52 values
After years of bullying in high school, Sasha graduated at the top of her class and got a great job. Sasha got revenge on the people.
[ "I think the best revenge is to live well.", "You have personal experience in this?", "I was bullied in high school, but graduated top of my class. I'm doing so well now that I think back and don't even feel angry.", "But surely high school could have been a lot smoother?", "Of course. I'm not going to say hardships made me a better person.", "How does it not make you angry, then?" ]
Jesse told Sasha that they would go to the party together and have a good time there.
[ "Hey, do you want to go to a party with me?", "That depends, what kind of party?", "Just a house party.", "Will it be chill?", "Yeah, everyone is really friendly. You are going to have fun. Pick you up at 8?", "Okay, see you then." ]
Jesse told Sasha that they would go to the party together and have a good time there.
[ "I invited Sasha to the party next week.", "That sounds like fun.", "Yeah, I told him we would have a good time there.", "I'm sure you will!", "I'm nervous, but I'm sure we'll have a good time.", "Let me know how it goes!" ]
Jesse told Sasha that they would go to the party together and have a good time there.
[ "Hey we should go to this party together.", "I don't know I'm am not a big party person", "But we will have so much fun together.", "Maybe, it might be fun. okay I'll go." ]
Jesse told Sasha that they would go to the party together and have a good time there.
[ "Ok so you're coming tonight right?", "I don't know, I don't really know anyone", "You know me! Come on ", "I'm not sure", "Well have a great time, I promise", "Fine" ]
Jesse told Sasha that they would go to the party together and have a good time there.
[ "That party was amazing", "What happened", "Crazy stuff me an Sasha hooked up", "Whoa that is crazy!" ]
Addison has a paper tomorrow and needs to study. Addison played video games instead.
[ "I have a paper due tomorrow and I need to study but I just spent the last three hours playing video games.", "Why were you playing video games when you knew you had work to do?", "I just felt so overwhelmed I didn't know where to start.", "Well, you just made yourself more stressed by not just getting anything done.", "I know. I'm not sure what to do.", "I suggest you get some coffee and get to work." ]
Addison has a paper tomorrow and needs to study. Addison played video games instead.
[ "I should be studying, but video games are so addictive!", "Come on you have a paper tomorrow, are you sure you won't study?", "Maybe later after my video games.", "You won't pass tomorrow and it will be your own fault.", "I know but I don't care", "Let's see what you say tomorrow when you have to perform. lol" ]
Addison has a paper tomorrow and needs to study. Addison played video games instead.
[ "I need to study hard today.", "Why, what’s up?", "I have a paper that is due tomorrow but I don’t feel like doing it.", "You better start right now.", "I can’t stop playing video games.", "You will be in trouble then." ]
Bailey established relations with Kendall so that they could use Kendall as a reference in the future.
[ "Hey Kendall, can you give me a hand with something?", "I'll do my best, what's up?", "I'm applying for a new job, and they need a bunch of references. Would you be willing to act as one for me?", "Probably. I know you generally do good work. What kind of references do they need?", "Friends and past employers.", "Then sure, I'll vouch for you." ]
Bailey established relations with Kendall so that they could use Kendall as a reference in the future.
[ "I met this woman Kendall at the networking event.", "Do you think she can help you in your career?", "She definitely can. She's the CEO of the local hospital.", "Excellent. I'm sure you'll be able to use her as a reference to get a healthcare job.", "I can't wait to see a potential employer's face when they see a CEO on my list of references!", "They will be excited to meet you!" ]
Bailey attracted several inquiries by offering sold out concert tickets priced well below other tickets for sale.
[ "I already attracted several inquiries.", "How did you do that?", "I offer sold out tickets priced below their ticket sale.", "Aren't you going to loose some profit?", "Nope, It is still okay.", "I should have bought one." ]
Skylar found Cameron who became homeless. Skylar took Cameron to a shelter.
[ "Hi, do you remember Cameron from high school?", "I sure do, I've been worried about him for a long time.", "I finally found him. Poor guy, he was dirty and hungry. It's so sad how personal tragedy can change a person.", "Yes, I know he became depressed when his parents died in the accident. Then he disappeared!", "I bought lunch for him, then took him to a shelter, they said they will help him get back on his feet.", "Thank you for doing that! You're one of those angels walking around in this world." ]
Skylar found Cameron who became homeless. Skylar took Cameron to a shelter.
[ "I'm so glad I ran into you at the park.", "I am too. I had no idea what I was going to do.", "Just three weeks ago you had a great job and an apartment.", "It just took a car accident and some medical bills to turn my life upside down.", "I'm glad I could help out a little by getting you to the shelter.", "I really appreciate it and I know that they are going to be able to help me." ]
Alex played a role in the economy by investing and saving in a high yield account.
[ "I try to stay ahead of my finance. I invest my money in the stock market and save some in a high yield savings account.", "You are wise.", "You never know what's the future holds.", "That's so true. I just lost my job and I have no savings.", "That's not good.", "I am hoping unemployment kicks in quickly so that I can pay my rent this month." ]
Alex played a role in the economy by investing and saving in a high yield account.
[ "I'm glad I invested in a high yielding savings account.", "I bet, you must be glad to have all that money now.", "I am but I want to invest it.", "Do you have any investments in mind?", "Not really I will keep the money in the account for the moment.", "Hopefully it will grow a lot more." ]
Austin could not see well, so he decided to get eye surgery.
[ "I keep bumping into walls.", "You need glasses.", "I need more than that.", "What have you decided to do?", "I have decided to get eye surgery.", "That is a good decision." ]
Austin could not see well, so he decided to get eye surgery.
[ "I'm finally starting to feel better from my surgery.", "That's good. How long has it been since you had the surgery?", "A month ago, but my eyes have still been adjusting.", "How is your vision doing at this point?", "I mean it's crystal clear for the most part, but sometimes I get an occasional headache.", "Well, I hope those finally go away too." ]
Jesse pressed Alex's lips to theirs after Alex seemed to be sending signals to do so.
[ "Alex kept pointing at his lips.", "Why did she do that?", "I thought there was something on them initially but I think she just wanted me to kiss her.", "Did you kiss her?", "I pressed her lips to mine and she was fine with it.", "That's one way to send a signal." ]
Alex just moved into the neighborhood last week. Remy found Alex attractive.
[ "This person named Alex moved into my neighborhood.", "Did you talk to them?", "Yeah, I will ask her out soon.", "So you know that Alex is single?", "Yes, she told me it was a significant step paying the mortgage by herself.", "I wish you good luck, then." ]
Alex just moved into the neighborhood last week. Remy found Alex attractive.
[ "I'm going to ask my new neighbor Alex to come to my party next week.", "Do you even know her at all when she's a new neighbor?", "Not really, since she just moved into the neighborhood last Tuesday.", "Then why are you inviting her to your party?", "I think she's cute and I'm interested in asking her out.", "That's so cute you have a crush!" ]
Alex just moved into the neighborhood last week. Remy found Alex attractive.
[ "There is a new woman Alex at the apartment building at the end of my block.", "You met her already?", "I talked to her while she was moving her items in. She stopped and asked about my dog.", "Is she nice?", "Nice, and nice looking. Really attractive.", "You gonna ask her out?" ]
Alex had a fable for her that explained a lot of what was happening in the world.
[ "So my teacher gave me this cheat sheet in case we need it", "Does that show everything that is going on in the world right now?", "It shows all the oil deposits and the coal mines on the globe right now that we know of", "I guess that will come in handy for the test then" ]
Alex had a fable for her that explained a lot of what was happening in the world.
[ "I found an old fable that seemed like it was written for today.", "What did the fable talk about?", "It explained a lot of the stuff that is going on in the world today.", "That's crazy, and it was written a long time ago?", "Yes, it's some timeless wisdom.", "That's cool, I'd like to read the fable myself." ]
Sydney paid a lot of money for a once-in-a-lifetime gourmet dinner that used rare and exotic ingredients.
[ "I saw this new experience dinner online today and went for it.", "Really? What is it?", "Well, you get to have this gourmet dinner with all kinds of exotic ingredients.", "Wow, sounds interesting...and expensive.", "It was a lot of money, but you only live once, right?", "You are always doing stuff like that! Hope you enjoy it." ]
Kai failed the first one hard, but she got it together and retook the practice test.
[ "I was so mad at myself for failing that test. I should have done so much better.", "That's what happens when you don't prepare as much as you should.", "I know. It was my fault. But I am so happy I had the chance to retake it.", "I'll bet you really buckled down and studied hard for that one.", "Totally. That's all I did for an entire week basically. It really paid off.", "That's great. Studying is the only thing that really works." ]
Kai failed the first one hard, but she got it together and retook the practice test.
[ "The first practice test I failed.", "You should have studied.", "I know, but I discussed it with my teacher.", "What did your teacher tell you?", "She would give me the night to study and I could retake the practice test and I passed.", "lucky you." ]
Kai failed the first one hard, but she got it together and retook the practice test.
[ "I bombed the first test! I got a 65.", "You should ask Mrs. Jones if you can retake it.", "It was just a practice test, but I thought I would do better than that.", "Ask what areas you struggled in and we can study it together." ]
Kai failed the first one hard, but she got it together and retook the practice test.
[ "I think I really did well on the practice test.", "I thought you took the practice test before?", "I did. But I failed the first time so I decided to retake it.", "Did you study this time?", "I did. Since I got it together I think I'll pass it this time.", "I hope that you do." ]
Jan played piano at local events and was always well received, so they wanted to move on to perform in bigger venues.
[ "People seem to really like my performances at local events.", "You are a great pianist after all.", "Thank you. Now I have my eyes on a bigger stage.", "I hope to see you play at a bigger venue soon." ]
Jan played piano at local events and was always well received, so they wanted to move on to perform in bigger venues.
[ "Do you know of any concert halls that would be willing to let me perform the piano there?", "I'm sorry, I'm not in the music and entertainment industry so I don't know of any.", "That's okay. I'm trying to expand my piano performance repertoire to bigger venues.", "That's great, considering how popular your performances are in local events.", "I know, everyone's always telling me that my performances are amazing so I want to take my playing to the next level.", "You can start by calling some concert halls that you find online." ]
Jan played piano at local events and was always well received, so they wanted to move on to perform in bigger venues.
[ "I don't know if I'm really ready for big venues like Jon is suggesting.", "You are great. Why don't you feel ready?", "I don't know. It's one thing playing for people I know. Playing for strangers is quite another thing altogether.", "You are definitely ready. You need a confidence boost.", "I guess it's all about my confidence level. I get nervous just playing in front of family.", "Close your eyes and play. Act like no one is there." ]
Alex loved all instruments but in particular, she was happiest when she tickled the ivories.
[ "I love being able to share my talent with others.", "Chris said you gave him a new understanding of the piano.", "It makes me happy to teach a student a new style and be able to tickle the ivories at the same time.", "He was wondering if you could give him lessons every week?", "I would love to! I can even teach him other instruments." ]
Alex loved all instruments but in particular, she was happiest when she tickled the ivories.
[ "I love piano so much! I like all instruments, but there's nothing like tickling the ivories!", "It is beautiful. Especially when it's played with passion, like you do.", "I can't help it. I The music just calls to me. If I don't answer, I'll explode!", "You're a true musician I guess." ]
Alex loved all instruments but in particular, she was happiest when she tickled the ivories.
[ "I love the ivories the most, but really, I love all instruments.", "Everyone has a favorite.", "I can do anything on the piano.", "It offers a full range of sounds.", "That's right. It's also the first instrument I learned how to play.", "Your dad taught you, right?" ]
Alex loved all instruments but in particular, she was happiest when she tickled the ivories.
[ "I have a great passion for music instruments.", "I saw you playing piano in church.", "Yeah, that's my favorite instrument.", "Hmm.", "I'm the happiest when I tickle the ivories.", "That's awsome" ]
Wanting to keep the public safe from the situation, Robin kept the wolf from the door.
[ "Do you see that wolf ?", "Yes, if we don't do something about it people are going to be scared.", "Stay here, don't move.", "Wait, what are you planning to do?", "I'm going to keep the wolf from the door.", "Please be safe." ]
Wanting to keep the public safe from the situation, Robin kept the wolf from the door.
[ "There's a wolf right outside my door.", "Is it your friend or something? Why is there a wolf outside your door?", "Not exactly. I have seen it outside in the yard a few times this year.", "Oh so it pays you regular visits.", "It has never been violent towards me but there are people in the house whom I am trying to keep safe. Don't say anything to alarm them.", "Maybe you should call the rangers or something." ]
After being whined at for days, Kai finally told their kids no.
[ "My kids have been bothering me for days on end", "Well I know your kids. What did they want this time?", "They have been asking for toys but I just bought them some last week", "So did you finally get them the toys", "No, I refused and stayed strong", "Good for you" ]
After being whined at for days, Kai finally told their kids no.
[ "I had to put my foot down once and for all.", "Good for you. Those kids run you ragged.", "And they don't appreciate anything I do.", "Yeah, you have to make it clear to them that things are going to change.", "Right. No more whining. That's all they do.", "That's how they've been taught. That's what works for them." ]
Sasha knew she was right despite everyone trying to prove her wrong. She stuck to her guns.
[ "Well, I won the war today on the political front. I was arguing with several people and I was the one who was right.", "They didn't know who they were messing with. That's funny.", "I told them some of the statistics on the economy and they actually laughed at me.", "I take they don't realize how much you read about that kind of stuff.", "No, they think I'm a stupid woman who should be at home in the kitchen.", "Oh dear, are they able to stand right now? I know you let them have it." ]
Sydney provided Aubrey's estimate. Aubrey looked at the paper with a straight face.
[ "Your friend Sydney came and gave me an estimate on the work that he would do here today?", "Oh really? When are you guys going to start?", "We will not be starting. When he gave me that estimate I kept a straight face but I wanted to laugh.", "Was it really bad?", "It was more than the last three guys I got an estimate from. He said it's because he doesn't cut corners, and I appreciate that. But I can't afford it.", "So I guess you won't get work done then. Sorry about that." ]
Sydney provided Aubrey's estimate. Aubrey looked at the paper with a straight face.
[ "I just bought a new 2020 Toyota Corolla!", "Fantastic! Who was your sales person?", "Sydney Blumenthal. Sales people can be good or bad. Sydney was a horrible, weasel.", "What happened?", "Sydney gave me an estimate on my trade-in by writing it on a piece of paper and sliding it across the desk to me. I nearly gagged when I saw it, but I kept a straight face and replied, \"Double it and we have a deal.\" After listening to Sydney wine for about 30 minutes, the sale person relented. I have a new car!", "Sounds like a horrible experience. But I'm glad it worked out for you!" ]
Taylor led Riley far away, so they can enjoy the forest all by themselves.
[ "These birds make so much noise but they are really cute", "I think those are owls and they are adorable", "Did you know that they can see in the night and hunt mice?", "That's incredible. maybe we can see them through the binoculars", "I see one right over there in that tree" ]
Cameron has been practicing judo every day, ever since they were a child.
[ "I've been practicing judo every day since I was a kid. Then I broke my leg and had to stop until that heals. It just feels odd not to be doing judo.", "You will get back into it once you are healed.", "I am glad it's not like I have to give up judo for the rest of my life.", "It's good to have a ritual. I wish there was something I did every day like that.", "You swim every day.", "Only during the summer when it's hot." ]
Taylor was celebrating his first Christmas in his new house and couldn't wait to put in a tree.
[ "I can't wait to get my first tree!", "Oh yeah you just got the new house.", "Yeah, I have been there a while, but I can't wait to spend my first Christmas there.", "Christmas is always the best.", "It is my favorite holiday, my tree is going to be amazing.", "I am sure it will be." ]
Taylor was celebrating his first Christmas in his new house and couldn't wait to put in a tree.
[ "I'm really looking forward to this Christmas!", "Why is that?", "It's my first one at my new house, so I'm really excited", "Oh that's awesome! That's always a big occasion", "Yeah I cant wait to put up my tree this year", "It wouldn't be Christmas without one!" ]
Taylor was celebrating his first Christmas in his new house and couldn't wait to put in a tree.
[ "I'm so excited for Christmas this year and cant wait to celebrate in my new house", "I've seen the tree that you bought last night", "It was pretty cheap for being 12 feet tall", "I bet you can fit all your ornaments on there with no problem", "I'm sure I can" ]
Taylor was celebrating his first Christmas in his new house and couldn't wait to put in a tree.
[ "There was an awesome tree that I've found and I think it would fit perfectly in my house", "Oh really. And it is perfect you found it because you can use it before Christmas", "Yeah that is really true", "I can't wait to see how it looks", "Me neither. It is going to be awesome looking", "Yeah. Merry Christmas!" ]
Bailey maintained the patient's comfort. The doctor would be in to see them soon.
[ "I took Sally to hospital yesterday", "Really! What's up with her?", "She got injured while playing tennis and boy! She was in pain", "Sorry to hear that. Was she attended to by a doctor?", "Yes she was. I actually kept her comfortable until the doctor came in to see us", "That's so nice of you" ]
Bailey maintained the patient's comfort. The doctor would be in to see them soon.
[ "The patient was in a lot of pain. I had given Sarah her daily doses of painkillers, but they don't seem to be working.", "Maybe she needs something stronger.", "The doctor was coming in to see Sarah soon. He can revise her medications then.", "It must be hard to see the patients in pain.", "It can be, especially when the medications aren't helping much. They get no relief.", "I don't know how you do it." ]
Bailey maintained the patient's comfort. The doctor would be in to see them soon.
[ "Okay, do you feel alright? The doctor will be in soon.", "Yes, I'm ok. but is it possible to have something to drink?", "Absolutely. Here is a cup of water.", "Thank you. You're very kind." ]
Remy was terrified of flying, but Taylor allayed Remy's fear by telling them how safe it was.
[ "Wow. Remy was so scared of flying, I had to jump in to allay his fears.", "What, he wasn't gonna go on his trip?", "No. He didn't want to fly. I had to convince him.", "What did you tell him?", "Well, I just explained how safe it was and that he was safer flying than driving.", "That's true. It's definitely more dangerous in a car than a plane." ]
Remy was terrified of flying, but Taylor allayed Remy's fear by telling them how safe it was.
[ "I absolutely love to fly.", "I have never flown before so I'm uneasy.", "It's so fun and airports are great.", "Are you sure I'll be okay?", "Absolutely positive! You'll love it!", "I hope you're right!" ]
Remy was terrified of flying, but Taylor allayed Remy's fear by telling them how safe it was.
[ "Flying is one of the safest way of travel these days.", "But what if one of the engines stops working, we lost a wing, or we crash.", "According to statistics you are more likely to crash in a car crash then a plane going down.", "Ok maybe but I still don't like flying it's scary.", "Just hold my hand and close your eyes when you are scared." ]
Remy was terrified of flying, but Taylor allayed Remy's fear by telling them how safe it was.
[ "I just got back from a trip with Remy", "I thought Remy was afraid of flying", "Remy was very scared to get on the plane, but I told him how safe it is to fly", "It's true, flying is much safer than driving a car", "Yup, and once Remy heard how safe it was his mind was put at ease", "That's good, I hope you had a fun trip" ]
Jesse wanted to flunk Bailey for her bad behavior, but Bailey passed Jesse's examination.
[ "So my teacher is really a pill.", "What do you mean?", "She wanted to flunk me for bad behavior.", "That shouldn't have anything to do with your grades though.", "I know. That's what I said. I passed the exam though.", "That is good to hear. Maybe you should try working better with teachers though." ]
Jesse wanted to flunk Bailey for her bad behavior, but Bailey passed Jesse's examination.
[ "I ended up passing Jesse's exam today.", "That is great! Didn't he want to flunk you though?", "Yeah because he really doesn't like me that much and he says I talk to much.", "You are really smart though, so you showed him then!", "I hope he doesn't take it out on me and dock me points on my final semester grade anyway.", "That would be a totally scummy move if he did that." ]
Jesse wanted to flunk Bailey for her bad behavior, but Bailey passed Jesse's examination.
[ "I know that I'm a handful for teachers but I get my work done and get good grades.", "What makes you such a handful for teachers?", "Because I question what they are teaching me. I don't accept half the stuff they call science.", "So questioning is a no at your school?", "No, but Jesse says I have behavioural problems because I question him.", "Well I hope you question in a respectful manner, they are your teachers Bailey." ]
Jesse wanted to flunk Bailey for her bad behavior, but Bailey passed Jesse's examination.
[ "I had one of the hardest weeks of my school year. Thanks to this tough teacher!", "Who it is, have you told me about them before?", "No, it was Jesse, my history teacher.", "What did he do to you?", "He was going to flunk me out of the class because I talked too much in class, but I passed his latest test.", "Oh I see. good job on the test, that will keep you in good standing." ]
Bailey took it easy at the time, which cost them when finals came around and they didn't know the answers.
[ "My final was so hard.", "Did you pay attention during class?", "I took it a little too easy.", "That'll bite you in the end.", "Yeah, I didn't know the answers.", "Next time you should pay more attention." ]
Bailey took it easy at the time, which cost them when finals came around and they didn't know the answers.
[ "I screwed up big time.", "You are much better than that.", "Yeah, I took it easy at the finals.", "It cost you badly.", "Seriously.", "Better luck next time." ]
Bailey took it easy at the time, which cost them when finals came around and they didn't know the answers.
[ "Next time I have to make sure that I do a better job", "I think that most of us think we’re better than we are when it comes to studying.", "I know who I am and I know most of my teammates", "Once you formed a bond that’s when you go out and do what you have to do.", "Thanks for the kind words", "No problem it was my pleasure." ]
Bailey took it easy at the time, which cost them when finals came around and they didn't know the answers.
[ "I should have studied more.", "Did you fail?", "I don't know yet, but I didn't know any of the questions on the test.", "That's not good.", "I know." ]
Sasha asked her son to go check the mail after she saw the mail truck go by.
[ "I just asked my son to go get the mail.", "Is that why he just left kind of grumpy?", "Yeah it was. But I just so the mailman go by.", "I guess he's gonna be more careful next time he sees the mailman drive by.", "I don't think he'll mind this time. I ordered him a gift to be delivered.", "Well, at least he won't be grumpy when he returns." ]
Sasha asked her son to go check the mail after she saw the mail truck go by.
[ "He should be back any minute.", "Where did you send your son?", "I asked him to get the mail. I thought I saw the mail truck go by.", "What a great helper!", "I know, he loves to find little jobs like this.", "He's a sweet boy." ]
Sasha asked her son to go check the mail after she saw the mail truck go by.
[ "Yesterday I sent my son to check the mail and along with the new mail he found an old letter buried at the bottom of the mail box.", "Something interesting?", "Well, it seems that we are being audit by the Federal Government.", "Oh, do you think you are in some kind of trouble?", "I don't know. We were supposed to present supporting documents before April 1st.", "I have a good tax lawyer to recommend in case you need one." ]
Carson overslept and did not hear their alarm clock. Carson was running late.
[ "I'm so late right now.", "You missed the million dollar sales call.", "I overslept from hangover.", "Don't ever do that again.", "I won't", "You could get fired." ]
Carson overslept and did not hear their alarm clock. Carson was running late.
[ "What did I miss at the beginning of class today?", "Not much. He was just talking about the paper.", "I will need to speak to the professor. My alarm was set on silent so I overslept this morning and was 30 minutes late.", "I noticed you came in late. You may want to check with the professor to see if you were marked absent or not.", "I hope not. I was there for two-thirds of the class.", "You never know though. You should check." ]
Carson overslept and did not hear their alarm clock. Carson was running late.
[ "I didn't hear my alarm clock this morning and overslept.", "Were you late to work?", "Oh, yes. I was really late.", "Did your manager say anything?", "The good news was they didn't realize I was late. I was able to sneak in and get to my desk before they noticed.", "That was a streak of good luck for sure." ]
After many years of struggling to understand and deal with her family issues, Sasha finally felt closure.
[ "I feel like talking to my family tonight has helped me find peace finally.", "So you think the issues will go away now?", "They will never go away I just think we know how to deal with it better now.", "It is always good to talk with family to work out problems.", "Yeah, for so long we just swept everything under the rug.", "When you know how other people feel you can react to them accordingly and not have big fights as well." ]
After many years of struggling to understand and deal with her family issues, Sasha finally felt closure.
[ "I think I finally understand why my dad left my mom with us when we were younger", "did you finally end up talking to your dad after all these years?", "we talked on facebook for about an hour and he explained everything to me", "well I'm glad that you feel better about it and understand his reasons" ]
After many years of struggling to understand and deal with her family issues, Sasha finally felt closure.
[ "It's been a rough couple of years but I finally feel ok.", "Were you able to get closure from all of your family issues?", "I was, I finally understand why they did everything.", "I bet that took a lot of forgiveness and self exploring.", "It did, it was a tough path to follow.", "I can imagine. Dealing with family drama is always hard." ]
After many years of struggling to understand and deal with her family issues, Sasha finally felt closure.
[ "I'm feeling a lot better today after seeing my family.", "Did you guys have fun?", "The meeting wasn't really about having fun. We've had issues we had to deal with for a while.", "I hope it wasn't anything serious.", "Just something I've been struggling with for many years. But talking to them really gave me closure.", "I'm happy for you." ]
Alex drove to the store from work one night. He wanted a few snacks and a soft drink. Alex had a sweet tooth.
[ "I love drinking coca-cola and eating candy.", "I love it too, but I hate the sugar crash.", "Tell me about it. I went out for candy and a soda after work the other night and I totally crashed a few hours later.", "It is always so fun at the time, but the crash makes me regret it every time!", "Right? Until the next time and it is like I totally forgot about how bad I felt!", "Exactly. We will never learn." ]
Carson was starting a new job at the day care. Carson took care of children at a past job.
[ "I'm starting a new job today at the day care!", "Sound fun! Do you have experience working with children.", "Yes. I took care of children at my last job.", "Are you nervous about starting this new job?", "No. I'm confident that I can do well at this job.", "Awesome! Update me on how it's going from time to time." ]
Carson was starting a new job at the day care. Carson took care of children at a past job.
[ "These are the easiest children I've ever worked with.", "What are you doing?", "I'm at my new day care job.", "Where have the children been more difficult?", "I babysat for a rich family, the I did everything for the kids.", "I can imagine how spoiled those children were." ]
Carson was starting a new job at the day care. Carson took care of children at a past job.
[ "I can't wait to start my new job.", "You are so great with children.", "They just make me happy and laugh.", "It must be very challenging for you.", "I find that they are honest and connect me to my youth.", "Yeah they can say some amazing things." ]
Bailey was being bullied by a bigger girl at school. Bailey had enough and decided to do something about it.
[ "I am sick of getting bullied, she always hurts me", "How so?", "She's a bigger girl and pushes me into the wall daily", "Ouch, she is a horrible person", "I need to tell the principal", "You better, this is hard to deal with" ]
Bailey was being bullied by a bigger girl at school. Bailey had enough and decided to do something about it.
[ "I'm so proud of myself today. You should have seen me.", "Oh, that sounds intriguing. What happened?", "I finally got fed up with that older girl at school who always gives me a hard time.", "Finally! She's been on your case for years, hasn't she?", "Pretty much. I finally told her off and she was shocked. And it was in front of the whole lunchroom.", "That's excellent! I'm glad it worked. And you're right, I wish I would have seen you." ]
Bailey was being bullied by a bigger girl at school. Bailey had enough and decided to do something about it.
[ "I finally got my revenge on that Big Lisa the school bully.", "Lisa is just so mean, she picks on all of us but especially you.", "I know, and last week I had enough and devised a plan to get her to stop.", "What did you do ? I didn't see her at school today.", "I knew she liked to pick on me when I wore this pink dress so I made sure I had a teach inside the room when she started picking on me and the teach saw her hit me and now she is expelled.", "I wont miss her, she was a mean kid." ]
Alex got lost on the way home and pulled out his phone to call for help.
[ "Do you have any idea where we are?", "I have no clue at all.", "Why isn't the GPS working?", "Yeah, that needs to be fixed.", "Why don't I take my phone out and call for help?", "Sure, call AAA." ]
Alex got lost on the way home and pulled out his phone to call for help.
[ "Hello, Ted. I seem to have gotten lost. Can you help?", "Well, what's around you?", "I'm on Beacon Street, and I'm stopped at the BP station across from a yellow house.", "I think I know where you are. Go about two stoplights and make a right. That should put you back on track.", "Thanks, man. I really appreciate it.", "No problem. Let me know if you need more help." ]
Alex got lost on the way home and pulled out his phone to call for help.
[ "Hey man I was trying to go home from the party, but have no idea where I am anymore.", "Don't you have GPS on your phone? Why don't you use that?", "My phone is out of data, I can only text or call", "Well where do you think you are? Any street signs?", "I'm on the corner of Ashwood Rd and Berch Lane. It's next to a gas station.", "What gas stations?" ]
Kai bought a bagful of toys. Kai gave them to a children's charity.
[ "I just got back from Walmart and shopped for toys. I'm going to give them to the Salvation Army.", "Wow. That's really nice of you to buy toys. I didn't know Salvation Army collected toys.", "Yeah, it is part of the Christmas toy drive. They give new toys to children in foster care.", "What did you buy?", "A couple of dolls and some outfits for them.", "I'm sure the kids will appreciate it." ]
Kai bought a bagful of toys. Kai gave them to a children's charity.
[ "Just coming from the children's charity home.", "To Do what?", "I bought a bag full of toys to give to them.", "That's nice of you.", "Yeah, thanks.", "Keep it up." ]
Kai bought a bagful of toys. Kai gave them to a children's charity.
[ "Walgreens was selling big bags of toys for a discounted price, so I bought one", "What kind of toys?", "The bags are sealed so you can't tell, my bag was full of toddler toys", "That is a really cool idea, but talk about hit or miss", "Exactly! The toys are too young for my kids so I gave them to the children's society", "That was so nice of you, I am sure they appreciated that!" ]
Taylor was being annoying and causing trouble at Aubrey's house. Finally, Aubrey persuaded Taylor to leave.
[ "Hey, Hey, Hey, What are you doing?", "We need to finish this homework.", "Let's play some games. What do you Got? What else? Anything else? I don't get this!", "I forgot I have a dance lesson at 7 tonight. Do you think your mom can pick you up early" ]
Taylor was being annoying and causing trouble at Aubrey's house. Finally, Aubrey persuaded Taylor to leave.
[ "Aubrey, your family is so disgusting and your house needs cleaned.", "Why would you say such a mean thing, Taylor?", "Because it's true. It smells, Aubrey.", "Taylor, I think you should leave my house.", "Good! I don't want to stay anyway!", "Goodbye." ]
Austin enjoys staying home playing Xbox, PlayStation, and on his computer. Austin enjoys playing the game in the world.
[ "Do you want to come over and play video games with me tonight? I have a game called in the world!", "Is that the new RPG everyone is talking about?", "Yeah it is super fun and the graphics are sick.", "Yeah sure I can come over, do I need to bring a controller?", "No it is only single player but you can if you want to play other games too.", "Ok I will bring mine as well then." ]
Austin enjoys staying home playing Xbox, PlayStation, and on his computer. Austin enjoys playing the game in the world.
[ "My favorite game is the world.", "I’ve never heard of that game?", "It just came out about a month ago.", "I’m gonna have to come over and play it with you.", "That would be a lot of fun.", "When can we get this done?" ]
Austin enjoys staying home playing Xbox, PlayStation, and on his computer. Austin enjoys playing the game in the world.
[ "I'm so excited about my new Xbox One S.", "Cool, what games are you playing?", "I've been playing a lot of Call of Duty.", "Do you have that one on Play Station too?", "No, but I like playing Fortnite on the PlayStation along with other games like Paintball.", "That's cool. Those all sound like fun." ]
Austin enjoys staying home playing Xbox, PlayStation, and on his computer. Austin enjoys playing the game in the world.
[ "I really love this new game on my Xbox!", "What game is it?", "It is called Dark Souls, it is a lot of fun!", "You love every game though don't you?", "Just about! I am a sucker for video games." ]
Austin enjoys staying home playing Xbox, PlayStation, and on his computer. Austin enjoys playing the game in the world.
[ "Do you mind if I don't go to the movies with you today?", "You don't wanna go? How come?", "I just kind of want to stay home and spend the afternoon playing video games.", "You do that all the time. Doesn't it get boring?", "Not for me. There are too many cool games to ever be bored.", "All right, I guess I'll find somebody else to go with me." ]
Skylar hated to waste time looking for anything, so they always put things away the right way.
[ "I've finished organizing everything in the apartment.", "You're a very orderly person, aren't you?", "I hate looking for things and not knowing where something is when I need to use it.", "Yeah, I've been trying to get more organized lately too." ]
Skylar hated to waste time looking for anything, so they always put things away the right way.
[ "I hate it when I waste my time looking for things I've misplaced.", "That's a lot of wasted time.", "I used to do that a lot when I was younger, but now I am more disciplined and put things away where they belong.", "I need to start doing that. I am still wasting time looking for things.", "It puts my mind at peace knowing that everything is where it should be.", "Peace is what we are all striving for." ]
Robin registered for classes at a local college and decided to begin classes at noon after she leaves her part-time job.
[ "I finish registering for classes for this semester.", "I’m so proud of you.", "I talked about it but it took me a while to finally do it.", "The fact of the matter is, you did it.", "I’m nervous about my first class.", "What time is it going to be?" ]
Robin registered for classes at a local college and decided to begin classes at noon after she leaves her part-time job.
[ "Can you take Poncho out for his walk today? I have class.", "Yeah, sure. Just give me your keys later. I thought you were taking evening classes though?", "I was last semester but my work shifts changed so I signed up for classes at noon.", "Oh okay, what are you studying?", "Anthropology and marketing this semester.", "I took the anthro class last year. I can lend you my notes." ]
Robin registered for classes at a local college and decided to begin classes at noon after she leaves her part-time job.
[ "I finally got all signed up for my classes at our local college!", "How exciting.", "Yup yup, it was hard to schedule everything around my part time job but I think it is all going to work out.", "How did you end up scheduling it all?", "Well, since I work mornings I decided not to pick any classes that start before noon.", "Smart idea, keep things separate." ]
Robin was finally old enough to go to big school and was very excited Robin started with their best friend.
[ "We are going to be 9th graders!", "I am so scared to be going to this huge school!", "We are going to do great, I am so excited that you are going to be in all by classes!", "Me to, we will have each other to talk to." ]