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President Trump has been impeached
Seriously it's like 10 a day at this point
I f20 want to help my boyfriend m21 feel less sad about his holiday being overHi I noticed today right away that he is sad I asked about it and he said that he was unhappy that his holiday time was over and that it felt like he had just worked the entire two weeks and that he is just bummed it's over already He had been working hard on his new place which he doesn't live at yet and I want to do something special for himI want to clean the household and cook for him but I have a budget of about 50€ I get paid mid month and it is tight and I am thinking of going somewhere to get him a little something but I don't know what else to doIt should be doable today Just little things he might like I can't go to places because everything is closed today and I don't think he'd want to go to a restaurant as it would be even more time consuming and I already have a meal planned Does anyone's have any ideasTLDR I need ideas to cheer my bf up because his holiday is over and he's been really busy
I’m 22f attracted to my boyfriend 21m online but not in real life…Hey this is my first post here so idk how it goes but here’s the story I 22F have known my best friend 21M for two years now and there’s always been tension between us especially when we talk on the phone we spend most of our time facetiming or calling each other if not we’d be texting I really like him as a person but I don’t know what happens to me when I see him I rarely feel like I wanna kiss him or do anything sexual with him we have phone sex but I don’t feel comfortable with him doing anything to me in real life he’s really sweet gentle and understanding but I don’t find him physically attractive we’ve been dating for a while now and I don’t know what to do it really upsets me that I feel this way towards himI really like him and I look forward to have a future with him it’s just this one thingWhat should I do
UPDATE My childhood friend went through my boyfriend's phone and found pictures of him having sex with me while I was sleeping She told everyone and now he's being ostracized from our friends Except it was my idea for him to do it in the first place NSFWLink to Original#That Half Blurred Nude everyone's talking about is Rick Astley Please go ahead and depixelize it or whatever #The other pixelized nudes are from a link about copyrighting your nudes Please read the post before commentingSo a couple things have happened in the last few days and I figured you guys would like to hear what the police finally settled onFirst I'd like to clear up something first the theft and distribution of this media was in no way shape or form the fault of my partner He is just as much a victim of a crime as I am if not more This has been an emotionally tumultuous time for him He is my partner and my foremost concern here is him It's honestly absolutely terrible that so many people blamed him for this situationI spoke to a lawyerand my Dad The lawyer is my father's friend who is giving me advice for free If this goes to court he'll be representing usAnyways Monday I got a call from a very polite female officer asking if both my boyfriend and myself could come in to the station to make a criminal report The first officer to phone me was mistaken while this does fall under revenge porn it doesn't fit sexploitation She would have had to actually coerce him into sex acts for thatIn my state this is only a misdemeanor crime Fortunately it's a charge for every imaged stolenshared It also matters that there are two victimsThe police spoke to the people whose names I provided most of which confirmed that Sarah had shared the photos They'll be taking her phone as evidence and they'll ensure that the media is one hundred percent destroyedThat all made both me and John happy but as a lot of people pointed out this stuff could easily already be on the internetAll of this has been approved by my partner before anyone asksSo I turned around and submitted copyrights for all of it I spent a shitton of money copyrighting over a hundred images and videos Then I paid for a domain name and made a website all it says is UNDER CONSTRUCTION Then I registered John and myself on several different pornographic media hosting sites and posted CONTENT PENDING COPYRIGHTSTHEN I posted on FacebookRecently someone I consider a friend broke into John's phone and stole images She then proceeded to share these images amongst some of my closest friendsNot only am I disappointed hurt and betrayed but this person placed John in a very disturbing position one where he had to defend himself from sexual assault accusations This person DID NOT come to me with these concerns deciding that she would rather gossip with others under the guise of concernHad I ACTUALLY been assaulted this person would have been spreading horrible moments of my life to others taking away my voice as a victim How horrific how absolutely monstrous does a person have to be to do something like thatIn actuality this person stole intimate videos that were in no way intended for her Stolen is the best word for this media because wellMost of you know me as an entrepreneur I own a small business I pick up freelance jobs I dabble in several money making ventures None of this is a consistent income so John and I have been brainstorming on how I could possibly generate a passive income So we started making pornographic media of a relatively popular kink We had generated enough content to finally build an online following and then our content was stolen and John's name was dragged through the dirtShame on all of you who has participated in this shit flinging and pot stirring Because of this person and ALL who participated I have had to out John and myself as sex workers I've had to speak to the police a lawyer my goddamn DAD Shame on all of youFrom this point on any person sharing these COPYRIGHTED images and videos will personally hear from my lawyerIf anyone has legitimate concerns about my relationship come to my goddamn face instead of spreading bullshit behind my backThank youSince then I've been receiving nonstop calls and messages from people apologizing asking questions and unsurprisingly people are arguing about my expectation of privacy on FacebookSarah tried to call but I hit ignore and texted her You may contact my lawyer and then gave her the number She hasn't respondedAll in all I'd say that things are looking up Sarah is rightfully being charged with a crime or twelve John's name is clear legally Important people in my life know that I'm not being abused People are reaching out to John to either apologize for misjudging the situation or to congratulate him on being a porn starSo that's good I guessI want to thank everyone who gave me good advice and urged me to go to the police and speak to a lawyer Edit To everyone that is saying this is fake based on the timeline it is possible to speak to both a lawyer and the police in a four day periodI submitted the copyrights online from my bedY'all are apparently just bad at adulting I wasn't going to sit on my ass while my partner's name was sullied by horrible accusationsI was an still am angry So I got shit doneEdit edit I am not releasing the videosAnother Edit Since everybody is up in arms about me submitting copyright claims this is where I got my information#Final EditThis is getting out of hand so I'll be logging off People asked for an update so they got itCopied from a comment I postedNobody seems to understand that this isn't about getting Sarah arrestedMy lawyer told me that no John could not get in trouble for what we're doing and yes I could go ahead and post on Facebook to try to control the narrative He did not give me advice on the criminal case because my interest wasn't and still isn't the criminal case As of now I've achieved everything I wished to do The police are going to ensure that the videos get deletedI don't give a fuck if she's charged
Building my 1st PC with an old tower I found Any hints or ideas for this Alienware Area51 tower Within reason budget wise of course Thanks in advance
New picture of John Wick 3
'Borat' Sequel Fans Raise 50000 for Unemployed Babysitter Duped in Sacha Baron Cohen Film
we told nicolas cage that his AMA had more comments than obama's this is how he responded
Amazon Deforestation shot up by 150 in December Jair Bolsonaro's last month in office
Building my first Gaming Computer in Africa
Marvel Studios' Avengers Official Trailer
Biden to pardon all prior federal offenses of simple marijuana possession
Did I 30F make things awkward with my boyfriend 33M by stopping weedI am 30F dating a 33M We have been dating 9 months I don’t smoke weed much but do every month or two just a tiny bit when I’m hanging out with my old high school friends that I reconnected with a year agoHowever for years I haven’t really been wanting to smoke I’ve just been surrounded by people that do so I will smoke with them a little Sometimes it makes me kinda relaxed but over the past 510 years I have embarrassed myself a few times and during one of the first times smoking at around 20 I had a really bad experience where I felt sort of out of my body for a few days and disconnected My ex smoked daily throughout the day and I hated it because it was like he was just escaping reality and I didn’t like that he was always high all the timeSo over the last year I’ve smoked with my friend occasionally who I reconnected with a year ago because she smokes constantly and it’s always out when I visit her and a couple months ago almost had a panic attack at her house when going through a stressful time But sometimes I’m all good and it’s nice I can have a fun time if the vibe and my mental state is great and I’m comfortable and familiar with thingsMy boyfriend and I haven’t smoked together besides on New Year’s Eve He revealed that he used to smoke daily but said he has cut down a lot over the last two years We went to his friends party and he gave a heads up about the weed that would be there and said we don’t have to go if I don’t want to I said it’s okay I smoke occasionally with friends he hasn’t met yetI seriously thought I would be just fine I had a couple drinks and they passed around a blunt I took one and then another which I should NOT have looking back I became very very anxious and paranoid and clammed up totally I made an idiot out of myself Everything was good at first and then his friend was giving me a ton of attention talking to me while everyone was looking at me and he was asking me questions trying to get to know me and I was just tooo high It was so embarrassing as a 30yo woman Then he was asking if I was shy saying he’s trying to be a good host seeming frustrated at me he even said something like you can’t just get shitfaced when meeting someone for the first time but I don’t think was directly talking about me but felt like it then saying you just have to be positive His wife was super duper sweet Idk I regret it so much I don’t know how much of the awkwardness was in my head or what I felt everything I said was the wrong thing was mixing up my words I was trying extremely hard to hold it together while having all these negative thoughts like “they can see right through you you guys shouldn’t be together we’re an awkward couple you’re ruining everything you don’t fit in” and a lot moreFor the next week I haven’t been feeling well Lots of overthinking and realizations and I honestly wondered if maybe the weed was laced or just super strong Seriously I’ve been so unstable and honestly was thinking maybe I should become a Christian and just change so many things about my life and just having such bad anxiety I’m not in the best place mentally and struggle anyways So I came to a conclusion that maybe I should just stop smoking weed I told my boyfriend I’m not going to anymore and he seemed to not like that decision He is always supportive but I felt maybe it was an awkward decision He had assured me before that everyone liked me and no one noticed or said anything about my anxiety But I feel like behind the scenes they probably did notice and thought ill of me because I allowed myself and didn’t realize my limits and drank and smoked too much but were going to be cool about it So now it might be awkward to declare that I’m no longer smoking Before I told him I thought it was the self respecting thing to do to keep my dignity He kept saying it was a fun and nice time and I did too It would have been a nice time without all the paranoia and anxiety But maybe now if the next time I don’t smoke around them and if I say I don’t do it anymore and if I say because it gives me anxiety it will make them feel awkward and draw attention to the last time I saw them and became a paranoid messHe hasnt met my friends yet but honestly I kind of feel like I need new friends I guess I’m unstable I want friends who have more in common with my goals He wants to meet my friends but now I said I’m not smoking and that’s what my friends do to bond and socialize Every time I see this friend we smoke on her couch talk and maybe watch something They smoke every day I feel like my decision to not smoke with disrupt my friendships and also my relationship I know I’m super awkward and cringy here I’m a highly sensitive introverted person who struggles with mental health and drinking a little can help with my social anxiety but weed just makes things worse for me usually My boyfriend is saying that everything was cool and his friends liked me but I do feel he is just smoothing things over and they’ll give me another chance but I just don’t think smoking is good for me a lot of the time and I hate going back on my wordThoughtsTLDR I only smoke occasionally with old high school friends I reconnected with recently and last weekend I smoked with my boyfriend for the first time and his friends whom I was meeting for the first time and lost my cool and had extreme anxiety and paranoia for days I decided to stop smoking because that night was so awful for me mentally even though I think I would have had a pretty fun time if I didn’t smoke but I embarrassed myself and everyone else by not keeping it together He hasn’t met my friends yet but all they do is smoke together so now if he meets them and we don’t smoke there’s really nothing to do kind of and they would love if we smoked with them but I already said I wasn’t going to anymore I do feel like I need new friends… idk
Update My 21M girlfriend's 21F grandfather is a Michelin Star chef and is visiting I am supposed to cook for them but I cannot cook What the fuck am I supposed to doOriginalHey guys Thank you all for your advice My gf's grandfather came and we had our dinner yesterday so this is an update to that post I just want to say first I am drunk so please excuse any typosAnyway I was really freaked out all summer about wanting to impress him I was seriously considering pulling the Skinner scam and buying takeout and disguising it but I decided to just go for trying to make something myself I spend pretty much all of July trying to make steak I started with cheap stuff and it was really \really\ hard at first but I learned from my mistakesI wanted to go all out so I bought really nice steak to make when the day came I made three One for all of us and it ended up being better than I hoped though obviously not Michelin Star quality I also brought some really expensive at least for a college student Cabernet to pair although he actually brought rum so we had both It's around midnight on August 16th here in the Eastern United States this happened on the evening of August 14th he came early due to changes in our school schedule He said that the steak was nice He and I went out for burgers and hotdogs the next evening today but technically actually yesterday It was just him and I We also had a metric fuckton of beer All in all it was a really positive experience and we got along very well I'm glad I didn't risk trying to pass off steakhouse food as my own though I still want to try to see if I can fool my professor's friend Maybe after the pandemic has passed grandfather gf and I all got tested before meeting for dinnerI really love my girlfriend
Cameron Jordan in response to being asked to come to Cleveland After playing there two games ago… it affirmed my previous notions… No amount of money could get me there 🤢🤢🤢
Highlight Roughing the passer called on Maxx Crosby
Tony Romo accurately predicted every Patriots play on the final drive of regulation time and overtimeI know he's good but he said Fade to Gronk Over the middle to Edelman Outside to Edelman run play here with 100 accuracy for the last 10 minutes of the gameHe's the best commentator by a mile
Game Thread Kansas City Chiefs 123 at Las Vegas Raiders 610Kansas City Chiefsrkansascitychiefs#away at#at Las Vegas Raidersrraiders#home# GTPRIMETIME Allegiant Stadium Paradise Nevada| || | | Discuss whatever you wish You can trash talk but keep it civil || If you are experiencing problems with comment sorting in the official reddit app we suggest using a thirdparty client instead AndroidrAndroidcomments7ctdf4letssettlethisrandroidwhatisthebestreddit iOSrioscomments68odw1whatisthebestredditappforios || Turning comment sort to 'new'rnflcommentsy0tru9gamethreadlasvegasraiders13atkansascitysort=new will help you see the newest comments || Try Tab Auto Refresh to autorefresh this tab || Use redditstreamcom to get an autorefreshing version of this page || Check in on the rnfl chat ##rnfl on Libera open in browser || Show your team affiliation pick your team's logo in the sidebar |
Why I don’t believe tech you tubers anymore
The Grand Budapest Hotel How aesthetics help storytellingWhen I watched The Grand Budapest Hotel I thought most people probably think his sense of aesthetics and how he uses colors is just a style But if you imagine the film without Anderson's signature way of directing the movie would be pretty mediocre The way characters look the way they dress colors places are all bold and distinct so bold and right in your face that they are absurd And this helps the storytelling too because the plot is absurd and the whole movie is a satire of how writers are perceived younger manolder woman relationship hotels in early 20th century prison war and lots of other things His way of directing isn't just a style it's a way to magnify the absurdity of things that happen in the movie So besides being gorgeous it has other benefits too#x200BWhat do you think Does Anderson just like pretty colors or there is a reason behind it
Casters have their mic flags turned around backward so that the E looks like a 3
My 29m soon to be ex 28f is set on a divorce but we have kids and her specifics for them is confusing me I 29m and my wife C 28f have been married for six years We met in college in 2011 and started dating shortly thereafter I proposed in December 2015 and we got married in June 2016 We have now been married for six years together for 11 years in total Together we have two daughters Emily 4 and Jennifer 2 Both my wife and I have wellestablished careers in our respective fields and if push came to shove either of us could be the sole income earner in our household I had come from a broken family—my parents divorced not have good relationships with each other or with me—and I knew that I didn’t want that for my family So I try and make sure that household division is equal I do my best to give 100 percent into my relationship with C—we have weekly date nights as well as trips or “vacations” that we go on without our kids in an effort to nurture our relationship These activities and trips don’t include the things we do as a family We also attend couples counselling about once a month and have been since our daughters were born And that’s why this whole thing feels like it came out of left field for me We had discussed the topics of marriage and children intermittently throughout our dating relationship and we seemed to be on the same page Shortly after our wedding we had another discussion about children and the “timeline” of when we hoped to have them We spent two years married just us and our dogs wanting to have just our time a little longer Both of our daughters were planned I was willing to wait C didn’t want to wait any longer Back to now the day after Christmas my wife and I were on a date when she brought up the topic of divorce I thought that C had brought it up as a “hypothetical” but I was wrong She said that she had been thinking about it for months and had come to the conclusion that she no longer wanted to be a mom or a spouse anymore and that she wanted to be on her own But she still wants to be an active part of the girls’ lives I know that Jennifer is probably too young have any really strong memories about this but Emily is 4 and I know that she’ll probably struggle with this a little moreI guess I’m just looking for advice on how to handle this…
Cowboys let fans pose with the Pros take photos with cowboys players
Rapoport #Bills S Damar Hamlin’s 4year 364M contract contains a standard split to pay him at a lower rate if he lands on Injured Reserve This week he was placed on IR However sources say Buffalo has worked out an agreement with the NFL and NFLPA to pay him in full
3 hospitalized after plane makes emergency landing on US95 near Kyle Canyon Road
UPDATE I24M adopted my little sister8F after our parents passed away GF23F isn't so excited about itEDIT Link to the original if anyone's looking Hey people it's been a while since my original post and I have some free time today and not much to do with it so I'm gonna write this why notA lot happened since my first post in the end my GF now ex I guess couldn't deal with the fact that I had a new priority I admit that I wasn't the best at managing time between them two and I would spend a lot more with my sister than my GF but I think that's understandable maybe In general my GF was on and off with my sister one day she would be the nicest person to her and the other would completely blow her off and be borderline mean I had a few talks with her that it needs to stop but it would only end up working for maybe the rest of the week and the next it would be back to square one About three weeks ago it erupted into a big argument she accused me of not loving her anymore and that I play favorites I told her they're not my children to be playing favorites and that obviously for some time my sister is gonna need a lot more attention since you know she lost her parents In the end she went back to her ultimatum sister or her I was angry at this point because she has been mean to my sister that day and I told her she can pack her shit and find a place to sleep tonight I haven't seen her since and quite frankly I don't really want to We texted for a bit basically both sides confirming its over and arranging when she can come for the rest of her stuffAs for my sister she's a lot better She doesn't stay in her room all day anymore and she's slowly going back to her talkative old self She still doesn't like being alone but it was the same before the accident so since my gf moved out we've been sharing a bed for comfort She still wakes up at night crying sometimes so it's better when I'm there and frankly it's a lot more comfortable One thing I really regret is my sister heard that whole fight and she started apologizing to me for breaking me and my GF up I ensured her it's not her fault at all and if anything she helped me see for who my GF really was She still goes to her therapist and it's really helped a ton she doesn't need me to be there while she falls asleep and doesn't panic when I go to the shop for 15 minutesAll in all these past 3 months have been the hardest time in my life but eye opening to my ex's disregard for my family and kind of me too Sorry for no happy ending I guess this is how real life isEDIT2 I would love to thank everybody for kind words individually but with this amount it's crazy so I wanna give everyone who gave me advice and kind words a HUGE THANK YOU TO EVERYBODY YOU'RE ALL AMAZING These numbers are overwhelming and I can't even express in words how it feels that so many people care it's really something else Didn't expect that strangers on the internet could make me cry either so once again a huge THANK YOU
The Dallas Cowboys have been eliminated from Playoff contention
The Senate Upvote this so that people see it when they Google The Senate
Man charged with killing 3yearold girl shooting 4 teens in Va was wanted on DC warrant
what game is this saw it at CES and wanted to play it its some space flight sim game
Highlight Raiders intercepted the laterals to run it back for a TD
Wheelman 2017This is the definition of a hidden gem It’s a Netflix original that I had never even heard of until I stumbled upon it tonight while scrolling around looking for something to watch I like Frank Grillo and the premise sounded like my cup of tea so I gave it a shot and had a lot of fun with itThe premise is basically Baby Driver meets Locke with a little bit of Collateral in there It’s interesting because it’s kind of an action movie that almost never leaves the car I really like these single location thrillers when they’re done well but doing that with this premise must’ve been tricky and they find a way to do it that’s consistently engaging especially with how they managed to do the action scenes from mostly one perspective and on probably a pretty tight budgetIt’s also paced and edited perfectly It’s only 80 minutes which is the perfect length for it It doesn’t feel rushed or like there’s something missing but it also doesn’t feel like a padded out short film either Everything is necessary and it absolutely feels complete by the endFrank Grillo is also really good in it I know he has a nominal reputation as an action hero but I don’t think it’s fair that he’s been relegated to Netflix and VOD for the most part I first saw him in the second Purge movie and he’s always appeared very charismatic and believable to me He plays a fairly rough character here and not only did I buy that but he also kept it from ever becoming unlikableIt does get a little shaky in the third act not unlike a lot of these high concept thrillers The climax is kinda silly and it ends on a bit of a shrug rather than a bang But it’s a fun thriller that I hope people take notice of
Grant Imahara 'Mythbusters' cohost dead at 49
Stunner Texans trade Brock Osweiler AND 2018 2ndrd pick to CLEV for Browns to take Osweiler contract off Houston books sources tell ESPN
8 years ago the Seattle Seahawks drafted Bruce Irvin Bobby Wagner and Russell Wilson And received a D from Bleacher Report
25 M 22 F gf’s brother assaulted my motherTo start off my mom gf her 2 brothers and I worked together at a fast food restaurant together I worked with the 3 siblings for a year and a half before forming a romantic relationship with the sister this past September My mom starting working with us in early August I was great friends with both of the brothers since the beginning Their sister apparently had liked me for awhile without my knowledge so when i started to develop feelings for her we dove right in When her brothers found out the younger one was ecstatic while the older brother said he was cool with it but i did feel him distance himself from me heavily after finding out The older brother is my age My GF and my mom seemed to really love eachtoher The 2 brothers loved my mom as well The older brother had been to my house to watch football games and I’ve been to his to hangout We would play video games together I went with their family to their Christmas Eve party 3 days before this happened and it was a great time Then the unthinkable happened I walk into work on a normal Wednesday morning and my boss tells me “i think your mom made a comment that made your gf upset” Apparently my mom boss and GF were having a convo about my weight I lost a lot of weight over the past couple of years and my boss told my mom he saw a picture of me from 2018 and that he thought i looked good at that weight I was 200 pounds in the picture he was talking about I’m about 155 now My gf chimed in and said “yeah he looked REALLY good at that weight” Then my mom responded “well once he gets comfortable and confident in his relationship he will probably naturally gain weight” My gf supposedly took this comment the wrong way She thought my mom was saying that i wasn’t happy in my relationship and that it was a dig at her After my boss tells me this i pull my mom aside and ask her not to talk about my relationship at work and that even if you didn’t mean anything by the comment my gf took it the wrong way Next thing i know my gf walks up to my mom and asks her if she’s okay My mom then told her that she will talk to her later about it but to leave her alone right now since it was the middle of the lunch rush My gf then got offended and said “wtf did i do” My mom said “y’all run back and tell him me everything i say and twist my words” My gf then said “i didn’t tell him anything” Before my mom could respond my GF’s older brother came over and told my mom “you better shut the fuck up and not talk to my sister like that” My mom said “this conversation doesn’t concern you please leave me alone and get out of my face please” Her brother then said “I’ll say whatever the fuck i wanna say you old bitch” My mom said “I’m not gonna back down from you You aren’t gonna bully me” The brother then got in my moms face and said “i will spit in your face you old hag” My mom responded with “and i all spit right back” Before i could go break it up the brother pushed my mom hard in the chest and almost knocked her down My mom is 4’11 and is 61 years old So i immediately lunge at him tackle him and start whaling on him before my boss pulled me off of him My boss told both my gf and her brother to leave On his way out the brother sucker punched me in the eye The cops were called We decided to not press charges on him He was fired and my gf quitThis happened 10 days ago and me and my gf haven’t talked since I really miss her I don’t know what to do since our family’s probably can’t ever co exist after this I still love her and want to talk to her Any advice I know this is kind of wild I still can’t believe this really happened
Grammy winner is fatally shot by police after allegedly holding his wife and stepdaughter at gunpoint
My son age 10 got me the best sticker for my pc Apparently I say this all the time while playing
Need some help resolving an audio problem on a new PCGreetingsNew PC Everything is fine but the audio There is none for thr most part Specs as followsThe system z790 aero g motherboard gtx3090ti i9 13900k monitor LG 27GL83AB though i guess little of that info is directly needed for problem resulution at handAlso windows is not set in english so sorry if terminology somewhat offThe system has drivers mother graphic nvidia high audio etc but the audio doesn't go from either port niether on the panels nor in the back of the monitor Sound system icons shows that 4 availible ports are shifted to HDMI monitor monitor icon with red arrow down the problem solver also notes that connector for this device is located in HDMI port yet the monitor port is also not providing any sound checked the audio level in both system and monitor itself not mutedThe sound itself works i have oculus quest 2 and system sees it sound from pc goes through helmet oculus mic transmits for discord users on pcThe system seems to have realtek i installed it but it doesn't show in devices only nvidia and oculus audio there or anywhere else but the delete panelThe monitor is connected via hdmi cable as well as dp cable power Dp cable seems to do nothing sjoud i use it or was it suppose to be used for 2nd mon or smth Should i unplug it I guess i either somehow have to tell pc no to send sound to hdmifix realtek or do something so monitor headset port starts sending soundMy mumblings probably require some more details will be eager to add whatever info is needed Thanks in advance
My fiancé M28 keeps complain about me and I F32 keep defending myself and we have a non ended fightPlease help me I received an opportunity to work and live abroad a few months ago when everything happened I met my current fiance and we started to date and everything was great Suddenly I told him that he should come to live with me abroad and he accepted and now we are in a different country We had a lot of fightings about everything but mainly things about me1 Work friends I had a new work friend and he believes he likes me when something about him comes up eg a Slack message he changes his attitude and a few hours or days later we have a fight 2 Sex due to the recent fights I don't see him as attractive as I used to so when he starts to kiss I stop and he fights with me the next day 3 Faces change of attitude jokes he often mentions that my face change or my mood changes when we are okay and again we start a fight this is the most frequent 4 Clothes and belongings this is super specific but we fought regarding a particular set of lingerie that I have he hates the idea that I am using old lingerie or sexy clothes with him I feel exhausted and I think that I'm doing everything paying for the rent food dinners outside delivery transport clothes EverythingI don't know what else I can do I feel that he complains about me in every aspect that he can but he says that he loves me and wants to be with me Today I think he despises me even if he says beautiful thingsIs there any way to stop the fights I know it is too much but I'm desperate I want to be with him but I don't know how
Trader Joe's is sued over lead cadmium levels in dark chocolate
Bloodshot is the rare example of a bad movie making me really interested in seeing the director with better movie The overall movie isn't very good but the action sequences and set pieces are expertly doneThis movie was a bomb but the fact that the director David Wilson did action and CGI on that level for 45 million dollars is astonishing He's someone that I think deserves another shot at directing much better material If he can pull off stuff like that with 45 million dollars a more scaled down action movie with a way better script and plot should show off his true capabilities
The World Unites on One Thing No One Wants a Princess Bride Remake
Tim Blake Nelson Joins Denis Villeneuve’s ‘Dune Part 2’
Mega Millions jackpot rises to 11 billion after no winner
I 28M left my fiance 24F and it turned out okayI'm writing this post because last year my girlfriend and I suffered a broken engagement and although it was the worst thing that ever happened to us it was the right thing to doI wanted to share this story because someone years from now will probably be frantically searching the internet for signs they need to leave their engagement and just like I did they'll read about other's experiences and know they're not aloneMy girlfriend and I dated for 8 months before getting engaged We live in a very conservative part of the US so that timeline is normal here All our priorities were aligned we wanted to get married move to the city buy a house and work on our careers for a bit before starting a familyIt all worked great until basically the very next day after I asked her to marry me The tone changed and in my view she started laying down additional expectations and rules that I had never agreed to in this case giving up a lot of my free time to accompany her to extended family events I have a succesful career my own hobbies etc and never intended to be a family man and hang out with the inlaws until I was ready to have a child of my ownThis was very scary as suddenly I felt trapped in my own relationship because I was in love with her but also that as her spouse I was not going to be taking orders and blocking off my calendar to attend her sister's kid's dance recitalI shared this concern and she agreed to step back and reconsider these extra rules but unfortunately the next weekend she told me she wasn't available because her family was throwing a dinner party and that instead of taking her out I should come to that I was losing this battleI asked her to come over right away and told her that I believed we should not get marriedIt was heartbreaking the worst moments of my life My shirt had mascara stains on it and she left in tears The aftermath was also very taxing It even shows up on my FitBit I suddenly wasn't sleeping well my resting heartrate had skyrocketed I didn't eat much and I was emotionally unstable all weekA week went by and we agreed to meet and have our conclusions I returned some things she gave me the ring back and I apologized and wished her the bestIn the end it was definitely the right decision because she was true in her expectations and I was firm on my boundaries That's basically the message hereI hope that anyone who reads this you'll know you're not the only person to go through this And if you're engaged and suddenly realize this isn't what you had in mind it will be very painful but you're not supposed to dread your own wedding dayGood luck and God bless
Deadpool 2 | Official HD Deadpool's Wet on Wet Teaser | 2018
297 Headphone stand
Super Bowl LII Post Game Thread Philadelphia Eagles 163 at New England Patriots 154Philadelphia Eaglesreagles#away at#at New England Patriotsrpatriots#home lost# GTPRIMETIME# GTSB US Bank Stadium Minneapolis Minnesota#######startboxscore| | | | | | || | | | | | || |First|Second|Third|Fourth| Final ||Eagles| 9 | 13 | 7 | 12 | 41 ||Patriots| 3 | 9 | 14 | 7 | 33 |#######endboxscore General information | | || | || Coverage | Odds || NBC | New England 45 OU 485 | | |||| Weather || 5°FWind 9mphClear skyNo precipitation expected Weather forecast from yrno delivered by the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and the NRK | Game Stats | | | | | | || | | | | | || Passing | | CmpAtt | Yds | Tds | Ints || NFoles | reagles | 2843 | 373| 3 | 1 || TBrady | rpatriots | 2848 | 505| 3 | 0 || Rushing | | Car | Yds | Lng | Tds || LBlount | reagles | 14 | 90| 36 | 1 || JAjayi | reagles | 9 | 57| 26 | 0 || JWhite | rpatriots | 7 | 45| 26 | 1 || DLewis | rpatriots | 9 | 39| 8 | 0 || Receiving | | Rec | Yds | Lng | Tds || CClement | reagles | 4 | 100| 55 | 1 || NAgholor | reagles | 9 | 84| 24 | 0 || AJeffery | reagles | 3 | 73| 34 | 1 || DAmendola | rpatriots | 8 | 152| 50 | 0 || CHogan | rpatriots | 6 | 128| 43 | 1 || RGronkowski | rpatriots | 9 | 116| 25 | 2 | Scoring Summary | | | | || | | | || Team | Q | Type | Drive || PHIreagles | 1 | FG | JElliott 25 yd Field Goal Drive 14 plays 67 yards in 705 || NErpatriots | 1 | FG | SGostkowski 26 yd Field Goal Drive 9 plays 67 yards in 338 || PHIreagles | 1 | TD | AJeffery 34 yd pass from NFoles kick failed wr Drive 3 plays 77 yards in 143 || PHIreagles | 2 | TD | LBlount 21 yd run pass failed Drive 6 plays 65 yards in 305 || NErpatriots | 2 | FG | SGostkowski 45 yd Field Goal Drive 5 plays 48 yards in 124 || NErpatriots | 2 | TD | JWhite 26 yd run kick failed wl Drive 7 plays 90 yards in 257 || PHIreagles | 2 | TD | NFoles 1 yd pass from TBurton JElliott kick is good Drive 7 plays 70 yards in 130 || NErpatriots | 3 | TD | RGronkowski 5 yd pass from TBrady SGostkowski kick is good Drive 8 plays 75 yards in 245 || PHIreagles | 3 | TD | CClement 22 yd pass from NFoles JElliott kick is good Drive 11 plays 85 yards in 457 || NErpatriots | 3 | TD | CHogan 26 yd pass from TBrady SGostkowski kick is good Drive 7 plays 75 yards in 355 || PHIreagles | 4 | FG | JElliott 42 yd Field Goal Drive 8 plays 51 yards in 414 || NErpatriots | 4 | TD | RGronkowski 4 yd pass from TBrady SGostkowski kick is good Drive 10 plays 75 yards in 447 || PHIreagles | 4 | TD | ZErtz 11 yd pass from NFoles pass failed Drive 14 plays 75 yards in 701 || PHIreagles | 4 | FG | JElliott 46 yd Field Goal Drive 4 plays 4 yards in 104 | Thread Notes Message The Moderators| || | | Discuss whatever you wish You can trash talk but keep it civil || If you are experiencing problems with comment sorting in the official reddit app we suggest using a thirdparty client instead AndroidrAndroidcomments7ctdf4letssettlethisrandroidwhatisthebestreddit iOSrioscomments68odw1whatisthebestredditappforios || Turning comment sort to 'new'rnflcomments7vbv3lsuperbowlliipostgamethreadphiladelphiasort=new will help you see the newest comments || Try Tab Auto Refresh to autorefresh this tab || Use redditstreamcom to get an autorefreshing version of this page || Check in on the rnfl chat #redditnfl on FreeNode open in browser || Show your team affiliation pick your team's logo in the sidebar |
The new Windows 11 trash can be like
GPU Scalpers
Bullet Train is brilliantButI found the first half hour very hard to get into Jokes felt forced action felt like a cartoon snd it was really poorly edited But when the action starts it suddenly becomes something else entirely Its energetic thr jokes suddenly start hitting their marks and even the more cartoony moments are funny There are a couple of characters who you can't wait to see get knocked off but generally I found it hilarious with a phenomenally fun 3rd act
Husband 31M says that my 35F boundaries are dumbI'm going to start this off now that I know I'm probably just insecure and stupid But on the way home from my sister's birthday celebration tonight at a bar my husband 31M mentioned to me 35F that there was a bar he wanted to go to where the waitresses were topless with body paint I told him as calmly as I could that I really wasn't comfortable with that He questioned why since as he put it you couldn't see anything with the body paint I told him that no body paint hides nipples unless they're wearing pasties but that I really wasn't comfortable with him going since he could hang out with his guy friends at ANY bar but wanting to go to that one specifically meant that it was BECAUSE of the tits He used the classic I'm still coming home to you and It's not like I'm giving them money phrases and that didn't make me feel any better I informed him that this has always been a boundary for me even before my abusive relationships and he responded by telling me that it was a dumb boundary to have because if he wanted to walk down the sidewalk of LA we don't even live in LA to shop where women are walking around topless that I couldn't stop him But I feel this is different You wouldn't be walking in LA specifically because women are topless I told him that I wish he would respect my boundaries and he said again that they were dumb boundaries and I'm just too insecure about everything and I should just trust him to be around topless women without thinking he's going to cop a feel I personally am just not comfortable with him going to a bar specifically because the women are topless when he can literally go to any other bar with his guy friends and I wouldn't even care I don't care about topless women in movies that we watch don't care about the big breasted women he has on his lock screen even though I wish he used pictures of me more often but whatever but a topless bar is just the limit for me Is this boundary really just dumb Am I really just completely insecure because this makes me uncomfortable
When cast in Big Fat Liar John Cho was asked to do his role with an accent He turned down the part saying he didn't want young people thinking it was okay to laugh at someone's accent In Cho's entire career he has not once played a character with a fake accent
Pixar's Incredibles 2 Trailer
Ghislaine Maxwell found guilty in sextrafficking trial
Ambulances called to 800 people suffering from hypothermia
BARB WIRE might be known for being a vehicle for Pamela Anderson but it's a surprisingly ambitious scifi movieI know the whole setup was to see Pamela Anderson in a leather suit BUT I was surprised by how good the movie was as a whole The supporting cast is good they all take it seriously The mood of the film is dark and broody the cinematography is shockingly superb This was not the stinker I was expecting The irony is that the worst thing about BARB WIRE was Barb Wire herself Anderson can't act and her lines are just laughably bad don't call me Babe cringe Had it been about another character this movie would have been a decent scifi action film in the same vein as Albert Pyun's CYBORG
Trash from Kohberger family residence in Pennsylvania helped Idaho with DNA testing
UPDATE My 26M girlfriend 25F has grown distant after I got beat up defending a group of girls being harassedFirst of all I want to thank every single one of you who commented on my last post The love and support I received was immense and it actually made me feel a little better in the mess of it all Thank you from the bottom of my heart All of the following happened yesterday so excuse me if I ramble a bit it's all fresh in my mind ORIGINAL POSTMandatory I have been with my gf Sarah for 3 years and been living together for 15 She is honestly everything I have ever wanted and I planning on proposing somewhere next yearSo 3 weeks ago I was out with Sarah at a local bar drinking and having a great time with her as it was just after quarantine had ended where I live At around 3 am we decided to head home As we headed to the parking lot where we had parked we noticed a group of 2 girls and a guy who was clearly drunk trying to hit on them and get them to go to his house The girls were clearly very uncomfortable and trying to find a way out Sarah told me that we had to do something and I told her go call the cops and get someone as well because the very leat I wanted was her to get hurt during thisSo I approached the group and try to pretend I was the boyfriend of the one of the two girls and long story short I got my ass kicked The guy was at least 6ft4 and 220 lbs where as I'm 5ft11 167lbs I'm fairly mascular myself but there was no way I could have taken someone that big I knew it from the start At least from all the noise we had made a lot of people rushed the scene and the girls got away safe I was rushed to the ER because the motherfucker had broken my ribs which had punctured my right lung YayAfter that incident Sarah has grown a distant from me Even though she visited and stayed with me at the hospital she hasn't been the same since And I thought she just needed time to move past this However 5 days ago she told me that she is not the same person after what happened and she doesn't know if she feels safe with me after I got beat up like that Honestly hearing that hurt me more than when I got my ribs broke She has moved to her parents for the time being and she told me she needs time Meanwhile I had no one here to help me so my brother left his 2 boys and wife to move in with me I know I'm just venting at this point but I don't want this to be over like that Reddit is there anything I can do to salvage the situationUPDATEUntil yesterday it had been 14 days since my last contact with Sarah My brother had left 4 days prior because I felt bad keeping him away from his family for so long plus I could take care of myself to some extent So around 2 pm while I was making lunch I hear the doorbell ring I go to open the door and there she is Sarah With tears in her eyes eye bags frizzy hairlooking like a total mess During the time we've been together I've seen her in her ups downs but I'd never seen her in such horrible state before So I let her in she sits on the couch we haven't still said a word as we were both dumbfounded I was so overwhelmed by emotions I wanted to hug her I wanted to full on blast on her I didn't even know what I wanted to do So I did nothing and waited for her to talk After 5 or 10 minutes of silence she starts sobbing and saying she's sorry and then full on crying At this point I can barely hold myself together So I hold her hand and try to calm her down so I can figure out what is going on After a while she finally somewhat calms down and starts talking And that's where it got bad Something that I didn't include in the original post because it wouldn't make sense to anyway is that Sarah's mother has been divorced and remarried once From what Sarah has told me her biological father cheated on her mother while she was still a kid and that's why they broke up And that's also why she doesn't have any kind of relationship with her father It seemed odd when I first learned about it but I didn't question it That is not the whole story though Sarah's biological father didn't only cheat on her mother He was a drug addict pos that also used to beat her up frequently Without getting into a lot of graphic detail in one instance when Sarah's brother tried to intervene and protect her mother he ended up getting beat up too So when she saw me intervening and getting my ass kicked in the bar incident it triggered some kind of PTSD in her head that she could not control That's why she had grown distant and eventually left It all spiraled out of control and she could not handle itIn those two weeks we'd been apart she'd barely eaten or slept and even made some really dark thoughts which I'd rather not go into She told me is a horrible girlfriend for leaving me alone in my condition and that she doesn't expect us to be together again after thatwhich I told her isn't the caseSo we have a very long road ahead of us My number one priority right is getting her to see a therapist which I suggested we can do together if she's scared to do aloneSo yeah that's where we are at Some of you were right that there was some deeper issue behind what happened but I could not have possibly knownI also wanted to take this opportunity to say something that I got messaged about a lot I got a lot of comments and messages saying that I was a moron for what I did at that parking lot and that I should mind my own buisness next time and not play the hero etc First of all I did not initiate the fight with the dude As I said when I got there I tried to pretend I was the boyfriend of the one of the girls in case When that didn't work I got between the girls and the dude trying to create some space between them and that's when he started to push me and eventually started throwing punchesSecondly no matter how hard I hit the gym I would never be able to take that guy one on one As I said I'm pretty fit and I've been working out for several years but the fella was a lot bigger than me Unless I had a gun or something which isn't legal in my country I was doomedFinally for the people telling me to mind my own business well let me you that what exactly what I was doing It is mine and everyone else's responsibility to look after the ones who can't protect themselves is this shitty world No I do not consider myself a hero nor did I do it for the show I did it because in some other instance one of those girls could have been my girlfriend sister mother needing help And these girls were somebody else's girlfriend sister or mother If I was put in that situation a hundred more times I would act the sameEditI also talked to her about the proposal I wanted to make this year I was planning on doing it as a surprise but in the way the things have turned out I figured it would be better if she knows it first We both agreed it should be delayed for now
What’re your thoughts on movie time lengths I’ve always been a 90 minute two hour type of guy Sometimes I like ti get in and out and I think majority of movies can say what they need to say in that time That doesn’t mean I don’t like long movies The Lord of the Rings all three are among my favorite movies ever and especially the extended versions this is the best way to watch them Inglorious Bastards is one of my favorite war movies etc I do think some movies overstayed it’s welcome Avatar The Irishman King Kong All 3 Hobbit movies The Revenant etc None of these movies are bad but I won’t go out of my way to watch them I do believe a movie is as long as it needs to be but sometimes as least imo some movies are long for the sake of being longEDIT let me clarify I’ll watch a 3 hour movie Definitely A movie like the Irishman I wouldn’t go to the theater and watch No chance It’s better at home because I at least I can pause to go do something or get a drink etc and they doesn’t mean I like all 90 minute movies some of them do suck lol
Chargers Should we REALLY make our schedule release video an anime
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Highlight Dolphins score on the final play to beat the Pats
DICK TRACY would have worked better if Warren Beatty had not played the leadI think the movie works better as a art of production design The sets the cinematography the overall colors it was a movie that truly understood its source and was reasonably faithful even though I do feel some casting choices are not the best Warren Beatty and Madonna looked their parts but Beatty was just too old and wooden and Madonna couldn't act or even sing And the songs they use are terrible I also wish they had cast a more charismatic actress for Tess Glenne Headley feels like the consolation not the winner I honestly feel someone like Harrison Ford would have been a better choice for Dick Tracy though you might disagree
New England Patriots are the Super Bowl LI Champions3428 Final
Graziano The Chiefs have released Kareem Hunt
My 22F partner 21M has been lying about the fact that his parents don't like meMy partner 21m and I 22f have been together for two years living together in an apartment near our university campus for a year and a half We signed the lease as friends before we began dating and just rolled with it I am his first long term relationship but he is not mine I've always been anxious that his parents didn't like me but he's always insisted that they do He claims that they just show it in a weird way For context they are upper middle class and white while I am lowermiddle class raised in a different part of our country and white passing indigenous I also have GAD and ADHD which causes me to overanalyze and stress about situations more than I should I have always really liked his dad and outside of the occasional passive aggressive comment his mother was always polite However when I'm not around she treats my partner horribly Everything he does needs to be perfect our apartment needs to be flawless at all times despite the fact that we're both in school working two jobs each at the moment and she actively watches his bank account like a hawk and needs an explanation for every dollar going out Between this and her passive aggressive comments she's never been my favourite person and I always had a gut feeling that the feeling was mutual My partner would consistently deny this and say she's just particularNow a few months ago we had a major issue with our landlord where she did a viewing for our apartment we move out when we graduate in May and didn't like that we had a portable washing machine and dishwasher which resulted in her threatening and bullying us This was particularly directed towards me because my partner is more anxious with confrontation Legally we were in the right according to the rentalsman tenants rights groups and the police because she did not put that they were not allowed on our lease Despite this I eventually decided to back down and get rid of the appliances because the situation made my partner uncomfortable This was over and done with until yesterday when we came back to the apartment after Christmas break to find a small crack in our bathtub I wanted to report it to the landlord to get it repaired but he stopped me because he was nervous to start more drama When I insisted that it was important because of potential water damage he revealed that the real thing he was worried about was making his parents upset Apparently when he went home for Christmas break his mother spoke badly about our aka my handling of the situation to everyone she spoke to and that he didn't want to tell me because he knew it would hurt my feelings Apparently her comments had made him absolutely miserable over the entire break and he further revealed that both his parents haven't liked me since we moved in together and that he was worried pushing this issue and causing a scene would make it worseI was blindsided and absolutely mortified For most of our relationship he has been lying to me about what they think of me and I have been socializing with them coming over and asking them for occasional favours like everything is fine the entire time I admittedly got heated and told him that by sparing my feelings he's allowed me to make an ass of myself for over a year and potentially make the problem worse In my opinion this isn't something you hide from your partner The hard conversations may not be fun to have but they're incredibly importantBecause his mother is the way she is he's essentially learned to be a pushover and just sit and wait to see if things change instead of confronting issues head on and he can be a major people pleaser I'd thought he had come a long way since we started dating but now I'm not sure He insists that it doesn't change how he thinks of me and that when we're out of school we can move away from his parents and go low contact so what they think of me doesn't matter but I don't know if I can get past his lie I feel like I can't trust him the same way anymore If he's lied about this for this long what else is he lying about Is he also just saying he loves me so he doesn't hurt my feelingsWould this be a dealbreaker for you If not how can I work on building the trust we had back up I truly love him and I saw myself spending the rest of my life with him and this is the first time I have ever doubted that I truly don't know what to doTLDR My partner has always insisted that his parents like me but have a weird way of showing it However while debating how to fix an issue in our apartment he revealed that they haven't liked me since we moved in together which has been 34 of our relationship I feel like I can't trust him the same way anymore after discovering this huge lie and don't know if this is a dealbreaker
The man the myth
crypto bros mining rig budget 2021 vs 2023
This seems like a self serving answer
Confused about the killer’s original plan in Knives OutSPOILERS for knives out the first oneRansom finds out his grandfather has cut the whole family himself included out of his will and left his fortune to his nurse MartaIn order to invalidate the will he decides to kill his grandfather and frame Marta for it triggering the “slayer rule” which says you can’t inherit money from someone you killedHe plans to accomplish this by switching the sleep drug his grandfather takes every night with the morphine in Marta’s bag Marta will accidentally inject him with an overdose of morphineThis brings up the first point I’m unclear on does the slayer rule only apply to murders or does it include negligence Was Ransom trying to frame her for murder This would seem to require making it look like she did it on purpose How would he accomplish thatIn the event the plan goes awry when Marta subconsciously notices the drugs have been switched and gives the old man the correct drug with the incorrect label However she thinks she gave him the morphine and so he kills himself to protect herDuring the funeral a few days later I guess ransom sneaks back to the house to switch the drugs back to cover his tracksBut Ransom was expecting him to die of a morphine overdose in which case the drugs would have immediately been taken as evidence and the switch identified clearing Marta So what was his plan
Me thinking of the current gpu market
'Black Panther' actor Chadwick Boseman dies at 43 after 4year fight with colon cancer
KSHB Before halftime against the Raiders Chiefs QB Patrick Mahomes hit 5570 total passing and rushing yards which surpasses Drew Brees' single season record of 5562 yards in 2011
Derek Chauvin sentenced to 225 years in prison for murder of George Floyd
Definitely my coolest build
My 28F Stepsister 29F slept with my exfiancé 37M and married him It’s been 5 years and my family think I should be over it alreadyI changed some minor details for the sake of remaining anonymous Also sorry this is so long once I started writing I found it cathartic and couldn’t stop word vomiting all over the post TLDR at the bottomWhen I was 23 now 28 I was engaged to Ryan was 32 now 37 Our engagement ended when my stepsister Kelly was 24 now 29 begged me to leave him because they loved each other but Ryan was too afraid to break up with because he didn’t want to hurt memy family When I confronted Ryan about it he denied it said she had been trying to come on to him for some time and he never mentioned it because he didn’t want to ruin our relationship He begged me not to believe her and so we continued how we were Kelly grew resentful and made nasty comments about how I was forcing a man who didn’t even love me to marry me because I had low selfesteem constantly A month later she sent me a video of them having sex in my bed and multiple screenshots of him telling her he loved her how he wished she was the girl he was marrying how he hated that I wouldn’t let them be together I was devastated and angry but my best friend convinced me not to go nuclear on them and instead to quietly move out when Ryan was at work the next week So that’s what I did I contacted my dad and my stepmom and asked them if I could move in temporarily I removed the money I had contributed into our joint account for wedding expenses and transferred the rest to him before closing the account Once I got settled in I sent all of the screenshots she sent me to all of our relatives and his Ryan tried to get back together with me multiple times but I ended up blocking him when I found out he had proposed to her with the same ring he gave me I left it behind Now Kelly is my stepsister from my mom’s side I have another stepsister 36 and stepbrother 38 from my mom’s second marriage and a halfsister 26 They all went to the wedding Whenever I tried to express I was hurt by the fact they were just supporting KellyRyan as though what they did to me meant nothing they would shrug it off and say they couldn’t cut them out completely because they were family I haven’t spent a single holiday with my mom’s side since neither has my older biological brother or sister I only see my mom and halfsister when I invite them over to my place as KellyRyan moved in with my mom and my stepdad a year after they got married Our relationship is very rocky but I’ve grown closer to my dadstepmom and their children an older stepbrother and two younger halfsiblings who have all been very supportive since this all happened so it’s not all been badOn new years day my boyfriend now husband proposed to me We had a small engagement party which I invited my mom and halfsister too They never turned up because I was “excluding half of our family” I never invited my stepdad or stepsiblings because they were pretty hurtful when it came out that KellyRyan were sleeping together They claimed it wasn’t their fault I got in the way of “true love” and made me out to be some sort of vindictive Disney villain for being angry with them We were planning to have our wedding ceremony this summer but in late February my husband suggested we postponed until next year because he was concerned COVID would get worse and we would have to cancelreschedule anyway I ended up finding out I was pregnant a month before our original wedding date so we had a courthouse wedding on that date with the plan to hold the ceremony next year Only my dad’s side of the family were aware of both the pregnancy and the weddingMy stepmom likes to knit so she’s been making some stuff for the baby Recently she posted about the things she had made on facebook with a caption talking about how excited she was to have another grandchild soon I was tagged in the post I have zero issues with the post I never told my family I wasn’t going to inform my mom’s side it wasn’t that I intentionally hid it from her she just never seemed very interested in my liferelationship so I never brought it upMy mom called me an hour later to demand to know if I was pregnant and how she couldn’t believe I hadn’t told her she was finally going to be a grandmother She has since invited me and my husband over to her house multiple times I’ve declined every single time for the obvious reason My stepdad who I’ve barely spoken to in 5 years has reached out to tell me how excited he is to meet the baby and my husband same with my siblings Even Kelly reached out to my husband to congratulate us I was furious The next time my mom and stepdad called me I finally laid into them I told them I didn’t want them to keep inviting me over when they knew I would be forced to see KellyRyan if I came I told them how hurt and angry I still am over what they did to me and how my ‘family’ dismissed my feelings I told them how they wouldn’t throw KellyRyan away but they were so quick to leave me out to rot whilst I was going through the worst betrayal I’d ever experienced in my life I told them I wasn’t even sure I wanted people like them in my child’s life My mom was crying hysterically and kept saying I was being cruel and I couldn’t deprive her of her first grandchild The thing is my baby ISN’T her first grandchild my sister has two adopted daughters already who my mom doesn’t even try to bond with She kept wailing about how I might be the only person in our family to even give her grandchildren my stepsisters are both having a hard time gettingstaying pregnant and my halfsister has proclaimed herself to be child free My stepdad got angry and defensive He claimed I was petty for holding onto something that happened 5 years ago He pointed out how I had found someone else so I should understand how love works and sometimes two people just can’t help themselves You love who you love basically He said KellyRyan were happy together so I should be happy for them the way they’re happy for me and my husband The ironic thing is my sister told me KellyRyan looked like they were on the verge of divorce and they argue constantly my mom complains to her about them and how my siblings all hate him but pretend they like him for Kelly’s sake I ended up hanging up because I was so angry and when I get angry I start crying I didn’t want them to think they got to me Since I’ve been receiving texts and calls nonstop from my mom’s family They’re all essentially telling me I should be over things already It’s gotten to the point me and my husband have switched phones so he can screen my messages for me and I don’t have to read themTLDR – My stepsister slept with my ex fiancé and married him I’m now happily married to someone else and we’re expecting our first child together My family thinks I should be over it already since I’ve moved on but the anger is still there and I have no interest in forming a relationship with my ex or my stepsister again They’re now putting pressure on me to try and get me to forget it ever happened How do I make my family understand just how unforgiveable what KellyRyan have done to me is I would prefer not to go completely no contact but is that my only option here
LGBTQ rights activist Edwin Chiloba's body found stuffed in a metal box on roadside in Kenya
Met my 32M SO's 32F parents for the first time Suspect SO's mother may be cheating What do I doBoth my SO and I are close together and are both close to our respective families We've been together for long enough that we decided to meet each other's families this year She's met mine and things have been going really great my family likes her The issue comes with her side of the family Her parents live in another country and her mother came around to stay with us for a couple of weeks her dad will join us later They are a very happy family there's no sign whatsoever that there's any dodgy business going on anywhere and they have always had a happy marriage as far as I knowHere's the kicker I oversaw on her phone that she's been using Tinder I saw some notifications come in and I saw her reading messages from others She's been chatting to what seems like multiple people I didn't see the exact conversation details This is upsetting to me because im not sure whether to keep this to myself or discuss it with SO Is this any of my business I don't want to cause unnecessary probems within the family but I also don't want to think that my potential in laws may be unfaithful What should I do Should I just keep this to myself Bring this up with SO If so howOne considerationmother does not speak english well and is actively trying to learn It's possible she's only on tinder to help her learn conversational english in which case she's just on the wrong appTLDR Met my SO's parents Caught mother using Tinder Not sure whether I should keep it to myself or bring this up with SO
Bad year for Intel
Too full when I tried to copy another 20GB in one go but I can do it in increments Why Windows 10
After 2 years of solodevelopement my first videogame Makis Adventure will launch in 11 days Im sooo excited
Schultz Sean Payton spoke on the phone today with Broncos’ ownership sources tell The Score I'm told there is mutual interest Payton on the Colin Cowherd show recently spoke about what steps he would implement in order to correct Russell Wilson’s struggles
Blizzard Employees Staged a Walkout After the Company Banned a Gamer for ProHong Kong Views
Posner Really hard to imagine how Raiders are going to wind up 611 They have thirdandgoal at 2 with league’s leading runner grinding out yards Two more runs to pick up 2 yards Nope let’s try two passes including a fade
I 28m have a long distance relationship with my gf 24f and it's destroying meTLDR i have a long distance relationship and today is the day i'm leaving my partner behind i'm going back to a very secluded life and even here the feelings of separation are eating me aliveI 28m have been on on deployment in a certain country where i met my gf 24f She was there on vacation and we hit it off pretty quickly we have been talking for a little and eventually it sprouted in to a relationship Right after she went home back to America i was so crazy about her that i booked a flight a couple of days later to visit her for a few weeks she was thrilled and we had the best time together today i flew back to my deployment country and tomorrow i'm flying all the way to europe to my regular job this means there will be a 6 hour time difference and a good 10000 kilometers of distance between usIn the country where i live i have a little barracks room that is not much bigger than the length of the bed i sleep in it's also located in a forrest surrounded by nothingness so it's going to be very secluded this makes me nervous because i can't even deal with my emotions right now let alone in that situation I have never met a person like this girl in my whole life and she makes me feel like a 14 year old boy that just fell in love for the first time i can't explain it but i can't eat sleep drink focus or anything my mind is stuck on her and only her i've never felt like this before and i don't know what to do with myself i feel like a giant wuss and i should know better but all this has me flooreddoes anyone have any advice for my situation it's eating me alive and i don't know what to do about it
Exxon signals strong Q4 profit to drive annual record
Pelissero #Raiders star RB Josh Jacobs will play against the #Chiefs after spending several days in Tulsa with his father Marty who had emergency heart surgery per sources “Pops” told Josh he wanted him to play and will be watching from the hospital today
Grillo’s Pickles sues Wahlburgers says company is ‘duping’ customers
Let's talk about adaptations made by people who have openly admitted they didn't care about the source materialI watched a video about the American version of Oldboy and saw how obvious it was in the interviews that Spike Lee was not interested in the source materials at all And it made me have a realization How many times do we get shitty adaptations because the wrong people end up in the writer's roomdirector's chair It's obvious that just by chance the project came to Spike Lee and he said yes because the man needs to pay the bills no shame on himThe counter example for me would be Peter Jackson directing the LOTR trilogy he was a huge fan He was definetely the right person to direct that adaptationAnd I bet this happens with nonadaptations too Directors who get handed scripts that they don't care about but they can't say no to And the writer has to live with a bad version of their script foreverAnywaythoughts
FINAL UPDATE My GF was raped and became pregnant I broke up with her when she wouldn't abort the babyOriginal TLDR My GF was raped Wanted to abort Talked to mother Decided not to abort I left her Update TLDR GF calls me reveals Mum made her not get an abortion because GOD CARES She wants me back and arranges for abortion she wanted all along Some of Reddit think I'm a baby killerUpdate 2 TLDR Mother tries to get me arrested for kidnapping or domestic abuse or some loony stuffI just wanted to update folk on this whole saga This will be my final updateA few days ago the abortion was carried out During the weeks beforehand my GF went to a counsellor and talked to a nurse about why she wanted an abortion She was also tested for any STIs she's clearShe went ahead with the abortion after getting the all clear A few days ago it was successfully carried outThey went for the surgical abortion method which involved using a vacuum to suck the pregnancy out GF said it was pretty painless and she was able to return home after just a few hoursWhen she came home she cried and cried and cried She says she feels like a huge weight had been lifted and she can finally look to moving on with her lifeWe took the whole week of work and yesterday we went camping it rained While in the tent she talked about how difficult life was sometimes but she was really glad things turned out the way they did because even though things were bad she came out the other side probably stronger than beforeShe's amazing man SeriouslyUpdate on the Mum So my GF received a call from her Mum who was asking if she went through with the abortionMy GF and I have an agreement that if Mum calls either hang up or give it to me In this instance she answered didn't know what to say and gave it to meI told the Mum that the abortion went perfectly and smiled as she cursed at me for about a minute I then said How Jesus of you at which point she hung upMy GF didn't find it funnyAnyway that's itGood luck to everyone in their livesAlso if you're going to message and insult me via PM just be warned I've killed ^a ^baby before
This is getting ridiculous I can't close it I can't delete the vanguard and I don't know what to do now Every time I open up Riot Client it just eats up all the CPU If anyone here knows how to fix this please help
Arizona Senator John McCain has passed away at the age of 81
Batman Star Kevin Conroy Dies at 66
New pc who dis
'Borat 2' Has Already Been Shot and Screened by Sacha Baron Cohen
Built a Pyramid PC
20M and 22F confusion in a friendshipclose friend of mine tells me that they would not mind and be fine if we stopped talkingi decided to take a long break i'm hurt hearing those words from such a close friend we have been close for the past 2 years hanging out most days my daily routine and my world would change in a way hence why i would not be 100 fine without this person and i would indeed obviously mind to me this person is valuable so them disappearing would cause me a lot of pain and hurtthe strange thing is they used to tell me how much they would miss me if we would stop talking and that talking to me is often the best part of their day this was only 3 months ago they have no problem telling me that they love me if i tell it first or if i write a heartfelt message they will reply to it and try to match the heartfeltness they also told me that i'm the closest person to them that no one is this close but hearing those words from them yesterday was honestly shocking and it's making me think a lot about this friendship someone telling me i'm the closest person to them and then saying that they would not mind and that they would be fine if we stop talking do not go hand in handmy feelings are all over the place because this does not make sense to me at all i'm emotionally exhausted from this whole situation