52 values
Skylar entered the contest because the top prizes were a massive cash rewards which he really needed.
[ "Boy, if I ever needed some good luck, now is the time.", "Why, are you playing the lottery?", "No, something better. I entered that contest, the one with the huge cash prize.", "Oh, yeah, that's a nice prize. Definitely a life changer.", "I need that money so badly. I'm praying that I win.", "I hope you do, too. That would be great." ]
Skylar entered the contest because the top prizes were a massive cash rewards which he really needed.
[ "The only reason I entered the contest was for the money. The top prizes are pretty sweet. They are massive cash rewards.", "If you win, you can pay off your debt.", "That's what I am thinking. I can use that money.", "What contest did you enter?", "It's an eating contest. The one who eats the most food within a certain time period wins prizes. They have multiple rounds so there are multiple winners.", "I know you are an eater. Hope you win." ]
Skylar entered the contest because the top prizes were a massive cash rewards which he really needed.
[ "I just lost my job and I need some money.", "Now is your chance to shine. Join the singing contest.", "Yeah right! I heard they have big cash prizes for the winners.", "Can you imagine winning the grand prize?", "Yes, that would be a great help in my finances.", "Go for it!" ]
Skylar entered the contest because the top prizes was a massive cash rewards which he really needed.
[ "I hope I win the contest because I really can use the money.", "What are you going to do with the money if you win?", "I am going to use it to get a new car, maybe a new house and take a trip. I'm tired of renting and my car needs so much work, it doesn't make sense to keep it.", "Do you really think you have a chance at winning? It seems like a lot of people have entered the contest.", "I know, but I've just got a good feeling about it. I'm due for a break.", "Well, good luck. If you win, we'll go out and celebrate." ]
Skylar entered the contest because the top prizes were massive cash rewards which he really needed.
[ "I hope I win this contest because I need this cash badly.", "I think you have a great shot because that was a great piece of artwork you entered.", "Thanks, I worked a long time on that.", "How much money is first place?", "It’s $5000.", "Wow, that is a nice chunk of change." ]
Aubrey took Sasha's mom to lunch. Sasha appreciated their friend since they lived out of state.
[ "I would like to thank you for taking my mom out to lunch yesterday", "It's no problem. I had a buy one get one free coupon", "Things have been so hard since we live out of state and are finding our way around", "I guess the city is too big and the traffic is pretty bad too" ]
Aubrey took Sasha's mom to lunch. Sasha appreciated their friend since they lived out of state.
[ "I appreciate it.", "I'm glad I could help", "I def owe you back", "I know you would help me anytime", "Your mom is great.", "Yea it's amazing." ]
Sydney was not paying attention while driving. Sydney hit Kendall's car and killed them instantly.
[ "I can't believe I killed Sydney.", "What happened?", "I was driving and not paying attention when I hit her car.", "Why weren't you paying attention?", "I was on my phone texting.", "I don't know what to say ." ]
Sydney was not paying attention while driving. Sydney hit Kendall's car and killed them instantly.
[ "I literally cannot believe what had happened during the crash yesterday.", "I know you feel terrible, but at some point you will find peace.", "I just cannot believe that their lives were ruined simply because I was not paying attention.", "I know, this is why you should never text and drive.", "I wish I had listened to those ads before.", "I will help you through this, we can get through this together." ]
Sydney was not paying attention while driving. Sydney hit Kendall's car and killed them instantly.
[ "I was involved in a nasty accident today with Kendall.", "I'm so sorry. I hope you're both alright.", "I am well but unfortunately Kendall died on the spot.", "That is very heart breaking.", "It is all my fault. I lost focus and hit her car.", "Have you filed a police report?" ]
Quinn knew Ash well enough to know that they never would commit such a terrible crime.
[ "I know Ash would not have killed that person intentionally.", "Well, so do I, Quinn. I'm sure whatever happened was a mistake.", "No, I mean that Ash didn't kill them, period. It was just a careless accident. They fell off the roof when Ash was up there installing the antenna.", "So, you don't think Ash got mad at them and insulted them?", "Of course I don't. It was just stupidity. They were both a bit tipsy and unsteady on their feet.", "I understand. They didn't have any right to be up there in the first place." ]
Quinn knew Ash well enough to know that they never would commit such a terrible crime.
[ "We are not robbers.", "I think Ash would be though.", "Ash is so nice once you know him.", "Ash once punched me in the face.", "You kicked him first.", "Because he punched my dog!" ]
Jan decided on Friday to light a fire under the brush in her pit in the backyard.
[ "Hey do want to have a bonfire?", "Is that even safe?", "Sure it is. Please hand me the lighter.", "Here is the lighter.", "Okay, I am going to light the fire underneath the brush.", "Wow, that fire is massive." ]
Jan decided on Friday to light a fire under the brush in her pit in the backyard.
[ "I tried to start a fire in the pit last night .", "Was it nice? You have such a great backyard.", "Yeah. So warm on a cold night.", "Sounds awesome." ]
Jan decided on Friday to light a fire under the brush in her pit in the backyard.
[ "Are you coming to my house Friday?", "What do you have planned?", "We are toasting marsh mellows and roasting hot dogs.", "I didn't know you had a grill.", "I decided to light a fire under the brush in my pit in the backyard.", "You can count me in and I'll bring a fire extinguisher, too." ]
Jan decided on Friday to light a fire under the brush in her pit in the backyard.
[ "How do you think a pit fire looks?", "It looks so warm and inviting.", "I just thought it would be a good idea to do it since it's a cold Friday night.", "Have you tried cooking hotdogs on it?", "Why do you ask?", "I'm kind of hungry." ]
During a moment of silence before the funeral someone made a loud commotion. Tracy made the noise.
[ "I am so sorry everyone, I ate taco bell before this and my stomach is hurting so bad.", "Why don't you got to the bathroom?", "Yeah I am going, but it is hard to move because my stomach hurts so bad.", "I can help you to the bathroom, but you should probably leave until everyone else isn't mad anymore.", "I really did not mean to make such a loud noise.", "I know, but people seem to be pretty upset about the noise you made." ]
During a moment of silence before the funeral someone made a loud commotion. Tracy made the noise.
[ "I am so sorry I did not mean to make that loud commotion.", "Its ok just be quiet now and sit down?", "Again I am so sorry forbeing so loud.", "Just sit down you are making a scene." ]
After joining forces with the team, Bailey wanted to win a title and go to Disney World.
[ "The only thing on my mind is winning the championship right now.", "You guys are the team to do it.", "We just have to work together to achieve a common goal of a championship.", "Then you’ll get to go to Disney World.", "That would be the cherry on top for me.", "Then it’s time to get down to business because you need to achieve this goal to get there." ]
After joining forces with the team, Bailey wanted to win a title and go to Disney World.
[ "Guys do you think we could win the title and go to Disney World?", "I think we can! We just need to practice a lot", "Me too! Let's make a schedule so we don't slack on practicing", "Sure. What days work for you", "I can do everyday but Tuesday", "Perfect! Lets practice on Mondays" ]
After joining forces with the team, Bailey wanted to win a title and go to Disney World.
[ "I really want to win a title this year and get a free trip to Disney World for the family.", "Your kids will really enjoy Disney. Be grateful it will be free because they are very expensive.", "I'm glad I joined this team. They are very good, so there is a good chance.", "What sport do you do? You've never told me.", "Nascar driver. It's really a rush!", "I've never heard of that. I'm so surprised, as long as we have been friends, you never told me." ]
Ash had fallen off his bike and broke his ankle so Alex checked to see if he was okay.
[ "Are you o.k.--that was a bad fall?", "My ankle is killing me.", "I'm afraid it looks like a break.", "Great--that damn bike.", "Just stay still--I'll call for help.", "Hurry please!" ]
Ash had fallen off his bike and broke his ankle so Alex checked to see if he was okay.
[ "I had an accident on my bike.", "Was it bad?", "I fell and broke my ankle.", "Are you ok?", "I am stuck in bed but Alex stopped in to check and see if I was okay.", "He is a good friend." ]
Taylor told Alex he was going on a trip and asked if he would like to join him.
[ "Where are you going for your annual vacation this year?", "I might go up to my cabin in Lake Tahoe. Would you like to come and join me?", "I would love to. What should I bring?", "Don't worry about it. I got everything taken care of.", "Do I need my own snow gear and skiing equipment?", "No. We will get some rental when we get there" ]
Taylor told Alex he was going on a trip and asked if he would like to join him.
[ "Hey Carter! I wanted to ask you, do you have plans for the weekend of memorial day?", "I do not, we were supposed to go to Laura's house, but you know.", "Right, are you dealing with the news ok?", "I guess, it sucks, I miss her a lot but I don't think I can handle it.", "Well if you're interested, the guys and I are going camping for the three days, do you want to join?", "Oh yes, that sounds amazing actually." ]
Carson wore shoes the next time he walked on the road in the blazing summer heat.
[ "I had to wear shoes this time because I burned my feet on the hot concrete last time", "I bet that really hurt. did you get any burns?", "I lost a little skin on my heel but nothing too bad", "That's good. At least you were not seriously hurt", "I will never do that again" ]
Carson wore shoes the next time he walked on the road in the blazing summer heat.
[ "I did something dumb.", "Would you like to tell me about it?", "I burned my feet on the road.", "Weren't you wearing shoes?", "Not the last time but next time I will wear shoes when I walk down the road in the blazing summer heat.", "You learn quickly my friend." ]
Carson wore shoes the next time he walked on the road in the blazing summer heat.
[ "I thought it would be nice to walk barefoot in the summer.", "That sounds relaxing.", "But I ended up burning my feet.", "That explains your trip to the shoe store." ]
Carson wore shoes the next time he walked on the road in the blazing summer heat.
[ "Man please remind me never to do that again. The road was so stinging hot.", "What are you talking about?", "I tried to walk on the road without shoes, that was a bad idea. I had to run home and grab some shoes.", "Yea these summer days can make the roads feel like lava.", "Haha your right about that." ]
The pirate know as Sydney died at sea, and so Addison gave him the appropriate burial.
[ "I'm so sad about Sydney.", "I know, he will be remembered as a great pirate.", "Lets have a drink of rum in his memory.", "Cheers, for Sidney and all of his adventures.", "For Sidney, may he rest in peace.", "For Sidney, he now travels in the seas of heaven." ]
The pirate know as Sydney died at sea, and so Addison gave him the appropriate burial.
[ "I proclaim thee, Sydney, of free soul and free of earthly harm.", "I wish the best for you, Sydney, a true adventurer at sea.", "May the winds take you to the heavens that you seek.", "May your soul continue to navigate the seas which you claimed as your own.", "Sydney, you were a great first mate and a mighty fine pirate.", "May you rest in peace with your ship!" ]
Sydney gave Addison a kick when it was time to get up and leave for the bus.
[ "Sydney kicked me this morning.", "Why would she do that to you?", "She wanted me to get out of bed.", "Oh. Well, it is pretty hard to get you out of bed." ]
Sydney gave Addison a kick when it was time to get up and leave for the bus.
[ "My shine is sore.", "Did you hurt yourself?", "On the bus this morning I fell asleep and when we got to school Sydney kicked me in the shine to wake me up.", "That wasn't very nice.", "She said it was only suppose to be a light kick but she \"didn't know her own strength.\"", "Yeah, sure. I hope she apologized." ]
Sydney gave Addison a kick when it was time to get up and leave for the bus.
[ "Sydney, wake up already!", "Ouch! Why did you kick me!", "You've been sleeping for an hour, it is time to get off the bus!", "Oh shoot, why didn't you wake me earlier?", "I tried to but you pushed me away!" ]
Sydney gave Addison a kick when it was time to get up and leave for the bus.
[ "Get up Sydney you're not going to be late again", "Ow Addison you didn't have to kick me", "Mom put me in charge", "yeah yeah fine I'm getting up", "Eat something too", "Fine I'll have cereal" ]
Sydney gave Addison a kick when it was time to get up and leave for the bus.
[ "Hey, why did you kick me? I still have time before I have to leave!", "Get out of bed! The bus will be here any minute and you’re not even dressed!", "It takes two seconds for me to get dressed! Worry about yourself!", "Fine! I don’t care if you miss the bus and be late!", "Great! Now get out of my room before I kick YOU!", "Grrr....whatever." ]
Carson was not happy about going on spring break and they pissed and moaned the entire trip.
[ "I hate it here.", "You hate it in Cancun? Are you nuts?", "Yes it sucks. It's too warm and sunny. And I hate the ocean.", "Wow I wish my parents had taken me to Cancun. I'm stuck here back at home.", "I'd trade spots with you in a second! I hate going on trips.", "It's too bad we're not twins. We should switch like in that movie." ]
Carson was not happy about going on spring break and they pissed and moaned the entire trip.
[ "I really don't want to be here.", "Why?", "Because I'm not happy with this trip.", "It's spring break man, enjoy it.", "I can't bro.", "Well, stop pissing and moaning about it and let others enjoy it." ]
Carson passed his first semester of college with straight A's. Carson decided to throw a party to celebrate.
[ "I am so excited you guys, guess what?", "What happened?", "I aced all of my classes! I want to throw a party.", "That's amazing man, I am so proud of you. When should we have this party?", "I was thinking about next Saturday.", "Sounds great !" ]
Carson passed his first semester of college with straight A's. Carson decided to throw a party to celebrate.
[ "I'm so happy that I'm done with my first semester of college.", "How did you do?", "I got straight A's!", "Congratulations! You should celebrate.", "I am, I decided to throw a party to celebrate.", "Can I come to the party too?" ]
Carson passed his first semester of college with straight A's. Carson decided to throw a party to celebrate.
[ "Hey dude, come to my party Saturday night at 8, it's going to be a blast!", "Sure! What are we celebrating?", "Me making my mama proud with straight A's in my first semester of college!", "Congrats! Good job, that isn't an easy task.", "It wasn't too bad, you just have to stay focused", "Good thing you did, now we get to party down haha" ]
Carson passed his first semester of college with straight A's. Carson decided to throw a party to celebrate.
[ "I'm throwing a big party tonight and I wanted to know if you'd like to come.", "Yeah, I'm free. What's the party for?", "I'm celebrating my straight A grades at college.", "Wow, congratulations! That definitely deserves a party.", "Yeah, I've done a great job during my first semester." ]
Addison was busy all day and didn't have time to eat. She found some leftovers in the fridge. Addison ate the tacos that were left.
[ "Today was so hectic that I didn't even get a chance to eat.", "Oh, no. That's not good for you at all.", "I know. When I got home I found some leftover tacos in the fridge and ate them.", "Wait, those were my leftovers! I was going to have them for lunch tomorrow.", "Oh, oops, I'm really sorry. I'll take you out for lunch tomorrow to repay you.", "Okay, fair enough. I accept your apology." ]
Addison was busy all day and didn't have time to eat. She found some leftovers in the fridge. Addison ate the tacos that were left.
[ "I'm feeling a bit queasy.", "Oh no, did you eat something bad?", "I might have. I found some leftover tacos in the refrigerator and ate them when I got home. I was too busy to eat all day and was so hungry.", "Wait, not the tacos that I left there a month ago I hope!", "Oh geez, I don't know. Maybe. They had a lot of guacomole in them.", "I think that was mold, not guacamole. You'd better go to the hospital!" ]
Addison was busy all day and didn't have time to eat. She found some leftovers in the fridge. Addison ate the tacos that were left.
[ "Thank goodness for leftovers! Today has been a long and hectic one, I didn't have time to eat lunch.", "I hate when that happens. What'd you end up eating.", "I had taco fixings leftover from Tuesday's dinner.", "That sounds good. I wish I had some tacos right about now. I'm starving!", "I make them at least once every week because they not only taste good, but they're so quick and easy to prepare.", "Sounds delicious. Tomorrow is taco night at my house!" ]
Cameron continued playing with the dog to the point he stayed out till it was dark.
[ "I was playing with my dog like all day today.", "Is that why you didn't answer my call?", "Yeah, sorry, what's up?", "Nothing, how is your puppy?", "She is good, she is getting bigger everyday.", "Awe, I want to come and see her." ]
Cameron continued playing with the dog to the point he stayed out till it was dark.
[ "I stayed out till it was dark.", "How come you stayed this long?", "I was playing with my dog.", "Did you play that long?", "Yes, I did.", "Wow sounds like you had fun" ]
Cameron continued playing with the dog to the point he stayed out till it was dark.
[ "I had the best day ever yesterday!", "That's awesome! What did you do?", "I just played with my dog until it got really late!", "Honestly that sounds like so much fun!", "Yeah I definitely needed it after my last week at work", "There’s nothing that a dog can’t fix!" ]
Cameron continued playing with the dog to the point he stayed out till it was dark.
[ "I love playing with this dog!", "I know right, isn't she so cute?", "She really is! We've been out here until it was dark!", "I know! Totally worth it though!", "Agreed! What a blast!" ]
Cameron continued playing with the dog to the point he stayed out till it was dark.
[ "I took my dog out for a walk today.", "I bet the poor boy was dying for something outdoorsy.", "Yeah, I took its favorite plush toy with me.", "And what did you do with that?", "We played a game of catch till it was dark.", "Whoa! That must have been so much fun." ]
Jordan was playing with a friend when the friend hurt his head. Jordan gave him something to help it.
[ "I am so sorry to hear that you hurt your head. I wish that you have an awesome and speedy recovery my friend", "Thank you. The head trauma was severer but it is manageable with pain medication here and there. I am lucky to be alive", "Sure you are! I hope you have learned a valuable lesson about staying safe", "I really have. I appreciate you being here and supporting me the whole way through. You are such a good friend", "Of course. I'm happy to help you", "You are! Thanks" ]
Jordan was playing with a friend when the friend hurt his head. Jordan gave him something to help it.
[ "Are you all right? That was a bad fall.", "My head hurts.", "You have a bump on your head.", "It really hurts.", "Here, press this iced towel to your head. That will help.", "I hope so. Thank you." ]
Jordan was playing with a friend when the friend hurt his head. Jordan gave him something to help it.
[ "Here take this ice pack", "Thanks, is it bleeding?", "No but you do got a big egg", "It hurts a lot", "You fell from the top of the slide maybe we should call your mom", "Yeah I think so too" ]
Aubrey opened Casey's eyes to the fact that Aubrey loved them and Casey wanted to return that love.
[ "I love you and I think you might feel the same way for me.", "Wow, I didn't know you felt that way about me.", "I do. Do you feel the same?", "I think I do. I think we would work great together.", "I love you.", "I love you too." ]
Aubrey opened Casey's eyes to the fact that Aubrey loved them and Casey wanted to return that love.
[ "I finally just broke down with Casey and let him cry in my arms as I cried into his!", "What was he even crying about? I have never seen a man cry.", "Just life, love, heartache and all the things he had been threw, it was like he had never had anyone really listen to him before.", "Do you think he knows how much you love him now and that you are not going to hurt him?", "I certainly hope he understands that all I want is his love, and nothing else.", "Well if he doesn't understand that, than I am not sure what he will understand." ]
Kai played a prank on their parents because it was the first of April and it was their tradition.
[ "Guess what today is?", "April 1st?", "Yup! I just pranked my parents and they got so mad at me! They should know better as it's a tradition.", "Oh no! What did you do this time?", "I switched out the sugar with salt. My parents spit out the coffee when they tasted the salt!", "That's not nice. You better not prank me!" ]
Kai played a prank on their parents because it was the first of April and it was their tradition.
[ "I love it when April arrives.", "Do you have special occasions during April?", "Yes! I played prank on my parents because it was first of April.", "Ohhh! Seems you enjoy playing pranks on them", "Sure! it is our tradition.", "Good." ]
Kai played a prank on their parents because it was the first of April and it was their tradition.
[ "I really got my parents good today.", "What do you mean by that?", "I played a prank on them.", "Why would you do that?", "It's the first of April.", "I can't believe I forgot. I wanted to play a prank on you too." ]
Our substitute teacher that day was Kendall, who took us all to the art museum.
[ "I had to fill in for Mrs. Barnes for the field trip.", "Where did you guys go?", "It was a trip to an art museum, the kids learned so much and were excited to see all the painting and sculptures.", "Kids should have the chance to experience art in all forms. Did they keep you buys chasing them?", "Oh my god, they wore me out!" ]
Our substitute teacher that day was Kendall, who took us all to the art museum.
[ "I was the substitute teacher that day.", "I didn't know you were a substitute teacher.", "Yeah, I'm on call at the charter school.", "That's nice. Do you choose the activities for the classes you teach?", "Sometimes. That day I did. I took the class to the art museum.", "You must be a great teacher." ]
On a sunny day at the park, Jan played games with their friends.
[ "I had such a fun day at the park.", "It was a nice day to be at the park.", "It sure was. A bunch of my friends were there and we played games all day.", "Sounds like a lot of fun.", "It was. I hope we do it again, soon." ]
On a sunny day at the park, Jan played games with their friends.
[ "Hey want to come out and play in the park later?", "Yeah I am almost done with my chemistry homework.", "We are playing some ultimate frisbee here so it'll be fun.", "Okay, I love ultimate frisbee and play it all the time!", "That's great, we're gonna be here til 3pm.", "Okay, I'll see you down there soon." ]
On a sunny day at the park, Jan played games with their friends.
[ "You want to go to the park with me?", "Sure, it looks like a nice day.", "Yeah, it's supposed to be sunny all day.", "What should we do at the park?", "We should play games with all our friends.", "That'll be a lot of fun." ]
On a sunny day at the park, Jan played games with their friends.
[ "It is the perfect weather for a fun activity, don't you think?", "That is true! We can play Capture-the-flag.", "Sheesh-kebab! I left the my flags at home.", "I did not bring mine either.", "How about Frozen tag?", "Yes. Look! Your mum. Tag, you're it!" ]
Kendall impressed upon Remy her values about how to go to work on time and pay your bills.
[ "I told Remy how to get financially organized.", "How did Remy receive the advice?", "Everything I said about going to work on time and paying bills seemed to fall on deaf ears.", "I'm sure Remy has heard it all.", "It's just that it's hard to not speak in generalities when it comes to this stuff, you know? How do I get through to them?", "Yeah, knowing the right action doesn't seem to always motivate people." ]
Kendall impressed upon Remy her values about how to go to work on time and pay your bills.
[ "Hi Remy. I just want to talk to you about something that is very important to me.", "Sure what's up?", "Great, it's very important to get to work and pay your bills on time.", "I agree. But sometimes, I can't get to work on time. Sometimes, my bills are too high, and I can't pay them.", "You'll need to use strategies to leave out early for work and budget your income.", "Your values mean a lot to me. I'll work very hard to accomplish these goals." ]
Kendall impressed upon Remy her values about how to go to work on time and pay your bills.
[ "I had to have a talk with Remy today about his responsibilities.", "He's slacking I take it.", "Yeah, I got an email today about his cell phone bill being unpaid now for over a month and his work called looking for him cause he was late.", "Sounds like he's enjoying his summer a bit too much.", "Indeed, I think I need to impress upon him that if he wants to keep the privilege of using the car, he needs to get to work on time and pay his bills.", "I am sure once he doesn't have the car keys anymore, he will remember the values of hard work and punctuality." ]
After spotting the large black widow spider building a web in the window, Skylar killed the spider.
[ "That was one huge spider that was on the window", "I think it was a black widow", "Oh wow, I think they are really poisonous", "Well, it's a good thing it's dead so it can't hurt us anymore" ]
After spotting the large black widow spider building a web in the window, Skylar killed the spider.
[ "Man I hate spiders.", "Hey be nice Skylar! That's a rare black widow!", "No thanks. I hate spiders.", "Aww come on! Skylar you didn't have to squash it.", "Hey, you said it yourself. It was a rare and dangerous spider.", "You could have moved it to another location, Skylar." ]
Cameron made a deal with the prosecutor for a lighter sentence if he informed on his fellow burglars.
[ "My lawyer made me a deal with the prosecutors for a lighter sentence.", "What do you have to do to get it?", "I just have to tell them everything I know about the other burglars.", "You mean you're going to snitch on your friends?", "You can call it that if you want. I'm just looking out for myself.", "If I were you, I would be careful if the others find out." ]
Cameron and his friend had always wanted to start a business. Cameron lived their dream and did it.
[ "It feels so good to have this business up and running with my friend.", "You guys deserve it for working so hard.", "Yeah, it's been our dream for the longest time.", "How has business been so far?", "Great. I think we're going to do well this year.", "I can't wait to go and shop there." ]
Cameron and his friend had always wanted to start a business. Cameron lived their dream and did it.
[ "You know how I always talked about wanting to start my own delivery business. I finally quit dreaming about it and did it!", "Oh wow! How's it going so far?", "Well, there's been a lot of ups and downs -- learning curves and unexpected things but overall I think it's been great.", "Do you think the business will thrive even with corona virus going on?", "I'm hoping now is the time it will grow the most as people are wanting things delivered instead of going out to pick them up themselves", "Well, I hope it all works out for the best for you!" ]
Cameron and his friend had always wanted to start a business. Cameron lived their dream and did it.
[ "I'm going to have to start hiring more employees at the record store.", "Wow that's really taking off for you! I'm so mad at myself for chickening out at the last minute.", "Yeah I'm pretty excited at how things are going. It's hard work but it's a great feeling having your own business.", "Meanwhile I sit in a cubicle all day. Darn!", "Well it's never too late. And now that I know the ins and outs I can help you out. There's a space open across the street from my store.", "I'll give that some consideration. Maybe I'll open up my own record store and put you out of business! Haha." ]
Jan had a job interview at the hotel, so Taylor came along to fill out an application.
[ "Thank you for taking the long on your job interview today.", "It was coming along this way anyway, so you can pick up an application.", "I hope we both get the jobs we are applying for so we can carpool together every day.", "That would be so much fun and we can gossip all the way to and from work.", "Good luck on your interview!", "Good luck on your application too." ]
Jan had a job interview at the hotel, so Taylor came along to fill out an application.
[ "I really hope you get the job Jan.", "Yeah me too. Hey if we're lucky maybe we can both be hired.", "I hope so. I hope your interview goes well.", "And I hope they accept your application, so one day you can get a big interview too.", "Yeah, we'll make it too the big times.", "That's the spirit Taylor." ]
Jan had a job interview at the hotel, so Taylor came along to fill out an application.
[ "I'm glad I came along with you for your job interview.", "Why's that?", "I'm going to fill out an application to work at this hotel.", "Wouldn't it be great if we both got a job here.", "Maybe we could commute together.", "And maybe we're getting a little ahead of ourselves." ]
Jan had a job interview at the hotel, so Taylor came along to fill out an application.
[ "I've been meaning to apply at the hotel.", "I have an interview there today. You should come along.", "That would be great. You sure you don't mind?", "No, it would be great to have the company on the way.", "Great, I'll get my coat.", "Sounds good." ]
Austin took Bailey to the doctor after Bailey kept coughing up fluid in the middle of the night.
[ "I was so scared last night, because my brother Bailey to the Dr because he was coughing up fluid last night.", "What did the Doctor say?", "He's ok. It's a cold.", "At least it's not staying in his lungs.", "That's what the Dr said. It was better that he was coughing stuff up out of his lungs.", "When your folks come home they will be really glad you took care of him!" ]
After being obese her whole life Riley decided to lose weight. Robin supported Riley's weight loss.
[ "Riley has decided to start losing weight.", "That's incredible! How do you feel about it?", "I just want her to be happy, so whatever works for her I support.", "That is really nice of you." ]
Jordan sold books on facebook to all of his friends through a multi level marketing company.
[ "I have developed a new gig.", "Are you selling used books out of your car trunk?", "No, even better, I am selling books on facebook to all of my friends through a multi level marketing company.", "You will never see the money.", "Why would you say that?", "I just quit a job selling books on facebook to all of my friends through a multi level marketing company." ]
Jordan sold books on facebook to all of his friends through a multi level marketing company.
[ "I've been selling these books on Facebook to all of my friends.", "Where do you get the books from?", "From a multi-level marketing company.", "Oh, so is this one of those where you want friends to sign up to?", "I would like for them to. Some do. But not all.", "It's good that you're not pushy." ]
Ash got smacked in the face with the soccer ball during yesterdays game, but it didn't phase him.
[ "Man were you watching yesterdays game?", "You mean when you got smacked in the face with the ball", "It was totally planned", "I don't think it was but you kept going", "Had to, what else was I? going to do", "You did great" ]
Ash got smacked in the face with the soccer ball during yesterdays game, but it didn't phase him.
[ "I got hit by a soccer ball in the face yesterday during the game.", "Did you get hurt?", "It was nothing. I get hit all the time.", "That's part of the game I guess.", "It's a contact sport so I expect to get hit and get injured.", "It requires a certain acceptance of the dangers to play the game." ]
Ash got smacked in the face with the soccer ball during yesterdays game, but it didn't phase him.
[ "Did you see that?", "Yea, the soccer ball nailed you in the face and you didn't blink.", "I know, I was really into the game.", "I love your focus." ]
Ash got smacked in the face with the soccer ball during yesterdays game, but it didn't phase him.
[ "Don't freak out, but I have a black eye.", "Seriously? What happened?", "I got hit in the face with the ball during the soccer game yesterday.", "Ouch! Are you okay?", "Yeah, I think I had so much adrenaline I didn't even really notice until afterwards. It doesn't hurt much.", "That's a relief. It makes my eye hurt just looking at you though." ]
Cameron found out that Alex was being dishonest, so Cameron knew when Alex lied to Cameron.
[ "Cameron knew I was dishonest!", "You should have behaved better!", "Hmm. Cameron now know when I lied to him.", "Yu shouldn't lie." ]
Remy loved the outdoors and named on her plants. She just named the lilly outside her window.
[ "Noticed today my plant named Manny just produced its first bloom", "You have a plant named Manny?", "Yes, I name all my plants", "Why Manny for this one?", "It was given to me by my friend maned Manny that's how it got the name", "that's cool, I'll give you one so I have a plant named after me too" ]
Alex moved a lot as a child and as a result went to many new schools.
[ "My family moved 10 times when I was a kid.", "That is a lot of moving.", "It is. I was the new kid at school a lot.", "Did you go to a different school every time?", "I went to five different elementary schools. It was hard to make friends and keep them.", "That must have been tough." ]
Alex moved a lot as a child and as a result went to many new schools.
[ "It is so hard to make any friends since I move so much.", "Well I am your friend. At least you got me.", "Yes, but I wish my family would quit moving but we have to because my dad is in the military.", "Well you got me as long as you are here or as long as we stay in" ]
During a romantic moment on their first date, Sydney looked Kai in the eye.
[ "Our first date was so romantic. Kai looked me in the eyes and I just melted.", "I'm so glad that you two are hitting it off. Is there going to be a second date?", "Definitely. We are going to a drive in movie.", "That sounds romantic in an old fashioned way .", "It's going to be dreamy." ]
During a romantic moment on their first date, Sydney looked Kai in the eye.
[ "It was such a romantic date with Kai.", "I had no idea you guys were dating.", "It was our first date.", "What made it romantic?", "We both looked each other in the eye during one moment.", "I hope you guys go on more dates." ]
Cameron woke up at 5:00 AM and left his house as soon as he got up despite still feeling tired.
[ "It was really hard to get up today.", "At what time did you get up.", "At 5:00 AM, I almost stayed in bed.", "That is really early, do you always wake up at that time.", "I do, but today I was feeling really tired.", "I can imagine, you have a tough schedule." ]
Cameron woke up at 5:00 AM and left his house as soon as he got up despite still feeling tired.
[ "It was a tough morning.", "How's that?", "I woke up at 5:00 A.M., exhausted, and then had to go right to work.", "Well, either you have to go to bed earlier or get a job that doesn't start at 6:00 A.M.", "Nice advice, genius.", "I can see you're still tired and cranky." ]
Adison knew that something was wrong with the kitten, so Addison fed the kitten with new food.
[ "The kitten looked sick", "What was wrong with him?", "He needed different food, the other food was bad for his stomach", "Is wet food better for him?", "Yes he feels a lot better now", "I'm glad, poor little guy" ]
Adison knew that something was wrong with the kitten, so Addison fed the kitten with new food.
[ "I changed my kitten's food from that cheap stuff.", "Does she like it?", "She eats it and she's been acting much better.", "So was the food causing problems?", "It was. She is definitely more playful and happy.", "I am glad no more kitten tummy aches for her." ]
Adison knew that something was wrong with the kitten, so Addison fed the kitten with new food.
[ "I can feel it.", "Feel what?", "I can feel there is something wrong with the little baby cat.", "What will you do?", "Going to give it new food.", "I hope that works." ]
Remy paid me back by putting change in my wallet. Not ideal, but at least I got the money back this time.
[ "I finally saw the friend I owe money to.", "Did he ask for his money back?", "No, but I put change in his wallet.", "Great. At least you got the chance to pay him.", "I'm so happy I did.", "That is nice." ]
Remy paid me back by putting change in my wallet. Not ideal, but at least I got the money back this time.
[ "I put the money right back in his wallet.", "That is what he told me. He thought its strange.", "But I paid him back. That's what counts.", "Yeah, he said; \"but at least I got the money back this time.\"", "What? I don't owe him anymore money.", "He appears to think otherwise." ]
Remy paid me back by putting change in my wallet. Not ideal, but at least I got the money back this time.
[ "I decided to give you back the money as change and I put it in your wallet.", "You didn’t have any bills?", "No, I gave you all quarters though so it would not be too much.", "I guess that is ok, because last time you forgot to even pay me back.", "I know and I also included that money as well.", "Well that was nice of you to do." ]
Remy paid me back by putting change in my wallet. Not ideal, but at least I got the money back this time.
[ "I put the money I borrowed back in your wallet.", "Thanks, but it was all change.", "It was money I was keeping in a jar after emptying my pockets for months.", "Well, I'm glad I at least got repaid.", "I know that I still owe you from other times.", "No, big deal." ]