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Rate my PC First build in 5 years
Southwest Moves to Rebuild Reputation After Cancellation Chaos During Holidays
Im30 posted here awhile ago about my cheating ex f23Many people suggested therapy so I have been going to therapy for menI found malementalkcom and it has been great for those men that are needing guidance Primarily focus this year is career and moving on Joined 3 sport leagues Softball and 2 kickball leaguesfeel good today
About 60 artists who created hero makeups and background masks in 'Bright' were left out of the credits
bro you still use windows
The Saints are the first 133 team in NFL history to lose in the wildcard roundWorst 133 team ever
The Batman DC FanDome Teaser
Japanese firm gives nonsmokers extra six days holiday to compensate for cigarette break
US Supreme Court lets Flint Michigan residents sue over water contamination
US to send Ukraine dozens of Bradleys in 285B aid package
First Image of Josh Brolin as Cable in Deadpool 2
update my 32M best friend 30 F asked if I would be her sperm donor for her surrogate I am in love with her but sje has no ideaI appreciate all the feedback most of you were nice There was a few idiots telling me I needed to be Alpha and be more manly but whatever Anyway the consensus with my RL friends was I needed to tell her We do Brunch on Saturdays because she does Yoga Sundays so we met up this morning I could barely eat and she could tell something was up She got worried thinking I was going to say no or something worse so by the time we took a walk both of us were nervous wrecks I sat her down and told her everything how I realized I was in love with her several years back but was to much of a chicken shit to come clean I told her that I never said anything because I did not want to jeopardize our friendship Her face turned white then a myriad of expressions came over her face then she started laughing till tears came down her face I honestly was stunned my stomach was in my throat and I honestly thought that almost 12 years of friendship were down the toilet Then she started crying sobbing really and she lightly hit my chest She half laughed and sobbed that she was in love with me too but she thought that it would also impede the friendship we had and she wanted nothing to screw up what we haveWe hugged and I told her that there is no one on this earth I would want to have a child with but her We talked for hours in fact I just got home We have decided that we want to focus on us for now I want us to be at that point that we can do it together I know that this isn’t a rom com and that things could end up not working out for us in the end However I am pretty sure if there is such things as soulmates she is mineThank you guys and gals for giving me the courage to tell her
I think I got reverse catfished last nightI matched with this girl on Tinder She was significantly bigger than girls I normally date But we have literally everything thing in common so I figured I’d give it a shot So after talking for a few days we decided to meet up at this nerd bar last nightI get there and pick a table After waiting a few minutes this beautiful woman comes over and starts trying to flirt with me That’s very strange so I assume she must be after something Free drinks drugs my kidneys I don’t knowSo I explain to her that I’m actually waiting for someone and I don’t want to give a bad first impression by chatting up some other woman when she walks inThat’s when she springs it on me that she’s actually the one I’m waiting for She told me how she’s lost about 130lbs over the past couple years and she wants to make sure guys are actually interested in her and not just her bodyAnd she was also testing me to see if I would ditch the fat girl if someone hotter showed up So here’s the thing I don’t know how I feel about being “tested” I don’t want to live my life questioning every decision I make like she might jump out from around the corner at any minuteBut she’s also really attractive and very cool otherwise I’m not sure how I should proceedEdit I didn’t expect this to be downvoted so much I guess people just prefer the standard “I just walked in on my fiancé and my father brother and best friend all had their penis’ inside her at the same time Should I still go through with the wedding”
Sound of metal is one of the best movies of these recent yearsThis is definitely gonna be bias and seen as D riding but the movie portrays deafness in such an understanding light that it made me more well educated on the disability that Ruben has The things he goes through regarding everything is amazing since it makes everyday things new to him since he is now deaf Just amazing representation and storytelling I got introduced to this movie through those sigma TikTok’s and stuff but seriously this movie just blow me away I wish Riz Ahmed got more main roles because he’s such Well thought out actor 9510 there was a little filler that I didn’t really feel interested in
My 22F fiance 25M keeps shifting into Bokoblin Mode and it's ruining my relationshipHi Reddit Using a throwaway because my fiance uses Reddit for date ideas and whatnotI met my fiance I'll call him Mike in college and we instantly clicked I know it sounds a little ridiculous but he really wasmaybe still is the man of my dreams our sense of humor is similar we have a lot of common interests this one is important and our familiesfriends all see us as one big family We've already started planning the wedding and this is honestly why I can't just dump himI recently introduced Mike to Breath of the Wild I've been a Zelda fan since I was old enough to work a console so the franchise is really important to me and I wanted to show him something I like so that we can share it together The problem is that he's taken some weird obsession with the Bokoblins which are basically little pig monsters and he's started imitating them as a hobbyHe walks around our apartment with his arms in this weird combat stance think that one meme with the really buff dog growling and snorting in a strangely gameaccurate way Sometimes he'll turn to me and say I'm shifting into Bokoblin Mode and then assume the stance and run out of the room He waits under the covers of our bed making those horrid noises and he even does it in public at the grocery store It's gotten us more than a few strange looks from cashiers and I'm mortified every time I hear itThis is honestly ruining both my relationship and my favorite video game It's even ruining my sex life I can't see him without imagining those noises and that weird armsraised stance He's even started workshopping a Moblin Mode In all other areas he's the perfect fiance kind attentive and very attractive He takes me on dates remembers all important anniversaries and surprises me with flowers and other cute stuff on random occasions I thought that sharing Breath of the Wild with him would be a way for us to become closer through another mutual interest but I never imagined that it would create such a strange problemI've tried subtly talking to him about it but he just hasn't gotten the hint I know it would break his heart if he knew how annoying and frankly unnerving I find his little habit so I don't want to make it sound like this is a dealbreaker If I had to put up with Bokoblin Mode for the rest of my life I would do it for this guy But that's really a last resortReddit what do I do
Gf 36F said its OK if i 34M cheat while on vacationMy girlfriend had a conversation with one of her friends and they asked if they think if I would cheat on my vacation to California and she said no but she wouldn't care if I did because it wouldn't be the worse thing someone can do in a relationship Im suspicious about this comment for the future i feel that if the opportunity arose for her she would do it because it's not the worst thing someone can do in a relationship I don't know why but this makes me uncomfortable that her beliefs are this way We don't have a very active sex life and makes me think she could be cheating now and compromising our intimacy and trust in the relationship by not being open and honest with me Any advice or thoughts on this are helpful Thanks
Kilauea erupting again at summit crater after nearly monthlong pause
Tom Brady These past two months I’ve realized my place is still on the field and not in the stands That time will come But it’s not now I love my teammates and I love my supportive family They make it all possible I’m coming back for my 23rd season in Tampa Unfinished business LFG
Am I mounting this AIO correctlyBuilding my first PC and I’m not sure how I child be mounting my AIO Any tips
My26M gf24F told me she is pregnant but I am sterileI am from a SEA country and my first language is not englishBackstory I got into an accident after my college and will never be able to have kids None of my family members know of this They know about the accident but not about this I have always wanted to be childfree so it did not affect me much mentallyI have finished my Masters Degree last year and never dated before I got a very high paying job directly through campus placements My parents immediately wanted me to get married after getting a job but I wanted to work on myself and explore a bit They said no and I said that it was my wish All my life I did what they wanted and for the first time when I talked against them they were not happy This was last year and they gave up after covid startedSo I picked up some dating apps and went through them but no luck Then my parents introduced me to a family friends daughter and we clicked kinda Looking back I was a fool She said yes to anything I said and never complained about anything I felt kinda weird about it I wanted her to express her interests but she always said she was interested in whatever I do Well i did not think much about itI said that i wont have kids ever and she surprisingly said ok I was like damn she is probably the one as it is very hard to find a partner who is childfree in my country or atleast i thought but we were in the initial stages and I have not told about my accident Long story short we had sex a month ago i used condoms because safety first The next day on she started ghosting me a bit I thought it was due to my performance in bed and wanted to give her some space Then she texted infrequently and only replied OKs and Ks and one line answers I thought maybe she wanted to end the relation and was sad but left it at thatYesterday all her family came to my house and she claims shes pregnant and the father is me Needless to say I freaked the fuck out and wanted to collapse on the ground I did not say anything while they were talking about marriage and stuff that needs to happen because I got her pregnantPlease advice me on what steps to take now redditUPDATE Let me start off by saying im very very grateful for all the redditors who took their time to read and give me advice I was overwhelmed by the amount of comments and how many of you said it might not even be my kid Looking at it from a different perspective gave me much more insight on the whole situation I called my boss and took today offI called up some clinics to get tested and was given a slot on Friday afternoon Then I went to the store and bought some pregnancy tests and asked only her to come to my place tomorrow ie today morning I also called my parents and my before I said anything my mom asked me if I had any good news I was shocked by what she said and asked me what exactly she was talking about She then played dumb and I knew that the situation was more fucked that I thought I cut the call and cried all night till 3am grown ass man crying for the first time since 8th class She came today morning with her parents even after I told her to come alone They were under the impression that I was gonna discuss engagement plans with them I told them to wait outside and called her in and they threw a fit I told they can all go back or let her alone come in they said ok I took out the pregnancy tests and gave it to her and told her to prove that she was actually pregnant and told her where the bathroom was She started screaming at menever done this before I was shocked at this then she went out the door and called her parents in Now everyone is screaming at me in my own home because I asked her to prove the pregnancy not even a DNA test I told them all to fuck off and one hour later my parents and they all came to my home and they spilled the beans She was never actually pregnantas many redditors said my parents were afraid that I was getting old for marriage and wanted me to marry and give them grandchildren They said that in arrange marriages no need for the people to actually get to know the spouse because parents choose only the best for their kids They planned this all and were only waiting for me to have sex with her to do this I broke down and cried again All my life I did exactly what my parents wanted always scored high and never asked for anything I told them to get out and never talk to me again in between crying and they said parents know whats best for their kids and I should do what they say Then I got extremely angry and told them to fuck themselves in my native language which was very bad For once I think they knew I was serious with them and they all left I blocked them all before sending my parents a message to never again contact me in my life even if one of you is dying Cried for some more time went through some dog videos and went through all my messages on reddit and I feel like I owe you guys this update because it was you guys who helped me do this That is all and I hope you have a wonderful day
Man dies in Arizona after being restrained by police on hot tarmac for six minutes
I really hate that release dates vary between countriesI'm in the UK and we're still waiting on M3gan Jan 13 Tar Jan 13 Babylon Jan 20 The Fabelmans Jan 27 Puss in Boots The Last Wish 3 Feb The Whale Feb 3 and Pearl 17 Mar among others With social media being a spoiler filled zone and piracy being a bigger problem than ever I don't understand why they can't do simultaneous global releases or at least within a week or two It has to be bad for business movies like Puss in Boots 2 are going to be available to pirate in HD before they even hit the theater here
First image of Eddie Murphy and Arsenio Hall in Coming 2 America
John Wick is deafGunshots Explosions Car crashes Loud Clubs He is most certainly deaf due to his work Doesn't listen to music service dogs knows AS being awoken by sniper shot not door openingThe first interaction with Reek where he seems to be ignoring him but actually didn't hear him because John Wick reads lipsJohn Wick is Deaf
What are the best 'commercials' featured in films and what films use them bestFor me the master of this is Paul Verhoeven in his films Robocop Starship Troopers Not only are they really fun but really help push the themes of the films and cement the setting Are their any other films that do this well What are your thoughts on incorporating these sorts of elements into films
Any thought on what should I upgrade in my pc
Prisoner fighting extradition ‘bullied’ by cellmates singing Leaving on a Jet Plane
Yates Jaguars WR Christian Kirk’s second catch of the night brings him to 80 on the season earning him a 500K incentive Kirk has now made 1M in incentives this season💰
Gf21F doesn’t seem interested in holiday I booked for her birthday am I 24M overthinking it or not taking the hintFor context So me and my partner have been together for 3 years now we had a break over a few family issues having a negative impact on our relationship and spent some time apart which we both did and worked on ourselves a lot and are doing a lot better now she is working in a different city and I am about to take my first graduate role in the city she will be coming back to to finish her law degree We aren’t perfect but I genuinely believe she is my person and often I feel I know her better than she thinks cos she’s an open book to me I decided kind of impulsively to book a holiday that we have always said we wanted to go on a few months back as a surprise as timing wise it would be just after my graduation and her birthday In my head I know I’m way more excited than her but after making a slide show of the reasons why we should go and hyping up the trip it kinda seems liked she didn’t seem too excited The initial trip I planned to be around 2k total however she kept adding things to the itinerary of stuff she’d like to do with her now looking forward to it I wasn’t doing the holiday for “ cheap “ already so i got kinda annoyed at first but realised it’s just what she wanted to do now I wanna give her the world and I’m trying to save so I can accommodate these things as I want it to be great but after a month or so and us making a document on the holiday plan she no longer mentions anything regarding the trip and wheneve we do she would say to leave it all together because it doesn’t make sense financially anymore for me Now don’t get me wrong she’s right but honestly it’s something Iv been budgeting for the last 6 months and at first I thought nothing of it but now whenever the trip get brought up with me asking her to look at hotelsresorts she wants to stay at I made a document for her with a range of places to stay and what they offer already it gets put off she’s also talking about going on holiday with her friends just before the one weI planned and i know I shouldn’t get annoyed but if her reason for us not going is it doesn’t make sense Finacial it wouldn’t that mean she wouldn’t be looking at other places now I may be overthinking and I know everyone’s different but do I scrap the holiday Just go somewhere cheaper Or do it on a budget and hope she likes it by the time we get there
FCC Chairman Ajit Pai will step down on January 20
HIGHLIGHT RG3 Lookin Like a Fool
I watched Violent Night last night and may have noticed a possible oversightIn Violent Night a team of mercenaries holds a wealthy family hostage while attempting to steal their money which is held within a vault that requires hacking The mercenary in charge of opening the vault is a woman with the codename Sugarplum#x200BShe successfully opens the vault only for the mercenaries to find out its gone After this she is seen in the living room carrying a rifle However after this she is nowhere to be seen She isn't with the other mercenaries outside nor is she with Krampus and the hostages Sugarplum just vanishes after this and we never find out what happens to her Am I missing something or did she actually disappear
Fair enough
Just got done watching The Banshees of Inisherin Wonder if anyone else feels the sameAlthough it serves its purpose narratively and there’s some foreshadowing overall narratively making sense Wasn’t like they threw a curve ball at usI don’t like that >Dominic was killed<The movie already had enough stuff going on It’s not even that I think it’s too cruel or badly written it just felt unnecessaryIt felt formulaic A trope that happens a lot in period pieces they just have to add that extra tragedy in mundane dramasI still like the movie and think it’s objectively good That part is my only gripe
Snatched a 3060 ti for 300 AUD and it works
UPDATE My 40f husband 39m admitted to me that he has been cheating on me with his cousin for a majority of our marriageI want to first say that I appear all of the support I’ve received after posting my first post I have thought a lot on the suggestions that I’ve been given and decided to go forward on someI’ve talked with my mother about the situation and she’s agreed to take in my children until this situation is dealt with I’ve also approached my husband about divorced and put my demands about wanting full custody of our children as well as the house and other things He hasn’t put up a fight regarding any of those and has agreed to it It’s been really hard into swallow all of this and I’m looking for a lawyer now to help with the divorce My mother has also suggested to keep the real reasoning of our divorce away from our children as long as possible especially my eldest daughter 14This’ll be my second and last post of this matter I again want to express that I really appreciate all of the helpful comments and suggestions Thank you all for the support ❤️
Possible trade coming between the Bears and SteelersVery random as I’m a packers fan I was just playing warzone with randoms ended up with a female teammate She had her mic on and I could hear her husband talking in the background about a “deal” Then something was said about he would love to play in Pittsburgh I tried to ask the girl for info but she felt a bit awkward when I asked if she could tell me who her husband was All she would say was that it was her husband being loud in the background and that he’s an NFL player Anyways he currently plays in Chicago I did look up her gamertag which is linked to her twitchIG and she is wearing bears gear in some pics The last thing I heard was that if no one else calls within the next 30 minutes he’s gonna sign a 3 year deal in order to facilitate the trade because he would love to be in Pittsburgh I know this is big speculation but I heard what I heard
The rig I built this summer didn't make it out of the Oregon wildfire Fun while it lasted
Tom Brady says goodbye to the Patriots
Today I upgraded the ram and just realized one on the sticks of the older one doesn't have any chips on the back never had a trouble with the ram had all 16gb and full 3200mhz
Assaulting a worker who's enforcing masks is now a felony under a new Illinois law
A Boy and His DogSet in the year 2024 after a nuclear holocaust A boy with a psychic connection to a dog travel through the wasteland finding food and women The dog has the ability to sense others from far off The two form a symbiotic relationship The boy feeds the dog the dog keeps the boy safe and finds him women Women are scarce When a woman is found she is usually raped and killed Men and boys populate the wasteland Eventually the two find a girl and capture her The boy plans to have his way but she isn’t fighting it she wants it and can’t get enough of it She ran away from a massive underground facility A huge fallout shelter which she invites the boy to come back with her but not the dog The boy decides to follow her and ditch the dog The facility is massive green rolling hills all in pitch black with street lights and tons of people eating eating eating bands playing loud voice over the intercom distracting They capture the boy All the people in the facility wear clown makeup Follow ridiculous rules Have no say for their futureThe girl was a trap for the boy They plan to use him They have 35 young women who need impregnated They plan to use him but not to mate to milk him impregnate the women then kill him The trap girl eventually frees him She plans on using him to kill the rulers and revolt The boy has his own plans of getting the hell out of there and not being a tool for anyone He shoots his way out killing a robot And escapes with the girl This movie is deep This is about a boys journey to manhood His dog is the mentor a mind smarter and making him better The girl ruins his relationships Breaks him from his mentor and traps him underground He’s then forced to act a certain way He’s only to be used by the underground clowns society then killed The girl only wanted to use him as a tool for her she just wants a simp The message is to go your own way this way your not being treated as disposable trash
To all of the new members that will be joining us tomorrow
When I do my own personal builds instead of stuff for other people lol
How do I f23 approach and impossible situation with my bf m27My boyfriend and I have been together for around 8 years we have had the usual fights and bickering within those years but nothing very serious Just to start I do not like confrontation and I am not sure if confrontation is the right thing to do in this situation I recently seen on my bfs phone under the subscription tab in settings that he is subscribed to Grindr and Tinder I obviously dug more but didn’t find much I know he obviously has a profile on each and I know he has been on Grindr for at least 3 months I do not believe he is physically meeting anyone as he would simply not have the time as we live together and talk very regularly throughout the day My main question I guess is how do I bring this up Do I bring it up I feel that if I don’t our relationship will dissolve completely as I can already tell the vibes have been off recently with me especially I’m sure he has noticed this as well I want to be clear that I am in no way shaming him for being interested in men it’s the seeking other people in general that is what hurts me I am not sure how to approach this situation because he has never said anything about being attracted to men and I don’t want to out him if that’s not what he is comfortable with I will add that he suffers from an array of mental health issues depression and I am scared of putting him in a situation he feels he cannot get out of without doing something terrible I really would just like advice preferably from the LGBTQ community so I can approach this in the best way possible
I'm planning to build a PC with these specs Are the OkThe GPU is Gigabyte NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 WINDFORCE OC 12GB GDDR6 RayTracing Graphics Card
I F19 can’t stop daily stalking my ex F19 on social media after a yearThat’s it I daily stalk my ex on the daily sometimes more than once I really want to stop but it’s like an addiction It’s as if they were outside my house and I was watching them through the window how am I not supposed to look at them when they’re in front of me I can’t stop checking their twitter as it’s like a diary and spotify And the worst part is that I broke up with them not because I wanted to but because it was toxic and was making me feel miserable I can’t turn off the wifi or anything because we live connected to our phones and laptops I also have to work a lot with my laptop so I constantly need the connection I physically can’t fight the urge to check on them it’s absolutely frustrating And I know they usually stalk me too so that makes it worse Any advice would be helpful as I’ve tried everything
Mym30 wife f30 seems to have no drive in lifeOkay so my wife and I have been together for 9 years… married for 5 We are both 30When we first met she was still in university and I was finished school and working full time I provided for her while she was in school with the thought that maybe one day she would have a good job and we would be building a good life together Fast forward 9 years and I’m still the one providing far more into our relationship than her She has two degrees and says she doesn’t like what she went to school for so now she is serving along with another part time job I’ve taken up travel work to make more money to try to eventually save more money for the future Well every time I ask her what her goals in life are she has no answer for me She literally smokes weed all day and watches tv and when she does work it’s maybe 4 hours a day I’m started to get frustrated because I though this was going to be a team effort in life and it’s just me away from home working 12 hour days to pay my bills and send her money for her portion of bills because she never makes enough to cover them I can’t save money and she calls me cheap when I make a fuss about her wanted to go do stuff … stuff that usually means me spending more money I love her so much and I’ve never had such a good relationship with someone besides this friggin issue I’m frustrated because she’s so smart I feel dumb but I’m terrible with confrontation so this is probably my fault to some extent
UPDATE I accidentally found out my 28M fiancee 27F has been creating erotic fan artfiction for years I am not judging but when i mentioned it to her she became furious i have never seen her so upset I am really confusedDoing this on a new throwaway because i cannot remember the password to my original throwaway account Original Post is Here OPShe came back after i sent a large apology message apologizing for laughing at her fan fiction and it was not done out of malice and more out of awkwardnessWe had a long talk about it i explained i wasn't that comfortable with her keeping such a large amount of her life secrethidden from me She also admitted that often times when she was saying she was working late in our home office what she actually meant was she was writingdrawing stuff and just wanted to be left aloneI told her i had no problem with her hobbies which made her happy She also told me that she is so embarrassed because a bunch of it is self inserts of her and some of it would make me unhappy reading it I asked her to show me and she eventually agreed I read some of it and it didn't bother me at all imo to me fantasizing about fictional characters isn't a huge deal as it is simply a fantasy and not real I asked if some of the things she writes are things that turns her on and i told her i am willing to try anything at least once Yesterday night she actually sat down next to me and started writing while i was next to her on the couch and she didn't seem embarrassed at all anymore So i guess this is goodThank you for your helpTLDR Me and my Fiancee were able to work things out and she isn't so embarassed anymore about it and is willing to share with me Thanks for the advice
Harvard blocks role for former Human Rights Watch head over Israel criticism | Harvard University
US appeals court strikes down ban on bump stocks
Jeffrey Epstein accused sex trafficker dies by suicide Officials
Schefter Going into today’s regularseason finale vs the Raiders Patrick Mahomes has a 150 record in AFC West divisional road games
Dual monitor setups be like
Amber Heard Found Liable for Damages Against Johnny Depp
cat bin
Meirov QBs to clinch a playoff spot in the AFC Josh Allen age 26 Patrick Mahomes 27 Joe Burrow 26 Lamar Jackson 25 Justin Herbert 24 Trevor Lawrence 23
Ghislane Maxwell longtime friend and confidante of Jeffrey Epstein has been arrested by the FBI and charged by federal prosecutors
Lord Farquaad was not a villain and got a really raw dealWas he a jerk Sure An antagonist Yes as well But let’s examine the facts here The successful ruler of Du Loc described by many as a ‘perfect place’ with a seemingly adoring populace Had a grudge against fairy tale creatures in his kingdom So instead of kill or imprison them he BUYS them off their ownerscustodians and then RELOCATES them Within walking distance of Du Loc Notoriously interested in marrying a princess to legitimise his position as king vs lord but is shown to be genuinely interested in Fiona Romantically Is enormously patient with Shrek and his shenanigans ultimately giving him exactly what he wantedHe is then eaten alive by a dragon Which is a really brutal way to go I have a 2 year old obsessed with this movie and the more I watch it the more I think Farquaad wasn’t a bad guy
Mars Nestlé and Hershey to face landmark child slavery lawsuit in US
Finally filming Kung Fury 2
The Google Cinema Club 2007 presentI started the Cinema Club in 2007 for employees and stayed with it 10 years It's still going Read the story here and download the spreadsheet of all the movies we put on EnjoyWhen I did it it was a local screening for Mountain View employees only Now I'm told it's online but almost certainly still Googleonly
Derek Schultz AFC South titles last eight seasons… Houston 4 2015 2016 2018 2019 Tennessee 2 2020 2021 Jacksonville 2 2017 2022 Indianapolis 0
Thank you Reddit My Affordable Build
Refugee saving his PC Stay save brother
UPDATE yesterday I froze during sex my girlfriend asked if we should stop and I said yes and she backed off I've never been treated like this beforesome of y'all wanted the link to the original post here it is I thought I'd update y'all since so many people commented on my previous post As I said in earlier I wrote her a letter and it was much more difficult than I thought it would be But I wrote what was in my heart and how much I loved her and thanked her for supporting me I made some of her favourite snacks and took her to a small park nearby We ate and watched the sunset together and then I gave her the letter I wrote She cried and hugged me and we sat there talking about future aspects And then I showed the post to her She welled up again and asked if she could come to a few therapy sessions with me so that she could understand better what I was going through Also it might help her not burn out I will talk to my therapist about it and we'll see how it turns out But that's about it We went home watched a movie and went to bed I seriously feel so lucky to have her in my life Here's to hoping for our best future together Oh and I seriously cannot thank you guys enough Every single one of you who commented even the rude ones have made a difference Seriously y'all are amazeballs I know many said to not say it ever again but I like it so Thank you from the bottom of my heart
‘This is no way to live’ Mississippians struggle with another water crisis
Thanks Google
Landlord changes locks on California church after pastor said he'd continue to hold services
Highlight Mariota catches his own deflected pass for a TD
My ex 18f and my cousin 18m started dating and I still like my ex what do I doOkay so my ex recently got a new boyfriend MY COUSIN and I have a problem because I'm kinda jealous of them because I still like my ex but she just wants to be friends and idk what to do because I can't not like her it's impossible I've tried and the feelings won't go away but she's literally dating my cousin so I don't know what to do she's so pretty stunning gorgeous everything and my cousin is lucky to have her but I wish I could have her back Any advice
Prebuild helpSo my friend wants to buy this prebuild pcThe specs arei5 12600kf3060tiMSI pro Z69016gb 2x8 3200 cl16 Kingston fury BeastInWin A65 650W 801TB WD Blue SN570 M2An air cooler not sure whichThe price is £1520 It seems a bit high for the specs What do you think Any help appreciatedAlso what places would you recommend buying a prebuild for He's looked at cyberpower and ebuyer
Pigeon wearing crystal meth like a backpack caught inside BC prison yard
Baldwin Aaron Rodgers on his recovery I consulted a good friend of mine Joe Rogan and I've been doing a lot of the stuff he recommended in his podcast
Had a overheating Quadro K4200 solution Ladies don't like it but this is what peak performance looks like
Raiders The Raiders have released WR Antonio Brown from the team today
Entire staffs at 3 Sonic locations quit after wages cut to 4hour plus tips
Flexible work schedules ‘win win’ for employees and businesses UN report
Peloton agrees to pay a 19 million fine for delay in disclosing treadmill defects
First poster for the upcoming film Glass
Connecticut lawmaker dies in wrongway crash after attending his own swearingin ceremony
Hospitals will have to post prices online starting January 1
As a prior US Marine who fought for freedom your actions make me sick Goodbye Blizzard
My 36M wife 34F keeps tying my boots after I've told her to keep her hands off of them I tried to teach her a lesson and really hurt her feelingsYes I know the title is bizarre and I can't believe I'm actually writing this My wife is a neat freak Always has been She throws notes on my desk out assuming they're garbage my belongings get rearranged to the point where it takes me hours to find them it's something I've come to accept I'm not happy about it but we have a pretty happy marriage on the wholeI am a volunteer EMT and I keep my boots unlaced up against the wall next to my clothes hamper so that I can throw them on along with my uniform if a call comes in during the middle of the night Well my wife has taken to tying the boot laces when she sees them untied Not only does she tie them but she tightens them and double knots them to the point where I need to undo the knot open up the boots and let a little slack out to fit my feet into them I ignored it the first two times but the third time she did it I made it a point to bring up to her the next dayI very calmly said Hun I appreciate that you want everything neat but please do not touch my boots in the future Time is of the essence when I'm going on a call and at 2 in the morning I don't have the time to unlace them and open them up It's not just a minor inconvenience it's people's lives so I would appreciate it if you left them aloneShe rolled her eyes said I was being dramatic and that she wouldn't help me out by keeping my things neat in the futureWell she never stopped No matter how many times I've asked her told her begged her she just laughs and says Well you know how I amThe other night a page went out for a CPR in progress I went to throw my boots on and they were once again tightened beyond recognition So I'm sitting there on the edge of the bed cursing trying to get my boots open and fumbling due to the stress of the situationMy wife opened her eyes groggily looked at me and asked Don't you need to go on that callI know I was in the wrong here and I regret it I slammed the boot into the ground and yelled Yes I do I would have been out the door five minutes ago except SOME STUPID MOTHERFUCKER FUCKED WITH MY GODDAMN BOOTS AGAINMy wife got up without another word walked into the bathroom and slammed the door I got my boots open and went on the call By the time we arrived the police had gotten her back so I didn't have to do CPR but I was sweating and shaking thinking my delay could have cost a lifeI got home and my wife wasn't talking to me She ignored me the entire day until we finally sat down and talked She said I had scared her with how angry I got that she thought I was going to hit her and she didn't know I was capable of getting so angry Note I have never raised a hand to her nor have I ever yelled at her before I am absolutely not a violent person in any way shape or formI apologized for yelling at her and acknowledged that I hadn't meant to snap at her I was frustrated with the situation as I needed to get to the person in need of CPR as soon as possible and it was a delay that didn't need to happen I once again pleaded with her not to touch my boots because lives were literally on the lineShe told me that if I was going to overreact and make her afraid then she would never touch my boots again because she didn't want to live like thatLast night before I got into bed I had a sinking feeling so I went over and checked my boots I was very disappointed to find them tightened up again So I decided to show her how it felt I went over to her closet and pulled out her running shoes I unlaced the shoelaces on both of them removed them from the shoes completely curled them each into a little coil put them inside the shoes and put them back I then went to sleepAt 615 I was woken up by my wife screaming How could you Why would you do this holding up both laceless shoes with tears in her eyes My wife likes to go for an early morning run and I knew she would want to get out the door as soon as possibleI smiled and said You know how I am I just like things neat She continued sobbing and walked out of the room So by the time she was all laced up again it was raining so she missed out on her run I actually feel pretty terrible about that because I really only wanted to delay her not ruin her plans completelyAt this point she's alternating between crying that I went out of my way to hurt her and ignoring my presence I acknowledge that what I've done has been pretty childish and not at all constructive I just don't know what to doShe said through tears You admitted you were totally in the wrong for yelling at me and then you turned around and took it out on me in a different way What is wrong with youThe problem is to her an apology means taking on 100 of the fault When I apologized for blowing up she took that to mean she was 100 in the right and that my feelings were completely unjustified So at this point I haven't apologized for ruining her run because she'll take that to mean that she wasn't wrong to touch my bootsI've tried to have these discussions but it's in one ear and out the other We have such a good relationship otherwise but I feel like this issue has reached a tipping point and it's going to continue to result in arguments until we resolve itHow do I make things right with my wife while still letting her know that I won't tolerate her disrespecting my property anymoreEdit Wow This blew up I went through comments for six hours last night and I still have 18k to get through I promise you I am reading every one of your comments and appreciate the advice A couple things to address points that keep getting brought up1 My wife has never been diagnosed as having OCD As an EMT I'm very careful about labeling someone as having a disorder as I don't have the proper qualifications to make that diagnosis I do agree that it's time for her to see somebody get a proper diagnosis and address these issues2 My boots lace up in the front and zipper on the side They're not a full unzip but rather an unzip to open them up a bit The way my wife is tying them makes them impossible to get on even with the zipper down They're weather proof and great for standing on rough terrain or the highway after accidents They're only about a year old and were actually a gift from my wife I've not considered Velcro before I'm a bit hesitant to do that as I don't know that they wouldn't catch on things or wear out quicker I've tucked the laces in but she still tied them up3 This is a bit of compulsive behavior on my part I don't leave my boots in the garage because my mother was a smoker growing up and that's where she would smoke So I would end up with ashes in my shoes and having them reek of tobacco after So I developed a habit of wearing them into my home Also if I leave them there they're likely to get moved someplace 'safe' where it will take me even longer to find them Putting the boots in the closet she found them and tied them Putting them under the bed or out of sight they were found tied and moved to the closet4 I honestly believe that a footlocker or any other kind of box would get moved to where I would have to wake her up to find it If it's locked then my keys are likely to go missing For some reason sitting on my dresser is not appropriate but in the pocket of a jacket downstairs in the closet is5 I am likely going to start putting my boots in the car Though I had to laugh at the people suggesting decoy boots As much as it may seem like it I'm not living in a Spy vs Spy cartoon6 I am a volunteer EMT We respond from home We don't have sleeping quarters and I work the overnight shift so I sleep during my shift get out of bed when a call comes in drive to the building and take the ambulance to the scene This is typical of volunteer organizations Paid EMS is more likely to have sleeping quarters or even require EMTs to be in the truck throughout their shift Community based EMS is more likely to take 911 calls and respond to emergencies whether paid or volunteer Private EMS is more likely to take transport requests such as tofrom dialysis or chemotherapy as well as hospital to nursing facility discharges7 To those who have told me that I don't have the right to use the word lifesaving on my dress uniform I have pins for 3 defibrillator saves and 4 for CPR saves I've crawled into a car wreck to open someone's airway and bag them until we could get them out While transporting a patient I recognized signs of internal injury and ordered we divert to a trauma center where he was put directly into emergency surgery that saved his life Did I do these things entirely by myself No of course not I would never claim that I was the sole reason someone lived However I am at my very basest level as vital link in the chain or survival So while I can't claim complete credit for any of the things I've done I would certainly put a lot of blame on myself if someone didn't live because of something I failed to do8 I have a fulltime job that I work 85 Monday Friday outside of EMS That is why I volunteer on the night shift My wife works as a payroll manager for a midsized office I earn about 10000 a year more than her We've been married for two years While I lived on my own before we were married she didn't move into the apartment until we got engaged So I think to her that was my place not ours and she didn't really touch my things I was with another EMS organization until we moved to a new town after our engagement When we bought the house I joined the local volunteer squad as an EMT My wife regards my job as part of my identity while she sees the EMS as something I volunteer to do She would say This is my husband he is \job title\ not This is my husband he is an EMT9 Thank you for all the awards on this post You're all very kind I appreciate so much that you took the time out of your day to acknowledge things and want to help metldr Wife keeps tightening my boots when I'm not wearing them delaying me on ambulance calls I finally had enough and she's calling my response abuse
real deal
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18m 41m My dad keeps throwing out my fem clothes and make upI 18m wouldn't say im a masculine person Im pretty fem and enjoy fem things Most of my clothes are womens I wear make up do my nails tale care of my hair and if you know anything about womens products or clothes they are expensive af Especially if you want quality make up or something My dad never use to have a problems with this and even let my sisters give me handmedowns and do my make up But since my wardrobe has become 90 fem and i started doing my make up everyday he has become distant and started throwing away some of my clothes make up skin products and anything else considered fem All under the guise that they are old clothes or some other excuse I dont know why hes changed about this or why hes being distant I dont know what to do about it and its making me feel like my dad doesn't accept me for me and its also costing me a lot of money to replace everythingTLDR Dad keep throwing away my fem things
UPDATE Mym21 gff23 obsession with Pokemon is embarrassing meLink to the previous post Tldr Turns out you all were right I was an asshole My friends are no longer welcomed in our house and now I'm playing with my gfI've decided to post this update becauce you were all right I didn't have a gf problem I had friends problemSo I had a talk with my gf like one of the users have suggested I explained to her that I'm not ashamed of her hobby I just didn't want her to know what our friends were saying behind her back She said she doesn't care about their opinion she's just doing what she's enjoying the most I apologized to her She has also agreed to move her pokemon plushies so they wouldn't take up so much spaceFast forward to today few hours ago our friends have visited us It didn't take long for them to start making fun of my gf This time I got mad she organized her plushies so they were all in our bedroom she has not even once mentioned pokemons nor did she opened pokemon go app Long story short they were forced to leave I've realized they don't have problem with my gf hobby they have problem with my gf and I have enabled their behaviour by not reacting sooner Told them they are the ones who needs to grow up to visit us again once they will stop being boomersTo show my gf how sorry I'm and to better understand her hobby I've downloaded the app myself So now I'm trying to level up as much as I can because she has a mission when she needs to trade a pokemon with a friend but to do so I need to be at least 10 lvlThank you for all your comments even the mean ones they worked as a wake up call I guess
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My 8 year old cousin accused me of spying on her while she showeredMy17m family is having a reunion at our house and my cousin8f often lies to get people in troubleYesterday I had to use the bathroom and accidentally walked in on my cousin in the shower I apologized and left but when she got out she told everyone that I was spying on her Several of my family members believed her while others knew that she was lying Since they were staying at our house for a week I have to spend the rest of the time in my room not leaving unless I had to use the bathroomIt’s Aggravating to have almost half of my family think I’m a creep and get punished for it What should I doEditI didn’t hear the shower running because my hearing aids had died and I didn’t have anymore batteries
The Lighthouse question Spoiler AlertSpoiler Alert Question I’ve heard the theory that Dafoe is actually a figment of Patterson’s imagination I’ve also heard that Patterson is Dafoe’s memory of himself as a young lighthouse attendant Because lighthouse attendant is generally a solo position I tend to believe one of these theories are true But I have no idea which character is the attendant and which is the ghost Curious to hear others positions on this
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The Main Characters in The Whale DiscussionI made a comment about this on The Whale discussion thread but I wanted to get your guy's opinion had a very different interpretation of this movie I thought Charlie and Ellie were both assholes Charlie for cheating on his wife and leaving his 8yearold behind He also fucked Liz over by not getting proper help for himself and her when it's revealed he has money Ellie was a horrible person Her mother even said so She was posting horrible things about her father and Thomas on social media She was excessively rude to her father making it clear that she was only there for the money multiple times Hell that's the only reason she kept coming back and her essays too Her mother someone that is supposed to love you unconditionally even said that she's evil I think this idea is even reinforced at the beginning of the movie when Charlie finds pictures of dead animals and her being a loner on her social media Pretty common traits of psychopaths I don't agree with Charlie's interpretation of Ellie in which he thinks she's being creative or helpful with her actions He has the same vibes as the fun parent that only sees their kid on the weekends and uses this time to do fun activities while they leave the real parenting to the other I get Ellie's anger toward Charlie She's a teenager who grew up with one parent A parent who didn't even try to reach out to her who as she describes left her for her boyfriend That's fucked up and especially at such a young age She didn't have the ideal home BUT she is excessively rude and does horrible things to others Ellie isn't a good person