investigational hearings by Board of Investigation under section 41 of Act, 29 CFR 1922 Variation from safety and health regulations, procedures, 29 CFR 1920 Marine terminals, 29 CFR 1917 Occupational injuries and illnesses, recording and reporting, 29 CFR 1904 Occupational safety and health consultation programs, 29 CFR 1908 Occupational Safety and Health National Advisory Committee, 29 CFR 1912a Occupational safety and health regulations Construction industry, 29 CFR 1926 Longshoring, safety and health regulations, 29 CFR 1918 Occupational safety and health standards Advisory committees on, 29 CFR 1912 Agriculture, 29 CFR 1928 Federal standards, 29 CFR 1910 Promulgation, modification, or revocation rules of procedure, 29 CFR 1911 Shipyard employment, 29 CFR 1915 Potential occupational carcinogens, identification, classification, and regulation, 29 CFR 1990 Retaliation complaints, handling procedures Affordable Care Act, complaints under section 1558, 29 CFR 1984 Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010, complaints under employee protection provision, 29 CFR 1985 [[Page 673]] Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008, handling procedures under Section 219, 29 CFR 1983 FDA Food Safety Modernization Act, complaints under section 402, 29 CFR 1987 Moving Ahead or Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21), complaints under section 31307, 29 CFR 1988 National Transit System Security Act and the Federal Railroad Safety Act, 29 CFR 1982 Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, as amended; complaints under section 806, 29 CFR 1980 Seaman's Protection Act (SPA), complaints under the employee protection provision, 29 CFR 1986 Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982, complaints under employee protection provision, 29 CFR 1978 Taxpayer First Act, handling procedures, 29 CFR 1989 State occupational safety and health plans Evaluation and monitoring procedures, 29 CFR 1954 State standards-- Applicable to State and local government employees in States without approved private health and safety employee plans, development and enforcement, 29 CFR 1956 Changes to State plans, 29 CFR 1953 Enforcement, 29 CFR 1952 Withdrawal of approval, procedures, 29 CFR 1955 State occupational safety and health standards, plans for development and enforcement, 29 CFR 1902 Training and Education Office, tuition fees, 29 CFR 1949 Vessel cargo gear certification, 29 CFR 1919 Williams-Steiger Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 Coverage of employers, 29 CFR 1975 Discrimination against employees exercising rights, 29 CFR 1977 Inspections, citations, and proposed penalties for violations, 29 CFR 1903 Practice rules for variances, limitations, variations, tolerances, and exemptions under Act, 29 CFR 1905 Workshops and rehabilitation facilities assisted by Federal grants, safety standards, 29 CFR 1924 Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission Agency conducted programs or activities and accessibility of Commission electronic and information technology, enforcement of nondiscrimination on basis of disability, 29 CFR 2205 Equal Access to Justice Act, implementation in Commission proceedings, 29 CFR 2204 Freedom of Information Act, implementation, 29 CFR 2201 Government in Sunshine Act, implementation, 29 CFR 2203 Privacy Act regulations, implementation, 29 CFR 2400 Procedure rules, 29 CFR 2200 Occupational training See Manpower training programs; Vocational education Ocean dumping See Water pollution control Ocean Energy Management Bureau Appeal procedures, 30 CFR 590 Outer Continental Shelf Existing facilities-- Alternate uses, 30 CFR 586 Renewable energy and alternate uses of, 30 CFR 285 Geological and geophysical explorations, 30 CFR 551 Minerals other than oil, gas, and sulphur-- Leasing, 30 CFR 581 Operations, 30 CFR 582 Prospecting, 30 CFR 580 Negotiated noncompetitive agreements for the use of sand, gravel, and/ or shell resources on the Outer Continental Shelf, 30 CFR 583 Nondiscrimination, 30 CFR 570 Offshore facilities, oil spill financial responsibility for, 30 CFR 553 Oil and gas-- Information program, 30 CFR 552 Leasing, 30 CFR 560 Oil and gas and sulphur operations, 30 CFR 550 Renewable energy, 30 CFR 585 [[Page 674]] Sulfur or oil and gas leasing and bonding requirements, 30 CFR 556 Ocean resources See Marine resources Oceanographic research vessels See al Vessels Construction and arrangement, 46 CFR 190 Control and miscellaneous systems and equipment, 46 CFR 195 Designations, 46 CFR 3 Explosives and other dangerous articles, handling, use and control, 46 CFR 194 Fire protection equipment, 46 CFR 193 General provisions, 46 CFR 188 Inspection and certification, 46 CFR 189 Operations, 46 CFR 196 Shipment and discharge of merchant mariners, 46 CFR 14 Off-road vehicles See Traffic regulations Office of See Other part of agency name. Offshore structures See Continental shelf Oil See Oils and fats; Petroleum Oil and gas exploration See al Natural gas; Petroleum Coast Guard Lifesaving systems for certain inspected vessels, 46 CFR 199 Towing vessels, construction and arrangement, 46 CFR 144 Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975, form and content of and requirements for financial statements, 17 CFR 210 Fishermen's Contingency Fund, damage claims, 50 CFR 296 Geological and geophysical exploration of coastal plain, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, 50 CFR 37 Indian lands, leasing of lands for mining Allotted lands, leasing for mineral development, 25 CFR 212 Five Civilized Tribes, Oklahoma; restricted lands of members, 25 CFR 213 Oil and gas, geothermal, and solid minerals agreements, 25 CFR 225 Oil and gas mining, leasing of certain lands in Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming, 25 CFR 227 Tribal lands, leasing for mineral development, 25 CFR 211 Investment Advisers Act of 1940, form and content of and requirements for financial statements, 17 CFR 210 Investment Company Act of 1940, form and content of and requirements for financial statements, 17 CFR 210 Marine mammals Taking and importing, 50 CFR 18 Taking incidental to specified activities, 50 CFR 217 Mineral royalty management Open and nondiscriminatory access to oil and gas pipelines under the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act, 30 CFR 291 Relief or reduction in royalty rates, 30 CFR 203 Mobile offshore drilling units Design and equipment, 46 CFR 108 Inspection and certification, 46 CFR 107 Operations, marine casualty, 46 CFR 109 National park areas, minerals management, 36 CFR 9 Natural Resources Revenue Office Audits and inspections, 30 CFR 1217 Cooperative activities with States and Indian tribes, 30 CFR 1228 Delegation to States, 30 CFR 1229 Facilities located seaward of coast line, oil-spill response requirements for, 30 CFR 254 Forms and reports, 30 CFR 1210 General, 30 CFR 1201 Outer continental shelf oil and gas, accounting procedures for determining net profit share payment for, 30 CFR 1220 Penalties, 30 CFR 1241 Product valuation, 30 CFR 1206 Records and files maintenance, 30 CFR 1212 Royalties, 30 CFR 1202 Royalties, rentals, and bonuses; Distribution and disbursement, 30 CFR 1219 Royalties, rentals, bonuses, and other monies due the Federal Government; collection, 30 CFR 1218 [[Page 675]] Outer Continental Shelf Geological and geophysical explorations-- Ocean Energy Management Bureau, 30 CFR 551 Safety and Environmental Enforcement, 30 CFR 251 Nondiscrimination-- Ocean Energy Management Bureau, 30 CFR 570 Safety and Environmental Enforcement, 30 CFR 270 Offshore facilities, oil spill financial responsibility for, 30 CFR 553 Oil and gas and sulphur operations-- Ocean Energy Management Bureau, 30 CFR 550 Safety and Environmental Enforcement, 30 CFR 250 Oil and Gas Information Program-- Ocean Energy Management Bureau, 30 CFR 552 Safety and Environmental Enforcement, 30 CFR 252 Oil and gas leasing, 30 CFR 560 Sulphur or oil and gas leasing-- Ocean Energy Management Bureau, 30 CFR 556 Safety and Environmental Enforcement, 30 CFR 256 Public lands Combined hydrocarbon leasing, 43 CFR 3140 Competitive leases, 43 CFR 3120 Helium contracts, 43 CFR 3195 Inspections, delegation of authority, cooperative agreements and contracts, 43 CFR 3190 National forest lands used for mineral resource mining, 36 CFR 228 National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska, 43 CFR 3130 Noncompetitive leases, 43 CFR 3110 Oil and gas leasing, 43 CFR 3100 Onshore oil and gas-- Geophysical exploration, 43 CFR 3150 Operations, 43 CFR 3160 Production, 43 CFR 3170 Unit agreements, unproven areas, 43 CFR 3180 Securities Act of 1933, form and content of and requirements for financial statements, 17 CFR 210 Securities Exchange Act of 1934, form and content of and requirements for financial statements, 17 CFR 210 Water pollution effluent guidelines and standards for point source categories Centralized waste treatment, 40 CFR 437 Oil and gas extraction, 40 CFR 435 Well logging, licenses and radiation safety requirements, 10 CFR 39 Oil and gas reserves See al Mineral resources; Natural gas; Petroleum Helium, conservation, 43 CFR 16 National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska Management and protection, 43 CFR 2360 Oil and gas leasing, 43 CFR 3130 Price competitive sale of strategic petroleum reserve petroleum, 10 CFR 625 Strategic petroleum reserves, petroleum acquisition procedures, 10 CFR 626 Oil imports See al Imports; Petroleum Customs examination, sampling, and testing of merchandise, 19 CFR 151 Foreign Assets Control Office, sanctions regulations Iraq stabilization and insurgency, 31 CFR 576 Syria, 31 CFR 542 Fuels and fuel additives, regulation, 40 CFR 80 Fuels, fuel additives, and regulated blendstocks; regulation, 40 CFR 1090 Foreign oil supply agreement information collection, 10 CFR 215 Oil pollution See al Petroleum; Vessels; Water pollution control Antarctic non-governmental expeditions, 45 CFR 673 Deepwater ports Design, construction, and equipment, 33 CFR 149 Operations, 33 CFR 150 Fuels, fuel additives, and regulated blendstocks; regulation, 40 CFR 1090 Gulf Coast ecosystem restoration, spill impact component, 40 CFR 1800 Gulf Coast States; resources and ecosystems sustainability, tourist opportunities, and revived economies, 31 CFR 34 [[Page 676]] Internal Revenue Service, procedure and administration, 26 CFR 301 Marine facilities transferring oil or hazardous material in bulk, 33 CFR 154 Oil and hazardous substance liability, practice, procedure, and evidence rules for formal administrative proceedings, 33 CFR 20 Oil and hazardous substances control, discharges removal, 33 CFR 153 Oil discharge into navigable waters or adjoining shorelines, 40 CFR 110 Oil Pollution Act regulations, natural resource damage assessments, 15 CFR 990 Oil removal contingency plans, State, local, and regional, 40 CFR 109 Oil spill liability trust fund Claims procedures, source designation, and advertisement, 33 CFR 136 State access, 33 CFR 133 Oil transportation, oil spill prevention and response plans, 49 CFR 130 Onshore and offshore facilities, oil pollution prevention, 40 CFR 112 Small onshore storage facilities, liability limits, 40 CFR 113 Onshore oil pipelines, response plans, 49 CFR 194 Outer Continental Shelf Facilities located seaward of coast line, oil-spill response requirements for, 30 CFR 254 Offshore facilities, oil spill financial responsibility for, 30 CFR 553 Oil and gas and sulphur operations, 30 CFR 550 Reception facilities for oil, noxious liquid substances, and garbage, 33 CFR 158 Superfund program, National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan, 40 CFR 300 Trans-Alaska Pipeline Liability Fund, 43 CFR 29 Transportation of hazardous liquids by pipeline, 49 CFR 195 Underground storage tanks State programs, approval, 40 CFR 281 State programs, approved, 40 CFR 282 Technical standards and corrective action requirements for owners and operators, 40 CFR 280 Vessels Documentation of certain vessels for oil spill cleanup, 46 CFR 68 Escort requirements for certain tankers, 33 CFR 168 Oil and hazardous material transfer operations, 33 CFR 156 Oil or hazardous material pollution prevention, 33 CFR 155 Pollution prevention equipment, design and approval requirements, 46 CFR 162 Tank vessels carrying oil in bulk, rules for protection of marine environment, 33 CFR 157 Vessels carrying oil, noxious liquid substances, garbage, municipal or commercial waste, and ballast water, 33 CFR 151 Vessels in foreign and domestic trades, 19 CFR 4 Water pollution (vessels) and OPA 90 limits of liability (vessels, deepwater ports and onshore facilities), evidence of financial responsibility, 33 CFR 138 Wendell H. Ford Aviation Investment and Reform Act for the 21st Century, section 740, as amended by National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2003, section 1051, 32 CFR 207 Oils and fats See al Foods; Oilseeds Commodity Credit Corporation, bioenergy program, 7 CFR 1424 Common or usual name for distinguishing purposes, 21 CFR 102 Food dressings and flavorings, 21 CFR 169 Meat inspection Certification of technical animal fats for export, 9 CFR 351 Mandatory, definitions and standards of identity or composition for meat products, 9 CFR 319 Spearmint oil produced in Far West, marketing order, 7 CFR 985 Oilseeds See al Agricultural commodities; Cottonseeds; Oils and fats Bioenergy program, 7 CFR 1424 Loans and price support programs Agricultural risk coverage, price loss coverage, and cotton transition assistance programs, 7 CFR 1412 [[Page 677]] Approved warehouses, 7 CFR 1423 Commodity incentive payment programs, 7 CFR 1413 Grains and similarly handled commodities, marketing assistance loans and loan deficiency payments, 7 CFR 1421 Oklahoma City National Memorial Trust General provisions, 36 CFR 1501 Old-age, survivors and disability insurance See Disability benefits Olives Marketing agreements Import regulations, 7 CFR 944 Olives grown in California, 7 CFR 932 Onions Common or usual name for distinguishing purposes, onion rings made from diced onion, 21 CFR 102 Marketing agreements Import regulations, 7 CFR 980 Onions grown in-- Certain designated counties in Idaho, and Malheur County, Oregon, 7 CFR 958 South Texas, 7 CFR 959 Sweet onions, grown in the Walla Walla Valley of Southeast Washington and Northeast Oregon, 7 CFR 956 Vidalia onions, grown in Georgia, 7 CFR 955 Online services See Internet Open government See Transparency Operations Office, Agriculture Department See Agriculture Department Ophthalmic goods and services Contact lens rule, 16 CFR 315 Eyeglass rule, 16 CFR 456 Medical devices Classification, 21 CFR 886 General requirements, 21 CFR 800 Over-the-counter ophthalmic drug products, 21 CFR 349 Oranges Marketing agreements Import regulations, 7 CFR 944 Oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, and pummelos grown in Florida, 7 CFR 905 Oranges grown in Lower Rio Grande Valley in Texas, 7 CFR 906 Organically produced products National Organic program, 7 CFR 205 Organization and functions (Government agencies) See al Authority delegations (Government agencies) Actuaries, Joint Board for the Enrollment, 20 CFR 900 Administrative Conference of the U.S., 1 CFR 301 African Development Foundation, 22 CFR 1501 Agriculture Department Economic Research Service, 7 CFR 3700 Information Resources Management Office, 7 CFR 2700 Inspector General Office, 7 CFR 2610 National Agricultural Statistics Service, 7 CFR 3600 National Appeals Division, 7 CFR 11 Office of Operations, 7 CFR 2810 World Agricultural Outlook Board, 7 CFR 3800 American Battle Monuments Commission, 36 CFR 404 Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, 7 CFR 371 Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board, bylaws, 36 CFR 1151 Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board, 40 CFR 1600 Civil Rights Commission Organization and functions, 45 CFR 701 State Advisory Committees, operations and functions, 45 CFR 703 Coast Guard Coast Guard areas, districts, sectors, marine inspection zones, and Captain of the Port zones, 33 CFR 3 Organization, general course and methods governing marine safety functions, 46 CFR 1 Vessel inspection alternatives, 46 CFR 8 Commodity Futures Trading Commission, 17 CFR 140 [[Page 678]] Reparations, related rules, 17 CFR 12 Comptroller of the Currency, 12 CFR 4 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Consumer Financial Civil Penalty Fund rule, 12 CFR 1075 Consumer Product Safety Commission, 16 CFR 1000 Corporation for National and Community Service Operating name and logos, 45 CFR 2500 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act regulations, 45 CFR 2554 Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency of the District of Columbia, 28 CFR 800 Customs and Border Protection, 19 CFR 101 Transferred or delegated authority, 19 CFR 0 Defense Department Restoration advisory boards, 32 CFR 202 Technical Assistance for Public Participation (TAPP) program, defense environmental restoration activities, 32 CFR 203 Economic Development Administration, general information, 13 CFR 300 Energy Department, proceedings transferred, 10 CFR 1000 Environmental Protection Agency, 40 CFR 1, 40 CFR 2 Farm Credit Administration, 12 CFR 600 Disclosure to investors in systemwide and consolidated bank debt obligations of Farm Credit System, 12 CFR 630 Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation, 12 CFR 1400 Farm Service Agency, compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act, 7 CFR 799 Federal Aviation Administration, commercial space transportation, 14 CFR 401 Federal Communications Commission Commission organization, 47 CFR 0 Practice and procedure, 47 CFR 1 Provide land mobile radio services, 47 CFR 90 Federal Emergency Management Agency Hermit's Peak/Calf Canyon Fire Assistance, 44 CFR 296 OMB control numbers, 44 CFR 2 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Organization, mission, and functions, operations during emergency conditions, 18 CFR 376 Proceedings transferred, 10 CFR 1000 Federal Executive Boards, 5 CFR 960 Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council Appraisal Subcommittee, 12 CFR 1102 Office description, procedures, public information, 12 CFR 1101 Federal Housing Finance Agency, organization and functions, 12 CFR 1200 Federal Housing Finance Board, miscellaneous bank authorities, 12 CFR 977 Federal Maritime Commission, 46 CFR 501 Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, 29 CFR 1403 Federal Open Market Committee, 12 CFR 272 Federal Procurement Policy Office, Cost Accounting Standards Board, 48 CFR 9901 Federal Register, Administrative Committee General information, 1 CFR 2 Services to Federal agencies, 1 CFR 15 Services to the public, 1 CFR 3 Federal Register Office Services to Federal agencies, 1 CFR 15 Services to the public, 1 CFR 3 Federal Trade Commission, 16 CFR 0 Federal Transit Administration, 49 CFR 601 Fine Arts Commission, 45 CFR 2101 Fish and Wildlife Service Definitions, 50 CFR 1 Field organization, 50 CFR 2 Food and Drug Administration, 21 CFR 5 Food Safety and Inspection Service, 9 CFR 300 Foreign Claims Settlement Commission, 45 CFR 502 Forest Service, 36 CFR 200 General Services Administration, 41 CFR 102-72, 41 CFR 102-192, 41 CFR 105-75 Government Accountability Office Personnel Appeals Board, 4 CFR 27 Government Ethics Office, 5 CFR 2600 Health insurance Affordable Care Act, exchange establishment standards and related standards under, 45 CFR 155 [[Page 679]] Group and individual health insurance markets, health insurance reform requirements for, 45 CFR 147 Health and Human Services Department Health insurance-- Exchange establishment standards and related standards under the Affordable Care Act, 45 CFR 155 Issuer standards under the Affordable Care Act, including requirements related to exchanges, 45 CFR 156 Reissuance, risk corridors, and risk adjustment under Affordable Care Act; standards, 45 CFR 153 Pharmacy benefit manager standards under the Affordable Care Act, 45 CFR 184 Homeland Security Department, classified National security information, 6 CFR 7 Housing and Urban Development Department Federal Housing Commissioner, functions, 24 CFR 200 Government National Mortgage Association-- Bylaws, 24 CFR 310 General regulations, 24 CFR 300 Hearings and Appeals Office, 24 CFR 20 Mortgagee Review Board, 24 CFR 25 Immigration Review, Executive Office, 8 CFR 1003 Cross reference, 8 CFR 3 Statement of organization, 8 CFR 100 Internal Revenue Service, balanced system for measuring organizational and employee performance, 26 CFR 801 International Organizations Employees Loyalty Board, 5 CFR 1501 Justice Department Independent Counsel, Offices of; general powers of Special Counsel, 28 CFR 600 Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Act regulations, 28 CFR 29 Organization, 28 CFR 0 Labor Department, Benefits Review Board, 20 CFR 801 Libraries and Information Science, National Commission, 45 CFR 1700 Library of Congress, Copyright Royalty Board, 37 CFR 301 Merit Systems Protection Board, 5 CFR 1200 Millennium Challenge Corporation Agency personnel, release of official information and testimony as witnesses, 22 CFR 1305 Organization and functions, 22 CFR 1300 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Boards and committees, 14 CFR 1209 Organization statement and general information, 14 CFR 1201 National Credit Union Administration, description and requests for agency action, 12 CFR 790 National Endowment for the Arts, Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act regulations, 45 CFR 1149 National Foundation on Arts and Humanities, 45 CFR 1100 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 49 CFR 501 National Industrial Security Program (NISP), 32 CFR 2004 National Institute of Standards and Technology, 15 CFR 200 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Environmental Data and Information Service, 15 CFR 950 National Railroad Passenger Corporation (AMTRAK), 49 CFR 700 National Security Council, National Communications System issuance system, 47 CFR 216 National Transportation Safety Board Administrative rules, 49 CFR 800 Transportation investigative hearings, meetings, reports and petitions for reconsideration; rules of practice, 49 CFR 845 Natural Resources Conservation Service Functions, 7 CFR 601 Organization, 7 CFR 600 Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation, 24 CFR 4100 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Organization statement and general information, 10 CFR 1 Program fraud civil remedies, 10 CFR 13 Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Board for Investigations under Longshoremen and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act, 29 CFR 1922 Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation, 36 CFR 901 [[Page 680]] Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation Administrative review of agency decisions, 29 CFR 4003 Bylaws, 29 CFR 4002 Terminology, 29 CFR 4001 People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled, Committee for Purchase From, 41 CFR 51-2 Personnel Management Agency, Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program, 5 CFR 875 Postal Regulatory Commission, 39 CFR 3002 Postal Service Advisory boards, 39 CFR 11 Board of Governors, 39 CFR 3 Advisory Boards, 39 CFR 11 Committees, 39 CFR 5 Meetings, 39 CFR 6 Officials, 39 CFR 4 Public observation, 39 CFR 7 Rules of conduct, 39 CFR 10 General and technical provisions, 39 CFR 2 General principles of organization, 39 CFR 221 Inspector General Office, 39 CFR 230 Post offices, establishment, classification, and discontinuance, 39 CFR 241 Postal policy, 39 CFR 1 Relationships and channels of communications, 39 CFR 223 Prisons Bureau Central Office, regional offices, institutions, and staff training centers, 28 CFR 503 Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board, organization and delegation of powers and duties, 6 CFR 1000 Public Health Service, patient safety organizations and patient safety work product, 42 CFR 3 Railroad Retirement Board, 20 CFR 200 Rural Development, organization, 7 CFR 2003 Rural Utilities Service, general information, 7 CFR 1700 Science and Technology Policy Office, National Communications System issuance system, 47 CFR 216 Securities and Exchange Commission, 17 CFR 200 Selective Service System Organization, 32 CFR 1605 Witness testimony by agency personnel, release of official information in litigation and presentation (Touhy regualtion), 32 CFR 1660 Small Business Administration, 13 CFR 101 Hearings and Appeals Office, procedure rules governing cases before, 13 CFR 134 Social Security Administration, 20 CFR 422 State Department National Endowment for Democracy, 22 CFR 67 Organization, 22 CFR 5 Surface Transportation Board, 49 CFR 1011 Susquehanna River Basin Commission, 18 CFR 801 Trade Representative, Office of U.S. Creation, organization, and functions, 15 CFR 2001 Operation of committees, 15 CFR 2002 Transportation Department Aviation proceedings, staff assignments and review of action under assignments, 14 CFR 385 Organization and delegation of powers and duties, 49 CFR 1 Transportation Security Administration, 49 CFR 1502 Treasury Department Officials designated to perform functions and duties of certain offices in case of absence, disability, or vacancy, 31 CFR 18 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986, implementation, 31 CFR 16 Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation Commission Operating procedures, 43 CFR 10001 Organization and functions, 43 CFR 10000 Veterans Affairs Department, General Counsel, 38 CFR 14 Water Resources Council, 18 CFR 701 Workers' Compensation Programs Office General regulations and definitions, 20 CFR 701 Performance of functions, 20 CFR 1 Orphan drugs See Drugs Outer Continental Shelf See Continental shelf [[Page 681]] Outreach programs See Community development Over-the-counter drugs See al Drugs Anorectal drug products for human use, 21 CFR 346 Antacid products for human use, 21 CFR 331 Anticaries drug products, 21 CFR 355 Antidiarrheal drug products, 21 CFR 335 Antiemetic drug products for human use, 21 CFR 336 Antiflatulent products for human use, 21 CFR 332 Antiperspirant drug products for human use, 21 CFR 350 Cold, cough, allergy, bronchodilator, and antiasthmatic drug products for human use, 21 CFR 341 Drug products intended for oral ingestion that contain alcohol, 21 CFR 328 External analgesic drug products, 21 CFR 348 External drug products for human use, miscellaneous, 21 CFR 358 Generally recognized as safe (GRAS) and effective and not misbranded, 21 CFR 330 Internal analgesic, antipyretic, and antirheumatic drug products, 21 CFR 343 Internal drug products for human use, miscellaneous, 21 CFR 357 Interpretative statements regarding warnings on drugs and devices, 21 CFR 369 Nighttime sleep-aid drug products, 21 CFR 338 Nonprescription human drug products subject to Section 760 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 21 CFR 329 Ophthalmic drug products for human use, 21 CFR 349 Skin protectant drug products for human use, 21 CFR 347 Stimulant drug products for human use, 21 CFR 340 Sunscreen drug products for human use, 21 CFR 352 Topical antimicrobial drug products for human use, 21 CFR 333 Topical otic drug products for human use, 21 CFR 344 Outreach programs See Community development Overseas private investment See U.S. investments abroad Overtime pay See Wages Ozone See al Greenhouse gases Air pollution control Acid rain, continuous emission monitoring, 40 CFR 75 Acid rain program, appeal procedures, 40 CFR 78 Air quality planning purposes, designated areas, 40 CFR 81 Ambient air quality standards, National primary and secondary, 40 CFR 50 Conformity of Federal actions to State or Federal implementation plans, determining, 40 CFR 93 Consumer and commercial products, national volatile organic compound emission standards, 40 CFR 59 Federal NOx Budget Trading Program, CAIR NOx and SO2 Trading Programs, CSAPR NOx and SO2 Trading Programs, and Texas SO2 Trading Program, 40 CFR 97 Hazardous air pollutants for source categories, National emission standards, 40 CFR 63 Implementation plans-- Approval and promulgation, 40 CFR 52 Preparation, adoption, and submittal requirements, 40 CFR 51 National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan, 40 CFR 300 Outer Continental Shelf air regulations, 40 CFR 55 State plans for designated facilities and pollutants, approval and promulgation, 40 CFR 62 Stratospheric ozone protection, 40 CFR 82 Central Intelligence Agency, conduct on agency installations, 32 CFR 1903 [[Page 682]] P Pacific Islands Trust Territory Community development block grants, 24 CFR 570 Consolidation of grants to insular areas for social programs, 45 CFR 97 Education grants, State-administered programs, 34 CFR 76 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Foreign air carrier permits, Micronesia, Marshall Islands, and Palau (Freely Associated States) air carriers, 14 CFR 211 Naval regulations governing entry, 32 CFR 761 Western Pacific fisheries, 50 CFR 665 Packaging and containers See al Business and industry; Food packaging; Labeling Alcoholic beverages Alcohol beverage dealers, 27 CFR 31 Basic permit requirements under Federal Alcohol Administration Act, distilled spirits and wine nonindustrial use, distilled spirits bulk sales and bottling, 27 CFR 1 Beer, production and sales, 27 CFR 25 Denatured alcohol and rum, distribution and use, 27 CFR 20 Distilled spirits-- Labeling and advertising, 27 CFR 5 Plants, labeling requirements, 27 CFR 19 Distilled spirits, wine, and beer; importation, 27 CFR 27 Exportation, 27 CFR 28 Liquors and articles from Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands, 27 CFR 26 Malt beverages, labeling and advertising, 27 CFR 7 Stills and miscellaneous regulations, 27 CFR 29 Wine-- Labeling and advertising, 27 CFR 4 Treatment and classification, 27 CFR 24 [[Page 683]] Animal drugs, feeds, and related products Animal foods-- Food and food-packaging material, unavoidable contaminants, 21 CFR 509 Labeling, 21 CFR 501 Current good manufacturing practice-- Hazard analysis, and risk-based preventive controls for animal foods, 21 CFR 507 Medicated animal feeds, 21 CFR 225 General provisions, 21 CFR 500 Cargo containers, safety Control and enforcement, 49 CFR 453 Examination, 49 CFR 452 General, 49 CFR 450 Testing and approval, 49 CFR 451 Color additives, packaging and labeling, and safety, 21 CFR 70 Controlled substances, labeling and packaging requirements, 21 CFR 1302 Cosmetic products, general provisions and requirements for specific products, tamper resistant packaging, 21 CFR 700 Cotton, bale packaging material specifications, 7 CFR 1427 Customs Cargo container and road vehicle certification pursuant to international customs conventions, 19 CFR 115 Country of origin marking, 19 CFR 134 Customs duties-- Drawback, 19 CFR 191 Modernized drawback, 19 CFR 190 Packing and stamping; marking, 19 CFR 11 Drawback on taxpaid distilled spirits used in manufacturing nonbeverage products, 27 CFR 17 Drugs Current good manufacturing practice-- Dietary supplements; manufacturing, packaging, labeling, or holding operations, 21 CFR 111 Finished pharmaceuticals, 21 CFR 211 Manufacturing, processing, packing, or holding of drugs, general, 21 CFR 210 Positron emission tomography drugs, 21 CFR 212 Type A medicated articles, 21 CFR 226 Fair Packaging and Labeling Act Exemptions from requirements and prohibitions, 16 CFR 501 Package size characterizations, retail sale price representations, etc.; use of, 16 CFR 502 Section 4 regulations, 16 CFR 500 Statements of general policy or interpretation, 16 CFR 503 Fair packaging and labeling, voluntary standards, 15 CFR 12 Hazardous materials Hazardous materials table, special provisions, hazardous materials communications, emergency response information, training requirements, and security plans, 49 CFR 172 Hazardous ships' stores, 46 CFR 147 Packagings-- Continuing qualification and maintenance, 49 CFR 180 Specifications, 49 CFR 178 Program procedures, 49 CFR 107 Shippers, shipments and packaging general requirements, 49 CFR 173 Hazardous waste Generators, applicable standards, 40 CFR 262 Treatment, storage, and disposal facilities-- Interim status standards for owners and operators, 40 CFR 265 Standards for owners and operators, 40 CFR 264 Lime, barrels and other containers, 15 CFR 240 Medical devices General requirements, 21 CFR 800 Hematology and pathology devices, 21 CFR 864 Multi-purpose lighters, safety standard, 16 CFR 1212 National security and National defense related operations; priority use and allocation of shipping services, containers and chassis, and port facilities and services, 46 CFR 340 Naval stores, regulations and standards, 7 CFR 160 Nuclear materials Byproduct material, general domestic licenses, 10 CFR 31 Industrial radiography operations, industrial radiography licenses and [[Page 684]] radiation safety requirements, 10 CFR 34 Radiation, protection standards against, 10 CFR 20 Radioactive material packaging and transportation, 10 CFR 71 Special nuclear material-- Domestic licensing, 10 CFR 70 Material control and accounting, 10 CFR 74 Oil transportation, oil spill prevention and response plans, 49 CFR 130 Organisms modified or produced through genetic engineering, movement, 7 CFR 340 Pesticides Pesticide management and disposal, 40 CFR 165 Pesticides and devices, packaging requirements, 40 CFR 157 Water pollution effluent guidelines and standards, point source categories, pesticide chemicals manufacturing, 40 CFR 455 Poison Prevention Packaging Act of 1970 Exemption petition procedures and requirements, 16 CFR 1702 Packaging regulations, 16 CFR 1700 Policy and interpretation statements, 16 CFR 1701 Poisons, Federal Caustic Poison Act, 21 CFR 1230 Produce for human consumption; growing, harvesting, packing, and holding standards, 21 CFR 112 Select agents and toxins, 42 CFR 73 Self-pressurized consumer products containing chlorofluorocarbons, requirements to provide Consumer Product Safety Commission with performance and technical data; requirements to notify consumers at point of purchase of performance and technical data, 16 CFR 1401 Tobacco products Cigarette package and advertising, required warnings, 21 CFR 1141 Minimum required warning statements, 21 CFR 1143 Tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes-- Contraband cigarettes, 27 CFR 646 Exportation without payment of tax or with drawback of tax, 27 CFR 44 Miscellaneous regulations, 27 CFR 46 Removal without payment of tax for use of U.S., 27 CFR 45 Tobacco products, cigarette papers and tubes, and processed tobacco-- Importation, 27 CFR 41 Manufacture, 27 CFR 40 Veterinary biologics packaging and labeling, 9 CFR 112 Voluntary product standards development, 15 CFR 10 Paint See Lead poisoning Palau See Pacific Islands Trust Territory Paleontological resources Paleontological resources preservation Forest Service, 36 CFR 291 Land Management Bureau, 43 CFR 49 Paperwork requirements See Reporting and recordkeeping requirements Parachutes See Aircraft Pardon See Clemency Parking See al Highways and roads Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board, accessibility guidelines for pedestrian facilities in the public right-of-way, 36 CFR 1190 Federal-aid highway programs, mass transit and special use highway projects, fringe parking, 23 CFR 810 Federal Management Regulation, facility management, 41 CFR 102-74 Federal Property Management Regulations, management of buildings and grounds, parking and facilities, 41 CFR 101-20 Motor carrier safety, hazardous materials transportation, driving and parking rules, 49 CFR 397 Persons with disabilities, uniform system for parking, 23 CFR 1235 Postal Service, access of persons with disabilities to programs, activities, [[Page 685]] facilities, and electronic and information technology, 39 CFR 255 Veterans Affairs Department, general provisions, 38 CFR 1 Parks See National parks Parole See Probation and parole Parole Commission, U.S. See Justice Department Particulate matter See Air pollution control Passenger vessels See al Maritime carriers; Vessels Americans with Disabilities Act, transportation services for individuals with disabilities, access, 49 CFR 39 Coastwise trade laws, administrative waivers, 46 CFR 388 Construction and arrangement, 46 CFR 72 Excise tax on transportation by water, 26 CFR 43 Fire protection equipment, 46 CFR 76 General provisions, 46 CFR 70 Inspection and certification, 46 CFR 71 Lifesaving systems for certain inspected vessels, 46 CFR 199 Operations, 46 CFR 78 Safety standards and country of registry disclosure, 46 CFR 80 Small passenger vessels (under 100 gross tons) Construction and arrangement, 46 CFR 177 Electrical installation, 46 CFR 183 Fire protection equipment, 46 CFR 181 General provisions, 46 CFR 175 Inspection and certification, 46 CFR 176 Intact stability and seaworthiness, 46 CFR 178 Lifesaving equipment and arrangements, 46 CFR 180 Machinery installation, 46 CFR 182 Operations, 46 CFR 185 Subdivision, damage stability and watertight integrity requirements, 46 CFR 179 Vessel control and miscellaneous systems and equipment, 46 CFR 184 Small passenger vessels carrying more than 150 passengers or with overnight accommodations for more than 49 passengers Construction and arrangement, 46 CFR 116 Electrical installation, 46 CFR 120 Fire protection equipment, 46 CFR 118 General provisions, 46 CFR 114 Inspection and certification, 46 CFR 115 Lifesaving equipment and arrangements, 46 CFR 117 Machinery installation, 46 CFR 119 Operations, 46 CFR 122 Vessel control and miscellaneous systems and equipment, 46 CFR 121 Subdivision and stability, special rules pertaining to vessels carrying passengers, 46 CFR 171 Subdivision load lines, 46 CFR 46 Towing vessels, construction and arrangement, 46 CFR 144 Vessel control and miscellaneous systems and equipment, 46 CFR 77 Passports and visas See al Foreign relations; Travel Aliens Labor certification process for permanent employment in U.S., 20 CFR 656 Medical examination, 42 CFR 34 Documentary requirements Immigrants and waivers of requirements, 8 CFR 211, 8 CFR 1211 Nonimmigrants, waivers, admission of certain inadmissible aliens, parole of aliens, 8 CFR 212, 8 CFR 1212 Foreign service, schedule of fees for consular service, 22 CFR 22 Operational contract support outside the U.S., 32 CFR 158 Passports, 22 CFR 51 Visas Foreign workers in U.S., temporary employment, 20 CFR 655 Immigration and Nationality Act-- Immigrant documentation, 22 CFR 42 Nonimmigrant documentation, 22 CFR 41 Nonimmigrants and immigrants, regulations pertaining to both, 22 CFR 40 Labor condition applications and requirements for employers using nonimmigrants on H-1B specialty [[Page 686]] visas in specialty occupations and as fashion models, 29 CFR 507 Waiver program, 8 CFR 217 Patent and Trademark Office, U.S. Assignment, recording and rights of assignee, 37 CFR 3 Foreign mask works protection, requests for Presidential proclamation, 37 CFR 150 Goods and services classification under Trademark Act, 37 CFR 6 Government information disclosure, 37 CFR 102 Invention promoters, complaints regarding, 37 CFR 4 Legal processes, 37 CFR 104 Madrid Agreement, international registration of marks, rules of practice in filings pursuant to protocol relating to, 37 CFR 7 Patent cases, practice rules, 37 CFR 1 Patent Trial and Appeal Board Judicial review, 37 CFR 90 Practice before, 37 CFR 41 Trial practice before, 37 CFR 42 Representation of others before Patent and Trademark Office, 37 CFR 11 Secrecy of certain inventions and licenses to export and file applications in foreign countries, 37 CFR 5 Trademark cases, practice rules, 37 CFR 2 Patents See Inventions and patents Paving and roofing materials Air pollution control, standards of performance for new stationary sources, 40 CFR 60 Water pollution effluent guidelines and standards for point source category, tar and asphalt, existing and new sources, performance standards and pretreatment standards, 40 CFR 443 Pay See Wages Peace Corps Classified material, public access to, 22 CFR 301 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 3700 Debt collection, 22 CFR 309 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 22 CFR 312 Federal Employees' Compensation Act, claims, 20 CFR 10 Federal Tort Claims Act, claims against Government, 22 CFR 304 Guidance procedures, 22 CFR 313 Information, disclosure procedures, 22 CFR 303 Lobbying restrictions, 22 CFR 311 Privacy Act of 1974, implementation, 22 CFR 308 Volunteer discrimination complaint procedure, 22 CFR 306 Volunteer service, eligibility and standards, 22 CFR 305 Peaches Clingstone peach diversion program, 7 CFR 82 Marketing agreements, pears, plums, and peaches grown in California, 7 CFR 917 Peanuts Area risk protection insurance regulations, 7 CFR 407 County of origin labeling, 7 CFR 65 Domestic and imported peanuts marketed in U.S., minimum quality and handling standards, 7 CFR 996 Loans and price support programs Agricultural risk coverage, price loss coverage, and cotton transfer assistance programs, 7 CFR 1412 Grains and similarly handled commodities, marketing assistance loans and loan deficiency payments, 7 CFR 1421 Peanut products, 21 CFR 164 Peanut promotion, research, and information order, 7 CFR 1216 Pears Export Apple Act requirements, 7 CFR 33 Marketing agreements Pears grown in Oregon and Washington, 7 CFR 927 Pears, plums, and peaches grown in California, 7 CFR 917 Peer Review Organizations (PRO) See al Medicaid; Medicare Health care practitioners and providers of health care services under Medicare, imposition of sanctions by peer review organization, 42 CFR 1004 Information acquisition, protection, and disclosure, 42 CFR 480 [[Page 687]] Reconsiderations and appeals, 42 CFR 478 Review, 42 CFR 476 Scope, applicability, and eligibility for grants and contracts, 42 CFR 475 Penalties See al Seizures and forfeitures Agency for International Development, Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 22 CFR 224 Agricultural Marketing Service Commodity laboratory testing programs, restricted use pesticides, recordkeeping by certified applicators; surveys and reports, 7 CFR 110 Federal Grain Inspection Service, Fair Trade Practices Program; general regulations, 7 CFR 800 Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act requirements (other than administrative procedures), 7 CFR 46 Agriculture Department Administrative regulations, 7 CFR 1 Debt management, 7 CFR 3 Domestic hemp production program, 7 CFR 990 Air Force Department, Wake Island code, 32 CFR 935 Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau Alcoholic beverage health warning statement, 27 CFR 16 Denatured alcohol and rum, distribution and use, 27 CFR 20 Procedure and administration, 27 CFR 70 Stills and miscellaneous regulations, 27 CFR 29 Tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes, miscellaneous regulations, 27 CFR 46 Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives Bureau Arms, ammunition, and implements of war, imports, 27 CFR 447 Contraband cigarettes, 27 CFR 646 Explosives, commerce, 27 CFR 555 Firearms and ammunition, commerce, 27 CFR 478 Machine guns, destructive devices, and certain other firearms, 27 CFR 479 Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, interstate transportation of animals, commercial transportation of equines for slaughter, 9 CFR 88 Army Department, motor vehicle traffic supervision, 32 CFR 634 Broadcasting Board of Governors Employee testimony, production of official records and official information disclosure in legal proceedings, 22 CFR 504 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 22 CFR 521 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Basic Health Programs; administration, eligibility, essential health benefits, performance standards, service delivery requirements, premium and cost sharing, allotments, reconciliation, 42 CFR 600 Civil money penalties, assessments, and exclusions, 42 CFR 402 Medicaid and Medicare Electronic Health Record Technology Incentive Program, standards, 42 CFR 495 Laboratory requirements, 42 CFR 493 Medicare Advantage program, 42 CFR 422 Peer Review Organizations-- Information acquisition, protection, and disclosure, 42 CFR 480 Review, 42 CFR 476 Specific services, requirements and limits, 42 CFR 441 Child Support Enforcement Office Program performance measures, standards, financial incentives, and penalties, 45 CFR 305 State plan requirements, 45 CFR 302 Children and Families Administration Native employment work (NEW) program, 45 CFR 287 Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program-- Data collection and reporting requirements, 45 CFR 265 Ensuring that recipients work, 45 CFR 261 General accountability provisions, 45 CFR 262 General provisions, 45 CFR 260 Other accountability provisions, 45 CFR 264 [[Page 688]] State and Federal TANF funds, expenditures, 45 CFR 263 Tribal TANF provisions, 45 CFR 286 Coast Guard Aids to navigation, interference with or damage to, 33 CFR 70 Civil monetary penalties, inflation adjustment, 33 CFR 27 General provisions, 33 CFR 1 Great Lakes pilotage regulations, 46 CFR 401 Load lines for domestic and foreign voyages by sea, 46 CFR 42 Marine oil spill liability trust fund, claims procedures, source designation, and advertisement, 33 CFR 136 Measurement of vessels, 46 CFR 69 Merchant mariner credential, 46 CFR 10 Nonqualified vessels that perform certain aquaculture support operations, requirements for, 46 CFR 106 Officer endorsements, requirements, 46 CFR 11 Oil, noxious liquid substances, and garbage-- Municipal or commercial waste, and ballast water, 33 CFR 151 Reception facilities, 33 CFR 158 Outer Continental Shelf activities, general provisions for safety of life and property, 33 CFR 140 Passenger vessels-- Disclosure of safety standards and country of registry, 46 CFR 80 Operations, 46 CFR 78 Subdivision load lines, 46 CFR 46 Practice, procedure, and evidence rules for formal administrative proceedings, 33 CFR 20 Seamen rating endorsements, requirements, 46 CFR 12 Small passenger vessels carrying more than 150 passengers or with overnight accommodations for more than 49 passengers, operations, 46 CFR 122 Tank vessels, general provisions, 46 CFR 30 Towing vessels, operations, 46 CFR 140 Uninspected vessels, operations, 46 CFR 26 Vessel operating regulations, operating a vessel while intoxicated, 33 CFR 95 Commerce Department Inflation, civil monetary penalty adjustments, 15 CFR 6 Information and communications technology and services supply chain, securing, 15 CFR 7 Program fraud civil remedies, 15 CFR 25 Commercial space transportation, compliance and enforcement, 14 CFR 405 Commodity Credit Corporation Loans and price support programs-- Dairy products, 7 CFR 1430 Farm Storage Facility Loan program regulations, 7 CFR 1436 Sugar, 7 CFR 1435 Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program, 7 CFR 1437 Commodity Futures Trading Commission Collection of claims owned the U.S. arising from activities under the Commission's jurisdiction, 17 CFR 143 Proprietary trading, certain interests in, and relationships with covered funds, 17 CFR 75 Comptroller of the Currency Adjudicatory proceedings, practice and procedure rules, 12 CFR 109 Practice and procedure rules, 12 CFR 19 Prompt corrective action, 12 CFR 6 Proprietary trading and certain interests in and relationships with covered funds, 12 CFR 44 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Civil penalty adjustments, 12 CFR 1083 Equal Credit Opportunity Act (Regulation B), 12 CFR 1002 S.A.F.E. Mortgage Licensing Act-- Residential mortgage loan originators, Federal registration (Regulation G), 12 CFR 1007 State compliance and bureau registration system (Regulation H), 12 CFR 1008 Consumer Product Safety Commission Choking incidents involving marbles, small balls, latex balloons, and other small parts, reporting, 16 CFR 1117 Civil penalty factors, 16 CFR 1119 Small business, 16 CFR 1020 Corporation for National and Community Service, Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act regulations, 45 CFR 2554 [[Page 689]] Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia, salary offset procedures, 28 CFR 814 Customs and Border Protection Air commerce regulations, 19 CFR 122 Customs brokers, 19 CFR 111 Export control, used self-propelled vehicles, vessels, and aircraft, 19 CFR 192 Foreign trade zones, 19 CFR 146 Inspection, search, and seizure, 19 CFR 162 Liquidated damages, claims; penalties secured by bonds, 19 CFR 172 Recordkeeping, 19 CFR 163 Relief from fines, penalties, and forfeitures of seized merchandise, 19 CFR 171 Transportation in bond and merchandise in transit, 19 CFR 18 Defense Department Acquisition regulations, improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 203 Archaeological resources protection, uniform regulations, 32 CFR 229 Civil monetary penalty inflation adjustment, 32 CFR 269 Pentagon Reservation, conduct on, 32 CFR 234 Privacy Act of 1974, protection of privacy and access to and amendment of individual records, 32 CFR 310 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 32 CFR 277 Traffic and vehicle control on certain Defense Mapping Agency sites, 32 CFR 263 Tricare Program, civil money penalty authorities, 32 CFR 200 Delaware River Basin Commission, rules of practice and procedure, 18 CFR 401 Economic Analysis Bureau, survey of international trade in services between U.S. and foreign persons and surveys of direct investment, 15 CFR 801 Education Department Civil monetary penalties, inflation adjustment, 34 CFR 36 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 34 CFR 33 Tort claims against Government, 34 CFR 35 Electric Reliability Organization certification and standards establishment, approval and enforcement, 18 CFR 39 Employee Benefits Security Administration Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974-- Administration and enforcement, 29 CFR 2560 Civil penalties adjustment under Title I, 29 CFR 2575 Group health plans, rules and regulations, 29 CFR 2590 Procedural regulations, 29 CFR 2570 Federal Employees' Retirement System Act of 1986, administration and enforcement, 29 CFR 2589 Employment and Training Administration Foreign workers in U.S., temporary employment, 20 CFR 655 Unemployment compensation-- Ex-servicemembers, 20 CFR 614 Federal civilian employees, 20 CFR 609 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title I; administrative provisions, 20 CFR 683 Workforce Investment Act, Title I; administrative provisions, 20 CFR 667 Energy Department Administrative claims under Federal Tort Claims Act, 10 CFR 1014 Alternative fuel transportation program, 10 CFR 490 Alternate fuels program, administrative procedures and sanctions, 10 CFR 501 Civil penalties assessment for classified information security violations, procedures, 10 CFR 824 Crude oil and petroleum products priority supply to Defense Department under Defense Production Act, 10 CFR 221 Information collection, 10 CFR 207 Lobbying restrictions, 10 CFR 601 Nevada Test Site, traffic control, 10 CFR 861 Nuclear activities, procedural rules, 10 CFR 820 Petroleum regulations-- Administrative procedures and sanctions, 10 CFR 205 Standby mandatory international oil allocation, 10 CFR 218 [[Page 690]] Program Fraud civil remedies and procedures, 10 CFR 1013 Trespassing on Government property, 10 CFR 860 Unclassified controlled nuclear information, identification and protection, 10 CFR 1017 Worker safety and health program, 10 CFR 851 Engineers Corps Permits, enforcement, 33 CFR 326 Navigation regulations, collection of navigation statistics, 33 CFR 207 Water resource development projects administered by Chief of Army Engineers, public use, 36 CFR 327 Engraving and Printing Bureau, distinctive paper and distinctive counterfeit deterrents for United States Federal Reserve notes, 31 CFR 601 Environmental Protection Agency Acid Rain, excess emissions, 40 CFR 77 Air pollution-- Assessment and collection of noncompliance penalties by EPA, 40 CFR 66 Fuels and fuel additives, registration, 40 CFR 79 Fuels and fuel additives, regulation, 40 CFR 80 Fuels, fuel additives, and regulated blendstocks, regulation, 40 CFR 1090 Highway, stationary, and nonroad programs; general compliance provisions, 40 CFR 1068 Locomotives, emissions control, 40 CFR 1033 Marine compression-ignition engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 94 Marine compression-ignition engines and vessels, emissions control, 40 CFR 1042 Marine spark-ignition engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 91 New and in-use nonroad and stationary equipment, evaporative emissions control, 40 CFR 1060 New and in-use nonroad compression-ignition engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 1039 New large nonroad spark-ignition engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 1048 New small nonroad spark-ignition engines and equipment, emissions control, 40 CFR 1054 Outer Continental Shelf air regulations, 40 CFR 55 Recreational engines and vehicles, emissions control, 40 CFR 1051 Spark-ignition propulsion marine engines and vessels, emissions control, 40 CFR 1045 State noncompliance penalty program, EPA approval, 40 CFR 67 Antarctica, non-governmental activities, environmental impact assessment, 40 CFR 8 Civil monetary penalties, inflation adjustment, 40 CFR 19 Federal Tort Claims Act, administrative claims, 40 CFR 10 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System, State program requirements, 40 CFR 123 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 40 CFR 27 Sewage sludge, State sludge management program regulations, 40 CFR 501 State hazardous waste programs, authorization requirements, 40 CFR 271 Superfund program-- Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) claims procedures, 40 CFR 307 Emergency planning and notification, 40 CFR 355 Hazardous chemical reporting, community right-to-know, 40 CFR 370 National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan, 40 CFR 300 Toxic chemical release reporting, community right-to-know, 40 CFR 372 Toxic substances control, civil penalties administrative assessment or permits revocation/termination or suspension, consolidated practice rules, 40 CFR 22 [[Page 691]] Underground storage tank program, approved, 40 CFR 282 Water pollution control-- Discharge of reportable quantities of hazardous substances, 40 CFR 117 Oil pollution prevention, 40 CFR 112 Water programs-- Dredged or fill material discharge (section 404 Program), State program regulations, 40 CFR 233 State Underground Injection Control program requirements, 40 CFR 145 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, Equal Pay Act, 29 CFR 1620 Farm Credit Administration, practice and procedure rules, 12 CFR 622 Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation, practice and procedure rules, 12 CFR 1411 Farm Service Agency Dairy disaster assistance payment program, 7 CFR 786 Disclosure of foreign investment in agricultural lands, 7 CFR 781 Marketing quota penalties, refunds, 7 CFR 714 Federal Aviation Administration Commercial space transportation; investigations, enforcement, and administrative review, 14 CFR 406 Investigative and enforcement procedures, 14 CFR 13 Federal Communications Commission Authorization and administration of accounting authorities in maritime and maritime mobile-satellite radio services, 47 CFR 3 Practice and procedure, 47 CFR 1 Federal Crop Insurance Corporation Catastrophic risk protection endorsement, 7 CFR 402 General administrative regulations, 7 CFR 400 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Practice and procedures rules, 12 CFR 308 Proprietary trading and certain interests in and relationships with covered funds, 12 CFR 351 Federal Election Commission Collection of administrative debts, 11 CFR 8 Federal election regulations, compliance procedure, 11 CFR 111 Federal Emergency Management Agency Federal disaster assistance, 44 CFR 206 Mt. Weather Emergency Assistance Center and National Emergency Training Center, conduct at, 44 CFR 15 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, practice and procedure rules, 18 CFR 385 Federal Housing Finance Agency Flood insurance, 12 CFR 1250 Post-employment restriction for senior examiners, 12 CFR 1212 Practice and procedure, 12 CFR 1209 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, 12 CFR 1217 Federal Maritime Commission Civil monetary penalty inflation adjustment, 46 CFR 506 Maritime carriers, passenger vessel financial responsibility, 46 CFR 540 Practice and procedure rules, 46 CFR 502 U.S. foreign trade, regulations to adjust or meet conditions unfavorable to shipping, 46 CFR 550 Federal Mine Safety and Health Act of 1977, criteria and procedures for proposed assessment of civil penalties, 30 CFR 100 Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission, procedural rules, 29 CFR 2700 Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Commercial driver's license standards, requirements and penalties, 49 CFR 383 Controlled substances and alcohol use and testing, 49 CFR 382 Motor carriers-- Financial responsibility, minimum levels, 49 CFR 387 FMCSA proceedings, rules of practice, 49 CFR 386 Motor carrier registration and insurance fees, 49 CFR 360 Federal Railroad Administration Alcohol and drug use control, 49 CFR 219 Brake system safety standards for freight and other non-passenger trains and equipment; end-of-train devices, 49 CFR 232 [[Page 692]] Bridge safety standards, 49 CFR 237 Conductors, qualification and certification, 49 CFR 242 Critical incident stress plans, 49 CFR 272 Freight car safety standards, 49 CFR 215 Grade crossing safety, 49 CFR 234 Locomotive engineers, qualification and certification, 49 CFR 240 Locomotive horns, use at public highway-rail grade crossings, 49 CFR 222 Locomotive safety standards, 49 CFR 229 Occupational noise exposure, 49 CFR 227 Passenger equipment safety standards, 49 CFR 238 Passenger train emergency preparedness, 49 CFR 239 Passenger train employees; hours of service, reporting and recordkeeping, sleeping quarters, 49 CFR 228 Rail freight rolling stock, reflectorization, 49 CFR 224 Railroad accidents/incidents; reports classification, and investigations, 49 CFR 225 Railroad communications, 49 CFR 220 Railroad operating practices, 49 CFR 218 Railroad operating rules, 49 CFR 217 Rail operations, U.S.; United States locational requirement for dispatching, 49 CFR 241 Railroad safety appliance standards, 49 CFR 231 Railroad safety enforcement procedures, 49 CFR 209 Railroad track, locomotive and equipment: special notice and emergency order procedures, 49 CFR 216 Railroad track safety standards, 49 CFR 213 Railroad workplace safety, 49 CFR 214 Rear end marking device--passenger, commuter, and freight trains, 49 CFR 221 Safety glazing standards, locomotives, passenger cars, and cabooses, 49 CFR 223 Safety integration plans governing railroad consolidations, mergers, and acquisitions of control, 49 CFR 244 Safety-related railroad employees; training, qualification, and oversight, 49 CFR 243 Signal and train control systems, devices, and appliances; rules, standards, and instructions governing installation, inspection, maintenance, and repair, 49 CFR 236 Signal systems-- Instructions governing applications for approval of discontinuance or material modification or relief from part 236 requirements, 49 CFR 235 Reporting requirement, 49 CFR 233 Steam locomotive inspection and maintenance standards, 49 CFR 230 System Safety program, 49 CFR 270 Federal Reserve System Equal Credit Opportunity Act (Regulation B), 12 CFR 202 Former members and employees of Board, limitations on activities, 12 CFR 266 Hearings, rules of practice, 12 CFR 263 Loans to executive officers, directors, and principal shareholders of member banks (Regulation O), 12 CFR 215 Proprietary trading and certain interests in and relationships with covered funds (Regulation VV), 12 CFR 248 Federal Trade Commission Automotive fuel ratings, certification and posting, 16 CFR 306 General procedures, 16 CFR 1 Financial Crimes Enforcement Network Banks, rule, 31 CFR 1020 Brokers or dealers, rules, 31 CFR 1023 Casinos and card clubs, rules, 31 CFR 1021 Dealers in precious metals, precious stones, and jewels, rules, 31 CFR 1027 Futures Commission merchants and introducing brokers in commodities, rules, 31 CFR 1026 General provisions, 31 CFR 1010 Housing Government-sponsored enterprises, rules, 31 CFR 1030 Insurance companies, rules, 31 CFR 1025 Money services businesses, rules, 31 CFR 1022 Mutual funds, rules, 31 CFR 1024 Operators of credit card systems, rules, 31 CFR 1028 Fish and Wildlife Service Civil procedures, 50 CFR 11 [[Page 693]] Fish and wildlife regulations, enforcement penalty and procedural requirements for violations of, 50 CFR 28 Geological and geophysical exploration of coastal plain, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, 50 CFR 37 Food and Drug Administration, civil money penalties hearings, 21 CFR 17 Food and Nutrition Service National School Lunch Program, 7 CFR 210 Special supplemental food program for women, infants, and children, 7 CFR 246 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program-- Eligible households, certification, 7 CFR 273 Miscellaneous regulations, 7 CFR 284 Participating State agencies, requirements, 7 CFR 272 Retail food stores, wholesale food concerns, meal services and insured financial institutions; participation of, 7 CFR 278 WIC farmers' market nutrition program (FMNP), 7 CFR 248 Foreign Assets Control Office Control regulations-- Cuban assets, 31 CFR 515 Diamonds, rough, 31 CFR 592 Iranian assets, 31 CFR 535 Iranian transactions and sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 560 Reporting, procedures and penalties, 31 CFR 501 Sanctions regulations-- Belarus, 31 CFR 548 Burma, 31 CFR 525 Central African Republic, 31 CFR 553 Chinese Military-Industrial Complex, 31 CFR 586 Cyber-related, 31 CFR 578 Darfur, 31 CFR 546 Democratic Republic of the Congo, 31 CFR 547 Elections, U.S.; foreign interference, 31 CFR 579 Ethiopia, 31 CFR 550 Foreign narcotics kingpin, 31 CFR 598 Foreign terrorist organizations, 31 CFR 597 Former Liberian regime of Charles Taylor, 31 CFR 593 Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act, 31 CFR 583 Global terrorism, 31 CFR 594 Hizballah, 31 CFR 566 Hong Kong, 31 CFR 585 Hostages and wrongful detention, 31 CFR 526 Illicit drug trade, 31 CFR 599 Iran, financial, 31 CFR 561 Iranian sector and human rights abuses, 31 CFR 562 Iraq, stabilization and insurgency, 31 CFR 576 Lebanon, 31 CFR 549 Libya, 31 CFR 570 Magnitsky Act, 31 CFR 584 Mali, 31 CFR 555 Narcotics trafficking, 31 CFR 536 Nicaragua, 31 CFR 582 North Korea, 31 CFR 510 Russian harmful foreign activities, 31 CFR 587 Somalia, 31 CFR 551 South Sudan, 31 CFR 558 Syria, 31 CFR 542, 31 CFR 569 Terrorism, 31 CFR 595 Terrorism list governments, 31 CFR 596 Transnational criminal organizations, 31 CFR 590 Venezuela, 31 CFR 591 Weapons of mass destruction proliferators, 31 CFR 544 Yemen, 31 CFR 552 Zimbabwe, 31 CFR 541 Weapons of mass destruction trade control regulations, 31 CFR 539 Western Balkans stabilization regulations, 31 CFR 588 Forest Service Archaeological resources protection, uniform regulations, 36 CFR 296 Paleontological resources preservation, 36 CFR 291 General Services Administration, Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 41 CFR 105-70 Golden parachute and indemnification payments, 12 CFR 1412 Government Ethics Office [[Page 694]] Executive branch financial disclosure, qualified trusts, and certificates of divestiture, 5 CFR 2634 Limitations on outside earned income, employment and affiliations for certain noncareer employees, 5 CFR 2636 Testimony by agency employees relating to official information and production of official records in legal proceedings, 5 CFR 2608 Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation, regulations and rules, 33 CFR 401 Health and Human Services Department Administrative data standards and related requirements, general administrative requirements, 45 CFR 160 Child Care and Development Fund, 45 CFR 98 Health care access requirements-- CMS enforcement in group and individual insurance markets, 45 CFR 150 Individual health insurance market requirements, 45 CFR 148 Health Care Reform Insurance Web Portal, 45 CFR 159 Health insurance-- Issuer rate increases, disclosure and review requirements, 45 CFR 154 Issuer use of premium revenue, reporting and rebate requirements, 45 CFR 158 Surprise billing and transparency requirements, 45 CFR 149 Healthcare Integrity and Protection Data Bank for final adverse information on health care providers, suppliers and practitioners, 45 CFR 61 Indian health care services, 42 CFR 136, 42 CFR 136a Inflation, adjustment of civil monetary penalties, 45 CFR 102 National Institutes of Health Federal enclave, conduct of persons and traffic on, 45 CFR 3 National practitioner data bank for adverse information on physicians and other health care practitioners, 45 CFR 60 Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan Program, 45 CFR 152 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 45 CFR 79 Voluntary Medicare prescription drug benefit, 42 CFR 423 Homeland Security Department Program fraud civil remedies, 6 CFR 13 Transportation Security Oversight Board Review Panel, process and procedures, 6 CFR 126 Housing and Urban Development Department Civil money penalties, certain prohibited conduct, 24 CFR 30 Civil rights matters, consolidated HUD hearing procedures, 24 CFR 180 Fair housing, complaint processing, 24 CFR 103 General HUD program requirements, waivers, 24 CFR 5 HUD Reform Act, 24 CFR 4 Mortgage and loan insurance programs, procedures for obtaining wage and claim information about applicants and participants from State wage information collection agencies (SWICAs), 24 CFR 200 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 24 CFR 28 Immigration and Naturalization Act Aliens, control of employment, 8 CFR 274a Carrier responsibilities at foreign ports of embarkation, reducing, refunding, or waiving funds under section 273, 8 CFR 273 Document fraud, penalties, 8 CFR 270 Imposition and collection of fines, 8 CFR 280 Persons admitted for lawful temporary or permanent resident status under Section 245A, 8 CFR 245a Immigration Review, Executive Office for Aliens, control of employment of, 8 CFR 1274a Document fraud, penalties, 8 CFR 1270 Immigration and Nationality Act, imposition and collection of fines for violations of, 8 CFR 1280 Indian Affairs Bureau Courts of Indian Offenses and law-and-order code, 25 CFR 11 Licensed Indian traders, 25 CFR 140 [[Page 695]] Navajo, Hopi, and Zuni reservations, business practices on, 25 CFR 141 Oil and gas, geothermal, and solid minerals agreements, 25 CFR 225 Indian Arts and Crafts Board; Indian arts and crafts products, protection, 25 CFR 309 Industry and Security Bureau Chemical Weapons Convention-- Enforcement, 15 CFR 719 Export privileges, denial, 15 CFR 720 Export Administration regulations-- Administrative enforcement proceedings, 15 CFR 766 Appeals and judicial review, 15 CFR 756 Enforcement and protective measures, 15 CFR 764 Export clearance requirements and authorities, 15 CFR 758 Restrictive trade practices or boycotts, 15 CFR 760 Inspector General Office, Health and Human Services Department Civil money penalties, assessments, and exclusions, 42 CFR 1003 Appeals, 42 CFR 1005 Health care practitioners and providers of health care services under Medicare, imposition of sanctions by peer review organization, 42 CFR 1004 Investigational inquiries, 42 CFR 1006 Interior Department Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System, equal opportunity during construction and operation, 43 CFR 34 Archaeological resources protection, uniform regulations, 43 CFR 7 Native American graves protection and repatriation regulations, 43 CFR 10 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, 43 CFR 35 Internal Revenue Service Employment taxes and collection of income tax at source, 26 CFR 31 Income taxes, additions to tax, additional amounts, and assessable penalties, 26 CFR 1 (1.6654-1--1.6709-1T) Procedure and administration, 26 CFR 301 International Boundary and Water Commission, U.S. and Mexico, archaeological resources protection, uniform regulations, 22 CFR 1104 International Trade Administration, procedures and rules for Article 10.12 of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, 19 CFR 356 International Trade Commission; imports sold at less than fair value or from subsidized exports to the U.S., investigations of whether injury to domestic industries results from, 19 CFR 207 Justice Department Americans with Disabilities Act, nondiscrimination on basis of disability by public accommodations and in commercial facilities, 28 CFR 36 Civil monetary penalties inflation adjustment, 28 CFR 85 Controlled substances possession, civil penalties assessment, procedure rules, 28 CFR 76 Information systems, 28 CFR 25 Private entities providing prisoner or detainee services, standards, 28 CFR 97 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 28 CFR 71 Labor Department Labor standards provisions applicable to contracts covering federally financed and assisted construction contracts and non-construction contracts under the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, 29 CFR 5 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 29 CFR 22 Land Management Bureau Designated wilderness areas, management, 43 CFR 6300 Fire management on public lands, wildfire protection, 43 CFR 9210 Fossil Forest Research Natural Area; historical or scientific value of public lands, management procedure, 43 CFR 8200 Grazing lands administration, 43 CFR 4100 Law enforcement-criminal, on public lands, 43 CFR 9260 Oil and gas leasing, onshore oil and gas operations, 43 CFR 3160 [[Page 696]] Paleontological resources preservation, 43 CFR 49 Public lands-- Leases, permits, and easements; use of, 43 CFR 2920 Trespassing, 43 CFR 9230 Recreation management areas, wild and scenic river areas prohibited acts, 43 CFR 8350 Recreation permits on public lands, 43 CFR 2930 Rights-of-way, Federal Land Policy Management Act, 43 CFR 2800 Visitor services on public lands, 43 CFR 8360 Wild free-roaming horses and burros; protection, management, and control, 43 CFR 4700 Lobbying restrictions Agency for International Development, 22 CFR 227 Broadcasting Board of Governors, 22 CFR 519 Commerce Department, 15 CFR 28 Corporation for National and Community Service, 45 CFR 1230 Defense Department, 32 CFR 28 Education Department, 34 CFR 82 Energy Department, 10 CFR 600, 601 Environmental Protection Agency, 40 CFR 34 Export-Import Bank, 12 CFR 411 Federal Emergency Management Agency, 44 CFR 18 General Services Administration, 41 CFR 105-69 Health and Human Services Department, 45 CFR 93 Homeland Security Department, 6 CFR 9 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 87 Interior Department, 43 CFR 18 International Development Finance Corporation, U.S., 22 CFR 712 Justice Department, 28 CFR 69 Labor Department, 29 CFR 93 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 14 CFR 1271 National Endowment for the Arts, 45 CFR 1158 National Endowment for the Humanities, 45 CFR 1168 National Science Foundation, 45 CFR 604 Peace Corps, 22 CFR 311 Small Business Administration, 13 CFR 146 State Department, 22 CFR 138 Tennessee Valley Authority, 18 CFR 1315 Transportation Department, 49 CFR 20 Treasury Department, 31 CFR 21 Veterans Affairs Department, 38 CFR 45 Management and Budget Office, prompt payment, 5 CFR 1315 Maritime Administration Documented vessels and other maritime interests, regulated transactions, 46 CFR 221 Vessels, establishment of mandatory position reporting system, 46 CFR 307 Vessels of 100 feet or greater in registered length, requirements to obtain fishery endorsement to vessel's documentation, 46 CFR 356 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 14 CFR 1264 National Credit Union Administration; administrative actions, adjudicative hearings, rules of practice and procedure, and investigations, 12 CFR 747 National Endowment for the Arts, Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act regulations, 45 CFR 1149 National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities, Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act regulations, 45 CFR 1174 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, civil and criminal penalties, 49 CFR 578 National Indian Gaming Commission Appeals, 25 CFR 585 Indian Gaming Regulatory Act, civil fines, 25 CFR 575 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Civil procedures, 15 CFR 904 Fishery management plans-- Atlantic highly migratory species, 50 CFR 635 Magnuson-Stevens Act provisions, 50 CFR 600 Marine mammals-- [[Page 697]] Taking and importing, 50 CFR 216, 50 CFR 218, 50 CFR 219 Taking incidental to specified activities, 50 CFR 217 National Marine Sanctuary program regulations, 15 CFR 922 Private remote sensing space systems, licensing, 15 CFR 960 National Park Service El Portal Administrative Site regulations, 36 CFR 34 General provisions, 36 CFR 1 Solid waste disposal sites in National Park System units, 36 CFR 6 National Science Foundation, Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act regulations, 45 CFR 681 National Security Agency, security measures, 32 CFR 228 National Technical Information Service, certification program for access to the death master file, 15 CFR 1110 Natural Resource Conservation Service, appeal procedures, 7 CFR 614 Natural Resources Revenue Office, 30 CFR 1241 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Atomic Energy Act, licensing exemptions and continued regulatory authority in agreement States and in offshore waters under Sec. 174, 10 CFR 150 Byproduct material-- Domestic licensing, general applicability rules, 10 CFR 30 General domestic licenses, 10 CFR 31 Manufacture or transfer certain items containing byproduct material, specific domestic licenses, 10 CFR 32 Medical use, 10 CFR 35 Specific domestic licenses of broad scope, 10 CFR 33 Classified information, access authorization, 10 CFR 25 Financial protection requirements and indemnity agreements, 10 CFR 140 Gaseous diffusion plants, certification, 10 CFR 76 High-level radioactive wastes, disposal in geologic repositories, 10 CFR 60 Independent storage of spent nuclear fuel, high-level radioactive waste, and reactor-related greater than class C waste, licensing requirements, 10 CFR 72 Industrial radiographic operations, industrial radiography licenses and radiation safety requirements, 10 CFR 34 Material control and accounting of special nuclear material, 10 CFR 74 National security information and restricted data, facility security clearance and safeguarding of, 10 CFR 95 Notices, instructions, and reports to workers, inspection and investigations, 10 CFR 19 Nuclear equipment and material, export and import, 10 CFR 110 Nuclear facilities, materials, import and export licenses, and other regulatory services under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended; fees, 10 CFR 170 Nuclear plants and materials, physical protection, 10 CFR 73 Nuclear power plants-- Licenses, certifications, and approvals, 10 CFR 52 Operating licenses renewal requirements, 10 CFR 54 Operators' licenses, 10 CFR 55 Practice and procedure rules, 10 CFR 2 Production and utilization facilities, domestic licensing, 10 CFR 50 Program fraud civil remedies, 10 CFR 13 Public records, 10 CFR 9 Radiation, protection standards against, 10 CFR 20 Radioactive materials-- Packaging and transportation, 10 CFR 71 Physical protection of category 1 and category 2 quantities, 10 CFR 37 Radioactive waste, land disposal, licensing requirements, 10 CFR 61 Reactor licenses and fuel cycle licenses and materials licenses, including holders of certificates of compliance, registrations, and quality assurance program approvals, and government agencies licensed by the NRC; annual fees, 10 CFR 171 Safeguards on nuclear material, implementation of safeguards [[Page 698]] agreements between United States and the International Atomic Energy Agency, 10 CFR 75 Safety defects and noncompliance by NRC licensees, reporting, 10 CFR 21 Source material, domestic licensing, 10 CFR 40 Special nuclear material-- Criteria and procedures for determining eligibility for access to or control over, 10 CFR 11 Domestic licensing, 10 CFR 70 Trespassing on NRC property, 10 CFR 160 Well logging, licenses and radiation safety requirements, 10 CFR 39 Yucca Mountain, Nevada, geologic repository, high-level radioactive wastes disposal, 10 CFR 63 Occupational Safety and Health Administration, inspections, citations, and proposed penalties for violations of Williams-Steiger Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, 29 CFR 1903 Outer Continental Shelf Minerals other than oil, gas, and sulphur, operations-- Ocean Energy Management Bureau, 30 CFR 582 Safety and Environmental Enforcement Bureau, 30 CFR 282 Offshore facilities, oil spill financial responsibility for, 30 CFR 553 Oil and gas and sulphur operations-- Ocean Energy Management Bureau, 30 CFR 550 Safety and Environmental Enforcement Bureau, 30 CFR 250 Paleontological resources preservation, 36 CFR 291 Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation Enforcement provisions, penalties for failure to provide certain notices or other material information, 29 CFR 4071 Multiemployer enforcement provisions; penalties for failure to provide certain notices, 29 CFR 4302 Single-employer and multiemployer plans, insurance premiums payment, 29 CFR 4007 Single-employer plans, annual financial and actuarial information reporting, 29 CFR 4010 Personnel Management Office, program fraud civil remedies, 5 CFR 185 Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Hazardous materials program procedures, 49 CFR 107 Pipeline safety enforcement and regulatory procedures, 49 CFR 190 Postal Service Conduct on postal property, 39 CFR 232 Inspection service authority, 39 CFR 233 Mail contractors, fines, deductions, and damages, 39 CFR 927 Proceedings relative to civil penalties, clean-up costs and damages for violation of hazardous material regulations, practice rules, 39 CFR 958 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act-- Administration, 39 CFR 273 False representation and lottery orders, rules of practice in relative proceedings, 39 CFR 952 Practice rules in proceedings, 39 CFR 962 Presidio Trust, general provisions, 36 CFR 1001 Prisons Bureau, cost of incarceration fee, 28 CFR 505 Public Health Service Federal Tort Claims Act coverage of certain grantees and individuals, 42 CFR 6 Select agents and toxins, 42 CFR 73 Railroad Retirement Board Civil monetary penalty inflation adjustment, 20 CFR 356 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 20 CFR 355 Reclamation Bureau, public conduct on facilities, lands, and waterbodies, 43 CFR 423 Securities and Exchange Commission, practice rules, 17 CFR 201 Small Business Administration HUBZone program, 13 CFR 126 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 13 CFR 142 Social Security Administration [[Page 699]] Civil monetary penalties, assessments and recommended exclusions, 20 CFR 498 Federal old-age, survivors, and disability insurance (1950-- ), 20 CFR 404 Federal Tort Claims Act and related statutes, administrative claims, 20 CFR 429 Supplemental Security Income for aged, blind, and disabled, 20 CFR 416 State Department Arms shipments, violations and penalties, 22 CFR 127 Chemical Weapons Convention and Chemical Weapons Implementation Act of 1988, taking of samples and enforcement of recordkeeping and inspection requirements, 22 CFR 103 Fishermen's Protective Act Guaranty Fund procedures under Section 7, seizures of commercial fishing vessels, 22 CFR 33 Program fraud civil remedies, 22 CFR 35 Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement Office Initial program-- Civil penalties, 30 CFR 723 Individual civil penalties, 30 CFR 724 Permanent program inspection and enforcement-- Alternative enforcement, 30 CFR 847 Civil penalties, 30 CFR 845 Individual civil penalties, 30 CFR 846 Surface Transportation Board Civil monetary penalty inflation adjustment, 49 CFR 1022 Demurrage liability, 49 CFR 1333 Tennessee Valley Authority Archaeological resources protection, uniform regulations, 18 CFR 1312 Contract disputes, 18 CFR 1308 Transportation Department Civil penalties, 14 CFR 383 Maintenance of and access to records pertaining to individuals, 49 CFR 10 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, 49 CFR 31 Transportation Security Administration, investigative and enforcement procedures, 49 CFR 1503 Treasury Department Agency names, symbols, etc.; civil penalty assessment for misuse, 31 CFR 27 Financial recordkeeping and reporting of currency and foreign transactions, 31 CFR 103 Foreign portfolio investment survey reporting, 31 CFR 129 International capital and foreign-currency transactions and positions, reporting, 31 CFR 128 Monetary Offices, five-cent and one-cent coin regulations, 31 CFR 82 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986, implementation, 31 CFR 16 U.S. Mint operations and procedures, 31 CFR 92 Veterans Affairs Department General provisions, 38 CFR 1 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation standards, 38 CFR 42 Wage and Hour Division Attestations by employers using alien crewmembers for longshore activities in U.S. ports, 29 CFR 506 Attestations by facilities using nonimmigrant aliens as registered nurses, 29 CFR 504 Attestations filed by employers utilizing F-1 students for off-campus work, 29 CFR 508 Child labor regulations, orders, and statements of interpretations, 29 CFR 570 Civil money penalties-- Assessing and contesting penalties, procedures, 29 CFR 580 Child labor violations, 29 CFR 579 Tip retention, minimum wage, and overtime violations, 29 CFR 578 Employee Polygraph Protection Act, application, 29 CFR 801 Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, 29 CFR 825 Homeworkers in certain industries, employment, 29 CFR 530 Immigration and Nationality Act-- Temporary agricultural workers admitted under Section 218, enforcement of contractual obligations, 29 CFR 501, 29 CFR 502 Temporary nonimmigrant non-agricultural workers, enforcement of obligations, 29 CFR 503 [[Page 700]] Labor condition applications and requirements for employers using nonimmigrants on H-1B specialty visas in specialty occupations and as fashion models, 29 CFR 507 Migrant and seasonal agricultural worker protection, 29 CFR 500 Worker's Compensation Programs Office Black lung benefits-- Coal mine operator's insurance, requirements, 20 CFR 726 Federal Mine Safety and Health Act, benefit claims under Part C of Title IV, 20 CFR 725 Federal Employees' Compensation Act, claims, 20 CFR 10 Federal Mine Safety and Health Act, benefit claims under Part C of Title IV, 20 CFR 725 Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act, administration and procedure, 20 CFR 702 Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation Affirmative action policy and procedure, 36 CFR 906 Bylaws of Corporation, 36 CFR 901 Conduct standards, 36 CFR 905 Environmental quality, 36 CFR 907 Freedom of Information Act, 36 CFR 902 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 36 CFR 909 Privacy Act, 36 CFR 903 Retention of displaced businesses and residents in Pennsylvania Avenue development area, policy and procedures to facilitate, 36 CFR 908 Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally assisted programs, cross reference to 49 CFR 24 (governmentwide rule), 36 CFR 904 Urban planning and design of development within Pennsylvania Avenue development area, general guidelines and uniform standards, 36 CFR 910 Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration See Employee Benefits Security Administration Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation Administrative review of agency decisions, 29 CFR 4003 Appearances in certain proceedings, 29 CFR 4905 Bylaws, 29 CFR 4002 Debt collection, 29 CFR 4903 Employee welfare and benefit plans Multiemployer enforcement provisions; penalties for failure to provide certain notices, 29 CFR 4302 Multiemployer plans, insolvency, reorganization, termination, etc.-- Eligible plans, partitions, 29 CFR 4233 Financial assistance to multiemployer plans, cross-references, 29 CFR 4261 Mergers and transfers between, 29 CFR 4231 Plan sponsor, duties of following mass withdrawal, 29 CFR 4281 Plan sponsor, duties of insolvency plan, duties of plan sponsor, 29 CFR 4245 Special financial assistance, 29 CFR 4262 Termination, 29 CFR 4041A Multiemployer plans, withdrawal liability-- Arbitration of disputes, 29 CFR 4221 Complete withdrawal liability, reduction or waiver, 29 CFR 4207 Extension of special rules, 29 CFR 4203 Liability adjustment for withdrawal subsequent to partial withdrawal, 29 CFR 4206 Notice, collection, and redetermination, 29 CFR 4219 Partial withdrawal liability, reduction or waiver, 29 CFR 4208 PBGC approval of plan amendments, procedures, 29 CFR 4220 Unfunded vested benefits, allocation, 29 CFR 4211 Variances for sale of assets, 29 CFR 4204 Single-employer and multiemployer plans-- Amounts payable by PBGC, cross-references, 29 CFR 4061 Annual report, 29 CFR 4065 Insurance premium rates, 29 CFR 4006 [[Page 701]] Insurance premiums payment, 29 CFR 4007 Liability on termination of single-employer plans under multiple controlled groups, cross-references, 29 CFR 4064 Withdrawal liability, plans under multiple controlled groups, cross- references, 29 CFR 4063 Single-employer plans-- Annual financial and actuarial information reporting, 29 CFR 4010 Assets allocation, 29 CFR 4044 Benefits payable in terminated plans, 29 CFR 4022 Guaranteed benefits, aggregate limits, 29 CFR 4022B Liability for termination, 29 CFR 4062 Lien for liability, 29 CFR 4068 Missing participants, 29 CFR 4050 Recovery of liability for plan terminations, cross-references, 29 CFR 4067 Reportable events and certain other notification requirements, 29 CFR 4043 Restoration of terminating and terminated plans, 29 CFR 4047 Termination, 29 CFR 4041 Termination initiated by PBGC, 29 CFR 4042 Terminology, 29 CFR 4001 Enforcement provisions, penalties for failure to provide certain notices or other material information, 29 CFR 4071 Ethical conduct of employees, 29 CFR 4904 Filing, issuance, computation of time, and record retention, 29 CFR 4000 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 29 CFR 4907 Privacy Act, disclosure and amendment of records, 29 CFR 4902 Records, disclosure and public inspection, 29 CFR 4901 Pension insurance See al Insurance; Pensions Employee welfare or pension benefit plans Multiemployer plans, insolvency, reorganization, termination, etc.-- Duties of plan sponsor following mass withdrawal, 29 CFR 4281 Eligible plans, partitions, 29 CFR 4233 Financial assistance to multiemployer plans, cross-references, 29 CFR 4261 Insolvency plan, duties of plan sponsor, 29 CFR 4245 Mergers and transfers between, 29 CFR 4231 Special financial assistance, 29 CFR 4262 Termination, 29 CFR 4041A Multiemployer plans, withdrawal liability-- Arbitration of disputes, 29 CFR 4221 Complete withdrawal liability, reduction or waiver, 29 CFR 4207 Extension of special rules, 29 CFR 4203 Liability adjustment for withdrawal subsequent to partial withdrawal, 29 CFR 4206 Notice, collection, and redetermination, 29 CFR 4219 Partial withdrawal liability, reduction or waiver, 29 CFR 4208 PBGC approval of plan amendments, procedures, 29 CFR 4220 4207 Unfunded vested benefits, allocation, 29 CFR 4211 Variances for sale of assets, 29 CFR 4204 Single-employer and multiemployer plans-- Amounts payable by PBGC, cross-references, 29 CFR 4061 Annual report, 29 CFR 4065 Insurance premium rates, 29 CFR 4006 Insurance premiums, payment, 29 CFR 4007 Liability on termination of single-employer plans under multiple controlled groups, cross-references, 29 CFR 4064 Withdrawal liability, plans under multiple controlled groups, cross- references, 29 CFR 4063 Single-employer plans-- Assets allocation, 29 CFR 4044 Annual financial and actuarial information reporting, 29 CFR 4010 Benefits payable in terminated plans, 29 CFR 4022 [[Page 702]] Guaranteed benefits, aggregate limits, 29 CFR 4022B Liability for termination, 29 CFR 4062 Lien for liability, 29 CFR 4068 Missing participants, 29 CFR 4050 Recovery of liability for plan terminations, cross-references, 29 CFR 4067 Reportable events and certain other notification requirements, 29 CFR 4043 Restoration of terminating and terminated plans, 29 CFR 4047 Termination, 29 CFR 4041 Terminology, 29 CFR 4001 Federal old-age, survivors and disability insurance (1950-- ), 20 CFR 404 Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation Administrative review of agency decisions, 29 CFR 4003 Filing, issuance, computation of time, and record retention, 29 CFR 4000 Pensions See al Employee benefit plans; Pension insurance; Railroad retirement; Retirement; Social security Abandoned plans, rules and regulations, 29 CFR 2578 Civil service Annuitants reemployment, 5 CFR 837 Court orders affecting retirement benefits, 5 CFR 838 Retirement and insurance benefits during periods of unexplained absence, 5 CFR 880 Civil Service Retirement System, 5 CFR 831 District of Columbia retirement programs, Federal benefit payments, 31 CFR 29 Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 Actuarial services performance under governing regulations, 20 CFR 901 Administration and enforcement, 29 CFR 2560 Procedural regulations, 29 CFR 2571 Civil penalties adjustment under Title I, 29 CFR 2575 Definitions, 29 CFR 2510 Employee pension benefit plans, minimum standards, 29 CFR 2530 Fiduciary responsibilities, 29 CFR 2550 Group health plans, rules and regulations, 29 CFR 2590 Interpretive bulletins, 29 CFR 2509 Procedural regulations, 29 CFR 2570 Reporting and disclosure, 29 CFR 2520 Temporary bonding rules, 29 CFR 2580 Temporary excise tax regulations, 26 CFR 141 Temporary income tax regulations, 26 CFR 11 Temporary regulations on tax procedure and administration, 26 CFR 420 Employment taxes and collection of income tax at source Regulations under Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982, 26 CFR 35 Withholding of income tax on annuity payments, 26 CFR 31 Excise taxes, 26 CFR 54 Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, 29 CFR 825 Federal benefit payments, garnishment of accounts containing, 31 CFR 212 Federal credit unions, trustees and custodians of pension plans, 12 CFR 724 Federal Employees Retirement System Basic annuity, 5 CFR 842 Death benefits and employee refunds, 5 CFR 843 Debt collection, 5 CFR 845 Disability retirement, 5 CFR 844 Elections of coverage, 5 CFR 846 General administration, 5 CFR 841 Phased retirement, 5 CFR 848 Representative payees, 5 CFR 849 Federal Employees Retirement System, Thrift Savings Plan Administration and enforcement, 29 CFR 2589 Application of Employee Retirement Income Security Act procedural rules, 29 CFR 2570 Fiduciary responsibility-- Allocation, 29 CFR 2584 Permanent and temporary bonding rules, 29 CFR 2582 Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board, Thrift Savings Plan Administrative errors, correction, 5 CFR 1605 Court orders and legal processes affecting accounts, 5 CFR 1653 [[Page 703]] Death benefits, 5 CFR 1651 Employee contribution elections, investment elections, and automatic enrollment program, 5 CFR 1600 Expanded and continuing eligibility, 5 CFR 1620 General and miscellaneous regulations, 5 CFR 1690 Loan program, 5 CFR 1655 Methods of withdrawing funds, 5 CFR 1650 Participants' choices of funds, 5 CFR 1601 Periodic participant statements, 5 CFR 1640 Share prices calculation, 5 CFR 1645 Uniformed services accounts, 5 CFR 1604 Vesting, 5 CFR 1603 Foreign Service retirement and disability system Benefits for certain former spouses, 22 CFR 20 Benefits for spouses and former spouses, 22 CFR 19 Overpayments to annuitants, 22 CFR 17 Government Accountability Office, insurance and annuities, 4 CFR 8 Income taxes, deferred compensation, pension, profit-sharing, stock bonus plans, 26 CFR 1 (1.401-0--1.420-1) Internal Revenue Service, procedure and administration, 26 CFR 301 Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation Annual financial and actuarial information reporting, 29 CFR 4010 Filing, issuance, computation of time, and record retention, 29 CFR 4000 Multi-employer plans-- Special financial assistance, 29 CFR 4262 Withdrawing employers, allocating unfunded vested benefits to withdrawing employers, 29 CFR 4211 Single-employer plan-- Assets allocation, 29 CFR 4044 Benefits payable in terminated plans, 29 CFR 4022 Missing participants, 29 CFR 4050 Termination, 29 CFR 4041 Termination by PBGC, 29 CFR 4042 Terminology, 29 CFR 4001 Personnel Management Office, debt collection, 5 CFR 835 Retirement Coverage elections by current and former employees of nonappropriated fund instrumentalities, 5 CFR 847 Coverage errors correction under Federal Erroneous Retirement Coverage Corrections Act, 5 CFR 839 Electronic processing, 5 CFR 850 Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act, 20 CFR 1002 Veterans benefits Adjudication, 38 CFR 3 General provisions, 38 CFR 1 Veterans disabilities, rating schedule, 38 CFR 4 People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled, Committee for Purchase From Agency materials, public availability, 41 CFR 51-8 Central nonprofit agencies, designation and responsibilities, 41 CFR 51- 3 Committee documents or information, production or disclosure in Federal and State proceedings, 41 CFR 51-11 Contracting requirements, 41 CFR 51-5 Environmental analysis procedures, 41 CFR 51-7 Federal Acquisition Regulation, required sources of supplies and services, 48 CFR 8 General policy, priorities and definitions, 41 CFR 51-1 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, enforcement, 41 CFR 51-10 Nonprofit agencies, qualification and responsibilities, 41 CFR 51-4 Organization and functions, 41 CFR 51-2 Privacy Act rules, 41 CFR 51-9 Procurement procedures, 41 CFR 51-6 People's Republic of China Chinese Military-Industrial Complex sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 586 Per diem programs See Health care Personally identifiable information See also [[Page 704]] Classified information Coast Guard Merchant mariner credential, 46 CFR 10 Ports and waterways safety, crewmember identification, 33 CFR 160 Defense Department Identity management, 32 CFR 221 Privacy Act of 1974, protection of privacy and access to and amendment of individual records, 32 CFR 310 Identification cards for members of the uniformed services, their dependents, and other eligible individuals, 32 CFR 161 National Credit Union Administration; security program, suspicious transactions, catastrophic acts, cyber incidents, and Bank Secrecy Act compliance, 12 CFR 748 National Language Service Corps, 32 CFR 251 National Science Foundation, Privacy Act regulations, 45 CFR 613 Occupational safety and health standards Construction industry, 29 CFR 1926 Federal standards, 29 CFR 1910 Shipyard employment, 29 CFR 1915 REAL ID driver's licenses and identification cards, 6 CFR 37 Personnel Management Office Acquisition regulations Federal Employees Group Life insurance Program-- Administrative matters, 48 CFR 2104 Application of labor laws to Government acquisitions, 48 CFR 2122 Bonds and insurance, 48 CFR 2128 Competition requirements, 48 CFR 2106 Contract cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 2131 Contract financing, 48 CFR 2132 Contract modifications, 48 CFR 2143 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 2115 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 2109 Definitions of words and terms, 48 CFR 2102 Federal Acquisition Regulations System, 48 CFR 2101 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 2103 Precontract provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 2152 Protection of privacy and freedom of information, 48 CFR 2124 Publicizing contract actions, 48 CFR 2105 Quality assurance, 48 CFR 2146 Sealed bidding, 48 CFR 2114 Service contracting, 48 CFR 2137 Specifications, standards, and other purchase descriptions, 48 CFR 2110 Subcontracting policies and procedures, 48 CFR 2144 Taxes, 48 CFR 2129 Termination of contracts, 48 CFR 2149 Types of contracts, 48 CFR 2116 Federal Employees Health Benefits-- Administrative matters, 48 CFR 1604 Application of labor laws to Government acquisitions, 48 CFR 1622 Competition requirements, 48 CFR 1606 Contract administration, 48 CFR 1642 Contract clauses, 48 CFR 1652 Contract cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 1631 Contract financing, 48 CFR 1632 Contract modifications, 48 CFR 1643 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 1615 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 1609 Definitions of words and terms, 48 CFR 1602 Federal Acquisition Regulations System, 48 CFR 1601 Forms, 48 CFR 1653 Government property, 48 CFR 1645 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 1603 Protection of privacy and freedom of information, 48 CFR 1624 Publicizing contract actions, 48 CFR 1605 Quality assurance, 48 CFR 1646 Sealed bidding, 48 CFR 1614 Subcontracting policies and procedures, 48 CFR 1644 [[Page 705]] Taxes, 48 CFR 1629 Termination of contracts, 48 CFR 1649 Types of contracts, 48 CFR 1616 Protests, disputes, and appeals, 48 CFR 1733 Civil service regulations Absence and leave, 5 CFR 630 Adverse actions, 5 CFR 752 Affirmative employment programs, 5 CFR 720 Agency administrative grievance system, 5 CFR 771 Agency authority in personnel actions, National emergency situations, 5 CFR 230 Agency relationships with organizations representing Federal employees and other organizations, 5 CFR 251 Annuitants reemployment, 5 CFR 837 Awards, 5 CFR 451 Basic concepts and definitions, general, 5 CFR 210 Career and career-conditional employment, 5 CFR 315 Child support and/or alimony, garnishment orders processing, 5 CFR 581 Charitable contributions to private voluntary organizations, solicitation of Federal civilian and uniformed services personnel, 5 CFR 950 Classification of positions under General Schedule, 5 CFR 511 Commercial garnishment of Federal employees' pay, 5 CFR 582 Competitive service and competitive status, definitions, 5 CFR 212 Competitive service appointments, 5 CFR 2 Court orders affecting retirement benefits, 5 CFR 838 Coverage and definitions, 5 CFR 1 Criminal history inquiries-- Complaint procedures, adverse actions, and appeals prior to conditional offer, 5 CFR 754 Timing, 5 CFR 920 Duty hours, 5 CFR 610 Employee responsibilities and conduct, 5 CFR 735 Employment of relatives, 5 CFR 310 Employment practices, general, 5 CFR 300 Examining system, 5 CFR 337 Excepted service-- Employment practices, 5 CFR 302 General provisions, 5 CFR 213 Exceptions from competitive service, 5 CFR 6 Expert and consultant appointments, 5 CFR 304 Federal employment suitability, 5 CFR 731 Federal Executive Boards, 5 CFR 960 General provisions, 5 CFR 7 Intergovernmental Personnel Act, temporary assignment of employees, 5 CFR 334 Medical qualification determinations, 5 CFR 339 National security positions-- Designation, 5 CFR 1400 General information, 5 CFR 732 Noncompetitive acquisition of status, 5 CFR 3 Nondisciplinary separations, demotions, and furloughs, 5 CFR 715 Overseas employment, employment practices, 5 CFR 301 Overseas positions, appointments, 5 CFR 8 Part-time, seasonal, on-call, and intermittent employment, 5 CFR 340 Pathways programs, 5 CFR 362 Pay-- Administration, general, 5 CFR 550 Allowances and differentials, 5 CFR 591 Fair Labor Standards Act, pay under, 5 CFR 551 Other systems, 5 CFR 534 Pay and grade retention, 5 CFR 536 Prevailing rate systems, 5 CFR 532 Under General Schedule, 5 CFR 531 Performance based reduction in grade and removal actions, 5 CFR 432 Performance management, 5 CFR 430 Personnel investigations, 5 CFR 736 Personnel management in agencies, 5 CFR 250 Personnel management research programs and demonstration projects, 5 CFR 470 Personnel records, 5 CFR 293 Privacy protection, 5 CFR 297 Physicians' comparability allowances, 5 CFR 595 [[Page 706]] Political activity-- Federal employees, 5 CFR 734 Federal employees residing in designated localities, 5 CFR 733 State or local officers or employees, 5 CFR 151 Post-employment restrictions notification, 5 CFR 730 Presidential management intern program, 5 CFR 362 Prohibited practices, 5 CFR 4 Promotion and internal placement, 5 CFR 335 Qualification requirements, general, 5 CFR 338 Recruitment and relocation bonuses; retention allowances; supervisory differentials; extended assignment incentives, 5 CFR 575 Recruitment and selection through competitive examination, 5 CFR 332 Recruitment, selection, and placement (General), 5 CFR 330 Reduction in force, 5 CFR 351 Reemployment of civilian retirees to meet exceptional employment needs, 5 CFR 553 Reemployment rights, 5 CFR 352 Regulations, investigation and enforcement, 5 CFR 5 Restoration to duty from uniformed service or compensable injury, 5 CFR 353 Retirement, 5 CFR 831 Senior Executive Service-- Employment practices, 5 CFR 317 General, 5 CFR 214 Removal from; guaranteed placement in other personnel systems, 5 CFR 359 Senior level and scientific and professional positions, employment practices, 5 CFR 319 Specific positions and examinations, motor vehicle operators and administrative law judges, 5 CFR 930 Supervisory, management, and executive development, 5 CFR 412 Temporary and term employment, 5 CFR 316 Training, 5 CFR 410 Travel and transportation expenses, new appointees and interviews, 5 CFR 572 Veteran preference, 5 CFR 211 Veterans readjustment appointments, 5 CFR 307 Voluntary separation incentive payments, 5 CFR 576 Volunteer service, 5 CFR 308 Whistleblower protection, interim relief, 5 CFR 772 Claims Administrative claims under Federal Tort Claims Act, 5 CFR 177 Claims collection standards, 5 CFR 179 Employees' personal property, 5 CFR 180 Procedures for settling claims, 5 CFR 178 Classified documents, OPM mandatory review, 5 CFR 175 Critical position pay authority, 5 CFR 535 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 5 CFR 919 Employee responsibilities and conduct, 5 CFR 1001 Employee testimony relating to official information and production of official records in legal proceedings, 5 CFR 295 Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program, 5 CFR 894 Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance Program, 5 CFR 870 Federal employees' health, counseling, and work/life programs, 5 CFR 792 Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, 5 CFR 890 Federal Flexible Benefits Plan; pre-tax payment of health benefit premiums, 5 CFR 892 Federal Employees Retirement System Basic annuity, 5 CFR 842 Death benefits and employee refunds, 5 CFR 843 Debt collection, 5 CFR 845 Disability retirement, 5 CFR 844 Elections of coverage, 5 CFR 846 General administration, 5 CFR 841 Phased retirement, 5 CFR 848 Representative payees, 5 CFR 849 Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program, 5 CFR 875 Information Technology Exchange Program, 5 CFR 370 Intergovernmental Personnel Act programs, 5 CFR 900 Multi-State Plan Program, 45 CFR 800 [[Page 707]] National security investigations, procedures for States and localities to request indemnification for disclosure of criminal history records, 5 CFR 911 New OPM regulations, posting notices, 5 CFR 110 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 5 CFR 723 Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002, Title II implementation, 5 CFR 724 Official information availability, 5 CFR 294 Program fraud civil remedies, 5 CFR 185 Retired Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, 5 CFR 891 Retirement Coverage elections by current and former employees of nonappropriated fund instrumentalities, 5 CFR 847 Electronic processing, 5 CFR 850 Rules and regulations review by Merit Systems Protection Board, 5 CFR 1203 Selective Service System, Privacy Act procedures, 32 CFR 1665 Student loans repayment, 5 CFR 537 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for agency employees, 5 CFR 4501 Voting rights program, 45 CFR 801 Pesticides and pests See al Agriculture; Chemicals; Environmental protection Antimicrobial pesticides, registration data requirements, 40 CFR 161 Applicators, certification, 40 CFR 171 Boll weevil eradication loan program, 7 CFR 771 Commodity laboratory testing programs; restricted use pesticides, recordkeeping by certified applicators; surveys and reports, 7 CFR 110 Experimental use permits, 40 CFR 172 Federal and State agencies use of pesticides under emergency conditions, 40 CFR 166 Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act Civil penalties administrative assessment and permits revocation/ termination or suspension, consolidated practice rules, 40 CFR 22 Hearings arising from refusals to register, registrations cancellations, classifications changes, registrations suspensions, and other hearings called pursuant to Section 6 of Act, practice rules governing, 40 CFR 164 Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, pesticide data disputes arbitration, 29 CFR 1440 Formal evidentiary public hearing, 40 CFR 179 Good laboratory practice standards, 40 CFR 160 Indemnity payment programs, 7 CFR 760 Judicial review under EPA-administered statutes, 40 CFR 23 Labeling requirements for pesticides and devices, 40 CFR 156 Management and disposal, 40 CFR 165 Objections and requests for hearings, 40 CFR 178 Packaging requirements for pesticides and devices, 40 CFR 157 Pesticide chemical residue in food, tolerances and exemptions, 40 CFR 180 Pesticides, data requirements, 40 CFR 158 Plant-incorporated protectants, procedures and requirements, 40 CFR 174 Production and distribution of pesticides, books and records, 40 CFR 169 Quarantine, foreign, 42 CFR 71 Registration and classification procedures for pesticides, 40 CFR 152 Registration of pesticide and active ingredient producing establishments, submission of pesticide reports, 40 CFR 167 Registration policies and interpretations, 40 CFR 153 Registration standards and review procedures, 40 CFR 155 Shipboard fumigation, 46 CFR 147A Special review procedures, 40 CFR 154 State and local assistance, 40 CFR 35 State primary enforcement responsibility for pesticide use violations, procedures governing rescission, 40 CFR 173 State registration of pesticide products, 40 CFR 162 Statements of enforcement policies and interpretations, 40 CFR 168 Statements of policies and interpretations, 40 CFR 159 [[Page 708]] Time-limited tolerances for emergency exemptions, 40 CFR 176 Tobacco inspection, 7 CFR 29 Water pollution effluent guidelines and standards, point source categories, pesticide chemicals manufacturing, 40 CFR 455 Worker protection standards, 40 CFR 170 Petroleum See al Diesel fuel; Energy; Fuel additives; Gasoline; Oil and gas exploration; Oil and gas reserves; Oil imports; Oil pollution; Petroleum allocation; Petroleum price regulations; Pipelines Air pollution control Fuels and fuel additives, regulation, 40 CFR 80 Fuels, fuel additives, and regulated blendstocks; regulation, 40 CFR 1090 New stationary sources, performance standards, 40 CFR 60 Alternate fuels Administrative procedures and sanctions, 10 CFR 501 Definitions, 10 CFR 500 Existing powerplants, 10 CFR 504 New facilities, 10 CFR 503 Alternative fuel transportation program, 10 CFR 490 Armed Forces, investigation of discrimination in petroleum supply, 28 CFR 57 Commercial fishing vessels dispensing petroleum products, 46 CFR 105 Crude Oil Windfall Profit Tax Act of 1980, Internal Revenue Service, statement of procedural rules, 26 CFR 601 Deepwater ports, general requirements, 33 CFR 148 Exports, short supply controls, 15 CFR 754 Foreign Assets Control Office, Syrian sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 542 Foreign-trade zones, petroleum refineries in subzones, 19 CFR 146 Hazardous liquids, transportation by pipeline, 49 CFR 195 Income taxes, foreign tax credit limitation for foreign oil and gas taxes, 26 CFR 1 (1.907-0--1.907(f)-1A) Recovered materials, comprehensive procurement guideline for products containing, 40 CFR 247 Standby mandatory international oil allocation, 10 CFR 218 Trans-Alaska Pipeline Authorization Act, nondiscrimination in activities, 43 CFR 27 Underground storage tank State programs, approval, 40 CFR 281 State programs, approved, 40 CFR 282 Used oil management standards, 40 CFR 279 Water pollution, effluent guidelines and standards, point source categories, petroleum refining, 40 CFR 419 Wholesale or bulk petroleum distributors employees, partial exemption from overtime pay requirements, 29 CFR 794 Petroleum allocation See al Petroleum Administrative procedures and sanctions, 10 CFR 205 General petroleum allocation and price rules, 10 CFR 210 International energy program, 28 CFR 56 International voluntary agreements, 10 CFR 209 Priority supply of crude oil and petroleum products to Defense Department under Defense Production Act, 10 CFR 221 Standby mandatory international oil allocation, 10 CFR 218 Petroleum price regulations See al Petroleum; Price controls Administrative procedures and sanctions, 10 CFR 205 General petroleum allocation and price rules, 10 CFR 210 Mandatory petroleum price regulations, 10 CFR 212 Pets See al Animals Animal welfare Definition of terms, 9 CFR 1 General regulations, 9 CFR 2 Humane handling care, treatment, and transportation standards, 9 CFR 3 General HUD program requirements, waivers, 24 CFR 5 Public housing, admission to and occupancy, 24 CFR 960 [[Page 709]] Pewter Industry guides, 16 CFR 23 Philippines Federal Employees' Compensation Act, compensation for disability and death of noncitizen Federal employees outside U.S., 20 CFR 25 Veterans Medical care, 38 CFR 17 National cemeteries of the Department of Veterans Affairs, 38 CFR 38 Transportation program, 38 CFR 70 Phosphate Air pollution control New stationary sources, performance standards, 40 CFR 60 State plans for designated facilities and pollutants, fluoride emissions from phosphate fertilizer plants, 40 CFR 62 Mineral leasing, solid minerals other than coal and oil shale, 43 CFR 3500 Toxic substances control, premanufacture notification exemptions, 40 CFR 723 Water pollution, effluent guidelines and standards, point source categories, phosphate industry, 40 CFR 422 Physically disabled See Individuals with disabilities Physicians See Health professions Pigs See Swine Pilots See Airmen Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Hazardous materials General information, regulations, and definitions, 49 CFR 171 Procedural regulations, 49 CFR 109 Program definitions and general procedures, 49 CFR 105 Public sector training and planning grants, 49 CFR 110 Rulemaking procedures, 49 CFR 106 Hazardous materials carriage Hazardous materials tables, special provisions, hazardous materials communications, emergency response information, training requirements, and security plans, 49 CFR 172 Packagings-- Continuing qualification and maintenance, 49 CFR 180 Specifications, 49 CFR 178 Program procedures, 49 CFR 107 Shippers, general requirements for shipment and packaging, 49 CFR 173 Tank car specifications, 49 CFR 179 Hazardous materials Aircraft, carriage by, 49 CFR 175 Public highway, carriage by, 49 CFR 177 Rail, carriage by, 49 CFR 174 Vessel, carriage by, 49 CFR 176 Oil transportation, oil spill prevention and response plans, 49 CFR 130 Pipeline safety Employee drug and alcohol testing, 49 CFR 199 Hazardous liquids, transportation by pipeline, 49 CFR 195 Liquefied natural gas facilities, Federal safety standards, 49 CFR 193 Natural and other gas transportation by pipeline-- Annual reports, incident reports, and other reporting, 49 CFR 191 Minimum Federal safety standards, 49 CFR 192 Onshore oil pipelines, response plans, 49 CFR 194 Pipeline safety enforcement and regulatory procedures, 49 CFR 190 State pipeline safety programs, grant regulations, 49 CFR 198 Pipeline safety See al Hazardous materials transportation; Pipeline Discrimination complaints, handling procedures under section 6 of the Pipeline Safety Improvement Act of 2002, 29 CFR 1981 Employee drug and alcohol testing, 49 CFR 199 Hazardous liquids, transportation by pipeline, 49 CFR 195 Liquefied natural gas facilities, Federal safety standards, 49 CFR 193 National Transportation Safety Board, investigation procedures, 49 CFR 831 [[Page 710]] Natural and other gas transportation by pipeline Annual reports, incident reports, and other reporting, 49 CFR 191 Minimum Federal safety standards, 49 CFR 192 Onshore oil pipelines, oil spill response plans, 49 CFR 194 Pipeline safety enforcement and regulatory procedures, 49 CFR 190 State pipeline safety programs, grant regulations, 49 CFR 198 Pipelines See al Energy; Natural gas; Petroleum; Pipeline safety Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System, requirements for equal opportunity during construction and operation, 43 CFR 34 Alaska pipeline Nondiscrimination in activities, 43 CFR 27 Trans-Alaska Pipeline Liability Fund, 43 CFR 29 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Accounts-- Financial statements released by carriers, 18 CFR 351 Uniform Systems of Accounts, oil pipeline companies subject to provisions of Interstate Commerce Act, 18 CFR 352 Annual charges, 18 CFR 382 Approved forms-- Annual, special or periodic reports, carriers subject to Interstate Commerce Act, Part I, 18 CFR 357 Records preservation for oil pipeline companies, 18 CFR 356 Contested audit findings and proposed remedies disposition, 18 CFR 349 Filing quotations for U.S. Government shipments at reduced rates, 18 CFR 344 General policy and interpretations, 18 CFR 2 Natural Gas Act, rate schedules and tariffs, 18 CFR 154 Oil pipelines-- Cost-of-service filing requirements, 18 CFR 346 Depreciation studies, 18 CFR 347 Market power determinations, applications, 18 CFR 348 Proceedings, procedural rules, 18 CFR 343 Rate methodologies and procedures, 18 CFR 342 Tariffs, oil pipeline companies subject to Section 6 of Interstate Commerce Act, 18 CFR 341 Practice and procedure rules, 18 CFR 385 Rate schedules and tariffs, 18 CFR 340 Hazardous liquids, transportation by pipeline, 49 CFR 195 Outer Continental Shelf Facilities located seaward of coast line, oil-spill response requirements for, 30 CFR 254 Offshore facilities, oil-spill financial responsibility for , 30 CFR 553 Oil and gas and sulphur operations-- Ocean Energy Management Bureau, 30 CFR 550 Safety and Environmental Enforcement, 30 CFR 250 Public lands rights of way Federal Land Policy Management Act, 43 CFR 2800 Mineral Leasing Act, rights-of-way, 43 CFR 2880 Surface Transportation Board Applications under 49 U.S.C. 10706 and 13703, 49 CFR 1331 Pipeline common carriage, disclosure and notice of rate changes and other service terms, 49 CFR 1305 Rate-making organization, records and reports, 49 CFR 1253 Tariffs for transportation of property by or with water carrier in noncontiguous domestic trade; publication, posting and filing, 49 CFR 1312 Plant diseases and pests See al Pesticides and pests; Plants Biological agents and toxins, possession, use, and transfer, 7 CFR 331 District of Columbia, plants and plant products, movement, 7 CFR 302 Domestic quarantine notices, 7 CFR 301 Export certification, 7 CFR 353 Foreign quarantine notices, 7 CFR 319 [[Page 711]] Importation of plants or plant products by mail, 7 CFR 351 Organisms modified or produced through genetic engineering, movement, 7 CFR 340 Overtime services relating to imports and exports of plants, 7 CFR 354 Phytosanitary treatments, 7 CFR 305 Plant pest administrative procedural manuals, incorporation by reference in regulations, 7 CFR 300 Plant pest dissemination, general restrictions, 7 CFR 330 Quarantine safeguard regulations, 7 CFR 352 State of Hawaii and territories quarantine notices, 7 CFR 318 Plants See al Endangered and threatened species; Nursery Stock; Plant diseases and pests; Seeds Antarctic plants, conservation, 45 CFR 670 Commodity laboratory testing programs, plant variety and protection, 7 CFR 97 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), 50 CFR 23 Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants, 50 CFR 17 Importation and exportation Cut flowers, foreign quarantine notices, 7 CFR 319 Establishing ports, 50 CFR 24 Illegally taken plants, control, 7 CFR 357 Seized plants, forfeiture procedures, 7 CFR 356 Terrestrial plants, endangered species regulations concerning, 7 CFR 355 Migratory bird hunting, procedural and substantive requirements, 50 CFR 20 National Organic Program, 7 CFR 205 Noxious weed regulations, 7 CFR 360 Plant materials centers, 7 CFR 613 Wildlife and plants Civil procedures, 50 CFR 11 General permit procedures, 50 CFR 13 General provisions, 50 CFR 10 Seizure and forfeiture procedures, 50 CFR 12 Plastics materials and synthetics See al Vinyl Air pollution control, performance standards for new stationary sources, 40 CFR 60 Flammability standards, vinyl plastic film, 16 CFR 1611 Water pollution, effluent guidelines and standards, point source categories Organic chemicals, plastics, and synthetic fibers manufacturing, 40 CFR 414 Plastics molding and forming, 40 CFR 463 Plums Export grapes and plums, standards, 7 CFR 35 Marketing agreements Import regulations, 7 CFR 944 Pears, plums, and peaches grown in California, 7 CFR 917 Prunes (dried) produced in California, 7 CFR 993 Prune/dried plum diversion program, 7 CFR 81 Plutonium See Radioactive materials Pneumoconiosis See Black lung benefits; Diseases Poison prevention See al Hazardous substances; Lead poisoning; Safety Federal Caustic Poison Act, 21 CFR 1230 Formal evidentiary public hearing procedures, 16 CFR 1502 Poison prevention packaging, 16 CFR 1700 Exemption from preemption of State and local requirements, applications, 16 CFR 1061 Exemption petitions procedures and requirements, 16 CFR 1702 Policy and interpretation statements, 16 CFR 1701 Public Health Service, requests for health hazard evaluations, 42 CFR 85 Toxic substances control, civil penalties administrative assessment and permits revocation/termination or suspension, consolidated practice rules, 40 CFR 22 Police See Law enforcement officers Political activities (Government employees) See al Conflicts of interests; Elections; Government employees Civil service [[Page 712]] Employees residing in designated localities, 5 CFR 733 Political activity of Federal employees, 5 CFR 734 Prohibited practices, 5 CFR 4 Corporation for National and Community Service, prohibited on electoral and lobbying activities, 45 CFR 1226 Federal Election Commission, standards of conduct, 11 CFR 7 Government Accountability Office, 4 CFR 7 Legal Services Corporation, 45 CFR 1608 State or local officers or employees, 5 CFR 151 Political affiliation discrimination Corporation for National and Community Service, member and volunteer discrimination complaint procedure, 45 CFR 1225 45 CFR 1225 Labor Department, general regulations, 29 CFR 2 Peace Corps Volunteer discrimination complaint procedure, 22 CFR 306 Volunteer service, eligibility and standards, 22 CFR 305 Prisons Bureau, miscellaneous regulations, 28 CFR 551 Workforce Investment Act of 1998, implementation of nondiscrimination and equal opportunity provisions, 29 CFR 37 Political candidates See al Campaign funds; Elections Air carriers, credit extension to political candidates, 14 CFR 374a Aircraft operators, carriage of candidates in Federal elections, 14 CFR 91 Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 regulations, non-Federal funds, 11 CFR 300 Candidate status and designations, 11 CFR 101 Communications common carriers, miscellaneous rules, 47 CFR 64 Debts owed by candidates and political committees, 11 CFR 116 Document filing, 11 CFR 105 Federal office candidates or their representatives, credit extension for transportation, 49 CFR 1325 Increased limits for candidates opposing self-financed candidates, 11 CFR 400 Multichannel video and cable television service, 47 CFR 76 Radio broadcast services, 47 CFR 73 Satellite communications, 47 CFR 25 Political committees and parties See al Elections Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 regulations, non-Federal funds, 11 CFR 300 Campaign funds Allocations of candidate and committee activities, 11 CFR 106 Reports by political committees and other persons, reports, 11 CFR 104 Debts owed by candidates and political committees, 11 CFR 116 Depositaries for campaign funds, 11 CFR 103 Document filing, 11 CFR 105 Income taxes, exempt organizations, political organizations, 26 CFR 1 (1.527-1--1.527-9) Increased limits for candidates opposing self-financed candidates, 11 CFR 400 Political committees registration, organization, and recordkeeping, 11 CFR 102 Presidential election campaign financing, contribution and expenditure limitations and prohibitions, 11 CFR 110 Presidential nominating conventions Federal financing, 11 CFR 9008 Registration, and reports, 11 CFR 107 Pollution See Environmental protection Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB's) Animal drugs, feeds, and related products, general provisions, 21 CFR 500 Animal food and food-packaging material, unavoidable contaminants, 21 CFR 509 Manufacturing, processing, distribution in commerce, and use prohibitions, 40 CFR 761 Poultry products, inspection regulations, 9 CFR 381 Unavoidable contaminants in food and food packaging material, 21 CFR 109 Polygraph tests See Lie detector tests [[Page 713]] Polymers Air pollution control, performance standards for new stationary sources, 40 CFR 60 Popcorn Promotion, research, and consumer information, 7 CFR 1215 Population census See Census data Population control See Family planning Ports See Harbors Postal Regulatory Commission Commission meetings, 39 CFR 3007 Competitive products, rate regulation, 39 CFR 3035 Employee standards of conduct, 39 CFR 3001 Supplemental standards, 5, CFR 5601 Ex parte communications, 39 CFR 3012 Experimental products, market test rules, 39 CFR 3045 General description, 39 CFR 3000 Information by Postal Service, procedures for compelling production of, 39 CFR 3013 Letters carried out of the mail, 39 CFR 3065 Market dominant products, regulation of rates, 39 CFR 3030 Non-public materials provided to the Commission, 39 CFR 3011 Periodic reporting, 39 CFR 3050 Post offices closure and consolidation, rules applicable to Postal Service determinations, 39 CFR 3021 Postal services, rules applicable to Postal Service requests for changes in the nature of, 39 CFR 3020 Practice and procedure rules, 39 CFR 3010 Privacy Act rules, 39 CFR 3005 Product lists and mail classification schedule, 39 CFR 3040 Public records and Freedom of Information Act, 39 CFR 3006 Rate or service inquiries, 39 CFR 3023 Service performance and customer satisfaction reporting, 39 CFR 3055 Theoretical competitive products enterprise, accounting practices and tax rules, 39 CFR 3060 Postal Service Administrative subpoenas issued under 39 U.S.C. 3016, procedures, 39 CFR 913 Aircraft accidents or incidents and overdue aircraft notification and reporting and preservation of aircraft wreckage, mail, cargo, and records, 49 CFR 830 Authority delegations, 39 CFR 222 Authorization of all banks, U.S. Post Offices, and disbursing officers of U.S. and their agents to deliver to Treasury Department counterfeit obligations and other securities and coins of U.S. or of any foreign government, 31 CFR 403 Board of Contract Appeals, practice rules, 39 CFR 955 Board of Governors, 39 CFR 3 Advisory boards, 39 CFR 11 Committees, 39 CFR 5 Meetings, 39 CFR 6 Officials, 39 CFR 4 Public observation, 39 CFR 7 Rules of conduct, 39 CFR 10 Book entry procedures, 39 CFR 761 Business firms, mail shipments damaged or destroyed through transportation accidents or catastrophes, 39 CFR 281 Compromise of obligations, procedures, 39 CFR 931 Conduct on postal property, 39 CFR 232 Conduct rules for postal employees, 39 CFR 447 Customs Mail importations, 19 CFR 145 Merchandise quotas, 19 CFR 132 Debt Collection Act, rules of practice Administrative offsets initiated against former employees, 39 CFR 966 Proceedings under section 5, 39 CFR 961 Defense Department liaison, 39 CFR 235 Disabled persons access to Postal Service programs, activities, facilities, and electronic and information technology, 39 CFR 255 Domestic mail, general information on postal service, 39 CFR 111 Equal Access to Justice Act in Postal Service proceedings, implementation, 39 CFR 960 Facility actions, intergovernmental review, 39 CFR 778 [[Page 714]] False representation and lottery orders, rules of practice in relative proceedings, 39 CFR 952 Floodplain and wetland procedures, 39 CFR 776 Garnishment of salaries of Postal Service and Postal Rate Commission employees, 39 CFR 491 General and technical provisions, 39 CFR 2 Government contractors, debarment and suspension from contracting, 39 CFR 957 Hazardous, restricted, and perishable mail, 39 CFR 113 Information release, 39 CFR 265 Inspection service authority, 39 CFR 233 Inspector General Office, 39 CFR 230 Intellectual property rights other than patents, 39 CFR 602 International Postal Service, 39 CFR 20 Made in USA labeling, 16 CFR 323 Mail contractors, fines, deductions, and damages, 39 CFR 927 Mail disputes, rules of practice in proceedings, 39 CFR 965 Mail or telephone order merchandise, 16 CFR 435 Mail withheld from delivery, rules of practice governing disposition, 39 CFR 964 Mailability proceedings, 39 CFR 953 Market-dominant mail products, service standards, 39 CFR 121 Market-dominant special services products, service standards, 39 CFR 122 Material or information, Production or disclosure, 39 CFR 265 Meetings, 39 CFR 6 National Environmental Policy Act procedures, 39 CFR 775 Organization and functions General principles, 39 CFR 221 Relationships and channels of communications, 39 CFR 223 Pandering advertisements, violation proceedings, 39 CFR 963 Penalty mail use in location and recovery of missing children Commerce Department, 15 CFR 23 Federal Communications Commission, 47 CFR 0 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 13 International Trade Commission, 19 CFR 201 Justice Department, 28 CFR 19 National Endowment for the Humanities, 45 CFR 1178 Railroad Retirement Board, 20 CFR 364 Veterans Affairs Department, 38 CFR 1 Personal injury or property damage from Postal Service operations, adjudication of claims, 39 CFR 912 Plant protection and quarantine, importation of plants or plant products by mail, 7 CFR 351 Post offices Change of site, 39 CFR 242 Establishment, classification, and discontinuance, 39 CFR 241 Office management, 39 CFR 243 Protection, 39 CFR 231 Postage evidencing systems, authorization to manufacture and distribute, 39 CFR 501 Postal money orders, 39 CFR 762 Postal policy, 39 CFR 1 Postal Regulatory Commission Commission views submitted to the Secretary of State, related procedures, 39 CFR 3025 Complaints alleging violations of 39 U.S.C. 404a, special rules, 39 CFR 3024 Information by Postal Service, procedures for compelling production of, 39 CFR 3013 Letters carried out of the mail, 39 CFR 3065 Market-dominant products, regulation of rates, 39 CFR 3030 Product lists and mail classification schedule, 39 CFR 3040 Postal services to Federal agencies, 39 CFR 259 Practice before Postal Service, eligibility of persons, 39 CFR 951 Prisons Bureau, correspondence and incoming publications, 28 CFR 540 Private express statutes Appeals, 39 CFR 959 Enforcement, 39 CFR 310 Suspension, 39 CFR 320 Proceedings related relative to civil penalties, clean-up costs and damages for [[Page 715]] violation of hazardous material regulations, practice rules, 39 CFR 958 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act Administration, 39 CFR 273 Practice rules in proceedings, 39 CFR 962 Public observation, 39 CFR 7 Purchasing property and services, 39 CFR 601 Records and information management Definitions, 39 CFR 262 General information, 39 CFR 261 Privacy of information, 39 CFR 266 Employee rules of conduct, 39 CFR 268 Record retention and disposition, 39 CFR 263 Records and information protection, 39 CFR 267 Vital records protection, 39 CFR 264 Regulatory application, 39 CFR 211 Relocation assistance and real property acquisition policies, 39 CFR 777 Second class mail privileges, denial, suspension, or revocation proceedings, 39 CFR 954 Semipostal stamp program, 39 CFR 551 Standards for facility accessibility, 39 CFR 254 Stolen mail matter and property acquired by Postal Inspection Service for use as evidence, disposition, 39 CFR 946 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for agency employees, 5 CFR 7001 Surface mail transportation, filing contracts, 49 CFR 1332 Transportation Department, aviation proceedings, practice rules, 14 CFR 302 Treasury Department regulations, applicability, 39 CFR 760 Posters See Signs and symbols Potassium Mineral leasing, solid minerals other than coal and oil shale, 43 CFR 3500 Potatoes Fresh Russet potato diversion program, 7 CFR 80 Marketing agreements, Irish potatoes Colorado, 7 CFR 948 Idaho, certain designated counties, 7 CFR 945 Import regulations, 7 CFR 980 Oregon, Malheur County, 7 CFR 945 Potato chips made from dried potatoes, common or usual name for distinguishing purposes, 21 CFR 102 Research and promotion plan, 7 CFR 1207 Poultry and poultry products See al Foods Animal products, voluntary inspection and certification service, 9 CFR 156 Commodity laboratory testing programs, poultry and egg products, 7 CFR 94 Environmental Protection Agency, meat and poultry products point source category, 40 CFR 432 Food Safety and Inspection Service Agency mission and organization, 9 CFR 300 Raw products, consumer protection standards, 9 CFR 441 Foot-and-mouth disease, Newcastle disease, highly pathogenic avian influenza, African swine fever, classical swine fever, swine vesicular disease, bovine spongiform encephalopathy; prohibited and restricted importations, 9 CFR 94 Foot-and-mouth disease, pleuropneumonia, and certain other communicable diseases of livestock or poultry, 9 CFR 53 H5/H7 low pathogenic avian influenza, control, 9 CFR 56 Import and export related services, user fees, 9 CFR 130 Importation Animals, birds, fish, and poultry, and certain animal, bird, and poultry products; requirements for means of conveyance and shipping containers, 9 CFR 93 Animals and animal products; procedures for requesting recognition of regions, 9 CFR 92 Inspection regulations Poultry products, 9 CFR 381 Voluntary, poultry, 9 CFR 362 Interstate transportation of animals General provisions, 9 CFR 71 Newcastle disease and chlamydiosis, 9 CFR 82 Meat, poultry products, and egg products inspection requirements Hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) systems, 9 CFR 417 [[Page 716]] Label approval, 9 CFR 412 Non-Federal laboratories, accreditation, 9 CFR 439 Practice rules, 9 CFR 500 Preparation and processing operations, 9 CFR 424 Recalls, 9 CFR 418 Quantity of contents labeling and procedures and requirements for accurate weights, 9 CFR 442 Sanitation, 9 CFR 416 Specific classes of product, requirements, 9 CFR 430 Thermally processed, commercially sterile products, 9 CFR 431 Meats, prepared meats, and meat products, grading, certification, and standards, 7 CFR 54 National Poultry Improvement Plan Auxiliary provisions, 9 CFR 147 Breeding poultry, 9 CFR 145 Commercial poultry, 9 CFR 146 Overtime services relating to imports and exports of animals and animal products, 9 CFR 97 Voluntary grading, 7 CFR 70 Poverty See Community development; Food assistance programs; Public assistance programs Power resources See Energy Practice and procedure See Administrative practice and procedure Prescription drugs See al Drugs Advertising, 21 CFR 202 Affordable Care Act Health insurance issuer standards under, including requirements related to exchanges, 45 CFR 156 Pharmacy benefit manager standards under, 45 CFR 184 Combination drugs, prohibited substances, and reporting requirements, 21 CFR 300 Consumer price listing, 21 CFR 200 Controlled substances Electronic orders and prescriptions, requirements, 21 CFR 1311 Prescriptions, 21 CFR 1306 Drugs used in research, generally recognized as safe (GRAS) and effective and not misbranded, 21 CFR 361 Good manufacturing practice Finished pharmaceuticals, 21 CFR 211 Positron emission tomography drugs, 21 CFR 212 Health care, statutory conscience rights protection, authority delegations, 45 CFR 88 Marketing, 21 CFR 203 Medication guides, 21 CFR 208 Pharmacy compounding, 21 CFR 216 Poison prevention regulations, policy and interpretation statements, 16 CFR 1701 Qualifying pathogens, 21 CFR 317 Wholesale prescription drug distributors, State licensing guidelines, 21 CFR 205 Prepaid accounts See Electronic funds transfers Presidential documents Foreign mask works protection, requests for Presidential proclamation, 37 CFR 150 Information and communications technology and services supply chain, securing, 15 CFR 7 Preparation and transmittal for publication of Executive orders and Presidential proclamations, 1 CFR 19 Presidential Records Act, implementation, 36 CFR 1270 Publication policies and procedures, 1 CFR 10 Presidential elections See Election Presidential orders See Presidential documents Presidential records See Archives and records; Presidential documents President's Commission See other part of commission name. Presidio Trust Commercial and private operations, 36 CFR 1005 Debt collection, 36 CFR 1011 Environmental quality, 36 CFR 1010 Federal Tort Claims Act, administrative claims, 36 CFR 1009 [[Page 717]] Freedom of Information Act, requests, 36 CFR 1007 General provisions, 36 CFR 1001 Legal process, testimony by employees and production of records, 36 CFR 1012 Privacy Act, requests, 36 CFR 1008 Resource protection, public use and recreation, 36 CFR 1002 Vehicles and traffic safety, 36 CFR 1004 Price controls See al Petroleum price regulations Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978 Accounts, records and memoranda, 18 CFR 286 Determination procedures for tax credit purposes, 18 CFR 270 Price support programs See al Agricultural commodities Agricultural Marketing Service, dairy forward pricing program, 7 CFR 1145 Agricultural risk coverage, price loss coverage, and cotton transition assistance programs, 7 CFR 1412 Agriculture Department, National Appeals Division, 7 CFR 11 Commodity and conservation programs Commodity certificates, in kind payments, and other forms of payment, 7 CFR 1401 Payments due persons who have died, disappeared, or have been declared incompetent, 7 CFR 707 Commodity Credit Corporation Approved warehouses, 7 CFR 1423 Cotton, 7 CFR 1427 Dairy products, 7 CFR 1430 Sales policy for certain commodities, 7 CFR 1402 Tobacco transition program, 7 CFR 1463 Trustee eligibility, rule of fractions, 7 CFR 1405 Farm Service Agency Appeal regulations, 7 CFR 780 Dairy disaster assistance payment program, 7 CFR 786 Farm Storage Facility Loan program regulations, 7 CFR 1436 Grains and similarly handled commodities, marketing assistance loans and loan deficiency payments, 7 CFR 1421 Highly erodible land and wetland conservation, 7 CFR 12 Honey, nonrecourse marketing assistance loans and loan deficiency payments, 7 CFR 1434 Lamb meat adjustment assistance program, 7 CFR 784 Multiple programs, provisions applicable to, 7 CFR 718 Parity prices determination, 7 CFR 5 Payment limitation, 7 CFR 795 Payment limitation and eligibility, 7 CFR 1400 Sugar, 7 CFR 1435 Printing Acquisition regulations, required sources of supplies and services Agriculture Department, 48 CFR 408 Commerce Department, 48 CFR 1308 Energy Department, 48 CFR 908 Environmental Protection Agency, 48 CFR 1508 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 48 CFR 1808 Engraving and Printing Bureau, distinctive paper and distinctive counterfeit deterrents for United States Federal Reserve notes, 31 CFR 601 Federal Acquisition Regulation, required sources of supplies and services, 48 CFR 8 Prisoners Accident compensation for prison inmates, 28 CFR 301 Admission of inmates to institution, 28 CFR 522 Classification of inmates, 28 CFR 524 Commerce Department, application of labor laws to Government acquisition, 48 CFR 1322 Communications common carriers, miscellaneous rules, 47 CFR 64 Community programs, 28 CFR 570 Computation of sentence, 28 CFR 523 Courts of Indian Offenses and law-and-order code, 25 CFR 11 Death sentences procedures, 28 CFR 26 DNA identification system, 28 CFR 28 Federal Acquisition Regulation, application of labor laws to Government acquisitions, 48 CFR 22 General management and administration Cost of incarceration fee, 28 CFR 505 General definitions, 28 CFR 500 [[Page 718]] General management policy, 28 CFR 511 Inmate commissary account, 28 CFR 506 Records access, 28 CFR 513 Scope of rules, 28 CFR 501 Grievance procedures standards for inmates, 28 CFR 40 Indian country detention facilities and programs, 25 CFR 10 Inmate work programs, 28 CFR 345 Institutional management, inmates Administrative remedy, 28 CFR 542 Contact with persons in community, 28 CFR 540 Custody, 28 CFR 552 Discipline and special housing units, 28 CFR 541 Education, 28 CFR 544 Food service, 28 CFR 547 Inmate property, 28 CFR 553 Legal matters, 28 CFR 543 Medical services, 28 CFR 549 Miscellaneous regulations, 28 CFR 551 Prison drug program, 28 CFR 550 Religious programs, 28 CFR 548 Work and compensation, 28 CFR 545 Medical research, protection of human subjects Food and Drug Administration, 21 CFR 50 Prisons Bureau, 28 CFR 512 Parole, 28 CFR 572 Prisoners, youth offenders, and juvenile delinquents; parole, release, supervision, and recommitment, 28 CFR 2 Release from custody, 28 CFR 571 Representation of prisoners, 45 CFR 1637 Rewards for capture of escaped Federal prisoners, 28 CFR 7 Sex offender registration and notification, 28 CFR 72 Standards for private entities providing prisoner or detainee services, 28 CFR 97 Traffic in contraband articles in Federal penal and correctional institutions, 28 CFR 6 Transfers of inmates, 28 CFR 527 Prisoners of war War Claims Act of 1948, as amended, Vietnam conflict claims Civilians captured or prisoners of war, eligibility requirements for compensation of, 45 CFR 506 Claims filing and procedures, 45 CFR 504 Hearings, 45 CFR 508 Payment, 45 CFR 507 Provisions of general application, 45 CFR 505 Prisons See al Federal Prison Industries; Probation and parole DNA identification system, 28 CFR 28 Employees of State and local governments, application of Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 CFR 553 Foreign criminal and civil jurisdiction, 32 CFR 151 Justice Assistance Bureau grant programs, 28 CFR 33 Library Services and Construction Act, State-administered program, 34 CFR 76 Sex offender registration and notification, 28 CFR 72 Traffic in contraband articles in Federal penal and correctional institutions, 28 CFR 6 Prisons Bureau Admission of inmates to institution, 28 CFR 522 Classification of inmates, 28 CFR 524 Community programs, 28 CFR 570 Computation of sentence, 28 CFR 523 General management and administration Central Office, regional offices, institutions, and staff training centers, 28 CFR 503 Cost of incarceration fee, 28 CFR 505 General definitions, 28 CFR 500 General management policy, 28 CFR 511 Inmate commissary account, 28 CFR 506 Records access, 28 CFR 513 Scope of rules, 28 CFR 501 Institutional management, inmates Administrative remedy, 28 CFR 542 Contact with persons in the community, 28 CFR 540 Custody, 28 CFR 552 Discipline and special housing units, 28 CFR 541 Education, 28 CFR 544 Food service, 28 CFR 547 Inmate property, 28 CFR 553 Legal matters, 28 CFR 543 Medical services, 28 CFR 549 Miscellaneous regulations, 28 CFR 551 [[Page 719]] Prison drug program, 28 CFR 550 Religious programs, 28 CFR 548 Work and compensation, 28 CFR 545 Parole, 28 CFR 572 Release from custody, 28 CFR 571 Research, 28 CFR 512 Transfers of inmate, 28 CFR 527 Privacy See al Administrative practice and procedure; Archives and records; Confidential business information; Personally identifiable information Actuaries, Joint Board for the Enrollment, 20 CFR 903 Administrative Conference of the U.S., records or information disclosure, 1 CFR 304 African Development Foundation, 22 CFR 1507 Agency for International Development, 22 CFR 215 Agriculture Department, administrative regulations, 7 CFR 1 American Battle Monuments Commission, 36 CFR 407 Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board, 36 CFR 1121 Armed Forces Retirement Home, 5 CFR 2100 Army Department; disciplinary control boards, off-installation liaison and operations, 32 CFR 631 Broadcasting Board of Governors, 22 CFR 505 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Medicaid program-- Electronic Health Record Technology Incentive Program, standards, 42 CFR 495 General administrative procedures, 42 CFR 401 Specialized providers, conditions of participation, 42 CFR 485 State organization and general administration, 42 CFR 431 Medicare program-- Advantage program, 42 CFR 422 Electronic Health Record Technology Incentive Program, standards, 42 CFR 495 Peer review organizations-- Information acquisition, protection, and disclosure, 42 CFR 480 Review, 42 CFR 476 Central Intelligence Agency, 32 CFR 1901 Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board, 40 CFR 1602 Children and Families Administration Head Start program, financial and administrative requirements, 45 CFR 1303 Public assistance programs, general administration, 45 CFR 205 Civil Rights Commission, 45 CFR 705 Commerce Department, 15 CFR 4, 48 CFR 1324 Commodity Futures Trading Commission Consumer financial information under title V of the Gramm--Leach-- Bliley Act, privacy, 17 CFR 160 Consumer information under the Fair Credit Reporting Act, Protection, 17 CFR 162 Records maintained on individuals, 17 CFR 146 Comptroller of the Currency Fair credit reporting, 171 Security procedures, 12 CFR 168 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, records and information disclosure, 12 CFR 1070 Consumer Product Safety Commission Implementation of Privacy Act, 16 CFR 1014 Information disclosure and employee testimony in private litigation, 16 CFR 1016 Copyright Office, Library of Congress, 37 CFR 204, 37 CFR 251 Corporation for National and Community Service, 45 CFR 2508 Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia, 28 CFR 802 Customs and Border Protection, information availability, 19 CFR 103 Defense Department Financial privacy, 32 CFR 275 Identification cards for members of the uniformed services, their dependents, and other eligible individuals, 32 CFR 161 [[Page 720]] Privacy Act of 1974, protection of privacy and access to and amendment of individual records, 32 CFR 310 Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board, 10 CFR 1705 Education Department Assistance to States for education of children with disabilities, 34 CFR 300 Family educational rights and privacy, 34 CFR 99 Privacy Act regulations, 34 CFR 5b Student rights in research, experimental programs, and testing, 34 CFR 98 Election Assistance Commission, Privacy Act implementation, 11 CFR 9410 Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974; group health plans, rules and regulations, 29 CFR 2590 Employment and Training Administration, unemployment compensation program, State information confidentiality and disclosure, 20 CFR 603 Energy Department, 10 CFR 1008 Collection of claims owed U.S., 10 CFR 1015 Counterintelligence evaluation program, 10 CFR 709 Environmental Protection Agency, 40 CFR 16 Environmental Quality Council, 40 CFR 1516 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 29 CFR 1611 Export-Import Bank, 12 CFR 404 Fair credit reporting (Regulation V), 12 CFR 1022 Farm Credit Administration, 12 CFR 603 Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation, 12 CFR 1403 Federal Acquisition Regulation, 48 CFR 24 Federal Aviation Administration, Interstate Identification Index system for noncriminal justices purposes, 28 CFR 907 Federal Communications Commission, 47 CFR 0 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Consumer financial information, privacy, 12 CFR 332 Disclosure of information, financial privacy, 12 CFR 309 Safeguarding personal information, 12 CFR 310 Federal Election Commission, 11 CFR 1 Federal Emergency Management Agency, 44 CFR 6 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 18 CFR 3b Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 [[Page 721]] National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Federal Housing Finance Agency, 12 CFR 1204 Federal Labor Relations Authority and Federal Service Impasses Panel, 5 CFR 2412 Federal Maritime Commission, 46 CFR 503 Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, 1410 Public information, 29 CFR 1401 Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission, 29 CFR 2705 Federal Reserve System Obtaining and using medical information in connection with credit, 12 CFR 232 Reimbursement for providing financial records; recordkeeping requirements for certain financial records (Regulation S), 12 CFR 219, 12 CFR 261a Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board, records availability, 5 CFR 1630 Federal Trade Commission Active duty alerts duration, 16 CFR 613 Appropriate identity pro, 16 CFR 614 Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule, 16 CFR 312 Consumer financial information, privacy, 16 CFR 313 Customer information, safeguard standards, 16 CFR 314 Definitions, 16 CFR 603 Health breach notification rule, 16 CFR 318 Miscellaneous rules, 16 CFR 4 Fine Arts Commission, 45 CFR 2106 Fiscal Service; debt collection authorities under Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996, 31 CFR 285 Food and Drug Administration, 21 CFR 21 Foreign Claims Settlement Commission, 45 CFR 503 General Services Administration Agency records and informational materials, public availability, 41 CFR 105-60 Privacy Act rules, 41 CFR 105-64 Government Accountability Office, 4 CFR 83 Government Ethics Office, 5 CFR 2606 Executive Branch financial disclosure, qualified trusts, and certificates of divestiture, 5 CFR 2634 Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council, records availability, 40 CFR 1850 Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation, 45 CFR 1800 Health and Human Services Department Administrative data standards and related requirements, security and privacy, 45 CFR 164 Health information technology-- Information blocking, 45 CFR 171 Standards, implementation specifications, certification criteria and certification programs, 45 CFR 170 Privacy Act regulations, 45 CFR 5b Voluntary Medicare prescription drug benefit, 42 CFR 423 Homeland Security Department Immigration regulations; benefit requests, USCIS filing requirements, biometric requirements, records availability, 8 CFR 103 REAL ID driver's licenses and identification cards, 6 CFR 37 Records and information disclosure, 6 CFR 5 Housing and Urban Development Department Inspector General Office, 24 CFR 2003 Privacy Act regulations, 24 CFR 16 Independent Counsel Office, 28 CFR 700 Indian Affairs Bureau, 25 CFR 43 Information Security Oversight Office, Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), 32 CFR 2002 [[Page 722]] Integrity and Efficiency, Council of the Inspectors General on Freedom of Information Act regulations, 5 CFR 9800 Privacy Act regulations, 5 CFR 9801 Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator Office, public availability of information, 5 CFR 10400 Inter-American Foundation, 22 CFR 1003 Interior Department, records and testimony, 43 CFR 2 International Boundary and Water Commission, U.S. and Mexico, 22 CFR 1101 International Development Cooperation Agency, 22 CFR 1202 International Development Finance Corporation, U.S. Access to and safeguarding of personal information, 22 CFR 707 Freedom of Information Act, information disclosure, 22 CFR 706 International Trade Commission, 19 CFR 201 Justice Department Acquisition regulations, 48 CFR 2824 Confidentiality of identifiable research and statistical information, 28 CFR 22 Criminal intelligence systems operating policies, 28 CFR 23 Data Protection Review Court, 28 CFR 201 Documentary materials held by third parties, guidelines on methods of obtaining, 28 CFR 59 Financial privacy, 28 CFR 47 Information systems, 28 CFR 25 Criminal justice, 28 CFR 20 Organization, 28 CFR 0 Prisoners, youth offenders, and juvenile delinquents; parole, release, supervision, and recommitment, 28 CFR 2 Records or information, disclosure or production, 28 CFR 16 Labor Department Agency records, production or disclosure of information or materials, 29 CFR 70 Privacy Act, individual privacy protection and access to records, 29 CFR 71 Right to Financial Privacy Act, implementation, 29 CFR 19 Land Management Bureau, paleontological resources preservation, 43 CFR 49 Libraries and Information Science, National Commission, 45 CFR 1705 Management and Budget Office, 5 CFR 1302 Marine Mammal Commission, 50 CFR 501 Merit Systems Protection Board, 5 CFR 1205 Morris K. Udall Scholarship and Excellence in National Environmental Policy Foundation, 36 CFR 1600 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Privacy, 14 CFR 1212 Records disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act, procedures, 14 CFR 1206 National Archives and Records Administration Federal records, creation and maintenance, 36 CFR 1222 Implementing regulations, 36 CFR 1202 Records disclosure procedures under the Freedom of Information Act, 40 CFR 1901 National Capital Planning Commission, 1 CFR 603 National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service; systems of records, 1 CFR 426 National Counterintelligence Center, 32 CFR 1801 National Credit Union Administration, 12 CFR 792 Consumer financial information, privacy, 12 CFR 716 Fair credit reporting, 12 CFR 717 Security program, suspicious transactions, catastrophic acts, cyber incidents, and Bank Secrecy Act compliance, 12 CFR 748 National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact Council Fingerprint submission procedures, 28 CFR 901 Outsourcing of noncriminal justice administrative functions, 28 CFR 906 State criminal history record screening standards, 28 CFR 904 National Fingerprint File Program qualification requirements, 28 CFR 905 National Foundation on Arts and Humanities [[Page 723]] Institute of Museum and Library Services, 45 CFR 1182 National Endowment for the Arts, 45 CFR 1159 National Endowment for the Humanities, 45 CFR 1169 Claims collection, 45 CFR 1177 National Indian Gaming Commission, procedures, 25 CFR 515 Background investigations for primary management officials and key employees, 25 CFR 556 Management contracts; background investigations for persons or entities with financial interest in, or having management responsibility, 25 CFR 537 National Institute of Food and Agriculture, competitive and non- competitive non-formula Federal assistance programs, general award administrative provisions, 7 CFR 3430 National Labor Relations Board, 29 CFR 102 National Science Foundation, Privacy Act regulations, 45 CFR 613 National Security Council, 32 CFR 2102 National security investigations, procedures for States and localities to request indemnification for disclosure of criminal history records Defense Department, 32 CFR 99 Justice Department, Federal Bureau of Investigation, 28 CFR 20 Personnel Management Office, 5 CFR 911 National Transportation Safety Board, 49 CFR 802, 802 Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation Office, 25 CFR 700 Nuclear power plants and reactors, fitness for duty programs, 10 CFR 26 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 10 CFR 9 Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board, Privacy Act, 10 CFR 1304 Occupational Safety and Health Administration, practice and procedure rules concerning OSHA access to employee medical records, 29 CFR 1913 Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission, Privacy Act regulations, implementation, 29 CFR 2400 Patent and Trademark Office, government information disclosure, 37 CFR 102 Peace Corps, 22 CFR 308 Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation, 36 CFR 903 Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, 29 CFR 4902 People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled, Committee for Purchase From Agency materials, public availability, 41 CFR 51-8 Privacy Act rules, 41 CFR 51-9 Personnel Management Office Personnel investigations, 5 CFR 736 Personnel records, 5 CFR 293 Privacy procedures for personnel records, 5 CFR 297 Prisons Bureau, inmate contact with persons in the community, 28 CFR 540 Postal Regulatory Commission, 39 CFR 3005 Postal Service Inspection service authority, 39 CFR 233 Inspector General Office, 39 CFR 230 Privacy of information, 39 CFR 266 Employee rules of conduct, 39 CFR 268 Protection of information, 39 CFR 267 Presidio Trust, 36 CFR 1008 Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board Disclosure of records under the Freedom of Information Act, 6 CFR 1001 Implementation, 6 CFR 1002 Privacy of consumer financial information (Regulation P), 12 CFR 1016 Public Health Service Health assessments and health effects studies of hazardous substances releases and facilities, administrative functions, practices, and procedures, 42 CFR 90 Mental health and substance abuse emergency response procedures, 42 CFR 51d Mental illness program, protection and advocacy for individuals, applicable requirements, 42 CFR 51 Patient safety organizations and patient safety work product, 42 CFR 3 Research subjects identity protection, 42 CFR 2a Substance use disorder, confidentiality of patient records, 42 CFR 2 Railroad Retirement Board, 20 CFR 200 Securities and Exchange Commission [[Page 724]] Organization, conduct and ethics, and information and requests, 17 CFR 200 Privacy of consumer financial information and safeguarding personal information; affiliate marketing limitations; and identity theft red flags (Regulations S-P, S-AM, and S-IP), 17 CFR 248 Selective Service System, 32 CFR 1665 Small Business Administration, 13 CFR 102 Social Security Administration, 20 CFR 401 Soil Conservation Service, 7 CFR 661 Special Counsel Office, 5 CFR 1830 State Department, 22 CFR 171 Surface Transportation Board, 49 CFR 1007 Tennessee Valley Authority, 18 CFR 1301 Trade Representative, Office of U.S., records and information disclosure, 15 CFR 2004 Transportation Department, 49 CFR 10 Transportation Security Administration, exemptions, 49 CFR 1507 Treasury Department Records disclosure, 31 CFR 1 Right to Financial Privacy Act, 31 CFR 14 Veterans Affairs Department Acquisition regulations, privacy protection and freedom of information, 48 CFR 824 General provisions, 38 CFR 1 Veterans small business regulations, 38 CFR 74 Voluntary Medicare prescription drug benefit, 42 CFR 423 Water Resources Council, 18 CFR 701 White House Fellowships, President's Commission on, 1 CFR 425 Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board Freedom of Information Act, records disclosure procedures, 6 CFR 1001 Government in the Sunshine Act, implementation, 6 CFR 1003 Organization and delegation of powers and duties, 6 CFR 1000 Privacy Act of 1974, implementation, 6 CFR 1002 Private schools See al Schools Children with disabilities, assistance to States for education, 34 CFR 300 Education Department Direct grant programs, 34 CFR 75 State-administered programs, 34 CFR 76 Elementary and Secondary Education Act, general provisions, 34 CFR 299 Improving academic achievement of disadvantaged (Title I), 34 CFR 200 Probation and parole See al Prisons Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia Agency seal, 28 CFR 803 Community supervision; administrative sanctions, 28 CFR 810 Disclosure of records, 28 CFR 802 DNA information, collection and use, 28 CFR 812 Federal Tort Claims Act procedure, 28 CFR 801 Gifts acceptance, 28 CFR 804 Organization and functions, 28 CFR 800 Sex offender registration, 28 CFR 811 DNA identification system, 28 CFR 28 Prisoners, youth offenders, and juvenile delinquents; parole, release, supervision, and recommitment, 28 CFR 2 Prisons Bureau, prisoner parole, 28 CFR 572 Sex offender registration and notification, 28 CFR 72 Procedural rules See Administrative practice and procedure Proclamations See Presidential documents Procurement See Government procurement Procurement and Property Management Office Biobased products Designating guidelines for Federal procurement, 7 CFR 3201 Voluntary labeling program, 7 CFR 3202 Excess computers or other technical equipment, guidelines for transfer pursuant to section 1420 of the 2008 Farm Bill, 7 CFR 3203 Excess personal property, acquisition and transfer guidelines, 7 CFR 3200 [[Page 725]] Product testing and certification See Laboratories Professional conduct See Conflicts of interests Prosthetic devices See Medical devices Prunes Marketing agreement Dried, produced in California, 7 CFR 993 Import regulations, 7 CFR 944 Prune/dried plum diversion program, 7 CFR 81 Specialty crops, import regulations, 7 CFR 999 Public assistance programs See al Aged; Aid to Families with Dependent Children; Blind; Child welfare; Individuals with disabilities; Medicaid; Medicare; Social security; Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Application, determination of eligibility and furnishing assistance, 45 CFR 206 Children and Families Administration Family Violence Prevention and Services Programs, 45 CFR 1370 Hearings to States on conformity of public assistance plans to Federal requirements, practice and procedure, 45 CFR 213 Illegitimacy ratio decrease, Social Security Act section 403(a)(2) bonus implementation to reward, 45 CFR 283 Native employment work (NEW) program, 45 CFR 287 Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program-- Data collection and reporting requirements, 45 CFR 265 Ensuring that recipients work, 45 CFR 261 General accountability provisions, 45 CFR 262 General provisions, 45 CFR 260 High performance bonus awards, 45 CFR 270 Methodology for determining whether State or territory's child poverty rate increase is result of TANF program, 45 CFR 284 Other accountability provisions, 45 CFR 264 State and Federal TANF funds, expenditures, 45 CFR 263 Tribal TANF provisions, 45 CFR 286 Commodity supplemental food program, 7 CFR 247 Coverage and conditions of eligibility, 45 CFR 233 Cuban/Haitian entrant program, 45 CFR 401 Defense Department, Technical Assistance for Public Participation (TAPP) program, defense environmental restoration activities, 32 CFR 203 Employee Benefits Security Administration; Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, reporting and disclosure, 29 CFR 2520 Financial assistance to individuals, 45 CFR 234 Fiscal administration, 45 CFR 237 Fraud, child support, tax credit provisions, 45 CFR 235 General administration, 45 CFR 205 State plans and grant appeals, 45 CFR 204 Health and Human Service Department Equal treatment for faith-based organizations, 45 CFR 87 Health insurance-- Exchange establishment standards and related standards under the Affordable Care Act, 45 CFR 155 Group and individual health insurance markets, health insurance reform requirements for, 45 CFR 147 Issuer standards under the Affordable Care Act, including requirements related to exchanges, 45 CFR 156 Statutory conscience rights protection in health care, authority delegations, 45 CFR 88 Hispanic-serving agricultural colleges and universities certification process, 7 CFR 3434 Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, State legalization impact assistance grants, 45 CFR 402 Indians, financial assistance and social services program, 25 CFR 20 Legal Services Corporation, welfare reform, 45 CFR 1639 [[Page 726]] Mentally ill nationals of U.S. returned from foreign countries, care and treatment, 45 CFR 211 Refugee resettlement program, 45 CFR 400 Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Program, New construction set-aside for Section 515 rural rental housing projects, 24 CFR 884 Special allocations for HUD-insured projects, 24 CFR 886 Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program, 7 CFR 249 Social Security Administration, Medicare subsidies, 20 CFR 418 State grants, 45 CFR 201 State independent living services and centers for independent living, 45 CFR 1329 Subprofessionals and volunteers, training and use, 45 CFR 225 Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer Program, 7 CFR 292 Supplemental security income for the aged, blind, and disabled, 20 CFR 416 Supportive Services for Veteran Families program, 38 CFR 62 Ticket to work and self-sufficiency program, 20 CFR 411 U.S. citizens returned from foreign countries, 45 CFR 212 Veterans Affairs Department Caregivers benefits and certain medical benefits offered to family members of veterans, 38 CFR 71 Health Care for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) program, 38 CFR 63 Public awareness See Freedom of information Public buildings See Federal buildings and facilities Public health See al Health; Immunization; Meat inspection; Quarantine; Waste treatment and disposal Aliens Alien physicians, criteria for evaluating comprehensive plan to reduce reliance on, 45 CFR 51 Detention of aliens for physical and mental examination, 8 CFR 232 Medical examination, 42 CFR 34 Communicable diseases control, 21 CFR 1240 Food Safety and Inspection Service Condemned and other inedible materials, handling and disposition, 9 CFR 540 Food ingredients permitted, 9 CFR 544 Mandatory dispositions; performance standards respecting physical, chemical, or biological contaminants, 9 CFR 539 Pre-harvest standards and transportation to processing establishment, 9 CFR 534 Sanitation requirements and hazard analysis and critical control points systems, notification regarding adulterated or misbranded products, 9 CFR 537 Separation of establishment, facilities for inspection, facilities for program employees, other required facilities, 9 CFR 533 Health assessments and health effects studies of hazardous substances releases and facilities, administrative functions, practices, and procedures, 42 CFR 90 Health information technology Information blocking, 45 CFR 171 Standards, implementation specifications, certification criteria and certification programs, 45 CFR 170 Hospital and public health station management, 42 CFR 35 Human quarantine Foreign, 42 CFR 71 Interstate, 42 CFR 70 Interstate conveyance sanitation, 21 CFR 1250 Milk, Federal Import Milk Act, 21 CFR 1210 Occupational safety and health regulations Construction industry, 29 CFR 1926 Longshoring, safety and health regulations, 29 CFR 1918 Occupational safety and health standards Agriculture, 29 CFR 1928 Federal standards, 29 CFR 1910 Pandemic relief programs, 21 CFR 35 Patient safety organizations and patient safety work, 42 CFR 3 Qualifying pathogens, 21 CFR 317 Statutory conscience rights protection, authority delegations, 45 CFR 88 [[Page 727]] Surface coal mining and reclamation operations Initial regulatory program, 30 CFR 710 Law enforcement procedures, 30 CFR 722 Surplus real property, disposal and utilization for public health purposes, 45 CFR 12 Tea Importation Act, 21 CFR 1220 Public Health Service 340B Drug Pricing Program, 42 CFR 10 Agency for Health Care Policy and Research grants and contracts, 42 CFR 67 Alien physicians, criteria for evaluating comprehensive plan to reduce reliance on, 45 CFR 51 Aliens, medical examination, 42 CFR 34 Chimpanzees held in the federally supported sanctuary system, standards of care, 42 CFR 9 Coal mining Black lung clinics, program grants, 42 CFR 55a Coal miners, medical examination specifications, 42 CFR 37 Commissioned officers, 42 CFR 21 Community health centers, grants, 42 CFR 51c Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program, 42 CFR 110 Disaster assistance for crisis counseling and training, 42 CFR 38 Disease control grants, 42 CFR 51b Distribution of reference biological standards and biological preparations, 42 CFR 7 Education Construction of teaching facilities, educational improvements, scholarships and student loans, grants, 42 CFR 57 Fellowships, 42 CFR 61 National Health Service Corps scholarship and loan repayment programs, 42 CFR 62 Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act Causation probability determination guidelines, 42 CFR 81 Dose reconstruction, methods for conducting, 42 CFR 82 Employees classes as members of special exposure cohort, designating procedures, 42 CFR 83 Family planning services, grants, 42 CFR 59 Federal Tort Claims Act coverage of certain grantees and individuals, 42 CFR 6 Health assessments and health effects studies of hazardous substances releases and facilities, administrative functions, practices, and procedures, 42 CFR 90 Health care policies of general applicability, 42 CFR 50 Health education assistance loan program, 42 CFR 60 Health professional shortage areas, designation, 42 CFR 5 Human quarantine Foreign, 42 CFR 71 Interstate, 42 CFR 70 Maternal and child health project grants, 42 CFR 51a Medical care for certain personnel, 42 CFR 31 Medical facilities Construction and modernization, 42 CFR 124 Construction and modernization of hospitals and medical facilities, grants, loans, and loan guarantees, Secretary's continuing authority, 42 CFR 53 Hospital and public health station management, 42 CFR 35 Mental health and substance abuse emergency response procedures, 42 CFR 51d Mental health traineeships, obligated service, 42 CFR 64a Mental illness program, protection and advocacy for individuals, applicable requirements, 42 CFR 51 Migrant workers, health services grants, 42 CFR 56 Minority biomedical research support program, 42 CFR 52c National Cancer Institute, clinical cancer education program, 42 CFR 52d National Health Service Corps, 42 CFR 23 National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, prevention and control projects, grants, 42 CFR 52e National Institute of Child Health and Human Development contraception and infertility research loan repayment program, 42 CFR 68c [[Page 728]] National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Hazardous substances basic research and training grants, 42 CFR 65a Hazardous waste worker training, 42 CFR 65 National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, research endowment programs, 42 CFR 52i National Institutes of Health Center grants, 42 CFR 52a Clinical research loan repayment program for individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds, 42 CFR 68a Construction grants, 42 CFR 52b Training grants, 42 CFR 63a National Institutes of Health and National Library of Medicine, traineeships, 42 CFR 63 National Library of Medicine General provisions, 42 CFR 4 Grants, 42 CFR 59a Training grants, 42 CFR 64 National Research Service awards, 42 CFR 66 Occupational safety and health Education programs, grants, 42 CFR 86 Employment places, investigations, 42 CFR 85a Health hazard evaluation requests, 42 CFR 85 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health research and demonstration grants, 42 CFR 87 Respiratory protective devices approval, 42 CFR 84 Organ procurement and transplantation network, 42 CFR 121 Pandemic relief programs, 31 CFR 35 Patient safety organizations and patient safety work product, 42 CFR 3 Personnel other than commissioned officers, 42 CFR 22 Persons with Hansen's disease and other persons in emergencies, medical care, 42 CFR 32 Radiologic personnel, accreditation of educational programs for and credentialing of, standards, 42 CFR 75 Research grant applications and research and development contract projects, scientific peer review, 42 CFR 52h Research misconduct policies, 42 CFR 93 Research projects grants, 42 CFR 52 Research subjects, identity protection, 42 CFR 2a Select agents and toxins, 42 CFR 73 Senior Biomedical Research and Biomedical Product Assessment Service, 42 CFR 24 Substance use disorder patients records, confidentiality, 42 CFR 2 Vaccine injury compensation, 42 CFR 100 World Trade Center Health Program, 42 CFR 88 Public housing See al Housing; Low and moderate income housing; Rent subsidies Accessibility standards for design, construction, and alteration of publicly owned residential structures, 24 CFR 40 Admission to and occupancy, 24 CFR 960 Agency plans, 24 CFR 903 Allocations of housing assistance funds, 24 CFR 791 Assessment system, 24 CFR 902 Congregate housing services program, 24 CFR 700 Contracting with resident-owned businesses, 24 CFR 963 Designated housing-public housing designated for occupancy by disabled, elderly, or disabled and elderly families, 24 CFR 945 Drug elimination programs, 24 CFR 761 General HUD program requirements, waivers, 24 CFR 5 Homeownership programs, 24 CFR 906 Housing Choice Voucher Program, 24 CFR 982 Lease and grievance procedure, 24 CFR 966 Legal Services Corporation, representation in certain eviction proceedings, restriction, 45 CFR 1633 Low rent housing homeownership opportunities, 24 CFR 904 Native American activities, 24 CFR 1000 Operating fund program, 24 CFR 990 Public housing agency consortia and public ventures, 24 CFR 943 Public housing agency-owned or leased projects, general provisions, 24 CFR 965 Public housing agency-owned projects, demolition or disposition of public housing projects, 24 CFR 970 [[Page 729]] Public housing capital fund program, 24 CFR 905 Public housing conversion to tenant-based assistance, 24 CFR 972 Reasonable revitalization potential required by law, assessment, 24 CFR 971 Rural Housing Service, direct multi-family housing loans and grants, 7 CFR 3560 Section 8 and public housing family self-sufficiency program, 24 CFR 984 Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Program Family Self-Sufficiency Program, 24 CFR 887 New construction set-aside for Section 515 rural rental housing projects, 24 CFR 884 Section 8 management assessment program (SEMAP), 24 CFR 985 Substantial default by public housing agency, 24 CFR 907 Supportive Services for Veteran Families program, 38 CFR 62 Tax exemption of obligations of public housing agencies, 24 CFR 811 Tenant participation and tenant opportunities in public housing, 24 CFR 964 Veterans Affairs Department, Health Care for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) program, 38 CFR 63 Public lands See al Grazing lands; Homesteads; National forests; National parks; Natural resources; Public lands-classification; Public lands- grants; Public lands-mineral resources; Public lands-rights- of-way; Public lands-sale; Public lands-withdrawal; Reclamation Advisory committees and Land Management Bureau, cooperative relations, 43 CFR 1780 Alaska natives, land occupancy and use, 43 CFR 2560 Archaeological resources protection, uniform regulations Defense Department, 32 CFR 229 Forest Service, 36 CFR 296 Interior Department, 43 CFR 7 International Boundary and Water Commission, U.S. and Mexico, 22 CFR 1104 Tennessee Valley Authority, 18 CFR 1312 Cabin sites on public conservation and recreation areas, occupancy, 43 CFR 21 Cadastral survey, 43 CFR 9180 Cave management, 43 CFR 37 Cerro Grande fire assistance, 44 CFR 295 Color of title and omitted lands, 43 CFR 2540 Columbia Basin Project, Washington; assessment by irrigation districts of lands owned by U.S., 43 CFR 413 Desert land entries, 43 CFR 2520 Designated wilderness areas, management, 43 CFR 6300 FERC hydropower licenses, conditions and prescriptions Fish and Wildlife Service Management Systems, 23 CFR 972 Indian Affairs Bureau and Indian Reservation Roads Program management systems, 23 CFR 973 Interior Department, 43 CFR 45 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 50 CFR 221 National Park Service Management Systems, 23 CFR 970 Federal Power Act, annual charges under Part I, 18 CFR 11 Federally owned or administered archaeological collections, curation, 36 CFR 79 Financial assistance, local governments, 43 CFR 44 Fire management, 43 CFR 9210 Fish and Wildlife Service, Alaska, subsistence management regulations, 50 CFR 100 Forest Service Alaska, subsistence management regulations, 36 CFR 242 Paleontological resources preservation, 36 CFR 291 Forest Service Management Systems, 23 CFR 971 Hawaii, land exchange procedures, 43 CFR 47 Hawaiian Homes Commission Act, amendments, 43 CFR 48 Hermit's Peak/Calf Canyon Fire Assistance, 44 CFR 296 Highway, public transportation, and railroad actions; environmental impact and related procedures, 23 CFR 771 [[Page 730]] Historical or scientific value, management procedure, 43 CFR 8200 Indian allotments, 43 CFR 2530 Investment Security Office, transactions by foreign persons involving real estate in the U.S., 31 CFR 802 Land exchanges, general procedures, 43 CFR 2200 Land leases, 43 CFR 2910 Land Management Bureau Adjudication principles and procedures, 43 CFR 1870 Appeals procedures, 43 CFR 1840 Conveyances, disclaimers and correction documents, 43 CFR 1860 Hearing procedures, 43 CFR 1850 Introduction and general administrative guidance, 43 CFR 1810 Land application procedures, 43 CFR 1820 Land use, special laws and rules, 43 CFR 2090 Law enforcement-criminal, 43 CFR 9260 Leases, permits, and easements for non-Federal use of public lands, 43 CFR 2920 Native American graves protection and repatriation regulations, 43 CFR 10 Off-road vehicle use on public lands Land Management Bureau, 43 CFR 8340 Reclamation Bureau, 43 CFR 420 Ohio National Wildlife Conservation Area Falls, Kentucky and Indiana, protection, use and management, 36 CFR 331 Onshore oil and gas production, 43 CFR 3170 Outer Continental Shelf Geological and geophysical exploration, 30 CFR 551 Minerals other than oil, gas, and sulphur-- Leasing, 30 CFR 581 Operations, 30 CFR 582 Prospecting, 30 CFR 580 Nondiscrimination in, 30 CFR 570 Offshore facilities, oil spill financial responsibility, 30 CFR 553 Oil and gas and sulphur, leasing and bonding requirements, 30 CFR 556 Oil and gas leasing, 30 CFR 560 Renewable energy, 30 CFR 585 Payments in lieu of taxes and mineral development relief loans, financial assistance for local governments, 43 CFR 44 Petition process for designation of Federal lands as unsuitable for all or certain types of surface coal mining operations and for termination of previous designations, 30 CFR 769 Presidio Trust Commercial and private operations, 36 CFR 1005 Environmental quality, 36 CFR 1010 General provisions, 36 CFR 1001 Resource protection, public use and recreation, 36 CFR 1002 Vehicles and traffic safety, 36 CFR 1004 Recreation management, visitor services, 43 CFR 8360 Recreation permits on public lands, 43 CFR 2930 Resource management planning, programming, and budgeting, 43 CFR 1600 Timber Annual sale plan, 43 CFR 5410 Competitive sales, advertisement, 43 CFR 5430 Conduct of sales, 43 CFR 5440 Forest management decisions, administration, 43 CFR 5000 Forest products sale, 43 CFR 5400 Free use, 43 CFR 5510 Harvesting-- Contract award, 43 CFR 5450 Contract modification, extension and assignment, 43 CFR 5470 Nonsale disposals, 43 CFR 5500 Sales-- Administration, 43 CFR 5460 Preparation, 43 CFR 5420 Sustained-yield forest units, 43 CFR 5040 Trespassing, 43 CFR 9230 Wild and Scenic Rivers Act and National Trails System Act, management of public lands, 43 CFR 8350 Wild free-roaming horses and burros; protection, management, and control, 43 CFR 4700 Public lands--classification See al Public lands Land classification system, 43 CFR 2400 Criteria, 43 CFR 2410 Disposal classification, 43 CFR 2430 Land Management Bureau initiated, 43 CFR 2460 [[Page 731]] Multiple-use management classifications, 43 CFR 2420 Petition-application classification system, 43 CFR 2450 Post classification actions for disposal lands, 43 CFR 2470 Segregation by classification, 43 CFR 2440 Land use, special laws and rules, 43 CFR 2090 Public lands--grants See al Public lands Airport land grants, 43 CFR 2640 Alaska Natives, land selections, 43 CFR 2650 Carey Act grants, desert lands reclamation and settlement for agricultural purposes, 43 CFR 2610 Railroad land grants, 43 CFR 2630 State land grants, 43 CFR 2620 Public lands--mineral resources See al Public lands Coal management Coal exploration and mining operations rules, 43 CFR 3480 Competitive leasing, 43 CFR 3420 Environment, 43 CFR 3460 Exploration licenses, 43 CFR 3410 General, 43 CFR 3400 Licenses to mine, 43 CFR 3440 Management of existing leases, 43 CFR 3450 Noncompetitive leases, 43 CFR 3430 Provisions and limitations, 43 CFR 3470 Financial assistance, local governments, 43 CFR 44 Fish and Wildlife Service, land use management, 50 CFR 29 Geothermal resources Leasing, 43 CFR 3200 Unit agreements, 43 CFR 3280 Land classification system, 43 CFR 2400 Land sales Federal Land Policy and Management Act, 43 CFR 2710 Federally-owned mineral interests conveyance, 43 CFR 2720 Land use, special laws and rules, 43 CFR 2090 Mineral leasing Solid minerals (other than coal) exploration and mining operations, 43 CFR 3590 Solid minerals other than coal and oil shale, 43 CFR 3500 Special leasing areas, 43 CFR 3580 Mineral materials disposal, 43 CFR 3600 Free use of petrified wood, 43 CFR 3620 Mineral royalty management, relief or reduction in royalty rates, 30 CFR 203 Minerals management, general regulations, 43 CFR 3000 Mining claims Adverse claim, protests and conflicts, 43 CFR 3870 Annual assessment work requirements, 43 CFR 3836 Areas subject to special mining laws, 43 CFR 3820 Delinquent co-claimant's interests, acquiring, 43 CFR 3837 General mining laws, 43 CFR 3800 Lands and minerals open for mining, 43 CFR 3810 Locating, recording, and maintaining, 43 CFR 3830 Location, 43 CFR 3832 Mineral patent applications, 43 CFR 3860 Recording, 43 CFR 3833 Required fees, 43 CFR 3834 Stockraising Homestead Act (SRHA) lands, special procedures for locating and recording, 43 CFR 3838 Waivers from annual maintenance fees, 43 CFR 3835 Multiple use of lands Mining in powersite withdrawals, 43 CFR 3730 Multiple mineral development, 43 CFR 3740 Multiple use of land surface while mining, 43 CFR 3710 National forest lands used for mineral resource mining, 36 CFR 228 National park areas, minerals management, 36 CFR 9 Natural resources revenue Audits and inspections, 30 CFR 1217 Cooperative activities with States and Indian tribes, 30 CFR 1228 Delegation to States, 30 CFR 1229 [[Page 732]] Federal and federally-administered mineral leases, suspensions pending appeal and bonding, 30 CFR 1243 Forms and reports, 30 CFR 1210 General, 30 CFR 1201 Outer continental shelf oil and gas, accounting procedures for determining net profit share payment for, 30 CFR 1220 Penalties, 30 CFR 1241 Product valuation, 30 CFR 1206 Records and files maintenance, 30 CFR 1212 Relief or reduction in royalty rates, 30 CFR 1203 Royalties, 30 CFR 1202 Royalties, rentals, and bonuses; Distribution and disbursement, 30 CFR 1219 Royalties, rentals, bonuses, and other monies due to the Federal Government; collection, 30 CFR 1218 Sale of Federal royalty oil, 30 CFR 1208 Sales agreements or contracts governing the disposal of lease products, 30 CFR 1207 Oil and gas leasing Combined hydrocarbon leasing, 43 CFR 3140 Competitive leases, 43 CFR 3120 General regulations, 43 CFR 3100 Helium contracts, 43 CFR 3195 Inspections, delegation of authority, cooperative agreements and contracts, 43 CFR 3190 National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska, 43 CFR 3130 Noncompetitive leases, 43 CFR 3110 Onshore oil and gas-- Operations, 43 CFR 3160 Unit agreements, unproven areas, 43 CFR 3180 Oil shale management Exploration and leases, 43 CFR 3930 Exploration licenses, 43 CFR 3910 Facilities located seaward of coast line, oil-spill response requirements for, 30 CFR 254 General, 43 CFR 3900 Leasing, 43 CFR 3920 Onshore oil and gas geophysical exploration, 43 CFR 3150 Outer Continental Shelf Geological and geophysical explorations, 30 CFR 251 Nondiscrimination, 30 CFR 270 Oil and gas and sulphur operations-- Ocean Energy Management Bureau, 30 CFR 550 Safety and Environmental Enforcement, 30 CFR 250 Oil and Gas Information Program, 30 CFR 252 Operations for minerals other than oil, gas, and sulphur, 30 CFR 282 Sulphur or oil and gas leasing, 30 CFR 256 Payments in lieu of taxes and mineral development relief loans, financial assistance for local governments, 43 CFR 44 State land grants, 43 CFR 2620 Surface and underground mining, Federal lands Requirements, 30 CFR 740 Review and approval of mining plans, 30 CFR 746 State-Federal cooperative agreements, 30 CFR 745 Uranium, domestic program, 10 CFR 760 Public lands--rights-of-way See al Public lands Alaska conservation system units, transportation and utility systems in and across, and access into, 43 CFR 36 Coal management, noncompetitive leases, 43 CFR 3430 Federal Land Policy Management Act, 43 CFR 2800 Fish and Wildlife Service, land use management, 50 CFR 29 Mineral Leasing Act, rights-of-way, 43 CFR 2880 National forest land uses, 36 CFR 251 National forest lands used for mineral resource mining, 36 CFR 228 National park areas, minerals management, 36 CFR 9 National Park Service, 36 CFR 14 Outer Continental Shelf Offshore facilities, oil spill financial responsibility, 30 CFR 553 Oil and gas and sulphur operations-- [[Page 733]] Ocean Energy Management Bureau, 30 CFR 550 Safety and Environmental Enforcement, 30 CFR 250 Sulphur or oil and gas leasing, 30 CFR 256 Reclamation Bureau, use of land, facilities, and waterbodies, 43 CFR 429 Tramroads and logging roads, 43 CFR 2810 Travel management, 36 CFR 212 Public lands--sale See al Public lands Alaska natives, land occupancy and use, 43 CFR 2560 Color-of-title and omitted lands, 43 CFR 2540 Federal Land Policy and Management Act, sales, 43 CFR 2710 Federal reclamation projects, 43 CFR 402 Land classification system, disposal classification, 43 CFR 2430 Mineral interests, federally-owned, conveyance, 43 CFR 2720 Recreation and public purposes, public lands sales, 43 CFR 2740 State and private forestry assistance, 36 CFR 230 Public lands--withdrawal See al Public lands Land Management Bureau, 43 CFR 2300 Land use, special laws and rules, 43 CFR 2090 National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska; management and protection, 43 CFR 2360 Power sites, withdrawal of public lands, application for entry and use, 18 CFR 25 Restoration and revocation of public land withdrawals or reservations, 43 CFR 2370 Public meetings See Sunshine Act Public utilities See Electric utilities; Natural gas; Utilities; Water supply Public works See Community facilities Publications See Government publications; Newspapers and magazines; Printing Puerto Rico Common carrier services, universal service, 47 CFR 54 Community development block grants, 24 CFR 570 Customs relations with insular possessions and Guantanamo Bay Naval Station, 19 CFR 7 Distilled spirits plants, excise taxes, 27 CFR 19 Drawback on taxpaid distilled spirits used in manufacturing nonbeverage products, 27 CFR 17 Fisheries; Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and South Atlantic, 50 CFR 622 Income taxes, income from U.S. possessions, 26 CFR 1 (1.931-1--1.936-11) Instrument flight rule (IFR) altitudes, 14 CFR 95 Liquors and articles from Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands, 27 CFR 26 Medicaid, eligibility for financial and medical assistance, 42 CFR 436 Medicare Acute kidney injury dialysis, 42 CFR 413 End-stage renal disease services, payment, 42 CFR 413 Inpatient hospital services, payment systems, 42 CFR 412 Reasonable cost reimbursement principles, 42 CFR 413 Skilled nursing facilities, prospectively determined payment rates, 42 CFR 413 Minimum wage provisions of 1989 amendments to Fair Labor Standards Act in Puerto Rico, 29 CFR 510 Naval installations, public access limitations, 32 CFR 770 Nutrition assistance grant provision, 7 CFR 285 Plant protection and quarantine, State of Hawaii and territories quarantine notices, 7 CFR 318 Public assistance programs, grants, 45 CFR 201 Tobacco products, cigarette papers and tubes, and processed tobacco, importation, 27 CFR 41 [[Page 734]] Pummelos Marketing agreements; oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, and pummelos grown in Florida, 7 CFR 905 Q Qualified financial contracts See al Banks and banking Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Recordkeeping requirements, 12 CFR 371 Resolution and receivership rules, 12 CFR 360 Restrictions, 12 CFR 382 Federal Reserve System, enhanced prudential standards (Regulation YY), 12 CFR 252 Mandatory contractual stay requirements, 12 CFR 47 Treasury Department, recordkeeping related to the FDIC Orderly liquidation authority, 31 CFR 148 Quarantine See al Health; Public health Animals, interstate transportation of Bovine babesiosis, 9 CFR 72 Brucellosis in cattle, bison, and hogs, 9 CFR 78 Communicable diseases in horses, asses, ponies, mules, and zebras, 9 CFR 75 General provisions, 9 CFR 71 Land tortoises, interstate movement prohibition, 9 CFR 74 Newcastle disease and chlamydiosis, 9 CFR 82 Pseudorabies, 9 CFR 85 Scabies in cattle, 9 CFR 73 Scrapie in sheep and goats, 9 CFR 79 Animals and animal products, importation procedures for requesting recognition of regions and compartments, 9 CFR 92 Animals and birds, import and export related services; user fees, 9 CFR 130 Animals, birds, fish, and poultry, and certain animal, bird, and poultry products; requirements for means of conveyance and shipping containers, 9 CFR 93 Chronic wasting disease in deer, elk and moose, 9 CFR 81 Head Start program, program operations, 45 CFR 1302 Human quarantine Foreign, 42 CFR 71 Interstate, 42 CFR 70 Occupational safety and health regulations Construction industry, 29 CFR 1926 Longshoring, safety and health regulations, 29 CFR 1918 Occupational safety and health standards Agriculture, 29 CFR 1928 Federal standards, 29 CFR 1910 Plant pest administrative procedural manuals, incorporation by reference in regulations, 7 CFR 300 Plant protection and quarantine District of Columbia, plants and plant products, movement, 7 CFR 302 Domestic quarantine notices, 7 CFR 301 Foreign quarantine notices, 7 CFR 319 Importation of plants or plant products by mail, 7 CFR 351 Noxious weed regulations, 7 CFR 360 Overtime services relating to imports and exports of plants, 7 CFR 354 Phytosanitary treatments, 7 CFR 305 Plant pest dissemination, general restrictions, 7 CFR 330 Plant quarantine safeguard regulations, 7 CFR 352 State of Hawaii and territories quarantine notices, 7 CFR 318 R Rabbits and rabbit products Grading, voluntary, 7 CFR 70 Inspection, voluntary, 9 CFR 354 Radiation protection See al Health; Radioactive materials; Safety Acquisition regulations, Energy Department, environment, conservation, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace, 48 CFR 923 Animal feed and pet food, irradiation in production, processing, and handling, 21 CFR 579 Army Department, radiation sources on Army land, 32 CFR 655 Drugs for certain research uses, 21 CFR 361 Electronic products Defects or failure to comply notification, 21 CFR 1003 General provisions, 21 CFR 1000 Imports, 21 CFR 1005 [[Page 735]] Ionizing radiation emitting products, performance standards, 21 CFR 1020 Light-emitting products, performance standards, 21 CFR 1040 Mammography, 21 CFR 900 Microwave and radio frequency emitting products, performance standards, 21 CFR 1030 Performance standards, general, 21 CFR 1010 Records and reports, 21 CFR 1002 Repurchase, repairs, or replacement, 21 CFR 1004 Energy Department Certain nuclear plant delays, standby support, 10 CFR 950 Human reliability program, 10 CFR 712 Nuclear activities, procedural rules, 10 CFR 820 Nuclear waste repository, general guidelines for preliminary screening of potential sites, 10 CFR 960 Occupational radiation protection, 10 CFR 835 Spent nuclear fuel and/or high-level radioactive waste, standard contract for disposal, 10 CFR 961 Workplace substance abuse programs at DOE sites, 10 CFR 707 Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act Causation probability determination guidelines, 42 CFR 81 Dose reconstruction, methods for conducting, 42 CFR 82 Employees classes as members of special exposure cohort, designating procedures, 42 CFR 83 Foods, irradiation in processing and handling of food, 21 CFR 179 Judicial review under EPA-administered statutes, 40 CFR 23 National primary drinking water regulations Establishment, 40 CFR 141 Implementation, 40 CFR 142 Nuclear fuel, spent, high-level and transuranic radioactive wastes; environmental radiation protection standards for management and disposal, 40 CFR 191 Nuclear power operations, environmental radiation protection standards, 40 CFR 190 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Fitness for duty programs, 10 CFR 26 Independent storage of spent nuclear fuel, high-level radioactive waste, and reactor-related greater than class C waste, licensing requirements, 10 CFR 72 Industrial radiographic operations, industrial radiography licenses and radiation safety requirements, 10 CFR 34 Licensees-- Notices, instructions, and reports to workers, inspection and investigations, 10 CFR 19 Safety defects and noncompliance reporting, 10 CFR 21 National security information and restricted data, facility security clearance and safeguarding of, 10 CFR 95 Nuclear byproduct material-- Domestic licensing, general applicability rules, 10 CFR 30 General domestic licenses, 10 CFR 31 Irradiators, licenses and radiation safety requirements, 10 CFR 36 Manufacture or transfer certain items containing byproduct material, specific domestic licenses, 10 CFR 32 Medical use, 10 CFR 35 Specific domestic licenses of broad scope, 10 CFR 33 Well logging, licenses and radiation safety requirements, 10 CFR 39 Nuclear power plants operating licenses renewal requirements, 10 CFR 54 Nuclear reactor site criteria, 10 CFR 100 Production and utilization facilities, domestic licensing, 10 CFR 50 Radiation, protection standards against, 10 CFR 20 Radioactive waste-- Emergency access to non-Federal and regional low-level waste disposal facilities, criteria and procedures, 10 CFR 62 High-level radioactive wastes, disposal in geologic repositories, 10 CFR 60 [[Page 736]] Yucca Mountain, Nevada, geologic repository, high-level radioactive wastes disposal, 10 CFR 63 Special nuclear material-- Domestic licensing, 10 CFR 70 Material control and accounting, 10 CFR 74 Nuclear vessels, marine casualties and investigation, 46 CFR 4 Occupational safety and health standards Construction industry, 29 CFR 1926 Federal standards, 29 CFR 1910 Labor provisions, Federal supply contracts, 41 CFR 50-204 Underground metal and nonmetal mines, 30 CFR 57 Public advisory committee, public hearing before, 21 CFR 14 Radiologic personnel, accreditation of educational programs for and credentialing of, standards, 42 CFR 75 Radiological emergency Commercial nuclear power plants, emergency preparedness planning, 44 CFR 352 Federal agency roles, emergency planning and preparedness, 44 CFR 351 Federal Emergency Management Agency, offsite radiological emergency preparedness program, service fee, 44 CFR 354 Fee for services in support, review, and approval of State and local government or licensee radiological emergency plans and preparedness, 44 CFR 353 Review and approval of State and local radiological emergency plans and preparedness, 44 CFR 350 Radiology devices, 21 CFR 892 Radon proficiency programs, 40 CFR 195 Uranium and thorium mill tailings, health and environmental protection standards, 40 CFR 192 Waste Isolation Pilot Plant's compliance with 40 CFR Part 191 disposal regulations, certification and recertification criteria, 40 CFR 194 Yucca Mountain, Nevada Public health and environmental radiation protection standards, 40 CFR 197 Site suitability guidelines, 10 CFR 963 Radio See al News media; Telecommunications Amateur radio service, 47 CFR 97 Authorization and administration of accounting authorities in maritime and maritime mobile-satellite radio services, 47 CFR 3 Aviation radio services, 47 CFR 87 Broadcast services, 47 CFR 73 Broadcasting Board of Governors, domestic requests, 22 CFR 502 Cable television relay service, 47 CFR 78 CB base station antennas, TV antennas, and supporting structures, warnings and instruction requirements, 16 CFR 1402 Citizens broadband radio service, 47 CFR 96 Commercial radio operators, 47 CFR 13 Communications common carriers Commercial mobile services, 47 CFR 20 Extension of lines, new lines, and discontinuance, reduction, outage and impairment of service by; and grants of recognized private operating agency status, 47 CFR 63 International services providers and certain affiliates; reports, 47 CFR 43 Miscellaneous rules, 47 CFR 64 Miscellaneous wireless communications services, 47 CFR 27 Personal communications services, 47 CFR 24 Public mobile services, 47 CFR 22 Records preservation, 47 CFR 42 Satellite communications, 47 CFR 25 Wireless communications, miscellaneous services, 47 CFR 27 Emergency alert system, 47 CFR 11 Emergency service providers (911 and E911) requirements, 47 CFR 9 Employees of radio and television stations, overtime pay requirement exemptions, 29 CFR 793 Experimental, auxiliary, and special broadcast radio and other program distributional services, 47 CFR 74 Experimental radio service (other than broadcast), 47 CFR 5 Federal Communications Commission, practice and procedure, 47 CFR 1 Federal Government stations, relocation of and spectrum sharing by, 47 CFR 301 [[Page 737]] Federal Highway Administration; electronic toll collection, 23 CFR 950 Federal radio frequency management, manual of regulations and procedures, 47 CFR 300 Fixed microwave services, 47 CFR 101 Frequency allocations and radio treaty matters, general rules and regulations, 47 CFR 2 Frequency devices, 47 CFR 15 Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation, regulations and rules, 33 CFR 401 Income taxes, gain or loss on disposition of property, changes to effectuate Federal Communications Commission policy, 26 CFR 1 (1.1071-1--1.1071-4) Industrial, scientific, and medical equipment radio transmissions, 47 CFR 18 Internet freedom, 47 CFR 8 Mandatory ship reporting systems, 33 CFR 169 Maritime services stations, 47 CFR 80 National Communications System issuance system, 47 CFR 216 Noncommercial educational broadcasting, use of certain copyrighted works, 37 CFR 381 Omnidirectional citizens band base station antennas, safety standards, 16 CFR 1204 Personal radio services, 47 CFR 95 Private land mobile radio services, 47 CFR 90 Radio spectrum during wartime emergency, procedures for use and coordination, 47 CFR 214 Railroad communications, 49 CFR 220 Rates and terms for transmissions of sound recordings by preexisting satellite digital audio radio services and for the making of ephemeral reproductions to facilitate those transmissions, 37 CFR 382 Talent fees, defining and delimiting under Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 CFR 550 Tariffs, 47 CFR 61 Vessel bridge-to-bridge radiotelephone regulations, 33 CFR 26 Wireless emergency alerts, 47 CFR 10 Radioactive materials See al Hazardous substances; Nuclear materials; Radiation protection Atmospheric Nuclear Test Program (1945-1962), guidance for determination and reporting of nuclear radiation dose for DoD participants, 32 CFR 218 Category 1 and category 2 quantities, physical protection, 10 CFR 37 Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act, compensation claims, 20 CFR 30 Causation probability determination guidelines, 42 CFR 81 Dose reconstruction, methods for conducting, 42 CFR 82 Employees classes as members of special exposure cohort, designating procedures, 42 CFR 83 Hazardous materials transportation Aircraft, carriage by, 49 CFR 175 Motor carrier safety, driving and parking rules, 49 CFR 397 Public highway, carriage by, 49 CFR 177 Rail, carriage by, 49 CFR 174 Shippers, general requirements for shipment and packaging, 49 CFR 173 Vessel, carriage by, 49 CFR 176 Health and environmental protection standards for uranium and thorium mill tailings, 40 CFR 192 Northeast Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste Commission, declaration of party state eligibility for Compact, 10 CFR 1800 Nuclear facilities, materials, import and export licenses, and other regulatory services under the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended; fees, 10 CFR 170 Nuclear reactor licenses and fuel cycle licenses and materials licenses, including holders of certificates of compliance, registrations, and quality assurance program approvals, and government agencies licensed by the NRC; annual fees, 10 CFR 171 Plutonium, air transportation, 10 CFR 871 Radiation Exposure Compensation Act, claims, 28 CFR 79 Radioactive materials Independent storage of spent nuclear fuel, high-level radioactive waste, and reactor-related greater than class C waste, licensing requirements, 10 CFR 72 Packaging and transportation, 10 CFR 71 [[Page 738]] Radionuclides Air pollution control, national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants, 40 CFR 61 Yucca Mountain, Nevada, public health and environmental radiation protection standards, 40 CFR 197 Radon National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants, 40 CFR 61 Radon proficiency programs, 40 CFR 195 Uranium Air pollution control, national emission standards for hazardous air pollutants, 40 CFR 61 Alternate fuels, administrative procedures and sanctions, 10 CFR 501 Domestic licensing of source material, 10 CFR 40 Domestic uranium program, 10 CFR 760 Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act, compensation claims, 20 CFR 30 Energy impacted area development assistance program, 7 CFR 1948 Enrichment decontamination and decommissioning fund; domestic utilities special assessment procedures, 10 CFR 766 Gaseous diffusion plants, certification, 10 CFR 76 Radiation Exposure Compensation Act, claims, 28 CFR 79 Radiation protection program, health and environmental protection standards for uranium and thorium mill tailings, 40 CFR 192 Reimbursement for costs of remedial action at active uranium and thorium processing sites, 10 CFR 765 Shippers, general requirements for shipment and packaging, 49 CFR 173 Veterans benefits, adjudication, 38 CFR 3 Radioactive waste See Hazardous waste Radionuclides See Radioactive materials Radon See Air pollution control; Gases; Radiation protection Railroad employees See al Railroad retirement; Railroad unemployment insurance; Railroads Classification, service and compensation reports, 49 CFR 1245 Competitive Passenger Rail Service Pilot Program, 49 CFR 269 Conductors, qualification and certification, 49 CFR 242 Critical incident stress plans, 49 CFR 272 Determining disability, 20 CFR 220 Locomotive engineers, qualification and certification, 49 CFR 240 Passenger train employees; hours of service, reporting and recordkeeping, sleeping quarters, 49 CFR 228 Numbers, 49 CFR 1246 Operating practices, 49 CFR 218 Railroad hiring, 20 CFR 346 Railroad Retirement Board, general administration, 20 CFR 200 Railroad unemployment insurance, availability for work, 20 CFR 327 Representative payment, 20 CFR 348 Safety-related railroad employees; training, qualification, and oversight, 49 CFR 243 Railroad retirement See al Disability benefits; Pensions; Railroad employees; Railroads; Retirement Account benefits ratio, 20 CFR 206 Administrative finality, 20 CFR 261 Annuity beginning and ending dates, 20 CFR 218 Annuity or lump sum application, 20 CFR 217 Computing employee, spouse, and divorced spouse annuities, 20 CFR 226 Computing supplemental annuities, 20 CFR 227 Creditable railroad compensation, 20 CFR 211 Creditable railroad service, 20 CFR 210 Debt collection authorities under Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996, 31 CFR 285 Definitions, 20 CFR 201 Determining disability, 20 CFR 220 Eligibility for an annuity, 20 CFR 216 Employee representatives, 20 CFR 205 [[Page 739]] Employment relation, 20 CFR 204 Employment taxes, temporary regulations under Act of December 29, 1981 (Pub. L. 97-123), 26 CFR 32 Employment taxes and collection of income tax at source, 26 CFR 31 Evidence required for payment, 20 CFR 219 Family relationships, 20 CFR 222 Federal old-age, survivors, and disability insurance (1950-- ), 20 CFR 404 Garnishment of benefits paid under Railroad Retirement Act, Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act, and under any other act administered by Board, 20 CFR 350 General administration, 20 CFR 200 Hearings before Railroad Retirement Board or designated examiners, 20 CFR 258 Initial determinations and appeals with respect to employer and employee status, 20 CFR 259 Jurisdiction determinations, 20 CFR 221 Lump-sum payments, 20 CFR 234 Military service, 20 CFR 212 Months annuities not payable by reason of work, 20 CFR 230 Overpayments recovery, 20 CFR 255 Payments pursuant to court decree or court-approved property settlement, 20 CFR 295 Plan of operation during national emergency, 20 CFR 375 Primary insurance amount determinations, 20 CFR 225 Railroad Retirement Act Employees, 20 CFR 203 Employers, 20 CFR 202 Reports and responsibilities, railroad employers, 20 CFR 209 Representative payment, 20 CFR 266 Requests for reconsideration and appeals within Board, 20 CFR 260 Social security benefits payments, 20 CFR 235 Social security overall minimum guarantee, 20 CFR 229 Survivor annuities computation, 20 CFR 228 Transfer, assignment, or waiver of payments, 20 CFR 243 Windfall benefit annuity component reduction, 20 CFR 233 Railroad Retirement Board Administrative finality, 20 CFR 261 Agency seal, use of, 20 CFR 369 Civil monetary penalty inflation adjustment, 20 CFR 356 Collection of debts by Federal tax refund offset (effective until January 11, 1994), 20 CFR 366 Employees' personal property claims, 20 CFR 362 Garnishment of benefits paid under Railroad Retirement Act, Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act, and under any other act administered by Board, 20 CFR 350 Garnishment of remuneration of Board personnel, 20 CFR 363 General administration, 20 CFR 200 Missing children, penalty mail use to assist in location and recovery, 20 CFR 364 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 20 CFR 365 Non-governmental plans for unemployment or sickness insurance, 20 CFR 323 Plan of operation during national emergency, 20 CFR 375 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 20 CFR 355 Prohibition of cigarette sales to minors, 20 CFR 368 Qualified employee, 20 CFR 302 Railroad hiring, 20 CFR 346 Railroad retirement Account benefits ratio, 20 CFR 206 Annuity beginning and ending dates, 20 CFR 218 Annuity or lump sum application, 20 CFR 217 Computing employee, spouse, and divorced spouse annuities, 20 CFR 226 Computing supplemental annuities, 20 CFR 227 Creditable railroad compensation, 20 CFR 211 Creditable railroad service, 20 CFR 210 Definitions, 20 CFR 201 Determining disability, 20 CFR 220 Eligibility for an annuity, 20 CFR 216 Employee representatives, 20 CFR 205 Employment relation, 20 CFR 204 Evidence required for payment, 20 CFR 219 Family relationships, 20 CFR 222 [[Page 740]] Hearings before Railroad Retirement Board or designated examiners, 20 CFR 258 Initial determinations and appeals with respect to employer and employee status, 20 CFR 259 Jurisdiction determinations, 20 CFR 221 Lump-sum payments, 20 CFR 234 Military service, 20 CFR 212 Months annuities not payable by reason of work, 20 CFR 230 Overpayments recovery, 20 CFR 255 Payments pursuant to court decree or court-approved property settlement, 20 CFR 295 Primary insurance amount determinations, 20 CFR 225 Railroad Retirement Act-- Employees, 20 CFR 203 Employers, 20 CFR 202 Reports and responsibilities, railroad employers, 20 CFR 209 Representative payment, 20 CFR 266 Requests for reconsideration and appeals within Board, 20 CFR 260 Social security benefits payments, 20 CFR 235 Social security overall minimum guarantee, 20 CFR 229 Survivor annuities computation, 20 CFR 228 Transfer, assignment, or waiver of payments, 20 CFR 243 Windfall benefit annuity component reduction, 20 CFR 233 Railroad unemployment insurance Definitions, 20 CFR 300 Determination of daily benefit rates, 20 CFR 330 Duration of normal and extended benefits, 20 CFR 336 Electronic applications filing, 20 CFR 321 Employers' contributions and contribution reports, 20 CFR 345 Employers under Railroad Retirement Act, 20 CFR 301 Initial determinations under Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act, reviews and appeals of these determinations, 20 CFR 320 Mileage or work restrictions and stand-by or lap-over rules, 20 CFR 332 Procedure for determining liability for contributions or repayments of benefits, 20 CFR 319 Recovery of benefits, 20 CFR 340 Registration for railroad unemployment benefits, 20 CFR 325 Remuneration, 20 CFR 322 Representative payment, 20 CFR 348 Sickness benefits, 20 CFR 335 Statutory lien where sickness benefits paid, 20 CFR 341 Unemployment and sickness insurance benefits, finality of decisions, 20 CFR 349 Work availability, 20 CFR 327 Recovery of debts owed to U.S. by Board employees, 20 CFR 361 Recovery of debts owed to U.S. Government by administrative offset, 20 CFR 367 Railroad safety See al Railroads; Safety Accidents/incidents; reports classification, and investigations, 49 CFR 225 Alcohol and drug use control, 49 CFR 219 Appliance standards, 49 CFR 231 Brake system safety standards for freight and other non-passenger trains and equipment; end-of-train devices, 49 CFR 232 Bridge safety standards, 49 CFR 237 Conductors, qualification and certification, 49 CFR 242 Critical incident stress plans, 49 CFR 272 Enforcement procedures, 49 CFR 209 Freight car safety standards, 49 CFR 215 Grade crossing safety, 49 CFR 234 Hazardous materials Carriage by rail, 49 CFR 174 Packagings, continuing qualification and maintenance, 49 CFR 180 Tank car specifications, 49 CFR 179 Highway safety improvement program, 23 CFR 924 Locomotive engineers, qualification and certification, 49 CFR 240 Locomotive horns, use at public highway-rail grade crossings, 49 CFR 222 Locomotive safety standards, 49 CFR 229 Marine terminals, 29 CFR 1917 Maritime and surface transportation security, general rules, 49 CFR 1570 National Transit System Security Act and the Federal Railroad Safety Act, [[Page 741]] procedures for handling retaliation complaints, 29 CFR 1982 National Transportation Safety Board, investigation procedures, 49 CFR 831 Occupational noise exposure, 49 CFR 227 Passenger equipment safety standards, 49 CFR 238 Passenger train emergency preparedness, 49 CFR 239 Passenger train employees and certain railroad employees of railroad contractors and subcontractors; hours of service, recordkeeping and reporting, sleeping quarters, 49 CFR 228 Public transportation and passenger railroad security, 49 CFR 1582 Rail freight rolling stock, reflectorization, 49 CFR 224 Rail transportation security, 49 CFR 1580 Railroad accidents, rules pertaining to notification, 49 CFR 840 Railroad communications, 49 CFR 220 Railroad operating practices, 49 CFR 218 Railroad operating rules, 49 CFR 217 Railroad police officers, 49 CFR 207 Railroad track, locomotive and equipment: special notice and emergency order procedures, 49 CFR 216 Railroad track safety standards, 49 CFR 213 Railroad workplace safety, 49 CFR 214 Rear end marking device--passenger, commuter, and freight trains, 49 CFR 221 Safety glazing standards-locomotives, passenger cars, and cabooses, 49 CFR 223 Safety inquiries and proceedings, rules of practice, 49 CFR 211 Safety integration plans, procedures for agency consideration in cases involving railroad consolidations, mergers, and acquisitions of control, 49 CFR 1106 Safety integration plans governing railroad consolidations, mergers, and acquisitions of control, 49 CFR 244 Safety-related railroad employees; training, qualification, and oversight, 49 CFR 243 Signal and train control systems, devices, and appliances; rules, standards, and instructions governing installation, inspection, maintenance, and repair, 49 CFR 236 Signal system Instructions governing applications for approval of discontinuance or material modification or relief from Part 236 requirements, 49 CFR 235 Reporting requirement, 49 CFR 233 State safety participation regulations, 49 CFR 212 Steam locomotive inspection and maintenance standards, 49 CFR 230 System Safety program, 49 CFR 270 Texas Central Railroad high-speed rail safety standards, 49 CFR 299 Transportation Security Administration Administrative and procedural rules, applicability, terms, and abbreviations, 49 CFR 1500 Rail operations, U.S.; United States locational requirement for dispatching, 49 CFR 241 Sensitive security information protection, 49 CFR 1520 Railroad unemployment insurance See al Railroad employees; Railroads Debt collection authorities under Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996, 31 CFR 285 Definitions, 20 CFR 300 Determination of daily benefit rates, 20 CFR 330 Duration of normal and extended benefits, 20 CFR 336 Electronic applications filing, 20 CFR 321 Employers' contributions and contribution reports, 20 CFR 345 Employers under Railroad Retirement Act, 20 CFR 301 Garnishment of benefits paid under Railroad Retirement Act, Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act, and under any other act administered by Board, 20 CFR 350 Hearings before Railroad Retirement Board or designated examiners, 20 CFR 258 Initial determinations and appeals with respect to employer and employee status, 20 CFR 259 Initial determinations under Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act, review and appeals of these determinations, 20 CFR 320 Mileage or work restrictions and stand-by or lay-over rules, 20 CFR 332 [[Page 742]] Non-governmental plans for unemployment or sickness insurance, 20 CFR 323 Plan of operation during national emergency, 20 CFR 375 Procedure for determining liability for contributions or payments of benefits, 20 CFR 319 Qualified employee, 20 CFR 302 Recovery of benefits, 20 CFR 340 Registration for railroad unemployment benefits, 20 CFR 325 Remuneration, 20 CFR 322 Representative payment, 20 CFR 348 Sickness benefits, 20 CFR 335 Statutory lien where sickness benefits paid, 20 CFR 341 Unemployment and sickness insurance benefits, finality of decisions, 20 CFR 349 Work availability, 20 CFR 327 Railroads See al Common carriers; Railroad employees; Railroad retirement; Railroad safety; Railroad unemployment insurance; Transportation Abandoned railroad rights-of-way, grants and allocations for recreation and conservation use, 36 CFR 64 Acquisition, control, merger, consolidation project, trackage rights, and lease procedures, 49 CFR 1180 Air pollution control Locomotives, 40 CFR 1033 Locomotives and locomotive engines, 40 CFR 92 Americans with Disabilities Act Transportation services for individuals with disabilities, 49 CFR 37 Transportation vehicles-- Accessibility guidelines, 36 CFR 1192 Accessibility specifications, 49 CFR 38 Applications under 49 U.S.C. 10706 and 13703, 49 CFR 1331 Bills of lading, 49 CFR 1035 Bulk grain and grain products, loss and damage claims, 49 CFR 1037 Car service, 49 CFR 1033 Cars loaded and cars terminated, report, 49 CFR 1247 CBP relations with Canada and Mexico, 19 CFR 123 Certificate to construct, acquire or operate railroad lines, 49 CFR 1150 Critical incident stress plans, 49 CFR 272 Common operating expenses, separation between freight and passenger service, 49 CFR 1242 Competitive Passenger Rail Service Pilot Program, 49 CFR 269 Cost recovery procedures, 49 CFR 1135 Environmental impact and related procedures, 23 CFR 771 Export and import shipments, 49 CFR 1302 Fair Labor Standards Act, miscellaneous exemptions and exclusions from coverage, 29 CFR 786 Feeder railroad development program, 49 CFR 1151 Freight commodity statistics, 49 CFR 1248 Hazardous materials, carriage by rail, 49 CFR 174 Highway-railway construction projects performed by a State under Federal-aid procedures, reimbursement eligibility of administrative settlement costs, 23 CFR 140 Highway safety improvement program, 23 CFR 924 Immigration, prevention of unauthorized entry of aliens by owners of railroad lines, 8 CFR 271 Income taxes Computation of taxable income, terminal railroad corporations and their shareholders, 26 CFR 1 (1.281-1--1.281-4) Corporate organizations and reorganizations, insolvency reorganizations, 26 CFR 1 (1.371-1--1.374-4) Intercity passenger train operations, metrics and minimum standards, 49 CFR 273 Interlocking officers, 49 CFR 1185 Intermodal movement of containerized freight, practices of carriers involved, 49 CFR 1090 Investigation and voluntary disposition of loss and damage claims and processing salvage, principles and practices, 49 CFR 1005 Land transportation security, credentialing and security threat assessments, 49 CFR 1572 [[Page 743]] Maritime and surface transportation security, general rules, 49 CFR 1570 Magnetic levitation transportation technology deployment programs, 49 CFR 268 National Mediation Board Administrative definitions, 29 CFR 1201 Labor contracts, 29 CFR 1204 Labor disputes, special adjustment boards, 29 CFR 1207 Labor negotiations, employee notices, 29 CFR 1205 Labor organizations, representation disputes, 29 CFR 1206 Mediation services, applications, 29 CFR 1203 Rules of procedure, 29 CFR 1202 National Railroad Adjustment Board, rules of procedure for arbitration, 29 CFR 301 Noise emission compliance regulations, 49 CFR 210 Noise emission standards for transportation equipment, interstate rail carriers, 40 CFR 201 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs or activities, 49 CFR 27 Occupational Safety and Health Administration Retaliation complaints, handling procedures-- National Transit System Security Act and the Federal Railroad Safety Act, 29 CFR 1982 Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, as amended; complaints under section 806, 29 CFR 1980 Safety and health regulations-- Agriculture, 29 CFR 1928 Construction industry, 29 CFR 1926 Passenger equipment safety standards, 49 CFR 238 Passenger terminals, financial assistance, 49 CFR 256 Property transportation waybill analysis, 49 CFR 1244 Public lands grants, 43 CFR 2630 Public transportation and passenger railroad security, 49 CFR 1582 Rail common carriage, disclosure, publication, and notice of rate changes and other service terms, 49 CFR 1300 Rail exemption procedures, 49 CFR 1121 Rail lines and rail transportation under 49 U.S.C. 10903, abandonment and discontinuance, 49 CFR 1152 Rail Passenger Service Act, informal practice rules, 49 CFR 200 Rail service assistance, local, to States under section 5 of Department of Transportation Act, 49 CFR 266 Rail transportation security, 49 CFR 1580 Railroad contracts for transportation of agricultural products, 49 CFR 1313 Railroad performance data reporting, 49 CFR 1250 Railroad rehabilitation and improvement financing program, regulations governing loans and loan guarantees, 49 CFR 260 Railroad-highway projects and insurance coverage for these projects, 23 CFR 646 Rate-making organization, records and reports, 49 CFR 1253 Records preservation, 49 CFR 1220 Reorganization, trustees' certificates guarantee, 49 CFR 250 Reports, annual, special or periodic Carriers subject to Interstate Commerce Act, Part I, 49 CFR 1241 Quarterly operating, 49 CFR 1243 Tare weight and loss and damage data, 49 CFR 1249 Routing of traffic, 49 CFR 1034 Sanitation in interstate conveyance, 21 CFR 1250 Securities, documents recordation, railroads and maritime carriers, 49 CFR 1177 Service emergencies, expedited relief, 49 CFR 1146 Service inadequacies, temporary relief (49 U.S.C. 10705 and 11102), 49 CFR 1147 Shipments and packagings, general requirements for shippers, 49 CFR 173 Surface mail transportation, filing contracts, 49 CFR 1332 Surface Transportation Board Arbitration of certain disputes subject to statutory jurisdiction, 49 CFR 1108 Civil monetary penalty inflation adjustment, 49 CFR 1022 Demurrage liability, 49 CFR 1333 Solid waste rail transfer facilities, 49 CFR 1155 Use of mediation in Board proceedings, 49 CFR 1109 [[Page 744]] Surface transportation projects, credit assistance, 23 CFR 180, 49 CFR 80, 49 CFR 261, 49 CFR 640 Tariffs for transportation of property by or with water carrier in noncontiguous domestic trade; publication, posting and filing, 49 CFR 1312 Transportation exemptions, 49 CFR 1039 Transportation Security Administration Administrative and procedural rules, applicability, terms, and abbreviations, 49 CFR 1500 Sensitive security information protection, 49 CFR 1520 Uniform Systems of Accounts Interstate Commerce Act, general accounting regulations, 49 CFR 1200 Railroad companies, 49 CFR 1201 Raisins Marketing agreements, raisins produced from grapes grown in California, 7 CFR 989 Specialty crops, import regulations, 7 CFR 999 Range management See al Agriculture Administration of lands under Title III of Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act, 36 CFR 213 Grazing lands, 43 CFR 4100 Livestock in Alaska, 43 CFR 4200 Reindeer in Alaska, general, 43 CFR 4300 Law enforcement, criminal, on public lands, 43 CFR 9260 National forests, 36 CFR 222 National Institute of Food and Agriculture, rangeland research grants program, 7 CFR 3401 Range and feral animal management, 50 CFR 30 Wild free-roaming horses and burros; protection, management, and control, 43 CFR 4700 Rates and fares See Air rates and fares; Communications common carriers; Electric power rates; Fees; Maritime carriers; Motor carriers; Natural gas; Postal Service; Railroads Real property acquisition Army Department, regulations affecting military reservations, 32 CFR 552 Federal Highway Administration; Federal-aid highway programs, right-of- way and real estate, 23 CFR 710 Federal Property Management Regulations, public buildings, real property acquisition, 41 CFR 101-18 Fish and Wildlife Administration; Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration and Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Acts, administrative requirements, 50 CFR 80 General Services Administration Acquisition regulations, acquiring leasehold interests in real property, 48 CFR 570 Federal Management Regulation-- Art in architecture, 41 CFR 102-77 Authority delegation, 41 CFR 102-72 Design and construction, 41 CFR 102-76 Facility management, 41 CFR 102-74 General, 41 CFR 102-71 GSA space occupancy, pricing policy, 41 CFR 102-85 Historic preservation, 41 CFR 102-78 Location of space, 41 CFR 102-83 Physical security, 41 CFR 102-81 Real estate acquisition, 41 CFR 102-73 Real property disposal, 41 CFR 102-75 Safety and environmental management, 41 CFR 102-80 Space assignment and utilization, 41 CFR 102-79 Utility services, 41 CFR 102-82 Head Start program Facilities purchase, major renovation, and construction, 45 CFR 1309 Financial and administrative requirements, 45 CFR 1303 Legal Services Corporation, purchasing and property management, 45 CFR 1631 Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation Office, 25 CFR 700 Postal Service, 39 CFR 777 Tennessee Valley Authority, real property acquisition policies, 18 CFR 1306 Transactions by foreign persons involving real estate in the U.S., 31 CFR 802 Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally assisted programs [[Page 745]] Agency cross references to governmentwide rule-- Agriculture Department, 7 CFR 21 Commerce Department, 15 CFR 11 Defense Department, 32 CFR 259 Education Department, 34 CFR 15 Energy Department, 10 CFR 1039 Environmental Protection Agency, 40 CFR 4 Federal Emergency Management Agency, 44 CFR 25 General Services Administration, 41 CFR 105-51 Health and Human Services Department, 45 CFR 15 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 42 Justice Department, 41 CFR 128-18 Labor Department, 29 CFR 12 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 14 CFR 1208 Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation, 36 CFR 904 Veterans Affairs Department, 38 CFR 25 Governmentwide rule, 49 CFR 24 Real-time text See Telecommunications Reclamation See al Environmental protection; Mines; Natural resources; Public lands; Surface mining Carey Act grants, desert lands reclamation and settlement for agricultural purposes, 43 CFR 2610 Colorado River water conservation measures, implementation with lower basin contractors and others, 43 CFR 417 Columbia Basin Project, Washington, assessment by irrigation districts of lands owned by U.S., 43 CFR 413 Conconully Lake and Conconully Reservoir, Okanogan County, Washington, standards for prevention, control, and abatement of environmental pollution, 43 CFR 424 Desert land entries, 43 CFR 2520 Federal reclamation projects Acreage limitation rules and regulations, 43 CFR 426 Farm operations in excess of 960 acres and eligibility of certain formerly excess land, information requirements, 43 CFR 428 Sale of lands, 43 CFR 402 Water conservation rules and regulations, 43 CFR 427 Lake Berryessa, management rules, 43 CFR 430 Newlands Reclamation Project, Nevada, operating criteria and procedures, 43 CFR 418 Offstream storage of Colorado River water and development and release of intentionally created unused apportionment in Lower Division States, 43 CFR 414 Reclamation Bureau, public conduct on facilities, lands, and waterbodies, 43 CFR 423 Reservoir project lands, joint policies of Interior and Army Departments, 43 CFR 8 Reclamation Bureau Colorado River water conservation measures, implementation with lower basin contractors and others, 43 CFR 417 Columbia Basin Project, Washington, assessment by irrigation districts of lands owned by U.S., 43 CFR 413 Conconully Lake and Conconully Reservoir, Okanogan County, Washington, standards for prevention, control, and abatement of environmental pollution, 43 CFR 424 Federal reclamation projects Acreage limitation rules and regulations, 43 CFR 426 Farm operations in excess of 960 acres and eligibility of certain formerly excess land, information requirements, 43 CFR 428 Sale of lands, 43 CFR 402 Water conservation rules and regulations, 43 CFR 427 Lake Berryessa, management rules, 43 CFR 430 Land, facilities, and waterbodies, use of, 43 CFR 429 Law enforcement authority at projects, 43 CFR 422 Newlands Reclamation Project, Nevada, operating criteria and procedures, 43 CFR 418 [[Page 746]] Off-road vehicle use, 43 CFR 420 Offstream storage of Colorado River water and development and release of intentionally created unused apportionment in Lower Division States, 43 CFR 414 Power generation, operation, maintenance, and replacement at Boulder Canyon Project, Arizona/Nevada, general regulations, 43 CFR 431 Public conduct on facilities, lands and waterbodies, 43 CFR 423 Reclamation Rural Water Supply Program, 43 CFR 404 Truckee River Operating Agreement, 43 CFR 419 Record retention See Reporting and recordkeeping requirements Recordings See al Communications; Copyright Broadcasting Board of Governors, domestic requests, 22 CFR 502 Commercial filming and similar projects and still photography on certain areas under department jurisdiction, 43 CFR 5 Copyright Office, Library of Congress General provisions, 37 CFR 201 Physical and digital phonorecords of nondramatic musical works, compulsory license for making and distributing, 37 CFR 210 Copyright Royalty Board, Library of Congress Administrative assessments to fund mechanical licensing collective, amounts and terms, 37 CFR 390 Coin-operated phonorecord players, royalty rate adjustment, 37 CFR 388 Nondramatic musical works in the making and distributing of physical and digital phonorecords, rates and terms for use, 37 CFR 385 Nonsubscription services and new subscription services and for the making of ephemeral reproductions to facilitate those transmissions; rates and terms, 37 CFR 380 Royalty fees collected under compulsory license, claims filing, 37 CFR 360 Sound recording transmissions by preexisting subscription services and preexisting satellite digital audio radio services and for the making of ephemeral reproductions to facilitate those transmissions, rates and terms, 37 CFR 382 Statutory licenses, notice and recordkeeping requirements, 37 CFR 370 Subscription transmissions and the reproduction of ephemeral recordings by certain new subscription services; rates and terms, 37 CFR 383 Defense Department, copyrighted sound and video recordings, 32 CFR 142 Records See Archives and records; Freedom of information; Health records; Privacy; Reporting and recordkeeping requirements Recreation and recreation areas See al Fishing; Hunting; National forests; National parks; National trails system; Natural resources; Rivers; Seashores; Wilderness areas Abandoned railroad rights-of-way, grants and allocations for recreation and conservation use, 36 CFR 64 Aircraft, ultralight vehicles, 14 CFR 103 Alaska National wildlife refuges, 50 CFR 36 Boating Infrastructure Grant program, 50 CFR 86 Cabin sites on public conservation and recreation areas, occupancy, 43 CFR 21 Cave management, 43 CFR 37 Commercial air tours and National Parks air tour management, 14 CFR 136 Fishery conservation and management Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and South Atlantic, 50 CFR 622 Off West Coast fisheries, 50 CFR 660 Highway, public transportation, and railroad actions; environmental impact and related procedures, 23 CFR 771 Hobby Protection Act, rules and regulations, 16 CFR 304 Hydroelectric power projects, recreational opportunities and development, 18 CFR 8 Land and Water Conservation Fund program of assistance to States; post- completion compliance responsibilities, 36 CFR 59 [[Page 747]] Land classification system, 43 CFR 2400 Mineral leasing, special leasing areas, 43 CFR 3580 National forest special areas, 36 CFR 294 National Marine Sanctuary program regulations, 15 CFR 922 National recreation areas, 36 CFR 292 Off-road vehicles on public lands, 43 CFR 8340 Ohio National Wildlife Conservation Area Falls, Kentucky and Indiana, protection, use and management, 36 CFR 331 Paleontological resources preservation, 36 CFR 291; 43 CFR 49 Parachute operations, 14 CFR 105 Pilots, flight instructors, and ground instructors; certification, 14 CFR 61 Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration and Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Acts, administrative requirements, 50 CFR 80 Presidio Trust Commercial and private operations, 36 CFR 1005 Environmental quality, 36 CFR 1010 General provisions, 36 CFR 1001 Resource protection, public use and recreation, 36 CFR 1002 Vehicles and traffic safety, 36 CFR 1004 Prisoners' recreation programs, 28 CFR 544 Public lands Land leases, 43 CFR 2910 Law enforcement-criminal, 43 CFR 9260 Recreation and public purposes, public lands sales, 43 CFR 2740 Recreation permits, 43 CFR 2930 Visitor services, 43 CFR 8360 Reclamation Bureau, use of land, facilities, and waterbodies, 43 CFR 429 Recreation fees, 36 CFR 71 Reservoir project lands, joint policies of Interior and Army Departments, 43 CFR 8 Small unmanned aircraft systems, 14 CFR 107 Susquehanna River Basin Commission, 18 CFR 801 Urban Park and Recreation Recovery Act of 1978, grants and discretionary funding, 36 CFR 72 Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentive Program, 7 CFR 1455 Water resource development projects administered by Chief of Army Engineers Law enforcement services contracts, 36 CFR 330 Prohibition of discriminatory practices, 36 CFR 312 Public use, 36 CFR 327 Seaplane operations, 36 CFR 328 Wildlife refuges, public entry and use, 50 CFR 26 Recreational fishing See Fishing; Recreation and recreation areas Recycling See al Waste treatment and disposal Environment, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace Commerce Department, 48 CFR 23, 48 CFR 1323 General Services Administration, 48 CFR 23 Veterans Affairs Department, 48 CFR 823 Solid wastes Hazardous waste, identification and listing, 40 CFR 261 Hazardous wastes and types of hazardous waste management facilities, specific, management standards, 40 CFR 266 Recovered materials, comprehensive procurement guideline for products containing, 40 CFR 247 Source separation, materials recovery guidelines, 40 CFR 246 Used oil management standards, 40 CFR 279 Stratospheric ozone protection, 40 CFR 82 Red Cross See Armed forces Refugee Resettlement Office See al Children and Families Administration Cuban/Haitian entrant program, 45 CFR 401 Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, State legalization impact assistance grants, 45 CFR 402 Refugee resettlement program, 45 CFR 400 Refugees See also [[Page 748]] Aliens Admission to U.S., 8 CFR 207, 8 CFR 1207 Cuban/Haitian entrant program, 45 CFR 401 Reentry permits, refugee travel documents, and advance parole documents for U.S., 8 CFR 223 Refugees and aliens granted asylum, status adjustment, 8 CFR 209, 8 CFR 1209 Resettlement program, grants to States, 45 CFR 400 Regional innovation See Community development Registration See Licensing and registration Reindeer See Cervids Religious discrimination See al Civil rights Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, All-inclusive care for the elderly, 42 CFR 460 Comptroller of the Currency, 12 CFR 128 Equal credit opportunity (Regulation B) Equal Credit Opportunity Act (Regulation B), 12 CFR 1002 Farm Credit Administration, 12 CFR 626 Federal Reserve System, 12 CFR 202 Equal employment opportunity Corporation for National and Community Service, member and volunteer discrimination complaint procedure, 45 CFR 1225 Defense Department, civilian equal opportunity program, 32 CFR 191 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, fair housing, 12 CFR 338 Federal financial assistance recipients, procedures for complaints against, 29 CFR 1691 Federal Government, 29 CFR 1614 Federal Reserve System, 12 CFR 268 Government contractors, 41 CFR 60-50 Guidelines, 29 CFR 1605 Interagency coordination procedures, 29 CFR 1690 Federal credit unions, organization and operations, 12 CFR 701 Health and Human Services Department, statutory conscience rights protection, authority delegations, 45 CFR 88 Labor Department General regulations, 29 CFR 2 Workforce Investment Act of 1998, implementation of nondiscrimination and equal opportunity provisions, 29 CFR 37 Nondiscrimination in federally assisted and conducted programs Agriculture Department, 7 CFR 15 Federal Highway Administration, 23 CFR 200 Health and Human Services Department, Child Care and Development Fund, 45 CFR 98 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 107 Rural Development, 7 CFR 1901 Small Business Administration, 13 CFR 113 Peace Corps, volunteer discrimination complaint procedure, 22 CFR 306 Prisons Bureau Miscellaneous regulations, 28 CFR 551 Prisoners, religious programs, 28 CFR 548 Relocation assistance See al Business and industry; Housing Health Care for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) program, 38 CFR 63 Housing and Urban Development Department, rehabilitation loan program, section 312, 24 CFR 510 Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation Office, 25 CFR 700 Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation, policy and procedures to facilitate retention of displaced businesses and residents, 36 CFR 908 Postal Service, 39 CFR 777 Supportive Services for Veteran Families program, 38 CFR 62 Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally assisted programs Agency cross references to governmentwide rule-- Agriculture Department, 7 CFR 21 Commerce Department, 15 CFR 11 Defense Department, 32 CFR 259 Education Department, 34 CFR 15 Energy Department, 10 CFR 1039 Environmental Protection Agency, 40 CFR 4 [[Page 749]] Federal Emergency Management Agency, 44 CFR 25 General Services Administration, 41 CFR 105-51 Health and Human Services Department, 45 CFR 15 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 42 Justice Department, 41 CFR 128-18 Labor Department, 29 CFR 12 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 14 CFR 1208 Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation, 36 CFR 904 Tennessee Valley Authority, 18 CFR 1306 Veterans Affairs Department, 38 CFR 25 Governmentwide rule, 49 CFR 24 Remittance transfers See Electronic funds transfers Renal diseases See Diseases Renewable energy See al Biobased products; Geothermal energy; Solar energy Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Outer continental shelf Existing facilities, alternate uses, 30 CFR 586 Renewable energy, 30 CFR 585 Rural development Guaranteed loanmaking, 7 CFR 4279 Guaranteed loans, 7 CFR 5001 Loan servicing, 7 CFR 4287 Renewable fuels See Biobased products Rent subsidies See al Low and moderate income housing; Public housing Evictions from certain subsidized and HUD-owned housing projects, 24 CFR 247 General HUD program requirements, waivers, 24 CFR 5 [[Page 750]] HOME Investment Partnerships Program, 24 CFR 92 Section 8 Housing Assistance Payment programs and Section 202 Direct Loan programs Family Self-Sufficiency Program, 24 CFR 887 Fair market rents and contract rent annual adjustment factors, 24 CFR 888 Moderate rehabilitation programs, 24 CFR 882 New construction, 24 CFR 880 New construction set-aside for section 515 rural rental housing projects, 24 CFR 884 Special allocations for HUD-insured projects, Section 8, 24 CFR 886 State housing agencies, Section 8, 24 CFR 883 Substantial rehabilitation, 24 CFR 881 Supportive housing for elderly and persons with disabilities, 24 CFR 891 Housing assistance and public and Indian housing programs Allocations of housing assistance funds, 24 CFR 791 Housing Choice Voucher Program, 24 CFR 982 Public housing agency Section 8 fraud recoveries, 24 CFR 792 Section 8 and public housing family self-sufficiency program, 24 CFR 984 Section 8 management assessment program (SEMAP), 24 CFR 985 Section 8 project-based voucher program, 24 CFR 983 Housing Trust Fund, 24 CFR 93 Indian HOME program, 24 CFR 954 Insured multifamily housing Local rent control, 24 CFR 246 Mortgage and housing assistance restructuring program (mark-to- market), 24 CFR 401 Project-based section 8 contract renewal without restructuring under section 524(a) of MAHRA, 24 CFR 402 Tenant participation in multifamily housing projects, 24 CFR 245 Lead-based paint poisoning prevention in certain residential structures, 24 CFR 35 Mortgage insurance and interest reduction payments for rental projects, 24 CFR 236 Multifamily subsidized projects, electronic transmission of required data for certification and recertification and subsidy billing procedures, 24 CFR 208 Public assistance programs, financial assistance to individuals, 45 CFR 234 Public housing, Indian housing, and Section 8 rental certificate, rental voucher, and moderate rehabilitation programs, electronic transmission of required family data, 24 CFR 908 Rural Housing Service Direct multi-family housing loans and grants, 7 CFR 3560 Guaranteed Rural Rental Housing Program, 7 CFR 3565 Rural rental housing loan policies, 7 CFR 1944 Shelter Plus Care, 24 CFR 582 Supportive Services for Veteran Families program, 38 CFR 62 Reorganization plans See Presidential documents Repatriation See Citizenship and naturalization Reporting and recordkeeping requirements African Development Foundation Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 22 CFR 1508 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 22 CFR 1509 Agency for International Development Acquisition regulations-- Federal Acquisition Regulation System, 48 CFR 701 Protests, disputes and appeals, 48 CFR 733 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 752 Commodity transactions financing procedures, 22 CFR 201 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 780 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 2 CFR 782 Human research subjects protection, 22 CFR 225 Human subjects, protection, 22 CFR 225 Lobbying restrictions, 22 CFR 227 Transfer of food commodities for food use in disaster relief, economic [[Page 751]] development, and other assistance, 22 CFR 211 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 700 Agricultural Marketing Service Agricultural and vegetable seed quality, inspection and certification, 7 CFR 75 Bioengineered foods, national disclosure standard, 7 CFR 66 Cattle Contracts Library Pilot Program, 7 CFR 180 Commodity laboratory testing programs-- Plant variety and protection, 7 CFR 97 Restricted use pesticides, recordkeeping by certified applicators; surveys and reports, 7 CFR 110 Services and general information, 7 CFR 91 Cotton classing, testing, and standards, 7 CFR 28 Cottonseed sold or offered for sale for crushing purposes, inspection, sampling, and certification, 7 CFR 61 Country of origin labeling-- Fish and shellfish, 7 CFR 60 Lamb, chicken and goat meat, perishable agricultural commodities, macadamia nuts, pecans, peanuts, and ginseng, 7 CFR 65 Cranberries not subject to cranberry marketing order; data collection, reporting, and recordkeeping requirements, 7 CFR 926 Dairy forward pricing program, 7 CFR 1145 Dairy product mandatory reporting, 7 CFR 1170 Dairy products, grading standards and general specifications for approved plants, 7 CFR 58 Dairy promotion program, 7 CFR 1150 Diversion programs-- Clingstone peach, 7 CFR 82 Fresh Russet potato, 7 CFR 80 Prune/dried plum, 7 CFR 81 Eggs-- Inspection under Egg Products Inspection Act, 7 CFR 57 Shell eggs, voluntary grading of, 7 CFR 56 Export Apple Act requirements, 7 CFR 33 Federal Grain Inspection Service, Fair Trade Practices Program-- Agricultural commodities, general regulations and standards, 7 CFR 868 Farm products, clear title-protection for purchasers, 9 CFR 205 General policy statements, 9 CFR 203 General regulations, 7 CFR 800 Grain-weighing equipment and related grain handling systems, official performance and procedural requirements, 7 CFR 802 Packers and Stockyards Act, requirements, 9 CFR 201 Swine contract library, 9 CFR 206 Federal Seed Act requirements, 7 CFR 201 Fresh fruits, vegetables and other products (inspection, certification, and standards), 7 CFR 51 Grapes and plums for export, standards, 7 CFR 35 Livestock mandatory reporting, 7 CFR 59 Marketing agreements-- Almonds grown in California, 7 CFR 981 Avocados grown in South Florida, 7 CFR 915 Cherries (sweet) grown in designated counties in Washington, 7 CFR 923 Cherries (tart) grown in various States, 7 CFR 930 Cranberries grown in various States, 7 CFR 929 Dates (domestic) produced or packed in Riverside County, California, 7 CFR 987 General regulations, 7 CFR 900 Grapes grown in designated area of southeastern California, 7 CFR 925 Hazelnuts grown in Oregon and Washington, 7 CFR 982 Hemp (domestic) production program, 7 CFR 990 Kiwifruit grown in California, 7 CFR 920 Olives grown in California, 7 CFR 932 [[Page 752]] Onions grown in certain designated counties in Idaho, and Malheur County, Oregon, 7 CFR 958 Onions grown in South Texas, 7 CFR 959 Onions (sweet) grown in Walla Walla Valley of Southeast Washington and Northeast Oregon, 7 CFR 956 Onions (Vidalia), grown in Georgia, 7 CFR 955 Oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, and pummelos grown in Florida, 7 CFR 905 Oranges and grapefruit grown in Lower Rio Grande Valley in Texas, 7 CFR 906 Peanuts (domestic and imported, marketed in U.S.) minimum and handling standards, 7 CFR 996 Pears, plums, and peaches grown in California, 7 CFR 917 Pears grown in Oregon and Washington, 7 CFR 927 Pecans grown in Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, North Carolina, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Texas, 7 CFR 986 Pistachios grown in California, Arizona, and New Mexico, 7 CFR 983 Potatoes (Irish) grown in --Colorado, 7 CFR 948 --Idaho, certain designated counties, 7 CFR 945 --Oregon, Malheur County, 7 CFR 945 Prunes (dried) produced in California, 7 CFR 993 Raisins produced from grapes grown in California, 7 CFR 989 Spearmint oil produced in the Far West, 7 CFR 985 Tomatoes grown in Florida, 7 CFR 966 Walnuts grown in California, 7 CFR 984 Milk Donation Reimbursement Program, 7 CFR 1146 Milk marketing orders, general provisions, 7 CFR 1000 National Organic Program, 7 CFR 205 National Sheep Industry Improvement Center, 7 CFR 63 Naval stores, regulations and standards, 7 CFR 160 Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act, requirements (other than administrative procedures), 7 CFR 46 Poultry products and rabbit products, voluntary grading, 7 CFR 70 Processed fruits and vegetables, processed products thereof, and certain other processed food products, 7 CFR 52 Promotion, research and information, orders and programs-- Beef, 7 CFR 1260 Blueberry, 7 CFR 1218 Christmas tree, 7 CFR 1214 Cotton, 7 CFR 1205 Egg, 7 CFR 1250 Fluid milk, 7 CFR 1160 Hass avocado, 7 CFR 1219 Honey packers and importers, 7 CFR 1212 Lamb, 7 CFR 1280 Mango, 7 CFR 1206 Mushroom, 7 CFR 1209 Paper and paper-based packaging, 7 CFR 1222 Peanuts, 7 CFR 1216 Pecans, 7 CFR 1223 Popcorn, 7 CFR 1215 Pork, 7 CFR 1230 Potato, 7 CFR 1207 Softwood lumber, 7 CFR 1217 Sorghum, 7 CFR 1221 Soybeans, 7 CFR 1220 Watermelon, 7 CFR 1210 Research, promotion, and information programs, practice and procedure rules governing proceedings, 7 CFR 1200 Specialty Crop Block Grant Program, 7 CFR 1290 Specialty crops, import regulations, 7 CFR 999 Tobacco inspection, 7 CFR 29 Tobacco stocks and standards, 7 CFR 30 Voluntary official grade standards; development, revision, suspension or termination procedures, 7 CFR 36 Agricultural Research Service, biotechnology risk assessment research grants program, 7 CFR 3415 [[Page 753]] Agriculture Department Agriculture Acquisition Regulation System, 48 CFR 401 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 417 Debt management, 7 CFR 3 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 2 CFR 421 Equal opportunity for religious organizations, 7 CFR 16 Export sales reporting requirements, 7 CFR 20 General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Highly erodible land and wetland conservation, 7 CFR 12 Human research subjects, protection of, 7 CFR 1c Import quotas and fees, 7 CFR 6 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 National Institute of Food and Agriculture-- Small business innovation research grants program, 7 CFR 3403 Special research grants program, 7 CFR 3400 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Rural empowerment zones and enterprise communities, 7 CFR 25 Sales of agricultural commodities made available under Title I of Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954, 7 CFR 17 Transportation Office, agreement on international carriage of perishable foodstuffs and on special equipment to be used for such carriage (ATP); inspection, testing, and certification of special equipment, 7 CFR 3300 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 400 Air Force Department, environmental impact analysis process, 32 CFR 989 Air Transportation Stabilization Board, air carrier guarantee loan program administrative regulations, 14 CFR 1310 Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau Alcohol, exportation, 27 CFR 28 Alcohol, tax free distribution and use, 27 CFR 22 Alcohol beverage dealers, 27 CFR 31 Alcoholic beverages, tied house, credit period extension for retailers, 27 CFR 6 Attorneys, certified public accountants, enrolled practitioners, and other persons representing clients, practice before Bureau, 31 CFR 8 Beer, production and sales, 27 CFR 25 Denatured alcohol and rum, distribution and use, 27 CFR 20 Distilled spirits-- Labeling and advertising, 27 CFR 5 Plants, 27 CFR 19 Distilled spirits, wine, and beer; importation, 27 CFR 27 Drawback on taxpaid distilled spirits used in manufacturing nonbeverage products, 27 CFR 17 Electronic signatures, electronic submission of forms, 27 CFR 73 Equal Access to Justice Act, awards applications, 31 CFR 6 Liquors and articles from Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands, 27 CFR 26 Malt beverages, labeling and advertising, 27 CFR 7 Manufacturers excise taxes, firearms and ammunition, 27 CFR 53 Procedure and administration, 27 CFR 70 Stills and miscellaneous regulations, 27 CFR 29 Tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes-- Exportation without payment of tax or with drawback of tax, 27 CFR 44 Miscellaneous regulations, 27 CFR 46 Removal without payment of tax for use of U.S., 27 CFR 45 Tobacco products, cigarette papers and tubes, and processed tobacco-- Importation, 27 CFR 41 Manufacture, 27 CFR 40 Volatile fruit flavor concentrate, production, 27 CFR 18 Wine-- Labeling and advertising, 27 CFR 4 Treatment and classification, 27 CFR 24 [[Page 754]] Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives Bureau Arms, ammunition, and implements of war, imports, 27 CFR 447 Contraband cigarettes, 27 CFR 646 Explosives, commerce, 27 CFR 555 Firearms and ammunition, commerce in, 27 CFR 478 Machine guns, destructive devices, and certain other firearms, 27 CFR 479 Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service Animal breeds, recognition of breeds and books of record of purebred animals, 9 CFR 151 Animal casings from foreign countries, importation restrictions, 9 CFR 96 Animal products, voluntary inspection and certification service, 9 CFR 156 Animal welfare-- General regulations, 9 CFR 2 Humane handling care, treatment, and transportation standards, 9 CFR 3 Animals and birds, import and export related services; user fees, 9 CFR 130 Animals destroyed because of-- Brucellosis, 9 CFR 51 Tuberculosis, 9 CFR 50 Bees, beekeeping byproducts, and beekeeping equipment, 7 CFR 322 Biological agents and toxins, possession, use, and transfer, 7 CFR 331, 9 CFR 121 Chronic wasting disease control Deer, elk and moose, 9 CFR 81 Definition of terms, 9 CFR 1 Exportation of live animals, hatching eggs or other embryonated eggs, animal semen, animal embryos, and gametes from the U.S., 9 CFR 91 Federal Seed Act, importation of seed and screenings, 7 CFR 361 Foot-and-mouth disease, Newcastle disease, highly pathogenic avian influenza, African swine fever, classical swine fever, swine vesicular disease, and bovine spongiform encephalopathy; prohibited and restricted importations, 9 CFR 94 Horse protection regulations, 9 CFR 11 Importation-- Animal byproducts (except casings), and hay, and straw, offered for entry into the U.S.; sanitary control, 9 CFR 95 Animals, birds, fish, and poultry, and certain animal, bird, and poultry products; requirements for means of conveyance and shipping containers, 9 CFR 93 Animals and animal products, procedures for requesting recognition of regions and compartments, 9 CFR 92 Indemnification and herd certification programs, 9 CFR 55 Interstate transportation of animals-- Animal disease traceability, 9 CFR 86 Brucellosis in cattle, bison, and hogs, 9 CFR 78 Communicable diseases in horses, asses, ponies, mules, and zebras, 9 CFR 75 Equines, commercial transportation for slaughter, 9 CFR 88 General provisions, 9 CFR 71 Land tortoises, interstate movement prohibition, 9 CFR 74 Newcastle disease and chlamydiosis, 9 CFR 82 Pseudorabies, 9 CFR 85 Scabies in cattle, 9 CFR 73 Scrapie in sheep and goats, 9 CFR 79 Tuberculosis, 9 CFR 77 National Poultry Improvement Plans-- Auxiliary provisions, 9 CFR 147 Breeding poultry, 9 CFR 145 Commercial poultry, 9 CFR 146 Noxious weed regulations, 7 CFR 360 Overtime services relating to imports and exports of plants, 7 CFR 354 Plant protection and quarantine-- District of Columbia, plants and plant products, movement, 7 CFR 302 Domestic quarantine notices, 7 CFR 301 Endangered species regulations concerning terrestrial plants, 7 CFR 355 Export certification, 7 CFR 353 Foreign quarantine notices, 7 CFR 319 Forfeiture procedures, 7 CFR 356 Organisms modified or produced through genetic engineering, movement, 7 CFR 340 Phytosanitary treatments, 7 CFR 305 [[Page 755]] Plant pest dissemination, general restrictions, 7 CFR 330 Plant quarantine safeguard regulations, 7 CFR 352 Pseudorabies, swine destroyed because of, 9 CFR 52 Scrapie control, 9 CFR 54 Swine health protection, 9 CFR 166 Veterinarians, accreditation and suspension or revocation of accreditation-- Definition of terms, 9 CFR 160 Requirements and standards, 9 CFR 161 Rules of practice, 9 CFR 162 Veterinary biologics-- Exemptions from preparation pursuant to an unsuspended and unrevoked license, 9 CFR 107 Experimental production, distribution, and evaluation of biological products prior to licensing, 9 CFR 103 Import permits, 9 CFR 104 Licenses, 9 CFR 102 Packaging and labeling, 9 CFR 112 Patent term restoration, 9 CFR 124 Permits for imports and interstate transportation of organisms and vectors, 9 CFR 122 Production requirements, 9 CFR 114 Records and reports, 9 CFR 116 Standard requirements, 9 CFR 113 Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board, information and communication technology standards and guidelines, 36 CFR 1194 Broadcasting Board of Governors Grantees, drug-free workplace requirements, 22 CFR 513 Grants and agreements with institutions of higher education, hospitals, and other non-profit organizations, uniform administrative requirements, 22 CFR 518 Lobbying restrictions, 22 CFR 519 Census Bureau Foreign trade regulations, 15 CFR 30 Furnishing personal census data from census of population schedules, 15 CFR 80 Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Basic Health Programs; administration, eligibility, essential health benefits, performance standards, service delivery requirements, premium and cost sharing, allotments, reconciliation, 42 CFR 600 Introduction, definitions, 42 CFR 400 Medicaid-- Contracts, 42 CFR 434 Elderly, all-inclusive care programs, 42 CFR 460 Electronic Health Record Technology Incentive Program, standards, 42 CFR 495 Grants to States for medical assistance programs, 42 CFR 430 Health facilities certification, 42 CFR 491 Hospitals, conditions of participation, 42 CFR 482 Institutional utilization control program, 42 CFR 456 Laboratory requirements, 42 CFR 493 Local and national coverage determinations, reviews, 42 CFR 426 Long term care facilities, State requirements, 42 CFR 483 Managed care, 42 CFR 438 Nursing facilities and intermediate care facilities for mentally retarded, payment standards, 42 CFR 442 Payments for services, 42 CFR 447 Program integrity, 42 CFR 455 Quality, 42 CFR 437 Specialized providers, conditions of participation, 42 CFR 485 State fiscal administration of Medicaid programs, 42 CFR 433 State organization and general administration, 42 CFR 431 State personnel administration, 42 CFR 432 States, District of Columbia, Northern Mariana Islands, and American Samoa; eligibility for financial and medical assistance, 42 CFR 435 Medicare-- Acute kidney injury dialysis, payment, 42 CFR 413 Ambulatory surgical services, 42 CFR 416 Appeals procedures for determinations that affect participation in the Medicare program and for determinations that affect [[Page 756]] participation of ICFs/IID and certain NFs in Medicaid program, 42 CFR 498 Comprehensive care for joint replacement model, 42 CFR 510 Conditions for payment, 42 CFR 424 Elderly, all-inclusive care programs, 42 CFR 460 Electronic Health Record Technology Incentive Program, standards, 42 CFR 495 End-stage renal disease facilities, coverage conditions, 42 CFR 494 End-stage renal disease services, payment, 42 CFR 413 Exclusions and limitations on payment, 42 CFR 411 Federal health insurance for aged and disabled, 42 CFR 405 Federal health insurance for aged and disabled, intermediaries and carriers, 42 CFR 421 Health facilities certification, 42 CFR 491 Health maintenance organizations, competitive medical plans, and health care prepayment plans, 42 CFR 417 Home health services, 42 CFR 484 Hospice care, 42 CFR 418 Hospitals, conditions of participation, 42 CFR 482 Inpatient hospital services, prospective payment systems, 42 CFR 412 Laboratory requirements, 42 CFR 493 Long term care facilities, State requirements, 42 CFR 483 Medicare Advantage program, 42 CFR 422 Medicare Shared Savings Program, 42 CFR 425 Part B medical and other health services, payment, 42 CFR 414 Physicians in providers, supervising physicians in teaching settings, and residents in certain settings; services furnished by, 42 CFR 415 Prospective payment systems for hospital outpatient department services, 42 CFR 419 Provider agreements and supplier approval, 42 CFR 489 Radiation oncology model and end stage renal disease treatment choices model, 42 CFR 512 Reasonable cost reimbursement principles, 42 CFR 413 Skilled nursing facilities, prospectively determined payment rates, 42 CFR 413 Special programs and projects, 42 CFR 403 Specialized providers, conditions of participation, 42 CFR 485 Specialized services furnished by suppliers, conditions for coverage, 42 CFR 486 Supplementary medical insurance (SMI), benefits, 42 CFR 410 Survey, certification, and enforcement procedures, 42 CFR 488 Most Favored Nation (MFN) Model, 42 CFR 480 Peer Review Organizations-- Information acquisition, protection, and disclosure, 42 CFR 480 Reconsiderations and appeals, 42 CFR 478 Review, 42 CFR 476 Scope, applicability, and eligibility for grants and contracts, 42 CFR 475 Specific services, requirements and limits, 42 CFR 441 State children's health insurance programs, allotments and grants to States, 42 CFR 457 Central Intelligence Agency, conduct on agency installations, 32 CFR 1903 Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board, records production in legal proceedings, 40 CFR 1612 Child Support Enforcement Office Annual State self-assessment review and report, 45 CFR 308 Comprehensive Tribal child support enforcement programs, 45 CFR 309 Computerized support enforcement systems, 45 CFR 307 Enforcement program operations standards, 45 CFR 303 Federal financial participation, 45 CFR 304 Program performance measures, standards, financial incentives, and penalties, 45 CFR 305 [[Page 757]] State plan approval and grant procedures, 45 CFR 301 State plan requirements, 45 CFR 302 Children and Families Administration Adoption and foster care, general, 45 CFR 1355 Family Violence Prevention and Services Program, 45 CFR 1370 Financial assistance programs, coverage and conditions of eligibility, 45 CFR 233 Head Start program-- Financial and administrative requirements, 45 CFR 1303 Program operations, 45 CFR 1302 Services for children with disabilities, program performance standards, 45 CFR 1308 Native Americans Administration, Native American programs, 45 CFR 1336 Native employment work (NEW) program, 45 CFR 287 Public assistance programs, 45 CFR 205 State grants, 45 CFR 201 Runaway and homeless youth, 45 CFR 1351 Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program-- Data collection and reporting requirements, 45 CFR 265 Ensuring that recipients work, 45 CFR 261 General accountability provisions, 45 CFR 262 General provisions, 45 CFR 260 High performance bonus awards, 45 CFR 270 Methodology for determining whether State or territory's child poverty rate increase is result of TANF program, 45 CFR 284 Other accountability provisions, 45 CFR 264 State and Federal TANF funds, expenditures, 45 CFR 263 Tribal TANF provisions, 45 CFR 286 Coast Guard Boating safety-- Defect notification for boats and boat equipment, 33 CFR 179 Manufacturer requirements, 33 CFR 181 State numbering and casualty reporting systems for vessels, 33 CFR 174 Vessel identification system, 33 CFR 187 Vessel numbering and casualty and accident reporting, 33 CFR 173 Bridge locations and clearances, administrative procedures, 33 CFR 115 Cargo containers safety-- Examination, 49 CFR 452 General, 49 CFR 450 Cargo vessels-- Inspection and certification, 46 CFR 91 Operations, marine casualty, 46 CFR 97 Stability, 46 CFR 93 Stowage and securing of cargoes, safe operation rules for vessels, 33 CFR 97 Cargo vessels carrying oil in bulk, rules for protection of marine environment, 33 CFR 157 Dangerous cargoes-- Barges carrying bulk liquid hazardous material cargoes, 46 CFR 151 Cargo compatibility, 46 CFR 150 Hazardous ships' stores, 46 CFR 147 Safety standards for self-propelled vessels carrying bulk liquefied gases, 46 CFR 154 Ships carrying bulk liquid, liquefied gas, or compressed gas hazardous materials, 46 CFR 153 Special construction, arrangement, and other provisions for certain dangerous cargoes in bulk, 46 CFR 98 Waterfront facilities, handling, 33 CFR 126 Waterfront facilities handling liquefied natural gas and liquefied hazardous gas, 33 CFR 127 Deepwater ports operations, marine casualty, 33 CFR 150 Electrical engineering on vessels, general provisions, 46 CFR 110 Great Lakes pilotage regulations, 46 CFR 401 Great Lakes pilotage uniform accounting system, 46 CFR 403 Identification credentials for persons requiring access to waterfront facilities or vessels, 33 CFR 125 Inland navigation rules, implementing rules, 33 CFR 89 [[Page 758]] Inspected vessels, stability requirements, 46 CFR 170 International navigation rules, COLREGS 72, implementing rules, 33 CFR 81 Lifesaving systems for certain uninspected vessels, 46 CFR 199 Load lines-- Domestic and foreign voyages by sea, 46 CFR 42 Great Lakes, 46 CFR 45 Special service limited domestic voyages, 46 CFR 44 Subdivision load lines for passenger vessels, 46 CFR 46 Marine casualties and investigations, 46 CFR 4 Marine engineering-- Automatic auxiliary boilers, 46 CFR 63 General provisions, 46 CFR 50 Heating boilers, 46 CFR 53 Main and auxiliary machinery and related systems, 46 CFR 58 Marine portable tanks (MPT), 46 CFR 64 Periodic tests and inspections, 46 CFR 61 Piping systems and appurtenances, 46 CFR 56 Power boilers, 46 CFR 52 Pressure vessels, 46 CFR 54 Repairs to boilers, pressure vessels and appurtenances, 46 CFR 59 Vital system automation, 46 CFR 62 Welding and brazing, 46 CFR 57 Marine occupational safety and health standards, 46 CFR 197 Marine pollution, financial responsibility and compensation-- Oil spill liability trust fund, claims procedures, source designation, and advertisement, 33 CFR 136 Oil spill liability trust fund; State access, 33 CFR 133 Water pollution (vessels) and OPA 90 limits of liability (vessels, deepwater ports and onshore facilities), evidence, 33 CFR 138 Marine sanitation devices, 33 CFR 159 Maritime personnel-- Chemical testing, 46 CFR 16 Merchant mariner credential, 46 CFR 10 Payment of amounts due mentally incompetent Coast Guard personnel, 33 CFR 49 Maritime security-- Area maritime security, 33 CFR 103 Facilities, 33 CFR 105 General, 33 CFR 101 National vessel and facility control measures and limited access areas, 33 CFR 107 Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) facilities, 33 CFR 106 Vessels, 33 CFR 104 Mobile offshore drilling units-- Inspection and certification, 46 CFR 107 Operations, marine casualty, 46 CFR 109 Nautical schools, sailing school vessels, 46 CFR 169 Navigation aids-- Artificial islands and fixed structures, 33 CFR 67 Marking of sunken obstructions, 33 CFR 64 Private aids, 33 CFR 66 Navigation and vessel inspection laws and regulations, waivers, 46 CFR 6 Oceanographic research vessels-- Designations, 46 CFR 3 Inspection and certification, 46 CFR 189 Operations, marine casualty, 46 CFR 196 Officer endorsements, requirements, 46 CFR 11 Offshore supply vessels-- Construction and arrangements, 46 CFR 127 Electrical installations, 46 CFR 129 Fire-protection equipment, 46 CFR 132 Inspection and certification, 46 CFR 126 Lifesaving systems, 46 CFR 133 Liftboats, added provisions, 46 CFR 134 Marine engineering, equipment and systems, 46 CFR 128 Operations, 46 CFR 131 Vessel control, and miscellaneous equipment and systems, 46 CFR 130 Oil and hazardous material-- [[Page 759]] Marine facilities transferring in bulk, 33 CFR 154 Transfer operations, 33 CFR 156 Oil, noxious liquid substances, and garbage, reception facilities, 33 CFR 158 Oil, noxious liquid substances, garbage, municipal or commercial waste, and ballast water, 33 CFR 151 Oil and hazardous substances pollution control, discharge removal, 33 CFR 153 Oil or hazardous material pollution prevention regulations for vessels, 33 CFR 155 OMB control numbers assigned pursuant to Paperwork Reduction Act, 33 CFR 4 Organization, general course and methods governing marine safety functions, 46 CFR 1 Outer Continental Shelf activities-- Employee workplace safety and health, 33 CFR 142 General provisions for safety of life and property, 33 CFR 140 Operations, 33 CFR 146 Personnel, 33 CFR 141 Passenger vessels-- General provisions, 46 CFR 70 Inspection and certification, 46 CFR 71 Operations, marine casualty, 46 CFR 78 Personnel enlistment, 33 CFR 45 Ports and waterways safety-- General requirements, 33 CFR 160 Mandatory ship reporting systems, 33 CFR 169 Navigation safety regulations, 33 CFR 164 Regulated navigation areas and limited access areas, 33 CFR 165 Vessel traffic management, 33 CFR 161 Public nautical school ships, marine casualty, 46 CFR 167 Safety of life on navigable waters, 33 CFR 100 Seamen-- Rating endorsements, requirements, 46 CFR 12 Shipment and discharge of merchant mariners, 46 CFR 14 Small passenger vessels (under 100 gross tons)-- Construction and arrangement, 46 CFR 177 General provisions, 46 CFR 175 Fire protection equipment, 46 CFR 181 Inspection and certification, 46 CFR 176 Operations, 46 CFR 185 Vessel control and miscellaneous systems and equipment, 46 CFR 184 Small passenger vessels carrying more than 150 passengers or with overnight accommodations for more than 49 passengers-- Construction and arrangement, 46 CFR 116 Fire protection equipment, 46 CFR 118 General provisions, 46 CFR 114 Inspection and certification, 46 CFR 115 Operations, 46 CFR 122 Subdivision and stability, specific vessel types, special rules pertaining to, 46 CFR 174 Tank vessels-- General provisions, 46 CFR 30 Inspection and certification, 46 CFR 31 Liquefied flammable gases, 46 CFR 38 Operations, marine casualty, 46 CFR 35 Special equipment, machinery, and hull requirements, 46 CFR 32 Tankermen certification, 46 CFR 13 Vapor control systems, 46 CFR 39 Towing vessels-- Certification, 46 CFR 136 Construction and arrangement, 46 CFR 144 Fire protection, 46 CFR 142 Lifesaving, 46 CFR 141 Machinery and electrical systems and equipment, 46 CFRF 143 Operations, 46 CFR 140 Third-party organizations, 46 CFR 139 Towing Safety Management System (TSMS), 46 CFR 138 Vessel compliance, 46 CFR 137 Uninspected vessels-- Commercial fishing industry vessels, requirements, 46 CFR 28 Operations, marine casualty, 46 CFR 26 Requirements, 46 CFR 25 Towing vessels, 46 CFR 27 Vessels-- [[Page 760]] Construction materials, 46 CFR 164 Documentation, 46 CFR 67 Electrical equipment, 46 CFR 161 Engineering equipment, 46 CFR 162 Equipment and materials, independent testing for approval by Coast Guard, 46 CFR 159 Inspection alternatives, 46 CFR 8 Inspections, 46 CFR 2 Lifesaving equipment, 46 CFR 160 Manning requirements, 46 CFR 15 Measurement, 46 CFR 69 Safe operation rules and safety management systems, 33 CFR 96 Commerce Department Acquisition regulations-- Acquisition planning, 48 CFR 1307 Acquisition regulations system, 48 CFR 1301 Bonds and insurance, 48 CFR 1328 Construction and architect-engineer contracts, 48 CFR 1336 Contract administration, 48 CFR 1342 Contract cost accounting standards administration, 48 CFR 1330 Contract cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 1331 Contract financing, 48 CFR 1332 Contract qualifications, 48 CFR 1309 Extraordinary contractual actions, 48 CFR 1350 Forms, 48 CFR 1353 Government property, 48 CFR 1345 Patents, data, and copyrights, 48 CFR 1327 Quality assurance, 48 CFR 1346 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 1352 Subcontracting policies and procedures, 48 CFR 1344 Taxes, 48 CFR 1329 Termination of contracts, 48 CFR 1349 Utility services, 48 CFR 1341 Value engineering, 48 CFR 1348 Administrative matters, 48 CFR 1304 Application of labor laws to government acquisitions, 48 CFR 1322 Concrete masonry research, education, 15 CFR 1500 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 1315 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 1326 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 2 CFR 1329 Emergency acquisitions, 48 CFR 1318 Human research subjects protection, 15 CFR 27 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 1303 Lobbying restrictions, 15 CFR 28 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally assisted programs, 15 CFR 8b Publicizing contract actions, 48 CFR 1305 Sealed bidding, 48 CFR 1314 Shipping restrictions on arms, ammunition, and implements of war, 44 CFR 401 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 1327 Voluntary consumer product information labeling program, 15 CFR 16 Voluntary labeling program for household appliances and equipment to effect energy conservation, 15 CFR 9 Commodity Credit Corporation Biomass Crop Assistance Program, 7 CFR 1450 Commodity certificates, in kind payments, and other forms of payment, 7 CFR 1401 Commodity incentive payment programs, 7 CFR 1413 Conservation Reserve Program, 7 CFR 1410 Cooperative marketing associations, 7 CFR 1425 Export credit guarantee programs, 7 CFR 1493 Export programs-- Financing of sales of agricultural commodities, 7 CFR 1488 Foreign markets for agricultural commodities, development grant agreements, 7 CFR 1485 Foreign markets for agricultural commodities, development programs, 7 CFR 1484 Specialty crops, technical assistance, 7 CFR 1487 Loans and price support programs-- Agricultural risk coverage, price loss coverage, and cotton transition assistance programs, 7 CFR 1412 Approved warehouses, 7 CFR 1423 [[Page 761]] Asparagus, 7 CFR 1429 Bioenergy program, 7 CFR 1424 Cotton, 7 CFR 1427 Dairy products, 7 CFR 1430 Emergency agricultural disaster assistance programs, 7 CFR 1416 Farm Storage Facility Loan program regulations, 7 CFR 1436 Grains and similarly handled commodities, marketing assistance loans and loan deficiency payments, 7 CFR 1421 Honey, nonrecourse marketing assistance loans and loan deficiency payments, 7 CFR 1434 Sugar, 7 CFR 1435 Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program, 7 CFR 1437 Oriental Fruit Fly Program, 7 CFR 756 Payment assignment, 7 CFR 1404 Payment limitation and eligibility, 7 CFR 1400 Trade mitigation program, 7 CFR 1409 Commodity Futures Trading Commission Anti-money laundering, terrorist financing, 17 CFR 42 Bankruptcy, 17 CFR 190 Broker associations, 17 CFR 156 Clearing requirement and related rules, 17 CFR 50 Commodity Exchange Act, general regulations, 17 CFR 1 Commodity option transactions, 17 CFR 32 Commodity pool operators and commodity trading advisors, 17 CFR 4 Consumer financial information under title V of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, privacy, 17 CFR 160 Covered funds; proprietary trading, and certain interests in, and relationships with, 17 CFR 75 Customer protection rules, 17 CFR 166 Derivatives clearing organizations, 17 CFR 39 Designated contract markets, 17 CFR 38 Domestic exchange-traded commodity option transactions, 17 CFR 33 Exchange disciplinary, access denial or other adverse actions, review, 17 CFR 9 Foreign boards of trade, registration, 17 CFR 48 Leverage transactions, gold or silver bullion or bulk coins, 17 CFR 31 Physical commodity swaps, large trader reporting, 17 CFR 20 Pre-enactment swap transactions, 17 CFR 44 Protection of consumer information under the fair credit reporting act, 17 CFR 162 Registered entities, common provisions, 17 CFR 40 Registered futures associations, 17 CFR 170 Registration, 17 CFR 3 Reports-- General provisions, 17 CFR 15 Persons holding reportable positions in excess of position limits, and by merchants and dealers in cotton, 17 CFR 19 Reporting market, futures commission merchants, clearing members, and foreign brokers, 17 CFR 17 Reporting markets, reports by, 17 CFR 16 Traders, reports by, 17 CFR 18 Security futures products, 17 CFR 41 Special calls, 17 CFR 21 Swaps-- Data repositories, 17 CFR 49 Dealers and major participants, 17 CFR 23 Execution facilities, 17 CFR 37 Trading standards, 17 CFR 155 Community Development Financial Institutions Fund Bank Enterprise Award Program, 12 CFR 1806 Bond guarantee program, 12 CFR 1808 Capital Magnet Fund, 12 CFR 1807 Community Development Financial Institution Program, 12 CFR 1805 Environmental quality, 12 CFR 1815 Community Living Administration Developmental disabilities program-- National Network of University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, Education, Research, and Service, 45 CFR 1328 Program requirements, 45 CFR 1325 Projects of National significance, 45 CFR 1327 Formula grant programs, 45 CFR 1326 [[Page 762]] State and community programs on aging, 45 CFR 1321 State Health Insurance Assistance Program, 45 CFR 1331 State independent living services and centers for independent living, 45 CFR 1329 Supportive and nutritional services grants-- Indian tribes, 45 CFR 1322 Older Hawaiian natives, 45 CFR 1323 Vulnerable elder rights protection activities, 45 CFR 1324 Community Services Office Emergency community services homeless grant program, 45 CFR 1080 Individual development account reserve funds established pursuant to grants for assets for independence, 45 CFR 1000 Comptroller of the Currency Activities and operations, 12 CFR 7 Annual stress test, 12 CFR 46 Computer-security incident notification, 12 CFR 53 Covered swap entities, margin and capital requirements, 12 CFR 45 Federal Mutual Savings Associations, communication between members, 12 CFR 144 Federal savings associations-- Accounting and disclosure standards, 12 CFR 162 Conversions from mutual to stock form, 12 CFR 192 Deposits, 12 CFR 157 Electronic operations, 12 CFR 155 Fiduciary powers, 12 CFR 150 Grandfathered authority, 12 CFR 143 Loans in areas having special flood hazards, 12 CFR 172 Operations, 12 CFR 145 Securities transactions, recordkeeping and confirmation requirements, 12 CFR 151 Security procedures, 12 CFR 168 Insurance sales, consumer protection, 12 CFR 14 Lending and investment, 12 CFR 160 Liquidity risk measurement standards, 12 CFR 50 National banks-- Capital adequacy standards, 12 CFR 3 Community and economic development entities, community development projects, and other public welfare investments, 12 CFR 24 Community Reinvestment Act and interstate deposit production regulations, 12 CFR 25 Consumer protection in insurance sales, 12 CFR 14, 12 CFR 136 Corporate activities rules, policies, and procedures, 12 CFR 5 CRA-related agreements, disclosure and reporting, 12 CFR 35 Credit extensions to insiders and transactions with affiliates, 12 CFR 31 Debt cancellation contracts and debt suspension agreements, 12 CFR 37 Fair credit reporting, 12 CFR 41 Fair housing home loan data system, 12 CFR 27 Fees assessment, 12 CFR 8 Fiduciary activities, 12 CFR 9 Government securities sales practices, 12 CFR 13 International banking activities, 12 CFR 28 Investment securities, 12 CFR 1 Leasing, 12 CFR 23 Lending limits, 12 CFR 32 Loans in areas having special flood hazards, 12 CFR 22 Minimum security devices and procedures, reports of suspicious activities, and Bank Secrecy Act compliance program, 12 CFR 21 Municipal securities dealers, 12 CFR 10 Real estate lending and appraisals, 12 CFR 34 Retail foreign exchange transactions, 12 CFR 48 Safety and soundness standards, 12 CFR 30 Securities Exchange Act disclosure rules, 12 CFR 11 Securities offering disclosure rules, 12 CFR 16 Securities transactions, recordkeeping and confirmation requirements, 12 CFR 12 Nondiscrimination requirements, 12 CFR 128 [[Page 763]] Organization and functions, information availability and release, contracting outreach program, post-employment restrictions for senior examiners, 12 CFR 4 Proprietary trading and certain interests in and relationships with covered funds, 12 CFR 44 Qualified financial contracts, mandatory contractual stay requirements, 12 CFR 47 Savings associations, operations, 12 CFR 163 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Consumer leasing (Regulation M), 12 CFR 1013 Electronic fund transfers (Regulation E), 12 CFR 1005 Equal Credit Opportunity Act (Regulation B), 12 CFR 1002 Fair credit reporting (Regulation V), 12 CFR 1022 Home mortgage disclosure (Regulation C), 12 CFR 1003 Land registration (Regulation J), 12 CFR 1010 Payday, vehicle title, and certain high-cost installment loans, 12 CFR 1041 Privacy of consumer financial information (Regulation P), 12 CFR 1016 Purchasers' revocation rights, sales practices and standards, (regulation K), 12 CFR 1011 Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (Regulation X), 12 CFR 1024 S.A.F.E. Mortgage Licensing Act-- Residential mortgage loan originators, Federal registration (Regulation G), 12 CFR 1007 State compliance and Bureau registration system (Regulation H), 12 CFR 1008 Special rules of practice (Regulation L), 12 CFR 1012 Truth in lending (Regulation Z), 12 CFR 1026 Truth in savings (Regulation DD), 12 CFR 1030 Consumer Product Safety Commission Bunk beds, entrapment hazards; requirements, 16 CFR 1513 Children's products, testing and labeling pertaining to product certification, 16 CFR 1107 Children's sleepwear flammability standards-- Sizes 0 through 6X, 16 CFR 1615 Sizes 7 through 14, 16 CFR 1616 Choking incidents involving marbles, small balls, latex balloons, and other small parts, reporting, 16 CFR 1117 Clothing textiles flammability standards, 16 CFR 1610 Coal and wood burning appliances, notification of performance and technical data, 16 CFR 1406 Conditions and requirements for relying on component part testing or certification, or another party's finished product testing or certification, to meet testing and certification requirements, 16 CFR 1109 Consumer Product Safety Act-- Civil penalty factors, 16 CFR 1119 Reports submitted pursuant to section 37, 16 CFR 1116 Third party conformity assessment bodies, requirements, 16 CFR 1112 Durable infant or toddler products, consumer registration requirements, 16 CFR 1130 Export of noncomplying, misbranded, or banned products, 16 CFR 1019 Flammable Fabrics Act, flammability standards-- Carpet and rug surfaces, 16 CFR 1630 Mattress sets (open flame), 16 CFR 1633 Mattresses and mattress pads, 16 CFR 1632 Small carpet and rug surfaces, 16 CFR 1631 Vinyl plastic film, 16 CFR 1611 Human research subjects protection, 16 CFR 1028 Paperwork Reduction Act, display of control numbers for collection of information requirements, 16 CFR 1033 Poison prevention packaging, 16 CFR 1700 Publicly available database, 16 CFR 1102 Safety standards-- [[Page 764]] Baby cribs --Full-size, 16 CFR 1219 --Non-full-size, 16 CFR 1220 Bicycle helmets, 16 CFR 1203 Bunk beds, entrapment hazards, 16 CFR 1213 Cellulose insulation, interim, 16 CFR 1209 Cigarette lighters, 16 CFR 1210 Garage door operators, automatic residential, 16 CFR 1211 Multi-purpose lighters, 16 CFR 1212 Omnidirectional citizens band base station antennas, 16 CFR 1204 Swimming pool slides, 16 CFR 1207 Walk-behind power lawn mowers, 16 CFR 1205 Substantial product hazard reports, 16 CFR 1115 Copyright Royalty Board, Library of Congress, public access to records, 37 CFR 302 Corporation for National and Community Service AmeriCorps programs, participants, programs, and applicants, 45 CFR 2522 Community-based service-learning programs, 45 CFR 2517 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 2200 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 2 CFR 2245 General administrative provisions, 45 CFR 2540 Higher education innovative programs for community service, 45 CFR 2519 Lobbying restrictions, 45 CFR 1230 Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs, 45 CFR 1203 School-based service-learning programs, 45 CFR 2516 Service-learning clearinghouse, 45 CFR 2518 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Customs and Border Protection Administrative rulings, 19 CFR 177 Air commerce regulations, 19 CFR 122 Cargo container and road vehicle certification pursuant to international customs conventions, 19 CFR 115 Carriers, cartmen, and lightermen, licensing and bonding, 19 CFR 112 Cartage and lighterage of merchandise, 19 CFR 125 CBP relations with Canada and Mexico, 19 CFR 123 Centralized examination stations, 19 CFR 118 Customs bonds, 19 CFR 113 Customs brokers, 19 CFR 111 Customs duties-- Articles conditionally free, subject to reduced duty rate, 19 CFR 10 Drawback, 19 CFR 191 Modernized drawback, 19 CFR 190 Customs examination, sampling, and testing of merchandise, 19 CFR 151 Customs financial and accounting procedure, 19 CFR 24 Customs warehouses and container stations, control of merchandise in, 19 CFR 19 Entry process, 19 CFR 142 Export control, used self-propelled vehicles, vessels, and aircraft, 19 CFR 192 Express consignments, 19 CFR 128 Foreign trade zones, 19 CFR 146 Freedom of information, 19 CFR 103 Importation temporarily free of duty, 19 CFR 54 Importer security filing, 19 CFR 149 Information collection requirements approval, 19 CFR 178 Inspection, search, and seizure, 19 CFR 162 Mail importations, 19 CFR 145 Merchandise, special classes, 19 CFR 12 Merchandise entry, 19 CFR 141 North American Free Trade Agreement, 19 CFR 181 Rules of origin, 19 CFR 102 Personal declarations and exemptions, 19 CFR 148 Recordkeeping, 19 CFR 163 Relief from duties on merchandise lost, damaged, abandoned, or exported, 19 CFR 158 Special entry procedures, 19 CFR 143 Trade fairs, 19 CFR 147 [[Page 765]] Trademarks, trade names, and copyrights, 19 CFR 133 Transportation in bond and merchandise in transit, 19 CFR 18 United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, 19 CFR 182 Vessels in foreign and domestic trades, 19 CFR 4 Warehouse and rewarehouse entries and withdrawals of merchandise, 19 CFR 144 Defense Department Acquisition regulations-- Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 215 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 252 Archaeological resources protection, uniform regulations, 32 CFR 229 Civil rights, equal opportunity in off-base housing, 32 CFR 192 Consumer credit extension to service members and dependents; terms limitations, 32 CFR 232 Cost-type grants and cooperative agreements to nonprofit and government entities, administrative requirements terms and conditions-- Financial, programmatic, and property reporting; general award terms, 2 CFR 1134 Nonprofit and government entities; recipient financial and program management, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1128 Other administrative requirements, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1136 Property administration, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1130 Recipient procurement procedures, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1132 Subawards requirements, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1138 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 1125 Definitions, 2 CFR 1108 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 32 CFR 26 Grants and cooperative agreements-- Award and administration, 32 CFR 22 For-profit organizations, administrative requirements, 32 CFR 34 General matters, 32 CFR 21 Technology investment agreements, 32 CFR 37 Homeowners Assistance Program, application processing, 32 CFR 239 Human research subjects, protection, 32 CFR 219 Identity management, 32 CFR 221 Lobbying restrictions, 32 CFR 28 Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) program, 32 CFR 222 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally assisted or conducted programs, 32 CFR 56 Private security contractors operating in contingency operations, humanitarian or peace operations, or other military operations or exercises, 32 CFR 159 Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program, implementation, 32 CFR 103 Unclassified controlled nuclear information, 32 CFR 223 Defense Logistics Agency, acquisition regulations, solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 5452 Drug Enforcement Administration Controlled substances-- Electronic orders and prescriptions, requirements, 21 CFR 1311 Importation and exportation, 21 CFR 1312 List I and II chemicals, importation and exportation, 21 CFR 1313 Machines, importation and exportation; records and reports of listed chemicals and certain machines, 21 CFR 1310 Orders for schedule I and II controlled substances, 21 CFR 1305 Registrants' records and reports, 21 CFR 1304 Scheduled listed chemical products, retail sale, 21 CFR 1314 Schedules, 21 CFR 1308 Mailing address, 21 CFR 1321 Economic Analysis Bureau Direct international investment surveys, 15 CFR 806 International trade in services between U.S. and foreign persons surveys and surveys of direct investment, 15 CFR 801 [[Page 766]] Economic Development Administration Economic adjustment assistance investments, 13 CFR 307 Firms, trade adjustment assistance, 13 CFR 315 General information, 13 CFR 300 Investments and comprehensive economic development strategies, planning, 13 CFR 303 Performance incentives, 13 CFR 308 Regional Innovation Program, 13 CFR 312 Education Department Boy Scouts of America and other designated youth groups, equal access to public school facilities, 34 CFR 108 Charter school facilities-- Credit enhancement, 34 CFR 225 State incentive program, 34 CFR 226 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 3485, 34 CFR 85 Desegregation of public education-- Equity Assistance Center Program, 34 CFR 270 Magnet Schools Assistance Program, 34 CFR 280 Direct grant programs, 34 CFR 75 Drug-free schools and communities, drug and alcohol abuse prevention, 34 CFR 86 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 34 CFR 84 Elementary and secondary education-- General provisions, 34 CFR 299 Impact aid programs, 34 CFR 222 Special educational programs for students whose families are engaged in migrant and other seasonal farmwork, high school equivalence program and college assistance migrant program, 34 CFR 206 Equal access to justice, 34 CFR 21 Family educational rights and privacy, 34 CFR 99 Grants and agreements with institutions of higher education, hospitals, and other non-profit organizations, uniform administrative requirements (OMB A-110 implementation), 34 CFR 74 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments, 34 CFR 80 Health Education Assistance Loan Program, 34 CFR 681 Human subjects, protection, 34 CFR 97 Improving academic achievement of disadvantaged (Title I), 34 CFR 200 Indian education discretionary grant programs, 34 CFR 263 Legal proceedings, demands for testimony or records, 34 CFR 8 Lobbying restrictions, 34 CFR 82 Native American Career and Technical Education Program, 34 CFR 401 Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs, 34 CFR 100 Postsecondary education-- Accrediting agencies, Secretary's recognition, 34 CFR 602 Educational opportunity centers program, 34 CFR 644 Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) program, 34 CFR 682 Federal Pell grant program, 34 CFR 690 Federal Perkins Loan Program (National Direct Student Loan Program), 34 CFR 674 Federal supplemental educational opportunity grant program, 34 CFR 676 Federal work-study programs, 34 CFR 675 Gaining early awareness and readiness for undergraduate programs (GEAR UP), 34 CFR 694 Graduate assistance in areas of national need, 34 CFR 648 Higher Education Act of 1965, institutional eligibility, 34 CFR 600 Higher education emergency relief fund programs, 32 CFR 677 Jacob K. Javits fellowship program, 34 CFR 650 Language resource centers program, 34 CFR 669 Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership Program, 34 CFR 692 Minority science and engineering improvement program, 34 CFR 637 Ronald E. McNair postbaccalaureate achievement program, 34 CFR 647 [[Page 767]] Student assistance, general provisions, 34 CFR 668 Talent search program, 34 CFR 643 William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program, 34 CFR 685 Postsecondary education, institutional aid programs-- Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions Program, 34 CFR 606 Endowment Challenge Grant Program, 34 CFR 628 Strengthening Historically Black Colleges and Universities Program, 34 CFR 608 Strengthening Historically Black Graduate Institutions Program, 34 CFR 609 Strengthening Institutions Program, 34 CFR 607 Postsecondary education, international education programs-- Foreign language and area studies fellowships program, 34 CFR 657 National resource centers program for foreign language and area or foreign language and international studies, 34 CFR 656 Special education and rehabilitative services, children with disabilities-- Assistance to States for education, 34 CFR 300 Early intervention program for infants and toddlers with disabilities, 34 CFR 303 Special education and rehabilitative services, Client Assistance Program, 34 CFR 370 Special education and rehabilitative services, individuals with disabilities-- Interpreters for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing and individuals who are deaf-blind, training, 34 CFR 396 Service obligations, special education, personnel development to improve services and results for children with disabilities, 34 CFR 304 Subminimum wage, limitation on use of, 34 CFR 397 Special education and rehabilitative services, vocational rehabilitation-- Independent living services for older individuals who are blind, 34 CFR 367 Protection and advocacy of individual rights, 34 CFR 381 State program, 34 CFR 361 State Supported Employment Services program, 34 CFR 363 Special education and rehabilitative services, vocational rehabilitation personnel-- Innovative rehabilitation training, 34 CFR 387 Long-term training, 34 CFR 386 Short-term training, 34 CFR 390 Training, 34 CFR 385 State-administered programs, 34 CFR 76 Student rights in research, experimental programs, and testing, 34 CFR 98 Surplus Federal real property, disposal and utilization for educational purposes, 34 CFR 12 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 3474 Upward Bound Program, 34 CFR 645 Vending facility program for blind on Federal and other property, 34 CFR 395 Election Assistance Commission, debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 5800 Electric Reliability Organization certification and standards establishment, approval and enforcement, 18 CFR 39 Emergency Oil and Gas Guaranteed Loan Board, Emergency Oil and Gas Guaranteed Loan Program, 13 CFR 500 Emergency Steel Guarantee Loan Board, Emergency Steel Guarantee Loan Program, 13 CFR 400 Emigrating children, convention and non-convention adoptions, reporting, 22 CFR 99 Employee Benefits Security Administration Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974-- Administration and enforcement, 29 CFR 2560 Employee pension benefit plans, minimum standards, 29 CFR 2530 Fiduciary responsibilities, 29 CFR 2550 [[Page 768]] Group health plans, rules and regulations, 29 CFR 2590 Interpretive bulletins, 29 CFR 2509 Procedural regulations, 29 CFR 2570 Reporting and disclosure, 29 CFR 2520 Federal Employees Retirement System Act, fiduciary responsibility, allocation, 29 CFR 2584 Employee's Compensation Appeals Board, trade adjustment assistance under the Trade Act of 1974, as amended, 20 CFR 618 Employment and Training Administration Aliens, Labor certification process for permanent employment in U.S., 20 CFR 656 Federal-State employment service system-- Administrative procedure, approval and certification of State laws and plans of operation for tax credit and grant purposes, 20 CFR 601 Special responsibilities, labor surplus areas, 20 CFR 654 State employment service, establishment and functioning, 20 CFR 652 Federal-State Job Service system-- Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Service, administrative provisions, 20 CFR 658 Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Service System, services, 20 CFR 653 Foreign workers in U.S., temporary employment, 20 CFR 655 Job Training Partnership Act-- Dislocated workers program under Title III, 20 CFR 631 General provisions governing programs under Titles I, II, and III, 20 CFR 627 Indian and Native American employment and training programs, 20 CFR 632 Job Corps Program under Title IV-B, 20 CFR 638 Migrant and seasonal farmworker programs, 20 CFR 633 Programs under Title II, 20 CFR 628 Programs under Title V, 20 CFR 637 Senior Community Service Employment Program, governing provisions, 20 CFR 641 Unemployment compensation-- Disaster assistance, 20 CFR 625 Ex-servicemembers, 20 CFR 614 Extended benefits, 20 CFR 615 Federal civilian employees, 20 CFR 609 Quality control in Federal-State unemployment insurance system, 20 CFR 602 Standard for appeal's promptness, 20 CFR 650 Standard for benefit payment promptness, 20 CFR 640 State information, confidentiality and disclosure, 20 CFR 603 Tax credits under Federal Unemployment Tax Act, advances under Title XII of Social Security Act, 20 CFR 606 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title I-- Administrative provisions, 20 CFR 683 Indian and Native American programs, 20 CFR 684 National Farmworker Jobs Program, 20 CFR 685 Workforce Investment Act, Title I-- Administrative provisions, 20 CFR 667 Indian and Native American programs, 20 CFR 668 National Farmworkers Jobs Program, 20 CFR 669 Energy Department Acquisition regulations-- Application of labor laws to Government acquisition, 48 CFR 922 Bonds and insurance, 48 CFR 928 Construction and architect-engineer contracts, 48 CFR 936 Federal Acquisition Regulation System, 48 CFR 901 Management and operating contracts, 48 CFR 970 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 952 Special contracting methods, 48 CFR 917 Termination of contracts, 48 CFR 949 Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturer Assistance Program, 10 CFR 611 Alternate fuels-- [[Page 769]] Administrative procedures and sanctions, 10 CFR 501 Definitions, 10 CFR 500 New facilities, 10 CFR 503 Transportation program, 10 CFR 490 Audit requirements for State and local governments receiving Federal financial assistance (OMB A-128 implementation), 10 CFR 600 Cellulosic biofuels, production incentives, 10 CFR 452 Chronic beryllium disease prevention program, 10 CFR 850 Clean energy products, loan guarantees, 10 CFR 609 Consumer products and commercial and industrial equipment-- Certification, compliance, and enforcement, 10 CFR 429 Energy conservation program, 10 CFR 430 Energy efficiency program, 10 CFR 431 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 901 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 2 CFR 902 Electric power transmission to foreign countries, administrative procedures and sanctions, 10 CFR 205 Electric transmission facilities, coordination of Federal authorizations, 10 CFR 900 Energy conservation-- Appropriate technology small grants program, 10 CFR 470 Federal energy management and planning programs, 10 CFR 436 Grant programs for schools and hospitals and buildings owned by units of local government and public care institutions, 10 CFR 455 Renewable energy production incentives, 10 CFR 451 State energy program, 10 CFR 420 Weatherization assistance for low-income persons, 10 CFR 440 Energy planning and management program, 10 CFR 905 Energy priorities and allocations system, 10 CFR 217 Epidemiology and other health studies financial assistance program, 10 CFR 602 Foreign atomic energy activities assistance, 10 CFR 810 Foreign gifts and decorations, 10 CFR 1050 Human research subjects, protection of, 10 CFR 745 Lobbying restrictions, 10 CFR 601 Manufactured homes, energy conservation standards, 10 CFR 460 Mercury, long-term management and storage under the Mercury Export Ban Act of 2008, 10 CFR 955 Natural gas, administrative procedures with respect to import and export, 10 CFR 590 Nuclear occurrences, extraordinary, determination, contractor indemnity agreements, 10 CFR 840 Nuclear safety management, 10 CFR 830 Occupational radiation protection, 10 CFR 835 Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Oil-- Crude oil and petroleum products priority supply to Defense Department under Defense Production Act, 10 CFR 221 Domestic energy supplies, materials allocation and priority performance under contracts or orders to maximize, 10 CFR 216 Foreign supply agreement information, 10 CFR 215 International voluntary agreements, 10 CFR 209 Mandatory petroleum price regulations, 10 CFR 212 Petroleum regulations, allocation and price, general rules, 10 CFR 210 Patent licensing regulations, 10 CFR 781 Protective force personnel; Medical, physical readiness, training, and access authorization standards, 10 CFR 1046 Reimbursement for costs of remedial action at active uranium and thorium processing sites, 10 CFR 765 Research misconduct allegations, 10 CFR 733 [[Page 770]] Restricted data-- Permits for access to, 10 CFR 725 Safeguarding by access permittees, 10 CFR 1016 Science Financial Assistance Program Office, 10 CFR 605 Technology investment agreements, 10 CFR 603 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 910 Uranium, domestic program, 10 CFR 760 Uranium enrichment decontamination and decommissioning fund; domestic utilities special assessment procedures, 10 CFR 766 Voluntary greenhouse gas reporting program, general guidelines, 10 CFR 300 Worker safety and health program, 10 CFR 851 Engineers Corps Law enforcement services contracts at water resources development projects, 36 CFR 330 Navigation regulations, 33 CFR 207 Environmental Protection Agency Accidental chemical release prevention requirements, off-site consequence analysis information distribution, 40 CFR 1400 Acid Rain-- Allowance system, 40 CFR 73 Appeal procedures, 40 CFR 78 Continuous emission monitoring, 40 CFR 75 Excess emissions, 40 CFR 77 Nitrogen oxides emission reduction program, 40 CFR 76 Permits regulation, 40 CFR 72 Sulfur dioxide opt-ins, 40 CFR 74 Acquisition regulations-- Commercial items, 48 CFR 1512 Contract financing, 48 CFR 1532 Contracts, types, 48 CFR 1516 Definition of words and terms, 48 CFR 1502 General, 48 CFR 1501 Information technology, 48 CFR 1539 Patents, data and copyrights, 48 CFR 1527 Service contracting, 48 CFR 1537 Simplified acquisition procedures, 48 CFR 1513 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 1552 Air pollution control-- Air quality planning purposes, designated areas, 40 CFR 81 Ambient air monitoring reference and equivalent methods, 40 CFR 53 Ambient air quality surveillance, 40 CFR 58 Chemical accident prevention provisions, 40 CFR 68 Clean-fuel vehicles, 40 CFR 88 Compliance assurance monitoring, 40 CFR 64 Consolidated Federal air rule, 40 CFR 65 Consumer and commercial products, national volatile organic compound emission standards, 40 CFR 59 Control of NOx, SOx and PM emissions from marine engines and vessels subject to the MARPOL Protocol, 40 CFR 1043 Engine-testing procedures, 40 CFR 1065 Federal NOx Budget Trading Program, CAIR NOx and SO2 Trading Programs, CSAPR NOx and SO2 Trading Programs, and Texas SO2 Trading Program, 40 CFR 97 Federal operating permit programs, 40 CFR 71 Fuels, fuel additives, and regulated blendstocks; regulation, 40 CFR 1090 Fuels and fuel additives registration, 40 CFR 79 Fuels and fuel additives, regulation, 40 CFR 80 Greenhouse gas, mandatory reporting, 40 CFR 98 Hazardous air pollutants, national emission standards, 40 CFR 61 Hazardous air pollutants for source categories, National emission standards, 40 CFR 63 Highway, stationary, and nonroad programs; general compliance provisions, 40 CFR 1068 Hydrofluorocarbons, phasedown, 40 CFR 84 [[Page 771]] Implementation plans, approval and promulgation, 40 CFR 52 Implementation plans; requirements for preparation, adoption, and submittal, 40 CFR 51 Indian country, air quality planning and management, 40 CFR 49 Locomotives, emissions control, 40 CFR 1033 Locomotives and locomotive engines, 40 CFR 92 Mandatory patent licenses, 40 CFR 95 Marine compression-ignition engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 94 Marine compression-ignition engines and vessels, emissions control, 40 CFR 1042 Marine spark-ignition engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 91 Mobile sources, 40 CFR 85 New and in-use heavy-duty highway engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 1036 New and in-use heavy-duty motor vehicles, emissions control, 40 CFR 1037 New and in-use highway vehicles and engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 86 New and in-use nonroad and stationary equipment, evaporative emissions control, 40 CFR 1060 New and in-use nonroad compression-ignition engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 89, 40 CFR 1039 New heavy-duty motor vehicles, emissions control, 40 CFR 1037 New large nonroad spark-ignition engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 1048 New small nonroad spark-ignition engines and equipment, emissions control, 40 CFR 1054 New stationary sources, performance standards, 40 CFR 60 Nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxides, budget trading program for State implementation plans, 40 CFR 96 Nonroad spark-ignition engines at or below 19 kilowatts, emissions control, 40 CFR 90 Outer Continental Shelf air regulations, 40 CFR 55 Primary nonferrous smelter orders, 40 CFR 57 Recreational engines and vehicles, emissions control, 40 CFR 1051 Spark-ignition propulsion marine engines and vessels, emissions control, 40 CFR 1045 State operating permit programs, 40 CFR 70 State plans for designated facilities and pollutants, approval and promulgation, 40 CFR 62 Stratospheric ozone protection, 40 CFR 82 Vehicle and engine compliance programs, fees, 40 CFR 1027 Vehicle-testing procedures, 40 CFR 1066 Antarctica, non-governmental activities, environmental impact assessment, 40 CFR 8 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 1532 Drug-free workplace (financial assistance), 2 CFR 1536 Federal Financial assistance; Uniform Administrative Requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 1500 Fellowships, 40 CFR 46 Formaldehyde standards for composite wood products, 40 CFR 770 Grants-- Disadvantaged business enterprises, participation in agency programs, 40 CFR 33 Research and demonstration, 40 CFR 40 State and local assistance, 40 CFR 35 Training assistance, 40 CFR 45 Hazardous substances, reportable quantities determination, 40 CFR 117 Hazardous waste permit program, EPA-administered permit programs, 40 CFR 270 Human subjects, protection, 40 CFR 26 Lobbying restrictions, 40 CFR 34 Motor vehicles, fuel economy and greenhouse gas exhaust emissions, 40 CFR 600 Retrofit devices, 40 CFR 610 Municipal solid waste landfills, criteria, 40 CFR 258 [[Page 772]] National Environmental Education Act grants, 40 CFR 47 National Environmental Policy Act, environmental effects of EPA actions abroad, implementation procedures, 40 CFR 6 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System-- Criteria and standards, 40 CFR 125 EPA administered permit program, 40 CFR 122 State program requirements, 40 CFR 123 National primary drinking water regulations-- Establishment, 40 CFR 141 Implementation, 40 CFR 142 Noise abatement programs-- Construction equipment noise emission standards, including portable air compressors, 40 CFR 204 Transportation equipment noise emission controls, 40 CFR 205 Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs or activities, 40 CFR 7 Ocean dumping, permittees' records and reports, 40 CFR 224 Oil pollution prevention, 40 CFR 112 OMB approvals under Paperwork Reduction Act, 40 CFR 9 Pesticide programs-- Antimicrobial pesticides, data requirements for registration of, 40 CFR 161 Experimental use permits, 40 CFR 172 Formal evidentiary public hearing, 40 CFR 179 Good laboratory practice standards, 40 CFR 160 Labeling requirements for pesticides and devices, 40 CFR 156 Objections and requests for hearings, 40 CFR 178 Packaging requirements for pesticides and devices, 40 CFR 157 Pesticide and active ingredient producing establishments registration and submission of pesticide reports, 40 CFR 167 Pesticide applicators, certification, 40 CFR 171 Pesticide chemical residues in food; tolerances and exemptions, 40 CFR 180 Pesticide production and distribution, books and records, 40 CFR 169 Pesticide use under emergency conditions, Federal and State agencies exemption for use, 40 CFR 166 Plant-incorporated protectants, procedures and requirements, 40 CFR 174 Registration and classification procedures, 40 CFR 152 Registration policies and interpretations, 40 CFR 153 Registration standards and review procedures, 40 CFR 155 Statements of enforcement policies and interpretations, 40 CFR 168 Statements of policies and interpretations, 40 CFR 159 Time-limited tolerances for emergency exemptions, 40 CFR 176 Pesticides, data requirements, 40 CFR 158 Sewage sludge-- State sludge management program regulations, 40 CFR 501 Use or disposal standards, 40 CFR 503 Solid wastes-- Granular mine tailings (Chat), criteria for use in asphalt concrete and Portland cement concrete, 40 CFR 278 Hazardous waste facilities operators, standards under a standardized permit, 40 CFR 267 Hazardous waste generators, applicable standards, 40 CFR 262 Hazardous waste identification and listing, 40 CFR 261 Hazardous waste land disposal restrictions, 40 CFR 268 Hazardous waste management system, general, 40 CFR 260 Hazardous waste transporters, applicable standards, 40 CFR 263 Hazardous wastes and types of hazardous waste management facilities, specific, management standards, 40 CFR 266 Municipal solid waste landfills, criteria, 40 CFR 258 [[Page 773]] Thermal processing guidelines, 40 CFR 240 Used oil management standards, 40 CFR 279 Solid wastes, hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facilities-- Interim status standards for owners and operators, 40 CFR 265 Standards for owners and operators, 40 CFR 264 State hazardous waste programs, authorization requirements, 40 CFR 271 Superfund program-- Emergency planning and community right-to-know information, trade secrecy claims and trade secret disclosures to health professionals, 40 CFR 350 Emergency planning and notification, 40 CFR 355 Hazardous chemical reporting, community right-to-know, 40 CFR 370 Hazardous substance activity reporting when selling or transferring Federal real property, 40 CFR 373 Hazardous substance releases, reimbursement to local governments for emergency response, 40 CFR 310 Hazardous substances; designation, reportable quantities, and notification, 40 CFR 302 Innocent landowners, standards for conducting all appropriate inquiries, 40 CFR 312 National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan, 40 CFR 300 State and local government employees engaged in hazardous waste operations, worker protection, 40 CFR 311 Toxic chemical release reporting, community right-to-know, 40 CFR 372 Superfund program, Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA)-- Administrative hearing procedures for claims against Superfund, 40 CFR 305 Claims procedures, 40 CFR 307 Toxic substances control-- Asbestos in schools and commercial and industrial uses, 40 CFR 763 Chemical data reporting requirements, 40 CFR 711 Chemical imports and exports, 40 CFR 707 Chemical information rules, 40 CFR 712 Chemical substances --Premanufacture notification exemptions, 40 CFR 723 --Premanufacture notification procedures, 40 CFR 720 --Significant new uses, 40 CFR 721 Chemical substance inventory, compilation, 40 CFR 710 Chemical substances and mixtures, regulation under section 6 of the TSCA, 40 CFR 751 Confidentiality claims, 40 CFR 703 Data reimbursement, 40 CFR 791 Dibenzo-para-dioxins/dibenzofurans, 40 CFR 766 General, fees, 40 CFR 700 Good laboratory practice standards, 40 CFR 792 Health and safety data reporting, 40 CFR 716 Identification of specific chemical substance and mixture testing requirements, 40 CFR 799 Lead-based paint poisoning prevention in certain residential structures, 40 CFR 745 Mercury inventory supply, use, and trade; reporting requirements, 40 CFR 713 Microorganisms, reporting requirements and review processes, 40 CFR 725 Polychlorinated biphenyls, manufacturing, processing, distribution, and use prohibitions, 40 CFR 761 Provisional test guidelines, 40 CFR 795 Records and reports of allegations that chemical substances cause significant adverse reactions to health or environment, 40 CFR 717 [[Page 774]] Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, 40 CFR 704 Testing consent agreements and test rules, procedures governing, 40 CFR 790 Water treatment chemicals, 40 CFR 749 Underground Injection Control program-- Criteria and standards, 40 CFR 146 Hazardous waste, requirements under the Safe Drinking Water Act, 40 CFR 144 Hazardous waste injection restrictions, 40 CFR 148 State program requirements, 40 CFR 145 State, Tribal, and EPA-administered underground injection control programs, 40 CFR 147 Underground storage tanks-- State programs, approval, 40 CFR 281 State programs, approved, 40 CFR 282 Technical standards and corrective action requirements for owners and operators, 40 CFR 280 Vessels of Armed Forces, uniform national discharge standards, 40 CFR 1700 Water pollution effluent guidelines and standards for point source categories-- Aluminum forming, 40 CFR 467 Centralized waste treatment, 40 CFR 437 Coal mining, BPT, BAT, BCT limitations and new source performance standards, 40 CFR 434 Coil coating facilities, 40 CFR 465 Electrical and electronic components, 40 CFR 469 Electroplating, 40 CFR 413 Leather tanning and finishing, 40 CFR 425 Metal finishing, 40 CFR 433 Pharmaceutical manufacturing, 40 CFR 439 Porcelain enameling, 40 CFR 466 Steam electric power generating, 40 CFR 423 Transportation equipment cleaning, 40 CFR 442 Water pollution effluent guidelines and standards, pretreatment regulations for existing and new sources of pollution, 40 CFR 403 Water programs-- Clean Water Act recognition awards, 40 CFR 105 Dredged or fill material discharge (section 404 program), State program regulations, 40 CFR 233 Great Lakes System, water quality guidance, 40 CFR 132 Hazardous substances designation, 40 CFR 116 Oil discharge into navigable waters or adjoining shorelines, 40 CFR 110 Permits, decisionmaking procedures, 40 CFR 124 Pollutants, guidelines establishing test procedures for analysis of, 40 CFR 136 Secondary treatment regulations, 40 CFR 133 Water quality planning and management, 40 CFR 130 Water quality standards, 40 CFR 131 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Employee selection procedures, guidelines, 29 CFR 1607 Equal Pay Act, 29 CFR 1620 Recordkeeping and reporting requirements under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, 29 CFR 1602 Records to be made or kept relating to age, notices to be posted, 29 CFR 1627 Export-Import Bank Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 3513 Lobbying restrictions, 12 CFR 411 Farm Credit Administration Farm Credit System-- Accounting and reporting requirements, 12 CFR 621 Administrative expenses assessment and apportionment, 12 CFR 607 Disclosure to shareholders, 12 CFR 620 Electronic commerce, 12 CFR 609 General provisions, 12 CFR 618 Loan policies and operations, 12 CFR 614 [[Page 775]] Systemwide and consolidated bank debt obligations, disclosure to investors, 12 CFR 630 Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation, disclosure and reporting requirements, 12 CFR 655 Margin and capital requirements for covered swap entities, 12 CFR 624 Mortgage loan originators, registration, 12 CFR 610 Organization, 12 CFR 611 Reimbursement transportation cost payment program for geographically disadvantaged farmers and ranchers, 7 CFR 755 Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation, premiums, 12 CFR 1410 Farm Service Agency Agriculture Priorities and Allocations System (APAS), 7 CFR 789 Certified Mediation Program, 7 CFR 785 Dairy disaster assistance payment program, 7 CFR 786 Disclosure of foreign investment in agricultural lands, 7 CFR 781 Emergency Conservation Program, Emergency Forest Restoration Program, and certain related programs, 7 CFR 701 End-use certificate program, 7 CFR 782 Farm loans program, general program administration, 7 CFR 761 Farm marketing quotas, acreage allotments, and production adjustment; provisions applicable to multiple programs, 7 CFR 718 Guaranteed farm loans, 7 CFR 762 Indemnity payment programs, 7 CFR 760 Indian tribal land acquisition loans, 7 CFR 770 Lamb meat adjustment assistance program, 7 CFR 784 Oriental Fruit Fly Program, 7 CFR 756 Payment limitation, 7 CFR 795 Record retention requirements, all programs, 7 CFR 708 United States Warehouse Act regulations, 7 CFR 869 Federal Acquisition Regulation Acquisition of utility services, 48 CFR 41 Acquisition planning, 48 CFR 7 Administrative and information matters, 48 CFR 4 Application of labor laws to Government acquisitions, 48 CFR 22 Bonds and insurance, 48 CFR 28 Construction and architect-engineer contracts, 48 CFR 36 Contract administration and audit services, 48 CFR 42 Contract cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 31 Contract financing, 48 CFR 32 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 15 Contractors-- Government sources use of by, 48 CFR 51 Qualifications, 48 CFR 9 Cost accounting standards, administration, 48 CFR 30 Extraordinary contractual actions and the Safety Act, 48 CFR 50 Federal Acquisition System, 48 CFR 1 Forms, 48 CFR 53 Government property, 48 CFR 45 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 3 Patents, data, and copyrights, 48 CFR 27 Protests, disputes, and appeals, 48 CFR 33 Publicizing contract actions, 48 CFR 5 Quality assurance, 48 CFR 46 Sealed bidding, 48 CFR 14 Small business programs, 48 CFR 19 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 52 Subcontracting policies and procedures, 48 CFR 44 Supplies and services, required sources, 48 CFR 8 Taxes, 48 CFR 29 Termination of contracts, 48 CFR 49 Transportation, 48 CFR 47 Value engineering, 48 CFR 48 Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation, disclosure and reporting requirements, 12 CFR 655 Federal Aviation Administration Administrator, representatives of, 14 CFR 183 Air carriers and operators for compensation or hire, certification and operations-- Agricultural aircraft operations, 14 CFR 137 [[Page 776]] Air carriers and commercial operators, certification, 14 CFR 119 Aircraft having seating capacity of 20 or more passengers or maximum payload capacity of 6,000 pounds or more; and rules governing persons on board such aircraft, 14 CFR 125 Commercial air tours and National Parks air tour management, 14 CFR 136 Commuter and on-demand operations and rules governing persons on board such aircraft, 14 CFR 135 Domestic, flag, and supplemental operations; operating requirements, 14 CFR 121 Drug and alcohol testing program, 14 CFR 120 Flightcrew members, flight and duty limitations and rest requirements, 14 CFR 117 Foreign air carriers and operators of U.S.-registered aircraft engaged in common carriage, operations, 14 CFR 129 General requirements, 14 CFR 110 Pilot records database, 14 CFR 111 Rotorcraft external-load operations, 14 CFR 133 Air traffic-- General aircraft operating and flight rules, 14 CFR 91 Moored balloons, kites, amateur rockets, and unmanned free balloons, 14 CFR 101 Parachute operations, 14 CFR 105 Aircraft-- Airworthiness directives, 14 CFR 39 Maintenance, preventive maintenance, rebuilding, and alteration, 14 CFR 43 Products and parts, certification procedures for , 14 CFR 21 Recording of aircraft titles and security documents, 14 CFR 49 Registration, 14 CFR 47 Airmen-- Certification of airmen other than flight crewmembers, 14 CFR 65 Certification of flight crew members other than pilots, 14 CFR 63 Medical certificates, requirements for operating small aircraft without, 14 CFR 68 Medical standards and certification, 14 CFR 67 Pilots, flight instructors, and ground instructors; certification, 14 CFR 61 Airport noise and access restrictions, notice and approval, 14 CFR 161 Airports-- Airport aid program, 14 CFR 152 Certification, 14 CFR 139 Federal aid to, 14 CFR 151 Notice of construction, alteration, activation, and deactivation of airports, 14 CFR 157 Airworthiness standards-- Aircraft engines, 14 CFR 33 Normal category rotorcraft, 14 CFR 27 Transport category airplanes, 14 CFR 25 Transport category rotorcraft, 14 CFR 29 Aviation disaster relief, air carrier guarantee loan program, 14 CFR 1300 Aviation insurance, 14 CFR 198 Class A, B, C, D, and E airspace area designations; air traffic service routes; and reporting points, 14 CFR 71 Commercial space transportation-- Experimental permits, 14 CFR 437 Financial responsibility, 14 CFR 440 Launch and reentry, license requirements, 14 CFR 450 Launch safety, 14 CFR 417 Launch site, operation license, 14 CFR 420 Reentry site, operation license, 14 CFR 433 Equal Access to Justice Act, implementation, 14 CFR 14 Flight simulation training device initial and continuing qualification and use, 14 CFR 60 General rulemaking procedures, 14 CFR 11 Human space flight requirements, 14 CFR 460 Navigable airspace; Safe, efficient use, and preservation, 14 CFR 77 [[Page 777]] Navigational facilities, non-Federal, 14 CFR 171 Passenger facility charges, 14 CFR 158 Safety management systems, 14 CFR 5 Schools-- Aviation maintenance technician schools, 14 CFR 147 Pilot schools, 14 CFR 141 Repair stations, 14 CFR 145 Training centers, 14 CFR 142 Small unmanned aircraft-- Registration and marking requirements, 14 CFR 48 Systems, 14 CFR 107 Special air traffic rules, 14 CFR 93 Unmanned aircraft, remote identification, 14 CFR 89 Voluntarily submitted information, protection, 14 CFR 193 Federal Communications Commission Advanced communications services and equipment, access by people with disabilities, 47 CFR 14 Amateur radio service, 47 CFR 97 Authorization and administration of accounting authorities in maritime and maritime mobile-satellite radio services, 47 CFR 3 Aviation radio services, 47 CFR 87 Aviation safety, construction, marking and lighting of antenna structures, 47 CFR 17 Bell operating companies, special provisions, 47 CFR 53 Cable television relay service, 47 CFR 78 Communications common carriers-- Commercial mobile services, 47 CFR 20 Extension of lines, new lines, and discontinuance, reduction, outage and impairment of service by; and grants of recognized private operating agency status, 47 CFR 63 Infrastructure sharing, 47 CFR 59 Miscellaneous rules, 47 CFR 64 Providers of international services and certain affiliates; reports, 47 CFR 43 Records preservation, 47 CFR 42 Upper microwave flexible use service, 47 CFR 30 Disruptions to communications, 47 CFR 4 Emergency service providers (911 and E911) requirements, 47 CFR 9 Experimental radio, auxiliary, and special broadcast and other program distributional services, 47 CFR 74 Experimental radio service, 47 CFR 5 Fixed microwave services, 47 CFR 101 Frequency allocations and radio treaty matters, general rules and regulations, 47 CFR 2 Industrial, scientific, and medical equipment radio transmissions, 47 CFR 18 Internet freedom, 47 CFR 8 Interstate rate of return prescription procedures and methodologies, 47 CFR 65 Maritime services stations, 47 CFR 80 Multichannel video and cable television service, 47 CFR 76 Organization, 47 CFR 0 Personal communications services, 47 CFR 24 Practice and procedure, 47 CFR 1 Private land mobile radio services, 47 CFR 90 Public mobile services, 47 CFR 22 Radio broadcast services, 47 CFR 73 Radio frequency devices, 47 CFR 15 Satellite communications, 47 CFR 25 Tariffs, 47 CFR 61 Telecommunications companies, jurisdictional separations procedures, standard procedures for separating telecommunications property costs, revenues, expenses, taxes, and reserves, 47 CFR 36 Telephone company access charges, 47 CFR 69 Terminal equipment connection to telephone network, 47 CFR 68 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 6000 Uniform system of accounts, telecommunications companies, 47 CFR 32 Universal service, 47 CFR 54 Wireless communications, miscellaneous services, 47 CFR 27 Federal Contract Compliance Programs Office [[Page 778]] Affirmative action and nondiscrimination obligations of Federal contractors and subcontractors regarding-- Disabled veterans, recently separated veterans, active duty wartime or campaign badge veterans, and Armed Forces service medal veterans, 41 CFR 60-300 Individuals with disabilities, 41 CFR 60-741 Special disabled veterans and Vietnam era veterans, 41 CFR 60-250 Affirmative action programs, 41 CFR 60-2 Construction contractors, affirmative action requirements, 41 CFR 60-4 Discrimination because of religion or national origin, guidelines, 41 CFR 60-50 Employee selection procedures, uniform guidelines, 41 CFR 60-3 Equal employment opportunity-- Contractors and subcontractors, obligations, 41 CFR 60-1 Enforcement under Executive Order 11246, rules of practice for administrative proceedings, 41 CFR 60-30 Examination and copying of OFCCP documents, 41 CFR 60-40 OMB control numbers for OFCCP information collection requirements, 41 CFR 60-999 Federal Crop Insurance Corporation Area risk protection insurance regulations, 7 CFR 407 Catastrophic risk protection endorsement, 7 CFR 402 Common crop insurance regulations, 7 CFR 457 General administrative regulations, 7 CFR 400 Public information, freedom of information, 7 CFR 412 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Annual independent audits and reporting requirements, 12 CFR 363 Annual stress test, 12 CFR 325 Appraisals, 12 CFR 323 Capital adequacy of FDIC-supervised institutions, 12 CFR 324 Community reinvestment, 12 CFR 345 Consumer financial information, privacy, 12 CFR 332 CRA-related agreements, disclosure and reporting, 12 CFR 346 Deposit insurance coverage, 12 CFR 330 Derivatives, 12 CFR 349 Fair housing, 12 CFR 338 FDIC contractor integrity and fitness, minimum standards, 12 CFR 366 Filing procedures, 12 CFR 303 Forms, instructions, and reports required of banks, 12 CFR 304 Government securities sales practices, 12 CFR 368 Industrial banks, 12 CFR 354 Insured nonmember banks-- Securities, 12 CFR 335 Suspicious activity reports, 12 CFR 353 Insured State banks and savings associations, activities, 12 CFR 362 Insured State nonmember banks, minimum security devices and procedures and Bank Secrecy Act compliance, 12 CFR 326 International banking, 12 CFR 347 Liquidity risk measurement standards, 12 CFR 329 Loans in areas having special flood hazards, 12 CFR 339 Office of Thrift Supervision, regulations transferred from, 12 CFR 390 Proprietary trading and certain interests in and relationships with covered funds, 12 CFR 351 Qualified financial contracts-- Recordkeeping requirements, 12 CFR 371 Restrictions on, 12 CFR 382 Recordkeeping for timely deposit insurance determination, 12 CFR 370 Resolution and receivership rules, 12 CFR 360 Resolution plans, 12 CFR 381 Sale of assets by FDIC, restrictions, 12 CFR 340 Securities transfer agents, registration, 12 CFR 341 Unlawful Internet gambling, 31 CFR 132 Unsafe and unsound banking practices, 12 CFR 337 Federal Election Commission [[Page 779]] Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002 regulations, non-Federal funds, 11 CFR 300 Campaign fund allocations of candidate and committee activities, 11 CFR 106 Candidate status and designations, 11 CFR 101 Coordinated and independent election campaign expenditures, 11 CFR 109 Depositaries for campaign funds, 11 CFR 103 Document filing, 11 CFR 105 Election reports and statements, filing copies with State officers, 11 CFR 108 Increased limits for candidates opposing self-financed candidates, 11 CFR 400 National Voter Registration Act (52 U.S.C. 20503 et seq.), 11 CFR 9428 Political committees and other persons, reports, 11 CFR 104 Presidential election campaign financing-- Eligibility for payment, 11 CFR 9003 Federal financing of Presidential nominating conventions, 11 CFR 9008 Reports and recordkeeping, 11 CFR 9006 Presidential nominating convention, registration and reports, 11 CFR 107 Presidential primary matching fund-- Eligibility for payments, 11 CFR 9033 Entitlements, 11 CFR 9034 Expenditure limitations, 11 CFR 9035 Review and investigation authority, 11 CFR 9039 Review of matching fund submissions and certification of payments by Commission, 11 CFR 9036 Registration, organization, and recordkeeping by political committees, 11 CFR 102 Federal Emergency Management Agency Cerro Grande fire assistance, 44 CFR 295 Civil defense-- Consolidated grants to insular areas, 44 CFR 304 Preparedness, voluntary agreements under section 708 of Defense Production Act of 1950, 44 CFR 332 State and local emergency management assistance program (EMA), 44 CFR 302 Claims, 44 CFR 11 Coastal Barrier Resources Act, implementation, flood insurance, 44 CFR 71 Commercial nuclear power plants, emergency preparedness planning, 44 CFR 352 Comprehensive emergency management, State assistance programs for training and education, 44 CFR 360 Disaster assistance-- Federal disaster assistance, 44 CFR 206 Fire management assistance grant program, 44 CFR 204 Management costs, 44 CFR 207 Mitigation planning, 44 CFR 201 Supplemental property acquisition and elevation assistance, 44 CFR 209 Firefighters assistance grant program, 44 CFR 152 Firefighting on Federal property, reimbursement for costs, 44 CFR 151 Flood insurance-- Appeals from proposed flood elevation determinations, 44 CFR 67 Communities eligible for sale of, 44 CFR 64 Consultation with local officials, 44 CFR 66 Coverage and rates, 44 CFR 61 Erosion benefits, 44 CFR 63 Exemption of State-owned properties under self-insurance plan, 44 CFR 75 General provisions, 44 CFR 59 Identification and mapping of special flood or flood-related erosion hazard areas, 44 CFR 65 Land management and use criteria for flood plains and flood-erosion areas, 44 CFR 60 Procedure for map correction, 44 CFR 70 Sale and adjustment of claims, 44 CFR 62 Floodplain management and protection of wetlands, 44 CFR 9 Hermit's Peak/Calf Canyon Fire Assistance, 44 CFR 296 Lobbying restrictions, 44 CFR 18 [[Page 780]] National earthquake hazards reduction assistance to State and local governments, policies, 44 CFR 361 Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs, 44 CFR 7 OMB control numbers, 44 CFR 2 Public safety awards to public safety officers, 44 CFR 150 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Annual charges, 18 CFR 382 Bulk-power system, mandatory reliability standards, 18 CFR 40 Electronic registration, 18 CFR 390 Federal Power Act-- Accounts, preservation of records of public utilities and licensees, 18 CFR 125 Accounts prescribed for public utilities and licensees, 18 CFR 101 Accounts, records, memoranda and disposition of contested audit, 18 CFR 41 Annual charges under Part I, 18 CFR 11 Approved forms, statements and reports, 18 CFR 141 Integrated license application process, 18 CFR 5 Interlocking positions, application for authority to hold, 18 CFR 45 License surrender or termination, 18 CFR 6 Licenses, permits, exemptions, and determination of project costs, 18 CFR 4 Open access same-time information systems, 18 CFR 37 Projects affecting navigable waters or public lands, 18 CFR 24 Public utility filing requirements, purchaser list, and filing requirements for persons holding interlocking positions, 18 CFR 46 Qualifying process for Non-federal hydropower projects at existing nonpowered dams and for closed-loop pumped storage projects; expedited licensing, 18 CFR 7 Rate schedules and tariffs, filing, 18 CFR 35 Recreational opportunities and development at licensed projects, 18 CFR 8 Section 203, applications, 18 CFR 33 Securities issuance or assumption of liabilities, authorization application, 18 CFR 34 Transfer of license or lease of project property, 18 CFR 9 Water power projects and project works, safety, 18 CFR 12 Federal power marketing administrations-- Bonneville Power Administration, average system cost methodology for sales from utilities under Northwest Power Act, 18 CFR 301 Confirmation and approval of rates, 18 CFR 300 Fees, Commission services and benefits, 18 CFR 381 General policy and interpretations, 18 CFR 2 Holding companies and service companies, records preservation, 18 CFR 368 Hydroelectric power projects, takeover and relicensing, 18 CFR 16 Information collection requirements, OMB control numbers, 18 CFR 389 Interstate Commerce Act-- Carriers subject to Part 1; annual, special, or periodic reports, 18 CFR 357 Rate schedules and tariffs, 18 CFR 340 Interstate electric transmission facilities, site applications, 18 CFR 50 National Environmental Policy Act, implementation, 18 CFR 380 Natural Gas Act-- Accounts prescribed for natural gas companies, 18 CFR 201 Accounts, preservation of records of natural gas companies, 18 CFR 225 Accounts, records, and memoranda, 18 CFR 158 Application for exemptions, 18 CFR 152 Certificates of public convenience and necessity and for orders permitting and approving abandonment of facilities under Section 7, applications, 18 CFR 157 Facilities, extension or improvement, 18 CFR 156 [[Page 781]] Facilities used for export or import of natural gas, applications for authorization to construct, operate, or modify, 18 CFR 153 Forms, 18 CFR 250 Rate schedules and tariffs, 18 CFR 154 Statements and reports (schedules), 18 CFR 260 Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978 and related authorities-- Certain sales and transportation of natural gas, 18 CFR 284 Curtailment of natural gas, 18 CFR 281 Determination procedures for tax credit purposes, 18 CFR 270 Oil pipelines-- Cost-of-service filing requirements, 18 CFR 346 Depreciation studies, 18 CFR 347 Market power determinations, applications, 18 CFR 348 Proceedings, procedural rules, 18 CFR 343 Rate methodologies and procedures, 18 CFR 342 Tariffs, oil pipeline companies subject to section 6 of Interstate Commerce Act, 18 CFR 341 Pipelines-- Filing quotations for U.S. Government shipments at reduced rates, 18 CFR 344 Financial statements released by carriers, 18 CFR 351 Oil companies subject to provisions of Interstate Commerce Act, uniform systems of accounts, 18 CFR 352 Records preservation for oil pipeline companies, 18 CFR 356 Practice and procedure rules, 18 CFR 385 Public utility business operations and communications, standards, 18 CFR 38 Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978-- Electric energy and capacity, interim procedures for shortages, 18 CFR 294 Retail electric service, collection of cost of service information, 18 CFR 290 Small power production and cogeneration facilities, 18 CFR 292 Statements and reports, 18 CFR 369 Transmission providers, conduct standards, 18 CFR 358 Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council, appraiser regulation, 12 CFR 1102 Federal Highway Administration Civil rights, Federal and Federal-aid highway construction contracts, 23 CFR 230 Environmental impact and related procedures, 23 CFR 771 Federal-aid highway programs-- Bridges, structures, and hydraulics, 23 CFR 650 Construction and maintenance, 23 CFR 635 Contract provisions required, 23 CFR 633 Emergency relief, 23 CFR 668 Highway construction projects performed by a State under Federal-aid procedures, reimbursement eligibility of administrative settlement costs, 23 CFR 140 Planning and research program administration, 23 CFR 420 Preconstruction procedures, 23 CFR 630 Right-of-way and real estate, 23 CFR 710 Surface transportation projects, credit assistance, 23 CFR 180 Traffic noise and construction noise, procedures for abatement, 23 CFR 772 Traffic operations, 23 CFR 655 Utility facilities, adjustment and relocation, 23 CFR 645 Vehicle size and weight enforcement, State certification, 23 CFR 657 Highway beautification, 23 CFR 750 Highway safety-- Drug offenders, driver's license suspension, 23 CFR 192 Public road mileage for apportionment of funds, 23 CFR 460 National electric vehicle infrastructure standards and requirements, 23 CFR 680 National performance management measures, 23 CFR 490 Planning assistance and standards, 23 CFR 450 [[Page 782]] Transportation infrastructure management, management and monitoring systems, 23 CFR 500 Federal Housing Finance Agency Agency records, information and employee testimony in third-party legal proceedings, production, 12 CFR 1215 Assessments, 12 CFR 1206 Boards of directors responsibilities, corporate practices, and corporate governance, 12 CFR 1239 Community investment cash advance programs, 12 CFR 1292 Enterprises Capital adequacy, 12 CFR 1240 Housing goals and mission, 12 CFR 1282 Resolution planning, 12 CFR 1242 Executive compensation, 12 CFR 1230 Federal home loan banks-- Affordable housing program, 12 CFR 1291 Capital classifications and prompt corrective action, 12 CFR 1229 Capital requirements, capital stock and capital plans, 12 CFR 1277 Community support requirements, 12 CFR 1290 Director, eligibility and elections, 12 CFR 1261 Housing associates, 12 CFR 1264 Housing goals, 12 CFR 1281 Information sharing, 12 CFR 1260 Investments, 12 CFR 1267 Members of the banks, 12 CFR 1263 Miscellaneous operations and authorities, 12 CFR 1271 New business activities, 12 CFR 1272 Regulated entities and Office of Finance, record retention, 12 CFR 1235 Stress testing of regulated entities, 12 CFR 1238 Suspended Counterparty Program, 12 CFR 1227 Flood insurance, 12 CFR 1250 Fraudulent financial instruments, reporting, 12 CFR 1233 Freedom of Information Act, 12 CFR 1202 General definitions, 12 CFR 1201 Housing Trust and Capital Magnet Funds, contributions to, 12 CFR 1251 Non-public information, availability, 12 CFR 1214 Privacy Act implementation, 12 CFR 1204 Uniform mortgage-backed securities, 12 CFR 1248 Federal Maritime Commission Carrier automated tariffs, 46 CFR 520 Environmental policy analysis procedures, 46 CFR 504 Foreign maritime practices, restrictive; controlled carriers, 46 CFR 565 Marine terminal operator schedules, 46 CFR 525 Maritime carriers, passenger vessel financial responsibility, 46 CFR 540 Non-vessel-operating common carrier negotiated rate arrangements, 46 CFR 532 Ocean common carriers and marine terminal operators, agreements subject to Shipping Act of 1984, 46 CFR 535 Ocean transportation intermediaries; licensing, registration, financial responsibility requirements, and general duties, 46 CFR 515 Practice and procedure rules, 46 CFR 502 Service contracts, 46 CFR 530 Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 29 CFR 1471 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 29 CFR 1472 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments, 29 CFR 1470 Procedures, 29 CFR 1402 Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration Motor carrier registration and insurance fees, 49 CFR 360 Motor carrier safety-- Compatibility of State laws and regulations affecting interstate motor carrier operations, 49 CFR 355 Drivers and longer combination vehicle (LCV) driver instructors, qualifications, 49 CFR 391 Drivers' service hours, 49 CFR 395 Financial responsibility, minimum levels, 49 CFR 387 [[Page 783]] General regulations, 49 CFR 390 Hazardous materials transportation, driving and parking rules, 49 CFR 397 Household goods transportation in interstate commerce; consumer protection regulations, 49 CFR 375 Inspection, repair, and maintenance, 49 CFR 396 Lease and interchange of vehicles, 49 CFR 376 Migrant workers transportation, 49 CFR 398 Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program and High Priority Program, 49 CFR 350 Safety fitness procedures, 49 CFR 385 Special training requirements, 49 CFR 380 Records preservation, 49 CFR 379 Transportation brokers, property brokers, 49 CFR 371 Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council, 40 CFR 1900 Federal Prison Industries, Justice Department, prison inmates, accident compensation, 28 CFR 301 Federal Railroad Administration Alcohol and drug use control, 49 CFR 219 Brake system safety standards for freight and other non-passenger trains and equipment; end-of-train devices, 49 CFR 232 Bridge safety standards, 49 CFR 237 Conductors, qualification and certification, 49 CFR 242 Environmental impact and related procedures, 23 CFR 771 Grade crossing safety, 49 CFR 234 Local rail service assistance to States under section 5 of Department of Transportation Act, 49 CFR 266 Locomotive engineers, qualification and certification, 49 CFR 240 Locomotive horns, use at public highway-rail grade crossings, 49 CFR 222 Locomotive safety standards, 49 CFR 229 Locomotives, passenger cars, and cabooses; safety glazing standards, 49 CFR 223 Magnetic levitation transportation technology deployment program, 49 CFR 268 Occupational noise exposure, 49 CFR 227 Passenger equipment safety standards, 49 CFR 238 Passenger train emergency preparedness, 49 CFR 239 Passenger train employees and certain railroad employees of railroad contractors and subcontractors, 49 CFR 228 Rail freight rolling stock, reflectorization, 49 CFR 224 Rail operations, U.S.; United States locational requirement for dispatching, 49 CFR 241 Railroad accidents/incidents; reports classification, and investigations, 49 CFR 225 Railroad communications, 49 CFR 220 Railroad freight car safety standards, 49 CFR 215 Railroad operating practices, 49 CFR 218 Railroad operating rules, 49 CFR 217 Railroad passenger terminals, financial assistance, 49 CFR 256 Railroad safety enforcement procedures, 49 CFR 209 Railroad track, locomotive and equipment; special notice and emergency order procedures, 49 CFR 216 Railroad track safety standards, 49 CFR 213 Railroad workplace safety, 49 CFR 214 Rear end marking device--passenger, commuter, and freight trains, 49 CFR 221 Safety integration plans governing railroad consolidations, mergers, and acquisitions of control, 49 CFR 244 Safety-related railroad employees; training, qualification, and oversight, 49 CFR 243 Signal and train control systems, devices, and appliances; rules, standards, and instructions governing installation, inspection, maintenance, and repair, 49 CFR 236 Signal system-- Instructions governing applications for approval of discontinuance or [[Page 784]] material modification or relief from Part 236 requirements, 49 CFR 235 Reporting requirements, 49 CFR 233 Steam locomotive inspection and maintenance standards, 49 CFR 230 Surface transportation projects, credit assistance, 49 CFR 261 System Safety programs, 49 CFR 270 Texas Central Railroad high-speed rail safety standards, 49 CFR 299 Federal Reserve System Availability of information, 12 CFR 261 Bank holding companies and change in bank control (Regulation Y), 12 CFR 225 Capital adequacy of bank holding companies, savings and loan holding companies, and State member banks (Regulation Q), 12 CFR 217 Checks, availability of funds and collection of checks (Regulation CC), 12 CFR 229 Community reinvestment (Regulation BB), 12 CFR 228 CRA-related agreements, disclosure and reporting (Regulation G), 12 CFR 207 Credit extensions by Federal Reserve banks (Regulation A), 12 CFR 201 Depository institutions, reserve requirements (Regulation D), 12 CFR 204 Electronic funds transfers (Regulation E), 12 CFR 205 Enhanced prudential standards (Regulation YY), 12 CFR 252 Equal Credit Opportunity Act (Regulation B), 12 CFR 202 Federal Reserve bank capital stock (Regulation I), 12 CFR 209 Foreign banks and bankers, relations with Federal Reserve banks (Regulation N), 12 CFR 214 International banking operations (Regulation K), 12 CFR 211 Liquidity risk measurement, standards, and monitoring (Regulation WW), 12 CFR 249 Loans to executive officers, directors, and principal shareholders of member banks (Regulation O), 12 CFR 215 Mutual holding companies, 12 CFR 239 Obtaining and using medical information in connection with credit, 12 CFR 232 Proprietary trading and certain interests in and relationships with covered funds (Regulation VV), 12 CFR 248 Resolution plans, 12 CFR 243 Retail foreign exchange transactions, 12 CFR 240 Savings and loan holding companies, 12 CFR 238 Securities credit by banks and persons other than brokers or dealers (Regulation U), 12 CFR 221 Securities credit by brokers and dealers (Regulation T), 12 CFR 220 Securities credit, borrowers (Regulation X), 12 CFR 224 State banking institutions, membership (Regulation H), 12 CFR 208 Supervision and regulation assessment of fees (Regulation TT), 12 CFR 246 Swaps margin and swaps push-out, 12 CFR 237 Transactions between member banks and their affiliates (Regulation W), 12 CFR 223 Truth in lending-- Consumer leasing (Regulation M), 12 CFR 213 Credit information disclosure (Regulation Z), 12 CFR 226 Unlawful Internet gambling, funding prohibition (Regulation GG), 12 CFR 233 Federal Trade Commission Alternative fuels and alternative fueled vehicles, labeling requirements, 16 CFR 309 Automotive fuel ratings, certification and posting, 16 CFR 306 Business opportunity rule, 16 CFR 437 Care labeling of textile wearing apparel and certain piece goods as amended, 16 CFR 423 Children's online privacy protection rule, 16 CFR 312 Compliance reports in nonadjudicative procedures, 16 CFR 2 Consumer financial information, privacy, 16 CFR 313 Energy and water use labeling for consumer products under the Energy [[Page 785]] Policy and Conservation Act, 16 CFR 305 Fair Credit Reporting Act-- Active duty alerts duration, 16 CFR 613 Appropriate identity pro, 16 CFR 614 Definitions, 16 CFR 603 Free annual file disclosures, 16 CFR 610 Model forms and disclosures, 16 CFR 698 Fair Packaging and Labeling Act, regulations, 16 CFR 502 Funeral industry practices, 16 CFR 453 Fur Products Labeling Act, rules and regulations, 16 CFR 301 General procedures, 16 CFR 1 Hart-Scott-Rodino Antitrust Improvements Act of 1976, transmittal rules, 16 CFR 803 Home insulation, labeling and advertising, 16 CFR 460 Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act, warranties, informal dispute settlement procedures, 16 CFR 703 Telemarketing sales rule, 16 CFR 310 Textile Fiber Products Identification Act, rules and regulations, 16 CFR 303 Wool Products Labeling Act of 1939, rules and regulations, 16 CFR 300 Federal Transit Administration Bus testing, 49 CFR 665 Buy America requirements, 49 CFR 661 Capital leases, 49 CFR 639 Charter service, 49 CFR 604 Environmental impact and related procedures, 23 CFR 771 Federal financial assistance recipients, alcohol misuse and prohibited drug use prevention in transit operations, 49 CFR 655 National transit database, 49 CFR 630 Private investment project procedures, 49 CFR 650 Project management oversight, 49 CFR 633 Public Transportation Safety Certification Training Program, 49 CFR 672 Rail fixed guideway systems, State safety oversight, 49 CFR 674 Surface transportation projects, credit assistance, 49 CFR 640 Financial Crimes Enforcement Network Banks, rules, 31 CFR 1020 Brokers or dealers, rules, 31 CFR 1023 Casinos and card clubs, rules, 31 CFR 1021 Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act of 2010, provisions relating to, 31 CFR 1060 Dealers in precious metals, precious stones, or jewels, rules, 31 CFR 1027 Futures Commission merchants and introducing brokers in commodities, rules, 31 CFR 1026 General provisions, 31 CFR 1010 Insurance companies, rules, 31 CFR 1025 Money services businesses, rules, 31 CFR 1022 Mutual funds, rules, 31 CFR 1024 Operators of credit card systems, 31 CFR 1028 Fiscal Service Book-entry Treasury bonds, notes and bills (Department of Treasury Circular, Public Debt Series No. 2-86), regulations governing, 31 CFR 357 Claims on account of Treasury checks, 31 CFR 245 Electronic transactions and funds transfers relating to U.S. securities, 31 CFR 370 Federal benefit payments, garnishment of accounts containing, 31 CFR 212 Sale and issue of marketable book-entry Treasury bills, notes, and bonds (Department of Treasury Circular, Public Debt Series No. 1- 93), 31 CFR 356 U.S. Treasury securities, State and local government series, 31 CFR 344 Fish and Wildlife Service Airborne hunting, 50 CFR 19 Alaska public lands, subsistence management regulations, 50 CFR 100 Anadromous fisheries conservation, development, and enhancement, 50 CFR 401 Boating Infrastructure Grant program, 50 CFR 86 Clean Vessel Act grant program, 50 CFR 85 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), 50 CFR 23 Eagle permits, 50 CFR 22 [[Page 786]] Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants, 50 CFR 17 General permit procedures, 50 CFR 13 Hunting and fishing, 50 CFR 32 Importation, exportation, and transportation of wildlife, 50 CFR 14 Injurious wildlife, importation and transportation, 50 CFR 16 Marine mammals-- Grants-in-aid research on protection and conservation, administrative procedures, 50 CFR 82 Management authority, transfer to States, 50 CFR 403 Taking and importing, 50 CFR 18 Migratory bird hunting-- Permits, 50 CFR 21 Procedural and substantive requirements, 50 CFR 20 National coastal wetlands conservation grant program, 50 CFR 84 National wildlife refuge system-- Alaska National wildlife refuges, 50 CFR 36 Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, geological and geophysical exploration of coastal plain, 50 CFR 37 Wild Bird Conservation Act, 50 CFR 15 Wildlife refuges, administrative provisions, 50 CFR 25 Food and Drug Administration Animal drugs-- Extralabel drug use in animals, 21 CFR 530 Medicated feed mill license, 21 CFR 515 New drugs, applications for use, 21 CFR 514 New drugs, general regulations, 21 CFR 510 New drugs, investigational use, 21 CFR 511 New drugs, minor use and minor species, 21 CFR 516 Type A medicated articles, current good manufacturing practice, 21 CFR 226 Animal foods-- Hazard analysis, and risk based preventive controls, current good manufacturing practice, 21 CFR 507 Labeling, 21 CFR 501 Medicated, current good manufacturing practice, 21 CFR 225 Biologics-- Allergenic products, additional standards, 21 CFR 680 Blood and blood components, current good manufacturing practice, 21 CFR 606 Blood and blood components, standards, 21 CFR 640 Blood and blood components intended for transfusion or for further manufacturing use, requirements, 21 CFR 630 General provisions, establishment standards and inspection, 21 CFR 600 General standards, 21 CFR 610 Laboratory tests, diagnostic substances standards, 21 CFR 660 Clinical investigators, financial disclosure, 21 CFR 54 Color additives-- Certification, 21 CFR 80 Petitions, 21 CFR 71 Combination products, regulation, 21 CFR 4 Cosmetic, Labeling, 21 CFR 701 Drugs-- Human drugs including drugs regulated under a biologics license application, and animal drugs, and the National Drug Code; requirements for foreign and domestic establishment registration and listing, 21 CFR 207 Internal drug products for over-the-counter human use, miscellaneous, 21 CFR 357 Investigational new drug application, 21 CFR 312 Labeling, 21 CFR 201 New drug marketing, applications for FDA approval, 21 CFR 314 New drugs, 21 CFR 310 Orphan drugs, 21 CFR 316 Prescription drug marketing, 21 CFR 203 Wholesale prescription drug distributors, State licensing guidelines, 21 CFR 205 [[Page 787]] Drugs, bioavailability and bioequivalence requirement, 21 CFR 320 Drugs, current good manufacturing practice-- Finished pharmaceuticals, 21 CFR 211 Positron emission tomography drugs, 21 CFR 212 Electronic records; electronic signatures, 21 CFR 11 Environmental impact considerations, 21 CFR 25 Ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and phenylpropanolamine; importation and production quotas, 21 CFR 1315 Fish and fishery products, processing requirements, 21 CFR 123 Food-- Acidified, 21 CFR 114 Drinking water, processing and bottling, 21 CFR 129 Emergency permit control, 21 CFR 108 Hazardous analysis and critical control point (HACCP) systems, 21 CFR 120 Labeling, 21 CFR 101 Shell eggs; production, storage, and transportation, 21 CFR 118 Thermally processed low-acid foods packaged in hermetically sealed containers, 21 CFR 113 Food additives-- Dietary supplements, 21 CFR 190 General provisions, 21 CFR 170 Irradiation in production, processing and handling of food, 21 CFR 179 Permitted for direct addition to food for human consumption, 21 CFR 172 General enforcement regulations, 21 CFR 1 Human cells, tissues, and cellular and tissue-based products, 21 CFR 1271 Human subjects, protection-- General, 21 CFR 50 Institutional review boards, clinical investigations, 21 CFR 56 Infant formula-- Miscellaneous regulations, 21 CFR 107 Requirements pertaining to current good manufacturing practice, quality control procedures, quality factors, records and reports, and notifications, 21 CFR 106 Laboratories, good practice for nonclinical laboratory studies, 21 CFR 58 Marketed drugs, biologics, and devices, unapproved/new uses, information dissemination, 21 CFR 99 Medical devices-- Corrections and removals, reports, 21 CFR 806 General requirements, 21 CFR 800 Investigational exemptions, 21 CFR 812 Labeling, 21 CFR 801 Mammography, 21 CFR 900 Manufacturers and distributors establishment registration and device listing, 21 CFR 807 Medical device reporting, 21 CFR 803 Performance standards development procedures, 21 CFR 861 Postmarket surveillance, 21 CFR 822 Premarket approval, 21 CFR 814 Quality system regulation, 21 CFR 820 Recall authority, 21 CFR 810 Reporting, 21 CFR 803 Tracking requirements, 21 CFR 821 Unique device identification, 21 CFR 830 Milk, Federal Import Milk Act, 21 CFR 1210 Nonprescription human drug products subject to Section 760 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, 21 CFR 329 Organization, 21 CFR 5 Patent term restoration, 21 CFR 60 Prescription drug products, medication guides, 21 CFR 208 Produce for human consumption; growing, harvesting, packing, and holding standards, 21 CFR 112 Radiation protection-- Ionizing radiation emitting products, performance standards, 21 CFR 1020 Light-emitting products, performance standards, 21 CFR 1040 Radiological health-- General, 21 CFR 1000 Records and reports, 21 CFR 1002 Recalls, enforcement policy, 21 CFR 7 Food and Nutrition Service Child and Adult Care Food Program, 7 CFR 226 Child nutrition programs-- [[Page 788]] Cash in lieu of donated foods, 7 CFR 240 Determining eligibility for free and reduced price meals and free milk in schools, 7 CFR 245 National School Lunch Program, 7 CFR 210 Nutrition education and training program, 7 CFR 227 School Breakfast Program, 7 CFR 220 Special milk program for children, 7 CFR 215 Special supplemental food program for women, infants, and children, 7 CFR 246 State administrative expense funds, 7 CFR 235 Summer Food Service Program, 7 CFR 225 WIC farmers' market nutrition program (FMNP), 7 CFR 248 Food distribution-- Emergency food assistance program, 7 CFR 251 Food donations for use in U.S., 7 CFR 250 Indian households in Oklahoma, administration, 7 CFR 254 Indian reservations, households on, 7 CFR 253 National commodity processing program, 7 CFR 252 Puerto Rico, nutrition assistance grant provision, 7 CFR 285 Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer Program, 7 CFR 292 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program-- Benefits, issuance and use, 7 CFR 274 Demonstration, research and evaluation projects, 7 CFR 282 Eligible households, certification, 7 CFR 273 Emergency food assistance for victims of disasters, 7 CFR 280 General information and definitions, 7 CFR 271 Participating State agencies, requirements, 7 CFR 272 Participation of retail food stores, wholesale food concerns, meal services, and insured financial institutions, 7 CFR 278 Payments of certain administrative costs of State agencies, 7 CFR 277 Performance reporting system, 7 CFR 275 Food Safety and Inspection Service Eggs and egg products-- Inspection, 9 CFR 590 Voluntary inspection, 9 CFR 592 Exotic animals and horses; voluntary inspection, 9 CFR 352 Fish products in commerce, transportation, 9 CFR 555 Food ingredients permitted, 9 CFR 544 General requirements, 9 CFR 530 Inspection requirements, 9 CFR 532 Meat and other products, special services relating to, voluntary inspection and certification service, 9 CFR 350 Meat and poultry products inspection, Federal regulatory requirements-- Hazardous analysis and critical control point (HACCP) systems, 9 CFR 417 Label approval, 9 CFR 412 Raw products, consumer protection standards, 9 CFR 441 Recalls, 9 CFR 418 Thermally processed, commercially sterile products, 9 CFR 431 Meat mandatory inspection-- Ante-mortem inspection, 9 CFR 309 Entry into official establishments, reinspection and preparation of products, 9 CFR 318 Exemptions, 9 CFR 303 Labeling, marking devices, and containers, 9 CFR 317 Records, registration, and reports, 9 CFR 320 Transportation requirements, 9 CFR 325 Poultry products-- Inspection regulations, 9 CFR 381 Voluntary inspection and certification service, 9 CFR 362 Product preparation, 9 CFR 548 Products and containers; marks, marking and labeling, 9 CFR 541 Rabbits and edible products, voluntary inspection, 9 CFR 354 Recordkeeping, 9 CFR 550 Sanitation requirements and hazard analysis and critical control points systems, notification regarding [[Page 789]] adulterated or misbranded products, 9 CFR 537 Technical animal fats for export, voluntary inspection and certification service, 9 CFR 351 Foreign Agricultural Service International agricultural trade, emergency relief from duty-free imports of perishable products, 7 CFR 1540 Refined sugar re-export program, sugar containing products re-export program, and polyhydric alcohol program, 7 CFR 1530 Trade adjustment assistance for farmers, 7 CFR 1580 Foreign Assets Control Office Control regulations-- Cuban assets, 31 CFR 515 Diamonds, rough, 31 CFR 592 Iranian assets, 31 CFR 535 Housing government sponsored enterprises, rules, 31 CFR 1030 Iranian transactions and sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 560 Reporting, procedures, and penalties, 31 CFR 501 Sanctions regulations-- Belarus, 31 CFR 548 Burma, 31 CFR 525 Central African Republic, 31 CFR 553 Chinese Military-Industrial Complex, 31 CFR 586 Cyber-related, 31 CFR 578 Darfur, 31 CFR 546 Democratic Republic of the Congo, 31 CFR 547 Elections, U.S.; foreign interference, 31 CFR 579 Ethiopia, 31 CFR 550 Foreign narcotics kingpin, 31 CFR 598 Foreign terrorist organizations, 31 CFR 597 Former Liberian regime of Charles Taylor, 31 CFR 593 Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act, 31 CFR 583 Global terrorism, 31 CFR 594 Hizballah, 31 CFR 566 Hong Kong, 31 CFR 585 Hostages and wrongful detention, 31 CFR 526 Illicit drug trade, 31 CFR 599 Iran, financial, 31 CFR 561 Iranian sector and human rights abuses, 31 CFR 562 Iraq, stabilization and insurgency, 31 CFR 576 Lebanon, 31 CFR 549 Libya, 31 CFR 570 Magnitsky Act, 31 CFR 584 Mali, 31 CFR 555 Narcotics trafficking, 31 CFR 536 Nicaragua, 31 CFR 582 North Korea, 31 CFR 510 Russian harmful foreign activities, 31 CFR 587 Somalia, 31 CFR 551 South Sudan, 31 CFR 558 Syria, 31 CFR 542 Syria-related, 31 CFR 569 Terrorism, 31 CFR 595 Terrorism list governments, 31 CFR 596 Transnational criminal organizations, 31 CFR 590 Ukraine-Russia-related sanctions, 31 CFR 589 Venezuela, 31 CFR 591 Weapons of mass destruction proliferators, 31 CFR 544 Yemen, 31 CFR 552 Zimbabwe, 31 CFR 541 Weapons of mass destruction, trade control regulations, 31 CFR 539 Western Balkans, stabilization regulations, 31 CFR 588 Foreign-Trade Zones Board, zones in U.S., regulations, 15 CFR 400 Forest Service Alaska public lands, subsistence regulations, 36 CFR 242 Archaeological resources protection, uniform regulations, 36 CFR 296 Cave resources management, 36 CFR 290 Land and resource management planning, 36 CFR 219 National forest land uses, 36 CFR 251 National forest lands used for mineral resource mining, 36 CFR 228 National Forest System timber, special forest products, and forest botanical products, sale and disposal, 36 CFR 223 Paleontological resources preservation, 36 CFR 291 [[Page 790]] State and private forestry assistance, 36 CFR 230 General Services Administration Acquisition regulations-- Acquisition Regulations System, 48 CFR 501 Application of labor laws to Government acquisitions, 48 CFR 522 Commercial products and commercial services, 48 CFR 512 Contract administration and audit services, 48 CFR 542 Contract financing, 48 CFR 532 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 509 Environment, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety and drug-free workplace, 48 CFR 523 Federal Supply Schedule contracting, 48 CFR 538 Foreign acquisition, 48 CFR 525 Quality assurance, 48 CFR 546 Real property, acquiring leasehold interests, 48 CFR 570 Sealed bidding, 48 CFR 514 Service contracting, 48 CFR 537 Small business programs, 48 CFR 519 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 552 Special contracting methods, 48 CFR 517 Types of contracts, 48 CFR 516 Advisory committee management, 41 CFR 105-54 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 41 CFR 105-68 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 41 CFR 105-74 Federal Management Regulation-- Donation of surplus personal property, 41 CFR 102-37 Mail management, 41 CFR 102-192 Motor vehicle management, 41 CFR 102-34 Transportation management, 41 CFR 102-117 Transportation payment and audit, 41 CFR 102-118 Federal Property Management Regulations-- Annual real property inventories, 41 CFR 101-3 Donation of surplus personal property, 41 CFR 101-44 Hazardous materials and certain categories of property, utilization and disposal, 41 CFR 101-42 Interagency fleet management systems, 41 CFR 101-39 Motor vehicle management, 41 CFR 101-38, 41 CFR 102-34 Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs, 41 CFR 101-6, 41 CFR 101-8 Transportation and traffic management, 41 CFR 101-40 Transportation documentation and audit, 41 CFR 101-41 Federal Travel Regulation System-- General guidance, agency reporting requirements, 41 CFR 300-70 Temporary duty (TDY) travel allowances, conference planning, 41 CFR 301-74 Grants and agreements with institutions of higher education, hospitals, and other non-profit organizations, uniform administrative requirements (OMB A-110 implementation), 41 CFR 105-72 Grants and cooperative agreements with State and local governments, uniform administrative requirements (OMB A-102 implementation), 41 CFR 105-71 Lobbying restrictions, 41 CFR 105-69 Geological Survey State Water Research Institute program, 30 CFR 401 Water resources research program and water resources technology development program, 30 CFR 402 Government Ethics Office Equal Access to Justice Act, implementation, 5 CFR 2610 Executive Branch Ethics Program, 5 CFR 2638 Executive branch financial disclosure, qualified trusts, and certificates of divestiture, 5 CFR 2634 Limitations on outside earned income, employment and affiliations for [[Page 791]] certain noncareer employees, 5 CFR 2636 Hague Convention adoption cases, adoption certificates and custody declarations issuance, 22 CFR 97 Health and Human Services Department Acquisition regulations, other socioeconomic programs, 48 CFR 326 Administrative data standards and related requirements-- Administrative requirements, 45 CFR 162 General administrative requirements, 45 CFR 160 Security and privacy, 45 CFR 164 Block grants, 45 CFR 96 Child Care and Development Fund-- Hearings, procedure, 45 CFR 99 Implementation, 45 CFR 98 Children, Youth, and Families Administration, child welfare services, financial requirements applicable to Title IV-B, Social Security Act, 45 CFR 1357 Claims collection, 45 CFR 30 Clinical trials registration and results information submission, 42 CFR 11 Consolidation of grants to insular areas for social programs, 45 CFR 97 COVID-19 diagnostic tests, price transparency, 45 CFR 182 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 376 Drug-free workplace requirements, financial assistance, 2 CFR 382 Employees, supplemental financial disclosure requirements, 5 CFR 5502 Federal real property use to assist homeless, 45 CFR 12a Health care access requirements-- CMS enforcement in group and individual insurance markets, 45 CFR 150 Group health insurance market requirements, 45 CFR 146 Health insurance coverage requirements, 45 CFR 144 Individual health insurance market requirements, 45 CFR 148 Reinsurance, risk corridors, and risk adjustment standards under the Affordable Care Act, 45 CFR 155 Health care infrastructure improvement program, 42 CFR 505 Health Care Reform Insurance Web Portal, 45 CFR 159 Health information technology-- Information blocking, 45 CFR 171 Standards, implementation specifications, certification criteria and certification programs, 45 CFR 170 Health insurance-- Exchange establishment standards and related standards under the Affordable Care Act, 45 CFR 155 Group and individual health insurance markets, health insurance reform requirements for, 45 CFR 147 Issuer rate increases, disclosure and review requirements, 45 CFR 154 Issuer standards under the Affordable Care Act, including requirements related to exchanges, 45 CFR 156 Issuer use of premium revenue, reporting and rebate requirements, 45 CFR 158 Surprise billing and transparency requirements, 45 CFR 149 Healthcare Integrity and Protection Data Bank for final adverse information on health care providers, suppliers and practitioners, 45 CFR 61 Hospital price transparency, 45 CFR 180 Human drugs, medication assisted treatment for opioid use disorders, 42 CFR 8 Human subjects, protection, 45 CFR 46 Lobbying restrictions, 45 CFR 93 Medical care and examinations, Indian health care services, 42 CFR 136, 42 CFR 136a National Institute for Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research, 45 CFR 1330 National practitioner data bank for adverse information on physicians and other health care practitioners, 45 CFR 60 Nondiscrimination on basis of age in federally assisted programs, 45 CFR 91 Nondiscrimination on basis of handicap in federally assisted or conducted programs and activities, 45 CFR 84 [[Page 792]] Nondiscrimination on basis of sex in federally assisted education programs, 45 CFR 86 Pharmacy benefit manager standards under the Affordable Care Act, 45 CFR 184 Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan Program, 45 CFR 152 Public and medical assistance and State children's health insurance grant programs, general administration, 45 CFR 95 Reissuance, risk corridors, and risk adjustment under Affordable Care Act; standards, 45 CFR 153 Statutory conscience rights protection, authority delegations, 45 CFR 88 Surplus real property, disposal and utilization for public health purposes, 45 CFR 12 Tribal self-governance, 42 CFR 137 Unaccompanied alien children, care and placement, 45 CFR 410 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for-- Federal awards, 2 CFR 300 HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Historic Preservation Advisory Council, urban development action grant program, historic preservation requirements, 36 CFR 801 Homeland Security Department Chemical facilities; anti-terrorism standards, 6 CFR 27 Cybersecurity Talent Management System (CTMS), 6 CFR 158 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 3000 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 2 CFR 3001 Human research subjects, protection of, 6 CFR 46 Human resources management system, 5 CFR 9701 Immigration-- Alien crewmembers; arrival and departure manifests and lists, supporting documents, 8 CFR 251 Alien crewmembers, landing, 8 CFR 252 Alien crewmembers, longshore work by alien crewmen, performance limitations, 8 CFR 258 Alien crewmembers, parole, 8 CFR 253 Aliens, control of employment, 8 CFR 274a Application for naturalization, 8 CFR 334 Arrival and departure manifests, 8 CFR 231 Asylum and withholding of removal procedures, 8 CFR 208 Certain resident aliens, status adjustment, 8 CFR 247 Certificate of naturalization, 8 CFR 338 Certificates of citizenship, 8 CFR 341 Denials of applications for naturalization, hearings, 8 CFR 336 Documentary requirements; nonimmigrants, waivers, admission of certain inadmissible aliens, parole, 8 CFR 212, 8 CFR 1212 Documentary requirements, waivers, 8 CFR 211 Immigrants, affidavits of support by sponsors, 8 CFR 213a Immigration forms, 8 CFR 299 Immigration regulations; benefit requests, USCIS filing requirements, biometric requirements, records availability, 8 CFR 103 Immigration user fee, 8 CFR 286 Naturalization, application, examination, 8 CFR 335 Naturalization, general requirements, 8 CFR 316 Naturalization, nationals and citizens of U.S. at birth, 8 CFR 301 Naturalization, nationals but not U.S. citizens; residence within outlying possessions, 8 CFR 325 Naturalization and citizenship papers lost, mutilated, or destroyed, new certificate in changed name, certified copy of repatriation proceedings, 8 CFR 343a Nonimmigrant aliens, 8 CFR 214 Nonimmigrant classification change, aliens, 8 CFR 248 Notice of address, 8 CFR 265 Permanent residence, creation of records of lawful admission of aliens, 8 CFR 249 [[Page 793]] Permanent residence, status adjustment to that of person admitted, 8 CFR 245 Persons admitted for lawful temporary or permanent resident status under Section 245A of Immigration and Nationality Act, status adjustment, 8 CFR 245a Persons applying for admission to U.S., inspection of, 8 CFR 235 Petitions, 8 CFR 204 Reentry permits, refugee travel documents, and advance parole documents for U.S., 8 CFR 223 Refugees, admission of, 8 CFR 207 Registration and fingerprinting of aliens in U.S., 8 CFR 264 Removal of aliens who have fallen into distress, 8 CFR 250 Representation and appearances at immigration hearings, 8 CFR 292 Special agricultural workers, 8 CFR 210 Special certificate of naturalization for recognition by foreign state, 8 CFR 343b Lobbying restrictions, 6 CFR 9 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs or activities, 6 CFR 15 Nondiscrimination on basis of race, color, or national origin in federally assisted programs or activities, 6 CFR 21 Protected critical infrastructure information, 6 CFR 29 REAL ID driver's licenses and identification cards, 6 CFR 37 Regulations to support anti-terrorism by fostering effective technologies, 6 CFR 25 Sexual abuse and assault prevention standards, 6 CFR 115 Special classes of persons who may be naturalized-- Child born outside and residing permanently in U.S., automatic acquisition of citizenship, requirements, 8 CFR 320 Child born outside U.S., citizenship certificate application requirements, 8 CFR 322 Naturalization based upon active duty service in U.S. Armed Forces during specified periods of hostilities, 8 CFR 329 Persons who die while serving on active duty with the U.S. Armed Forces during certain periods of hostilities, 8 CFR 392 Persons who lost U.S. citizenship through service in armed forces of foreign country during World War II, 8 CFR 327 Persons with 1 year of service in U.S. Armed Forces, 8 CFR 328 Seamen, 8 CFR 330 Spouses of U.S. citizens, 8 CFR 319 Women who have lost U.S. citizenship by marriage and former citizens whose naturalization is authorized by private law, 8 CFR 324 Transportation Security Oversight Board Review Panel, process and procedures, 6 CFR 126 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department Acquisition regulations, 48 CFR 2401 Civil rights matters, consolidated hearing procedures, 24 CFR 180 Community development block grant program, 24 CFR 570 Community development block grants for Indian tribes and Alaska Native villages, 24 CFR 1003 Community planning and development programs-- Consolidated submissions, 24 CFR 91 Expiring programs, savings clause, 24 CFR 500 Condominium ownership, mortgage insurance, 24 CFR 234 Cooperative housing mortgage insurance, 24 CFR 213 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 2424 Elderly, housing mortgage insurance, 24 CFR 231 Emergency Solutions Grants program, 24 CFR 576 Environmental review procedures for entities assuming HUD environmental responsibilities, 24 CFR 58 [[Page 794]] Equal Access to Justice Act, implementation, 24 CFR 14 Fair housing-- Certification and funding of State and local fair housing enforcement agencies, 24 CFR 115 Complaint processing, 24 CFR 103 Compliance procedures for affirmative fair housing marketing, 24 CFR 108 Discriminatory conduct under the Fair Housing Act, 24 CFR 100 Initiatives program, 24 CFR 125 Federal Housing Administration programs, 24 CFR 200 Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) and Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac), HUD Secretary's regulation, 24 CFR 81 Federal real property use to assist homeless, 24 CFR 581 General HUD program requirements, waivers, 24 CFR 5 Governmentwide debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 24 CFR 24 Grants and agreements with institutions of higher education, hospitals, and other non-profit organizations, uniform administrative requirements (OMB A-110 implementation), 24 CFR 84 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments, 24 CFR 85 Group practice health facilities, mortgage insurance, 24 CFR 244 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Insurance, 24 CFR 206 HOME investment partnerships program, 24 CFR 92 HOPE for Homeownership of Single Family Homes program (HOPE 3), 24 CFR 572 Hospitals, mortgage insurance, 24 CFR 242 Housing assistance and public and Indian housing programs-- Congregate housing services program, 24 CFR 700 Drug elimination programs, 24 CFR 761 Native American activities, 24 CFR 1000 Public housing agency Section 8 fraud recoveries, 24 CFR 792 Housing counseling program, 24 CFR 214 Housing opportunities for persons with AIDS, 24 CFR 574 Housing Trust Fund, 24 CFR 93 HUD-acquired and -owned single family property, disposition, 24 CFR 291 HUD Reform Act, 24 CFR 4 Human research subjects protection, 24 CFR 60 Indian HOME program, 24 CFR 954 Indian housing programs, loan guarantees, 24 CFR 1005 Investigations in consumer regulatory programs, 24 CFR 3800 Lead-based paint poisoning prevention in certain structures, 24 CFR 35 Loan guarantee recovery fund, 24 CFR 573 Lobbying restrictions, 24 CFR 87 Low and moderate income housing, flexible subsidy program for troubled projects, 24 CFR 219 Low cost and moderate income mortgage insurance, 24 CFR 221 Low income housing mortgages, prepayment, 24 CFR 248 Manufactured Home Dispute Resolution Program, 24 CFR 3288 Manufactured home installation program, 24 CFR 3286 Manufactured homes, procedural and enforcement regulations, 24 CFR 3282 Mortgage insurance and insured improvement loans for urban renewal and concentrated development areas, 24 CFR 220 Mortgagee Review Board, 24 CFR 25 Multifamily housing projects-- Coinsurance for construction or substantial rehabilitation, 24 CFR 251 Coinsurance for purchase or refinancing, 24 CFR 255 Housing finance agency risk-sharing program for insured affordable multifamily project loans, 24 CFR 266 [[Page 795]] Mortgage and housing assistance restructuring program (mark-to- market), 24 CFR 401 Mortgage insurance, 24 CFR 207 Subsidized projects, electronic transmission of required data for certification and recertification and subsidy billing procedures, 24 CFR 208 Tenant participation, 24 CFR 245 Multifamily housing projects disposition and sale of HUD-held multifamily mortgages, 24 CFR 290 Native Hawaiian housing-- Block grant program, 24 CFR 1006 Section 184A loan guarantees, 24 CFR 1007 Nondiscrimination and equal opportunity in housing under Executive Order 11063, 24 CFR 107 Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs, 24 CFR 1 Nondiscrimination in programs and activities receiving assistance under Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, Title I, 24 CFR 6 Nondiscrimination on basis of age in federally assisted programs, 24 CFR 146 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally assisted programs, 24 CFR 8 Nursing homes, intermediate care facilities, and board and care homes, mortgage coinsurance, 24 CFR 252 Nursing homes, intermediate care facilities, board and care homes, and assisted living facilities, mortgage insurance, 24 CFR 232 Property improvement and manufactured home programs, approval of lending institutions and mortgagees, 24 CFR 202 Public access to HUD records under Freedom of Information Act and testimony and production of information by HUD employees, 24 CFR 15 Public and Indian housing-- Housing Choice Voucher Program, 24 CFR 982 Section 8 and public housing family self-sufficiency program, 24 CFR 984 Section 8 management assessment program (SEMAP), 24 CFR 985 Section 8 project-based voucher program, 24 CFR 983 Public housing-- Agency plans, 24 CFR 903 Assessment system, 24 CFR 902 Buildings demolition or real property disposition, 24 CFR 970 Contracting with resident-owned businesses, 24 CFR 963 Designated housing-public housing designated for occupancy by disabled, elderly, or disabled and elderly families, 24 CFR 945 Homeownership programs, 24 CFR 906 Lease and grievance procedure, 24 CFR 966 Operating fund program, 24 CFR 990 PHA-owned or leased projects, general provisions, 24 CFR 965 Public housing agency consortia and public ventures, 24 CFR 943 Public housing capital fund program, 24 CFR 905 Public housing conversion to tenant-based assistance, 24 CFR 972 Substantial default by public housing agency, 24 CFR 907 Public housing, Indian housing, and Section 8 rental certificate, rental voucher, and moderate rehabilitation programs, electronic transmission of required family data, 24 CFR 908 Publicly owned residential structures, accessibility standards for design, construction, and alteration for handicapped, 24 CFR 40 Rehabilitation loan program, section 312, 24 CFR 510 Renewal communities, 24 CFR 599 Rental projects, mortgage insurance and interest reduction payments, 24 CFR 236 Rental rehabilitation grant program, 24 CFR 511 Revitalizing base closure communities and community assistance, community redevelopment and homeless assistance, 24 CFR 586 [[Page 796]] Section 8 housing assistance programs and Section 202 direct loan program-- Family Self-Sufficiency Program, 24 CFR 887 Housing development grants, 24 CFR 850 Moderate rehabilitation programs, 24 CFR 882 New construction, 24 CFR 880 New construction set-aside for section 515 rural rental housing projects, 24 CFR 884 Special allocations for HUD-insured projects, 24 CFR 886 State housing agencies, 24 CFR 883 Substantial rehabilitation, 24 CFR 881 Supportive housing for elderly and persons with disabilities, 24 CFR 891 Shelter Plus Care, 24 CFR 582 Single family mortgage insurance, 24 CFR 203 Supplementary financing for insured project mortgages, 24 CFR 241 Supportive housing program, 24 CFR 583 Tenant participation and tenant opportunities in public housing, 24 CFR 964 Title I property improvement and manufactured home loan insurance, 24 CFR 201 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 2400 Urban empowerment zones and enterprise communities-- Round one designations, 24 CFR 597 Round two and three designations, 24 CFR 598 Urban housing, 24 CFR 590 Youthbuild program, 24 CFR 585 Immigration Review, Executive Office for Admission to U.S., inspection of persons applying for, 8 CFR 1235 Appeals, records, and fees, 8 CFR 1103 Asylum and withholding of removal, procedures, 8 CFR 1208 Control of employment of aliens, 8 CFR 1274a Immigrant petitions, 8 CFR 1204 Immigrants and waivers of requirements, 8 CFR 1211 Immigration hearings, representation and appearances of persons at, 8 CFR 1292 Immigration review forms, 8 CFR 1299 Permanent residence-- Lawful admission of aliens, creation of records, 8 CFR 1249 Status adjustment for person admitted for, 8 CFR 1245 Refugees, admission, 8 CFR 1207 Indian Affairs Bureau Adult education program, 25 CFR 46 Child custody proceedings, tribal reassumption of jurisdiction, 25 CFR 13 Child welfare, 25 CFR 23 Class III gaming procedures, 25 CFR 291 Courts of Indian Offenses and law-and-order code, 25 CFR 11 Education personnel, 25 CFR 38 Electric power utilities, 25 CFR 175 Financial assistance and social services program, 25 CFR 20 Grants to tribal colleges and universities and dine college, 25 CFR 41 Hopi partitioned lands area, grazing regulations, 25 CFR 168 Housing Improvement Program, 25 CFR 256 Indian business development program, 25 CFR 286 Indian education contracts under Johnson O'Malley Act, 25 CFR 273 Indian revolving loan fund, 25 CFR 101 Indian Tribal Energy Development and Self Determination Act, tribal energy resource agreements, 25 CFR 224 Job Placement and Training Program, 25 CFR 26 Land acquisitions by U.S. in trust status for individual Indians and Indian Tribes, 25 CFR 151 Leasing of-- Allotted Indian lands for mineral development, 25 CFR 212 Five Civilized Tribes, Oklahoma; restricted lands for mining, 25 CFR 213 Osage Reservation, Oklahoma; lands for mining other than oil and gas, 25 CFR 214 Tribal lands for mineral development, 25 CFR 211 [[Page 797]] Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming, oil and gas mining on certain lands, 25 CFR 227 Loan guaranty, insurance, and interest subsidy, 25 CFR 103 Minimum academic standards for basic education of Indian children and national criteria for dormitory situations, 25 CFR 36 Navajo, Hopi, and Zuni reservations, business practices, 25 CFR 141 Nonimmigrants, waivers, admission of certain inadmissible aliens, parole of aliens into U.S.; documentary requirements, 8 CFR 1212 Oil and gas, geothermal, and solid minerals agreements, 25 CFR 225 Osage judgment funds, management for education, 25 CFR 122 Procedures for establishing that an American Indian group exists as an Indian tribe, 25 CFR 83 Quapaw Indian Agency, lead and zinc mining operations and leases, 25 CFR 215 Rights-of-way over Indian lands, 25 CFR 169 San Carlos Apache Tribe Development Trust Fund and Lease Fund, use and distribution, 25 CFR 183 Tribal government, secretarial election procedures, 25 CFR 81 Tribal revenue allocation plans, 25 CFR 290 Uniform administrative requirements for grants, 25 CFR 276 Industry and Security Bureau Additional protocol regulations-- Civil nuclear fuel cycle-related activities not involving nuclear materials, 15 CFR 783 Complementary access, 15 CFR 784 General information and overview, 15 CFR 781 Records and recordkeeping, 15 CFR 786 Reporting requirements and procedures, 15 CFR 782 Chemical Weapons Convention regulations-- Clarification procedures, consultations and challenge inspections, 15 CFR 717 Confidential business information, 15 CFR 718 Declaration, reporting, and notification requirements, general information, 15 CFR 711 Declared facilities, initial and routine inspections, 15 CFR 716 Records and recordkeeping, inspection, 15 CFR 721 Requirements, 15 CFR 745 Schedule 1 chemicals, activities involving, 15 CFR 712 Schedule 2 chemicals, activities involving, 15 CFR 713 Schedule 3 chemicals, activities involving, 15 CFR 714 Unscheduled discrete organic chemicals (UDCOs), activities involving, 15 CFR 715 Export Administration regulations-- Application processing, issuance, and denial, 15 CFR 750 Applications (classification, advisory, and license) and documentation, 15 CFR 748 Commerce Control List, 15 CFR 774 Embargoes and other special controls, 15 CFR 746 End-user and end-use based control policy, 15 CFR 744 Export clearance requirements and authorities, 15 CFR 758 Foreign availability determination procedures and criteria, 15 CFR 768 General information, 15 CFR 730 General prohibitions, 15 CFR 736 License exceptions, 15 CFR 740 Recordkeeping, 15 CFR 762 Restrictive trade practices or boycotts, 15 CFR 760 Short supply controls, 15 CFR 754 Software and technology exports, special reporting and notification, 15 CFR 743 Special comprehensive license, 15 CFR 752 Steps for using the EAR, 15 CFR 732 National Security Industrial Base regulations-- Industrial mobilization, defense priorities and allocations system, 15 CFR 700 [[Page 798]] Offset agreements in sales of weapon systems or defense-related items to foreign countries or foreign firms, reporting, 15 CFR 701 Information Security Oversight Office, classified National security information, 32 CFR 2001 Inspector General Office, Health and Human Services Department Advisory opinions, 42 CFR 1008 Health care practitioners and providers of health care services under Medicare, imposition of sanctions by peer review organization, 42 CFR 1004 Program integrity, State-initiated exclusions from Medicaid, 42 CFR 1002 State Medicaid fraud control units, 42 CFR 1007 Integrity and Efficiency, Council of the Inspectors General on Freedom of Information Act regulations, 5 CFR 9800 Privacy Act regulations, 5 CFR 9801 Inter-American Foundation Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 22 CFR 1006 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 22 CFR 1008 Intercountry Adoption Act-- Adoption agency accreditation and approval of persons, 22 CFR 96 Convention record preservation, 22 CFR 98 Interior Department Acquisition regulations-- Interior Department Acquisition Regulation System, 48 CFR 1401 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 1452 Alaska conservation system units, transportation and utility systems in and across, and access into, 43 CFR 36 Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System, requirements for equal opportunity during construction and operation, 43 CFR 34 Archaeological resources protection, uniform regulations, 43 CFR 7 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 1400 Drug-free workplace (financial assistance), requirements, 2 CFR 1401 Government property management, establishment of quarters rental rates, 41 CFR 114-52 Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, Tribal Self- Government Act amendments, annual funding agreements, 25 CFR 1000 Lobbying restrictions, 43 CFR 18 Native American graves protection and repatriation regulations, 43 CFR 10 Natural resource damage assessments, 43 CFR 11 Trans-Alaska Pipeline Authorization Act, nondiscrimination in activities, 43 CFR 27 Trans-Alaska Pipeline Liability Fund, 43 CFR 29 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 1402 Internal Revenue Service Employment tax and collection of employment tax at source regulations under Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility of 1982, 26 CFR 35 Employment taxes-- Contract coverage of employees of foreign subsidies, 26 CFR 36 Temporary regulations, Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, 26 CFR 420 Temporary regulations, Interest and Dividend Tax Compliance Act of 1983, 26 CFR 35a Temporary regulations, under Act of December 19, 1981 (Pub. L. 97- 123), 26 CFR 32 Employment taxes and collection of income tax at source, 26 CFR 31 Estate taxes-- Estates of decedents dying after August 16, 1954, 26 CFR 20 Generation-skipping transfer tax regulations under Tax Reform Act of 1986, 26 CFR 26 Temporary regulations, Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981, 26 CFR 22 Excise taxes-- Branded prescription drug fees, 26 CFR 51 [[Page 799]] Environmental taxes, 26 CFR 52 Facilities and services excise taxes, 26 CFR 49 Foundation and similar excise taxes, 26 CFR 53 Greenmail, 26 CFR 156 Manufacturers and retailers, 26 CFR 48 Pension, 26 CFR 54 Policies issued by foreign insurers and obligations not in registered form, 26 CFR 46 Procedural regulations, 26 CFR 40 Public charity, 26 CFR 56 Real estate investment trusts and regulated investment companies, 26 CFR 55 Structured settlement factoring transactions, 26 CFR 157 Tax on use of certain highway motor vehicles, 26 CFR 41 Temporary regulations, Highway Revenue Act of 1982 (Pub. L. 97-424), 26 CFR 145 Wagering taxes, effective January 1, 1955, 26 CFR 44 Gift taxes, gifts made after December 31, 1954, 26 CFR 25 Health insurance providers fee, 26 CFR 57 Income taxes-- Abatements, credits, and refunds, 26 CFR 1 (1.6411-2--1.6425-3) Accounting methods in general, 26 CFR 1 (1.446-1--1.448-2T) Accounting periods, 26 CFR 1 (1.441-0--1.444-4) Additions to tax, additional amounts, and assessable penalties, 26 CFR 1 (1.6654-1--1.6709-1T) Alternative minimum taxable income, 26 CFR 1 (1.55-1) Capital construction fund, 26 CFR 3 Capital gains and losses, 26 CFR 1 (1.1201-1--1.1297-3T) Collection, 26 CFR 1 (1.6302-1--1.6361-1) Cooperatives and their patrons, 26 CFR 1 (1.1381-1--1.1388-1) Deferred compensation; pension, profit sharing, stock bonus plans, etc., 26 CFR 1 (1.401-0--1.420-1) Domestic international sales corporations, 26 CFR 1 (1.991-1--1.997- 1) Education tax credit, 26 CFR 1 (1.25A-0--1.25A-5) Election of certain small business corporations as to taxable status, 26 CFR 1 (1.1361-0--1.1378-3) Export trade corporations, 26 CFR 1 (1.970-1--1.972-1) Farmers' cooperatives, exempt organizations, income taxes, 26 CFR 1 (1.521-1--1.522-4) Foreign corporations, 26 CFR 1 (1.881-0--1.884-5) Income averaging, 26 CFR 1 (1.1301-1) Income from U.S. possessions, 26 CFR 1 (1.931-1--1.936-11) Income sources determination, 26 CFR 1 (1.861-1--1.865-2) Individuals' Title 11 cases, 26 CFR 1 (1.1398-1--1.1400L(b)-1T) Insurance companies, capitalization of certain policy acquisition expenses, 26 CFR 1 (1.848-0--1.848-3) Insurance companies (other than life and mutual), 26 CFR 1 (1.831- 1--1.832-7T) Low-income housing tax credit, 26 CFR 1 (1.42-0--1.42-16) Maritime construction reserve fund, 26 CFR 2 Motor carrier operating authority deduction, 26 CFR 1 (1.9200-1-- 1.9200-2) Mutual insurance companies, 26 CFR 1 (1.821-1--1.826-7) Nonresident aliens and foreign corporations, 26 CFR 1 (1.871-1-- 1.897-9T) Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1980, Title II, temporary regulations on mortgage bonds, 26 CFR 6a Partners and partnerships, 26 CFR 1 (1.701-1--1.771-1) Payment extensions of time, 26 CFR 1 (1.6161-1--1.6165-1) Place and due date for payment of tax, 26 CFR 1 (1.6151-1--1.6154-4) Real estate investment trusts and regulated investment companies, 26 CFR 1 (1.851-1--1.860-5) [[Page 800]] Real estate mortgage investment conduit (REMIC), 26 CFR 1 (1.860A- 0--1.860G-3) Recovery of excessive profits, 26 CFR 1 (1.1471-1) Self-employment, 26 CFR 1 (1.1401-1--1.1403-1) Tax on transfers to avoid tax, 26 CFR 1 (1.1491-1--1.1494-2) Tax-exempt enterprise zone facility bonds, 26 CFR 1 (1.1394-0-- 1.1394-1) Tax-free covenant bonds, 26 CFR 1 (1.1451-1--1.1451-2) Valuation tables, 26 CFR 1 (1.7520-1--1.7520-4) Wash sales of stock or securities, 26 CFR 1 (1.1091-1--1.1092(d)-2) Income taxes, accounting periods and methods of accounting-- Adjustments, 26 CFR 1 (1.481-1--1.483-4) Inventories, 26 CFR 1 (1.471-1--1.475(e)-1) Taxable year for which deductions taken, 26 CFR 1 (1.461-0--1.469- 11) Taxable year for which items of gross income included, 26 CFR 1 (1.451-1--1.460-6) Income taxes, banking institutions-- General applications, 26 CFR 1 (1.581-1--1.586-2) Mutual savings banks, 26 CFR 1 (1.591-1--1.597-8) Income taxes, computation of taxable income-- Corporations, special deductions, 26 CFR 1 (1.241-1--1.249-1) Deductions for personal exemptions, 26 CFR 1 (1.151-1--1.154) Definition of gross income, adjusted gross income, and taxable income, 26 CFR 1 (1.61-1--1.67-4T) Itemized deductions for individuals, additional, 26 CFR 1 (1.211-1-- 1.219-2) Itemized deductions for individuals and corporations, 26 CFR 1 (1.161-1--1.197-2) Items not deductible, 26 CFR 1 (1.261-1--1.280H-1T) Items specifically excluded from gross income, 26 CFR 1 (1.101-1-- 1.133-1T) Items specifically included in gross income, 26 CFR 1 (1.71-1--1.88- 1) State and local bonds, tax exemption requirements, 26 CFR 1 (1.141- 0--1.150-4T) Terminal railroad corporations and their shareholders, 26 CFR 1 (1.281-1--1.281-4) Income taxes, consolidated returns-- Related rules, 26 CFR 1 (1.1551-1--1.1564-1) Returns and payment of tax, 26 CFR 1 (1.1502-0--1.1504-4) Income taxes, corporate distributions-- Definitions, constructive ownership of stock, 26 CFR 1 (1.316-1-- 1.318-4) Effects on corporations, 26 CFR 1 (1.312-1--1.312-15) Effects on recipients, 26 CFR 1 (1.301-1--1.307-2) Income taxes, corporate liquidations-- Collapsible corporations and foreign personal holding companies, 26 CFR 1 (1.341-1--1.342-1) Effects on corporation, 26 CFR 1 (1.337(d)-1--1.338(i)-1) Effects on recipients, 26 CFR 1 (1.331-1--1.334-1) Income taxes, corporate organizations and reorganizations-- Carryovers, 26 CFR 1 (1.381(a)-1--1.383-3) Effects on corporation, 26 CFR 1 (1.361-1--1.367(e)-2) Effects on shareholders and security holders, 26 CFR 1 (1.354-1-- 1.358-6) Insolvency reorganizations, 26 CFR 1 (1.371--1.374-4) Special rule, definitions, 26 CFR 1 (1.368-1--1.368-3) Transfer to corporation controlled by transferor, 26 CFR 1 (1.351- 1--1.351-3) Income taxes, corporations used to avoid income tax on shareholders-- [[Page 801]] Corporations improperly accumulating surplus, 26 CFR 1 (1.531-1-- 1.537-3) Deductions for dividends paid, 26 CFR 1 (1.561-1--1.565-6) Foreign personal holding companies, 26 CFR 1 (1.551-1--1.556-3) Personal holding companies, 26 CFR 1 (1.541-1--1.547-7) Income taxes, credits against tax-- Computing credit for expenses of work incentive programs, 26 CFR 1 (1.50A-1--1.50B-5) Computing credit for investment in certain depreciable property, 26 CFR 1 (1.46-1--1.50-1) Credits allowable, 26 CFR 1 (1.23-1--1.45D-1T) Mortgage credit certificates, 26 CFR 1 (1.25-1T--1.25-8T) New job credits, 26 CFR 1 (1.51-1--1.53-3) Income taxes, determination of tax liability-- Individuals, 26 CFR 1 (1.1-1--1.4-4) Minimum tax for tax preferences, 26 CFR 1 (1.56-0--1.58-9T) Income taxes, estates, trusts, and beneficiaries-- Election to treat trust as part of estate, 26 CFR 1 (1.645-1) Estates and trusts which may accumulate income or which distribute corpus, 26 CFR 1 (1.661(a)-1--1.664-4) General rules for taxation, 26 CFR 1 (1.641(a)-0--1.643(d)-2) Grantors and others treated as substantial owners, 26 CFR 1 (1.671- 1--1.679-7) Trusts treatment of excess distributions, 26 CFR 1 (1.665(a)-0A-- 1.669(b)-2 Income taxes, exempt organizations-- Business income taxation, 26 CFR 1 (1.511-1--1.514(g)-1) General, 26 CFR 1 (1.501(a)-1--1.505(c)-1T) Homeowners associations, 26 CFR 1 (1.528-1--1.528-10) Political organizations, 26 CFR 1 (1.527-1--1.527-9) Private foundations, 26 CFR 1 (1.507-1--1.509(e)-1 Income taxes, gain or loss on disposition of property-- Basis rules of general application, 26 CFR 1 (1.1011-1--1.1021-1) Exchanges in obedience to Securities and Exchange Commission orders, 26 CFR 1 (1.1081-1--1.1083-1) Special rules, 26 CFR 1 (1.1051-1--1.1060-1) Income taxes, income from sources outside U.S.-- Controlled foreign corporations, 26 CFR 1 (1.951-1--1.964-5) Domestic International Sales Corporations, 26 CFR 1 (1.921-1T), 26 CFR 1 (1.991-1--1.997-1) Earned income of citizens or residents of U.S., 26 CFR 1 (1.911-1-- 1.912-2) Foreign currency transactions, 26 CFR 1 (1.985-0--1.989(c)-1T) Foreign Sales Corporations, 26 CFR 1 (1.921-1T--1.927(f)-1) Foreign tax credit, 26 CFR 1 (1.901-1--1.907(f)-1A) Income taxes, jeopardy, bankruptcy, and receiverships, 26 CFR 1 (1.6851-1--1.6851-3) Tax court, 26 CFR 1 (1.7476-1--1.7476-3) Income taxes, life insurance companies-- Definition, tax imposed, 26 CFR 1 (1.801-1--1.803-7) Gain and loss from operations, 26 CFR 1 (1.809-1--1.812-9) Miscellaneous provisions, 26 CFR 1 (1.817-1--1.820-3) Income taxes, natural resources-- Depletion deductions and exploration expenditures, 26 CFR 1 (1.611- 0--1.617-4) Sales and exchanges, 26 CFR 1 (1.631-1--1.632-1) Income taxes, property disposition gain or loss-- Changes to effectuate FCC policy, 26 CFR 1 (1.1071-1--1.1071-4) Common nontaxable exchanges, 26 CFR 1 (1.1031-0--1.1044(a)-1) [[Page 802]] Income taxes, readjustment of tax between years and special limitations-- Mitigation of effect of limitations and other provisions, 26 CFR 1 (1.1311(a)-1--1.1314(c)-1) Other limitations, 26 CFR 1 (1.1346-1--1.1348-3) Income taxes, returns and records-- Extension of time for filing, place for filing, 26 CFR 1 (1.6081-1-- 1.6091-4) Information returns, 26 CFR 1 (1.6031(a)-1--1.6060-1) Miscellaneous provisions, 26 CFR 1 (1.6102-1--1.6115-1 Records, statements, and special returns, 26 CFR 1 (1.6001-1-- 1.6001-2) Signing and verifying returns and other documents, 26 CFR 1 (1.6061- 1--1.6065-1) Tax returns or statements, 26 CFR 1 (1.6011-1--1.6017-1) Time for filing returns and other documents, 26 CFR 1 (1.6071-1-- 1.6074-3) Income taxes, temporary regulations-- Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981, 26 CFR 5c Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, 26 CFR 11 Installment Sales Revision Act, 26 CFR 15a Relating to partial exclusion for certain conservation cost sharing payments, 26 CFR 16a Revenue Act of 1962, 26 CFR 16 Revenue Act of 1971, 26 CFR 12 Revenue Act of 1978, 26 CFR 5 Section 954 of Internal Revenue Code, 26 CFR 4 Subchapter S Revision Act of 1982, 26 CFR 18 Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982, 26 CFR 5f Tax Reform Act of 1969, 26 CFR 13 Tax Reform Act of 1976, 26 CFR 7 Income taxes, withholding of tax on nonresident aliens and foreign corporations, 26 CFR 1 (1.1441-0--1.1445-11T) Tax-free covenant bonds, application of withholding provisions, 26 CFR 1 (1.1461-1--1.1464-1) Indian Business Incubators Program, 25 CFR 1187 Indian Tribal Governmental Tax Status Act of 1982, temporary procedural and administrative tax regulations, 26 CFR 305 International Claims Settlement Act, taxes, 26 CFR 302 OMB control numbers under Paperwork Reduction Act, 26 CFR 602 Procedural rules statement, 26 CFR 601 Procedure and administration-- General regulations, 26 CFR 301 User fees, 26 CFR 300 Tax conventions-- Denmark, 26 CFR 521 France, 26 CFR 514 Ireland, 26 CFR 513 Switzerland, 26 CFR 509 Temporary regulations, Tax Reform Act of 1976, 26 CFR 404 International Boundary and Water Commission, U.S. and Mexico, archaeological resources protection, uniform regulations, 22 CFR 1104 International Development Finance Corporation, U.S.; lobbying restrictions, 22 CFR 712 Investment Security Office Investments in the U.S. by foreign persons, 31 CFR 800 Review of transactions involving foreign persons and critical technologies, pilot program, 31 CFR 801 Transactions by foreign persons involving real estate in the U.S., 31 CFR 802 International Trade Administration Aluminum Import Monitoring and Analysis system, 19 CFR 361 Antidumping and countervailing duties, 19 CFR 351 Cotton woven fabric imports, 15 CFR 336 Emergency relief work supplies, 19 CFR 358 Export trade certificates of review, 15 CFR 325 Instruments and apparatus for educational and scientific institutions, duty-free entry, 15 CFR 301 Short supply procedures, 19 CFR 357 Steel import monitoring and analysis system, 19 CFR 360 [[Page 803]] Watches, watch movements and jewelry, duty-free entry, 15 CFR 303 Worsted wool fabric imports, 15 CFR 335 International Trade Commission, safeguarding individual privacy, 19 CFR 201 Justice Department Accidental chemical release prevention requirements, off-site consequence analysis information distribution, 40 CFR 1400 Administrative matters, 48 CFR 2804 Americans with Disabilities Act, nondiscrimination on basis of disability-- Public accommodations and in commercial facilities, 28 CFR 36 State and local government services, 28 CFR 35 Child abuse and child pornography reporting designations and procedures, 28 CFR 81 Child Protection Restoration and Penalties Enhancement Act of 1990; Protection Act; Adam Walsh Child Protection Act of 2006; recordkeeping and record-inspection provisions, 28 CFR 75 Contracts-- Administration and audit services, 48 CFR 2842 Termination, 48 CFR 2849 Cost recovery regulations, Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act of 1994, 28 CFR 100 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 2867 DNA identification system, 28 CFR 28 Drug-free workplace requirements (grants), 28 CFR 83 Duty suspensions and reductions petitions, consideration process, 19 CFR 220 Emergency Federal law enforcement assistance, 28 CFR 65 Faith-based and other neighborhood organizations, partnership with, 28 CFR 38 Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as amended, administration and enforcement, 28 CFR 5 Human research subjects protection, 28 CFR 46 Information systems, 28 CFR 25 International energy program, 28 CFR 56 Justice Assistance Bureau grant programs, 28 CFR 33 Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Program Office, grant programs, 28 CFR 31 Lobbying restrictions, 28 CFR 69 Nondiscrimination and equal employment opportunity policies and procedures, 28 CFR 42 Organization, 28 CFR 0 Public safety officers' death, disability and educational benefits claims, 28 CFR 32 Quality assurance, 48 CFR 2846 Radiation Exposure Compensation Act, claims, 28 CFR 79 Sex offender registration and notification, 28 CFR 72 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 2800 Utility services, acquisition, 28 CFR 2841 Value engineering, 28 CFR 2848 Violence against women, 28 CFR 90 Labor Department Acquisition regulations-- Forms, 48 CFR 2953 Small businesses and small disadvantaged business concerns, 48 CFR 2919 Apprenticeship programs-- Equal employment opportunity, 29 CFR 30 Registration, labor standards, 29 CFR 29 Audits of States, local governments, and non-profit organizations, 29 CFR 99 Contractors and subcontractors on public buildings or public works financed by U.S. loans or grants, Federal wage requirements, 29 CFR 3 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 29 CFR 94 Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, as amended, procures for handling retaliation complaints under employee protection provisions of six environmental statutes and section 211 of the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, as amended, 29 CFR 24 Equal Access to Justice Act, 29 CFR 16 Federal claims collection, 29 CFR 20 [[Page 804]] Federal contractors-- Minimum wage, establishment, 29 CFR 10 Minimum wage, increase, 29 CFR 23 Paid sick leave for, establishment, 29 CFR 13 Grants and agreements with institutions of higher education, hospitals, and other non-profit organizations, and with commercial organizations, foreign governments, organizations under jurisdiction of foreign governments, and international organizations, uniform administrative requirements (OMB A-110 implementation), 29 CFR 95 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments, uniform administrative requirements (OMB A-102 implementation), 29 CFR 97 Grants, contracts, and other agreements; audit requirements, 29 CFR 96 Human subjects, protection, 29 CFR 21 Labor provisions, public contracts, Federal supply contracts, safety and health standards, 41 CFR 50-204 Labor standards-- Federal service contracts, 29 CFR 4 Federally financed and assisted construction contracts and non- construction contracts under the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, applicable provisions, 29 CFR 5 Lobbying restrictions, 29 CFR 93 Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs, 29 CFR 31 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs or activities, 29 CFR 32 Public contracts, general regulations, 41 CFR 50-201 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 2900 Wage rates, predetermination procedures, 29 CFR 1 Workforce Investment Act of 1998, implementation of nondiscrimination and equal opportunity provisions, 29 CFR 37 Labor Management Standards Office Employer reports of payments, agreements, or loans to labor organizations, 29 CFR 405 Labor organizations-- Annual financial reports, 29 CFR 403 Conduct standards, 29 CFR 458 Election provisions, 29 CFR 452 Information report, 29 CFR 402 Officers and employees report, 29 CFR 404 Trusteeship reports, 29 CFR 408 Labor relations consultants and other persons reporting, certain agreements with employers, 29 CFR 406 Surety companies, reports, 29 CFR 409 Land Management Bureau Alaska natives, land occupancy and use, 43 CFR 2560 Cadastral survey, 43 CFR 9180 Coal-- Competitive leasing, 43 CFR 3420 Existing leases management, 43 CFR 3450 Exploration and mining operations, 43 CFR 3480 Exploration licenses, 43 CFR 3410 Licenses to mine, 43 CFR 3440 Management provisions and limitations, 43 CFR 3470 Noncompetitive leases, 43 CFR 3430 Color of title and omitted lands, 43 CFR 2540 Desert land entries, 43 CFR 2520 Designated wilderness areas, management, 43 CFR 6300 Federal Land Policy Management Act, 43 CFR 2800 Forest products sale, 43 CFR 5400 Geothermal resources-- Leasing, 43 CFR 3200 Unit agreements, 43 CFR 3280 Grazing lands-- Administration, 43 CFR 4100 Reindeer in Alaska, general, 43 CFR 4300 Indian allotments, 43 CFR 2530 Leases, permits, and easements for non-Federal use of public lands, 43 CFR 2920 Mineral interests, federally owned, conveyance, 43 CFR 2720 Mineral leasing-- [[Page 805]] Solid minerals (other than coal) exploration and mining operations, 43 CFR 3590 Solid minerals other than coal and oil shale, 43 CFR 3500 Mineral Leasing Act, rights-of-way, 43 CFR 2880 Mineral materials disposal, 43 CFR 3600 Mineral patent applications, 43 CFR 3860 Minerals management-- Adverse claim, protests and conflicts, 43 CFR 3870 Annual assessment work requirements, 43 CFR 3836 Areas subject to special mining laws, 43 CFR 3820 Delinquent co-claimant's interests, acquiring, 43 CFR 3837 General regulations, 43 CFR 3000 Lands and minerals open for mining, 43 CFR 3810 Required fees, 43 CFR 3834 Stockraising Homestead Act (SRHA) lands, special procedures for locating and recording, 43 CFR 3838 Under general mining laws, 43 CFR 3800 Waivers from annual maintenance fees, 43 CFR 3835 Mining claims or sites-- Locating, 43 CFR 3832 Locating, recording, and maintaining, 43 CFR 3830 Recording, 43 CFR 3833 Mining in powersite withdrawals, 43 CFR 3730 Oil and gas leasing-- Combined hydrocarbon leasing, 43 CFR 3140 Competitive, 43 CFR 3120 Delegation of authority, cooperative agreements and contracts for inspection, 43 CFR 3190 General regulations, 43 CFR 3100 Helium contracts, 43 CFR 3195 National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska, 43 CFR 3130 Noncompetitive, 43 CFR 3110 Onshore oil and gas unit agreements, unproven areas, 43 CFR 3180 Oil shale management-- Exploration and leases, 43 CFR 3930 Exploration licenses, 43 CFR 3910 General, 43 CFR 3900 Leasing, 43 CFR 3920 Onshore oil and gas-- Geophysical exploration, 43 CFR 3150 Operations, 43 CFR 3160 Paleontological resources preservation, 43 CFR 49 Petrified wood, free use, 43 CFR 3620 Recreation and public purposes, public lands sales, 43 CFR 2740 Recreation permits on public lands, 43 CFR 2930 Timber-- Harvesting, contract award, 43 CFR 5450 Harvesting, contract modification, extension and assignment, 43 CFR 5470 Sales, conduct, 43 CFR 5440 Sales, preparation, 43 CFR 5420 Tramroads and logging roads, rights-of-way, 43 CFR 2810 Wild free-roaming horses and burros; protection, management, and control, 43 CFR 4700 Legal Services Corporation Case information disclosure, 45 CFR 1644 Information disclosure procedures under Freedom of Information Act, 45 CFR 1602 Private attorney involvement, 45 CFR 1614 Restrictions-- Aliens, restrictions on legal assistance to, 45 CFR 1626 Assisted suicide, euthanasia, and mercy killing, 45 CFR 1643 Lobbying and certain other activities, 45 CFR 1612 Subgrants, 45 CFR 1627 Timekeeping requirement, 45 CFR 1635 Management and Budget Office Circulars, 5 CFR 1310 Controlling paperwork burdens on public, 5 CFR 1320 Drug-free workplace, government assistance (financial assistance), 2 CFR 182 Federal financial assistance-- Never contract with the enemy, 2 CFR 183 [[Page 806]] Subaward and executive compensation information, reporting, 2 CFR 170 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 200 Universal identifier and system for award management, 2 CFR 25 Governmentwide debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), guidelines to agencies, 2 CFR 180 Prompt payment, 5 CFR 1315 Maritime Administration Cargo preference, U.S.-flag vessels, 46 CFR 381 Coastwise trade laws, administrative waivers, 46 CFR 388 Coastwise-qualified vessels for transportation of platform jackets, determination of availability, 46 CFR 389 Determination of fair and reasonable rates for carriage of bulk and packaged preference cargoes on U.S.-flag commercial vessels, 46 CFR 382 Documented vessels and other maritime interests, regulated transactions, 46 CFR 221 Marine hull insurance underwriters, approval, 46 CFR 249 Maritime carriers and related activities, uniform financial reporting requirements, 46 CFR 232 Maritime security program, 46 CFR 295, 46 CFR 296 Merchant marine training, 46 CFR 310 National Shipping Authority-- Financial transactions under agency agreements, procedures, 46 CFR 324 General agents authority and responsibility to have emergency vessel repairs done in foreign ports, 46 CFR 335 General agents responsibility for filing foreign repair entries and obtaining relief from customs duties on equipment used for ship repairs, 46 CFR 337 Master lump sum repair contract, procedures, 46 CFR 338 Preparation of invoices and payment of compensation under Order No. 47, 46 CFR 325 Slop chests, 46 CFR 328 Voyage data, 46 CFR 329 Voyage repairs and vessel equipment repairs in U.S. ports on vessels operated for National Shipping Authority under general agency agreements, authority and responsibility of general agents, 46 CFR 336 Records retention schedule, 46 CFR 380 Subsidized vessels and operators-- Condition surveys and maintenance and repair subsidy, 46 CFR 272 Construction-differential subsidy repayment, 46 CFR 276 Construction reserve funds, establishment, 46 CFR 287 Maritime carriers, application for subsidies and other direct financial aid, 46 CFR 251 Operating-differential subsidy, dividend policy for operators, 46 CFR 283 Operating-differential subsidy, liner vessels engaged in essential services in foreign commerce of U.S., 46 CFR 282 Operating-differential subsidy for bulk cargo vessels engaged in worldwide services, 46 CFR 252 Operating-differential subsidy for liners, 46 CFR 281 Operating-differential subsidy vessels reports, 46 CFR 280 U.S. citizenship, requirements, 46 CFR 355 Vessels-- Capital construction fund, 46 CFR 390 Financing assistance, obligation guarantees, 46 CFR 298 Mandatory position reporting system, establishment, 46 CFR 307 Tanker security program (TSP), 46 CFR 294 Vessels of 100 feet or greater in registered length, requirements to obtain fishery endorsement to vessel's documentation, 46 CFR 356 War risk insurance-- Miscellaneous regulations, 46 CFR 308 [[Page 807]] Valuation of vessels, 46 CFR 309 Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission, records and information disclosure, 5 CFR 9901 Millennium Challenge Corporation Official information and testimony by agency personnel as witnesses, release of, 22 CFR 1305 Production or disclosure of information, 22 CFR 1304 Mine Safety and Health Administration Dust collectors for use in connection with rock drilling in coal mines, 30 CFR 33 Electric motor driven mine equipment and accessories, 30 CFR 18 Equipment approval, testing by applicant or third party, 30 CFR 7 Explosives and sheathed explosive units used in underground mines, approval requirements, 30 CFR 15 Fire resistant hydraulic fluids, certification for use in mining equipment, 30 CFR 35 Hazard communication (HazCom), 30 CFR 47 Hazardous mine conditions, complaints and complaint processing procedures, 30 CFR 43 Independent contractors, identification and service of documents on, 30 CFR 45 Independent laboratories and non-MSHA product safety standards, testing and evaluation, 30 CFR 6 Mandatory safety and health standards-- Coal miners who have evidence of development of pneumoconiosis, 30 CFR 90 Pattern of violations, 30 CFR 104 Petition for modification, 30 CFR 44 Surface coal mines and surface work areas of underground coal mines, 30 CFR 77 Surface coal mines and surface work areas of underground coal mines, health standards, mandatory, 30 CFR 71 Surface metal and nonmetal mines, 30 CFR 56 Underground coal mines, 30 CFR 75 Underground metal and nonmetal mines, 30 CFR 57 Underground mines, 30 CFR 70 Mine operator's legal identity, notification, 30 CFR 41 Mine rescue teams, 30 CFR 49 Miners, safety training, 30 CFR 48 Miners engaged in shell dredging or employed at sand, gravel, surface stone, surface clay, colloidal phosphate, or surface limestone mines, training and retraining, 30 CFR 46 Miners' representative, 30 CFR 40 Notification, investigation, reports, and records of accidents, injuries, illnesses, employment, and coal production in mines, 30 CFR 50 Occupational noise exposure, 30 CFR 62 OMB control numbers under Paperwork Control Act, 30 CFR 3 Permissible mobile diesel-powered transportation equipment, approval requirements, 30 CFR 36 Telephone and signaling devices used in mines, 30 CFR 23 Minority Business Development Agency, determination of group eligibility for assistance, 15 CFR 1400 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Acquisition regulations-- Acquisition of commercial items, 48 CFR 1812 Contract financing, 48 CFR 1832 Contract modifications, 48 CFR 1843 Environment, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace, 48 CFR 1823 Federal Acquisition Regulations System, 48 CFR 1801 Patents, data, and copyright, 48 CFR 1827 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 1852 Debarment and suspension (procurement), 2 CFR 1880 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 14 CFR 1267 Research, protection of human subjects, 14 CFR 1230 National Archives and Records Administration [[Page 808]] Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 2600 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 36 CFR 1212 Lobbying, new restrictions, 14 CFR 1271 National Historical Publications and Records Commission, 36 CFR 1206 Restrictions on use of records, 36 CFR 1256 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 2600 National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service; systems of records, 1 CFR 426 National Credit Union Administration Advertising accuracy and notice of insured status, 12 CFR 740 Bank conversions and mergers, 12 CFR 708a Central liquidity facility, 12 CFR 725 Community development revolving loan fund access for credit unions, 12 CFR 705 Consumer financial information, privacy, 12 CFR 716 Corporate credit unions, 12 CFR 704 Credit union service organizations (CUSOs), 12 CFR 712 Fair credit reporting, 12 CFR 717 Federal credit unions-- Capital adequacy, 12 CFR 702 Investment and deposit activities, 12 CFR 703 Organization and operations, 12 CFR 701 Insurance requirements, 12 CFR 741 Leasing, 12 CFR 714 Loans in areas having special flood hazards, credit union requirements, 12 CFR 760 Member business loans, commercial lending, 12 CFR 723 Mergers of insured credit unions into other credit unions, voluntary termination or conversion of insured status, 12 CFR 708b Real estate appraisals, 12 CFR 722 Record retention; Catastrophic Act guidelines, 12 CFR 749 Regulatory flexibility program, 12 CFR 742 Residential mortgage loan originators, registration, 12 CFR 761 Security program, suspicious transactions, catastrophic acts, cyber incidents, and Bank Secrecy Act compliance, 12 CFR 748 Supervisory committee audits and verifications, 12 CFR 715 Trustees and custodians of pension plans, 12 CFR 724 Truth in savings, 12 CFR 707 Voluntary liquidation, 12 CFR 710 National Drug Control Policy Office; uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 3603 National Foundation on the Arts and Humanities Museum and Library Services Institute-- Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 3185 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 2 CFR 3186 National Endowment for the Arts-- Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 3254 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 2 CFR 3256 Lobbying restrictions, 45 CFR 1158 Nondiscrimination on basis of age, 45 CFR 1156 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities-- Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 3369 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 2 CFR 3373 Lobbying restrictions, 45 CFR 1168 Nondiscrimination on basis of age, 45 CFR 1172 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 3374 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Automobile parts content labeling, 49 CFR 583 Confidential business information, 49 CFR 512 [[Page 809]] Foreign manufacturers and importers, process service, 49 CFR 551 Fuel economy-- Credits, transfer and trading, 49 CFR 536 Manufacturing incentives for alternative fuel vehicles, 49 CFR 538 Reports by manufacturers, 49 CFR 537 Highway safety-- National Driver Register Problem Driver Pointer System, procedures for participating in and receiving information from, 23 CFR 1327 Safety belt use, uniform criteria for State observational surveys, 23 CFR 1340 State programs, Uniform procedures, 23 CFR 1200, 23 CFR 1300 Importation of vehicles and equipment subject to Federal safety, bumper and theft prevention standards, 49 CFR 591 Motor vehicle safety-- Advanced air bag phase-in reporting requirements, 49 CFR 585 Certification, 49 CFR 567 Child restraint systems recordkeeping requirements, 49 CFR 588 Consumer information, 49 CFR 575 Defect and noncompliance, reporting of information and communications about potential defects, 49 CFR 579 Defect and noncompliance responsibility and reports, 49 CFR 573 Defects remedy, hearings petitions, 49 CFR 557 Event data recorders, 49 CFR 563 General regulations, 49 CFR 571 Inconsequential defect or noncompliance exemption, 49 CFR 556 Manufacturer identification, 49 CFR 566 Manufacturers, record retention, 49 CFR 576 Petitions for rulemaking, defect and noncompliance orders, 49 CFR 552 Replaceable light source information, 49 CFR 564 Replica motor vehicles, 49 CFR 586 Safety belts use, safety incentive grants, allocations based on seat belt use rates, 23 CFR 1240 Motor vehicle safety, vehicles not originally manufactured to conform to Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards-- Import eligibility determination, 49 CFR 593 Registered importers, 49 CFR 592 Motor vehicle theft prevention standard-- Exemption, 49 CFR 543 Federal standard, 49 CFR 541 Procedures for selecting light duty truck lines to be covered, 49 CFR 542 Odometer disclosure requirements, 49 CFR 580 OMB control numbers for information collection requirements, 49 CFR 509 Tire identification and record keeping, 49 CFR 574 Tires, regrooved, 49 CFR 569 Vehicle identification number requirements, 49 CFR 565 National Indian Gaming Commission Appeal proceedings before the Commission-- Management contracts or amendments to management contracts, appeals from approvals or disapprovals, 25 CFR 583 Motions, 25 CFR 581 Background investigations for primary management officials and key employees, 25 CFR 556 Class II gaming-- Minimum internal control standards, 25 CFR 543 Self-regulation, 25 CFR 518 Systems and equipment, minimum technical standards, 25 CFR 547 Commission information collection requirements under Paperwork Reduction Act, OMB control numbers and expiration dates, 25 CFR 503 Facility license notifications and submissions, 25 CFR 559 Fees, 25 CFR 514 Gaming ordinances or resolutions-- Review and approval of existing, 25 CFR 523 Submission, 25 CFR 522 [[Page 810]] Indian Gaming Regulatory Act-- Civil fines, 25 CFR 575 Monitoring and investigations, 25 CFR 571 Management contracts-- Approval, 25 CFR 533 Background investigations for persons or entities with financial interest in, or having management responsibility, 25 CFR 537 Post-approval procedures, 25 CFR 535 Minimum internal control standards, 25 CFR 542 Privacy Act procedures, 25 CFR 515 Service of official documents, 25 CFR 519 Testimony of commissioners and employees and former commissioners and employees respecting official duties; response to subpoena, 25 CFR 516 National Institute of Food and Agriculture Agricultural research and extension capacity funds at 1890 land-grant institutions, including Central State University, Tuskegee University, and West Virginia State University and at 1862 land- grant institutions in insular areas; matching funds requirement, 7 CFR 3419 Agricultural research, education, and extension formula funds recipients, stakeholder input requirements, 7 CFR 3418 Biotechnology risk assessment research grants program, 7 CFR 3415 Competitive and non-competitive non-formula Federal assistance programs, general award administrative provisions, 7 CFR 3430 Food and agricultural sciences National Needs Graduate and Postgraduate Fellowship Grants Program, 7 CFR 3402 Higher Education Challenge grants program, 7 CFR 3405 Institution capacity building grants program (1890), 7 CFR 3406 Rangeland research grants program, 7 CFR 3401 National Institute of Standards and Technology Advanced technology program, 15 CFR 295 Fastener quality, 15 CFR 280 Federal conformity assessment guidance, 15 CFR 287 Manufacturing extension partnership, infrastructure development projects, 15 CFR 292 National voluntary conformity assessment system evaluation program, 15 CFR 286 National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program, 15 CFR 285 Technology innovation program, 15 CFR 296 National Labor Relations Board, Series 8 rules and regulations, 29 CFR 102 National Mediation Board; supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 10101 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Anadromous fisheries conservation, development and enhancement, 50 CFR 401 Atlantic coastal fisheries cooperative management, 50 CFR 697 Atlantic highly migratory species, 50 CFR 635 Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and South Atlantic fisheries, 50 CFR 622 Coastal zone management program-- Federal consistency with approved programs, 15 CFR 930 Regulations, 15 CFR 923 Commercial fisheries, authorization under the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972, 50 CFR 229 Deep seabed mining regulations-- Commercial recovery permits, 15 CFR 971 Exploration licenses, 15 CFR 970 Exclusive Economic Zone off Alaska, fisheries-- Implementation, 50 CFR 679 Shellfish, 50 CFR 680 Fisheries assistance programs, 50 CFR 253 Fishermen's Contingency Fund, 50 CFR 296 Fishery management plans, Magnuson-Stevens Act provisions, 50 CFR 600 Fishing vessels, Capital Construction Fund tax regulations, 50 CFR 259 [[Page 811]] Information collection requirements under Paperwork Reduction Act; OMB control numbers, 15 CFR 902 International fisheries regulations, 50 CFR 300 Marine mammals-- Endangered marine and anadromous species, 50 CFR 224 General endangered and threatened marine species, 50 CFR 222 Management authority transfer to States, 50 CFR 403 Taking and importing, 50 CFR 216, 50 CFR 218, 50 CFR 219 Taking incidental to specified activities, 50 CFR 217 National Estuarine Research Reserve System regulations, 15 CFR 921 National Marine Sanctuary program regulations, 15 CFR 922 National Sea Grant program-- Funding regulations, 15 CFR 917 Sea Grant colleges and regional consortia, 15 CFR 918 Northeastern U.S. fisheries, 50 CFR 648 Off West Coast fisheries, 50 CFR 660 Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument, 50 CFR 404 Private remote sensing space systems, licensing, 15 CFR 960 Species-specific seafood marketing councils, 50 CFR 270 Weather modification activities, maintaining records and submitting reports, 15 CFR 908 Western Pacific fisheries, 50 CFR 665 Whaling provisions, 50 CFR 230 National Park Service Boating and water use activities, 36 CFR 3 Concession contracts, 36 CFR 51 El Portal Administrative Site regulations, 36 CFR 34 Fire Island National Seashore, zoning standards, 36 CFR 28 Historic preservation certifications under the Internal Revenue Code, 36 CFR 67 Land and Water Conservation Fund program of assistance to States; post-completion compliance responsibilities, 36 CFR 59 Leasing of properties in park areas, 36 CFR 18 National cemetery regulations, 36 CFR 12 National Park Service concessioners, labor standards applicable to employees, 36 CFR 8 National Park System-- Alaska, units in, 36 CFR 13 Specific areas, special regulations, 36 CFR 7 Provisions, general, 36 CFR 1 Recreation and conservation use of abandoned railroad rights-of-way, grants and allocations, 36 CFR 64 Resource protection, public use and recreation, 36 CFR 2 Solid waste disposal sites in National Park System units, 36 CFR 6 State, Tribal, and local government historic preservation programs, procedures, 36 CFR 61 Urban Park and Recreation Recovery Act, grants and discretionary funding, 36 CFR 72 National Science Foundation Antarctic animals and plants, conservation, 45 CFR 670 Antarctic non-governmental expeditions, 45 CFR 673 Cybercorps Scholarship for Service (SFS) program, 44 CFR 296 Debarment and Suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 2520 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 45 CFR 630 Human research subjects protection, 45 CFR 690 Lobbying restrictions, 45 CFR 604 Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs, 45 CFR 611 Patent rights, 45 CFR 650 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 2500 National Technical Information Service, licensing of Government-owned inventions, 37 CFR 404 National Transportation Safety Board Aircraft accidents or incidents and overdue aircraft notification and reporting and preservation of aircraft wreckage, mail, cargo, and records, 49 CFR 830 [[Page 812]] Railroad accidents, rules pertaining to notification, 49 CFR 840 Transportation investigative hearings, meetings, reports and petitions for reconsideration; rules of practice, 49 CFR 845 Natural Resources Revenue Office Audits and inspections, 30 CFR 1217 Cooperative activities with States and Indian tribes, 30 CFR 1228 Delegation to States, 30 CFR 1227, 30 CFR 1229 Forms and reports, 30 CFR 1210 Outer continental shelf oil and gas, accounting procedures for determining net profit share payment for, 30 CFR 1220 Product valuation, 30 CFR 1206 Records and files maintenance, 30 CFR 1212 Royalties, 30 CFR 1202 Royalties, rentals, bonuses, and other monies due the Federal Government; collection, 30 CFR 1218 Sale of Federal royalty oil, 30 CFR 1208 Sales agreements or contracts governing the disposal of lease products, 30 CFR 1207 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Acquisition regulations, Nuclear Regulatory Commission Acquisition Regulation System, 48 CFR 2001 Atomic Energy Act, licensing exemptions and continued regulatory authority in agreement States and in offshore waters under Sec. 174, 10 CFR 150 Byproduct material-- Domestic licensing, 10 CFR 30 General domestic licenses, 10 CFR 31 Manufacture or transfer certain items containing byproduct material, specific domestic licenses, 10 CFR 32 Medical use, 10 CFR 35 Specific domestic licenses of broad scope, 10 CFR 33 Classified information, access authorization, 10 CFR 25 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 2000 Domestic licensing and related regulatory functions, environmental protection regulations, 10 CFR 51 Financial protection requirements and indemnity agreements, 10 CFR 140 Fitness for duty programs, 10 CFR 26 Gaseous diffusion plants, certification, 10 CFR 76 Independent storage of spent nuclear fuel, high-level radioactive waste, and reactor-related greater than class C waste, licensing requirements, 10 CFR 72 Industrial radiography licenses and radiation safety requirements for industrial radiographic operations, 10 CFR 34 Licenses and radiation safety requirements-- Irradiators, 10 CFR 36 Well logging, 10 CFR 39 Material control and accounting of special nuclear material, 10 CFR 74 National security information and restricted data, facility security clearance and safeguarding of, 10 CFR 95 Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs, 10 CFR 4 Notices, instructions, and reports to workers of NRC licensees, inspection and investigations, 10 CFR 19 Nuclear equipment and material, export and import, 10 CFR 110 Nuclear material safeguards, implementation of safeguard agreements between United States and the International Atomic Energy Agency, 10 CFR 75 Nuclear plants and materials, physical protection, 10 CFR 73 Nuclear power plants-- Licenses, certifications, and approvals, 10 CFR 52 Operating licenses renewal requirements, 10 CFR 54 Operators' licenses, 10 CFR 55 Patent licenses, standard specifications for granting, 10 CFR 81 Practice and procedure rules, 10 CFR 2 Production and utilization facilities, domestic licensing, 10 CFR 50 Public records, 10 CFR 9 Radiation, protection standards against, 10 CFR 20 Radioactive materials-- [[Page 813]] Category 1 and category 2 quantities, physical protection, 10 CFR 37 Packaging and transportation, 10 CFR 71 Radioactive waste-- Emergency access to non-Federal and regional low-level waste disposal facilities, criteria and procedures, 10 CFR 62 High-level radioactive wastes, disposal in geologic repositories, 10 CFR 60 Land disposal, licensing requirements, 10 CFR 61 Yucca Mountain, Nevada, geologic repository, high-level radioactive wastes disposal, 10 CFR 63 Reactor site criteria, 10 CFR 100 Safety defects and noncompliance by Commission licensees, reporting, 10 CFR 21 Source material, domestic licensing, 10 CFR 40 Special nuclear material-- Criteria and procedures for determining eligibility for access to or control over, 10 CFR 11 Domestic licensing, 10 CFR 70 Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board Privacy Act, 10 CFR 1304 Public information and requests, 10 CFR 1303 Occupational Safety and Health Administration Consultation agreements, 29 CFR 1908 Discrimination complaints, handling procedures-- Pipeline Safety Improvement Act of 2002 (Section 6), 29 CFR 1981 Wendell H. Ford Aviation Investment and Reform Act for 21st Century (Section 519), 29 CFR 1979 Federal employee safety and health programs and related matters, basic program elements, 29 CFR 1960 Inspections, citations and proposed penalties for violations of Williams-Steiger Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, 29 CFR 1903 Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act, marine terminals, 29 CFR 1917 Occupational injuries and illnesses, recording and reporting, 29 CFR 1904 Occupational safety and health regulations-- Construction industry, 29 CFR 1926 Longshoring, 29 CFR 1918 Occupational safety and health standards, 29 CFR 1910 Retaliation complaints, handling procedures-- Affordable Care Act, complaints under section 1558, 29 CFR 1984 Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010, complaints under employee protection provision, 29 CFR 1985 Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008, complaints under section 219, 29 CFR 1983 FDA Food Safety Modernization Act, complaints under section 402, 29 CFR 1987 Moving Ahead or Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21), complaints under section 31307, 29 CFR 1988 National Transit System Security Act and the Federal Railroad Safety Act, 29 CFR 1982 Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, as amended; complaints under section 806, 29 CFR 1980 Seaman's Protection Act (SPA), complaints under employee protection provision, as amended, 29 CFR 1986 Shipyard employment, occupational safety and health standards, 29 CFR 1915 State plans for development and enforcement of State standards, 29 CFR 1902 State standards enforcement, 29 CFR 1952 Vessel cargo gear certification, 29 CFR 1919 Ocean Energy Management Bureau, Outer Continental Shelf Geological and geophysical explorations, 30 CFR 551 Minerals other than oil, gas, and sulphur-- Leasing, 30 CFR 581 Operations, 30 CFR 582 Prospecting, 30 CFR 580 Nondiscrimination, 30 CFR 570 [[Page 814]] Offshore facilities, oil spill financial responsibility for, 30 CFR 553 Oil and gas-- Information program, 30 CFR 552 Leasing, 30 CFR 560 Oil and gas and sulphur-- Leasing and bonding requirements, 30 CFR 556 Operations, 30 CFR 550 Renewable energy, 30 CFR 585 Sand, gravel, and/or shell resources use, negotiated noncompetitive agreements, 30 CFR 583 Patent and Trademark Office Assignment, recording and rights of assignee, 37 CFR 3 Invention promoters, complaints regarding, 37 CFR 4 Patent Appeals and Interferences Board, practice before, 37 CFR 41 Patent cases, practice rules, 37 CFR 1 Representation of others before, 37 CFR 11 Peace Corps Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 3700 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 22 CFR 312 Lobbying restrictions, 22 CFR 311 Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation Filing, issuance, computation of time, and record retention, 29 CFR 4000 Multiemployer plans, insolvency, reorganization, termination, etc.-- Duties of plan sponsor following mass withdrawal, 29 CFR 4281 Eligible plans, partitions, 29 CFR 4233 Mergers and transfers between, 29 CFR 4231 Insolvency plan, duties of plan sponsor, 29 CFR 4245 Special financial assistance, 29 CFR 4262 Multiemployer plans, termination, 29 CFR 4041A Multiemployer plans, withdrawal liability-- Extension of special rules, 29 CFR 4203 Notice, collection, and redetermination, 29 CFR 4219 PBGC approval of plan amendments, procedures, 29 CFR 4220 Reduction or waiver of partial withdrawal liability, 29 CFR 4208 Unfunded vested benefits, allocation, 29 CFR 4211 Variances for sale of assets, 29 CFR 4204 Single-employer and multiemployer plans-- Annual report, 29 CFR 4065 Insurance premiums payment, 29 CFR 4007 Single-employer plans-- Annual financial and actuarial information reporting, 29 CFR 4010 Assets allocation,9 CFR 4044 Benefits payable in terminated plans, 29 CFR 4022 Liability for termination, 29 CFR 4062 Missing participants, 29 CFR 4050 Reportable events and certain other notification requirements, 29 CFR 4043 Termination, 29 CFR 4041 People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled, Committee for Purchase From; nonprofit organizations, qualification and responsibilities, 41 CFR 51-4 Personnel Management Office Absence and Leave regulations, 5 CFR 630 Acquisition regulations-- Cost accounting standards, 48 CFR 1699 Federal Employees Health Benefits program --Contract clauses, 48 CFR 1652 --Definitions of words and terms, 48 CFR 1602 --Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 1603 Affirmative employment programs, 5 CFR 720 Annuitants reemployment, 5 CFR 837 Charitable contributions to private voluntary organizations, solicitation of Federal civilian and uniformed service personnel, 5 CFR 950 Civil Service Retirement System, 5 CFR 831 Critical position pay authority, 5 CFR 535 [[Page 815]] Employee testimony relating to official information and production of official records in legal proceedings, 5 CFR 295 Employment practices, statutory bar to appointment of persons who fail to register under Selective Service law, 5 CFR 300 Excepted service, 5 CFR 213 Federal Employees' Dental and Vision Insurance Program, 5 CFR 894 Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, 5 CFR 890 Health insurance, Multi-State Plan Program, 45 CFR 800 Information Technology Exchange Program, 5 CFR 370 New OPM regulations, posting notices, 5 CFR 110 Pay-- Pay and grade retention, 5 CFR 536 Prevailing rate systems, 5 CFR 532 Rates and systems, 5 CFR 530 Retired Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, 5 CFR 891 Retirement-- Coverage elections by current and former employees of nonappropriated fund instrumentalities, 5 CFR 847 Coverage errors correction under Federal Erroneous Retirement Coverage Corrections Act, 5 CFR 839 Electronic processing, 5 CFR 850 Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration Hazardous materials-- Program procedures, 49 CFR 107 Public sector training and planning grants, 49 CFR 110 Hazardous materials table, special provisions, hazardous materials communications, emergency response information, training requirements, and security plans, 49 CFR 172 Hazardous materials transportation-- Aircraft, carriage by, 49 CFR 175 General information, regulations, and definitions, 49 CFR 171 Packagings, continuing qualification and maintenance, 49 CFR 180 Packagings, specifications, 49 CFR 178 Public highway, carriage by, 49 CFR 177 Rail, carriage by, 49 CFR 174 Tank car specifications, 49 CFR 179 Oil transportation, oil spill prevention and response plans, 49 CFR 130 Pipeline safety-- Employee drug and alcohol testing, 49 CFR 199 Hazardous liquids, transportation by pipeline, 49 CFR 195 Liquefied natural gas facilities, Federal safety standards, 49 CFR 193 Natural and other gas transportation by pipeline; annual reports, incident reports, and other reporting, 49 CFR 191 Natural and other gas transportation by pipeline, minimum Federal safety standards, 49 CFR 192 Onshore oil pipelines, response plans, 49 CFR 194 State pipeline safety programs, grant regulations, 49 CFR 198 Shippers, general requirements for shipment and packaging, 49 CFR 173 Vessel, carriage by, 49 CFR 176 Postal Regulatory Commission Privacy Act rules, 39 CFR 3005 Periodic reporting, 39 CFR 3050 Public records and Freedom of Information Act, 39 CFR 3006 Service performance and customer satisfaction reporting, 39 CFR 3055 Theoretical competitive products enterprise, 39 CFR 3060 Presidio Trust Debt collection, 36 CFR 1011 General provisions, 36 CFR 1001 Legal process, testimony by employees and production of records, 36 CFR 1012 Prisons Bureau, research, 28 CFR 512 Public Health Service Agency for Health Care Policy and Research grants and contracts, 42 CFR 67 Black lung clinics program grants, 42 CFR 55a Commissioned officers, involuntary child and spousal support allotments, 42 CFR 21 Disease control grants, 42 CFR 51b [[Page 816]] Family planning services, grants, 42 CFR 59 Grants-- Community health centers, 42 CFR 51c Construction of teaching facilities, educational improvements, scholarships and student loans, 42 CFR 57 Health care policies of general applicability, 42 CFR 50 Health education assistance loan program, 42 CFR 60 Maternal and child health project grants, 42 CFR 51a National Institutes of Health center grants, 42 CFR 52a Health assessments and health effects studies of hazardous substances releases and facilities, administrative functions, practices, and procedures, 42 CFR 90 Health planning and resources development, medical facility construction and modernization, 42 CFR 124 Human quarantine-- Foreign, 42 CFR 71 Interstate, 42 CFR 70 Mental health and substance abuse emergency response procedures, 42 CFR 51d Mental illness program, protection and advocacy for individuals, applicable requirements, 42 CFR 51 Migrant workers, health services grants, 42 CFR 56 Minority biomedical research support program, 42 CFR 52c National Cancer Institute, clinical cancer education program, 42 CFR 52d National Health Service Corps-- Personnel, 42 CFR 23 Scholarship and loan repayment programs, 42 CFR 62 National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, prevention and control projects, grants, 42 CFR 52e National Institute of Child Health and Human Development contraception and infertility research loan repayment program, 42 CFR 68c National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences hazardous waste worker training, 42 CFR 65 National Institutes of Health, construction grants, 42 CFR 52b National Library of Medicine-- General provisions, 42 CFR 4 Grants, 42 CFR 59a Training grants, 42 CFR 64 Occupational safety and health-- Education programs in occupational safety and health, grants, 42 CFR 86 National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health research and demonstration grants, 42 CFR 87 Respiratory protective devices, approval, 42 CFR 84 Organ procurement and transplantation network, 42 CFR 121 Patient safety organizations and patient safety work product, 42 CFR 3 Research misconduct policies, 42 CFR 93 Research projects grants, 42 CFR 52 Research subjects, identity protection, 42 CFR 2a Select agents and toxins, 42 CFR 73 Senior Biomedical Research and Biomedical Product Assessment Service, 42 CFR 24 Public Utility Holding Company Act of 2005, Federal Power Act and Natural Gas Act Books and records, 18 CFR 366 Centralized service companies, uniform system of accounts, 18 CFR 367 Railroad Retirement Board Annuity beginning and ending dates, 20 CFR 218 Evidence required for payment, 20 CFR 219 General administration, 20 CFR 200 Qualified employee, 20 CFR 302 Railroad retirement-- Annuity or lump sum application, 20 CFR 217 Creditable railroad service, 20 CFR 210 Eligibility for an annuity, 20 CFR 216 Employee representatives, 20 CFR 205 Lump sum payments, 20 CFR 234 Months annuities not payable by reason of work, 20 CFR 230 [[Page 817]] Payments pursuant to court decree or court-approved property settlement, 20 CFR 295 Railroad employers reports and responsibilities, 20 CFR 209 Representative payment, 20 CFR 266 Requests for reconsideration and appeals within Board, 20 CFR 260 Railroad unemployment insurance-- Determination of daily benefit rates, 20 CFR 330 Duration of normal and extended benefits, 20 CFR 336 Electronic applications filing, 20 CFR 321 Employers' contributions and contribution reports, 20 CFR 345 Initial determinations, reviews and appeals, 20 CFR 320 Registration for railroad unemployment benefits, 20 CFR 325 Remuneration, 20 CFR 322 Representative payment, 20 CFR 348 Sickness benefits, 20 CFR 335 Statutory lien where sickness benefits paid, 20 CFR 341 Substance use disorder, confidentiality of patient records, 42 CFR 2 Reclamation Bureau Acreage limitation rules and regulations, 43 CFR 426 Information requirements for certain farm operations in excess of 960 acres and eligibility of certain formerly excess land, 43 CFR 428 Water conservation rules and regulations, 43 CFR 427 Refugee Resettlement Office Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, State legalization impact assistance grants, 45 CFR 402 Refugee Resettlement program, prescribed requirements concerning grants to States and other public and private non-profit agencies, 45 CFR 400 Rural Business-Cooperative Service Advanced biofuel and biorefineries payment programs, 7 CFR 4288 Cooperative agreements, 7 CFR 4285 Direct and insured loanmaking, 7 CFR 4274 Grants, 7 CFR 4284 Guaranteed loanmaking, 7 CFR 4279 Loan servicing, 7 CFR 4287 Rural Business Investment Company Program, 7 CFR 4290 Rural development Account servicing and collections policies, 7 CFR 1951 Applications, receiving and processing, 7 CFR 1910 Associations, program regulations, 7 CFR 1942 Debt settlement, 7 CFR 1956 General program regulations, 7 CFR 1940, 7 CFR 1980 General provisions, farm loans, 7 CFR 1900 Housing, 7 CFR 1944 Loan and grant recipients, management and supervision, 7 CFR 1930 Loans and grants, related instructions, 7 CFR 1901 Real property, 7 CFR 1965 Rural development, area planning and energy impacted area development assistance program, 7 CFR 1948 Rural development loans and grants, construction and repair provisions, 7 CFR 1924 Supervised bank accounts, 7 CFR 1902 Rural Housing Service Community programs, 7 CFR 3570 Direct multi-family housing loans and grants, 7 CFR 3560 Direct single family housing loans and grants, 7 CFR 3550 Guaranteed Rural Housing program, 7 CFR 3555 Guaranteed Rural Rental Housing Program, 7 CFR 3565 Rural Utilities Service Advanced biofuel and biorefineries payment programs, 7 CFR 4288 Awardees, audits policy, 7 CFR 1773 ``Buy American'' requirement, 7 CFR 1787 Consultants funded by borrowers, use of, 7 CFR 1789 Cooperative agreements, 7 CFR 4285 Direct and insured loanmaking, 7 CFR 4274 Electric borrowers, loan security documents, 7 CFR 1718 [[Page 818]] Electric engineering, architectural services and design policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1724 Electric loans and guarantees, general and pre-loan policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1710 Electric system-- Construction policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1726 Operations and maintenance, 7 CFR 1730 Emergency and imminent community water assistance grants, 7 CFR 1778 Grants, 7 CFR 4284 Guaranteed loanmaking, 7 CFR 4279 Insured and guaranteed telecommunications loans, pre-loan policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1737 Loan servicing, 7 CFR 4287 Materials and construction, electric standards and specifications for, 7 CFR 1728 Post-loan policies and procedures-- Guaranteed and insured telephone loans, 7 CFR 1744 Guarantees for bonds and notes issued for utility infrastructure purposes, 7 CFR 1720 Insured and guaranteed electric loans, 7 CFR 1717 Prepayment of RUS guaranteed and insured loans to electric and telephone borrowers, 7 CFR 1786 Resource conservation and development (RCD) loans and watershed (WS) loans and advances, 7 CFR 1781 Revolving funds for financing water and wastewater projects (Revolving Fund Program), 7 CFR 1783 Rural Alaskan village grants, 7 CFR 1784 Rural Business Investment Company Program, 7 CFR 4290 Rural decentralized water systems, 7 CFR 1776 Rural economic development, 7 CFR 1703 Rural Energy Savings Program, 7 CFR 1719 Seismic safety of federally assisted new building construction, 7 CFR 1792 Special Evaluation Assistance for Rural Communities and Households Program (SEARCH), 7 CFR 1774 Technical assistance grants, 7 CFR 1775 Telecommunications borrowers, accounting requirements for, 7 CFR 1770 Telecommunications programs-- General policies, types of loans, loan requirements, 7 CFR 1735 Servicing, 7 CFR 1752 Specifications, acceptable materials, and standard contract forms; policies on, 7 CFR 1755 Telecommunications system construction policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1753 Water and waste loans and grants-- Health risk alleviation, 7 CFR 1777 Policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1780 Safety and Environmental Enforcement Bureau Outer Continental Shelf-- Geological and geophysical explorations, 30 CFR 251 Oil and gas and sulphur operations, 30 CFR 250 Oil and Gas Information Program, 30 CFR 252 Oil-spill response requirements for facilities located seaward of coast line, 30 CFR 254 Operations for minerals other than oil, gas, and sulphur, 30 CFR 282 Sulphur or oil and gas leasing, 30 CFR 256 Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation, regulations and rules, 33 CFR 401 Securities and Exchange Commission Attorneys appearing and practicing before Commission in representation of issuer, professional conduct standards, 17 CFR 205 Debt collection, 17 CFR 204 Electronic filings, general rules and regulations for (Regulation S- T), 17 CFR 232 Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975-- Form and content of and requirements for financial statements for, 17 CFR 210 Forms, standard instructions for filing (Regulation S-K), 17 CFR 229 Financial reporting matters, interpretations relating to, 17 CFR 211 [[Page 819]] Informal and other procedures, 17 CFR 202 Investment Advisers Act of 1940-- Financial statements, form and content of and requirements for, 17 CFR 210 Forms, 17 CFR 279 Rules and regulations, 17 CFR 275 Investment Company Act of 1940-- Financial statements, form and content of and requirements for, 17 CFR 210 Forms, prescribed under, 17 CFR 274 Rules and regulations, 17 CFR 270 Organization, conduct and ethics, and information and requests, 17 CFR 200 Practice rules, 17 CFR 201 Privacy of consumer financial information and safeguarding personal information; affiliate marketing limitations; and identity theft red flags (Regulations S-P, S-AM, and S-IP), 17 CFR 248 Regulation blackout trading restriction, 17 CFR 245 Regulation crowdfunding, 17 CFR 227 Regulation FD (selective disclosure), 17 CFR 243 Regulation G (non-GAAP financial measures), 17 CFR 244 Regulations M, SHO, ATS, AC and NMS and customer margin requirements for security futures, 17 CFR 242 Reports submitted to SEC-- African Development Bank, 17 CFR 288 Asian Development Bank, 17 CFR 287 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 17 CFR 290 Inter-American Development Bank, 17 CFR 286 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 17 CFR 285 International Finance Corporation, 17 CFR 289 Securities Act of 1933-- Financial statements, form and content of and requirements for, 17 CFR 210 Forms, 17 CFR 239 Forms, standard instructions for filing (Regulation S-K), 17 CFR 229 General rules and regulations, 17 CFR 230 Securities Exchange Act of 1934-- Financial statements, form and content of and requirements for, 17 CFR 210 Forms, 17 CFR 249, 17 CFR 249b Forms, standard instructions for filing (Regulation S-K), 17 CFR 229 General rules and regulations, 17 CFR 240 Trust Indenture Act of 1939-- Forms, 17 CFR 269 General rules and regulations, 17 CFR 260 Small Business Administration Administration, 13 CFR 101 Business loans, 13 CFR 120 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 2700 Disaster loan program, 13 CFR 123 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 13 CFR 147 HUBZone program, 13 CFR 126 Lobbying restrictions, 13 CFR 146 Low- and very low-income persons, economic opportunities, 24 CFR 75 Minority Small Business and Capital Ownership Development program / small disadvantaged business status determinations, 13 CFR 124 New markets venture capital program, 13 CFR 108 Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs, 13 CFR 112, 13 CFR 113 Nondiscrimination on basis of age in federally assisted programs or activities, 13 CFR 117 Small businesses-- Small businesses located in disaster areas, and surplus personal property for small businesses located in disaster areas, Puerto Rico, and covered territory; contracts, 13 CFR 129 Government contracting programs, 13 CFR 125 Intermediary lending pilot program, 13 CFR 109 Investment companies, license requirements, 13 CFR 107 Size regulations, 13 CFR 121 [[Page 820]] Women-Owned Small Business, Federal contract program, 13 CFR 127 Surety bond guarantee, 13 CFR 115 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 2701 Veterans Small Business Certification Program, 13 CFR 128 Women's Business Center program, 13 CFR 131 Social Security Administration Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 2336 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 2 CFR 2339 Employees testimony and records and information production in legal proceedings, 20 CFR 403 Federal old-age, survivors, and disability insurance (1950-- ), 20 CFR 404 Human subjects, protection, 20 CFR 431 Medicare subsidies, 20 CFR 418 Organization and procedures, 20 CFR 422 Supplemental Security Income for the aged, blind, and disabled, 20 CFR 416 Ticket to work and self-sufficiency program, 20 CFR 411 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 2300 World War II veterans, special benefits, 20 CFR 408 Soil Conservation Service Emergency Wetlands Reserve Program, 7 CFR 623 Great Plains Conservation Program, 7 CFR 631 Special Counsel Office Complaints and allegations, filing, 5 CFR 1800 Freedom of information Act requests, production of records or testimony, 5 CFR 1820 Privacy, 5 CFR 1830 Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction Records and information disclosure, 5 CFR 9301 Requests for testimony or the production of records in a court or other proceedings in which the U.S. is not a party, 5 CFR 9302 State Department Chemical Weapons Convention and Chemical Weapons Implementation Act of 1988, taking of samples and enforcement of recordkeeping and inspection requirements, 22 CFR 103 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 601 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 22 CFR 133 Exchange Visitor Program, 22 CFR 62 Fishermen's Protective Act Guaranty Fund procedures under Section 7, 22 CFR 33 Information and communication technology, 22 CFR 147 International child abduction, 22 CFR 94 International traffic in arms-- Defense articles, export and temporary import licenses, 22 CFR 123 Political contributions, fees, and commissions, 22 CFR 130 Registration of manufacturers and exporters, 22 CFR 122 Lobbying restrictions, 22 CFR 138 Passports, 22 CFR 51 Press building passes, regulations governing, 22 CFR 9b Thomas R. Pickering foreign affairs/graduate foreign affairs fellowship program, 22 CFR 196 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 600 Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement Office Abandoned mine land reclamation-- Acid mine drainage treatment and abatement program, 30 CFR 876 Acquisition, management, and disposition of lands and water, 30 CFR 879 Certification and noncoal reclamation, 30 CFR 875 Entry rights procedures to lands or property considered for reclamation, 30 CFR 877 Future reclamation set-aside program, 30 CFR 873 Grants for certified States and Indian tribes, 30 CFR 885 Private land, 30 CFR 882 State plans, 30 CFR 884 [[Page 821]] Subsidence and strip mine rehabilitation, Appalachia, 30 CFR 881 Uncertified States and Indian tribes, reclamation grants, 30 CFR 886 Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Fund, fee collection and coal production reporting, 30 CFR 870 Areas unsuitable for mining-- Petition process for designation of Federal lands, 30 CFR 769 State processes for designating, 30 CFR 764 Blasters, certification, in Federal program States and on Indian lands, 30 CFR 955 Federal lands program-- General requirements, 30 CFR 740 Review and approval of mining plans, 30 CFR 746 State-Federal cooperative agreements, 30 CFR 745 General, 30 CFR 700 Indian lands program-- Surface coal mining and reclamation operations on Indian lands, requirements, 30 CFR 750 Tribal-Federal intergovernmental agreements, 30 CFR 755 Initial regulatory program, 30 CFR 710 Inspection and enforcement procedures-- Federal enforcement, 30 CFR 843 State regulatory authority, 30 CFR 840 Non-Federal and non-Indian lands program-- General requirements, 30 CFR 730 Grants for State program development, administration, and enforcement, 30 CFR 735 Maintenance of State programs, 30 CFR 733 Procedures and criteria for approval or disapproval of State program submissions, 30 CFR 732 Submission of State programs, 30 CFR 731 Permanent program inspection and enforcement procedures, civil penalties, 30 CFR 845 Restriction on financial interests of State employees, 30 CFR 705 Small operator assistance program, permanent regulatory program, 30 CFR 795 Surface coal mining and reclamation operations-- Alluvial valley floors in arid and semi-arid regions, performance standards, 30 CFR 822 Bond and insurance requirements under regulatory programs, 30 CFR 800 Coal exploration, requirements, 30 CFR 772 Exemption for coal extraction incidental to extraction of other minerals, 30 CFR 702 Exemption for Government financed highway and other construction, 30 CFR 707 Exploration, performance standards, 30 CFR 815 General performance standards, 30 CFR 715 Initial performance standards, reimbursement to States for enforcement, 30 CFR 725 Permit applications, general content requirements, 30 CFR 777 Permit applications, minimum requirements for reclamation and operation plan, 30 CFR 778, 30 CFR 780 Requirements for permits and permit processing, 30 CFR 773 Revision; renewal; transfer, assignment, or sale of permit rights; post-permit issuance requirements; and other actions based on ownership, control, and violation information, 30 CFR 774 Special categories of mining, permit requirements, 30 CFR 785 Special performance standards, 30 CFR 716 Tennessee, 30 CFR 942 Surface mining permit applications-- Information on environmental resources, minimum requirements, 30 CFR 779 Reclamation and operation plan, minimum requirements, 30 CFR 780 [[Page 822]] Surface mining activities, permanent program performance standards, 30 CFR 816 Tariffs for transportation of property by or with water carrier in noncontiguous domestic trade; publication, posting and filing, 49 CFR 1312 Underground mining activities, performance standards-- Initial program, 30 CFR 717 Permanent program, 30 CFR 817 Underground mining permit applications, minimum requirements-- Environmental resources information, minimum requirements, 30 CFR 783 Reclamation and operation plan, minimum requirements, 30 CFR 784 Surface Transportation Board Environmental laws, implementation procedures, 49 CFR 1105 Pipeline common carriage, disclosure and notice of rate changes and other service terms, 49 CFR 1305 Rail common carriage, disclosure, publication, and notice of rate changes and other service terms, 49 CFR 1300 Rail lines and rail transportation under 49 U.S.C. 10903, abandonment and discontinuance, 49 CFR 1152 Railroad performance data reporting, 49 CFR 1250 Railroads-- Acquisition, control, merger, consolidation project, trackage rights, and lease procedures, 49 CFR 1180 Cost recovery procedures, 49 CFR 1135 Employees, numbers, 49 CFR 1246 Property transportation waybill analysis, 49 CFR 1244 Quarterly operating reports, 49 CFR 1243 Records preservation, 49 CFR 1220 Reports-- Annual, special, or periodic, carriers subject to Interstate Commerce Act, Part I, 49 CFR 1241 Cars loaded and cars terminated, 49 CFR 1247 Classification, service and compensation reports, 49 CFR 1245 Freight commodity statistics, railroads, 49 CFR 1248 Freight forwarders, rate-making organization, records and reports, 49 CFR 1253 Tare weight and loss and damage data, 49 CFR 1249 Voting trusts, 49 CFR 1013 Tennessee Valley Authority Lobbying restrictions, 18 CFR 1315 Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs, 18 CFR 1302 Protection of archaeological resources, uniform regulations, 18 CFR 1312 Trade Representative, Office of U.S. Beef, tariff-rate quotas implementation, 15 CFR 2012 Petitions for action under section 301 of Trade Act of 1974, as amended, filing procedures, 15 CFR 2006 Sugars, syrups, and molasses, imported; tariff-rate quota allocation, 15 CFR 2011 Transportation Department Acquisition regulations, Federal Acquisition Regulation System, 48 CFR 1201 Air travel, nondiscrimination on basis of disability, 14 CFR 382 Aviation proceedings-- Air carrier authority under Subtitle VII of Title 49 of U.S.C.-- (amended), 14 CFR 201 Air carriers, audit reports submission, 14 CFR 248 Air carriers, foreign air carriers and commuter air carriers, use and change of name, 14 CFR 215 Air carriers, reports on incidents involving animals during air transport, 14 CFR 235 Air taxi and commuter air carrier operations, exemptions, 14 CFR 298 Aircraft accident liability insurance, 14 CFR 205 Airline deregulation, employee protection program, 14 CFR 314 Airline passengers, enhanced protections, 14 CFR 259 [[Page 823]] Airline service quality performance reports, 14 CFR 234 Airline tickets, oversales, 14 CFR 250 Canadian charter air taxi operators, 14 CFR 294 Cargo operations in interstate air transportation, 14 CFR 291 Change-of-gauge services, disclosure, 14 CFR 258 Code-sharing arrangements and long-term wet leases, disclosure, 14 CFR 257 Domestic baggage liability, 14 CFR 254 Essential air service procedures, 14 CFR 325 Fitness determinations, support data, 14 CFR 204 Foreign air carriers, application for permits, 14 CFR 211 Foreign air carriers, intermodal cargo services, 14 CFR 222 Foreign air carriers; permits, terms, conditions, and limitations, 14 CFR 213 Foreign air carriers, traffic statistics reporting, 14 CFR 217 Foreign civil aircraft navigation within U.S., 14 CFR 375 Free and reduced rate transportation, 14 CFR 223 International cargo transportation, 14 CFR 292 International passenger transportation, 14 CFR 293 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in air travel, 14 CFR 382 Overseas military personnel charters, 14 CFR 372 Passenger manifest information, 14 CFR 243 Political candidates, extension of credit by air carriers, 14 CFR 374a Preservation of air carrier records, 14 CFR 249 Public charters, 14 CFR 380 Review of air carrier agreements, 14 CFR 303 Special services, fees and charges, 14 CFR 389 Tariffs, 14 CFR 221 Terminations, suspensions, and reductions of service, 14 CFR 323 Uniform Systems of Accounts and reports for certified air carriers, 14 CFR 241 U.S. and foreign direct air carriers, charter rules, 14 CFR 212 Warsaw Convention liability limits and defenses, waiver, 14 CFR 203 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 1200 Disadvantaged business enterprise participation in-- Airport concessions, 49 CFR 23 Financial assistance programs, 49 CFR 26 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 49 CFR 32 Human subjects, protection, 49 CFR 11 Information, public availability, 49 CFR 7 Lobbying restrictions, 49 CFR 20 Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs, 49 CFR 21 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs or activities, 49 CFR 27 Sensitive security information protection, 49 CFR 15 Shipping restrictions on arms, ammunition, and implements of war, 44 CFR 401 Surface transportation projects, credit assistance, 49 CFR 80 Transportation priorities and allocation system, 49 CFR 33 Transportation services for individuals with disabilities, 49 CFR 37 Transportation workplace, drug and alcohol testing programs, 49 CFR 40 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 1201 Transportation Security Administration Administrative and procedural rules-- Applicability, terms, and abbreviations, 49 CFR 1500 Aviation security infrastructure fee, 49 CFR 1511 Passenger civil aviation security service fees, 49 CFR 1510 Civil aviation security-- Aircraft operator security, air carriers and commercial operators, 49 CFR 1544 [[Page 824]] Aircraft repair station security, 49 CFR 1554 Airport security, 49 CFR 1542 Certified cargo screening program, 49 CFR 1549 Flight schools, 49 CFR 1552 Foreign air carrier security, 49 CFR 1546 General rules, 49 CFR 1540 Indirect air carrier security, 49 CFR 1548 Sensitive security information, protection, 49 CFR 1560 Maritime and surface transportation security-- Credentialing and security threat assessments, 49 CFR 1572 Freight rail transportation security, 49 CFR 1580 General rules, 49 CFR 1570 Highway and motor carrier security, 49 CFR 1584 Public transportation and passenger railroad security, 49 CFR 1582 Sensitive security information, protection, 49 CFR 1520 Validation firms and validators, 49 CFR 1522 Transportation Statistics Bureau, motor carriers, reports, 49 CFR 369 Treasury Department Acquisition regulations-- Department of the Treasury Acquisition Regulation (DTAR) System, 48 CFR 1001 Protests, disputes, and appeals, 48 CFR 1033 Covered savings associations, 12 CFR 101 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 31 CFR 19 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 31 CFR 20 Equal Access to Justice Act, awards applications, 31 CFR 6 Financial recordkeeping and reporting of currency and foreign transactions, 31 CFR 103 Foreign military sales loans, prepayment, 31 CFR 25 Foreign portfolio investment survey reporting, 31 CFR 129 International capital and foreign-currency transactions and positions, reporting, 31 CFR 128 Lobbying restrictions, 31 CFR 21 Merchant banking investments, 12 CFR 1500 National security information, 31 CFR 2 Practice before Internal Revenue Service, 31 CFR 10 Regulations under section 15C of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934-- Forms, 17 CFR 449 Large position reporting, 17 CFR 420 Recordkeeping and preservation of records, 17 CFR 404 Reports and audit, 17 CFR 405 Rules of general applications, 17 CFR 400 Regulations under Title II of the Government Securities Act of 1986, custodial holdings of Government securities by depository institutions, 17 CFR 450 Regulatory data collections, 12 CFR 1610 Resolution Funding Corporation, financial subsidiaries, 12 CFR 1501 State innovation waivers, 31 CFR 33 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 1000 Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally assisted programs Agency cross references to governmentwide rule-- Agriculture Department, 7 CFR 21 Commerce Department, 15 CFR 11 Defense Department, 32 CFR 259 Education Department, 34 CFR 15 Energy Department, 10 CFR 1039 Environmental Protection Agency, 40 CFR 4 Federal Emergency Management Agency, 44 CFR 25 General Services Administration, 41 CFR 105-51 Health and Human Services Department, 45 CFR 15 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 42 Justice Department, 41 CFR 128-18 Labor Department, 29 CFR 12 [[Page 825]] National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 14 CFR 1208 Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation, 36 CFR 904 Tennessee Valley Authority, 18 CFR 1306 Veterans Affairs Department, 38 CFR 25 Governmentwide rule, 49 CFR 24 Veterans Affairs Department Acquisition regulations-- Agency needs, description, 48 CFR 811 Construction and architect-engineer contracts, 48 CFR 836 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 809 Contracts, termination, 48 CFR 849 Government property, 48 CFR 845 Loan guaranty and vocational rehabilitation and employment programs, 48 CFR 871 Small business programs, 48 CFR 819 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 852 Subcontracting policies and procedures, 48 CFR 844 Veterans Affairs acquisition regulation system, 48 CFR 801 Adaptive sports programs for disabled veterans and disabled members of the Armed Forces, grants, 38 CFR 77 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 801 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 38 CFR 48 Faith based organizations, equal treatment, 38 CFR 50 Fisher Houses and other temporary lodging, 38 CFR 60 General provisions, 38 CFR 1 Health Care for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) program, 38 CFR 63 Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem Program, 38 CFR 61 Housing loan guaranty, 38 CFR 36 Human research subjects, protection, 38 CFR 16 Legal services, General Counsel, and miscellaneous claims, 38 CFR 14 Lobbying restrictions, 38 CFR 45 Medical care, 38 CFR 17 National cemeteries of the Department of Veterans Affairs, 38 CFR 38 National Practitioner Data Bank, policy regarding participation, 38 CFR 46 Nondiscrimination in federally-assisted programs, effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 38 CFR 18 Research and development contracting, 48 CFR 835 Rural Veterans Coordination Pilot (RVCP), grants, 38 CFR 64 Small business regulations, 38 CFR 74 Staff Sergeant Parker Gordon Fox Suicide Prevention Grant Program, 38 CFR 78 Supportive Services for Veteran Families program, 38 CFR 62 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 802 Veterans, State homes-- Grants to States for construction or acquisition, 38 CFR 59 Payments to States for programs to promote the hiring and retention of nurses, 38 CFR 53 Per diem rates, 38 CFR 51 Veterans readiness and employment and education, 38 CFR 21 Veterans transportation programs, 38 CFR 70 Veterans Employment and Training Service Federal contractors annual report, 41 CFR 61-250 Federal-State employment service system, veterans, services for veterans, 20 CFR 1001 Priority of service for covered persons application, 20 CFR 1010 Voluntary Medicare prescription drug benefit, 42 CFR 423 Wage and Hour Division Attestations by employers using alien crewmembers for longshore activities in U.S. ports, 29 CFR 506 Attestations by facilities using nonimmigrant aliens as registered nurses, 29 CFR 504 Attestations filed by employers utilizing F-1 students for off-campus work, 29 CFR 508 Child labor-- Agricultural employment of 10 and 11 year old minors in hand harvesting [[Page 826]] of short season crops, waiver, 29 CFR 575 Regulations, orders, and statements of interpretation, 29 CFR 570 Domestic service, minimum wage and overtime provisions, 29 CFR 552 Employee Polygraph Protection Act, application, 29 CFR 801 Employees of State and local governments, application of Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 CFR 553 Employers, record retention, 29 CFR 516 Fair Labor Standards Act-- Bona fide profit-sharing plans or trusts, requirements, 29 CFR 549 Bona fide thrift or savings plans, requirements, 29 CFR 547 Retailers of goods or services, applicability, 29 CFR 779 Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, 29 CFR 825 Federal contractors, increasing minimum wage for, 29 CFR 23 Full-time student employment at subminimum wages, 29 CFR 519 Homeworkers in certain industries, employment, 29 CFR 530 Labor condition applications and requirements for employers using nonimmigrants on H-1B specialty visas in specialty occupations and as fashion models, 29 CFR 507 Local delivery drivers and helpers, wage payment plans, 29 CFR 551 Messengers, learners (including student-learners), and apprentices, employment under special certificate, 29 CFR 520 Migrant and seasonal agricultural worker protection, 29 CFR 500 Projects or productions assisted by grants from National Endowments for the Arts and Humanities, labor standards, 29 CFR 505 State agencies used for investigations and inspections of places of employment for compliance with child labor regulations and minimum wage requirements, 29 CFR 515 Wholesale or bulk petroleum distributors employees, partial exemption from overtime pay requirements, 29 CFR 794 Workers with disabilities, employment under special certificates, 29 CFR 525 Water Resources Council, State water management planning program, 18 CFR 740 Workers' Compensation Programs Office Black lung benefits-- Coal mine operator's insurance, requirements, 20 CFR 726 Coal miners' total disability or death due to pneumoconiosis, determining standards, 20 CFR 718 Federal Mine Safety and Health Act, benefit claims under Part C of Title IV, 20 CFR 725 State workers' compensation coverage, 20 CFR 722 Federal Employees' Compensation Act, claims, 20 CFR 10 Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act-- Administration and procedure, 20 CFR 702 Insurance regulations, 20 CFR 703 Research See al Agricultural research; Educational research; Human research subjects; Laboratories; Medical research Acquisition regulations, research and development contracting Agriculture Department, 48 CFR 435 Defense Department, 48 CFR 235 Energy Department, 48 CFR 935 Environmental Protection Agency, 48 CFR 1535 Federal Acquisition Regulation, 48 CFR 35 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 48 CFR 1835 Transportation Department, 48 CFR 1235 Acquisition regulations, special contracting methods, Energy Department, 48 CFR 917 Air pollution control Engine-testing procedures, 40 CFR 1065 Mobile sources, 40 CFR 85 New large nonroad spark-ignition engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 1048 [[Page 827]] Primary nonferrous smelters, research and development requirements, 40 CFR 57 Vehicle-testing procedures, 40 CFR 1066 Animal welfare Care and use of animals in the conduct of NASA activities, 14 CFR 1232 Definition of terms, 9 CFR 1 General regulations, 9 CFR 2 Humane handling care, treatment, and transportation standards, 9 CFR 3 Automatic propulsion research and development, 10 CFR 473 Beer, production and sales, 27 CFR 25 Coast Guard, designation of oceanographic research vessels, 46 CFR 3 Community Living Administration Developmental disabilities program-- National Network of University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, Education, Research, and Service, 45 CFR 1328 Program requirements, 45 CFR 1325 Projects of National significance, 45 CFR 1327 State plans for formula grant programs, 45 CFR 1326 Support and nutrition services grants-- Indian tribes, 45 CFR 1322 Older Hawaiian natives, 45 CFR 1323 Vulnerable elder rights protection activities, allotments for, 45 CFR 1224 Concrete masonry research, education, and promotion, 15 CFR 1500 Controlled substances, administrative functions, practices, and procedures, 21 CFR 1316 Dairy promotion program, 7 CFR 1150 Defense Department Grants and cooperative agreements; general award terms and conditions, national policy requirements, 2 CFR 1122 Historical research in the files of the Office of the Secretary, 32 CFR 197 Developmental disabilities program, university affiliated programs, 45 CFR 1388 Disease control grants, 42 CFR 51b Distilled spirits plants, 27 CFR 19 Economic adjustment assistance investments, 13 CFR 307 Economic Development Administration Economic development, training, research and technical assistance investments, 13 CFR 306 Regional Innovation Program, 13 CFR 312 Electric and hybrid vehicle research, development, and demonstration program, petroleum-equivalent fuel economy calculation, 10 CFR 474 Environmental protection, grants, 40 CFR 40 Experimental radio, auxiliary, and special broadcast radio and other program distributional services, 47 CFR 74 Export Administration regulations, scope, 15 CFR 734 Federal Government focal point for electromagnetic pulse (EMP) information, 47 CFR 215 Fellowship in laboratory standardization and testing for qualified citizens of other American Republics, 15 CFR 255 Firearms and ammunition, commerce in, 27 CFR 478 Food stamps, demonstration, research and evaluation projects, 7 CFR 282 Gulf Coast ecosystem restoration, spill impact component, 40 CFR 1800 Gulf Coast States; resources and ecosystems sustainability, tourist opportunities, and revived economies, 31 CFR 34 Health and Human Services Department Grant programs administered by Office of Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, 45 CFR 63 HHS research facilities, use by academic scientists, engineers, and students, 45 CFR 9 National Institute for Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research, 45 CFR 1330 Statutory conscience rights protection in health care, authority delegations, 45 CFR 88 Human subjects, protection Agency for International Development, 22 CFR 225 Agriculture Department, 7 CFR 1c Commerce Department, 15 CFR 27 Consumer Product Safety Commission, 16 CFR 1028 Defense Department, 32 CFR 219 Education Department, 34 CFR 97 [[Page 828]] Energy Department, 10 CFR 745 Environmental Protection Agency, 40 CFR 26 Health and Human Services Department, 45 CFR 46 Homeland Security Department, 6, CFR 46 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 60 Labor Department, 29 CFR 21 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 14 CFR 1230 National Science Foundation, 45 CFR 690 Social Security Administration, 20 CFR 431 Transportation Department, 49 CFR 11 Veterans Affairs Department, 38 CFR 16 Justice Department, confidentiality of identifiable research and statistical information, 28 CFR 22 Marine mammals protection and conservation, administrative procedures for grants, 50 CFR 82 Maritime Administration, research and development grant and cooperative agreements regulations, 46 CFR 385 Mines Dust collectors for use in connection with rock drilling in coal mines, 30 CFR 33 Electric cap mine lamps, 30 CFR 19 Electric mine lamps other than standard cap lamps, 30 CFR 20 Fire resistant hydraulic fluids, 30 CFR 35 Fuses for use with direct current to provide short-circuit protection for trailing cables in coal mines, 30 CFR 28 Independent laboratories and non-MSHA product safety standards, testing and evaluation, 30 CFR 6 Methane monitoring systems, 30 CFR 27 Permissible mobile diesel-powered transportation equipment, approval requirements, 30 CFR 36 Portable methane detectors, 30 CFR 22 Telephones and signaling devices, 30 CFR 23 Testing by applicant or third party, 30 CFR 7 Minority business enterprises seeking Energy Department contracts and assistance, loans for bid or proposal preparation, 10 CFR 800 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Acquisition regulations, NASA supplementary regulations, investigations system, 48 CFR 1870 Research misconduct, 14 CFR 1275 National Estuarine Research Reserve System regulations, 15 CFR 921 National Institute of Standards and Technology Advanced technology program, 15 CFR 295 CHIPS funding, clawbacks, 15 CFR 231 Personnel exchanges between Federal laboratories and non-Federal entities, 15 CFR 17 Policies, services, procedures, and fees, 15 CFR 200 Research associate program, 15 CFR 256 Technology innovation program, 14 CFR 296 National Marine Sanctuary program regulations, 15 CFR 922 National Science Foundation, Antarctic meteorites, 45 CFR 674 National Sea Grant program Funding regulations, 15 CFR 917 Sea Grant colleges and regional consortia, 15 CFR 918 New and in-use nonroad compression-ignition engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 89 Nonroad spark-ignition engines at or below 19 kilowatts, emissions control, 40 CFR 90 Outer Continental Shelf Geological and geophysical explorations-- Ocean Energy Management Bureau, 30 CFR 551 Safety and Environmental Enforcement, 30 CFR 251 Minerals other than oil, gas, and sulphur, prospecting, 30 CFR 580 Paleontological resources preservation, 36 CFR 291; 43 CFR 49 Personnel management research programs and demonstration projects, 5 CFR 470 Pesticide programs, experimental use permits, 40 CFR 172 Public Health Service [[Page 829]] Policies of general applicability, 42 CFR 50 Research misconduct policies, 42 CFR 93 Senior Biomedical Research and Biomedical Product Assessment Service, 42 CFR 24 Public lands with historical or scientific value, management procedure, 43 CFR 8200 River basin investigations and surveys, 7 CFR 621 Science Financial Assistance Program Office, 10 CFR 605 Ship and aircraft wrecks under Navy Department jurisdiction, archaeological research permits, application guidelines, 32 CFR 767 Water resources research program and water resources technology development program, 30 CFR 402 Water, State Water Research Institute program, 30 CFR 401 Wine, treatment and classification, 27 CFR 24 Reserve forces See Armed Forces Reserves Reservoirs See al Flood control; Water supply Cabin sites on public conservation and recreation areas, occupancy, 43 CFR 21 Dams, flood control regulations, 33 CFR 208 Edwards Underground Reservoir, designated sole source aquifer in San Antonio, Texas area, review of projects affecting, 40 CFR 149 Engineering and design, responsibility for safety and structural adequacy of major civil works structures, 33 CFR 222 Interior and Army Department joint policies, reservoir project lands, 43 CFR 8 Reclamation Bureau, Truckee River Operating Agreement, 43 CFR 419 Resolution Funding Corporation See Thrift Depository Protection Oversight Board Respiratory and pulmonary diseases See Diseases Restricted date See Classified information; Security measures Retirement See al Labor; Pensions; Railroad retirement; Social security Age Discrimination in Employment Act, involuntary retirement, 29 CFR 1625 Civil service regulations Annuitants reemployment, 5 CFR 837 Civil Service Retirement System, 5 CFR 831 Court orders affecting retirement benefits, 5 CFR 838 Debt collection, 5 CFR 835 Federal Employees' Dental and Vision Insurance Program, 5 CFR 894 Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance Program, 5 CFR 870 Federal Employees Health Benefits Program, 5 CFR 890 Federal Employees Retirement System-- Basic annuity, 5 CFR 842 Death benefits and employee refunds, 5 CFR 843 Debt collection, 5 CFR 845 Disability retirement, 5 CFR 844 Elections of coverage, 5 CFR 846 General administration, 5 CFR 841 Representative payees, 5 CFR 849 Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program, 5 CFR 875 Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board, Thrift Savings Plan-- Administrative errors, correction, 5 CFR 1605 Court orders and legal processes affecting accounts, 5 CFR 1653 Death benefits, 5 CFR 1651 Employee contribution elections, investment elections, and automatic enrollment program, 5 CFR 1600 Expanded and continuing eligibility, 5 CFR 1620 General and miscellaneous regulations, 5 CFR 1690 Loan program, 5 CFR 1655 Methods of withdrawing funds, 5 CFR 1650 Participants' choices of funds, 5 CFR 1601 Periodic participant statements, 5 CFR 1640 Share prices calculation, 5 CFR 1645 Uniformed services accounts, 5 CFR 1604 [[Page 830]] Vesting, 5 CFR 1603 Interim relief, 5 CFR 772 Reemployment of civilian retirees to meet exceptional employment needs, 5 CFR 553 Retirement and insurance benefits during periods of unexplained absence, 5 CFR 880 Coast Guard Retiring Review Board, 33 CFR 50 Coverage errors correction under Federal Erroneous Retirement Coverage Corrections Act, 5 CFR 839 District of Columbia retirement programs, Federal benefit payments, 31 CFR 29 Electronic processing, 5 CFR 850 Employee Benefits Security Administration Employee Retirement Income Security Act-- Abandoned plans, rules and regulations, 29 CFR 2578 Procedural rules, 29 CFR 2570 Federal Employees' Retirement System Act-- Administration and enforcement, 29 CFR 2589 Fiduciary responsibility, allocation, 29 CFR 2584 Fiduciary responsibility, permanent and temporary bonding rules, 29 CFR 2582 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, records to be made or kept relating to age, notices to be posted, 29 CFR 1627 Foreign Service Retirement and Disability System and pension system, overpayments to annuitants, 22 CFR 17 Havana Act of 2021, implementation Commerce Department, 15 CFR 3 State Department, 22 CFR 135 Phased retirement, 5 CFR 848 Retirement, coverage elections by current and former employees of nonappropriated fund instrumentalities, 5 CFR 847 U.S. individual retirement bonds, regulations governing, 31 CFR 346 U.S. retirement plan bonds, regulations governing, 31 CFR 341 Rice Agricultural risk coverage, price loss coverage, and cotton transition assistance programs, 7 CFR 1412 General regulations and standards, 7 CFR 868 Plant protection and quarantine, foreign quarantine notices, 7 CFR 319 Rights-of-way See al Public lands--rights-of-way Federal-aid highway programs, right-of-way and real estate, 23 CFR 710 Indian lands, 25 CFR 169 Indian Tribal Energy Development and Self Determination Act, tribal energy resource agreements, 25 CFR 224 Offshore facilities, oil spill financial responsibility for, 30 CFR 553 Outer Continental Shelf Existing facilities, alternate uses, 30 CFR 586 Leasing and bonding requirements, 30 CFR 556 Operations, 30 CFR 550 Renewable energy, 30 CFR 585 Pedestrian facilities, accessibility guidelines, 36 CFR 1190 Presidio Trust, vehicles and traffic safety, 36 CFR 1004 Reservoir project lands, joint policies of Interior and Army Departments, 43 CFR 8 Risk Management Agency See Agriculture Department Rivers See al National wild and scenic rivers system Colorado River water conservation measures, implementation with lower basin contractors and others, 43 CFR 417 Offstream storage of Colorado River water and development and release of intentionally created unused apportionment in Lower Division States, 43 CFR 414 River basin investigations and surveys, 7 CFR 621 Tennessee River System, approval of construction and regulation of structures and other alterations, 18 CFR 1304 [[Page 831]] Upper Mississippi River System Master Plan, public participation guidelines, 18 CFR 708 Roads See Highways and roads Rockets See Aircraft Rodenticides See Pesticides and pests Rotorcraft See Aircraft Royalties See Copyright; Mineral royalties Rubber and rubber products Air pollution control, performance standards for new stationary sources, 40 CFR 60 Manufacturing, water pollution, effluent guidelines and standards, point source categories, 40 CFR 428 Tires Consumer information, 49 CFR 575 Excise taxes, manufacturers and retailers, 26 CFR 48 Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards-- Civil and criminal penalties, 49 CFR 578 Defect and noncompliance, responsibility and reports, 49 CFR 573 General regulations, 49 CFR 571 Potential defects, reporting of information and communications, 49 CFR 579 Identification and recordkeeping, 49 CFR 574 Manufacturing, water pollution, effluent guidelines and standards, point source categories for tire and tube plants, 40 CFR 428 Motor carrier safety, hazardous materials transportation, driving and parking rules, 49 CFR 397 Recovered materials, comprehensive procurement guideline for products containing, 40 CFR 247 Regrooved tires, 49 CFR 569 Rubies See Gemstones Rugs See Carpets and rugs Rulemaking petitions See Administrative practice and procedure Rural areas See al Agriculture Area planning and energy impacted area development assistance grants, 7 CFR 1948 Assistance to high energy cost communities, 7 CFR 1709 Comptroller of Currency, community and economic development entities, community development projects, and other public welfare investments, 12 CFR 24 Emergency Conservation Program, Emergency Forest Restoration Program, and certain related programs, 7 CFR 701 Farm Credit System Accounting and reporting requirements, 12 CFR 621 Administrative definitions, 12 CFR 619 Administrative expenses assessment and apportionment, 12 CFR 607 Borrower rights, 12 CFR 617 Capital adequacy of system institutions, 12 CFR 628 Electronic commerce, 12 CFR 609 Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation-- Disclosure and reporting requirements, 12 CFR 655 General provisions, 12 CFR 650 Governance, 12 CFR 651 Risk management, 12 CFR 653 Financing eligibility and scope, 12 CFR 613 Funding and fiscal affairs, 12 CFR 615 General provisions, 12 CFR 618 Loan policies and operations, 12 CFR 614 Margin and capital requirements for covered swap entities, 12 CFR 624 Mortgage loan originators, registration, 12 CFR 610 Nondiscrimination in lending, 12 CFR 626 Organization, 12 CFR 611 Shareholders, disclosure to, 12 CFR 620 Standards of conduct and referral of known or suspected criminal violations, 12 CFR 612 Systemwide and consolidated bank debt obligations, disclosure to investors, 12 CFR 630 [[Page 832]] Title IV conservators, receivers, bridge system banks, and voluntary liquidations, 12 CFR 627 Farm Service Agency Farm loan programs, general program administration, 7 CFR 761 Reimbursement transportation cost payment program for geographically disadvantaged farmers and ranchers, 7 CFR 755 Servicing minor program loans, 7 CFR 772 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Health care infrastructure improvement program, 42 CFR 505 Public mobile services, 47 CFR 22 Reclamation Rural Water Supply Program, 43 CFR 404 Rural abandoned mine program, 7 CFR 632 Rural Business-Cooperative Service Account servicing and collections policies, 7 CFR 1951 Direct and insured loanmaking, 7 CFR 4274 Grants, 7 CFR 4284 Guaranteed loanmaking, 7 CFR 4279, 7 CFR 5001 Loan servicing, 7 CFR 4287 Loans and grants, 7 CFR 4280 Rural Business Investment Company Program, 7 CFR 4290 Rural development Account servicing and collections policies, 7 CFR 1951 Associations, program regulations, 7 CFR 1942 Coordination, 7 CFR 22 Debt settlement, 7 CFR 1956 General program regulations, 7 CFR 1940, 1980 Insurance requirements, 7 CFR 1806 State and regional annual plans of work, 7 CFR 23 Rural eConnectivity Program, 7 CFR 1740 [[Page 833]] Rural empowerment zones and enterprise communities, 7 CFR 25 Rural health clinics Medicaid-- Facility certification, 42 CFR 491 Payments for services, 42 CFR 447 Medicare-- Aged and disabled, Federal health insurance, 42 CFR 405 Facility certification, 42 CFR 491 Supplementary medical insurance benefits, 42 CFR 410 Rural Housing Service Community programs, 7 CFR 3570 Direct multi-family housing loans and grants, 7 CFR 3560 Direct single family housing loans and grants, 7 CFR 3550 Guaranteed loans, 7 CFR 5001 Guaranteed Rural Housing program, 7 CFR 3555 Guaranteed Rural Rental Housing Program, 7 CFR 3565 Rural industrialization loan and grant programs under Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act of 1972, labor certification procedures, 29 CFR 75 Rural Telephone Bank, loan policies, 7 CFR 1610 Rural Utilities Service Accounting requirements-- Electric borrowers, 7 CFR 1767 Telecommunications borrowers, 7 CFR 1770 Awardees, audits policy, 7 CFR 1773 Broadband grant program, 7 CFR 1739 ``Buy American'' requirement, 7 CFR 1787 Cooperative agreements, 7 CFR 4285 Direct and insured loanmaking, 7 CFR 4274 Distance learning and telemedicine loan and grant programs, 7 CFR 1734 Electric and telecommunications borrowers, fidelity and insurance requirements, 7 CFR 1788 Electric and telephone borrowers-- Consultants funded by borrowers, use of, 7 CFR 1789 Guaranteed and insured loans, prepayment, 7 CFR 1786 Loan account computations, procedures, and policies, 7 CFR 1785 Electric engineering, architectural services and design policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1724 Electric loans and guarantees, general and pre-loan policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1710 Electric system-- Construction policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1726 Operations and maintenance, 7 CFR 1730 Emergency and imminent community water assistance grants, 7 CFR 1778 General information, 7 CFR 1700 Grants, 7 CFR 4284 Guaranteed and insured telephone loans, post-loan policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1744 Guaranteed loanmaking, 7 CFR 4279 Guaranteed loans, 7 CFR 5001 Insured and guaranteed electric loans, post-loan policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1717 Insured and guaranteed telecommunications loans, pre-loan policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1737 Insured electric loans-- Electric borrowers, loan security documents, 7 CFR 1718 Guarantees for bonds and notes issued for utility infrastructure purposes, 7 CFR 1720 Post-loan policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1721 Pre-loan policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1714 Loan servicing, 7 CFR 4287 Loans and grants, 7 CFR 4280 Materials and construction, electric standards and specifications for, 7 CFR 1728 Resource conservation and development (RCD) loans and watershed (WS) loans and advances, 7 CFR 1781 Revolving funds for financing water and wastewater projects (Revolving Fund Program), 7 CFR 1783 Rural Alaskan village grants, 7 CFR 1784 Rural broadband loans, loan/grant combinations, and loan guarantees, 7 CFR 1738 Rural Business Investment Company Program, 7 CFR 4290 [[Page 834]] Rural decentralized water systems, 7 CFR 1776 Rural economic development, 7 CFR 1703 Rural Energy Savings Program, 7 CFR 1719 Special Evaluation Assistance for Rural Communities and Households Program (SEARCH), 7 CFR 1774 Technical assistance grants, 7 CFR 1775 Telecommunications programs-- General policies, types of loans, loan requirements, 7 CFR 1735 Servicing, 7 CFR 1752 Specifications, acceptable materials, and standard contract forms; policies on, 7 CFR 1755 Telecommunications system construction policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1753 Telecommunications system planning and design criteria, and procedures, 7 CFR 1751 Water and waste loans and grants-- Health risk alleviation, 7 CFR 1777 Policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1780 S.A.F.E. Mortgage Licensing Act, Federal registration of residential mortgage loan originators, (Regulation G), 12 CFR 1007 Section 8 Housing assistance payments program, new construction set- aside for Section 515 rural rental housing projects, 24 CFR 884 Soil Conservation Service, rural clean water program, 7 CFR 634 State compliance and bureau registration system (Regulation H), 12 CFR 1008 Supportive Services for Veteran Families program, 38 CFR 62 Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentive Program, 7 CFR 1455 Rural Business-Cooperative Service See al Rural Housing Service Advanced biofuel and biorefineries payment programs, 7 CFR 4288 Direct and insured loanmaking, 7 CFR 4274 Grants, 7 CFR 4284 Guaranteed loanmaking, 7 CFR 4279, 7 CFR 5001 Loan servicing, 7 CFR 4287 Loans and grants, 7 CFR 4280 Organization, 7 CFR 2003 Program regulations, environmental policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1970 Rural Business Investment Company Program, 7 CFR 4290 Rural development Account servicing and collections policies, 7 CFR 1951 Associations, program regulations, 7 CFR 1942 Construction and repair provisions, 7 CFR 1924 Credit reports, receiving and processing applications, 7 CFR 1910 Debt settlement, 7 CFR 1956 General program regulations, 7 CFR 1950, 7 CFR 1980 General provisions, 7 CFR 1900 Insurance requirements, 7 CFR 1806 Interest rates, terms, conditions, and approval authority, 7 CFR 1810 Loan and grant program funds, 7 CFR 1940 Management and supervision of loan and grant recipients, 7 CFR 1930 Personal property, servicing and liquidation of chattel security, 7 CFR 1962 Program related instructions, 7 CFR 1901 Property management, 7 CFR 1955 Real property, security servicing of loans, 7 CFR 1965 Rural housing-- Asset sales, 7 CFR 1957 Loans and grants, 7 CFR 1822 Program regulations, 7 CFR 1944 Supervised bank accounts, 7 CFR 1902 Taxes, real estate tax servicing, 7 CFR 1925 Title clearance and loan closing, 7 CFR 1927 Utilization of gratuitous services, 7 CFR 2045 Rural Electrification Administration See Rural Utilities Service Rural Housing and Community Development Service See Rural Housing Service Rural Housing Service Borrower account servicing and collections, 7 CFR 1951 Community programs, 7 CFR 3570 Credit reports, receiving and processing applications, 7 CFR 1910 Debt settlement, 7 CFR 1956 [[Page 835]] Direct multi-family housing loans and grants, 7 CFR 3560 Direct single family housing loans and grants, 7 CFR 3550 General administrative regulations, 7 CFR 2018 General provisions, 7 CFR 1900 Guaranteed loan programs, 7 CFR 5001 Guaranteed Rural Housing program, 7 CFR 3555 Guaranteed Rural Rental Housing Program, 7 CFR 3565 Loans and grants, program-related instructions, 7 CFR 1901 Management and supervision of loan and grant recipients, 7 CFR 1930 Organization, 7 CFR 2003 Personal property, servicing and liquidation of chattel security, 7 CFR 1962 Program regulations Environmental policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1970 General, 7 CFR 1980 Property management, program regulations, 7 CFR 1955 Real property, 7 CFR 1965 Rural development. loans and grants Area planning and energy impacted area development assistance program, 7 CFR 1948 Associations, program regulations, 7 CFR 1942 Construction and repair provisions, 7 CFR 1924 Insurance requirements, 7 CFR 1806 Interest rates, terms, conditions, and approval authority, 7 CFR 1810 Loan and grant program funds, 7 CFR 1940 Program regulations, general, 7 CFR 1950 Taxes, real estate tax servicing, 7 CFR 1925 Title clearance and loan closing, 7 CFR 1927 Rural development Debt settlement, 7 CFR 1956 Utilization of gratuitous services, 7 CFR 2045 Rural housing Asset sales, 7 CFR 1957 Loans and grants, 7 CFR 1822 Program regulations, 7 CFR 1944 Supervised bank accounts, 7 CFR 1902 Rural Telephone Bank Regulations governing 5 percent Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness, R.E.A. Series, 31 CFR 345 Rural Utilities Service See al Rural Housing Service Accounting requirements Electric borrowers, 7 CFR 1767 Telecommunications borrowers, 7 CFR 1770 Advanced biofuel and biorefineries payment programs, 7 CFR 4288 Assistance to high energy cost communities, 7 CFR 1709 Awardees, audits policy, 7 CFR 1773 Broadband grant program, 7 CFR 1739 ``Buy American'' requirement, 7 CFR 1787 Compliance with other Federal statutes, regulations, and executive orders, seismic safety of federally assisted new building construction, 7 CFR 1792 Consultants funded by borrowers, use of, 7 CFR 1789 Cooperative agreements, 7 CFR 4285 Direct and insured loanmaking, 7 CFR 4274 Distance learning and telemedicine loan and grant programs, 7 CFR 1734 Electric and telecommunications borrowers, fidelity and insurance requirements, 7 CFR 1788 Electric and telephone borrowers Guaranteed and insured loans, prepayment, 7 CFR 1786 Loan account computations, procedures, and policies, 7 CFR 1785 Electric program Electric engineering, architectural services and design policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1724 Electric loans and guarantees, general and pre-loan policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1710 Electric standards and specifications for materials and construction, 7 CFR 1728 Electric system-- Construction policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1726 Operations and maintenance, 7 CFR 1730 [[Page 836]] Insured and guaranteed electric loans, post-loan policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1717 Insured electric loans-- Electric borrowers, loan security documents, 7 CFR 1718 Guarantees for bonds and notes issued for utility infrastructure purposes, 7 CFR 1720 Pre-loan policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1714 Post-loan policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1721 Emergency and imminent community water assistance grants, 7 CFR 1778 General information, 7 CFR 1700 Grants, 7 CFR 4284 Guaranteed loanmaking, 7 CFR 4279, 7 CFR 5001 Loan servicing, 7 CFR 4287 Loans and grants, 7 CFR 4280 Organization, 7 CFR 2003 Program regulations, environmental policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1970 Regulations governing 5 percent Treasury Certificates of Indebtedness, R.E.A. Series, 31 CFR 345 Resource conservation and development (RCD) loans and watershed (WS) loans and advances, 7 CFR 1781 Revolving funds for financing water and wastewater projects (Revolving Fund Program), 7 CFR 1783 Rural Alaskan village grants, 7 CFR 1784 Rural broadband loans, loan/grant combinations, and loan guarantees, 7 CFR 1738 Rural Business Investment Company Program, 7 CFR 4290 Rural decentralized water systems, 7 CFR 1776 Rural eConnectivity Program, 7 CFR 1740 Rural economic development, 7 CFR 1703 Servicing of water and waste programs, 7 CFR 1782 Special Evaluation Assistance for Rural Communities and Households Program (SEARCH), 7 CFR 1774 Technical assistance grants, 7 CFR 1775 Telecommunications program, general policies, types of loans, loan requirements, 7 CFR 1735 Telephone program Guaranteed and insured telephone loans, post-loan policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1744 Insured and guaranteed telecommunications loans, pre-loan policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1737 Telecommunications system-- Construction policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1753 Planning and design criteria, and procedures, 7 CFR 1751 Specifications, acceptable materials, and standard contract forms; policies on, 7 CFR 1755 Water and waste loans and grants Health risk alleviation, 7 CFR 1777 Policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1780 Russian Federation International fisheries regulations, 50 CFR 300 Sanctions regulations Magnitsky Act, 31 CFR 584 Russian harmful foreign activities, 31 CFR 587 Ukraine related, 31 CFR 589 S Safety See al Aviation safety; Consumer protection; Emergency preparedness; Fire prevention; Hazardous substances; Health; Highway safety; Marine safety; Mine safety and health; Motor vehicle safety; Occupational safety and health; Pipeline safety; Poison prevention; Radiation protection; Railroad safety; Seismic safety 911 Grant Program, 47 CFR 400 Air carriers and operators, drug and alcohol testing programs, 14 CFR 120 Army Department, disciplinary control boards, off-installation liaison and operations, 32 CFR 631 Cargo containers Control and enforcement, 49 CFR 453 Examination, 49 CFR 452 General, 49 CFR 450 Testing and approval, 49 CFR 451 [[Page 837]] Children's Gasoline Burn Prevention Act regulation, 16 CFR 1460 Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule, 16 CFR 312 Consumer protection Safety standards-- Baby cribs, non-full-size, 16 CFR 1220 Bedside sleepers, 16 CFR 1222 Button cell or coion batteries and consumer products containing such batteries, 16 CFR 1263 Carriages and strollers, 16 CFR 1227 Children's folding chairs and children's folding stools, 16 CFR 1232 Clothing storage units, 16 CFR 1261 Crib mattresses, 16 CFR 1241 Frame child carriers, 16 CFR 1230 Gates and enclosures, 16 CFR 1239 Hand-held infant carriers, 16 CFR 1225 High chairs, 16 CFR 1231 Infant bath seats, 16 CFR 1215 Infant bath tubs, 16 CFR 1234 Infant bouncer seats, 16 CFR 1229 Infant swings, 16 CFR 1223 Infant walkers, 16 CFR 1216 Magnets, 16 CFR 1262 Play yards, 16 CFR 1221 Portable bed rails, 16 CFR 1224 Portable hook-on chairs, 16 CFR 1233 Sling carriers, 16 CFR 1228 Toddler beds, 16 CFR 1217 Toys, safety standard mandating ASTM f963, 16 CFR 1250 Firearms (toy, look-alike, and imitation), marking, 16 CFR 1272 Defense Nuclear Facility Safety Board, procedures for safety investigations, 10 CFR 1708 Drugs, investigational new drug application, 21 CFR 312 Energy Department, workplace substance abuse programs at DOE sites, 10 CFR 707 Engineering and design, responsibility for safety and structural adequacy of major civil works structures, 33 CFR 222 Explosives, commerce, 27 CFR 555 Federal Aviation Administration Airworthiness directives, 14 CFR 39 Class A, B, C, D, and E airspace area designations; air traffic service routes; and reporting points, 14 CFR 71 Domestic, flag, and supplemental operations; operating requirements, 14 CFR 121 Federal lands highways Fish and Wildlife Service Management Systems, 23 CFR 972 Forest Service Management Systems, 23 CFR 971 Indian Affairs Bureau and Indian Reservation Roads Program management systems, 23 CFR 973 National Park Service Management Systems, 23 CFR 970 Federal motor carrier safety regulations Commercial driver's license standards, requirements and penalties, 49 CFR 383 Drivers and longer combination vehicle (LCV) driver instructors, qualifications, 49 CFR 391 Federal Railroad Administration Critical incident stress plans, 49 CFR 272 System safety program, 49 CFR 270 Federal Responder Network Authority, review and approval of proposed fees, 47 CFR 500 Federal Transit Administration Public Transportation Safety Certification Training Program, 49 CFR 672 Public Transportation Safety Program, 49 CFR 670 Rail fixed guideway systems, State safety oversight, 49 CFR 674 Government interagency fleet management systems, 41 CFR 101-39 Head Start program, operations, 45 CFR 1302 Highway safety improvement program, 23 CFR 924 Human subjects used in research projects, protection Food and Drug Administration-- General, 21 CFR 50 Institutional review boards, clinical investigations, 21 CFR 56 Prisons Bureau, 28 CFR 512 Long term care facilities, State Medicare and Medicaid requirements, 42 CFR 483 Marine casualties and investigations, 46 CFR 4 National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact Council, fingerprint submission requirements, 28 CFR 901 [[Page 838]] National Fingerprint File Program qualification requirements, 28 CFR 905 Natural and other gas transportation by pipeline, minimum Federal safety standards, 49 CFR 192 Occupational safety and health Retaliation complaints, handling procedures-- National Transit System Security Act and the Federal Railroad Safety Act, 29 CFR 1982 Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, as amended; complaints under section 806, 29 CFR 1980 Seaman's Protection Act (SPA), complaints under employee protection provision, as amended, 29 CFR 1986 Outer continental shelf, renewable energy, 30 CFR 585 Patient safety organizations and patient safety work, 42 CFR 3 Produce for human consumption; growing, harvesting, packing, and holding standards, 21 CFR 112 Safety management systems, 14 CFR 5 Surface coal mining and reclamation operations Blasters, certification standards-- Federal program States and Indian lands, 30 CFR 955 Permanent regulatory program requirements, 30 CFR 850 Initial regulatory program, 30 CFR 710 Law enforcement procedures, 30 CFR 722 Toxic substances control, health and safety data reporting, 40 CFR 716 Transportation Investigative hearings, meetings, reports and petitions for reconsideration; rules of practice, 49 CFR 845 Public transportation and passenger railroad security, 49 CFR 1582 Transportation workplace, drug and alcohol testing programs Coast Guard, 46 CFR 4, 46 CFR 16 Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, 49 CFR 382 Federal Railroad Administration, 49 CFR 219 Federal Transit Administration, 49 CFR 655 Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, 49 CFR 199 Transportation Department, 49 CFR 40 Wake Island Code, 32 CFR 935 Water power projects and project works, safety, 18 CFR 12 Wildlife refuges, administrative provisions, 50 CFR 25 Worker safety and health program, 10 CFR 851 Safety and Environmental Enforcement Bureau Appeals procedures, 30 CFR 290 Minerals revenue management, relief or reduction in royalty rates, 30 CFR 203 Open and nondiscriminatory access to oil and gas pipelines under the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act, 30 CFR 291 Outer Continental Shelf Geological and geophysical explorations, 30 CFR 251 Minerals other than oil, gas, and sulphur; operations for, 30 CFR 282 Nondiscrimination, 30 CFR 270 Oil and gas and sulphur operations, 30 CFR 250 Oil and Gas Information Program, 30 CFR 252 Oil-spill response requirements for facilities located seaward of coast line, 30 CFR 254 Sulphur or oil and gas leasing, 30 CFR 256 Safety and soundness guidelines See Banks, banking Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation Joint Tolls Advisory Board, rules of procedures, 33 CFR 403 Saint Lawrence Seaway Seaway regulations and rules, 33 CFR 401 Tariff of tolls, 33 CFR 402 Salaries See Wages Sanctions See Foreign trade Sanitation See Public health; Sewage disposal; Waste treatment and disposal [[Page 839]] Satellites See al Space transportation and exploration; Telecommunications Amateur radio service, 47 CFR 97 Copyright Office, Library of Congress; general provisions, 37 CFR 201 Copyright Royalty Board, Library of Congress Royalty fees collected under compulsory license, claims filing, 37 CFR 360 Secondary transmissions, royalty fees adjustment, 37 CFR 386 Federal Communications Commission Common carrier services-- Commercial mobile services, 47 CFR 20 Miscellaneous rules, 47 CFR 64 Satellite communications, 47 CFR 25 Wireless communications, miscellaneous services, 47 CFR 27 Emergency service providers (911 and E911) requirements, 47 CFR 9 Frequency allocations and radio treaty matters, general rules and regulations, 47 CFR 2 Practice and procedure, 47 CFR 1 Radio broadcast services, 47 CFR 73 Federal Government stations, relocation of and spectrum sharing by, 47 CFR 301 Internet freedom, 47 CFR 8 Multichannel video and cable television service, 47 CFR 76 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration; space-based data collection systems, usage policies and procedures, 15 CFR 911 Private remote sensing space systems, licensing, 15 CFR 960 Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS), 14 CFR 1215 Video programming, accessibility, 47 CFR 79 Savings associations See al Banks, banking Commodity Futures Trading Commission Commodity Exchange Act, general regulations, 17 CFR 1 Covered funds; proprietary trading and certain interests in, and relationships with, 17 CFR 75 Community Development Financial Institutions Fund, Bank Enterprise Award Program, 12 CFR 1806 Comptroller of the Currency Accounting and disclosure standards, 12 CFR 162 Activities and operations, 12 CFR 7 Applicable rules to, 12 CFR 100 Capital adequacy standards, 12 CFR 3 Community Reinvestment Act and interstate deposit production regulations, 12 CFR 25 Computer-security incident notification, 12 CFR 53 Corporate activities; rules, policies, and procedures, 12 CFR 5 Covered swap entities, margin and capital requirements, 12 CFR 45 Definitions for regulations affecting, 12 CFR 141 Deposits, 12 CFR 157 Fair credit reporting, 12 CFR 41, 12 CFR 171 Federal mutual savings associations, communication between members, 12 CFR 144 Federal savings associations-- Definitions for regulations affecting, 12 CFR 161 Electronic operations, 12 CFR 155 Fiduciary powers, 12 CFR 150 Grandfathered authority, 12 CFR 143 Operations, 12 CFR 145 Fees assessment, 12 CFR 8 Lending and investment, 12 CFR 160 Liquidity risk measurement standards, 12 CFR 50 Loans in areas having special flood hazards, 12 CFR 172 Nondiscrimination requirements, 12 CFR 128 Operations, 12 CFR 163 Prompt corrective action, 12 CFR 165 Proxies, 12 CFR 169 Qualified financial contracts, mandatory contractual stay requirements, 12 CFR 47 Real estate lending and appraisals, 12 CFR 34 Removals, suspensions, and prohibitions where a crime is charged or proven, 12 CFR 108 [[Page 840]] Retail foreign exchange transactions, 12 CFR 48 Securities transactions-- Conversion from mutual to stock form, 12 CFR 192 Recordkeeping and confirmation requirements, 12 CFR 151 Security procedures, 12 CFR 168 Stress testing, 12 CFR 46 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau Adjudication proceedings, rules of practice, 12 CFR 1081 Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Financial Protection Act enforcement, State official notification rules, 12 CFR 1082 Electronic fund transfers (Regulation E), 12 CFR 1005 Equal Credit Opportunity Act (Regulation B), 12 CFR 1002 Fair credit reporting (Regulation V), 12 CFR 1022 Home mortgage disclosure (Regulation C) 12 CFR 1003 Payday, vehicle title, and certain high-cost installment loans, 12 CFR 1041 Privacy of consumer financial information (Regulation P), 12 CFR 1016 Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (Regulation X), 12 CFR 1024 S.A.F.E. Mortgage Licensing Act-- Residential mortgage loan originators, Federal registration (Regulation G) 12 CFR 1007 State compliance and bureau registration system (Regulation H), 12 CFR 1008 Truth in lending (Regulation Z), 12 CFR 1026 Truth in savings (Regulation DD), 12 CFR 1030 Covered savings associations, 12 CFR 101 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Advertisements of membership, False advertising, misrepresentation of insured status and misuse of FDIC's name and logo, 12 CFR 328 Appraisals, 12 CFR 323 Assessments, 12 CFR 327 Capital adequacy of FDIC-supervised institutions, 12 CFR 324 Consumer protection in sales of insurance, 12 CFR 343 CRA-related agreements, disclosure and reporting, 12 CFR 346 Deposit insurance coverage, 12 CFR 330 Derivatives, 12 CFR 349 Economically depressed regions, determination, 12 CFR 357 Fair housing, 12 CFR 338 Filing procedures, 12 CFR 303 Industrial banks, 12 CFR 354 Liquidity risk measurement standards, 12 CFR 329 Loans in areas having special flood hazards, 12 CFR 339 Management official interlocks, 12 CFR 348 Office of Thrift Supervision, regulations transferred from, 12 CFR 390 Practice and procedure rules, 12 CFR 308 Qualified financial contracts-- Recordkeeping requirements, 12 CFR 371 Restrictions on, 12 CFR 382 Real estate lending standards, 12 CFR 365 Recordkeeping for timely deposit insurance determination, 12 CFR 370 Resolution and receivership rules, 12 CFR 360 Securities transactions, recordkeeping and confirmation requirements, 12 CFR 344 Unsafe and unsound banking practices, securities activities, 12 CFR 337 Federal Reserve System Interbank liabilities (Regulation F), 12 CFR 206 Supervision and regulation assessment of fees (Regulation TT), 12 CFR 246 Truth in lending (Regulation Z), 12 CFR 226 Federal savings and loan associations and Federal credit unions as fiscal agents of U.S., 31 CFR 312 Financing Corporation operations, 12 CFR 995 Resolution Funding Corporation, Federal home loan bank assistance authority, 12 CFR 996 Savings bonds See Bonds Scholarships and fellowships See al Student aid [[Page 841]] Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Office, 28 CFR 92 Construction of health teaching facilities, educational improvements, scholarships and student loans, grants, 42 CFR 57 Corporation for National and Community Service, special activities, 45 CFR 2534 Cybercorps Scholarship for Service (SFS) program, 44 CFR 296 Defense Department National defense science and engineering graduate fellowships, 32 CFR 168a National Security Education Program (NSEP) and NSEP service agreement, 32 CFR 208 Environmental protection, 40 CFR 46 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 National Institute of Food and Agriculture, food and agricultural sciences National Needs Graduate and Postgraduate Fellowship Grants Program, 7 CFR 3402 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Federal Prison Industries inmate work programs, 28 CFR 345 Food and agricultural sciences National needs graduate and postgraduate fellowship grants program, 7 CFR 3402 Fulbright-Hays, higher education programs Doctoral dissertation research abroad fellowship program, 34 CFR 662 Faculty research abroad fellowship program, 34 CFR 663 Graduate assistance in areas of national need, 34 CFR 648 Graduate study, Jacob K. Javits fellowship program, 34 CFR 650 Harry S Truman Scholarship Foundation, 45 CFR 1801 Head Start program Federal administrative procedures, 45 CFR 1304 Fellows program, 45 CFR 1311 Health care, statutory conscience rights protection, authority delegations, 45 CFR 88 [[Page 842]] Highway personnel, education and training programs, 23 CFR 260 Indian education discretionary grant programs, 34 CFR 263 Indian health care services, 42 CFR 136a International education programs Foreign language and area studies fellowships program, 34 CFR 657 General provisions, 34 CFR 655 James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation, 45 CFR 2400 Laboratory standardization and testing fellowship for qualified citizens of other American Republics, 15 CFR 255 National Health Service Corps scholarship and loan repayment programs, 42 CFR 62 National Institute for Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research, 45 CFR 1330 National Sea Grant program, funding regulations, 15 CFR 917 National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program, 14 CFR 1259 Nursing school scholarship grants, nondiscrimination on basis of sex, administration and enforcement, 45 CFR 83 Public health fellowships, 42 CFR 61 Thomas R. Pickering foreign affairs/graduate foreign affairs fellowship program, 22 CFR 196 Veterans Affairs Department Medical care, 38 CFR 17 National cemeteries of the Department of Veterans Affairs, 38 CFR 38 Payments to States for programs to promote the hiring and retention of nurses, 38 CFR 53 Veterans transportation program, 38 CFR 70 School breakfast and lunch programs See al Education; Food assistance program Child nutrition programs Cash in lieu of donated foods, 7 CFR 240 Free and reduced price meals and free milk in schools, determining eligibility, 7 CFR 245 State administrative expense fund, 7 CFR 235 National School Lunch Program, 7 CFR 210 School Breakfast Program, 7 CFR 220 School construction See al Education; Schools Elementary and secondary education, impact aid programs, 34 CFR 222 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer Program, 7 CFR 292 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 [[Page 843]] National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 School integration See Equal educational opportunity Schools See al Colleges and universities; Education; Educational facilities; Private schools; School construction Asbestos materials in schools, 40 CFR 763 Aviation maintenance technician schools, 14 CFR 147 Aviation training centers, 14 CFR 142 Charter schools facilities program Credit enhancement, 34 CFR 225 State incentive program, 34 CFR 226 Energy conservation grant programs for schools and hospitals and buildings owned by units of local government and public care institutions, 10 CFR 455 Equal employment opportunity, recordkeeping and reporting requirements under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, 29 CFR 1602 Federal Communications Commission, universal service, 47 CFR 54 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 [[Page 844]] Health care, protecting statutory conscience rights, authority delegations, 45 CFR 88 Indians Administration policies of all Bureau of Indian Affairs education programs, 25 CFR 32 Elementary and secondary education-- Education contracts under Johnson O'Malley Act, 25 CFR 273 Geographic boundaries, 25 CFR 37 Standards, assessments, and accountability system, 25 CFR 30 Federal schools for Indians-- General, 25 CFR 31 Uniform direct funding and support, 25 CFR 47 Indian school equalization program, 25 CFR 39 Maintenance and control of student records in Indian Affairs Bureau schools, 25 CFR 43 Minimum academic standards for basic education of Indian children and national criteria for dormitory situations, 25 CFR 36 Student rights, 25 CFR 42 Transfer of Indian education functions in Bureau of Indian Affairs, 25 CFR 33 Tribally Controlled Schools Act grants, 25 CFR 44 Merchant Marine Academy, U.S., regulations governing public buildings and grounds, 46 CFR 386 Merchant marine training, 46 CFR 310 Officer endorsements, requirements, 46 CFR 11 Nautical school ships Civilian, 46 CFR 168 Designation and approval, 46 CFR 166 Public, 46 CFR 167 Sailing school vessels, 46 CFR 169 Pilot schools, 14 CFR 141 Private vocational and distance education schools guides, 16 CFR 254 School expenditures assistance in cases of certain disasters, 34 CFR 120 Service obligations, special education, personnel development to improve services and results for children with disabilities, 34 CFR 304 Veterans Affairs, medical care, 38 CFR 17 Veterans readiness and employment and education, 38 CFR 21 Science and technology Agricultural Research Service; non-assistance cooperative agreements, general administrative policy, 7 CFR 550 Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule, 16 CFR 312 Defense Department National defense science and engineering graduate fellowships, 32 CFR 168a Withholding of unclassified technical data from public disclosure, 32 CFR 250 East-West Foreign Trade Board, reports on exports of technology, 15 CFR 1300 Energy Department Research misconduct allegations, 10 CFR 733 Technology investment agreements, 10 CFR 603 Energy technology small grants program, 10 CFR 470 Federal Acquisition Security Council, general regulations, 41 CFR 201-1 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 [[Page 845]] Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Forest Service Land and resource management planning, 36 CFR 219 National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), compliance, 36 CFR 220 Paleontological resources preservation, 36 CFR 291 Gulf Coast ecosystem restoration, spill impact component, 40 CFR 1800 Gulf Coast States; resources and ecosystems sustainability, tourist opportunities, and revived economies, 31 CFR 34 Homeland Security Department, regulations to support anti-terrorism by fostering effective technologies, 6 CFR 25 Industry and Security Bureau Export Administration regulations, scope, 15 CFR 734 Foreign availability determination procedures and criteria, 15 CFR 768 Information and communications technology and services supply chain, securing, 15 CFR 7 Minority science and engineering improvement program, 34 CFR 637 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, research misconduct, 14 CFR 1275 National Institute of Standards and Technology Advanced technology program, 15 CFR 295 CHIPS funding, clawbacks, 15 CFR 231 Manufacturing extension partnership, infrastructure development projects, 15 CFR 292 Manufacturing technology transfer, regional centers, 15 CFR 290 National construction safety teams, 15 CFR 270 Personnel exchanges between Federal laboratories and non-Federal entities, 15 CFR 17 Research associate program, 15 CFR 256 Standard reference materials issuance, 15 CFR 230 Technology innovation program, 15 CFR 296 National Science Foundation Patent rights, 45 CFR 650 Research misconduct, 45 CFR 689 National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program, 14 CFR 1259 National Technical Information Service, transfer by Federal agencies of scientific, technical and engineering information to NTIS, 15 CFR 1180 Paleontological resources preservation, 43 CFR 49 Public Health Service Research misconduct policies, 42 CFR 93 Science misconduct, policies of general applicability, 42 CFR 50 Regional Coastal Observing System, 15 CFR 997 Semiconductor chip products Foreign mask works protection, requests for Presidential proclamation, 37 CFR 150 Mask works protection, 37 CFR 211 [[Page 846]] Science and Technology Policy Office Emergency restoration priority procedures for telecommunications services, 47 CFR 211 Freedom of Information Act, implementation, 32 CFR 2402 Government and public correspondence telecommunications precedence system, 47 CFR 213 Information security program, implementation of Executive Order 12356, 32 CFR 2400 Telecommunications emergency preparedness Executive policy, 47 CFR 201 Federal Government focal point for electromagnetic pulse (EMP) information, 47 CFR 215 International telecommunication service for use during wartime emergency, procedures for obtaining, 47 CFR 212 National Communications System issuance system, 47 CFR 216 Planning and execution, 47 CFR 202 Radio spectrum during wartime emergency, procedures for use and coordination, 47 CFR 214 Scientific equipment See al Lasers; Medical devices Arms, ammunition, and implements of war, imports, 27 CFR 447 Distilled spirits, gauging manual, 27 CFR 30 Grain inspection equipment, official performance requirements, 7 CFR 801 Grain weighing equipment and related grain handling systems, official performance and procedural requirements, 7 CFR 802 Industrial, scientific, and medical equipment radio transmissions, 47 CFR 18 Instruments and apparatus for educational and scientific institutions, duty-free entry, 15 CFR 301 NOAA space-based data collection systems, usage policies and procedures, 15 CFR 911 Nuclear equipment and material, export and import, 10 CFR 110 Nuclear materials Byproduct material, general domestic licenses, 10 CFR 31 Industrial radiography licenses and radiation safety requirements for industrial radiographic operations, 10 CFR 34 Licenses and radiation safety requirements-- Irradiators, 10 CFR 36 Well logging, 10 CFR 39 Special nuclear material-- Domestic licensing, 10 CFR 70 Material control and accounting, 10 CFR 74 Private remote sensing space systems, licensing, 15 CFR 960 Wine, treatment and classification, 27 CFR 24 Scientists Energy Department, research misconduct allegations, 10 CFR 733 Health and Human Services Department, statutory conscience rights protection in health care, authority delegations, 45 CFR 88 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, research misconduct, 14 CFR 1275 National Science Foundation, medical clearance process for deployment to Antarctica, 45 CFR 675 Research facilities, use by academic scientists, engineers, and students, 45 CFR 9 Senior Biomedical Research and Biomedical Product Assessment Service, 42 CFR 24 Seafood See al Fish; Fisheries; Foods Common or usual name for distinguishing purposes for certain seafoods, 21 CFR 102 Emergency agricultural disaster assistance programs, 7 CFR 1416 Fish and fishery products, processing requirements, 21 CFR 123 Fish and shellfish Country of origin labeling, 7 CFR 60 General provisions and requirements for specific standardized fish and shellfish, 21 CFR 161 Fisheries in the Western Pacific, 50 CFR 665 Fishing and operations on aquatic products, applicability of minimum wage and overtime pay requirements, 29 CFR 784 Food Safety and Inspection Service [[Page 847]] Condemned and other inedible materials, handling and disposition, 9 CFR 540 Definitions, 9 CFR 531 Detention, seizure, condemnation, 9 CFR 559 Exports, 9 CFR 552 Fish and fish products, rules of practice governing inspection actions, 9 CFR 561 Fish products in commerce, transportation, 9 CFR 555 Food ingredients permitted, 9 CFR 544 General requirements, definitions, 9 CFR 530 Importation, 9 CFR 557 Inspection requirements, 9 CFR 532 Mandatory dispositions; performance standards respecting physical, chemical, or biological contaminants, 539 Pre-harvest standards and transportation to processing establishment, 9 CFR 534 Recordkeeping, 9 CFR 550 Sanitation requirements and hazard analysis and critical control points systems, notification regarding adulterated or misbranded products, 9 CFR 537 Separation of establishment, facilities for inspection, facilities for program employees, other required facilities, 9 CFR 533 State-Federal, Federal-State cooperative agreements; State designations, 9 CFR 560 Grade standards, 50 CFR 261 Inspection and certification, 50 CFR 260 Interstate transportation regulations, exemptions, commercial zones, and terminal areas, 49 CFR 372 Marine mammals Taking and importing, 50 CFR 216, 50 CFR 218, 50 CFR 219 Taking incidental to specified activities, 50 CFR 217 Species-specific seafood marketing councils, 50 CFR 270 Water pollution, effluent guidelines and standards, point source categories, seafood processing, canned and preserved, 40 CFR 408 Seals See Marine mammals Seals and insignia See al Signs and symbols African Development Foundation, 22 CFR 1503 Agriculture Department, National Organic Program seal, 7 CFR 205 Census Bureau, 15 CFR 100 Commerce Department, 15 CFR 1 Commodity Futures Trading Commission, 17 CFR 2 Congressional Space Medal of Honor, 14 CFR 1221 Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for District of Columbia, 28 CFR 803 Customs and Border Protection, 19 CFR 101 Education Department, 34 CFR 3 Energy Department, 10 CFR 1002 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 18 CFR 375 Federal Housing Finance Agency, organization and functions, 12 CFR 1200 Federal Maritime Commission, 46 CFR 501 Forest Service insignia and Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument Symbol, 36 CFR 264 General Services Administration, Civilian Board of Contract Appeals, 48 CFR 6101 Health and Human Services Department, 45 CFR 18 Internal Revenue Service, 26 CFR 301 International Trade Commission, 19 CFR 201 Library of Congress, 36 CFR 701 Mine Safety and Health Administration, 30 CFR 1 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 14 CFR 1221 National Archives and Records Administration, 36 CFR 1200 National Transportation Safety Board, 49 CFR 803 Navy Department, 32 CFR 765 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 10 CFR 1 Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission, 29 CFR 2200 Postal Regulatory Commission, 39 CFR 3000 Railroad Retirement Board, 20 CFR 369 State Department Certificates of authentication, 22 CFR 131 [[Page 848]] Insignia of rank, 22 CFR 1 Transportation Department, 49 CFR 3 Treasury Department, U.S. Mint operations and procedures, 31 CFR 92 Veterans Affairs Department, 38 CFR 1 Seamen See al Maritime carriers Alien crewmembers Arrival and departure manifests and lists, supporting documents, 8 CFR 251 Landing, 8 CFR 252 Longshore work-- Attestations by employers using alien crewmembers in U.S. ports, 29 CFR 506 Foreign workers in U.S., temporary employment, 20 CFR 655 Performance limitations, 8 CFR 258 Parole, 8 CFR 253 Application of minimum wage and overtime pay requirements, 29 CFR 783 Cargo and miscellaneous vessels, construction and arrangement, 46 CFR 92 Claims, administrative action and litigation, 46 CFR 327 Coast Guard marine investigation regulations, personnel action, 46 CFR 5 Commercial fishing industry vessels, safety requirements, 46 CFR 28 Commercial fishing vessels dispensing petroleum products, 46 CFR 105 Foreign Service functions, longshore work by U.S. nationals, foreign prohibitions, 22 CFR 89 Great Lakes pilotage Ratemaking, 46 CFR 404 Regulations, 46 CFR 401 Rules and orders, 46 CFR 402 Uniform accounting system, 46 CFR 403 Individual threat assessment, appeal and waiver procedures, 49 CFR 1515 Merchant marine appeals from decisions of Coast Guard Commandant, 49 CFR 825 Merchant marine training, 46 CFR 310 Merchant mariner credential, 46 CFR 10 Nautical schools Civilian nautical school vessels, 46 CFR 168 Designation and approval, 46 CFR 166 Public nautical school ships, 46 CFR 167 Officer endorsements, requirements, 46 CFR 11 Offshore supply vessels Construction and arrangements, 46 CFR 127 General provisions, 46 CFR 125 Liftboats, added provisions, 46 CFR 134 Passenger vessels, construction and arrangement, 46 CFR 72 Personal customs declarations and exemptions, 19 CFR 148 Ports and waterway safety, general requirements, 33 CFR 160 Reemployment rights of certain merchant seamen, 46 CFR 349 Repatriation, 46 CFR 332 Seaman's Protection Act (SPA), procedures for handling retaliation complaints under employee protection provision, as amended, 29 CFR 1986 Seamen rating endorsements, requirements, 46 CFR 12 Service awards, 46 CFR 350 Shipboard fumigation, 46 CFR 147A Shipment and discharge of merchant mariners, 46 CFR 14 Small passenger vessels carrying more than 150 passengers or with overnight accommodations for more than 49 passengers, construction and arrangement, 46 CFR 116 Special classes of persons who may be naturalized, 8 CFR 330 Tank vessels General provisions, 46 CFR 30 Operations, 46 CFR 35 Special equipment, machinery, and hull requirements, 46 CFR 32 Tankermen certification, 46 CFR 13 Vessels, manning requirements, 46 CFR 15 War risk insurance, 46 CFR 308 Seaplanes See Aircraft Search warrants See al Law enforcement Customs and Border Protection, inspection, search, and seizure, 19 CFR 162 Federal law enforcement officers authorization request for issuance, 28 CFR 60 [[Page 849]] Guidelines on methods of obtaining documentary materials held by third parties, 28 CFR 59 Industry and Security Bureau, Chemical Weapons Convention-- Clarification procedures, consultations and challenge inspections, 15 CFR 717 Declared facilities, initial and routine inspections, 15 CFR 716 Justice Department, policy Statements, 28 CFR 50 Seashores See al Coastal zone; Recreation and recreation areas Cape Cod National Seashore, zoning standards, 36 CFR 27 Fire Island National Seashore, zoning standards, 36 CFR 28 Land use, special laws and rules, 43 CFR 2090 Natural resource damage assessments, coastal and marine environments, 43 CFR 11 Secondary education See Education; Elementary and secondary education Secret Service Authorization of all banks, U.S. Post Offices, and disbursing officers of U.S. and their agents to deliver to Treasury Department counterfeit obligations and other securities and coins of U.S. or of any foreign government, 31 CFR 403 Canceled U.S. Internal Revenue Stamps, reproduction, 31 CFR 402 Closure of streets near White House, 31 CFR 413 Gold seizure and forfeiture for violations of Gold Reserve Act of 1934 and gold regulations, 31 CFR 406 Illustration of savings bonds, 31 CFR 405 Seizure and forfeiture of vessels, vehicles and aircraft used to transport counterfeit coins, obligations, securities, and paraphernalia, 31 CFR 401 Treasury building and Treasury annex, regulations governing conduct in, 31 CFR 407 U.S. currency, color illustrations, 31 CFR 411 White House press pass applications, standards and procedures utilized in issuing security clearance in connection with, 31 CFR 409 Securities See al Bonds; Government securities; Investments Authorization of all banks, U.S. Post Offices, and disbursing officers of U.S. and their agents to deliver to Treasury Department counterfeit obligations and other securities and coins of U.S. or of any foreign government, 31 CFR 403 Collateral acceptability and valuation, 31 CFR 380 Commodity Futures Trading Commission Covered funds; proprietary trading, certain interests in, and relationships with, 17 CFR 75 Security futures products, 17 CFR 41 Swap dealers and major swap participants, 17 CFR 23 Comptroller of the Currency, national banks Activities and operations, 12 CFR 7 Corporate activities rules, policies, and procedures, 12 CFR 5 Disclosure rules-- Securities Exchange Act, 12 CFR 11 Securities offerings, 12 CFR 16, 12 CFR 197 Government securities sales practices, 12 CFR 13 Investment securities, 12 CFR 1 Lending and investment, 12 CFR 160 Municipal securities dealers, 12 CFR 10 Practice and procedure rules, 12 CFR 19 Proprietary trading and certain interests in and relationships with covered funds, 12 CFR 44 Proxies, 12 CFR 169 Qualified financial contracts, mandatory contractual stay requirements, 12 CFR 47 Savings associations, operations, 12 CFR 163 Securities transactions-- Conversions from mutual to stock form, 12 CFR 192 Recordkeeping and confirmation requirements, 12 CFR 12, 12 CFR 151 Designated financial market utilities (Regulation HH), 12 CFR 234 [[Page 850]] Designation of financial market utilities, 12 CFR 1320 Employee Benefits Security Administration, fiduciary responsibility, 29 CFR 2550 Exemptions and definitions related to the exceptions for banks from the definition of broker (Regulation R), 17 CFR 247 Exceptions for banks from the definition of broker in the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Regulations R), 12 CFR 218 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Government securities sales practices, 12 CFR 368 Proprietary trading and certain interests in and relationships with covered funds, 12 CFR 351 Qualified financial contracts, recordkeeping requirements, 12 CFR 371 Registration of securities transfer agents, 12 CFR 341 Securities of nonmember insured banks, 12 CFR 335 Securities transactions, recordkeeping and confirmation requirements, 12 CFR 344 Unsafe and unsound banking practices, 12 CFR 337 Federal Housing Finance Agency Book-entry procedures, 12 CFR 1249 Enterprises-- Housing goals and mission, 12 CFR 1282 Resolution planning, 12 CFR 1242 Securities, book entry procedures, 31 CFR 1249 Margin and capital requirements for covered swap entities, 12 CFR 1221 Portfolio holdings, 12 CFR 1252 Uniform mortgage-backed securities, 12 CFR 1248 Federal Housing Finance Board, financing Corporation operations, 12 CFR 995 [[Page 851]] Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) and Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac), HUD Secretary's regulation, 24 CFR 81 Federal Reserve System Capital adequacy of bank holding companies, savings and loan holding companies, and State member banks (Regulation Q), 12 CFR 217 Enhanced prudential standards (Regulation YY), 12 CFR 252 Federal Reserve banks-- Bank holding companies and change in bank control (Regulation Y), 12 CFR 225 Capital stock (Regulation I), 12 CFR 209 Miscellaneous interpretations of banking regulations, 12 CFR 250 Mutual holding companies, 12 CFR 239 Open market operations, 12 CFR 270 Proprietary trading and certain interests in and relationships with covered funds (Regulation VV), 12 CFR 248 Relations with foreign banks and bankers (Regulation N), 12 CFR 214 Resolution plans, 12 CFR 243 Savings and loan holding companies, 12 CFR 238 Securities and Exchange Commission, proprietary trading and certain interests in and relationships with covered funds, 17 CFR 255 Securities credit-- Banks and persons other than brokers or dealers (Regulation U), 12 CFR 221 Borrowers (Regulation X), 12 CFR 224 Brokers and dealers (Regulation T), 12 CFR 220 State banking institutions, membership (Regulation H), 12 CFR 208 Financial Crimes Enforcement Network Banks, rules, 31 CFR 1020 Brokers or dealers, rules, 31 CFR 1023 Casinos and card clubs, rules, 31 CFR 1021 Dealers in precious metals, precious stones, or jewels, rules, 31 CFR 1027 Futures Commission merchants and introducing brokers in commodities, rules, 31 CFR 1026 General provisions, 31 CFR 1010 Housing Government sponsored enterprises, rules, 31 CFR 1030 Insurance companies, rules, 31 CFR 1025 Money services businesses, rules, 31 CFR 1022 Mutual funds, rules, 31 CFR 1024 Operators of credit card systems, rules, 31 CFR 1028 Financial market utilities, designation of, 12 CFR 1320 Financial recordkeeping and reporting of currency and foreign transactions, 31 CFR 103 Fiscal service; sale and issue of marketable book-entry Treasury bills, notes, and bonds (Department of Treasury Circular, Public Debt Series No. 1-93), 31 CFR 356 Foreign Assets Control Office Control regulations-- Cuban assets, 31 CFR 515 Diamonds, rough, 31 CFR 592 Iranian assets, 31 CFR 535 Iranian transactions and sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 560 Sanctions regulations-- Belarus, 31 CFR 548 Burma, 31 CFR 525 Central African Republic, 31 CFR 553 Chinese Military-Industrial Complex, 31 CFR 586 Cyber-related, 31 CFR 578 Darfur, 31 CFR 546 Democratic Republic of the Congo, 31 CFR 547 Elections, U.S.; foreign interference, 31 CFR 579 Foreign narcotics kingpin, 31 CFR 598 Foreign terrorist organizations, 31 CFR 597 Global Magnitsky Human Rights Accountability Act, 31 CFR 583 Global terrorism, 31 CFR 594 Hizballah, 31 CFR 566 Hong Kong, 31 CFR 585 Hostages and wrongful detention, 31 CFR 526 Iran, financial, 31 CFR 561 Iran, human rights abuses, 31 CFR 562 [[Page 852]] Iraq, stabilization and insurgency, 31 CFR 576 Lebanon, 31 CFR 549 Libya, 31 CFR 570 Magnitsky Act, 31 CFR 584 Mali, 31 CFR 555 Narcotics trafficking, 31 CFR 536 Nicaragua, 31 CFR 582 North Korea, 31 CFR 510 Somalia, 31 CFR 551 South Sudan, 31 CFR 558 Syria, 31 CFR 542, 31 CFR 569 Terrorism, 31 CFR 595 Transnational criminal organizations, 31 CFR 590 Ukraine, 31 CFR 589 Venezuela, 31 CFR 591 Weapons of mass destruction proliferators, 31 CFR 544 Yemen, 31 CFR 552 Zimbabwe, 31 CFR 541 Weapons of mass destruction, trade control regulations, 31 CFR 539 Western Balkans stabilization regulations, 31 CFR 588 Foreign portfolio investment survey reporting, 31 CFR 129 Housing and Urban Development Department, Government National Mortgage Association Book-entry procedures, 24 CFR 350 Mortgage-backed securities guaranty, 24 CFR 320 Multiclass securities guaranty, 24 CFR 330 Hydroelectric power project licensees and utilities Authorization of issuance of securities or assumption of liabilities, applications, 18 CFR 34 Federal Power Act, section 203, applications, 18 CFR 33 Issuance of securities, 18 CFR 20 Income taxes Banking institutions, general applications, 26 CFR 1 (1.581-1--1.586- 2) Corporate distributions-- Definitions, constructive ownership of stock, 26 CFR 1 (1.316-1-- 1.318-4) Effects on corporation, 26 CFR 1 (1.312-1--1.312-15) Effects on recipients, 26 CFR 1 (1.301-1--1.307-2) Corporate liquidations-- Collapsible corporations and foreign personal holding companies, 26 CFR 1 (1.341-1--1.342-1) Effects on corporation, 26 CFR 1 (1.337(d)-1--1.338(i)-1) Effects on recipients, 26 CFR 1 (1.331-1--1.334-1) Corporate organizations and reorganizations, effects on shareholders and security holders, 26 CFR 1 (1.354-1--1.358-6) Corporations used to avoid income tax on shareholders-- Foreign personal holding companies, 26 CFR 1 (1.551-1--1.556-3) Personal holding companies, 26 CFR 1 (1.541-1--1.547-7) Deferred compensation-- Certain stock options, 26 CFR 1 (1.421-1--1.425-1) Pension, profit-sharing, stock bonus plans, 26 CFR 1 (1.401-0--1.420 CFR 1) Gain or loss on disposition of property-- Exchanges in obedience to Securities and Exchange Commission orders, 26 CFR 1 (1.1081-1--1.1083-1) Wash sales of stock or securities, 26 CFR 1 (1.1091-1--1.1092(d)-2) Regulated investment companies-- Deductions for deficiency dividends, 26 CFR 1 (1.860-1--1.860-5) General, 26 CFR 1 (1.851-1--1.855-1) Transfers to avoid income tax, 26 CFR 1 (1.1491-1--1.1494-2) New markets venture capital program, 13 CFR 108 Nonbank financial companies, authority to require supervision and regulation, 12 CFR 1310 Offshore facilities, oil spill financial responsibilities for, 30 CFR 553 Postal Service, book entry procedures, 39 CFR 761 Privacy of consumer financial information, safeguarding personal information and affiliate marketing limitations (Regulations S-P, S- AM, and S-ID), 17 CFR 248 [[Page 853]] Resolution Funding Corporation Book-entry procedure, 12 CFR 1511 Operations, 12 CFR 1510 Rural Business Investment Company Program, 7 CFR 4290 S.A.F.E. Mortgage Licensing Act Residential mortgage loan originators, Federal registration (Regulation G), 12 CFR 1007 State compliance and bureau registration system (regulation H), 12 CFR 1008 Securities and Exchange Commission Electronic filings, general rules and regulations (Regulation S-T), 17 CFR 232 Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975-- Financial statements, form and content of and requirements for, 17 CFR 210 Forms, standard instructions for filing (Regulation S-K), 17 CFR 229 Financial reporting matters, interpretations relating to, 17 CFR 211 Informal and other procedures, 17 CFR 202 Investigations, general rules and regulations, 17 CFR 203 Investment Advisers Act of 1940-- Financial statements, form and content of and requirements for, 17 CFR 210 Forms, prescribed under, 17 CFR 279 Interpretive releases, and general rules and regulations, 17 CFR 276 Rules and regulations, 17 CFR 275 Investment Company Act of 1940-- Financial statements, form and content of and requirements for, 17 CFR 210 Forms, prescribed under, 17 CFR 274 Interpretive releases, 17 CFR 271 Rules and regulations, 17 CFR 270 Organization, conduct and ethics, and information requests, 17 CFR 200 Practice rules, 17 CFR 201 Regulation blackout trading restriction, 17 CFR 245 Regulation crowdfunding, 17 CFR 227 Regulation FD (selective disclosure), 17 CFR 243 Regulation G (non-GAAP financial measures), 17 CFR 244 Regulations M, SHO, ATS, AC and NMS and customer margin requirements for security futures, 17 CFR 242 Securities Act of 1933-- Financial statements, form and content of and requirements for, 17 CFR 210 Forms, 17 CFR 239 Forms, standard instructions for filing (Regulation S-K), 17 CFR 229 General rules and regulations, 17 CFR 230 Interpretive releases, 17 CFR 231 Securities Exchange Act of 1934-- Financial statements, form and content of and requirements for, 17 CFR 210 Forms, 17 CFR 249, 17 CFR 249b Forms, standard instructions for filing (Regulation S-K), 17 CFR 229 General rules and regulations, 17 CFR 240 Interpretive releases, 17 CFR 241 Securities Investor Protection Corporation-- Forms, 17 CFR 301 General rules and regulations, 17 CFR 300 Trust Indenture Act of 1939-- Forms, 17 CFR 269 General rules and regulations, 17 CFR 260 Interpretive releases, 17 CFR 261 Securities held in New Treasury Direct system, regulations governing, 31 CFR 363 Student Loan Marketing Association (Sallie Mae), book-entry securities, 31 CFR 354 Surface Transportation Board regulated carriers, voting trusts, proper use guidelines, 49 CFR 1013 TARP standards for compensation and corporate governance, 31 CFR 30 Troubled Asset Relief Program, 31 CFR 31 Vessels, vehicles and aircraft used to transport counterfeit coins, obligations, securities, and paraphernalia; seizure and forfeiture, 31 CFR 401 Securities and Exchange Commission Commission's practice rules, prescribed forms, 17 CFR 209 [[Page 854]] Corporate reorganizations under Chapter X of Bankruptcy Act, interpretive releases, 17 CFR 281 Cross-border antifraud law enforcement authority, 17 CFR 250 Debt collection, 17 CFR 204 Electronic filings, general rules and regulations (Regulation S-T), 17 CFR 232 Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975 Financial statements, form and content of and requirements for, 17 CFR 210 Forms, standard instructions for filing (Regulation S-K), 17 CFR 229 Engraving and Printing Bureau, distinctive paper and distinctive counterfeit deterrents for United States Federal Reserve notes, 31 CFR 601 Ethical conduct for agency members and employees, supplemental standards, 5 CFR 4401 Financial reporting matters, interpretations relating to, 17 CFR 211 Informal and other procedures, 17 CFR 202 Investigations, 17 CFR 203 Investment Advisers Act of 1940 Financial statements, form and content of and requirements for, 17 CFR 210 Forms, 17 CFR 279 Interpretive releases, and general rules and regulations, 17 CFR 276 Rules and regulations, 17 CFR 275 Investment Company Act of 1940 Financial statements, form and content of and requirements for, 17 CFR 210 Forms, prescribed under, 17 CFR 274 Interpretive releases, 17 CFR 271 Rules and regulations, 17 CFR 270 Organization, conduct and ethics, and information and requests, 17 CFR 200 Professional conduct standards for attorneys appearing and practicing before Commission in representation of issuer, 17 CFR 205 Regulation blackout trading restriction (BTR), 17 CFR 245 Regulation crowdfunding, 17 CFR 227 Regulation FD (Selective disclosure), 17 CFR 243 Regulation G (non-GAAP financial measures), 17 CFR 244 Regulations M, SHO, ATS, AC and NMS and customer margin requirements for security futures, 17 CFR 242 Regulation R-exemptions and definitions related to the exceptions for banks from the definition of broker, 17 CFR 247 Regulations S-P, S-AM, and S-ID (Privacy of consumer financial information and safeguarding personal information; affiliate marketing limitations; and identity theft red flags), 17 CFR 248 Reports African Development Bank, 17 CFR 288 Asian Development Bank, 17 CFR 287 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 17 CFR 290 Inter-American Development Bank, 17 CFR 286 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, 17 CFR 285 International Finance Corporation, 17 CFR 289 Rules of practice, 17 CFR 201 Securities Act of 1933 Financial statement, form and content of and requirements for, 17 CFR 210 Forms, 17 CFR 239 Forms, standard instructions for filing (Regulation S-K), 17 CFR 229 General rules and regulations, 17 CFR 230 Interpretive releases, 17 CFR 231 Securities Exchange Act of 1934 Financial statements, form and content of and requirements for, 17 CFR 210 Forms, 17 CFR 249, 17 CFR 249b Forms, standard instructions for filing (Regulation S-K), 17 CFR 229 General rules and regulations, 17 CFR 240 Interpretive releases, 17 CFR 241 Securities Investor Protection Corporation Forms, 17 CFR 301 General rules and regulations, 17 CFR 300 Trust Indenture Act of 1939 Forms, 17 CFR 269 General rules and regulations, 17 CFR 260 Interpretive releases, 17 CFR 261 Security information See Classified information Security measures See al Classified information [[Page 855]] Aviation operations in Washington, DC metropolitan area flight restricted zone, 49 CFR 1562 Banks and banking, minimum security devices and procedures Security program, suspicious transactions, catastrophic acts, cyber incidents, and Bank Secrecy Act compliance, 12 CFR 748 Insured State nonmember banks, 12 CFR 326 Beltsville Agricultural Research Center Property, Beltsville, MD, conduct on facility, 7 CFR 502 Central Intelligence Agency, conduct on agency installations, 32 CFR 1903 Commerce Department, acquisition regulations Acquisition of information technology, 48 CFR 1339 Service contracting, 48 CFR 1337 Controlled substances List I chemicals, manufacturers, distributors, importers, and exporters; registration, 21 CFR 1309 Manufacturers, distributors, and dispensers; registration, 21 CFR 1301 Crime-insured property security, protective device requirements, 24 CFR 1932 Customs and Border Protection, air commerce regulations, 19 CFR 122 Defense Department Identification cards for members of the uniformed services, their dependents, and other eligible individuals, 32 CFR 161 Identity management, 32 CFR 221 National Security Agency, 32 CFR 228 Operational contract support outside the U.S., 32 CFR 158 Pentagon Reservation, conduct on, 32 CFR 234 Personnel security program, 32 CFR 156 Private security contractors operating in contingency operations, humanitarian or peace operations, or other military operations or exercises, 32 CFR 159 Unclassified controlled nuclear information, 32 CFR 223 Defense Logistics Agency, security of activities and resources, 32 CFR 1292 Distilled spirits plants, 27 CFR 19 Emergency Security Control of Air Traffic plan (ESCAT), 32 CFR 245 Energy Department Civil penalties assessment for classified information security violations, procedures, 10 CFR 824 Human reliability program, 10 CFR 712 Protective force officers and personnel-- Limited arrest authority and use of force by, 10 CFR 1049 Medical, physical readiness, training, and access authorization standards, 10 CFR 1046 Restrictions on aircraft landing and air delivery at DOE nuclear sites, 10 CFR 862 Safeguarding restricted data by access permittees, 10 CFR 1016 Security policies, labor-management relations, 10 CFR 706 Trespassing on-- Government property, 10 CFR 860 Strategic Petroleum Reserve facilities and other property, 10 CFR 1048 Workplace substance abuse programs at DOE sites, 10 CFR 707 Engineers Corps, danger zone and restricted area regulations, 33 CFR 334 Explosives, commerce, 27 CFR 555 Federal Acquisition Security Council, general regulations, 41 CFR 201-1 Federal Aviation Administration Air traffic security control, 14 CFR 99 Certifications-- Airmen other than flight crewmembers, 14 CFR 65 Flight crewmembers other than pilots, 14 CFR 63 Pilots, flight instructors, and ground instructors, 14 CFR 61 General aircraft operating and flight rules, 14 CFR 91 Small unmanned aircraft systems, 14 CFR 107 Unmanned aircraft, remote identification, 14 CFR 89 Voluntarily submitted information, protection, 14 CFR 193 Federal Communications Commission Common carrier services Commercial mobile services, 47 CFR 20 Miscellaneous rules, 47 CFR 64 [[Page 856]] Satellite communications, 47 CFR 25 Emergency service providers (911 and E911) requirements, 47 CFR 9 Practice and procedure, 47 CFR 1 Federal Emergency Management Agency; Mt. Weather Emergency Assistance Center and National Emergency Training Center, conduct at, 44 CFR 15 Federal Management Regulation Mail management, 41 CFR 102-192 Real property-- Design and construction, 41 CFR 102-76 Physical security, 41 CFR 102-81 Federal penal and correctional institutions, traffic in contraband articles, 28 CFR 6 Federal savings associations, security procedures, 12 CFR 168 Federal Trade Commission, health breach notification rule, 16 CFR 318 Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as amended, administration and enforcement, 28 CFR 5 Foreign air carriers and foreign operators of U.S.-Registered aircraft engaged in common carriage, operations, 14 CFR 129 Foreign Assets Control Office, sanctions regulations Cyber-related, 31 CFR 578 Global terrorism, 31 CFR 594 Foreign dignitaries and other official personnel, protection, 22 CFR 2 Foreign diplomatic missions, procedures for providing assistance to State and local governments in protecting, 31 CFR 13 Foreign government agents, notifications to Attorney General, 28 CFR 73 Foreign Service functions, protection and welfare of U.S. citizens and their property, 22 CFR 71 Hazardous materials, carriage by rail, 49 CFR 174 Hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facilities Interim status standards for owners and operators, 40 CFR 265 Standards for owners and operators, 40 CFR 264 Health information technology Information blocking, 45 CFR 171 Standards, implementation specifications, certification criteria and certification programs, 45 CFR 170 Homeland Security Department Chemical facilities; anti-terrorism standards, 6 CFR 27 REAL ID driver's licenses and identification cards, 6 CFR 37 Support anti-terrorism by fostering effective technologies, regulations to, 6 CFR 25 Transportation Security Oversight Board Review Panel, process and procedures, 6 CFR 126 Immigration, prevention of unauthorized entry of aliens by owners of international railroad lines, international bridges or toll roads, 8 CFR 271 Individual threat assessment, appeal and waiver procedures, 49 CFR 1515 Information security matters, 38 CFR 75 Information Security Oversight Office Classified National security information, 32 CFR 2001 Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), 32 CFR 2002 Kwajalein Missile Range, entry authorization regulation, 32 CFR 525 Liquefied natural gas facilities, Federal safety standards, 49 CFR 193 Maritime security Area maritime security, 33 CFR 103 Facilities, 33 CFR 105 General, 33 CFR 101 National vessel and facility control measures and limited access areas, 33 CFR 107 Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) facilities, 33 CFR 106 Regulated navigation areas and limited access areas, 33 CFR 165 Safety of life on navigable waters, 33 CFR 100 Vessels, 33 CFR 104 National Aeronautics and Space Administration Administrative authority and policy, 14 CFR 1204 Security areas, 14 CFR 1203a Security programs, arrest authority and use of force by NASA security force personnel, 14 CFR 1203b [[Page 857]] National Arboretum, conduct and fee schedule for facilities and grounds, 7 CFR 500 National banks; minimum security devices and procedures, reports of suspicious activities, and Bank Secrecy Act compliance program, 12 CFR 21 National Industrial Security Program, 32 CFR 2004 National Security Industrial Base regulations, effect of imported articles on National security, 15 CFR 705 Natural and other gas transportation by pipeline, minimum Federal safety standards, 49 CFR 192 Naval Defensive Sea Areas, Naval Airspace Reservations, areas under Navy administration, and Trust Territory of Pacific Islands, regulations governing entry, 32 CFR 761 Naval installations, rules limiting public access, 32 CFR 770 Navy Department, rules applicable to public, 32 CFR 765 Nuclear materials Atomic Energy Act, licensing exemptions and continued regulatory authority in agreement States and in offshore waters under Sec. 174, 10 CFR 150 Gaseous diffusion plants, certification, 10 CFR 76 Independent storage of spent nuclear fuel, high-level radioactive waste, and reactor-related greater than class C waste, licensing requirements, 10 CFR 72 Industrial radiography licenses and radiation safety requirements for industrial radiographic operations, 10 CFR 34 Licenses and radiation safety requirements-- Irradiators, 10 CFR 36 Well logging, 10 CFR 39 National security information and restricted data, facility security clearance and safeguarding of, 10 CFR 95 Safeguards, implementation of safeguards agreements between United States and the International Atomic Energy Agency, 10 CFR 75 Special nuclear material-- Criteria and procedures for determining eligibility for access to or control over, 10 CFR 11 Domestic licensing, 10 CFR 70 Unclassified controlled nuclear material, identification and protection, 10 CFR 1017 Nuclear plants and materials, physical protection, 10 CFR 73 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Classified information, access authorization, 10 CFR 25 Property, trespassing on, 10 CFR 160 Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration; hazardous materials tables, special provisions, hazardous materials communications, emergency response information, training requirements, and security plans, 49 CFR 172 Plum Island Animal Disease Center, conduct, 7 CFR 503 Postal Service Information protection, 39 CFR 267 Post offices, protection, 39 CFR 231 Vital records protection, 39 CFR 264 Public buildings and grounds, management, 41 CFR 101-20 Radio frequency devices, 47 CFR 15 Radioactive materials, physical protection of category 1 and category 2 quantities, 10 CFR 37 Registration of certain organizations carrying on activities within U.S., 28 CFR 10 Registration of certain persons having knowledge of foreign espionage, counterespionage, or sabotage matters under Act of August 1, 1956 (Pub. L. 84-893), 28 CFR 12 Secret Service, closure of streets near White House, 31 CFR 413 Space flight personnel reliability program, 14 CFR 1214 Special use airspace, 14 CFR 73 State Department Press building passes, regulations governing, 22 CFR 9b Security information regulations, 22 CFR 9 Transportation Department, sensitive security information protection, 49 CFR 15 Transportation Security Administration Administrative and procedural rules-- [[Page 858]] Applicability, terms, and abbreviations, 49 CFR 1500 Aviation security infrastructure fee, 49 CFR 1511 Passenger civil aviation security service fees, 49 CFR 1510 Civil aviation security-- Aircraft operator security, air carriers and commercial operators, 49 CFR 1544 Aircraft repair station security, 49 CFR 1554 Aircraft security under general operating and flight rules, 49 CFR 1550 Airport security, 49 CFR 1542 Certified cargo screening program, 49 CFR 1549 Flight schools, 49 CFR 1552 Foreign air carrier security, 49 CFR 1546 General rules, 49 CFR 1540 Indirect air carrier security, 49 CFR 1548 Protection of sensitive security information, 49 CFR 1560 Maritime and surface transportation security-- Credentialing and security threat assessments, 49 CFR 1572 Freight rail transportation security, 49 CFR 1580 Highway and motor carrier security, 49 CFR 1584 Public transportation and passenger railroad security, 49 CFR 1582 Surface transportation security, general rules, 49 CFR 1570 Sensitive security information protection, 49 CFR 1520 Validation firms and validators, 49 CFR 1522 U.S. Meat Animal Research Center, Clay Center, Nebraska, 7 CFR 501 Vessels, harbors, and waterfront facilities Identification credentials for persons requiring access to, 33 CFR 125 Protection and security, 33 CFR 6 Waterfront facilities handling liquefied natural gas and liquefied hazardous gas, 33 CFR 127 Veterans Affairs Department, general provisions, 38 CFR 1 White House press pass application, standards and procedures utilized in issuing security clearance in connection with, 31 CFR 409 Wholesale prescription drug distributors, State licensing guidelines, 21 CFR 205 Seeds See al Plants Agricultural and vegetable seed, quality inspection and certification, 7 CFR 75 Commodity laboratory testing programs, plant variety and protection, 7 CFR 97 Farm Service Agency, seed producers emergency loan program, 7 CFR 774 Federal Seed Act Administrative procedures, 7 CFR 202 Importation of seed and screenings, 7 CFR 361 Requirements, 7 CFR 201 Segregation in education See Equal educational opportunity Seismic safety See al Buildings and facilities; Safety Federal and federally assisted new building construction Rural Utilities Service, 7 CFR 1792 Transportation Department, 49 CFR 41 Justice Department, property management regulations, 41 CFR 128-1 Seizures and forfeitures See al Penalties Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Bureau Seized personal property, disposition, 27 CFR 72 Tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes, miscellaneous regulations, 27 CFR 46 Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives Bureau Arms, ammunition, and implements of war, imports, 27 CFR 447 Contraband cigarettes, 27 CFR 646 Explosives, commerce, 27 CFR 555 Firearms and ammunition, commerce in, 27 CFR 478 Machine guns, destructive devices, and certain other firearms, 27 CFR 479 Conveyance transporting illegal aliens, 8 CFR 274 Counterfeit gold coins, mitigation of forfeiture, 31 CFR 101 [[Page 859]] Customs and Border Protection Inspection, search, and seizure of illegal import merchandise, 19 CFR 162 Relief from fines, penalties, and forfeitures of seized merchandise, 19 CFR 171 Drug Enforcement Administration, controlled substances, administrative functions, practices, and procedures, 21 CFR 1316 Fish and Wildlife Service, 50 CFR 12 Forest Service, law enforcement support activities, 36 CFR 262 Internal Revenue Service, seized personal property, disposition, 26 CFR 403 International traffic in arms, violations and penalties, 22 CFR 127 Justice Department Forfeiture authority for certain statutes, 28 CFR 8 Remission or mitigation of administrative, civil and criminal forfeitures, regulations governing, 28 CFR 9 Seized personal property, storage and care, 41 CFR 128-50 Utilization, donation, or disposal of abandoned and forfeited personal property, 41 CFR 128-48 Meat and fish products; detention, seizure, condemnation, 9 CFR 559 Meat inspection, mandatory, detention, seizure and condemnation, criminal offenses, 9 CFR 329 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, civil procedures, 15 CFR 904 Plants; importation, exportation, and reexportation; forfeiture procedures, 7 CFR 356 Postal Service, inspection service authority, 39 CFR 233 Poultry products inspection, 9 CFR 381 Secret Service Gold, seizure and forfeiture for violations of Gold Reserve Act of 1934 and gold regulations, 31 CFR 406 Vehicles, vessels, and aircraft transporting counterfeit coins, obligations, securities, and paraphernalia, seizure and forfeiture, 31 CFR 401 Veterinary biologics, detention, seizure and condemnation, 9 CFR 118 Selective Service System See al Armed Forces Administrative definitions, 32 CFR 1602 Advisory opinions, 32 CFR 1698 Alternative service instead of military service, 32 CFR 1656 Appeal to President, 32 CFR 1653 Civil service employment, statutory bar to appointment of persons who fail to register under Selective Service law, 5 CFR 300 Classification of registrant Administration, 32 CFR 1633 Deferred because of hardship to dependents, 32 CFR 1642 District appeal board, 32 CFR 1651 General rules, 32 CFR 1630 Local board, 32 CFR 1648 Ministers of religion, 32 CFR 1645 Preparing for ministry, 32 CFR 1639 Conscientious objectors, classification, 32 CFR 1636 Duty of registrants, 32 CFR 1621 Extraordinary expenses of registrants, 32 CFR 1659 Freedom of Information Act procedures, 32 CFR 1662 Higher Education Act of 1965, institution eligibility, 34 CFR 600 Inductions into military service, 32 CFR 1624 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 32 CFR 1699 Notice to registrants, 32 CFR 1618 Overseas registrant processing, 32 CFR 1657 Privacy Act procedures, 32 CFR 1665 Registration administration, 32 CFR 1615 Salary offset, 32 CFR 1697 Selective Service system organization, 32 CFR 1605 Student assistance, general provisions, 34 CFR 668 Uncompensated personnel, 32 CFR 1609 Volunteers for induction, 32 CFR 1627 Witness testimony by agency personnel, release of official information in litigation and presentation (Touhy regualtion), 32 CFR 1660 Semiconductor chip products See Computer technology Senior citizens See Aged [[Page 860]] Serums See Biologics Sewage disposal See al Waste treatment and disposal Air pollution control, performance standards for new stationary sources, 40 CFR 60 Clean Vessel Act grant program, 50 CFR 85 Marine sanitation device standard, 40 CFR 140 Marine sanitation devices, 33 CFR 159 Rural Alaskan village grants, 7 CFR 1784 Sewage sludge use or disposal standards, 40 CFR 503 State sludge management program regulations, 40 CFR 501 Sex discrimination See al Civil rights; Women Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, All-inclusive care for the elderly, 42 CFR 460 Comptroller of the Currency, nondiscrimination requirements, 12 CFR 128 Equal credit opportunity (Regulation B) Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, 12 CFR 1002 Farm Credit Administration, 12 CFR 626 Federal Reserve System, 12 CFR 202 Equal employment opportunity Affirmative action programs, interpretative guidelines, 29 CFR 1608 Complaints of employment discrimination filed against recipients of Federal financial assistance, procedures, 29 CFR 1691 Corporation for National and Community Service, member and volunteer discrimination complaint procedure, 45 CFR 1225 Defense Department, civilian equal opportunity program, 32 CFR 191 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, guidelines, 29 CFR 1604 Federal Contract Compliance Programs Office, 41 CFR 60-20 Federal Government, 29 CFR 1614 Federal Reserve System, 12 CFR 268 Interagency coordination procedures, 29 CFR 1690 Recordkeeping and reporting requirements under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, 29 CFR 1602 Equal Pay Act, 29 CFR 1620 Federal credit unions, organization and operations, 12 CFR 701 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, fair housing, 12 CFR 338 Health and Human Services Department, health insurance Affordable Care Act Exchange establishment standards and related standards under, 45 CFR 155 Issuer standards under, including requirements related to exchanges, 45 CFR 156 Group and individual health insurance markets, health insurance reform requirements for, 45 CFR 147 Nondiscrimination in federally assisted and conducted programs Agriculture Department, 7 CFR 15 Energy Department, 10 CFR 1040 Environmental Protection Agency, 40 CFR 7 Federal Highway Administration, 23 CFR 200 Health and Human Services Department, 45 CFR 80 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 107 Interior Department, nondiscrimination in activities conducted under Trans-Alaska Pipeline Authorization Act, 43 CFR 27 Justice Department, 28 CFR 42 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 10 CFR 4 Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation, 36 CFR 906 Rural Development, 7 CFR 1901 Small Business Administration, 13 CFR 113 Nondiscrimination in federally assisted education programs Agency for International Development, 22 CFR 229 Agriculture Department, 7 CFR 15a Commerce Department, 15 CFR 8a [[Page 861]] Corporation for National and Community Service, 45 CFR 2555 Defense Department, 32 CFR 196 Education Department, 34 CFR 106 Energy Department, 10 CFR 1042 Environmental Protection Agency, 40 CFR 5 Federal Emergency Management Agency, 44 CFR 19 General Services Administration, 41 CFR 101-4 Health and Human Services Department, 45 CFR 86 Homeland Security Department, 6 CFR 17 Housing and Urban Development Department, 24 CFR 3 Interior Department, 43 CFR 41 Justice Department, 28 CFR 54 Labor Department, 29 CFR 36 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 14 CFR 1253 National Archives and Records Administration, 36 CFR 1211 National Science Foundation, 45 CFR 618 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 10 CFR 5 Small Business Administration, 13 CFR 113 State Department, 22 CFR 146 Tennessee Valley Authority, 18 CFR 1317 Transportation Department, 49 CFR 25 Treasury Department, 31 CFR 28 Veterans Affairs Department, 38 CFR 23 Nuclear Regulatory Commission rules of practice and procedure, 10 CFR 2 Nursing school scholarship grants, 45 CFR 83 Peace Corps, volunteer discrimination complaint procedure, 22 CFR 306 Prisons Bureau, miscellaneous regulations, 28 CFR 551 Workforce Investment Act of 1998, implementation of nondiscrimination and equal opportunity provisions, 29 CFR 37 Sheep Brucellosis, animals destroyed because of, 9 CFR 51 National Sheep Industry Improvement Center, 7 CFR 63 Scrapie control, 9 CFR 54 Scrapie in sheep and goats, interstate transportation of animals, 9 CFR 79 Shipping See Air carriers; Freight forwarders; Maritime carriers; Motor carriers; Railroads Ships See Vessels Shoes See Footwear Signs and symbols See al Seals and insignia; Trademarks Boating Infrastructure Grant program, 50 CFR 86 Coast Guard vessels and aircraft, distinctive markings, 33 CFR 23 Comptroller of the Currency, nondiscrimination requirements, 12 CFR 128 Construction industry, safety and health regulations, 29 CFR 1926 Credit unions, advertising accuracy and notice of insured status, 12 CFR 740 Fair housing poster, 24 CFR 110 Farm Credit Administration, nondiscrimination in lending, 12 CFR 626 Federal Aviation Administration Aircraft and related products, identification and registration marking, 14 CFR 45 Airworthiness standards; normal category airplanes, 14 CFR 23 Small unmanned aircraft systems, 14 CFR 107 Federal credit unions, organization and operations, 12 CFR 701 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Advertisements of membership, False advertising, misrepresentation of insured status and misuse of FDIC's name and logo, 12 CFR 328 Fair housing, 12 CFR 338 Food Safety and Inspection Service Product preparation, 9 CFR 548 Products and containers; marks, marking and labeling of products, 9 CFR 541 Four-H Club name and emblem, 7 CFR 8 Highway beautification, 23 CFR 750 Infant formula, miscellaneous regulations, 21 CFR 107 Irradiation in production, processing and handling of food, 21 CFR 179 Meat inspection [[Page 862]] Mandatory inspection, entry into official establishments, reinspection and preparation of products, 9 CFR 318 Official marks, devices and certificates, 9 CFR 312 Poultry products inspection, 9 CFR 381 Rabbits and edible products, voluntary inspection, 9 CFR 354 Mount St. Helens National Volcanic Monument Symbol, 36 CFR 264 National parks Arrowhead and parkscape symbols, 36 CFR 11 General provisions; accommodations or service, water and land recreation symbols, 36 CFR 1 Occupational safety and health standards, 29 CFR 1910 Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration and Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Acts, administrative requirements, 50 CFR 80 Small unmanned aircraft, registration and marking requirements, 14 CFR 48 Smokey Bear symbol, use, 36 CFR 271 Treasury Department, U.S. Mint operations and procedures, 31 CFR 92 Woodsy Owl symbol, use, 36 CFR 272 Silk See Textiles Silver See al Currency; Metals Domestic silver operations, sale, 31 CFR 56 Gold or silver bullion or bulk coins, leverage transactions, 17 CFR 31 Sirup See Sugar Slum clearance See Urban renewal Small Business Administration Administration, 13 CFR 101 Administrative claims under Federal Tort Claims Act, 13 CFR 114 Business loans, 13 CFR 120 Conducting business with SBA, standards, 13 CFR 103 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 2700 Debt collection, 13 CFR 140 Disaster loan program, 13 CFR 123 Drug-free workplace requirements (nonprocurement), 13 CFR 147 Employee standards of conduct, restrictions and responsibilities, 13 CFR 105 Government contracting programs, 13 CFR 125 Hearings and Appeals Office, procedure rules governing cases before, 13 CFR 134 HUBZone program, 13 CFR 126 Interior Department, small business programs, 48 CFR 1419 Lobbying restrictions, 13 CFR 146 Microentrepreneurs, investment program, 13 CFR 119 Minority Small Business and Capital Ownership Development program /small disadvantaged business status determinations, 13 CFR 124 New markets venture capital program, 13 CFR 108 Nondiscrimination Education programs, on basis of sex, 13 CFR 113 Federally assisted programs, 13 CFR 112, 13 CFR 113 Age, on basis of, 13 CFR 117 Disability, on basis of, 13 CFR 136 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation, 13 CFR 142 Record disclosure and privacy, 13 CFR 102 Small business development centers, 13 CFR 130 Small Business Intermediary Lending Pilot program, 13 CFR 109 Small business investment companies, 13 CFR 107 Small business size regulations, 13 CFR 121 Small businesses located in disaster areas, and surplus personal property for small businesses located in disaster areas, Puerto Rico, and covered territory; contracts, 13 CFR 129 Surety bond guarantee, 13 CFR 115 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal Awards, 2 CFR 2701 Veterans Small Business Certification Program, 13 CFR 128 Women-Owned Small Business, Federal contract program, 13 CFR 127 Women's Business Center program, 13 CFR 131 [[Page 863]] Small businesses See al Business and industry; Minority businesses Acquisition regulations Agency for International Development-- General, 48 CFR 719 Socioeconomic programs, 48 CFR 726 Agriculture Department, 48 CFR 419 Commerce Department-- Simplified acquisition procedures, 48 CFR 1313 Small business programs, 48 CFR 1319 Defense Department-- General, 48 CFR 219 Grants and cooperative agreements, implementation of governmentwide guidance, 2 CFR 1104 Socioeconomic programs, 48 CFR 226 Education Department, 48 CFR 3419 Energy Department-- General, 48 CFR 919 Management and operating contracts, 48 CFR 970 Environmental Protection Agency, 48 CFR 1519 General Services Administration, 48 CFR 519 Housing and Urban Development Department, 48 CFR 2419 Labor Department, 48 CFR 2919 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 48 CFR 1819 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 48 CFR 2019 State Department, 48 CFR 619 Transportation Department, 48 CFR 1219 Veterans Affairs Department, 48 CFR 819 Appropriate technology small grants program, 10 CFR 470 Community Development Financial Institutions Program, 12 CFR 1805 Comptroller of Currency, community and economic development entities, community development projects, and other public welfare investments, 12 CFR 24 Consumer Product Safety Commission, small business, 16 CFR 1020 Consumer products and commercial and industrial equipment Certification, compliance, and enforcement, 10 CFR 429 Energy conservation program, 10 CFR 430 Energy efficiency program, 10 CFR 431 Defense Department, grants and cooperative agreements Award and administration, 32 CFR 22 Cost-type grants and cooperative agreements to nonprofit and government entities, administrative requirements terms and conditions for-- Financial, programmatic, and property reporting; general award terms, 2 CFR 1134 Nonprofit and government entities; recipient financial and program management, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1128 Other administrative requirements, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1136 Property administration, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1130 Recipient procurement procedures, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1132 Subawards requirements, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1138 Definitions, 2 CFR 1108 Grants and cooperative agreements-- Award format, 2 CFR 1120 General award terms and conditions, national policy requirements, 2 CFR 1122 Election of certain small business corporations as to taxable status, 26 CFR 1 (1.1361-0--1.1378-3) Federal Acquisition Regulation Simplified acquisition procedures, 48 CFR 13 Small business programs, 48 CFR 19 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and [[Page 864]] exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, general provisions, 31 CFR 1010 Inventions, rights to, made by nonprofit organizations and small business firms under Government grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements, 37 CFR 401 Low- and very low-income persons, economic opportunities, 24 CFR 75 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, administrative authority and policy, 14 CFR 1204 National Marine Fisheries Service, small business size standards for Regulatory Flexibility Act compliance purposes only, 50 CFR 200 National Science Foundation, patent rights, 45 CFR 650 Natural resources revenue, 30 CFR 1208 Patent cases, practice rules, 37 CFR 1 Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation, terminology, 29 CFR 4001 Rural Business Investment Company Program, 7 CFR 4290 Small Business Administration Business loans, 13 CFR 120 Cosponsorships, fee and non-fee based SBA-sponsored activities and gifts, 13 CFR 106 Disaster loan program, 13 CFR 123 Government contracting programs, 13 CFR 125 HUBZone program, 13 CFR 126 Microentrepreneurs, investment program, 13 CFR 119 Minority Small Business and Capital Ownership Development program / small disadvantaged business status determinations, 13 CFR 124 New markets venture capital program, 13 CFR 108 Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs, 13 CFR 112, 13 CFR 113 Small business development centers, 13 CFR 130 Small Business Intermediary Lending Pilot program, 13 CFR 109 Small business investment companies, 13 CFR 107 Small business size regulations, 13 CFR 121 Small businesses located in disaster areas, and surplus personal property for small businesses located in disaster areas, Puerto Rico, and covered territory; contracts, 13 CFR 129 Surety bond guarantee, 13 CFR 115 Veteran Small Business Certification Program, 13 CFR 128 [[Page 865]] Women-Owned Small Business, Federal contract program, 13 CFR 127 Women's Business Center program, 13 CFR 131 Small business innovation research grants program, 7 CFR 3403 Small mine operators assistance program, permanent regulatory program, 30 CFR 795 Trade remedy assistance, 19 CFR 213 Transportation Department Policy statements, general, 14 CFR 399 Short-Term Lending Program (STLP), 49 CFR 22 Veterans small business regulations, 38 CFR 74 Water pollution control compliance regarding additions, alterations, or operation methods, 40 CFR 21 Smallpox See Diseases Smithsonian Institution American antiquities, preservation, 43 CFR 3 Buildings and grounds, 36 CFR 504 Claims against Smithsonian Institution including National Gallery of Art, John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts and Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 36 CFR 530 National Zoological Park, buildings and grounds, 36 CFR 520 Smoking See al Cigars and cigarettes Aircraft, smoking aboard, 14 CFR 252 Cigarette package and advertising, required warnings, 21 CFR 1141 Cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, and covered tobacco products, 21 CFR 1140 Exemption requests and substantial equivalence reports, 21 CFR 1107 Foreign air carriers and foreign operators of U.S.-Registered aircraft engaged in common carriage, operations, 14 CFR 129 Government buildings, management of buildings and grounds, 41 CFR 101-20 Passenger carrier regulations, 49 CFR 374 Premarket tobacco product applications, 21 CFR 1114 Prisons Bureau facilities, miscellaneous regulations, 28 CFR 551 Railroad Retirement Board, prohibition of cigarette sales to minors, 20 CFR 368 Tobacco products General regulations, 21 CFR 1100 Minimum required warning statements, 21 CFR 1143 Social security See al Aid to Families with Dependent Children; Child welfare; Medicaid; Medicare; Pensions; Public assistance programs; Retirement; Supplemental Security Income (SSI); Unemployment compensation Employment taxes Contract coverage of employees of foreign subsidies, 26 CFR 36 Temporary regulations under Act of December 19, 1981 (Pub. L. 97-123), 26 CFR 32 Employment taxes and collection of income tax at source, 26 CFR 31 Federal Housing Finance Agency, privacy Act implementation, 12 CFR 1204 Federal old-age, survivors, and disability insurance (1950-- ), 20 CFR 404 Fiscal Service; debt collection authorities under Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996, 31 CFR 285 Health and Human Services Department, public and medical assistance and State children's health insurance grant programs, general administration, 45 CFR 95 Housing and Urban Development Federal Housing Administration programs; Social security numbers and employer identification numbers, assistance applicants and participants, 24 CFR 200 General HUD program requirements, waivers, 24 CFR 5 Inspector General Office, Health and Human Services Department Civil money penalties, assessments and exclusions-- Appeals, 42 CFR 1005 General, 42 CFR 1003 Program integrity, Medicare and State health care programs, 42 CFR 1001 [[Page 866]] Interior Department, records and testimony, 43 CFR 2 National Science Foundation,Privacy Act regulations, 45 CFR 613 Organization and procedures, 20 CFR 422 Railroad retirement Jurisdiction determinations, 20 CFR 221 Payment of social security benefits, 20 CFR 235 Retirement coverage errors correction under Federal Erroneous Retirement Coverage Corrections Act, 5 CFR 839 Selective Service System, Privacy Act procedures, 32, CFR 1665 Social services Block grants, 45 CFR 96 Consolidation of grants to insular areas, 45 CFR 97 Supplemental security Income for the aged, blind, and disabled, 20 CFR 416 Supportive Services for Veteran Families program, 38 CFR 62 Ticket to work and self-sufficiency program, 20 CFR 411 World War II veterans, special benefits, 20 CFR 408 Social Security Administration Acquisition regulations, Social Security Acquisition Regulation System, 48 CFR 2301 Civil monetary penalties, assessments and recommended exclusions, 20 CFR 498 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 2336 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 2 CFR 2339 Employees testimony and records and information production in legal proceedings, 20 CFR 403 Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act of 1969, Title IV-Black Lung Benefits (1969- ), 20 CFR 410 Federal old-age, survivors, and disability insurance (1950-- ), 20 CFR 404 Federal Tort Claims Act and related statutes, administrative claims, 20 CFR 429 Human subjects, protection, 20 CFR 431 Information and records availability to public, 20 CFR 402 Lobbying restrictions, 20 CFR 438 Organization and procedures, 20 CFR 422 Personnel, 20 CFR 430 Privacy and official records and information disclosure, 20 CFR 401 Protection of human subjects, 20 CFR 431 Service of process, 20 CFR 423 Supplemental security income for aged, blind, and disabled, 20 CFR 416 Ticket to work and self-sufficiency program, 20 CFR 411 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 2300 World War II veterans, special benefits, 20 CFR 408 Sodium Mineral leasing, solid minerals other than coal and oil shale, 43 CFR 3500 Softwood lumber See Forests and forest products Soil conservation See al Natural resources Agricultural conservation programs Agricultural Conservation Easement Program, 7 CFR 1468 Agricultural management assistance, 7 CFR 1465 Agricultural risk coverage, price loss coverage, and cotton transition assistance programs, 7 CFR 1412 Conservation Reserve Program, 7 CFR 1410 Conservation Security Program, 7 CFR 1469 Conservation Stewardship Program, 7 CFR 1470 Emergency Conservation Program, Emergency Forest Restoration Program, and certain related programs, 7 CFR 701 Environmental Quality Incentives program, 7 CFR 1466 Grassland Reserve Program, 7 CFR 1415 Regional Conservation Partnership Program, 7 CFR 1464 Wetlands Reserve Program, 7 CFR 1467 Agriculture Department, National Appeals Division, 7 CFR 11 Conservation Security Program, 7 CFR 1469 Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program, 7 CFR 1491 Farm Service Agency appeal regulations, 7 CFR 780 Farmlands [[Page 867]] Farmland Protection Policy Act, 7 CFR 658 Prime and unique farmlands inventory, 7 CFR 657 Great Plains Conservation Program, 7 CFR 631 Healthy Forests Reserve Program, 7 CFR 625 Highly erodible land and wetland conservation, 7 CFR 12 National Organic Program, 7 CFR 205 Natural Resources Conservation Service, appeal procedures, 7 CFR 614 Operation and maintenance of federally assisted projects, 7 CFR 654 Plant materials centers, 7 CFR 613 Protection of archaeological and historical properties encountered in Soil Conservation Service-assisted programs, 7 CFR 656 Rural abandoned mine program, 7 CFR 632 Rural development associations, program regulations, 7 CFR 1942 Soil and water conservation, long term contracting, 7 CFR 630 Soil Bank program, 7 CFR 750 Soil conservation, 7 CFR 610 Soil surveys, 7 CFR 611 Technical service provider assistance, 7 CFR 652 Technical standards for conservation practices, 7 CFR 653 Water resources Emergency watershed protection Program, 7 CFR 624 Emergency Wetlands Reserve Program, 7 CFR 623 River basin investigations and surveys, 7 CFR 622 Watershed projects, 7 CFR 622 Solar energy See al Energy Federal energy management and planning programs, Federal buildings demonstration program, 10 CFR 436 Mortgage and loan insurance programs under National Housing Act Insured housing project mortgages, supplementary financing for energy conserving improvements, 24 CFR 241 Multifamily housing mortgage insurance, dollar limitation increase for solar energy systems, 24 CFR 207 Single family mortgage insurance, 24 CFR 203 Small business loans, 13 CFR 120 Technical assistance and energy conservation measures, grant programs for schools, hospitals, and buildings owned by units of local government and public care institutions, 10 CFR 455 Solar Energy and Energy Conservation Bank See Housing and Urban Development Department Solid waste disposal See Waste treatment and disposal Somalia General aircraft operating and flight rules, 14 CFR 91 Sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 551 Sorghum Area risk protection insurance regulations, 7 CFR 407 Promotion, research and information order, 7 CFR 1221 South Sudan Sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 558 Soybeans Area risk protection insurance regulations, 7 CFR 407 Marketing assistance loans and loan deficiency payments, grains and similarly handled commodities, 7 CFR 1421 Soybean promotion, research, and consumer information, 7 CFR 1220 Space transportation and exploration See al Satellites; Transportation Astronauts; research, evaluation, assessment, and treatment of, 14 CFR 1241 Commercial space transportation Basis and scope of regulations, 14 CFR 400 Compliance and enforcement, 14 CFR 405 Financial responsibility, 14 CFR 440 Investigations, enforcement, and administrative review, 14 CFR 406 Launch safety, 14 CFR 417 Licenses-- [[Page 868]] Application procedures, 14 CFR 413 Launch and reentry, license requirements, 14 CFR 450 Launch site, operation license, 14 CFR 420 Reentry site, operation license, 14 CFR 433 Organization and definitions, 14 CFR 401 Petition and rulemaking procedures, 14 CFR 404 Experimental permits, 14 CFR 437 Liability cross-waiver, 14 CFR 1266 National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program, 14 CFR 1259 Private remote sensing space systems, licensing, 15 CFR 960 Safety element approvals, 14 CFR 414 Space articles, duty-free entry, 14 CFR 1217 Space flight, 14 CFR 1214 Spearmint oil See Oils and fats Special Counsel Office, U.S. Complaints and allegations, filing, 5 CFR 1800 Employees, supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 10201 Freedom of Information Act requests; production of records or testimony, 5 CFR 1820 Investigative authority, 5 CFR 1810 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in activities conducted by the Office of Special Counsel, 5 CFR 1850 Outside inspector general, 5 CFR 1811 Privacy, 5 CFR 1830 Subpoenas, 5 CFR 1840 Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction Employees, supplemental standards of ethical conduct, 5 CFR 9303 Records and information disclosure, 5 CFR 9301 Requests for testimony or the production of records in a court or other proceedings in which the U.S. is not a party, 5 CFR 9302 Special Trustee for American Indians, Office of See Interior Department Spices and flavorings See al Foods Distilled spirits plants, 27 CFR 19 Drawback on taxpaid distilled spirits used in manufacturing nonbeverage products, 27 CFR 17 Food additives, substances generally recognized as safe (GRAS), 21 CFR 182 Food dressings and flavorings, 21 CFR 169 Volatile fruit flavor concentrate, production, 27 CFR 18 Wine, treatment and classification, 27 CFR 24 Sport fishing See Fishing Sports See al Recreation and recreation areas Horseracing and dogracing industries, jurisdictional standards, 29 CFR 103 U.S. Paralympics, monthly assistance allowance for veterans in connection with, 38 CFR 76 Stamp taxes See Excise taxes State and local governments See al Intergovernmental relations Americans with Disabilities Act, nondiscrimination on basis of disability in State and local government services, 28 CFR 35 Apprenticeships programs, labor standards for registration, 29 CFR 29 Census data; procedure for challenging population estimates, 15 CFR 90 Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, Basic Health Programs; administration, eligibility, essential health benefits, performance standards, service delivery requirements, premium and cost sharing, allotments, reconciliation, 42 CFR 600 Consumer financial protection; Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Financial Protection Act enforcement, State official notification rules, 12 CFR 1082 Defense Department Cost-type grants and cooperative agreements to nonprofit and government entities, administrative requirements terms and conditions-- [[Page 869]] Financial, programmatic, and property reporting; general award terms, 2 CFR 1134 Nonprofit and government entities; recipient financial and program management, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1128 Other administrative requirements, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1136 Property administration, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1130 Recipient procurement procedures, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1132 Subawards requirements, general award terms and conditions, 2 CFR 1138 Definitions, 2 CFR 1108 Grants and cooperative agreements-- Award and administration, 32 CFR 22 Award format, 2 CFR 1120 General award terms and conditions, national policy requirements, 2 CFR 1122 Employment and Training Administration Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Service, administrative provisions, 20 CFR 658 Workforce Innovative and Opportunity Act, Title I; administrative provisions, 20 CFR 683 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Defense Department, implementation of governmentwide guidance for grants and cooperative agreements, 2 CFR 1104 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Universal identifier and system for award management, 2 CFR 25 Health care, statutory conscience rights protection, authority delegations, 45 CFR 88 Health insurance [[Page 870]] Exchange establishment standards and related standards under the Affordable Care Act, 45 CFR 155 Issuer standards under the Affordable Care Act, including requirements related to exchanges, 45 CFR 156 Hermit's Peak/Calf Canyon Fire Assistance, 44 CFR 296 Highway-rail grade crossing safety, 49 CFR 234 Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program and High Priority Program, 49 CFR 350 Pandemic relief programs, 31 CFR 35 Recordkeeping and reporting requirements under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, and the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act, 29 CFR 1602 State and private forestry assistance, 36 CFR 230 Trafficking in persons award term, 2 CFR 175 Underground storage tanks, State programs approved, 40 CFR 282 Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentive Program, 7 CFR 1455 State Department Acquisition regulations Acquisition of utility services, 48 CFR 641 Acquisition planning, 48 CFR 607 Administrative matters, 48 CFR 604 Application of labor laws to Government acquisitions, 48 CFR 622 Bonds and insurance, 48 CFR 628 Commercial items, 48 CFR 612 Competition requirements, 48 CFR 606 Contracts-- Administration and audit services, 48 CFR 642 Construction and architect-engineer contracts, 48 CFR 636 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 615 Cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 631 Financing, 48 CFR 632 Modification, 48 CFR 643 Publicizing contract actions, 48 CFR 605 Service contracting, 48 CFR 637 Special contracting methods, 48 CFR 617 Termination, 48 CFR 649 Types of contracts, 48 CFR 616 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 609 Cost accounting standards, 48 CFR 630 Definitions of words and terms, 48 CFR 602 Describing agency needs, 48 CFR 611 Environment, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace, 48 CFR 623 Foreign acquisition, 48 CFR 625 Forms, 48 CFR 653 Government property, 48 CFR 645 Government sources by contractors, use of, 48 CFR 651 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 603 Information technology, 48 CFR 639 Major system acquisition, 48 CFR 634 Patents, data, and copyrights, 48 CFR 627 Protection of privacy and freedom of information, 48 CFR 624 Protests, disputes and appeals, 48 CFR 633 Sealed bidding, 48 CFR 614 Simplified acquisition procedures, 48 CFR 613 Small business programs, 48 CFR 619 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 652 State Department Acquisition Regulations System, 48 CFR 601 Subcontracting policies and procedures, 48 CFR 644 Supplies and services, required sources, 48 CFR 608 Taxes, 48 CFR 629 Transportation, 48 CFR 647 Value engineering, 48 CFR 648 Advisory committee management, 22 CFR 8 Arms, international traffic Agreements, offshore procurement, and other defense services, 22 CFR 124 Brokers, registration and licensing, 22 CFR 129 Defense articles export and temporary import licenses, 22 CFR 123 Export controls, administrative procedures, 22 CFR 128 General policies and provisions, 22 CFR 126 [[Page 871]] Manufacturers and exporters, registration, 22 CFR 122 Political contributions, fees, and commissions, 22 CFR 130 Purpose and definitions, 22 CFR 120 Technical data and classified defense articles export licenses, 22 CFR 125 U.S. munitions list, 22 CFR 121 Violations and penalties, 22 CFR 127 Books, maps, newspaper purchases, etc., 22 CFR 132 Certificates of authentication, 22 CFR 131 Chemical Weapons Convention and Chemical Weapons Implementation Act of 1988, taking of samples and enforcement of recordkeeping and inspection requirements, 22 CFR 103 Complaints against employees by alleged creditors, 22 CFR 12 Cultural exchange programs of foreign countries, participation by Federal employees, 22 CFR 64 Deaths and estates, 22 CFR 72 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 601 Debt collection, 22 CFR 34 Diplomatic missions and personnel, compulsory liability insurance, 22 CFR 151 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 22 CFR 133 Drug traffickers; prohibition on assistance, 22 CFR 140 Emigrating children, convention and non-convention adoptions, reporting, 22 CFR 99 Employment acceptance from foreign governments by members of uniformed services, 22 CFR 3a Environmental protection, implementation of National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), 22 CFR 161 Equal Access to Justice Act, implementation, 22 CFR 134 Exchange Visitor Program, 22 CFR 62 Fees Finance and accounting for fees for services, 22 CFR 23 International traffic in arms; political contributions, fees, and commissions, 22 CFR 130 Fishermen's Protective Act Guaranty Act procedures under section 7, seizures of commercial fishing vessels, 22 CFR 33 Foreign official status, notification, 22 CFR 4 Foreign Service Consular service, fee schedule, 22 CFR 22 Employees indemnification, 22 CFR 21 Grievance systems, 22 CFR 16 Officers, appointment, 22 CFR 11 Personal property disposition at posts abroad, 22 CFR 136 Personnel, criminal activities, 22 CFR 13 Retirement and disability system, benefits for-- Certain former spouses, 22 CFR 20 Overpayments to annuitants, 22 CFR 17 Spouses and former spouses, 22 CFR 19 Foreign Service consular services Deaths and estates of U.S. citizens abroad, 22 CFR 72 Import controls, 22 CFR 91 Notarial and related services, 22 CFR 92 Protection and welfare of U.S. citizens and their property, 22 CFR 71 Protection of U.S. economic and commercial interests, 22 CFR 101 Foreign Service Grievance Board Burden of proof, 22 CFR 905 Decisionmaking, 22 CFR 909 General procedures, 22 CFR 901 Hearings, 22 CFR 906 Implementation disputes, 22 CFR 911 Initiation and documentation of cases, 22 CFR 903 Jurisdiction and related matters, 22 CFR 904 Miscellaneous procedural rules, 22 CFR 910 Organization, 22 CFR 902 Procedure when hearing is not held, 22 CFR 907 Remedies, 22 CFR 908 Foreign students from American Republics, instruction at American institutions, 22 CFR 65 Gifts and decorations from foreign governments, 22 CFR 3 Hague Convention adoption cases, adoption certificates and custody declarations issuance, 22 CFR 97 [[Page 872]] Havana Act of 2021, implementation, 22 CFR 135 Hostage relief Hostage relief assistance, 22 CFR 191 Victims of terrorism compensation, 22 CFR 192 Information and communications technology, 22 CFR 147 Information, public availability, 22 CFR 171 Insignia of rank, 22 CFR 1 Intercountry Adoption Act Adoption agency accreditation and approval of persons, 22 CFR 96 Convention record preservation, 22 CFR 98 International agreements, coordination, reporting and publication, 22 CFR 181 International child abduction, 22 CFR 94 International commercial arbitration, Inter-American Commercial Arbitration Commission procedure rules, 22 CFR 194 Legal papers, service on foreign State, 22 CFR 93 Lobbying restrictions, 22 CFR 138 Longshore work by U.S. nationals, foreign prohibitions, 22 CFR 89 National Endowment for Democracy Organization, 22 CFR 67 Records availability, 22 CFR 66 Nationality procedures, 22 CFR 50 Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs, 22 CFR 141 Nondiscrimination on basis of age in federally assisted programs, 22 CFR 143 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs or activities, 22 CFR 142, 22 CFR 144 Nondiscrimination on basis of sex in federally assisted education programs, 22 CFR 146 Organization, 22 CFR 5 Passport requirement and exceptions, 22 CFR 53 Passports, 22 CFR 51 Payments to and on behalf of participants in international educational and cultural exchange program, 22 CFR 63 Post-employment conflict of interest, 22 CFR 18 Press building passes, 22 CFR 9b Program fraud civil remedies, 22 CFR 35 Protection of foreign dignitaries and other official personnel, 22 CFR 2 Public diplomacy program material in the U.S., availability, 22 CFR 173 Security information regulations International energy programs, regulations applicable to, related material, 22 CFR 9a Security classification program, 22 CFR 9 Service of process; production or disclosure of official information in response to court orders, subpoenas, notices of depositions, requests for admissions, interrogatories, or similar requests or demands in connection with Federal or State litigation; expert testimony, 22 CFR 172 Thomas R. Pickering foreign affairs/graduate foreign affairs fellowship program, 22 CFR 196 Torture Convention implementation in extradition cases, 22 CFR 95 Trafficking in persons, 28 CFR 1100 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 600 Visas Control of aliens departing from U.S., 22 CFR 46 Immigration and Nationality Act-- Immigrant documentation, 22 CFR 42 Nonimmigrants, documentation, 22 CFR 41 Nonimmigrants and immigrants, regulations pertaining to both, 22 CFR 40 World-wide free flow of audiovisual materials, 22 CFR 61 State-Federal relations See Intergovernmental relations Statistics See al Census data; Economic statistics; Health statistics Census Bureau Enforcement proceedings, use of information collected by voluntary fishery data collectors, 15 CFR 905 Population estimates, challenging procedure, 15 CFR 90 [[Page 873]] Training of foreign participants in census procedures and general statistics, 15 CFR 40 Fair housing, collection of data, 24 CFR 121 Fishery management plans Atlantic highly migratory species, 50 CFR 635 Magnuson-Stevens Act provisions, 50 CFR 600 Freight commodity statistics, 49 CFR 1248 Internal Revenue Service, procedure and administration, 26 CFR 301 Job Training Partnership Act, labor market information programs under Title IV, Part E, 20 CFR 634 Justice Department, confidentiality of identifiable research and statistical information, 28 CFR 22 Steel Air pollution control, performance standards for new stationary sources, 40 CFR 60 Foreign Assets Control Office, sanctions regulations Iranian financial sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 561 Iranian sector and human rights abuses, 31 CFR 562 International Trade Administration Short supply procedures, 19 CFR 357 Steel import monitoring and analysis system, 19 CFR 360 Water pollution, effluent guidelines and standards, point source categories, iron and steel manufacturing, 40 CFR 420 Sterilization See Family planning Stills See al Alcoholic beverages Distilled spirits plants, 27 CFR 19 Liquor stills and miscellaneous regulations, 27 CFR 29 Stockpiling See Strategic and critical materials Stocks See Securities Stockyards See al Meat and meat products General policy statements, 9 CFR 203 Regulations, 9 CFR 201 Rules of practice governing proceedings, 9 CFR 202 Strategic and critical materials See al National defense Defense priorities and allocations system, 15 CFR 700 Domestic energy supplies, materials allocation and priority performance under contracts or orders to maximize, 10 CFR 216 Energy priorities and allocations system, 10 CFR 217 Federal Acquisition Security Council, general regulations, 41 CFR 201-1 Income taxes, natural resources, payments to encourage exploration and development for defense purposes, exclusions from gross income, 26 CFR 1 (1.621-1) Industry and Security Bureau, general information, 15 CFR 730 Petroleum Price competitive sale of strategic petroleum reserve petroleum, 10 CFR 625 Priority crude oil and petroleum products supply to Defense Department under Defense Production Act, 10 CFR 221 Strategic petroleum reserves, petroleum acquisition procedures, 10 CFR 626 Suspension of liquidation, duties and estimated duties in accord with Presidential Proclamation 10414, procedures, 19 CFR 362 Transportation priorities and allocation system, 49 CFR 33 Straw Offered for entry into the U.S., sanitary control, 9 CFR 95 Strip mining See Surface mining Student aid See al Scholarships and fellowships Business and international education program, 34 CFR 661 Community development work study program, 24 CFR 570 Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Office, 28 CFR 92 Construction of health teaching facilities, educational improvements, scholarships and student loans, grants, 42 CFR 57 [[Page 874]] Corporation for National and Community Service, National Service Trust, 45 CFR 2525 Educational opportunity centers program, 34 CFR 644 Federal employees who are indebted to U.S. under programs administered by Secretary of Education, salary offset, 34 CFR 31 Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) program, 34 CFR 682 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Federal Pell grant program, 34 CFR 690 Federal Perkins loan program, Federal work-study program, and Federal supplemental educational opportunity grant program, general provisions, 34 CFR 673 Federal Perkins loan program (National direct student loan program), 34 CFR 674 Federal supplemental educational opportunity grant program, 34 CFR 676 Federal work-study programs, 34 CFR 675 Gaining early awareness and readiness for undergraduate programs (GEAR UP), 34 CFR 694 Health Education Assistance Loan Program, 34 CFR 681; 42 CFR 60 Higher Education Act of 1965, institutional eligibility, 34 CFR 600 Indians Educational loans, grants, and other assistance for higher education, 25 CFR 40 Health care service, health professions pregraduate scholarship program for Indians, 42 CFR 136a Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership Program, 34 CFR 692 Mental health traineeships, obligated service, 42 CFR 64a Public health fellowships, 42 CFR 61 Special educational programs for students whose families are engaged in migrant and other seasonal farmwork, high [[Page 875]] school equivalency program and college assistance migrant program, 34 CFR 206 Strengthening developing educational institutions program, 23 CFR 624 Student assistance, general provisions, 34 CFR 668 Student Loan Marketing Association (Sallie Mae), book-entry securities, 31 CFR 354 Talent search program, 34 CFR 643 Voluntary education programs, 32 CFR 68 William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program, 34 CFR 685 Student Loan Marketing Association (Sallie Mae) See Student aid Students See al Education Aliens Employment, control, 8 CFR 274a Nonimmigrant classes, 8 CFR 214 Attestations filed by employers utilizing F-1 students for off-campus work, 29 CFR 508 Bonding requirements for visitors or students requesting admission to U.S., 8 CFR 221 Civil service Pay of student-employees in Government hospitals, 5 CFR 534 Student loan repayment, 5 CFR 537 Volunteer service, 5 CFR 308 Family educational rights and privacy, 34 CFR 99 Foreign students from American Republics, instruction at U.S. Government institutions, 22 CFR 65 Foreign workers in U.S., temporary employment, 20 CFR 655 Full-time student employment at subminimum wages, 29 CFR 519 HHS research facilities, use by academic scientists, engineers, and students, 45 CFR 9 Immigration and Nationality Act, persons admitted for lawful temporary or permanent resident status under Section 245A, 8 CFR 245a Indians Maintenance and control of student records in Indian Affairs Bureau schools, 25 CFR 43 Student rights, 25 CFR 42 Messengers, learners (including student-learners), and apprentices, employment under special certificate, 29 CFR 520 National Institutes of Health and National Library of Medicine, traineeships, 42 CFR 63 Pathways programs, 5 CFR 362 Research, experimental programs, and testing; student rights, 34 CFR 98 Student-learners, apprentices, learners, messengers, handicapped persons, student-workers, and full-time students in agriculture, retail, or service establishments, annulment or withdrawal of certificates for employment at special minimum wage rates, 29 CFR 528 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, certification of eligible households, 7 CFR 273 Thomas R. Pickering foreign affairs/graduate foreign affairs fellowship program, 22 CFR 196 Visas, documentation of nonimmigrants under Immigration and Nationality Act, 22 CFR 41 Subsidies See Grant programs; Rent subsidies Sudan Darfur sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 546 Sugar See al Foods Customs examination, sampling, and testing of merchandise, 19 CFR 151 Import quotas and fees, 7 CFR 6 Loans and price support programs, 7 CFR 1435 Plant protection and quarantine, foreign quarantine notices, sugarcane, 7 CFR 319 Refined sugar re-export program, sugar containing products re-export program, and polyhydric alcohol program, 7 CFR 1530 Sugar beet disaster program Sugar-containing products, tariff-rate quotas implementation, 15 CFR 2015 [[Page 876]] Sugars, syrups, and molasses, imported; tariff-rate quota allocation; certificates of eligibility, 15 CFR 2011 Sweeteners and table sirups, 21 CFR 168 United States Warehouse Act regulations, 7 CFR 869 Water pollution, effluent guidelines and standards, point source categories, sugar processing, 40 CFR 409 Sulfur Mineral leasing, solid minerals other than coal and oil shale, 43 CFR 3500 Mineral royalties, relief or reduction in royalty rates, 30 CFR 203 Natural Resources Revenue Office Forms and reports, 30 CFR 1210 Royalties, 30 CFR 1202 Outer Continental Shelf, oil and gas and sulphur operations-- Ocean Energy Management Bureau, 30 CFR 550 Safety and Environmental Enforcement, 30 CFR 250 Sulfur dioxide See sulfur oxides Sulfur oxides Air pollution control Acid Rain-- Allowance system, 40 CFR 73 Appeal procedures, 40 CFR 78 Continuous emission monitoring, 40 CFR 75 Excess emissions, 40 CFR 77 Nitrogen oxides emission reduction program, 40 CFR 76 Permits regulation, 40 CFR 72 Sulfur dioxide opt-ins, 40 CFR 74 Air quality planning purposes, designated areas, 40 CFR 81 Ambient air quality standards, National primary and secondary, 40 CFR 50 Federal NOx Budget Trading Program, CAIR NOx and SO2 Trading Programs, CSAPR NOx and SO2 Trading Programs, and Texas SO2 Trading Program, 40 CFR 97 Hazardous air pollutants for source categories, National emission standards, 40 CFR 63 Implementation plans-- Approval and promulgation, 40 CFR 52 Preparation, adoption, and submittal requirements, 40 CFR 51 National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan, 40 CFR 300 New stationary sources, performance standards, 40 CFR 60 Outer Continental Shelf air regulations, 40 CFR 55 Primary nonferrous smelter orders, 40 CFR 57 State plans for designated facilities and pollutants, approval and promulgation, 40 CFR 62 Sunshine Act See al Administrative practice and procedure African Development Foundation, 22 CFR 1500 Broadcasting Board of Governors, 22 CFR 507 Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board, 40 CFR 1603 Civil Rights Commission, 45 CFR 702 Commodity Futures Trading Commission, 17 CFR 147 Consumer Product Safety Commission, 16 CFR 1013 Corporation for National and Community Service, 45 CFR 2505 Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board, 10 CFR 1704 Election Assistance Commission, 11 CFR 9407 Environmental Quality Council, 40 CFR 1517 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 29 CFR 1610, 29 CFR 1612 Export-Import Bank, 12 CFR 407 Farm Credit Administration, 12 CFR 604 Federal Communications Commission, 47 CFR 0 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 12 CFR 311 Federal Election Commission, 11 CFR 2 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, 18 CFR 375 Federal Labor Relations Authority, 5 CFR 2413 Federal Maritime Commission, 46 CFR 503 Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission, 29 CFR 2701 [[Page 877]] Federal Open Market Committee, 12 CFR 281 Federal Reserve System, 12 CFR 261b Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board, 5 CFR 1632 Federal Trade Commission, 16 CFR 4 Fine Arts Commission, 45 CFR 2102 Foreign Claims Settlement Commission, 45 CFR 503 Foreign Service Labor Relations Board, 22 CFR 1413 Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation, 45 CFR 1802 Health and Human Services Department, 45 CFR 156 Information Security Oversight Office, Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI), 32 CFR 2002 Inter-American Foundation, 22 CFR 1004 International Trade Commission, 19 CFR 201 Justice Department, Parole Commission, 28 CFR 16 Legal Services Corporation, 45 CFR 1622 Libraries and Information Science, National Commission, 45 CFR 1703 Marine Mammal Commission, 50 CFR 560 Merit Systems Protection Board, 5 CFR 1206 Mississippi River Commission, 33 CFR 209 National Archives and Records Administration, 36 CFR 1270 National Credit Union Administration, 12 CFR 791 National Labor Relations Board, 29 CFR 102 National Mediation Board, 29 CFR 1209 National Science Foundation, 45 CFR 614 National Transportation Safety Board, 49 CFR 804 Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation, 24 CFR 4100 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 10 CFR 9 Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission, 29 CFR 2203 Postal Regulatory Commission Practice and procedure, 39 CFR 3010 Public records and freedom of information, 39 CFR 3006 Postal Service Committees, procedures, 39 CFR 5 General and technical provisions, 39 CFR 2 Meetings, 39 CFR 6 Postal policy, 39 CFR 1 Public observation, 39 CFR 7 Presidential Records Act, implementation, 36 CFR 1270 Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board, 6 CFR 1003 Railroad Retirement Board, 20 CFR 200 Securities and Exchange Commission, information and requests, 17 CFR 200 Surface Transportation Board, 49 CFR 1012 Tennessee Valley Authority, 18 CFR 1301 Superfund Arbitration procedures for small Superfund cost recovery claims, 40 CFR 304 Citizen awards for information on criminal violations under Superfund, 40 CFR 303 Citizen suits, prior notice, 40 CFR 374 Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) Administrative hearing procedures for claims against Superfund, 40 CFR 305 Claims procedures, 40 CFR 307 Hazardous chemical reporting, community right-to-know, 40 CFR 370 Hazardous substances Activity, reporting when selling or transferring Federal real property, 40 CFR 373 Designation, reportable quantities, and notification, 40 CFR 302 Emergency planning and notification, 40 CFR 355 Innocent landowners, standards for conducting all appropriate inquiries, 40 CFR 312 Releases and facilities, health assessments and health effects studies, administrative functions, practices, and procedures, 42 CFR 90 Releases, reimbursement to local governments for emergency response, 40 CFR 310 Trade secrecy claims for emergency planning and community right-to- know information, trade secret disclosures to health professionals, 40 CFR 350 [[Page 878]] National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan, 40 CFR 300 Natural resource damage assessments, 43 CFR 11 State and local government employees engaged in hazardous waste operations, worker protection, 40 CFR 311 Toxic chemical release reporting, community right-to-know, 40 CFR 372 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program See al Food assistance programs Demonstration, research and evaluation projects, 7 CFR 282 Eligible households, certification, 7 CFR 273 General information and definitions, 7 CFR 271 Indian reservations, administration of SNAP on, 7 CFR 281 Miscellaneous regulations, 7 CFR 284 Participating State agencies, requirements, 7 CFR 272 Payments of certain administrative costs of State agencies, 7 CFR 277 Performance reporting system, 7 CFR 275 Program benefits, issuance and use of, 7 CFR 274 Quality control (``QC'') claims appeals, 7 CFR 283 Retail food stores, wholesale food concerns, meal services and insured financial institutions; participation of, 7 CFR 278 Retailers, food wholesalers and meal services; administrative and judicial review for, 7 CFR 279 State agency liabilities and Federal sanctions, 7 CFR 276 Victims of disasters, emergency food assistance for, 7 CFR 280 Supplemental Security Income (SSI) See al Aged; Blind; Individuals with disabilities; Public assistance programs; Social Security Coverage and benefits, 20 CFR 416 Fiscal Service; debt collection authorities under Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996, 31 CFR 285 Medicaid coverage for SSI recipients Guam, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands, 42 CFR 436 States, District of Columbia, Northern Mariana Islands, and American Samoa; eligibility for financial and medical assistance, 42 CFR 435 Medicare subsidies, 20 CFR 418 Supportive Services for Veteran Families program, 38 CFR 62 Ticket to work and self-sufficiency program, 20 CFR 411 World War II veterans, special benefits, 20 CFR 408 Surety bonds See al Insurance Acquisition regulations Agency for International Development, 48 CFR 728 Agriculture Department, 48 CFR 428 Commerce Department, 8 CFR 1328 Defense Department, 48 CFR 228 Energy Department-- General, 48 CFR 928 Management and operating contracts, 48 CFR 970 General Services Administration, 48 CFR 528 Housing and Urban Development Department, 48 CFR 2428 Justice Department, 48 CFR 2828 Labor Department, 48 CFR 2928 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 48 CFR 1828 Transportation Department, 48 CFR 1228 Veterans Affairs Department, 48 CFR 828 Aircraft charters Foreign air carriers, 14 CFR 212 Overseas military personnel charters, 14 CFR 372 Public charters, 14 CFR 380 U.S. and foreign direct air carriers, charter rules, 14 CFR 212 Alcohol and alcoholic beverages Beer, production and sales, 27 CFR 25 Denatured alcohol and rum, distribution and use, 27 CFR 20 Distilled spirits-- Labeling and advertising, 27 CFR 5 Plants, 27 CFR 19 Distilled spirits, wine, and beer; importation, 27 CFR 27 Drawback on taxpaid distilled spirits used in manufacturing nonbeverage products, 27 CFR 17 [[Page 879]] Exportation, 27 CFR 28 Liquors and articles from Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands, 27 CFR 26 Malt beverages, labeling and advertising, 27 CFR 7 Stills and miscellaneous regulations, 27 CFR 29 Tax free alcohol, distribution and use, 27 CFR 22 Wine-- Labeling and advertising, 27 CFR 4 Treatment and classification, 27 CFR 24 Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms Bureau Procedure and administration, 27 CFR 70 Seized personal property disposition, 27 CFR 72 Bonds secured by government obligations in lieu of bonds with sureties, acceptance, 31 CFR 225 Coal management on public lands Coal management provisions and limitations, 43 CFR 3470 Exploration licenses, 43 CFR 3410 Coast Guard; evidence of financial responsibility for water pollution (vessels) and OPA 90 limits of liability (vessels, deepwater ports and onshore facilities), 33 CFR 138 Collateral acceptability and valuation, 31 CFR 380 Comptroller of the Currency Activities and operations, 12 CFR 7 Savings associations, operations, 12 CFR 163 Credit unions Corporate credit unions, 12 CFR 704 Federal credit unions, organization and operations, 12 CFR 701 Customs duties and inspection Carriers, cartmen, and lightermen, licensing and bonding, 19 CFR 112 CPB bonds, 19 CFR 113 Customs warehouses and container stations, control of merchandise, 19 CFR 19 Merchandise, special classes, 19 CFR 12 Trade fairs, 19 CFR 147 Transportation in bond and merchandise in transit, 19 CFR 18 Electronic products importation, 21 CFR 1005 Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, temporary bonding rules, 29 CFR 2580 Farm Service Agency, United States Warehouse Act regulations, 7 CFR 869 Federal Acquisition Regulation, 48 CFR 28 Federal Employees Retirement System Act, permanent and temporary bonding rules, 29 CFR 2582 Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, fees for motor carrier registration and insurance, 49 CFR 360 Federal process agents of surety corporations, 31 CFR 224 Foreign Agricultural Service, refined sugar re-export program, sugar containing products re-export program, and polyhydric alcohol program, 7 CFR 1530 Geological and geophysical exploration of coastal plain, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, 50 CFR 37 Hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facilities Interim status standards for owners and operators, 40 CFR 265 Standards for owners and operators, 40 CFR 264 Homeland Security Department Aliens, admission on giving bond or cash deposit, 8 CFR 213 Bonding requirements for visitors or students requesting admission to U.S., 8 CFR 221 Deposit and interest on cash received to secure immigration bonds, 8 CFR 293 Immigration regulations; benefit requests, USCIS filing requirements, biometric requirements, records availability, 8 CFR 103 Homeworkers in certain industries, employment, 29 CFR 530 Indian Affairs Bureau Oil and gas, geothermal, and solid minerals agreements, 25 CFR 225 Surface exploration, mining, and reclamation, 25 CFR 216 Labor Management Standards Office, surety companies, reports, 29 CFR 409 Labor organization bonding requirements, 29 CFR 453 [[Page 880]] Legal Services Corporation, bonding of recipients, 45 CFR 1629 Loans and price support programs Cotton, 7 CFR 1427 Grains and similarly handled commodities, marketing assistance loans and loan deficiency payments, 7 CFR 1421 Maritime Administration, National Shipping Authority, bonding of ship's personnel, 46 CFR 317 Maritime carriers, passenger vessel financial responsibility, 46 CFR 540 Minerals leasing on public lands Operations in Outer Continental Shelf for minerals other than oil, gas, and sulphur, 30 CFR 282 Solid minerals other than coal and oil shale, 43 CFR 3500 Special leasing areas, 43 CFR 3580 Minerals management National forest lands used for mineral resource mining, 36 CFR 228 Public lands, multiple use, mining in powersite withdrawals, 43 CFR 3730 Mining claims on public lands, general mining laws, 43 CFR 3800 Motor carriers Financial responsibility, minimum levels, 49 CFR 387 Unified Carrier Registration Plan and Agreement, standards for registration with States, 49 CFR 367 Motor vehicles, importation of vehicles and equipment subject to Federal safety, bumper and theft prevention standards, 49 CFR 591 Ocean transportation intermediaries; licensing, registration, financial responsibility requirements, and general duties, 46 CFR 515 Oil and gas leasing on public lands General regulations, 43 CFR 3100 National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska, 43 CFR 3130 Oil shale management Exploration and leases, 43 CFR 3930 General, 43 CFR 3900 Onshore oil and gas geophysical exploration, 43 CFR 3150 Outer Continental Shelf Offshore facilities, oil spill financial responsibility for, 30 CFR 553 Minerals other than oil, gas, and sulphur-- Leasing, 30 CFR 581 Operations, 30 CFR 582 Leasing, 30 CFR 256 Sulfur or oil and gas leasing and bonding requirements, 30 CFR 556 Packers and Stockyards Act regulations, 9 CFR 201 Public lands, geothermal resource leasing, 43 CFR 3200 Recreation permits on public lands, 43 CFR 2930 S.A.F.E. Mortgage Licensing Act Residential mortgage loan originators, Federal registration (Regulation G), 12 CFR 1007 State compliance and bureau registration system (Regulation H), 12 CFR 1008 Satellite communications, 47 CFR 25 Small businesses, surety bond guarantee, 13 CFR 115 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, participation of retail food stores, wholesale food concerns, meal services, and insured financial institutions, 7 CFR 278 Surety companies doing business with U.S., 31 CFR 223 Surface coal mining and reclamation operations Bond and insurance requirements under regulatory programs, 30 CFR 800 Federal lands, requirements, 30 CFR 740 Surface exploration, mining, and reclamation of public lands, 43 CFR 23 Timber harvesting on public lands, award of contract, 43 CFR 5450 Tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes Contraband cigarettes, 27 CFR 646 Exportation without payment of tax or with drawback of tax, 27 CFR 44 Miscellaneous regulations, 27 CFR 46 Tobacco products, cigarette papers and tubes, and processed tobacco Importation, 27 CFR 41 Manufacture, 27 CFR 40 Underground storage tanks State programs-- Approval, 40 CFR 281 Approved, 40 CFR 282 Technical standards and corrective action requirements for owners and operators, 40 CFR 280 [[Page 881]] Veterans Affairs Department Fiduciary activities, 38 CFR 13 Legal services, general counsel, and miscellaneous claims, 38 CFR 14 Water programs, Underground Injection Control program, 40 CFR 144 Wildlife, seizure and forfeiture procedures, 50 CFR 12 Surface mining See al Mine safety and health; Mines; Reclamation Abandoned mine land reclamation Acid mine drainage treatment and abatement program, 30 CFR 876 Acquisition, management, and disposition of lands and water, 30 CFR 879 Certification and noncoal reclamation, 30 CFR 875 Eligible States and Indian tribes, moneys available to, 30 CFR 872 Entry rights procedures to lands or property considered for reclamation, 30 CFR 877 Future reclamation set-aside program, 30 CFR 873 Grants for certified States and Indian tribes, 30 CFR 885 Private land, 30 CFR 882 Reclamation projects, selection requirements of, 30 CFR 874 State plans, 30 CFR 884 Subsidence insurance program grants, 30 CFR 887 Uncertified States and Indian tribes, reclamation grants, 30 CFR 886 Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Fund, fee collection and coal production reporting, 30 CFR 870 Alluvial valley floors in arid and semi-arid regions, mining performance standards, 30 CFR 822 Anthracite coal mining in Pennsylvania, performance standards, 30 CFR 820 Areas designated as unsuitable for mining Criteria for designating, 30 CFR 762 Petition process for designation of Federal lands and termination of previous designations, 30 CFR 769 State process on designating non-Federal and non-Indian lands as unsuitable for mining, 30 CFR 764 Areas designated by Congress as unsuitable for mining, 30 CFR 761 Auger mining, environmental protection, performance standards, 30 CFR 819 Bituminous coal mining in Wyoming, performance standards, 30 CFR 825 Blasters, certification standards Federal program States and Indian lands, 30 CFR 955 Permanent regulatory program requirements, 30 CFR 850 Coal exploration requirements, 30 CFR 772 Coal extraction incidental to Extraction of other minerals, exemption, 30 CFR 702 Government financed highway and other construction, 30 CFR 707 Coal miners, medical examination specifications, 42 CFR 37 Coal preparation plants not located within permit area of mine, permanent program performance standards, 30 CFR 827 Farmlands, mining performance standards, 30 CFR 823 Federal inspection, 30 CFR 721 Federal inspections and monitoring procedures, 30 CFR 842 Federal lands General requirements, 30 CFR 740 Review and approval of mining plans, 30 CFR 746 State-Federal cooperative agreements, 30 CFR 745 Financial interests in coal mining Federal employees, restrictions, 30 CFR 706 State regulatory authority employees, restrictions, 30 CFR 705 General description, 30 CFR 700 General performance standards, 30 CFR 715 In situ processing operations, performance standards, 30 CFR 828 Indian lands program Coal leases, terms and conditions, 25 CFR 200 Indian tribe abandoned mine land reclamation programs, 30 CFR 756 Surface coal mining and reclamation operations-- Bond and insurance requirements under regulatory programs, 30 CFR 800 Indian lands, requirements, 30 CFR 750 [[Page 882]] Tribal-Federal intergovernmental agreements, 30 CFR 755 Initial performance standards, reimbursement to States for enforcement, 30 CFR 725 Initial regulatory program, 30 CFR 710 Law enforcement procedures, 30 CFR 722 Mining laws and regulations, enforcement, 30 CFR 843 Mountaintop removal, special permanent program performance standards, 30 CFR 824 Non-Federal and non-Indian lands Federal program for a State, 30 CFR 736 Grants for State program development, administration, and enforcement, 30 CFR 735 Requirements, 30 CFR 730 State regulatory program-- Early identification of corrective action, maintenance, procedures for substituting Federal enforcement, and withdrawal of approval, 30 CFR 733 Procedures and criteria for approval or disapproval, 30 CFR 732 Submissions, 30 CFR 731 Penalties Initial program-- Civil penalties, 30 CFR 723 Individual civil penalties, 30 CFR 724 Permanent program inspection and enforcement-- Alternative enforcement, 30 CFR 847 Civil penalties, 30 CFR 845 Individual civil penalties, 30 CFR 846 Permanent program performance standards Coal exploration, 30 CFR 815 General provisions, 30 CFR 810 Surface mining activities, 30 CFR 816 Permanent regulatory program, 30 CFR 701 Permit applications Administrative and judicial review of application decisions, 30 CFR 775 General content requirements, 30 CFR 777 Information on environmental resources, minimum requirements, 30 CFR 779 Legal, financial, compliance, and related information; minimum requirements, 30 CFR 778 Permits and permit processing requirements, 30 CFR 773 Reclamation and operation plan, minimum requirements, 30 CFR 780 Revision; renewal; transfer, assignment, or sale of permit rights; post-permit issuance requirements; and other actions based on ownership, control, and violation information, 30 CFR 774 Protection of employees under Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977, 30 CFR 865 Public lands, surface exploration, mining, and reclamation of lands, 43 CFR 23 Small mine operator assistance program, permanent regulatory program, 30 CFR 795 Special categories of mining, permit requirements, 30 CFR 785 Special performance standards, 30 CFR 716 State regulatory authority inspection and enforcement procedures, 30 CFR 840 Subsidence and strip mine rehabilitation, Appalachia, 30 CFR 881 Surface coal mines and surface work areas of underground coal mines, 30 CFR 77 Surface metal and nonmetal mines, safety and health standards, 30 CFR 56 Surface mining operations within each State, conduct of programs Alabama, 30 CFR 901 Alaska, 30 CFR 902 Arizona, 30 CFR 903 Arkansas, 30 CFR 904 California, 30 CFR 905 Colorado, 30 CFR 906 Georgia, 30 CFR 910 Idaho, 30 CFR 912 Illinois, 30 CFR 913 Indiana, 30 CFR 914 Introduction, 30 CFR 900 Iowa, 30 CFR 915 Kansas, 30 CFR 916 Kentucky, 30 CFR 917 Louisiana, 30 CFR 918 Maryland, 30 CFR 920 Massachusetts, 30 CFR 921 Michigan, 30 CFR 922 Mississippi, 30 CFR 924 Missouri, 30 CFR 925 Montana, 30 CFR 926 New Mexico, 30 CFR 931 North Carolina, 30 CFR 933 North Dakota, 30 CFR 934 Ohio, 30 CFR 935 Oklahoma, 30 CFR 936 [[Page 883]] Oregon, 30 CFR 937 Pennsylvania, 30 CFR 938 Rhode Island, 30 CFR 939 South Dakota, 30 CFR 941 Tennessee, 30 CFR 942 Texas, 30 CFR 943 Utah, 30 CFR 944 Virginia, 30 CFR 946 Washington, 30 CFR 947 West Virginia, 30 CFR 948 Wyoming, 30 CFR 950 Underground metal and nonmetal mines, safety and health standards, 30 CFR 57 Underground mining operations, performance standards, 30 CFR 717 Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement Office Abandoned mine land reclamation Acid mine drainage treatment and abatement program, 30 CFR 876 Acquisition, management, and disposition of lands and water, 30 CFR 879 Certification and noncoal reclamation, 30 CFR 875 Eligible States and Indian tribes, moneys available to, 30 CFR 872 Entry rights procedures to lands or property considered for reclamation, 30 CFR 877 Future reclamation set-aside program, 30 CFR 873 Grants for certified States and Indian tribes, 30 CFR 885 Private land, 30 CFR 882 Requirements for selection of reclamation projects, 30 CFR 874 State plans, 30 CFR 884 Subsidence insurance program grants, 30 CFR 887 Uncertified States and Indian tribes, reclamation grants, 30 CFR 886 Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Fund, fee collection and coal production reporting, 30 CFR 870 Areas designated as unsuitable for mining Areas designated by Congress, 30 CFR 761 Criteria for designating areas, 30 CFR 762 Petition process for designation of Federal lands and termination of previous designations, 30 CFR 769 State process on designating non-Federal and non-Indian lands, 30 CFR 764 Auger coal mining, performance standards, 30 CFR 819 Blasters, certification standards Federal program States and Indian lands, 30 CFR 955 Permanent regulatory program requirements, 30 CFR 850 Coal preparation plants not located within permit area of mine, permanent program performance standards, 30 CFR 827 Financial interests in coal mining of Federal employees, restrictions, 30 CFR 706 Financial interests in coal mining of State regulatory authority employees, restrictions, 30 CFR 705 General, 30 CFR 700 Indian lands program Indian tribe abandoned mine land reclamation programs, 30 CFR 756 Surface coal mining and reclamation operations on Indian lands, requirements, 30 CFR 750 Tribal-Federal intergovernmental agreements, 30 CFR 755 Mine fire control, 30 CFR 880 Mining laws and regulations, enforcement, 30 CFR 843 Penalties Initial program-- Civil penalties, 30 CFR 723 Individual civil penalties, 30 CFR 724 Permanent program inspection and enforcement-- Alternative enforcement, 30 CFR 847 Civil penalties, 30 CFR 845 Individual civil penalties, 30 CFR 846 Permanent regulatory program, 30 CFR 701 Protection of employees under Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977, 30 CFR 865 Small mine operator assistance program, permanent regulatory program, 30 CFR 795 Subsidence and strip mine rehabilitation, Appalachia, 30 CFR 881 Surface coal mining and reclamation operations Alluvial valley floors in arid and semi-arid regions, performance standards, 30 CFR 822 Anthracite coal mining in Pennsylvania, performance standards, 30 CFR 820 [[Page 884]] Bituminous coal mining in Wyoming, performance standards, 30 CFR 825 Bond and insurance requirements under regulatory programs, 30 CFR 800 Coal exploration, requirements, 30 CFR 772 Exemption for coal extraction incidental to-- Extraction of other minerals, 30 CFR 702 Government financed highway and other construction, 30 CFR 707 Exploration, performance standards, 30 CFR 815 Federal inspection, 30 CFR 721 Federal inspection and monitoring procedures, 30 CFR 842 Federal lands-- Requirements, 30 CFR 740 Review and approval of mining plans, 30 CFR 746 State-Federal cooperative agreements, 30 CFR 745 General performance standards, 30 CFR 715 In situ processing operations, performance standards, 30 CFR 828 Initial performance standards, reimbursement to States for enforcement, 30 CFR 725 Initial regulatory program, 30 CFR 710 Law enforcement procedures, 30 CFR 722 Mountaintop removal, special permanent program performance standards, 30 CFR 824 Non-Federal and non-Indian lands-- Federal program for a State, 30 CFR 736 Grants for State program development, administration, and enforcement, 30 CFR 735 Requirements, 30 CFR 730 State coal mining program submission, 30 CFR 731 State coal mining program submissions, procedures and criteria for approval or disapproval, 30 CFR 732 State programs; early identification of corrective action, maintenance, procedures for substituting Federal enforcement, and withdrawing approval, 30 CFR 733 Permanent program performance standards, general provisions, 30 CFR 810 Permits and permit processing-- Administrative and judicial review of decisions, 30 CFR 775 Requirements, 30 CFR 773 Special categories of mining, 30 CFR 785 Permit applications-- General content requirements, 30 CFR 777 Minimum requirements for legal, financial, compliance, and related information, 30 CFR 778 Prime farmlands, performance standards, 30 CFR 823 Revision; renewal; transfer, assignment, or sale of permit rights; post-permit issuance requirements; and other actions based on ownership, control, and violation information, 30 CFR 774 Special performance standards, 30 CFR 716 State regulatory authority inspection and enforcement procedures, 30 CFR 840 Surface mining operations Permanent program performance standards, 30 CFR 816 Permit applications, information on environmental resources, minimum requirements, 30 CFR 779 Reclamation and operation plan, minimum requirements, 30 CFR 780 Surface mining operations within each State, conduct of programs Alabama, 30 CFR 901 Alaska, 30 CFR 902 Arizona, 30 CFR 903 Arkansas, 30 CFR 904 California, 30 CFR 905 Colorado, 30 CFR 906 Georgia, 30 CFR 910 Idaho, 30 CFR 912 Illinois, 30 CFR 913 Indiana, 30 CFR 914 Introduction, 30 CFR 900 Iowa, 30 CFR 915 Kansas, 30 CFR 916 Kentucky, 30 CFR 917 Louisiana, 30 CFR 918 Maryland, 30 CFR 920 [[Page 885]] Massachusetts, 30 CFR 921 Michigan, 30 CFR 922 Mississippi, 30 CFR 924 Missouri, 30 CFR 925 Montana, 30 CFR 926 New Mexico, 30 CFR 931 North Carolina, 30 CFR 933 North Dakota, 30 CFR 934 Ohio, 30 CFR 935 Oklahoma, 30 CFR 936 Oregon, 30 CFR 937 Pennsylvania, 30 CFR 938 Rhode Island, 30 CFR 939 South Dakota, 30 CFR 941 Tennessee, 30 CFR 942 Texas, 30 CFR 943 Utah, 30 CFR 944 Virginia, 30 CFR 946 Washington, 30 CFR 947 West Virginia, 30 CFR 948 Wyoming, 30 CFR 950 Underground mining activities, permanent program performance standards, 30 CFR 817 Underground mining operations, general performance standards, 30 CFR 717 Underground mining permit applications Information on environmental resources and conditions, minimum requirements, 30 CFR 783 Reclamation and operation plan, minimum requirements, 30 CFR 784 Surface Transportation Board Applications under 49 U.S.C. 10706 and 13703, 49 CFR 1331 Arbitration of certain disputes subject to statutory jurisdiction, 49 CFR 1108 Board organization, authority delegations, 49 CFR 1011 Board proceedings, use of mediation, 49 CFR 1109 Civil monetary penalty inflation adjustment, 49 CFR 1022 Commission records containing information about individuals, 49 CFR 1007 Credit extension to candidates for Federal office or their representatives, 49 CFR 1325 Debt collection Claims, prescribed procedures, 49 CFR 1018 Collection by offset from indebted government and former government employees, 49 CFR 1017 Demurrage liability, 49 CFR 1333 Documents, recordation, 49 CFR 1177 Enforcement claims, administrative collection, 49 CFR 1021 Environmental laws, implementation procedures, 49 CFR 1105 Fees, 49 CFR 1002 Forms, 49 CFR 1003 Freight forwarders, exemptions, 49 CFR 1319 General procedures Appellate procedures, 49 CFR 1115 Communications, 49 CFR 1102 Complaint and investigation procedures, 49 CFR 1111 Compliance with Commission decisions, 49 CFR 1119 Definitions and construction, 49 CFR 1101 Evidence, discovery, 49 CFR 1114 Filing with Board-copies-verifications-service-pleadings, generally, 49 CFR 1104 General provisions, 49 CFR 1100 Informal proceedings before employee boards, procedures, 49 CFR 1118 Informal rulemaking proceedings, 49 CFR 1110 Modified procedures, 49 CFR 1112 Oral argument before Commission, 49 CFR 1116 Oral hearing, 49 CFR 1113 Petitions (for relief) not otherwise covered, 49 CFR 1117 Practitioners, 49 CFR 1103 Household goods carriers, tariff requirements, 49 CFR 1310 Inspection of records, 49 CFR 1001 Intermodal transportation, containerized freight, practices of carriers involved in intermodal movement, 49 CFR 1090 Investigation and voluntary disposition of loss and damage claims and processing salvage, principles and practices, 49 CFR 1005 Meetings of Commission, 49 CFR 1012 Motor carriers Motor carrier platform handling factors, use of 1977-1978 study of, 49 CFR 1120 [[Page 886]] Operating rights interpretations and routing regulations, 49 CFR 1004 Pooling operations, 49 CFR 1184 Purchase, merger, and control of motor passenger carriers, 49 CFR 1182 National security information and classified material, handling, 49 CFR 1280 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 49 CFR 1014 Pipeline common carriage, disclosure and notice of rate changes and other service terms, 49 CFR 1305 Rail common carriage, disclosure, publication, and notice of rate changes and other service terms, 49 CFR 1300 Rail licensing procedures Certificate to construct, acquire or operate railroad lines, 49 CFR 1150 Feeder railroad development program, 49 CFR 1151 Rail lines and rail transportation under 49 U.S.C. 10903, abandonment and discontinuance, 49 CFR 1152 Solid waste rail transfer facilities, 49 CFR 1155 Railroads Acquisition, control, merger, consolidation project, trackage rights, and lease procedures, 49 CFR 1180 Bills of lading, 49 CFR 1035 Bulk grain and grain products, loss and damage claims, 49 CFR 1037 Car service, 49 CFR 1033 Cars loaded and cars terminated, report, 49 CFR 1247 Common operating expenses separation between freight and passenger service, 49 CFR 1242 Employee classification, service and compensation reports, 49 CFR 1245 Employee numbers, 49 CFR 1246 Export and import shipments, 49 CFR 1302 Freight commodity statistics, 49 CFR 1248 Interlocking officers, 49 CFR 1185 Performance data reporting, 49 CFR 1250 Property transportation waybill analysis, 49 CFR 1244 Quarterly operating reports, 49 CFR 1243 Rail exemption procedures, 49 CFR 1121 Railroad contracts for transportation of agricultural products, 49 CFR 1313 Reports, annual, special or periodic, carriers subject to Interstate Commerce Act, Part I, 49 CFR 1241 Service emergencies, expedited relief, 49 CFR 1146 Service inadequacies, temporary relief (49 USC 10705 and 11102), 49 CFR 1147 Tare weight and loss and damage data reports, 49 CFR 1249 Traffic routing, 49 CFR 1034 Transportation exemptions, 49 CFR 1039 Uniform system of accounts, 49 CFR 1201 Rate-making organization, records and reports, 49 CFR 1253 Rate procedures Freight, damages recovery, 49 CFR 1133 Informal complaints, 49 CFR 1130 Interest rates, calculation, 49 CFR 1141 Protests requesting suspension and investigation of collective ratemaking actions, 49 CFR 1132 Railroad cost recovery procedures, 49 CFR 1135 Records preservation, 49 CFR 1220 Recovery of expenses by parties to Commission adjudicatory proceedings, special procedures, 49 CFR 1016 Regulations governing conduct of agency employees, 49 CFR 1019 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for agency employees, 5 CFR 5001 Surface mail transportation, filing contracts, 49 CFR 1332 Tariffs for transportation of property by or with water carrier in noncontiguous domestic trade; publication, posting and filing, 49 CFR 1312 Uniform systems of accounts, Interstate Commerce Act, general accounting regulations, 49 CFR 1200 Voting trusts, proper use guidelines for regulated carriers, 49 CFR 1013 Surplus agricultural commodities See al Agricultural commodities Child and Adult Care Food Program, 7 CFR 226 Child nutrition programs, cash in lieu of donated foods, 7 CFR 240 [[Page 887]] Clingstone peach diversion program, 7 CFR 82 Commodity Credit Corporation Approved warehouses, 7 CFR 1423 Sales policy for certain commodities, 7 CFR 1402 Emergency food assistance program, 7 CFR 251 Food distribution program, administration Indian reservations, Indian households, 7 CFR 253 National commodity processing program, 7 CFR 252 Oklahoma Indian households, 7 CFR 254 Food donations for use in U.S., 7 CFR 250 Fresh Russet potato diversion program, 7 CFR 80 National School Lunch Program, 7 CFR 210 Prune/dried plum diversion program, 7 CFR 81 Surplus Government property See al Government property Agriculture Department, guidelines for the transfer of excess computers or other technical equipment pursuant to section 1420 of the 2008 Farm Bill, 7 CFR 3203 Army Department Loan and sale of property, 32 CFR 621 Loan of Army materiel, 32 CFR 623 Defense Department Revitalizing base closure communities and addressing impacts of realignment, 32 CFR 174 Revitalizing base closure communities and community assistance, community redevelopment and homeless assistance, 32 CFR 176 Disposal and utilization of surplus real property for educational and public health purposes Education Department, 34 CFR 12 Health and Human Services Department, 45 CFR 12 Disposition of seized personal property, 26 CFR 403 Domestic gold and silver operations, sale of silver, 31 CFR 56 Federal Acquisition Regulation, required sources of supplies and services, 48 CFR 8 Federal Management Regulation Donation of surplus personal property, 41 CFR 102-37 Excess personal property, disposition, 41 CFR 102-36 Personal property replacement, exchange/sale authority, 41 CFR 102-39 Real property disposal, 41 CFR 102-75 Sale of personal property, 41 CFR 102-38 Federal Property Management Regulations; hazardous materials and certain categories of property, utilization and disposal, 41 CFR 101-42 Personal property-- Donation of surplus, 41 CFR 101-44 Replacement; exchange/sale authority, 41 CFR 101-46 Sale, abandonment, or destruction, 41 CFR 101-45 Utilization, 41 CFR 101-43 Real property utilization and disposal, 41 CFR 101-47 Health and Human Services Department, Federal real property use to assist homeless, 45 CFR 12a Housing and Urban Development Department Federal real property use to assist homeless, 24 CFR 581 HUD-acquired and -owned single family property, disposition, 24 CFR 291 Revitalizing base closure communities and community assistance, community redevelopment and homeless assistance, 24 CFR 586 Maritime Administration, utilization and disposal of surplus Federal real property for port facility development or operation, 46 CFR 387 Release of airport property from surplus property disposal restrictions, 14 CFR 155 Susquehanna River Basin Commission General policies, 18 CFR 801 Hearings and enforcement actions, 18 CFR 808 Projects, review and approval, 18 CFR 806 Water withdrawal registration, 18 CFR 807 Swaps Cleared swaps, 17 CFR 22 Clearing requirement and related rules, 17 CFR 50 [[Page 888]] Commodity Futures Trading Commission Commodity Exchange Act, general rules and regulations, 17 CFR 1 Derivatives, clearing organizations, 17 CFR 39 Limits on positions and trading of agricultural commodities, 17 CFR 150 Reports-- General provisions, 17 CFR 15 Persons holding reportable positions in excess of position limits, and by merchants and dealers in cotton, 17 CFR 19 Reporting markets, futures commission merchants, clearing members, and foreign brokers, 17 CFR 17 Swap dealers and major swap participants, 17 CFR 23 Covered swap entities, margin and capital requirements Comptroller of the Currency, 12 CFR 349 Farm Credit Administration, 12 CFR 624 Margin and capital requirements for covered entities, 12 CFR 45 Netting eligibility for financial institution (Regulation EE), 12 CFR 231 Pre-enactment and transition swaps, 17 CFR 46 Real-time public reporting, 17 CFR 43 Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, 17 CFR 45 Securities Exchange Act of 1934, general rules and regulations, 17 CFR 240 Swap execution facilities, 17 CFR 37 Swaps merging and swaps push-out, 12 CFR 237 Swine Animals destroyed because of Brucellosis, 9 CFR 51 Tuberculosis, 9 CFR 50 Brucellosis in cattle, bison, and hogs, interstate transportation of animals, 9 CFR 78 Pseudorabies, swine destroyed because, 9 CFR 52 Swine contract library, 9 CFR 206 Swine health protection, 9 CFR 166 Switzerland Tax convention, 26 CFR 509 Symbols See Flags; Seals and insignia; Signs and symbols Synthetics See Plastics materials and synthetics Syria General aircraft operating and flight rules, 14 CFR 91 Sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 542, 31 CFR 569 Syrup See Sugar Systems of records See Reporting and recordkeeping requirements T Tangerines Marketing agreements; oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, and pummelos grown in Florida, 7 CFR 905 Tank vessels See Cargo vessels Tariffs See Exports; Imports; Taxes Tax treaties See al Income taxes; Taxes; Treaties Denmark, 26 CFR 521 France, 26 CFR 514 Ireland, 26 CFR 513 Switzerland, 26 CFR 509 Taxes See al Business and industry; Employment taxes; Estate taxes; Excise taxes; Gift taxes; Income taxes; Tax treaties Acquisition regulations Commerce Department, 48 CFR 1329 Defense Department, 48 CFR 229 Energy Department, 48 CFR 970 Environmental Protection Agency, 48 CFR 1529 General Services Administration, 48 CFR 529 Housing and Urban Development Department, 48 CFR 2429 Interior Department, 48 CFR 1429 [[Page 889]] Justice Department, 48 CFR 2829 Labor Department, 48 CFR 2929 State Department, 48 CFR 629 Veterans Affairs Department, 48 CFR 829 Customs financial and accounting procedure, 19 CFR 24 Defense Department, Homeowners Assistance Program, application processing, 32 CFR 239 Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, temporary regulations on procedure and administration, 26 CFR 420 Federal Acquisition Regulation, 48 CFR 29 Federal Tax Lien Act of 1966, temporary regulations, 26 CFR 400 Federal taxes payment and Treasury tax and loan program, 31 CFR 203 Fiscal Service; debt collection authorities under Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996, 31 CFR 285 General Services Administration, collection of claims owed U.S., 41 CFR 105-55 Health and Human Services Department Health insurance, exchange establishment standards and other related standards under the Affordable Care Act, 45 CFR 155 Tax refund offset, 45 CFR 31 Indian Tribal Governmental Tax Status Act of 1982, temporary procedural and administrative tax regulations, 26 CFR 305 Internal Revenue Service Attorneys, certified public accountants, enrolled agents, and other persons representing clients, practice before the Internal Revenue Service, 31 CFR 10 Procedure and administration, 26 CFR 301 Statement of procedural rules, 26 CFR 601 International Claims Settlement Act, taxes, 26 CFR 302 Personal customs declarations and exemptions, 19 CFR 148 Personnel Management Office, health benefits premiums, pre-tax payment; Federal flexible benefits plan, 5 CFR 892 Public housing agencies, tax exemption of obligations, 24 CFR 811 Railroads, common operating expenses separation between freight and passenger service, 49 CFR 1242 Rural Development, taxes, real estate tax servicing, 7 CFR 1925 Tax Reform Act of 1976, temporary regulations on procedure and administration, 26 CFR 404 Taxpayer First Act, procedures for the handling of retaliation complaints, 29 CFR 1989 Thrift Savings Plan; employee contribution elections, investment elections, and automatic enrollment program, 5 CFR 1600 Trading with the Enemy Act, taxes, 26 CFR 303 Treasury Department, low-income housing tax credits, payments in lieu, 31 CFR 32 Treasury tax and loan depositaries, recognition of insurance covering, 31 CFR 226 United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement Implementation Act, high-wage components of the labor value content requirements, 29 CFR 810 Tea See al Beverages Tea Importation Act, 21 CFR 122 Teachers See al Education Aviation training centers, 14 CFR 142 District of Columbia retirement programs, Federal benefit payments, 31 CFR 29 Executive, administrative, professional, computer and outside sales employees, defining and delimiting exemptions, 29 CFR 541 Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, 29 CFR 825 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 [[Page 890]] Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Fulbright-Hays, higher education programs Faculty research abroad fellowship program, 34 CFR 663 Group projects abroad program, 34 CFR 664 Language resource centers program, 34 CFR 669 Indian Affairs Bureau, education personnel, 25 CFR 38 James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation, 45 CFR 2400 Pilots, flight instructors, and ground instructors; certification, 14 CFR 61 Training program for Federal TRIO programs, 34 CFR 642 Technical assistance Arms Brokers, registration and licensing, 22 CFR 129 International traffic agreements, off-shore procurement, and other defense services, 22 CFR 124 Commodity Credit Corporation Biomass Crop Assistance Program, 7 CFR 1450 Conservation Stewardship Program, 7 CFR 1470 Food for Progress Program, 7 CFR 1499 Community development Economic adjustment assistance investments, 13 CFR 307 Investment assistance, general terms and conditions, 13 CFR 302 Performance incentives, 13 CFR 308 Community development revolving loan fund access for credit unions, 12 CFR 705 Community planning and development, expiring programs; savings clause, 24 CFR 500 Corporation for National and Community Service AmeriCorps technical assistance and other special grants, 45 CFR 2524 Technical assistance, training, and other service infrastructure- building activities, 45 CFR 2533 Defense Department, Technical Assistance for Public Participation (TAPP) program, defense environmental restoration activities, 32 CFR 203 Disaster preparedness assistance, 44 CFR 300 [[Page 891]] Economic development, training, research and technical assistance investments, 13 CFR 306 Emergency employment of Army and other resources, natural disaster procedures, 33 CFR 203 Energy conservation Grant programs for schools and hospitals and buildings owned by units of local government and public care institutions, 10 CFR 455 State energy program, 10 CFR 420 Environmental Protection Agency Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 1532 State and local assistance, technical assistance grants, 40 CFR 35 Family Violence Prevention and Services Program, 45 CFR 1370 Farm Credit System, general provisions, 12 CFR 618 Farmland Protection Policy Act, 7 CFR 658 Health insurance Affordable Care Act-- Exchange establishment standards and related standards under, 45 CFR 155 Issuer standards under, including requirements related to exchanges, 45 CFR 156 Group and individual health insurance markets, health insurance reform requirements for, 45 CFR 147 Hispanic-serving agricultural colleges and universities certification process, 7 CFR 3434 Housing Rental rehabilitation grant program, 24 CFR 511 Supportive housing program, 24 CFR 583 Housing and Urban Development Department Governmentwide debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 24 CFR 24 Indian Self Determination and Education Assistance Act, contracts, 25 CFR 900 McGovern-Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program, 7 CFR 1599 Meat inspection, mandatory, cooperation with States and territories, 9 CFR 321 Minority Business Development Agency, determination of group eligibility for assistance, 15 CFR 1400 National Institute of Standards and Technology, manufacturing extension partnership-- Environmental projects, 15 CFR 291 Infrastructure development projects, 15 CFR 292 Occupational safety and health consultation programs, 29 CFR 1908 Poultry products inspection, 9 CFR 381 Public Health Service, patient governments, policies safety organizations and patient safety work, 42 CFR 3 Puerto Rico, nutrition assistance grant provision, 7 CFR 285 Radiological emergency Commercial nuclear power plants, emergency preparedness planning, 44 CFR 352 Federal Emergency Management Agency, offsite radiological emergency preparedness program, service fee, 44 CFR 354 Fee for services in support, review, and approval of State and local government or licensee radiological emergency plans and preparedness, 44 CFR 353 Review and approval of State and local radiological emergency plans and preparedness, 44 CFR 350 Small businesses Government contracting programs, 13 CFR 125 Minority Small Business and Capital Ownership Development program / small disadvantaged business status determinations, 13 CFR 124 Small business development centers, 13 CFR 130 Trade remedy assistance, 19 CFR 213 Veterans Small Business Certification Program, 13 CFR 128 Small mine operator assistance program, permanent regulatory program, 30 CFR 795 Soil and water conservation Conservation Reserve Program, 7 CFR 1410 Emergency watershed protection, 7 CFR 624 [[Page 892]] Emergency Wetlands Reserve Program, 7 CFR 623 Great Plains Conservation Program, 7 CFR 631 River basin investigations and surveys, 7 CFR 621 Technical assistance, 7 CFR 610 Technical service provider assistance, 7 CFR 652 Watershed projects, 7 CFR 622 Wetlands Reserve Program, 7 CFR 1467 USDA Local and Regional Food Aid Procurement Program, 7 CFR 1590 Youth services programs, runaway and homeless youth, 45 CFR 1351 Technical education See Vocational education Technology See Science and technology Telecommunications See al Communications; Internet; Radio; Satellites; Telegraph; Telephone; Television 911 grant program, 47 CFR 400 Acquisition regulations Defense Department, information technology, 48 CFR 239 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, acquisition of information technology, 48 CFR 1839 Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board, information and communication technology standards and guidelines, 36 CFR 1194 Emergency preparedness Emergency restoration priority procedures for telecommunications services, 47 CFR 211 Executive policy, 47 CFR 201 Federal Government focal point for electromagnetic pulse (EMP) information, 47 CFR 215 Government and public correspondence telecommunications precedence system, 47 CFR 213 National Communications System issuance system, 47 CFR 216 Planning and execution, 47 CFR 202 Procedures for obtaining international telecommunication service for use during wartime emergency, 47 CFR 212 Emergency service providers (911 and E911) requirements, 47 CFR 9 Federal Aviation Administration, communications system use, 14 CFR 189 Federal Communications Commission Authorization and administration of accounting authorities in maritime and maritime mobile-satellite radio services, 47 CFR 3 Common carrier services-- Commercial mobile services, 47 CFR 20 Extension of lines, new lines, and discontinuance, reduction, outage and impairment of service by; and grants of recognized private operating agency status, 47 CFR 63 Interconnection, 47 CFR 51 Miscellaneous rules, 47 CFR 64 Numbering, 47 CFR 52 Personal communications services, 47 CFR 24 Real-time text, 47 CFR 67 Satellite communications, 47 CFR 25 Terminal equipment connection to telephone network, 47 CFR 68 Universal service, 47 CFR 54 Wireless communications, miscellaneous services, 47 CFR 27 Disruptions to communications, 47 CFR 4 Emergency service providers (911 and E911) requirements, 47 CFR 9 Experimental radio, auxiliary, and special broadcast radio and other program distributional services, 47 CFR 74 Frequency allocations and radio treaty matters; general rules and regulations, 47 CFR 2 Information and communications technology and services supply chain, securing, 15 CFR 7 Multichannel video and cable television service, 47 CFR 76 Organization, 47 CFR 0 Practice and procedure, 47 CFR 1 Private land mobile radio services, 47 CFR 90 Radio broadcast services, 47 CFR 73 Telecommunications service and equipment and customer premises [[Page 893]] equipment, access by persons with disabilities, 47 CFR 6 Voicemail and interactive menu services and equipment, access by people with disabilities, 47 CFR 7 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Federal Highway Administration; electronic toll collection, 23 CFR 950 First Response Network Authority, review and approval of proposed fees, 47 CFR 500 Foreign Assets Control Office, North Korea sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 510 General Services Administration; Federal Property Management Regulations, telecommunications management policy, 41 CFR 101-35 Health and Human Services Department, grant programs administered by Office of Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, 45 CFR 63 Internet freedom, 47 CFR 8 Justice Department, cost recovery regulations, Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act of 1994, 28 CFR 100 National Telecommunications and Information Administration Connecting Minority Communities Pilot Program, 47 CFR 302 Federal Government stations, relocation of and spectrum sharing by, 47 CFR 301 Personal radio services, 47 CFR 95 Radio frequency devices, 47 CFR 15 Rural Utilities Service Broadband grant program, 7 CFR 1739 Electric and telecommunications borrowers, fidelity and insurance requirements, 7 CFR 1788 General information, 7 CFR 1700 Rural broadband loans, loan/grant combinations, and loan guarantees, 7 CFR 1738 Rural eConnectivity Program, 7 CFR 1740 Servicing of programs, 7 CFR 1752 [[Page 894]] Video programming, accessibility, 47 CFR 79 Telegraph See al Telecommunications Communications common carriers Line extension, new lines, and discontinuance, reduction, outage and impairment of service by; and grants of recognized private operating agency status, 47 CFR 63 Miscellaneous rules, 47 CFR 64 Facilities and services excise taxes, 26 CFR 49 Infrastructure sharing, 47 CFR 59 Maritime services stations, 47 CFR 80 Preservation of records of communication common carriers, 47 CFR 42 Tariffs, 47 CFR 61 Telemarketing See Business and industry; Trade practices Telephone See al Telecommunications Access charges, 47 CFR 69 Bell operating companies, special provisions, 47 CFR 53 Communications common carriers Commercial mobile services, 47 CFR 20 Extension of lines, new lines, and discontinuance, reduction, outage and impairment of service by; and grants of recognized private operating agency status, 47 CFR 63 Miscellaneous rules, 47 CFR 64 Providers of international services and certain affiliates; reports, 47 CFR 43 Universal service, 47 CFR 54 Emergency service providers (911 and E911) requirements, 47 CFR 9 Facilities and services excise taxes, 26 CFR 49 Fair Labor Standards Act, miscellaneous exemptions and exclusions from coverage, 29 CFR 786 Federal Communications Commission, practice and procedure, 47 CFR 1 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 [[Page 895]] Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Infrastructure sharing, 47 CFR 59 Internet freedom, 47 CFR 8 Interstate rate of return prescription procedures and methodologies, 47 CFR 65 Jurisdictional separations procedures, standard procedures for separating telecommunications property costs, revenues, expenses, taxes, and reserves, 47 CFR 36 Mail or telephone order merchandise, 16 CFR 435 Maritime services stations, 47 CFR 80 Numbering, 47 CFR 52 Radio frequency devices, 47 CFR 15 Records preservation of communication common carriers, 47 CFR 42 Rural Utilities Service Accounting requirements for RUS telecommunications borrowers, 7 CFR 1770 Awardees, audits policy, 7 CFR 1773 Broadband grant program, 7 CFR 1739 ``Buy American'' requirement, 7 CFR 1787 Electric and telephone borrowers-- Consultants funded by borrowers, use of, 7 CFR 1789 Guaranteed and insured loans, prepayment, 7 CFR 1786 Loan account computations, procedures, and policies, 7 CFR 1785 Guaranteed and insured telephone loans, post-loan policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1744 Insured and guaranteed telecommunications loans, pre-loan policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1737 Rural broadband loans, loan/grant combinations, and loan guarantees, 7 CFR 1738 Telecommunications program-- General policies, types of loans, loan requirements, 7 CFR 1735 Servicing, 7 CFR 1752 Specifications, acceptable materials, and standard contract forms; policies on, 7 CFR 1755 Telecommunications system-- Construction policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1753 Planning and design criteria, and procedures, 7 CFR 1751 Satellite communications, 47 CFR 25 Tariffs, 47 CFR 61 Telemarketing sales rule, 16 CFR 310 Telephone and signaling devices used in mines, 30 CFR 23 Telephone Disclosure and Dispute Resolution Act of 1992, trade regulation rule, 16 CFR 308 Terminal equipment connection to telephone network, 47 CFR 68 Uniform system of accounts, telecommunications companies, 47 CFR 32 Vessel bridge-to-bridge radiotelephone regulations, 33 CFR 26 Television See al Cable television; News media; Telecommunications Broadcasting Board of Governors, domestic requests, 22 CFR 502 CB base station antennas, TV antennas, and supporting structures, warnings and instruction requirements, 16 CFR 1402 Communications common carriers, miscellaneous wireless communications services, 47 CFR 27 Emergency alert system, 47 CFR 11 Experimental radio, auxiliary, special broadcast and other program distributional services, 47 CFR 74 Federal Communications Commission, practice and procedure, 47 CFR 1 Frequency allocations and radio treaty matters; general rules and regulations, 47 CFR 2 Multichannel video and cable television service, 47 CFR 76 Noncommercial educational broadcasting, use of certain copyrighted works, 37 CFR 381 Radiation protection, ionizing radiation emitting products, performance standards, 21 CFR 1020 Radio and television station employees, exemption from overtime pay requirements, 29 CFR 793 Radio broadcast services, 47 CFR 73 [[Page 896]] Satellite carriers, adjustment of royalty fees for secondary transmissions, 37 CFR 386 Satellite communications, 47 CFR 25 Talent fees, defining and delimiting under Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 CFR 550 Video programming, accessibility, 47 CFR 79 Telework See Government employees Tennessee Valley Authority Administrative cost recovery, 18 CFR 1310 Archaeological resources protection, uniform regulations, 18 CFR 1312 Book-entry procedures for TVA power securities issued through Federal Reserve Banks, 18 CFR 1314 Conduct standards for agency employees, 18 CFR 1300 Contract disputes, 18 CFR 1308 Contract documents or actions, general conditions and certifications for incorporation, 18 CFR 1316 Intergovernmental review of Federal financial assistance and direct Federal development programs and activities, 18 CFR 1311 Lobbying restrictions, 18 CFR 1315 National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, implementation, 18 CFR 1318 Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs, 18 CFR 1302 Nondiscrimination on basis of age in federally assisted programs, 18 CFR 1309 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability Federally assisted programs, 18 CFR 1307 Federally conducted programs, 18 CFR 1313 Nondiscrimination on basis of sex in federally assisted education programs, 18 CFR 1317 Procedures, 18 CFR 1301 Property management, tobacco products prohibition, 18 CFR 1303 Relocation assistance and real property acquisition policies, 18 CFR 1306 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for agency employees, 5 CFR 7901 Tennessee River System, approval of construction and regulation of structures and other alterations, 18 CFR 1304 Terrorism Commodity Futures Trading Commission, anti-money laundering, terrorist financing, 17 CFR 42 Financial Crimes Enforcement Network Banks, rules, 31 CFR 1020 Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act of 2010, provisions relating to, 31 CFR 1060 General provisions, 31 CFR 1010 Housing government sponsored enterprises, rules, 31 CFR 1030 Financial recordkeeping and reporting of currency and foreign transactions, anti-money laundering programs, 31 CFR 103 Foreign assets control regulations, sanctions regulations Foreign terrorist organizations, 31 CFR 597 Global terrorism, 31 CFR 594 Terrorism, 31 CFR 595 Terrorism list governments, 31 CFR 596 Industry and Security Bureau Applications (classification, advisory, and license) and documentation, 15 CFR 748 Commerce Control List, 15 CFR 774 Control policy, 15 CFR 742 End-user and end-use based control policy, 15 CFR 744 Export clearance requirements and authorities, 15 CFR 758 License exceptions, 15 CFR 740 Justice Department, alien terrorist removal procedures, 28 CFR 200 Justice Programs Office, crime victim services, 28 CFR 94 Prisons Bureau, general management and administration, scope of rules, 28 CFR 501 September 11th Victim Compensation Fund, 28 CFR 104 Small business disaster loan program, 13 CFR 123 Terrorism Risk Insurance Program, 31 CFR 50 Textiles Care labeling of textile wearing apparel and certain piece goods as amended, 16 CFR 423 [[Page 897]] Cotton woven fabric imports, 15 CFR 336 Federal Trade Commission; administrative interpretations, general policy statements, and enforcement policy statements, 16 CFR 14 Flammability standards Carpet and rug surfaces, 16 CFR 1630 Children's sleepwear-- Sizes 0 through 6X, 16 CFR 1615 Sizes 7 through 14, 16 CFR 1616 Clothing textiles, 16 CFR 1610 Mattress sets (Open flame), 16 CFR 1633 Mattresses and mattress pads, 16 CFR 1632 Small carpet and rug surfaces, 16 CFR 1631 Upholstered furniture, 16 CFR 1640 Flammable Fabrics Act General rules and regulations, 16 CFR 1608 Investigation, inspections, and inquiries, 16 CFR 1605 Statements of policy or interpretation, 16 CFR 1602, 16 CFR 1609 Mohair Advertising and promotion, 7 CFR 1270 Grease mohair and mohair top samples, purchase, 7 CFR 32 Navajo all-wool woven fabrics, use of Government certificate of genuineness, 25 CFR 307 Textile Fiber Products Identification Act, rules and regulations, 16 CFR 303 Water pollution, effluent guidelines and standards, point source categories, textile mills, 40 CFR 410 Wool Advertising and promotion, 7 CFR 1270 Customs examination, sampling, and testing of merchandise, 19 CFR 151 Navajo all-wool woven fabrics, use of Government certificate of genuineness, 25 CFR 307 United States Warehouse Act regulations, 7 CFR 869 Wool and wool top samples, purchase, 7 CFR 31 Wool Products Labeling Act of 1939, rules and regulations, 16 CFR 300 Worsted wool fabric imports, 15 CFR 335 Thorium See Nuclear materials; Radioactive materials Timber See Forests and forest products Time Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, general provisions, 31 CFR 1010 Standard time zone boundaries, 49 CFR 71 Tires See Rubber and rubber products Tissue-based products See Human cells and tissue-based products Tobacco See al Cigars and cigarettes Commodity Credit Corporation, tobacco transition program, 7 CFR 1463 Food and Drug Administration, tobacco products Cigarette package and advertising, required warnings, 21 CFR 1141 Cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, and covered tobacco products, 21 CFR 1140 Exemption requests and substantial equivalence reports, 21 CFR 1107 General regulations, 21 CFR 1100 General submission requirements, 21 CFR 1105 Minimum required warning statements, 21 CFR 1143 Premarket tobacco product applications, 21 CFR 1114 Inspection, 7 CFR 29 Permit proceedings, practice rules, 27 CFR 71 Seized personal property, disposition, 27 CFR 72 Stocks and standards, 7 CFR 30 Tennessee Valley Authority, property management, tobacco products prohibition, 18 CFR 1303 Tobacco products, and cigarette papers and tubes, and processed tobacco Contraband cigarettes, 27 CFR 646 Exportation without payment of tax or with drawback of tax, 27 CFR 44 Importation, 27 CFR 41 Miscellaneous regulations, 27 CFR 46 Removal without payment of tax for use of U.S., 27 CFR 45 Tobacco products, cigarette papers and tubes, and processed tobacco, manufacture, 27 CFR 40 [[Page 898]] Treasury Department, tobacco products, sale and distribution restriction, 31 CFR 12 United States Warehouse Act regulations, 7 CFR 869 Toiletries See Cosmetics Tomatoes Grown in Florida, marketing agreements, 7 CFR 966 Import regulations, 7 CFR 980 Tort claims See Claims Tourist trade See Travel Toxic substances See Hazardous substances; Poison prevention Toxins See Biologics Towing vessels Certification, 46 CFR 136 Construction and arrangement, 46 CFR 144 Fire protection, 46 CFR 142 Lifesaving, 46 CFR 141 Machinery and electrical systems and equipment, 46 CFRF 143 Operations, 46 CFR 140 Third-party organizations, 46 CFR 139 Towing Safety Management System (TSMS), 46 CFR 138 Vessel compliance, 46 CFR 137 Toys Baby pacifiers, safety requirements, 16 CFR 1511 Baby rattles, safety requirements, 16 CFR 1510 Children's products Definition under Consumer Product Safety Act, 16 CFR 1200 Testing and labeling pertaining to product certification, 16 CFR 1107 Children's products, children's toys, and child care articles; determinations regarding lead, ASTM F963 elements, and phthalates for engineered wood products, 16 CFR 1252 Children's toys and child care articles containing phthalates Inaccessible component types, guidance, 16 CFR 1199 Plastics, prohibition determinations, 16 CFR 1308 Prohibition, 16 CFR 1307 Unfinished manufactured fibers, determinations regarding ASTM F963 elements and phthalates, 16 CFR 1253 Choking incidents involving marbles, small balls, latex balloons, and other small parts, reporting, 16 CFR 1117 Conditions and requirements for relying on component part testing or certification, or another party's finished product testing or certification, to meet testing and certification requirements, 16 CFR 1109 Electrically operated toys or other electrically operated articles intended for use by children, safety requirements, 16 CFR 1505 Firearms (toy, look-alike, and imitation), marking, 16 CFR 1272 Hazardous substances and articles, administration and enforcement regulations, 16 CFR 1500 Heavy elements limits for certain materials, determinations, 16 CFR 1251 Method for identifying toys and other articles intended for use by children under 3 years of age which present choking, aspiration, or ingestion hazards because of small parts, 16 CFR 1501 Products subject to other Acts, regulation under Consumer Product Safety Act, 16 CFR 1145 Safety standards Baby changing products, 16 CFR 1235 Baby cribs, non-full-size, 16 CFR 1220 Bassinets and cradles, 16 CFR 1218 Bedside sleepers, 16 CFR 1222 Booster seats, 16 CFR 1237 Carriages and strollers, 16 CFR 1227 Children's folding chairs and children's folding stools, 16 CFR 1232 Crib mattresses, 16 CFR 1241 Frame child carriers, 16 CFR 1230 Gates and enclosures, 16 CFR 1239 Hand-held infant carriers, 16 CFR 1225 High chairs, 16 CFR 1231 Infant bath seats, 16 CFR 1215 Infant bath tubs, 16 CFR 1234 Infant bouncer seats, 16 CFR 1229 Infant swings, 16 CFR 1223 [[Page 899]] Infant walkers, 16 CFR 1216 Magnets, 16 CFR 1262 Play yards, 16 CFR 1221 Portable bed rails, 16 CFR 1224 Portable hook-on chairs, 16 CFR 1233 Sling carriers, 16 CFR 1228 Soft infant and toddler carriers, 16 CFR 1226 Toddler beds, 16 CFR 1217 Toys, safety standard mandating ASTM f963, 16 CFR 1250 Trade adjustment assistance See al Business and industry; Foreign trade; Imports Farmers, 7 CFR 1580 Firms, 13 CFR 315 Trade Act of 1974, as amended, 20 CFR 618 Trade agreements See al Foreign trade; Treaties Articles conditionally free, subject to a reduced rate, etc., 19 CFR 10 Carnets, 19 CFR 114 Caribbean Basin initiative Articles conditionally free, subject to reduced duty rate, 19 CFR 10 Distilled spirits plants, 27 CFR 19 International agricultural trade, emergency relief from duty-free imports of perishable products, 7 CFR 1540 Liquors and articles from Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands, 27 CFR 26 Customs duties Drawback, 19 CFR 191 Modernized drawback, 19 CFR 190 Foreign Agricultural Service, procedures to monitor Canadian fresh fruit and vegetable imports under U.S.-Canada Free Trade Agreement, 7 CFR 1560 Nonadjudicative investigations-- Global and bilateral safeguard actions, market disruption, trade diversion, and review of relief actions, 19 CFR 206 Imports, effects of on agricultural programs, 19 CFR 204 Imports sold at less than fair value or from subsidized exports to the U.S.; investigations of whether injury to domestic industries results from, 19 CFR 207 Modified trade practices, effects on U.S. economy, investigations to determine, 19 CFR 205 Production costs, 19 CFR 202 United States-Mexico cross-border long-haul trucking services, 19 CFR 208 National Institute of Standards and Technology, guidance on Federal conformity assessment, 15 CFR 287 North American Free Trade Agreement, implementation Duty preference and related provisions, 19 CFR 181 Rules of origin, 19 CFR 102 United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement Article 10.12, procedures and rules, 19 CFR 356 Implementation, 19 CFR 182 United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement Implementation Act, high-wage components of the labor value content requirements, 29 CFR 810 World-wide free flow of audiovisual materials, 22 CFR 61 Trade fairs See Fairs and expositions Trade names See al Business and industry Air carriers, foreign air carriers and commuter air carriers, use and change of name, 14 CFR 215 Trademarks, trade names, and copyrights, 19 CFR 133 Trade practices See al Business and industry; Consumer protection; Swaps Advertising Allowances and other merchandising payments and services, 16 CFR 240 Endorsements and testimonials, guides concerning use, 16 CFR 255 Alternative fuels and alternative fueled vehicles, labeling requirements, 16 CFR 309 Amplifiers utilized in home entertainment products, power output claims, 16 CFR 432 Automobile parts, rebuilt, reconditioned and used, industry guides, 16 CFR 20 Automotive fuel ratings, certification and posting, 16 CFR 306 [[Page 900]] Bait advertising, 16 CFR 238 Business opportunity rule, 16 CFR 437 Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule, 16 CFR 312 Cigarettes in relation to health hazards of smoking, unfair or deceptive advertising and labeling, 16 CFR 408 Consumer financial information, privacy, 16 CFR 313 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, rules of practice for adjudication proceedings, 12 CFR 1081 Consumers' claims and defenses, preservation, 16 CFR 433 Contact lens rule, 16 CFR 315 Credit practices Adjudication proceedings, rules of practice Federal Trade Commission, 16 CFR 444 Mortgage acts and practices, advertising, 16 CFR 321 National Credit Union Administration, 12 CFR 706 Customer information, safeguard standards, 16 CFR 314 Deceptive pricing, 16 CFR 233 Distilled spirits, labeling and advertising, 27 CFR 5 Environmental marketing claims, guides for use, 16 CFR 260 Fair Credit Reporting Act, duties of users of consumer reports regarding address discrepancies, 16 CFR 641 Fair Packaging and Labeling Act Exemptions from requirements and prohibitions, 16 CFR 501 Section 4 regulations, 16 CFR 500 Section 5(c) regulations, 16 CFR 502 Statements of general policy or interpretations under Fair Packaging and Labeling Act, 16 CFR 503 Federal Trade Commission Administrative interpretations, general policy statements, and enforcement policy statements, 16 CFR 14 Application of industry guides in preventing unlawful practices, 16 CFR 17 Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003, 16 CFR 602 Fair Credit Reporting Act-- Active duty alerts duration, 16 CFR 613 Affiliate marketing, 16 CFR 680 Appropriate identity pro, 16 CFR 614 Consumer report information and records disposal, 16 CFR 682 Consumer reporting agencies, duties of furnishers of information, 16 CFR 660 Definitions, 16 CFR 603 Fair credit reporting, 16 CFR 604 Free annual file disclosures, 16 CFR 610 Model forms and disclosures, 16 CFR 698 Prescreen opt-out notice, 16 CFR 642 Prohibition against nationwide consumer reporting agency treatment circumvention, 16 CFR 611 Risk-based pricing, duties of creditors, 16 CFR 640 Free electronic credit monitoring for active duty military, 16 CFR 609 General procedures, 16 CFR 1 Identity theft rules, 16 CFR 681 Made in USA labeling, 16 CFR 323 Mortgage assistance relief services, 16 CFR 322 Franchising, disclosure requirements and prohibitions, 16 CFR 436 Fuel economy advertising for new automobiles, 16 CFR 259 Funeral industry practices, 16 CFR 453 Fur Products Labeling Act, rules and regulations, 16 CFR 301 Guide concerning use of word ``free'' and similar representations, 16 CFR 251 Health breach notification rule, 16 CFR 318 Hobby Protection Act, rules and regulations, 16 CFR 304 Home insulation, labeling and advertising, 16 CFR 460 Industry and Security Bureau, export clearance requirements and authorities, 15 CFR 758 Jewelry, precious metals, and pewter industries; guides, 16 CFR 23 Liquor Commercial bribery, 27 CFR 10 Consignment sales, 27 CFR 11 Exclusive outlets, 27 CFR 8 Tied-house, 27 CFR 6 Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act Informal dispute settlement procedures, 16 CFR 703 Interpretations, 16 CFR 700 [[Page 901]] Pre-sale availability of written warranty terms, 16 CFR 702 Written consumer product warranty terms and conditions, disclosure, 16 CFR 701 Mail or telephone order merchandise, 16 CFR 435 Malt beverages, labeling and advertising, 27 CFR 7 Mortgage acts and practices - advertising, (Regulation N), 12 CFR 1014 Mortgage assistance relief services, (Regulation O), 12 CFR 1015 Motor vehicle, used, trade regulation rule, 16 CFR 455 Nonbank covered persons based on risk determination, procedural rule to establish supervisory authority over, 12 CFR 1091 Ophthalmic practice rules (eyeglass rule), 16 CFR 456 Packers and Stockyards Act regulations, 9 CFR 201 Payday, vehicle title, and certain high-cost installment loans, 12 CFR 1041 Prenotification negative option plans, use, 16 CFR 425 Privacy of consumer financial information (Regulation P), 12 CFR 1016 Private vocational and distance education schools guides, 16 CFR 254 Recycled oil, test procedures and labeling standards, 16 CFR 311 Restrictive trade practices or boycotts, 15 CFR 760 Retail food store advertising and marketing practices, 16 CFR 424 Sales made at homes or at certain other locations, cooling-off period, 16 CFR 429 Select leather and imitation leather products, guides, 16 CFR 24 Swap dealers and major swap participants, 17 CFR 23 Telemarketing sales rule, 16 CFR 310 Telephone Disclosure and Dispute Resolution Act of 1992, trade regulation rule, 16 CFR 308 Textile Fiber Products Identification Act, rules and regulations, 16 CFR 303 Textile wearing apparel and certain piece goods as amended, care labeling, 16 CFR 423 Trade execution requirements, 17 CFR 36 TSCA inventory of mercury supply, use, and trade; reporting requirements, 40 CFR 713 United States-Mexico-cross-border long-haul trucking services, investigations, 19 CFR 208 Warranties and guarantees, advertising guides, 16 CFR 239 Wine, labeling and advertising, 27 CFR 4 Wool Products Labeling Act of 1939, rules and regulations, 16 CFR 300 Trade Representative, Office of U.S. African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA), petition process to review eligibility of countries, 15 CFR 2017 Andean Trade Preference Act, Eligibility or duty-free treatment of countries under; procedures to petition for withdrawal or suspension, 15 CFR 2016 Beef, tariff-rate quotas implementation, 15 CFR 2012 Creation, organization, and functions, 15 CFR 2001 Generalized System of Preferences, eligibility of articles and countries for, 15 CFR 2007 Lamb meat imports, tariff-rate quota implementation, 15 CFR 2014 Operation of committees, 15 CFR 2002 Records and information, disclosure, 15 CFR 2004 Sugar-containing products, tariff-rate quotas implementation, 15 CFR 2015 Sugars, syrups, and molasses, imported; tariff-rate quota allocation, 15 CFR 2011 Trade Act of 1974, as amended; procedures for filing petitions for action under section 301 of, 15 CFR 2006 Trade Agreements Act of 1979, procedures for representations under section 422, 15 CFR 2009 Trade Policy Staff Committee regulations, 15 CFR 2003 Trade unions See Labor unions Trademarks See al Business and industry; Signs and symbols Assignment, recording and rights of assignee, 37 CFR 3 [[Page 902]] Classification of goods and services under Trademark Act, 37 CFR 6 General procedures, 16 CFR 1 Indian Arts and Crafts Board, use of certificates by Indian enterprises for production and sale of genuine handicrafts, use of, 25 CFR 308 Indians Alaskan Indian and Alaskan Eskimo hand-made products, use of Government marks of genuineness, 25 CFR 310 Arts and crafts products, protection, 25 CFR 309 Navajo all-wool woven fabrics, use of Government certificate of genuineness, 25 CFR 307 Navajo, Pueblo, and Hopi silver and turquoise products, standards, 25 CFR 301 Navajo, Pueblo, and Hopi silver, use of Government mark, 25 CFR 304 International registration of marks, rules of practice in filings pursuant to protocol relating to Madrid agreement, 37 CFR 7 Legal processes, 37 CFR 104 Postal Regulatory Commission, complaints alleging violations of 39 U.S.C. 404a, special rules, 39 CFR 3024 Trademark cases, practice rules, 37 CFR 2 Trademarks, trade names, and copyrights, 19 CFR 133 Traffic regulation See al Motor vehicles Army Department, motor vehicle traffic supervision, 32 CFR 634 Defense Department, enforcement of State traffic laws on DoD installations, 32 CFR 210 Defense Mapping Agency sites, traffic and vehicle control, 32 CFR 263 Federal Highway Administration Preconstruction procedures, 23 CFR 630 Traffic operations, 23 CFR 655 National Institute of Standards and Technology grounds, Gaithersburg, Maryland, and Boulder and Fort Collins, Colorado, conduct and traffic rules, 15 CFR 265 National Institutes of Health Federal enclave, conduct of persons and traffic on, 45 CFR 3 National parks, 36 CFR 4 Nevada Test Site, traffic control, 10 CFR 861 Off-road vehicle use Public lands, 43 CFR 8340 Reclamation lands, 43 CFR 420 Pentagon Reservation, conduct on, 32 CFR 234 Presidio Trust, vehicles and traffic safety, 36 CFR 1004 Trails See National trails system Training programs See Manpower training programs Transportation See al Air transportation; Bridges; Common carriers; Freight; Highways and roads; Intermodal transportation; Mass transportation; Noise control; Pipelines; Railroads; Space transportation and exploration; Traffic regulation; Vessels Acquisition regulations Agency for International Development, 48 CFR 747 Agriculture Department, 48 CFR 447 Defense Department, 48 CFR 247 Energy Department, 48 CFR 947 Federal Acquisition Regulation, 48 CFR 47 General Services Administration, 48 CFR 547 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 48 CFR 1847 State Department, 48 CFR 647 Veterans Affairs Department, 48 CFR 847 Air carriers and operators; domestic, flag, and supplemental operations; operating requirements, 14 CFR 121 Air pollution control Conformity of Federal actions to State or Federal implementation plans, determining, 40 CFR 93 Implementation plans; preparation, adoption, and submittal requirements, 40 CFR 51 Airline passengers, enhanced protections, 14 CFR 259 [[Page 903]] Alaska conservation system units, transportation and utility systems in and across, and access into, 43 CFR 36 Americans with Disabilities Act Accessibility guidelines-- Buildings and facilities, 36 CFR 1191 Transportation vehicles, 36 CFR 1192 Accessibility specifications for transportation vehicles, 49 CFR 38 Transportation services for individuals with disabilities, 49 CFR 37 Animal byproducts (except casings), and hay, and straw, offered for entry in the U.S.; sanitary control, 9 CFR 95 Animal care; humane handling care, treatment, and transportation standards, 9 CFR 3 Architectural Barriers Act, accessibility guidelines Buildings and facilities, 36 CFR 1191 Pedestrian facilities in the public right-of-way, 36 CFR 1190 Coast Guard, Marine casualties and investigations, 46 CFR 4 Commercial driver's license standards, requirements and penalties, 49 CFR 383 Commercial filming and similar projects and still photography on certain areas under department jurisdiction, 43 CFR 5 Convention on International Trade of Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), 50 CFR 23 Defense Department, operational contract support outside the U.S., 32 CFR 158 Disadvantaged business enterprise participation in Airport concessions, 49 CFR 23 Transportation Department financial assistance programs, 49 CFR 26 Distilled spirits plants, 27 CFR 19 Drug and alcohol testing programs Coast Guard, 46 CFR 4, 46 CFR 16 Federal Aviation Administration, 14 CFR 120 Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, 49 CFR 382 Federal Railroad Administration, 49 CFR 219 Federal Transit Administration, 49 CFR 655 Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, 49 CFR 199 Transportation Department, 49 CFR 40 Electronic toll collection, 23 CFR 950 Emergency public transportation services, emergency relief, 49 CFR 602 Endangered marine and anadromous species, 50 CFR 224 Engineers Corps, danger zone and restricted area regulations, 33 CFR 334 Explosives, commerce, 27 CFR 555 Exportation of live animals, hatching eggs or other embryonated eggs, animal semen, animal embryos, and gametes from the U.S., 9 CFR 91 Facilities and services excise taxes, 26 CFR 49 Fair Labor Standards Act, assurances of compliance, 29 CFR 789 Federal lands, highways Fish and Wildlife Service Management Systems, 23 CFR 972 Forest Service Management Systems, 23 CFR 971 Indian Affairs Bureau and Indian Reservation Roads Program management systems, 23 CFR 973 National Park Service Management Systems, 23 CFR 970 Federal Management Regulation Home-to-work transportation, 41 CFR 102-5 Transportation management, 41 CFR 102-117 Transportation payment and audit, 41 CFR 102-118 Federal motor carrier safety regulations; qualification of drivers and longer combination vehicle (LCV) driver instructors, 49 CFR 391 Federal Property Management Regulations Official use of passenger carriers between residence and place of employment, 41 CFR 101-6 Temporary regulations list, 41 CFR 101 Subch. G App. Transportation and traffic management, 41 CFR 101-40 Transportation documentation and audit, 41 CFR 101-41 Federal Railroad Administration Critical incident stress plans, 49 CFR 272 Intercity passenger train operations, metrics and minimum standards, 49 CFR 273 [[Page 904]] Firearms and ammunition, commerce in, 27 CFR 478 Forest transportation system; travel management, 36 CFR 212 General aircraft operating and flight rules, 14 CFR 91 Head Start program Financial and administrative requirements, 45 CFR 1303 Transportation, 45 CFR 1310 Highway safety improvement program, 23 CFR 924 Immigration and Nationality Act, temporary agricultural workers admitted under Section 218, enforcement of contractual obligations, 29 CFR 501 Indians, Tribal Transportation Self Governance Program, 49 CFR 29 International carriage of perishable foodstuffs and on special equipment to be used for such carriage (ATP), agreement on; inspection, testing, and certification of special equipment, 7 CFR 3300 International fisheries regulations, 50 CFR 300 Interstate transportation of animals Bovine babesiosis, 9 CFR 72 Brucellosis in cattle, bison, and hogs, 9 CFR 78 Chronic wasting disease in deer, elk and moose, 9 CFR 81 Communicable diseases in horses, asses, ponies, mules, and zebras, 9 CFR 75 Feed for transportation of animals under twenty-eight hour law, 9 CFR 89 General provisions, 9 CFR 71 Johne's disease in domestic animals, 9 CFR 80 Land tortoises, interstate movement prohibition, 9 CFR 74 Newcastle disease and chlamydiosis, 9 CFR 82 Pseudorabies, 9 CFR 85 Scabies in-- Cattle, 9 CFR 73 Sheep and goats, 9 CFR 79 Tuberculosis, 9 CFR 77 Machine guns, destructive devices, and certain other firearms, 27 CFR 479 Marine mammals and fish Endangered marine and anadromous species, 50 CFR 224 General endangered and threatened marine species, 50 CFR 222 Threatened marine and anadromous species, 50 CFR 223 Marine mammals Fish and Wildlife Service, taking and importing restrictions, 50 CFR 18 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration-- Taking and importing, 50 CFR 216, 50 CFR 218, 50 CFR 219 Taking incidental to specified activities, 50 CFR 217 Maritime and surface transportation security, general rules, 49 CFR 1570 Meat inspection, mandatory, transportation requirements, 9 CFR 325 Migrant and seasonal agricultural worker protection, 29 CFR 500 National electric vehicle infrastructure standards and requirements, 23 CFR 680 National park areas, commercial and private operations, 36 CFR 5 National Transportation Safety Board; transportation investigative hearings, meetings, reports and petitions for reconsideration; rules of practice, 49 CFR 845 Noxious weed regulations, 7 CFR 360 Oil transportation, oil spill prevention and response plans, 49 CFR 130 Phytosanitary treatments, 7 CFR 305 Plant protection and quarantine District of Columbia, plants and plant products, movement, 7 CFR 302 Domestic quarantine notices, 7 CFR 301 Organisms modified or produced through genetic engineering, movement, 7 CFR 340 Plant pest dissemination, general restrictions, 7 CFR 330 State of Hawaii and territories quarantine notices, 7 CFR 318 Plant quarantine safeguard regulations, 7 CFR 352 Poultry products inspection, 9 CFR 381 Public Transportation Safety Certification Training Program, 49 CFR 672 Reimbursement transportation cost payment program for geographically disadvantaged farmers and ranchers, 7 CFR 755 [[Page 905]] Retaliation complaints, handling procedures National Transit System Security Act and the Federal Railroad Safety Act, 29 CFR 1982 Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, as amended; complaints under section 806, 29 CFR 1980 Seaman's Protection Act (SPA), complaints under employee protection provision, as amended, 29 CFR 1986 Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982, complaints under employee protection provision, 29 CFR 1978 Safety management systems, 14 CFR 5 Select agents and toxins, 42 CFR 73 Standards for private entities providing prisoner or detainee services, 28 CFR 97 Temporary nonimmigrant non-agricultural workers described in the Immigration and Nationality Act, enforcement of obligations, 29 CFR 503 Title VI civil rights compliance program, 49 CFR 303 Transportation Department Acquisition regulations, 48 CFR 1247 Civil penalties, 14 CFR 383 Short-Term Lending Program (STLP), 49 CFR 22 Transportation infrastructure management Asset management plans, 23 CFR 515 Real-Time System Management Information Program, 23 CFR 511 Transportation priorities and allocation system, 49 CFR 33 Transportation Security Administration Administrative and procedural rules, applicability, terms, and abbreviations, 49 CFR 1500 Sensitive security information protection, 49 CFR 1520 Veterinary biologics Import permits, 9 CFR 104 Permits for imports and interstate transportation of organisms and vectors, 9 CFR 122 Wildlife Civil procedures, 50 CFR 11 Eagle permits, 50 CFR 22 Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants, 50 CFR 17 General permit procedures, 50 CFR 13 General provisions, 50 CFR 10 Importation, exportation, and transportation, 50 CFR 14 Injurious wildlife, importation and transportation, 50 CFR 16 Migratory birds-- Hunting, 50 CFR 20 Permits, 50 CFR 21 Seizure and forfeiture procedures, 50 CFR 12 Transportation Department See al Commercial Space Transportation Office; Federal Aviation Administration; Federal Highway Administration; Federal Railroad Administration; Federal Transit Administration; Maritime Administration; National Highway Traffic Safety Administration; Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration; Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation Acquisition regulations Acquisition planning, 48 CFR 1207 Administrative and information matters, 48 CFR 1204 Application of labor laws to Government acquisitions, 48 CFR 1222 Bonds and insurance, 48 CFR 1228 Commercial products and commercial services, 48 CFR 1212 Competition requirements, 48 CFR 1206 Construction and architect-engineer contracts, 48 CFR 1236 Contracts-- Administration, 48 CFR 1242 Cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 1231 Financing, 48 CFR 1232 Labor surplus area contracting, 48 CFR 1220 Service contracting, 48 CFR 1237 Special contracting methods, 48 CFR 1217 Types of contracts, 48 CFR 1216 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 1215 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 1209 Definitions of words and terms, 48 CFR 1202 Describing agency needs, 48 CFR 1211 Environment, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, [[Page 906]] occupational safety, and drug-free workplace, 48 CFR 1223 Federal Acquisition Regulation System, 48 CFR 1201 Forms, 48 CFR 1253 Government property, 48 CFR 1245 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 1203 Patents, data, and copyrights, 48 CFR 1227 Protection of privacy and freedom of information, 48 CFR 1224 Protests, disputes and appeals, 48 CFR 1233 Publicizing contract actions, 48 CFR 1205 Quality assurance, 48 CFR 1246 Research and development contracting, 48 CFR 1235 Sealed bidding, 48 CFR 1214 Simplified Acquisition procedures, 48 CFR 1213 Small business programs, 48 CFR 1219 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 1252 Transportation, 48 CFR 1247 Administrative procedures, 49 CFR 5 Air carriers Carriage of musical instruments, 14 CFR 251 Electronic Airline Information Systems, 14 CFR 256 Air charter brokers, 14 CFR 295 Americans with Disabilities Act Transportation services for individuals with disabilities, 49 CFR 39 Transportation vehicles, accessibility specifications, 49 CFR 38 Aviation proceedings Air carrier authority under Subtitle VII of Title 49 of U.S. Code (amended), 14 CFR 201 Air taxi and commuter air carrier operations, exemptions, 14 CFR 298 Aircraft accident liability insurance, 14 CFR 205 Airline deregulation, employee protection program, 14 CFR 314 Airline service quality performance reports, 14 CFR 234 Airline tickets, oversales, 14 CFR 250 Audit reports submission, 14 CFR 248 Basic essential air service, guidelines for individual determinations, 14 CFR 398 Canadian charter air taxi operators, 14 CFR 294 Cargo air carriers, certificates of public convenience and necessity, special authorizations and exemptions, 14 CFR 206 Cargo operations in interstate air transportation, 14 CFR 291 Change-of-gauge services, disclosure, 14 CFR 258 Charter flights-- Overseas military personnel charters, 14 CFR 372 Public charters, 14 CFR 380 Special event tours, 14 CFR 381 Code-sharing arrangements and long-term wet leases, disclosure, 14 CFR 257 Consumer Credit Protection Act with respect to air carriers and foreign air carriers, implementation, 14 CFR 374 Continuance of expired authorizations by operation of law pending final determination of applications for renewal thereof, 14 CFR 377 Contract of carriage, notice of terms, 14 CFR 253 Data to support fitness determinations, 14 CFR 204 Domestic baggage liability, 14 CFR 254 Economic regulations, definitions and instructions, 14 CFR 200 Energy Policy and Conservation Act, implementation, 14 CFR 313 Essential air service procedures, 14 CFR 325 Extension of credit by air carriers to political candidates, 14 CFR 374a Foreign air carriers-- Application for permits, 14 CFR 211 Commingling of blind sector traffic, 14 CFR 216 Intermodal cargo services, 14 CFR 222 Permits authorizing charter transportation only, terms, conditions, and limitations, 14 CFR 214 Permits, terms, conditions, and limitations, 14 CFR 213 Traffic statistics reporting, 14 CFR 217 [[Page 907]] Foreign air carrier or other foreign person, lease of aircraft with crew, 14 CFR 218 Foreign air freight forwarders and foreign cooperative shippers associations, 14 CFR 297 Foreign civil aircraft navigation within U.S., 14 CFR 375 Free and reduced rate air transportation, 14 CFR 223 Indirect air transportation of property, 14 CFR 296 Inspection of accounts and property of air carriers, 14 CFR 240 International cargo transportation, 14 CFR 292 International passenger transportation, 14 CFR 293 Mileage records, direct airport-to-airport, 14 CFR 247 Names, use and change of names of air carriers, foreign air carriers and commuter air carriers, 14 CFR 215 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in air travel, 14 CFR 382 Policy statements, general, 14 CFR 399 Preservation of air carrier records, 14 CFR 249 Review of air carrier agreements, 14 CFR 303 Rules of conduct in DOT proceedings, 14 CFR 300 Rules of practice in informal nonpublic investigations, 14 CFR 305 Rules of practice in proceedings, 14 CFR 302 Smoking aboard aircraft, 14 CFR 252 Special services, fees and charges, 14 CFR 389 Staff assignments and review of action under assignments, 14 CFR 385 Subsidizing air carriers providing essential air transportation, guidelines, 14 CFR 271 Tariffs, 14 CFR 221 Terminations, suspensions, and reductions of service, 14 CFR 323 U.S. and foreign direct air carriers, charter rules, 14 CFR 212 Uniform system of accounts and reports for certified air carriers, 14 CFR 241 Warsaw Convention liability limits and defenses, waiver, 14 CFR 203 Civil penalties, 14 CFR 383 Civil Rights; Title VI and related statutes, implementation and review procedures, 49 CFR 03 Classified information; classification/declassification/access, 49 CFR 8 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 1200 Debts to U.S., recovery by salary offset, 49 CFR 92 Disadvantaged business enterprise participation in Airport concessions, 49 CFR 23 Financial assistance programs, 49 CFR 26 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 49 CFR 32 Employee responsibilities and conduct, 49 CFR 99 Employee testimony and records production in legal proceedings, 49 CFR 9 Equal Access to Justice Act implementation, agency proceedings, 49 CFR 6 Federal claims collection, 49 CFR 89 Fuel efficiency program, medium-and heavy-duty vehicles, 14 CFR 535 Human subjects, protection, 49 CFR 11 Indians, Tribal Transportation Self Governance Program, 49 CFR 29 Information, public availability, 49 CFR 7 Intergovernmental review of programs and activities, 49 CFR 17 International air transportation fair competitive practices, 49 CFR 91 Lobbying restrictions, 49 CFR 20 Medals of honor, 49 CFR 79 Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs, 49 CFR 21 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs or activities, 14 CFR 382, 49 CFR 27, 49 CFR 28 Nondiscrimination on basis of sex in federally assisted education programs, 49 CFR 25 Official seal, 49 CFR 3 Organization and delegation of powers and duties, 49 CFR 1 Post-employment activities, enforcement of restrictions, 49 CFR 98 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, 49 CFR 31 Public works contracts, denial to suppliers of goods and services of countries that [[Page 908]] deny procurement market access to U.S. contractors, 49 CFR 30 Records pertaining to individuals, maintenance of and access to, 49 CFR 10 Seismic safety, 49 CFR 41 Sensitive security information protection, 49 CFR 15 Shipping restrictions American flag ships and aircraft, 44 CFR 402 Arms, ammunition, and implements of war, 44 CFR 401 Short-Term Loan Programs (STLP), 49 CFR 22 Standard time zone boundaries, 49 CFR 71 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for Department employees, 5 CFR 6001 Surface transportation projects, credit assistance, 49 CFR 80 Tarmac delay data, reporting, 14 CFR 244 Transportation priorities and allocation system, 49 CFR 33 Transportation services for individuals with disabilities, 49 CFR 37 Transportation workplace, drug and alcohol testing programs, 49 CFR 40 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 1201 Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally-assisted programs, governmentwide rule, 49 CFR 24 Transportation Office (Department of Agriculture) Agreement on international carriage of perishable foodstuffs and on special equipment to be used for such carriage (ATP); inspection, testing, and certification of special equipment, 7 CFR 3300 Transportation Security Administration Administrative and procedural rules Applicability, terms, and abbreviations, 49 CFR 1500 Aviation security infrastructure fee, 49 CFR 1511 Investigative and enforcement procedures, 49 CFR 1503 Organization, functions, and procedures, 49 CFR 1502 Passenger civil aviation security service fees, 49 CFR 1510 Aviation operations in Washington, DC metropolitan area flight restricted zone, 49 CFR 1562 Civil aviation security Aircraft operator security, air carriers and commercial operators, 49 CFR 1544 Aircraft repair station security, 49 CFR 1554 Aircraft security under general operating and flight rules, 49 CFR 1550 Airport security, 49 CFR 1542 Certified cargo screening program, 49 CFR 1549 Flight schools, 49 CFR 1552 Foreign air carrier security, 49 CFR 1546 General rules, 49 CFR 1540 Indirect air carrier security, 49 CFR 1548 Protection of sensitive security information, 49 CFR 1560 Maritime and surface transportation security Credentialing and security threat assessments, 49 CFR 1572 General rules, 49 CFR 1570 Freight rail transportation security, 49 CFR 1580 Highway and motor carrier security, 49 CFR 1584 Public transportation and passenger railroad security, 49 CFR 1582 Privacy Act, exemptions, 49 CFR 1507 Sensitive security information protection, 49 CFR 1520 Validation firms and validators, 49 CFR 1522 Travel See al Passports and visas; Travel and transportation expenses; Travel restrictions Passenger vessels, disclosure of safety standards and country of registry, 46 CFR 80 Real-Time System Management Information System, 23 CFR 511 Veterans, Fisher Houses and other temporary lodging, 38 CFR 60 Travel and transportation expenses See al Travel Army Department, military court fees, 32 CFR 534 [[Page 909]] Civil service travel and transportation expenses Allowances and differentials, 5 CFR 591 New appointees and interviews, 5 CFR 572 Civilian Board of Contract Appeals, acquisition regulations Decisions authorized under 31 U.S.C. 3259, procedure rules, 48 CFR 6105 Travel and relocation expenses cases, procedure rules, 48 CFR 6104 Congress, members, temporary income tax regulations, 26 CFR 5e Export-Import Bank, acceptance of payment from non-Federal source for travel expenses, 12 CFR 412 Federal Travel Regulation, agency requirements for payment of expenses connected with death of certain employees, 41 CFR 303-70 Federal Travel Regulation, general guidance Agency reporting requirements, 41 CFR 300-70 Federal Travel Regulation (FTR)-- General, 41 CFR 300-1 Use and format, 41 CFR 300-2 Glossary of terms, 41 CFR 300-3 Travel and relocation expenses test programs, 41 CFR 300-80 Federal Travel Regulation, relocation allowances Employee eligibility requirements, 41 CFR 302-2 General rules, 41 CFR 302-1 Miscellaneous expenses, allowance, 41 CFR 302-16 Permanent change of station allowances-- Househunting trip expenses, allowance, 41 CFR 302-5 Subsistence and transportation allowances, 41 CFR 302-4 Temporary quarters subsistence expenses, allowance, 41 CFR 302-6 Property transportation and storage-- Household goods, extended storage allowances, 41 CFR 302-8 Household goods, professional books, papers, and equipment (PBP&E) and baggage allowance, transportation and temporary storage, 41 CFR 302-7 Mobile homes and boats used as primary residence, transportation allowances, 41 CFR 302-10 Privately owned vehicles, transportation and emergency or temporary storage allowances, 41 CFR 302-9 Relocation allowance-- By specific type, 41 CFR 302-3 Taxes on expenses, 41 CFR 302-17 Residence transaction allowances-- Expenses incurred in connection with residence transactions, allowances, 41 CFR 302-11 Home marketing incentive payments, 41 CFR 302-14 Property management services, allowance, 41 CFR 302-15 Relocation service company, use, 41 CFR 302-12 Federal Travel Regulation, temporary duty (TDY) travel allowances Agency travel accountability requirements, 41 CFR 301-71 Applicability, 41 CFR 301-1 Collection of undisputed delinquent amounts owed to contractor issuing individually billed travel charge card, 41 CFR 301-54, 41 CFR 301- 76 Common carrier transportation, agency responsibilities, 41 CFR 301-72 Conference planning, 41 CFR 301-74 Emergency travel, 41 CFR 301-30 General rules, 41 CFR 301-2 Internal policy and procedure requirements, 41 CFR 301-70 Miscellaneous expenses, 41 CFR 301-12 Per diem expenses, 41 CFR 301-11 Pre-employment interview travel, 41 CFR 301-75 Promotional materials and frequent traveler programs use, 41 CFR 301- 53 Reimbursement claims, 41 CFR 301-52 Special needs employees, travel, 41 CFR 301-13 Threatened law enforcement/investigative employees, 41 CFR 301-31 Transportation expenses, 41 CFR 301-10 Travel expenses, payment, 41 CFR 301-51 Travel programs, 41 CFR 301-73 [[Page 910]] Travel services, arrangements, 41 CFR 301-50 Federal Travel Regulation, travel expenses payment from non-federal source Acceptance of payment for training-- Authority/applicability, 41 CFR 304-7 Contributions and awards, 41 CFR 304-9 Definitions, 41 CFR 304-8 Agency requirements-- Agency responsibilities, 41 CFR 304-5 Authority, 41 CFR 304-4 Payment guidelines, 41 CFR 304-6 Employee's acceptance-- Authority, 41 CFR 304-1 Definitions, 41 CFR 304-2 Employee responsibility, 41 CFR 304-3 General Services Administration Agency requirements for payment of expenses connected with the death of certain employees, 41 CFR 303-70 Government aviation administration and coordination, 41 CFR 101-37 Non-Government employees, payment of travel expenses, 10 CFR 1060 Overtime services relating to imports and exports Animals and animal products, 9 CFR 97 Plants, 7 CFR 354 Social Security Administration Federal old-age, survivors, and disability insurance (1950-- ), 20 CFR 404 Supplemental Security Income for the aged, blind, and disabled, 20 CFR 416 Veterans Adaptive sports programs for disabled veterans and disabled members of the Armed Forces, grants, 38 CFR 77 Caregivers benefits and certain medical benefits offered to family members, 38 CFR 71 Faith based organizations, equal treatment, 38 CFR 50 Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem Program, 38 CFR 61 Medical care, 38 CFR 17 National cemeteries of the Department of Veterans Affairs, 38 CFR 38 State homes-- Grants to States for construction or acquisition, 38 CFR 59 Payments to States for programs to promote the hiring and retention of nurses, 38 CFR 53 Per diem rates, 38 CFR 51 Supportive Services for Veteran Families program, 38 CFR 62 Transportation program, 38 CFR 70 U.S. Paralympics, monthly assistance allowance for veterans in connection with, 38 CFR 76 Vocational readiness and employment and education, 38 CFR 21 Witness fees, 28 CFR 21 Travel restrictions See al Travel Communicable diseases control, 21 CFR 1240 Controls of aliens departing from U.S. Immigration and Naturalization, 8 CFR 215 Immigration Review, Executive Office, 8 CFR 1215 State Department, 22 CFR 46 Cuban assets control regulations, 31 CFR 515 Humans, foreign quarantine, 42 CFR 71 Passport requirement and exceptions, 22 CFR 53 Public Health Service, interstate quarantine, 42 CFR 70 Treasury Department See al Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau; Community Development Financial Institutions Fund; Comptroller of the Currency; Engraving and Printing Bureau; Federal Law Enforcement Training Center; Fiscal Service; Foreign Assets Control Office; Internal Revenue Service; Investment Security Office; Secret Service Acquisition regulations Bonds and insurance, 48 CFR 1028 Clauses and forms, solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 1052 Construction and architect-engineer contracts, 48 CFR 1036 Contract administration and audit services, 48 CFR 1042 [[Page 911]] Contract financing, 48 CFR 1032 Contract types, 48 CFR 1016 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 1009 Definitions of words and terms, 48 CFR 1002 Department of the Treasury Acquisition Regulations (DTAR) System, 48 CFR 1001 Major system acquisition, 48 CFR 1034 Minority and women inclusion, 48 CFR 1022 Protests, disputes, and appeals, 48 CFR 1033 Small business programs, 48 CFR 1019 Agency names, symbols, etc.; civil penalty assessment for misuse, 31 CFR 27 Claims regulations and indemnification of Treasury Department employees, 31 CFR 3 Counterfeit gold coins, mitigation of forfeiture, 31 CFR 101 Covered savings associations, 12 CFR 101 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 31 CFR 19 Debt collection, 31 CFR 5 District of Columbia retirement programs, Federal benefit payments, 31 CFR 29 Domestic silver operations, sale, 31 CFR 56 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 31 CFR 20 Employee inventions, 31 CFR 7 Employee rules of conduct, 31 CFR 0 Employees' personal property claims, 31 CFR 4 Equal Access to Justice Act, awards applications, 31 CFR 6 Federal claims collection standards Administrative collection of claims, 31 CFR 901 Compromise of claims, 31 CFR 902 Referrals to Justice Department, 31 CFR 904 Scope of standards, 31 CFR 900 Suspending or terminating collection activity, 31 CFR 903 Financial recordkeeping and reporting of currency and foreign transactions, 31 CFR 103 Financial research fund Foreign military sales loans, prepayment, 31 CFR 25 Foreign portfolio investment survey reporting, 31 CFR 129 Government Securities Act of 1986, regulations under Title II, custodial holdings of Government securities by depository institutions, 17 CFR 450 Gulf Coast States; resources and ecosystems sustainability, tourist opportunities, and revived economies, 31 CFR 34 Imported articles, effects on National security, 31 CFR 9 International capital and foreign-currency transactions and positions, reporting, 31 CFR 128 Lobbying restrictions, 31 CFR 21 Low-income housing, payments in lieu of tax credits, 31 CFR 32 Merchant banking investments, 12 CFR 1500 Monetary Offices, five-cent and one-cent coin regulations, 31 CFR 82 Multilateral development banks (MDBs), environmental review of actions, 31 CFR 26 National security information, 31 CFR 2 Nondiscrimination in federally conducted programs or activities on basis of Age, 31 CFR 23 Disability, 31 CFR 17 Nondiscrimination on basis of sex in federally assisted education programs, 31 CFR 28 Officials designated to perform functions and duties of certain offices in case of absence, disability, or vacancy, 31 CFR 18 Pandemic relief programs, 31 CFR 35 Paper currency and coin exchange, 31 CFR 100 Post-employment conflict of interest, 31 CFR 15 Postal service operations, applicability of Treasury regulations, 39 CFR 760 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986, implementation, 31 CFR 16 Programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance from Treasury Department; nondiscrimination enforcement on basis of race, color, or national origin, 31 CFR 22 Records disclosure, 31 CFR 1 Regulatory data collections, 12 CFR 1610 Resolution Funding Corporation Book-entry procedure, 12 CFR 1511 Financial subsidiaries, 12 CFR 1501 Operations, 12 CFR 1510 [[Page 912]] Retirement savings bonds, governing regulations, 31 CFR 347 Right to Financial Privacy Act, 31 CFR 14 Securities Exchange Act of 1934, regulations under Section 15C Exemptions, 17 CFR 401 Financial responsibility, 17 CFR 402 Forms, 17 CFR 449 Large position reporting, 17 CFR 420 Protection of customer securities and balances, 17 CFR 403 Recordkeeping and preservation of records, 17 CFR 404 Reports and audit, 17 CFR 405 Rules of general applications, 17 CFR 400 State and local governments protecting foreign diplomatic missions, procedures for providing assistance to, 31 CFR 13 State innovation waivers, 31 CFR 33 Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for Department employees, 5 CFR 3101 TARP standards for compensation and corporate governance, 31 CFR 30 Terrorism Risk Insurance Program, 31 CFR 50 Tobacco products, sale and distribution restriction, 31 CFR 12 Troubled Asset Relief Program, 31 CFR 31 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 1000 U.S. Mint Building and grounds, conduct in or on, 31 CFR 91 Operations and procedures, 31 CFR 92 Vending facilities operation by blind on Federal property under control of Treasury Department, 31 CFR 11 Treaties See al Tax treaties; Trade agreements Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau Distilled spirits, labeling and advertising, 27 CFR 5 Wine, labeling and advertising, 27 CFR 4 Chemical Weapons Convention Clarification procedures, consultations and challenge inspections, 15 CFR 717 Declared facilities, initial and routine inspections, 15 CFR 716 General information and overview, 15 CFR 710 COLREGS 72 Demarcation lines, 33 CFR 80 Implementing rules, 33 CFR 81 Interpretive rules, 33 CFR 82 Emigrating children, convention and non-convention adoptions, reporting, 22 CFR 99 Federal old-age, survivors, and disability insurance (1950-- ), international agreements, 20 CFR 404 Fisheries Atlantic highly migratory species, 50 CFR 635 International fisheries regulations, 50 CFR 300 Off West Coast States, 50 CFR 660 Hague Convention adoption cases, adoption certificates and custody declarations issuance, 22 CFR 97 Industry and Security Bureau, additional protocol regulations, general information and overview, 15 CFR 781 Intercountry Adoption Act Adoption agency accreditation and approval of persons, 22 CFR 96 Convention record preservation, 22 CFR 98 International agreements; coordination, reporting and publication of, 22 CFR 181 International child abduction, 22 CFR 94 International commercial arbitration, Inter-American Commercial Arbitration Commission procedure rules, 22 CFR 194 International trade in endangered species of wild fauna and flora (CITES) convention, 50 CFR 23 Migratory bird subsistence harvest in Alaska, 50 CFR 92 Nuclear material safeguards, implementation of safeguard agreements between United States and the International Atomic Energy Agency, 10 CFR 75 Postal Regulatory Commission, views submitted to the Secretary of State, related procedures, 39 CFR 3025 TRICARE See Health care Trucks See Motor carriers; Motor vehicles [[Page 913]] Truman, Harry S, Scholarship Foundation See Harry S Truman Scholarship Foundation Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands See Pacific Islands Trust Territory Trusts and trustees See al Banks, banking American Indian Trust Fund Management Reform Act, 25 CFR 1200 Bankruptcy Reform Acts of 1978 and 1994, related regulations, 28 CFR 58 Bona fide profit-sharing plans or trusts, requirements under Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 CFR 549 Coast Guard, payment of amounts due mentally incompetent personnel, 33 CFR 49 Covered funds, proprietary trading and certain interests in and relationships with Commodity Futures Trading Commission, 17 CFR 75 Comptroller of the Currency, 12 CFR 44 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 12 CFR 351 Federal Reserve System (Regulation VV), 12 CFR 248 Employee Benefits Security Administration, fiduciary responsibilities, 29 CFR 2550 Excise tax on real estate investment trusts, 26 CFR 55 Federal credit unions, trustees and custodians of pension plans, 12 CFR 724 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, orderly liquidation authority, 12 CFR 380 Federal Employees Retirement System--Thrift Savings Plan, fiduciary responsibility Allocation, 29 CFR 2584 Permanent and temporary bonding rules, 29 CFR 2582 Federal Housing Finance Board, federal home loan banks, miscellaneous bank authorities, 12 CFR 977 Federal savings associations, fiduciary powers, 12 CFR 150, 12 CFR 550 Foundation and similar excise taxes, 26 CFR 53 Government employees, executive branch financial disclosure, qualified trusts, and certificates of divestiture, 5 CFR 2634 Gulf Coast ecosystem restoration, spill impact component, 40 CFR 1800 Gulf Coast States; resources and ecosystems sustainability, tourist opportunities, and revived economies, 31 CFR 34 Housing and Urban Development Department, Government National Mortgage Association, fiduciary activities, 24 CFR 340 Income taxes Banking institutions, general applications, 26 CFR 1 (1.581-1--1.586- 2) Deferred compensation, pension, profit-sharing, stock bonus plans, 26 CFR 1 (1.401-0--1.420-1) Estates and trusts which may accumulate income or which distribute corpus, 26 CFR 1 (1.661(a)-1--1.664-4) Estates, trusts, and beneficiaries-- General rules for taxation, 26 CFR 1 (1.641(a)-0--1.643(d)-2) Grantors and others treated as substantial owners, 26 CFR 1 (1.671- 1--1.679-7) Income in respect of decedents, 26 CFR 1 (1.691(a)-1--1.692-1) Miscellaneous, 26 CFR 1 (1.681(a)-1--1.684-5) Real estate investment trusts, 26 CFR 1 (1.856-0--1.860-5) Trusts, treatment of excess distributions, 26 CFR 1 (1.665(a)-0A-- 1.669(b)-2) Trusts which distribute current income only, 26 CFR 1 (1.651(a)-1-- 1.652(c)-4) Indian Tribal Energy Development and Self Determination Act, tribal energy resource agreements, 25 CFR 224 Labor organizations Annual financial reports, 29 CFR 403 Bonding requirements, 29 CFR 453 Trusteeship reports, 29 CFR 408 Maritime carriers; documented vessels and other maritime interests, regulated transactions, 46 CFR 221 National banks, fiduciary activities, 12 CFR 9 National Marine Fisheries Service, regulations governing taking and importing of marine mammals, 60 CFR 216 [[Page 914]] Railroads in reorganization, trustees' certificates guarantee, 49 CFR 250 Securities transactions, recordkeeping and confirmation requirements, 12 CFR 151 Small business loans, qualified employee trusts, 13 CFR 120 Temporary income tax regulations Revenue Act of 1962, 26 CFR 16 Section 3 of Act of October 26, 1974 (Pub. L. 93-483), 26 CFR 8 Temporary regulations on procedure and administration under Tax Reform Act of 1976, 26 CFR 404 Trust Indenture Act of 1939 Forms prescribed, 17 CFR 269 General rules and regulations, 17 CFR 260 Interpretative releases, 17 CFR 261 Veterans Affairs Department Fiduciary activities, 38 CFR 13 Legal services, General Counsel, and miscellaneous claims, 38 CFR 14 Voting trusts, proper use guidelines, Surface Transportation Board regulated carriers, 49 CFR 1013 Truth in lending See al Consumer protection; Credit Alternative Mortgage Transaction Parity (Regulation D), 12 CFR 1004 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (Regulation Z), 12 CFR 1026 Consumer leasing (Regulation M), 12 CFR 213, 12 CFR 1013 Disclosure of credit information (Regulation Z), 12 CFR 226 Federal Trade Commission, administrative interpretations, general policy statements, and enforcement policy statements, 16 CFR 14 Preservation of air carrier records, 14 CFR 249 Real estate Appraisals, 12 CFR 722 Lending and appraisals, 12 CFR 34 Rural Development, loan and grant program funds, 7 CFR 1940 Truth in savings See al Banks, banking; Consumer protection National Credit Union Administration, 12 CFR 707 Tuberculosis See Animal diseases Tung nuts See Oilseeds Tunisia, Republic of Loan guarantees issued under Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act of 2016; sec. 7034(o), 22 CFR 239 Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2014, Div. F, Pub. L. 113-6; standard terms and conditions, 22 CFR 236 Turkey Syria-related sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 569 Turpentine See Forests and forest products U Ukraine Loan guarantees issued under the Sovereignty, Integrity, Democracy, and Economic Stability of Ukraine Act of 2014, Pub. L. 113-95; standard terms and conditions, 22 CFR 234 Sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 589 Underground mining See al Mine safety and health; Mines Abandoned mine land reclamation Acid mine drainage treatment and abatement program, 30 CFR 876 Acquisition, management, and disposition of lands and water, 30 CFR 879 Certification and noncoal reclamation, 30 CFR 875 Eligible States and Indian tribes, moneys available to, 30 CFR 872 Entry rights procedures to lands or property considered for reclamation, 30 CFR 877 Future reclamation set-aside program, 30 CFR 873 Grants for certified States and Indian tribes, 30 CFR 885 Indian tribe abandoned mine land reclamation programs, 30 CFR 756 Private land, 30 CFR 882 [[Page 915]] Requirements for selection of reclamation projects, 30 CFR 874 State plans, 30 CFR 884 Subsidence insurance program grants, 30 CFR 887 Uncertified States and Indian tribes, reclamation grants, 30 CFR 886 Abandoned Mine Land Reclamation Fund, fee collection and coal production reporting, 30 CFR 870 Alluvial valley floors in arid and semi-arid regions, performance standards, 30 CFR 822 Anthracite coal mining in Pennsylvania, performance standards, 30 CFR 820 Areas designated as unsuitable for mining, criteria for designating areas, 30 CFR 762 Areas designated by Congress as unsuitable for mining, 30 CFR 761 Coal exploration, requirements, 30 CFR 772 Coal miners, medical examination specifications, 42 CFR 37 Coal preparation plants not located within permit area of mine, permanent program performance standards, 30 CFR 827 Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act, compensation claims, 20 CFR 30 Enforcement, 30 CFR 843 Exemption for Government financed highway and other construction, 30 CFR 707 Federal inspection, 30 CFR 721 Federal inspection and monitoring procedures, 30 CFR 842 Federal lands Requirements, 30 CFR 740 Review and approval of mining plans, 30 CFR 746 State-Federal cooperative agreements, 30 CFR 745 Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council, 40 CFR 1900 Financial interests in coal mining, restrictions Federal employees, 30 CFR 706 State regulatory authority employees, 30 CFR 705 Flame resistant conveyor belts, approval, 30 CFR 14 General, 30 CFR 700 General performance standards, 30 CFR 715 In situ processing operations, performance standards, 30 CFR 828 Initial performance standards, reimbursement to States for enforcement, 30 CFR 725 Initial regulatory program, 30 CFR 710 Law enforcement procedures, 30 CFR 722 Non-Federal and non-Indian lands Federal program for a State, 30 CFR 736 Grants for State program development, administration, and enforcement, 30 CFR 735 Requirements, 30 CFR 730 State coal mining program submission-- General, 30 CFR 731 Procedures and criteria for approval or disapproval, 30 CFR 732 State programs; early identification of corrective action, maintenance, procedures for substituting Federal enforcement, and withdrawing approval, 30 CFR 733 Penalties Initial program-- Civil penalties, 30 CFR 723 Individual civil penalties, 30 CFR 724 Permanent program inspection and enforcement-- Alternative enforcement, 30 CFR 847 Civil penalties, 30 CFR 845 Individual civil penalties, 30 CFR 846 Permanent program performance standards, 30 CFR 817 General provisions, 30 CFR 810 Permanent regulatory program, 30 CFR 701 Permit applications Administrative and judicial review of decisions, 30 CFR 775 Environmental resources information, requirements, 30 CFR 783 General content requirements, 30 CFR 777 Legal, financial, compliance, and related information; minimum requirements, 30 CFR 778 Reclamation and operation plan, minimum requirements, 30 CFR 784 Requirements for permits and permit processing, 30 CFR 773 Revision; renewal; transfer, assignment, or sale of permit rights; post-permit issuance requirements; and other actions based on ownership, control, and violation information, 30 CFR 774 [[Page 916]] Special categories of mining, permit requirements, 30 CFR 785 Petition process for designation of Federal lands and termination of previous designations, 30 CFR 769 Prime farmlands, performance standards, 30 CFR 823 Protection of employees under Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977, 30 CFR 865 Radiation Exposure Compensation Act, claims, 28 CFR 79 Small mine operator assistance program, permanent regulatory program, 30 CFR 795 Special performance standards, 30 CFR 716 State process on designating non-Federal and non-Indian lands as unsuitable for mining, 30 CFR 764 State regulatory authority inspection and enforcement procedures, 30 CFR 840 Surface coal mines and surface work areas of underground coal mines, 30 CFR 77 Surface coal mining and reclamation operations, bond and insurance requirements under regulatory programs, 30 CFR 800 Surface metal and nonmetal mines, safety and health standards, 30 CFR 56 Surface mining operations within each State, conduct of programs Alabama, 30 CFR 901 Alaska, 30 CFR 902 Arizona, 30 CFR 903 Arkansas, 30 CFR 904 California, 30 CFR 905 Colorado, 30 CFR 906 Georgia, 30 CFR 910 Idaho, 30 CFR 912 Illinois, 30 CFR 913 Indiana, 30 CFR 914 Introduction, 30 CFR 900 Iowa, 30 CFR 915 Kansas, 30 CFR 916 Kentucky, 30 CFR 917 Louisiana, 30 CFR 918 Maryland, 30 CFR 920 Massachusetts, 30 CFR 921 Michigan, 30 CFR 922 Mississippi, 30 CFR 924 Missouri, 30 CFR 925 Montana, 30 CFR 926 New Mexico, 30 CFR 931 North Carolina, 30 CFR 933 North Dakota, 30 CFR 934 Ohio, 30 CFR 935 Oklahoma, 30 CFR 936 Oregon, 30 CFR 937 Pennsylvania, 30 CFR 938 Rhode Island, 30 CFR 939 South Dakota, 30 CFR 941 Tennessee, 30 CFR 942 Texas, 30 CFR 943 Utah, 30 CFR 944 Virginia, 30 CFR 946 Washington, 30 CFR 947 West Virginia, 30 CFR 948 Wyoming, 30 CFR 950 Underground metal and nonmetal mines, safety and health standards, 30 CFR 57 Underground mining operations, initial performance standards, 30 CFR 717 Underground mining permit applications Underground storage tanks See Hazardous substances; Petroleum Unemployment See Community development; Manpower training programs; Unemployment compensation Unemployment compensation See al Insurance; Labor; Railroad unemployment insurance; Social security Airline deregulation, employee protection program, 14 CFR 314 Appeals promptness standard, 20 CFR 650 Benefit payment promptness standard, 20 CFR 640 Child support enforcement, State plan requirements, withholding of unemployment compensation, 45 CFR 302 Data exchange standardization for improved interoperability, 20 CFR 619 Disaster unemployment assistance, 20 CFR 625 Drug testing for eligibility determination purposes, 20 CFR 620 Eligibility regulations, 20 CFR 604 Employment and Training Administration, Administrative procedure, 20 CFR 601 Employment taxes and collection of income tax at source, 26 CFR 31 Ex-servicemembers, 20 CFR 614 Extended benefits, 20 CFR 615 [[Page 917]] Federal civilian employees, 20 CFR 609 Fiscal Service; debt collection authorities under Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996, 31 CFR 285 Foreign workers in the U.S., temporary employment, 20 CFR 655 Golden parachute and indemnification payments, 12 CFR 750 Housing and Urban Development Department Federal Housing Administration programs; procedures for obtaining wage and claim information about applicants and participants from State wage information collection agencies (SWICAs), mortgage and loan insurance programs, 24 CFR 200 General HUD program requirements, waivers, 24 CFR 5 Interstate arrangement for combining employment and wages, 20 CFR 616 Quality control in Federal-State unemployment insurance system, 20 CFR 602 State information, confidentiality and disclosure, 20 CFR 603 State unemployment compensation eligibility determination purposes, drug testing, 20 CFR 620 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, requirements for participating State agencies, 7 CFR 272 Supportive Services for Veteran Families program, 38 CFR 62 Tax credits under Federal Unemployment Tax Act, advances under Title XII of Social Security Act, 20 CFR 606 Uniform Code of Military Justice See Military law Uniform System of Accounts See al Accounting Accounting requirements RUS electric borrowers, 7 CFR 1767 RUS telecommunications borrowers, 7 CFR 1770 Air carriers Audit reports submission, 14 CFR 248 Certified, 14 CFR 241 Code-sharing arrangements and long-term wet leases, 14 CFR 257 Inspection of accounts and property, 14 CFR 240 Preservation of records, 14 CFR 249 Electric utilities; accounts, records, memoranda and disposition of contested audit, 18 CFR 41 Electric utilities and hydroelectric power project licensees, 18 CFR 101 Federal Home Loan Banks, liabilities, 12 CFR 1270 Gas utilities, accounts, records, and memoranda, 18 CFR 158 Great Lakes pilotage uniform accounting system, 46 CFR 403 Interstate Commerce Act General accounting regulations, 49 CFR 1200 Pipelines, financial statements released by carriers, 18 CFR 351 Maritime carriers Emergency merchant ship operations-- Financial transactions under agency agreements, procedures, 46 CFR 324 General agents, procedures for preparation of invoices and payment of compensation, 46 CFR 325 Uniform financial reporting requirements, 46 CFR 232 Motor carriers, use of 1977-1978 study of motor carrier platform handling factors, 49 CFR 1120 National transit database, 49 CFR 630 Natural gas companies, 18 CFR 201 Oil pipeline companies subject to provisions of Interstate Commerce Act, 18 CFR 352 Public Utility Holding Company Act of 2005, Federal Power Act and Natural Gas Act, centralized service companies, 18 CFR 367 Rail lines and rail transportation under 49 U.S.C. 10903, abandonment and discontinuance, 49 CFR 1152 Railroad companies, 49 CFR 1201 Telecommunications companies General description and regulations, 47 CFR 32 Jurisdictional separations procedures, standard procedures for separating telecommunications property costs, revenues, expenses, taxes, and reserves, 47 CFR 36 [[Page 918]] Uniformed Services See al Armed Forces Civilian Health and Medical Program of Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS), 32 CFR 199 Medical malpractice claims by members, 32 CFR 45 Unions See Labor unions United Service Organizations (USO) See Armed Forces U.S. Customs and Border Protection See Customs and Border Protection, U.S. U.S. Government Manual Publication policies and procedures, 1 CFR 9 Statements, preparation and transmittal for publication, 1 CFR 20 U.S. Institute of Peace Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs or activities, 22 CFR 1701 U.S. International Development Cooperation Agency See International Development Cooperation Agency U.S. International Development Finance Corporation See International Development Finance Corporation, U.S. U.S. investments abroad See al Investments Direct international investment surveys, 15 CFR 806 Income taxes China Trade Act corporations, 26 CFR 1 (1.941-1--1.943-1) Controlled foreign corporations, 26 CFR 1 (1.951-1--1.964-5) Determination of sources of income, 26 CFR 1 (1.861-1--1.865-2) Domestic International Sales Corporations, 26 CFR 1 (1.921-1T), 26 CFR 1(1.991-1--1.997-1) Export Trade Corporations, 26 CFR 1 (1.970-1--1.972-1) Foreign Sales Corporations, 26 CFR 1 (1.921-1T--1.927(f)-1) Foreign tax credit, 26 CFR 1 (1.901-1--1.907(f)-1A) Tax on transfers to avoid income tax, 26 CFR 1 (1.1491-1--1.1494-2) Temporary income tax regulations under Revenue Act of 1962, 26 CFR 16 International banking, 12 CFR 347 International capital and foreign-currency transactions and positions, reporting, 31 CFR 128 U.S. territories See Specific territory U.S. Travel and Tourism Administration See International Trade Administration Universities See Colleges and universities Unmanned aircraft See Aircraft Upper Mississippi River Basin Commission Public participation in Upper Mississippi River System Master Plan, guidelines, 18 CFR 708 Upward Bound Program See Education of disadvantaged Uranium See Nuclear materials; Radioactive materials Urban areas See al Mass transportation; Urban renewal Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 [[Page 919]] Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Flood damage reduction measures in urban areas, 33 CFR 238 Renewal communities, 24 CFR 599 Urban empowerment zones and enterprise communities Round one designations, 24 CFR 597 Round two and three designations, 24 CFR 598 Urban Park and Recreation Recovery Act of 1978, grants and discretionary funding, 36 CFR 72 Urban Mass Transportation Administration See Federal Transit Administration Urban renewal See al Community development; Urban areas Community planning and development programs, expiring programs; savings clause, 24 CFR 500 District of Columbia Policy and procedures to facilitate retention of displaced businesses and residents in Pennsylvania Avenue development area, 36 CFR 908 Urban planning and design of development within Pennsylvania Avenue development area, general guidelines and uniform standards, 36 CFR 910 Housing and Urban Development, expiring programs, savings clause, 24 CFR 247 John Heinz neighborhood development program, 24 CFR 594 Mortgage insurance and insured improvement loans for urban renewal and concentrated development areas, 24 CFR 220 Rehabilitation loan program, section 312, 24 CFR 510 Rental rehabilitation grant program, 24 CFR 511 Urban development action grant program, historic preservation requirements, 36 CFR 801 Urban homesteading, 24 CFR 590 Urethane Air pollution control, performance standards for new stationary sources, 40 CFR 60 Usury Comptroller of the Currency Activities and operations, 12 CFR 7 Lending and investment, 12 CFR 160 Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation Commission Mitigation and conservation plan, policies and procedures for developing and implementing, 43 CFR 10005 National Environmental Policy Act, policies and procedures for implementing, 43 CFR 10010 Operating procedures, 43 CFR 10001 [[Page 920]] Organization and functions, 43 CFR 10000 Utilities See al Electric utilities; Natural gas; Water supply Acquisition regulations Supplies and services, required sources-- Energy Department, 48 CFR 908 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 48 CFR 1808 Utility services-- Agriculture Department, 48 CFR 441 Commerce Department, 48 CFR 1341 Defense Department, 48 CFR 241 Energy Department, 48 CFR 941 Justice Department, 48 CFR 2841 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 48 CFR 1841 Veterans Affairs Department, 48 CFR 841 Alaska conservation system units, transportation and utility systems in and across, and access into, 43 CFR 36 Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975, form and content of and requirements for financial statements, 17 CFR 210 Federal Acquisition Regulation Acquisition of utility services, 48 CFR 41 Required sources of supplies and services, 48 CFR 8 Federal Management Regulation, real property, utility services, 41 CFR 102-82 Federal Property Management Regulations, public utilities, 41 CFR 101-33 Investment Advisers Act of 1940, form and content of and requirements for financial statements, 17 CFR 210 Investment Company Act of 1940, form and content of and requirements for financial statements, 17 CFR 210 Multifamily housing projects, tenant participation procedures, 24 CFR 245 Public Housing Agency-owned or leased projects, general provisions, 24 CFR 965 Public Utility Holding Company Act of 2005, Federal Power Act and Natural Gas Act Books and records, 18 CFR 366 Centralized service companies, uniform system of accounts, 18 CFR 367 Rural Business-Cooperative Service programs, environmental policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1970 Rural Housing Service programs, environmental policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1970 Rural Utilities Service programs, environmental policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1970 Section 8 Housing assistance payments program New construction set-aside for Section 515 rural rental housing projects, 24 CFR 884 Special allocations, 24 CFR 886 Securities Act of 1933, form and content of and requirements for financial statements, 17 CFR 210 Securities Exchange Act of 1934, form and content of and requirements for financial statements, 17 CFR 210 Utility facilities on Federal-aid highway projects, adjustment and relocation, 23 CFR 645 V Vaccines See Immunization Vanpools See Carpools Vegetable juices See al Beverages; Vegetables Hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) systems, 21 CFR 120 Standards, 21 CFR 156 Vegetables See al Agricultural commodities; Foods; Vegetable juices; specific vegetables Agricultural and vegetable seed, inspection and certification of quality, 7 CFR 75 Canned, standards, 21 CFR 155 Commodity laboratory testing programs, processed fruits and vegetables, 7 CFR 93 Federal Seed Act Administrative procedures, 7 CFR 202 Requirements, 7 CFR 201 [[Page 921]] Fresh fruits, vegetables and other products (inspection, certification, and standards), 7 CFR 51 Frozen, standards, 21 CFR 158 Imports, procedures to monitor Canadian fresh fruit and vegetable imports, 7 CFR 1560 Plant protection and quarantine Foreign quarantine notices, 7 CFR 319 State of Hawaii and territories quarantine notices, 7 CFR 318 Processed fruits and vegetables, processed products thereof, and certain other processed food products, 7 CFR 52 Produce for human consumption; growing, harvesting, packing, and holding standards, 21 CFR 112 Water pollution, effluent guidelines and standards, point source categories, fruits and vegetables, canned and preserved, 40 CFR 407 Venereal diseases See Diseases Venezuela Sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 591 Vessels See al Anchorage grounds; Cargo vessels; Fishing vessels; Marine safety; Maritime carriers; Navigation (water); Nuclear vessels; Oceanographic research vessels; Oil pollution; Passenger vessels; Transportation Air pollution control Marine compression-ignition engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 94 Marine engines and vessels subject to MARPOL Protocol, emissions control, 40 CFR 1043 New and in-use marine compression-ignition engines and vessels, emissions control, 40 CFR 1042 Stratospheric ozone protection, 40 CFR 82 Alaska resupply operation, 25 CFR 142 Alcohol, exportation, 27 CFR 28 America's Marine Highway Program, 46 CFR 393 Antarctic non-governmental expeditions, 45 CFR 673 Boating Infrastructure Grant program, 50 CFR 86 Boundary lines for application of vessel inspection laws, 46 CFR 7 Bridge-to-bridge radiotelephone regulations, 33 CFR 26 Capital construction fund, 46 CFR 390 Federal income tax aspects, 46 CFR 391 CBP relations with Canada and Mexico, 19 CFR 123 Clean Vessel Act grant program, 50 CFR 85 Commerce Department, acquisition regulation, ship repair, 48 CFR 1371 Construction reserve funds, 46 CFR 287 Customs and Border Protection, U.S. General provisions, 19 CFR 101 Importer security filing, 19 CFR 149 Vessels in foreign and domestic trades, 19 CFR 4 Diplomatic missions and personnel, compulsory liability insurance, 22 CFR 151 Distinctive markings for Coast Guard vessels, 33 CFR 23 Documentation, 46 CFR 67 Documentation pursuant to extraordinary legislative grants, 46 CFR 68 Electrical engineering on vessels Communication and alarm systems and equipment, 46 CFR 113 Electric systems, general requirements, 46 CFR 111 Emergency lighting and power systems, 46 CFR 112 General provisions, 46 CFR 110 Export control, used self-propelled vehicles, vessels, and aircraft, 19 CFR 192 Fisheries; Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and South Atlantic, 50 CFR 622 Foreign Assets Control Office, North Korea sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 510 Identification credentials for persons requiring access to waterfront facilities or vessels, 33 CFR 125 Individual threat assessment, appeal and waiver procedures, 49 CFR 1515 Inspection and certification Cargo vessels, 46 CFR 91 Passenger vessels, 46 CFR 71 Inspections, 46 CFR 2 Extra compensation for overtime services, 46 CFR 9 Inspection alternatives, 46 CFR 8 Load lines [[Page 922]] Combination load lines, 46 CFR 47 Domestic and foreign voyages by sea, 46 CFR 42 Great Lakes, 46 CFR 45 Special service limited domestic voyages, 46 CFR 44 Mandatory ship reporting systems, 33 CFR 169 Manning requirements, 46 CFR 15 Marine engineering Automatic auxiliary boilers, 46 CFR 63 General provisions, 46 CFR 50 Heating boilers, 46 CFR 53 Main and auxiliary machinery and related systems, 46 CFR 58 Marine portable tanks (MPT), 46 CFR 64 Periodic tests and inspections, 46 CFR 61 Piping systems and appurtenances, 46 CFR 56 Power boilers, 46 CFR 52 Pressure vessels, 46 CFR 54 Repairs to boilers, pressure vessels and appurtenances, 46 CFR 59 Vital system automation, 46 CFR 62 Welding and brazing, 46 CFR 57 Marine occupational safety and health standards, 46 CFR 197 Marine sanitation devices Environmental Protection Agency, standard, 40 CFR 140 Coast Guard, 33 CFR 159 Maritime security Area maritime security, 33 CFR 103 General, 33 CFR 101 National vessel and facility control measures and limited access areas, 33 CFR 107 Vessels, 33 CFR 104 Maritime services stations, 47 CFR 80 Measurement of vessels, 46 CFR 69 Mobile offshore drilling units Design and equipment, 46 CFR 108 Inspection and certification, 46 CFR 107 Operations, 46 CFR 109 National Defense Reserve Fleet Agency agreements and agents appointment, 46 CFR 315 Bonding of ship's personnel, 46 CFR 317 Financial transactions under agency agreements, National Shipping Authority, procedures, 46 CFR 324 General agents-- Emergency vessel repairs done in foreign ports, authority and responsibility, 46 CFR 335 Procedures for preparation of invoices and payment of compensation under National Shipping Authority Order No. 47, 46 CFR 325 Responsibility for filing foreign repair entries and obtaining relief from customs duties on equipment used for ship repairs, 46 CFR 337 Voyage repairs and vessel equipment repairs in U.S. ports on vessels operated for National Shipping Authority under general agency agreements, authority and responsibility, 46 CFR 336 Launch services, 46 CFR 330 Marine protection and indemnity insurance under agreements with agents, 46 CFR 326 Repairs under National Shipping Authority-- Individual contracts for minor repairs, procedures, 46 CFR 339 Master lump sum repair contract, procedures, 46 CFR 338 Slop chests, 46 CFR 328 Voyage data, 46 CFR 329 Nautical school ships Civilian, 46 CFR 168 Designation and approval, 46 CFR 166 Public, 46 CFR 167 Sailing school vessels, 46 CFR 169 Naval defensive sea areas, Naval airspace reservations, areas under Navy administration, and Trust Territory of Pacific Islands, regulations governing entry, 32 CFR 761 Navigation and vessel inspection laws and regulations, waivers, 33 CFR 19, 46 CFR 6 Navy Department, Federal tort claims, 32 CFR 752 New and in-use nonroad compression-ignition engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 89 Occupational safety and health regulations Cargo gear certification, 29 CFR 1919 Longshoring, 29 CFR 1918 Shipyard employment standards, 29 CFR 1915 [[Page 923]] Ocean dumping, general permits, burial at sea, target vessels, and vessels transportation and disposal, 40 CFR 229 Outer Continental Shelf activities Design and equipment, 33 CFR 143 Operations, 33 CFR 146 Ports and waterways safety, 33 CFR 160 Protection and security, 33 CFR 6 Safe operation rules and safety management systems, 33 CFR 96 Saint Lawrence Seaway Seaway regulations and rules, 33 CFR 401 Tariff of tolls, 33 CFR 402 Seized personal property disposition, Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms Bureau, 27 CFR 72 Seizure and forfeiture of conveyances transporting illegal aliens, 8 CFR 274 Seizure and forfeiture of vessels, vehicles and aircraft used to transport counterfeit coins, obligations, securities, and paraphernalia, 31 CFR 401 Sensitive security information, protection Transportation Department, 49 CFR 15 Transportation Security Administration, 49 CFR 1520 Ship and aircraft wrecks under Navy Department jurisdiction, archaeological research permits, application guidelines, 32 CFR 767 Ship construction and repair, acquisition regulations, 48 CFR 1371 Shipboard fumigation, 46 CFR 147A Subdivision and stability Specific vessel types, special rules pertaining to, 46 CFR 174 Stability requirements for all inspected vessels, 46 CFR 170 Vessel use, special rules pertaining to, 46 CFR 173 Tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes, exportation without payment of tax or with drawback of tax, 27 CFR 44 Traffic management, 33 CFR 161 Transportation Security Administration; administrative and procedural rules, applicability, terms, and abbreviations, 49 CFR 1500 Uninspected vessels, towing vessels, 46 CFR 27 Vessel designs, protection, 37 CFR 212 Vessel financing assistance, obligation guarantees, 46 CFR 298 Vessels of 100 feet or greater in registered length, requirements to obtain fishery endorsement to vessel's documentation, 46 CFR 356 Vessels of Armed Forces, uniform national discharge standards, 40 CFR 1700 Water pollution (vessels) and OPA 90 limits of liability (vessels, deepwater ports and onshore facilities); evidence of financial responsibility, 33 CFR 138 War risk insurance Miscellaneous regulations, 46 CFR 308 Valuation of vessels, 46 CFR 309 Veterans Adaptive sports programs for disabled veterans and disabled members of the Armed Forces, grants, 38 CFR 77 Adjusted service compensation, 38 CFR 10 Alaska native Vietnam-era veterans, land occupancy and use, 43 CFR 2560 Benefits, adjudication, 38 CFR 3 Board of Veterans Appeals Legacy appeals regulations, 38 CFR 19 Practice rules, 38 CFR 20 Caregivers benefits and certain medical benefits offered to family members, 38 CFR 71 Cemeteries Army cemeteries, 32 CFR 553 National cemetery regulations, 36 CFR 12 Veterans Affairs National cemeteries, 38 CFR 38 Veterans cemeteries; aid for the establishment, expansion, and improvement, or operation and maintenance of, 38 CFR 39 Civil service Affirmative employment programs, disabled veterans, 5 CFR 720 Veteran preference, 5 CFR 211 Veterans readjustment appointments, 5 CFR 307 Defense Department, active duty service for civilian or contractual groups, 32 CFR 47 Disabilities, rating schedule, 38 CFR 4 Education Department, Upward Bound Program, 34 CFR 645 Employment and training [[Page 924]] Hire Vets Medallion Program, 20 CFR 1011 Priority of service for covered persons, application, 20 CFR 1010 Faith based organizations, equal treatment, 38 CFR 50 Federal Acquisition Regulation, application of labor laws to government acquisitions, 48 CFR 22 Commerce Department, 48 CFR 1322 Defense Department, 48 CFR 222 Environmental Protection Agency, 48 CFR 1522 General Services Administration, 48 CFR 522 Small business programs, 48 CFR 819 Federal contractors and subcontractors regarding disabled veterans, recently separated veterans, active duty wartime or campaign badge veterans, and Armed Forces service medal veterans; affirmative action and nondiscrimination obligations, 41 CFR 60-300 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Federal old-age, survivors, and disability insurance (1950-- ), 20 CFR 404 Federal-State employment service system, services for veterans, 20 CFR 1001 Fiscal Service; debt collection authorities under Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996, 31 CFR 285 Fisher Houses and other temporary lodging, 38 CFR 60 Government contracts Affirmative action and nondiscrimination obligations of contractors and subcontractors regarding special disabled veterans and Vietnam era veterans, 41 CFR 60-250 Equal opportunity enforcement under Executive Order 11246, practice rules for administrative proceedings, 41 CFR 60-30 Veterans Employment and Training Service, Federal contractors annual report, 41 CFR 61-250 [[Page 925]] Guidance documents, administrative procedures, 38 CFR 5 Health Care for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) program, 38 CFR 63 Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem Program, 38 CFR 61 Housing loan guaranty, 38 CFR 36 Income tax, Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1980, Title II, temporary regulations on mortgage bonds, 26 CFR 6a Legal services, General Counsel, and miscellaneous claims, 38 CFR 14 Life insurance National service, 38 CFR 8 Servicemen's group life insurance and veterans' group life insurance, 38 CFR 9 U.S. Government, 38 CFR 6 Veterans mortgage, 38 CFR 8a Loans by banks on and payment of veterans adjusted service certificates, 38 CFR 11 Medical care, 38 CFR 17 Pathways program, 5 CFR 362 Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation, affirmative action policy and procedure, 36 CFR 906 Personal funds and effects, disposition, 38 CFR 12 Railroad retirement Computing employee, spouse, and divorced spouse annuities, 20 CFR 226 Military service, 20 CFR 212 Rural Veterans Coordination Pilot (RVCP) grants, 38 CFR 64 Small Business Administration Government contracting programs, 13 CFR 125 Veterans loan program, 13 CFR 120 Special classes of persons who may be naturalized, naturalization based upon active duty service in U.S. Armed Forces during specified periods of hostilities, 8 CFR 329 Staff Sergeant Parker Gordon Fox Suicide Prevention Grant Program, 38 CFR 78 State homes Grants to States for construction or acquisition, 38 CFR 59 Payments to States for programs to promote the hiring and retention of nurses, 38 CFR 53 Per diem rates, 38 CFR 51 Unemployment compensation for ex-servicemembers, 20 CFR 614 Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act Practices and procedures, 5 CFR 1208 Regulations, 20 CFR 1002 Veterans Affairs Department Fiduciary activities, 38 CFR 13 Nondiscrimination in federally-assisted programs, effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 38 CFR 18 Small business regulations, 38 CFR 74 Transportation program, 38 CFR 70 U.S. Paralympics, monthly assistance allowance for veterans in connection with, 38 CFR 76 Veterans readiness and employment and education, 38 CFR 21 Veterans Employment Opportunities Act, appeals practices and procedures, 5 CFR 1208 Veterans Small Business Certification Program, 13 CFR 128 Wearing of uniform, 32 CFR 53 World War II veterans, special benefits, 20 CFR 408 Veterans Affairs Department Acquisition regulations Administrative and administrative matters, 48 CFR 804 Agency needs, description, 48 CFR 811 Application of labor laws to Government acquisitions, 48 CFR 822 Bonds and insurance, 48 CFR 828 Commercial products and commercial items, 48 CFR 812 Competition requirements, 48 CFR 806 Construction and architect-engineer contracts, 48 CFR 836 Contracting by negotiation, 48 CFR 815 Contractor qualifications, 48 CFR 809 Contracts-- Administration and audit services, 48 CFR 842 Cost principles and procedures, 48 CFR 831 Financing, 48 CFR 832 Modifications, 48 CFR 843 Service contracting, 48 CFR 837 Special contracting methods, 48 CFR 817 Termination, 48 CFR 849 [[Page 926]] Types of contracts, 48 CFR 816 Definitions of words and terms, 48 CFR 802 Environment, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace, 48 CFR 1323 Foreign acquisition, 48 CFR 825 Forms, 48 CFR 853 Government property, 48 CFR 845 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 803 Information technology, 48 CFR 839 Loan guaranty and vocational rehabilitation and employment programs, 48 CFR 871 Market research, 48 CFR 810 Other socioeconomic programs, 48 CFR 826 Privacy protection and freedom of information, 48 CFR 824 Protests, disputes, appeals, 48 CFR 833 Quality assurance, 48 CFR 846 Required sources of supplies and services, 48 CFR 808 Research and development contracting, 48 CFR 835 Rural Veterans Coordination Pilot (RVCP), grants, 38 CFR 64 Sealed bidding, 48 CFR 814 Simplified acquisition procedures, 48 CFR 813 Simplified procedures for health-care resources, 48 CFR 873 Small business programs, 48 CFR 819 Solicitation provisions and contract clauses, 48 CFR 852 Subcontracting policies and procedures, 48 CFR 844 Taxes, 48 CFR 829 Transportation, 48 CFR 847 Utility services, 48 CFR 841 Veterans Affairs acquisition regulation system, 48 CFR 801 Adaptive sports programs for disabled veterans and disabled members of the Armed Forces, grants, 38 CFR 77 Adjusted service compensation, 38 CFR 10 Authority delegations, 38 CFR 2 Benefits, adjudication, 38 CFR 3 Board of Veterans Appeals Legacy appeals regulations, 38 CFR 19 Practice rules, 38 CFR 20 Caregivers benefits and certain medical benefits offered to family members of veterans, 38 CFR 71 Civil rights Delegation of responsibility, 38 CFR 18a Hearings, decisions, and administrative review, practice and procedure, 38 CFR 18b Nondiscrimination in federally-assisted programs, effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 38 CFR 18 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 801 Disabilities, rating schedule, 38 CFR 4 Drug-free workplace requirements (financial assistance), 38 CFR 48 Employee values, standards of ethical conduct and related responsibilities, 38 CFR 0 Environment, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace, 48 CFR 1323 Environmental effects of VA actions, 38 CFR 26 Faith based organizations, equal treatment, 38 CFR 50 Fiduciary activities, 38 CFR 13 Fisher Houses and other temporary lodging, 38 CFR 60 General provisions, 38 CFR 1 Grants and agreements with institutions of higher education, hospitals and other non-profit organizations, administrative requirements, 38 CFR 49 Guidance documents, administrative procedures, 38 CFR 5 Health Care for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) program, 38 CFR 63 Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem Program, 38 CFR 61 Housing loan guaranty, 38 CFR 36 Human research subjects protection, 38 CFR 16 Information security matters, 38 CFR 75 Intergovernmental review of programs and activities, 38 CFR 40 Legal services, General Counsel, and miscellaneous claims, 38 CFR 14 Life insurance National service, 38 CFR 8 [[Page 927]] Servicemen's group life insurance and veterans' group life insurance, 38 CFR 9 U.S. Government, 38 CFR 6 Veterans mortgage, 38 CFR 8a Loans by banks on and payment of veterans adjusted service certificates, 38 CFR 11 Lobbying restrictions, 38 CFR 45 Medical care, 38 CFR 17 National cemeteries, 38 CFR 38 National Practitioner Data Bank, policy regarding participation, 38 CFR 46 Nondiscrimination on basis of disability in federally conducted programs, 38 CFR 15 Nondiscrimination on basis of sex in federally assisted education programs, 38 CFR 23 Personal funds and effects, disposition, 38 CFR 12 Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act, implementation standards, 38 CFR 42 Reporting health care professionals to State licensing boards, 38 CFR 47 Small business regulations, 38 CFR 74 Soldiers' and sailors' civil relief, 38 CFR 7 Staff Sergeant Parker Gordon Fox Suicide Prevention Grant Program, 38 CFR 78 Supportive Services for Veteran Families program, 38 CFR 62 Transportation program, 38 FR 3017 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards, 2 CFR 802 Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally assisted programs, cross reference to 49 CFR 24 (governmentwide rule), 38 CFR 25 U.S. Paralympics, monthly assistance allowance for veterans in connection with, 38 CFR 76 Veterans Cemeteries; aid for the establishment, expansion, and improvement, or operation and maintenance of, 38 CFR 39 State homes-- Grants to States for construction or acquisition, 38 CFR 59 Payments to States for programs to promote the hiring and retention of nurses, 38 CFR 53 Per diem rates, 38 CFR 51 Vocational readiness and employment and education, 38 CFR 21 Veterans Employment and Training Service Covered persons application, service priority, 20 CFR 1010 Federal contractors, annual report, 41 CFR 61-250 Federal-State employment service system, services for veterans, 20 CFR 1001 Hire Vets Medallion Program, 20 CFR 1011 Veterinarians See al Health professions Accreditation and suspension or revocation of accreditation Definition of terms, 9 CFR 160 Requirements and standards, 9 CFR 161 Rules of practice, 9 CFR 162 Health professional shortage areas, designation, 42 CFR 5 Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program, 7 CFR 3431 Vice President of the U.S., Office of Security procedures for classified information and material, 32 CFR 2800 Vietnam Veterans benefits, adjudication, 38 CFR 3 War Claims Act of 1948, as amended, Vietnam conflict claims Claims filing and procedures, 45 CFR 504 Eligibility requirements for compensation of civilians captured or prisoners of war, 45 CFR 506 Hearings, 45 CFR 508 Payment, 45 CFR 507 Provisions of general application, 45 CFR 505 Vinegar Distilled spirits plants, production by vaporizing process, 27 CFR 19 Wine, treatment and classification, 27 CFR 24 Vinyl Air pollution control, performance standards for new stationary sources, 40 CFR 60 [[Page 928]] Vinyl chloride National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants, 40 CFR 61 Virgin Islands Civil defense, consolidated grants to insular areas, 44 CFR 304 Communications common carriers, universal service, 47 CFR 54 Community development block grants, 24 CFR 570 Consolidation of grants to insular areas for social programs, 45 CFR 97 Distilled spirits plants, 27 CFR 19 Drawback on taxpaid distilled spirits used in manufacturing nonbeverage products, 27 CFR 17 Education grants, State-administered programs, 34 CFR 76 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Fisheries; Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and South Atlantic, 50 CFR 622 Income taxes, income from U.S. possessions, 26 CFR 1 (1.931-1--1.936-11) Liquors and articles, 27 CFR 26 Medicaid, eligibility for financial and medical assistance, 42 CFR 436 Plant protection and quarantine, State of Hawaii and territories quarantine notices, 7 CFR 318 Public assistance grants, 45 CFR 201 State occupational safety and health plans for development and enforcement of State standards applicable to State and local government employees in States without approved private health and safety employee plans, 29 CFR 1956 Tobacco products, cigarette papers and tubes, and processed tobacco, importation, 27 CFR 41 Unemployment compensation Ex-servicemembers, 20 CFR 614 Federal civilian employees, 20 CFR 609 Watches, duty-free, allocation, 43 CFR 33 Watches, watch movements and jewelry, duty-free entry, 15 CFR 303 [[Page 929]] Viruses See Biologics Visas See Passports and visas Vocational education See al Education; Manpower training programs Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) program, 34 CFR 682 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Health and Human Services Department Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs, 45 CFR 80 Statutory conscience rights protection, authority delegations, 45 CFR 88 Higher Education Act of 1965, institutional eligibility, 34 CFR 600 Native American Career and Technical Education Program, 34 CFR 401 Postsecondary education Accrediting agencies, secretary's recognition, 34 CFR 602 State agencies, Secretary's recognition procedures, 34 CFR 603 Private vocational and distance education schools guides, 16 CFR 254 Student assistance, general provisions, 34 CFR 668 Veterans readiness and employment and education, 38 CFR 21 William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program, 34 CFR 685 Vocational rehabilitation See al Individuals with disabilities Acquisition regulations, Veterans Affairs Department, loan guaranty and vocational rehabilitation and employment programs, 48 CFR 871 American Indians, vocational rehabilitation services, 34 CFR 371 Client Assistance Program, 34 CFR 370 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- [[Page 930]] General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Federal Coal Mine Health and Safety Act, benefit claims under Part C of Title IV, 20 CFR 725 Federal old-age, survivors, and disability insurance (1950-- ), 20 CFR 404 Independent living services for older individuals who are blind, 34 CFR 367 Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act, administration and procedure, 20 CFR 702 Protection and advocacy of individual rights, 34 CFR 381 Rehabilitation National Activities program, 34 CFR 373 Rehabilitation training General regulations, 34 CFR 385 Innovative training, 34 CFR 387 Long-term training, 34 CFR 386 Short-term training, 34 CFR 390 Veterans readiness and employment and education, 38 CFR 21 State Supported Employment Services program, 34 CFR 363 State Vocational Rehabilitation Services program, 34 CFR 361 Supplemental Security Income for the aged, blind, and disabled, 20 CFR 416 Ticket to work and self-sufficiency program, 20 CFR 411 Workers with disabilities, employment under special certificates, 29 CFR 525 Workshops and rehabilitation facilities assisted by Federal grants, safety standards, 29 CFR 1924 Volatile organic compounds Air pollution control Air quality planning purposes, designated areas, 40 CFR 81 Consumer and commercial products, national emission standards, 40 CFR 59 Hazardous air pollutants for source categories, National emission standards, 40 CFR 63 Implementation plans-- Approval and promulgation, 40 CFR 52 [[Page 931]] Conformity of Federal actions to State or Federal implementation plans, determining, 40 CFR 93 Preparation, adoption, and submittal requirements, 40 CFR 51 National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan, 40 CFR 300 New stationary sources, standards of performance, 40 CFR 60 Outer Continental Shelf air regulations, 40 CFR 55 State plans for designated facilities and pollutants, approval and promulgation, 40 CFR 62 Voluntary standards National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program, 15 CFR 285 Voluntary labeling program procedures Consumer product information labeling program, 15 CFR 16 Household appliances and equipment to effect energy conservation, 15 CFR 9 Voluntary product standards development Commerce Department participation, procedures, 15 CFR 10 Consumer Product Safety Commission employees, participation and involvement in voluntary standards organizations, 16 CFR 1031 Volunteers Amateur radio service, volunteer-examiner coordinators, 47 CFR 97 Civil service, volunteer service, 5 CFR 308 Coast Guard Auxiliary, 33 CFR 5 Corporation for National and Community Service AmeriCorps programs-- Agreements with other Federal agencies for provision of program assistance, 45 CFR 2523 Member and volunteer discrimination complaint procedure, 45 CFR 1225 National Service Trust, purpose and definitions, 45 CFR 2525 Participants, programs, and applicants, 45 CFR 2522 Student loans, accrued interest payment on, 45 CFR 2529 Subtitle C, eligible applicants and types of grants available for award, 45 CFR 2521 Subtitle C, general provisions, 45 CFR 2520 Technical assistance and other special grants, 45 CFR 2524 Community-based service-learning programs, 45 CFR 2517 Electoral and lobbying activities, prohibitions, 45 CFR 1226 General administrative provisions, 45 CFR 2540 Grants and contracts, suspension and termination and application for refunding denial, 45 CFR 1206 Higher education innovative programs for community service, 45 CFR 2519 Innovative and special demonstration programs, 45 CFR 2532 Investment for quality and innovation activities, grants purposes and availability, 45 CFR 2531 Legal expenses payment by, 45 CFR 1220 Nondisplacement of employed workers and nonimpairment of contracts for service, 45 CFR 1216 Older American volunteer programs, locally generated contributions, 45 CFR 1235 Overall purposes and definitions, 45 CFR 2510 School-based service-learning programs, 45 CFR 2516 Service-learning clearinghouse, 45 CFR 2518 Service-learning program purposes, 45 CFR 2515 Special activities, 45 CFR 2534 Technical assistance, training, and other service infrastructure- building activities, 45 CFR 2533 Volunteers in Service to America, 45 CFR 2556 Fair Labor Standards Act application to employees of State and local governments, 29 CFR 553 Farm Service Agency, organization, 7 CFR 2003 Foster grandparent program, 45 CFR 2552 Head Start program, operations, 45 CFR 1302 Health care, volunteer services, 45 CFR 57 [[Page 932]] Housing and Urban Development Department, volunteers use on projects subject to Davis-Bacon and HUD-determined wage rates, 24 CFR 70 Medicaid, State personnel administration, 42 CFR 432 Peace Corps Volunteer discrimination complaint procedure, 22 CFR 306 Volunteer service, eligibility and standards, 22 CFR 305 Public assistance programs, training and use of subprofessionals and volunteers, 45 CFR 225 Retired and senior volunteer program, 45 CFR 2553 Rural Business-Cooperative Development Service, organization, 7 CFR 2003 Rural development programs, utilization of gratuitous services, 7 CFR 2045 Rural Housing Service, organization, 7 CFR 2003 Rural Utilities Service, organization, 7 CFR 2003 Selective Service System, uncompensated personnel, 32 CFR 1609 Senior companion program, 45 CFR 2551 Workers' Compensation Programs Office; Federal Employees' Compensation Act claims, 20 CFR 10 Voting rights See al Civil rights; Elections Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP), 32 CFR 233 Personnel Management Office, eligibility list, voting rights program, 45 CFR 801 Voting Rights Act Administration procedures, section 5, as amended, 28 CFR 51 Minority language requirement, 28 CFR 55 W Wage and Hour Division Agricultural commodities, area of production under Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 CFR 536 Agriculture, processing of agricultural commodities, and related industries, exemptions from minimum wage and overtime pay requirements, 29 CFR 780 American Samoa, industries in, 29 CFR 697 Attestations by employers using alien crewmembers for longshore activities in U.S. ports, 29 CFR 506 Attestations by facilities using nonimmigrant aliens as registered nurses, 29 CFR 504 Attestations filed by employers utilizing F-1 students for off-campus work, 29 CFR 508 Child labor Agricultural employment of 10 and 11 year old minors in hand harvesting of short season crops, waiver, 29 CFR 575 Regulations, orders, and statements of interpretation, 29 CFR 570 Civil money penalties Assessing and contesting penalties, procedures, 29 CFR 580 Child labor violations, 29 CFR 579 Tip retention, minimum wage, and overtime violations, 29 CFR 578 Domestic service, minimum wage and overtime provisions, 29 CFR 552 Employee Polygraph Protection Act, application, 29 CFR 801 Employees of State and local governments, application of Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 CFR 553 Employers, record retention, 29 CFR 516 Executive, administrative, professional, computer and outside sales employees, defining and delimiting exemptions, 29 CFR 541 Fair Labor Standards Act Assurances of compliance, 29 CFR 789 Bona fide profit-sharing plans or trusts, requirements, 29 CFR 549 Bona fide thrift or savings plans, requirements, 29 CFR 547 Civil money penalties-- Assessing and contesting penalties, procedures, 29 CFR 580 Tip retention, minimum wage, and overtime violations, 29 CFR 578 Defining and delimiting talent fees, 29 CFR 550 Hours worked, determinations, 29 CFR 785 Minimum wage provisions of 1989 amendments in Puerto Rico, 29 CFR 510 [[Page 933]] Miscellaneous exemptions and exclusions from coverage, 29 CFR 786 Overtime compensation, determinations, 29 CFR 778 Retailers of goods or services, applicability, 29 CFR 779 Wage and hour provisions, interpretive bulletin, 29 CFR 776 Wage payments, 29 CFR 531 Fair Labor Standards Act and Walsh-Healey Act, general enforcement policy, 29 CFR 775 Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993, 29 CFR 825 Fishing and operations on aquatic products, applicability of minimum wage and overtime pay requirements, 29 CFR 784 Forestry or logging operations with not more than eight employees, exemptions from minimum wage and overtime pay requirements, 29 CFR 788 Full-time student employment at subminimum wages, 29 CFR 519 Garnishment of earnings, restrictions, 29 CFR 870 Homeworkers in certain industries, employment, 29 CFR 530 Immigration and Nationality Act Temporary agricultural workers admitted under Section 218, enforcement of contractual obligations, 29 CFR 501, 29 CFR 502 Temporary nonimmigrant non-agricultural workers, enforcement of obligations, 29 CFR 503 Labor condition applications and requirements for employers using nonimmigrants on H-1B specialty visas in specialty occupations and as fashion models, 29 CFR 507 Local delivery drivers and helpers, wage payment plans, 29 CFR 551 Messengers, learners (including student-learners), and apprentices, employment under special certificate, 29 CFR 520 Migrant and seasonal agricultural worker protection, 29 CFR 500 Motor carrier employees, exemption from maximum hours provisions, 29 CFR 782 Overtime pay, authorization of established basic rates for computation, 29 CFR 548 Portal-to-Portal Act, effect on Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 CFR 790 Projects or productions assisted by grants from National Endowments for Arts and Humanities, labor standards, 29 CFR 505 Radio and television station employees, exemption from overtime pay requirements, 29 CFR 793 Seamen, application of minimum wage and overtime pay requirements, 29 CFR 783 State agencies used for investigations and inspections of places of employment for compliance with child labor regulations and minimum wage requirements, 29 CFR 515 Student-learners, apprentices, learners, messengers, handicapped persons, student-workers, and full-time students in agriculture, retail, or service establishments, annulment or withdrawal of certificates for employment at special minimum wage rates, 29 CFR 528 United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement Implementation Act, high-wage components of the labor value content requirements, 29 CFR 810 Wage order procedure for American Samoa, 29 CFR 511 Wholesale or bulk petroleum distributors employees, partial exemption from overtime pay requirements, 29 CFR 794 Workers with disabilities, employment of under special certificates, 29 CFR 525 Wages See al Employee benefit plans; Labor; Minimum wages Acquisition regulations, application of labor laws to Government acquisitions Commerce Department, 48 CFR 1322 Defense Department, 48 CFR 222 Federal Acquisition Regulation, 48 CFR 22 State Department, 48 CFR 622 Agricultural commodities, area of production under Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 CFR 536 Agriculture, processing of agricultural commodities, and related industries, exemptions from minimum wage and overtime pay requirements, 29 CFR 780 [[Page 934]] Aliens, Labor certification process for permanent employment in U.S., 20 CFR 656 Army Department, military court fees, 32 CFR 534 Attestations by facilities using nonimmigrant aliens as registered nurses, 29 CFR 504 Attestations filed by employers utilizing F-1 students for off-campus work, 29 CFR 508 Civil service regulations Absence and Leave, 5 CFR 630 Classification of positions under General Schedule, 5 CFR 511 Duty hours, 5 CFR 610 Pay-- Administration, general, 5 CFR 550 Allowances and differentials, 5 CFR 591 Fair Labor Standards Act, pay administration under, 5 CFR 551 Grade and pay retention, 5 CFR 536 Pay under other systems, 5 CFR 534 Prevailing pay rate systems, 5 CFR 532 Rates and systems, 5 CFR 530 Under general schedule, 5 CFR 531 Recruitment and relocation bonuses; retention allowances; supervisory differentials; extended assignment incentives, 5 CFR 575 Reemployment of civilian retirees to meet exceptional employment needs, 5 CFR 553 Voluntary separation incentive payments, 5 CFR 576 Commerce Department, debt collection, 15 CFR 19 Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, debt reduction procedures, 12 CFR 1073 Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia, salary offset procedures, 28 CFR 814 Defense Department, voluntary military pay allotments Employees of State and local governments, application of Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 CFR 553 Equal Pay Act, 29 CFR 1620 Procedures, 29 CFR 1621 Executive, administrative, professional, computer and outside sales employees, defining and delimiting exemptions, 29 CFR 541 Fair Labor Standards Act Civil money penalties-- Assessing and contesting penalties, procedures, 29 CFR 580 Tip retention, minimum wage, and overtime violations, 29 CFR 578 Compliance assurances, 29 CFR 789 Employers, record retention, 29 CFR 516 Hours worked, determinations, 29 CFR 785 Overtime compensation. interpretation, 29 CFR 778 Minimum wage provisions of 1989 amendments in Puerto Rico, 29 CFR 510 Miscellaneous exemptions and exclusions from coverage, 29 CFR 786 Retailers of goods or services, applicability, 29 CFR 779 Talent fees, defining and delimiting, 29 CFR 550 Wage and hour provisions, interpretive bulletin, 29 CFR 776 Wage payments, 29 CFR 531 Fair Labor Standards Act and Walsh-Healey Act, general enforcement policy, 29 CFR 775 Federal Benefit payments, garnishment of accounts containing, 31 CFR 212 Federal contractors Minimum wage for-- Establishment, 29 CFR 10 Increase, 29 CFR 23 Paid sick leave for, establishment, 29 CFR 13 Federal Employees' Compensation Act, claims, 20 CFR 10 Federal Housing Finance Agency, debt collection, 12 CFR 1208 Federal Labor Relations Authority, debt collection, 12 CFR 2418 Federal Reserve System Debt collection procedures, 12 CFR 267 Equal opportunity rules, 12 CFR 268 Fiscal Service; debt collection authorities under Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996, 31 CFR 285 Fishing and operations on aquatic products, applicability of minimum wage and overtime pay requirements, 29 CFR 784 Foreign workers in U.S., temporary employment, 20 CFR 655 [[Page 935]] Forestry or logging operations with not more than eight employees, exemptions from minimum wage and overtime pay requirements, 29 CFR 788 Garnishment Agency for International Development, claims collection, 22 CFR 213 Agriculture Department, debt management, 7 CFR 3 Broadcasting Board of Governors, debt collection, 22 CFR 512 Civil Rights Commission, collection by salary offset from indebted current and former employees, 45 CFR 708 Civil service-- Child support and/or alimony, garnishment orders processing, 5 CFR 581 Commercial garnishment of Federal employees' pay, 5 CFR 582 Restrictions on garnishment of earnings, 29 CFR 870 Coast Guard personnel, allotments from active duty pay for certain support obligations, 33 CFR 54 Commerce Department, legal proceedings, 15 CFR 15 Commodity Futures Trading Commission-- Collection of claims owed the U.S. arising from activities under Commission's jurisdiction, 17 CFR 143 Salary offset, 17 CFR 141 Consumer Product Safety Commission, salary offset, 16 CFR 1027 Corporation for National and Community Service, collection of debts, 2 CFR 2506 Education Department-- Administrative wage garnishment, 34 CFR 34 Education Department employees, salary offset to recover overpayments of pay or allowances from, 34 CFR 32 Federal employees who are indebted to U.S. under programs administered by Secretary of Education, salary offset for , 34 CFR 31 Environmental Protection Agency, claims collection standards, 40 CFR 13 Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, debt collection by salary offset, 29 CFR 1650 Farm Credit Administration, collection of claims owed U.S., 12 CFR 608 Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation, collection of claims owed U.S., 12 CFR 1408 Federal Communications Commission, collection of claims owed U.S., 47 CFR 1 Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, general administrative regulations, 7 CFR 400 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation; Corporate debt collection, criminal restitution debt, and civil money penalty debt procedures, 12 CFR 313 Federal Emergency Management Agency, claims collection by salary offset, 44 CFR 11 Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, collections of claims owed U.S., 29 CFR 1450 Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board, claims collection, 5 CFR 1639 Food and Nutrition Service; Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, certification of eligible households, 7 CFR 273 General Services Administration-- Administration wage garnishment, 41 CFR 105-57 Salary offset for indebtedness of employees to U.S., 41 CFR 105-56 Health and Human Services Department-- Administrative wage garnishment, 45 CFR 32 Claims collection, 45 CFR 30 Homeland Security Department; claims collection, 6 CFR 11 Housing and Urban Development Department-- Administrative claims, 24 CFR 17 Section 8 Housing Assistance Payments Program, special allocations, 24 CFR 886 Inter-American Foundation, salary offset, 22 CFR 1007 Justice Department, debt collection, 28 CFR 11 [[Page 936]] Labor Department, Federal claims collection, salary offset, 29 CFR 20 Merit Systems Protection Board, debt management, 5 CFR 1215 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, processing of monetary claims, general, 14 CFR 1261 National Archives and Records Administration, claims collection, 36 CFR 1201 National Credit Union Administration, debt collection procedures, 12 CFR 797 National Endowment for the Humanities, claims collection, salary offset, 45 CFR 1179 National Indian Gaming Commission, debt collection, 25 CFR 513 National Science Foundation, claims collection, salary offset, 45 CFR 607 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, salary offset procedures for collecting debts owed by Federal employees to Federal Government, 10 CFR 16 Peace Corps, debt collection, 22 CFR 309 Personnel Management Office, claims collection standards, 5 CFR 179 Postal Service-- Debt collection Act, rules of practice in proceedings under section 5, 39 CFR 961 Garnishment of salaries of Postal Service and Postal Rate Commission employees, 39 CFR 491 Public Health Service, commissioned officers, involuntary child and spousal support allotments, 42 CFR 21 Railroad Retirement Board-- Garnishment of remuneration of Board personnel, 20 CFR 363 Recovery of debts owed to U.S. by Board employees, 20 CFR 361 Rural Development, servicing and collections, 7 CFR 1951 Securities and Exchange Commission, debt collection rules, 17 CFR 204 Selective Service System, salary offset, 32 CFR 1697 Small Business Administration, debt collection, 13 CFR 140 State Department, debt collection, 22 CFR 34 Surface Transportation Board, debt collection, collection by offset from indebted government and former government employees, 49 CFR 1017 Transportation Department, recovering debts to U.S. by salary offset, 49 CFR 92 Treasury Department, debt collection, 31 CFR 5 Veterans Affairs Department, general provisions, 38 CFR 1 Government Accountability Office, compensation, 4 CFR 5 Health and Human Services, salary offset, 45 CFR 33 Homeland Security Department Cybersecurity Talent Management System (CTMS), 5 CFR 158 Human resources management system, 5 CFR 9701 Housing and Urban Development Department Federal Housing Administration; procedures for obtaining wage and claim information about applicants and participants from State wage information collection agencies (SWICAs), mortgage and loan insurance programs, 24 CFR 200 General HUD program requirements, waivers, 24 CFR 5 Immigration and Nationality Act Temporary agricultural workers admitted under Section 218, enforcement of contractual obligations, 29 CFR 501, 29 CFR 502 Temporary nonimmigrant non-agricultural workers, enforcement of obligations, 29 CFR 503 Inmate work programs, 28 CFR 345 Interior Department Administrative wage garnishment, debt collection, 43 CFR 39 U.S. Park Police pay, interim geographic adjustments, 43 CFR 38 Labor condition applications and requirements for employers using nonimmigrants on H-1B specialty visas in specialty occupations and as fashion models, 29 CFR 507 Labor Department [[Page 937]] Labor standards provisions applicable to contracts covering federally financed and assisted construction contracts and non-construction contracts under the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act, 29 CFR 5 Retaliation complaints handling procedures under employee protection provisions of six environmental statutes and section 211 of the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, as amended, 29 CFR 24 Wage rates, predetermination procedures, 29 CFR 1 Local delivery drivers and helpers, wage payment plans, 29 CFR 551 Management and Budget Office, assistance agreements that include funding under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, award terms, 2 CFR 176 Medicaid; eligibility for financial and medical assistance for States, District of Columbia, Northern Mariana Islands, and American Samoa, 42 CFR 435 Migrant and seasonal agricultural worker protection, 29 CFR 500 Millennium Challenge Corporation, debt collection, 22 CFR 1306 Motor carrier employees, exemption from maximum hours provisions, 29 CFR 782 National Shipping Authority, general agents, procedures for preparation of invoices and payment of compensation under National Shipping Authority Order No. 47, 46 CFR 325 Overtime pay, authorization of established basic rates for computation, 29 CFR 548 Personnel Management Office Critical position pay authority, 5 CFR 535 Health benefits premiums, pre-tax payment; Federal flexible benefits plan, 5 CFR 892 Student loans repayment, 5 CFR 537 Physicians' comparability allowances, 5 CFR 595 Portal-to-Portal Act, effect on Fair Labor Standards Act, 29 CFR 790 Presidio Trust, debt collection, 36 CFR 1011 Public assistance programs, state income and eligibility verification system, 45 CFR 205 Public Health Service personnel other than commissioned officers, 42 CFR 22 Radio and television station employees, exemption from overtime pay requirements, 29 CFR 793 Railroad employees, classification, service and compensation reports, 49 CFR 1245 Seamen, application of minimum wage and overtime pay requirements, 29 CFR 783 Unemployment compensation, confidentiality and disclosure of State information, 20 CFR 603 United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement Implementation Act, high-wage components of the labor value content requirements, 29 CFR 810 Vessel inspections, extra compensation for overtime services, 46 CFR 9 Veterans, adjusted service compensation, 38 CFR 10 Volunteers use on projects subject to Davis-Bacon and HUD-determined wage rates, 24 CFR 70 Wholesale or bulk petroleum distributors employees, partial exemption from overtime pay requirements, 29 CFR 794 Workers with disabilities, employment of under special certificates, 29 CFR 525 Wake Island Customs relations with insular possessions and Guantanamo Bay Naval Station, 19 CFR 7 Domestic and foreign trade, interpretations, 46 CFR 277 Wake Island code, 32 CFR 935 Waivers 911 Grant program, 47 CFR 400 Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services; Most Favored Nation (MFN) Model, 42 CFR 480 Coast Guard, requirements for nonqualified vessels that perform certain aquaculture support operations, 46 CFR 106 Communication common carriers, miscellaneous rules, 47 CFR 64 Employment and Training Administration Workforce Innovative and Opportunity Act, Title I; administrative provisions, 20 CFR 683 [[Page 938]] Workforce Investment Act, Title I; administrative provisions, 20 CFR 667 Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, certification of eligible households, 7 CFR 273 Treasury Department, waivers for State innovation, 31 CFR 33 War claims See al Claims, Foreign claims Civil Liberties Act redress provision, Japanese ancestry, 28 CFR 74 Compensation for injury, disability, or death of civilian American citizens while detained by or in hiding from Imperial Japanese Government, 20 CFR 71 War Claims Act of 1948, as amended, Vietnam conflict claims Claims filing and procedures, 45 CFR 504 Eligibility requirements for compensation of civilians captured or prisoners of war, 45 CFR 506 Hearings, 45 CFR 508 Payment, 45 CFR 507 Provisions of general application, 45 CFR 505 War risk insurance See al Insurance Aviation insurance, 14 CFR 198 Miscellaneous regulations, 46 CFR 308 Valuations of vessels, 46 CFR 309 Warehouses Alcohol and alcoholic beverages-- Basic permit requirements under Federal Alcohol Administration Act, distilled spirits and wine nonindustrial use, distilled spirits bulk sales and bottling, 27 CFR 1 Distilled spirits, plants, 27 CFR 19 Exportation, 27 CFR 28 Liquors and articles from Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands, 27 CFR 26 Cotton classing, testing, and standards, 7 CFR 28 Customs warehouses and container stations, 19 CFR 19 Customs warehouse and rewarehouse entries and withdrawals of merchandise, 19 CFR 144 Explosives, commerce, 27 CFR 555 Farm Service Agency, United States Warehouse Act regulations, 7 CFR 869 Federal Property Management Regulations, storage and distribution, 41 CFR 101-28 Good manufacturing practice for finished pharmaceuticals, 21 CFR 211 Loans and price support programs Cotton, 7 CFR 1427 Grains and similarly handled commodities, marketing assistance loans and loan deficiency payments, 7 CFR 1421 Marine terminal operator schedules, 46 CFR 525 Maritime security, facilities, 33 CFR 105 Paleontological resources preservation, 43 CFR 49 Prescription drug marketing, 21 CFR 203 Tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes-- Exportation without payment of tax or with drawback of tax, 27 CFR 44 Importation, 27 CFR 41 Wholesale prescription drug distributors, State licensing guidelines, 21 CFR 205 Wine, treatment and classification, 27 CFR 24 Warranties See al Business and industry Acquisition regulations Agriculture Department, 48 CFR 446 Broadcasting Board of Governors, quality assurance, 48 CFR 1946 Commerce Department-- Acquisitions involving ship construction and ship repair, 48 CFR 1371 Quality assurance, 48 CFR 1346 Defense Department, 48 CFR 246 Environmental Protection Agency, 48 CFR 1546 General Services Administration, 48 CFR 546 Justice Department, quality assurance, 48 CFR 2846 National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 48 CFR 1846 Transportation Department, 48 CFR 1246 Advertising of warranties and guarantees, guides, 16 CFR 239 Air pollution control [[Page 939]] Highway, stationary, and nonroad programs; general compliance provisions, 40 CFR 1068 Locomotives and locomotive engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 92 Marine compression-ignition engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 94 Marine compression-ignition engines and vessels, emissions control, 40 CFR 1042 Marine spark-ignition engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 91 Mobile sources, 40 CFR 85 New and in-use heavy-duty highway engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 1036 New and in-use nonroad and stationary equipment, evaporative emissions control, 40 CFR 1060 New and in-use nonroad compression-ignition engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 89, 40 CFR 1039 New heavy-duty motor vehicles, emissions control, 40 CFR 1037 New large nonroad spark-ignition engines, emissions control, 40 CFR 1048 New small nonroad spark-ignition engines and equipment, emissions control, 40 CFR 1054 Nonroad spark-ignition engines at or below 19kilowatts, emissions control, 40 CFR 90 Recreational engines and vehicles, emissions control, 40 CFR 1051 Spark-ignition propulsion marine engines and vessels, emissions control, 40 CFR 1045 Vehicle-testing procedures, 40 CFR 1066 Federal Acquisition Regulation, quality assurance, 48 CFR 46 Fiscal Service, indorsement and payment of checks drawn on U.S. Treasury, 31 CFR 240 Flammable Fabrics Act Clothing textiles, flammability standards, 16 CFR 1610 General rules and regulations, 16 CFR 1608 Mattress and mattress pads, flammability standards, 16 CFR 1632 Fur Products Labeling Act, rules and regulations, 16 CFR 301 Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act Informal dispute settlement procedures, 16 CFR 703 Interpretations, 16 CFR 700 Pre-sale availability of written warranty terms, 16 CFR 702 Written consumer product warranty terms and conditions, disclosure, 16 CFR 701 Manufactured homes, procedural and enforcement regulations, 24 CFR 3282 Textile Fiber Products Identification Act, rules and regulations, 16 CFR 303 Wool Products Labeling Act of 1939, rules and regulations, 16 CFR 300 Washington, DC See District of Columbia Waste treatment and disposal See al Hazardous waste; Recycling; Sewage disposal Air pollution control Implementation plans-- Approval and promulgation, 40 CFR 52 Preparation, adoption, and submittal requirements, 40 CFR 51 Performance standards for new stationary sources, 40 CFR 60 Solid wastes used as fuels or ingredients in combustion units, 40 CFR 241 State plans for designated facilities and pollutants, approval and promulgation, 40 CFR 62 Defense materiel disposition, 32 CFR 273 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 1200 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Environmental Protection Agency-- [[Page 940]] Disadvantaged business enterprises, participation in agency programs, 40 CFR 33 State and local assistance grants, 40 CFR 35 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agency for International Development, 2 CFR 700 Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Environmental Protection Agency, 2 CFR 1500 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Food and Drug Administration; standards for growing, harvesting, packaging, and holding of produce for human consumption, 21 CFR 112 Mercury, fee for long-term management and storage under the Mercury Export Ban Act of 2008, as amended, 10 CFR 955 National Environmental Policy Act, environmental effects of EPA actions abroad, implementation procedures, 40 CFR 6 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Practice and procedure rules, 10 CFR 2 Radiation, protection standards against, 10 CFR 20 Rural Business-Cooperative Service, grants, 7 CFR 4284 Rural development associations, program regulations, 7 CFR 1942 Rural Utilities Service Emergency and imminent community water assistance grants, 7 CFR 1778 Guaranteed loans, 7 CFR 5001 Resource conservation and development (RCD) loans and watershed (WS) loans and advances, 7 CFR 1781 Revolving funds for financing water and wastewater projects (Revolving Fund Program), 7 CFR 1783 Rural Alaskan village grants, 7 CFR 1784 Rural decentralized water system, 7 CFR 1776 Special Evaluation Assistance for Rural Communities and Households Program (SEARCH), 7 CFR 1774 Technical assistance grants, 7 CFR 1775 Water and waste loans and grants-- Health risk alleviation, 7 CFR 1777 Policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1780 Shipyard employment, occupational safety and health standards, 29 CFR 1915 Solid wastes Citizen suits, prior notice, 40 CFR 254 Degradable plastic ring carriers, 40 CFR 238 Disposal sites in National Park System units, 36 CFR 6 Granular mine tailings (Chat), criteria for use in asphalt concrete and Portland cement concrete, 40 CFR 278 Identification of regions and agencies for solid waste management, 40 CFR 255 Municipal solid waste landfills, criteria, 40 CFR 258 National pollutant discharge elimination system, criteria and standards, 40 CFR 125 [[Page 941]] Rail transfer facilities, 49 CFR 1155 Residential, commercial, and institutional solid wastes-- Source separation for materials recovery guidelines, 40 CFR 246 Storage and collection guidelines, 40 CFR 243 Solid waste disposal facilities and practices, classification criteria, 40 CFR 257 State permit program requirements, adequacy determination, 40 CFR 239 State solid waste management plans, guidelines for development and implementation, 40 CFR 256 Thermal processing guidelines, 40 CFR 240 Uranium enrichment decontamination and decommissioning fund; domestic utilities special assessment procedures, 10 CFR 766 Waste Isolation Pilot Plant's compliance with 40 CFR Part 191 disposal regulations, certification and recertification criteria, 40 CFR 194 Water pollution effluent guidelines and standards for point source categories Aluminum forming, 40 CFR 467 Aquatic animal concentrated production, 40 CFR 451 Asbestos manufacturing, 40 CFR 427 Battery manufacturing, 40 CFR 461 Carbon black manufacturing, 40 CFR 458 Cement processing, 40 CFR 411 Centralized waste treatment, 40 CFR 437 Coal mining, BPT, BAT, BCT limitations and new source performance standards, 40 CFR 434 Coil coating facilities, 40 CFR 465 Concentrated animal feeding operations, 40 CFR 412 Copper forming, 40 CFR 468 Dairy products processing, 40 CFR 405 Dental offices, 40 CFR 441 Electrical and electronic components point source category, 40 CFR 469 Electroplating, 40 CFR 413 Existing and new sources of pollution, pretreatment regulations for, 40 CFR 403 Explosives manufacturing, 40 CFR 457 Ferroalloy manufacturing, 40 CFR 424 Fertilizer manufacturing, 40 CFR 418 Fruits and vegetables, canned and preserved, 40 CFR 407 General provisions, 40 CFR 401 Glass manufacturing, 40 CFR 426 Grain mills, 40 CFR 406 Gum and wood chemical industry, 40 CFR 454 Hospitals, 40 CFR 460 Ink formulating, 40 CFR 447 Inorganic chemicals manufacturing, 40 CFR 415 Iron and steel manufacturing, 40 CFR 420 Landfills, 40 CFR 445 Leather tanning and finishing, 40 CFR 425 Meat and poultry products, 40 CFR 432 Metal finishing, 40 CFR 433 Metal molding and casting, 40 CFR 464 Metal products and machinery, 40 CFR 438 Mineral mining and processing, 40 CFR 436 Nonferrous metals forming and metal powders, 40 CFR 471 Nonferrous metals manufacturing, 40 CFR 421 Oil and gas extraction, 40 CFR 435 Ore mining and processing, 40 CFR 440 Organic chemicals, plastics, and synthetic fibers manufacturing, 40 CFR 414 Paint formulating, 40 CFR 446 Pesticide chemicals manufacturing, 40 CFR 455 Petroleum refining, 40 CFR 419 Pharmaceutical manufacturing, 40 CFR 439 Phosphate manufacturing, 40 CFR 422 Photographic processing, 40 CFR 459 Plastics molding and forming, 40 CFR 463 Porcelain enameling, 40 CFR 466 Pretreatment standards, steam electric power generating, 40 CFR 423 Pulp, paper, and paperboard, 40 CFR 430 Rubber manufacturing, 40 CFR 428 Seafood processing, canned and preserved, 40 CFR 408 Soap and detergent manufacturing, 40 CFR 417 Sugar processing, 40 CFR 409 Tars and asphalt paving and roofing materials, existing and new sources, performance standards and pretreatment standards, 40 CFR 443 Textile mills, 40 CFR 410 [[Page 942]] Timber products processing, 40 CFR 429 Transportation equipment cleaning, 40 CFR 442 Waste combustors, 40 CFR 444 Yucca Mountain, Nevada, public health and environmental radiation protection standards, 40 CFR 197 Watches and jewelry Allocation of duty-free watches from Virgin Islands, Guam, and American Samoa, 43 CFR 33 Duty-free entry of watches, watch movements and jewelry, 15 CFR 303 Homeworkers in certain industries, employment, 29 CFR 530 Jewelry, precious metals, and pewter industries; guides, 16 CFR 23 Water bank program See water resources Water carriers See Maritime carriers Water pollution control See al Environmental protection; Oil pollution; Waste treatment and disposal Acquisition regulations; environment, conservation, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace Agriculture Department, 48 CFR 423 Commerce Department, 48 CFR 1323 General Services Administration, 48 CFR 23 Labor Department, 48 CFR 2923 Veterans Affairs Department, 48 CFR 823 Citizen suits, prior notice, 40 CFR 135 Clean Water Act recognition awards, 40 CFR 105 Coast Guard Dangerous cargoes-- Barges carrying bulk liquid hazardous material cargoes, 46 CFR 151 Ships carrying bulk liquid, liquefied gas, or compressed gas hazardous materials, 46 CFR 153 Mandatory ship reporting systems, 33 CFR 169 Practice, procedure, and evidence rules for formal administrative proceedings, 33 CFR 20 Water pollution (vessels) and OPA 90 limits of liability (vessels, deepwater ports and onshore facilities), evidence of financial responsibility, 33 CFR 138 Conconully Lake and Conconully Reservoir, Okanogan County, Washington, standards for prevention, control, and abatement of environmental pollution, 43 CFR 424 Debarment and suspension (nonprocurement), 2 CFR 1532 Delaware River Basin Commission High volume hydraulic fracturing, 18 CFR 440 Practice and procedure rules, 18 CFR 401 Water code and water quality standards, 18 CFR 410 Dredged or fill material discharges (section 404 program) Definitions, exempt activities not requiring permits, 40 CFR 232 Disposal sites-- Procedures for prohibiting or restricting use, 40 CFR 231 Specification, 40 CFR 230 State program regulations, 40 CFR 233 Effluent guidelines and standards for point source categories Aluminum forming, 40 CFR 467 Aquatic animal concentrated production, 40 CFR 451 Asbestos manufacturing, 40 CFR 427 Battery manufacturing, 40 CFR 461 Carbon black manufacturing, 40 CFR 458 Cement manufacturing, 40 CFR 411 Centralized waste treatment, 40 CFR 437 Coal mining, BPT, BAT, BCT limitations and new source performance standards, 40 CFR 434 Coil coating facilities, 40 CFR 465 Concentrated animal feeding operations, 40 CFR 412 Construction and development, 40 CFR 450 Copper forming, 40 CFR 468 Dairy products processing, 40 CFR 405 Dental offices, 40 CFR 441 Electrical and electronic components point source category, 40 CFR 469 Electroplating, 40 CFR 413 Existing and new sources of pollution, pretreatment regulations for, 40 CFR 403 Explosives manufacturing, 40 CFR 457 [[Page 943]] Ferroalloy manufacturing, 40 CFR 424 Fertilizer manufacturing, 40 CFR 418 Fruits and vegetables, canned and preserved, 40 CFR 407 General provisions, 40 CFR 401 Glass manufacturing, 40 CFR 426 Grain mills, 40 CFR 406 Gum and wood chemicals industry, 40 CFR 454 Hospitals, 40 CFR 460 Ink formulating, 40 CFR 447 Inorganic chemicals manufacturing, 40 CFR 415 Iron and steel manufacturing, 40 CFR 420 Landfills, 40 CFR 445 Leather tanning and finishing, 40 CFR 425 Meat and poultry products, 40 CFR 432 Metal finishing, 40 CFR 433 Metal molding and casting, 40 CFR 464 Metal products and machinery, 40 CFR 438 Mineral mining and processing, 40 CFR 436 Nonferrous metals forming and metal powders, 40 CFR 471 Nonferrous metals manufacturing, 40 CFR 421 Oil and gas extraction, 40 CFR 435 Ore mining and dressing, 40 CFR 440 Organic chemicals, plastics, and synthetic fibers manufacturing, 40 CFR 414 Paint formulating, 40 CFR 446 Pesticide chemicals manufacturing, 40 CFR 455 Petroleum refining, 40 CFR 419 Pharmaceutical manufacturing, 40 CFR 439 Phosphate manufacturing, 40 CFR 422 Photographic processing, 40 CFR 459 Plastics molding and forming, 40 CFR 463 Porcelain enameling, 40 CFR 466 Pretreatment standards, steam electric power generating, 40 CFR 423 Pulp, paper, and paperboard, 40 CFR 430 Rubber manufacturing, 40 CFR 428 Seafood processing, canned and preserved, 40 CFR 408 Soap and detergent manufacturing, 40 CFR 417 Sugar processing, 40 CFR 409 Tars and asphalt paving and roofing materials, existing and new sources, performance standards and pretreatment standards, 40 CFR 443 Textile mills, 40 CFR 410 Timber products processing, 40 CFR 429 Transportation equipment cleaning, 40 CFR 442 Waste combustors, 40 CFR 444 Employee protection hearings, 40 CFR 108 Engineers Corps Activities involving discharge of dredged material or fill into U.S. waters, 33 CFR 338 Administrative appeal process, 33 CFR 331 Civil works projects involving discharge of dredged or fill material into U.S. or ocean waters-- Operation and maintenance, 33 CFR 335 Practice and procedure, 33 CFR 337 Dredging projects involving discharge of dredged material into U.S. and ocean waters, factors considered in evaluation, 33 CFR 336 General regulatory policies, 33 CFR 320 Permits-- Discharges of dredged or fill material into U.S. waters, 33 CFR 323 Enforcement, 33 CFR 326 Nationwide program, 33 CFR 330 Regional, processing of, 33 CFR 325 Transportation of dredged material for ocean dumping, 33 CFR 324 Public hearings, 33 CFR 327 United States waters, definition, 33 CFR 328 Facilities, certification for tax purposes, 40 CFR 20 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and [[Page 944]] exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Environmental Protection Agency-- Disadvantaged business enterprises, participation in agency programs, 40 CFR 33 Fellowships, 40 CFR 46 National Environmental Education Act grants, 40 CFR 47 State and local assistance grants, 40 CFR 35 Training assistance, 40 CFR 45 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Environmental Protection Agency, 2 CFR 1500 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Federal highway projects; bridges, structures, and hydraulics, 23 CFR 650 Hazardous substances Designation, 40 CFR 116 Reportable quantities determination, 40 CFR 117 Hazardous waste management EPA-administered hazardous waste permit program, 40 CFR 270 State programs-- Authorization requirements, 40 CFR 271 State programs, approved, 40 CFR 272 Judicial review under EPA-administered statutes, 40 CFR 23 Marine debris, 15 CFR 909 Municipal solid waste landfills, criteria, 40 CFR 258 National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Criteria and standards, 40 CFR 125 EPA administered permit programs, 40 CFR 122 State program requirements, 40 CFR 123 Natural resource damage assessments, 43 CFR 11 Newlands Reclamation Project, Nevada, operating criteria and procedures, 43 CFR 418 Ocean dumping Civil penalties administrative assessment and permits revocation/ termination or suspension, consolidated practice rules, 40 CFR 22 Disposal sites management criteria, 40 CFR 228 Engineers Corps, permits for transportation of dredged material, 33 CFR 324, 40 CFR 225 General, 40 CFR 220 General permits, burial at sea, target vessels, and vessels transportation and disposal, 40 CFR 229 Permits-- Action on, 40 CFR 222 Applications, 40 CFR 221 Evaluation criteria, 40 CFR 227 [[Page 945]] Permit contents, revision, revocation, or limitation, 40 CFR 223 Permittees' records and reports, 40 CFR 224 Oil and hazardous material transfer operations, 33 CFR 156 Oil and hazardous substances control, discharge removal, 33 CFR 153 Oil and hazardous substances from vessels Escort requirements for certain tankers, 33 CFR 168 Oil, noxious liquid substances, garbage, municipal or commercial waste, and ballast water, 33 CFR 151 Special construction, arrangement, and other provisions for certain dangerous cargoes in bulk, control of pollution from NLS cargoes on oceangoing offshore supply vessels, 46 CFR 98 Oil, noxious liquid substances, and garbage, reception facilities, 33 CFR 158 Oil Pollution Act Natural resource damage assessments, 15 CFR 990 Water pollution vessels and OPA 90 limits of liability (vessels, deepwater ports and onshore facilities), evidence of financial responsibility, 33 CFR 138 Permits, decisionmaking procedures, 40 CFR 124 Pollutants, guidelines establishing test procedures for analysis of, 40 CFR 136 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, Safe Drinking Water Act, and Clean Water Act, public participation in programs, 40 CFR 25 Rural clean water program, 7 CFR 634 Rural Utilities Service Rural Alaskan village grants, 7 CFR 1784 Rural decentralized water systems, 7 CFR 1776 Secondary treatment regulation, 40 CFR 133 Small businesses, compliance regarding additions, alterations, or operation methods, 40 CFR 21 Sole source aquifers, 40 CFR 149 State certification of activities requiring Federal license or permit, 40 CFR 121 Superfund, emergency planning, and community right-to-know programs Administrative hearing procedures for claims against Superfund, 40 CFR 305 Arbitration procedures for small Superfund cost recovery claims, 40 CFR 304 Citizen awards for information on criminal violations under Superfund, 40 CFR 303 Citizen suits, prior notice, 40 CFR 374 Claims procedures, 40 CFR 307 Hazardous chemical reporting, community right-to-know, 40 CFR 370 Hazardous substance releases, reimbursement to local governments for emergency response, 40 CFR 310 Hazardous substances-- Activity, reporting when selling or transferring Federal real property, 40 CFR 373 Designation, reportable quantities, and notification, 40 CFR 302 National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan, 40 CFR 300 Toxic chemical release reporting, community right-to-know, 40 CFR 372 Trade secrecy claims for emergency planning and community right-to- know information, trade secret disclosures to health professionals, 40 CFR 350 Worker protection for State and local government employees engaged in hazardous waste operations, 40 CFR 311 Susquehanna River Basin Commission, 18 CFR 801 Tennessee River System, approval of construction and regulation of structures and other alterations, 18 CFR 1304 Toxic pollutants effluent standards, public hearings, 40 CFR 104, 40 CFR 129 Underground storage tanks State programs, approval, 40 CFR 281 State programs, approved, 40 CFR 282 Technical standards and corrective action requirements for owners and operators, 40 CFR 280 Vessels of Armed Forces, uniform national discharge standards, 40 CFR 1700 Water quality Great Lakes System, water quality guidance, 40 CFR 132 Planning and management, 40 CFR 130 State adopted standards, 40 CFR 131 [[Page 946]] Water resources See al Natural resources; Water supply; Watersheds Agricultural conservation programs Agricultural management assistance, 7 CFR 1465 Conservation Reserve Program, 7 CFR 1410 Conservation Security Program, 7 CFR 1469 Conservation Stewardship Program, 7 CFR 1470 Environmental Quality Incentives program, 7 CFR 1466 Regional Conservation Partnership Program, 7 CFR 1464 Colorado River water conservation measures, implementation with lower basin contractors and others, 43 CFR 417 Delaware River Basin Commission High volume hydraulic fracturing, 18 CFR 440 Practice and procedure rules, 18 CFR 401 Engineers Corps Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan, programmatic regulations, 33 CFR 385 Emergency employment of Army and other resources, natural disaster procedures, 33 CFR 203 Engineering and design, responsibility for safety and structural adequacy of major civil works structures, water control management, 33 CFR 222 Flood plain management services program establishment of fees for cost recovery, 33 CFR 242 Law enforcement services contracts at water resources development projects, 36 CFR 330 Prohibition of discriminatory practices in water resources development projects, 36 CFR 312 Public use of water resource development projects, 36 CFR 327 Seaplane operations at water resource development projects, 36 CFR 328 Farm Service Agency Emergency Conservation Program, Emergency Forest Restoration Program, and certain related programs, 7 CFR 701 Soil Bank Program, 7 CFR 750 Federal and federally assisted water and related land resources projects, standards for plan formulation and evaluation, 18 CFR 704 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Environmental Protection Agency, 2 CFR 1500 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 [[Page 947]] National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 2 CFR 2000 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Great Plains Conservation Program, 7 CFR 631 National forest land uses, 36 CFR 251 Newlands Reclamation Project, Nevada, operating criteria and procedures, 43 CFR 418 Offstream storage of Colorado River water and development and release of intentionally created unused apportionment in Lower Division States, 43 CFR 414 Reclamation Bureau Information requirements for certain farm operations in excess of 960 acres and eligibility of certain formerly excess land, 43 CFR 428 Reclamation Rural Water Supply Program, 43 CFR 404 Truckee River Operating Agreement, 43 CFR 419 Research program and water resources technology development program, 30 CFR 402 River basin investigations and surveys, 7 CFR 621 Rural abandoned mine program, 7 CFR 632 Rural Utilities Service, rural decentralized water systems, 7 CFR 1776 Soil and water conservation programs Federally assisted projects, operation and maintenance, 7 CFR 654 Long term contracting, 7 CFR 630 Protection of archaeological and historical properties encountered in Soil Conservation Service-assisted programs, 7 CFR 656 Technical assistance, 7 CFR 610 Technical service provider assistance, 7 CFR 652 Technical standards for conservation practices, 7 CFR 653 State water management planning program, 18 CFR 740 State Water Research Institute program, 30 CFR 401 Susquehanna River Basin Commission General policies, 18 CFR 801 Hearings and enforcement actions, 18 CFR 808 Projects, review and approval, 18 CFR 806 Water bank program; policies, procedures, and requirements, 7 CFR 633 Water withdrawal registration, 18 CFR 807 Wild and scenic rivers designated as components of water resources projects, protection, 36 CFR 297 Water Resources Council Employee responsibilities and conduct, 18 CFR 706 Floodplain management and protection of wetlands, implementation of E.O.'s 11988 and 11990, 18 CFR 725 National Environmental Policy Act compliance, 18 CFR 707 Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs, 18 CFR 705 Organization and functions, 18 CFR 701 Public participation in Upper Mississippi River System Master Plan, guidelines, 18 CFR 708 State water management planning program, 18 CFR 740 Water resources planning, standards for plan formulation and evaluation, 18 CFR 704 Water supply See al Dams; Irrigation; Reservoirs; Utilities; Water resources Colorado River water conservation measures, implementation with lower basin contractors and others, 43 CFR 417 Communicable diseases control, 21 CFR 1240 Conservation Stewardship Program, 7 CFR 1470 Delaware River Basin Commission, charges, 18 CFR 420 [[Page 948]] Emergency employment of Army and other resources, natural disaster procedures, 33 CFR 203 Engineers Corp, Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan, programmatic regulations, 33 CFR 385 Environmental radiation protection standards for management and disposal of spent nuclear fuel, high-level and transuranic radioactive waste, 40 CFR 191 EPA-administered permit programs, hazardous waste permit programs, 40 CFR 270 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Environmental Protection Agency-- Disadvantaged business enterprises, participation in agency programs, 40 CFR 33 Fellowships, 40 CFR 46 National Environmental Education Act grants, 40 CFR 47 State and local assistance grants, 40 CFR 35 Training assistance, 40 CFR 45 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Environmental Protection Agency, 2 CFR 1500 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Ground water protection area, Pennsylvania, 18 CFR 430 Hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facilities; interim status standards for owners and operators, 40 CFR 265 Judicial review under EPA-administered statutes, 40 CFR 23 National primary drinking water regulations Establishment, 40 CFR 141 Implementation, 40 CFR 142 Newlands Reclamation Project, Nevada, operating criteria and procedures, 43 CFR 418 Offstream storage of Colorado River water and development and release of intentionally created unused apportionment in Lower Division States, 43 CFR 414 Other Safe Drinking Water Act regulations, 40 CFR 143 [[Page 949]] Public Utility Holding Company Act of 2005, Federal Power Act and Natural Gas Act, books and records, 18 CFR 366 Reclamation Bureau Reclamation Rural Water Supply Program, 43 CFR 404 Water conservation rules and regulations, 43 CFR 427 Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, Safe Drinking Water Act, and Clean Water Act, public participation in programs, 40 CFR 25 Rural Business-Cooperative Service, grants, 7 CFR 4284 Rural development associations, program regulations, 7 CFR 1942 Rural Utilities Service Emergency and imminent community water assistance grants, 7 CFR 1778 Resource conservation and development (RCD) loans and watershed (WS) loans and advances, 7 CFR 1781 Revolving funds for financing water and wastewater projects (Revolving Fund Program), 7 CFR 1783 Rural Alaskan village grants, 7 CFR 1784 Rural decentralized water system, 7 CFR 1776 Special Evaluation Assistance for Rural Communities and Households Program (SEARCH), 7 CFR 1774 Technical assistance grants, 7 CFR 1775 Water and waste loans and grants-- Health risk alleviation, 7 CFR 1777 Policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1780 Sanitation in interstate conveyance, 21 CFR 1250 Snow surveys and water supply forecasts, 7 CFR 612 Sole source aquifers, 40 CFR 149 State hazardous waste management programs, approved, 40 CFR 272 State hazardous waste programs, authorization requirements, 40 CFR 271 Superfund program, oil and hazardous substances Administrative hearing procedures for claims against Superfund, 40 CFR 305 Arbitration procedures for small Superfund cost recovery claims, 40 CFR 304 Citizen awards for information on criminal violations under Superfund, 40 CFR 303 Citizen suits, prior notice, 40 CFR 374 Claims procedures, 40 CFR 307 Hazardous substances-- Activity, reporting when selling or transferring Federal real property, 40 CFR 373 Designation, reportable quantities, and notification, 40 CFR 302 National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan, 40 CFR 300 Natural resource damage assessments, 43 CFR 11 Toxic chemical release reporting, community right-to-know, 40 CFR 372 Trade secrecy claims for emergency planning and community right-to- know information, trade secrecy disclosures to health professionals, 40 CFR 350 Worker protection for State and local government employees engaged in hazardous waste operations, 40 CFR 311 Surface coal mines and surface work areas of underground coal mines, health standards, mandatory, 30 CFR 71 Susquehanna River Basin Commission, policies, 18 CFR 801 Truckee River Operating Agreement, 43 CFR 419 Underground Injection Control program, 40 CFR 144 Criteria and standards, 40 CFR 146 EPA consolidated permit regulations, decisionmaking procedures, 40 CFR 124 Hazardous waste injection restrictions, 40 CFR 148 State program requirements, 40 CFR 145 State, Tribal, and EPA-administered underground injection control programs, 40 CFR 147 Underground storage tanks State programs, approval, 40 CFR 281 State programs, approved, 40 CFR 282 Technical standards and corrective action requirements for owners and operators, 40 CFR 280 [[Page 950]] Waste Isolation Pilot Plant's compliance with 40 CFR Part 191 disposal regulations, certification and recertification criteria, 40 CFR 194 Water quality planning and management, 40 CFR 130 Water transportation See Anchorage grounds; Harbors; Marine safety; Maritime carriers; Navigation (water); Vessels; Waterways Waterfowl See Wildlife Waterfront facilities See Harbors Watermelons Watermelon research and promotion, 7 CFR 1210 Watersheds See al Water resources Emergency watershed protection, 7 CFR 624 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Environmental Protection Agency, 2 CFR 1500 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Land classification system, 43 CFR 2400 Municipal solid waste landfills, criteria, 40 CFR 258 Reclamation Rural Water Supply Program, 43 CFR 404 Rural development associations, program regulations, 7 CFR 1942 Rural Utilities Service Emergency and imminent community water assistance grants, 7 CFR 1778 Resource conservation and development (RCD) loans and watershed (WS) loans and advances, 7 CFR 1781 Revolving funds for financing water and wastewater projects (Revolving Fund Program), 7 CFR 1783 Rural Alaskan village grants, 7 CFR 1784 Rural decentralized water system, 7 CFR 1776 Technical assistance grants, 7 CFR 1775 Water and waste loans and grants-- Health risk alleviation, 7 CFR 1777 [[Page 951]] Policies and procedures, 7 CFR 1780 Susquehanna River Basin Commission, 18 CFR 801 Watershed projects, 7 CFR 622 Waterways See al Bridges; Harbors; Rivers Boating Infrastructure Grant program, 50 CFR 86 COLREGS demarcation lines, 33 CFR 80 Danger zone and restricted area regulations, 33 CFR 334 Engineers Corps Administrative procedure, 33 CFR 209 Water resources infrastructure projects, 33 CFR 386 FERC hydropower licenses, conditions and prescriptions Interior Department, 43 CFR 45 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 50 CFR 221 Inland navigation rules Distress signals, 33 CFR 87 Implementing rules, 33 CFR 89 Interpretative rules, 33 CFR 90 Lights and shapes, positioning and technical details, 33 CFR 84 Navigation rules, 33 CFR 83 Pilot rules, 33 CFR 88 Sound signal appliances, technical details, 33 CFR 86 Maritime security Area maritime security, 33 CFR 103 Facilities, 33 CFR 105 General, 33 CFR 101 National vessel and facility control measures and limited access areas, 33 CFR 107 Navigation regulations, 33 CFR 207 Ohio National Wildlife Conservation Area Falls, Kentucky and Indiana, protection, use and management, 36 CFR 331 Oil Pollution Act regulations, natural resource damage assessments, 15 CFR 990 Permits Administrative appeal process, 33 CFR 331 Dams and dikes in navigable U.S. waters, 33 CFR 321 Discharges of dredged or fill material into waters, 33 CFR 323 Enforcement, 33 CFR 326 General regulatory policies, 33 CFR 320 Nationwide permit program, 33 CFR 330 Navigable U.S. waters, definition, 33 CFR 329 Processing of Army Department permits, 33 CFR 325 Public hearings, 33 CFR 327 Structures or work in or affecting navigable U.S. waters, 33 CFR 322 United States waters, definition, 33 CFR 328 Ports and waterways safety General requirements, 33 CFR 160 Inland waterway navigation regulations, 33 CFR 162 Navigation safety regulations, 33 CFR 164 Offshore traffic separation schemes, 33 CFR 167 Regulated navigation areas and limited access areas, 33 CFR 165 Shipping safety fairways, 33 CFR 166 Towing of barges, 33 CFR 163 Vessel traffic management, 33 CFR 161 Safety of life on navigable waters, 33 CFR 100 Saint Lawrence Seaway Seaway regulations and rules, 33 CFR 401 Tariff of tolls, 33 CFR 402 Stratospheric ozone protection, 40 CFR 82 Upper Mississippi River System Master Plan, public participation guidelines, 18 CFR 708 Wrecks and other obstructions, removal, 33 CFR 245 Weapons See Arms and munitions Weather Aircraft, standard instrument procedures, 14 CFR 97 Aviation services, automatic weather observation stations, 47 CFR 87 Civil service regulations, absence and leave, 5 CFR 630 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Maintaining records and submitting reports on weather modification activities, 15 CFR 908 National Weather Service modernization, 15 CFR 946 Weights and measures See Measurement standards [[Page 952]] Welfare programs See Public assistance programs Western Balkans Stabilization regulations, 31 CFR 588 Wetlands See Coastal zone; Flood plains Whales See Marine mammals Wheat Agricultural risk coverage, price loss coverage, and cotton transition assistance programs, 7 CFR 1412 Area risk protection insurance regulations, 7 CFR 407 Commodity incentive payment programs, 7 CFR 1413 End-use certificate program, 7 CFR 782 Marketing assistance loans and loan deficiency payments, grains and similarly handled commodities, 7 CFR 1421 Merchandise control in customs warehouses and container stations, 19 CFR 19 Whistleblowing See al Business and industry Coast Guard, whistleblower protection, 33 CFR 53 Commodity Futures Trading Commission, whistleblower rules, 17 CFR 165 Defense Department; acquisition regulations, improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, 48 CFR 203 Energy Department Acquisition regulations, management and operating contracts, contractor employees whistleblower protection, 48 CFR 970 Contractor employee protection program, 10 CFR 708 Protected disclosures, security requirements under section 3164 of National Defense Authorization Act for 2000 Fiscal Year, 10 CFR 1044 Environmental Protection Agency, water programs, employee protection hearings, 40 CFR 108 Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission, procedural rules, 29 CFR 2700 Independent storage of spent nuclear fuel, high-level radioactive waste, and reactor-related greater than class C waste, licensing requirements, 10 CFR 72 Justice Department, protection of whistleblowers Federal Bureau of Investigation employees, 28 CFR 27 Organization, 28 CFR 0 Labor Department, retaliation complaints handling procedures under employee protection provisions of six environmental statutes and section 211 of the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, as amended, 29 CFR 24 Migrant and seasonal agricultural worker protection, 29 CFR 500 Merit Systems Protection Board, practices and procedures for appeals and stay requests of personnel actions allegedly based on whistleblowing or other protected activity, 5 CFR 1209 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, marine and aviation operations, 15 CFR 998 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Classified information, access authorization, 10 CFR 25 Domestic licensing of byproduct material, general applicability rules, 10 CFR 30 Production and utilization facilities, domestic licensing, 10 CFR 50 Radioactive material, physical protection of category 1 and category 2 quantities, 10 CFR 37 Radioactive waste-- High-level radioactive wastes, disposal in geologic repositories, 10 CFR 60 Land disposal, licensing requirements, 10 CFR 61 Source material, domestic licensing, 10 CFR 40 Special nuclear material, domestic licensing, 10 CFR 70 Occupational Safety and Health Administration Criminal Antitrust Anti-Retaliation Act, procedures for handling of retaliation complaints, 29 CFR 1991 [[Page 953]] Discrimination against employees exercising rights under Williams- Steiger Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970, 29 CFR 1977 Discrimination complaints, handling procedures-- Pipeline Safety Act of 2002, complaints under section 6, 29 CFR 1981 Wendell H. Ford Aviation Investment and Reform Act for 21st Century, complaints under section 519, 29 CFR 1979 Retaliation complaints, handling procedures-- Affordable Care Act, complaints under section 1558, 29 CFR 1984 Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010, complaints under employee protection provision, 29 CFR 1985 Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008, complaints under section 219, 29 CFR 1983 FDA Food Safety Modernization Act, complaints under section 402, 29 CFR 1987 Moving Ahead or Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21), complaints under section 31307, 29 CFR 1988 National Transit System Security Act and the Federal Railroad Safety Act, 29 CFR 1982 Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, as amended; complaints under section 806, 29 CFR 1980 Seaman's Protection Act (SPA), complaints under employee protection provision, as amended, 29 CFR 1986 Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982, complaints under employee protection provision, 29 CFR 1978 Taxpayer First Act, procedures under, 29 CFR 1989 Personnel Management Office, interim relief, 5 CFR 772 Special Counsel Office, filing of complaints and allegations, 5 CFR 1800 Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement Office, protection of employees under Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977, 30 CFR 865 Wage and Hour Division Migrant and seasonal agricultural worker protection, 29 CFR 500 United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement Implementation Act, high-wage components of the labor value content requirements, 29 CFR 810 Workers' Compensation Programs Office; Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act, administration and procedure, 20 CFR 702 White House Fellowships, President's Commission Privacy, 1 CFR 425 Wilderness areas See al Recreation and recreation areas Air quality planning purposes, designated areas, 40 CFR 81 Areas designated by Congress as unsuitable for mining, 30 CFR 761 Designated wilderness areas, management, 43 CFR 6300 Indian reservations, establishment of roadless and wild areas, 25 CFR 265 Mining claims, areas subject to special mining laws, 43 CFR 3820 National forest lands used for mineral resource mining, 36 CFR 228 National forest special areas, 36 CFR 294 National forest wilderness-primitive areas, 36 CFR 293 Public lands under wilderness review, mining claims under general mining laws, 43 CFR 3800 Wilderness preservation, 43 CFR 19 Wildlife preservation and management, 50 CFR 35 Wildlife See al Animals; Endangered and threatened species; Natural resources; Wildlife refuges Agricultural conservation programs Agricultural Conservation Easement Program, 7 CFR 1468 Conservation Reserve Program, 7 CFR 1410 Conservation Stewardship Program, 7 CFR 1470 Regional Conservation Partnership Program, 7 CFR 1464 Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentive Program, 7 CFR 1455 [[Page 954]] Airborne hunting, 50 CFR 19 Alaska public lands, subsistence management regulations, 36 CFR 242 Animals and birds, import and export related services; user fees, 9 CFR 130 Antarctic animals, conservation, 45 CFR 670 Boating Infrastructure Grant program, 50 CFR 86 Disposal of certain wild animals in National parks, 36 CFR 10 Eagle permits, 50 CFR 22 Emergency Conservation Program, Emergency Forest Restoration Program, and certain related programs, 7 CFR 701 Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants, 50 CFR 17 Environmental Quality Incentives Program, 7 CFR 1466 Feeding depredating migratory waterfowl, 50 CFR 90 FERC hydropower licenses, contradictions and prescriptions Interior Department, 43 CFR 45 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 50 CFR 221 Fish and Wildlife Service Alaska public lands, subsistence management regulations, 50 CFR 100 Civil procedures, 50 CFR 11 General permit procedures, 50 CFR 13 General provisions, 50 CFR 10 Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration and Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Acts, administrative requirements, 50 CFR 80 Seizure and forfeiture procedures, 50 CFR 12 Gulf Coast ecosystem restoration, spill impact component, 40 CFR 1800 Gulf Coast States; resources and ecosystems sustainability, tourist opportunities, and revived economies, 31 CFR 34 Hunting and fishing, 50 CFR 32 Importation, exportation, and transportation, 50 CFR 14 Injurious wildlife, importation and transportation, 50 CFR 16 Interior Department fish and wildlife policy, State-Federal relationships, 43 CFR 24 International fisheries regulations, 50 CFR 300 International trade in endangered species of wild fauna and flora (CITES) convention, 50 CFR 23 Law enforcement on public lands, 43 CFR 9260 Marine mammals Taking and importing, 50 CFR 219 Taking incidental to specific activities, 50 CFR 217 Migratory bird hunting Conservation stamp contest, 50 CFR 91 Permits, 50 CFR 21 Procedural and substantive requirements, 50 CFR 20 Subsistence harvest in Alaska, 50 CFR 92 National coastal wetlands conservation grant program, 50 CFR 84 National fish hatcheries General regulations, 50 CFR 70 Hunting and sports fishing, 50 CFR 71 National Marine Sanctuary program regulations, 15 CFR 922 Natural Resources Conservation Service, Wildlife Habitat Incentive Program, 7 CFR 636 Ohio National Wildlife Conservation Area Falls, Kentucky and Indiana, protection, use and management, 36 CFR 331 Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument, 50 CFR 404 Protection and management of fish and wildlife, 36 CFR 241 Range management, 36 CFR 222 Soil Bank Program, 1956, 7 CFR 750 Species management, 50 CFR 31 Wild Bird Conservation Act, 50 CFR 15 Wild free-roaming horses and burros; protection, management, and control, 43 CFR 4700 Wildlife refuges See al Wildlife Administrative provisions, 50 CFR 25 Alaska National wildlife refuges, 50 CFR 36 Alaska Natives, land selections, 43 CFR 2650 Enforcement penalty and procedural requirements for violations of fish and wildlife regulations, 50 CFR 28 FERC hydropower licenses, conditions and prescriptions Interior Department, 43 CFR 45 [[Page 955]] National Atmospheric and Atmospheric Administration, 50 CFR 221 Fish and wildlife protection and management, 36 CFR 241 Fish and Wildlife Service Management Systems, Federal lands highways, 23 CFR 972 Geological and geophysical exploration of coastal plain, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska, 50 CFR 37 Hunting and fishing, 50 CFR 32 Land use management, 50 CFR 29 Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge, 50 CFR 38 Mining Areas designated by Congress as unsuitable for mining, 30 CFR 761 Criteria for designating, 30 CFR 762 Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument, 50 CFR 404 Prohibited acts, 50 CFR 27 Public entry and use, 50 CFR 26 Range and feral animal management, 50 CFR 30 Wildlife preservation and management, 50 CFR 35 Wildlife refuge revenues, sharing with counties, 50 CFR 34 Wildlife species management, 50 CFR 31 Wine See al Alcohol and alcoholic beverages American viticultural areas, 27 CFR 9 Basic permit requirements under Federal Alcohol Administration Act, distilled spirits and wine nonindustrial use, distilled spirits bulk sales and bottling, 27 CFR 1 Distilled spirits plants, 27 CFR 19 Distilled spirits, wine, and beer; importation, 27 CFR 27 Exportation, 27 CFR 28 Foreign nongeneric names of geographic significance used in designation of wines, 27 CFR 12 Labeling and advertising, 27 CFR 4 Puerto Rico Liquors and articles, 27 CFR 26 Spirits and wine withdrawn from warehouse for shipment, 19 CFR 7 Stills and miscellaneous regulations, 27 CFR 29 Treatment and classification, 27 CFR 24 Virgin Islands, liquors and articles, 27 CFR 26 Wiretapping and electronic surveillance See al Law enforcement Frequency allocations and radio treaty matters, general rules and regulations, 47 CFR 2 Justice Department Cost recovery regulations, Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act of 1994, 28 CFR 100 Forfeiture authority for certain statutes, 28 CFR 8 Radio frequency devices, 47 CFR 15 Women See al Minority businesses; Sex discrimination Comptroller of the Currency, organizations and functions, information availability and release, contracting outreach program, post- employment restrictions for senior examiners, 12 CFR 4 Energy Department DOE management and operating contracts, 48 CFR 970 Small business programs, 48 CFR 919 Federal Contract Compliance Programs Office, discrimination on basis of sex, 41 CFR 60-20 Federal financial assistance Agriculture Department-- General program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 415 Grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments; general program administrative regulations, 2 CFR 416 Lobbying, new restrictions, 2 CFR 418 Research misconduct, research institutions conducting USDA extramural research, 2 CFR 422 Corporation for National and Community Service, Implementation of and exemptions to 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 2205 Energy Department, Office of Science Financial Assistance Program, 10 CFR 605 [[Page 956]] Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards-- Agriculture Department, 2 CFR 400 Commerce Department, 2 CFR 1327 Education Department, interim grants and cooperative agreements implementation of guidance in 2 CFR Part 200, 2 CFR 3474 Health and Human Services Department, 2 CFR 300 Homeland Security Department, 2 CFR 3002 Housing and Urban Development Department, 2 CFR 2400 Interior Department, 2 CFR 1402 Justice Department, 2 CFR 2800 Management and Budget Office, 2 CFR 200 National Archives and Records Administration, 2 CFR 2600 National Drug Control Policy Office, 2 CFR 3603 National Endowment for the Arts, 2 CFR 3255 National Endowment for the Humanities, 2 CFR 3374 National Science Foundation, 2 CFR 2500 Small Business Administration, 2 CFR 2701 Social Security Administration, 2 CFR 2300 State Department, 2 CFR 600 Transportation Department, 2 CFR 1201 Veterans Affairs Department, 2 CFR 802 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for HHS awards, 45 CFR 75 Food assistance programs Commodity supplemental food program, 7 CFR 247 Special supplemental food program for women, infants and children, 7 CFR 246 WIC farmers' market nutrition program (FMNP), 7 CFR 248 Health insurance Affordable Care Act-- Exchange establishment standards and related standards under, 45 CFR 155 Issuer standards under, including requirements related to exchanges, 45 CFR 156 Group and individual health insurance markets, health insurance reform requirements for, 45 CFR 147 Minority and women outreach program contracting Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, 12 CFR 361 Minority science and engineering improvement program, 34 CFR 637 Prisons Bureau, transfers of D.C. women inmates, 28 CFR 527 Small business Women-Owned Small Business, Federal contract program, 13 CFR 127 Women's Business Center program, 13 CFR 131 Special classes of persons who may be naturalized women who have lost U.S. citizenship by marriage and former citizens whose naturalization is authorized by private law, 8 CFR 324 Violence against women, 28 CFR 90 Wood See Forests and forest products Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars See Smithsonian Institution Wool See Textiles Workers' compensation See al Disability benefits; Insurance; Occupational safety and health Benefits Review Board, Labor Department Establishment and operation, 20 CFR 801 Practice rules, 20 CFR 802 Compensation for injury, disability, or death of civilian American citizens while detained by or in hiding from Imperial Japanese Government, 20 CFR 71 Employee indemnification regulations, 45 CFR 2502 Employees' Compensation Appeals Board, rules of procedure, 20 CFR 501 Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act Causation probability determination guidelines, 42 CFR 81 Compensation claims, 20 CFR 30 [[Page 957]] Dose reconstruction, method for conducting, 42 CFR 82 Employees classes as members of special exposure cohort, designating procedures, 42 CFR 83 Black lung benefits Coal mine operator's insurance, requirements, 20 CFR 726 Coal miners' total disability or death due to pneumoconiosis, determining standards, 20 CFR 718 Criteria for determining whether State workers' compensation laws provide adequate coverage for pneumoconiosis and listing of approved State laws, 20 CFR 722 Federal Mine Safety and Health Act, benefit claims under Part C of Title IV, 20 CFR 725 Federal Employees' Compensation Act Claims, 20 CFR 10 Disability and death of noncitizen Federal employees outside U.S., Compensation, 20 CFR 25 Government contractor employees, War Hazards Compensation Act claims, 20 CFR 61 Hostage relief assistance, 22 CFR 191 Victims of terrorism compensation, 22 CFR 192 Workers' Compensation Programs Office Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act-- Administration and procedure, 20 CFR 702 Definitions and use of terms, 20 CFR 701 Extensions, special provisions, 20 CFR 704 Insurance regulations, 20 CFR 703 Performance of functions, 20 CFR 1 Workers' Compensation Programs Office See al Wage and Hour Division Black lung benefits Coal mine operator's insurance requirements, 20 CFR 726 Coal miners' total disability or death due to pneumoconiosis, determining standards, 20 CFR 718 Criteria for determining whether State workers' compensation laws provide adequate coverage for pneumoconiosis and listing of approved State laws, 20 CFR 722 Federal Mine Safety and Health Act, benefit claims under Part C of Title IV, 20 CFR 725 Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act Administration and procedure, 20 CFR 702 Extensions, special provisions, 20 CFR 704 General regulations and definitions, 20 CFR 701 Insurance regulations, 20 CFR 703 World Agricultural Outlook Board Freedom of information, 7 CFR 3801 Organization and functions, 7 CFR 3800 X X-rays See al Radiation protection; radioactive materials Coal miners Medical examination specifications, 42 CFR 37 Pneumoconiosis, total disability or death due to; standards for determining, 20 CFR 718 Industrial radiography operations, licenses and radiation safety requirements, 10 CFR 34 Medicare Federal health insurance for aged and disabled, 42 CFR 405 Specialized services furnished by suppliers, conditions for coverage, 42 CFR 486 Supplementary medical insurance benefits, 42 CFR 410 Radiation protection General, 21 CFR 1000 Ionizing radiation emitting products, performance standards, 21 CFR 1020 Mammography, 21 CFR 900 Radiology devices, 21 CFR 892 [[Page 958]] Y Yemen General aircraft operating and flight rules, 14 CFR 91 Sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 552 Yogurt See Dairy products Young Adult Conservation Corps See Youth organizations Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) See Youth organizations Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA) See Youth organizations Youth See al Infants and children; Juvenile delinquency; Youth organizations Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule, 16 CFR 312 Family planning services grants, 42 CFR 59 Health insurance Affordable Care Act-- Exchange establishment standards and related standards under, 45 CFR 155 Issuer standards under, including requirements related to exchanges, 45 CFR 156 Group and individual health insurance markets, health insurance reform requirements for, 45 CFR 147 Job Training Partnership Act Indian and Native American employment and training programs, 20 CFR 632 Title II programs, 20 CFR 628 Title IV-B Job Corps program, 20 CFR 638 Prison inmates, Youth Corrections Act institutions and programs, 28 CFR 524 Prisoners, youth offenders, and juvenile delinquents; parole, release, supervision, and recommitment, 28 CFR 2 Runaway and homeless youth program, 45 CFR 1351 Subminimum wage, limitations on use of, 34 CFR 397 Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Title I Youth activities, 20 CFR 681 Youthbuild Program, provisions governing, 20 CFR 688 Workforce Investment Act, Title I, youth activities, 20 CFR 664 Youth Organizations Boy Scouts of America and other designated youth groups, equal access to public school facilities, 34 CFR 108 Four-H Club; name and emblem, 7 CFR 8 Nondiscrimination on basis of sex in education programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance Agriculture Department, 7 CFR 15a Corporation for National and Community Service, 45 CFR 2555 Education Department, 34 CFR 106 Professional U.S. scouting organization operations at U.S. military installations overseas, 32 CFR 252 Youth Conservation Corps program, grants to States for establishing, 43 CFR 26 Yugoslavia General aircraft operating and flight rules, 14 CFR 91 Z Zimbabwe Sanctions regulations, 31 CFR 541 Zinc See al Metals Quapaw Indian Agency, Zinc mining operations and leases, 25 CFR 215 Zinc smelters, performance standards, 40 CFR 60 Zoning Zoning standards Cape Cod National Seashore, 36 CFR 27 Fire Island National Seashore, 36 CFR 28 Whiskeytown-Shasta-Trinity National Recreation Area, Whiskeytown unit, 36 CFR 30 [[Page 959]] Code of Federal Regulations Title and chapter or parAgency ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3 CFR The President 11 CFR Parts 1-8, 100-116, 200-201, 9001-9007 and 9012, 9008, 9031-9039 (5 indexes) Federal Election Commission 19 CFR Chapter I Bureau of Customs and Border Protection, Department of Homeland Security; Department of Treasury 20 CFR Chapter III Social Security Administration 37 CFR Chapters I and II (5 indexes) Patent and Trademark Office, Department of Commerce (Chapter I) U.S. Copyright Office, Library of Congress (Chapter II) 43 CFR Chapter II Bureau of Land Management Interior Department [[Page 961]] PARALLEL TABLE OF AUTHORITIES AND RULES -------------------------------------------------------------------- The following table lists rulemaking authority for regulations codified in the Code of Federal Regulations. Also included are statutory citations which are noted as being interpreted or applied by those regulations. The table is divided into four categories: United States Code citations, United States Statutes at Large citations, public law citations, and Presidential document citations. Within each category the citations are arranged in numerical order: For the United States Code, by title and section; For the United States Statutes at Large, by volume and page number; For public laws, by number; and For Presidential documents (Proclamations, Executive orders, and Reorganization plans), by document number. Entries in the table are taken directly from the rulemaking authority citation provided by Federal agencies in their regulations. Federal agencies are responsible for keeping these citations current and accurate. Because Federal agencies sometimes present these citations in an inconsistent manner, the table cannot be considered all-inclusive. The portion of the table listing the United States Code citations is the most comprehensive, as these citations are entered into the table whenever they are given in the authority citations provided by the agencies. United States Statutes at Large and public law citations are carried in the table only when there are no corresponding United States Code citations given. This table is revised as of January 1, 2024. [[Page 962]] 1 U.S.C. 112...........................................................1 Part 2 112a.......................................................22 Part 181 112b.......................................................22 Part 181 113...........................................................1 Part 2 2 U.S.C. 136........................................36 Parts 701, 702, 703, 705 170........................................................36 Part 705 179........................................................36 Part 704 215.........................................................38 Part 49 431..................................................11 Parts 104, 400 432........................................................11 Part 104 434..................................................11 Parts 104, 400 437c.......................................................5 Part 4701 438..................................................11 Parts 104, 400 439a.......................................................11 Part 104 441a.................................................11 Parts 104, 400 441a-1.....................................................11 Part 400 441i........................................................34 Part 73 1351............................................29 Parts 457, 458, 459 2051.............................................5 Parts 870, 890, 894 3 U.S.C. 202..............................................31 Parts 13, 409, 413 208.........................................................31 Part 13 301--303...................................................33 Part 155 301....31 Parts 510, 525, 526, 535, 536, 539, 540, 541, 542, 544, 546, 547, 548, 549, 550, 551, 552, 553, 555, 558, 560, 561, 562, 566, 569, 570, 576, 578, 579, 582, 583, 584, 586, 587, 588, 589, 590, 591, 592, 594, 598, 599 32 Part 719 431...............................5 Parts 2420, 2421, 2422, 2423, 2470 5 U.S.C. 2..........................................................25 Part 170 4a.........................................................17 Part 145 73..........................................................34 Part 73 101...................................................5 Parts 831, 842 104..........................................32 Parts 1805, 1806, 1807 133........................................................32 Part 257 301 et seq.................................................20 Part 658 29 Part 290 30 Parts 590, 1202, 1206, 1207, 1208, 1210, 1212, 1218, 1243, 1290 31 Part 251 43 Part 50 45 Part 88 301--305...................................................18 Part 388 301--302......48 Parts 3001, 3002, 3003, 3004, 3005, 3006, 3007, 3009, 3011, 3012, 3015, 3016, 3017, 3018, 3019, 3022, 3023, 3024, 3025, 3027, 3028, 3030, 3031, 3032, 3033, 3034, 3035, 3036, 3037, 3042, 3046, 3047, 3052, 3053 301...2 Parts 300, 376, 415, 416, 417, 418, 422, 600, 802, 1000, 1104, 1108, 1120, 1122, 1125, 1126, 1128, 1130, 1132, 1134, 1136, 1138, 1326, 1327, 1400, 1401, 1402, 1500, 2000, 2300, 2600, 2800, 2867, 2900, 3255, 3374, 5900 5 Parts 1303, 1631, 1800, 1810, 1820, 1830, 3101, 3301, 3501, 3601, 3801, 5501, 5502, 6001, 6301, 7501, 8301, 9301, 9302, 9800, 9801 6 Parts 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 29, 46, 115 7 Parts 1, 1a, 1b, 1c, 2, 3, 7, 11, 14, 15, 15c, 15d, 15f, 16, 18, 22, 25, 170, 250, 295, 371, 505, 510, 520, 614, 624, 653, 759, 761, 762, 764, 765, 766, 767, 768, 769, 770, 771, 772, 780, 785, 798, 900, 1777, 2620, 4279, 4284, 4287, 4288, 5001 8 Parts 1, 2, 103, 236, 241, 1001, 1003, 1236, 1241, 1540, 2610, 4274, 4279, 4280, 4284, 4287, 4288 10 Parts 745, 754, 1703 12 Parts 404, 792, 1202 13 Part 102 14 Part 1230 15 Parts 27, 2004 16 Part 1028 19 Parts 4, 12, 18, 24, 103, 122, 149, 190 20 Parts 30, 431, 702, 725, 726, 802 21 Part 6 22 Parts 172, 225, 713 24 Part 60 25 Parts 2, 140, 141, 175, 249 28 Parts 11, 16, 26, 35, 36, 68, 201, 540, 802, 813 29 Parts 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 13, 21, 23, 26, 29, 30, 70, 89, 1913 30 Part 100 31 Parts 50, 208, 601 32 Parts 97, 175, 200, 219, 220, 1660, 1665 34 Parts 75, 97 36 Part 1206 38 Part 16 40 Part 26 41 Part 105-60 42 Parts 11, 24, 45, 1000 43 Parts 2, 100 44 Part 5 45 Parts 1, 46, 75, 87, 92, 1167, 1173, 690 47 Part 4 48 Parts 326, 352, 1201, 1202, 1203, 1204, 1205, 1206, 1207, 1209, 1211, 1212, 1213, 1215, 1216, 1217, 1219, 1222, 1223, 1224, 1227, 1228, 1231, 1232, 1233, 1235, 1236, 1237, 1239, 1242, 1246, 1247, 1252, 1253, 1419, 1512, 1539, 3401, 3402, 3403, 3404, 3405, 3406, 3407, 3408, 3409, 3412, 3413, 3414, 3415, 3416, 3419, 3422, 3424, 3425, 3427, 3428, 3430, 3431, 3432, 3433, 3437, 3439, 3442, 3443, 3445, 3447, 3452 49 Part 11 50 Parts 28, 29, 32, 71 302..........................................................38 Part 2 303.......................................................10 Part 1010 305........................................................30 Part 290 310..........................................................6 Part 21 331........................................................46 Part 503 403.......................................................32 Part 1905 500 et seq...................................................18 Part 1 500.........................................................28 Part 79 29 Part 580 31 Parts 8, 10 37 Part 11 501..................................................7 Parts 763, 1753 [[Page 963]] 503--504.....................................................43 Part 4 503........................................................29 Part 580 43 Part 30 504.................................................5 Parts 2430, 2610 10 Parts 12, 1023 12 Parts 19, 109, 263, 308, 625, 1071, 1203 13 Part 134 14 Parts 14, 1262 15 Part 18 16 Parts 3, 1025 17 Part 148 19 Part 212 22 Part 134 24 Part 14 28 Part 24 29 Parts 16, 102, 2204, 2704 31 Part 6 34 Part 21 39 Part 960 45 Part 13 46 Part 502 47 Part 1 49 Parts 6, 826, 1016 522........................................................5 Part 1631 26 Part 301 32 Parts 169, 169A 37 Part 302 534.........................................................29 Part 29 550.......................................................5 Part 5550a 14 Part 1261 551 et seq................................................16 Part 1025 18 Parts 281, 286 32 Part 202 43 Parts 2650, 10000 45 Part 1 551--559...................................................29 Part 511 31 Parts 8, 10 551--558...........................................21 Parts 10, 12, 13 551--557....................18 Parts 6, 8, 36, 154, 375, 382, 388, 390 46 Part 501 49 Part 1022 551--553....................................................29 Part 18 551........................................................28 Part 540 29 Parts 2702, 580 44 Parts 1, 18 46 Part 502 552--553.......................................41 Parts 105-55, 105-57 552..................................1 Parts 9, 51, 301, 304, 602, 603 3 Part 101 5 Parts 120, 293, 294, 300, 532, 536, 1204, 1303, 1820, 2411, 2604, 9301, 9800, 9901, 10000, 10400 6 Parts 5, 115, 1000, 1001 7 Parts 11, 295, 370, 412, 510, 661, 798, 900, 1520, 1700, 2018, 2610, 2620, 2700, 2710, 2810, 2811, 3011, 3404, 3600, 3601, 3700, 3701, 3800, 3801 8 Parts 103, 236, 241, 343c, 1236, 1241 9 Parts 165, 390 10 Parts 1, 2, 110, 202, 1004, 1303, 1703 11 Parts 4, 9405 12 Parts 4, 238, 261, 262, 264b, 266, 271, 272, 281, 302, 304, 309, 404, 602, 792, 1070, 1101, 1200, 1202, 1214, 1301, 1402 13 Parts 101, 102 14 Parts 389, 1206 15 Parts 4, 60, 903, 911, 950, 2004 16 Parts 0, 1, 444, 453, 456, 901, 1000, 1015, 1016 17 Parts 3, 145, 180, 200 18 Parts 401, 701, 1301 19 Parts 103, 161, 175, 201 20 Parts 401, 402, 422 21 Parts 5, 20, 21, 26, 1401 22 Parts 5, 171, 303, 503, 510, 706, 713, 1002, 1004, 1102, 1201, 1300, 1304, 1411, 1501, 1502 24 Parts 15, 2000, 2002 25 Part 517 26 Part 601 27 Parts 21, 24, 27, 28, 70, 478 28 Parts 16, 58, 513, 701, 802, 1100 29 Parts 70, 101, 102, 1209, 1401, 1402, 1403, 1610, 2201, 2702, 4901 30 Parts 252, 552 31 Parts 1, 6, 8, 256, 323 32 Parts 169, 169A, 222, 223, 245, 282, 286, 290, 516, 701, 735, 750, 1285, 1662, 1700, 1800, 1900, 2402 33 Part 1 34 Parts 5, 8 36 Parts 200, 902, 1107, 1120, 1250, 1256, 1260, 1600 37 Parts 102, 203, 204 38 Part 19 39 Parts 20, 111, 113, 262, 265, 501, 946, 3000, 3006 40 Parts 1, 2, 1515, 1600, 1601, 1850 41 Parts 51-8, 60-40, 105-53, 105-54, 105-60 43 Parts 2, 22, 1820, 3500 44 Parts 2, 18, 351 45 Parts 5, 32, 160, 170, 171, 502, 612, 704, 1100, 1148, 1171, 1182, 1184, 1700, 1701, 2105, 2507 46 Parts 1, 14, 502, 503, 504, 540 47 Parts 160, 164 48 Part 2824 49 Parts 7, 512, 601, 700, 701, 801, 802, 1001, 1002, 1007 50 Part 520 552 note......................................................6 Part 5 36 Part 404 552a.............................................1 Parts 304, 425, 426 5 Parts 293, 297, 736, 831, 841, 1001, 1205, 1215, 1302, 1630, 1830, 2100, 2412, 2606, 9800, 9801, 10001, 10400 6 Parts 5, 115, 1002 7 Part 661 8 Parts 103, 236, 241, 1236, 1241 10 Parts 9, 1008, 1304, 1705 11 Parts 1, 9410 12 Parts 261a, 310, 404, 411, 603, 792, 1070, 1102, 1204, 1403 13 Part 102 14 Parts 1206, 1212 15 Parts 4, 2004 16 Parts 1014, 1016, 1030 [[Page 964]] 17 Parts 145, 146, 200 18 Parts 701, 1301 19 Part 103 20 Parts 401, 402, 903 21 Part 21 22 Parts 171, 308, 505, 707, 713, 1003, 1101, 1202, 1507 24 Parts 16, 2003 25 Part 515 28 Parts 16, 513, 540, 700, 802, 1100 29 Parts 71, 102, 1410, 1611, 2400, 2702, 2705, 4902 31 Part 1 32 Parts 61, 282, 310, 321, 323, 339, 750, 1665, 1701, 1801, 2102 34 Part 5b 36 Parts 407, 903, 1008, 1121, 1202, 1600 37 Part 102 38 Parts 2, 19 39 Parts 262, 266, 3005 40 Parts 2, 13, 16, 1516, 1602, 1850 41 Parts 51-9, 105-64 43 Part 2 44 Part 6 45 Parts 5b, 30, 503, 613, 704, 705, 1159, 1169, 1705, 1800, 2106, 2508 46 Part 503 48 Parts 824, 2824 49 Parts 10, 802, 1507 50 Part 501 552a note............................................12 Parts 103, 404 552b...................................5 Parts 1206, 1632, 2413, 10002 6 Part 1003 10 Parts 9, 1703, 1704 11 Parts 2, 9407 12 Parts 261b, 311, 407, 791, 792 16 Parts 1011, 1013 17 Parts 3, 145, 147, 155, 200 19 Part 201 20 Part 200 22 Parts 507, 1413, 1500 25 Part 504 29 Parts 1612, 2203 32 Part 197 33 Part 209 34 Part 11 39 Parts 2, 3, 6, 7 40 Part 1517 45 Parts 614, 704, 1703, 1802, 2505 46 Part 503 49 Parts 804, 1012 50 Part 560 553...........................................................6 Part 3 7 Part 47 9 Part 392 10 Parts 1, 2, 110 11 Part 200 12 Parts 404, 412, 414, 1102 15 Parts 4, 60, 903, 950 16 Parts 3, 1033, 1051, 1052, 1101, 1117, 1616, 1260, 1270 18 Parts 154, 273, 274, 294, 341, 375, 376 20 Parts 422, 640 21 Parts 15, 357, 606, 607, 640 22 Part 215 28 Part 16 29 Parts 103, 104, 1695, 1903, 1904, 1910, 1911, 1912, 1912a, 1913, 1915, 1917, 1918, 1926, 1928, 1960, 2400 33 Part 1 36 Parts 25, 1600 37 Part 102 40 Parts 2, 1602 43 Parts 2, 14, 414, 426, 427, 428 44 Parts 1, 18 46 Parts 206, 502, 503, 504, 508, 515, 520, 530, 532, 535, 540, 545, 550, 555, 560 47 Part 1 49 Parts 244, 356, 365, 1002, 1011, 1104, 1106, 1135, 1180 554--559...................................................49 Part 211 554--557....................................12 Parts 19, 109, 263, 308 554.........................................................5 Part 754 10 Parts 2, 20 12 Part 1209 28 Part 68 555.......................................................16 Part 1051 556...........................................................7 Part 1 12 Part 1209 41 Part 50-204 46 Part 502 557..........................................................10 Part 2 12 Part 1209 17 Part 200 28 Part 68 34 Part 21 558..........................................................10 Part 2 18 Part 341 559.........................................................9 Part 165 12 Part 238 14 Part 377 29 Part 580 46 Part 502 49 Parts 244, 365, 1104, 1106, 1112, 1113, 1114, 1115, 1180, 1182 561--569...................................................46 Part 502 561........................................................50 Part 600 570--581....................................................14 Part 17 571 et seq................................................49 Part 1109 571--596...................................................18 Part 343 46 Part 502 571--584...................................................46 Part 502 571.......................................................49 Part 1108 571 note....................................................29 Part 18 574.........................................................7 Part 780 29 Part 1406 581.......................................................29 Part 1425 591--596..............................................1 Parts 301, 304 601 et seq..................................................44 Part 18 50 Part 200 601..........................................................18 Part 2 43 Part 14 601 note..............................................16 Parts 1, 1020 610..........................................................21 Part 6 42 Part 1000 634........................................................2 Part 2701 685.........................................................50 Part 27 690d........................................................50 Part 27 701 et seq..................................................5 Part 251 [[Page 965]] 12 Part 1209 701--721...............................................21 Parts 12, 13 701--706....................................................21 Part 10 46 Part 501 702--704........................................21 Parts 606, 607, 640 702........................................................22 Part 713 735........................................................25 Part 500 752.........................................................50 Part 27 801--804.....................................................16 Part 1 1001 et seq.................................................21 Part 14 1001--1011.................................................29 Part 520 1008.......................................................14 Part 201 1101 note.............................................5 Parts 250, 950 1103....5 Parts 110, 179, 250, 293, 300, 332, 410, 412, 734, 754, 920, 892, 1400 31 Part 212 45 Part 8010 1104....5 Parts 230, 250, 251, 293, 300, 302, 315, 319, 330, 332, 337, 339, 534, 575, 591, 734, 754, 842, 844, 846, 930 1201 et seq................................................5 Part 1200 1204.....5 Parts 1201, 1202, 1203, 1204, 1205, 1208, 1209, 1210, 1216, 7401 1212.................5 Parts 1800, 1810, 1811, 1820, 1830, 1840, 10201 1221.......................................................5 Part 1209 1302....5 Parts 151, 210, 211, 212, 230, 250, 293, 300, 302, 315, 330, 332, 337, 339, 351, 359, 715, 731, 771, 772, 930 1305.................................................5 Parts 930, 1201 1320........................................................7 Part 400 1401........................................................5 Part 250 1401 note...................................................5 Part 250 1402........................................................5 Part 250 1501--1508..................................................5 Part 151 2103........................................................5 Part 213 2105........................................................32 Part 86 2108..................................................5 Parts 211, 332 2108a.......................................................5 Part 211 2301..............................5 Parts 300, 315, 335, 410, 537, 900 2302...................5 Parts 300, 315, 335, 337, 410, 537, 900, 1209 2303........................................................28 Part 27 2634......................................................11 Part 9411 2638......................................................11 Part 9411 2903.......................................................46 Part 501 2951........................................................5 Part 293 32 Part 634 3101--3172.................................................5 Part 2636 3101 note...................................................5 Part 352 3104........................................................5 Part 319 3105........................................................5 Part 930 3109........................................................5 Part 304 32 Part 251 3110........................................................5 Part 310 3111........................................................5 Part 308 3112........................................................5 Part 720 3131 et seq.................................................5 Part 352 3132........................................................5 Part 214 3133........................................................5 Part 359 3136........................................................5 Part 359 3151........................................................28 Part 27 3161..................................................5 Parts 213, 534 3301.....5 Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 210, 212, 213, 230, 250, 293, 300, 301, 302, 307, 315, 316, 330, 332, 335, 337, 338, 339, 352, 715, 731, 732, 771, 772, 930, 1400 3302.....5 Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 210, 212, 213, 230, 250, 300, 301, 302, 307, 315, 316, 330, 332, 335, 337, 338, 339, 352, 359, 715, 732, 771, 772, 1400 3304....................5 Parts 315, 330, 332, 335, 337, 338, 339, 930 3307........................................................5 Part 213 3310........................................................5 Part 330 3312..................................................5 Parts 332, 339 3315........................................................5 Part 330 3317.......................................................5 Parts 332 3318..................................................5 Parts 332, 339 3319..................................................5 Parts 332, 337 3320..................................................5 Parts 339, 930 3323........................................................5 Part 930 3324........................................................5 Part 319 3325........................................................5 Part 319 3327........................................................5 Part 330 3330..................................................5 Parts 330, 335 3330a......................................................5 Part 1208 3330b......................................................5 Part 1208 3330d.......................................................5 Part 315 3344........................................................5 Part 930 3345......................................................49 Part 1502 3376........................................................5 Part 334 3392........................................................5 Part 317 3393........................................................5 Part 317 3395........................................................5 Part 317 3396........................................................5 Part 412 3397..................................................5 Parts 317, 412 3401 et seq.................................................5 Part 340 3401--3408................................................45 Part 1176 3401.......................................................32 Part 892 3401 note..................................................22 Part 506 3402.......................................................22 Part 506 3502........................................................5 Part 351 3503........................................................5 Part 351 3504........................................................5 Part 339 3521--3525..................................................5 Part 576 3584........................................................5 Part 352 3592........................................................5 Part 317 3593........................................................5 Part 317 3595........................................................5 Part 317 3596..................................................5 Parts 317, 359 3707........................................................5 Part 370 3716.......................................................39 Part 966 4101 et seq...........................................5 Parts 410, 412 4111........................................................34 Part 73 41 Parts 304-7, 304-8, 304-9 4118........................................................5 Part 930 4301 et seq.................................................5 Part 430 4301........................................................5 Part 930 4302........................................................5 Part 451 4303........................................................5 Part 432 4305..................................................5 Parts 293, 432 4315........................................................5 Part 293 4501--4509..................................................5 Part 451 4706........................................................5 Part 470 5108........................................................5 Part 319 5112........................................................5 Part 339 5115..................................................5 Parts 511, 531 5303........................................................5 Part 531 5304..................................................5 Parts 531, 534 5304 note...................................................5 Part 550 5305..................................................5 Parts 530, 531 [[Page 966]] 5305 note...................................................5 Part 550 5307.............................5 Parts 430, 530, 531, 534, 575, 1330 5333........................................................5 Part 531 5334..................................................5 Parts 531, 536 5335........................................................5 Part 531 5336........................................................5 Part 531 5338.............................................5 Parts 511, 530, 531 5343........................................................5 Part 532 5346........................................................5 Part 532 5351..................................................5 Parts 511, 534 5352........................................................5 Part 534 5353........................................................5 Part 534 5361--5366..................................................5 Part 536 5364........................................................5 Part 337 5372........................................................5 Part 930 5376..................................................5 Parts 319, 534 5377........................................................5 Part 535 5379........................................................5 Part 537 5382--5385..................................................5 Part 534 5504........................................................5 Part 550 5511--5512.................................................32 Part 527 5512........................................................40 Part 13 5514......................................5 Parts 179, 550, 1215, 2418 6 Part 11 7 Part 3 10 Parts 15, 16, 1710 12 Parts 267, 313, 608, 797, 1073, 1208, 1306, 1408 13 Part 140 14 Part 1261 16 Part 1027 17 Parts 141, 204 19 Part 201 20 Parts 361, 422 22 Parts 34, 213, 309, 512, 1007, 1506 24 Part 17 25 Part 513 28 Parts 11, 814 29 Parts 20, 1450, 1650, 4903 31 Parts 5, 285 32 Part 1697 34 Parts 31, 32 36 Part 1201 39 Part 961 40 Part 13 41 Part 105-56 45 Parts 30, 33, 607, 708, 1150, 1179, 2506 47 Part 1 49 Parts 92, 1002, 1017 5516--5517.................................................31 Part 215 5520.......................................................31 Part 215 5520a.......................................................5 Part 582 32 Part 113 39 Part 491 5524a.......................................................5 Part 550 5525.......................................................31 Part 210 5527........................................................5 Part 550 5533........................................................5 Part 550 5541..................................................5 Parts 534, 550 5542........................................................5 Part 551 9 Part 130 5545........................................................5 Part 550 5545a.......................................................5 Part 550 5545b.......................................................5 Part 550 5547........................................................5 Part 550 5548........................................................5 Part 550 5550........................................................5 Part 550 5550a.................................................5 Parts 534, 550 5553........................................................5 Part 550 5561 note.............................................5 Parts 870, 890 5569.......................................................22 Part 192 5570.......................................................22 Part 192 5570 note...................................................5 Part 550 5581--5583..................................................5 Part 178 5584.......................................................5 Part 2418 5595........................................................5 Part 550 5596........................................................5 Part 550 5701--5709.................................................12 Part 412 41 Part 101-7 5701 note......41 Parts 301-51, 301-52, 301-54, 301-70, 301-71, 301-76 5703.......................................................32 Part 161 5706b.......................................................5 Part 572 5707.......41 Parts 300-1, 300-2, 300-3, 300-70, 300-80, 301-1, 301-2, 301-10, 301-11, 301-12, 301-13, 301-30, 301-31, 301-50, 301-51, 301-52, 301-53, 301-54, 301-70, 301-71, 301-72, 301-73, 301-74, 301-75, 301-76, 304-1, 304-2, 304-3, 304-4, 304-5, 304-6 5721--5738..............................................41 Part 303-70 5723........................................................5 Part 572 5724b...................................................41 Part 302-17 5738.......41 Parts 300-1, 300-2, 300-3, 300-70, 300-80, 302-1, 302-2, 302-3, 302-4, 302-5, 302-6, 302-7, 302-8, 302-9, 302-10, 302-11, 302-12, 302-14, 302-15, 302-16, 302-17 5739....................................................41 Part 300-80 5741--5742................41 Parts 300-1, 300-2, 300-3, 300-70, 303-70 5753--5755..................................................5 Part 575 5756....................................................41 Part 302-14 5757........................................................5 Part 575 5903........................................................5 Part 591 5941..................................................5 Parts 531, 591 5942........................................................5 Part 591 5942a.......................................................5 Part 591 5948........................................................5 Part 595 6101..................................................5 Parts 550, 610 6103........................................................38 Part 19 6104........................................................5 Part 610 6129........................................................5 Part 630 6131.......................................................5 Part 2472 6133..................................................5 Parts 610, 630 6171 et seq................................................20 Part 704 6303........................................................5 Part 630 6304........................................................5 Part 630 46 Part 501 6305........................................................5 Part 630 6306..................................................5 Parts 550, 630 6308........................................................5 Part 630 6311..................................................5 Parts 550, 630 6326........................................................5 Part 630 6329c.......................................................5 Part 630 6329 note...................................................5 Part 630 6332........................................................5 Part 630 6334........................................................5 Part 630 6336........................................................5 Part 630 6340........................................................5 Part 630 6363........................................................5 Part 630 [[Page 967]] 6365........................................................5 Part 630 6367........................................................5 Part 630 6373........................................................5 Part 630 6383........................................................5 Part 630 6387........................................................5 Part 630 6391........................................................5 Part 630 6402.......................................................5 Part 2418 7105................................................5 Parts 2417, 5901 29 Part 458 7111.......................................................29 Part 458 7119..........................................5 Parts 2470, 2471, 2473 29 Part 1425 7120............................................29 Parts 457, 458, 459 7134.....5 Parts 2414, 2420, 2421, 2422, 2423, 2424, 2425, 2426, 2427, 2428, 2429, 2470, 2471, 2473 29 Parts 457, 458, 459, 1425 7135........................................................5 Part 251 7201..................................................5 Parts 300, 720 7204........................................................5 Part 300 7301........................................................3 Part 100 5 Parts 251, 715, 731, 735, 771, 772, 930, 1001, 1300, 1633, 1900, 2635, 3101, 3201, 3301, 3401, 3501, 3601, 3801, 3901, 3902, 4001, 4101, 4301, 4401, 4501, 4601, 4701, 5001, 5101, 5201, 5301, 5501, 5502, 5601, 5701, 5801, 6001, 6201, 6301, 6401, 6501, 6601, 6701, 6801, 6901, 7001, 7101, 7201, 7301, 7401, 7501, 7601, 7701, 7801, 8001, 8101, 8301, 8401, 8601, 8701, 9001, 9303, 9401, 9601, 10201, 10300 10 Part 1010 12 Parts 264, 336, 400, 601, 1401, 1600 13 Part 105 14 Part 1207 15 Part 0 16 Parts 5, 1030 22 Parts 705, 1001, 1100, 1504 24 Part 0 28 Part 45 29 Parts 100, 1600, 2703 34 Part 73 36 Parts 400, 811 43 Part 20 45 Parts 73, 680 46 Part 508 7302..................................................5 Parts 534, 730 7305......................................................5 Part 10101 7312.................................................5 Parts 732, 1400 7321 et seq..................................................11 Part 7 7325........................................................5 Part 734 7325d.......................................................5 Part 733 7342......................................................10 Part 1050 12 Part 264b 34 Part 73 41 Parts 101-49, 102-42 7351..........................................5 Parts 2635, 3601, 7501 34 Part 73 7353.....5 Parts 2635, 3101, 3601, 4001, 4101, 4601, 5101, 5201, 5501, 6001, 7501, 10300 15 Part 0 7361--7363..................................................5 Part 792 7501--7516..................................................7 Part 251 7504........................................................5 Part 752 7514........................................................5 Part 752 7521........................................................5 Part 930 7531--7533.................................................32 Part 891 7532.......................................................32 Part 156 7543........................................................5 Part 752 7701 et seq...........................................5 Parts 302, 352 7701.......................5 Parts 300, 531, 831, 841, 842, 1201, 1210 7901.....................................................41 Part 101-5 8101 et seq................................................20 Part 501 8101.......................................................32 Part 842 8102.......................................................32 Part 842 8102a.......................................................20 Part 10 8103........................................................20 Part 10 8116.......................................................32 Part 842 8121........................................................20 Part 61 8137........................................................20 Part 25 8141.......................................................32 Part 842 8145........................................20 Parts 1, 10, 25, 61, 71 8149........................................20 Parts 1, 10, 25, 61, 71 8151........................................5 Parts 302, 315, 330, 353 8171 et seq.....................................20 Parts 701, 702, 703 8331........................................................5 Part 849 8332........................................................5 Part 847 8334........................................................5 Part 831 8336........................................................5 Part 831 8336a............................................5 Parts 581, 582, 831 8337........................................5 Parts 213, 330, 831, 837 8339........................................................5 Part 831 8343a.......................................................5 Part 831 8344..................................................5 Parts 553, 837 8345..................................................5 Parts 838, 849 8345a.......................................................5 Part 849 8346.......................................................31 Part 212 8347.........................5 Parts 831, 835, 837, 838, 846, 847, 850 8351....................................5 Parts 1600, 1601, 1605, 1650 8401..................................................5 Parts 842, 849 8402........................................................5 Part 842 8412a............................................5 Parts 581, 582, 848 8414--8419..................................................5 Part 842 8414........................................................5 Part 317 8421........................................................5 Part 317 8422........................................................5 Part 841 8423........................................................5 Part 841 8424.................................................5 Parts 843, 1651 8432..........................................5 Parts 1600, 1603, 1651 8432a......................................................5 Part 1605 8432b...............................................5 Parts 1603, 1620 8432d.......................5 Parts 1600, 1601, 1605, 1650, 1651, 1653 8433..........................................5 Parts 1650, 1651, 1655 8434.......................................................5 Part 1650 8435..........................................5 Parts 1650, 1651, 1653 8436.......................................................5 Part 1653 8437.................................................5 Parts 880, 1653 8438.......................................................5 Part 1601 8439....................................5 Parts 1640, 1645, 1653, 1655 8440a......................................................5 Part 1620 8440b......................................................5 Part 1620 8440c......................................................5 Part 1620 8440e...............................................5 Parts 1600, 1620 8441--8442..................................................5 Part 843 8455........................................................5 Part 837 8456.............................................5 Parts 213, 330, 837 8461....5 Parts 835, 837, 838, 841, 842, 843, 844, 845, 846, 847, 848, 849, 850, 880 8466........................................................5 Part 849 8466a.......................................................5 Part 849 8467.................................................5 Parts 838, 1653 8468..................................................5 Parts 553, 837 [[Page 968]] 8469........................................................5 Part 841 8470........................................................5 Part 841 22 Part 17 31 Part 212 8474.....5 Parts 1600, 1601, 1603, 1605, 1620, 1631, 1632, 1639, 1640, 1645, 1650, 1651, 1653, 1655, 1690 8477........................................................28 Part 15 29 Parts 2570, 2584, 2589 8478--8578 note...........................................29 Part 2582 8501--8508.................................................20 Part 609 8508.......................................................20 Part 614 8701 note...................................................5 Part 870 8702........................................................5 Part 870 8702 note.............................................5 Parts 870, 890 8706........................................................5 Part 870 8709...................................48 Parts 2106, 2114, 2116, 2122 8714b.......................................................5 Part 870 8714c.......................................................5 Part 870 8716.............................................5 Parts 850, 870, 880 48 Parts 2101, 2102, 2103, 2104, 2109, 2110, 2115, 2116, 2124, 2128, 2129, 2131, 2132, 2137, 2143, 2144, 2146, 2149, 2152 8902......................................................48 Part 1615 8903c.......................................................5 Part 890 48 Part 1602, 1609 8913...................................5 Parts 850, 880, 890, 891, 892 48 Parts 1601, 1602, 1603, 1604, 1605, 1606, 1609, 1614, 1615, 1616, 1622, 1624, 1629, 1631, 1632, 1642, 1643, 1644, 1645, 1646, 1649, 1652, 1653 8956........................................................5 Part 875 8956 note...................................................5 Part 894 8962........................................................5 Part 894 8992........................................................5 Part 894 9008........................................................5 Part 875 9101........................................................5 Part 911 32 Part 99 9201--9206........................5 Parts 302, 317, 319, 330, 731, 920 9201--9205..................................................5 Part 754 9501 et seq................................................26 Part 801 9701.......................................................5 Part 9701 9902.......................................................5 Part 9901 12024............................................41 Parts 102-2, 102-3 13101 et seq.................................5 Parts 2634, 2635, 10300 22 Part 171 13101--13146...............................................5 Part 3601 5 U.S.C. Appendix App.......5 Parts 295, 2600, 2601, 2606, 2608, 2610, 2640, 2641, 3101, 3201, 3301, 3401, 3501, 3801, 3901, 3902, 4001, 4101, 4301, 4401, 4501, 4601, 4701, 5001, 5101, 5201, 5301, 5501, 5502, 5601, 5701, 5801, 6001, 6201, 6301, 6401, 6501, 6601, 6701, 6801, 6901, 7001, 7101, 7201, 7401, 7501, 7601, 7701, 7801, 7901, 8001, 8101, 8301, 8401, 8601, 8701, 9001, 9303, 9401, 9601, 9800, 10101, 10201 5 Part 9801 7 Parts 11, 15F, 1900, 2610 10 Parts 1, 7, 1010 15 Part 0 16 Part 5 29 Parts 1, 5, 6, 8, 70, 71, 579, 580, 1430, 2550 34 Parts 11, 204, 298 39 Part 3 40 Parts 150, 191 41 Part 101-6 43 Parts 20, 1780 I............................................................7 Part 1a 16 Parts 16, 1018 45 Part 2102 50 Part 510 II..........................................................7 Part 612 34 Part 11 III--IV...................................................15 Part 2637 1..........................................................40 Part 194 44 Part 2 2.................................................29 Parts 1912, 1912a 33 Part 1 34 Part 33 3..........................................................7 Part 2620 10 Part 708 11 Part 7 12 Parts 603, 1403 13 Parts 101, 115 24 Parts 2002, 2003 28 Part 45 29 Part 100 39 Parts 221, 222, 230, 265, 501 45 Part 1630 8G........................................................45 Part 1149 11..........................................................29 Part 70 101--505......................................5 Parts 2604, 2611, 2638 237........................................................29 Part 237 401.........................................................32 Part 93 402.........................................................32 Part 93 6 U.S.C. 1 et seq.........................................6 Parts 9, 11, 15, 17 8 Parts 1, 2, 103, 287 19 Part 24 101 et seq..........................................6 Parts 5, 13, 115 8 Part 241 19 Part 101 44 Parts 1, 61, 62, 204, 206, 296 101.................................44 Parts 78, 79, 80, 201, 207, 208 101 note.....................................................33 Part 2 6 Part 115 111..........................................................6 Part 37 8 Part 212 46 Part 1 112.................................................6 Parts 3, 37, 126 8 Parts 1, 236, 292 142...........................................................6 Part 5 202..............................................8 Parts 212, 214, 236 236.........................................................8 Part 214 232.....................................................41 Part 102-81 251.........................................................8 Part 236 271.........................................................8 Part 212 279.........................................................8 Part 236 45 Part 410 291.........................................................8 Part 236 313........................................................44 Part 333 314........................................................44 Part 333 441--444.....................................................6 Part 25 468..........................................................33 Part 2 46 Part 1 469..........................................49 Parts 1515, 1570, 1572 521........................................................8 Part 1003 552........................................33 Parts 133, 136, 137, 138 46 Part 1 [[Page 969]] 624..........................................................6 Part 27 671--674.....................................................6 Part 29 943...............................................19 Parts 4, 103, 149 1131...............................................49 Parts 1570, 1582 1134...............................................49 Parts 1570, 1582 1137.........................................49 Parts 1500, 1570, 1582 1142......................................................29 Part 1982 49 Parts 1503, 1570 1143......................................................49 Part 1570 1151...................................49 Parts 1500, 1570, 1580, 1584 1162...............................................49 Parts 1570, 1580 1167.........................................49 Parts 1500, 1570, 1580 1170......................................................49 Part 1570 1181...............................................49 Parts 1570, 1584 1184.........................................49 Parts 1500, 1570, 1584 7 U.S.C. 1a..........................................................12 Part 22 17 Parts 1, 3, 4, 5, 9, 15, 20, 21, 23, 30, 32, 33, 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 150, 151, 166, 190 2....................................................12 Parts 240, 349 17 Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 50, 140, 145, 150, 151, 165, 166, 190, 240 2a......................................................17 Parts 2, 21 4.........................................17 Parts 18, 21, 32, 33, 145 4a.........................................................5 Part 5101 17 Parts 9, 11, 14, 141, 142, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 171 5................17 Parts 1, 15, 18, 20, 37, 40, 42, 48, 150, 151, 165 6...17 Parts 1, 4, 5, 20, 23, 30, 34, 35, 37, 38, 40, 42, 48, 50, 145, 150, 151 6a--6o......................................................17 Part 33 6a--6i.......................................................17 Part 5 6a.............17 Parts 1, 3, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 23, 38, 150, 151 6b........................17 Parts 1, 3, 4, 23, 42, 145, 155, 156, 166 6b-1.................................................17 Parts 3, 9, 23 6c.....17 Parts 1, 3, 4, 8, 9, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 30, 32, 34, 35, 37, 38, 145, 150, 151, 155, 156, 166, 180, 190 6d..........................................................12 Part 22 17 Parts 1, 3, 17, 38, 42, 145, 166, 170, 190 6e..............................................17 Parts 1, 3, 38, 145 6f............17 Parts 1, 3, 15, 17, 18, 20, 21, 38, 42, 145, 150, 151 6g...17 Parts 1, 3, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 38, 42, 145, 150, 151, 155, 166, 190 6h..................................................17 Parts 1, 3, 166 6i...........................17 Parts 1, 3, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 38 6j...........................................17 Parts 38, 41, 155, 156 6k.....................17 Parts 1, 3, 5, 15, 18, 21, 38, 145, 155, 166 6l..............................................17 Parts 1, 4, 38, 166 6m.......................17 Parts 1, 3, 4, 5, 15, 18, 21, 38, 145, 170 6n............................17 Parts 1, 3, 4, 5, 15, 18, 21, 38, 145 6o............................................17 Parts 1, 3, 4, 5, 166 6p.........................................17 Parts 1, 3, 23, 145, 170 6r..................................................17 Parts 1, 23, 45 6s..............................................12 Parts 45, 624, 1221 17 Parts 1, 3, 23, 170, 237 6t...................................17 Parts 17, 18, 20, 23, 150, 151 7--7b.......................................................17 Part 33 7...............17 Parts 1, 9, 15, 16, 17, 21, 37, 38, 40, 42, 45, 166 7a................17 Parts 1, 8, 15, 17, 21, 37, 40, 42, 100, 145, 156 7a-1........................................................12 Part 22 17 Parts 1, 39, 42, 45, 50, 190 7a-2.....................................17 Parts 1, 9, 37, 38, 41, 42 7b.............................................17 Parts 1, 38, 42, 145 7b-1...................................................17 Parts 38, 42 7b-2..................................................17 Parts 42, 160 7b-3.....................................17 Parts 1, 9, 16, 37, 38, 45 8......................................17 Parts 1, 3, 5, 9, 33, 38, 40 9...........17 Parts 1, 3, 5, 9, 11, 15, 23, 33, 38, 42, 143, 165, 180 9a...........................................17 Parts 3, 5, 9, 23, 143 10a.....................................................17 Parts 1, 38 11..........................................................17 Part 33 12..............17 Parts 1, 3, 5, 9, 11, 23, 38, 40, 42, 145, 180, 190 12a......17 Parts 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 37, 38, 41, 42, 43, 45, 48, 49, 100, 140, 143, 144, 145, 148, 150, 151, 155, 156, 160, 165, 166, 170, 171 12c.......................................17 Parts 1, 8, 9, 33, 38, 42 13...................................................17 Parts 140, 143 13a...................................17 Parts 1, 33, 38, 42, 143, 165 13a-1.................................17 Parts 1, 33, 38, 42, 143, 165 13b.................................17 Parts 3, 5, 9, 23, 33, 143, 165 13c..............................................17 Parts 3, 5, 23, 42 15....................................................17 Parts 11, 180 15b..........................................................7 Part 27 16.............................................17 Parts 1, 38, 42, 140 16a...................................17 Parts 1, 3, 5, 9, 23, 38, 145 18............................................17 Parts 3, 5, 9, 12, 23 19.....17 Parts 1, 3, 5, 9, 15, 18, 20, 21, 23, 33, 38, 145, 150, 155, 190 21.....17 Parts 1, 3, 5, 9, 15, 21, 23, 33, 38, 42, 145, 166, 170, 171 23...............................17 Parts 1, 3, 4, 5, 31, 38, 145, 166 24.............................................17 Parts 1, 38, 45, 190 24a....................................................17 Parts 43, 49 26.........................................................17 Part 165 27 et seq.........................................12 Parts 44, 48, 349 51--65.......................................................7 Part 28 61............................................................7 Part 1 71 et seq...................................................7 Part 802 71--87k..........................................7 Parts 800, 801, 810 87e...........................................................7 Part 1 94..........................................................7 Part 160 135 et seq.............................................40 Parts 9, 451 135h........................................................19 Part 12 136 et seq.................................................2 Part 1500 19 Part 12 29 Part 1440 40 Parts 32, 34, 35, 40 136--136y.......40 Parts 3, 9, 152, 153, 155, 156, 158, 159, 162, 165, 166, 168, 171, 174, 451 136........................................................40 Part 167 136a........................................................7 Part 110 40 Parts 26, 160, 172 136c.................................................40 Parts 160, 172 136d............................................40 Parts 153, 160, 164 136f............................................40 Parts 160, 169, 172 [[Page 970]] 136i-1......................................................7 Part 110 136j.......................................................40 Part 160 136n........................................................40 Part 23 136p.......................................................40 Part 166 136r........................................................40 Part 46 136t.......................................................40 Part 160 136v.................................................40 Parts 160, 162 136w......40 Parts 23, 26, 153, 157, 160, 162, 166, 169, 170, 172, 173 136w-2.....................................................40 Part 173 138--138i.............................................9 Parts 300, 301 138f..............................9 Parts 381, 391, 439, 530, 531, 532 151--162....................................................19 Part 12 181--229c...................................................9 Part 201 182.........................................................9 Part 203 198--198b...................................................9 Part 206 222...................................................9 Parts 201, 206 228...........................................................7 Part 1 9 Part 202 241 et seq..................................................7 Part 869 268...........................................................7 Part 1 281.........................................................7 Part 322 291...........................................................7 Part 1 292...........................................................7 Part 1 341--349.....................................................7 Part 18 343........................................................7 Part 3419 361c.......................................................7 Part 3419 394.........................................................9 Part 307 428a.......................................................36 Part 254 443.........................................................50 Part 90 450.........................................................7 Part 110 9 Parts 94, 300, 301, 416, 418, 430, 439, 441, 500, 530, 531, 532, 555, 559, 560, 561 450b.......................................................15 Part 911 450i.......................................................7 Part 3400 471--476.....................................................7 Part 28 473b.........................................................7 Part 27 494..........................................................7 Part 48 499a--499t...................................................7 Part 46 499f.........................................................7 Part 47 499o.....................................................7 Parts 1, 47 502..........................................................7 Part 30 511 et seq...................................................7 Part 29 511b.........................................................7 Part 29 511d.........................................................7 Part 29 511m.........................................................7 Part 29 511r.........................................................7 Part 29 511s.........................................................7 Part 29 518--519a..................................................7 Part 1463 587..........................................................7 Part 33 591--599.....................................................7 Part 35 601--674.....7 Parts 900, 905, 906, 915, 917, 920, 923, 925, 926, 927, 929, 930, 932, 944, 945, 948, 955, 956, 958, 959, 966, 980, 981, 982, 983, 984, 985, 987, 989, 990, 993, 999, 1000, 1001, 1005, 1006, 1007, 1030, 1032, 1033, 1051, 1124, 1126, 1131, 1135 608c..........................................................7 Part 1 612c......................................7 Parts 80, 81, 82, 250, 784 612c note.............................................7 Parts 247, 250 714b--714c.................................................7 Part 1463 714b.......................................................7 Part 1407 901 et seq.....7 Parts 1700, 1703, 1709, 1710, 1714, 1717, 1718, 1720, 1721, 1724, 1726, 1728, 1730, 1734, 1735, 1737, 1738, 1739, 1740, 1744, 1751, 1752, 1753, 1755, 1767, 1770, 1773, 1785, 1786, 1788, 1792 901--950b...........................................7 Parts 1786, 1787 903........................................................7 Part 1787 940c.......................................................7 Part 1720 950cc......................................................7 Part 1740 950aaa et seq.................................7 Parts 1734, 1740, 1752 1010--1012...........................................36 Parts 213, 222 1010--1011..................................7 Parts 601, 613, 650, 654 1010a.......................................................7 Part 657 1011........................36 Parts 212, 214, 222, 251, 254, 261, 262 1208.......................................................7 Part 7401 1301..........................................................7 Part 5 1308.................................................7 Parts 795, 1400 1308-1.....................................................7 Part 1400 1308-2.....................................................7 Part 1400 1308-3.....................................................7 Part 1400 1308-3a....................................................7 Part 1400 1308-4.....................................................7 Part 1400 1308-5.....................................................7 Part 1400 1314f........................................................7 Part 29 1359aa--1359jj.............................................7 Part 1435 1361........................................................40 Part 22 1372........................................................7 Part 714 1375....................................................7 Parts 5, 714 1385........................................................7 Part 707 1421.......................................................7 Part 1425 1421 note...................................................7 Part 301 1423.........................................................7 Part 29 1431..................................................7 Parts 250, 252 1431b.......................................................7 Part 250 1431e.......................................................7 Part 250 1431 note...................................................7 Part 250 1441..................................................7 Parts 29, 1425 1445b-2....................................................7 Part 1403 1445d......................................................7 Part 1401 1446a-1.....................................................7 Part 250 1501 et seq...............................................48 Part 6102 1501--1531..................................................7 Part 718 1501--1508.................................................7 Part 1437 1506...........................7 Parts 3, 400, 402, 407, 412, 457, 460 1508........................................................7 Part 400 1508b......................................................7 Part 1412 1515.................................................7 Parts 400, 1405 1516........................................................7 Part 400 1522........................................................7 Part 400 1523........................................................7 Part 400 1524.......................................................7 Part 1465 1531........................................................7 Part 760 1581--1610..................................................7 Part 361 1582........................................................7 Part 202 1585........................................................7 Part 202 1592...............................................7 Parts 1, 201, 202 19 Part 12 1598--1599..................................................7 Part 202 1603--1604..................................................7 Part 202 1621 et seq.........................................7 Parts 50, 60, 65 1621--1630.................................................50 Part 261 1621--1627.....7 Parts 31, 32, 36, 51, 52, 53, 54, 56, 58, 62, 63, 70, 94, 170, 18868 9 Parts 300, 592 1621 note..................................................7 Part 1291 1622........................7 Parts 27, 42, 43, 61, 75, 90, 91, 93, 98 9 Parts 92, 93, 98, 130, 149, 156, 350, [[Page 971]] 351, 352, 354, 362, 391, 439 50 Part 260 1623.......................................................7 Part 4285 1624................7 Parts 1, 28, 42, 43, 61, 75, 90, 91, 93, 98, 160 9 Parts 156, 350, 351, 352, 354 50 Part 260 1627.........................................................7 Part 66 9 Part 391 1631........................................................9 Part 205 1633..................................................7 Parts 319, 330 9 Parts 318, 319, 325, 381, 417, 424, 431, 548 1635--1636i..................................................7 Part 59 1636b.........................................................7 Part 1 1637--1637b................................................7 Part 1170 1638b.........................................................7 Part 1 1639o note..................................................7 Part 990 1639p.......................................................7 Part 990 1639q.......................................................7 Part 990 1639r.......................................................7 Part 990 1691--1762b................................................48 Part 470 1701--1704...................................................7 Part 17 1707a......................................................7 Part 1488 1726a......................................................22 Part 211 1726c......................................................7 Part 1590 1731--1736g-3..............................................48 Part 470 1731--1736b..................................................7 Part 17 1736f........................................................7 Part 17 1736o......................................................7 Part 1499 48 Part 470 1736o-1....................................................7 Part 1599 48 Part 470 1854........................................................19 Part 12 1859........................................................7 Part 250 1901--1906...9 Parts 300, 301, 313, 318, 319, 325, 416, 417, 424, 430, 431, 439, 441, 500 1901.........................................................9 Part 88 1921 et seq....7 Parts 1700, 1710, 1714, 1721, 1724, 1726, 1728, 1730, 1735, 1737, 1744, 1751, 1755, 1767, 1770, 1773, 1788, 1792 1921--2008v.................................................7 Part 718 1926....................................7 Parts 1774, 1783, 4284, 5001 1926e......................................................7 Part 1776 1932..............................7 Parts 1948, 4284, 4279, 4287, 5001 29 Part 75 1932 note..................................................7 Part 4274 1961........................................................7 Part 759 1981.......................................7 Parts 3, 1740, 1752, 1782 1981a.........................................................7 Part 3 1981d...................................................7 Parts 3, 766 1989....7 Parts 759, 761, 762, 763, 764, 765, 766, 767, 768, 769, 771, 772, 785, 1775, 1777, 1778, 1780, 1781, 1806, 1810, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1910, 1924, 1925, 1927, 1930, 1940, 1942, 1950, 1951, 1955, 1956, 1962, 1965, 1980, 2045, 3565, 3570, 4274, 4279, 4280, 4284, 4287, 4288, 4290 2008h.........................................................7 Part 3 2008s......................................................7 Part 4280 2009cc et seq..............................................7 Part 4290 2011--2036...7 Parts 251, 253, 271, 272, 273, 274, 275, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280, 281, 282, 283, 285 2014........................................................7 Part 250 2025........................................................7 Part 250 2101--2118.................................................7 Part 1205 2101 note..................................................7 Part 1471 2102--2119.................................................7 Part 1051 2131--2159.............................................9 Parts 1, 2, 3 2131......................................................14 Part 1232 2149..........................................................9 Part 4 2151..........................................................7 Part 1 9 Part 4 2201.......................................................7 Part 4285 36 Part 272 2206a......................................................7 Part 3300 2206b......................................................7 Part 3203 2219........................................................9 Part 330 2270.......................................................7 Part 2610 2279.......................................................7 Part 2500 2279-1........................................................7 Part 7 2279e.........................................................7 Part 1 2321 et seq..................................................7 Part 97 2611--2627..........................................7 Parts 1200, 1207 2621..........................................................7 Part 1 2661 et seq..................................................7 Part 15 2668.........................................................7 Part 23 2701--2718..........................................7 Parts 1200, 1250 2714..........................................................7 Part 1 2901--2911..........................................7 Parts 1200, 1260 2908..........................................................7 Part 1 3007........................................................7 Part 249 3103.......................................................7 Part 3434 3125a...................................................7 Parts 1, 505 3151a......................................................7 Part 3431 3222d......................................................7 Part 3419 3316..............................7 Parts 3401, 3402, 3405, 3406, 3430 3318........................................................7 Part 550 3501 et seq.................................................7 Part 781 3801--3813..................................................9 Part 166 3804........................................................9 Part 167 3805........................................................9 Part 167 3811........................................................9 Part 167 3812..........................................................7 Part 1 4201--4209..................................................7 Part 658 4403.......................................................7 Part 3300 4501--4514..........................................7 Parts 1150, 1200 4501........................................................7 Part 760 4610..........................................................7 Part 1 4801--4819..........................................7 Parts 1200, 1230 4815..........................................................7 Part 1 4901--4916..........................................7 Parts 1200, 1210 4910..........................................................7 Part 1 5101--5106.................................................36 Part 222 5101--5104..................................................7 Part 785 5602.......................................................7 Part 1493 5622.......................................................7 Part 1493 5623....................................7 Parts 1484, 1485, 1486, 1487 5661.......................................................7 Part 1493 5662..............................7 Parts 1484, 1485, 1486, 1487, 1493 5663........................7 Parts 1484, 1485, 1486, 1487, 1493, 1570 5664................................................7 Parts 1485, 1493 5676............................................7 Parts 17, 1493, 1570 5712.........................................................7 Part 20 5921.......................................................7 Part 3415 6009..........................................................7 Part 1 6101--6112..........................................7 Parts 1200, 1209 6107..........................................................7 Part 1 6207..........................................................7 Part 1 6301--6311..........................................7 Parts 1200, 1220 6307..........................................................7 Part 1 [[Page 972]] 6401--6417..........................................7 Parts 1160, 1200 6411..........................................................7 Part 1 6501--6524..................................................7 Part 205 6519..........................................................7 Part 1 6520..........................................................7 Part 1 6808..........................................................7 Part 1 6912..........................................................7 Part 2 6932........................................................7 Part 614 6934.......................................................7 Part 2500 6941 et seq....7 Parts 1700, 1710, 1714, 1717, 1718, 1721, 1724, 1726, 1728, 1730, 1735, 1737, 1744, 1751, 1755, 1767, 1770, 1773, 1785, 1786, 1788, 1789, 1792, 1794 6941.......................................................7 Part 2003 6962........................................................7 Part 600 6991 et seq.....................................7 Parts 11, 1900, 1902 6995..................................................7 Parts 614, 780 7101 note..................................................7 Part 1471 7107..........................................................7 Part 1 7201--7334..................................................7 Part 718 7231--7237....................................7 Parts 1421, 1427, 1434 7253.....7 Parts 1000, 1001, 1005, 1006, 1007, 1030, 1032, 1033, 1051, 1124, 1126, 1131, 1135 7272.......................................................7 Part 1435 7285.......................................................7 Part 1402 7333.......................................................7 Part 1437 7401......7 Parts 900, 1150, 1160, 1205, 1206, 1207, 1209, 1210, 1212, 1214, 1215, 1216, 1217, 1218, 1219, 1220, 1221, 1222, 1223, 1230, 1250, 1260 7411--7425.....7 Parts 1200, 1206, 1212, 1214, 1216, 1217, 1218, 1221, 1222, 1223, 1280 7416a......................................................7 Part 1405 7481--7491..........................................7 Parts 1200, 1215 7612.......................................................7 Part 3418 7701--7772...7 Parts 300, 301, 302, 305, 318, 319, 322, 330, 340, 351, 352, 353, 354, 360, 380 9 Part 94 7701.......................................................5 Part 1209 7711--7714..................................................7 Part 351 7721........................................................7 Part 351 7734..........................................................7 Part 1 7754........................................................7 Part 351 7755........................................................7 Part 351 7781--7786...7 Parts 300, 301, 302, 305, 318, 319, 322, 330, 340, 351, 352, 353, 354, 360, 380 9 Part 94 7801--7813..........................................7 Parts 1200, 1219 7901 note...................................................7 Part 247 7911--7912.................................................7 Part 1412 7931--7939.................................................7 Part 1425 7931--7936....................................7 Parts 1421, 1427, 1434 7958........................................................7 Part 996 7971.......................................................7 Part 1436 7991.......................................................7 Part 1405 7996........................................................7 Part 635 8102....................................7 Parts 2902, 2904, 3201, 3202 8104.......................................................7 Part 2903 8107.......................................................7 Part 5001 8107a......................................................7 Part 1719 8108.......................................................7 Part 1424 8110.......................................................7 Part 1435 8111.......................................................7 Part 8111 8301--8317.......................................7 Parts 319, 330, 354 9 Parts 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 85, 86, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 122, 123, 130, 145, 146, 147, 149, 160, 161, 162 8313..........................................................7 Part 1 8401........................................................7 Part 331 9 Part 121 8702.......................................................7 Part 1412 8711--8712.................................................7 Part 1412 8751--8752.................................................7 Part 1412 8772.......................................................7 Part 1145 8788.......................................................7 Part 1413 8789.......................................................7 Part 1436 8792........................................................7 Part 755 9011.......................................................7 Part 1427 9031--9040....................................7 Parts 1421, 1427, 1434 9037........................................................7 Part 870 9051--9060.................................................7 Part 1430 9071.......................................................7 Part 1430 8 U.S.C. 226a........................................................8 Part 289 451.........................................................8 Part 289 801.........................................................8 Part 349 1101......8 Parts 1, 103, 106, 204, 205, 207, 208, 209, 211, 212, 214, 215, 216, 221, 231, 233, 235, 245, 245a, 247, 248, 258, 270, 274a, 286, 299, 343, 1001, 1003, 1103, 1204, 1205, 1207, 1208, 1209, 1211, 1212, 1214, 1216, 1235, 1245, 1270, 1274a 19 Part 4 20 Part 655 22 Parts 41, 42, 62 28 Part 1100 29 Parts 501, 502, 503, 504, 507 34 Parts 676, 692 1101 note..............8 Parts 3, 212, 235, 299, 324, 343a, 1212, 1235 20 Part 655 22 Part 22 28 Part 65 1102.................................8 Parts 211, 212, 214, 1212, 1214 22 Part 41 1103..................................................8 Parts 106, 213 6 Part 115 8 Parts 1, 2, 3, 100, 101, 103, 204, 205, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 216, 217, 221, 223, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 239, 240, 241, 244, 245, 245a, 246, 247, 248, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 258, 264, 265, 270, 271, 273, 274, 274a, 280, 286, 287, 289, 292, 299, 301, 306, 310, 312, 313, 315, 316, 318, 319, 320, 322, 324, 325, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340, 341, 342, 343, 343a, 343b, 343c, 349, 392, 1001, 1003, 1101, 1103, 1204, 1205, 1207, 1208, 1209, 1211, 1212, 1214, 1216, 1235, 1236, 1239, 1240, 1241, 1244, 1245, 1246, 1249, 1270, 1274a, 1280, 1287, 1292, 1299, 1337 20 Part 655 28 Parts 8, 9, 44, 68, 1100 45 Part 410 1104.................................................8 Parts 215, 1215 22 Parts 40, 41, 42, 46, 50, 51, 131 [[Page 973]] 28 Part 1100 1105a......................................................8 Part 274a 1151...........................8 Parts 204, 205, 207, 1204, 1205, 1207 1153......................................8 Parts 204, 205, 1204, 1205 1153 note...................................................22 Part 22 1154.....................8 Parts 204, 205, 216, 1003, 1204, 1205, 1216 22 Part 42 1155...........................................8 Parts 205, 1003, 1205 1157......................................8 Parts 207, 209, 1207, 1209 1157 note...................................................22 Part 22 1158..........................8 Parts 208, 209, 1003, 1208, 1209, 1240 1159......................................8 Parts 207, 209, 1207, 1209 1160........................................................8 Part 210 1181.............................................8 Parts 223, 316, 211 1182........................................................6 Part 115 8 Parts 204, 205, 207, 211, 212, 214, 223, 231, 233, 236, 240, 241, 245, 249, 251, 253, 287, 316, 1003, 1204, 1205, 1207, 1211, 1212, 1214, 1236, 1240, 1241, 1245, 1249, 1287 20 Parts 655, 656 22 Parts 40, 41, 42, 62 29 Parts 504, 507 42 Part 34 45 Parts 50, 51 1182 note............................................8 Parts 212, 1212 20 Part 655 29 Part 507 1183............................................8 Parts 213, 235, 1235 1183a......................................................8 Part 213a 22 Part 40 1183a note..................................................22 Part 22 1184.......8 Parts 204, 212, 214, 215, 216, 248, 252, 1212, 1214, 1216 20 Part 655 22 Parts 22, 41, 62 29 Parts 501, 502, 503, 507 1184 note..................................................20 Part 655 29 Part 508 1185--1201.................................................8 Part 1235 1185...................................8 Parts 51, 215, 235, 252, 1215 22 Parts 46, 53 1185n.......................................................22 Part 51 1185 note..................................8 Parts 100, 212, 235, 1212 22 Parts 41, 53 1186a....8 Parts 204, 205, 214, 216, 223, 240, 1204, 1205, 1214, 1216, 1240 1186b..........................................8 Parts 216, 1216, 1240 1187.................................8 Parts 212, 214, 217, 1212, 1214 1188.................................................20 Parts 654, 655 29 Parts 501, 502 1189.................................................31 Parts 501, 597 1201.............................................8 Parts 221, 235, 264 22 Parts 22, 42 1202.......................................................22 Part 172 1203.................................................8 Parts 223, 1211 1221.......8 Parts 214, 231, 233, 234, 239, 251, 280, 1214, 1239, 1280 19 Part 4 1222........................................................8 Part 232 42 Part 34 1223--1228..................................................8 Part 241 1223........................................................6 Part 115 8 Parts 212, 280, 1212, 1241, 1280 1224........................................................6 Part 115 8 Parts 232, 235, 236, 240, 1235, 1236, 1241 1225........................................................6 Part 115 8 Parts 211, 212, 223, 235, 236, 240, 287, 1211, 1212, 1235, 1236, 1240, 1241, 1287 1226........................................................6 Part 115 8 Parts 208, 212, 223, 235, 236, 240, 287, 1003, 1208, 1212, 1235, 1236, 1240, 1241, 1287 1227........................................................6 Part 115 8 Parts 211, 212, 223, 236, 240, 280, 1212, 1236, 1240, 1241, 1280 1228........................................................6 Part 115 8 Parts 209, 231, 233, 235, 238, 1209, 1235, 1238, 1240 1229.................8 Parts 231, 233, 234, 239, 280, 1003, 1239, 1280 1229a--1229c........................................8 Parts 1003, 1240 1231........................................................6 Part 115 8 Parts 236, 241, 1003, 1236, 1241 1232........................................................8 Part 236 45 Part 410 1251........................................................6 Part 115 8 Parts 223, 240, 241, 287, 1241, 1287 1252...........8 Parts 208, 209, 232, 287, 318, 1208, 1209, 1287, 1299 28 Part 1100 1252 note.........................................8 Parts 3, 240, 1240 1252a.......................................................8 Part 240 1252b........................................8 Parts 3, 240, 292, 1292 1253........................................................6 Part 115 8 Parts 241, 280, 1241, 1280 1254--1256..................................................8 Part 246 1254...........................................8 Parts 244, 1244, 1246 1254a................................................8 Parts 106, 1003 20 Part 416 1254a note...........................................8 Parts 244, 1244 1254b.......................................................8 Part 106 1255........................................................6 Part 115 8 Parts 204, 212, 241, 245, 1003, 1204, 1212, 1241, 1245, 1246 1255a......................................................8 Part 245a 1255a note.................................................8 Part 245a 45 Part 402 1256.......................................................8 Part 1246 1257.................................................8 Parts 247, 1211 1258..................................................8 Parts 248, 252 22 Part 62 1259......................................8 Parts 246, 249, 1246, 1249 1260........................................................8 Part 250 1281.......................8 Parts 214, 251, 252, 258, 280, 1214, 1280 1282............8 Parts 208, 209, 214, 251, 252, 253, 1208, 1209, 1214 1283............................................8 Parts 253, 280, 1280 1284.................................................8 Parts 280, 1280 1285............................................8 Parts 253, 280, 1280 1286.................................................8 Parts 280, 1280 1288.......................................................20 Part 655 22 Part 89 29 Part 506 1301--1305...........................................8 Parts 214, 1214 1302........................................................8 Part 289 1303........................................................8 Part 264 1304.......................................8 Parts 103, 106, 264, 1103 1305..................................................8 Parts 264, 265 [[Page 974]] 1321........................................................8 Part 271 1322.................................................8 Parts 280, 1280 1323............................................8 Parts 273, 280, 1280 22 Part 41 1324..................................................8 Parts 205, 274 28 Parts 8, 9 1324a....................................8 Parts 215, 236, 274a, 1274a 28 Part 68 1324b.........................................................8 Part 3 28 Parts 44, 68 1324c................................................8 Parts 270, 1270 28 Part 68 1324d......................................................8 Part 1003 1330........................................................6 Part 115 8 Parts 241, 280, 1003, 1241, 1280 1351........................................................22 Part 22 1351 note...................................................22 Part 22 1356.......................................8 Parts 103, 106, 286, 1103 1356b.......................................................8 Part 103 1357.......................................8 Parts 214, 236, 287, 1287 1359..................................................8 Parts 212, 289 1361................................................8 Parts 1003, 1240 22 Part 41 1362........................................................6 Part 115 8 Parts 3, 236, 240, 241, 292, 1003, 1236, 1240, 1241, 1292 1363........................................................8 Part 293 1365a note......................................8 Parts 215, 235, 1235 1365b.......................................................8 Part 235 1372.................................................8 Parts 214, 1214 1372 note...................................................22 Part 62 1379............................................8 Parts 215, 235, 1235 1401--1504..................................................22 Part 50 1401........................................................8 Part 301 1406........................................................8 Part 306 1409........................................................8 Part 341 1421........................................................8 Part 310 1423........................................................8 Part 312 1424........................................................8 Part 313 1429.................................................8 Parts 318, 1299 1430........................................................8 Part 319 1435.................................................8 Parts 324, 343a 1436........................................................8 Part 325 1438........................................................8 Part 327 1439........................................................8 Part 328 1440..................................................8 Parts 329, 392 1440 note...................................................8 Part 392 1440-1......................................................8 Part 392 1443....8 Parts 306, 310, 312, 313, 315, 316, 318, 319, 320, 322, 324, 325, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340, 341, 343, 343a, 343b, 1337 22 Part 131 1444........................................................8 Part 341 1447..............................8 Parts 310, 312, 316, 332, 335, 336 1448...................8 Parts 310, 312, 324, 336, 337, 339, 341, 1337 1449.......................................................8 Part 1299 1452........................................................8 Part 341 1453........................................................8 Part 342 1454...........................................8 Parts 343, 343a, 343b 1455......................................8 Parts 341, 343, 343a, 343b 1504........................................................22 Part 51 1522.......................................................45 Part 400 1522 note..................................................45 Part 401 1611........................................................8 Part 236 1641.................................................8 Parts 204, 1204 22 Part 40 1713........................................................22 Part 22 1714...................................................22 Parts 22, 51 1714 note...................................................22 Part 22 1731--1732......................................8 Parts 215, 235, 1235 1946........................................................8 Part 349 2651a.......................................................22 Part 41 9 U.S.C. 306........................................................22 Part 194 794.......................................................32 Part 1699 1629.......................................................19 Part 162 10 U.S.C. 47.........................................................32 Part 152 113......2 Parts 1104, 1108, 1120, 1122, 1125, 1126, 1128, 1130, 1132, 1134, 1136, 1138 32 Parts 18, 21, 22, 28, 34, 37, 97, 103, 113, 114, 174, 175, 191, 725 121........................................................32 Part 247 125.......................................................32 Part 1280 128........................................................32 Part 223 131 et seq.........32 Parts 18, 355, 358, 363, 365, 373, 377, 385, 387 48 Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 131........................................................30 Part 376 31 Part 347 32 Parts 18, 187, 234 133........................................32 Parts 142, 145, 247, 765 133a.......................................................32 Part 369 136.............................................32 Parts 230, 231, 246 137........................................................32 Part 394 140c.......................................................32 Part 250 191........................................................32 Part 381 218........................................................32 Part 516 238........................................................32 Part 510 270........................................................32 Part 101 301........................................................32 Part 153 331........................................................32 Part 501 332.................................................32 Parts 501, 809a 333.................................................32 Parts 501, 809a 391..................................................31 Parts 210, 236 393........................................................32 Part 236 504.........................................................32 Part 66 505.........................................................32 Part 66 510........................................................32 Part 100 511..................................................32 Parts 100, 101 520.........................................................32 Part 66 532.........................................................32 Part 66 593........................................................32 Part 100 597........................................................32 Part 100 651........................................................32 Part 100 673a.......................................................32 Part 101 772.........................................................32 Part 53 801 et seq.............................32 Parts 86, 114, 151, 552, 635 806........................................................32 Part 776 806a.......................................................32 Part 776 814........................................................32 Part 589 815........................................................32 Part 719 826........................................................32 Part 776 827........................................................32 Part 776 866........................................................32 Part 150 [[Page 975]] 876b.......................................................28 Part 549 939........................................32 Parts 536, 755, 757, 842 956........................................................32 Part 765 972.........................................................32 Part 45 983........................................................32 Part 216 985........................................................32 Part 553 987........................................................32 Part 232 1034.......................................................15 Part 998 32 Parts 114, 723 1037............................................32 Parts 151, 516, 845 1044............................................32 Parts 114, 161, 776 1044a......................................................32 Part 221 1044e......................................................32 Part 114 1054........................................................28 Part 15 32 Part 536 1058..................................................32 Parts 61, 114 1059.................................................32 Parts 111, 114 1061--1064.................................................32 Part 161 1065.......................................................32 Part 225 1071 et seq..........................................32 Parts 199, 200 1072--1074.................................................32 Part 161 1074.......................................................32 Part 108 1074a--1074c...............................................32 Part 161 1076.......................................................32 Part 161 1076a......................................................32 Part 161 1077.......................................................32 Part 161 1079.......................................................32 Part 107 1089........................................................28 Part 15 32 Parts 516, 536 1091.......................................................15 Part 998 32 Part 107 1095.................................................32 Parts 161, 220 1097b......................................................32 Part 220 1108........................................................5 Part 890 1128.......................................................32 Part 553 1408.................................................32 Parts 114, 161 1481.......................................................32 Part 553 1482.......................................................32 Part 553 1552............................................32 Parts 516, 581, 723 33 Part 52 1553...................................32 Parts 70, 516, 581, 724, 865 33 Part 51 1554.......................................................32 Part 581 33 Part 50 1562.......................................................32 Part 635 1564.......................................................32 Part 156 1565........................................................28 Part 28 32 Part 635 1566a......................................................32 Part 233 1598.......................................................32 Part 254 1781........................................................32 Part 75 1783...................................................32 Parts 61, 79 1787........................................................32 Part 61 1791--1800..................................................32 Part 79 1794...................................................32 Parts 60, 61 2005........................................................32 Part 68 2006a.......................................................32 Part 68 2007........................................................32 Part 68 2036.......................................................32 Part 516 2112 et seq................................................32 Part 242 2127........................................................42 Part 57 2133.........................................................38 Part 3 2141 note...................................................38 Part 21 2151 et seq.................................................38 Part 21 2164...............................................32 Parts 57, 69, 89 2191......................................................32 Part 168A 2194.......................................................32 Part 273 2200.......................................................32 Part 240 2202.......................................................32 Part 173 2208.......................................................32 Part 273 2224.......................................................32 Part 236 2301 et seq...............................................48 Part 5433 2301--2314.................................................33 Part 210 2302.......................................................19 Part 133 2302 note..................................................5 Part 9302 2340 note....................................................32 Part 2 2397.......................................................32 Part 166 2476.......................................................32 Part 201 2481.......................................................32 Part 736 2501......................................................48 Part 5231 2538.......................................................15 Part 700 2541.......................................................32 Part 736 2542.......................................................32 Part 736 2546.......................................................32 Part 226 2554.................................................32 Parts 212, 213 2556.......................................................32 Part 226 2557.......................................................32 Part 273 2559.......................................................32 Part 108 2571.......................................................32 Part 623 2572.......................................................32 Part 273 2574.......................................................32 Part 621 2575.......................................32 Parts 281, 282, 283, 284 2576.......................................................32 Part 273 2576a......................................................32 Part 273 2576b......................................................32 Part 273 2577.......................................................32 Part 273 2601........................................................33 Part 17 2602........................................................22 Part 22 2606.................................................32 Parts 212, 213 2640.......................................................32 Part 861 2667.......................................................32 Part 623 2674.......................................................32 Part 234 2687 note..................................................24 Part 586 32 Parts 174, 176 2705.................................................32 Parts 202, 203 2710 et seq................................................32 Part 179 2731.......................................................32 Part 536 2733--2737.................................................32 Part 536 2733--2734b................................................32 Part 842 2733a.......................................................32 Part 45 2736--2737.................................................32 Part 842 2771.......................................32 Parts 281, 282, 283, 284 2809........................................................32 Part 79 2812........................................................32 Part 79 3012............................................32 Parts 534, 552, 631 33 Parts 209, 210, 245 3013............................................32 Parts 553, 581, 655 33 Part 385 3014.......................................................32 Part 581 3016.......................................................32 Part 581 48 Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53 3294........................................................32 Part 74 4308.......................................................32 Part 621 4506.......................................................32 Part 621 4507.......................................................32 Part 621 4594......................................................45 Part 2101 4627.......................................................32 Part 621 4655.......................................................32 Part 621 [[Page 976]] 4683.......................................................32 Part 273 4712.......................................32 Parts 281, 282, 283, 284 4721--4726.................................................32 Part 553 4801.......................................................32 Part 536 4802.......................................................32 Part 536 4803.................................................32 Parts 536, 537 4804.................................................32 Parts 536, 537 4806.......................................................32 Part 536 5013...................32 Parts 719, 725, 750, 751, 752, 755, 756, 757 5031.............................32 Parts 705, 720, 735, 746, 761, 765 5148.........................32 Parts 719, 720, 750--752, 755, 756, 757 5574........................................................32 Part 74 6011............................................32 Parts 761, 765, 770 7045.......................................................32 Part 240 7306.......................................................32 Part 273 7315......................................................48 Part 5231 7420.................................................15 Parts 754, 774 7430.................................................15 Parts 754, 774 7545.......................................................32 Part 273 7594.......................................................32 Part 507 7621--7623.................................................32 Part 752 7881.......................................................32 Part 765 8012.................................................32 Parts 845, 865 8013.......................................32 Parts 811, 842, 861, 989 8294........................................................32 Part 74 8720.................................................15 Parts 730, 738 8730.................................................15 Parts 730, 738 9441.......................................................32 Part 842 9442.......................................................32 Part 842 9712.......................................32 Parts 281, 282, 283, 284 9801--9804.................................................32 Part 842 9806.......................................................32 Part 842 10145.......................................................32 Part 44 12102.......................................................32 Part 66 12201.......................................................32 Part 66 12205..................................................32 Parts 66, 67 12731 et seq...............................................32 Part 161 30112......................................................32 Part 634 11 U.S.C. 109.........................................................28 Part 58 111.........................................................28 Part 58 362........................................................17 Part 190 507........................................................19 Part 141 546........................................................17 Part 190 548........................................................17 Part 190 556........................................................17 Part 190 727.........................................................28 Part 58 761--766...................................................17 Part 190 901........................................................17 Part 200 1109.......................................................17 Part 200 1141........................................................28 Part 58 1170......................................................49 Part 1152 1172......................................................49 Part 1180 1202........................................................28 Part 58 1302........................................................28 Part 58 1328........................................................28 Part 58 12 U.S.C. 1 et seq.....12 Parts 1, 5, 7, 13, 14, 16, 23, 27, 28, 32, 34, 37, 41, 43, 45, 47, 48, 50, 53 1..................................12 Parts 4, 21, 26, 30, 35, 44, 163 16......................................................12 Parts 8, 51 21..........................................................12 Part 25 22..........................................................12 Part 25 24...........12 Parts 1, 2, 9, 12, 14, 23, 24, 28, 37, 41, 44, 48, 208 24a...................................................12 Parts 5, 1501 25b.....................................................12 Parts 7, 34 26..........................................................12 Part 25 27..........................................................12 Part 25 29......................................................12 Parts 7, 34 30..........................................................12 Part 25 35...........................................................12 Part 5 36....................................................12 Parts 25, 208 71...........................................................12 Part 7 71a..........................................................12 Part 7 77ddd......................................................17 Part 260 78.........................................................12 Part 250 84..........................................................12 Part 32 90....................................31 Parts 202, 203, 208, 347, 380 92..................................................12 Parts 7, 14, 44 92a.............................................12 Parts 7, 9, 12, 208 93.........................................12 Parts 7, 19, 37, 43, 308 93a....12 Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16, 19, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 41, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 52, 53, 101, 163a, 208 95...........................................................12 Part 7 95a........................................................19 Part 161 161..............12 Parts 3, 4, 21, 25, 27, 28, 43, 44, 45, 48, 52, 53 164...................................................12 Parts 19, 308 191--200....................................................12 Part 51 214a.........................................................12 Part 5 215.....................................................12 Parts 5, 25 215a....................................................12 Parts 5, 25 215a-1--215a-3...............................................12 Part 5 215c.........................................................12 Part 5 221 et seq.................................12 Parts 211, 237, 244, 248 222........................................................12 Part 209 244........................................................5 Part 6801 12 Parts 264, 267, 268 248........................................................5 Part 6801 12 Parts 201, 204, 208, 209, 210, 214, 215, 217, 240, 246, 249, 250, 261, 262, 263, 264b, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 269a, 269b 248-1......................................................12 Part 210 263.............................................12 Parts 270, 271, 281 265........................................31 Parts 202, 203, 208, 380 266........................................31 Parts 202, 203, 208, 380 282........................................................12 Part 209 286--288...................................................12 Part 209 321 et seq.................................................12 Part 261 321--338a.............................12 Parts 208, 217, 240, 249, 252 321.............................................12 Parts 209, 228, 262 323........................................................12 Part 209 324........................................................12 Part 263 325..................................................12 Parts 228, 262 326........................................................12 Part 262 327........................................................12 Part 209 328........................................................12 Part 209 332..................................................31 Parts 203, 380 333........................................................12 Part 209 342........................................................12 Part 210 343 et seq.................................................12 Part 201 343--350...................................................12 Part 237 347a--347c.................................................12 Part 201 347a.......................................................12 Part 263 [[Page 977]] 348 et seq.................................................12 Part 201 348a.......................................................12 Part 214 357........................................................12 Part 201 358........................................................12 Part 214 360........................................................12 Part 210 371.................................................12 Parts 7, 30, 34 371b-2.....................................................12 Part 206 371c.................................................12 Parts 223, 250 371c-1...............................................12 Parts 223, 250 371d................................................12 Parts 5, 7, 208 374........................................................12 Part 201 374a.......................................................12 Part 201 375a.............................................12 Parts 31, 215, 337 375b.............................................12 Parts 31, 215, 337 378........................................................12 Part 303 391....31 Parts 202, 203, 209, 225, 240, 306, 321, 341, 346, 351, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356, 357, 359, 363, 375, 380 418........................................................31 Part 601 421........................................................31 Part 601 461.............................................12 Parts 201, 204, 208 464........................................................12 Part 210 466........................................................12 Part 209 481--486...................................12 Parts 208, 217, 249, 252 481........12 Parts 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 19, 24, 25, 27, 45, 47, 50, 51, 53 482..................................................12 Parts 4, 8, 51 483........................................................12 Part 262 484......................................................12 Parts 4, 7 504...................................................12 Parts 19, 263 505..................................................12 Parts 263, 308 601..................................................12 Parts 204, 208 602...................................................12 Parts 28, 262 611 et seq.................................................12 Part 261 611..................................................12 Parts 204, 208 611a.......................................................12 Part 262 625........................................................12 Part 262 632........................................................12 Part 214 635.............................................12 Parts 404, 412, 414 1254 note..................................................12 Part 628 1422......................................................12 Part 1263 1422a......................................12 Parts 950, 977, 980, 996 1422b.................................12 Parts 950, 977, 978, 985, 996 1423......................................................12 Part 1263 1424......................................................12 Part 1263 1426.......12 Parts 933, 950, 1229, 1238, 1239, 1261, 1263, 1274, 1277 1427.........................................12 Parts 1230, 1239, 1261 1429..........................................12 Parts 950, 1269, 1267 1430......12 Parts 950, 975, 1263, 1265, 1267, 1268, 1269, 1271, 1281, 1290, 1291, 1292 1430b.................12 Parts 950, 1264, 1265, 1267, 1268, 1269, 1281 1430c.....................................................12 Part 1281 1430o.....................................................12 Part 1209 1431........12 Parts 950, 975, 977, 980, 1230, 1265, 1267, 1268, 1269, 1270, 1271, 1272, 1273, 1274, 1281 1432...................12 Parts 977, 980, 1239, 1261, 1270, 1272, 1278 1435......................................................12 Part 1270 1436.........................................12 Parts 1239, 1267, 1277 1440.........................................12 Parts 1239, 1273, 1277 1441................................................12 Parts 995, 1271 1441b..............................................12 Parts 1510, 1511 1442.......................................12 Parts 4, 261, 1263, 1271 1443......................................................12 Part 1277 1446...............................................12 Parts 1277, 1278 1451 et seq.................................................24 Part 81 1451 note.................................................12 Part 1248 1452...................................12 Parts 1230, 1251, 1770, 1777 31 Parts 202, 203, 380 1456......................................................12 Part 1777 1461et seq.......................................12 Parts 48, 237, 244 1461........................................................12 Part 44 1462 et seq.................................................12 Part 50 1462...............................12 Parts 3, 169, 238, 239, 339, 390 1462a....12 Parts 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 14, 16, 21, 25, 26, 30, 32, 34, 35, 41, 44, 47, 48, 100, 101, 112, 141, 143, 144, 145, 150, 151, 155, 157, 160, 161, 163, 168, 169, 172, 192, 193, 194, 217, 238, 239, 339, 390 1463......12 Parts 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 14, 16, 21, 25, 26, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 41, 44, 46, 47, 48, 52, 53, 100, 101, 112, 141, 143, 144, 145, 150, 151, 155, 157, 160, 161, 162, 163, 168, 169, 172, 192, 238, 303, 304, 337, 339, 390 1464......12 Parts 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 11, 14, 16, 21, 25, 26, 30, 32, 34, 35, 41, 43, 44, 47, 48, 52, 53, 101, 108, 109, 112, 128, 141, 143, 144, 145, 150, 151, 155, 157, 160, 161, 163, 168, 172, 191, 192, 193, 194, 197, 238, 239, 263, 304, 308, 337, 339, 390 31 Parts 202, 203, 312 1464a......................................................12 Part 101 1467...............................12 Parts 8, 109, 112, 238, 263, 308 1467a......12 Parts 30, 31, 44, 47, 109, 112, 143, 144, 160, 161, 163, 168, 192, 217, 238, 239, 249, 252, 261, 262, 263, 303, 308 1468.........................12 Parts 31, 109, 215, 223, 238, 308, 337 1701 et seq................................................24 Part 291 1701...........................................24 Parts 202a, 209, 211 1701d-3..................................................24 Parts 1, 2 1701e--1701f.............................................24 Parts 1, 2 1701g-5..................................................24 Parts 1, 2 1701j-3.....................................12 Parts 34, 160, 191, 341 1701n-1....................................................24 Part 942 1701q.................................24 Parts 1, 2, 70, 247, 760, 891 1701q-1.....................................................24 Part 30 1701s...............................................24 Parts 1, 2, 247 1701u..............................................24 Parts 5, 75, 135 1701x..........24 Parts 1, 2, 5, 92, 93, 214, 570, 574, 576, 578, 1006 1701x-1.........................24 Parts 214, 570, 574, 576, 578, 1006 1701z--1701z-4...........................................24 Parts 1, 2 1701z-11--1701z-12.........................................24 Part 290 1701z-11...................................................24 Part 207 1702--1715z-21.............................................24 Part 200 1703........................................24 Parts 30, 121, 201, 202 1706d................................................24 Parts 205, 220 1707..................................24 Parts 203, 205, 220, 234, 266 1707 note...................................................24 Part 58 1708........................................................24 Part 25 1709.........................24 Parts 25, 203, 205, 207, 220, 242, 291 1709-1.....................................24 Parts 205, 220, 233, 241 1710.................................................24 Parts 203, 242 1713..................................24 Parts 205, 207, 220, 231, 290 1715.................................24 Parts 202a, 209, 211, 220, 252 1715b.......24 Parts 25, 202, 202a, 203, 205, 206, 207, 209, 211, 213, 220, 221, 231, 232, [[Page 978]] 234, 236, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 251, 255, 290, 291 1715e...........................................24 Parts 213, 220, 231 1715k--1715l....................................24 Parts 205, 220, 231 1715l.....................................24 Parts 1, 2, 221, 247, 248 1715l note.................................................24 Part 280 1715n................................................24 Parts 205, 242 1715u................................................24 Parts 203, 242 1715w......................................................24 Part 232 1715x......................................................24 Part 233 1715y......................................24 Parts 220, 231, 234, 243 1715z......................................................24 Part 232 1715z-1.........................24 Parts 1, 2, 219, 220, 236, 247, 401 1715z-1a...................................................24 Part 219 1715z-1b.............................................24 Parts 245, 290 1715z-2..................................................24 Parts 1, 2 1715z-6....................................................24 Part 241 1715z-9....................................24 Parts 204, 251, 252, 255 1715z-11a..................................................24 Part 290 1715z-13a............................................24 Parts 58, 1005 1715z-13b.................................................24 Part 1007 1715z-16........................................24 Parts 203, 220, 221 1715z-20...................................................24 Part 206 1716--1723h.................................................24 Part 81 1716......................................................12 Part 1248 1717z-21...................................................24 Part 203 1718...............................................12 Parts 1251, 1777 1719........................................................24 Part 81 1720.....................................................24 Parts 1, 2 1721............................................24 Parts 320, 330, 350 1723.......................................................24 Part 310 1723a..............................................12 Parts 1777, 1230 24 Parts 81, 300, 320, 330, 340, 350, 390 1723i.......................................................24 Part 30 1735........................................................24 Part 25 1735f-3..............................................24 Parts 221, 241 1735f-7a...................................................12 Part 190 1735f-14--1735f-15..........................................24 Part 30 1735f-19...................................................24 Part 401 1749.....................................................24 Parts 1, 2 1749aaa-5..................................................24 Part 244 1751 et seq..........................................12 Parts 716, 761 1751b......................................................24 Part 291 1752......................................12 Parts 700, 701, 708b, 745 1752a......................................................5 Part 9601 12 Parts 792, 797, 1755 1756.............................12 Parts 701, 705, 712, 714, 723, 742 1757...12 Parts 700, 701, 702, 703, 705, 709, 711, 712, 714, 721, 723, 724, 741, 745, 760 1757A......................................................12 Part 723 1758.......................................................12 Part 701 1759.......................................................12 Part 701 1761.......................................................12 Part 715 1761a................................................12 Parts 701, 713 1761b................................................12 Parts 701, 713 1761d......................................................12 Part 715 1762.......................................................12 Part 704 1765.................................................12 Parts 724, 745 1766.......................................................5 Part 9601 12 Parts 700, 701, 702, 704, 705, 708a, 708b, 709, 710, 712, 713, 714, 717, 721, 722, 723, 724, 740, 741, 742, 745, 747, 748, 749, 790, 791, 792, 793 1767.................................................12 Parts 701, 709 31 Parts 203, 208, 312, 380 1772a......................................................12 Part 704 1781--1790.................................................12 Part 741 1781.......................................12 Parts 704, 740, 745, 791 1782.............................12 Parts 701, 705, 712, 715, 745, 747 1783.......................................................12 Part 749 1784.............................12 Parts 701, 702, 705, 712, 747, 760 1785............12 Parts 701, 705, 708a, 708b, 712, 714, 723, 740, 747 1786.......12 Parts 701, 702, 705, 708b, 709, 710, 712, 747, 748, 750, 791, 796 17 Part 42 1787........................12 Parts 701, 709, 710, 724, 745, 747, 791 1788.................................................12 Parts 701, 709 1789.......12 Parts 701, 704, 708b, 709, 713, 714, 717, 721, 722, 723, 740, 745, 748, 749, 760, 790, 791, 792 1789a......................................................12 Part 709 31 Parts 202, 203, 208, 380, 709 1790a......................................................12 Part 747 1790d...........................................12 Parts 702, 741, 747 1795--1795f................................................12 Part 725 1795e......................................................12 Part 704 1795f................................................12 Parts 790, 792 1811 et seq.....................................12 Parts 351, 360, 373 1811.................................................12 Parts 304, 354 1811 note..................................................12 Part 215 1813.....12 Parts 44, 48, 112, 238, 240, 303, 304, 326, 327, 330, 347, 349 1814--1817.................................................12 Part 345 1814..................................................12 Parts 25, 208 1815..............12 Parts 303, 308, 324, 325, 326, 327, 329, 347, 354 1816..........12 Parts 25, 208, 324, 325, 329, 333, 337, 354, 362, 382 1817.....12 Parts 4, 5, 19, 31, 52, 109, 112, 163, 208, 215, 225, 238, 261, 263, 303, 304, 308, 326, 327, 330, 333, 338, 344, 347, 350, 354, 360, 370 1818......12 Parts 2, 3, 4, 7, 10, 14, 19, 21, 24, 27, 28, 30, 37, 41, 43, 44, 45, 47, 48, 50, 108, 109, 112, 208, 211, 217, 225, 237, 240, 244, 248, 249, 252, 261, 263, 302, 303, 307, 308, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 333, 334, 337, 338, 344, 349, 353, 354, 360, 362, 364, 382 17 Part 42 1819.......................................................5 Part 3201 12 Parts 302, 303, 304, 307, 309, 311, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 340, 343, 344, 345, 347, 349, 350, 352, 353, 354, 357, 360, 362, 364, 366, 369, 370, 371, 382, 390 19 Part 366 1820.....12 Parts 4, 19, 109, 112, 163, 208, 263, 264a, 303, 308, 328, 330, 331, 336, 337, 338, 345, 347, 354, 360, 371, 382, 1820 1821...........12 Parts 4, 261, 327, 330, 337, 340, 360, 370, 371, 602 1822.......................................................5 Part 3201 12 Parts 330, 336, 360, 366, 367, 370 19 Part 366 1823..................................12 Parts 303, 348, 357, 360, 370 1828...12 Parts 3, 7, 25, 30, 34, 41, 47, 50, 145, 160, 163, 168, 208, 217, 223, 225, 228, 239, 249, 252, 262, 263, 303, 308, 324, [[Page 979]] 325, 328, 329, 333, 337, 345, 347, 359, 362, 365, 382 1828 note.........................................12 Parts 3, 324, 325 1828a......................................................12 Part 362 1829............................................12 Parts 109, 263, 308 1829b................................................12 Parts 219, 308 17 Part 42 31 Parts 103, 1010, 1012, 1020, 1021, 1022, 1023, 1024, 1025, 1026, 1027, 1028, 1029, 1030 1829e......................................................12 Part 238 1830.......................................................12 Part 261 1831............................................12 Parts 208, 304, 337 1831 note....................................................12 Part 3 1831a......................................................12 Part 362 1831c...................................................12 Parts 8, 51 1831d......................................................12 Part 331 1831e................................................12 Parts 303, 362 1831f......................................................12 Part 337 1831g................................................12 Parts 337, 371 1831i..............................12 Parts 5, 225, 238, 303, 308, 371 1831m.........................................12 Parts 4, 19, 308, 363 1831n.......................................12 Parts 47, 217, 252, 382 1831n note.............................................12 Parts 3, 324 1831o....12 Parts 4, 6, 19, 47, 48, 163, 165, 208, 217, 252, 263, 303, 308, 324, 325, 354, 382 1831o-1....................................................12 Part 249 1831p.......................................................12 Part 30 1831p-1.....12 Parts 4, 30, 41, 47, 168, 208, 217, 225, 249, 252, 263, 303, 308, 325, 329, 333, 334, 364, 382 1831r-1....................................................12 Part 208 1831s......................................................12 Part 371 1831t.....................................................12 Part 1009 16 Part 320 1831u..................................................12 Parts 5, 345 1831w........................12 Parts 47, 208, 217, 252, 303, 362, 382 1831x.......................................12 Parts 14, 208, 343, 536 1831y............................................12 Parts 35, 207, 346 1831z......................................................12 Part 303 1832........................................12 Parts 19, 109, 263, 308 1833a.....................................................12 Part 1507 1833e......................................12 Parts 4, 361, 1207, 1223 1834a.....................................................12 Part 1806 1835................................12 Parts 3, 47, 217, 252, 324, 325 1835a..................................12 Parts 25, 208, 211, 303, 369 1841 et seq................................12 Parts 211, 237, 244, 248 1842.................................................12 Parts 228, 262 1843.................................12 Parts 225, 228, 303, 362, 1500 1844...................12 Parts 217, 225, 228, 240, 249, 252, 261, 262 1847.......................................................12 Part 263 1850a................................................12 Parts 241, 262 1851........................................12 Parts 44, 217, 248, 351 17 Parts 75, 255 1861--1867............................................12 Parts 53, 304 1867............................................12 Parts 4, 8, 51, 262 1881--1884....................................12 Parts 21, 30, 41, 168 1881--1883.................................................12 Part 326 1882.......................................................12 Part 208 1884........................................12 Parts 19, 109, 263, 308 1951 et seq............................................12 Parts 4, 261 1951--1959..................................................17 Part 42 31 Parts 103, 1010, 1012, 1020, 1021, 1022, 1023, 1024, 1025, 1026, 1027, 1028, 1029, 1030 1972..............................12 Parts 19, 109, 225, 238, 263, 308 2002.......................................................12 Part 611 2011............................................12 Parts 611, 614, 616 2012.................................................12 Parts 611, 619 2013....12 Parts 610, 611, 612, 613, 614, 615, 616, 618, 619, 626, 628 31 Parts 202, 203, 380 2014.................................................12 Parts 614, 616 2015...................12 Parts 610, 612, 613, 614, 615, 616, 619, 628 2017.......................................12 Parts 610, 613, 614, 616 2018........................12 Parts 610, 612, 613, 614, 615, 616, 628 2019........................12 Parts 610, 612, 614, 615, 616, 618, 628 2020............................12 Parts 611, 612, 615, 618, 628, 1410 2021.................................................12 Parts 610, 611 2071............................................12 Parts 611, 614, 616 2071 note..................................................12 Part 611 2072.................................................12 Parts 611, 619 2073....12 Parts 610, 611, 612, 613, 614, 615, 616, 618, 619, 626, 628 2074..................................12 Parts 612, 614, 615, 616, 628 2075..............12 Parts 610, 612, 613, 614, 615, 616, 618, 619, 628 2076.......................................12 Parts 612, 615, 618, 628 2091............................................12 Parts 611, 614, 616 2092.................................................12 Parts 611, 619 2093....12 Parts 610, 611, 612, 613, 614, 615, 616, 618, 619, 626, 628 2094.................................................12 Parts 614, 616 2097.................................................12 Parts 614, 616 2121............................................12 Parts 611, 614, 616 2121 note..................................................12 Part 611 2122.........12 Parts 611, 612, 613, 614, 615, 616, 618, 619, 626, 628 31 Parts 202, 203, 380 2123.................................................12 Parts 611, 619 2124............................................12 Parts 611, 614, 616 2128...................12 Parts 611, 612, 613, 614, 615, 616, 618, 628 2129.......................................12 Parts 611, 613, 614, 616 2130.................................................12 Parts 611, 616 2131.................................................12 Parts 614, 616 2132............................................12 Parts 612, 615, 628 2141.................................................12 Parts 614, 616 2143.......................................................12 Part 613 2146............................................12 Parts 612, 615, 628 2149.................................................12 Parts 614, 616 2153.......................................................12 Part 630 2154.............................12 Parts 612, 615, 616, 620, 624, 628 2154 note..................................................12 Part 615 2154a............................12 Parts 611, 612, 615, 616, 620, 628 2160..................................12 Parts 612, 615, 619, 628, 630 2183...................12 Parts 611, 614, 618, 621, 627, 650, 651, 652 2184.................................................12 Parts 611, 614 2199.................................................12 Parts 616, 617 2200............................................12 Parts 616, 617, 618 2201............................................12 Parts 614, 616, 617 2202............................................12 Parts 614, 616, 621 2202 note..................................................12 Part 611 2202a......................................12 Parts 614, 616, 617, 621 2202b...........................................12 Parts 612, 615, 628 2202c................................................12 Parts 616, 617 2202d......................................12 Parts 614, 616, 617, 621 2202e...........................................12 Parts 614, 616, 617 [[Page 980]] 2203.......................................................12 Part 611 2206.................................................12 Parts 614, 616 2206a...........................................12 Parts 613, 614, 616 2207.................................................12 Parts 614, 620 2208.......................................................12 Part 611 2211--2214......................................12 Parts 611, 614, 616 2211--2213.................................................12 Part 613 2211.......................................12 Parts 612, 615, 618, 628 2218.......................................................12 Part 618 2219a...........................................12 Parts 614, 616, 617 2219b...........................................12 Parts 614, 616, 617 2241.......................................................12 Part 600 2242.......................................................12 Part 600 2243...12 Parts 600, 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 609, 610, 611, 612, 613, 614, 615, 616, 617, 618, 619, 620, 622, 623, 624, 626, 627, 628, 630, 650, 651, 652, 655 2244........................12 Parts 600, 614, 616, 618, 622, 623, 627 2245.......................................................5 Part 4101 12 Part 600 2246.......................................................12 Part 605 2250.......................................................12 Part 607 2252.......................................................5 Part 4101 12 Parts 600, 601, 602, 603, 604, 605, 607, 608, 610, 611, 612, 613, 614, 615, 616, 617, 618, 619, 620, 621, 622, 623, 624, 625, 626, 627, 628, 630, 650, 651, 652 2252 note............................................12 Parts 620, 630 2254............................................12 Parts 619, 620, 630 2257a......................................................12 Part 621 2261--2273...........................................12 Parts 622, 623 2261.................................................12 Parts 611, 650 2277a-4...................................................12 Part 1410 2277a-5............................................12 Parts 1400, 1410 2277a-7....................................................5 Part 4001 12 Parts 627, 1400, 1401, 1402, 1403, 1408, 1410, 1411 2277a-8....................................................5 Part 4001 12 Parts 602, 1402, 1403 2277a-10b.................................................12 Part 1412 2277a-14..................................................12 Part 1411 2278b......................................................12 Part 612 2278b-6....................................................12 Part 612 2279a......................................12 Parts 611, 614, 616, 619 2279a-1..............................................12 Parts 611, 619 2279a-2....................................12 Parts 610, 611, 614, 616 2279a-3..............................................12 Parts 611, 616 2279b--2279f-1.............................................12 Part 611 2279b......................................12 Parts 610, 614, 616, 619 2279c-1.........................................12 Parts 614, 616, 619 2279c-10...................................................12 Part 610 2279f...........................................12 Parts 614, 616, 619 2279f-1..............................................12 Parts 614, 616 2279aa.....................................12 Parts 612, 614, 615, 628 2279aa-3.........................12 Parts 612, 615, 628, 651, 653, 655 2279aa-4...................................12 Parts 612, 615, 628, 653 2279aa-5.............................................12 Parts 611, 614 2279aa-6...................................12 Parts 612, 615, 628, 653 2279aa-8...................................12 Parts 612, 615, 628, 653 2279aa-10..................................12 Parts 612, 615, 628, 653 2279aa-11........................12 Parts 600, 621, 650, 651, 652, 655 2279aa-12..................................12 Parts 612, 615, 628, 650 2279aa-14..................................................12 Part 651 2279bb..........................................12 Parts 650, 651, 652 2279bb-1--2279bb-6..............................12 Parts 650, 651, 652 2279bb-1...................................................12 Part 624 2279cc..........................................12 Parts 650, 651, 652 2288.................................................12 Parts 810, 811 2289.................................................12 Parts 810, 811 2290.................................................12 Parts 810, 811 2601 et seq..................................................12 Part 4 24 Part 3800 2601................................................12 Parts 261, 1026 2603--2605.........................................12 Parts 1024, 1026 2607...............................................12 Parts 1024, 1026 2609.........................................12 Parts 1024, 1026, 1083 2617...............................................12 Parts 1024, 1026 2801 et seq.......................................12 Parts 4, 261, 338 2803......................................................12 Part 1003 2804......................................................12 Part 1003 2805......................................................12 Part 1003 2901 et seq..........................12 Parts 4, 5, 143, 144, 228, 261 2901--2908............................................12 Parts 25, 345 2901--2907.................................................12 Part 208 2901.................................................12 Parts 192, 239 3025.......................................................12 Part 607 3101 et seq.............12 Parts 4, 5, 28, 48, 211, 237, 248, 252, 261 3101--3111..................................................12 Part 25 3101..................................................12 Parts 44, 237 31 Part 380 3101 note..................................................12 Part 252 3102...........................12 Parts 8, 19, 30, 44, 47, 48, 53, 308 31 Parts 203, 380 3103 et seq.....................................12 Parts 244, 248, 373 3103--3104...........................................12 Parts 345, 347 3104.......................................................12 Part 303 3105.............................12 Parts 204, 208, 262, 263, 303, 347 3106.................................................12 Parts 225, 262 3106a.................................................12 Parts 48, 240 3108....12 Parts 8, 19, 44, 47, 48, 225, 240, 262, 263, 303, 308, 345, 347, 349, 354 3109.......................................................12 Part 347 3110..................................................12 Parts 19, 263 3201--3208..................................12 Parts 26, 212, 238, 711 3207............................................12 Parts 303, 348, 354 3307......................................................12 Part 1101 3310.................................................12 Parts 208, 225 3331 et seq......................................12 Parts 34, 323, 722 3331--3351...........................................12 Parts 208, 225 3332......................................................12 Part 1102 3335......................................................12 Part 1102 3338......................................................12 Part 1102 3348......................................................12 Part 1102 3349............................................12 Parts 109, 263, 308 3353......................................................12 Part 1026 3401 et seq......................................12 Parts 4, 261, 1070 29 Part 19 31 Part 14 32 Part 275 3401--3422..................................................12 Part 21 39 Part 233 3402........................................................28 Part 47 3415.......................................................12 Part 219 3701--3717..................................................24 Part 27 3751--3768..................................................24 Part 27 3802......................................................12 Part 1004 3803................................................12 Parts 160, 1004 3806............................................12 Parts 160, 163, 226 3901 et seq...........................................12 Parts 28, 211 3904.................................................12 Parts 217, 252 [[Page 981]] 3905--3909.................................................12 Part 208 3906--3909.................................................12 Part 252 3906.................................................12 Parts 217, 225 3907........................12 Parts 3, 5, 45, 217, 225, 263, 324, 325 3908.......................................................12 Part 217 3909..................12 Parts 3, 19, 45, 217, 225, 263, 308, 324, 325 4001--4010...........................................12 Parts 210, 229 4101 note..................................................24 Part 248 4302--4304................................................12 Part 1030 4308......................................................12 Part 1030 4311.......................................................12 Part 707 4402.......................................................12 Part 231 4501 et seq...............................................12 Part 1222 4501--4641..................................................24 Part 81 4501...................................12 Parts 1209, 1214, 1217, 1282 4502.........................................12 Parts 1209, 1230, 1282 4503......................................................12 Part 1209 4511....12 Parts 1201, 1209, 1211, 1213, 1228, 1231, 1233, 1234, 1235, 1236, 1237, 1239, 1240, 1242, 1248, 1251, 1253, 1254, 1263, 1264, 1265, 1267, 1268, 1269, 1270, 1271, 1272, 1273, 1274, 1277, 1278, 1282, 1292 4512...........................................12 Parts 47, 1200, 1270 4513....12 Parts 1201, 1209, 1211, 1214, 1221, 1225, 1227, 1228, 1229, 1230, 1231, 1233, 1235, 1236, 1237, 1238, 1239, 1240, 1242, 1251, 1253, 1254, 1263, 1264, 1265, 1267, 1268, 1269, 1270, 1271, 1272, 1273, 1274, 1277, 1282, 1750, 1777 4513b................12 Parts 1209, 1227, 1229, 1235, 1236, 1240, 1242 4514....12 Parts 1227, 1230, 1233, 1240, 1251, 1273, 1277, 1730, 1750, 1777 4515......................................................12 Part 1240 4516...............................................12 Parts 1206, 1701 4517.....12 Parts 1209, 1212, 1213, 1220, 1230, 1231, 1240, 1242, 1777 4518......................................................12 Part 1230 4518a..............................................12 Parts 1230, 1231 4520...............................................12 Parts 1207, 1223 4521......................................................12 Part 1250 4522......................................................12 Part 1214 4526.......................................................5 Part 9001 12 Parts 1200, 1202, 1203, 1207, 1208, 1209, 1211, 1212, 1213, 1214, 1215, 1217, 1221, 1222, 1223, 1225, 1227, 1228, 1229, 1230, 1231, 1233, 1234, 1235, 1236, 1237, 1238, 1239, 1240, 1242, 1248, 1250, 1251, 1253, 1254, 1264, 1265, 1267, 1268, 1269, 1270, 1271, 1272, 1273, 1274, 1277, 1282 4541......................................................12 Part 1253 4561--4566................................................12 Part 1282 4566......................................................12 Part 1209 4567......................................................12 Part 1251 4568........................................................24 Part 93 4581--4588................................................12 Part 1209 4603......................................................12 Part 1282 4611--4619................................................12 Part 1777 4611--4612................................................12 Part 1240 4611......................................................12 Part 1750 4612...................................12 Parts 1225, 1238, 1277, 1750 4613......................................................12 Part 1229 4614...............................................12 Parts 1229, 1750 4615...............................................12 Parts 1229, 1750 4616...............................................12 Parts 1228, 1229 4617.......................12 Parts 1228, 1229, 1231, 1234, 1237, 1242 4618...............................................12 Parts 1229, 1750 4622...............................................12 Parts 1229, 1777 4623...............................................12 Parts 1229, 1777 4624......................................................12 Part 1252 4631--4641................................................12 Part 1209 4631--4636................................................12 Part 1240 4631.........................................12 Parts 1228, 1230, 1777 4632...............................................12 Parts 1230, 1732 4635......................................................12 Part 1777 4636......................................................12 Part 1230 4639......................................................12 Part 1214 4642......................................................12 Part 1233 4701 et seq.................................................31 Part 35 4703.........................................12 Parts 1805, 1806, 1815 4703 note....................................12 Parts 1805, 1806, 1815 4703a.......................................................31 Part 35 4710......................................................12 Part 1805 4713...............................................12 Parts 1806, 1808 4717......................12 Parts 19, 109, 263, 308, 1805, 1806, 1815 4808.......................................12 Parts 217, 252, 324, 325 5001--5018...........................................12 Parts 210, 229 5101 et seq............................12 Parts 34, 163, 211, 365, 761 5101--5116.........................................12 Parts 1007, 1008 5113......................................................12 Part 1083 5221.......................................................17 Part 240 5301 et seq.................................................31 Part 30 5321............................................12 Parts 4, 1310, 1320 5322.........................................12 Parts 1301, 1310, 1320 5323......................................................12 Part 1310 5343......................................................12 Part 1610 5344......................................................12 Part 1610 5345.......................................................31 Part 150 5361.................................................12 Parts 252, 262 5362.......................................................12 Part 252 5365...................12 Parts 46, 217, 243, 249, 252, 325, 381, 1238 5365 note..................................................12 Part 150 5366.................................................12 Parts 249, 252 5367.......................................................12 Part 252 5368.......................................12 Parts 217, 249, 252, 262 5371.......................................12 Parts 208, 217, 252, 324 5371 note............................................12 Parts 208, 217 5381.......................................................12 Part 380 5385.......................................................17 Part 302 5389.......................................................12 Part 380 5390.......................................................12 Part 380 31 Parts 148, 149 5412....12 Parts 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 14, 16, 25, 26, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 100, 101, 108, 109, 112, 128, 141, 143, 144, 150, 151, 155, 157, 160, 161, 162, 163, 165, 168, 169, 190, 191, 192, 215, 223, 303, 308, 324, 325, 326, 329, 337, 344, 351 5414.........................................12 Parts 4, 100, 308, 333 5415.......................................................12 Part 333 5452......................................................48 Part 1022 5461 et seq................................................12 Part 234 17 Part 249 5463......................................................12 Part 1320 5464........................................................17 Part 39 5465.......................................................17 Part 249 5467.......................................................12 Part 262 5468......................................................12 Part 1320 [[Page 982]] 5469................................................12 Parts 262, 1320 5481 et seq............................12 Parts 1070, 1080, 1082, 5481 5481......................................................12 Part 1001 5492...............................................12 Parts 1074, 1076 5497......................................................12 Part 1075 5511......................................................12 Part 1026 5512....12 Parts 1001, 1002, 1003, 1005, 1006, 1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 1014, 1015, 1016, 1022, 1024, 1026, 1030, 1074, 1075, 1081, 1090, 1091 5514.........................................12 Parts 1006, 1090, 1091 5519............................................16 Parts 313, 640, 680 5532.........................................12 Parts 1006, 1024, 1026 5563......................................................12 Part 1081 5565......................................................12 Part 1083 5567......................................................29 Part 1985 5581....12 Parts 1002, 1003, 1005, 1009, 1010, 1011, 1012, 1014, 1015, 1016, 1022, 1024, 1026, 1030 5601......................................................12 Part 1005 5701--57101.................................................31 Part 35 5801 et seq................................................12 Part 253 13 U.S.C. 3.....................................................15 Parts 50, 100 4.................................................15 Parts 70, 90, 101 8......................................................15 Parts 50, 80 22 Part 503 141........................................................15 Part 101 181.........................................................15 Part 90 195........................................................15 Part 101 301--307....................................................15 Part 30 39 Parts 20, 111, 113 301--302.............................................19 Parts 360, 361 305........................................................15 Part 758 14 U.S.C. 83..........................................................33 Part 66 85.........................................................33 Part 118 102.............................................33 Parts 1, 26, 80, 82 46 Part 4 141........................................................33 Part 107 500.........................................................33 Part 13 501..........................33 Parts 1, 3, 17, 50, 51, 52, 70, 74, 76 502..........................................................33 Part 1 503...............................................33 Parts 1, 145, 153 46 Parts 1, 2, 7, 8, 10, 11, 17, 40, 50, 51, 52, 64, 70, 72, 74, 80, 82, 115 504.....................................................33 Parts 3, 74 505..........................................................33 Part 1 541.........................................................33 Part 74 542.........................................................33 Part 66 543....................................................33 Parts 66, 70 544..............................33 Parts 62, 66, 67, 72, 74, 118, 147 545....................................................33 Parts 70, 74 546....................................................33 Parts 70, 74 632--633................................................33 Parts 1, 74 633.........33 Parts 1, 33, 60, 64, 67, 72, 80, 82, 114, 115, 116, 118 641.........................................................33 Part 76 642....................................................33 Parts 70, 74 647.........................................................33 Part 74 664.........................................................46 Part 67 701...................................................33 Parts 74, 107 901.........................................................33 Part 76 933.........................................................33 Part 23 934.........................................................33 Part 23 937.........................................................33 Part 25 938.........................................................33 Part 74 946........................................................33 Part 143 46 Part 68 1155...............................................48 Parts 3049, 3052 1480.......................................................7 Part 1810 1922........................................................33 Part 40 2302........................................................33 Part 45 2371........................................................33 Part 45 2744........................................................33 Part 13 2922........................................................33 Part 55 3901--3905...................................................33 Part 5 3907--3913...................................................33 Part 5 4102.........................................................33 Part 5 15 U.S.C. 7a-3......................................................29 Part 1991 13.........................................................16 Part 240 14........................................................16 Part 1110 18a..........................................16 Parts 2, 801, 802, 803 19.........................................................12 Part 212 21.........................................................12 Part 263 41 et seq...............................16 Parts 5, 320, 423, 433, 460 41--58...16 Parts 14, 20, 251, 254, 255, 259, 260, 317, 424, 425, 429, 432, 436, 437, 455 45--46.............................16 Parts 23, 24, 228, 238, 239, 240 45........................................................16 Part 1025 46...................................................5 Parts 179, 5701 16 Parts 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 17, 453, 1605 49........................................................16 Part 1605 27 Parts 6, 8, 10, 11 50........................................................16 Part 1605 27 Parts 6, 8, 10, 11 57a........................................................12 Part 227 16 Parts 1, 435, 444, 453, 456 68--68j....................................................16 Part 300 69 et seq..................................................16 Part 301 70 et seq..................................................16 Part 303 73.........................................................19 Part 159 77.........................................................19 Part 159 77a et seq.................................................17 Part 231 77b........................................................17 Part 230 77b note...................................................17 Part 230 77c...................................17 Parts 200, 230, 232, 239, 240 77d.............................................17 Parts 227, 230, 240 77d-1......................................................17 Part 227 77e..................................................17 Parts 200, 229 77f...............17 Parts 200, 201, 210, 229, 230, 232, 239, 270, 274 77g....17 Parts 200, 201, 210, 211, 229, 230, 232, 239, 240, 242, 246, 270, 274 77h...............17 Parts 200, 201, 210, 229, 230, 232, 239, 270, 274 77h-1................................................17 Parts 201, 209 77j.....17 Parts 200, 201, 210, 229, 230, 232, 239, 240, 246, 270, 274 77k........................................................17 Part 229 77o........................................................17 Part 200 77q..................................................17 Parts 200, 242 77r........................................................17 Part 230 77s........................................................5 Part 4401 17 Parts 200, 201, 202, 203, 205, 210, 211, 227, 229, 230, 232, 239, 240, 242, 246, 250, 270, 274, 285, 288, 289, 290, 4401 77t........................................................17 Part 202 77u.............................................17 Parts 200, 201, 209 [[Page 983]] 77v........................................................17 Part 250 77z-2......................................17 Parts 210, 229, 239, 240 77z-3.............17 Parts 200, 210, 227, 229, 230, 232, 239, 240, 246 77aa............................................17 Parts 210, 211, 229 77nn.......................................................17 Part 210 77uu.........................................................12 Part 4 77ddd......................................................17 Part 229 77eee......................................17 Parts 229, 240, 260, 269 77ggg.................................17 Parts 200, 229, 240, 260, 269 77hhh...........................................17 Parts 200, 229, 269 77iii................................................17 Parts 229, 269 77jjj................................................17 Parts 229, 269 77nnn...........................................17 Parts 229, 240, 260 77sss......................................................5 Part 4401 17 Parts 200, 201, 202, 203, 229, 230, 232, 239, 240, 260, 269 77ttt................................................17 Parts 201, 240 77uuu......................................................12 Part 261 17 Parts 200, 202 78...............................................12 Parts 19, 109, 308 17 Part 201 78a et seq..........................................17 Parts 249, 249b 78b..................................................12 Parts 208, 341 17 Parts 200, 242 78c...........................12 Parts 8, 192, 218, 220, 221, 341, 390 17 Parts 200, 201, 210, 211, 227, 229, 230, 232, 239, 240, 242, 243, 244, 246, 247, 270, 274 78c-3......................................................17 Part 240 78c-5......................................................17 Part 240 78d.............................................17 Parts 200, 230, 240 78d note...................................................17 Part 200 78d-1...........................................17 Parts 200, 201, 202 78d-2................................................17 Parts 200, 201 78d-3......................................................17 Part 205 78e..................................................17 Parts 200, 240 78f..................................................17 Parts 200, 240 78g.............................................12 Parts 220, 221, 224 17 Parts 41, 200, 240, 242 78h........................................................17 Part 200 78i.........................17 Parts 200, 208, 229, 240, 242, 243, 244 78j..............................17 Parts 229, 230, 240, 242, 243, 244 78j-1.......................................................12 Part 11 17 Parts 210, 240, 249, 335 78j-3......................................................17 Part 229 78j-4......................................................17 Part 240 78k..................................................17 Parts 200, 240 78k-1...........................................17 Parts 200, 240, 242 78l..................12 Parts 8, 11, 112, 192, 208, 238, 263, 335, 390 17 Parts 200, 201, 210, 229, 230, 232, 239, 240, 242, 270, 274 78m.........................................12 Parts 11, 192, 335, 390 17 Parts 200, 201, 210, 229, 230, 232, 239, 240, 242, 246, 249, 270, 274 78n.........................................12 Parts 11, 192, 335, 390 17 Parts 200, 201, 210, 229, 230, 232, 239, 240, 242, 270, 274 78n-1................................................17 Parts 229, 240 78o........................................................12 Part 308 17 Parts 200, 201, 210, 227, 229, 230, 232, 239, 240, 242, 243, 244, 246, 247, 270, 274 78o-3......................................................17 Part 201 78o-4..............................12 Parts 10, 19, 208, 240, 263, 308 17 Parts 200, 240, 248 78o-5..............................12 Parts 13, 19, 109, 263, 308, 368 17 Parts 248, 263, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 420, 449, 450 78o-7......................................................17 Part 270 78o-7 note............................12 Parts 324, 347, 615, 628, 652 17 Parts 230, 239 78o-10...........................17 Parts 45, 201, 237, 240, 624, 1221 78o-11.....................................12 Parts 43, 244, 373, 1234 17 Part 246 24 Part 267 78p..............................................12 Parts 11, 335, 390 17 Part 240 78q--78w....................................................12 Part 10 78q.............................12 Parts 4, 9, 208, 220, 221, 261, 341 17 Parts 200, 210, 227, 240, 242, 247, 248, 249b 78q-1....................................12 Parts 9, 19, 208, 308, 341 17 Parts 200, 240, 248, 249b 78s...................................................12 Parts 19, 308 17 Parts 201, 240 78t........................................................17 Part 230 78t-1......................................................17 Part 200 78u...................................................12 Parts 19, 308 17 Parts 200, 202 78u-2.......................................12 Parts 19, 109, 263, 308 17 Parts 201, 209 78u-3.................................................12 Parts 19, 308 17 Parts 200, 201, 209 78u-5.................................17 Parts 202, 210, 229, 239, 240 78v..................................................17 Parts 201, 209 78w........................................................5 Part 4401 12 Parts 9, 11, 19, 192, 208, 220, 221, 308, 335, 341, 390, 563b, 563c, 563d, 563g 17 Parts 200, 201, 202, 203, 205, 209, 210, 227, 229, 230, 232, 239, 240, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249b, 250, 270, 285 78x........................................................17 Part 240 78aa.......................................................17 Part 250 78dd.......................................................17 Part 229 78dd-1--78dd-2..............................................28 Part 80 78dd-1.....................................................17 Part 242 78ll.........17 Parts 200, 202, 210, 229, 230, 232, 239, 240, 260, 269 78mm...17 Parts 200, 210, 227, 229, 230, 239, 240, 242, 243, 244, 246, 247, 248 78oo......................................................12 Part 1239 78ccc................................................17 Parts 300, 301 78eee......................................................17 Part 200 79 et seq..................................................18 Part 141 79r........................................................17 Part 202 79t........................................................17 Part 202 80a-1 et seq...............................................17 Part 270 80a-2......................................................17 Part 239 80a-3......................................................17 Part 239 80a-4ll....................................................17 Part 202 80a-5......................................................17 Part 270 80a-6................................................17 Parts 232, 270 80a-8........17 Parts 200, 201, 210, 211, 229, 230, 232, 239, 270, 274 80a-9......................................17 Parts 201, 209, 229, 239 80a-10...............................................17 Parts 239, 270 80a-13.....................................................17 Part 239 80a-17.....................................................17 Part 270 [[Page 984]] 80a-19.....................................................17 Part 270 80a-20.....................................17 Parts 200, 210, 229, 240 80a-22.....................................................17 Part 270 80a-23..........................................17 Parts 240, 242, 270 80a-24................................17 Parts 200, 230, 239, 270, 274 80a-26...............................................17 Parts 239, 274 80a-28.....................................................17 Part 230 80a-29......17 Parts 200, 210, 211, 229, 230, 232, 239, 240, 242, 243, 244, 249, 270, 274 80a-30.................17 Parts 210, 211, 229, 230, 232, 239, 248, 270 80a-31...............................................17 Parts 210, 229 80a-34.....................................................17 Part 270 80a-37.....................................................5 Part 4401 17 Parts 200, 201, 202, 203, 205, 209, 210, 211, 229, 230, 232, 239, 240, 242, 248, 249, 260, 270, 274 80a-38.....................................17 Parts 201, 205, 209, 229 80a-39.....................................17 Parts 201, 209, 229, 270 80a-40...............................................17 Parts 201, 209 80a-41.....................................17 Parts 200, 201, 202, 209 80a-44..........................................17 Parts 200, 201, 209 80b et seq.................................................17 Part 276 80b-1 et seq...............................................17 Part 279 80b-2......................................................17 Part 275 80b-3.......................17 Parts 200, 201, 209, 210, 240, 260, 275 80b-4............................17 Parts 200, 232, 240, 248, 260, 275 80b-4a.....................................................17 Part 275 80b-5......................................................17 Part 200 80b-6................................................17 Parts 270, 275 80b-6a.....................................................17 Part 232 80b-9......................................17 Parts 200, 201, 202, 209 80b-10...............................................17 Parts 200, 232 80b-11.....................................................5 Part 4401 17 Parts 200, 201, 202, 203, 205, 209, 210, 229, 232, 240, 248, 250, 260, 270, 275 80b-12...............................................17 Parts 201, 209 80b-14.....................................................17 Part 250 136a.......................................................40 Part 154 136d.................................................40 Parts 154, 162 136q.......................................................40 Part 162 136s.......................................................40 Part 162 136v.......................................................40 Part 162 136w.................................................40 Parts 154, 162 189--189a..................................................46 Part 206 192........................................................46 Part 206 205a...............................................15 Parts 1160, 1170 205b......................................................48 Part 3410 236........................................................15 Part 241 240........................................................15 Part 240 257a.................................................15 Parts 200, 230 260--267....................................................49 Part 71 272 et seq...........................................15 Parts 285, 286 272..................................15 Parts 9, 10, 16, 287, 291, 292 277.............................................15 Parts 200, 230, 265 278e.......................................................15 Part 265 278g-3.....................................................32 Part 156 278k.......................................................15 Part 290 278l.......................................................15 Part 292 278n.......................................................14 Part 296 288n.................................................15 Parts 295, 296 311 note...................................................15 Part 903 313........................................................15 Part 911 313 note...................................................15 Part 946 330 et seq.................................................15 Part 904 331........................................21 Parts 163, 432, 606, 607 402..........................................................21 Part 2 409..........................................................21 Part 2 631 et seq..........................................43 Parts 145, 3420 48 Part 819 631--650..................................................14 Part 1204 632.........................13 Parts 121, 123, 125, 126, 127, 128, 134 633--634.............................................13 Parts 101, 113 633........................................................13 Part 106 634........................................................2 Part 2700 13 Parts 103, 105, 109, 114, 119, 120, 121, 123, 124, 125, 127, 128, 130, 134, 140, 142, 146 634 note...................................................13 Part 120 636.........................13 Parts 109, 120, 121, 123, 124, 129, 134 40 Part 21 636i.......................................................13 Part 115 637..............................13 Parts 105, 106, 124, 125, 127, 134 48 Part 819 637note.....................................................40 Part 33 638........................................................7 Part 3403 642..................................................13 Parts 103, 105 644..............................13 Parts 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129 20 Part 654 645..................................................13 Parts 105, 128 648..................................................13 Parts 130, 134 648 note...................................................13 Part 130 650........................................................13 Part 120 656........................................................13 Part 134 657a.................................................13 Parts 126, 134 657f.................................................13 Parts 125, 128 657f-1...............................................13 Parts 128, 134 657h.......................................................13 Part 101 657n.......................................................13 Part 123 657q.......................................................13 Part 125 657r.................................................13 Parts 125, 127 657s.......................................................13 Part 125 657t.......................................................13 Part 134 662..................................................13 Parts 107, 121 681--687...................................................13 Part 107 687........................................13 Parts 101, 113, 120, 134 687b--687h.................................................13 Part 107 687b.......................................................13 Part 115 687c.......................................................13 Part 115 687k--687m.................................................13 Part 107 689--689q..................................................13 Part 108 694 note.................................................24 Parts 1, 2 694a.................................................13 Parts 115, 121 694b note..................................................13 Part 115 696........................................................13 Part 120 697........................................................13 Part 120 713c........................................................7 Part 250 714 et seq...................................................7 Part 29 714--714p..................................................7 Part 1436 714--714m..................................................7 Part 1437 714........................................................7 Part 1413 714b...7 Parts 3, 9, 29, 718, 780, 1401, 1402, 1403, 1404, 1405, 1407, 1409, 1410, 1412, 1421, 1423, 1424, 1425, 1427, 1429, 1430, 1434, 1435, 1455, 1464, 1466, 1468, 1493, 1499 714c.....7 Parts 9, 29, 780, 1401, 1402, 1403, 1404, 1405, 1409, 1410, 1412, 1421, 1423, 1424, 1425, 1427, 1429, 1430, 1434, 1435, 1455, 1460, 1466, 1468, 1484, 1488, 1489, 1493, [[Page 985]] 1499 714j.......................................................7 Part 1425 717 et seq.................................18 Parts 154, 271, 273, 274 717--717z.........................18 Parts 1b, 1c, 2, 3, 141, 284, 390 717--717w...18 Parts 152, 154, 157, 161, 201, 225, 250, 260, 270, 274, 275, 281, 286, 340, 358, 375, 381, 382, 385 717b.......................................................10 Part 590 18 Part 153 717f.......................................................18 Part 156 717g........................................................18 Part 3c 717i.......................................................18 Part 158 717n.......................................................18 Part 156 717o.........................................18 Parts 3a, 3b, 153, 156 719.........................................................43 Part 34 751 et seq.................................................10 Part 218 761 et seq................................................10 Part 1003 18 Part 271 761........................................................10 Part 625 787 et seq...........................................10 Parts 207, 218 791 et seq...........................................10 Parts 207, 218 18 Parts 207, 271 791--798...................................................18 Part 290 792 et seq.................................................10 Part 203 1066.........................................................37 Part 2 1067.........................................................37 Part 2 1112.........................................................37 Part 6 1113.........................................................37 Part 2 1123...........................................37 Parts 2, 3, 6, 7, 11 1124.......................................................19 Part 133 1125.......................................................19 Part 133 1127.......................................................19 Part 133 1191--1204....16 Parts 1011, 1012, 1015, 1016, 1031, 1602, 1610, 1615, 1619 1191--1196................................................16 Part 1119 1193...........16 Parts 1052, 1611, 1616, 1630, 1631, 1632, 1633, 1640 1194.....16 Parts 1025, 1605, 1608, 1611, 1616, 1630, 1631, 1632, 1633 1196......................................................16 Part 1019 1198......................................................16 Part 1009 1202......................................................16 Part 1019 19 Part 10 1203......................................................16 Part 1061 1211--1214.............................16 Parts 1011, 1012, 1015, 1016 1213......................................................16 Part 1750 1232.......................................................49 Part 575 1241--1245..................................................19 Part 12 1251--1289................................................16 Part 1199 1261--1278.........................................16 Parts 1015, 1500 1261--1276................................................16 Part 1031 21 Part 1230 1261--1274...................................16 Parts 1011, 1012, 1016 1261....16 Parts 1009, 1119, 1501, 1502, 1505, 1507, 1510, 1511, 1512, 1513 1261n.....................................................16 Part 1061 1262...........16 Parts 1501, 1502, 1505, 1507, 1510, 1511, 1512, 1513 1263...............................................16 Parts 1019, 1119 1264...............................................16 Parts 1019, 1119 1269.........................................16 Parts 1501, 1502, 1702 1270......................................................16 Part 1119 1273.........................................16 Parts 1009, 1019, 1119 1278......................................................16 Part 1119 1313........................................................28 Part 49 1333..................................................21 Parts 1, 1141 1392.................................................49 Parts 557, 570 1397............................................49 Parts 568, 570, 571 1401.......................................................49 Part 510 1407.......................................49 Parts 510, 557, 569, 570 1416.......................................................49 Part 557 1417.......................................................49 Part 556 1424.......................................................49 Part 569 1451--1461....................21 Parts 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 601 1453--1455...........................................16 Parts 500, 503 21 Parts 26, 501, 530 1453...................................................21 Parts 1, 101 1454--1455...........................................16 Parts 501, 502 1454........................................................15 Part 12 21 Parts 1, 26, 101 1455..........................................21 Parts 1, 26, 101, 530 1471--1476.......................16 Parts 1011, 1012, 1015, 1016, 1700 1471--1474................................................16 Part 1701 1471--1472................................................16 Part 1702 1471......................................................16 Part 1009 1474...............................................16 Parts 1502, 1702 1476...............................................16 Parts 1061, 1701 1478......................................................16 Part 1701 1501....................................................15 Parts 1, 15 1512............................15 Parts 15, 29, 101, 1160, 1170, 1400 1513........................................................15 Part 15 1515........................................................15 Part 15 1518........................................................15 Part 15 1520.......................................................46 Part 206 1525--1527..................................................15 Part 50 1525.......................................................15 Part 911 1601 et seq.........................................12 Parts 701, 1026 1601--1693r................................................14 Part 374 1601--1607.................................................12 Part 303 1601.......................................................32 Part 552 1604.........................12 Parts 213, 226, 1004, 1007, 1008, 1013 1621s......................................................12 Part 168 1621w......................................................12 Part 168 1637.......................................................12 Part 226 1638 note..........................................12 Parts 1014, 1015 1639.......................................................12 Part 226 1639b........................................12 Parts 1004, 1007, 1008 1639c....................................24 Parts 201, 203, 1005, 1007 1639e.................................12 Parts 19, 109, 263, 747, 1083 1639h..................................12 Parts 32, 34, 226, 722, 1222 1667f...............................................12 Parts 213, 1013 1673..................................................5 Parts 581, 582 15 Part 15 20 Parts 350, 363 29 Part 870 1675--1676.................................................29 Part 870 1681 et seq..................................................16 Part 1 1681a...............................................12 Parts 334, 1022 16 Parts 603, 610 1681b................................12 Parts 222, 232, 334, 364, 1022 1681c..........................................12 Parts 222, 334, 1022 16 Parts 641, 681 1681c-1...................................................12 Part 1022 16 Parts 609, 613 1681c-3...................................................12 Part 1022 1681e.....................................................12 Part 1022 1681g.....................................................12 Part 1022 16 Part 610 1681h......................................................16 Part 610 1681i.....................................................12 Part 1022 1681j.....................................................12 Part 1022 [[Page 986]] 16 Part 610 1681m.................................12 Parts 41, 222, 334, 717, 1022 16 Parts 642, 640, 680, 681, 698 17 Part 248 1681s..............12 Parts 30, 41, 208, 211, 222, 225, 334, 364, 1022 16 Part 602 17 Part 248 1681s-2........................................12 Parts 222, 334, 1022 16 Part 660 1681s-3.............................................12 Parts 334, 1022 16 Parts 680, 698 17 Part 248 1681s-3 note.........................................16 Parts 680, 698 17 Part 248 1681t...........................................12 Parts 41, 334, 1022 1681w....................12 Parts 30, 41, 208, 211, 222, 225, 334, 364 17 Part 248 1681x......................................................16 Part 611 1691 et seq................................12 Parts 27, 202a, 338, 626 1691--1691f................................................12 Part 202 13 Part 113 1691b.....................................................12 Part 1002 1691c-2...................................................12 Part 1002 1692l.....................................................12 Part 1006 1692o.....................................................12 Part 1006 16 Part 901 1693b...................................12 Parts 205, 1004, 1005, 1007 1693o-1...................................................12 Part 1005 1693o-2....................................................12 Part 235 1714......................................................24 Part 3800 1717a.....................................................12 Part 1083 24 Part 30 1718.........................................12 Parts 1010, 1011, 1012 1801 et seq.................................................28 Part 48 1823--1825...................................................9 Part 11 1824............................................15 Parts 730, 738, 774 1824a......................................................15 Part 754 1825.........................................................9 Part 12 1828..........................................................7 Part 1 9 Parts 11, 12, 160, 161, 162 1841 note............................................13 Parts 400, 500 1914.......................................................49 Part 510 1944.......................................................49 Part 510 1990d......................................................49 Part 510 2001 et seq................................................40 Part 600 2001--2003.................................................40 Part 600 2001...................................................40 Parts 9, 451 49 Part 529 2002............................................49 Parts 511, 525, 526 2003...................................................40 Parts 9, 451 49 Part 526 2005--2006.................................................40 Part 600 2005...................................................40 Parts 9, 451 49 Part 510 2006...................................................40 Parts 9, 451 2013.......................................................40 Part 600 2021.......................................................40 Part 610 2051--2089................................................16 Part 1450 2051--2084................................................16 Part 1015 2051--2083................................................16 Part 1031 2051--2081...................................16 Parts 1011, 1012, 1016 2051--2052.............................16 Parts 1201, 1202, 1204, 1205 2051.................16 Parts 1009, 1102, 1207, 1401, 1402, 1404, 1406 2051 note..........................................16 Parts 1102, 1220 2052.........................................16 Parts 1102, 1200, 1263 2053.......................................................5 Part 8101 16 Parts 1009, 1030 2054......................................................16 Part 1204 2055.........................................16 Parts 1101, 1102, 1116 2055a.....................................................16 Part 1102 2056....16 Parts 1105, 1201, 1202, 1203, 1204, 1205, 1207, 1210, 1212, 1213, 1260, 1262, 1270 2056a...16 Parts 1130, 1216, 1217, 1220, 1221, 1222, 1223, 1224, 1225, 1228, 1229, 1231, 1232, 1238, 1239, 1241 2056d.....................................................16 Part 1461 2056e.....................................................16 Part 1263 2057--2058.......................16 Parts 1301, 1302, 1303, 1304, 1305 2057d.....................................................16 Part 1310 2057e.....................................................16 Part 1309 2058--2060................................................16 Part 1306 2058....16 Parts 1052, 1119, 1201, 1202, 1203, 1204, 1205, 1207, 1210, 1212, 1213, 1260, 1261, 1262, 1270 2061......................................................16 Part 1115 2063....16 Parts 1107, 1109, 1112, 1118, 1119, 1201, 1202, 1203, 1204, 1205, 1207, 1209, 1210, 1211, 1212, 1251, 1253, 1308 2064...................................16 Parts 1025, 1115, 1119, 1120 2065....16 Parts 1102, 1115, 1117, 1118, 1130, 1202, 1203, 1204, 1209, 1210, 1211, 1212, 1605 40 Part 762 2066.........................................16 Parts 1010, 1115, 1212 2067...............................................16 Parts 1019, 1119 2068--2071................................................16 Part 1115 2068...........16 Parts 1019, 1102, 1118, 1119, 1201, 1202, 1204, 1205 2069...............................................16 Parts 1025, 1119 2070......................................................16 Part 1102 2071......................................................16 Part 1102 2072......................................................16 Part 1102 2073......................................................16 Part 1115 2074......................................................16 Part 1204 2075......................................................16 Part 1061 2076....16 Parts 1025, 1052, 1102, 1115, 1118, 1119, 1210, 1212, 1401, 1402, 1404, 1406, 1407, 1605 2078......................................................16 Part 1102 2079....16 Parts 1115, 1145, 1207, 1210, 1212, 1505, 1507, 1510, 1605, 1616, 1632, 1700, 1701, 1702 2080......................................................16 Part 1102 2082...............................................16 Parts 1209, 1404 2084.........................................16 Parts 1115, 1116, 1119 2087......................................................16 Part 1102 29 Part 1983 2101 et seq................................................16 Part 304 2111......................................................16 Part 1009 2201 et seq...........................................44 Parts 15, 152 2210.......................................................44 Part 151 2214.......................................................44 Part 150 2218.......................................................44 Part 151 2301.......................................................16 Part 700 2302.................................................16 Parts 701, 702 2309.......................................16 Parts 455, 701, 702, 703 2310.......................................................16 Part 703 2601 et seq................................................2 Part 1500 19 Part 12 [[Page 987]] 40 Parts 34, 35 2601--2671..........................................40 Parts 3, 9, 451 2603..............40 Parts 766, 790, 791, 792, 795, 796, 797, 798, 799 2604..................................40 Parts 720, 721, 723, 725, 747 2604f......................................................40 Part 747 2605..............40 Parts 702, 704, 745, 747, 749, 750, 751, 761, 763 2607...40 Parts 704, 705, 710, 711, 713, 716, 717, 720, 721, 725, 745, 749, 761, 763, 766, 791 2609 et seq.................................................40 Part 40 2609........................................................40 Part 46 2611--2612.................................................40 Part 707 2611............................................40 Parts 761, 795, 799 2613............................................40 Parts 703, 720, 725 2614.......................................................40 Part 761 2615..................................................40 Parts 22, 745 2616.......................................................40 Part 761 2618........................................................40 Part 23 2619.......................................................40 Part 702 2622........................................................29 Part 24 2625..................................40 Parts 700, 721, 725, 751, 799 2643.......................................................40 Part 763 2646.......................................................40 Part 763 2665.................................................40 Parts 195, 700 2681--2692.................................................40 Part 745 2697......................................................24 Part 3282 40 Part 770 2801 et seq................................................16 Part 306 3301 et seq.....................................18 Parts 154, 270, 274 3301--3432.......18 Parts 1b, 2, 3, 152, 154, 157, 158, 161, 201, 225, 250, 260, 275, 280, 281, 284, 286, 358, 375, 382, 385, 390 3432.......................................................18 Part 225 3701 et seq................................................13 Part 312 3701.................................................13 Parts 300, 302 32 Part 188 41 Part 109-50 3704b-2...................................................15 Part 1180 3710...............................................15 Parts 1160, 1170 32 Part 273 41 Part 109-50 3710b.....................................................14 Part 1240 3712........................................................15 Part 17 3717.......................................................12 Part 701 4011--4021.................................................15 Part 325 4402....................................................21 Parts 1, 21 4651 et seq................................................15 Part 231 4908.......................................................15 Part 801 5001...............................................15 Parts 1150, 1272 5401 et seq................................................15 Part 280 5412.......................................................12 Part 335 5414.......................................................12 Part 335 5415.......................................................12 Part 335 5601 et seq................................................15 Part 904 5701 et seq................................................16 Part 308 6001--6006................................................16 Part 1203 6101--6108.................................................16 Part 310 6501--6508.................................................16 Part 312 6701 note...................................................31 Part 50 6801 et seq.....................................12 Parts 332, 334, 716 16 Part 313 17 Part 160 6801--6809.................................................12 Part 748 17 Part 248 6801.........................12 Parts 30, 168, 208, 211, 225, 308, 364 16 Part 314 6804......................................................12 Part 1016 6805.........................12 Parts 30, 168, 208, 211, 225, 308, 364 16 Part 314 6825.......................................................17 Part 248 7001.......................................................12 Part 749 40 Part 3 7004......................................................12 Part 1006 7201 et seq...........................17 Parts 202, 229, 232, 240, 249 7202..................................17 Parts 200, 201, 205, 210, 270 7211 et seq..........................................17 Parts 200, 202 7215.......................................................17 Part 201 7217.......................................................17 Part 201 7241--7244............................................12 Parts 11, 335 7241.................................................17 Parts 270, 335 7242.......................................................17 Part 335 7243.......................................................17 Part 335 7244.......................................................17 Part 335 7245.......................................................17 Part 205 7246.......................................................17 Part 201 7261..................................................12 Parts 11, 335 17 Part 244 7262..................................................12 Parts 11, 335 17 Parts 205, 210 7264..................................................12 Parts 11, 335 7265..................................................12 Parts 11, 335 7301 et seq................................................15 Part 270 7442.......................................................45 Part 620 7601--7610.................................................16 Part 315 7701--7713.................................................16 Part 316 8001--8008................................................15 Part 1450 16 Part 1015 8302.......................................................17 Part 240 8305.......................................................12 Part 237 8701--8717................................................15 Part 1500 9009.......................................................13 Part 123 9052.......................................................12 Part 324 16 U.S.C. 1 et seq................................................36 Parts 9, 51 1--3.........................................................43 Part 5 1.......................................36 Parts 8, 10, 20, 25, 28, 34 43 Part 36 1a-5........................................................36 Part 62 1b--1c.............................................36 Parts 10, 20, 25 2...............................................36 Parts 9, 10, 20, 25 3.......................36 Parts 8, 9, 10, 20, 21, 25, 28, 30, 34, 242 43 Parts 21, 36, 8350 50 Part 100 3a...........................................................43 Part 5 4............................................................36 Part 9 9a......................................................36 Parts 8, 25 36--36a.....................................................36 Part 10 40a.........................................................43 Part 17 47-1........................................................36 Part 34 47a.........................................................43 Part 17 90c et seq.................43 Parts 3520, 3530, 3540, 3560, 3580, 3590 90c-1................43 Parts 3510, 3520, 3530, 3540, 3560, 3580, 3590 141c........................................................36 Part 10 241 et seq...................................................36 Part 9 347..........................................................36 Part 9 363.........................................................36 Part 21 406d-3......................................................43 Part 17 [[Page 988]] 408k........................................................36 Part 20 410 et seq...................................................36 Part 9 410bb........................................................36 Part 9 410hh........................................................36 Part 9 431 et seq.................................................50 Part 404 431--433..................................................43 Part 2300 431..........................................................36 Part 9 432--433..................................................18 Part 1312 22 Part 1104 36 Part 296 43 Part 7 432........................................................32 Part 229 433........................................................32 Part 229 43 Part 9260 450ss.....................................................36 Part 1501 459b........................................................36 Part 27 459b-4......................................................36 Part 27 459e-2......................................................36 Part 28 460 et seq...........................................43 Parts 21, 8370 460.........................................................50 Part 36 460d............................................36 Parts 312, 327, 328 460f.......................................................33 Part 211 460k et seq.................................................50 Part 38 460k.......................50 Parts 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 70, 71 460k-3.....................................................50 Part 404 460l-4--460l-11.............................................43 Part 17 460l-6a...........................................36 Parts 34, 71, 327 43 Parts 2930, 8340, 8370, 9260 460l-6d....................................................36 Part 251 43 Part 5 50 Part 27 460l-22.....................................................36 Part 17 460l-31....................................................43 Part 422 460n et seq................43 Parts 3520, 3530, 3540, 3560, 3580, 3590 460n-5.....................43 Parts 3510, 3520, 3530, 3540, 3560, 3580 460q et seq......................43 Parts 3520, 3530, 3540, 3560, 3580 460q-1......................................................36 Part 30 460q-5.....................43 Parts 3510, 3520, 3530, 3540, 3560, 3580 460y...............................................43 Parts 2130, 2270 460aa-10...................................................36 Part 292 460bb note.............................36 Parts 1007, 1008, 1009, 1010 460bb app..........................................36 Parts 1011, 1012 460dd et seq.................................................36 Part 9 43 Part 3520 460dd-2..............43 Parts 3510, 3520, 3530, 3540, 3560, 3580, 3590 460ff et seq.................................................36 Part 9 460gg--460gg-13............................................36 Part 292 460mm-4..............43 Parts 3510, 3520, 3530, 3540, 3560, 3580, 3590 460bbb note......................36 Parts 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005 461 et seq.............................................36 Parts 62, 65 462.....................................................36 Parts 8, 63 463.........................................................36 Part 62 469 et seq..................................................7 Part 656 30 Part 773 469.........................................................7 Part 650 18 Part 1312 22 Part 1104 32 Part 229 36 Part 296 43 Part 7 470 et seq..................................................7 Part 656 30 Parts 731, 732, 772, 773, 779, 780, 783, 784 36 Parts 60, 61, 65, 68, 78 470.........................................................7 Part 650 32 Parts 552, 767 33 Part 209 36 Parts 63, 800, 801, 805, 810, 811 470-1.......................................................36 Part 68 470a--470t................................................18 Part 1312 22 Part 1104 32 Part 229 36 Part 296 43 Part 7 470a-1--470a-2..............................................36 Part 73 470a........................................................36 Part 67 470d........................................................36 Part 73 470f.......................................................7 Part 3100 34 Part 75 470h-2..................................................41 Part 102-78 50 Part 37 470h-3......................................................36 Part 18 470s.......................................................36 Part 800 470aa et seq................................................50 Part 12 470aa--470mm..............................................18 Part 1312 32 Part 229 36 Parts 79, 296 43 Part 7 470aa-47011...............................................22 Part 1104 25 Part 262 43 Part 2560 470ee--470gg...............................................36 Part 262 470aaa et seq.............................................43 Part 8360 470aaa--470aaa-11...........................................43 Part 49 36 Part 291 470aaa......................................................50 Part 12 472..........36 Parts 200, 211, 214, 241, 242, 251, 261, 262, 292, 294 50 Part 100 472a et seq................................................33 Part 209 472a.......................................................36 Part 223 475........................................................36 Part 221 478..................................................36 Parts 228, 292 478a.......................................................36 Part 254 483--484..................................................43 Part 2620 484a.......................................................36 Part 254 485..................................................36 Parts 241, 254 486........................................................36 Part 254 497b.......................................................36 Part 251 497c.......................................................36 Part 251 498........................................................36 Part 211 508.......................................................43 Part 3560 509b......................................................30 Part 1217 516........................................................36 Part 254 521........................................................36 Part 200 524.........................................................43 Part 17 528--531...................................................36 Part 272 528 note...................................................36 Part 223 529........................................................36 Part 294 534...........................................................7 Part 1 539........................................................36 Part 241 551....36 Parts 211, 212, 214, 222, 228, 241, 242, 251, 254, 261, 262, 292, 293, 294, 297 50 Part 100 [[Page 989]] 555a.......................................................36 Part 254 559a.......................................................36 Part 262 572........................................................36 Part 222 580d.......................................................36 Part 251 583........................................................36 Part 241 590..........................................................7 Part 15 590a--590f...................7 Parts 601, 610, 611, 613, 650, 654, 657 590d...............................................7 Parts 7, 630, 708 590g--590q..................................................7 Part 708 590h..............................................7 Parts 7, 780, 1404 590p.............................................7 Parts 630, 631, 654 590q........................................7 Parts 610, 611, 650, 654 590z-11..............................................43 Parts 426, 428 604.......................................................43 Part 5510 607.......................................................43 Part 5510 607a......................................................43 Part 5400 615a......................................................43 Part 5510 616........................................................36 Part 221 618........................................................36 Part 223 43 Part 5470 620 et seq....................................................7 Part 1 620--620j..................................................36 Part 223 620........................................................36 Part 261 620d..........................................................7 Part 1 631e........................................................43 Part 17 661 et seq.................................................30 Part 773 43 Part 17 661--666c..................................................33 Part 209 661--664....................................................43 Part 17 664.........................................................43 Part 21 50 Parts 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 38, 70, 71 668 et seq..................................................50 Part 12 668.........................................................50 Part 14 668a et seq................................................30 Part 773 668a--668d.............................................50 Parts 10, 22 668a........................................................43 Part 17 50 Parts 11, 13 668bb..................................................50 Parts 30, 31 668dd et seq................................................43 Part 36 50 Part 12 668dd--668ee.................................................43 Part 5 50 Parts 26, 32, 36, 404 668dd......................................................36 Part 242 43 Parts 2300, 3150 50 Parts 25, 27, 28, 29, 38, 70, 71, 100 669--669k...................................................50 Part 80 669.........................................................43 Part 17 670 et seq.........................................43 Parts 8340, 8360 670.......................................................43 Part 8370 670g--670n.........................................43 Parts 8370, 9260 683........................................................36 Part 241 685............................................50 Parts 27, 28, 29, 31 686.........................................................43 Part 21 690.........................................................43 Part 21 690d...........................................50 Parts 27, 28, 29, 31 698--698m....................................................36 Part 9 703 et seq.................................................30 Part 773 50 Part 12 703--712...................................50 Parts 10, 20, 21, 22, 92 704....................................................50 Parts 13, 14 712....................................................50 Parts 13, 14 715i....................................................43 Parts 5, 10 50 Parts 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32 715s........................................................43 Part 17 50 Parts 27, 34, 37 718 et seq..................................................50 Part 12 718.........................................................50 Part 31 718j........................................................50 Part 91 725.........................................................43 Part 21 50 Parts 27, 28, 29, 31 742.........................................................50 Part 38 742a et seq................................................50 Part 222 742a--742j-1...........................................50 Parts 10, 19 742a--742j..................................................50 Part 20 742e.......................................................50 Part 260 742f.......................................................50 Part 404 742j-1.................................................50 Parts 12, 13 742l.......................................................50 Part 404 753a........................................................43 Part 17 757a--757f..................................................43 Part 17 50 Part 401 760c.......................................................33 Part 209 760d........................................................43 Part 17 760g.......................................................33 Part 209 773 et seq.................................................15 Part 904 50 Parts 660, 666, 679, 904 773--773k..................................................50 Part 300 773f.......................................................15 Part 906 777--777n...................................................50 Part 80 777.........................................................43 Part 17 777c........................................................50 Part 86 777g...................................................50 Parts 85, 86 777g-1......................................................50 Part 86 781 et seq.................................................15 Part 904 791 et seq.................................................10 Part 205 791--828c.......................................18 Parts 1b, 2, 5, 381 791--825r...........................18 Parts 1c, 35, 37, 358, 375, 390 791--823...................................................33 Part 221 791..................................................33 Parts 208, 222 791a--825v.................................................18 Part 385 791a--825r...18 Parts 1c, 4, 7, 8, 12, 16, 24, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 41, 42, 45, 101, 292, 294, 382, 390 791a--828c...................................18 Parts 3, 141, 154, 290 792 et seq.................................................10 Part 205 18 Part 154 792--828c................18 Parts 1b, 2, 5, 11, 46, 131, 225, 260, 294 796.........................................................18 Part 20 797...........................................................7 Part 1 33 Part 209 43 Part 45 50 Part 221 799..........................................................18 Part 6 801..........................................................18 Part 9 803..........................................................18 Part 6 806..........................................................18 Part 6 811...........................................................7 Part 1 43 Part 45 50 Part 221 812--813....................................................18 Part 20 818.........................................................18 Part 25 43 Part 2300 823d..........................................................7 Part 1 43 Part 45 50 Part 221 824........................................................18 Part 388 824o........................................................18 Part 40 [[Page 990]] 824o-1....................................................10 Part 1004 824p.......................................................10 Part 900 18 Part 50 824q........................................................18 Part 42 825...................................................18 Parts 3c, 125 825c..................................................18 Parts 41, 125 825g--825h..............................................18 Parts 6, 25 825h......................................18 Parts 3a, 3b, 9, 125, 154 825k........................................................18 Part 20 825s.......................................................10 Part 903 18 Part 300 831--831ee...................................18 Parts 1304, 1312, 1315 831--831dd.................................................5 Part 7901 18 Parts 1300, 1301, 1302, 1303, 1305, 1306, 1307, 1308, 1309, 1310, 1311, 1314 832--832l..................................................18 Part 300 835c note...................................................43 Part 17 835c-1......................................................43 Part 17 835c-4.....................................................43 Part 413 838--838k..................................................18 Part 300 839--839h............................................18 Parts 300, 301 877 et seq................................................43 Part 8360 916 et seq.................................................15 Part 904 50 Part 230 921.........................................................43 Part 17 951 et seq.................................................15 Part 904 50 Part 300 951--961...................................................15 Part 904 971 et seq.................................................15 Part 904 50 Parts 300, 635 972 et seq.................................................15 Part 904 973 et seq.................................................15 Part 904 973--973r..................................................50 Part 300 973........................................................15 Part 304 973f.......................................................15 Part 906 1001--1012a.................................................7 Part 622 1001--1008.......................................7 Parts 601, 650, 654 1005..................7 Parts 1775, 1777, 1778, 1780, 1781, 1782, 1930 1006........................................................7 Part 621 1131 et seq..................................................36 Part 9 43 Part 6300 1131--1136.................................................36 Part 293 43 Part 19 50 Part 35 1131.......................................................36 Part 294 1133.......................................................36 Part 261 1134.......................................................36 Part 251 1151 et seq................................................15 Part 904 1174.......................................................15 Part 906 1201--1205..................................................43 Part 17 1241 et seq..................................43 Parts 8340, 8360, 8370 1241--1249................................................43 Part 8370 1241......................................................43 Part 8350 1246.......................................................36 Part 261 43 Part 9260 1247......................................................49 Part 1152 1248......................................................49 Part 1152 1271--1287................................................43 Part 8370 1271......................................................43 Part 8350 1278.......................................................36 Part 297 1280......................................................43 Part 3809 1281.................................................36 Parts 292, 297 43 Part 8350 1281c..............................................43 Parts 8340, 8360 1331--1340.................................................36 Part 222 43 Part 4700 1334.......................................................36 Part 251 1336......................................................43 Part 9260 1361 et seq................................................15 Part 904 50 Parts 12, 18, 216, 217, 218, 219, 222, 223, 224, 228, 229, 403, 404 1361--1407.............................................50 Parts 17, 82 1361--1384..................................................50 Part 10 1371 et seq................................................15 Part 904 1374.......................................................15 Part 906 50 Part 13 1375.......................................................15 Part 906 1382...............................................50 Parts 11, 13, 14 1385.......................................................50 Part 216 1401--1407..................................................50 Part 10 1416.......................................................15 Part 906 1431 et seq..........................................15 Parts 904, 922 1431--1439.................................................15 Part 905 1451 et seq................................................15 Part 923 1456.......................................................33 Part 209 49 Part 1105 1461.......................................................15 Part 921 1521 et seq.................................................19 Part 10 1531 et seq.................................................7 Part 650 15 Part 904 30 Part 773 43 Part 8340 50 Parts 12, 23, 222, 229, 402, 404, 424, 450, 451, 452, 453 1531--1544.................................................32 Part 552 50 Parts 10, 17, 22, 81, 224 1531.......................................................50 Part 222 1532........................................................7 Part 355 1533.......................................................50 Part 226 1534........................................................50 Part 71 1536......................................................49 Part 1105 1538........................................................7 Part 355 50 Parts 13, 14, 24 1539........................................................50 Part 13 1540..........................................7 Parts 1, 355, 356, 380 15 Part 906 50 Parts 11, 13, 14, 24 1543.......................................................50 Part 223 1603.......................................................36 Part 200 1604.......................................................36 Part 219 1608--1610.................................................23 Part 660 1608.......................................................36 Part 294 1612.......................................................36 Part 216 1613.................................................36 Parts 219, 294 1704........................................................43 Part 26 1792 et seq................................................10 Part 205 1801 et seq..........................................15 Parts 904, 906 50 Parts 300, 404, 600, 622, 635, 648, 654, 660, 665, 666, 679 1821 et seq................................................50 Part 300 1822 note..................................................15 Part 904 1826d et seq...............................................50 Part 300 1826g......................................................15 Part 904 1826k note.................................................15 Part 904 1827a......................................................15 Part 904 1851 note..................................................15 Part 904 1853.......................................................15 Part 905 1857 note..................................................15 Part 904 1862.......................................................50 Part 680 1901 et seq..................................................36 Part 9 1908........................................................36 Part 62 [[Page 991]] 2001--2645.................................................18 Part 290 2001--2009..................................................7 Part 601 2001--2006..................................................7 Part 701 2005b.......................................................7 Part 610 2101 et seq................................................36 Part 200 2109.......................................................36 Part 230 2203--2205..................................................7 Part 601 2203........................................................7 Part 624 2401 et seq................................................15 Part 904 40 Part 8 45 Parts 672, 673, 674 50 Part 12 2401--2413.................................................45 Part 670 2403a........................................................40 Part 8 2405.......................................................45 Part 671 2431 et seq................................................15 Part 904 50 Part 300 2437.......................................................15 Part 906 2461 et seq................................................15 Part 904 2501--2514..................................................36 Part 72 2601--2645......18 Parts 1b, 1c, 2, 3, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 41, 45, 46, 101, 131, 141, 154, 281, 286, 290, 292, 358, 375, 381, 382, 385, 390 3101 et seq..................................................36 Part 9 43 Parts 36, 3000, 3110, 3120, 3800 50 Part 36 3101--3126.................................................36 Part 242 50 Part 100 3124......................................................43 Part 2090 3142........................................................50 Part 37 3150......................................................43 Part 3150 3161........................................................50 Part 29 3210.......................................................36 Part 251 3371 et seq.................................................7 Part 357 15 Part 904 50 Parts 11, 12 3371--3378........................................50 Parts 10, 14, 300 3372.......................................................25 Part 244 3373....................................................7 Parts 1, 380 3374........................................................7 Part 356 50 Part 13 3601 et seq................................................15 Part 904 3631 et seq................................................15 Part 904 50 Part 679 3636.......................................................50 Part 300 3637.......................................................15 Part 906 3801 et seq.................................................7 Part 601 3801--3847.................................................7 Part 1410 3801...................................................7 Parts 12, 760 3801 note...................................................7 Part 760 3811--3812...................................................7 Part 12 3812a........................................................7 Part 12 3813--3814...................................................7 Part 12 3821--3824...................................................7 Part 12 3822...................................................7 Parts 12, 614 3830 et seq................................................7 Part 1469 3837 et seq................................................7 Part 1467 3837--3837f.................................................7 Part 623 3838d--3838g...............................................7 Part 1470 3838h--3838i...............................................7 Part 1491 3838n--3838q...............................................7 Part 1415 3839.......................................................7 Part 1455 3839aa--3839-8.............................................7 Part 1466 3839bb-1....................................................7 Part 636 3842........................................................7 Part 652 3861........................................................7 Part 610 3862........................................................7 Part 610 3865--3865d................................................7 Part 1468 3871 et seq................................................7 Part 1464 3901 et seq............................................50 Parts 25, 38 3951--3956..................................................50 Part 84 4001 et seq................................................15 Part 904 4001--4017.................................................50 Part 270 4013.......................................................15 Part 906 4101 et seq................................................50 Part 253 4201 et seq.................................................50 Part 12 4201--4245..................................................50 Part 17 4223--4244..................................................50 Part 14 4301--4309.................................................36 Part 290 43 Part 37 4601-6a....................................................36 Part 251 43 Part 9260 4601-6d....................................................36 Part 251 4901--4916.........................................50 Parts 13, 14, 15 5001 et seq................................................15 Part 904 5010.......................................................15 Part 906 5101 et seq................................................15 Part 904 50 Part 697 5103.......................................................15 Part 906 5106.......................................................15 Part 906 5154.......................................................15 Part 906 5158.......................................................15 Part 906 5301 et seq.................................................50 Part 12 5501 et seq................................................15 Part 904 50 Part 300 5503.......................................................50 Part 223 5507.......................................................15 Part 906 5601 et seq................................................15 Part 904 5801.......................................................36 Part 222 5908........................................................7 Part 613 6515 note..................................................36 Part 218 6571--6578..................................................7 Part 625 6802.......................................................36 Part 251 43 Part 2930 6901 et seq................................................15 Part 904 50 Part 300 6905.......................................................15 Part 906 7001 et seq................................................15 Part 904 50 Parts 660, 666 7009.......................................................15 Part 906 7401 et seq................................................15 Part 904 7701 et seq................................................15 Part 904 7801 et seq................................................15 Part 904 17 U.S.C. 101........................................................19 Part 133 112...................................37 Parts 370, 380, 382, 383, 384 114........................................37 Parts 370, 380, 382, 383 115........................................37 Parts 210, 355, 385, 390 116........................................................37 Part 387 118........................................................37 Part 381 119........................................................37 Part 386 408........................................................37 Part 202 601--603...................................................19 Part 133 702....37 Parts 201, 202, 204, 205, 210, 211, 220, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234 801....37 Parts 301, 355, 360, 381, 382, 383, 384, 385, 386, 387, 388, 390 802........................................................37 Part 354 803....................37 Parts 303, 350, 351, 352, 353, 360, 381, 387 [[Page 992]] 804..................................................37 Parts 380, 385 805........................................................37 Part 360 908........................................................37 Part 211 1510...37 Parts 220, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234 18 U.S.C. 13.............................................32 Parts 210, 263, 1290 39 Part 232 42--44......................................................50 Part 11 42..........................................................19 Part 12 50 Parts 10, 12, 13, 14, 16 47........................................................43 Part 4700 201--212.....................................................24 Part 0 202........................................................32 Part 251 203..........................................................31 Part 8 205..........................................................31 Part 8 207............................................5 Parts 534, 1304, 2641 14 Part 1207 17 Part 207 19 Part 200 22 Parts 18, 223, 525, 710, 713 28 Part 45 29 Part 0 31 Part 15 36 Part 905 45 Parts 73b, 500 46 Part 502 49 Part 98 208........................................................5 Part 2640 10 Part 1010 14 Part 1207 34 Part 73 212.................................................5 Parts 3101, 3201 213.................................................5 Parts 3101, 3201 219........................................................32 Part 516 241 note...................................................24 Part 573 437........................................................25 Part 140 474..................................................31 Parts 402, 405 474A.......................................................31 Part 601 492.............................................31 Parts 101, 402, 403 499........................................................32 Part 161 506........................................................32 Part 161 36 Part 1200 45 Part 2540 509........................................................32 Part 161 534 note...................................................28 Part 105 545........................................................19 Part 161 546........................................................19 Part 162 641...................................................12 Parts 4, 1070 22 Part 713 43 Part 8200 49 Part 801 701........................................................20 Part 369 32 Parts 161, 507 45 Part 2540 704........................................................32 Part 507 707...........................................................7 Part 8 711........................................................36 Part 271 751--752...................................................28 Part 511 751........................................................28 Part 570 799...............................................14 Parts 1203a, 1204 842..........................................49 Parts 1515, 1570, 1572 843........................................................27 Part 771 845..........................................49 Parts 1515, 1570, 1572 847.............................................27 Parts 478, 555, 771 921--931...................................................27 Part 478 921.........................................................27 Part 72 922........................................................32 Part 635 951.........................................................28 Part 73 981 et seq..................................................50 Part 12 981......................................................28 Parts 8, 9 39 Part 233 983.........................................................8 Part 274 19 Part 171 28 Parts 8, 9 32 Part 216 39 Part 233 1001.......................................................25 Part 151 32 Parts 161, 525 34 Part 200 43 Part 3830 1017................................................36 Parts 701, 1200 45 Part 2540 1114........................................................28 Part 64 1116.........................................................22 Part 2 1159.......................................................25 Part 309 1162........................................................28 Part 50 1261........................................................27 Part 72 1301 et seq................................................37 Part 212 1350..................................17 Parts 229, 232, 240, 249, 270 1382.......................................................32 Part 552 1512--1514.................................................32 Part 114 1512.......................................................28 Part 551 1514A.....................................................29 Part 1980 1621......................................................49 Part 1104 1693--1699...........................................39 Parts 310, 320 1692--1737.......................................39 Parts 20, 111, 113 1791--1792.................................................28 Part 511 1791...................................................28 Parts 6, 540 1793.......................................................28 Part 511 1905..................................................12 Parts 4, 1070 19 Part 103 20 Part 402 21 Parts 20, 26 25 Part 516 45 Part 5 1906.........................................................12 Part 4 1956.......................................................39 Part 233 1957.......................................................39 Part 233 2071.......................................................49 Part 801 2152.......................................................32 Part 761 2254.......................................................39 Part 233 2257........................................................28 Part 75 2257A.......................................................28 Part 75 2332d............................31 Parts 501, 535, 542, 560, 562, 596 2339B...........................................31 Parts 501, 560, 597 2341--2346............................................27 Parts 46, 646 2386........................................................28 Part 10 3013.......................................................28 Part 545 3050.......................................................28 Part 511 3051.....................................................28 Parts 8, 9 3056.................................................31 Parts 409, 413 3059.........................................................28 Part 7 3061.................................................39 Parts 232, 233 3181 et seq.................................................22 Part 95 3401........................................................28 Part 52 32 Parts 516, 1290 3402......................................................32 Part 1290 3481 et seq................................................28 Part 550 3521--3528...........................................28 Parts 524, 550 3524.......................................................28 Part 549 3551--3586.................................................36 Part 242 [[Page 993]] 50 Part 100 3559.......................................................10 Part 860 3565.................................................28 Parts 527, 571 3568--3569.................................................28 Part 571 3568.................................................28 Parts 522, 523 3569.......................................................28 Part 527 3571................................................10 Parts 860, 1048 28 Part 545 43 Part 3830 3582.......................................................28 Part 571 3585.......................................................28 Part 522 3596........................................................28 Part 26 3597........................................................28 Part 26 3600A.......................................................28 Part 28 3621...28 Parts 500, 501, 503, 505, 506, 511, 512, 513, 522, 523, 524, 527, 540, 541, 542, 543, 544, 545, 547, 548, 549, 550, 551, 552, 553, 570, 571 3622...28 Parts 500, 501, 503, 505, 506, 511, 512, 513, 522, 523, 524, 527, 540, 541, 542, 543, 544, 545, 547, 548, 549, 550, 551, 552, 553, 570, 571 3624...28 Parts 500, 501, 503, 505, 506, 511, 512, 513, 522, 523, 524, 527, 540, 541, 542, 543, 544, 545, 547, 548, 550, 551, 552, 553, 570, 571 3635.......................................................28 Part 523 3663.......................................................28 Part 545 4001.....28 Parts 26, 38, 500, 501, 503, 505, 506, 511, 512, 513, 522, 523, 524, 527, 540, 541, 542, 543, 544, 545, 547, 548, 549, 550, 551, 552, 553, 570, 571, 572 4001 note..................................................28 Part 505 4002........................................................6 Part 115 8 Parts 236, 241, 1236, 1241 28 Part 26 4003.......................................................28 Part 503 4005.................................................28 Parts 549, 551 4012.......................................................28 Part 511 4013........................................................6 Part 115 8 Parts 236, 241, 1241 4042....28 Parts 38, 500, 501, 503, 505, 506, 511, 512, 513, 522, 523, 524, 527, 540, 541, 542, 543, 544, 545, 547, 548, 549, 550, 551, 552, 553, 570, 571, 572 4045.......................................................28 Part 549 4046.................................................28 Parts 524, 550 4081...28 Parts 500, 501, 503, 505, 506, 511, 512, 513, 522, 523, 524, 527, 540, 541, 542, 543, 544, 545, 547, 548, 549, 551, 552, 553, 570, 571, 572 4082...28 Parts 500, 501, 503, 505, 506, 511, 512, 513, 522, 523, 524, 527, 540, 541, 542, 543, 544, 545, 547, 548, 549, 551, 552, 553, 570, 571, 572 4100--4115.................................................28 Part 527 4126..................................28 Parts 301, 302, 345, 545, 553 4161--4166........28 Parts 501, 503, 522, 523, 527, 541, 551, 570, 571 4201--4218...........................................28 Parts 527, 571 4203.........................................................28 Part 2 4204.........................................................28 Part 2 4205.......................................................28 Part 572 5003.......................................................28 Part 527 5006--5024.......28 Parts 500, 501, 503, 505, 506, 511, 512, 513, 522, 523, 524, 527, 541, 542, 543, 544, 545, 547, 548, 549, 550, 551, 552, 553, 570, 571 5015.......................................................28 Part 572 5031--5042.................................................28 Part 571 5039...28 Parts 500, 501, 503, 505, 506, 511, 512, 513, 522, 523, 524, 527, 540, 541, 542, 543, 544, 545, 547, 548, 549, 550, 551, 552, 553, 570, 572 5040........................................................28 Part 38 6002........................................................14 Part 13 49 Part 1503 App.........................................................28 Part 60 19 U.S.C. 1..........................................................19 Part 101 2..........................................................19 Part 101 58a--58c....................................................19 Part 24 58b..................................................19 Parts 101, 122 58c..................................................19 Parts 111, 128 66..........................................................8 Part 274 19 Parts 4, 7, 10, 11, 12, 18, 19, 24, 37, 54, 101, 102, 103, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 118, 122, 123, 125, 127, 128, 132, 133, 134, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 151, 152, 158, 159, 161, 162, 163, 165, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 181, 182, 190, 191 81a--81u...................................................15 Part 400 19 Part 146 81c........................................................19 Part 190 27 Parts 19, 25, 26, 27, 28 202........................................................19 Part 102 288..........................................................19 Part 4 293..........................................................19 Part 4 294..........................................................19 Part 4 482........................................................19 Part 162 794.......................................................32 Part 1906 1202...................................................7 Parts 6, 1530 9 Part 151 19 Parts 7, 10, 11, 12, 18, 19, 24, 54, 101, 111, 114, 123, 125, 128, 132, 133, 134, 141, 145, 146, 148, 151, 177, 181, 182, 190, 191 27 Parts 27, 28 50 Parts 10, 13 1202 note.....................................................7 Part 6 15 Part 303 19 Parts 24, 101, 148, 351 1303.......................................................19 Part 353 1303 note..................................................19 Part 351 1304.................................................19 Parts 134, 159 1305..................................................19 Parts 12, 145 1307........................................................19 Part 12 1309..................................................19 Parts 10, 190 1311--1312...........................................19 Parts 125, 127 1311........................................................19 Part 19 27 Part 19 1312........................................................19 Part 19 1313.............................................19 Parts 10, 190, 191 1315............................................19 Parts 141, 145, 159 1317........................................................19 Part 10 1318.............................................19 Parts 24, 358, 362 1321...................................19 Parts 10, 128, 143, 145, 159 1322................................................19 Parts 4, 10, 18 1323........................................................19 Part 18 1331.......................................................19 Part 201 1333.................................................19 Parts 201, 210 [[Page 994]] 1335.........19 Parts 200, 201, 202, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 210, 213 1337..................................................19 Parts 12, 210 1339.......................................................19 Part 213 1342.......................................................19 Part 210 1365..........................................................7 Part 6 1401a............................................19 Parts 10, 141, 152 1402..................................................19 Parts 10, 141 1411--1414.................................................19 Part 101 1414.................................................19 Parts 141, 143 1415....................................19 Parts 4, 122, 123, 145, 149 1431.........................................19 Parts 4, 103, 122, 123 1433...................................................19 Parts 4, 122 1434....................................................19 Parts 4, 10 1435........................................................19 Part 10 1436.........................................19 Parts 4, 122, 123, 145 1441.........................................................19 Part 4 1442.........................................................19 Part 4 1446.........................................................19 Part 4 1447.........................................................19 Part 4 1448............................19 Parts 4, 18, 19, 122, 123, 141, 142 1450........................................................19 Part 19 1450--1454.................................................19 Part 123 1457.........................................................19 Part 4 1458.........................................................19 Part 4 1459--1461.................................................19 Part 162 1459.................................................19 Parts 122, 123 1460.......................................................19 Part 123 1461.......................................................19 Part 123 1462.......................................................19 Part 123 1466.........................................................19 Part 4 1467.......................................................19 Part 162 1481..............................19 Parts 10, 141, 143, 145, 147, 165 1484--1485.................................................19 Part 127 1484.......19 Parts 10, 12, 18, 19, 111, 123, 125, 127, 128, 132, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 147, 163, 165 1484b........................................................19 Part 4 1485.................................................19 Parts 141, 145 1486...............................................19 Parts 4, 10, 141 1487.......................................................19 Part 141 1490--1493.................................................19 Part 127 1490--1491...................................................21 Part 6 1490...............................................19 Parts 4, 18, 141 21 Part 1 1491.........................................................21 Part 1 1496.................................................19 Parts 148, 162 1498.........19 Parts 4, 10, 12, 18, 111, 123, 128, 141, 143, 145, 148 1499...................................19 Parts 19, 118, 133, 141, 174 1500.................................................19 Parts 152, 159 1501.................................................19 Parts 145, 173 1502.................................................19 Parts 152, 177 1504.......................................................19 Part 159 1505..........................................19 Parts 4, 24, 141, 159 1506.......................................................19 Part 127 1507.......................................................19 Part 159 1508...................................19 Parts 10, 132, 163, 165, 190 29 Part 810 1509.......................................................19 Part 163 1510.......................................................19 Part 163 1514--1515.................................................19 Part 174 1514.......................................................15 Part 301 19 Parts 145, 190 1516.................................................19 Parts 159, 175 1516a......................................................19 Part 356 1517.......................................................19 Part 165 1520..............................................19 Parts 10, 24, 173 1526.......................................................19 Part 133 1527........................................................19 Part 12 1528........................................................19 Part 12 1551....................................19 Parts 18, 19, 112, 123, 128 1551a.......................................................19 Part 18 1552..................................................19 Parts 18, 142 1553.............................................19 Parts 18, 123, 142 1553a.......................................................19 Part 18 1554.......................................................19 Part 123 1555........................................19 Parts 19, 125, 128, 144 1556.............................................19 Parts 19, 125, 128 1557......................19 Parts 10, 18, 19, 125, 142, 144, 159, 190 1558.................................................19 Parts 142, 159 1559.......................................................19 Part 127 1560........................................................19 Part 19 1561........................................................19 Part 19 1562.............................................19 Parts 19, 144, 635 1563............................................19 Parts 127, 144, 158 1564.......................................................19 Part 141 1565.........................................19 Parts 18, 19, 112, 128 1581--1582.................................................19 Part 162 1581.........................................................19 Part 4 1584...................................................19 Parts 4, 123 1586.........................................................19 Part 4 1590.......................................................19 Part 122 1592.................................................19 Parts 162, 171 1593a...........................................19 Parts 162, 171, 190 1594.................................................19 Parts 122, 162 1595............................................19 Parts 123, 161, 162 1595a.................................................19 Parts 12, 162 1600........................................................8 Part 274 19 Part 161 1602--1624..................................................50 Part 12 1602.......................................................19 Part 162 1606--1608................................................21 Part 1316 28 Parts 8, 9 1607........................................................27 Part 72 1610......................................................21 Part 1316 27 Part 72 28 Parts 8, 9 1612--1613..................................................27 Part 72 28 Parts 8, 9 1613......................................................21 Part 1316 28 Part 9 1618........................................................8 Part 274 19 Parts 12, 123, 145, 171, 172 21 Part 1316 27 Part 72 28 Parts 8, 9 1619........................................................8 Part 274 19 Part 161 1622.........................................................19 Part 4 1623.......19 Parts 4, 7, 10, 12, 18, 19, 54, 101, 112, 113, 114, 118, 122, 125, 127, 132, 141, 146, 147, 165, 172 26 Part 48 1624........................................................8 Part 274 19 Parts 4, 7, 10, 11, 12, 18, 19, 24, 54, 101, 102, 103, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 118, 122, 123, 125, 127, 128, 132, 133, 134, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 151, 152, 158, 159, 161, 162, 163, 165, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, [[Page 995]] 176, 177, 178, 181, 182, 190, 191, 192 1625.......................................................19 Part 177 1628.......................................................19 Part 103 1629.......................................................19 Part 101 1641.................................................19 Parts 111, 143 1644.......................................................19 Part 122 1644a.................................................19 Parts 91, 122 1646a.......................................19 Parts 18, 101, 125, 127 1646c......................................................19 Part 192 1671 et seq................................................19 Part 351 1671--1671n................................................19 Part 207 1671.......................................................19 Part 165 1673.......................................................19 Part 165 1675c......................................................19 Part 159 1677.......................................................19 Part 354 1677f......................................................19 Part 356 1701.......................................................19 Part 162 1703--1708.................................................19 Part 162 1706.........................................................19 Part 4 1706a........................................................19 Part 4 1751--1756.................................................19 Part 147 1862.......................................................15 Part 705 31 Part 9 1872...............................................15 Parts 2001, 2003 2051--2052............................................22 Parts 61, 502 2071.......................................................19 Part 103 2071 note...............................19 Parts 4, 122, 123, 149, 192 2094........................................................19 Part 12 2112 note..................................................7 Part 1540 19 Parts 10, 206 2171......................................................15 Part 2004 19 Part 12 2251--2254...........................................19 Parts 206, 360 2253......................................................15 Part 2014 2320.......................................................20 Part 618 29 Part 90 2341 et seq................................................13 Part 302 2341--2372.................................................13 Part 313 2401.......................................................7 Part 1580 2416........................................................19 Part 12 2419......................................................15 Part 2006 2436.......................................................19 Part 206 2441......................................................15 Part 1300 2461 et seq.................................................19 Part 10 2461--2465................................................15 Part 2007 2482.......................................19 Parts 201, 205, 207, 211 2497.................................................7 Parts 760, 1437 2501........................................................19 Part 10 2504......................................................15 Part 2009 2531--2582..................................................21 Part 20 2551--2554................................................15 Part 2009 2554.......................................................32 Part 213 2606.......................................................32 Part 213 2612........................................................19 Part 12 2701 et seq.................................................19 Part 10 2703A.......................................................19 Part 10 3203.......................................................7 Part 1540 19 Part 10 3314.......................................................7 Part 1530 19 Parts 10, 102, 181 3391........................................................7 Part 782 3513..........................................................7 Part 6 19 Part 207 3538.......................................................19 Part 351 3592..................................................19 Parts 10, 102 3601..........................................................7 Part 6 15 Part 2011 3721..................................................19 Parts 10, 208 3805........................................................19 Part 10 3805 note.............................................19 Parts 10, 206 3901 et seq.................................................19 Part 12 3901--3913...........................................31 Parts 501, 592 3904.......................................................19 Part 163 3907.......................................................19 Part 163 4001 note...................................................19 Part 10 4051--4065.................................................19 Part 206 4101.......................................................19 Part 206 4301 note..................................................19 Part 165 4513.......................................................19 Part 182 4531.......................................................19 Part 182 4532.......................................................19 Part 182 4535.................................................19 Parts 182, 810 29 Part 810 4551--4552.................................................19 Part 206 4574.......................................................19 Part 208 4582.......................................................19 Part 207 20 U.S.C. 41 et seq..................................................36 Part 530 80r-5......................................................2 Part 3187 91.........................................................15 Part 256 45 Part 9 107 et seq.................................................32 Part 260 107..........................................................15 Part 5 31 Part 11 43 Part 13 107a.......................................................34 Part 395 196.........................................................7 Part 500 221.........................................................22 Part 65 241........................................................34 Part 302 241-1......................................................34 Part 302 241c-5.....................................................34 Part 302 241g.......................................................34 Part 302 244........................................................34 Part 250 251c.......................................................34 Part 772 351 note...................................................34 Part 770 351a............................................34 Parts 770, 771, 772 351c--351e.................................................34 Part 772 351c--351d.................................................34 Part 771 351d--351f.................................................34 Part 770 352--354...................................................34 Part 770 355a--355c.................................................34 Part 770 355e--355e-3...............................................34 Part 770 357........................................................34 Part 769 361--363...................................................34 Part 771 361--362...................................................34 Part 772 362c.......................................................34 Part 772 364........................................................34 Part 772 371........................................................34 Part 768 403..................................................34 Parts 603, 655 421--429.............................................34 Parts 673, 676 424........................................................34 Part 674 425........................................................34 Part 674 428........................................................34 Part 674 465........................................................34 Part 674 511--513...................................................34 Part 655 535d.......................................................34 Part 772 647........................................................34 Part 221 801--807.................................................24 Parts 1, 2 881........................................................34 Part 250 887e.............................................34 Parts 75, 500, 745 905.........41 Parts 300-1, 300-2, 300-3, 300-70, 302-1, 302-2, 302-3, 302-4, 302-5, 302-6, [[Page 996]] 302-7, 302-8, 302-9, 302-10, 302-11, 302-12, 302-15, 302-16, 302-17 921--932...............................................32 Parts 57, 89 951 et seq................................................29 Part 1910 954........................................................2 Part 3255 29 Parts 505, 1911 956........................................................2 Part 3374 29 Part 505 957..........................................................30 Part 7 959........................................................2 Part 3369 45 Parts 1105, 1149, 1154, 1158, 1168, 1169, 1171, 2010 971--977..................................................45 Part 1160 1001 et seq................................34 Parts 642, 643, 644, 645 1001--1003...........................................34 Parts 600, 668 1018a...48 Parts 3401, 3402, 3405, 3406, 3412, 3413, 3415, 3416, 3417, 3419, 3437, 3439 1021--1027.................................................34 Part 655 1021--1022.................................................34 Part 776 1022.......................................................34 Part 773 1029.......................................................34 Part 773 1041.......................................................34 Part 773 1051............................................34 Parts 625, 626, 627 1057--1059g................................................34 Part 607 1060--1063c..........................................34 Parts 608, 609 1065.......................................................34 Part 628 1066--1069c................................................34 Part 628 1066.................................................34 Parts 609, 627 1067q......................................................34 Part 607 1068--1068h.....................................34 Parts 607, 608, 609 1068d......................................................34 Part 675 1069a......................................................34 Part 676 1069b......................................................34 Part 627 1070a................................................34 Parts 676, 690 1070a-1....................................................34 Part 643 1070a-11..............................34 Parts 642, 644, 645, 646, 647 1070a-12...................................................34 Part 643 1070a-13...................................................34 Part 645 1070a-14...................................................34 Part 646 1070a-15...................................................34 Part 647 1070a-16...................................................34 Part 644 1070a-17...................................................34 Part 642 1070a-21--1070a-28.........................................34 Part 694 1070b et seq...............................................34 Part 676 1070b--1070b-3.......................................34 Parts 673, 676 1070c--1070c-3.............................................34 Part 692 1070c-4....................................................34 Part 692 1070d et seq...............................................34 Part 642 1070d...........................................34 Parts 643, 644, 646 1070d-1a...................................................34 Part 645 1070d-2..............................................34 Parts 206, 212 1070g......................................34 Parts 668, 674, 675, 685 1071--1087-4.........................................34 Parts 676, 682 1078.......................................................34 Part 682 1078-1.....................................................34 Part 682 1078-2.....................................................34 Part 682 1078-3.....................................................34 Part 682 1080a......................................................34 Part 682 1082.......................................................2 Part 3485 34 Parts 84, 601, 682 1085............................................34 Parts 601, 603, 668 1087.......................................................34 Part 682 1087-1..........................................34 Parts 603, 629, 692 1087-2.....................................................31 Part 354 1087a et seq...............................................34 Part 685 1087aa--1087ii..................................34 Parts 673, 675, 676 1087aa--1087hh.............................................34 Part 674 1088...................34 Parts 600, 629, 642, 643, 644, 645, 646, 668 1088g......................................................34 Part 690 1089.................................................34 Parts 676, 690 1090.......................................................34 Part 690 1091.......................................34 Parts 600, 668, 675, 676 1091a................................................34 Parts 673, 682 1091f......................................................34 Part 676 1092.......................................................34 Part 668 1094--1096...........................................34 Parts 675, 676 1094.......................................................2 Part 3485 34 Parts 84, 600, 668, 685 1096a......................................................34 Part 690 1099.......................................................34 Part 682 1099b................................................34 Parts 600, 602 1099c................................................34 Parts 600, 668 1099c-1....................................................34 Part 668 1101 et seq................................................34 Part 606 1103d......................................................34 Part 675 1121--1130b................................................34 Part 655 1121--1127...........................................34 Parts 658, 660 1122.................................................34 Parts 656, 657 1123.......................................................34 Part 669 1130--1130b................................................34 Part 661 1132--1132-7...............................................34 Part 655 1134--1134g................................................34 Part 649 1134.......................................................34 Part 650 1134h--1134k...............................................34 Part 650 1134i--1134m...............................................34 Part 649 1134k-1....................................................34 Part 650 1134l......................................................34 Part 651 1135--1135e................................................34 Part 648 1136--1136h................................................34 Part 636 1141.......................................................32 Part 206 34 Parts 601, 603, 624, 629, 642, 643, 644, 645, 646, 674, 675, 690, 700, 706, 773, 777, 778, 790 1145g.......................................................34 Part 86 1201 et seq................................................34 Part 431 1201a................................................34 Parts 434, 435 1202.................................................34 Parts 250, 257 1203a................................................34 Parts 434, 436 1206.................................................34 Parts 434, 436 1206a......................................34 Parts 432, 433, 434, 435 1207a................................................34 Parts 433, 434 1211.......................................................34 Part 433 1211a......................................................34 Part 258 1221 et seq..........................................34 Parts 221, 223 1221a......................................................34 Part 435 1221c......................................................34 Part 221 1221e-3.............................................2 Parts 3474, 3485 34 Parts 5, 30, 36, 75, 76, 77, 81, 84, 97, 98, 212, 223, 225, 226, 299, 300, 302, 307, 318, 332, 607, 624, 625, 626, 627, 629, 631, 632, 633, 634, 635, 642, 643, 644, 646, 655, 677, 745, 773, 790, 796 1221h......................................................34 Part 250 1225.......................................................34 Part 298 1226a-1.....................................................34 Part 30 1226c.......................................................34 Part 75 1230...................................................34 Parts 98, 99 1231--1231a.................................................34 Part 75 1231a......................................................34 Part 668 1231c.......................................................34 Part 75 1231d...........................................34 Parts 215, 302, 307 [[Page 997]] 1232............................................34 Parts 221, 225, 617 1232c................................................34 Parts 643, 676 1232f.............................34 Parts 75, 298, 628, 675, 676, 690 1232g......................................................20 Part 603 34 Part 99 1232h.......................................................34 Part 98 1234--1234i.................................................34 Part 81 1234--1234a................................................34 Part 298 1234.......................................................34 Part 221 1234a.......................................................34 Part 30 1234b......................................................34 Part 221 1234c--1234d...............................................34 Part 298 1248.......................................................34 Part 603 1400 et seq.................................................32 Part 57 1401--1402.................................................34 Part 526 1401...................34 Parts 302, 307, 315, 324, 326, 327, 333, 338 1402.......................................................34 Part 301 1403--1420.................................................34 Part 526 1404.................................................34 Parts 307, 309 1405.......................................................34 Part 104 45 Part 84 1406.......................................................34 Part 300 1408.......................................................34 Part 301 1411--1419.................................................34 Part 300 1411.......................................................34 Part 301 1412--1413.................................................34 Part 302 1413.......................................................34 Part 200 1414.......................................................34 Part 301 1416--1417.................................................34 Part 302 1419.......................................................34 Part 301 1424--1424a................................................34 Part 338 1424.......................................................34 Part 307 1431--1444.................................................34 Part 303 1431.......................................................34 Part 316 1434.......................................................34 Part 316 1441--1443.................................................34 Part 324 1451--1453...........................................34 Parts 330, 331 1472.......................................................34 Part 333 1473.......................................................34 Part 304 1501 et seq........................................45 Parts 1700, 1701 1681 et seq.................................................29 Part 38 34 Part 12 45 Part 92 1681--1688..................................................45 Part 86 1681--1686................................................10 Part 1040 1681--1683...................................................6 Part 17 7 Part 15a 10 Parts 5, 1042 13 Part 113 14 Part 1253 15 Part 8a 18 Part 1317 22 Parts 146, 229 24 Part 3 28 Part 54 29 Part 36 31 Part 28 32 Part 196 36 Part 1211 38 Part 23 40 Part 5 41 Part 101-4 43 Part 41 45 Parts 618, 2555 49 Part 25 1681--1682.................................................34 Part 106 1681........................................................29 Part 34 44 Part 19 1682........................................................44 Part 19 1683........................................................44 Part 19 1685--1688...................................................6 Part 17 7 Part 15a 10 Parts 5, 1042 13 Part 113 14 Part 1253 15 Part 8a 18 Part 1317 22 Parts 146, 229 24 Part 3 28 Part 54 29 Part 36 31 Part 28 32 Part 196 34 Part 106 36 Part 1211 38 Part 23 40 Part 5 41 Part 101-4 43 Part 41 44 Part 19 45 Parts 618, 2555 49 Part 25 1687........................................................44 Part 19 1688........................................................44 Part 19 2001--2012.........................................45 Parts 1801, 1802 2313.......................................................34 Part 401 2402.......................................................34 Part 417 2415.......................................................34 Part 491 2471.......................................................34 Part 432 2831.......................................................34 Part 201 2832........................................................34 Part 78 2838.......................................................34 Part 201 2881 et seq................................................20 Part 670 2890........................................................34 Part 75 2891.......................................................34 Part 280 3063--3065......................................34 Parts 655, 656, 658 3191.......................................................34 Part 520 3203.......................................................34 Part 233 3207.......................................................34 Part 520 3221............................................34 Parts 232, 233, 234 3223.................................................34 Parts 645, 646 3302.......................................................34 Part 548 3341--3348.................................................34 Part 745 3381.......................................................34 Part 250 3385--3385a..........................................34 Parts 250, 256 3385.......................................................34 Part 255 3386.......................................................34 Part 212 3401 et seq.................................................34 Part 12 3411........................................................34 Part 60 3461........................................................34 Part 60 3471........................................................34 Part 60 3472.........................................................34 Part 3 3473--3474.................................................34 Part 241 3474................................................2 Parts 3474, 3485 34 Parts 3, 5, 8, 36, 60, 75, 76, 77, 80, 81, 82, 84, 97, 98, 221, 300, 305, 307, 309, 315, 320, 326, 338, 520, 643, 645, 646, 760, 773, 776, 777, 778 3485.........................................................34 Part 3 3487...................................................34 Parts 98, 99 3507...................................................34 Parts 98, 99 [[Page 998]] 3774.......................................................34 Part 760 3801--3807.................................................34 Part 201 3801--3805.................................................34 Part 203 3801.......................................................34 Part 205 3862.......................................34 Parts 241, 760, 787, 788 3871--3876.................................................34 Part 201 3875.......................................................34 Part 760 3902.......................................................34 Part 750 4011 et seq................................................2 Part 1500 40 Part 34 4031--4036.................................................34 Part 750 4041.......................................................34 Part 757 4501 et seq...............................................45 Part 2400 4645.......................................................34 Part 236 4661.......................................................34 Part 765 4831.......................................................34 Part 757 4841.................................................34 Parts 757, 758 4843.................................................34 Parts 757, 758 5505........................................................40 Part 47 5608......................................................36 Part 1600 6011............................................34 Parts 700, 701, 702 6301.......................................................34 Part 200 6303.......................................................34 Part 200 6304.......................................................34 Part 200 6311.......................................................34 Part 200 6311 et seq.................................................25 Part 30 6312.......................................................34 Part 200 6313.......................................................34 Part 200 6314.......................................................34 Part 200 6315.......................................................34 Part 200 6318.......................................................34 Part 200 6320.......................................................34 Part 200 6321.......................................................34 Part 200 6332.......................................................34 Part 200 6333.......................................................34 Part 200 6336.......................................................34 Part 200 6391--6399.................................................34 Part 200 6432.......................................................34 Part 200 6454.......................................................34 Part 200 6472.......................................................34 Part 200 6511........................................................34 Part 76 6571........................................................34 Part 76 6576........................................................34 Part 76 7181--7183.................................................48 Part 837 7221c......................................................34 Part 225 7221d......................................................34 Part 226 7221e......................................................34 Part 200 7231--7231J................................................34 Part 280 7425.......................................................34 Part 200 7428.......................................................34 Part 299 7442.......................................................34 Part 263 7701--7714.................................................34 Part 222 7703.......................................................34 Part 200 7801.......................................................34 Part 299 7821.......................................................34 Part 299 7823.......................................................34 Part 299 7824........................................................25 Part 30 7844.......................................................34 Part 299 7881.................................................34 Parts 200, 299 7883.......................................................34 Part 299 7901.......................................................34 Part 299 8065a.......................................................34 Part 76 8101.......................................................34 Part 200 9101--9176.................................................2 Part 3187 9103.......................................................2 Part 3185 9276...20 Parts 660, 661, 662, 663, 664, 665, 666, 667, 668, 669, 670, 671 29 Part 44 21 U.S.C. 41--50................................................21 Parts 14, 516 104...........................................................7 Part 1 111...........................................................7 Part 1 32 Part 627 117...........................................................7 Part 1 120...........................................................7 Part 1 122...........................................................7 Part 1 127...........................................................7 Part 1 134e..........................................................7 Part 1 134f..........................................................7 Part 1 135a..........................................................7 Part 1 136...............................7 Parts 305, 319, 330, 352, 353, 354 9 Parts 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 98, 130 136a..............................7 Parts 305, 319, 330, 352, 353, 354 9 Parts 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 98, 130, 147, 149, 156 141--149...........................21 Parts 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 151--159.....9 Parts 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 123 151--158....................................................9 Part 122 32 Part 627 154...........................................................7 Part 1 260b.......................................................21 Part 528 301 et seq...............................................21 Parts 1140 301--397.....................................................21 Part 5 321--397....................................................21 Part 10 321--394...........................................21 Parts 14, 16, 17 321--393............................21 Parts 7, 11, 12, 13, 15, 20, 25 321......21 Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 26, 50, 54, 56, 70, 71, 73, 74, 99, 100, 101, 102, 104, 105, 106, 107, 109, 111, 112, 118, 119, 120, 123, 130, 131, 133, 135, 136, 137, 139, 145, 146, 150, 152, 155, 156, 158, 160, 161, 163, 164, 165, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 184, 186, 189, 190, 200, 201, 202, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 250, 310, 312, 314, 315, 320, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 336, 338, 340, 341, 343, 344, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 352, 355, 357, 358, 361, 369, 500, 501, 502, 511, 514, 530, 570, 571, 573, 579, 582, 584, 589, 600, 601, 606, 607, 610, 630, 640, 650, 660, 680, 700, 701, 710, 720, 740, 800, 801, 807, 810, 830, 860, 1020 40 Part 180 331--334...................................................21 Part 801 331...21 Parts 1, 2, 4, 26, 54, 99, 100, 101, 112, 117, 118, 163, 190, 200, 201, 202, 203, 206, 207, 208, 209, 299, 300, 310, 312, 314, 315, 328, 329, 500, 501, 507, 514, 530, 606, 607, 610, 630, 660, 807, 809, 810, 812, 821, 822, 830 40 Part 451 331j.........................................................40 Part 9 332...............................................21 Parts 1, 118, 810 333..........................................21 Parts 1, 118, 203, 810 334..........................................21 Parts 1, 118, 800, 810 335..........................................................21 Part 2 335a.........................................................21 Part 1 336........................................21 Parts 109, 130, 250, 509 [[Page 999]] 337........................................................21 Part 100 341--343......................................21 Parts 70, 73, 74, 156 341....21 Parts 105, 130, 131, 133, 135, 136, 137, 139, 145, 146, 150, 152, 155, 158, 160, 161, 163, 164, 165, 166, 168, 169, 170, 564, 570, 571, 573, 584 342--343..............................21 Parts 100, 111, 119, 123, 501 342.....21 Parts 1, 2, 58, 71, 101, 106, 108, 109, 112, 113, 114, 115, 117, 118, 120, 129, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 184, 186, 189, 190, 250, 500, 507, 556, 570, 571, 573, 579, 582, 584, 589 40 Part 186 343.....21 Parts 1, 2, 50, 56, 101, 102, 104, 105, 107, 117, 120, 130, 131, 133, 135, 136, 137, 139, 145, 146, 152, 155, 158, 160, 161, 163, 164, 165, 166, 168, 169, 179, 180, 500, 502, 507 343-1......................................................21 Part 165 344........................................................21 Part 108 345........................................................21 Part 561 346--346a...........................21 Parts 50, 56, 58, 109, 570, 571 346...................................21 Parts 120, 123, 176, 509, 561 346a.................................................21 Parts 170, 509 40 Parts 9, 23, 26, 158, 160, 174, 179, 180, 451 346c.......................................................21 Part 561 347........................................................21 Part 166 348....21 Parts 2, 50, 56, 58, 60, 70, 71, 73, 74, 100, 101, 105, 109, 120, 123, 129, 131, 133, 135, 136, 137, 139, 145, 146, 150, 152, 155, 156, 160, 161, 163, 164, 165, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 184, 186, 189, 500, 501, 509, 570, 571, 573, 579, 582, 584, 589, 700 40 Parts 160, 185, 186, 451 349........................................................21 Part 165 350........................................................21 Part 105 350a.........................................21 Parts 50, 56, 106, 107 350b..............................................21 Parts 50, 56, 190 350c.........................................................21 Part 1 350d.........................................................21 Part 1 350d note............................................21 Parts 117, 507 350g.................................................21 Parts 117, 507 350g note............................................21 Parts 117, 507 350h.......................................................21 Part 112 350j.........................................................21 Part 1 350k.......................................................21 Part 129 351....21 Parts 2, 3, 4, 26, 54, 56, 58, 70, 71, 73, 74, 99, 200, 201, 203, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 216, 225, 226, 299, 300, 310, 312, 314, 315, 320, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 336, 338, 340, 341, 343, 344, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 352, 355, 357, 358, 361, 369, 500, 511, 514, 530, 570, 571, 600, 601, 606, 607, 610, 616, 640, 660, 630, 680, 700, 740, 800, 801, 807, 809, 810, 812, 814, 820, 821, 861, 862, 864, 866, 868, 870, 872, 874, 876, 878, 880, 882, 884, 886, 888, 890, 892, 898, 1010, 1020, 1030, 1040 352......21 Parts 1, 2, 26, 50, 54, 56, 58, 73, 74, 99, 200, 201, 202, 203, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 216, 225, 226, 250, 290, 299, 300, 310, 312, 314, 315, 320, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 336, 338, 340, 341, 343, 344, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 352, 355, 357, 358, 361, 369, 500, 511, 514, 530, 570, 571, 600, 601, 606, 607, 610, 616, 630, 640, 660, 680, 700, 701, 740, 800, 801, 803, 806, 807, 809, 810, 812, 814, 820, 821, 822, 830, 861, 895, 897, 898, 1002, 1010, 1020, 1030, 1040 353.......21 Parts 3, 4, 50, 54, 56, 58, 200, 201, 203, 205, 208, 209, 250, 290, 310, 312, 314, 315, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 336, 338, 340, 341, 343, 344, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 352, 355, 357, 358, 361, 369, 500, 511, 530, 570, 571, 600, 601, 610, 616, 640, 660, 680, 740, 812, 814, 830, 860 353a.......................................................21 Part 216 353b.......................................................21 Part 216 354..................................................21 Parts 514, 558 355--357........................................21 Parts 570, 571, 700 355.......21 Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 26, 50, 54, 56, 58, 60, 71, 73, 74, 99, 200, 201, 202, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 216, 250, 290, 299, 300, 310, 312, 314, 315, 320, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 336, 338, 340, 341, 343, 344, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 352, 355, 357, 358, 361, 369, 530, 600, 601, 606, 607, 610, 630, 640, 660, 680, 700, 740, 800, 809, 810, 812 355a.......................................................21 Part 314 355f.................................................21 Parts 314, 317 355 note.............................................21 Parts 315, 740 356..................................................21 Parts 208, 314 356a.................................................21 Parts 314, 514 356b.................................................21 Parts 314, 740 356c.................................................21 Parts 314, 600 356e.................................................21 Parts 314, 600 357.............................................21 Parts 208, 210, 530 358.............................................21 Parts 200, 201, 299 360.....21 Parts 3, 4, 26, 50, 54, 56, 58, 71, 99, 201, 203, 206, 207, 208, 225, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 336, 338, 340, 341, 343, 344, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 352, 355, 357, 358, 360, 369, 571, 600, 601, 606, 607, 610, 630, 640, 660, 680, 740, 803, 806, 807, 809, 812, 814, 820, 821, 830, 862, 864, 866, 868, 870, 872, 874, 876, 878, 880, 882, 884, 886, 888, 890, 892, 897, 1002, 1010, 1030, 1040 360b--360j..................................................21 Part 26 360b--360f...........................21 Parts 4, 58, 71, 310, 570, 571 360b...21 Parts 1, 2, 70, 201, 202, 206, 207, 210, 211, 225, 226, 299, 300, 500, 511, 514, 515, 520, 522, 524, 526, 528, 529, 530, 556, 558, 809 360c--360j............................................21 Parts 54, 814 360c--360f................................21 Parts 3, 50, 56, 740, 812 360c--360e.................................................21 Part 860 360c--360d......................................21 Parts 610, 809, 861 360c....21 Parts 99, 660, 807, 820, 862, 864, 866, 868, 870, 872, 874, 876, 878, 880, 882, 884, 886, 888, 890, 892 360d.......................................21 Parts 660, 801, 820, 830 360e--360j.............................21 Parts 1010, 1020, 1030, 1040 [[Page 1000]] 360e.....21 Parts 60, 99, 200, 800, 807, 820, 821, 862, 864, 866, 868, 870, 872, 874, 876, 878, 880, 882, 884, 886, 888, 890, 892 360f.......................................................21 Part 895 360h--360j......21 Parts 3, 4, 50, 56, 58, 71, 740, 809, 812, 820, 897 360h--360i.................................21 Parts 571, 610, 821, 895 360h.................................................21 Parts 660, 810 360i--360j............................21 Parts 803, 806, 810, 830, 860 360i..................21 Parts 600, 660, 800, 801, 807, 822, 900, 1002 360j....21 Parts 60, 310, 606, 800, 801, 807, 808, 862, 864, 866, 868, 870, 872, 874, 876, 878, 880, 882, 884, 886, 888, 890, 892, 1002 360k.................................................21 Parts 800, 808 360l......21 Parts 4, 26, 820, 822, 862, 864, 866, 868, 870, 872, 874, 876, 878, 880, 882, 884, 886, 888, 890, 892 360m........................................................21 Part 26 360aa--360aaa-6.............................................21 Part 99 360aa--360dd...............................................21 Part 316 360cc......................................................21 Part 314 360gg--360ss...........................................21 Parts 3, 201 360hh--360ss...21 Parts 4, 56, 310, 1000, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1010, 1020 360nn......................................................21 Part 900 360aaa--360bbb...............................................21 Part 4 360bbb.....................................................21 Part 312 360bbb-0a..................................................21 Part 300 360bbb-2.....................................................21 Part 3 360bbb-8b.......................................21 Parts 807, 812, 814 360ccc............................................21 Parts 1, 514, 558 360ccc-1..........................................21 Parts 1, 516, 558 360ccc-2...............................................21 Parts 1, 516 360fff-6...................................................21 Part 330 361--363...................................................21 Part 701 361--362..............................21 Parts 250, 505, 700, 710, 730 361..........................21 Parts 2, 70, 71, 73, 74, 300, 310, 800 362.......................................21 Parts 1, 73, 74, 720, 800 371--372...........................21 Parts 2, 610, 660, 800, 809, 812 371....................................16 Parts 1502, 1507, 1701, 1702 19 Part 12 21 Parts 1, 3, 4, 11, 19, 21, 26, 50, 54, 56, 58, 60, 70, 71, 73, 74, 80, 81, 82, 99, 100, 101, 102, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 117, 118, 119, 120, 123, 129, 130, 131, 133, 135, 136, 137, 139, 145, 146, 150, 152, 155, 156, 158, 160, 161, 163, 164, 165, 166, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 174, 180, 181, 182, 184, 186, 189, 190, 200, 201, 202, 203, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 216, 225, 226, 250, 290, 299, 300, 310, 312, 314, 315, 316, 317, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 335, 336, 338, 340, 341, 343, 344, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 352, 355, 357, 358, 361, 369, 500, 501, 502, 507, 509, 510, 511, 514, 515, 516, 530, 556, 558, 570, 571, 579, 582, 584, 589, 600, 606, 607, 630, 640, 680, 700, 701, 710, 720, 730, 740, 801, 803, 806, 807, 808, 8, 09, 810, 814, 820, 821, 822, 830, 860, 861, 862, 864, 866, 868, 870, 872, 874, 876, 878, 880, 882, 884, 886, 888, 890, 892, 895, 897, 898, 1002, 1010, 1020, 1030, 1040, 1100, 1105, 1107, 1114, 1141, 1150, 1240, 1250 40 Parts 23, 160, 174, 179, 180, 186 372................................................21 Parts 4, 54, 814 373--375...................................................21 Part 814 373................................................21 Parts 4, 54, 179 374...21 Parts 1, 2, 4, 26, 54, 99, 111, 113, 114, 117, 120, 123, 129, 179, 200, 201, 203, 205, 206, 207, 208, 210, 211, 212, 225, 226, 310, 314, 507, 600, 601, 606, 607, 610, 700, 701, 710, 720, 730, 740, 801, 803, 806, 807, 809, 810, 812, 814, 820, 821, 822, 860, 861, 897, 898, 900, 1002, 1100, 1107, 1114, 1141 375...............................21 Parts 54, 200, 250, 310, 810, 814 376.........................................................21 Part 54 379...................................................21 Parts 54, 814 379e.......21 Parts 3, 4, 50, 56, 58, 60, 70, 71, 73, 80, 81, 82, 105, 120, 123, 131, 133, 135, 136, 137, 139, 145, 146, 150, 152, 155, 160, 161, 163, 164, 165, 166, 168, 169, 173, 175, 176, 177, 178, 201, 310, 314, 500, 510, 514, 516, 530, 740, 812, 814 379e note..............................................21 Parts 81, 82 379k-1...........................21 Parts 310, 314, 600, 807, 812, 814 379aa......................................................21 Part 329 381...................................................19 Parts 12, 151 21 Parts 1, 3, 4, 26, 50, 56, 58, 71, 111, 118, 120, 123, 189, 203, 206, 207, 514, 607, 610, 740, 807, 809, 812, 814, 820, 1010, 1020, 1030, 1040 382................................................21 Parts 1, 26, 812 383...........................................21 Parts 4, 26, 812, 820 384a.........................................................21 Part 1 387..........................................................21 Part 1 387a................................21 Parts 1, 1100, 1114, 1143, 1150 387a-1....................................................21 Part 1140 387b......................................................21 Part 1150 387c..................................................21 Parts 1, 1141 387e...................................21 Parts 1100, 1105, 1107, 1141 387f......................................................21 Part 1143 387i.............................21 Parts 1100, 1107, 1114, 1141, 1150 387j.........................................21 Parts 1105, 1107, 1114 387k......................................................21 Part 1105 387s......................................................21 Part 1150 391........................................................21 Part 118 393.............21 Parts 1, 26, 111, 120, 123, 206, 207, 607, 807, 897 394......................................................21 Parts 3, 4 399d......................................................29 Part 1987 451 et seq..................................................9 Part 391 451--472....................................9 Parts 381, 417, 424, 431 451--471....................................................9 Part 390 451--470......9 Parts 300, 412, 416, 418, 424, 430, 439, 441, 442, 500 463...........................................................7 Part 1 467f...............................21 Parts 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 601--695.....9 Parts 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 318, 319, 320, 321, 322, 325, 327, 329, 331, 332, 335, 390, 391, 412, 416, 417, 418, 424, 431, 439, 441, 442, 500 601--602.....9 Parts 530, 531, 532, 533, 534, 537, 539, 540, 541, 544, 548, 550, 552, 555, 557, 559, 560, 561 [[Page 1001]] 606--622.....9 Parts 530, 531, 532, 533, 534, 537, 539, 540, 541, 544, 548, 550, 552, 555, 557, 559, 560, 561 624--695.....9 Parts 530, 531, 532, 533, 534, 537, 539, 540, 541, 544, 548, 550, 552, 555, 557, 559, 560, 561 606 note....................................................9 Part 335 618..........................................................9 Part 91 621...........................................................7 Part 1 679................................21 Parts 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 801 et seq.................................................32 Part 552 801.......................................................21 Part 1318 802........................21 Parts 1300, 1309, 1310, 1313, 1314, 1315 39 Part 232 811--812...........................................21 Parts 1308, 1316 821.......21 Parts 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 1300, 1301, 1302, 1303, 1304, 1305, 1306, 1307, 1309, 1311, 1312, 1315, 1317, 1318 822..................21 Parts 1300, 1301, 1307, 1309, 1316, 1317, 1318 28 Parts 8, 9 823..............................21 Parts 1301, 1306, 1309, 1317, 1318 42 Part 8 824................................................21 Parts 1301, 1309 825.......................................................21 Part 1302 826................................................21 Parts 1303, 1315 827..........................................21 Parts 1304, 1310, 1317 828..........................................21 Parts 1305, 1311, 1317 829..........................................21 Parts 1300, 1306, 1311 829a......................................................21 Part 1306 830..............................21 Parts 1309, 1310, 1313, 1314, 1316 831..........................................21 Parts 1301, 1304, 1306 844........................................................39 Part 232 844a........................................................28 Part 76 848........................................................28 Part 524 853..........................................................28 Part 9 853a........................................................45 Part 78 862........................................................46 Part 515 49 Parts 1103, 1104, 1182 871--872..................................................21 Part 1316 871.....21 Parts 1300, 1301, 1302, 1303, 1304, 1305, 1306, 1307, 1308, 1309, 1310, 1311, 1312, 1313, 1315, 1317, 1318, 1321 28 Parts 8, 9, 38 872......................................................28 Parts 8, 9 875--876....................................................28 Part 76 875..........................................21 Parts 1301, 1309, 1316 877................................................21 Parts 1301, 1309 880--881-1................................................21 Part 1316 880......................................................28 Parts 8, 9 881........................................................19 Part 162 28 Parts 8, 9 39 Part 233 881 note...................................................19 Part 171 883.......................................................21 Part 1316 28 Parts 8, 9 886a.........................................21 Parts 1301, 1309, 1318 890.......................................................21 Part 1310 951................................................21 Parts 1300, 1301 952--954..................................................21 Part 1312 952--953...................................................19 Part 162 952..........................................21 Parts 1301, 1309, 1315 953.......................................................21 Part 1309 956...........................................21 Parts 162, 1301, 1308 957--958..................................................21 Part 1312 957...........................................21 Parts 162, 1301, 1309 958............21 Parts 1300, 1301, 1302, 1304, 1309, 1311, 1316, 1317 28 Parts 8, 9 960--961...................................................19 Part 162 965....................................21 Parts 1301, 1304, 1311, 1316 28 Parts 8, 9 966........................................................19 Part 162 971.......................................................21 Part 1313 1031--1056..............................................7 Parts 57, 94 9 Part 590 1031--1053..................................................9 Part 300 1034...............................21 Parts 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 1043..........................................................7 Part 1 1174........................................................45 Part 84 1401--1403..................................................21 Part 20 1521--1548.................................................2 Part 3603 1701.......................................................2 Part 3603 1703.......................................................2 Part 3603 1706.......................................................2 Part 3603 1901--1908...........................................31 Parts 501, 598 2001--2003.................................................2 Part 3603 2223.........................................................21 Part 1 2301et seq.................................................31 Part 599 22 U.S.C. 211a........................................................22 Part 51 212.........................................................22 Part 51 212a........................................................22 Part 51 212b........................................................22 Part 51 213.........................................................22 Part 51 213n........................................................22 Part 51 214....................................................22 Parts 22, 51 214 note....................................................22 Part 22 214a........................................................22 Part 51 217a........................................................22 Part 51 218.........................................................22 Part 51 254e.......................................................22 Part 151 267m-7......................................................31 Part 26 282m.......................................................17 Part 289 283a--283i.................................................17 Part 286 285h.......................................................17 Part 287 286f.......................................................31 Part 128 286k-1.....................................................17 Part 285 287c.......................................15 Parts 730, 738, 746, 774 22 Part 126 31 Parts 501, 510, 542, 546, 547, 551, 553, 555, 570, 576, 588, 594 290f...............................................22 Parts 1004, 1007 290h.........................................22 Parts 1501, 1502, 1506 290h-4....................................................22 Part 1503 290i-9a....................................................17 Part 288 290l.......................................................17 Part 290 290l-9.....................................................17 Part 290 401.........................................................8 Part 274 15 Part 758 19 Parts 12, 118, 161, 171 22 Part 127 501........................................................15 Part 255 610........................................................22 Part 908 612 note.....................................................28 Part 5 620..........................................................28 Part 5 801 et seq...........................................32 Parts 552, 746 842........................................................22 Part 101 1037........................................................22 Part 16 1431 et seq............................................22 Parts 61, 62 1456........................................................15 Part 40 1461 et seq................................................22 Part 173 [[Page 1002]] 1461........................................................2 Part 600 22 Part 502 36 Part 1256 1461-1a....................................................22 Part 502 1475e.......................................................22 Part 22 1622............................................45 Parts 500, 501, 509 1626.......................................................31 Part 250 1641i......................................................31 Part 250 1642l......................................................31 Part 250 1741 et seq................................................31 Part 526 1922........................................................7 Part 250 1934.......................................................19 Part 161 1977........................................................22 Part 33 1980.......................................................15 Part 904 2025........................................................5 Part 352 2151........................................................2 Part 600 32 Parts 273, 600 45 Part 88 2151a.......................................................2 Part 701 2151b.......................................................2 Part 701 2151c.......................................................2 Part 701 2151d.......................................................2 Part 701 2151t.......................................................2 Part 701 2151 note.......................................15 Parts 730, 738, 746 2186.......................................................22 Part 221 2199.......................................................22 Part 713 2251 et seq.................................................2 Part 701 2321b......................................................32 Part 273 2321j......................................................32 Part 273 2349aa-8--2349aa-9.........................................19 Part 161 2349aa-9...................................................31 Part 560 2351.......................................................32 Part 264 2356.......................................................32 Part 264 2363.......................................................31 Part 281 2366 note..................................................32 Part 502 2370.................................................31 Parts 501, 515 2381........................................................2 Part 700 22 Parts 201, 202, 204, 205, 206, 207, 213, 214, 216, 224, 227, 228, 1201, 1202 45 Part 207 48 Parts 701, 702, 703, 704, 705, 706, 709, 711, 713, 714, 715, 716, 717, 722, 724, 725, 726, 727, 728, 729, 731, 732, 733, 734, 736, 742, 745, 747, 749, 750, 752, 753 2385........................................................5 Part 352 2395........................................................2 Part 701 2402.......................................................22 Part 209 2403.......................................................10 Part 110 2451 et seq............................................22 Parts 62, 64 45 Part 50 2451--2460......................................34 Parts 662, 663, 664 2451........................................................2 Part 600 2451 note...................................................22 Part 63 2501 et seq.....................................22 Parts 303, 306, 313 2503................................................2 Parts 2200, 3700 22 Parts 304, 305, 309, 310, 311, 312 2504..................................................22 Parts 22, 305 2560........................................................5 Part 315 2571 et seq..................................................37 Part 5 2651a.......................................................2 Part 600 22 Parts 4, 5, 11, 13, 22, 23, 35, 50, 51, 62, 103, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 130, 135, 138, 140, 147, 161, 171, 172, 181, 242 48 Parts 601, 603, 604, 605, 606, 607, 608, 609, 613, 615, 616, 617, 619, 622, 623, 624, 625, 627, 628, 631, 632, 633, 636, 637, 642, 644, 645, 647, 649, 652 2656.......................................................22 Part 161 2656 note..................................................31 Part 583 2657.......................................................22 Part 131 2658...22 Parts 1, 2, 3A, 9B, 12, 16, 19, 21, 63, 71, 91, 92, 93, 102, 131, 133, 141, 143, 161, 191, 218, 503, 518, 521 48 Parts 602, 611, 614, 629, 634, 639, 641, 643, 648, 651, 653 2664.......................................................22 Part 172 2666.........................................................22 Part 2 2670........................................................22 Part 71 2671........................................................22 Part 51 2680b........................................................15 Part 3 22 Parts 135, 242 2681.......................................................15 Part 717 2694......................................................10 Part 1050 2702........................................................25 Part 15 2705........................................................22 Part 51 2714........................................................22 Part 51 2714a.......................................................22 Part 51 2715........................................................22 Part 72 2715b.......................................................22 Part 72 2715c.......................................................22 Part 72 2719.......................................................22 Part 196 2721........................................................22 Part 51 2751--2799aa-2.............................................31 Part 539 2751.......................................................32 Part 273 2752..............22 Parts 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128 2753............................................22 Parts 120, 123, 126 2764.......................................................32 Part 274 2776.......................................22 Parts 120, 123, 124, 126 2778 et seq................................................32 Part 273 2778.........22 Parts 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129 27 Part 447 2778a......................................................10 Part 110 2779............................................22 Parts 120, 126, 130 2779a...........................................22 Parts 120, 126, 127 2780............................................22 Parts 126, 127, 128 2785.......................................................22 Part 120 2791............................................22 Parts 126, 127, 128 2794.......................................................22 Part 120 2797..................................22 Parts 121, 123, 124, 126, 128 2801 et seq................................................15 Part 310 2901......................................................22 Part 1508 3101 et seq..........................................31 Parts 128, 129 3101--3108.................................................15 Part 801 3103.......................................................31 Part 128 3105.......................................................31 Part 128 3201 et seq...........................15 Parts 730, 738, 742, 744, 774 37 Part 5 3310........................................................5 Part 352 3643........................................................5 Part 352 3651........................................................5 Part 315 3652........................................................5 Part 315 3901 et seq...........................................22 Parts 20, 501 3926..............................................22 Parts 11, 51, 172 3941........................................................22 Part 11 4010.......................................22 Parts 903, 905, 906, 908 4047........................................................22 Part 17 4069c.......................................................5 Part 890 4069c-1.....................................................5 Part 890 [[Page 1003]] 4071........................................................22 Part 17 4107....22 Parts 1414, 1420, 1421, 1422, 1423, 1424, 1425, 1427, 1428, 1429, 1470, 1471 29 Part 458 4110...............................................22 Parts 1470, 1471 4111.......................................................29 Part 458 4114.......................................................22 Part 911 4117.................................................29 Parts 458, 459 4131--4132.................................................22 Part 901 4131.......................................................22 Part 904 4134.................................................22 Parts 903, 904 4135--4136...........................................22 Parts 901, 902 4136--4139.................................................22 Part 903 4136--4137......................................22 Parts 908, 909, 910 4136............................................22 Parts 905, 906, 907 4138--4139.................................................22 Part 904 4140.......................................................22 Part 910 4172.......................................................22 Part 910 4196........................................................22 Part 72 4197........................................................22 Part 72 4198...................................................22 Parts 13, 72 4199...................................................22 Parts 13, 72 4206........................................................22 Part 22 4209........................................................22 Part 13 4215........................................................22 Part 22 4217--4218..................................................22 Part 13 4219........................................................22 Part 22 4341.......................................................22 Part 136 4411 et seq............................................22 Parts 66, 67 4415........................................................22 Part 67 5501--5513.................................................14 Part 243 5811 note..................................................31 Part 584 6001--6010.................................................31 Part 515 6004.......................................15 Parts 730, 738, 746, 774 6009......................................................22 Part 7205 31 Part 501 6021--6091.................................................31 Part 515 6032.......................................................31 Part 501 6531--6553..................................................22 Part 62 6551........................................................22 Part 22 6701 et seq......15 Parts 710, 711, 712, 713, 714, 715, 716, 717, 718, 719, 720, 721, 745 22 Part 103 7101......................................................28 Part 1100 7103.......................................................22 Part 104 7104........................................................2 Part 175 7105......................................................28 Part 1100 7201 et seq.................15 Parts 730, 738, 740, 742, 744, 746, 774 7201--7211......................................31 Parts 515, 560, 596 7205.......................................................31 Part 501 7210.............................15 Parts 730, 738, 742, 744, 746, 774 7631....................................................45 Part 88, 89 8101--8181.................................................15 Part 785 8501--8551.................................31 Parts 501, 560, 561, 562 8701--8795...........................................31 Parts 560, 561 8719 note..................................................31 Part 542 8901--8910.................................................31 Part 589 8921--8930.................................................31 Part 589 9201--9255.................................................31 Part 510 23 U.S.C. 101....23 Parts 140, 230, 626, 635, 636, 640, 645, 655, 660, 668, 710, 777, 940, 1235 40 Part 51 103..............................23 Parts 420, 470, 476, 625, 774, 777 49 Parts 605, 663 104.......................................23 Parts 420, 655, 924, 1235 105.......................................................23 Part 1235 106..............................23 Parts 140, 172, 627, 630, 771, 940 107........................................................23 Part 710 108........................................................23 Part 710 109....23 Parts 140, 200, 515, 625, 626, 630, 635, 636, 637, 645, 646, 650, 655, 667, 680, 771, 772, 774, 777, 940, 950, 1235 111..................................................23 Parts 645, 710 112........................................23 Parts 172, 627, 630, 635 113..................................................23 Parts 635, 636 114..............23 Parts 140, 172, 633, 635, 636, 637, 655, 710, 1235 115.............................................23 Parts 420, 630, 636 116..................................................23 Parts 635, 645 33 Part 222 117........................................................23 Part 640 119.............................................23 Parts 515, 635, 636 120...................................23 Parts 140, 420, 646, 661, 668 121........................................................23 Part 140 122........................................................23 Part 140 123........................................................23 Part 645 125........................................................23 Part 668 127..................................................23 Parts 657, 658 128.............................................23 Parts 635, 636, 771 130.............................................23 Parts 140, 646, 924 131.............................................23 Parts 190, 750, 752 133...................................23 Parts 420, 646, 710, 777, 940 134........................................23 Parts 420, 450, 470, 500 49 Parts 609, 613 135.......................................23 Parts 450, 470, 500, 1235 49 Parts 609, 613 136........................................................23 Part 751 137........................................................23 Part 810 138.............................................23 Parts 771, 774, 777 139........................................................23 Part 771 49 Parts 264, 622 140........................................................23 Part 230 141..................................................23 Parts 657, 669 142..................................................23 Parts 710, 810 49 Parts 605, 609 144.............................................23 Parts 515, 650, 667 146........................................................23 Part 656 148........................................................23 Part 924 149........................................................23 Part 810 150........................................................23 Part 515 151........................................................23 Part 650 153.......................................................23 Part 1215 154.......................................................23 Part 1270 156........................................................23 Part 710 157.......................................................23 Part 1240 158.......................................................23 Part 1208 159........................................................23 Part 192 161.......................................................23 Part 1210 163.......................................................23 Part 1225 164.......................................................23 Part 1275 181--189...................................................23 Part 180 49 Parts 80, 261, 640 201........................................................25 Part 170 36 Part 294 202..................................................23 Parts 660, 661 25 Part 170 204..............................23 Parts 660, 710, 774, 970, 971, 972 205..................................................36 Parts 212, 294 207.........................................................49 Part 29 210..................................................23 Parts 660, 710 [[Page 1004]] 217............................................23 Parts 613, 655, 1235 49 Part 613 302..................................................23 Parts 172, 627 303..................................................23 Parts 420, 500 304.........................................................49 Part 26 307.................................................23 Parts 260, 1235 308........................................................23 Part 710 315....23 Parts 140, 172, 180, 190, 192, 230, 260, 420, 460, 470, 476, 500, 505, 515, 620, 625, 626, 627, 630, 633, 635, 636, 637, 640, 645, 646, 650, 655, 656, 657, 660, 661, 667, 668, 669, 680, 710, 750, 751, 752, 771, 773, 777, 810, 924, 940, 950, 970, 971, 972, 973, 1235 49 Parts 80, 261, 551, 640 317........................................................23 Part 710 36 Part 14 318........................................................23 Part 620 319.............................................23 Parts 650, 658, 752 320........................................................23 Part 630 321........................................................23 Part 260 322........................................................49 Part 268 323........................................................23 Part 710 324........................................................23 Part 200 49 Part 26 325..................................................23 Parts 771, 774 326..................................................23 Parts 771, 774 49 Part 622 327.............................................23 Parts 771, 773, 774 49 Part 327 331........................................................21 Part 121 342........................................................21 Part 121 350........................................................21 Part 121 350g.......................................................21 Part 121 371........................................................21 Part 121 374........................................................21 Part 121 401--404...................................................49 Part 551 402......23 Parts 172, 460, 625, 630, 655, 924, 1200, 1235, 1300, 1340 25 Part 181 403........................................................23 Part 260 405...........................................23 Parts 667, 1200, 1300 409..........................................................49 Part 9 502 note...................................................23 Part 940 505........................................................23 Part 420 508........................................................23 Part 940 24 U.S.C. 136.........................................................38 Part 12 295a.......................................................32 Part 553 321--329...................................................45 Part 211 401 et seq.................................................38 Part 200 412........................................................32 Part 553 420........................................32 Parts 281, 282, 283, 284 25 U.S.C. 2......25 Parts 1, 10, 11, 15, 18, 20, 23, 36, 46, 50, 61, 62, 63, 67, 69, 83, 89, 115, 140, 141, 142, 143, 151, 161, 162, 163, 166, 168, 170, 179, 211, 212, 217, 221, 224, 225, 241, 242, 247, 248, 249, 256, 261, 290, 291, 292, 293 43 Parts 5, 47, 48 5....................................................25 Parts 150, 163 6..........................................................25 Part 258 9......25 Parts 2, 10, 11, 12, 15, 18, 20, 23, 36, 46, 50, 61, 62, 63, 67, 69, 84, 89, 115, 140, 141, 142, 150, 151, 153, 162, 163, 166, 167, 170, 179, 211, 212, 217, 221, 224, 225, 241, 247, 248, 249, 256, 261, 290, 291, 292, 293 43 Parts 4, 10, 30, 47, 48 13....25 Parts 10, 11, 12, 20, 26, 39, 46, 63, 89, 142, 143, 163, 175, 181, 256 42 Parts 136, 136a 43...........................................................25 Part 5 44...........................................................25 Part 5 42 Parts 136, 136a 45..................................................42 Parts 136, 136a 46...........................................................25 Part 5 42 Parts 136, 136a 47..................................................48 Parts 326, 1480 48.........................................................25 Part 275 68--68a....................................................25 Part 166 70g--70h...................................................25 Part 504 70h........................................................25 Part 503 70n-1--70n-7...............................................25 Part 101 81................................25 Parts 84, 531, 533, 535, 537, 539 161........................................................25 Part 115 162a.......................................................25 Part 115 164........................................................25 Part 115 179..................................................25 Parts 166, 167 200....................................................25 Parts 11, 63 231.........................................................25 Part 31 261........................................................25 Part 140 262........................................................25 Part 140 282--289....................................................25 Part 31 293a........................................................43 Part 17 264........................................................25 Part 140 295....................................................25 Parts 31, 43 297.........................................................25 Part 31 305 et seq.................................................25 Part 309 305a--305b............................25 Parts 301, 304, 307, 308, 310 309.........................................................25 Part 26 43 Part 17 323--328...................................................25 Part 169 331 note.............................................25 Parts 122, 158 334.......................................................43 Part 2530 336--337..................................................43 Part 2530 345........................................................25 Part 167 348..........................................................25 Part 5 355--355 note...............................................25 Part 16 355........................................................25 Part 152 355 note...................................................25 Part 216 356........................................................25 Part 213 372--374...............................................25 Parts 15, 18 43 Parts 4, 30 372--373.............................................25 Parts 152, 179 375.........................................................25 Part 16 375c--375d..................................................25 Part 16 378--379...................................................25 Part 152 380........................................................25 Part 162 385--386.............................................25 Parts 134, 159 385.............................................25 Parts 138, 160, 171 385c.......................................................25 Part 175 386........................................................25 Part 139 386a........................................................25 Part 91 387........................................................25 Part 139 390........................................................25 Part 173 393--393a..................................................25 Part 162 393........................................................25 Part 166 394..................................................25 Parts 162, 166 395........................................................25 Part 162 [[Page 1005]] 396 et seq......30 Parts 203, 1203, 1206, 1207, 1212, 1218, 1241, 1243 396--396f............................................25 Parts 216, 217 396........................................................25 Part 212 30 Parts 1201, 1202, 1206, 1212, 1217 43 Part 3910 396a et seq....30 Parts 203, 1202, 1203, 1206, 1207, 1212, 1218, 1241, 1243 396a--396q................................................30 Part 1201 396a--396g.................................................25 Part 211 396a--396f................................................30 Part 1217 396b--396g.................................................25 Part 212 43 Parts 3100, 3170, 3590, 3930 396d......................................................43 Part 3160 396g--396q................................................43 Part 3590 397.............................................25 Parts 162, 166, 167 30 Part 1201 398..........................................30 Parts 1201, 1202, 1206 398a et seq........................................30 Parts 1202, 1206 398a--398c................................................30 Part 1201 399.......................................................30 Part 1201 401 et seq.................................................38 Part 200 402--403...................................................25 Part 166 402--402a..................................................25 Part 162 402........................................................25 Part 167 403........................................................25 Part 162 403a--403c...........................................25 Parts 131, 162 404--405...................................................25 Part 152 406--407...................................................25 Part 163 408........................................................25 Part 156 409a.................................................25 Parts 151, 162 410....................................................25 Parts 15, 18 43 Parts 4, 30 413........................................25 Parts 143, 162, 163, 171 415--415d............................................25 Parts 162, 163 415a--415d.................................................25 Part 165 415..................................................25 Parts 162, 166 450 et seq..................................................25 Part 89 450.........................................................5 Part 352 25 Parts 271, 274, 275, 276, 277 34 Parts 221, 250 450 note..................................................25 Part 1001 450b.......................................................34 Part 250 450e.......................................................34 Part 221 450f et seq................................................25 Part 900 450h.................................................25 Parts 151, 276 42 Part 136 450i.......................................................5 Part 5501 25 Part 275 450k.......................................................42 Part 136 451........................................................25 Part 151 452--457...................................................34 Part 410 454.........................................................25 Part 21 455--457...................................................25 Part 273 458 et seq.................................................42 Part 137 458aa--458gg.......................................25 Parts 1000, 1001 464--465...................................................25 Part 151 466..................................................25 Parts 163, 166 467........................................................25 Part 151 471.........................................................25 Part 40 472..........................................................25 Part 5 42 Part 136 473a..........................................25 Parts 52, 53, 81, 216 476--477...................................................25 Part 166 476.........................................................25 Part 81 477...............................................25 Parts 52, 53, 162 477a........................................................25 Part 81 479..........................................................25 Part 5 479a-1......................................................25 Part 50 483........................................................25 Part 152 487--489...................................................25 Part 151 487........................................................25 Part 179 488...................................................7 Parts 769, 770 490.........................................................7 Part 772 500k.......................................................25 Part 243 43 Part 4300 501--509....................................................25 Part 16 501--502.............................................25 Parts 151, 216 503................................................25 Parts 52, 53, 81 573--574...................................................25 Part 151 576........................................................25 Part 151 607........................................................25 Part 179 43 Part 4 608--608a..................................................25 Part 151 610--610a..................................................25 Part 151 622........................................................25 Part 151 624........................................................25 Part 151 635........................................................25 Part 162 640a et seq.................................................25 Part 41 640d.......................................................25 Part 700 640d-8.....................................................25 Part 168 640d-10....................................................25 Part 151 640d-18....................................................25 Part 168 640d et seq................................................25 Part 161 677--677aa.................................................25 Part 217 786--788....................................................25 Part 16 1300d-3.....................................................25 Part 61 1304........................................................28 Part 90 1401 et seq.................................................25 Part 61 1452.......................................................34 Part 221 1466.......................................................25 Part 151 1469.......................................................25 Part 101 1495.......................................................25 Part 151 1498.......................................................25 Part 103 1511.......................................................25 Part 103 1574.......................................................25 Part 286 1603.......................................................45 Part 303 1612.......................................................42 Part 136 1613.......................................................42 Part 136 1615.......................................................42 Part 136 1621e......................................................45 Part 303 1633.......................................................48 Part 326 1647b.......................................................5 Part 890 1652.......................................................42 Part 136 1672.......................................................42 Part 136 1674.......................................................42 Part 136 1801 et seq.................................................25 Part 41 1901--1952..................................................25 Part 23 1952........................................................25 Part 13 2001--2003..................................................25 Part 36 2006........................................................25 Part 33 2008........................................................25 Part 39 2010........................................................25 Part 32 2011........................................................25 Part 38 2013........................................................25 Part 32 2015........................................................25 Part 38 2101 et seq....30 Parts 203, 1202, 1203, 1206, 1207, 1212, 1218, 1241, 1243 2101--2108.................................................25 Part 225 2107......................................................30 Part 1210 43 Parts 3100, 3160, 3170, 3590, 3910, 3930 [[Page 1006]] 2201 et seq..........................................25 Parts 169, 179 43 Parts 4, 15, 18, 30 2417...................................................25 Parts 10, 12 2453...................................................25 Parts 10, 12 2701 et seq..........................................25 Parts 502, 543 2701.......................................................25 Part 559 2702.................................................25 Parts 543, 559 2703.......................................................25 Part 559 2705............................................25 Parts 573, 575, 559 2706...25 Parts 501, 514, 518, 519, 522, 524, 531, 533, 535, 537, 539, 542, 543, 547, 556, 558, 559, 571, 573, 575, 580, 581, 582, 583, 584, 585 2710...25 Parts 290, 293, 501, 514, 518, 522, 524, 531, 533, 535, 537, 539, 556, 558, 559, 582, 584, 585, 571 2711...................25 Parts 531, 533, 535, 537, 539, 583, 584, 585 2712........................25 Parts 522, 524, 556, 558, 583, 584, 585 2713..............25 Parts 513, 573, 575, 580, 581, 582, 583, 584, 585 25 Parts 571, 573, 575 2715........................25 Parts 575, 580, 581, 582, 583, 584, 585 2716.......................................................25 Part 571 2717............................................25 Parts 514, 584, 585 2717a......................................................25 Part 514 2719.................................................25 Parts 292, 559 2802...................................................25 Parts 10, 12 2901........................................................25 Part 36 3001 et seq.................................................43 Part 10 3055.......................................................36 Part 223 3057.......................................................36 Part 223 3101--3120.................................................25 Part 163 3201 et seq.................................................25 Part 63 3501--3504.................................................25 Part 224 3681........................................................28 Part 38 3701--3703...........................................25 Parts 162, 166 3711--3714.................................................25 Part 166 3713--3715.................................................25 Part 162 3731--3734.................................................25 Part 166 3731.......................................................25 Part 162 3733.......................................................25 Part 162 3741--3745.................................................25 Part 166 4001................................................25 Parts 124, 1200 4115........................................................24 Part 58 4221 et seq...............................................24 Part 1006 4226........................................................24 Part 58 5130........................................................43 Part 50 5131........................................................43 Part 50 5321.......................................................34 Part 401 26 U.S.C. (1939 I.R.C.) 62.........................................26 Parts 509, 513, 520, 521 143--144...................................................26 Part 521 211........................................................26 Part 521 231........................................................26 Part 521 956..........................................................26 Part 1 2010...................................................26 Parts 20, 25 2706.......................................................25 Part 516 2710.......................................................25 Part 291 3791.................................................26 Parts 509, 520 26 U.S.C. (1986 I.R.C.) 1......................................................26 Parts 1, 301 21...........................................................26 Part 1 25...........................................................26 Part 1 25A..........................................................26 Part 1 28...........................................................26 Part 1 30...........................................................26 Part 1 36B..........................................................26 Part 1 32 Part 60 45 Part 156 38...........................................................26 Part 1 40...........................................................26 Part 1 41.....................................................26 Parts 1, 301 42.....................................................26 Parts 1, 301 43...........................................................26 Part 1 45D..........................................................26 Part 1 45G..........................................................26 Part 1 45Q..........................................................26 Part 1 46...........................................................26 Part 1 47...........................................................26 Part 1 36 Part 67 48.........................................................25 Part 275 26 Part 301 48D..........................................................26 Part 1 52...........................................................26 Part 1 56.........................................................26 Part 301 58...........................................................26 Part 1 59A..........................................................26 Part 1 61............................................................7 Part 3 26 Part 1 62......................................................26 Parts 1, 31 66...........................................................26 Part 1 67...........................................................26 Part 1 72...........................................................26 Part 1 82.........................................................26 Part 301 101..........................................................26 Part 1 103.....................................................26 Parts 1, 5f 103A....................................................26 Parts 1, 6a 103A-2......................................................26 Part 6a 108....................................................26 Parts 1, 301 110..........................................................26 Part 1 121........................................................26 Part 301 125.........................................................5 Part 892 126..........................................................7 Part 14 26 Part 16a 129..........................................................26 Part 1 141--143...................................................26 Part 301 141 note...................................................31 Part 344 145........................................................26 Part 301 147........................................................26 Part 301 148..........................................................26 Part 1 149..........................................................26 Part 1 150..........................................................26 Part 1 152..........................................................26 Part 1 162..........................................................26 Part 1 163.....................................................26 Parts 1, 5f 165....................................................26 Parts 1, 301 167.........................................................26 Part 12 168................................................26 Parts 1, 5c, 301 169--170....................................................40 Part 20 170..........................................................26 Part 1 36 Part 47 171..........................................................26 Part 1 179..........................................................26 Part 1 179A.........................................................26 Part 1 197..........................................................26 Part 1 199..........................................................26 Part 1 199A.........................................................26 Part 1 216....................................................26 Parts 1, 301 219........................................................26 Part 301 220........................................................31 Part 346 [[Page 1007]] 221..........................................................26 Part 1 245........................................................26 Part 301 245A.........................................................26 Part 1 250..........................................................26 Part 1 263...................................................26 Parts 12, 301 263A...................................................26 Parts 1, 301 267..........................................................26 Part 1 267A.........................................................26 Part 1 280C.........................................................26 Part 1 280F.........................................................26 Part 1 280G.........................................................26 Part 1 301..........................................................26 Part 1 304..........................................................26 Part 1 305..........................................................26 Part 1 332..........................................................26 Part 1 336..........................................................26 Part 1 337..........................................................26 Part 1 338..........................................................26 Part 1 351..........................................................26 Part 1 355..........................................................26 Part 1 357..........................................................26 Part 1 358..........................................................26 Part 1 362..........................................................26 Part 1 367......................................................26 Parts 1, 7 382..........................................................26 Part 1 383..........................................................26 Part 1 385..........................................................26 Part 1 401..........................................................26 Part 1 401 note.....................................................26 Part 1 29 Part 2520 402A.........................................................26 Part 1 403..........................................................26 Part 1 404..........................................................26 Part 1 408..........................................................26 Part 1 408A.........................................................26 Part 1 409..........................................................26 Part 1 410..........................................................26 Part 1 29 Part 2530 411..........................................................26 Part 1 29 Part 2530 413.......................................................29 Part 2530 414..........................................................26 Part 1 29 Part 2530 417..........................................................26 Part 1 419A.........................................................26 Part 1 420..........................................................26 Part 1 32 Parts 281, 282, 283, 284 422.........................................................26 Part 48 430..........................................................26 Part 1 441..........................................................26 Part 1 444..........................................................26 Part 1 446..........................................................26 Part 1 448........................................................26 Part 301 451..........................................................26 Part 1 453....................................................26 Parts 1, 15a 453A.........................................................26 Part 1 453C.......................................................26 Part 301 458..........................................................26 Part 1 460....................................................26 Parts 1, 301 461..........................................................26 Part 1 463........................................................26 Part 301 465--467.....................................................26 Part 1 468A.........................................................26 Part 1 468B...................................................26 Parts 1, 301 469....................................................26 Parts 1, 301 471..........................................................26 Part 1 472..........................................................26 Part 1 474........................................................26 Part 301 475..........................................................26 Part 1 481--483.....................................................26 Part 1 501..........................................................26 Part 1 34 Part 73 504..........................................................26 Part 1 514..........................................................26 Part 1 527..........................................................26 Part 1 529A.........................................................26 Part 1 585....................................................26 Parts 1, 301 597....................................................26 Parts 1, 301 616........................................................26 Part 301 617........................................................26 Part 301 642..........................................................26 Part 1 643....................................................26 Parts 1, 301 645..........................................................26 Part 1 663..........................................................26 Part 1 664..........................................................26 Part 1 672..........................................................26 Part 1 679..........................................................26 Part 1 684..........................................................26 Part 1 701..........................................................26 Part 1 704--707.....................................................26 Part 1 721..........................................................26 Part 1 732..........................................................26 Part 1 734..........................................................26 Part 1 743..........................................................26 Part 1 751..........................................................26 Part 1 755..........................................................26 Part 1 761..........................................................26 Part 1 809..........................................................26 Part 1 817..........................................................26 Part 1 817A.........................................................26 Part 1 831........................................................26 Part 301 832..........................................................26 Part 1 31 Part 343 835........................................................26 Part 301 845..........................................................26 Part 1 846..........................................................26 Part 1 848..........................................................26 Part 1 851..........................................................26 Part 1 852..........................................................26 Part 1 860C.........................................................26 Part 1 860E.........................................................26 Part 1 860G.........................................................26 Part 1 863..........................................................26 Part 1 864....................................................26 Parts 1, 301 865....................................................26 Parts 1, 301 871..........................................................26 Part 1 874..........................................................26 Part 1 882..........................................................26 Part 1 883..........................................................26 Part 1 884..........................................................26 Part 1 892..........................................................26 Part 1 894..........................................................26 Part 1 897..........................................................26 Part 1 901..........................................................26 Part 1 902..........................................................26 Part 1 904....................................................26 Parts 1, 301 907..........................................................26 Part 1 909..........................................................26 Part 1 911..........................................................26 Part 1 924..........................................................26 Part 1 925..........................................................26 Part 1 936..........................................................26 Part 1 [[Page 1008]] 937....................................................26 Parts 1, 602 951A.........................................................26 Part 1 953..........................................................26 Part 1 954......................................................26 Parts 1, 4 956..........................................................26 Part 1 957....................................................26 Parts 1, 602 960..........................................................26 Part 1 965..........................................................26 Part 1 985--989.....................................................26 Part 1 1032.........................................................26 Part 1 1043................................................5 Parts 2634, 3201 1059...................................................26 Parts 1, 301 1060.........................................................26 Part 1 1061.........................................................26 Part 1 1092.........................................................26 Part 1 1102.......................................................20 Part 615 1103.......................................................26 Part 301 1202.........................................................26 Part 1 1221.........................................................26 Part 1 1244.........................................................26 Part 1 1248.........................................................26 Part 1 1254.........................................................26 Part 1 1255.........................................................7 Part 14 1274A........................................................26 Part 1 1275.........................................................26 Part 1 1286.........................................................26 Part 1 1291.........................................................26 Part 1 1293--1298...................................................26 Part 1 1297.........................................................26 Part 1 1298.........................................................26 Part 1 1301.........................................................26 Part 1 1361.........................................................26 Part 1 1368.........................................................26 Part 1 1374.........................................................26 Part 1 1377.........................................................26 Part 1 1378.........................................................26 Part 1 1391.........................................................7 Part 25 1397D........................................................26 Part 1 1397E........................................................26 Part 1 1400Z-2......................................................26 Part 1 1402.........................................................26 Part 1 1441....................................................26 Parts 1, 31 1443.........................................................26 Part 1 1445.........................................................26 Part 1 1446.........................................................26 Part 1 1471.........................................................26 Part 1 1472.........................................................26 Part 1 1473.........................................................26 Part 1 1474...................................................26 Parts 1, 301 1502--1504...................................................26 Part 1 1561.........................................................26 Part 1 1705.......................................................26 Part 301 2001........................................................26 Part 20 2010........................................................26 Part 20 2056.......................................................26 Part 301 2056A......................................................26 Part 301 2523.......................................................26 Part 301 2518........................................................26 Part 25 2632..................................................26 Parts 26, 301 2642........................................................26 Part 26 2652.......................................................26 Part 301 2662........................................................26 Part 26 2663........................................................26 Part 26 3121..........................................26 Parts 31, 32, 36, 301 3127.......................................................26 Part 301 3131........................................................26 Part 31 3132........................................................26 Part 31 3134........................................................26 Part 31 3231........................................................26 Part 32 3301 et seq................................................20 Part 601 3304.................................................20 Parts 604, 616 3306.......................................................20 Part 604 3401....................................................26 Parts 1, 31 3402........................................................26 Part 31 3405........................................................26 Part 35 3406..................................................26 Parts 31, 35a 3511........................................................26 Part 31 4041........................................................26 Part 48 4051--4052............................................26 Parts 48, 145 4061..................................................26 Parts 48, 142 4064........................................................26 Part 48 4071........................................................26 Part 48 4073........................................................26 Part 48 4081........................................................26 Part 48 4082........................................................26 Part 48 4083........................................................26 Part 48 4101........................................................26 Part 48 4132.......................................................42 Part 100 4181--4182.............................................27 Parts 53, 70 4191........................................................26 Part 48 4216--4219..................................................27 Part 53 4221--4223..................................................27 Part 53 4222........................................................26 Part 48 4225........................................................27 Part 53 4251........................................................26 Part 49 4293........................................................26 Part 48 4374...................................................26 Parts 46, 47 4461........................................................19 Part 24 4462........................................................19 Part 24 4482........................................................26 Part 41 4483...................................................26 Parts 41, 48 4493.......................................................26 Part 154 4662........................................................26 Part 52 4682........................................................26 Part 52 4854.........................................................7 Part 28 4911........................................................26 Part 56 4943........................................................26 Part 53 4960........................................................26 Part 53 4974........................................................26 Part 54 4980B.......................................................26 Part 54 4980F.......................................................26 Part 54 4980G.......................................................26 Part 54 4980H.......................................................26 Part 54 4981A.......................................................26 Part 54 4982.......................................................26 Part 301 5000A........................................................26 Part 1 45 Part 88 5000C........................................................26 Part 1 5001--5002.............................................27 Parts 19, 31 5001........................................................19 Part 24 27 Parts 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 27, 28 5002...................................................27 Parts 25, 29 5004--5006..................................................27 Part 19 5007.......................................27 Parts 19, 24, 26, 27, 28 5008.......................................27 Parts 19, 24, 26, 27, 28 5010...........................................27 Parts 17, 19, 26, 27 5041--5042..................................................27 Part 24 5041........................................................19 Part 24 27 Parts 19, 26, 27, 28 5044........................................................27 Part 24 5051--5054..................................................27 Part 25 5051........................................................19 Part 24 [[Page 1009]] 27 Parts 26, 27, 28 5054...................................................27 Parts 27, 28 5056........................................................27 Part 25 5061--5062.............................................27 Parts 19, 24 5061.......................................27 Parts 25, 26, 27, 28, 46 5066........................................................27 Part 19 5111--5114.............................................27 Parts 17, 26 5121--5124..................................................27 Part 31 5121...............................27 Parts 19, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 5122--5124.................................27 Parts 19, 24, 25, 26, 27 5122........................................................27 Part 28 5123...............................................27 Parts 17, 22, 70 5131...................................................27 Parts 26, 31 5132...................................................27 Parts 26, 31 5171--5173.............................................27 Parts 18, 19 5173........................................................27 Part 24 5175--5176..................................................27 Part 19 5178--5181..................................................27 Part 19 5178--5179..................................................27 Part 18 5179........................................................27 Part 29 5181........................................................27 Part 71 5201--5204..................................................27 Part 19 5201...................................................27 Parts 27, 28 5203...................................................27 Parts 18, 70 5205...................................................27 Parts 27, 28 5206--5207.............................................27 Parts 19, 31 5206...........................................27 Parts 17, 20, 22, 24 5207...........................................27 Parts 26, 27, 28, 70 5211--5215..................................................27 Part 19 5214--5215..................................................27 Part 24 5214...................................................27 Parts 20, 22 48 Part 829 5221--5223..................................................27 Part 19 5222........................................................27 Part 25 5231--5232..................................................27 Part 19 5232...............................................27 Parts 26, 27, 28 5235--5236..................................................27 Part 19 5241--5243..................................................27 Part 19 5242........................................................27 Part 21 5271--5275.............................................27 Parts 20, 22 5271...............................................27 Parts 19, 26, 71 48 Part 829 5273.......................................27 Parts 17, 19, 27, 28, 31 5275...................................................27 Parts 26, 70 5291........................................................27 Part 29 5301................................27 Parts 5, 13, 19, 26, 27, 28, 31 5311--5313..................................................27 Part 19 5311...................................................27 Parts 20, 22 5313...................................................27 Parts 27, 28 5314........................................................27 Part 26 5351...................................................27 Parts 18, 24 5352........................................................27 Part 31 5353--5354..................................................27 Part 24 5354........................................................27 Part 18 5356........................................................27 Part 18 5356--5357..................................................27 Part 24 5361--5362..................................................27 Part 24 5362........................................................27 Part 19 5364--5373..................................................27 Part 24 5367........................................................27 Part 70 5370........................................................27 Part 19 5373........................................................27 Part 19 5381--5388..................................................27 Part 24 5382........................................................27 Part 27 5391--5392..................................................27 Part 24 5401--5403..................................................27 Part 25 5411--5417..................................................27 Part 25 5415........................................................27 Part 70 5501--5505..................................................27 Part 19 5504........................................................27 Part 70 5511...................................................27 Parts 18, 24 5551--5555..................................................27 Part 19 5551--5552.............................................27 Parts 24, 25 5552...............................................27 Parts 18, 20, 22 5555--5556..................................................27 Part 25 5555...............................27 Parts 20, 22, 26, 27, 28, 31, 70 5559........................................................27 Part 19 5561--5562..................................................27 Part 19 5601...................................................27 Parts 19, 29 5603........................................................27 Part 31 5607........................................................27 Part 20 5612........................................................27 Part 19 5613........................................................27 Part 31 5615........................................................27 Part 29 5661--5662..................................................27 Part 24 5671........................................................27 Part 25 5673........................................................27 Part 25 5681........................................................27 Part 31 5682........................................................27 Part 19 5684...............................................27 Parts 24, 25, 70 5687...................................................27 Parts 29, 31 5688.......................................................19 Part 162 5701...............................................27 Parts 40, 41, 44 5702...............................................27 Parts 41, 44, 45 5703...........................................27 Parts 40, 41, 44, 45 5704...........................................27 Parts 40, 41, 44, 45 5705...........................................27 Parts 40, 41, 44, 45 5708...................................................27 Parts 41, 46 5711...................................................27 Parts 40, 44 5712...........................................27 Parts 40, 41, 44, 71 5713...........................................27 Parts 40, 41, 44, 71 5721...............................................27 Parts 40, 41, 44 5722...............................................27 Parts 40, 41, 44 5723...........................................27 Parts 40, 41, 44, 45 5731--5734.............................................27 Parts 40, 46 5731........................................................27 Part 44 5741.......................................27 Parts 40, 41, 44, 45, 70 5751...........................................27 Parts 40, 44, 45, 46 5753.......................................................26 Part 127 27 Part 40 5754...............................................27 Parts 41, 44, 46 5761...........................................27 Parts 40, 41, 46, 70 5762...........................................27 Parts 40, 41, 45, 46 5763...........................................27 Parts 40, 41, 45, 46 5802........................................................27 Part 70 6001..................................26 Parts 1, 31, 41, 55, 156, 157 27 Parts 19, 26, 46, 53 6011.............26 Parts 1, 26, 31, 40, 41, 53, 54, 55, 156, 157, 301 27 Parts 25, 53, 73 6012...................................................26 Parts 1, 301 6015.........................................................26 Part 1 6020...................................................27 Parts 53, 70 6021...................................................27 Parts 53, 70 6031.........................................................26 Part 1 6033...................................................26 Parts 1, 301 6035.........................................................26 Part 1 6036.......................................................26 Part 301 6037...................................................26 Parts 1, 301 6038.........................................................26 Part 1 6038A--6038E.................................................26 Part 1 6039E..............................................22 Parts 51, 26, 27 [[Page 1010]] 6039I........................................................26 Part 1 6041.........................................................26 Part 1 6043.........................................................26 Part 1 6045....................................................26 Parts 1, 5f 6045A........................................................26 Part 1 6045B........................................................26 Part 1 6046.........................................................26 Part 1 6046A........................................................26 Part 1 6047....................................................26 Parts 1, 35 6049.........................................................26 Part 1 6050E........................................................26 Part 1 6050H........................................................26 Part 1 6050I........................................................26 Part 1 6050K........................................................26 Part 1 6050M..................................................26 Parts 1, 301 6050P........................................................26 Part 1 6050S........................................................26 Part 1 6050Y........................................................26 Part 1 6051........................................................26 Part 31 6055.........................................................26 Part 1 6056........................................................27 Part 22 6057.........................................................26 Part 1 6058.........................................................26 Part 1 6059.........................................................26 Part 1 6060......26 Parts 1, 20, 25, 31, 40, 41, 44, 53, 54, 55, 56, 156, 157 6061.........................................26 Parts 1, 156, 157, 301 27 Parts 22, 25, 31, 40, 44, 53, 73 6064........................................................27 Part 70 6065.........................................................26 Part 1 27 Parts 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 31, 40, 44 6071........................26 Parts 31, 40, 41, 55, 57, 154, 156, 157 27 Parts 31, 53 6081.........................26 Parts 1, 20, 25, 31, 53, 156, 157, 301 27 Part 53 6090........................................................26 Part 43 6091.................................26 Parts 40, 41, 46, 55, 156, 157 27 Parts 17, 24, 25, 31, 53 6101--6104..................................................27 Part 53 6101...................................................26 Parts 40, 41 6102........................................................27 Part 70 6103.................................................20 Parts 401, 402 26 Parts 301, 602 27 Part 31 6104.......................................................26 Part 301 6109.......26 Parts 1, 20, 25, 26, 27, 31, 40, 41, 44, 53, 54, 55, 56, 150, 156, 157, 301 27 Parts 17, 18, 19, 22, 24, 25, 26, 28, 31, 40, 53 6111.......................................................26 Part 301 6112.......................................................26 Part 301 6114.......................................................26 Part 301 6151........................................................26 Part 41 27 Parts 22, 25, 40, 44, 53 6155...................................................27 Parts 53, 70 6157........................................................26 Part 31 6158.......................................................26 Part 301 6159........................................................27 Part 70 6161.................................................26 Parts 156, 157 27 Part 53 6201........................................................27 Part 70 6203--6204..................................................27 Part 70 6204.......................................................22 Part 504 6205........................................................26 Part 31 6221.......................................................26 Part 302 6222.......................................................26 Part 302 6223.................................................26 Parts 301, 302 6225.......................................................26 Part 302 6226.......................................................26 Part 302 6227..............................................26 Parts 1, 301, 302 6230.......................................................26 Part 301 6231.................................................26 Parts 301, 302 6232.......................................................26 Part 302 6233.................................................26 Parts 301, 302 6234.......................................................26 Part 302 6235.......................................................26 Part 302 6241..............................................26 Parts 1, 301, 302 6245.......................................................26 Part 301 6301...............................27 Parts 24, 25, 26, 40, 41, 53, 70 6302....................................26 Parts 1, 20, 25, 31, 51, 57 27 Parts 19, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 40, 41, 53 31 Parts 203, 214, 380 6303...................................................27 Parts 53, 70 6311.......................................................26 Part 301 27 Parts 19, 24, 25, 40, 53, 70 6313.......................................27 Parts 25, 40, 41, 45, 70 6314........................................................27 Part 70 6321........................................................27 Part 70 6323.......................................................26 Part 301 27 Part 70 6325.......................................................26 Part 401 27 Part 70 6326.......................................................26 Part 301 27 Part 70 6331--6343..................................................27 Part 70 6343.......................................................26 Part 301 6364........................................................26 Part 31 6401--6404..................................................27 Part 70 6402.........................................................6 Part 11 10 Part 15 12 Part 1208 26 Parts 1, 301 27 Parts 25, 40, 41, 44, 53 31 Part 285 6404.......................................................26 Part 301 27 Parts 40, 41, 44, 53 6407........................................................27 Part 70 6411...................................................26 Parts 1, 301 6416...................................................27 Parts 53, 70 6417.........................................................26 Part 1 6423........................................................19 Part 24 27 Parts 40, 70 6426.......................................................26 Part 154 6427........................................................26 Part 48 6501--6503..................................................27 Part 70 6511........................................................27 Part 70 6513--6514..................................................27 Part 70 6532........................................................27 Part 70 6601...................................................27 Parts 46, 70 6602........................................................27 Part 70 6611........................................................27 Part 70 6621...................................................27 Parts 46, 70 6622...................................................27 Parts 46, 70 6651...............................................27 Parts 24, 25, 70 6653........................................................27 Part 70 6654.........................................................26 Part 1 6655.........................................................26 Part 1 6656--6658..................................................27 Part 70 6656........................................................27 Part 25 6662.........................................................26 Part 1 [[Page 1011]] 6665........................................................27 Part 70 6671--6672..................................................27 Part 70 6676...........................................27 Parts 19, 24, 25, 40 6689...................................................26 Parts 1, 301 6695......26 Parts 1, 20, 22, 26, 31, 40, 41, 44, 53, 54, 55, 56, 156, 157 6701........................................................27 Part 70 6721.......................................................26 Part 301 6708.......................................................26 Part 301 6723...................................................27 Parts 31, 70 6724........................................................27 Part 31 6801........................................................27 Part 70 6804........................................................27 Part 26 6806.......................................27 Parts 19, 22, 25, 40, 44 6851.........................................................26 Part 1 6862--6863..................................................27 Part 70 6901........................................................27 Part 70 7011...............................................27 Parts 40, 44, 70 7101...........................................27 Parts 26, 41, 70, 72 7102...................................................27 Parts 26, 70 7121--7122..................................................27 Part 70 7207........................................................27 Part 70 7209........................................................27 Part 70 7212.......................................27 Parts 40, 41, 44, 45, 46 7213........................................................27 Part 17 7214.......................................................5 Part 3101 15 Part 0 27 Part 70 7216.......................................................26 Part 301 7302........................................................27 Part 24 7304........................................................27 Part 70 7322--7326..................................................27 Part 72 7325........................................................27 Part 40 7327.......................................................23 Part 773 7342...............................27 Parts 24, 25, 40, 41, 44, 45, 46 7401........................................................27 Part 70 7403........................................................27 Part 70 7406........................................................27 Part 70 7423--7426..................................................27 Part 70 7429--7430..................................................27 Part 70 7432........................................................27 Part 70 7502.......................................................26 Part 301 27 Parts 24, 40, 53, 70, 73 7503...............................................27 Parts 24, 40, 70 7505........................................................27 Part 70 7506........................................................27 Part 70 7508.......................................................26 Part 301 7510........................................................27 Part 19 48 Part 829 7513........................................................27 Part 70 7520...........................................26 Parts 1, 20, 25, 301 7601........................................................27 Part 70 7602...................................................27 Parts 46, 70 7603........................................................27 Part 70 7604........................................................27 Part 70 7605........................................................27 Part 70 7606...........................27 Parts 24, 25, 40, 41, 44, 45, 46, 70 7608........................................................27 Part 70 7609........................................................27 Part 70 7610........................................................27 Part 70 7622--7623..................................................27 Part 70 7623..................................................19 Parts 10, 301 29 Part 1989 7624.......................................................26 Part 301 7651 et seq.................................................40 Part 76 7651...................................................27 Parts 26, 41 7652...............................................27 Parts 17, 26, 41 7653........................................................27 Part 70 7654...................................................26 Parts 1, 602 7701...............................................26 Parts 1, 31, 301 7702.........................................................26 Part 1 7705.........................................................26 Part 1 7804.................................................26 Parts 301, 602 7804 note..................................................26 Part 801 7805..................................19 Parts 1, 31, 40, 41, 301, 602 20 Parts 606, 615 26 Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5c, 5e, 6a, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14a, 15, 15a, 16, 16a, 18, 19, 20, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 31, 32, 35, 35a, 36, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 141, 143, 145, 156, 157, 301, 302, 303, 305, 400, 401, 403, 404, 420, 502, 503, 509, 514, 516, 517, 601, 602, 701, 702 27 Parts 5, 13, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 40, 41, 44, 45, 46, 53, 70, 71, 72, 479 7851........................................................27 Part 24 7872.........................................................26 Part 1 7874.........................................................26 Part 1 9002......................................................11 Part 9002 9003...............................................11 Parts 9003, 9033 9004......................................................11 Part 9004 9005......................................................11 Part 9005 9006......................................................11 Part 9005 9007.......................................................11 Part 201 9008..........................................11 Parts 201, 9007, 9008 9009......11 Parts 201, 9001, 9002, 9003, 9004, 9005, 9006, 9007, 9008 9012......................................................11 Part 9012 9031......................................................11 Part 9031 9032......................................................11 Part 9032 9033......................................................11 Part 9033 9034......................................................11 Part 9034 9035......................................................11 Part 9035 9036......................................................11 Part 9036 9037......................................................11 Part 9037 9038................................................11 Parts 201, 9038 9039.....11 Parts 201, 9031, 9032, 9033, 9034, 9035, 9036, 9037, 9038, 9039 9801........................................................5 Part 890 26 Part 54 9833........................................................26 Part 54 27 U.S.C. 202..............................................27 Parts 6, 8, 10, 11 203.........................................................19 Part 12 27 Parts 1, 26, 28 204.....................................................27 Parts 1, 71 205..............27 Parts 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 16, 26, 28 206..........................................................27 Part 1 207......................................................27 Parts 5, 7 211..........................................................27 Part 1 215.........................................................27 Part 16 218.........................................................27 Part 16 28 U.S.C. 1 note.......................................................15 Part 3 24 Parts 30, 87, 180 50.........................................................32 Part 516 418..........................................................38 Part 3 501.........................................................28 Part 17 [[Page 1012]] 503....................................................28 Parts 45, 85 509.................................................2 Parts 2800, 2867 8 Parts 3, 1003, 1103 21 Part 1316 28 Parts 0, 1, 5, 8, 9, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 26, 27, 28, 29, 35, 36, 37, 38, 42, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 55, 58, 61, 64, 68, 71, 73, 76, 80, 81, 115, 201, 500, 501, 503, 506, 511, 512, 513, 522, 523, 524, 527, 540, 541, 542, 543, 544, 545, 547, 548, 549, 550, 551, 552, 553, 570, 571, 572, 600, 601, 602, 603 40 Part 2 510--512...................................................28 Part 201 510........................................................2 Part 2867 8 Parts 3, 1003, 1103 21 Part 1316 28 Parts 0, 1, 5, 8, 9, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 26, 27, 28, 29, 35, 36, 37, 42, 46, 47, 48, 50, 51, 55, 58, 61, 64, 68, 71, 73, 76, 80, 81, 115, 500, 501, 503, 506, 511, 512, 513, 522, 523, 524, 527, 540, 541, 542, 543, 544, 545, 547, 548, 549, 550, 551, 552, 553, 570, 571, 572, 600, 601, 602, 603 40 Part 2 48 Parts 2801, 2802, 2803, 2804, 2805, 2806, 2807, 2808, 2809, 2810, 2811, 2812, 2813, 2814, 2815, 2816, 2817, 2819, 2822, 2823, 2824, 2825, 2827, 2828, 2829, 2830, 2831, 2832, 2833, 2834, 2836, 2837, 2839, 2841, 2842, 2845, 2846, 2848, 2849, 2850, 2852 513........................................................32 Part 516 515--519...................................................2 Part 2867 28 Parts 0, 17, 27, 600 515..................................................28 Parts 601, 602 32 Part 516 516.........................................................28 Part 50 519.........................................................28 Part 50 528.........................................................28 Part 45 530B........................................................28 Part 77 530C.......................................................2 Part 2800 534....................................................28 Parts 16, 20 32 Part 635 40 Part 2 534 note....................................................28 Part 20 543........................................................28 Part 603 32 Part 516 586.........................................................28 Part 58 589B........................................................28 Part 58 1291.......................................................32 Part 536 1346.......................................................28 Part 543 32 Part 536 1498.......................................................10 Part 782 1608........................................................22 Part 93 1705 note..................................................22 Part 131 1733.......................................................22 Part 131 1746...................................................8 Parts 3, 1003 30 Part 870 34 Part 690 45 Part 1148 1821--1825..................................................28 Part 21 1821.......................................................22 Part 713 1823.......................................................32 Part 534 2112.......................................................5 Part 2429 21 Parts 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17 29 Part 101 40 Part 23 46 Part 502 2261........................................................28 Part 26 2265........................................................28 Part 26 2343--2344..................................................40 Part 23 2401--2402.................................................32 Part 536 2401.......................................................34 Part 685 2402.................................................32 Parts 536, 842 2411.......................................................32 Part 536 2412.......................................................32 Part 536 34 Part 21 49 Part 6 2461......................................................10 Part 1017 14 Part 13 18 Part 385 20 Part 356 28 Part 2461 30 Parts 552, 723 39 Part 233 45 Part 1158 47 Part 1 49 Parts 386, 1503 2461 note......................................5 Parts 185, 2634, 2636 7 Part 3 10 Parts 2, 207, 218, 430, 601, 820, 1013, 1050 11 Part 111 12 Parts 19, 109, 263, 308, 622, 1083, 1217, 1250, 1209, 1411 15 Parts 6, 25, 28 16 Part 1 17 Parts 143, 201 18 Parts 250, 385 19 Part 4 20 Parts 655, 702, 725, 726 24 Parts 28, 30, 81, 3282 27 Part 16 28 Part 68 29 Parts 5, 500, 501, 503, 530, 570, 578, 579, 801, 810, 825, 1601, 1902, 1903, 2575, 4071, 4302 30 Part 100 31 Parts 50, 253, 501, 510, 515, 525, 526, 535, 536, 540, 541, 542, 544, 546, 547, 548, 549, 550, 551, 552, 553, 555, 558, 560, 561, 562, 566, 569, 570, 576, 578, 579, 582, 583, 584, 585, 587, 588, 589, 590, 591, 592, 594, 597, 598, 599 32 Part 269 33 Parts 27, 207, 326 34 Part 36 40 Part 27 41 Part 50-201 45 Parts 672, 1149, 1168 49 Parts 107, 109, 171, 209, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 270, 271, 272, 299, 386, 1022 2465........................................................50 Part 12 2671--2680................................................14 Part 1261 22 Part 511 28 Part 543 [[Page 1013]] 32 Part 536 38 Part 14 39 Part 912 43 Part 22 2671.......................................................32 Part 842 2672........................................................5 Part 177 10 Parts 14, 1014 12 Part 1076 13 Part 114 14 Part 15 15 Part 2 20 Part 429 22 Part 304 24 Part 17 28 Part 14 29 Parts 15, 100 31 Part 3 32 Parts 842, 1280 34 Part 35 40 Part 1620 45 Part 35 46 Part 204 2674--2680.................................................32 Part 842 2675........................................................14 Part 15 2679........................................................10 Part 14 28 Part 15 45 Part 2502 29 U.S.C. 9a..................................................29 Parts 580, 1910 11........................................................29 Part 1910 37....................................................45 Parts 95, 204 41a--41b..................................................29 Part 1924 49 et seq............................................20 Parts 653, 658 29 Parts 42, 507, 508 49a........................................................20 Part 651 49k..................................20 Parts 601, 652, 654, 655, 1001 29 Part 31 49l-2.......................................................29 Part 44 50.....................................................29 Parts 29, 30 141........................................................5 Part 7101 29 Part 100 151..................................................29 Parts 101, 102 156........................................................5 Part 7101 29 Parts 100, 101, 102, 103, 104 158.......................................................29 Part 1420 171.......................................................29 Part 1420 172.......................................................5 Part 10300 29 Parts 1402, 1403, 1404, 1406 173 et seq.........................................29 Parts 1404, 1406 173..........................................29 Parts 1402, 1403, 1420 174.......................................................29 Part 1420 175a...............................................29 Parts 1470, 1471 183.......................................................29 Part 1420 201 et seq......29 Parts 42, 510, 516, 775, 776, 778, 782, 1620, 1621, 1695 201--219....29 Parts 525, 553, 570, 776, 779, 780, 783, 784, 785, 786, 788, 789, 790, 791, 793, 794 203...................................29 Parts 531, 553, 579, 580, 786 204f........................................................5 Part 551 205..................................................29 Parts 511, 697 206............................................29 Parts 511, 697, 1614 207..............................29 Parts 516, 547, 548, 549, 550, 778 208..................................................29 Parts 511, 697 209........................................................29 Part 580 211...................29 Parts 515, 516, 519, 530, 575, 579, 580, 1627 212.............................................29 Parts 575, 579, 580 213.........................29 Parts 536, 541, 551, 552, 575, 579, 580 214.............................................29 Parts 519, 520, 528 216.............................................29 Parts 578, 579, 580 218........................................................29 Part 575 218C......................................................29 Part 1984 251 et seq.................................................29 Part 775 254..................................................29 Parts 785, 790 402..................................................29 Parts 401, 451 431..................................................29 Parts 402, 403 432..................................................29 Parts 404, 408 433..................................................29 Parts 405, 406 435.........................................................29 Part 70 437.........................29 Parts 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 408, 409 438...............29 Parts 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 408, 409, 451 441........................................................29 Part 409 461..................................................29 Parts 401, 403 481........................................29 Parts 401, 417, 451, 452 482.............................................29 Parts 401, 417, 452 491-2......................................................20 Part 652 502........................................................29 Part 453 504..........................................................28 Part 4 526..........................................................28 Part 4 551 et seq..................................................29 Part 70 551.........................................................29 Part 21 557a...............................................30 Parts 50, 56, 57 577a............................30 Parts 1, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 50, 77 621--634..................................................29 Part 1625 626.......................................................29 Part 1627 628................................................29 Parts 1626, 1695 631.......................................................29 Part 1627 633a......................................................29 Part 1614 651 et seq..................................................29 Part 42 42 Part 84 651--653..................................................29 Part 1975 651.........................................................34 Part 75 653....29 Parts 1910, 1911, 1912, 1912a, 1915, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1926, 1928, 1990 655--657..........................................29 Parts 1912, 1912a 655.....29 Parts 1905, 1910, 1911, 1915, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920, 1926, 1928, 1990 40 Part 311 655 note..................................................29 Part 1910 656.......................................................29 Part 1908 657.....29 Parts 1902, 1903, 1904, 1905, 1908, 1910, 1911, 1913, 1915, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1926, 1928, 1975, 1977, 1990 30 Part 11 42 Parts 85, 85a, 86, 87 658................................................29 Parts 1903, 1904 660................................................29 Parts 1904, 1977 661..........................................29 Parts 2200, 2201, 2203 665.......................................................29 Part 1905 666.......................................................29 Part 1904 667........................29 Parts 1902, 1952, 1953, 1954, 1955, 1956 668........................................................10 Part 850 29 Part 1960 669.......................................................29 Part 1904 45 Part 88 670................................................29 Parts 1908, 1949 42 Part 86 673................................................29 Parts 1904, 1960 705.....................................................41 Part 60-741 706..........................................................10 Part 4 [[Page 1014]] 28 Parts 41, 42 32 Part 56 38 Part 18 709.........................34 Parts 361, 371, 385, 386, 387, 390, 396 45 Part 1330 721........................................................34 Part 372 732........................................................34 Part 370 741........................................................34 Part 371 761a.......................................................34 Part 358 762........................................................34 Part 353 771........................................................34 Part 385 772...................................34 Parts 385, 386, 387, 390, 396 773........................................................34 Part 373 791.........................................................5 Part 720 29 Part 1614 39 Part 255 792....................................36 Parts 1150, 1151, 1190, 1192 39 Part 254 793.............................................41 Parts 60-30, 60-741 48 Part 2422 794 et seq..................................................34 Part 12 794...................................................1 Parts 457, 500 3 Part 102 5 Parts 723, 900, 1207, 1636, 1850, 2416 6 Part 15 7 Parts 15, 15B, 15E 10 Parts 4, 1040, 1041 11 Part 6 12 Parts 410, 606, 794, 1072 13 Parts 113, 136 14 Part 1251 15 Parts 8b, 8c 16 Parts 6, 1034 17 Parts 149, 200 18 Parts 1307, 1313 19 Part 201 20 Part 365 21 Part 1615 22 Parts 142, 144, 147, 217, 219, 305, 530, 711, 794, 1005, 1103, 1510, 1600, 1701 24 Parts 8, 9, 180 25 Part 720 28 Parts 37, 39, 41, 42 29 Parts 32, 33, 37, 38, 100, 1615, 1640, 2205, 2706, 4907 31 Part 17 32 Parts 56, 1807 34 Parts 104, 105 36 Parts 406, 812, 906, 909, 1154, 1208 38 Parts 15, 18 39 Part 255 40 Part 7 41 Part 51-10 43 Part 17 44 Part 16 45 Parts 84, 85, 92, 605, 606, 1151, 1153, 1170, 1175, 1181, 1232, 1706, 1803, 2104, 2301 46 Part 507 49 Parts 27, 28, 39, 609, 807, 1014 50 Part 550 794a......................................................29 Part 1614 794d................................................12 Parts 352, 1072 16 Part 6 22 Part 147 29 Parts 1615, 2205 36 Part 1194 39 Part 255 794e.......................................................34 Part 381 794f......................................................36 Part 1195 794g.......................................................34 Part 397 795g--795m.................................................34 Part 363 796.......................................................34 Part 1200 796j--796l.................................................34 Part 367 801 et seq..................................................29 Part 42 801.........................................................43 Part 32 1001 note....................................................26 Part 1 1002.............................29 Parts 2509, 2510, 2520, 2570, 2571 1003......................................................29 Part 2520 1021--1025................................................29 Part 2520 1021......................................................29 Part 2570 1026........................................................29 Part 70 1027...............................................29 Parts 2520, 2590 1029--1031................................................29 Part 2520 1031......................................................29 Part 2510 1051--1054................................................29 Part 2530 1052--1054................................................29 Part 2509 1059.........................................29 Parts 2520, 2575, 2590 1060......................................................29 Part 2530 1083...............................................29 Parts 4000, 4043 1101......................................................29 Part 2550 1103......................................................29 Part 2578 1104...............................................29 Parts 2550, 2578 1108...............................................29 Parts 2550, 2570 1111.........................................................28 Part 4 1112...............................................29 Parts 2550, 2580 1132.............................29 Parts 2520, 2560, 2570, 2571, 2575 1133......................................................29 Part 2560 1134......................................................29 Part 2520 1135....29 Parts 2509, 2510, 2520, 2530, 2550, 2560, 2570, 2571, 2575, 2578, 2580, 2590 1135 note.................................................29 Part 2510 1137.........................................................28 Part 4 1151......................................................29 Part 2571 1161--1169................................................29 Part 2590 1181--1183.........................................29 Parts 2520, 2590 1181 note..........................................29 Parts 2520, 2590 1185...............................................29 Parts 2520, 2590 1185a--1185b.......................................29 Parts 2520, 2590 1185d.....................................................29 Part 2575 1191...............................................29 Parts 2520, 2590 1191a--1191c.......................................29 Parts 2520, 2590 1204...................................................12 Parts 4, 261 1241--1242......................................20 Parts 900, 901, 902 1301...............................................29 Parts 4001, 4044 1302...29 Parts 4000, 4001, 4002, 4003, 4006, 4007, 4010, 4022, 4022B, 4041, 4041A, 4042, 4043, 4044, 4047, 4050, 4061, 4062, 4063, 4064, 4065, 4067, 4068, 4071, 4203, 4204, 4206, 4207, 4208, 4211, 4219, 4220, 4221, 4231, 4233, 4245, 4261, 4262, 4281, 4302, 4901, 4902, 4903, 4905, 4907, 4908 1303......................................................29 Part 4007 1306--1307.........................................29 Parts 4006, 4007 1310......................................................29 Part 4010 1322......................................................29 Part 4022 1322b.............................................29 Parts 4022, 4022B 1341...................................29 Parts 4022, 4041, 4044, 4281 1341a.............................................29 Parts 4041A, 4245 1342......................................................29 Part 4042 1344.........................................29 Parts 4022, 4041, 4044 [[Page 1015]] 1347......................................................29 Part 4047 1350...............................................29 Parts 4041, 4050 1362--1364.........................................29 Parts 4062, 4068 1362......................................................29 Part 4044 1365......................................................29 Part 4065 1367--1368.........................................29 Parts 4062, 4068 1367......................................................29 Part 4067 1371......................................................29 Part 4071 1384......................................................29 Part 4204 1386......................................................29 Part 4206 1387......................................................29 Part 4207 1388......................................................29 Part 4208 1391......................................................29 Part 4211 1399...............................................29 Parts 4219, 4281 1400......................................................29 Part 4220 1401......................................................29 Part 4221 1431...............................................29 Parts 4245, 4281 1432..............................................29 Part 29 Part 4262 1441........................................29 Parts 4041A, 4245, 4281 1452......................................................29 Part 4302 1592.......................................................34 Part 201 1681........................................................29 Part 37 1801--1872.................................................29 Part 500 1904......................................................29 Part 1910 1911.........................................29 Parts 1910, 1917, 1919 2001--2009.................................................29 Part 801 2107.......................................................20 Part 639 2201--2271.................................................34 Part 345 2654.......................................................29 Part 825 2801 et seq.................................................29 Part 37 2897........................................................29 Part 15 2911.......................................................20 Part 668 2996e.....................................................45 Part 1617 3101 et seq.................................................29 Part 38 3292 et seq..........................................34 Parts 462, 463 3343......................................................45 Part 1330 30 U.S.C. 3...........................................................42 Part 84 5...........................................................42 Part 84 7...........................................................42 Part 84 21 et seq....................................................36 Part 9 22 et seq.....43 Parts 3710, 3730, 3809, 3810, 3820, 3830, 3831, 3832, 3833, 3838, 3850 22--42....................................................43 Part 3800 22.................................................43 Parts 3835, 3836 26--28....................................................43 Part 3840 28--28k...................................................43 Part 3850 28...........................................43 Parts 3835, 3836, 3837 28b--28e..................................................43 Part 3836 28b--28c..................................................43 Part 3850 28f--28k...............................43 Parts 3710, 3730, 3834, 3835 30........................................................43 Part 3870 33--36....................................................43 Part 3840 42........................................................43 Part 3840 122.......................................................43 Part 3810 181 et seq........30 Parts 203, 740, 745, 746, 1201, 1202, 1203, 1206, 1207, 1208, 1212, 1218, 1241, 1243 43 Parts 3000, 3110, 3120, 3140, 3410, 3420, 3430, 3450, 3460, 3800 181--287.............................................43 Parts 17, 3040 181.........................................................43 Part 16 185...........................................................7 Part 1 36 Part 251 43 Part 2880 49 Parts 191, 192, 195 50 Part 29 189................................................30 Parts 1210, 1217 43 Parts 23, 2090, 2880, 3100, 3150, 3160, 3170, 3180, 3500, 3580, 3590, 3400, 3470, 3480, 3900, 5510 190.......................................................30 Part 1210 192c......................................................30 Part 1217 43 Parts 3500, 3590 196.......................................................30 Part 1227 201--209.....................................................30 Part 2 201................................................43 Parts 3410, 3430 226........................................................36 Part 228 43 Part 3180 241..........................................43 Parts 3900, 3920, 3930 242................................................43 Parts 3830, 3834 271.......................................................30 Part 1217 275.......................................................43 Part 3590 281.......................................................30 Part 1217 285.........................................................43 Part 23 291.......................................................43 Part 3580 292.......................................................43 Part 3580 293.......................................................30 Part 1217 43 Parts 3580, 3590 301--306..................................................30 Part 1201 43 Parts 3000, 3800 306..........................................43 Parts 3100, 3160, 3170 351 et seq.....30 Parts 203, 1202, 1203, 1206, 1207, 1208, 1212, 1218, 1241, 1243 351--359..................................................30 Part 1201 43 Parts 17, 3000, 3110, 3120, 3140, 3410, 3430, 3450, 3460, 3800 352........................................................36 Part 228 359................................................30 Parts 1210, 1217 43 Parts 23, 3100, 3150, 3160, 3170, 3180, 3400, 3430, 3470, 3480, 3540, 3580, 3590, 3900 503........................................................30 Part 926 521 et seq................................................43 Part 3740 521--531 et seq....................................43 Parts 3420, 3460 521--531.....................................43 Parts 3410, 3430, 3450 551--558 et seq.............................................43 Part 17 551--556...................................................30 Part 880 557........................................................30 Part 880 558........................................................30 Part 880 571--576....................................................43 Part 17 601 et seq....43 Parts 3000, 3600, 3800, 5000, 5400, 5410, 5420, 5430, 5440, 5450, 5460, 5500, 5510 601........................................................36 Part 228 43 Parts 17, 3610, 3620, 3710, 5470 602............................................43 Parts 17, 3610, 3620 603.........................................................43 Part 17 604.........................................................43 Part 17 611........................................................36 Part 228 43 Part 3830 612.......................................................43 Part 3809 621 et seq................................................43 Part 2300 621--625...........................................43 Parts 3730, 3833 701--709..................................................43 Part 2910 725....................................................30 Parts 56, 57 801 et seq................................................29 Part 2702 801.........................................................30 Part 77 801 note...........................................30 Parts 40, 41, 43 802.........................................................30 Part 45 804.........................................................30 Part 40 811....30 Parts 23, 40, 46, 48, 49, 50, 56, 57, [[Page 1016]] 58, 62, 70, 71, 72, 75, 77, 90 42 Part 84 813............................30 Parts 40, 41, 43, 50, 70, 72, 75, 90 814...................................................30 Parts 40, 104 815.......................................................29 Part 2700 30 Parts 40, 100 817.........................................................30 Part 40 819....................................................30 Parts 40, 41 820.......................................................29 Part 2700 30 Part 100 823................................................29 Parts 2700, 2701 825............................................30 Parts 40, 46, 48, 49 842.........................................................42 Part 84 843.........................................................42 Part 37 844.........................................................42 Part 84 862.........................................................30 Part 40 863.........................................................30 Part 75 865.........................................................30 Part 40 872.........................................................30 Part 40 876.......................................................29 Part 2700 901 et seq.......................20 Parts 718, 722, 725, 726, 801, 802 902.............................................20 Parts 718, 725, 726 921..................................................20 Parts 722, 725 923........................................................20 Part 401 923b.......................................................20 Part 402 925........................................................20 Part 726 932.............................................20 Parts 722, 725, 726 933........................................................20 Part 726 934..................................................20 Parts 718, 726 936........................................20 Parts 718, 722, 725, 726 937........................................................42 Part 55a 951.................................................30 Parts 1, 50, 77 954.........................................................30 Part 40 957....30 Parts 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 15, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 33, 35, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 47, 49, 50, 58, 70, 71, 72, 74, 75, 77, 90, 100, 104 42 Parts 37, 85, 85a, 87 961....30 Parts 1, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 27, 28, 33, 35, 36, 50, 58, 77 1001 et seq.....30 Parts 203, 1202, 1206, 1207, 1212, 1218, 1241, 1243 1001--1028.........................................43 Parts 3200, 3280 1201 et seq................................................25 Part 200 30 Parts 301, 700, 701, 702, 705, 706, 707, 710, 715, 716, 723, 724, 731, 732, 733, 736, 740, 745, 746, 750, 756, 762, 764, 769, 772, 773, 774, 775, 777, 778, 779, 780, 783, 784, 785, 795, 800, 815, 816, 817, 819, 822, 823, 824, 825, 827, 828, 840, 842, 843, 845, 846, 850, 865, 870, 872, 873, 874, 875, 876, 877, 879, 881, 882, 884, 885, 886, 887, 901, 903, 904, 905, 906, 910, 912, 913, 914, 915, 916, 917, 918, 920, 921, 922, 924, 925, 926, 931, 933, 934, 935, 936, 937, 938, 939, 941, 942, 943, 944, 946, 947, 948, 950, 955 43 Parts 3420, 3430, 3450, 3460, 3470 1201--1328.................................................30 Part 755 1201--1326.................................................30 Part 902 1201--1202.................................................30 Part 717 1201.......................................................25 Part 216 30 Parts 721, 722, 725, 735, 750, 865 1201 note..................................................30 Part 920 1202...30 Parts 707, 715, 810, 820, 824, 828, 840, 842, 900, 918, 925, 942 1203......................................................30 Part 1210 1211 et seq.....................................30 Parts 824, 824, 890 1211.......................................................5 Part 3501 30 Parts 707, 715, 717, 722, 735, 810, 820, 828, 840, 842, 900, 918, 925, 942, 948 43 Parts 20, 3400, 3480 1221 et seq................................................30 Part 890 1235.................................................30 Parts 900, 934 1236........................................................7 Part 632 1251--1260...........................................30 Parts 715, 717 1251..............30 Parts 707, 722, 730, 735, 810, 820, 828, 840, 842 43 Parts 3400, 3480 1253...30 Parts 730, 735, 810, 820, 824, 828, 840, 900, 904, 918, 925, 934, 936, 943, 948 1254...................30 Parts 730, 810, 820, 824, 828, 842, 900, 942 1255.................................................30 Parts 730, 810 1256.......................................................30 Part 824 1257............................................30 Parts 779, 783, 842 1258.......................................................30 Part 824 1260.................................................30 Parts 824, 828 1262............................................30 Parts 810, 840, 842 1265..................................30 Parts 715, 717, 810, 824, 828 1266...........................30 Parts 715, 717, 810, 828, 3400, 3480 1267........................30 Parts 715, 717, 810, 824, 828, 840, 842 1268.................................................30 Parts 840, 842 1271.......................................30 Parts 722, 730, 840, 842 1273.............................30 Parts 715, 717, 842, 900, 926, 931 43 Parts 3400, 3480 1278.......................................................30 Part 707 1279.......................................................30 Part 820 1291.......................................30 Parts 715, 717, 824, 828 1292.......................................................30 Part 926 1295.................................................30 Parts 735, 736 1352.......................................................12 Part 411 1401 et seq.....................................15 Parts 904, 970, 971 1701 et seq....30 Parts 203, 1202, 1203, 1204, 1206, 1207, 1208, 1212, 1218, 1241, 1243, 1506 43 Part 3110 1701 note..........................................................556 1711.......................................................30 Part 556 1714............................30 Parts 551, 560, 580, 581, 582, 1219 1732......................................................30 Part 1228 1735...............................................30 Parts 1227, 1229 43 Part 3190 1751.......................30 Parts 250, 551, 560, 580, 581, 582, 1210 43 Parts 3100, 3160, 3170, 3190 31 U.S.C. 66b........................................................31 Part 281 71...................................................32 Parts 552, 842 101 et seq.............................................41 Part 102-33 191--192...................................................19 Part 141 240--243...................................................32 Part 536 241.........................................................5 Part 180 20 Part 362 301........................................................2 Part 1000 31 Parts 1, 34, 148 321..........................................12 Parts 1600, 1805, 1806 31 Parts 1, 2, 5, 10, 18, 19, 21, 25, 26, 27, 30, 31, 34, 35, 50, 92, 149, 150, 203, 205, 206, 208, 210, 211, 212, 225, 240, 285, 321, 380, 413, 501, 510, 515, [[Page 1017]] 525, 526, 535, 536, 539, 540, 541, 542, 544, 546, 547, 548, 549, 550, 551, 552, 553, 555, 558, 560, 561, 562, 566, 569, 570, 576, 578, 579, 582, 583, 584, 585, 586, 587, 588, 589, 590, 591, 592, 594, 596, 597, 598, 599, 601, 700 41 Part 105-55 321b.......................................................31 Part 345 323...................................................31 Parts 92, 380 330...................................................12 Parts 19, 308 31 Part 10 333.........................................................31 Part 27 405a-1......................................................31 Part 56 443........................................................31 Part 406 483.......................................................22 Part 1002 483a......................................................10 Part 1009 31 Part 8 46 Part 206 492c.......................................................32 Part 538 501-06.....................................................5 Part 1310 502........................................................5 Part 1305 503.....................................2 Parts 1, 175, 200, 400, 3002 22 Part 518 528..................................................31 Parts 245, 248 686.........................................................15 Part 40 711.........................................4 Parts 11, 75, 81, 82, 83 43 Part 17 713..........................................................4 Part 82 714..........................................................4 Part 82 718..........................................................4 Part 82 725p.......................................................31 Part 257 725s.......................................................31 Part 251 731 et seq...................................................4 Part 83 732........................................4 Parts 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 733...........................................................4 Part 9 738a.............................31 Parts 308, 309, 328, 340, 341, 346 739.............................................31 Parts 328, 340, 341 752--754b..................................................31 Part 347 752--752a.......................................31 Parts 328, 340, 341 752..................................................31 Parts 308, 346 753.....................................................4 Parts 27, 28 31 Parts 308, 328, 339, 340, 341 754--754b............................................31 Parts 328, 340 754.............................................31 Parts 308, 309, 345 754a--754b.................................................31 Part 341 754b............................................31 Parts 339, 345, 346 756........................................................31 Part 308 757........................................................31 Part 346 757c.......................................................31 Part 339 773a.......................................................31 Part 100 783..........................................................4 Part 25 901--903..............................................2 Parts 415, 416 901........................................................10 Part 170 902........................................................10 Part 170 22 Part 213 951 et seq.................................................34 Part 298 951--953...................................................32 Part 842 952.........................................................5 Part 179 1026.........................................................31 Part 8 1038.......................................................31 Part 226 1111....................................................2 Parts 1, 175 5 Part 1320 22 Part 518 1243 note..................................................34 Part 298 42 Part 51b 45 Part 96 1304.......................................................31 Part 256 1321.......................................................28 Part 506 1344.....................................41 Parts 102-5, 102-34, 109-6 1352........................................................2 Part 418 6 Part 9 10 Part 601 12 Part 411 13 Part 146 14 Part 1271 15 Part 28 18 Part 1315 22 Parts 138, 227, 311, 519, 712 24 Part 87 28 Part 69 29 Part 93 31 Part 21 34 Part 82 38 Part 45 40 Part 34 41 Part 105-69 43 Part 18 44 Part 18 45 Part 93, 604, 1158, 1168, 1230 49 Part 20 1353.......41 Parts 300-1, 300-2, 300-3, 300-70, 301-2, 301-53, 304-1, 304-2, 304-3, 304-4, 304-5, 304-6 1535.......................................................32 Part 251 48 Parts 2417, 2917, 3417 1601--1607................................................43 Part 1880 2371 et seq...............................................14 Part 1261 2524.........................................................4 Part 82 2526.........................................................4 Part 82 3101 et seq................................................31 Part 355 3101--3130.................................................31 Part 370 3101--3129...........................................31 Parts 306, 357 3102 et seq..........................................31 Parts 356, 363 3102--3104...........................................31 Parts 306, 344 3102.................................................31 Parts 343, 363 3103.......................................................31 Part 342 3105....31 Parts 315, 316, 321, 330, 332, 347, 352, 353, 359, 360, 363 3106 et seq..........................................31 Parts 341, 346 3107--3108.................................................31 Part 306 3111.......................................................31 Part 306 3121--3123.................................................31 Part 306 3121.......................................................17 Part 450 31 Parts 344, 348, 353, 363 3122.......................................................31 Part 208 3125..................................31 Parts 306, 341, 346, 353, 360 3126............................................31 Parts 321, 341, 346 3129.......................................................31 Part 306 3233.......................................................31 Part 203 3301--3304.................................................31 Part 380 3301............................................31 Parts 206, 208, 210 3302............................................31 Parts 206, 208, 210 3303.................................................31 Parts 202, 208 3321.......................................31 Parts 206, 208, 210, 212 3325.......................................................31 Part 208 3327............................................31 Parts 206, 208, 240 3328.......................................31 Parts 206, 208, 240, 245 3329.......................................................31 Part 211 3331............................................31 Parts 240, 245, 248 3332..................................31 Parts 205, 206, 208, 210, 212 3334.......................................................31 Part 240 3335......................................................30 Part 1218 [[Page 1018]] 31 Parts 205, 206, 208, 210, 218 3336............................................31 Parts 202, 208, 380 3343.................................................31 Parts 235, 240 3511.........................................................4 Part 75 3523.........................................................4 Part 82 3529.........................................................4 Part 82 32 Parts 281, 282, 283, 284 48 Part 6105 3551--3556...................................................4 Part 21 48 Part 2433 3701 et seq.................................................15 Part 19 16 Part 1 29 Part 1650 34 Parts 198, 204, 298 44 Part 11 3701--3731..................................................45 Part 30 3701--3720E................................................17 Part 143 49 Part 89 3701--3720D...............................................12 Part 1208 3701--3720A...............................................36 Part 1201 45 Part 2506 3701--3719................................................10 Part 1015 12 Parts 608, 1306, 1408 22 Parts 34, 213, 309, 1506 29 Parts 1450, 4903 3701.................................................5 Parts 179, 2418 6 Part 11 7 Parts 3, 792 9 Part 130 10 Parts 15, 1015 11 Parts 8, 111 12 Part 313 17 Part 204 18 Part 385 22 Part 512 30 Part 723 31 Parts 5, 285, 391, 901 32 Part 842 41 Part 105-55 47 Part 1 49 Part 1018 3701 note....................................................15 Part 6 40 Part 27 3702........................................................5 Part 178 32 Parts 281, 282, 283, 284 34 Part 3702 48 Parts 6104, 6105 3710.......................................................22 Part 512 40 Part 13 3711 et seq...............................................12 Part 1073 14 Part 1261 29 Part 20 47 Part 1 49 Part 1018 3711.....................................5 Parts 179, 1215, 1639, 2418 6 Part 11 7 Parts 3, 792 10 Parts 16, 1015, 1709 11 Parts 8, 111, 9430 12 Parts 267, 313, 797 13 Part 140 17 Part 204 20 Parts 404, 422 24 Part 17 25 Part 513 28 Parts 11, 513 29 Part 100 30 Part 1218 31 Parts 5, 240, 285, 391, 900, 901, 902, 903, 904 34 Parts 30, 31 38 Parts 1, 71 41 Parts 105-55, 105-56 42 Part 408 45 Part 30, 31, 708, 1150, 1177 50 Part 29 3712.......................................................31 Part 240 3713........................................................10 Part 15 3716 et seq...............................................30 Part 1207 3716--3720A..................................................11 Part 8 3716--3719.................................................5 Part 1215 7 Part 792 11 Part 111 16 Part 1 29 Part 100 41 Part 105-55 45 Part 1177 3716--3718....................................................7 Part 3 10 Parts 16, 1015 24 Part 17 25 Part 513 30 Part 1218 31 Part 5 45 Part 1150 31 Part 240 3716...........................................5 Parts 179, 1639, 2418 6 Part 11 9 Part 130 10 Parts 15, 1709 11 Part 9430 12 Parts 267, 313, 797 13 Part 140 15 Part 21 17 Part 204 19 Part 201 20 Parts 10, 30, 367, 404, 408, 416, 422 24 Part 17 28 Part 11 29 Part 1650 30 Part 1210 31 Parts 240, 285, 901, 1650 34 Parts 30, 31, 32 41 Part 105-56 45 Parts 31, 608, 2506 49 Part 1017 3717--3720E................................................32 Part 537 3717--3718..................................................34 Part 30 3717.......................................................5 Part 2418 6 Part 11 9 Part 130 10 Part 16 12 Parts 267, 741 13 Part 102 15 Parts 4, 60 19 Part 24 20 Parts 10, 30, 200, 422 24 Part 17 28 Parts 16, 505 31 Parts 240, 391, 901 37 Part 102 40 Part 2 [[Page 1019]] 43 Part 2 45 Parts 1148, 1171 49 Parts 801, 1002 3718.......................................................5 Part 2418 6 Part 11 10 Part 16 17 Part 204 24 Part 17 28 Part 11 31 Part 901 45 Parts 31, 608 3719........................................................9 Part 130 10 Part 15 31 Part 285 3720.......................................................13 Part 140 31 Parts 5, 206, 210 3720A--3720E...............................................20 Part 422 3720A.....................................5 Parts 179, 835, 1639, 2418 6 Part 11 7 Part 3 9 Part 130 10 Part 15 11 Part 111 12 Parts 267, 797 13 Part 140 16 Part 1 17 Part 204 19 Part 201 20 Parts 366, 404, 408, 416 22 Parts 309, 1506 24 Part 17 25 Part 513 28 Part 11 29 Parts 20, 1650, 4903 30 Part 1218 31 Parts 5, 285 34 Part 30 40 Part 13 45 Part 31, 608, 1150 3720B........................................................6 Part 11 7 Part 3 10 Part 1015 31 Parts 5, 901 41 Part 105-55 3720D..........................................5 Parts 179, 1639, 2418 6 Part 11 12 Parts 267, 797 13 Part 140 17 Part 204 25 Part 513 28 Part 11 29 Parts 20, 1650 31 Parts 5, 285 36 Part 1201 39 Part 492 41 Parts 105-55, 105-57 43 Part 39 3721.......................................................20 Part 429 24 Part 17 29 Part 15 31 Part 4 32 Part 842 40 Part 14 44 Part 11 45 Parts 32, 34, 2506 46 Part 501 3726.........................41 Parts 101-41, 102-117, 102-118, 301-72 48 Part 6103 3728........................................................7 Part 792 31 Part 256 3729.......................................................20 Part 356 32 Part 516 3801 et seq.................................................22 Part 35 3801--3812..................................................5 Part 185 6 Part 13 7 Part 1 10 Parts 13, 1013 12 Part 1217 15 Part 25 22 Parts 224, 521 24 Part 28 28 Part 71 29 Part 22 31 Part 16 34 Part 33 38 Part 42 39 Parts 273, 962 40 Part 27 43 Part 35 45 Parts 79, 102, 681, 1149, 2554 49 Part 31 3803.......................................................13 Part 142 3807.......................................................32 Part 277 3809......................................................14 Part 1264 20 Parts 355, 356 41 Part 105-70 3901 et seq................................................5 Part 1315 3901--3906................................................48 Part 2432 5091--50923......14 Parts 400, 401, 404, 405, 406, 413, 415, 417, 420, 431, 433, 435, 437, 440, 460 5111........................................................31 Part 82 5151.......................................................19 Part 159 5301 et seq................................................12 Part 261 5311--5314.................................................12 Part 326 17 Part 42 31 Parts 42, 103, 1010, 1012, 1020, 1021, 1022, 1023, 1024, 1025, 1026, 1027, 1028, 1029, 1030 5311.......................................................12 Part 748 5315.......................................................31 Part 128 5316--5336................................................31 Part 1010 5316--5332.................................................12 Part 326 17 Part 42 31 Parts 42, 103, 1020, 1012, 1021, 1022, 1023, 1024, 1025, 1026, 1027, 1028, 1029, 1030 5317.......................................................19 Part 118 5318................................12 Parts 4, 21, 163, 208, 353, 748 5321........................................................8 Part 274 12 Parts 19, 109, 263, 308 19 Part 171 31 Part 128 5364.......................................................12 Part 233 6101 note....2 Parts 376, 417, 601, 901, 1200, 1400, 1401, 1532, 2000, 2700, 3485, 5800 7 Parts 3017, 3430, 3431 22 Parts 310, 513, 1006 24 Part 24 25 Part 25 29 Part 1471 [[Page 1020]] 31 Part 145 36 Part 1209 40 Part 32 42 Parts 1000, 1001 43 Parts 42, 43, 1001 45 Part 76 6102..............................................2 Parts 25, 170, 180 6301 et seq................................................2 Part 1800 10 Part 605 14 Part 1271 6301--6308..................................................2 Part 910 10 Parts 600, 601, 602, 603 6304.......................................................34 Part 761 6501.......................................................31 Part 205 6503............................................31 Parts 205, 206, 208 6505.......................................................23 Part 635 45 Part 1233 6506......................................................10 Part 1005 13 Part 101 14 Part 1204 15 Parts 13, 923 24 Parts 52, 791, 841 28 Part 30 29 Part 17 33 Part 384 34 Part 79 38 Part 40 40 Part 29 41 Part 101-6 43 Part 9 44 Part 4 45 Parts 100, 660, 1152 49 Part 17 6901--6907.....................................43 Parts 44, 1880, 1881 7303......................................................48 Part 7303 7304.......................................................34 Part 298 7500 et seq.................................................29 Part 99 7501 et seq.................................................29 Part 96 34 Part 298 45 Parts 262, 264 7501--7507..................................................45 Part 96 7501.......................................................2 Part 1401 9110.......................................................17 Part 450 9301.......................27 Parts 17, 19, 24, 25, 26, 40, 41, 44, 72 31 Parts 225, 380 9303.......................27 Parts 17, 19, 24, 25, 26, 40, 41, 44, 72 31 Parts 225, 380 9304...................27 Parts 17, 19, 22, 24, 25, 26, 40, 41, 44, 72 31 Part 223 9305........................................................27 Part 25 31 Part 223 9306...................27 Parts 17, 19, 22, 24, 25, 26, 40, 41, 44, 72 31 Parts 223, 224 9307........................................................27 Part 25 31 Parts 223, 9307 9308........................................................27 Part 25 31 Part 223 9701 et seq...............................................30 Part 1243 50 Part 300 9701...................5 Parts 295, 1216, 2417, 2608, 9701, 9800, 9801 7 Parts 6, 340, 352, 504 8 Parts 103, 1103 9 Parts 92, 93, 94, 95, 98 10 Parts 9, 170, 1703 11 Part 5 12 Part 4 13 Part 102 14 Parts 183, 187, 189, 389 17 Part 144 18 Parts 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 45, 101, 131, 141, 152, 154, 292, 358, 381, 385, 390, 1310 19 Parts 4, 24, 103, 111, 133 20 Parts 402, 403, 703 22 Parts 22, 51 25 Part 143 26 Part 300 29 Parts 1610, 1910, 1949 30 Parts 203, 250, 251, 256, 291, 550, 551, 556, 560, 580, 581, 582, 590, 955, 1202, 1203, 1207, 1208, 1210, 1212, 1218, 1243 31 Parts 94, 451 32 Parts 352, 725 33 Parts 143, 173 36 Part 222 40 Parts 9, 172 42 Parts 7, 53, 70, 417 43 Parts 5, 426, 427, 428, 429, 2740, 3000, 3110, 3580, 3590, 3800, 3830 44 Parts 352, 353 45 Part 5 46 Parts 10, 11, 12, 67, 68, 502, 503, 515, 540 49 Parts 7, 360, 594, 801, 1002, 1011 50 Parts 13, 14, 29, 37, 91 32 U.S.C. 110........................................................32 Part 564 302........................................................32 Part 100 321........................................................32 Part 240 318........................................................32 Part 564 319........................................................32 Part 564 320........................................................32 Part 564 502.............................................32 Parts 101, 183, 564 503........................................................32 Part 564 504........................................................32 Part 564 505........................................................32 Part 564 714........................................32 Parts 281, 282, 283, 284 715..................................................32 Parts 536, 842 3327.......................................................32 Part 240 3328.......................................................32 Part 240 3331.......................................................32 Part 240 3334.......................................................32 Part 240 3343.......................................................32 Part 240 3711.......................................................32 Part 240 3712.......................................................32 Part 240 3716.......................................................32 Part 240 3717.......................................................32 Part 240 33 U.S.C. 1.....................................33 Parts 207, 209, 245, 334, 385 36 Part 327 3....................................................33 Parts 209, 334 123........................................................33 Part 166 151.........................................................33 Part 80 46 Part 151 152........................................................33 Part 163 [[Page 1021]] 182..............................32 Parts 707, 720, 722, 750, 755, 757 328........................................................33 Part 328 360........................................................32 Part 706 33 Part 81 401 et seq.......................33 Parts 320, 325, 326, 329, 330, 331 401........................................................23 Part 650 33 Parts 1, 114, 115, 116, 321 403.............................................33 Parts 209, 221, 322 406........................................................33 Part 114 407..........................................................19 Part 4 33 Part 209 408........................................................32 Part 537 33 Part 70 409--410...................................................33 Part 209 409...................................................33 Parts 64, 245 411--415...................................................33 Part 245 411--412....................................................33 Part 70 412--415...................................................33 Part 209 417........................................................33 Part 209 426e--426h.................................................33 Part 282 467 et seq.................................................33 Part 222 471....................................................33 Parts 1, 109 491 et seq.................................................23 Part 650 491...............................................33 Parts 1, 114, 115 494..................................................33 Parts 114, 118 495........................................................33 Part 114 499................................33 Parts 1, 114, 115, 116, 117, 209 502........................................................33 Part 114 503........................................................33 Part 209 511 et seq.................................................23 Part 650 511........................................................33 Part 114 513........................................................33 Part 114 514........................................................33 Part 114 516........................................................33 Part 114 517........................................................33 Part 114 519........................................................33 Part 114 521.............................................33 Parts 114, 115, 116 522........................................................33 Part 114 523........................................................33 Part 114 525...............................................33 Parts 1, 114, 115 528........................................................33 Part 114 530........................................................33 Part 114 533........................................................33 Part 114 535..................................................33 Parts 114, 115 555........................................................33 Part 207 578........................................................33 Part 211 610........................................................33 Part 273 628........................................................33 Part 209 646........................................................33 Part 209 661........................................................33 Part 209 683.........................................................26 Part 50 701..................................................33 Parts 222, 385 701a.......................................................33 Part 238 701a-1......................................................7 Part 654 701b.......................................................33 Part 222 701b-1......................................7 Parts 601, 622, 624, 654 701c.......................................................33 Part 208 701c-1.....................................................33 Part 222 701n.................................................33 Parts 203, 214 709..................................................33 Parts 208, 209 709a.......................................................33 Part 242 763c........................................................42 Part 31 892b.................................................15 Parts 995, 996 901 et seq.............20 Parts 702, 703, 718, 722, 725, 726, 801, 802 939..................................................20 Parts 701, 704 941......29 Parts 1910, 1911, 1915, 1917, 1918, 1919, 1920, 1921, 1922 981--990.............................................33 Parts 401, 403 983........................................................33 Part 402 984........................................................33 Part 402 988........................................................33 Part 402 1007........................................................46 Part 93 1121 et seq..........................................15 Parts 917, 918 1151 et seq.................................................40 Part 21 1161.......................................................40 Part 109 1201--1208..................................................33 Part 26 1222.........................................................33 Part 7 1223.............................33 Parts 146, 148, 161, 164, 166, 167 1225............................................33 Parts 126, 154, 156 1226.......................................................33 Part 146 1230.......................................................33 Part 169 1231...............33 Parts 96, 126, 127, 150, 154, 156, 161, 164, 401 46 Part 154 49 Part 194 1232.......................................................33 Part 401 1251 et seq.........................................2 Parts 1500, 1532 31 Part 34 40 Parts 6, 9, 32, 34, 35, 104, 108, 110, 112, 116, 117, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 136, 144, 145, 230, 232, 233, 270, 300, 302, 401, 403, 413, 418, 451, 501, 503 1251....40 Parts 25, 113, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 411, 412, 417, 418, 421, 422, 423, 424, 426, 427, 428, 433, 434, 436, 441, 443, 446, 447, 454, 457, 458, 459, 460 1251 note....................................40 Parts 7, 133, 136, 418 1251--1387...................................................40 Part 3 1254--1255..................................................40 Part 40 1254...................................................40 Parts 45, 46 1257--1258..................................................40 Part 40 1259........................................................40 Part 45 1261........................................................40 Part 45 1263........................................................40 Part 40 1285........................................................40 Part 35 1288........................................................7 Part 634 1301--1311..................................................7 Part 633 1311.....40 Parts 9, 133, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 417, 418, 419, 420, 421, 422, 423, 424, 425, 426, 427, 428, 429, 430, 432, 433, 434, 435, 436, 437, 438, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 444, 445, 446, 447, 450, 451, 454, 455, 457, 458, 459, 460, 461, 463, 464, 465, 466, 467, 468, 469, 471 1312.......................................................40 Part 450 1313d..................................................40 Parts 9, 451 1314.....40 Parts 9, 133, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 417, 418, 419, 420, 421, 422, 423, 424, 425, 426, 427, 428, 429, 430, 432, 433, 434, 435, 436, 437, 438, 439, 440, 441, 442, 443, 444, 445, 446, 447, 450, 451, 454, 455, 457, 458, 459, 460, 461, 463, 464, 465, 466, 467, 468, 469, 471 1316--1318.......40 Parts 420, 432, 433, 435, 437, 438, 439, 441, 442, 444, 445, 463, 464, 469 1316--1317...40 Parts 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, [[Page 1022]] 410, 411, 412, 414, 415, 417, 418, 419, 421, 422, 423, 424, 425, 426, 427, 428, 429, 430, 434, 443, 446, 447, 454, 455, 457, 458, 460, 461, 465, 466, 467, 468 1316.......................................40 Parts 440, 450, 459, 471 1317--1319.................................................40 Part 413 1317............................................40 Parts 128, 440, 455 1318...............................40 Parts 9, 133, 425, 430, 439, 451 1319.......................................................33 Part 326 40 Part 22 1321.......................................................2 Part 5900 19 Part 4 30 Parts 250, 254 33 Parts 1, 20, 31, 71, 91, 126, 150, 153, 154, 155, 156, 176, 300 40 Parts 9, 110, 451, 1800, 1850 43 Part 29 46 Parts 31, 33, 35, 56, 71, 78, 91, 97, 105, 115, 131, 162, 169, 176, 196 49 Parts 107, 130, 174, 190, 194 1322.......................................................33 Part 159 40 Parts 140, 413 1323.......................................................33 Part 209 1325.......................................................40 Part 413 1326..............................................40 Parts 9, 409, 451 1330...............................................40 Parts 9, 35, 451 1341.................................................40 Parts 413, 450 1342......40 Parts 9, 22, 133, 420, 430, 432, 435, 437, 438, 439, 441, 442, 444, 445, 450, 451 1344....33 Parts 221, 320, 323, 325, 326, 327, 330, 331, 335, 336, 338 40 Parts 9, 231, 233, 451 1345..........................40 Parts 9, 133, 257, 258, 358, 451, 503 1361...40 Parts 9, 22, 23, 35, 105, 110, 133, 410, 414, 415, 419, 420, 421, 423, 425, 429, 430, 432, 433, 434, 435, 437, 438, 439, 440, 441, 442, 444, 445, 450, 451, 455, 461, 463, 464, 465, 466, 467, 468, 469, 471 1365.......................................................40 Part 135 1367........................................................29 Part 24 1369........................................................40 Part 23 1370.......................................................40 Part 450 1381--1387..................................................40 Part 35 1401et seq.................................................2 Part 1500 1401--1445...................................................40 Part 3 1412..............40 Parts 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 227, 228, 229 1413....33 Parts 209, 320, 324, 325, 326, 327, 330, 331, 335, 336, 337 1414.......................................................40 Part 223 1415........................................................40 Part 22 1417.......................................................40 Part 223 1418.....40 Parts 22, 220, 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229 1504.................................................33 Parts 148, 149 1509............................................33 Parts 148, 149, 150 46 Parts 54, 56, 197 1602........................................................33 Part 82 1605.............................32 Parts 706, 720, 722, 750, 755, 757 1606.......................................................32 Part 707 1607........................................................33 Part 81 1901--1912................................................40 Part 1043 1902.......................................................33 Part 151 1903..................................33 Parts 151, 153, 155, 157, 158 46 Parts 2, 8, 25, 98, 151, 153, 162 1904.........................................................46 Part 8 1905.......................................................33 Part 158 1908.................................................33 Parts 151, 153 2071.................33 Parts 83, 84, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 95, 110, 163 2101.......................................................33 Part 326 2104.......................................................33 Part 326 2201 et seq................................................33 Part 241 2701 et seq................................................15 Part 990 2701--2761...................................................40 Part 3 2701--2719.................................................33 Part 135 2701........................................................33 Part 83 2703.......................................................33 Part 137 2704........................30 Parts 551, 553, 560, 580, 581, 582, 585 33 Parts 138, 553 2712.......................................................33 Part 133 2713--2714.................................................33 Part 136 2716........................30 Parts 551, 553, 560, 580, 581, 582, 585 33 Parts 1, 138, 253, 553 2716a..................................................33 Parts 1, 138 2735.................................................33 Parts 154, 155 3071.......................................................15 Part 998 3602--3603.................................................15 Part 997 3803.........................................................46 Part 8 3821.........................................................46 Part 8 3901 et seq................................................33 Part 386 70013........................................................33 Part 2 34 U.S.C. 10110.......................................................28 Part 32 10110 note..................................................28 Part 32 10221.......................................................28 Part 32 10225.......................................................28 Part 32 10226.......................................................28 Part 32 10251.......................................................28 Part 32 10261.......................................................28 Part 32 10272.......................................................28 Part 32 10286.......................................................28 Part 32 10281 et seq................................................28 Part 32 11111.......................................................28 Part 31 11131.......................................................28 Part 31 12592.......................................................28 Part 28 20103.......................................................28 Part 94 20106.......................................................28 Part 94 20110.......................................................28 Part 94 20111.......................................................28 Part 94 21501--21510................................................22 Part 51 40702.......................................................28 Part 28 40703.......................................................28 Part 28 35 U.S.C. 2.............37 Parts 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 41, 42, 90, 102, 104, 150 3...........................................................37 Part 41 6...........................................................37 Part 42 10.........................................................37 Part 104 21................................................37 Parts 41, 42, 102 23................................................37 Parts 41, 42, 104 25.........................................................37 Part 104 32.....................................................37 Parts 11, 41 41.........................................37 Parts 5, 11, 41, 42, 102 42.........................................................37 Part 102 122........................................................37 Part 102 134.........................................................37 Part 41 135....................................................37 Parts 41, 42 156.........................................................9 Part 124 [[Page 1023]] 21 Part 60 37 Part 5 181--185.....................................................37 Part 5 183..................................................10 Parts 780, 782 200 et seq................................................14 Part 1245 200--212...................................................45 Part 650 48 Part 2527 202........................................................10 Part 784 206..................................................37 Parts 401, 404 207--209.............................................37 Parts 404, 781 210........................................................10 Part 784 297..........................................................37 Part 4 311.........................................................37 Part 42 312.........................................................37 Part 42 316.........................................................37 Part 42 321--326....................................................37 Part 42 36 U.S.C. 121........................................................32 Part 536 124.......................................................45 Part 2101 138b.......................................................32 Part 536 143.......................................................14 Part 1204 201--208...................................................32 Part 842 510..................................................11 Parts 104, 110 2103.......................................................36 Part 400 2105--22106................................................36 Part 401 5522..................................................5 Parts 870, 890 300110.....................................................32 Part 212 37 U.S.C. 101.........................................................15 Part 15 34 Part 221 351--354....................................................33 Part 49 554........................................32 Parts 281, 282, 283, 284 602..........................................................38 Part 9 603..........................................................38 Part 9 702........................................................37 Part 235 801 note....................................................22 Part 3A 1007.......................................................32 Part 527 1509.......................................................37 Part 235 1510.......................................................37 Part 235 38 U.S.C. 1 preceding note.......................................38 Parts 10, 11 101--103.....................................................38 Part 3 101.........................................................5 Part 720 32 Part 70 38 Parts 3, 17, 21, 39, 51, 53, 59 39 Part 20 106 note....................................................32 Part 47 107.........................................................38 Part 38 107 note.....................................................38 Part 8 109.........................................................38 Part 17 111....................................................38 Parts 19, 71 210....38 Parts 4, 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 15, 18a, 18b, 19, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 45 211--212....................................................38 Part 19 312..........................................................38 Part 3 314..........................................................38 Part 3 315..........................................................38 Part 4 322.........................................................38 Part 76 354 note...................................................32 Part 218 355..........................................................38 Part 4 360..........................................................38 Part 3 363..........................................................38 Part 3 401.........................................................39 Part 20 403.........................................................39 Part 20 404.........................................................39 Part 20 407--408....................................................39 Part 20 414.........................................................39 Part 20 416.........................................................39 Part 20 418..........................................................38 Part 3 501.............................................2 Parts 801, 802, 1327 13 Part 125 31 Part 212 38 Parts 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8a, 9, 13, 14, 16, 17, 19, 20, 21, 36, 38, 39, 44, 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 53, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 71, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 501 48 Parts 806, 828, 831, 853, 871, 873 503..........................................................38 Part 3 510.........................................................38 Part 51 511.........................................................38 Part 51 512..........................................38 Parts 2, 3, 14, 21, 38 513....................................................38 Parts 17, 74 48 Part 847 515.....................................................38 Parts 2, 14 521..........................................................38 Part 3 521A........................................................38 Part 77 523 note....................................................38 Part 64 524..........................................................38 Part 3 531.........................................................38 Part 38 541--542.....................................................38 Part 3 618..........................................................38 Part 3 641..............................................38 Parts 18, 18a, 18b 644..............................................38 Parts 18, 18a, 18b 693h--693i.................................................32 Part 865 701--724.....................................................38 Part 8 706.........................................................15 Part 15 713........................................................5 Part 1210 721..........................................................38 Part 6 724..........................................................38 Part 6 725..........................................................38 Part 8 740--760.....................................................38 Part 6 781--788.................................................38 Parts 6, 8 784.........................................................38 Part 19 797..........................................................38 Part 8 801..........................................................38 Part 3 806.........................................................38 Part 8a 808..........................................................38 Part 8 8127--8128...........................................48 Parts 817, 826 902--906.....................................................38 Part 3 907..........................................................38 Part 3 1151 note...................................................38 Part 21 1155.........................................................38 Part 4 1162........................................................38 Part 17 1163........................................................38 Part 21 1411--1412...................................................38 Part 3 1501 et seq..................................38 Parts 18, 18a, 18b, 21 1602.........................................................38 Part 3 1651 et seq......................................38 Parts 18, 18a, 18b 1652............................................34 Parts 643, 644, 645 38 Part 3 1695--1696..................................................38 Part 18 1700 et seq................................................34 Part 776 38 Parts 18, 18a, 18b 1701........................................................38 Part 17 1701 note...................................................38 Part 17 1703........................................................38 Part 17 1703a.......................................................10 Part 72 1703B.......................................................38 Part 17 1703C.......................................................38 Part 17 1705........................................................38 Part 17 [[Page 1024]] 1707........................................................38 Part 17 1708........................................................38 Part 60 1709A.......................................................38 Part 17 1710...............................................38 Parts 17, 51, 59 1710A.......................................................38 Part 17 1710B.......................................................38 Part 17 1711........................................................38 Part 17 1712...................................................38 Parts 17, 51 1712A.......................................................38 Part 17 1712C.......................................................38 Part 17 1714........................................................38 Part 17 1717........................................................38 Part 17 1720........................................................38 Part 51 1720B..................................................38 Parts 17, 71 1720D.......................................................38 Part 17 1720F.......................................................38 Part 78 1720G.......................................................38 Part 71 1721........................................................38 Part 17 1722........................................................38 Part 17 1722A.......................................................38 Part 17 1722B.......................................................38 Part 17 1724........................................................38 Part 17 1725........................................................38 Part 17 1725A.......................................................38 Part 17 1728........................................................38 Part 17 1729....................................................38 Parts 2, 17 1729A........................................................38 Part 2 1730........................................................38 Part 17 1730A.......................................................38 Part 17 1730D.......................................................38 Part 17 1741--1743..................................................38 Part 51 1742........................................................38 Part 59 1744...................................................38 Parts 51, 53 1745........................................................38 Part 51 1751--1754...................................................38 Part 1 1765.........................................................38 Part 3 1775.......................................................34 Part 603 1782...................................................38 Parts 17, 71 1785........................................................38 Part 17 1786........................................................38 Part 17 1787........................................................38 Part 17 1802 et seq.................................................38 Part 21 1802.........................................................38 Part 3 1807.........................................................38 Part 3 1818.........................................................38 Part 3 1901--1929...................................................38 Part 8 1901--1903...................................................38 Part 3 1965--1980A..................................................38 Part 9 2000 et seq................................................20 Part 601 2001 et seq................................................20 Part 652 2001........................................................38 Part 61 2002........................................................38 Part 61 2011 et seq................................................20 Part 601 2011........................................................5 Part 720 38 Part 61 2012........................................................38 Part 61 2013........................................................38 Part 61 2014........................................................5 Part 720 2031........................................................38 Part 63 2044........................................................38 Part 62 2061........................................................38 Part 61 2064........................................................38 Part 61 2101--2106..................................................38 Part 8a 2101--2105.................................................32 Part 536 2103.......................................................36 Part 400 2302--2308...................................................38 Part 3 2306........................................................38 Part 38 2400........................................................38 Part 38 2402........................................................38 Part 38 2402 note..................................................32 Part 553 2403........................................................38 Part 38 2404........................................................38 Part 38 2407........................................................38 Part 38 2408...................................................38 Parts 38, 39 2409--2411.................................................32 Part 553 2411...................................................38 Parts 38, 39 2413.......................................................32 Part 553 3001--3697A.................................................38 Part 21 3001--3011..................................................39 Part 20 3001.........................................................38 Part 3 3010--3012...................................................38 Part 3 3021.........................................................38 Part 3 3100 et seq.................................................38 Part 21 48 Part 871 3101.....................................................38 Parts 6, 8 3102--3104.................................................31 Part 306 3103..................................................32 Parts 70, 581 3104........................................................38 Part 17 3107--3108.................................................31 Part 306 3111.......................................................31 Part 306 3112.........................................................38 Part 3 3121--3123.................................................31 Part 306 3125.......................................................31 Part 306 3129.......................................................31 Part 306 3201--3219..................................................39 Part 20 3202.........................................................38 Part 6 3203.........................................................38 Part 3 3301........................................................38 Part 19 3402.............................................38 Parts 18, 18a, 18b 3403--3406..................................................39 Part 20 3503--3504...................................................38 Part 3 3621........................................................39 Part 20 3622........................................................39 Part 20 3626........................................................39 Part 20 3632........................................................39 Part 20 3633........................................................39 Part 20 3698........................................................38 Part 21 3699........................................................38 Part 21 3701--3704..................................................38 Part 36 3703........................................................2 Part 801 38 Part 44 3720........................................................38 Part 36 3765........................................................38 Part 39 3901........................................................38 Part 17 4001--4009..................................................38 Part 19 4100 et seq..........................20 Parts 601, 652, 653, 658, 1001 4101.......................................................20 Part 651 4211 et seq.....................20 Parts 601, 651, 652, 653, 658, 1001 4211.......................................................20 Part 651 41 Part 61-300 4212....................................41 Parts 60-30, 60-300, 61-300 4214........................................................5 Part 307 4215......................................................20 Part 1010 4215 note.................................................20 Part 1010 4301 et seq...........................................5 Parts 213, 353 4331................................................5 Parts 1201, 1208 20 Part 1002 5001........................................................39 Part 20 5031--5037.......................................38 Parts 18, 18a, 18b 5055.............................................38 Parts 18, 18a, 18b 5100 et seq.................................................38 Part 21 [[Page 1025]] 5101.....................................................38 Parts 1, 3 5122........................................................5 Part 178 5210........................................................38 Part 12 5301.......................................................31 Part 212 5302........................................................38 Part 71 5303A.......................................................38 Part 21 5314........................................................38 Part 71 5320.........................................................38 Part 1 5502........................................................38 Part 14 5506--5510..................................................38 Part 13 5701.........................................................38 Part 1 5721--5728...................................................38 Part 1 5723.......................................48 Parts 804, 811, 824, 839 5724........................................................38 Part 75 48 Parts 804, 811, 824, 839 5725.......................................48 Parts 804, 811, 824, 839 5727........................................................38 Part 75 5902--5905..................................................38 Part 14 6101........................................................38 Part 13 6106--6108..................................................38 Part 13 7104........................................................38 Part 51 7105...................................................38 Parts 38, 51 7301........................................................38 Part 17 7302 note...................................................38 Part 17 7304........................................................38 Part 17 7306........................................................38 Part 17 7316........................................................28 Part 15 7330A.......................................................38 Part 17 7331--7334...................................................38 Part 1 7331........................................................38 Part 16 7334........................................................38 Part 16 7401--7403..................................................38 Part 17 7402........................................................38 Part 17 7403........................................................38 Part 17 7405........................................................38 Part 17 7406........................................................38 Part 17 7408........................................................38 Part 17 7906........................................................38 Part 75 8105........................................................38 Part 59 48 Parts 804, 809, 812, 813, 815, 828 8111........................................................38 Part 17 8123.......................................................48 Part 801 8127--8128.................................48 Parts 808, 810, 819, 852 8127.......................................................13 Part 125 8128.........48 Parts 802, 808, 809, 810, 812, 813, 815, 819, 828, 852 8131-8137...................................................38 Part 59 8151--8153......................................48 Parts 828, 852, 873 8153........................................................38 Part 17 48 Part 801 8303.......................................................48 Part 801 39 U.S.C. 101...39 Parts 1, 20, 111, 113, 121, 122, 233, 241, 254, 255, 501, 551 102........................................................39 Part 233 201...................................39 Parts 211, 221, 222, 223, 551 202.............39 Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11, 211, 221, 222, 223, 233 203............................39 Parts 2, 3, 4, 5, 221, 222, 223, 551 204...39 Parts 4, 5, 221, 222, 223, 233, 492, 913, 951, 952, 953, 954, 955, 957, 958, 959, 960, 961, 963, 964, 965, 966 205......................................39 Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 11 207..........................................39 Parts 2, 221, 222, 223 401........................................................5 Part 7001 39 Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 20, 111, 113, 121, 122, 211, 221, 222, 223, 231, 233, 235, 241, 242, 254, 255, 259, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 273, 281, 310, 320, 447, 491, 492, 501, 551, 601, 602, 760, 761, 762, 775, 776, 777, 778, 913, 927, 931, 946, 951, 952, 953, 954, 955, 957, 958, 959, 960, 961, 962, 963, 964, 965, 966 402.......39 Parts 1, 3, 4, 11, 211, 221, 222, 223, 233, 235, 760, 761 403...39 Parts 1, 11, 20, 113, 111, 121, 122, 211, 221, 222, 223, 232, 233, 235, 241, 254, 255, 265, 281, 501, 551 404.......39 Parts 3, 20, 111, 113, 121, 122, 211, 221, 222, 223, 232, 233, 235, 241, 281, 310, 320, 404, 501, 551, 601, 762, 913, 946, 3007, 3010, 3012, 3020, 3045 404a......................................................39 Part 3024 406........................................................39 Part 233 407......................................39 Parts 20, 3006, 3011, 3025 409.............................................39 Parts 221, 222, 912 410......................39 Parts 7, 211, 233, 241, 265, 501, 551, 601 411........................................................32 Part 536 39 Parts 233, 259, 601 414......................................39 Parts 3, 20, 111, 113, 551 416......................................39 Parts 3, 20, 111, 113, 551 501........................................................39 Part 243 503........................................................5 Part 5601 39 Parts 3000, 3001, 3006, 3007, 3010, 3011, 3012, 3013, 3020, 3022, 3023, 3025, 3030, 3035, 3040, 3050, 3055, 3060, 3065 504......39 Parts 3, 6, 3001, 3006, 3007, 3010, 3011, 3012, 3013, 3020 601--606.............................................39 Parts 310, 320 601.......................................................39 Part 3065 604--605...................................................19 Part 162 1001..............39 Parts 121, 122, 211, 221, 222, 230, 241, 255, 265 1003.....................................39 Parts 3, 4, 5, 6, 233, 255 1005........................................................5 Part 339 39 Part 211 1011.......................................................39 Part 222 1201.......................................................39 Part 232 1209.......................................................39 Part 211 2003.......................................................39 Part 946 2005..............................................39 Parts 3, 760, 761 2008.......................................................39 Part 601 2011..................................................39 Parts 3, 3060 2601..................................39 Parts 265, 492, 501, 927, 966 2605.......................................................39 Part 501 2802--2804...................................................39 Part 3 3001--3011.......................................39 Parts 20, 111, 113 3001......................................................14 Part 1232 39 Parts 946, 958 3003--3004.................................................39 Part 964 3005............................................39 Parts 233, 913, 952 3008.......................................................39 Part 963 3012.................................................39 Parts 233, 952 3013.....................................................39 Parts 3, 4 3016.................................................39 Parts 913, 952 3017.......................................................39 Part 233 3018.................................................39 Parts 233, 958 3201--3219.......................................39 Parts 20, 111, 113 3202.......................................................20 Part 601 3202 note..................................................20 Part 601 [[Page 1026]] 3220........................................................15 Part 23 20 Part 364 24 Part 13 26 Part 601 28 Part 19 45 Part 1178 3403--3406.......................................39 Parts 20, 111, 113 3403--3404.................................................39 Part 255 3603......................................................39 Part 3001 3621.............................................39 Parts 20, 111, 311 3622.................................39 Parts 3, 6, 20, 111, 311, 3040 3626.............................................39 Parts 20, 111, 113 3631......................................................39 Part 3040 3632.......................................39 Parts 3, 6, 20, 111, 113 3633.................................39 Parts 20, 111, 113, 3035, 3060 3634......................................................39 Part 3060 3641......................................................39 Part 3045 3642..................................................39 Parts 3, 3040 3651.........................................39 Parts 3005, 3013, 3050 3652................................39 Parts 3, 3013, 3005, 3050, 3055 3653...............................................39 Parts 3050, 3055 3654.........................................................39 Part 3 3661.............................39 Parts 3001, 3007, 3010, 3012, 3020 3662.................39 Parts 3012, 3022, 3023, 3024, 3030, 3032, 3031 3682......................................................39 Part 3040 3686.........................................................39 Part 4 3691...........................................39 Parts 3, 6, 121, 122 3692......................................................39 Part 3055 3703.....................................................39 Parts 3, 6 3705......................................................39 Part 3055 5001--5605.................................................39 Part 601 5001.............................................39 Parts 20, 111, 113 5005......................................................49 Part 1332 5402.......................................................14 Part 302 5604.......................................................39 Part 927 40 U.S.C. 12........................................................48 Part 3404 72.................................................45 Parts 2101, 2103 101 et seq.................................................29 Part 471 32 Part 273 102.......................................................36 Part 1012 104................................................45 Parts 2101, 2103 106................................................45 Parts 2101, 2103 121.........................................................7 Part 500 40 Part 52 41 Parts 101-26, 101-37, 101-42, 101-45, 101-48, 102-5, 102-17, 102-118, 102-33, 102-34, 102-35, 102-36, 102-37, 102-38, 102-39, 102-41, 102-42, 102-50, 102-71, 102-72, 102-73, 102-74, 102-75, 102-76, 102-77, 102-78, 102-79, 102-80, 102-81, 102-82, 102-83, 105-70, 109-6, 109-40, 109-42, 109-43, 109-45, 109-48, 128-1, 300-1, 300-2, 300-3, 300-70, 301-10, 301-50, 301-51, 301-52, 301-54, 301-70, 301-71, 301-72, 301-73, 301-76 45 Parts 88, 2101, 2103 48 Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 317, 319, 322, 323, 324, 327, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334, 335, 336, 337, 339, 342, 352, 370, 409, 432, 433, 470, 501, 502, 503, 509, 511, 514, 515, 516, 517, 519, 522, 523, 525, 528, 532, 533, 537, 538, 541, 542, 543, 546, 552, 601, 603, 604, 605, 606, 607, 609, 613, 615, 616, 617, 619, 622, 623, 624, 625, 627, 628, 631, 632, 633, 636, 637, 642, 645, 647, 649, 652, 801, 802, 803, 804, 806, 807, 808, 809, 810, 811, 812, 813, 814, 815, 816, 819, 822, 823, 824, 825, 826, 828, 829, 831, 832, 833, 835, 836, 837, 839, 841, 842, 843, 844, 845, 846, 847, 849, 852, 853, 870, 871, 873, 1419, 3430, 3431 193n--193w...........................................36 Parts 504, 520 258a.......................................................32 Part 552 271 et seq..................................................44 Part 15 276a--276a-7.................................................29 Part 6 276c.................................................29 Parts 6, 7, 30 285.....................................................41 Part 101-17 301 note................................................41 Part 102-73 304.........................................................27 Part 72 304c....................................................41 Part 101-17 304f--304m.................................................31 Part 401 304l....................................................41 Part 101-45 318--318d...............................................44 Parts 8, 15 45 Part 3 318--318c..................................................32 Part 228 318..............................................7 Parts 501, 502, 503 43 Part 421 46 Part 386 318a--318d...........................................32 Parts 210, 263 319--319c...................................................43 Part 17 319.........................................................50 Part 29 327--332.................................................29 Parts 6, 8 330..........................................................29 Part 7 331..........................................................29 Part 7 333....................................29 Parts 1910, 1911, 1912, 1926 442.................................................7 Parts 1806, 1901 461--462.................................................24 Parts 1, 2 471 et seq................................................30 Part 1201 43 Parts 3000, 3120, 3800 471--488....................................................34 Part 12 471 note.....................................................45 Part 3 472.......................................................43 Part 2370 474............................................48 Parts 705, 706, 5706 484................................................45 Parts 8, 12, 12a 46 Part 387 484b.....................................................24 Parts 1, 2 486..............................................7 Parts 501, 502, 503 22 Part 513 32 Part 746 41 Parts 101-1, 101-3, 101-5, 101-6, 101-8, 101-9, 101-11, 101- 19, 101-20, 101-21, 101-25, 101-27, 101-28, 101-29, 101-30, 101- 31, 101-33, 101-38, 101-39, 101-40, 101-41, 101-43, 101-44, 101- 46, 101-47, 101-49, 102-2, 102-3, 102-5, 102-85, 102-193, 102- 194, 105-1, 105-50, 105-53, 105-60, 105-62, 105-67, 105-69, 105- 71, 105-72, 109-6, 109-46, 115-1 45 Part 3 48 Parts 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 419, 422, 423, 424, 425, 427, [[Page 1027]] 428, 430, 431, 434, 435, 436, 437, 439, 441, 442, 570, 602, 611, 614, 629, 634, 639, 641, 643, 648, 651, 653, 719, 919, 926, 937, 949, 1401, 1402, 1403, 1404, 1405, 1406, 1407, 1408, 1409, 1413, 1414, 1415, 1416, 1417, 1419, 1422, 1424, 1425, 1426, 1427, 1428, 1429, 1430, 1431, 1432, 1433, 1435, 1436, 1437, 1442, 1443, 1445, 1446, 1448, 1449, 1450, 1451, 1452, 1501, 1502, 1504, 1506, 1508, 1509, 1511, 1513, 1514, 1515, 1517, 1519, 1520, 1522, 1523, 1524, 1527, 1533, 1535, 1536, 1537, 1542, 1545, 1546, 1553, 1601, 1602, 1603, 1604, 1605, 1606, 1609, 1614, 1615, 1616, 1622, 1624, 1629, 1631, 1632, 1642, 1643, 1644, 1645, 1646, 1649, 1652, 1653, 1733, 1901, 1902, 1903, 1904, 1909, 1910, 1913, 1915, 1917, 1942, 1946, 1952, 1953, 2101, 2102, 2103, 2104, 2105, 2106, 2109, 2110, 2114, 2115, 2116, 2122, 2124, 2128, 2129, 2131, 2132, 2137, 2143, 2144, 2146, 2149, 2152, 2301, 2401, 2402, 2405, 2406, 2408, 2409, 2411, 2413, 2414, 2415, 2416, 2417, 2419, 2422, 2424, 2426, 2427, 2428, 2432, 2433, 2434, 2436, 2437, 2439, 2442, 2446, 2451, 2452, 2453, 2801, 2802, 2803, 2804, 2805, 2806, 2807, 2808, 2809, 2810, 2811, 2812, 2813, 2814, 2815, 2816, 2817, 2819, 2822, 2823, 2825, 2827, 2828, 2829, 2830, 2831, 2832, 2833, 2834, 2836, 2837, 2839, 2841, 2842, 2845, 2846, 2848, 2849, 2850, 2852, 2901, 2902, 2903, 2904, 2905, 2906, 2907, 2908, 2909, 2910, 2911, 2912, 2913, 2914, 2915, 2916, 2917, 2919, 2922, 2923, 2928, 2929, 2930, 2931, 2932, 2933, 2936, 2937, 2942, 2943, 2944, 2945, 2952, 2953 486 note...................................................20 Part 368 490............................................41 Parts 101-19, 101-21 490 note................................................41 Part 101-17 491.........................................................5 Part 930 501 et seq...................................41 Parts 102-117, 102-118 501.....................................................41 Part 102-82 503.....................................................41 Part 102-39 521--523................................................41 Part 102-75 541 et seq.................................................32 Part 273 541--559................................................41 Part 102-75 545............................................41 Parts 101-45, 102-38 549.....................................................41 Part 102-37 552........................................................36 Part 262 581--593................................................41 Part 102-80 581....................................41 Parts 102-76, 102-78, 102-81 583.....................................................41 Part 102-76 590.........................................................5 Part 792 601 et seq..............................................41 Part 101-17 601--619................................................41 Part 101-19 612........................................................32 Part 210 701........................................................32 Part 273 728--729...................................................31 Part 362 728........................................................31 Part 361 753...................................................7 Parts 501, 502 760 et seq................................................43 Part 3040 870........................................................36 Part 903 873........................................................36 Part 901 874--875...................................................36 Part 908 875...................................36 Parts 901, 905, 906, 907, 910 877........................................................36 Part 908 1001......................................................43 Part 2101 1101 et seq................................................23 Part 172 1315........................................................7 Part 500 3141 et seq..............................................29 Parts 1, 5 3145..............................................29 Parts 1, 3, 5, 29 3148.....................................................29 Parts 1, 5 3301--3315..............................................41 Part 102-76 3306....................................................41 Part 102-77 3701 et seq..................................................29 Part 5 3704...............................................29 Parts 1910, 1926 9102.......................................................32 Part 553 17503...................................................41 Part 102-34 11331......................................................32 Part 156 11319......................................................48 Part 839 40 U.S.C. Appendix 106........................................................5 Part 1900 201........................................................23 Part 633 205..................................................30 Parts 880, 881 43 Part 17 207......................................................24 Parts 1, 2 402........................................................23 Part 633 41 U.S.C. 5....................................................46 Parts 338, 339 14.........................................................32 Part 552 35 et seq...........................................29 Parts 775, 1910 35........................................................29 Part 1911 41 Parts 50-202, 50-204, 50-205 38--39.......................................................29 Part 4 38..................................................29 Parts 515, 1911 41 Parts 50-201, 50-202, 50-203, 50-204, 50-205, 50-210 40.....................................41 Parts 50-201, 50-202, 50-205 43a.....................................................41 Part 50-202 46--48c..........................41 Parts 51-1, 51-2, 51-3, 51-4, 51-5 51.........................................................32 Part 516 252a.......................................................2 Part 1401 253...................48 Parts 326, 1480, 2405, 2406, 2414, 2415, 2416 351 et seq......................................29 Parts 4, 1910, 1925 351.......................................................29 Part 1911 353......................................................29 Parts 6, 8 354......................................................29 Parts 6, 8 353.......................................................29 Part 1911 401 et seq................................................48 Part 2005 405.....................................................2 Parts 1, 175 414........................................................46 Part 501 48 Parts 1301--1309, 1311--1319, 1322--1337, 1339, 1341, 1342, 1344, 1345, 1346, 1348, 1349, 1350, 1352, 1353, 1370, 1371 418........................................................46 Part 501 48 Part 3406 418b....48 Parts 1009, 1033, 1036, 1245, 1501, 1502, 1503, 1504, 1505, 1512, 1515, 1516, 1517, 1528, 1529, 1532, 1533, 1536, 1539, 1546 421....48 Parts 201, 202, 204, 205, 208, 209, 210, 212, 214, 215, 216, 217, 222, 225, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 237, 239, 242, 243, 244, 245, 247, 252, 253, 409, 432, 433 422..............................48 Parts 9900, 9901, 9903, 9904, 9905 481.......................................................48 Part 2017 501 et seq.................................................18 Part 740 600 et seq.........................................48 Parts 6301, 6302 [[Page 1028]] 601 et seq..................................................24 Part 20 30 Part 1208 48 Parts 6103, 6104, 6105 602.........................................................38 Part 21 701 et seq.....................................2 Parts 182, 1882, 3256 15 Part 29 22 Parts 133, 310, 312, 513, 519, 1006, 1008, 1509 24 Parts 21, 24 28 Part 83 29 Parts 94, 1472 31 Part 19 32 Part 26 36 Part 1209 40 Parts 32, 36 41 Part 105-74 44 Part 17 45 Parts 76, 630, 1169, 2545 49 Part 32 701--707....2 Parts 421, 382, 782, 1401, 1536, 2339, 2245, 2429, 3001, 3186, 3373 13 Part 147 701.........................................................2 Part 902 1121...48 Parts 801, 802, 803, 808, 810, 814, 815, 819, 822, 824, 832, 836, 837, 839, 843, 846, 852, 871, 1201, 1202, 1203, 1204, 1205, 1206, 1207, 1209, 1211, 1212, 1213, 1215, 1216, 1217, 1219, 1222, 1223, 1224, 1227, 1228, 1231, 1232, 1233, 1235, 1236, 1237, 1239, 1242, 1246, 1247, 1252, 1253 1303...48 Parts 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 222, 223, 224, 225, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 237, 241, 242, 244, 245, 246, 247, 249, 250, 251, 252, 811, 816, 817, 819, 829, 832, 836, 839, 846, 847, 852, 3001, 3002, 3003, 3004, 3005, 3006, 3007, 3009, 3011, 3012, 3015, 3016, 3017, 3018, 3019, 3022, 3023, 3024, 3025, 3027, 3028, 3030, 3031, 3032, 3033, 3034, 3035, 3036, 3037, 3042, 3046, 3047, 3052, 3053 1321--1328.................................................41 Part 201 1702...48 Parts 608, 801, 802, 803, 804, 808, 810, 811, 812, 813, 814, 815, 816, 817, 819, 822, 823, 824, 825, 826, 829, 832, 836, 835, 837, 839, 841, 842, 843, 844, 845, 846, 849, 852, 853, 870, 1201, 1202, 1203, 1204, 1205, 1206, 1207, 1209, 1211, 1212, 1213, 1215, 1216, 1217, 1219, 1222, 1223, 1224, 1227, 1228, 1231, 1232, 1233, 1235, 1236, 1237, 1239, 1242, 1246, 1247, 1252, 1253, 3001, 3002, 3003, 3004, 3005, 3006, 3007, 3009, 3011, 3012, 3015, 3016, 3017, 3018, 3019, 3022, 3023, 3024, 3025, 3027, 3028, 3030, 3031, 3032, 3033, 3034, 3035, 3036, 3037, 3042, 3046, 3047, 3052, 3053 1707....48 Parts 1001, 1002, 1016, 1019, 1028, 1032, 1034, 1042, 1052, 3001, 3002, 3003, 3004, 3005, 3006, 3007, 3009, 3011, 3012, 3015, 3016, 3017, 3018, 3019, 3022, 3023, 3024, 3025, 3027, 3028, 3030, 3031, 3032, 3033, 3034, 3035, 3036, 3037, 3042, 3046, 3047, 3052, 3053 3102.........................................48 Parts 3404, 3430, 3431 4186......................................................48 Part 2022 7101--7109.................................................39 Part 955 48 Part 6101 7413.......................................................41 Part 201 8102 et seq................................................10 Part 707 8501--8506................................................41 Part 51-6 8503.....................................................41 Part 51-11 42 U.S.C. 131...................................................45 Parts 63, 204 201--262...............................................21 Parts 16, 17 201........................................21 Parts 10, 12, 13, 14, 15 203........................................................5 Part 6401 209.........................................................40 Part 18 42 Parts 21, 61 210....................................................42 Parts 22, 61 216........................................................5 Part 5501 21 Parts 1, 3, 4, 26, 50, 56, 58, 71, 201, 210, 211, 310, 570, 571, 600, 606, 610, 630, 640, 660, 680, 740, 812, 813, 1240, 1250, 1271 32 Parts 626, 627 34 Part 681 42 Parts 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 11, 21, 31, 35, 50, 51c, 52, 52a, 52b, 52c, 52d, 52e, 52h, 52i, 53, 56, 57, 61, 62, 63, 63a, 64, 65a, 66, 68, 70, 71, 93, 121, 124 45 Parts 19, 83, 94 217b...................................................45 Parts 57, 73 233.........................................................28 Part 15 42 Part 6 237.........................................................42 Part 24 238n........................................................45 Part 88 241 et seq..................................................40 Part 40 241--242....................................................21 Part 20 241........................................................2 Part 1500 21 Parts 1, 7, 26, 50, 56, 120, 123, 180, 201, 209, 310, 570, 571, 740, 812 40 Parts 9, 451 42 Parts 7, 11, 52c, 61, 93 242........................................................21 Part 310 242a........................................................21 Part 20 42 Parts 2a, 64a 242b.......................................................2 Part 1500 40 Parts 9, 40, 451 242f........................................................42 Part 61 242l.........................................21 Parts 20, 26, 120, 123 42 Part 63a 242n........................................................21 Part 20 243........................................................2 Part 1500 21 Parts 1, 20, 101, 112, 115, 117, 118, 507, 1240, 1250, 1271 40 Parts 9, 451 42 Parts 70, 71 246........................................................2 Part 1500 40 Parts 9, 40, 451 247b--247c.................................................42 Part 51b 247d........................................................42 Part 56 248.........................................................42 Part 35 252.........................................................42 Part 34 253.........................................................42 Part 31 254c.......................................................42 Part 51c 254f et seq.................................................42 Part 23 254n........................................................42 Part 23 254p........................................................42 Part 23 254r.......................................................42 Part 136 254q-1......................................................42 Part 62 256b........................................................42 Part 10 [[Page 1029]] 257a.........................................................42 Part 8 262.........................................................19 Part 12 21 Parts 1, 3, 4, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20, 25, 26, 50, 54, 56, 58, 60, 71, 99, 201, 206, 207, 208, 210, 211, 310, 312, 361, 570, 571, 600, 606, 607, 610, 640, 660, 660, 680, 740, 812, 861 45 Part 204 262a...........................................42 Parts 73, 1000, 1003 263--263a.......................................21 Parts 606, 610, 660 263..............................................21 Parts 20, 600, 740 42 Part 7 263a.........................................21 Parts 4, 210, 211, 600 31 Part 493 42 Parts 405, 491, 493 45 Part 88 263b--264.............................................21 Parts 25, 861 263b--263n...........21 Parts 7, 12, 13, 15, 20, 50, 58, 570, 571, 812 263b......................................21 Parts 10, 14, 16, 17, 900 264--272...............................................42 Parts 70, 71 264.......21 Parts 3, 4, 7, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 20, 26, 101, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 117, 118, 120, 123, 129, 201, 206, 207, 210, 211, 507, 600, 606, 607, 610, 630, 640, 660, 740, 807, 1240, 1250, 1271 265....................................................21 Parts 20, 26 269..........................................................19 Part 4 271...21 Parts 1, 4, 101, 112, 115, 117, 118, 206, 207, 507, 607, 807, 1240, 1250 273--274e..................................................42 Part 121 273........................................................42 Part 486 274f-5.....................................................42 Part 121 280b et seq................................................34 Part 773 280b-4--280b-5..............................................42 Part 61 280g-1......................................................45 Part 88 282...........................................42 Parts 11, 52h, 61, 63 284..............................................42 Parts 52h, 63, 63a 284g.......................................................42 Part 52a 284m........................................................21 Part 14 284m-1......................................................21 Part 14 285........................................................42 Part 52d 285a-2................................................42 Parts 52b, 63 285a-3.....................................................42 Part 52b 285a-6.....................................................42 Part 52a 285a-7.....................................................42 Part 52a 285b-1.....................................................42 Part 52e 285b-3.....................................................42 Part 52b 285b-4...............................................42 Parts 52a, 52b 285c-5.....................................................42 Part 52a 285c-8.....................................................42 Part 52a 285d-6...............................................42 Parts 52a, 52b 285e-2.....................................................42 Part 52a 285e-3.....................................................42 Part 52a 285e-10a...................................................42 Part 52a 285f-1.....................................................42 Part 52a 285g-5.....................................................42 Part 52a 285g-7.....................................................42 Part 52a 285g-9.....................................................42 Part 52a 285g-10....................................................42 Part 63a 285i.......................................................42 Part 52b 285m-3...............................................42 Parts 52a, 52b 285o-2.....................................................42 Part 52a 285o-4.....................................................42 Part 52b 285t--285t-1...............................................42 Part 52i 286.....................................................42 Parts 4, 11 286a-7.....................................................42 Part 52a 286b-2.....................................................42 Part 59a 286b-3.................................................42 Parts 63, 64 286b-5.....................................................42 Part 59a 287a........................................................42 Part 61 287a-2.....................................................42 Part 52b 287a-3.................................................42 Parts 9, 52b 287c.......................................................42 Part 63a 287c-21.....................................................42 Part 63 287c-32....................................................42 Part 52a 288.........................................................42 Part 66 288-1.......................................................42 Part 68 288-2.................................................42 Parts 68, 68c 288-5......................................................42 Part 68a 288a........................................................42 Part 61 289........................................................20 Part 431 45 Part 46 289a.......................................................42 Part 52h 289b........................................................42 Part 93 289b-1..................................................42 Parts 8, 50 45 Part 94 289c........................................................42 Part 61 289g........................................................42 Part 61 289l-4.....................................................42 Part 52h 290........................................................32 Part 516 290aa..................................................42 Parts 8, 51d 290aa et seq...............................................42 Part 54a 290bb-36....................................................45 Part 88 290cc-21 et seq.............................................42 Part 54 290dd-2..................................................42 Parts 2, 8 45 Part 84 290kk et seq..........................................42 Parts 54, 54a 291c........................................................42 Part 53 291i..................................................42 Parts 53, 124 291j-1......................................................42 Part 53 291j-3......................................................42 Part 53 292--292p..................................................34 Part 681 292.......................................................45 Part 1060 292k........................................................42 Part 57 292q--292y..................................................42 Part 57 293a.......................................................34 Part 603 293g........................................................42 Part 57 294--294l-1................................................34 Part 681 294m--294q..................................................42 Part 57 294t........................................................42 Part 62 295f-3.....................................................34 Part 603 295h-4.....................................................34 Part 603 296g......................................................45 Part 1601 297a--297i..................................................42 Part 57 298b.......................................................34 Part 603 298b-21--299b-26.............................................42 Part 3 299--299c-6.................................................42 Part 67 299c........................................................45 Part 94 299c-3......................................................42 Part 50 299c-6.......................................................42 Part 3 300a-4.................................................42 Parts 50, 59 300a-7......................................................45 Part 88 300e.......................................................30 Part 913 42 Part 417 300e-5.....................................................30 Part 913 42 Part 417 300e-9.....................................................30 Part 913 42 Part 417 300f et seq................................................2 Part 1500 40 Parts 34, 35, 40, 124, 143, 144, 145, 146, 233, 270 [[Page 1030]] 300f--300j-26................................................40 Part 3 300f....................................40 Parts 9, 141, 142, 147, 451 300g...................................................40 Parts 9, 451 45 Part 73 300g-1--300g-6...............................40 Parts 9, 141, 142, 451 300g-1.....................................................40 Part 143 300g-2--300g-5.............................................40 Part 142 300g-3................................................40 Parts 22, 141 300g-6.....................................................40 Part 141 300h.......................................40 Parts 141, 142, 144, 149 300h-3.....................................................40 Part 149 300h-6.....................................................40 Part 149 300j-1..............................................40 Parts 9, 45, 46 300j-2.................................................40 Parts 9, 451 300j-3.................................................40 Parts 9, 451 300j-4..................................40 Parts 9, 141, 142, 143, 451 300j-7......................................................40 Part 23 300j-8..........................................40 Parts 135, 143, 146 300j-9......................................................29 Part 24 40 Parts 9, 23, 25, 141, 142, 143, 451 300j-11..............................................40 Parts 141, 142 300m-4.....................................................42 Part 124 300o-1.....................................................42 Part 124 300r.......................................................42 Part 124 300s.......................................................42 Part 124 300s-1a....................................................42 Part 124 300u--300u-5................................................21 Part 20 300v-1.......................................................7 Part 1c 10 Part 745 14 Part 1230 15 Part 27 16 Part 1028 22 Part 225 24 Part 60 28 Part 46 32 Part 219 34 Part 97 38 Part 16 40 Part 26 45 Parts 46, 690 49 Part 11 300w et seq.................................................45 Part 96 300x et seq.................................................45 Part 96 300x-21 et seq..............................................42 Part 54 300x-65 et seq..............................................42 Part 54 300x-65....................................................42 Part 54a 300y et seq.................................................45 Part 96 300aa-1.....................................................21 Part 20 300aa-1 note...............................................42 Part 100 300aa-10--300aa-34.........................................42 Part 100 300cc-15...................................................42 Part 63a 300cc-16...................................................42 Part 52a 300cc-41.............................................42 Parts 52b, 63a 300gg--300gg-63............................45 Parts 144, 147, 148, 150 300gg-1--300gg-5...........................................45 Part 146 300gg-11--300gg-23.........................................45 Part 146 300gg-11...................................................45 Part 148 300gg-14....................................................5 Part 890 300gg-18.............................................45 Parts 158, 180 300gg-91..............................45 Parts 144, 146, 147, 148, 150 300gg-92.....................45 Parts 88, 144, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150 300gg-94...................................................45 Part 154 300gg-111--300gg-139.......................................45 Part 149 300jj-52..................................................42 Part 1003 300jj-11...................................................45 Part 170 300jj-14...................................................45 Part 170 300jj-52...................................................45 Part 171 300mm--300mm-61.............................................42 Part 88 301........................................................45 Part 233 302--303..................................................45 Part 1393 303........................................................45 Part 201 364....................................................21 Parts 16, 17 401........................................................20 Part 404 402........................................................20 Part 404 403........................................................20 Part 404 404........................................................20 Part 404 405....................20 Parts 401, 402, 404, 408, 416, 418, 718, 725 31 Part 212 42 Parts 405, 1000, 1005, 1006 405 note..................................................14 Part 1212 20 Part 404 44 Part 613 406........................................................20 Part 404 407........................................................42 Part 212 409--418...................................................20 Part 404 416........................................................20 Part 404 418........................................................20 Part 418 418 note...................................................20 Part 404 421..................................................20 Parts 404, 416 421 note.............................................20 Parts 404, 416 422........................................................20 Part 404 423........................................................20 Part 404 423 note...................................................20 Part 416 424a.......................................................20 Part 404 425........................................................20 Part 404 428--431...................................................20 Part 404 433........................................................20 Part 404 438.......................................................48 Part 6102 501.........................................................29 Part 31 503........................................20 Parts 604, 620, 640, 650 601..................................................45 Parts 260, 261 601 note.............................................45 Parts 260, 286 602..........................45 Parts 95, 204, 205, 206, 233, 234, 261 603--604...................................................45 Part 260 603........................................................20 Part 645 45 Parts 201, 205, 234, 235, 240, 265, 270, 283 604..................................................45 Parts 263, 286 604 note..................................................45 Part 1000 606--611...................................................45 Part 260 606--607...................................................45 Part 224 606........................................45 Parts 205, 233, 234, 262 607...................................45 Parts 205, 233, 261, 264, 265 609..............................45 Parts 233, 261, 262, 264, 265, 305 610........................................................45 Part 262 611..................................................45 Parts 206, 265 612........................................................31 Part 256 45 Parts 286, 287 612c note...................................................7 Part 240 613..................................................45 Parts 265, 284 616........................................................45 Part 235 618.........................................................45 Part 98 619........................................................45 Part 260 620 et seq...................................45 Parts 1355, 1356, 1357 651--658........................................45 Parts 301, 302, 303 651--655.............................................45 Parts 304, 307 651 note..................................................29 Part 2590 42 Part 2590 652.........................................................22 Part 51 45 Parts 95, 305 [[Page 1031]] 654..................................................45 Parts 264, 308 655..................................................45 Parts 309, 310 657..................................................45 Parts 304, 307 658a.......................................................45 Part 305 659.........................................................5 Part 581 20 Parts 350, 363 31 Part 212 659a............................................45 Parts 301, 302, 303 660.............................................45 Parts 301, 302, 303 661........................................................20 Part 363 662........................................................20 Part 363 663........................................................45 Part 303 664.........................................................10 Part 15 45 Parts 301, 302, 303 665.........................................................15 Part 15 33 Part 54 666--667........................................45 Parts 301, 302, 303 670 et seq...................................45 Parts 1355, 1356, 1357 681--687...................................................45 Part 240 701 et seq..................................................44 Part 17 45 Part 96 702........................................................42 Part 51a 706........................................................42 Part 51a 802 et seq..................................................31 Part 35 802.........................................................31 Part 35 803.........................................................31 Part 35 901........................................................20 Part 423 902........................................................2 Part 2336 20 Parts 401, 402, 403, 404, 408, 411, 416, 418, 422, 423, 429, 430, 498 22 Part 430 902 note.............................................20 Parts 404, 416 907........................................................45 Part 204 909........................................................20 Part 404 1001--1013.................................................20 Part 408 1006.......................................................40 Part 266 1070b......................................................34 Part 676 1007.......................................................20 Part 408 1010.......................................................20 Part 408 1102.......................................................20 Part 606 111........................................................20 Part 619 1141 note..................................................24 Part 581 1202--1203................................................45 Part 1393 1202.......................................................45 Part 233 1203.......................................................45 Part 201 1232c......................................................34 Part 676 1301...........................................45 Parts 201, 301, 1355 1302...................20 Parts 601, 602, 604, 619, 620, 625, 640, 650 31 Part 493 40 Parts 412, 484 42 Parts 41, 51a, 121, 400, 401, 402, 403, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 418, 419, 420, 421, 422, 423, 424, 425, 430, 431, 432, 433, 434, 435, 436, 438, 440, 441, 442, 447, 455, 456, 457, 460, 462, 466, 473, 476, 480, 482, 483, 484, 485, 486, 488, 489, 491, 493, 494, 495, 498, 505, 510, 512, 1000, 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1006, 1007 45 Parts 1, 88, 95, 160, 180, 184, 201, 204, 205, 206, 212, 225, 233, 234, 235, 237, 264, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 307, 308, 309, 310, 512, 1355, 1356, 1357 1302c-3....................................................42 Part 466 1306.................................................20 Parts 401, 402 42 Parts 121, 422, 423, 425 45 Parts 5, 205, 206 1307b-7....................................................45 Part 205 1308.................................................45 Parts 260, 264 1310.......................................................20 Part 416 1313.......................................................45 Part 212 1315........................................45 Parts 88, 204, 510, 513 1315a................................................42 Parts 510, 512 45 Part 88 1316.......................................................45 Part 201 1320......................................................42 Part 1000 1320a-1.....................................................45 Part 88 1320a-3............................................42 Parts 1002, 1006 1320a-5............................................42 Parts 1002, 1006 1320a-6..............................................20 Parts 404, 406 1320a-7..........................42 Parts 1001, 1002, 1003, 1005, 1006 1320a-7a...................................................32 Part 200 42 Part 1003 1320a-7b..................................................42 Part 1001 1320a-7d...........................................42 Parts 1000, 1008 1320a-7e....................................................45 Part 61 1320a-8a...................................................20 Part 404 1320a-7....................................................42 Part 483 1320a-7j...................................................42 Part 498 1320a-8....................................................20 Part 498 1320a-8a........................................20 Parts 404, 408, 416 1320b-2.....................................................45 Part 95 1320b-2 note................................................45 Part 95 1320b-7....................................................20 Part 604 45 Part 205 1320b-8..............................................42 Parts 121, 486 1320b-9a...................................................42 Part 437 1320b-9b...................................................42 Part 437 1320b-10...................................................20 Part 498 42 Parts 1000, 1003 1320b-11...................................................20 Part 401 1320b-12..............................................42 Parts 67, 405 1320b-13.............................................20 Parts 401, 404 1320b-17........................................20 Parts 404, 408, 416 1320b-19...................................................20 Part 411 1320b-19 note..............................................20 Part 411 1320b-23...................................................45 Part 184 1320c--1320c-2.............................................42 Part 462 1320c-1--1320c-2...........................................42 Part 462 1320c-3....................................................42 Part 466 1320c-5......................................42 Parts 1000, 1004, 1005 1320c-8....................................................42 Part 466 1320c-11....................................................45 Part 88 1320d--1320d-9.............................................45 Part 162 47 Parts 160, 164 1320d-2....................................................45 Part 162 1322.......................................................20 Part 606 1352--1353................................................45 Part 1393 1352.......................................................45 Part 233 1353.......................................................45 Part 201 1381.......................................................20 Part 416 1381a......................................................20 Part 416 1382--1383d................................................20 Part 416 1382................................................45 Parts 233, 1393 1382f......................................................20 Part 416 1382h......................................................20 Part 416 1382h note.................................................20 Part 416 1382j......................................................20 Part 416 1382 note..................................................20 Part 416 1383.......................................................20 Part 416 [[Page 1032]] 31 Part 212 45 Parts 205, 1393 1383 note..................................................45 Part 201 1383b......................................................20 Part 416 1383c......................................................20 Part 416 1395............................................42 Parts 460, 485, 489 1395d......................................................42 Part 413 1395f......................................................42 Part 413 1395g......................................................42 Part 413 1395i......................................................42 Part 483 1395i-2....................................................42 Part 406 1395i-2a...................................................42 Part 406 1395i-3....................................................42 Part 489 45 Part 88 1395i-5.....................................................45 Part 88 1395l......................................................42 Part 413 1395m............................................42 Parts 41, 410, 413 1395p................................................42 Parts 406, 407 1395q................................................42 Parts 406, 407 1395r......................................................20 Part 418 1395t......................................................42 Part 419 1395u........................................42 Parts 1000, 1001, 1003 1395u-4....................................................42 Part 460 1395w-5....................................................42 Part 401 1395w-22--1395w-28.........................................42 Part 422 1395w-22....................................................45 Part 88 1395w-26....................................................45 Part 88 1395w-27....................................................45 Part 88 1395w-101--1395w-152..................................42 Part 411, 423 1395w-101..................................................20 Part 418 1395w-104..........................................42 Parts 1000, 1001 1395w-114..................................................20 Part 418 1395w-115..................................................20 Part 418 1395w-141..........................................42 Parts 1000, 1003 1395x......................................................31 Part 493 40 Parts 413, 414, 418 42 Parts 405, 413, 420, 489, 493 45 Part 88 1395y.........................................42 Parts 405, 1000, 1001 1395aa.....................................................42 Part 489 1395bb.....................................................42 Part 494 1395cc.............................42 Parts 466, 489, 1000, 1001, 1003 45 Parts 8, 88 1395dd.............................................42 Parts 1000, 1003 1395ff...............................................42 Parts 405, 489 1395hh--1395ll..............................................42 Part 41 1395hh.....................................................40 Part 484 42 Parts 121, 400, 401, 402, 403, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 418, 419, 420, 421, 423, 424, 425, 466, 473, 476, 480, 482, 483, 484, 486, 488, 494, 495, 498, 505, 510, 512, 1000, 1001 1395kk.....................................................42 Part 405 1395mm.............................................42 Parts 1000, 1003 1395nn........................................42 Parts 411, 1000, 1003 1395rr............................42 Parts 41, 405, 410, 413, 414, 482 1395ss.............................................42 Parts 1000, 1003 1395tt.....................................................42 Part 413 1395ww...............................................42 Parts 405, 413 1395ddd...............................................42 Parts 41, 410 1395eee....................................................42 Part 460 1395jjj....................................................42 Part 425 1396--1396a.................................................45 Part 19 1396.........................................42 Parts 1000, 1002, 1006 45 Parts 302, 303, 307 1396a.........................42 Parts 435, 436, 437, 1000, 1002, 1006 45 Parts 88, 302, 303, 304, 307, 1007 1396b.............42 Parts 435, 436, 456, 1000, 1002, 1003, 1006, 1007 45 Parts 302, 303, 304, 307 1396f.......................................................45 Part 88 1396k................................................42 Parts 435, 436 45 Parts 304, 306 1396r......................................................42 Part 483 45 Part 88 1396r-2.....................................................45 Part 60 1396r-8....................................................42 Part 447 1396s......................................................45 Part, 88 1396u-2.....................................................45 Part 88 1396w-4....................................................42 Part 437 1396w-4a...................................................42 Part 437 1397a.....................................................45 Part 1396 1397j-1.....................................................45 Part 88 1401.....................................................24 Parts 1, 2 1408.......................................................24 Part 966 1419......................................................24 Part 1700 1436.....................................................24 Parts 1, 2 1436a................................................24 Parts 812, 912 1437 et seq.................................................24 Part 20 1437--1437ee...............................................24 Part 904 1437--1437r................................................24 Part 966 1437--1437a..........................................24 Parts 900, 965 1437........................................24 Parts 70, 770, 811, 965 1437a....24 Parts 5, 247, 811, 812, 880, 881, 883, 884, 886, 912, 960, 965, 966, 985, 986 1437c....24 Parts 5, 247, 811, 880, 881, 883, 884, 886, 888, 900, 903, 941, 960 1437c-1..............................................24 Parts 903, 985 1437d.........................24 Parts 5, 902, 907, 960, 964, 965, 966 1437d note.................................................24 Part 966 1437e......................................................24 Part 945 1437f....24 Parts 5, 247, 290, 811, 880, 881, 882, 883, 884, 886, 888, 891, 908, 963, 982, 983, 984, 985 1437f note........24 Parts 401, 402, 792, 880, 881, 883, 884, 886, 888 1437g......................................24 Parts 905, 964, 965, 990 1437k......................................................24 Part 943 1437n..................................................24 Parts 5, 960 1437o......................................................24 Part 850 1437p......................................................24 Part 970 1437r................................................24 Parts 904, 964 1437u................................................24 Parts 887, 984 1437x.......................................................24 Part 58 1437z-1.....................................................24 Part 30 1437z-2....................................................24 Part 905 1437z-3....................................................24 Part 960 1437z-4....................................................24 Part 906 1437z-7....................................................24 Part 905 1437z-10.............................................24 Parts 902, 985 1439.......................................................24 Part 791 1441.............................................24 Parts 51, 291, 770 1441a......................................................24 Part 291 1450.....................................................24 Parts 1, 2 1451a......................................................24 Part 291 1452a--1452b.............................................24 Parts 1, 2 1452b.................................................24 Parts 27, 510 1471 et seq................................................7 Part 3555 1473e......................................................24 Part 945 1480.....7 Parts 1806, 1822, 1900, 1901, 1902, 1910, 1924, 1925, 1927, 1940, 1944, 1950, 1955, [[Page 1033]] 1962, 2045, 3550, 3560, 3565 1491--1497...............................................24 Parts 1, 2 1500 note................................................24 Parts 1, 2 1651 et seq................................20 Parts 701, 702, 703, 704 1701 et seq................................................18 Part 154 1704........................................................20 Part 61 1706...................................................20 Parts 61, 71 1751--1760..................................................7 Part 210 1751..................................................7 Parts 240, 250 1752........................................................7 Part 245 1755..................................................7 Parts 240, 250 1758........................................7 Parts 225, 226, 245, 250 1759a.................................................7 Parts 226, 245 1760--1761..................................................7 Part 250 1761........................................................7 Part 225 1762........................................................7 Part 292 1762a.......................................7 Parts 225, 226, 240, 250 1765--1766............................................7 Parts 226, 240 1766..............................................7 Parts 15, 250, 746 1772--1773..................................................7 Part 245 1772........................................................7 Part 215 1773........................................................7 Part 220 1776........................................................7 Part 250 1779..............................7 Parts 210, 215, 220, 235, 240, 245 1786..................................................7 Parts 246, 248 1787........................................................7 Part 746 1788........................................................7 Part 227 1789........................................................7 Part 746 1804.......................................................19 Part 161 1807.......................................................19 Part 161 1842...............................................42 Parts 1000, 1001 1855--1855g..................................................44 Part 7 1856........................................................43 Part 28 1856b.......................................................43 Part 28 1857 et seq................................................2 Part 1500 40 Parts 9, 40, 451 1857b.......................................................42 Part 61 1857g.......................................................40 Part 53 42 Part 61 1861 et seq................................................2 Part 2500 1870--1871.................................................45 Part 650 1870.......................................................2 Part 2520 5 Part 5301 45 Parts 604, 611, 615, 620, 640, 670, 675, 680, 689 48 Parts 2501, 2509, 2515, 2527, 2532 1871......................................................48 Part 2527 1891 et seq.................................................40 Part 40 1891--1893.................................................32 Part 273 43 Part 17 1892........................................................33 Part 24 1921 et seq.................................................28 Part 50 1951........................................................43 Part 17 1962--1962d-5..............................................18 Part 701 1962c......................................................18 Part 740 1962d-1...............................18 Parts 701, 704, 705, 706, 725 1973b..................................................28 Parts 51, 55 1973c..................................................28 Parts 50, 51 1973e......................................................45 Part 801 1973g......................................................45 Part 801 1973j.......................................................28 Part 55 1973aa-1a...................................................28 Part 55 1973aa-2....................................................28 Part 55 1973gg-1 et seq...........................................11 Part 9428 1973gg-5...................................................45 Part 205 1975--1975f................................................45 Part 701 1975--1975e.....................................45 Parts 702, 704, 706 1975--1975c................................................45 Part 705 1975b......................................................5 Part 7801 1980.......................................................7 Part 1930 1981.................................................12 Parts 390, 701 1982.......................................................12 Part 390 1996......................................................18 Part 1312 22 Part 1104 28 Part 548 32 Part 229 36 Part 296 43 Part 7 50 Part 12 1997e.......................................................28 Part 40 2000........................................................38 Part 21 2000c--2000c-2.............................................34 Part 270 2000c-5....................................................34 Part 270 2000d et seq...............................................23 Part 710 29 Parts 37, 38 34 Part 12 45 Part 92 49 Parts 26, 303 2000d--2000d-7...............................................6 Part 21 10 Part 960 28 Part 42 31 Part 22 2000d--2000-6...............................................49 Part 21 2000d--2000d-5..............................................45 Part 80 2000d--2000d-4.............................................23 Part 200 40 Part 7 2000d--2000d-3.............................................34 Part 100 2000d.......................................................49 Part 23 2000d-1--2000d-7.............................................10 Part 4 2000d-1.....................................................5 Part 900 7 Part 15 13 Part 112 14 Part 1250 15 Part 8 18 Parts 705, 1302 22 Part 141 24 Parts 1, 100, 121, 180 32 Part 195 41 Part 101-6 43 Part 17 44 Part 7 45 Part 611, 1203 50 Part 3 2000d-5....................................................34 Part 100 2000e et seq.......................................29 Parts 1605, 1606 2000e.......................................................5 Part 720 2000e-2....................................................36 Part 906 2000e--2000e-17...........................................29 Part 1601 2000e-8--2000e-12.........................................29 Part 1602 2000e-8...................................................29 Part 1607 2000e-12...................29 Parts 1604, 1607, 1608, 1610, 1612, 1695 2000e-14..................................................29 Part 1690 41 Part 60-3 2000e-16............................................29 Parts 100, 1614 2000e-16c.................................................29 Part 1603 2000f-10..................................................29 Part 1695 2000aa-11...................................................28 Part 59 2000bb et seq...............................................42 Part 54 2000ff....................................................29 Part 1635 2000ff-6.....................................29 Parts 1602, 1603, 1614 2001................................................42 Parts 136, 136a [[Page 1034]] 2002.......................................................40 Part 266 2003......................................42 Parts 136, 136a, 326, 352 2011 et seq.........10 Parts 709, 727, 960, 962, 963, 1009, 1046, 1047 32 Part 117 37 Part 5 2011--2296...........................................40 Parts 191, 194 2011......................................................10 Part 1045 2012.......................................................10 Part 707 2013.......................................................10 Part 707 2014...........................10 Parts 20, 30, 50, 110, 150, 170, 171 2021...10 Parts 4, 20, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 40, 70, 72, 150 2021a.......................................................10 Part 60 2021b..............................................10 Parts 20, 61, 62 2021f.......................................................10 Part 62 2022........................................................10 Part 40 40 Part 192 2033.........................................................10 Part 1 2035.........................................................10 Part 1 2039.....................................................10 Parts 1, 2 2051............................................10 Parts 602, 605, 707 2061.......................................................10 Part 707 2071......................................10 Parts 60, 63, 70, 72, 110 2073...10 Parts 2, 19, 20, 21, 26, 37, 39, 60, 61, 63, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 110 2074.......................................................10 Part 110 2077.........................10 Parts 39, 61, 70, 71, 72, 74, 110, 810 2092--2095............................................10 Parts 40, 110 2092................................10 Parts 2, 39, 60, 61, 63, 71, 72 2093................10 Parts 2, 19, 20, 21, 39, 60, 61, 63, 71, 72, 75 2095...................................10 Parts 20, 39, 60, 61, 63, 72 2096.......................................................10 Part 760 2099...................................................10 Parts 39, 72 2111...10 Parts 2, 19, 20, 21, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 60, 61, 63, 71, 72, 110, 1009 2112........................................10 Parts 36, 39, 110, 1009 2113........................................................10 Part 40 2114........................................................10 Part 40 2131........................................................10 Part 50 2132................................................10 Parts 2, 50, 54 2133..........10 Parts 2, 19, 20, 21, 26, 37, 50, 52, 54, 75, 100, 110 2134..............10 Parts 2, 19, 20, 21, 26, 37, 50, 54, 75, 100, 110 2135....................................................10 Parts 2, 50 2136........................................................10 Part 54 2137...............................................10 Parts 26, 54, 55 2138...................................................10 Parts 50, 70 2139.......................................................10 Part 110 2139a......................................................10 Part 110 15 Parts 730, 738, 742, 744, 774 2141.......................................................10 Part 110 2151.......................................................10 Part 110 2152..................................10 Parts 40, 50, 70, 75, 76, 110 2153.......................................................10 Part 110 2154.......................................................10 Part 110 2155.......................................................10 Part 110 2155a......................................................10 Part 110 2156.................................................10 Parts 110, 810 2157.................................................10 Parts 110, 810 2158.................................................10 Parts 110, 810 2160c......................................................10 Part 110 2160d......................................................10 Part 110 2165................................10 Parts 10, 25, 95, 707, 710, 711 2167...........................................10 Parts 37, 50, 52, 73 2168.................................................10 Parts 37, 1017 48 Part 927 2169...........................................10 Parts 37, 50, 52, 73 2182.................................................10 Parts 783, 784 48 Part 927 2183.......................................................10 Part 780 2186..................................................10 Parts 81, 781 2187.......................................................10 Part 780 2201.......................................................5 Part 5801 10 Parts 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 25, 26, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 60, 61, 62, 63, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 81, 95, 100, 110, 140, 150, 160, 170, 171, 706, 708, 710, 711, 719, 725, 733, 760, 766, 781, 782, 783, 810, 820, 824, 830, 835, 840, 850, 851, 852, 860, 861, 862, 1009, 1015, 1016, 1023 40 Part 23 41 Part 109-40 48 Parts 719, 911, 919, 927, 950, 952, 970, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2009, 2011, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2022, 2024, 2027, 2030, 2031, 2032, 2033, 2035, 2042, 2045, 2052 2201a.......................................................10 Part 73 2201b......................................................10 Part 707 2201i......................................................10 Part 707 2201p......................................................10 Part 707 2210.......................................................10 Part 840 2210d.......................................................10 Part 73 2210e..................................................10 Parts 72, 73 2210h.............................................10 Parts 20, 73, 110 2210i.......................................................10 Part 73 2210 note...................................................28 Part 79 2212........................................................28 Part 15 2215.................................................10 Parts 170, 171 2223.................................................10 Parts 780, 782 2231..............10 Parts 2, 30, 33, 40, 50, 52, 54, 55, 61, 110, 150 2232--2233....10 Parts 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 52, 54, 60, 61, 63, 70, 71, 72 2232...10 Parts 2, 20, 32, 33, 34, 37, 50, 52, 54, 55, 60, 61, 71, 72, 74, 100, 110 2233...10 Parts 2, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 50, 52, 54, 55, 71, 72, 110 2234...............................10 Parts 2, 30, 40, 50, 70, 72, 110 2235...................................................50 Parts 50, 52 2236...........10 Parts 2, 15, 20, 30, 40, 50, 52, 54, 55, 70, 72, 110 2237..............................10 Parts 30, 40, 50, 55, 70, 72, 110 2238........................................................10 Part 72 2239.......................................10 Parts 2, 50, 52, 54, 110 40 Part 23 2241.....................................................10 Parts 1, 2 2243...........................................10 Parts 40, 51, 70, 76 2272.......................................................10 Part 810 2273......10 Parts 11, 19, 20, 21, 25, 26, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 50, 52, 54, 55, 60, 61, 63, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 95, 110, 150, 160, 171 2278.......................................................10 Part 862 2278a............................................10 Parts 73, 160, 860 2280.......................................................10 Part 810 [[Page 1035]] 2282...10 Parts 2, 19, 20, 21, 25, 26, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 50, 52, 54, 55, 60, 61, 63, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 95, 110, 150, 160, 171, 810, 820 2282a................................................48 Parts 911, 970 2282b......................................................10 Part 824 48 Parts 911, 950, 952, 970 2282c...........................................10 Parts 850, 851, 852 48 Parts 911, 950, 952, 970 2286...............................................10 Parts 1703, 1704 2286a.....................................................10 Part 1708 2286b............................10 Parts 1703, 1704, 1706, 1707, 1708 2296a et seq...............................................10 Part 765 2297f..................10 Parts 19, 20, 21, 26, 70, 71, 73, 74, 75, 76 2297g--2297g-2.............................................10 Part 766 2301.....................................................24 Parts 1, 2 2391 et seq................................................10 Part 871 2451 et seq...............................................14 Part 1216 2455......................................................14 Part 1204 2456a....................................................14 Part 1203b 2457......................................................14 Part 1209 2458...............................................14 Parts 1209, 1240 2458a.......................................................28 Part 15 2458c.....................................................14 Part 1266 2472...............................................14 Parts 1221, 1250 2473.......................................................2 Part 1880 14 Parts 1204, 1207, 1209, 1213, 1215, 1216, 1221, 1250, 1261, 1262, 1263, 1264, 1266, 1275 48 Parts 1804, 1806, 1808, 1809, 1811, 1814, 1815, 1817, 1819, 1822, 1824, 1825, 1828, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1834, 1835, 1837, 1839, 1841, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1847, 1849, 1851 2473b.....................................................14 Part 1204 2541-1......................................................42 Part 62 2577b.......................................................45 Part 95 2641--2643..................................................43 Part 17 2641.....................................................24 Parts 1, 2 2651--2653..................................................28 Part 43 32 Parts 537, 842 2651.......................................................32 Part 516 2677.......................................................45 Part 204 2678........................................................45 Part 95 2751--2756b.....................................34 Parts 673, 675, 676 2929a......................................................34 Part 215 2942................................................7 Parts 1806, 1901 45 Parts 63, 1060 2991 et seq...............................................45 Part 1336 2996...............................................45 Parts 1608, 1624 2996c.....................................................45 Part 1622 2996d.....................................................45 Part 1608 2996e...45 Parts 1604, 1606, 1608, 1612, 1616, 1618, 1619, 1621, 1623, 1628, 1629, 1632, 1633, 1634, 1635, 1640, 1641, 1642 2996f...45 Parts 1604, 1605, 1606, 1608, 1612, 1613, 1615, 1616, 1618, 1620, 1621, 1623, 1624, 1628, 1629, 1632, 1633, 1634, 1643 2996g...45 Parts 1600, 1601, 1602, 1603, 1604, 1605, 1607, 1609, 1610, 1611, 1612, 1613, 1614, 1618, 1619, 1626, 1627, 1630, 1631, 1632, 1633, 1635, 1637, 1639, 1644 3001 et seq........................................45 Parts 1321, 1324 3001--3009.................................................40 Part 266 3001...............................................45 Parts 1322, 1323 3014.......................................................40 Part 266 3015.......................................................32 Part 273 3017.......................................................40 Part 266 3020.......................................................32 Part 273 3030a.......................................................7 Part 250 3056--3056p................................................20 Part 641 3102--3104...............................................24 Parts 1, 2 3121.................................................13 Parts 300, 301 45 Part 900 3122.................................................13 Parts 300, 304 3141--3147.................................................13 Part 301 3141.......................................................13 Part 305 3143.......................................................13 Part 303 3147.......................................................13 Part 306 3149.................................................13 Parts 301, 307 3150.......................................................13 Part 302 3151.......................................................13 Part 308 3152.......................................................13 Part 302 3153.......................................................13 Part 302 3154.......................................................13 Part 310 3154a......................................................13 Part 308 3154b......................................................13 Part 308 3154c......................................................13 Part 309 3161.................................................13 Parts 301, 307 3162.................................................13 Parts 303, 307 3171.......................................................13 Part 304 3172.......................................................13 Part 304 3174.......................................................13 Part 303 3175.......................................................13 Part 301 3192.................................................13 Parts 301, 302 3193.......................................................13 Part 302 3194.................................................13 Parts 301, 302 3196.................................................13 Parts 304, 306 3211.........13 Parts 300, 301, 302, 303, 305, 306, 307, 309, 314, 315 3212.......................................................13 Part 302 3216.......................................................13 Part 302 3218.......................................................13 Part 302 3220.......................................................13 Part 302 3233.................................................13 Parts 301, 307 3251 et seq................................40 Parts 240, 245, 246, 247 3254c...........................................40 Parts 240, 245, 246 3254e.....................................................43 Part 2910 3271--3274............................................7 Parts 611, 657 3301.....................................................24 Parts 1, 2 3334..................................................15 Parts 13, 923 23 Part 635 24 Parts 50, 52, 590, 600, 791, 841 28 Part 30 34 Part 79 38 Part 40 40 Part 29 44 Part 4 45 Part 100 49 Parts 17, 613 3351--3356...............................................24 Parts 1, 2 3371--3373...............................................24 Parts 1, 2 3374.......................................................32 Part 239 3435.................................................24 Parts 889, 890 3507.........................................................44 Part 2 3505........................................................45 Part 18 3535................................................2 Parts 2400, 3535 24 Parts 0, 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 35, 40, 41, 42, 50, 51, 52, 55, 58, 60, 70, 75, 81, 84, 85, 87, 91, 92, [[Page 1036]] 93, 100, 103, 105, 107, 108, 110, 111, 115, 121, 125, 135, 146, 180, 200, 201, 202, 202a, 203, 204, 206, 207, 209, 211, 213, 214, 219, 220, 221, 225, 231, 232, 234, 236, 238, 241, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 251, 252, 255, 260, 266, 267, 271, 278, 280, 290, 291, 300, 310, 320, 330, 340, 350, 401, 500, 510, 570, 573, 574, 576, 578, 581, 582, 583, 585, 586, 594, 595, 599, 600, 700, 761, 770, 791, 792, 811, 812, 840, 841, 850, 880, 881, 882, 883, 884, 886, 887, 888, 889, 891, 902, 903, 904, 905, 906, 907, 908, 912, 943, 945, 960, 961, 963, 964, 965, 966, 970, 982, 983, 984, 985, 990, 1000, 1003, 1005, 1006, 1007, 1895, 2002, 2003, 2004, 3280, 3282, 3285, 3286, 3288, 3800 42 Part 3400 45 Part 12a 48 Parts 2401, 2402, 2403, 2404, 2405, 2406, 2407, 2408, 2409, 2411, 2413, 2414, 2415, 2416, 2417, 2419, 2422, 2424, 2425, 2426, 2427, 2428, 2429, 2432, 2433, 2434, 2436, 2437, 2442, 2446, 2449, 2451, 2452, 2453 3537a........................................................24 Part 4 3543.......................................................24 Part 908 3544.......................................................24 Part 908 3545....................................................24 Parts 4, 12 3547........................................................24 Part 58 3600--3620......................................24 Parts 100, 110, 121 3600--3619.................................................24 Part 103 3601 et seq...........................................12 Parts 27, 626 24 Part 109 32 Part 192 3601--3631................................................10 Part 1040 23 Part 200 24 Parts 81, 91, 103, 105, 111, 115, 180 3601--3619.................................................12 Part 390 3601--3610.................................................12 Part 701 3601...................................................12 Parts 4, 261 3605.......................................................12 Part 338 3608.......................................................12 Part 338 24 Parts 770, 3608 3608a................................................24 Parts 121, 908 3610.......................................................24 Part 115 3616 note..................................................24 Part 125 3620.................................................24 Parts 110, 111 3701 et seq........................................28 Parts 18, 22, 42 3701--3797y-4...............................................28 Part 33 3711 et seq............................................28 Parts 20, 90 3751........................................................28 Part 38 3753........................................................28 Part 38 3762b.......................................................28 Part 38 3782...................................................28 Parts 23, 38 3789.......................................................2 Part 2800 3789g.......................................................28 Part 23 3796h.......................................................28 Part 38 3796dd-1....................................................28 Part 38 3796dd-7....................................................28 Part 38 3796gg-0b...................................................28 Part 38 3796gg-1....................................................28 Part 38 3796gg-3....................................................28 Part 38 3796ii-2....................................................28 Part 38 3797u--3797y-4..............................................28 Part 93 3797u-3.....................................................28 Part 38 3797w.......................................................28 Part 38 3901.....................................................24 Parts 1, 2 4001 et seq................................................18 Part 725 44 Parts 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75, 78, 79, 80 4001--4128..................................................24 Part 55 4001.....................................................24 Parts 1, 2 4001 note.................................................12 Part 1250 4012a....12 Parts 19, 22, 109, 172, 208, 263, 308, 339, 614, 622, 747, 760, 1250 4028........................................................44 Part 71 4104a.............................12 Parts 22, 172, 208, 339, 614, 760 4104b.............................12 Parts 22, 172, 208, 339, 614, 760 4104c..................................................44 Parts 78, 79 4104d..................................................44 Parts 78, 79 4106....................12 Parts 22, 160, 163, 172, 208, 339, 614, 760 4128..............................12 Parts 22, 172, 208, 339, 614, 760 4151 et seq.................................................24 Part 41 36 Part 1190 4152....................................................41 Part 102-76 4153........................................................24 Part 40 4212.......................................................34 Part 298 4222....................................................41 Part 105-50 4231........................................................38 Part 40 4233.......................................................49 Part 613 4252........................................................34 Part 75 4262......................................................48 Part 2923 4311--4312.................................................12 Part 701 4321 et seq................7 Parts 1b, 372, 520, 650, 1794, 3100, 3407 10 Part 1021 12 Part 408 14 Parts 34, 36, 1216 16 Part 1 18 Parts 707, 725, 1318 22 Part 161 23 Parts 752, 771, 777 28 Part 91 29 Part 11 30 Part 1201 32 Part 651 33 Part 230 36 Parts 220, 1010 39 Part 775 40 Part 6 41 Part 51-7 43 Parts 46, 3410, 3430, 3450, 3490, 3590 46 Parts 31, 105 49 Parts 264, 622 50 Part 530 4321--4370..................................................7 Part 799 4321--4370a................................................18 Part 380 38 Part 26 4321--4370h............................................18 Parts 2, 380 4321--4361.................................................32 Part 775 4321--4347................................................16 Part 1021 23 Part 751 33 Part 209 40 Parts 1500, 1501, 1502, 1503, 1504, 1505, 1506, 1507, 1508 4321--4335.............................................24 Parts 50, 58 4321.......................................................14 Part 302 [[Page 1037]] 18 Part 1305 21 Part 25 36 Part 907 45 Part 900 4331.......................................................23 Part 772 4332 et seq.................................................34 Part 12 4332........................................................7 Part 650 10 Parts 2, 50, 51, 60, 63, 72 12 Part 1815 21 Parts 25, 700 22 Part 216 23 Part 772 34 Part 75 46 Part 504 49 Parts 520, 613, 1105, 1106 4334........................................................10 Part 51 4335........................................................10 Part 51 4370d.......................................................40 Part 33 4370m et seq..............................................40 Part 1900 4371 et seq...............................................14 Part 1216 45 Part 640 4371--4375....40 Parts 1500, 1501, 1502, 1503, 1504, 1505, 1506, 1507, 1508 4371........................................................1 Part 601 4375......................................................40 Part 1518 4511.....................................................24 Parts 1, 2 4601 et seq................................................23 Part 635 49 Part 24 4601--4655...........................................23 Parts 200, 751 4601.........................................................7 Part 21 10 Part 1039 14 Part 1208 15 Part 11 18 Part 1306 24 Part 42 29 Part 12 32 Part 259 34 Part 15 36 Part 904 38 Part 25 40 Part 4 41 Parts 105-51, 128-18 44 Part 25 45 Part 15 4601 note....................................................7 Part 21 10 Part 1039 14 Part 1208 15 Part 11 18 Part 1306 29 Part 12 32 Part 259 34 Part 15 36 Part 904 38 Part 25 40 Part 4 41 Parts 105-51, 128-18 44 Part 25 45 Part 15 4633.......................................................23 Part 710 4651--4655.................................................23 Part 710 4728........................................................5 Part 900 4763........................................................5 Part 900 4821--4846...........................................24 Parts 100, 965 4821........................................................24 Part 35 4851........................................................24 Part 35 4852........................................................24 Part 58 4852d......................................................24 Part 889 40 Parts 3, 745 4853......................................................29 Part 1926 4905.................................................40 Parts 204, 205 4907.......................................................40 Part 211 4909--4910......................................40 Parts 204, 205, 211 4910.......................................................40 Part 209 4912............................................40 Parts 204, 205, 211 4914.......................................................40 Part 205 4916.......................................................40 Part 201 49 Part 210 4917.......................................................40 Part 202 49 Parts 325, 389 4950 et seq............................45 Parts 2508, 2551, 2552, 2553 4951 et seq............................45 Parts 1206, 1229, 1230, 1234 4951--4956................................................45 Part 2556 5024......................................................45 Part 1235 5043...............................................45 Parts 1226, 2556 5044...............................................45 Parts 1216, 2556 5052...............................................45 Parts 1206, 2556 5055--5057................................................45 Part 2556 5055........................................................28 Part 15 5057......................................................45 Part 1225 5059...............................................45 Parts 1220, 2556 5060...................................45 Parts 1230, 1234, 1235, 2542 5065......................................................45 Part 2540 5101 et seq...............................................45 Part 1340 5106i.......................................................45 Part 88 5121 et seq................................................32 Part 273 44 Parts 300, 352 5121--5207..................................44 Parts 80, 201, 204, 206 5121--5206...........................................44 Parts 207, 208 5121.......................................................44 Part 209 5131.......................................................44 Part 350 5141.......................................................13 Part 302 5154a.......................................................24 Part 55 5164.......................................................20 Part 625 5179--5180..................................................7 Part 250 5183........................................................42 Part 38 5189a......................................................20 Part 625 48 Part 6106 5195 et seq................................................15 Part 700 5195--5197h.................................................7 Part 789 5201.......................................................20 Part 625 44 Parts 9, 350 5301 et seq...............................................24 Part 1003 5301--5320......................................24 Parts 180, 570, 574 5301--5315..................................................24 Part 91 5301.......................................................24 Part 770 5304...................................................24 Parts 42, 58 5309.........................................................24 Part 6 5310........................................................24 Part 70 5318a......................................................24 Part 594 5320.......................................................36 Part 801 5403.........................................24 Parts 3280, 3282, 3285 5404...............................................24 Parts 3285, 3286 5412.......................................................12 Part 172 5413......................................................24 Part 3800 5416......................................................24 Part 3283 5419......................................................24 Part 3284 5422......................................................24 Part 3288 5424.................24 Parts 3280, 3282, 3283, 3284, 3285, 3286, 3288 5511......................................................12 Part 1041 5512......................................................12 Part 1041 5514......................................................12 Part 1041 [[Page 1038]] 5531......................................................12 Part 1041 5532......................................................12 Part 1041 5601 et seq........................................28 Parts 18, 22, 34 5611...................................................28 Parts 31, 38 5631--5633..................................................28 Part 31 5672...................................................28 Parts 38, 42 5701......................................................45 Part 1351 5711......................................................45 Part 1351 5801 et seq................................10 Parts 851, 852, 871, 962 5814.............................10 Parts 707, 708, 711, 719, 780, 860 5815........................10 Parts 707, 708, 710, 711, 719, 780, 860 5817............................................10 Parts 602, 605, 782 5841.......................................................5 Part 5801 10 Parts 1, 2, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 25, 26, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 60, 61, 62, 63, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75, 76, 81, 95, 100, 110, 140, 150, 160, 170, 171 48 Parts 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2009, 2011, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2022, 2024, 2027, 2030, 2031, 2032, 2033, 2035, 2042, 2045, 2052 5841 note...................................................10 Part 73 5842......10 Parts 20, 26, 30, 31, 37, 40, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 60, 63, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 100, 140 5843--5845...................................................10 Part 1 5846...10 Parts 2, 21, 30, 31, 34, 35, 36, 39, 40, 50, 52, 54, 60, 61, 63, 70, 71, 72, 76 5849.........................................................10 Part 1 5851...............10 Parts 19, 30, 40, 50, 60, 61, 63, 70, 71, 72, 76 29 Part 24 5891....................................................10 Parts 4, 19 5901--5920.................................................10 Part 602 5901 et seq................................................10 Part 605 5908.......................................................10 Part 784 48 Part 927 6063 et seq...............................................45 Part 1388 6101 et seq.................................................7 Part 15c 10 Part 1040 13 Part 117 14 Part 1252 15 Part 20 22 Parts 143, 218 29 Parts 35, 38 34 Part 110 41 Part 101-8 43 Part 17 44 Part 7 45 Parts 90, 91, 92, 617, 1156 6101--6107..................................................38 Part 18 45 Part 1172 6101.........................................................10 Part 4 29 Part 37 38 Part 18 6103......................................................18 Part 1309 24 Parts 146, 180 28 Part 42 6106........................................................31 Part 23 6107.........................................................10 Part 4 38 Part 18 6201 et seq................................................10 Part 218 6201.......................................................10 Part 625 28 Part 56 6213.................................................30 Parts 256, 556 6240.......................................................10 Part 626 6291--6317...........................................10 Parts 429, 431 6291--6309.................................................10 Part 430 6294.......................................................16 Part 305 6301........................................................19 Part 12 6307.......................................................13 Part 101 6321 et seq................................................10 Part 420 6361.......................................................10 Part 436 6362.......................................................14 Part 313 46 Part 504 49 Part 1105 6363.......................................................16 Part 311 6371 et seq................................................10 Part 455 6501 et seq...............................................43 Part 2360 6508.........................................43 Parts 3000, 3130, 3800 6611.................................................47 Parts 201, 202 6831--6832...........................................10 Parts 433, 434 6831.......................................................10 Part 435 6832.......................................................10 Part 435 6834--6836.................................................10 Part 435 6834--6835.................................................10 Part 433 6861 et seq................................................10 Part 440 6901 et seq................................................2 Part 1500 40 Parts 34, 35, 40, 124, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 233 6901--6992k.........................................40 Parts 3, 9, 451 6902.................................................40 Parts 258, 267 6903.......................................................40 Part 241 6905....40 Parts 146, 255, 260, 261, 264, 265, 266, 268, 270, 271, 279 6906.......................................40 Parts 262, 263, 265, 266 6907.......................................40 Parts 243, 246, 257, 258 6912......40 Parts 22, 23, 24, 239, 241, 243, 247, 255, 257, 258, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 270, 271, 272, 279, 280, 281, 282 6914b-1....................................................40 Part 238 6921--6927...........................................40 Parts 260, 279 6921--6922.................................................40 Part 261 6921.................................................40 Parts 266, 268 6922--6925.................................40 Parts 262, 263, 265, 273 6922.......................................................40 Part 266 6924--6927.................................................40 Part 266 6924--6925...........................................40 Parts 264, 267 6924............................................40 Parts 261, 268, 270 6925.............................................40 Parts 22, 146, 270 6926............................................40 Parts 267, 271, 272 6927.................................................40 Parts 146, 270 6928...................................................40 Parts 22, 24 6930.......................................40 Parts 260, 267, 273, 279 6934--6935.................................................40 Part 260 6934.......................................................40 Part 266 6935--6937.................................................40 Part 265 6937--6939.................................................40 Part 260 6937--6938...........................................40 Parts 262, 263 6937.................................................40 Parts 266, 273 6938.......................................................40 Part 261 6939.......................................................40 Part 270 6939a.......................................................42 Part 90 6939f......................................................10 Part 955 6939g............................40 Parts 260, 262, 263, 264, 265, 271 6942.......................................................40 Part 256 6944............................................40 Parts 243, 257, 258 6945............................................40 Parts 239, 257, 258 [[Page 1039]] 6946.......................................................40 Part 255 6947.......................................................40 Part 256 6949a......................................................40 Part 258 6961 et seq................................................40 Part 278 6961.......................................................40 Part 255 6962.......................................................40 Part 247 6964.......................................................40 Part 246 6971...................................................29 Parts 24, 31 6972.......................................................40 Part 254 6974..............................40 Parts 25, 146, 260, 270, 272, 279 6976........................................................40 Part 23 6977........................................................40 Part 45 6981..............................................40 Parts 45, 46, 258 6991--6991f................................................40 Part 280 6991.......................................................40 Part 281 6991b.......................................................40 Part 24 6991c......................................................40 Part 282 6991d......................................................40 Part 282 6991e.................................................40 Parts 22, 282 6991g......................................................40 Part 280 6991h......................................................40 Part 280 6992d.......................................................40 Part 22 7101 et seq......................................2 Parts 901, 902, 910 7 Part 15a 10 Parts 205, 218, 300, 420, 434, 435, 436, 440, 451, 452, 455, 460, 500, 501, 503, 504, 600, 603, 626, 709, 710, 711, 719, 727, 733, 824, 830, 850, 851, 852, 903, 904, 950, 960, 962, 963, 1000, 1003, 1008, 1015, 1017, 1021, 1022, 1042, 1044, 1046, 1047, 1049 18 Parts 270, 273, 351 43 Part 3420 48 Parts 901, 902, 903, 904, 905, 906, 908, 909, 911, 912, 913, 914, 915, 916, 917, 919, 922, 923, 924, 925, 927, 928, 931, 932, 933, 935, 936, 939, 941, 942, 945, 947, 950, 951, 952, 970 7101--7352.................................................10 Part 840 18 Parts 1, 1b, 1c, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 16, 24, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37, 38, 41, 45, 46, 101, 116, 131, 141, 152, 154, 157, 161, 201, 225, 250, 260, 275, 281, 284, 290, 292, 300, 340, 341, 343, 344, 346, 347, 348, 349, 356, 357, 358, 375, 376, 380, 381, 382, 385, 388, 390, 821 7101.................................................10 Parts 205, 625 7102--7352.................................18 Parts 158, 216, 277, 286 7107 et seq................................18 Parts 154, 271, 281, 287 7107--7352.................................................18 Part 294 7115.......................................................10 Part 580 7117.......................................................10 Part 580 7141.......................................................10 Part 800 7144b......................................................10 Part 709 7151.......................................10 Parts 590, 707, 780, 784 7152.......................................................10 Part 905 7155.......................................................18 Part 352 7171 et seq................................................18 Part 271 7171.......................................................5 Part 3401 18 Part 3c 7172.......................................................5 Part 3401 10 Part 590 18 Parts 3c, 352 7191 et seq................................................10 Part 490 7191............................................10 Parts 820, 835, 905 7239......................................................10 Part 1044 7251.................................................10 Parts 707, 708 7254--7256.................................................10 Part 708 7254...10 Parts 436, 590, 601, 602, 605, 609, 622, 624, 707, 715, 733, 745, 766, 780, 961, 1009, 1014, 1050, 1060 41 Parts 109-25, 109-26, 109-27, 109-28, 109-30, 109-38, 109-39, 109-40, 109-50 48 Parts 719, 926, 937, 949 7256..................................10 Parts 601, 602, 605, 707, 733 7261.......................................................10 Part 782 7261a......................................................10 Part 784 48 Part 927 7262......................................................10 Part 1050 7264......................................................10 Part 1002 7270b.....................................................10 Part 1048 7275--7276c................................................10 Part 905 7295.......................................................18 Part 352 7383h-1..............................................10 Parts 709, 710 7384d...................................................20 Parts 1, 30 7384n..................................................42 Parts 81, 82 7384q.......................................................42 Part 83 7384t.......................................................20 Part 30 7384u.......................................................20 Part 30 7385s-10................................................20 Parts 1, 30 7401 et seq.........................................2 Parts 1500, 1532 30 Part 913 40 Parts 32, 34, 35, 49, 50, 52, 55, 60, 61, 62, 63, 65, 70, 87, 122, 123, 124, 144, 145, 233, 270, 271 7401--7671q.....40 Parts 3, 9, 51, 62, 75, 81, 85, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 98, 451, 1027, 1030, 1031, 1036, 1037, 1039, 1045, 1048, 1051, 1054, 1060, 1065, 1066, 1068, 1074 7401--7601..................................................40 Part 60 7401--7521..................................................40 Part 86 7401--7471q............................................40 Parts 78, 81 7401...................................40 Parts 32, 57, 61, 72, 96, 97 7403..............................40 Parts 45, 46, 58, 63a, 72, 96, 97 42 Part 63a 7407........................................................40 Part 81 7408........................................................40 Part 81 7410 et seq...........................23 Parts 450, 970, 971, 972, 973 40 Parts 58, 81 49 Part 613 7410.......................................40 Parts 57, 72, 88, 96, 97 7411........................................................40 Part 72 7412 et seq...............................................40 Part 1602 7412.........40 Parts 61, 68, 1400, 1600, 1604, 1610, 1611, 1612, 1620 7413...................................................40 Parts 22, 61 7414.........................40 Parts 57, 59, 61, 64, 79, 80, 82, 1090 7416........................................................40 Part 61 7418........................................................40 Part 88 7419........................................................40 Part 57 7420...................................................40 Parts 66, 67 7426...................................................40 Parts 72, 97 7429.......................................................40 Part 241 7491........................................................40 Part 97 7501--7515..................................................40 Part 81 7501--7511f.................................................40 Part 81 7511b......................................................33 Part 154 40 Parts 54, 59 46 Part 39 7512......................................................40 Part 1090 7521--7671q.................................................40 Part 86 [[Page 1040]] 7521--7522.................................................40 Part 600 7521.................................................40 Parts 80, 1090 7522--7525................................................40 Part 1090 7522........................................................19 Part 12 7524...................................................40 Parts 22, 79 7525.......................................................40 Part 600 7541--7542..........................................40 Parts 600, 1090 7542...............................................40 Parts 9, 80, 451 7543......................................................40 Part 1090 7545.....................................40 Parts 22, 69, 79, 80, 1090 7547.................................................40 Parts 22, 1090 7550......................................................40 Part 1090 7572...................................................14 Parts 21, 34 7581........................................................40 Part 88 7582........................................................40 Part 88 7583........................................................40 Part 88 7584........................................................40 Part 88 7586........................................................40 Part 88 7588........................................................40 Part 88 7589........................................................40 Part 88 7601 et seq.................................................40 Part 72 7601........................................................19 Part 12 40 Parts 22, 23, 56, 57, 58, 61, 68, 74, 76, 79, 80, 81, 82, 86, 88, 96, 97, 1090 7601 note...................................................40 Part 33 7601a......................................................40 Part 600 7602........................................................40 Part 61 7607...................................................40 Parts 22, 23 7609......................................................14 Part 1216 40 Parts 95, 1500, 1501, 1502, 1503, 1504, 1505, 1506, 1507, 1508 45 Part 640 7611........................................................40 Part 58 7613........................................................40 Part 58 7619........................................................40 Part 58 7622........................................................29 Part 24 7625-1......................................................40 Part 69 7651 et seq....................................40 Parts 74, 76, 96, 97 7651--7651o..........................................18 Parts 101, 201 7651........................................................40 Part 73 7651j.......................................................40 Part 77 7651k et seq................................................40 Part 75 7651k note..................................................40 Part 75 7651o......................................................10 Part 715 7661--7661f............................................40 Parts 64, 68 7671 et seq..................................................21 Part 2 7671--7671q.................................................40 Part 82 7701 et seq................................................7 Part 1792 44 Part 361 49 Part 41 7701.......................................................44 Part 362 7705c......................................................44 Part 362 7914........................................................10 Part 40 8011.................................................24 Parts 585, 700 8013.......................................................24 Part 891 8101 et seq...............................................24 Part 4100 8253--8254...........................................10 Parts 434, 435 8258.......................................................10 Part 436 8259b......................................................10 Part 436 8301 et seq................................................7 Part 1948 10 Parts 500, 501, 503, 504 8373........................................................34 Part 75 8401 et seq................................................7 Part 1948 8701 et seq................................10 Parts 500, 501, 503, 504 9101 et seq................................................15 Part 904 9118--9119.................................................46 Part 174 9118........................................................33 Part 64 46 Parts 67, 68 9153.......................................................46 Part 174 9601 et seq................................................2 Part 1500 40 Parts 34, 35, 302, 305, 307 9601--9675...................................................40 Part 3 9601--9657........................................40 Parts 9, 300, 451 9601.................................................40 Parts 279, 312 9602.......................................................40 Part 302 9603.......................................................40 Part 302 9604........................................................40 Part 46 9605........................................................40 Part 33 9607.......................................................40 Part 304 9608.......................................................33 Part 138 9609..................................................33 Parts 20, 138 40 Parts 22, 303 9610........................................................29 Part 24 9611.......................................................40 Part 310 9614.......................................................40 Part 279 9615...................................................33 Parts 1, 153 42 Part 90 9617........................................................40 Part 35 9620.......................................................40 Part 373 9622.......................................................40 Part 304 9623.......................................................40 Part 310 9651........................................................43 Part 11 9659.......................................................40 Part 374 9660........................................................40 Part 46 42 Part 65a 9660a.......................................................42 Part 65 9801 et seq...45 Parts 1301, 1302, 1303, 1304, 1305, 1306, 1307, 1308, 1309, 1310, 1311 9815.......................................................21 Part 124 9815.......................................................13 Part 124 9858...................................................45 Parts 98, 99 9901 et seq..........................................45 Parts 96, 1050 10004.......................................................42 Part 75 10101 et seq.........................................10 Parts 960, 963 10101--10270.........................................40 Parts 191, 194 10134...........................................10 Parts 2, 51, 60, 63 10137..............................................10 Parts 60, 63, 72 10141..............................................10 Parts 51, 60, 63 10152.......................................................10 Part 72 10153.......................................................10 Part 72 10154...................................................10 Parts 2, 72 10155..........................10 Parts 2, 21, 51, 70, 72, 73, 75, 150 10157.......................................................10 Part 72 10161..........................10 Parts 2, 21, 51, 70, 72, 73, 75, 150 10168..................................................10 Parts 51, 72 10175.......................................................10 Part 71 10198.......................................................10 Part 72 10222......................................................10 Part 961 10226..................................................10 Parts 50, 55 10303......................................................30 Part 401 10304--10305...............................................30 Part 402 10401 et seq..............................................45 Part 1370 10501 et seq................................................28 Part 65 10601 et seq...........................................28 Parts 18, 22 10601......................................................32 Part 635 10604.......................................................28 Part 38 10606--10607..............................................28 Part 1100 10801 et seq................................................42 Part 51 11001--11050.................................................40 Part 3 11002................................................40 Parts 355, 370 11003................................................40 Parts 355, 370 [[Page 1041]] 11004................................................40 Parts 355, 370 11023.............................................40 Parts 9, 372, 451 11028--11029.........................................40 Parts 370, 372 11042--11043...............................................40 Part 350 11045............................................40 Parts 22, 355, 377 11047................................................40 Parts 355, 370 11048..............................40 Parts 9, 350, 355, 370, 372, 451 11049................................................40 Parts 355, 370 11101--11152................................................38 Part 46 45 Part 60 11131..............................................42 Parts 1000, 1003 11137..............................................42 Parts 1000, 1003 11302.....................................................45 Part 1080 11331--11388................................................24 Part 91 11371 et seq...............................................24 Part 576 11381 et seq...............................................24 Part 578 11389......................................................24 Part 583 11403--11407b..............................................24 Part 582 11411.................................................45 Parts 12, 12a 11421......................................................34 Part 441 11432......................................................34 Part 200 11433......................................................34 Part 200 11461--11464..............................................45 Part 1080 11472.....................................................45 Part 1080 11901 et seq....................................24 Parts 261, 761, 961 12101 et seq.................................................10 Part 4 12101--12213.......................................49 Parts 37, 38, 39 12111.....................................................29 Part 1601 12116..............................................29 Parts 1630, 1695 12117.......................................................28 Part 37 29 Parts 1601, 1602, 1640, 1641 41 Part 60-742 12131.......................................................28 Part 35 12134.......................................................28 Part 35 12186.......................................................28 Part 36 12204........................................36 Parts 1190, 1191, 1192 39 Part 254 12205.....................................................29 Part 1630 12205a.................................................28 Parts 35, 36 12501 et seq........45 Parts 1201, 2507, 2508, 2513, 2515, 2517, 2523, 2524, 2531, 2532, 2534, 2544 12501............................45 Parts 2500, 2501, 2502, 2503, 2504 12511.....................................................45 Part 2510 12521--12529..............................................45 Part 2516 12561.....................................................45 Part 2519 12571--12595.................................45 Parts 2520, 2521, 2522 12571......................................................2 Part 2205 12581......................................................2 Part 2205 12581a.....................................................2 Part 2205 12601--12606.............................................45 Parts 2525 12616......................................................2 Part 2205 12631--12637..............................................45 Part 2540 12635.....................................................45 Part 1225 12638.....................................................45 Part 2550 12644......................................................2 Part 2245 45 Part 2545 12645g.......................................45 Parts 2516, 2519, 2540 12651..............................................45 Parts 1225, 2545 12651b--12651d...............................45 Parts 2522, 2551, 2552 12651b....................................................45 Part 2556 12651c--12651d............................................45 Part 2554 12651c.....................................................2 Part 2205 45 Parts 2502, 2505, 2509, 2556 12651d.....................................................2 Part 2205 12651f....................................................45 Part 2506 12651g.....................................................2 Part 2205 12653......................................................2 Part 2205 45 Part 2540 12653o.....................................................2 Part 2205 45 Part 2518 12657......................................................2 Part 2205 45 Part 2533 12701--12839................................................24 Part 92 12701--12711................................................24 Part 91 12701................................................24 Parts 880, 881 12705.......................................................24 Part 42 12741--12756................................................24 Part 91 12838.......................................................24 Part 58 12901--12912................................................24 Part 91 12905.......................................................24 Part 58 13031.......................................................28 Part 81 32 Part 60 13032.......................................................28 Part 81 13041.......................................................25 Part 63 32 Part 86 13101 et seq................................................40 Part 35 13101--13103...............................................40 Part 441 13201......................................................10 Part 490 13211......................................................10 Part 490 13220......................................................10 Part 490 13232......................................................16 Part 309 13251......................................................10 Part 490 13317................................................10 Parts 451, 452 13385......................................................10 Part 300 13611--13619..........................24 Parts 880, 881, 883, 884, 886 13701--14223................................................28 Part 91 13726b......................................................28 Part 97 13811--13812................................................28 Part 92 13925.......................................................28 Part 90 14043e et seq................................................24 Part 5 14045b......................................................28 Part 38 14071......................................................32 Part 365 14091--14092................................................28 Part 92 14135a.....................................................32 Part 635 14171.......................................................28 Part 29 14406.......................................................45 Part 88 14616............................28 Parts 901, 902, 904, 905, 906, 907 14901--14954...............................22 Parts 42, 96, 97, 98, 99 15001 et seq...........................45 Parts 1325, 1326, 1327, 1328 15532.....................................................11 Part 9428 15601--15609...............................................28 Part 115 15607......................................................45 Part 411 15903--15906...............................................30 Part 203 15927..................................43 Parts 3900, 3910, 3920, 3930 16014......................................................10 Part 950 16441......................................................18 Part 385 16451--16463...............................18 Parts 366, 367, 369, 385 16511--16514...............................................10 Part 609 16901 et seq...............................................32 Part 635 17013......................................................10 Part 611 17021......................................................16 Part 306 17071......................................................10 Part 460 17301--17305...............................................16 Part 317 18021--18024.........................................45 Parts 155, 156 18023.......................................................45 Part 88 18031--18032...............................................45 Part 156 18031--18033...............................................45 Part 155 18031.................................................45 Parts 88, 153 18041--1842...........................................45 Part 155, 156 18041.................................................45 Parts 88, 153 18044......................................................45 Part 156 [[Page 1042]] 18051......................................................45 Part 155 18054...........................................45 Parts 155, 156, 800 18061--18963...............................................45 Part 153 18061......................................................45 Part 156 18063......................................................45 Part 156 18071................................................45 Parts 155, 156 18081--18083...............................................45 Part 155 18081.......................................................45 Part 88 18082......................................................45 Part 156 18113.......................................................45 Part 88 18116.......................................................45 Part 92 43 U.S.C. 2...43 Parts 17, 1820, 2800, 3830, 3831, 3832, 3833, 3835, 3836, 3837, 6220 11.........................................................5 Part 3501 43 Part 20 31.........................................................5 Part 3501 43 Part 20 141.......................................................43 Part 2560 142........................................................18 Part 154 149.......................................................43 Part 2270 154.......................................................43 Part 3810 155--158..................................................43 Part 2300 178.......................................................43 Part 2540 190a......................................................43 Part 2530 231.......................................................43 Part 2520 270-1--270-3..............................................43 Part 2560 299--300..................................................43 Part 3810 299.......................................................43 Part 3838 315 et seq..................................................43 Part 17 315--315r.................................................43 Part 4100 315..........43 Parts 21, 23, 2400, 2530, 3620, 4700, 5400, 5500, 5510 315a...................................43 Parts 4600, 8340, 8360, 9260 50 Parts 27, 28, 29, 31 315f--315g................................................43 Part 2400 315f......................................................43 Part 2620 316.......................................................43 Part 4200 316a--316o................................................43 Part 4200 321--323..................................................43 Part 2520 322.......................................................43 Part 2090 325.......................................................43 Part 2520 327--329..................................................43 Part 2520 351--359..................................................43 Part 3590 372 et seq.................................................10 Part 903 373.........................43 Parts 21, 230, 402, 406, 418, 429, 2520 373a.......................................................43 Part 423 373b............................................43 Parts 422, 423, 429 373c.......................................................43 Part 422 375--375f..................................................43 Part 402 385a........................................................43 Part 17 387.......................................................30 Part 1217 43 Parts 17, 429 389..........................................................43 Part 8 390b.......................................................43 Part 427 390aa--390zz-1.............................................43 Part 426 390jj......................................................43 Part 427 391 et seq...........................................43 Parts 418, 420 391...................................................43 Parts 17, 414 416.......................................................43 Part 3810 418........................................................43 Part 426 421..........................................................43 Part 8 421a--421d..................................................43 Part 17 422a et seq................................................43 Part 427 422a--422k..................................................43 Part 17 423--425b..................................................43 Part 426 423.......................................................43 Part 5500 424--424e..................................................43 Part 402 431........................................................43 Part 426 434........................................................43 Part 426 436--437..................................................43 Part 2510 440........................................................43 Part 426 451--451k............................................43 Parts 406, 426 462........................................................43 Part 426 485--485k..................................................18 Part 300 43 Part 426 485........................................................43 Part 414 485h.......................................................10 Part 903 485i.......................................................43 Part 402 491--505...................................................43 Part 426 501.........................................................43 Part 17 504.........................................................43 Part 17 511--513...................................................43 Part 426 523........................................................43 Part 427 544........................................................43 Part 426 566.........................................................43 Part 17 569--570....................................................43 Part 17 613b--613c.................................................43 Part 402 613e.......................................................43 Part 402 614 et seq.................................................43 Part 418 617 et seq.................................................10 Part 904 43 Part 431 617..................................................43 Parts 414, 417 617u note...................................................43 Part 17 618 et seq.................................................10 Part 904 43 Part 431 618.........................................................43 Part 17 619 et seq.................................................10 Part 904 620 et seq.................................................10 Part 904 43 Part 431 620g........................................................43 Part 17 620k.......................................................43 Part 101 620k note........................................43 Parts 10000, 10005 641 et seq................................................43 Part 1090 641............................................43 Parts 17, 2090, 2610 666........................................................32 Part 516 682.........................................................43 Part 21 682a--682e...........................................43 Parts 17, 2400 687a......................................................43 Part 2560 711 et seq..................................................43 Part 17 732--737..................................................43 Part 2560 773.......................................................43 Part 9180 851--852..................................................43 Part 2620 869 et seq...................................43 Parts 1090, 2740, 2910 869--869-4...........................................43 Parts 17, 2400 869.........................................................43 Part 21 869a........................................................43 Part 17 870..................................................43 Parts 17, 2620 871a......................................................43 Part 2620 932.........................................................43 Part 17 934.........................................................43 Part 17 946.........................................................43 Part 17 952--957....................................................43 Part 17 956.......................................................43 Part 2810 958--959..................................................43 Part 2810 961..................................................43 Parts 17, 2310 971.........................................................43 Part 17 992--994..................................................43 Part 2540 1061......................................................43 Part 9260 1063......................................................43 Part 9260 1068--1069................................................43 Part 2540 1161...............................................43 Parts 1860, 1870 [[Page 1043]] 1171...............................................43 Parts 2400, 2710 1181--1181a...............................................43 Part 8370 1181......................................................43 Part 8200 1181a.....................................................43 Part 2810 1181b.....................................................43 Part 2810 1181c.....................................................43 Part 2400 1181d.....................................................43 Part 4100 1181e.....................................................43 Part 5040 1181f.......................................................43 Part 17 1201.......43 Parts 4, 16, 19, 21, 24, 30, 36, 1820, 1840, 1850, 1860, 1864, 2090, 2300, 2370, 2520, 2530, 2620, 2630, 2650, 2800, 2910, 3150, 3580, 3590, 3600, 3710, 3730, 3800, 3809, 3810, 3820, 3830, 3831, 3832, 3833, 3834, 3835, 3836, 3837, 3838, 3870, 5510, 8200, 8340, 8370, 9180, 9230 50 Part 35 1212......................................................43 Part 3830 1301 et seq....30 Parts 203, 1202, 1203, 1206, 1207, 1208, 1212, 1218, 1241, 1243 1331 et seq......30 Parts 203, 252, 285, 551, 552, 559, 560, 580, 581, 582, 1201, 1202, 1203, 1206, 1207, 1208, 1212, 1218, 1241, 1243 1331--1356.................................................18 Part 284 30 Part 583 1331.......................................................20 Part 704 30 Parts 1290, 1243 1331 note..................................................30 Part 556 1333............................................20 Parts 701, 702, 703 33 Parts 62, 64, 66, 67, 70, 72, 140, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 179, 209 46 Parts 2, 4, 50, 54, 56, 58, 61, 107, 108, 109, 110, 170, 173, 174, 178, 179, 197 1333d......................................................33 Part 144 1334.......................................................18 Part 201 30 Parts 250, 251, 256, 280, 282, 290, 291, 550, 551, 556, 560, 580, 581, 582, 590, 1210 43 Part 15 1337.............................30 Parts 551, 560, 580, 581, 582, 586 1347--1348.................................................46 Part 142 1348............................................33 Parts 140, 143, 146 1350.................................................33 Parts 140, 146 1356.......................................33 Parts 140, 141, 143, 146 1411--1418.........................................43 Parts 2400, 2440 1412......................................................43 Part 2460 1421--1427.........................................43 Parts 2400, 2430 1457............................25 Parts 2, 46, 83, 115, 241, 256, 292 43 Parts 4, 17, 30, 47, 48, 50, 3830, 3831, 3832, 3833, 3835, 3836, 3837, 3838, 3870 1460--1461...................................................43 Part 2 1461......................................................43 Part 3480 1464.........................................................43 Part 1 1471......................................................30 Part 1201 43 Part 3400 1474......................................................43 Part 3830 1501 et seq................................................10 Part 904 43 Part 431 1601 et seq........................................43 Parts 2560, 2650 25 Part 124 1601--1628................................................43 Part 2650 1601......................................................43 Part 9260 1624......................................................43 Part 2090 1629......................................................43 Part 2560 1629g-1...................................................43 Part 2560 1653........................................................43 Part 29 1701 et seq......43 Parts 5, 2710, 2740, 2910, 3000, 3110, 3120, 3130, 3140, 3200, 3280, 3400, 3410, 3420, 3430, 3450, 3460, 3470, 3500, 3600, 3730, 3800, 3830, 3833, 3835, 3836, 3860, 3870, 4200, 4300, 8200, 8340, 8350, 8360, 8370, 9210, 9260 1701.......................................................36 Part 254 43 Part 5000 1711--1712................................................43 Part 1600 1713......................................................43 Part 2710 1714......................................................43 Part 2300 1715--1716.................................................36 Part 254 43 Part 2210 1716......................................................43 Part 2200 1718--1719................................................43 Part 2540 1719......................................................43 Part 2720 1721...............................................43 Parts 2540, 9180 1732.......43 Parts 5, 2210, 2300, 2810, 2880, 3100, 3160, 3170, 3809, 3900, 3910, 3920, 3930 1733.......................................................36 Part 242 43 Parts 5, 1820, 2800, 2810, 2880, 3150, 3100, 3160, 3170, 3400, 3480, 3580, 3590, 3809, 3930, 6300, 9260 50 Part 100 1734..................................................43 Parts 5, 3150 1740..........................................................7 Part 1 36 Parts 251, 254 43 Parts 5, 37, 1740, 1810, 1820, 1864, 1880, 2090, 2200, 2210, 2300, 2540, 2710, 2720, 2800, 2810, 2880, 2920, 2930, 3100, 3150, 3160, 3170, 3400, 3480, 3710, 3730, 3820, 3838, 3900, 3910, 3920, 3930, 4100, 4700, 5470, 6300, 9180, 9260 1744.........................................43 Parts 3831, 3832, 3838 1745--1746.........................................43 Parts 1860, 1864 1751 et seq................................................36 Part 222 1751.......................................................36 Part 222 43 Part 4100 1752.......................................................36 Part 222 1761--1772.................................................36 Part 251 43 Part 2800 1781--1782................................................43 Part 3809 1782......................................................43 Part 6300 1801 et seq....30 Parts 203, 1202, 1206, 1207, 1208, 1210, 1212, 1218, 1241, 1243 1801--1802.................................................30 Part 556 1811 et seq................................................33 Part 135 1841 et seq................................................50 Part 296 1862.......................................................18 Part 280 1863.................................................30 Parts 270, 570 1901.......................................................36 Part 222 1901 note..................................................36 Part 222 2601...............................................43 Parts 5400, 5000 2604.................43 Parts 5410, 5420, 5430, 5440, 5450, 5460, 5470 44 U.S.C. 501--520...................................................46 Part 501 1506......1 Parts 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22 1510..........................................................1 Part 8 1681.......................................................32 Part 525 1981--2000h-6..............................................49 Part 801 2101 et seq................................................5 Part 1320 36 Part 1220 [[Page 1044]] 2101--2118...................................36 Parts 1254, 1256, 1260 2102 note.................................................36 Part 1280 2104.......................................................2 Part 2600 36 Parts 1200, 1201, 1202, 1206, 1209, 1212, 1213, 1234, 1250, 1251, 1252, 1253, 1275, 1280, 1284 45 Part 2506 2107...............................................36 Parts 1235, 1290 2108...............................................36 Parts 1235, 1251 2109...............................................36 Parts 1251, 1284 2111.........................................36 Parts 1224, 1225, 1226 2111 note..........................................36 Parts 1251, 1275 2112...............................................36 Parts 1251, 1280 2116.........................................36 Parts 1200, 1251, 1258 2201 et seq..............................................36 Part 1251 2201--2209................................................36 Part 1270 2204......................................................36 Part 1250 2302......................................................36 Part 1200 2307......................................................36 Part 1258 2401 et seq................................................43 Part 404 2501 et seq................................................5 Part 1320 2501--2506.................................................2 Part 2600 2541.......................................................49 Part 801 2641--2643.................................................49 Part 801 2661--2698.................................................49 Part 801 2701 et seq................................................5 Part 1320 2901 et seq................................................5 Part 1320 36 Parts 1220, 1238 2901--2904.............................................41 Part 102-192 2901......................................................36 Part 1012 2903......................................................36 Part 1280 2904.....36 Parts 1222, 1224, 1225, 1226, 1228, 1234, 1236, 1237, 1239 41 Part 101-9 2907.........................................36 Parts 1232, 1233, 1234 2908......................................................36 Part 1231 3101 et seq................................................5 Part 1320 12 Part 1070 25 Part 15 36 Part 1220 3101--3107..........................................5 Parts 2417, 2608 10 Parts 1707, 1708 3101................................................15 Parts 4, 15, 18 36 Parts 1222, 1223, 1236, 1237 37 Parts 102, 104 3102......................................................11 Part 9409 29 Part 2702 36 Parts 122, 1012, 1222, 1224, 1225, 1226, 1234, 1236 3103...................................36 Parts 1232, 1233, 1234, 1251 3105...............................................36 Parts 1230, 1236 3106...............................................36 Parts 1230, 1239 3301 et seq..................................36 Parts 1220, 1225, 1238 3301--3303a................................................5 Part 2608 10 Parts 1707, 1708 3301...................................36 Parts 1222, 1224, 1226, 1236 3302......................................................36 Part 1236 3303......................................................36 Part 1236 3303a.....................................................36 Part 1227 3308--3314.................................................5 Part 2608 10 Parts 1707, 1708 3310......................................................36 Part 1229 3311......................................................36 Part 1229 3506......................................................12 Part 1200 3507.......................................................46 Part 110 3501 et seq................................................5 Part 1320 7 Parts 400, 900 12 Part 1070 13 Part 102 15 Part 902 18 Parts 6, 9, 24, 125, 303 19 Part 178 20 Part 658 25 Part 503 29 Part 1602 30 Parts 56, 57 41 Part 60-999 42 Part 400 43 Part 3830 44 Part 404 3501--3521...................................................16 Part 1 3501--3520.................................................18 Part 389 30 Part 3 46 Part 501 3504--3506...................................................40 Part 3 3504................................27 Parts 6, 8, 10, 28, 45, 46, 478 40 Part 700 3504 note....10 Parts 2, 4, 9, 11, 13, 15, 19, 20, 21, 25, 26, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39, 40, 50, 51, 52, 54, 55, 60, 61, 62, 63, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 81, 95, 100, 110, 140, 150, 170, 171 27 Part 73 3506.........................................................12 Part 4 16 Part 1033 17 Part 200 30 Part 1210 32 Parts 236, 350 36 Part 221 3507.......................................................17 Part 200 33 Part 4 46 Parts 1, 11, 42, 50, 70, 114, 107, 146, 157, 159, 169, 175 49 Part 509 3510...................................................12 Parts 4, 261 3512.......................................................13 Part 101 3516 note..................................................49 Part 845 3544.......................................................32 Part 236 3702.........................................................38 Part 2 4101.......................................1 Parts 2, 5, 8, 10, 11, 12 45 U.S.C. 41...........................................................49 Part 9 42...........................................................49 Part 9 151--163.......29 Parts 1201, 1202, 1203, 1204, 1205, 1206, 1207, 1208 151.......................................................5 Part 10101 153........................................................29 Part 301 160a......................................................5 Part 10101 228a............................................20 Parts 201, 202, 203 228j.......................................20 Parts 201, 202, 203, 258 231..................................................20 Parts 205, 229 231a.......................................................20 Part 220 231d.......................................................20 Part 217 231f...20 Parts 200, 204, 205, 206, 209, 210, 211, 212, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 225, 226, 227, 228, 230, 233, 234, 235, 243, 255, 259, 260, 261, 266, 295, 350, 363, 366, 367, 369, 375 31 Part 212 231g.......................................................20 Part 260 231h.......................................................20 Part 205 231i.......................................................20 Part 255 [[Page 1045]] 231k.................................................20 Parts 266, 348 231m.................................................20 Parts 295, 350 31 Part 212 231u.......................................................20 Part 206 351........................................................20 Part 300 352........................................................20 Part 350 31 Part 212 355...................................20 Parts 260, 320, 321, 348, 349 362....20 Parts 200, 259, 300, 301, 302, 319, 320, 321, 322, 323, 325, 327, 330, 332, 335, 336, 340, 341, 345, 346, 349, 350, 363, 375 31 Part 212 431........................................................49 Part 212 432........................................................49 Part 211 434--436...................................................49 Part 212 437........................................................49 Part 211 446........................................................49 Part 207 744.......................................................49 Part 1152 821--823...................................................49 Part 260 9912.......................................................34 Part 201 46 U.S.C. 1 preceding note............................................33 Part 19 2..........................................................33 Part 125 11...................................................46 Parts 316, 355 86.....................................................46 Parts 73, 74 88a....................................................46 Parts 73, 74 91.........................................................19 Part 192 121a.......................................................46 Part 326 239........................................................46 Part 187 249 et seq.................................................46 Part 350 291a................................................46 Parts 154, 154a 301--307.............................................46 Parts 550, 551 303........................................................46 Part 503 305...................................46 Parts 504, 508, 532, 545, 560 363............................................46 Parts 73, 74, 79, 99 367....................................................46 Parts 73, 74 369....................................................46 Parts 73, 74 375....................................................46 Parts 73, 74 390b...................................................46 Parts 73, 74 391a.......................................................46 Part 187 392....................................................46 Parts 73, 74 395....................................................46 Parts 73, 74 416....................................................46 Parts 73, 74 481....................................................46 Parts 73, 74 482--483...............................................46 Parts 73, 74 489....................................................46 Parts 73, 74 501..........................................................19 Part 4 526f.......................................................46 Part 157 570--572...................................................33 Part 125 670........................................................46 Part 328 689........................................................33 Part 125 701................................46 Parts 65, 91, 101, 104, 165, 176 721.........................................................22 Part 86 740........................................................32 Part 842 802--803...................................................46 Part 355 802........................................................46 Part 316 854.........................................................22 Part 82 876........................................................46 Part 294 884.......................................................49 Part 1302 888........................................................46 Part 316 1114...46 Parts 202, 205, 232, 262, 272, 277, 286, 287, 289, 295, 307, 309, 310, 317, 324, 325, 326, 328, 329, 330, 331, 332, 335, 336, 337, 338, 339, 351, 355, 370, 380, 385, 391 1117.......................................................46 Part 380 1122--1122a................................................46 Part 222 1122.......................................................46 Part 307 1131.......................................................46 Part 262 1155.......................................................46 Part 205 1161.........................................................26 Part 2 46 Part 287 1176.......................................................46 Part 205 1177.................................................46 Parts 390, 391 1211.......................................................46 Part 380 1212.......................................................46 Part 205 1223.......................................................46 Part 277 1225.......................................................46 Part 222 1241a......................................................46 Part 327 1244.......................................................46 Part 316 1271--1279.................................................50 Part 253 1283.......................................................46 Part 307 1289.......................................................46 Part 309 1295--1295g................................................46 Part 310 1333...................................................46 Parts 73, 74 1503.................................................49 Parts 452, 453 2101...........................................46 Parts 10, 11, 12, 15 2103.......................................................17 Part 160 33 Parts 1, 97, 138, 164, 187 46 Parts 2, 4, 5, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 24, 25, 30, 31, 32, 38, 50, 61, 67, 68, 70, 78, 90, 97, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 125, 160, 166, 170, 171, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 181, 183, 184, 185, 188, 194, 199, 401, 404 2104...............................46 Parts 10, 67, 401, 402, 403, 404 2107.........................................................19 Part 4 46 Part 67 2108.........................................................19 Part 4 2110.......................................................33 Part 173 46 Parts 2, 10, 11, 12, 68 2113..............46 Parts 3, 24, 71, 73, 173, 188, 189, 190, 194, 195 2114......................................................29 Part 1986 2213.................................................46 Parts 193, 196 2301........................................................46 Part 69 2302........................................................33 Part 95 2303A........................................................46 Part 4 2306.........................................................46 Part 4 3102.......................................................33 Part 144 46 Parts 108, 193 3103........................................................33 Part 96 46 Parts 8, 144, 160, 199 3201 et seq.................................................33 Part 96 3205...........................46 Parts 31, 71, 91, 115, 126, 175, 176 3301.......................................................46 Part 144 3305.......................................................46 Part 168 3306........................................................33 Part 97 46 Parts 1, 2, 3, 8, 15, 16, 25, 26, 27, 30, 31, 32, 35, 36, 38, 39, 46, 50, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 70, 71, 72, 76, 77, 78, 80, 90, 91, 92, 93, 96, 97, 98, 105, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 144, 146, 147, 150, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 188, 189, 190, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 199 [[Page 1046]] 3307....46 Parts 31, 52, 61, 71, 91, 98, 107, 110, 115, 125, 126, 132, 133, 134, 167, 176, 189, 195 3308.......................................................46 Part 144 3316........................................................33 Part 96 46 Parts 8, 28, 31, 107, 144 3502.........................................................19 Part 4 3703............................................33 Parts 156, 157, 164 46 Parts 2, 8, 13, 15, 30, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 50, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 70, 71, 90, 98, 105, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 146, 150, 151, 153, 154, 157, 159, 160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 170, 172, 174, 175, 178, 179, 197, 199 3703 note..................................................33 Part 168 3703a................................................33 Parts 156, 157 3715.................................................33 Parts 156, 160 46 Part 39 3719........................................................46 Part 32 4102..............................................46 Parts 25, 27, 160 4105........................................................46 Part 26 4106........................................................46 Part 26 4302........................................................19 Part 12 33 Parts 175, 177, 179, 181, 183 46 Parts 24, 25, 160, 161, 162, 164 4306........................................................19 Part 12 4307.......................................................33 Part 179 4310........................................................19 Part 12 33 Part 179 4311.................................................33 Parts 177, 179 4502.............................................46 Parts 28, 105, 160 4505........................................................46 Part 28 4506........................................................46 Part 28 5101--5116..................................................46 Part 42 5101.........................................................19 Part 4 5102.........................................................19 Part 4 5103........................................46 Parts 31, 35, 147A, 148 5104........................................................46 Part 45 5106--5109...................................................19 Part 4 5106...................................................46 Parts 31, 35 5108........................................................46 Part 45 5112--5114...................................................19 Part 4 5115..................46 Parts 31, 45, 47, 93, 163, 170, 172, 173, 196 5116.........................................................19 Part 4 6101..................................33 Parts 151, 153, 164, 173, 174 46 Parts 4, 26, 35, 78, 97, 109, 122, 131, 167, 169, 185, 196, 197, 401 6104........................................................46 Part 28 6301.........................................................46 Part 4 6305.........................................................46 Part 4 7101 et seq............................................46 Parts 10, 11 7101....................................................46 Parts 5, 16 7301 et seq.................................................46 Part 10 7301................................................46 Parts 5, 12, 16 7302........................................................46 Part 12 7317........................................................46 Part 13 7501 et seq.................................................46 Part 10 7502........................................................46 Part 11 7503........................................................46 Part 12 7505...................................................46 Parts 11, 12 7701........................................................33 Part 20 46 Parts 1, 5, 10, 11, 12, 16, 401 7702........................................................33 Part 20 8101........................................................46 Part 15 8102........................................................46 Part 15 8103.........................................................19 Part 4 46 Parts 15, 28 8104..................................................46 Parts 15, 144 8105..................46 Parts 13, 15, 26, 62, 166, 167, 401, 402, 403 8301........................................................46 Part 15 8304........................................................46 Part 15 8502.......................................................33 Part 164 46 Part 15 8503........................................................46 Part 15 8701........................................................46 Part 15 8702........................................................46 Part 15 8703........................................................46 Part 13 8901--8906..................................................46 Part 15 8903........................................................46 Part 10 8904..................................................46 Parts 10, 144 8906........................................................46 Part 11 9101.................................................46 Parts 153, 154 9102...................................................46 Parts 13, 15 9301--9308...................................................46 Part 1 9303.......................................46 Parts 401, 402, 403, 404 9304.......................................46 Parts 401, 402, 403, 404 10104................................................46 Parts 109, 131 10301 et seq................................................46 Part 14 10301........................................................19 Part 4 10302........................................................19 Part 4 10314........................................................19 Part 4 10315........................................................19 Part 4 10401 et seq................................................46 Part 14 10603.......................................................46 Part 28 12101........................................................19 Part 4 12102.................................................46 Parts 67, 356 12102 note.................................................46 Part 356 12103.......................................................46 Part 67 12104.......................................................46 Part 67 12105.......................................................46 Part 67 12106.......................................................46 Part 67 12106 note.................................................46 Part 388 12112........................................................19 Part 4 12113.......................................................46 Part 67 12117........................................................19 Part 4 12118........................................................19 Part 4 12120........................................................19 Part 4 12132........................................................19 Part 4 12133.......................................................46 Part 67 12139.......................................................46 Part 67 12301......................................................33 Part 173 12302................................................33 Parts 173, 174 12501......................................................33 Part 187 14103.......................................................46 Part 69 14302......................................................33 Part 138 14306........................................................19 Part 4 14502........................................................19 Part 4 14511--14513.................................................19 Part 4 14701........................................................19 Part 4 14702........................................................19 Part 4 30101 et seq...............................................46 Part 221 30101--30918...............................................46 Part 327 31301 et seq...............................................46 Part 221 31322......................................................33 Part 187 46 Part 356 40101--41309...............................................46 Part 501 40101--40104...............................................46 Part 535 40101--40102.........................................46 Parts 520, 532 40102................................................46 Parts 515, 525 [[Page 1047]] 40103--40104...............................................46 Part 502 40103................................................46 Parts 531, 532 40104.................................................46 Part 515, 560 40301--40307...............................................46 Part 535 40301--40306...............................................46 Part 530 40304................................................46 Parts 502, 515 40306......................................................46 Part 502 40307......................................................46 Part 545 40501--40503.....................46 Parts 502, 515, 520, 530, 535, 545 40501......................................................46 Part 525 40701--40706...............................46 Parts 502, 520, 532, 565 40901--40904....................................46 Parts 515, 535, 545 41101--41109...............................46 Parts 502, 515, 520, 535 41101--41106.........................................46 Parts 532, 545 41107--41109...............................................46 Part 504 41108......................................................46 Part 560 41301--41309...............................................46 Part 502 41301--41302.........................................46 Parts 515, 535 41305--41307.........................................46 Parts 515, 535 41307......................................................46 Part 530 42101--42109.........................................46 Parts 501, 551 42101......................................................46 Part 550 42104--42109...............................................46 Part 550 42301--42307.........................................46 Parts 550, 560 44101--44106.................................................19 Part 4 46 Parts 501, 502, 540 46101--46108...............................................46 Part 501 46105............................46 Parts 502, 515, 520, 530, 535, 540 50501--55106.................................................19 Part 4 53101 et seq...............................................46 Part 296 53305..................................................41 Part 102-118 48 Part 470 53401 et seq...............................................46 Part 294 53501......................................................50 Part 259 53902......................................................46 Part 308 53910......................................................46 Part 308 55102........................................................19 Part 4 55105--55108.................................................19 Part 4 55110........................................................19 Part 4 55111........................................................19 Part 4 55114--44117.................................................19 Part 4 55119........................................................19 Part 4 55121........................................................19 Part 4 55305..................................................41 Part 102-117 55314......................................................48 Part 470 55316......................................................48 Part 470 55601......................................................46 Part 393 55604......................................................46 Part 393 55605......................................................46 Part 393 56101 et seq...............................................46 Part 221 56101........................................................19 Part 4 57109........................................................19 Part 4 60101........................................................19 Part 4 60105........................................................19 Part 4 60107........................................................19 Part 4 60301--60310.................................................19 Part 4 60312........................................................19 Part 4 60503........................................................19 Part 4 60504........................................................19 Part 4 60505........................................................19 Part 4 70001--70004..............................................33 Parts 401 70001--70003.........................................33 Parts 160, 161 70001...........................................33 Parts 146, 166, 167 70003................................................33 Parts 166, 167 70005......................................................33 Part 169 70006......................................................33 Part 110 70011.................................33 Parts 154, 155, 156, 160, 401 46 Parts 35, 39 70014................................................33 Parts 161, 164 70031.......................................................33 Part 62 70032.....................................................33 Parts 401 70034.....33 Parts 4, 64, 101, 103, 105, 109, 110, 126, 127, 150, 151, 154, 155, 156, 160, 161, 162, 164, 165, 169 46 Parts 2, 4, 8, 31, 35, 39, 71, 91, 126, 189 70041.................................................33 Parts 62, 100 70051.......................33 Parts 101, 103, 104, 106, 107, 125, 165 70052...........................................33 Parts 101, 103, 107 70053......................................................33 Part 107 70101 et seq.........................................33 Parts 127, 160 46 Parts 31, 91, 126 70101--70116...................................33 Parts 101, 104, 106, 70102--70106..............................................49 Part 1520 70102--70104.........................................46 Parts 103, 105 70103................................................33 Parts 103, 105 70103 note.................................................33 Part 105 70104......................................................33 Part 103 70105........................................................19 Part 4 33 Parts 125, 141 46 Parts 10, 11, 12, 14 49 Part 1572 70112......................................................46 Part 103 70114................................................33 Parts 161, 164 70115......................................................33 Part 169 70116...........................................33 Parts 103, 105, 146 70117.....................................................49 Part 1520 70119......................................................33 Part 161 70124......................................................33 Part 165 80503......................................49 Parts 450, 451, 452, 453 46 U.S.C. Appendix 1 preceding note.............................................46 Part 6 740........................................................32 Part 536 802--803...................................................46 Part 221 808........................................................46 Part 221 835........................................................46 Part 221 839........................................................46 Part 221 841a.......................................................46 Part 221 876.........................................................46 Part 68 1101.......................................................46 Part 381 1114....46 Parts 201, 203, 221, 249, 298, 327, 380, 381, 382, 383, 388 1122.......................................................46 Part 381 1171 et seq................................................46 Part 295 1175.......................................................46 Part 203 1195.......................................................46 Part 221 1223............................................46 Parts 203, 381, 382 1241a......................................................46 Part 327 1271 et seq................................................46 Part 298 1279b......................................................46 Part 249 1282--1283.................................................46 Part 308 1289.......................................................46 Part 308 1295.......................................................46 Part 310 1295g......................................................46 Part 166 2001 et seq................................................46 Part 350 12102......................................................46 Part 356 12102 note.................................................46 Part 356 70105..............................................49 Parts 1515, 1570 47 U.S.C. 21 et seq....................................................47 Part 1 [[Page 1048]] 34--39.......................................................47 Part 4 35--39......................................................47 Part 43 151 et seq...................................................47 Part 1 151--155...................................47 Parts 51, 52, 53, 80, 97 151--154..........................................47 Parts 6, 7, 9, 67 151.........................................................15 Part 79 47 Parts 4, 8, 10, 11, 20, 30, 36, 54, 61, 63, 64, 65, 76, 79 152.........................................................15 Part 79 47 Parts 9, 20, 30, 36, 64, 76, 78, 79, 80 153............................................47 Parts 30, 76, 78, 80 154........................................................2 Part 6000 5 Part 3902 15 Part 79 47 Parts 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 24, 25, 27, 30, 36, 42, 43, 54, 59, 61, 63, 64, 65, 68, 69, 73, 74, 76, 78, 79, 80, 87, 90, 95, 96, 101 155........................47 Parts 0, 2, 4, 9, 20, 54, 65, 68, 73, 80 157..........................................47 Parts 4, 9, 20, 53, 64 160.............................................47 Parts 9, 20, 63, 64 161.........................................................47 Part 90 201--205...............................47 Parts 51, 52, 53, 59, 61, 63 201.......................47 Parts 4, 8, 9, 10, 20, 36, 54, 64, 65, 69 202.................................................47 Parts 9, 64, 69 203.........................................................47 Part 69 205............................................47 Parts 36, 54, 65, 69 207--209...............................................47 Parts 51, 52 208...................................................47 Parts 6, 7, 9 210..........................................................47 Part 9 211.........................................................47 Part 43 214.........................................47 Parts 9, 20, 54, 63, 65 217.........................................................47 Part 64 218.............................47 Parts 9, 51, 52, 53, 63, 64, 65, 69 219.....................................47 Parts 9, 32, 42, 43, 54, 65 220............................47 Parts 32, 36, 42, 43, 54, 64, 65, 69 221.........................................................47 Part 36 222.............................................47 Parts 9, 20, 22, 64 225--227...............................................47 Parts 51, 52 225..............................................47 Parts 0, 9, 64, 67 226.........................................................47 Part 64 227.........................................................47 Part 64 227b........................................................47 Part 64 228.........................................................47 Part 64 229.........................................................47 Part 54 251--254....................................................47 Part 51 251--252...............................................47 Parts 51, 52 251..................................47 Parts 4, 9, 20, 53, 64, 66, 67 253.........................................................47 Part 53 254.....................................47 Parts 4, 36, 54, 64, 65, 69 255.......................................................36 Part 1194 47 Parts 6, 7, 9, 64, 67 257..........................................................47 Part 8 258.........................................................47 Part 64 259.........................................................43 Part 59 262.........................................................47 Part 64 271--275....................................................47 Part 53 271....................................................47 Parts 51, 52 276.........................................................47 Part 64 301--609...............................................47 Parts 80, 97 301...47 Parts 4, 5, 9, 17, 18, 20, 24, 25, 27, 30, 67, 73, 76, 78, 95 302--304....................................................47 Part 15 302..............................47 Parts 5, 9, 18, 20, 24, 25, 76, 95 302a........................................47 Parts 2, 15, 27, 74, 76 303.................................................5 Parts 3901, 3902 15 Part 79 47 Parts 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 24, 25, 27, 30, 36, 52, 54, 59, 65, 67, 68, 73, 74, 76, 78, 79, 87, 90, 95, 96, 101 303a........................................................47 Part 76 304................................................47 Parts 15, 18, 30 307.........................................................15 Part 79 47 Parts 4, 5, 9, 15, 18, 20, 25, 27, 30, 67, 73, 74, 76, 78, 79, 87, 95, 96 308.................................................47 Parts 9, 76, 78 309....................................................15 Parts 20, 79 47 Parts 4, 9, 17, 22, 24, 25, 27, 30, 67, 73, 74, 76, 78, 79 310.........................................................15 Part 79 47 Parts 9, 25, 30, 73, 74, 79 312.........................................................47 Part 76 315.........................................................47 Part 76 316..........................................47 Parts 4, 9, 20, 30, 67 317.........................................................47 Part 76 319.....................................................47 Parts 9, 25 325....................................................47 Parts 74, 76 330.........................................................15 Part 79 332..................47 Parts 4, 9, 20, 22, 24, 25, 27, 30, 51, 52, 90 334.........................................................47 Part 73 336......................................47 Parts 2, 5, 15, 27, 73, 74 337.........................................................47 Part 27 338.........................................................47 Part 76 339....................................................47 Parts 73, 76 340.........................................................47 Part 76 341.........................................................47 Part 76 403..............47 Parts 4, 9, 10, 14, 36, 54, 59, 61, 63, 64, 65, 69 405..........................................................47 Part 9 410.........................................................47 Part 36 503....................................................47 Parts 14, 76 521.........................................................47 Part 76 522.........................................................47 Part 76 531.........................................................47 Part 76 532.........................................................47 Part 76 534.........................................................47 Part 76 535.........................................................47 Part 76 536.........................................................47 Part 76 537.........................................................47 Part 76 543.........................................................47 Part 76 544....................................................47 Parts 11, 76 544a........................................................15 Part 79 47 Parts 15, 76 545.........................................................47 Part 76 549....................................................47 Parts 15, 76 552.........................................................47 Part 76 554....................................................47 Parts 74, 76 556.........................................................47 Part 76 558.........................................................47 Part 76 560.........................................................47 Part 76 561.........................................................47 Part 76 571....................................................47 Parts 63, 76 572.........................................................47 Part 76 573.........................................................47 Part 76 602.........................................................47 Part 10 603.........................................................47 Part 10 [[Page 1049]] 604.........................................................47 Part 10 605.....................................................47 Parts 9, 25 606...............................................47 Parts 10, 11, 213 610.................................................47 Parts 9, 20, 68 613.........................................................15 Part 79 615.....................................................47 Parts 9, 20 615 note.....................................................47 Part 9 615a....................................................47 Parts 9, 20 615a-1...................................................47 Parts 4, 9 615b....................................................47 Parts 9, 20 615c.............................................47 Parts 4, 9, 20, 67 616.................................................47 Parts 9, 64, 67 617.........................................................15 Part 79 47 Parts 14, 64, 67 618.........................................................47 Part 14 619.........................................................47 Part 14 620.....................................................47 Parts 9, 64 621..........................................................47 Part 9 623..........................................................47 Part 9 623 note.....................................................47 Part 9 721.....................................................47 Parts 9, 25 901 et seq...........................................47 Parts 300, 301 923........................................................47 Part 301 928........................................................47 Part 301 942........................................................47 Part 400 1001 et seq..................................................47 Part 1 1001--1010.................................................28 Part 100 1004........................................................47 Part 54 1101 et seq.........................................7 Parts 2200, 2201 1302........................................47 Parts 4, 30, 36, 54, 65 1401 et seq..................................................47 Part 1 1401--1473.............................................47 Parts 64, 90 1401.......................................................47 Part 500 1403........................................................47 Part 27 1404........................................................47 Part 27 1451........................................................47 Part 27 1452........................................................47 Part 27 1471.........................................................47 Part 9 1504.......................................................23 Part 645 1601--1609..................................................47 Part 54 1752.......................................................2 Part 6000 47 Part 54 1753.........................................................47 Part 8 10505.....................................................49 Part 1121 48 U.S.C. 21 preceding note...........................................43 Part 17 357.......................................................43 Part 2530 358........................................................25 Part 241 358a.......................................................25 Part 241 360.......................................................43 Part 2910 361.......................................................43 Part 2910 364a--364e................................................43 Part 2400 364d......................................................43 Part 3820 364e......................................................43 Part 3820 411--419....................................................43 Part 17 421........................................................48 Part 213 423.......................................................43 Part 5510 462 note..................................................43 Part 2090 471 et seq..................................................43 Part 17 484c........................................................43 Part 17 644a........................................................50 Part 38 1406i........................................................19 Part 7 1407 et seq.................................................43 Part 17 1421--1425..................................................43 Part 17 1469a................................................45 Parts 97, 1437 1541--1644..................................................43 Part 17 1681.......................................................34 Part 790 1681 note..................................................20 Part 416 1701--1704..................................................43 Part 17 1801.......................................................20 Part 404 1806.......................................8 Parts 106, 206, 214, 274a 20 Part 655 1806 note...................................................8 Part 235 1807........................................................8 Part 235 1808........................................................8 Part 235 1901.......................................................8 Part 1214 1901 note............................................8 Parts 214, 1214 1931 note............................................8 Parts 214, 1214 49 U.S.C. 1 et seq..............................18 Parts 154, 273, 340, 349, 351 1--27......................................18 Parts 154, 341, 344, 356 5b.........................................................18 Part 352 12.........................................................18 Part 352 20...................................................18 Parts 341, 352 101 et seq...........................................14 Parts 300, 302 101..........................................................33 Part 1 102.....................................................49 Parts 3, 40 103.............................................49 Parts 225, 228, 273 105--277g..................................................49 Part 555 105........................................................49 Part 501 106......14 Parts 1, 3, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 39, 43, 45, 47, 48, 49, 60, 61, 63, 65, 67, 68, 71, 73, 77, 89, 91, 93, 95, 97, 99, 101, 103, 105, 107, 110, 111, 117, 119, 120, 121, 125, 133, 135, 136, 137, 139, 141, 142, 145, 147, 150, 151, 152 153, 155, 156, 157, 158, 161, 169, 170, 171, 183, 185, 187, 189, 193, 198 108.....................................................33 Parts 2, 19 113..............................49 Parts 303, 385, 386, 388, 389, 390 114.....49 Parts 1500, 1502, 1503, 1507, 1510, 1511, 1515, 1520, 1540, 1542, 1544, 1546, 1548, 1549, 1550, 1552, 1554, 1560, 1562, 1570, 1572, 1580 115.........................................................6 Part 126 211--214.............................................43 Parts 17, 2910 211................................................43 Parts 2310, 2910 301...................................................49 Parts 40, 325 303.............................................23 Parts 771, 774, 777 49 Parts 264, 622 304........................................................18 Part 352 310a.......................................................18 Part 341 318........................................................18 Part 341 319........................................................18 Part 341 320........................................................18 Part 352 322.................................................2 Parts 1200, 1201 5 Part 6001 14 Part 16 33 Part 1 46 Part 296 49 Parts 1, 5, 7, 9, 10, 20, 30, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 99, 225, 268, 397, 501, 512, 543, 545, 553, 563, 564, 565, 567, 571, 572, 574, 576, 581, 585, 587, 588, 591, 592, 593, 595, 613 329...............14 Parts 217, 234, 241, 248, 249, 250, 291, 298, 385 332.........................................................49 Part 22 336........................................................46 Part 221 501 et seq...........................................49 Parts 386, 389 502..................................................49 Parts 366, 388 [[Page 1050]] 503........................................................49 Part 366 504.......49 Parts 9, 233, 350, 355, 385, 390, 391, 392, 394, 395, 396 508..................................................49 Parts 390, 391 521..................................................49 Parts 383, 385 522........................................................49 Part 233 721..............................49 Parts 1012, 1104, 1108, 1118, 1139 782.........................................................27 Part 46 784.........................................................27 Part 72 788.........................................................27 Part 72 31 Part 401 794.......................................................45 Part 1624 904........................................................18 Part 352 906........................................................18 Part 341 913........................................................18 Part 352 917........................................................18 Part 352 1003.......................................................18 Part 352 1005.......................................................18 Part 341 1012.......................................................18 Part 352 1013.......................................................18 Part 341 1101 et seq.....................................49 Parts 800, 835, 837 1101--1155...........................................49 Parts 821, 830 1110........................................................14 Part 16 1111........................................................14 Part 16 49 Part 803 1112.......................................................49 Part 845 1113.............................49 Parts 801, 802, 803, 804, 831, 845 1115........................................................14 Part 16 1116........................................................14 Part 16 49 Part 845 1131.........................................................46 Part 4 49 Part 845 1301.........................................49 Parts 1011, 1012, 1152 1301 note...........................................49 Parts 386, 1105 1302......................................................49 Part 1001 1303......................................................49 Part 1103 1321....49 Parts 1001, 1002, 1003, 1004, 1005, 1007, 1011, 1012, 1013, 1016, 1018, 1019, 1033, 1034, 1035, 1037, 1090, 1100, 1101, 1102, 1103, 1104, 1105, 1106, 1109, 1110, 1111, 1112, 1113, 1114, 1115, 1116, 1117, 1119, 1120, 1122, 1130, 1132, 1133, 1135, 1141, 1144, 1146, 1147, 1150, 1152, 1155, 1177, 1180, 1184, 1185, 1200, 1220, 1242, 1243, 1244, 1245, 1246, 1247, 1248, 1249, 1250, 1253, 1305, 1310, 1312, 1313, 1319, 1331, 1333 1324.................................................14 Parts 214, 314 1371.......................................................14 Part 214 1372.......................................................14 Part 129 1375.......................................................39 Part 927 1377.......................................................14 Part 314 1389.......................................................14 Part 201 1471.......................................................39 Part 927 1507.......................................................32 Part 766 1509.......................................................19 Part 162 1552.......................................................14 Part 314 1601 et seq..........................................49 Parts 605, 633 1605.....................................................24 Parts 1, 2 1607.....................................................24 Parts 1, 2 1608.......................................................49 Part 663 1609.....................................................24 Parts 1, 2 1651.......................................................23 Part 750 49 Part 520 1653.......................................................49 Part 520 1654.......................................................49 Part 266 1655.................................33 Parts 1, 13, 81, 109, 114, 163 46 Parts 73, 74, 157, 186, 187 1657.......................................................49 Part 557 1681 note..................................................20 Part 416 1711--1727.................................................14 Part 152 1718........................................................14 Part 16 1719........................................................14 Part 16 1723........................................................14 Part 16 1726........................................................14 Part 16 1727........................................................14 Part 16 1730.......................................................14 Part 152 1801--1819.............................29 Parts 1910, 1917, 1926, 1928 1801--1813.................................................32 Part 619 1801--1811.................................................46 Part 154 1804.......................................................46 Part 125 1901 et seq................................................49 Part 802 49 Parts 806, 825, 840, 850 2038....................................................41 Part 50-201 2215......................................................43 Part 2640 2503.......................................................32 Part 619 2505.......................................................32 Part 619 2509.......................................................32 Part 619 3701......................................................49 Part 1021 3711......................................................49 Part 1021 3717......................................................49 Part 1021 3718......................................................49 Part 1021 5101 et seq...............................................29 Part 1918 49 Part 386 5101--5128.......49 Parts 105, 106, 107, 109, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180 5101--5127.................................................49 Part 110 5101........................................................46 Part 38 5103.....................................46 Parts 31, 78, 97, 153, 188 49 Parts 192, 193, 195, 199, 397, 1500, 1540, 1542, 1544, 1546, 1548, 1549, 1550, 1570 5103a..............................................49 Parts 1515, 1572 5105.......................................................49 Part 385 5106......................................46 Parts 31, 38, 78, 97, 188 5109.......................................................49 Part 385 5113.......................................................49 Part 385 5121--5124..................................................14 Part 13 5121.......................................................49 Part 191 5123.......................................................49 Part 209 5124.......................................................49 Part 209 5303.................................................23 Parts 450, 500 49 Part 613 5304.................................................23 Parts 450, 500 49 Part 613 5305.................................................23 Parts 450, 500 49 Part 613 5306.......................................................23 Part 450 49 Part 613 5307.......................................................49 Part 609 5308.......................................................49 Part 609 5309.......................................................49 Part 611 5318.......................................................49 Part 665 5323............................................49 Parts 613, 622, 661 5324.......................................................23 Part 602 49 Part 602 5326.......................................................49 Part 625 5327.......................................................49 Part 633 5329............................................49 Parts 670, 672, 673 5331..................................................49 Parts 40, 655 5332........................................................49 Part 27 [[Page 1051]] 5334.......................................49 Parts 601, 602, 611, 633 5335.......................................................49 Part 630 5561--5568.................................................49 Part 256 7101--7352..................................................18 Part 36 7412 et seq...............................................40 Part 1601 10101.....................................................49 Part 1106 10301......................................................5 Part 5001 10306......................................................5 Part 5001 10321......................................................5 Part 5001 10328.....................................................49 Part 1168 10502................49 Parts 1039, 1105, 1121, 1150, 1152, 1180, 1185 10505.....................................................49 Part 1121 10701..............................................49 Parts 1111, 1135 10702.....................................................49 Part 1333 10703.....................................................49 Part 1144 10704........................................49 Parts 1111, 1121, 1135 10705..............................................49 Parts 1144, 1147 10706..............................................49 Parts 1253, 1331 10707..............................................49 Parts 1244, 1247 10708.....................................................49 Part 1135 10709.....................................................49 Part 1313 10746.....................................................49 Part 1333 10762......................................................18 Part 341 10901.....................................................49 Part 1150 10902.....................................................49 Part 1150 10903--10905.......................................49 Parts 1105, 1152 10907.....................................................49 Part 1151 10908.....................................................49 Part 1155 10909.....................................................49 Part 1155 10910.....................................................49 Part 1155 11101........................................49 Parts 1146, 1147, 1300 11102..............................................49 Parts 1144, 1147 11121.....................................................49 Part 1033 11122.....................................................49 Part 1033 11123........................................49 Parts 1011, 1034, 1146 11124.....................................................49 Part 1011 11142........................................49 Parts 1200, 1201, 1242 11143.....................................................49 Part 1200 11144....49 Parts 1011, 1122, 1200, 1220, 1244, 1247, 1248, 1249, 1253 11145...49 Parts 1135, 1200, 1220, 1241, 1243, 1244, 1245, 1246, 1247, 1248, 1249, 1250, 1253 11161.....................................................49 Part 1152 11164.....................................................49 Part 1201 11301.....................................................49 Part 1177 11323--11325.......................................49 Parts 1106, 1180 11328.....................................................49 Part 1185 11701..............................................49 Parts 1111, 1122 11706..............................................49 Parts 1005, 1035 11708.....................................................49 Part 1115 11901.....................................................49 Part 1022 13101 et seq...............................................49 Part 386 13101...........................................49 Parts 365, 377, 387 13102......................................................49 Part 375 13301.......49 Parts 356, 365, 367, 368, 370, 371, 373, 374, 375, 376, 377, 379, 387, 398, 1003, 1013, 1039, 1130, 1132 13303......................................................49 Part 366 13304......................................................49 Part 366 13321......................................................49 Part 378 13501.....................................49 Parts 371, 374, 375, 1182 13504......................................................49 Part 372 13506................................................49 Parts 372, 374 13531......................................................49 Part 373 13541..............................................49 Parts 1319, 1182 13701...............................................49 Parts 377, 1120 13702.........................................49 Parts 377, 1310, 1312 13703............................49 Parts 1120, 1132, 1139, 1253, 1331 13704......................................................49 Part 375 13706......................................................49 Part 377 13707................................................49 Parts 375, 377 13901--13906...............................................49 Part 365 13901--13905...............................................49 Part 385 13902......................49 Parts 350, 356, 368, 375, 392, 398, 1182 13906......................................................49 Part 387 13908............................49 Parts 360, 365, 366, 368, 385, 387 14101 et seq...............................................49 Part 386 14101......................................................49 Part 378 14102......................................................49 Part 376 14104.............................................49 Parts 3, 375, 377 14122..........................................49 Parts 371, 379, 1011 14123................................................49 Parts 369, 379 14302.....................................................49 Part 1184 14303.....................................................49 Part 1182 14501 et seq...............................................49 Part 386 14504a.....................................................49 Part 367 14701......................................................49 Part 387 14704......................................................49 Part 378 14705......................................................49 Part 378 14706...............................49 Parts 370, 373, 375, 1005, 1035 14708................................................49 Parts 365, 375 14709.....................................................49 Part 1130 14901 et seq...............................................49 Part 386 14901.....................................................49 Part 1022 14903.....................................................49 Part 1022 14904.....................................................49 Part 1022 14905.....................................................49 Part 1022 14906.....................................................49 Part 1022 14907.....................................................49 Part 1022 14908.....................................................49 Part 1022 14910.....................................................49 Part 1022 14915.....................................................49 Part 1022 14916.....................................................49 Part 1022 15701.....................................................49 Part 1305 15722.....................................................49 Part 1011 15906.....................................................49 Part 1005 16101.....................................................49 Part 1022 16103.....................................................49 Part 1022 20102--20114.........................................49 Parts 213, 237 20102--20104...............................................49 Part 216 20102--20103...........49 Parts 214, 220, 223, 231, 232, 235, 236, 239 20103.......49 Parts 209, 211, 212, 215, 217, 218, 219, 221, 222, 224, 225, 227, 228, 230, 233, 234, 235, 238, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 270, 271, 272, 299 20103 note...........................................49 Parts 220, 227 20105......................................................49 Part 212 20105--20114...............................................49 Part 239 20106...........................................49 Parts 212, 270, 271 20107.......49 Parts 209, 211, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 224, 225, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 234, 235, 236, 238, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 270, 271, 272, 299 20109.....................................................29 Part 1982 49 Part 1503 20109 note.................................................49 Part 272 20111................................................49 Parts 209, 216 [[Page 1052]] 20112......................................................49 Part 209 20113......................................................49 Part 212 20114................................................49 Parts 209, 211 20118................................................49 Parts 270, 271 20119................................................49 Parts 270, 271 20131--20155...............................................49 Part 243 20131................................................49 Parts 218, 231 20133..................49 Parts 216, 223, 229, 232, 236, 238, 239, 299 20135................................................49 Parts 240, 242 20137--20138...............................................49 Part 229 20138...........................................49 Parts 214, 218, 242 20140.................................................49 Parts 40, 219 20140 note.................................................49 Part 219 20141......................................49 Parts 232, 236, 238, 299 20142......................................................49 Part 213 20143......................................................49 Part 229 20144......................................................49 Part 218 20148......................................................49 Part 224 20152......................................................49 Part 234 20153......................................................49 Part 222 20156................................................49 Parts 270, 271 20157......................................................49 Part 236 20160......................................................49 Part 234 20162................................................49 Parts 242, 243 20163......................................................49 Part 242 20168......................................49 Parts 217, 218, 229, 575 20301--20306...............................................49 Part 243 20301--20303....................................49 Parts 231, 232, 236 20301--20302.........................................49 Parts 220, 236 20302--20303.........................................49 Parts 238, 299 20306.................................49 Parts 211, 232, 236, 238, 299 20501--20505.........................................49 Parts 233, 236 20502--20504...............................................49 Part 211 20701--20703....................................49 Parts 220, 229, 236 20701--20702.....................49 Parts 216, 223, 227, 238, 243, 299 20702......................................................49 Part 230 20901--20902...............................................49 Part 225 21101--21109...............................................49 Part 228 21104......................................................49 Part 395 21301--21304...............................................49 Part 243 21301--21302.....49 Parts 214, 216, 220, 223, 225, 229, 231, 232, 233, 236, 238, 299 21301.......49 Parts 219, 222, 224, 228, 234, 239, 240, 241, 242, 244, 270, 271 21303......................................................49 Part 228 21304.......49 Parts 214, 216, 219, 220, 222, 223, 228, 229, 231, 232, 234, 236, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 270, 271, 299 21311.......49 Parts 219, 220, 225, 228, 233, 234, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, 270, 271 22501note..................................................49 Part 234 22907note..................................................49 Part 234 24101note..................................................23 Part 273 24201......................................................23 Part 771 24301......................................................49 Part 701 24309......................................................49 Part 200 24711......................................................49 Part 269 30101................................................49 Parts 535, 563 30102...........................................49 Parts 573, 577, 579 30103...........................................49 Parts 553, 573, 579 30111--30112...............................................49 Part 554 30111.......49 Parts 552, 563, 564, 565, 567, 568, 571, 572, 574, 575, 581, 585, 587, 588, 595 30112................................................49 Parts 579, 586 30113................................................49 Parts 555, 581 30114.......................................49 Part 565, 566, 567, 586 30115.......49 Parts 563, 564, 565, 567, 568, 571, 572, 574, 575, 581, 585, 587, 588, 595 30116--30121.........................................49 Parts 573, 577 30117-30121..........................................49 Parts 554, 579 30117.......49 Parts 563, 564, 565, 567, 568, 572, 574, 575, 576, 581, 585, 587, 588, 591, 592, 595 30118......................................................49 Part 552 30120......................................................49 Part 576 30122................................................49 Parts 553, 595 30123......................................................49 Part 575 30124......................................................49 Part 553 30125......................................................49 Part 553 30127......................................................49 Part 553 30141--30147....................................49 Parts 576, 591, 592 30141...........................................49 Parts 565, 593, 594 30146................................................49 Parts 553, 565 30162...........................................49 Parts 552, 553, 554 30164......................................................49 Part 551 30165--30167...............................................49 Part 554 30165......................................................49 Part 578 30166.......49 Parts 512, 563, 564, 565, 566, 567, 568, 571, 572, 573, 574, 575, 577, 579, 581, 585, 587, 588, 595 30167................................................49 Parts 512, 579 30168...........................................49 Parts 563, 565, 575 30170......................................................49 Part 578 30171.....................................................29 Part 1988 30181--30183...............................................49 Part 575 30301 note...................................................6 Part 37 30501--30505................................................28 Part 25 30505......................................................49 Part 578 31100 et seq...............................................49 Part 386 31101 et seq....................................49 Parts 355, 386, 389 31101.....................................................29 Part 1978 49 Part 350 31102......................................................49 Part 350 31104......................................................49 Part 350 31105..............................................29 Parts 1978, 1986 49 Part 1503 31106......................................................49 Part 350 31108......................................................49 Part 350 31111......................................................23 Part 658 31112......................................................23 Part 658 31114......................................................23 Part 658 31132................................................49 Parts 390, 398 31133.............49 Parts 365, 380, 382, 390, 391, 394, 395, 396, 398 31134......................................................49 Part 390 31135......................................................49 Part 385 31136.......49 Parts 350, 380, 381, 382, 383, 384, 385, 390, 391, 392, 393, 394, 395, 396, 397, 398 31137...........................................49 Parts 390, 394, 395 31138................................................49 Parts 365, 387 31139......................................................49 Part 387 31141......................................................49 Part 350 31144...........................................49 Parts 390, 365, 385 31148......................................................49 Part 385 31149................................................49 Parts 390, 391 31151......................................49 Parts 390, 392, 393, 396 31161......................................................49 Part 350 31301 et seq.......................................................521 [[Page 1053]] 49 Parts 382, 383, 384, 386, 389 31305......................................................49 Part 380 31306a.....................................................49 Part 386 31306.......................................................49 Part 40 31307......................................................49 Part 380 31308......................................................49 Part 380 31310--31311...............................................49 Part 350 31315......................................................49 Part 381 31501 et seq...............................................49 Part 386 31502.......49 Parts 350, 380, 382, 383, 384, 385, 389, 390, 391, 392, 393, 394, 395, 396, 397, 398 31504......................................................49 Part 398 32302......................................................49 Part 575 32303................................................49 Parts 553, 582 32304......................................................49 Part 583 32304A.....................................................49 Part 575 32307......................................................49 Part 512 32308......................................................49 Part 578 32309......................................................49 Part 578 32502...........................................49 Parts 553, 555, 581 32504................................................49 Parts 553, 567 32505................................................49 Parts 512, 553 32507......................................................49 Part 578 32705................................................49 Parts 553, 580 32708......................................................49 Part 512 32709......................................................49 Part 578 32710......................................................49 Part 578 32901--23919q..............................................40 Part 600 32901......................................49 Parts 523, 534, 538, 553 32902......................................................40 Part 535 49 Parts 531, 533, 535, 553, 578 32903................................................49 Parts 536, 556 32905......................................................49 Part 538 32906......................................................49 Part 538 32907......................................................49 Part 537 32908......................................................49 Part 575 32910......................................................49 Part 512 32912......................................................49 Part 578 32917...................................................41 Part 102-34 33101......................................49 Parts 541, 543, 545, 567 33102.................................49 Parts 541, 543, 545, 553, 567 33103.................................49 Parts 541, 543, 545, 553, 567 33104......................................49 Parts 541, 543, 545, 567 33105......................................49 Parts 541, 542, 543, 545 33106......................................................49 Part 541 33107......................................................49 Part 553 33108--33109...............................................49 Part 567 33114......................................................49 Part 578 33115......................................................49 Part 578 33116......................................................49 Part 512 40101 et seq.....14 Parts 107, 200, 201, 203, 204, 205, 206, 211, 213, 215, 216, 249, 271, 294, 295, 296, 297, 300, 302, 303, 305, 313, 323, 325, 372, 374, 374a, 377, 398 49 Parts 800, 830, 831, 837 40101--40107...............................................14 Part 169 40101....14 Parts 5, 11, 48, 89, 91, 99, 110, 111, 119, 120, 212, 214, 221, 243, 244, 247, 255, 256, 259, 292, 293, 380, 385, 830 40101 note.................14 Parts 49, 101, 107, 243, 244, 1300, 1310 28 Part 104 40102.............14 Parts 110, 119, 120, 212, 214, 252, 255, 375, 380 40103--40107.........................................14 Parts 170, 171 40103......14 Parts 5, 11, 16, 45, 48, 71, 73, 77, 89, 91, 93, 95, 97, 99, 101, 103, 107, 110, 119, 120, 121, 137, 157, 375 40104...........................................14 Parts 103, 187, 189 40105.....................14 Parts 11, 21, 91, 187, 243, 255, 292, 293 40106..............................................14 Parts 93, 97, 99 40109.....14 Parts 11, 93, 171, 187, 212, 214, 221, 252, 292, 293, 380 40110--40113................................................14 Part 47 40110--40112................................................14 Part 17 40113--40114...........................................14 Parts 47, 48 40113....14 Parts 1, 3, 5, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 39, 43, 45, 60, 61, 63, 65, 67, 71, 73, 77, 91, 93, 95, 97, 99, 101, 103, 110, 111, 117, 119, 120, 121, 125, 129, 133, 135, 136, 137, 139, 141, 142, 145, 147, 150, 151, 153, 155, 157, 170, 171, 183, 185, 187, 189, 193, 198, 212, 214, 218, 221, 222, 223, 240, 243, 244, 252, 253, 254, 255, 258, 259, 292, 293, 380, 381, 389, 399 49 Parts 169, 1500, 1502, 1503, 1507, 1510, 1511, 1515, 1520, 1540, 1542, 1544, 1546, 1548, 1549, 1550, 1554, 1560, 1562, 1570, 1572 40114.....14 Parts 45, 77, 97, 101, 185, 187, 223, 240, 243, 253, 292, 293, 389 49 Parts 47, 49, 169, 1503 40116--40117...............................................14 Part 158 40116.......................................................14 Part 16 40118.....41 Parts 102-118, 300-1, 300-2, 300-3, 300-70, 301-2, 301-10 40119..............................14 Parts 5, 117, 121, 129, 136, 142 49 Parts 15, 1503 40120.................................14 Parts 71, 73, 91, 97, 99, 120 40123......................................................14 Part 193 41101 et seq.....14 Parts 200, 201, 203, 204, 205, 211, 213, 215, 221, 241, 249, 295, 300, 302, 323, 372, 374a 41101--41103...............................................14 Part 212 41101................................................14 Parts 380, 385 41102......................................14 Parts 217, 248, 250, 298 41103................................................14 Parts 291, 380 41301 et seq.....14 Parts 200, 201, 203, 205, 211, 213, 215, 216, 217, 218, 221, 249, 295, 250, 300, 302, 303, 372 41301...........................................14 Parts 222, 380, 385 41313......................................................14 Part 243 41501 et seq.....14 Parts 200, 201, 203, 206, 211, 213, 221, 300, 302, 374a 41501......................................................14 Part 253 41504.......................14 Parts 212, 214, 253, 254, 292, 293, 380 41506......................................................14 Part 253 41509......................................................14 Part 253 41510................................................14 Parts 253, 254 41511......................................................14 Part 253 41701 et seq.....14 Parts 200, 201, 203, 204, 205, 206, 211, 213, 215, 216, 221, 249, 250, 271, 294, 295, 296, 297, 298, 300, 302, 303, 305, 323, 325, 372, 374a, 398 41701......................................14 Parts 252, 292, 293, 385 41702..................14 Parts 212, 243, 244, 252, 253, 254, 259, 380 [[Page 1054]] 41703.......................................14 Parts 48, 111, 375, 382 41706...................................14 Parts 5, 120, 121, 135, 252 41707--41709...............................................14 Part 292 41707................................................14 Parts 254, 293 41708.......14 Parts 212, 214, 217, 234, 240, 241, 243, 244, 248, 250, 259, 291, 293, 298, 380 41709........14 Parts 217, 234, 240, 241, 243, 248, 250, 291, 293, 298 41711.................................14 Parts 223, 240, 243, 252, 253 41712.......14 Parts 212, 243, 244, 250, 255, 256, 258, 259, 292, 293, 380, 381, 399 41721................................................14 Parts 120, 235 19 Part 119 41724......................................................14 Part 251 41901 et seq....................................14 Parts 206, 300, 302 42101 et seq...............................................14 Part 300 42121.....................................................29 Part 1979 42301 preceding note.......................................14 Part 121 42301...........................................14 Parts 121, 244, 259 44101--44108...........................................14 Parts 47, 49 44101--44105................................................14 Part 45 44101--44103................................................14 Part 48 44101...............................14 Parts 5, 91, 117, 129, 136, 142 44101 note.............................................14 Parts 47, 49 44103--44106................................................14 Part 13 44105............................................14 Parts 48, 110, 119 44106.......................................14 Parts 48, 110, 119, 120 44107--44111................................................14 Part 45 44110--44113.......................................14 Parts 47, 48, 49 44110.......................................................14 Part 11 44111............................................14 Parts 91, 110, 119 44301--44310...............................................14 Part 198 44501--44502...............................................14 Part 169 44502.........14 Parts 11, 16, 77, 93, 97, 99, 101, 157, 170, 171, 189 32 Part 855 44503......................................................14 Part 189 44504.......................................................14 Part 45 44514.............................................14 Parts 93, 97, 101 44701--44723...............................................49 Part 821 44701--44717.........................................14 Parts 110, 119 44701--44704................................................14 Part 13 44701--44703...................................14 Parts 61, 63, 65, 68 44701--44702.........................14 Parts 5, 11, 14, 135, 136, 147 44701...14 Parts 1, 3, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 39, 43, 45, 60, 67, 77, 89, 91, 93, 97, 101, 103, 105, 107, 111, 117, 120, 121, 125, 129, 133, 137, 139, 141, 142, 145, 153, 170, 171 49 Parts 107, 171, 172, 173, 175 44701 note.................................................14 Part 125 44702....14 Parts 21, 23, 25, 26, 27, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 67, 101, 105, 117, 120, 125, 129, 133, 137, 139, 141, 142, 145, 170, 171, 183, 187 44703--44704................................................14 Part 47 44703..............................14 Parts 43, 67, 120, 139, 141, 142 44703 note.............................................14 Parts 68, 91 44704......14 Parts 3, 14, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 49, 91, 139 44705................14 Parts 5, 43, 117, 125, 129, 135, 136, 139, 142 44706......................................................14 Part 139 44707--44709...............................................14 Part 147 44707..............14 Parts 21, 43, 61, 63, 65, 67, 141, 142, 145, 147 44708............................................14 Parts 45, 170, 171 44709--44711...........14 Parts 5, 61, 63, 65, 117, 120, 129, 136, 142 44709....14 Parts 11, 13, 21, 45, 67, 91, 135, 139, 141, 145, 170, 171 44710--44711...............................................14 Part 125 44710..................................................14 Parts 13, 67 44711--44713...............................................14 Part 135 44711...................14 Parts 11, 21, 43, 45, 67, 91, 111, 141, 171 44712..................................................14 Parts 45, 91 44713...........14 Parts 5, 13, 21, 43, 45, 47, 49, 117, 125, 129, 136 44714.......................................................14 Part 34 44715--44717..........................................14 Parts 91, 135 44715..............................................14 Parts 21, 36, 93 44716--44717............................14 Parts 5, 117, 125, 129, 136 44717.................................................14 Parts 43, 145 44718.......................................................14 Part 77 44719...................................14 Parts 93, 97, 139, 170, 171 44720......................................................14 Part 171 15 Part 911 44721..........................14 Parts 15, 97, 99, 101, 105, 170, 171 44722.......14 Parts 5, 91, 97, 110, 117, 119, 125, 129, 135, 136, 170 44725..............................................14 Parts 13, 43, 45 44729.................................................14 Parts 61, 121 44730......................................................14 Part 135 44732......................................................14 Part 121 44732 note.................................................14 Part 121 44742.......................................................14 Part 13 44802 note..................................................14 Part 13 44805.......................................................14 Part 89 44807......................................................14 Part 107 44809..................................................14 Parts 48, 89 44901 et seq...............................................14 Part 300 44901--44907...............49 Parts 1500, 1502, 1503, 1520, 1540, 1550 44901--44905.....................49 Parts 1542, 1544, 1546, 1548, 1549 44901...........................................14 Parts 110, 119, 136 49 Parts 1511, 1560 44902.....................................................49 Part 1560 44903--44904.........................................14 Parts 117, 136 44903........................................14 Parts 25, 61, 110, 119 49 Parts 1554, 1560 44904................................................14 Parts 110, 119 44906...........................................14 Parts 110, 119, 129 44907........................................49 Parts 1542, 1544, 1546 44909......................................................14 Part 243 44912.................................14 Parts 110, 117, 119, 129, 136 44913--44914........49 Parts 1500, 1502, 1520, 1540, 1542, 1544, 1548, 1549, 1550 44914................................................14 Parts 110, 119 49 Part 1546 44916--44920..............................................49 Part 1502 44916--44918...............49 Parts 1500, 1520, 1522, 1540, 1544, 1550 44916--44917...........................49 Parts 1542, 1546, 1548, 1549 44924.....................................................49 Part 1554 44932........................................49 Parts 1544, 1548, 1549 44935--44936........49 Parts 1500, 1502, 1520, 1540, 1542, 1544, 1546, 1548, 1549, 1550 44936................................................14 Parts 110, 119 44938................................................14 Parts 110, 119 [[Page 1055]] 44939......................................................28 Part 105 49 Part 1552 44940..............................................49 Parts 1510, 1511 44942..........49 Parts 1500, 1502, 1520, 1540, 1542, 1544, 1546, 1550 45101--45105.........................................14 Parts 120, 135 45102--45103.............................14 Parts 61, 63, 65, 141, 142 45107.....................................................49 Part 1502 45301--45302....................14 Parts 61, 63, 65, 67, 141, 142, 187 45302.....................................14 Parts 45, 47, 48, 49, 101 45303...............................14 Parts 21, 45, 67, 171, 183, 189 45305.......................................................14 Part 48 46014.......................................................14 Part 17 46101 et seq..........................14 Parts 200, 300, 302, 305, 377 46101--46111................................................14 Part 13 46101--46107..............................................49 Part 1503 46101--46105..............................................49 Part 1502 46101....................14 Parts 16, 77, 212, 214, 221, 292, 293, 380 46102.........................................14 Parts 11, 17, 77, 221 46103................................................14 Parts 110, 119 46104....................14 Parts 14, 16, 45, 47, 48, 49, 77, 169, 185 46105...........14 Parts 5, 17, 107, 110, 111, 117, 119, 120, 129, 136 49 Parts 1500, 1515, 1520, 1540, 1542, 1544, 1546, 1548, 1549, 1550, 1570, 1572 46106......................................................14 Part 399 46107......................................................14 Part 399 46109.......................................................14 Part 17 49 Part 1503 46110.............................................14 Parts 16, 17, 107 49 Parts 1502, 1503 46111.......................................................6 Part 126 14 Part 3 46301 et seq.........................................14 Parts 300, 302 46301.......................14 Parts 13, 47, 48, 49, 93, 111, 243, 252 49 Parts 821, 1503 46302.......................................................14 Part 13 46304--46316................................................14 Part 13 46304.......................................................14 Part 45 46305.....................................................49 Part 1503 46306.........................................14 Parts 45, 48, 91, 120 46308...........................................14 Parts 101, 170, 171 46311.....................................................49 Part 1503 46313--46314..............................................49 Part 1503 46315.......................................................14 Part 91 46316.................................................14 Parts 91, 243 46318--46320................................................14 Part 13 46501 et seq...............................................14 Part 300 46501--46502................................................14 Part 13 46502.......................................................14 Part 13 46504..................................................14 Parts 13, 91 46506.......................................................14 Part 91 46507..................................................14 Parts 13, 91 46901......................................................14 Part 117 47101 et seq...............................................14 Part 302 47101................................................14 Parts 150, 156 47103......................................................32 Part 855 47104.......................................................14 Part 16 47106........................................14 Parts 13, 16, 152, 158 47107..................................................14 Parts 13, 16 49 Parts 23, 26 47108.......................................................14 Part 16 47111.............................................14 Parts 13, 16, 158 47122..................................................49 Parts 45, 91 47113.......................................................49 Part 26 47114--47116...............................................14 Part 158 47122.................................14 Parts 13, 14, 16, 45, 91, 169 47123--47125................................................14 Part 16 47123.......................................................49 Part 26 47127......................................................14 Part 152 47128......................................................14 Part 156 47133.......................................................14 Part 16 47151--47153.....................................14 Parts 16, 155, 169 47151......................................................14 Part 151 47153......................................................14 Part 151 47175......................................................14 Part 139 47302--47306...............................................14 Part 169 47306.......................................................14 Part 13 47501--47504...............................................14 Part 150 47508.......................................................14 Part 91 47523--47527...............................................14 Part 161 47524......................................................14 Part 158 47526......................................................14 Part 158 47528--47531................................................14 Part 91 47531--47532................................................14 Part 13 47533......................................................14 Part 161 47534.......................................................14 Part 91 48103.......................................................14 Part 16 54101 et seq................................................49 Part 40 60101 et seq...............................49 Parts 190, 191, 192, 195 60102................................................49 Parts 193, 199 60104................................................49 Parts 193, 199 60105......................................................49 Part 198 60106......................................................49 Part 198 60108................................................49 Parts 193, 199 60109......................................................49 Part 193 60110......................................................49 Part 193 60113......................................................49 Part 193 60114......................................................49 Part 198 60117......................................................49 Part 199 60118................................................49 Parts 193, 199 60129.....................................................29 Part 1981 60132................................................29 Parts 191, 195 60502....18 Parts 1b, 342, 343, 346, 347, 348, 352, 357, 381, 382, 385 70101--70121.....14 Parts 400, 401, 404, 405, 406, 413, 415, 420, 431, 433, 435 70101--70102...............................................14 Part 437 70102......................................................14 Part 401 70105......................................................14 Part 460 80304.......................................................8 Part 274 80502........................................................9 Part 89 80503.......................................................7 Part 354 80504.......................................................49 Part 79 49 U.S.C. Appendix 1--85.........18 Parts 1b, 343, 346, 347, 348, 352, 357, 382, 385, 390 211--213..................................................43 Part 2910 1804.......46 Parts 33, 64, 98, 105, 114, 115, 146, 175, 176, 194, 195 1807......................................................45 Part 1340 1808......................................................45 Part 1340 1816........................................................42 Part 65 1904.......................................................46 Part 146 5103.......................................................46 Part 188 5106.......................................................46 Part 188 50 U.S.C. 47d.........................................................28 Part 13 [[Page 1056]] 82.........................................................15 Part 700 167a........................................................43 Part 16 167g........................................................43 Part 16 191........................................................33 Part 122 195........................................................33 Part 195 198.................................................46 Parts 4, 73, 74 401 et seq.................................................10 Part 810 32 Parts 1702, 1703 401--442..................................................32 Part 1910 401........................................................32 Part 368 47 Parts 201, 202 401 note..................................................10 Part 1046 403.........................................................5 Part 732 32 Parts 1803, 1901, 1904 403a--403u................................................32 Part 1910 403g.............................32 Parts 1805, 1806, 1901, 1904, 1905 404.....................................44 Parts 7, 321, 323, 327, 334 797..................................32 Parts 263, 525, 552, 770, 1292 854.........................................................28 Part 12 1601 et seq.......................................15 Parts 7, 713, 719 1601--1651.......31 Parts 510, 525, 526, 535, 536, 539, 540, 541, 542, 544, 546, 547, 548, 549, 550, 551, 552, 553, 555, 558, 560, 561, 562, 566, 569, 570, 576, 578, 579, 582, 583, 584, 585, 586, 587, 588, 589, 590, 591, 594, 599 1641 et seq................................................19 Part 161 1701 et seq...15 Parts 7, 713, 719, 730, 732, 734, 736, 738, 740, 742, 743, 744, 745, 746, 747, 748, 750, 752, 754, 756, 758, 760, 762, 764, 766, 768, 770, 772, 774 19 Part 161 1701--1706.......31 Parts 356, 501, 510, 525, 526, 535, 536, 539, 540, 541, 542, 544, 546, 547, 548, 549, 550, 551, 552, 553, 555, 558, 560, 561, 562, 566, 569, 570, 576, 578, 579, 582, 583, 584, 585, 586, 587, 588, 589, 590, 591, 594, 599 1704.......................................................15 Part 378 1705 note.......................................31 Parts 546, 569, 570 1901 et seq................................................32 Part 208 1913.......................................................32 Part 251 2061 et seq................................................44 Part 334 2401 et seq......................................2 Parts 901, 902, 910 7 Part 15a 10 Parts 600, 603, 707, 709, 710, 711, 719, 733, 824, 830, 851, 852, 1008, 1015, 1017, 1021, 1042, 1044 48 Parts 901, 902, 903, 904, 905, 906, 908, 909, 911, 912, 913, 914, 915, 916, 917, 919, 922, 923, 924, 925, 927, 928, 931, 932, 933, 935, 936, 939, 941, 942, 945, 947, 950, 951, 952, 970 2410.................................................10 Parts 820, 835 2425.......................................................10 Part 727 2483.......................................................10 Part 727 2811.......................................................10 Part 770 3001......................................................32 Part 1704 3001 et seq...................................32 Parts 117, 1900, 1911 3023--3025................................................32 Part 1700 3023.......................................................5 Part 1400 3141 et seq........................................32 Parts 1900, 1911 3330.......................................................32 Part 236 3341.......................................................5 Part 1400 3343.......................................................32 Part 156 3501 et seq.........................................32 Parts 117, 1900 3515......................................................32 Part 1903 3516........................................................5 Part 890 3809......................................................32 Part 1660 4301--4341...........................................31 Parts 501, 515 4305............................................15 Parts 730, 738, 774 4501--4568.................................................10 Part 217 4511.......................................................10 Part 216 4511 et seq..........................................44 Parts 328, 333 4565............................................31 Parts 800, 801, 802 4601 et seq......15 Parts 730, 732, 734, 736, 738, 740, 742, 744, 746, 747, 748, 750, 754, 756, 760, 762, 764, 766, 768, 770, 772, 774 4801 et seq................................................15 Part 743 4801--4852.......15 Parts 730, 732, 734, 736, 738, 740, 742, 744, 745, 746, 748, 750, 756, 758, 760, 762, 764, 766, 770, 772, 774 70051........................................................33 Part 6 50 U.S.C. Appendix 1--44......................................................19 Part 161 36.........................................................26 Part 303 401.........................................................32 Part 93 402.........................................................32 Part 93 451 et seq....32 Parts 1602, 1605, 1609, 1615, 1618, 1621, 1624, 1627, 1630, 1633, 1636, 1639, 1642, 1645, 1648, 1651, 1653, 1657, 1659, 1698 456.......................................................32 Part 1656 468........................................................15 Part 700 49 Part 33 501..........................................43 Parts 3835, 3836, 3837 511..........................................................38 Part 7 540--547.....................................................38 Part 7 565....................................43 Parts 3835, 3836, 3837, 3850 1291.......................................................46 Part 327 1744............................................46 Parts 315, 326, 331 1745.................................................46 Parts 289, 331 1989b.......................................................28 Part 74 2001........................45 Parts 500, 501, 504, 505, 506, 507, 508 2004........................................................20 Part 71 2017l......................................................31 Part 250 2061 et seq................................................10 Part 221 15 Part 700 44 Parts 321, 323, 327, 329, 330, 334 46 Parts 340, 345, 346, 347 2061--2171..................................................49 Part 33 2061--2070..................................................7 Part 789 2061.................................................47 Parts 201, 202 2071.................................................44 Parts 401, 402 2099.......................................................15 Part 701 2154.................................................44 Parts 401, 402 2158.......................................................44 Part 332 2171........................................................7 Part 789 2172........................................................7 Part 789 2251 et seq................................44 Parts 302, 304, 352, 353 2251.................................................47 Parts 201, 202 2253.................................................44 Parts 312, 350 2401 et seq................................................10 Part 110 15 Part 752 2411.......................................................19 Part 161 51 U.S.C. 20101 et seq.......................................14 Parts 1212, 1214 20102.....................................................14 Part 1232 20112.....................................................14 Part 1201 20113...............................................2 Parts 1800, 1882 [[Page 1057]] 5 Part 6901 14 Parts 1206, 1209, 1232, 1261 48 Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 39, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 1801, 1803, 1805, 1807, 1812, 1813, 1816, 1823, 1827, 1833, 1836, 1842, 1846, 1850, 1852 20132..............................................14 Parts 1203, 1204 20133..............................................14 Parts 1203, 1204 20135..............................................14 Parts 1209, 1245 20136..............................................14 Parts 1209, 1240 20149.....................................................14 Part 1241 40301--40311..............................................14 Part 1259 50901--50923.........................14 Parts 414, 417, 440, 450, 1204 60101 et seq.........................................15 Parts 904, 960 60124......................................................15 Part 960 52 U.S.C. 20301et seq................................................32 Part 233 20506......................................................32 Part 233 30101et seq..................................................11 Part 8 30101.................................11 Parts 100, 104, 109, 110, 114 30102...11 Parts 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 108, 110, 111, 113, 114 30103................................................11 Parts 102, 116 30104.......11 Parts 100, 101, 102, 104, 108, 109, 110, 114, 116, 300, 9006 30105.........................................11 Parts 107, 9007, 9008 30106........................................................11 Part 7 30107..............................11 Parts 7, 111, 114, 115, 200, 201 30108.............................................11 Parts 5, 112, 201 30109..................................................11 Parts 5, 111 30111......11 Parts 5, 7, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 200, 201, 300, 9007, 9008 30113......................................................11 Part 108 30114...........................................11 Parts 100, 104, 113 30116.......................11 Parts 104, 106, 109, 110, 113, 116, 300 30118...........................................11 Parts 110, 114, 116 30119......................................................11 Part 115 30120......................................11 Parts 102, 109, 110, 114 30121................................................11 Parts 110, 114 30122................................................11 Parts 110, 114 30123................................................11 Parts 110, 114 30124................................................11 Parts 110, 114 30125.........................................11 Parts 300, 3007, 3008 30141......................................................11 Part 116 30143................................................11 Parts 108, 300 54 U.S.C. 100101 et seq................................................36 Part 9 100101........................36 Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13 100751........................36 Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13 100902......................................................36 Part 14 300101 et seq...............................................36 Part 79 306108....................................................49 Part 1105 320102........................36 Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13 320301.......................................................36 Part 9 320302--320303...............................................43 Part 3 United States Statutes at Large 23 Stat. 58.........................................................33 Part 125 118........................................................33 Part 125 258.........................................................31 Part 10 26 Stat. 653.........................................................7 Part 612 795........................................................25 Part 162 28 Stat. 305........................................................25 Part 162 31 Stat. 229........................................................25 Part 162 1039.......................................................15 Part 256 1066.......................................................25 Part 140 1449................................................15 Parts 9, 10, 16 1450.................................................15 Parts 200, 230 32 Stat. 388..................................................43 Parts 428, 431 33 Stat. 614....................................................50 Parts 29, 31 34 Stat. 137........................................................25 Part 150 225........................................................32 Part 229 539...................................................25 Parts 91, 216 543..................................................25 Parts 214, 226 545........................................................25 Part 162 1015.......................................................25 Part 162 1024.......................................................25 Part 171 1034.......................................................25 Part 162 35 Stat. 70.........................................................25 Part 162 95.........................................................25 Part 162 97.........................................................25 Part 162 312.............................................25 Parts 150, 213, 216 30 Part 1217 313........................................................25 Part 213 316........................................................25 Part 213 450.......................................................43 Part 2510 781.......................................................30 Part 1217 36 Stat. 856........................................................25 Part 162 2453.......................................................22 Part 401 37 Stat. 86..........................................................25 Part 91 38 Stat. 372..........................................................7 Part 18 582........................................................25 Part 150 583........................................................25 Part 171 586........................................................25 Part 142 598........................................................25 Part 150 717.........................16 Parts 251, 254, 255, 423, 425, 432, 433 719........................................16 Parts 228, 238, 239, 240 721........................................16 Parts 228, 238, 239, 240 1187.......................................................15 Part 241 39 Stat. 128........................................................25 Part 162 142........................................................25 Part 171 218.......................................................43 Part 2810 519........................................................25 Part 227 531........................................................15 Part 240 40 Stat. 220....................................................33 Parts 6, 125 [[Page 1058]] 450.........................................................49 Part 71 1179......................................................43 Part 2810 41 Stat. 415........................................................25 Part 162 426........................................................25 Part 213 450.......................................................30 Part 1217 753.......................................................30 Part 1217 755........................................................25 Part 153 1063.......................................................10 Part 205 1248.......................................................25 Part 215 1446........................................................49 Part 71 42 Stat. 108................................................43 Parts 47, 48, 50 208........................................................25 Part 142 1518.........................................................7 Part 28 1519.........................................................7 Part 28 43 Stat. 475-76.....................................................25 Part 175 476........................................................25 Part 137 636........................................................25 Part 162 641........................................................25 Part 162 651....................................................50 Parts 29, 31 44 Stat. 301.......................................................30 Part 1217 302.......................................................30 Part 1217 577.........................................................5 Part 577 29 Part 1208 659.......................................................30 Part 1217 710.......................................................30 Part 1217 1057......................................................30 Part 1217 1058......................................................30 Part 1217 1355.........................................................7 Part 48 45 Stat. 210-13.....................................................25 Part 175 312........................................................25 Part 172 401.........................................................8 Part 289 449....................................................50 Parts 29, 31 495........................................................25 Part 213 1069......................................................43 Part 2540 1169........................................................8 Part 349 1224...................................................50 Parts 29, 31 1478..................................................25 Parts 90, 226 1481........................................................25 Part 90 46 Stat. 759..................................................19 Parts 175, 176 1063.......................................................25 Part 136 1106.......................................................25 Part 151 1471.......................................................25 Part 151 1495.......................................................25 Part 153 47 Stat. 42.........................................................32 Part 301 777........................................................25 Part 213 779........................................................25 Part 213 1417.......................................................25 Part 162 1487......................................................30 Part 1217 43 Parts 3580, 3590 48 Stat. 124..........................................................7 Part 33 402............................................50 Parts 29, 31, 70, 71 451.........................................................50 Part 31 848..........................................................29 Part 3 948..........................................................29 Part 7 984........................................................25 Part 162 985........................................................25 Part 151 988........................................................25 Part 162 1066.....................................................47 Parts 2, 5 1068.....................................................47 Parts 0, 2 1082.........................................................47 Part 2 1104.......................................................47 Part 213 1269......................................................43 Part 2400 1270...................................................50 Parts 29, 31 1272......................................................43 Part 2400 49 Stat. 115........................................................25 Part 162 164.........................................................7 Part 708 647........................................................45 Part 233 734..........................................................7 Part 29 781........................................................25 Part 162 1039-40....................................................25 Part 175 1135.......................................................25 Part 162 1148........................................................7 Part 708 1250.......................................................25 Part 216 30 Part 1217 1482......................................................30 Part 1217 1526.......................................................16 Part 240 1822-23....................................................25 Part 175 1936.......................................................33 Part 125 1967.................................................25 Parts 151, 162 30 Part 1217 1985.........................................................26 Part 2 1987.......................................................46 Part 205 1998.......................................................46 Part 205 2004.......................................................46 Part 205 2011.......................................................46 Part 205 2026......................................................30 Part 1217 2036....................................................41 Part 50-202 2038....................................................41 Part 50-201 50 Stat. 62...........................................................7 Part 28 68.........................................................25 Part 215 307.............................................20 Parts 201, 202, 203 314........................................................20 Part 258 874.......................................................43 Part 2810 875.......................................................43 Part 5450 902........................................................25 Part 243 52 Stat. 65..........................................................7 Part 714 66..........................................................7 Part 714 193........................................................25 Part 173 347........................................................25 Part 211 30 Part 1217 824........................................................18 Part 156 829........................................................18 Part 156 830........................................................18 Part 156 1034........................................................22 Part 65 25 Parts 91, 226 1035.......................................................25 Part 226 1036.......................................................29 Part 547 1060--1069.................................................29 Part 570 1060...29 Parts 516, 531, 778, 780, 783, 785, 786, 791, 793, 794, 1620 1066.......................................................29 Part 511 1067.................................................29 Parts 522, 575 1068.......................................................29 Part 519 1069.......................................................29 Part 575 1094.......................................................20 Part 300 1107.................................................20 Parts 300, 319 [[Page 1059]] 53 Stat. 32...................................................26 Parts 514, 520 1129.......................................................25 Part 151 1144......................................................43 Part 2400 1196......................................................30 Part 1217 1275........................................................7 Part 202 1290.......................................................15 Part 255 54 Stat. 422........................................................25 Part 175 670.........................................................8 Part 289 745........................................................25 Part 162 1057.......................................................25 Part 162 55 Stat. 621.......................................................43 Part 2910 56 Stat. 83.........................................................18 Part 156 84.........................................................18 Part 156 273.......................................................30 Part 1217 58 Stat. 483--485..................................................30 Part 1217 690................................................42 Parts 21, 35, 57 691.........................................................42 Part 61 707.........................................................42 Part 61 905.........................................................7 Part 654 60 Stat. 237 et seq..................................................31 Part 10 238........................................................31 Part 323 308........................................................25 Part 162 338........................................................25 Part 135 436..........................................................37 Part 6 440..........................................................37 Part 6 740........................................................20 Part 341 741........................................................20 Part 341 903.....................................................41 Part 101-56 929........................................................26 Part 303 1001.......................................................22 Part 101 1087--1091...................................................7 Part 94 1087....................................................7 Parts 43, 61 50 Part 260 1090.........................................................7 Part 61 50 Part 260 1095........................................................20 Part 25 61 Stat. 84........................................................29 Part 1620 153................................................29 Parts 1402, 1403 495........................................................32 Part 256 681....................................43 Parts 3620, 3710, 5450, 5460 915.......................................................30 Part 1217 62 Stat. 162.......................................................43 Part 3833 172........................................................46 Part 310 269-73.....................................................25 Part 175 273.........................................................43 Part 17 281..............................................7 Parts 501, 502, 503 43 Part 421 464.........................................................42 Part 61 598.........................................................42 Part 61 946........................................................22 Part 946 63 Stat. 111.....................................22 Parts 63, 91, 102, 131, 141 377.....................................................41 Part 101-19 380..............................................7 Parts 501, 502, 503 389...................................................7 Parts 501, 502 390.......41 Parts 101-1, 101-6, 101-8, 101-9, 101-20, 101-33, 101-40, 101-43, 101-44, 101-47, 102-50, 105-62, 109-40, 109-44, 109-46, 115-1 48 Parts 1401, 1402, 1403, 1404, 1405, 1406, 1407, 1408, 1409, 1413, 1414, 1415, 1416, 1417, 1422, 1424, 1425, 1426, 1427, 1428, 1429, 1430, 1431, 1432, 1433, 1435, 1436, 1437, 1442, 1443, 1445, 1446, 1448, 1449, 1450, 1451, 1452 483........................................................32 Part 621 605........................................................25 Part 151 683.......................................................30 Part 1217 64 Stat. 46.........................................................25 Part 162 311.......................................................30 Part 1217 371.....................................................15 Parts 9, 10 444.........................................................42 Part 61 470........................................................25 Part 162 799..................................................44 Parts 401, 402 816..................................................44 Parts 401, 402 903................................................43 Parts 2101, 2103 1120........................................................33 Part 19 1261.........................................................28 Part 3 1262.................................................25 Parts 150, 250 30 Part 1201 36 Parts 68, 71, 72 1263...............................................20 Parts 1, 10, 701 29 Parts 579, 580 1267.........................................................29 Part 7 1271...................................................20 Parts 25, 61 1273..................................46 Parts 222, 309, 331, 381, 391 1280....................................................31 Parts 8, 10 65 Stat. 75............................................................7 Part 6 254........................................................25 Part 175 268........................................................14 Part 398 290..........................................................29 Part 7 363........................................................32 Part 536 429.......................................................14 Part 1215 66 Stat. 173.........................8 Parts 250, 280, 289, 306, 341, 349, 1280 174.............................................22 Parts 46, 131, 1215 190........................................................8 Part 1215 195..................................................8 Parts 280, 1280 197..................................................8 Parts 280, 1280 201..................................................8 Parts 280, 1280 203..................................................8 Parts 280, 1280 212..................................................8 Parts 280, 1280 219.............................................8 Parts 250, 280, 1280 221..................................................8 Parts 280, 1280 222..................................................8 Parts 280, 1280 223..................................................8 Parts 280, 1280 224.........................................................8 Part 289 226..................................................8 Parts 280, 1280 227..................................................8 Parts 280, 1280 230..................................................8 Parts 280, 1280 234.........................................................8 Part 289 237.........................................................8 Part 306 238.........................................................8 Part 341 252.........................................................8 Part 306 22 Part 131 254.........................................................8 Part 341 264.........................................................8 Part 341 308.....................................................41 Part 50-202 [[Page 1060]] 624........................................................32 Part 536 754.........................................................43 Part 17 67 Stat. 111--115..................................................16 Part 1615 111.......................................................16 Part 1609 112.......................................................16 Part 1630 462........................................................33 Part 145 631...................................................45 Parts 16, 204 68 Stat. 53........................................................43 Part 3620 93.........................................................33 Part 401 303..................................................33 Parts 208, 222 674.......................................................42 Part 136a 770.......................................................16 Part 1609 789.......................................................43 Part 2540 919........................................................40 Part 191 930.......................................................43 Part 2540 948.....................................................41 Part 109-40 1026.......................................................25 Part 171 68A Stat. 417.........................................................26 Part 36 580..........................................................7 Part 28 781........................................................26 Part 401 917....26 Parts 2, 3, 8, 15, 16, 35, 36, 302, 303, 305, 400, 401, 403, 404, 502, 503, 516, 517, 601 69 Stat. 352........................................................32 Part 536 367.......................................................43 Part 5450 392........................................................25 Part 151 539--540...................................................25 Part 162 562........................................................26 Part 302 681.......................................................43 Part 3730 729.........................................................43 Part 17 69A Stat. 729.........................................................43 Part 17 70 Stat. 195........................................................46 Part 501 290........................................................25 Part 151 380........................................................23 Part 630 516........................................................32 Part 536 592.......................................................43 Part 3810 626........................................................25 Part 151 744........................................................25 Part 211 900.........................................................28 Part 12 959........................................................15 Part 230 70A Stat. 278........................................................32 Part 765 71 Stat. 374.........................................................25 Part 75 455.........................................................5 Part 352 471.........................................................25 Part 90 605........................................................46 Part 350 634........................................................45 Part 703 72 Stat. 95.........................................................23 Part 610 316........................................................33 Part 211 339--340...........................................43 Parts 2090, 2620 339........................................................25 Part 241 385........................................................13 Part 113 429.......................................................14 Part 1215 438........................................................36 Part 254 680..................................................19 Parts 201, 202 694........................................................13 Part 113 740........................................................14 Part 358 743.............................................14 Parts 214, 358, 398 754........................................................14 Part 358 758........................................................14 Part 358 798........................................................14 Part 358 896........................................................23 Part 630 968........................................................25 Part 162 972.......................................................14 Part 1209 1114.........................................................38 Part 1 1236.........................................................38 Part 1 1686........................................................43 Part 17 1688........................................................43 Part 17 73 Stat. 4..................................................43 Parts 47, 48, 50 63........................................................32 Part 299a 141........................................................25 Part 241 536........................................................29 Part 453 706........................................................32 Part 536 74 Stat. 220........................................................32 Part 229 221........................................................32 Part 229 364.........................................................42 Part 61 372................................................16 Parts 1501, 1511 374................................................16 Parts 1501, 1511 375................................................16 Parts 1501, 1511 424........................................................32 Part 935 50 Part 38 734..........................................................7 Part 35 849.........................................................5 Part 850 851-52......................................................5 Part 850 75 Stat. 65....................................29 Parts 531, 778, 779, 780, 793 74.........................................................29 Part 551 220..........................................................7 Part 35 438........................................................32 Part 264 440........................................................32 Part 264 449.........................................................5 Part 352 505........................................................25 Part 151 527--538....................................................22 Part 63 688...................................18 Parts 410, 415, 420, 430, 440 840...................................46 Parts 222, 309, 331, 381, 391 842........................................................46 Part 310 76 Stat. 53..........................................................43 Part 17 89........................................................43 Part 2540 117.........................................................26 Part 49 119.........................................................26 Part 49 357--359.....................................................29 Part 8 358..........................................................29 Part 7 259..........................................................29 Part 7 517........................................................32 Part 765 593.........................................................28 Part 43 652................................................43 Parts 3600, 3620 654................................................50 Parts 31, 70, 71 902........................................................19 Part 201 1073........................................................42 Part 61 77 Stat. 72..........................................................26 Part 49 349........................................................25 Part 151 394.........................................................42 Part 61 395.........................................................42 Part 61 400.........................................................42 Part 61 [[Page 1061]] 78 Stat. 168.......................................................32 Part 299a 237.........................................................26 Part 49 252.........................................................29 Part 31 32 Part 195 41 Part 101-6 44 Part 7 50 Part 3 265................................................29 Parts 1607, 1612 329.........................................................43 Part 17 389........................................................25 Part 151 516........................................................34 Part 215 688........................................................18 Part 410 747........................................................25 Part 151 767.........................................................5 Part 180 890.........................................................50 Part 35 897.........................................................43 Part 17 926.........................................................43 Part 17 79 Stat. 852.......................................................45 Part 1105 992........................................................40 Part 240 1062........................................................42 Part 61 80 Stat. 107.........................................................49 Part 71 250................................................29 Parts 1402, 1403 353...........................................................9 Part 3 379..........................................................7 Part 22 22 Part 132 26 Part 601 32 Parts 94, 765 383........................................................17 Part 145 607.........................................................5 Part 891 830........................................................29 Part 531 897........................................................15 Part 301 899........................................................15 Part 301 915........................................................32 Part 229 926....................................................50 Parts 31, 70 937.........................................................33 Part 19 938.........................................................33 Part 13 1297.......................................................16 Part 503 1298.......................................................16 Part 501 1299.......................................................16 Part 501 1300.................................................16 Parts 501, 503 1301.......................................................16 Part 503 1304...............................................16 Parts 1009, 1511 1305...............................................16 Parts 1009, 1511 1306.......................................................32 Part 536 1999.......................................................16 Part 503 81 Stat. 54.........................................................17 Part 145 568......................................................16 Parts 1611 568-74.............................................16 Parts 1615, 1616 569-70....................................................16 Part 1630 569..........................................16 Parts 1615, 1616, 1630 570..........................................16 Parts 1615, 1616, 1631 571.......................................................16 Part 1016 82 Stat. 163--164...................................................29 Part 870 174........................................................25 Part 151 197.........................................................28 Part 42 239.........................................................28 Part 32 816........................................................40 Part 403 828........................................................23 Part 630 25 Part 630 884........................................................25 Part 151 906.......................................................43 Part 2270 919.......................................................43 Part 2270 1102....................................................41 Part 105-50 83 Stat. 187--189..................................................16 Part 1511 803...................................................42 Parts 85, 85a 84 Stat. 120........................................................25 Part 151 204.......................................................18 Part 1312 22 Part 1104 32 Part 229 36 Part 805 719........................................................39 Part 235 767.......................................................49 Part 1332 773--775...................................................39 Part 211 843........................................................25 Part 150 1026.........................................................26 Part 3 1036........................46 Parts 222, 294, 309, 331, 381, 385, 391 1227............................................40 Parts 240, 245, 246 1316......................................................45 Part 1388 1509 et seq................................18 Parts 801, 806, 807, 808 1561..........................................................9 Part 3 1562..........................................................9 Part 3 1563..........................................................9 Part 3 1564..........................................................9 Part 3 1600..................................................42 Parts 85, 85a 1609......................................................29 Part 1960 1614......................................................29 Part 1960 1620--1635...................................................7 Part 94 1706...................................................40 Parts 53, 54 1874.......................................................25 Part 151 1909.......................................................25 Part 275 1925.......................................................25 Part 275 2083............................................47 Parts 211, 214, 215 85 Stat. 533........................................................26 Part 142 646.........................................................25 Part 41 688.........................................................25 Part 69 715.........................................................25 Part 69 735........................................................15 Part 908 743..................................................10 Parts 210, 212 86 Stat. 62.........................................................32 Part 621 216........................................................25 Part 151 424........................................................33 Part 401 461.........................................................36 Part 71 530..................................................25 Parts 151, 179 613........................................................36 Part 292 621........................................................33 Part 209 623........................................................33 Part 209 744..................................................25 Parts 151, 179 815........................................................40 Part 429 816 et seq.......40 Parts 136, 410, 413, 414, 415, 416, 417, 421, 427, 428, 443, 446, 447, 454, 457, 458, 459, 460 816....................................40 Parts 21, 419, 440, 465, 466 871........................................................40 Part 140 919.........................................................31 Part 51 973........................................................33 Part 274 1115........................................................28 Part 20 1207...................................16 Parts 1204, 1205, 1404, 1450 1208...............................................16 Parts 1204, 1205 1211--1217................................................16 Part 1204 1212--1217.........................................16 Parts 1201, 1205 [[Page 1062]] 1215--1217.............................16 Parts 1301, 1302, 1303, 1304 1220...............................................16 Parts 1204, 1205 1224......................................................16 Part 1205 1228.....................................................16 Parts 1404 1231......................................................16 Part 1616 1234.................................................40 Parts 203, 210 87 Stat. 27...................................................10 Parts 210, 212 75.........................................................32 Part 553 139.......................................................18 Part 1312 22 Part 1104 32 Part 229 36 Part 805 398.......................................................45 Part 1232 408.......................................................45 Part 1226 411--412..................................................45 Part 1226 420.......................................................45 Part 1206 466--468....................................................25 Part 87 576.........................................................43 Part 27 939..................................................12 Parts 810, 811 940..................................................12 Parts 810, 811 975........................................................18 Part 725 88 Stat. 4.........................................................45 Part 1340 15..........................................................7 Part 654 55...................................................29 Parts 531, 779 72...................................................29 Parts 579, 580 76..............................................29 Parts 552, 579, 580 78.........................................................25 Part 151 81.........................................................25 Part 151 132.........................................................42 Part 2a 174.......................................................18 Part 1312 22 Part 1104 32 Part 229 192.........................................................36 Part 71 392...............................7 Parts 1807, 1841, 1845, 1864, 1866 484.........................................................25 Part 43 34 Part 106 934........................................................26 Part 420 1183.......................................................46 Part 105 1494.......................................................43 Part 430 1528.......................................................49 Part 256 1561.........................................32 Parts 299a, 1285, 2101 36 Part 902 1619........................................................32 Part 76 1716.......................................................25 Part 151 1855.......................................................34 Part 106 1862.......................................................34 Part 106 1896........................................................18 Part 3b 25 Part 43 39 Part 267 1897.......................................................22 Part 505 1978.........................................15 Parts 2001, 2002, 2003 2073.......................................................19 Part 205 2203.......................................................25 Part 151 2207.......................................................25 Part 151 2249.......................................................42 Part 124 2259.......................................................42 Part 124 2351.......................................................26 Part 301 89 Stat. 93.........................................................49 Part 256 379..........................................................28 Part 3 486.......................................................45 Part 1388 531.........................................................28 Part 57 579........................................................45 Part 233 765.........................................................22 Part 16 773.........................................................25 Part 43 844........................................................40 Part 600 45 Part 1160 871........................................................10 Part 216 1109........................................................31 Part 13 1116......................................................45 Part 1160 1117.......................................................36 Part 292 90 Stat. 125........................................................49 Part 256 145.........................................................36 Part 64 418...........................................................9 Part 3 419...........................................................9 Part 3 420...........................................................9 Part 3 423...........................................................9 Part 3 503................................................16 Parts 1012, 1204 506..........................................16 Parts 1301, 1302, 1304 823.........................................................22 Part 64 999.........................................................31 Part 52 1113........................................................28 Part 15 1241.......................................................45 Part 702 1320......................................................18 Part 1312 22 Part 1104 32 Part 229 36 Part 805 1348........................................................28 Part 32 1369.........................................................38 Part 3 1918........................................................36 Part 68 2094.......................................................34 Part 692 2253........................................................42 Part 57 2341........................................................31 Part 51 2629.......................................................49 Part 256 2743.......................................................36 Part 254 2917.......................................................36 Part 330 91 Stat. 157........................................................32 Part 734 221.........................................................22 Part 71 308.........................................................33 Part 81 445........................................................30 Part 706 446........................................................10 Part 320 565 et seq...................................................18 Part 1 577.......................................................10 Part 1023 599.......................................................10 Part 1023 685.........................................................40 Part 57 1354.......................................................45 Part 234 1433.........................................................38 Part 3 1449.........................................................38 Part 3 1561.................................................45 Parts 205, 206 1566..................................................40 Parts 25, 434 1567...................40 Parts 410, 415, 419, 421, 429, 440, 465, 466 92 Stat. 205.......................................................45 Part 1340 249..................................................17 Parts 300, 301 386................................................16 Parts 1012, 1204 469........................................................32 Part 229 565.............................................18 Parts 275, 280, 281 607........................................................31 Part 123 629.............................................30 Parts 252, 552, 559 819.......................................................29 Part 1440 865 et seq...........................................17 Parts 145, 155 1101.......................................................32 Part 373 1120........................................................5 Part 591 1257........................................................26 Part 48 1325........................................................25 Part 41 [[Page 1063]] 1471--1472.................................................33 Part 401 1649.......................................................36 Part 293 1660.......................................................25 Part 226 1693.......................................................18 Part 708 1824.......................................................45 Part 706 1864.......................................................5 Part 1304 22 Part 18 2080.................................................24 Parts 380, 390 2322........................................................25 Part 38 2327........................................................25 Part 38 2383--2391................................................18 Part 1308 2497.........................................................38 Part 3 2678.......................................................29 Part 401 2689.................................................23 Parts 656, 657 2811.......................................................26 Part 601 2955........................................................29 Part 32 45 Parts 1151, 1232, 1388 3021.......................................................40 Part 190 3059.......................................................49 Part 266 3117.................................................18 Parts 154, 281 3289.......................................................18 Part 287 3318.......................................................14 Part 152 3350.................................................18 Parts 271, 286 3394.......................................................10 Part 580 3395.......................................................10 Part 580 3396.......................................................10 Part 580 3397.......................................................7 Part 2901 3405.......................................................7 Part 2901 3467......................................................18 Part 1312 22 Part 1104 32 Part 229 36 Part 805 3742......................................................16 Part 1012 3781........................................................5 Part 850 3783.............................................5 Parts 151, 734, 850 93 Stat. 76.........................................................19 Part 200 97.........................................................45 Part 205 721........................................................32 Part 229 1320.......................................................49 Part 663 1336.......................................................10 Part 474 94 Stat. 50..........................................................14 Part 36 57..........................................................14 Part 36 462........................................................45 Part 205 537........................................................25 Part 179 780........................................................44 Part 354 783.........................................................10 Part 50 958.........................................................50 Part 26 1111--1114..................................................38 Part 21 1208.........................................................26 Part 1 1308.........................................................26 Part 1 1320.......................................................45 Part 663 1351........................................................45 Part 95 1645......................................................24 Part 4100 2079........................................................22 Part 19 2102........................................................22 Part 19 2325.........................................................49 Part 6 2371......................................................43 Part 2300 2400.......................................................36 Part 228 2964......................................................30 Part 1201 2987......................................................18 Part 1312 22 Part 1104 32 Part 229 3381......................................................43 Part 2710 3516........................................................31 Part 51 95 Stat. 151........................................46 Parts 232, 307, 310, 381 158........................................................46 Part 310 357.......................................................16 Part 1205 26 Part 301 43 Parts 3000, 3110, 3800 488.......................................................45 Part 1340 1070......................................................30 Part 1201 43 Part 3140 1391.......................................................25 Part 114 1699.................................................23 Parts 650, 810 1709.......................................................36 Part 331 96 Stat. 61...........................................................34 Part 6 324..........................................................26 Part 1 493..........................................................34 Part 6 623.........................................................26 Part 35 625.........................................................26 Part 35 669..........................................................26 Part 1 818........................................................25 Part 114 1400.......................................................34 Part 690 1544......................................................24 Part 4100 1749........................................................10 Part 16 20 Part 422 1751--1752..................................................34 Part 31 1920.........................................................38 Part 3 2097.................................................23 Parts 650, 810 49 Part 50 2106.......................................................23 Part 630 2184.......................................................26 Part 145 2201.......................................................10 Part 962 2294.......................................................17 Part 145 2413.......................................................45 Part 233 2513.......................................................45 Part 233 2515.......................................................25 Part 179 2535.......................................................36 Part 254 3135.......................................................23 Part 650 3792.......................................................40 Part 191 97 Stat. 65...........................................................38 Part 3 1335........................................................25 Part 41 365........................................................45 Part 233 955.........................................................50 Part 26 1153.......................................................12 Part 347 24 Parts 205, 220, 241 98 Stat. 189.......................................................45 Part 1206 494........................................................44 Part 354 1052........................................................26 Part 31 1333.......................................................43 Part 431 1802.......................................................20 Part 404 1837........................................................25 Part 20 43 Part 4100 2366.......................................................34 Part 690 2407.......................................................34 Part 690 2725.........................................................38 Part 3 2989.......................................................19 Part 213 3018--3024................................................15 Part 2007 3155......................................................43 Part 8200 99 Stat. 183.......................................................29 Part 2704 319-20.....................................................25 Part 175 1002........................................................28 Part 20 [[Page 1064]] 1008--1011..................................................28 Part 20 1185.......................................................25 Part 700 1842......................................................10 Part 1800 1914......................................................10 Part 1800 1921--1922................................................10 Part 1800 100 Stat. 23..........................................................5 Part 831 61...........................................................43 Part 4 82..........................................................31 Part 51 34 Part 690 517.........................................................5 Part 846 764.........................................................49 Part 71 982.........................................................25 Part 41 1614......................................................29 Part 1926 1755............................................29 Parts 785, 786, 790 1783..................................................5 Parts 831, 842 1810........................................................29 Part 33 1874......................................................45 Part 2554 1970.......................................................20 Part 404 1972.......................................................45 Part 205 2746.......................................................26 Part 301 2916.......................................................45 Part 233 3190........................................................28 Part 20 3196........................................................28 Part 20 3207.......................................................17 Part 145 45 Parts 1100, 2005 3207-48.....................................................22 Part 66 3209............................................17 Parts 402, 403, 405 3341-348..............................................5 Parts 831, 842 3342...............................................29 Parts 1625, 1627 3359.................................................45 Parts 206, 233 3571........................................................9 Part 335 101 Stat. 7..........................................................40 Part 440 260.........................................................26 Part 41 869--875..................................................14 Part 1259 1000........................................................42 Part 62 1300........................................................5 Part 842 1329........................................................5 Part 550 1330.......................................................7 Part 1717 1330-275....................................................5 Part 831 1568.................................................12 Parts 612, 614 1608.......................................................12 Part 612 1639.......................................................12 Part 614 1812.......................................................45 Part 233 102 Stat. 28..........................................................45 Part 86 110........................................................19 Part 213 908........................................................45 Part 233 914........................................................45 Part 233 1855.......................................................7 Part 1560 1865-67....................................................7 Part 1560 2377.......................................................45 Part 205 2983.......................................................32 Part 229 3324.......................................................26 Part 301 3335......................................................23 Part 1235 4181.........................................................28 Part 8 4546.......................................................36 Part 290 4693.......................................................45 Part 233 103 Stat. 357........................................................12 Part 360 938........................................................29 Part 580 1795.......................................................45 Part 233 1886.......................................................19 Part 357 1908........................................................33 Part 53 2099.......................................................29 Part 504 2103.......................................................29 Part 504 2106........................................................5 Part 842 2189--2208..................................................42 Part 67 2373.........................................................26 Part 1 2489.......................................................45 Part 233 104 Stat. 143.........................................................25 Part 67 515....................................................46 Parts 31, 32 520........................................................33 Part 157 831........................................................45 Part 233 890..........................................................6 Part 27 8 Parts 270, 274a, 280, 1270, 1280 14 Part 383 28 Parts 22, 25, 71, 76, 85 31 Parts 539, 540, 586 33 Part 27 40 Part 19 925........................................................45 Part 233 963.............................................17 Parts 402, 403, 405 1380......................................................14 Part 1204 1388...........................................5 Parts 842, 1605, 1620 1388-328....................................................5 Part 831 1462........................................................43 Part 38 1860.......................................................32 Part 240 2838........................................................2 Part 417 2871.......................................................29 Part 541 2943.......................................................15 Part 280 3289.................................................43 Parts 418, 419 3294.......................................................43 Part 419 4051.......................................................7 Part 1786 4878........................................................22 Part 89 105 Stat. 832.........................................................28 Part 65 1914............................................23 Parts 625, 635, 657 49 Parts 380, 391, 393 1993.......................................................49 Part 393 2012.......................................................23 Part 625 2151.......................................................49 Part 380 2152.................................................49 Parts 380, 391 106 Stat. 606........................................................45 Part 233 1961........................................................50 Part 25 2371.......................................................32 Part 175 3790.......................................................31 Part 337 4102........................12 Parts 619, 620, 621, 630, 650, 651, 652 4134............................................12 Parts 620, 621, 630 4600.............................................43 Parts 10000, 10005 4625......................................43 Parts 10000, 10001, 10005 4740.......................................................25 Part 183 4777.................................................40 Parts 191, 194 5055.......................................................15 Part 922 107 Stat. 312........................................................7 Part 1786 330........................................................7 Part 1485 405.......................................................43 Part 3850 412.........................................................5 Part 831 543..........................................................7 Part 25 739.........................................................7 Part 623 742.........................................................7 Part 623 981..............................................5 Parts 530, 531, 536 1046.......................................................7 Part 4285 1510........................................................43 Part 50 [[Page 1065]] 1547.........................................................32 Part 3 2011.......................................................25 Part 162 2057.................................................29 Parts 504, 507 40 Part 95 2064........................................................40 Part 95 2369.......................................................12 Part 366 2428.......................................................20 Part 655 2439.......................................33 Parts 175, 177, 179, 183 46 Parts 26, 114, 175 108 Stat. 3..........................................................7 Part 4285 1673.............................49 Parts 177, 390, 391, 392, 394, 395 1676.......................................49 Parts 177, 392, 394, 395 1677.................................................49 Parts 390, 391 2323.......................................................44 Part 354 2324.......................................................44 Part 354 2325.......................................................44 Part 354 3150......................................................20 Part 1002 3327........2 Parts 180, 780, 801, 1125, 1326, 1880, 2200, 2336, 2424, 2520, 2867, 3000, 3185, 3254, 3369, 3513, 3700 5 Part 919 22 Part 1508 41 Part 105-68 4572.......................................................25 Part 162 4809...............................................15 Parts 2012, 2015 4814......................................................14 Part 1217 4819......................................................14 Part 1217 4991.......................................................15 Part 303 7201....................................................41 Part 50-201 109 Stat. 102...................................................5 Parts 831, 842 507.........................................................31 Part 12 535................................................48 Parts 6104, 6105 537....................................................43 Parts 47, 48 546........................................................33 Part 157 568........................................................23 Part 772 582........................................................23 Part 630 605........................................................23 Part 772 803.............................................49 Parts 385, 387, 398 941..................................................49 Parts 387, 398 958........................................................49 Part 385 4978.......................................................20 Part 656 110 Stat. 56..........................................................47 Part 56 129.........................................................47 Part 43 168.............................................12 Parts 650, 651, 652 186.................................................5 Parts 1605, 1620 233.......................................................29 Part 1635 434.........................................................5 Part 847 515...................................................5 Parts 831, 842 775........................................................15 Part 280 859........................................................17 Part 202 1321.................................5 Parts 831, 846, 870, 2634, 2636 8 Parts 270, 1270, 1280 20 Part 422 28 Parts 22, 25, 71, 76, 85 40 Part 35 45 Parts 1606, 1612, 1617, 1620, 1623, 1632, 1633, 1636, 1637, 1638, 1639, 1642, 1645 1321-53............................................45 Parts 1606, 1623 1321-58...................................................45 Part 1623 1321-59...................................................45 Part 1623 1321-102....................................................5 Part 842 1321-299....................................................40 Part 35 1321-358...................................................12 Part 308 29 Part 578 1321-373............................................29 Parts 578, 2575 40 Part 19 1373......................................................29 Part 1601 1569........................................................7 Part 771 1755.......................................................29 Part 790 1936......................................................29 Part 2590 2105.......................................................20 Part 404 2189.......................................................20 Part 404 2422.......................................................32 Part 270 3009.......................................................39 Part 233 45 Parts 1612, 1617, 1620, 1632, 1633, 1636, 1637, 1638, 1642 3009-546....................................................22 Part 62 3009-708.............................................8 Parts 214, 1214 3034.......................................................33 Part 151 3048......................................................29 Part 2702 3826.........................................48 Parts 6103, 6104, 6105 3870.......................................................46 Part 501 3947........................................................46 Part 27 4016.......................................................25 Part 162 4240........................................................36 Part 13 111 Stat. 251....................................5 Parts 831, 842, 846, 870, 890 28 Parts 800, 801, 802, 803, 811 712--731....................................................31 Part 29 712...................................28 Parts 800, 801, 802, 803, 810 786--787....................................................31 Part 29 885..........................................................7 Part 25 1068......................................................29 Part 2520 1261......................................................36 Part 1501 1272........................................................5 Part 846 19 Part 12 1344........................................................40 Part 35 1373........................................................40 Part 35 1457......................................................29 Part 2510 1467.......................................................29 Part 780 2160......................................8 Parts 240, 245, 1240, 1245 2193............................................8 Parts 240, 245, 1240 2196-200...............................................8 Parts 3, 1003 2296.......................................................21 Part 212 2440.........................................45 Parts 1606, 1623, 1644 2510-11...................................................45 Part 1623 2510-12...................................................45 Part 1606 112 Stat. 107.............................................23 Parts 180, 636, 710 49 Parts 26, 80, 261, 640 113.........................................................49 Part 26 141........................................................25 Part 170 193........................................................23 Part 630 241........................................................23 Part 180 49 Parts 80, 261, 640 842........................................................23 Part 650 910.......................................................12 Part 1510 1248........................................................29 Part 78 1536.......................................................15 Part 280 1619........................................................25 Part 41 1920.......................................................22 Part 123 2175.......................................................22 Part 121 2419........................................5 Parts 831, 842, 846, 870 2461........................................................40 Part 35 2499........................................................40 Part 35 2502.......................................................44 Part 354 [[Page 1066]] 2681 et seq........................................22 Parts 62, 64, 66 2681........................................................7 Part 15F 8 Parts 240, 245, 1240, 1245 20 Part 656 22 Part 42 30 Part 2681 31 Part 515 46 Part 356 2681-37......................................................7 Part 25 2881.......................................................28 Part 200 3182-3183...................................................5 Part 213 3293........................................................40 Part 19 3411.......................................................46 Part 515 3445.......................................................46 Part 388 113 Stat. 118........................................................15 Part 280 127........................................................15 Part 301 168........................................................15 Part 301 477.........................................................5 Part 792 664.........................................................5 Part 553 1338.......................................................13 Part 400 1501.......................................................44 Part 209 1501a......................................................36 Part 223 1501a-20....................................................28 Part 32 1501A-140...................................................50 Part 29 1501A-222.................................................29 Part 1910 1501A-293...................................................7 Part 301 1530.......................................................28 Part 811 1535........................................................28 Part 32 1536.......................................................44 Part 209 1731.......................................................29 Part 553 1748........................49 Parts 368, 383, 384, 390, 391, 395, 398 1753.......................................................49 Part 384 1766............................................49 Parts 383, 390, 398 1767.......................................49 Parts 383, 384, 390, 391 1773.................................................49 Parts 390, 395 1784.......................................................20 Part 408 114 Stat. 74.........................................................29 Part 810 94.........................................................25 Part 170 185.......................................................36 Part 1502 308........................................................29 Part 778 464........................................................12 Part 609 26 Part 1 511..................................................44 Parts 209, 295 568........................................................44 Part 209 584........................................................44 Part 295 770.........................................................5 Part 839 778.........................................................5 Part 846 780...................................................5 Parts 831, 841 784.........................................................5 Part 831 1356A.....................................................23 Part 1225 1356B.....................................................23 Part 1225 1464......................................................28 Part 1100 1477--1480..................................................8 Part 214 1477......................................................28 Part 1100 1527-29................................................8 Parts 3, 1003 1531-32................................................8 Parts 3, 1003 1654.......................................................5 Part 1315 1800.......................................................49 Part 575 1901......................................................29 Part 1910 2472........................................................5 Part 870 2541.......................................................7 Part 1170 2680.......................................................33 Part 385 2726..................................................28 Parts 28, 812 2762........................................................28 Part 32 2762A-6.....................................................28 Part 32 2763.........................................................7 Part 25 26 Part 1 32 Part 188 33 Part 159 2763A-164.............................................5 Parts 831, 842 2763A-326--2763A-328...................................8 Parts 3, 1003 2763A-638....................................................26 Part 1 2811........................................................49 Part 71 115 Stat. 38...........................................................26 Part 1 29 Part 2550 168--170...................................................46 Part 356 219.........................................................28 Part 32 243.........................................................19 Part 10 272.........................................................28 Part 28 49 Parts 383 297........................................................49 Part 383 307.........................................................17 Part 42 31 Parts 42, 103, 1010, 1012, 1020, 1021, 1022, 1023, 1024, 1025, 1026, 1027, 1028, 1029, 1030 354.........................................................22 Part 62 370.........................................................28 Part 32 414..........................................43 Parts 3830, 3833, 3835 514..........................................................39 Part 3 833........................................................49 Part 385 864........................................................49 Part 385 923........................................................28 Part 804 931........................................................28 Part 804 1012.......................................................5 Part 1315 1242........................................................5 Part 847 116 Stat. 81.........................................................11 Part 109 207........................................................7 Part 1170 543.........................................................22 Part 62 566.........................................................5 Part 724 594..........................................................21 Part 1 668--669.....................................................21 Part 1 745..................................................17 Parts 249, 270 933.......................................................15 Part 2016 1350........................................................15 Part 30 1383........................................................5 Part 842 1758...................................................28 Parts 38, 50 1780........................................................5 Part 575 1824........................................................28 Part 50 2064..................................................33 Parts 26, 161 2135.......................................................2 Part 3000 5 Parts 831, 842 6 Part 5 8 Parts 1, 1001 20 Part 655 33 Parts 3, 16, 45, 51, 53, 66, 109, 114 44 Part 5 46 Part 1 2135.........................................................33 Part 3 2290........................................................5 Part 337 2776......................................................16 Part 1512 2899........................................................5 Part 930 117 Stat. 419........................................................23 Part 658 559........................................15 Parts 742, 746, 747, 750 948.........................................................19 Part 10 [[Page 1067]] 1392........................................................5 Part 337 1637........................................................5 Part 550 1952...........................................12 Parts 222, 334, 1022 1953.......................................................16 Part 602 1989.......................................................16 Part 660 2490.......................................................14 Part 383 2529........................................................5 Part 842 2595......................................................49 Part 1562 118 Stat. 445.........................................................43 Part 50 493........................................................20 Part 416 1063.......................................................33 Part 151 1103........................................................19 Part 10 2091.......................................................22 Part 126 2260........................................................28 Part 28 2305........................................................5 Part 536 2582.......................................................15 Part 303 2600........................................................19 Part 12 3469........................................................22 Part 42 32 Parts 1702, 1703 3638......................................................32 Part 1700 3768.......................................................10 Part 810 119 Stat. 302.....................................................41 Part 102-81 462.........................................................19 Part 10 531....................................................40 Parts 18, 26 829........................................................23 Part 658 1144..................................23 Parts 505, 630, 635, 771, 774 49 Parts 383, 390, 394, 395, 575, 622 1468......................................................23 Part 1300 1219.......................................................23 Part 658 1726............................................49 Parts 390, 394, 395 1743............................................49 Parts 390, 394, 395 1744............................................49 Parts 390, 394, 395 1745.......................................................49 Part 390 1746.......................................................49 Part 383 2408.......................................................23 Part 658 2747........................................................7 Part 701 2936.........................................................24 Part 5 2960...................................................28 Parts 28, 38 3605.......................................................32 Part 327 120 Stat. 192........................................................31 Part 540 474.........................................................7 Part 760 587....................................................28 Parts 28, 72 780....................................29 Parts 2509, 2520, 2530, 2550 972.......................................................29 Part 2550 1884.......................................................33 Part 146 47 Part 10 1966.................................................12 Parts 745, 747 2726.............................15 Parts 781, 782, 783, 784, 785, 786 2900.......................................................20 Part 655 3000............................30 Parts 551, 560, 580, 581, 582, 1219 121 Stat. 112.........................................................7 Part 786 29 Parts 4, 516, 531 211.........................................................7 Part 760 1011.........................................................4 Part 22 31 Part 579 1492.......................................................49 Part 575 1494.......................................................46 Part 393 1794......................................................16 Part 1450 2042..................................................5 Parts 831, 842 2249.........................................................4 Part 22 2524................................................5 Parts 2411, 9301 29 Part 2702 38 Part 17 45 Part 2105 122 Stat. 3....................................................5 Parts 337, 9901 234-36.....................................................5 Part 9302 253........................................................32 Part 159 273.......................................................16 Part 1226 378-85.....................................................5 Part 9302 754........................................8 Parts 212, 235, 245, 274a 854...................................................8 Parts 212, 235 2111.......................................................7 Part 1429 2602..................................................5 Parts 831, 842 16 Parts 1015, 1460 2654................................................12 Parts 610, 1202 3016....16 Parts 1031, 1107, 1109, 1110, 1112, 1118, 1215, 1218, 1219, 1226, 1227, 1230, 1233, 1234, 1235, 1237, 1250, 1252, 1253, 1303, 1307, 1308, 1420 3017.............................16 Parts 1031, 1107, 1109, 1110, 1112 3022......................................................16 Part 1107 3460........................................................25 Part 41 3468........................................................25 Part 41 3765........................................................31 Part 31 3881......................................................29 Part 2590 4535.......................................................32 Part 159 4848.......................................................49 Part 237 4860--4866...........................................49 Parts 228, 394 4893--4894.................................................49 Part 228 5092......................................................29 Part 5092 123 Stat. 115........................................................16 Part 318 258--279...................................................45 Part 160 47 Parts 160, 164 524..................................................16 Parts 321, 322 31 Part 515 1734.......................................................12 Part 226 16 Parts 321, 322 1776......................................................21 Part 1141 2131........................................................7 Part 760 2619..................................................5 Parts 530, 536 3034.......................................................31 Part 515 124 Stat. 119....................................................26 Parts 51, 57 29 Part 2590 31 Part 33 42 Part 600 45 Part 800 146--154.............................................45 Parts 160, 162 47 Part 160 199........................................................45 Part 157 915--917...................................................45 Part 162 1029......................................................29 Part 2590 42 Part 600 1312......................................................31 Part 1060 1326.......................................................12 Part 652 1376....12 Parts 22, 39, 43, 180, 202, 213, 226, 246, 308, 1004, 1007, 1008, 1013 17 Parts 1, 15, 35, 37, 38, 39, 40, 43, 45, 50, 160, 162, 180, 200, 213, 240, 248, 249, 249B, 270, 279 1526.......................................................12 Part 246 1641........................................................17 Part 23 1738........................................................17 Part 46 [[Page 1068]] 1827.......................................................17 Part 182 1827-28....................................................17 Part 275 1841.......................................................17 Part 249 1904.................................................17 Parts 229, 249 2282......................................................45 Part 1613 2302........................................................7 Part 701 2348.......................................................14 Part 119 2501.......................................................7 Part 1170 2643...................34 Parts 104, 105, 222, 300, 361, 373, 385, 674 2905.................................................33 Parts 105, 168 46 Parts 15, 61, 62, 106, 110, 111, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 134, 174 3058........................................................32 Part 42 3382......................................................14 Part 1259 3623.......................................................28 Part 104 3885.........................................................21 Part 1 3889.........................................................21 Part 1 4276.......................................................32 Part 159 125 Stat. 273.....16 Parts 1199, 1215, 1217, 1218, 1219, 1223, 1225, 1227, 1230, 1231, 1232, 1233, 1234, 1235, 1237, 1241, 1250, 1252, 1307 284..................................................37 Parts 2, 5, 42 550.........................................................8 Part 103 784--785....................................................5 Part 550 1046................................................36 Parts 218, 1046 1232.......................................................22 Part 126 126 Stat. 11..........................................................14 Part 91 199...................................................5 Parts 841, 842 291........................................................5 Part 2634 306........................................................17 Part 227 309........................................................17 Part 249 310..................................................17 Parts 210, 229 313........................................................17 Part 249 326........................................................17 Part 240 405..............................23 Parts 384, 515, 630, 667, 710, 771 49 Parts 177, 264, 380, 382, 383, 384, 390, 391, 392, 395, 396, 573, 622, 650 718........................................................49 Part 625 778........................................................31 Part 537 49 Part 390 791........................................................49 Part 380 805..................................................49 Parts 177, 392 830.........................49 Parts 382, 383, 384, 390, 391, 395, 396 1541.......................................................46 Part 393 1632.......................................................5 Part 9901 32 Part 114 1787.......................................................5 Part 9901 2456........................................................37 Part 42 127 Stat. 672........................................................5 Part 9901 32 Part 114 878........................................................5 Part 9901 128 Stat. 649........................................................7 Part 1416 695........................................................7 Part 1146 1088.......................................................22 Part 234 1388.......................................................49 Part 390 1425...20 Parts 603, 651, 652, 658, 675, 676, 677, 678, 679, 680, 681, 682, 683, 684, 685, 686, 687, 688 34 Part 463 1754........................................................38 Part 17 1845.......................................................20 Part 653 2114........................................................37 Part 11 2130......................................................29 Part 2590 2898.........................................................6 Part 27 3005........................................................5 Part 550 3292.......................................................32 Part 114 3762......................................................32 Part 3110 4010......................................................32 Part 4010 129 Stat. 30..........................................................38 Part 17 87.........................................................42 Part 401 362........................................................42 Part 413 458--459...................................................31 Part 590 584........................................................14 Part 383 22 Parts 35, 103, 127, 138 29 Parts 500, 501, 530, 578, 579, 584, 801, 2560, 2575 39 Part 233 41 Part 50-201 599--601...........................................29 Parts 4071, 4302 599..........................................................6 Part 27 8 Parts 270, 274a, 280 25 Parts 140, 141, 211, 213, 225, 226, 227, 243, 249, 575 30 Part 1241 31 Parts 1010, 1020, 1021, 1022, 1023, 1024, 1025, 1026 40 Part 19 43 Parts 3140, 3160 1312.......................................................17 Part 249 23 Parts 625, 658, 771, 774 49 Parts 264, 350, 384, 390, 391, 393, 395, 396, 622 1321.......................................................17 Part 239 1530.......................................................49 Part 350 1537.......................................................49 Part 395 1548.................................................49 Parts 390, 391 1557.......................................................23 Part 658 1558.......................................................49 Part 390 1560..................................49 Parts 384, 390, 391, 393, 396 2242......................................................13 Part 2242 28 Part 104 130 Stat. 15..........................................................22 Part 51 27.........................................................33 Part 183 122.........................................................19 Part 12 310...................................................5 Parts 332, 337 369..........................................................19 Part 2 528........................................................5 Part 2411 538..................................................17 Parts 145, 200 22 Part 212 28 Part 802 29 Part 2702 38 Part 17 45 Part 2105 629.........................................................14 Part 89 857.........................................................38 Part 17 1133........................................................42 Part 24 1595.......................................................5 Part 9800 2000........................................................5 Part 752 2644.................................................45 Parts 500, 510 131 Stat. 86.....................................................50 Parts 32, 36 [[Page 1069]] 135.......................................................20 Part 1011 886.............................................31 Parts 510, 578, 594 1001........................................................28 Part 28 1065-67..............................................21 Parts 800, 808 1152......................................................32 Part 1665 45 Part 613 1283........................................................5 Part 752 2263.................................................49 Parts 390, 391 132 Stat. 65.....................................................7 Parts 65, 760 348.........................................................38 Part 17 47 Part 64 1091........................................................47 Part 64 1296......................................................12 Part 1254 1358.......................................................31 Part 150 1359.......................................................31 Part 150 1547.......................................................8 Part 274a 3765.........................................................18 Part 7 3894.......................................................49 Part 219 4490........................................................50 Part 14 133 Stat. 5............................................................6 Part 27 91..........................................................7 Part 756 871.........................................................7 Part 760 903...................................................5 Parts 831, 842 1665.......................................................22 Part 126 2658........................................................7 Part 760 3026........................................................31 Part 50 3052.......................................................22 Part 126 134 Stat. 178.........................................................7 Part 284 26 Part 31 281........................................................5 Part 9801 12 Parts 3, 217, 324 13 Part 134 24 Part 668 26 Part 31 45 Parts 147, 182 505...........................................................7 Part 9 620........................................................13 Part 134 641........................................................13 Part 134 660........................................................13 Part 134 1182.......................................................13 Part 120 14 Part 147 31 Part 1182 34 Part 677 37 Parts 2, 7 47 Part 302 3046........................................................19 Part 24 3362....................................................41 Part 102-73 3388......................................................31 Part 1010 5128.......................................................15 Part 904 135 Stat. 356.........................................................7 Part 760 429.........................................................2 Part 184 49 Part 383 777........................................................49 Part 383 879.......................................................23 Part 1300 1541.......................................................13 Part 134 136 Stat. 49...............................21 Parts 1100, 1107, 1114, 1140, 1143 2114.......................................................44 Part 296 2168.......................................................44 Part 296 4459......................................................16 Part 1261 Public Laws 49-134....................................................49 Part 1503 59-209.....................................................32 Part 229 78-252.......................................................7 Part 15 81-193.....................................................32 Part 621 83-436.....................................................33 Part 208 84-759.....................................................46 Part 350 85-569.....................................................36 Part 254 85-804....................................................14 Part 1209 86-523.....................................................32 Part 229 87-283.....................................................25 Part 115 87-328.....................................18 Parts 410, 415, 520, 430 87-713....................................................43 Part 3600 89-80......................................................18 Part 708 89-272.....................................................40 Part 240 89-508......................................................49 Part 89 89-564.....................................................32 Part 634 89-665.....................................................32 Part 229 89-670.....................................................32 Part 634 90-351......................................................28 Part 22 91-76.....................................................14 Part 1221 91-221......................................................22 Part 71 91-243.....................................................36 Part 810 91-469............46 Parts 206, 222, 250, 280, 294, 309, 331, 381, 385 91-512.....................................................40 Part 240 91-517....................................................45 Part 1388 91-575..........................................18 Parts 806, 807, 808 91-601....................................................16 Part 1701 91-604.................................................40 Parts 53, 54 91-605.....................................................32 Part 634 91-663.....................................................49 Part 250 92-210.....................................................10 Part 205 92-225....................................................49 Part 1325 92-249.....................................................32 Part 621 92-261....................................................29 Part 1607 92-313..................................................41 Part 100-19 92-318.....................................................34 Part 674 92-340.....................................................33 Part 401 92-405.....................................................33 Part 209 92-436.....................................................22 Part 214 41 Part 105-54 92-463..................................................41 Part 105-54 92-500............................40 Parts 21, 136, 140, 401, 421, 429 92-502................................................5 Parts 294, 536 92-512......................................................31 Part 51 92-516.....................................................33 Part 274 92-573....................................................16 Part 1404 92-574...............................................40 Parts 203, 210 93-54......................................................36 Part 810 93-83.......................................................28 Part 22 93-87......................................................32 Part 634 93-113.......................................45 Parts 1206, 1213, 1226 93-134.......................................................25 Part 1 93-159.....................................10 Parts 202, 205, 210, 212 93-247....................................................45 Part 1340 93-275.....................................10 Parts 202, 205, 209, 317 93-288......................................................42 Part 38 93-303......................................................36 Part 71 93-380......................................................25 Part 43 34 Part 106 93-400.....................................................32 Part 169 93-415......................................................28 Part 22 93-438...............................................10 Parts 470, 810 93-493.....................................................43 Part 430 93-502....................................................29 Part 1610 40 Part 1515 [[Page 1070]] 45 Part 1100 49 Part 802 93-511...............................................10 Parts 205, 215 93-519.....................................................10 Part 215 93-539.....................................................31 Part 235 93-568.....................................................34 Part 106 93-579......................................................18 Part 3b 25 Part 43 29 Part 2705 39 Part 3005 94-99................................................10 Parts 205, 215 94-103....................................................45 Part 1388 94-106......................................................28 Part 57 94-133...............................................10 Parts 205, 215 94-142......................................................25 Part 43 94-163..........................................10 Parts 205, 209, 215 94-196......................................................31 Part 13 94-198....................................................45 Part 1160 94-210......................................................36 Part 64 94-284....................................................16 Part 1305 94-332.....................................................10 Part 205 94-385...............................................10 Parts 205, 215 94-409.....................................................45 Part 702 94-422.....................................................36 Part 810 94-430......................................................28 Part 22 94-482.....................................................34 Part 674 94-488......................................................31 Part 51 94-579.....................................................36 Part 254 95-39......................................................10 Part 470 95-47......................................................33 Part 401 95-70......................................................10 Part 205 95-87.......................................................7 Part 632 30 Parts 944, 946 95-91......................................10 Parts 205, 470, 473, 810 18 Parts 271, 281, 286 95-95.......................................................40 Part 57 95-113......................................................7 Part 254 95-115......................................................28 Part 22 95-171.....................................................45 Part 234 95-216.....................................................45 Part 205 95-217...............................................40 Parts 421, 429 95-238.....................................................10 Part 473 95-266....................................................45 Part 1340 95-319....................................................16 Part 1404 95-341.....................................................32 Part 229 95-437....................................................29 Part 1405 95-452...............................................32 Parts 373, 501 39 Part 501 95-458......................................................26 Part 48 95-474.....................................................33 Part 401 95-502.....................................................18 Part 708 95-521.....................................................45 Part 706 95-563....................................................10 Part 1023 95-588.......................................................38 Part 3 95-600.......................................................7 Part 14 95-602....................................................45 Part 1388 95-604...............................................40 Parts 190, 192 95-617...............................................18 Parts 154, 294 95-620.....................................................7 Part 1948 10 Part 205 18 Part 287 95-621.....................................................7 Part 2900 18 Parts 271, 275, 281, 286 96-28.......................................................49 Part 98 96-38......................................................45 Part 205 96-86.......................................................42 Part 50 96-95......................................................32 Part 229 96-157......................................................28 Part 22 96-199.....................................................36 Part 810 96-222.......................................................7 Part 14 96-244.....................................................36 Part 810 96-295.....................................................44 Part 350 96-318.................................................25 Parts 65, 66 96-399....................................................24 Part 4100 96-481.......................................................49 Part 6 96-487....................................................43 Part 2300 96-515.....................................................36 Part 810 96-586....................................................43 Part 2710 96-604......................................................31 Part 51 97-12......................................................34 Part 690 97-31..............................................43 Parts 3000, 3110 45 Parts 235, 1340 46 Parts 307, 310, 381 97-58..............................................43 Parts 3140, 3590 50 Part 403 97-98..................................................7 Parts 1a, 254 97-100.....................................................25 Part 115 97-137.....................................................36 Part 331 97-248.......................................................26 Part 1 97-257.....................................................25 Part 115 97-293.....................................................43 Part 426 97-301.....................................................34 Part 690 97-320....................................................24 Part 4100 97-365......................................................34 Part 31 45 Part 30 49 Part 1017 97-377.......................................................38 Part 3 97-449......................................................49 Part 71 97-458.....................................................25 Part 115 97-465.....................................................36 Part 254 98-21........................................................38 Part 3 98-79......................................................34 Part 690 98-146.....................................................30 Part 816 98-167......................................................49 Part 89 98-181..........................................24 Parts 205, 220, 241 98-288....................................................45 Part 1206 98-369......................................................49 Part 89 98-473......................................................24 Part 13 25 Part 20 28 Part 22 98-497.....................................................36 Part 127 98-511......................................................25 Part 38 34 Part 690 98-542.......................................................38 Part 3 98-543......................................................38 Part 21 98-603....................................................43 Part 8200 99-89.......................................................25 Part 38 99-190.....................................................25 Part 700 30 Parts 252, 552 99-239.....................................................34 Part 690 99-335................................................5 Parts 837, 841 99-359......................................................49 Part 71 99-495.....................................................18 Part 292 99-498.....................................................34 Part 690 99-499...............................................40 Parts 311, 350 99-500......................................................7 Part 795 24 Part 575 99-509..............................................7 Parts 1786, 1957 28 Part 22 38 Part 42 43 Part 35 45 Parts 79, 2554 [[Page 1071]] 99-549....................................................45 Part 2001 99-570...............................................5 Parts 294, 1204 29 Part 1610 40 Part 1515 45 Part 2005 99-578......................................................49 Part 89 99-591......................................................7 Part 795 24 Part 575 99-661.....................................................13 Part 124 100-4...........................................40 Parts 135, 421, 440 100-17......................................................24 Part 42 49 Part 661 100-34......30 Parts 710, 724, 800, 815, 823, 827, 840, 842, 843, 845, 846, 910, 912, 921, 922, 933, 937, 939, 941, 942, 947 100-71.....................................................30 Part 756 100-77......................................................38 Part 21 45 Part 12 100-202....................................................7 Part 1786 30 Part 845 31 Part 25 40 Part 152 49 Part 30 100-203.............................................7 Parts 1785, 1786 43 Part 426 45 Part 235 100-223....................................................14 Part 398 49 Part 30 100-242........................................24 Parts 248, 280, 4100 100-282.....................................................25 Part 25 100-297.....................................................25 Part 38 100-300.....................................................22 Part 94 100-436....................................................34 Part 690 100-446....................................................30 Part 845 100-456....................................................32 Part 589 33 Part 53 100-460....................................................7 Part 1786 100-485....................................45 Parts 224, 238, 239, 240 100-562....................................................49 Part 592 100-581....................................................25 Part 247 100-625....................................................24 Part 966 100-656....................................................13 Part 124 100-690...................................................21 Part 1316 22 Parts 310, 1006 28 Parts 9, 22 31 Part 19 36 Part 1209 101-12......................................................5 Part 772 101-37.....................................................13 Part 124 101-121..............................................22 Parts 311, 519 24 Part 87 31 Part 21 32 Part 282 34 Part 82 38 Part 45 40 Part 34 43 Part 18 45 Parts 93, 604, 1230 101-138.....................................................22 Part 61 101-164....................................................14 Part 252 101-189...................................................32 Part 286h 101-225.....................................................33 Part 53 101-380....................................................33 Part 155 101-410....................................................12 Part 747 30 Parts 724, 845, 846 31 Parts 540, 542 45 Part 102 49 Parts 107, 171 101-508....................................................45 Part 235 101-509.....................................................26 Part 42 101-510.................................................41 Part 109-50 101-515.....................................................28 Part 20 101-549.....................................................40 Part 55 101-574....................................................13 Part 124 101-624....................................................46 Part 380 101-625.....................................................24 Part 91 101-647....................................................48 Part 837 101-687.....................................................38 Part 21 102-138....................................................32 Part 197 102-138....................................................32 Part 197 102-139.....................................................38 Part 17 102-240....................................................23 Part 657 49 Part 661 102-245.................................................41 Part 109-50 103-66.....................................................42 Part 100 103-182....................................................10 Part 780 103-206.....................................................46 Part 26 103-267...................................................16 Part 1117 103-311....................................................49 Part 385 103-337.....................................................32 Part 61 103-412....................................................25 Part 115 103-465...................................................15 Part 2013 104-53......................................................5 Part 178 104-59....................................................23 Part 1215 104-99......................................................28 Part 20 104-121..............................................49 Parts 107, 109 104-134....................................................12 Part 747 14 Part 383 24 Part 271 28 Part 91 30 Parts 724, 845, 846 45 Part 1177 49 Parts 107, 109, 171 104-143....................................................12 Part 313 104-188................................................29 Parts 4, 531 104-211.....................................................5 Part 178 104-231....................................................5 Part 1204 40 Part 1515 104-333.....................................................36 Part 13 105-178....................................................49 Part 661 105-220......20 Parts 660, 661, 662, 663, 664, 665, 666, 668, 669, 671 105-231...................................................29 Part 1610 105-261....................................................22 Part 124 105-276............................................16 Parts 1615, 1616 24 Part 58 105-277.....................................................31 Part 39 45 Part 1641 105-337.....................................................25 Part 38 105-391.....................................................36 Part 51 106-65.....................................................32 Part 103 106-79......................................................25 Part 84 106-102....................................................13 Part 119 106-117.....................................................5 Part 335 106-159.........................................49 Parts 390, 394, 395 106-181....................................................14 Part 252 106-200....................................................15 Part 335 106-224...............................................7 Parts 773, 774 106-513....................................................50 Part 404 106-553....................................................7 Part 2201 107-43......................................................19 Part 10 107-71.....................................................14 Part 129 [[Page 1072]] 107-171.................................7 Parts 1487, 2200, 2201, 3419 107-188.......................................................7 Part 6 107-206....................................................50 Part 600 107-228....................................................22 Part 123 107-295....................................................33 Part 164 107-296..............................................6 Parts 7, 19, 46 8 Parts 239, 1299 107-609.....................................................8 Part 106 108-7........................................................19 Part 4 108-11...............................................22 Parts 230, 231 108-61......................................................19 Part 12 108-78......................................................19 Part 10 108-87.....................................................13 Part 124 108-90.....................................................19 Part 133 108-136....................................................46 Part 296 108-159....................................................12 Part 334 16 Parts 602, 603, 604, 611, 613, 614, 641, 642, 682 108-270.....................................................25 Part 61 108-302.....................................................19 Part 10 108-375....................................................32 Part 103 108-429....................................................15 Part 335 108-447....................................................50 Part 679 108-458......................................................6 Part 46 22 Part 53 32 Part 117 108-447....................................................22 Part 230 109-53......................................................19 Part 10 109-54......................................................40 Part 18 109-58.....................................................25 Part 224 40 Part 600 43 Parts 3100, 3140, 3200 109-59.....................................................18 Part 366 49 Parts 371, 375, 661, 663 109-163....................................................32 Part 103 46 Part 296 109-177....................................................31 Part 540 109-241....................................................50 Part 680 109-282...........................................2 Parts 25, 170, 180 109-351....................................................12 Part 747 109-364....................................................32 Part 103 109-432....................................................30 Part 256 109-469....................................................2 Part 3603 109-472....................................................22 Part 230 109-479....................................................50 Part 680 110-161.....................................................7 Part 786 110-173....................................................42 Part 412 110-175...................................................40 Part 1515 110-181..............................................32 Parts 156, 158 110-229......8 Parts 208, 209, 245, 286, 1001, 1208, 1209, 1212, 1235, 1245 110-234....................................................7 Part 3419 110-246.....................................................19 Part 12 110-286.....................................................19 Part 12 110-289....................................................24 Part 903 110-329....................................................10 Part 611 110-343.....................................................31 Part 31 110-417..............................................32 Parts 103, 158 110-432..............................................49 Parts 234, 273 111-5.......................................................2 Part 176 31 Part 32 32 Part 239 45 Part 286 111-8.....................................................29 Part 1910 111-13....................................................45 Part 2522 111-24.....................................................16 Part 610 111-32.....................................................32 Part 279 111-84...............................................32 Parts 103, 241 111-148.........................................45 Parts 149, 152, 159 111-203............................................12 Parts 1080, 1600 111-216......................................................14 Part 5 111-240...................................................12 Part 1808 111-266....................................................22 Part 124 111-281......................................................46 Part 2 50 Part 679 111-317...................................................29 Part 1910 111-383..............................................32 Parts 103, 211 112-28....................................................16 Part 1031 112-29......................................................37 Part 41 112-54......................................................8 Part 103 112-55.....................................................22 Part 123 112-74...............................................22 Parts 232, 233 112-81...............................................32 Parts 103, 243 112-96.....................................................20 Part 619 112-141....................................................49 Part 580 112-150....................................................22 Part 230 112-153....................................................49 Part 821 112-202....................................................31 Part 493 112-239.........................................22 Parts 123, 124, 173 32 Part 103 46 Part 296 112-276.....................................................22 Part 96 113-6................................................22 Parts 233, 236 113-66.....................................................32 Part 103 113-67....................................................15 Part 1110 113-76.....................................................22 Part 235 34 Part 681 36 Part 218 113-79.....................................................7 Part 3419 36 Part 218 113-95..........................................22 Parts 234, 235, 237 113-235..............................................22 Parts 237, 238 113-291.....................................................2 Part 183 32 Part 103 114-74.....................................................5 Part 2634 20 Parts 702, 725, 726 29 Parts 501, 503, 570, 825, 1902, 1903 30 Part 100 34 Part 36 45 Part 102 49 Part 1503 113-92.....................................................32 Part 103 114-74.....................................................5 Part 2636 114-94.....................................................49 Part 269 114-120....................................................33 Part 155 114-125....................................................19 Part 133 114-178....................................................43 Part 100 114-185.............................................22 Parts 706, 1502 36 Part 1250 39 Part 265 114-254....................................................22 Part 241 114-279....................................................19 Part 133 115-97......................................................19 Part 24 115-123.............................................7 Parts 1400, 1416 115-141....................................................7 Part 1416 115-174....................................................12 Part 324 115-182.....................................................38 Part 17 115-218.............8 Parts 106, 206, 209, 212, 1208, 1209, 1212, 1235 115-232..............................................31 Parts 801, 810 115-245.....................................................45 Part 88 115-254......................22 Parts 705, 706, 707, 710, 711, 712, [[Page 1073]] 713 115-325....................................................25 Part 224 115-1419....................................................21 Part 14 116-20.....................................................7 Part 1416 116-92............................5 Parts 317, 319, 330, 731, 754, 920 31 Part 542 116-136....................................................7 Part 4279 116-159.....................................................8 Part 106 116-171.....................................................38 Part 78 116-260.....................................................7 Part 460 13 Parts 9, 124 16 Part 1460 17 Part 24 40 Part 84 117-58.....................................................23 Part 680 30 Part 872 117-328.....................................................7 Part 760 31 Part 35 117-870....................................................30 Part 870 Presidential Documents: Notices: Aug. 7, 2015...............................................15 Part 747 Aug. 4, 2016...............................................15 Part 747 Aug. 15, 2017........................................15 Parts 754, 768 Nov. 12, 2019..............................................15 Part 745 May 7, 2020..........................................15 Parts 730, 743 Sept. 18, 2020.............................................15 Part 730 Nov. 12, 2020..............................................15 Part 730 May 9, 2022................................................15 Part 746 Nov. 8, 2022...............................15 Parts 734, 736, 742, 744 May 8, 2023..........................................15 Parts 736, 746 Aug. 14, 2023..............................................15 Part 748 Sept. 7, 2023..............................................15 Part 744 Proclamations: April 28, 1916..............................................25 Part 88 2028......................................................43 Part 3820 2039......................................................43 Part 3820 2232......................................................43 Part 3820 3004.......................................................8 Part 1215 22 Part 53 3279.......................................................18 Part 706 3339........................................................43 Part 15 3447.......................................................31 Part 515 6179......................................................15 Part 2011 6641.......................................................7 Part 1530 6763.......................................................7 Part 1530 15 Parts 2012, 2015 6780...............................................14 Parts 1217, 1221 6867.......................................................33 Part 107 7011.......................................................15 Part 301 7208......................................................15 Part 2014 7214......................................................15 Part 2014 7235......................................................15 Part 2015 7383.......................................................15 Part 335 7757.......................................................33 Part 107 8294........................................................19 Part 12 10414......................................................19 Part 362 Executive Orders: October 7, 2022............................................28 Part 201 1209............................................10 Parts 500, 503, 504 1259...............................................45 Parts 2101, 2103 1512.......................................................33 Part 137 1862...............................................45 Parts 2101, 2103 3524...............................................45 Parts 2101, 2103 4601.......................................................32 Part 578 6166........................................................36 Part 25 6780......................................................14 Part 1217 6910.......................43 Parts 2400, 2510, 2520, 2530, 2710, 2740 6964.......................43 Parts 2400, 2510, 2520, 2530, 2710, 2740 7786.......................................................32 Part 578 7964........................................................22 Part 65 9158.......................................................32 Part 578 9242-A.....................................................32 Part 578 9260.......................................................32 Part 578 9419.......................................................32 Part 578 9586.......................................................32 Part 578 9830..................................................5 Parts 293, 771 9989.......................................................31 Part 515 10000.......................................................5 Part 591 10096........................................................31 Part 7 34 Part 7 37 Part 501 43 Part 6 45 Part 7 10122.......................................................38 Part 17 10173................................................33 Parts 122, 125 46 Parts 10, 11 10277................................................33 Parts 122, 125 10307.......................................................22 Part 92 10336......................................................32 Part 578 10352................................................33 Parts 122, 125 10355.....................................................43 Part 2300 10400.......................................................38 Part 17 10422......................................................5 Part 1501 10450................................................5 Parts 732, 1400 10 Parts 10, 711 32 Parts 156, 891 49 Part 8 10477......................................................22 Part 503 10480......................................................10 Part 221 15 Part 350 44 Parts 329, 331, 332, 334, 401, 402 46 Part 340 10485......................................................10 Part 205 18 Parts 153, 201 10488......................................................31 Part 281 10491........................................................49 Part 8 10530......1 Parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22 10531........................................................49 Part 8 10548........................................................49 Part 8 10550........................................................49 Part 8 10552.......................................................5 Part 610 10577...5 Parts 210, 212, 213, 230, 250, 300, 301, 302, 315, 316, 330, 332, 335, 337, 338, 339, 352, 715, 731, 930, 1400 29 Part 1614 10582......................................................20 Part 654 10641.......................................................5 Part 301 10695......................................................37 Part 501 10705......................................................47 Part 213 10707.......................................................33 Part 23 10718.......................................................22 Part 22 10774.......................................................5 Part 352 10804.......................................................5 Part 352 10822......................................................22 Part 503 10854..................................................14 Parts 71, 73 10865....................................10 Parts 10, 25, 95, 710, 711 32 Parts 117, 155, 156 10897.......................................................22 Part 17 [[Page 1074]] 10900......................................................31 Part 281 10909......................................................32 Part 155 10925........................................................50 Part 3 10930........................................................31 Part 7 34 Part 7 37 Part 501 43 Part 6 45 Part 7 10973.......................................................5 Part 352 10982.......................................................5 Part 550 10988.......................................................29 Part 25 10995......................................................47 Part 213 11012....................................................41 Part 101-7 11021......................................................32 Part 525 47 Part 202 11030........................................................1 Part 19 11034.......................................................22 Part 64 11041................................................22 Parts 302, 304 11048......................................................32 Part 935 11051......................................................20 Part 654 11060.......................................................28 Part 43 11063......................................24 Parts 100, 107, 108, 121 11105....................................................24 Parts 1, 2 11114........................................................50 Part 3 11140.......................................................42 Part 22 11219.......................................................5 Part 315 11222............................................5 Parts 715, 771, 930 14 Part 370 17 Part 200 18 Part 706 19 Part 200 22 Parts 10, 307, 1100, 1203, 1504 29 Parts 1400, 1614, 4905 36 Part 811 45 Parts 73, 502, 1105 11228............................................5 Parts 610, 630, 831 11239.......................................................46 Part 99 11246......................................................14 Part 151 28 Part 42 41 Parts 60-1, 60-2, 60-3, 60-4, 60-20, 60-30, 60-40, 60-50 46 Part 315 11257.......................................................5 Part 550 11295..................................................22 Parts 51, 22 11296.......................................................34 Part 76 43 Part 1725 11311.......................................................22 Part 61 11348.......................................................5 Part 410 11354........................................................1 Part 19 41 Part 60-40 46 Part 315 11375.......................................41 Parts 60-1, 60-2, 60-20 11382......................................................32 Part 155 11438.......................................................5 Part 451 11476.................................32 Parts 750, 751, 755, 756, 757 11478..................................5 Parts 300, 335, 410, 537, 900 12 Parts 1207, 1223 28 Part 42 29 Part 1614 11482......................................................29 Part 901 11490...........................................34 Parts 221, 770, 771 11491.......................................................5 Part 251 11501......................................................32 Part 274 11514.......................................7 Parts 1b, 520, 650, 3407 14 Parts 36, 1216 21 Part 25 22 Part 161 24 Part 58 29 Part 11 33 Part 230 36 Part 220 38 Part 26 40 Parts 1500, 1501, 1502, 1503, 1504, 1505, 1506, 1507, 1508 43 Part 46 45 Part 640 49 Part 520 11521.......................................................5 Part 307 11541...................................................2 Parts 1, 175 41 Parts 101-37, 102-33 11552.......................................................5 Part 352 11589.................................................5 Parts 334, 900 11593......................................................7 Part 3100 36 Parts 60, 63, 68, 805 11605........................................................49 Part 8 11609.................................................5 Parts 550, 591 17 Part 141 28 Part 814 41 Parts 300-1, 300-2, 300-3, 300-70, 302-2, 302-3, 302-4, 302- 5, 302-6, 302-7, 302-8, 302-9, 302-10, 302-15, 302-16, 302-17, 303-70, 304-7, 304-8, 304-9 45 Part 708 47 Part 1 11623...32 Parts 1602, 1605, 1609, 1615, 1618, 1621, 1624, 1627, 1630, 1633, 1636, 1639, 1642, 1645, 1648, 1651, 1653, 1657, 1659, 1660, 1698 11625.....................................................15 Part 1400 36 Part 906 40 Part 33 11636.......................................................22 Part 16 11644.....................................................18 Part 1305 36 Part 212 43 Parts 420, 9260 11652.......................................................22 Part 9A 40 Part 11 11686......................................................22 Part 214 11725........................................................31 Part 9 11733.......................................................38 Part 17 11735................................................33 Parts 156, 300 40 Parts 9, 110, 117, 451 46 Parts 33, 105, 115, 126, 169, 176, 196 11738................................................2 Parts 376, 1532 12 Part 413 14 Part 1265 40 Part 32 11748................................................10 Parts 210, 212 11758...................................................41 Part 60-741 11769......................................................22 Part 214 41 Part 105-54 11785........................................................49 Part 8 11790.......................10 Parts 202, 205, 207, 209, 215, 218, 221 11795.......................................................42 Part 38 11809......................................................5 Part 1215 11846......................15 Parts 1300, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2007, 2009 11858................................................31 Parts 800, 802 11899.......................................................5 Part 352 [[Page 1075]] 11910.......................................................42 Part 38 11911.......................................................29 Part 11 11912................................................15 Parts 730, 754 44 Part 330 11914.....................................................14 Part 1251 29 Part 32 11920......................................................22 Part 102 11930......................................................10 Part 209 11932.......................................................22 Part 9A 11961......................................................15 Part 801 31 Parts 128, 129 11964............................32 Parts 707, 720, 722, 750, 755, 757 33 Parts 81, 82 11988.....................................................10 Part 1022 14 Part 1216 18 Part 725 23 Part 650 24 Part 55 28 Part 63 44 Part 9 11989......................................................36 Part 212 11990.....................................................10 Part 1022 14 Part 1216 18 Part 725 23 Parts 645, 777 24 Part 55 28 Part 63 44 Part 9 11991............................................7 Parts 1b, 520, 3407 14 Part 1216 18 Part 707 21 Part 25 22 Part 161 24 Parts 50, 58 28 Part 61 29 Part 11 33 Part 230 38 Part 26 40 Parts 1500, 1501, 1502, 1503, 1504, 1505, 1506, 1507, 1508 43 Part 46 45 Part 640 11997......................................................31 Part 215 12002......................................................15 Part 730 12003......................................................10 Part 436 12008......................................................10 Part 516 12009...........................10 Parts 205, 218, 501, 580, 590, 1000 18 Parts 1, 1b, 3, 6, 32, 45, 46, 141, 154, 158, 161, 225, 270, 274, 282, 286, 351, 352, 356, 376, 380 12024............................................41 Parts 101-6, 102-3 12034.......................................................5 Part 315 12038................................................10 Parts 205, 221 18 Part 153 12044......................................................18 Part 740 12046............................47 Parts 201, 202, 211, 212, 213, 300 12048..............................................22 Parts 62, 63, 64 12058...........................................15 Parts 730, 742, 744 12065.......................................................5 Part 175 22 Part 1303 32 Parts 1902, 2103, 2700, 2800 41 Part 105-62 49 Part 806 12067.......................................................28 Part 42 29 Parts 1625, 1690, 1691 32 Part 56 12072..........................41 Parts 101-17, 101-18, 102-73, 102-83 12073......................................................20 Part 654 12080........................................................1 Part 19 12086............41 Parts 60-1, 60-2, 60-4, 60-20, 60-30, 60-40, 60-50 12105.......................................................5 Part 581 12106.....................................................29 Part 1614 12107.........................5 Parts 5, 151, 178, 293, 550, 734, 1215 16 Part 1027 22 Part 1007 45 Parts 607, 708, 1179 47 Part 1 49 Part 8 12108..............................................29 Parts 2510, 2570 12109.......................................................5 Part 595 12114........................................................7 Part 1b 14 Part 1216 21 Part 25 32 Part 651 45 Part 641 12125.......................................................5 Part 213 12127.....44 Parts 2, 6, 7, 9, 15, 18, 59, 60, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70, 72, 73, 75, 78, 79, 80, 150, 151, 201, 207, 208, 209, 295, 350, 351, 352, 360 12137...........................................22 Parts 302, 303, 305 12138......................................................36 Part 906 40 Part 33 49 Part 23 12143.......................................................5 Part 352 12144................................................7 Parts 520, 3407 29 Parts 1620, 1621 12146.......................................................10 Part 15 12148......................................................15 Part 350 20 Part 654 44 Parts 2, 8, 9, 15, 18, 78, 79, 80, 201, 207, 208, 209, 295, 300, 302, 304, 312, 321, 323, 327, 329, 330, 331, 332, 334, 350, 351, 352, 353, 354, 360, 361 12163.......................................................2 Part 700 22 Part 228 48 Parts 701, 702, 703, 704, 705, 706, 709, 711, 713, 714, 715, 716, 717, 722, 724, 725, 726, 727, 728, 729, 731, 732, 733, 734, 736, 742, 745, 747, 749, 750, 752, 753 12170......................................................31 Part 535 12185......................................................14 Part 152 34 Part 76 49 Parts 258, 260, 266 12188..............................................15 Parts 2007, 2009 12191...........................................41 Parts 101-6, 102-74 12196......................................................10 Part 850 29 Part 1960 12197......................................................17 Part 141 12205......................................................31 Part 535 12211......................................................31 Part 535 12214......................................................15 Part 730 12220........................................................7 Part 17 12222.....................................................32 Part 1293 12234.................................................33 Parts 97, 164 46 Parts 2, 24, 26, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39, 46, 50, 52, 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59, 61, 62, 63, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 76, 77, 78, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97, 98, 110, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, [[Page 1076]] 122, 131, 147, 161, 162, 163, 164, 167, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 183, 184, 185, 188, 189, 190, 193, 194, 195, 196 12241......................................................44 Part 351 12250..................................................28 Parts 41, 42 29 Part 1691 32 Part 56 12276......................................................31 Part 535 12279......................................................31 Part 535 12280......................................................31 Part 535 12281......................................................31 Part 535 12282......................................................31 Part 535 12283......................................................31 Part 535 12291......................................................22 Part 128 32 Parts 56, 519 44 Part 18 12292......................................................22 Part 503 12294......................................................31 Part 535 12316......................................................33 Part 300 40 Parts 305, 306 12318......................................................15 Part 801 12333.......32 Parts 93, 117, 156, 1702, 1703, 1805, 1806, 1904, 1905, 1911 12341......................................................45 Part 401 12353.......................................................5 Part 950 12356.......................................................8 Part 103 12 Part 403 17 Part 200 19 Part 201 21 Part 1402 22 Parts 301, 503 29 Part 14 32 Parts 350, 1805, 1905, 2003, 2400 36 Part 1260 44 Part 8 49 Part 1280 50 Part 540 12372..............................................10 Parts 1005, 1022 13 Part 101 14 Part 1204 15 Parts 13, 923 18 Part 1311 24 Parts 791, 841 28 Part 30 29 Part 17 33 Part 384 34 Part 79 38 Part 40 40 Part 29 41 Part 101-6 43 Part 9 44 Part 4 45 Parts 100, 660, 1152, 1233 49 Part 17 12375...................................................41 Part 102-34 12381......................................................44 Part 361 12387......................................................46 Part 310 12404.......................................................5 Part 950 12411..........................................41 Parts 102-76, 102-79 12416......................................................13 Part 101 15 Part 923 12432..............................................15 Parts 1300, 1400 40 Part 33 12445......................................................19 Part 115 12470......................................................15 Part 378 12472......................................................44 Part 334 47 Parts 201, 202, 212, 214, 215, 216 12473................................................32 Parts 152, 751 12498......................................................32 Part 519 12504......................................................37 Part 150 12510......................................................15 Part 591 12512..................................41 Parts 102-75, 102-76, 102-79 12518......................................................15 Part 801 12544......................................................31 Part 350 12548......................................................36 Part 222 12549.....2 Parts 180, 376, 417, 601, 780, 801, 901, 1125, 1200, 1326, 1400, 1532, 1880, 2000, 2200, 2336, 2424, 2520, 2700, 2867, 3000, 3185, 3254, 3369, 3485, 3513, 3700, 5800 5 Part 919 13 Part 134 22 Parts 310, 513, 1006, 1508 24 Part 24 29 Part 1471 31 Part 19 32 Part 280 36 Part 1209 38 Part 44 40 Part 32 41 Part 105-68 45 Parts 76, 1169, 1229, 2016, 2542 12565.......................................................34 Part 73 12580................................................33 Parts 138, 153 40 Parts 35, 300, 303, 304, 305, 307 12596.......................................................5 Part 315 36 Part 902 12598......................................................22 Part 192 12600.............................5 Parts 294, 1204, 2604, 9301, 10000 6 Part 1001 10 Parts 1303, 1703 12 Parts 4, 404, 602, 1102, 1202, 1402 17 Part 200 20 Part 402 22 Parts 171, 303 29 Parts 70, 4901 32 Part 1900 36 Parts 902, 1007, 1250 45 Parts 5, 1148, 1171 49 Part 7 12608.....................................................32 Part 1615 12613......................................................31 Part 560 12614......................................................5 Part 2415 12642......................................................32 Part 233 12656......................................................15 Part 700 33 Part 101 36 Part 1223 44 Part 334 46 Parts 340, 345, 346, 347 47 Part 201 12657.......................................44 Parts 18, 352, 353, 354 12673......................................................20 Part 625 12674.....5 Parts 735, 2415, 2600, 2634, 2635, 2636, 2638, 2640, 2641, 3101, 3201, 3301, 3401, 3501, 3601, 3801, 3901, 3902, 4001, 4101, 4301, 4401, 4501, 4601, 4701, 5001, 5101, 5201, 5301, 5501, 5502, 5601, 5701, 5801, 6001, 6201, 6301, 6401, 6501, 6601, 6701, 6801, 6901, 7001, 7101, 7201, 7301, 7401, 7501, 7601, 7701, 7801, 7901, 8001, 8101, 8301, 8401, 8601, 8701, 9001, 9303, 9401, 9601, 10101, 10201, 10300 [[Page 1077]] 10 Part 1010 15 Part 0 16 Part 5 29 Part 0 34 Part 73 38 Part 0 39 Part 3001 49 Part 99 12689....2 Parts 180, 376, 601, 780, 801, 901, 1125, 1200, 1326, 1400, 1532, 1880, 2000, 2200, 2336, 2424, 2520, 2700, 2867, 3000, 3185, 3254, 3369, 3485, 3513, 3700, 5800 5 Part 919 22 Parts 310, 513, 1006, 1508 24 Part 24 38 Part 44 40 Part 32 41 Part 105-68 45 Part 76 12698.......................................................2 Part 417 29 Part 1471 12699......................................................7 Part 1792 44 Part 18 49 Part 41 12721.......................................................5 Part 315 12731.....5 Parts 735, 2415, 2600, 2634, 2635, 2636, 2638, 2640, 2641, 3101, 3201, 3301, 3401, 3501, 3601, 3801, 3901, 3902, 4001, 4101, 4301, 4401, 4501, 4601, 4701, 5001, 5101, 5201, 5301, 5501, 5502, 5601, 5701, 5801, 6001, 6201, 6301, 6401, 6501, 6601, 6701, 6801, 6901, 7001, 7101, 7201, 7301, 7401, 7501, 7601, 7701, 7801, 7901, 8001, 8101, 8301, 8401, 8601, 8701, 9001, 9303, 9401, 9601, 10101, 10201, 10300 10 Part 1010 12 Part 1600 15 Part 0 16 Part 5 29 Part 0 38 Part 0 39 Part 3001 49 Part 99 12742......................................................15 Part 700 49 Part 33 12748............................................5 Parts 531, 550, 591 12777............................30 Parts 550, 551, 560, 580, 581, 582 33 Parts 1, 31, 71, 91, 133, 136, 138, 150, 151, 153, 154, 155 40 Parts 117, 300 46 Parts 31, 35, 56, 71, 78, 91, 97, 131, 154, 162, 189, 196 49 Part 194 12778.......................................................29 Part 18 12822.......................................................5 Part 591 12828.................................................5 Parts 351, 451 12829..............................................10 Parts 25, 54, 95 14 Part 1203 32 Parts 117, 155, 156, 2004 49 Part 8 12851...........................................15 Parts 730, 742, 744 12854................................................15 Parts 730, 746 31 Part 515 12866......................................................32 Part 117 45 Parts 31, 32 12867......................................31 Parts 770, 788, 789, 799 12873......................................................40 Part 247 12883.......................................................5 Part 531 12885.....................................................32 Part 2004 49 Part 8 12892................................................24 Parts 107, 108 12897.......................................................5 Part 582 39 Part 491 12918...........................................15 Parts 730, 746, 747 12919...........................................10 Parts 215, 216, 217 15 Part 701 46 Parts 345, 346, 347 12932......................................................31 Part 580 12938.............15 Parts 712, 713, 719, 730, 734, 736, 742, 744, 745 31 Parts 539, 544 12957...........................................31 Parts 560, 561, 562 12958......................................................5 Part 1312 10 Part 727 12 Part 792 14 Part 1203 22 Part 503 28 Part 17 31 Part 2 32 Parts 1802, 1803, 1804, 1907, 1908, 2001 36 Parts 1256, 1260 43 Part 503 45 Part 601 12959......................................................31 Part 560 12968......................................................5 Part 1400 10 Parts 10, 25, 54, 95, 710, 727 14 Part 1203 28 Part 17 32 Parts 117, 147, 148, 156 49 Part 8 12978................................................31 Parts 285, 536 12979.....................................................48 Part 2933 12981......................................................15 Part 730 12988......................................................5 Part 3801 10 Part 15 45 Part 32 12999......................................................7 Part 2812 41 Part 109-50 13006...................................................41 Part 102-83 13019......................................................31 Part 285 13020......................................15 Parts 730, 734, 736, 752 13022.......................................................50 Part 38 13026...15 Parts 730, 732, 734, 736, 738, 740, 742, 744, 748, 750, 774 13059.................................................31 Parts 56, 560 13067......................................................31 Part 546 13087..................................5 Parts 300, 335, 410, 537, 900 13088................................................31 Parts 586, 587 13094................................................15 Parts 712, 713 31 Parts 539, 544 13099......................................................15 Part 744 13101......................................................40 Part 247 13106.......................................................5 Part 531 13112.......................................................50 Part 12 13124.......................................................5 Part 213 13128.......15 Parts 710, 711, 712, 713, 714, 715, 716, 717, 718, 719, 720, 721, 745 13142.........................................................6 Part 7 36 Part 1260 13152..................................5 Parts 300, 335, 410, 537, 900 13159......................................................31 Part 540 [[Page 1078]] 13160......................................................22 Part 305 13162.................................................5 Parts 213, 315 13175......................................................25 Part 573 13179...................................................20 Parts 1, 30 42 Parts 81, 82, 83 13197...............................................5 Parts 9, 10, 250 13198................................................20 Parts 667, 670 29 Parts 2, 37 13219......................................................31 Part 588 13222.......15 Parts 730, 732, 734, 736, 738, 740, 742, 743, 744, 746, 747, 748, 750, 752, 754, 756, 758, 760, 762, 766, 768, 770, 772, 774 13224................................................15 Parts 730, 744 31 Part 594 13231.....................................................36 Part 1223 13233.....................................................36 Part 1256 13257......................................................22 Part 104 13268......................................................31 Part 594 13277.....................................................15 Part 2016 13279........................................................6 Part 19 7 Part 16 20 Parts 667, 670 24 Part 5 28 Part 38 29 Parts 2, 37 41 Parts 60-1, 60-20 45 Part 2556 13280........................................................7 Part 16 13284......................................................31 Part 594 13286................................................10 Parts 215, 217 15 Part 701 31 Part 536 32 Part 1660 33 Parts 133, 136, 138, 150 44 Parts 78, 79, 80, 201, 207, 208 13288......................................................31 Part 541 13292........................................................31 Part 2 36 Parts 1256, 1260 13303......................................................31 Part 576 13304......................................................31 Part 588 13312.......................................................19 Part 12 31 Parts 592, 596 13315......................................................31 Part 576 13318.................................................5 Parts 213, 315 13323................................................8 Parts 252, 1235 22 Part 53 13331..................................45 Parts 2522, 2540, 2551, 2552 13333......................................................22 Part 104 13338...........................................15 Parts 730, 736, 746 31 Part 542 13350......................................................31 Part 576 13364......................................................31 Part 576 13372......................................................31 Part 594 13382................................................31 Parts 539, 544 13391......................................................31 Part 541 13392.........................................5 Parts 2411, 2604, 9301 12 Part 1202 29 Parts 2201, 2702 32 Parts 1900, 2402 40 Part 1515 45 Part 5 49 Part 7 13399......................................................31 Part 542 13400......................................................31 Part 546 13403........................................................6 Part 19 13405......................................................31 Part 548 13413......................................................31 Part 547 13415.......................................................5 Part 535 13438......................................................31 Part 576 13441......................................................31 Part 549 13458............................15 Parts 781, 782, 783, 784, 785, 786 13460......................................................31 Part 542 13466......................................................31 Part 510 13467................................................5 Parts 731, 1400 32 Parts 156, 157 13469......................................................31 Part 541 13473.......................................................5 Part 315 13488.......................................................5 Part 731 32 Parts 156, 157 13495........................................................29 Part 9 13496......................................................29 Part 471 13498........................................................6 Part 19 13526.........................................................6 Part 7 10 Parts 25, 54, 95, 710, 1045 12 Part 792 14 Part 1203 15 Part 4a 19 Part 201 22 Part 9 32 Parts 117, 156, 197, 1704, 1900, 1907, 1908, 1909, 1911, 2001, 2002, 2003 36 Parts 1250, 1260 46 Part 503 49 Part 8 13536......................................................31 Part 551 13549.....................................................14 Part 1203 13551......................................................31 Part 510 13553................................................31 Parts 561, 562 13559........................................................6 Part 19 24 Part 5 28 Part 38 13562.......................................................5 Part 362 13563......................................................32 Part 117 13566......................................................31 Part 570 13570......................................................31 Part 510 13572......................................................31 Part 542 13573......................................................31 Part 542 13587......................................................32 Part 117 13581................................................31 Parts 582, 590 13582......................................................31 Part 542 13599................................................31 Parts 560, 561 13603......................................................44 Part 333 49 Part 33 13606......................................................15 Part 700 31 Part 542 13611......................................................31 Part 552 13620......................................................31 Part 551 13626......................................................40 Part 300 13637......................................15 Parts 730, 734, 743, 750 22 Parts 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130 27 Part 447 13638......................................................33 Part 138 13651.......................................................19 Part 12 13658.......................................................29 Part 10 13660......................................................31 Part 589 13661......................................................31 Part 589 13662......................................................31 Part 589 13664......................................................31 Part 558 13667......................................................31 Part 553 13668......................................................31 Part 576 [[Page 1079]] 13671......................................................31 Part 547 13672..........................41 Parts 60-1, 60-2, 60-4, 60-50, 60-20 13685......................................................31 Part 589 13687......................................................31 Part 510 13691...............................................32 Parts 117, 2004 13692......................................................31 Part 591 13694......................................................31 Part 578 13706.......................................................29 Part 13 13708.....................................................32 Part 2004 13722......................................................31 Part 510 13726......................................................31 Part 570 13751.......................................................50 Part 12 13757......................................................31 Part 578 13807......................40 Parts 1500, 1501, 1503, 1504, 1505, 1506 13808......................................................31 Part 591 45 Part 32 13810......................................................31 Part 510 13818......................................................31 Part 583 13827......................................................31 Part 591 13832.......................................................5 Part 315 13835......................................................31 Part 591 13846................................................31 Parts 560, 561 13848......................................................31 Part 579 13850......................................................31 Part 591 13857......................................................31 Part 591 13863......................................................31 Part 590 13867......................................................22 Part 161 13871................................................31 Parts 561, 562 13873........................................................15 Part 7 13879......................................................42 Part 121 13882......................................................31 Part 555 13884......................................................31 Part 591 13886......................................................31 Part 594 13891.......................................................5 Part 120 24 Part 11 28 Part 813 29 Parts 89, 1695, 4908 45 Part 2509 13894......................................................31 Part 569 13909................................................44 Parts 328, 333 13911................................................44 Parts 328, 333 13936......................................................31 Part 585 13959......................................................31 Part 586 14014......................................................31 Part 525 14024......................................................31 Part 587 14025...................................................41 Part 102-74 14026..................................................29 Parts 10, 23 14032......................................................31 Part 586 14033......................................................31 Part 588 14034........................................................15 Part 7 14038......................................................31 Part 548 14046......................................................31 Part 550 14059......................................................31 Part 599 14078......................................................31 Part 526 Determinations: 2003-23....................................15 Parts 742, 746, 747, 750 2007-7.....................................................15 Part 746 Directives: May 17, 1972................................................22 Part 9A 40 Part 11 Dec. 7, 1979...............................................44 Part 351 June 25, 1982..............................................12 Part 403 Mar. 11, 1983..............................................12 Part 403 Memorandums: Nov. 10, 1961...............................................5 Part 960 Aug. 21, 1963..............................................47 Part 213 Dec. 30, 1977.............................................40 Part 1515 Feb. 18, 1983.............................................48 Part 2527 July 8, 2003................................................5 Part 724 May 11, 2010................................................5 Part 213 Reorganization Plans: 1946 Plan No. 2.............................................20 Part 25 1946 Plan No. 3.....................................15 Parts 9, 10, 16 43 Parts 1870, 3590 1950 Plan No. 2........................................8 Parts 3, 1003 1950 Plan No. 3......................................25 Parts 150, 250 36 Parts 63, 64, 68, 71, 72 43 Parts 6, 1780 1950 Plan No. 5.................................15 Parts 4, 15, 30, 60 1950 Plan No. 6.....20 Parts 1, 10, 701, 702, 704, 718, 722, 725, 726, 801, 802 29 Parts 19, 70, 71, 93, 541, 579, 580 31 Part 21 1950 Plan No. 14........................29 Parts 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 29, 30 1950 Plan No. 19.......................................20 Parts 25, 61 1950 Plan No. 21...........................46 Parts 206, 294, 310, 385 1950 Plan No. 26....................................31 Parts 8, 10, 14 45 Parts 7, 16, 204 1953 Plan No. 2....................................7 Parts 2, 11, 1902 1958 Plan No. 1.................................46 Parts 345, 346, 347 1961 Plan No. 3......................................14 Parts 384, 385 1961 Plan No. 7..................46 Parts 202, 206, 294, 310, 385, 501 1965 Plan No. 2............................................15 Part 903 1968 Plan No. 2..........................................24 Parts 1, 2 1968 Plan No. 3............................................40 Part 190 1970 Plan No. 2.........................................2 Parts 1, 175 41 Parts 101-37, 102-33 1970 Plan No. 3..........40 Parts 1, 150, 160, 177, 178, 179, 190, 194 1970 Plan No. 4............................................50 Part 260 1973 Plan No. 1..............................................31 Part 9 46 Parts 345, 346, 347 1977 Plan No. 2...........................22 Parts 62, 63, 64, 65, 518 1978 Plan No. 1......29 Parts 1614, 1620, 1621, 1625, 1626, 1627, 1690 1978 Plan No. 2..................................5 Parts 151, 179, 850 1978 Plan No. 3...44 Parts 2, 6, 8, 9, 15, 18, 59, 60, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 70, 71, 72, 73, 75, 78, 79, 80, 150, 151, 201, 207, 208, 209, 295, 300, 302, 304, 312, 321, 323, 327, 329, 330, 331, 350, 351, 354, 360, 361 1978 Plan No. 4..............................................26 Part 1 29 Parts 2510, 2550, 2570 1979 Plan No. 3.....................................15 Parts 705, 2009 1980 Plan No. 1..............................................10 Part 1 1990 Plan No. 5.............................................14 Part 30 [[Page 1081]] LIST OF CFR TITLES, CHAPTERS, SUBCHAPTERS, AND PARTS (Revised as of January 1, 2024) TITLE 1--GENERAL PROVISIONS Chapter I--Administrative Committee of the Federal Register (Parts 1-- 49)..................................................................... SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL Part Definitions. General information. Services to the public. SUBCHAPTER B--THE FEDERAL REGISTER General. 5 Indexes and ancillaries. SUBCHAPTER C--SPECIAL EDITIONS OF THE FEDERAL REGISTER Code of Federal Regulations. The United States Government Manual. Presidential Papers. SUBCHAPTER D--AVAILABILITY OF OFFICE OF THE FEDERAL REGISTER PUBLICATIONS Subscriptions. Official distribution within Federal Government. SUBCHAPTER E--PREPARATION, TRANSMITTAL, AND PROCESSING OF DOCUMENTS Services to Federal agencies. Agency representatives. Filing for public inspection and publication schedules. Preparation and transmittal of documents generally. Executive orders and Presidential proclamations. Handling of the United States Government Manual statements. Preparation of documents subject to codification. Preparation of notices and proposed rules. Chapter II--Office of the Federal Register (Parts 50--299).............. Incorporation by reference. Chapter III--Administrative Conference of the United States (Parts 300-- 399).................................................................... [Reserved]300 Organization and purpose. [Reserved]302--303 Disclosure of records or information. [Reserved]305--399 Chapter IV--Miscellaneous Agencies (Parts 400--599)..................... President's Commission on White House Fellowships. National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the National Capital Planning Commission. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the National Commission for Employment Policy. Chapter VI--National Capital Planning Commission (Parts 600--699)....... Implementation of the National Environmental Policy Act. National Capital Planning Commission Freedom of Information Act. Privacy Act regulations. [[Page 1082]] TITLE 2--GRANTS AND AGREEMENTS Subtitle A--Office of Management and Budget Guidance for Grants and Agreements.............................................................. Part About Title 2 of the Code of Federal Regulations and subtitle A. Chapter I--Office of Management and Budget Governmentwide Guidance for Grants and Agreements (Parts 2--199).................................... [Reserved]2--19 [Reserved]2--24 Universal identifier and system for award management. [Reserved]26--169 Reporting subaward and executive compensation information. [Reserved]171--174 Award term for trafficking in persons. Award terms for assistance agreements that include funds under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Public Law 111-5. [Reserved]177--179 OMB guidelines to agencies on governmentwide debarment and suspension (nonprocurement). [Reserved]181 Governmentwide requirements for drug-free workplace (financial assistance). Never contract with the enemy. [Reserved]184--199 Chapter II--Office of Management and Budget Guidance (Parts 200--299)... Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards. [Reserved]201--299 Subtitle B--Federal Agency Regulations for Grants and Agreements........ Chapter III--Department of Health and Human Services (Parts 300--399)... Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards. Nonprocurement debarment and suspension. Requirements for drug-free workplace (financial assistance). Chapter IV--Department of Agriculture (Parts 400--499).................. Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards. General program administrative regulations. General program administrative regulations for grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments. Nonprocurement debarment and suspension. New restrictions on lobbying. Requirements for drug-free workplace (financial assistance). Research institutions, conducting USDA-funded extramural research; research misconduct. National Commission on Military, National, and Public Service. Chapter VI--Department of State (Parts 600--699)........................ The uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards. Nonprocurement debarment and suspension. Chapter VII--Agency for International Development (Parts 700--799)...... Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards. Partner vetting in US AID assistance. Nonprocurement debarment and suspension. Requirements for drug-free workplace (financial assistance). [[Page 1083]] Chapter VIII--Department of Veterans Affairs (Parts 800--899)........... Nonprocurement debarment and suspension. Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards. Chapter IX--Department of Energy (Parts 900--999)....................... Nonprocurement debarment and suspension. Requirements for drug-free workplace (financial assistance). Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards. Chapter X--Department of the Treasury (Parts 1000--1099)................ Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards. Chapter XI--Department of Defense (Parts 1100--1199).................... SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL MATTERS AND DEFINITIONS 1101--1103[Reserved]. Implementation of Governmentwide guidance for grants and cooperative agreements. [Reserved]1105--1107 Definitions of terms used in subchapters A through F of this chapter. [Reserved]1109 SUBCHAPTER B--[RESERVED] [Reserved]1110--1119 SUBCHAPTER C--AWARD FORMAT AND NATIONAL POLICY TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR ALL GRANTS AND COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS Award format for DoD grants and cooperative agreements. [Reserved]1121 National policy requirements: general award terms and conditions. [Reserved]1123--1124 Nonprocurement debarment and suspension. [Reserved]1126--1140 SUBCHAPTER D--ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR COST- TYPE GRANTS AND COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS TO NONPROFIT AND GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES Subchapter D Overview. [Reserved]1127 Recipient financial and program management: general award terms and conditions. [Reserved]1129 Property administration: general award terms and conditions. [Reserved]1131 Recipient procurement procedures: general award terms and conditions. [Reserved]1133 Financial programmatic, and property reporting: general award terms and conditions. [Reserved]1135 Other administrative requirements: general award terms and conditions. [Reserved]1137 Requirements related to subawards: general award terms and conditions. [Reserved]1139--1140 SUBCHAPTER E--[RESERVED] [Reserved]1141--1155 SUBCHAPTER F--[RESERVED] [Reserved]1156--1170 SUBCHAPTER G--[RESERVED] [Reserved]1171--1199 [[Page 1084]] Chapter XII--Department of Transportation (Parts 1200--1299)............ Nonprocurement suspension and debarment. Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards. Chapter XIII--Department of Commerce (Parts 1300--1399)................. Nonprocurement suspension and debarment. Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards. Requirements for drug-free workplace (financial assistance). Chapter XIV--Department of the Interior (Parts 1400--1499).............. Nonprocurement debarment and suspension. Requirements for Drug-Free Workplace (financial assistance). Financial assistance Interior regulation, supplementing the uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards. Chapter XV--Environmental Protection Agency (Parts 1500--1599).......... Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards. Nonprocurement debarment and suspension. Requirements for Drug-Free Workplace (financial assistance). Chapter XVIII--National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Parts 1800--1899)............................................................. Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards. Nonprocurement debarment and suspension. Requirements for drug-free workplace (financial assistance). Chapter XX--United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (Parts 2000-- 2099)................................................................... Nonprocurement debarment and suspension. Chapter XXII--Corporation for National and Community Service (Parts 2200--2299)............................................................. Nonprocurement debarment and suspension. Implementation and exemptions to 2 CFR 200. Requirements for drug-free workplace (financial assistance). Chapter XXIII--Social Security Administration (Parts 2300--2399)........ Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards. Nonprocurement debarment and suspension. Requirements for drug-free workplace (financial assistance). Chapter XXIV--Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts 2400-- 2499)................................................................... Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards. Nonprocurement debarment and suspension. Requirements for drug-free workplace (financial assistance). Chapter XXV--National Science Foundation (Parts 2500--2599)............. Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards. Nonprocurement debarment and suspension. Chapter XXVI--National Archives and Records Administration (Parts 2600-- 2699)................................................................... Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards. [[Page 1085]] Chapter XXVII--Small Business Administration (Parts 2700--2799)......... Nonprocurement debarment and suspension. Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards. Chapter XXVIII--Department of Justice (Parts 2800--2899)................ Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards by the Department of Justice. Nonprocurement debarment and suspension. Chapter XXIX--Department of Labor (Parts 2900--2999).................... Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards. Nonprocurement debarment and suspension. Chapter XXX--Department of Homeland Security (Parts 3000--3099)......... Nonprocurement debarment and suspension. Requirements for drug-free workplace (financial assistance). Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards. Chapter XXXI--Institute of Museum and Library Services (Parts 3100-- 3199)................................................................... Nonprocurement debarment and suspension. Requirements for drug-free workplace (financial assistance). Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards. Chapter XXXII--National Endowment for the Arts (Parts 3200--3299)....... Nonprocurement debarment and suspension. Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards. Requirements for drug-free workplace (financial assistance). Chapter XXXIII--National Endowment for the Humanities (Parts 3300--3399) Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards. Nonprocurement debarment and suspension. Requirements for drug-free workplace (financial assistance). Chapter XXXIV--Department of Education (Parts 3400--3499)............... Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards. Nonprocurement debarment and suspension. Chapter XXXV--Export-Import Bank of the United States (Parts 3500--3599) Nonprocurement debarment and suspension. Chapter XXXVI--Office of National Drug Control Policy, Executive Office of the President (Parts 3600--3699)..................................... Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards. Chapter XXXVII--Peace Corps (Parts 3700--3799).......................... Nonprocurement debarment and suspension. Chapter LVIII--Election Assistance Commission (Parts 5800--5899)........ Nonprocurement debarment and suspension. [[Page 1086]] Chapter LIX--Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council (Parts 5900--5999) Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards. Chapter LX--Federal Communications Commission (Parts 6000--6099)........ Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards. TITLE 3--THE PRESIDENT Presidential Documents.................................................. Proclamations. Executive orders. Presidential documents other than proclamations and Executive orders. Chapter I--Executive Office of the President (Parts 100--199)........... Part Standards of conduct. Public information provisions of the Administrative Procedures Act. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the Executive Office of the President. [Reserved]103--199 TITLE 4--ACCOUNTS Chapter I--Government Accountability Office (Parts 1--199).............. SUBCHAPTER A--PERSONNEL SYSTEM Part Purpose and general provision. Employment. Employee performance and utilization. Compensation. Attendance and leave. Personnel relations and services. Insurance and annuities. Senior Executive Service. Recognition of attorneys and other representatives. SUBCHAPTER B--GENERAL PROCEDURES Bid protest regulations. Rules of procedure of the Government Accountability Office Contract Appeals Board. Conduct in the Government Accountability Office building and on its grounds. Government Accountability Office Personnel Appeals Board; organization. Government Accountability Office Personnel Appeals Board; procedures applicable to claims concerning employment practices at the Government Accountability Office. [Reserved]29 SUBCHAPTER C--[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER D--[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER E--STANDARDIZED FISCAL PROCEDURES Certificates and approvals of basic vouchers and invoices. SUBCHAPTER F--RECORDS Public availability of Government Accountability Office records. Furnishing records of the Government Accountability Office in judicial proceedings. Privacy procedures for personnel records. [[Page 1087]] SUBCHAPTER G--[RESERVED] TITLE 5--ADMINISTRATIVE PERSONNEL Chapter I--Office of Personnel Management (Parts 1--1199)............... SUBCHAPTER A--CIVIL SERVICE RULES Part Coverage and definitions (Rule I). Appointment through the competitive system (Rule II). Noncompetitive acquisition of status (Rule III). Prohibited practices (Rule IV). Regulations, investigation, and enforcement (Rule V). Exceptions from the competitive service (Rule VI). General provisions (Rule VII). Appointments to overseas positions (Rule VIII). Workforce information (Rule IX). Agency accountability systems; OPM authority to review personnel management programs (Rule X). SUBCHAPTER B--CIVIL SERVICE REGULATIONS Posting notices of new OPM regulations. Administrative guidance. Political activity of State or local officers or employees. OPM mandatory review of classified documents. Administrative claims under the Federal Tort Claims Act. Procedures for settling claims. Claims collection standards. Employees' personal property claims. Program fraud civil remedies. Basic concepts and definitions (general). Veteran preference. Competitive service and competitive status. Excepted service. Senior Executive Service. Organization of the Government for personnel management. Personnel management in agencies. Agency relationships with organizations representing Federal employees and other organizations. Personnel records. Availability of official information. Testimony by OPM employees relating to official information and production of official records in legal proceedings. Privacy procedures for personnel records. Employment (general). Overseas employment. Employment in the excepted service. Expert and consultant appointments. [Reserved]305 Veterans recruitment appointments. Volunteer service. Employment of relatives. Career and career-conditional employment. Temporary and term employment. Employment in the Senior Executive Service. Employment in senior-level and scientific and professional positions. Recruitment, selection, and placement (general). Recruitment and selection through competitive examination. [Reserved]333 Temporary assignments under the Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA). Promotion and internal placement. Examining system. Qualification requirements (general). Medical qualification determinations. [[Page 1088]] Other than full-time career employment (part- time, seasonal, on-call, and intermittent). Reduction in force. Reemployment rights. Restoration to duty from uniformed service or compensable injury. Removal from the Senior Executive Service; guaranteed placement in other personnel systems. Pathways programs. Information Technology Exchange Program. Training. 410 Supervisory, management, and executive development. Performance management. Performance based reduction in grade and removal actions. Awards. 451 Personnel management research programs and demonstrations projects. Classification under the General Schedule. Pay rates and systems (general). Pay under the General Schedule. Prevailing rate systems. Pay under other systems. Critical position pay authority. Grade and pay retention. Repayment of student loans. Pay administration (general). Pay administration under the Fair Labor Standards Act (General). Reemployment of civilian retirees to meet exceptional employment needs. Travel and transportation expenses; new appointees and interviews. Recruitment, relocation, and retention incentives; supervisory differentials; and extended assignment incentives. Voluntary separation incentive payments. Processing garnishment orders for child support and/or alimony. Commercial garnishment of Federal employees' pay. Allowances and differentials. Physicians' comparability allowances. Hours of duty. Absence and leave. [Reserved]700--714 Nondisciplinary separations, demotions, and furloughs. Affirmative employment programs. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the Office of Personnel Management. Implementation of Title II of the Notification and Federal Employee Antidiscrimination and Retaliation Act of 2002. Notification of post-employment restrictions. Suitability.1 National security positions. Political activity--Federal employees residing in designated localities. Political activities of Federal employees. Employee responsibilities and conduct. Personnel investigations. Adverse actions. Complaint procedures, adverse action, and appeals for criminal history inquiries prior to conditional offer. Agency administrative grievance system. Interim relief. Federal Employees' Health, Counseling, and Work/Life Programs. Retirement.31 Debt collection. Reemployment of annuitants. Court orders affecting retirement benefits. Correction of retirement coverage errors under the Federal Erroneous Retirement Coverage Corrections Act. Federal Employees Retirement System--General administration. [[Page 1089]] Federal Employees Retirement System--Basic annuity. Federal Employees Retirement System--Death benefits and employee refunds. Federal Employees Retirement System-- Disability retirement. Federal Employees Retirement System--Debt collection. Federal Employees Retirement System--Elections of coverage. Elections of retirement coverage by current and former employees of nonappropriated fund instrumentalities. Phased retirement. Representative payees. Electronic retirement processing. Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance Program. Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program. Retirement and insurance benefits during periods of unexplained absence. Federal Employees Health Benefits Program. Retired Federal employees health benefits. Federal flexible benefits plan: pre-tax payment of health benefits premiums. Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program. Intergovernmental Personnel Act programs. Procedures for States and localities to request indemnification. Governmentwide debarment and suspension (nonprocurement). Timing of criminal history inquiries. Programs for specific positions and examinations (miscellaneous). Solicitation of Federal civilian and uniformed service personnel for contributions to private voluntary organizations. Federal Executive Boards. [Reserved]990 SUBCHAPTER C--REGULATIONS GOVERNING EMPLOYEES OF THE OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT OPM employee responsibilities and conduct. [Reserved]1002--1199 Chapter II--Merit Systems Protection Board (Parts 1200--1299)........... SUBCHAPTER A--ORGANIZATION AND PROCEDURES Board organization. Practices and procedures. Statutory Review Board. Procedures for review of rules and regulations of the Office of Personnel Management. Availability of official information. Privacy Act regulations. Open meetings. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of disability in programs or activities conducted by the Merit Systems Protection Board. Practices and procedures for appeals under the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act and the Veterans Employment Opportunities Act. Practices and procedures for appeals and stay requests of personnel actions allegedly based on whistleblowing or other protected activities. Practices and procedures for an appeal of a removal or transfer of a Senior Executive Service employee by the Secretary of the Department of Veterans Affairs. [Reserved]1211--1214 Debt management. Testimony by MSPB employees relating to official information and production of official records in legal proceedings. Chapter III--Office of Management and Budget (Parts 1300--1399)......... SUBCHAPTER A--ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES Standards of conduct. Privacy Act procedures. Public information provisions of the Administrative Procedures Act. Post employment conflict of interest. Release of official information, and testimony by OMB personnel as witnesses, in litigation. [[Page 1090]] SUBCHAPTER B--OMB DIRECTIVES OMB circulars. Classification, downgrading, declassification and safeguarding of national security information. Prompt payment. Controlling paperwork burdens on the public. SUBCHAPTER C--JOINT REGULATIONS WITH THE OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT Human resources management. Chapter IV--Office of Personnel Management and Office of the Director of National Intelligence (Parts 1400--1499)................................ Designation of national security positions. Chapter V--The International Organizations Employees Loyalty Board (Parts 1500--1599)...................................................... Operations of the International Organizations Employees Loyalty Board. Chapter VI--Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board (Parts 1600-- 1699)................................................................... Employee contribution elections, investment allocations, and automatic enrollment program. Participants' choices of TSP funds. Vesting. 1603 [Reserved]1604 Correction of administrative errors. [Reserved]1606 Expanded and continuing eligibility. Privacy Act regulations. Availability of records. Rules regarding public observation of meetings. Standards of conduct. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board. Claims collection. Periodic participant statements. Calculation of share prices. Methods of withdrawing funds from the Thrift Savings Plan. Death benefits. Court orders and legal processes affecting Thrift Savings Plan accounts. Loan program.5 Thrift Savings Plan. Chapter VIII--Office of Special Counsel (Parts 1800--1899).............. Filing of complaints and allegations. Investigative authority of the Special Counsel. Outside Inspector General. Freedom of Information Act requests; production of records or testimony. Privacy Act regulations. Subpoenas.1840 Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of disability in programs or activities conducted by the Office of Special Counsel. Chapter IX--Appalachian Regional Commission (Parts 1900--1999).......... Employee responsibilities and conduct. Chapter XI--Armed Forces Retirement Home (Parts 2100--2199)............. Armed Forces Retirement Home Privacy Act procedures. [[Page 1091]] Chapter XIV--Federal Labor Relations Authority, General Counsel of the Federal Labor Relations Authority and Federal Service Impasses Panel (Parts 2400--2499)...................................................... SUBCHAPTER A--TRANSITION RULES AND REGULATIONS [RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER B--GENERAL PROVISIONS Availability of official information. Privacy. 2412 Open meetings. Ex parte communications. Employee responsibility and conduct. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the Federal Labor Relations Authority. Testimony by employees relating to official information and production of official records in legal proceedings. FLRA debt collection. SUBCHAPTER C--FEDERAL LABOR RELATIONS AUTHORITY AND GENERAL COUNSEL OF THE FEDERAL LABOR RELATIONS AUTHORITY Purpose and scope. Meaning of terms as used in this subchapter. Representation proceedings. Unfair labor practice proceedings. Negotiability proceedings. Review of arbitration awards. National consultation rights and consultation rights on Government-wide rules or regulations. General statements of policy or guidance. Enforcement of Assistant Secretary standards of conduct decisions and orders. Miscellaneous and general requirements. Awards of attorney fees and other expenses. SUBCHAPTER D--FEDERAL SERVICE IMPASSES PANEL General. 2470 Procedures of the Panel. Impasses arising pursuant to Agency determinations not to establish or to terminate flexible or compressed work schedules. Subpoenas.2473 Appendix A to Chapter XIV--Current addresses and geographic jurisdictions. Appendix B to Chapter XIV--Memorandum describing the authority and assigned responsibilities of the General Counsel of the Federal Labor Relations Authority. Chapter XVI--Office of Government Ethics (Parts 2600--2699)............. SUBCHAPTER A--ORGANIZATION AND PROCEDURES Organization and functions of the Office of Government Ethics. Implementation of Office of Government Ethics statutory gift acceptance authority. [Reserved]2602 Freedom of Information Act rules and schedule of fees for the production of public financial disclosure reports. Privacy Act rules. Testimony by OGE employees relating to official information and production of official records in legal proceedings. Implementation of the Equal Access to Justice Act. SUBCHAPTER B--GOVERNMENT ETHICS Executive Branch financial disclosure, qualified trusts, and certificates of divestiture. Standards of ethical conduct for employees of the Executive branch. Limitations on outside earned income, employment and affiliations for certain noncareer employees. Executive Branch Ethics Program. [[Page 1092]] Interpretation, exemptions and waiver guidance concerning 18 U.S.C. 208 (Acts affecting a personal financial interest). Post-employment conflict of interest restrictions. Chapter XXI--Department of the Treasury (Parts 3100--3199).............. Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the Department of the Treasury. Chapter XXII--Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (Parts 3200--3299).. Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Chapter XXIII--Department of Energy (Parts 3300--3399).................. Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the Department of Energy. Chapter XXIV--Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (Parts 3400--3499)... Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Chapter XXV--Department of the Interior (Parts 3500--3599).............. Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the Department of the Interior. Chapter XXVI--Department of Defense (Parts 3600--3699).................. Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the Department of Defense. Chapter XXVIII--Department of Justice (Parts 3800--3899)................ Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the Department of Justice. Chapter XXIX--Federal Communications Commission (Parts 3900--3999)...... Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the Federal Communications Commission. Supplemental financial disclosure requirements for employees of the Federal Communications Commission. Chapter XXX--Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation (Parts 4000--4099) Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation. Chapter XXXI--Farm Credit Administration (Parts 4100--4199)............. Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the Farm Credit Administration. Chapter XXXIII--U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (Parts 4300--4399)...................................................... Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation. Chapter XXXIV--Securities and Exchange Commission (Parts 4400--4499).... Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the Securities and Exchange Commission. Chapter XXXV--Office of Personnel Management (Parts 4500--4599)......... Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the Office of Personnel Management. [[Page 1093]] Chapter XXXVI--Department of Homeland Security (Parts 4600--4699)....... Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the Department of Homeland Security. Chapter XXXVII--Federal Election Commission (Parts 4700--4799).......... Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the Federal Election Commission. Chapter XL--Interstate Commerce Commission (Parts 5000--5099)........... Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the Interstate Commerce Commission. Chapter XLI--Commodity Futures Trading Commission (Parts 5100--5199).... Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Chapter XLII--Department of Labor (Parts 5200--5299).................... Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the Department of Labor. Chapter XLIII--National Science Foundation (Parts 5300--5399)........... Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the National Science Foundation. Chapter XLV--Department of Health and Human Services (Parts 5500--5599). Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the Department of Health and Human Services. Supplemental financial disclosure requirements for employees of the Department of Health and Human Services. Chapter XLVI--Postal Rate Commission (Parts 5600--5699)................. Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the Postal Rate Commission. Chapter XLVII--Federal Trade Commission (Parts 5700--5799).............. Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the Federal Trade Commission. Chapter XLVIII--Nuclear Regulatory Commission (Parts 5800--5899)........ Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Chapter XLIX--Federal Labor Relations Authority (Parts 5900--5999)...... Supplemental Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Federal Labor Relations Authority. Chapter L--Department of Transportation (Parts 6000--6099).............. Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the Department of Transportation. Chapter LII--Export-Import Bank of the United States (Parts 6200--6299). Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the Export-Import Bank of the United States. [[Page 1094]] Chapter LIII--Department of Education (Parts 6300--6399)................ Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the Department of Education. Chapter LIV--Environmental Protection Agency (Parts 6400--6499)......... Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the Environmental Protection Agency. Chapter LV--National Endowment for the Arts (Parts 6500--6599).......... Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the National Endowment for the Arts. Chapter LVI--National Endowment for the Humanities (Parts 6600--6699)... Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the National Endowment for the Humanities. Chapter LVII--General Services Administration (Parts 6700--6799)........ Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the General Services Administration. Chapter LVIII--Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Parts 6800--6899)............................................................. Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. Chapter LIX--National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Parts 6900-- 6999)................................................................... Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Chapter LX--United States Postal Service (Parts 7000--7099)............. Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the United States Postal Service. Chapter LXI--National Labor Relations Board (Parts 7100--7199).......... Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the National Labor Relations Board. Chapter LXII--Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (Parts 7200--7299) Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. Chapter LXIII--Inter-American Foundation (Parts 7300--7399)............. Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the Inter-American Foundation. Chapter LXIV--Merit Systems Protection Board (Parts 7400--7499)......... Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the Merit Systems Protection Board. Chapter LXV--Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts 7500-- 7599)................................................................... Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Chapter LXVI--National Archives and Records Administration (Parts 7600-- 7699)................................................................... Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the National Archives and Records Administration. [[Page 1095]] Chapter LXVII--Institute of Museum and Library Services (Parts 7700-- 7799)................................................................... Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the Institute of Museum and Library Services. Chapter LXVIII--Commission on Civil Rights (Parts 7800--7899)........... Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the United States Commission on Civil Rights. Chapter LXIX--Tennessee Valley Authority (Parts 7900--7999)............. Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the Tennessee Valley Authority. Chapter LXX--Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia (Parts 8000--8099)................................. Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency. Chapter LXXI--Consumer Product Safety Commission (Parts 8100--8199)..... Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Chapter LXXIII--Department of Agriculture (Parts 8300--8399)............ Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the Department of Agriculture. Chapter LXXIV--Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission (Parts 8400--8499)............................................................. Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission. Chapter LXXVI--Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board (Parts 8600-- 8699)................................................................... Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board. Chapter LXXVII--Office of Management and Budget (Parts 8700--8799)...... Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the Office of Management and Budget. Chapter LXXX--Federal Housing Finance Agency (Parts 9000--9099)......... Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the Federal Housing Finance Agency. Chapter LXXXIII--Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (Parts 9300--9399)....................................... Disclosure of records and information. Requests for testimony or the production of records in a court or other proceedings in which the United States is not a party. Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the Office of the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction. Chapter LXXXIV--Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (Parts 9400-- 9499)................................................................... Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection. Chapter LXXXVI--National Credit Union Administration (Parts 9600--9699). Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the National Credit Union Administration. [[Page 1096]] Chapter XCVII--Department of Homeland Security Human Resources Management System (Department of Homeland Security--Office of Personnel Management) (Parts 9700--9799).......................................... Department of Homeland Security Human Resources Management System. Chapter XCVIII--Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (Parts 9800--9899)........................................... Freedom of Information Act regulations. Privacy Act regulations. [Reserved]9802--9899 Chapter XCIX--Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization Commission (Parts 9900--9999)........................................... Disclosure of records and information. Chapter C--National Council on Disability (Parts 10000--10049).......... Procedures for disclosure of records under the Freedom of Information Act. Implementation of the Privacy Act of 1974. Implementation of the Government in the Sunshine Act. Chapter CI--National Mediation Board (Parts 10100--10199)............... Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the National Mediation Board. Chapter CII--U.S. Office of Special Counsel (Parts 10200--10299)........ Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the U.S. Office of Special Counsel. Chapter CII--U.S. Office of Special Counsel (Parts 10300--10399)........ Supplemental standards of ethical conduct for employees of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service. Chapter CIV--Office of the Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator (Part 10400--10499)..................................................... Public availability of information. TITLE 6--DOMESTIC SECURITY Chapter I--Department of Homeland Security, Office of the Secretary (Parts 1--199).......................................................... Part Petitions for rulemaking. Disclosure of records and information. Classified national security information. [Reserved]8 Restrictions upon lobbying. Claims. 11 Program fraud civil remedies. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of disability in programs or activities conducted by the Department of Homeland Security. Nondiscrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. Nondiscrimination in matters pertaining to faith-based organizations. Nondiscrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin in programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance from the Department of Homeland Security. Regulations to support anti-terrorism by fostering effective technologies. Chemical facility anti-terrorism standards. Protected critical infrastructure information. Real ID driver's licenses and identification cards. Protection of human subjects. Sexual abuse and assault prevention standards. Transportation Security Oversight Board Review Panel process and procedures. Cybersecurity Talent Management System (CTMS). [[Page 1097]] Chapter X--Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board (Parts 1000-- 1099)................................................................... Organization and delegation of powers and duties of the Private and Civil Liberties Oversight Board. Procedures for disclosure of records under the Freedom of Information Act. Implementation of the Privacy Act of 1974. Implementation of the Government in the Sunshine Act. [Reserved]1004 Safety standard for carriages and strollers. TITLE 7--AGRICULTURE Subtitle A--Office of the Secretary of Agriculture (Parts 0--26)........ Part Administrative regulations. Law enforcement authorities. National Environmental Policy Act. Protection of human subjects. Delegations of authority by the Secretary of Agriculture and general officers of the Department. Debt management. [Reserved]4 Determination of parity prices. Import quotas and fees. Selection and functions of Farm Service Agency State and county committees. 4-H Club name and emblem. Pandemic assistance programs. [Reserved]10 National Appeals Division. Highly erodible land and wetland conservation. [Reserved]13 Determining the primary purpose of certain payments for Federal tax purposes. Nondiscrimination. Education programs or activities receiving or benefiting from Federal financial assistance. Nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. Nondiscrimination on the basis of age in programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance from the United States Department of Agriculture. Nondiscrimination in programs or activities conducted by the United States Department of Agriculture. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the United States Department of Agriculture. Adjudications under section 741. Equal opportunity for religious organizations. Sales of agricultural commodities made available under Title I of the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954, as amended. Equal employment opportunity in the State Cooperative Extension Services. [Reserved]19 Export sales reporting requirements. Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally assisted programs. Rural development coordination. State and regional annual plans of work. [Reserved]24 Rural Empowerment Zones and Enterprise Communities. [Reserved]26 [[Page 1098]] Subtitle B--Regulations of the Department of Agriculture................ Chapter I--Agricultural Marketing Service (Standards, Inspections, Marketing Practices), Department of Agriculture (Parts 27--209)......... SUBCHAPTER A--COMMODITY STANDARDS AND CONTAINER REQUIREMENTS Cotton classification under cotton futures legislation. Cotton classing, testing, and standards. Tobacco inspection. Tobacco stocks and standards. Purchase of wool and wool top samples. Purchase of grease mohair and mohair top samples. Requirements under the Export Apple Act. [Reserved]34 Export grapes and plums. Procedures by which the Agricultural Marketing Service develops, revises, suspends, or terminates voluntary official grade standards. [Reserved]38--41 Standards for condition of food containers. Standards for sampling plans. [Reserved]44--45 SUBCHAPTER B--MARKETING OF PERISHABLE AGRICULTURAL COMMODITIES Requirements (other than administrative procedures) under the Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act, 1930. Administrative procedures under the Perishable Agricultural Commodities Act. Requirements of the Secretary of Agriculture for the enforcement of the Produce Agency Act. Administrative procedures governing withdrawal of inspection and grading services. Fresh fruits, vegetables, and other products (inspection, certification, and standards) SUBCHAPTER C--REQUIREMENTS AND STANDARDS UNDER THE AGRICULTURAL MARKETING ACT OF 1946 AND THE EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION ACT Fresh fruits, vegetables, and other products (inspection, certification, and standards). Processed fruits and vegetables, processed products thereof, and certain other processed food products. Livestock (grading, certification, and standards). Meats, prepared meats, and meat products (grading, certification, and standards). Voluntary grading of shell eggs. Inspection of eggs (Egg Products Inspection Act). Grading and inspection, general specifications for approved plants and standards for grades of dairy products. Livestock mandatory reporting. Country of origin labeling for fish and shellfish. Cottonseed sold or offered for sale for crushing purposes (inspection, sampling, and certification). Livestock, meat, and other agricultural commodities (quality systems verification programs). National Sheep Industry Improvement Center. Country of origin labeling of lamb, chicken and goat meat, perishable agricultural commodities, macadamia nuts, pecans, peanuts, and ginseng. National Bioengineered Food Disclosure Standard. Voluntary grading of poultry products and rabbit products. Provisions for inspection and certification of quality of agricultural and vegetable seeds. SUBCHAPTER D--EXPORT AND DOMESTIC CONSUMPTION PROGRAMS Fresh Russet Potato Diversion Program. Prune/Dried Plum Diversion Program. Clingstone Peach Diversion Program. SUBCHAPTER E--COMMODITY LABORATORY TESTING PROGRAMS Introduction. [[Page 1099]] Services and general information. Processed fruits and vegetables. Poultry and egg products. [Reserved]95--96 Plant variety and protection. Meals, Ready-To-Eat (MRE's), meats, and meat products. [Reserved]99--109 Recordkeeping on restricted use pesticides by certified applicators; surveys and reports. [Reserved]111--159 SUBCHAPTER F--NAVAL STORES Regulations and standards for naval stores. SUBCHAPTER G--MISCELLANEOUS MARKETING PRACTICES UNDER THE AGRICULTURAL MARKETING ACT OF 1946 USDA Farmers Market. Cattle contracts library pilot program. SUPCHAPTER H--[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER K--FEDERAL SEED ACT Federal Seed Act regulations. Federal Seed Act rules of practice. [Reserved]203--204 SUBCHAPTER L--REQUIREMENTS RELATING TO PURCHASES [RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER M--ORGANIC FOODS PRODUCTION ACT PROVISIONS National Organic Program. [Reserved]206--209 Chapter II--Food and Nutrition Service, Department of Agriculture (Parts 210--299)............................................................... SUBCHAPTER A--CHILD NUTRITION PROGRAMS National School Lunch Program. Special milk program for children. School Breakfast Program. Summer Food Service Program. Child and Adult Care Food Program. Nutrition Education and Training Program. State administrative expense funds. Cash in lieu of donated foods. Determining eligibility for free and reduced price meals and free milk in schools. Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants and Children. Commodity Supplemental Food Program. WIC Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (FMNP). Senior Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (SFMNP). SUBCHAPTER B--GENERAL REGULATIONS AND POLICIES--FOOD DISTRIBUTION Donation of foods for use in the United States, its territories and possessions and areas under its jurisdiction. The Emergency Food Assistance Program. National Commodity Processing Program. Administration of the Food Distribution Program for households on Indian reservations. Administration of the Food Distribution Program for Indian households in Oklahoma. SUBCHAPTER C--FOOD STAMP AND FOOD DISTRIBUTION PROGRAM General information and definitions. Requirements for participating State agencies. Certification of eligible households. Issuance and use of program benefits. Performance reporting system. State agency liabilities and Federal sanctions. Payments of certain administrative costs of State agencies. Participation of retail food stores, wholesale food concerns and insured financial institutions. [[Page 1100]] Administrative and judicial review--food retailers and food wholesalers. Emergency food assistance for victims of disasters. Administration of SNAP on Indian reservations. Demonstration, research, and evaluation projects. Appeals of Quality Control (``QC'') claims. Miscellaneous. Provision of a nutrition assistance grant for the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. SUBCHAPTER D--GENERAL REGULATIONS Summer Electronic Benefits Transfer Program. Availability of information and records to the public. [Reserved]296--299 Chapter III--Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Department of Agriculture (Parts 300--399)............................................ Incorporation by reference. Domestic quarantine notices. District of Columbia; movement of plants and plant products. Phytosanitary treatments. State of Hawaii and territories quarantine notices. Foreign quarantine notices. Bees, beekeeping byproducts, and beekeeping equipment. Federal plant pest regulations; general; plant pests, biological control organisms, and associated articles; garbage. Possession, use, and transfer of select agents and toxins. Movement of organisms modified or produced through genetic engineering. Importation of plants or plant products by mail. Plant quarantine safeguard regulations. Export certification. Overtime services related to imports and exports; and user fees. Endangered species regulations concerning terrestrial plants. Forfeiture procedures. Control of illegally taken plants. Noxious weed regulations. Importation of seed and screenings under the Federal Seed Act. Freedom of information. Organization, functions, and delegations of authority. National Environmental Policy Act implementing procedures. Rules of practice governing proceedings under certain acts. [Reserved]381--389 Chapter IV--Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, Department of Agriculture (Parts 400--499)............................................ General administrative regulations. [Reserved]401 Catastrophic risk protection endorsement. [Reserved]403--406 Area risk protection insurance regulations. [Reserved]408--411 Public information--freedom of information. [Reserved]413--456 Common crop insurance regulations. [Reserved]458 Additional disaster payments. Chapter V--Agricultural Research Service, Department of Agriculture (Parts 500--599)........................................................ National Arboretum. Conduct on U.S. Meat Animal Research Center, Clay Center, Nebraska. Conduct on Beltsville Agricultural Research Center Property, Beltsville, Maryland. Conduct on Plum Island Animal Disease Center. User fees.504 National Agricultural Library fees for loans and copying. Public information. Procedures for implementing National Environmental Policy Act. General administrative policy for non- assistance cooperative agreements. [[Page 1101]] Chapter VI--Natural Resources Conservation Service, Department of Agriculture (Parts 600--699)............................................ SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL Organization. Functions.601 SUBCHAPTER B--CONSERVATION OPERATIONS Technical assistance. Soil surveys. Snow surveys and water supply forecasts. Plant materials centers. NRCS appeal procedures. SUBCHAPTER C--WATER RESOURCES River basin investigations and surveys. Watershed projects. Emergency Wetlands Reserve Program. Emergency watershed protection. Healthy Forests Reserve Program. SUBCHAPTER D--LONG TERM CONTRACTING Long term contracting. Great Plains Conservation Program. Rural Abandoned Mine Program. Water Bank Program. Rural Clean Water Program. Equitable relief from ineligibility. Wildlife Habitat Incentive Program. SUBCHAPTER E--[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER F--SUPPORT ACTIVITIES Compliance with NEPA. [Reserved]651 Technical service provider assistance. Technical standards. Operation and maintenance. [Reserved]655 Procedures for the protection of archeological and historical properties encountered in NRCS- assisted programs. Prime and unique farmlands. Farmland Protection Policy Act. SUBCHAPTER G--MISCELLANEOUS [Reserved]660 Public information and right to privacy. [Reserved]662--699 Chapter VII--Farm Service Agency, Department of Agriculture (Parts 700-- 799).................................................................... SUBCHAPTER A--AGRICULTURAL CONSERVATION PROGRAM [Reserved]700 Emergency Conservation Program, Emergency Forest Restoration Program, and certain related programs previously administered under this part. Payments due persons who have died, disappeared, or have been declared incompetent. Record retention requirements--all programs. SUBCHAPTER B--FARM MARKETING QUOTAS, ACREAGE ALLOTMENTS, AND PRODUCTION ADJUSTMENT Refunds of penalties erroneously, illegally, or wrongfully collected. Provisions applicable to multiple programs. SUBCHAPTER C--[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER D--SPECIAL PROGRAMS Soil bank.750 Reimbursement Transportation Cost Payment program for geographically disadvantaged farmers and ranchers. [[Page 1102]] Oriental fruit fly program. Disaster designations and notifications. Indemnity payment programs. Farm loan programs; general program administration. Guaranteed farm loans. Land Contract Guarantee Program. Direct loan making. Direct loan servicing--regular Direct loan servicing--special. Inventory property management. Equitable relief. Farm loan programs relending programs. Indian tribal land acquisition loans. Boll Weevil Eradication Loan Program. Servicing minor program loans. Special Apple Loan Program. Emergency Loan for Seed Producers Program. Appeal regulations. Disclosure of foreign investment in agricultural land. End-Use Certificate Program. 2004 Ewe Lamb Replacement and Retention Payment Program. Certified Mediation Program. Dairy Disaster Assistance Payment Program (DDAP-III). Agriculture Priorities and Allocations System (APAS). SUBCHAPTER E--PROVISIONS COMMON TO MORE THAN ONE PROGRAM Debt settlement policies and procedures. Payment limitation. SUBCHAPTER F--PUBLIC RECORDS Availability of information to the public. SUBCHAPTER G--ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act. Chapter VIII--Agricultural Marketing Service (Federal Grain Inspection Service, Fair Trade Practices Program), Department of Agriculture (Parts 800--899)............................................................... SUBCHAPTER A--FEDERAL GRAIN INSPECTION General regulations. Official performance requirements for grain inspection equipment. Official performance and procedural requirements for grain-weighing equipment and related grain handling systems. Official United States standards for grain. General regulations and standards for certain agricultural commodities. SUBCHAPTER B--REGULATIONS FOR WAREHOUSES Regulations for the United States Warehouse Act. Chapter IX--Agricultural Marketing Service (Marketing Agreements and Orders; Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts), Department of Agriculture (Parts 900--999)............................................................... General regulations. Oranges, grapefruit, tangerines, and tangelos grown in Florida. Oranges and grapefruit grown in Lower Rio Grande Valley in Texas. Avocados grown in South Florida. Peaches grown in California. Kiwifruit grown in California. Sweet cherries grown in designated counties in Washington. Grapes grown in a designated area of southeastern California. Data collection, reporting and recordkeeping requirements applicable to cranberries not subject to the cranberry marketing order. Winter pears grown in Oregon and Washington. Cranberries grown in States of Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, Oregon, Washington, and Long Island in the State of New York. [[Page 1103]] Tart cherries grown in the States of Michigan, New York, Pennsylvania, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wisconsin. Olives grown in California. Fruits; import regulations. Irish potatoes grown in certain designated counties in Idaho, and Malheur County, Oregon. Irish potatoes grown in Colorado. Vidalia onions grown in Georgia. Sweet onions grown in the Walla Walla Valley of Southeast Washington and Northeast Oregon. Onions grown in certain designated counties in Idaho, and Malheur County, Oregon. Onions grown in South Texas. Tomatoes grown in Florida. Vegetables; import regulations. Almonds grown in California. Hazelnuts grown in Oregon and Washington. Pistachios grown in California, Arizona and New Mexico. Walnuts grown in California. Marketing order regulating the handling of spearmint oil produced in the Far West. Pecans grown in the States of Alabama, Arkansas, Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, North Carolina, New Mexico, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Texas. Domestic dates produced or packed in Riverside County, California. Raisins produced from grapes grown in California. Domestic hemp production program. Dried prunes produced in California. Minimum quality and handling standards for domestic and imported peanuts marketed in the United States. Specialty crops; import regulations. Chapter X--Agricultural Marketing Service (Marketing Agreements and Orders; Milk), Department of Agriculture (Parts 1000--1199)............. General provisions of Federal milk marketing orders. Milk in the Northeast marketing area. [Reserved]1002--1004 Milk in the Appalachian marketing area. Milk in the Florida marketing area. Milk in the Southeast marketing area. [Reserved]1011--1013 Milk in the Upper Midwest marketing area. Milk in the Central marketing area. Milk in the Mideast marketing area. [Reserved]1036--1050 Milk in the California milk marketing area. [Reserved]1052--1120 Milk in the Pacific Northwest marketing area. [Reserved]1125 Milk in the Southwest marketing area. Milk in the Arizona marketing area. [Reserved]1132--1134 Milk in the Western marketing area. [Reserved]1136--1139 Dairy Forward Pricing Program. Milk Donation Reimbursement Program. 1147Dairy Donation Program. Dairy Promotion Program. Milk in the California milk marketing area [Reserved]1152--1159 Fluid Milk Promotion Program. [Reserved]1161--1169 Dairy product mandatory reporting. [Reserved]1171--1179 [[Page 1104]] Chapter XI--Agricultural Marketing Service (Marketing Agreements and Orders; Miscellaneous Commodities), Department of Agriculture (Parts 1200--1299)............................................................. Rules of practice and procedure governing proceedings under research, promotion, and information programs. Cotton research and promotion. Mango promotion, research, and information. Potato research and promotion plan Mushroom promotion, research, and consumer information order. Watermelon research and promotion plan. Honey packers and importers research, promotion, consumer education and industry information order. Christmas tree promotion, research, and information order. Popcorn promotion, research, and consumer information. Peanut promotion, research, and information order. Softwood lumber research, promotion, consumer education and industry information order. Blueberry promotion, research, and information. Hass avocado promotion, research, and information. Soybean promotion, research, and consumer information. Sorghum promotion, research, and information order. Paper and paper-based packaging promotion, research and information order. Pecan promotion, research, and information order. Pork promotion, research, and consumer information. Egg research and promotion. Beef promotion and research. [Reserved]1270 Lamb promotion, research, and information order. [Reserved]1291 Chapter XIV--Commodity Credit Corporation, Department of Agriculture (Parts 1400--1499)...................................................... SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL REGULATIONS AND POLICIES Payment limitation and payment eligibility. Commodity certificates, in kind payments, and other forms of payment. Policy for certain commodities available for sale. Debt settlement policies and procedures. Assignment of payments. Loans, purchases, and other operations. Debarment and suspension. Trade Mitigation Program. SUBCHAPTER B--LOANS, PURCHASES, AND OTHER OPERATIONS Conservation Reserve Program. Agricultural risk coverage, price loss coverage, and cotton transition assistance programs. Commodity incentive payment programs. Grasslands Reserve Program. Emergency agricultural disaster assistance programs. Grains and similarly handled commodities-- marketing assistance loans and loan deficiency payments. Commodity credit corporation approved warehouses. Bioenergy Program. Cooperative marketing associations. Cotton. 1427 Asparagus Revenue Market Loss Assistance Payment Program. Dairy products. Nonrecourse marketing assistance loans and loan deficiency payments for honey. Sugar program. Farm Storage Facility Loan Program regulations. Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program. Peanuts. 1446 Biomass Crop Assistance Program (BCAP). Voluntary Public Access and Habitat Incentive program. [[Page 1105]] 2005-2014 Tobacco Transition Program. Regional Conservation Partnership Program. Agricultural management assistance. Environmental Quality Incentives Program. Wetlands Reserve Program. Agricultural Conservation Easement Program. Conservation Security Program. Conservation Stewardship Program. Pima Agriculture Cotton Trust Fund (Agriculture Pima Trust) and Agriculture Wool Apparel Manufacturers Trust Fund (Agriculture Wool Trust). SUBCHAPTER C--EXPORT PROGRAMS Programs to help develop foreign markets for agricultural commodities. Grant agreements for the development of foreign markets for U.S. agricultural commodities. Emerging Markets Program. Technical assistance for specialty crops. Financing of sales of agricultural commodities. Regional Agricultural Promotion Program. Farm and Ranch Lands Protection Program. [Reserved]1492 CCC Export Credit Guarantee Programs. Export bonus programs. [Reserved]1494--1495 Food for Progress Program. Chapter XV--Foreign Agricultural Service, Department of Agriculture (Parts 1500--1599)...................................................... Availability of information to the public. The Refined Sugar Re-Export Program, the Sugar Containing Products Re-Export Program, and the Polyhydric Alcohol Program. International agricultural trade. Procedures to monitor Canadian fresh fruit and vegetable imports. Export bonus programs. Trade adjustment assistance for farmers. United States Department of Agriculture Local and Regional Food Aid Procurement Program. McGovern-Dole International Food for Education and Child Nutrition Program. Chapter XVI--[Reserved]................................................. Chapter XVII--Rural Utilities Service, Department of Agriculture (Parts 1700--1799)............................................................. General information. Rural development. Assistance to high energy cost communities. General and pre-loan policies and procedures common to electric loans and guarantees. Pre-loan policies and procedures for insured electric loans. Post-loan policies and procedures common to insured and guaranteed electric loans. Loan security documents for electric borrowers. Rural Energy Savings Program. Guarantees for bonds and notes issued for utility infrastructure purposes. Post-loan policies and procedures for insured electric loans. Electric engineering, architectural services and design policies and procedures. Electric system construction policies and procedures. Electric standards and specifications for materials and construction. Electric system operations and maintenance. Distance learning and telemedicine loan and grant programs. General policies, types of loans, loan requirements--telecommunications program. Pre-loan policies and procedures common to insured and guaranteed telecommunications loans. Rural broadband loans, loan/grant combinations, and loan guarantees. Broadband grant program. Rural Econnectivity Program. [[Page 1106]] [Reserved]1741 Post-loan policies and procedures common to guaranteed and insured telephone loans. [Reserved]1748 Telecommunications system planning and design criteria, and procedures. Servicing of telecommunications programs. Telecommunications system construction policies and procedures. Telecommunications policies on specifications, acceptable materials, and standard contract forms. [Reserved]1757 Accounting requirements for RUS electric borrowers. Accounting requirements for RUS telecommunications borrowers. Policy on audits of RUS awardees. Special Evaluation Assistance for Rural Communities and Households program. Technical assistance grants. Rural decentralized water systems. Water and waste facility loans and grants to alleviate health risks. Emergency and imminent community water assistance grants. Water and waste loans and grants. Resource Conservation and Development (RCD) loans and Watershed (WS) loans and advances. Servicing of water and waste programs. Revolving funds for financing water and wastewater projects (Revolving Fund Program). Rural Alaskan Village Grants. Loan account computations, procedures, and policies for electric and telephone borrowers. Prepayment of RUS guaranteed and insured loans to electric and telephone borrowers. The ''Buy American''requirement. RUS fidelity and insurance requirements for electric and telecommunications borrowers. Use of consultants funded by borrowers. Compliance with other Federal statutes, regulations, and Executive orders. Chapter XVIII--Rural Housing Service, Rural Business-Cooperative Service, Rural Utilities Service, and Farm Service Agency, Department of Agriculture (Parts 1800--2099).......................................... SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL REGULATIONS [Reserved]1804 Insurance.1806 [Reserved]1807 Interest rates, terms, conditions, and approval authority. SUBCHAPTER B--LOANS AND GRANTS PRIMARILY FOR REAL ESTATE PURPOSES Rural housing loans and grants. [Reserved]1823 SUBCHAPTER C--D--[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER E--ACCOUNT SERVICING [Reserved]1863--1866 SUBCHAPTER F--SECURITY SERVICING AND LIQUIDATIONS [Reserved]1872 SUBCHAPTER G--MISCELLANEOUS REGULATION [Reserved]1890--1899 SUBCHAPTER H--PROGRAM REGULATIONS General. 1900 Program-related instructions. Supervised bank accounts. [Reserved]1904 General. 1910 [Reserved]1922 Construction and repair. [[Page 1107]] Taxes. 1925 Title clearance and loan closing. General. 1930 [Reserved]1931--1839 General. 1940 [Reserved]1941 Associations.2 [Reserved]1943 Housing. 1944 [Reserved]1946 Rural development. [Reserved]1849 General. 1950 Servicing and collections. Property management. Debt settlement. Asset sales.57 Personal property. Real property. Environmental policies and procedures. General. 1980 [Reserved]1981--1999 SUBCHAPTER I--ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS Organization.3 General. 2018 General. 2045 Chapter XX--[Reserved].................................................. Chapter XXV--Office of Advocacy and Outreach, Department of Agriculture (Parts 2500--2599)...................................................... OAO Federal financial assistance programs-- general award administrative procedures. Agricultural Career and Employment (ACE) grants program. Chapter XXVI--Office of Inspector General, Department of Agriculture (Parts 2600--2699)...................................................... Organization, functions, and delegations of authority. Availability of information to the public. Chapter XXVII--Office of Information Resources Management, Department of Agriculture (Parts 2700--2799).......................................... Organization and functions. Availability of information to the public. Chapter XXVIII--Office of Operations, Department of Agriculture (Parts 2800--2899)............................................................. Organization and functions--Office of Operations. Availability of information to the public. Department of Agriculture guidelines for the donation of excess research equipment under 15 U.S.C. 3710(i). Chapter XXIX--Office of Energy Policy and New Uses, Department of Agriculture (Parts 2900--2999).......................................... Essential agricultural uses and volumetric requirements--Natural Gas Policy Act. Administrative procedures for adjustments of natural gas curtailment priority. [Reserved]2902 Biodiesel Fuel Education Program. [Reserved]2904 Chapter XXX--Office of the Chief Financial Officer, Department of Agriculture (Parts 3000--3099).......................................... [Reserved]3010 Availability of information to the public. [[Page 1108]] Chapter XXXI--Office of Environmental Quality, Department of Agriculture (Parts 3100--3199)...................................................... Cultural and environmental quality. Chapter XXXII--Office of Procurement and Property Management, Department of Agriculture (Parts 3200--3299)....................................... Department of Agriculture guidelines for the acquisition and transfer of excess personal property. Guidelines for designating biobased products for Federal procurement. Voluntary labeling program for biobased products. Guidelines for the transfer of excess computers or other technical equipment pursuant to section 14220 of the 2008 Farm Bill. [Reserved]3204--3299 Chapter XXXIII--Office of Transportation, Department of Agriculture (Parts 3300--3399)...................................................... Agreement on the International Carriage of Perishable Foodstuffs and on the Special Equipment to be Used for Such Carriage (ATP); inspection, testing, and certification of special equipment. [Reserved]3305 Chapter XXXIV--National Institute of Food and Agriculture (Parts 3400-- 3499)................................................................... Special Research Grants Program. Rangeland Research Grants Program. Food and Agricultural Sciences National Needs Graduate and Postgraduate Fellowship Grants Program. Small Business Innovation Research Grants Program. Public information. Higher Education Challenge Grants Program. 1890 Institution Capacity Building Grants Program. Implementation of National Environmental Policy Act. [Reserved]3411 Biotechnology Risk Assessment Research Grants Program. Stakeholder input requirements for recipients of agricultural research, education, and extension formula funds. Matching funds requirement for agricultural research and extension capacity funds at 1890 land grant institutions, including Central State University, Tuskegee University, and West Virginia State University and at 1862 land-grant institutions in insular areas. Competitive and non-competitive non-formula Federal assistance programs--general award administration provisions. Veterinary Medicine Loan Repayment Program. Hispanic-serving agricultural colleges and universities certification process. Chapter XXXV--Rural Housing Service, Department of Agriculture (Parts 3500--3599)............................................................. Direct single family housing loans and grants. Guaranteed rural housing program. Direct multi-family housing loans and grants. Guaranteed Rural Rental Housing Program. Community programs. [Reserved]3575 Chapter XXXVI--National Agricultural Statistics Service, Department of Agriculture (Parts 3600--3699).......................................... Organization and functions. Public information. Chapter XXXVII--Economic Research Service, Department of Agriculture (Parts 3700--3799)...................................................... Organization and functions. Public information. [[Page 1109]] Chapter XXXVIII--World Agricultural Outlook Board, Department of Agriculture (Parts 3800--3899).......................................... Organization and functions. Availability of information to the public. Chapter XLI [Reserved].................................................. Chapter XLII--Rural Business-Cooperative Service and Rural Utilities Service, Department of Agriculture (Parts 4200--4299)................... Direct and insured loanmaking. Guaranteed loanmaking. Loans and grants. Grants. 4284 Cooperative agreements. Servicing.4287 Payment programs. Rural Business Investment Company (``RBIC'') Program. Chapter L--Rural Business-Cooperative Service, and Rural Utilities Service, Department of Agriculture (Parts 5000--5099)................... Guaranteed loans. TITLE 8--ALIENS AND NATIONALITY Chapter I--Department of Homeland Security (Parts 1--499)............... SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL PROVISIONS Part Definitions. Authority of the Secretary of Homeland Security. Executive Office for Immigration Review. SUBCHAPTER B--IMMIGRATION REGULATIONS Statement of organization. Presumption of lawful admission. Immigration benefit requests; USCIS filing requirements; biometric requirements; availability of records. USCIS fee schedule. [Reserved]109 Immigrant petitions. Revocation of approval of petitions. Admission of refugees. Procedures for asylum and withholding of removal. Adjustment of status of refugees and aliens granted asylum. Special agricultural workers. Documentary requirements: immigrants; waivers. Documentary requirements: nonimmigrants; waivers; admission of certain inadmissible aliens; parole. Admission of aliens on giving bond or cash deposit. Affidavits of support on behalf of immigrants. Nonimmigrant classes. Control of aliens departing from the United States. Conditional basis of lawful permanent residence status. Visa Waiver Program. Admission of visitors or students. Reentry permits, refugee travel documents, and advance parole documents. Arrival and departure manifests. Detention of aliens for physical and mental examination. Contracts with transportation lines. Designation of ports of entry for aliens arriving by civil aircraft. Inspection of persons applying for admission. Apprehension and detention of inadmissible and deportable aliens; removal of aliens ordered removed. [[Page 1110]] [Reserved]237 Expedited removal of aggravated felons. Initiation of removal proceedings. Voluntary departure, suspension of deportation and special rule cancellation of removal. Apprehension and detention of aliens ordered removed. [Reserved]242--243 Temporary protected status for nationals of designated States. Adjustment of status to that of person admitted for permanent residence. Adjustment of status to that of persons admitted for temporary or permanent resident status under section 245A of the Immigration and Nationality Act. Rescission of adjustment of status. Adjustment of status of certain resident aliens. Change of nonimmigrant classification. Creation of records of lawful admission for permanent residence. Removal of aliens who have fallen into distress. Arrival and departure manifests and lists: supporting documents. Landing of alien crewmen. Parole of alien crewmen. Limitations on performance of longshore work by alien crewmen. Registration and fingerprinting of aliens in the United States. Notices of address. Penalties for document fraud. Diligent and reasonable efforts to prevent the unauthorized entry of aliens by the owners of railroad lines, international bridges, or toll roads. Carrier responsibilities at foreign ports of embarkation; reducing, refunding, or waiving fines under section 273 of the Act. Seizure and forfeiture of conveyances. Control of employment of aliens. Imposition and collection of fines. Immigration user fee. Field officers; powers and duties. American Indians born in Canada. Representation and appearances. Deposit of and interest on cash received to secure immigration bonds. Immigration forms. SUBCHAPTER C--NATIONALITY REGULATIONS Nationals and citizens of the United States at birth. Special classes of persons who may be naturalized: Virgin Islanders. Naturalization authority. Educational requirements for naturalization. Membership in the Communist Party or any other totalitarian organizations. Persons ineligible to citizenship: exemption from military service. General requirements for naturalization. Pending removal proceedings. Special classes of persons who may be naturalized: spouses of United States citizens. Child born outside the United States and residing permanently in the United States; requirements for automatic acquisition of citizenship. Child born outside the United States; requirements for application for certificate of citizenship. Special classes of persons who may be naturalized: women who have lost United States citizenship by marriage and former citizens whose naturalization is authorized by private law. Nationals but not citizens of the United States: residence within outlying possessions. Special classes of persons who may be naturalized: persons who lost United States citizenship through service in armed forces of foreign country during World War II. Special classes of persons who may be naturalized: persons with 1 year of service in the United States Armed Forces. [[Page 1111]] Special classes of persons who may be naturalized: naturalization based upon active duty service in the United States Armed Forces during specified periods of hostilities. Special classes of persons who may be naturalized: seamen. Alien enemies; naturalization under specified conditions and procedures. Naturalization administration. Photographs.3 Application for naturalization. Examination on application for naturalization. Hearings on denials of applications for naturalization. Oath of allegiance. Certificate of naturalization. Functions and duties of clerks of court regarding naturalization proceedings. Revocation of naturalization. Certificates of citizenship. Administrative cancellation of certificates, documents, or records. Certificate of naturalization or repatriation: persons who resumed citizenship under section 323 of the Nationality Act of 1940, as amended, or section 4 of the Act of June 29, 1906. Naturalization and citizenship papers lost, mutilated, or destroyed; new certificate in changed name; certified copy of repatriation proceedings. Special certificate of naturalization for recognition by a foreign state. Certifications from records. Loss of nationality. Special classes of persons who may be naturalized: persons who die while serving on active duty with the United States Armed Forces during certain periods of hostilities. Chapter V--Executive Office for Immigration Review, Department of Justice (Parts 1000--1399).............................................. SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL PROVISIONS Definitions.01 Executive Office for Immigration Review. SUBCHAPTER B--IMMIGRATION REGULATIONS Presumption of lawful admission. Appeals, records, and fees. Immigrant petitions. Revocation of approval of petitions. Admission of refugees. Procedures for asylum and withholding of removal. Adjustment of status of refugees and aliens granted asylum. Documentary requirements: immigrants; waivers. Documentary requirements: nonimmigrants; waivers; admission of certain inadmissible aliens; parole. Review of nonimmigrant classes. Controls of aliens departing from the United States. Conditional basis of lawful permanent residence status. Inspection of persons applying for admission. Apprehension and detention of inadmissible and deportable aliens; removal of aliens ordered removed. Expedited removal of aggravated felons. Initiation of removal proceedings. Proceedings to determine removability of aliens in the United States. Apprehension and detention of aliens ordered removed. Temporary protected status for nationals of designated states. Adjustment of status to that of person admitted for permanent residence. Rescission of adjustment of status. Creation of records of lawful admission for permanent residence. Penalties for document fraud. Control of employment of aliens. Imposition and collection of fines. Field officers; powers and duties. Representation and appearances. [[Page 1112]] SUBCHAPTER C--NATIONALITY REGULATIONS Immigration review forms. Oath of allegiance. TITLE 9--ANIMALS AND ANIMAL PRODUCTS Chapter I--Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Department of Agriculture (Parts 1--199).............................................. SUBCHAPTER A--ANIMAL WELFARE Part Definition of terms. Regulations. Standards.3 Rules of practice governing proceedings under the Animal Welfare Act. Horse protection regulations. Rules of practice governing proceedings under the Horse Protection Act. SUBCHAPTER B--COOPERATIVE CONTROL AND ERADICATION OF LIVESTOCK OR POULTRY DISEASES Rules of practice governing proceedings under certain acts. Animals destroyed because of tuberculosis. Animals destroyed because of brucellosis. Swine destroyed because of pseudorabies. Foot-and-mouth disease, pleuropneumonia, and certain other communicable diseases of livestock or poultry. Control of scrapie. Control of chronic wasting disease. Control of H5/H7 low pathogenic avian influenza. SUBCHAPTER C--INTERSTATE TRANSPORTATION OF ANIMALS (INCLUDING POULTRY) AND ANIMAL PRODUCTS Rules of practice governing proceedings under certain acts. General provisions. Bovine babesiosis. Scabies in cattle. Prohibition of interstate movement of land tortoises. Communicable diseases in horses, asses, ponies, mules, and zebras. [Reserved]76 Tuberculosis. Brucellosis. Scrapie in sheep and goats. Johne's disease in domestic animals. Chronic wasting disease in deer, elk, and moose. Newcastle disease and chlamydiosis. Viral hemorrhagic septicemia. Pseudorabies. Animal disease traceability. Commercial transportation of equines for slaughter. Statement of policy under the Twenty-Eight Hour Law. SUBCHAPTER D--EXPORTATION AND IMPORTATION OF ANIMALS (INCLUDING POULTRY) AND ANIMAL PRODUCTS Exportation of live animals, hatching eggs or other embryonated eggs, animal semen, animal embryos, and gametes from the United States. Importation of animals and animal products; procedures for requesting recognition of regions and compartments. Importation of certain animals, birds, fish, and poultry, and certain animal, bird, and poultry products; requirements for means of conveyance and shipping containers. Foot-and-mouth disease, Newcastle disease, highly pathogenic avian influenza, African swine fever, classical swine fever, swine vesicular disease, and bovine spongiform encephalopathy: prohibited and restricted importations. Sanitary control of animal byproducts (except casings), and hay and straw, offered for entry into the United States. [[Page 1113]] Restriction of importations of foreign animal casings offered for entry into the United States. Overtime services relating to imports and exports. Importation of certain animal embryos and animal semen. Rules of practice governing proceedings under certain acts. SUBCHAPTER E--VIRUSES, SERUMS, TOXINS, AND ANALOGOUS PRODUCTS: ORGANISMS AND VECTORS Definitions.1 Licenses for biological products. Experimental production, distribution, and evaluation of biological products prior to licensing. Permits for biological products. Suspension, revocation, or termination of biological licenses or permits. Exemption for biological products used in Department programs or under Department control or supervision. Exemptions from preparation pursuant to an unsuspended and unrevoked license. Facility requirements for licensed establishments. Sterilization and pasteurization at licensed establishments. Packaging and labeling. Standard requirements. Production requirements for biological products. Inspections.5 Records and reports. Animals at licensed establishments. Detention; seizure and condemnation. Possession, use, and transfer of select agents and toxins. Organisms and vectors. Rules of practice governing proceedings under the Virus-Serum-Toxin Act. Patent term restoration. SUBCHAPTER F--USER FEES User fees.130 SUBCHAPTER G--POULTRY IMPROVEMENT National Poultry Improvement Plan for breeding poultry. National Poultry Improvement Plan for commercial poultry. Auxiliary provisions on National Poultry Improvement Plan. SUBCHAPTER H--ANIMAL BREEDS Recognition of breeds and books of record of purebred animals. SUBCHAPTER I--VOLUNTARY INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION SERVICE Voluntary inspection and certification service. SUBCHAPTER J--ACCREDITATION OF VETERINARIANS AND SUSPENSION OR REVOCATION OF SUCH ACCREDITATION Definition of terms. Requirements and standards for accredited veterinarians and suspension or revocation of such accreditation. Rules of practice governing revocation or suspension of veterinarians' accreditation. SUBCHAPTER K--PUBLIC INFORMATION Availability of information. SUBCHAPTER L--SWINE HEALTH PROTECTION Swine health protection. Rules of practice governing proceedings under the Swine Health Protection Act. [Reserved]168--169 Chapter II--Agricultural Marketing Service (Fair Trade Practices Program), Department of Agriculture (Parts 200--299).................... [Reserved]200 Administering the Packers and Stockyards Act. Rules of practice governing proceedings under the Packers and Stockyards Act. Statements of general policy under the Packers and Stockyards Act. [[Page 1114]] [Reserved]204 Clear title--protection for purchasers of farm products. Swine contract library. Chapter III--Food Safety and Inspection Service, Department of Agriculture (Parts 300--599)............................................ SUBCHAPTER A--AGENCY ORGANIZATION AND TERMINOLOGY; MANDATORY MEAT AND POULTRY PRODUCTS INSPECTION AND VOLUNTARY INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION Agency mission and organization. Terminology; adulteration and misbranding standards. Application of inspection and other requirements. Exemptions.03 Application for inspection; grant of inspection. Official numbers; inauguration of inspection; withdrawal of inspection: reports of violation. Assignment and authorities of program employees. Facilities for inspection. [Reserved]308 Ante-mortem inspection. Post-mortem inspection. Disposal of diseased or otherwise adulterated carcasses and parts. Official marks, devices, and certificates. Humane slaughter of livestock. Handling and disposal of condemned or other inedible products at official establishments. Rendering or other disposal of carcasses and parts passed for cooking. Marking products and their containers. Labeling, marking devices, and containers. Entry into official establishments; reinspection and preparation of products. Definitions and standards of identity or composition. Records, registration, and reports. Cooperation with States and Territories. Exports. 322 Transportation. Imported products. Detention; seizure and condemnation; criminal offenses. Special provisions for designated States and territories; and for designation of establishments which endanger public health and for such designated establishments. Selected establishments; cooperative program for interstate shipment of carcasses, parts of carcasses, meat, and meat food products. Rules of practice governing proceedings under the Federal Meat Inspection Act. Special services relating to meat and other products. Certification of technical animal fats for export. Exotic animals and horses; voluntary inspection. Voluntary inspection of rabbits and edible products thereof. Voluntary poultry inspection regulations. Poultry products inspection regulations. SUBCHAPTERS B and C--[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER D--FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS Freedom of information and public information. Fees and charges for inspection services and laboratory accreditation. Petitions for rulemaking. SUBCHAPTER E--REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS UNDER THE FEDERAL MEAT INSPECTION ACT AND THE POULTRY PRODUCTS INSPECTION ACT Label approval. Sanitation.16 Hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) systems. Recalls. 418 Preparation and processing operations. [[Page 1115]] Requirements for specific classes of product. Thermally processed, commercially sterile products. Accreditation of non-Federal laboratories for analytical testing of meat, poultry, and egg products. Consumer protection standards: raw products. Quantity of contents labeling and procedures and requirements for accurate weights. Rules of practice. SUBCHAPTER F--MANDATORY INSPECTION OF FISH OF THE ORDER SILURIFORMES AND PRODUCTS OF SUCH FISH General requirements; definitions. Definitions.1 Requirements for inspection. Separation of establishment; facilities for inspection; facilities for program employees; other required facilities. Pre-harvest standards and transportation to processing establishment. Sanitation requirements and hazard analysis and critical control points systems; notification regarding adulterated or misbranded products. Mandatory dispositions; performance standards respecting physical, chemical, or biological contaminants. Handling and disposal of condemned and other inedible materials. Marks, marking and labeling of products and containers. Food ingredients permitted. Preparation of products. Records required to be kept. Exports. 552 Transportation of fish products in commerce. Importation.7 Detention, seizure, condemnation. State-Federal, Federal-State cooperative agreements; State designations. Rules of practice. SUBCHAPTER I--EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION Inspection of eggs and egg products (Egg Product Inspection Act). Voluntary inspection of egg products. TITLE 10--ENERGY Chapter I--Nuclear Regulatory Commission (Parts 0--199)................. Part Statement of organization and general information. Agency rules of practice and procedure. Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance from the Commission. Nondiscrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. Advisory committees. [Reserved]8 Public records. Criteria and procedures for determining eligibility for access to restricted data or national security information or an employment clearance. Criteria and procedures for determining eligibility for access to or control over special nuclear material. Implementation of the Equal Access to Justice Act in agency proceedings. Program fraud civil remedies. Administrative claims under Federal Tort Claims Act. Debt collection procedures. Salary offset procedures for collecting debts owed by Federal employees to the Federal Government. Notices, instructions, and reports to workers: inspection and investigations. Standards for protection against radiation. Reporting of defects and noncompliance. Access authorization. [[Page 1116]] Fitness for duty programs. Rules of general applicability to domestic licensing of byproduct material. General domestic licenses for byproduct material. Specific domestic licenses to manufacture or transfer certain items containing byproduct material. Specific domestic licenses of broad scope for byproduct material. Licenses for industrial radiography and radiation safety requirements for industrial radiographic operations. Medical use of byproduct material. Licenses and radiation safety requirements for irradiators. Physical protection of category 1 and category 2 quantities of radioactive material. Licenses and radiation safety requirements for well logging. Domestic licensing of source material. Protection of human subjects. Domestic licensing of production and utilization facilities. Environmental protection regulations for domestic licensing and related regulatory functions. Licenses, certifications, and approvals for nuclear power plants. [Reserved]53 Requirements for renewal of operating licenses for nuclear power plants. Operators' licenses. Disposal of high-level radioactive wastes in geologic repositories. Licensing requirements for land disposal of radioactive waste. Criteria and procedures for emergency access to non-Federal and regional low-level waste disposal facilities. Disposal of high-level radioactive wastes in a geologic repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada. Domestic licensing of special nuclear material. Packaging and transportation of radioactive material. Licensing requirements for the independent storage of spent nuclear fuel, high-level radioactive waste, and reactor-related greater than Class C waste. Physical protection of plants and materials. Material control and accounting of special nuclear material. Safeguards on nuclear material--implementation of safeguards agreements between the United States and the International Atomic Energy Agency. Certification of gaseous diffusion plants. Standard specifications for the granting of patent licenses. Facility security clearance and safeguarding of National Security information and restricted data. Reactor site criteria. Export and import of nuclear equipment and material. Financial protection requirements and indemnity agreements. Exemptions and continued regulatory authority in agreement States and in offshore waters under section 274. Trespassing on Commission property. Fees for facilities, materials, import and export licenses, and other regulatory services under the Atomic Energy Act of l954, as amended. Annual fees for reactor licenses and fuel cycle licenses and materials licenses, including holders of certificates of compliance, registrations, and quality assurance program approvals and Government agencies licensed by the NRC. [Reserved]172--199 Chapter II--Department of Energy (Parts 200--699)....................... SUBCHAPTER A--OIL [Reserved]200--201 Production or disclosure of material or information. Administrative procedures and sanctions. Collection of information. International voluntary agreements. General allocation and price rules. Mandatory petroleum price regulations. Collection of foreign oil supply agreement information. [[Page 1117]] Materials allocation and priority performance under contracts or orders to maximize domestic energy supplies. Energy Priorities and Allocations System. Standby mandatory international oil allocation. [Reserved]220 Priority supply of crude oil and petroleum products to the Department of Defense under the Defense Production Act. Appendix to Subchapter A of Chapter II--DOE rulings. SUBCHAPTER B--CLIMATE CHANGE Voluntary Greenhouse Gas Reporting Program: general guidelines. SUBCHAPTER C--[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER D--ENERGY CONSERVATION State Energy Program. Certification, compliance, and enforcement for consumer products and commercial and industrial equipment. Energy conservation program for consumer products. Energy efficiency program for certain commercial and industrial equipment. Energy efficiency standards for new Federal commercial and multi-family high-rise residential buildings. Energy code for new Federal commercial and multi-family high rise residential buildings. Energy conservation voluntary performance standards for new buildings; mandatory for Federal buildings. Federal energy management and planning programs. Weatherization assistance program for low- income persons. [Reserved]445 Renewable energy production incentives. Production incentives for cellulosic biofuels. Grant programs for schools and hospitals and buildings owned by units of local government and public care institutions. [Reserved]456 Energy standards for manufactured homes. Appropriate technology small grants program. Automotive propulsion research and development. Electric and hybrid vehicle research, development, and demonstration program; petroleum-equivalent fuel economy calculation. Alternative fuel transportation program. SUBCHAPTER E--ALTERNATE FUELS Definitions.0 Administrative procedures and sanctions. New facilities. Existing powerplants. [Reserved]508 [Reserved]516 SUBCHAPTER G--NATURAL GAS (ECONOMIC REGULATORY ADMINISTRATION) Curtailment priorities for essential agricultural uses. Administrative procedures with respect to the import and export of natural gas. SUBCHAPTER H--ASSISTANCE REGULATIONS Financial assistance rules. New restrictions on lobbying. Epidemiology and Other health studies financial assistance programs. Technology investment agreements. The Office of Science Financial Assistance Program. Loan guarantees for clean energy projects. Advanced Technology Vehicles Manufacturer Assistance Program. SUBCHAPTER I--SALES REGULATION Contractual provisions. Contract clauses. Price competitive sale of Strategic Petroleum Reserve petroleum. Procedures for acquisition of petroleum for the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. [[Page 1118]] Chapter III--Department of Energy (Parts 700--999)...................... Security policies and practices relating to labor-management relations. Workplace substance abuse programs at DOE sites. DOE contractor employee protection program. Counterintelligence evaluation program. Procedures for determining eligibility for access to classified matter and special nuclear material. Human Reliability program. Definition of nonrecourse project-financed. Contractor legal management requirements. Permits for access to restricted data. Consent for access to information on Department of Energy computers. Allegations of research misconduct. Protection of human subjects. Domestic Uranium Program. Reimbursement for costs of remedial action at active uranium and thorium processing sites. Uranium Enrichment Decontamination and Decommissioning Fund; procedures for special assessment of domestic utilities. Transfer of real property at defense nuclear facilities for economic development. Patent Compensation Board regulations. DOE patent licensing regulations. Claims for patent and copyright infringement. Waiver of patent rights. Patent waiver regulation. Loans for bid or proposal preparation by minority business enterprises seeking DOE contracts and assistance. Assistance to foreign atomic energy activities. Procedural rules for DOE nuclear activities. Procedural rules for the assessment of civil penalties for classified information security violations. Nuclear safety management. Occupational radiation protection. Extraordinary nuclear occurrences. Chronic beryllium disease prevention program. Worker safety and health program. Trespassing on Department of Energy property. Control of traffic at Nevada test site. Restrictions on aircraft landing and air delivery at Department of Energy nuclear sites. Air transportation of plutonium. Coordination of Federal authorizations for electric transmission facilities. Power and transmission rates. General regulations for the charges for the sale of power from the Boulder Canyon Project. Energy Planning and Management Program. Standby support for certain nuclear plant delays. Fee for long-term management and storage of elemental mercury under the Mercury Export Ban of 2008, as amended. General guidelines for the preliminary screening of potential sites for a nuclear waste repository. Standard contract for disposal of spent nuclear fuel and/or high-level radioactive waste. Byproduct material. Yucca Mountain site suitability guidelines. Chapter X--Department of Energy (General Provisions) (Parts 1000--1099). Transfer of proceedings to the Secretary of Energy and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission. Official seal and distinguishing flag. Office of Hearings and Appeals procedural regulations. Freedom of information. [[Page 1119]] Intergovernmental review of Department of Energy programs and activities. Records maintained on individuals (Privacy Act). General policy for pricing and charging for materials and services sold by DOE. Conduct of employees. Program fraud civil remedies and procedures. Administrative claims under Federal Tort Claims Act. Collection of claims owed the United States. Safeguarding of restricted data by access permittees. Identification and protection of unclassified controlled nuclear information. National Environmental Policy Act implementing procedures. Compliance with floodplain and wetland environmental review requirements. Procedures for financial assistance appeals. Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally assisted programs. Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs or activities. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by Department of Energy. Nondiscrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. Security requirements for protected disclosures under section 3164 of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2000. Nuclear classification and declassification. Medical, physical readiness, training, and access authorization standards for protective force personnel. Limited arrest authority and use of force by protective force officers. Trespassing on Strategic Petroleum Reserve facilities and other property. Limited arrest authority and use of force by protective force officers of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Foreign gifts and decorations. Payment of travel expenses of persons who are not Government employees. Chapter XIII--Nuclear Waste Technical Review Board (Parts 1300--1399)... Public information and requests. Privacy Act of 1974. Chapter XVII--Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board (Parts 1700--1799) Public information and requests. Rules implementing the Government in the Sunshine Act. Privacy Act.05 Organizational and consultant conflicts of interest. Testimony by DNFSB employees and production of official records in legal proceedings. Procedures for safety investigations. Debt collection procedures. Federal employee salary offset procedures for the collection of a debt owed to the Federal Government. Chapter XVIII--Northeast Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste Commission (Parts 1800--1899)........................................... Declaration of party state eligibility for Northeast Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste Compact. TITLE 11--FEDERAL ELECTIONS Chapter I--Federal Election Commission (Parts 1--9099).................. Part Privacy Act. Sunshine regulations; meetings. Public records and the Freedom of Information Act. Access to Public Disclosure and Media Relations Division documents. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the Federal Election Commission. [[Page 1120]] Standards of conduct. Collection of administrative debts. SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL Scope and definitions (52 U.S.C. 30101). Candidate status and designations (52 U.S.C. 30102(e)). Registration, organization, and recordkeeping by political committees (52 U.S.C. 30103). Campaign depositories (52 U.S.C. 30102(h)). Reports by political committees and other persons (52 U.S.C. 30104). Document filing (52 U.S.C. 30102(g)). Allocations of candidate and committee activities. Presidential nominating convention, registration, and reports. Filing copies of reports and statements with State officers (52 U.S.C. 30113). Coordinated and independent expenditures (52 U.S.C. 30101(17), 30116(a) and (d), and Pub. L. 107-155 sec. 214(c)) Contribution and expenditure limitations and prohibitions. Compliance procedure (52 U.S.C. 30109, 30107(a)) Advisory opinions (52 U.S.C. 30108). Permitted and prohibited uses of campaign accounts. Corporate and labor organization activity. Federal contractors. Debts owed by candidates and political committees. SUBCHAPTER B--ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS Petitions for rulemaking. Ex parte communications. SUBCHAPTER C--BIPARTISAN CAMPAIGN REFORM ACT OF 2002--(BCRA) REGULATIONS Non-Federal funds. Increased limits for candidates opposing self- financed candidates. SUBCHAPTER D [RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER E--PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION CAMPAIGN FUND: GENERAL ELECTION FINANCING Scope. 9001 Definitions.02 Eligibility for payments. Entitlement of eligible candidates to payments; use of payments. Certification by Commission. Reports and recordkeeping. Examinations and audits; repayments. Federal financing of Presidential nominating conventions. [Reserved]9009--9011 Unauthorized expenditures and contributions. SUBCHAPTER F--PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION CAMPAIGN FUND: PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY MATCHING FUND Scope. 9031 Definitions.32 Eligibility for payments. Entitlements.4 Expenditure limitations. Review of matching fund submissions and certification of payments by Commission. Payments and reporting. Examinations and audits. Review and investigation authority. Chapter II--Election Assistance Commission (Parts 9400--9499)........... Procedures for disclosure of records under the Freedom of Information Act. Implementation of the Government in the Sunshine Act. Testimony by Commission employees relating to official information and production of official records in legal proceedings. [[Page 1121]] Implementation of the Privacy Act of 1974. Standards of conduct. Nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the U.S. Election Assistance Commission. National Voter Registration Act. Debt collection. TITLE 12--BANKS AND BANKING Chapter I--Comptroller of the Currency, Department of the Treasury (Parts 1--199).......................................................... Part Investment securities. Sales of credit life insurance. Capital adequacy standards. Organization and functions, availability and release of information, contracting outreach program, post-employment restrictions for senior examiners. Rules, policies, and procedures for corporate activities. Prompt corrective action. Bank activities and operations. Assessment of fees. Fiduciary activities of national banks. Municipal securities dealers. Securities Exchange Act disclosure rules. Recordkeeping and confirmation requirements for securities transactions. Government securities sales practices. Consumer protection in sales of insurance. [Reserved]15 Securities offering disclosure rules. Rules of practice and procedure. Minimum security devices and procedures, reports of suspicious activities, and Bank Secrecy Act compliance program. Loans in areas having special flood hazards. Leasing. 23 Community and economic development entities, community development projects, and other public welfare investments. Community Reinvestment Act and interstate deposit production regulations. Management official interlocks. Fair housing home loan data system. International banking activities. [Reserved]29 Safety and soundness standards. Extensions of credit to insiders and transactions with affiliates. Lending limits. [Reserved]33 Real estate lending and appraisals. Disclosure and reporting of CRA-related agreements. [Reserved]36 Debt cancellation contracts and debt suspension agreements. [Reserved]38--40 Fair credit. [Reserved]42--43 Proprietary trading and certain interests in and relationships with covered funds. Margin and capital requirements for covered swap entities. Annual stress test. Mandatory contractual stay requirements for qualified financial contracts. Retail Foreign Exchange Transactions. [Reserved]49--50 Receiverships for uninsured national banks. Regulatory reporting. Computer-security incident notification. [Reserved]54--99 Rules, applicable to savings associations. Covered savings associations. [[Page 1122]] [Reserved]102--107 Removals, suspensions, and prohibitions where a crime is charged or proven. Rules of practice and procedure in adjudicatory proceedings. [Reserved]110--111 Rules for investigative proceedings and formal examination proceedings. [Reserved]113--127 Nondiscrimination requirements. [Reserved]129--140 Definitions for regulations affecting Federal savings associations. [Reserved]142 Federal savings associations--grandfathered authority. Federal mutual savings associations-- communications between members. Federal savings associations--operations. [Reserved]146--149 Fiduciary powers of Federal savings associations. Recordkeeping and confirmation requirements for securities transactions. [Reserved]152--154 Electronic operations of Federal savings associations. [Reserved]156 Deposits. 157 [Reserved]158--159 Lending and investment. Definitions for regulations affecting all savings associations. Accounting and disclosure standards. Savings associations--operations. Prompt corrective action. [Reserved]166 Security procedures. Proxies. 169 [Reserved]173--189 Preemption of State usury laws. Preemption of State due-on-sale law. Conversions from mutual to stock form. [Reserved]195--199 Chapter II--Federal Reserve System (Parts 200--299)..................... SUBCHAPTER A--BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM Extensions of credit by Federal Reserve banks (Regulation A). Equal Credit Opportunity Act (Regulation B). Reserve requirements of depository institutions (Regulation D). Electronic fund transfers (Regulation E). Limitations on interbank liabilities (Regulation F). Disclosure and reporting of CRA-related agreements (Regulation G). Membership of State banking institutions in the Federal Reserve System (Regulation H). Federal Reserve bank capital stock (Regulation I). Collection of checks and other items by Federal Reserve banks and funds transfers through Fedwire (Regulation J). International banking operations (Regulation K). Management official interlocks (Regulation L). Consumer leasing (Regulation M). Relations with foreign banks and bankers (Regulation N). Loans to executive officers, directors, and principal shareholders of member banks Regulation O). [Reserved]216 Capital adequacy of bank holding companies, savings and loan holding companies, and State member banks (Regulation Q). Exceptions for banks from the definition of broker in the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934 (Regulation R). Reimbursement for providing financial records; recordkeeping requirements for certain financial records (Regulation S). Credit by brokers and dealers (Regulation T). [[Page 1123]] Credit by banks and persons other than brokers or dealers for the purpose of purchasing or carrying margin stock (Regulation U). Fair credit reporting (Regulation V). Transactions between member banks and their affiliates (Regulation W). Borrowers of securities credit (Regulation X). Bank holding companies and change in bank control (Regulation Y). Truth in lending (Regulation Z). Community reinvestment (Regulation BB). Availability of funds and collection of checks (Regulation CC). [Reserved]230 Netting eligibility for financial institutions (Regulation EE). Obtaining and using medical information in connection with credit (regulation FF). Prohibition on funding of unlawful Internet gambling (Regulation GG). Designated Financial Market Utilities (Regulation HH). Debit card interchange fees and routing (Regulation II). Swaps margin and swaps push-out. Savings and loan holding companies (Regulation LL). Mutual holding companies (Regulation MM). Retail foreign exchange transactions. Securities holding companies (Regulation OO). Resolution plans (Regulation QQ). [[Page 1124]] Credit risk retention (Regulation RR). Supervision and regulation assessment of fees (Regulation TT). Proprietary trading and certain interests in and relationships with covered funds (Regulation VV). Liquidity risk measurement standards, and monitoring (Regulation WW). Miscellaneous interpretations. Concentration limit (Regulation XX). Enhanced Prudential Standards (Regulation YY) Regulations implementing the Adjustable Interest Rate (LIBOR) Act (Regulation ZZ). Rules regarding availability of information. Rules regarding access to personal information under the Privacy Act of 1974. Rules regarding public observation of meetings. Rules of procedure. Rules of practice for hearings. Employee responsibilities and conduct. Post-employment restrictions for senior examiners. Rules regarding foreign gifts and decorations. Rules regarding delegation of authority. Limitations on activities of former members and employees of the Board. Procedures for debt collection. Rules regarding equal opportunity. Policy on labor relations for the Federal Reserve banks. Definitions.9a Charges of unfair labor practices. SUBCHAPTER B--FEDERAL OPEN MARKET COMMITTEE Open market operations of Federal Reserve banks. Rules regarding availability of information. Rules of procedure. Statements of policy. SUBCHAPTER C--FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM LABOR RELATIONS PANEL [Reserved]290--299 Chapter III--Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (Parts 300--399)..... SUBCHAPTER A--PROCEDURE AND RULES OF PRACTICE [Reserved]300--301 Use of supervisory guidance. Filing procedures. Forms, instructions, and reports. [Reserved]305--306 Certification of assumption of deposits and notification of changes of insured status. Rules of practice and procedure. Disclosure of information. Privacy Act regulations. Rules governing public observation of meetings of the Corporation's Board of Directors. Procedures for collection of corporate debt, criminal restitution debt, and civil money penalty debt. SUBCHAPTER B--REGULATIONS AND STATEMENTS OF GENERAL POLICY Appraisals.23 Capital adequacy of FDIC-supervised institutions. Annual stress test. Minimum security devices and procedures and Bank Secrecy Act compliance. Assessments.7 Advertisement of membership. [Reserved]329 Deposit insurance coverage. Federal interest rate authority. Privacy of consumer financial information. Extension of corporate powers. [[Page 1125]] Fair credit reporting. Securities of nonmember insured banks. FDIC employees. Unsafe and unsound banking practices. Fair housing. Loans in areas having special flood hazards. Restrictions on sale of assets by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Registration of securities transfer agents. [Reserved]342 Consumer protection in sales of insurance. Recordkeeping and confirmation requirements for securities transactions. Community reinvestment. Disclosure and reporting of CRA-related agreements. International banking. Management official interlocks. Derivatives.9 Proprietary trading and certain interests in and relationships with covered funds. Nondiscrimination on the basis of disability. Suspicious activity reports. Industrial banks. Determination of economically depressed regions. Golden parachute and indemnification payments. Resolution and receivership rules. Minority and Women Outreach Program contracting. Activities of insured State banks and insured savings associations. Annual independent audits and reporting requirements. Standards for safety and soundness. Real estate lending standards. Minimum standards of integrity and fitness for an FDIC contractor. Suspension and exclusion of contractors and termination of contracts. Government securities sales practices. Prohibition against use of interstate branches primarily for deposit production. Recordkeeping for timely deposit insurance determination. Recordkeeping requirements for qualified financial contracts. Orderly liquidation authority. Resolution plans. Restrictions on qualified financial contracts. Regulations transferred from the Office of Thrift Supervision. [Reserved]391 Chapter IV--Export-Import Bank of the United States (Parts 400--499).... Employee financial disclosure and ethical conduct standards regulations. Classification, declassification, and safeguarding of national security information. Information disclosure. [Reserved]405 Regulations governing public observation of Eximbank meetings. Procedures for compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act. Procedures for compliance with Executive Order 12114 (January 4, 1979). Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by Export-Import Bank of the United States. New restrictions on lobbying. Acceptance of payment from a non-Federal source for travel expenses. Conference and other fees. [Reserved]415--499 Chapter V [Reserved].................................................... Chapter VI--Farm Credit Administration (Parts 600--699)................. SUBCHAPTER A--ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS Organization and functions. Employee responsibilities and conduct. Releasing information. Privacy Act regulations. [[Page 1126]] Farm Credit Administration Board meetings. Information.5 Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the Farm Credit Administration. Assessment and apportionment of administrative expenses. Collection of claims owed the United States. SUBCHAPTER B--FARM CREDIT SYSTEM Electronic commerce. Registration of mortgage loan originators. Organization. Standards of conduct and referral of known or suspected criminal violations. Eligibility and scope of financing. Loan policies and operations. Funding and fiscal affairs, loan policies and operations, and funding operations. Leasing. 616 Borrower rights. General provisions. Definitions.9 Disclosure to shareholders. Accounting and reporting requirements. Rules of practice and procedure. Practice before the Farm Credit Administration. [Reserved]624 Application for award of fees and other expenses under the Equal Access to Justice Act. Nondiscrimination in lending. Title IV conservators, receivers, bridge system banks, and voluntary liquidations. Capital adequacy of system institutions. Disclosure to investors in systemwide and consolidated bank debt obligations of the Farm Credit System. Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation general provisions. Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation governance. Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation funding and fiscal affairs. Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation risk management. [Reserved]654 Federal Agricultural Mortgage Corporation disclosure and reporting requirements. Chapter VII--National Credit Union Administration (Parts 700--799)...... SUBCHAPTER A--REGULATIONS AFFECTING CREDIT UNIONS Definitions.0 Organization and operations of Federal credit unions. Capital adequacy. Investment and deposit activities. Corporate credit unions. Community Development Revolving Loan Fund access for credit unions. Unfair or deceptive acts or practices. Truth in savings. Bank conversions and mergers. Mergers of federally-insured credit unions; voluntary termination or conversion of insured status. Involuntary liquidation of Federal credit unions and adjudication of creditor claims involving federally insured credit unions in liquidation. Voluntary liquidation. Management official interlocks. Credit union service organizations (CUSOs). Fidelity bond and insurance coverage for federally insured credit unions. Leasing. 714 Supervisory Committee audits and verifications. Privacy of consumer financial protection. Fair credit reporting. Incidental powers. Appraisals.22 [[Page 1127]] Member business loans; commercial lending. Trustees and custodians of certain tax- advantaged savings plans. National credit union administration control liquidity facility. Accuracy of advertising and notice of insured status. Requirements for insurance. Regulatory Flexibility Program. Share insurance and appendix. Appeals procedures. Administrative actions, adjudicative hearings, rules of practice and procedure, and investigations. Security program, suspicious transactions, catastrophic acts, cyber incidents, and Bank Secrecy Act compliance. Records preservation program and Appendices-- record retention guidelines; Catastrophic Act preparedness guidelines. Golden parachute and indemnification payments. Loans in areas having special flood hazards. Registration or residential mortgage loan originators. SUBCHAPTER B--REGULATIONS AFFECTING THE OPERATIONS OF THE NATIONAL CREDIT UNION ADMINISTRATION Description of NCUA; requests for agency action. Rules of NCUA Board procedure; promulgation of NCUA rules and regulations; public observation of NCUA board meetings. Requests for information under the Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act, and by subpoena; security procedures for classified information. Tort claims against the Government. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the National Credit Union Administration. [Reserved]795 Post-employment restrictions for certain NCUA examiners. Procedures for debt collection. Chapter VIII--Federal Financing Bank (Parts 800--899)................... Federal financing bank bills. Book-entry procedure for Federal financing bank securities. Chapter IX--(Parts 900--999)[Reserved].................................. Chapter X--Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (Parts 1000--1099)...... Financial products or services. Equal Credit Opportunity Act (Regulation B). Home mortgage disclosure (Regulation C). Alternative mortgage transaction parity (Regulation D). Electronic fund transfers (Regulation E). Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (Regulation F). S.A.F.E. Mortgage Licensing Act-Federal registration of residential mortgage loan originators (Regulation G). S.A.F.E. Mortgage Licensing Act--State compliance and bureau registration system (Regulation H). Disclosure requirements for depository institutions lacking Federal deposit insurance (Regulation I). Land registration (Regulation J). Purchasers' revocation rights, sales practices and standards (Regulation K). Special rules of practice (Regulation L). Consumer leasing (Regulation M). Mortgage acts and practices--advertising (Regulation N). Mortgage assistance relief services (Regulation O). Privacy of consumer financial information (Regulation P). Fair credit reporting (Regulation V). Real Estate Procedures Settlement Act (Regulation X). Truth in lending (Regulation Z). Truth in savings (Regulation DD). Payday, vehicle title, and certain high-cost installment loans. [[Page 1128]] Disclosure of records and information. Rule implementing Equal Access to Justice Act. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of disability in programs and activities conducted by the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection. Procedures for Bureau debt reduction. Rulemaking and guidance. Consumer Financial Civil Penalty Fund Rule. Claims against the United States. Rules relating to investigations. Rules of practice for adjudication proceedings. State official notification rules. Civil penalty adjustments. Procedural rule to establish supervisory authority over certain nonbank covered persons based on risk determination. Defining larger participants of certain consumer financial product and service markets. Chapter XI--Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (Parts 1100--1199)............................................................. Description of office, procedures, public information. Appraiser regulation. Chapter XII--Federal Housing Finance Agency (Parts 1200--1299).......... SUBCHAPTER A--ORGANIZATION AND OPERATIONS Organization and functions. General definitions applying to all Federal Housing Finance Agency regulations. Freedom of Information Act. Equal Access to Justice Act. Privacy Act implementation. Assessments.06 Minority and Women Outreach program. Debt collection. Rules of practice and procedure. Post-employment restriction for senior examiners. Office of the Ombudsman. Availability of non-public information. Production of FHFA records, information, and employee testimony in third-party legal proceedings. Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act. SUBCHAPTER B--ENTITY REGULATIONS Executive compensation. Appraisals.222 Minority and Women Inclusion. Minimum capital--temporary increase. Suspended counterparty program. Restriction on the acquisition of, or taking security interests in mortgages on properties encumbered by certain private transfer fee covenants and related securities. Capital classifications and prompt corrective action. Executive compensation. Golden parachute and indemnification payments. Reporting of fraudulent financial instruments. Record retention for regulated entities and Office of Finance Prudential management and operations standards. Conservatorship and receivership. Stress testing of regulated entities. Responsibilities of boards of directors, corporate practices, and corporate governance. SUBCHAPTER C--ENTERPRISES Capital adequacy of enterprises. Resolution planning. Uniform mortgage-backed securities. Book-entry procedures. [[Page 1129]] Flood insurance. Portfolio holdings. Prior approval for enterprise productions. Validation and approval of credit score models. SUBCHAPTER D--FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANKS Sharing of information among Federal home loan banks. Federal home loan bank directors. Members of the banks. Federal Home Loan Bank housing associates. Core mission activities. Advances. 1266 Federal Home Loan Bank investments. Acquired member assets. Standby letters of credit. Liabilities.70 Miscellaneous federal home loan bank operations and authorities. New business activities. Office of Finance. Financial Statements of the banks. Federal home loan bank capital requirements, capital stock and capital plans. Voluntary mergers of federal home loan banks. SUBCHAPTER E--HOUSING GOALS AND MISSION Federal Home Loan Bank housing goals. Enterprise housing goals and mission. Community support requirements. Federal Home Loan Banks' Affordable Housing Program. Community investment cash advance programs. Chapter XIII--Financial Stability Oversight Council (Parts 1300--1399).. Freedom of information. Debt Collection. Authority to require supervision and regulation of certain nonbank financial companies. Designation of financial market utilities. Chapter XIV--Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation (Parts 1400--1499) Organization and functions. Employee responsibilities and conduct. Releasing information. Privacy Act regulations. Collection of claims owed the United States. Premiums. 1410 Rules of practice and procedure. Golden parachute and indemnification payments. Chapter XV--Department of the Treasury (Parts 1500--1599)............... SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL PROVISIONS Merchant banking investments. Financial subsidiaries. [Reserved]1502--1503 [Reserved]1505--1507 SUBCHAPTER B--RESOLUTION FUNDING CORPORATION Resolution Funding Corporation operations. Book-entry procedure. Chapter XVI--Office of Financial Research, Department of the Treasury (Parts 1600--1699)...................................................... Organization and functions of the Office of Financial Research. Regulatory data collections. [[Page 1130]] Chapter XVII--Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight, Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts 1700--1799)..................... SUBCHAPTER A--OFHEO ORGANIZATION AND FUNCTIONS [RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER B--[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER C--SAFETY AND SOUNDNESS Prompt corrective action. Chapter XVIII--Community Development Financial Institutions Fund, Department of the Treasury (Parts 1800--1899)........................... Community Development Financial Institutions Program. Bank Enterprise Award Program. Capital Magnet Fund. Community Development Financial Institutions Bond Guarantee Program. Environmental quality. TITLE 13--BUSINESS CREDIT AND ASSISTANCE Chapter I--Small Business Administration (Parts 1--199)................. Part Administration. Record disclosure and privacy. Standards for conducting business with SBA. Standards of conduct and employee restrictions and responsibilities. Cosponsorships, fee and non-fee based SBA- sponsored activities and gifts. Small business investment companies. New markets venture capital (NMVC) program. Intermediary Lending Pilot Program. Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs of SBA--effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Nondiscrimination in financial assistance programs of SBA--effectuation of policies of Federal Government and SBA Administrator. Administrative claims under the Federal Tort Claims Act and representation and indemnification of SBA employees. Surety bond guarantee. Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs or activities of SBA--effectuation of the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, as amended. Program for investment in microentrepreneurs (``PRIME'' or ``the Act''). Business loans. Small business size regulations. Disaster loan program. 8(a) business development/small disadvantaged business status determinations. Government contracting programs. HUBZone program. Women-Owned Small Business Federal contract program. Veteran Small Business Certification Program. Contracts for small business located in disaster areas, and surplus personal property for small businesses located in disaster areas, Puerto Rico, and covered territory businesses. Small Business Development Centers. Rules of procedure governing cases before the Office of Hearings and Appeals. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the Small Business Administration. Debt collection. Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act regulations. [Reserved]143 New restrictions on lobbying. Governmentwide requirements for drug-free workplace (nonprocurement). Chapter III--Economic Development Administration, Department of Commerce (Parts 300--399)........................................................ General information. [[Page 1131]] Eligibility, investment rate and application requirements. General terms and conditions for investment assistance. Planning investments and comprehensive economic development strategies. Economic development districts. Public works and economic development investments. Training, research and technical assistance investments. Economic adjustment assistance investments. Performance incentives. Redistributions of investment assistance. Special impact areas. [Reserved]311 Regional Innovation Program. [Reserved]313 Property. 314 Trade adjustment assistance for firms. Chapter IV--Emergency Steel Guarantee Loan Board (Parts 400--499)....... Emergency Steel Guarantee Loan Program. Chapter V--Emergency Oil and Gas Guaranteed Loan Board (Parts 500--599). Emergency Oil and Gas Guaranteed Loan Program. TITLE 14--AERONAUTICS AND SPACE Chapter I--Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation (Parts 1--199).......................................................... SUBCHAPTER A--DEFINITIONS AND GENERAL REQUIREMENTS Part Definitions and abbreviations. General requirements. Safety management system. SUBCHAPTER B--PROCEDURAL RULES General rulemaking procedures. Investigative and enforcement procedures. Rules implementing the Equal Access to Justice Act of 1980. Administrative claims under Federal Tort Claims Act. Rules of practice for federally-assisted airport enforcement proceedings. Procedures for protests and contract disputes. SUBCHAPTER C--AIRCRAFT Certification procedures for products and articles. Airworthiness standards: normal category airplanes. Airworthiness standards: normal, utility, acrobatic, and commuter category airplanes. Special conditions: Boeing, Model 747-8 series airplanes; door 1 extendable length escape slide. Airworthiness standards: transport category airplanes. Continued airworthiness and safety improvements for transport category airplanes. Airworthiness standards: normal category rotorcraft. Airworthiness standards: transport category rotorcraft. Airworthiness standards: manned free balloons. Airworthiness standards: aircraft engines. Fuel venting and exhaust emission requirements for turbine engine powered airplanes. Airworthiness standards: propellers. Noise standards: aircraft type and airworthiness certification. Airworthiness directives. Maintenance, preventive maintenance, rebuilding, and alteration. Identification and registration marking. Aircraft registration. Registration and marking requirements for small unmanned aircraft. Recording of aircraft titles and security documents. [Reserved]50--59 [[Page 1132]] SUBCHAPTER D--AIRMEN Flight simulation training device initial and continuing qualification and use. Certification: pilots, flight instructors, and ground instructors. Certification: flight crewmembers other than pilots. Certification: airmen other than flight crewmembers. Medical standards and certification. Requirements for operating certain small aircraft without a medical certificate. SUBCHAPTER E--AIRSPACE Designation of Class A, B, C, D, and E airspace areas; air traffic service routes; and reporting points. Special use airspace. [Reserved]57 Safe, efficient use, and preservation of the navigable airspace. Remote identification of unmanned aircraft. SUBCHAPTER F--AIR TRAFFIC AND GENERAL OPERATING RULES General operating and flight rules. Special air traffic rules. IFR altitudes. Standard instrument procedures. Security control of air traffic. Moored balloons, kites, amateur rockets, and unmanned free balloons. Ultralight vehicles. Parachute operations. [Reserved]106 Small unmanned aircraft systems. [Reserved]108--109 SUBCHAPTER G--AIR CARRIERS AND OPERATORS FOR COMPENSATION OR HIRE: CERTIFICATION AND OPERATIONS General requirements. Pilot records database. [Reserved]112--116 Flight and duty limitations and rest requirements: flightcrew members. [Reserved]118 Certification: air carriers and commercial operators. Drug and alcohol testing program. Operating requirements: domestic, flag, and supplemental operations. Certification and operations: airplanes having a seating capacity of 20 or more passengers or a maximum payload capacity of 6,000 pounds or more; and rules governing persons on board such aircraft. Operations: foreign air carriers and foreign operators of U.S.-registered aircraft engaged in common carriage. Rotorcraft external-load operations. Operating requirements: commuter and on-demand operations and rules governing persons on board such aircraft. Commercial air tours and national parks air tour management. Agricultural aircraft operations. Certification of airports. SUBCHAPTER H--SCHOOLS AND OTHER CERTIFICATED AGENCIES [Reserved]140 Pilot schools. Training centers. [Reserved]143 Repair stations. Aviation maintenance technician schools. SUBCHAPTER I--AIRPORTS Airport noise compatibility planning. Federal aid to airports. Airport aid program. Airport operations. Release of airport property from surplus property disposal restrictions. [[Page 1133]] State block grant pilot program. Notice of construction, alteration, activation, and deactivation of airports. Passenger facility charges (PFC's). Notice and approval of airport noise and access restrictions. Expenditure of Federal funds for nonmilitary airports or air navigation facilities thereon. SUBCHAPTER J--NAVIGATIONAL FACILITIES Establishment and discontinuance criteria for air traffic control services and navigational facilities. Non-Federal navigation facilities. SUBCHAPTER K--ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS Representatives of the Administrator. Testimony by employees and production of records in legal proceedings, and service of legal process and pleadings. Fees. 187 Use of Federal Aviation Administration communications system. Protection of voluntarily submitted information. [Reserved]199 SUBCHAPTERS L AND M--[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER N--WAR RISK INSURANCE Aviation insurance. Chapter II--Office of the Secretary, Department of Transportation (Aviation Proceedings) (Parts 200--399)................................. SUBCHAPTER A--ECONOMIC REGULATIONS Definitions and instructions. Air carrier authority under Subtitle VII of Title 49 of United States Code--[Amended]. Waiver of Warsaw Convention liability limits and defenses. Data to support fitness determinations. Aircraft accident liability insurance. Certificates of public convenience and necessity: special authorizations and exemptions. Applications for permits to foreign air carriers. Charter rules for U.S. and foreign direct air carriers. Terms, conditions, and limitations of foreign air carrier permits. Terms, conditions, and limitations of foreign air carrier permits authorizing charter transportation only. Use and change of names of air carriers, foreign air carriers, and commuter air carriers. Commingling of blind sector traffic by foreign air carriers. Reporting traffic statistics by foreign air carriers in civilian scheduled, charter, and nonscheduled services. Lease by foreign air carrier or other foreign person of aircraft with crew. Tariffs. 221 Intermodal cargo services by foreign air carriers. Free and reduced-rate transportation. Airline service quality performance reports. Reports by air carriers on incidents involving animals during air transport. Inspection of accounts and property. Uniform system of accounts and reports for large certificated air carriers. Passenger manifest information. Reporting tarmac delay data. Direct airport-to-airport mileage records. Submission of audit reports. Preservation of air carrier records. Oversales.250 Carriage of musical instruments. Smoking aboard aircraft. Notice of terms of contract of carriage. Domestic baggage liability. [[Page 1134]] Electronic Airline Information Systems. Disclosure of code-sharing arrangements and long-term wet leases. Disclosure of change-of-gauge services. Guidelines for subsidizing air carriers providing essential air transportation. Cargo operations in interstate air transportation. International cargo transportation. International passenger transportation. Canadian charter air taxi operators. Air charter brokers. Indirect air transportation of property. Foreign air freight forwarders and foreign cooperative shippers associations. Exemptions for air taxi and commuter air carrier operations. SUBCHAPTER B--PROCEDURAL REGULATIONS Rules of conduct in DOT proceedings under this chapter. Rules of practice in proceedings. Review of air carrier agreements. Rules of practice in informal nonpublic investigations. Implementation of the Energy Policy and Conservation Act. [Reserved]314 Terminations, suspensions, and reductions of service. Essential air service procedures. [Reserved]331 Contributions under special transition rule for public commuter railroads. SUBCHAPTER C--[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER D--SPECIAL REGULATIONS Overseas military personnel charters. Implementation of the Consumer Credit Protection Act with respect to air carriers and foreign air carriers. Extension of credit by airlines to Federal political candidates. Navigation of foreign civil aircraft within the United States. Continuance of expired authorizations by operation of law pending final determination of applications for renewal thereof. Public charters. Special event tours. Nondiscrimination on the basis of disability in air travel. Civil penalties. SUBCHAPTER E--ORGANIZATION Staff assignments and review of action under assignments. Fees and charges for special services. SUBCHAPTER F--POLICY STATEMENTS Guidelines for individual determinations of basic essential air service. Statements of general policy. Chapter III--Commercial Space Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration, Department of Transportation (Parts 400--1199).......... SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL Basis and scope. Organization and definitions. SUBCHAPTER B--PROCEDURE Petition and rulemaking procedures. Compliance and enforcement. Investigations, enforcement, and administrative review. SUBCHAPTER C--LICENSING [Reserved]411 License application procedures. Safety element approvals. Launch safety. [Reserved]418--419 License to operate a launch site. [[Page 1135]] [Reserved]421--430 [Reserved]432 License to operate a reentry site. [Reserved]434 [Reserved]436 Experimental permits. [Reserved]438--439 Financial responsibility. [Reserved]441--449 Launch and reentry license requirements. [Reserved]451--459 Human space flight requirements. [Reserved]461--1199 Chapter V--National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Parts 1200-- 1299)................................................................... [Reserved]1200 Statement of organization and general information. Information Security Program. NASA security areas. Security programs; arrest authority and use of force by NASA security force personnel. Administrative authority and policy. [Reserved]1205 Availability of agency records to members of the public. Procedures for disclosure of records under the Freedom of Information Act. Standards of conduct. Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally-assisted programs. Boards and committees. [Reserved]1210--1211 Privacy Act--NASA regulations. Release of information to news and information media. Space flight.4 Tracking and Data Relay Satellite System (TDRSS). Environmental quality. Duty-free entry of space articles. The NASA seal and other devices, and the Congressional Space Medal of Honor. Protection of human subjects. Care and use of animals in the conduct of NASA activities. Inventions and contributions. To research, evaluate, assess, and treat (TREAT) astronauts. Patents and other intellectual property rights. [Reserved].247 Nondiscrimination in federally-assisted programs of NASA--effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Nondiscrimination on basis of handicap. Nondiscrimination on the basis of age in programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. Nondiscrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program. [Reserved]1260 Processing of monetary claims (general). Equal Access to Justice Act in agency proceedings. Demand for information or testimony served on agency employees; procedures. Implementation of the Program Fraud Civil Penalties Act of 1986. Cross-waiver of liability. New restrictions on lobbying. [Reserved]1273--1274 Research misconduct. [[Page 1136]] Chapter VI--Air Transportation System Stabilization (Parts 1300--1399).. SUBCHAPTER A--OFFICE OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET Aviation disaster relief--air carrier guarantee loan program. SUBCHAPTER B--AIR TRANSPORTATION STABILIZATION BOARD Air carrier guarantee loan program administrative regulations and amendment or waiver of a term or condition of guaranteed loan. TITLE 15--COMMERCE AND FOREIGN TRADE Subtitle A--Office of the Secretary of Commerce (Parts 0--29)........... Part Employee responsibilities and conduct. The Seal of the Department of Commerce. Procedures for handling and settlement of claims under the Federal Tort Claims Act. Implementation of the Havana Act of 2021. Disclosure of Government information. Classification, declassification and public availability of national security information. Operation of vending stands. Civil monetary penalty adjustments for inflation. Securing the information and communications technology and services supply chain. Nondiscrimination in federally-assisted programs of the Department of Commerce-- effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Nondiscrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. Prohibition of discrimination against the handicapped in federally assisted programs operated by the Department of Commerce. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the Department of Commerce. Procedures for a voluntary labeling program for household appliances and equipment to effect energy conservation. Procedures for the development of voluntary product standards. Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally assisted programs. Fair packaging and labeling. Intergovernmental review of Department of Commerce programs and activities. [Reserved]14 Legal proceedings. Procedures for a Voluntary Consumer Product Information Labeling Program. Personnel exchanges between Federal laboratories and non-federal entities. Attorney's fees and other expenses. Commerce debt collection. Nondiscrimination on the basis of age in programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. [Reserved]21 [Reserved]22 Use of penalty mail in the location and recovery of missing children. [Reserved]24 Program. 25 [Reserved]26 Protection of human subjects. New restrictions on lobbying. Procedures for guidance documents. Subtitle B--Regulations Relating to Commerce and Foreign Trade.......... Chapter I--Bureau of the Census, Department of Commerce (Parts 30--199). Foreign trade regulations. Training of foreign participants in census procedures and general statistics. [[Page 1137]] Special services and studies by the Bureau of the Census. Public information. Cutoff dates for recognition of boundary changes for the Census 2000. Furnishing personal census data from census of population schedules. Procedure for challenging population estimates. Seal. 100 Release of decennial census population information. [Reserved]102--199 Chapter II--National Institute of Standards and Technology, Department of Commerce (Parts 200--299)............................................ SUBCHAPTER A--MEASUREMENT SERVICES Policies, services, procedures, and fees. SUBCHAPTER B--STANDARD REFERENCE MATERIALS Standard reference materials. Clawbacks of CHIPS funding. SUBCHAPTER C--TRANSCRIPT SERVICES [RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER D--STANDARDS FOR BARRELS Barrels and other containers for lime. Barrels for fruits, vegetables, and other dry commodities, and for cranberries. SUBCHAPTER E--FELLOWSHIPS AND RESEARCH ASSOCIATES Fellowships in laboratory standardization and testing for qualified citizens of other American Republics. Research Associate Program. SUBCHAPTER F--REGULATIONS GOVERNING TRAFFIC AND CONDUCT Regulations governing traffic and conduct on the grounds of the National Bureau of Standards & Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland, and Boulder and Fort Collins, Colorado. SUBCHAPTER G--NATIONAL CONSTRUCTION SAFETY TEAMS National Construction Safety Teams. SUBCHAPTER H--MAKING OF TOY, LOK-ALIKE, AND IMITATION FIREARMS Marking of toy, look-alike, and imitation firearms. SUBCHAPTER I--METRIC CONVERSION POLICY FOR FEDERAL AGENCIES Metric conversion policy for Federal agencies. SUBCHAPTER J--ACCREDITATION AND ASSESSMENT PROGRAMS Fastener quality. National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program. National Voluntary Conformity Assessment System Evaluation (NVCASE) program. Guidance on Federal conformity assessment. SUBCHAPTER K--ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM PROCEDURES Regional Centers for the Transfer of Manufacturing Technology. Manufacturing extension partnership; environmental projects. Manufacturing extension partnership; infrastructure development projects Advanced Technology Program. Technology Innovation Program. [Reserved]297--299 Chapter III--International Trade Administration, Department of Commerce (Parts 300--399)........................................................ SUBCHAPTER A--MISCELLANEOUS REGULATIONS Instruments and apparatus for educational and scientific institutions. [Reserved]302 Watches, watch movements and jewelry program. Official U.S. Government recognition of and participation in international expositions held in the United States. Export trade certificates of review. Imports of worsted wool fabric. Imports of cotton woven fabric. [[Page 1138]] Chapter IV--Foreign-Trade Zones Board, Department of Commerce (Parts 400--499)............................................................... Regulations of the Foreign-Trade Zones Board. Chapter VII--Bureau of Industry and Security, Department of Commerce (Parts 700--799)........................................................ SUBCHAPTER A--NATIONAL SECURITY INDUSTRIAL BASE REGULATIONS Defense priorities and allocations system. Reporting of offsets agreements in sales of weapon systems or defense-related items to foreign countries or foreign firms. Industrial base surveys--data collections. [Reserved]703--704 Effect of imported articles on the national security. [Reserved]706--709 SUBCHAPTER B--CHEMICAL WEAPONS CONVENTION REGULATIONS General information and overview of the Chemical Weapons Convention Regulations (CWCR). General information regarding declaration, reporting, and advance notification requirements, and the electronic filing of declarations and reports. Activities involving Schedule 1 chemicals. Activities involving Schedule 2 chemicals. Activities involving Schedule 3 chemicals. Activities involving unscheduled discrete organic chemicals (UDOCs). Initial and routine inspections of declared facilities. CWC clarification procedures (consultations and challenge inspections). Confidential business information. Enforcement.9 Denial of export privileges. Inspection of records and recordkeeping. [Reserved]722--729 SUBCHAPTER C--EXPORT ADMINISTRATION REGULATIONS General information. Steps for using the EAR. Scope of the Export Administration regulations. General prohibitions. Commerce Control List overview and the Country Chart. License exceptions. Control policy--CCL based controls. Special reporting and notification. Control policy: end-user and end-use based. Chemical Weapons Convention requirements. Embargoes and other special controls. Applications (classification, advisory, and license) and documentation. Application processing, issuance or and denial. [Reserved]752 Short supply controls. Appeals. 756 Export clearance requirements and authorities. Restrictive trade practices or boycotts. Recordkeeping. Enforcement and protective measures. Administrative enforcement proceedings. Foreign availability determination procedures and criteria. Interpretations. Definitions of terms. The Commerce Control List. [Reserved]775--780 SUBCHAPTER D--ADDITIONAL PROTOCOL REGULATIONS General information and overview of the additional protocol regulations (APR). General information regarding reporting requirements and procedures. Civil nuclear fuel cycle-related activities not involving nuclear materials. Complementary access. [[Page 1139]] Enforcement.5 Records and recordkeeping. [Reserved]787--799 Chapter VIII--Bureau of Economic Analysis, Department of Commerce (Parts 800--899)............................................................... Surveys of international trade in services between U.S. and foreign persons and surveys of direct investment. [Reserved]806 [Reserved]807 Chapter IX--National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce (Parts 900--999)............................................ SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL REGULATIONS NOAA information collection requirements under the Paperwork Reduction Act: OMB control numbers. Public information. Civil procedures. Use in enforcement proceedings of information collected by voluntary fishery data collectors. National Appeals Office rules of procedure. Maintaining records and submitting reports on weather modification activities. Marine debris. Policies and procedures concerning use of the NOAA space-based data collection systems. National Sea Grant program funding regulations. Sea Grants.18 SUBCHAPTER B--OCEAN AND COASTAL RESOURCE MANAGEMENT National Estuarine Research Reserve System regulations. National Marine Sanctuary program regulations. Coastal zone management program regulations. Federal consistency with approved coastal management programs. [Reserved]932--933 SUBCHAPTER C--REGULATIONS OF THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE Modernization of the National Weather Service. SUBCHAPTER D--GENERAL REGULATIONS OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL DATA SERVICE Environmental data and information. Licensing of private remote sensing space systems. Deep seabed mining regulations for exploration licenses. Deep seabed mining regulations for commercial recovery permits. SUBCHAPTER E--OIL POLLUTION ACT REGULATIONS Natural resource damage assessments. SUBCHAPTER F--QUALITY ASSURANCE AND CERTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS FOR NOAA HYDROGRAPHIC PRODUCTS AND SERVICES. Certification requirements for distributors of NOAA hydrographic products. Quality assurance and certification requirements for NOAA hydrographic products and services. Regional Coastal Observing System. Marine and aviation operations. Chapter XI--National Technical Information Service, Department of Commerce (Parts 1100--1199)............................................. Certification program for access to the death master file. Transfer by Federal agencies of scientific, technical, and engineering information to the National Technical Information Service. Chapter XIII--East-West Foreign Trade Board (Parts 1300--1399).......... Reports on exports of technology. Chapter XIV--Minority Business Development Agency (Parts 1400--1499).... Determination of group eligibility for MBDA assistance. [[Page 1140]] Chapter XV--Office of the Under-Secretary for Economic Affairs, Department of Commerce (Parts 1500--1599)............................... Concrete masonry, research, education, and promotion. Subtitle C--Regulations Relating to Foreign Trade Agreements............ Chapter XX--Office of the United States Trade Representative (Parts 2000--2099)............................................................. Creation, organization, and functions. Operation of committees. Regulations of Trade Policy Staff Committee. Disclosure of records and information. Procedures for filing petitions for action under section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974, as amended. Regulations of the U.S. Trade Representative pertaining to eligibility of articles and countries for the Generalized System of Preferences program [GSP (15 CFR Part 2007)]. [Reserved]2008 Procedures for representations under section 422 of Trade Agreements Act of 1979. Allocation of tariff-rate quota on imported sugars, syrups, and molasses. Implementation of tariff-rate quotas for beef. Implementation of tariff-rate quota for imports of lamb meat. Implementation of tariff-rate quotas for sugar-containing products. Procedures to petition for withdrawal or suspension of country eligibility or duty-free treatment under the Andean Trade Preference Act (ATPA), as amended. Petition process to review eligibility of countries under the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). Subtitle D--Regulations Relating to Telecommunications and Information.. Chapter XXIII--National Telecommunications and Information Administration, Department of Commerce (Parts 2300--2399) [Reserved].... TITLE 16--COMMERCIAL PRACTICES Chapter I--Federal Trade Commission (Parts 0--999)...................... SUBCHAPTER A--ORGANIZATION, PROCEDURES AND RULES OF PRACTICE Part Organization. General procedures. Nonadjudicative procedures. Rules of practice for adjudicative proceedings. Miscellaneous rules. Standards of conduct. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the Federal Trade Commission. Administrative interpretations, general policy statements, and enforcement policy statements. Advisory committee management. SUBCHAPTER B--GUIDES AND TRADE PRACTICE RULES Application of guides in preventing unlawful practices. Guides for the rebuilt, reconditioned, and other used automobile parts industry. Guides for the jewelry, precious metals, and pewter industries. Guides for select leather and imitation leather products. [Reserved]25--227 Guides against deceptive pricing. Guides against bait advertising. Guides for the advertising of warranties and guarantees. Guides for advertising allowances and other merchandising payments and services. Guide concerning use of the word ``free'' and similar representations. Guides for private vocational and distance education schools. Guides concerning use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising. [[Page 1141]] Guide concerning fuel economy advertising for new automobiles. Guides for the use of environmental marketing claims. SUBCHAPTER C--REGULATIONS UNDER SPECIFIC ACTS OF CONGRESS Rules and regulations under the Wool Products Labeling Act of 1939. Rules and regulations under Fur Products Labeling Act. Rules and regulations under the Textile Fiber Products Identification Act. Rules and regulations under the Hobby Protection Act. Energy and water use labeling for consumer products under the Energy Policy and Conservation Act (''Energy Labeling Rule''). Automotive fuel ratings, certification, and posting. [Reserved]307 Trade regulation rule pursuant to the Telephone Disclosure and Dispute Resolution Act of 1992. Labeling requirements for alternative fuels and alternative fueled vehicles. Telemarketing sales rule 16 CFR 310. Test procedures and labeling standards for recycled oil. Children's Online Privacy Protection Rule. Privacy of consumer financial information. Standards for safeguarding customer information. Contact Lens Rule. CAN-SPAM rule. Prohibition of energy market manipulation rule. Health Breach Notification Rule. Disclosure requirements for depository institutions lacking Federal deposit insurance. Mortgage acts and practices--advertising. Mortgage Assistance Relief Services. Made in USA labeling. SUBCHAPTER D--TRADE REGULATION RULES Basis and scope. Unfair or deceptive advertising and labeling of cigarettes in relation to the health hazards of smoking. [Note] Care labeling of textile wearing apparel and certain piece goods as amended. Retail food store advertising and marketing practices. Use of prenotification negative option plans. Rule concerning cooling-off period for sales made at homes or at certain other locations. Power output claims for amplifiers utilized in home entertainment products. Preservation of consumers' claims and defenses. Mail, internet, or telephone order merchandise. Disclosure requirements and prohibitions concerning franchising, Business opportunity rule. Credit practices. Funeral industry practices. Used motor vehicle trade regulation rule. Ophthalmic practice rules (Eyeglass rule). Labeling and advertising of home insulation. SUBCHAPTER E--RULES, REGULATIONS, STATEMENT OF GENERAL POLICY OR INTERPRETATION AND EXEMPTIONS UNDER THE FAIR PACKAGING AND LABELING ACT Regulations under section 4 of the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act. Exemptions from requirements and prohibitions under Part 500. Regulations under section 5(c) of the Fair Packaging and Labeling Act. Statements of general policy or interpretation. SUBCHAPTER F--FAIR CREDIT REPORTING ACT [Reserved]600 Fair and Accurate Credit Transactions Act of 2003. Definitions.3 Fair Credit Reporting Act rules. Free electronic credit monitoring for active duty military. Free annual file disclosures. [[Page 1142]] Prohibition against circumventing treatment as a nationwide consumer reporting agency. Duration of active duty alerts. Appropriate proof of identity. Duties of creditors regarding risk-based pricing. Duties of users of consumer reports regarding address discrepancies. Prescreen opt-out notice. Affiliate marketing. Identity theft rules. Disposal of consumer report information and records. Model forms and disclosures. SUBCHAPTER G--RULES, REGULATIONS, STATEMENTS, AND INTERPRETATIONS UNDER THE MAGNUSON-MOSS WARRANTY ACT Interpretations of Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act. Disclosure of written consumer product warranty terms and conditions. Pre-sale availability of written warranty terms. Informal dispute settlement procedures. SUBCHAPTER H--RULES, REGULATIONS, STATEMENTS AND INTERPRETATIONS UNDER THE HART-SCOTT-RODINO ANTITRUST IMPROVEMENTS ACT OF 1976 Coverage rules. Exemption rules. Transmittal rules. SUBCHAPTER I--FAIR DEBT COLLECTION PRACTICES ACT Procedures for State applications for exemption from the provisions of the Act. [Reserved]902--999 Chapter II--Consumer Product Safety Commission (Parts 1000--1799)....... SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL Commission organization and functions. General statements of policy or interpretation. [Reserved]1010 Notice of Agency activities. Meetings policy--meetings between Agency personnel and outside parties. Government in the Sunshine Act, rules for Commission meetings. Policies and procedures implementing the Privacy Act of 1974. Procedures for disclosure or production of information under the Freedom of Information Act. Policies and procedures for information disclosure and Commission employee testimony in private litigation. [Reserved]1017 Advisory committee management. Export of noncomplying, misbranded, or banned products. Small business. Environmental review. Rules of practice for adjudicative proceedings. Salary offset. Protection of human subjects. Employee standards of conduct. Commission participation and commission employee involvement in voluntary standards activities. Display of control numbers for collection of information requirements under the Paperwork Reduction Act. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Procedure for petitioning for rulemaking. Procedural regulations for informal oral presentations in proceedings before the Consumer Product Safety Commission. Applications for exemption from preemption. SUBCHAPTER B--CONSUMER PRODUCT SAFETY ACT REGULATIONS Information disclosure under section 6(b) of the Consumer Product Safety Act. Publicly Available Consumer Product Safety Information Database. [[Page 1143]] Contributions to costs of participants in development of consumer product safety standards. Testing and labeling pertaining to product certification. Conditions and requirements for relying on component part testing or certification, or another party's finished product testing or certification, to meet testing and certification requirements. Certificates of compliance. Requirements pertaining to third party conformity assessment bodies. Substantial product hazard reports. Reports submitted pursuant to section 37 of the Consumer Product Safety Act. Reporting of choking incidents involving marbles, small balls, latex balloons, and other small parts. Investigations, inspections and inquiries under the Consumer Product Safety Act. Civil penalty factors. Substantial product hazard list. Requirements for consumer registration of durable infant or toddler products. Regulation of products subject to other Acts under the Consumer Product Safety Act. Children's toys and child care articles containing phthalates: guidance on inaccessible component parts. Definition of children's product under the Consumer Product Safety Act. Safety standard for architectural glazing materials. Safety standard for matchbooks. Safety standard for bicycle helmets. Safety standard for omnidirectional citizens band base station antennas. Safety standard for walk-behind power lawn mowers. Safety standard for swimming pool slides. Interim safety standard for cellulose insulation. Safety standard for cigarette lighters. Safety standard for automatic residential garage door operators. Safety standard for multi-purpose lighters. Safety standard for entrapment hazards in bunk beds. Safety standard for infant bath seats. Safety standard for infant walkers. Safety standard for toddler beds. Safety standards for bassinets and cradles. Safety standard for full-size baby cribs. Safety standard for non-full-size baby cribs. Safety standard for play yards. Safety standard for bedside sleepers. Safety standard for infant swings. Safety standard for portable bed rails. Safety standard for hand-held infant carriers. Safety standard for soft infant and toddler carriers. Safety standard for carriages and strollers. Safety standard for sling carriers. Safety standard for infant bouncer seats. Safety standard for frame child carriers. Safety standard for high chairs. Safety standard for children's folding chairs and children's folding stools. Safety standard for portable hook-on chairs. Safety standard for infant bath tubs. Safety standard for baby changing products. Safety standard for booster seats. Safety standard for stationary activity centers. Safety standard for gates and enclosures. Safety standard for crib mattresses. Safety standard mandating ASTM f963 for toys. Toys: determinations regarding heavy elements limits for certain materials. Children's products, children's toys, and child care articles: determinations regarding lead, ASTM F963 elements, and phthalates for engineered wood products. Children's toys and child care articles: determinations regarding the ASTM F963 elements and phthalates for unfinished manufactured fibers. [[Page 1144]] Safety standard for clothing storage units. Safety standard for magnets. Safety standard for button cell or coin batteries and consumer products containing such batteries. Safety standard for adult portable bed rails. Marking of toy, look-alike, and imitation firearms. Ban of unstable refuse bins. Ban of extremely flammable contact adhesives. Ban of lead-containing paint and certain consumer products bearing lead-containing paint. Ban of consumer patching compounds containing respirable free-form asbestos. Ban of artificial emberizing materials (ash and embers) containing respirable free-form asbestos. Ban of hazardous lawn darts. Prohibition of children's toys and child care articles containing specified phthalates. Prohibition of children's toys and child care articles containing specified phthalates: determinations regarding certain plastics. Self pressurized consumer products containing chlorofluorocarbons: requirements to provide the Commission with performance and technical data; requirements to notify consumers at point of purchase of performance and technical data. CB base station antennas, TV antennas, and supporting structures. Cellulose insulation. Coal and wood burning appliances--notification of performance and technical data. Portable generators: requirements to provide performance and technical data by labeling. Requirements for all terrain vehicles. Virginia Graeme Baker Pool and Spa Safety Act regulations. Children's Gasoline Burn Prevention Act regulation. SUBCHAPTER C--FEDERAL HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES ACT REGULATIONS Hazardous substances and articles: administration and enforcement regulations. Method for identifying toys and other articles intended for use by children under 3 years of age which present choking, aspiration, or ingestion hazards because of small parts. Procedures for formal evidentiary public hearing. Requirements for electrically operated toys or other electrically operated articles intended for use by children. Fireworks devices. Requirements for rattles. Requirements for pacifiers. Requirements for bicycles. Requirements for bunk beds. SUBCHAPTER D--FLAMMABLE FABRICS ACT REGULATIONS Statements of policy or interpretation. Investigations, inspections and inquiries pursuant to the Flammable Fabrics Act. General rules and regulations under the Flammable Fabrics Act. Text of the Flammable Fabrics Act of 1953, as amended in 1954, prior to 1967 amendment and revision. Standard for the flammability of clothing textiles. Standard for the flammability of vinyl plastic film. Standard for the flammability of children's sleepwear: sizes 0 through 6X (FF 3-71). Standard for the flammability of children's sleepwear: sizes 7 through 14 (FF 5-74). Standard for the surface flammability of carpets and rugs (FF 1-70). Standard for the surface flammability of small carpets and rugs (FF 2-70). Standard for the flammability of mattresses and mattress pads (FF 4-72, amended). Standard for the flammability (open flame) of mattress sets. Standard for the flammability of upholstered furniture. SUBCHAPTER E--POISON PREVENTION PACKAGING ACT OF 1970 REGULATIONS Poison prevention packaging. Statements of policy and interpretation. Petitions for exemptions from Poison Prevention Packaging Act requirements; petition procedures and requirements. [[Page 1145]] SUBCHAPTER F--REFRIGERATOR SAFETY ACT REGULATIONS Standard for devices to permit the opening of household refrigerator doors from the inside. TITLE 17--COMMODITY AND SECURITIES EXCHANGES Chapter I--Commodity Futures Trading Commission (Parts 1--199).......... Part General regulations under the Commodity Exchange Act. Official seal. Registration. Commodity pool operators and commodity trading advisers. Off-Exchange Foreign Currency Transactions. Registered entity rules altered or supplemented by the Commission. Rules relating to review of exchange disciplinary, access denial or other adverse actions. Rules of practice. Rules relating to investigations. Rules relating to reparations. Procedures for petitions for rulemaking. Rules relating to suspension or disbarment from appearance and practice. Reports--general provisions. Reports by contract markets and swap execution facilities. Reports by reporting markets, futures commission merchants, clearing members, and foreign brokers. Reports by traders. Reports by persons holding reportable positions in excess of position limits, and by merchants and dealers in cotton. Large trader reporting for physical commodity swaps. Special calls. Cleared swaps. Swap dealers and major swap participants. Foreign futures and foreign options transactions. Leverage transactions. Regulation of commodity option transactions. Regulation of commodity option transactions that are options on contracts of sale of a commodity for future delivery. Regulation of hybrid instruments. Swaps in an agricultural commodity (agricultural swaps). Trade execution requirement. Swap execution facilities. Designated contract markets. Derivatives clearing organizations. Provisions common to registered entities. Security futures products. Anti-money laundering, terrorist financing. Real-time public reporting. Interim final rules for pre-enactment swap transactions. Swap data recordkeeping and reporting. Swap data recordkeeping and reporting requirements: pre-enactment and transition swaps. Registration of foreign boards of trade. Swap data repositories. Clearing requirement and related rules. Proprietary trading and certain interests in and relationships with covered funds. Delivery period required. Organization, functions, and procedures of the Commission. Salary offset. Indemnification of CFTC employees. Collection of claims owed the United States arising from activities under the Commission's jurisdiction. [[Page 1146]] Procedures regarding the disclosure of information and the testimony of present or former officers and employees in response to subpoenas or other demands of a court. Commission records and information. Records maintained on individuals. Open Commission meetings. Implementation of the Equal Access to Justice Act in covered adjudicatory proceedings before the Commission. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Limits on positions. [Reserved]151 Trading standards. Broker associations. Privacy of consumer financial information under Title V of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act. Protection of consumer information under the Fair Credit Reporting Act. Whistleblower rules. Customer protection rules. Registered futures associations. Rules relating to review of National Futures Association decisions in disciplinary, membership denial, registration and member responsibility actions. Prohibition against manipulation. Bankruptcy rules. [Reserved]191--199 Chapter II--Securities and Exchange Commission (Parts 200--399)......... Organization; conduct and ethics; and information and requests. Rules of practice. Informal and other procedures. Rules relating to investigations. Rules relating to debt collection. Standards of professional conduct for attorneys appearing and practicing before the Commission in the representation of an issuer. Forms prescribed under the Commission's rules of practice. Form and content of and requirements for financial statements, Securities Act of 1933, Securities Exchange Act of 1934, Investment Company Act of 1940, Investment Advisers Act of 1940, and Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975. Interpretations relating to financial reporting matters. Regulation crowdfunding, general rules and regulations. [Reserved]228 Standard instructions for filing forms under Securities Act of 1933, Securities Exchange Act of 1934, and Energy Policy and Conservation Act of 1975--Regulation S-K. General rules and regulations, Securities Act of 1933. Interpretative releases relating to the Securities Act of 1933 and general rules and regulations thereunder. Regulation S-T--General rules and regulations for electronic filings. Forms prescribed under the Securities Act of 1933. General rules and regulations, Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Interpretative releases relating to the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and general rules and regulations thereunder. Regulations M, SHO, ATS, AC, and NMS and customer margin requirements for security futures. Regulation FD. Regulation G. Regulation blackout trading restriction (Regulation BTR--Blackout trading restriction. Regulation R-exemptions and definitions related to the exceptions for banks from the definition of broker. Regulations S-P, S-AM, and S-ID. Forms, Securities Exchange Act of 1934. [Reserved]249a [[Page 1147]] Further forms, Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Cross-border antifraud law enforcement authority. Proprietary trading and certain interests in and relationships with covered funds. General rules and regulations, Trust Indenture Act of 1939. Interpretative releases relating to the Trust Indenture Act of 1939 and general rules and regulations thereunder. Forms prescribed under the Trust Indenture Act of 1939. Rules and regulations, Investment Company Act of 1940. Interpretative releases relating to the Investment Company Act of 1940 and general rules and regulations thereunder. Forms prescribed under the Investment Company Act of 1940. Rules and regulations, Investment Advisers Act of 1940. Interpretative releases relating to the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 and general rules and regulations thereunder. Forms prescribed under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. Interpretative releases relating to corporate reorganizations under Chapter X of the Bankruptcy Act. Rules and regulations pursuant to section 15(a) of the Bretton Woods Agreements Act. General rules and regulations pursuant to section 11(a) of the Inter-American Development Bank Act. General rules and regulations pursuant to section 11(a) of the Asian Development Bank Act. General rules and regulations pursuant to section 9(a) of the African Development Bank Act. General rules and regulations pursuant to section 13(a) of the International Finance Corporation Act. General rules and regulations pursuant to section 9(a) of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Act. Rules of the Securities Investor Protection Corporation. Forms, Securities Investor Protection Corporation. Orderly liquidation of covered brokers or dealers. Chapter IV--Department of the Treasury (Parts 400--499)................. SUBCHAPTER A--REGULATIONS UNDER SECTION 15C OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934 Rules of general application. Exemptions.01 Financial responsibility. Protection of customer securities and balances. Recordkeeping and preservation of records. Reports and audit. Large position reporting. Forms, section 15C of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. SUBCHAPTER B--REGULATIONS UNDER TITLE II OF THE GOVERNMENT SECURITIES ACT OF 1986 Custodial holdings of Government securities by depository institutions. TITLE 18--CONSERVATION OF POWER AND WATER RESOURCES Chapter I--Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, Department of Energy (Parts 1--399).......................................................... SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL RULES Part Rules of general applicability. Rules relating to investigations. Prohibition of energy market manipulation. General policy and interpretations. [Reserved]3 National security information. Collection, maintenance, use, and dissemination of records of identifiable personal information. Standards of conduct. [[Page 1148]] SUBCHAPTER B--REGULATIONS UNDER THE FEDERAL POWER ACT Licenses, permits, exemptions, and determination of project costs. Integrated license application process. Surrender or termination of license. Recreational opportunities and development at licensed projects. Expedited licensing process for qualifying non-federal hydropower projects at existing nonpowered dams and for closed-loop pumping storage projects. Transfer of license or lease of project property. Annual charges under Part 1 of the Federal Power Act. Safety of water power projects and project works. Procedures relating to takeover and relicensing of licensed projects. Authorization of the issuance of securities by licensees and companies subject to sections 19 and 20 of the Federal Power Act. Declaration of intention. Application for vacation of withdrawal and for determination permitting restoration to entry. Interconnection of facilities. Applications under Federal Power Act section 203. Application for authorization of the issuance of securities or the assumption of liabilities. Filing of rate schedules and tariffs. Rules concerning applications for transmission services under section 211 of the Federal Power Act. Open access same-time information systems. Standards for public utility business operations and communications. Rules concerning certification of the electric reliability organization; and procedures for the establishment, approval, and enforcement of electric reliability standards. Mandatory Reliability Standards for the Bulk- Power System. Accounts, records, memoranda and disposition of contested audit findings and proposed remedies. Long-term firm transmission rights in organized electricity markets. Application for authority to hold interlocking positions. Public utility filing requirements and filing requirements for persons holding interlocking positions. Applications for permits to site interstate electric transmission facilities. SUBCHAPTER C--ACCOUNTS, FEDERAL POWER ACT Uniform System of Accounts prescribed for public utilities and licenses subject to the provisions of the Federal Power Act. [Reserved]104 Preservation of records of public utilities and licensees. SUBCHAPTER D--APPROVED FORMS, FEDERAL POWER ACT AND PUBLIC UTILITY REGULATORY POLICIES ACT OF 1978 Forms. 131 Statements and reports (schedules). [Reserved]142--149 SUBCHAPTER E--REGULATIONS UNDER NATURAL GAS ACT Application for exemption from the provisions of the Natural Gas Act pursuant to section 1(c) thereof and issuance of blanket certificates authorizing certain sales for resale. Applications for authorization to construct, operate, or modify facilities used for the export or import of natural gas. Rate schedules and tariffs. Applications for orders under section 7(a) of the Natural Gas Act. Applications for certificates of public convenience and necessity and for orders permitting and approving abandonment under section 7 of the Natural Gas Act. Accounts, records, memoranda and disposition of contested audit findings and proposed remedies. SUBCHAPTER F--ACCOUNTS, NATURAL GAS ACT Uniform System of Accounts prescribed for natural gas companies subject to the provisions of the Natural Gas Act. [[Page 1149]] [Reserved]204 Preservation of records of natural gas companies. SUBCHAPTER G--APPROVED FORMS, NATURAL GAS ACT Forms. 250 Statements and reports (schedules). SUBCHAPTER H--PROCEDURES GOVERNING DETERMINATIONS FOR TAX CREDIT PURPOSES Determination procedures. SUBCHAPTER I--OTHER REGULATIONS UNDER THE NATURAL GAS POLICY ACT OF 1978 AND RELATED AUTHORITIES General provisions applicable to Subchapter I. Natural gas curtailment under the Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978. Certain sales and transportation of natural gas under the Natural Gas Policy Act of 1978 and related authorities. Accounts, records, memoranda and disposition of contested audit findings and proposed remedies. SUBCHAPTER J--REGULATIONS UNDER THE POWERPLANT AND INDUSTRIAL FUEL USE ACT of 1978 Rules generally applicable to powerplant and industrial fuel use. SUBCHAPTER K--REGULATIONS UNDER THE PUBLIC UTILITY REGULATORY POLICIES ACT OF 1978 Collection of cost of service information under section 133 of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978. Regulations under sections 201 and 210 of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978 with regard to small power production and cogeneration. Procedures for shortages of electric energy capacity under section 206 of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act of 1978. SUBCHAPTER L--REGULATIONS FOR FEDERAL POWER MARKETING ADMINISTRATIONS Confirmation and approval of the rates of Federal power marketing administrations. Average system cost methodology for sales from utilities to Bonneville Power Administration under Northwest Power Act. SUBCHAPTERS M--O--[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER P--REGULATIONS UNDER THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE ACT Rate schedules and tariffs. Oil pipeline tariffs: oil pipeline companies subject to section 6 of the Interstate Commerce Act. Oil pipeline rate methodologies and procedures. Procedural rules applicable to oil pipeline proceedings. Filing quotations for U.S. Government shipments at reduced rates. Oil pipeline cost-of-service filing requirements. Oil pipeline depreciation studies. Oil pipeline applications for market power determinations. Disposition of contested audit findings and proposed remedies. SUBCHAPTER Q--ACCOUNTS UNDER THE INTERSTATE COMMERCE ACT Financial statements released by carriers. Uniform Systems of Accounts prescribed for oil pipeline companies subject to the provisions of the Interstate Commerce Act. SUBCHAPTER R--APPROVED FORMS, INTERSTATE COMMERCE ACT Preservation of records for oil pipeline companies. Annual special or periodic reports: carriers subject to part 1 of the Interstate Commerce Act. SUBCHAPTER S--STANDARDS OF CONDUCT FOR TRANSMISSION PROVIDERS Standards of conduct. [[Page 1150]] SUBCHAPTER T--[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER U--REGULATIONS UNDER THE PUBLIC UTILITY HOLDING COMPANY ACT OF 2005 Books and Records. Uniform System of Accounts for centralized service companies subject to the provisions of the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 2005, Federal Power Act and Natural Gas Act. Preservation of records of holding companies and service companies. Statements and reports (schedules). SUBCHAPTER W--REVISED GENERAL RULES The Commission. Organization, mission, and functions; operations during emergency conditions. Regulations implementing the National Environmental Policy Act. Fees. 381 Annual charges. SUBCHAPTER X--PROCEDURAL RULES Rules of practice and procedure. Information and requests. OMB control numbers for Commission information collection requirements. Electronic registration. [Reserved]391--399 Chapter III--Delaware River Basin Commission (Parts 400--499)........... SUBCHAPTER A--ADMINISTRATIVE MANUAL Rules of practice and procedure. Basin regulations; water code and water quality standards. Basin regulations--flood plain regulations. Basin regulations--water supply charges. SUBCHAPTER B--SPECIAL REGULATIONS Ground water protection area: Pennsylvania. High volume hydraulic fracturing. Chapter VI--Water Resources Council (Parts 700--799).................... Council organization. Plan formulation standards and procedures. Nondiscrimination in federally-assisted programs--effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Employee responsibilities and conduct. Compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). Upper Mississippi River Basin Commission: public participation in Upper Mississippi River System Master Plan. Implementation of Executive Orders 11988, Floodplain Management and 11990, Protection of Wetlands. State water management planning program. Chapter VIII--Susquehanna River Basin Commission (Parts 800--899)....... General policies. [Reserved]803--805 Review and approval of projects. Water withdrawal registration. Hearings and enforcement actions. Chapter XIII--Tennessee Valley Authority (Parts 1300--1399)............. Standards of conduct for employees of Tennessee Valley Authority. Procedures.301 Nondiscrimination in federally-assisted programs of TVA--effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Property management. Approval of construction in the Tennessee River system and regulation of structures and other alterations. [[Page 1151]] [Reserved]1305 Relocation assistance and real property acquisition policies. Nondiscrimination with respect to handicap. Contract disputes. Nondiscrimination with respect to age. Administrative cost recovery. Intergovernmental review of Tennessee Valley Authority Federal financial assistance and direct Federal development programs and activities. Protection of archaeological resources: uniform regulations. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the Tennessee Valley Authority. Book-entry procedures for TVA power securities issued through the Federal Reserve Banks. New restrictions on lobbying. General conditions and certifications for incorporation in contract documents or actions. Nondiscrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. Implementation of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. TITLE 19--CUSTOMS DUTIES Chapter I--U.S. Customs and Border Protection, Department of Homeland Security; Department of the Treasury (Parts 0--199)..................... Part Transferred or delegated authority. [Reserved]1--3 Vessels in foreign and domestic trades. Customs relations with insular possessions and Guantanamo Bay Naval Station. Articles conditionally free, subject to a reduced rate, etc. Packing and stamping; marking. Special classes of merchandise. Transportation in bond and merchandise in transit. Customs warehouses, container stations and control of merchandise therein. Customs financial and accounting procedure. Certain importations temporarily free of duty. General provisions. Rules of origin. Availability of information. Customs brokers. Carriers, cartmen, and lightermen. Customs bonds. Carnets. 114 Cargo container and road vehicle certification pursuant to international customs conventions. Centralized examination stations. Air commerce regulations. CBP relations with Canada and Mexico. Cartage and lighterage of merchandise. General order, unclaimed, and abandoned merchandise. Express consignments. Quotas. 132 Trademarks, trade names, and copyrights. Country of origin marking. Entry of merchandise. Entry process. Special entry procedures. Warehouse and rewarehouse entries and withdrawals. Mail importations. Foreign trade zones. Trade fairs.7 Personal declarations and exemptions. Importer security filing. [[Page 1152]] Examination, sampling, and testing of merchandise. Classification and appraisement of merchandise. Relief from duties on merchandise lost, damaged, abandoned, or exported. Liquidation of duties. General enforcement provisions. Inspection, search, and seizure. Recordkeeping. Investigation of claims of evasion of antidumping and countervailing duties. Fines, penalties, and forfeitures. Claims for liquidated damages; penalties secured by bonds. Administrative review in general. Protests. 174 Petitions by domestic interested parties. Proceedings in the Court of International Trade. Administrative rulings. Approval of information collection requirements. North American Free Trade Agreement. United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement. Modernized drawback. Drawback. 191 Export control. [Reserved]193--195 Chapter II--United States International Trade Commission (Parts 200-- 299).................................................................... Employee responsibilities and conduct. SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL Rules of general application. SUBCHAPTER B--NONADJUDICATIVE INVESTIGATIONS Investigations of costs of production. Investigations of effects of imports on agricultural programs. Investigations to determine the probable economic effects on the economy of the United States of proposed modifications of duties or of any barrier to (or other distortion of) international trade or of taking retaliatory actions to obtain the elimination of unjustifiable or unreasonable foreign acts or policies which restrict U.S. commerce. Investigations relating to global and bilateral safeguard actions, market disruption, trade diversion, and review of relief actions. Investigations of whether injury to domestic industries results from imports sold at less than fair value or from subsidized exports to the United States. Investigations of United States-Mexico cross- border long-haul trucking services. SUBCHAPTER C--INVESTIGATIONS OF UNFAIR PRACTICES IN IMPORT TRADE Adjudicative procedures. Implementation of the Equal Access to Justice Act. Trade remedy assistance. Chapter III--International Trade Administration, Department of Commerce (Parts 300--399)........................................................ Antidumping and countervailing duties. Procedures for imposing sanctions for violation of an antidumping or countervailing duty protective order. Procedures and rules for Article 10.12 of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement. Supplies for use in emergency relief work. Steel Import Monitoring and Analysis System. Aluminum Import Monitoring and Analysis system. Procedures covering suspension of liquidation, duties and estimated duties in accord with Presidential Proclamation 10414. [[Page 1153]] Chapter IV--U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Department of Homeland Security (Parts 400--599) [Reserved]........................... TITLE 20--EMPLOYEES' BENEFITS Chapter I--Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, Department of Labor (Parts 1--199).......................................................... SUBCHAPTER A--ORGANIZATION AND PROCEDURES Part Performance of functions. SUBCHAPTER B--FEDERAL EMPLOYEES' COMPENSATION ACT Claims for compensation under the Federal Employees' Compensation Act, as amended. Compensation for disability and death of noncitizen Federal employees outside the United States. SUBCHAPTER C--ENERGY EMPLOYEES OCCUPATIONAL ILLNESS COMPENSATION PROGRAM ACT OF 2000 Claims for compensation under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act of 2000, as amended. SUBCHAPTER F--COMPENSATION FOR INJURY, DISABILITY, DEATH, OR ENEMY DETENTION OF EMPLOYEES OF CONTRACTORS WITH THE UNITED STATES Claims for compensation under the War Hazards Compensation Act, as amended. SUBCHAPTER G--COMPENSATION FOR INJURY, DISABILITY OR DEATH OF CIVILIAN AMERICAN CITIZENS INCURRED WHILE DETAINED BY OR IN HIDING FROM THE IMPERIAL JAPANESE GOVERNMENT General provisions. Chapter II--Railroad Retirement Board (Parts 200--399).................. SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL ADMINISTRATION General administration. SUBCHAPTER B--REGULATIONS UNDER THE RAILROAD RETIREMENT ACT Definitions.1 Employers under the Act. Employees under the Act. Employment relation. Employee representative. Account benefits ratio. Railroad employers' reports and responsibilities. Creditable railroad service. Creditable railroad compensation. Military service. Eligibility for an annuity. Application for annuity or lump sum. Annuity beginning and ending dates. Evidence required for payment. Determining disability. Jurisdiction determinations. Family relationships. Primary insurance amount determinations. Computing employee, spouse, and divorced spouse annuities. Computing supplemental annuities. Computation of survivor annuities. Social security overall minimum guarantee. Months annuities not payable by reason of work. Reduction in the windfall benefit annuity component. Lump-sum payments. Payment of social security benefits by the Railroad Retirement Board. [Reserved]236--240 Transfer, assignment, or waiver of payments. [Reserved]250 [[Page 1154]] Recovery of overpayments. Hearings before the Board or designated examiners. Initial determinations and appeals from initial determinations with respect to employer status and employee status. Requests for reconsideration and appeals within the Board. Administrative finality. [Reserved]262 Representative payment. Payments pursuant to court decree or court- approved property settlement. SUBCHAPTER C--REGULATIONS UNDER THE RAILROAD UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE ACT Definitions.0 Employers under the Act. Qualified employee. Procedure for determining liability for contributions or repayments of benefits. Initial determinations under the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act and reviews of and appeals from such determinations. Electronic filing of applications and claims for benefits under the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act. Remuneration. Nongovernmental plans for unemployment or sickness insurance. Registration for railroad unemployment benefits. Available for work. Determination of daily benefit rates. Mileage or work restrictions and stand-by or lay-over rules. Sickness benefits. Duration of normal and extended benefits. [Reserved]337 Recovery of benefits. Statutory lien where sickness benefits paid. [Reserved]344 Employers' contributions and contribution reports. Railroad hiring. Representative payment. Finality of decisions regarding unemployment and sickness insurance benefits. SUBCHAPTER D--GARNISHMENT OF BENEFITS Garnishment of benefits paid under the Railroad Retirement Act, the Railroad Unemployment Insurance Act, and under any other Act administered by the Board. SUBCHAPTER E--ADMINISTRATIVE REMEDIES FOR FRAUDULENT CLAIMS OR STATEMENTS Regulations under the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986. Civil monetary penalty inflation adjustment. SUBCHAPTER F--INTERNAL ADMINISTRATION, POLICY, AND PROCEDURES [Reserved]360 Recovery of debts owed to the United States Government by Government employees. Employees' personal property claims. Garnishment of remuneration of Board personnel. Use of penalty mail to assist in the location and recovery of missing children. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the Railroad Retirement Board. Collection of debts by Federal tax refund offset. Recovery of debts owed to the United States Government by administrative offset. Prohibition of cigarette sales to minors. Use of the seal of the Railroad Retirement Board. SUBCHAPTER G--[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER H--EMERGENCY REGULATIONS Plan of operation during a national emergency. [[Page 1155]] SUBCHAPTER I--[RESERVED] Chapter III--Social Security Administration (Parts 400--499)............ Privacy and disclosure of official records and information. Availability of information and records to the public. Testimony by employees and the production of records and information in legal proceedings. Federal old-age, survivors and disability insurance (1950-- ). [Reserved]405 Special benefits for certain World War II veterans. The ticket to work and self-sufficiency program. Supplemental security income for the aged, blind, and disabled. Medicare subsidies. Organization and procedures. Service of process. [Reserved]424--428 Administrative claims under the Federal Tort Claims Act and related statutes. Personnel.430 Protection of human subjects. [Reserved]432--437 Restrictions on lobbying. [Reserved]440--497 Civil monetary penalties, assessments and recommended exclusions. [Reserved]499 Chapter IV--Employees' Compensation Appeals Board, Department of Labor (Parts 500--599)........................................................ Rules of procedure. Chapter V--Employment and Training Administration, Department of Labor (Parts 600--699)........................................................ Administrative procedure. Quality control in the Federal-State unemployment insurance system. Federal-State Unemployment Compensation (UC) Program; confidentiality and disclosure of State UC information. Regulations for eligibility for unemployment compensation. Tax credits under the Federal Unemployment Tax Act; advances under Title XII of the Social Security Act. Unemployment compensation for Federal civilian employees. Unemployment compensation for ex- servicemembers. Extended benefits in the Federal-State unemployment compensation program. Interstate arrangement for combining employment and wages. Trade adjustment assistance under the Trade Act of 1974, as amended. Unemployment compensation data exchange standardization for improved interoperability. Drug testing for state unemployment compensation eligibility determination purposes. [Reserved]621 Disaster unemployment assistance. Worker adjustment and retraining notification. Standard for benefit payment promptness-- unemployment compensation. Provisions governing the Senior Community Service Employment program. Provisions governing Welfare-to-Work grants. Provisions governing the Indian and Native American Welfare-to-Work grant program. Standard for appeals promptness--unemployment compensation. General provisions governing the Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Service System. Establishment and functioning of State employment services. Services of the Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Service System. Special responsibilities of the Employment Service System. Temporary employment of foreign workers in the United States. Labor certification process for permanent employment of aliens in the United States. [Reserved]657 [[Page 1156]] Administrative provisions governing the Wagner-Peyser Act Employment Service. Introduction to the regulations for workforce investment systems under Title I of the Workforce Investment Act. Statewide and local governance of the workforce investment system under Title I of the Workforce Investment Act. Description of the One-Stop system under Title I of the Workforce Investment Act. Adult and dislocated worker activities under Title I of the Workforce Investment Act. Youth activities under Title I of the Workforce Investment Act. Statewide workforce investment activities under Title I of the Workforce Investment Act. Performance accountability under Title I of the Workforce Investment Act. Administrative provisions under Title I of the Workforce Investment Act. Indian and Native American programs under Title I of the Workforce Investment Act. National Farmworkers Jobs program under Title I of the Workforce Investment Act. The Job Corps under Title I of the Workforce Investment Act. National emergency grants for dislocated workers. Introduction to the regulations for the Workforce Development Systems under Title I of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. Unified and combined State plans under Title I of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. Performance accountability under Title I of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. Description of the One-Stop Delivery System under Title I of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. Statewide and local governance of the Workforce Development System under Title I of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. Adult and dislocated worker activities under Title I of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. Youth activities under Title I of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. Statewide activities under Title I of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. Administrative provisions under Title I of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. Indian and Native American programs under Title I of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. National Farmworker Jobs Program under Title I of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. The Job Corps under Title I of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. National Dislocated Worker Grants. Provisions governing the Youthbuild Program. Chapter VI--Office of Workers' Compensation Programs, Department of Labor (Parts 700--799).................................................. SUBCHAPTER A--LONGSHOREMEN'S AND HARBOR WORKERS' COMPENSATION ACT AND RELATED STATUTES General; administering agency; definitions and use of terms. Administration and procedure. Insurance regulations. Special provisions for LHWCA extensions. SUBCHAPTER B--FEDERAL COAL MINE HEALTH AND SAFETY ACT OF 1969, AS AMENDED Standards for determining coal miners' total disability or death due to pneumoconiosis. Criteria for determining whether State workers' compensation laws provide adequate coverage for pneumoconiosis and listing of approved State laws. Claims for benefits under Part C of Title IV of the Federal Mine Safety and Health Act, as amended. Black lung benefits: requirements for coal mine operator's insurance. [[Page 1157]] Chapter VII--Benefits Review Board, Department of Labor (Parts 800--899) Establishment and operation of the Board. Rules of practice and procedure. Chapter VIII--Joint Board for the Enrollment of Actuaries (Parts 900-- 999).................................................................... Statement of organization. Regulations governing the performance of actuarial services under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. Rules regarding availability of information. Access to records. Chapter IX--Office of the Assistant Secretary for Veterans' Employment and Training Service, Department of Labor (Parts 1000--1099)............ Services for veterans. Regulations under the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act of 1994. Application of priority of service for covered persons. Hire Vets Medallion Program. TITLE 21--FOOD AND DRUGS Chapter I--Food and Drug Administration, Department of Health and Human Services (Parts 1--1299)................................................ SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL Part General enforcement regulations. General administrative rulings and decisions. Product jurisdiction. Regulation of combination products. Organization. Enforcement policy. Administrative practices and procedures. Electronic records; electronic signatures. Formal evidentiary public hearing. Public hearing before a public board of inquiry. Public hearing before a public advisory committee. Public hearing before the Commissioner. Regulatory hearing before the Food and Drug Administration. Civil money penalties hearings. Standards of conduct and conflicts of interest. Public information. Protection of privacy. Environmental impact considerations. Mutual recognition of pharmaceutical good manufacturing practice reports, medical device quality system audit reports, and certain medical device product evaluation reports: United States and the European Community. Protection of human subjects. Financial disclosure by clinical investigators. Institutional review boards. Good laboratory practice for nonclinical laboratory studies. Patent term restoration. Color additives. Color additive petitions. Listing of color additives exempt from certification. Listing of color additives subject to certification. Color additive certification. General specifications and general restrictions for provisional color additives for use in foods, drugs, and cosmetics. Listing of certified provisionally listed colors and specifications. [Reserved]83--98 Dissemination of information on unapproved/new uses for marketed drugs, biologics, and devices. [[Page 1158]] SUBCHAPTER B--FOOD FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION General. 100 Food labeling. Common or usual name for nonstandardized foods. Nutritional quality guidelines for foods. Foods for special dietary use. Infant formula requirements pertaining to current good manufacturing practice, quality control procedures, quality factors, records and reports, and notification. Infant formula. Emergency permit control. Unavoidable contaminants in food for human consumption and food-packaging material. [Reserved]110 Current good manufacturing practice in manufacturing, packaging, labeling, or holding operations for dietary supplements. Standards for the growing, harvesting, packing, and holding of produce for human consumption. Thermally processed low-acid foods packaged in hermetically sealed containers. Acidified foods. Shell eggs.15 Current good manufacturing practice, hazard analysis, and risk-based preventive controls for human food. Production, storage, and transportation of shell eggs. Dietary supplements that present a significant or unreasonable risk. Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) systems. Mitigation strategies to protect food against intentional adulteration. Fish and fishery products. Processing and bottling of bottled drinking water. Food standards: general. Milk and cream. Cheeses and related cheese products. Frozen desserts. Bakery products. Cereal flours and related products. Macaroni and noodle products. Canned fruits. Canned fruit juices. Fruit butters, jellies, preserves, and related products. Fruit pies.52 Canned vegetables. Vegetable juices. Frozen vegetables. Eggs and egg products. Fish and shellfish. Cacao products. Tree nut and peanut products. Beverages.165 Margarine.166 Sweeteners and table sirups. Food dressings and flavorings. Food additives. Food additive petitions. Food additives permitted for direct addition to food for human consumption. Secondary direct food additives permitted in food for human consumption. Indirect food additives: general. Indirect food additives: adhesives and components of coatings. Indirect food additives: paper and paperboard components. Indirect food additives: polymers. Indirect food additives: adjuvants, production aids, and sanitizers. Irradiation in the production, processing and handling of food. Food additives permitted in food on an interim basis or in contact with food pending additional study. Prior-sanctioned food ingredients. [[Page 1159]] Substances generally recognized as safe. Direct food substances affirmed as generally recognized as safe. Indirect food substances affirmed as generally recognized as safe. Substances prohibited from use in human food. Dietary supplements. [Reserved]191--199 SUBCHAPTER C--DRUGS: GENERAL General. 200 Labeling. 201 Prescription drug advertising. Prescription drug marketing. Guidelines for State licensing of wholesale prescription drug distributors. Imprinting of solid oral dosage form drug products for human use. Registration of producers of drugs and listing of drugs in commercial distribution. Medication guides for prescription products. Requirements for authorized dispensers and pharmacies to distribute a side effects statement. Current good manufacturing practice in manufacturing, processing, packing, or holding of drugs: general. Current good manufacturing practice for finished pharmaceuticals. Current good manufacturing practice for positron emission tomography drugs. Pharmacy compounding. Current good manufacturing practice for medicated feeds. Current good manufacturing practice for Type A medicated articles. Special requirements for specific human drugs. Controlled drugs. Drugs: official names and established names. SUBCHAPTER D--DRUGS FOR HUMAN USE General. 300 New drugs.310 Investigational new drug application. Applications for FDA approval to market a new drug. Diagnostic radiopharmaceuticals. Orphan drugs. Qualifying pathogens. Bioavailability and bioequivalence requirements. Over-the-counter drug products intended for oral ingestion that contain alcohol. Nonprescription human drug products subjects to section 760 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. Over-the-counter (OTC) human drugs which are generally recognized as safe and effective and not misbranded. Antacid products for over-the-counter (OTC) human use. Antiflatulent products for over-the-counter human use. Topical antimicrobial drug products for over- the-counter human use. Antidiarrheal drug products for over-the- counter human use. Antiemetic drug products for over-the-counter human use. Nighttime sleep-aid drug products for over- the-counter human use. Stimulant drug products for over-the-counter human use. Cold, cough, allergy, bronchodilator, and antiasthmatic drug products for over-the- counter human use. Internal analgesic, antipyretic, and antirheumatic drug products for over-the- counter human use. Topical otic drug products for over-the- counter human use. Anorectal drug products for over-the-counter human use. Skin protectant drug products for over-the- counter human use. External analgesic drug products for over-the- counter human use. Ophthalmic drug products for over-the-counter human use. Antiperspirant drug products for over-the- counter human use. Sunscreen drug products for over-the-counter human use. Anticaries drug products for over-the-counter human use. Miscellaneous internal drug products for over- the-counter human use. Miscellaneous external drug products for over- the-counter human use. [[Page 1160]] Prescription drugs for human use generally recognized as safe and effective and not misbranded: drugs used in research. Interpretative statements re warnings on drugs and devices for over-the-counter sale. [Reserved]370--499 SUBCHAPTER E--ANIMAL DRUGS, FEEDS, AND RELATED PRODUCTS General. 500 Animal food labeling. Common or usual names for nonstandardized animal foods. Current good manufacturing practice, hazard analysis, and risk-based preventive controls for food for animals. Unavoidable contaminants in animal food and food-packaging material. New animal drugs. New animal drugs for investigational use. New animal drug applications. Medicated feed mill license. New animal drugs for minor use and minor species. Oral dosage form new animal drugs. Implantation or injectable dosage form new animal drugs. Ophthalmic and topical dosage form new animal drugs. Intramammary dosage forms. Intentional genomic alterations in animals. Certain other dosage form new animal drugs. Extralabel drug use in animals. Tolerances for residues of new animal drugs in food. New animal drugs for use in animal feeds. [Reserved]564 Food additives. Food additive petitions. Food additives permitted in feed and drinking water of animals. Irradiation in the production, processing, and handling of animal feed and pet food. Substances generally recognized as safe. Food substances affirmed as generally recognized as safe in feed and drinking water of animals. Substances prohibited from use in animal food or feed. [Reserved]590--599 SUBCHAPTER F--BIOLOGICS Biological products: general. Licensing.601 Current good manufacturing practice for blood and blood components. Establishment registration and product listing for manufacturers of human blood and blood products and licensed devices. General biological products standards. Requirements for blood and blood components intended for transfusion or for further manufacturing use. Additional standards for human blood and blood products. Additional standards for diagnostic substances for laboratory tests. Additional standards for miscellaneous products. SUBCHAPTER G--COSMETICS General. 700 Cosmetic labeling. Voluntary registration of cosmetic product establishments. Voluntary filing of cosmetic product ingredient composition statements. Cosmetic product warning statements. [Reserved]741--799 SUBCHAPTER H--MEDICAL DEVICES General. 800 Labeling. 801 Medical device reporting. Medical devices; reports of corrections and removals. Establishment registration and device listing for manufacturers and initial importers of devices. [[Page 1161]] Exemptions from Federal preemption of State and local medical device requirements. In vitro diagnostic products for human use. Medical device recall authority. Investigational device exemptions. [Reserved]813 Premarket approval of medical devices. Quality system regulation. Medical device tracking requirements. Postmarket surveillance. Unique device identification. Medical device classification procedures. Procedures for performance standards development. Clinical chemistry and clinical toxicology devices. Hematology and pathology devices. Immunology and microbiology devices. Anesthesiology devices. Cardiovascular devices. Dental devices. Ear, nose, and throat devices. Gastroenterology-urology devices. General and plastic surgery devices. General hospital and personal use devices. Neurological devices. Obstetrical and gynecological devices. Ophthalmic devices. Orthopedic devices. Physical medicine devices. Radiology devices. Banned devices. Performance standard for electrode lead wires and patient cables. SUBCHAPTER I--MAMMOGRAPHY QUALITY STANDARDS ACT Mammography.0 SUBCHAPTER J--RADIOLOGICAL HEALTH General. 1000 Records and reports. Notification of defects or failure to comply. Repurchase, repairs, or replacement of electronic products. Importation of electronic products. Performance standards for electronic products: general. Performance standards for ionizing radiation emitting products. Performance standards for microwave and radio frequency emitting products. Performance standards for light-emitting products. SUBCHAPTER K--TOBACCO PRODUCTS General. 1100 General. 1105 Exemption requests and subsequent equivalence reports. Premarket tobacco product applications. Cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, and covered tobacco products. Required warnings for cigarette packages and advertisements. Minimum required warning statements. SUBCHAPTER L--REGULATIONS UNDER CERTAIN OTHER ACTS ADMINISTERED BY THE FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION Regulations under the Federal Import Milk Act. Regulations under the Federal Caustic Poison Act. Control of communicable diseases. Interstate conveyance sanitation. [Reserved]1251--1269 Human cells, tissues, and cellular and tissue- based products. [Reserved]1272--1299 [[Page 1162]] Chapter II--Drug Enforcement Administration, Department of Justice (Parts 1300--1399)...................................................... Definitions.00 Registration of manufacturers, distributors, and dispensers of controlled substances. Labeling and packaging requirements for controlled substances. Quotas. 1303 Records and reports of registrants. Orders for Schedule I and II controlled substances. Prescriptions. Miscellaneous. Schedules of controlled substances. Registration of manufacturers, distributors, importers and exporters and List I chemicals. Records and reports of listed chemicals and certain machines; importation and exportation of certain machines. Requirements for electronic orders and prescriptions. Importation and exportation of controlled substances. Importation and exportation of List I and List II chemicals. Retail sale of scheduled listed chemical products. Importation and production quotas for ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and phenylpropanolamine. Administrative functions, practices, and procedures. Disposal. 1317 Controls to satisfy the requirements of the Act applicable to the manufacturing of marihuana. Chapter III--Office of National Drug Control Policy (Parts 1400--1499).. [Reserved]1400 Public availability of information. Mandatory declassification review. [Reserved]1403--1499 TITLE 22--FOREIGN RELATIONS Chapter I--Department of State (Parts 1--199)........................... SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL Part Insignia of rank. Protection of foreign dignitaries and other official personnel. Gifts and decorations from foreign governments. Acceptance of employment from foreign governments by members of the uniformed services. Notification of foreign official status. Organization. [Reserved]7 Security information regulations. Security information regulations applicable to certain international energy programs; related material. Regulations governing Department of State press building passes. SUBCHAPTER B--PERSONNEL Employee responsibilities and conduct. Appointment of Foreign Service officers. Complaints against employees by alleged creditors. Personnel.13 Foreign Service Grievance system. Overpayments from the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability Fund under the Foreign Service Retirement and Disability System (FSRDS) and the Foreign Service Pension System (FSPS). Regulations concerning post employment conflict of interest. Benefits for spouses and former spouses of participants in the Foreign Service retirement and disability system. [[Page 1163]] Benefits for certain former spouses. Indemnification of employees. SUBCHAPTER C--FEES AND FUNDS Schedule of fees for consular services-- Department of State and Foreign Service. Finance and accounting. SUBCHAPTER D--CLAIMS AND STOLEN PROPERTY Fishermen's Protective Act Guaranty Fund procedures under section 7. Debt collection. Program fraud civil remedies. SUBCHAPTER E--VISAS Regulations pertaining to both nonimmigrants and immigrants under the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended. Visas: documentation of nonimmigrants under the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended. Visas: documentation of immigrants under the Immigration and Nationality Act, as amended. [Reserved]43--45 Control of aliens departing from the United States. [Reserved]47 SUBCHAPTER F--NATIONALITY AND PASSPORTS Nationality procedures. Passports.51 Passport requirement and exceptions. SUBCHAPTER G--PUBLIC DIPLOMACY AND EXCHANGES World-wide free flow of audio-visual materials. Exchange Visitor Program. Payments to and on behalf of participants in the International Educational and Cultural Exchange Program. Participation by Federal employees in cultural exchange programs of foreign countries. Foreign students. Availability of the records of the National Endowment for Democracy. Organization of the National Endowment for Democracy. SUBCHAPTER H--PROTECTION AND WELFARE OF AMERICANS, THEIR PROPERTY AND ESTATES Protection and welfare of citizens and their property. Deaths and estates. SUBCHAPTER I--SHIPPING AND SEAMEN. Prohibitions on longshore work by U.S. nationals. SUBCHAPTER J--LEGAL AND RELATED SERVICES Import controls. Notarial and related services. Service on foreign state. International child abduction. Implementation of Torture Convention in extradition cases. Intercountry adoption accreditation of agencies and approval of persons. Issuance of adoption certificates and custody declarations in Hague Convention adoption cases. Intercountry adoption--convention record preservation. Reporting on convention and non-convention adoptions of emigrating children. SUBCHAPTER K--ECONOMIC AND OTHER FUNCTIONS Economic and commercial functions. Regulations for implementation of the Chemical Weapons Convention and the Chemical Weapons Convention Implementation Act of 1998 on the taking of samples and on enforcement of requirements concerning recordkeeping and inspections. International trafficking in persons: interagency coordination of activities and trafficking in persons. [[Page 1164]] SUBCHAPTER M--INTERNATIONAL TRAFFIC IN ARMS REGULATIONS Purpose and definitions. The United States Munitions List. Registration of manufacturers and exporters. Licenses for the export and temporary import of defense articles. Agreements, off-shore procurement, and other defense services. Licenses for the export of technical data and classified defense articles. General policies and provisions. Violations and penalties. Administrative procedures. Registration and licensing of brokers. Political contributions, fees, and commissions. SUBCHAPTER N--MISCELLANEOUS Certificates of authentication. Books, maps, newspapers, etc. Governmentwide requirements for drug-free workplace (financial assistance). Equal Access to Justice Act; implementation. Implementation of the Havana Act of 2021. Personal property disposition at posts abroad. Restrictions on lobbying. Prohibition on assistance to drug traffickers. SUBCHAPTER O--CIVIL RIGHTS Nondiscrimination in federally-assisted programs of the Department of State-- effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. Nondiscrimination on the basis of age in programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the United States Department of State. Nondiscrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. Information and communication technology. SUBCHAPTER P--DIPLOMATIC PRIVILEGES AND IMMUNITIES Compulsory liability insurance for diplomatic missions and personnel. SUBCHAPTER Q--ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Regulations for implementation of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). SUBCHAPTER R--ACCESS TO INFORMATION Public access to information. Service of process; production or disclosure of official information in response to court orders, subpoenas, notices of depositions, requests for admissions, interrogatories, or similar requests or demands in connection with Federal or State litigation; expert testimony. Availability of public diplomacy program material in the United States. SUBCHAPTER S--INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS Coordination, reporting, and publication of international agreements. SUBCHAPTER T--HOSTAGE RELIEF Hostage relief assistance. Victims of terrorism compensation. Benefits for hostages in Iraq, Kuwait, or Lebanon. SUBCHAPTER U--INTERNATIONAL COMMERCIAL ARBITRATION Inter-American Commercial Arbitration Commission rules of procedure. Thomas R. Pickering Foreign Affairs/Graduate Foreign Affairs Fellowship Program. Chapter II--Agency for International Development (Parts 200--299)....... Employee responsibilities and conduct. Rules and procedures applicable to commodity transactions financed by USAID. [[Page 1165]] Overseas shipments of supplies by voluntary non-profit relief agencies. Housing guaranty standard terms and conditions. Participation by religious organizations in USAID programs. Testimony by employees and the production of documents in proceedings where A.I.D. is not a party. Indemnification of employees. Non-discrimination in federally-assisted programs of the Agency for International Development--effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Transfer of food commodities for food use in disaster relief, economic development, and other assistance. Public information. Claims collection. Advisory committee management. Regulations for implementation of Privacy Act of 1974. Environmental procedures. Nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. Nondiscrimination on the basis of age in programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by International Development Cooperation Agency, Agency for International Development. Israel loan guarantee standard terms and conditions. Administrative enforcement procedures of post- employment restrictions. Implementation of the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act. Protection of human subjects. New restrictions on lobbying. Rules for procurement of commodities and services financed by USAID. Nondiscrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. Israel loan guarantees issued under the Emergency Wartime Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2003, Pub. L. 108-11, standard terms and conditions. Arab Republic of Egypt loan guarantees issued under the Emergency Wartime Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2003, Pub. L. 108-11, standard terms and conditions. Republic of Tunisia loan guarantees issued under the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Appropriations Act, 2012, Div. I, Pub. L 112-74--standard terms and conditions. Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan loan guarantees issued under the further continuing appropriations Act, 2013, Div. F, Pub. L. 113- 6--standard terms and conditions. Ukraine loan guarantees issued under the Support for the Sovereignty, Integrity, Democracy, and Economic Stability of Ukraine Act of 2014, Pub. L. 113-95--standard terms and conditions. Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan loan guarantees issued under the Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2014, Div. F, Pub. L. 113- 6--Standard terms and conditions. Republic of Tunisia Loan Guarantees issued under the Further Continuing Appropriations Act, 2014, Div. F, Public Law 113-6--standard terms and conditions. Ukraine loan guarantees issued under the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act of 2015, and the Support for the Sovereignty, Integrity, Democracy, and Economic Stability of Ukraine Act of 2014--standard terms and conditions. Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan loan guarantees issued under the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs Appropriations Act, 2015--standard terms and conditions. Republic of Tunisia loan guarantees issued under section 7034(o) of the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs, Appropriations Act of 2016. Sovereign Loan Guarantee--standard terms and conditions. Republic of Iraq loan guarantees issued under the Further Continuing and Security Assistance Appropriations Act of 2017. Implementation of the Havana Act of 2021. Chapter III--Peace Corps (Parts 300--399)............................... Public access to classified material. [[Page 1166]] Procedures for disclosure of information under the Freedom of Information Act. Claims against Government under Federal Tort Claims Act. Eligibility and standards for Peace Corps volunteer service. Volunteer discrimination complaint procedure. Implementation of the Privacy Act of 1974. Debt collection. New restrictions on lobbying. Governmentwide requirements for drug-free workplace (financial assistance). Guidance procedures. Chapter IV--International Joint Commission, United States and Canada (Parts 400--499)........................................................ Rules of procedure. Chapter V--United States Agency for Global Media (Parts 500--599)....... Appointment of Foreign Service officers. Domestic requests for Broadcasting Board of Governors. Freedom of Information Act regulation. Testimony by BBG employees, production of official records, and disclosure of official information in legal proceedings. Privacy Act regulation. Part-time career employment program. Rules for implementing open meetings under the Sunshine Act for the Broadcasting Board of Governors. Service of process. Federal tort claims procedure. Collection of debts under the Debt Collection Act of 1982. Governmentwide debarment and suspension (nonprocurement) and governmentwide requirements for drug-free workplace (grants). Uniform administrative requirements for grants and agreements with institutions of higher education, hospitals, and other non-profit organizations. New restrictions on lobbying. Implementation of the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the United States Information Agency. Chapter VII--U.S. International Development Finance Corporation (Parts 700--799)............................................................... SUBCHAPTER A--ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS Employee ethical conduct standards and financial disclosure regulations. Information disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act. Access to and safeguarding of personal information. [Reserved]709 Administrative enforcement procedures of post- employment restrictions. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities. New restrictions on lobbying. Production of nonpublic records and testimony of employees in legal proceedings. Chapter IX--Foreign Service Grievance Board (Parts 900--999)............ General. 901 Organization. Initiation and documentation of cases. Jurisdiction and preliminary determinations. Burden of proof. Hearings. 906 Procedure when hearing is not held. Remedies. 908 Decisionmaking. Miscellaneous. Implementation disputes. [[Page 1167]] Chapter X--Inter-American Foundation (Parts 1000--1099)................. Employee responsibilities and conduct. Availability of records. Rules safeguarding personal information in IAF records. Rules for implementing open meetings within the Inter-American Foundation. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the Inter-American Foundation. Governmentwide debarment and suspension (nonprocurement). Salary offset. Governmentwide requirements for drug-free workplace (financial assistance). Chapter XI--International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico, United States Section (Parts 1100--1199).................... Employee responsibilities and conduct. Privacy Act of 1974. Freedom of Information Act. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico, United States Section. Protection of archaeological resources. Chapter XII--United States International Development Cooperation Agency (Parts 1200--1299)...................................................... Public information. Regulations to implement the Privacy Act of 1974. Employee responsibilities and conduct. Chapter XIII--Millennium Challenge Corporation (Parts 1300--1399)....... Organization and functions of the Millennium Challenge Corporation. Freedom of Information Act procedures. Release of official information and testimony by MCC personnel as witnesses. Chapter XIV--Foreign Service Labor Relations Board; Federal Labor Relations Authority; General Counsel of the Federal Labor Relations Authority; and the Foreign Service Impasse Disputes Panel (Parts 1400-- 1499)................................................................... SUBCHAPTER B--GENERAL PROVISIONS Availability of official information. Open meetings. Ex parte communications. SUBCHAPTER C--FOREIGN SERVICE LABOR RELATIONS BOARD AND GENERAL COUNSEL OF THE FEDERAL LABOR RELATIONS AUTHORITY Purpose and scope. Meaning of terms as used in this subchapter. Representation proceedings. Unfair labor practice proceedings. Expedited review of negotiability issues. Review of implementation dispute actions. General statements of policy or guidance. Enforcement of Assistant Secretary standards of conduct decisions and orders. Miscellaneous and general requirements. SUBCHAPTER D--FOREIGN SERVICE IMPASSE DISPUTES PANEL General. 1470 Procedures of the panel. Appendix A to Chapter XIV--Current addresses and geographic jurisdictions. Appendix B to Chapter XIV--Memorandum describing the authority and assigned responsibilities of the General Counsel of the Federal Labor Relations Authority under the Foreign Service Labor Management Relations Statute. Chapter XV--African Development Foundation (Parts 1500--1599)........... Sunshine regulations. [[Page 1168]] Organization.1 Availability of records. Official Seal. Employee responsibilities and conduct. Collection of claims. Rules safeguarding personal information. Governmentwide debarment and suspension (nonprocurement). Governmentwide requirements for drug-free workplace (financial assistance). Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the African Development Foundation. Chapter XVI--Japan-United States Friendship Commission (Parts 1600-- 1699)................................................................... Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the Japan-United States Friendship Commission. Chapter XVII--United States Institute of Peace (Parts 1700--1799)....... Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the United States Institute of Peace. TITLE 23--HIGHWAYS Chapter I--Federal Highway Administration, Department of Transportation (Parts 1--999).......................................................... SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION Part General. 1 SUBCHAPTER B--PAYMENT PROCEDURES Reimbursement. Procurement, management, and administration of engineering and design related services. Credit assistance for surface transportation projects. Incentive payments for controlling outdoor advertising on the interstate system. Drug offender's driver's license suspension. SUBCHAPTER C--CIVIL RIGHTS Title VI program and related statutes-- implementation and review procedures. External programs. SUBCHAPTER D--NATIONAL HIGHWAY INSTITUTE Education and training programs. SUBCHAPTER E--PLANNING AND RESEARCH Planning and research program administration. Planning assistance and standards. Public road mileage for apportionment of highway safety funds. Highway systems. National performance management measures. SUBCHAPTER F--TRANSPORTATION INFRASTRUCTURE MANAGEMENT Management and monitoring systems. Projects of national and regional significance evaluation and rating. [Reserved]511 Asset management plans. SUBCHAPTER G--ENGINEERING AND TRAFFIC OPERATIONS Engineering.0 Design standards for highways. Pavement policy. Value engineering. Preconstruction procedures. Required contract provisions. Construction and maintenance. Design-build contracting. Construction inspection and approval. [[Page 1169]] Utilities.645 Railroads.646 Bridges, structures, and hydraulics. [Reserved]652 Traffic operations. Carpool and vanpool projects. Certification of size and weight enforcement. Truck size and weight, route designations-- length, width and weight limitations. Special programs (Direct Federal). Indian Reservation Road Bridge Program. Periodic evaluation of facilities repeatedly requiring repair and reconstruction due to emergency events. Emergency Relief program. Enforcement of heavy vehicle use tax. National electric vehicle infrastructure standards and requirements. SUBCHAPTER H--RIGHT-OF-WAY AND ENVIRONMENT Right-of-way and real estate. Highway beautification. Junkyard control and acquisition. Landscape and roadside development. Environmental impact and related procedures. Procedures for abatement of highway traffic noise and construction. Surface Transportation Project Delivery Pilot Program application requirements and termination. Parks, recreation areas, wildlife and waterfowl refuges, and historic sites (Section 4(F)). Mitigation of impacts to wetlands and natural habitat. Pilot program for eliminating duplication of environmental reviews. SUBCHAPTER I--PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION Mass transit and special use highway projects. SUBCHAPTER J--HIGHWAY SAFETY Highway Safety Improvement Program. SUBCHAPTER K--INTELLIGENT TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS Intelligent Transportation System architecture and standards. Electronic toll collection. SUBCHAPTER L--FEDERAL LANDS HIGHWAYS National Park Service management systems. Forest Service management systems. Fish and Wildlife Service management systems. Management systems pertaining to the Bureau of Indian Affairs and the Indian Reservation Roads Program. Chapter II--National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and Federal Highway Administration, Department of Transportation (Parts 1200--1299). SUBCHAPTER A--PROCEDURES FOR STATE HIGHWAY SAFETY PROGRAMS Uniform procedures for State highway safety grant programs. SUBCHAPTER B--GUIDELINES [Reserved]1204--1206 National minimum drinking age. Operation of motor vehicles by intoxicated minors. Use of safety belts--compliance and transfer- of-funds procedures. Operation of motor vehicles by intoxicated persons. Uniform system for parking for persons with disabilities. Safety incentive grants for use of seat belts--allocations based on seat belt use rates. SUBCHAPTER C--GENERAL PROVISIONS [Reserved]1250--252 SUBCHAPTER D--TRANSFER AND SANCTION PROGRAMS Open container laws. Repeat intoxicated drivers laws. [[Page 1170]] Chapter III--National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Department of Transportation (Parts 1300--1399).................................... Uniform procedures for State highway safety grant programs. [Reserved]1313 Procedures for participating in and receiving information from the National Driver Register Problem Driver Pointer System. [Reserved]1335 Uniform criteria for State observational surveys of seat belt use. [Reserved]1345--1399 TITLE 24--HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT Subtitle A--Office of the Secretary, Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts 0--99)............................................... Part Standards of conduct. Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs of the Department of Housing and Urban Development--effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Nondiscrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. HUD Reform Act. General HUD program requirements; waivers. Nondiscrimination in programs and activities receiving assistance under Title I of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974. Nondiscrimination based on handicap in federally assisted programs and activities of the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of disability in programs or activities conducted by the Department of Housing and Urban Development. Rulemaking: policy and procedures. Use of penalty mail in the location and recovery of missing children. Implementation of the Equal Access to Justice Act in administrative proceedings. Public access to HUD records under the Freedom of Information Act and testimony and production of information by HUD employees. Implementation of the Privacy Act of 1974. Administrative claims. Indemnification of HUD employees. Office of Hearings and Appeals. Governmentwide debarment and suspension (nonprocurement). Mortgagee Review Board. Hearing procedures. Nonjudicial foreclosure of multifamily and single family mortgages. Implementation of the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986. Civil money penalties: certain prohibited conduct. Accessibility standards for design, construction, and alteration of publicly owned residential structures. Policies and procedures for the enforcement of standards and requirements for accessibility by the physically handicapped. Displacement, relocation assistance, and real property acquisition for HUD and HUD-assisted programs. [Reserved]43--45 Protection and enhancement of environmental quality. Environmental criteria and standards. Intergovernmental review of Department of Housing and Urban Development programs and activities. Floodplain management and protection of wetlands. Environmental review procedures for entities assuming HUD environmental responsibilities. Protection of human subjects. Use of volunteers on projects subject to Davis-Bacon and HUD-determined wage rates. Economic opportunities for low- and very low- income persons. The Secretary of HUD's regulation of the Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae) and the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie Mac). [[Page 1171]] Uniform administrative requirements for grants and agreements with institutions of higher education, hospitals, and other non-profit organizations. Administrative requirements for grants and cooperative agreements to State, local, and federally recognized Indian tribal governments. New restrictions on lobbying. Consolidated submissions for community planning and development programs. Home Investment Partnerships Program. Housing Trust Fund. Subtitle B--Regulations Relating to Housing and Urban Development....... Chapter I--Office of Assistant Secretary for Equal Opportunity, Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts 100--199)............ Discriminatory conduct under the Fair Housing Act. Fair housing-complaint processing. Nondiscrimination and equal opportunity in housing under Executive Order 11063. Compliance procedures for affirmative fair housing marketing. Fair housing poster. Certification and funding of State and local fair housing enforcement agencies. Collection of data. Fair Housing Initiatives Program. Employment opportunities for businesses and lower income persons in connection with assisted projects. Nondiscrimination on the basis of age in HUD programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. Consolidated HUD hearing procedures for civil rights matters. Chapter II--Office of Assistant Secretary for Housing-Federal Housing Commissioner, Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts 200-- 299).................................................................... SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL Introduction to FHA programs. SUBCHAPTER B--MORTGAGE AND LOAN INSURANCE PROGRAMS UNDER NATIONAL HOUSING ACT AND OTHER AUTHORITIES Title 1 property improvement and manufactured home loans. Approval of lending institutions and mortgagees. Single family housing mortgage insurance. Coinsurance.4 Home Equity Conversion Mortgage Insurance. Multifamily housing mortgage insurance. Electronic transmission of required data for certification and recertification and subsidy billing procedures for multifamily subsidized projects. Cooperative Housing Mortgage Insurance. Housing Counseling program. Flexible Subsidy Program for Troubled Projects. Mortgage insurance and insured improvement loans for urban renewal and concentrated development areas. Low cost and moderate income mortgage insurance. Housing mortgage insurance for the elderly. Mortgage insurance for nursing homes, intermediate care facilities, board and care homes, and assisted living facilities. Condominium ownership mortgage insurance. Mortgage insurance and assistance payments for home ownership and project rehabilitation. Mortgage insurance and interest reduction. Supplementary financing for insured project mortgages. Mortgage insurance for hospitals. Mortgage insurance for group practice facilities [Title XI]. Tenant participation in multifamily housing projects. Local rent control. Evictions from certain subsidized and HUD- owned projects. Prepayment of low income housing mortgages. Coinsurance for the construction or substantial rehabilitation of multifamily housing projects. [[Page 1172]] Coinsurance of mortgages covering nursing homes, intermediate care facilities, and board and care homes. Coinsurance for the purchase or refinancing of existing multifamily housing projects. HOPE for Homeowners program. Housing Finance Agency Risk-Sharing Program for insured affordable multifamily project loans. SUBCHAPTER C--PLANNING ASSISTANCE TO HOUSING SPONSORS--[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER D--PUBLIC FINANCED HOUSING PROGRAMS--[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTERS E--H--[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER I--HUD OWNED PROPERTIES Disposition of multifamily projects and sale of HUD-held multifamily mortgages. Disposition of HUD-acquired and -owned single family property. Chapter III--Government National Mortgage Association, Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts 300--399).......................... General. 300 Bylaws of the Government National Mortgage Association. Guaranty of mortgage-backed securities. Guaranty of multiclass securities. Fiduciary activities. [Reserved]341--349 Book-entry procedures. [Reserved]351--399 Chapter IV--Office of Housing and Office of Multifamily Housing Assistance Restructuring, Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts 400--499)........................................................ Multifamily housing mortgage and housing assistance restructuring program (mark-to- market). Section 8 Project-based contract renewal under section 524 of MAHRA. [Reserved]403--499 Chapter V--Office of Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development, Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts 500-- 599).................................................................... SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL Expired programs-savings clause. [Reserved]501--509 SUBCHAPTER B--SLUM CLEARANCE AND URBAN RENEWAL Section 312 rehabilitation loan program. SUBCHAPTER C--COMMUNITY FACILITIES Community development block grants. Loan guarantee recovery fund. Emergency Solutions Grants program. Continuum of Care Program. Use of Federal real property to assist the homeless. Shelter Plus Care. Supportive Housing program. Youthbuild program. Revitalizing base closure communities and community assistance--community redevelopment and homeless assistance. John Heinz Neighborhood Development Program. Renewal communities. Chapter VI--Office of Assistant Secretary for Community Planning and Development, Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts 600-- 699) [Reserved]......................................................... Chapter VII--Office of the Secretary, Department of Housing and Urban Development (Housing Assistance Programs and Public and Indian Housing Programs) (Parts 700--799).............................................. Congregate housing services program. [[Page 1173]] Drug elimination programs. Allocations of housing assistance funds. Public housing agency Section 8 fraud recoveries. Chapter VIII--Office of the Assistant Secretary for Housing--Federal Housing Commissioner, Department of Housing and Urban Development (Section 8 Housing Assistance Programs, Section 202 Direct Loan Program, Section 202 Supportive Housing for the Elderly Program and Section 811 Supportive Housing for Persons With Disabilities Program) (Parts 800-- 899).................................................................... Tax exemption of obligations of public housing agencies and related amendments. Housing development grants. Section 8 housing assistance payments program for new construction. Section 8 housing assistance payments program for substantial rehabilitation. Section 8 moderate rehabilitation programs. Section 8 housing assistance payments program--State housing agencies. Section 8 housing assistance payments program, new construction set-aside for Section 515 rural rental housing projects. Section 8 housing assistance payments program--special allocations. Section 8 housing assistance payment programs--Family Self-Sufficiency Program. Section 8 housing assistance payments program--fair market rents and contract rent annual adjustment factors. Supportive housing for the elderly and persons with disabilities. Chapter IX--Office of Assistant Secretary for Public and Indian Housing, Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts 900--1699)........... [Reserved]901 Public Housing Assessment System. Public housing agency plans. Low rent housing homeownership opportunities. The Public Housing Capital Fund program. Public housing homeownership programs. Substantial default by a public housing agency. Electronic transmission of required family data for public housing, Indian housing, and the Section 8 rental voucher and moderate rehabilitation programs. Public Housing Agency consortia and joint ventures. Designated housing--public housing designated for occupancy by disabled, elderly, or disabled and elderly families. Admission to, and occupancy of, public housing. Public housing-contracting with resident-owned businesses. Tenant participation and tenant opportunities in public housing. PHA-owned or leased projects--general provisions. Public housing lease and grievance procedure. Public housing program--demolition or disposition of public housing projects. Assessment of the reasonable revitalization potential of certain public housing required by law. Conversion of public housing to tenant-based assistance. Section 8 tenant based assistance: Housing Choice Voucher Program. Project-based voucher (PBV) program. Section 8 and public housing Family Self- Sufficiency program. Section 8 Management Assessment Program (SEMAP). The public housing Operating Fund Program. Native American housing activities. [Reserved]1001--1002 Community development block grants for Indian tribes and Alaska Native villages. [Reserved]1004 Loan guarantees for Indian housing. Native Hawaiian Housing Block Grant Programs. Section 184A loan guarantees for Native Hawaiian housing. [Reserved]1008--1699 [[Page 1174]] Chapter X--Office of Assistant Secretary for Housing--Federal Housing Commissioner, Department of Housing and Urban Development (Interstate Land Sales Registration Program) (Parts 1700--1799) [Reserved].......... Chapter XII--Office of Inspector General, Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts 2000--2099).................................... [Reserved]2000 Availability of information to the public. Implementation of the Privacy Act of 1974. Subpoenas and production in response to subpoenas or demands of courts or other authorities. Chapter XV--Emergency Mortgage Insurance and Loan Programs, Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts 2700--2799) [Reserved].......... Chapter XX--Office of Assistant Secretary for Housing--Federal Housing Commissioner, Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts 3200-- 3899)................................................................... Manufactured home construction and safety standards. Manufactured home procedural and enforcement regulations. Manufactured housing program fee. Model manufactured home installation standards. Manufactured Home Installation Program. Manufactured Home Dispute Resolution Program. Investigations in consumer regulatory programs. Chapter XXIV--Board of Directors of the HOPE for Homeowners Program (Parts 4000--4099) [Reserved]........................................... Chapter XXV--Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation (Parts 4100--4199)... Organization and channeling of functions. TITLE 25--INDIANS Chapter I--Bureau of Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior (Parts 1--299)................................................................. SUBCHAPTER A--PROCEDURES AND PRACTICE Part Applicability of rules of the Bureau of Indian Affairs. Appeals from administrative actions. Preference in employment. SUBCHAPTER B--LAW AND ORDER Indian country detention facilities and programs. Courts of Indian Offenses and law and order code. Indian country law enforcement. Tribal reassumption of jurisdiction over child custody proceedings. SUBCHAPTER C--PROBATE Probate of Indian estates, except for members of the Osage Nation and the Five Civilized Tribes. Estates of Indians of the Five Civilized Tribes. Action on wills of Osage Indians. Tribal probate codes. SUBCHAPTER D--HUMAN SERVICES Financial assistance and social services program. Indian Child Welfare Act. Job placement and training program. SUBCHAPTER E--EDUCATION Standards, Assessments, and Accountability System. Federal schools for Indians. Indian education policies. Transfer of Indian education functions. Minimum academic standards for the basic education of Indian children and National criteria for dormitory situations. [[Page 1175]] Geographic boundaries. Education personnel. The Indian School Equalization Program. Administration of educational loans, grants and other assistance for higher education. Grants to Tribal colleges and universities and dine colleges. Student rights and due process procedures. Maintenance and control of student records in Bureau schools. Grants under the Tribally Controlled Schools Act. Adult education program. Uniform direct funding and support for Bureau- operated schools. Leases of land or facilities of Bureau- operated schools and fundraising activities at bureau-operated schools. SUBCHAPTER F--TRIBAL GOVERNMENT Preparation of rolls of Indians. Enrollment appeals. Indian child protection and family violence prevention. Preparation of a roll of independent Seminole Indians of Florida. Revision of the membership roll of the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, North Carolina. Secretarial election procedures. [Reserved]82 Procedures for Federal acknowledgement of Indian tribes. Encumbrances of tribal land--contract approvals. Use or distribution of Indian judgment funds. Recognition of attorneys and agents to represent claimants. Attorney contracts with Indian tribes. Election of Osage Minerals Council. Government of Indian villages, Osage Reservation, Oklahoma. SUBCHAPTER G--FINANCIAL ACTIVITIES Loans to Indians from the Revolving Loan Fund. Loan guaranty, insurance, and interest subsidy. Annuity and other per capita payments. Trust funds for Tribes and individual Indians. [Reserved]114 Deposit and expenditure of individual funds of members of the Osage Tribe of Indians who do not have certificates of competency. Management of Osage judgment funds for education. Deposits of proceeds from lands withdrawn for native selection. Partial payment construction charges on Indian irrigation projects. Construction assessments, Crow Indian irrigation project. Fort Hall Indian irrigation project, Idaho. Reimbursement of construction costs, San Carlos Indian irrigation project, Arizona. Reimbursement of construction costs, Ahtanum Unit, Wapato Indian irrigation project, Washington. Reimbursement of construction costs Wapato- Satus Unit, Wapato Indian irrigation project, Washington. Licensed Indian traders. Business practices on the Navajo, Hopi and Zuni Reservations. Alaska resupply operation. Charges for goods and services provided to non-Federal users. SUBCHAPTER H--LAND AND WATER Record of title to Indian land. Land acquisitions. Issuance of patents in fee, certificates of competency, removal of restrictions, and sale of certain Indian lands. Determination of competency: Crow Indians. Osage lands.8 Sale of irrigable lands, special water contract requirements. Inclusion of liens in all patents and instruments executed. Navajo partitioned lands grazing permits. [[Page 1176]] Leases and permits. General forestry regulations. Grazing permits. Navajo grazing regulations. Grazing regulations for the Hopi partitioned lands area. Rights-of-way over Indian land. Tribal Transportation Program. Irrigation operation and maintenance. Pueblo Indian lands benefited by irrigation and drainage works of Middle Rio Grande Conservancy District, New Mexico. Concessions, permits and leases on lands withdrawn or acquired in connection with Indian irrigation projects. Electric power utilities. Life estates and future interests. Indian Highway Safety Program. Use and distribution of the San Carlos Apache Tribe Development Trust Fund and San Carlos Apache Tribe Lease Fund. SUBCHAPTER I--ENERGY AND MINERALS Terms and conditions: coal leases. Leasing of tribal lands for mineral development. Leasing of allotted lands for mineral development. Leasing of restricted lands of members of Five Civilized Tribes, Oklahoma, for mining. Leasing of Osage Reservation lands, Oklahoma, for mining, except oil and gas. Lead and zinc mining operations and leases, Quapaw Agency. Surface exploration, mining, and reclamation of lands. Management of tribal assets of Ute Indian Tribe, Uintah and Ouray Reservation, Utah, by the Tribe and the Ute Distribution Corp. Tribal energy resource agreements under the Indian Tribal Energy Development and Self Determination Act. Oil and gas, geothermal, and solid minerals agreements. Leasing of Osage Reservation lands for oil and gas mining. Leasing of certain lands in Wind River Indian Reservation, Wyoming, for oil and gas mining. SUBCHAPTER J--FISH AND WILDLIFE Indian fishing in Alaska. Commercial fishing on Red Lake Indian Reservation. Reindeer in Alaska. Use of Columbia River treaty fishing access sites. Use of Columbia River Indian in-lieu fishing sites. Off-reservation treaty fishing. SUBCHAPTER K--HOUSING Housing Improvement Program (HIP). SUBCHAPTER L--HERITAGE PRESERVATION Protection of archaeological resources. Establishment of roadless and wild areas on Indian reservations. SUBCHAPTER M--INDIAN SELF-DETERMINATION AND EDUCATION ASSISTANCE ACT PROGRAM Education contracts under Johnson-O'Malley Act. Staffing. 275 Uniform administrative requirements for grants. SUBCHAPTER N--ECONOMIC ENTERPRISES Indian Business Development Program. Tribal revenue allocation plans. Class III gaming procedures. Gaming on trust lands acquired after October 17, 1988. Class III Tribal State Gaming Compact process. [[Page 1177]] SUBCHAPTER O--MISCELLANEOUS [RESERVED] Appendix to Chapter I--Extension of the trust or restricted status of certain Indian lands. Chapter II--Indian Arts and Crafts Board, Department of the Interior (Parts 300--399)........................................................ Navajo, Pueblo, and Hopi silver and turquoise products; standards. Navajo, Pueblo, and Hopi silver, use of Government mark. Navajo all-wool woven fabrics; use of Government certificate of genuineness. Regulations for use of certificates of the Indian Arts and Crafts Board to be attached to their trade-marks by Indian enterprises concerned with the production and sale of genuine handicrafts. Protection of Indian arts and crafts products. Use of Government marks of genuineness for Alaskan Indian and Alaskan Eskimo hand-made products. Chapter III--National Indian Gaming Commission, Department of the Interior (Parts 500--599)............................................... SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL PROVISIONS Purpose and scope of this chapter. Definitions of this chapter Commission information collection requirements under the Paperwork Reduction Act: OMB control numbers and expiration dates. [Reserved]504--512 Debt collection. Fees. 514 Privacy Act procedures. Testimony of commissioners and employees and former commissioners and former employees respecting official duties; response to subpoena. Freedom of Information Act procedures. Self-regulation of class II gaming. Service. 519 SUBCHAPTER B--APPROVAL OF CLASS II AND CLASS III ORDINANCES AND RESOLUTIONS [Reserved]520--521 Submission of gaming ordinance or resolution. [Reserved]523--529 SUBCHAPTER C--MANAGEMENT CONTRACT PROVISIONS [Reserved]530 Content of management contracts. [Reserved]532 Approval of management contracts. [Reserved]534 Post-approval procedures. [Reserved]536 Background investigations for persons or entities with a financial interest in, or having management responsibility for, a management contract. [Reserved]538--539 SUBCHAPTER D--HUMAN RESOURCES [Reserved]540--541 Minimum internal control standards. Minimum internal control standards for Class II gaming. [Reserved]544--546 Minimum technical standards for Class II gaming systems and equipment. [Reserved]548--549 SUBCHAPTER E--GAMING LICENSES AND BACKGROUND INVESTIGATIONS FOR KEY EMPLOYEES AND PRIMARY MANAGEMENT OFFICIALS Background investigations for primary management officials and key employees. Gaming licenses for key employees and primary management officials. Facility license notifications and submissions. SUBCHAPTER F--[RESERVED] [Reserved]560--569 [[Page 1178]] SUBCHAPTER G--COMPLIANCE AND ENFORCEMENT PROVISIONS [Reserved]570 Monitoring and investigations. [Reserved]572 Compliance and enforcement. Minimum technical standards for Class II gaming systems and equipment. Civil fines.5 [Reserved]576--579 SUBCHAPTER H--APPEAL PROCEEDINGS BEFORE THE COMMISSION Rules of general application in appeal proceedings before the Commission. Motions in appeal proceedings before the Commission. Appeals of disapprovals of gaming ordinances, resolutions, or amendments. Appeals from approvals or disapprovals of management contracts or amendments to management contracts. Appeals before a presiding official. Appeals to the Commission. SUBCHAPTER I--[RESERVED] [Reserved]590--599 Chapter IV--Office of Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation (Parts 700--899) Commission operations and relocation procedures. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation Commission. Chapter V--Bureau of Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior, and Indian Health Service, Department of Health and Human Services (Part 900--999)............................................................... Contracts under the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act. Chapter VI--Office of the Assistant Secretary, Indian Affairs, Department of the Interior (Parts 1000--1199)........................... Annual funding agreements under the Tribal Self-Government Act amendments to the Indian Self-Determination and Education Act. Self-Governance program. Indian Business Incubators Program. Chapter VII--Office of the Special Trustee for American Indians, Department of the Interior (Parts 1200--1299)........................... American Indian Trust Fund Management Reform Act. TITLE 26--INTERNAL REVENUE Chapter I--Internal Revenue Service, Department of the Treasury (Parts 1--End)................................................................. SUBCHAPTER A--INCOME TAX Part Income taxes. Maritime construction reserve fund. Capital construction fund. Temporary income tax regulations under Section 954 of the Internal Revenue Code. Temporary income tax regulations under the Revenue Act of 1978. Temporary income tax regulations under the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981. Temporary income tax regulations, travel expenses of members of Congress. Temporary income tax regulations under the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982. Temporary regulations under Title II of the Omnibus Reconciliation Act of 1980. Temporary income tax regulations under the Tax Reform Act of 1976. Temporary income tax regulations under section 3 of the Act of October 26, 1974 (Public Law 93-483). Temporary income tax regulations under the Tax Reduction Act of 1975. Temporary income tax regulations under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. [[Page 1179]] Temporary income tax regulations under the Revenue Act of 1971. Temporary income tax regulations under the Tax Reform Act of 1969. Temporary income tax regulations relating to exploration expenditures in the case of mining. Temporary income tax regulations under the Installment Sales Revision Act. Temporary regulations under the Revenue Act of 1962. Temporary income tax regulations relating to the partial exclusion for certain conservation cost sharing payments. Temporary income tax regulations under the Subchapter S Revision Act of 1982. Temporary regulations under the Revenue Act of 1964. SUBCHAPTER B--ESTATE AND GIFT TAXES Estate tax; estates of decedents dying after August 16, 1954. Temporary estate tax regulations under the Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981. Gift tax; gifts made after December 31, 1954. Generation-skipping transfer tax regulations under the Tax Reform Act of 1986. [Reserved]27--29 SUBCHAPTER C--EMPLOYMENT TAXES AND COLLECTION OF INCOME TAX AT SOURCE Employment taxes and collection of income tax at source. Temporary employment tax regulations under the Act of December 29, 1981 (Pub. L. 97-123). [Reserved]34 Employment tax and collection of income tax at source regulations under the Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982. Temporary employment tax regulations under the Interest and Dividend Tax Compliance Act of 1983. Contract coverage of employees of foreign subsidiaries. [Reserved]37--39 SUBCHAPTER D--MISCELLANEOUS EXCISE TAXES Excise tax procedural regulations. Excise tax on use of certain highway motor vehicles. Excise tax on transportation by water. Taxes on wagering; effective January 1, 1955. Excise tax on certain insurance policies, self-insured health plans, and obligations not in registered form. Manufacturers and retailers excise taxes. Facilities and services excise taxes. Regulations relating to the tax imposed with respect to certain hydraulic mining. Branded prescription drug fee. Environmental taxes. Foundation and similar excise taxes. Pension excise taxes. Excise tax on real estate investment trusts and regulated investment companies. Public charity excise taxes. Health insurance providers fee. Temporary excise tax regulations under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. Temporary excise tax regulations under the Tax Reform Act of 1969. Temporary excise tax regulations under the Highway Revenue Act of 1982 (Pub. L. 97-424). [Reserved]151--155 Excise tax on greenmail. Excise tax on structured settlement factoring transactions. [Reserved]158--169 SUBCHAPTER E--[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER F--PROCEDURE AND ADMINISTRATION User fees.300 Procedure and administration. Taxes under the International Claims Settlement Act, as amended August 9, 1955. Taxes under the Trading With the Enemy Act. [Reserved]304 [[Page 1180]] Temporary procedural and administrative tax regulations under the Indian Tribal Governmental Tax Status Act of 1982. [Reserved]306--399 Temporary regulations under the Federal Tax Lien Act of 1966. [Reserved]402 Disposition of seized personal property. Temporary regulations on procedure and administration under the Tax Reform Act of 1976. [Reserved]405--419 Temporary regulations on procedure and administration under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. [Reserved]421--499 SUBCHAPTER G--REGULATIONS UNDER TAX CONVENTIONS [Reserved]500--507 Switzerland.9 [Reserved]510--512 Ireland. 513 France. 514 [Reserved]515--520 Denmark. 521 SUBCHAPTER H--INTERNAL REVENUE PRACTICE [Reserved]600 Statement of procedural rules. OMB control numbers under the Paperwork Reduction Act. Presidential Election Campaign Fund. Presidential Primary Matching Payment Account. [Reserved]703--800 Balanced system for measuring organizational and employee performance within the Internal Revenue Service. [Reserved]802 TITLE 27--ALCOHOL, TOBACCO PRODUCTS AND FIREARMS Chapter I--Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau, Department of the Treasury (Parts 1--399)................................................. SUBCHAPTER A--ALCOHOL Part Basic permit requirements under the Federal Alcohol Administration Act, nonindustrial use of distilled spirits and wine, bulk sales and bottling of distilled spirits. Labeling and advertising of wine. Labeling and advertising of distilled spirits. ``Tied-house.'' Labeling and advertising of malt beverages. Exclusive outlets. American viticultural areas. Commercial bribery. Consignment sales. Foreign nongeneric names of geographic significance used in the designation of wines. Labeling proceedings. Alcoholic beverage health warning statement. Drawback on taxpaid distilled spirits used in manufacturing nonbeverage products. Production of volatile fruit-flavor concentrate. Distilled spirits plants. Distribution and use of denatured alcohol and rum. Formulas for denatured alcohol and rum. Distribution and use of tax-free alcohol. Wine. 24 Beer. 25 Liquors and articles from Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. Importation of distilled spirits, wines, and beer. [[Page 1181]] Exportation of alcohol. Stills and miscellaneous regulations. Gauging manual. Alcohol beverage dealers. SUBCHAPTER B--TOBACCO Manufacture of tobacco products, cigarette papers and tubes, and processed tobacco. Importation of tobacco products, cigarette papers and tubes, and processed tobacco. Exportation of tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes, without payment of tax, or with drawback of tax. Removal of tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes, without payment of tax, for use of the United States. Miscellaneous regulations relating to tobacco products and cigarette papers and tubes. SUBCHAPTER C--FIREARMS Manufacturers excise taxes--firearms and ammunition. SUBCHAPTERS D--E--[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER F--PROCEDURES AND PRACTICES Procedure and administration. Rules of practice in permit proceedings. Disposition of seized personal property. Electronic signatures; electronic submission of forms. SUBCHAPTERS G--L--[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER M--ALCOHOL, TOBACCO AND OTHER EXCISE TAXES [Reserved]194--399 Chapter II--Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, Department of Justice (Parts 400--799).................................. SUBCHAPTER A--[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER B--FIREARMS AND AMMUNITION [Reserved]400--446 Importation of arms, ammunition and implements of war. Commerce in firearms and ammunition. Machine guns, destructive devices, and certain other firearms. SUBCHAPTER C--EXPLOSIVES Commerce in explosives. SUBCHAPTER D--MISCELLANEOUS REGULATIONS RELATING TO ALCOHOL AND TOBACCO Contraband cigarettes. SUBCHAPTER E--EXPLOSIVE LICENSE AND PERMIT PROCEEDINGS Rules of practice in explosive license and permit proceedings. TITLE 28--JUDICIAL ADMINISTRATION Chapter I--Department of Justice (Parts 0--299)......................... Part Organization of the Department of Justice. Executive clemency. Parole, release, supervision and recommitment of prisoners, youth offenders, and juvenile delinquents. Gambling devices. Procedure governing applications for certificates of exemption under the Labor- Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959, and the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. Administration and enforcement of Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938, as amended. Traffic in contraband articles in Federal penal and correctional institutions. [[Page 1182]] Rewards for capture of escaped Federal prisoners. Forfeiture authority for certain statutes. Regulations governing the remission or mitigation of administrative, civil, and criminal forfeitures. Registration of certain organizations carrying on activities within the United States. Debt collection. Registration of certain persons having knowledge of foreign espionage, counterespionage, or sabotage matters under the Act of August 1, 1956. Atomic weapons and special nuclear materials rewards regulations. Administrative claims under Federal Tort Claims Act. Certification and decertification in connection with certain suits based upon acts or omissions of Federal employees and other persons. Production or disclosure of material or information. Classified national security information and access to classified information. Office of Justice Programs hearing and appeal procedures. Use of penalty mail in the location and recovery of missing children. Criminal justice information systems. Witness fees. Confidentiality of identifiable research and statistical information. Criminal intelligence systems operating policies. Implementation of the Equal Access to Justice Act in Department of Justice administrative proceedings. Department of Justice information systems. Death sentences procedures. Whistleblower protection for Federal Bureau of Investigation employees. DNA identification system. Motor Vehicle Theft Prevention Act regulations. Intergovernmental review of Department of Justice programs and activities. OJJDP grant programs. Public safety officers' death, disability, and educational assistance benefit claims. Bureau of Justice Assistance grant programs. OJJDP competition and peer review procedures. Nondiscrimination on the basis of disability in State and local government services. Nondiscrimination on the basis of disability by public accommodations and in commercial facilities. Procedures for coordinating the investigation of complaints or charges of employment discrimination based on disability subject to the Americans With Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Partnerships with faith-based and other neighborhood organizations. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the Department of Justice. Standards for inmate grievance procedures. Implementation of Executive Order 12250, nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in federally assisted programs. Nondiscrimination; equal employment opportunity; policies and procedures. Recovery of cost of hospital and medical care and treatment furnished by the United States. Unfair immigration-related employment practices. Employee responsibilities. Protection of human subjects. Right to Financial Privacy Act. Newspaper Preservation Act. Antitrust Civil Process Act. Statements of policy. Procedures for the administration of Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act of 1965, as amended. Proceedings before U.S. magistrate judges. Nondiscrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. Implementation of the provisions of the Voting Rights Act regarding language minority groups. [[Page 1183]] International Energy Program. Investigation of discrimination in the supply of petroleum to the Armed Forces. Regulations relating to the Bankruptcy Reform Acts of 1978 and 1994. Guidelines on methods of obtaining documentary materials held by third parties. Authorization of Federal law enforcement officers to request the issuance of a search warrant. Procedures for implementing the National Environmental Policy Act. Floodplain management and wetland protection procedures. Designation of officers and employees of the United States for coverage under Section 1114 of Title 18 of the United States Code. Emergency Federal law enforcement assistance. Government-wide debarment and suspension (nonprocurement). Rules of practice and procedure for administrative hearings before administrative law judges in cases involving allegations of unlawful employment of aliens, unfair immigration-related employment practices, and document fraud. New restrictions on lobbying. Implementation of the provisions of the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986. Sex offender registration and notification. Notification to the Attorney General by agents of foreign governments. Civil Liberties Act redress provision. Child Protection Restoration and Penalties Enhancement Act of 1990; Protect Act; Adam Wash Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006; recordkeeping and record inspection provisions. Rules of procedure for assessment of civil penalties for possession of certain controlled substances. Ethical standards for attorneys for the government. Claims under the Radiation Exposure Compensation Act. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act opinion procedure. Child abuse and child pornography reporting designations and procedures. Government-wide requirements for drug-free workplace (grants). Civil monetary penalties inflation adjustment. Violence against women. Grants for correctional facilities. Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS). Provisions implementing the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994. Crime victim services. Standards for private entities providing prisoner or detainee services. Cost Recovery Regulations, Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act of 1994. September 11th Victim Compensation Fund. Criminal history background checks. Prison Rape Elimination Act national standards. Alien terrorist removal procedures. Data Protection Review Court. Chapter III--Federal Prison Industries, Inc., Department of Justice (Parts 300--399)........................................................ Inmate accident compensation. Comments on UNICOR business operations. Federal Prison Industries (FPI) inmate work programs. Chapter V--Bureau of Prisons, Department of Justice (Parts 500--599).... SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL MANAGEMENT AND ADMINISTRATION General definitions. Scope of rules. Bureau of Prisons Central Office, Regional Offices, institutions, and staff training centers. Cost of incarceration fee. Inmate commissary account General management policy. Research. 512 Access to records. [[Page 1184]] SUBCHAPTER B--INMATE ADMISSION, CLASSIFICATION, AND TRANSFER Admission to institution. Computation of sentence. Classification of inmates. Transfers.527 SUBCHAPTER C--INSTITUTIONAL MANAGEMENT Contact with persons in the community. Inmate discipline and special housing units. Administrative remedy. Legal matters. Education.544 Work and compensation. Food service. Religious programs. Medical services. Drug programs. Miscellaneous. Custody. 552 Inmate property. SUBCHAPTER D--COMMUNITY PROGRAMS AND RELEASE Community programs. Release from custody. Parole. 572 Chapter VI--Offices of Independent Counsel, Department of Justice (Parts 600--699)............................................................... General powers of Special Counsel. Jurisdiction of the Independent Counsel: Iran/ Contra. Jurisdiction of the Independent Counsel: in re Franklyn C. Nofziger. Jurisdiction of the Independent Counsel: in re Madison Guaranty Savings & Loan Association. Chapter VII--Office of Independent Counsel (Parts 700--799)............. Production or disclosure of material or information of the Office of Independent Counsel. Procedures for disclosure of records under the Freedom of Information Act. Chapter VIII--Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia (Parts 800--899)................................... Organization and functions. Federal Tort Claims Act procedure. Disclosure of records. Agency Seal.3 Acceptance of gifts. Community supervision: administrative sanctions. Sex offender registration. Collection and use of DNA information. Guidance development procedures. Salary offset procedures. Chapter IX--National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact Council (Parts 900--999)............................................................... Fingerprint submission requirements. Dispute adjudication procedures. State criminal history record screening standards. Outsourcing of noncriminal justice administrative functions. Compact council procedures for compliant conduct and responsible use of the Interstate Identification Index (III) system for noncriminal justice purposes. Chapter XI--Department of Justice and Department of State (Parts 1100-- 1199)................................................................... Trafficking in persons. [[Page 1185]] TITLE 29--LABOR Subtitle A--Office of the Secretary of Labor (Parts 0--99).............. Part Ethics and conduct of Department of Labor employees. Procedures for predetermination of wage rates. General regulations. Contractors and subcontractors on public building or public work financed in whole or in part by loans or grants from the United States. Labor standards for Federal service contracts. Labor standards provisions applicable to contracts covering federally financed and assisted construction (also labor standards provisions applicable to nonconstruction contracts subject to the Contract Work Hours and Safety Standards Act). Rules of practice for administrative proceedings enforcing labor standards in Federal and federally assisted construction contracts and Federal service contracts. Practice before the Administrative Review Board with regard to Federal and federally assisted construction contracts. Practice before the Administrative Review Board with regard to Federal service contracts. Nondisplacement of qualified workers under service contracts. Establishing a minimum wage for contractors. Department of Labor National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance procedures. Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally assisted programs. Security regulations. Administrative claims under the Federal Tort Claims Act and related statutes. Equal Access to Justice Act. Intergovernmental review of Department of Labor programs and activities. Rules of practice and procedure for administrative hearings before the Office of Administrative Law Judges. Right to Financial Privacy Act. Federal claims collection. Protection of human subjects. Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986. Increasing the minimum wage for Federal contractors. Procedures for the handling of retaliation complaints under the employee protection provisions of six environmental statutes and Section 211 of the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974, as amended. Rules for the nomination of arbitrators under Section 11 of Executive Order 10988. Administrative Review Board rules of practice and procedure. Labor standards for the registration of apprenticeship programs. Equal employment opportunity in apprenticeship. Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs of the Department of Labor-- effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the Department of Labor. [Reserved]34 Nondiscrimination on the basis of age in programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance from the Department of Labor. Nondiscrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. Implementation of the nondiscrimination and equal opportunity provisions of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA). Implementation of the Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity Provisions of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act. Coordinated enforcement. Process for electing State agency employment statistics representatives for consultations with Department of Labor. Production or disclosure of information or materials. Protection of individual privacy and access to records under the Privacy Act of 1974. [[Page 1186]] Department of Labor review and certification procedures for rural industrialization loan and grant programs under the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act of 1972. [Reserved].0 New restrictions on lobbying. Governmentwide requirements for drug-free workplace (financial assistance). Grants and agreements with institutions of higher education, hospitals, and other non- profit organizations, and with commercial organizations, foreign governments, organizations under the jurisdiction of foreign governments, and international organizations. Audit requirements for grants, contracts and other agreements. Uniform administrative requirements for grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments. Audits of States, local governments, and non- profit organizations. Subtitle B--Regulations Relating to Labor............................... Chapter I--National Labor Relations Board (Parts 100--199).............. Administrative regulations. Statements of procedures. Rules and regulations, Series 8. Other rules.3 Notification of employee rights; obligations of employers. Chapter II--Office of Labor-Management Standards, Department of Labor (Parts 200--299)........................................................ Guidelines, Section 5333(b), Federal Transit Law. Chapter III--National Railroad Adjustment Board (Parts 300--399)........ Rules of procedure. Chapter IV--Office of Labor-Management Standards, Department of Labor (Parts 400--499)........................................................ SUBCHAPTER A--LABOR-MANAGEMENT STANDARDS Meaning of terms used in this subchapter. Labor organization information reports. Labor organization annual financial reports. Labor organization officer and employee report. Employer reports. Reporting by labor relations consultants and other persons, certain agreements with employers. Labor organization trusteeship reports. Reports by surety companies. Procedure for removal of local labor organization officers. Labor organizations as defined in the Labor- Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959. General statement concerning the election provisions of the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959. General statement concerning the bonding requirements of the Labor-Management Reporting and Disclosure Act of 1959. SUBCHAPTER B--STANDARDS OF CONDUCT General. 457 Standards of conduct. Miscellaneous. SUBCHAPTER C--EMPLOYEE RIGHTS CONCERNING PAYMENT OF UNION DUES OR FEES [Reserved]470 SUBCHAPTER D--NOTIFICATION OF EMPLOYEE RIGHTS UNDER FEDERAL LABOR LAWS Obligations of Federal contractors and subcontractors; notification of employee rights under Federal labor laws. [[Page 1187]] Chapter V--Wage and Hour Division, Department of Labor (Parts 500--899). SUBCHAPTER A--REGULATIONS Migrant and seasonal agricultural worker protection. Enforcement of contractual obligations for temporary alien agricultural workers admitted under section 218 of the Immigration and Nationality Act. Enforcement of contractual obligations for temporary alien agricultural workers admitted under section 218 of the Immigration and Nationality Act. Enforcement of obligations for temporary nonimmigrant non-agricultural workers described in the Immigration and Nationality Act. Attestations by facilities using nonimmigrant aliens as registered nurses. Labor standards on projects or productions assisted by grants from the National Endowment for the Arts and Humanities. Attestations by employers using alien crewmembers for longshore activities in U.S. ports. Labor condition applications and requirements for employers using nonimmigrants on H-1B specialty visas in specialty occupations and as fashion models. Attestations filed by employers utilizing F-1 students for off-campus work. Implementation of the minimum wage provisions of the 1989 amendments to the Fair Labor Standards Act in Puerto Rico. Wage order procedure for American Samoa. Utilization of State agencies for investigations and inspections. Records to be kept by employers. Employment of full-time students at subminimum wages. Employment under special certificate of messengers, learners (including student- learners), and apprentices. [Reserved]521--524 Employment of workers with disabilities under special certificates. [Reserved]527 Annulment or withdrawal of certificates for the employment of student-learners, apprentices, learners, messengers, handicapped persons, student-workers, and full-time students in agriculture or in retail or service establishments at special minimum wage rates. Employment of homeworkers in certain industries. Wage payments under the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938. Area of production. Defining and delimiting the exemptions for executive, administrative, professional, computer and outside sales employees. Requirements of a ``bona fide thrift or savings plan.'' Authorization of established basic rates for computing overtime pay. Requirements of a ``bona fide profit-sharing plan or trust.'' Defining and delimiting the term ``talent fees.'' Local delivery drivers and helpers; wage payment plans. Application of the Fair Labor Standards Act to domestic service. Application of the Fair Labor Standards Act to employees of State and local governments. Child labor regulations, orders, and statements of interpretation. Waiver of child labor provisions for agricultural employment of 10 and 11 year old minors in hand harvesting of short season crops. Tip retention, minimum wage, and overtime violations--civil money penalties. Child labor violations--civil money penalties. Civil money penalties--procedures for assessing and contesting penalties. Industries in American Samoa. SUBCHAPTER B--STATEMENTS OF GENERAL POLICY OR INTERPRETATION NOT DIRECTLY RELATED TO REGULATIONS General. 775 Interpretative bulletin on the general coverage of the wage and hours provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938. Overtime compensation. The Fair Labor Standards Act as applied to retailers of goods or services. Exemptions applicable to agriculture, processing of agricultural commodities, and related subjects under the Fair Labor Standards Act. [[Page 1188]] Exemption from maximum hours provisions for certain employees of motor carriers. Application of the Fair Labor Standards Act to employees employed as seamen. Provisions of the Fair Labor Standards Act applicable to fishing and operations on aquatic products. Hours worked. Miscellaneous exemptions and exclusions from coverage. Forestry or logging operations in which not more than eight employees are employed. General statement on the provisions of Section 12(a) and Section 15(a)(1) of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938, relating to written assurances. General statement as to the effect of the Portal-to-Portal Act of 1947 on the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938. [Reserved]791 Exemption of certain radio and television station employees from overtime pay requirements under Section 13(b)(9) of the Fair Labor Standards Act. Partial overtime exemption for employees of wholesale or bulk petroleum distributors under Section 7(b)(3) of the Fair Labor Standards Act. SUBCHAPTER C--OTHER LAWS Application of the Employee Polygraph Protection Act of 1988. High-wage components of the labor value content requirements under the United States- Mexico-Canada Agreement Implementation Act. The Family Medical Leave Act of 1993. SUBCHAPTER D--GARNISHMENT OF EARNINGS Restriction on garnishment. [Reserved]871--899 Chapter IX--Construction Industry Collective Bargaining Commission (Parts 900--999)........................................................ [Reserved]900 Policy statement on collective bargaining disputes and applicable procedures. Chapter X--National Mediation Board (Parts 1200--1299).................. Definitions.01 Rules of procedure. Applications for service. Labor contracts. Notices in re: Railway Labor Act. Handling representation disputes under the Railway Labor Act. Establishment of special adjustment boards. Availability of information. Public observation of National Mediation Board meetings. Chapter XII--Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (Parts 1400-- 1499)................................................................... Standards of conduct, responsibilities, and discipline. Public information. Procedures of the Service. Functions and duties. Arbitration services. Part-time employment. FMCS terms of service. Privacy. 1410 Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service-- assistance in the health care industry. Mediation assistance in the Federal service. Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service advisory committees. Arbitration of pesticide data disputes. Collections of claims owed the United States. Uniform administrative requirements for grants and cooperative agreements to State and local governments. Governmentwide debarment and suspension (nonprocurement). Governmentwide requirements for drug-free workplace (financial assistance). [[Page 1189]] Chapter XIV--Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (Parts 1600--1699). Employee responsibilities and conduct. Procedural regulations. Recordkeeping and reporting requirements under Title VII the ADA and GINA. Procedures for previously exempt State and local government employee complaints of employment discrimination under Section 304 of the Government Employee Rights Act of 1991. Guidelines on discrimination because of sex. Guidelines on discrimination because of religion. Guidelines on discrimination because of national origin. Uniform guidelines on employee selection procedures (1978). Affirmative action appropriate under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended. Availability of records. Privacy Act regulations. Government in the Sunshine Act regulations. Federal sector equal employment opportunity. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. The Equal Pay Act. Procedures--the Equal Pay Act. Age Discrimination in Employment Act. Procedures--Age Discrimination in Employment Act. Records to be made or kept relating to age: notices to be posted. Regulations to implement the equal employment provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act. Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008. Procedures for coordinating the investigation of complaints or charges of employment discrimination based on disability subject to the Americans With Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. Procedures for complaints/charges of employment discrimination based on disability filed against employers holding Government contracts or subcontracts. Debt collection. Procedures on interagency coordination of equal employment opportunity issuances. Procedures for complaints of employment discrimination filed against recipients of Federal financial assistance. [Reserved]1692--1694 Guidance procedures. [Reserved]1696--1899 Chapter XVII--Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Department of Labor (Parts 1900--1999)............................................. [Reserved]1900--1901 State plans for the development and enforcement of State standards. Inspections, citations and proposed penalties. Recording and reporting occupational injuries and illnesses. Rules of practice for variances, limitations, variations, tolerances, and exemptions under the Williams-Steiger Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. [Reserved]1906 Consultation agreements. Occupational safety and health standards. Rules of procedure for promulgating, modifying, or revoking occupational safety or health standards. Advisory committees on standards. National Advisory Committee on Occupational Safety and Health. Rules of agency practice and procedure concerning OSHA access to employee medical records. Occupational safety and health standards for shipyard employment. Marine terminals. Safety and health regulations for longshoring. Gear certification. [[Page 1190]] Procedure for variations from safety and health regulations under the Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act. Rules of practice in enforcement proceedings under Section 41 of the Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act. Investigational hearings under Section 41 of the Longshoremen's and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act. Safety standards applicable to workshops and rehabilitation facilities assisted by grants. Safety and health standards for Federal service contracts. Safety and health regulations for construction. Occupational safety and health standards for agriculture. Office of Training and Education, Occupational Safety and Health Administration. Approved State plans for enforcement of State standards. Changes to State plans. Procedures for the evaluation and monitoring of approved State plans. Procedures for withdrawal of approval of State plans. State plans for the development and enforcement of State standards applicable to State and local government employees in States without approved private employee plans. Basic program elements for Federal employee occupational safety and health programs and related matters. Coverage of employers under the Williams- Steiger Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. Discrimination against employees exercising rights under the Williams-Steiger Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970. Procedures for the handling of retaliation complaints under the Employee protection provision of the Surface Transportation Assistance Act of 1982 (STAA), as amended. Procedures for the handling of discrimination complaints under Section 519 of the Wendell H. Ford Aviation Investment and Reform Act for the 21st Century. Procedures for the handling of retaliation complaints under section 806 of the Sarbanes- Oxley Act of 2002, as amended. Procedures for the handling of discrimination complaints under Section 6 of the Pipeline Safety Improvement Act of 2002. Procedures for the handling of retaliation complaints under the National Transit System Security Act and the Federal Railroad Safety Act. Procedures for the handling of retaliation complaints under section 219 of the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act of 2008. Procedures for the handling of retaliation complaints under section 1558 of the Affordable Care Act. Procedures for handling retaliation complaints under the employee protection provision of the Consumer Financial Protection Act of 2010. Procedures for the handling of retaliation complaints under the employee protection provision of the Seaman's Protection Act (SPA), as amended. Procedures for handling retaliation complaints under section 402 of the FDA Food Safety Modernization Act. Procedures for handling retaliation complaints under section 31307 of the Moving Ahead or Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21). Procedures for the handling of retaliation complaints under the Taxpayer First Act (TFA). Identification, classification, and regulation of potential occupational carcinogens. Procedures for the handling of retaliation complaints under the Criminal Antitrust Anti- retaliation Act (CAARA). Chapter XX--Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission (Parts 2200--2499)............................................................. Rules of procedure. Regulations implementing the Freedom of Information Act. [Reserved]2202 Regulations implementing the Government in the Sunshine Act. Implementation of the Equal Access to Justice Act in proceedings before the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission. [[Page 1191]] Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of disability in programs or activities conducted by the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission and in accessibility of commission electronic and information technology. Regulations implementing the Privacy Act. Chapter XXV--Employee Benefits Security Administration, Department of Labor (Parts 2500--2599)................................................ SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL Interpretive bulletins relating to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. SUBCHAPTER B--DEFINITIONS AND COVERAGE UNDER THE EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT INCOME SECURITY ACT OF 1974 Definition of terms used in Subchapters C, D, E, F, and G of this chapter. SUBCHAPTER C--REPORTING AND DISCLOSURE UNDER THE EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT INCOME SECURITY ACT OF 1974 Rules and regulations for reporting and disclosure. SUBCHAPTER D--MINIMUM STANDARDS FOR EMPLOYEE PENSION BENEFIT PLANS UNDER THE EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT INCOME SECURITY ACT OF 1974 Rules and regulations for minimum standards for employee pension benefit plans. SUBCHAPTER E--[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER F--FIDUCIARY RESPONSIBILITY UNDER THE EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT INCOME SECURITY ACT OF 1974 Rules and regulations for fiduciary responsibility. SUBCHAPTER G--ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT UNDER THE EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT INCOME SECURITY ACT OF 1974. Rules and regulations for administration and enforcement. Procedural regulations under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act. Procedural regulations for administration and enforcement under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act. Adjustment of civil penalties under ERISA Title I. Rules and regulations for abandoned plans. SUBCHAPTER H--[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER I--TEMPORARY BONDING RULES UNDER THE EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT INCOME SECURITY ACT OF 1974 Temporary bonding rules. SUBCHAPTER J--FIDUCIARY RESPONSIBILITY UNDER THE FEDERAL EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM ACT OF 1986 Rules and regulations for fiduciary responsibility. Rules and regulations for the allocation of fiduciary responsibility. SUBCHAPTER K--ADMINISTRATION AND ENFORCEMENT UNDER THE FEDERAL EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM ACT OF 1986 Rules and regulations for administration and enforcement. SUBCHAPTER L--GROUP HEALTH PLANS Rules and regulations for group health plans. Chapter XXVII--Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission (Parts 2700--2799)............................................................. Procedural rules. Government in the Sunshine Act regulations. Regulations implementing the Freedom of Information Act. Employee responsibilities and conduct. Implementation of the Equal Access to Justice Act in Commission proceedings. Privacy Act implementation. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission. Chapter XL--Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (Parts 4000--4999)..... SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL Filing, issuance, computation of time, and record retention. [[Page 1192]] Terminology.01 Bylaws of the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation. Rules for administrative review of agency decisions. SUBCHAPTER B--PREMIUMS Premium rates. Payment of premiums. SUBCHAPTER C--CERTAIN REPORTING AND DISCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS Annual financial and actuarial information reporting. SUBCHAPTER D--COVERAGE AND BENEFITS Benefits payable in terminated single-employer plans. Aggregate limits on guaranteed benefits. SUBCHAPTER E--PLAN TERMINATIONS Termination of single-employer plans. Termination of multiemployer plans. Single-employer plan termination initiated by PBGC. Reportable events and certain other notification requirements. Allocation of assets in single-employer plans. Restoration of terminating and terminated plans. Missing participants. SUBCHAPTER F--LIABILITY Amounts payable by the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation. Liability for termination of single-employer plans. Withdrawal liability; plans under multiple controlled groups. Liability on termination of single-employer plans under multiple controlled groups. SUBCHAPTER G--ANNUAL REPORTING REQUIREMENTS Annual report. SUBCHAPTER H--ENFORCEMENT PROVISIONS Recovery of liability for plan terminations. Lien for liability. Penalties for failure to provide certain notices or other material information. SUBCHAPTER I--WITHDRAWAL LIABILITY FOR MULTIEMPLOYER PLANS Extension of special withdrawal liability rules. Variances for sale of assets. Adjustment of liability for a withdrawal subsequent to a partial withdrawal. Reduction or waiver of complete withdrawal liability. Reduction or waiver of partial withdrawal liability. Allocating unfunded vested benefits. Notice, collection, and redetermination of withdrawal liability. Procedures for PBGC approval of plan amendments. Arbitration of disputes in multiemployer plans. SUBCHAPTER J--INSOLVENCY, TERMINATION, AND OTHER RULES APPLICABLE TO MULTIEMPLOYER PLANS Mergers and transfers between multiemployer plans. Partitions of eligible multiemployer plans. Duties of plan sponsor of an insolvent plan. Financial assistance to multiemployer plans. Special financial assistance by PBGC. Duties of plan sponsor following mass withdrawal. SUBCHAPTER K--MULTIEMPLOYER ENFORCEMENT PROVISIONS Penalties for failure to file certain multiemployer plan notices. SUBCHAPTER L--INTERNAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE RULES AND PROCEDURES Disclosure and public inspection of Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation records. Disclosure and amendment of records under the Privacy Act. Debt collection. Appearances in certain proceedings. [Reserved]4906 Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation. [[Page 1193]] TITLE 30--MINERAL RESOURCES Chapter I--Mine Safety and Health Administration, Department of Labor (Parts 1--199).......................................................... SUBCHAPTER A--OFFICIAL EMBLEM AND OMB CONTROL NUMBERS FOR RECORDKEEPING AND REPORTING Part Mine Safety and Health Administration; establishment and use of official emblem. OMB control numbers under the Paperwork Reduction Act. SUBCHAPTER B--TESTING, EVALUATION, AND APPROVAL OF MINING PRODUCTS Fees for testing, evaluation, and approval of mining products. Testing and evaluation by independent laboratories and non-MSHA product safety standards. Testing by applicant or third party. Requirements for the approval of flame- resistant conveyor belts. Requirements for approval of explosives and sheathed explosive units. Electric motor-driven mine equipment and accessories. Electric cap lamps. Electric mine lamps other than standard cap lamps. Portable methane detectors. Telephones and signaling devices. Methane-monitoring systems. Fuses for use with direct current in providing short-circuit protection for trailing cables in coal mines. Dust collectors for use in connection with rock drilling in coal mines. Fire-resistant hydraulic fluids. Approval requirements for permissible mobile diesel-powered transportation equipment. SUBCHAPTER C--F--[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER G--FILING AND OTHER ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS Representative of miners. Notification of legal identity. National Mine Health and Safety Academy. Procedures for processing hazardous conditions complaints. Rules of practice for petitions for modification of mandatory safety standards. Independent contractors. SUBCHAPTER H--EDUCATION AND TRAINING Training and retraining of miners engaged in shell dredging or employed at sand, gravel, surface stone, surface clay, colloidal phosphate, or surface limestone mines. Hazard communication (HazCom). Training and retraining of miners. Mine rescue teams. SUBCHAPTER I--ACCIDENTS, INJURIES, ILLNESSES, EMPLOYMENT, AND PRODUCTION IN MINES Notification, investigation, reports and records of accidents, injuries, illnesses, employment, and coal production in mines. SUBCHAPTER J--[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER K--METAL AND NONMETAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH Safety and health standards--surface metal and nonmetal mines. Safety and health standards--underground metal and nonmetal mines. Health standards for metal and nonmetal mines. SUBCHAPTER L--[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER M--UNIFORM MINE HEALTH REGULATIONS Occupational noise exposure. SUBCHAPTER N--[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER O--COAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH Mandatory health standards--underground coal mines. Mandatory health standards--surface coal mines and surface work areas of underground coal mines. Health standards for coal mines. [[Page 1194]] Coal mine dust sampling devices. Mandatory safety standards--underground coal mines. Mandatory safety standards, surface coal mines and surface work areas of underground coal mines. Mandatory health standards--coal miners who have evidence of the development of pneumoconiosis. SUBCHAPTER P--CIVIL PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS OF THE FEDERAL MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ACT OF 1977 Criteria and procedures for proposed assessment of civil penalties. [Reserved]101--103 SUBCHAPTER Q--PATTERN OF VIOLATIONS Pattern of violations. [Reserved]105--199 Chapter II--Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, Department of the Interior (Parts 200--299)........................................ SUBCHAPTER A--ROYALTY MANAGEMENT Relief or reduction in royalty rates. SUBCHAPTER B--OFFSHORE Oil and gas and sulphur operations in the Outer Continental Shelf. Geological and geophysical (G & G) explorations of the Outer Continental Shelf. Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Oil and Gas Information Program. [Reserved]253 Oil-spill response requirements for facilities located seaward of the coast line. Leasing of sulphur or oil and gas in the Outer Continental Shelf. [Reserved]259--260 Nondiscrimination in the Outer Continental Shelf. Prospecting for minerals other than oil, gas, and sulphur on the Outer Continental Shelf. [Reserved]281 Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf for minerals other than oil, gas, and sulphur. Renewable energy and alternate uses of existing facilities on the Outer Continental Shelf. SUBCHAPTER C--APPEALS Appeals procedures. Open and nondiscriminatory access to oil and gas pipelines under the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act. Chapter IV--Geological Survey, Department of the Interior (Parts 400-- 499).................................................................... State Water Research Institute program. Water-Resources Research Program and the Water-Resources Technology Development Program. Chapter V--Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, Department of the Interior (Parts 500--599)........................................................ SUBCHAPTER A--MINERALS REVENUE MANAGEMENT [Reserved]519 SUBCHAPTER B--OFFSHORE Oil and gas and sulphur operations in the Outer Continental Shelf. Geological and geophysical (G & G) explorations of the Outer Continental Shelf. Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Oil and Gas Information Program. Oil spill financial responsibility for offshore facilities. Leasing of Sulphur or oil and gas and bonding requirements in the Outer Continental Shelf. Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) oil and gas leasing. Nondiscrimination in the Outer Continental Shelf. Prospecting for minerals other than oil, gas, and sulphur on the Outer Continental Shelf. Leasing of minerals other than oil, gas, and sulphur in the Outer Continental Shelf. [[Page 1195]] Operations in the Outer Continental Shelf for minerals other than oil, gas, and sulphur. Negotiated noncompetitive agreements for the use of sand, gravel, and/or shell resources on the Outer Continental Shelf. Renewable energy on the Outer Continental Shelf. SUBCHAPTER C--APPEALS Appeal procedures. Chapter VII--Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, Department of the Interior (Parts 700--999)............................. SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL General. 700 Permanent regulatory program. Exemption for coal extraction incidental to the extraction of other minerals. Restriction on financial interests of State employees. Restriction on financial interests of Federal employees. Exemption for coal extraction incident to Government-financed highway or other construction. SUBCHAPTER B--INITIAL PROGRAM REGULATIONS Initial regulatory program. General performance standards. Special performance standards. Underground mining general performance standards. Federal inspections. Enforcement procedures. Civil penalties. Individual civil penalties. Reimbursements to States. SUBCHAPTER C--PERMANENT REGULATORY PROGRAMS FOR NON-FEDERAL AND NON- INDIAN LANDS General requirements. Submission of State programs. Procedures and criteria for approval or disapproval of State program submissions. Early identification of corrective action, maintenance of State programs, procedures for substituting Federal enforcement of State programs, and withdrawing approval of State programs. Grants for program development and administration and enforcement. Federal program for a State. SUBCHAPTER D--FEDERAL LANDS PROGRAM General requirements for surface coal mining and reclamation operations on Federal lands. State-Federal cooperative agreements. Review and approval of mining plans. SUBCHAPTER E--INDIAN LANDS PROGRAM Requirements for surface coal mining and reclamation operations on Indian lands. Tribal-Federal intergovernmental agreements. Indian Tribe abandoned mine land reclamation programs. SUBCHAPTER F--AREAS UNSUITABLE FOR MINING Areas designated by Act of Congress. Criteria for designating areas as unsuitable for surface coal mining operations. State processes for designating areas unsuitable for surface coal mining operations. Petition process for designation of Federal lands as unsuitable for all or certain types of surface coal mining operations and for termination of previous designations. SUBCHAPTER G--SURFACE COAL MINING AND RECLAMATION OPERATIONS PERMITS AND COAL EXPLORATION SYSTEMS UNDER REGULATORY PROGRAMS Requirements for coal exploration. Requirements for permits and permit processing. [[Page 1196]] Revision; renewal; transfer, assignment, or sale of permit rights; post-permit issuance requirements; and other actions based on ownership, control, and violation information. Administrative and judicial review of decisions. General content requirements for permit applications. Permit applications--minimum requirements for legal, financial, compliance, and related information. Surface mining permit applications--minimum requirements for information on environmental resources. Surface mining permit applications--minimum requirement for reclamation and operation plan. Underground mining permit applications-- minimum requirements for information on environmental resources. Underground mining permit applications-- minimum requirements for reclamation and operation plan. Requirements for permits for special categories of mining. SUBCHAPTER H--SMALL OPERATOR ASSISTANCE Permanent regulatory program--small operator assistance program. SUBCHAPTER I--[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER J--PERFORMANCE BOND, FINANCIAL ASSURANCE, AND INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR SURFACE COAL MINING AND RECLAMATION OPERATIONS Bond and insurance requirements for surface coal mining and reclamation operations under regulatory programs. SUBCHAPTER K--PERMANENT PROGRAM PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Permanent program performance standards-- general provisions. Permanent program performance standards--coal exploration. Permanent program performance standards-- surface mining activities. Permanent program performance standards-- underground mining activities. Special permanent program performance standards--auger mining. Special permanent program performance standards--anthracite mines in Pennsylvania. Special permanent program performance standards--operations in alluvial valley floors. Special permanent program performance standards--operations on prime farmland. Special permanent program performance standards--mountaintop removal. Special permanent program performance standards--special bituminous coal mines in Wyoming. Permanent program performance standards--coal preparation plants not located within the permit area of a mine. Special permanent program performance standards--in situ processing. SUBCHAPTER L--PERMANENT PROGRAM INSPECTION AND ENFORCEMENT PROCEDURES State regulatory authority: inspection and enforcement. Federal inspections and monitoring. Federal enforcement. Civil penalties. Individual civil penalties. Alternative enforcement. SUBCHAPTER M--TRAINING, EXAMINATION, AND CERTIFICATION OF BLASTERS Permanent regulatory program requirements-- standards for certification of blasters. SUBCHAPTERS N--O--[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER P--PROTECTION OF EMPLOYEES Protection of employees. SUBCHAPTER R--ABANDONED MINE LAND RECLAMATION Abandoned mine reclamation fund--fee collection and coal production reporting. Money available to eligible States and Indian tribes. Future reclamation set-aside program. General reclamation requirements. [[Page 1197]] Certification and noncoal reclamation. Acid Mine Drainage Treatment and Abatement Program. Rights of entry. Acquisition, management, and disposition of lands and water. Mine fire control. Subsidence and strip mine rehabilitation, Appalachia. Reclamation on private land. State reclamation plans. Grants for certified States and Indian tribes. Reclamation grants for uncertified States and Indian Tribes. Subsidence insurance program grants. SUBCHAPTER T--PROGRAMS FOR THE CONDUCT OF SURFACE MINING OPERATIONS WITHIN EACH STATE Introduction. Alabama. 901 Alaska. 902 Arizona. 903 Arkansas. 904 California.05 Colorado. 906 Georgia. 910 Idaho. 912 Illinois. 913 Indiana. 914 Iowa. 915 Kansas. 916 Kentucky. 917 Louisiana.918 Maryland. 920 Massachusetts. Michigan. 922 Mississippi.4 Missouri. 925 Montana. 926 New Mexico.31 North Carolina. North Dakota. Ohio. 935 Oklahoma. 936 Oregon. 937 Pennsylvania. Rhode Island. South Dakota. Tennessee.942 Texas. 943 Utah. 944 Virginia. 946 Washington.47 West Virginia. Wyoming. 950 Certification of blasters in Federal program States and on Indian lands. Chapter XII--Office of Natural Resources Revenue, Department of the Interior (Parts 1200--1299)............................................. SUBCHAPTER A--NATURAL RESOURCES REVENUE General. 1201 Royalties.1202 Relief or reduction in royalty rates. Alternatives for marginal properties. Product valuation. Safe agreements or contracts governing the disposal of lease products. Sale of Federal royalty oil. Forms and reports. [[Page 1198]] Records and files maintenance. Audits and inspections. Collection of royalties, rentals, bonuses, and other monies due the Federal Government. Distribution and disbursement of royalties, rentals, and bonuses. Accounting procedures for determining net profit share payment for outer continental shelf oil and gas leases. Delegation to States. Cooperative activities with States and Indian tribes. Delegation to States. Penalties.1241 Suspensions pending appeal and bonding--Office of Natural Resources Revenue. SUBCHAPTER B--APPEALS Appeal procedures. TITLE 31--MONEY AND FINANCE: TREASURY Subtitle A--Office of the Secretary of the Treasury (Parts 0--50)....... Part Department of the Treasury employee rules of conduct. Disclosure of records. National security information. Claims regulations and indemnification of Department of Treasury employees. Employees' personal property claims. Treasury debt collection. Applications for awards under the Equal Access to Justice Act. Employee inventions. Practice before the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms. Effects of imported articles on the national security. Practice before the Internal Revenue Service. Operation of vending facilities by the blind on Federal property under the control of the Department of Treasury. Restriction of sale and distribution of tobacco products. Procedures for providing assistance to State and local governments in protecting foreign diplomatic missions. Right to Financial Privacy Act. Post employment conflict of interest. Regulations implementing the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the Department of the Treasury. Officials designated to perform the functions and duties of certain offices in case of absence, disability, or vacancy. Governmentwide debarment and suspension (nonprocurement). Governmentwide requirements for drug-free workplace (financial assistance). New restrictions on lobbying. Nondiscrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin in programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance from the Department of the Treasury. Nondiscrimination on the basis of age in programs and activities receiving Federal financial assistance from the Department of the Treasury. Prepayment of foreign military sales loans made by the Defense Security Assistance Agency and foreign military sales loans made by the Federal Financing Bank and guaranteed by the Defense Security Assistance Agency. Environmental review of actions by Multilateral Development Bands (MDBs). Civil penalty assessment for misuse of Department of the Treasury names, symbols, etc. Nondiscrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. Federal benefit payments under certain District of Columbia retirement programs. TARP standards for compensation and corporate governance. Troubled Asset Relief Program. Payments in lieu of low income housing tax credits. [[Page 1199]] Waivers for State Innovation. Resources and ecosystems sustainability, tourist opportunities, and revived economies of the Gulf Coast States. Pandemic relief programs. Terrorism Risk Insurance Program. Subtitle B--Regulations Relating to Money and Finance................... Chapter I--Monetary Offices, Department of the Treasury (Parts 51--199). Domestic gold and silver operations sale of silver. 5-cent and one-cent coin regulations. Regulations governing conduct in or on the Bureau of the Mint buildings and grounds. United States Mint operations and procedures. Exchange of paper currency and coin. Mitigation of forfeiture of counterfeit gold coins. Financial recordkeeping and reporting of currency and foreign transactions. [Reserved]123 Reporting of international capital and foreign-currency transactions and positions. Portfolio investment survey reporting. [Reserved]130--131 Prohibition on funding of unlawful internet gambling. [Reserved]133--147 Qualified financial contracts recordkeeping related to the FDIC Order Liquidation Authority. Calculation of maximum obligation limitation. Financial research fund. Chapter II--Fiscal Service, Department of the Treasury (Parts 200--399). SUBCHAPTER A--FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT SERVICE Depositaries and financial agents of the Federal government. Payment of Federal taxes and the Treasury Tax and Loan program. [Reserved]204 Rules and procedures for efficient Federal- State funds transfers. Management of Federal agency receipts, disbursements, and operation of the Cash Management Improvements Fund. Management of Federal agency disbursement. Federal Government participation in the Automated Clearing House. Delivery of checks and warrants to addresses outside the United States, its territories and possessions. Garnishment of accounts containing Federal benefit payments. Withholding of District of Columbia, State, city and county income or employment taxes by Federal agencies. Surety companies doing business with the United States. Federal process agents of surety corporations. Acceptance of bonds secured by Government obligations in lieu of bonds with sureties. Recognition of insurance covering Treasury tax and loan depositaries. Issuance of settlement checks for forged checks drawn on designated depositaries. Indorsement and payment of checks drawn on the United States Treasury. Claims on account of Treasury checks. Issue of substitutes of lost, stolen, destroyed, mutilated and defaced checks of the United States drawn on accounts maintained in depositary banks in foreign countries or United States territories or possessions. Payment on account of awards of the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the United States. Obtaining payments from the Judgment Fund and under private relief bills. [Reserved]270 Foreign exchange operations. Debt collection authorities under the Debt Collection Improvement Act of 1996. SUBCHAPTER B--BUREAU OF THE PUBLIC DEBT General regulations governing U. S. securities. [[Page 1200]] General regulations governing full-paid interim certificates. Issue and sale of Treasury bills. Federal savings and loan associations and Federal credit unions as fiscal agents of the United States. Regulations governing United States Savings Bonds, Series A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J, and K, and U.S. savings notes. Offering of United States Savings Bonds, Series E. [Reserved]317 Payments by banks and other financial institutions of definitive United States Savings Bonds and United States Savings Notes (Freedom Shares). Disclosure of records. Restrictive endorsements of United States bearer securities. Regulations governing payment under special endorsement of United States savings bonds and United States savings notes (Freedom Shares). Offering of United Savings Bonds, Series H. Supplemental regulations governing Federal Housing Administration debentures. Exchange offering of United States Savings Bonds, Series H. Regulations governing the sale of Treasury bonds through competitive bidding. Regulations governing United States retirement plan bonds. Offering of United States savings notes. Regulations governing the offering of United States Mortgage Guaranty Insurance Company tax and loss bonds. U.S. Treasury securities--State and local government series. Regulations governing 5 percent Treasury certificates of indebtedness--R.E.A. series. Regulations governing United States individual retirement bonds. Regulations governing retirement savings bond. Regulations governing depositary compensation securities. Offering of United States Savings Bonds, Series EE. Offering of United States Savings Bonds, Series HH. Regulations governing definitive United States savings bonds, Series EE and HH. Regulations governing book-entry securities of the Student Loan Marketing Association (Sallie Mae). Regulations governing fiscal agency checks. Sale and issue of marketable book-entry Treasury bills, notes, and bonds (Department of the Treasury Circular, Fiscal Service Series No. 1-93). Regulations governing book-entry Treasury bonds, notes, and bills held in legacy Treasury Direct. [Reserved]358 Offering of United States savings bonds, Series I. Regulations governing definitive United States savings bonds, Series I. Claims pursuant to the Government Losses in Shipment Act. Declaration of valuables under the Government Losses in Shipment Act. Regulations governing securities held in TreasuryDirect. Electronic transactions and funds transfers relating to United States securities. Marketable Treasury securities redemption operations. Collateral acceptability and valuation. Waiver of interest, administrative costs, and penalties. Chapter IV--Secret Service, Department of the Treasury (Parts 400--499). Seizure and forfeiture of vessels, vehicles, and aircraft used to transport counterfeit coins, obligations, securities, and paraphernalia. Reproduction of canceled United States Internal Revenue stamps. Authorization of all banks, U.S. Post Offices, and disbursing officers of the United States and their agents to deliver to the Treasury Department counterfeit obligations and other securities and coins of the United States or of any foreign government. Illustration of savings bonds. Seizure and forfeiture of gold for violations of Gold Reserve Act of 1934 and gold regulations. Regulations governing conduct in the Treasury Building and the Treasury Annex. [Reserved]408 [[Page 1201]] Standard and procedures utilized in issuing a security clearance in connection with an application for a press pass to the White House. Color illustrations of United States currency. Closure of streets near the White House. Chapter V--Office of Foreign Assets Control, Department of the Treasury (Parts 500--599)........................................................ Reporting, procedures and penalties regulations. North Korea sanctions regulations. Cuban assets control regulations. Burma sanctions regulations. Hostages and wrongful detention sanctions regulations. Iranian assets control regulations. Narcotics trafficking sanctions regulations. Weapons of mass destruction trade control regulations. Highly enriched uranium (HEU) agreement assets control regulations. Zimbabwe sanctions regulations. Syrian sanctions regulations. Weapons of mass destruction proliferators sanctions regulations. Darfur sanctions regulations. Democratic Republic of the Congo sanctions regulations. Belarus sanctions regulations. Lebanon sanctions regulations. Ethiopia sanctions regulations. Somalia sanctions regulations. Yemen sanctions regulations. Central African Republic sanctions regulations. Mali sanctions regulations. South Sudan sanctions regulations. Iranian transactions and sanctions regulations. Iranian financial sanctions regulations. Iranian sector and human rights abuses sanctions regulations. Hizballah financial sanctions regulations. Syria-related sanctions regulations. Libyan sanctions regulations. Iraqi sanctions regulations. Iraq stabilization and insurgency sanctions regulations. Cyber-related sanctions regulations. Foreign interference in U.S. elections sanctions regulations. Nicaragua sanctions regulations. Global Magnitsky sanctions regulations. Magnitsky Act sanctions regulations. Hong Kong-related sanctions regulations. Chinese Military-Industrial Complex sanctions regulations. Russian harmful foreign activities sanctions regulations. Western Balkans stabilization regulations. Ukraine-/Russia-related sanctions regulations. Transnational criminal organizations sanctions regulations. Venezuela sanctions regulations. Rough diamonds control regulations. Global terrorism sanctions regulations. Terrorism list governments sanctions regulations. Foreign terrorist organizations sanctions regulations. Foreign narcotics kingpin sanctions regulations. Illicit drug trade sanctions regulations. [[Page 1202]] Appendixes to Chapter V--Note. Appendix A to Chapter V--Alphabetical Listing of Blocked Persons, Specially Designated Nationals, Specially Designated Terrorists, Specially Designated Global Terrorists, Foreign Terrorist Organizations, and Specially Designated Narcotics Traffickers (as of June 14, 2007). Appendix B to Chapter V--Alphabetical Listing of Vessels That Are the Property of Blocked Persons or Specially Designated Nationals. Chapter VI--Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Department of the Treasury (Parts 600--699)........................................................ Distinctive paper and distinctive counterfeit deterrents for United States Federal Reserve notes. Regulations governing conduct in Bureau of Engraving and Printing buildings and on the grounds in Washington, DC and Fort Worth, Texas. Chapter VII--Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, Department of the Treasury (Parts 700--799)............................................... Regulations governing conduct in or on the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) buildings and grounds. Chapter VIII--Office of Investment Security, Department of the Treasury (Parts 800--899)........................................................ Regulations pertaining to certain investments in the United States by foreign persons. Pilot program to review certain transactions involving foreign persons and critical technologies. Regulations pertaining to certain transactions by foreign persons involving real estate in the United States. Chapter IX--Federal Claims Collection Standards (Department of the Treasury--Department of Justice) (Parts 900--999)....................... Scope of standards. Standards for the administrative collection of claims. Standards for the compromise of claims. Standards for suspending or terminating collection activity. Referrals to the Department of Justice. Chapter X--Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, Department of the Treasury (Parts 1000--1099)............................................. [Reserved]1000--1009 General provisions. [Reserved]1011--1019 Rules for banks. Rules for casinos and card clubs. Rules for money services businesses. Rules for brokers or dealers in securities. Rules for mutual funds. Rules for insurance. Rules for futures commission merchants and introducing brokers in commodities. Rules for dealers in precious metals, precious stones, or jewels. Rules for operators of credit card systems. Rules for loan or finance companies. Rules for housing government sponsored enterprises. Provisions relating to the Comprehensive Iran Sanctions, Accountability, and Divestment Act of 2010. TITLE 32--NATIONAL DEFENSE Subtitle A--Department of Defense....................................... Chapter I--Office of the Secretary of Defense (Parts 1--399)............ SUBCHAPTER A--ACQUISITION Part [Reserved]1 [[Page 1203]] Pilot program policy. Transactions other than contracts, grants, or cooperative agreements for prototype projects. [Reserved]4--8 SUBCHAPTER B--MILITARY COMMISSIONS [RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER C--DOD GRANT AND AGREEMENT REGULATIONS DoD grants and agreements--general matters. DoD grants and agreements--award and administration. Governmentwide debarment and suspension (nonprocurement). Governmentwide requirements for drug-free workplace (financial assistance). New restrictions on lobbying. Administrative requirements for grants and agreements with for-profit organizations. Technology investment agreements. SUBCHAPTER D--PERSONNEL, MILITARY AND CIVILIAN Screening the Ready Reserve. Medical malpractice claims by members of the Uniformed Services. Active duty service for civilian or contractual groups. Personal commercial solicitation on DoD installations. Wearing of the uniform. Nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs and activities assisted or conducted by the Department of Defense. Provision of early intervention and special education services to eligible DoD dependents. Family Advocacy Command Assistance Team (FACAT). Family Advocacy Program (FAP). Qualification standards for enlistment, appointment, and induction. Educational requirements for appointment of reserve component officers to a grade above First Lieutenant or Lieutenant (Junior Grade). Voluntary education programs. School boards for Department of Defense domestic dependent elementary and secondary schools. Discharge Review Board (DRB) procedures and standards. Appointment of doctors of osteopathy as medical officers. Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP). Child Development Programs (CDPs). Background checks on individuals in DoD child care services programs. Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children. Acceptance of service of process; release of official information in litigation; and testimony by NSA personnel as witnesses. Naturalization of aliens serving in the Armed Forces of the United States and of alien spouses and/or alien adopted children of military and civilian personnel ordered overseas. Release of official information in litigation and presentation of witness testimony by DoD personnel (Touhy Regulation). Procedures for States and localities to request indemnification. Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Program. Personal services authority for direct health care providers. Health care eligibility under the Secretarial Designee Program and related special authorities. Transitional compensation for abused dependents. Indebtedness procedures of military personnel. Victim and witness assistance. National Industrial Security Program Operating Manual (NISPOM). Copyrighted sound and video recordings. Cooperation with the Office of Special Counsel of the Merit Systems Protection Board. Adjudicative guidelines for determining eligibility for access to classified information. National policy and implementation of reciprocity of facilities. SUBCHAPTER E--REGULATIONS PERTAINING TO MILITARY JUSTICE Courts of criminal appeals rules of practice and procedure. [[Page 1204]] Foreign criminal and civil jurisdiction. Review of the Manual for Courts-Martial. Criminal jurisdiction over civilians employed by or accompanying the Armed Forces outside the United States, certain service members, and former service members. SUBCHAPTER F--SECURITY Defense industrial personnel security clearance program. Department of Defense Personnel Security Program. DoD investigative and adjudicative guidance for issuing the Common Access Card (CAC). Operational contract support (OCS) outside the United States. Private security contractors (PSCS) operating in contingency operations, humanitarian or peace operations, or other military operations or exercises. SUBCHAPTER G--DEFENSE CONTRACTING Indemnification (ID) cards for members of the uniformed services, their dependents, and other eligible individuals. National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowships. Competitive Information Certificate and Profit Reduction Clause. SUBCHAPTER H--CLOSURES AND REALIGNMENT Revitalizing base closure communities and addressing impacts of realignment. Indemnification or defense, or providing notice to the Department of Defense, relating to a third-party environmental claim. Revitalizing base closure communities and community assistance--Community redevelopment and homeless assistance. Munitions response site prioritization protocol (MRSPP). SUBCHAPTERS I--K [RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER L--ENVIRONMENT Environmental effects abroad of major Department of Defense actions. DOD Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELAP). [Reserved]189--190 SUBCHAPTER M--MISCELLANEOUS The DoD Civilian Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) program. Equal opportunity in off-base housing. Highways for national defense. [Reserved]194 Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs of the Department of Defense-- effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Nondiscrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. Historical research in the files of the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD). Civilian Health and Medical Program of the Uniformed Services (CHAMPUS). Civil money penalty authorities for the Tricare Program. Restoration advisory boards. Technical Assistance for Public Participation (TAPP) in defense environmental restoration activities. National Security Education Program (NSEP) and NSEP Service Agreement. [Reserved]209 Enforcement of State traffic laws on DoD installations. Mission compatibility evaluation process. Procedures and support for non-Federal entities authorized to operate on Department of Defense (DoD) installations. Support for non-Federal entities authorized to operate on DoD installations. Military recruiting and Reserve Officer Training Corps program access to institutions of higher education. Guidance for the determination and reporting of nuclear radiation dose for DoD participants in the atmospheric nuclear test program (1945- 1962). Protection of human subjects. Collection from third party payers of reasonable charges for healthcare services. DoD identity management. DoD Mandatory Declassification Review (MDR) Program. [[Page 1205]] DoD Unclassified Controlled Nuclear Information (UCNI). Commissary credit and debit card user fee. Shelter for the homeless. Security Protective Force. Protection of archaeological resources: uniform regulations. Financial institutions on DoD installations. Procedures governing banks, credit unions, and other financial institutions on DoD installations. Limitations on terms of consumer credit extended to service members and dependents. Federal Voting Assistance Program (FVAP). Conduct on the Pentagon Reservation. Department of Defense (DoD)-Defense Industrial Base (DIB) volunteer cyber security and information assurance (CS/IA) activities. DoD assistance to non-Government, entertainment-oriented media productions. Homeowners Assistance Program--application processing. DoD Information Assurance Scholarship Program (IASP). Pilot program for temporary exchange of information technology personnel. Department of Defense ratemaking procedures for Civil Reserve Air Fleet contracts. Plan for the security control of air traffic and air navigation aids (short title: SCATANA). Stars and Stripes (S&S) newspaper and business operations. Department of Defense newspapers, magazines and civilian enterprise publications. Withholding of unclassified technical data from public disclosure. National Language Service Corps (NLSC). Acceptance of service of process. Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally-assisted programs. Vending facility program for the blind on DoD- controlled Federal property. Traffic and vehicle control on certain Defense Mapping Agency sites. International interchange of patent rights and technical information. Audits of State and local governments, institutions of higher education, and other nonprofit institutions. Civil monetary penalty inflation adjustment. Defense materiel disposition. Regulations governing competitive bidding on U.S. Government guaranteed military export loan agreements. Right to Financial Privacy Act. Implementation of the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act. Settling personnel and general claims and processing advanced decision requests. Procedures for settling personnel and general claims and processing advance decision requests. Waiver of debts resulting from erroneous payments of pay and allowances. Waiver procedures for debts resulting from erroneous payments of pay and allowances. DoD Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Program. SUBCHAPTER N--FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT PROGRAM DoD Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Program. DoD Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)Program. Release of acquisition-related information. SUBCHAPTER O--PRIVACY Protection of privacy and access to and amendment of individual records under the Privacy Act of 1974. Defense Logistics Agency privacy program. DoD guidance documents. SUBCHAPTER P--OBTAINING DOD INFORMATION [RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER Q--[RESERVED] Chapter V--Department of the Army (Parts 400--699)...................... SUBCHAPTER A--AID OF CIVIL AUTHORITIES AND PUBLIC RELATIONS [Reserved]400--500 [[Page 1206]] Manufacture, sale, wear, and quality control of heraldic items. Chaplains.510 Litigation.16 Entry authorization regulation for Kwajalein Missile Range. SUBCHAPTER B--CLAIMS AND ACCOUNTS Military court fees. Claims against the United States. Claims on behalf of the United States. SUBCHAPTER C--MILITARY EDUCATION [Reserved]543--544 SUBCHAPTER D--MILITARY RESERVATIONS AND NATIONAL CEMETERIES Regulations affecting military reservations. Army cemeteries. SUBCHAPTER E--ORGANIZED RESERVES National Guard regulations. SUBCHAPTER F--PERSONNEL Personnel review board. [Reserved]583 SUBCHAPTER G--PROCUREMENT [Reserved]619 SUBCHAPTER H--SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENT Loan and sale of property. Loan of Army materiel. Surface transportation--administrative vehicle management. [Reserved]626--629 SUBCHAPTER I--LAW ENFORCEMENT AND CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS [Reserved]630 Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Boards and off-installation liaison and operations. Motor vehicle traffic supervision. Law enforcement reporting. SUBCHAPTER J--REAL PROPERTY [Reserved]641--649 SUBCHAPTER K--ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY Environmental analysis of Army actions (AR 200-2). [Reserved]652--654 Radiation sources on Army land. [Reserved]656--667 SUBCHAPTER L--ARMY CONTRACTING [RESERVED] [Reserved]668--669 Chapter VI--Department of the Navy (Parts 700--799)..................... SUBCHAPTER A--UNITED STATES NAVY REGULATIONS AND OFFICIAL RECORDS [Reserved]701 Public affairs regulations. SUBCHAPTER B--NAVIGATION [RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER C--PERSONNEL Regulations supplementing the Manual for Courts-Martial. Delivery of personnel; service of process and subpoenas; production of official records. Board for Correction of Naval Records. Naval Discharge Review Board. Release of official information for litigation purposes and testimony by Department of Navy personnel. Reporting births and deaths in cooperation with other agencies. SUBCHAPTER D--PROCUREMENT, PROPERTY, PATENTS, AND CONTRACTS Licensing of Government inventions in the custody of the Department of the Navy. [[Page 1207]] SUBCHAPTER E--CLAIMS General claims regulations. Personnel claims regulations. Admiralty claims. Claims for injuries to property under Article 139 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Procedures for processing claims involving non-appropriated fund activities and their employees. Affirmative claims regulations. SUBCHAPTER F--ISLANDS UNDER NAVY JURISDICTION Naval defensive sea areas; naval airspace reservations, areas under Navy administration, and the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. [Reserved]762 SUBCHAPTER G--MISCELLANEOUS RULES Rules applicable to the public. Use of Department of the Navy aviation facilities by civil aircraft. Guidelines for permitting archeological investigations and other activities directed at sunken military craft and terrestrial military craft under the jurisdiction of the Department of the Navy. Rules limiting public access to particular installations. [Reserved]771--774 Policies and responsibilities for implementation of the National Environmental Policy Act within the Department of the Navy. Professional conduct of attorneys practicing under the cognizance and supervision of the Judge Advocate General. [Reserved]777--799 Chapter VII--Department of the Air Force (Parts 800--1099).............. SUBCHAPTER A--ADMINISTRATION [Reserved]800--805 Installation entry policy, civil disturbance intervention, and disaster assistance. SUBCHAPTER B--SALES AND SERVICES Release, dissemination, and sale of visual information materials. SUBCHAPTER C--PUBLIC RELATIONS [RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER D--CLAIMS AND LITIGATION Administrative claims. Counsel fees and other expenses in foreign tribunals. SUBCHAPTER E--SECURITY [RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER F--AIRCRAFT Civil aircraft use of United States Air Force airfields. Department of Defense Commercial Air Transportation Quality and Safety Review Program. SUBCHAPTER G--ORGANIZATION AND MISSION--GENERAL Personnel Review Boards. SUBCHAPTER H--[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER I--MILITARY PERSONNEL [Reserved]888--888g SUBCHAPTER J--[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER K--MILITARY TRAINING AND SCHOOLS [Reserved]901 SUBCHAPTERS L--M--[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER N--TERRITORIAL AND INSULAR REGULATIONS Wake Island Code. [[Page 1208]] SUBCHAPTER O--SPECIAL INVESTIGATION--[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTERS P--S--[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER T--ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Environmental Impact Analysis Process (EIAP). Subtitle B--Other Regulations Relating to National Defense.............. Chapter XII--Department of Defense, Defense Logistics Agency (Parts 1200--1299)............................................................. SUBCHAPTER B--MISCELLANEOUS Investigating and processing certain noncontractual claims and reporting related litigation. Preparing and processing minor offenses and violation notices referred to U.S. District Courts. Security of DLA activities and resources. Chapter XVI--Selective Service System (Parts 1600--1699)................ [Reserved]1600--1601 Definitions.02 Selective Service System organization. Uncompensated personnel. Administration of registration. Notice to registrants. Duty of registrants. Inductions.624 Volunteers for induction. Classification rules. Administration of classification. Classification of conscientious objectors. Classification of registrants preparing for the ministry. Classification of registrants deferred because of hardship to dependents. Classification of ministers of religion. Classification by local board. Classification by District Appeal Board. Appeal to the President. Alternative service. Overseas registrant processing. Extraordinary expenses of registrants. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) procedures. Privacy Act procedures. [Reserved]1690 Salary offset. Advisory opinions. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by Selective Service System. Chapter XVII--Office of the Director of National Intelligence (Parts 1700--1799)............................................................. Procedures for disclosure of records pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act. Administration of records under the Privacy Act of 1974. Procedures governing the acceptance of service of process. Production of ODNI information or material in proceedings before Federal, State, local or other government entity of competent jurisdiction. Mandatory Declassification Review Program. Chapter XVIII--National Counterintelligence Center (Parts 1800--1899)... Public access to NACIC records under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Public rights under the Privacy Act of 1974. Challenges to classification of documents by authorized holders pursuant to Section 1.9 of Executive Order 12958. Public requests for mandatory declassification review of classified information pursuant to Section 3.6 of Executive Order 12958. [[Page 1209]] Access by historical researchers and former presidential appointees pursuant to Section 4.5 of Executive Order 12958. Production of official records or disclosure of official information in proceedings before Federal, State, or local government entities of competent jurisdiction. Procedures governing acceptance of service of process. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of disability in programs or activities conducted by the National Counterintelligence Center. Chapter XIX--Central Intelligence Agency (Parts 1900--1999)............. Public access to CIA records under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Public rights under the Privacy Act of 1974. Conduct on agency installations. Procedures governing acceptance of service of process. Production of official records or disclosure of official information in proceedings before Federal, State or local governmental entities of competent jurisdiction. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the Central Intelligence Agency. Challenges to classification of documents by authorized holders pursuant to Sec. 1.8 of Executive Order 13526. Public requests for mandatory declassification review of classified information pursuant to Sec. 3.5 of Executive Order 13526. Access to classified CIA information by historical researchers and certain former Government personnel pursuant to Sec. 4.4 of Executive Order 13526. Debarment and suspension procedures. Special procedures for discretionary access to classified historical Central Intelligence Agency records requested by other Federal agencies. Chapter XX--Information Security Oversight Office, National Archives and Records Administration (Parts 2000--2099)............................... [Reserved]2000 Classified National security information. Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI). Interagency Security Classification Appeals Panel (ISCAP) bylaws, rules and appeal procedures. National Industrial Security Program (NISP). Chapter XXI--National Security Council (Parts 2100--2199)............... Rules and regulations to implement the Privacy Act of 1974. Regulations to implement E.O. 12065--including procedures for public access to documents that may be declassified. Chapter XXIV--Office of Science and Technology Policy (Parts 2400--2499) Regulations to implement E.O. 12356; Office of Science and Technology Policy Information Security Program. Regulations implementing the Freedom of Information Act. Chapter XXVII--Office for Micronesian Status Negotiations (Parts 2700-- 2799)................................................................... Security information regulations. Chapter XXVIII--Office of the Vice President of the United States (Parts 2800--2899)............................................................. Security procedures. TITLE 33--NAVIGATION AND NAVIGABLE WATERS Chapter I--Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security (Parts 1--199).. SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL Part General provisions. Jurisdiction. [[Page 1210]] Coast Guard Areas, Districts, Sectors, Marine Inspection Zones, and Captain of the Port Zones. OMB control numbers assigned pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act. Coast Guard Auxiliary. Protection and security of vessels, harbors, and waterfront facilities. United States Coast Guard Reserve. Decorations, medals, ribbons and similar devices. United States Coast Guard general gift fund. Waivers of navigation and vessel inspection laws and regulations. Rules of practice, procedure, and evidence for formal administrative proceedings of the Coast Guard. Distinctive markings for Coast Guard vessels and aircraft. Claims. 25 Vessel bridge-to-bridge radiotelephone regulations. Adjustment of civil monetary penalties for inflation. SUBCHAPTER B--PERSONNEL Cadets of the Coast Guard. Enlistment of personnel. Payment of amounts due mentally incompetent Coast Guard personnel. Coast Guard Retiring Review Board. Coast Guard Discharge Review Board. Board for Correction of Military Records of the Coast Guard. Coast Guard whistleblower protection. Allotments from active duty pay for certain support obligations. Child development services. SUBCHAPTER C--AIDS TO NAVIGATION [Reserved]60 United States Aids to Navigation System. Marking of structures, sunken vessels, and other obstructions. Private aids to navigation. Aids to navigation on artificial islands and fixed structures. Interference with or damage to aids to navigation. Marine information. Charges for Coast Guard aids to navigation work. Sale and transfer of aids to navigation equipment. SUBCHAPTER D--INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATION RULES Note: Application of the 72 COLREGS to territories and possessions COLREGS demarcation lines. 72 COLREGS: implementing rules. 72 COLREGS: interpretative rules. SUBCHAPTER E--INLAND NAVIGATION RULES Rules. 83 Annex I: positioning and technical details of lights and shapes. Annex III: technical details of sound signal appliances. Annex IV: distress signals. Annex V: pilot rules. Inland navigation rules: implementing rules. Inland rules: interpretative rules. SUBCHAPTER F--VESSEL OPERATING REGULATIONS Operating a vessel while under the influence of alcohol or a dangerous drug. Rules for the safe operation of vessels and safety management systems. Rules for the safe operation of vessels, stowage and securing of cargoes. SUBCHAPTER G--REGATTAS AND MARINE PARADES Safety of life on navigable waters. SUBCHAPTER H--MARITIME SECURITY Maritime security: general. [Reserved]102 Maritime security: area maritime security. Maritime security: vessels. [[Page 1211]] Maritime security: facilities. Maritime security: Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) facilities. National vessel and facility control measures and limited access areas. SUBCHAPTER I--ANCHORAGES General. 109 Anchorage regulations. SUBCHAPTER J--BRIDGES General. 114 Bridge locations and clearances; administrative procedures. Alteration of unreasonably obstructive bridges. Drawbridge operation regulations. Bridge lighting and other signals. SUBCHAPTER K--SECURITY OF VESSELS [Reserved]120 SUBCHAPTER L--WATERFRONT FACILITIES Identification credentials for persons requiring access to waterfront facilities or vessels. Handling of dangerous cargo at waterfront facilities. Waterfront facilities handling liquefied natural gas and liquefied hazardous gas. [Reserved]128 SUBCHAPTER M--MARINE POLLUTION FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND COMPENSATION Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund; State access. Oil spill Liability Trust Fund; claims procedures; designation of source; and advertisement. Oil spill liability: standards for conducting all appropriate inquiries under the innocent land-owner defense. Evidence of financial responsibility for water pollution (vessels) and OPA 90 limits of liability (vessels, deepwater ports and onshore facilities). SUBCHAPTER N--OUTER CONTINENTAL SHELF ACTIVITIES General. 140 Personnel.141 Workplace safety and health. Design and equipment. Lifesaving appliances. Fire-fighting equipment. Operations.46 Safety zones. SUBCHAPTER NN--DEEPWATER PORTS Deepwater ports: general. Deepwater ports: design, construction, and equipment. Deepwater ports: operations. SUBCHAPTER O--POLLUTION Vessels carrying oil, noxious liquid substances, garbage, municipal or commercial waste, and ballast water. Control of pollution by oil and hazardous substances, discharge removal. Facilities transferring oil or hazardous material in bulk. Oil or hazardous material pollution prevention regulations for vessels. Oil and hazardous material transfer operations. Rules for the protection of the marine environment relating to tank vessels carrying oil in bulk. Reception facilities for oil, noxious liquid substances, and garbage. Marine sanitation devices. SUBCHAPTER P--PORTS AND WATERWAYS SAFETY Ports and waterways safety--general. Vessel traffic management. Inland waterways navigation regulations. Towing of barges. Navigation safety regulations. [[Page 1212]] Regulated navigation areas and limited access areas. Shipping safety fairways. Offshore traffic separation schemes. Escort requirements for certain tankers. Ship reporting systems. SUBCHAPTERS Q AND R--[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER S--BOATING SAFETY Vessel numbering and casualty and accident reporting. State numbering and casualty reporting systems. Equipment requirements. Correction of especially hazardous conditions. Defect notification. Manufacturer requirements. Boats and associated equipment. [Reserved]184--186 Vessel identification system. [Reserved]188--189 Chapter II--Corps of Engineers, Department of the Army, Department of Defense (Parts 200--399)................................................ Emergency employment of Army and other resources, natural disaster procedures. Navigation regulations. Flood control regulations. Administrative procedure. Work for others. Engineering and design. Procedures for implementing NEPA. Water resources policies and authorities: flood damage reduction measures in urban areas. Flood control cost-sharing requirements under the ability to pay provision. Flood plain management services program establishment of fees for cost recovery. Removal of wrecks and other obstructions. General regulatory policies. Permits for dams and dikes in navigable waters of the United States. Permits for structures or work in or affecting navigable waters of the United States. Permits for discharges of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States. Permits for ocean dumping of dredged material. Processing of Department of the Army permits. Enforcement.6 Public hearings. Definition of waters of the United States. Definition of navigable waters of the United States. Nationwide permit program. Administrative appeal process. Compensatory mitigation for losses of aquatic resources. Danger zones and restricted area regulations. Operation and maintenance of Army Corps of Engineers civil works projects involving the discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the U.S. or ocean waters. Factors to be considered in the evaluation of Army Corps of Engineers dredging projects involving the discharge of dredged material into waters of the U.S. and ocean waters. Practice and procedure. Other Corps activities involving the discharge of dredged material or fill into waters of the U.S. Intergovernmental review of Department of the Army Corps of Engineers programs and activities. Programmatic regulations for the Comprehensive Everglades Restoration Plan. Credit assistance for water resources infrastructure projects. [[Page 1213]] Chapter IV--Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation, Department of Transportation (Parts 400--499)........................... Seaway regulations and rules. Tariff of tolls. Rules of procedure of the Joint Tolls Review Board. [Reserved]404--499 TITLE 34--EDUCATION Subtitle A--Office of the Secretary, Department of Education (Parts 1-- 99)..................................................................... Part Official Seal. Service of process. Availability of information to the public. Privacy Act regulations. Inventions and patents (general). Employee inventions. Demands for testimony or records in legal proceedings. Disposal and utilization of surplus Federal real property for educational purposes. Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally assisted programs. Equal access to justice. Debt collection. Salary offset for Federal employees who are indebted to the United States under programs administered by the Secretary of Education. Salary offset to recover overpayments of pay or allowances from Department of Education employees. Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act. Administrative wage garnishment. Tort claims against the Government. Adjustment of civil monetary penalties for inflation. Indemnification of Department of Education employees. Standards of conduct. Administration of grants and agreements with institutions of higher education, hospitals, and other non-profit organizations. Direct grant programs. State-administered programs. Definitions that apply to Department regulations. Intergovernmental review of Department of Education programs and activities. [Reserved]80 General Education Provisions Act--enforcement. New restrictions on lobbying. Governmentwide requirements for drug-free workplace (financial assistance). Drug and alcohol abuse prevention. Protection of human subjects. Student rights in research, experimental programs, and testing. Family educational rights and privacy. Subtitle B--Regulations of the Offices of the Department of Education... Chapter I--Office for Civil Rights, Department of Education (Parts 100-- 199).................................................................... Nondiscrimination under programs receiving Federal assistance through the Department of Education effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Practice and procedure for hearings under Part 100 of this title. Nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the Department of Education. Nondiscrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. Equal access to public school facilities for the Boy Scouts of America and other designated youth groups. [[Page 1214]] Nondiscrimination on the basis of age in programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. Chapter II--Office of Elementary and Secondary Education, Department of Education (Parts 200--299).............................................. Title I--Improving the academic achievement of the disadvantaged. Special educational programs for students whose families are engaged in migrant and other seasonal farmwork--High School Equivalency Program and College Assistance Migrant Program. Impact Aid programs. Credit Enhancement for Charter School Facilities Program. State Charter School Facilities Incentive program Indian education discretionary grant programs. Equity Assistance Center Program. [Reserved]271--272 Magnet Schools Assistance Program. General provisions. Chapter III--Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, Department of Education (Parts 300--399)................................ Assistance to States for the education of children with disabilities. Early intervention program for infants and toddlers with disabilities. Service obligations under special education-- personnel development to improve services and results for children with disabilities. [Reserved]350 [Reserved]356 [Reserved]359 State Vocational Rehabilitation Services Program. The State Supported Employment Services Program. [Reserved]364--366 Independent living services for older individuals who are blind. [Reserved]369 Client Assistance Program. American Indian Vocational Rehabilitation Services. Rehabilitation National Activities Program. [Reserved]376--380 Protection and advocacy of individual rights. Rehabilitation training. Rehabilitation training: rehabilitation long- term training. Innovative rehabilitation training. [Reserved]388--389 Rehabilitation short-term training. Vending facility program for the blind on Federal and other property. Training of interpreters for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing and individuals who are deaf-blind. Limitations on use of subminimum wage. [Reserved]398--399 Chapter IV--Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education, Department of Education (Parts 400--499)........................................... [Reserved]400 Indian Vocational Education Program. [Reserved]402 [Reserved]403 [Reserved]406 [Reserved]410 [Reserved]411 [Reserved]413 [Reserved]426 [Reserved]460 [Reserved]461 Measuring educational gain in the National Reporting System for Adult Education. Adult Education and Family Literacy Act. [[Page 1215]] [Reserved]464 [Reserved]472 [Reserved]477 [Reserved]489--491 Chapter V--Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Languages Affairs, Department of Education (Parts 500--599) [Reserved]..................... [Reserved]535 Chapter VI--Office of Postsecondary Education, Department of Education (Parts 600--699)........................................................ Institutional eligibility under the Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended. Institution and lender requirements relating to education loans. The Secretary's recognition of accrediting agencies. Secretary's recognition procedures for State agencies. [Reserved]604 Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions Program. Strengthening Institutions Program. Strengthening Historically Black Colleges and Universities Program. Strengthening Historically Black Graduate Institutions Program. Endowment Grant Program. Minority Science and Engineering Improvement Program. Training Program for Federal Trio Programs. Talent search. Educational Opportunity Centers. Upward Bound Program. Student Support Services Program. Ronald E. McNair Postbaccalaureate Achievement Program. Graduate assistance in areas of national need. Jacob K. Javits Fellowship Program. [Reserved]654 International Education Programs--General provisions. National Resource Centers Program for Foreign Language and Area Studies or Foreign Language and International Studies. Foreign Language and Area Studies Fellowships Program. Undergraduate International Studies and Foreign Language Program. The International Research and Studies Program. Business and International Education Program. Fulbright-Hays Doctoral Dissertation Research Abroad Fellowship Program. Fulbright-Hays Faculty Research Abroad Fellowship Program. Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Abroad Program. Student assistance general provisions. Language Resource Centers Program. General provisions for the Federal Perkins Loan Program, Federal Work-Study Program, and Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant Program. Federal Perkins Loan Program. Federal Work-Study programs. Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant Program. Higher education emergency relief fund programs. Health Education Assistance Loan program. Federal Family Education Loan (FFEL) Program. William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program. Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) grant program. Federal Pell Grant Program. [Reserved]691 Leveraging Educational Assistance Partnership Program. Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP). [[Page 1216]] Chapter VII--Office of Educational Research and Improvement, Department of Education (Parts 700--799) [Reserved]................................ Subtitle C--Regulations Relating to Education........................... Chapter XI [Reserved]................................................... [Reserved]1100 Chapter XII--National Council on Disability (Parts 1200--1299).......... Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the National Council on Disability. TITLE 35--[RESERVED] TITLE 36--PARKS, FORESTS, AND PUBLIC PROPERTY Chapter I--National Park Service, Department of the Interior (Parts 1-- 199).................................................................... Part General provisions. Resource protection, public use and recreation. Boating and water use activities. Vehicles and traffic safety. Commercial and private operations. Solid waste disposal sites in units of the National Park System. Special regulations, areas of the National Park System. Labor standards applicable to employees of National Park Service concessioners. Minerals management. Disposal of certain wild animals. Arrowhead and Parkscape Symbols. National cemetery regulations. National Park System units in Alaska. Rights-of-way. Conveyance of freehold and leasehold interests on lands of the National Park System. Leasing of properties in park areas. Isle Royale National Park; commercial fishing. Hot Springs National Park; bathhouse regulations. National Military Parks; licensed guide service regulations. Cape Cod National Seashore; zoning standards. Fire Island National Seashore: zoning standards. Whiskeytown-Shasta-Trinity National Recreation Area: zoning standards for Whiskeytown unit. El Portal Administrative Site regulations. Concession contracts. Land and Water Conservation Fund program of assistance to States; post-completion compliance responsibilities. National Register of Historic Places. Procedures for State, Tribal, and local government historic preservation programs. National Natural Landmarks Program. Determinations of eligibility for inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places. Grants and allocations for recreation and conservation use of abandoned railroad rights- of-way. National Historic Landmarks Program. Historic preservation certifications under the Internal Revenue Code. The Secretary of the Interior's standards for the treatment of historic properties. Recreation fees. Urban Park and Recreation Recovery Act of 1978. World Heritage Convention. [Reserved]74--77 Waiver of Federal agency responsibilities under section 110 of the National Historic Preservation Act. [[Page 1217]] Curation of federally-owned and administered archaeological collections. [Reserved]80--199 Chapter II--Forest Service, Department of Agriculture (Parts 200--299).. Organization, functions, and procedures. Administration. Travel management. Administration of lands under Title III of the Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act by the Forest Service. Postdecisional administrative review process for occupancy or use of National Forest System lands and resources. Public notice and comment for standards, criteria, and guidance applicable to Forest Service programs. Project-level postdecisional administrative review process. Planning. 219 National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) compliance. Timber management planning. Range management. Sale and disposal of National Forest System timber, special forest products, and forest botanical products. Minerals. 228 State and private forestry assistance. Fish and wildlife. Subsistence management regulations for public lands in Alaska. Land uses.251 Landownership adjustments. Prohibitions. Law enforcement support activities. Property management. Use of ``Smokey Bear'' symbol. Use of ``Woodsy Owl'' symbol. Cave resources management Paleontological resources preservation. National recreation areas. Wilderness--primitive areas. Special areas. Protection of archaeological resources: uniform regulations. Wild and scenic rivers. [Reserved]298--299 Chapter III--Corps of Engineers, Department of the Army (Parts 300--399) Prohibition of discriminatory practices in water resource development projects. Rules and regulations governing public use of water resource development projects administered by the Chief of Engineers. Regulation of seaplane operations at civil works water resource development projects administered by the Chief of Engineers. Regulation of law enforcement services contracts at civil works water resource projects administered by the Chief of Engineers. Regulations governing the protection, use and management of the Falls of the Ohio National Wildlife Conservation Area, Kentucky, and Indiana. Chapter IV--American Battle Monuments Commission (Parts 400--499)....... Employee responsibilities and conduct. Monuments and memorials. [Reserved]402--403 Procedures and guidelines for compliance with the Freedom of Information Act. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by American Battle Monuments Commission. Procedures and guidelines for compliance with the Privacy Act of 1974. [Reserved]408--499 [[Page 1218]] Chapter V--Smithsonian Institution (Parts 500--599)..................... Rules and regulations governing Smithsonian Institution buildings and grounds. Rules and regulations governing the buildings and grounds of the National Zoological Park of the Smithsonian Institution. Claims against the Smithsonian Institution including the National Gallery of Art, the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts and the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. [Reserved]531--599 Chapter VI--[Reserved].................................................. Chapter VII--Library of Congress (Parts 700--799)....................... Procedures and services. Conduct on Library premises. Disclosure or production of records or information. National Film Registry of the Library of Congress. Reproduction, compilation and distribution of news transmissions under the American Television and Radio Archives Act. [Reserved]706--799 Chapter VIII--Advisory Council on Historic Preservation (Parts 800--899) Protection of historic properties. Historic preservation requirements of the Urban Development Action Grant Program. Procedures for implementation of the National Environmental Policy Act. Freedom of Information Act regulations. Employee responsibilities and conduct. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation. [Reserved]813--899 Chapter IX--Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation (Parts 900--999) Bylaws of the Corporation. Freedom of Information Act. Privacy Act.3 Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally assisted programs. Standards of conduct. Affirmative action policy and procedure. Environmental quality. Policy and procedures to facilitate the retention of displaced businesses and residents in the Pennsylvania Avenue development area. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation. General guidelines and uniform standards for urban planning and design of development within the Pennsylvania Avenue development area. [Reserved]911--999 Chapter X--Presidio Trust (Parts 1000--1099)............................ General provisions. Resource protection, public use and recreation. Vehicles and traffic safety. Commercial and private operations. Requests under the Freedom of Information Act. Requests under the Privacy Act. Administrative claims under the Federal Tort Claims Act. Environmental quality. Debt collection. Legal process: testimony by employees and production of records. [[Page 1219]] Chapter XI--Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (Parts 1100--1199)...................................................... Public availability of information. Privacy Act implementation. Practice and procedures for compliance hearings. Bylaws. 1151 Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board. [Reserved]1155 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility guidelines for buildings and facilities; Architectural Barriers Act (ABA) accessibility guidelines. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility guidelines for transportation vehicles. Information and communication technology standards and guidelines. Standards for accessible medical diagnostic equipment. [Reserved]1196--1199 Chapter XII--National Archives and Records Administration (Parts 1200-- 1299)................................................................... SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL RULES Official seals. Collection of claims. Regulations implementing the Privacy Act of 1974. National Historical Publications and Records Commission. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the National Archives and Records Administration. Nondiscrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. Governmentwide requirements for drug-free workplace (financial assistance). Agency guidance procedures. SUBCHAPTER B--RECORDS MANAGEMENT Federal records; general. Creation and maintenance of Federal records. Managing vital records. Records disposition programs. Scheduling records. Implementing disposition. General records schedules. Loan of permanent and unscheduled records. Emergency authorization to destroy records. Unlawful or accidental removal, defacing, alteration, or destruction of records. Transfer of records from the custody of one executive agency to another. Transfer of records to records storage facilities. Transfer, use, and disposition of records in a NARA Federal records center. Facility standards for records storage facilities. Transfer of records to the National Archives of the United States. Electronic records management. Audiovisual, cartographic, and related records management. Microform records management. Program assistance and inspections. [Reserved]1240--1249 SUBCHAPTER C--PUBLIC AVAILABILITY AND USE NARA records subject to FOIA. Testimony by NARA employees relating to agency information and production of records in legal proceedings. Public use of records, donated historical materials, and facilities; general. Location of NARA facilities and hours of use. Using records and donated historical materials. Access to records and donated historical materials. Fees. 1258 SUBCHAPTER D--DECLASSIFICATION Declassification of National security information. [[Page 1220]] SUBCHAPTER E--PRESIDENTIAL RECORDS Presidential records. SUBCHAPTER F--NIXON PRESIDENTIAL MATERIALS Preservation and protection of and access to the Presidential historical materials of the Nixon Administration. SUBCHAPTER G--NARA FACILITIES Use of NARA facilities. Presidential library facilities. Exhibits. 1284 SUBCHAPTER H--JFK ASSASSINATION RECORDS Guidance for interpretation and implementation of the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 (JFK Act). [Reserved]1291--1299 Chapter XV--Oklahoma City National Memorial Trust (Parts 1500--1599).... General provisions. Chapter XVI--Morris K. Udall Scholarship and Excellence in National Environmental Policy Foundation (Parts 1600--1699)...................... Public availability of documents and records. TITLE 37--PATENTS, TRADEMARKS, AND COPYRIGHTS Chapter I--United States Patent and Trademark Office, Department of Commerce (Parts 1--199)................................................. SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL PATENTS Part Rules of practice in patent cases. Assignment, recording and rights of assignee. Complaints regarding invention promoters. Secrecy of certain inventions and licenses to export and file applications in foreign countries. TRADEMARKS Rules of practice in trademark cases. Classification of goods and services under the Trademark Act. Rules of practice in filings pursuant to the protocol relating to the Madrid agreement concerning the international registration of marks. PRACTICE BEFORE THE PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE [Reserved]10 Representation of others before the United States Patent and Trademark Office. [Reserved]15--15a Practice before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board. Trial practice before the Patent Trial and Appeal Board. Judicial review of Patent Trial and Appeal Board decisions. SUBCHAPTER B--ADMINISTRATION [Reserved]100--101 Disclosure of government information. Legal processes. SUBCHAPTER C--PROTECTION OF FOREIGN MASKS WORKS Requests for Presidential proclamations pursuant to 17 U.S.C. 902(a)(2). [Reserved]151--199 Chapter II--U.S. Copyright Office, Library of Congress (Parts 200--299). SUBCHAPTER A--COPYRIGHT OFFICE AND PROCEDURES [Reserved]200 General provisions. [[Page 1221]] Preregistration and registration of claims to copyright. Freedom of Information Act: policies and procedures. Privacy Act: policies and procedures. Legal processes. Compulsory license for making and distributing physical and digital phonorecords of nondramatic musical works. Mask work protection. Protection of vessel designs. SUBCHAPTER B--COPYRIGHT CLAIMS BOARD, LIBRARY OF CONGRESS General provisions. Registration. Proceedings.2 Opt-out provisions. Review of claims by officers and attorneys. Discovery.225 Smaller claims. Default. 227 Claimant's failure to proceed. Records and publication. Requests for reconsideration. Register's review. Party conduct. Limitation on proceedings. Law student representatives. District Court referrals. [Reserved]253--256 [Reserved]258 [Reserved]260--263 [Reserved]270--299 Chapter III--Copyright Royalty Board, Library of Congress (Parts 300-- 399).................................................................... SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL PROVISIONS [Reserved]300 Organization. Public access to records. General administrative provisions. SUBCHAPTER B--GENERAL PROVISIONS Scope. 350 Proceedings.1 Determinations. Submissions to the Register of Copyrights. Administrative assessment proceedings. SUBCHAPTER C--SUBMISSION OF ROYALTY CLAIMS Filing of claims to royalty fees collected under compulsory license. SUBCHAPTER D--NOTICE AND RECORDKEEPING REQUIREMENTS FOR STATUTORY LICENSES Notice and recordkeeping requirements for statutory licenses. SUBCHAPTER E--RATES AND TERMS FOR STATUTORY LICENSE Rates and terms for transmissions by eligible nonsubscription services and new subscription services and for the making of ephemeral reproductions to facilitate those transmissions. Use of certain copyrighted works in connection with noncommercial educational broadcasting. Rates and terms for transmissions of sound recordings by preexisting subscription services and preexisting satellite digital audio radio services and for the making of ephemeral reproductions to facilitate those transmissions. Rates and terms for subscription transmissions and the reproduction of ephemeral recordings by certain new subscription services. Rates and terms for the making of ephemeral recordings by business establishment services. [[Page 1222]] Rates and terms for use of nondramatic musical works in the making and distributing of physical and digital phonorecords. Adjustment of royalty fees for secondary transmissions by satellite carriers. Adjustment of royalty fee for cable compulsory license. Adjustment of royalty rate for coin-operated phonorecord players. [Reserved]389 Amounts and terms for administrative assessments to fund mechanical licensing collective. [Reserved]391--399 Chapter IV--National Institute of Standards and Technology, Department of Commerce (Parts 400--599)............................................ [Reserved]400 Rights to inventions made by nonprofit organizations and small business firms under Government grants, contracts, and cooperative agreements. Licensing of Government owned inventions. Uniform patent policy for rights in inventions made by Government employees. [Reserved]502--599 TITLE 38--PENSIONS, BONUSES, AND VETERANS' RELIEF Chapter I--Department of Veterans Affairs (Parts 0--199)................ Part Values, standards of ethical conduct, and related responsibilities. General provisions. Delegations of authority. Adjudication. Schedule for rating disabilities. Administrative procedures: guidance documents. United States Government life insurance. Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief. National Service Life Insurance. Veterans Mortgage Life Insurance. Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance and Veterans' Group Life Insurance. Adjusted compensation. Loans by banks on and payment of adjusted service certificates. Disposition of veteran's personal funds and effects. Fiduciary activities. Legal services, General Counsel, and miscellaneous claims. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the Department of Veterans Affairs. Protection of human subjects. Medical. 17 Nondiscrimination in federally-assisted programs of the Department of Veterans Affairs--effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Delegation of responsibility in connection with Title VI, Civil Rights Act of 1964. Practice and procedure under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Part 18 of this chapter. Board of Veterans' Appeals: legacy appeals regulations. Board of Veterans' Appeals: rules of practice. Veteran readiness and employment and education. Nondiscrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally assisted programs. Environmental effects of the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) actions. Loan guaranty. National cemeteries of the Department of Veterans Affairs. Aid to States for establishment, expansion, and improvement, or operation and maintenance, of veterans cemeteries. Intergovernmental review of Veterans Administration programs and activities. Standards implementing the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act. [[Page 1223]] New restrictions on lobbying. Policy regarding participation in National Practitioner Data Bank. Policy regarding reporting health care professionals to State licensing boards. Governmentwide requirements for drug-free workplace (financial assistance). Equal treatment for faith-based organizations. Per diem for nursing home care of veterans in State homes. Payments to States for programs to promote the hiring and retention of nurses at State veterans homes. [Reserved]58 Grants to States for construction or acquisition of State homes. Fisher houses and other temporary lodging. VA Homeless Providers Grant and Per Diem Program. Supportive Services for Veteran Families Program. Health Care for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) program. Grants for the Rural Veterans Coordination Pilot (RVCP) Veterans transportation programs. Caregivers benefits and certain medical benefits offered to family members of veterans. Veterans small business regulations. Information security matters. Monthly assistance allowance for veterans in connection with the United States Paralympics. Grants for adaptive sports programs for disabled veterans and disabled members of the armed forces. Staff Sergeant Parker Gordon Fox Suicide Prevention Grant Program. Chapter II--Armed Forces Retirement Home (Parts 200--299)............... Compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act. TITLE 39--POSTAL SERVICE Chapter I--United States Postal Service (Parts 1--999).................. SUBCHAPTER A--THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS OF THE U.S. POSTAL SERVICE Part Postal policy (Article I). General and technical provisions (Article II). Board of Governors (Article III). Officials (Article IV). Committees (Article V). Meetings (Article VI). Public observation (Article VII). [Reserved]8--9 Rules of conduct for Postal Service Governors (Article X). Advisory boards (Article XI). SUBCHAPTER B--INTERNATIONAL MAIL International Postal Service. SUBCHAPTER C--POST OFFICE SERVICES [DOMESTIC MAIL] General information on Postal Service. Service standards for market-dominant mail products. Service standards for market-dominant special services products. SUBCHAPTER D--ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION Application of regulations. General organization. Delegations of authority. Relationships and communication channels. Office of Inspector General. Protection of post offices. Conduct on postal property. Inspection Service authority. Defense Department liaison. [[Page 1224]] Establishment, classification, and discontinuance. Change of site. Conduct of offices. Postal Service standards for facility accessibility pursuant to the Architectural Barriers Act. Access of persons with disabilities to Postal Service programs, activities, facilities, and electronic and information technology. Services performed for other agencies. Records and information management. Records and information management definitions. Records retention and disposition. Vital records. Production or disclosure of material or information. Privacy of information. Protection of information. Privacy of information--employee rules of conduct. Administration of Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act. Firm mailings damaged or destroyed through transportation accidents or catastrophes. SUBCHAPTER E--RESTRICTIONS ON PRIVATE CARRIAGE OF LETTERS Enforcement of the private express statutes. Suspension of the private express statutes. SUBCHAPTER F--PERSONNEL Rules of conduct for postal employees. Garnishment of salaries of employees of the Postal Service and the Postal Rate Commission. SUBCHAPTER G--POSTAGE PROGRAMS Authorization to manufacture and distribute postage evidencing systems. Semipostal Stamp Program. SUBCHAPTER H--PROCUREMENT SYSTEM FOR THE U.S. POSTAL SERVICE: INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS OTHER THAN PATENTS Purchasing of property and services. Intellectual property rights other than patents. SUBCHAPTER I--[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER J--POSTAL SERVICE DEBT OBLIGATIONS; DISBURSEMENT POSTAL MONEY ORDERS Applicability of Treasury Department regulations. Book-entry procedures. Disbursement postal money orders. SUBCHAPTER K--ENVIRONMENTAL REGULATIONS National Environmental Policy Act procedures. Floodplain and wetland procedures. SUBCHAPTER L--SPECIAL REGULATIONS Relocation assistance and real property acquisition policies. Intergovernmental review of Postal Service facility actions. SUBCHAPTER M--[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER N--PROCEDURES Procedures to adjudicate claims for personal injury or property damage arising out of the operation of the U. S. Postal Service. Procedures for the issuance of administrative subpoenas under 39 U.S.C. 3016. [Reserved]916 Rules of procedure relating to fines, deductions, and damages. Rules of procedure governing the compromise of obligations. Rules of procedure relating to the disposition of stolen mail matter and property acquired by the Postal Inspection Service for use as evidence. Procedure governing the eligibility of persons to practice before the Postal Service. Rules of practice in proceedings relative to false representation and lottery orders. Rules of practice in proceedings relative to mailability. [[Page 1225]] Rules of practice in proceedings relative to the denial, suspension, or revocation of second-class mail privileges. Rules of practice before the Postal Service Board of Contract Appeals. [Reserved]956 Rules of practice in proceedings relative to debarment from contracting. Rules of practice in proceedings relative to civil penalties, clean-up costs and damages for violation of hazardous material regulations. Rules of practice in proceedings relative to the private express statutes. Rules relative to implementation of the Equal Access to Justice Act in Postal Service proceedings. Rules of practice in proceedings under section 5 of the Debt Collection Act. Rules of practice in proceedings relative to the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act. Rules of practice in proceedings relative to violations of the pandering advertisements statute, 39 U.S.C. 3008. Rules of practice governing disposition of mail withheld from delivery pursuant to 39 U.S.C. 3003, 3004. Rules of practice in proceedings relative to mail disputes. Rules of practice in proceedings relative to administrative offsets initiated against former employees of the Postal Service. Chapter III--Postal Regulatory Commission (Parts 3000--3099)............ SUBCHAPTER A--THE COMMISSION The Commission and its offices. Employee standards of conduct. SUBCHAPTER B--SEEKING INFORMATION FROM THE COMMISSION Privacy Act rules. Public records and Freedom of Information Act. Commission meetings. SUBCHAPTER C--GENERAL RULES OF PRACTICE FOR PROCEEDINGS BEFORE THE COMMISSION Rules of practice and procedure. Non-public materials provided to the Commission. Ex Parte communications. Procedures for compelling production of information by the Postal Service. SUBCHAPTER D--SPECIAL RULES OF PRACTICE FOR SPECIFIC PROCEEDING TYPES Rules applicable to Postal Service requests for changes in the nature of postal service. Rules for appeals of Postal Service determinations to close or consolidate post offices. Rules for complaints. Rules for rate or service inquiries. Special rules for complaints alleging violations of 39 U.S.C. 404a. Procedures related to Commission views submitted to the Secretary of State. SUBCHAPTER E--REGULATIONS GOVERNING MARKET DOMINANT PRODUCTS, COMPETITIVE PRODUCTS, PRODUCT LISTS, AND MARKET TESTS Regulation of rates for market dominant products. Rules for rate or service inquiries. Regulation of rates for competitive products. Product lists and the mail classification schedule. Rules for market tests of experimental products. SUBCHAPTER F--PERIODIC REPORTING, ACCOUNTING PRACTICES, AND TAX RULES Periodic reporting. Service performance and customer satisfaction reporting. Accounting practices and tax rules for the theoretical competitive products enterprise. [Reserved]3061--3064 Rules for letters carried out of the mail. [Reserved]3066--3099 [[Page 1226]] TITLE 40--PROTECTION OF ENVIRONMENT Chapter I--Environmental Protection Agency (Parts 1--1099).............. SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL Part Statement of organization and general information. Public information. Crossing media electronic reporting. Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally assisted programs. Nondiscrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. Procedures for implementing the National Environmental Policy Act and assessing the environmental effects abroad of EPA actions. Nondiscrimination in programs or activities receiving Federal assistance from the Environmental Protection Agency. Environmental impact assessment of nongovernmental activities in Antarctica. OMB approvals under the Paperwork Reduction Act. Administrative claims under Federal Tort Claims Act. Security classification regulations pursuant to Executive Order 11652. Nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the Environmental Protection Agency. Claims collection standards. Employee personal property claims. Implementation of Privacy Act of 1974. Implementation of the Equal Access to Justice Act in EPA administrative proceedings. Environmental protection research fellowships and special research consultants for environmental protection. Adjustment of civil monetary penalties for inflation. Certification of facilities. Small business. Consolidated rules of practice governing the administrative assessment of civil penalties and the revocation/termination or suspension of permits. Judicial review under EPA--administered statutes. Rules governing issuance of and administrative hearings on interim status corrective action orders. Public participation in programs under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, the Safe Drinking Water Act, and the Clean Water Act. Protection of human subjects. Program fraud civil remedies. Intergovernmental review of Environmental Protection Agency programs and activities. [Reserved]30 [Reserved]31 SUBCHAPTER B--GRANTS AND OTHER FEDERAL ASSISTANCE Participation by disadvantaged business enterprises in United States Environmental Protection Agency programs. New restrictions on lobbying. State and local assistance. Governmentwide requirements for drug-free workplace (financial assistance). Research and demonstration grants. Training assistance. Fellowships. National Environmental Education Act grants. Indian country: air quality planning and management. SUBCHAPTER C--AIR PROGRAMS National primary and secondary ambient air quality standards. Requirements for preparation, adoption, and submittal of implementation plans. Approval and promulgation of implementation plans. Registration policies and interpretations. Prior notice of citizen suits. Outer Continental Shelf air regulations. Regional consistency. Primary nonferrous smelter orders. [[Page 1227]] Ambient air quality surveillance. National volatile organic compound emission standards for consumer and commercial products. Standards of performance for new stationary sources. National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants. Approval and promulgation of State plans for designated facilities and pollutants. National emission standards for hazardous air pollutants for source categories. Compliance assurance monitoring. Consolidated Federal air rule. Assessment and collection of noncompliance penalties by EPA. EPA approval of State noncompliance penalty program. Chemical accident prevention provisions. Special exemptions from requirements of the Clean Air Act. State operating permit programs. Federal operating permit programs. Permits regulation. Sulfur dioxide allowance system. Sulfur dioxide opt-ins. Continuous emission monitoring. Acid rain nitrogen oxides emission reduction program. Excess emissions. Appeal procedures. Registration of fuels and fuel additives. Regulation of fuels and fuel additives. Designation of areas for air quality planning purposes. Protection of stratospheric ozone. [Reserved]83 Phasedown of hydrofluorocarbons. Control of air pollution from mobile sources. Control of emissions from new and in-use highway vehicles and engines. Control of air pollution from aircraft and aircraft engines. Clean-fuel vehicles. Control of emissions from new and in-use nonroad compression-ignition engines. Control of emissions from nonroad spark- ignition engines at or below 19 kilowatts. Control of emissions from marine spark- ignition engines. Control of air pollution from locomotives and locomotive engines. Determining conformity of Federal actions to State or Federal implementation plans. Control of emissions from marine compression- ignition engines. Mandatory patent licenses. NOx budget trading program and CAIR NOx and SO2 trading programs for State implementation plans. Federal NOx Budget Trading program, CAIR NOx and SO2 trading program. Mandatory greenhouse gas reporting. [Reserved]99 SUBCHAPTER D--WATER PROGRAMS [Reserved]100 Public hearings on effluent standards for toxic pollutants. Recognition awards under the Clean Water Act. Employee protection hearings. Criteria for State, local and regional oil removal contingency plans. Discharge of oil. Oil pollution prevention. Liability limits for small onshore storage facilities. Designation of hazardous substances. Determination of reportable quantities for hazardous substances. Definition of waters of the United States. State certification of activities requiring a Federal license or permit. EPA administered permit programs: the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System. State program requirements. Procedures for decisionmaking. Criteria and standards for the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System. [[Page 1228]] Toxic pollutant effluent standards. Water quality planning management. Water quality standards. Water quality guidance for the Great Lakes System. Secondary treatment regulation. Prior notice of citizen suits. Guidelines establishing test procedures for the analysis of pollutants. Marine sanitation device standard. National primary drinking water regulations. National primary drinking water regulations implementation. Other Safe Drinking Water Act regulations. Underground injection control program. State UIC program requirements. Underground injection control program: criteria and standards. State, Tribal, and EPA-administered underground injection control programs. Hazardous waste injection restrictions. Sole source aquifers. SUBCHAPTER E--PESTICIDE PROGRAMS General. 150 [Reserved]151 Pesticide registration and classification procedures. Registration policies and interpretations. Special review procedures. Registration standards and registration review. Labeling requirements for pesticides and devices. Packaging requirements for pesticides and devices. Data requirements for pesticides. Statements of policies and interpretations. Good laboratory practice standards. Data requirements for registration of antimicrobial pesticides. State registration of pesticide products. Rules of practice governing hearings, under the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act, arising from refusals to register, cancellations of registrations, changes of classifications, suspensions of registrations and other hearings called pursuant to section 6 of the Act. Pesticide management and disposal. Exemption of Federal and State agencies for use of pesticides under emergency conditions. Registration of pesticide and active ingredient producing establishments, submission of pesticides reports. Statements of enforcement policies and interpretations. Books and records of pesticide production and distribution. Worker protection standard. Certification of pesticide applicators. Experimental use permits. Procedures governing the rescission of State primary enforcement responsibility for pesticide use violations. Procedures and requirements for plant- incorporated protectants. Time-limited tolerances for emergency exemptions. Objections and requests for hearings. Formal evidentiary public hearing. Tolerances and exemptions for pesticide chemical residues in food. [Reserved]181--189 SUBCHAPTER F--RADIATION PROTECTION PROGRAMS Environmental radiation protection standards for nuclear power operations. Environmental radiation protection standards for management and disposal of spent nuclear fuel, high-level and transuranic radioactive wastes. Health and environmental protection standards for uranium and thorium mill tailings. Criteria for the certification and recertification of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant's compliance with the 40 CFR Part 191 disposal regulations. Radon proficiency programs. [[Page 1229]] Public health and environmental radiation protection standards for Yucca Mountain, Nevada. SUBCHAPTER G--NOISE ABATEMENT PROGRAMS Noise emission standards for transportation equipment; interstate rail carriers. Motor carriers engaged in interstate commerce. Low-noise-emission products. Noise emission standards for construction equipment. Transportation equipment noise emission controls. Rules of practice governing proceedings under the Noise Control Act of l972. Prior notice of citizen suits. Product noise labeling. SUBCHAPTER H--OCEAN DUMPING General. 220 Applications for ocean dumping permits under section 102 of the Act. Action on ocean dumping permit applications under section 102 of the Act. Contents of permits; revision, revocation or limitation of ocean dumping permits under section 104(d) of the Act. Records and reports required of ocean dumping permittees under section 102 of the Act. Corps of Engineers dredged material permits. Criteria for the evaluation of permit applications for ocean dumping of materials. Criteria for the management of disposal sites for ocean dumping. General permits. Section 404(b)(1) guidelines for specification of disposal sites for dredged or fill material. Section 404(c) procedures. 404 Program definitions; exempt activities not requiring 404 permits. 404 State program regulations. Degradable plastic ring carriers. SUBCHAPTER I--SOLID WASTES Requirements for State permit program determination of adequacy. Guidelines for the thermal processing of solid wastes. Solid wastes used as fuels or ingredients in combustion units. Guidelines for the storage and collection of residential, commercial, and institutional solid waste. Source separation for materials recovery guidelines. Comprehensive procurement guideline for products containing recovered materials. Prior notice of citizen suits. Identification of regions and agencies for solid waste management. Guidelines for development and implementation of State solid waste management plans. Criteria for classification of solid waste disposal facilities and practices. Criteria for municipal solid waste landfills. [Reserved]259 Hazardous waste management system: general. Identification and listing of hazardous waste. Standards applicable to generators of hazardous waste. Standards applicable to transporters of hazardous waste. Standards for owners and operators of hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facilities. Interim status standards for owners and operators of hazardous waste treatment, storage, and disposal facilities. Standards for the management of specific hazardous wastes and specific types of hazardous waste management facilities. Standards for owners and operators of hazardous waste facilities operating under a standardized permit. Land disposal restrictions. EPA administered permit programs: the Hazardous Waste Permit Program. Requirements for authorization of State hazardous waste programs. Approved State hazardous waste management programs. Standards for universal waste management. [[Page 1230]] Criteria for the management of granular mine tailings (chat) in asphalt concrete and Portland cement concrete in transportation construction projects funded in whole or in part by Federal funds. Standards for the management of used oil. Technical standards and corrective action requirements for owners and operators of underground storage tanks (UST). Approval of State underground storage tank programs. Approved underground storage tank programs. SUBCHAPTER J--SUPERFUND, EMERGENCY PLANNING, and COMMUNITY RIGHT-TO-KNOW PROGRAMS National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan. Designation, reportable quantities, and notification. Citizen awards for information on criminal violations under Superfund. Arbitration procedures for small Superfund cost recovery claims. Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) administrative hearing procedures for claims against the Superfund. Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) claims procedures. Reimbursement to local governments for emergency response to hazardous substance releases. Worker protection. Innocent landowners, standards for conducting all appropriate inquiries. Trade secrecy claims for emergency planning and community right-to-know information: and trade secret disclosures to health professionals. Emergency planning and notification. Hazardous chemical reporting: community right- to-know. Toxic chemical release reporting: community right-to-know. Reporting hazardous substance activity when selling or transferring Federal real property. Prior notice of citizen suits. [Reserved]375 SUBCHAPTER N--EFFLUENT GUIDELINES AND STANDARDS General provisions. General pretreatment regulations for existing and new sources of pollution. Dairy products processing point source category. Grain mills point source category. Canned and preserved fruits and vegetables processing point source category. Canned and preserved seafood processing point source category. Sugar processing point source category. Textile mills point source category. Cement manufacturing point source category. Concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFO) point source category. Electroplating point source category. Organic chemicals, plastics, and synthetic fibers. Inorganic chemicals manufacturing point source category. [Reserved]416 Soap and detergent manufacturing point source category. Fertilizer manufacturing point source category. Petroleum refining point source category. Iron and steel manufacturing point source category. Nonferrous metals manufacturing point source category. Phosphate manufacturing point source category. Steam electric power generating point source category. Ferroalloy manufacturing point source category. Leather tanning and finishing point source category. Glass manufacturing point source category. Asbestos manufacturing point source category. Rubber manufacturing point source category. Timber products processing point source category. The pulp, paper, and paperboard point source category. [Reserved]431 Meat and poultry products point source category. [[Page 1231]] Metal finishing point source category. Coal mining point source category; BPT, BAT, BCT limitations and new source performance standards. Oil and gas extraction point source category. Mineral mining and processing point source category. The centralized waste treatment point source category. Metal products and machinery point source category. Pharmaceutical manufacturing point source category. Ore mining and dressing point source category. Dental office point source category. Transportation equipment cleaning point source category. Effluent limitations guidelines for existing sources and standards of performance and pretreatment standards for new sources for the paving and roofing materials (tars and asphalt) point source category. Waste combustors point source category. Landfills point source category. Paint formulating point source category. Ink formulating point source category. Construction and development point source category. Concentrated aquatic animal production point source category. Gum and wood chemicals manufacturing point source category. Pesticide chemicals. Explosives manufacturing point source category. Carbon black manufacturing point source category. Photographic point source category. Hospital point source category. Battery manufacturing point source category. Plastics molding and forming point source category. Metal molding and casting point source category. Coil coating point source category. Porcelain enameling point source category. Aluminum forming point source category. Copper forming point source category. Electrical and electronic components point source category. Nonferrous metals forming and metal powders point source category. SUBCHAPTER O--SEWAGE SLUDGE State sludge management program regulations. Standards for the use or disposal of sewage sludge. SUBCHAPTER P--[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER Q--ENERGY POLICY Fuel economy and greenhouse gas exhaust emissions of motor vehicles. Fuel economy retrofit devices. [Reserved]611--699 SUBCHAPTER R--TOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTROL ACT General. 700 General practices and procedures. Confidential claims. Reporting and recordkeeping requirements. Chemical imports and exports. Compilation of the TSCA chemical substance inventory. TSCA chemical data reporting requirements. Chemical information rules. Reporting requirements for the TSCA inventory of mercury supply, use, and trade. Health and safety data reporting. Records and reports of allegations that chemical substances cause significant adverse reactions to health or the environment. Premanufacture notification. Significant new uses of chemical substances. Premanufacture notification exemptions. Reporting requirements and review processes for microorganisms. Lead-based paint poisoning prevention in certain residential structures. [[Page 1232]] Metalworking fluids. Water treatment chemicals. Procedures for rulemaking under section 6 of the Toxic Substances Control Act. Regulations of certain chemical substances and mixtures under Section 6 of the Toxic Substances Control Act. Polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) manufacturing, processing, distribution in commerce, and use prohibitions. Asbestos. 763 Dibenzo-para-dioxins/dibenzofurans. [Reserved]767--789 Formaldehyde standards for composite wood products. Procedures governing testing consent agreements and test rules. Data reimbursement. Good laboratory practice standards. Provisional test guidelines. Chemical fate testing guidelines. Environmental effects testing guidelines. Health effects testing guidelines. Identification of specific chemical substance and mixture testing requirements. SUBCHAPTERS S AND T--[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER U--AIR POLLUTION CONTROLS Fees for engine, vehicle, and equipment compliance programs. Control of greenhouse gas emissions from engines installed on airplanes. Control of air pollution from aircraft engines. Control of emissions from locomotives. Control of emissions from new and in-use heavy-duty highway engines. Control of emissions from new heavy-duty motor vehicles. Control of emissions from new and in-use nonroad compression-ignition engines. Control of emissions from new and in-use marine compression-ignition engines and vessels. Control of NOx, SOx, and PM emissions from marine engines and vessels subject to the MARPOL Protocol. Control of emissions from spark-ignition propulsion marine engines and vessels. Control of emissions from new, large nonroad spark-ignition engines. Control of emissions from recreational engines and vehicles. Control of emissions from new, small nonroad spark--ignition engines and equipment. Control of evaporative emissions from new and in-use nonroad and stationary equipment. Engine-testing procedures. Vehicle testing procedures. General compliance provisions for highway, stationary, and nonroad programs. Preemption of State standards and procedures for waiver of Federal preemption for nonroad engines and nonroad vehicles. Regulation of fuels, fuel additives, and regulated blendstocks. Chapter IV--Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Justice (Parts 1400--1499)...................................................... SUBCHAPTER A--ACCIDENTAL RELEASE PREVENTION REQUIREMENTS; RISK MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS UNDER THE CLEAN AIR ACT SECTION 112(r)(7); DISTRIBUTION OF OFF-SITE CONSEQUENCE ANALYSIS INFORMATION Distribution of off-site consequence analysis information. Chapter V--Council on Environmental Quality (Parts 1500--1599).......... Purpose and policy. NEPA and Agency planning. Environmental impact statement. Commenting on environmental impact statements. Pre-decisional referrals to the Council of proposed Federal actions determined to be environmentally unsatisfactory. NEPA and Agency decision making. Other requirements of NEPA. [[Page 1233]] Agency compliance. Definitions.08 Freedom of Information Act procedures. Privacy Act implementation. Public meeting procedures of the Council on Environmental Quality. Office of Environmental Quality management fund. [Reserved]1519 Chapter VI--Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board (Parts 1600-- 1699)................................................................... Organization and functions of the Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board. Procedures for disclosure of records under the Freedom of Information Act. Protection of privacy and access to individual records under the Privacy Act of 1974. Rules implementing the Government in the Sunshine Act. Reporting of accidental releases. Administrative investigations. Testimony by employees in legal proceedings. Production of records in legal proceedings. [Reserved]1613--1619 Administrative claims arising under the Federal Tort Claims Act. [Reserved]1621--1699 Chapter VII--Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Defense; Uniform National Discharge Standards for Vessels of the Armed Forces (Parts 1700--1799)...................................................... Uniform national discharge standards for vessels of the Armed Forces. Chapter VIII--Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council (Parts 1800-- 1899)................................................................... Spill impact component. Availability of records. Chapter IX--Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council (Part 1900). Federal permitting improvement. TITLE 41--PUBLIC CONTRACTS AND PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Subtitle A--Federal Procurement Regulations System [Note]............... Subtitle B--Other Provisions Relating to Public Contracts............... Chapter 50--Public Contracts, Department of Labor (Parts 50-1--50-999).. Part General regulations. Minimum wage determinations. Rules of practice. Safety and health standards for Federal supply contracts. Enforcement of safety and health standards by State officers and employees. Statements of general policy and interpretation not directly related to regulations. Chapter 51--Committee for Purchase From People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled (Parts 51-1--51-99)............................................ General. 51-1 Committee for Purchase from People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled. Central nonprofit agencies. Nonprofit agencies. Contracting requirements. Procurement procedures. Preparation of environmental statements. Public availability of agency materials. Privacy Act rules. [[Page 1234]] Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the Committee for Purchase from People Who Are Blind or Severely Disabled. Production or disclosure in Federal and State proceedings. Chapter 60--Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Equal Employment Opportunity, Department of Labor (Parts 60-1--60-999)........ Obligations of contractors and subcontractors. Affirmative action programs. Uniform guidelines on employee selection procedures (1978). Construction contractors--affirmative action requirements. Discrimination on the basis of sex. Rules of practice for administrative proceedings to enforce equal opportunity under Executive Order 11246. Examination and copying of OFCCP documents. Guidelines on discrimination because of religion or national origin. Affirmative action and nondiscrimination obligations of Federal contractors and subcontractors regarding disabled veterans, recently separated veterans, active duty wartime or campaign badge veterans, and Armed Forces Service Medal veterans. Affirmative action and nondiscrimination obligations of Federal contractors and subcontractors regarding individuals with disabilities. Procedures for complaints/charges of employment discrimination based on disability filed against employers holding Government contracts or subcontracts. OMB control numbers for OFCCP information collection requirements. Chapter 61--Office of the Assistant Secretary for Veterans' Employment and Training Service, Department of Labor (Parts 61-1--61-999).......... Annual report from Federal contractors. Chapters 62--100 [Reserved]............................................. Subtitle C--Federal Property Management Regulations System.............. Chapter 101--Federal Property Management Regulations (Parts 101-1--101- 99)..................................................................... SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL Introduction.-1 Annual real property inventories. Nondiscrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. Centralized services in Federal buildings and complexes. Miscellaneous regulations. Nondiscrimination in programs receiving Federal financial assistance. Federal mail management. SUBCHAPTER B--MANAGEMENT AND USE OF INFORMATION AND RECORDS Federal records and standard and optional forms. SUBCHAPTER C--DEFENSE MATERIALS [Reserved]101-14 SUBCHAPTER D--PUBLIC BUILDINGS AND SPACE [Reserved]101-16 Assignment and utilization of space. Acquisition of real property. Construction and alteration of public buildings. Management of buildings and grounds. Federal Buildings Fund. Appendix to Subchapter D of Chapter 101--Temporary regulations. SUBCHAPTER E--SUPPLY AND PROCUREMENT General. 101-25 Procurement sources and programs. Inventory management. [[Page 1235]] Storage and distribution. Federal product descriptions. Federal catalog system. Inspection and quality control. [Reserved]101-32 Public utilities. [Reserved]101-34 Appendix to Subchapter E of Chapter 101--Temporary regulations. [Reserved] SUBCHAPTER F--[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER G--AVIATION, TRANSPORTATION AND MOTOR VEHICLES Government aviation administration and coordination. Motor vehicle management. Interagency fleet management systems. Transportation and traffic management. Transportation documentation and audit. Appendix to Subchapter G of Chapter 101--Temporary regulations. [Reserved] SUBCHAPTER H--UTILIZATION AND DISPOSAL Utilization and disposal of hazardous materials and certain categories of property. Utilization of personal property. Donation of surplus personal property. Sale, abandonment, or destruction of personal property. Replacement of personal property pursuant to the exchange/sale authority. Utilization and disposal of real property. Utilization, donation, or disposal of abandoned and forfeited personal property. Utilization, donation, and disposal of foreign gifts and decorations. Appendix to Subchapter H of Chapter 101--Temporary regulations. [Reserved] Chapter 102--Federal Management Regulation (Parts 102-1--102-299)....... SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL [Reserved]102 Federal Management Regulation system. Federal Advisory Committee Management. [Reserved]102-4 Home-to-work transportation. [Reserved]102-6 SUBCHAPTER B--PERSONAL PROPERTY [Reserved]102-31 [Reserved]102-32 Management of Government aircraft. Motor vehicle management. Disposition of personal property. Disposition of excess personal property. Donation of surplus personal property. Sale of personal property. Replacement of personal property pursuant to the exchange/sale authority. Utilization and disposition of personal property with special handling requirements. Disposition of seized, forfeited, voluntarily abandoned, and unclaimed personal property. Utilization, donation, and disposal of foreign gifts and decorations. SUBCHAPTER C--REAL PROPERTY General. 102-71 Delegation of authority. Real estate acquisition. Facility management. Real property disposal. Design and construction. Art-in-architecture. Historic preservation. [[Page 1236]] Assignment and utilization of space. Safety and environmental management. Physical security. Utility services. Location of space. Annual real property inventories. Pricing policy for occupancy in GSA space. [Reserved]102-86 SUBCHAPTER D--TRANSPORTATION [Reserved]102-116 Transportation management. Transportation payment and audit. [Reserved]102-119 SUBCHAPTER E--TRAVEL MANAGEMENT [Reserved]102-141 [Reserved]102-142 SUBCHAPTER F--TELECOMMUNICATIONS [Reserved]102-171 [Reserved]102-172 [Reserved]102-174 SUBCHAPTER G--ADMINISTRATIVE PROGRAMS [Reserved]102-191 Mail management.2 Creation, maintenance, and use of records. Standard and Optional Forms Management Program. [Reserved]102-196 [Reserved]102-197 SUBCHAPTERS H--Z [RESERVED] Chapters 103--104 (Parts 103-001--104-099) [Reserved]................... Chapter 105--General Services Administration (Parts 105-1--105-999)..... Introduction.-1 Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by General Services Administration. Provision of special or technical services to State and local units of Government. Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally-assisted programs. Statement of organization and functions. Advisory committee management. Collection of claims owed the United States. Salary offset for indebtedness of Federal employees to the United States. Administration wage garnishment. Public availability of agency records and informational materials. Document security and declassification. GSA Privacy Act rules. Sale of personal property. Governmentwide debarment and suspension (nonprocurement). New restrictions on lobbying. Implementation of the Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act of 1986. Uniform administrative requirements for grants and cooperative agreements with State and local governments. Uniform administrative requirements for grants and agreements with institutions of higher education, hospitals, and other non-profit organizations. Governmentwide requirements for drug-free workplace (financial assistance). Chapter 109--Department of Energy Property Management Regulations (Parts 109-1--109-99).......................................................... SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL Introduction.-1 Miscellaneous regulations. [[Page 1237]] SUBCHAPTERS B--D [RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER E--SUPPLY AND PROCUREMENT General. 109-25 Procurement sources and programs. Inventory management. Storage and distribution. Federal Catalog System. SUBCHAPTER F--[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER G--AVIATION, TRANSPORTATION, AND MOTOR VEHICLES [Reserved]109-37 Motor equipment management. Interagency fleet management systems. Transportation and traffic management. SUBCHAPTER H--UTILIZATION AND DISPOSAL Utilization and disposal of hazardous materials and certain categories of property. Utilization of personal property. Donation of personal property. Sale, abandonment, or destruction of personal property. Utilization and disposal of personal property pursuant to exchange/sale authority. Utilization, donation, or disposal of abandoned and forfeited personal property. Special DOE disposal authorities. Chapter 114--Department of the Interior (Parts 114-1--114-99)........... Government furnished quarters. Chapter 115--Environmental Protection Agency (Parts 115-1--115-99)...... Introduction.-1 Chapter 128--Department of Justice (Parts 128-1--128-99)................ Introduction.-1 Acquisition of real property. Utilization, donation, or disposal of abandoned and forfeited personal property. Seized personal property. Chapters 129--200 [Reserved]............................................ Subtitle D--Federal Acquisition Supply Chain Security................... 201--Federal Acquisition Security Council (Parts 201-1--201-99)......... General regulations Subtitle E--[Reserved].................................................. Subtitle F--Federal Travel Regulation System............................ Chapter 300--General (Parts 300-1--300-99).............................. SUBCHAPTER A--INTRODUCTION The Federal Travel Regulation (FTR). How to use the FTR. Glossary of terms. SUBCHAPTER B--AGENCY REQUIREMENTS Agency reporting requirements. Travel and relocation expenses test programs. [Reserved]300-90 Chapter 301--Temporary Duty (TDY) Travel Allowances (Parts 301-1--301- 99)..................................................................... SUBCHAPTER A--INTRODUCTION Applicability.1 General rules.2 [[Page 1238]] SUBCHAPTER B--ALLOWABLE TRAVEL EXPENSES Transportation expenses. Per diem expenses. Miscellaneous expenses. Travel of an employee with special needs. Emergency travel. Threatened law enforcement/investigative employees. SUBCHAPTER C--ARRANGING FOR TRAVEL SERVICES, PAYING TRAVEL EXPENSES, AND CLAIMING REIMBURSEMENT Arranging for travel services. Paying travel expenses. Claiming reimbursement. Using promotional materials and frequent traveler programs. Collection of undisputed delinquent amounts owed to the contractor issuing the individually billed travel charge card. SUBCHAPTER D--AGENCY RESPONSIBILITIES Internal policy and procedure requirements. Agency travel accountability requirements. Agency responsibilities related to common carrier transportation. Travel programs. Conference planning. Pre-employment interview travel. Collection of undisputed delinquent amounts owed to the contractor issuing the individually billed travel charge card. Appendix A to Chapter 301--Prescribed maximum Per Diem rates for CONUS. Appendix B to Chapter 301--Allocation of M&IE rates to be used in Making deductions from the M&IE allowance. Appendix C to Chapter 301--Standard data elements for Federal Travel (Traveler identification). Appendix D to Chapter 301--Glossary of acronyms. Appendix E to Chapter 301--Suggested guidance for conference planning. Chapter 302--Relocation Allowances (Parts 302-1--302-99)................ SUBCHAPTER A--INTRODUCTION General rules.1 Employee eligibility requirements. SUBCHAPTER B--RELOCATION ALLOWANCES Relocation allowance by specific type. SUBCHAPTER C--PERMANENT CHANGE OF STATION (PCS) ALLOWANCES FOR SUBSISTENCE AND TRANSPORTATION EXPENSES Allowances for subsistence and transportation. Allowance for househunting trip expenses. Allowance for temporary quarters subsistence expenses. SUBCHAPTER D--TRANSPORTATION AND STORAGE OF PROPERTY Transportation and temporary storage of household goods, professional books, papers, and equipment (PBP&E) and baggage allowance. Allowances for extended storage of household goods (HHG). Allowances for transportation and emergency or temporary storage of a privately owned vehicle. Allowances for transportation of mobile homes and boats used as a primary residence. SUBCHAPTER E--RESIDENCE TRANSACTION ALLOWANCES Allowances for expenses incurred in connection with residence transactions. Use of a relocation services company. Home marketing incentive payments. Allowance for property management services. [[Page 1239]] SUBCHAPTER F--MISCELLANEOUS ALLOWANCES Allowance for miscellaneous expenses. Taxes on relocation expenses. Chapter 303--Payment of Expenses Connected with the Death of Certain Employees (Part 303-1--303-99).......................................... Agency requirements for payment of expenses connected with the death of certain employees and family members. Chapter 304--Payment of Travel Expenses from a Non-Federal Source (Parts 304-1--304-99).......................................................... SUBCHAPTER A--EMPLOYEE'S ACCEPTANCE OF PAYMENT FROM A NON-FEDERAL SOURCE FOR TRAVEL EXPENSES Authority.304-1 Definitions.4-2 Employee responsibility. SUBCHAPTER B--AGENCY REQUIREMENTS Authority.304-4 Agency responsibilities. Payment guidelines. SUBCHAPTER C--ACCEPTANCE OF PAYMENTS FOR TRAINING Authority/Applicability. Definitions.4-8 Contributions and awards. TITLE 42--PUBLIC HEALTH Chapter I--Public Health Service, Department of Health and Human Services (Parts 1--199)................................................. SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL PROVISIONS Part Confidentiality of substance use disorder patient records. Protection of identity--research subjects. Patient safety organizations and patient safety work product. National Library of Medicine. Designation of medically underserved populations and health professional shortage areas. Federal Tort Claims Act coverage of certain grantees and individuals. Distribution of reference biological standards and biological preparations. Medication assisted treatment for opioid use disorders. Standards of care for chimpanzees held in the federally supported sanctuary system. 340B Drug Pricing Program. Clinical trials registration and results information submission. SUBCHAPTER B--PERSONNEL Commissioned officers. Personnel other than commissioned officers. National Health Service Corps. Senior Biomedical Research and Biomedical Product Assessment Service. SUBCHAPTER C--MEDICAL CARE AND EXAMINATIONS Medical care for certain personnel of the Coast Guard, National Ocean Survey, Public Health Service, and former Lighthouse Service. Medical examination of aliens. Hospital and station management. Specifications for medical examinations of coal miners. Disaster assistance for crisis counseling and training. SUBCHAPTER D--GRANTS Policies of general applicability. Requirements applicable to the protection and advocacy for individuals with mental illness program. [[Page 1240]] Project grants for maternal and child health. Project grants for preventive health services. Grants for community health centers. Mental health and substance abuse emergency response procedures. [Reserved]51e--51g Grants for research projects. National Institutes of Health center grants. National Institutes of Health construction grants. Minority Biomedical Research Support Program. National Cancer Institute Clinical Cancer Education Program National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute grants for prevention and control projects. Scientific peer review of research grant applications and research and development contract projects. National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities Research Endowment Programs. Grants, loans and loan guarantees for construction and modernization of hospitals and medical facilities. Charitable Choice regulations applicable to States receiving substance abuse prevention and treatment block grants and/or projects for assistance in transition from homelessness grants. Charitable Choice regulations applicable to States, local governments, and religious organizations receiving discretionary funding under Title V of the Public Health Service Act, 42 U.S.C. 290aa, et seq., for substance abuse prevention and treatment services. Program grants for black lung clinics. Grants for migrant health services. Grants for construction of teaching facilities, educational improvements, scholarships and student loans. Grants for training of public health and allied health personnel. [Reserved] Grants for family planning services. National Library of Medicine grants. SUBCHAPTER E--FELLOWSHIPS, INTERNSHIPS, TRAINING Fellowships. National Health Service Corps scholarship and loan repayment programs. Traineeships. National Institutes of Health training grants. National Library of Medicine training grants. Obligated service for mental health traineeships. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences hazardous waste worker training. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences hazardous substances basic research and training grants. National Research Service awards. Agency for Health Care Policy and Research grants and contracts. National Institutes of Health (NIH) Clinical Research Loan Repayment Program for Individuals from Disadvantaged Backgrounds (CR-LRP). National Institutes of Health (NIH) Undergraduate Scholarship Program Regarding Professions Needed by National Research Institutes (UGSP) National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Contraception and Infertility Research Loan Repayment Program. SUBCHAPTER F--QUARANTINE, INSPECTION, LICENSING Interstate quarantine. Foreign quarantine. [Reserved]72 Select agents and toxins. Standards for the accreditation of educational programs for and the credentialing of radiologic personnel. SUBCHAPTER G--OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH RESEARCH AND RELATED ACTIVITIES [Reserved].0 [[Page 1241]] Guidelines for determining probability of causation under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act of 2000. Methods for conducting dose reconstruction under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act of 2000. Procedures for designating classes of employees as members of the special exposure cohort under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act of 2000. Approval of respiratory protective devices. Requests for health hazard evaluations. Occupational safety and health investigations of places of employment. Grants for education programs in occupational safety and health. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health research and demonstration grants. World Trade Center Health Program. SUBCHAPTER H--HEALTH ASSESSMENTS AND HEALTH EFFECTS STUDIES OF HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES RELEASES AND FACILITIES Administrative functions, practices, and procedures. Public health service policies on research misconduct. SUBCHAPTER I--MEDICAL CARE QUALITY AND COST CONTAINMENT [RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER J--VACCINES Vaccine injury compensation. Countermeasures injury compensation program. SUBCHAPTER K--HEALTH RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT Organ procurement and transplantation network. Medical facility construction and modernization. [Reserved]125--129 SUBCHAPTER L--COMPASSIONATE PAYMENTS [RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER M--INDIAN HEALTH SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES Indian health. Indian health. Tribal self-governance. [Reserved]138--199 Chapters II--III [Reserved]............................................. Chapter IV--Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, Department of Health and Human Services (Parts 400--699).............................. SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL PROVISIONS Introduction; definitions. General administrative requirements. Civil money penalties, assessments, and exclusions. Special programs and projects. SUBCHAPTER B--MEDICARE PROGRAM Federal health insurance for the aged and disabled. Hospital insurance eligibility and entitlement. Supplementary medical insurance (SMI) enrollment and entitlement. Premiums for supplementary medical insurance. Hospital insurance benefits. Supplementary medical insurance (SMI) benefits. Exclusions from Medicare and limitations on Medicare payment. Prospective payment systems for inpatient hospital services. Principles of reasonable cost reimbursement; payment for end-stage renal disease services; prospectively determined payment rates for skilled nursing facilities; payment for acute kidney injury dialysis. Payment for Part B medical and other health services. Services furnished by physicians in providers, supervising physicians in teaching settings, and residents in certain settings. Ambulatory surgical services. Health maintenance organizations, competitive medical plans, and health care prepayment plans. [[Page 1242]] Hospice care. Prospective payment systems for hospital outpatient department services. Program integrity: Medicare. Medicare contracting. Medicare Advantage program. Voluntary Medicare prescription drug benefit. Conditions for Medicare payment. Medicare Shared Savings program. Review of national coverage determinations and local coverage determinations. SUBCHAPTER C--MEDICAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS Grants to States for medical assistance programs. State organization and general administration. State personnel administration. State fiscal administration. Contracts.434 Eligibility in the States, District of Columbia, the Northern Mariana Islands, and American Samoa. Eligibility in Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands. Managed care. Services: general provisions. Services: requirements and limits applicable to specific services. Standards for payment to nursing facilities and intermediate care facilities for the mentally retarded. Payments for services. Program integrity: Medicaid. Utilization control. SUBCHAPTER D--STATE CHILDREN'S HEALTH INSURANCE PROGRAMS (SCHIPs) Allotments and grants to States. SUBCHAPTER E--PROGRAMS OF ALL-INCLUSIVE CARE FOR THE ELDERLY (PACE) Programs of all-inclusive care for the elderly (PACE). SUBCHAPTER F--QUALITY IMPROVEMENT ORGANIZATIONS Quality improvement organizations. Quality improvement organization review. Reconsiderations and appeals. Acquisition protection and disclosure of quality improvement organization information.. SUBCHAPTER G--STANDARDS AND CERTIFICATION Conditions of participation for hospitals. Requirements for States and long term care facilities. Home health services. Conditions of participation: specialized providers. Conditions for coverage of specialized services furnished by suppliers. Survey, certification and enforcement procedures. Provider agreements and supplier approval. Certification of certain health facilities. Laboratory requirements. Conditions for coverage for end-stage renal disease facilities. Standards for the Electronic Health Record Technology Incentive Program. Appeals procedures for determinations that affect participation in the Medicare program and for determinations that affect the participation of ICFs/IID and certain NFs in the Medicaid program. SUBCHAPTER H--HEALTH CARE INFRASTRUCTURE AND MODEL PROGRAMS Establishment of the Health Care Infrastructure Improvement Program. Comprehensive care for joint replacement model. Radiation oncology model and end stage renal disease treatment choices model. SUBCHAPTER I--BASIC HEALTH PROGRAM Administration, eligibility, essential health benefits, performance standards, service delivery requirements, premium and cost sharing, allotments, and reconcilation. [[Page 1243]] Chapter V--Office of Inspector General-Health Care, Department of Health and Human Services (Parts 1000--1099)................................... SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL PROVISIONS Introduction: general definitions. SUBCHAPTER B--OIG AUTHORITIES Program integrity--Medicare and State health care programs. Program integrity--State-initiated exclusions from Medicaid. Civil money penalties, assessments, and exclusions. Imposition of sanctions on health care practitioners and providers of health care services by a peer review organization. Appeals of exclusions, civil money penalties and assessments. Investigational inquiries. State Medicaid fraud control units. Advisory opinions by the OIG. TITLE 43--PUBLIC LANDS: INTERIOR Subtitle A--Office of the Secretary of the Interior (Parts 1--199)...... Part Practices before the Department of the Interior. Freedom of Information Act; records and testimony. Preservation of American antiquities. Department hearings and appeals procedures. Commercial filming and similar projects and still photography on certain areas under Department jurisdiction. Patent regulations. Protection of archaeological resources. Joint policies of the Departments of the Interior and of the Army relative to reservoir project lands. Intergovernmental review of Department of the Interior programs and activities. Native American graves protection and repatriation regulations. Natural resource damage assessments. [Reserved]12 Vending facilities operated by blind persons. Petitions for rulemaking. Key Largo Coral Reef Preserve. Conservation of helium. Nondiscrimination in federally-assisted programs of the Department of the Interior. New restrictions on lobbying. Wilderness preservation. Employee responsibilities and conduct. Occupancy of cabin sites on public conservation and recreation areas. Administrative claims under Federal Tort Claims Act and indemnification of Department of the Interior employees. Surface exploration, mining and reclamation of lands. Department of the Interior fish and wildlife policy: State-Federal relationships. Grants to States for establishing Youth Conservation Corps programs. Nondiscrimination in activities conducted under permits, rights-of-way, public land orders, and other Federal authorizations granted or issued under Title II of Public Law 93-153. Fire protection emergency assistance. Trans-Alaska Pipeline Liability Fund. Indian probate hearings procedures. Grants to States for establishing Young Adult Conservation Corps (YACC) program. Allocation of duty-free watches from the Virgin Islands, Guam, and American Samoa. [Note] Requirements for equal opportunity during construction and operation of the Alaska Natural Gas Transportation System. Administrative remedies for fraudulent claims and statements. [[Page 1244]] Transportation and utility systems in and across, and access into, conservation system units in Alaska. Cave management. Pay of U.S. Park Police--interim geographic adjustments. Collection of debts by administrative wage garnishment. Nondiscrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. Governmentwide requirements for drug-free workplace (financial assistance). Financial assistance, local governments. Conditions and prescriptions in FERC hydropower licenses. Implementation of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969. Land exchange procedures. Amendments to the Hawaiian Homes Commission Act. Paleontological resources preservation. Procedures for reestablishing a formal government-to-government relationship with the Native Hawaiian community. Waiving Departmental review of appraisals and valuations of Indian property. Subtitle B--Regulations Relating to Public Lands........................ Chapter I--Bureau of Reclamation, Department of the Interior (Parts 400--999)............................................................... Sale of lands in Federal reclamation projects. Reclamation Rural Water Supply Program. Assessment by irrigation districts of lands owned by the United States, Columbia Basin Project, Washington. Offstream storage of Colorado River water and development and release of intentionally created unused apportionment in the Lower Division States. Procedural methods for implementing Colorado River water conservation measures with Lower Basin contractors and others. Operating criteria and procedures for the Newlands Reclamation Project, Nevada. Truckee River operating agreement. Off-road vehicle use. Law enforcement authority at Bureau of Reclamation projects. Public conduct on Bureau of Reclamation facilities, lands, and waterbodies. Regulations pertaining to standards for the prevention, control, and abatement of environmental pollution of Conconully Lake and Conconully Reservoir, Okanogan County, Wash. Acreage limitation rules and regulations. Water conservation rules and regulations. Information requirements for certain farm operations in excess of 960 acres and the eligibility of certain formerly excess lands. Use of Bureau of Reclamation land, facilities, and waterbodies. Rules for management of Lake Berryessa. General regulations for power generation, operation, maintenance, and replacement at the Boulder Canyon Project, Arizona/Nevada. [Reserved]432--999 Chapter II--Bureau of Land Management, Department of the Interior (Parts 1000--9999)............................................................. SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL MANAGEMENT (1000) [Reserved]1000--1599 Planning, programming, budgeting. Group 1700--Program Management Cooperative relations. Group 1800--Public Administrative Procedures Introduction and general guidance. Application procedures. Appeals procedures. Hearings procedures. Conveyances, disclaimers and correction documents. Adjudication principles and procedures. Financial assistance, local governments. [[Page 1245]] SUBCHAPTER B--LAND RESOURCE MANAGEMENT (2000) Group 2000--Land Resource Management; General Special laws and rules. Group 2100--Acquisitions Group 2200--Exchanges Exchanges--general procedures. Group 2300--Withdrawals Land withdrawals. National Petroleum Reserve in Alaska. Restorations and revocations. Group 2400--Land Classification Land classification. Criteria for all land classifications. Multiple-use management classifications. Disposal classifications. Segregation by classification. Petition-application classification system. Bureau initiated classification system. Postclassification actions. Group 2500--Disposition; Occupancy and Use Desert land entries. Indian allotments. Color-of-title and omitted lands. Alaska occupancy and use. Group 2600--Disposition; Grants Carey Act grants. State grants.0 Railroad grants. FAA airport grants. Alaska native selections. Group 2700--Disposition; Sales Sales--Federal Land Policy and Management Act. Conveyance of federally-owned mineral interests. Recreation and Public Purposes Act. Group 2800--Use; Rights-of-Way Rights-of-Way Under the Federal Land Policy Management Act. Tramroads and logging roads. Rights-of-way under the Mineral Leasing Act. Group 2900--Use; Leases and Permits Leases. 2910 Leases, permits and easements. Permits for recreation on public lands. SUBCHAPTER C--MINERALS MANAGEMENT (3000) Minerals management: general. Oil and gas leasing. Noncompetitive leases. Competitive leases. Oil and gas leasing: National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska. Leasing in special tar sand areas. Onshore oil and gas geophysical exploration. Onshore oil and gas operations. Onshore oil and gas production. Onshore oil and gas unit agreements: unproven areas. Delegation of authority, cooperative agreements and contracts for oil and gas inspection. Helium contracts. [[Page 1246]] Group 3200--Geothermal Resources Leasing Geothermal resource leasing. Geothermal resources unit agreements. Group 3400--Coal Management Coal management--general. Exploration licenses. Competitive leasing. Noncompetitive leases. Licenses to mine. Management of existing leases. Environment.60 Coal management provisions and limitations. Coal exploration and mining operations rules. Leasing of solid minerals other than coal and oil shale. Special leasing areas. Solid minerals (other than coal) exploration and mining operations. Group 3600--Mineral Materials Disposal Mineral materials disposal. Free use of petrified wood. Group 3700--Multiple Use; Mining Public Law 167; Act of July 23, 1955. [Reserved]3720 Public Law 359; mining in powersite withdrawals; general. Public Law 585; multiple mineral development. Group 3800--Mining Claims Under the General Mining Laws Mining claims under the general mining laws. Lands and minerals subject to location. Areas subject to special mining laws. Locating, recording, and maintaining mining claims or sites; general provisions. [Reserved]3831 Locating mining claims or sites. Recording mining claims and sites. Required fees for mining claims or sites. Waivers from annual maintenance fees. Annual assessment work requirements for mining claims. Acquiring a delinquent co-claimant's interests in a mining claim or site. Special procedures for locating and recording mining claims and tunnel sites on Stockraising Homestead Act (SRHA) lands. [Reserved]3839 Mineral patent applications. Adverse claims, protests and conflicts. Oil shale management--general. Oil shale exploration licenses. Oil shale leasing. Management of oil shale exploration and leases. SUBCHAPTER D--RANGE MANAGEMENT (4000) Group 4100--Grazing Administration Grazing administration--exclusive of Alaska. Group 4200--Grazing Administration; Alaska; Livestock Grazing administration; Alaska; livestock. Group 4300--Grazing Administration; Alaska; Reindeer; General Grazing administration; Alaska; reindeer. Group 4600--Leases Leases of grazing land--Pierce Act. Group 4700--Wild Free-Roaming Horse and Burro Management Protection, management, and control of wild free-roaming horses and burros. [[Page 1247]] SUBCHAPTER E--FOREST MANAGEMENT (5000) Group 5000--Forest Management General Administration of forest management decisions. Sustained-yield forest units. Group 5400--Sales of Forest Products Sales of forest products; general. Annual timber sale plan. Preparation for sale. Advertisement. Conduct of sales. Award of contract. Sales administration. Contract modification--extension--assignment. Group 5500--Nonsale Disposals Nonsale disposals; general. Free use of timber. SUBCHAPTER F--PRESERVATION AND CONSERVATION (6000) Management of designated wilderness areas. SUBCHAPTER G--[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER H--RECREATION PROGRAMS (8000) Group 8100--Cultural Resource Management [Reserved] Group 8200--Natural History Resource Management Procedures.200 Off-road vehicles. Management areas. Visitor services. Group 8600--Environmental Education and Protection [Reserved] SUBCHAPTER I--TECHNICAL SERVICES (9000) Group 9100--Engineering Cadastral survey. Group 9200--Protection Fire management. Trespass. 9230 Law enforcement-criminal. Chapter III--Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation Commission (Parts 10000--10099).................................................... Organization and functions. Policies and procedures for developing and implementing the Commission's mitigation and conservation plan. Policies and procedures for implementing the National Environmental Policy Act. TITLE 44--EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AND ASSISTANCE Chapter I--Federal Emergency Management Agency, Department of Homeland Security (Parts 0--399)................................................. SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL Part General statements of policy. [Reserved] Rulemaking; policy and procedures. OMB control numbers. [Reserved]3 Intergovernmental review of Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) programs and activities. Production or disclosure of information. Implementation of the Privacy Act of 1974. [[Page 1248]] Nondiscrimination in federally-assisted programs (FEMA Reg. 5). National security information. Floodplain management and protection of wetlands. [Reserved]10 Claims. 11 [Reserved]13 New restrictions on lobbying. Nondiscrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. [Reserved]20--24 Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally assisted programs. [Reserved]26--49 SUBCHAPTER B--INSURANCE AND HAZARD MITIGATION [Reserved]50--58 General provisions. Criteria for land management and use. Insurance coverage and rates. Sale of insurance and adjustment of claims. Implementation of section 1306(c) of the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968. Communities eligible for the sale of insurance. Identification and mapping of special hazard areas. Consultation with local officials. Appeals from proposed flood elevation determinations. Administrative hearing procedures. [Reserved]69 Procedure for map correction. Implementation of Coastal Barrier Resources Act. Procedures and fees for processing map changes. Implementation of Section 1316 of the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968. Exemption of State-owned properties under self-insurance plan. [Reserved]76 Flood mitigation grants. Property acquisition and relocation for open space. [Reserved]81--149 SUBCHAPTER C--FIRE PREVENTION AND CONTROL Public safety awards to public safety officers. Reimbursement for costs of firefighting on Federal property. Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program. [Reserved]153--199 SUBCHAPTER D--DISASTER ASSISTANCE [Reserved]200 Mitigation planning. [Reserved]202--203 Fire Management Assistance Grant Program. Federal disaster assistance. Management costs. National Urban Search and Rescue Response System. Supplemental property acquisition and elevation assistance. [Reserved]210--294 SUBCHAPTER E--FIRE ASSISTANCE Cerro Grande fire assistance. Hermit's Peak/Calf Canyon fire assistance. [Reserved]297--299 SUBCHAPTER F--PREPAREDNESS Disaster preparedness assistance. [Reserved]301 Civil defense-State and local emergency management assistance program (EMA). [Reserved]303 Consolidated grants to insular areas. [Reserved]305--311 [[Page 1249]] Use of civil defense personnel, materials and facilities for natural disaster purposes. [Reserved]313--320 Maintenance of the mobilization base (Department of Defense, Department of Energy, Maritime Administration). [Reserved]322 Guidance on priority use of resources in immediate post attack period. (DMO-4) [Reserved]324--325 Policy on use of Government-owned industrial plant equipment by private industry. (DMO-10A) Covid-19 allocation orders and priority order review under the Defense Production Act. Use of priorities and allocation authority for Federal Supply Classification (FSC) common use items. (DMO-12) Policy guidance and delegation of authorities for use of priorities and allocations to maximize domestic energy supplies in accordance with subsection 101(c) of the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended. (DMO-13) Preservation of the mobilization base through the placement of procurement and facilities in labor surplus areas. Voluntary agreements under Section 708 of the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended. Emergency Management Priorities and Allocations System. Graduated mobilization response. [Reserved]335--349 Review and approval of State and local radiological emergency plans and preparedness. Radiological emergency planning and preparedness. Commercial nuclear powerplants: emergency preparedness planning. Fee for services in support, review and approval of state and local government or licensee radiological emergency plans and preparedness. Fee for services to support FEMA's offsite radiological emergency preparedness program. [Reserved]355--350 State assistance programs for training and education in comprehensive emergency management. National earthquake hazards reduction assistance to State and local governments. Criteria for acceptance of gifts, bequests, or services. [Reserved]363--399 Chapter IV--Department of Commerce and Department of Transportation (Parts 400--499)........................................................ Shipping restrictions. (T-1) Shipments on American flag ships and aircraft. (T-1, Int. 1) [Reserved]403--499 TITLE 45--PUBLIC WELFARE Subtitle A--Department of Health and Human Services (Parts 1--199)...... SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL ADMINISTRATION Part [Reserved]1 Testimony by employees and production of documents in proceedings where the United States is not a party. Conduct of persons and traffic on the National Institutes of Health Federal enclave. Service of process. Freedom of Information regulations. [Reserved]5a Privacy Act regulations. [Reserved]6 Employee inventions. Use of HHS research facilities by academic scientists, engineers, and students. Disposal and utilization of surplus real property for public health purposes. Use of Federal real property to assist the homeless. Implementation of the Equal Access to Justice Act in Agency proceedings. [[Page 1250]] Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally assisted programs. Procedures of the Departmental Grant Appeals Board. Release of adverse information to news media. Official symbol, logo, and seal. Claims collection. Tax refund offset. Administrative wage garnishment. Salary offset. Claims filed under the Military Personnel and Civilian Employees Act Tort claims against the Government. Indemnification of HHS employees. Swap data recordkeeping and reporting requirements. Protection of human subjects. U. S. Exchange Visitor Program--request for waiver of the two-year foreign residence requirement. Criteria for evaluating comprehensive plan to reduce reliance on alien physicians. Volunteer services. National practitioner data bank for adverse information on physicians and other health care practitioners. Healthcare Integrity and Protection Data Bank for final adverse information on health care providers, suppliers and practitioners. Grant programs administered by the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation. Standards of conduct. Standards of conduct: Food and Drug Administration supplement. Debarment or suspension of former employees. [Reserved]74 Uniform administrative requirements, cost principles, and audit requirements for Federal awards. Remedial actions applicable to letter of credit administration. Conditions for waiver of denial of Federal benefits. Program fraud civil remedies. Nondiscrimination under programs receiving Federal assistance through the Department of Health and Human Services effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Practice and procedure for hearings under Part 80 of this Title. Regulation for the administration and enforcement of Sections 799A and 845 of the Public Health Service Act. Nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the Department of Health and Human Services. Nondiscrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. Equal treatment for faith-based organizations. Protecting statutory conscience rights in health care; delegations of authority. Organizational integrity of entities implementing programs and activities under the Leadership Act. Nondiscrimination on the basis of age in programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. Nondiscrimination on the basis of age in programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. Nondiscrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability in health programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance and programs or activities administered by the Department of Health and Human Services under Title I of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act or by entities established under such Title. New restrictions on lobbying. Responsible prospective contractors. General administration--grant programs (public assistance, medical assistance, and State children's health insurance programs). Block grants. [[Page 1251]] Consolidation of grants to the insular areas. Child Care and Development Fund. Procedure for hearings for the child care and development fund. Intergovernmental review of Department of Health and Human Services programs and activities. Describing agency needs. Adjustment of civil monetary penalties for inflation. SUBCHAPTER B--REQUIREMENTS RELATING TO HEALTH CARE ACCESS [Reserved]140--143 Requirements relating to health insurance coverage. [Reserved]145 Requirements for the group health insurance market. Health insurance reform requirements for the group and individual health insurance markets. Requirements for the individual health insurance market. Surprise billing and transparency requirements. CMS enforcement in group and individual insurance markets. [Reserved]151 Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan program. Standards related to reinsurance, risk corridors, and risk adjustment under the Affordable Care Act. Health insurance issuer rate increases: disclosure and review requirements. Exchange establishment standards and other related standards under the Affordable Care Act. Health insurance issuer standards under the Affordable Care Act, including standards related to exchanges. Employer interactions with exchanges and shop participation. Issuer use of premium revenue: reporting and rebate requirements, 45 CFR 158 Health plan requirements under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, including requirements related to exchanges. Issuer use of premium revenue: reporting and rebate requirements. Health care reform insurance web portal. SUBCHAPTER C--ADMINISTRATIVE DATA STANDARDS AND RELATED REQUIREMENTS General administrative requirements. Administrative requirements. [Reserved]163 Security and privacy. [Reserved]165--199 SUBCHAPTER D--HEALTH INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Health information technology standards, implementation specifications, and certification criteria and certification programs for health information technology. Information blocking. [Reserved]172--179 SUBCHAPTER E-T--PRICE TRANSPARENCY Hospital price transparency. Price transparency for COVID-19 diagnostic tests. Pharmacy benefit manager standards under the Affordable Care Act. Subtitle B--Regulations Relating to Public Welfare...................... Chapter II--Office of Family Assistance (Assistance Programs), Administration for Children and Families, Department of Health and Human Services (Parts 200--299)............................................... Grants to States for public assistance programs. General administration--State plans and grant appeals. General administration--public assistance programs. Application, determination of eligibility and furnishing assistance--public assistance programs. Care and treatment of mentally ill nationals of the United States, returned from foreign countries. Assistance for United States citizens returned from foreign countries. [[Page 1252]] Practice and procedure for hearings to States on conformity of public assistance plans to Federal requirements. Training and use of subprofessionals and volunteers. Coverage and conditions of eligibility in financial assistance programs. Financial assistance to individuals. Administration of financial assistance programs. Fiscal administration of financial assistance programs. General Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) provisions. Ensuring that recipients work. Accountability provisions--general. Expenditures of State and Federal TANF funds. Other accountability provisions. Data collection and reporting requirements. High performance bonus awards. Implementation of Section 403(a)(2) of the Social Security Act bonus to reward decrease in illegitimacy ratio. Methodology for determining whether an increase in a State or Territory's child poverty rate is the result of the TANF program. Tribal TANF provisions. The Native Employment Works (NEW) program. [Reserved]288--299 Chapter III--Office of Child Support Enforcement (Child Support Enforcement Program), Administration for Children and Families, Department of Health and Human Services (Parts 300--399)................ State plan approval and grant procedures. State plan requirements. Standards for program operations. Federal financial participation. Program performance measures, standards, financial incentives, and penalties. [Reserved]306 Computerized support enforcement systems. Annual State self-assessment review and report. Computerized Tribal IV-D systems and office automation. [Reserved]311--399 Chapter IV--Office of Refugee Resettlement, Administration for Children and Families, Department of Health and Human Services (Parts 400--499).. Refugee resettlement program. Cuban/Haitian entrant program. State legalization impact assistance grants. [Reserved]404--499 Care and placement of unaccompanied alien children. Standards to prevent, detect, and respond to sexual abuse and sexual harassment involving unaccompanied children. Chapter V--Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the United States, Department of Justice (Parts 500--599).................................. SUBCHAPTER A--RULES OF PRACTICE Appearance and practice. Subpoenas, depositions, and oaths. Public information-Freedom of Information Act. Privacy Act and Government in the Sunshine regulations. SUBCHAPTER B--RECEIPT, ADMINISTRATION, AND PAYMENT OF CLAIMS UNDER TITLE I OF THE WAR CLAIMS ACT OF 1948, AS AMENDED Filing of claims and procedures therefor. Provisions of general application. Eligibility requirements for compensation. Payment. 507 Hearings. 508 [[Page 1253]] SUBCHAPTER C--RECEIPT, ADMINISTRATION, AND PAYMENT OF CLAIMS UNDER THE INTERNATIONAL CLAIMS SETTLEMENT ACT OF 1949, AS AMENDED, AND RELATED ACTS Filing of claims and procedures therefor. Licensing, registration, financial responsibility requirements, and general duties for ocean transportation intermediaries. Chapter VI--National Science Foundation (Parts 600--699)................ Classification and declassification of national security information. New restrictions on lobbying. Nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the National Science Foundation. Salary offset. Claims collection and administrative offset. Nondiscrimination in federally-assisted programs of the National Science Foundation-- effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Availability of records and information. Privacy Act regulations. Government in the Sunshine Act regulations of the National Science Board. Testimony and production of records. Nondiscrimination on the basis of age in programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance from NSF. Nondiscrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. Governmentwide requirements for drug-free workplace (financial assistance). Compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act. Environmental assessment procedures for proposed National Science Foundation actions in Antarctica. Patents. 650 Intergovernmental review of the National Science Foundation programs and activities. Conservation of Antarctic animals and plants. Waste regulation. Enforcement and hearing procedures. Antarctic non-governmental expeditions. Antarctic meteorites. Medical clearance process for deployment to Antarctica. National Science Foundation rules of practice. Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act regulations. Research misconduct. Protection of human subjects. Chapter VII--Commission on Civil Rights (Parts 700--799)................ Organization and functions of the Commission. Rules on hearings, reports, and meetings of the Commission. Operations and functions of State Advisory Committees. Information disclosure and communications. Materials available pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552a. Employee responsibilities and conduct. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of disability in programs or activities conducted by U.S. Commission of Civil Rights. Collection by salary offset from indebted current and former employees. Chapter VIII--Office of Personnel Management (Parts 800--899)........... Multi-State Plan program. Chapter IX--Denali Commission (Parts 900--999).......................... National Environmental Policy Act implementing procedures. [Reserved]901--999 [[Page 1254]] Chapter X--Office of Community Services, Administration for Children and Families, Department of Health and Human Services (Parts 1000--1099).... Individual development account reserve funds established pursuant to grants for assets for independence. Charitable Choice under the Community Services Block Grant Act programs. Emergency Community Services Homeless Grant Program. Chapter XI--National Foundation on the Arts and the Humanities (Parts 1100--1199)............................................................. SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL Statement for the guidance of the public-- organization, procedure and availability of information. Standards of conduct for employees. Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs. Procedures for disclosure of records under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act regulations. SUBCHAPTER B--NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTS Collection of claims. Nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap. Intergovernmental review of National Endowment for the Arts programs and activities. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the National Endowment for the Arts. Nondiscrimination on the basis of age. [Reserved]1157 New restrictions on lobbying. Implementation of the Privacy Act of 1974. SUBCHAPTER C--FEDERAL COUNCIL ON THE ARTS AND THE HUMANITIES Indemnities under the Arts and Artifacts Indemnity Act. SUBCHAPTER D--NATIONAL ENDOWMENT FOR THE HUMANITIES Testimony and production of records. New restrictions on lobbying. Privacy Act regulations. Nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in federally assisted programs or activities. Public access to NEH records under the Freedom of Information Act. Nondiscrimination on the basis of age in federally assisted programs or activities. Indemnification of employees. Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act regulations. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the National Endowment for the Humanities. Part-time career employment. Claims collection. Use of penalty mail in the location and recovery of missing children. Salary offset. SUBCHAPTER E--INSTITUTE OF MUSEUM AND LIBRARY SERVICES [Reserved]1180 Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the Institute of Museum and Library Services. Implementation of the Privacy Act of 1974. [Reserved]1183 Implementation of the Freedom of Information Act. [Reserved]1185--1199 Chapter XII--Corporation for National and Community Service (Parts 1200--1299)............................................................. Production or disclosure of official information in response to court orders, subpoenas, notices of depositions, requests for admissions, interrogatories, or in connection with Federal or State litigation. Nondiscrimination in federally assisted programs--effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. [[Page 1255]] Grants and contracts--suspension and termination and denial of application for refunding. [Reserved]1210--1212 Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by ACTION. Nondisplacement of employed workers and nonimpairment of contracts for service. [Reserved]1217--1219 Payment of volunteer legal expenses. [Reserved]1222 Member and volunteer discrimination complaint procedure. Prohibitions on electoral and lobbying activities. New restrictions on lobbying. Nondiscrimination on basis of handicap in programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. Intergovernmental review of ACTION programs. Locally generated contributions in older American volunteer programs. Chapter XIII--Administration for Children and Families, Department of Health and Human Services (Parts 1300--1399)............................ SUBCHAPTER A--OFFICE OF HUMAN DEVELOPMENT SERVICES, GENERAL PROVISIONS [RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER B--THE ADMINISTRATION FOR CHILDREN AND FAMILIES, HEAD START PROGRAM Program governance. Program operations. Financial and administrative requirements. Federal administrative procedures. Definitions.05 Head Start staffing requirements and program options. Policies and procedures for designation renewal of Head Start and early Head Start grantees. Head Start program performance standards on services for children with disabilities. Head Start facilities purchase, major renovation and construction. Head Start transportation. Head Start Fellows Program. SUBCHAPTER C--THE ADMINISTRATION FOR COMMUNITY LIVING Grants to State and community programs on aging. Grants to Indian tribes for support and nutrition services. Grants for supportive and nutritional services to older Hawaiian natives. Allotments for vulnerable elder rights protection activities. Requirements applicable to the Developmental Disabilities Program. Formula grant programs. Developmental disabilities Projects of National Significance. The National Network of University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities, Education, Research, and Service. State independent living services and centers for independent living. National Institute for Disability Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research. State Health Insurance Assistance Program. SUBCHAPTER D--THE ADMINISTRATION FOR NATIVE AMERICANS, NATIVE AMERICAN PROGRAMS Native American programs. SUBCHAPTER E--[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER F--THE ADMINISTRATION FOR CHILDREN, YOUTH AND FAMILIES, FAMILY AND YOUTH SERVICES BUREAU Runaway and Homeless Youth Program. SUBCHAPTER G--THE ADMINISTRATION ON CHILDREN, YOUTH AND FAMILIES, FOSTER CARE MAINTENANCE PAYMENTS, ADOPTION ASSISTANCE, AND CHILD AND FAMILY SERVICES General. 1355 [[Page 1256]] Requirements applicable to Title IV-E. Requirements applicable to Title IV-B. SUBCHAPTER H--FAMILY VIOLENCE PREVENTION AND SERVICES Family violence prevention and services programs. SUBCHAPTERS I--K--[RESERVED] Chapter XVI--Legal Services Corporation (Parts 1600--1699).............. Definitions.00 [Reserved]1601 Procedures for disclosure of information under the Freedom of Information Act. Testimony by employees and production of documents in proceedings where the United States is not a party. Outside practice of law. Appeals on behalf of clients. Termination, limited reduction of funding, and debarment procedures; recompetition. Governing bodies. Prohibited political activities. Fee-generating cases. Use of non-LSC funds, transfers of LSC funds, program integrity. Financial eligibility. Restrictions on lobbying and certain other activities. Restrictions on legal assistance with respect to criminal proceedings. Private attorney involvement. Restrictions on actions collaterally attacking criminal convictions. Attorney hiring. Class actions. Enforcement procedures. Disclosure of information. Priorities in use of resources. Client grievance procedures. Public access to meetings under the Government in the Sunshine Act. Suspension procedures. Prohibition against discrimination on the basis of disability. [Removed] 1625 Restrictions on legal assistance to aliens. Subgrants.1627 Recipient fund balances. Bonding requirements for recipients. Cost standards and procedures. Purchasing and property management. Redistricting. Restriction on representation in certain eviction proceedings. Competitive bidding for grants and contracts. Timekeeping requirement. Client identity and statement of facts. Representation of prisoners. Restriction on solicitation. Welfare reform. Application of Federal law to LSC recipients. Debarment, suspension and removal of recipient auditors. [Reserved]1642 Restriction on assisted suicide, euthanasia, and mercy killing. Disclosure of case information. Chapter XVII--National Commission on Libraries and Information Science (Parts 1700--1799)...................................................... Organization and functions. Disclosure of information. Government in the Sunshine Act. Privacy regulations. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by National Commission on Libraries and Information Science. [[Page 1257]] Chapter XVIII--Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation (Parts 1800--1899) Privacy Act of 1974. Harry S. Truman Scholarship Program. Public meeting procedures of the Board of Trustees. Nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap. Chapter XXI--Commission of Fine Arts (Parts 2100--2199)................. Functions and organization. Meetings and procedures of the Commission. Statements of policy. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the Commission of Fine Arts. Requirements for compliance with the Freedom of Information Act. Rules for compliance with 5 U.S.C. 552a, the Privacy Act of 1974. Chapter XXIII--Arctic Research Commission (Parts 2300--2399)............ Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the United States Arctic Research Commission. Chapter XXIV--James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation (Parts 2400-- 2499)................................................................... Fellowship program requirements. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation. Chapter XXV--Corporation for National and Community Service (Parts 2500--2599)............................................................. [Reserved]2500--2501 Employee indemnification regulations. [Reserved]2503--2504 Rules implementing the Government in the Sunshine Act. Collection of debts. Procedures for disclosure of records under the Freedom of Information Act. Implementation of the Privacy Act of 1974. Administrative practice and procedures. Overall purposes and definitions. [Reserved]2513 Service-learning program purposes. School-based service-learning programs. Community-based service-learning programs. Service-Learning Clearinghouse. Higher education innovative programs for community service. General provisions: AmeriCorps subtitle C programs. Eligible AmeriCorps subtitle C program applicants and types of grants available for award. AmeriCorps participants, programs, and applicants. Agreements with other Federal agencies for the provision of AmeriCorps program assistance. AmeriCorps technical assistance and other special grants. National Service Trust. [Reserved]2526--2530 Purposes and availability of grants for investment for quality and innovation activities. Innovative and special demonstration programs. Technical assistance, training, and other service infrastructure-building activities. Special activities. General administrative provisions. [Reserved]2541 [Reserved]2543 Solicitation and acceptance of donations. Requirements and general provisions for State commissions and alternative administrative entities. [[Page 1258]] Senior Companion Program. Foster Grandparent Program. The Retired and Senior Volunteer Program. Program Fraud Civil Remedies Act regulations. Nondiscrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. Volunteers in Service to America. TITLE 46--SHIPPING Chapter I--Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security (Parts 1--199).. SUBCHAPTER A--PROCEDURES APPLICABLE TO THE PUBLIC Part Organization, general course and methods governing marine safety functions. Vessel inspections. Designation of oceanographic research vessels. Marine casualties and investigations. Marine investigation regulations--personnel action. Waivers of navigation and vessel inspection laws and regulations. Boundary lines. Vessel inspection alternatives. Extra compensation for overtime services. SUBCHAPTER B--MERCHANT MARINE OFFICERS AND SEAMEN Merchant mariner credential. Requirements for officer endorsements. Requirements for rating endorsements. Certification of tankermen. Shipment and discharge of merchant mariners. Manning requirements. Chemical testing. SUBCHAPTER C--UNINSPECTED VESSELS General provisions. Requirements. Operations.6 Towing vessels. Requirements for commercial fishing industry vessels. SUBCHAPTER D--TANK VESSELS General provisions. Inspection and certification. Special equipment, machinery, and hull requirements. Firefighting equipment. Operations.5 Elevated temperature cargoes. Liquefied flammable gases. Vapor control systems. SUBCHAPTER E--LOAD LINES [Reserved]41 Domestic and foreign voyages by sea. [Reserved]43 Special service limited domestic voyages. Great Lakes load lines. Subdivision load lines for passenger vessels. Combination load lines. SUBCHAPTER F--MARINE ENGINEERING General provisions. [Reserved]51 Power boilers. Heating boilers. Pressure vessels. Piping systems and appurtenances. [[Page 1259]] Welding and brazing. Main and auxiliary machinery and related systems. Repairs to boilers, pressure vessels and appurtenances. [Reserved]60 Periodic tests and inspections. Vital system automation. Automatic auxiliary boilers. Marine portable tanks and cargo handling systems. SUBCHAPTER G--DOCUMENTATION AND MEASUREMENT OF VESSELS [Reserved]66 Documentation of vessels. Documentation of vessels: exceptions to coastwise qualifications. Measurement of vessels. SUBCHAPTER H--PASSENGER VESSELS General provisions. Inspection and certification. Construction and arrangement. Fire protection equipment. Vessel control and miscellaneous systems and equipment. Operations.8 Disclosure of safety standards and country of registry. [Reserved]81--89 SUBCHAPTER I--CARGO AND MISCELLANEOUS VESSELS General provisions. Inspection and certification. Construction and arrangement. Stability.93 Fire protection equipment. Vessel control and miscellaneous systems and equipment. Operations.7 Special construction, arrangement, and other provisions for certain dangerous cargoes in bulk. Commercial fishing vessels dispensing petroleum products. Requirements for nonqualified vessels that perform certain aquaculture support operations. SUBCHAPTER I-A--MOBILE OFFSHORE DRILLING UNITS Inspection and certification. Design and equipment. Operations.09 SUBCHAPTER J--ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING General provisions. Electrical systems--general requirements. Emergency lighting and power systems. Communication and alarm systems and equipment. SUBCHAPTER K--SMALL PASSENGER VESSELS CARRYING MORE THAN 150 PASSENGERS OR WITH OVERNIGHT ACCOMMODATIONS FOR MORE THAN 49 PASSENGERS General provisions. Inspection and certification. Construction and arrangement. Lifesaving equipment and arrangements. Fire protection equipment. Machinery installation. Electrical installation. Vessel control and miscellaneous systems and equipment. Operations.22 [Reserved]123--124 SUBCHAPTER L--OFFSHORE SUPPLY VESSELS General. 125 Inspection and certification. [[Page 1260]] Construction and arrangements. Marine engineering: equipment and systems. Electrical installations. Vessel control, and miscellaneous equipment and systems. Operations.31 Fire-protection equipment. Lifesaving systems. Added provisions for liftboats. [Reserved]135 SUBCHAPTER M--TOWING VESSELS Certification. Vessel compliance. Towing Safety Management System (TSMS) Third-party organizations. Operations.40 Lifesaving.41 Fire protection. Machinery and electrical systems and equipment. Construction and arrangement. SUBCHAPTER N--DANGEROUS CARGOES [Reserved]140--146 Hazardous ships' stores. Interim regulations for shipboard fumigation. Carriage of bulk solid materials that require special handling. [Reserved]149 SUBCHAPTER O--CERTAIN BULK DANGEROUS CARGOES Compatibility of cargoes. Barges carrying bulk liquid hazardous material cargoes. [Reserved]152 Ships carrying bulk liquid, liquefied gas, or compressed gas hazardous materials. Safety standards for self-propelled vessels carrying bulk liquefied gases. [Reserved]155 SUBCHAPTER P--MANNING OF VESSELS--[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER Q--EQUIPMENT, CONSTRUCTION, AND MATERIALS: SPECIFICATIONS AND APPROVAL Approval of equipment and materials. Lifesaving equipment. Electrical equipment. Engineering equipment. Construction. Materials.164 [Reserved]165 SUBCHAPTER R--NAUTICAL SCHOOLS Designation and approval of nautical school ships. Public nautical school ships. Civilian nautical school vessels. Sailing school vessels. SUBCHAPTER S--SUBDIVISION AND STABILITY Stability requirements for all inspected vessels. Special rules pertaining to vessels carrying passengers. Special rules pertaining to bulk cargoes. Special rules pertaining to vessel use. Special rules pertaining to specific vessel types. General provisions. SUBCHAPTER T--SMALL PASSENGER VESSELS (UNDER 100 GROSS TONS) General provisions. Inspection and certification. Construction and arrangement. Intact stability and seaworthiness. [[Page 1261]] Subdivision, damage stability and watertight integrity. Lifesaving equipment and arrangements. Fire protection equipment. Machinery installation. Electrical installation. Vessel control and miscellaneous systems and equipment. Operations.85 [Reserved]186--187 SUBCHAPTER U--OCEANOGRAPHIC RESEARCH VESSELS General provisions. Inspection and certification. Construction and arrangement. [Reserved]191--192 Fire protection equipment. Handling, use, and control of explosives and other hazardous materials. Vessel control and miscellaneous systems and equipment. Operations.96 SUBCHAPTER V--MARINE OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS General provisions. [Reserved]198 SUBCHAPTER W--LIFESAVING APPLIANCES AND ARRANGEMENTS Lifesaving systems for certain inspected vessels. Chapter II--Maritime Administration, Department of Transportation (Parts 200--399)............................................................... SUBCHAPTER A--POLICY, PRACTICE AND PROCEDURE Rules of practice and procedure. Procedures relating to review by Secretary of Transportation of actions by Maritime Subsidy Board. Procedures relating to conduct of certain hearings under the Merchant Marine Act, 1936, as amended. Claims against the Maritime Administration under the Federal Tort Claims Act. Audit appeals; policy and procedure. SUBCHAPTER B--REGULATIONS AFFECTING MARITIME CARRIERS AND RELATED ACTIVITIES Regulated transactions involving documented vessels and other maritime interests. Uniform financial reporting requirements. SUBCHAPTER C--REGULATIONS AFFECTING SUBSIDIZED VESSELS AND OPERATORS Approval of underwriters for marine hull insurance. [Reserved]251--252 Requirements and procedures for conducting condition surveys and administering maintenance and repair subsidy. [Reserved]276 Domestic and foreign trade; interpretations. [Reserved]280--283 Establishment of construction reserve funds. Insurance of construction-differential subsidy vessels, operating-differential subsidy vessels and of vessels sold or adjusted under the Merchant Ship Sales Act of 1946. Maritime Security Program (MSP). Maritime Security Program (MSP). Tanker Security Program (TSP). SUBCHAPTER D--VESSEL FINANCING ASSISTANCE Obligation guarantees. SUBCHAPTER F--POSITION REPORTING SYSTEM Establishment of mandatory position reporting system for vessels. SUBCHAPTER G--EMERGENCY OPERATIONS War risk insurance. Values for war risk insurance. [[Page 1262]] SUBCHAPTER H--TRAINING Merchant Marine training. SUBCHAPTER I-A--NATIONAL SHIPPING AUTHORITY Agency agreements and appointment of agents. Procedural rules for financial transactions under agency agreements. Procedure to be followed by general agents in preparation of invoices and payment of compensation pursuant to provisions of NSA Order No. 47. Marine protection and indemnity insurance under agreements with agents. Seamen's claims; administrative action and litigation. Slop chests.8 Voyage data.9 Launch services. Repatriation of seamen. Authority and responsibility of general agents to undertake emergency repairs in foreign ports. Authority and responsibility of general agents to undertake in continental United States ports voyage repairs and service equipment of vessels operated for the account of the National Shipping Authority under general agency agreement. General agent's responsibility in connection with foreign repair custom's entries. Procedure for accomplishment of vessel repairs under National Shipping Authority master lump sum repair contract--NSA--LUMPSUMREP. Procedure for accomplishment of ship repairs under National Shipping Authority individual contract for minor repairs--NSA--WORKSMALREP. Priority use and allocation of shipping services, containers and chassis, and port facilities and services for National security and National defense related operations. SUBCHAPTER I-B CONTROL AND UTILIZATION OF PORTS Restrictions upon the transfer or change in use or in terms governing utilization of port facilities. Federal port controllers. Operating contract. Reemployment rights of certain merchant seamen. SUBCHAPTER J--MISCELLANEOUS Seamen's service awards. Depositories. Requirements for establishing United States citizenship. Requirements for vessels of 100 feet or greater in registered length to obtain a fishery endorsement to the vessel's documentation. Claims. 370 Procedures.80 Cargo preference--U.S.-flag vessels. Determination of fair and reasonable rates for the carriage of bulk and packaged preference cargoes on U.S.-flag commercial vessels. [Reserved]383 Research and development grant and cooperative agreements regulations. Regulations governing public buildings and grounds at the United States Merchant Marine Academy. Utilization and disposal of surplus federal real property for development or operation of a Port facility. Administrative waivers of the coastwise trade laws. Determination of availability of coastwise- qualified vessels for transportation of platform jackets. SUBCHAPTER K--REGULATIONS UNDER PUBLIC LAW 91-469 Capital Construction Fund. Federal income tax aspects of the Capital Construction Fund. [Reserved]392 America's Marine Highway Program. [Reserved]394--399 Chapter III--Coast Guard (Great Lakes Pilotage), Department of Homeland Security (Parts 400--499)............................................... [Reserved]400 [[Page 1263]] Great Lakes Pilotage regulations. Great Lakes Pilotage rules and orders. Great Lakes Pilotage uniform accounting system. Great Lakes Pilotage ratemaking. Chapter IV--Federal Maritime Commission (Parts 500--599)................ SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE PROVISIONS [Reserved]500 The Federal Maritime Commission--General. Rules of practice and procedure. Public information. Procedures for environmental policy analysis. Administrative offset. Civil monetary penalty inflation adjustment. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the Federal Maritime Commission. Employee ethical conduct standards and financial disclosure regulations. SUBCHAPTER B--REGULATIONS AFFECTING OCEAN SHIPPING IN FOREIGN COMMERCE Licensing, registration, financial responsibility requirements, and general duties for ocean transportation intermediaries. Carrier automated tariffs. Marine terminal operator schedules. Service contracts. NVOCC Service arrangements. NVOCC negotiated rate arrangements. Ocean common carrier and marine terminal operator agreements subject to the Shipping Act of 1984. Passenger vessel financial responsibility. Interpretations and statements of policy. SUBCHAPTER C--REGULATIONS AND ACTIONS TO ADDRESS RESTRICTIVE FOREIGN MARITIME PRACTICES Regulations to adjust or meet conditions unfavorable to shipping in the foreign trade of the United States. Actions to adjust or meet conditions unfavorable to shipping in the U.S. foreign trade. Actions to address adverse conditions affecting U.S.-flag carriers that do not exist for foreign carriers in the United States. Actions to address conditions unduly impairing access of U.S.-flag vessels to ocean trade between foreign ports. Controlled carriers. SUBCHAPTER D--REGULATIONS AFFECTING MARITIME CARRIERS AND RELATED ACTIVITIES IN FOREIGN COMMERCE--[RESERVED] TITLE 47--TELECOMMUNICATION Chapter I--Federal Communications Commission (Parts 0--199)............. SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL Part Commission organization. Practice and procedure. Frequency allocations and radio treaty matters. Authorization and administration of accounting authorities in maritime and maritime mobile- satellite radio services. Disruptions to communications. Experimental radio service. Access to telecommunications service, telecommunications equipment, and customer premises equipment by persons with disabilities. Access to voicemail and interactive menu services and equipment by people with disabilities. [[Page 1264]] Internet freedom. 911 requirements. Wireless emergency alerts. Emergency Alert System (EAS). Commercial radio operators. Access to advanced communications services and equipment by people with disabilities. Radio frequency devices. Construction, marking, and lighting of antenna structures. Industrial, scientific, and medical equipment. Employee responsibilities and conduct. SUBCHAPTER B--COMMON CARRIER SERVICES Commercial mobile services. Public mobile services. Personal communications services. Satellite communications. Miscellaneous wireless communications services. Upper Microwave Flexible Use Service. Uniform System of Accounts for telecommunications companies. Jurisdictional separations procedures; standard procedures for separating telecommunications property costs, revenues, expenses, taxes and reserves for telecommunications companies. [Reserved]37--39 Preservation of records of communication common carriers. Reports of communication common carriers, providers of international services and certain affiliates. Interconnection. Numbering.52 Special provisions concerning Bell operating companies. Universal service. Infrastructure sharing. Tariffs. 61 Extension of lines, new lines, and discontinuance, reduction, outage and impairment of service by common carriers; and grants of recognized private operating agency status. Miscellaneous rules relating to common carriers. Interstate rate of return prescription procedures and methodologies. Real-time text. Connection of terminal equipment to the telephone network. Access charges. SUBCHAPTER C--BROADCAST RADIO SERVICES [Reserved]70--72 Radio broadcast services. Experimental radio, auxiliary, special broadcast and other program distributional services. Multichannel video and cable television service. Cable television relay service. Accessibility of video programming. SUBCHAPTER D--SAFETY AND SPECIAL RADIO SERVICES Stations in the maritime services. Aviation services. Private land mobile radio services. [Reserved]94 Personal radio services. Citizens broadband radio service. Amateur radio service. Fixed microwave services. Chapter II--Office of Science and Technology Policy and National Security Council (Parts 200--299)....................................... Executive policy. Emergency security and emergency preparedness planning and execution. [[Page 1265]] Emergency restoration priority procedures for telecommunications services. Procedures for obtaining international telecommunication service for use during a wartime emergency. Government and public correspondence telecommunications precedence system. Procedures for the use and coordination of the radio spectrum during a wartime emergency. Federal government focal point for electromagnetic pulse (EMP) information. National Communications System Issuance System. Chapter III--National Telecommunications and Information Administration, Department of Commerce (Parts 300--399)................................. Manual of regulations and procedures for Federal radio frequency management. Relocation of and spectrum sharing by Federal Government stations. Connecting Minority Communities Pilot Program. Chapter IV--National Telecommunications and Information Administration, Department of Commerce, and National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Department of Transportation (Parts 400--499)........... 911 Grant Program. Chapter V--The First Responder Network Authority (Parts 500--599)....... SUBCHAPTER A--NATIONAL TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND INFORMATION ADMINISTRATION REGULATIONS Review and approval of fees proposed by the First Responder Network Authority (FIRSTNET). SUBCHAPTER B [RESERVED] TITLE 48--FEDERAL ACQUISITION REGULATIONS SYSTEM Chapter 1--Federal Acquisition Regulation (Parts 1--99)................. SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL Part Federal Acquisition Regulations System. Definitions of words and terms. Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest. Administrative and information matters. SUBCHAPTER B--ACQUISITION PLANNING Publicizing contract actions. Competition requirements. Acquisition planning. Required sources of supplies and services. Contractor qualifications. Market research. Describing agency needs. Acquisition of commercial items. SUBCHAPTER C--CONTRACTING METHODS AND CONTRACT TYPES Simplified acquisition procedures. Sealed bidding. Contracting by negotiation. Types of contracts. Special contracting methods. Emergency acquisitions. SUBCHAPTER D--SOCIOECONOMIC PROGRAMS Small business programs. [Reserved]20--21 Application of labor laws to Government acquisitions. Environment, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace. Protection of privacy and freedom of information. [[Page 1266]] Foreign acquisition. Other socioeconomic programs. SUBCHAPTER E--GENERAL CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS Patents, data, and copyrights. Bonds and insurance. Taxes. 29 Cost accounting standards administration. Contract cost principles and procedures. Contract financing. Protests, disputes, and appeals. SUBCHAPTER F--SPECIAL CATEGORIES OF CONTRACTING Major system acquisition. Research and development contracting. Construction and architect-engineer contracts. Service contracting. Federal supply schedule contracting. Acquisition of information technology. [Reserved]40 Acquisition of utility services. SUBCHAPTER G--CONTRACT MANAGEMENT Contract administration and audit services. Contract modifications. Subcontracting policies and procedures. Government property. Quality assurance. Transportation. Value engineering. Termination of contracts. Extraordinary contractual actions and the SAFETY Act. Use of Government sources by contractors. SUBCHAPTER H--CLAUSES AND FORMS Solicitation provisions and contract clauses. Forms. 53 [Reserved]54--99 Chapter 2--Defense Acquisition Regulations System, Department of Defense (Parts 200--299)........................................................ SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL Federal Acquisition Regulation System. Definitions of words and terms. Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest. Administrative matters. SUBCHAPTER B--ACQUISITION PLANNING Publicizing contract actions. Competition requirements. Acquisition planning. Required sources of supplies and services. Contractor qualifications. Market research. Describing agency needs. Acquisition of commercial products and commercial services. SUBCHAPTER C--CONTRACTING METHODS AND CONTRACT TYPES Simplified acquisition procedures. Sealed bidding. Contracting by negotiation. Types of contracts. Special contracting methods. Emergency acquisitions. SUBCHAPTER D--SOCIOECONOMIC PROGRAMS Small business programs. [[Page 1267]] Application of labor laws to Government acquisitions. Environment, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace. Protection of privacy and freedom of information. Foreign acquisition. Other socioeconomic programs. SUBCHAPTER E--GENERAL CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS Patents, data, and copyrights. Bonds and insurance. Taxes. 229 Cost accounting standards administration. Contract cost principles and procedures. Contract financing. Protests, disputes, and appeals. SUBCHAPTER F--SPECIAL CATEGORIES OF CONTRACTING Major system acquisition. Research and development contracting. Construction and architect-engineer contracts. Service contracting. Acquisition of information technology. Acquisition of utility services. SUBCHAPTER G--CONTRACT MANAGEMENT Contract administration and audit services. Contract modifications. Subcontracting policies and procedures. Government property. Quality assurance. Transportation. Termination of contracts. Extraordinary contractual actions and the Safety Act. Use of government sources by contractors. SUBCHAPTER H--CLAUSES AND FORMS Solicitation provisions and contract clauses. Forms. 253 SUBCHAPTER I--AGENCY SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS--[RESERVED] Appendix A to Chapter 2--Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals. Appendixes B--E to Chapter 2--[Reserved] Appendix F to Chapter 2--Material inspection and receiving report. Appendix G to Chapter 2--[Reserved] Appendix H to Chapter 2--Debarment and suspension procedures. Appendix I to Chapter 2--Policy and procedure for the DoD Pilot Mentor- Protege Program. Chapter 3--Department of Health and Human Services (Parts 300--399)..... SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL HHS Acquisition Regulation System. Definitions of words and terms. Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest. Administrative matters. SUBCHAPTER B--COMPETITION AND ACQUISITION PLANNING Publicizing contract actions. Competition requirements. Acquisition planning. Required sources of supplies and services. Contractor qualifications. Market research. Describing agency needs. Acquisition of commercial items. [[Page 1268]] SUBCHAPTER C--CONTRACTING METHODS AND CONTRACT TYPES Simplified acquisition procedures. Sealed bidding. Contracting by negotiation. Types of contracts. Special contracting methods. SUBCHAPTER D--SOCIOECONOMIC PROGRAMS Small business programs. Application of labor laws to government acquisitions. Environment, energy, and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace. Protection of privacy and freedom of information. Other socioeconomic programs. SUBCHAPTER E--GENERAL CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS Patents, data, and copyrights. [Reserved]328 Cost accounting standards. Contract cost principles and procedures. Contract financing. Protests, disputes, and appeals. SUBCHAPTER F--SPECIAL CATEGORIES OF CONTRACTING Major system acquisition. Research and development contracting. Construction and architect-engineer contracts. Service contracting--General. Acquisition of information technology. SUBCHAPTER G--CONTRACT MANAGEMENT Contract administration. SUBCHAPTER H--CLAUSES AND FORMS Solicitation provisions and contract clauses. Forms. [Reserved] SUBCHAPTERS I--L--[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER M--HHS SUPPLEMENTATIONS Special programs affecting acquisition. Chapter 4--Department of Agriculture (Parts 400--499)................... SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL E-911 Grant Program. Agriculture Acquisition Regulation System. Definitions of words and terms. Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest. Administrative matters. SUBCHAPTER B--COMPETITION AND ACQUISITION PLANNING Publicizing contract actions. Competition requirements. Acquisition planning. Required sources of supplies and services. Contractor qualifications. Market research. Describing agency needs. Acquisition of commercial items. SUBCHAPTER C--CONTRACTING METHODS AND CONTRACT TYPES Simplified acquisition procedures. Sealed bidding. Contracting by negotiation. Types of contracts. Special contracting methods. [Reserved]418 [[Page 1269]] SUBCHAPTER D--SOCIOECONOMIC PROGRAMS Small business programs. [Reserved]420--421 Application of labor laws to Government acquisitions. Environment, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace. Protection of privacy and freedom of information. Foreign acquisition. Other socioeconomic programs. SUBCHAPTER E--GENERAL CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS Patents, data and copyrights. Bonds and insurance. Cost accounting standards administration. Contract cost principles and procedures. Contract financing. Protests, disputes, and appeals. SUBCHAPTER F--SPECIAL CATEGORIES OF CONTRACTING Major system acquisition. Research and development contracting. Construction and architect-engineer contracts. Service contracting. [Reserved]438 Acquisition of information technology. [Reserved]440 Acquisition of utility services. SUBCHAPTER G--CONTRACT MANAGEMENT Contract administration. [Reserved]443--444 Government property. Quality assurance. Transportation. [Reserved]448 Termination of contracts. Extraordinary contractual actions. [Reserved]451 SUBCHAPTER H--CLAUSES AND FORMS Solicitation provisions and contract clauses. Forms. 453 SUBCHAPTER I--FOOD ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS Commodity acquisitions. Chapter 5--General Services Administration (Parts 500--599)............. SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL General Services Administration Acquisition Regulations System. Definitions of words and terms. Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest. Administrative matters. SUBCHAPTER B--COMPETITION AND ACQUISITION PLANNING [Reserved]505 Contractor qualifications. Describing agency needs. Acquisition of commercial products and commercial services. SUBCHAPTER C--CONTRACTING METHODS AND CONTRACT TYPES Simplified acquisition procedures. Sealed bidding. Contracting by negotiation. Types of contracts. Special contracting methods. [[Page 1270]] SUBCHAPTER D--SOCIOECONOMIC PROGRAMS Small business programs. Application of labor laws to Government acquisitions. Environment, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace. Foreign acquisition. SUBCHAPTER E--GENERAL CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS Patents, data, and copyrights. Bonds and insurance. Taxes. 529 Contract financing. Protests, disputes, and appeals. SUBCHAPTER F--SPECIAL CATEGORIES OF CONTRACTING Construction and architect-engineer contracts. Service contracting. Federal Supply Schedule contracting. [Reserved]539 SUBCHAPTER G--CONTRACT MANAGEMENT Acquisition of utility services. Contract administration and audit services. Contract modifications. Quality assurance. [Reserved]547 SUBCHAPTER H--CLAUSES AND FORMS Solicitation provisions and contract clauses. [Reserved]553 SUBCHAPTER I--SPECIAL CONTRACTING PROGRAMS Acquiring leasehold interests in real property. Chapter 6--Department of State (Parts 600--699)......................... SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL Department of State Acquisition Regulation System. Definitions of words and terms. Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest. Administrative matters. SUBCHAPTER B--ACQUISITION PLANNING Publicizing contract actions. Competition requirements. Acquisition planning. Required sources of supplies and services. Contractor qualifications. Describing agency needs. Acquisition of commercial items. SUBCHAPTER C--CONTRACTING METHODS AND CONTRACT TYPES Simplified acquisition procedures. Sealed bidding. Contracting by negotiation. Types of contracts. Special contracting methods. SUBCHAPTER D--SOCIOECONOMIC PROGRAMS Small business programs. Application of labor laws to Government acquisitions. Environment, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace. Protection of privacy and freedom of information. Foreign acquisition. SUBCHAPTER E--GENERAL CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS Patents, data, and copyrights. [[Page 1271]] Bonds and insurance. Taxes. 629 Cost accounting standards administration. Contract cost principles and procedures. Contract financing. Protests, disputes, and appeals. SUBCHAPTER F--SPECIAL CATEGORIES OF CONTRACTING Major system acquisition. Construction and architect-engineer contracts. Service contracting. Acquisition of information technology. Acquisition of utility services. SUBCHAPTER G--CONTRACT MANAGEMENT Contract administration and audit services. Contract modifications. Subcontracting policies and procedures. Government property. Transportation. Value engineering. Termination of contracts. Use of government sources by contractors. SUBCHAPTER H--CLAUSES AND FORMS Solicitation provisions and contract clauses. Forms. 653 Chapter 7--Agency for International Development (Parts 700--799)........ SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL Federal Acquisition Regulation System. Definitions of words and terms. Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest. Administrative matters. SUBCHAPTER B--ACQUISITION PLANNING Publicizing contract actions. Competition requirements. Acquisition planning. Contractor qualifications. Describing agency needs. SUBCHAPTER C--CONTRACTING METHODS AND CONTRACT TYPES Simplified acquisition procedures. Sealed bidding. Contracting by negotiation. Types of contracts. Special contracting methods. SUBCHAPTER D--SOCIOECONOMIC PROGRAMS Small business programs. Application of labor laws to Government acquisition. Protection of privacy and freedom of information. Foreign acquisition. Other socioeconomic programs. SUBCHAPTER E--GENERAL CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS Patents, data, and copyrights. Bonds and insurance. Contract cost principles and procedures. Contract financing. Protests, disputes, and appeals. SUBCHAPTER F--SPECIAL CATEGORIES OF CONTRACTING Major system acquisition. Construction and architect-engineer contracts. [Reserved]737 [[Page 1272]] SUBCHAPTER G--CONTRACT MANAGEMENT Contract administration. Government property. Transportation. Termination of contracts. Extraordinary contractual actions. SUBCHAPTER H--CLAUSES AND FORMS Solicitation provisions and contract clauses. Forms. 753 Appendixes A--C to Chapter 7--[Reserved] Appendix D to Chapter 7--Direct USAID contracts with a U.S. citizen or a U.S. resident alien for personal services abroad. Appendix E to Chapter 7--[Reserved] Appendix F to Chapter 7--Use of collaborative assistance method for Title XII activities. Appendixes G--H to Chapter 7--[Reserved] Appendix I to Chapter 7--USAID's academic publishing policy. Appendix J to Chapter 7--Direct USAID contracts with a cooperating country national and with a third country national for personal services abroad. Chapter 8--Department of Veterans Affairs (Parts 800--899).............. SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL Department of Veterans Affairs Acquisition Regulation System. Definitions of words and terms. Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest. Administrative and information matters. SUBCHAPTER B--COMPETITION AND ACQUISITION PLANNING Competition requirements. Required sources of supplies and services. Contractor qualifications. Market research. Describing agency needs. Acquisition of commercial products and commercial services. SUBCHAPTER C--CONTRACTING METHODS AND CONTRACT TYPES Simplified acquisition procedures. Sealed bidding. Contracting by negotiation. Types of contracts. Special contracting methods. SUBCHAPTER D--SOCIOECONOMIC PROGRAMS Small business programs. Application of labor laws to Government acquisitions. Environment, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety, and drug-free workplaces. Protection of privacy and freedom of information. Foreign acquisition. Other socioeconomic programs. SUBCHAPTER E--GENERAL CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS Bonds and insurance. Taxes. 829 [Reserved]830 Contract cost principles and procedures. Contract financing. Protests, disputes, and appeals. SUBCHAPTER F--SPECIAL CATEGORIES OF CONTRACTING Research and development contacting. Construction and architect-engineer contracts. [[Page 1273]] Service contracting. Acquisition of information technology. Acquisition of utility services. SUBCHAPTER G--CONTRACT MANAGEMENT Contract administration and audit services. Contract modifications. Subcontracting policies and procedures. Government property. Quality assurance. Transportation. Termination of contracts. SUBCHAPTER H--CLAUSES AND FORMS Solicitation provisions and contract clauses. Forms. 853 SUBCHAPTER I--DEPARTMENT SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS [Reserved]870 Loan guaranty and vocational rehabilitation and employment programs. [Reserved]872 Simplified procedures for health-care resources. Chapter 9--Department of Energy (Parts 900--999)........................ SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL Federal Acquisition Regulations System. Definitions of words and terms. Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest. Administrative matters. SUBCHAPTER B--COMPETITION ACQUISITION PLANNING Publicizing contract actions. Competition requirements. Required sources of supplies and services. Contractor qualifications. Describing agency needs. Acquisition of commercial items. SUBCHAPTER C--CONTRACTING METHODS AND CONTRACT TYPES Simplified acquisition procedures. Sealed bidding. Contracting by negotiation. Types of contracts. Special contracting methods. SUBCHAPTER D--SOCIOECONOMIC PROGRAMS Small business programs. Application of labor laws to Government acquisition. Environment, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace. Protection of privacy and freedom of information. Foreign acquisition. Other socioeconomic programs. SUBCHAPTER E--GENERAL CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS Patents, data, and copyrights. Bonds and insurance. Contract cost principles and procedures. Contract financing. Protests, disputes, and appeals. SUBCHAPTER F--SPECIAL CATEGORIES OF CONTRACTING Research and development contracting. Construction and architect-engineer contracts. Service contracting. Acquisition of information technology. Acquisition of utility services. [[Page 1274]] SUBCHAPTER G--CONTRACT MANAGEMENT Contract administration and audit services. Government property. Transportation. Termination of contracts. Extraordinary contractual actions and the Safety Act. Use of Government sources by contractors. SUBCHAPTER H--CLAUSES AND FORMS Solicitation provisions and contract clauses. SUBCHAPTER I--AGENCY SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS DOE management and operating contracts. Chapter 10--Department of the Treasury (Parts 1000--1099)............... SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL Department of the Treasury Acquisition Regulation (DTAR) System. Definitions of words and terms. SUBCHAPTER B--ACQUISITION PLANNING Contractor qualifications. SUBCHAPTER C--CONTRACTING METHODS AND CONTRACT TYPES Types of contracts. SUBCHAPTER D--SOCIOECONOMIC PROGRAMS Small business programs. Minority and women inclusion. SUBCHAPTER E--GENERAL CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS Bonds and insurance. Contract financing. Protests, disputes, and appeals. SUBCHAPTER F--SPECIAL CATEGORIES OF CONTRACTING Major system acquisition. Construction and architect-engineer contracts. SUBCHAPTER G--CONTRACT MANAGEMENT Contract administration and audit services. SUBCHAPTER H--CLAUSES AND FORMS Solicitation provisions and contract clauses. Chapter 12--Department of Transportation (Parts 1200--1299)............. SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL Federal Acquisition Regulations System. Definitions of words and terms. Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest. Administrative matters. SUBCHAPTER B--ACQUISITION PLANNING Publicizing contract actions. Competition requirements. Acquisition planning. Contractor qualifications. Describing agency needs. Acquisition of commercial products and services. SUBCHAPTER C--CONTRACTING METHODS AND CONTRACT TYPES Simplified acquisition procedures. Sealed bidding. Contracting by negotiation. Types of contracts. Special contracting methods. SUBCHAPTER D--SOCIOECONOMIC PROGRAMS Small business programs. [[Page 1275]] Application of labor laws to Government acquisitions. Environment, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace. Protection of privacy and freedom of information. SUBCHAPTER E--GENERAL CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS Patents, data, and copyrights. Bonds and insurance. Contract cost principles and procedures. Contract financing. Protests, disputes, and appeals. SUBCHAPTER F--SPECIAL CATEGORIES OF CONTRACTING [Reserved]1234 Research and development contracting. Construction and architect-engineer contracts. Service contracting. Acquisition of information technology. SUBCHAPTER G--CONTRACT MANAGEMENT Contract administration and audit services. Government property. Quality assurance. Transportation. SUBCHAPTER H--CLAUSES AND FORMS Solicitation provisions and contract clauses. Forms. 1253 Chapter 13--Department of Commerce (Parts 1300--1399)................... SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL Department of Commerce Acquisition Regulations System. Definitions of words and terms. Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest. Administrative matters. SUBCHAPTER B--COMPETITION AND ACQUISITION PLANNING Publicizing contact actions. Competition requirements. Acquisition planning. Required sources of supplies and services. Contractor qualifications. Describing agency needs. Acquisition of commercial items. SUBCHAPTER C--CONTRACTING METHODS AND CONTRACT TYPES Simplified acquisition procedures. Sealed bidding. Contracting by negotiation. Types of contracts. Special contracting methods. Emergency acquisitions. SUBCHAPTER D--SOCIOECONOMIC PROGRAMS Small business programs. Application of labor laws to Government acquisitions. Environment, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace. Application of labor laws to Government acquisitions. Environment, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace. Other socioeconomic programs. SUBCHAPTER E--GENERAL CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS Patents, data, and copyrights. Bonds and insurance. Taxes. 1329 [[Page 1276]] Cost accounting standards administration. Contract cost principles and procedures. Contract financing. Protests, disputes, and appeals. SUBCHAPTER F--SPECIAL CATEGORIES OF CONTRACTING Major system acquisition. Research and development contracting. Construction and architect-engineer contracts. Service contracting. Acquisition of information technology. Acquisition of utility services. SUBCHAPTER G--CONTRACT MANAGEMENT Contract administration. Subcontracting policies and procedures. Government property. Quality assurance. Value engineering. Termination of contracts. Extraordinary contractual actions. SUBCHAPTER H--CLAUSES AND FORMS Solicitation provisions and contract clauses. Forms. 1353 SUBCHAPTER I--DEPARTMENT SUPPLEMENTAL REGULATIONS Universal solicitation provisions and contract clauses. Acquisitions involving ship construction and ship repair. Chapter 14--Department of the Interior (Parts 1400--1499)............... SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL Department of the Interior Acquisition Regulation System. Definitions of words and terms. Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest. Administrative matters. SUBCHAPTER B--COMPETITION AND ACQUISITION PLANNING Publicizing contract actions. Competition requirements. Acquisition planning. Required sources of supplies and services. Contractor qualifications. [Reserved]1410--1412 SUBCHAPTER C--CONTRACTING METHODS AND CONTRACT TYPES Simplified acquisition procedures. Sealed bidding. Contracting by negotiation. Types of contracts. Special contracting methods. [Reserved]1418 SUBCHAPTER D--SOCIOECONOMIC PROGRAMS Small business programs. [Reserved]1420--1421 Application of labor laws to government acquisitions. [Reserved]1423 Protection of privacy and freedom of information. Foreign acquisition. Other socio-economic programs. SUBCHAPTER E--GENERAL CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS Patents, data, and copyrights. Bonds and insurance. Taxes. 1429 Cost accounting standards administration. [[Page 1277]] Contract cost principles and procedures. Contract financing. Protests, disputes, and appeals. SUBCHAPTER F--SPECIAL CATEGORIES OF CONTRACTING [Reserved]1434 Research and development contracting. Construction and architect-engineer contracts. Service contracting. [Reserved]1438--1441 SUBCHAPTER G--CONTRACT MANAGEMENT Contract administration and audit services. Contract modifications. [Reserved]1444 Government property. Quality assurance. [Reserved]1447 Value engineering. Termination of contracts. Extraordinary contractual actions and the Safety Act. Use of government sources by contractors. Solicitation provisions and contract clauses. Chapter 15--Environmental Protection Agency (Parts 1500--1599).......... SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL General. 1501 Definition of words and terms. Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest. Administrative matters. SUBCHAPTER B--ACQUISITION PLANNING Publicizing contract actions. Competition requirements. Required sources of supply. Contractor qualifications. Describing agency needs. Acquisition of commercial items. SUBCHAPTER C--CONTRACTING METHODS AND CONTRACT TYPES Simplified acquisition procedures. Sealed bidding. Contracting by negotiation. Types of contracts. Special contracting methods. SUBCHAPTER D--SOCIOECONOMIC PROGRAMS Small business programs. Labor surplus area concerns. Environment, conservation, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace. Protection of privacy and freedom of information. Foreign acquisition. SUBCHAPTER E--GENERAL CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS Patents, data and copyrights. Bonds and insurance. Taxes. 1529 Cost accounting standards. Contract cost principles and procedures. Contract financing. Protests, disputes and appeals. SUBCHAPTER F--SPECIAL CATEGORIES OF CONTRACTING Research and development contracting. Construction and architect-engineer contracts. Service contracting. Acquisition of information technology. [[Page 1278]] SUBCHAPTER G--CONTRACT MANAGEMENT Contract administration. Government property. Quality assurance. [Reserved]1548 SUBCHAPTER H--CLAUSES AND FORMS Solicitation provisions and contract clauses. Forms. 1553 Appendix I to Chapter 15--Environmental Protection Agency; class justification for other than full and open competition in acquisitions from the Federal Prison Industries and the Government Printing Office. Chapter 16--Office of Personnel Management, Federal Employees Health Benefits Acquisition Regulation (Parts 1600--1699)...................... SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL Federal Acquisition Regulations System. Definitions of words and terms. Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest. Administrative matters. SUBCHAPTER B--ACQUISITION PLANNING Publicizing contract actions. Competition requirements. Contractor qualifications. SUBCHAPTER C--CONTRACTING METHODS AND CONTRACT TYPES Sealed bidding. Contracting by negotiation. Types of contracts. SUBCHAPTER D--SOCIOECONOMIC PROGRAM Application of labor laws to Government acquisitions. Protection of privacy and freedom of information. SUBCHAPTER E--GENERAL CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS Taxes. 1629 Contract cost principles and procedures. Contract financing. [Reserved]1633 SUBCHAPTER G--CONTRACT MANAGEMENT Contract administration. Contract modifications. Subcontracting policies and procedures. Government property. Quality assurance. Termination of contracts. SUBCHAPTER H--CLAUSES AND FORMS Contract clauses. Forms. 1653 Cost accounting standards. Chapter 17--Office of Personnel Management (Parts 1700--1799)........... Protests, disputes, and appeals. Chapter 18--National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Parts 1800-- 1899)................................................................... SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL Federal Acquisition Regulations System. Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest. Administrative matters. SUBCHAPTER B--COMPETITION AND ACQUISITION PLANNING Publicizing contract actions. [[Page 1279]] Competition requirements. Acquisition planning. Required sources of supplies and services. Contractor qualifications. Describing agency needs. Acquisition of commercial items. SUBCHAPTER C--CONTRACTING METHODS AND CONTRACTING TYPES Simplified acquisition procedures. Sealed bidding. Contracting by negotiation. Types of contracts. Special contracting methods. SUBCHAPTER D--SOCIOECONOMIC PROGRAMS Small business programs. Application of labor laws to Government acquisitions. Environment, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace. Protection of privacy and freedom of information. Foreign acquisition. SUBCHAPTER E--GENERAL CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS Patents, data, and copyrights. Bonds and insurance. Cost accounting standards administration. Contract cost principles and procedures. Contract financing. Protests, disputes, and appeals. SUBCHAPTER F--SPECIAL CATEGORIES OF CONTRACTING Major system acquisition. Research and development contracting. Construction and architect-engineer contracts. Service contracting. Acquisition of information technology. SUBCHAPTER G--CONTRACT MANAGEMENT [Reserved]1840 Acquisition of utility services. Contract administration and audit services. Contract modification. Subcontracting policies and procedures. Government property. Quality assurance. Transportation. Termination of contracts. Extraordinary contractual actions. Use of Government sources by contractors. SUBCHAPTER H--CLAUSES AND FORMS Solicitation provisions and contract clauses. [Reserved]1853 SUBCHAPTER I--AGENCY SUPPLEMENTARY REGULATIONS [Reserved]1872 Chapter 19--Broadcasting Board of Governors (Parts 1900--1999).......... SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL The Broadcasting Board of Governors Acquisition Regulation System. Definitions of words and terms. Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest. Administrative matters. SUBCHAPTER B--ACQUISITION PLANNING Contractor qualifications. Specifications, standards and other purchase descriptions. [[Page 1280]] SUBCHAPTER C--CONTRACTING METHODS AND CONTRACT TYPES Small purchase and other simplified purchase procedures. Contracting by negotiation. Special contracting methods. SUBCHAPTER D--F--[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER G--CONTRACT MANAGEMENT Contract administration. Quality assurance. SUBCHAPTER H--CLAUSES AND FORMS Solicitation provisions and contract clauses. Forms. 1953 Chapter 20--Nuclear Regulatory Commission (Parts 2000--2099)............ SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL Nuclear Regulatory Commission Acquisition Regulation System. Definitions.02 Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest. Administrative matters. SUBCHAPTER B--COMPETITION AND ACQUISITION PLANNING Publicizing contract actions. Contractor qualifications. Describing agency needs. SUBCHAPTER C--CONTRACTING METHODS AND CONTRACT TYPES Simplified acquisition procedures. [Reserved] Sealed bidding. Contracting by negotiation. Types of contracts. Special contracting methods. SUBCHAPTER D--SOCIOECONOMIC PROGRAMS Small business programs. Application of labor laws to government acquisitions. Protection of privacy and freedom of information. SUBCHAPTER E--GENERAL CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS Patents, data, and copyrights. Cost accounting standards. Contract cost principles and procedures. Contract financing. Protests, disputes, and appeals. SUBCHAPTER F--SPECIAL CATEGORIES OF CONTRACTING Research and development contracting. SUBCHAPTER G--CONTRACT MANAGEMENT Contract administration. Government property. SUBCHAPTER H--CLAUSES AND FORMS Solicitation provisions and contract clauses. Chapter 21--Office of Personnel Management, Federal Employees Group Life Insurance Federal Acquisition Regulation (Parts 2100--2199)............. SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL Federal Acquisition Regulations System. Definitions of words and terms. Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest. Administrative matters. SUBCHAPTER B--ACQUISITION PLANNING Publicizing contract actions. Competition requirements. [[Page 1281]] Contractor qualifications. Specifications, standards, and other purchase descriptions. SUBCHAPTER C--CONTRACTING METHODS AND CONTRACT TYPES Sealed bidding. Contracting by negotiation. Types of contracts. SUBCHAPTER D--SOCIOECONOMIC PROGRAMS Application of labor laws to Government acquisitions. Protection of privacy and freedom of information. SUBCHAPTER E--GENERAL CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS Bonds and insurance. Taxes. 2129 Contract cost principles and procedures. Contract financing. [Reserved]2133 SUBCHAPTER F--SPECIAL CATEGORIES OF CONTRACTING Service contracting. SUBCHAPTER G--CONTRACT MODIFICATIONS Contract modifications. Subcontracting policies and procedures. Quality assurance. Termination of contracts. SUBCHAPTER H--CLAUSES AND FORMS Precontract provisions and contract clauses. Chapter 23--Social Security Administration (Parts 2300--2399)........... Social Security Acquisition Regulation System. Chapter 24--Department of Housing and Urban Development (Parts 2400-- 2499)................................................................... SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL Federal Acquisition Regulations System. Definitions of words and terms. Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest. Administrative matters. SUBCHAPTER B--COMPETITION AND ACQUISITION PLANNING Publicizing contract actions. Competition requirements. Acquisition planning. Required sources of supplies and services. Contractor qualifications. SUBCHAPTER C--CONTRACTING METHODS AND CONTRACT TYPES Simplified acquisition procedures. Sealed bidding. Contracting by negotiation. Types of contracts. Special contracting methods. SUBCHAPTER D--SOCIOECONOMIC PROGRAMS Small business programs. Application of labor laws to Government acquisitions. Protection of privacy and freedom of information. Trade Agreements Act. Other socioeconomic programs. Patents, data, and copyrights. SUBCHAPTER E--GENERAL CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS Bonds and insurance. Taxes. 2429 Contract financing. [[Page 1282]] Protests, disputes, and appeals. Major system acquisitions. SUBCHAPTER F--SPECIAL CATEGORIES OF CONTRACTING Construction and architect-engineer contracts. Service contracting. Acquisition of information technology. SUBCHAPTER G--CONTRACT MANAGEMENT Contract Administration and audit services. Subcontracting policies and procedures. Quality assurance. Value engineering. Termination of contracts. Use of Government sources by contractors. SUBCHAPTER H--CLAUSES AND FORMS Solicitation provisions and contract clauses. Forms. 2453 SUBCHAPTER U--HUD SUPPLEMENTATIONS Special programs affecting acquisition. Chapter 25--National Science Foundation (Parts 2500--2599).............. SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL Federal Acquisition Regulations System. SUBCHAPTER B--ACQUISITION PLANNING Contractor qualifications. SUBCHAPTER C--CONTRACTING METHODS AND CONTRACT TYPES Contracting by negotiation. SUBCHAPTER E--GENERAL CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS Patents, data, and copyrights. Contract financing. Chapter 28--Department of Justice (Parts 2800--2899).................... SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL Department of Justice Acquisition Regulations System. Definitions of words and terms. Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest. Administrative matters. SUBCHAPTER B--COMPETITION AND ACQUISITION PLANNING Publicizing contract actions. Competition requirements. Acquisition planning. Required sources of supplies and services. Contractor qualifications. Market research. Describing agency needs. Acquisition of commercial items. SUBCHAPTER C--CONTRACTING METHODS AND CONTRACT TYPES Simplified acquisition procedures. Sealed bidding. Contracting by negotiation. Types of contracts. Special contracting methods. SUBCHAPTER D--SOCIOECONOMIC PROGRAMS Small business programs. Application of labor laws to Government acquisitions. Environment, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace. Protection of privacy and freedom of information. Foreign acquisition. [[Page 1283]] SUBCHAPTER E--GENERAL CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS Patents, data, and copyrights. Bonds and insurance. Taxes. 2829 Cost accounting standards administration. Contract cost principles and procedures. Contract financing. Protests, disputes, and appeals. SUBCHAPTER F--SPECIAL CATEGORIES OF CONTRACTING Major system acquisition. Construction and architect-engineer contracts. Service contracting. Acquisition of information technology. Acquisition of utility services. SUBCHAPTER G--CONTRACT MANAGEMENT Contract administration and audit services. Government property. Quality assurance. Value engineering. Termination of contracts. Extraordinary contractual actions and the Safety Act. SUBCHAPTER H--CLAUSES AND FORMS Solicitation provisions and contract clauses. Chapter 29--Department of Labor (Parts 2900--2999)...................... SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL Department of Labor Acquisition Regulation System. Definition of words and terms. Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest. Administrative matters. SUBCHAPTER B--ACQUISITION PLANNING Publicizing contract actions. Competition requirements. Acquisition planning. Required sources of supplies and services. Contractor qualifications. Market research. Describing agency needs. Acquisition of commercial items. Simplified acquisition procedures. SUBCHAPTER C--CONTRACTING METHODS AND CONTRACT TYPES Sealed bidding. Contracting by negotiation. Types of contracts. Special contracting methods. SUBCHAPTER D--SOCIOECONOMIC PROGRAMS [Reserved]2918 Small business and small disadvantaged business concerns. [Reserved]2920--2921 Application of labor laws to Government acquisitions. Environment, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies, occupational safety, and drug-free workplace. [Reserved]2924--2927 SUBCHAPTER E--GENERAL CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS Bonds and insurance. Taxes. 2929 Cost accounting standards administration. Contract cost principles and procedures. Contract financing. [[Page 1284]] Protests, disputes and appeals. [Reserved]2934--2935 SUBCHAPTER F--SPECIAL CATEGORIES OF CONTRACTING Construction and architect-engineer contracts. Service contracting. [Reserved]2938--2941 SUBCHAPTER G--CONTRACT MANAGEMENT Contract administration and audit services. Contract modifications. Subcontracting policies and procedures. Government property. [Reserved]2946--2951 SUBCHAPTER H--CLAUSES and FORMS Solicitation provisions and contract clauses. Forms. 2953 Chapter 30--Department of Homeland Security, Homeland Security Acquisition Regulation (HSAR) (Parts 3000--3099)........................ SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL Federal Acquisition Regulation System. Definitions of words and terms. Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest. Administrative matters. SUBCHAPTER B--ACQUISITION PLANNING Publicizing contract actions. Competition requirements. Acquisition planning. [Reserved]3008 Contractor qualifications. [Reserved]3010 Describing agency needs. Acquisition of commercial items. SUBCHAPTER C--CONTRACT METHODS AND CONTRACT TYPES [Reserved]3013 [Reserved]3014 Contracting by negotiation. Types of contracts. Special contracting methods. Emergency acquisitions. SUBCHAPTER D--SOCIOECONOMIC PROGRAMS Small business programs. [Reserved]3020--3021 Application of labor laws to Government acquisitions. Environment, energy and water efficiency, renewable energy technologies occupational safety, and drug-free workplace. Protection of privacy and freedom of information. Foreign acquisition. [Reserved]3026 Patents, data, and copyrights. Bonds and insurance. SUBCHAPTER E--GENERAL CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS Taxes. [Reserved] Cost accounting standards administration. Contract cost principles and procedures. Contract financing. Protests, disputes, and appeals. Major system acquisition. SUBCHAPTER F--SPECIAL CATEGORIES OF CONTRACTING Research and development contracting. [[Page 1285]] Construction and architect-engineer contracts. Service contracting. [Reserved]3038--3041 SUBCHAPTER G--CONTRACT MANAGEMENT Contract administration and audit services. [Reserved]3043--3045 Quality assurance. Transportation. [Reserved]3048 Termination of contracts. [Reserved]3050--3051 SUBCHAPTER H--CLAUSES AND FORMS Solicitation provisions and contract clauses. Forms. 3053 Chapter 34--Department of Education Acquisition Regulation (Parts 3400-- 3499)................................................................... SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL ED Acquisition Regulation System. Definitions of words and terms. Improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest. Administrative and information matters. SUBCHAPTER B--COMPETITION AND ACQUISITION PLANNING Publicizing contract actions. Competition requirements. Acquisition planning. Required sources of supplies and services. Contractor qualifications. Acquisition of commercial products and commercial services. SUBCHAPTER C--CONTRACTING METHODS AND CONTRACT TYPES Simplified acquisition procedures. Sealed bidding. Contracting by negotiation. Types of contracts. Special contracting methods. SUBCHAPTER D--SOCIOECONOMIC PROGRAMS Small business programs. Application of labor laws to government acquisitions. Protection of privacy and freedom of information. Foreign acquisition. SUBCHAPTER E--GENERAL CONTRACTING REQUIREMENTS Patents, data, and copyrights. Bonds and insurance. Cost accounting standards administration. Contract cost principles and procedures. Contract financing. Protests, disputes, and appeals. SUBCHAPTER F--SPECIAL CATEGORIES OF CONTRACTING Service contracting. Acquisition of information technology. SUBCHAPTER G--CONTRACT MANAGEMENT Contract administration and audit services. Contract modifications. Government property. Transportation. SUBCHAPTER H--CLAUSES AND FORMS Solicitation provisions and contract clauses. [[Page 1286]] Chapter 51--Department of the Army Acquisition Regulations (Parts 5100-- 5199) [Reserved]........................................................ Chapter 52--Department of the Navy Acquisition Regulations (Parts 5200-- 5299)................................................................... Contract cost principles and procedures. [Reserved]5242--5299 Chapter 53--Department of the Air Force Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (Parts 5300--5399) [Reserved]................................ Chapter 54--Defense Logistics Agency, Department of Defense (Parts 5400--5499)............................................................. Types of contracts. Protests, disputes, and appeals. Solicitation provisions and contract clauses. Chapter 57--African Development Foundation (Parts 5700--5799)........... SUBCHAPTER B--ACQUISITION PLANNING Competition requirements. Chapter 61--Civilian Board of Contract Appeals, General Services Administration (Parts 6100--6199)....................................... Rules of procedure of the Civilian Board of Contract Appeals. Crop insurance cases. Transportation rate cases. Travel and relocation expenses cases. Decisions authorized by 31 U.S.C. 3529. Rules of procedure for Arbitration of public assistance eligibility or repayment. Chapter 99--Cost Accounting Standards Board, Office of Federal Procurement Policy, Office of Management and Budget (Parts 9900--9999).. Scope of chapter. SUBCHAPTER A--ADMINISTRATION Rules and procedures. [Reserved]9902 SUBCHAPTER B--PROCUREMENT PRACTICES AND COST ACCOUNTING STANDARDS Contract coverage. Cost accounting standards. Cost accounting standards for educational institutions. TITLE 49--TRANSPORTATION Subtitle A--Office of the Secretary of Transportation (Parts 1--99)..... Part Organization and delegation of powers and duties. Official Seal. Administrative rulemaking, guidance, and enforcement procedures. Implementation of Equal Access to Justice Act in agency proceedings. Public availability of information. Classified information: classification/ declassification/access. Testimony of employees of the Department and production of records in legal proceedings. Maintenance of and access to records pertaining to individuals. Protection of human subjects. Protection of sensitive security information. Intergovernmental review of Department of Transportation programs and activities. [Reserved]18--19 New restrictions on lobbying. Nondiscrimination in federally-assisted programs of the Department of Transportation-- effectuation of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Short-Term Lending Program (STLP). [[Page 1287]] Participation of disadvantaged business enterprise in airport concessions. Uniform relocation assistance and real property acquisition for Federal and federally assisted programs. Nondiscrimination on the basis of sex in education programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. Participation by disadvantaged business enterprises in Department of Transportation financial assistance programs. Nondiscrimination on the basis of disability in programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the Department of Transportation. Tribal Transportation Self-Governance Program. Denial of public works contracts to suppliers of goods and services of countries that deny procurement market access to U.S. contractors. Program fraud civil remedies. Governmentwide requirements for drug-free workplace (financial assistance). Transportation priorities and allocation system. Transportation services for individuals with disabilities (ADA). Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) accessibility specifications for transportation vehicles. Transportation for individuals with disabilities: passenger vessels. Procedures for transportation workplace drug and alcohol testing programs. Seismic safety. Standard time zone boundaries. Medals of honor. Credit assistance for surface transportation projects. Implementation of Federal Claims Collection Act. International air transportation fair competitive practices. Recovering debts to the United States by salary offset. [Reserved]93 [Reserved]95 Enforcement of restrictions on post-employment activities. Employee responsibilities and conduct. Appendix to Subtitle A--United States Railway Association--employee responsibilities and conduct. Subtitle B--Other Regulations Relating to Transportation................ Chapter I--Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, Department of Transportation (Parts 100--199)........................... SUBCHAPTER A--HAZARDOUS MATERIALS AND OIL TRANSPORTATION Hazardous materials program definitions and general procedures. Rulemaking procedures. Hazardous materials program procedures. Department of Transportation hazardous materials procedural regulations. Hazardous materials public sector training and planning grants. SUBCHAPTER B--OIL TRANSPORTATION Oil spill prevention and response plans. SUBCHAPTER C--HAZARDOUS MATERIALS REGULATIONS General information, regulations, and definitions. Hazardous materials table, special provisions, hazardous materials communications, emergency response information, training requirements, and security plans. Shippers--general requirements for shipments and packagings. Carriage by rail. Carriage by aircraft. Carriage by vessel. Carriage by public highway. Specifications for packagings. Specifications for tank cars. Continuing qualification and maintenance of packagings. [Reserved]181--185 [[Page 1288]] SUBCHAPTER D--PIPELINE SAFETY Pipeline safety enforcement and regulatory procedures. Transportation of natural and other gas by pipeline; annual reports, incident reports, and safety-related condition reports. Transportation of natural and other gas by pipeline: minimum Federal safety standards. Liquefied natural gas facilities: Federal safety standards. Response plans for onshore oil pipelines. Transportation of hazardous liquids by pipeline. Protection of underground pipelines from excavation activity. [Reserved]197 Regulations for grants to aid State pipeline safety programs. Drug and alcohol testing. Chapter II--Federal Railroad Administration, Department of Transportation (Parts 200--299)......................................... Informal rules of practice for passenger service. [Reserved]201 Railroad Police Officers. Railroad safety enforcement procedures. Railroad noise emission compliance regulations. Rules of practice. State safety participation regulations. Track safety standards. Railroad workplace safety. Railroad freight car safety standards. Special notice and emergency order procedures: railroad track, locomotive and equipment. Railroad operating rules. Railroad operating practices. Control of alcohol and drug use. Railroad communications. Rear end marking device--passenger, commuter and freight trains. Use of locomotive horns at public highway-rail grade crossings. Safety glazing standards--locomotives, passenger cars and cabooses. Reflectorization of rail freight rolling stock. Railroad accidents/incidents: reports classification, and investigations. Occupational noise exposure. Passenger train employee hours of service; recordkeeping and reporting; sleeping quarters. Railroad locomotive safety standards. Steam locomotive inspection and maintenance standards. Railroad safety appliance standards. Brake system safety standards for freight and other non-passenger trains and equipment; end- of-train devices. Signal systems reporting requirements. Grade crossing safety. Instructions governing applications for approval of a discontinuance or material modification of a signal system or relief from the requirements of Part 236. Rules, standards, and instructions governing the installation, inspection, maintenance, and repair of signal and train control systems, devices, and appliances. Bridge safety standards. Passenger equipment safety standards. Passenger train emergency preparedness. Qualification and certification of locomotive engineers. United States locational requirements for dispatching of United States rail operations. Qualification and certification of conductors. Training, qualification, and oversight for safety-related railroad employees. Regulations on safety integration plans governing railroad consolidations, mergers, and acquisitions of control. [Reserved]245 Guarantee of certificates of trustees of railroads in reorganization. [[Page 1289]] Financial assistance for railroad passenger terminals. Regulations governing loans and loan guarantees under the Railroad Rehabilitation and Improvement Financing Program. Credit assistance for surface transportation projects. Implementation of program for capital grants for rail line relocation and improvement projects. Surface Transportation Project Delivery Program application requirements and termination. Assistance to States for local rail service under Section 5 of the Department of Transportation Act. Magnetic levitation transportation technology deployment program. Competitive Passenger Rail Service pilot program. System Safety Program. Risk reduction program. Critical incident stress plans. Metrics and minimum standards for intercity passenger train operations. [Reserved]274--298 Texas Central Railroad high-speed rail safety standards. Chapter III--Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, Department of Transportation (Parts 300--399)......................................... SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL REGULATIONS [Reserved]301 Civil rights. Compliance with interstate motor carrier noise emission standards. SUBCHAPTER B--FEDERAL MOTOR CARRIER SAFETY REGULATIONS Motor Carrier Safety Assistance Program (MCSAP) and High Priority Program. Compatibility of State laws and regulations affecting interstate motor carrier operations. Motor carrier routing regulations. Fees for motor carrier registration and insurance. Rules governing applications for operating authority. Designation of process agent. Standards for registration with States. Application for a certificate of registration to operate in municipalities in the United States on the United States-Mexico international border or within the commercial zones of such municipalities. Reports of motor carriers. Principles and practices for the investigation and voluntary disposition of loss and damage claims and processing salvage. Brokers of property. Exemptions, commercial zones, and terminal areas. Receipts and bills. Passenger carrier regulations. Transportation of household goods in interstate commerce; consumer protection regulations. Lease and interchange of vehicles. Payment of transportation charges. Procedures governing the processing, investigation, and disposition of overcharge, duplicate payment, or overcollection claims. Preservation of records Special training requirements. Waivers, exemptions, and pilot programs. Controlled substances and alcohol use and testing. Commercial driver's license standards; requirements and penalties. State compliance with commercial driver's license program. Safety fitness procedures. Rules of practice for FMCSA proceedings. Minimum levels of financial responsibility for motor carriers. Cooperative agreements with States. Rulemaking procedures--Federal motor carrier safety regulations. Federal motor carrier safety regulations: general. [[Page 1290]] Qualifications of drivers and longer combination vehicle (LCV) driver instructors. Driving of commercial motor vehicles. Parts and accessories necessary for safe operation. Hours of service of drivers. Inspection, repair, and maintenance. Transportation of hazardous materials; driving and parking rules. Transportation of migrant workers. Employee safety and health standards. Appendix A to Subchapter B of Chapter III--[Reserved] Appendix B to Subchapter B of Chapter III--Special agents. Appendixes C--E to Subchapter B of Chapter III--[Reserved] Appendix F to Subchapter B of Chapter III--Commercial zones. Appendix G to Subchapter B of Chapter III--Minimum periodic inspection standards. Chapter IV--Coast Guard, Department of Homeland Security (Parts 400-- 499).................................................................... SUBCHAPTER B--SAFETY APPROVAL OF CARGO CONTAINERS General. 450 Testing and approval of containers. Examination of containers. Control and enforcement. Chapter V--National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, Department of Transportation (Parts 500--599)......................................... Organization and delegation of powers and duties. OMB control numbers for information collection requirements. Information gathering powers. Adjudicative procedures. Confidential business information. Procedures for considering environmental impacts. Vehicle classification. Exemptions from average fuel economy standards. Petitions and plans for relief under the Automobile Fuel Efficiency Act of 1980. Manufacturers of multistage automobiles. Passenger automobile average fuel economy standards. Light truck fuel economy standards. Rights and responsibilities of manufacturers in the context of changes in corporate relationships. Medium-and-heavy-duty vehicle fuel efficiency program. Transfer and trading of fuel economy credits. Automotive fuel economy reports. Manufacturing incentives for alternative fuel vehicles. Federal motor vehicle theft prevention standard. Procedures for selecting light duty truck lines to be covered by the theft prevention standard. Exemption from vehicle theft prevention standard. [Reserved]544 Federal motor vehicle theft prevention standard phase-in and small-volume line reporting requirements. Procedural rules. Petitions for rulemaking, defect, and noncompliance orders. Rulemaking procedures. Standards enforcement and defects investigation. Temporary exemption from motor vehicle safety and bumper standards. Exemption for inconsequential defect or noncompliance. Petitions for hearings on notification and remedy of defects. Event data recorders. Replaceable light source and sealed beam headlamp information. Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) requirements. Manufacturer identification. Certification. [[Page 1291]] Vehicles manufactured in two or more stages-- all incomplete, intermediate and final-stage manufacturers of vehicles manufactured in two or more stages. Regrooved tires. Vehicle in use inspection standards. Federal motor vehicle safety standards. Anthropomorphic test devices. Defect and noncompliance responsibility and reports. Tire identification and recordkeeping. Consumer information. Record retention. Defect and noncompliance notification. Civil and criminal penalties. Reporting of information and communications about potential defects. Odometer disclosure requirements. Bumper standard. Insurance cost information regulation. Automobile parts content labeling. Phase-in reporting requirements. Replica motor vehicles. Deformable barriers. Child restraint systems recordkeeping requirements. [Reserved]589--590 Importation of vehicles and equipment subject to Federal safety, bumper and theft prevention standards. Registered importers of vehicles not originally manufactured to conform to the Federal motor vehicle safety standards. Determinations that a vehicle not originally manufactured to conform to the Federal motor vehicle safety standards is eligible for importation. Schedule of fees authorized by 49 U.S.C. 30141. Make inoperative exemptions. [Reserved]596--598 Requirements and procedures for Consumer Assistance to Recycle and Save Act program. Chapter VI--Federal Transit Administration, Department of Transportation (Parts 600--699)........................................................ Organization, functions, and procedures. Emergency relief. Charter service. School bus operations. Transportation for elderly and handicapped persons. Major capital investment projects. Metropolitan and statewide and nonmetropolitan planning. [Reserved]614 Environmental impact and related procedures. [Reserved]624 Transit asset management. National transit database. Project management oversight. Capital leases. Credit assistance for surface transportation projects. Private investment project procedures. Prevention of alcohol misuse and prohibited drug use in transit operations. [Reserved]659 Buy America requirements. Pre-award and post-delivery audits of rolling stock purchases. Bus testing.5 Public Transportation Safety Program. Public Transportation Safety Certification Training Program. Public Transportation Safety Agency safety plans. State safety oversight. [[Page 1292]] Chapter VII--National Railroad Passenger Corporation (AMTRAK) (Parts 700--799)............................................................... Organization, functioning and available information. AMTRAK Freedom of Information Act program. Chapter VIII--National Transportation Safety Board (Parts 800--999)..... Administrative rules. Public availability of information. Rules implementing the Privacy Act of 1974. Official seal. Rules implementing the Government in the Sunshine Act. [Reserved]805 National security information policy and guidelines, implementing regulations. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the National Transportation Safety Board. Rules of practice in air safety proceedings. Rules of procedure for merchant marine appeals from decisions of the Commandant, U. S. Coast Guard. Rules implementing the Equal Access to Justice Act of 1980. Notification and reporting of aircraft accidents or incidents and overdue aircraft, and preservation of aircraft wreckage, mail, cargo, and records. Investigation procedures. Testimony of Board employees. Production of records in legal proceedings. Rules pertaining to notification of railroad accidents. Rules of practice in transportation: investigative hearings; meetings, reports, and petitions for reconsideration. Coast Guard--National Transportation Safety Board marine casualty investigations. [Reserved]851--999 Chapter X--Surface Transportation Board (Parts 1000--1399).............. SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS Parts 1000-1019--General Provisions [Reserved]1000 Inspection of records. Fees. 1002 Forms. 1003 Interpretations and routing regulations. Principles and practices for the investigation and voluntary disposition of loss and damage claims and processing salvage. Records containing information about individuals. Board organization; delegations of authority. Meetings of the Board. Guidelines for the proper use of voting trusts. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by the Surface Transportation Board. Special procedures governing the recovery of expenses by parties to Board adjudicatory proceedings. Debt collection--collection by offset from indebted government and former government employees. Debt collection. Regulations governing conduct of Surface Transportation Board employees. Parts 1021-1029--Enforcement Administrative collection of enforcement claims. Civil monetary penalty inflation adjustment. Parts 1030-1039--Carriers Subject to Part I, Interstate Commerce Act Car service.33 Routing of traffic. Bills of lading. [[Page 1293]] Bulk grain and grain products--loss and damage claims. Exemptions.039 Parts 1040-1089 [Reserved] Parts 1090-1099--Intermodal Transportation Practices of carriers involved in the intermodal movement of containerized freight. SUBCHAPTER B--RULES OF PRACTICE Parts 1100-1129--Rules of General Applicability General provisions. Definitions and construction. Communications. Practitioners. Filing with the Board-copies-verification- service-pleadings, generally. Procedures for implementation of environmental laws. Procedures for Surface Transportation Board consideration of safety integration plans in cases involving railroad consolidations, mergers, and acquisitions of control. [Reserved]1107 Arbitration of certain disputes subject to the statutory jurisdiction of the Surface Transportation Board. Use of mediation in Board proceedings. Procedures governing informal rulemaking proceedings. Complaint and investigation procedures. Modified procedures. Oral hearings. Evidence; discovery. Appellate procedures. Oral argument before the Board. Petitions (for relief) not otherwise covered. Procedures in informal proceedings before employee boards. Compliance with Board decisions. Use of 1977-1978 study of motor carrier platform handling factors. Rail exemption procedures. Board-initiated investigations. [Reserved]1123--1129 Parts 1130-1149--Rate procedures Informal complaints. Protests requesting suspension and investigation of collective ratemaking actions. Recovery of damages. Railroad cost recovery procedures. Procedures to calculate interest rates. Expedited relief for service emergencies. Temporary relief under 49 U.S.C. 10705 and 11102 for service inadequacies. [Reserved]1148--1149 Parts 1150-1176--Licensing Procedures Parts 1150-1159--Rail Licensing Procedures Certificate to construct, acquire, or operate railroad lines. Feeder railroad development program. Abandonment and discontinuance of rail lines and rail transportation under 49 U.S.C. 10903. Solid waste rail transfer facilities. [Reserved]1156--1176 Parts 1177-1199--Finance Procedures Parts 1177-1179--Securities, Security Interests and Financial Structure Recordation of documents. [Reserved]1178--1179 Parts 1180-1189--Combinations and Ownership Railroad acquisition, control, merger, consolidation project, trackage rights, and lease procedures. [[Page 1294]] Purchase, merger, and control of motor passenger carriers. Motor carrier pooling operations. Interlocking officers. [Reserved]1187--1199 SUBCHAPTER C--ACCOUNTS, RECORDS AND REPORTS Parts 1200-1219--Uniform Systems of Accounts General accounting regulations under the Interstate Commerce Act. Railroad companies. [Reserved]1202--1219 Parts 1220-1239--Preservation of Records Preservation of records. [Reserved]1202--1219 Parts 1240-1259--Reports Annual, special, or periodic reports--carriers subject to Part I of the Interstate Commerce Act. Separation of common operating expenses between freight service and passenger service for railroads. Quarterly operating reports--railroads. Waybill analysis of transportation of property--railroads. Classification of railroad employees; reports of service and compensation. Number of railroad employees. Report of cars loaded and cars terminated. Freight commodity statistics. Reports of tare weight and loss and damage data. Railroad performance data reporting. [Reserved]1251--1252 Rate-making organization; records and reports. Parts 1260-1269--Valuation [Reserved]1260--1261 Parts 1280-1299--Classification and Declassification of National Security Information and Material Handling of national security information and classified material. [Reserved]1281--1299 SUBCHAPTER D--CARRIER RATES AND SERVICE TERMS Disclosure, publication, and notice of change of rates and other service terms for rail common carriage. [Reserved]1301 Export and import shipments; railroads. Disclosure and notice of change of rates and other service terms for pipeline common carriage. Tariff requirements for household goods carriers. Regulations for the publication, posting, and filing of tariffs for the transportation of property by or with a water carrier in noncontiguous domestic trade. Railroad contracts for the transportation of agricultural products. Exemptions.319 [Reserved]1320--1324 Extension of credit to candidates for Federal office or their representatives. Applications under 49 U.S.C. 10706 and 13703. Filing contracts for surface mail transportation. Demurrage liability. [Reserved]1334--1399 Chapter XI--Research and Innovative Technology Administration, Department of Transportation (Parts 1400--1499) [Reserved].............. Chapter XII--Transportation Security Administration, Department of Homeland Security (Parts 1500--1699).................................... SUBCHAPTER A--ADMINISTRATIVE AND PROCEDURAL RULES Applicability, terms, and abbreviations. Organization, functions, and procedures. [[Page 1295]] Investigative and enforcement procedures. Privacy Act--exemptions. Passenger civil aviation security service fees. Aviation security infrastructure fee. Appeal and waiver procedures for security threat assessments for individuals. SUBCHAPTER B--SECURITY RULES FOR ALL MODES OF TRANSPORTATION Protection of sensitive security information. SUBCHAPTER C--CIVIL AVIATION SECURITY Civil aviation security: general rules. Airport security. Aircraft operator security: air carriers and commercial operators. Foreign air carrier security. Indirect air carrier security. Certified cargo screening program. Aircraft security under general operating and flight rules. Flight schools. Aircraft repair station security. Secure flight program. Operations in the Washington, DC metropolitan area. SUBCHAPTER D--MARITIME AND LAND TRANSPORTATION SECURITY General rules. Credentialing and security threat assessments. Freight rail transportation security. [Reserved]1581 Public transportation and passenger railroad security. [Reserved]1583 Highway and motor carrier security. [Reserved]1585--1699 TITLE 50--WILDLIFE AND FISHERIES Chapter I--United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior (Parts 1--199)................................................. SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL PROVISIONS Part Definitions. Agency organization and locations. Nondiscrimination--contracts, permits, and use of facilities. SUBCHAPTER B--TAKING, POSSESSION, TRANSPORTATION, SALE, PURCHASE, BARTER, EXPORTATION, AND IMPORTATION OF WILDLIFE AND PLANTS General provisions. Civil procedures. Seizure and forfeiture procedures. General permit procedures. Importation, exportation, and transportation of wildlife. Wild Bird Conservation Act. Injurious wildlife. Endangered and threatened wildlife and plants. Marine mammals. Airborne hunting. Migratory bird hunting. Migratory bird permits. Eagle permits. Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES). Importation and exportation of plants. SUBCHAPTER C--THE NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE SYSTEM Administrative provisions. Public entry and use. Prohibited acts. Enforcement, penalty, and procedural requirements for violations of Subchapter C. [[Page 1296]] Land use management. Range and feral animal management. Wildlife species management. Hunting and fishing. Refuge revenue sharing with counties. Wilderness preservation and management. Alaska National Wildlife Refuges. Geological and geophysical exploration of the coastal plain, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska. Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge. SUBCHAPTER D--MANAGEMENT OF WILDLIFE RESEARCH AREAS [RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER E--MANAGEMENT OF FISHERIES CONSERVATION AREAS National fish hatcheries. Hunting and sport fishing on national fish hatcheries. SUBCHAPTER F--FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE--WILDLIFE AND SPORT FISH RESTORATION PROGRAM. Administrative requirements, Pittman-Roberson Wildlife Restoration and Dingell-Johnson Sport Fish Restoration Acts. Conservation of endangered and threatened species of fish, wildlife, and plants-- cooperation with the States. Administrative procedures for grants-in-aid (Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972). [Reserved]83 National Coastal Wetlands Conservation Grant Program. Clean Vessel Act Grant Program. Boating Infrastructure Grant (BIG) program. SUBCHAPTER G--MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Feeding depredating migratory waterfowl. Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp Contest. Migratory bird subsistence harvest in Alaska. SUBCHAPTER H--NATIONAL WILDLIFE MONUMENTS [RESERVED] [Reserved]96--99 Subsistence management regulations for public lands in Alaska. [Reserved]101--199 Chapter II--National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce (Parts 200--299)..... SUBCHAPTER A--GENERAL PROVISIONS Small business size standards established by NMFS for Regulatory Flexibility Act compliance purposes only. SUBCHAPTER B--NORTH PACIFIC COMMERCIAL FISHERIES [RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER C--MARINE MAMMALS Regulations governing the taking and importing of marine mammals. Regulations governing the take of marine mammals incidental to specified activities. Regulations governing the taking and importing of marine mammals. Regulations governing the taking and importing of marine mammals. [Reserved]220 Conditions and prescriptions in FERC hydropower licenses. General endangered and threatened marine species. Threatened marine and anadromous species. Endangered marine and anadromous species. [Reserved]225 Designated critical habitat. [Reserved]227 Notice and hearing on section 103(d) regulations. Authorization for commercial fisheries under the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972. SUBCHAPTER D--WHALING Whaling provisions. [[Page 1297]] SUBCHAPTER E--TRANSPORTATION AND LABELING OF FISH OR WILDLIFE [RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER F--AID TO FISHERIES Fisheries assistance programs. Capital Construction Fund tax regulations. SUBCHAPTER G--PROCESSED FISHERY PRODUCTS, PROCESSED PRODUCTS THEREOF, AND CERTAIN OTHER PROCESSED FOOD PRODUCTS Inspection and certification. United States standards for grades. SUBCHAPTER H--FISH AND SEAFOOD PROMOTION Species-specific seafood marketing councils. SUBCHAPTER I--[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER J--FISHERY MARKETING COOPERATIVES [RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER K--CONTINENTAL SHELF Fishermen's Contingency Fund. [Reserved]297--299 Chapter III--International Fishing and Related Activities (Parts 300-- 399).................................................................... International fisheries regulations. [Reserved]301--399 Chapter IV--Joint Regulations (United States Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior and National Marine Fisheries Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce); Endangered Species Committee Regulations (Parts 400--499).... SUBCHAPTER A [Reserved]400 Anadromous fisheries conservation, development and enhancement. Interagency cooperation--Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended. Transfer of marine mammal management authority to States. Papahanaumokuakea Marine National Monument. Listing endangered and threatened species and designating critical habitat. SUBCHAPTER B--[RESERVED] SUBCHAPTER C--ENDANGERED SPECIES EXEMPTION PROCESS General provisions. Application procedure. Consideration of application by the Secretary. Endangered Species Committee. [Reserved]454--499 Chapter V--Marine Mammal Commission (Parts 500--599).................... [Reserved]500 Implementation of the Privacy Act of 1974. Implementation of the Federal Advisory Committee Act. Public availability of agency materials. Compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act. Information security. Enforcement of nondiscrimination on the basis of handicap in programs or activities conducted by Marine Mammal Commission. Implementation of the Government in the Sunshine Act. [Reserved]561--599 Chapter VI--Fishery Conservation and Management, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Department of Commerce (Parts 600--699)..... Magnuson-Stevens Act provisions. Fisheries of the Caribbean, Gulf of Mexico, and South Atlantic. Atlantic highly migratory species. [Reserved]644 [[Page 1298]] Fisheries of the Northeastern United States. [Reserved]655--659 Fisheries off West Coast States. Fisheries in the Western Pacific. Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone off Alaska. Shellfish fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone off Alaska. Atlantic coastal fisheries cooperative management. [Reserved]698 [[Page 1299]] Alphabetical List of Agencies Appearing in the CFR (Revised as of Jan. 1, 2024) CFR Title, Subtitle or Agency Chapter Administrative Conference of the United States 1, III Advisory Council on Historic Preservation 36, VIII Advocacy and Outreach, Office of 7, XXV Afghanistan Reconstruction, Special Inspector 5, LXXXIII General for African Development Foundation 22, XV Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 57 Agency for International Development 2, VII; 22, II Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 7 Agricultural Marketing Service 7, I, VIII, IX, X, XI; 9, II Agricultural Research Service 7, V Agriculture, Department of 2, IV; 5, LXXIII Advocacy and Outreach, Office of 7, XXV Agricultural Marketing Service 7, I, VIII, IX, X, XI; 9, II Agricultural Research Service 7, V Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service 7, III; 9, I Chief Financial Officer, Office of 7, XXX Commodity Credit Corporation 7, XIV Economic Research Service 7, XXXVII Energy Policy and New Uses, Office of 2, IX; 7, XXIX Environmental Quality, Office of 7, XXXI Farm Service Agency 7, VII, XVIII Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 4 Federal Crop Insurance Corporation 7, IV Food and Nutrition Service 7, II Food Safety and Inspection Service 9, III Foreign Agricultural Service 7, XV Forest Service 36, II Information Resources Management, Office of 7, XXVII Inspector General, Office of 7, XXVI National Agricultural Library 7, XLI National Agricultural Statistics Service 7, XXXVI National Institute of Food and Agriculture 7, XXXIV Natural Resources Conservation Service 7, VI Operations, Office of 7, XXVIII Procurement and Property Management, Office of 7, XXXII Rural Business-Cooperative Service 7, XVIII, XLII Rural Development Administration 7, XLII Rural Housing Service 7, XVIII, XXXV Rural Utilities Service 7, XVII, XVIII, XLII Secretary of Agriculture, Office of 7, Subtitle A Transportation, Office of 7, XXXIII World Agricultural Outlook Board 7, XXXVIII Air Force, Department of 32, VII Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement 48, 53 Air Transportation Stabilization Board 14, VI Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau 27, I Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, 27, II Bureau of AMTRAK 49, VII American Battle Monuments Commission 36, IV American Indians, Office of the Special Trustee 25, VII Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service 7, III; 9, I Appalachian Regional Commission 5, IX Architectural and Transportation Barriers 36, XI Compliance Board [[Page 1300]] Arctic Research Commission 45, XXIII Armed Forces Retirement Home 5, XI; 38, II Army, Department of 32, V Engineers, Corps of 33, II; 36, III Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 51 Benefits Review Board 20, VII Bilingual Education and Minority Languages 34, V Affairs, Office of Blind or Severely Disabled, Committee for 41, 51 Purchase from People Who Are Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 19 Career, Technical, and Adult Education, Office 34, IV of Census Bureau 15, I Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services 42, IV Central Intelligence Agency 32, XIX Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board 40, VI Chief Financial Officer, Office of 7, XXX Child Support Enforcement, Office of 45, III Children and Families, Administration for 45, II, III, IV, X, XIII Civil Rights, Commission on 5, LXVIII; 45, VII Civil Rights, Office for 34, I Coast Guard 33, I; 46, I; 49, IV Coast Guard (Great Lakes Pilotage) 46, III Commerce, Department of 2, XIII; 44, IV; 50, VI Census Bureau 15, I Economic Affairs, Office of the Under- 15, XV Secretary for Economic Analysis, Bureau of 15, VIII Economic Development Administration 13, III Emergency Management and Assistance 44, IV Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 13 Foreign-Trade Zones Board 15, IV Industry and Security, Bureau of 15, VII International Trade Administration 15, III; 19, III National Institute of Standards and Technology 15, II; 37, IV National Marine Fisheries Service 50, II, IV National Oceanic and Atmospheric 15, IX; 50, II, III, IV, Administration VI National Technical Information Service 15, XI National Telecommunications and Information 15, XXIII; 47, III, IV Administration National Weather Service 15, IX Patent and Trademark Office, United States 37, I Secretary of Commerce, Office of 15, Subtitle A Commercial Space Transportation 14, III Commodity Credit Corporation 7, XIV Commodity Futures Trading Commission 5, XLI; 17, I Community Planning and Development, Office of 24, V, VI Assistant Secretary for Community Services, Office of 45, X Comptroller of the Currency 12, I Construction Industry Collective Bargaining 29, IX Commission Consumer Financial Protection Bureau 5, LXXXIV; 12, X Consumer Product Safety Commission 5, LXXI; 16, II Copyright Royalty Board 37, III Corporation for National and Community Service 2, XXII; 45, XII, XXV Cost Accounting Standards Board 48, 99 Council on Environmental Quality 40, V Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity 5, XCVIII and Efficiency Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency 5, LXX; 28, VIII for the District of Columbia Customs and Border Protection 19, I Defense, Department of 2, XI; 5, XXVI; 32, Subtitle A; 40, VII Advanced Research Projects Agency 32, I Air Force Department 32, VII Army Department 32, V; 33, II; 36, III; 48, 51 Defense Acquisition Regulations System 48, 2 Defense Intelligence Agency 32, I [[Page 1301]] Defense Logistics Agency 32, I, XII; 48, 54 Engineers, Corps of 33, II; 36, III National Imagery and Mapping Agency 32, I Navy, Department of 32, VI; 48, 52 Secretary of Defense, Office of 2, XI; 32, I Defense Contract Audit Agency 32, I Defense Intelligence Agency 32, I Defense Logistics Agency 32, XII; 48, 54 Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board 10, XVII Delaware River Basin Commission 18, III Denali Commission 45, IX Disability, National Council on 5, C; 34, XII District of Columbia, Court Services and 5, LXX; 28, VIII Offender Supervision Agency for the Drug Enforcement Administration 21, II East-West Foreign Trade Board 15, XIII Economic Affairs, Office of the Under-Secretary 15, XV for Economic Analysis, Bureau of 15, VIII Economic Development Administration 13, III Economic Research Service 7, XXXVII Education, Department of 2, XXXIV; 5, LIII Bilingual Education and Minority Languages 34, V Affairs, Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education, Office 34, IV of Civil Rights, Office for 34, I Educational Research and Improvement, Office 34, VII of Elementary and Secondary Education, Office of 34, II Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 34 Postsecondary Education, Office of 34, VI Secretary of Education, Office of 34, Subtitle A Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, 34, III Office of Educational Research and Improvement, Office of 34, VII Election Assistance Commission 2, LVIII; 11, II Elementary and Secondary Education, Office of 34, II Emergency Oil and Gas Guaranteed Loan Board 13, V Emergency Steel Guarantee Loan Board 13, IV Employee Benefits Security Administration 29, XXV Employees' Compensation Appeals Board 20, IV Employees Loyalty Board 5, V Employment and Training Administration 20, V Employment Policy, National Commission for 1, IV Employment Standards Administration 20, VI Endangered Species Committee 50, IV Energy, Department of 2, IX; 5, XXIII; 10, II, III, X Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 9 Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 5, XXIV; 18, I Property Management Regulations 41, 109 Energy, Office of 7, XXIX Engineers, Corps of 33, II; 36, III Engraving and Printing, Bureau of 31, VI Environmental Protection Agency 2, XV; 5, LIV; 40, I, IV, VII Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 15 Property Management Regulations 41, 115 Environmental Quality, Office of 7, XXXI Equal Employment Opportunity Commission 5, LXII; 29, XIV Equal Opportunity, Office of Assistant Secretary 24, I for Executive Office of the President 3, I Environmental Quality, Council on 40, V Management and Budget, Office of 2, Subtitle A; 5, III, LXXVII; 14, VI; 48, 99 National Drug Control Policy, Office of 2, XXXVI; 21, III National Security Council 32, XXI; 47, II Presidential Documents 3 Science and Technology Policy, Office of 32, XXIV; 47, II Trade Representative, Office of the United 15, XX States [[Page 1302]] Export-Import Bank of the United States 2, XXXV; 5, LII; 12, IV Family Assistance, Office of 45, II Farm Credit Administration 5, XXXI; 12, VI Farm Credit System Insurance Corporation 5, XXX; 12, XIV Farm Service Agency 7, VII, XVIII Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 1 Federal Acquisition Security Council 41, 201 Federal Aviation Administration 14, I Commercial Space Transportation 14, III Federal Claims Collection Standards 31, IX Federal Communications Commission 2, LX; 5, XXIX; 47, I Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Office of 41, 60 Federal Crop Insurance Corporation 7, IV Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 5, XXII; 12, III Federal Election Commission 5, XXXVII; 11, I Federal Emergency Management Agency 44, I Federal Employees Group Life Insurance Federal 48, 21 Acquisition Regulation Federal Employees Health Benefits Acquisition 48, 16 Regulation Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 5, XXIV; 18, I Federal Financial Institutions Examination 12, XI Council Federal Financing Bank 12, VIII Federal Highway Administration 23, I, II Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation 1, IV Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight Office 12, XVII Federal Housing Finance Agency 5, LXXX; 12, XII Federal Labor Relations Authority 5, XIV, XLIX; 22, XIV Federal Law Enforcement Training Center 31, VII Federal Management Regulation 41, 102 Federal Maritime Commission 46, IV Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service 5, CIII; 29, XII Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission 5, LXXIV; 29, XXVII Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration 49, III Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council 40, IX Federal Prison Industries, Inc. 28, III Federal Procurement Policy Office 48, 99 Federal Property Management Regulations 41, 101 Federal Railroad Administration 49, II Federal Register, Administrative Committee of 1, I Federal Register, Office of 1, II Federal Reserve System 12, II Board of Governors 5, LVIII Federal Retirement Thrift Investment Board 5, VI, LXXVI Federal Service Impasses Panel 5, XIV Federal Trade Commission 5, XLVII; 16, I Federal Transit Administration 49, VI Federal Travel Regulation System 41, Subtitle F Financial Crimes Enforcement Network 31, X Financial Research Office 12, XVI Financial Stability Oversight Council 12, XIII Fine Arts, Commission of 45, XXI Fiscal Service 31, II Fish and Wildlife Service, United States 50, I, IV Food and Drug Administration 21, I Food and Nutrition Service 7, II Food Safety and Inspection Service 9, III Foreign Agricultural Service 7, XV Foreign Assets Control, Office of 31, V Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the 45, V United States Foreign Service Grievance Board 22, IX Foreign Service Impasse Disputes Panel 22, XIV Foreign Service Labor Relations Board 22, XIV Foreign-Trade Zones Board 15, IV Forest Service 36, II General Services Administration 5, LVII; 41, 105 Contract Appeals, Board of 48, 61 Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 5 [[Page 1303]] Federal Management Regulation 41, 102 Federal Property Management Regulations 41, 101 Federal Travel Regulation System 41, Subtitle F General 41, 300 Payment From a Non-Federal Source for Travel 41, 304 Expenses Payment of Expenses Connected With the Death 41, 303 of Certain Employees Relocation Allowances 41, 302 Temporary Duty (TDY) Travel Allowances 41, 301 Geological Survey 30, IV Government Accountability Office 4, I Government Ethics, Office of 5, XVI Government National Mortgage Association 24, III Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards 7, VIII; 9, II Administration Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway Development 33, IV Corporation Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Council 2, LIX; 40, VIII Harry S. Truman Scholarship Foundation 45, XVIII Health and Human Services, Department of 2, III; 5, XLV; 45, Subtitle A Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services 42, IV Child Support Enforcement, Office of 45, III Children and Families, Administration for 45, II, III, IV, X, XIII Community Services, Office of 45, X Family Assistance, Office of 45, II Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 3 Food and Drug Administration 21, I Indian Health Service 25, V Inspector General (Health Care), Office of 42, V Public Health Service 42, I Refugee Resettlement, Office of 45, IV Homeland Security, Department of 2, XXX; 5, XXXVI; 6, I; 8, I Coast Guard 33, I; 46, I; 49, IV Coast Guard (Great Lakes Pilotage) 46, III Customs and Border Protection 19, I Federal Emergency Management Agency 44, I Human Resources Management and Labor Relations 5, XCVII Systems Immigration and Customs Enforcement Bureau 19, IV Transportation Security Administration 49, XII HOPE for Homeowners Program, Board of Directors 24, XXIV of Housing and Urban Development, Department of 2, XXIV; 5, LXV; 24, Subtitle B Community Planning and Development, Office of 24, V, VI Assistant Secretary for Equal Opportunity, Office of Assistant 24, I Secretary for Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 24 Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight, Office 12, XVII of Government National Mortgage Association 24, III Housing--Federal Housing Commissioner, Office 24, II, VIII, X, XX of Assistant Secretary for Housing, Office of, and Multifamily Housing 24, IV Assistance Restructuring, Office of Inspector General, Office of 24, XII Public and Indian Housing, Office of Assistant 24, IX Secretary for Secretary, Office of 24, Subtitle A, VII Housing--Federal Housing Commissioner, Office of 24, II, VIII, X, XX Assistant Secretary for Housing, Office of, and Multifamily Housing 24, IV Assistance Restructuring, Office of Immigration and Customs Enforcement Bureau 19, IV Immigration Review, Executive Office for 8, V Independent Counsel, Office of 28, VII Independent Counsel, Offices of 28, VI Indian Affairs, Bureau of 25, I, V Indian Affairs, Office of the Assistant 25, VI Secretary Indian Arts and Crafts Board 25, II [[Page 1304]] Indian Health Service 25, V Industry and Security, Bureau of 15, VII Information Resources Management, Office of 7, XXVII Information Security Oversight Office, National 32, XX Archives and Records Administration Inspector General Agriculture Department 7, XXVI Health and Human Services Department 42, V Housing and Urban Development Department 24, XII, XV Institute of Peace, United States 22, XVII Intellectual Property Enforcement Coordinator, 5, CIV Office of Inter-American Foundation 5, LXIII; 22, X Interior, Department of 2, XIV American Indians, Office of the Special 25, VII Trustee Endangered Species Committee 50, IV Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 14 Federal Property Management Regulations System 41, 114 Fish and Wildlife Service, United States 50, I, IV Geological Survey 30, IV Indian Affairs, Bureau of 25, I, V Indian Affairs, Office of the Assistant 25, VI Secretary Indian Arts and Crafts Board 25, II Land Management, Bureau of 43, II National Indian Gaming Commission 25, III National Park Service 36, I Natural Resource Revenue, Office of 30, XII Ocean Energy Management, Bureau of 30, V Reclamation, Bureau of 43, I Safety and Environmental Enforcement, Bureau 30, II of Secretary of the Interior, Office of 2, XIV; 43, Subtitle A Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, 30, VII Office of Internal Revenue Service 26, I International Boundary and Water Commission, 22, XI United States and Mexico, United States Section International Development, United States Agency 22, II for Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 7 International Development Cooperation Agency, 22, XII United States International Development Finance Corporation, 5, XXXIII; 22, VII U.S. International Joint Commission, United States 22, IV and Canada International Organizations Employees Loyalty 5, V Board International Trade Administration 15, III; 19, III International Trade Commission, United States 19, II Interstate Commerce Commission 5, XL Investment Security, Office of 31, VIII James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation 45, XXIV Japan-United States Friendship Commission 22, XVI Joint Board for the Enrollment of Actuaries 20, VIII Justice, Department of 2, XXVIII; 5, XXVIII; 28, I, XI; 40, IV Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, 27, II Bureau of Drug Enforcement Administration 21, II Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 28 Federal Claims Collection Standards 31, IX Federal Prison Industries, Inc. 28, III Foreign Claims Settlement Commission of the 45, V United States Immigration Review, Executive Office for 8, V Independent Counsel, Offices of 28, VI Prisons, Bureau of 28, V Property Management Regulations 41, 128 Labor, Department of 2, XXIX; 5, XLII Benefits Review Board 20, VII Employee Benefits Security Administration 29, XXV Employees' Compensation Appeals Board 20, IV Employment and Training Administration 20, V Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 29 [[Page 1305]] Federal Contract Compliance Programs, Office 41, 60 of Federal Procurement Regulations System 41, 50 Labor-Management Standards, Office of 29, II, IV Mine Safety and Health Administration 30, I Occupational Safety and Health Administration 29, XVII Public Contracts 41, 50 Secretary of Labor, Office of 29, Subtitle A Veterans' Employment and Training Service, 41, 61; 20, IX Office of the Assistant Secretary for Wage and Hour Division 29, V Workers' Compensation Programs, Office of 20, I, VI Labor-Management Standards, Office of 29, II, IV Land Management, Bureau of 43, II Legal Services Corporation 45, XVI Libraries and Information Science, National 45, XVII Commission on Library of Congress 36, VII Copyright Royalty Board 37, III U.S. Copyright Office 37, II Management and Budget, Office of 5, III, LXXVII; 14, VI; 48, 99 Marine Mammal Commission 50, V Maritime Administration 46, II Merit Systems Protection Board 5, II, LXIV Micronesian Status Negotiations, Office for 32, XXVII Military Compensation and Retirement 5, XCIX Modernization Commission Millennium Challenge Corporation 22, XIII Mine Safety and Health Administration 30, I Minority Business Development Agency 15, XIV Miscellaneous Agencies 1, IV Monetary Offices 31, I Morris K. Udall Scholarship and Excellence in 36, XVI National Environmental Policy Foundation Museum and Library Services, Institute of 2, XXXI National Aeronautics and Space Administration 2, XVIII; 5, LIX; 14, V Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 18 National Agricultural Library 7, XLI National Agricultural Statistics Service 7, XXXVI National and Community Service, Corporation for 2, XXII; 45, XII, XXV National Archives and Records Administration 2, XXVI; 5, LXVI; 36, XII Information Security Oversight Office 32, XX National Capital Planning Commission 1, IV, VI National Counterintelligence Center 32, XVIII National Credit Union Administration 5, LXXXVI; 12, VII National Crime Prevention and Privacy Compact 28, IX Council National Drug Control Policy, Office of 2, XXXVI; 21, III National Endowment for the Arts 2, XXXII National Endowment for the Humanities 2, XXXIII National Foundation on the Arts and the 45, XI Humanities National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency 32, I National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 23, II, III; 47, VI; 49, V National Imagery and Mapping Agency 32, I National Indian Gaming Commission 25, III National Institute of Food and Agriculture 7, XXXIV National Institute of Standards and Technology 15, II; 37, IV National Intelligence, Office of Director of 5, IV; 32, XVII National Labor Relations Board 5, LXI; 29, I National Marine Fisheries Service 50, II, IV National Mediation Board 5, CI; 29, X National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 15, IX; 50, II, III, IV, VI National Park Service 36, I National Railroad Adjustment Board 29, III National Railroad Passenger Corporation (AMTRAK) 49, VII National Science Foundation 2, XXV; 5, XLIII; 45, VI Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 25 National Security Council 32, XXI; 47, II [[Page 1306]] National Technical Information Service 15, XI National Telecommunications and Information 15, XXIII; 47, III, IV, V Administration National Transportation Safety Board 49, VIII Natural Resource Revenue, Office of 30, XII Natural Resources Conservation Service 7, VI Navajo and Hopi Indian Relocation, Office of 25, IV Navy, Department of 32, VI Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 52 Neighborhood Reinvestment Corporation 24, XXV Northeast Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste 10, XVIII Commission Nuclear Regulatory Commission 2, XX; 5, XLVIII; 10, I Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 20 Occupational Safety and Health Administration 29, XVII Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission 29, XX Ocean Energy Management, Bureau of 30, V Oklahoma City National Memorial Trust 36, XV Operations Office 7, XXVIII Patent and Trademark Office, United States 37, I Payment From a Non-Federal Source for Travel 41, 304 Expenses Payment of Expenses Connected With the Death of 41, 303 Certain Employees Peace Corps 2, XXXVII; 22, III Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation 36, IX Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation 29, XL Personnel Management, Office of 5, I, IV, XXXV; 45, VIII Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 17 Federal Employees Group Life Insurance Federal 48, 21 Acquisition Regulation Federal Employees Health Benefits Acquisition 48, 16 Regulation Human Resources Management and Labor Relations 5, XCVII Systems, Department of Homeland Security Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety 49, I Administration Postal Regulatory Commission 5, XLVI; 39, III Postal Service, United States 5, LX; 39, I Postsecondary Education, Office of 34, VI President's Commission on White House 1, IV Fellowships Presidential Documents 3 Presidio Trust 36, X Prisons, Bureau of 28, V Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board 6, X Procurement and Property Management, Office of 7, XXXII Public and Indian Housing, Office of Assistant 24, IX Secretary for Public Contracts, Department of Labor 41, 50 Public Health Service 42, I Railroad Retirement Board 20, II Reclamation, Bureau of 43, I Refugee Resettlement, Office of 45, IV Relocation Allowances 41, 302 Research and Innovative Technology 49, XI Administration Rural Business-Cooperative Service 7, XVIII, XLII, L Rural Development Administration 7, XLII Rural Housing Service 7, XVIII, XXXV, L Rural Utilities Service 7, XVII, XVIII, XLII, L Safety and Environmental Enforcement, Bureau of 30, II Science and Technology Policy, Office of 32, XXIV; 47, II Secret Service 31, IV Securities and Exchange Commission 5, XXXIV; 17, II Selective Service System 32, XVI Small Business Administration 2, XXVII; 13, I Smithsonian Institution 36, V Social Security Administration 2, XXIII; 20, III; 48, 23 Soldiers' and Airmen's Home, United States 5, XI Special Counsel, Office of 5, VIII Special Education and Rehabilitative Services, 34, III Office of State, Department of 2, VI; 22, I; 28, XI [[Page 1307]] Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 6 Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement, 30, VII Office of Surface Transportation Board 49, X Susquehanna River Basin Commission 18, VIII Tennessee Valley Authority 5, LXIX; 18, XIII Trade Representative, United States, Office of 15, XX Transportation, Department of 2, XII; 5, L Commercial Space Transportation 14, III Emergency Management and Assistance 44, IV Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 12 Federal Aviation Administration 14, I Federal Highway Administration 23, I, II Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration 49, III Federal Railroad Administration 49, II Federal Transit Administration 49, VI Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway Development 33, IV Corporation Maritime Administration 46, II National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 23, II, III; 47, IV; 49, V Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety 49, I Administration Secretary of Transportation, Office of 14, II; 49, Subtitle A Transportation Statistics Bureau 49, XI Transportation, Office of 7, XXXIII Transportation Security Administration 49, XII Transportation Statistics Bureau 49, XI Travel Allowances, Temporary Duty (TDY) 41, 301 Treasury, Department of the 2, X; 5, XXI; 12, XV; 17, IV; 31, IX Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau 27, I Community Development Financial Institutions 12, XVIII Fund Comptroller of the Currency 12, I Customs and Border Protection 19, I Engraving and Printing, Bureau of 31, VI Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 10 Federal Claims Collection Standards 31, IX Federal Law Enforcement Training Center 31, VII Financial Crimes Enforcement Network 31, X Fiscal Service 31, II Foreign Assets Control, Office of 31, V Internal Revenue Service 26, I Investment Security, Office of 31, VIII Monetary Offices 31, I Secret Service 31, IV Secretary of the Treasury, Office of 31, Subtitle A Truman, Harry S. Scholarship Foundation 45, XVIII United States Agency for Global Media 22, V United States and Canada, International Joint 22, IV Commission United States and Mexico, International Boundary 22, XI and Water Commission, United States Section U.S. Copyright Office 37, II U.S. Office of Special Counsel 5, CII Utah Reclamation Mitigation and Conservation 43, III Commission Veterans Affairs, Department of 2, VIII; 38, I Federal Acquisition Regulation 48, 8 Veterans' Employment and Training Service, 41, 61; 20, IX Office of the Assistant Secretary for Vice President of the United States, Office of 32, XXVIII Wage and Hour Division 29, V Water Resources Council 18, VI Workers' Compensation Programs, Office of 20, I, VII World Agricultural Outlook Board 7, XXXVIII
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
Remarks Honoring the 2024 Super Bowl Champion Kansas City Chiefs and an Exchange With Reporters
Administration of Joseph R. Biden, Jr., 2024 May 31, 2024 The President. Welcome back! Welcome back to the White House, Super Bowl LVIII champions, the Kansas City Chiefs. The first team in 20 years to win back to back. Winning back to back—I kind of like that. [*Laughter*] I know—I know you'll—[*laughter*]—I know you led a—a future Hall of Famer head coach, quarterback, tight end, defensive tackle, but I think the secret to this team's success is a GM, an offensive coordinator, a pass game coordinator, and they all played great—at a great—the greatest school in America, my alma mater football team, the University of Delaware. That's why you're all so good. [*Laughter*] I want to welcome all the Chiefs fans here today: Governor Kelly; Members of Congress, including my good friend Congressman Cleaver; Mayor Lucas, Mayor Garner, and all the other elected officials from Missouri and Kansas. Thank you for being here. At last year's White House Super Bowl celebration, I said this team was building a dynasty, which means everyone's coming to you. After starting this season red hot, you all had your share of struggles. And when the doubters questioned whether you could pull it off again—believe me, I know what that feels like. But anyway. [*Laughter*] But I don't think anybody is doubting you now. You fought hard. You kept the faith. Three All-Pros; three [five; White House correction] Pro-Bowlers; three resilient—a resilient offense; top defense led by one of the best coordinators in the game, and led by one of the best defensive players in the game, Chris Jones. A true team: eight straight division titles through a tough playoff run. You know, and you felt frigid temperatures: minus 4 degrees at kickoff in the home game against Miami. That was in—I thought that was in Miami. That was a joke. [*Laughter*]. Wind chills under 20 degrees in Buffalo. And when you froze them out in Baltimore, clinching the A— fourth AFC title in 5 years. And then, in the Super Bowl, down double digits against San Francisco, everyone stepped up. And with the unstoppable 13-play drive in overtime, Patrick, the "Comeback King"—not kid, king—led the comeback team for all ages. I'll never forget, I watched on Marine One when I was landing on the South Lawn, coming back from overseas, to the White House. But then—but just then Kansas City was celebrating your incredible win, we saw pride— pride giving way to tragedy. A loving mom and a beloved local DJ was gunned down. Dozens were injured. Eleven kids in the hospital. And amid the chaos, this team stepped up again. Trey helped pull people to safety. James, who lost his own father to gun violence, reassured kids they'd be okay. One teen remembers Coach Reid giving him a hug, telling him, "Just breathe. Just breathe." When one boy was separated from his dad, Clyde helped keep him from harm. The boy's dad later said, and I quote, "You can be an athlete for only so long, but you can be a great human being for the rest of your life." And Clyde is exceptional. I couldn't have said it better. This team is exceptional. You know, as a country, we have to do more to stop the tragic shootings before they happen. But let me close with this. Last year, I talked about how, after winning the Super Bowl, many of these players went up to Coach Reid and asked what they could to be—do better, to be better. Even at the peak of their success, they were looking for ways to work harder, to dig deeper, to improve. Everyone watching, especially our children: That's the powerful lesson about sports and the Nation. We're a great Nation because we're a good people. We never give up. We look out for one another. We leave no one behind. That's America. And I've never been more optimistic about our future. We just have to remember who we are. We're the United States of America, and there's nothing—nothing—we can't do when we do it together. So God bless you all, and may God protect our troops. Now I'm going to turn it over to the Chiefs, but I—you know, I'd have Travis come up here, but God only knows what he'd say. [*Laughter*] Travis, come here. It's all yours, pal. Tight end Travis M. Kelce. My fellow Americans—[laughter]—it's nice to see you all yet again. I'm not going to lie, President Biden, they told me if I came up here, I'd get tased. So I'm going to go back to my spot. All right? [*Laughter*] The President. All right. Mr. Kelce. It's good to see you. The President. Now I'm going to turn it over to the chairman and CEO of the Super Bowl Champion Kansas City Chiefs, Clark Hunt. Clark, the floor is yours, pal. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Clark K. Hunt. Thank you. Thank you so much. The President. You want me to move that out of the way for you? Mr. Hunt. All good. Mr. President, on behalf of our family and the entire Kansas City Chiefs organization, thank you so much for having us this afternoon. It is a tremendous honor to be here as we celebrate the fourth Super Bowl championship in Chiefs history. I want to thank the members of the President's staff who have helped make this possible and the members of the Missouri and Kansas congressional delegations who are celebrating with us today. As a family, we feel very blessed by the Lord. And I am proud to be here today on the South Lawn with my wife Tavia and my sister Sharron and several members of our extended family. One year ago, it so happened that the team visited the White House the day after my mother passed away. Of course, anytime we are celebrating a Chiefs victory, I always think about my mom and dad. I want to take a moment to say thank you, President Biden, for the very kind words you shared about my mother last year. That meant a lot to our family. The amazing thing about sports is how they can bring a community together. Over the past few years, the men behind me have elevated the status of Kansas City and united football fans across the country and throughout the world. There's a lot that can divide us today. But for so many of us, sports provide a unifying joy that we all need. I'm incredibly proud of our players and coaches. This season, with a target on their backs, they overcame adversity and got through perhaps the toughest group of playoff opponents in league history. They have etched their names in the NFL history books as just the second back-to- back Super Bowl championship team this century. I'm also incredibly proud of our amazing fans. They have rightfully earned their reputation as one of the best fan bases in all of professional sports. One of the things that I've enjoyed most about our championship run has been the support of the "Chiefs Kingdom." Lastly, I'm humbled to work with a superb leadership group. Team President Mark Donovan, General Manager Brett Veach, and Head Coach Andy Reid. That is a Hall of Fame leadership team. We have greatly enjoyed our time here today. And we look forward to the challenge of making this an annual trip. [*Laughter*] Now, I would like to ask Coach Andy Reid to join me on the podium. We have a little gift for the President. [*At this point, the President was presented with a team helmet.*] *Head Coach Andrew W. Reid. *I'm not sure it's going to fit. The President. I tell you what, man—well, thank you. Mr. Kelce. Put it on. [Laughter] Participants. [Inaudible] Participant. Do it! Do it! [*The President put on the helmet.*] The President. [Inaudible] Thank you all very much. [*The President removed the helmet and greeted team members. After leaving the podium, he responded to a reporter's questions as follows.*] Conviction of Former President Donald J. Trump for Falsifying Business Records/Criminal Justice System Q. Do you think this conviction helps Trump in the election? The President. I have no idea. Q. Are you worried that this could happen to you someday: somebody comes up with some charges and tries to bring you into court after your term? The President. Not at all. I didn't do anything wrong. The system still works. Q. And when Trump says you're just trying to bruise him, what do you say? Politically. Politically. He thinks you're pulling the strings behind the scenes, doing all this to help yourself. The President. I didn't know I was that powerful. NOTE: The President spoke at 4:31 p.m. on the South Lawn at the White House. In his remarks, he referred to Patrick L. Mahomes II, quarterback, Matt Nagy, offensive coordinator, Joe Bleymaier, pass game coordinator, Joe Thuney, guard, Trent McDuffie, cornerback, Chris Jones, defensive tackle, Creed Humphrey, center, Steve Spagnuolo, defensive coordinator, Henry L. "Trey" Smith III, offensive lineman, James Winchester, long snapper, and Clyde Edwards- Helaire, running back, Kansas City Chiefs; Gov. Laura J. Kelly of Kansas; Mayor Quinton D. Lucas of Kansas City, MO; Mayor Tyrone Garner of Kansas City, KS; Gabe Wallace, student, Shawnee Mission East High School in Prairie Village, KS, who was comforted by Coach Reid after the shooting at the Super Bowl parade in Kansas City, MO, on February 14; and Zack Cotten, who was shielded by Mr. Edwards-Helaire during the shooting when he was separated from his father Chris Cotten. The transcript was released by the Office of the Press Secretary on June 1. A portion of these remarks could not be verified because the audio was incomplete. Categories: Addresses and Remarks : 2024 Super Bowl Champion Kansas City Chiefs; Interviews With the News Media : Exchanges with reporters, White House. Locations: Washington, DC. Names: Bleymaier, Joe; Cleaver, Emmanuel, II; Cotten, Chris; Cotten, Zach; Edwards-Helaire, Clyde; Garner, Tyrone; Humphrey, Creed; Hunt, Clark K.; Jones, Chris; Kelce, Travis M.; Kelly, Laura J.; Lucas, Quinton D.; Mahomes, Patrick L., II; McDuffie, Trent; Nagy, Matt; Reid, Andrew M.; Smith, Henry L. "Trey," III; Spagnuolo, Steve; Thuney, Joe; Veach, Brett; Wallace, Gabe; Winchester, James. Subjects: Football; Gun violence, prevention efforts; Kansas, Governor. DCPD Number: DCPD202400470.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
Statement on the Death of Marian Robinson
Administration of Joseph R. Biden, Jr., 2024 June 1, 2024 We knew Mrs. Marian Robinson as a devoted mother and grandmother with a fierce and unconditional love of her family. With the blessing of friendship, we felt that love ourselves, with every quiet smile or warm embrace she shared with us. She believed, like we do, that family is the beginning, middle, and end. She moved into the White House to be there for her family when they needed her the most, and in so doing, she served her country right alongside them. Her life is a reminder that we are a great nation because we are a good people. The entire Biden family sends its deepest love to Michelle, Craig, Barack, Kelly and the six irrepressible grandchildren whom she helped to raise and so loved, and in whom her kind and gentle spirit lives on. May she rest in peace with her beloved Fraser. May God bless Mrs. Marian Robinson. NOTE: The statement referred to former First Lady Michelle Obama, daughter, Craig M. Robinson, son, former President Barack Obama, son-in-law, Kelly Robinson, daughter-in-law, and Malia and Natasha "Sasha" Obama and Avery, Leslie, Austin, and Aaron Robinson, grandchildren, of Ms. Robinson. The statement was released by the Office of the Press Secretary as a statement by the President and the First Lady. Categories: Statements by the President : Deaths, Marian Robinson. Names: Obama, Barack; Obama, Malia; Obama, Michelle; Obama, Natasha "Sasha"; Robinson, Aaron; Robinson, Austin; Robinson, Avery; Robinson, Craig M.; Robinson, Kelly; Robinson, Leslie; Robinson, Marian. Subjects: Deaths, Marian Robinson. DCPD Number: DCPD202400482. 1
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
Statement on the Election of Claudia Sheinbaum as President of Mexico
Administration of Joseph R. Biden, Jr., 2024 June 3, 2024 I congratulate Claudia Sheinbaum on her historic election as the first woman President of Mexico. I look forward to working closely with President-elect Sheinbaum in the spirit of partnership and friendship that reflects the enduring bonds between our two countries. I expressed our commitment to advancing the values and interests of both our nations to the benefit of our peoples. I also congratulate the Mexican people for conducting a nationwide successful democratic electoral process involving races for more than 20,000 positions at the local, state, and federal levels. Categories: Statements by the President : Mexico, election of Claudia Sheinbaum as President. Names: Sheinbaum, Claudia. Subjects: Mexico, elections; Mexico, relations with U.S. DCPD Number: DCPD202400483. 1
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
Remarks at a Campaign Event in Greenwich, Connecticut
Administration of Joseph R. Biden, Jr., 2024 June 3, 2024 The President. Richard, thank you. Richard—— Please, have a seat. Thank you, Richard. I—I don't want to take more of your time, but I'm going to tell a little story about elevators myself. [*Laughter*] You know, I got elected when I was 29 years old to the Senate. I come from a very modest background, as Chris can tell you. Three-bedroom, split-level house. Four kids, a grandpop living with us. And we weren't poor, but we weren't wealthy, either. And I got elected in '72 when Nixon received 60 percent of the vote in my State. I won by 3,100 votes. And I'm the first Catholic and the first Democrat in a long time to get elected to the Senate in that State. And so I went down to Washington, and right after the—I got elected, there was an unfortunate accident in my family while I was—wasn't old enough to be sworn in, as the Gov knows. I had to wait 17 days to be eligible. And I was hiring staff. Teddy Kennedy let me use his office to hire staff, and I got a phone call from my local fire department saying my wife and daughter had just been killed in an automobile accident and my two sons were very badly injured. We weren't sure they were going to make it. And so I didn't want to go. And, as Chris can tell you well, as one of my best friends in the Senate—best friends, period—that a number of the senior Senators came to me and say, "Look, just stay for 6 months." [*Laughter*] If they only knew. [*Laughter*] "Just stay for 6 months." And they saved my sanity. But I got appointed to two very important committees that everybody wanted to get on. The three most sought-after committees in the Congress in the Senate were the Appropriations Committee, where the money is; and Foreign Relationship, where—Foreign Relations, where the international—all the international issues are; and Judiciary, which was a very contentious time during the civil rights movement. And so I showed—Henry Kissinger was going to testify on whether or not we were going to stay in Iraq. Remember—you know, none of you women are old enough; some of the men may be—[*laughter*]—that whether or not we're going to stay in Sector 3 in Vietnam or we're going to leave and end the war. To make a long story not quite so long, so I showed up and I had all my questions prepared, Chris. And I sat in the—you know, that Foreign Relations Committee room with the horseshoe there—seating—at the very end, the most junior guy. And I'm sitting there wondering where everybody is. And what happens is, a young secretary goes, "Can I help you, Senator?" I said, "Yes, I'm here for the Kissinger hearing." She said, "Oh, that's over in S101." I went, "Where in the hell is that?" I had never been there. It was over in the Capitol. She told me it was on the first floor of the Capitol. So I went, literally jogging—rushed, sprinting across the Mall, and it was a warm day. I was perspiring like hell. I'm running, looking at the little plaques on the door. I find 101, and it's a louvered door that opens outward. So I grab the door and pull. I—my hand was perspiring by then. And, all of a sudden, a cop grabs me and spins me around and throws me against a wall. [*Laughter*] I swear to God. He says, "Where in the hell do you think you're going, kid?" I said: "I'm embarrassed. I'm a—I'm a U.S. Senator." He said: "Oh, geez. Okay, go ahead." [*Laughter*] And as Chris will remind—and the others that have been in that room will tell you, it's a beautiful frescoed ceiling in that—that meeting room with a great big—it's like a miniature Cabinet room. And so there's double doors—French doors that open inward. And my hand was perspiring, and I pushed the door open, and it slipped out of my hand and smashed against the filing cabinets. And all of a sudden, I find myself in the back of Henry Kissinger. [*Laughter*] Literally. And so I sat down, making myself the third-ranking member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. It went bad to worse. Got to the very end of the process and Senator Mansfield was then chairing because Senator Fulbright had to go to the floor. And he said, "Any more questions?" And I said, "Yes, I do." And they kind of looked at me like, "Oh, God." So I said, "Mr. Secretary"—and all—he put his hands up, and he said: "Mr. Chairman, I thought we agreed: No staff in the committee room." [*Laughter*] I said, "Thank you, Secretary Dulles." And things got better from there. [*Laughter*] But so—I'm accustomed not being able to get on elevators. But I wish—I've been the youngest for too long, now I'm the damn oldest. I like being young. [*Laughter*] Look, thank you, Lisa, for being here and allowing me to be in your home and for hosting us tonight. Look, thanks to everyone here and especially to my buddy Chris. That's not hyperbole. He's always been there—the good and the bad in my life—always there to help me. And, Ned—Ned was the first Governor in the United States to endorse me in 2020, stepped up for me. We Irish don't forget, Ned. [*Laughter*] And, Susan, your Lieutenant Governor, thanks for your leadership. And thanks for the members of Congress. You know, Richard Blumenthal is a real class guy. He and my son—my son was attorney general, and Richard took care of my son, who passed away—my son Beau. He looked out for him and was—and never—and my son always talked about you, for real—for real—because of the way you treated him. And Chris Murphy, who—and Jim Himes are two—Chris, the Senator, and Jim, State Rep— two of the most polished and most informed Members of the United States Congress. Thank God they're there. They're great partners in all the progress we made in the last 4 years. And thanks to all of you for your support. Look, folks, this campaign has entered uncharted territory. Last week, for the first time in American history, a former President is convicted—a convicted felon. He's now seeking the office of the Presidency. Audience member. Boo! The President. But as—but as disturbing as that is, more demanding, more damaging is the all-out assault Donald Trump is making on the American system of justice. An all-out assault is being supported by the Republican Party—the MAGA Party. And by the way, it's surprised me—I don't know about Chris and Murph and the rest—but it's surprised me some of the people we know who are much better men and women than they have—appear to be are all falling in line—I'm not quite sure why—on the Republican side. An all-out assault that is completely without any basis. What happened in New York was profound as it was simple. The American people—a principle that no one is above the law—it was reaffirmed. It was that basic. But now Donald Trump wants you to believe it's all rigged. But nothing could be further from the truth. The facts are Donald Trump was given every opportunity to defend himself. It was a State case, even though he said Biden set this up, and not a Federal case. And it was heard by a jury of 12 citizens, American citizens, just like the millions of Americans that serve on juries all over the country. This jury was chosen the same way every other jury was chosen, and it was a process that Donald Trump's own attorney was part of. The jury heard 5 weeks of evidence. And after careful deliberations, the jury reached a unanimous verdict on 34 counts of felony. Now he will be given an opportunity to appeal, like every citizen has a right to do. That's how the American system works. That's how justice works in American. And it's reckless and dangerous and downright irresponsible for anyone to say that it's rigged just because they don't like the verdict. Our justice system has endured for 250 years in this country. It's been the cornerstone of American democracy. And that's not hyperbole; it's a fact. The justice system should be respected. We should never allow anyone to tear it down. So I want to thank—I want you to think about what Trump is doing. He's attacking both the judiciary and the election system as rigged. Nothing could be more dangerous for the country, more dangerous for the American democracy. Folks, here's what is becoming clearer and clearer every day. The threat Trump poses would be greater in a second term than it was in his first. This isn't the same Trump that got elected in 2016. He's worse. Something snapped in this guy, for real, when he lost in 2020. He can't accept loss. He can't accept the fact that he lost. It's literally driving him crazy. That's why the 6th—January 6 happened. Trump tried to challenge the election results on every legislative—every legal avenue. Over 60 cases—60 court cases unanimously rejected his outrageous claims. Trump failed in the courts, and he unleashed an insurrection. Now he's running again. He's not only obsessed with losing in 2020, he's clearly been—and I mean this sincerely—a little unhinged. Just listen to his rantings. He says he wants to be, in his words, a dictator for one day. He said he wants, in his words, to "terminate" the Constitution when necessary. He asked the—if he thought violence would occur if he lost. He said, "It depends." He calls convicted— insurrectionists who are in prison now "patriots." And if reelected, he wants to pardon "every one" of them. His words. "Every one." Trump says if he loses again in November—these are his words—there will be a "bloodbath" in America. If he loses, there will be a "bloodbath." My God. What kind of man is this? The things he's saying. In fact, just this weekend, he said MAGA supporters would reach a "breaking point." Throughout his campaign, Trump has made it clear that running is the exact—is his way to exact revenge. That's what he talks about. Now, after his criminal convictions, it's clear he's worried about—preserving his freedoms. But while Trump is worried about preserving his freedom, he's got no problem taking away your freedoms. Trump brags about how he's the reason why *Roe v. Wade *was overturned. The first time in our history, because of Donald Trump, a fundamental constitutional guarantee was taken away from the American people, from women in America. Well, guess what? Kamala and I and a Democratic Congress are the reason why *Roe v. Wade* is going to be reinstated once again—[*inaudible*]. If you're my age, you may recall, even though it wasn't so prevalent in my time, duck-and- cover drills in grade school. Well, more children in America are killed by guns than anything else and they have duck-and-cover drills in public schools and—[*inaudible*]—schools across the county. It's ironic. Trump has got no problem taking away the freedom of children who just want to go to school safely without fear and violence. He told the NRA, the National Rifle Association, at their national convention not long ago, he was proud—in his words that "I did nothing—did nothing on guns when I was President." He's doing nothing. He made the situation worse. He's going to undo everything we've done on guns since we've been elected, including the most significant gun safety law in 30 years—just ask Senator Chris Murphy, who was the— instrumental in writing and getting that passed. But that's not all. We pay more for prescription drugs than any other advanced nation in the world. With the help of congressional members here in this room, we finally beat Big Pharma by giving Medicare the power to negotiate lower prescription drug prices, like the Veterans Administration is able to negotiate prices for drugs for veterans. Now seniors with diabetes will only have to pay $35 a month because of what I wrote instead of $400 a month. And starting next year, seniors will have to have a cap of $2,000 on all the drugs they consume, and that includes expensive cancer drugs that cost $10-, $12-, $14,000 a year. It not only saves people's lives and money, it saves the American taxpayer—what we've done so far—$160 billion so far—because Medicare does not have to pay prices. Medicare no longer has to pay those exorbitant prices. In the second term, we're going to make sure insulin is 35 bucks a month and the drug costs are $2,000 a year maximum for every single American, not just seniors. But Trump wants to undo that law as well and give back Big Pharma to rip off American people, charge you whatever they want for the medications you badly need. It's outrageous and it's absolutely—absolutely outrageous. And, of course, he still wants to get rid of the Affordable Care Act—it used to be called Obamacare—that protects millions of Americans from being denied coverage because they have preexisting conditions. They could not afford health insurance at all. It's a historic law. It's saving lives. And Trump wants to get rid of the Affordable Care Act. But I'm not only protecting it, I'm expanding it. Trump got elected in 2016. He told everyone he didn't need anyone's money was—he was so wealthy and so well situated. He not only lied then; he's lying now. He's desperate. He's out selling Bibles and golden sneakers. [*Laughter*] Think of that. I mean, God—anyway. [*Laughter*] What's more troubling: He's selling his Presidency to the highest bidder down in Mar-a- Lago. He just told Big Oil executives that if they give him 1 dollar—1 million—billion dollars in campaign contributions, he would be their—he would have, in their words, "a deal" because of tax and regulations he would help them avoid. And then he said when it ended, "I'm going to drill, drill, drill, drill." This guy thinks there's no such thing as global warming. Folks, when Kamala and I came to office, the pandemic was raging, the economy was reeling. And what did Trump do? He denied—even though he gave an interview acknowledging he knew it—the deadly nature of COVID. He told us to inject bleach in his skin. Well, guess what? I think he must have injected it in his brain because—[*laughter*]. Over 1 million people would go on to die. How many of them didn't need to die if we just acted sooner? But we've come a long way since then. Because of what we did, COVID no longer controls our lives. We had increased the—and we've increased—he increased the national debt when he was in there for 4 years by $18 trillion. And this guy talks about managing the budget? He's also the only President other than Herbert Hoover to lose more jobs by the time he left office than when he entered office. On our watch, we've created a record 15 million new jobs. Unemployment has been under 4 percent for over 2 years with historic lows in Black and Hispanic unemployment. The fastest small-business creation in three decades because of our actions. Record economic growth and wages continue to rise. The most significant investment in climate ever in the history of the world. A record investment in rebuilding America—our roads, bridges, ports, airports, clean water systems, affordable high-speed internet. Remember it was going to be—next month was going to be "Infrastructure Month"? Well, guess what? We have—you're going to have infrastructure for 10 years what we've done so far— helping grow the economy by creating first-rate jobs. And look, I know we have more to do. Too many folks are still—for—things are tough for them. Inflation has dropped from 9 percent to 3 percent. And we're going to keep working to bring it down further. Just last week, former Secretary of Treasury Larry Summers wrote, and I quote, "If you're worried about inflation, Trump is just going to make it a hell of a lot worse." And he will. Everything Trump is proposing—and he's laid out what he would do: new tax cuts for the super wealthy and the biggest corporations that will explode the Federal deficit; giving—giving back the power to change those—charge those hidden fees called "junk fees" on everything from credit card bills—or overcharge to hotel; a huge new consumer tax in the form of a giant 10 percent tax on every product shipped into America. Almost every expert will tell you that it's going to drive up inflation considerably. Let me close with this. We've made a lot of progress, and we can create even more progress, but we've got to keep it going. That's why I need all of you. We're building the biggest grassroots operation in the history of politics. Already—this is— is about grassroots—we have more than 2 million individuals, as of the end of May—2 million individuals, roughly 90 percent of all—of them—contributors who contributed less than $200. Two million. Two million. We've raised more money than any President has at this point because of people like you. But the point is, it's a groundswell. It's all over America. Two million individual contributors. And the polls are moving our way. The polls show that roughly half the independents thought Trump should drop out of the race because of the criminal convictions. Folks, in just a few days, I'll be in Normandy Beach in France on the 80th anniversary of D- Day invasion—one of the most important moments in the history of defense of freedom and democracy in the history of the world. You know, what those soldiers died for must never be given up. I want to say as clearly as I can: Democracy—and I've been saying this for a while— democracy is literally on the ballot this year. The future of democracy and freedom is at stake. We have brave soldiers who gave their lives on the beaches of Normandy who did their part. You may recall, this—I'm glad I wasn't with him. I lost my son because of being near a burn pit for a year in Iraq. He was a major in the United States Army, attorney general of the State of Delaware. Glad I wasn't with him when he said—remember, he wouldn't go up to the Normandy—he wouldn't go up to that American cemetery in Italy [France; White House correction]? Why? He said they're "losers" and "suckers." "Losers" and "suckers." Who in the hell does he think he is? This guy does not deserve to be President, whether or not I was running. Now we have to do our part. We have to do it together. I've never been more optimistic in my entire career. We just have to remember who the hell we are. We are the United States of America. There is nothing—nothing—beyond our capacity. We're the only Nation in the history of the world that's come out of every crisis stronger than we went in. It's time for us to stand up and take it back. It's time for us to do what we can do. It's time for us to give everybody a shot. My dad used to say: "Joey, your job is about a lot more than a paycheck. It's about your dignity. It's about your honor. It's about being able to look your kid in the eye and say, 'Honey, it's going to be okay.'" Well, that's what's happening now. We're on the cusp. We've gone from trickle-down economics to the point where we're in a situation where we build from the middle class out and the bottom up. And that way the wealthy still do very well. No one wealthy is hurting at all. We're in good shape. So we have to keep it going that way. Remember—remember why we're in this. We're in this to make life better for everybody. Just give people, as my dad would say, an even chance. Just a shot. Nothing guaranteed, just a shot. Give them a shot, they'll step up. This is the United States of America. And we're going to do it. God bless you all, and may God protect our troops. Thank you. NOTE: The President spoke at 7:38 p.m. at the residence of Richard and Lisa Plepler. In his remarks, he referred to former Sen. Christopher J. Dodd; Gov. Edward M. Lamont, Jr., and Lt. Gov. Susan Bysiewicz of Connecticut; Sen. Richard Blumenthal; and Vice President Kamala D. Harris. He also referred to his sister Valerie Biden Owens and brothers Francis W. and James B. Biden. The transcript was released by the Office of the Press Secretary on June 4. Audio was not available for verification of the content of these remarks. Categories: Addresses and Remarks : Campaign event in Greenwich, CT. Locations: Greenwich, CT. Names: Biden Owens, Valerie; Biden, Francis W.; Biden, James B.; Biden, R. Hunter; Blumenthal, Richard; Bysiewicz, Susan; Dodd, Christopher J.; Harris, Kamala D.; Himes, James A.; Lamont, Edward M., Jr.; Murphy, Christopher S.; Plepler, Lisa; Plepler, Richard; Summers, Lawrence H.; Trump, Donald J. Subjects: 2021 civil unrest and violence at U.S. Capitol; 2024 Presidential election; Cancer research, prevention, and treatment; Climate change; Connecticut, Democratic Party event; Connecticut, Governor; Connecticut, Lieutenant Governor; Connecticut, President's visit; COVID–19 pandemic; Federal deficit and debt; Gun violence, prevention efforts; Health insurance, access and availability; Inflation; Infrastructure improvements; Job creation and growth; Junk fees imposed on consumers, prevention efforts; Medicare and Medicaid programs; New York, conviction of former President Donald J. Trump for falsifying business records; Prescription drug costs, reduction efforts; Small businesses, promotion efforts; U.S. Supreme Court opinion overturning 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade; Unemployment rate; Vice President. DCPD Number: DCPD202400486.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
Proclamation 10773-Securing the Border
Administration of Joseph R. Biden, Jr., 2024 June 3, 2024 By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation There are more people around the world who are displaced from their homes today than at any point in time since World War II. Many factors have contributed to this problem. Failing regimes and dire economic conditions afflict many countries, including several in the Western Hemisphere. Violence linked to transnational criminal organizations has displaced substantial numbers of people in Latin America. The global COVID–19 pandemic upended societies around the globe. Natural disasters have forced people from their homes. As a result of these global conditions, we have been experiencing substantial levels of migration throughout the Western Hemisphere, including at our southwest land border. In 2019, encounters nearly doubled from their 2018 level to almost 1 million. In 2020, the global COVID– 19 pandemic led countries throughout the world to shut their borders and suspend international travel; however, once the pandemic began to recede, international travel resumed, and we again experienced elevated levels of migration throughout the Western Hemisphere, including at our southwest land border. On May 11, 2023, as part of my Administration's work to prepare for the end of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's public health order under title 42, United States Code, and to return to processing all noncitizens under immigration authorities under title 8, United States Code (title 8), the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) issued a final rule, entitled Circumvention of Lawful Pathways (Lawful Pathways rule), encouraging the use of lawful pathways and imposing a rebuttable presumption of asylum ineligibility on those who do not use them. The Lawful Pathways rule was designed to address the high levels of migration throughout the Western Hemisphere and further discourage irregular migration by encouraging migrants to use lawful, safe, and orderly processes for entering the United States or to seek protection in other partner nations; imposing a presumptive condition on asylum eligibility for those who fail to do so; and supporting the swift return of those who do not have valid protection claims. As a complement to the Lawful Pathways rule and associated enforcement efforts, the Department of State and DHS have taken significant steps to expand safe and orderly pathways for migrants to enter the United States lawfully. Those steps include establishing Safe Mobility Offices in Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, and Guatemala to facilitate access to lawful pathways; expanding country-specific and other available processes to seek parole on a case-by-case basis for urgent humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit; expanding access to visa programs for seasonal employment; establishing a mechanism for noncitizens to schedule a time and place to present at ports of entry in a safe, orderly, and lawful manner through the CBP One mobile application; and expanding refugee admissions from the Western Hemisphere from 5,000 in Fiscal Year 2021 to up to 50,000 in Fiscal Year 2024. The Lawful Pathways rule and these complementary measures have made a substantial impact. On May 12, 2023, DHS returned to processing all noncitizens under title 8 immigration authorities and is processing noncitizens at record scale and efficiency. Since then, my Administration has maximized the use of expedited removal to the greatest extent possible given limited resources, placing more than 970 individuals encountered at and between ports of entry at the southwest land border into the process each day on average and conducting more than 152,000 credible fear interviews, both of which are record highs. As a result, from May 12, 2023, to May 1, 2024, my Administration removed or returned more than 720,000 noncitizens who did not have a lawful basis to remain in the United States, the vast majority of whom crossed the southwest land border. Total removals and returns in the 12 months following May 12, 2023, exceeded removals and returns in every full Fiscal Year since 2010. The majority of all individuals encountered at the southwest land border from Fiscal Year 2021 to Fiscal Year 2023 were removed, returned, or expelled. Despite these efforts, and after months of reduced encounter levels following the changes put in place after May 12, 2023, encounter levels increased toward the end of 2023, and December 2023 saw the highest level of encounters between ports of entry in history, as increasing numbers of people migrated through the Western Hemisphere. The challenges presented by this surge in migration, which would have been even worse had the Lawful Pathways rule and other measures not been in place, were compounded by the fact that the surge was focused increasingly on western areas of the border in California and Arizona that are geographically remote, challenging to address, and without sufficient pre-existing infrastructure or resources to respond to the surge. From January to March 2024, encounters decreased from and have remained below levels experienced in November and December 2023, including as a result of increased enforcement by the United States and partner countries. However, the factors that are driving the unprecedented movement of people in our hemisphere remain, and there is still a substantial and elevated level of migration that continues to pose significant operational challenges. The current situation is also the direct result of the Congress's failure to update an immigration and asylum system that is simply broken—and not equipped to meet current needs. While my Administration has vigorously enforced the law within the constraints imposed by the existing system, the statutory framework put in place by the Congress is outdated. For the vast majority of people in immigration proceedings, the current laws make it impossible to quickly grant protection to those who require it and to quickly remove those who do not establish a legal basis to remain in the United States. This reality is compounded by the fact that the Congress has chronically underfunded our border security and immigration system and has failed to provide the resources or reforms it needs to be able to deliver timely consequences to most individuals who cross unlawfully and cannot establish a legal basis to remain in the United States. Despite the strengthened consequences in place at our border through the Lawful Pathways rule and the related measures that have led to record returns and removals, encounter levels are exceeding our capacity to deliver those consequences in a timely manner due to the outdated laws and limited resources we have available. My Administration has repeatedly asked the Congress to update the outdated and inadequate immigration statutes, to create a legal framework that is functional and addresses current realities, and to provide additional resources so that we can more effectively deliver consequences at the border. In August 2023, I requested more than $4 billion in additional funding for border security and related migration issues, including more than $2 billion for urgent DHS border management requirements. The Congress failed to act. In October 2023, I requested $13.6 billion for border enforcement and migration management. This request included more than $5 billion for DHS to manage conditions on the southern border, as well as funding for critical capacity enhancements to keep the southern border secure. The Congress once again failed to provide our border and immigration system with the resources it needs to deliver timely consequences to those who cross unlawfully. In early February 2024, a bipartisan group of Senators introduced legislation (bipartisan legislative proposal) containing the toughest and fairest reforms of our asylum laws in decades that would have provided new authorities to significantly streamline and speed up immigration enforcement proceedings for individuals encountered at the border, including those who are seeking protection. Critically, the bipartisan legislative proposal included nearly $20 billion in additional resources for DHS and other departments to implement those new authorities, such as: over 1,500 new U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) personnel, including Border Patrol agents and CBP officers; over 4,300 new asylum officers and additional U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services staff to facilitate timely and fair decisions; 100 new immigration judge teams to help reduce the asylum caseload backlog and adjudicate cases more quickly; shelter and critical services for newcomers in our cities and States; and 1,200 new U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement personnel for functions including enforcement and deportations. While the bipartisan legislative proposal did not include everything we wanted, senior officials from my Administration worked closely with the bipartisan group of Senators to ensure that the reforms would adequately address the challenges that we have been facing at our southern border for more than a decade. However, the Congress failed to move forward with this bipartisan legislative proposal. The Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024 (Public Law 118–47) increased funding for DHS over Fiscal Year 2023, but it did not address the needs identified in various related supplemental requests, nor did it equip the Federal Government with the new authorities from the bipartisan legislative proposal. In May 2024, when the Senate again considered the bipartisan legislative proposal, the Senate failed to advance the measure. Our broken immigration system is directly contributing to the historic migration we are seeing throughout the Western Hemisphere, exacerbated by poor economic conditions, natural disasters, and general insecurity, and this fact, combined with inadequate resources to keep pace, has once again severely strained our capacity at the border. The result is a vicious cycle in which our United States Border Patrol facilities constantly risk overcrowding, our detention system has regularly been at capacity, and our asylum system remains backlogged and cannot deliver timely decisions, all of which spurs more people to make the dangerous journey north to the United States. The Congress's failure to deliver meaningful policy reforms and adequate funding, despite repeated requests that they do so, is a core cause of this problem. Under current law, whenever a noncitizen in expedited removal indicates an intention to apply for asylum or a fear of persecution, they are referred for an interview with an asylum officer and cannot be removed through expedited removal if there is a significant possibility that they could establish eligibility for asylum. This screening standard is a requirement imposed by the Congress, but it has not functioned well in predicting ultimate success in asylum proceedings. From 2014 to 2019, 83 percent of individuals referred for an interview with an asylum officer passed the screening stage, meaning that they were not removed pursuant to expedited removal, but less than 25 percent of cases ultimately resulted in a grant of asylum or other protection, often after waiting years to reach a final decision. By imposing a rebuttable presumption of asylum ineligibility on those who cross the border unlawfully, the Lawful Pathways rule has made a meaningful impact in reducing this disparity. The screen-in rate from May 12, 2023, to March 31, 2024, dropped to 52 percent for individuals who are subject to the rebuttable presumption of asylum ineligibility. However, the Lawful Pathways rule alone is inadequate during times of record encounter levels and cannot change the underlying statutory limitations. Data confirm that the system has been badly strained for many years and is not functioning to provide timely relief for those who warrant it or timely consequences for those without viable protection claims. Due to an outdated and inefficient system and insufficient resources that do not allow for prompt adjudication of claims, too many people have had to be processed by the Border Patrol and released with a notice to appear in removal proceedings before an immigration judge since May 2023. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service affirmative asylum backlog is now over 1 million cases and growing, with over 300,000 applications filed prior to 2021 still pending. At the end of Fiscal Year 2023, there were over 2.4 million cases pending in the immigration courts. Pending cases more than doubled from the end of Fiscal Year 2016 to the end of Fiscal Year 2020 and doubled again between that time and the end of Fiscal Year 2023. Between Fiscal Year 2006 and the end of Fiscal Year 2023, in tandem with historic increases in filings to initiate immigration court proceedings, the immigration courts' pending caseload increased from approximately 170,000 to approximately 2.46 million. During Fiscal Year 2023, immigration judges completed more cases than they ever had before in a single year, but more than twice as many cases were received by the immigration courts than were completed. The status quo system—the result of outdated laws and inadequate resources—has become a driver for unlawful migration throughout the region and an increasingly lucrative source of income for dangerous transnational criminal organizations and other criminal smuggling organizations that, without countermeasures, will continue to grow in strength and pose significant threats to the safety and security of United States communities and migrants, as well as countries throughout the region. Considering these trends and the decades-long failure of the Congress to address the problem through systemic reform and adequate funding, and following the Congress's failure to pass the bipartisan legislative proposal, I must exercise my executive authorities to meet the moment. This proclamation answers the call by suspending entry of noncitizens across the southern border during this time of high border crossings. Appropriate exceptions are provided, such as for those who are particularly vulnerable or present pursuant to a process the Secretary of Homeland Security determines is appropriate to allow for safe and orderly processing into the United States. That process will continue to allow for individuals to seek entry to this country each day in a safe and orderly manner, and following their arrival, to seek protection through the appropriate process. This proclamation, in conjunction with steps to be taken by DOJ and DHS, is needed to enhance our ability to address the historic levels of migration and more efficiently process migrants arriving at the southern border given current resource levels. These actions do not change or fully compensate for the fact that our immigration system is under-resourced and broken, nor do they change the fact that there are significant limits to what can be achieved without the Congress fulfilling its responsibility to help solve the unprecedented challenge that we are facing. No executive action can deliver the significant policy reforms and additional resources that were in the bipartisan legislative proposal. But I will continue to take actions, within these constraints, to address the situation at our southern border. Now, Therefore, I, Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including sections 212(f) and 215(a) of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1182(f) and 1185(a)) and section 301 of title 3, United States Code, hereby find that, absent the measures set forth in this proclamation, the entry into the United States of persons described in section 1 of this proclamation under circumstances described in section 2 of this proclamation would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, and that their entry should be subject to certain restrictions, limitations, and exceptions. I therefore hereby proclaim the following: Section 1. Suspension and Limitation on Entry. The entry of any noncitizen into the United States across the southern border is hereby suspended and limited, subject to section 3 of this proclamation. This suspension and limitation on entry shall be effective at 12:01 a.m. eastern daylight time on June 5, 2024. The suspension and limitation directed in this proclamation shall be discontinued pursuant to subsection 2(a) of this proclamation, subject to subsection 2(b) of this proclamation. Sec. 2. Applicability of Suspension and Limitation on Entry. (a) The Secretary of Homeland Security shall monitor the number of daily encounters and, subject to subsection (b) of this section, the suspension and limitation on entry pursuant to section 1 of this proclamation shall be discontinued at 12:01 a.m. eastern time on the date that is 14 calendar days after the Secretary makes a factual determination that there has been a 7-consecutive-calendar-day average of less than 1,500 encounters, not including encounters described in subsection 4(a)(iii) of this proclamation. Notwithstanding a factual determination made under subsection (a) of this section, the suspension and limitation on entry pursuant to section 1 of this proclamation shall apply at 12:01 a.m. eastern time on the calendar day immediately after the Secretary has made a factual determination that there has been a 7-consecutive-calendar-day average of 2,500 encounters or more, not including encounters described in subsection 4(a)(iii) of this proclamation, until such suspension and limitation on entry is discontinued pursuant to subsection (a) of this section. For purposes of subsection (a) and subsection (b) of this section, unaccompanied children (as defined in section 279(g)(2) of title 6, United States Code) from non-contiguous countries shall not be included in calculating the number of encounters. Sec. 3. Scope and Implementation of Suspension and Limitation on Entry. (a) The suspension and limitation on entry pursuant to section 1 of this proclamation shall apply across the southern border to noncitizens, other than those described in subsection (b) of this section, during such times that the suspension and limitation on entry is in effect. The suspension and limitation on entry pursuant to section 1 of this proclamation shall not apply to: any noncitizen national of the United States; any lawful permanent resident of the United States; any unaccompanied child as defined in section 279(g)(2) of title 6, United States Code; any noncitizen who is determined to be a victim of a severe form of trafficking in persons, as defined in section 7102(16) of title 22, United States Code; any noncitizen who has a valid visa or other lawful permission to seek entry or admission into the United States, or presents at a port of entry pursuant to a pre- scheduled time and place, including: members of the United States Armed Forces and associated personnel, United States Government employees or contractors on orders abroad, or their accompanying family members who are on their orders or are members of their household; noncitizens who hold a valid visa or who have all necessary documents required for admission consistent with the requirements of section 1182(a)(7) of title 8, United States Code, upon arrival at a port of entry; noncitizens traveling pursuant to the visa waiver program as described in section 1187 of title 8, United States Code; and noncitizens who arrive in the United States at a southwest land border port of entry pursuant to a process the Secretary of Homeland Security determines is appropriate to allow for the safe and orderly entry of noncitizens into the United States; any noncitizen who is permitted to enter by the Secretary of Homeland Security, acting through a CBP immigration officer, based on the totality of the circumstances, including consideration of significant law enforcement, officer and public safety, urgent humanitarian, and public health interests at the time of the entry or encounter that warranted permitting the noncitizen to enter; and any noncitizen who is permitted to enter by the Secretary of Homeland Security, acting through a CBP immigration officer, due to operational considerations at the time of the entry or encounter that warranted permitting the noncitizen to enter. An exception under subsection (b) of this section from the suspension and limitation on entry pursuant to section 1 of this proclamation does not affect a noncitizen's inadmissibility under the Immigration and Nationality Act for a reason other than the applicability of this proclamation. The Secretary of Homeland Security and the Attorney General are authorized to issue any instructions, orders, or regulations as may be necessary to implement this proclamation, including the determination of the exceptions in subsection (b) of this section, and shall promptly consider issuing any instructions, orders, or regulations as may be necessary to address the circumstances at the southern border, including any additional limitations and conditions on asylum eligibility that they determine are warranted, subject to any exceptions that they determine are warranted. Nothing in this proclamation shall limit the statutory processes afforded to unaccompanied children upon entering the United States under section 279 of title 6, United States Code, and section 1232 of title 8, United States Code. Sec. 4. Definitions. (a) The term "encounter" refers to a noncitizen who: is physically apprehended by CBP immigration officers within 100 miles of the United States southwest land border during the 14-day period immediately after entry between ports of entry; is physically apprehended by DHS personnel at the southern coastal borders during the 14-day period immediately after entry between ports of entry; or is determined to be inadmissible at a southwest land border port of entry. The term "southern coastal borders" means all maritime borders in Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida; all maritime borders proximate to the southwest land border, the Gulf of Mexico, and the southern Pacific coast in California; and all maritime borders of the United States Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico. The term "southwest land border" means the entirety of the United States land border with Mexico. The term "southern border" means the southwest land border and the southern coastal borders. Sec. 5. Severability. It is the policy of the United States to enforce this proclamation to the maximum extent possible to advance the interests of the United States. Accordingly, if any provision of this proclamation, or the application of any provision to any person or circumstance, is held to be invalid, the remainder of this proclamation and the application of its provisions to any other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby. Sec. 6. General Provisions. (a) Nothing in this proclamation shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect: the authority granted by law to an executive department or agency, or the head thereof; or the functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budgetary, administrative, or legislative proposals. This proclamation shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations. This proclamation is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this third day of June, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-four, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-eighth. Joseph R. Biden, Jr. [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, 8:45 a.m., June 6, 2024] NOTE: This proclamation was released by the Office of the Press Secretary on June 4 and published in the *Federal Register *on June 7. The proclamation referred to Sens. James P. Lankford, Kyrsten L. Sinema, and Christopher S. Murphy. Categories: Proclamations : Border security, U.S. Names: Lankford, James P.; Murphy, Christopher S.; Sinema, Kyrsten L. Subjects: Asylum claims process, improvement efforts; Attorney General; Border security; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; COVID–19 pandemic; Deportation rates; Illegal immigration; Immigration reform; Mexico, border with U.S., infrastructure and security; Migration flows, international cooperation; Refugees and migrants, U.S. admission policy; Secretary of Homeland Security; Transnational criminal organizations; U.S. Border Patrol; U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services; U.S. Customs and Border Protection; U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. DCPD Number: DCPD202400485.
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Remarks at the Congressional Picnic
Administration of Joseph R. Biden, Jr., 2024 June 4, 2024 The President. My name is Joe Biden. I'm Jill's husband. [Laughter] I want to thank all the congressional leaders here today: Chuck; my guy who's going to be the next Speaker of the House, Leader Jeffries; and a guy I'm going to have to admit to you I couldn't do without as President of the United States, Dick Durbin. The First Lady. Yes. The President. He gets it all done all the time for me. And Katherine Clark, the whip in the—[applause]. And always happy to see Nancy—Nancy Pelosi—[*laughter*]—who's hiding right there in the corner. Nance, the best Speaker in American history. The First Lady. Yes. The President. No, you really are, Nancy. And I wouldn't be here were it not for the fact that Tommy Carper got me here. [*Laughter*] Senator Carper, good to see you, pal. And so many other people. Look, to all of—and I—is Steny here? Where is Steny Hoyer? Steny Hoyer—— The First Lady. I hear him in the back. He's drinking—he's over by the beer. [Laughter] The President. Yes. Well, Steny Hoyer lives on the western shore of Delaware, in Maryland. [Laughter] To all the family members joining us, sent decades in the Senate, as Jill pointed out. Hard to believe—36 years in the Senate. But I tell you—I swear to God, I miss it. We had such camaraderie. We used to—back in those days, we all got along pretty well, even though we had real differences. And Jill and I know that sometimes it can be a lot. Look, thank all of you for the sacrifice you make. This picnic is an important tradition. And it goes back for a long, long way. And to know— and you know, I think the thing about—I'm just—let me put it this way: I remember when I was Vice President and things weren't going too well, and I realized there were a lot of Senators that were coming in that I didn't know very well. And so I decided I'd go over to the Senate dining room—the private dining room. We used to have two big conference tables there and an archway separating the two and a—and a buffet place. And you'd go, and you'd sit with the people you had strong disagreements with on almost everything, but you sat there, and you ate together, you got to know each other. You got to know about each other's families. It's hard to dislike a woman or a man when you know they're having a problem with their son or their daughter or one of them is sick or—it's just hard. You get to know people. And we didn't—and so I realized I didn't know that many people, so I went over. I was President of the Senate. I think I told you this before, Nance. Go over to the Senate dining room and to sit down and talk with all my old friends and get to know new ones. It turned out there's no dining room there anymore. There's—the tables are gone. There was a dining room where a Senator could take a guest in the larger dining room, but there's no private dining room. And I think one of the things that I miss the most now and I think I'd miss if I were still there is the failure to get together as much as we used to. We used to travel together. We used to travel together as couples. We became good friends with—the other party. It's—as I said, it's hard to—really dislike someone when you know more about them, know about their families. And so, in my years of experience, taking time to make a better Senator makes a better leader—taking the time to get to know one another. To—and that's what I hope to do a little bit today. Excuse me, I've got a little bit of a sore throat. And there's a lot to be proud of today. And I'm going to end by saying, look, I know I'm accused of being a congenital optimist, but the truth of the matter is, with the grace of God and the good will of the neighbors and the crick not rising, we have a shot to make some real changes—Democrats and Republicans—for the better for the country. We're the most powerful Nation in the world. The rest of the world looks to us—not a joke. I know every major world leader well. I've been doing this a long time. And they look to us, the United States, to—for leadership. Now ask yourself the rhetorical question: If it wasn't us, who would it be? And so there's a lot we can do. There's a lot we can do and a lot we can look forward to. So, as my grandfather would say, with the grace of God, the good will of the neighbors, and the creek not rising, we're on to better days. Thank you, thank you, thank you for being here. I want to say hello to everyone. Do you want to come this way? The First Lady. I'll—are you going to go that way? I'll go this way. The President. You go that way; I'll go this way? The First Lady. Yes. The President. She's going to that; I'm going this way. You're out of luck. [*At this point, the President exited the stage and greeted attendees. He then continued his remarks as follows*.] Hey, folks, I am sorry, but they tell me I've got to leave in 4 minutes to go to the airport to go to Normandy, France, to speak at the—D-Day. And I apologize for having to leave. I really am. I—you know me, I keep going the whole time if you're willing to stay there. But thank you, thank you, thank you for all you do. To all the Members, thank you. I truly appreciate all you do. I really mean it. Remember, we're the United States of America. There's nothing beyond our capacity— nothing—when we do it together. So let's get together. Thank you all. Appreciate it. Sorry, I've got to go out—they're having me go out the front door. So thank you. Whoa, wait a minute. I've got one—I've got to go over here. Because guess what? When my son went off to school, he went off to Yale University. And they were looking for—he rented an apartment next to this woman's parents—mother's home. And I was on the ladder helping them paint it, because it needed to be painted. And her mom came in and said, "Where's Biden?" I said, "I'm Biden." She said: "No, where's Biden? Where's Biden?" [*Laughter*] You're incredible, kid. I'm going to give you a hug, and then I'm getting the hell out of here. NOTE: The President spoke at 6:31 p.m. on the South Lawn of the White House. In his remarks, he referred to Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer; and Rep. Rosa L. DeLauro. The transcript was released by the Office of the Press Secretary on June 5. A portion of these remarks could not be verified because the audio was incomplete. Categories: Addresses and Remarks : Congressional Picnic. Locations: Washington, DC. Names: Biden, Jill T.; Biden, R. Hunter; Carper, Thomas R.; Clark, Katherine M.; DeLauro, Rosa L.; Durbin, Richard J.; Hoyer, Steny H.; Jeffries, Hakeem S.; Pelosi, Nancy; Schumer, Charles E. Subjects: Bipartisanship; Congressional Picnic; House minority leader; Senate majority leader. DCPD Number: DCPD202400488.
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Joint Statement by Group of Seven (G-7) Nations Leaders on the Cease-Fire Negotiations for the Conflict in Gaza, Palestinian Territories
Administration of Joseph R. Biden, Jr., 2024 June 3, 2024 We, the Leaders of the Group of Seven (G7), fully endorse and will stand behind the comprehensive deal outlined by President Biden that would lead to an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, the release of all hostages, a significant and sustained increase in humanitarian assistance for distribution throughout Gaza, and an enduring end to the crisis, with Israel's security interests and Gazan civilian safety assured. We reaffirm our support for a credible pathway towards peace leading to a two State solution. We call on Hamas to accept this deal, that Israel is ready to move forward with, and we urge countries with influence over Hamas to help ensure that it does so. NOTE: An original was not available for verification of the content of this joint statement. Categories: Joint Statements : Group of Seven (G–7) nation leaders, cease-fire negotiations for conflict in Gaza, Palestinian Territories. Subjects: Arab-Israeli conflict, peace process; Gaza, conflict with Israel; Gaza, hostages held by Hamas; Gaza, international assistance; Group of Seven (G–7) nations; Hamas political- paramilitary organization; Israel, military operations in Gaza. DCPD Number: DCPD202400484. 1
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Remarks on Border Security and an Exchange With Reporters
Administration of Joseph R. Biden, Jr., 2024 June 4, 2024 The President. Good afternoon. I've come here today to do what the Republicans in Congress refuse to do: take the necessary steps to secure our border. Four months ago, after weeks of intense negotiation between my staff and Democrats and Republicans, we came to a clear—clear—bipartisan deal that was the strongest border security agreement in decades. But then Republicans in Congress—not all, but—walked away from it. Why? Because Donald Trump told them to. He told the Republicans—it has been published widely by many of you—that he didn't want to fix the issue; he wanted to use it to attack me. That's what he wanted to do. It was a cynical and a—extremely cynical political move and a complete disservice to the American people, who are looking for us to—not to weaponize the border, but to fix it. Today I'm joined by a bipartisan group of Governors, Members of Congress, mayors, law enforcement officials, most of whom live and work along the southern border. They know the border is not a political issue to be weaponized—the responsibility we have to share to do something about it. They don't have time for the games played in Washington, and neither do the American people. So today I'm moving past Republican obstruction and using the executive authorities available to me as President to do what I can on my own to address the border. Frankly, I would have preferred to address this issue through a bipartisan legislation, because that's the only way to actually get the kind of system we have now—that's broken—fixed, to hire more Border Patrol agents, more asylum officers, more judges. But Republicans have left me with no choice. Today I'm announcing actions to bar migrants who cross our southern border unlawfully from receiving asylum. Migrants will be restricted from receiving asylum at our southern border unless they seek it after entering through an established lawful process. And those who seek—come to the United States legally—for example, by making an appointment and coming to a port of entry—asylum will still be available to them—still available. But if an individual chooses not to use our legal pathways, if they choose to come without permission and against the law, they'll be restricted from receiving asylum and staying in the United States. This action will help us gain control of our border and restore order to the process. This ban will remain in place until the number of people trying to enter illegally is reduced to a level that our system can effectively manage. We'll carry out this order consistent with all our responsibilities under international law, every one of them. In addition to this action, we recently made important reforms in our asylum system: more efficient and more secure reforms. The goal is to deliver decisions on asylum as quickly as possible. The quicker the decision—the quicker decision means that a migrant is less likely to pay a criminal smuggler thousands of dollars to take them on a dangerous journey, knowing that if in fact they move in the wrong direction, they'd be turned around quickly. And 2 weeks ago, the Department of Justice stated—started a new docket in the immigration courts to address cases where people who've recently crossed the border and make—they'll make a decision within 6 months rather than 6 years, because that's what happens now. Additionally, the Department of Homeland Security has proposed new rules to allow Federal law enforcement to more quickly remove asylum seekers that have criminal convictions and remove them from the United States. My administration is also—recently launched new efforts to go after criminal networks that profit from smuggling migrants to our border and incentivize people to give tips to law enforcement to provide information that brings smugglers to justice. We're also sending additional Federal prosecutors to hot spots along the border and prosecute individuals who break our immigration laws. One other critical step that we are—we'll be taking, and that is—made a huge difference: We continue to work closely with our Mexican neighbors instead of attacking Mexico, and it's worked. We built a strong partnership of trust between the Mexican President, López Obrador, and I'm going to do the same with the Mexican-elect President, who I spoke with yesterday. We've chosen to work together with Mexico as an equal partner, and the facts are clear. Due to the arrangements that I've reached with President Obrador, the number of migrants coming and shared—to our shared border unlawfully in recent months has dropped dramatically. But while these steps are important, they're not enough. To truly secure the border, we have to change our laws, and Congress needs to provide the necessary funding to hire 1,500 more border security agents; 100 more immigration judges to help tackle the backlog of cases, more than 2 million of them; 4,300 more asylum officers to make decisions in less than 6 months instead of 6 years, which is what it takes now; and around 100 more high-tech detection machines to significantly increase the ability to screen and stop fentanyl being smuggled into the United States. These investments were one of the primary reasons that the Border Patrol union endorsed the bipartisan deal in the first place. And these investments are essential and remain essential. As far as I'm concerned, if you're not willing to spend the money to hire more Border Patrol agents, more asylum officers, more judges, more high-tech machinery, you're just not serious about protecting our border. It's just as simple as that. I believe that immigration has always been a lifeblood of America. We're constantly renewed by an infusion of people with—and new talent. The Statue of Liberty is not some relic of American history. It stands for who we are as the United States. So I will never demonize immigrants. I will never refer to immigrants as "poisoning the blood" of a country. And further, I'll never separate children from their families at the border. I will not ban people from this country because of their religious beliefs. I will not use the U.S. military to go into neighborhoods all across the country to pull millions of people out of their homes and away from their families to put detention camps and await—while awaiting deportation, as my predecessor says he will do if he occupies this office again. On my first—very first day as President, I introduced a comprehensive immigration reform plan to fix—to fix—our broken system, secure our border, provide a pathway for citizenship for "Dreamers," and a lot more. And I'm still fighting to get that done. But we must face a simple truth: To protect America as a land that welcomes immigrants, we must first secure the border and secure it now. The simple truth is, there is a worldwide migrant crisis, and if the United States doesn't secure our border, there is no limit to the number of people who may try to come here, because there is no better place on the planet than the United States of America. For those who say the steps I've taken are too strict, I say to you that—be patient, and good will of the American people are going to wear—are wearing thin right now. Doing nothing is not an option. We have to act. We must act consistent with both our law and our values—our value as Americans. I'll take these steps today not to walk away from we—who we are as Americans, but to make sure we preserve who we are for future generations to come. Today I've spoken about what we need to do to secure the border. In the weeks ahead—and I mean the weeks ahead—I will speak to how we can make our immigration system more fair and more just. Let's fix the problem and stop fighting about it. I'm doing my part. We're doing our part. congressional Republicans should do their part. Thank you very much. [*At this point, several reporters began asking questions at once.*] Q. Mr. President, why are you taking this action now? [The President addressed participants as follows.] The President. Welcome to Washington. Q. Mr. President, why did it take this long to do this? Q. Why did you wait so long, Mr. President, to take this action? Q. Why did you wait so long, Mr. President? [Several reporters asked questions at once.] The President. I'll talk to you later. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel Q. Mr. President, is Netanyahu playing politics with the war? The President. What was that? Q. I asked, sir: Is Prime Minister Netanyahu playing politics with the war? The President. I don't think so. He's trying to work out a serious problem he has. Thank you. Q. [Inaudible]—before the election, Mr. President? Why now, Mr. President? NOTE: The President spoke at 2:20 p.m. in the East Room at the White House. In his remarks, he referred to Sens. Kyrsten L. Sinema, Christopher S. Murphy, and James P. Lankford; former President Donald J. Trump; and President-elect Claudia Sheinbaum of Mexico. He also referred to Proclamation 10773. Categories: Addresses and Remarks : Border security; Interviews With the News Media : Exchanges with reporters, White House. Locations: Washington, DC. Names: Lankford, James P.; López Obrador, Andrés Manuel ; Murphy, Christopher S.; Netanyahu, Benjamin; Sheinbaum, Claudia; Sinema, Kyrsten L.; Trump, Donald J. Subjects: Asylum claims process, improvement efforts; Bipartisanship; Border security; Human trafficking, efforts to combat; Illegal drugs, interdiction efforts; Illegal immigration; Immigration reform; Israel, President; Mexico, border with U.S., infrastructure and security; Mexico, immigration enforcement cooperation with U.S.; Mexico, President; Opioid epidemic, efforts to combat; Transnational criminal organizations; U.S. Border Patrol. DCPD Number: DCPD202400487.
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Uterine Fibroid Intervention and Gynecological Health Treatment Act of 2024
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 8247 Introduced in House (IH)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 8247 To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to increase early detection of and intervention for uterine fibroids, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES May 6, 2024 Ms. Brown (for herself, Ms. Clarke of New York, Mrs. Cherfilus- McCormick, Ms. Lois Frankel of Florida, Mrs. Beatty, Mr. Jackson of Illinois, Ms. Norton, Ms. Jackson Lee, Ms. Kamlager-Dove, Ms. Kelly of Illinois, Mrs. Hayes, Mrs. Trahan, Mr. Lieu, Mr. Frost, Ms. Stevens, Mrs. Watson Coleman, Mrs. Ramirez, Ms. Moore of Wisconsin, Ms. Strickland, Ms. Jacobs, Mr. Veasey, Ms. Williams of Georgia, Mr. Grijalva, Ms. Jayapal, Ms. Plaskett, Ms. Pressley, Ms. Sewell, Mr. Johnson of Georgia, Mr. Casar, Mrs. Foushee, Ms. Blunt Rochester, Mr. Carson, and Ms. Budzinski) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To authorize the Secretary of Health and Human Services to award grants to increase early detection of and intervention for uterine fibroids, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Uterine Fibroid Intervention and Gynecological Health Treatment Act of 2024''. SEC. 2. RESEARCH ON UTERINE FIBROID EARLY DETECTION AND INTERVENTION. (a) In General.--The Secretary of Health and Human Services (in this Act referred to as the ``Secretary'') shall-- (1) conduct or support research on increasing early detection of, and intervention for, uterine fibroids; and (2) based on the results of such research and other relevant information, formulate evidence-based or evidence- informed strategies to increase early detection in health care settings. (b) Timeline.--The Secretary shall finalize the evidence-based or evidence-informed strategies required by subsection (a)(2) as expeditiously as possible in order to make such strategies available to grantees under section 3 to implement such strategies pursuant to section 3(b)(3). SEC. 3. GRANTS WITH RESPECT TO UTERINE FIBROID EARLY DETECTION AND INTERVENTION. (a) In General.--The Secretary of Health and Human Services (in this Act referred to as the ``Secretary'') may award grants to States for carrying out programs-- (1) to increase early detection of and intervention for uterine fibroids; and (2) to develop and implement public awareness and education campaigns for the early detection and intervention of uterine fibroids. (b) Use of Funds.--A State receiving a grant under this section may use the grant, with respect to increasing early detection of and intervention for uterine fibroids, for the following activities: (1) Screening procedures, including advanced gynecological imaging (including payment therefor). (2) Patient navigation services. (3) Implementation of evidence-based or evidence-informed strategies proven to increase early detection in health care settings. (4) Facilitating access to health care settings. (c) Priority.--In awarding grants under this section, the Secretary shall give priority to States proposing to carry out a program in a geographic areas in which there are socially vulnerable populations with elevated risk of uterine fibroid development. SEC. 4. RESEARCH WITH RESPECT TO UTERINE FIBROID EARLY DETECTION AND INTERVENTION. The Secretary may award grants to conduct research, which may include clinical trials, related to-- (1) disparities in pain control and management in uterine fibroid surgical treatment; or (2) Asherman's Syndrome, intrauterine adhesions, and other intrauterine conditions as determined appropriate by the Secretary. SEC. 5. REPORTS TO CONGRESS. (a) Reports on Grants.--Not later 2 years after the initial award of grants under this Act, and every 2 years thereafter, the Secretary shall submit to the Congress, and make publicly available on the appropriate website of the Department of Health and Human Services, a report summarizing the findings and results of programs and activities funded through grants under this Act. (b) Report on Research Developments.--Not later than 2 years after the date of enactment of this Act, and every 2 years thereafter, the Secretary shall submit to the Congress, and make publicly available on the appropriate website of the Department of Health and Human Services, a report outlining research developments and findings related to-- (2) disparities in pain control and management in uterine fibroid surgical treatment; and (3) Asherman's Syndrome, intrauterine adhesions, and other intrauterine conditions as determined appropriate by the Secretary. <all>
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Unmasking Antifa Act of 2024
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 8248 Introduced in House (IH)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 8248 To amend title 18, United States Code, to provide penalty enhancements for committing certain offenses while in disguise, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES May 6, 2024 Mr. Burchett introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend title 18, United States Code, to provide penalty enhancements for committing certain offenses while in disguise, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Unmasking Antifa Act of 2024''. SEC. 2. INTERFERENCE WITH PROTECTED RIGHTS WHILE IN DISGUISE. (a) In General.--Chapter 13 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by inserting after section 250 the following: ``Sec. 251. Interference with protected rights while in disguise ``(a) In General.--Whoever, whether or not acting under color of law, while in disguise, including while wearing a mask, injures, oppresses, threatens, or intimidates any person in any State, Territory, Commonwealth, Possession, or District in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him by the Constitution or laws of the United States, or because of his having so exercised the same, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 15 years, or both. ``(b) Rule of Construction.--Nothing in this section shall be construed so as to deter any law enforcement officer from lawfully carrying out the duties of his office; and no law enforcement officer shall be considered to be in violation of this section for lawfully carrying out the duties of his office or lawfully enforcing ordinances and laws of the United States, the District of Columbia, any of the several States, or any political subdivision of a State. For purposes of the preceding sentence, the term `law enforcement officer' means any officer of the United States, the District of Columbia, a State, or political subdivision of a State, who is empowered by law to conduct investigations of, or make arrests because of, offenses against the United States, the District of Columbia, a State, or a political subdivision of a State.''. (b) Clerical Amendment.--The table of sections for chapter 13 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by inserting after the item related to section 250 the following: ``251. Interference with protected rights while in disguise.''. SEC. 3. DESTROYING BUILDINGS OR PROPERTY WITHIN SPECIAL MARITIME AND TERRITORIAL JURISDICTION WHILE IN DISGUISE. Section 1363 of title 18, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following: ``Whoever, during the commission of an offense under this section, wears a disguise, including a mask, shall, in addition to any term of imprisonment otherwise imposed under this section, be imprisoned for 2 years.''. <all>
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State-Based Education Loan Awareness Act
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 8243 Introduced in House (IH)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 8243 To establish that a State-based education loan program is excluded from certain requirements relating to a preferred lender arrangement. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES May 6, 2024 Mr. Sessions introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Education and the Workforce _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To establish that a State-based education loan program is excluded from certain requirements relating to a preferred lender arrangement. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``State-Based Education Loan Awareness Act''. SEC. 2. STATE-BASED EDUCATION LOAN PROGRAMS. Section 151 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1019) is amended-- (1) in paragraph (8)(B)-- (A) in clause (i), by striking ``or'' after the semicolon; (B) in clause (ii), by striking the period at the end and inserting a semicolon; and (C) by adding at the end the following: ``(iii) arrangements or agreements with respect to education loans made under a State- based education loan program; or ``(iv) arrangements or agreements with respect to education loans funded, insured, or guaranteed by any other Federal agency that is not the Department of Education.''; and (2) by adding at the end the following: ``(10) State-based education loan program.--The term `State-based education loan program' means an education loan program that-- ``(A) is provided by a State agency, State authority, or nonprofit organization, separately or jointly; ``(B) makes loans that are not funded, insured, or guaranteed by the Federal Government; ``(C) is authorized, established, or chartered by State law, or otherwise approved by the State; ``(D) offers one or more loans for which the interest rate and fees, as calculated in accordance with sections 106 and 107 of the Truth in Lending Act (15 U.S.C. 1605; 1606), are at least as favorable as the interest rate and fees of the Direct PLUS loans authorized under part D of title IV at the time such loan is originated; and ``(E) is available only to a borrower who has been advised by an institution of higher education (as defined under section 102)-- ``(i) that the borrower has the opportunity to exhaust eligibility for Federal education loans made under part D of title IV prior to accepting a private education loan; and ``(ii) of the interest rates, fees, and benefits of such Federal education loans, including income-driven repayment options, opportunities for loan forgiveness, forbearance or deferment options, interest subsidies, and tax benefits.''. <all>
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Medicare Enrollment Protection Act of 2024
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 8217 Introduced in House (IH)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 8217 To amend part B of title XVIII of the Social Security Act to provide for a special enrollment period under Medicare for individuals enrolled in COBRA continuation coverage, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES May 1, 2024 Mr. Smucker (for himself, Mr. Bilirakis, Mr. Walberg, Ms. Craig, Mr. Thompson of California, and Ms. Wild) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to the Committees on Ways and Means, and Education and the Workforce, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend part B of title XVIII of the Social Security Act to provide for a special enrollment period under Medicare for individuals enrolled in COBRA continuation coverage, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Medicare Enrollment Protection Act of 2024''. SEC. 2. TREATMENT UNDER MEDICARE OF INDIVIDUALS TRANSITIONING FROM COBRA CONTINUATION COVERAGE. (a) Special Enrollment Period for Individuals Enrolled in COBRA Continuation Coverage.--Section 1837(i) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395p(i)) is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ``(5)(A) In the case of an individual who-- ``(i) at the time the individual first satisfies paragraph (1) or (2) of section 1836(a), is enrolled in COBRA continuation coverage (as defined in subparagraph (D)); or ``(ii) is enrolled in COBRA continuation coverage and immediately prior to such enrollment was an individual described in paragraph (1) or (2) of this subsection, there shall be a special enrollment period described in subparagraph (B). ``(B) The special enrollment period referred to in subparagraph (A) is the period that includes-- ``(i) each month during any part of which the individual is enrolled in COBRA continuation coverage; and ``(ii) the 3-month period beginning with the first month following the last month during any part of which such individual is so enrolled. ``(C) An individual may only enroll during the special enrollment period provided under subparagraph (A) one time during the individual's lifetime. ``(D) For purposes of this paragraph, the term `COBRA continuation coverage' means continuation coverage beginning on or after January 1, 2025-- ``(i) under a COBRA continuation provision (as defined in section 2791(d)(4) of the Public Health Service Act); ``(ii) pursuant to section 8905a of title 5, United States Code; or ``(iii) under a similar State law that provides comparable continuation of group health plan coverage.''. (b) Coverage Period for Certain Eligible Individuals.--Section 1838(e) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395q(e)) is amended-- (1) by striking ``pursuant to section 1837(i)(3) or 1837(i)(4)(B)'' and inserting the following: ``pursuant to-- ``(1) section 1837(i)(3) or 1837(i)(4)(B)--''; (2) by redesignating paragraphs (1) and (2) as subparagraphs (A) and (B), respectively, and moving the indentation of each such subparagraph 2 ems to the right; (3) by striking the period at the end of subparagraph (B), as so redesignated, and inserting ``; or''; and (4) by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ``(2) section 1837(i)(5), the coverage period shall begin on the first day of the month following the month in which the individual so enrolls.''. (c) No Increase in Premium.--Section 1839(b) of such Act (42 U.S.C. 1395r(b)) is amended-- (1) in the first sentence, by inserting ``, (i)(5)'' after ``subsection (i)(4)''; (2) in the second sentence, by inserting before the period at the end the following: ``or months for which the individual can demonstrate that the individual was enrolled in COBRA continuation coverage (as such term is defined in section 1837(i)(5)(D))''. (d) Coordination of Benefits.-- (1) ERISA.--Section 607 of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (29 U.S.C. 1167) is amended by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ``(6) Coordination of benefits.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, in the case that an individual is enrolled in COBRA continuation coverage (as defined in section 1837(i)(5)(D) of the Social Security Act) and the individual is eligible for but not enrolled in coverage under part B of title XVIII of the Social Security Act, such COBRA continuation coverage shall not reduce or terminate benefits under such COBRA continuation coverage with respect to the individual on the basis that the individual is eligible for coverage under such part B or otherwise take into account such eligibility. Such benefits under such COBRA continuation coverage shall be provided to such an individual as if such individual were not so eligible for coverage under such part B. Nothing in the preceding two sentences shall require the provision of such COBRA continuation coverage to an individual enrolled in coverage under such part B or prohibit the termination of such continuation coverage or reduction of benefits under such continuation coverage in the case of an individual who enrolls under such part B.''. (2) PHSA.--Section 2208 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 300bb-8) is amended-- (A) by striking ``definitions'' and inserting ``definitions and special rules''; and (B) by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ``(5) Special rule for coordination of benefits.-- Notwithstanding any other provision of law, in the case that an individual is enrolled in COBRA continuation coverage (as defined in section 1837(i)(5)(D) of the Social Security Act) and the individual is eligible for but not enrolled in coverage under part B of title XVIII of the Social Security Act, such COBRA continuation coverage shall not reduce or terminate benefits under such COBRA continuation coverage with respect to the individual on the basis that the individual is eligible for coverage under such part B or otherwise take into account such eligibility. Such benefits under such COBRA continuation coverage shall be provided to such an individual as if such individual were not so eligible for coverage under such part B. Nothing in the preceding two sentences shall require the provision of such COBRA continuation coverage to an individual enrolled in coverage under such part B or prohibit the termination of such continuation coverage or reduction of benefits under such continuation coverage in the case of an individual who enrolls under such part B.''. (3) IRC.--Section 4980B(g) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 is amended-- (A) by striking ``Definitions'' and inserting ``Definitions and Special Rules''; and (B) by adding at the end the following new paragraph: ``(5) Special rule for coordination of benefits.-- Notwithstanding any other provision of law, in the case that an individual is enrolled in COBRA continuation coverage (as defined in section 1837(i)(5)(D) of the Social Security Act) and the individual is eligible for but not enrolled in coverage under part B of title XVIII of the Social Security Act, such COBRA continuation coverage shall not reduce or terminate benefits under such COBRA continuation coverage with respect to the individual on the basis that the individual is eligible for coverage under such part B or otherwise take into account such eligibility. Such benefits under such COBRA continuation coverage shall be provided to such an individual as if such individual were not so eligible for coverage under such part B. Nothing in the preceding two sentences shall require the provision of such COBRA continuation coverage to an individual enrolled in coverage under such part B or prohibit the termination of such continuation coverage or reduction of benefits under such continuation coverage in the case of an individual who enrolls under such part B.''. (e) Updating COBRA Continuation Coverage Notifications.--Not later than January 1, 2025, the Secretary of Labor, in consultation with the Secretary of Health and Human Services, shall update the written notices required under section 606 of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (29 U.S.C. 1166) to include an explanation of the full scope of the Medicare secondary payer rules under section 1862(b) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395y(b)), including how such rules apply with respect to COBRA continuation coverage (as defined in section 1837(i)(5)(D) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395p(i)(5)(D))). <all>
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No Bailouts for Campus Criminals Act
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 8242 Introduced in House (IH)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 8242 To establish that an individual who is convicted of any offense under any Federal or State law related to the individual's conduct at and during the course of a protest that occurs at an institution of higher education shall be ineligible for forgiveness, cancellation, waiver, or modification of certain Federal student loans. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES May 2, 2024 Mr. Williams of New York introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Education and the Workforce, and in addition to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To establish that an individual who is convicted of any offense under any Federal or State law related to the individual's conduct at and during the course of a protest that occurs at an institution of higher education shall be ineligible for forgiveness, cancellation, waiver, or modification of certain Federal student loans. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``No Bailouts for Campus Criminals Act''. SEC. 2. PROHIBITION ON LOAN FORGIVENESS FOR CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS. (a) Prohibition.-- (1) In general.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, an individual described in paragraph (2) shall not be eligible to have any covered loan, or a portion of such loan, forgiven, cancelled, waived, or modified under the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1001 et seq.) or under any other Executive Order or action of the Department of Education. (2) Affected individual.--An individual described in this paragraph is an individual who is convicted of any offense under any Federal or State law related to the individual's conduct at and during the course of a protest that occurs at an institution of higher education. (b) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Covered loan.--The term ``covered loan'' means-- (A) a loan made, insured, or guaranteed under part B, D, or E of title IV of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1071 et seq.; 1087a et seq.; 1087aa et seq.) before, on, or after the date of enactment of this Act; or (B) a loan under the Health Education Assistance Loan Program under title VII of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 292 et seq.) made before, on, or after the date of enactment of this Act. (2) Institution of higher education.--The term ``institution of higher education'' has the meaning given that term in section 102 of the Higher Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 1002). <all>
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SEC Transparency Act of 2024
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 8241 Introduced in House (IH)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 8241 To amend the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to require the Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission to semiannually testify before Congress with regard to the activities of the Commission. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES May 2, 2024 Mrs. Wagner (for herself, Mr. Garbarino, Mr. Meuser, Mr. Huizenga, and Mr. Emmer) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Financial Services _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 to require the Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission to semiannually testify before Congress with regard to the activities of the Commission. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``SEC Transparency Act of 2024''. SEC. 2. SEMIANNUAL TESTIMONY TO CONGRESS REGARDING ACTIVITIES OF THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION. Section 4 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78d) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(l) Semiannual Testimony to Congress.--The Chairman of the Commission shall, not less than once every 6 months after the date of the enactment of this subsection, testify before the Committee on Financial Services of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs of the Senate on the activities of the Commission. At least once annually, the Commissioners shall join the Chairman with respect to testifying pursuant to the preceding sentence.''. <all>
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SEC Cybersecurity Act of 2024
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 8240 Introduced in House (IH)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 8240 To require a GAO audit of the information technology infrastructure of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commission's handling of data. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES May 2, 2024 Mrs. Wagner (for herself, Mr. Garbarino, Mr. Meuser, Mr. Huizenga, and Mr. Emmer) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Financial Services _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To require a GAO audit of the information technology infrastructure of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commission's handling of data. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``SEC Cybersecurity Act of 2024''. SEC. 2. GAO AUDIT OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUCTURE AND HANDLING OF DATA. The Comptroller General of the United States shall, not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act-- (1) perform an independent audit of the information technology (IT) infrastructure of the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Commission's handling of data, including-- (A) a comparison of the Commission's IT spending to other Federal financial regulators, including-- (i) the total amount spent on IT equipment and services; and (ii) the amount of IT spending in proportion to each regulator's total spending; (B) examining the quality and effectiveness of the Commission's IT contracting; (C) determining if the Commission's data and cybersecurity systems and procedures are sufficient; and (D) examining any recent Commission IT or data events, such as breaches or hacks, that may have compromised the Commission's IT infrastructure or exposed a vulnerability; and (2) provide to the Commission, the Committee on Financial Services of the House of Representatives, and the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs of the Senate a report containing-- (A) all findings and determinations made in conducting the audit; and (B) recommendations for steps that can be taken to improve the Commission's IT infrastructure. <all>
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To require the Secretary of Defense to appropriately consider Taiwan for enhanced defense industrial base cooperation activities.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 8238 Introduced in House (IH)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 8238 To require the Secretary of Defense to appropriately consider Taiwan for enhanced defense industrial base cooperation activities. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES May 2, 2024 Mrs. Steel (for herself and Mr. Horsford) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and in addition to the Committee on Armed Services, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To require the Secretary of Defense to appropriately consider Taiwan for enhanced defense industrial base cooperation activities. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. CONSIDERATION OF TAIWAN FOR ENHANCED DEFENSE INDUSTRIAL BASE COOPERATION. (a) Enhanced Defense Industrial Base Cooperation.-- (1) In general.--Consistent with the Taiwan Relations Act (22 U.S.C. 3301 et seq.), the Secretary of Defense, in coordination with the Secretary of State and the head of any other relevant Federal department or agency, shall take measures to ensure that Taiwan is appropriately considered for enhanced defense industrial base cooperation activities aligned with the United States National Defense Industrial Strategy to expand global defense production, increase supply chain security and resilience, and meet the defense needs of Taiwan. (2) Elements.--Consideration for enhanced defense industrial base cooperation activities under paragraph (1) shall include the consideration of Taiwan for the following: (A) Eligibility for funding to initiate or facilitate cooperative research, development, testing, or evaluation projects with the Department of Defense. (B) Eligibility to enter into a memorandum of understanding or other formal agreement with the Department of Defense for the purpose of conducting cooperative research and development projects on defense equipment and munitions, with a focus on enhancing the defense industry and supply chain resilience of Taiwan. (b) Feasibility Study.-- (1) In general.--The Secretary of Defense, in coordination with the Secretary of State, the Government of Taiwan, and representatives of the United States defense industry, shall conduct a study on the feasibility and advisability of entering into one or more defense industrial agreements with Taiwan. (2) Elements.--The study required by paragraph (1) shall-- (A) evaluate the strategic benefits and implications of entering into a defense industrial agreement with Taiwan, including with respect to-- (i) long-term supply chain security and resilience; (ii) mutual supply of defense goods and services; (iii) supply of regional maintenance, repair, and overhaul capabilities and any other support capability the Secretary considers appropriate; and (iv) the promotion of interoperability; (B) account for the legal, economic, and defense policy aspects of a closer defense procurement partnership between the United States and Taiwan; and (C) include a list of not fewer than 5 defense capabilities-- (i)(I) developed by, and produced in, Taiwan; and (II) that require expedited licenses for components produced in the United States; or (ii) developed by the United States but for which the United States defense industry cannot meet the demand of Taiwan on a timely basis so as to necessitate production in Taiwan. (3) Report.--Not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the Committees on Armed Services of the Senate and the House of Representatives a report on the results of the study conducted under paragraph (1). <all>
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Never Again Education Reauthorization and Study Act of 2024
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 8606 Introduced in House (IH)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 8606 To reauthorize the Director of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum to support Holocaust education programs, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES June 4, 2024 Mr. Carter of Georgia (for himself, Ms. Manning, Ms. Stefanik, Mr. Gottheimer, Mr. Wilson of South Carolina, Ms. Wasserman Schultz, Mr. Moolenaar, and Mr. Fitzpatrick) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Education and the Workforce _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To reauthorize the Director of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum to support Holocaust education programs, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Never Again Education Reauthorization and Study Act of 2024''. SEC. 2. REAUTHORIZATION. (a) Authorization of Appropriations.--Section 4(a) of the Never Again Education Act (Public Law 116-141) is amended by striking ``each of the 4 succeeding fiscal years'' and inserting ``each succeeding fiscal year through fiscal year 2030''. (b) Use of Funds.--Section 4(c)(2)(D) of such Act (Public Law 116- 141) is amended by inserting before the period at the end the following: ``, and completion of the study and report required under section 9''. SEC. 3. STUDY AND REPORT ON HOLOCAUST EDUCATION. The Never Again Education Act (Public Law 116-141) is amended by adding at the end the following new section: ``SEC. 9. STUDY AND REPORT ON HOLOCAUST EDUCATION. ``(a) In General.--The Director shall-- ``(1) beginning not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this section, and ending not later than 18 months after such date of enactment-- ``(A) identify a nationally representative sample of States and local educational agencies; and ``(B) conduct a study on the Holocaust education program activities being carried out in such States and local educational agencies; and ``(2) not later than 180 days after the completion of such study, prepare and submit to Congress a report on such study. ``(b) Elements.--In conducting the study under subsection (a) with respect to the States and local educational agencies identified under paragraph (1)(A) of such subsection, the Director shall-- ``(1) identify the States and local educational agencies that require Holocaust education program activities as part of the curriculum taught in public elementary schools and secondary schools, and of the States and local educational agencies so identified, which of such States and local educational agencies also provide optional Holocaust education program activities as part of such curriculum; ``(2) identify the States and local educational agencies that do not require Holocaust education program activities as part of such curriculum, and of the States and local educational agencies so identified, which of such States and local educational agencies provide optional Holocaust education program activities as part of such curriculum; ``(3) determine the extent to which the States have developed standards and other requirements for Holocaust education programs provided in public elementary schools and secondary schools served by the local educational agencies in such State, and summarize the status of the implementation of such standards and requirements in such local educational agencies, including-- ``(A) any centralized apparatus at the State or local level that collects and disseminates Holocaust education program curricula and materials; ``(B) any Holocaust education program professional development opportunities for preservice and in-service educators; ``(C) the involvement of Holocaust education centers (including local Holocaust centers), museums (including local Holocaust museums), cultural centers, and other informal educational organizations in implementing Holocaust education programs; and ``(D) the adoption of United States Holocaust Memorial Museum resources (including the resources developed and disseminated pursuant to section 4(c)(1)) by entities at the State or local level, including local Holocaust museums and centers that disseminate Holocaust education program curricula; ``(4) determine the methods educators in the public elementary schools and secondary schools in the States and local educational agencies are using that result in students successfully achieving intended learning outcomes; ``(5) identify the approaches used by the States and local educational agencies to assess the achievement of such intended learning outcomes; ``(6) identify the types of instructional materials used in such public elementary schools and secondary schools to teach students about the Holocaust, including the use of primary source material; ``(7) identify the extent to which Holocaust education programs at such public elementary schools and secondary schools teach the history of antisemitism, its deep historical roots, the use of conspiracy theories and propaganda that target the Jewish people, and the shapeshifting nature of antisemitism over time; and ``(8) identify-- ``(A) in what disciplines the Holocaust is being taught at such public elementary schools and secondary schools; and ``(B) in the case of the public elementary schools and secondary schools in the States and local educational agencies identified under paragraph (1), the amount of time allotted in the required curriculum to teach about the Holocaust. ``(c) Definitions.--In this section, the terms `elementary school', `local educational agency', `secondary school', and `State' have the meanings given those terms in section 8101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7801).''. <all>
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Belarus Democracy, Human Rights, and Sovereignty Act of 2024
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 8329 Introduced in House (IH)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 8329 To reauthorize and modify the Belarus Democracy Act of 2004. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES May 8, 2024 Mr. Smith of New Jersey (for himself, Mr. Keating, Mr. Kean of New Jersey, Ms. Kaptur, and Mr. Wilson of South Carolina) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and in addition to the Committees on Financial Services, and the Judiciary, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To reauthorize and modify the Belarus Democracy Act of 2004. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Belarus Democracy, Human Rights, and Sovereignty Act of 2024''. SEC. 2. FINDINGS. Section 2 of the Belarus Democracy Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-347; 22 U.S.C. 5811 note) is amended to read as follows: ``SEC. 2. FINDINGS. ``Congress finds the following: ``(1) The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, done in New York December 19, 1966, was ratified by Belarus in 1973, guaranteeing Belarusians the freedom of expression and the freedom of association. ``(2) Alyaksandr Lukashenka has ruled Belarus as an undemocratic dictatorship since the first presidential election in Belarus in 1994, and subsequent presidential elections have been neither free nor fair, failing to meet minimal international electoral standards. ``(3) In response to the repression and violence during the 2006 presidential election, Congress passed the Belarus Democracy Reauthorization Act of 2006 (Public Law 109-480). ``(4) In 2006, President George W. Bush issued Executive Order 13405, titled `Blocking Property of Certain Persons Undermining Democratic Processes or Institutions in Belarus', which authorized the imposition of sanctions against persons responsible for-- ``(A) undermining democratic processes in Belarus; or ``(B) participating in human rights abuses related to political repression in Belarus. ``(5) In March 2011, the Senate unanimously passed Senate Resolution 105, which-- ``(A) condemned the December 2010 election in Belarus as `illegitimate, fraudulent, and not representative of the will or the aspirations of the voters in Belarus'; and ``(B) called on the Lukashenka regime `to immediately and unconditionally release all political prisoners in Belarus who were arrested in association with the December 19, 2010, election'. ``(6) The Government of Belarus continues to engage in a pattern of clear and persistent gross violations of internationally recognized human rights, and basic principles of democratic governance. ``(7) The Government of Belarus continues to subject thousands of pro-democracy political activists and peaceful protesters to harassment, beatings, and imprisonment, particularly as a result of their attempts to peacefully exercise their right to freedom of assembly and association. ``(8) The Government of Belarus continues to suppress independent media and journalists and to restrict access to the internet, including social media and other digital communication platforms, in violation of the right to freedom of speech and expression of those dissenting from the dictatorship of Alyaksandr Lukashenka. ``(9) The Government of Belarus continues a systematic campaign of harassment, repression, and closure of nongovernmental organizations, including independent trade unions and entrepreneurs, creating a climate of fear that inhibits the development of civil society and social solidarity. ``(10) The Government of Belarus has pursued a policy undermining the country's sovereignty and independence by making Belarus' political, economic, cultural, and societal interests subservient to those of Russia. ``(11) The Government of Belarus continues to reduce the independence of Belarus through integration into a so-called `Union State' that is under the control of Russia. ``(12) In advance of the August 2020 presidential elections in Belarus, authorities acting on behalf of President Lukashenka arrested journalists, bloggers, political activists, and the leading political opposition candidates, leading to demonstrations in support of democracy. ``(13) On August 9, 2020, the Government of Belarus conducted a presidential election that was held under undemocratic conditions, did not meet international standards, involved government malfeasance and serious irregularities with ballot counting and the reporting of election results, and included restrictive measures that impeded the work of local independent observers and did not provide sufficient notice to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) to allow for the OSCE to monitor the elections, as is customary. ``(14) Illegitimate president Alyaksandr Lukashenka declared a landslide victory in the election and claimed to have received more than 80 percent of the votes cast in the election. ``(15) The leading opposition candidate, Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, formally disputed the reported results and was detained by government authorities before being forced into exile in Lithuania. ``(16) Later in August, 2020, the United States Deputy Secretary of State, Stephen Biegun, and European Union High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, issued statements declaring the Belarus elections to be fraudulent and neither free nor fair. ``(17) Following the illegitimate election results, tens of thousands of Belarusian protestors took to the streets, led predominately by women, resulting in the largest protest rallies in Belarus' modern history, with over 1,400 reported as injured by Belarusian police in August and September 2020, over 37,000 detained by May 2021, and several killed for protesting the fraudulent election. ``(18) The Government of Belarus has consistently restricted the free flow of information to silence the opposition and to conceal the regime's violent crackdown on peaceful protestors, including through the suppression of independent media and journalists, and disruption of free internet access. ``(19) After the employees of state media outlets walked off the job in protest rather than help report misleading government propaganda, Lukashenka confirmed that he `asked the Russians' to send teams of Russian journalists to replace local employees. ``(20) Following Alyaksandr Lukashenka's September 23, 2020, inauguration, the United States, the European Union, numerous European states, the United Kingdom, and Canada announced that they cannot consider Mr. Lukashenka as the legitimately elected leader of Belarus. ``(21) As a result of the Lukashenka regime's violence against the Belarusian people and deprivation of their fundamental rights, the United States Congress passed and the President signed into law the Belarus Democracy, Human Rights, and Sovereignty Act of 2020 to demand the rights of the Belarusian people be respected and to hold accountable those who undermine them. ``(22) As a result of the Lukashenka regime's violence against its own people, in December 2020, Members of Congress and transatlantic parliamentarians wrote a letter to the International Ice Hockey Federation President demanding the Championship be relocated from Belarus. ``(23) In response to the Government of Belarus' repressive actions following the 2020 election, the United States, along with the European Union, imposed various sanctions packages on individuals and entities involved with the suppression of democracy in Belarus, including-- ``(A) the Central Election Commission of the Republic of Belarus and officials determined to be responsible for undermining democracy in Belarus; ``(B) entities and persons determined to be involved in the violent suppression of protestors, such as the Minsk Special Purpose Police Unit, the Main Internal Affairs Directorate of the Minsk City Executive Committee, and KGB Alpha; and ``(C) state-owned enterprises that provide revenue to support Lukashenka's authoritarian regime. ``(24) In April 2021, the House of Representatives passed House Resolution 124 reaffirming that the August 2020 elections were neither free nor fair and that the House of Representatives does not recognize Alyaksandr Lukashenka as Belarus' legitimate president. ``(25) On May 23, 2021, the Government of Belarus forced Ryanair Flight 4978 to land in Belarus as it neared the border of Lithuania after calling in a false bomb report and subsequently arrested independent Belarusian opposition blogger and political activist Raman Pratasevich and his girlfriend, threatening the safety of every passenger aboard the civilian flight, and ultimately detaining Pratasevich as a political prisoner. ``(26) In May 2021, the European Union pledged a comprehensive plan of economic support worth up to 3 billion euros to assist in the development of a future, democratic Belarus following a democratic transition. ``(27) As of April 2024, the Government of Belarus, led illegally by Alyaksandr Lukashenka, unlawfully holds nearly 1,400 people as political prisoners, including dozens of journalists such as Ihar Losik and Andrey Kuznechyk from Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty. ``(28) The Government of Belarus, led illegally by Alyaksandr Lukashenka, has consistently weaponized migrants and asylum seekers by transporting them to Belarus' borders with the NATO and European Union countries of Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland in an attempt to destabilize each country by creating diplomatic border crises, and in violation of the migrant and asylum seekers' human rights. ``(29) The Government of Belarus has been complicit in Russia's illegal and full-scale invasion of Ukraine. ``(30) In advance of Russia's unprovoked war of aggression against Ukraine, Alyaksandr Lukashenka opened Belarus' borders to the Russian military, serving as a staging area, providing bases for training and for launching air strikes and invasion forces, and providing logistical support to the Russian invasion force which attacked Ukraine in February 2022. ``(31) In February 2022, just days after Russia's unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, Alyaksandr Lukashenka held a constitutional referendum described by the Department of State as `not free or fair' which, among other provisions, would endow Lukashenka with lifetime immunity from prosecution for his crimes, allow Russian nuclear weapons to be stationed on the territory of Belarus, and formally revoke Belarus' status as a neutral nation. ``(32) Since the start of Russia's brutal and unprovoked war of aggression in Ukraine, the Government of Belarus has consistently worked to further the so-called `Union State' with the Russian Federation and deepen joint military and economic ties to support Russia's war effort. ``(33) Throughout Russia's brutal and unprovoked war of aggression in Ukraine, the Government of Belarus has participated in the abduction and illegal deportation of Ukrainian civilians from territory occupied by the Russian Federation, including thousands of children sent to facilities in Belarus for `re-education' as detailed in a November 2023 report by the Yale University Humanitarian Research Lab's Conflict Observatory. ``(34) The now-suspended Belarusian branch of the Red Cross has publicly confirmed its involvement in transferring children from Ukraine to the territory of Belarus, and the illegitimate leader of the Government of Belarus, Alyaksandr Lukashenka, has publicly confirmed that he permitted these transfers. ``(35) In Spring 2023, the Government of Belarus announced plans for the deployment of nuclear weapons from the Russian Federation to the territory of Belarus, which reportedly began in the summer of this same year. ``(36) The Government of Belarus has harbored the Wagner Group, a private military company the United States has designated as a Transnational Criminal Organization, and provided facilities, resources, and a staging ground for the group's criminal operations. ``(37) The Government of Belarus has reportedly provided the Government of the Russian Federation with tens of thousands of tons of ammunition throughout Russia's unprovoked war of aggression in Ukraine. ``(38) As a result of the Government of Belarus' support to the Russian Federation during its unprovoked war of aggression against Ukraine, the United States, the European Union, and the United Kingdom have repeatedly issued further sanctions packages against the Lukashenka regime to target Belarusian military officers as well as individuals in the military sector, restrictions on entities in Belarus' defense and industrial sectors, and entities that provide support to Belarus' military and industrial sectors. ``(39) The Government of Belarus is reportedly engaging in the purchase of significant amount of military equipment from the sanctioned Islamic Republic of Iran. ``(40) On August 6, 2023, the Belarusian democratic opposition issued a declaration expressing their objective of developing democracy in Belarus and pursuing membership in the European Union and, by extension, joining the Trans-Atlantic community. ``(41) The democratic opposition of Belarus have called on the Government of Belarus, led illegally by Alyaksandr Lukashenka, to end its complicity and involvement in the war in Ukraine, and urged against the conscription of men into the Belarusian military. ``(42) On February 28, 2022, the Department of State ordered the departure of United States Government employees and the suspension of operations of the United States Embassy in Minsk. ``(43) On August 21, 2023, the United States Government directed all United States citizens to leave Belarus immediately due to the illegitimate Belarusian authorities' continued cooperation with the Russian military and facilitation of Russia's unprovoked war of aggression against Ukraine, and the risk of detention and arbitrary enforcement of local laws against United States citizens. ``(44) In September 2023, the Government of Belarus deprived Belarusians living abroad of their ability to renew their passports through Belarusian embassies in an attempt to make life difficult for and to force exiles, critics, and expats to return to Belarus for document renewal and possibly face persecution. ``(45) In December 2023, the United States Government held a Strategic Dialogue with the Belarusian democratic opposition and civil society and subsequently announced a continuation of efforts to hold Alyaksandr Lukashenka and his regime accountable for their crimes, a commitment to supporting Belarusian culture, sovereignty, and national identity, as well as the need for future working groups with the democratic opposition.''. SEC. 3. STATEMENT OF POLICY. Section 3 of the Belarus Democracy Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-347; 22 U.S.C. 5811 note) is amended to read as follows: ``SEC. 3. STATEMENT OF POLICY. ``It is the policy of the United States-- ``(1) to condemn-- ``(A) the conduct of the August 9, 2020, presidential election in Belarus, which was neither free nor fair; ``(B) the Belarusian authorities' unrelenting crackdown on, arbitrary arrests of, and violence against opposition candidates, democratic opposition, peaceful protestors, human rights activists, employees from state-owned enterprises participating in strikes, independent election observers, and independent journalists and bloggers; and ``(C) the unjustified detention and forced or attempted deportation of members of the Coordination Council and United Transitional Cabinet in Belarus; ``(2) to condemn the illegitimate Belarusian authorities' allowance of Russian nuclear weapons to be deployed to Belarusian territory, their continued political and material support for Russia's unprovoked war of aggression in Ukraine, and their continued participation in abducting and deporting Ukrainian children from territory occupied by the Russian Federation to the territory of Belarus; ``(3) to condemn the presence of Russian forces on Belarusian territory and demand the cessation of the use of Belarusian territory by Russian forces as a staging ground for Russia's illegal, full-scale war of aggression against Ukraine or for the prevention of a peaceful democratic transition in Belarus; ``(4) to demand accountability for the illegal Lukashenka regime's complicity in the crime of aggression against Ukraine through international justice mechanisms; ``(5) to condemn the weaponization of migrants wherein the Government of Belarus, led illegally by Alyaksandr Lukashenka, has sent thousands of migrants to the borders of Poland and Lithuania in an attempt to destabilize the border region; ``(6) to continue demanding the immediate release without preconditions of all political prisoners in Belarus and those arrested for peacefully protesting, including all those individuals detained in connection with the August 9, 2020, fraudulent presidential election; ``(7) to stand in solidarity with the people of Belarus, including human rights defenders, bloggers, and journalists, who are exercising their right to freedom of assembly, freedom of expression, and rule of law and to continue supporting the aspirations of the people of Belarus for democracy, human rights, and the rule of law; ``(8) to continue actively supporting the aspirations of the people of the Republic of Belarus to preserve the independence and sovereignty of their country; ``(9) to continue refusing to recognize Alyaksandr Lukashenka's illegitimate regime and to continue supporting calls for Belarusian presidential and parliamentary elections to be conducted in a manner that is free and fair according to Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) standards and under the supervision of OSCE observers and independent domestic observers, including in the 2025 presidential elections; ``(10) to continue calling for the Government of Belarus to fulfill its freely undertaken obligations as an OSCE participating state and as a signatory of the Charter of the United Nations; ``(11) to recognize the Coordination Council and the United Transitional Cabinet as legitimate institutions to participate in a dialogue on a peaceful transition of power, and to support these institutions prior to and during such a transition should it take place; ``(12) to condemn the deprivation of consular services to Belarusian citizens living abroad, including representatives of the Belarusian democratic opposition, and urge the United States to raise this to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the International Organization for Migration, the Council of Europe, and the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe; ``(13) to encourage the United States Government to continue working closely with the European Union, the United Kingdom, Canada, and other countries and international organizations to continue to impose targeted sanctions against officials in Belarus who are responsible for-- ``(A) undermining democratic processes in Belarus; ``(B) participating in gross violations of internationally recognized human rights related to political repression in Belarus and undermining rule of law for the people of Belarus; or ``(C) enabling or facilitating Russia's war in Ukraine; ``(14) to call on the Government of Belarus to uphold its human rights obligations, including those rights enumerated in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; ``(15) to encourage the United States to expeditiously appoint a U.S. Special Envoy for Belarus to fill the role vacated in June 2022; and ``(16) to support the use of the Strategic Dialogue between the United States Government as a means of furthering ties between the United States Government and the representatives of the democratic opposition of Belarus in pursuit of objectives, including-- ``(A) accountability for the Lukashenka regime's gross violations of internationally recognized human rights and domestic repressions; ``(B) increasing partnerships with the Belarusian people by supporting investments such as the United States Agency for International Development's dedicated Belarus Country Representative Office in Vilnius, Lithuania; and ``(C) initiating cultural programming dedicated to protecting Belarusian language, culture, and national identity.''. SEC. 4. ASSISTANCE TO PROMOTE DEMOCRACY, CIVIL SOCIETY, AND SOVEREIGNTY IN BELARUS. Section 4 of the Belarus Democracy Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-347; 22 U.S.C. 5811 note) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)-- (A) in paragraph (1), by inserting ``, the United Transitional Cabinet, and the Coordination Council'' after ``the Republic of Belarus''; and (B) by adding at the end the following: ``(5) To assist in the cessation of Belarus' support for the Government of Russia in Russia's unprovoked war of aggression in Ukraine.''; (2) in subsection (b), by adding at the end before the period the following ``, including political party strengthening''; (3) by amending subsection (c) to read as follows: ``(c) Activities Supported.--Activities that may be supported by assistance under subsection (b) include-- ``(1) expanding independent radio and television broadcasting to and within Belarus; ``(2) facilitating the development of independent broadcast, print, and internet media working within Belarus and from locations outside the country and supported by nonstate- controlled printing facilities; ``(3) countering internet censorship and repressive surveillance technology that seek to limit free association, control access to information, and prevent citizens from exercising their rights to free speech; ``(4) raising awareness both within Belarus and globally about Lukashenka's complicity in Russia's unprovoked war of aggression in Ukraine, including how the Lukashenka regime is providing support to the Russian military and committing crimes against Ukrainian children; ``(5) aiding the development of civil society through assistance to nongovernmental organizations promoting democracy and supporting human rights, including youth groups, entrepreneurs, and independent trade unions; ``(6) supporting programming that contributes to the defense of Belarusian sovereignty and independence from encroachment by the Russian Federation; ``(7) supporting the work of human rights defenders; ``(8) enhancing the development of democratic political parties; ``(9) assisting the promotion of free, fair, and transparent electoral processes; ``(10) enhancing international exchanges and advanced professional training programs for leaders and members of the democratic opposition in skill areas central to the development of civil society; ``(11) supporting the work of women advocating for freedom, human rights, and human progress in Belarus given the significant and vital role women have played in the Belarus democracy movement; ``(12) supporting the development of Belarusian language and cultural education and exchanges to preserve and protect Belarusian national identity; ``(13) supporting further iterations of the Strategic Dialogue between the United States and the Belarusian democratic opposition and civil society as a platform to work on issues of mutual concern; ``(14) enhancing the development of the private sector, particularly the information technology sector, and its role in the economy of Belarus, including by increasing the capacity of private sector actors, developing business support organizations, offering entrepreneurship training, and expanding access to finance for small and medium enterprises; ``(15) supporting political refugees in neighboring European countries fleeing the crackdown in Belarus; ``(16) supporting the education of Belarusians in exile; ``(17) supporting the gathering of evidence on and investigating of gross violations of internationally recognized human rights in Belarus; and ``(18) other activities consistent with the purposes of this Act.''; (4) in subsection (f)-- (A) by striking ``the Belarus Democracy, Human Rights, and Sovereignty Act of 2020'' and inserting ``the Belarus Democracy, Human Rights, and Sovereignty Act of 2024''; and (B) by adding at the end before the period the following: ``as well as the methodology and benchmarks used to assess the effectiveness of such funds''; and (5) by amending subsection (g) to read as follows: ``(f) Authorization of Appropriations.--There are authorized to be appropriated to the President to carry out this section-- ``(1) for fiscal year 2025 an amount equal to not less than the amount made available to carry out this section for fiscal year 2024; and ``(2) for fiscal year 2026 an amount equal to not less than the amount made available to carry out this section for fiscal year 2025.''. SEC. 5. INTERNATIONAL BROADCASTING, INTERNET FREEDOM, AND ACCESS TO INFORMATION IN BELARUS. Section 5 of the Belarus Democracy Act of 2004 (Public Law 109-480; 22 U.S.C. 5811 note) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)-- (A) by striking ``(a) Sense of Congress.--''; (B) in paragraph (4), by striking ``and'' at the end; (C) in paragraph (5), by striking the period at the end and inserting the following: ``and advocate for the release of journalists that are detained by political reasons; and''; and (D) by adding at the end the following: ``(6) the United States should also support independent media outlets and other sources of information in providing accurate and truthful information about Russia's unprovoked war of aggression in Ukraine, and the illegitimate Lukashenka regime's complicity in Russia's crimes of aggression.''; and (2) by striking subsection (b). SEC. 6. SANCTIONS AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT OF BELARUS. Section 6 of the Belarus Democracy Act of 2004 (Public Law 109-480; 22 U.S.C. 5811 note) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)-- (A) by striking ``The sanctions'' and inserting the following: ``(1) In general.--The sanctions''; and (B) by adding at the end the following: ``(2) Maintenance of existing sanctions.-- ``(A) In general.--Any sanctions imposed pursuant to the Executive orders described in subparagraph (B) that were imposed in connection with conduct relating to, concerning, or occurring in Belarus should remain in effect until the President determines and certifies to the appropriate congressional committees that the Government of Belarus has made significant progress in meeting the conditions described in subsection (c). ``(B) Executive orders described.--The Executive orders described in this subparagraph are the following: ``(i) Executive Order 13405 (71 Fed. Reg. 35485; relating to blocking property of certain persons undermining democratic processes or institutions in Belarus). ``(ii) Executive Order 14024 (86 Fed. Reg. 20249; relating to blocking property with respect to specified harmful foreign activities of the Government of the Russian Federation). ``(iii) Executive Order 14038 (86 Fed. Reg. 43905; relating to blocking property of additional persons contributing to the situation in Belarus).''; (2) in subsection (b)-- (A) in the matter preceding paragraph (1), by striking ``subsection (a)'' and inserting ``paragraphs (1) and (2) of subsection (a)''; (B) by striking paragraph (2); (C) by redesignating paragraphs (3), (4), and (5) as paragraphs (2), (3), and (4), respectively; and (D) by adding at the end the following: ``(5) The withdrawal of the armed forces of the Russian Federation from the Republic of Belarus and the cessation of Belarusian support for the Russian Federation's war against Ukraine. ``(6) The return of all Ukrainian children abducted and deported to Belarus from the territory of Ukraine illegally occupied by the Russian Federation.''; (3) in subsection (c)-- (A) in the subsection heading, by striking ``Complicit in the Crackdown That Occurred After the August 9, 2020, Election''; (B) in the matter preceding paragraph (1), by striking ``may'' and inserting ``shall''; (C) in paragraph (2), by striking ``inadmissible under'' and inserting ``described in''; (D) in paragraph (4), by adding at the end before the semicolon the following: ``, or future elections in Belarus should they be determined to be neither free nor fair''; (E) in paragraph (5), by adding at the end before the semicolon the following: ``, or future elections in Belarus should they be determined to be neither free nor fair''; (F) by striking paragraphs (6), (7), (8), and (9) and inserting the following: ``(6) is a government official or member of the security or law enforcement services of Belarus and has participated in the persecution or harassment of religious groups, human rights defenders, democratic opposition groups, or independent media or journalists; ``(7) is an individual determined by the President to be interfering in the internal affairs of the Republic of Belarus on behalf of or at the direction of the Government of the Russian Federation; ``(8) is an official who provides for, facilitates, or otherwise enables or engages with the abduction and deportation of Ukrainian children from territories illegally occupied by the Russian Federation to the territory of Belarus; ``(9) is an official who provides for, facilitates, or otherwise enables the Russian Federation to use the territory or Belarus to further its unprovoked invasion of Ukraine; ``(10) is an official of the so-called `Union State' between Russia and Belarus (regardless of nationality of the individual) or works toward the furtherance of such Union State; or ``(11) is a Russian individual that has significantly participated in the crackdown on independent press or human rights abuses related to political repression in Belarus, including the Russian propagandists sent to replace local employees at Belarusian state media outlets.''; (4) by amending subsection (f) to read as follows: ``(f) Blocking of Assets and Other Prohibited Activities.-- ``(1) Mandatory sanction.--The President shall impose the sanction described in paragraph (3) with respect to each foreign person that the President determines-- ``(A) is a member of the Central Election Commission of Belarus or assisted the Commission in manipulating elections in Belarus including the presidential election of August 9, 2020; ``(B) is a government official or member of the security or law enforcement services of Belarus and has participated in the persecution or harassment of religious groups, human rights defenders, democratic opposition groups, or independent media or journalists; ``(C) is an individual determined by the President to be knowingly interfering in the internal affairs of the Republic of Belarus on behalf of or at the direction of the Government of the Russian Federation; ``(D) is an official who knowingly engages in the abduction and deportation of Ukrainian children from territories illegally occupied by the Russian Federation to the territory of Belarus; ``(E) is an official who knowingly supports and provides for, the Russian Federation's use of the territory or Belarus to further its unprovoked invasion of Ukraine; or ``(F) is an official in the so-called `Union State' between Russia and Belarus (regardless of nationality of the individual) or works toward the furtherance of such `Union State'. ``(2) Discretionary sanction.--The President may impose the sanction described in paragraph (3) with respect to each foreign person that the President determines-- ``(A) holds a position in the senior leadership of the Government of Belarus; ``(B) is an immediate family member of a person described in subparagraph (A); or ``(C) through his or her business dealings with a person described in subparagraph (A) derives significant financial benefit from policies or actions, including electoral fraud, gross violations of internationally recognized human rights, or corruption, that undermine or injure democratic institutions or impede the transition to democracy in Belarus. ``(3) Sanction described.--The President shall exercise all of the powers granted to the President under the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) to the extent necessary to block and prohibit all transactions in property and interests in property of the foreign person if such property and interests in property are in the United States, come within the United States, or are or come within the possession or control of a United States person. ``(4) Exceptions.-- ``(A) Exception relating to the provision of humanitarian assistance.--The sanction described in paragraph (3) may not be imposed with respect to transactions or the facilitation of transactions for-- ``(i) the sale of agricultural commodities, food, medicine, or medical devices; ``(ii) the provision of humanitarian assistance; ``(iii) financial transactions relating to humanitarian assistance; or ``(iv) transporting goods or services that are necessary to carry out operations relating to humanitarian assistance. ``(B) Exception for intelligence, law enforcement, and national security activities.--The sanction described in paragraph (3) shall not apply to any authorized intelligence, law enforcement, or national security activities of the United States. ``(5) Waiver.--The President may, on a case-by-case basis and for periods not to exceed 180 days each, waive the application of the sanction described in paragraph (3) imposed with respect to a foreign person under this subsection if the President certifies to the appropriate congressional committees not later than 15 days before such waiver is to take effect that the waiver is important to the national security interests of the United States. ``(6) Penalties.--Any person who violates, attempts to violate, or causes a violation of this subsection or any regulation, license, or order issued to carry out this subsection shall be subject to the penalties under section 206 of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1705) to the same extent as a person that commits an unlawful act under that Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.). ``(7) Definitions.--In this subsection-- ``(A) the term `air carrier' has the meaning given that term in section 40102 of title 49, United States Code; ``(B) the term `foreign person' means a person that is not a United States person; and ``(C) the term `United States person' means-- ``(i) any United States citizen or alien admitted for permanent residence to the United States; ``(ii) any entity organized under the laws of the United States; and ``(iii) any person in the United States.''. SEC. 7. MULTILATERAL COOPERATION. Section 7 of the Belarus Democracy Act of 2004 (Public Law 109-480; 22 U.S.C. 5811 note) is amended-- (1) in paragraph (1), by striking ``and'' at the end; (2) in paragraph (2), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; and''; and (3) by adding at the end the following: ``(3) to halt the Government of Belarus, led illegally by Alyaksandr Lukashenka, from supporting and assisting the Russian Federation's unprovoked war of aggression against Ukraine including the abduction and deportation of Ukrainian children.''. SEC. 8. REPORTS. Section 8 of the Belarus Democracy Act of 2004 (Public Law 109-480; 22 U.S.C. 5811 note) is amended-- (1) by striking subsection (a); (2) by redesignating subsection (b) as subsection (a); (3) in subsection (a) (as so redesignated)-- (A) in paragraph (1)-- (i) in the matter preceding subparagraph (A), by striking ``the Belarus Democracy, Human Rights, and Sovereignty Act of 2020'' and inserting ``the Belarus Democracy, Human Rights, and Sovereignty Act of 2024''; and (ii) in subparagraph (B), by adding at the end before the period the following: ``, and whether the United States has imposed sanctions with respect to such senior foreign political figures''; (B) by striking paragraph (2); and (C) by redesignating paragraph (3) as paragraph (2); and (4) by adding at the end the following: ``(b) Report on Crimes and Other Actions Committed by Belarus in Support of Russia's Unprovoked War of Aggression in Ukraine.-- ``(1) In general.--Not later than 90 days after the date of the enactment of the Belarus Democracy, Human Rights, and Sovereignty Act of 2024, the Director of National Intelligence, in consultation with the Secretary of the Treasury and the Secretary of State, shall submit to the appropriate congressional committees a report on the following: ``(A) An assessment of the Russian military presence in Belarus, including the presence of Russian nuclear forces, and the impact this presence has on North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) security. ``(B) The degree to which the Government of Belarus, led illegally by Alyaksandr Lukashenka, continues to provide support to and harbor the forces of the Wagner Group or other Russian paramilitary groups and enables their destabilizing actions on the borders of NATO allies, such as Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland. ``(C) Which actors in the Government of Belarus, led illegally by Alyaksandr Lukashenka, are most responsible for the illegal abduction and deportation of Ukrainian children from Ukrainian territory occupied by the Russian Federation to the territory of Belarus, as well as to what extent organizations such as the now-suspended Belarus branch of the Red Cross are involved in these transfers, and provide a strategy for holding those involved in these crimes accountable including through the use of sanctions. ``(D) The degree to which the Government of Belarus, led illegally by Alyaksandr Lukashenka has purchased weapons from the governments of the Russian Federation and the Islamic Republic of Iran, and whether any purchases of such weapons violate the provisions of section 107 or 231 of the Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act (22 U.S.C. 9406 or 9525). ``(E) The extent to which the Government of Belarus, led illegally by Alyaksandr Lukashenka, is aiding the Russian Federation is circumventing export controls and evading sanctions, including with an accounting and estimated value of dual-use goods and an identification of the officials or other persons involved in facilitating this sanctions evasion. ``(F) The impact of the Government of Belarus' use of illegal migrants to destabilize the borders of NATO countries, such as Latvia, Lithuania, and Poland, on NATO security. ``(2) Form.--The report required under this subsection shall be transmitted in unclassified form, but may contain a classified annex.''. SEC. 9. DEFINITIONS. Section 9 of the Belarus Democracy Act of 2004 (Public Law 109-480; 22 U.S.C. 5811 note) is amended-- (1) in paragraph (3)(A), by adding at the end before the semicolon the following: ``, led illegally by Alyaksandr Lukashenka''; and (2) by adding at the end the following: ``(4) Union state.--The term `Union State' means the supranational union of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation as outlined in the December 1999 Treaty on the establishment of the Union State between the governments of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation.''. <all>
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Migrant Flight Accountability Act of 2024
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 8209 Introduced in House (IH)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 8209 To direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to notify Members of Congress and United States Governors each time a migrant flight lands in such official's area of jurisdiction. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES May 1, 2024 Mr. Huizenga introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To direct the Secretary of Homeland Security to notify Members of Congress and United States Governors each time a migrant flight lands in such official's area of jurisdiction. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Migrant Flight Accountability Act of 2024''. SEC. 2. NOTIFICATION ON MIGRANT FLIGHTS. (a) Notification of Members of Congress.--Not later than three days prior to the date on which a migrant flight lands in the congressional district of a Member of Congress, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall issue a notification to such Member, including information on-- (1) the number of aliens on such flight, disaggregated by the number of single adult aliens, number of family units, and the number of unaccompanied alien children; (2) the age, sex, and country of origin of each alien on such flight; (3) where the flight originated; (4) the final destination of each alien on such flight, including whether they will be resettled or relocated to a different community, and the amount of time remaining on their lawful stay in the United States; (5) the security screening each alien underwent before being transported on such migrant flight; and (6) the amounts and types of Federal resources spent on alien resettlement, transportation, or relocation. (b) Notification of Governors of States.--Not later than three days prior to the date on which a migrant flight lands in a State or territory within the United States of America, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall issue a notification to such Governor, or highest ranking official, including information on-- (1) the number of aliens on such flight, disaggregated by the number of single adult aliens, number of family units, and the number of unaccompanied alien children; (2) the age, sex, and country of origin of each alien on such flight; (3) where the flight originated; (4) the final destination of each alien on such flight, including whether they will be resettled or relocated to a different community, and the amount of time remaining on their lawful stay in the United States; (5) the security screening each alien underwent before being transported on such migrant flight; and (6) the amounts and types of Federal resources spent on alien resettlement, transportation, or relocation. (c) Migrant Flight Defined.--In this section, the term ``migrant flight'' means any flight that is tracked by the Department of Homeland Security and utilized by an individual within the parole program defined in Section 212(d)(5)(A) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, or successor program, to transport aliens and parole release aliens to a location other than a detention center. <all>
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To prohibit the Secretary of the Army from carrying out certain spillage operations on the Lower Snake River dams, and for other purposes.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 8157 Introduced in House (IH)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 8157 To prohibit the Secretary of the Army from carrying out certain spillage operations on the Lower Snake River dams, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES April 29, 2024 Mr. Newhouse (for himself, Mrs. Rodgers of Washington, Mr. Fulcher, and Mr. Bentz) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To prohibit the Secretary of the Army from carrying out certain spillage operations on the Lower Snake River dams, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. PROHIBITION ON SPILLAGE OPERATIONS ON LOWER SNAKE RIVER DAMS. (a) In General.--The Secretary may not carry out any spillage operations on any of the Lower Snake River dams unless such operations are approved by the Secretary and the Administrator of the Bonneville Power Administration. (b) Considerations.--In determining whether to approve spillage operations under subsection (a), the Secretary and the Administrator shall consider all Columbia River System operations. (c) Definitions.--In this section: (1) Lower snake river dams.--The term ``Lower Snake River dams'' means the following dams in the State of Washington, authorized by section 2 of the Act of March 2, 1945 (chapter 19, 59 Stat. 21): (A) Ice Harbor Dam. (B) Lower Monumental Dam. (C) Little Goose Dam. (D) Lower Granite Dam. (2) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of the Army, acting through the Chief of Engineers. <all>
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Expressing the gratitude and appreciation of the Senate for the acts of heroism and valor by the members of the United States Armed Forces who participated in the June 6, 1944, amphibious landing at Normandy, France, and commending those individuals for leadership and bravery in an operation that helped bring an end to World War II.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [S. Res. 722 Agreed to Senate (ATS)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 722 Expressing the gratitude and appreciation of the Senate for the acts of heroism and valor by the members of the United States Armed Forces who participated in the June 6, 1944, amphibious landing at Normandy, France, and commending those individuals for leadership and bravery in an operation that helped bring an end to World War II. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 4, 2024 Mr. Boozman (for himself, Mr. Coons, Mr. Tillis, Mr. Scott of Florida, Mr. Hoeven, Mr. Risch, Mr. Crapo, Mr. Cramer, Mr. Schmitt, Mrs. Fischer, Mr. Daines, Mr. Rubio, Mr. Wicker, Mrs. Capito, Mr. Braun, Mr. Grassley, Mr. Ricketts, Mr. Cornyn, Mr. Tuberville, Mr. Marshall, Ms. Ernst, Ms. Murkowski, Mrs. Britt, Mr. Cruz, Mr. Lankford, Mr. Thune, Mr. Cotton, Mr. Hagerty, Mr. Young, Mr. Barrasso, Ms. Collins, Mr. Moran, Mr. Kelly, Mr. Blumenthal, Mrs. Shaheen, Mr. Cardin, Mr. Durbin, Mr. King, Mr. Carper, Mr. Fetterman, Mr. Murphy, Mr. Manchin, Mr. Markey, Mr. Tester, Ms. Rosen, Ms. Cortez Masto, Mr. Booker, Ms. Klobuchar, Mr. Wyden, Mr. Peters, Mr. Van Hollen, Ms. Warren, Ms. Sinema, Mr. Warner, Mrs. Murray, Ms. Smith, Mr. Menendez, Ms. Hassan, Mr. Whitehouse, Mr. Reed, Ms. Duckworth, and Mr. Kaine) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to _______________________________________________________________________ RESOLUTION Expressing the gratitude and appreciation of the Senate for the acts of heroism and valor by the members of the United States Armed Forces who participated in the June 6, 1944, amphibious landing at Normandy, France, and commending those individuals for leadership and bravery in an operation that helped bring an end to World War II. Whereas, June 6, 2024, marks the 80th anniversary of the Allied assault at Normandy, France, by troops of the United States, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Free France, known as ``Operation Overlord''; Whereas, before Operation Overlord, the German Army still occupied France and the Nazi government still had access to the raw materials and industrial capacity of Western Europe; Whereas the naval phase of the Allied assault at Normandy was code-named ``Operation Neptune'', and the date of June 6, 1944, is referred to as ``D-Day'' to denote the day on which the combat attack was initiated; Whereas the D-Day landing was the largest combined arms amphibious assault in history, consisting of-- (1) approximately 132,600 members of the Allied Expeditionary Force, including 57,500 members of the United States Armed Forces; (2) more than 23,000 airborne troops supporting the seaborne landings; (3) approximately 7,000 naval vessels; and (4) more than 14,000 sorties by Allied aircraft; Whereas soldiers of 6 divisions (3 from the United States, 2 from the United Kingdom, which included troops of Free France, and 1 from Canada) and 3 British armored brigades stormed ashore in 5 main landing areas on beaches in Normandy, which were code-named ``Utah'', ``Omaha'', ``Gold'', ``Juno'', and ``Sword''; Whereas, of the approximately 10,000 Allied casualties incurred on the first day of the landing, more than 6,000 were members of the United States Armed Forces; Whereas the Allied assault and following operations were supported by ships, aircraft, and troops from Australia, Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Free Norway, Greece, the Netherlands, New Zealand, and the Polish Armed Forces in the West; Whereas the advanced age of the last remaining veterans of, and the gradual disappearance of any living memory of, World War II and the Normandy landings make it necessary to increase activities intended to pass on the history of those events, particularly to younger generations; Whereas the young people of Normandy and the United States have displayed unprecedented commitment to, and involvement in, celebrating-- (1) the veterans of the Normandy landings; and (2) the freedom brought by those veterans in 1944; Whereas the significant material remains of the Normandy landings found on the Normandy beaches and at the bottom of the sea in the territorial waters of France, such as shipwrecks and various items of military equipment, bear witness to the remarkable and unique nature of the material resources used by the Allied forces to execute the Normandy landings; Whereas 5 Normandy beaches and a number of sites on the Normandy coast, including Pointe du Hoc, were the scene of the D-Day landings and constitute, and will for all time constitute-- (1) a unique piece of world heritage; and (2) a symbol of peace and freedom, the unspoilt nature, integrity, and authenticity of which must be protected at all costs; and Whereas the world owes a debt of gratitude to the members of the ``Greatest Generation'' who assumed the task of freeing the world from Nazi and Fascist regimes and restoring liberty to Europe: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Senate-- (1) recognizes the 80th anniversary of the amphibious landing of the Allies on D-Day, June 6, 1944, at Normandy, France, during World War II; (2) expresses gratitude and appreciation to the members of the United States Armed Forces who participated in the D-Day operations; (3) thanks the young people of Normandy and the United States for their involvement in events celebrating the 80th anniversary of the Normandy landings with the aim of making future generations aware of the acts of heroism and sacrifice performed by the Allied forces; (4) recognizes the efforts of France and the people of Normandy to preserve for future generations the unique world heritage represented by the Normandy beaches and the sunken material remains of the Normandy landings by inscribing those beaches and remains on the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage List; and (5) requests that the President issue a proclamation calling on the people of the United States to observe the 80th anniversary of the Normandy landings with appropriate ceremonies and programs to honor the sacrifices made by their fellow countrymen to liberate Europe. <all>
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Honoring Our Fallen Heroes Act of 2024
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [S. 930 Reported in Senate (RS)] <DOC> Calendar No. 415 118th CONGRESS 2d Session S. 930 To amend the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to provide public safety officer benefits for exposure-related cancers, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES March 22, 2023 Ms. Klobuchar (for herself, Mr. Cramer, Ms. Duckworth, Mr. Barrasso, Mr. Welch, Mrs. Fischer, Mrs. Shaheen, Mr. Rubio, Mr. Whitehouse, Mr. Cruz, Mr. Durbin, Mr. Ossoff, Mr. Coons, Mr. Blumenthal, Ms. Hirono, Mr. Booker, Mr. Padilla, Ms. Butler, Mr. Graham, Mr. Cornyn, Mr. Hawley, Mr. Cotton, Mr. Tillis, and Mrs. Blackburn) introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary June 5, 2024 Reported by Mr. Durbin, with an amendment [Strike out all after the enacting clause and insert the part printed in italic] _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to provide public safety officer benefits for exposure-related cancers, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, <DELETED>SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE.</DELETED> <DELETED> This Act may be cited as the ``Honoring Our Fallen Heroes Act of 2023''.</DELETED> <DELETED>SEC. 2. CANCER-RELATED DEATHS.</DELETED> <DELETED> Section 1201 of title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (34 U.S.C. 10281) is amended by adding at the end the following:</DELETED> <DELETED> (a) In General.--</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(p) Exposure-Related Cancers.--</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(1) Definitions.--In this subsection:</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(A) Carcinogen.--The term `carcinogen' means a known or suspected carcinogen, as defined by the International Agency for Research on Cancer, that is reasonably linked to an exposure-related cancer.</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(B) Director.--The term `Director' means the Director of the Bureau.</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(C) Exposure-related cancer.--The term `exposure-related cancer' means--</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(i) bladder cancer;</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(ii) brain cancer;</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(iii) breast cancer;</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(iv) cervical cancer;</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(v) colon cancer;</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(vi) colorectal cancer;</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(vii) esophagus cancer;</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(viii) kidney cancer;</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(ix) leukemia;</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(x) lung cancer;</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(xi) malignant melanoma;</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(xii) mesothelioma;</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(xiii) multiple myeloma;</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(xiv) non-Hodgkins lymphoma;</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(xv) ovarian cancer;</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(xvi) prostate cancer;</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(xvii) skin cancer;</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(xviii) stomach cancer;</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(xix) testicular cancer;</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(xx) thyroid cancer;</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(xxi) any form of cancer that is considered a WTC-related health condition under section 3312(a) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 300mm-22(a)); and</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(xxii) any other form of cancer that the Bureau may determine appropriate in accordance with paragraph (3).</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(2) Personal injury sustained in the line of duty.--</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(A) In general.--Subject to subparagraph (B), as determined by the Bureau, the death or permanent and total disability of a public safety officer due to an exposure-related cancer shall be presumed to constitute a personal injury within the meaning of subsection (a), sustained in the line of duty by the officer and directly and proximately resulting in death or permanent and total disability, if--</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(i) the public safety officer was exposed to or in contact with heat, radiation, or a carcinogen that is linked to an exposure-related cancer while in the course of the line of duty;</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(ii) the public safety officer began serving as a public safety officer not later than 5 years before the date of the diagnosis of the public safety officer with an exposure-related cancer;</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(iii) the public safety officer was diagnosed with an exposure-related cancer not later than 15 years after the last date of active service as a public safety officer of the public safety officer; and</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(iv) the exposure-related cancer directly and proximately results in the death or permanent and total disability of the public safety officer.</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(B) Exception.--The presumption under subparagraph (A) shall not apply to the death or permanent and total disability of a public safety officer due to an exposure-related cancer if competent medical evidence establishes that the exposure-related cancer was unrelated to the exposure or contact described in subparagraph (A)(i).</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(3) Additional exposure-related cancers.-- </DELETED> <DELETED> ``(A) In general.--The Director shall-- </DELETED> <DELETED> ``(i) periodically review the definition of `exposure-related cancer' under paragraph (1); and</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(ii) add a type of exposure- related cancer to the definition by rule, upon a showing by a petitioner or on the Director's own determination, in accordance with this paragraph.</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(B) Basis for determination.--The Director shall add a type of exposure-related cancer to the definition of `exposure-related cancer' under paragraph (1) upon a showing by a petitioner or the Director's own determination, based on the weight of the best available scientific evidence, that there is a significant risk to public safety officers engaged in public safety activities of developing the type of exposure-related cancer.</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(C) Available expertise.--In determining significant risk for the purpose of subparagraph (B), the Director may accept as authoritative and may rely upon recommendations, risk assessments, and scientific studies by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, the National Toxicology Program, the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, and the International Agency for Research on Cancer.</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(D) Petitions to add to the list of exposure-related cancers.--</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(i) In general.--Any person may petition the Director to add a type of exposure-related cancer to the definition of `exposure-related cancer' under paragraph (1).</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(ii) Content of petition.--A petition under clause (i) shall provide information to show that there is sufficient evidence, based on the weight of the best available scientific evidence, of significant risk to public safety officers engaged in public safety activities of developing such exposure-related cancer from their employment.</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(iii) Timely and substantive decisions.--Not later than 180 days after receipt of a petition under this subparagraph, the Director shall grant or deny the petition by publishing in the Federal Register a written explanation of the reasons for the Director's decision. The Director may not deny a petition solely on the basis of competing priorities, inadequate resources, or insufficient time for review.</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(iv) Notification to congress.-- Not later than 30 days after making any decision to approve or deny a petition under this subparagraph, the Director shall notify the Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate and the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives of the decision.''.</DELETED> <DELETED> (b) Applicability.--The amendment made by subsection (a) shall apply in the case of any public safety officer who died or became permanently and totally disabled on or after January 1, 2023, as a result of an exposure-related cancer.</DELETED> <DELETED>SEC. 3. TECHNICAL AMENDMENTS.</DELETED> <DELETED> (a) In General.--Section 3 of the Safeguarding America's First Responders Act of 2020 (34 U.S.C. 10281 note) is amended by adding at the end the following:</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(d) Definition.--In this section, the term `line of duty action' includes any action in which a public safety officer engages at the direction of the agency served by the public safety officer.''.</DELETED> <DELETED> (b) Applicability.--</DELETED> <DELETED> (1) In general.--The amendment made by subsection (a) shall apply in the case of any public safety officer who died on or after January 1, 2020.</DELETED> <DELETED> (2) Time for filing claim.--Section 32.12(a)(1) of title 28, Code of Federal Regulations, shall not apply to a claimant who otherwise qualifies for support pursuant to the amendment made by subsection (a).</DELETED> SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Honoring Our Fallen Heroes Act of 2024''. SEC. 2. HONORING OUR FALLEN HEROES. (a) Cancer-related Deaths and Disabilities.-- (1) In general.--Section 1201 of title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (34 U.S.C. 10281) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(p) Exposure-related Cancers.-- ``(1) Definitions.--In this subsection: ``(A) Carcinogen.--The term `carcinogen' means an agent that is-- ``(i) classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer under Group 1 or Group 2A; and ``(ii) reasonably linked to an exposure- related cancer. ``(B) Director.--The term `Director' means the Director of the Bureau. ``(C) Exposure-related cancer.--As updated from time to time in accordance with paragraph (3), the term `exposure-related cancer' means-- ``(i) bladder cancer; ``(ii) brain cancer; ``(iii) breast cancer; ``(iv) cervical cancer; ``(v) colon cancer; ``(vi) colorectal cancer; ``(vii) esophageal cancer; ``(viii) kidney cancer; ``(ix) leukemia; ``(x) lung cancer; ``(xi) malignant melanoma; ``(xii) mesothelioma; ``(xiii) multiple myeloma; ``(xiv) non-Hodgkins lymphoma; ``(xv) ovarian cancer; ``(xvi) prostate cancer; ``(xvii) skin cancer; ``(xviii) stomach cancer; ``(xix) testicular cancer; ``(xx) thyroid cancer; ``(xxi) any form of cancer that is considered a WTC-related health condition under section 3312(a) of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 300mm-22(a)); and ``(xxii) any form of cancer added to this definition pursuant to an update in accordance with paragraph (3). ``(2) Personal injury sustained in the line of duty.-- ``(A) In general.--Subject to subparagraph (B), as determined by the Bureau, the exposure of a public safety officer to a carcinogen shall be presumed to constitute a personal injury within the meaning of subsection (a) or (b) sustained in the line of duty by the officer and directly and proximately resulting in death or permanent and total disability, if-- ``(i) the exposure occurred while the public safety officer was engaged in line of duty action or activity; ``(ii) the public safety officer began serving as a public safety officer not fewer than 5 years before the date of the diagnosis of the public safety officer with an exposure- related cancer; ``(iii) the public safety officer was diagnosed with the exposure-related cancer not more than 15 years after the public safety officer's last date of active service as a public safety officer; and ``(iv) the exposure-related cancer directly and proximately results in the death or permanent and total disability of the public safety officer. ``(B) Exception.--The presumption under subparagraph (A) shall not apply if competent medical evidence establishes that the exposure of the public safety officer to the carcinogen was not a substantial contributing factor in the death or disability of the public safety officer. ``(3) Additional exposure-related cancers.-- ``(A) In general.--From time to time but not less frequently than once every 3 years, the Director shall-- ``(i) review the definition of `exposure- related cancer' under paragraph (1); and ``(ii) if appropriate, update the definition, in accordance with this paragraph-- ``(I) by rule; or ``(II) by publication in the Federal Register or on the public website of the Bureau. ``(B) Basis for updates.-- ``(i) In general.--The Director shall make an update under subparagraph (A)(ii) in any case in which the Director finds such an update to be appropriate based on competent medical evidence of significant risk to public safety officers of developing the form of exposure- related cancer that is the subject of the update from engagement in their public safety activities. ``(ii) Evidence.--The competent medical evidence described in clause (i) may include recommendations, risk assessments, and scientific studies by-- ``(I) the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health; ``(II) the National Toxicology Program; ``(III) the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine; or ``(IV) the International Agency for Research on Cancer. ``(C) Petitions to add to the list of exposure- related cancers.-- ``(i) In general.--Any person may petition the Director to add a form of cancer to the definition of `exposure-related cancer' under paragraph (1). ``(ii) Content of petition.--A petition under clause (i) shall provide information to show that there is sufficient competent medical evidence of significant risk to public safety officers of developing the cancer from engagement in their public safety activities. ``(iii) Timely and substantive decisions.-- ``(I) Referral.--Not later than 180 days after receipt of a petition satisfying clause (ii), the Director shall refer the petition to appropriate medical experts for review, analysis (including risk assessment and scientific study), and recommendation. ``(II) Consideration.--The Director shall consider each recommendation under subclause (I) and promptly take appropriate action in connection with the recommendation pursuant to subparagraph (B). ``(iv) Notification to congress.--Not later than 30 days after taking any substantive action in connection with a recommendation under clause (iii)(II), the Director shall notify the Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate and the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives of the substantive action.''. (2) Applicability.--The amendment made by paragraph (1) shall apply to any claim under-- (A) section 1201(a) of title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (34 U.S.C. 10281(a)) that is predicated upon the death of a public safety officer on or after January 1, 2020, that is the direct and proximate result of an exposure-related cancer; or (B) section 1201(b) of title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (34 U.S.C. 10281(b)) that is filed on or after January 1, 2020, and predicated upon a disability that is the direct and proximate result of an exposure-related cancer. (3) Time for filing claim.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, an individual who desires to file a claim that is predicated upon the amendment made by paragraph (1) shall not be precluded from filing such a claim within 3 years of the date of enactment of this Act. (b) Confidentiality of Information.-- (1) In general.--Section 812(a) of title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (34 U.S.C. 10231(a)) is amended-- (A) in the first sentence, by striking ``furnished under this title by any person and identifiable to any specific private person'' and inserting ``furnished under any law to any component of the Office of Justice Programs, or furnished otherwise under this title, by any entity or person, including any information identifiable to any specific private person,''; and (B) in the second sentence, by striking ``person furnishing such information'' and inserting ``entity or person furnishing such information or to whom such information pertains''. (2) Effective date; applicability.--The amendments made by paragraph (1) shall-- (A) shall take effect for all purposes as if enacted on December 27, 1979; and (B) apply to any matter pending, before the Department of Justice or otherwise, as of the date of enactment of this Act. (c) Technical Amendments.-- (1) In general.--Section 1201(o)(2) of title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (34 U.S.C. 10281(o)(2)) is amended-- (A) in subparagraph (A), by inserting ``or (b)'' after ``subsection (a)''; (B) in subparagraph (B), by inserting ``or (b)'' after ``subsection (a)''; and (C) in subparagraph (C), by inserting ``or (b)'' after ``subsection (a)''. (2) Applicability.--The amendments made by paragraph (1) shall apply to any matter pending before the Department of Justice as of the date of enactment of this Act. SEC. 3. TECHNICAL AMENDMENTS. (a) In General.--Section 3 of the Safeguarding America's First Responders Act of 2020 (34 U.S.C. 10281 note) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(d) Definition.--In this section, the term `line of duty action' includes any action-- ``(1) in which a public safety officer engaged at the direction of the agency served by the public safety officer; or ``(2) the public safety officer is authorized or obligated to perform.''. (b) Applicability.-- (1) In general.--The amendment made by subsection (a) shall apply to any claim under section 3 of the Safeguarding America's First Responders Act of 2020 (34 U.S.C. 10281 note)-- (A) that is predicated upon the death of a public safety officer on or after January 1, 2020; or (B) that is-- (i) predicated upon the disability of a public safety officer; and (ii) filed on or after January 1, 2020. (2) Time for filing claim.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, an individual who desires to file a claim that is predicated upon the amendment made by subsection (a) shall not be precluded from filing such a claim within 3 years of the date of enactment of this Act. Calendar No. 415 118th CONGRESS 2d Session S. 930 _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to provide public safety officer benefits for exposure-related cancers, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ June 5, 2024 Reported with an amendment
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
An Act To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at Block 1025, Lots 18 & 19, Northeast Corner of US Route 9 South and Main Street in the Township of Middle, County of Cape May, New Jersey, as the George Henry White Post Office Building.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 7607 Referred in Senate (RFS)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 7607 _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 4, 2024 Received; read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs _______________________________________________________________________ AN ACT To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at Block 1025, Lots 18 & 19, Northeast Corner of US Route 9 South and Main Street in the Township of Middle, County of Cape May, New Jersey, as the ``George Henry White Post Office Building''. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. GEORGE HENRY WHITE POST OFFICE BUILDING. (a) Designation.--The facility of the United States Postal Service located at Block 1025, Lots 18 & 19, Northeast Corner of US Route 9 South and Main Street in the Township of Middle, County of Cape May, New Jersey, shall be known and designated as the ``George Henry White Post Office Building''. (b) References.--Any reference in a law, map, regulation, document, paper, or other record of the United States to the facility referred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to be a reference to the ``George Henry White Post Office Building''. Passed the House of Representatives June 3, 2024. Attest: KEVIN F. MCCUMBER, Clerk.
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Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Environmental Protection Agency relating to New Source Performance Standards for Greenhouse Gas Emissions From New, Modified, and Reconstructed Fossil Fuel-Fired Electric Generating Units; Emission Guidelines for Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Existing Fossil Fuel-Fired Electric Generating Units; and Repeal of the Affordable Clean Energy Rule.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [S.J. Res. 92 Introduced in Senate (IS)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session S. J. RES. 92 Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Environmental Protection Agency relating to ``New Source Performance Standards for Greenhouse Gas Emissions From New, Modified, and Reconstructed Fossil Fuel-Fired Electric Generating Units; Emission Guidelines for Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Existing Fossil Fuel-Fired Electric Generating Units; and Repeal of the Affordable Clean Energy Rule''. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 5, 2024 Mrs. Capito (for herself, Mr. Manchin, Mr. McConnell, Mr. Thune, Mr. Barrasso, Ms. Ernst, Mr. Daines, Mrs. Blackburn, Mr. Boozman, Mr. Braun, Mrs. Britt, Mr. Budd, Mr. Cassidy, Mr. Cornyn, Mr. Cotton, Mr. Cramer, Mr. Crapo, Mr. Cruz, Mrs. Fischer, Mr. Graham, Mr. Hagerty, Mr. Hawley, Mr. Hoeven, Mrs. Hyde-Smith, Mr. Kennedy, Mr. Lankford, Mr. Lee, Ms. Lummis, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Mullin, Ms. Murkowski, Mr. Ricketts, Mr. Risch, Mr. Rounds, Mr. Rubio, Mr. Schmitt, Mr. Scott of Florida, Mr. Scott of South Carolina, Mr. Sullivan, Mr. Tillis, Mr. Tuberville, Mr. Vance, Mr. Wicker, Mr. Young, and Ms. Collins) introduced the following joint resolution; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works _______________________________________________________________________ JOINT RESOLUTION Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Environmental Protection Agency relating to ``New Source Performance Standards for Greenhouse Gas Emissions From New, Modified, and Reconstructed Fossil Fuel-Fired Electric Generating Units; Emission Guidelines for Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Existing Fossil Fuel-Fired Electric Generating Units; and Repeal of the Affordable Clean Energy Rule''. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Congress disapproves the rule submitted by the Environmental Protection Agency relating to ``New Source Performance Standards for Greenhouse Gas Emissions From New, Modified, and Reconstructed Fossil Fuel-Fired Electric Generating Units; Emission Guidelines for Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Existing Fossil Fuel-Fired Electric Generating Units; and Repeal of the Affordable Clean Energy Rule'' (89 Fed. Reg. 39798 (May 9, 2024)), and such rule shall have no force or effect. <all>
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Allowing Greater Access to Safe and Effective Contraception Act
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [S. 4447 Placed on Calendar Senate (PCS)] <DOC> Calendar No. 418 118th CONGRESS 2d Session S. 4447 To allow women greater access to safe and effective oral contraceptive drugs intended for routine use, and to direct the Comptroller General of the United States to conduct a study on Federal funding of contraceptive methods. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 4, 2024 Ms. Ernst (for herself, Mr. Grassley, Mrs. Capito, Mr. Daines, Mr. Young, Mr. Tillis, Mr. Cruz, Mr. McConnell, Mr. Risch, Mr. Cornyn, Mr. Paul, Mr. Thune, and Mr. Marshall) introduced the following bill; which was read the first time June 5, 2024 Read the second time and placed on the calendar _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To allow women greater access to safe and effective oral contraceptive drugs intended for routine use, and to direct the Comptroller General of the United States to conduct a study on Federal funding of contraceptive methods. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Allowing Greater Access to Safe and Effective Contraception Act''. SEC. 2. SUPPLEMENTAL APPLICATIONS FOR OVER-THE-COUNTER CONTRACEPTIVE DRUGS. (a) Priority Review of Application.--The Secretary of Health and Human Services (referred to in this section as the ``Secretary'') shall give priority review to any supplemental application submitted under section 505(b) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 355(b)) if-- (1) the supplemental application is with respect to an oral contraceptive drug intended for routine use; (2) the supplemental application is not with respect to-- (A) any emergency contraceptive drug; or (B) any drug that is also approved for induced abortion; and (3) if the supplemental application is approved, with respect to individuals aged 18 and older, such drug would not be subject to section 503(b)(1) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 353(b)(1)). (b) Fee Waiver.--The Secretary shall waive the fee under section 736(a)(1) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 379h(a)(1)) with respect to a supplemental application that receives priority review under subsection (a). (c) Over-the-Counter Availability.--Notwithstanding any other provision of law, with respect to individuals under age 18, a contraceptive drug that is eligible for priority review under subsection (a) shall be subject to section 503(b)(1) of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 353(b)(1)), including after approval of the supplemental application as described in subsection (a)(3). (d) Applicability.--This section applies with respect to a supplemental application described in subsection (a) that-- (1) is submitted before the date of enactment of this Act and remains pending as of such date of enactment; or (2) is submitted after such date of enactment. SEC. 3. GAO STUDY AND REPORT ON FEDERAL FUNDING OF CONTRACEPTIVE METHODS. Not later than one year after the date of enactment of this Act, the Comptroller General of the United States shall conduct a study and submit a report to Congress regarding the amount of Federal funds made available for the purposes of contraception reimbursement, inventory stocking, provider training, or patient education during the 15-year period immediately preceding such date of enactment, including such funding made available through-- (1) the Medicare program under title XVIII of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395 et seq.); (2) the Medicaid program under title XIX of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396 et seq.); (3) the Indian Health Service; (4) the American Health Benefit Exchanges established under section 1311 or 1321 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (42 U.S.C. 18031; 18041); (5) Federally-qualified health centers (as defined in section 1905(l)(2)(B) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1396d(l)(2)(B))); (6) title X of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 300 et seq.); (7) temporary assistance for needy families under part A of title IV of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 601 et seq.); or (8) the TRICARE program (as defined in section 1072 of title 10, United States Code). Calendar No. 418 118th CONGRESS 2d Session S. 4447 _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To allow women greater access to safe and effective oral contraceptive drugs intended for routine use, and to direct the Comptroller General of the United States to conduct a study on Federal funding of contraceptive methods. _______________________________________________________________________ June 5, 2024 Read the second time and placed on the calendar
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An Act To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 207 East Fort Dade Avenue in Brooksville, Florida, as the Specialist Justin Dean Coleman Memorial Post Office Building.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1823 Referred in Senate (RFS)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 1823 _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 4, 2024 Received; read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs _______________________________________________________________________ AN ACT To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 207 East Fort Dade Avenue in Brooksville, Florida, as the ``Specialist Justin Dean Coleman Memorial Post Office Building''. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SPECIALIST JUSTIN DEAN COLEMAN MEMORIAL POST OFFICE BUILDING. (a) Designation.--The facility of the United States Postal Service located at 207 East Fort Dade Avenue in Brooksville, Florida, shall be known and designated as the ``Specialist Justin Dean Coleman Memorial Post Office Building''. (b) References.--Any reference in a law, map, regulation, document, paper, or other record of the United States to the facility referred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to be a reference to the ``Specialist Justin Dean Coleman Memorial Post Office Building''. Passed the House of Representatives June 3, 2024. Attest: KEVIN F. MCCUMBER, Clerk.
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Designating May 2024 as National Brain Tumor Awareness Month.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [S. Res. 724 Agreed to Senate (ATS)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 724 Designating May 2024 as ``National Brain Tumor Awareness Month''. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 4, 2024 Mr. Daines (for himself, Mr. Markey, Mr. Rubio, and Ms. Sinema) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to _______________________________________________________________________ RESOLUTION Designating May 2024 as ``National Brain Tumor Awareness Month''. Whereas it is estimated that more than 90,000 individuals in the United States will be diagnosed with a primary brain tumor in 2024, and an estimated 94,390 individuals in the United States were diagnosed with a primary brain tumor in 2023; Whereas it's estimated that more than 1,000,000 individuals are living with a brain tumor in the United States; Whereas, in the United States, brain tumors are-- (1) the leading cause of death from cancer in children who are under 14 years of age and teens who are under 19 years of age; and (2) the second-leading cause of death from cancer in young adults who are between 15 and 39 years of age; Whereas the average 5-year survival rate for an individual in the United States following the diagnosis of a primary malignant brain tumor is only 35.7 percent; Whereas it is estimated that 18,870 individuals in the United States will die as a result of a malignant brain tumor in 2024; Whereas brain tumors may be malignant or benign, but can be life-threatening in either case; Whereas treatment of brain tumors is complicated by the fact that more than 100 types of brain tumors exist; Whereas the treatment and removal of brain tumors present significant challenges due to the uniquely complex and fragile nature of the brain; Whereas brain tumors affect the primary organ in the human body that controls not only cognitive ability, but the actions of every other organ and limb in the body, leading to brain tumors being described as a disease that affects the whole individual; Whereas brain tumor research is supported by several private, nonprofit research foundations and by Federal medical research institutions; Whereas basic research may fuel advancements and the development of new treatments for brain tumors; Whereas obstacles to the development of new treatments for brain tumors remain and there are limited strategies for the screening or early detection of brain tumors; Whereas, despite the high number of individuals diagnosed with a brain tumor every year and the devastating prognosis for those individuals, only a few treatments have been approved for malignant brain tumors since the 1980s; Whereas none of the treatments for malignant brain tumors extend survival by more than 2 years on average or are considered to be curative; Whereas the mortality rates associated with brain tumors have changed little during the 30 years preceding the date of introduction of this resolution; Whereas there is a need for greater public awareness of brain tumors, including the difficulties associated with research on brain tumors and the opportunities for advances in brain tumor research and treatment; and Whereas May 2024, during which brain tumor advocates nationwide unite in awareness, outreach, and advocacy activities, is an appropriate month to recognize as ``National Brain Tumor Awareness Month'': Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Senate-- (1) designates May 2024 as ``National Brain Tumor Awareness Month''; (2) encourages increased public awareness of brain tumors to honor the individuals who have lost their lives to a brain tumor or currently live with a brain tumor diagnosis; (3) supports efforts to develop better treatments for brain tumors that will improve the quality of life and the long-term prognosis of individuals diagnosed with a brain tumor; (4) expresses its support for individuals who are battling brain tumors, as well as the families, friends, and caregivers of those individuals; and (5) urges a collaborative approach to brain tumor research, which is a promising means of advancing understanding of, and treatment for, brain tumors. <all>
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Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services relating to Medicare and Medicaid Programs; Minimum Staffing Standards for Long-Term Care Facilities and Medicaid Institutional Payment Transparency Reporting.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [S.J. Res. 91 Introduced in Senate (IS)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session S. J. RES. 91 Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services relating to ``Medicare and Medicaid Programs; Minimum Staffing Standards for Long-Term Care Facilities and Medicaid Institutional Payment Transparency Reporting''. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 4, 2024 Mr. Lankford (for himself, Mr. Manchin, Mr. Braun, Mr. Risch, Mr. Cramer, Mr. Marshall, Mrs. Fischer, Mr. Moran, Mr. Cassidy, Ms. Lummis, Mrs. Hyde-Smith, Ms. Ernst, Mrs. Britt, Mrs. Capito, Mr. Tester, Mr. Hagerty, Mr. Boozman, Mr. Mullin, Mr. Cotton, Mr. Tillis, Ms. Collins, Mr. Cornyn, Mr. Crapo, Mr. Daines, Mrs. Blackburn, Mr. Barrasso, Mr. Thune, Mr. Wicker, Mr. Lee, Mr. Hoeven, and Mr. Sullivan) introduced the following joint resolution; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on Finance _______________________________________________________________________ JOINT RESOLUTION Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services relating to ``Medicare and Medicaid Programs; Minimum Staffing Standards for Long-Term Care Facilities and Medicaid Institutional Payment Transparency Reporting''. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Congress disapproves the rule submitted by Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services relating to ``Medicare and Medicaid Programs; Minimum Staffing Standards for Long- Term Care Facilities and Medicaid Institutional Payment Transparency Reporting'' (89 Fed. Reg. 40876 (May 10, 2024)), and such rule shall have no force or effect. <all>
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Celebrating 40 years of Universal Design for Learning.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [S. Res. 723 Agreed to Senate (ATS)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 723 Celebrating 40 years of Universal Design for Learning. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 4, 2024 Ms. Hassan (for herself and Mr. Casey) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to _______________________________________________________________________ RESOLUTION Celebrating 40 years of Universal Design for Learning. Whereas, in 1975, Congress enacted the Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975 (Public Law 94-142; 89 Stat. 773), later renamed the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. 1400 et seq.), to support States and localities in protecting the rights of, and meeting the individual needs of, infants, toddlers, children, and youth with disabilities, and their families; Whereas the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (20 U.S.C. 1400 et seq.) has helped students with disabilities receive an education in neighborhood schools, rather than in separate schools and institutions, and efforts have since grown to make education programs more effective and inclusive for all learners; Whereas, in 1984, uniform Federal accessibility standards were established to improve access to, and function of, public walkways, transportation, housing, and other public services; Whereas Federal accessibility standards for Universal Design for Learning help ensure that all people can use public services to the greatest extent possible without the need for adaptation, specialization, or retrofitting; Whereas dedicated education researchers, neuroscientists, and experts in child development have applied the principles of Universal Design for Learning to educational settings by exploring ways to use new technologies, flexible methods, and varied learning materials to provide better educational experiences for students with disabilities; Whereas the Universal Design for Learning framework-- (1) is intentional in ensuring that learning experiences and environments harness technology, the learning sciences, and instructional practices to remove barriers to learning in all settings, such as physical, digital, or blended, and recognizes that not all individuals learn in the same way; (2) is based on the 3 principles of multiple means of engagement, multiple representations of content or recognition, and multiple means of action and expression; (3) supports creating flexible learning environments and experiences that anticipate learner variability and acknowledge that variability across all learners is the norm rather than the exception; and (4) supports educators in their professional learning and application of new skills in all K-16 teaching environments, including general and special education, career and technical education, and science, technology, engineering, and math; Whereas Congress has recognized the value of Universal Design for Learning in-- (1) the Higher Education Opportunity Act (Public Law 110-315; 122 Stat. 3078); (2) the Every Student Succeeds Act (Public Law 114-95; 129 Stat. 1802); (3) the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (29 U.S.C. 3101 et seq.); and (4) the Strengthening Career and Technical Education for the 21st Century Act (Public Law 115-224; 132 Stat. 1563); and Whereas the Department of Education, Department of Labor, and National Science Foundation, in partnership with public and private organizations and State and local entities, demonstrate the principles of Universal Design for Learning through programs and initiatives-- (1) to support the professional learning of K-16 administrators and classroom instructors in general education, special education, English language education, career and technical education, and science, technology, engineering and math education; (2) to expand educational opportunity and reengage youth, young adult, and adult learners with significant or multiple barriers to learning; (3) to increase postsecondary opportunities for adults seeking new or expanded opportunities and completion of 2-year and 4-year career and technical education, and science, technology, engineering, and math programs; (4) to expand the knowledge of postsecondary and career and technical education faculty and adult literacy instructors of Universal Design for Learning to ensure greater engagement and success of adult learners; (5) to strengthen K-16 and adult learning experiences and improve education and career outcomes through use of blended learning: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Senate-- (1) recognizes the important role of Universal Design for Learning in professional development for all educators to help break down barriers to learning for all children, youth, and adults; (2) commends the leadership, innovation, and commitment of several generations of researchers, educators, parents, and others committed to expanding access and opportunity to education and employment for all individuals, including those historically marginalized due to race, language, income, or disability; and (3) celebrates 40 years of innovative research and practice leading to the creation and widespread adoption of Universal Design for Learning in the United States. <all>
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An Act To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 6444 San Fernando Road in Glendale, California, as the Paul Ignatius Post Office.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1687 Referred in Senate (RFS)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 1687 _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 4, 2024 Received; read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs _______________________________________________________________________ AN ACT To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 6444 San Fernando Road in Glendale, California, as the ``Paul Ignatius Post Office''. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. PAUL IGNATIUS POST OFFICE. (a) Designation.--The facility of the United States Postal Service located at 6444 San Fernando Road in Glendale, California, shall be known and designated as the ``Paul Ignatius Post Office''. (b) References.--Any reference in a law, map, regulation, document, paper, or other record of the United States to the facility referred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to be a reference to the ``Paul Ignatius Post Office''. Passed the House of Representatives June 3, 2024. Attest: KEVIN F. MCCUMBER, Clerk.
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Calling for the immediate release of Evan Gershkovich, a United States citizen and journalist, who was wrongfully detained by the Government of the Russian Federation in March 2023.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [S. Res. 385 Agreed to Senate (ATS)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 385 Calling for the immediate release of Evan Gershkovich, a United States citizen and journalist, who was wrongfully detained by the Government of the Russian Federation in March 2023. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES September 28 (legislative day, September 22), 2023 Mr. Risch (for himself, Mr. Cardin, Mr. Tillis, Mr. Booker, Mr. Cassidy, Mrs. Shaheen, Mr. Crapo, Mr. Kaine, Ms. Collins, Mr. Hickenlooper, Mr. Scott of Florida, Mr. Casey, Mr. Cornyn, Mr. Van Hollen, Mr. Romney, Mr. Warner, Mr. Hoeven, Mrs. Capito, Mr. Graham, Mr. Wicker, Mr. Ricketts, Mr. Scott of South Carolina, Mr. Young, Mr. Rubio, Mr. Cruz, Mr. Sullivan, Mr. Lankford, Mr. Fetterman, Mr. Schatz, Mr. Coons, Mr. Merkley, Ms. Duckworth, Mr. Durbin, Mr. Whitehouse, Mr. Murphy, Mr. Ossoff, and Mr. Warnock) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations May 7, 2024 Reported by Mr. Cardin, without amendment June 4, 2024 Considered and agreed to _______________________________________________________________________ RESOLUTION Calling for the immediate release of Evan Gershkovich, a United States citizen and journalist, who was wrongfully detained by the Government of the Russian Federation in March 2023. Whereas United States citizen Evan Gershkovich is a journalist for the Wall Street Journal; Whereas Evan Gershkovich is an accredited reporter, with a history of working in Russia for the Moscow Times, Agence France-Presse, and the Wall Street Journal; Whereas Evan Gershkovich is known to his family, friends, and colleagues as someone who is adventurous, curious, and who has an abiding love for Russia and its people; Whereas Evan Gershkovich, a trailblazing and intrepid journalist, actively reported on stories across Russia, including the vast wildfires across Siberia, the COVID-19 pandemic, the Russian economy, and the Government of the Russian Federation's unlawful invasion of Ukraine; Whereas, on March 29, 2023, Evan Gershkovich was arrested in Yekaterinburg while reporting on behalf of the Wall Street Journal; Whereas, on April 7, 2023, the Government of the Russian Federation charged Evan Gershkovich with espionage; Whereas the Government of the Russian Federation has failed to publicly provide evidence of Evan Gershkovich's criminal action to credibly render a charge of espionage; Whereas the last time an American journalist was detained on allegations of espionage in Russia was in 1986 during the era of the Soviet Union; Whereas, on April 10, 2023, Secretary of State Antony Blinken designated Evan Gershkovich wrongfully detained by the Government of the Russian Federation; and Whereas, on April 17, 2023, the United States was joined by 46 United Nations Member States in a joint statement expressing deep concern over the detention of Evan Gershkovich by the Government of the Russian Federation: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Senate-- (1) calls on the Government of the Russian Federation to immediately release Evan Gershkovich, who has been wrongfully detained since March 2023; (2) urges all United States executive branch officials, including President Joseph R. Biden, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, and Special Presidential Envoy for Hostage Affairs Roger D. Carstens, to raise the case of Evan Gershkovich and to press for his immediate release in all interactions with the Government of the Russian Federation; (3) urges the Government of the Russian Federation to provide full, unfettered, and consistent consular access, in accordance with its international obligations, to Evan Gershkovich while he remains in detention; (4) urges the Government of the Russian Federation to respect the human rights of Evan Gershkovich; (5) urges the Government of the Russian Federation to respect the rights of accredited journalists to freely and independently report the news without fear of arbitrary detention or reprisal; (6) urges the Government of the Russian Federation to desist from detaining, imprisoning, and otherwise seeking to intimidate journalists in order to curtail or censor an independent press; (7) condemns the Government of the Russian Federation's continued use of detentions and prosecutions of United States citizens and lawful permanent residents for political purposes; (8) calls for the immediate release of Paul Whelan, who has been wrongfully detained in Russia since December 2018; (9) expresses continued support for all American citizens and lawful permanent residents detained in Russia and abroad, including Marc Fogel, who faces a politicized, excessive sentence for his alleged offense, Vladimir Kara-Murza, who has endured multiple attempts on his life and years of persecution by the Putin regime, and others; and (10) expresses sympathy for and solidarity with the families of Evan Gershkovich, Paul Whelan, and all other American citizens and lawful permanent residents wrongfully detained abroad for the personal hardship experienced as a result of the arbitrary and baseless arrest and detention of their loved ones. <all>
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Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Commerce relating to Revision of Firearms License Requirements.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [S.J. Res. 93 Introduced in Senate (IS)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session S. J. RES. 93 Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Commerce relating to ``Revision of Firearms License Requirements''. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 5, 2024 Mr. Tillis (for Mr. Hagerty (for himself, Mr. Barrasso, Mrs. Blackburn, Mr. Braun, Mrs. Britt, Mr. Budd, Mrs. Capito, Mr. Cassidy, Mr. Cotton, Mr. Cramer, Mr. Crapo, Mr. Cruz, Mr. Daines, Mrs. Fischer, Mr. Hawley, Mrs. Hyde-Smith, Mr. Lankford, Mr. Lee, Ms. Lummis, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Mullin, Mr. Ricketts, Mr. Risch, Mr. Rounds, Mr. Rubio, Mr. Schmitt, Mr. Scott of Florida, Mr. Scott of South Carolina, Mr. Thune, Mr. Tillis, Mr. Tuberville, Mr. Vance, and Mr. Wicker)) introduced the following joint resolution; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs _______________________________________________________________________ JOINT RESOLUTION Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Commerce relating to ``Revision of Firearms License Requirements''. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Congress disapproves the rule submitted by the Department of Commerce relating to ``Revision of Firearms License Requirements'' (89 Fed. Reg. 34680 (April 30, 2024)), and such rule shall have no force or effect. <all>
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
Congratulating Trine University men’s basketball team for winning the 2024 National Collegiate Athletic Association Division III Men’s Basketball National Championship.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [S. Res. 720 Agreed to Senate (ATS)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 720 Congratulating Trine University men's basketball team for winning the 2024 National Collegiate Athletic Association Division III Men's Basketball National Championship. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 4, 2024 Mr. Young (for Mr. Braun (for himself and Mr. Young)) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to _______________________________________________________________________ RESOLUTION Congratulating Trine University men's basketball team for winning the 2024 National Collegiate Athletic Association Division III Men's Basketball National Championship. Whereas, on March 16, 2024, the Trine University men's basketball team (referred to in this resolution as the ``Thunder'') won the 2024 National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) Division III National Championship at the Allen County War Memorial Coliseum in Fort Wayne, Indiana; Whereas, in its first-ever NCAA tournament appearance, Trine University was selected as an at-large team and subsequently hosted the first and second weekends of the tournament, culminating in its championship win; Whereas Head Coach Brooks Miller has excelled during his 13 seasons with Trine University, having-- (1) been named the 2023-2024 Coach of the Year by the National Association of Basketball Coaches; (2) a coaching record of 226 wins to 116 losses; (3) led the program to its first-ever NCAA tournament appearance; and (4) led the program to its first-ever NCAA Division III National Championship after a season record of 29 wins to 4 losses; Whereas Head Coach Brooks Miller has been supported by assistant coaches and staff; Whereas senior guard Cortez Garland gave an outstanding performance and was selected as the Most Outstanding Player, having led the team with 22 points in the championship game, scoring 17 points in the second half; Whereas, in the championship game, sophomore Nate Tucker scored 13 points, junior Aidan Smylie scored 12 points, junior Drew Moore scored 10 points, and senior Emmanuel Megnanglo pulled down a team-high of 8 rebounds, and the trio of Garland, Tucker, and Smylie were named to the All-Tournament Team; and Whereas the contributions of the players, coaches, support staff, and the entire Trine University community were instrumental in achieving this historic victory and provide inspiration for future generations of young athletes: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Senate-- (1) congratulates the Trine University men's basketball team for its victory in the 2024 National Collegiate Athletic Association Division III National Championship; and (2) recognizes the dedication, perseverance, and hard work of the players, coaches, students, alumni, administration, and support staff that directly contributed to Trine University's triumph. <all>
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
An Act To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 1087 Route 47 South in Rio Grande, New Jersey, as the Carlton H. Hand Post Office Building.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 7606 Referred in Senate (RFS)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 7606 _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 4, 2024 Received; read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs _______________________________________________________________________ AN ACT To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 1087 Route 47 South in Rio Grande, New Jersey, as the ``Carlton H. Hand Post Office Building''. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. CARLTON H. HAND POST OFFICE BUILDING. (a) Designation.--The facility of the United States Postal Service located at 1087 Route 47 South in Rio Grande, New Jersey, shall be known and designated as the ``Carlton H. Hand Post Office Building''. (b) References.--Any reference in a law, map, regulation, document, paper, or other record of the United States to the facility referred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to be a reference to the ``Carlton H. Hand Post Office Building''. Passed the House of Representatives June 3, 2024. Attest: KEVIN F. MCCUMBER, Clerk.
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Reauthorizing Support and Treatment for Officers in Crisis Act of 2024
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [S. 4235 Reported in Senate (RS)] <DOC> Calendar No. 417 118th CONGRESS 2d Session S. 4235 To amend the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to reauthorize grants to support for law enforcement officers and families, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES May 1, 2024 Mr. Hawley (for himself, Mr. Whitehouse, Mr. Ossoff, Mr. Durbin, Ms. Klobuchar, Mr. Coons, Mr. Blumenthal, Ms. Hirono, Mr. Booker, Mr. Padilla, Mr. Welch, Ms. Butler, Mr. Graham, Mr. Grassley, Mr. Cornyn, Mr. Cruz, Mr. Cotton, Mr. Tillis, and Mrs. Blackburn) introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary June 5, 2024 Reported by Mr. Durbin, without amendment _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to reauthorize grants to support for law enforcement officers and families, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Reauthorizing Support and Treatment for Officers in Crisis Act of 2024''. SEC. 2. REAUTHORIZATION. Section 1001(a)(21) of title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (34 U.S.C. 10261(a)(21)) is amended by striking ``2020 through 2024'' and inserting ``2025 through 2029''. Calendar No. 417 118th CONGRESS 2d Session S. 4235 _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to reauthorize grants to support for law enforcement officers and families, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ June 5, 2024 Reported without amendment
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Congratulating the Grace College Lancers women’s basketball team for winning the 2024 National Christian College Athletic Association Division I National Championship.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [S. Res. 721 Agreed to Senate (ATS)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 721 Congratulating the Grace College Lancers women's basketball team for winning the 2024 National Christian College Athletic Association Division I National Championship. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 4, 2024 Mr. Young (for Mr. Braun (for himself and Mr. Young)) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to _______________________________________________________________________ RESOLUTION Congratulating the Grace College Lancers women's basketball team for winning the 2024 National Christian College Athletic Association Division I National Championship. Whereas, on March 23, 2024, the Grace College Lancers women's basketball team (referred to in this preamble as the ``Lancers'') won the 2024 National Christian College Athletic Association (referred to in this preamble as ``NCCAA'') Division I National Championship in Winona Lake, Indiana; Whereas, junior Peyton Murphy was named to the all-tournament team for her performance in the 2024 NCCAA Division I tournament; Whereas senior Maddie Ryman was named the tournament Most Outstanding Player; Whereas head coach Dan Davis has excelled during his 6 seasons with the Lancers; Whereas head coach Dan Davis has been aided by assistant coaches and staff; Whereas the Lancers are supported by members of the Grace College Athletics Department; Whereas the 2024 National Championship victory marked the first national title for the Lancers; Whereas the Lancers emerged from the semi-finals with a dramatic and close victory over the Oakland City University Mighty Oaks; Whereas the 2024 National Championship victory was the final game of the 15-year span of the role of Grace College as host of the NCCAA Division I National Championship; and Whereas the tradition of the Lancers of excelling in both athletics and academics continues to advance the sport of women's basketball and provide inspiration for future generations of young athletes: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Senate-- (1) congratulates the Grace College Lancers women's basketball team for its victory in the National Christian College Athletic Association Division I National Championship; and (2) recognizes the dedication, perseverance, and hard work of the players and coaches of the Grace College Lancers women's basketball team, and students, alumni, administration, and support staff that directly contributed to the victory of Grace College in the National Christian College Athletic Association 2024 Division I National Championship. <all>
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Calling on the Biden Administration to pursue censure of Iran at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), refer the issue to the United Nations Security Council, and reaffirm that all measures will be taken to prevent the regime in Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [S. Res. 717 Introduced in Senate (IS)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 717 Calling on the Biden Administration to pursue censure of Iran at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), refer the issue to the United Nations Security Council, and reaffirm that all measures will be taken to prevent the regime in Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 3, 2024 Mr. Scott of South Carolina (for himself, Mr. Cotton, Mr. Cassidy, Mr. Graham, Mr. Cornyn, Mr. Tillis, Mr. Crapo, Mr. Scott of Florida, Ms. Lummis, Mr. Cruz, Mr. Budd, and Mr. Ricketts) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations _______________________________________________________________________ RESOLUTION Calling on the Biden Administration to pursue censure of Iran at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), refer the issue to the United Nations Security Council, and reaffirm that all measures will be taken to prevent the regime in Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. Whereas the Government of Iran is the leading state sponsor of terrorism, supporting proxies that undermine peace in the Middle East, seek the destruction of the State of Israel, target United States Armed Forces in the region, and threaten the freedom of navigation, including in the Red Sea; Whereas Iran's nuclear activities, including its enrichment of near weapons- grade uranium and installation of advanced centrifuges, and expanding missile and drone program pose a significant threat to international security; Whereas the Government of Iran has amassed large stockpiles of enriched uranium, including uranium enriched to 60 percent purity, and has developed advanced centrifuge technology, significantly reducing the time required to produce weapons-grade uranium; Whereas, according to the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Iran's nuclear enrichment activities have accelerated to the point where the regime can now produce enough weapons-grade uranium for multiple nuclear weapons within days; Whereas missiles developed through the regime's expanding missile program, including the development of long-range ballistic missiles, could serve as delivery vehicles for nuclear weapons, thereby increasing the threat posed by the nuclear capabilities of the regime; Whereas the Government of Iran's acquisition of nuclear weapons would have catastrophic consequences for regional and global security and undermine the integrity of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, done at Washington, London, and Moscow July 1, 1968 (commonly referred to as the ``Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty'' or the ``NPT'') ; Whereas the Government of Iran ratified the NPT in 1970 and continues to be a state party to the treaty; Whereas Article III of the NPT states, ``Each Non-nuclear-weapon State Party to the Treaty undertakes to accept safeguards, as set forth in an agreement to be negotiated and concluded with the International Atomic Energy Agency.''; Whereas the IAEA has repeatedly reported on the non-compliance of the Government of Iran with its NPT-required safeguards agreement, including the discovery of undeclared nuclear materials and activities at various sites and a recent violation of modified code 3.1 by beginning construction of a new reactor known as IR-360; Whereas the regime in Iran has barred IAEA inspectors from fully monitoring its nuclear activities and continues to refuse to cooperate with investigations into its undeclared nuclear materials and activities; and Whereas the United States has a responsibility to use its voice and vote at international fora to advance global efforts to hold the Government of Iran accountable for its violations of international non-proliferation agreements including the NPT; Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Senate-- (1) reaffirms that the United States Government will take all necessary measures to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons; (2) calls on the Biden Administration to pursue a resolution at the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Board of Governors, formally censuring the Government of Iran for its noncompliance with its Comprehensive Safeguard Agreement as required by the NPT, and to refer the issue to the United Nations Security Council; (3) urges the Biden Administration to work with partners and allies of the United States to pursue punitive actions in response to violations by the Government of Iran, including but not limited to working with the coalition of France, the United Kingdom, and Germany (known as the ``E3'') to prevent nuclear related restrictions under United Nations Security Council Resolution 2231 (2015) from lapsing, to re-impose sanctions that remain lifted by such resolution, and other measures to enforce compliance with non-proliferation obligations; (4) condemns Iran's continued obstruction of basic monitoring and verification activities by the IAEA, as well as its refusal to provide technically credible explanations for the presence of undeclared nuclear materials and activities at sites across Iran; (5) acknowledges the critical role of the IAEA in monitoring and verifying nuclear non-proliferation and calls for continued support for the IAEA to ensure robust oversight of Iran's nuclear activities; (6) acknowledges the important foundation the NPT provides for the global non-proliferation regime and that any effort to normalize violations of the NPT by the Government of Iran will only serve to further erode global non-proliferation standards; (7) supports the imposition of robust sanctions on the Government of Iran for it nuclear and missile programs and on entities and individuals involved in these programs to deter further proliferation efforts; and (8) emphasizes the need for a coordinated international response to address the threat posed by Iran's nuclear program and calls on all nations to join the United States in taking decisive action to ensure Iran does not acquire nuclear weapons and to uphold nuclear non-proliferation standards in the Middle East and beyond. <all>
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Designating June 13, 2024, as National Seersucker Day, designating every Thursday after National Seersucker Day through the last Thursday in August 2024 as Seersucker Thursday, and designating June 2024 as Seersucker Appreciation Month.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [S. Res. 719 Agreed to Senate (ATS)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 719 Designating June 13, 2024, as ``National Seersucker Day'', designating every Thursday after National Seersucker Day through the last Thursday in August 2024 as ``Seersucker Thursday'', and designating June 2024 as ``Seersucker Appreciation Month''. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 4, 2024 Mr. Cassidy (for himself and Mr. Warnock) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to _______________________________________________________________________ RESOLUTION Designating June 13, 2024, as ``National Seersucker Day'', designating every Thursday after National Seersucker Day through the last Thursday in August 2024 as ``Seersucker Thursday'', and designating June 2024 as ``Seersucker Appreciation Month''. Whereas seersucker was introduced to the United States in the South in the middle of the 19th century; Whereas seersucker suits were popularized in the United States in the early 1900s by New Orleans businessman Joseph Haspel at his Broad Street facility in New Orleans, Louisiana; Whereas, as a lightweight, hard-wearing fabric, seersucker is mostly worn and enjoyed by the people of the United States during hot summer months; Whereas former Senator Trent Lott of Mississippi brought Seersucker Thursday to Congress in 1996, and after the day went unobserved in 2012 and 2013, then-Representative Bill Cassidy, with the help of the late Senator Dianne Feinstein, revived the tradition in 2014; Whereas the Senate will remember the late Senator Dianne Feinstein's historic service as she shall forever remain a part of this tradition, which Senator Raphael Warnock will continue in her stead; Whereas the name ``seersucker'' originates from the Persian phrase ``shir-o- shakar'', meaning ``milk and sugar'', alluding to the alternating textures of the fabric; Whereas the seersucker textile is made of cotton, linen, or silk (or combinations thereof), woven on a loom with threads at different tensions, creating alternating stripes of smooth and puckered textures that do not lay flat on one's skin, which is what makes the fabric so breathable; Whereas cotton is an important crop that producers in the United States, including 3,500 family farms in Georgia, strive to cultivate in the highest quality; and Whereas one of the 2 alternating stripes in seersucker is frequently in a color, typically blue, but sometimes gray, green, tan, red, pink, or another color, which, in combination with the white stripes, creates the iconic pattern so well known today: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Senate-- (1) designates June 13, 2024, as ``National Seersucker Day''; (2) designates every Thursday after National Seersucker Day through the last Thursday in August 2024 as ``Seersucker Thursday''; (3) designates June 2024 as ``Seersucker Appreciation Month''; (4) recognizes the contributions of the hard-working people of the United States through the wearing of seersucker, the unique warm weather clothing known as the working person's uniform; (5) encourages Senators to support the objective of National Seersucker Day and Seersucker Thursday; (6) encourages local governments in the United States to build partnerships with local organizations and other members of the clothing industries and enthusiasts to promote the wearing of seersucker; and (7) invites the people of the United States to don their warm weather finest on National Seersucker Day and every Seersucker Thursday. <all>
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Remembering the victims of the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre, and condemning the widespread repression against citizens, the transnational repression against activists and others individuals, and the systematic efforts to undermine human rights norms within and outside of the United Nations system by the People's Republic of China.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [S. Res. 715 Introduced in Senate (IS)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 715 Remembering the victims of the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre, and condemning the widespread repression against citizens, the transnational repression against activists and others individuals, and the systematic efforts to undermine human rights norms within and outside of the United Nations system by the People's Republic of China. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 3, 2024 Mr. Cardin (for himself, Mr. Merkley, and Mr. Rubio) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations _______________________________________________________________________ RESOLUTION Remembering the victims of the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre, and condemning the widespread repression against citizens, the transnational repression against activists and others individuals, and the systematic efforts to undermine human rights norms within and outside of the United Nations system by the People's Republic of China. Whereas, on June 4, 2024, the world will mark the 35th anniversary of the 1989 Tiananmen Square Massacre, during which authorities of the People's Republic of China murdered thousands of peaceful pro-democracy protestors who were calling for an end to corruption, an expansion of economic opportunity, and a rights-respecting system of government; Whereas the Government of the People's Republic of China persists in efforts to erase the memory of the Tiananmen Square Massacre and to harass, intimidate, and arrest activists, scholars, and family members of the victims of the massacre, including the Tiananmen Mothers, who have had the courage to speak out, honor the dead, and call for accountability, and persecuted heroic army officers, such as Major General Xu Qinxian, who refused to lead his soldiers during the massacre and was stripped of his Chinese Communist Party membership and jailed for 4 years; Whereas the people of Hong Kong had held an annual Tiananmen Square vigil in Victoria Park since 1990, which had been the only such mass gathering on Chinese territory; Whereas the longstanding tradition of the Hong Kong vigils came to an end in 2020, when the Hong Kong police denied applications for assembly pretextually on COVID-19 related grounds and when key organizers of the annual event were jailed on politically motivated criminal charges, including unlawful assembly and posing a threat to national security; Whereas, on the anniversary of the Tiananmen Square Massacre, the international community is reminded of the sacrifices made by the Chinese people for the ideals of democracy and human rights and remains deeply concerned by the ongoing human rights abuses and violations by the People's Republic of China against Chinese citizens and other individuals within the People's Republic of China and abroad; Whereas the Government of the People's Republic of China continues to perpetrate systematic and egregious human rights abuses against Chinese citizens, including-- (1) a widespread crackdown on freedom of expression and the press; (2) unrelenting surveillance, harassment, and imprisonment of human rights defenders, lawyers, scholars, journalists, and members from religious and ethnic minorities and groups; and (3) an Orwellian system of technological and social control over Chinese citizens; Whereas the Government of the People's Republic of China continues to commit atrocities against Uyghur Muslims and other ethnic and religious groups in Xinjiang, including-- (1) mass arbitrary detention in so-called ``re-education camps''; (2) increased prosecutions and formal imprisonment for politically motivated charges; (3) forced labor and forced abortions and sterilizations; (4) involuntary political indoctrination; (5) severe restrictions on religious freedom; and (6) constant monitoring and surveillance; Whereas the systematic repression against the Tibetan community by the Government of the People's Republic of China continues unabated and includes-- (1) a forced campaign of ``Sinicization'' that attempts to eliminate the unique religious, linguistic, and cultural identity of Tibet; (2) indoctrination of Tibetan children through government-run boarding schools; (3) efforts to co-opt Tibetan Buddhism through the control of Tibetan Buddhist religious practices, monastic communities, selection of Tibetan Buddhist lamas and efforts to interfere in the succession process of the Dalai Lama; (4) environmental degradation of the Tibetan plateau; and (5) forced relocation of Tibetan nomads under the false guise of conservation or economic development; Whereas the Government of the People's Republic of China abrogated international commitments under the terms of the Joint Declaration of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Island and the Government of the People's Republic of China on the Question of Hong Kong, done at Beijing December 19, 1984 (referred to in this preamble as the ``Joint Declaration''), through an unprecedented crackdown on fundamental freedoms in Hong Kong, including-- (1) by passing and implementing the repressive and vague Law of the People's Republic of China on Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (referred to in this preamble as the ``National Security Law''), which undermined the high degree of autonomy promised under the Joint Declaration; (2) by harassing, intimidating, and arresting peaceful activists, lawyers, pro-democracy legislators, journalists, and others under the guise of the National Security Law; and (3) by implementing Article 23 of the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, which further and severely curtails the exercise of human rights in Hong Kong; Whereas the ongoing and heroic efforts of the Chinese people to shine a light on the abuses of the Government of the People's Republic of China and to advocate for human rights, including through mass demonstrations in November 2022, known as the ``White Paper Movement'' to protest censorship and the harsh zero-COVID policy, have been met with brutal suppression and further efforts to monitor, control, and politically indoctrinate Chinese citizens; Whereas the Government of the People's Republic of China carries out a coordinated campaign of transnational repression to silence dissenting voices abroad, including through tactics, such as surveillance, harassment, abduction, coercion, and by imprisoning family members in the People's Republic of China; Whereas transnational repression by the Government of the People's Republic of China not only violates the fundamental freedoms of individuals and the sovereignty of other nations, but also engenders a climate of fear and self-censorship among Chinese communities abroad, including journalists, activists, scholars, and researchers; Whereas the rise of the People's Republic of China as a global power has been accompanied by concerted efforts by the Government of the People's Republic of China to reshape international institutions and norms, especially institutions and norms related to human rights; Whereas, through pressure, intimidation, economic coercion, and other tactics used against organizational leadership and sovereign nations, the Government of the People's Republic of China seeks to dilute the focus on human rights within the multilateral system and other international fora, and to promote its model of non-interference inside and outside the United Nations system to prevent international scrutiny of domestic human rights abuses and use of transnational repression by the Government of the People's Republic of China; and Whereas the People's Republic of China, as Secretary of State Antony Blinken has said, is ``the only country with both the intent to reshape the international order, and increasingly, the economic, military, and technological power to do it,'' and the systematic efforts of the Government of the People's Republic of China to redefine international institutions and the multilateral system according to its authoritarian worldview poses an unprecedented challenge to the post-World War II human rights consensus forged through the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and threatens the very foundation of universal human rights norms: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Senate-- (1) stands in solidarity with families of the individuals who lost their lives, underwent torture, or were imprisoned for their involvement in the pro-democracy demonstrations during the spring of 1989, and the individuals in and outside of the People's Republic of China who continue to face harassment, intimidation, and imprisonment for their ongoing efforts to expose the truth regarding the massacre by the Government of the People's Republic of China against its own people on June 4, 1989; (2) reaffirms its steadfast support for the courageous activists, lawyers, civil society representatives, members of ethnic and religious minority groups, journalists, and other individuals who continue to advocate for the rule of law, political and economic freedom, the preservation of the unique identities of the ethnic and religious minorities and groups of the People's Republic of China, and human rights; (3) condemns the Government of the People's Republic of China for the egregious human rights abuses against Chinese citizens inside the border of the People's Republic of China, transnational repression against activists, and systematic efforts to undermine human rights within and outside of the United Nations system; (4) calls on the Government of the People's Republic of China-- (A) to cease censoring information and discussion within the People's Republic of China and globally about the Tiananmen Square Massacre; (B) to allow for a full, independent, and transparent investigation into the events of June 4, 1989; (C) to cease harassing, intimidating, and imprisoning individuals who attempt to expose the truth regarding the Tiananmen Square Massacre; (D) to cease the systematic and egregious suppression of the human rights of the citizens of the People's Republic of China; (E) to release unconditionally all human rights defenders, lawyers, scholars, journalists, members of religious and ethnic minorities and groups, and other individuals who have been unjustly detained or imprisoned on politically-motivated charges for exercising internationally recognized fundamental freedoms, including Ilham Tohti, Ekpar Asat, Go Sherab Gyatso, Xu Zhiyong, Li Yuhan and Ding Jiaxi, those who protested the zero-COVID lockdown and the rising repression in the People's Republic of China under Xi Jinping, such as Peng Lifa and Li Kangmeng, who were nominated by Members of Congress for the Nobel Peace Prize, those in Hong Kong, such as Jimmy Lai, Joshua Wong, and Chow Hang-tung, and family members of activists abroad who the Government of the People's Republic of China imprisoned to pressure their family members into silence, including Gulshan Abbas; (F) to reverse policies and actions in Xinjiang that have led to widespread atrocities against Uyghur Muslims and other ethnic and religious groups in the region and that threaten the preservation of Uyghur identity, and to allow independent and unfettered access to the region by United Nations human rights mechanisms and other international observers to conduct a transparent investigation into the atrocities of the Government of the People's Republic of China in Xinjiang and seek accountability and justice for victims; (G) to reverse policies and actions in Tibet that violate the human rights of Tibetans, threaten the survival of Tibetan identity, interfere in the ability of Tibetan Buddhists to select their religious leaders, including the Dalai Lama, and denigrate the environment and ecosystem of the Tibetan plateau and the traditional livelihoods of Tibetan nomads, and to allow independent and unfettered access to the region by United Nations human rights mechanisms and other international observers to document abuses; (H) to uphold international legal obligations to Hong Kong under the Joint Declaration of the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Island and the Government of the People's Republic of China on the Question of Hong Kong, done at Beijing December 19, 1984 (referred to in this resolution as the ``Joint Declaration''), restore independent democratic representation to the people of Hong Kong in line with the ``One Country, Two Systems'' arrangement set forth in the Joint Declaration; (I) to cease undermining the high degree of autonomy promised to Hong Kong in the Joint Declaration; (J) to end the coordinated campaign of transnational repression against Chinese citizens overseas; and (K) to cease coercing, intimidating, and pressuring member states within the United Nations and other multilateral fora in service of the goal of the Government of the People's Republic of China to reshape the international order according to an authoritarian worldview and undermine the universality of human rights under international law; and (5) calls on the United States Government-- (A) through high-level unilateral and joint statements with partners and allies, to honor the victims of the Tiananmen Square Massacre and urge the Government of the People's Republic of China to immediately initiate a full, independent, and transparent investigation into the events of June 4, 1989, lift censorship restrictions around discussion of the Tiananmen Square Massacre, and cease harassing, intimidating, and imprisoning individuals who attempt to expose the truth about June 4, 1989, and seek justice; (B) to meet with participants of the Tiananmen Square protests and the families and friends of the victims of the Tiananmen Square Massacre based outside of the People's Republic of China, and publicize such meetings when appropriate; (C) to seek the unconditional release of political prisoners in the People's Republic of China and Hong Kong; (D) to use credible resources, such as the Political Prisoner Database maintained by the Congressional-Executive Commission on China, to enhance information regarding political prisoner cases in the People's Republic of China; (E) to hold accountable officials of the Chinese Communist Party and of the Government of the People's Republic of China complicit in genocide, crimes against humanity, transnational repression, the undermining of the high degree of autonomy of Hong Kong, and other violations of human rights, including through sanctions, visa restrictions, and other tools; (F) to use the voice, vote, and influence of the United States at the United Nations to seek urgent discussions of the human rights record of the Government of the People's Republic of China, including on matters related to Hong Kong at the United Nations Security Council and at the United Nations' Human Rights Council; and (G) to make clear that the people of the United States support the ability of the citizens of the People's Republic of China to exercise their human rights without fear, and that action by the United States Government to hold the persons complicit in human rights abuses accountable are undertaken in solidarity with the people of the People's Republic of China and their aspirations. <all>
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An Act To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 306 Pickens Street in Marion, Alabama, as the Albert Turner, Sr. Post Office Building.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 7893 Referred in Senate (RFS)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 7893 _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 4, 2024 Received; read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs _______________________________________________________________________ AN ACT To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 306 Pickens Street in Marion, Alabama, as the ``Albert Turner, Sr. Post Office Building''. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. ALBERT TURNER, SR. POST OFFICE BUILDING. (a) Designation.--The facility of the United States Postal Service located at 306 Pickens Street in Marion, Alabama, shall be known and designated as the ``Albert Turner, Sr. Post Office Building''. (b) References.--Any reference in a law, map, regulation, document, paper, or other record of the United States to the facility referred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to be a reference to the ``Albert Turner, Sr. Post Office Building''. Passed the House of Representatives June 3, 2024. Attest: KEVIN F. MCCUMBER, Clerk.
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Expressing support for the designation of June 7, 2024, as National Gun Violence Awareness Day and June 2024 as National Gun Violence Awareness Month.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [S. Res. 716 Introduced in Senate (IS)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 716 Expressing support for the designation of June 7, 2024, as ``National Gun Violence Awareness Day'' and June 2024 as ``National Gun Violence Awareness Month''. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 3, 2024 Mr. Durbin (for himself, Ms. Duckworth, Ms. Klobuchar, Mr. Blumenthal, Ms. Hirono, Mr. Booker, Mr. Welch, Mr. Reed, Mr. Kaine, Mr. Heinrich, Mr. Fetterman, Mr. Casey, Ms. Baldwin, Mr. Murphy, and Mr. Wyden) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on the Judiciary _______________________________________________________________________ RESOLUTION Expressing support for the designation of June 7, 2024, as ``National Gun Violence Awareness Day'' and June 2024 as ``National Gun Violence Awareness Month''. Whereas, each year in the United States, more than-- (1) 43,000 individuals are killed and 76,000 individuals are wounded by gunfire; (2) 17,000 individuals are killed in homicides involving guns; (3) 24,000 individuals die by suicide using a gun; and (4) 500 individuals are killed in unintentional shootings; Whereas, since 1968, more individuals have died from guns in the United States than have died on the battlefields of all the wars in the history of the United States; Whereas 2023 was a deadly year for the United States, with an estimated 16,100 people killed in gun homicides or nonsuicide-related shootings; Whereas, in 2023, unintentional shootings by children surpassed 400 incidents for the first time ever, resulting in nearly 160 deaths annually; Whereas, by one count, in 2023 in the United States, there were 656 mass- shooting incidents in which not fewer than 4 people were killed or wounded by gunfire; Whereas, nationwide, 87,000 military veterans died by gun suicide from 2002- 2021; Whereas, every year in the United States, nearly 4,000 children and teens are killed by gun violence and 15,000 children and teens are shot and wounded; Whereas, approximately 9,300 people in the United States under 25 years of age die because of gun violence annually, including Hadiya Pendleton, who, in 2013, was killed at 15 years of age in Chicago, Illinois, while standing in a park; Whereas, on June 7, 2024, to recognize the 27th birthday of Hadiya Pendleton (born June 2, 1997), people across the United States will recognize National Gun Violence Awareness Day and wear orange in tribute to-- (1) Hadiya Pendleton and other victims of gun violence; and (2) the loved ones of those victims; and Whereas June 2024 is an appropriate month to designate as ``National Gun Violence Awareness Month'': Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Senate-- (1) supports-- (A) the designation of ``National Gun Violence Awareness Month'' and the goals and ideals of that month; and (B) the designation of ``National Gun Violence Awareness Day'', in remembrance of the victims of gun violence; and (2) calls on the people of the United States to-- (A) promote greater awareness of gun violence and gun safety; (B) wear orange, the color that hunters wear to show that they are not targets, on National Gun Violence Awareness Day; (C) concentrate heightened attention on gun violence during the summer months, when gun violence typically increases; and (D) bring community members and leaders together to discuss ways to make communities safer. <all>
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Environmental Protection Agency relating to Hazardous and Solid Waste Management System: Disposal of Coal Combustion Residuals From Electric Utilities; Legacy CCR Surface Impoundments.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [S.J. Res. 95 Introduced in Senate (IS)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session S. J. RES. 95 Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Environmental Protection Agency relating to ``Hazardous and Solid Waste Management System: Disposal of Coal Combustion Residuals From Electric Utilities; Legacy CCR Surface Impoundments''. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 5, 2024 Mr. Mullin (for himself, Mrs. Capito, Mr. Barrasso, Mr. Wicker, Mr. Cramer, Mr. Braun, Mr. Ricketts, Ms. Lummis, Mrs. Britt, Mr. Scott of South Carolina, and Mr. Hoeven) introduced the following joint resolution; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on Environment and Public Works _______________________________________________________________________ JOINT RESOLUTION Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Environmental Protection Agency relating to ``Hazardous and Solid Waste Management System: Disposal of Coal Combustion Residuals From Electric Utilities; Legacy CCR Surface Impoundments''. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Congress disapproves the rule submitted by the Environmental Protection Agency relating to ``Hazardous and Solid Waste Management System: Disposal of Coal Combustion Residuals From Electric Utilities; Legacy CCR Surface Impoundments'' (89 Fed. Reg. 38950 (May 8, 2024)), and such rule shall have no force or effect. <all>
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Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the proposed rule submitted by the Office of Refugee Resettlement of the Administration for Children and Families of the Department of Health and Human Services relating to the Unaccompanied Children Program Foundational Rule.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [S.J. Res. 94 Introduced in Senate (IS)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session S. J. RES. 94 Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the proposed rule submitted by the Office of Refugee Resettlement of the Administration for Children and Families of the Department of Health and Human Services relating to the Unaccompanied Children Program Foundational Rule. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 5, 2024 Mr. Grassley (for himself, Mr. Manchin, Mr. McConnell, Mr. Graham, Mr. Cornyn, Mr. Risch, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Johnson, Mrs. Capito, Mr. Braun, Mr. Hagerty, Mr. Tuberville, Mr. Daines, Mr. Budd, Mrs. Hyde-Smith, Mr. Cramer, Ms. Lummis, Mr. Tillis, Mr. Vance, Mr. Young, Mr. Wicker, Mr. Crapo, Mr. Ricketts, Mr. Cotton, Mr. Scott of Florida, Mr. Hoeven, Ms. Ernst, Mr. Cassidy, Mr. Lankford, Mr. Mullin, Mr. Lee, Mrs. Britt, Mr. Schmitt, Mr. Rubio, Mrs. Blackburn, Mr. Moran, Mrs. Fischer, Mr. Cruz, Mr. Sullivan, Mr. Kennedy, Mr. Hawley, Mr. Rounds, Mr. Barrasso, Mr. Thune, Mr. Boozman, and Mr. Scott of South Carolina) introduced the following joint resolution; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary _______________________________________________________________________ JOINT RESOLUTION Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the proposed rule submitted by the Office of Refugee Resettlement of the Administration for Children and Families of the Department of Health and Human Services relating to the Unaccompanied Children Program Foundational Rule. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Congress disapproves the final rule submitted by the Office of Refugee Resettlement of the Administration for Children and Families of the Department of Health and Human Services relating to ``Unaccompanied Children Program Foundational Rule'' (89 Fed. Reg. 34384 (April 30, 2024)), seeking to replace regulations relating to the key aspects of the placement, care, and services provided to unaccompanied alien children, and such proposed rule shall have no force or effect. <all>
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Expressing the sense of the Senate that the United States Government should immediately place a moratorium on all federally funded gain-of-function research given the increased safety concerns.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [S. Res. 718 Introduced in Senate (IS)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 718 Expressing the sense of the Senate that the United States Government should immediately place a moratorium on all federally funded gain-of- function research given the increased safety concerns. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 4, 2024 Mr. Marshall (for himself, Mr. Braun, and Mr. Lee) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions _______________________________________________________________________ RESOLUTION Expressing the sense of the Senate that the United States Government should immediately place a moratorium on all federally funded gain-of- function research given the increased safety concerns. Whereas the Obama Administration defined gain-of-function studies as research that aims to increase the ability of infectious agents to cause disease by enhancing its pathogenicity or by increasing its transmissibility; Whereas the Obama Administration, on October 17, 2014, mandated a Federal Government pause on new gain-of-function research, citing recent concerns regarding biosafety and biosecurity; Whereas the Obama Administration, on October 17, 2014, stated that new Federal funding will not be released for gain-of-function research projects that may be reasonably anticipated to confer attributes to the influenza, Middle East respiratory syndrome (referred to in this preamble as ``MERS''), or severe acute respiratory syndrome (referred to in this preamble as ``SARS'') viruses such that such a virus would have enhanced pathogenicity or transmissibility in mammals via the respiratory route; Whereas in the lead up to the Obama Administration pausing new gain-of-function research, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention noted an increase in accidents involving leaks, spills, or other releases of infectious material inside the laboratories receiving Federal funding; Whereas the Cambridge Working Group, a consortium of some of the leading international researchers and scientists, released a 2014 open letter stating ``experiments involving the creation of potential pandemic pathogens should be curtailed until there has been a quantitative, objective and credible assessment of the risks, potential benefits, and opportunities for risk mitigation, as well as comparison against safer experimental approaches.''; Whereas in 2014, after the Obama Administration mandated a pause on gain-of- function research, the National Institutes of Health (referred to in this preamble as ``NIH''), led by Francis Collins, including the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (referred to in this preamble as ``NIAID''), led by Anthony Fauci, continued to authorize grants and research awards to organizations that study the spread of viruses from animals to humans; Whereas some such awards went to EcoHealth Alliance and its President, Peter Daszak, who then disbursed research money to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (referred to in this preamble as the ``WIV'') and East China Normal University; Whereas experiments advanced by EcoHealth Alliance during the pause included, among other projects, combining genetic material from a ``parent'' coronavirus, known as WIV1, with other viruses; Whereas the results of such experiments demonstrated varying pathogenicity of SARS-CoV-2 with different spike proteins in humanized mice; Whereas a majority of scientists and researchers, including Dr. Lawrence Tabak and Dr. Ralph Baric, an EcoHealth Alliance collaborator and top coronavirus expert, when made aware of such experiment, admitted that EcoHealth Alliance's coronavirus research appeared to meet the standard criteria for gain-of-function research; Whereas NIH and NIAID continued to support EcoHealth Alliance and other organizations conducting gain-of-function research, according to the Obama Administration's definition, through 2017, even though the pause remained in effect; Whereas on July 7, 2016, NIAID identified possible gain-of-function research concerns in an experiment proposed by EcoHealth and conducted by the WIV; Whereas in May 2021, Anthony Fauci conceded that during the period between 2014 and 2017 that ``it is impossible to guarantee that researchers at the Wuhan Institute of Virology did not use American funds to perform gain- of-function research on coronaviruses.''; Whereas Anthony Fauci and NIAID did not alert senior White House officials before lifting a ban on gain-of-function research in 2017; Whereas in November 2019, 3 researchers from the WIV became sick enough to receive hospital care, and according to United States officials, those sick researchers were involved in coronavirus research; Whereas the Chinese government deliberately delayed notifying the World Health organization that it had detected SARS-like infections from an unknown, novel pathogen well before it sent official notification in December 2019; Whereas on April 24, 2020, NIH instructed EcoHealth to terminate all funding to the WIV, and NIH terminated the WIV's entire sub-grant award; Whereas in July 2020, NIH, having procedurally erred in its April 2020 termination of EcoHealth's grant, reinstated and then immediately suspended EcoHealth's grant while requiring EcoHealth to meet certain conditions, such as obtaining a sample of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that the Wuhan lab used to determine its genetic sequence and arranging for an independent team to examine the Wuhan lab and determine whether it had possession of the SARS-CoV-2 virus prior to December 2019; Whereas Peter Daszak reacted to those conditions by calling them ``preposterous''; Whereas based on tips from the scientific community that suspected EcoHealth's science research at the WIV may have caused the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak, NIH investigated EcoHealth's compliance with its grant agreement terms, including the gain-of-function provisions in June 2016 and again from April 2020 to April 2023 and concluded that EcoHealth was noncompliant; Whereas in October 2021, NIH acknowledged to Congress that EcoHealth Alliance did not have access to laboratory notebooks or other records supporting its research, even though keeping such records was a requirement of the NIH grant; Whereas although EcoHealth's Year 5 Research Performance Progress Report for its research activities was due to NIH in September 2019, EcoHealth did not submit the report until August 3, 2021; Whereas on October 20, 2021, it was revealed than an experiment in EcoHealth's Year 5 Progress Report (for research between June 2018 and May 2019) exhibited virus growth greater than one log, thus constituting gain-of- function research, which should have triggered immediate suspension and reporting to NIAID according to contract agreements; Whereas instead of EcoHealth taking either action, EcoHealth used language in its report that obfuscated the severity and timing of the gain-of- function experiments, which contradicted the Obama-era pause on gain-of- function research and the additional terms of agreement NIH added to EcoHealth's grant in June 2016; Whereas in October 2021, NIH updated the definition of gain-of-function research to focus more on enhanced pandemic potential pathogens (referred to in this preamble as ``ePPP''), which meant that because the majority of gain-of-function research does not include ePPPs, once considered gain- of-function research now fell outside the scope of the stricter oversight required for ePPP studies; Whereas NIH determined that no evidence existed to support the testimony Peter Daszak gave to Congress on November 14, 2023, that EcoHealth was prevented from submitting its Year 5 Research Performance Progress Report to NIH due to a technical problem in NIH's system; Whereas in April 2023, when NIH reinstated EcoHealth's suspended grant and imposed new conditions, NIH stated that it was executing a corrective action plan to EcoHealth that satisfied NIH's compliance efforts regarding gain-of-function research; Whereas as part of the April 2023 reinstatement, EcoHealth pledged it would not perform work in, or with, Chinese-affiliated institutions; Whereas the prime reasoning for EcoHealth's reinstatement was EcoHealth's representation to NIAID that EcoHealth had access to sequences and samples that were required to be supplied to the Federal Government as a condition of receiving Federal grants, which still needed analysis; Whereas EcoHealth was not forthcoming and failed to disclose to NIAID that those samples were stored in China at the WIV, which was EcoHealth's subcontractor that conducted the coronavirus gain-of-function research that could have caused the COVID-19 pandemic; Whereas as of new guidance issued in May 2024, the Biden Administration removed avian influenza and current forms of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19, from the category of pathogens of pandemic potential, thus excluding them from updated rules governing gain-of-function research; Whereas effective May 14, 2024, the Department of Health and Human Services (referred to in this preamble as ``HHS'') announced it would commence official debarment proceedings against EcoHealth Alliance and implement a government-wide suspension of United States taxpayer funds to include a hold on all active grants; Whereas on May 21, 2024, HHS, in an effort to protect public interest, suspended and recommended debarment of Peter Daszak's individual ability to receive any Federal funds; Whereas both the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of Energy have assessed that the COVID-19 pandemic was a result of a lab leak from the WIV; Whereas the majority members of the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic of the Committee on Oversight and Accountability of the House of Representatives (referred to in this preamble as the ``Subcommittee'') reported that EcoHealth's actions were often enabled by NIH and NIAID and the failures of NIH and NIAID to properly oversee EcoHealth's research projects; Whereas the majority members of the Subcommittee found that EcoHealth's actions were often enabled by the lack of grant management and oversight by NIH and NIAID; and Whereas the majority members of the Subcommittee believe that such NIH and NIAID grant management oversight failures necessitate both Congressional and Executive action to increase transparency and grantee oversight: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That it is the sense of the Senate that Congress should immediately consider the Viral Gain-of-Function Research Moratorium Act (S. 81, 118th Congress, as introduced on January 25, 2023), which would-- (1) define gain-of-function research as any research that-- (A) could confer attributes to the influenza, Middle East respiratory syndrome, or severe acute respiratory syndrome viruses such that such a virus would have enhanced pathogenicity or transmissibility in any organism; or (B) involves methods that could enhance potential pandemic pathogens or related risky research with potentially dangerous pathogens; and (2) prohibit, notwithstanding any other provision of law, research grants supported by Federal funds from being awarded to institutions of higher education, or other research organizations, that are conducting gain-of-function research. <all>
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To authorize the Secretary of State to withdraw from the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East Federal funds previously made available to such organization.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 8232 Introduced in House (IH)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 8232 To authorize the Secretary of State to withdraw from the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East Federal funds previously made available to such organization. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES May 2, 2024 Mr. Mast (for himself, Mr. Gottheimer, Mr. Smith of New Jersey, Mr. Wilson of South Carolina, and Mr. Baird) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To authorize the Secretary of State to withdraw from the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East Federal funds previously made available to such organization. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. AUTHORIZATION OF WITHDRAWAL OF FUNDS. The Secretary of State shall take such steps as may be necessary to expeditiously withdraw or otherwise recover any Federal funds made available to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East that have not been expended by such Agency as of the date of the enactment of this Act. <all>
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Designating June 6, 2024, as National Naloxone Awareness Day.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [S. Res. 726 Agreed to Senate (ATS)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session S. RES. 726 Designating June 6, 2024, as National Naloxone Awareness Day. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 5, 2024 Mr. Scott of Florida (for himself, Mr. Markey, Mrs. Capito, Ms. Cantwell, Mr. Braun, Mr. Rubio, Mr. King, Mr. Manchin, Mr. Heinrich, Mr. Wyden, Mr. Lujan, Mr. Brown, Mr. Van Hollen, and Ms. Rosen) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to _______________________________________________________________________ RESOLUTION Designating June 6, 2024, as National Naloxone Awareness Day. Whereas the opioid epidemic continues to devastate communities across the United States, leading to a significant loss of life and widespread societal impact; Whereas opioid overdoses during the 12 months preceding December of 2023 claimed a reported 81,083 lives in the United States; Whereas fatal overdoses are often witnessed by a bystander; Whereas, in 2023 alone, the Drug Enforcement Administration seized more than 381,000,000 doses of potentially deadly fentanyl, enough to kill every individual in the United States; Whereas, according to data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, fentanyl-related poisonings are currently a leading cause of death for individuals in the United States between 18 and 45 years of age; Whereas naloxone is a safe and effective medication that can reverse opioid overdoses and save lives when administered promptly by rapidly reversing the effects of opioids; Whereas naloxone plays a vital role in preventing long-term brain damage and reducing the risk of fatality associated with opioid overdoses; Whereas the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has declared naloxone to be a key tool in preventing opioid overdose deaths; Whereas it is imperative to educate individuals, families, healthcare professionals, and first responders about-- (1) the benefits of naloxone, including the potential naloxone has to reduce opioid-related fatalities; and (2) how to safely administer naloxone; Whereas it is imperative to identify current or potential barriers, including cost, for individuals, organizations, and Federal, State, and local governments to obtain and distribute naloxone; Whereas increasing access to naloxone can ensure that individuals struggling with opioid use disorder have a chance at recovery and a future free from the grip of opioid use disorder; Whereas the Food and Drug Administration acted to authorize the over-the-counter sale of 4 milligram and 3 milligram doses of naloxone in 2023; and Whereas recognizing National Naloxone Awareness Day will contribute to the ongoing efforts to educate the public, reduce stigma associated with substance use disorder, and promote access to lifesaving naloxone: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the Senate-- (1) designates June 6, 2024, as National Naloxone Awareness Day; (2) recognizes the life-saving benefits of naloxone in reversing opioid overdoses and preventing unnecessary deaths; (3) acknowledges that increased access to naloxone empowers individuals, families, healthcare professionals, and first responders to intervene in emergency situations and provide immediate assistance to those experiencing an opioid overdose; (4) recognizes that National Naloxone Awareness Day serves as an opportunity to educate the public about the importance of recognizing the signs of opioid overdose and equipping themselves with naloxone to save lives; (5) encourages Federal, State, and local governments, as well as private and nonprofit organizations, to collaborate and allocate resources towards increasing naloxone access, education, and distribution efforts; and (6) calls upon Federal agencies, including the Substances Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Office of National Drug Control Policy, the Drug Enforcement Administration, and all others engaged in the National Drug Control Strategy to continue supporting public awareness of naloxone, harm reduction, and overdose and poisoning prevention. <all>
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Pre-K for Kids Act of 2024
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 8236 Introduced in House (IH)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 8236 To direct the Secretary of Education to award grants to State educational agencies to facilitate the provision of pre-kindergarten programs that reduce the cost of education services and result in positive educational outcomes, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES May 2, 2024 Mr. Nunn of Iowa (for himself, Ms. Perez, and Mrs. Hinson) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Education and the Workforce _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To direct the Secretary of Education to award grants to State educational agencies to facilitate the provision of pre-kindergarten programs that reduce the cost of education services and result in positive educational outcomes, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Pre-K for Kids Act of 2024''. SEC. 2. GRANT PROGRAM TO PROVIDE PRE-KINDERGARTEN PROGRAMS. (a) In General.--The Secretary shall award, on a competitive basis, grants to State educational agencies to facilitate, through subgrants to local educational agencies, the provision of pre-kindergarten programs that-- (1) reduce the cost of education services, including with respect to at-risk children; (2) result in positive educational and developmental outcomes; (3) are likely to have a positive fiscal impact on local governmental entities; and (4) are based on a model pre-kindergarten program. (b) Application.-- (1) In general.--A State educational agency seeking a grant under this section shall submit to the Secretary an application in such form, at such time, and containing such information as the Secretary may require. (2) Priority.--The Secretary shall give priority to State educational agencies who serve a majority of families in the State whose family income is at or below 250 percent of the Federal poverty line, as defined by the most recently revised poverty income guidelines published by the Department of Health and Human Services. (c) Grant Uses.--A State educational agency that receives a grant under this section shall use such grant funds to award subgrants to local educational agencies in accordance with subsection (d). (d) Subgrants.-- (1) Application.--A local educational agency seeking a subgrant under this subsection shall submit to the State educational agency an application in such form, at such time, and containing such information as the State educational agency may require, including the program proposal described in paragraph (2). (2) Program proposal.--The program proposal shall include the following: (A) A description of how the local educational agency will carry out the innovative financing partnership described in subsection (e). (B) A description of the pre-kindergarten services that will be provided by a service provider described in paragraph (2)(A) of such subsection pursuant to such partnership. (C) An assurance that the local educational agency will agree to an evaluation by an independent evaluator described in paragraph (2)(C) of such subsection pursuant to such partnership of the pre-kindergarten programs provided under this subsection. (D) A description of the ways in which the program will be carried out in order to have a positive fiscal impact on the local government. (3) Evaluation of applications.-- (A) Criteria for evaluation.--In evaluating an application submitted by a local educational agency under paragraph (1), the State educational agency shall consider the following: (i) Whether the program proposal submitted by the local educational agency includes all required information. (ii) Whether the program described by such proposal-- (I) will achieve the objectives described in paragraphs (1) through (4) of subsection (a) and result in significant performance improvements; and (II) is likely to have a positive fiscal impact on the local government. (B) Priority.--In evaluating an application submitted by a local educational agency under paragraph (1), the State educational agency may give priority to a local educational agency that-- (i) demonstrates intent to partner with a service provider that demonstrates a strong commitment to ongoing professional development for employees; (ii) demonstrates intent to partner with public and private service providers; (iii) demonstrates intent to use new and enhanced services for children; (iv) serves a majority of families whose family income is at or below 250 percent of the Federal poverty line, as defined by the most recently revised poverty income guidelines published by the Department of Health and Human Services; (v) serves a majority of immigrant and refugee families; (vi) serves areas with waiting lists for high-quality pre-kindergarten programs; (vii) serves a rural community; (viii) includes a plan to utilize private funds in addition to funds provided by the local educational agency (other than subgrant funds received under this subsection) to provide pre-kindergarten services to-- (I) students in rural areas; and (II) students who belong to a family described in clause (iv); (ix) demonstrates strategies to improve early mathematic skills and early literacy skills, including the literacy skills of children who have been identified as English learners; (x) demonstrates strategies to increase family engagement and connect families to community resources; (xi) provides a comprehensive child development program; (xii) establishes a student-to-teacher ratio of not more than 10 students to every 1 teacher; (xiii) demonstrates substantial parental involvement; (xiv) demonstrates community support; (xv) utilizes services provided by service providers described in subsection (e)(2)(A); or (xvi) includes a plan for program evaluation that includes the measurement of student outcomes in addition to the outcomes measured under subsection (e)(2)(C). (4) Subgrant uses.--A local educational agency receiving a subgrant under this subsection shall use such subgrant funds to provide pre-kindergarten programs described in subsection (a) through the innovative financing partnership described in subsection (e). (e) Innovative Financing Partnership.-- (1) Partnership described.--A local educational agency receiving a subgrant under subsection (d) shall enter into a partnership that includes each of the parties described in paragraph (2). (2) Parties.--The parties to a partnership described in paragraph (1) are as follows: (A) One or more service providers who provide, as part of a pre-kindergarten program provided by a local educational agency pursuant to subsection (d), pre- kindergarten services to 3-year-old and 4-year-old children from families whose family income is at or below 250 percent of the Federal poverty line, as defined by the most recently revised poverty income guidelines published by the Department of Health and Human Services. (B) One or more investors who provide, in accordance with paragraph (4), the capital for pre- kindergarten services under the partnership, including philanthropic investors seeking a full or partial return of principal. (C) An independent evaluator to determine whether the pre-kindergarten programs provided pursuant to subsection (d) achieve the objectives described in paragraphs (1) through (4) of subsection (a). (D) One or more outcomes payers described in paragraph (3). (3) Outcomes payer.--An outcomes payer includes any governmental entity, including the child development coordinating council of the State, or any private entity that agrees to commit to pay to an investor described in paragraph (2)(B) the principal invested by, and the interest owed to, such investor if the independent evaluator described in subparagraph (C) of such paragraph makes the determination described in such subparagraph. (4) Matching requirement.--The non-Federal share of the costs of an activity carried out with a grant awarded under this section shall be-- (A) not less than 40 percent of such costs; and (B) provided by an investor described in paragraph (2)(B). (f) Reports.-- (1) Service provider report.--Not later than 180 days after the date of the formation of the innovative financing partnership under subsection (e), and every 6 months thereafter, a service provider that is a party to an innovative financing partnership under subsection (e) shall submit to the State educational agency a report on the progress of the pre- kindergarten services provided by such service provider as part of a pre-kindergarten program provided by a local educational agency pursuant to subsection (d). (2) Independent evaluator report.--Not later than 180 days after the date of the first day of operation of a pre- kindergarten program provided by a local educational agency pursuant to subsection (d), and every 12 months thereafter, an independent evaluator who is a party to an innovative financing partnership under subsection (e) shall submit to the State educational agency a report on the progress of such pre- kindergarten program. (3) State educational agency report.--Not later than 180 days after receiving each independent evaluator report described in paragraph (2), the State educational agency shall submit to Congress a report on the outcomes of the programs carried out by local educational agencies that received a subgrant under subsection (d) and that are served by such State educational agency. (g) Definitions.--In this section: (1) ESEA terms.--The terms ``local educational agency'', ``Secretary'', and ``State educational agency'' have the meanings given such terms in section 8101 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (20 U.S.C. 7801). (2) Model pre-kindergarten program.--The term ``model pre- kindergarten program'' means a pre-kindergarten program with existing data which demonstrates that the program, or substantially similar programs, had a positive fiscal impact on governmental entities. (3) Positive fiscal impact.-- (A) In general.--The term ``positive fiscal impact'' means, when used with respect to a local government, an increase in tax revenue, decrease in expenditures, or a combination of the two, that a local educational agency receiving a subgrant under this section estimates will, at the conclusion of the covered period, result in an amount of revenue that is greater than the amount of the subgrant received pursuant to this section. (B) Covered period.--For purposes of subparagraph (A), the term ``covered period'' means the period-- (i) beginning on the date on which an innovative financing partnership is formed; and (ii) ending on the date that is 10 years after such date. (4) Rural community.--The term ``rural community'' means a community with a population of not more than 50,000 people. <all>
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SEC Regulatory Accountability Act
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 8239 Introduced in House (IH)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 8239 To improve the consideration by the Securities and Exchange Commission of the costs and benefits of regulations and orders of the Commission. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES May 2, 2024 Mrs. Wagner (for herself, Mr. Garbarino, Mr. Nunn of Iowa, Mr. Meuser, Mr. Huizenga, and Mr. Emmer) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Financial Services _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To improve the consideration by the Securities and Exchange Commission of the costs and benefits of regulations and orders of the Commission. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``SEC Regulatory Accountability Act''. SEC. 2. CONSIDERATION BY THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION OF THE COSTS AND BENEFITS OF REGULATIONS AND CERTAIN OTHER AGENCY ACTIONS OF THE COMMISSION. Section 23 of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78w) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(e) Consideration of Costs and Benefits.-- ``(1) Considerations before proposing a regulation.--Before proposing a regulation, the Commission shall-- ``(A) clearly identify the nature and source of the problem that the regulation is designed to address, as well as assess the significance of that problem, to enable assessment of whether any new regulation is warranted; and ``(B) ensure that the regulation would be within the Commission's jurisdiction and that the Commission has sufficient experience and expertise to regulate the subject matter covered by the regulation. ``(2) Requirements for issuing a proposed or final regulation.-- ``(A) In general.--In issuing a proposed or final regulation, the Commission shall-- ``(i) clearly identify the market participants who will be impacted by the regulation; ``(ii) utilize the Chief Economist of the Commission to assess the costs and benefits, both qualitative and quantitative, of the regulation, both on the regulation's own and cumulatively with other existing and proposed regulations; ``(iii) only issue the regulation if the Commission makes a reasoned determination that the benefits of the regulation justify the costs of the regulation; ``(iv) identify and assess available alternatives to the regulation that were considered, including modification of an existing regulation; ``(v) ensure that the regulation is accessible, consistent, written in plain language, and easy to understand; and ``(vi) ensure that the length of the public comment period is commensurate with the complexity of the regulation and the expected public interest in the rulemaking. ``(B) Inclusion of information in a proposed or final regulation.--In issuing a proposed or final regulation, the Commission shall include in the regulation-- ``(i) the results of the identifications and assessments required under clauses (i) and (ii) of subparagraph (A) with respect to the regulation; ``(ii) an explanation of why the regulation meets the regulatory objectives of the Commission more effectively than other available alternatives, including modification of an existing regulation; ``(iii) a description of how the Commission intends the regulation to interact with existing regulations and proposed regulations; and ``(iv) a justification of the length of the public comment period for the regulation. ``(3) Considerations and actions.-- ``(A) Required actions.--In deciding whether and how to regulate, the Commission shall assess the costs and benefits of available regulatory alternatives, including the alternative of not regulating, and choose the approach that maximizes net benefits. Specifically, the Commission shall-- ``(i) consistent with the requirements of section 3(f) (15 U.S.C. 78c(f)), section 2(b) of the Securities Act of 1933 (15 U.S.C. 77b(b)), section 202(c) of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80b-2(c)), and section 2(c) of the Investment Company Act of 1940 (15 U.S.C. 80a-2(c)), consider whether a rulemaking (both on the regulation's own and cumulatively with other existing and proposed regulations), in addition to being in the interest of protecting investors, will promote efficiency, competition, and capital formation; ``(ii) evaluate whether, consistent with obtaining regulatory objectives, a regulation (both on the regulation's own and cumulatively with other existing and proposed regulations) is tailored to impose the least burden on society, including market participants, individuals, businesses of differing sizes, and other entities (including State and local governmental entities), taking into account, to the extent practicable, the cumulative costs of regulations; and ``(iii) evaluate whether a regulation is inconsistent, incompatible, or duplicative of other Federal regulations. ``(B) Additional considerations.--In addition, in making a reasoned determination under paragraph (2)(A)(iii) of the costs and benefits of a regulation, the Commission shall, to the extent that each is relevant to the particular regulation, take into consideration the impact of the regulation on-- ``(i) investor choice; ``(ii) market liquidity in the securities markets; ``(iii) small businesses; ``(iv) competition in the marketplace; ``(v) investor access; and ``(vi) the United States economic competitiveness. ``(4) Post-adoption impact assessment.-- ``(A) In general.--Whenever the Commission issues a final regulation that is a `major rule' (as defined under section 804 of title 5, United States Code), it shall state, in the regulation, the following: ``(i) The purposes and intended consequences of the regulation. ``(ii) Appropriate post-implementation quantitative and qualitative metrics to measure the economic impact of the regulation and to measure the extent to which the regulation has accomplished the stated purposes. ``(iii) The assessment plan that will be used, consistent with the requirements of subparagraph (B) and under the supervision of the Chief Economist, to assess whether the regulation has achieved the stated purposes. ``(iv) Any unintended or negative consequences that the Commission foresees may result from the regulation. ``(B) Requirements of assessment plan and report.-- ``(i) Requirements of plan.--For each regulation described under subparagraph (A), the Chief Economist shall establish an assessment plan, which shall-- ``(I) consider the costs, benefits, and intended and unintended consequences of the regulation; ``(II) specify the data to be collected, the methods for collection and analysis of the data, and a date for completion of the assessment; and ``(III) include an analysis of any jobs added or lost as a result of the regulation, differentiating between public and private sector jobs. ``(ii) Timing of assessment plan report.--A report on each completed assessment plan described under clause (i) shall be submitted by the Chief Economist to the Commission not later than the end of the 4-year period beginning on the date the applicable regulation is issued, unless the Commission, at the request of the Chief Economist, publishes at least 90 days before the end of such period a notice in the Federal Register extending the date and providing specific reasons why an extension is necessary. ``(iii) Public comment.--Not later than 7 days after the Commission receives an assessment plan report under clause (ii), the Commission shall publish the report in the Federal Register for public comment. ``(5) Regulation defined.--In this subsection, the term `regulation'-- ``(A) means an agency statement of general applicability and future effect that is designed to implement, interpret, or prescribe law or policy or to describe the procedure or practice requirements of an agency, including rules, orders of general applicability, interpretive releases, and other statements of general applicability that the agency intends to have the force and effect of law; and ``(B) does not include-- ``(i) a regulation issued in accordance with the formal rulemaking provisions of section 556 or 557 of title 5, United States Code; ``(ii) a regulation that is limited to agency organization, management, or personnel matters; ``(iii) a regulation promulgated pursuant to statutory authority that expressly prohibits compliance with this provision; and ``(iv) a regulation that is certified by the agency to be an emergency action, if such certification is published in the Federal Register.''. SEC. 3. SENSE OF CONGRESS RELATING TO OTHER REGULATORY ENTITIES. It is the sense of the Congress that the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board should also follow the requirements of section 23(e) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as added by section 2. SEC. 4. ACCOUNTABILITY PROVISION RELATING TO OTHER REGULATORY ENTITIES. A rule adopted by the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board or any national securities association registered under section 15A of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (15 U.S.C. 78o-3) shall not take effect unless the Securities and Exchange Commission determines that, in adopting such rule, the Board or association has complied with the requirements of section 23(e) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as added by section 2, in the same manner as is required by the Commission under such section 23(e). <all>
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Retired Law Enforcement Officers Continuing Service Act
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [S. 3335 Reported in Senate (RS)] <DOC> Calendar No. 416 118th CONGRESS 2d Session S. 3335 To amend the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to establish a grant program to help law enforcement agencies with civilian law enforcement tasks, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES November 15, 2023 Ms. Klobuchar (for herself, Mr. Grassley, Mr. Padilla, Mr. Ossoff, Mr. Durbin, Mr. Whitehouse, Mr. Coons, Mr. Blumenthal, Ms. Hirono, Mr. Booker, Mr. Welch, Ms. Butler, Mr. Graham, Mr. Cornyn, Mr. Cruz, Mr. Hawley, Mr. Cotton, Mr. Tillis, and Mrs. Blackburn) introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary June 5, 2024 Reported by Mr. Durbin, with an amendment [Strike out all after the enacting clause and insert the part printed in italic] _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to establish a grant program to help law enforcement agencies with civilian law enforcement tasks, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, <DELETED>SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE.</DELETED> <DELETED> This Act may be cited as the ``Retired Federal Law Enforcement Officers Continuing Service Act''.</DELETED> <DELETED>SEC. 2. GRANT PROGRAM.</DELETED> <DELETED> Title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (34 U.S.C. 10101 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following:</DELETED> <DELETED>``PART PP--CIVIL LAW ENFORCEMENT TASK GRANTS</DELETED> <DELETED>``SEC. 3061. DEFINITIONS.</DELETED> <DELETED> ``In this part:</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(1) Civilian law enforcement task.--The term `civilian law enforcement task' includes--</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(A) assisting in homicide investigations;</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(B) assisting in carjacking investigations;</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(C) assisting in financial crimes investigations;</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(D) reviewing camera footage;</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(E) crime scene analysis;</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(F) forensics analysis; and</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(G) providing expertise in computers, computer networks, information technology, or the internet.</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(2) Eligible entity.--The term `eligible entity' means a State or local law enforcement agency.</DELETED> <DELETED>``SEC. 3062. GRANTS AUTHORIZED.</DELETED> <DELETED> ``The Attorney General may award grants to eligible entities for the purpose of hiring retired personnel from Federal law enforcement agencies to--</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(1) train civilian employees of the eligible entity on civilian law enforcement tasks that can be performed on behalf of a law enforcement agency; and</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(2) perform civilian law enforcement tasks on behalf of the eligible entity.</DELETED> <DELETED>``SEC. 3063. ACCOUNTABILITY PROVISIONS.</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(a) In General.--A grant awarded under this part shall be subject to the accountability requirements of this section.</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(b) Audit Requirement.--</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(1) Definition.--In this subsection, the term `unresolved audit finding' means a finding in a final audit report of the Inspector General of the Department of Justice that an audited grantee has used grant funds for an unauthorized expenditure or otherwise unallowable cost that is not closed or resolved within 12 months from the date when the final audit report is issued.</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(2) Audits.--Beginning in the first fiscal year beginning after the date of enactment of the Retired Federal Law Enforcement Officers Continuing Service Act, and in each fiscal year thereafter, the Inspector General of the Department of Justice shall conduct audits of recipients of grants under this part to prevent waste, fraud, and abuse of funds by grantees. The Inspector General of the Department of Justice shall determine the appropriate number of grantees to be audited each year.</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(3) Mandatory exclusion.--A recipient of grant funds under this part that is found to have an unresolved audit finding shall not be eligible to receive grant funds under this part during the first 2 fiscal years beginning after the end of the 12-month period described in paragraph (1).</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(4) Priority.--In awarding grants under this part, the Attorney General shall give priority to eligible entities that did not have an unresolved audit finding during the 3 fiscal years before submitting an application for a grant under this part.</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(c) Annual Certification.--Beginning in the fiscal year during which audits commence under subsection (a)(2), the Attorney General shall submit to the Committee on the Judiciary and the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate and the Committee on the Judiciary and the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives an annual certification--</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(1) indicating whether--</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(A) all audits issued by the Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Justice under subsection (a) have been completed and reviewed by the appropriate Assistant Attorney General or Director; and</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(B) all mandatory exclusions required under subsection (a)(3) have been issued; and</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(2) that includes a list of any grant recipients excluded under subsection (a)(3) from the previous year.</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(d) Preventing Duplicative Grants.--</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(1) In general.--Before the Attorney General awards a grant to an eligible entity under this part, the Attorney General shall compare potential grant awards with other grants awarded by the Attorney General to determine if grant awards are or have been awarded for a similar purpose.</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(2) Report.--If the Attorney General awards grants to the same applicant for a similar purpose, the Attorney General shall submit to the Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate and the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives a report that includes--</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(A) a list of all such grants awarded, including the total dollar amount of any such grants awarded; and</DELETED> <DELETED> ``(B) the reason the Attorney General awarded multiple grants to the same applicant for a similar purpose.''.</DELETED> SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Retired Law Enforcement Officers Continuing Service Act''. SEC. 2. GRANT PROGRAM. Title I of the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 (34 U.S.C. 10101 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``PART PP--CIVIL LAW ENFORCEMENT TASK GRANTS ``SEC. 3061. DEFINITIONS. ``In this part: ``(1) Civilian law enforcement task.--The term `civilian law enforcement task' includes-- ``(A) assisting in homicide investigations; ``(B) assisting in carjacking investigations; ``(C) assisting in financial crimes investigations; ``(D) reviewing camera footage; ``(E) crime scene analysis; ``(F) forensics analysis; and ``(G) providing expertise in computers, computer networks, information technology, or the internet. ``(2) Eligible entity.--The term `eligible entity' means a State, local, Tribal, or territorial law enforcement agency. ``SEC. 3062. GRANTS AUTHORIZED. ``The Attorney General may award grants to eligible entities for the purpose of hiring retired personnel from law enforcement agencies to-- ``(1) train civilian employees of the eligible entity on civilian law enforcement tasks that can be performed on behalf of a law enforcement agency; and ``(2) perform civilian law enforcement tasks on behalf of the eligible entity. ``SEC. 3063. ACCOUNTABILITY PROVISIONS. ``(a) In General.--A grant awarded under this part shall be subject to the accountability requirements of this section. ``(b) Audit Requirement.-- ``(1) Definition.--In this subsection, the term `unresolved audit finding' means a finding in a final audit report of the Inspector General of the Department of Justice that an audited grantee has used grant funds for an unauthorized expenditure or otherwise unallowable cost that is not closed or resolved within 12 months from the date when the final audit report is issued. ``(2) Audits.--Beginning in the first fiscal year beginning after the date of enactment of the Retired Law Enforcement Officers Continuing Service Act, and in each fiscal year thereafter, the Inspector General of the Department of Justice shall conduct audits of recipients of grants under this part to prevent waste, fraud, and abuse of funds by grantees. The Inspector General of the Department of Justice shall determine the appropriate number of grantees to be audited each year. ``(3) Mandatory exclusion.--A recipient of grant funds under this part that is found to have an unresolved audit finding shall not be eligible to receive grant funds under this part during the first 2 fiscal years beginning after the end of the 12-month period described in paragraph (1). ``(4) Priority.--In awarding grants under this part, the Attorney General shall give priority to eligible entities that did not have an unresolved audit finding during the 3 fiscal years before submitting an application for a grant under this part. ``(c) Annual Certification.--Beginning in the fiscal year during which audits commence under subsection (b)(2), the Attorney General shall submit to the Committee on the Judiciary and the Committee on Appropriations of the Senate and the Committee on the Judiciary and the Committee on Appropriations of the House of Representatives an annual certification-- ``(1) indicating whether-- ``(A) all audits issued by the Office of the Inspector General of the Department of Justice under subsection (b) have been completed and reviewed by the appropriate Assistant Attorney General or Director; and ``(B) all mandatory exclusions required under subsection (b)(3) have been issued; and ``(2) that includes a list of any grant recipients excluded under subsection (b)(3) from the previous year. ``(d) Preventing Duplicative Grants.-- ``(1) In general.--Before the Attorney General awards a grant to an eligible entity under this part, the Attorney General shall compare potential grant awards with other grants awarded by the Attorney General to determine if grant awards are or have been awarded for a similar purpose. ``(2) Report.--If the Attorney General awards grants to the same applicant for a similar purpose, the Attorney General shall submit to the Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate and the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives a report that includes-- ``(A) a list of all such grants awarded, including the total dollar amount of any such grants awarded; and ``(B) the reason the Attorney General awarded multiple grants to the same applicant for a similar purpose.''. Calendar No. 416 118th CONGRESS 2d Session S. 3335 _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to establish a grant program to help law enforcement agencies with civilian law enforcement tasks, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ June 5, 2024 Reported with an amendment
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Winter Oilseed Study Act of 2024
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 8179 Introduced in House (IH)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 8179 To require the Secretary of Agriculture to carry out research and development with respect to winter oilseed crops, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES April 30, 2024 Mr. Kustoff (for himself, Mr. Mann, and Mr. Strong) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Agriculture _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To require the Secretary of Agriculture to carry out research and development with respect to winter oilseed crops, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Winter Oilseed Study Act of 2024''. SEC. 2. PURPOSES AND FINDINGS. (a) Purposes.--The purposes of this Act are as follows: (1) To ensure the continued growth of clean and sustainable feedstocks, crops such as winter canola will need access to crop insurance products that allow for additional growing practices. (2) To recognize the importance and regionality characteristics of rotationally and double-crop grown canola and the economic and environmental benefits to producers. (3) By investing in lower carbon-intensity renewable fuels, such as those produced from canola, the United States can provide sustainable fuels, create jobs, enhance our rural communities, and bolster our national security. (b) Findings.--Congress finds the following: (1) Canola improves farm economics by increasing yield in cereal, soybean, and other crops that follow winter canola. (2) Canola oil is a source of renewable energy as a feedstock for biodiesel, renewable diesel, and jet biofuel. (3) Canola oil-based renewable fuels reduce greenhouse gas emissions by over 50 percent compared to conventional fuels, providing significant air quality improvements. (4) Expanding winter canola production will provide additional feedstock to meet growing renewable fuel demand without bringing new land into production, which will yield an even more favorable carbon intensity compared to conventional fuels. SEC. 3. STUDY OF INCLUSION OF CERTAIN OILSEED CROPS UNDER DOUBLE AND ROTATIONAL CROPPING POLICIES. Section 522(c) of the Federal Crop Insurance Act (7 4 U.S.C. 1522(c)) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``(20) Double cropping and rotational cropping of certain oilseed crops.-- ``(A) Definition of covered oilseed crops.--In this paragraph, the term `covered oilseed crops' means rapeseed and canola crops. ``(B) Research and development.--The Corporation shall carry out research and development, or offer to enter into 1 or more contracts with 1 or more qualified persons to carry out research and development, with respect to the inclusion of covered oilseed crops under double cropping and rotational cropping policies. ``(C) Requirements.--The research and development carried out pursuant to subparagraph (B) shall be conducted in consultation with stakeholders to evaluate-- ``(i) the factors impacting availability and cost of crop insurance when incorporating covered oilseed crops into double cropping and rotational cropping policies; and ``(ii) the potential risk management benefits associated with incorporating covered oilseed crops into double cropping and rotational cropping policies, specifically with respect to winter planted covered oilseed crops, including risk management benefits to soil health, biodiversity, and the profitability of farming operations. ``(D) Emphasis.--In awarding contracts under subparagraph (B), the Corporation may place emphasis on qualified persons that-- ``(i) have previous research experience with covered oilseed crops; and ``(ii) have access to a facility with the capacity to carry out the applicable research. ``(E) Report.--Not later than 13 months after the date of enactment of this paragraph, the Corporation shall submit to the Committee on Agriculture of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry of the Senate a report that describes-- ``(i) the results of the research and development carried out under subparagraph (B); and ``(ii) any recommendations with respect to those results.''. SEC. 4. NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE AMENDMENTS. Section 1473D of the Food and Agriculture Act of 1977 (7 U.S.C. 3319d) is amended-- (1) in subsection (c)(3)-- (A) in subparagraph (E), by striking ``and'' at the end; (B) by redesignation subparagraph (F) as subparagraph (G); and (C) by inserting after subparagraph (E) the following: ``(F) to examine potential benefits and opportunities for supplemental and alternative crops (including winter-planted rapeseed and winter-planted canola crops); and''; and (2) in subsection (e) by adding at the end the following: ``(4) $10,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2024 through 2029.''. SEC. 5. REPORT TO CONGRESS. Not later than 13 months after the date of enactment of this Act, the Corporation shall submit to the Committee on Agriculture of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry of the Senate a report that describes-- (1) the results of the research and development carried out under the amendments made by section 3; and (2) any recommendations with respect to those results. <all>
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To authorize the Secretary of State to designate additional persons eligible to serve as passport acceptance agents, and for other purposes.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 8234 Introduced in House (IH)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 8234 To authorize the Secretary of State to designate additional persons eligible to serve as passport acceptance agents, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES May 2, 2024 Mr. Mast (for himself, Mr. Wilson of South Carolina, and Ms. Salazar) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To authorize the Secretary of State to designate additional persons eligible to serve as passport acceptance agents, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. AUTHORITY OF SECRETARY OF STATE TO DESIGNATE ADDITIONAL PERSONS ELIGIBLE TO SERVE AS PASSPORT ACCEPTANCE AGENTS. (a) Authority To Designate.--The Secretary of State may designate any person described in subsection (b) that meets such other requirements as the Secretary may prescribe under regulations to serve as a passport acceptance agent, unless the Secretary withdraws such authorization on a case-by-case basis with respect to a given person. (b) Authorized Persons.--A person described in this subsection is any of the following: (1) An employee of the clerk of any Federal court. (2) An employee of the clerk of any State court of record. (3) A postal employee at a United States post office that has been selected to accept passport applications. (4) An employee of the Department of Defense at a military installation that has been authorized to accept passport applications. (5) An employee of a Federal department or agency that has been selected to accept passport applications. (6) Any person commissioned or appointed as a notary or notary public or otherwise authorized to perform a notarization under the laws of a State or territorial government. (7) Any other person specifically designated by the Secretary. (c) Regulations.--The Secretary of State shall prescribe or revise such regulations as may be necessary to carry out this Act. SEC. 2. IMPROVEMENTS RELATING TO HAND-CARRY COURIER SERVICES FOR PASSPORT APPLICATIONS AND PASSPORTS. (a) In General.--The Secretary of State shall take such steps as may be necessary to-- (1) facilitate an increase in the number of companies certified to provide hand-carry courier services; and (2) increase the daily maximum number of applications for United States passports, by type, that such companies may submit to a passport agency of the Department of State (commonly referred to as ``meeting slots'') as part of the hand-carry courier services of such company. (b) Hand-Carry Courier Service Defined.--In this section, the term ``hand-carry courier service'' includes-- (1) the transport of applications for United States passports to a passport agency of the Department of State for processing; and (2) the retrieval of newly issued United States passports for delivery, directly or indirectly, to the passport holder. SEC. 3. REVISION TO DATE OF EXPIRATION OF UNITED STATES PASSPORTS. The Secretary of State shall take such actions as may be necessary to provide for the date of expiration of each United States passport issued or renewed on or after the date that is 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act to be the same date as the date of birth of the applicant or holder of the passport. <all>
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To amend the USAID Branding Modernization Act to require the sole use of United States flags and logos on articles of United States foreign assistance, and for other purposes.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 8233 Introduced in House (IH)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 8233 To amend the USAID Branding Modernization Act to require the sole use of United States flags and logos on articles of United States foreign assistance, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES May 2, 2024 Mr. Mast (for himself, Ms. Salazar, Mr. Baird, and Mr. Lawler) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To amend the USAID Branding Modernization Act to require the sole use of United States flags and logos on articles of United States foreign assistance, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. MODIFICATION TO BRANDING REQUIREMENT. Section 2 of the USAID Branding Modernization Act (22 U.S.C. 2401 note) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a), by striking ``is authorized to prescribe'' and all that follows through ``to appropriately identify'' and inserting ``shall require the use of the United States flag to appropriately identify''; and (2) by adding at the end the following: ``(c) Limitation on Branding.--Notwithstanding subsection (a), no program identified through the use of the United States flag may bear the logo, insignia, or flag of any other country or any agency or instrumentality of any other country unless the President-- ``(1) determines that such recognition of the other country is in the national security interest of the United States; and ``(2) submits to Congress a written justification for such determination not later than 30 days after the date on which such determination takes effect.''. <all>
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James Earl Jones Congressional Gold Medal Act
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 8231 Introduced in House (IH)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 8231 To award a congressional gold medal to James Earl Jones, an American icon, in recognition of a remarkable life in reshaping perceptions, dismantling racial barriers, and advocating for equal opportunities for people of all backgrounds in film and theatre. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES May 2, 2024 Mr. Lawler (for himself, Mr. Torres of New York, and Mr. Molinaro) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Financial Services _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To award a congressional gold medal to James Earl Jones, an American icon, in recognition of a remarkable life in reshaping perceptions, dismantling racial barriers, and advocating for equal opportunities for people of all backgrounds in film and theatre. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``James Earl Jones Congressional Gold Medal Act''. SEC. 2. FINDINGS. Congress finds the following: (1) James Earl Jones, born on January 17, 1931, in Arkabutla Township, Mississippi, was raised largely by his grandparents after his father left. Following the family's move to Michigan, he developed a serious stutter that led to him rarely speaking. (2) James Earl Jones started writing poetry while still in school and used this to break free of his stutter. Inspired by the grapefruit that the Federal Government gave to Mississippians during the wartime shortage, Jones penned a poem titled ``Ode to Grapefruit''. Jones continued to write, play, and compete and as a result, he was awarded a scholarship to the University of Michigan and won a public speaking competition. (3) Jones enlisted in the Army in 1953 and reported to Fort Benning, Georgia, for Ranger School and the Officers Basic Course. He was commissioned as a second lieutenant. Following his training, Jones was tasked with assisting in the establishment of a cold weather training command at the defunct Camp Hale in Colorado. (4) Jones relocated to New York City and took a job as a janitor to support himself while attending the American Theatre Wing after receiving an honorable discharge as a first lieutenant. (5) Jones' Broadway debut was in 1957, where he performed in several Shakespeare plays, including Othello, Hamlet, Coriolanus, and King Lear. In 1963, Jones received his first major nomination, receiving a Primetime Emmy Awards nomination for his role in ``East Side/West Side''. (6) ``Dr. Strangelove'', directed by Stanley Kubrick, was Jones' feature picture debut. (7) Jones' performance in the play ``The Great White Hope'', which was about the first Black heavyweight boxing champion, earned him his first Tony Award in 1969. (8) Throughout his career, Jones has provided the voices of well-known global characters, such as Mufasa in the animated film ``The Lion King'' and Darth Vader in the ``Star Wars'' series. (9) Throughout his professional life, Jones has been nominated for two Academy Awards, five Tony Awards, eight Primetime Emmy Awards, three Grammy Awards, and five Golden Globe Awards. (10) Jones is one of the rare performers to have received an EGOT (Emmy, Grammy, Oscar, and Tony). Jones was honored with three Tony Awards, an Honorary Academy Award, a Grammy Award, and two Primetime Emmy Awards. (11) In 1985, Jones was inducted into the American Theater Hall of Fame. (12) In 1992, President George H.W. Bush and First Lady Barbara Bush presented Jones with the National Medal of the Arts at the White House in recognition of his career. (13) In 2002, Jones was selected to be a recipient of the 2002 Kennedy Center Honors for his contributions to the cultural life of the Nation at the John F. Kennedy Center in Washington, DC. (14) On May 12 2009, President and First Lady Obama invited James Earl Jones to perform Shakespeare's ``Othello'' at the White House Evening of Poetry, Music, and the Spoken Word. (15) On September 12, 2022, the Cort Theatre, a Broadway theater in the Theater District of Midtown Manhattan in New York City, was renamed the James Earl Jones Theatre. (16) James Earl Jones has been recognized for his independence, activism, and groundbreaking achievements and has been described as one of the greatest actors in American history. (17) James Earl Jones' career showcases talent and resilience in an industry that historically faced challenges related to representation. SEC. 3. CONGRESSIONAL GOLD MEDAL. (a) Presentation Authorized.--The Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President pro tempore of the Senate shall make appropriate arrangements for the presentation, on behalf of Congress, of a gold medal of appropriate design to James Earl Jones, in recognition of his contribution to the United States and his achievements of paving the way for inclusion and equal opportunities for people of all backgrounds in film and theatre. (b) Design and Striking.--For purposes of the presentation described in subsection (a), the Secretary of the Treasury (referred to in this Act as the ``Secretary'') shall strike a gold medal with suitable emblems, devices, and inscriptions to be determined by the Secretary. The design shall bear an image of, and inscription of the name of, James Earl Jones. SEC. 4. DUPLICATE MEDALS. The Secretary may strike and sell duplicates in bronze of the gold medal struck pursuant to section 3 at a price sufficient to cover the costs of the medals, including labor, materials, dies, use of machinery, and overhead expenses. SEC. 5. STATUS OF MEDALS. (a) National Medals.--Medals struck under this Act are national medals for purposes of chapter 51 of title 31, United States Code. (b) Numismatic Items.--For purposes of section 5134 and section 5136 of title 31, United States Code, all medals struck under this Act shall be considered to be numismatic items. SEC. 6. AUTHORITY TO USE FUND AMOUNTS; PROCEEDS OF SALE. (a) Authority To Use Fund Amounts.--There is authorized to be charged against the United States Mint Public Enterprise Fund such amounts as may be necessary to pay for the costs of the medals struck under this Act. (b) Proceeds of Sale.--Amounts received from the sale of duplicate bronze medals authorized under section 4 shall be deposited into the United States Mint Public Enterprise Fund. <all>
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
Affirming the importance of the survival of Garífuna culture and identity, condemning the violent and illegal appropriation of Garífuna territory, urging the Department of State and multilateral development banks to respect the rights of the Garífuna people, and calling on the Government of Honduras to fully comply with the resolutions of multilateral human rights bodies which mandate the return of Garífuna land and territory, and for other purposes.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H. Res. 1278 Introduced in House (IH)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. RES. 1278 Affirming the importance of the survival of Garifuna culture and identity, condemning the violent and illegal appropriation of Garifuna territory, urging the Department of State and multilateral development banks to respect the rights of the Garifuna people, and calling on the Government of Honduras to fully comply with the resolutions of multilateral human rights bodies which mandate the return of Garifuna land and territory, and for other purposes. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES June 5, 2024 Ms. Bush (for herself, Mr. Bowman, Mr. Garcia of Illinois, Ms. Omar, and Ms. Schakowsky) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and in addition to the Committee on Financial Services, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned _______________________________________________________________________ RESOLUTION Affirming the importance of the survival of Garifuna culture and identity, condemning the violent and illegal appropriation of Garifuna territory, urging the Department of State and multilateral development banks to respect the rights of the Garifuna people, and calling on the Government of Honduras to fully comply with the resolutions of multilateral human rights bodies which mandate the return of Garifuna land and territory, and for other purposes. Whereas the United States and the Republic of Honduras share an important relationship, which includes deep and long standing economic, social, and cultural ties; Whereas the Afro-Indigenous Garifuna people, descendants of the Arawak Indigenous people of St. Vincent Island and of African castaways destined to be sold into slavery in the Americas, are 1 of 9 Indigenous peoples of Honduras; Whereas the Afro-Indigenous Garifuna territory that has stretched along the Caribbean coast of Honduras since before the nation was declared independent from Spain on September 15, 1821, is the ancestral home of the majority of the world's Garifuna, and as such is essential to the cultural survival and well-being of the Garifuna people; Whereas the Government of Honduras ratified the Inter-American Convention on Human Rights on September 5, 1977, and the Constitution of Honduras establishes that the human rights treaties to which Honduras is a party are considered to hold the same legal effect as the Constitution, and therefore the judgments of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights are binding on the Government of Honduras; Whereas the presence of diverse Garifuna immigrant communities in the United States has been recorded by oral history and scholarly research since the early 20th century and has long contributed to the cultural diversity that we, as a Nation, so deeply cherish; Whereas, on September 4, 2020, the coordinator of the Black Fraternal Organization of Honduras (OFRANEH) publicly denounced a third wave of violent dispossession against the Garifuna people and signaled that special development zones, the massive production of African palm cultivation, and tourism enclaves are drivers of the destruction of Garifuna life in Honduras; Whereas Garifuna communities have been heavily impacted by the effects of climate change, manifesting in droughts, coastal erosion, and floods during hurricane season that have caused irreversible damage to communities, disruption of food availability, and forced migration; Whereas, since 2018, there have been more than 150 Garifuna people killed, 37 criminalized, and 5 forcibly disappeared for defending their ancestral lands and territories from corrupt economic and political interests, which form a part of institutional and systemic racism that manifests in police brutality, illegal detentions, harassment by local authorities, and forced displacement; Whereas the experience of forced and systematic displacement has emptied communities and put Garifuna identity and survival as a differentiated ethnic unit in Honduras at risk; Whereas the Garifuna communities along the northern coast of Honduras are located in territories disputed by organized crime that, driven by consumer demand in the United States, has converted much of these territories into drug laboratories and cocaine plantations, and is responsible for multiple threats, disappearances, and murders of Garifuna defenders; Whereas the Government of Honduras and its judiciary have engaged in a pattern of falsely accusing the Indigenous people of the north coast of engaging in drug trans-shipment as justification for violating their fundamental rights, including the right to life and liberty, and the Honduran military forces have engaged in a pattern of deadly use of force against Garifuna and other Indigenous peoples of the Caribbean coast with similar justifications; Whereas the former President of Honduras, Juan Orlando Hernandez, was extradited to the United States on April 21, 2022, and convicted on March 8, 2024, of Federal charges relating to his use of public office, law enforcement, and the military to facilitate major drug-trafficking operations along the north coast from 2004 to 2022; Whereas testimony given in 2019 during the trial of the former Honduran President's brother, Tony Hernandez, also directly implicated then- Security Minister Julian Pacheco in drug trafficking carried out along the north coast; Whereas the United States provided Honduras with millions of dollars in security aid throughout the Hernandez Presidency and continues to train Honduran military units on the northern coast of Honduras, including at bases such as the 15th Battalion and 4th Naval Base that have been implicated in serious human rights abuses and corruption associated with organized criminal activity; Whereas, on June 21, 2012, the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) signed a $60,000,000 loan agreement with Hernandez's Security Minister Julian Pacheco that was used to finance the creation of the new Direccion Policial de Investigaciones (DPI) of the Honduran National Police, among other Honduran security forces activities; Whereas, in September 2013, the Hernandez-aligned legislature passed the Organic Law of the Employment and Economic Development Zones (ZEDE), which authorized foreign companies to create quasi-sovereign private governance zones within Honduras and establish their own laws, courts, and police force, among other powers; Whereas this law declared coastal departments consisting of large swaths of Garifuna and other Indigenous territory as ``low-population zones'' subject to the imposition of a ZEDE without community consultation and consent; Whereas, since 2012, Garifuna communities have actively resisted the development of the ZEDE ``Prospera'' and the associated areas of ``Port Royal'' and ``St. John's Bay'' on the Honduran island of Roatan, which were established without community consent and which threaten the local population with the disbanding of ancestral, collective land titles and the displacement of the Garifuna people; Whereas, on March 18, 2021, the Port of Satuye, located in the Garifuna communities of Sambo Creek and Corozal, was incorporated into ZEDE ``Prospera''; Whereas, on April 21, 2022, following months of national protest, the newly elected Honduran Congress voted to unanimously repeal the ZEDE law but has yet to ratify the repeal of a ZEDE-related constitutional provision; Whereas ZEDEs remain an existential threat to the Garifuna people, as the ``Prospera'' ZEDE on the island of Roatan continues to expand and as the Delaware-based company Prospera, Inc., pursues an abusive $11,000,000,000 lawsuit against the state of Honduras challenging the repeal of the ZEDE law under the Dominican Republic-Central America- United States Free Trade Agreement; Whereas tourist complex projects such as Indura Beach Resort, Shores Plantations, Marbella, Playa Escondida, and Rosa Negra operate under a modality that resembles the ZEDE and displaces the Garifuna people; Whereas the United States controls 15.49 percent of the Board of Directors of the World Bank and 30 percent of the Board of Directors of the IDB, and uses its voice to exert a significant degree of influence on the decisions of these institutions; Whereas, on June 12, 2007, in response to a complaint from OFRANEH describing the potential and already consummated illegal disenfranchisement of Garifuna land rights facilitated by World Bank-supported projects, the World Bank Inspection Panel found that the safeguards provided for the project were not adequate to protect Garifuna rights to their ethnic lands, while observing that the Garifuna communities did not have a meaningful option to opt out of the project; Whereas, on December 8, 2008, the Board of Directors of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) approved a $30,000,000 loan to the Dinant Corporation, whose supply chain includes palm oil from plantations in areas claimed by Garifuna communities, including Punta Piedra, despite publicly available information implicating the company in violent land disputes, illegal appropriation of Garifuna land, and reports of drug trafficking on land controlled by the Dinant Corporation; Whereas, in May 2011, the IFC's Board of Directors approved an equity and subordinated debt investment in Banco Ficohsa, which acted as a financial intermediary of the IFC to provide further financing to the Dinant Corporation following international outcry over the involvement of that company's security forces in violence stemming from land rights disputes, and whose supply chain includes palm oil from plantations in areas claimed by Garifuna communities, including Punta Piedra and Triunfo de la Cruz; Whereas the United States Overseas Private Investment Corporation, whose holdings have been transferred to the United States International Development Finance Corporation, approved on March 17, 2014, the financing of the Jaremar palm oil corporation, whose supply chain includes palm oil from plantations in areas claimed by Garifuna communities, including Triunfo de la Cruz; Whereas, in October 2016, in response to a complaint from OFRANEH, the Compliance Advisor Ombudsman of the IFC initiated a compliance review of a tourism complex developed with land and resources from the territory of the Garifuna communities of Barra Vieja, Tornabe, San Juan Tela, and Triunfo de la Cruz, a project that attracted, and continued to seek, investment from corporations in the United States; Whereas, on February 1, 2006, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights ruled that the rights to personal liberty, to a fair trial and to judicial protections, to freedom of thought and expression, and to personal integrity of the then-president of the Land Defense Committee of the Garifuna community of Triunfo de la Cruz and vice president of OFRANEH had been violated by his arbitrary imprisonment for a period of 6 years and 4 months; Whereas, on October 8, 2015, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights ruled that the Government of Honduras had violated the rights of the communities of Triunfo de la Cruz and Punta Piedra, and had failed to investigate acts of violence against the communities, ordering the restitution of land rights to the communities and the effective investigation of the violent deaths of 4 community members of Triunfo de la Cruz and 1 community member of Punta Piedra; Whereas, on November 5, 2019, in a statement to a local Honduran publication, OFRANEH condemned the death of 16 Garifuna people, including 6 women, highlighting the murder of Mirna Suazo Martinez, president of the board of the Garifuna community of Masca, who was leading the defense of Masca's rivers and territory in opposition to the construction of a hydroelectric plant, and who had made public statements describing several threats against her a few days before her murder; Whereas, on July 18, 2020, 4 Garifuna men from Triunfo de la Cruz, including the president of the Community Development Committee who had led the community's recent efforts to stop the illegal appropriation of Garifuna land and demanded that the Honduran Government implement the 2015 Inter- American Court of Human Rights ruling, were abducted at gunpoint by men wearing uniforms bearing the logo of the DPI National Police unit and have not been located since; Whereas, on November 11, 2020, the families of the disappeared and the Garifuna communities, outraged by the lack of investigation into the whereabouts of the victims of the July 18, 2020, forced disappearances, created the Comite Garifuna de Investigacion y Busqueda de los Desaparecidos de Triunfo de la Cruz (SUNLA), an independent commission to investigate and bring about the prosecution of the crime; Whereas, on March 3, 2021, sisters Marianela and Jennifer Mejia Solorzano were the first to be arrested as a result of criminal proceedings brought by the Public Prosecutor's Office against over 30 Garifuna rights defenders for alleged land theft, despite the land in question belonging to the Garifuna communities of Cristales and Rio Negro; Whereas, in a communique, OFRANEH stated that on August 9, 2022, the organization visited the Public Prosecutor's Office and demanded progress in the investigation of the July 18, 2020, forced disappearances from Triunfo de la Cruz, but instead of reporting on the investigation and prosecution of those responsible for the forced disappearances, the Attorney General's office, in another episode of persecution, harassment, and criminalization, instructed the Prosecutor's Office Against Common Crimes and the Technical Agency for Criminal Investigation (ATIC) to initiate criminal proceedings against OFRANEH's General Coordinator Miriam Miranda, OFRANEH member Luther Castillo, and OFRANEH lawyer Edy Tabora; Whereas, on September 19, 2023, an armed group of men entered the home of Miriam Miranda in Vallecito, Colon, in an ongoing pattern of intimidation that was utilized against Berta Caceres right before her murder; Whereas, on February 2, 2024, the Government of Honduras, acting through the Honduran Cabinet, decreed the creation of the High-Level Intersectoral Commission for the Compliance of the Commitments and Recommendations issued by the International Human Rights Protection Systems (Commission), with the objective of ensuring the rights of Garifuna communities to their collective property, judicial protection and guarantees, right to life, and all other human rights protections; and Whereas, on March 9, 2024, a group of defenders of the Triunfo de la Cruz community who carried out a peaceful march to demand compliance with the Inter-American Court of Human Rights judgment in favor of their community faced intimidation by third parties who illegally occupy Garifuna territories: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the House of Representatives-- (1) condemns the violence against Garifuna communities, specifically against Garifuna land rights defenders; (2) calls for the Comite Garifuna de Investigacion y Busqueda de los Desaparecidos de Triunfo de la Cruz's (SUNLA) full participation in the investigation into the whereabouts of Sneider Centeno, Milton Joel Martinez, Suami Aparicio, and Gerardo Trochez, and the prosecution of those responsible for their disappearance; (3) calls for the creation of an effective and independent office for a Special Prosecutor for Enforced Disappearances in Honduras; (4) condemns the illegal separation of Garifuna communities from their legitimate land rights; (5) calls for the swift and full implementation of the October 8, 2015, ruling of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights that obliges the Government of Honduras to restore land rights to the communities of Triunfo de la Cruz and Punta Piedra, and to investigate the murder of 5 members of both communities; (6) strongly disapproves of the decisions of multilateral development banks that finance projects that contribute to the extinction of the legitimate land rights of Garifuna communities and finance security forces involved in serious human rights violations; (7) is concerned that United States bilateral assistance to Honduras may jeopardize or otherwise contribute to the violation of the fundamental rights of Garifuna communities; (8) urges the Government of Honduras to-- (A) fully and immediately comply with the 2015 judgment of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights restoring land rights to the communities of Triunfo de la Cruz and Punta Piedra and investigating the murders of 5 members of both communities, including by fully implementing the International Human Rights Protection Systems (Commission); (B) grant SUNLA formal status in the investigation of the forced disappearance of Sneider Centeno and 3 other Garifuna men from Triunfo de la Cruz; and (C) establish a Special Prosecutor for Enforced Disappearances within the Prosecutor's Office; (9) requests the institutions of the World Bank Group and the Inter-American Development Bank to-- (A) immediately suspend funding for any project that may contribute to violence against Garifuna communities or violations of their human rights and consult with the affected communities on possible corrective measures; (B) identify measures that the institutions could implement to promote compliance with the 2015 judgments of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, acting on the measures only after full consultation with and consent of the legitimate authorities of the Garifuna communities; (C) undertake a comprehensive and independent review of the projects that any such institution has supported over the past 25 years that have an impact on the land rights of Indigenous communities or have otherwise contributed to human rights violations in Honduras, and publish a report with their findings; (D) carefully review their loan portfolios, and the structure for on-the-ground implementation of those projects, in order to identify funding that may benefit government agencies implicated in human rights violations, violence, and dispossession directed against Indigenous communities in Honduras; and (E) ensure compliance with the provisions of the International Labour Organization Convention 169 regarding prior consultation before the approval of projects that affect the communities, and the completion of the respective environmental impact studies for each project; and (10) urges the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, and the Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development, in coordination with the heads of other relevant Federal departments and agencies, to-- (A) engage at the highest level with the Government of Honduras, and maintain close coordination with international allies and multilateral organizations with influence in Honduras, to promote compliance with the resolutions of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, in particular the 2015 judgments to restore the rights of the Garifuna communities of Triunfo de la Cruz and Punta Piedra; (B) alert United States-based companies and other investors in Honduras to the risks and potential liabilities associated with investing in lands whose rights may have been illegitimately severed from Indigenous communities; and (C) use its vote and voice within multilateral development banks to oppose any loans or technical assistance projects that may threaten the rights of Garifuna communities, and to advocate for reparations for communities affected by multilateral development bank financing that have contributed to human rights violations, in accordance with international standards for reparations. <all>
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Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Labor relating to Defining and Delimiting the Exemptions for Executive, Administrative, Professional, Outside Sales, and Computer Employees.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.J. Res. 166 Introduced in House (IH)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. J. RES. 166 Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Labor relating to ``Defining and Delimiting the Exemptions for Executive, Administrative, Professional, Outside Sales, and Computer Employees''. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES June 5, 2024 Mr. Walberg (for himself, Mr. Barr, Mr. Smith of Nebraska, Mr. Moolenaar, Mr. Good of Virginia, Mr. Duncan, Mrs. Miller of Illinois, Mr. Ogles, Mrs. McClain, Mrs. Wagner, Mr. Bergman, Mr. Burlison, Mr. Grothman, Ms. Foxx, Mr. Williams of Texas, Mr. Moore of Utah, Mrs. Hinson, Mr. Fitzgerald, Mr. Bean of Florida, Mr. Owens, Mr. Estes, Mr. Thompson of Pennsylvania, Mr. Smucker, Mr. Baird, Mr. Weber of Texas, Ms. Tenney, Mrs. Houchin, Mr. Mann, Mr. Rutherford, Mr. Wenstrup, Mr. Allen, Ms. Letlow, Mr. Guthrie, Mr. Donalds, Mr. Dunn of Florida, Mr. Bilirakis, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Pence, Mr. Huizenga, Mr. Fleischmann, and Mr. Austin Scott of Georgia) submitted the following joint resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Education and the Workforce _______________________________________________________________________ JOINT RESOLUTION Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Labor relating to ``Defining and Delimiting the Exemptions for Executive, Administrative, Professional, Outside Sales, and Computer Employees''. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Congress disapproves the rule submitted by the Department of Labor relating to ``Defining and Delimiting the Exemptions for Executive, Administrative, Professional, Outside Sales, and Computer Employees'' (89 Fed. Reg. 32842 (April 26, 2024)), and such rule shall have no force or effect. <all>
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Commerce relating to Revision of Firearms License Requirements.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.J. Res. 164 Introduced in House (IH)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. J. RES. 164 Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Commerce relating to ``Revision of Firearms License Requirements''. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES June 5, 2024 Mr. Green of Tennessee (for himself, Mr. McCaul, Ms. Stefanik, Mr. Hudson, Mr. Guest, Mr. Williams of Texas, Mr. Graves of Missouri, Mr. Bost, Mr. Ogles, Mrs. Harshbarger, Mr. Kustoff, Mr. DesJarlais, Mr. Burchett, Mr. Fleischmann, Mr. Good of Virginia, Mr. Biggs, Mr. Roy, Mr. Cloud, Mr. Clyde, Mr. Brecheen, Mr. Cline, Mr. Gosar, Mr. Griffith, Mr. Harris, Mr. Higgins of Louisiana, Mrs. Miller of Illinois, Mr. Moore of Alabama, Mr. Nehls, Mr. Tiffany, Mr. Davidson, Mr. Bishop of North Carolina, Mr. Burlison, Mr. Donalds, Mr. Fulcher, Mr. Mooney, Mr. Murphy, Mr. Norman, Mr. Reschenthaler, Mr. Moore of Utah, Mr. Posey, Mr. Grothman, Mr. Crenshaw, Mrs. Wagner, Mr. Fry, Mr. Yakym, Mr. Tony Gonzales of Texas, Mr. Bean of Florida, Mr. Sessions, Mr. Timmons, Ms. Tenney, Mr. Weber of Texas, Mr. Smith of Nebraska, Mr. Mann, Mrs. Miller of West Virginia, Mr. Moolenaar, Mr. Hern, Mr. Edwards, Mrs. Hinson, Mr. Walberg, Mr. Steube, Mr. Mills, Mr. Fallon, Mr. Massie, Mr. Ezell, Mr. Langworthy, Mr. Rutherford, Mr. Bergman, Mr. Scott Franklin of Florida, Mr. Kelly of Mississippi, Mr. Self, Mr. Barr, Mr. Carl, Mr. Baird, Ms. Lee of Florida, Mr. Feenstra, and Mr. Babin) submitted the following joint resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs _______________________________________________________________________ JOINT RESOLUTION Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Commerce relating to ``Revision of Firearms License Requirements''. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Congress disapproves the rule submitted by the Department of Commerce relating to ``Revision of Firearms License Requirements'' (89 Fed. Reg. 34680), and such rule shall have no force or effect. <all>
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
Expressing support for the designation of June 2024 as Black Music Month.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H. Res. 1279 Introduced in House (IH)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. RES. 1279 Expressing support for the designation of June 2024 as ``Black Music Month''. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES June 5, 2024 Ms. Brown (for herself, Mr. Carson, Mr. Meeks, Mr. Amo, Ms. Balint, Mrs. Beatty, Ms. Blunt Rochester, Mr. Carter of Louisiana, Mr. Cohen, Ms. Crockett, Mr. Clyburn, Mr. Davis of North Carolina, Mrs. Dingell, Mr. Espaillat, Mrs. Foushee, Mr. Frost, Mr. Grijalva, Mr. Horsford, Mr. Ivey, Ms. Jackson Lee, Ms. Jacobs, Mr. Johnson of Georgia, Ms. Kaptur, Ms. Kelly of Illinois, Mr. Landsman, Ms. Lee of California, Mrs. McBath, Ms. McClellan, Mr. Mfume, Ms. Moore of Wisconsin, Mr. Nadler, Ms. Norton, Ms. Omar, Mrs. Ramirez, Ms. Sewell, Mr. Soto, Ms. Stansbury, Ms. Strickland, Mrs. Sykes, Mr. Thanedar, Mr. Thompson of Mississippi, Mrs. Torres of California, Mrs. Watson Coleman, Ms. Williams of Georgia, and Ms. Wilson of Florida) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Education and the Workforce _______________________________________________________________________ RESOLUTION Expressing support for the designation of June 2024 as ``Black Music Month''. Whereas Black Americans have been creating and uplifting music since the founding of the United States; Whereas Black music transcends genres and styles, but has had particular influence with Negro spirituals, sacred music, folk songs, doo-wop, funk, gospel, blues, classical, rock and roll, ragtime, jazz, rap, rhythm and blues, soul, hip-hop, pop, reggae, and heavy metal; Whereas all American music and music around the world has been informed and shaped by Black music in untold ways; Whereas Black musicians, artists, songwriters, composers, producers, sound mixers, arrangers, orchestrators, music educators, and personnel throughout the music industry have created some of the most successful and impactful music in the Nation's history; Whereas Black music has touched the lives of countless people worldwide; Whereas Black music will continue to be a treasure of the Nation indefinitely into the future; Whereas Black music has often been imbued with deeply emotional character related to the discrimination and mistreatment faced by Black Americans dating to the Nation's founding; Whereas Black music is sewn into the fabric of the Nation, including all its cultural facets, media, cinema and film, art, politics, and theater; Whereas Black music has been central to the struggle for Black freedom throughout American history and during the civil rights movement; Whereas President Jimmy Carter first recognized African-American Music History Month on June 7, 1979; Whereas music has the capacity to open people's hearts and minds; and Whereas diversity is the Nation's strength: Now, therefore, be it Resolved, That the House of Representatives-- (1) expresses support for the designation of ``Black Music Month''; (2) honors the stirring work of musicians, music creators, other artists, communities, and congregations in creating, uplifting, promoting, and celebrating Black music; and (3) calls upon the people of the United States to recognize ``Black Music Month'' through actions and programs that-- (A) elevate the artistry, skill, and talent of Black music and musicians; (B) perform and partake in Black music; (C) promote diversity, equity, and inclusion; (D) spread awareness of Black music's impact and legacy; (E) honor and observe the deep-rooted history of Black music; and (F) spread joy, awareness, and understanding through Black music. <all>
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Education relating to Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in Education Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.J. Res. 165 Introduced in House (IH)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. J. RES. 165 Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Education relating to ``Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in Education Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance''. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES June 5, 2024 Mrs. Miller of Illinois (for herself, Ms. Foxx, Ms. Stefanik, Mrs. Harshbarger, Mrs. Luna, Ms. Tenney, Mrs. Lesko, Mrs. McClain, Ms. Letlow, Mrs. Hinson, Ms. Boebert, Ms. Hageman, Ms. Greene of Georgia, Ms. De La Cruz, Mrs. Bice, Mr. Banks, Mr. Allen, Mr. Cline, Mr. Posey, Mr. Rutherford, Mr. Sessions, Mr. Babin, Mr. Reschenthaler, Mr. Burchett, Mr. Norman, Mr. Scott Franklin of Florida, Mr. Clyde, Mr. Timmons, Mr. Duncan, Mr. Weber of Texas, Mr. Steube, Mr. Good of Virginia, Mr. Self, Mr. Ogles, Mr. Higgins of Louisiana, Mr. Biggs, Mr. Van Drew, Mr. Hern, Mr. Mooney, Mr. Brecheen, Mr. Fleischmann, Mr. Bilirakis, Mr. Austin Scott of Georgia, Mr. Moore of Alabama, Mr. Guest, Mr. Bishop of North Carolina, Mr. Moran, Mr. Walberg, Mr. Gosar, Mr. McCormick, Mr. Tiffany, Mr. Lamborn, Mr. Webster of Florida, Mr. Grothman, Mr. Owens, Mr. Cloud, Mr. Crane, Mr. Aderholt, Mr. Bean of Florida, Mr. Burlison, Mr. Crenshaw, Mr. LaLota, Mr. Stauber, Mr. Ezell, Mr. Bost, and Mr. Hudson) submitted the following joint resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Education and the Workforce _______________________________________________________________________ JOINT RESOLUTION Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Department of Education relating to ``Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in Education Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance''. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Congress disapproves the rule submitted by the Department of Education relating to ``Nondiscrimination on the Basis of Sex in Education Programs or Activities Receiving Federal Financial Assistance'' (89 Fed. Reg. 33474; published April 29, 2024), and such rule shall have no force or effect. <all>
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
Proclamation 10767-Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Pride Month, 2024
Administration of Joseph R. Biden, Jr., 2024 May 31, 2024 By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation During Pride Month, we celebrate the extraordinary courage and contributions of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex (LGBTQI+) community. We reflect on the progress we have made so far in pursuit of equality, justice, and inclusion. We recommit ourselves to do more to support LGBTQI+ rights at home and around the world. For generations, LGBTQI+ Americans have summoned the courage to live authentically and proudly—even when it meant putting their lives and livelihoods at risk. In 1969 at the Stonewall Inn in New York, brave LGBTQI+ individuals protested the violence and marginalization they faced, boosting a civil rights movement for the liberation of LGBTQI+ people that has transformed our Nation. Since then, courageous LGBTQI+ Americans continue to inspire and bring hope to all people seeking a life true to who they are. LGBTQI+ people also continue to enrich every aspect of American life as educators, entertainers, entrepreneurs, athletes, actors, artists, scientists, scholars, diplomats, doctors, service members, veterans, and so much more. Advancing equality for the LGBTQI+ community is a top priority for my Administration. I signed the historic Respect for Marriage Act, which protects the marriage of same-sex and interracial couples. As Commander in Chief, I was proud to have ended the ban on transgender Americans serving in the United States military. I signed historic Executive Orders strengthening civil rights protections for housing, employment, health care, education, and the justice system. We are also combating the dangerous and cruel practice of so-called "conversion therapy" and implementing a national strategy to end the HIV epidemic in this country. We ended the disgraceful practice of banning gay and bisexual men from donating blood. We are doing this work here at home and around the globe, where LGBTQI+ community members are fighting for recognition of their fundamental human rights and seeking to live full lives, free from hate-fueled violence and discrimination. But for all the progress, we know real challenges persist. Last year, as we celebrated Pride Month on the South Lawn of the White House, I had the honor of meeting survivors of the Club Q and Pulse shootings, which tragically took the lives of LGBTQI+ Americans. Although my Administration passed the most significant gun law in nearly 30 years, the Congress must do its part and ban assault weapons. At the same time, families across the country face excruciating decisions to relocate to a different State to protect their children from dangerous and hateful anti- LGBTQI+ laws, which target transgender children, threaten families, and criminalize doctors and nurses. These bills and laws attack our most basic values and freedoms as Americans: the right to be yourself, the right to make your own medical decisions, and the right to raise your own children. Some things should never be put at risk: your life, your safety, and your dignity. To the entire LGBTQI+ community—and especially transgender children—please know that your President and my entire Administration have your back. We see you for who you are: made in the image of God and deserving of dignity, respect, and support. That is why I have taken historic action to protect the LGBTQI+ community. We are ensuring that the LGBTQI+ community is protected against discrimination when accessing health care, and the Department of Health and Human Services, Department of Homeland Security, and Department of Justice launched a safety partnership to provide critical training and support to the community, including resources to help report hate crimes and better protect festivals, marches, community centers, businesses, and health care providers serving the community. The Department of Education and the Department of Justice are also addressing whether book bans may violate Federal civil rights laws when they target LGBTQI+ students or students of color and create hostile classroom environments. Additionally, we are providing specialized services through the nationwide crisis hotline for LGBTQI+ youth who feel isolated and overwhelmed—anyone who needs help can call 988 and then press 3 to be connected to a professional counselor. We are committing more resources for mental health programs that help families support and affirm their kids and are starting a new Federal initiative to address LGBTQI+ homelessness. We finalized new regulations requiring States to protect LGBTQI+ kids in foster care. America is the only Nation in the world founded on an idea: We are all created equal and deserve to be treated equally throughout our lives. We have never fully lived up to that idea, but we have never fully walked away from it either. This month, we recommit to realizing the promise of America for all Americans, to celebrating courageous LGBTQI+ people, and to taking pride in the example they set for our Nation and the world. Now, Therefore, I, Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June 2024 as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Pride Month. I call upon the people of the United States to recognize the achievements of the LGBTQI+ community, to celebrate the great diversity of the American people, and to wave their flags of pride high. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-four, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-eighth. Joseph R. Biden, Jr. [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, 11:15 a.m., June 4, 2024] NOTE: This proclamation was published in the *Federal Register *on June 5. Categories: Proclamations : Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Pride Month. Subjects: Civil rights movement; Gun violence, prevention efforts; Hate-based violence, efforts to combat; Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender persons, equality; Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex Pride Month; Marriage equality, protection efforts; Mental health programs and services; Respect for Marriage Act. DCPD Number: DCPD202400473.
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Proclamation 10772-Immigrant Heritage Month, 2024
Administration of Joseph R. Biden, Jr., 2024 May 31, 2024 By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation America is the only country in the world with a heart and soul that draws from old and new. We are home to people whose ancestors have been here for thousands of years and home to people from every place on Earth. Some people came freely, some came chained by force, some came when famine struck or to flee persecution, and some came to chase dreams that are only possible here in America. We all come from somewhere, but we are all Americans. This month, we honor the contributions and celebrate the remarkable courage of our Nation's immigrants, whose hopes and dreams helped found this country and continue to push us forward today. My own family came to America in the mid-1800s, when famine struck their homeland in Ireland. The Finnegans of County Louth and the Blewitts of County Mayo traveled across an ocean, landing on America's shores with an unbending belief in the possibilities our Nation had to offer. Vice President Kamala Harris' parents emigrated from India and Jamaica to pursue their education in medicine and economics. So many Americans share a similar story—their families leaving everything behind to pursue the American Dream and working tirelessly to build good lives for themselves and good futures for their families. Immigrants keep our economy strong and help drive the success of our Nation. They ensure our safety as first responders and military service members; they maintain the health of our communities as doctors and nurses; they are there for our family members and children as educators and care workers; they feed and fuel our population as more than half of the Nation's farmworkers; they are one in five of our business owners; and they are leaders in technology, philanthropy, and media. All told, they contribute hundreds of billions of dollars in taxes each year and create millions of jobs. The ingenuity, grit, and perseverance of immigrants are driving forces in every aspect of American life. On day one of my Administration, I sent a comprehensive plan to the Congress to fix our broken immigration system. It aimed to expand legal pathways of immigration; provide protections for Dreamers and others who contribute to this country; and address the violence, corruption, and instability that leads many to flee their homes. My Administration has worked tirelessly to strengthen our legal immigration system and support those who are here. We have rebuilt the United States Refugee Admissions Program, which once again serves as a beacon for displaced persons around the world. We continue to vigorously defend the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy, which has allowed more than 800,000 Dreamers to live and work in the place they call home, against attacks in the courts. For the first time ever, we have extended Affordable Care Act coverage to DACA recipients. We have also expanded legal pathways for people from Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua, and Haiti and instituted reunification programs so that families stay together while they complete the immigration process. My Administration will continue to do everything we can, but we need the Congress to take action and provide funding and resources necessary to secure our border and reform our immigration system. As Americans, we have an obligation to ensure that everyone feels safe and respected. We must give hate no safe harbor. But too often, immigrant communities remain the target of bias and discrimination. That is why my Administration is fighting against the rise of all forms of hate. In 2021, I signed the COVID–19 Hate Crimes Act, making it easier to report hate crimes, and I also established the White House Initiative on Hate-Motivated Violence to counter these types of attacks and foster national unity. During my trip to Ireland last year, I walked the streets my ancestors used to walk and looked out at the ocean they crossed two centuries earlier to reach America. For hundreds of years, people from around the world have made the courageous trek to our Nation's soil. They are drawn to our shores by the American idea that we are all created equal and deserve to be treated equally throughout our lives. We have never fully lived up to that promise, but we have never walked away from it either. This month—and every month—may we recommit to keeping lit the torch of liberty that has led generations of immigrants to America. Now, Therefore, I, Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June 2024 as National Immigrant Heritage Month. I call upon the people of the United States to learn more about the history of our Nation's diverse and varied immigrant communities and to observe this month with appropriate programs and activities that remind us of the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-four, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-eighth. Joseph R. Biden, Jr. [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, 8:45 a.m., June 5, 2024] NOTE: This proclamation was published in the *Federal Register *on June 6. Categories: Proclamations : Immigrant Heritage Month. Names: Harris, Kamala D. Subjects: American "melting pot"; Border security; Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy; Hate-based violence, efforts to combat; Immigrant Heritage Month; Immigration reform; Refugees and migrants, U.S. admission policy; Vice President. DCPD Number: DCPD202400478.
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Presidential Permit-Authorizing Cameron County, Texas, To Construct, Maintain, and Operate a Vehicular and Pedestrian Border Crossing Near Brownsville, Texas, at the International Boundary Between the United States and Mexico
Administration of Joseph R. Biden, Jr., 2024 May 31, 2024 By virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States of America (the "President"), I hereby grant permission, subject to the conditions set forth herein, to Cameron County, Texas (the "Permittee"), to construct, maintain, and operate a vehicular and pedestrian crossing located on the United States border with Mexico in Brownsville, Texas, as described in the "Cameron County Flor de Mayo International Bridge Presidential Permit Application" dated September 14, 2021 ("September 14, 2021, Application"), by the permittee to the Secretary of State and determined to be complete on February 13, 2024, in accordance with 33 U.S.C. 535d and associated procedures. The term "Border facilities" as used in this permit consists of the bridge over the Rio Grande, its approaches, and any land, structures, installations, or equipment appurtenant thereto located on the United States side of the international boundary between the United States and Mexico, approximately 8 river miles from the Brownville and Matamoros International Bridge and 35.6 river miles from the existing Free Trade Bridge at Los Indios. This permit is subject to the following conditions: Article 1. The Border facilities herein described and all aspects of their operation are subject to all the conditions, provisions, and requirements of this permit and any subsequent Presidential amendment to it. The construction, maintenance, and operation of the Border facilities shall be in all material respects as described in the September 14, 2021, Application. Article 2. The standards for and the manner of construction, maintenance, and operation of the Border facilities are subject to inspection by the representatives of appropriate Federal, State, and local agencies. The permittee shall grant officers and employees of such agencies that are duly authorized and performing their official duties free and unrestricted access to said Border facilities. Article 3. The permittee shall comply with all applicable Federal laws and regulations regarding the construction, maintenance, and operation of the Border facilities. Article 4. (1) The permittee shall take or cause to be taken all appropriate measures to mitigate adverse impacts on or disruption of the human environment in connection with the construction, maintenance, and operation of the Border facilities. Mitigation measures are those that avoid, minimize, or compensate for adverse impacts. The permittee shall hold harmless and indemnify the United States for any claimed or adjudged liability arising out of construction, maintenance, and operation of the Border facilities, including environmental contamination from the release, threatened release, or discharge of hazardous substances or hazardous waste. The permittee is responsible for obtaining any required Federal, State, and local permits, approvals, and authorizations prior to commencing construction activities. The permittee shall implement the mitigation identified in any environmental decision documents prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act and Federal permits, including stormwater permits and permits issued in accordance with section 402 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1342). The permittee shall comply with applicable Federal, State, and local environmental laws. Article 5. The permittee shall immediately notify the President or his designee of any decision to transfer custody and control of the Border facilities or any part thereof to any executive department or agency (agency) of the United States Government. Said notice shall identify the transferee agency and seek the approval of the President for the transfer of the permit. In the event of approval by the President of such transfer, this permit shall remain in force and effect, and the Border facilities shall be subject to all the conditions, permissions, and requirements of this permit and any amendments thereof. The permittee may transfer ownership or control of the Border facilities to a non-Federal entity or individual only upon the prior express approval of such transfer by the President, which approval may include such conditions, permissions, and requirements that the President, in the President's discretion, determines are appropriate and necessary for inclusion in the permit, to be effective on the date of transfer. Article 6. The permittee is responsible for acquiring and maintaining any right-of-way grants or easements, permits, and other authorizations as may become necessary or appropriate. To ensure the safe operation of the Border facilities, the permittee shall maintain them and every part of them in a condition of good repair and in compliance with applicable law and use of best management practices. Article 7. To the extent authorized by law, and consistent with any Donation Acceptance Agreements (DAAs) already executed with the permittee under the Donation Acceptance Authority found in 6 U.S.C. 301a and section 559 of title V of division F of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014 (Public Law 113–76), as amended, as continued by 6 U.S.C. 301b, the permittee shall provide to the Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (Commissioner) of the Department of Homeland Security and the heads of any other relevant agencies, at no cost to the United States, suitable inspection facilities, infrastructure improvements, equipment, and maintenance, as set forth in the DAAs. Nothing in this permit obligates such agencies to provide a particular level of services or staffing for such inspection facilities or for any other aspect of the port of entry associated with the Border facilities. Article 8. Before beginning design activities, the permittee shall fulfill requirements associated with the following conditions, as refined by the relevant agencies below and as consistent with applicable law: Obtain the concurrence of the United States Section of the International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico; Provide a plan for the approval of the Commissioner detailing how the permittee will fund the necessary staffing by U.S. Customs and Border Protection for the Border facilities upon commencement of operations and thereafter; Provide a plan for the approval of the Administrator of General Services (Administrator) and the Commissioner detailing how the permittee will fund the necessary operations and maintenance costs for the Border facilities upon commencement of operations and thereafter; and Provide a plan for the approval of the Administrator and the Commissioner detailing how the permittee will fund construction, outfitting (furniture, fixtures, and equipment to include information technology and necessary inspection technologies), technology integration, and outyear refresh of said program elements for the Border facilities detailed in their September 14, 2021, Application. Relevant agencies will coordinate with the permittee to further refine the above conditions, as necessary, within 1 year of permit issuance. Article 9. The permittee shall not initiate construction until the Department of State has provided notification to the permittee that the Department of State has completed its exchange of diplomatic notes with the Government of Mexico regarding authorization. The permittee shall provide written notification to the President or his designee at the time that the construction authorized by this permit begins, at the time as such construction is completed, interrupted, or discontinued, and at other times as may be requested by the President. Article 10. Upon request, the permittee shall provide appropriate information to the President or his designee with regard to the Border facilities. Such requests could include requests for information concerning current conditions, environmental compliance, mitigation, or anticipated changes in ownership or control, construction, connection, operation, or maintenance of the Border facilities. Article 11. The permittee shall file any applicable statements and reports required by applicable Federal law in connection with the Border facilities. Article 12. The permittee shall make no substantial change to the Border facilities, in the location of the Border facilities, or in the operation authorized by this permit, unless such changes have been approved by the President. The President may terminate, revoke, or amend this permit at any time at his sole discretion. The permittee's obligation to implement any amendment to this permit is subject to the availability of funds. If the permittee permanently closes the Flor de Mayo International Bridge and it is no longer used as an international crossing, then this permit shall terminate, and the permittee may manage, utilize, or dispose of the Border facilities in accordance with applicable authorities. This permit shall continue in full force and effect for only so long as the permittee continues the operations hereby authorized. Article 13. This permit shall expire 5 years from the date of its issuance if the permittee has not commenced construction of the Border facilities by that date. Article 14. This permit is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-four, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-eighth. Joseph R. Biden, Jr. [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, 11:15 a.m., June 4, 2024] NOTE: This permit was released by the Office of the Press Secretary on June 3 and published in the *Federal Register *on June 5. Categories: Permit : Cameron County, TX, authorization to construct, maintain, and operate a vehicular and pedestrian border crossing near Brownsville, TX, at Mexico-U.S. international boundary. Subjects: Border security; Cameron County, TX, authorization to construct, maintain, and operate border crossing at Mexico-U.S. international boundary; Customs and Border Protection, U.S.; Mexico, border with U.S. infrastructure and security; Mexico, immigration enforcement, cooperation with U.S. DCPD Number: DCPD202400481.
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Presidential Permit-Authorizing Maverick County, Texas, To Construct, Maintain, and Operate a Vehicular, Pedestrian, and Rail Border Crossing Near Eagle Pass, Texas, at the International Boundary Between the United States and Mexico
Administration of Joseph R. Biden, Jr., 2024 May 31, 2024 By virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States of America (the "President"), I hereby grant permission, subject to the conditions set forth herein, to Maverick County, Texas (the "permittee"), to construct, maintain, and operate a vehicular, pedestrian, and rail crossing located on the United States border with Mexico in Eagle Pass, Texas, as described in the "Puerto Verde Global Trade Bridge Presidential Permit Application" dated October 17, 2023 ("October 17, 2023, Application"), by the permittee to the Secretary of State and determined to be complete on February 5, 2024, in accordance with 33 U.S.C. 535d and associated procedures. The term "Border facilities" as used in this permit consists of the bridge, its approaches, and any land, structures, installations, or equipment appurtenant thereto located between the United States side of the international boundary between the United States and Mexico and approximately two miles north of Eagle Pass Bridge I, at the northwest edge of the City of Eagle Pass. This permit is subject to the following conditions: Article 1. The Border facilities herein described and all aspects of their operation are subject to all the conditions, provisions, and requirements of this permit and any subsequent Presidential amendment to it. The construction, maintenance, and operation of the Border facilities shall be in all material respects as described in the October 17, 2023, Application. Article 2. The standards for and the manner of construction, maintenance, and operation of the Border facilities are subject to inspection by the representatives of appropriate Federal, State, and local agencies. The permittee shall grant officers and employees of such agencies that are duly authorized and performing their official duties free and unrestricted access to said Border facilities. Article 3. The permittee shall comply with all applicable Federal laws and regulations regarding the construction, maintenance, and operation of the Border facilities. Article 4. (1) The permittee shall take or cause to be taken all appropriate measures to mitigate adverse impacts on or disruption of the human environment in connection with the construction, maintenance, and operation of the Border facilities. Mitigation measures are those that avoid, minimize, or compensate for adverse impacts. The permittee shall hold harmless and indemnify the United States for any claimed or adjudged liability arising out of construction, maintenance, and operation of the Border facilities, including environmental contamination from the release, threatened release, or discharge of hazardous substances or hazardous waste. The permittee is responsible for obtaining any required Federal, State, and local permits, approvals, and authorizations prior to commencing construction activities. The permittee shall implement the mitigation identified in any environmental decision documents prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act and Federal permits, including stormwater permits and permits issued in accordance with section 402 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1342). The permittee shall comply with applicable Federal, State, and local environmental laws. Article 5. The permittee shall immediately notify the President or his designee of any decision to transfer custody and control of the Border facilities or any part thereof to any executive department or agency (agency) of the United States Government. Said notice shall identify the transferee agency and seek the approval of the President for the transfer of the permit. In the event of approval by the President of such transfer, this permit shall remain in force and effect, and the Border facilities shall be subject to all the conditions, permissions, and requirements of this permit and any amendments thereof. The permittee may transfer ownership or control of the Border facilities to a non-Federal entity or individual only upon the prior express approval of such transfer by the President, which approval may include such conditions, permissions, and requirements that the President, in the President's discretion, determines are appropriate and necessary for inclusion in the permit, to be effective on the date of transfer. Article 6. The permittee is responsible for acquiring and maintaining any right-of-way grants or easements, permits, and other authorizations as may become necessary or appropriate. To ensure the safe operation of the Border facilities, the permittee shall maintain them and every part of them in a condition of good repair and in compliance with applicable law and use of best management practices. Article 7. To the extent authorized by law, and consistent with any Donation Acceptance Agreements (DAAs) already executed with the permittee under the Donation Acceptance Authority found in 6 U.S.C. 301a and section 559 of title V of division F of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014 (Public Law 113–76), as amended, as continued by 6 U.S.C. 301b, the permittee shall provide to the Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection (Commissioner) of the Department of Homeland Security and the heads of any other relevant agencies, at no cost to the United States, suitable inspection facilities, infrastructure improvements, equipment, and maintenance, as set forth in the DAAs. Nothing in this permit obligates such agencies to provide a particular level of services or staffing for such inspection facilities or for any other aspect of the port of entry associated with the Border facilities. Article 8. Before beginning design activities, the permittee shall fulfill requirements associated with the following conditions, as refined by the relevant agencies below and as consistent with applicable law: Obtain the concurrence of the United States Section of the International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico; Provide a plan for the approval of the Commissioner detailing how the permittee will fund the necessary staffing by U.S. Customs and Border Protection for the Border facilities upon commencement of operations and thereafter; Provide a plan for the approval of the Administrator of General Services (Administrator) and the Commissioner detailing how the permittee will fund the necessary operations and maintenance costs for the Border facilities upon commencement of operations and thereafter; Provide a plan for the approval of the Administrator and the Commissioner detailing how the permittee will fund construction, outfitting (furniture, fixtures, and equipment to include information technology and necessary inspection technologies), technology integration, and outyear refresh of said program elements for the Border facilities detailed in their October 17, 2023, Application; and Provide a plan for the approval of the Secretary of Transportation detailing the commercial motor vehicle safety measures that will be implemented, as well as how the permittee will ensure the necessary funding for appropriate Department of Transportation staffing. Relevant agencies will coordinate with the permittee to further refine the above conditions, as necessary, within 1 year of permit issuance. Article 9. The permittee shall not initiate construction until the Department of State has provided notification to the permittee that the Department of State has completed its exchange of diplomatic notes with the Government of Mexico regarding authorization. The permittee shall provide written notification to the President or his designee at the time that the construction authorized by this permit begins, at the time as such construction is completed, interrupted, or discontinued, and at other times as may be requested by the President. Article 10. Upon request, the permittee shall provide appropriate information to the President or his designee with regard to the Border facilities. Such requests could include requests for information concerning current conditions, environmental compliance, mitigation, or anticipated changes in ownership or control, construction, connection, operation, or maintenance of the Border facilities. Article 11. The permittee shall file any applicable statements and reports required by applicable Federal law in connection with the Border facilities. Article 12. The permittee shall make no substantial change to the Border facilities, in the location of the Border facilities, or in the operation authorized by this permit, unless such changes have been approved by the President. The President may terminate, revoke, or amend this permit at any time at his sole discretion. The permittee's obligation to implement any amendment to this permit is subject to the availability of funds. If the permittee permanently closes the Puerto Verde Global Trade Bridge and it is no longer used as an international crossing, then this permit shall terminate, and the permittee may manage, utilize, or dispose of the Border facilities in accordance with applicable authorities. This permit shall continue in full force and effect for only so long as the permittee continues the operations hereby authorized. Article 13. This permit shall expire 5 years from the date of its issuance if the permittee has not commenced construction of the Border facilities by that date. Article 14. This permit is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-four, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-eighth. Joseph R. Biden, Jr. [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, 11:15 a.m., June 4, 2024] NOTE: This permit was released by the Office of the Press Secretary on June 3 and published in the *Federal Register *on June 5. Categories: Permits : Maverick, TX, authorization to construct, maintain, and operate a vehicular, pedestrian, and rail border crossing near Eagle Pass, TX, at Mexico-U.S. international boundary. Subjects: Customs and Border Protection, U.S.; Maverick County, TX, authorization to construct, maintain, and operate border crossing at Mexico-U.S. international boundary; Mexico, border with U.S., infrastructure and security; Mexico, immigration enforcement, cooperation with U.S. DCPD Number: DCPD202400479.
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Proclamation 10769-National Homeownership Month, 2024
Administration of Joseph R. Biden, Jr., 2024 May 31, 2024 By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation Owning a home is about more than putting a roof over your family's head—it is part of the American Dream. For generations, it has been a pathway to the middle class, an opportunity to build community and to pass down wealth to your children. But too many Americans today still struggle to buy a home. This National Homeownership Month, we recommit to giving every American a fair shot at that dream. Whether they rent or buy, Americans deserve a safe place to call home. That is why when I signed the American Rescue Plan during the pandemic, we made sure it kept six million families in their homes by preventing foreclosures and evictions. Today, we are seeing fewer foreclosures than at any time in decades; and more people own homes now than did before the pandemic. But we have more to do. My Administration is delivering on the most consequential housing plan in more than 50 years, lowering costs now and for the future. We have already saved approximately 850,000 homeowners $800 per year with Federal Housing Authority (FHA) mortgages. We are providing financial assistance to help homeowners repair and upgrade their homes, by doing things like removing toxic lead pipes. Through my Inflation Reduction Act—the largest climate bill in history—we are lowering families' utility costs by helping them make their homes more modern, energy-efficient, and climate-resilient. The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is helping Americans to access resources that help avoid foreclosure and eviction and that promote homeownership, financial literacy, and financial planning. For new homeowners, my plan proposes a tax credit of $5,000 per year for the next 2 years for any family earning under $200,000—money they can put toward a mortgage when they buy their first home or trade up for more space. My plan would also provide first-generation homebuyers with $25,000 for a down payment. The Federal Housing Finance Agency is running a pilot program to make it more affordable to refinance your home by eliminating title insurance fees on certain federally backed mortgages, which would save folks $1,500 at closing. The FHA is now considering positive rental history when making decisions about creditworthiness— ensuring that the people who could qualify for mortgage financing receive it. We are also working to advance fair housing, including by rooting out bias in the home appraisal process, which keeps too many Black and Brown families from enjoying the full financial returns of homeownership. To ensure affordable housing is available long-term, we also have to increase supply—and that means building new homes. With help from the Congress, my Administration has cut red tape so more builders can get Federal financing for new projects. Thanks in part to these efforts, a record 1.7 million new housing units are now under construction nationwide. My new plan would build two million more affordable homes, including 400,000 that would be for-sale, rather than for rent, through the creation of the Neighborhood Homes Tax Credit. My Administration is also making it easier for communities to use Federal financing to build and renovate, or convert spaces like empty offices or hotels into housing. Across the country, Americans are today writing one of the greatest comeback stories ever told. Not only are we getting shovels in the ground and building homes for the next generation, but we are also seeing more people buy homes for the first time—taking that next step toward long-term security for themselves and their families. Today, more folks can feel that pride of getting their first home, pride in settling down with their families in a new home, pride in our communities and pride in America. We are going to keep creating those new cycles of hope. Now, Therefore, I, Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June 2024 as National Homeownership Month. I call upon the people of this Nation to safeguard the American Dream by ensuring that everyone has access to an affordable home in a community of their choice. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-four, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-eighth. Joseph R. Biden, Jr. [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, 11:15 a.m., June 4, 2024] NOTE: This proclamation was published in the *Federal Register *on June 5. Categories: Proclamations : National Homeownership Month. Subjects: Economic improvement; Energy efficiency and weatherization, homes and buildings; Federal Housing Authority; Federal Housing Finance Agency; Foreclosure and eviction, prevention efforts; Home ownership, access and affordability; Homeownership Month, National; Lead service lines, replacement efforts. DCPD Number: DCPD202400475.
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Proclamation 10771-Adjusting Imports of Steel Into the United States
Administration of Joseph R. Biden, Jr., 2024 May 31, 2024 By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation On January 11, 2018, the Secretary of Commerce (Secretary) transmitted to the President a report on the Secretary's investigation into the effect of imports of steel mill articles (steel articles) on the national security of the United States under section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962, as amended (19 U.S.C. 1862). The Secretary found and advised the President of the Secretary's opinion that steel articles are being imported into the United States in such quantities and under such circumstances as to threaten to impair the national security of the United States. In Proclamation 9705 of March 8, 2018 (Adjusting Imports of Steel Into the United States), the President concurred in the Secretary's finding that steel articles, as defined in clause 1 of Proclamation 9705, as amended by clause 8 of Proclamation 9711 of March 22, 2018 (Adjusting Imports of Steel Into the United States), are being imported into the United States in such quantities and under such circumstances as to threaten to impair the national security of the United States, and decided to adjust the imports of those steel articles by imposing a 25 percent ad valorem tariff on such articles imported from all countries except Canada and Mexico. The proclamation further stated that any country with which the United States has a security relationship is welcome to discuss with the United States alternative ways to address the threatened impairment of the national security caused by imports from that country, and noted that, should the United States and any such country arrive at a satisfactory alternative means to address the threat to the national security such that the President determines that imports from that country no longer threaten to impair the national security, the President may remove or modify the restriction on steel articles imports from that country and, if necessary, adjust the tariff as it applies to other countries, as the national security interests of the United States require. In Proclamation 10403 of May 27, 2022 (Adjusting Imports of Steel Into the United States), I suspended the tariffs set forth in Proclamation 9705 for the import of steel articles and derivative steel articles from Ukraine for 1 year. In Proclamation 10588 of May 31, 2023 (Adjusting Imports of Steel Into the United States), I extended the suspension of tariffs for an additional year and expanded the scope of Proclamation 10403 to include the suspension of tariffs on steel articles from Ukraine further processed in countries that are members of the European Union. In both proclamations, I also instructed the Secretary to monitor the situation in the domestic steel industry and developments in Ukraine's steel industry and inform me of any need to terminate or extend this suspension. The Secretary has informed me that the situation with regard to Ukraine's steel industry has not changed since the issuance of Proclamation 10403 or Proclamation 10588. Ukraine's steel industry continues to be significantly disrupted by the Russian Federation's unjustified, unprovoked, unyielding, and unconscionable war against Ukraine. The significant disruption in Ukraine's steel production has decreased the total amount of steel produced by Ukraine. The amount of steel imported into the United States from Ukraine decreased in 2023 compared to 2022, and it is still below the average import volume prior to 2021. In 2023 the amount of steel imported into the United States from Ukraine accounted for less than 1 percent of all steel imports into the United States. At the same time, the steel industry has been historically important to Ukraine, and both the United States and Ukraine have an interest in maintaining that industry as an economic lifeline while the country recovers. The Secretary has also informed me that the United States and Ukraine continue to be engaged in broad security discussions. The current disruption of Ukrainian steel production has been part of those discussions, and the ongoing discussion is anticipated to include alternative measures to prevent imports of steel from Ukraine from threatening the national security of the United States as Ukraine's steel production recovers from the significant disruption caused by the war. In light of the Secretary's findings, I conclude that Ukraine's present situation remains a special case and that an extension of the suspension of tariffs in Proclamation 10403, as extended and expanded by Proclamation 10588, is warranted. The Secretary shall continue to monitor the situation in the domestic steel industry and developments in Ukraine's steel industry and inform me of any need to terminate or extend this suspension. In light of my determination to adjust the tariff proclaimed in Proclamation 9705 as applied to eligible steel articles and derivative steel articles that are the product of Ukraine, I have considered whether it is necessary and appropriate in light of our national security interests to make any corresponding adjustments to such tariff as it applies to products of other countries. I have determined that it is necessary and appropriate, at this time, to maintain the current tariff level as it applies to products of other countries. Section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962, as amended, authorizes the President to adjust the imports of an article and its derivatives that are being imported into the United States in such quantities or under such circumstances as to threaten to impair the national security. Section 604 of the Trade Act of 1974, as amended (19 U.S.C. 2483), authorizes the President to embody in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) the substance of statutes affecting import treatment, and actions thereunder, including the removal, modification, continuance, or imposition of any rate of duty or other import restriction. Now, Therefore, I, Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States of America, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962, as amended, section 301 of title 3, United States Code, and section 604 of the Trade Act of 1974, as amended, do hereby proclaim as follows: To establish duty-free treatment on imports of steel articles when such are the products of Ukraine as set forth in clauses 2 and 3 of this proclamation, U.S. Note 16 of subchapter III of chapter 99 of the HTSUS is amended as provided for in the Annex to this proclamation. Clause 2 of Proclamation 9705, as amended, is revised to read as follows: "(2)(a) In order to establish certain modifications to the duty rate on imports of steel articles, subchapter III of chapter 99 of the HTSUS is modified as provided in the Annex to this proclamation and any subsequent proclamations regarding such steel articles. (b) Except as otherwise provided in this proclamation, or in notices published pursuant to clause 3 of this proclamation, all steel articles imports covered by heading 9903.80.01, in subchapter III of chapter 99 of the HTSUS, shall be subject to an additional 25 percent ad valorem rate of duty with respect to goods entered for consumption, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, as follows: (i) on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern daylight time on March 23, 2018, from all countries except Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, South Korea, and the member countries of the European Union; (ii) on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern daylight time on June 1, 2018, from all countries except Argentina, Australia, Brazil, and South Korea; (iii) on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern daylight time on August 13, 2018, from all countries except Argentina, Australia, Brazil, South Korea, and Turkey; (iv) on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern daylight time on May 20, 2019, from all countries except Argentina, Australia, Brazil, South Korea, and Turkey; (v) on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern daylight time on May 21, 2019, from all countries except Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, and South Korea; (vi) on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern standard time on January 1, 2022, from all countries except Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, and South Korea, and except the member countries of the European Union through 11:59 p.m. eastern standard time on December 31, 2023, for steel articles covered by headings 9903.80.65 through 9903.81.19, inclusive; (vii) on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern daylight time on April 1, 2022, from all countries except Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, and South Korea, and except the member countries of the European Union through 11:59 p.m. eastern standard time on December 31, 2023, for steel articles covered by headings 9903.80.65 through 9903.81.19, inclusive, and from Japan, for steel articles covered by headings 9903.81.25 through 9903.81.80, inclusive; (viii) on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern daylight time on June 1, 2022, from all countries except Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, South Korea, and Ukraine through 11:59 p.m. eastern daylight time on June 1, 2023, and except the member countries of the European Union through 11:59 p.m. eastern standard time on December 31, 2023, for steel articles covered by headings 9903.80.65 through 9903.81.19, inclusive, and from Japan and the United Kingdom (UK), for steel articles covered by subheadings 9903.81.25 through 9903.81.78 and heading 9903.81.80, and from the member countries of the European Union, for steel articles covered by heading 9903.81.81; (ix) on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern daylight time on June 1, 2023, from all countries except Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, South Korea, and Ukraine through 11:59 p.m. eastern daylight time on June 1, 2024, and except the member countries of the European Union through 11:59 p.m. eastern standard time on December 31, 2023, for steel articles covered by headings 9903.80.65 through 9903.81.19, inclusive, and from Japan and the UK, for steel articles covered by subheadings 9903.81.25 through 9903.81.78 and heading 9903.81.80, and from the member countries of the European Union, for steel articles covered by heading 9903.81.81, and from the member countries of the European Union where the steel used in the manufacture of the steel article is melted and poured in Ukraine through 11:59 p.m. eastern daylight time on June 1, 2024, and (x) on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern standard time on January 1, 2024, from all countries except Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, and South Korea, and except for Ukraine through 11:59 p.m. eastern daylight time on June 1, 2025, and except the member countries of the European Union through 11:59 p.m. eastern standard time on December 31, 2025, for steel articles covered by headings 9903.80.65 through 9903.81.19, inclusive, and from Japan and the UK, for steel articles covered by subheadings 9903.81.25 through 9903.81.78 and heading 9903.81.80, and from the member countries of the European Union, for steel articles covered by heading 9903.81.81, and from the member countries of the European Union where the steel used in the manufacture of the steel article is melted and poured in Ukraine through 11:59 p.m. eastern daylight time on June 1, 2025. Further, except as otherwise provided in notices published pursuant to clause 3 of this proclamation, all steel articles imports from Turkey covered by heading 9903.80.02, in subchapter III of chapter 99 of the HTSUS, shall be subject to a 50 percent ad valorem rate of duty with respect to goods entered for consumption, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern daylight time on August 13, 2018, and prior to 12:01 a.m. eastern daylight time on May 21, 2019. All steel articles imports covered by heading 9903.80.61, in subchapter III of chapter 99 of the HTSUS, shall be subject to the additional 25 percent ad valorem rate of duty established herein with respect to goods entered for consumption, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern time on the date specified in a determination by the Secretary granting relief. These rates of duty, which are in addition to any other duties, fees, exactions, and charges applicable to such imported steel articles, shall apply to imports of steel articles from each country as specified in the preceding three sentences." The first two sentences of clause 1 of Proclamation 9980 of January 24, 2020 (Adjusting Imports of Derivative Aluminum Articles and Derivative Steel Articles Into the United States), are revised to read as follows: "In order to establish increases in the duty rate on imports of certain derivative articles, subchapter III of chapter 99 of the HTSUS is modified as provided in Annex I and Annex II to this proclamation. Except as otherwise provided in this proclamation, all imports of derivative aluminum articles specified in Annex I to this proclamation shall be subject to an additional 10 percent ad valorem rate of duty, and all imports of derivative steel articles specified in Annex II to this proclamation shall be subject to an additional 25 percent ad valorem rate of duty, with respect to goods entered for consumption, or withdrawn from warehouse for consumption, as follows: (i) on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern standard time on February 8, 2020, these rates of duty, which are in addition to any other duties, fees, exactions, and charges applicable to such imported derivative aluminum articles or steel articles, shall apply to imports of derivative aluminum articles described in Annex I to this proclamation from all countries except Argentina, the Commonwealth of Australia (Australia), Canada, and the United Mexican States (Mexico), and to imports of derivative steel articles described in Annex II to this proclamation from all countries except Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Mexico, and South Korea; (ii) on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern standard time on January 1, 2022, these rates of duty, which are in addition to any other duties, fees, exactions, and charges applicable to such imported derivative aluminum articles or steel articles, shall apply to imports of derivative aluminum articles described in Annex I to this proclamation from all countries except Argentina, Australia, Canada, the member countries of the European Union, and Mexico, and to imports of derivative steel articles described in Annex II to this proclamation from all countries except Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, the member countries of the European Union, Mexico, and South Korea; (iii) on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern daylight time on April 1, 2022, these rates of duty, which are in addition to any other duties, fees, exactions, and charges applicable to such imported derivative aluminum articles or steel articles, shall apply to imports of derivative aluminum articles described in Annex I to this proclamation from all countries except Argentina, Australia, Canada, the member countries of the European Union, and Mexico, and to imports of derivative steel articles described in Annex II to this proclamation from all countries except Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, the member countries of the European Union, Japan, Mexico, and South Korea; (iv) on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern daylight time on June 1, 2022, these rates of duty, which are in addition to any other duties, fees, exactions, and charges applicable to such imported derivative aluminum articles or steel articles, shall apply to imports of derivative aluminum articles described in Annex I to this proclamation from all countries except Argentina, Australia, Canada, the member countries of the European Union, Mexico, and the UK, and to imports of derivative steel articles described in Annex II to this proclamation from all countries except Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, the member countries of the European Union, Japan, Mexico, South Korea, and the UK, and except from Ukraine through 11:59 p.m. eastern daylight time on June 1, 2023; (v) on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern standard time on March 10, 2023, these rates of duty, which are in addition to any other duties, fees, exactions, and charges applicable to such imported derivative aluminum articles or steel articles, shall apply to imports of derivative aluminum articles described in Annex I to this proclamation from all countries except Argentina, Australia, Canada, the member countries of the European Union, Mexico, the UK, and Russia, and to imports of derivative steel articles described in Annex II to this proclamation from all countries except Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, the member countries of the European Union, Japan, Mexico, South Korea, and the UK, and except from Ukraine through 11:59 p.m. eastern daylight time on June 1, 2023; and (vi) on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern daylight time on June 1, 2023, these rates of duty, which are in addition to any other duties, fees, exactions, and charges applicable to such imported derivative aluminum articles or steel articles, shall apply to imports of derivative aluminum articles described in Annex I to this proclamation from all countries except Argentina, Australia, Canada, the member countries of the European Union, Mexico, the UK, and Russia, and to imports of derivative steel articles described in Annex II to this proclamation from all countries except Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, the member countries of the European Union, Japan, Mexico, South Korea, and the UK, and except from Ukraine through 11:59 p.m. eastern daylight time on June 1, 2025." Any imports of steel articles from Ukraine that were admitted into a United States foreign trade zone under "privileged foreign status" as defined in 19 CFR 146.41, prior to 12:01 a.m. eastern daylight time on June 1, 2022, shall be subject upon entry for consumption made on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern daylight time on June 1, 2022, to the 25 percent rate of duty imposed by Proclamation 9705, as amended; and any imports of steel articles from the member countries of the European Union where the steel used in the manufacture of the steel article is melted and poured in Ukraine that were admitted into a United States foreign trade zone under "privileged foreign status" as defined in 19 CFR 146.41, prior to 12:01 a.m. eastern daylight time on June 1, 2023, shall be subject upon entry for consumption made on or after 12:01 a.m. eastern daylight time on June 1, 2023, to the 25 percent rate of duty imposed by Proclamation 9705, as amended. Steel articles from a member country of the European Union where the steel used in the manufacture of the steel article is melted and poured in Ukraine are not eligible for, and shall not count against, the in-quota volume of the tariff-rate quota established in clause 1 of Proclamation 10328 of December 27, 2021 (Adjusting Imports of Steel Into the United States), and extended in Proclamation 10691 of December 28, 2023 (Adjusting Imports of Steel Into the United States). Steel articles from Ukraine eligible for treatment under clauses 2 and 3 of this proclamation must be accompanied by a certificate of origin in order to be eligible for duty-free treatment. The Secretary, in consultation with the Secretary of Homeland Security and the United States Trade Representative, is authorized to take such actions as are necessary to ensure compliance with this requirement. Failure to comply could result in applicable remedies such as the collection of the tariff set forth in clause 2 of Proclamation 9705 and clause 1 of Proclamation 9980, or penalties under United States law. Any provision of previous proclamations and Executive Orders that is inconsistent with the actions taken in this proclamation is superseded to the extent of such inconsistency. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-four, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-eighth. Joseph R. Biden, Jr. [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, 11:15 a.m., June 4, 2024] NOTE: This proclamation and its attached annex were published in the *Federal Register *on June 5. Categories: Proclamations : U.S. steel imports, tariff adjustments. Subjects: Russia, conflict in Ukraine; Secretary of Commerce; Steel imports into U.S., tariff adjustments; Ukraine, Russian invasion and airstrikes; Ukraine, trade with U.S. DCPD Number: DCPD202400477.
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Message to the House of Representatives Returning Without Approval Legislation Regarding Congressional Disapproval of a Securities and Exchange Commission Staff Accounting Bulletin Concerning Accounting Obligations of Certain Firms Safeguarding Crypto-Assets
Administration of Joseph R. Biden, Jr., 2024 May 31, 2024 To the House of Representatives: I am returning herewith without my approval H.J. Res. 109, a resolution that would disapprove of the Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) Staff Accounting Bulletin No. 121 (SAB 121). SAB 121 reflects considered technical SEC staff views regarding the accounting obligations of certain firms that safeguard crypto-assets. By virtue of invoking the Congressional Review Act, this Republican-led resolution would inappropriately constrain the SEC's ability to set forth appropriate guardrails and address future issues. This reversal of the considered judgment of SEC staff in this way risks undercutting the SEC's broader authorities regarding accounting practices. My Administration will not support measures that jeopardize the well-being of consumers and investors. Appropriate guardrails that protect consumers and investors are necessary to harness the potential benefits and opportunities of crypto-asset innovation. My Administration is eager to work with the Congress to ensure a comprehensive and balanced regulatory framework for digital assets, building on existing authorities, which will promote the responsible development of digital assets and payment innovation and help reinforce United States leadership in the global financial system. Therefore, I am vetoing this resolution. Joseph R. Biden Jr. The White House, May 31, 2024. NOTE: An original was not available for verification of the content of this message. Categories: Bill Signings and Vetoes : Securities and Exchange Commission Staff Accounting Bulletin concerning accounting obligations of certain firms safeguarding crypto-assets, legislation regarding congressional disapproval, veto message. Subjects: Crypto currencies, regulation efforts; Securities and Exchange Commission. DCPD Number: DCPD202400471. 1
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Proclamation 10768-National Caribbean American Heritage Month, 2024
Administration of Joseph R. Biden, Jr., 2024 May 31, 2024 By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation During National Caribbean American Heritage Month, we celebrate the contributions and the diverse cultures of the millions of people across our Nation with Caribbean heritage, who have never let us walk away from our Nation's most sacred values of opportunity and freedom. Caribbean Americans are dreamers and doers, always finding ways to push our country forward, reach new heights, and forge a more perfect Union. From the Caribbean Americans who helped build our country from the ground up to those who have only just arrived, they have all believed in the possibilities our country has to offer and strengthened the diverse fabric of our Nation. Above all, Caribbean Americans are leaders—they are our beloved doctors, nurses, teachers, athletes, artists, community organizers, entrepreneurs, and our service members and first responders, who put their lives on the line to keep the rest of us safe. I am especially proud of the Caribbean Americans serving across my Administration and working hard to sustain our democracy—including Vice President Kamala Harris, Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas, and White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre. My Administration recognizes that, to keep the torch of liberty that has led generations of immigrants to America burning bright, we must keep ensuring that everyone has a fair shot and access to opportunity. And we are delivering. My Administration has powered a historic economic recovery that created 15 million jobs, achieved the fastest creation rate of Black-owned businesses in more than 30 years, and broke records as Latino entrepreneurs have started new businesses at the fastest rate in over 10 years. Caribbean Americans also form the foundation of our country's partnerships with nations across the Caribbean as we work to advance opportunity and security across the region. My Administration announced over $275 million in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law funding for projects in the U.S. Virgin Islands that will deliver clean and safe water, access to high-speed internet, public transit, and modern roads and bridges. We launched the Puerto Rico Economic Dialogue and made more than $140 billion in Federal obligations, which have driven the island's economic turnaround. Since I came into office, Puerto Rico has added more than 100,000 new jobs and unemployment reached a historic low of under six percent. We are continuing to work with Caribbean countries to tackle climate change and support clean energy development. In partnership with the Caribbean Community (CARICOM), we launched the Crime Gun Intelligence Unit to combat firearms trafficking. Last summer, my Administration appointed a Coordinator for Caribbean Firearms Prosecutions to lead our efforts to stem firearms trafficking in the Caribbean. Meanwhile, we have been working with CARICOM to restore stability and security in Haiti by facilitating meaningful and inclusive political dialogue and supporting the deployment of the Kenyan-led Multinational Security Support mission. We must complement our security investments with economic support. This is why my Administration supports the reauthorization of the HOPE/HELP trade preferences program in order to spur greater economic prosperity in Haiti. At the same time, we have been working since day one of my Administration to fix the broken immigration system so that it is safe, orderly, and humane—especially for those in the Caribbean community who are fleeing oppressive rule and trying to escape gang violence to ensure a better life for them and their families. We are working to expand lawful pathways to the United States for Caribbean individuals and establish a faster process for deciding claims of asylum for people who are credibly seeking protection from persecution. My Administration will continue to do everything we can, including calling on the Congress to finally act and pass critical resources and reforms. America was founded on the idea that all people are created equal and deserve to be treated equally throughout their lives. That promise beats in the hearts of all Caribbean Americans, who have added new meaning to our Nation's founding values. That idea is what connects us to all the Caribbean nations and territories working toward a future rooted in freedom and democracy. This month, may we celebrate all that Caribbean heritage, history, and contributions have meant to our Nation. Now, Therefore, I, Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June 2024 as National Caribbean American Heritage Month. I encourage all Americans to join in celebrating the history, culture, and achievements of Caribbean Americans with appropriate ceremonies and activities. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-four, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-eighth. Joseph R. Biden, Jr. [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, 11:15 a.m., June 4, 2024] NOTE: The proclamation referred to U.S. Coordinator for Caribbean Firearms Prosecutions Michael P. Ben'Ary. This proclamation was published in the *Federal Register *on June 5. Categories: Proclamations : National Caribbean American Heritage Month. Names: Ben'Ary, Michael P.; Harris, Kamala D.; Jean-Pierre, Karine; Mayorkas, Alejandro N. Subjects: Asylum claims process, improvement efforts; Broadband and wireless technologies; Caribbean American Heritage Month, National; Caribbean nations, relations with U.S.; Coordinator for Caribbean Firearms Prosecutions, U.S.; Economic improvement; Gun control efforts; Haiti, political unrest and violence; Haiti, U.N. security mission; Immigration reform; Infrastructure improvements; Job creation and growth; Kenya, role in Haiti; Minority-owned businesses, promotion efforts; Puerto Rico, economic improvement efforts; Secretary of Homeland Security; Vice President; White House Press Secretary. DCPD Number: DCPD202400474.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
Proclamation 10770-National Ocean Month, 2024
Administration of Joseph R. Biden, Jr., 2024 May 31, 2024 By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation This National Ocean Month, we celebrate the wonder and power of our magnificent ocean and recommit to protecting and conserving it for generations to come. The ocean powers millions of jobs; feeds and sustains us; and is a rejuvenating source of inspiration, exploration, and recreation. Its rich ecosystems of marine animals, plants, and other species have been stewarded by Tribal Nations and Indigenous communities since time immemorial. And protecting and caring for the ocean is critical to tackling the existential threat of our time: climate change. Today, the ocean is facing unprecedented threats. Record-breaking ocean temperatures, together with pollution and ocean acidification, have forced marine life from their historic habitats, damaging ecosystems and straining communities who rely on the ocean for sustenance and work. Rising sea levels and warmer ocean waters have also endangered food supply chains and contributed to increasingly dangerous storms, which devastate coastal communities. That is why my Administration is taking aggressive action to deliver the most ambitious climate agenda in history. We launched the Nation's first Ocean Climate Action Plan, a bold and coordinated effort to address the climate crisis. We are protecting and restoring key coastal habitats, such as marshes, mangroves, seagrass beds, coral reefs, and more, helping protect communities on land, reduce the impact of natural disasters along our shores, and protect biodiversity. With historic investments from my Inflation Reduction Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, we are expanding offshore wind projects so that we have enough capacity to power 10 million homes by 2030 while creating good-paying jobs. Meanwhile, as we launch tens of thousands of projects to modernize our Nation's infrastructure, we are working to lower the carbon footprint of cargo ships, build cleaner supply chains, and reduce pollution. We are cracking down on illegal fishing and strengthening sustainable fisheries so that we protect hardworking Americans who rely on our ocean to make a living. My Administration has also been working tirelessly to fulfill our goal of protecting and conserving at least 30 percent of America's lands and waters, including our ocean. To that end, I took executive action to consider designating more than 700,000 square miles of the Pacific Ocean southwest of Hawaii as a new National Marine Sanctuary—which could make this one of the largest marine protected areas on the planet. If the sanctuary is completed, it would conserve significant natural and cultural resources and honor the traditional practices and ancestral pathways of Pacific Island voyagers. My Administration is also carefully evaluating the potential Chumash Heritage National Marine Sanctuary, the first Indigenous-led nomination for a National Marine Sanctuary. Through the first-ever United States Ocean Justice Strategy and my Investing in America agenda, we are bringing environmental justice to communities that have suffered the consequences of climate change and pollution for too long—including millions of dollars in investments for ocean debris prevention and removal through my Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and funding for communities to restore their coasts through my Inflation Reduction Act. This National Ocean Month, let us remember our responsibility to our environment and recommit to conserving, protecting, and restoring the bounty and beauty of our ocean. Now, Therefore, I, Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June 2024 as National Ocean Month. I call upon Americans to take action to protect, conserve, and restore our ocean and coasts. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-four, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-eighth. Joseph R. Biden, Jr. [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, 11:15 a.m., June 4, 2024] NOTE: This proclamation was published in the *Federal Register *on June 5. Categories: Proclamations : National Ocean Month. Subjects: Carbon emissions, reduction efforts; Climate change; Environmental justice; Fishing regulations, strengthening efforts; Infrastructure improvements; Land and maritime conservation efforts; Natural disasters, climate change impacts; Ocean Month, National; Ocean pollution and plastic debris; Ocean warming and sea level rise; Wetland ecosystems, protection efforts; Wildlife habitat and biodiversity, conservation efforts. DCPD Number: DCPD202400476.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
Presidential Permit-Authorizing the City of Laredo, Texas, To Expand and Continue To Maintain and Operate a Vehicular and Pedestrian Border Crossing at the World Trade Bridge Land Port of Entry
Administration of Joseph R. Biden, Jr., 2024 May 31, 2024 By virtue of the authority vested in me as President of the United States of America (the "President"), I hereby grant permission, subject to the conditions set forth herein, to the City of Laredo in Webb County, Texas (the "permittee"), to expand and continue to maintain and operate a vehicular and pedestrian crossing at the World Trade Bridge Land Port of Entry located on the United States border with Mexico in Laredo, Texas, as described in the "Laredo World Trade Bridge Expansion Project Presidential Permit Application" dated April 29, 2022 ("April 29, 2022, Application"), by the permittee to the Secretary of State and determined to be complete on February 9, 2024, in accordance with 33 U.S.C. 535d and associated procedures. The term "Border facilities" as used in this permit consists of the bridge over the Rio Grande, including two additional commercial lanes on the existing World Trade Bridge land port of entry and the addition of a second span adjacent to the existing World Trade Bridge land port of entry, its approaches, and any land, structures, installations, or equipment appurtenant thereto located approximately 9.35 river miles north of Laredo International Bridge I on the United States side of the international boundary between the United States and Mexico. This permit is subject to the following conditions: Article 1. The Border facilities herein described and all aspects of their operation are subject to all the conditions, provisions, and requirements of this permit and any subsequent Presidential amendment to it. The construction, maintenance, and operation of the Border facilities shall be in all material respects as described in the April 29, 2022, Application. Article 2. The standards for and the manner of construction, maintenance, and operation of the Border facilities are subject to inspection by the representatives of appropriate Federal, State, and local agencies. The permittee shall grant officers and employees of such agencies that are duly authorized and performing their official duties free and unrestricted access to said Border facilities. Article 3. The permittee shall comply with all applicable Federal laws and regulations regarding the construction, maintenance, and operation of the Border facilities. Article 4. (1) The permittee shall take or cause to be taken all appropriate measures to mitigate adverse impacts on or disruption of the human environment in connection with the construction, maintenance, and operation of the Border facilities. Mitigation measures are those that avoid, minimize, or compensate for adverse impacts. The permittee shall hold harmless and indemnify the United States for any claimed or adjudged liability arising out of construction, maintenance, and operation of the Border facilities, including environmental contamination from the release, threatened release, or discharge of hazardous substances or hazardous waste. The permittee is responsible for obtaining any required Federal, State, and local permits, approvals, and authorizations prior to commencing construction activities. The permittee shall implement the mitigation identified in any environmental decision documents prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act and Federal permits, including stormwater permits and permits issued in accordance with section 402 of the Clean Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1342). The permittee shall comply with applicable Federal, State, and local environmental laws. Article 5. The permittee shall immediately notify the President or his designee of any decision to transfer custody and control of the Border facilities or any part thereof to any executive department or agency (agency) of the United States Government. Said notice shall identify the transferee agency and seek the approval of the President for the transfer of the permit. In the event of approval by the President of such transfer, this permit shall remain in force and effect, and the Border facilities shall be subject to all the conditions, permissions, and requirements of this permit and any amendments thereof. The permittee may transfer ownership or control of the Border facilities to a non-Federal entity or individual only upon the prior express approval of such transfer by the President, which approval may include such conditions, permissions, and requirements that the President, in the President's discretion, determines are appropriate and necessary for inclusion in the permit, to be effective on the date of transfer. Article 6. The permittee is responsible for acquiring and maintaining any right-of-way grants or easements, permits, and other authorizations as may become necessary or appropriate. To ensure the safe operation of the Border facilities, the permittee shall maintain them and every part of them in a condition of good repair and in compliance with applicable law and use of best management practices. Article 7. To the extent authorized by law, and consistent with Donation Acceptance Agreements (DAAs) already executed with the permittee under the Donation Acceptance Authority found in 6 U.S.C. 301a and section 559 of title V of division F of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2014 (Public Law 113–76), as amended, as continued by 6 U.S.C. 301b, the permittee shall provide to the Commissioner of U.S. Customs and Border Protection of the Department of Homeland Security and the heads of any other relevant agencies, at no cost to the United States, suitable inspection facilities, infrastructure improvements, equipment, and maintenance, as set forth in the DAAs. Nothing in this permit obligates such agencies to provide a particular level of services or staffing for such inspection facilities or for any other aspect of the port of entry associated with the Border facilities. Article 8. Upon request, the permittee shall provide appropriate information to the President or his designee with regard to the Border facilities. Such requests could include requests for information concerning current conditions, environmental compliance, mitigation, or anticipated changes in ownership or control, construction, connection, operation, or maintenance of the Border facilities. Article 9. Before initiating construction, the permittee shall obtain the concurrence of the United States Section of the International Boundary and Water Commission, United States and Mexico. Article 10. The permittee shall not initiate construction until the Department of State has provided notification to the permittee that the Department of State has completed its exchange of diplomatic notes with the Government of Mexico regarding authorization. The permittee shall provide written notification to the President or his designee at the time that the construction authorized by this permit begins, at the time as such construction is completed, interrupted, or discontinued, and at other times as may be requested by the President. Article 11. The permittee shall file any applicable statements and reports required by applicable Federal law in connection with the Border facilities. Article 12. The permittee shall make no substantial change to the Border facilities, in the location of the Border facilities, or in the operation authorized by this permit, unless such changes have been approved by the President. The President may terminate, revoke, or amend this permit at any time at his sole discretion. The permittee's obligation to implement any amendment to this permit is subject to the availability of funds. If the permittee permanently closes the World Trade Bridge and it is no longer used as an international crossing, then this permit shall terminate, and the permittee may manage, utilize, or dispose of the Border facilities in accordance with applicable authorities. This permit shall continue in full force and effect for only so long as the permittee continues the operations hereby authorized. Article 13. This permit shall expire 5 years from the date of its issuance if the permittee has not commenced construction of the Border facilities by that date. Article 14. This permit is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-four, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-eighth. Joseph R. Biden, Jr. [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, 11:15 a.m., June 4, 2024] NOTE: This permit was released by the Office of the Press Secretary on June 3 and published in the *Federal Register *on June 5. Categories: Permits : Laredo, TX, authorization to expand, maintain, and operate a vehicular and pedestrian border crossing at World Trade Bridge Land Port of Entry. Locations: Subjects: Border security; Customs and Border Protection, U.S.; Laredo, TX, authorization to expand, maintain, and operate border crossing at Mexico-U.S. international boundary; Mexico, border with U.S., infrastructure and security; Mexico, immigration enforcement, cooperation with U.S. DCPD Number: DCPD202400480.
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Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection relating to Small Business Lending Under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (Regulation B).
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.J. Res. 50 Introduced in House (IH)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 1st Session H. J. RES. 50 Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection relating to ``Small Business Lending Under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (Regulation B)''. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES April 3, 2023 Mr. Williams of Texas (for himself, Mr. Ogles, and Mr. Barr) submitted the following joint resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Financial Services _______________________________________________________________________ JOINT RESOLUTION Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection relating to ``Small Business Lending Under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (Regulation B)''. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Congress disapproves the rule submitted by the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection relating to ``Small Business Lending Under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (Regulation B)'', and such rule shall have no force or effect. <all>
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
Proclamation 10766-Black Music Month, 2024
Administration of Joseph R. Biden, Jr., 2024 May 31, 2024 By the President of the United States of America A Proclamation During Black Music Month, we celebrate the Black artists and creatives whose work has so often been a tidal wave of change—not only by defining the American songbook and culture but also by capturing our greatest hopes for the future and pushing us to march forward together. Our Nation has only recognized Black Music Month for 45 years, but its legacy stretches back to our country's earliest days. Black music began when enslaved people, who were cruelly prohibited from communicating in their native languages, found ways to express themselves through music. Set to the sound of African rhythms, they captured the inhumanity, tragedy, and toll that America's original sin took on their lives while also telling the stories of their hopes and dreams, faith and spirituality, and love and purpose. Ever since, Black performers have carried on that tradition of using art to break down barriers, create sacred spaces for expression, and give voice to the promise of America for all Americans. They have created and shaped some of our most beloved genres of music—like folk, blues, jazz, hip-hop, country, rock and roll, gospel, spirituals, and R&B. Black music has set the beat of the Civil Rights Movement; expressed the inherent dignity and captured the pride and power of Black communities; and held a mirror to the good, the bad, and the truth of our Nation. Black music is a staple of American art and a powerhouse of our culture—that is why we must continue to open doors for the next generation of Black artists. Since I came into office, I have had the honor of bestowing some of our Nation's highest awards to some of our most important Black performers and producers like Gladys Knight, Berry Gordy, Tania León, Queen Latifah, Dionne Warwick, and more—uplifting their talent and inspiring others to follow their example. After making Juneteenth a National Holiday, I also hosted the first Juneteenth concert on the South Lawn—where the voices of Jennifer Hudson, Audra McDonald, Ledisi, and other incredible performers reminded us all of the beauty of Black music and Black culture that is American music and American culture. Last year, Vice President Kamala Harris hosted the first- ever hip-hop house party at the Vice President's Residence. At the same time, I have helped secure over $100 million to keep concert halls, theaters, and other venues afloat during the pandemic. In my Budget, I ask for a total of over $400 million for the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities—that includes funding for arts programs in underserved communities. Black music embodies the best of American art—inspiring us, challenging us, and bringing us together. This month, may we show gratitude to all the Black artists, whose work speaks to the soul of who we are, shows us the way forward together, and reminds us to lift every voice. Now, Therefore, I, Joseph R. Biden Jr., President of the United States of America, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States, do hereby proclaim June 2024 as Black Music Month. I call upon public officials, educators, and all the people of the United States to observe this month by honoring Black musicians and raising awareness and appreciation of Black music. In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand this thirty-first day of May, in the year of our Lord two thousand twenty-four, and of the Independence of the United States of America the two hundred and forty-eighth. Joseph R. Biden, Jr. [Filed with the Office of the Federal Register, 11:15 a.m., June 4, 2024] NOTE: The proclamation referred to musicians Dana "Queen Latifah" Owens and Ledisi A. Young. This proclamation was published in the *Federal Register *on June 5. Categories: Proclamations : Black Music Month. Names: Gordy, Berry, III; Harris, Kamala D.; Hudson, Jennifer; Knight, Gladys; León, Tania; McDonald, Audra; Owens, Dana "Queen Latifah"; Warwick, Dionne; Young, Ledisi A. Subjects: Black Music Month; Civil rights movement; COVID–19 pandemic; Economic stimulus legislation; Fiscal year 2025 budget proposal; National Endowment for the Arts; National Endowment for the Humanities; Vice President. DCPD Number: DCPD202400472.
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Remarks on the Situation in Gaza, Palestinian Territories
Administration of Joseph R. Biden, Jr., 2024 May 31, 2024 The President. Hello, folks. [*At this point, the President checked his watch*.] Just checking, it's afternoon. [*Laughter*] Conviction of Former President Donald J. Trump for Falsifying Business Records Good afternoon. Before I begin my remarks, I just wanted to say a few words about what happened yesterday in New York City. The American principle that no one is above the law was reaffirmed. Donald Trump was given every opportunity to defend himself. It was a State case, not a Federal case. And it was heard by a jury of 12 citizens—12 Americans, 12 people like you. Like millions of Americans who served on juries, this jury was chosen the same way every jury in America is chosen. It was a process that Donald Trump's attorney was part of. The jury heard 5 weeks of evidence—5 weeks. And after careful deliberation, the jury reached a unanimous verdict. They found Donald Trump guilty on all 34 felony counts. Now he'll be given the opportunity, as he should, to appeal that decision just like everyone else has that opportunity. That's how the American system of justice works. And it's reckless, it's dangerous, and it's irresponsible for anyone to say this was rigged just because they don't like the verdict. Our justice system has endured for nearly 250 years, and it literally is the cornerstone of America—our justice system. The justice system should be respected, and we should never allow anyone to tear it down. It's as simple as that. That's America, that's who we are, and that's who we'll always be, God willing. Situation in Gaza, Palestinian Territories Now to another issue. I want to give an update on my efforts to end the crisis in Gaza. For the past several months, my negotiators of foreign policy, intelligence community, and the like have been relentlessly focused not just on a cease-fire that would inevitably be fragile and temporary, but on a durable end to the war. That's been the focus: a durable end to this war. One that brings all the hostages home, ensures Israel's security, creates a better "day after" in Gaza without Hamas in power, and sets the stage for a political settlement that provides a better future for Israelis and Palestinians alike. Now, after intensive diplomacy carried out by my team and my many conversations with leaders of Israel, Qatar, and Egypt and other Middle Eastern countries, Israel has now offered— Israel has offered a comprehensive new proposal. It's a roadmap to an enduring cease-fire and the release of all hostages. This proposal has been transmitted by Qatar to Hamas. Today I want to lay out its terms for the American citizens and for the world. This new proposal has three phases—three. The first phase would last for 6 weeks. Here's what it would include: a full and complete cease-fire; a withdrawal of Israeli forces from all populated areas of Gaza; a release of a number of hostages—including women, the elderly, the wounded—in exchange for the release of hundreds of Palestinian prisoners. There are American hostages who would be released at this stage, and we want them home. Additional, some remains of hostages who have been killed would be returned to their families, bringing some degree of closure to their terrible grief. Palestinians—civilians—would return to their homes and neighborhoods in all areas of Gaza, including in the north. Humanitarian assistance would surge with 600 trucks carrying aid into Gaza every single day. With a cease-fire, that aid could be safely and effectively distributed to all who need it. Hundreds of thousands of temporary shelters, including housing units, would be delivered by the international community. All that and more would begin immediately—immediately. During the 6 weeks of phase one, Israel and Hamas would negotiate the necessary arrangements to get to phase two, which is a permanent end to hostilities. Now, I'll be straight with you. There are a number of details to negotiate to move from phase one to phase two. Israel will want to make sure its interests are protected. But the proposal says if the negotiations take longer than 6 weeks for phase one, the cease- fire will still continue as long as negotiations continue. And the United States, Egypt, and Qatar would work to ensure negotiations keep going—all agreements—all agreements—until all the agreements are reached and phase two is able to begin. Then phase two: There would be an exchange for the release of all remaining living hostages, including male soldiers; Israeli forces would withdraw from Gaza; and as long as Hamas lives up to its commitments, a temporary cease-fire would become, in the words of the proposal—the Israeli proposal, "the cessation of hostilities permanently," end of quote. "Cessation of hostilities permanently." Finally, in phase three, a major reconstruction plan for Gaza would commence. And any final remains of hostages who have been killed would be returned to their families. That's the offer that's now on the table and what we've been asking for. It's what we need. The people of Israel should know they can make this offer without any further risk to their own security because they've devastated Hamas form—forces over the past 8 months. At this point, Hamas no longer is capable of carrying out another October 7, which is one of the Israelis' main objective in this war and, quite frankly, a righteous one. I know there are those in Israel who will not agree with this plan and will call for the war to continue indefinitely. Some—some—are even in the Government coalition. And they've made it clear: They want to occupy Gaza, they want to keep fighting for years, and the hostages are not a priority to them. Well, I've urged the leadership in Israel to stand behind this deal, despite whatever pressure comes. And to the people of Israel, let me say this. As someone whose had a lifelong commitment to Israel, as the only American President who has ever gone to Israel in a time of war, as someone who just sent the U.S. Forces to directly defend Israel when it was attacked by Iran, I ask you to take a step back and think what will happen if this moment is lost. We can't lose this moment. Indefinite war in pursuit of an unidentified notion of "total victory" will not bring Israel in—will not bring down—bog down—will only bog down Israel in Gaza, draining the economic, military, and human resources, and furthering Israel's isolation in the world. That will not bring hostages home. That will not—not—bring an enduring defeat of Hamas. That will not bring Israel lasting security. But a comprehensive approach that starts with this deal will bring hostages home and will lead to a more secure Israel. And once a cease-fire and hostage deal is concluded, it unlocks the possibility of a great deal more progress, including—including—calm along Israelis' northern border with Lebanon. The United States will help forge a diplomatic resolution, one that ensures Israel's security and allows people to safely return to their homes without fear of being attacked. With the deal, a rebuilding of Gaza will begin [with; White House correction] Arab nations and the international community, along with Palestinian and Israeli leaders, to get it done in a manner that does not allow Hamas to re-arm. And the United States will work with our partners to rebuild homes, schools, and hospitals in Gaza to help repair communities that were destroyed in the chaos of war. And with this deal, Israel could become more deeply integrated into the region, including— it's no surprise to you all—including no—a potential historic normalization agreement with Saudi Arabia. Israel could be part of a regional security network to counter the threat posed by Iran. All of this progress would make Israel more secure, with Israeli families no longer living in the shadow of a terrorist attack. And all of this would create the conditions for a different future and a better future for the Palestinian people, one of self-determination, dignity, security, and freedom. This path is available once the deal is struck. Israel will always have the right to defend itself against the threats to its security and to bring those responsible for October 7 to justice. And the United States will always ensure that Israel has what it needs to defend itself. If Hamas fails to fulfill its commitments under the deal, Israel can resume military operations. But Egypt and Qatar have assured me and they are continuing to work to ensure that Hamas doesn't do that. And the United States will help ensure that Israel lives up to their obligations as well. That's what this deal says. That's what it says. And we'll do our part. This is truly a decisive moment. Israel has made their proposal. Hamas says it wants a cease- fire. This deal is an opportunity to prove whether they really mean it. Hamas needs to take the deal. For months, people all over the world have called for a cease- fire. Now it's time to raise your voices and to demand that Hamas come to the table, agrees to this deal, and ends this war that they began. Of course, there will be differences on the specific details that need to be worked out. That's natural. If Hamas comes to negotiate ready to deal, then Israeli negotiations must be given a mandate, the necessary flexibility to close that deal. The past 8 months have marked heartbreaking pain: pain of those whose loved ones were slaughtered by Hamas terrorists on October 7; hostages and their families waiting in anguish; ordinary Israelis whose lives were forever marked by the shattering event of Hamas's sexual violence and ruthless brutality. And the Palestinian people have endured sheer hell in this war. Too many innocent people have been killed, including thousands of children. Far too many have been badly wounded. We all saw the terrible images from the deadly fire in Rafah earlier this week following an Israeli strike against—targeting Hamas. And even as we work to surge assistance to Gaza, with 1,800 trucks delivering supplies these last 5 days—1,800—the humanitarian crisis still remains. I know this is a subject on which people in this country feel deep, passionate convictions. And so do I. This has been one of the hardest, most complicated problems in the world. There's nothing easy about this—nothing easy about it. Through it all though, the United States has worked relentlessly to support Israelis' security, to get humanitarian supplies into Gaza, and to get a cease-fire and a hostage deal to bring this war to an end. Yesterday, with this new initiative, we've taken an important step in that direction. And I want to level with you today as to where we are and what might be possible. But I need your help. Everyone who wants peace now must raise their voices and let the leaders know they should take this deal; work to make it real, make it lasting; and forge a better future out of the tragic terror attack and war. It's time to begin this new stage, for the hostages to come home, for Israel to be secure, for the suffering to stop. It's time for this war to end and for the day after to begin. Thank you very much. Q. Mr. President, can you tell us, sir, Donald Trump refers to himself as a "political prisoner" and blames you directly. [*As he walked to the exit doors, the President turned toward the press and smiled*.] Q. What's your response to that, sir? Do you think the conviction will have an impact on the campaign? We'd love to hear your thoughts, sir. Q. Should he be on the ballot, sir? NOTE: The President spoke at 1:28 p.m. in the State Dining Room at the White House. In his remarks, he referred to Todd Blanche, defense attorney for former President Trump in the New York State case for falsifying business records; Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel; Amir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani of Qatar; and President Abdelfattah Said Elsisi of Egypt. Categories: Addresses and Remarks : Gaza, Palestinian Territories, situation. Locations: Washington, DC. Names: Elsisi, Abdelfattah Said; Netanyahu, Benjamin; Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, Amir; Trump, Donald J. Subjects: Egypt, President; Gaza, conflict with Israel; Gaza, hostages held by Hamas; Gaza, humanitarian situation; Gaza, international assistance; Hamas political-paramilitary organization; Iran, missile and drone attack against Israel; Iran, regional involvement; Israel, Hamas attacks of October 7, 2023; Israel, military operations in Gaza; Israel, missile and drone attack by Iran; Israel, Prime Minister; Middle East, regional integration and security; New York, conviction of former President Donald J. Trump for falsifying business records; Qatar, Amir. DCPD Number: DCPD202400469.
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Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Environmental Protection Agency relating to New Source Performance Standards for Greenhouse Gas Emissions From New, Modified, and Reconstructed Fossil Fuel-Fired Electric Generating Units; Emission Guidelines for Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Existing Fossil Fuel-Fired Electric Generating Units; and Repeal of the Affordable Clean Energy Rule.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.J. Res. 163 Introduced in House (IH)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. J. RES. 163 Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Environmental Protection Agency relating to ``New Source Performance Standards for Greenhouse Gas Emissions From New, Modified, and Reconstructed Fossil Fuel-Fired Electric Generating Units; Emission Guidelines for Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Existing Fossil Fuel-Fired Electric Generating Units; and Repeal of the Affordable Clean Energy Rule''. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES June 5, 2024 Mr. Balderson (for himself, Mr. Carter of Georgia, Mr. Duncan, Mr. Armstrong, Mr. Hudson, Mrs. Miller of West Virginia, Mr. Pence, Mr. Griffith, Mr. Fulcher, Mr. Pfluger, Mr. Weber of Texas, Mrs. Miller- Meeks, Mr. Curtis, Mr. Roy, Mr. Joyce of Pennsylvania, Mr. Latta, Mr. Carey, Mr. Ezell, Mr. Davidson, Ms. Van Duyne, Mr. Meuser, Mr. Perry, Mr. Amodei, Mr. Burchett, Mr. Guthrie, Ms. Hageman, Mrs. Lesko, Mr. Burgess, Mr. Allen, Mr. Rosendale, Mr. Moolenaar, Mr. Wenstrup, Mr. Norman, Mrs. Harshbarger, Mr. Fry, Mr. Dunn of Florida, Mr. Crenshaw, Mr. Bean of Florida, Mrs. Bice, Mr. Miller of Ohio, Mr. Fallon, Mr. Smucker, Mr. Graves of Missouri, Ms. Tenney, Mr. Bucshon, Mrs. Hinson, Mr. Walberg, Mr. Bilirakis, Mr. Palmer, Mr. Johnson of South Dakota, Mr. Baird, Mr. Reschenthaler, Mr. Rogers of Alabama, Mr. Biggs, Mr. Rouzer, Mr. Kelly of Pennsylvania, Mr. Owens, Mr. Clyde, Mr. Arrington, Mr. Nehls, Ms. Lee of Florida, Mr. Mann, Mr. Simpson, Mr. Rogers of Kentucky, Mr. Wilson of South Carolina, Mr. Stauber, Mr. Luetkemeyer, Mr. Carl, Mr. Flood, Mr. Lucas, Mr. Banks, Mrs. Fischbach, Mr. Fitzgerald, Mr. Grothman, Mr. Carter of Texas, Mr. Hern, Mr. Finstad, Mr. Cole, Mr. Aderholt, Mr. Newhouse, Mr. Fleischmann, Mr. Ogles, Mr. Obernolte, Mr. Donalds, Mr. Mooney, Mr. Kelly of Mississippi, Mr. McHenry, Mr. DesJarlais, Mr. Van Orden, Mr. LaTurner, Mr. Burlison, Mr. Timmons, Mr. Wittman, Ms. Maloy, Mr. Estes, Mr. Guest, Mr. Crane, Mr. Moore of Utah, Mr. Yakym, Mr. Cloud, Mr. Smith of Nebraska, Mr. Langworthy, Mrs. Miller of Illinois, Mr. Scott Franklin of Florida, Mr. Gooden of Texas, Mr. Joyce of Ohio, Mr. Gosar, Mr. Crawford, Mr. Womack, Mr. Comer, Mr. Zinke, Mr. Feenstra, Mr. Tiffany, Mr. Strong, Mr. Westerman, Mr. Lamborn, Mr. Thompson of Pennsylvania, Mr. Ferguson, Mr. Austin Scott of Georgia, Mrs. Cammack, Mr. Alford, Mr. LaMalfa, Mr. Bost, Mr. Jordan, Mr. Turner, Mr. Jackson of Texas, Mr. Higgins of Louisiana, Mr. James, Mrs. Houchin, Mr. Sessions, Ms. Boebert, Mr. Moran, Mr. Fong, Mr. Edwards, Mr. Graves of Louisiana, Mr. Rutherford, Mr. Bishop of North Carolina, Mr. Bentz, and Mr. Collins) submitted the following joint resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce _______________________________________________________________________ JOINT RESOLUTION Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Environmental Protection Agency relating to ``New Source Performance Standards for Greenhouse Gas Emissions From New, Modified, and Reconstructed Fossil Fuel-Fired Electric Generating Units; Emission Guidelines for Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Existing Fossil Fuel-Fired Electric Generating Units; and Repeal of the Affordable Clean Energy Rule''. Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That Congress disapproves the rule submitted by the Environmental Protection Agency relating to ``New Source Performance Standards for Greenhouse Gas Emissions From New, Modified, and Reconstructed Fossil Fuel-Fired Electric Generating Units; Emission Guidelines for Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Existing Fossil Fuel-Fired Electric Generating Units; and Repeal of the Affordable Clean Energy Rule'' (89 Fed. Reg. 39798 (May 9, 2024)), and such rule shall have no force or effect. <all>
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
Memorandum on Delegation of Authority Under Section 506(a)(1) and Section 614(a)(1) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961
Administration of Joseph R. Biden, Jr., 2024 May 28, 2024 Memorandum for the Secretary of State Subject: Delegation of Authority Under Section 506(a)(1) and Section 614(a)(1) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including section 621 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (FAA), I hereby delegate to the Secretary of State: the authority under section 506(a)(1) of the FAA to direct the drawdown of up to $275 million in defense articles and services of the Department of Defense, and military education and training, to provide assistance to Ukraine and to make the determinations required under such section to direct such a drawdown; and the authority under section 614(a)(1) of the FAA to determine whether it is important to the security interests of the United States to furnish up to $24 million in assistance to Ukraine without regard to any provision of law within the purview of section 614(a)(1) of the FAA. You are authorized and directed to publish this memorandum in the *Federal Register*. Joseph R. Biden Jr. NOTE: An original was not available for verification of the content of this memorandum. Categories: Communications to Federal Agencies : Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, delegation of authority under section 506(a)(1) and Section 614(a)(1), memorandum. Subjects: Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, delegation of authority under section 506(a)(1) and section 614(a)(1); Secretary of State; Ukraine, U.S. assistance. DCPD Number: DCPD202400466. 1
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
Comprehensive Addiction Resources Emergency Act of 2024
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 8323 Introduced in House (IH)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 8323 To provide emergency assistance to States, territories, Tribal nations, and local areas affected by substance use disorder, including the use of opioids and stimulants, and to make financial assistance available to States, territories, Tribal nations, local areas, public or private nonprofit entities, and certain health providers, to provide for the development, organization, coordination, and operation of more effective and cost efficient systems for the delivery of essential services to individuals with substance use disorder and their families. _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES May 8, 2024 Mr. Raskin (for himself, Ms. Kuster, Mr. Trone, Ms. Pettersen, Ms. Balint, Ms. Barragan, Mr. Blumenauer, Ms. Blunt Rochester, Ms. Bonamici, Mr. Bowman, Ms. Brown, Ms. Brownley, Ms. Bush, Mr. Cardenas, Mr. Carson, Mr. Casar, Ms. Chu, Mr. Connolly, Ms. Crockett, Mr. Cuellar, Mr. Davis of Illinois, Ms. Dean of Pennsylvania, Ms. DeGette, Mrs. Dingell, Ms. Escobar, Mr. Frost, Mr. Garcia of Illinois, Mr. Robert Garcia of California, Ms. Garcia of Texas, Mr. Goldman of New York, Mr. Gomez, Mr. Grijalva, Mrs. Hayes, Mr. Huffman, Ms. Jackson Lee, Ms. Jayapal, Mr. Johnson of Georgia, Ms. Kelly of Illinois, Mr. Khanna, Mr. Krishnamoorthi, Mr. Larson of Connecticut, Ms. Lee of California, Ms. Lee of Pennsylvania, Ms. Leger Fernandez, Mr. Lieu, Mr. Lynch, Ms. Matsui, Ms. McCollum, Mr. McGovern, Mr. Meeks, Ms. Meng, Mr. Mfume, Ms. Moore of Wisconsin, Mr. Morelle, Mr. Moulton, Mr. Nadler, Mr. Neguse, Ms. Norton, Ms. Ocasio-Cortez, Ms. Omar, Mr. Panetta, Ms. Pingree, Mr. Pocan, Ms. Porter, Ms. Pressley, Ms. Ross, Ms. Sanchez, Mr. Sarbanes, Ms. Scanlon, Ms. Schakowsky, Mr. Schiff, Ms. Spanberger, Ms. Stansbury, Ms. Titus, Ms. Tlaib, Ms. Tokuda, Mr. Tonko, Mr. Torres of New York, Mrs. Trahan, Ms. Underwood, Ms. Velazquez, Ms. Wasserman Schultz, and Ms. Williams of Georgia) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Energy and Commerce, and in addition to the Committees on Natural Resources, the Judiciary, and Oversight and Accountability, for a period to be subsequently determined by the Speaker, in each case for consideration of such provisions as fall within the jurisdiction of the committee concerned _______________________________________________________________________ A BILL To provide emergency assistance to States, territories, Tribal nations, and local areas affected by substance use disorder, including the use of opioids and stimulants, and to make financial assistance available to States, territories, Tribal nations, local areas, public or private nonprofit entities, and certain health providers, to provide for the development, organization, coordination, and operation of more effective and cost efficient systems for the delivery of essential services to individuals with substance use disorder and their families. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; TABLE OF CONTENTS. (a) Short Title.--This Act may be cited as the ``Comprehensive Addiction Resources Emergency Act of 2024''. (b) Table of Contents.--The table of contents of this Act is as follows: Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents. Sec. 2. Purpose. Sec. 3. Amendment to the Public Health Service Act. ``TITLE XXXIV--SUBSTANCE USE RESOURCES ``Subtitle A--Local Substance Use Emergency Relief Grant Program ``Sec. 3401. Establishment of program of grants. ``Sec. 3402. Planning council. ``Sec. 3403. Amount of grant, use of amounts, and funding agreement. ``Sec. 3404. Application. ``Sec. 3405. Technical assistance. ``Sec. 3406. Authorization of appropriations. ``Subtitle B--State and Tribal Substance Use Disorder Prevention and Intervention Grant Program ``Sec. 3411. Establishment of program of grants. ``Sec. 3412. Amount of grant, use of amounts, and funding agreement. ``Sec. 3413. Application. ``Sec. 3414. Technical assistance. ``Sec. 3415. Authorization of appropriations. ``Subtitle C--Other Grant Program ``Sec. 3421. Establishment of grant program. ``Sec. 3422. Use of amounts. ``Sec. 3423. Technical assistance. ``Sec. 3424. Planning and development grants. ``Sec. 3425. Authorization of appropriations. ``Subtitle D--Innovation, Training, and Health Systems Strengthening ``Sec. 3431. Special projects of national significance. ``Sec. 3432. Education and training centers. ``Sec. 3433. Substance use disorder treatment provider capacity under the Medicaid program. ``Sec. 3434. Programs to support employees. ``Sec. 3435. Improving and expanding care. ``Sec. 3436. Naloxone distribution program. ``Sec. 3437. Additional funding for the National Institutes of Health. ``Sec. 3438. Additional funding for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. ``Sec. 3439. Definitions. Sec. 4. Amendments to the Controlled Substances Act. Sec. 5. General limitation on use of funds. Sec. 6. Federal drug demand reduction activities. SEC. 2. PURPOSE. It is the purpose of this Act to provide emergency assistance to States, territories, Tribal nations, and local areas that are disproportionately affected by substance use disorder, including the use of opioids and stimulants, and to make financial assistance available to States, territories, Tribal nations, local areas, public or private nonprofit entities, and certain health providers, to provide for the development, organization, coordination, and operation of more effective and cost efficient systems for the delivery of essential services to individuals with substance use disorder, including with co- occurring mental health and substance use disorders, and their families. SEC. 3. AMENDMENT TO THE PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE ACT. The Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 201 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``TITLE XXXIV--SUBSTANCE USE RESOURCES ``Subtitle A--Local Substance Use Emergency Relief Grant Program ``SEC. 3401. ESTABLISHMENT OF PROGRAM OF GRANTS. ``(a) In General.--The Secretary shall award grants to eligible localities for the purpose of addressing substance use within such localities. ``(b) Eligibility.-- ``(1) In general.--To be eligible to receive a grant under subsection (a) a locality shall-- ``(A) be-- ``(i) a county that can demonstrate that the rate of drug overdose deaths per 100,000 population in the county during the most recent 3-year period for which such data are available was not less than the rate of such deaths for the county that ranked at the 67th percentile of all counties, as determined by the Secretary; ``(ii) a county that can demonstrate that the number of drug overdose deaths during the most recent 3-year period for which such data are available was not less than the number of such deaths for the county that ranked at the 90th percentile of all counties, as determined by the Secretary; ``(iii) a county that encompasses an undeserved area, defined as a health professional shortage area (as defined in section 332(a)(1)(A)) and a medically underserved area (according to a designation under section 330(b)(3)(A)), that can demonstrate a high burden of both fatal and non-fatal drug overdoses in a manner determined by the Secretary; or ``(iv) a city that is located within a county described in clause (i), (ii), or (iii) that meets the requirements of paragraph (3); and ``(B) submit to the Secretary an application in accordance with section 3404. ``(2) Multiple contiguous counties.--In the case of an eligible county that is contiguous to one or more other eligible counties within the same State, the group of counties shall-- ``(A) be considered as a single eligible county for purposes of a grant under this section; ``(B) submit a single application under section 3404; ``(C) form a joint planning council (for the purposes of section 3402); and ``(D) establish, through intergovernmental agreements, an administrative mechanism to allocate funds and substance use disorder treatment services under the grant based on-- ``(i) the number and rate of drug overdose deaths and nonfatal drug overdoses in each of the counties that compose the eligible county; ``(ii) the severity of need for services in each such county; and ``(iii) the health and support personnel needs of each such county. ``(3) Cities and counties within multiple contiguous counties.-- ``(A) In general.--A city that is within an eligible county described in paragraph (1), or a county or group of counties that is within a group of counties determined to be an eligible county under paragraph (2), shall be eligible to receive a grant under this section if such city or county or group of counties meets the requirements of subparagraph (B). ``(B) Requirements.--A city or county meets the requirements of this subparagraph if such city or county-- ``(i) except as provided in subparagraph (C), has a population of not less than 50,000 residents; ``(ii) meets the requirements of paragraph (1)(A); ``(iii) submits an application under section 3404; ``(iv) establishes a planning council (for purposes of section 3402); and ``(v) establishes an administrative mechanism to allocate funds and services under the grant based on-- ``(I) the number and rate of drug overdose deaths and nonfatal drug overdoses in the city or county; ``(II) the severity of need for substance use disorder treatment services in the city or county; and ``(III) the health and support personnel needs of the city or county. ``(C) Population exception.--A city or county or group of counties that does not meet the requirements of subparagraph (B)(i) may apply to the Secretary for a waiver of such requirement. Such application shall demonstrate-- ``(i) that the needs of the population to be served are distinct or that addressing substance use in the service area would be best served by the formation of an independent council; and ``(ii) that the city or county or group of counties has the capacity to administer the funding received under this subtitle. ``(D) Minimum funding.--A city or county that meets the requirement of this paragraph and receives a grant under this section shall be entitled to an amount of funding under the grant in an amount that is not less than the amount determined under section 3403(a) with respect to such city or county. ``(4) Independent city.--Independent cities that are not located within the territory of a county shall be treated as eligible counties for purposes of this subtitle. ``(5) Political subdivisions.--With respect to States that do not have a local county system of governance, the Secretary shall determine the local political subdivisions within such States that are eligible to receive a grant under this section and such subdivisions shall be treated as eligible counties for purposes of this subtitle. ``(6) Determinations where there is a lack of data.--The Secretary shall establish eligibility and allocation criteria related to the prevalence of drug overdose deaths, the mortality rate from drug overdoses, and that provides an equivalent measure of need for funding for cities and counties for which the data described in paragraph (1)(A) or (2)(D)(i) is not available. ``(7) Data from tribal areas.--The Secretary, acting through the Indian Health Service, shall consult with Indian Tribes and confer with urban Indian organizations to establish eligibility and allocation criteria that provide an equivalent measure of need for Tribal and urban Indian areas for which the data described in paragraph (1)(A) or (2)(D)(i) are not available or do not apply. ``(8) Study.--Not later than 3 years after the date of enactment of this title, the Comptroller General shall conduct a study to determine whether the data utilized for purposes of paragraph (1)(A) provide the most precise measure of local area need related to substance use and addiction prevalence and whether additional data would provide more precise measures of substance use and addiction prevalence in local areas. Such study shall identify barriers to collecting or analyzing such data, and make recommendations for revising the indicators used under such paragraph to determine eligibility in order to direct funds to the local areas in most need of funding to provide assistance related to substance use and addiction. ``(9) Reference.--For purposes of this subtitle, the term `eligible local area' includes-- ``(A) a city or county described in paragraph (1); ``(B) multiple contiguous counties described in paragraph (2); ``(C) cities or counties within multiple contiguous counties described in paragraph (3); ``(D) an independent city described in paragraph (4); and ``(E) a political subdivision described in paragraph (5). ``(c) Administration.-- ``(1) In general.--Assistance made available under a grant awarded under this section shall be directed to the chief elected official of the eligible local area who shall administer the grant funds. ``(2) Multiple contiguous counties.-- ``(A) In general.--Except as provided in subparagraph (B), in the case of an eligible county described in subsection (b)(2), assistance made available under a grant awarded under this section shall be directed to the chief elected official of the particular county designated in the application submitted for the grant under section 3404. Such chief elected official shall be the administrator of the grant. ``(B) State administration.--Notwithstanding subparagraph (A), the eligible county described in subsection (b)(2) may elect to designate the chief elected State official of the State in which the eligible county is located as the administrator of the grant funds. ``SEC. 3402. PLANNING COUNCIL. ``(a) Establishment.--To be eligible to receive a grant under section 3401, the chief elected official of the eligible local area shall establish or designate a substance use disorder treatment and services planning council that shall-- ``(1) be representative of the demographics of the population of individuals with substance use disorder in the area; ``(2) include individuals with substance use disorder, individuals who use drugs, and individuals in recovery from substance use disorders; and ``(3) include, to the maximum extent practicable, representatives of-- ``(A) health care providers, including Federally- qualified health centers, rural health clinics, Indian health programs as defined in section 4 of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act, urban Indian organizations as defined in section 4 of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act, and facilities operated by the Department of Veterans Affairs; ``(B) Native Hawaiian organizations as defined in section 11 of the Native Hawaiian Health Care Act of 1988; ``(C) community-based health, harm reduction, and addiction service organizations, including, where applicable, representatives of Drug Free Communities Coalition grantees; ``(D) social service providers, including providers of housing and homelessness services and recovery residence providers; ``(E) mental health care providers; ``(F) local public health agencies; ``(G) State governments, including the State Medicaid agency and the Single State Agency for Substance Abuse Services; ``(H) local governments; ``(I) non-elected community leaders; ``(J) substance use disorder treatment providers, including physician addiction specialists; ``(K) Indian tribes and tribal organizations as defined in section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act; ``(L) Urban Indians as defined in section 4 of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act; ``(M) historically underserved groups and subpopulations; ``(N) individuals who were formerly incarcerated; ``(O) organizations serving individuals who are currently incarcerated or in pre-trial detention or were formerly incarcerated; ``(P) Federal agencies; ``(Q) organizations that provide drug prevention programs and services to youth at risk of substance use; ``(R) medical examiners or coroners; ``(S) labor unions and the workplace community; ``(T) local fire departments and emergency medical services; ``(U) the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ) community; and ``(V) certified or accredited addiction recovery community organizations. ``(b) Method of Providing for Council.-- ``(1) In general.--In providing for a council for purposes of subsection (a), the chief elected official of the eligible local area may establish the council directly or designate an existing entity to serve as the council, subject to paragraph (2). ``(2) Consideration regarding designation of council.--In making a determination of whether to establish or designate a council under paragraph (1), the chief elected official shall give priority to the designation of an existing entity that has demonstrated experience in the provision of health and support services to individuals with substance use disorder within the eligible local area, that has a structure that recognizes the Federal trust responsibility when spending Federal health care dollars, and that has demonstrated a commitment to respecting the obligation of government agencies using Federal dollars to consult with Indian tribes and confer with urban Indian organizations. ``(3) Designation of existing entity.--If an existing entity is designated to serve as the council under this section, the membership of the entity shall comply with the requirements of subsection (a)(1) before it performs any of the duties set forth in subsection (e). ``(4) Joint council.--The Secretary shall establish a process to permit an eligible local area that is not contiguous with any other eligible local area to form a joint planning council with such other eligible local area or areas, as long as such areas are located in geographical proximity to each other, as determined by the Secretary, and submit a joint application under section 3404. ``(5) Joint council across state lines.--Eligible local areas may form a joint planning council with other eligible local areas across State lines if such areas are located in geographical proximity to each other, as determined by the Secretary, submit a joint application under section 3404, and establish intergovernmental agreements to allow the administration of the grant across State lines. ``(c) Membership.--Members of the planning council established or designated under subsection (a) shall-- ``(1) be nominated and selected through an open process; ``(2) elect from among their membership a chair and vice chair; ``(3) include at least one representative from Indian tribes located within any eligible local area that receives funding under the grant program established in section 3401; ``(4) include at least 1 individual with a history of substance use disorder; ``(5) include at least 1 representative from a nonprofit substance use disorder service provider, at least 1 representative of an urban Indian organization, at least 1 physician addiction specialist, and at least 1 representative from an organization providing harm reduction services; ``(6) include at least 1 representative of a Native Hawaiian organization (as defined in section 11 of the Native Hawaiian Health Care Act of 1988) when the Native Hawaiian population exceeds 10 percent; and ``(7) serve not more than 3 consecutive years on the planning council. ``(d) Membership Terms.--Members of the planning council established or designated under subsection (a) may serve additional terms if nominated and selected through the process established in subsection (c)(1). ``(e) Duties.--The planning council established or designated under subsection (a) shall-- ``(1) establish priorities for the allocation of grant funds within the eligible local area that emphasize reducing drug use rates, overdose, substance use disorder, and health conditions associated with drug use such as human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B, and hepatitis C through evidence-based interventions in both community and criminal justice settings and that are based on-- ``(A) the use by the grantee of substance use disorder prevention, intervention, treatment, and recovery strategies that comply with best practices identified by the Secretary; ``(B) the demonstrated or probable cost- effectiveness of proposed substance use disorder prevention, intervention, treatment, and recovery services; ``(C) the health priorities of the communities within the eligible local area that are affected by substance use; ``(D) the priorities and needs of individuals with substance use disorder; and ``(E) the availability of other governmental and non-governmental services; ``(2) ensure the use of grant funds will advance any existing State or local plan regarding the provision of substance use disorder treatment services to individuals with substance use disorder; ``(3) in the absence of a State or local plan, work with local public health agencies to develop a comprehensive plan for the organization and delivery of substance use disorder prevention and treatment services; ``(4) regularly assess the efficiency of the administrative mechanism in rapidly allocating funds to support evidence-based substance use disorder prevention and treatment services in the areas of greatest need within the eligible local area; ``(5) work with local public health agencies to determine the size and demographics of the population of individuals with substance use disorders and the types of substance use that are most prevalent in the eligible local area; ``(6) work with local public health agencies to determine the needs of such population, including the need for substance use disorder prevention, intervention, treatment, harm reduction, and recovery services; ``(7) work with local public agencies to determine the disparities in access to services among affected subpopulations and historically underserved communities, including infrastructure and capacity shortcomings of providers that contribute to these disparities; ``(8) work with local public agencies to establish methods for obtaining input on community needs and priorities, including by partnering with organizations that serve targeted communities experiencing high addictive substance-related health disparities to gather data using culturally attuned data collection methodologies; ``(9) coordinate with Federal grantees that provide substance use disorder prevention and treatment services within the eligible local area; and ``(10) annually assess the effectiveness of the substance use disorder prevention and treatment services being supported by the grant received by the eligible local area, including, to the extent possible-- ``(A) reductions in the rates of substance use, overdose, and death from substance use; ``(B) rates of discontinuation from substance use disorder treatment services and rates of sustained recovery; ``(C) long-term outcomes among individuals receiving treatment for substance use disorders; ``(D) the availability and use of substance use disorder treatment services needed by individuals with substance use disorders over their lifetimes; and ``(E) reductions in the rates of HIV, hepatitis C virus, and other infectious disease transmission among people who use drugs. ``(f) Conflicts of Interest.-- ``(1) In general.--The planning council under subsection (a) may not be directly involved in the administration of a grant under section 3401. ``(2) Required agreements.--An individual may serve on the planning council under subsection (a) only if the individual agrees that if the individual has a financial interest in an entity, if the individual is an employee of a public or private entity, or if the individual is a member of a public or private organization, and such entity or organization is seeking amounts from a grant under section 3401, the individual will not, with respect to the purpose for which the entity seeks such amounts, participate (directly or in an advisory capacity) in the process of selecting entities to receive such amounts for such purpose. ``(g) Grievance Procedures.--A planning council under subsection (a) shall develop procedures for addressing grievances with respect to funding under this subtitle, including procedures for submitting grievances that cannot be resolved to binding arbitration. Such procedures shall be described in the by-laws of the planning council. ``(h) Public Deliberations.-- ``(1) In general.--With respect to a planning council under subsection (a), in accordance with criteria established by the Secretary, the following applies: ``(A) The meetings of the council shall be open to the public and shall be held only after adequate notice to the public. ``(B) The records, reports, transcripts, minutes, agenda, or other documents which were made available to or prepared for or by the council shall be available for public inspection and copying at a single location. ``(C) Detailed minutes of each meeting of the council shall be kept. The accuracy of all minutes shall be certified to by the chair of the council. ``(2) Limitation.--Paragraph (1) does not apply to any disclosure of information of a personal nature that would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy, including any disclosure of medical information or personnel matters. ``(i) Neutrality Towards Organized Labor.-- ``(1) In general.--In carrying out duties under subsection (e), planning councils shall, to the extent practicable, prioritize the distribution of grant funds to grantees that have-- ``(A)(i) a collective bargaining agreement; or ``(ii) an explicit policy not to deter employees with respect to-- ``(I) labor organizing for the employees engaged in the covered activities; and ``(II) such employees' choice to form and join labor organizations; and ``(B) policies that require-- ``(i) the posting and maintenance of notices in the workplace to such employees of their rights under the National Labor Relations Act (29 U.S.C. 151 et seq.); ``(ii) that such employees are, at the beginning of their employment, provided notice and information regarding the employees' rights under such Act; and ``(iii) the employer to voluntarily recognize a union in cases where a majority of such workers of the employer have joined and requested representation. ``(2) Limitation.--This subsection does not apply to Indian tribes. ``SEC. 3403. AMOUNT OF GRANT, USE OF AMOUNTS, AND FUNDING AGREEMENT. ``(a) Amount of Grant.-- ``(1) Grants based on relative need of area.-- ``(A) In general.--In carrying out this subtitle, the Secretary shall make a grant for each eligible local area for which an application under section 3404 has been approved. Each such grant shall be made in an amount determined in accordance with paragraph (3). ``(B) Expedited distribution.--Not later than 90 days after an appropriation becomes available to carry out this subtitle for a fiscal year, the Secretary shall disburse 53 percent of the amount made available under section 3406 for carrying out this subtitle for such fiscal year through grants to eligible local areas under section 3401, in accordance with subparagraphs (C) and (D). ``(C) Amount.-- ``(i) In general.--Subject to the extent of amounts made available in appropriations Acts, a grant made for purposes of this subparagraph to an eligible local area shall be made in an amount equal to the product of-- ``(I) an amount equal to the amount available for distribution under subparagraph (B) for the fiscal year involved; and ``(II) the percentage constituted by the ratio of the distribution factor for the eligible local area to the sum of the respective distribution factors for all eligible local areas, which product shall then, as applicable, be increased under subparagraph (D). ``(ii) Distribution factor.--For purposes of clause (i)(II), the term `distribution factor' means-- ``(I) an amount equal to-- ``(aa) the estimated number of drug overdose deaths in the eligible local area, as determined under clause (iii); or ``(bb) the estimated number of non-fatal drug overdoses in the eligible local area, as determined under clause (iv), as determined by the Secretary based on which distribution factor (item (aa) or (bb)) will result in the eligible local area receiving the greatest amount of funds; or ``(II) in the case of an eligible local area for which the data described in subclause (I) are not available, an amount determined by the Secretary-- ``(aa) based on other data the Secretary determines appropriate; and ``(bb) that is related to the prevalence of non-fatal drug overdoses, drug overdose deaths, and the mortality rate from drug overdoses and provides an equivalent measure of need for funding. ``(iii) Number of drug overdose deaths.-- The number of drug overdose deaths determined under this clause for an eligible county for a fiscal year for purposes of clause (ii) is the number of drug overdose deaths during the most recent 3-year period for which such data are available. ``(iv) Number of non-fatal drug overdoses.--The number of non-fatal drug overdose deaths determined under this clause for an eligible county for a fiscal year for purposes of clause (ii) may be determined by using data including emergency department syndromic data, visits, other emergency medical services for drug-related causes, or Overdose Detection Mapping Application Program (ODMAP) data during the most recent 3-year period for which such data are available. ``(v) Study.--Not later than 3 years after the date of enactment of this title, the Comptroller General shall conduct a study to determine whether the data utilized for purposes of clause (ii) provide the most precise measure of local area need related to substance use and addiction prevalence in local areas and whether additional data would provide more precise measures of substance use and addiction prevalence in local areas. Such study shall identify barriers to collecting or analyzing such data, and make recommendations for revising the distribution factors used under such clause to determine funding levels in order to direct funds to the local areas in most need of funding to provide substance use disorder treatment services. ``(vi) Reductions in amounts.--If a local area that is an eligible local area for a year loses such eligibility in a subsequent year based on the failure to meet the requirements of paragraph (1)(A) or (6) of section 3401(b), such area will remain eligible to receive-- ``(I) for such subsequent year, an amount equal to 80 percent of the amount received under the grant in the previous year; and ``(II) for the second such subsequent year, an amount equal to 50 percent of the amount received in the previous year. ``(2) Supplemental grants.-- ``(A) In general.--The Secretary shall disburse the remainder of amounts not disbursed under paragraph (1) for such fiscal year for the purpose of making grants to cities and counties whose application under section 3404-- ``(i) contains a report concerning the dissemination of emergency relief funds under paragraph (1) and the plan for utilization of such funds, if applicable; ``(ii) demonstrates the need in such local area, on an objective and quantified basis, for supplemental financial assistance to combat substance use disorder; ``(iii) demonstrates the existing commitment of local resources of the area, both financial and in-kind, to preventing, treating, and managing substance use disorder and supporting sustained recovery; ``(iv) demonstrates the ability of the area to utilize such supplemental financial resources in a manner that is immediately responsive and cost effective; ``(v) demonstrates that resources will be allocated in accordance with the local demographic incidence of substance use disorders and drug overdose mortality; ``(vi) demonstrates the inclusiveness of affected communities and individuals with substance use disorders, including those communities and individuals that are disproportionately affected or historically underserved; ``(vii) demonstrates the manner in which the proposed services are consistent with the local needs assessment and the State plan approved by the Secretary pursuant to section 1932(b); ``(viii) demonstrates success in identifying individuals with substance use disorders; and ``(ix) demonstrates that support for substance use disorder prevention and treatment services is organized to maximize the value to the population to be served with an appropriate mix of substance use disorder prevention and treatment services and attention to transition in care. ``(B) Amount.-- ``(i) In general.--The amount of each grant made for purposes of this paragraph shall be determined by the Secretary. In making such determination, the Secretary shall consider-- ``(I) the rate of drug overdose deaths per 100,000 population in the eligible local area; and ``(II) the increasing need for substance use disorder treatment services, including relative rates of increase in the number of drug overdoses or drug overdose deaths, or recent increases in drug overdoses or drug overdose deaths since data were provided under section 3401(b), if applicable. ``(ii) Demonstrated need.--The factors considered by the Secretary in determining whether a local area has a demonstrated need for purposes of clause (i)(II) may include any or all of the following: ``(I) The unmet need for substance use disorder treatment services, including factors identified in clause (i)(II). ``(II) Relative rates of increase in the number of drug overdoses or drug overdose deaths. ``(III) The relative rates of increase in the number of drug overdoses or drug overdose deaths within new or emerging subpopulations. ``(IV) The current prevalence of substance use disorders. ``(V) Relevant factors related to the cost and complexity of delivering substance use disorder treatment services to individuals in the eligible local area. ``(VI) The impact of co-morbid factors, including co-occurring conditions, determined relevant by the Secretary. ``(VII) The prevalence of homelessness among individuals with substance use disorders. ``(VIII) The relevant factors that limit access to health care, including geographic variation, adequacy of health insurance coverage, and language barriers. ``(IX) The impact of a decline in the amount received pursuant to paragraph (1) on substance use disorder treatment services available to all individuals with substance use disorders identified and eligible under this subtitle. ``(X) The increasing incidence in conditions related to substance use, including hepatitis C, human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B and other infections associated with injection drug use. ``(C) Application of provisions.--A local area that receives a grant under this paragraph-- ``(i) shall use amounts received in accordance with subsection (b); ``(ii) shall not have to meet the eligible criteria in section 3401(b); and ``(iii) shall not have to establish a planning council under section 3402. ``(3) Amount of grant to tribal governments.-- ``(A) Indian tribes.--In this section, the term `Indian tribe' has the meaning given such term in section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act. ``(B) Formula funds.--The Secretary, acting through the Indian Health Service, shall use 10 percent of the amount available under section 3406 for each fiscal year to provide formula funds to Indian tribes disproportionately affected by substance use, in an amount determined pursuant to a formula and eligibility criteria developed by the Secretary in consultation with Indian tribes, for the purposes of addressing substance use. ``(C) Payment of funds.--At the option of an Indian tribe the Secretary shall pay funds under this section through a contract, cooperative agreement, or compact under, as applicable, title I or V of the Indian Self- Determination and Education Assistance Act. ``(D) Use of amounts.--Notwithstanding any requirements in this section, an Indian tribe may use amounts provided under funds awarded under this paragraph for the uses identified in subsection (b) and any other activities determined appropriate by the Secretary, in consultation with Indian tribes. An Indian tribe shall not be required to allocate funds and services in accordance with the goals, priorities, or objectives established by a planning council under section 3402. ``(b) Use of Amounts.-- ``(1) Requirements.--The Secretary may not make a grant under section 3401 to an eligible local area unless the chief elected official of the area agrees that-- ``(A) the allocation of funds and services within the area under the grant will be made in accordance with the priorities established by the planning council; and ``(B) funds provided under this grant will be expended for-- ``(i) prevention services described in paragraph (3); ``(ii) core medical services described in paragraph (4); ``(iii) recovery and support services described in paragraph (5); ``(iv) early intervention services described in paragraph (6); ``(v) harm reduction services described in paragraph (7); ``(vi) financial assistance with health insurance described in paragraph (8); and ``(vii) administrative expenses described in paragraph (9). ``(2) Direct financial assistance.-- ``(A) In general.--An eligible local area shall use amounts received under a grant under section 3401 to provide direct financial assistance to eligible entities or providers for the purpose of providing prevention services, core medical services, recovery and support services, early intervention services, and harm reduction services. ``(B) Appropriate entities.--Direct financial assistance may be provided under subparagraph (A) to public or nonprofit entities, other eligible Medicaid providers if more than half of their patients are diagnosed with a substance use disorder and covered by Medicaid, or other private for-profit entities if such entities are the only available provider of quality substance use disorder treatment services in the area. ``(C) Limitation.--An eligible local area (not including tribal areas) may not provide direct financial assistance to any entity or provider that provides medication for addiction treatment if that entity or provider does not also offer mental health services or psychotherapy by licensed clinicians through a referral or onsite. ``(D) Neutrality towards organized labor.-- ``(i) In general.--In carrying out duties under this section, eligible local areas shall, to the extent practicable, prioritize the distribution of grant funds to grantees that have-- ``(I)(aa) a collective bargaining agreement; or ``(bb) an explicit policy not to deter employees with respect to-- ``(AA) labor organizing for the employees engaged in the covered activities; and ``(BB) such employees' choice to form and join labor organizations; and ``(II) policies that require-- ``(aa) the posting and maintenance of notices in the workplace to such employees of their rights under the National Labor Relations Act (29 U.S.C. 151 et seq.); ``(bb) that such employees are, at the beginning of their employment, provided notice and information regarding the employees' rights under such Act; and ``(cc) the employer to voluntarily recognize a union in cases where a majority of such workers of the employer have joined and requested representation. ``(ii) Limitation.--This subsection does not apply to Indian tribes. ``(3) Prevention services.-- ``(A) In general.--For purposes of this section, the term `prevention services' means evidence-based services, programs, or multi-sector strategies to prevent substance use disorder (including education campaigns, community-based prevention programs, risk identification programs, opioid diversion, collection and disposal of unused opioids, services to at-risk populations, and trauma support services). ``(B) Limit.--An eligible local area may use not to exceed 20 percent of the amount of the grant under section 3401 for prevention services. An eligible local area may apply to the Secretary for a waiver of this subparagraph. ``(4) Core medical services.--For purposes of this section, the term `core medical services' means the following evidence- based services provided to individuals with substance use disorder or at risk for developing substance use disorder, including through the use of telemedicine or a hub and spoke model: ``(A) Substance use disorder treatments, as more fully described in section 3439, including assessment of disease presence, severity, and co-occurring conditions, treatment planning, clinical stabilization services, withdrawal management and detoxification, the provision of medication for substance use disorder, intensive inpatient treatment, intensive outpatient treatment, outpatient treatment, residential inpatient services, treatment for co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders, and all drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of substance use disorder. ``(B) Outpatient and ambulatory health services, including those administered by Federally-qualified health centers, rural health clinics, tribal clinics and hospitals, urban Indian organizations, certified community behavioral health clinics (as described in section 223 of the Protecting Access to Medicare Act), HIV services organizations, Native Hawaiian organizations (as defined in section 11 of the Native Hawaiian Health Care Act of 1988), and comprehensive opioid recovery centers (as described in section 552 of this Act). ``(C) Hospice services. ``(D) Mental health services. ``(E) Opioid overdose reversal drug products procurement, distribution, and training. ``(F) Pharmaceutical assistance and diagnostic testing related to the management of substance use disorders and co-morbid conditions. ``(G) Home- and community-based health services. ``(H) Comprehensive Case Management and care coordination, including substance use disorder treatment adherence services. ``(I) Health insurance enrollment and cost-sharing assistance in accordance with paragraph (8). ``(J) Programs that hire, employ, train, and dispatch licensed health care professionals, mental health professionals, harm reduction providers, or community health workers to respond in lieu of law enforcement officers in emergencies and that ensure a licensed health care professional is a member of the team that responds in lieu of law enforcement officers in emergencies in which-- ``(i) an individual calling 911, the National Suicide Hotline, or another emergency hotline states that a person is experiencing a drug overdose or is otherwise under the influence of a legal or illegal substance; or ``(ii) a law enforcement officer, other first responder, or other individual identifies a person as being (or possibly being) under the influence of a legal or illegal substance. ``(5) Recovery and support services.--For purposes of this section, the term `recovery and support services' means services that are provided to individuals with substance use disorder, including residential recovery housing, mental health services, long term recovery services, 24/7 hotline crisis center support, medical transportation services, respite care for persons caring for individuals with substance use disorder, child care and family services while an individual is receiving inpatient treatment services or at the time of outpatient services, outreach services, peer recovery services, nutrition services, and referrals for job training and career services, housing, legal services, and child care and family services. The entities through which such services may be provided include local and tribal authorities that provide child care, housing, community development, and other recovery and support services, so long as they do not exclude individuals on the basis that such individuals receive medication for addiction treatment. ``(6) Early intervention services.--For purposes of this section, the term `early intervention services' means services to provide screening and connection to the appropriate level of substance use disorder and mental health treatment (including same-day connection), counseling provided to individuals who have misused substances, who have experienced an overdose, or are at risk of developing substance use disorder, the provision of referrals to facilitate the access of such individuals to core medical services or recovery and support services for substance use disorder, and rapid access to medication for addiction treatment in the setting of recent overdose. The entities through which such services may be provided include emergency rooms, fire departments and emergency medical services, detention facilities, prisons and jails, homeless shelters, health care points of entry specified by eligible local areas, Federally-qualified health centers, workforce agencies and job centers, youth development centers, tribal clinics and hospitals, urban Indian organizations, and rural health clinics. ``(7) Harm reduction services.--For purposes of this section, the term `harm reduction services' means services provided to individuals engaging in substance use scientifically accepted to reduce the risk of infectious disease transmission, overdose, or death, including syringe services programs and other safe use services, such as utilization of a device, kit, or chemical agent that tests or analyzes a substance to determine its composition or that detects substances. ``(8) Affordable health insurance coverage.--An eligible local area may use amounts provided under a grant awarded under section 3401 to establish a program of financial assistance to assist eligible individuals with substance use disorder in-- ``(A) enrolling in health insurance coverage; or ``(B) affording health care services, including assistance paying cost-sharing amounts, including premiums. ``(9) Administration and planning.--An eligible local area (not including tribal areas) shall not use in excess of 15 percent of amounts received under a grant under section 3401 for administration, accounting, reporting, and program oversight functions, including the development of systems to improve data collection and data sharing, in the first year of receiving the grant, and shall not use in excess of 10 percent of amounts received under a grant under section 3401 for such activities in subsequent years. ``(10) Incarcerated individuals.--Amounts received under a grant under section 3401 may be used to provide substance use disorder treatment services, including medication for addiction treatment, to individuals who are currently incarcerated or in pre-trial detention. ``(c) Required Terms.-- ``(1) Requirement of status as medicaid provider.-- ``(A) Provision of service.--Subject to subparagraph (B), the Secretary may not make a grant under section 3401 for the provision of substance use disorder treatment services under this section in an eligible local area unless, in the case of any such service that is available pursuant to the State plan approved under title XIX of the Social Security Act for the State-- ``(i) the political subdivision involved will provide the service directly, and the political subdivision has entered into a participation agreement under the State plan and is qualified to receive payments under such plan; or ``(ii) the eligible local area involved-- ``(I) will enter into agreements with public or nonprofit entities, or other Medicaid providers if more than half of their patients are diagnosed with a substance use disorder and covered by Medicaid, under which such entities and other providers will provide the service, and such entities and other providers have entered into such a participation agreement and are qualified to receive such payments; and ``(II) demonstrates that it will ensure that such entities and other providers providing the service will seek payment for each such service rendered in accordance with the usual payment schedule under the State plan. ``(B) Waiver.-- ``(i) In general.--In the case of an entity making an agreement pursuant to subparagraph (A)(ii) regarding the provision of substance use disorder treatment services, the requirement established in such subparagraph shall be waived by the substance use planning council for the area involved if the entity does not, in providing health care services, impose a charge or accept reimbursement available from any third-party payor, including reimbursement under any insurance policy or under any Federal or State health benefits program. A waiver under this subparagraph shall not be longer than 2 years in duration and shall not be renewed. ``(ii) Determination.--A determination by the substance use planning council of whether an entity referred to in clause (i) meets the criteria for a waiver under such clause shall be made without regard to whether the entity accepts voluntary donations for the purpose of providing services to the public. ``(2) Required terms for expanding and improving care.--A funding agreement for a grant under this section shall-- ``(A) ensure that funds received under the grant will not be utilized to make payments for any item or service to the extent that payment has been made, or can reasonably be expected to be made, with respect to that item or service under a State compensation program, under an insurance policy, or under any Federal or State health benefits program (except for a program administered by, or providing the services of, the Indian Health Service); and ``(B) ensure that all entities providing substance use disorder treatment services with assistance made available under the grant offer all drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of substance use disorder for which the applicant offers treatment, in accordance with section 3435. ``(3) Additional required terms.--A funding agreement for a grant under this section is that-- ``(A) funds received under the grant will be utilized to supplement not supplant other Federal, State, or local funds made available in the year for which the grant is awarded to provide substance use disorder treatment services to individuals with substance use disorder, including funds for each of prevention services, core medical services, recovery and support services, early intervention services, harm reduction services, mental health services, and administrative expenses; ``(B) political subdivisions within the eligible local area will maintain the level of expenditures by such political subdivisions for substance use disorder treatment services at a level that is at least equal to the level of such expenditures by such political subdivisions for the preceding fiscal year, including expenditures for each of prevention services, core medical services, recovery and support services, early intervention services, harm reduction services, mental health services, and administrative expenses; ``(C) political subdivisions within the eligible local area will not use funds received under a grant awarded under section 3401 in maintaining the level of substance use disorder treatment services as required in subparagraph (B); ``(D) substance use disorder treatment services provided with assistance made available under the grant will be provided without regard-- ``(i) to the ability of the individual to pay for such services; and ``(ii) to the current or past health condition of the individual to be served; ``(E) substance use disorder treatment services will be provided in a setting that is accessible to low-income individuals with substance use disorders and to individuals with substance use disorders residing in rural areas; ``(F) a program of outreach will be provided to low-income individuals with substance use disorders to inform such individuals of substance use disorder treatment services and to individuals with substance use disorders residing in rural areas; ``(G) Indian tribes are included in planning for the use of grant funds and the Federal trust responsibility is upheld at all levels of program administration; and ``(H) the confidentiality of individuals receiving substance use disorder treatment services will be maintained in a manner not inconsistent with applicable law. ``SEC. 3404. APPLICATION. ``(a) Application.--To be eligible to receive a grant under section 3401, an eligible local area shall prepare and submit to the Secretary an application in such form, and containing such information, as the Secretary shall require, including-- ``(1) a complete accounting of the disbursement of any prior grants received under this subtitle by the applicant and the results achieved by these expenditures and a demonstration that funds received from a grant under this subtitle in the prior year were expended in accordance with local priorities developed by the local planning council established under section 3402, except that the planning council requirement shall not apply with respect to areas receiving supplemental grant funds under section 3403(a)(2); ``(2) establishment of goals and objectives to be achieved with grant funds provided under this subtitle, including targets and milestones that are intended to be met, the activities that will be undertaken to achieve those targets, the number of individuals likely to be served by the funds sought, including demographic data on the populations to be served, and an explanation of how these goals and objectives advance the State plan approved by the Secretary pursuant to section 1932(b); ``(3) a demonstration that the local area will use funds in a manner that provides substance use disorder treatment services in compliance with the evidence-based standards developed in accordance with section 3435, including providing all drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of substance use disorder; ``(4) a demonstration that resources provided under the grant will be allocated in accordance with the local demographic incidence of substance use, including allocations for services for children, youths, and women; ``(5) an explanation of how income, asset, and medical expense criteria will be established and applied to those who qualify for assistance under the program; ``(6) an explanation of how an eligible local area will support, through distribution of resources and by other means, increased access to harm reduction services within the eligible local area; ``(7) where practical, an explanation of how an eligible local area shall coordinate with local public health departments in the distribution of funding; and ``(8) for any prior funding received under this section, data provided in such form as the Secretary shall require detailing, at a minimum, the extent to which the activities supported by the funding met the goals and objectives specified in the application for the funding, the number of individuals who accessed medication for treatment by age, gender, sexual orientation, race, disability status, and other demographic criteria relevant to the program, and the effect of the program on overdose rates and rates of death due to overdose in the local area served by the program. ``(b) Requirements Regarding Imposition of Charges for Services.-- ``(1) In general.--The Secretary may not make a grant under section 3401 to an eligible local area unless the eligible local area provides assurances that in the provision of substance use disorder treatment services with assistance provided under the grant-- ``(A) in the case of individuals with an income less than or equal to 150 percent of the official poverty level, the provider will not impose charges on any such individual for the services provided under the grant; ``(B) in the case of individuals with an income greater than 150 percent of the official poverty level, the provider will impose a charge on each such individual according to a schedule of charges made available to the public; ``(C) in the case of individuals with an income greater than 150 percent of the official poverty level but not exceeding 200 percent of such poverty level, the provider will not, for any calendar year, impose charges in an amount exceeding 2 percent of the annual gross income of the individual; ``(D) in the case of individuals with an income greater than 200 percent of the official poverty level but not exceeding 250 percent of such poverty level, the provider will not, for any calendar year, impose charges in an amount exceeding 4 percent of the annual gross income of the individual involved; ``(E) in the case of individuals with an income greater than 250 percent of the official poverty level but not exceeding 300 percent of such poverty level, the provider will not, for any calendar year, impose charges in an amount exceeding 6 percent of the annual gross income of the individual involved; ``(F) in the case of individuals with an income greater than 300 percent of the official poverty level but not exceeding 400 percent of such poverty level, the provider will not, for any calendar year, impose charges in an amount exceeding 8.5 percent of the annual gross income of the individual involved; ``(G) in the case of individuals with an income greater than 400 percent of the official poverty level, the provider will not, for any calendar year, impose charges in an amount exceeding 8.5 percent of the annual gross income of the individual involved; and ``(H) in the case of eligible American Indian and Alaska Native individuals as defined by section 447.50 of title 42, Code of Federal Regulations (as in effect on July 1, 2010), the provider will not impose any charges for substance use disorder treatment services, including any charges or cost-sharing prohibited by section 1402(d) of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. ``(2) Charges.--With respect to compliance with the assurances made under paragraph (1), an eligible local area may, in the case of individuals subject to a charge-- ``(A) assess the amount of the charge in the discretion of the area, including imposing only a nominal charge for the provision of substance use disorder treatment services, subject to the provisions of the paragraph regarding public schedules and regarding limitations on the maximum amount of charges; and ``(B) take into consideration the total medical expenses of individuals in assessing the amount of the charge, subject to such provisions. ``(3) Aggregate charges.--The Secretary may not make a grant under section 3401 to an eligible local area unless the area agrees that the limitations on charges for substance use disorder treatment services under this subsection applies to the annual aggregate of charges imposed for such services, however the charges are characterized, includes enrollment fees, premiums, deductibles, cost sharing, co-payments, co- insurance costs, or any other charges. ``(c) Indian Tribes.--Any application requirements for grants distributed in accordance with section 3403(a)(3) shall be developed by the Secretary in consultation with Indian tribes. ``SEC. 3405. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE. ``The Secretary shall, beginning on the date of enactment of this title, provide technical assistance, including assistance from other grantees, contractors or subcontractors under this title to assist newly eligible local areas in the establishment of planning councils and, to assist entities in complying with the requirements of this subtitle in order to make such areas eligible to receive a grant under this subtitle. The Secretary may make planning grants available to eligible local areas, in an amount not to exceed $75,000, for any area that is projected to be eligible for funding under section 3401 in the following fiscal year. Such grant amounts shall be deducted from the first year formula award to eligible local areas accepting such grants. ``SEC. 3406. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. ``There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this subtitle-- ``(1) $3,300,000,000 for fiscal year 2024; ``(2) $3,300,000,000 for fiscal year 2025; ``(3) $3,300,000,000 for fiscal year 2026; ``(4) $3,300,000,000 for fiscal year 2027; ``(5) $3,300,000,000 for fiscal year 2028; ``(6) $3,300,000,000 for fiscal year 2029; ``(7) $3,300,000,000 for fiscal year 2030; ``(8) $3,300,000,000 for fiscal year 2031; ``(9) $3,300,000,000 for fiscal year 2032; and ``(10) $3,300,000,000 for fiscal year 2033. ``Subtitle B--State and Tribal Substance Use Disorder Prevention and Intervention Grant Program ``SEC. 3411. ESTABLISHMENT OF PROGRAM OF GRANTS. ``The Secretary shall award grants to States, territories, and Tribal governments for the purpose of addressing substance use within such States. ``SEC. 3412. AMOUNT OF GRANT, USE OF AMOUNTS, AND FUNDING AGREEMENT. ``(a) Amount of Grant to States and Territories.-- ``(1) In general.-- ``(A) Expedited distribution.--Not later than 90 days after an appropriation becomes available, the Secretary shall disburse 50 percent of the amount made available under section 3415 for carrying out this subtitle for such fiscal year through grants to States under section 3411, in accordance with subparagraphs (B) and (C). ``(B) Minimum allotment.--Subject to the amount made available under section 3415, the amount of a grant under section 3411 for-- ``(i) each of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico for a fiscal year shall be the greater of-- ``(I) $2,000,000; or ``(II) an amount determined under the subparagraph (C); and ``(ii) each territory other than Puerto Rico for a fiscal year shall be the greater of-- ``(I) $500,000; or ``(II) an amount determined under the subparagraph (C). ``(C) Determination.-- ``(i) Formula.--For purposes of subparagraph (B), the amount referred to in this subparagraph for a State (including a territory) for a fiscal year is-- ``(I) an amount equal to the amount made available under section 3415 for the fiscal year involved for grants pursuant to subparagraph (B); and ``(II) the percentage constituted by the sum of-- ``(aa) the product of 0.85 and the ratio of the State distribution factor for the State or territory to the sum of the respective distribution factors for all States; and ``(bb) the product of 0.15 and the ratio of the non-local distribution factor for the State or territory (as determined under clause (iv)) to the sum of the respective non-local distribution factors for all States or territories. ``(ii) State distribution factor.--For purposes of clause (i)(II)(aa), the term `State distribution factor' means an amount equal to-- ``(I) the estimated number of drug overdose deaths in the State, as determined under clause (iii); or ``(II) the number of non-fatal drug overdoses in the State, as determined under clause (iv), as determined by the Secretary based on which distribution factor (subclause (I) or (II)) will result in the State receiving the greatest amount of funds. ``(iii) Number of drug overdoses.--For purposes of clause (ii), the number of drug overdose deaths determined under this clause for a State for a fiscal year is the number of drug overdose deaths during the most recent 3- year period for which such data are available. ``(iv) Number of non-fatal drug overdoses.--The number of non-fatal drug overdose deaths determined under this clause for a State for a fiscal year for purposes of clause (ii) may be determined by using data including emergency department syndromic data, visits, other emergency medical services for drug-related causes, or Overdose Detection Mapping Application Program (ODMAP) data during the most recent 3-year period for which such data are available. ``(v) Non-local distribution factors.--For purposes of clause (i)(II)(bb), the term `non- local distribution factor' means an amount equal to the sum of-- ``(I) the number of drug overdose deaths in the State involved, as determined under clause (iii), or the number of non-fatal drug overdoses in the State, based on the criteria used by the State under clause (ii); less ``(II) the total number of drug overdose deaths or non-fatal drug overdoses that are within areas in such State or territory that are eligible counties under section 3401. ``(vi) Study.--Not later than 3 years after the date of enactment of this title, the Comptroller General shall conduct a study to determine whether the data utilized for purposes of clause (ii) provide the most precise measure of State need related to substance use and addiction prevalence and whether additional data would provide more precise measures of the levels of substance use and addiction prevalent in States. Such study shall identify barriers to collecting or analyzing such data, and make recommendations for revising the distribution factors used under such clause to determine funding levels in order to direct funds to the States in most need of funding to provide substance use disorder treatment services. ``(2) Supplemental grants.-- ``(A) In general.--Subject to subparagraph (C), the Secretary shall disburse the remainder of amounts not disbursed under paragraph (1) for such fiscal year for the purpose of making grants to States whose application-- ``(i) contains a report concerning the dissemination of emergency relief funds under paragraph (1) and the plan for utilization of such funds, if applicable; ``(ii) demonstrates the need in such State, on an objective and quantified basis, for supplemental financial assistance to combat substance use disorder; ``(iii) demonstrates the existing commitment of local resources of the State, both financial and in-kind, to preventing, treating, and managing substance use disorder and supporting sustained recovery; ``(iv) demonstrates the ability of the State to utilize such supplemental financial resources in a manner that is immediately responsive and cost effective; ``(v) demonstrates that resources will be allocated in accordance with the local demographic incidence of substance use disorders and drug overdose mortality; ``(vi) demonstrates the inclusiveness of affected communities and individuals with substance use disorders, including those communities and individuals that are disproportionately affected or historically underserved; ``(vii) demonstrates the manner in which the proposed services are consistent with the local needs assessment and the State plan approved by the Secretary pursuant to section 1932(b); ``(viii) demonstrates success in identifying individuals with substance use disorders; and ``(ix) demonstrates that support for substance use disorder prevention and treatment services is organized to maximize the value to the population to be served with an appropriate mix of substance use disorder treatment services and attention to transition in care. ``(B) Amount.-- ``(i) In general.--The amount of each grant made for purposes of this paragraph shall be determined by the Secretary. In making such determination, the Secretary shall consider-- ``(I) the rate of drug overdose deaths per 100,000 population in the State; and ``(II) the increasing need for substance use disorder treatment services, including relative rates of increase in the number of drug overdoses or drug overdose deaths, or recent increases in drug overdoses or drug overdose deaths since the data were reported under section 3413, if applicable. ``(ii) Demonstrated need.--The factors considered by the Secretary in determining whether a State has a demonstrated need for purposes of subparagraph (A)(ii) may include any or all of the following: ``(I) The unmet need for such services, including the factors identified in clause (i)(II). ``(II) Relative rates of increase in the number of drug overdoses or drug overdose deaths. ``(III) The relative rates of increase in the number of drug overdoses or drug overdose deaths within new or emerging subpopulations. ``(IV) The current prevalence of substance use disorders. ``(V) Relevant factors related to the cost and complexity of delivering substance use disorder treatment services to individuals in the State. ``(VI) The impact of co-morbid factors, including co-occurring conditions, determined relevant by the Secretary. ``(VII) The prevalence of homelessness among individuals with substance use disorder. ``(VIII) The relevant factors that limit access to health care, including geographic variation, adequacy of health insurance coverage, and language barriers. ``(IX) The impact of a decline in the amount received pursuant to paragraph (1) on substance use disorder treatment services available to all individuals with substance use disorders identified and eligible under this subtitle. ``(X) The increasing incidence in conditions related to substance use, including hepatitis C, human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B and other infections associated with injection drug use. ``(C) Model standards.-- ``(i) Preference.--In determining whether a State will receive funds under this paragraph, except as provided in clause (ii), the Secretary shall give preference to States that have adopted the model standards for each substance use disorder treatment service and recovery residence developed in accordance with subsections (a) and (b) of section 3435. ``(ii) Requirement.--Effective beginning in fiscal year 2026, the Secretary shall not award a grant under this paragraph to a State unless that State has adopted the model standards for each of substance use disorder treatment services and recovery residences developed in accordance with subsections (a) and (b) of section 3435. ``(D) Continuum of care.-- ``(i) Preference.--In determining whether a State will receive funds under this paragraph, except as provided in clause (ii), the Secretary shall give preference to States that have carried out the requirements to ensure a continuum of services in accordance with section 3435(d). ``(ii) Requirement.--Effective beginning in fiscal year 2026, the Secretary shall not award a grant under this paragraph to a State unless that State has carried out the requirements to ensure a continuum of services in accordance with section 3435(d). ``(E) Utilization management for medication for addiction treatment.-- ``(i) Preference.--In determining whether a State will receive funds under this paragraph, the Secretary shall give preference to States that have prohibited prior authorization and step therapy requirements for at least 1 drug in each class approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of substance use disorder. ``(ii) Additional preferences.--Additional preference shall be given to States that have prohibited prior authorization and step therapy requirements for 2 or more drugs in each class approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of substance use disorder. ``(iii) Definitions.--In this subparagraph: ``(I) Prior authorization.--The term `prior authorization' means the process by which a health insurance issuer or pharmacy benefit management company determines the medical necessity of otherwise covered health care services prior to the rendering of such health care services. Such term includes any health insurance issuer's or utilization review entity's requirement that a subscriber or health care provider notify the issuer or entity prior to providing a health care service. ``(II) Step therapy.--The term `step therapy' means a protocol or program that establishes the specific sequence in which prescription drugs for a medical condition that are medically appropriate for a particular patient are authorized by a health insurance issuer or prescription drug management company. ``(3) Amount of grant to tribal governments.-- ``(A) Indian tribes.--In this section, the term `Indian tribe' has the meaning given such term in section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act. ``(B) Formula funds.--The Secretary, acting through the Indian Health Service, shall use 10 percent of the amount available under section 3415 for each fiscal year to provide formula funds to Indian tribes in an amount determined pursuant to a formula and eligibility criteria developed by the Secretary in consultation with Indian tribes, for the purposes of addressing substance use. ``(C) Payment of funds.--At the option of an Indian tribe the Secretary shall pay funds under this section through a contract, cooperative agreement, or compact under, as applicable, title I or V of the Indian Self- Determination and Education Assistance Act. ``(D) Use of amounts.--Notwithstanding any requirements in this section, an Indian tribe may use amounts provided under funds awarded under this paragraph for the uses identified in subsection (b) and any other activities determined appropriate by the Secretary, in consultation with Indian tribes. ``(b) Use of Amounts.-- ``(1) In general.--A State or tribe may use amounts provided under grants awarded under section 3411 for-- ``(A) prevention services described in paragraph (3); ``(B) core medical services described in paragraph (4); ``(C) recovery and support services described in paragraph (5); ``(D) early intervention services described in paragraph (6); ``(E) harm reduction services described in paragraph (7); ``(F) financial assistance with health insurance as described in paragraph (8); and ``(G) administrative expenses described in paragraph (9). ``(2) Direct financial assistance.-- ``(A) In general.--A State or tribe may use amounts received under a grant under section 3411 to provide direct financial assistance to eligible entities or other eligible Medicaid providers for the purpose of providing prevention services, core medical services, recovery and support services, early intervention services, and harm reduction services. ``(B) Appropriate entities.--Direct financial assistance may be provided under subparagraph (A) to public or nonprofit entities, other Medicaid providers if more than half of their patients are diagnosed with a substance use disorder and covered by Medicaid, or other private for-profit entities if such entities are the only available provider of quality substance use disorder treatment services in the area. ``(C) Limitation.--A State may not provide direct financial assistance to any entity or provider that provides medication for addiction treatment if that entity or provider does not also offer mental health services or psychotherapy by licensed clinicians through a referral or onsite. ``(D) Neutrality towards organized labor.-- ``(i) In general.--In carrying out duties under this section, States shall, to the extent practicable, prioritize the distribution of grant funds to grantees that have-- ``(I)(aa) a collective bargaining agreement; or ``(bb) an explicit policy not to deter employees with respect to-- ``(AA) labor organizing for the employees engaged in the covered activities; and ``(BB) such employees' choice to form and join labor organizations; and ``(II) policies that require-- ``(aa) the posting and maintenance of notices in the workplace to such employees of their rights under the National Labor Relations Act (29 U.S.C. 151 et seq.); ``(bb) that such employees are, at the beginning of their employment, provided notice and information regarding the employees' rights under such Act; and ``(cc) the employer to voluntarily recognize a union in cases where a majority of such workers of the employer have joined and requested representation. ``(ii) Limitation.--This subsection does not apply to Indian tribes. ``(3) Prevention services.-- ``(A) In general.--For purposes of this section, the term `prevention services' means evidence-based services, programs, or multi-sector strategies to prevent substance use disorder (including education campaigns, community-based prevention programs, risk- identification programs, opioid diversion, collection and disposal of unused opioids, services to at-risk populations, and trauma support services). ``(B) Limit.--A State may use not to exceed 20 percent of the amount of the grant under section 3411 for prevention services. A State may apply to the Secretary for a waiver of this subparagraph. ``(4) Core medical services.--For purposes of this section, the term `core medical services' means the following evidence- based services when provided to individuals with substance use disorder or at risk for developing substance use disorder, including through the use of telemedicine or a hub and spoke model: ``(A) Substance use disorder treatment, as described in section 3439(4), including assessment of disease presence, severity, and co-occurring conditions, treatment planning, clinical stabilization services, withdrawal management and detoxification, the provision of medication for substance use disorder, intensive inpatient treatment, intensive outpatient treatment, outpatient treatment, residential inpatient services, treatment for co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders, and all drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of substance use disorder. ``(B) Outpatient and ambulatory health services, including those administered by Federally-qualified health centers, rural health clinics, tribal clinics and hospitals, urban Indian organizations, certified community behavioral health clinics (as described in section 223 of the Protecting Access to Medicare Act), HIV services organizations, Native Hawaiian organizations (as defined in section 11 of the Native Hawaiian Health Care Act of 1988), and comprehensive opioid recovery centers (as described in section 552 of this Act). ``(C) Hospice services. ``(D) Mental health services. ``(E) Opioid overdose reversal drug products procurement, distribution, and training. ``(F) Pharmaceutical assistance related to the management of substance use disorders and co-morbid conditions. ``(G) Home- and community-based health services. ``(H) Comprehensive Case Management and care coordination, including substance use disorder treatment adherence services. ``(I) Health insurance enrollment and cost-sharing assistance in accordance with paragraph (8). ``(J) Programs that hire, employ, train, and dispatch licensed health care professionals, mental health professionals, harm reduction providers, or community health workers to respond in lieu of law enforcement officers in emergencies and that ensure a licensed health care professional is a member of the team that responds in lieu of law enforcement officers in emergencies in which-- ``(i) an individual calling 911, the National Suicide Hotline, or another emergency hotline states that a person is experiencing a drug overdose or is otherwise under the influence of a legal or illegal substance; or ``(ii) a law enforcement officer, other first responder, or other individual identifies a person as being (or possibly being) under the influence of a legal or illegal substance. ``(5) Recovery and support services.--For purposes of this section, the term `recovery and support services' means services including residential recovery housing, mental health services, long term recovery services, 24/7 hotline crisis center services, medical transportation services, respite care for persons caring for individuals with substance use disorder, child care and family services while an individual is receiving inpatient treatment services or at the time of outpatient services, outreach services, peer recovery services, nutrition services, and referrals for job training and career services, housing, legal services, and child care and family services. The entities through which such services may be provided include State, local, and Tribal authorities that provide child care, housing, community development, and other recovery and support services, so long as they do not exclude individuals on the basis that such individuals receive medication for addiction treatment. ``(6) Early intervention services.--For purposes of this section, the term `early intervention services' means services to provide screening and connection to the appropriate level of substance use disorder and mental health treatment (including same-day connection), counseling provided to individuals who have misused substances, who have experienced an overdose, or are at risk of developing substance use disorder, the provision of referrals to facilitate the access of such individuals to core medical services or recovery and support services for substance use disorder, and rapid access to medication for addiction treatment in the setting of recent overdose. The entities through which such services may be provided include emergency rooms, fire departments and emergency medical services, detention facilities, prisons and jails, homeless shelters, health care points of entry specified by eligible local areas, Federally-qualified health centers, workforce agencies and job centers, youth development centers, tribal clinics and hospitals, urban Indian organizations, and rural health clinics. ``(7) Harm reduction services.--For purposes of this section, the term `harm reduction services' means services provided to individuals engaging in substance use scientifically accepted to reduce the risk of infectious disease transmission, overdose, or death, including syringe services programs and other safe use services, such as utilization of a device, kit, or chemical agent that tests or analyzes a substance to determine its composition or that detects substances. ``(8) Affordable health insurance coverage.--A State may use amounts provided under a grant awarded under section 3411 to establish a program of financial assistance to assist eligible individuals with substance use disorder in-- ``(A) enrolling in health insurance coverage; or ``(B) affording health care services, including assistance paying cost-sharing amounts, including premiums. ``(9) Administration and planning.--A State shall not use in excess of 10 percent of amounts received under a grant under section 3411 for administration, accounting, reporting, and program oversight functions, including the development of systems to improve data collection and data sharing. ``(10) Incarcerated individuals.--Amounts received under a grant under section 3411 may be used to provide substance use disorder treatment services, including medication for addiction treatment, to individuals who are currently incarcerated or in pre-trial detention. ``(c) Required Terms.-- ``(1) Requirement of status as medicaid provider.-- ``(A) Provision of service.--Subject to subparagraph (B), the Secretary may not make a grant under section 3411 for the provision of substance use disorder treatment services under this section in a State unless, in the case of any such service that is available pursuant to the State plan approved under title XIX of the Social Security Act for the State-- ``(i)(I) the State will enter into an agreement with a political subdivision, under which the political subdivision will provide the service directly, and the political subdivision has entered into a participation agreement under the State plan and is qualified to receive payments under such plan; or ``(II) the State will enter into agreements with public or nonprofit entities, or other Medicaid providers if more than half of their patients are diagnosed with a substance use disorder and covered by Medicaid, under which such entities and other providers will provide the service, and such entities and other providers have entered into such a participation agreement and are qualified to receive such payments; and ``(III) the State ensures the political subdivision under clause (i)(I) or the public or nonprofit private entities and other providers under clause (i)(II) will seek payment for each such service rendered in accordance with the usual payment schedule under the State plan. ``(B) Waiver.-- ``(i) In general.--In the case of an entity making an agreement pursuant to subparagraph (A)(ii) regarding the provision of substance use disorder treatment services, the requirement established in such subparagraph shall be waived by the State if the entity does not, in providing health care services, impose a charge or accept reimbursement available from any third-party payor, including reimbursement under any insurance policy or under any Federal or State health benefits program. A waiver under this subparagraph shall not be longer than 2 years in duration and shall not be renewed. ``(ii) Determination.--A determination by the State of whether an entity referred to in clause (i) meets the criteria for a waiver under such clause shall be made without regard to whether the entity accepts voluntary donations for the purpose of providing services to the public. ``(2) Required terms for expanding and improving care.--A funding agreement for a grant under this section shall-- ``(A) ensure that funds received under the grant will not be utilized to make payments for any item or service to the extent that payment has been made, or can reasonably be expected to be made, with respect to that item or service under a State compensation program, under an insurance policy, or under any Federal or State health benefits program (except for a program administered by, or providing the services of, the Indian Health Service); and ``(B) ensure that all entities providing substance use disorder treatment services with assistance made available under the grant shall offer all drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of substance use disorder for which the applicant offers treatment, in accordance with section 3435. ``(3) Additional required terms.--A funding agreement for a grant under this section is that-- ``(A) funds received under the grant will be utilized to supplement not supplant other Federal, State, or local funds made available in the year for which the grant is awarded to provide substance use disorder treatment services to individuals with substance use disorder, including funds for each of prevention services, core medical services, recovery and support services, early intervention services, harm reduction services, mental health services, and administrative expenses; ``(B) political subdivisions within the State will maintain the level of expenditures by such political subdivisions for substance use disorder treatment services at a level that is at least equal to the level of such expenditures by such political subdivisions for the preceding fiscal year including expenditures for each of prevention services, core medical services, recovery and support services, early intervention services, harm reduction services, mental health services, and administrative expenses; ``(C) political subdivisions within the State will not use funds received under a grant awarded under section 3411 in maintaining the level of substance use disorder treatment services as required in subparagraph (B); ``(D) substance use disorder treatment services provided with assistance made available under the grant will be provided without regard-- ``(i) to the ability of the individual to pay for such services; and ``(ii) to the current or past health condition of the individual to be served; ``(E) substance use disorder treatment services will be provided in a setting that is accessible to low-income individuals with substance use disorders and to individuals with substance use disorders residing in rural areas; ``(F) a program of outreach will be provided to low-income individuals with substance use disorders to inform such individuals of substance use disorder treatment services and to individuals with substance use disorders residing in rural areas; ``(G) Indian tribes are included in planning for the use of grant funds and the Federal trust responsibility is upheld at all levels of program administration; and ``(H) the confidentiality of individuals receiving substance use disorder treatment services will be maintained in a manner not inconsistent with applicable law. ``SEC. 3413. APPLICATION. ``(a) Application.--To be eligible to receive a grant under section 3411, a State shall have in effect a State plan approved by the Secretary pursuant to section 1932(b), and shall prepare and submit to the Secretary an application in such form, and containing such information, as the Secretary shall require, including-- ``(1) a complete accounting of the disbursement of any prior grants received under this subtitle by the applicant and the results achieved by these expenditures and a demonstration that funds received from a grant under this subtitle in the prior year were expended in accordance with State priorities; ``(2) establishment of goals and objectives to be achieved with grant funds provided under this subtitle, including targets and milestones that are intended to be met, the activities that will be undertaken to achieve those targets, and the number of individuals likely to be served by the funds sought, including demographic data on the populations to be served; ``(3) a demonstration that the State will use funds in a manner that provides substance use disorder treatment services in compliance with the evidence-based standards developed in accordance with section 3435, including all drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of substance use disorder; ``(4) a demonstration that resources provided under the grant will be allocated in accordance with the local demographic incidence of substance use, including allocations for services for children, youths, and women; ``(5) an explanation of how income, asset, and medical expense criteria will be established and applied to those who qualify for assistance under the program; ``(6) an explanation of how the State will support, through distribution of resources and by other means, increased access to harm reduction services resources within the State; and ``(7) for any prior funding received under this section, data provided in such form as the Secretary shall require detailing, at a minimum, the extent to which the activities supported by the funding met the goals and objectives specified in the application for the funding, the number of individuals who accessed medication for addiction treatment by age, gender, sexual orientation, race, disability status, and other demographic criteria relevant to the program, and the effect of the program on overdose rates and rates of death due to overdose in the region served by the program. ``(b) Requirements Regarding Imposition of Charges for Services.-- ``(1) In general.--The Secretary may not make a grant under section 3411 to a State unless the State provides assurances that in the provision of services with assistance provided under the grant-- ``(A) in the case of individuals with an income less than or equal to 150 percent of the official poverty level, the provider will not impose charges on any such individual for the services provided under the grant; ``(B) in the case of individuals with an income greater than 150 percent of the official poverty level, the provider will impose a charge on each such individual according to a schedule of charges made available to the public; ``(C) in the case of individuals with an income greater than 150 percent of the official poverty level but not exceeding 200 percent of such poverty level, the provider will not, for any calendar year, impose charges in an amount exceeding 2 percent of the annual gross income of the individual; ``(D) in the case of individuals with an income greater than 200 percent of the official poverty level but not exceeding 250 percent of such poverty level, the provider will not, for any calendar year, impose charges in an amount exceeding 4 percent of the annual gross income of the individual involved; ``(E) in the case of individuals with an income greater than 250 percent of the official poverty level but not exceeding 300 percent of such poverty level, the provider will not, for any calendar year, impose charges in an amount exceeding 6 percent of the annual gross income of the individual involved; ``(F) in the case of individuals with an income greater than 300 percent of the official poverty level but not exceeding 400 percent of such poverty level, the provider will not, for any calendar year, impose charges in an amount exceeding 8.5 percent of the annual gross income of the individual involved; ``(G) in the case of individuals with an income greater than 400 percent of the official poverty level, the provider will not, for any calendar year, impose charges in an amount exceeding 8.5 percent of the annual gross income of the individual involved; and ``(H) in the case of eligible American Indian and Alaska Native and urban Indian individuals as defined by section 447.50 of title 42, Code of Federal Regulations (as in effect on July 1, 2010), the provider will not impose any charges for substance use disorder treatment services, including any charges or cost-sharing prohibited by section 1402(d) of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. ``(2) Charges.--With respect to compliance with the assurances made under paragraph (1), a State may, in the case of individuals subject to a charge-- ``(A) assess the amount of the charge in the discretion of the State, including imposing only a nominal charge for the provision of services, subject to the provisions of the paragraph regarding public schedules and regarding limitations on the maximum amount of charges; and ``(B) take into consideration the total medical expenses of individuals in assessing the amount of the charge, subject to such provisions. ``(3) Aggregate charges.--The Secretary may not make a grant under section 3411 to a State unless the State agrees that the limitations on charges for substance use disorder treatment services under this subsection applies to the annual aggregate of charges imposed for such services, however the charges are characterized, includes enrollment fees, premiums, deductibles, cost sharing, co-payments, co-insurance costs, or any other charges. ``(c) Indian Tribes.--Any application requirements applying to grants distributed in accordance with section 3412(b) shall be developed by the Secretary in consultation with Indian tribes. ``SEC. 3414. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE. ``The Secretary shall, directly or through grants or contracts, provide technical assistance in administering and coordinating the activities authorized under section 3412, including technical assistance for the development of State applications for supplementary grants authorized in section 3412(a)(2). ``SEC. 3415. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. ``There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this subtitle-- ``(1) $4,600,000,000 for fiscal year 2024; ``(2) $4,600,000,000 for fiscal year 2025; ``(3) $4,600,000,000 for fiscal year 2026; ``(4) $4,600,000,000 for fiscal year 2027; ``(5) $4,600,000,000 for fiscal year 2028; ``(6) $4,600,000,000 for fiscal year 2029; ``(7) $4,600,000,000 for fiscal year 2030; ``(8) $4,600,000,000 for fiscal year 2031; ``(9) $4,600,000,000 for fiscal year 2032; and ``(10) $4,600,000,000 for fiscal year 2033. ``Subtitle C--Other Grant Program ``SEC. 3421. ESTABLISHMENT OF GRANT PROGRAM. ``(a) Grants.-- ``(1) In general.--The Secretary shall award grants to public entities, nonprofit entities, Indian entities, and other eligible Medicaid providers for the purpose of funding prevention services, core medical services, recovery and support services, early intervention services, harm reduction services, and administrative expenses in accordance with this section. ``(2) Prioritization.-- ``(A) In general.--In awarding grants under this section, the Secretary shall, to the extent practicable, prioritize the distribution of grant funds to grantees that have-- ``(i) an explicit policy not to deter employees with respect to-- ``(I) labor organizing for the employees engaged in the covered activities; and ``(II) such employees' choice to form and join labor organizations; or ``(ii) policies that require-- ``(I) the posting and maintenance of notices in the workplace to such employees of their rights under the National Labor Relations Act (29 U.S.C. 151 et seq.); ``(II) that such employees are, at the beginning of their employment, provided notice and information regarding the employees' rights under such Act; and ``(III) the employer to voluntarily recognize a union in cases where such workers of the employer have joined and requested representation. ``(B) Exception.--This paragraph shall not apply to Indian tribes. ``(b) Eligibility.-- ``(1) Entities.--Public entities, nonprofit entities, urban Indian organizations, and other Medicaid providers eligible to receive a grant under subsection (a) may include-- ``(A) Federally-qualified health centers under section 1905(l)(2)(B) of the Social Security Act; ``(B) family planning clinics; ``(C) rural health clinics; ``(D) Indian entities, including Indian health programs as defined in section 4 of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act, urban Indian organizations as defined in section 4 of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act, and Native Hawaiian organizations as defined in section 11 of the Native Hawaiian Health Care Act of 1988; ``(E) community-based organizations, clinics, hospitals, and other health facilities that provide substance use disorder treatment services; ``(F) other nonprofit entities that provide substance use disorder treatment services; ``(G) certified community behavioral health clinics and certified community behavioral health clinic expansion grant recipients, under section 223 of the Protecting Access to Medicare Act (42 U.S.C. 1396a note); and ``(H) other Medicaid providers if more than half of their patients are diagnosed with a substance use disorder and covered by Medicaid. ``(2) Underserved populations.--Entities described in paragraph (1) shall serve underserved populations which may include-- ``(A) minority populations and Indian populations; ``(B) formerly incarcerated individuals; ``(C) individuals with comorbidities including human immunodeficiency virus, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, mental health disorder or other behavioral health disorders; ``(D) low-income populations; ``(E) people with disabilities; ``(F) urban populations; ``(G) rural populations; ``(H) the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ) community; and ``(I) pregnant individuals with, or at risk of developing, substance use disorder and infants with neonatal abstinence syndrome. ``(3) Application.--To be eligible to receive a grant under this section, public entities, nonprofit entities, and other Medicaid providers described in this subsection shall prepare and submit to the Secretary an application in such form, and containing such information, as the Secretary shall require, including-- ``(A) a complete accounting of the disbursement of any prior grants received under this subtitle by the applicant and the results achieved by these expenditures; ``(B) a comprehensive plan for the use of the grant, including-- ``(i) a demonstration of the extent of local need for the funds sought; ``(ii) a plan for providing substance use disorder treatment services that is consistent with local needs; and ``(iii) goals and objectives to be achieved with grant funds provided under this section, including targets and milestones that are intended to be met and a description of the activities that will be undertaken to achieve those targets; ``(C) a demonstration that the grantee will use funds in a manner that provides substance use disorder treatment services compliant with the evidence-based standards developed in accordance with section 3435, including all drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of substance use disorder for which the applicant offers treatment, in accordance with section 3435(c); ``(D) information on the number of individuals to be served by the funds sought, including demographic data on the populations to be served; ``(E) a demonstration that resources provided under the grant will be allocated in accordance with the local demographic incidence of substance use, including allocations for services for children, youths, and women; ``(F) an explanation of how income, asset, and medical expense criteria will be established and applied to those who qualify for assistance under the program; and ``(G) for any prior funding received under this section, data provided in such form as the Secretary shall require detailing, at a minimum, the extent to which the activities supported by the funding met the goals and objectives specified in the application for the funding, the number of individuals who accessed medication for addiction treatment by age, gender, race, sexual orientation, disability status, and other demographic criteria relevant to the program, and the effect of the program on overdose rates and rates of death due to overdose in the region served by the program. ``(4) Requirement of status as medicaid provider.-- ``(A) Provision of service.--Subject to subparagraph (B), the Secretary may not make a grant under this section for the provision of substance use disorder treatment services under this section in a State unless, in the case of any such service that is available pursuant to the State plan approved under title XIX of the Social Security Act for the State-- ``(i)(I) the applicant for the grant will provide the service directly, and the applicant has entered into a participation agreement under the State plan and is qualified to receive payments under such plan; or ``(II) the applicant for the grant will enter into an agreement with public or nonprofit entities, Indian entities, or other Medicaid providers if more than half of their patients are diagnosed with a substance use disorder and covered by Medicaid, under which such entities and other providers will provide the substance use disorder treatment service, and such entities and other providers have entered into such a participation agreement and are qualified to receive such payments; and ``(ii) the applicant ensures that payment will be sought for each such service rendered in accordance with the usual payment schedule under the State plan. ``(B) Waiver.--In the case of an entity making an agreement pursuant to subparagraph (A) regarding the provision of substance use disorder treatment services, the requirement established in such paragraph shall be waived by the State if the entity does not, in providing such services, impose a charge or accept reimbursement available from any third-party payor, including reimbursement under any insurance policy or under any Federal or State health benefits program. A waiver under this subparagraph shall not be longer than 2 years in duration and shall not be renewed. ``(C) Determination.--A determination by the State of whether an entity referred to in subparagraph (A) meets the criteria for a waiver under such subparagraph shall be made without regard to whether the entity accepts voluntary donations for the purpose of providing services to the public. ``(5) Required terms for expanding and improving care.--A funding agreement for a grant under this section is that-- ``(A) funds received under the grant will not be utilized to make payments for any item or service to the extent that payment has been made, or can reasonably be expected to be made, with respect to that item or service under a State compensation program, under an insurance policy, or under any Federal or State health benefits program (except for a program administered by, or providing the services of, the Indian Health Service); ``(B) entities providing substance use disorder treatment services with assistance made available under the grant shall offer all drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of substance use disorder for which the applicant offers treatment, in accordance with section 3435(c); ``(C) substance use disorder treatment services provided with assistance made available under the grant will be provided without regard-- ``(i) to the ability of the individual to pay for such services; and ``(ii) to the current or past health condition of the individual to be served; ``(D) substance use disorder treatment services will be provided in a setting that is accessible to low-income individuals with substance use disorders and to individuals with substance use disorders residing in rural areas; and ``(E) the confidentiality of individuals receiving substance use disorder treatment services will be maintained in a manner not inconsistent with applicable law. ``(c) Amount of Grant to Indian Entities.-- ``(1) Indian tribes.--In this section, the term `Indian tribe' has the meaning given such term in section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act. ``(2) Formula grants.--The Secretary, acting through the Indian Health Service, shall use 10 percent of the amount available under section 3425 for each fiscal year to provide grants to Indian entities in an amount determined pursuant to criteria developed by the Secretary in consultation with Indian tribes and after conferring with urban Indian organizations, for the purposes of addressing substance use. ``(3) Use of amounts.--Notwithstanding any requirements in this section, Native entities may use amounts provided under grants awarded under this section for the uses identified in section 3422 and any other activities determined appropriate by the Secretary, in consultation with Indian tribes. ``SEC. 3422. USE OF AMOUNTS. ``(a) Use of Funds.--An entity shall use amounts received under a grant under section 3421 to provide direct financial assistance to eligible entities for the purpose of delivering or enhancing-- ``(1) prevention services described in subsection (b); ``(2) core medical services described in subsection (c); ``(3) recovery and support services described in subsection (d); ``(4) early intervention and engagement services described in subsection (e); ``(5) harm reduction services described in subsection (f); and ``(6) administrative expenses described in subsection (g). ``(b) Prevention Services.--For purposes of this section, the term `prevention services' means evidence-based services, programs, or multi-sector strategies to prevent substance use disorder (including education campaigns, community-based prevention programs, risk identification programs, opioid diversion, collection and disposal of unused opioids, services to at-risk populations, and trauma support services). ``(c) Core Medical Services.--For purposes of this section, the term `core medical services' means the following evidence-based services provided to individuals with substance use disorder or at risk for developing substance use disorder, including through the use of telemedicine or a hub and spoke model: ``(1) Substance use disorder treatment, as more fully described in section 3439(4), including assessment of disease presence, severity, and co-occurring conditions, treatment planning, clinical stabilization services, withdrawal management and detoxification, intensive inpatient treatment, intensive outpatient treatment, outpatient treatment, residential inpatient services, treatment for co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders, and all drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of substance use disorder. ``(2) Outpatient and ambulatory health services, including those administered by Federally-qualified health centers, rural health clinics, tribal clinics and hospitals, urban Indian organizations, certified community behavioral health clinics (as described in section 223 of the Protecting Access to Medicare Act), HIV services organizations, Native Hawaiian organizations (as defined in section 11 of the Native Hawaiian Health Care Act of 1988), and comprehensive opioid recovery centers (as described in section 552 of this Act). ``(3) Hospice services. ``(4) Mental health services. ``(5) Opioid overdose reversal drug products procurement, distribution, and training. ``(6) Pharmaceutical assistance related to the management of substance use disorder and co-morbid conditions. ``(7) Home- and community-based health services. ``(8) Comprehensive Case Management and care coordination, including substance use disorder treatment adherence services. ``(9) Health insurance enrollment and cost-sharing assistance in accordance with section 3412. ``(10) Programs that hire, employ, train, and dispatch mental health professionals, harm reduction providers, or community health workers to respond in lieu of law enforcement officers in emergencies in which-- ``(A) an individual calling 911, the National Suicide Hotline, or another emergency hotlines states that a person is experiencing a drug overdose or is otherwise under the influence of a legal or illegal substance; and ``(B) a law enforcement officer, other first responder, or other individual identifies a person as being (or possibly being) under the influence of a legal or illegal substance. ``(d) Recovery and Support Services.--For purposes of this section, the term `recovery and support services' means services that are provided to individuals with substance use disorder, including residential recovery housing, mental health services, long term recovery services, 24/7 hotline crisis center support, medical transportation services, respite care for persons caring for individuals with substance use disorder, child care and family services while an individual is receiving inpatient treatment services or at the time of outpatient services, outreach services, peer recovery services, nutrition services, and referrals for job training and career services, housing, legal services, and child care and family services. The entities through which such services may be provided include local and Tribal authorities that provide child care, housing, community development, and other recovery and support services, so long as they do not exclude individuals on the basis that such individuals receive medication for addiction treatment. ``(e) Early Intervention Services.--For purposes of this section, the term `early intervention services' means services to provide screening and connection to the appropriate level of substance use disorder and mental health treatment (including same-day connection), counseling provided to individuals who have misused substances, who have experienced an overdose, or are at risk of developing substance use disorder, the provision of referrals to facilitate the access of such individuals to core medical services or recovery and support services for substance use disorder, and rapid access to medication for addiction treatment in the setting of recent overdose. The entities through which such services may be provided include emergency rooms, fire departments and emergency medical services, detention facilities, prisons and jails homeless shelters, health care points of entry specified by eligible local areas, Federally-qualified health centers, workforce agencies and job centers, youth development centers, tribal clinics and hospitals, urban Indian organizations, and rural health clinics. ``(f) Harm Reduction Services.--For purposes of this section, the term `harm reduction services' means services provided to individuals engaging in substance use that are scientifically accepted to reduce the risk of infectious disease transmission, overdose, or death, including syringe services programs and other safe use services, such as utilization of a device, kit, or chemical agent that tests or analyzes a substance to determine its composition or that detects substances. ``(g) Administration and Planning.--An entity (not including tribal entities) shall not use in excess of 10 percent of amounts received under a grant under section 3421 for administration, accounting, reporting, and program oversight functions, including for the purposes of developing systems to improve data collection and data sharing. ``(h) Relation to Existing Emergency Medical Services.--Nothing in this section shall be construed to diminish or alter the rights, privileges, remedies, or obligations of any provider or any Federal, State, or local government to provide emergency medical services. ``SEC. 3423. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE. ``The Secretary may, directly or through grants or contracts, provide technical assistance to public or nonprofit entities, Indian entities, and other eligible Medicaid providers regarding the process of submitting to the Secretary applications for grants under section 3421, and may provide technical assistance with respect to the planning, development, and operation of any program or service carried out pursuant to such section. ``SEC. 3424. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT GRANTS. ``(a) In General.--The Secretary may provide planning grants to public or nonprofit entities, Indian entities, and other eligible Medicaid providers for purposes of assisting such entities and providers in expanding their capacity to provide substance use disorder treatment services in low-income communities and affected subpopulations that are underserviced with respect to such services. ``(b) Amount.--A grant under this section may be made in an amount not to exceed $150,000. ``SEC. 3425. AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS. ``There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this subtitle-- ``(1) $1,000,000,000 for fiscal year 2024; ``(2) $1,000,000,000 for fiscal year 2025; ``(3) $1,000,000,000 for fiscal year 2026; ``(4) $1,000,000,000 for fiscal year 2027; ``(5) $1,000,000,000 for fiscal year 2028; ``(6) $1,000,000,000 for fiscal year 2029; ``(7) $1,000,000,000 for fiscal year 2030; ``(8) $1,000,000,000 for fiscal year 2031; ``(9) $1,000,000,000 for fiscal year 2032; and ``(10) $1,000,000,000 for fiscal year 2033. ``Subtitle D--Innovation, Training, and Health Systems Strengthening ``SEC. 3431. SPECIAL PROJECTS OF NATIONAL SIGNIFICANCE. ``(a) In General.--The Secretary shall award grants to entities to administer special projects of national significance to support the development of innovative and original models for the delivery of substance use disorder treatment and harm reduction services. ``(b) Grants.--The Secretary shall award grants under a project under subsection (a) to entities eligible for grants under subtitles A, B, and C based on newly emerging needs of individuals receiving assistance under this title. ``(c) Replication.--The Secretary shall make information concerning successful models or programs developed under this section available to grantees under this title for the purpose of coordination, replication, and integration. To facilitate efforts under this section, the Secretary may provide for peer-based technical assistance for grantees funded under this section. ``(d) Grants to Tribal Governments.-- ``(1) Indian tribes.--In this section, the term `Indian tribe' has the meaning given such term in section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act. ``(2) Use of funds.--The Secretary, acting through the Indian Health Service, shall use 10 percent of the amount available under this section for each fiscal year to provide grants to Indian tribes for the purposes of supporting the development of innovative and original models for the delivery of substance use disorder treatment services, including the development of culturally informed care models. ``(e) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section-- ``(1) $500,000,000 for fiscal year 2024; ``(2) $500,000,000 for fiscal year 2025; ``(3) $500,000,000 for fiscal year 2026; ``(4) $500,000,000 for fiscal year 2027; ``(5) $500,000,000 for fiscal year 2028; ``(6) $500,000,000 for fiscal year 2029; ``(7) $500,000,000 for fiscal year 2030; ``(8) $500,000,000 for fiscal year 2031; ``(9) $500,000,000 for fiscal year 2032; and ``(10) $500,000,000 for fiscal year 2033. ``SEC. 3432. EDUCATION AND TRAINING CENTERS. ``(a) In General.--The Secretary may make grants and enter into contracts to assist public or nonprofit entities, public or nonprofit schools, and academic health centers in meeting the cost of projects-- ``(1) to train health professionals, including practitioners in programs under this title and other community providers, including physician addiction specialists, psychologists, counselors, case managers, social workers, peer recovery coaches, harm reduction workers, public health workers, and community health workers, and paraprofessionals, such as peer support specialists and recovery coaches, in the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of substance use disorders and drug use-related health issues, including measures for the prevention and treatment of co-occurring infectious diseases, mental health disorders, and other conditions, and including (as applicable to the type of health professional involved), care for women, pregnant women, and children; ``(2) to train the faculty of schools of medicine, nursing, public health, osteopathic medicine, dentistry, allied health, social work, and mental health practice to teach health professions students to screen for and provide for the needs of individuals with substance use disorders or at risk of substance use; and ``(3) to develop and disseminate curricula and resource materials relating to evidence-based practices for the screening, prevention, and treatment of substance use disorders and drug use-related health issues, including information about combating stigma, prescribing best practices, overdose reversal, alternative pain therapies, and all drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of substance use disorders, including for the purposes authorized under the amendments made by section 3203 of the SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act. ``(b) Preference in Making Grants.--In making grants under subsection (a), the Secretary shall give preference to qualified projects that will-- ``(1) train, or result in the training of, health professionals and other community providers described in subsection (a)(1), to provide substance use disorder treatments for underserved groups, including minority individuals and Indians with substance use disorder and other individuals who are at a high risk of substance use; ``(2) train, or result in the training of, minority health professionals and minority allied health professionals, to provide substance use disorder treatment for individuals with such disease; ``(3) train or result in the training of individuals who will provide substance use disorder treatment in rural or other areas that are underserved by current treatment structures; ``(4) train or result in the training of health professionals and allied health professionals, including counselors, case managers, social workers, peer recovery coaches, and harm reduction workers, public health workers, and community health workers, to provide treatment for infectious diseases and mental health disorders co-occurring with substance use disorder; and ``(5) train or result in the training of health professionals and other community providers to provide substance use disorder treatments for pregnant women, children, and adolescents. ``(c) Native Education and Training Centers.--The Secretary shall use 10 percent of the amount available under subsection (d) for each fiscal year to provide grants authorized under this subtitle to-- ``(1) tribal colleges and universities; ``(2) Indian Health Service grant funded institutions; and ``(3) Native partner institutions, including institutions of higher education with medical training programs that partner with one or more Indian tribes, tribal organizations, Native Hawaiian organizations, or tribal colleges and universities to train Native health professionals that will provide substance use disorder treatment services in Native communities. ``(d) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section-- ``(1) $500,000,000 for fiscal year 2024; ``(2) $500,000,000 for fiscal year 2025; ``(3) $500,000,000 for fiscal year 2026; ``(4) $500,000,000 for fiscal year 2027; ``(5) $500,000,000 for fiscal year 2028; ``(6) $500,000,000 for fiscal year 2029; ``(7) $500,000,000 for fiscal year 2030; ``(8) $500,000,000 for fiscal year 2031; ``(9) $500,000,000 for fiscal year 2032; and ``(10) $500,000,000 for fiscal year 2033. ``SEC. 3433. SUBSTANCE USE DISORDER TREATMENT PROVIDER CAPACITY UNDER THE MEDICAID PROGRAM. ``(a) Projects.-- ``(1) In general.--The Secretary shall use amounts appropriated under this section to provide funding for projects in any State or territory to increase substance use provider capacity, as provided for in section 1903(aa) of the Social Security Act. ``(2) Prioritizations.-- ``(A) In general.--In awarding grants under this section, the Secretary shall, to the extent practicable, prioritize the distribution of grant funds to grantees that have-- ``(i) an explicit policy not to deter employees with respect to-- ``(I) labor organizing for the employees engaged in the covered activities; and ``(II) such employees' choice to form and join labor organizations; and ``(ii) policies that require-- ``(I) the posting and maintenance of notices in the workplace to such employees of their rights under the National Labor Relations Act (29 U.S.C. 151 et seq.); ``(II) that such employees are, at the beginning of their employment, provided notice and information regarding the employees' rights under such Act; and ``(III) the employer to voluntarily recognize a union in cases where such workers of the employer have joined and requested representation. ``(B) Exception.--This paragraph shall not apply to Indian tribes. ``(b) Amount of Grant to Indian Entities.-- ``(1) Indian tribes.--In this section, the term `Indian tribe' has the meaning given such term in section 4 of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act. ``(2) Urban indian organization.--In this section, the term `urban Indian organization' has the meaning given such in section 4 of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act. ``(3) Grants.--The Secretary, acting through the Indian Health Service, shall use 10 percent of the amount appropriated under this section for each fiscal year to award grants to Indian tribes and urban Indian organizations in an amount determined pursuant to criteria developed by the Secretary in consultation with Indian tribes and in conference with urban Indian organizations. ``(c) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section-- ``(1) $50,000,000 for fiscal year 2024; ``(2) $50,000,000 for fiscal year 2025; ``(3) $50,000,000 for fiscal year 2026; ``(4) $50,000,000 for fiscal year 2027; ``(5) $50,000,000 for fiscal year 2028; ``(6) $50,000,000 for fiscal year 2029; ``(7) $50,000,000 for fiscal year 2030; ``(8) $50,000,000 for fiscal year 2031; ``(9) $50,000,000 for fiscal year 2032; and ``(10) $50,000,000 for fiscal year 2033. ``SEC. 3434. PROGRAMS TO SUPPORT EMPLOYEES. ``(a) Grant Program for Workers.-- ``(1) In general.--The Secretary, acting through the Director of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, shall award grants to non-profit entities that meet the requirements of this section to fund programs and projects to assist workers who are at risk of substance use disorder, who have substance use disorder, or who are recovering from substance use disorder to maintain or gain employment. ``(2) Grants for workers.-- ``(A) In general.--The Secretary shall, on a competitive basis, award grants for a period of not more than 3 years to non-profit entities that submit an application under paragraph (3) to enable such entities to implement, conduct, continue, and expand evidence- based programs and projects to assist individuals described in subparagraph (G). ``(B) Use of amounts.--An entity may use amounts provided under this subsection for-- ``(i) prevention services described in subparagraph (C), including providing education and information to workers regarding the dangers of illicit and licit drug use, non- opioid pain management and non-drug pain management, or occupational injury and illness prevention; ``(ii) early intervention services described in subparagraph (D) to enable individuals to maintain or gain employment; ``(iii) recovery and support services described in subparagraph (E) to enable individuals to maintain or gain employment; ``(iv) harm reduction services described in subparagraph (F) to enable individuals to maintain or gain employment; ``(v) hiring case managers, care coordinators, and peer support specialists to assist employed individuals who are experiencing substance use disorder, or who are recovering from substance use disorder, in accessing substance use disorder treatment services; or ``(vi) providing vocational, life skills, and other forms of job training to workers who are receiving substance use disorder treatment services to enable such workers to maintain or gain employment. ``(C) Prevention services.--For purposes of this section, the term `prevention services' means evidence- based services, programs, or multi-sector strategies to prevent substance use disorder (including education campaigns, community-based prevention programs, risk identification programs, opioid diversion, collection and disposal of unused opioids, services to at-risk populations, and trauma support services). ``(D) Recovery and support services.--For purposes of this section, the term `recovery and support services' means services including residential recovery housing, mental health services, long term recovery services, 24/7 hotline crisis center services, medical transportation services, respite care for persons caring for individuals with substance use disorder, child care and family services while an individual is receiving inpatient treatment services or at the time of outpatient services, outreach services, peer recovery services, nutrition services, and referrals for job training and career services, housing, legal services, and child care and family services so long as they do not exclude individuals on the basis that such individuals receive medication for addiction treatment. ``(E) Early intervention services.--For purposes of this section, the term `early intervention services' means services to provide screening and connection to the appropriate level of substance use disorder and mental health treatment (including same-day connection), counseling provided to individuals who have misused substances, who have experienced an overdose, or are at risk of developing substance use disorder, the provision of referrals to facilitate the access of such individuals to core medical services or recovery and support services for substance use disorder, and rapid access to medication for addiction treatment in the setting of recent overdose. ``(F) Harm reduction services.--For purposes of this section, the term `harm reduction services' means services provided to individuals engaging in substance use scientifically accepted to reduce the risk of infectious disease transmission, overdose, or death, including syringe services programs and other safe use services, such as utilization of a device, kit, or chemical agent that tests or analyzes a substance to determine its composition or that detects substances. ``(G) Individuals described.--Individuals described in this subparagraph are individuals who-- ``(i)(I) have been employed in the 12-month period immediately preceding the date on which the determination is being made, or who are participating in an employee training or apprenticeship program; and ``(II) are at high risk of developing substance use disorder, including as a result of employment in industries that experience high rates of occupational injuries and illness; or ``(ii) are experiencing a substance use disorder or are in recovery from a substance use disorder. ``(3) Applications.--To be eligible for a grant under this subsection, an entity shall submit to the Secretary an application at such time, in such manner, and containing such information as the Secretary may require, including-- ``(A) a complete accounting of the disbursement of any prior grants received under this title by the applicant and the results achieved by such expenditures; ``(B) a description of the population to be served with grant funds provided under this section, including a description of the unique risks the population faces for experiencing occupational injuries or exposure to illicit substances; ``(C) the goals and objectives to be achieved with grant funds provided under this section, including targets and milestones that are intended to be met, the activities that will be undertaken to achieve those targets, and the number of individuals likely to be served by the grant funds, including demographic data on the populations to be served; ``(D) a demonstration of the ability of the applicant to reach the individuals described in paragraph (2)(G) and to provide services described in paragraph (2)(B) included in the applicant's grant application, including by partnering with local stakeholders; ``(E) for any prior funding received under this subsection, data provided in such form as the Secretary shall require detailing, at a minimum, the extent to which the activities supported by the funding met the goals, objectives, targets, and milestones specified in the application for the funding, and the number of individuals with and without substance use disorder who received services supported by the funding, including the services provided to these individuals, the industries in which the individuals were employed when they received services, and whether the individuals were still employed in that same industry or in any industry when the individuals ceased receiving services supported by the funding; and ``(F) any other information the Secretary shall require. ``(4) Data reporting and oversight.--An entity awarded a grant under this subsection shall submit to the Secretary an annual report at such time and in such manner as the Secretary shall require. Such report shall include, at a minimum, a description of-- ``(A) the activities funded by the grant; ``(B) the number of individuals with and without substance use disorder served through activities funded by the grant, including the services provided to those individuals and the industries in which those individuals were employed at the time they received services supported by the grant; ``(C) for workers experiencing substance use disorder or recovering from substance use disorder served by activities funded by the grant, the number of individuals who maintained employment, the number of individuals who gained employment, and the number of individuals who failed to maintain employment over the course of the reporting period; and ``(D) any other information required by the Secretary. ``(5) Authorization of appropriations.--There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this subsection-- ``(A) $40,000,000 for fiscal year 2024; ``(B) $40,000,000 for fiscal year 2025; ``(C) $40,000,000 for fiscal year 2026; ``(D) $40,000,000 for fiscal year 2027; ``(E) $40,000,000 for fiscal year 2028; ``(F) $40,000,000 for fiscal year 2029; ``(G) $40,000,000 for fiscal year 2030; ``(H) $40,000,000 for fiscal year 2031; ``(I) $40,000,000 for fiscal year 2032; and ``(J) $40,000,000 for fiscal year 2033. ``(b) Research on the Impact of Substance Use Disorder in the Workplace and on Direct Service Providers.-- ``(1) Risks of substance use disorder.--The Secretary, in consultation with the Director of the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, shall conduct (directly or through grants or contracts) research, experiments, and demonstrations, and publish studies relating to-- ``(A) the risks faced by employees in various occupations of developing substance use disorder and of drug overdose deaths and non-fatal drug overdoses, and the formulation of prevention activities tailored to the risks identified in these occupations, including occupational injury and illness prevention; ``(B) the prevalence of substance use disorder among employees in various occupations; ``(C) efforts that employers may undertake to assist employees who are undergoing substance use disorder treatment services in maintaining employment while ensuring workplaces are safe and healthful; ``(D) risks of occupational exposure to opioids and other illicit substances and the formulation of prevention activities tailored to the risks identified; and ``(E) other subjects related to substance use disorder in the workplace as the Secretary determines. ``(2) Direct service providers.--The Secretary shall conduct (directly or through grants or contracts) research, experiments, and demonstrations, and publish studies relating to the occupational health and safety, recruitment, and retention of behavioral health providers who, as part of their job responsibilities, provide direct services to individuals who are at risk of experiencing substance use disorder or who are experiencing or recovering from substance use disorder, including-- ``(A) identifying factors that the Secretary believes may endanger the health or safety of such workers, including factors that affect the risks such workers face of developing substance use disorder; ``(B) motivational and behavioral factors relating to the field of behavioral health providers; ``(C) strategies to support the recruitment and retention of behavioral health providers; and ``(D) other subjects related to behavioral health providers engaged in direct provision of substance use disorder prevention and treatment services as the Secretary determines appropriate. ``(3) Authorization of appropriations.--There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this subsection-- ``(A) $10,000,000 for fiscal year 2024; ``(B) $10,000,000 for fiscal year 2025; ``(C) $10,000,000 for fiscal year 2026; ``(D) $10,000,000 for fiscal year 2027; ``(E) $10,000,000 for fiscal year 2028; ``(F) $10,000,000 for fiscal year 2029; ``(G) $10,000,000 for fiscal year 2030; ``(H) $10,000,000 for fiscal year 2031; ``(I) $10,000,000 for fiscal year 2032; and ``(J) $10,000,000 for fiscal year 2033. ``SEC. 3435. IMPROVING AND EXPANDING CARE. ``(a) Level of Care Standards for Substance Use Disorder Treatment Services.-- ``(1) In general.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this title, the Secretary, in consultation with the American Society of Addiction Medicine, State and Tribal officials selected by the Secretary, and other stakeholders as the Secretary determines necessary, and after seeking public input, shall promulgate model standards for the regulation of substance use disorder treatment services. ``(2) Substance use disorder treatment services.--The model standards promulgated under paragraph (1) shall, at a minimum-- ``(A) identify the types of substance use disorder treatment services intended to be covered without regard to whether they participate in any Federal health care program (as defined in section 1128B(f) of the Social Security Act) and shall not include-- ``(i) a private practitioner who is already licensed by a State licensing board and whose practice is limited to non-intensive outpatient care; or ``(ii) any substance use disorder treatment service provided on a non-intensive outpatient basis in the office of a private practitioner who is licensed by a State licensing board; ``(B) require the designation of a single State agency to serve as the primary regulator in the State for substance use disorder treatment services; ``(C) subject to paragraph (3), require that substance use disorder treatment services identified in accordance with subparagraph (A), be licensed by the respective States according to the standards for levels of care set forth by the American Society of Addiction Medicine in 2013 or an equivalent set of standards; ``(D) require implementation of a process to ensure that substance use disorder treatment program qualifications are verified by means of an onsite inspection not less frequently than every 3 years by the State agency serving as the primary regulator in the State for substance use disorder treatment services or by an independent third party that is approved by the State's primary regulator; and ``(E) require that all patients leaving a residential treatment program receive a written transition plan prior to discharge from that level of care. ``(3) Annual assessment.--Beginning with respect to fiscal year 2024, the Secretary shall make a determination with respect to each State on whether the State has adopted, for each of the substance use disorder treatment services identified in accordance with paragraph (2)(A), licensure standards that are in compliance in all material respects with the model standards promulgated in accordance with this subsection. In the event the American Society of Addiction Medicine revises its criteria, the Secretary shall revise the national model level of care standards accordingly and disseminate any such update to the States, and the States may adopt any such updates to be in compliance with this subsection. ``(b) Standards for Other Specified Matters Related to Substance Use Disorder Treatment Services and Recovery Residences.-- ``(1) In general.--Not later than 2 years after the date of enactment of this title, the Secretary, in consultation with representatives of nonprofit service providers and State and Tribal officials as the Secretary determines necessary, shall promulgate model standards for the regulation of-- ``(A) other specified matters related to substance use disorder treatment services; and ``(B) recovery residences. ``(2) Other specified matters related to substance use disorder treatment services.--The model standards promulgated under paragraph (1)(A) shall, at a minimum-- ``(A) identify the professional credentials needed by each type of substance use disorder treatment professional; ``(B) include standards for data reporting and require compilation of statewide reports; ``(C) require the establishment and maintenance within each State of a toll-free telephone number to receive complaints from the public regarding substance use disorder treatment service providers; and ``(D) require the establishment and maintenance on a publicly accessible internet website of a list of all substance use disorder treatment services in the State that have a certification in effect in accordance with this section. ``(3) Recovery residences.-- ``(A) Economic relationship.--The model standards promulgated under paragraph (1)(B) shall, at a minimum, be applied to recovery residences that have an ongoing economic relationship with any commercial substance use disorder treatment service. ``(B) Minimum requirements.--The model standards promulgated under paragraph (1)(B), which may include any model laws developed under section 550(a) shall, at a minimum, identify requirements for-- ``(i) the designation of a single State agency to certify recovery residences; ``(ii) the implementation of a process to ensure that the qualifications of recovery residences in which not fewer than 10 individuals may lawfully reside are verified by means of an onsite inspection not less frequently than every 3 years by the State agency serving as the primary regulator in the State or by an independent third party that is approved by the State's primary regulator; ``(iii) fire, safety, and health standards; ``(iv) equipping residences with opioid overdose reversal drug products, such as naloxone and training residence owners, operators, and employees in the administration of naloxone; ``(v) recovery residence owners and operators; ``(vi) a written policy that prohibits the exclusion of individuals on the basis that such individuals receive drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of substance use disorder; ``(vii) the establishment and maintenance within each State of a toll-free telephone number to receive complaints from the public regarding recovery residences; and ``(viii) the establishment and maintenance on a publicly accessible internet website of a list of all recovery residences in the State that have a certification in effect in accordance with this section. ``(4) Annual assessment.--Beginning with respect to fiscal year 2025, the Secretary shall make a determination with respect to each State on whether the State has adopted, for each of the other specified substance use disorder treatment services identified in this section and for recovery residences, standards that are in compliance in all material respects with the model standards promulgated in accordance with this subsection. ``(c) Ensuring Access to Medication for Substance Use Disorder Treatment.-- ``(1) Medication for addiction treatment.--The Secretary may not make a grant under this section unless the applicant for the grant agrees to require all entities offering substance use disorder treatment services under the grant to offer all drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of substance use disorder for which the applicant offers treatment. ``(2) Waiver.--The Secretary may grant a waiver with respect to any requirement of this section if the grant applicant involved-- ``(A) submits to the Secretary a justification for such waiver containing such information as the Secretary shall require; and ``(B) agrees to require all entities offering substance use disorder treatment services under the grant to-- ``(i) offer, on site, at least 2 drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of substance use disorder; ``(ii) provide counseling to patients on the benefits and risks of all drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of substance use disorder; and ``(iii) maintain an affiliation agreement with a provider that can prescribe or otherwise dispense all other forms of drugs approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of substance use disorder. ``(3) GAO study.--Not later than 1 year after the date of enactment of this title, the Comptroller General of the United States shall submit to Congress a comprehensive report describing any relationship between substance use rates, pain management practices of the Indian Health Service, and patient request denials through the purchased/referred care program of the Indian Health Service. ``(d) Ensuring a Full Continuum of Services.-- ``(1) In general.--Not later than 6 months after the date of the enactment of this title, the Administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services shall issue a State Medicaid Director letter and Tribal leader letter explaining how States and tribes can ensure access to a continuum of services for adults with substance use disorders who are receiving medical assistance under title XIX of the Social Security Act. Such letter shall describe how States can cover the continuum of community-based, residential, and inpatient substance use disorder services and care coordination between different levels of care as medical assistance, as defined in section 1905(a) of such Act, including through section 1915 of such Act and through demonstration projects under section 1115 of such Act. ``(2) MACPAC analysis.--Not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this title, the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission shall conduct an analysis, and make publicly available a report containing the results of such analysis, of States' coverage of substance use services for Medicaid beneficiaries. Such report shall include examples of promising strategies States use to cover a continuum of community-based substance use services. ``(3) Annual assessment.--Beginning with respect to fiscal year 2026, the Secretary shall make a determination with respect to each State on whether the State has carried out the requirements to ensure a continuum of services as described in section 1915(l)(4)(C) of the Social Security Act. ``SEC. 3436. NALOXONE DISTRIBUTION PROGRAM. ``(a) Establishment of Program.-- ``(1) In general.--The Secretary shall provide for the purchase and delivery of federally approved opioid overdose reversal drug products on behalf of each State (or Indian tribe as defined in section 4 of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act) that receives a grant under subtitle B. This paragraph constitutes budget authority in advance of appropriations Acts, and represents the obligation of the Federal Government to provide for the purchase and delivery to States and Indian tribes of the opioid overdose reversal drug products in accordance with this paragraph. ``(2) Special rules where opioid overdose reversal drug products are unavailable.--To the extent that a sufficient quantity of opioid overdose reversal drug products are not available for purchase or delivery under paragraph (1), the Secretary shall provide for the purchase and delivery of the available opioid overdose reversal drug products in accordance with priorities established by the Secretary, with priority given to States with at least one local area eligible for funding under section 3401(a). ``(b) Negotiation of Contracts With Manufacturers.-- ``(1) In general.--For the purpose of carrying out this section, the Secretary shall negotiate and enter into contracts with manufacturers of opioid overdose reversal drug products consistent with the requirements of this subsection and, to the maximum extent practicable, consolidate such contracting with any other contracting activities conducted by the Secretary to purchase opioid overdose reversal drug products. The Secretary may enter into such contracts under which the Federal Government is obligated to make outlays, the budget authority for which is not provided for in advance in appropriations Acts, for the purchase and delivery of opioid overdose reversal drug products under subsection (a). ``(2) Authority to decline contracts.--The Secretary may decline to enter into contracts under this subsection and may modify or extend such contracts. ``(3) Contract price.-- ``(A) In general.--The Secretary, in negotiating the prices at which opioid overdose reversal drug products will be purchased and delivered from a manufacturer under this subsection, shall take into account quantities of opioid overdose reversal drug products to be purchased by States under the option under paragraph (4)(B). ``(B) Negotiation of discounted price for opioid overdose reversal drug products.--With respect to contracts entered into for the purchase of opioid overdose reversal drug products on behalf of States under this subsection, the price for the purchase of such drug product shall be a discounted price negotiated by the Secretary. ``(4) Quantities and terms of delivery.--Under contracts under this subsection-- ``(A) the Secretary shall provide, consistent with paragraph (6), for the purchase and delivery on behalf of States and Indian tribes of quantities of opioid overdose reversal drug products; and ``(B) each State and Indian tribe, at the option of the State or tribe, shall be permitted to obtain additional quantities of opioid overdose reversal drug products (subject to amounts specified to the Secretary by the State or tribe in advance of negotiations) through purchasing the opioid overdose reversal drug products from the manufacturers at the applicable price negotiated by the Secretary consistent with paragraph (3), if the State or tribe provides to the Secretary such information (at a time and manner specified by the Secretary, including in advance of negotiations under paragraph (1)) as the Secretary determines to be necessary, to provide for quantities of opioid overdose reversal drug products for the State or tribe to purchase pursuant to this subsection and to determine annually the percentage of the opioid overdose reversal drug market that is purchased pursuant to this section and this subparagraph. The Secretary shall enter into the initial negotiations not later than 180 days after the date of the enactment of this title. ``(5) Charges for shipping and handling.--The Secretary may enter into a contract referred to in paragraph (1) only if the manufacturer involved agrees to submit to the Secretary such reports as the Secretary determines to be appropriate to assure compliance with the contract and if, with respect to a State program under this section that does not provide for the direct delivery of qualified opioid overdose reversal drug products, the manufacturer involved agrees that the manufacturer will provide for the delivery of the opioid overdose reversal drug products on behalf of the State in accordance with such program and will not impose any charges for the costs of such delivery (except to the extent such costs are provided for in the price established under paragraph (3)). ``(6) Multiple suppliers.--In the case of the opioid overdose reversal drug product involved, the Secretary may, as appropriate, enter into a contract referred to in paragraph (1) with each manufacturer of the opioid overdose reversal drug product that meets the terms and conditions of the Secretary for an award of such a contract (including terms and conditions regarding safety and quality). With respect to multiple contracts entered into pursuant to this paragraph, the Secretary may have in effect different prices under each of such contracts and, with respect to a purchase by States pursuant to paragraph (4)(B), each eligible State may choose which of such contracts will be applicable to the purchase. ``(c) Use of Opioid Overdose Reversal Drug Product List.--Beginning not later than one year after the first contract has been entered into under this section, the Secretary shall use, for the purpose of the purchase, delivery, and administration of opioid overdose reversal drug products under this section, the list established (and periodically reviewed and, as appropriate, revised) by an advisory committee, established by the Secretary and located within the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which considers the cost effectiveness of each opioid overdose reversal drug product. ``(d) State Distribution of Opioid Overdose Reversal Drug Products.--States shall distribute opioid overdose reversal drug products received under this section to the following: ``(1) First responders and local emergency medical services organizations, including volunteer emergency medical services organizations. ``(2) Public entities with authority to administer local public health services, including all local health departments; ``(3) Nonprofit entities, including-- ``(A) community-based organizations that provide substance use disorder treatments or harm reduction services; ``(B) nonprofit entities that provide substance use disorder treatments or harm reduction services; and ``(C) faith-based organizations that provide substance use disorder treatments or harm reduction services; ``(4) Other entities in areas of high need. ``(5) The general public. ``(e) State Requirements.--To be eligible to receive opioid overdose reversal drugs under this section, each State shall-- ``(1) establish a program for distributing opioid overdose reversal drug products to first responders, nonprofit entities, the general public, and entities with authority to administer local public health services, including local health departments; ``(2) beginning in the second year of the program, demonstrate a distribution rate of a minimum of 90 percent of the opioid overdose reversal drug products received under this program; ``(3) certify to the Secretary that the State has in place a Good Samaritan Law that ensures immunity from arrest and prosecution, including from parole and probation violations, except that the State may apply to the Secretary for a waiver of the requirement of this paragraph, and such waiver if granted shall not be longer than 3 years in duration and may not be renewed unless the State can show progress being made towards instituting a Good Samaritan Law; and ``(4) certify to the Secretary that the State has in place additional measures that enhance access to opioid overdose reversal drug products, such as laws that provide civil or disciplinary immunity for medical personnel who prescribe an opioid overdose reversal drug product, Third-Party Prescription Laws, Collaborative Practice Agreements, and Standing Orders. ``(f) Indian Tribe Requirements.--The Indian Health Service, in consultation with Indian tribes, shall determine any requirements that shall apply to Indian tribes receiving opioid overdose reversal drug products made available under this section. ``(g) Definitions.--For purposes of this section: ``(1) Collaborative practice agreement.--The term `Collaborative Practice Agreement' means an agreement under which a pharmacist operates under authority delegated by another licensed practitioner with prescribing authority. ``(2) Emergency medical service.--The term `emergency medical service' means resources used by a public or private licensed entity to deliver medical care outside of a medical facility under emergency conditions that occur as a result of the condition of the patient and includes services delivered (either on a compensated or volunteer basis) by an emergency medical services provider or other provider that is licensed or certified by the State involved as an emergency medical technician, a paramedic, or an equivalent professional (as determined by the State). ``(3) Good samaritan law.--The term `Good Samaritan Law' means a law that provides criminal immunity for a person who administers an opioid overdose reversal drug product, a person who, in good faith, seeks medical assistance for someone experiencing a drug-related overdose, or a person who experiences a drug-related overdose and is in need of medical assistance and, in good faith, seeks such medical assistance, or is the subject of such a good faith request for medical assistance. ``(4) Indians.--The terms `Indian', `Indian tribe', `tribal organization', and `urban Indian organization' have the meanings given such terms in section 4 of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act. ``(5) Manufacturer.--The term `manufacturer' means any corporation, organization, or institution, whether public or private (including Federal, State, and local departments, agencies, and instrumentalities), which manufactures, imports, processes, or distributes under its label any opioid overdose reversal drug product. The term `manufacture' means to manufacture, import, process, or distribute an opioid overdose reversal drug. ``(6) Opioid overdose reversal drug product.--The term `opioid overdose reversal drug product' means a finished dosage form that has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration and that contains an active pharmaceutical ingredient that acts as an opioid receptor antagonist. The term `opioid overdose reversal drug product' includes a combination product, as defined in section 3.2(e) of title 21, Code of Federal Regulations. ``(7) Standing order.--The term `standing order' means a non-patient-specific order covering administration of medication by others to a patient who may be unknown to the prescriber at the time of the order. ``(8) Third-party prescription.--The term `third party prescription' means an order written for medication dispensed to one person with the intention that it will be administered to another person. ``(h) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this suction-- ``(1) $1,000,000,000 for fiscal year 2024; ``(2) $1,000,000,000 for fiscal year 2025; ``(3) $1,000,000,000 for fiscal year 2026; ``(4) $1,000,000,000 for fiscal year 2027; ``(5) $1,000,000,000 for fiscal year 2028; ``(6) $1,000,000,000 for fiscal year 2029; ``(7) $1,000,000,000 for fiscal year 2030; ``(8) $1,000,000,000 for fiscal year 2031; ``(9) $1,000,000,000 for fiscal year 2032; and ``(10) $1,000,000,000 for fiscal year 2033. ``SEC. 3437. ADDITIONAL FUNDING FOR THE NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH. ``There is authorized to be appropriated to the National Institutes of Health for the purpose of conducting research on addiction and pain, including research to develop overdose reversal drug products, non- opioid drug products and non-pharmacological treatments for addressing pain and substance use disorder, and drug products used to treat substance use disorder-- ``(1) $1,000,000,000 for fiscal year 2024; ``(2) $1,000,000,000 for fiscal year 2025; ``(3) $1,000,000,000 for fiscal year 2026; ``(4) $1,000,000,000 for fiscal year 2027; ``(5) $1,000,000,000 for fiscal year 2028; ``(6) $1,000,000,000 for fiscal year 2029; ``(7) $1,000,000,000 for fiscal year 2030; ``(8) $1,000,000,000 for fiscal year 2031; ``(9) $1,000,000,000 for fiscal year 2032; and ``(10) $1,000,000,000 for fiscal year 2033. ``SEC. 3438. ADDITIONAL FUNDING FOR THE CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION. ``(a) Improved Data Collection and Prevention of Infectious Disease Transmission.-- ``(1) Data collection.--The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shall use a portion of the funding appropriated under this section to ensure that all States participate in the Enhanced State Opioid Overdose Surveillance program and to provide technical assistance to medical examiners and coroners to facilitate improved data collection on fatal overdoses through such program. ``(2) Centers for disease control and prevention.--The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shall use amounts appropriated under this section for the purpose of improving data on drug overdose deaths and non-fatal drug overdoses, surveillance related to addiction and substance use disorder, and the prevention of transmission of infectious diseases related to substance use. ``(3) Tribal data.--Not later than 6 months after the date of enactment of this title, the Director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shall consult with Indian tribes and confer with urban Indian organizations to develop and implement strategies that improve surveillance and reporting of fatal overdose deaths among American Indians and Alaska Natives, including strategies that reduce the underestimation of fatal overdose deaths among American Indians and Alaska Natives due to undersampling or racial misclassification in State and Federal public health surveillance systems. ``(b) Childhood Trauma.--The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shall use a portion of the funding appropriated under this section to fund the surveillance and data collection activities described in section 7131 of the SUPPORT for Patients and Communities Act, including to encourage all States to participate in collecting and reporting data on adverse childhood experiences through the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System, and other relevant public health surveys or questionnaires. ``(c) Worker Health Risks.--The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shall use a portion of the funding appropriated under this section for data collection and surveillance activities on substance use, substance use disorders, drug overdose deaths, and non-fatal drug overdoses among workers, and the factors and practices that contribute to such use, disorders, and overdoses, including occupational injuries and illness as well as occupational exposure to opioids and other illicit and licit drugs. ``(d) Tribal Epidemiology Centers.--There shall be made available to the Indian Health Service for the purpose of funding efforts by Indian tribes and tribal epidemiology centers to improve data on drug overdose deaths and non-fatal drug overdoses, surveillance related to addiction and substance use disorder, and prevention of childhood trauma, not less than 1.5 percent of the total amount appropriated under this section for each fiscal year. ``(e) Authorization of Appropriations.--There is authorized to be appropriated to carry out this section-- ``(1) $500,000,000 for fiscal year 2024; ``(2) $500,000,000 for fiscal year 2025; ``(3) $500,000,000 for fiscal year 2026; ``(4) $500,000,000 for fiscal year 2027; ``(5) $500,000,000 for fiscal year 2028; ``(6) $500,000,000 for fiscal year 2029; ``(7) $500,000,000 for fiscal year 2030; ``(8) $500,000,000 for fiscal year 2031; ``(9) $500,000,000 for fiscal year 2032; and ``(10) $500,000,000 for fiscal year 2033. ``SEC. 3439. DEFINITIONS. ``In this title: ``(1) Planning council.--The term `planning council' means the substance use planning council established under section 3402. ``(2) Recovery residence.--The term `recovery residence' means a residential dwelling unit, or other form of group housing, that is offered or advertised through any means, including oral, written, electronic, or printed means, by any individual or entity as a residence that provides an evidence- based, peer-supported living environment for individuals undergoing any type of substance use disorder treatment or who have received any type of substance use disorder treatment in the past 3 years, including medication for addiction treatment. ``(3) State.-- ``(A) In general.--The term `State' means each of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, and each of the territories. ``(B) Territories.--The term `territory' means each of American Samoa, Guam, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, the Virgin Islands, the Republic of the Marshall Islands, the Federated States of Micronesia, and Palau. ``(4) Substance use disorder treatment.-- ``(A) In general.--The term `substance use disorder treatment' means an evidence-based, professionally directed, deliberate, and planned regimen including evaluation, observation, medical monitoring, and rehabilitative services and interventions such as pharmacotherapy, mental health services, and individual and group counseling, on an inpatient or outpatient basis, to help patients with substance use disorder reach remission and maintain recovery. ``(B) Types of treatment.--Substance use disorder treatments shall include the following: ``(i) Clinical stabilization services, which are evidence-based services provided in secure, acute care facilities (which may be referred to as `addictions receiving facilities') that, at a minimum-- ``(I) provide intoxication management and stabilization services; ``(II) are operated 24 hours per day, 7 days per week; and ``(III) that serve individuals found to be substance use impaired. These can also be referred to as `Addictions receiving facilities'. ``(ii) Withdrawal management and detoxification, which is a medical service that is provided on an inpatient or an outpatient basis to assist an individual in managing the process of withdrawal from the physiological and psychological effects of substance use disorder. ``(iii) All outpatient, residential, and inpatient services described in section 1915(l)(4)(C) of the Social Security Act. ``(C) Limitation.--Substance use disorder treatment providers shall not include-- ``(i) prevention only providers; and ``(ii) a private practitioner who is licensed by a State licensing board and whose practice is limited to non-intensive outpatient care. ``(5) Substance use disorder treatment services.--The term `substance use disorder treatment services' means any prevention services, core medical services, recovery and support services, early intervention services, and harm reduction services authorized under this title.''. SEC. 4. AMENDMENTS TO THE CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ACT. (a) Certifications.--Part C of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 821 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``certifications relating to diversion controls and misbranding ``Sec. 313. (a) Definitions.--In this section-- ``(1) the term `covered dispenser'-- ``(A) means a dispenser-- ``(i) that is required to register under section 302(a)(2); and ``(ii) dispenses a controlled substance in schedule II; and ``(B) does not include a dispenser that is-- ``(i) registered to dispense opioid agonist treatment medication under section 303(h)(1); and ``(ii) operating in that capacity; ``(2) the term `covered distributor' means a distributor-- ``(A) that is required to register under section 302(a)(1); and ``(B) distributes a controlled substance in schedule II; ``(3) the term `covered manufacturer' means a manufacturer-- ``(A) that is required to register under section 302(a)(1); and ``(B) manufactures a controlled substance in schedule II; ``(4) the term `covered officer', with respect to a covered person means-- ``(A) in the case of a covered person that is not an individual-- ``(i) the chief executive officer of the covered person; ``(ii) the president of the covered person; ``(iii) the chief medical officer of the covered person; or ``(iv) the chief counsel of the covered person; and ``(B) in the case of a covered person that is an individual, that individual; and ``(5) the term `covered person' means-- ``(A) a covered dispenser; ``(B) a covered distributor; or ``(C) a covered manufacturer. ``(b) Certifications Relating to Diversion Controls.--Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this section, and each year thereafter, each covered officer of a covered person shall submit to the Attorney General, for each controlled substance in schedule II dispensed, distributed, or manufactured by the covered person, a certification-- ``(1) signed by the covered officer; and ``(2) certifying that-- ``(A) the covered person maintains effective controls against diversion of the controlled substance into channels other than legitimate medical, scientific, research, or industrial channels; ``(B) all information contained in any record, inventory, or report required to be kept or submitted to the Attorney General by the covered person under section 307, or under any regulation issued under that section, is accurate; and ``(C) the covered person is in compliance with all applicable requirements under Federal law relating to reporting suspicious orders for controlled substances. ``(c) Certifications Relating to Misbranding.-- ``(1) In general.--Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of this section, and each year thereafter, each covered officer of a covered manufacturer shall submit to the Secretary, for each controlled substance in schedule II manufactured by the covered manufacturer, a certification-- ``(A) signed by the covered officer; and ``(B) certifying that the controlled substance is not misbranded, as described in section 502 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (21 U.S.C. 352). ``(2) Notification to the attorney general.-- ``(A) Failure to submit certifications.--Not later than 30 days after the date on which a covered officer of a covered manufacturer is required to submit a certification under paragraph (1) and fails to do so, the Secretary shall notify the Attorney General of the failure by the covered officer to submit the certification. ``(B) False certifications relating to misbranding.--Not later than 30 days after the date on which the Secretary becomes aware that a certification submitted under paragraph (1) contains a materially false statement or representation relating to the misbranding of a controlled substance with respect to the year for which the certification is submitted, the Secretary shall notify the Attorney General that the certification contains the materially false statement or representation.''. (b) Offenses.--Part D of title II of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 841 et seq.) is amended by adding at the end the following: ``certifications by covered officers ``Sec. 424. (a) Definitions.--In this section, the terms `covered dispenser', `covered distributor', `covered manufacturer', `covered officer', and `covered person' have the meanings given those terms in section 313. ``(b) Offenses.-- ``(1) Failure to submit certifications.-- ``(A) Certifications relating to diversion controls.--It shall be unlawful for a covered officer of a covered person to fail to submit a certification required under section 313(b), without regard to the state of mind of the covered officer. ``(B) Certifications relating to misbranding.--It shall be unlawful for a covered officer of a covered manufacturer to fail to submit a certification required under section 313(c)(1), without regard to the state of mind of the covered officer. ``(2) Submission of false certifications.-- ``(A) False certifications relating to diversion controls.--It shall be unlawful for a covered officer of a covered person to submit a certification required under section 313(b), without regard to the state of mind of the covered officer, that contains a materially false statement or representation relating to the information required to be certified under that section for the year for which the certification is submitted. ``(B) False certifications relating to misbranding.--It shall be unlawful for a covered officer of a covered manufacturer to submit a certification required under section 313(c)(1), without regard to the state of mind of the covered officer, that contains a materially false statement or representation relating to the misbranding of a controlled substance with respect to the year for which the certification is submitted. ``(c) Penalties.-- ``(1) Civil penalties.--Except as provided in paragraph (2), a covered officer who violates subsection (b) shall be subject to a civil penalty of not more than $25,000. ``(2) Criminal penalties.--A covered officer who knowingly violates subsection (b)(2) shall be subject to criminal penalties under section 403(d). ``(d) Comprehensive Addiction Resources Fund.-- ``(1) Establishment.--There is established in the Treasury a fund to be known as the `Comprehensive Addiction Resources Fund'. ``(2) Transfer of amounts.--There shall be transferred to the Comprehensive Addiction Resources Fund 100 percent of-- ``(A) any civil penalty paid to the United States under this section; and ``(B) any fine paid to the United States under section 403(d) for a knowing violation of subsection (b)(2) of this section. ``(3) Availability and use of funds.--Amounts transferred to the Comprehensive Addiction Fund under paragraph (2) shall-- ``(A) remain available until expended; and ``(B) be made available to supplement amounts appropriated to carry out title XXXIV of the Public Health Service Act.''. (c) Criminal Penalties.--Section 403 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 843) is amended-- (1) in subsection (d)(1)-- (A) by inserting ``or knowingly violates section 424(b)(2)'' after ``any person who violates this section''; and (B) by striking ``violation of this section'' and inserting ``such a violation''; and (2) in subsection (f)-- (A) in paragraph (1), by striking ``or 416'' and inserting ``or section 416, or knowing violations of section 424(b)(2)''; and (B) in paragraph (3), by inserting ``or knowing violations of section 424(b)(2)'' before the period at the end. (d) Technical and Conforming Amendments.--The table of contents for the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act of 1970 (Public Law 91-513; 84 Stat. 1236) is amended-- (1) by inserting after the item relating to section 311 the following: ``Sec. 312. Suspicious orders. ``Sec. 313. Certifications relating to diversion controls and misbranding.''; and (2) by inserting after the item relating to section 423 the following: ``Sec. 424. Certifications by covered officers.''. (e) Effective Date.--The amendments made by subsections (b) and (c) of this section shall take effect on the date that is 180 days after the date of enactment of this Act. SEC. 5. GENERAL LIMITATION ON USE OF FUNDS. Amounts appropriated or provided under this Act, or an amendment made by this Act-- (1) shall be used only for the public health purposes described in this Act (including the amendments made by this Act); and (2) shall not be used to-- (A) fund the incarceration, institutionalization, or involuntary treatment of individuals to address the illicit use of substances; or (B) procure equipment or support activities inconsistent with the public health purposes described in this Act (including the amendments made by this Act). SEC. 6. FEDERAL DRUG DEMAND REDUCTION ACTIVITIES. (a) Publication of List.-- (1) Amendment.--Section 705(f) of the Office of National Drug Control Policy Reauthorization Act of 1998 (21 U.S.C. 1704(f)) is amended by inserting at the end the following new paragraph: ``(5) Publication of list.--The Director shall publish online a complete list of all drug control program grant programs and any other relevant information included in the system developed under paragraph (1).''. (2) Deadline and frequency.--Not later than one year after the date of the enactment of this Act, and annually thereafter, the Director of National Drug Control Policy shall publish the list required under section 705(f)(5) of the National Drug Control Act of 1998, as added by paragraph (1). (b) National Drug Control Strategy.--Section 706(c)(1) of the National Drug Control Act of 1998 (21 U.S.C. 1705(c)(1)) is amended by adding at the end the following new subparagraph: ``(O) A review of all federally funded demand reduction activities, including an evaluation of-- ``(i) the effectiveness of those activities; ``(ii) the contribution of those activities to demand reduction activities funded by State, local, and Tribal governments; and ``(iii) whether any duplication or inefficiency in federally funded demand reduction activities needs to be addressed.''. <all>
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Northern Border Coordination Act
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [S. 2291 Engrossed in Senate (ES)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session S. 2291 _______________________________________________________________________ AN ACT To establish the Northern Border Coordination Center, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Northern Border Coordination Act''. SEC. 2. DEFINITIONS. In this Act: (1) Center.--The term ``Center'' means the Northern Border Coordination Center established pursuant to section 3. (2) Department.--The term ``Department'' means the Department of Homeland Security. (3) Northern border.--The term ``northern border'' means-- (A) the international border between the United States and Canada; and (B) the maritime border between Alaska and the Russian Federation. (4) Secretary.--The term ``Secretary'' means the Secretary of Homeland Security. SEC. 3. NORTHERN BORDER COORDINATION CENTER. (a) Establishment.--Not later than 1 year after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary shall establish the Northern Border Coordination Center. (b) Purpose.--The purpose of the Center shall be to serve as the Department's forward deployed centralized coordination center for operations, domain awareness, information sharing, intelligence, training, and stakeholder engagement with Federal, State, tribal, local, and international government partners along the northern border of the United States. The Center shall be placed along the northern border at a location that is collocated with an existing U.S. Border Patrol sector headquarters, an Air and Marine Operations branch, and a United States Coast Guard air station, and other existing Department activities. (c) Components.-- (1) In general.--The Center shall collocate personnel and activities of-- (A) U.S. Customs and Border Protection, including U.S. Border Patrol and Air and Marine Operations; (B) the United States Coast Guard; (C) U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Homeland Security Investigations; (D) other components and offices of the Department that the Secretary determines to be necessary, including to support the training, technology testing, and development described in subsection (d); and (E) additional Federal, State, tribal, local, and international government partners, as the Secretary determines to be necessary and appropriate to support the coordination of operations described in this Act. (d) Functions.--The Center shall perform the functions described in this subsection in addition to any other functions assigned by the Secretary. (1) Northern border strategy.--The Center, in collaboration with relevant offices and components of the Department, shall-- (A) serve as a coordination mechanism for operational components for the implementation, evaluation, and updating of the Northern Border Strategy and any successor strategy; and (B) support the development of best practices and policies for personnel at the northern border to support such implementation. (2) Training.--The Center shall serve as a training location to support the delivery of training or exercises for Department personnel and Federal, State, tribal, local, and international government partners. (3) Metrics.--The Center, in collaboration with relevant offices and components of the Department, shall coordinate the development and tracking of border security metrics for the northern border. (4) Resource and technological needs and challenges.--The Center, in collaboration with relevant offices and components of the Department, shall-- (A) identify resource and technological needs or challenges affecting security along the northern border; and (B) serve as a testing ground and demonstration location for the testing of border security technology, including determining such technology's suitability and performance in the northern border and maritime environments. (5) Air and marine operations.-- (A) Quick reaction capabilities.--In support of the Center, U.S. Customs and Border Protection's Air and Marine Operations-- (i) shall establish and maintain capability that is collocated with the Center and available for quick deployment in support of the northern border missions, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, and the Department, including missions in the Great Lakes region; and (ii) in coordination with the Center and relevant offices and components of the Department, shall evaluate requirements and make recommendations to support the operations of large unmanned aircraft systems based at the Center. (B) Northern border domain awareness.--In order to coordinate with the Center and support its operations, the Air and Marine Operations Center shall collocate personnel and resources with the Center to enhance the Department's capabilities to-- (i) support air and maritime domain awareness and information sharing efforts along the northern border; (ii) provide dedicated monitoring of northern border systems; and (iii) lead, in coordination with other U.S. Customs and Border Protection components, Federal, State, tribal, local, and international governments, and private sector partners, the Center's efforts to track and monitor legitimate cross-border traffic involving unmanned aircraft and unmanned aircraft systems. (6) Counter-unmanned aircraft systems.-- (A) In general.--Pursuant to policies established by the Secretary, consistent with section 210G of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 124n), the Center shall support counter-unmanned aircraft systems operations along the northern border to respond to the increased use of unmanned aircraft systems. Such support may involve development, testing, and evaluation of technologies. (B) Rule of construction.--Nothing in this Act may be construed to provide additional authority related to detection, mitigation, research, development, or testing of unmanned aircraft systems or counter- unmanned aircraft systems. (7) Privacy and civil rights.--The Center, in collaboration with the Chief Privacy Officer and the Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties of the Department, shall ensure that operations and practices of the Center comply with the privacy and civil rights policies of the Department and its components. (8) Noncontiguous northern border.--The Center, in collaboration with relevant offices and components of the Department, shall-- (A) identify the specific challenges that exist along the noncontiguous international land border with Canada and the maritime border with Russia, including resource, technological challenges, and domain awareness; (B) ensure that dedicated personnel, including reachback support, are working to evaluate and address the challenges identified pursuant to subparagraph (A); and (C) determine the feasibility of establishing a satellite facility of the Center to address the specific challenges identified pursuant to subparagraph (A). (e) Annual Reporting.--Not later than 180 days after the establishment of the Center, and annually thereafter, the Secretary shall submit a report to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate, the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate, the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate, the Committee on Homeland Security of the House of Representatives, the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives, and the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives that describes the activities of the Center during the most recently concluded fiscal year, including-- (1) personnel levels; (2) additional resources that are needed to support the operations of the Center and northern border operations of the Department; and (3) any additional assets or authorities that are needed to increase security and domain awareness along the northern border. (f) Temporary Duty Assignments.--The Secretary shall submit a quarterly report to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs of the Senate, the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate, the Committee on Homeland Security of the House of Representatives, and the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives regarding temporary duty assignments of U.S. Border Patrol agents during the reporting period, including-- (1) the number of agents on temporary duty assignment; (2) the duration of the temporary duty assignment; and (3) the sectors from which the agents were assigned. (g) Rule of Construction.--The Center established pursuant to subsection (a) shall be established separate and distinct from the Secretary's authorities under section 708 of the Homeland Security Act of 2002 (6 U.S.C. 348). (h) Sunset.--This Act shall cease to be effective on the date that is 7 years after the date of the enactment of this Act. Passed the Senate June 5, 2024. Attest: Secretary. 118th CONGRESS 2d Session S. 2291 _______________________________________________________________________ AN ACT To establish the Northern Border Coordination Center, and for other purposes.
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Missing Children’s Assistance Reauthorization Act of 2023
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [S. 2051 Enrolled Bill (ENR)] S.2051 One Hundred Eighteenth Congress of the United States of America AT THE SECOND SESSION Begun and held at the City of Washington on Wednesday, the third day of January, two thousand and twenty four An Act To reauthorize the Missing Children's Assistance Act, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Missing Children's Assistance Reauthorization Act of 2023''. SEC. 2. MISSING CHILDREN'S ASSISTANCE ACT AMENDMENTS. (a) Definitions.--Section 403 of the Missing Children's Assistance Act (34 U.S.C. 11292) is amended-- (1) in paragraph (3), by striking ``and'' at the end; (2) in paragraph (4), by striking the period at the end and inserting ``; and'', and (3) by adding at the end the following: ``(5) the term `child sexual abuse material' has the meaning given the term `child pornography' in section 2256 of title 18, United States Code;''. (b) Duties and Functions of the Administrator.--Section 404 of the Missing Children's Assistance Act (34 U.S.C. 11293) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)(6)(E), by striking ``the tipline established'' and inserting ``the CyberTipline established''; and (2) in subsection (b)(1)-- (A) in subparagraph (A)-- (i) in clause (i)-- (I) by striking ``hotline by which'' and inserting ``call center to which''; and (II) by striking ``individuals may report'' and all that follows and inserting ``individuals may-- ``(I) report child sexual exploitation and the location of any missing child; and ``(II) request information pertaining to procedures necessary to reunite such child with such child's parent;''; (ii) by redesignating clause (ii) as clause (iii); and (iii) by inserting after clause (i) the following: ``(ii) manage the AMBER Alert Secondary Distribution Program; and''; (B) in subparagraph (D), by striking ``with their families'' and inserting ``with their parents''; (C) in subparagraph (F), by striking ``to families'' and inserting ``to parents''; (D) by striking subparagraph (G) and inserting the following: ``(G) provide technical assistance and case-related resources, including-- ``(i) referrals to-- ``(I) child-serving professionals involved in helping to recover missing and exploited children; and ``(II) law enforcement officers in their efforts to identify, locate, and recover missing and exploited children; and ``(ii) searching public records databases and publicly accessible open source data to-- ``(I) locate and identify potential abductors and offenders involved in attempted or actual abductions; and ``(II) identify, locate, and recover abducted children;''; (E) in subparagraph (H), by inserting ``on long-term missing child cases'' after ``techniques to assist''; (F) by striking subparagraph (I) and inserting the following: ``(I) provide education, technical assistance, and information to-- ``(i) nongovernmental organizations with respect to procedures and resources to conduct background checks on individuals working with children; and ``(ii) law enforcement agencies with respect to identifying and locating noncompliant sex offenders;''; (G) in subparagraph (J), by striking ``with their families'' and inserting ``with their parents''; (H) in subparagraph (K)-- (i) in clause (i)-- (I) in the matter preceding subclause (I), by striking ``tipline'' and inserting ``CyberTipline''; (II) in subclause (I)-- (aa) in item (aa), by striking ``child pornography'' and inserting ``child sexual abuse material''; (bb) in item (dd) by striking ``sex tourism involving children'' and inserting ``extraterritorial child sexual abuse and exploitation''; and (cc) in item (ee), by striking ``extra- familial''; and (III) in subclause (II)-- (aa) by striking ``tipline'' and inserting ``CyberTipline''; and (bb) by adding ``and'' at the end; (ii) in clause (ii)-- (I) by striking ``child pornography'' and inserting ``child sexual abuse material''; (II) by inserting ``and'' after ``other sexual crimes''; and (III) by striking ``; and'' at the end and inserting ``, including by providing information on legal remedies available to such victims;''; and (iii) by striking clause (iii); (I) by redesignating subparagraphs (L) through (O) as subparagraphs (M) through (P), respectively; (J) by inserting after subparagraph (K) the following: ``(L) provide support services, consultation, and assistance to missing and sexually exploited children, parents, their families, and child-serving professionals on-- ``(i) recovery support, including counseling recommendations and community support; ``(ii) family and peer support; ``(iii) requesting the removal of child sexual abuse material and sexually exploitive content depicting children from the internet, including by assisting with requests to providers (as defined in section 2258E of title 18, United States Code) to remove visual depictions of victims that-- ``(I) constitute or are associated with child sexual abuse material; or ``(II) do not constitute child sexual abuse material but are sexually suggestive;''; (K) in subparagraph (M), as so redesignated-- (i) in the matter preceding clause (i), by inserting ``educational'' before ``information to families''; (ii) in clause (i)-- (I) by striking ``child abduction and'' and inserting ``missing children and child''; and (II) by adding ``and'' at the end; and (iii) by striking clauses (ii) and (iii) and inserting the following: ``(ii) internet safety, including tips and strategies to promote safety for children using technology (including social media) and reduce risk relating to-- ``(I) cyberbullying; ``(II) child sex trafficking; ``(III) youth-produced child sexual abuse material or sexting; ``(IV) sextortion; and ``(V) online enticement;''; (L) in subparagraph (N), as so redesignated, by inserting ``and preventing child sexual exploitation'' after ``recovering such children''; (M) by striking subparagraph (O), as so redesignated, and inserting the following: ``(O) coordinate with and provide technical assistance to Federal, State, and local government agencies relating to cases of children missing from a State or Tribal child welfare system and assist the efforts of law enforcement agencies and State and Tribal child welfare agencies in-- ``(i) coordinating to ensure the reporting, documentation, and resolution of cases involving children missing from a State or Tribal child welfare system; and ``(ii) responding to foster children missing from a State or Tribal child welfare system; and''; and (N) in subparagraph (P), as so redesignated, by inserting ``and recovery support services'' after ``technical assistance''; and (3) in subsection (c)-- (A) in paragraph (1) by striking ``and'' at the end; (B) in paragraph (2) by striking the period at the end; and (C) by adding at the end the following: ``(3) publish an analysis of the information determined under paragraph (1) that includes disaggregated demographic data and comparison of such data to demographic data from the census.''. (c) Reporting.--Section 407 of the Missing Children's Assistance Act (34 U.S.C. 11295a) is amended-- (1) in subsection (a)-- (A) in paragraph (3) by striking ``and'' at the end; (B) in paragraph (4) by striking the period at the end and inserting a semicolon, (C) by inserting after paragraph (4) the following: ``(5) the number of children nationwide who are reported to the grantee as missing from State-sponsored care; ``(6) the number of children nationwide who are reported to the grantee as missing from State-sponsored care whose recovery was reported to the grantee; and ``(7) the number of children nationwide who are reported to the grantee as missing from State-sponsored care and are likely victims of child sex trafficking.'', and (2) by adding at end the following: ``(c) Criteria for Forensic Partnerships.--As a condition of receiving funds under section 404(b), the grant recipient shall annually provide to the Administrator and make available to the general public, as appropriate, the criteria and processes the grantee uses to establish forensic partnerships and recommend forensic resources to law enforcement and shall annually review these forensic partnerships and forensic referrals against the criteria and review new advancements in technology.''. (d) Authorization of Appropriations.--Section 409(a) of the Missing Children's Assistance Act (34 U.S.C. 11297(a)) is amended by striking ``$40,000,000 for each of the fiscal years 2014 through 2023, up to $32,200,000'' and inserting ``$49,300,000 for each of fiscal years 2024 through 2028, up to $41,500,000''. Speaker of the House of Representatives. Vice President of the United States and President of the Senate.
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Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 8580) making appropriations for military construction, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2025, and for other purposes, and providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 8282) to impose sanctions with respect to the International Criminal Court engaged in any effort to investigate, arrest, detain, or prosecute any protected person of the United States and its allies.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H. Res. 1269 Engrossed in House (EH)] <DOC> H. Res. 1269 In the House of Representatives, U. S., June 4, 2024. Resolved, That at any time after adoption of this resolution the Speaker may, pursuant to clause 2(b) of rule XVIII, declare the House resolved into the Committee of the Whole House on the state of the Union for consideration of the bill (H.R. 8580) making appropriations for military construction, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2025, and for other purposes. The first reading of the bill shall be dispensed with. All points of order against consideration of the bill are waived. General debate shall be confined to the bill and shall not exceed one hour equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Appropriations or their respective designees. After general debate the bill shall be considered for amendment under the five-minute rule. An amendment in the nature of a substitute consisting of the text of Rules Committee Print 118-35, modified by the amendment printed in part A of the report of the Committee on Rules accompanying this resolution, shall be considered as adopted in the House and in the Committee of the Whole. The bill, as amended, shall be considered as the original bill for the purpose of further amendment under the five-minute rule and shall be considered as read. All points of order against provisions in the bill, as amended, are waived. Sec. 2. (a) No further amendment to H.R. 8580, as amended, shall be in order except those printed in part B of the report of the Committee on Rules accompanying this resolution, amendments en bloc described in section 3 of this resolution, and pro forma amendments described in section 4 of this resolution. (b) Each further amendment printed in part B of the report of the Committee on Rules shall be considered only in the order printed in the report, may be offered only by a Member designated in the report, shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for the time specified in the report equally divided and controlled by the proponent and an opponent, shall not be subject to amendment except as provided by section 4 of this resolution, and shall not be subject to a demand for division of the question in the House or in the Committee of the Whole. (c) All points of order against further amendments printed in part B of the report of the Committee on Rules or against amendments en bloc described in section 3 of this resolution are waived. Sec. 3. It shall be in order at any time for the chair of the Committee on Appropriations or his designee to offer amendments en bloc consisting of further amendments printed in part B of the report of the Committee on Rules accompanying this resolution not earlier disposed of. Amendments en bloc offered pursuant to this section shall be considered as read, shall be debatable for 20 minutes equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Appropriations or their respective designees, shall not be subject to amendment except as provided by section 4 of this resolution, and shall not be subject to a demand for division of the question in the House or in the Committee of the Whole. Sec. 4. During consideration of H.R. 8580 for amendment, the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Appropriations or their respective designees may offer up to 10 pro forma amendments each at any point for the purpose of debate. Sec. 5. At the conclusion of consideration of H.R. 8580 for amendment the Committee shall rise and report the bill, as amended, to the House with such further amendments as may have been adopted. The previous question shall be considered as ordered on the bill, as amended, and on any further amendment thereto to final passage without intervening motion except one motion to recommit. Sec. 6. Upon adoption of this resolution it shall be in order to consider in the House the bill (H.R. 8282) to impose sanctions with respect to the International Criminal Court engaged in any effort to investigate, arrest, detain, or prosecute any protected person of the United States and its allies. All points of order against consideration of the bill are waived. An amendment in the nature of a substitute consisting of the text of Rules Committee Print 118-37 shall be considered as adopted. The bill, as amended, shall be considered as read. All points of order against provisions in the bill, as amended, are waived. The previous question shall be considered as ordered on the bill, as amended, and on any further amendment thereto, to final passage without intervening motion except: (1) one hour of debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs or their respective designees; and (2) one motion to recommit. Attest: Clerk.
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Electing Members to certain standing committees of the House of Representatives.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H. Res. 1276 Engrossed in House (EH)] <DOC> H. Res. 1276 In the House of Representatives, U. S., June 4, 2024. Resolved, That the following named Members be, and are hereby, elected to the following standing committees of the House of Representatives: Committee on the Budget: Mr. Suozzi. Committee on Foreign Affairs: Mr. Mfume (to rank immediately after Mr. Amo). Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure: Mr. Deluzio. Attest: Clerk.
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Illegitimate Court Counteraction Act
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 8282 Engrossed in House (EH)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 8282 _______________________________________________________________________ AN ACT To impose sanctions with respect to the International Criminal Court engaged in any effort to investigate, arrest, detain, or prosecute any protected person of the United States and its allies. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. This Act may be cited as the ``Illegitimate Court Counteraction Act''. SEC. 2. FINDINGS. Congress finds the following: (1) The United States and Israel are not parties to the Rome Statute or members of the International Criminal Court (ICC), and therefore the ICC has no legitimacy or jurisdiction over the United States or Israel. (2) On May 20, 2024, the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Karim Khan, announced arrest warrant applications for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant and should be condemned in the strongest possible terms. (3) The bipartisan American Servicemembers' Protection Act was enacted in 2002 to protect United States military personnel, United States officials, and officials and military personnel of certain allied countries against criminal prosecution by an international criminal court to which the United States is not party, stating, ``In addition to exposing members of the Armed Forces of the United States to the risk of international criminal prosecution, the Rome Statute creates a risk that the President and other senior elected and appointed officials of the United States Government may be prosecuted by the International Criminal Court.''. (4) The ICC's actions against Israel are illegitimate and baseless, including the preliminary examination and investigation of Israel and applications for arrest warrants against Israeli officials, which create a damaging precedent that threatens the United States, Israel, and all United States partners who have not submitted to the ICC's jurisdiction. (5) The United States must oppose any action by the ICC against the United States, Israel, or any other ally of the United States that has not consented to ICC jurisdiction or is not a state party to the Rome Statute of the ICC. SEC. 3. SANCTIONS WITH RESPECT TO THE INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT. (a) In General.--Not later than 60 days after the date of enactment of this Act, and on an ongoing basis thereafter, if the International Criminal Court is engaging in any attempt to investigate, arrest, detain, or prosecute any protected person, the President shall impose-- (1) the sanctions described in subsection (b) with respect to any foreign person the President determines-- (A) has directly engaged in or otherwise aided any effort by the International Criminal Court to investigate, arrest, detain, or prosecute a protected person; (B) has materially assisted, sponsored, or provided financial, material, or technological support for, or goods or services to or in support of any effort by the International Criminal Court to investigate, arrest, detain, or prosecute a protected person; or (C) is owned or controlled by, or is currently acting or purports to have acted, directly or indirectly, for or on behalf of any person that directly engages in any effort by the International Criminal Court to investigate, arrest, detain, or prosecute a protected person; and (2) the sanctions described in subsection (b)(2) with respect to the immediate family members of each foreign person who is subject to sanctions pursuant to paragraph (1). (b) Sanctions Described.--The sanctions described in this subsection with respect to a foreign person described in subsection (a) are the following: (1) Property blocking.--The President shall exercise all of the powers granted by the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) to the extent necessary to block and prohibit all transactions in all property and interests in property of any foreign person described in subsection (a)(1) if such property and interests in property are in the United States, come within the United States, or are or come within the possession or control of a United States person. (2) Aliens inadmissible for visas, admission, or parole.-- (A) Visas, admission, or parole.--In the case of an alien described in subsection (a), the alien is-- (i) inadmissible to the United States; (ii) ineligible to receive a visa or other documentation to enter the United States; and (iii) otherwise ineligible to be admitted or paroled into the United States or to receive any other benefit under the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101 et seq.). (B) Current visas revoked.-- (i) In general.--The visa or other entry documentation of an alien described in subparagraph (A) shall be revoked, regardless of when such visa or other entry documentation was issued. (ii) Immediate effect.--A revocation under clause (i) shall-- (I) take effect immediately; and (II) automatically cancel any other valid visa or entry documentation that is in the alien's possession. (c) Implementation; Penalties.-- (1) Implementation.--The President may exercise all authorities provided under sections 203 and 205 of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1702 and 1704) to carry out this section. (2) Penalties.--A person that violates, attempts to violate, conspires to violate, or causes a violation of this section or any regulation, license, or order issued to carry out this section shall be subject to the penalties set forth in subsections (b) and (c) of section 206 of the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1705) to the same extent as a person that commits an unlawful act described in subsection (a) of that section. (d) Notification to Congress.--Not later than 10 days after any imposition of sanctions pursuant to subsection (a), the President shall brief and provide written notification to the appropriate congressional committees regarding the imposition of sanctions that shall include-- (1) a description of the foreign person or persons subject to the imposition of such sanctions, including the foreign person's role at or relation to the International Criminal Court; (2) a description of any activity undertaken by such foreign person or persons in support of efforts to investigate, arrest, detain, or prosecute any protected person; and (3) the specific sanctions imposed on such foreign person or persons. (e) Waiver.-- (1) In general.--The President may, on a case-by-case basis and for periods not to exceed 90 days each, waive the application of sanctions imposed or maintained with respect to a foreign person under this section if the President submits to the appropriate congressional committees before the waiver is to take effect a report that contains a determination of the President that the waiver is vital to the national security interests of the United States. (2) Contents.--Each report required by paragraph (1) with respect to a waiver of the application of sanctions imposed or maintained with respect to a foreign person under this section, or the renewal of such a waiver, shall include-- (A) a specific and detailed rationale for the determination that the waiver is vital to the national security interests of the United States; (B) a description of the activity that resulted in the foreign person being subject to sanctions; (C) a detailed description and list of actions the United States has taken to-- (i) stop the International Criminal Court from engaging in any effort to investigate, arrest, detain, or prosecute all protected persons; and (ii) permanently close, withdraw, end, or otherwise terminate any preliminary examination, investigation, or any other effort to investigate, arrest, detain, or prosecute all protected persons. (3) Form.--Each report required by paragraph by paragraph (1) shall be submitted in unclassified form but may include a classified annex. (f) Special Rule.--The President may terminate the sanctions with respect to the foreign persons described in subsection (a) if the President certifies in writing to the appropriate congressional committees that the International Criminal Court-- (1) has ceased engaging in any effort to investigate, arrest, detain, or prosecute all protected persons; and (2) has permanently closed, withdrawn, ended, and otherwise terminated any preliminary examination, investigation, or any other effort by the International Criminal Court to investigate, arrest, detain, or prosecute all protected persons. SEC. 4. RESCISSION OF FUNDS FOR INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL COURT. (a) In General.--Effective on the date of the enactment of this Act, any amounts appropriated for the International Criminal Court and available for obligation as of such date of enactment are hereby rescinded. (b) Prohibition on Future Appropriations.--On and after the date of the enactment of this Act, no appropriated funds may be used for the International Criminal Court. SEC. 5. DEFINITIONS. In this Act: (1) Admitted alien.--The terms ``admitted'' and ``alien'' have the meanings given those terms in section 101 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101). (2) Ally of the united states.--The term ``ally of the United States'' means-- (A) a government of a member country of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization; or (B) a government of a major non-NATO ally, as that term is defined by section 2013(7) of the American Service-Members' Protection Act (22 U.S.C. 7432(7)). (3) Appropriate congressional committees defined.--The term ``appropriate congressional committees'' means-- (A) the Committee on Foreign Affairs, the Committee on Financial Services, and the Committee on the Judiciary of the House of Representatives; and (B) the Committee on Foreign Relations the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, and the Committee on the Judiciary of the Senate. (4) Foreign person.--The term ``foreign person'' means a person that is not a United States person. (5) Immediate family member.--The term ``immediate family member'', with respect to a foreign person, means the spouse, parent, sibling, or adult child of the person. (6) International criminal court; rome statute.--The terms ``International Criminal Court'' and ``Rome Statute'' have the meaning given those terms in section 2013 of the American Service-Members' Protection Act (22 U.S.C. 7432). (7) Protected person.--The term ``protected person'' means-- (A) any United States person, unless the United States provides formal consent to International Criminal Court jurisdiction and is a state party to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, including-- (i) current or former members of the Armed Forces of the United States; (ii) current or former elected or appointed officials of the United States Government; and (iii) any other person currently or formerly employed by or working on behalf of the United States Government; (B) any foreign person that is a citizen or lawful resident of an ally of the United States that has not consented to International Criminal Court jurisdiction or is not a state party to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, including-- (i) current or former members of the Armed Forces of such ally of the United States; (ii) current or former elected or appointed government officials of such ally of the United States; and (iii) any other person currently or formerly employed by or working on behalf of such a government. (8) United states person.--The term ``United States person'' means-- (A) an individual who is a United States citizen or an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence to the United States; (B) an entity organized under the laws of the United States or any jurisdiction within the United States, including a foreign branch of such an entity; or (C) any person in the United States. Passed the House of Representatives June 4, 2024. Attest: Clerk. 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 8282 _______________________________________________________________________ AN ACT To impose sanctions with respect to the International Criminal Court engaged in any effort to investigate, arrest, detain, or prosecute any protected person of the United States and its allies.
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Electing Members to certain standing committees of the House of Representatives.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H. Res. 1275 Engrossed in House (EH)] <DOC> H. Res. 1275 In the House of Representatives, U. S., June 4, 2024. Resolved, That the following named Members be, and are hereby, elected to the following standing committees of the House of Representatives: Committee on Armed Services: Mr. Higgins of Louisiana. Committee on Foreign Affairs: Mr. Zinke and Mr. Moylan. Committee on Science, Space, and Technology: Mr. Fong. Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure: Mr. Fong. Attest: Clerk.
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An Act To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 1077 River Road, Suite 1, in Washington Crossing, Pennsylvania, as the Susan C. Barnhart Post Office.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 5476 Referred in Senate (RFS)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 5476 _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 4, 2024 Received; read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs _______________________________________________________________________ AN ACT To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 1077 River Road, Suite 1, in Washington Crossing, Pennsylvania, as the ``Susan C. Barnhart Post Office''. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SUSAN C. BARNHART POST OFFICE. (a) Designation.--The facility of the United States Postal Service located at 1077 River Road, Suite 1, in Washington Crossing, Pennsylvania, shall be known and designated as the ``Susan C. Barnhart Post Office''. (b) References.--Any reference in a law, map, regulation, document, paper, or other record of the United States to the facility referred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to be a reference to the ``Susan C. Barnhart Post Office''. Passed the House of Representatives June 3, 2024. Attest: KEVIN F. MCCUMBER, Clerk.
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An Act To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 12804 Chillicothe Road in Chesterland, Ohio, as the Sgt. Wolfgang Kyle Weninger Post Office Building.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 5640 Referred in Senate (RFS)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 5640 _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 4, 2024 Received; read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs _______________________________________________________________________ AN ACT To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 12804 Chillicothe Road in Chesterland, Ohio, as the ``Sgt. Wolfgang Kyle Weninger Post Office Building''. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SGT. WOLFGANG KYLE WENINGER POST OFFICE BUILDING. (a) Designation.--The facility of the United States Postal Service located at 12804 Chillicothe Road in Chesterland, Ohio, shall be known and designated as the ``Sgt. Wolfgang Kyle Weninger Post Office Building''. (b) References.--Any reference in a law, map, regulation, document, paper, or other record of the United States to the facility referred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to be a reference to the ``Sgt. Wolfgang Kyle Weninger Post Office Building''. Passed the House of Representatives June 3, 2024. Attest: KEVIN F. MCCUMBER, Clerk.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
An Act To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 50 East Derry Road in East Derry, New Hampshire, as the Chief Edward B. Garone Post Office.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 1098 Referred in Senate (RFS)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 1098 _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 4, 2024 Received; read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs _______________________________________________________________________ AN ACT To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 50 East Derry Road in East Derry, New Hampshire, as the ``Chief Edward B. Garone Post Office''. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. CHIEF EDWARD B. GARONE POST OFFICE. (a) Designation.--The facility of the United States Postal Service located at 50 East Derry Road in East Derry, New Hampshire, shall be known and designated as the ``Chief Edward B. Garone Post Office''. (b) References.--Any reference in a law, map, regulation, document, paper, or other record of the United States to the facility referred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to be a reference to the ``Chief Edward B. Garone Post Office''. Passed the House of Representatives June 3, 2024. Attest: KEVIN F. MCCUMBER, Clerk.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
An Act To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 9925 Bustleton Avenue in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, as the Sergeant Christopher David Fitzgerald Post Office Building.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 6073 Referred in Senate (RFS)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 6073 _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 4, 2024 Received; read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs _______________________________________________________________________ AN ACT To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 9925 Bustleton Avenue in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, as the ``Sergeant Christopher David Fitzgerald Post Office Building''. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. SERGEANT CHRISTOPHER DAVID FITZGERALD POST OFFICE BUILDING. (a) Designation.--The facility of the United States Postal Service located at 9925 Bustleton Avenue in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, shall be known and designated as the ``Sergeant Christopher David Fitzgerald Post Office Building''. (b) References.--Any reference in a law, map, regulation, document, paper, or other record of the United States to the facility referred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to be a reference to the ``Sergeant Christopher David Fitzgerald Post Office Building''. Passed the House of Representatives June 3, 2024. Attest: KEVIN F. MCCUMBER, Clerk.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
An Act To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 28081 Marguerite Parkway in Mission Viejo, California, as the Major Megan McClung Post Office Building.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 3608 Referred in Senate (RFS)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 3608 _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 4, 2024 Received; read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs _______________________________________________________________________ AN ACT To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 28081 Marguerite Parkway in Mission Viejo, California, as the ``Major Megan McClung Post Office Building''. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. MAJOR MEGAN MCCLUNG POST OFFICE BUILDING. (a) Designation.--The facility of the United States Postal Service located at 28081 Marguerite Parkway in Mission Viejo, California, shall be known and designated as the ``Major Megan McClung Post Office Building''. (b) References.--Any reference in a law, map, regulation, document, paper, or other record of the United States to the facility referred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to be a reference to the ``Major Megan McClung Post Office Building''. Passed the House of Representatives June 3, 2024. Attest: KEVIN F. MCCUMBER, Clerk.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
An Act To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 2119 Market Square in Christiansted, St. Croix, United States Virgin Islands, as the Lieutenant General Samuel E. Ebbesen Post Office.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 5034 Referred in Senate (RFS)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 5034 _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 4, 2024 Received; read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs _______________________________________________________________________ AN ACT To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 2119 Market Square in Christiansted, St. Croix, United States Virgin Islands, as the ``Lieutenant General Samuel E. Ebbesen Post Office''. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. LIEUTENANT GENERAL SAMUEL E. EBBESEN POST OFFICE. (a) Designation.--The facility of the United States Postal Service located at 2119 Market Square in Christiansted, St. Croix, United States Virgin Islands, shall be known and designated as the ``Lieutenant General Samuel E. Ebbesen Post Office''. (b) References.--Any reference in a law, map, regulation, document, paper, or other record of the United States to the facility referred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to be a reference to the ``Lieutenant General Samuel E. Ebbesen Post Office''. Passed the House of Representatives June 3, 2024. Attest: KEVIN F. MCCUMBER, Clerk.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
An Act To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 220 Fremont Street in Kiel, Wisconsin, as the Trooper Trevor J. Casper Post Office Building.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 5712 Referred in Senate (RFS)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 5712 _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 4, 2024 Received; read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs _______________________________________________________________________ AN ACT To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 220 Fremont Street in Kiel, Wisconsin, as the ``Trooper Trevor J. Casper Post Office Building''. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. TROOPER TREVOR J. CASPER POST OFFICE BUILDING. (a) Designation.--The facility of the United States Postal Service located at 220 Fremont Street in Kiel, Wisconsin, shall be known and designated as the ``Trooper Trevor J. Casper Post Office Building''. (b) References.--Any reference in a law, map, regulation, document, paper, or other record of the United States to the facility referred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to be a reference to the ``Trooper Trevor J. Casper Post Office Building''. Passed the House of Representatives June 3, 2024. Attest: KEVIN F. MCCUMBER, Clerk.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
An Act To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 518 North Ridgewood Drive in Sebring, Florida, as the U.S. Army Air Corps Major Thomas B. McGuire Post Office Building.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 6810 Referred in Senate (RFS)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 6810 _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 4, 2024 Received; read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs _______________________________________________________________________ AN ACT To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 518 North Ridgewood Drive in Sebring, Florida, as the ``U.S. Army Air Corps Major Thomas B. McGuire Post Office Building''. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. U.S. ARMY AIR CORPS MAJOR THOMAS B. MCGUIRE POST OFFICE BUILDING. (a) Designation.--The facility of the United States Postal Service located at 518 North Ridgewood Drive in Sebring, Florida, shall be known and designated as the ``U.S. Army Air Corps Major Thomas B. McGuire Post Office Building''. (b) References.--Any reference in a law, map, regulation, document, paper, or other record of the United States to the facility referred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to be a reference to the ``U.S. Army Air Corps Major Thomas B. McGuire Post Office Building''. Passed the House of Representatives June 3, 2024. Attest: KEVIN F. MCCUMBER, Clerk.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
An Act To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 501 Mercer Street Southwest in Wilson, North Carolina, as the Milton F. Fitch, Sr. Post Office Building.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 6750 Referred in Senate (RFS)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 6750 _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 4, 2024 Received; read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs _______________________________________________________________________ AN ACT To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 501 Mercer Street Southwest in Wilson, North Carolina, as the ``Milton F. Fitch, Sr. Post Office Building''. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. MILTON F. FITCH, SR. POST OFFICE BUILDING. (a) Designation.--The facility of the United States Postal Service located at 501 Mercer Street Southwest in Wilson, North Carolina, shall be known and designated as the ``Milton F. Fitch, Sr. Post Office Building''. (b) References.--Any reference in a law, map, regulation, document, paper, or other record of the United States to the facility referred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to be a reference to the ``Milton F. Fitch, Sr. Post Office Building''. Passed the House of Representatives June 3, 2024. Attest: KEVIN F. MCCUMBER, Clerk.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
An Act To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 517 Seagaze Drive in Oceanside, California, as the Charlesetta Reece Allen Post Office Building.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 5985 Referred in Senate (RFS)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 5985 _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 4, 2024 Received; read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs _______________________________________________________________________ AN ACT To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 517 Seagaze Drive in Oceanside, California, as the ``Charlesetta Reece Allen Post Office Building''. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. CHARLESETTA REECE ALLEN POST OFFICE BUILDING. (a) Designation.--The facility of the United States Postal Service located at 517 Seagaze Drive in Oceanside, California, shall be known and designated as the ``Charlesetta Reece Allen Post Office Building''. (b) References.--Any reference in a law, map, regulation, document, paper, or other record of the United States to the facility referred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to be a reference to the ``Charlesetta Reece Allen Post Office Building''. Passed the House of Representatives June 3, 2024. Attest: KEVIN F. MCCUMBER, Clerk.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
An Act To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 135 West Spring Street in Titusville, Pennsylvania, as the Edwin L. Drake Post Office Building.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 7417 Referred in Senate (RFS)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 7417 _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 4, 2024 Received; read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs _______________________________________________________________________ AN ACT To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 135 West Spring Street in Titusville, Pennsylvania, as the ``Edwin L. Drake Post Office Building''. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. EDWIN L. DRAKE POST OFFICE BUILDING. (a) Designation.--The facility of the United States Postal Service located at 135 West Spring Street in Titusville, Pennsylvania, shall be known and designated as the ``Edwin L. Drake Post Office Building''. (b) References.--Any reference in a law, map, regulation, document, paper, or other record of the United States to the facility referred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to be a reference to the ``Edwin L. Drake Post Office Building''. Passed the House of Representatives June 3, 2024. Attest: KEVIN F. MCCUMBER, Clerk.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }
An Act To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 420 Highway 17 North in Surfside Beach, South Carolina, as the Nancy Yount Childs Post Office Building.
[Congressional Bills 118th Congress] [From the U.S. Government Publishing Office] [H.R. 6188 Referred in Senate (RFS)] <DOC> 118th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 6188 _______________________________________________________________________ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES June 4, 2024 Received; read twice and referred to the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs _______________________________________________________________________ AN ACT To designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 420 Highway 17 North in Surfside Beach, South Carolina, as the ``Nancy Yount Childs Post Office Building''. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, SECTION 1. NANCY YOUNT CHILDS POST OFFICE BUILDING. (a) Designation.--The facility of the United States Postal Service located at 420 Highway 17 North in Surfside Beach, South Carolina, shall be known and designated as the ``Nancy Yount Childs Post Office Building''. (b) References.--Any reference in a law, map, regulation, document, paper, or other record of the United States to the facility referred to in subsection (a) shall be deemed to be a reference to the ``Nancy Yount Childs Post Office Building''. Passed the House of Representatives June 3, 2024. Attest: KEVIN F. MCCUMBER, Clerk.
{ "license": "Public Domain", "url": "" }