import sys |
sys.path.append("..") |
import pandas as pd |
import numpy as np |
import os |
import re |
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt |
import scipy.stats as ss |
import scikit_posthocs as sp |
import pandas as pd |
from nonparametric_tests import friedman_aligned_ranks_test as ft |
import Orange |
def sort_nicely(l): |
""" Sort the given list in the way that humans expect. |
""" |
convert = lambda text: int(text) if text.isdigit() else text |
alphanum_key = lambda key: [ convert(c) for c in re.split('([0-9]+)', key) ] |
l.sort( key=alphanum_key ) |
return l |
CASE = 'full' |
alpha = '0.05' |
exp_path1 = '../../results/' + 'UBFC1' + '/' |
files1 = sort_nicely(os.listdir(exp_path1)) |
exp_path2 = '../../results/' + 'UBFC2' + '/' |
files2 = sort_nicely(os.listdir(exp_path2)) |
else: |
exp_path = '../../results/' + DATASET + '/' |
files = sort_nicely(os.listdir(exp_path)) |
all_methods = ['CHROM','Green','ICA','LGI','PBV','PCA','POS','SSR'] |
metrics = ['MAE'] |
print(all_methods) |
win_to_use = 10 |
f_to_use = [i for i in files1 if 'winSize'+str(win_to_use) in i][0] |
path = exp_path1 + f_to_use |
res1 = pd.read_hdf(path) |
f_to_use = [i for i in files2 if 'winSize'+str(win_to_use) in i][0] |
path = exp_path2 + f_to_use |
res2 = pd.read_hdf(path) |
res = res1.append(res2) |
else: |
f_to_use = [i for i in files if 'winSize'+str(win_to_use) in i][0] |
path = exp_path + f_to_use |
res = pd.read_hdf(path) |
print('\n\n\t\t' + DATASET + '\n\n') |
if DATASET == 'UBFC1' or DATASET == 'UBFC2' or DATASET == 'Mahnob' or DATASET == 'UBFC_ALL' or DATASET == 'Cohface': |
all_vals_CC = [] |
all_vals_MAE = [] |
all_vals_RMSE = [] |
for metric in metrics: |
for method in all_methods: |
mean_v = [] |
raw_values = res[res['method'] == method][metric] |
print(raw_values) |
values = [] |
for v in raw_values: |
if metric == 'CC': |
values.append(v[np.argmax(v)]) |
else: |
values.append(v[np.argmin(v)]) |
if metric == 'CC': |
all_vals_CC.append(np.array(values)) |
if metric == 'MAE': |
all_vals_MAE.append(np.array(values)) |
data_MAE = np.zeros([len(all_vals_MAE[0]), len(all_vals_MAE)]) |
for i,m in enumerate(all_vals_MAE): |
data_MAE[:,i] = m |
print(data_MAE) |
'''data_MAE_df = pd.DataFrame(data_MAE, columns=all_methods) |
print('\nFriedman Test MAE:') |
print(ss.friedmanchisquare(*data_MAE.T)) |
print(' ')''' |
'''pc = sp.posthoc_nemenyi_friedman(data_MAE_df) |
cmap = ['1', '#fb6a4a', '#08306b', '#4292c6', '#c6dbef'] |
heatmap_args = {'cmap': cmap, 'linewidths': 0.25, 'linecolor': '0.5', 'clip_on': False, 'square': True, 'cbar_ax_bbox': [0.80, 0.35, 0.04, 0.3]} |
plt.figure() |
sp.sign_plot(pc, **heatmap_args) |
plt.title('Nemenyi Test MAE')''' |
n_datasets = data_MAE.shape[0] |
t,p,ranks_mae,piv_mae = ft(data_MAE[:,0], data_MAE[:,1], data_MAE[:,2], data_MAE[:,3], |
data_MAE[:,4], data_MAE[:,5], data_MAE[:,6], data_MAE[:,7]) |
avranksMAE = list(np.divide(ranks_mae, n_datasets)) |
print('statistic: ' + str(t)) |
print('pvalue: ' + str(p)) |
print(' ') |
data_CC = np.zeros([len(all_vals_CC[0]), len(all_vals_CC)]) |
for i,m in enumerate(all_vals_CC): |
data_CC[:,i] = m |
'''data_CC_df = pd.DataFrame(data_CC, columns=all_methods) |
print('\nFriedman Test MAE:') |
print(ss.friedmanchisquare(*data_CC.T)) |
print(' ') |
pc = sp.posthoc_nemenyi_friedman(data_CC_df) |
cmap = ['1', '#fb6a4a', '#08306b', '#4292c6', '#c6dbef'] |
heatmap_args = {'cmap': cmap, 'linewidths': 0.25, 'linecolor': '0.5', 'clip_on': False, 'square': True, 'cbar_ax_bbox': [0.80, 0.35, 0.04, 0.3]} |
plt.figure() |
sp.sign_plot(pc, **heatmap_args) |
plt.title('Nemenyi Test CC')''' |
t,p,ranks_cc,piv_cc = ft(data_CC[:,0], data_CC[:,1], data_CC[:,2], data_CC[:,3], data_CC[:,4], |
data_CC[:,5], data_CC[:,6], data_CC[:,7]) |
avranksCC = list(np.divide(ranks_cc, n_datasets)) |
print('statistic: ' + str(t)) |
print('pvalue: ' + str(p)) |
print(' ') |
cd = Orange.evaluation.compute_CD(avranksMAE, n_datasets, alpha=alpha) |
Orange.evaluation.graph_ranks(avranksMAE, all_methods, cd=cd, width=6, textspace=1.5, reverse=True) |
cd = Orange.evaluation.compute_CD(avranksCC, n_datasets, alpha=alpha) |
Orange.evaluation.graph_ranks(avranksCC, all_methods, cd=cd, width=6, textspace=1.5) |
elif DATASET == 'PURE': |
cases = {'01':'steady', '02':'talking', '03':'slow_trans', '04':'fast_trans', '05':'small_rot', '06':'fast_rot'} |
all_CC = {'01':[], '02':[], '03':[], '04':[], '05':[], '06':[]} |
all_MAE = {'01':[], '02':[], '03':[], '04':[], '05':[], '06':[]} |
if CASE == 'split': |
for metric in metrics: |
for method in all_methods: |
for curr_case in cases.keys(): |
curr_res = res[res['videoName'].str.split('/').str[5].str.split('-').str[1] == curr_case] |
raw_values = curr_res[curr_res['method'] == method][metric] |
values = [] |
for v in raw_values: |
if metric == 'CC': |
values.append(v[np.argmax(v)]) |
else: |
values.append(v[np.argmin(v)]) |
if metric == 'CC': |
all_CC[curr_case].append(np.array(values)) |
if metric == 'MAE': |
all_MAE[curr_case].append(np.array(values)) |
for curr_case in cases.keys(): |
'''plt.figure() |
plt.subplot(1,2,1) |
plt.title('CC ' + cases[curr_case]) |
plt.boxplot(all_CC[curr_case], showfliers=False) |
plt.xticks(np.arange(1,len(all_methods)+1), all_methods) |
plt.subplot(1,2,2) |
plt.title('MAE ' + cases[curr_case]) |
plt.boxplot(all_MAE[curr_case], showfliers=False) |
plt.xticks(np.arange(1,len(all_methods)+1), all_methods)''' |
print('\n' + curr_case + '\n') |
data_MAE = np.zeros([len(all_MAE[curr_case][0]), len(all_MAE[curr_case])]) |
for i,m in enumerate(all_MAE[curr_case]): |
data_MAE[:,i] = m |
n_datasets = data_MAE.shape[0] |
data_CC = np.zeros([len(all_CC[curr_case][0]), len(all_CC[curr_case])]) |
for i,m in enumerate(all_CC[curr_case]): |
data_CC[:,i] = m |
t,p,ranks_mae,piv_mae = ft(data_MAE[:,0], data_MAE[:,1], data_MAE[:,2], data_MAE[:,3], |
data_MAE[:,4], data_MAE[:,5], data_MAE[:,6], data_MAE[:,7]) |
avranksMAE = list(np.divide(ranks_mae, n_datasets)) |
print('statistic: ' + str(t)) |
print('pvalue: ' + str(p)) |
print(' ') |
t,p,ranks_cc,piv_cc = ft(data_CC[:,0], data_CC[:,1], data_CC[:,2], data_CC[:,3], |
data_CC[:,4], data_CC[:,5], data_CC[:,6], data_CC[:,7]) |
avranksCC = list(np.divide(ranks_cc, n_datasets)) |
print('statistic: ' + str(t)) |
print('pvalue: ' + str(p)) |
print(' ') |
cd = Orange.evaluation.compute_CD(avranksMAE, n_datasets, alpha=alpha) |
Orange.evaluation.graph_ranks(avranksMAE, all_methods, cd=cd, width=6, textspace=1.5, reverse=True) |
plt.title('CD Diagram MAE') |
cd = Orange.evaluation.compute_CD(avranksCC, n_datasets, alpha=alpha) |
Orange.evaluation.graph_ranks(avranksCC, all_methods, cd=cd, width=6, textspace=1.5) |
plt.title('CD Diagram CC') |
plt.show() |
elif CASE == 'full': |
CC_allcases = [] |
MAE_allcases = [] |
for metric in metrics: |
for method in all_methods: |
raw_values = res[res['method'] == method][metric] |
values = [] |
for v in raw_values: |
if metric == 'CC': |
values.append(v[np.argmax(v)]) |
else: |
values.append(v[np.argmin(v)]) |
if metric == 'CC': |
CC_allcases.append(np.array(values)) |
if metric == 'MAE': |
MAE_allcases.append(np.array(values)) |
data_MAE = np.zeros([len(MAE_allcases[0]), len(MAE_allcases)]) |
for i,m in enumerate(MAE_allcases): |
data_MAE[:,i] = m |
n_datasets = data_MAE.shape[0] |
'''data_MAE_df = pd.DataFrame(data_MAE, columns=all_methods) |
print('\nFriedman Test MAE:') |
print(ss.friedmanchisquare(*data_MAE.T)) |
print(' ') |
pc = sp.posthoc_nemenyi_friedman(data_MAE_df) |
cmap = ['1', '#fb6a4a', '#08306b', '#4292c6', '#c6dbef'] |
heatmap_args = {'cmap': cmap, 'linewidths': 0.25, 'linecolor': '0.5', 'clip_on': False, 'square': True, 'cbar_ax_bbox': [0.80, 0.35, 0.04, 0.3]} |
plt.figure() |
sp.sign_plot(pc, **heatmap_args) |
plt.title('Nemenyi Test MAE')''' |
t,p,ranks_mae,piv_mae = ft(data_MAE[:,0], data_MAE[:,1], data_MAE[:,2], data_MAE[:,3], data_MAE[:,4], data_MAE[:,5], data_MAE[:,6], data_MAE[:,7]) |
avranksMAE = list(np.divide(ranks_mae, n_datasets)) |
print('statistic: ' + str(t)) |
print('pvalue: ' + str(p)) |
print(' ') |
data_CC = np.zeros([len(CC_allcases[0]), len(CC_allcases)]) |
for i,m in enumerate(CC_allcases): |
data_CC[:,i] = m |
'''data_CC_df = pd.DataFrame(data_CC, columns=all_methods) |
print('\nFriedman Test MAE:') |
print(ss.friedmanchisquare(*data_CC.T)) |
print(' ') |
pc = sp.posthoc_nemenyi_friedman(data_CC_df) |
cmap = ['1', '#fb6a4a', '#08306b', '#4292c6', '#c6dbef'] |
heatmap_args = {'cmap': cmap, 'linewidths': 0.25, 'linecolor': '0.5', 'clip_on': False, 'square': True, 'cbar_ax_bbox': [0.80, 0.35, 0.04, 0.3]} |
plt.figure() |
sp.sign_plot(pc, **heatmap_args) |
plt.title('Nemenyi Test CC')''' |
t,p,ranks_cc,piv_cc = ft(data_CC[:,0], data_CC[:,1], data_CC[:,2], data_CC[:,3], data_CC[:,4], data_CC[:,5], data_CC[:,6], data_CC[:,7]) |
avranksCC = list(np.divide(ranks_cc, n_datasets)) |
print('statistic: ' + str(t)) |
print('pvalue: ' + str(p)) |
print(' ') |
'''plt.figure() |
plt.subplot(1,2,1) |
plt.title('CC') |
plt.boxplot(CC_allcases, showfliers=False) |
plt.xticks(np.arange(1,len(all_methods)+1), all_methods) |
plt.subplot(1,2,2) |
plt.title('MAE') |
plt.boxplot(MAE_allcases, showfliers=False) |
plt.xticks(np.arange(1,len(all_methods)+1), all_methods)''' |
cd = Orange.evaluation.compute_CD(avranksMAE, n_datasets, alpha=alpha) |
Orange.evaluation.graph_ranks(avranksMAE, all_methods, cd=cd, width=6, textspace=1.5, reverse=True) |
plt.title('CD Diagram MAE') |
cd = Orange.evaluation.compute_CD(avranksCC, n_datasets, alpha=alpha) |
Orange.evaluation.graph_ranks(avranksCC, all_methods, cd=cd, width=6, textspace=1.5) |
plt.title('CD Diagram CC') |
plt.show() |
elif DATASET == 'LGI-PPGI': |
cases = ['gym', 'resting', 'rotation', 'talk'] |
all_CC = {'gym':[], 'resting':[], 'rotation':[], 'talk':[]} |
all_MAE = {'gym':[], 'resting':[], 'rotation':[], 'talk':[]} |
if CASE == 'split': |
for metric in metrics: |
for method in all_methods: |
for curr_case in cases: |
curr_res = res[res['videoName'].str.split('/').str[6].str.split('_').str[1] == curr_case] |
raw_values = curr_res[curr_res['method'] == method][metric] |
values = [] |
for v in raw_values: |
if metric == 'CC': |
values.append(v[np.argmax(v)]) |
else: |
values.append(v[np.argmin(v)]) |
if metric == 'CC': |
all_CC[curr_case].append(np.array(values)) |
if metric == 'MAE': |
all_MAE[curr_case].append(np.array(values)) |
for curr_case in cases: |
plt.figure() |
plt.subplot(1,2,1) |
plt.title('CC ' + curr_case) |
plt.boxplot(all_CC[curr_case], showfliers=False) |
plt.xticks(np.arange(1,len(all_methods)+1), all_methods) |
plt.subplot(1,2,2) |
plt.title('MAE ' + curr_case) |
plt.boxplot(all_MAE[curr_case], showfliers=False) |
plt.xticks(np.arange(1,len(all_methods)+1), all_methods) |
print('\n' + curr_case + '\n') |
data_MAE = np.zeros([len(all_MAE[curr_case][0]), len(all_MAE[curr_case])]) |
for i,m in enumerate(all_MAE[curr_case]): |
data_MAE[:,i] = m |
n_datasets = data_MAE.shape[0] |
data_CC = np.zeros([len(all_CC[curr_case][0]), len(all_CC[curr_case])]) |
for i,m in enumerate(all_CC[curr_case]): |
data_CC[:,i] = m |
t,p,ranks_mae,piv_mae = ft(data_MAE[:,0], data_MAE[:,1], data_MAE[:,2], data_MAE[:,3], data_MAE[:,4], data_MAE[:,5], data_MAE[:,6], data_MAE[:,7]) |
avranksMAE = list(np.divide(ranks_mae, n_datasets)) |
print('statistic: ' + str(t)) |
print('pvalue: ' + str(p)) |
print(' ') |
t,p,ranks_cc,piv_cc = ft(data_CC[:,0], data_CC[:,1], data_CC[:,2], data_CC[:,3], data_CC[:,4], data_CC[:,5], data_CC[:,6], data_CC[:,7]) |
avranksCC = list(np.divide(ranks_cc, n_datasets)) |
print('statistic: ' + str(t)) |
print('pvalue: ' + str(p)) |
print(' ') |
cd = Orange.evaluation.compute_CD(avranksMAE, n_datasets, alpha=alpha) |
Orange.evaluation.graph_ranks(avranksMAE, all_methods, cd=cd, width=6, textspace=1.5, reverse=True) |
plt.title('CD Diagram MAE') |
cd = Orange.evaluation.compute_CD(avranksCC, n_datasets, alpha=alpha) |
Orange.evaluation.graph_ranks(avranksCC, all_methods, cd=cd, width=6, textspace=1.5) |
plt.title('CD Diagram CC') |
plt.show() |
elif CASE == 'full': |
CC_allcases = [] |
MAE_allcases = [] |
for metric in metrics: |
for method in all_methods: |
raw_values = res[res['method'] == method][metric] |
values = [] |
for v in raw_values: |
if metric == 'CC': |
values.append(v[np.argmax(v)]) |
else: |
values.append(v[np.argmin(v)]) |
if metric == 'CC': |
CC_allcases.append(np.array(values)) |
if metric == 'MAE': |
MAE_allcases.append(np.array(values)) |
data_MAE = np.zeros([len(MAE_allcases[0]), len(MAE_allcases)]) |
for i,m in enumerate(MAE_allcases): |
data_MAE[:,i] = m |
n_datasets = data_MAE.shape[0] |
data_MAE_df = pd.DataFrame(data_MAE, columns=all_methods) |
print('\nFriedman Test MAE:') |
print(ss.friedmanchisquare(*data_MAE.T)) |
print(' ') |
pc = sp.posthoc_nemenyi_friedman(data_MAE_df) |
cmap = ['1', '#fb6a4a', '#08306b', '#4292c6', '#c6dbef'] |
heatmap_args = {'cmap': cmap, 'linewidths': 0.25, 'linecolor': '0.5', 'clip_on': False, 'square': True, 'cbar_ax_bbox': [0.80, 0.35, 0.04, 0.3]} |
plt.figure() |
sp.sign_plot(pc, **heatmap_args) |
plt.title('Nemenyi Test MAE') |
t,p,ranks_mae,piv_mae = ft(data_MAE[:,0], data_MAE[:,1], data_MAE[:,2], data_MAE[:,3], data_MAE[:,4], data_MAE[:,5], data_MAE[:,6], data_MAE[:,7]) |
avranksMAE = list(np.divide(ranks_mae, n_datasets)) |
print('statistic: ' + str(t)) |
print('pvalue: ' + str(p)) |
print(' ') |
data_CC = np.zeros([len(CC_allcases[0]), len(CC_allcases)]) |
for i,m in enumerate(CC_allcases): |
data_CC[:,i] = m |
data_CC_df = pd.DataFrame(data_CC, columns=all_methods) |
print('\nFriedman Test CC:') |
print(ss.friedmanchisquare(*data_CC.T)) |
print(' ') |
pc = sp.posthoc_nemenyi_friedman(data_CC_df) |
cmap = ['1', '#fb6a4a', '#08306b', '#4292c6', '#c6dbef'] |
heatmap_args = {'cmap': cmap, 'linewidths': 0.25, 'linecolor': '0.5', 'clip_on': False, 'square': True, 'cbar_ax_bbox': [0.80, 0.35, 0.04, 0.3]} |
plt.figure() |
sp.sign_plot(pc, **heatmap_args) |
plt.title('Nemenyi Test CC') |
t,p,ranks_cc,piv_cc = ft(data_CC[:,0], data_CC[:,1], data_CC[:,2], data_CC[:,3], data_CC[:,4], data_CC[:,5], data_CC[:,6], data_CC[:,7]) |
avranksCC = list(np.divide(ranks_cc, n_datasets)) |
print('statistic: ' + str(t)) |
print('pvalue: ' + str(p)) |
print(' ') |
plt.figure() |
plt.subplot(1,2,1) |
plt.title('CC') |
plt.boxplot(CC_allcases, showfliers=False) |
plt.xticks(np.arange(1,len(all_methods)+1), all_methods) |
plt.subplot(1,2,2) |
plt.title('MAE') |
plt.boxplot(MAE_allcases, showfliers=False) |
plt.xticks(np.arange(1,len(all_methods)+1), all_methods) |
cd = Orange.evaluation.compute_CD(avranksMAE, n_datasets, alpha=alpha) |
Orange.evaluation.graph_ranks(avranksMAE, all_methods, cd=cd, width=6, textspace=1.5, reverse=True) |
plt.title('CD Diagram MAE') |
cd = Orange.evaluation.compute_CD(avranksCC, n_datasets, alpha=alpha) |
Orange.evaluation.graph_ranks(avranksCC, all_methods, cd=cd, width=6, textspace=1.5) |
plt.title('CD Diagram CC') |
plt.show() |