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I 28 think my girlfriend 26 has been using my gym socks to wipe after going to the bathroomThrowaway because reasonsTLDR Found my gym socks in the garbage covered in poop Asked girlfriend about it She started yelling at me and crying and leftI don't even know where to start with this I'm dumbfounded She just stormed out the house and I'm sitting on the bed asking myself A LOT of questionsI live a pretty normal life and I thought so did my girlfriend We've been together for a few months and after things got serious we moved in together We started sharing a lot of the household responsibilities but the one thing she was adamant on doing was the laundry She would come home and find me in the bedroom getting the laundry together and would quickly ask me to go do something else I'd come back to finish the laundry and she would have already started it I always thought it was sweet and never her job to do it alone but hey if it makes her happy to do it all the time I wouldn't stop herThis is where it takes a turn for the weird I keep all my socks and underwear in the bottom drawer of my dresser I also go to the gym frequently so I always keep a good supply of clean gym socks ready to go I never kept count but I know by just a visual glance I several pairs This morning when I went to grab a fresh pair to pack for the gym I noticed there were several dress socks but no gym socks Again not weird they must have been in the laundry I went to check the laundry basket and it was empty so I checked the washing machine and dryer Both were empty I couldn't figure out where all of my gym socks had gone So I did the very natural thing of asking my girlfriend what had happened to them After all she is the one who does the laundry all the time She went silent turned red and ran out of the room When I went after her to see if she was okay she wouldn't talk to me I told her I wasn't mad I was just looking for my socks She kinda mumbled I'll don't know I still wasn't mad of course but I was super confused Socks just don't disappear So I asked her again even laughed about it and she just looked at me and got mad and said I'll buy you new onesThe first thought that went through my head was she had somehow managed to destroy my socks while washing them I thought the sight of that was actually pretty funny so I joked with her about ruining my socks Wrong Thing To Say She started immediately crying Like full on sobbing At this point I don't care about the socks anymore I want to know what's wrong with my girlfriend I sat down next to her on the bed and put my arm around her and asked her of she was okay She just kept saying she was sorry and that she would buy me new socks I tried assuring her again it was okay Even went so far as to say I would buy new socks and she didn't have to I sat with her for a few minutes trying to calm her down and eventually had to get ready for work I told her loved her and got my things together to leave for the dayOn my way out I grabbed the garbage to take outside When I got outside I lifted the lid off the garbage can and I noticed a small plastic bag sitting on top of the garbage already in there I could see through the bag kind of the semi see through ones there were socks in the bag Since I was sure she had somehow managed to ruin the socks washing them I wanted to see for myself I opened the bag and immediately regretted my choice There inside the bag were several pairs of my gym socks covered in what looked like poop As soon as the smell hit me I knew it WAS POOP1 We don't own any pets2 We don't have any kids3 WHOSE POOP WAS ON MY SOCKSWork could wait I couldn't go the rest of the day wondering why my gym socks were covered in poop and inside a plastic bag in the garbage can I grabbed the bag and walked back inside As soon as my girlfriend saw the bag she flipped out and started yelling at me She said I shouldn't be going through the garbage and that I was disgusting for bringing it back into the house I asked her to calm down and that I just wanted an answer as to why there was poop on my socks I wasn't blaming her of anything but she started accusing me of blaming her That's when it clicked I don't know what it was that lead me to ask this but everything leading up to this moment had just been so crazy I asked her Is this your poop She started sobbing again and ran out of the house I didn't go after her this timeSo now I am sitting on my bed with a bag a poopy socks on the floor and a lot of questions in my head The only conclusion is that she used them after going to the bathroom Which that alone has its own set of questions above everything else I sent her text asking her to come back She hasn't responded yet I don't even know what I'm going to say when IF she gets backUPDATEI had to leave for work and am now at work Yes I threw away the bag of poopy socks She texted me back and she's clearly embarrassed but felt she owed me an explanation She said she didn't want to talk about it in person and that we could discuss it over texting and to NOT bring it up in person I'm condensing the conversation and filling in some gaps as best as I can Her responses are super short but I'm getting the ideaI flat out asked her if it was a fetish It is not a fetish She confessed to using the socks after going to the bathroom I found the reason she always does the laundry is because she was hiding the fact that she uses socks to wipe with primarily her own I had no reason to question the amount of socks she ever has because who pays attention to that kind of thing She thought I would notice and think it was weird since she doesn't own many socks She admitted she has done this for a long time Her reasoning as best as I can understand is that because she is a germaphobe her word and she is afraid toilet paper will tear and is afraid of getting her hands messy in ANY WAY She uses socks because it covers her entire hand After she's done with them she throws them away She used mine because she didn't have other socks So my girlfriend has a fear of getting poop on her hands so she wipes with socks and has done so for a lone time It could be worse I guess I hope we can laugh about this later I'm trying to find the humor in it now but I'm still weirded out #x200B#x200B#x200B#x200B#x200B
UPDATEMy girlfriends father discouraged me from proposing because their family isn’t thrilled about us having “Dark Babies”original postThanks for all y’all’s input it really helped and most of y’all were right on the targetYesterday afternoon I sat my gf Naomi down and had a conversation with her about what her dad said to me I tried to leave out any mention of proposal and told her I was in their neighborhood and decided to pop by Terrible lie I know but she bought it I told her what her dad said about us having dark babies and asked if she had any similar feelings about our kids popping out half black She looked at me like I was out of my mind She told me she didn’t give a fuck about the color of her kids as long as I was the dad which was reassuring She was not so happy with her dad She wanted us to take a drive over there and talk with her parents about it That evening we dropped by unannounced and when her mom opened the door to see us she immediately asked Naomi to show her the ring Naomi was confused and I about shit myself I like a dumbass didn’t call ahead to her parents that I hadn’t proposed I guess her mom thought we were going to surprise her with the engagement and assumed I had already proposed I was speechless They began speaking in Korean but from context I assume her mom was asking if I was too cheap to buy her an engagement ring And Naomi looked at me and started hugging and kissing me My secret was out and I told her I had already asked her parent for their blessing She was a few seconds from crying but sucked it up so we could speak to her dad Like I said in my og post my future father in law isn’t great at English so he and Naomi spoke in Korean According to Naomi she asked him why he told me that and he said that he was worried about their extended family not viewing our babies as Korean and being rude to them or me for being black I guess this did not come across well in English because he was just concerned for me and our kids He didn’t care that our babies would have dark skin This was a huge relief Her father isn’t the racist their extended families are but like fuck them who cares what they think I am just so glad that our future kids are going to have grandparents that are going to love them Only downside is now Naomi is expecting my proposal so I really got to knock her socks offThanks so much for all the help🤟🏿
I am 21M my bf 21M got caught and beaten by his dadAs you see from the title I am 21M and bf 21M we are from Arab families and our relationship almost hit a year and a half but yesterday his dad found out about us and beat him up so bad he started bleeding I feel so angry that I couldn't do anything after it was done he instantly came to me and told everything and that he is super sorry but has to block me till things calm down and will try to contact me when ever he can so he reassures me but the worrying part is that he said he doesn't want me to wait so long if things doesn't calm down because I deserve a better person and he doesn't want me sad or in this state because I don't deserve it I immediately shut down this thoughts and made him promise me not to give up and I'll wait for him no matter what happens and its my job as you boyfriend to be there for you and wait for you even if I can't he liked my message and I told go block me and delete everything but every time I think about what he said I get doubts of maybe he will give up or his father beats him that he gives up or his friends tell him to give up I'm a huge overthinker and idk if it's actual doubts or just me scared and overthinking we never spent one day away from each other in the one year and 3 months and this is the 1st day and I'm a mess is it because I'm overthinking But I have this warm feeling inside me that feels like it's his love and we will be able to make it we just need to wait it through but what if he breaks I'm sorry if this was a lot I'm just a big mess right now
Highlight Jenkins strip sacks Dobbs and the Jags recover and take it to the house TD and Jags take the lead
UPDATE My 40m ex wife 40f wants me to be with her in her last daysLink to my first post Quick recap My ex wife who Ive known since I was 10 cheated on me but is now dying and wants me to be around before she diesIt's been almost 3 weeks since I've posted and a lot has happened since I got some solid advice from a lot of you guys especially some who messaged me their personal experiences I'd like to thank you guys from the bottom of my heart So here's what happened As many of you guys suggested I talked to my wife We had a long discussion about the whole situation and I assured her that no matter what she is and always will be my first priority I also assured her that while I wanted to say my goodbye I would never act like her husband It would be more like me seeing a childhood friend or something like that I also told her I would never spend the night nor would I be alone with her She was more comfortable after our talk and was pretty ok with the idea of me seeing my ex again As you guys guessed she really felt like she was forced into being ok with it when my sister asked but this time she really was ok So I talked to my sister and after a long long heated discussion about what my role would be in the visit she agreed to the boundaries my wife and I set A week later my sister and I came over to our old marital home It was surreal cause while the emotions from years before came back to me I didn't feel any sadness nor hatred or anything negative I saw my ex who was waiting for us in the living room and she cried when I walked in Most of you suggested she was faking it but while she was still strong you could tell almost immediately something was wrong with her I indulged her with a hug and we talked for a few hours while my sister made lunch I showed her pictures of my kids and told her stories about what they're like Honestly I didn't know how I would react after I saw her again but it just feels like seeing an old friend you haven't seen in a long time There was no hate or anything like that I walked around the house and it was pretty much the way it was when I left over a decade ago Im not really sure how I feel about our wedding photos still framed and pictures of us still all over the house but it wasn't really my place to say anything The three of us had lunch and played board games all afternoon It honestly felt like we were back to when we were kids and the three of us would hang out together It was nice I left at around 6 She was sad but she understood When I hugged her goodbye she whispered I love you to me but then said how she's happy I was able to find the happiness she couldn't give me That part got to me to be honest and I was fighting back tears I told her I'd see her again soon and she asked if I could bring my kids next time I told her I would and left to pick up dinner for my family I told my wife everything that happened and she was quite happy about the outcome I guess it helped that I brought home her favorite food but she also agreed to let me bring the kids next time Overall it was a great experience seeing her again I feel like I needed that and would've regretted not doing so Again I'd like to thank everyone who gave me advice Also please don't roast my ex too much She made a mistake and paid the price but it doesn't mean shes an evil person This will be my last update Thank you very much reddit
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My 25M girlfriend 24F did not appreciate my reaction to seeing her nakedThere is currently this trend on the tiktok app of girls surprising their man by walking into the room naked and filming their reaction I've seen these videos before and normally the reaction is the man gets a smile on his face and they obviously get it on It's cheesy romantic funny whateverMy girlfriend is working from home during the pandemic and I work in the hospital I got home from a 12 hour shift of potentially being exposed to covid19 and just wanted some beers and to go to bed I guess my girlfriend thought she would get the same reaction when i walked in the door and saw her naked I barely had enough energy left to give any reaction let alone a good one I basically just told her i appreciated the gesture but i was exhausted She got moody at me basically comparing all these other tiktoks where the man gets excited to see their girl naked I told her all these tiktoks have men working from home not walking in the door after a 12 hour shift in a hospital during a pandemic She then took this as an insult at the fact that she's currently working from home when this wasn't my intention at allSince this happened a couple of days ago she's acting like i don't find her sexy at all and giving my sarcastic answers What do I even say to her
Can't wait until ThursdayMy48M wife44F is going to be SHOCKED\\\UPDATE\\\So wife and I have been together 17 years We are still stupid for each other and she is the absolute love of my life best friend confidant and coconspirator About two years ago she started having joint aches and pains and some minor swelling in her hands wrists ankles etc So off we got to the GP who gives us a consult to a Rheumatologist Come to find out she has rheumatoid arthritis no worries she starts treatment Fast forward to a month ago when our North Texas weather decided to go full mental and start changing temps and rainweather by the hour it seemed She woke up after overnight temp changes and thunderstorms and her hands were HUGE worse her small petite fingers looked like sausages And even though she had been previously warned about this had slept in her wedding ring So off to the doctors officewhere they had to cut off her ring So now for the bad our rings were special ordered from Ireland and custom designed and have words in Gaelic around the exterior of the ring negating any type of repair and they were designed and made17 years ago She was absolutely GUTTED I assured her we would figure it out and it wasn't a big deal but I could tell to her it wasBegin Sherlock Holmes Mode I googled until I couldn't google anymore I was able to find that the original jeweler had closed up shop 10 years ago just due to age I searched some more I finally found his personal Facebook page and I message him and waitand waitI finally get a response from his daughter that she had noticed a pending message on her Da's page and that he passed away just six months ago I express my condolences and she asks what was the purpose of my inquiry I go into this long diatribe about what had happened etc She tells me she understands and is so sorry about what had happenedFast forward a couple of weeks I get a message on Facebook from an unknown person until she explains this was the daughter of the jeweler She explains that she went through all her dads designs and looked up the approximate dates and thinks she found the drawings details and MOLDS in her dads things and wanted me to confirm She sent pictures and I confirmed that YES THOSE ARE OUR RINGS She said she would get all of this to us as soon as possible and asked for our addressI open my email this morning to find tracking information and pictures OF OUR RINGS She went ahead and had her BROTHER who had taken over her fathers business make our wedding bands again in her original size and two extra in two larger sizes in case her condition causes her fingers to swellchange and mailed them out to us at no charge I asked why they did both as mine was fine and she said it would not be fair that my wife had to have a new ring and I was allowed to keep my old one She told me we needed to put our original set away and to enjoy our new wedding bands I asked about compensation and she said she was honored to keep her dads work and spirit aliveOur New Wedding Bands will be here ThursdayTrying to think of romantic way to present her with them as she has NO IDEA any of this took place\Edit I rarely keep anything from her but didn't want to tell her I was trying only for her to be ultimately disappointed The absolute hardest thing for me from now until they arrive will be to NOT tell her as we tell each other EVERYTHING So now I not only need to figure out HOW to do this but NOT to spill the beans until then Our friends nicknamed us Mickey and Mallory as well as Marshall and Lilly from How I Met Your Mother because we literally tell each other everything\Edit 2 I thought about taking her to our local favorite restaurant where I actually proposed to her she's a nurse VA Nurse how we met 18 years ago and so ALWAYS goes to the bathroom to wash her hands prior to ordering when I originally proposed I waited until she got up to wash her hands dropped her ring in her wine glass andwaitedam thinking of a repeat\Edit 3 And to those of you saying I am awesome not in the slightest SHE is my world she brought two sons to this add water family that were my pleasure to raise and are now my best friends She is the reason I breathe and supported all of us when I went back to school to achieve my two doctorates to advance my career She is my hero I wake up every day to earn her all over again This was one small thing I was able to do to bring her happiness her joy is why I have a heartbeat And I don't give a good flying f\ at a rolling donut if I seem sappy If a man isn't allowed to get sappy over his wife he shouldn't have oneTLDR Wife had to have rings cut off due to swelling from arthritis I went Hardy Boys and found original jeweler who had passed away daughter found original moldsorder and recreated rings without my knowledge and mailed them out Was seeking advice on how to give her the new wedding bands#x200B\\\UPDATE\\\
UPDATE My best friend wants me to work with my rapist on her weddingOG post First of all thank you so much for the support on my first post I did not expect it to gain that much attention I guess a lot happened since then I don't know if it's even been a week yet But this is going to change my life perhaps for the betterThere were hundreds of comments and I'd thought I'd address a few questions regarding the rape itself I don't appreciate how some of these were asked but I'll share anyway for the sake of clarifying things1 Was I under the influence Yes but I remember vividly saying no I was drunk enough to have all my strength and mobility wonky but I didn't black out or anything The force he used on me didn't seem that of someone who was drunk he looked completely sober but I could be wrong I remember a couple of times when I was trying to lift myself off the bed and he would push me back down I remember the expression on his face Like you guys said I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemyThat's all I'm willing to share for now the only person who knows all the details is Tina Is it bad that I wish she knew nothing now Maybe it would hurt less2 Why didn't I report it Because I saw how that turned out for other girls I knew I've had a few other friends not Tina who have had the same thing happen to them and nothing came out of reporting it and it made them feel worse Just the few comments calling me a liar stung so I can't imagine how I would have felt back as my unstable teen self Not only that I was scared of what Rod would do if he found out I had reported him There was just something about him that made me never want to cross himReading all your comments it seems pretty clear that how Tina was treating me was extremely inconsiderate and I should find a new friend Although it was a huge slap in the face I came to my senses and believed that I couldn't be around someone who would do that to me Some of you said to expose them during vows but that's just not the kind of person I am and it might not turn out well A few of you gave me example texts I could send which I am extremely thankful for but I decided to send thisI've had time to think about it and I just can't be your maid of honor anymore It's so hurtful that you are telling me to pack up my trauma for who knows how long until your wedding dayI just can't do it I don't think I will come at all knowing that he's going to be there I'm sorryIt's pretty weak but it's probably the meanest text I've ever sent An hour later I get a call from Josh He asked me what was going on with me and Tina and that she was extremely upset A part of me snapped and I said I don't know what's going on with you making someone who raped me best man I don't usually blurt things out like that He was confused and I repeated myself He was silent for a few seconds and then asked if he could come over I was a little wary of the idea but I said sureI know we should be social distancing but this really needed to be discussedHe comes to my apartment 40 minutes later without Tina I have never hung out with Josh one on one before it was always with Tina Josh always had a really cute and sweet personality and I've always approved of him when it came to dating her He was really only a friendly acquaintance to me thoughWe sat down and spoke for over an hourTina had told Josh that the reason I wasn't coming to the wedding was that I didn't want to work with RodBECAUSE I HAD A CRUSH ON HIMand thought she was forcing the relationship too much So basically she said we had a petty girl fight My jaw hit the floor and I was fuming She had obviously never told Josh what Rod did to me I shared that Rod had raped me back in high school and that Tina knew about it I asked if he knew tooHe said he didn't but at one point Rod did mention that a few crazy bitches falsely accused him of rape senior year This obviously didn't include me since I only told Tina and a few family members Josh believed him at the time but I guess after hearing ME say it it's starting to dawn on him that his friend was a liarHere's something that I didn't expectJosh shared with me that he was raped when he was a kid by an older brother of a friend he had He said that if he was forced to work with said brother on a wedding he would absolutely refuse He apologized heavily on behalf of Tina but I won't forgive unless she says it herself I know some of you may think Josh is lying but I believe him I could see it by Josh's face and body language that the realization really weighed down on him and I felt bad In a way we were both going through a betrayal I asked if he was ok to go home and he said yes He thanked me for telling him and left I don't know if I'll stay in touch with him but I was beyond furious with Tina at this point I was expecting an angry text coming from her and sure enough I got it at like midnight She went off saying that I'm gonna end up destroying their marriage how could I do that to her etc etc I just pressed the block button and went to bed Quickest decision ever madeI'm feeling a little down in the dumps right now yet slightly relieved I'm going to try to connect with other friends and try to move on from this If I'm feeling brave enough I might try to find these crazy bitches and see if we can make a case against Rod Knowing that there are other victims makes me feel so guilty I want to scream Sorry it's not too happy of an ending but I think it might have been more unhappy if I decided to go along with it Thank you Reddit
Critic recommendationsAre there any professional critics out there that fit your taste or whose reviews you trust I love to look up movies after watching them for a good breakdown of any themes or symbolism I missed But I hop around on different sites to find a good one sometimes and would love to have a regular go to Looking for recs of any critics that are especially analytical
Schefter A fitting close The only NFL stadium that Cardinals defensive end JJ Watt hasn’t played in during his illustrious 12 seasons is Levi’s Stadium which just happens to be the site of Watt’s final game today
IRL Lamar Jackson walks up to a fan who is trying to take a picture with an AR Lamar Jackson
Jaguars The Jaguars social media team responds to a tiktoker from last year calling their franchise poverty
I 18F found out that my mom 42F has been lying about why my dad 45M abandoned me 15 years ago I don't know how to move forwardFor most of my life I was just raised by my mother since my father left us when I was 3 and we are very close My mom has always been vague about the details of the divorce just that it was very painful and sudden and that he never had interest in getting custody of me A couple months ago I was going through documents looking for my birth certificate and I came across their divorce papers Surprisingly my mom was listed as the one who filed for divorce contradicting her story that he left us I figured there must have been a reason for this like him being abusive but I know that my mom is sensitive about the topic so I didn't want to bring it up I asked my aunt her sister but I was just told to drop it It's been bugging me so I found him on Facebook His profile was completely private but his profile picture showed him with a little boy who must be my brother I found his business email online and against my better judgement I emailed him asking if he would like to meet for coffee He agreed Last week we met and he was completely not what I was expecting He was THRILLED to see me almost cried and wanted to hear everything I had been up to for the past 15 years I asked why he left and that's when I got his side of the storyTowards the end of their marriage my father confessed to my mom that he is bisexual and that during high school and college he had a serious boyfriend He was ashamed of his sexuality which was why he hid it from my more traditional mom My mom was angry but didn't divorce him because of it After the divorce he began dating his boyfriend again and my mom freaked out over me being exposed to this My mom petitioned for full custody and was granted it Over the years my father has attempted to reach out to my mom about me but she has never budged I asked my mom about what really happened no bullshit I told her dad's side of the story and she tearfully admitted that it was true She insists it was not out of anger or bigotry but because she genuinely believed that it was best for me to stay with her I am just so shocked still She lied to me for years making me think my own father did not want me My dad and I are reconnecting now but I have missed so much Next week I am going to meet his husband and my 7 year old brother I live with my mom but I can't speak to her right now She is begging me to forgive her but I'm so angry and I don't know how I'll ever not be angry with her
Londoner solves 20000year Ice Age drawings mystery
Let's talk about Amadeus“I absolve you” the last words we hear from the court composer Salieri The beauty of this as in the end it is truly a reply to Mozart asking for forgiveness which he sees as the voice of god asking for forgiveness for not letting him a man of devout faith have a shred of musical perfection In the end he absolves the voice but at last this is not God and he is punished forever to live his life in mediocrity as he continues living each day slowly fading into nothingAmadeus is a movie that left me speechless It is a beautifully shot each frame holding a matter of significance and looks as if taken from a painting It reminded me a lot of Barry Lyndon a period piece that somehow isn’t a period piece or has the feel of one One that shows the treacherous nature of man and the lengths one would go to in bitterness of the unequal talents of man It is also another movie a forbidden love as Salieri is in love with the talent of Mozart but lets his pride and faith blind him from seeking such an acceptance We see this throughout the film Salieri is truly mesmerized by the music of Mozart but lets his pride as a composer himself stop him from immersing himself into Mozart's work until the very end where he admits that Mozart is the greatest composer of his time and begins helpings Mozart write his next symphony truly realizing the distance between them as composersThey are polar opposites but they need each other a yin and a yang Mozart is an outrageous loud talented spontaneous and reckless young man while Salieri is a quiet respectful subpar sneaky and careful middle age man They don’t have anything in common besides the fact that both are composers their love of music and that they have issues with their fathers and yet there seems to be a force that brings them to each other into this battle of ideals You see scenes where you believe in another life or another situation they could have been friends maybe even the bests of friends if this had ended differently but then you wonder if it was all an act when they talked to each other or if it was their true selves Maybe Salieri would have continued being alive the most we have seen him throughout the film if he had continued to assist Mozart a man he truly respects unlike the King whom he acts like a monkey around following whatever he says which enact his father fears but atlas Salieri accepts himself as the evil he is and the part he played in the downfall of MozartTom Hulce and Franklin Abraham are brilliant in their roles as if they were born to play them Both being able to bring to life their character with small features such as a smile fading away or large ones such as a laugh a character uses to break the awkwardness The way they are able to show how the death of their character's fathers had impacted them One being glad his father died so he can go against his father's wishes while the other is haunted by his father's death for not doing as his father said Both were able to show the struggle and despair they were going through magnificently you would almost believe they weren’t acting at all but the spirit of these people had come into themI can’t say enough about this movie it is truly spectacular and one that I will enjoy rewatching hopefully for years to come Grazie Signore
Delta workers accuse airline of ‘culture of fear’ amid attempts to unionize
Schefter The Denver Broncos requested and received permission from the New Orleans Saints to interview Sean Payton got their head coach job league sources tell ESPN The NFL ruled that any inperson interview with Payton cannot be conducted until at least January 17 per sources
Mexico's controversial railway splits the jungle in half as the modern world meets endangered wildlife
Thank god it's easy with a PC
Florida man arrested for alleged mass shooting threat against LGBTQ people
What is the Best Film You Watched Last Week 122822010423The way this works is that you post a review of the best film you watched this week It can be any new or old release that you want to talk about{REMINDER The Threads Are Posted Now On Wednesday Mornings If Not Pinned They Will Still Be Available in the Sub}Here are some rules1 Check to see if your favorite film of last week has been posted already2 Please post your favorite film of last week3 Explain why you enjoyed your film4 ALWAYS use SPOILER TAGS \Instructions\5 Best Submissions can display their \Letterboxd Accts\ the following weekLast Week's Best Submissions|Film|User\LBIMDb\|Film|User\LBxd\|||||||“Babylon” filmpatico Long Kiss Goodnight”|Puss in Boots The Last Wish” Glen Ross”|“Avatar The Way of Water” End”|“Violent Night” Man”|“Glass Onion A Knives Out Mystery” Christmas Story”|A Christmas Story Christmas” Master”|“Inside Out” Lyndon”|“Curse of the Golden Flower” 1966|“PTU” 2003 AneeshRai7 the Waterfront” E F T||“Vidocq” 2001 Trip to the Moon”🎆🎇 HAPPY NEW YEAR 🎇🎆
Lombardi With the Raiders’ loss to KC the 49ers have officially made NFL history Every single one of SF’s opponents this season lost its next game if they’ve played the following week 015 That’d never happened before Might be a testament to 49ers’ uniquely physical style
AOC or Xiaomi 1440p 144Hz DisplayHi as i just dropped my AOC q27g2u bk monitor beeing the genious i am i am looking for a suitable replacement I can get the same AOC monitor for 240€ which is quiet a bit less than i paid for a few years back But the VA panel actually bothered me because of its smearing which is why i looked into IPS monitors and found a great deal on the xiaomi mi 2k monitor shipped locally for 240€ Is the Xiaomi a viable option when it comes to gaming monitors Are there any other options in this price region As far as i can tell monitor prices went up since summer last year where i live Germany so not too many good deals out there at the moment
Why is Jurassic Park 1993 rarely considered partly survival horrorFor example the T rex scene in the rain is textbook survival horror And the way Nedry dies is pretty gruesome even though toned down compared to the book And then there's the raptors in the kitchen sceneSure there's an adventurous upbeat atmosphere here and there but as a kid I thought that Jurassic Park was scarier than any actual horror movieOn IMDb it's labeled ActionAdventureSciFi It think there's less SciFi than horror at least
my battlestation
Just came to remind you all this is a computer
GPUuserbenchmark is an ubiased website with no flaws at all
Should had brought 3 at the start
Since the 2002 realignment the AFCS has had 2 teams go from worst to first the 20162017 Jaguars and the 20212022 JaguarsTitans went 4th to 3rd once and 4th to 2nd twice and also have had back to back last place finishesTexans went 4th to 3rd once and 4th to 2nd once and also have had back to back last place finishesJaguars have also gone 4th to 3rd and 4th to 2nd and also have had back to back last place finishesColts only have 1 last place finish they followed it up with a 2nd place finishSources
Parents Seek Answers After Gun Found in Waxahachie TX School Bathroom
F23 Am I an alcoholic or is my M23 partner overreactingMy partner 23M keeps making weird facesremarks anytime I buy beer or drink oneI don’t think I’m an alcoholic but he acts like I’m going to “turn into one” because i drink beer everynightevery other nightI’m a 23 year old female who works 53pm on my feet all day It can kinda feel hard to relax around the house because it feels like I should be cleaning i do all the cooking and 70 cleaning so I like to drink a nice delicious german beer american beer kinda nasty with dinner and relax Im a light weight and new to drinking so I know to only drink one MAX My partner and I have been together since high school and we never ever did any drinking partying drunks nothing We never surrounded ourselves with alcohol To this day he doesn’t drink He’s had cocktails before but prefers mocktails I always ask him if he wants to drink with me but he always declines Which is okay It can be a little sad drinking alone in the livingroom but I usually cuddle my cat and watch animeANYWAYS THE POINT OF THIS POSTHe believes its unhealthy and I’ll turn into an alcoholic I think I’m just relaxingOnline is giving me conflicting informationSo is it a little too much to drink a beer every nightevery other nightIf so would wine be better
My little sister just told me that our parents said that they regret having herI20m have a younger sister6f and she always hangs out with me whenever I’m homeYesterday I was playing video games and she walks into my room crying I ask her what’s wrong and she said that our parents just told her that they regret having her I confront my parents about it and they said that they find her extremely annoying and that if they knew that she would be like this they have aborted herThe part that pisses me off the most is that the reason they think she is annoying is that she is mentally slow and often doesn’t understand certain things We got into an argument and afterwards my sister wouldn’t leave my side They want me moved out within 2 months but I don’t know how my sister will handle not having me around to comfort herI’ve been extremely worried about leaving her due to the way she gets treated what should I do
Mystery of why Roman buildings have survived so long has been unraveled scientists say
Alzheimer's drug lecanemab receives accelerated approval from the FDA
Yes Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky Did Voice Paddington StudioCanal Confirms
UPDATE My 26F boyfriend 35m choked me until I passed out during sex waited until he finished to check on mePrevious PostBefore I get into anything I am safe and I am okay and recoveringThank you to everyone that commented and reached out to me Your advice and words of wisdom meant so much to me Well everyone but the guy that messaged me to tell me that guys won't like me if I tell them why I broke up with my now exboyfriendI can't go into a lot of details but the clinic I went to sent me to the hospital where I had a full work up done and met with a DV advocate and police officers The scale of injuries were severe enough that I was granted an immediate order of protectionThis was the last text message I got from him before I changed my number I have a feeling that many posters were correct that this was the test to see how far he could goAll of my big things are in storage at my parent's house and I've been rotating between a couple different friend's houses the past couple of nights I have plans to move a couple cities over so I will be as far away from him as possible My advocate set up an appointment with a therapist and I met with her this morningI'm not sleeping much still but I am surrounded by good people that will help me get through thisThank you reddit The clarity you all gave me probably saved my life
32m 33f My wife has developed feelings for a coworkerYeah you read that right My wife recently confessed to me that she is developing romantic feelings for a coworker of hersSo I have been married to her for 3 years and together for 6 years now She works in a male dominated field but we never had an issue before Recently their company has laid off a bunch of people so the workload on them has increased a bit And as a result she was working very closely with this guy and well working together in high stress environment led her to develop some feelings for him She came to me immediately and we talked about how to address it as a team She put in for a transfer to a different branch and till the transfer comes through she will be working from home We are attending marriage counselling and she is also doing individual counselling We are also doing more datenights and other stuff where we spend quality time together She is very remorseful and vows to everything in her power to make it right with meIt has been a month and recently I have been feeling really angry at her like how could you do that I work in auditing and sometimes I have to work for 16 hours with my women teammates and yet I have never developed anything for them But she did I am feeling that I no longer want to make it work and just ask for a divorce But then it might be just passing anger for me and maybe I will regret my decision later on I am so angry and confused guys just dont know wtf am I doing I would love some advice from people who might have been in my shoesEditUpdate I have decided to ask for a separation for 3 or 6 months and we will both be free to do what we want during this period I will ask her to give it a try with her coworker or with there are anymore crushes she has After the 3 months are over then we will meet again to decide if we want to continue the marriage or end it
The Jets highest paid player on the field today is Kansas City Chiefs running back Le'Veon Bell
How you like my dust collector
With their 2016 victory for the 18th straight season the Jaguars regular season finale has been won by the home team The last time the road team won the Jags regular season finale was week 17 of the 2004 season 6580 days agoSource
UPDATE I think my SIL’s 23F best friend 23F is trying to get with my 25F husband 28M and she’s encouraging it Am I delusionalMy original post got locked because I didn’t use a ThrowRA account so I made another account to post the update so it doesn’t happen again I'll post a link on my old account for proof that this is my new accountORIGINAL post for anyone hasn’t read it the update is below –Link – My SIL 23F is my husband’s 28M halfsister she was the product of their mother’s infidelity His father divorced their mother when he was 12 after he found out through a paternity test she wasn’t his My FIL refused to have anything to do with my SIL but continued to have a relationship with my husband because of this my SIL is very clingy to my husband My husband is also very protective of his sister and generally doesn’t tolerate anything negative being said about her which is why I’m posting this here before mentioning anything to himMy husband and I bought a house last year which has its own indoor swimming pool My SIL was super excited when she saw it and asked if she could use it sometimes with her friend We said it was fine as long as she gave us a notice before she turned up Her and her friend Chloe have used it many times before but almost never when my husband is home he is a lawyer and works long hours With lockdown my husband has started to work from home My SIL asked me if she and Chloe could come over and use the pool I told her I was uncomfortable with them coming over as I’m pregnant and don’t want to accidentally expose the baby to anything risky My SIL then asked if she and Chloe quarantined for two weeks would they be able to come over my husband said it was fineTwo weeks later they turn up to my house My husband was in his office so they go straight to the pool after making small talk My husband ends up coming out after an hour and we’re hanging out in the kitchen My SIL walks in to get a drink and she starts talking to my husband Before she goes back to the pool she says “Chloe’s going to be so happy to see you” It was weird because my husband and Chloe aren’t close Chloe comes into the kitchen two minutes later and spends the rest of her time talking to my husband until he excuses himself to get back to work She’s super giggly and smiley when she talks to him He would say something sarcastic and she would laugh like it was the funniest joke she’s ever heard It honestly felt like she was flirting with him Before she went back to the pool she gave me this weird smirky look Before they leave they ask my husband if he’s working from home everyday of the week he confirms he isThe next two weeks they come over to the house to ‘swim’ every single day Except Chloe never gets in the water Instead she hangs around the house in her bikini she was previously wearing a onepiece if it makes a difference every single day Whenever my husband comes out to hang around me she quickly interrupts him and keeps him talking until he has to go back to work I made lunch for us all and when I excused myself to call my husband down my SIL quickly stopped me and said Chloe could call him for me They shared a look and Chloe looked really happy when she went to get him Chloe has also started to get touchier with my husband She’s put her hands on his chest and arms stands or sits really close to him To my husband’s credit he does usually create space between them whenever she does something like thisThe reason I believe my SIL is in on this is because she’s made a few pregnancyrelated jabs at me recently She told me a story about how one of her friend’s boyfriends was cheating on her and then said something along the lines of “did you know a lot of men start cheating when their wives are pregnant” She’s also made comments about how I look chubby now and it looks weird next to my husband because he’s ‘wellbuilt’ If she spots my husband out of the office she quickly goes to inform ChloeI know pregnancy hormones can mess with a person’s brain so I’m wondering if I’m just looking for something that isn’t there My SIL sent me a text yesterday asking if they could come over to swim next week and I really want to say no but I know she’ll whine to my husband if I do I ideally want to have a conversation with him before then but I’m not sure if I should mention the flirtingAm I being delusionalTLDR – SIL’s and her friend are constantly asking to come over to use our pool but her friend never swims Instead she waits around to start talking with my husband She seems very flirtatious whenever she talks to him but I’m not sure if it’s just pregnancy hormones getting to meUPDATE –Well I read and reread all of the comments on the original post to try and figure out how I was going to bring up the issue Turns out I didn’t have to We were watching a movie and my phone lit up with another text from my SIL telling me she was now going to be here at 1pm the next day to swim with Chloe My husband saw it and told me to tell her not to come This is really weird behaviour for my husband because he tends to do anything to accommodate my SIL and very rarely refuses her anything I asked him if something had happened and he shrugged it off and we kept watching the movieA few minutes later he paused the movie and said he wanted to ask me a question He asked if I’d noticed Chloe never swam when she came to our house I wish I could say I was calm and collected like the comments were advising but… I ended up laughing hysterically I was honestly just so relieved he’d brought it up instead of me having to be the one to do it I think my husband thought I was losing my mindWhen I finally stopped laughing he repeated the question and said he wanted a serious answer I said “of course I’ve noticed” and he awkwardly replied “so… you must’ve noticed the other thing too” To summarise the conversation that followed My husband hadn’t noticed Chloe was flirting with him the first few days because he was so busy with work he wasn’t really paying attention to anything else He said when she started getting handsy is when he suddenly had the ‘light bulb’ moment that she was into him He says he didn’t want to unnecessarily stress me out so he never mentioned anything but he was worried I’d noticed too and thought he was interested because he hadn’t immediately shut it down He realised we would eventually have to have this talk but he wasn’t sure how to bring it up oh the irony He did privately speak to Chloe and told her he was happily married and wasn’t interested in starting anything with anyone else Apparently she never took him seriously because she kept doing itIn the end he called his sister on Sunday to tell her either she got her to stop or Chloe couldn’t come over anymore His sister ended up having a tantrum and said a few nasty things about methe babyour relationship She insisted I was somehow behind his request and made some comments about how I was controlling and insecure because I looked like a ‘beach whale’ and Chloe was younger and hotter He was pretty pissed at this and said if she said something like that about me again he would stop speaking to her She claimed I had baby trapped him and when my husband pointed out we were already married so I didn’t need to ‘trap’ him and that he was the one who wanted to start a family she kept insisting I had manipulated him into feeling that way She claimed he was unhappy in our relationship and he always looked ‘tired’ because I was forcing him to slave away to fund my fancy lifestyle whilst I sat on my ass all day He pointed out he chose to be a lawyer knowing he would have to work long hours and I had only recently left my job so her accusations were baselessShe said some other stuff along the same lines but the thing that made my husband finally snap was when she said ‘it’ the baby was already ruining everything and it was just going to get worse when it was born and he should’ve dragged me to the abortion clinic whilst he had the chance He told her neither her nor Chloe were welcome in our home anymore until they apologised for how they’d been behaving and for the things my SIL said He said he wasn’t sure he could ever forgive or forget what she’d said about our child even if she did apologise and he couldn’t believe she would even think something like that let alone say it Apparently she started crying and said she was sorry that she didn’t mean it and she was just scared to lose him and that she wasn’t thinking clearly He hung up on her He showed me his phone and she’s been calling him and texting him since begging him to replyHe asked if she’d said anything to me I was debating whether to say anything or not but he kept insisting he knew she had said something and he wanted to know what it was I told him the things I mentioned in the original post and a few other things she had said He asked me why I never mentioned anything when she first said it and I mentioned how he got really defensive whenever I said anything even slightly negative about his sister and he… got defensive I pointed out he was doing it again and after some back and forth he admitted that “maybe he was a little bit defensive when it came to her” but he promised to stop and he wanted to make sure we could talk about anything including his sisterHe ended up mentioning wanting to try couples counselling He said it wasn’t because he thought there was something wrong with our relationship but apparently he has been speaking to his dad a lot recently and he mentioned one thing he regretted about his marriage with MIL is that they never went to therapy until the cracks in their relationship were too big In his current marriage they go and it’s helped him avoid the mistakes of his first marriage I agreed so we’re probably going to try that soonMy husband thinks my SIL will eventually turn up even if we tell her not to but he promised he’d deal with her if she doesSo reddit I guess you were right I really did just need to speak to him Thanks for the advice and comments I enjoyed reading them allTLDR – We talked Husband already confronted both the friend and SIL SIL said some really shitty things so we won’t be contacting her for a while Communication is key folks
Great Salt Lake will disappear in 5 years without massive 'emergency rescue' scientists say | CNN
I don’t think my mum has any more money
Iran executes 2 more men detained amid nationwide protests
Kevin McCarthy elected House speaker on 15th round after fight nearly breaks out
Calais Campbell The offense only scores 13 points and they give MVP to Edelman but the D only gave up 3 points and Gilmore had forced a fumble a int 3 PBUs and 5 Tackles Smh no respect for the masterpiece on Defense
Let’s talk about The Cotton ClubI think it’s a wildly entertaining great but flawed movie I good example of the cast outshining the leads I feel Diane Lane and Richard Gere turn in the worst performances of the movie the sets costumes music script cinematography are all great and Nic Cage Hoskins Remar McKee and Fred Gwynne are all amazing The final tap dancing sequence juxtaposed with Schultz’s demise is one of the most thrilling sequences I’ve ever seen The production hell it went through the arguments between Evans and Coppola and the expectation it would be like The Godfather continue to dog this movie but imo it’s a great B gangster film “I never had a mother They found me in a garbage pail” Gosh what writing
'Joker' becomes first Rrated movie to gross 1 billion worldwide
My 27F boyfriend 27M asked me to “act more kawaii” in the bedroom I’m asian and he’s white I don’t want to shame his kink but I don’t want to be fetishizedTLDR I don’t want to be fetishized by my boyfriend but don’t want to shame him for being more sexually open with me We’ve been together for a little over a year now and it’s been going well We met at college through a club and hit it off then reconnected a couple years later He’s always been really kind to me and gives me compliments all the time and we generally have fun together We’ve been quarantining together and have been having a lot of sex which I love but it’s been getting a little weirder I guess He sends me a lot of hentai and says he wants to try things out that are depicted in it which is fine But he’s also been buying me outfits which I do appreciate and they’re very much like anime themed Japanese schoolgirl catgirl costume etc etc I know he’s being more open sexually with me but it all feels kind of gross Like he wants me to do all of these things because I’m Asian Anyway the other night he asked me to “act cuter” in the bedroom and to speak Japanese to him in bed I was really offended by this because while I’m Asian I’m not Japanese I’m Taiwanese but born and raised here in America I firmly told him no and the night went on alright but he was a little quiet afterwards like I’d scolded him I don’t think he means anything weird by it but I want to tell him I’m not okay with the things he’s been doing but also I don’t want to shame him for being more open sexually with me I just want to feel like he wants to be intimate with ME and not with Asian Girl #7 if that makes sense I don’t know how to explain this to him though
Schefter Blockbuster After weeks of negotiations in one of the largest trades in NFL history the Seattle Seahawks and Denver Broncos have agreed to terms for a deal involving SuperBowl winning QB Russell Wilson sources tell ESPN Trade is pending a physical and Wilson’s approval
Movies with ASMR long scenes like Fantastic VoyagePardon my use of the overused and mostly misplaced ASMR term but I wouldn't know how to express what I watched and experienced through the first act Scenes like the one where a scientist is guiding the process of picking up the Proteus while some operators carefully pick the ship put it in the needle and so on The quietness the care used by all of the lab members all of that It made me realise things were done differently in the 60s with more pleasantness Do anyone know some films with that amount of care and detail on most or any scenes in particular Cheers
CBS Sports An underrated sports moment That time Buffalo Bills fans gave Andy Dalton a standing ovation for helping them end their 17year playoff drought
Britney Spears' conservatorship is brought to an end after 13 years
WillSmith Banned from Attending Oscars Ceremony and Academy Events for 10 Years
The Chiefs 2022 regular season ends with 3 losses The Buffalo Bills in Week 6 The Cincinnati Bengals in Week 13 And somehow the Indianapolis Colts in Week 3Full Kansas City Chiefs final scores for the 2022 season
highlight Patrick Star calls Wilsons second interception
Indiana Jones Last Crusade RewatchHey everyone I just rewatched Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade and I was blown away by how much I enjoyed it It's weird really didn't think much of it the first time The chemistry between Harrison Ford and Sean Connery as Indiana Jones and his father was electric and the action set pieces were some of the best in the entire franchiseOne thing that really stood out to me on this rewatch was the theme of family Indiana's relationship with his father is a major driving force throughout the movie and it adds a whole new layer of depth to the characterBut don't get me wrong this is still a classic Indiana Jones adventure through and through The Grail quest is a perfect blend of myth and history and the final showdown with the Nazis is intense and satisfyingSome of the elements are a bit dated but overall I highly recommend giving Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade another watch or a first watch if you haven't seen it yet It's a classic adventure that holds up incredibly wellWhat did you guys think of the movieare you likewise rewatching after catching wind of the new one coming out Let me know in the comments
Mexican cartel leader dies in shootout after mass jail break
Arizona's shipping container wall on border is coming down
Ghislaine Maxwell Charged With Sex Trafficking of 14YearOld Girl
ESPN Stats Info Today marked just the fifth time in Patrick Mahomes's career that the Chiefs had a 21point lead at halftime Three of those five games have been against the Raiders
Possession 1981 fucked me up in the best way possibleThis movie has been on my list forever and for a long time this has been a very hard movie to see Shudder just put it on their service which I believe is the first time it's ever been able to be streamed I watched it last night and it has completely consumed every thought I've had for the last 24 hoursIt starts out as a fairly familiar story about a couple going through a particularly messy divorce but as the story develops it becomes clear that there is something else going on beneath the surface I love horror movies that start out normal and then completely go off the rails and this fits that bill as well as anything I've ever seen This ends up being so disturbing and nasty and thought provoking I cannot recommend it enough Sam Neil delivers the most unhinged performance of his career which is saying something but Isabella Adjani gives a performance unlike anything I've ever seen If you're a fan of David Cronenberg or David Lynch and you can handle a mindfucky grossout fever dream this movie will rewrite your DNA Has anyone else seen this because I am desperate to talk about it and I cannot in good conscience recommend this to anyone I know in real life because I don't think they'll be able to look me in the eye after watching this
The Cinematography of Pleasantville 1998
‘Mad Max’ Fans and More Raise Over 70000 to Fund Brain Surgery for Injured Furiosa Stunt Woman Dayna Grant is a stunt double for Charlize Theron Lucy Lawless and more
The glow up is real
This is a random Viggo Mortensen appreciation postI love Viggo Mortensen so muchI went down a rabbit hole of just watching his interviews and behind the scenes stuff and wow he's truly an amazing person He's probably the most humble and level headed celebrity out there He's got such a dry sense of humour in interviews and seems to read the room well He laughs at dumb things he just said and can keep the conversation going I know a lot of celebrities are like that and maybe I'll go down their rabbit hole too someday but today is about ViggoI just love him And also an amazing actor Didn't he start out pretty late in life He's so talented He sings writes poetry photography can speak like 6 languageshim and Aragorn are literally the same person I mean that physically and figuratively It will be a VERY sad day when he leaves this earthThanks for reading
M20 F20 I am an abuser and a cheater i wish to change so that one day i can get the love of my life backI recognize that i’m an abuser and i’ve cheated on my now ex girlfriend twice by messaging girls online The first time she forgave me but this time she didn’t I ruined her life I ruined mine I’m a disappointment to my family I’m a sinner I have dissociation disorder I really want to change but i’ve had a porn addiction since i was 13 Abusers and cheaters don’t change from i’ve seen but i really want her back because she means the world to me She is the best person i have ever met and it pains me to see her in pain like that I wish to change and i hope this isn’t build into my psyche I’m a shit person but im looking for any advice
Police shoot 13yearold boy with autism several times after mother calls for help
James Cameron congratulates Avengers Endgame on becoming the biggest film of all time
Dr Fauci says his daughters need security as family continues to get death threats
Mike Herndon Ryan Stonehouse is officially the new NFL single season record holder for punting average He will finish 2022 at 531 yards per punt clearing Sammy Baugh’s 1940 mark of 514 by nearly two full yards Would imagine we see him reset that record a time or two before he’s done
Peter Mayhew actor of Chewbacca from 'Star Wars' has passed away
But 120 fps
The Browns have made the playoffs for the first time since 2002Title Congrats to Cleveland Was a nail biter too
Should I 48m tell my wife 44f that I received a sex tape of her in the mailThrowawayThis is an odd thing Wife and I have been married 20 years I’ve never suspected her of cheating and our sex life has been outstandingFirst of the year I receive a package in the mail It’s a DVD addressed to me and a typed note that says “your eyes only” It’s my wife having sex separately with three guys She was younger much younger based on body and appearance and hair style it was around the time we were going out—either before during or after we were engaged she grew her hair longer for the wedding and kept it that wayFirst I’ve no idea who sent it to me other than one of those three guys in the DVD none of which I know I’m assuming it’s one of my wife’s ex Second I’ve know idea why they sent it Are they trying to say she was screwing around on me The tape isn’t time stamped so I don’t have a frame of reference She kept her hair short for years until we were engaged so it could have been during a block of time certainly before we dated And also what are they trying to achieve if this was taken before we dated I know my wife had other partners Hell I had three times the partners she did before we married but that was 20 years ago I think we’re past that But apparently this person or persons isn’tThe whole thing is strange I’m not sure what’s going on I haven’t told my wife I’m not sure how she would take it She’s very sexual and adventurous but I don’t think she’d like the idea of her past catching up to her But I don’t think I’ll get to the bottom of this unless I tell herEDIT update I’m overwhelmed by the responses Thank you for your interestI did speak to my wife yesterday afternoon Some mentioned letting her watch it in private and I gave her that option She did and we talked at length Some of it is a bit clearer nowThe two “amateur” looking videos are two roommates taken on the same night That’s why the camera doesn’t move and that’s why the room is the same I asked why the bed looks different and she replied the sheets were a bit messy so they changed them before they had another go The other is a boyfriend she dated when her and I met before we actually started dating She knows this man is friends with one of the before mentioned roommates and thinks it’s him who got the three videos together and sent them to us WhyShe admits that last summer he tried connecting with her on Facebook When she did he tried to make it sexual again so she stopped She thinks he sent the DVD to cause an issue with usFor the first time I now have doubts Her answers are logical but seem a bit off to me And honestly I may be just upset that she did two guys in one night I know it was 20 years ago but that’s still hard to take call me shallow if you want Also she didn’t seem shaken by the DVD or the fact I had it merely irritated that this person sent it I had the idea she’d rather I didn’t have it but now that I did oh well It still leaves many questions unanswered such as why the tapes are from 9697 and the DVD was made in 2013 but I’m just getting it now That many be minor but it may be everything Plus how does this gentleman know where I live Facebook doesn’t give you that information Being in contact with someone does so now you see why I have doubtsThanks to you all for your concern and feedback I love my wife and cherish her and her past is her past but for some reason it’s slapping us in the face right now I will take some time between the two of us to figure out what is truly going on EDIT II I want to clarify something I’ve been getting a lot of feedback mostly negative where everyone is irritated with me that I’m upset with my wife for being with two men in the same night None of my business it was 20 years ago I should man up that sort of thingLook i said it was hard to take Most men understand their partner was with different people before them But SEEING their spouse with two men on the same night is hard to handle I didn’t say I was changing my view of her or leaving or any other angst you want to put on me It’s just a difficult thing for a married man to see and realize I’ll get past it but it’s not an easy thing And for everyone who says “it was 20 years ago lighten up” I challenge you to sit back grab a beer and watch two young men have intercourse with your wife on the same night and see how you feel about it Frustrated at best You won’t love her less but you’ll not feel great afterwards trust me So thanks for everyone calling me an asshole but until your in that position I’ll ignore you thank you very much FINAL EDIT this will be my final edit Thank you all for your support but all I will say is it’s time for me to make some decisions I hacked into my wife’s Facebook account childish and immature I’ll admit but I did it nonetheless And I found things disturbing enough that I need to think long and hard about what I do next I’ve given her the benefit of the doubt through this entire thing now a shadow had been cast and I’m questioning her more than ever before Heartbroken is putting it mildly It’s time for me to work on my life and my self Thanks to everyone and their interest
Trump campaign loses lawsuit seeking to halt Michigan vote count
Tree They did it Uche The Jaguars won the AFC South We laughed at you when you predicted it but it came true nonetheless I hope you have the biggest grin from ear to ear watching this wherever you are They did it for you man Run your victory lap up there brother
Built my Pc 6 years ago and now wondering where should I start first with upgrading or should I basically upgrade every aspect Thanks in advance for all the help
Could I M24 have fallen in love in retrospect with someone F22I met a girl over a year ago while I was in a relationship It was kind of a love at first sight for her not so much for me though In fact even though we became good friends I just couldn’t like her like that in spite of her advances her beauty and intelligence which I liked from the first day After some time I broke up with my girlfriend for unrelated reasons and I was fine alone As months went by we spent some wonderful time together most beautiful passage of my life I’d say now but I still wasn’t in love or didn’t care to admit I don’t know I remember thinking she is pushing it too far although I now realise that I offered her every chance to think I am in fact in love too Anyway I started to ignore her often sometimes for weeks In the end when I wrote her after some days of no talking she told me that she would never forget me but whatever we had is over because I obviously do not care Almost a year passed in which I rarely thought about her although always with great tenderness but lately I feel like I miss her so much like I let go the love of my life I can’t possibly explain to myself what happened in my mind and why I was so absent before So then I wrote her She said there is nothing left to say that we can’t even be friends because she is just so over it But I wouldn’t desist I kept writing I didn’t make any over the line remarks just small casual conversations were more than enough for me And so she tells me that she is in a relationship now I don’t know if that’s true or if she wants to simply get rid of me Either way I ask her about him but I get no answers except for “this is the last time we will ever talk” That night I write her some chaotic not rude but slightly anger filled messages in which I explain that the only reason I even asked about him is to make the situation more tolerable by not wondering Her seven messages the next morning can be summarised like this “Remember how I loved you I wanted you to notice it None of that is left in me Have a happy life Never write me again”I’m sorry I made it so long My question is just this is it a subconscious related thing How could I live so well for almost a year and then suddenly feel so morose and heartbrokenI also wonder if I really am totally irrelevant in her mind now and if the answer is yes then did she ever even care truthfully
Bacon When the NFL let 32 kids in team jerseys run onto the field to deliver the game ball a Lions uniform made it to the Super Bowl for the first time And they said it couldn’t be done #History
For the first time since December 2016 the Cleveland Browns have NOT lost the game They TIE with the Steelers 2121
Darren Aronofsky explaining how addiction is shown in Requiem for a Dream
Black woman shot and killed after Kentucky police entered her home as she slept family says
Smile horror film not so much a review but more of a musing SPOILERSJust watched Smile what a well made and really scary film Aside from a few silly things like drooling fake therapist and 9 foot tall Marilyn Manson the movie was incredibly solid and thought provoking Mental illness is a very scary and lonely place There’s no escape no timeouts and frankly not a lot of hope for getting better If you happened to get it through no fault of your own a dormant genetic trait mental or physical trauma or whether other random triggers you’re so so so alone with your demons The more the demons take hold of you the less understanding compassion and support you will receive from your loved ones This film is great but not for the faint of heart
Are these parts fine and compatible
My boyfriend 37M and I 29F have disagreement about letting cats on the bedWe have been together for about 2 years and living for about 14y In the first months of the relationship it became clear that he doesn't like dogs That was tough to accept because it's always been my dream to have a dog but since he liked cats I thought that instead of a dog we could get a catBut last summer 2021 we went to visit my parents I come from another country who have two cats I also consider them my own Naturally in the morning I let the cats come to us in bed which was followed by a big drama He wouldn't have the cats in the bedroom at all We didn't want to have a bad mood so we just didn't talk about it anymoreFast forward to new years eve when after being a bit drunk he said he would never have cats in the bedroom to which I replied that I'm then going to leave He said okay and ignoring all the drama we had a deep conversation in the morning I told him that this is something I can't give up cuddling with my future cats in bed and if he's not willing then we really need to split up Even though he never agreed to it he said the L ove word for the first time which I mistakenly took as a sign that he is willing to make this compromiseBasically I brought up the conversation again today and it feels like white and black None of us is willing to compromise on that I feel this is an absurd reason to split up given that our relationship is nice we have very strong physical connection also have the same opinion on many topic we like the same music we have pretty similar interests etcDoes anyone have lived through this Is there any solution or am I in denial and not able to accept the only obvious solution
McMullen There’s the record Patrick Mahomes now owns the league mark for the most total yards passing rushing and receiving in NFL history
Garafolo Drew Brees has retired
Are you able to spot when a movie isn't filmed in the location it's portrayingI find that im quite often able to tell a movie isn't filmed in the location it's portraying even if I haven't been to either locations or even countriesI don't mean studio based filming but when a location is used in place of anotherA few examples that spring to mind areWorld War Z The start of the movie is set in Philadelphia but shot in Glasgow in Scotland While watching it I could easily tell that it wasn't filmed on location in the StatesAnother scene is based in and around block of apartments in Newark but filmed in London England Again I could tell straight away it wasn't The states and guessed it was EnglandThe Knowing The movie is based in Massachusetts USA but is filmed in Melbourne in Australia I could tell easily it wasn't filmed in the State's but can't remember if I guessed AustraliaLove and Monsters Set in California but filmed in Australia I could tell this one was filmed in Australia I think due to the floraAlthough I started I can tell even without being to said country I am English and spent a year in Australia but haven't been to Scotland Glasgow or the USAI guess there's just so much you pick up on consciously and subconsciously from consuming so many movies documentaries and other mediaI find it interesting how easily I'm often able to tell but my friends seem rather nonplussed when I point it outWhat other movies have you easily spotted are not filmed at the location they are portraying Do you have any really obvious examples and some more obscure ones and how did you spot it
Fox News publishes digitally altered and misleading images of Seattle demonstrations
Ten People Injured In Shooting On French Montana Video Set
In 1979's Alien the alien only had 4 minutes of total screentime Vader had 8 min 6 sec in 1977's Star Wars Jaws only had 4 minutes screen time Less can be moreIt's pretty nuts to think about how much a character can impact a movie while being almost entirely off screenKill Bill Bill 10 minutesAlien Alien 4 minutesVader Star Wars 8 minutesJaws Jaws 4 minutesAliens Signs 90 secondsHannibal Lecter Silence of Lambs 16 minutes Anne Hathaway Les Miserables 15 minutesHeath Ledger The Dark Knight 33 minutesViola Davis Doubt 8 minutesLochness Monster South Park 0 minutes I couldn't find information for screentime for the monsters in A Quiet Place Tremors or the Descent If anyone knows these I'd love to know
Landlord thought i was a government agent and decided to lock me out to do this RIP 3080 FE
Hi I’m Tobey Maguire actorexecutive producer of BABYLON and occasional superhero AMA
My 23F boyfriend 25M used the dog's savings for a computerI know the title is a little odd but it was the best way I could summarize what he's done I have an 11year old senior German Shepard He was hit by a car in 2018 and we went through a very difficult recovery process He had seizures urine issues constant fear of anything going fast near him like I couldn't throw a ball anymore We had another puppy but our senior was so stressed we had to rehome her You would have sworn he was displaying abused behavior but he was just scared He's moved past all of that and I'm so proud of him The vet prescribed zoniamide for his seizures and so far he's been recovering well We were discussing ways to improve his mobility Its like a walking cane but for dogs and it has sensory objects on the end to prevent him from bumping into furniture We tested it in the office and his mood improved instantly but at that time I couldn't afford more treatment for him so I opted to come backI met D earlier this year while walking him He's known since day 1 that my dog requires special treatment and I would absolutely provide it Everything went well and he wasn't controlling or abusive Everything just clicked but its my fault because I was too comfortable We were talking about finances and I told him about my debt and the money I was saving up for my dog After paying off the debt from his previous treatments I didn't want to open another card so I started saving cash in a little fireproof chest He stole it Yesterday I went to his place I noticed he has a new setup I was asking him where he got the money from and we fought and he said he's half dead anyway you need to let go He's not even close to dying He's a little older but he's nowhere near dying age We go to the veterinarian regularly and everything checks out as well as it can be given his circumstances No one has ever mentioned death we've only been looking at the future and improvements I'm so upset what do I do We're both students I don't want to call the police and ruin his future but that was for my baby to get what he needed so he can walk around my home comfortably
How do I M29 accept that my partner M25 is simply never ever going to go to therapyHe has depression and anxiety that are ruining his life He is aware that he has depression and anxiety that are ruining his life He has no intention to seek help because he thinks it's more manly to simply passively endure his problems than fix them Nagging him to go to therapy and seek help will only solidify his resolve to never ever ever go to therapyI hate feeling like our relationship has an expiration date at the end of my patience but as much as I would want to spend the rest of my life with him I fucking hate this