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import numpy as np
import cv2
class FaceAligner:
def __init__(self, desiredLeftEye=(0.35, 0.35),
desiredFaceWidth=256, desiredFaceHeight=None):
# store the facial landmark predictor, desired output left
# eye position, and desired output face width + height
self.desiredLeftEye = desiredLeftEye
self.desiredFaceWidth = desiredFaceWidth
self.desiredFaceHeight = desiredFaceHeight
# if the desired face height is None, set it to be the
# desired face width (normal behavior)
if self.desiredFaceHeight is None:
self.desiredFaceHeight = self.desiredFaceWidth
def align(self, image, r_eye, l_eye):
leftEyeCenter = np.array(l_eye)
rightEyeCenter = np.array(r_eye)
# compute the angle between the eye centroids
dY = rightEyeCenter[1] - leftEyeCenter[1]
dX = rightEyeCenter[0] - leftEyeCenter[0]
angle = np.degrees(np.arctan2(dY, dX))# - 180
# compute the desired right eye x-coordinate based on the
# desired x-coordinate of the left eye
desiredRightEyeX = 1.0 - self.desiredLeftEye[0]
# determine the scale of the new resulting image by taking
# the ratio of the distance between eyes in the *current*
# image to the ratio of distance between eyes in the
# *desired* image
dist = np.sqrt((dX ** 2) + (dY ** 2))
desiredDist = (desiredRightEyeX - self.desiredLeftEye[0])
desiredDist *= self.desiredFaceWidth
scale = desiredDist / dist
# compute center (x, y)-coordinates (i.e., the median point)
# between the two eyes in the input image
eyesCenter = ((leftEyeCenter[0] + rightEyeCenter[0]) // 2,(leftEyeCenter[1] + rightEyeCenter[1]) // 2)
# grab the rotation matrix for rotating and scaling the face
M = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(eyesCenter, angle, scale)
# update the translation component of the matrix
tX = self.desiredFaceWidth * 0.5
tY = self.desiredFaceHeight * self.desiredLeftEye[1]
M[0, 2] += (tX - eyesCenter[0])
M[1, 2] += (tY - eyesCenter[1])
# apply the affine transformation
(w, h) = (self.desiredFaceWidth, self.desiredFaceHeight)
output = cv2.warpAffine(image, M, (w, h), flags=cv2.INTER_CUBIC)
# return the aligned face
return output