import numpy as np |
import scipy as sp |
import scipy.stats as st |
import itertools as it |
def binomial_sign_test(*args): |
""" |
Performs a binomial sign test for two dependent samples. |
Tests the hypothesis that the two dependent samples represent two different populations. |
Parameters |
---------- |
sample1, sample2: array_like |
The sample measurements for each group. |
Returns |
------- |
B-value : float |
The computed B-value of the test. |
p-value : float |
The associated p-value from the B-distribution. |
References |
---------- |
D.J. Sheskin, Handbook of parametric and nonparametric statistical procedures. crc Press, 2003, Test 19: The Binomial Sign Test for Two Dependent Samples |
""" |
k = len(args) |
if k != 2: raise ValueError('The test needs two samples') |
n = len(args[0]) |
d_plus = 0 |
d_minus = 0 |
for i in range(n): |
if args[0][i] < args[1][i]: |
d_plus = d_plus+1 |
elif args[0][i] > args[1][i]: |
d_minus = d_minus+1 |
x = max(d_plus, d_minus) |
n = d_plus + d_minus |
p_value = 2*(1 - st.binom.cdf(x, n, 0.5)) |
return x, p_value |
def friedman_test(*args): |
""" |
Performs a Friedman ranking test. |
Tests the hypothesis that in a set of k dependent samples groups (where k >= 2) |
at least two of the groups represent populations with different median values. |
Parameters |
---------- |
sample1, sample2, ... : array_like |
The sample measurements for each group. |
Returns |
------- |
F-value : float |
The computed F-value of the test. |
p-value : float |
The associated p-value from the F-distribution. |
rankings : array_like |
The ranking for each group. |
pivots : array_like |
The pivotal quantities for each group. |
References |
---------- |
M. Friedman, The use of ranks to avoid the assumption of normality implicit in the |
analysis of variance, Journal of the American Statistical Association 32 (1937) 674β701. |
D.J. Sheskin, Handbook of parametric and nonparametric statistical procedures. |
crc Press, 2003, Test 25: The Friedman Two-Way Analysis of Variance by Ranks |
""" |
k = len(args) |
if k < 2: raise ValueError('Less than 2 levels') |
n = len(args[0]) |
if len(set([len(v) for v in args])) != 1: raise ValueError('Unequal number of samples') |
rankings = [] |
for i in range(n): |
row = [col[i] for col in args] |
row_sort = sorted(row) |
rankings.append([row_sort.index(v) + 1 + (row_sort.count(v)-1)/2. for v in row]) |
rankings_avg = [sp.mean([case[j] for case in rankings]) for j in range(k)] |
rankings_cmp = [r/sp.sqrt(k*(k+1)/(6.*n)) for r in rankings_avg] |
chi2 = ((12*n)/float((k*(k+1))))*((sp.sum(r**2 for r in rankings_avg))-((k*(k+1)**2)/float(4))) |
iman_davenport = ((n-1)*chi2)/float((n*(k-1)-chi2)) |
p_value = 1 - st.f.cdf(iman_davenport, k-1, (k-1)*(n-1)) |
return iman_davenport, p_value, rankings_avg, rankings_cmp |
def friedman_aligned_ranks_test(*args): |
""" |
Performs a Friedman aligned ranks ranking test. |
Tests the hypothesis that in a set of k dependent samples groups |
(where k >= 2) at least two of the groups represent populations |
with different median values. |
The difference with a friedman test is that it uses the median of |
each group to construct the ranking, which is useful when the number |
of samples is low. |
Parameters |
---------- |
sample1, sample2, ... : array_like |
The sample measurements for each group. |
Returns |
------- |
Chi2-value : float |
The computed Chi2-value of the test. |
p-value : float |
The associated p-value from the Chi2-distribution. |
rankings : array_like |
The ranking for each group. |
pivots : array_like |
The pivotal quantities for each group. |
References |
---------- |
J.L. Hodges, E.L. Lehmann, Ranks methods for combination of independent |
experiments in analysis of variance, Annals of Mathematical Statistics 33 (1962) 482β497. |
""" |
k = len(args) |
if k < 2: raise ValueError('Less than 2 levels') |
n = len(args[0]) |
if len(set([len(v) for v in args])) != 1: raise ValueError('Unequal number of samples') |
aligned_observations = [] |
for i in range(n): |
loc = sp.mean([col[i] for col in args]) |
aligned_observations.extend([col[i] - loc for col in args]) |
aligned_observations_sort = sorted(aligned_observations) |
aligned_ranks = [] |
for i in range(n): |
row = [] |
for j in range(k): |
v = aligned_observations[i*k+j] |
row.append(aligned_observations_sort.index(v) + 1 + (aligned_observations_sort.count(v)-1)/2.) |
aligned_ranks.append(row) |
rankings_avg = [sp.mean([case[j] for case in aligned_ranks]) for j in range(k)] |
rankings_cmp = [r/sp.sqrt(k*(n*k+1)/6.) for r in rankings_avg] |
r_i = [np.sum(case) for case in aligned_ranks] |
r_j = [np.sum([case[j] for case in aligned_ranks]) for j in range(k)] |
T = (k-1) * (sp.sum(v**2 for v in r_j) - (k*n**2/4.) * (k*n+1)**2) / float(((k*n*(k*n+1)*(2*k*n+1))/6.) - (1./float(k))*sp.sum(v**2 for v in r_i)) |
p_value = 1 - st.chi2.cdf(T, k-1) |
return T, p_value, rankings_avg, rankings_cmp |
def quade_test(*args): |
""" |
Performs a Quade ranking test. |
Tests the hypothesis that in a set of k dependent samples groups (where k >= 2) at least two of the groups represent populations with different median values. |
The difference with a friedman test is that it uses the median for each sample to wiehgt the ranking. |
Parameters |
---------- |
sample1, sample2, ... : array_like |
The sample measurements for each group. |
Returns |
------- |
F-value : float |
The computed F-value of the test. |
p-value : float |
The associated p-value from the F-distribution. |
rankings : array_like |
The ranking for each group. |
pivots : array_like |
The pivotal quantities for each group. |
References |
---------- |
D. Quade, Using weighted rankings in the analysis of complete blocks with additive block effects, Journal of the American Statistical Association 74 (1979) 680β683. |
""" |
k = len(args) |
if k < 2: raise ValueError('Less than 2 levels') |
n = len(args[0]) |
if len(set([len(v) for v in args])) != 1: raise ValueError('Unequal number of samples') |
rankings = [] |
ranges = [] |
for i in range(n): |
row = [col[i] for col in args] |
ranges.append(max(row) - min(row)) |
row_sort = sorted(row) |
rankings.append([row_sort.index(v) + 1 + (row_sort.count(v)-1)/2. for v in row]) |
ranges_sort = sorted(ranges) |
ranking_cases = [ranges_sort.index(v) + 1 + (ranges_sort.count(v)-1)/2. for v in ranges] |
S = [] |
W = [] |
for i in range(n): |
S.append([ranking_cases[i] * (r - (k + 1)/2.) for r in rankings[i]]) |
W.append([ranking_cases[i] * r for r in rankings[i]]) |
Sj = [np.sum(row[j] for row in S) for j in range(k)] |
Wj = [np.sum(row[j] for row in W) for j in range(k)] |
rankings_avg = [w / (n*(n+1)/2.) for w in Wj] |
rankings_cmp = [r/sp.sqrt(k*(k+1)*(2*n+1)*(k-1)/(18.*n*(n+1))) for r in rankings_avg] |
A = sp.sum(S[i][j]**2 for i in range(n) for j in range(k)) |
B = sp.sum(s**2 for s in Sj)/float(n) |
F = (n-1)*B/(A-B) |
p_value = 1 - st.f.cdf(F, k-1, (k-1)*(n-1)) |
return F, p_value, rankings_avg, rankings_cmp |
def bonferroni_dunn_test(ranks, control=None): |
""" |
Performs a Bonferroni-Dunn post-hoc test using the pivot quantities obtained by a ranking test. |
Tests the hypothesis that the ranking of the control method is different to each of the other methods. |
Parameters |
---------- |
pivots : dictionary_like |
A dictionary with format 'groupname':'pivotal quantity' |
control : string optional |
The name of the control method (one vs all), default None (all vs all) |
Returns |
---------- |
Comparions : array-like |
Strings identifier of each comparison with format 'group_i vs group_j' |
Z-values : array-like |
The computed Z-value statistic for each comparison. |
p-values : array-like |
The associated p-value from the Z-distribution wich depends on the index of the comparison |
Adjusted p-values : array-like |
The associated adjusted p-values wich can be compared with a significance level |
References |
---------- |
O.J. Dunn, Multiple comparisons among means, Journal of the American Statistical Association 56 (1961) 52β64. |
""" |
k = len(ranks) |
values = ranks.values() |
keys = ranks.keys() |
if not control : |
control_i = values.index(min(values)) |
else: |
control_i = keys.index(control) |
comparisons = [keys[control_i] + " vs " + keys[i] for i in range(k) if i != control_i] |
z_values = [abs(values[control_i] - values[i]) for i in range(k) if i != control_i] |
p_values = [2*(1-st.norm.cdf(abs(z))) for z in z_values] |
p_values, z_values, comparisons = map(list, zip(*sorted(zip(p_values, z_values, comparisons), key=lambda t: t[0]))) |
adj_p_values = [min((k-1)*p_value,1) for p_value in p_values] |
return comparisons, z_values, p_values, adj_p_values |
def holm_test(ranks, control=None): |
""" |
Performs a Holm post-hoc test using the pivot quantities obtained by a ranking test. |
Tests the hypothesis that the ranking of the control method is different to each of the other methods. |
Parameters |
---------- |
pivots : dictionary_like |
A dictionary with format 'groupname':'pivotal quantity' |
control : string optional |
The name of the control method (one vs all), default None (all vs all) |
Returns |
---------- |
Comparions : array-like |
Strings identifier of each comparison with format 'group_i vs group_j' |
Z-values : array-like |
The computed Z-value statistic for each comparison. |
p-values : array-like |
The associated p-value from the Z-distribution wich depends on the index of the comparison |
Adjusted p-values : array-like |
The associated adjusted p-values wich can be compared with a significance level |
References |
---------- |
O.J. S. Holm, A simple sequentially rejective multiple test procedure, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 6 (1979) 65β70. |
""" |
k = len(ranks) |
values = ranks.values() |
keys = ranks.keys() |
if not control : |
control_i = values.index(min(values)) |
else: |
control_i = keys.index(control) |
comparisons = [keys[control_i] + " vs " + keys[i] for i in range(k) if i != control_i] |
z_values = [abs(values[control_i] - values[i]) for i in range(k) if i != control_i] |
p_values = [2*(1-st.norm.cdf(abs(z))) for z in z_values] |
p_values, z_values, comparisons = map(list, zip(*sorted(zip(p_values, z_values, comparisons), key=lambda t: t[0]))) |
adj_p_values = [min(max((k-(j+1))*p_values[j] for j in range(i+1)), 1) for i in range(k-1)] |
return comparisons, z_values, p_values, adj_p_values |
def hochberg_test(ranks, control=None): |
""" |
Performs a Hochberg post-hoc test using the pivot quantities obtained by a ranking test. |
Tests the hypothesis that the ranking of the control method is different to each of the other methods. |
Parameters |
---------- |
pivots : dictionary_like |
A dictionary with format 'groupname':'pivotal quantity' |
control : string optional |
The name of the control method, default the group with minimum ranking |
Returns |
---------- |
Comparions : array-like |
Strings identifier of each comparison with format 'group_i vs group_j' |
Z-values : array-like |
The computed Z-value statistic for each comparison. |
p-values : array-like |
The associated p-value from the Z-distribution wich depends on the index of the comparison |
Adjusted p-values : array-like |
The associated adjusted p-values wich can be compared with a significance level |
References |
---------- |
Y. Hochberg, A sharper Bonferroni procedure for multiple tests of significance, Biometrika 75 (1988) 800β803. |
""" |
k = len(ranks) |
values = ranks.values() |
keys = ranks.keys() |
if not control : |
control_i = values.index(min(values)) |
else: |
control_i = keys.index(control) |
comparisons = [keys[control_i] + " vs " + keys[i] for i in range(k) if i != control_i] |
z_values = [abs(values[control_i] - values[i]) for i in range(k) if i != control_i] |
p_values = [2*(1-st.norm.cdf(abs(z))) for z in z_values] |
p_values, z_values, comparisons = map(list, zip(*sorted(zip(p_values, z_values, comparisons), key=lambda t: t[0]))) |
adj_p_values = [min(max((k-j)*p_values[j-1] for j in range(k-1, i, -1)), 1) for i in range(k-1)] |
return comparisons, z_values, p_values, adj_p_values |
def li_test(ranks, control=None): |
""" |
Performs a Li post-hoc test using the pivot quantities obtained by a ranking test. |
Tests the hypothesis that the ranking of the control method is different to each of the other methods. |
Parameters |
---------- |
pivots : dictionary_like |
A dictionary with format 'groupname':'pivotal quantity' |
control : string optional |
The name of the control method, default the group with minimum ranking |
Returns |
---------- |
Comparions : array-like |
Strings identifier of each comparison with format 'group_i vs group_j' |
Z-values : array-like |
The computed Z-value statistic for each comparison. |
p-values : array-like |
The associated p-value from the Z-distribution wich depends on the index of the comparison |
Adjusted p-values : array-like |
The associated adjusted p-values wich can be compared with a significance level |
References |
---------- |
J. Li, A two-step rejection procedure for testing multiple hypotheses, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 138 (2008) 1521β1527. |
""" |
k = len(ranks) |
values = ranks.values() |
keys = ranks.keys() |
if not control : |
control_i = values.index(min(values)) |
else: |
control_i = keys.index(control) |
comparisons = [keys[control_i] + " vs " + keys[i] for i in range(k) if i != control_i] |
z_values = [abs(values[control_i] - values[i]) for i in range(k) if i != control_i] |
p_values = [2*(1-st.norm.cdf(abs(z))) for z in z_values] |
p_values, z_values, comparisons = map(list, zip(*sorted(zip(p_values, z_values, comparisons), key=lambda t: t[0]))) |
adj_p_values = [p_values[i]/(p_values[i]+1-p_values[-1]) for i in range(k-1)] |
return comparisons, z_values, p_values, adj_p_values |
def finner_test(ranks, control=None): |
""" |
Performs a Finner post-hoc test using the pivot quantities obtained by a ranking test. |
Tests the hypothesis that the ranking of the control method is different to each of the other methods. |
Parameters |
---------- |
pivots : dictionary_like |
A dictionary with format 'groupname':'pivotal quantity' |
control : string optional |
The name of the control method, default the group with minimum ranking |
Returns |
---------- |
Comparions : array-like |
Strings identifier of each comparison with format 'group_i vs group_j' |
Z-values : array-like |
The computed Z-value statistic for each comparison. |
p-values : array-like |
The associated p-value from the Z-distribution wich depends on the index of the comparison |
Adjusted p-values : array-like |
The associated adjusted p-values wich can be compared with a significance level |
References |
---------- |
H. Finner, On a monotonicity problem in step-down multiple test procedures, Journal of the American Statistical Association 88 (1993) 920β923. |
""" |
k = len(ranks) |
values = ranks.values() |
keys = ranks.keys() |
if not control : |
control_i = values.index(min(values)) |
else: |
control_i = keys.index(control) |
comparisons = [keys[control_i] + " vs " + keys[i] for i in range(k) if i != control_i] |
z_values = [abs(values[control_i] - values[i]) for i in range(k) if i != control_i] |
p_values = [2*(1-st.norm.cdf(abs(z))) for z in z_values] |
p_values, z_values, comparisons = map(list, zip(*sorted(zip(p_values, z_values, comparisons), key=lambda t: t[0]))) |
adj_p_values = [min(max(1-(1-p_values[j])**((k-1)/float(j+1)) for j in range(i+1)), 1) for i in range(k-1)] |
return comparisons, z_values, p_values, adj_p_values |
def nemenyi_multitest(ranks): |
""" |
Performs a Nemenyi post-hoc test using the pivot quantities obtained by a ranking test. |
Tests the hypothesis that the ranking of each pair of groups are different. |
Parameters |
---------- |
pivots : dictionary_like |
A dictionary with format 'groupname':'pivotal quantity' |
Returns |
---------- |
Comparions : array-like |
Strings identifier of each comparison with format 'group_i vs group_j' |
Z-values : array-like |
The computed Z-value statistic for each comparison. |
p-values : array-like |
The associated p-value from the Z-distribution wich depends on the index of the comparison |
Adjusted p-values : array-like |
The associated adjusted p-values wich can be compared with a significance level |
References |
---------- |
Bonferroni-Dunn: O.J. Dunn, Multiple comparisons among means, Journal of the American Statistical Association 56 (1961) 52β64. |
""" |
k = len(ranks) |
values = ranks.values() |
keys = ranks.keys() |
versus = list(it.combinations(range(k), 2)) |
comparisons = [keys[vs[0]] + " vs " + keys[vs[1]] for vs in versus] |
z_values = [abs(values[vs[0]] - values[vs[1]]) for vs in versus] |
p_values = [2*(1-st.norm.cdf(abs(z))) for z in z_values] |
p_values, z_values, comparisons = map(list, zip(*sorted(zip(p_values, z_values, comparisons), key=lambda t: t[0]))) |
m = int(k*(k-1)/2.) |
adj_p_values = [min(m*p_value,1) for p_value in p_values] |
return comparisons, z_values, p_values, adj_p_values |
def holm_multitest(ranks): |
""" |
Performs a Holm post-hoc test using the pivot quantities obtained by a ranking test. |
Tests the hypothesis that the ranking of each pair of groups are different. |
Parameters |
---------- |
pivots : dictionary_like |
A dictionary with format 'groupname':'pivotal quantity' |
Returns |
---------- |
Comparions : array-like |
Strings identifier of each comparison with format 'group_i vs group_j' |
Z-values : array-like |
The computed Z-value statistic for each comparison. |
p-values : array-like |
The associated p-value from the Z-distribution wich depends on the index of the comparison |
Adjusted p-values : array-like |
The associated adjusted p-values wich can be compared with a significance level |
References |
---------- |
O.J. S. Holm, A simple sequentially rejective multiple test procedure, Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 6 (1979) 65β70. |
""" |
k = len(ranks) |
values = ranks.values() |
keys = ranks.keys() |
versus = list(it.combinations(range(k), 2)) |
comparisons = [keys[vs[0]] + " vs " + keys[vs[1]] for vs in versus] |
z_values = [abs(values[vs[0]] - values[vs[1]]) for vs in versus] |
p_values = [2*(1-st.norm.cdf(abs(z))) for z in z_values] |
p_values, z_values, comparisons = map(list, zip(*sorted(zip(p_values, z_values, comparisons), key=lambda t: t[0]))) |
m = int(k*(k-1)/2.) |
adj_p_values = [min(max((m-j)*p_values[j] for j in range(i+1)), 1) for i in range(m)] |
return comparisons, z_values, p_values, adj_p_values |
def hochberg_multitest(ranks): |
""" |
Performs a Hochberg post-hoc test using the pivot quantities obtained by a ranking test. |
Tests the hypothesis that the ranking of each pair of groups are different. |
Parameters |
---------- |
pivots : dictionary_like |
A dictionary with format 'groupname':'pivotal quantity' |
Returns |
---------- |
Comparions : array-like |
Strings identifier of each comparison with format 'group_i vs group_j' |
Z-values : array-like |
The computed Z-value statistic for each comparison. |
p-values : array-like |
The associated p-value from the Z-distribution wich depends on the index of the comparison |
Adjusted p-values : array-like |
The associated adjusted p-values wich can be compared with a significance level |
References |
---------- |
Y. Hochberg, A sharper Bonferroni procedure for multiple tests of significance, Biometrika 75 (1988) 800β803. |
""" |
k = len(ranks) |
values = ranks.values() |
keys = ranks.keys() |
versus = list(it.combinations(range(k), 2)) |
comparisons = [keys[vs[0]] + " vs " + keys[vs[1]] for vs in versus] |
z_values = [abs(values[vs[0]] - values[vs[1]]) for vs in versus] |
p_values = [2*(1-st.norm.cdf(abs(z))) for z in z_values] |
p_values, z_values, comparisons = map(list, zip(*sorted(zip(p_values, z_values, comparisons), key=lambda t: t[0]))) |
m = int(k*(k-1)/2.) |
adj_p_values = [max((m+1-j)*p_values[j-1] for j in range(m, i, -1))for i in range(m)] |
return comparisons, z_values, p_values, adj_p_values |
def finner_multitest(ranks): |
""" |
Performs a Finner post-hoc test using the pivot quantities obtained by a ranking test. |
Tests the hypothesis that the ranking of each pair of groups are different. |
Parameters |
---------- |
pivots : dictionary_like |
A dictionary with format 'groupname':'pivotal quantity' |
Returns |
---------- |
Comparions : array-like |
Strings identifier of each comparison with format 'group_i vs group_j' |
Z-values : array-like |
The computed Z-value statistic for each comparison. |
p-values : array-like |
The associated p-value from the Z-distribution wich depends on the index of the comparison |
Adjusted p-values : array-like |
The associated adjusted p-values wich can be compared with a significance level |
References |
---------- |
H. Finner, On a monotonicity problem in step-down multiple test procedures, Journal of the American Statistical Association 88 (1993) 920β923. |
""" |
k = len(ranks) |
values = ranks.values() |
keys = ranks.keys() |
versus = list(it.combinations(range(k), 2)) |
comparisons = [keys[vs[0]] + " vs " + keys[vs[1]] for vs in versus] |
z_values = [abs(values[vs[0]] - values[vs[1]]) for vs in versus] |
p_values = [2*(1-st.norm.cdf(abs(z))) for z in z_values] |
p_values, z_values, comparisons = map(list, zip(*sorted(zip(p_values, z_values, comparisons), key=lambda t: t[0]))) |
m = int(k*(k-1)/2.) |
adj_p_values = [min(max(1-(1-p_values[j])**(m/float(j+1)) for j in range(i+1)), 1) for i in range(m)] |
return comparisons, z_values, p_values, adj_p_values |
def _S(k): |
""" |
Helper function for the Shaffer test. |
It obtains the number of independent test hypotheses when using an All vs All strategy using the number of groups to be compared. |
""" |
if k == 0 or k == 1: |
return {0} |
else: |
result = set() |
for j in reversed(range(1, k+1)): |
tmp = S(k - j) |
for s in tmp: |
result = result.union({sp.special.binom(j, 2) + s}) |
return list(result) |
def shaffer_multitest(ranks): |
""" |
Performs a Shaffer post-hoc test using the pivot quantities obtained by a ranking test. |
Tests the hypothesis that the ranking of each pair of groups are different. |
Parameters |
---------- |
pivots : dictionary_like |
A dictionary with format 'groupname':'pivotal quantity' |
Returns |
---------- |
Comparions : array-like |
Strings identifier of each comparison with format 'group_i vs group_j' |
Z-values : array-like |
The computed Z-value statistic for each comparison. |
p-values : array-like |
The associated p-value from the Z-distribution wich depends on the index of the comparison |
Adjusted p-values : array-like |
The associated adjusted p-values wich can be compared with a significance level |
References |
---------- |
J. Li, A two-step rejection procedure for testing multiple hypotheses, Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 138 (2008) 1521β1527. |
""" |
k = len(ranks) |
values = ranks.values() |
keys = ranks.keys() |
versus = list(it.combinations(range(k), 2)) |
m = int(k*(k-1)/2.) |
A = _S(int((1 + sp.sqrt(1+4*m*2))/2)) |
t = [max([a for a in A if a <= m-i]) for i in range(m)] |
comparisons = [keys[vs[0]] + " vs " + keys[vs[1]] for vs in versus] |
z_values = [abs(values[vs[0]] - values[vs[1]]) for vs in versus] |
p_values = [2*(1-st.norm.cdf(abs(z))) for z in z_values] |
p_values, z_values, comparisons = map(list, zip(*sorted(zip(p_values, z_values, comparisons), key=lambda t: t[0]))) |
adj_p_values = [min(max(t[j]*p_values[j] for j in range(i+1)), 1) for i in range(m)] |
return comparisons, z_values, p_values, adj_p_values |