52 values
Robin was finally old enough to go to big school and was very excited Robin started with their best friend.
[ "I've waited for this moment for forever. I can't believe I am going to high school with my best friend.", "That's nice that you have a best friend at the high school already.", "Sam and I met a couple of years ago. He's a couple years older than me but he's so good to me.", "You guys will become even closer.", "I think so. We can carpool to and from school. He drives now and said he would give me a ride.", "That's very nice of him. You are getting your car soon right?" ]
Jesse was going to participate in a protest, so they made posters for themselves and others.
[ "Hey guys do you want to help me with a project?", "Sure Jesse what are you doing?", "I'm making posters to protest in the black lives matter demonstration downtown.", "I heard about that isn't it sometime this weekend.", "Yes, it's supposed to be near the mayor's office.", "Ok, sure we'll help you out Jesse. We'll even come to the protest with you." ]
Cameron was pretty bad at basketball and the Others hated to have him on their team.
[ "I think I have to quit the team.", "Why would you do that? You love playing basketball.", "Yeah, but I'm really bad at it. I also think the other guys on the team hate me.", "I don't think it matters if you're on the team or not. As long as you enjoy it, that's all that matters.", "You think so?", "Yeah. Plus that team would stink with you or without you." ]
Cameron was pretty bad at basketball and the Others hated to have him on their team.
[ "I hate when we have to play basketball in gym?", "Why isn't it fun for you?", "No one ever picks me to be on their team.", "That stinks. Don't take it too hard.", "I just feel like nobody likes me in class.", "Well, I'm sure you'll be able to connect with some people outside of basketball." ]
Cameron was pretty bad at basketball and the Others hated to have him on their team.
[ "I was playing basketball with my team yesterday, Man I am bad at basketball.", "Haha, What do you mean?", "My team didn't want me to be on it and now I see why.", "Thats funny, but good that you realize that about yourself" ]
Kendall was really into house plants and often pour water in to jars so the fluoride would evaporate out.
[ "I was really into house plants. I want to put a plant in every corner of the room.", "You have a green thumb.", "My mom was like that so I learned to take care of plants from her. She often poured water into jars to the fluoride would evaporate out. That's suppose to cleanse the water.", "That's a neat trick.", "I end up doing the same now. I have jars of water on my table with fluoride in them.", "What are you going to do with them?" ]
Kendall was really into house plants and often pour water in to jars so the fluoride would evaporate out.
[ "I have so many bottles of water out today.", "What are you planning to do with them?", "I want the chemicals to evaporate out because I am going to use them on my houseplants.", "You really like those plants.", "I love them and they grow so well. It's like a jungle in there.", "Then I guess it's worth the extra effort to set the bottles out." ]
Kendall was really into house plants and often pour water in to jars so the fluoride would evaporate out.
[ "Did you know that fluoride is bad for house plants?", "No, I usually just water them and they're fine.", "They're not. If you don't let the fluoride out, they won't live very long.", "You might be right, my plants die a lot.", "If you pour the water into jars and let them sit, the fluoride will evaporate and the water will be OK to use.", "Wow, I'll give that a try." ]
Alex never looked at her paper after she wrote it and it got a really bad grade.
[ "I feel like such an idiot for how bad of a situation I have myself in with class.", "Why? What is going on? Did you not finish the paper?", "No. I wrote it, but I didn't proofread it and I ended up failing.", "That sucks. Maybe you could ask about extra credit?", "I don't know I am thinking I need to do something so I don't fail the entire course.", "I would just ask the teacher what you can do to try to turn it around." ]
Alex never looked at her paper after she wrote it and it got a really bad grade.
[ "I should have double checked my paper, or had someone else read it.", "Was it that bad?", "I didn't think so but I ended up getting a D.", "A D? What did you even write about?", "I don't even remember, to be honest I was trying to get it done last minute.", "Well that's part of the problem, you should have started a week ago." ]
Alex never looked at her paper after she wrote it and it got a really bad grade.
[ "I can't believe I bombed this.", "Didn't you study?", "No, I just quickly wrote it.", "You should have taken your time.", "Next time I will, this grade is so bad.", "Just doing better next time is all you can do." ]
Alex was sneaking out to go to a party. Alex told their sister a lie and said they were going to the store.
[ "I told my sister that we were going to the store.", "Don't you think she'll find out?", "If she does, it will be too late to go to the party. I just want to go somewhere without her tagging along.", "I hope this doesn't cause any problems. I wouldn't mind if she came along.", "Maybe next time. This time I just want to enjoy myself.", "Okay. If that's the way you feel." ]
Robin was minding the grandchildren for the day so for a treat decided to make treats with them.
[ "I love spending time with my grandkids.", "Same, you should give them a treat.", "Not a bad idea. I'll make treats with them.", "Sounds fun." ]
Cameron had a stab at the question about what the answer to the math problem is.
[ "I wonder if the answer to that is 80 percent.", "I came up with 88 percent with my calculations.", "Hmmm, I do think your number sounds better so I'll change it.", "Well, don't trust me necessarily but I do think I did the question right.", "Okay, I'm going to rework it and see if I come up with the same answer.", "Great, think we can come to a conclusion on the right way to do the problem that way." ]
Cameron had a stab at the question about what the answer to the math problem is.
[ "I think I know what the answer is!", "No, you have it wrong, mine is correct.", "Are you sure? I don’t want to look like an idiot.", "Yes I double and triple checked and mine is right.", "Okay, I guess we will submit your answer.", "Okay, sorry but I really want to win this round." ]
Cameron gave me some medicine. I started to feel better.
[ "Chris was so sick last night, I gave him some Pepto and he started to feel a little better.", "He was drinking much at the party.", "I told him that he was going to get sick.", "Good thing he had you to give his the Pepto to help him feel better.", "I told him this is the last time." ]
Cameron gave me some medicine. I started to feel better.
[ "Did you take the two pills I gave you for your stomach ache? Are you feeling better?", "Yes, thanks I feel better already! I was feeling really bad for awhile there, thank you.", "Great! I know how it is when you feel sick at work you cannot concentrate on anything else.", "I thought I was going to have to go home and miss a day of work but this medicine really settled my stomach.", "Glad you are feeling better. Take some of this medicine home with you in case your stomach acts up again later.", "Thanks, I think I will just rest up when I get home. Have some soup and go to bed!" ]
Cameron gave me some medicine. I started to feel better.
[ "I gave her something for her sinuses and she felt better immediately.", "How did you know it was a sinus headache?", "Because she was stuffy and pointed to the area of her head that hurt.", "Good thing you were here. I was thinking about regular headache medicine.", "Most people would but I get sinus headaches and knew right away.", "I'm so glad she feels better." ]
Sydney stayed home all day to finish a project instead of going out with her friends.
[ "I haven't been out all day.", "How come?", "I was home working on this project all day instead of hanging with friends", "That was a good move. Work before play." ]
Aubrey saw Kai and her friends when they were broken down on the side of the road.
[ "It was so wonderful to see Aubrey driving by!", "Why is that?", "My car broke down and I had to pull over to the side of the road.", "And Aubrey was driving by and spotted you?", "That’s correct. She called an emergency number and drove me home.", "What a kind gesture!" ]
Aubrey saw Kai and her friends when they were broken down on the side of the road.
[ "Aubrey saw our car break down", "That is some pure luck! Did she help you?", "Yeah offered us a ride to the nearest mechanic", "I love how efficient she is", "I hope my car can get fixed soon", "I'll give you a ride if you need it" ]
Aubrey sent several text messages to Kai, telling her how ugly she was.
[ "Look at these texts I got from Aubrey.", "Oh my god. She is such a jerk. I can't believe she called you ugly.", "Am I ugly?", "Kai, you are stunning. Aubrey is jealous of you because she likes your boyfriend. She is telling everyone that you don't deserve him.", "Aubrey likes Jeff? Should I be worried?", "Absolutely not. Everyone she talks to tells her she's an idiot. She is a troll and you are so much better than her." ]
Aubrey sent several text messages to Kai, telling her how ugly she was.
[ "Aubrey is really a terrible person. She's been sending mean texts to me.", "Aubrey...really? What did she say?", "Same thing over and over. She tells me how ugly I am.", "Don't think about that. She's just projecting how she feels about herself on to you.", "I hope that's the case but I'm tired of it." ]
Aubrey sent several text messages to Kai, telling her how ugly she was.
[ "I really don't know what came over me that made me called her ugly", "That is bad of you!", "I was in one of my mood swings and I couldn't figure out my feelings", "This is getting too much, you need to get professional help", "I know right, I think I need help", "Let me know if I can do anything." ]
Remy provided Addison a good opportunity to interview for a job at the local power plant.
[ "I really hope I get this new job", "I heard they pay really well", "I think it starts off at around thirty dollars an hour", "It would be like a dream getting a job this great", "Just try and practice what you're going to say for the interview" ]
Remy provided Addison a good opportunity to interview for a job at the local power plant.
[ "I told Addison to just give your name.", "The plant manager had already talked to me.", "Do you think that she will get the power plant job?", "He is going to be offering her the position in the morning." ]
Kai played fetch with Jan, whom they adopted recently from the shelter.
[ "Jan was so energetic. I threw the ball her way and she would chase after it. Then brought it back to me.", "Sounds like you two had a great time.", "Adopting Jan from shelter was the best thing that's happened to me this year.", "It's been a rotten year for most people.", "Jan brings me so much joy. She's a cute puppy that's going to grow up to be a beautiful dog.", "We should schedule a play date with my dog." ]
Kai played fetch with Jan, whom they adopted recently from the shelter.
[ "Did anyone tell you that we adopted a dog from the shelter a couple of weeks ago.", "No, man. I had no idea you finally got a dog!", "Yep. I named her Jan, and she's such a sweet girl. She's a golden retriever.", "Awesome. What kind of stuff have you done with her yet?", "She loves to fetch! We have to play fetch for at least an hour every day. She just runs around like crazy and she will bring back anything I throw for her.", "That's great, Kai. That makes me want to get another dog so I can play fetch, too." ]
Kai played fetch with Jan, whom they adopted recently from the shelter.
[ "I had a great time playing fetch with Jan today.", "I'm glad to hear it! See, I told you you'd love having a dog.", "You were right. I adore Jan. She's a true companion.", "I can't wait to come meet her.", "Yeah, how about this weekend? We can all go down to the park and play fetch. She loves it.", "That sounds great!" ]
The teacher asked the class a question and they seemed puzzled. Aubrey understood the question well and answered.
[ "I feel that the teacher is asking about how we view history in the context of today.", "Oh, I think it was strangely worded by Professor Beltre.", "It's more of an opinion on how you feel about history as it is viewed over time.", "I feel it is always changing based on today's values which are also changing.", "So it's important to answer in the context of change and also see how the future may change our thoughts.", "Very good response and you nailed it with your train of thought." ]
The teacher asked the class a question and they seemed puzzled. Aubrey understood the question well and answered.
[ "I was the only one who knew the teachers answer in class.", "Really? You are smart. What was the question?", "It was about George Washington's early life.", "Oh I know you are an expert on everything about early America.", "That's my favorite subject. I'm going to ace this test." ]
The teacher asked the class a question and they seemed puzzled. Aubrey understood the question well and answered.
[ "I think I'm the smartest kid in my class.", "Really. Why do you think so?", "I was the only person to answer my teacher's hard question.", "Nice. Don't make people too jealous." ]
Taylor is a bartender, Taylor puts on a show of mixing the drinks, tossing the bottles into the air, and stirring the drinks in a fancy way.
[ "I really enjoy my new job as a bartender.", "How so?", "I enjoy mixing drinks and tossing the bottles into the air, in a fancy way.", "That sounds fun.", "Yes it does. It's like putting on a show.", "I definitely need to visit you at work when I can." ]
Taylor is a bartender, Taylor puts on a show of mixing the drinks, tossing the bottles into the air, and stirring the drinks in a fancy way.
[ "I had a really great night bar tending downtown this evening.", "Really? How much did you make in tips?", "I got almost $100 and I was only there 3 hours because I had to leave early.", "Wow, that's amazing. How did you get so much?", "I have been studying how to be a great bar tender and doing different tricks and moves while making the drinks.", "That's cool, I always admired how good bar tenders make drinks so quickly." ]
Taylor is a bartender, Taylor puts on a show of mixing the drinks, tossing the bottles into the air, and stirring the drinks in a fancy way.
[ "I got over $300 in tips last night!", "Are you still bartending?", "Yes! And I learned all kinds of cool tricks, like catching a bottle behind my back.", "So cool! I want to see it!", "The customers love it, and they started giving me huge tips!", "That's awesome! Maybe you can take me out to dinner with all that money!" ]
Remy held Skylar's meetings at her home at Skylar's thoughtful request and acceptance of the terms.
[ "Do you know my friend Remy? She's such a good friend.", "Yes, I know Remy. What did she do?", "I have needed a place to hold company meetings for my new internet start-up, and Remy and I worked out some terms where she lets me hold the meetings at her home office.", "That's good of her! Do the meetings go well at her house?", "Yes. I had to agree that the meetings would not last more than two hours and there can be no loud noise and no smoking.", "That's reasonable. I'm glad you could work things out with Remy and have productive meetings." ]
Remy held Skylar's meetings at her home at Skylar's thoughtful request and acceptance of the terms.
[ "I really want to have this meeting at my home?", "Are you sure? I thought that we could grab coffee and have the meeting.", "Yea, I really want to just have it at my house.", "That sounds great then. It's a plan!", "Okay, no problem at all. 10 o clock would be perfect.", "Agreed! That's a plan. Let's go for it." ]
Jan and Sydney were up late preparing for a presentation. Sydney just poured herself some coffee and Jan took a sip of it.
[ "This project is miserable, I think we'll be here at least a few more hours.", "Time for some more coffee?", "It'll keep me up the rest of the night, but sure.", "Mind if I have a sip?", "Sure, no problem.", "Thanks, I can't wait to finish this presentation." ]
Jan and Sydney were up late preparing for a presentation. Sydney just poured herself some coffee and Jan took a sip of it.
[ "We were up so late last night, trying to finish up that presentation", "Did Jan stay and help you finish it?", "Yeah, we just kept making pots and pots of coffee, by the last cup we were so tired, Jan took a sip out of mine.", "Good thing there were two of you to finish it and coffee!", "Yeah, we presented it this morning and the investors were very impressed with all the details." ]
Quinn saved Kendall's project from ruin and then held a press conference to call out the guilty culprits.
[ "Kendall's project was almost ruined by pranksters.", "Was this the statue she's working on in her front lawn?", "Yeah, I caught the kids from two houses down.", "Were they about to inflict some real damage?", "Not really, but it would have been a chore to clean all the silly string off the statue.", "She should keep the statue in her fenced back yard." ]
Quinn saved Kendall's project from ruin and then held a press conference to call out the guilty culprits.
[ "Man this was a little wild.", "What happened now?", "Well I saved Kendall's project from crashing and then ran a press conference to point out the guilty guys.", "Oh wow bro." ]
Skylar wanted to wish their dad a happy birthday, they sent him a text.
[ "Happy birthday dad!", "Thank you very much, I'm glad you remembered.", "Of course I remembered, and I hope you are having a good day.", "I am having a good day, thanks for asking.", "What are you going to do today?", "I am just going to relax and enjoy some time to myself." ]
Skylar wanted to wish their dad a happy birthday, they sent him a text.
[ "I remembered it was my dad's birthday.", "When did you remember?", "Not until a few moments ago.", "What did you do?", "It was too late to get a card or a present so in order to wish him a happy birthday we sent him a text.", "That is not very personal but at least you acted." ]
Skylar wanted to wish their dad a happy birthday, they sent him a text.
[ "My dads birthday was yesterday.", "Did you call to wish him a happy birthday?", "He couldn't take a phone call, but I was able to text him happy birthday.", "How much longer is he going to be on that show?" ]
Skylar wanted to wish their dad a happy birthday, they sent him a text.
[ "My Dad's birthday is today. I sent him a text to wish him a happy birthday.", "That's really sweet of you to do", "It's the least I could do considering all that he has done for me", "Now you are making me feel guilty as sometimes I forget my Dad's birthday", "You should make a greater effort to remember it, I'm sure he'd appreciate it", "Thanks, I'm going to try to remember it from now on" ]
Alex's car had stopped running because of the engine, so Alex pulled the engine apart.
[ "My car finally died the other day.", "You've been expecting that to happen, right?", "Yeah, the engine was acting up so I knew it was only a matter of time.", "Now what? Are you going to junk the car or what?", "I totally dismantled the engine yesterday. Now I'm just trying to figure out the problem.", "Good luck. I think that the car is probably beyond help at this point, but I wish you well." ]
Alex's car had stopped running because of the engine, so Alex pulled the engine apart.
[ "I broke apart my car's engine down to the block.", "Really? Can you get fix it?", "I don't know. But the car just doesn't work and I think I have to rebuild the engine.", "So you are trying to start from scratch?", "Yes. I will try to build my own engine now.", "Good luck. I can't wait to hear how it goes." ]
Alex's car had stopped running because of the engine, so Alex pulled the engine apart.
[ "I can't go to the ballgame today. I'm working on my car.", "Did it break down again?", "Yeah, it's a Jaguar so it is what it is. It stopped running completely so I took apart the engine.", "Did you find out what was wrong exactly?", "Not yet. But I'm sure I'll figure it out by the end of the day. Hopefully I can get the parts I need.", "Well if you need a ride to the auto part store just let me know." ]
Alex's car had stopped running because of the engine, so Alex pulled the engine apart.
[ "I had to fix my car after it stopped running.", "What seemed to be the problem.", "After I took apart the engine, I realized it was the crankshaft.", "It helps that your dad taught you so much so you could fix the car yourself.", "It helps my grandfather was a mechanic.", "Will your kids still know how cars work?" ]
Jesse had some medicine left over from when they were sick. Taylor gave Jesse's medicine to them.
[ "Have you heard from Taylor this week?", "No. I called him Tuesday but he didn't answer. Why?", "Last week he said he had a sore throat and a headache but he doesn't have insurance. I gave him some cough syrup with codine but it was expired. I wanted to check on him.", "Did you call him?", "I called him and I stopped by his house. His car was in the drive-way but no one answered. Do you think we should get into his house to check on him?", "It might be a good idea. I hope he is okay." ]
Jesse had some medicine left over from when they were sick. Taylor gave Jesse's medicine to them.
[ "She was sick!", "She should visit her doctor!", "She said no! Taylor gave them some of my left over medicine from when I was sick", "But, that isn't right. She should see her doctor.", "I'll tell her again." ]
Jesse had some medicine left over from when they were sick. Taylor gave Jesse's medicine to them.
[ "Taylor was sick. I gave him my leftover medicine from when I was sick.", "Why is he sick?", "He said he went for a midnight swim in the ocean. The water was cold as ice. He thinks he got sick from that.", "Hope your medicine helps him.", "I took that when I had a cold so they should provide him with some relief.", "He doesn't usually get sick. Taylor is a strong guy." ]
Cameron climbed the fence to escape the prison from which he was held wrongfully convicted of murder.
[ "If my plans are correct I should be able to escape by reaching the other side of this fence.", "Hey Cameron! What are you doing back there?", "Not So Loud! You scared me. I'm escaping from prison.", "What! You really gonna make a run for it?", "Yeah, give me a lift. Help me over this fence.", "Okay Cameron. Good luck on the other side bro." ]
By moving into an isolated cabin in the woods, Carson thought they could find peace.
[ "I want to go away for sometime to somewhere quiet where I can be alone.", "Why would you want to do that?", "I need some peace and I found a great isolated cabin in the woods.", "Okay that's great if that would make you feel better.", "I'm not sure if that will work. And I have to come back home at some point", "Okay sweetie, I am always here for you." ]
By moving into an isolated cabin in the woods, Carson thought they could find peace.
[ "I'm going to finally move into the cabin by the woods.", "Why?", "Because being away will give me peace", "Yes, the world can be hectic man.", "Yup, that's why I'm making the move to the cabin.", "It should be a good feeling." ]
By moving into an isolated cabin in the woods, Carson thought they could find peace.
[ "We decided to move a cabin in the woods away from everyone to get some peace.", "So did that work for you?", "No, because we didn't get rid of our cell phones or computers. People were still contacting us non stop.", "So what did you do.", "We decided to turn everything off for a few days. It was hard at first, but we did end up being left alone.", "I'm glad that worked out for you." ]
Austin sold their produce in the market because they hoped to share their food with the friends in the community.
[ "I just put some of the produce I grow in the store.", "Oh, that's cool. So is it organic?", "Yes, it's organic. I really want to help the community be able to have high quality produce.", "Is it expensive though?", "No, I made it really low cost. You should check it out and help me promote it.", "I will do that!" ]
Austin sold their produce in the market because they hoped to share their food with the friends in the community.
[ "I did my first big sale at the farmer's market today.", "What did you bring to sell?", "I've been growing vegetables in that field of ours for a while so I wanted to share them with everyone and turn a profit.", "And you sold all of them?", "Yes and managed to make some cash too.", "That's a good way to put your produce to work for you." ]
Taylor was a traveller, and had stayed in the small village for several days, but had now seen everything there was to see, and Taylor resumed their journey.
[ "There was a cute village I stayed in for a few days during my travels.", "Did you do a lot of things there?", "I did everything there.", "So you're back on the road now?", "Yeah, I'm resuming my journey.", "That's the life of a traveller." ]
Taylor was a traveller, and had stayed in the small village for several days, but had now seen everything there was to see, and Taylor resumed their journey.
[ "I love to travel.", "Have you been to Ireland?", "I stayed in a small village there for several days and saw everything there was to see.", "Were you bored at that point?", "No, but I wanted to resume our journey.", "You're like that song - \"On the road again.\"" ]
Taylor was a traveller, and had stayed in the small village for several days, but had now seen everything there was to see, and Taylor resumed their journey.
[ "I just wanted you to know that I'm going to be leaving the village.", "Is there something wrong?", "No, not at all. I've just stayed here for several days and feel like I've seen everything there is to see.", "I guess that's a good reason to move on.", "I'll be sad to go, but as a traveller, I have to resume my journey.", "I wish you luck on the rest of your travels." ]
Remy was playing soccer against several smaller players. Remy knocked them to the ground.
[ "Those little guys shouldn't get in my way.", "Why'd you knock them to the ground?", "We need to beat that soccer team to go to the championship.", "But you could hurt them.", "I got the goal!", "You're a poor sport and a bully." ]
Remy was playing soccer against several smaller players. Remy knocked them to the ground.
[ "I knocked several smaller players to the ground in soccer.", "Were they hurt?", "I don't think so they got back up quickly to chase after me.", "You are fast when you are playing.", "I am one of the fastest on the team. We run around the field before practice.", "You are such an athlete." ]
Remy was playing soccer against several smaller players. Remy knocked them to the ground.
[ "This is great.", "Yeh, their players are so small, you're just been knocking them to the ground.", "Soccer is fun when you're winning or not.", "This could be our first win of the season.", "I hope we'll win.", "Great work Remy--another goal!" ]
Alex was a firm believer in some really ridiculous ideas and theories, but with good arguments and logic, Casey changed Alex´s attitudes.
[ "Man, when it comes to Alex, it is never easy to get an attitude change in him.", "I have never been successful myself winning any arguments with Alex, how did you do it?", "When it comes to Alex, you have to come up with some really good arguments and logic, otherwise its in one ear and out the other.", "But its hard to come up with good arguments with Alex because he's the master of arguments.", "He might be the master of arguments, but he's not the master of logic, which is where his weakness is.", "Well, sounds like you know exactly how to spin this one!" ]
Alex was a firm believer in some really ridiculous ideas and theories, but with good arguments and logic, Casey changed Alex´s attitudes.
[ "I changed his mind on many things", "Oh you mean Alex with his weird ideas ?", "Yea but I proved my logic and had good arguments and that might have changed his mind", "You are very smart", "No I just wanted to prove him wrong basically" ]
Casey booked a room at a luxurious all-inclusive resort in the Bahamas. Casey loved to travel.
[ "Guess where I'm going on spring break?", "I bet it's someplace warm!", "You got that right! I just booked a room at a swanky hotel in the Bahamas!", "Wow! That must have cost a lot!", "It did, but it'll be worth it. I just love to travel, and I've always wanted to go to the Bahamas!", "I've been there, I know you'll love it!" ]
Casey booked a room at a luxurious all-inclusive resort in the Bahamas. Casey loved to travel.
[ "Want to know about my trip?", "Sure give me the details. I know you love to travel.", "I am going to the Bahamas.", "That's great.", "I'll be staying at a luxurious all-inclusive resort.", "Living the good life." ]
Casey booked a room at a luxurious all-inclusive resort in the Bahamas. Casey loved to travel.
[ "I'm going to the Bahamas!", "Oh, you are always traveling.", "Not as much as I would like.", "Are you staying at one of those all inclusive resorts?", "Yes, I am. I can't wait.", "It'll be awesome." ]
There was a fire, Sasha grabbed the extinguisher and saved the home from destruction.
[ "The fire started in the kitchen. I smelled something burning so I grabbed the extinguisher and put it out.", "You saved your house.", "It would have been disastrous if I wasn't home.", "What was burning?", "One of the dish towels fell onto the stove and caught fire.", "That's dangerous." ]
There was a fire, Sasha grabbed the extinguisher and saved the home from destruction.
[ "I was so scared that I couldn't get the fire extinguisher figured out in time.", "Well you obviously figured it out. You put the fire out in seconds.", "It felt like hours to me.", "How did it happen?", "My mom was cooking fried chicken and the oil got too hot I guess.", "She was really grateful you put out the fire before it burned down the house." ]
There was a fire, Sasha grabbed the extinguisher and saved the home from destruction.
[ "That fire was getting completely out of control so fast", "Thank god you were here on time and no one got hurt", "I could see the flames from outside the house and ran over here as fast as I could", "I'm just glad someone saw the fire before it got too big to contain", "You're a hero. I hope you get a reward for this" ]
There was a fire, Sasha grabbed the extinguisher and saved the home from destruction.
[ "There was a fire in my house, it was devastating", "I didn't hear about this are you alright?", "Yes I grabbed the fire extinguisher and blew it out in the kitchen", "That's such a relief! Is the house okay?", "Yes I stopped it from encasing the whole house", "You're a hero" ]
Lee was going to be a teacher, but Kendall altered Lee's course and they became a doctor.
[ "Lee and I are going to the cabin this weekend.", "It must be nice to be married to a doctor who can afford a cabin.", "It is. Imagine if Lee had become a teacher like he wanted. We would be so poor!", "It's a good thing you convinced him to become a doctor instead.", "I know! I think next year I am going to tell him I want to get pregnant.", "That might be interesting." ]
Lee was going to be a teacher, but Kendall altered Lee's course and they became a doctor.
[ "I know you wanted to be a teacher and I convinced you to become something else .", "I know and now I'm a doctor.", "Do you regret this?", "No, I make more money these days.", "Okay good.", "You're a great person." ]
Lee was going to be a teacher, but Kendall altered Lee's course and they became a doctor.
[ "When I first met Lee he was going to school to be a teacher.", "How did he end up becoming doctor?", "We were going to a concert and a car hit us head on. Lee saved my life, by pulling me out of the burning car.", "So he decided he wanted to save lives?" ]
Lee was going to be a teacher, but Kendall altered Lee's course and they became a doctor.
[ "I wonder what would've happened if I never convinced Lee to be a teacher", "You're the one who convinced himh to be a doctor", "I think so, yeah.", "I can't imagine Lee as a teacher", "Me neither", "He is a great doctor" ]
Quinn killed their children. Quinn was a monster with no remorse.
[ "It sucks that I have to spend the rest of my life in jail.", "What are you in jail for?", "I killed my children.", "Was it an accident?", "Not really .", "Wow I don't know what to say." ]
Jordan hid weed well from their parents until one day when mom did a spring cleaning.
[ "I thought I could hide my weed from my mom very well", "Why did she find it or something ?", "Yes she did , I should have hid it better", "Why don't you put it in the cupboard ?", "She would find it anywhere since she does spring cleaning and cleans all part of the home", "You are so out of luck then" ]
Jordan hid weed well from their parents until one day when mom did a spring cleaning.
[ "I hid weed from my mom.", "And has she found out?", "Yes, she did.", "How come?", "She was doing a spring cleaning.", "That's bad news." ]
Casey had recently watched a program that taught her about the dangers of sun exposure, so when she took her child Quinn to the beach, Casey protected Quinn from the sun.
[ "I recently watched a program that taught me about the dangers of sun exposure.", "Yes, I got a bad sunburn just the other day.", "Well I wasn't about to let that happen to Quinn so I put sunblock on her and kept her under an umbrella at the beach.", "You're such a good mother.", "She complained about the situation but it's for her own good.", "Of course it is." ]
Casey had recently watched a program that taught her about the dangers of sun exposure, so when she took her child Quinn to the beach, Casey protected Quinn from the sun.
[ "Did you see that special on the news last week about childhood sun over exposure.", "No I didn't, I am sure we weren't suppose to run around naked like we did as kids back in the day.", "Not at all, even one burn as a child could lead to skin issues and cancer later on in life.", "It can't be that bad, we're all fine now.", "I am following their advice, when I took Quinn to the beach she stayed in the shade or was wearing one of those UV blocking long sleeve shirts and sunscreen.", "I guess as new information becomes available, we have to adjust to what is best for the safety of our children." ]
Casey had recently watched a program that taught her about the dangers of sun exposure, so when she took her child Quinn to the beach, Casey protected Quinn from the sun.
[ "Did you know the sun can be harmful to human beings?", "I've heard that the UV rays can cause skin cancer.", "That is true. So I am taking some measures to protect Quinn from cancer.", "How wise of you! Children are even more susceptible than children.", "I don't want my baby getting harmed.", "He is going to grow to a handsome and healthy person." ]
In their article, Kansas gave the reader a thorough analysis of Riley's perspective.
[ "Did you read my article?", "No. Why? What was in it?", "It was a discussion of the black lives matter incident last week.", "The one where the guy died.", "Yes that one. I talked about the situation from the perspective of Riley the victim.", "Oh yeah. I heard the article won an award. I've been meaning to read it." ]
In their article, Kansas gave the reader a thorough analysis of Riley's perspective.
[ "I just finished that article I was telling you about.", "Okay cool. What was it about?", "I gave an in depth analysis of Rileys perspective.", "Oh that sounds interesting.", "Yes hopefully everyone else thinks so too!", "I hope so for your sake as well." ]
In their article, Kansas gave the reader a thorough analysis of Riley's perspective.
[ "I think I can teach people the value of cooking at home", "Have you showed them the value of what Riley said in her report", "I showed them an analysis of her perspective on cooking versus eating out in my article", "I was surprised by how much money people can save", "It really does seem to add up after awhile" ]
After a long and winding argument over the topic, Lee left Austin's house.
[ "I cannot get through to Austin.", "What was the fight about?", "Cheerios are easily better that Coco Puffs.", "Huh? It was about something that stupid?", "How is cereal stupid?", "Because its just a bunch of sugar!" ]
After a long and winding argument over the topic, Lee left Austin's house.
[ "Austin, I did not come to your house to argue about this!", "I don't see why you can't understand my point of view here!", "I just can't, it makes zero sense! I just don't get it or agree with it", "Well that's too bad, I'm not changing my opinion and I don't care what you think", "Fine, if you don't care then I'm leaving", "Good I'm tired of fighting about it! BYE" ]
Kendall didn't have a phone number to give to the cute guy. Kendall used Alex's number instead.
[ "I hope Alex doesn't get mad at me but I gave her number to someone, for myself.", "She probably won't mind. You'd do it for her.", "I met this really cute guy and I don't have a phone right now so I used hers.", "Just let her know and she'll help out." ]
Kendall didn't have a phone number to give to the cute guy. Kendall used Alex's number instead.
[ "I hope it's okay that I gave some cute guy I'm interested in your number.", "Why didn't you give him your number?", "I broke my phone the other day and didn't have a number to give him.", "So what should I do if he calls my phone?", "Just act like you're me and set up the date.", "How cute was he?" ]
Jordan and Aubrey started dating last summer. Jordan loved Aubrey's children.
[ "I really think I want to spend the rest of my life with Aubrey!", "Why do you think that?", "Because since we started dating last summer, I enjoy spending so much time with her.", "Does she have any children?", "Yes, she has two children. I love her children as if they were my own.", "That sounds so great, I am happy for you!" ]
Jordan and Aubrey started dating last summer. Jordan loved Aubrey's children.
[ "Can you believe it's been a whole year since I started dating Aubrey?", "Is that right? Oh yeah, you guys started going out last August, didn't you?", "Sure did. Back when I figured it would just be a short romance.", "You never know how these things are going to end up.", "So true. Like, I never expected I would become so close with her kids.", "Well, you're really great with them. It's like you guys were meant to be a family." ]
Tracy wanted to surprise their girlfriend by showing up at the airport so they cancelled plans they had with others.
[ "I wanted to surprise their girlfriend by showing up at the airport so they cancelled plans they had with others.", "Did it work.", "No we were late so she took a train.", "Is she getting a drop at the restaurant.", "Yea we will meet her there.", "Cool!" ]
Tracy wanted to surprise their girlfriend by showing up at the airport so they cancelled plans they had with others.
[ "Sorry I had to cancel plans last weekend.", "Meeting your girl at the airport, was more important.", "I just wanted to surprise her and make her feel special.", "Your such a sweet boyfriend, that you care about her feelings." ]
Tracy wanted to surprise their girlfriend by showing up at the airport so they cancelled plans they had with others.
[ "My girlfriend is here this weekend. I surprised her by showing up at the airport to pick her up. She was really happy.", "That's a nice thing to do. I thought you were going camping with a group.", "I was but that was before my girlfriend decided to come. I cancelled my plans for camping.", "You'll have a much better time at home than camping, anyway." ]
Austin taught Alex to read English. It was important that he help them.
[ "You're English is getting better.", "You're a good friend to help me.", "Well, it's important to speak good English to succeed.", "My parents only speak Spanish at home.", "I know it's tough, but you're doing great.", "Thanks so much for helping me." ]
Austin taught Alex to read English. It was important that he help them.
[ "You picked up reading English so fast did you study it before you came to America", "I studied about three years in Mexico and did pretty well in school", "I can tell you knew a little bit before I taught you because you seemed to understand it fine", "It is always better to be prepared I guess" ]
Austin taught Alex to read English. It was important that he help them.
[ "Alex, lets start with One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish..", "But I don't like math! No way.", "Alex, this will help with your English! Lets try Green Eggs and Ham. Is a classic book!", "No, I am really allergic to eggs. The thought of eggs makes me sick!", "Okay, Cat in the Hat? Fox in Socks? or Horton Hears a Who?", "What about this one? Tolstoy's War and Peace. This is the one!" ]
Austin taught Alex to read English. It was important that he help them.
[ "I've been spending some of my free time teaching Alex how to read English.", "That's really nice of you.", "I'm happy to do it. He's such a hard worker.", "Is he getting better at reading English?", "He can read a whole book now.", "That's something I can't ever do even though English is my native language." ]
In order to save his mother's babies, Sasha need to get sole custody and build a nursery.
[ "My mother is in trouble again. She can't afford to take care of her babies. I don't know why she keeps having them.", "How many kids does your mom have?", "Too many. She doesn't take care of any of us.", "That's too bad. What are you going to do?", "I am making money now. I want to get sole custody of the babies, build a nursery and take care of them.", "That's ambitious." ]