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#!/usr/bin/env python
Eulerian Video Magnification (EVM) Demo
import time
import sys
import cv2
import numpy as np
import scipy
import skimage
def gaussian(image, numlevels):
"""Constructs gaussian pyramid
image : Input image (monochrome or color)
numlevels : Number of levels to compute
List of progressively smaller (i.e. lower frequency) images
pyramid = [ image ]
for level in range(numlevels):
image = cv2.pyrDown(image)
return pyramid
def temporal_bandpass_filter(data, freq_min, freq_max, fps, axis=0):
"""Applies ideal band-pass filter to a given video
data : video to be filtered (as a 4-d numpy array (time, height,
width, channels))
freq_min : lower cut-off frequency of band-pass filter
freq_max : upper cut-off frequency of band-pass filter
fps :
Temporally filtered video as 4-d array
# perform FFT on each frame
fft = scipy.fftpack.fft(data, axis=axis)
# sampling frequencies, where the step d is 1/samplingRate
frequencies = scipy.fftpack.fftfreq(data.shape[0], d=1.0 / fps)
# find the indices of low cut-off frequency
bound_low = (np.abs(frequencies - freq_min)).argmin()
# find the indices of high cut-off frequency
bound_high = (np.abs(frequencies - freq_max)).argmin()
# band pass filtering
fft[:bound_low] = 0
fft[-bound_low:] = 0
fft[bound_high:-bound_high] = 0
# perform inverse FFT
return np.real(scipy.fftpack.ifft(fft, axis=0))
class EVM():
"""Eulerian Video Magnification"""
def __init__(self, frames, fps):
self.fps = fps
self.frames = frames
self.frameCount = len(frames)
self.frameHeight = int(frames[0].shape[0])
self.frameWidth = int(frames[0].shape[1])
self.numChannels = 3
# allocate memory for input frames
self.in_frames = frames
self.out_frames = frames
def process(self, numlevels=4, alpha=50., chromAttenuation=1., lowcut=0.5, highcut=1.5):
"""Process video
numlevels : Number of pyramid levels to compute
# compute pyramid on first frame
pyramid = gaussian(self.in_frames[0], numlevels)
height, width, _ = pyramid[-1].shape
# allocate memory for downsampled frames
self.ds_frames = np.ndarray(shape=(self.frameCount, \
height, \
width, \
self.numChannels), \
self.ds_frames[0] = pyramid[-1]
for frameNumber in range(1, self.frameCount):
# spatial decomposition (specify laplacian or gaussian)
pyramid = gaussian(self.in_frames[frameNumber], numlevels)
# store downsampled frame into memory
self.ds_frames[frameNumber] = pyramid[-1]
#print ('filtering...')
output = temporal_bandpass_filter(self.ds_frames, lowcut, highcut, self.fps)
#print ('amplifying...')
output[:,:,:,0] *= alpha
output[:,:,:,1] *= (alpha * chromAttenuation)
output[:,:,:,2] *= (alpha * chromAttenuation)
for i in range(self.frameCount):
orig = self.in_frames[i]
filt = output[i].astype(np.float32)
# enlarge to match size of original frame (keep as 32-bit float)
filt = cv2.resize(filt, (self.frameWidth, self.frameHeight), interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
filt = filt + orig
filt = skimage.color.yiq2rgb(filt)
#filt[filt > 1] = 1
#filt[filt < 0] = 0
self.out_frames[i] = filt
return self.out_frames
def main(frames, fps, alpha, numlevels):
evm = EVM(frames, fps)
filt = evm.process(alpha=alpha, numlevels=numlevels)
return filt