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5 classes
Gay men have taken over the Proud Boys Twitter hashtag
Did I Miss Something in Howl’s Moving CastleI just watched it and think it’s a solid 710 with my main issues being the pacing and story focus However I see a lot of people rating it as 1010 or as one of their favorite movies Is there something I missed or maybe overlooked I’m not trying to be mean I just genuinely don’t understand what about it makes it so highly praised
I'm not a fan of the 'race car' gaming chairs so being an upholsterer by trade I bought myself a 1970's executive chair and reupholstered it
I23M found a sextape on my girlfriend's23F phone And it wasn't oursI've been dating this girl for over 5 years She's very special to me Even at this point I can't help but hope she's not too worried about why I've been acting so oddly I honestly was planning to marry her sometime in the future as soon as we settled into our adult livesOne day we were chilling at her house when I asked her if she could send me the funny picture she took earlier that day of one of our puppies She was busy on her pc so she told me to just grab her phone to send it to myself When I went into her phone gallery I noticed a hidden folder which I hadn't seen before out of curiousity I opened it It was filled with her nudes Most I've already seen Some of which she's never sent to me before I thought maybe she was stockpiling for whenever I asked for any I clicked on a video It was a sextape It was from the POV of the guy but the thing is I dont remember ever filming it It 100 wasnt me trust me i know what my own schlong looks like My girlfriend recorded having sex with another man For the last 5 years We've had a few share of fights but nothing too serious She'd always make me feel loved and I could tell she really cares about me Or at least I thought she did After I returned her phone to her I quickly got up and went home I couldn't stay there any longer And now I'm here I dont really know what to do I'm planning on confronting her and breaking it off but right now I'm just so in shock 5 years down the drain and I feel like I just lost my best friend I'm not really sure how to feel I can't think straight What would be the best way to handle this situation
Upgraded to a 7900 XTX and my graphics are on fire literally
25M 25F How does one become wife materialI was told by a guy25M that i like and seeing i wasn't wife material but might be some day not to him but just in general He told me that I don't know what it takes or have the qualities to be a wife after asking me why do i think im wife material He told me that marriage is a big thing and I'm not prepared with what comes with it I do want to get married some day
My 22f fiance 25m want his father to check my hymen tomorrow night before I get marriedMy fiance proposed to me about 8 months ago We decided on having a relatively small wedding which is in two days Everything was going great He seems absolutely perfect and we are very much in loveI am a virgin and so is he he wanted to save it for marriage and I wasn't fussed so I agreed to saving it He has told me earlier that in his family the father checks the virginity of the bride the night before the wedding I laughed this off as it seriously sounds like a massive joke No turns out he was dead serious He wants me the night before to open my legs up in a small ceremony type thing so his dad can check me while him his brothers and uncle can watch so that they know I am still 'pure'I told him fat chance I am going to do that and he was begging to me to go through with it and how important it is for him He said he knew it was slightly embarrassing for me but his mom did and it will prove how much I love him and that I have nothing to hide anyway as I am still a virgin I left and he was crying it was very dramatic tbhI want to call off the whole wedding because of this and never talk to him again But at the same time its only one thing and other then that we are genuinely perfect for each other and I dont want to spend my life with anyone else and it is very important to him and his familyWhat the frick frack do I do I am currently at my friends house and I might stay here for the night tomorrow would be our last day as an unmarried couple and I am straight up panicking
Do you miss the era when martial arts movies and stars were all the rage at the movies ex Van Damme Seagal Jackie Chan David BradleyI grew up around boys who'd obsess over Van Damme and Steven Seagal watch all their movies and would ask each other who'd won who They were so obsessed with these kind of movies that they even ate up shit like 3 Ninjas and the American Ninja series with Emilio Estevez cosplayer Michael Dudikoff I was a fan of Cynthia Rothrock Her acting sucked but she was a great fighter and she was a big star in Hong Kong martial arts movies where she was often dubbed thank god I didn't like her American movies the China O'Brien series but her Asian ones were really good
Wells Fargo VP fired arrested for allegedly urinating on woman on flight
Travis Scott Sued Over ‘Predictable And Preventable’ Astroworld Tragedy
Update My 32F husband 36M became a robot and I don’t know how to help himoriginalHey everybody here’s the update I wrote this a couple days ago but couldn’t post it because it was too soon My husband came home at around 6 o’clock and after he had something to eat I took him to the bedroom to talk I sat him down on the bed and told him I was worried about him I didn’t know exactly how to phrase my worries so I just showed him my original post When he finished reading the post he starting crying like full on crying In all the years that I have known this man I had never seen a tear roll down his eye I held him for a few minutes until he could recompose himself and he told me everything He told me that the world was in a “shitty place” right now and that we’re bringing a child into a stressful time He said when I became pregnant he felt he had to step up He needed to take care of things because it was his responsibility He said that the weight of carrying the family was so much harder than he anticipated so he thought if he “doubled down” he could get through it But the more he tried the “darker the tunnel got” and eventually he couldn’t see an end He said that he feels like he’s “constantly drowning and the only breath of fresh air is on the car ride between home and work”He said that sometimes the stress is so much that he throws up but doesn’t tell anyone and instead keeps going with his day He then pulled out a pack of gum from his pocket and said “this was for when it happens”I asked him why he couldn’t tell me any of this and he said he didn’t want to “burden me with the truth”He said that he thought if he told me everything that I would stop seeing him as a “protecter and provider” and that I would inevitably stop loving him Hearing him say that brought tears to my eyes because I didn’t know where he got the notion I would feel that way I asked him if he wanted to quit his job but surprisingly he said the job doesn’t bother him He said the work in of it self was fine It’s just now he feels an added weight to provide because not only was he fortunate enough to keep his job in the pandemic but we also had a kid on the way He said that some days he feels like packing a suit case and running to some tropical island for a week and not telling anyone But then he feels guilty and doubles down even more I told him that maybe he should go on a trip I said that he deserved a break and maybe if he did exactly that he’d feel better He tried to protest but I insisted In the end said that he’ll only go if we go together Like a romantic get away between spouses Once things start to clear up and before the baby is due he wants to take a week off from work drop the kids off at Grandma’s house and have us go on a vacation Just the two of us like we used to when we first got married He also said he wants to take the day off tomorrow and just sleep in so that’s the plan I’ll call his boss tomorrow and say that he’s sick and can’t come in it’s not like they’ll make a sick man come in to work There’s a pandemic going on Right now he’s playing with the kids and it doesn’t feel like he’s doing one of his chores He actually seems to be enjoying himselfFor the first time in months I don’t see the robot I see my husbandEdit Hey everyone I want to thank you all for the support I read all of your comments and I appreciate all of you I didn’t expect this to get so much traction so I want to clarify some things First things first my husband says hi 1 I wanted to clarify about the chores people are taking about I want to say that I know as a SAHM the bulk of chores goes to me I cook and clean and do laundry because I know it’s my responsibility My husband’s only chores are doing dishes vacuuming every three days and a few other “house maintenance” stuff 2 I did in fact call in sick for my husband but I made sure that I said he had a migraine I saw on google that it wasn’t a symptom of COVID if it was an isolated symptom His boss was okay with it and said he can come back whenever he feels better 3 The pregnancy wasn’t an accident We both did want to have 3 kids because we were both raised in 3 kid families We actively tried for the first 2 but for baby number 3 it was kind of a “if it happens it happens” kind of thing We’re both happy with the amount of kids we have will have and are hopefully done We are not considering abortion nor adoption 4 We realize that a one week vacation isn’t enough to get rid of his stress and are both trying to come up with a solution that alleviates his stress in a more sustainable way Right now we’re thinking about setting up an hour or 2 a day that’s “daddy’s time” No kids no me no work Just for him to relax 5 To those of you who think this fake there isn’t any way I can change your minds about this situation so I’m not really too bothered I just hope you this never happens to you guys You all have been supportive and really a wonderful bunch of people I really think we can get through this and it wouldn’t have been possible without you guys I’m not going to reply to comments because like last time it’s an overwhelming amount But just know I’m reading these as they come in Goodnight everyone it’s been great
My wife 33f is denying we're married and wants to be called my 'girlfriend' I'm confusedMy wife 33f and I 29m have been married four years now coming on five We have generally had a good relationship and a good marriageWe had a reasonably expensive wedding which we're still paying for now I get the bill every month to prove it My wife took charge of planning the wedding so it was to her tastes She seemed to enjoy it at the time and for the first few years of our marriage she would look back at the wedding with me happily and without issuesIn recent months I've noticed my wife's attitude to a our wedding and b our marriage itself shift It began by her I thought jokingly referring to herself as my 'girlfriend' She told me to buy her a 'girlfriend' card for Valentine's Day rather than a 'wife' one for example I thought she was just playing around at first But this behaviour has only escalated Two months ago my wife stopped wearing her wedding ring I was understandably upset and asked her if there was something wrong She told me everything was fine and she just 'doesn't the sensation of jewellery on her hands' My wife has never liked rings and jewellery so this could be the caseBut when we are with friends my wife will get upset if I talk about her as 'my wife' rather than just a girlfriend She will go as far to interrupt me if I'm talkingtelling a story to 'correct' me on our relationship Initially this was something our friends laughed at but now everybody just finds it understandably awkwardOne of our friends was talking about their own wedding which is scheduled for early next year They asked for advice from my wife about how she'd planned ours and my wife responded with 'what wedding' When our friend continued talking about the table decorations my wife had used my wife visibly teared up in front of the whole group and had to step outsideLater that evening I asked her directly if she has a problem with our relationship or if I'm doing something wrong in our marriage She assured me that everything is fine between us From my perspective outside of this issue our relationship is as strong as ever We are considering kids in the near future our sex life is great and my wife recently suggested we get matching tattoos as a renewal of our loveIs there advice anyone can offer on why my wife might be acting like this and what I should do
Ryan Reynolds starring in movie about a man who realizes he's a background character in a video game Stranger Things' producer Shawn Levy to direct
US jobless claim applications fall to lowest in 14 weeks
North Korea drone entered nofly zone near Yoon's office South says
UPDATE My wife gave birth to a biracialbaby that clearly isn't mine and I'm divorcing her But I'm worried about the relationship between my two kids and their new halfsister Link to original post #x200BUnfortunately my last post was locked but I received a lot of helpful PMs from people I'm particularly thankful for those who've lived through a similar situationor have family and friends who've done so and sent me advice on how this affected them and how to navigate the situation I'd also like to thank the hundreds of mouthbreathing bigots who spammed my inboxThe big takeaway for me was that if I'd need to lead by example here not excluding her in any way because of her paternity so that she and my sons would see her as a full member of the family Also that I need to be more active in confronting the bigoted and ignorant nonsense I've been hearing and teach my sons to do the same to protect their sister I've spoken to some of those responsible since and made clear my feelings on this and that she is to be treated as a member family and that if I ever find out that they've said things like that to my sons or their sister that they won't be allowed around us anymoreI've spoken to my wife about this and we're more or less on the same page She's been begging me to forgive her and not go through the divorce but that's not going to happen Even if I didn't consider the cheating unforgivable I just dont feel any love for her any more other then a platonic affection for her as the mother of my children My sons are handling this as well as can be expected The 4 year old doesn't fully understand but is upset by the change in the household thankfully he's easily distracted The 2 year old is thankfully too young to comprehend what's going on but has definitely picked up on how withdrawn his mother has become They're both fascinated with their new little sister so there's that silver liningMy wife OTOH isn't in good shape at all She was depressed even before the birth and now with everything our divorce her infidelity being revealed and the backlash from family and friends PPD and the exhaustion from raising an infant she's barely functional She's seeing a therapist and I've been pressuring some of our family and friends to be supportive of her because even if they think she deserves it her current state is making it harder for me and our childrenIt's become very obvious to me that even after the divorce is finalized we're going to have to live together for a while longer She's in no shape to be taking care of three kids without someone else around to support her and I'm not willing to deprive her of her sons by seeking sole custody It's also too difficult financially since she's lost her job because of COVID As for the baby girl she's healthy and fairly easy by baby standards Since I've been helping care for her I've bonded with her and I've discussed the possibility of adopting her with my wife She can't contact the father as the only thing she knows about him is his first name And given our coparenting situation it feels like adopting her as my daughter would be the best outcome for all involvedHOWEVER there's been a wrench thrown in that plan It was brought to my attention that there may be a way of finding the baby's father namely by having her DNA tested by AncestryDNA If the father or one of his relatives has also taken the test we may be able to find him through there DNA match databaseIf I'm being completely honest I'm not happy about this I've already started to think of the baby girl as my daughter and having him in our lives would massively complicate the family dynamic Plus we live in Seattle and she met him in Philadelphia so god knows how they'd even make it work if he wanted to be the kid's fatherHowever I recognize that this is a selfish reaction If we have a chance of finding her biological father we owe it to her do so if only so that she has access to her paternal medical history and so that she can have a relationship with him if and when she chooses to do so I've read a few accounts by children raised by nonbiological parents and a common thread is their desire to meet their lost biological parent so thats that We've ordered an AncestryDNA kit for her and I guess we'll decide our next steps once we get the results back in a couple of months
I would be visiting this mirror every night
I'm 26F overreacting because my bf 28M is in every girl likes on instaSo as the title is he's liking every girl provocative photos we have been together for almost a year and this has been bugging me since the start of our relationship I noticed that his name is on every girl's halfnaked pictures and it makes me mad I think that is disrespectful also the last girl he had a crush on had a provocative photo on Instagram and he was still liking them when I bring it up to him he said that I'm overreacting and it was just a like and he doesn't want to do anything with her So I need your advice and opinion He made me feel bad for feeling that way he said it's just a like I feel like you are overreacting
UPDATE My 24M girlfriend 21F keeps threatening to kill herself if we break upOriginal postSome of you guys have been asking for an update in my messages so I figured I might as well make a post although it's probably not the „happy“ ending most of you were hoping forIt's been about a month since my original post and pretty much all of you told me to break up and not to worry about her doing that I wanted to do it And I tried but it was just the same thing all over again She started to cry she kept calling and leaving crying voice mails that she's gonna do it I just didn't know what to do So I told her that we can stay together but I'm just so brokenShe was always being mean to me and she always bullied me at least for the last 2 years or so She calls me ugly makes fun of me and always tries to humiliate me I was used to do that and I just kind of took it as it were That I can't do anything about itBut lately she started hitting me Now I'm 6'3 and she's 4'11 so it's not that it's painful physically but it just hurts emotionally so much Whenever we get into an argument she punches me in the face Or in the stomach I'm just broken and lost I've lost all my confidence I lost all my friends because she didn't like any of them And it just sucksI just accepted that this is how my life is and it's probably not gonna change I'm so sorry for disappointing everyone who believed that I can do itI'm sorryAlso I'm not from the United States The Police won't assist me in the break up they don't have any 72hr psych and they told me that they can't do anything unless she actually tries to kill herself EDIT I'm gonna do it I'm gonna drive to see her tomorrow take my parents with me as support and I'm gonna end it I just can't anymore Thank you guysupdate on the situation
Update My sister F22 ripped up myF19 Stan Lee autograph and I haven't forgiven her even tough our mother F46 is pressuring me toThanks for the great advice So a lot has happened after mom and sister left and we took the money that was menat for my sister's car down payment for the restorationMy grandma called me and asked what was happening I explained to my grandma what happened and tried explaining who Stan Lee was Surprisingly she understood just perfectly I was relieved For a moment I thought that my dad and I would get shit from everyoneMy sister started giving me shit about telling our grandma and being a snitch I told her that she asked me and I just told the truthBut what took the cake was that my sister apparently ranted in her friend group chat about me and how she couldn't understand my behavior She again ridiculed my hobby and so on One of the dudes was really pissed and they had a big argument in the gc The dude was so mad that he posted the screenshots in his insta story and they spread like wildfire She is now being ostracized by our community with a few exceptionsMy mom and sister came back in the morning They didn't talk much to us My mom came in my room and asked if we found somone that restored the picture We had a short dry conversation till she asked me why I was making such a big deal about it And I shut her up like you guys told me to I started by explain who Stan Lee was how long the painting took me how much it meant to me equated it to the monetary value and ended it with it is not only about the autograph It's about the disrespect you both showed me and how little you seemed to care about me You said that it was not worth it to destroy family over materialistic things but your daughter destroyed my most valuable possention because I didn't lend her my jacket Ya'll my mom cried She apologized profusely She said she just didn't know how to deal with it and just wanted the tension to be over and as I was more cool headed than my sister she selfishly expected me to be the bigger personMy mom and dad are now talking to my sister very seriously because she has yet to apologize for everything
Titans win probability vs Jags
My 23f boyfriend 24m wants to move in with me I want him to live alone firstMy boyfriend and I have been together 10 months He lives with his parents 50s MF and younger brothers 10 16 18 no sisters Before current events he was over my place basically every night A couple nights ago he said that he wants to move in with me if I'm up for itI've been to his place more than once and I've seen how their dynamic works His mother does everything for all 5 men in that house Cooking cleaning the works Basically all they have to do is put their laundry away after she washesdriesironsfolds it The reason the parents aren't forcing them to contribute is that this was the parent's agreement He works she's a stay at home so she raises the kidsruns the household and he pays for everything with one of the clauses being that as she's doing everything there's no need to involve the boysAs a result my boyfriend cannot do anything I don't know how much of this is actual cluelessness and how much is him trying to get out of stuff but he has told me completely sincere and I checked this with his mother that he can't even fry an egg Which is why when my boyfriend suggested moving in together I said I wanted him to live alone firstHis plan was basically to go straight from his mother's house to my flat I told him my hesitation which is that he can't do chores He then offered to pay more rent 75 in exchange for me doing all the chores I said no I don't want to be his mother or his maid I want to be his girlfriendThen I told him I wanted him to live alone Go from his mothers house to his own place figure out how to do all the things he's never done for himself learn some basic life skills and then revisit us living togetherThis has caused a HUGE argument biggest we've ever had He's taken me saying he has no life skills as an insult which it kind of was to be fair and has basically said that clearly I don't want to live with him at all as I've pushed the moving in time back and have only said we'd revisit after a few months of him living alone and I did say revisit because I wanted to make sure he actually knew what he was doing and wouldn't immediately switch back to offering more rent for no choresThis was all a couple nights ago and he's just stopped talking to me He's at his mum's he's online he's talking to mutual friends who have said he is responding he just won't answer any of my callstexts He's told our friends what happened and they're all on his side saying I was really meancruel I love him and I do want to live with him eventually I just don't want to live with him if I'm doing everything and the one thing I don't want is him paying extra for me to do all the houseworkIs there some sort of compromise or some option I'm not seeing What can I do to fix thisTLDR Boyfriend is incapable of doing any household chores He wants to move in together I don't want to be his maid We can't find a compromise and I would love any suggestionsUpdate he called me and agreed to talk He then basically said that he was never going to be willing to learn to do anything and even suggested dividing up the chores then I do my half and he hire a maid to do his half Suffice to say this was something of a turn off and by the end of the conversation we broke up
Star Wars The Last Jedi Official Teaser Trailer
I've built PCs but now I've built a keyboard first time
Jeff Fisher Fired
Extradition of 'El Chapo' son to the US halted after 29 killed in arrest operation
Kobe Bryant killed in helicopter crash in California
The Whale was so goodWent and saw it last night at my local theater From the moment that movie starts to the moment it ends Brendan Fraser absolutely nails it It was so gut wrenching and it brought me to tears a few times I don't usually cry with movies but his performance throughout the entire film just encapsulated every aspect of his character flawlessly Also shout out to Hong Chau for her performance Her mannerisms and approach to not just her character but to the setting of the movie was executed perfectly Highly recommend checking it out
My boyfriend isn’t okay with me being promiscuous in the past UpdateUpdate to Thank you for all the advice I ended up bringing it up yesterday and it instantly turned into an argument again He asked me why I’m defending ‘thots’ so much yet again Asking me why I cared so much about what he thought about woman who sleep around He then went on to say I should of known better than to sleep with so much guys and that I ‘knew what I was doing’ He said I was straight up a thot in my past but he loves me and is willing to look past it Yeah no I stood my ground and said I can’t be with anyone who sees woman like that and that I wasn’t going to let him talk to me like that I broke things off and he called me stupid for thinking he would let me break up with him and that turned into a whole new argument about how I ain’t ‘loyal’ and I ain’t no ‘ride or die’ chick I also blocked him on all my socials and he is still making accounts to contact me on Definitely made the right decision to end things Also to the people who messaged me saying he was right and that I deserved to be dumped That nobody likes a used up chick and many other unkind words it was so unnecessary and I hope you step on a legoEdit Typos and Thank you for the rewards ❤️
I want to upgrade my GPU might as well get a new MoBo ah a new CPU would be nice more cooling now might as well sprinkle in RGB I'll get a new chair while I'm at it
Update My 21 little sister 12 was given 13 weeks to live What can I do to make her enjoy her last daysOriginal PostFinal UpdateI first want to say thank you to everyone who commented and said wonderful things I got a lot more responses than I had thought I would so I apologize for not responding to so many of you My sister actually survived longer than the doctors anticipated but she passed away on September 1st It’s been a very hard couple of days and I’ve been grieving as has my family We were able to use a lot of your ideas and play board games take pictures laugh and share stories I was able to hold her hand and kiss her as she went She was given pain medicine and went peacefully I wanted to say thank you to one redditor who actually sent us board games to play She normally felt pretty lethargic but she did get to play and enjoyed it We will continue to play these games as a family and think fondly of when she played with us My family is now in the process of planning her funeral and laying her to rest She will always be in our hearts and I know she’s in a better place and not in pain Thank you again to everyone ❤️ it will always mean so much to me and my family for all the thoughts prayers and advice I was given
River of melted butter blocks Wisconsin waterway after fire at dairy plant
Bills Have Dominated the Super Bowl EraBills get a lot of criticism on this sub but if you look at the stats no one comes close to Bills in winning Super BowlsBill Belichick 6Super Bowls XXXVI XXXVIII XXXIX XLIX LI LIIIBill Walsh 3Super Bowls XVI XIX XXIIIBill Parcells 2Super Bowl XXI XXVBill Cowher 1Super Bowl XLBrian Billick 1Super Bowl XXXVThat's 13 Super Bowls won by the Bills When will they get the respect they deserve
Finally breaking free from 1050TI i37100 for 5 years Feels amazing
Shefter Patriots’ HC Bill Belichick will not be traveling to Washington nor accepting the Presidential Medal of Freedom he announced today
Knight Carson Wentz just threw a pick in the end zone and the Eagles’ fake crowd noise booed him
First Image of Tom Holland as Nate in Uncharted
My 24F housemate 22F who studies psychology is trying to force a narrative about my mental health on me What should I doI live with my friend of 3 yearsroommate She is doing a masters in psychology and always tells me that she knows everyone's secrets and problems because she's good at sussing them out because of her psychological background She got drunk the other night and told me she went into my room while she was looking for me and accidentally went through my mental health medication and my private stuff She said she always thought I had problems since she met me and now she knows what it is she's going to help me get better because she's a psychologist and knows everything about mental health I told her thank you but I don't want her help and I'm fine But she insisted and kept pushing the narrative that she knows I'm not fine and she's really worried something's going to happen to me She then said she had been crying in her bed thinking of what might happen to me I got the sense that she was lying when she said that She then said that she always thought I was perfect but she knew there was something going on and she's going to get me better She told me she considers me her best friend and opened up to me about her family drama and then basically asked me to open up to her in return I felt really uncomfortable but she kept pushing So I told her everything which I now regret I've now found out that she's told her boyfriend that I'm mentally unwell and exaggerating the story massively saying something might happen to me and how she's so worried about me when this is not the truth and I told her that What should I do Should I confront her about what happened I've talked to other friends about this and they say she might just be trying to help me But I don't get that impression I don't know if I should talk to her about it but I don't feel comfortable At all
My 19F boyfriend 18M doesn't like what I wear What do I doSo I 19F have a bf 18M We've been dating for 5 months but close for almost a yearHe's generally a very sweet guy and I love him he listens and cares for me more than anyone ever has We're both very emotional people we're high maintenance and have a bunch of past trauma He's had his share of being cheated on while ive been controlled a lot in the past This is where things get complicated He's out right uncomfortable when it comes to clothes Not just with me but any sexualized parts of the media disgusts him He gets uncomfortable just looking at girls outfits online We had a talk about it and we agreed and compromised on whats okay and not okay no cleavage butt or tummy He wasn't keen on me wearing crop tops but i suggested i wear smth under them and he was reluctant but agreed I was okay with this because im not comfortable with him walking shirtless either but im fine with anything else I didn't consider it controlling because i agreed Fast forward to now I was at my university and felt pretty so I sent him a pic It was me wearing a crop top with a shirt under and baggy pants He complimented me but I could tell he was off Long story short it resulted in an argument Me wearing a crop top made him uncomfortable even tho I was wearing a top under it and none of my body was showing and I have strict parents I wouldn't be caught d3ad in anything that shows more than wrists and ankles He knows it's wrong of him but he still feels this way We aren't arguing anymore and we're okay but the issue is still there I know he has a past of things not being exclusive to the relationship and struggles with that He knows I fear being controlled He said he respects that being able to say no is really important to me because I've never been able to stand up to myself before but that it hurts sometimes im a bit slow and didnt get what he was referring to I suppose sometimes he needs me to say yes and assure him I want to know your opinions He's a genuinely sweet guy as far as Im aware but Im not sure what to do I want to wear what I like and I want him to be a bit more secure I've told him I'm his and I chose him and how I dress isn't going to change that It didn't help much I want to be more understanding and comfort him but I also don't want him to think he can tell me what to wear He knows it's wrong but he still feels that way What do I do
My 22M vegan girlfriend 21F wants me to get rid of my cat UPDATEOriginal postTLDR My gf is a passionate vegan and wants me to get rid of my beloved cat because cats eat meat and kill miceFirst of all let me say thank you for everyone who offered advice There are over 7000 comments on my original post and I have dozens of PMs Frankly I'm still pretty overwhelmed with the magnitude of the response I did my best to read most everyone's comments but obviously I couldn't get to everythingI would also like to preempt this post by saying as many users pointed out that my GFs extreme views on domestic cats are not representative of the veganvegetarian community as a whole I do think that sometimes new vegans can be a little overzealous In reality most of us are just doing the best that we can to not hurt animals I did not expect to generate a big debate in the commentsSo we broke up obviously I would never ever give up my cat Mittens Many users said that this situation was about control not veganism and looking back I do see a pattern of control on my GFs part I was blind to it I guessI called my GF and said I was not willing to give up Mittens under any circumstances and given the recent issues we'd had and our incompatible views I thought it was best that we parted ways I said she deserved a partner that shared her values She then asked if we were breaking up I said yes There was some anger on her end but otherwise the situation actually went better than I expected So yeah That's really itOh and several users did ask to see a picture of Mittens I have uploaded one to imgurThanks again to everyone who offered advice It really helped
Babylon’s wild elephant poop scene took an ungodly amount of work
Jetstar flight makes emergency landing in Japan no injuries TV
Me M47 and my wife F39 have different love languagesI need touch and time she need services and gifts I do a lot of service I cook all food clean equal to her and do laundry a little less than she does but I do it also She is happy with our arrangement I am unfortunately not If I don’t hug her or initiate sex there will be none of that If I don’t say let’s sit down and talk a little bit over a cup of coffee there will be no talking over a cup of coffee We have three kids and sure we are tired but we are equally tired She has no need to cuddle and I have a daily need of at least a caress of my arm or a quick kiss on the cheek Preferably on her own initiative I could do all that but after 12 years together I feel that things need to change I have brought it up today as I have many times before but it ends up with her being the victim in some screwed up way I of course don’t buy that All I want is a little bit physical contact that would make me feel loved and that should be enough Apparently not she thinks this is an argument right now that I am pressuring I am not asking for much just a hug in the morning from her Not me hugging her and she answering the hug I have the full responsibility for all the love going on in our house I need her to start doing something too Has anybody else gone through something like this I am sure someone has how did you guys doEDIT just to be clear I do more in the house than what I mentioned and she does too of course She also get gifts and is content with our life I need more physical touch and she does not provide this That is the conflict I don’t need people telling me “I don’t do enough” There is no conflict at home about housework Ok no housework conflicts no conflicts about gifts She is happy and I am not l she does not understand
Idk if this has already been made but I made it anyway
Unpopular opinion
Fun Fact Every single time the Bills have started 61 they have gone to the Super Bowl Their current record through 7 games52 Best of luck to Buffalo nonethelessEdit lotta silver on this post subtle nod to Buffalos performance in Super Bowls 😎
Hello I’m Nicolas Cage and welcome to Ask Me Anything
“It’s All in the Reflexes” John Carpenter’s <i>Big Trouble in Little China<i> as a Hawksian Comedy
Louisiana girl 7 dies after pit bull attack dog's owner arrested
BIL 24M terrorizes Sister 24F and does not allow me 28M to interject TLDR Abusive BIL uses she didn't complain about it as an end to any conversation trying to help him understand his abusive behaviour towards his wifeMy 28M BIL 24 terrorizes his wife 24F mainly by gaslighting He will involve himself in innappropriate behaviour theft abandonment of his family for weeks verbal abuse to her and her family reckless use of family funds but will never take accountability When I try to interject and call him out on his behaviour and try to explain why he is wrong he always turns to well did she complain about it She won't complain about it as he causes immeasureable problems for her if she calls him out on anything Last time she called him out for leaving her and her child with no notice for a week to hang out with friends he just told her to divorce him if she had a problem That situation calmed down a bit with his father travelling from abroad to calm him down With her having a toddler divorce is a difficult option to exerciseHow can I help respond to his well did she complain about it
Dispute on the ability to occasionally not visit girlfriend 26F out of state if I 26M am exhaustedI was feeling overwhelmed by work and my girlfriend recommended that I should talk to my therapist to find some way to not be so knocked down when I get overwhelmed When I feel like I am doing too many things I tend to shut down and not want to do anything I feel like this is a normal reaction to the amount of things I do and my solution is to try to say no to more things My girlfriend's solution is to find some way that I don’t shut down when I feel overwhelmedI started to talk about potentially saying no to more things in the future and I mentioned that I may occasionally say no to my girlfriend too She seemingly sounded not just somewhat but deeply disturbed by that The way she responded to that made me want to pose a hypothetical to her to figure out why it disturbed her so much This weekend she wanted me to come to her and she asked me over 10 times but I said I shouldn’t because I’m about to start 2 new jobs and I should stick around to make sure I know what is going on with those before I head off to her So I posed the hypothetical where “instead of me not going to you because of work what if one weekend I just did not feel like going Maybe I didn’t feel like traveling that weekend or I just wanted to hang out by myself”She said she is sad that I’m not coming to New York because of my new jobs but said she would be mad if I just plain didn’t want to go I asked why She then argued why I was even bringing the hypothetical up I explained that it seemed like a situation where we disagree because being mad in that scenario didn't make too much sense to me Sad Yes 100 Mad Seemed odd I wanted to see if we could come to an agreementsolution so that if that happened in the future where I say “I just don’t want to go out of state this weekend” that it would not stir up a huge argument between us We then talked about how in the beginning of our relationship we had a problem of getting together and doing things It’s a problem I seem to have with a lot of people in my life where I don’t want to hang out with people as much as they want to hang out with me Eventually she and I came to the solution that I should say yes to more things and she should be okay if I say no to more things That ended up working and where we are to this dayI said Okay I would like to convince you otherwise” She then mentioned that she didn’t like what I was doing that it seemed like I was testing her confusing her and that it seemed to just be stemming from me being overwhelmed with workI offered to stop the conversation but she wanted to continueShe mentioned should she be worried that if we live together that I would want to do stuff less with herI told my therapist about this and she said I should not pose hypotheticals of disagreements but rather wait until it comes up to solve itTLDR Boyfriend exhausted from work asked girlfriend if it was okay to occasionally say no to seeing her out of state This caused a big dispute
Movie posters for Toy Story 4 and Child's Play
I 27M in love with my girlfriend 26F who is my best friend but am not sure she's the oneI really need advice or an outside perspective I'm not sure what to do and at this point I've been going back and forth on this for monthsI've been dating the same woman for a couple years We're in our mid 20s Old enough that marriage is on the table young enough that neither of us is in a rush But we both want to get married and have kids I know for a fact that she would gladly spend the rest of her life with me She's madly in love with me She treats me good accepts me for who I am supports me wants the best for me etc She's a damn good womanHave we had our problems Sure but who hasn't Nothing insurmountable and we've always committed to working on them together and are actively doing so Our relationship has been for the most part steady and secure I genuinely love spending time with her She's legitimately my best friend When I think of the person I most want to spend my days with share the good and bad things in my life with tell about my day etc it's her I love herSo what's the problem I can't shake my lust for other women And the truth of the matter is I'm far more attracted to other women than I am her It's not that I'm not attracted to my girlfriend I think she's cute and our sex life is good But she doesn't set my nerves on fire the way other women do And I've dated women before who have had that effect on me For whatever reason while I connect with my girlfriend on a deep emotionalpersonal level I don't connect with her physically in that wayI'm not trying to be shallow or superficial here I know that looks aren't everything But I also don't want to settle Part of me wants the \total\ package And I guess what I'm wondering isDoes the person you settle down with the one you get married to have to have that effect on you Does it have to be the type of person you're absolutely obsessed with totally gaga about Does it have to be someone who has that sort of visceral effect on you where a look from them alone makes your hair stand on end Where you want to breathe them in Because I've felt that before and for whatever reason I don't with my girlfriend I guess I'm wondering how do you balance pure sexual attraction pure lust versus a deeper connection with someone you love and could see yourself building a genuinely good life with Is it possible to find both in the same person Is it worth giving up something and someone good for the hope you might find something better Or is that just silly grass is always greener thinkingTLDR Fundamentally I guess I'm worried about settling But I don't know I'm not even sure why I'm writing this I'm not sure anyone can answer this question for me I just don't know what to do
My boyfriend 35m drugged me 26f with Benadryl because we got into an argument before our road trip and he wanted me to sleep the whole timeUpdate posted on throwramerr1 if anyone sees this due to the 48 hour rule Just wanted to go ahead and post and let y’all know I’m okay Update 2 Here was the post that got removedHoly shit y’all I haven’t been on reddit since I posted my original here and I did NOT expect this I had to make an extra account with similar name to post because of the 48 hour thing but I know a lot of people were genuinely worried about me so I wanted to go ahead and post an update sorry if that’s not allowed Thank you guys so much I can’t even believe the supportresponse I got I ended up calling my brother and telling him about it and asking him how I should handle it and he got in his car to come get me before I even finished telling him what all had happened Him freaking out more than anything else made me realize that I wasn’t overreacting I didn’t tell my boyfriend I was leaving until my brother was parked on the street and I just walked out with a few things So now I’m in a messy breakup situation where he’s already tried to come by my moms house even though I told him I didn’t want to see him and that I’d get my stuff eventually both from his parents house where he’s currently at and his actual house Things are gonna be weird to figure out but I just wanted to let you guys know that I’m totally okay thank you I can’t reply to everyone who reached outmessaged so I hope you guys see this and know I appreciate itMonday we decided to make the 8ish hour drive back to our home state and quarantine there instead for a few months Right before leaving we got into a big fight because I wanted to stay at my mothers house for a while he doesn’t want me to among other things I won’t get into Well before leaving we decided to eat dinner so we didn’t have to stop anywhere Fast forward to our drive and not long after hitting the road I passed out Don’t even really remember falling asleep Woke up one time for a while drank some Gatorade which he gave me and then I fell asleep again I thought this was extremely weird because I wasn’t tired hardly at all and we didn’t even leave super early I kept commenting on how weird it was that I was tired the whole drive and slept 90 of it Yesterday the tension eased a bit and he made the offhanded comment that he wishes he could drug me more when I “act out” and argue with him I ask him what he’s talking about Proceeds to tell me he put Benadryl in my drink and that’s why I slept so he didn’t have to deal with me He literally said this as though it wasn’t that big of a deal I’m still reeling from the conversation and completely floored I don’t know if I’m overreacting or not but something tells me I’m not and it’s extremely fucked up to put medicine in drinks I don’t know what to do
‘Sea Beast’ Sequel in the Works as Filmmaker Chris Williams Signs Overall Deal With Netflix
OCWhich teams have fewer fans than their namesake A studyIn the Chicago Bears roast thread 69memelordharambe420 posted There are more Bears than Bears fans That got me thinking Is that true And more generally which teams have fewer fans than there exist whatever they're named afterTo start I needed a rough estimate of the number of NFL fans in the world This turned out to be difficult to find I found several reasonable estimates that ranged from 200000000 to 400000000 but the average estimate seems to be about 300000000 so I decided to go with that If you prefer a different estimate you can easily scale all of the final numbers up or down as neededOf those 300000000 about 90 or 270000000 consider themselves fans of one team in particular To find out how these 270000000 fans apportion themselves among the 32 teams I used this page which lists how many likes each team has on Facebook it lists the St Louis Rams and the San Diego Chargers but still has accurate numbers for the Facebook likes I checked and calculated the total number of likes across the 32 teams 91712968 Then I took the number of likes for each team and multiplied it by 27000000091712968 then rounded to the nearest whole number to get the best estimate that I was realistically going to be able to get for the total number of fans that each team has Here are my resultsBears There are roughly 12092476 Bears fans There are eight species of bear plus the grizzlypolar hybrid I won't go through all of my calculations but I came up with a final number of 1148364 There are more Bears fans than bearsLions There are roughly 5642181 Lions fans The worldwide lion population is somewhere around 20000 There are more Lions fans than lionsPackers There are roughly 16024215 Packers fans I don't really feel like doing extensive research on the worldwide meatpacking industry but the US meatpacking industry employs about 148100 and there is no way that there are a hundred times that number outside of the country There are more Packers fans than packersVikings There are roughly 6200740 Vikings fans The Viking Age ended nearly a millennium ago There are more Vikings fans than VikingsCowboys There are roughly 25758315 Cowboys fans There are currently less than 9730 cowboys in the United States Again there's no way there are over a thousand times more cowboys elsewhere There are more Cowboys fans than cowboysEagles There are roughly 8888974 Eagles fans This one was a lot harder than I was anticipating but there are 60 different species of eagle Two of the most common are the bald eagle 70000 in the world and the most common eagle in Europe the spotted eagle 40000 in the world Based on this I highly doubt that the average eagle species has a worldwide population of more than 100000 an estimate which would yield a total eagle population across all species of 6000000 remember this is most likely a wild overestimate There are almost certainly more Eagles fans than eaglesGiants There are roughly 11690931 Giants fans Giants are mythological creatures There are more Giants fans than giantsRedskins I'm not touching this oneBuccaneers There are roughly 2779276 Buccaneers fans According to Wikipedia the term buccaneer refers specifically to Caribbean pirates of the 17th and 18th century They're all dead There are more Buccaneers fans than buccaneersFalcons There are roughly 6009462 Falcons fans The common kestrel 5000000 worldwide and Merlin 1300000 worldwide alone cover this number according to this list There are more falcons than Falcons fansPanthers There are roughly 7034101 Panthers fans Panther is kind of a loosely defined term but the genus Panthera includes tigers 3890 worldwide lions 20000 jaguars 15000 leopards 250000 and snow leopards 6000 That adds up to 294890 There are more Panthers fans than panthersSaints There are roughly 11930352 Saints fans For this study I've only been counting living things and you have to die to become a saint Not that it really matters since the Catholic Church has only canonized about 10000 people anyway There are more Saints fans than saints49ers There are roughly 12383284 49ers fans 49ers refers to people who partook in the 1849 California gold rush The oldest living person was born in 1900 All of the 49ers are dead There are more 49ers fans than 49ersCardinals There are roughly 4279156 Cardinals fans There are about 120000000 northern cardinals alone There are more cardinals than Cardinals fansRams There are roughly 2327583 Rams fans A ram can refer to either a male sheep or a male goat note to all of the Patriots fans about to make what they think is a super clever comment just stop There are over a billion sheep in the world and nearly as many goats This isn't even close There are more rams than Rams fansSeahawks There are roughly 11993609 Seahawks fans A seahawk is another name for an osprey of which there are fewer than 100000 in the world There are more Seahawks fans than seahawksBengals There are roughly 3517293 Bengals fans There are 2500 Bengal tigers left to be honest I'm just going to stop posting sources when the information is a single search away because I'm already tired of this and I still have half the league to go There are more Bengals fans than BengalsBrowns There are roughly 3738429 Browns fans for some reason The Browns are named after someone whose last name was Brown In the United States there are about 1552500 people with that last name The majority of the people who speak English as a first language live in the United States so it's very likely that the majority of Browns do as well There are probably more Browns fans than BrownsRavens There are roughly 6927791 Ravens fans There are 20000000 common ravens alone There are more ravens than Ravens fansSteelers There are roughly 19179380 Steelers fans There are only about 87000 or so steel workers in the United States and I'm just once again going to extrapolate and say that there aren't several hundred times more than that outside of the USA There are probably more Steelers fans than steelersBills There are roughly 2533838 Bills fans The Buffalo Bills were named after Buffalo Bill so it makes sense to use the number of people named Bill There are about 3002475 people in the United States named William Using the same logic as we did with the Browns suggests that there are roughly twice as many Williams in the world as Bills fans so we'd need at least half of all Williams to go by Bill Especially considering how many common nicknames for William there are this seems unlikely There are probably more Bills fans than BillsDolphins There are roughly 6637669 Dolphins fans I was somewhat surprised to learn this but we don't really have much of an idea how many dolphins there are in the world the ocean is like really big My standards for reputable sources have fallen so far at this point in this regrettable project that I'm just going to use Quora where Patricia Barquin Enthusiast believes that there are well over seven million So there are probably more dolphins than Dolphins fans WhateverJets There are roughly 5824758 Jets fans Apparently there are about 20000 commercial airplanes in the world A lot of those are not jets but there are also a bunch of private jets Either way there's no way the number of jets is in the millions There are more Jets fans than jetsPatriots There are roughly 20653722 Patriots fans A Gallup poll from last July found that 52 of Americans are proud to be Americans so there are way more than twenty million people in the US who consider themselves patriots which is good enough for me Yeah we've had an ugly election since then but considering that the president still has an approval rating in the 30s there's zero chance that the percentage of Americans who are patriots is less than 10 There are more patriots than Patriots fansColts There are roughly 6689254 Colts fans A Colt is a male horse under the age of four There are 58000000 horses in the world The lifespan of a horse in the wild is about 1520 years we'll take an average of 175 years and I do not feel like doing indepth research into the horse industry so I'm just going to assume that the 58000000 horses are distributed evenly by sex and age That would mean 29000000 male horses of which about 6628571 would be under the age of four This is ridiculously close but using my obviously extremely accurate numbers it looks like there are more Colts fans than coltsJaguars There are roughly 1748475 Jaguars fans significantly higher than my initial guess of 87 As I said earlier there are about 15000 jaguars in the world There are more Jaguars fans than jaguarsTexans There are roughly 6484945 Texans fans Texas has a population of about 27470000 There are more Texans than Texans fansTitans There are roughly 2737981 Titans fans Titans are mythological creatures There are only 26 of them anyway There are more Titans fans than TitansBroncos There are roughly 13082453 Broncos fans A bronco is apparently just a name for an untrained horse The vast majority of the world's 58000000 horses are domestic horses and I'm just going to assume that most of those are trained because I don't know why they wouldn't be and also I am extremely sick of looking all of this stuff up It would be convenient if Reddit had an option to save drafts of posts but it doesn't appear to Anyway the vast majority of horses are not broncos so that means that there are probably more Broncos fans than broncosChargers There are roughly 4700430 Chargers fans The Los Angeles Chargers don't seem to have been named after an actual thing so I'll improvise I own several chargers So does everyone I know Considering how ubiquitous electronic devices are there have to be billions of chargers There are more chargers than Chargers fansChiefs There are roughly 4568973 Chiefs fans Chief is an honorary title used by a lot or organizations but do they combine to account for one out of every 2000 people or so in the world I doubt it There are probably more Chiefs fans than ChiefsRaiders There are roughly 10099869 Raiders fans Meanwhile a raider isn't really an actual thing It's pretty much only used for sports teams There are more Raiders fans than raiders I guessSummary So the teams with fewer fans than their namesakes areAtlanta Falcons Arizona Cardinals Los Angeles Rams Baltimore Ravens Miami Dolphins New England Patriots Houston Texans Los Angeles Chargers Make of that what you willConclusion Turns out that there are a lot of birds in the world
Update My dad's 43 girlfriend is trying to get rid of me 15 foplast update Hi Since my last post I spoke to my grandparents and told them everything I asked if I could stay with them if I wanted to and they agreed I then spoke to my dad again and tried to tell him how I felt and what I had heard I didn't want to film or record because I knew that he would be mad at that and wouldn't listen He didn't believe me again and thought that I was jealous of having to share him with someone else I got upset and told him that I was leaving so he could live happily ever after without the burden of having me around He looked shocked but didn't say anything I had already packed my bags and had brought some things to my grandparents house already My dad didn't speak to me for the rest of the day My grandfather picked me up and I've been there since I haven't gone home and I haven't heard from my dad My grandparents told me that they would handle my dad and that I shouldn't have to be the one doing it I'm upset that my dad hasn't called or texted me once to see if I'm ok At the same time I'm feeling so much better being with my grandparents My grandmother is probably the sweetest person ever and my grandfather is a little rough around the edges but he's really a softie
31M Husband cheated on 27F me with his fit and skinny gym friendI came home from work early I'm an OB nurse so my hours are pretty unpredictable and found female sneakers in the garage that weren't mine At that point I sort of already knew what I'd be walking into My husband has recently become very fit and has been consistently going to the gym during which he made a female friend who he even brought home for dinner last week She's beautiful and thin and everything I am not which instantly made me feel horrible So I talked to him about it He encouraged me to build my confidence and reassured me he loved me and would always be loyal to meI walked into the laundry room from the garage and sort of tiptoed around the house before going upstairs They were having sex In our bed With a framed picture from our wedding above the nightstand next to it I silently left the room and got back in my car with tears streaming down my face and drove to get food and just sat in my car crying since Its now almost 1am walked in on them at 7pm and I've returned to the hospital He called me asking why I wasn't home and I told him my shift is extended but in reality I'm laying in one of the on call rooms bawling my eyes out as I type thisI feel so worthless and ugly and stupid I don't even know how to proceed On one hand I want to divorce him and never see him again but on the other hand I'm an ugly womanits not like I can do better I just want to die I feel so gross and the selfloathing is getting too much right now Advice please#x200BEdit Thank you all for the kind comments and support Please stop commenting however I think I've heard just about everything including some horrible things about my weight I don't care about internet points or whatever and the notifications are getting crazy Reading through these comments has been a nice way to keep myself sane these past few hours I still have no idea what I am going to do and I know everyone wants me to leave but a marriage is more than can be illustrated with a couple of words on a website He was a great husband and I can't help but feel at fault for neglecting myself weightwise I don't know if I will stay but that's all I really know right now#x200BEdit I didn't expect this to blow up as much as it did and while I'm incredibly grateful for all the nice and supportive commentsplease please please stop messaging me about how I should stop eating or laugh at me for expecting a faithful husband while being overweight It is incredibly upsetting and I am already going through a lot I feel I need to clarify since everyone seems to care that I had food after I found out I had been working a shift from 7am to 630pm during which I had been all over the place I had lunch at 11am and nothing else until I left I was starving and hurt and driving around with tears streaming down my face Please stop harassing me about that
Baalke's FA Pickups this year Christian Kirk 1108 Yds 8 TDs Zay Jones 821 Yds 6 TDs Engram 766 Yds 4 TDsSource
My 39m husband wants to kick our 17m son out as soon as he graduatesAnd I'm not so sure I agree Our son is a senior atm but he's expected to be graduating this year He'll be turning 18 in August and that's when my husband wants to kick him out He's persistent in his beliefs and unwavering he wants him to spread his wings to handle life on his own That also means we won't be giving him any sort of financial aid etc It's not as if our son is lazy He's a very hard worker and spends most his time cracking the books or at after school football practice But he wanted to hold off on College just until he can get a good idea to what he wants Personally I found it very mature of him to want too but my husband disagrees and thinks it's a sign of him being lazy and immature We've been arguing nonstop My argument is so long as he is working and helping out what's the harm in him staying Why should one be expected to abandon their kids the moment they've become adults He's our only child our baby I want him to leave when he is ready Why push him out so soon I sort of feel that as a mother I've failed if I'm abandoning him so soon when he isn't ready
Close inspection xpost reyebleach
Losses on short positions in US firms top 70 billion
I find it interesting Scalpers have not learned from what happened with the 4080s
Yates Update the Chiefs have now secured a firstround bye and the number 1 seed in the AFC playoffs at 143 If the Bills win tomorrow and play the Chiefs in the AFC Championship it will be at a neutral field A ChiefsBengals AFC Championship game would be in Kansas City
New Poster for Brandon Cronenberg's 'Infinity Pool'
My thoughts on The Golden Voyage of Sinbad What are your thoughts on this filmThis was honestly a bit different from 7th Voyage of Sinbad it still had the adventure tone but with more at stake Felt like there was danger around every corner I honestly think this was a pretty solid film with pretty good affects a decent score some interesting characters and finally the work of Ray Harryhausen is something that deserves praise All of his work in this is amazing as always with my favorites being the Kali statue the centaur beast and the griffon Villain was ok and well I wish Sinbad had been played by the guy who played him in 7th Voyage He's not bad just doesnt have the same charm I do like how he tried to use wit to deal with his battlesFinal score 68
what parts should i buy for a pc that will be used to play fortnite and minecraftbasicly just what the title says what parts should i use
Is The Big Year really that badEach New year I love to settle down with this film It's one of my favourites It's the epitome of well acted low stakes high emotional intelligence film that just feels like a big blanket I was nosing the other day on rotten tomatoes and it has a rating on of 42 This baffled me Can anyone explain why I know it's not about to win any Oscars but it's not the squib it's made out to be
Netflix got booed at Cannes but it's not responsible for killing movies at least it finances auteurs A lot of blame should go to the major studios which have become sequel and franchiseobsessed
Jones The Panthers spoke with Jim Harbaugh recently but only after a good deal of persistence on Harbaugh’s side Carolina plans to focus its efforts elsewhere
Robbie Coltrane Comic Performer Who Played Hagrid in ‘Harry Potter’ Movies Dies at 72
5 students shot 1 killed at shopping center near Edmondson High School say police
Just found out my F25 boyfriend M28 was texting his old hook up several months in our relationshipWe’ve been talking since August dating since the fall I guess he had a long fling with this girl and it supposedly ended a month before we metThe other day she snapchatted him and I questioned it He went on to say it was just friendly I then had him show me their chat log and was shocked Several months into us dating he was being flirty with her She had chatted him saying “why are you calling so late” And then he was asking her all sorts of questions if she was seeing other guys She asked about if he was seeing other girls and he dodged the question for awhile before finally admitting he was dating someone and it was only after she said she was seeing another guy He also seemed jealous when she said that…He also outwardly called her pretty and was talking about how he missed her dog I saw she flipped out on him for being flirty once she found out he was dating me and he was trying to gaslight her and say he was just catching up with her I then asked to see their texts and he had several late night texts to her that were seemingly innocent asking for medical advice and congratulating her on a new job but he also sent them suspiciously late at like midnight and she didn’t always answer him It looks like they haven’t talked in awhile and that was almost 2 months ago at this point Does it seem like he’s going to have the tendency to cheat I’m so blindsided because I’ve been so honest with him and expected the same I couldn’t even imagine entertaining another person Is this grounds for a break up
Update MyF24 boyfriend28 if 10 years has become incredibly secretive of his phone laptop social media and carog postSo I found out he was cheating on me with an underaged girlYesterday morning after confronted him and asked flat out if he cheated on me He admitted that he had receive a blowjob from another woman He said he blocked her on everything but she kept creating instagram accounts to contact him I asked why he hid this and he said he was ashamed and was looking for the right time to say something Something in my gut told me he still was lying so I snuck into his room and stole his phone while he showered he forgot to take my thumbprint out of his phone I looked at his most recent texts and a few hours before he had texted an unnamed number “I told GF I was cheating on her we might not be able to see each other for a while If you need me message me on insta” I have never been so hurt by anything in my life I felt my heart drop as I read the text I looked at past texts and saw pictures of his dick and her body and him saying she looked better than me I moved on to his Instagram and like a lot of people said he had a second one he used to dm women I found a conversation with the girl he had been talking to that started in August 2019 and suggested he had been fucking her since October 2019 For at least one year of our relationship he was unfaithful I checked the girls profile to see if she was better looking than me and saw in her bio the name of a high school near us and CO 2023 My stomach turned and I had to stop myself from throwing up He was fucking a 15 year old girl At that point I had seen enough and decided to leave the apartment I screenshoted everything and sent it to myself I went to my friends place where showed her everything I felt so disgusted and guilty A bunch of the people that commented on my first post spoke about how he groomed me and I just now am realizing how right they were If I hadn’t let our relationship continue and told the other young girls what he did it might’ve stopped him from doing it to other girls I refuse to look back at his Instagram because I don’t want to know how many young girls I helped him either rape or abuse in some way I feel so gross for defending him I also feel disgusted by the fact that it’s very likely I performed oral sex on him hours after he had slipped his dick into a high schooler That evening we began the process of reporting him and hopefully he will be thrown under the jail very soon I’m going to try to do what I can to right the wrongs I did with this and am planning to get an STI test and some therapy to get past this and raise my self esteem againThanks for those of you that tried to help me
My ex 23F sent me 24M a video of her son crying saying he misses me why has she done thisMy ex I recently split around 4 wks ago She sent me a video of her son 3yrs old not mine although we was quite close crying saying that he misses me and that he wants me to come round and play Why did she send me this video I can’t stop thinking about it When I questioned it she didn’t reply
Sunday BrunchWelcome to today's open thread where rnfl users can discuss anything they wish not related directly to the NFLWant to talk about personal life Cool things about your fandom Whatever happens to be dominating today's news cycle Do you have something to talk about that didn't warrant its own thread This is the place for itRemember that there are other subreddits that may be a good fit for what you want to post every day all day rNFLFandom for showing off your fandom rNFLDraft for talking in depth about the draft rNFLNoobs for noob questions no judgement rnflblogs for posting blog posts including your own rnflofftopic for talking about anything with NFL fans rnfffffffluuuuuuuuuuuu for all kinds of humor posts rnflcirclejerk for when rNFL just becomes too much and more see the sidebar
Rush Limbaugh dead at 70
Scott Cooper has been reliably doing solid underappreciated work for yearsJust finished the Pale Blue Eye It’s a solid B of a movie I would argue just about all of Scott Cooper’s movies more or less fit that scoreI personally am partial to the criminally underrated Out of the Furnace which to me is an A But overall what I respect so much about him is that he’s one of the few people left making solid midbudget dramas that many of us complain don’t get made anymoreThey’re not begging for awards contention they’re not begging to break records and be seen by every living soul They’re just solid movies aimed at adults whose only goal is to provide a willing audience with an interesting storyYes most of his movies suffer from some pacing issues and whatnot but I’m just so happy that there’s someone out there every few years just trying to make a pretty cool movie for people
My 29F husband’s 28M attitude makes me anxious and not want to be around himI honestly don’t know how to explain how I’m feeling but I’m at my wits endMy husband is overbearing and it’s really impacting me and our relationshipWe’ve been married for 7 years and we have 2 kidsHe goes through phases where he’s really understanding and supportive and great and then he has times where he sucks all of the energy and positivity out of the householdFor the last few months he’s gotten easily irritated by me and the kids We can’t eat around him because he hates the sound of chewing which I understand but he either leaves the room dramatically or makes rude comments and makes us move away from him For example he left a pile of dirty work clothes in the middle of the floor after I had cleaned and I asked him about it and he said “you were shoving food in your face and I had to leave” Or my 6yearold will chew gum and he will just snap at him to stopAnd the snapping is what gets to me He assumes he knows what the kids are doing and prematurely snaps at them My kids now immediately react negatively when this happens they’re 3 and 6 and it frustrates him more I end up stepping in and defending the kids which I know does not help in the long run Another example my 6yearold was walking toward his computer and he started snapping “no son’s name” repeatedly and my son immediately began crying My son is typically allowed around this computer I asked him why he yelled and he said “he was going to try to play a game” and I asked “how did you know He was just walking to the computer” and he rolled his eyes and he said “I know”His attitude has gotten bad enough that I am immediately anxious when he walks in the room I don’t want to be around him I don’t want to spend time with him I love him but I don’t know how to help him I’ve tried to communicate these things but it’s like talking to a brick wall
i 27F am trying to lose my virginity with my 40M boyfriend but it seems impossibleEvery time we try it hurts like hell i can't stand it we make out he goes down on me and i get wet but once he try penetration i stop being wet and all i feel is pain and the muscles around it tightens and it starts hurting me a lot that i stop him It's impossible even with his finger i couldn't stand itAny tips on how to do it since I'm not that experienced should we use lube or something
Pregnant Texas woman driving in HOV lane told police her unborn child counted as a passenger
EA giving away its crown
Cannot figure out what is holding back my performance What do I need to upgrade next
UPDATE My 20F sister's 28F behaviour towards my boyfriend 21M is horrendousPrevious posti'm on mobile i apologize for any mistakesHi First of all I'd like to thank each and every one of you for your help I'm really grateful for the support I've received here and all those little messages some of you sent me really made me understand the situation I was in The many MANY comments I read here gave me the strength I needed to talk to my sister Thank you guysI should probably tell you that this might not be the perfect badass ending you all were expecting and I apologize for that I've always had a hard time standing up against my sister Like I said in my original post my boyfriend doesn't like confrontations either and he's also a huge people pleaser which makes this situation harder for both of us Nevertheless I finally decided to talk to my sister yesterday She was actually sitting in my living room in her underwear and bra and I completely lost my shit I told her multiple times to wear some clothes but she said it was too hot which it was not She then made a small comment about me being insecure about my bf liking her or something like that and that made me angryI sat her down and we talked I told her she was making me uncomfortable She was making my boyfriend uncomfortable and we wanted her to leave She looked very shocked by it because I don't think I have ever talked to her like that She immediately apologized though She said she didn't know or some bullshit which I wasn't going to fall for this timeI gave her an ultimatum She needed to pack her shit and get out in three hours She looked very emotional and she apologized a lot said sorry a lot and told me she loved me She said she would never intentionally try to hurt me If I misunderstood her actions it wasn't her fault She kept saying she didn't know She said she was just trying to be friendly to my boyfriend which is not true at all I asked her if sexually harrassing someone was friendly to her and she started crying By this time my bf who was in our bedroom avoiding my sister and her skimpy clothing came to support me She kind of directed her questions towards him She asked him if she was making him uncomfortable He said yes and she cried and apologized She then tried to gain his sympathy by saying that I was kicking her out when she had no place to go She also lied that I was always mean to her She completely ignored me and asked him if she could stay She had nowhere else to goOf course he said no What the fuck did she think I will forever remember the look on her faceSo yeah she actually refused to leave cried a lot and said she was jobless and she didn't have money no place to stay no friends etc I told her she had no friends because she was a bitch the first time I said something like this to my sister She then tried to guilt trip me to let her stay by repeating the words I'm your sister family I love you etc Me and my boyfriend helped her pack all her stuff and put it next to her car I told her that she can stay in her car I didn't care I wanted her to goIt wasn't really epic like some of you wanted I was actually crying a little while I was shouting at her because I was shaking so much At one point my bf had to tell me to calm down It was just so overwhelming I'm just glad she's goneShe did leave eventually She was calling someone and I'm pretty sure she went back to her own flat Thank god she's not going to my parents because I don't think she knows how to quarantine I know she won't quarantine and this was the main reason I was hesitant to kick her out23 hours after she left my mom called me and yelled at me for kicking her out I shouldn't have been shocked when she accused my bf of bothering my sister My mom also asked me what kind of man I was dating I should leave him etc I should've expected that really I tried to reason with her but my mom was just angry at me She asked me things like how can you do this to your own sister and similar bullshit she should be asking my sister At that point I was so fucking angry I was in tears and shaking I just told her to fuck off in anger and hung upIt was just a weird day I'm proud of myself for finally standing up to my sister but I also don't really feel like getting up from my bed My bf is back to his cheerful self and I'm happy about that but I just feel like such an idiot I should've realized my mom would never take my side a long time agoI just don't understand what I did to make my mom so angry at me Why doesn't she love me I have done everything she asked me to do but she never takes my side in things I just want her to fucking love me and support me for once It just never happens and I feel like I'm a fucking idiot for even trying I think she regrets I was even born Anyway fuck that I'm done trying to reason with them My mom will never believe me Pretty sure my sister lied to her so mom keeps calling and trying to speak to my bfI'm currently thinking of cutting off all of my family All they do is make me feel like shit I deserve better than that My boyfriend deserves better than thatI apologize for venting What's done is done I don't regret it I'm glad I have my boyfriend and he loves me unlike my family and we finally have some alone time He's been so moody but right now he's actually cooking and stuff and he hasn't done that ever since sister came here so yeah I'm glad she's gone My boyfriend is glad she's gone I finally have some peace and quiet in my home Thank you so much to everyone I don't think I can thank you all enough Some of you talked to me sent me messages and it really opened my eyes I'll take care of myself and my boyfriend now Thank you Edit thank you everyone I've been reading your comments I'm still shocked by the support I've received here Please know that I appreciate it so much even though I may not be able to reply Thank you
What kind of person do you think I am based on my desktop
Sony Marvel Make Up Companies Will Produce Third ‘SpiderMan’ Film
Sinaloa cartel launches violent response as Mexico recaptures El Chapo’s son
looking for Croatia movie like HatredThe movie is like the movie hatredPolish Ukrainian movie following the area around WW2 All my friend can remember is it revolves around a man that owns a sawmill It has English subtitles It focuses on the ethnic and personal feuds that broke out before and after the war Before the killing was brought under control I have tried searching the net with no luck
One dead 57 injured in accident on Mexico City metro
“Why are my temps so high”
Illinois’ Top Legal Officer Wants To License Cops Just Like Doctors Hairdressers
FCC Announces Plan to Repeal Net Neutrality
UPDATE My fiancé 26F and I 27M decided to break up but she couldn't move out due to the lockdown After about four months isolating with her I've realized I don't want to break up anymoreOriginal post hereAlthough I didn't get to reply to any of the comments except for one I made sure to read all of them in my main account so I would like to thank everyone for their great advices Here I am now excited to tell what happened in the course of 5 daysSo the day after posting that nothing really happened I spent that day reflecting on what kind of future I see and want with her I also thought a lot about the past how we messed it up how we both got too lost in our jobs etc In my original post I asked if what I'm feeling could be just an infatuation that would go as quickly as I came But I realized that my feelings for her never really disappeared to begin with It's like my heart just went in a deep sleep and I forgot how much feelings I carry for herI think some of you may know and have pointed out that I'm not really good at communicating my feelings I tend to keep things to myself and my fiancé is one of the few people who can be patient with that Some suggested to write a letter instead or a note or marry her in sims I ended up with drafts of sappy letters that I ended up scraping and a sad attempt to recreate us in the sims But still I wanted to make an effort to show her what I couldn't say through words I've heard about her wanting a few DLCs in the sims in the past so I had the idea to buy a few for her sims' DLCs are pretty expensive especially in our currency Surprised her by stealing her laptop for a few hours and once I gave it back to her she was elated and so happy It was really nice seeing her get so excited over it We played together that whole day and tried to solve the mystery in Strangerville a game pack in the sims It was so funThe next day I found her in the kitchen trying to bake something It was a blueberry cheesecake recipe she saw on youtube I basically became her cooking assistant that day helping her as much as I could and we ended up with a pretty decent outcome that I bet would've tasted better if I hadn't messed up so much She still said she had so much fun and loved the cheesecake thoughThe next day which is just yesterday something important happened We were basically just snuggled up on the couch playing when our sims just autonomously tried for baby in the bed It was hilarious and we initially laughed about it but then we got pretty silent She then closed her laptop and hugged me tightly then without saying anything I think that was my realization that oh she feels the same as I do so I knew I had to speak up I'm still impressed at myself for managing to talk yesterday without choking up basically opening up the conversation like are you planning to go to your parents soon and she said no she doesn't feel like it yet I asked her why she told me she wanted to stay I told her I wanted her to stay too We went to sleep that night just huddled together And even though we didn't really explicitly say it I think we're now aware of each other's feelings and it feels like a really huge improvement to meEarlier we ate breakfast together We weren't as chatty as we've been the last few months but the silence was comforting We also watched Knives Out together We haven't had \the\ conversation yet but I'm going to bring it up to her tonight I'm really glad this whole ordeal went much nicer than I expected it would and I'm relieved I didn't let my doubts get the best of me Though I still have to get better with how I communicate things I'm going to learn for her Thank you to everyone who left nice comments in my original post I apologize again if there are any mistakes in my post I'm not a native english speaker nor am I from the USA TLDR We both feel the same towards each other We're yet to have the talk but I know now without a doubt that she still loves me tooEdit last update in my comment Thanks everyone
Shootings reported at homes workplace of 4 New Mexico politicians
Report Stan Lee dead at 95 Story
New poster for Unwelcome 2023
M30 F29 We just broke up She was talking to exI want to move back homeMy M30 girlfriend F29 of over 3 years and I broke up a few days ago She wanted a break due to mental health and we eventually broke up because she felt she couldn't be in a relationship and take care of herself It was so hard but we broke up I was confused and taken aback by all of this I've been in therapy for 6 years and know that sometimes this happens However something didn't seem right I eventually found out that she was contacting her exthey dated over 10 years ago behind my back She was trying to talk to him to get over some of the trauma she experienced with him I confronted her and saw messages between them and of her telling her friends about it She mentioned that if there ends up being a spark she would leave me to figure it out She tried to meet up with her ex but it didn't end up happening However they were calling and texting each other Her therapist told her she didn't have to tell me about this because it's up to her to decide what she shares I decided to fly home for the week to clear my head I want to move back home even though we left to have her be closer to her family and for me to get a better job I hate the area I live in I make more money but I don't like it I never wanted to move but did because sometimes you have to do things to support your partner We're stuck in a lease and I want to move out She wants me to live in the house and she'll live with her parents all the while she still wants to split rent until the lease is up I can't live in a house with her stuff in it However I'm not sure what to do Any advice would be appreciated Thanks
They can't see the truth
Inglourious Basterds Spoilers regarding character deathI've been curious lately as to what the motivation was in killing off Shosanna the way it went downPeople have suggested she was probably willing to die one way or another but that was in regards to dying by her own hand as a result of her plan to burn the cinema downThe actual circumstances of her death intrigue me however She dies as a result of taking pity on the distressingly stubborn Nazi who had been hounding her the whole movie and had personally killed hundredsWhy write it that she takes pity and goes to check on him Why write it that she's killed by him of all peopleI'm very obtuse when it comes to theming so if there's something there it's likely gone over my head But even from a character motivation perspective I'm unclear as to why she'd go check on him Going in I'd have thought the story would be handing the ultimate victory to the Jewish woman who escaped slaughter Should I assume that literally killing Hitler was a fairy tale of a victory already and making it out alive afterwards would've been too saccharine