1 value
Tendulkar made only four in @placeholder's victory in the first match on Sunday, but batted throughout the home team's innings of 401-3 as he made exactly 200.
(CNN) -- Sachin Tendulkar confirmed his status as one of cricket's all-time great batsmen on Wednesday, adding the highest individual one-day international score to his list of world records. The 36-year-old became the first player to score a double-century in the 50-over format as India thrashed South Africa by 153 runs in the second match of the series in Gwalior to take an unassailable 2-0 lead. Tendulkar surpassed the previous record of 194, which was jointly held by Pakistan's Saeed Anwar and Charles Coventry of Zimbabwe, to take his record total of runs to 17,598 in 442 one-day internationals played. @highlight Sachin Tendulkar becomes first player to score a double-century in 50-over cricket @highlight The 36-year-old smashes exactly 200 as India thrash South Africa by 153 runs @highlight He surpasses previous record of 194 jointly held by Saeed Anwar and Charles Coventry @highlight Tendulkar scores 46th ton in 442 one-day outings as India take unbeatable 2-0 lead
'The @placeholder decision is confirmed in full and the sanction remains in force.'
Barcelona will not be allowed to sign players in 2015 after the Court of Arbitration for Sport upheld the FIFA sanction imposed on the Catalan club. The ban was imposed on Barca after they were deemed to have breached rules on signing international players under the age of 18. Barca were appealing the ban at CAS headquarters in Lausanne, Switzerland, this week but it was confirmed on Tuesday morning that it has been upheld and the Catalans will also be fined 450,000 Swiss Francs (£293,000). Luis Suarez's move to Barcelona was allowed while the club appealed against a ban on new signings, which is now in force after FIFA's original sanction was upheld by the Court of Arbitration for Sport on Tuesday @highlight Barcelona were sanctioned for breaching rules on signing international players under the age of 18 @highlight The Catalan club appealed against ban at the Court of Arbitration for Sport @highlight FIFA upheld original two transfer window penalty on Tuesday morning @highlight Barcelona says they 'totally disagree' with the decision @highlight A LFP statement called the ruling 'disproportionate' and 'inappropriate' @highlight Barca's appeal to CAS forced a delay of the initial ban and allowed the signing of Luis Suarez, Ivan Rakitic and Thomas Vermaelen in summer
@placeholder hopes to raise $25million by tapping both grassroots and establishment donors to help GOP women win state and federal races.
By Mark Duell Last updated at 4:18 PM on 8th February 2012 Republicans are trying to boost women's support for the GOP presidential nominee by setting up a political action group to back female candidates. An adviser to Sarah Palin, a Tea Party leader and a Republican politician are together starting the innovative ‘ShePAC’ political action committee. Tim Crawford, who has advised 2008 vice presidential nominee Mrs Palin and former President Ronald Reagan, is one of the three founders. Founders: Original Tea Party activist Teri Christoph, left, and ex-Senate candidate Suzanne Haik Terrell, right, now an advocate for GOP women, are both involved @highlight PAC group set up by three experienced Republicans @highlight Tim Crawford, Teri Christoph and Suzanne H. Terrell @highlight Can raise unlimited amounts of money for campaigns
However, he maintained his grip on power from the shadows with his longtime ally, @placeholder, serving as a placeholder.
By Chris Pleasance PUBLISHED: 11:58 EST, 19 September 2013 | UPDATED: 13:15 EST, 19 September 2013 Harold Wilson once quipped that a week is a long time in politics. And by that measure Russian President Vladimir Putin has been in power for an eternity. But it seems that an eternity may not be enough for the ex-KGB premier, as he revealed he could run for a fourth presidential term in 2018. Scroll down for video Putin was first elected in 2000 and served two four year terms until he handed control of the country to puppet president Dmitry Medvedev who served until 2012 when Putin was reelected, this time for a six year term @highlight Russian President has said that he wouldn't exclude running again @highlight Has been in direct or indirect control of the country since 2000 @highlight Joseph Stalin ruled for 24 years from 1929 until his death in 1953
Grateful: @placeholder, right, told her friend she was thankful to her for making her feel less alone
By Daily Mail Reporter A nine-year-old girl who shaved her head in support of a friend with cancer has been barred from her school for violating its dress code. Kamryn Renfro, from Grand Junction, Colorado, thought she was making a kind gesture by shaving off her hair to support Delaney Clements, 12, who is also bald after undergoing chemotherapy. 'It felt like the right thing to do,' Kamryn told KUSA. Delaney, who suffers from neuroblastoma, said: 'I was really excited that I would have somebody to support me and I wouldn't be alone with people always laughing at me', KREX reported. @highlight Kamryn Renfro, from Grand Junction, Colorado, was told that her act of compassion violated the dress code at her school @highlight She shaved her head so her friend Delaney Clements, who suffers from neuroblastoma, a childhood cancer, didn't feel so alone @highlight Officials buckled and are allowing the girl to return to school on Tuesday
One item Friday referred to the leader as "the dear respected @placeholder."
Seoul, South Korea (CNN) -- North Korea's decision to launch a second long-range rocket this year, in the face of international condemnation, could be partly due to internal instability, a senior South Korean government official said Friday. "This action is driven primarily by domestic demand," the official said, declining to be identified because of the sensitivity of the matter. Read more: What does North Korea's planned rocket launch mean? North Korea has said it will launch the rocket between Monday and December 22 in a fresh attempt to put a satellite in orbit. But other countries, including the United States, say the move is a cover for testing ballistic missile technology, which the United Nations has forbidden the North from doing. @highlight North Korea says it will launch a rocket as early as next week @highlight It says it's aimed at putting a satellite in orbit, but others say it's a missile test @highlight A South Korean government official says internal pressures are driving the plan @highlight The official cites recent statements from Kim Jong Un evoking the idea of uprisings
However, campaigners say an apology from the @placeholder will be insufficient without a Government-led public inquiry to uncover the full extent of the abuse, and they are angry they have been refused permission to speak in today’s debate.
By Jonathan Petre PUBLISHED: 16:28 EST, 6 July 2013 | UPDATED: 16:48 EST, 6 July 2013 The Church of England will acknowledge its ‘deep grief and shame’ over clerical sex abuse today when it votes to make an historic apology to victims. The move comes as The Mail on Sunday has learned of proposals being actively considered by the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby for the Church to set up its first national commission on abuse. In a strongly-worded joint statement issued before today’s vote at Church ruling body the General Synod, Archbishop Welby and the Archbishop of York John Sentamu said the suffering inflicted on children, young people and adults ‘is and will remain a deep source of grief and shame for years to come’. @highlight General Synod expected to back motion offering 'unreserved' apology @highlight Statement issued by Archbishops of Canterbury and York describes the abuse as 'a deep source of grief and shame for years to come' @highlight Archbishop Welby is actively considering national commission on abuse
@placeholder was the first on the scene of the incident, in which a man was stabbed in the neck, and confiscated a bag of cannabis before taking the victim to hospital.
Guilty: PC Alan King has been jailed for three years after having sex with a lover in his marked car A married police officer has been jailed for three years after having sex with a witness in his patrol car while he was on duty. PC Alan King, 48, also seized cannabis from a suspect to smoke with his lover - but the 'house of cards' fell when the suspect himself told other officers about the deal, a court heard. Father-of-two King texted 'Happy Birthday' to Zoe Barham, 36, after he was called to an incident at the branch of Betfred where she worked in Gravesend, Kent. @highlight PC Alan King, 48, texted Zoe Barham after meeting her at crime scene @highlight He picked her up in marked car and had sex in an alleyway while on duty @highlight King took drugs for lover from a suspect in exchange for dropping charges @highlight But 'house of cards' fell when suspect himself gave description of the PC @highlight Father-of-two, of Hoo, Kent, denied misconduct but was found guilty
@placeholder cannot keep hiding from its past, and its present, like this.
Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (CNN)I've heard that the Senate report on CIA torture is 6,000 pages long. My story, though, takes place elsewhere: in Guantanamo, away from the CIA program that the report covers. The 6,000 pages of the Senate report are just the start of what Americans have to accept happened in their name.It starts and ends in the silence of a tiny, freezing cold cell, alone. That's when you hold yourself in a ball, and fight to ignore the confusion of what has just happened to you, and the fear of what might be coming next. Or the fear that comes when you realize that no one is coming to help; that the life, family and friends you knew are all far, far away. @highlight Samir Naji describes conditions in Guantanamo Bay detention camp @highlight Naji says he was interrogated for three months by two teams, running shifts round the clock @highlight Interrogators abused him, forced him to look at degrading pornography, he claims @highlight Treatment shames American flag hanging in the prison corridor, Naji says
Ronaldo, who won the @placeholder on Monday, heads the ball during the training session
Cristiano Ronaldo insists he has no regrets about playing in the World Cup despite carrying an injury and refuses to use it as an excuse for his below-par performances in Brazil. Portugal were eliminated at the first hurdle after finishing third in a group containing eventual winners Germany, the United States and Ghana. Ronaldo, who was crowned the best player in the world for a third time at Monday's Ballon d'Or gala in Zurich, only managed to score once in three World Cup games - during Portugal's only win against Ghana. Cristiano Ronaldo, pictured at Real Madrid training on Wednesday, has no regrets about playing at the World Cup despite carrying an injury into the tournament in Brazil @highlight Cristiano Ronaldo played in last summer's World Cup despite injury @highlight Portugal were eliminated at the group stage after finishing third @highlight Ronaldo only scored once in three World Cup matches sin Brazil @highlight Real Madrid forward says injury is no excuse for performances
Obama has largely stayed off the campaign trail as his fellow @placeholder find it a liability to be seen with him in public.
Republicans are bracing for a 'wave' election on Tuesday that could put them in control of both houses of Congress for the last two years of Barack Obama's presidency. They already run the House of Representatives, and expect to enlarge their majority. But the battle royale is in the Senate, where the GOP's 45 seats could become as many as 54 by the time the dust settles. 'Democrats are expecting an old-school shellacking,' a campaign consultant who worked for Obama's 2012 campaign in Iowa told MailOnline on Monday. He was promised anonymity so he could speak freely. 'President Obama has been the worst thing that could have happened to Dems in the Senate this year. Everything Obama touches this year turns to s**t. The Republicans are going to laugh all the way back to Washington, and the president is going to be on defense until he leaves.' @highlight GOP could gain as many as NINE Senate seats but needs just six to take over both houses of Congress @highlight Former Obama campaign consultant: 'President Obama has been the worst thing that could have happened to Dems in the Senate this year. Everything Obama touches this year turns to s**t' @highlight Wild cards include an 'independent' candidate who could join up with either party, and two races that may go to runoffs in December and January @highlight The White House will be on permanent defense until the end of Obama's term if Democrats lose big @highlight Then the real battle begins as Congress will send bill after bill to the president and force him to sign them or be labeled an obstructionist
@placeholder's Novak Djokovic plays a shot during his men's singles semi-final match against Stanislas Wawrinka
World number one Novak Djokovic is through to Sunday's final of the Australian Open after a less-than-convincing face-off with defending Melbourne champion Stan Wawrinka. The match was one of twists and turns, with an uneven performance on both sides which had spectators wondering about the energy levels and health of Djokovic. The 27-year-old admitted in the post-match interview that the error-riddled game had sapped him of his energy after the third set, but said he still thought he had played well. Scroll down for video Novak Djokovic is through to the final of the Australian Open after beating Stanislas Warwrinka in five-sets @highlight Novak Djokovic is through to final of the Australian Open @highlight World No 1 beat Stanislas Wawrinka 7-6, 3-6, 6-4, 4-6, 6-0 @highlight After winning the third set, Djokovic appeared to not know he had won @highlight The umpire laughed @highlight He appeared to lose energy and had a high number of unforced errors @highlight Serb will face Andy Murray in the final on Sunday in Melbourne @highlight Djokovic beat Murray in 2011 and 2013 Australian Open final
How dare he criticize @placeholder while still in office, they asked.
(CNN) -- The publication this week of memoirs by Leon Panetta has stirred up a sharp controversy in the press, but as so often happens these days in Washington, the focus seems to be on the sensational rather than the important. And that leads to the larger argument: whether Panetta, Bob Gates et. al. should have published these books may be controversial, but it is a sideshow compared to what's really important -- and that's what they have to say about the making and execution of American foreign policy these days. White House aides and allies of the President were naturally upset to read some of the stinging comments by the former defense secretary and CIA director about the inner workings of the Obama administration. Overlooking the fact that Panetta was also generous in his praise about the President, they set out to slime him. @highlight David Gergen: Obama allies focused on whether Panetta should have written book so soon @highlight He says Washington insiders have been telling tales on administrations since Nixon @highlight The real problem is a swollen and all-controlling White House staff, he says @highlight Gergen: Experienced leaders like Panetta need to be given scope for decision making
Instead of waiting for three years, couples will now get through to @placeholder clinics after unsuccessfully trying for a baby for two years.’
By Jo Macfarlane PUBLISHED: 16:10 EST, 19 May 2012 | UPDATED: 16:10 EST, 19 May 2012 Women over 40 will be entitled to free fertility treatment on the NHS for the first time under Government guidelines to be published this week. The NHS is set to extend the controversial upper age limit for IVF by three years to 42, following advice that suggests many women in their late 30s and early 40s could conceive after treatment. The current guidance is that the NHS should not provide IVF to women over the age of 39. Government guidelines: Women over 40 will be entitled to free fertility treatment on the NHS for the first time @highlight NHS set to extend controversial upper age limit for IVF by three years to 42 @highlight Proposed move follows advice that many women in late 30s and early 40s could conceive after treatment
Bereaved: @placeholder speaks out in a television TV about his tragic ordeal
A Kentucky boy died in his father's arms in a hospital waiting room a few days before Christmas, with his parents claiming staff failed to help them and were saying: 'Wait your turn.' Michael 'Mikey' Guallpa was rushed to St Elizabeth hospital in Florence on December 20. He was vomiting and shaking and had been to see a doctor earlier in the day after coming down with the flu. Mikey's mother, Zara Jimbo, said her husband pleaded for help, but they were told to wait and sit down in the waiting room. About 20 minutes later Mikey vomited again and passed out. @highlight Mikey Guallpa, 6, was taken to St Elizabeth hospital in Florence on Dec. 20 @highlight He had been diagnosed with the flu two days earlier but became worse @highlight Staff told his father, Jose Guallpa, to wait their turn @highlight Mikey passed out in the waiting room and was pronounced dead
@placeholder cited extensive damage to roads, buildings and homes, and said he had spoken to the military about mobilizing reserve forces for assistance.
(CNN) -- A magnitude 8.0 earthquake struck the Pacific near American Samoa, triggering towering tsunami waves that gushed over the island and leaving at least 22 people dead. The tsunami wave hit right in the middle of the harbor of Pago Pago, the capital. American Samoa Gov. Togiola Tulafono, speaking from Hawaii, said Tuesday's quake ranked "right up there with some of the worst" disasters on the island. He said about 50 people had been treated for injuries so far but he expected that number to rise. The quake hit the small cluster of South Pacific islands early Tuesday morning. By evening, Laumoli, standing outside the LBJ Tropical Medican Center morgue in the capital of Pago Pago, confirmed 22 deaths. @highlight NEW: White House declares major disaster; orders federal aid @highlight U.S. sending plane with aid, officials to help American Samoa @highlight Magnitude-8.0 quake strikes near Samoan Islands early Tuesday @highlight Quake struck at depth of 7.4 miles, triggered three 5-foot tsunamis
The Coast Guard said that a merchant vessel Saturday located an overturned hull that matched the description of the @placeholder, but there was no sign of the sailors.
(CNN) -- The U.S. Coast Guard's search for four British sailors missing in the Atlantic Ocean since late last week resumed Tuesday morning, the service said. The Coast Guard, in a statement, said the new search involved six ships and three planes, including a Canadian C-130. The search focused on an area 1,000 miles (1,600 kilometers) east of Cape Cod, Massachusetts. The 39-foot (12 meters) Cheeki Rafiki was sailing from the Caribbean to the United Kingdom last Thursday when it began taking on water, according to the yacht's managing agent. "Unfortunately, we lost contact during the early hours of Friday morning, and we believe the crew abandoned to the life raft," Doug Innes said in a statement on Sunday. @highlight Six ships and three planes scouring Atlantic Ocean @highlight Four British sailors are believed to have abandoned ship Friday @highlight The 39-foot Cheeki Rafiki began taking on water the day before
@placeholder then left her home with a black trash bag and returned sometime later without it, the prosecutor said.
Aaron Hernandez's fiancee pleaded not guilty to perjury on Tuesday, with prosecutors alleging she lied to those looking into the death of Odin Lloyd, whom Hernandez is accused of killing. A lawyer for Shayanna Jenkins strongly denied the claims in a Fall River, Massachusetts, court, saying her client has been "fully cooperative other than insisting on her Fifth Amendment rights" and received immunity for grand jury testimony. Jenkins is among a handful of people charged as investigators look into Lloyd's fatal shooting in June. Hernandez has pleaded not guilty to first-degree murder in Lloyd's death. "It seems to me that this is overreaching, the indictment is overreaching, the statement by (the prosecutor) is overreaching, and the request for bail is overreaching," said Jenkins' lawyer, Janice Bassil. @highlight Shayanna Jenkins, Aaron Hernandez's fiancee, pleads not guilty to perjury @highlight Prosecutors say she wasn't truthful on what she did with a bag taken from his house @highlight Her lawyer calls prosecution's case "overreaching," notes Jenkins had immunity @highlight Hernandez is charged with first-degree murder in Odin Lloyd's killing
@placeholder stepped up and scored the penalty against Leicester that should never have been
Leicester manager Nigel Pearson called for the introduction of video technology after his side fell victim to two terrible penalty decisions in Thursday's 2-2 draw at Liverpool. Leicester were particularly incensed by referee Mike Jones’ decision to award a 17th minute spot kick for handball when the ball clearly hit Wes Morgan in the face. That provoked Match of the Day’s Gary Lineker, himself an ex-Leicester player, to tweet: ‘Worst penalty decision ever as Mike Jones gives handball against Leicester’s Morgan at Anfield when it hit him in the face. Wait until you see some of the refereeing decisions on MOTD. I reckon some of them may have been celebrating too hard last night.’ @highlight Liverpool were awarded a penalty by referee Mike Jones in the 17th minute @highlight The ball struck Wes Morgan in the face but the official gave the penalty @highlight Steven Gerrard scored it and put Liverpool ahead on New Year's Day
From the 20th floor, Lin should be able to see @placeholder -- the town he now runs -- in the distance.
Jeremy Lin, the newly-minted King of New York who has won the affection of the whole city by leading the Knicks to five straight wins, has finally found an apartment of his own... in suburban White Plains. The night before his stellar performance that beat the New Jersey Nets last week, Lin crashed on the couch at a teammate's apartment after he found himself without a place to stay. Now he has rented a $3,800-a-month two-bedroom apartment in a Trump highrise in downtown White Planes, New York. Now he as another incredible win to his name, as Lin scored the vital 3-point shot right at the buzzer of Tuesday night's game against the Toranto Raptors. @highlight Lin had been sleeping on his brother's couch but moved to Landry Fields' sofa the night before the New Jersey Nets game @highlight Lin now has a contract for $620,000 a year, compared with more than $18M for the other New York Knicks stars @highlight Scored the winning 3-point shot right at the buzzer Tuesday night
'The piece created by @placeholder is a true testament to Sefton and I'm sure will be admired by many visitors to the college in years to come.'
By Daily Mail Reporter PUBLISHED: 19:46 EST, 15 October 2013 | UPDATED: 02:26 EST, 16 October 2013 The Princess Royal is to unveil a life-size bronze statue of a horse who became a symbol of the struggle against the IRA after surviving the deadly 1982 Hyde Park bomb atrocity. The Royal Veterinary College commissioned the sculpture of Sefton, whose recovery from the blast which killed seven stablemates and four soldiers captured the nation's hearts. The college's artist in residence, Camilla Le May, was handed the task of sculpting the black gelding and has created a three quarters of a ton sculpture, showing him walking briskly. @highlight Sefton survived the blast, which killed four soldiers and seven horses @highlight He captured the nation's hearts in aftermath of horrific attack @highlight Now the Royal Veterinary College will immortalise the brave steed
During the 2014 tour, the couple had an almost identical itinerary with a single exception - @placeholder, which was on last year's tour, has been swapped for the UAE and Kuwait.
It's less than a week since Prince Charles was last in Saudi Arabia and just under three months since Prince Harry last visited the Middle East. Now Clarence House has announced that the Prince of Wales is to set out on a whirlwind solo tour of the region early next month, with the United Arab Emirates, Jordan and Kuwait on the itinerary. However, the trip could prove controversial thanks to the presence of Qatar and Saudi Arabia on the schedule. New tour: Charles, pictured here arriving in Riyadh last week, is to tour the Middle East next month Regular visitor: Prince Charles arrives in Riyadh for the funeral of King Abdullah last weekend @highlight Charles will travel to the Middle East at the beginning of next month @highlight Stops include Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Jordan and the UAE @highlight Charles will be hosted by the royals of each country on the itinerary @highlight He toured many of the same countries with Camilla last year @highlight Clarence House says the tour is at the request of the British Government @highlight Charles was in Saudi Arabia last week for the funeral of King Abdullah @highlight Prince Harry is a recent visitor and toured Oman and the UAE in November
A House bill proposes virtually killing a subsidy program that helps 162 small rural airports, like the one in @placeholder, stay in business.
(CNN) -- Graydon Grotberg remembers when his hometown of International Falls, Minnesota, had no commercial airport. Now, he can't imagine life without it. More than a half-century ago, Grotberg boarded a Greyhound bus for the 300-mile trip to Minneapolis-St. Paul where he enlisted in Marine Corps boot camp amid the Korean War. Two years later, he returned home to Minnesota and a bus brought him back to International Falls, safe and sound. But Greyhound doesn't service International Falls anymore. Neither does Amtrak. So Grotberg, now an 81-year-old retired widower, relies on a Delta Connection flight from the International Falls airport to the Twin Cities, where he receives medical treatment for his eye condition. When he can't make the flight, he shares a VA hospital van with several other travelers willing to endure the six-hour drive. @highlight Minnesota man relies on small airport for medical treatment @highlight House bill aims to kill subsidies to dozens of small airports @highlight Airport: Killing subsidies would hurt town's economy @highlight Opponent: Subsidies waste federal money
always said she was a friend of @placeholder's, Amanda has always respected
By Hugo Gye PUBLISHED: 06:45 EST, 30 September 2013 | UPDATED: 16:48 EST, 30 September 2013 More DNA tests will be carried out on the weapon thought to have killed Meredith Kercher it was heard today as the bar owner wrongly accused of her murder claimed Amanda Knox is guilty. Knox's second appeal trial began in Florence where the Italian judge agreed to test one DNA trace not previously examined because it had been deemed too small. A court-ordered review in the first appeal trial discredited DNA evidence on the kitchen knife linked to Ms Kercher. Scroll down for video @highlight Amanda Knox's retrial began in Florence this morning but she is in Seattle @highlight 'She is guilty and that is why she slandered me,' says Patrick Lumumba @highlight Miss Knox and her one-time lover Rafaele Sollecito have already served four years in jail following the murder of Meredith Kercher @highlight Both were freed on appeal in 2011 but were ordered to face retrial
The PCC, which had warned that publication could breach the editors’ code of practice on privacy grounds, has already said it would be ‘inappropriate’ to open its own investigation into the @placeholder’s printing of the photos.
By Sam Adams PUBLISHED: 09:06 EST, 28 September 2012 | UPDATED: 05:43 EST, 29 September 2012 Complaint: Aides of Prince Harry (pictured here serving in Afghanistan) have said pursuing the complaint would be a 'distraction' from his work as an Apache helicopter co-pilot Prince Harry has decided not to make a formal complaint to the press watchdog over the Sun’s decision to publish nude photographs of him. The tabloid was the only newspaper to defy advice from the Press Complaints Commission not to print the pictures of Harry taken during a game of strip billiards in Las Vegas. @highlight Press watchdog received 3,800 complaints after The Sun ran nude pictures of Prince Harry @highlight Prince's aides say pursuing complaint against newspaper would be a 'distraction' @highlight Said the prince is focused instead on his work as an Apache helicopter pilot in Afghanistan
To get revenge, @placeholder went on to publish her name, address, contact details and photograph online, branding her a 'grass'.
By Richard Hartley-parkinson PUBLISHED: 07:02 EST, 4 April 2013 | UPDATED: 08:27 EST, 4 April 2013 Trevor Hannington has been jailed for harassing a woman who provided a witness statement against him A Nazi thug dubbed 'The Fist' has been jailed for posting abusive messages about the woman who 'grassed him up' to police. Hitler-loving alcoholic Trevor Hannington, 61, from Treherbert, South Wales, was due to face trial for offences under the Terrorism Act when former friend Lindsay Seagrim-Trinder gave a witness statement against him. However, he pleaded guilty so she was never called to court to testify against him. @highlight Trevor Hannington jailed for stirring up racial hatred @highlight Former friend Lindsay Seagrim-Trinder told police about his racist views @highlight After he was released from prison he waged hate campaign against her
@placeholder opponents equate the measure to amnesty, and have said it would signal to the world that the United States is not serious about enforcing its laws or its borders.
Washington (CNN) -- Ola Kaso, who was born in Albania and came to America at the age of 5, described her predicament in a Senate hearing Tuesday. "Despite my compliance with the law, there's no way I can achieve citizenship," said Kaso, now 18 and ready to start college in the fall at the University of Michigan. "Despite aspirations and hard work, I face deportation in one year." In short, she said, "I am a DREAM Act student." Kaso referred to legislation pushed by Democrats but opposed by Republicans that would give children of illegal immigrants a path to citizenship through military service or college education. @highlight Children of illegal immigrants face deportation @highlight Supporters of the measure urge giving them a chance to stay @highlight Republicans complain the measure could increase illegal immigration @highlight The DREAM Act offers a path to citizenship through the military or college
The @placeholder are expected to ask for revised offers for all packages at the start of next week, which suggests bidding is very close for all sets of rights.
Sky faces losing the lion's share of Premier League live rights The £4billion fight to show live Barclays Premier League football will go into a second round next week. The bids were tabled for the seven packages — starting in 2016-17 — by a noon deadline on Friday, but there was no immediate verdict from the Premier League, as there was a week earlier for the highlights rights won by BBC. This is because America’s Discovery Channel and maybe even Qatar-based beIN Sports could join BT Sport and Sky in a fierce battle that will not be concluded until Tuesday or Wednesday. @highlight Sky and BT Sport have tabled bids to show live Premier League matches @highlight Discovery Communications and beIN Sports also expected to bid @highlight Increased competition could push price per match to £8million
Earlier this month, charges were dropped against three Spurs fans who were accused of using the word "yid" while at a @placeholder game.
(CNN) -- The ugly specter of anti-Semitism in football has raised its face again after a man was arrested at an English Premier League game. Police confirmed that a 57-year-old man was arrested and charged on "suspicion of a racially aggravated offense" at Sunday's match between Tottenham Hotspur and Southampton. Tottenham's fanbase has a large Jewish contingent, and they originally called themselves "Yid Army" in response to anti-Semitic abuse from rival supporters, but the offense did not relate to the "Y-word." The club has often experienced abuse by its London rivals but this incident was unusual given the lack of animosity between Tottenham and Southampton. @highlight Fan arrested for anti-Semitic abuse at Tottenham's game against Southampton @highlight Man, 57, charged on suspicion of a racially aggravated offense @highlight He was reported to police by visiting Southampton supporters @highlight Scheduled to appear in court on May 19 pending further investigations
When @placeholder's arrest was brought to the agency's attention, 'we began a review of the traffic stop and self-initiated an internal investigation,' Iacobelli says.
By Daily Mail Reporter and Ap A suspended South Carolina state trooper threatened to use a Taser on Cincinnati Bengals defensive lineman Sam Montgomery during a traffic stop last week for speeding. South Carolina Highway Patrol Lance Cpl. R.S. Salter shouted directions at Montgomery during the stop early Wednesday. The 6-foot-3, 262-pound lineman attempts to comply when Salter tells him if he can't follow the commands 'the next thing you're going to get is the Taser.' SCROLL DOWN FOR VIDEO Unprofessional: Trooper Salter's instructions for Montgomery were confusing, to say the least Taser: As Montgomery politely tries to comply with Salter's bizarre instructions, the trooper threatens to Taser him @highlight Bengals lineman Sam Montgomery did everything he could to politely comply as the trooper shouted at him @highlight Montgomery was stopped after Salter says he caught him driving 89 mph in a 55 mph zone @highlight Rather than write him a ticket, Salter arrested the NFL player and had him spend the night in jail @highlight The Department of public safety said Salter's actions were 'not representative of professionalism' the agency expects
Incoming: @placeholder boss Arsene Wenger checks his phone as he took part in a Match for Peace
Re-live all the drama here Jack Wilshere has taken to Instagram to welcome his England team-mate and new Arsenal signing Danny Welbeck to the team. Welbeck sealed a £16million move from Manchester United to Arsenal in the closing hours of transfer deadline day on Monday and Wilshere seems delighted to have 'another English lad' in the Gunners squad. He wrote: 'Big welcome to my boy Welbz....great player for a great club! Another English lad! #Gooner'. VIDEO Scroll down to watch Welbeck and Wilshere leading England training Happy: Jack Wilshere (right) welcomes Arsenal new boy Danny Welbeck to the team with an Instagram post @highlight Jack Wilshere welcomes Danny Welbeck to Arsenal @highlight Arsenal completed a £16m transfer for England forward Welbeck @highlight The Manchester United striker arrives as a replacement for Olivier Giroud who has been sidelined with a broken foot until the new year @highlight Welbeck was training at Arsenal's London Colney training base on Monday with the England team ahead of the international against Norway @highlight He has signed a five-year contract with the Gunners @highlight Tottenham were hoping to land him but Arsene Wenger made a late move @highlight The Gunners had earlier missed out on Monaco striker Radamel Falcao
Earning his @placeholder: Javier Hernandez could escape the United sidlines for a new start with Tottenham
Arsenal are ready to challenge Manchester United for German centre-half Mats Hummels. So far United have failed to agree a fee with Borussia Dortmund for the World Cup winner, with the German club wanting a sum in excess of £25million. Arsenal, though, could come up with the cash after the sale of Thomas Vermaelen to Barcelona on Saturday. CLICK HERE to start picking your Fantasy Football team NOW! There’s £60,000 in prizes including £1,000 up for grabs EVERY WEEK… Battling it out: Manchester United could have a rival for Mats Hummels' signature in Arsenal Champion: The centre half, middle with Matthias Ginter (right) and Erik Durm, won the World Cup with Germany @highlight German World Cup-winning centre half is valued at £25million @highlight Arsenal will enter the race now that Thomas Vermaelen has gone to Barca @highlight Man United hope to complete the signing of Juan Cuadrado this weekend @highlight Tottenham are set to make a move for United's Javier Hernandez @highlight Sam Allardyce is a 'dead man walking' at West Ham @highlight Harry Redknapp wants to lure Andros Townsend to QPR
At the end of the day, it's things like SeeYourImpact.org and @placeholder that really are what life is really all about.
(CNN) -- Apolo Anton Ohno has won eight Olympic medals -- two of them gold -- in short track speed skating, but he is also well known for helping people away from the rink. Ohno is the spokesman for SeeYourImpact.org, a nonprofit organization that not only lets people donate directly to someone in need, but also e-mails them to show exactly how their gift is making a difference. Ohno has been involved with CNN Heroes this year, serving on the Blue Ribbon Panel that selected the Top 10 Heroes. He recently sat down with CNN Entertainment senior producer Denise Quan to talk about CNN Heroes and his philanthropy. Below are excerpts from that interview. @highlight Olympian says SeeYourImpact.org represents the future of philanthropic giving @highlight The website facilitates donations and then shows donors how their gift made a difference @highlight Apolo Anton Ohno: 'People want to see how their money is being used' @highlight Ohno is on the Blue Ribbon Panel that helped choose this year's Top 10 CNN Heroes
‘We got our just rewards for the education we gave @placeholder over the last 10 years.’
Rangers boss Ally McCoist has told Dundee United chairman Stephen Thompson to stop ‘moaning’ as the row over the Charlie Telfer transfer fee rumbles on. An SPFL tribunal this week ordered the Tannadice club to fork out £204,000 in compensation to the Ibrox club after signing the youngster in the summer. Rarely used by McCoist, Scotland Under-19 midfielder Telfer turned down a new contract after 10 years at Rangers to team up with Jackie McNamara’s side on a Bosman and was named SPFL Young Player of the Month for November. Dundee United have been told to pay Rangers £204,000 for youngster Charlie Telfer (second from left) @highlight An SPFL tribunal has ordered Dundee to pay £204,000 for Charlie Telfer @highlight The Tannadice club expected to pay around half of that amount @highlight But Ally McCoist believes the club must accept the decision and move on
Gas station: The owners, @placeholder, say Betty didn't follow procedures and has been suspended
By Emma Thomas PUBLISHED: 08:10 EST, 7 November 2013 | UPDATED: 08:29 EST, 7 November 2013 A petrol station employee has been suspended after she refused to hand over cash to an armed robber. Betty Green was working at the Speedway gas station in Lexington, Kentucky, when a man came in and demanded cash. At about 8pm on Saturday night, a man came into the store, off Tates Creek, and bought some beer then handed her a note. Suspended: Betty Green was suspended from her job after she handed over cash to an armed robber She told lex18.com: 'I started reading it, and it said "I don't want anyone to get hurt, take your money in the drawer, put it in a bag and give it to me."' @highlight Betty Green was working at Speedway gas station in Lexington, Kentucky @highlight Company rules say she should have handed over cash @highlight Lexington boxer Shawn Kirk is a person of interest
Killed in Sunday's attack in Vienna was 57-year-old @placeholder.
NEW DELHI, India (CNN) -- Tensions eased in the northern Indian state of Punjab on Tuesday, following widespread violence across the region after a Sikh guru was shot to death and another was wounded at an Indian temple in Vienna, Austria. Sikh demonstrators brandish sticks as they shout slogans during a protest in Amritsar. The situation was tense, but under control, Punjab's inspector general of police said Tuesday morning. The army and federal security forces were called in to restore order, added inspector general Parag Jain. Thousands took part in demonstrations across the Doaba region, where protesters attacked public transportation, knocking out train service in some areas. They also blocked a national highway to Jammu, CNN sister network CNN-IBN reported. @highlight Tensions ease in Punjab after widespread violence over Sikh guru's death @highlight Sant Rama Nand shot dead in temple in Vienna, Austria; another guru wounded @highlight Situation remains tense in Punjab, police say; also unrest in Doaba region @highlight Several businesses ransacked, one person reported dead, according to police
He has also written a letter imploring @placeholder officials for help.
(CNN) -- The American held in North Korea, Matthew Miller, begins his six-year sentence of hard labor on Thursday. A North Korean government official released a photo of Miller, taken on Wednesday. Dressed in a blue-gray prison garment with the number 107 and his head shaved, Miller is seen with his eyes downcast, staring away from the camera. Details about where he'll serve his sentence or what labor he will be required to do were not released. Miller was convicted of committing "acts hostile" to North Korea and sentenced earlier this month. North Korea has accused him of ripping up his visa on arrival to the country so he could go to prison and expose human rights violations there, according to the state-run Korean Central News Agency. @highlight American Matthew Miller begins six-year sentence of hard labor Thursday @highlight North Korea released photo of Miller in prison wear @highlight Miller was convicted of committing "acts hostile" to North Korea @highlight Miller called his family to ask for help on Wednesday
Lewis and some of his @placeholder friends, who Andrew seemed to recognize and was able to talk about.
A Virginia mom has come to believe the ghost of a US Marine who was killed over 30 years ago in a terror attack is somehow now possessing her four-year-old son. Michele Lucas of Virginia Beach claims her son Andrew has been recalling the story of Sgt. Val Lewis, a soldier who died in the 1983 Beirut barracks bombing. Lucas told WTKR-TV it started when the toddler began talking about things no child his age should, beginning with saying he used to live at 860 Main Street in Sumter, Georgia. Lucas began researching herself but couldn't work out what Andrew was talking to, however the behavior only increased. @highlight Michele Lucas of Virginia Beach claims her son Andrew has been recalling the story of Sgt. Val Lewis @highlight Sgt. Lewis was one of 241 American servicemen killed in the Beirut barracks bombing in October 1983 @highlight Andrew has been crying hysterically asking his mom: 'Why did you let me die in the fire?' @highlight She claims he recognizes photos of other soldiers that were with Sgt. Lewis when he died @highlight The family are working with the TV show Ghost Inside My Child
Rodgers was speaking at Liverpool's pre-match press conference on Monday ahead of their @placeholder clash
Brendan Rodgers has called for cool heads as he reminded Liverpool’s players they are not racing against time in Tuesday’s collision with Basle. Liverpool need a win to reach the Champions League’s last 16 but, as Rodgers pointed out, they only need one goal to knock the Swiss side out of the tournament. Part of Liverpool’s threat under Rodgers’ last season was the devastating starts that blew teams away – beating Arsenal 5-1 is perhaps the best example – and there has been a longing from supporters to see that verve return to their play. VIDEO Scroll down for Brendan Rodgers: We will have to patient to get the result @highlight Liverpool have to beat Basle to reach the last 16 of the Champions League @highlight Reds trail Basle by a point in Group B ahead of Tuesday's final match @highlight Basle have lost both of their Champions League away games this season @highlight Click here for Liverpool team news, probable line-ups, odds and stats
‘All things put together, I think @placeholder deserved at least penalties.
By John Drayton Lionel Messi had no right to win FIFA's Golden Ball and was only handed the award because of a 'marketing plan' according to Diego Maradona. Argentina's talisman was voted the World Cup's most impressive individual, despite failing to score in any of their knockout games and cut a peripheral figure in the final. The decision has caused uproar across the globe, with conspiracy theories as to why Messi won rife immediately after the announcement. Scant consolation: Messi stood a winner in a losing team alongside Golden Gloves winner Manuel Neuer Didn't deserve it! Diego Maradona says Messi's award was a marketing plan instead of a genuine prize @highlight Messi failed to impact upon the game against Germany @highlight Mario Gotze's extra time winner signalled the end for Argentina
The Libyan government on Saturday took journalists to the eastern city of @placeholder, where the government ousted rebels about a week ago.
Tripoli, Libya (CNN) -- Libyan state TV reported Sunday that the opposition-held town of al-Bregahad been "been cleansed from the criminal gangs and mercenaries, the area is now safe, and all citizens should go back to their work and their normal life." Forces loyal to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi have been fighting to recapture towns from the rebels since an uprising began last month. Opposition leaders in Benghazi confirmed to CNN that their forces have left al-Brega, but they are calling their move a "tactical retreat." The military has been pounding the key oil port of Ras Lanuf, once in the hands of rebel forces, and has taken control of towns such as nearby Bin Jawad. The Gadhafi government appears intent on retaking all territory from the opposition despite growing international pressure. @highlight NEW: Foreign ministry denounces Arab League's call for no-fly zone, state TV says @highlight The opposition says its forces pulled out of Al-Brega in a "tactical retreat" @highlight The town is "cleansed from criminal gangs and mercenaries," state TV says @highlight Gadhafi's forces have been fighting to regain towns from the opposition
Thankfully, @placeholder have stripped nothing from the single-player campaign, with reports suggesting it takes upwards of 30hours to complete.
By Talal Musa PUBLISHED: 11:14 EST, 2 May 2013 | UPDATED: 11:20 EST, 2 May 2013 Some racing games opt for realism. Others, sheer arcade fun. But while many have crashed and burned trying to perfect a combination of both, Codemasters seem to have discovered the winning recipe in Grid. It would be tempting, then, to assume that its sequel would follow the same path many-a-successful game implores and replicates the original adding a new lick of paint? Hot wheels: To stop things from getting boring, Live Routes ensures tracks keep changing Thankfully, this is not the case, for it's clear Codemasters have been hard at work, tweaking Grid's engine to squeeze as much out of it as possible - particularly the multiplayer. @highlight RaceNet has been tuned to make this most social racing game yet @highlight 'Rivals' system pairs you with another player to take on challenges @highlight Live Routes constantly changes track design - offering millions of combinations
A notice where @placeholder once stood, directs people to the youth group if they want to view the work for a small donation
By Jill Reilly CCTV may have captured the elusive artist Banksy as he was installing his latest creation in Bristol. Cameras - ironically set up to deter graffiti artists - filmed two people dressed as workmen unloading kit from the back of a white van in the early hours of Sunday morning. The video belongs to Broad Plain and Riverside Youth Project - they removed the artwork hours after it was put up, sparking a row over theft - and even leading to the leader receiving death threats. Scroll down for video CCTV may have captured the elusive artist Banksy as he was installing his latest creation in Bristol. Cameras - ironically set up to deter graffiti artists - filmed two people unloading kit from the back of a white van in the early hours of Sunday morning @highlight Created Mobile Lovers at the weekend on the edge of Bristol city centre @highlight Removed from the wall by youth club who insist it was made for them @highlight Plan to sell the work to fund the future of the club - want at least £100,000 @highlight Bristol City Council: Not '100 per cent sure of the ownership' of the wall
And a year ago, Mayweather said the Pacquiao fight will never happen 'because I will never do business with @placeholder again.'
In the week since Manny Pacquiao dominated and dismantled Chris Algieri over 12 lop-sided rounds in Macau, the clamour for him to fight Floyd Mayweather Jnr has reached unprecedented levels. Pacquiao stoked the flames by dutifully calling out Mayweather to anyone who would listen and his promoter Bob Arum quickly followed suit, as he had done with gusto in the build up. The WBC, whose welterweight and light-middleweight titles Mayweather holds, then claimed they will do whatever they can to make the fight despite having ranked the pair as No 1 and No 2 for the last year without installing Pacquiao as Mayweather's mandatory challenger. @highlight Manny Pacquiao defeated Chris Algieri in Macau last Saturday @highlight Talk is now intensifying over a fight with Floyd Mayweather @highlight Mayweather has remained silent, despite five years of speculation @highlight Amir Khan is still on the shortlist to fight Mayweather at some point @highlight The Bolton boxer has to beat Devon Alexander in December first, though
The fearsome @placeholder makes light work of a Panda car, as it hoists it aloft in front of the crowds at Newcastle's Maker Faire UK
By Julian Robinson A giant robotic hand arches down and locks its metallic fingers around a car like a scene from a futuristic film. With frightening power it clamps the roof of the green Panda and uses its superhuman robot strength to hold it aloft. With frightening power it squeezes the vehicle's frame as if it were no stronger than paper, smashing through the windows and crumpling the body work. RoboHand, a giant robotic hand with hydraulically-powered fingers, crushes a green Panda at Life Science Centre in Newcastle RoboHand is the attraction that has been dazzling audiences at the Maker Faire UK, a science technology and arts and craft extravaganza at Newcastle's Life Science Centre. @highlight Six ton robotic arm is capable of crushing cars, oil drums and wardrobes @highlight Powerful hydraulic fingers were made out of recycled scrap metal @highlight Dutch RoboHand, on show in Newcastle, tours world for science shows
Death wish: Barbour told detectives that he and @placeholder had plotted to kill someone in the past, but without success
By Aaron Sharp and Snejana Farberov PUBLISHED: 02:15 EST, 7 December 2013 | UPDATED: 08:30 EST, 7 December 2013 Two young Pennsylvania newlyweds lured a stranger to his death with a Craigslist ad because they wanted to fulfill their long-time fantasy of killing someone together. Sunbury police said 22-year-old Elytte Barbour was charged Friday night in the death of 42-year-old Troy LaFerrara. Barbour's 18-year-old wife, Miranda, was charged Wednesday. Investigators said Elytte Barbour confessed to police the couple planned the killing. He previously told The Daily Item of Sunbury his wife acted in self-defense when LaFerrara, who was married, groped her after hiring her as a ‘companion.’ @highlight Miranda Barbour, 18, arranged to meet married engineer Troy LaFerrara in parking lot for sex @highlight Her husband, 22-year-old Elytte Barbour, was hiding under blanket in backseat and waiting for a signal @highlight Police say Elytte strangled LaFerrara with a cord while his wife repeatedly knifed him @highlight Miranda had previously claimed she stabbed him in her car after he tried to sexually assault her @highlight Couple later washed blood from the car and drive to a strip club to celebrate Elytte Barbour's birthday
Subsequent state-of-the art DNA testing conducted after the conviction showed that semen on the victim belonged to her husband, not @placeholder.
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- A former death row inmate in Tennessee has been cleared of murder, three years after the Supreme Court raised repeated questions about his conviction. After 22 years on death row, Paul House was released on bail and has now been cleared of murder charges. State prosecutors on Tuesday asked a judge to drop all charges against Paul House, who was convicted of murder and sentenced to die in 1986. Special Judge Jon Blackwood accepted the request. House had been scheduled to be retried next month for the 1985 murder of Carolyn Muncey. He had been on death row for 22 years but was released on bail last year. He has multiple sclerosis and must use a wheelchair. @highlight New evidence prompts judge to drop murder charges against Paul House @highlight House, of Tennessee, spent 22 years on death row for murder of Carolyn Muncey @highlight House, who uses a wheelchair, was released on bail in 2007 @highlight New DNA testing helped raise doubts
The cousins first opened the gallery in @placeholder in 2006, but the conflict had forced them to move the headquarters to Dubai around three years ago.
(CNN) -- For three decades or so, Syrian artist Safwan Dahoul has been painting pensive, haunting images -- all of which are titled "Dream". The somber paintings typically depict a downcast, lone woman, painted in shades of gray or muted colors. A celebrated painter, Dahoul had seen his works acquired by the Syrian Ministry of Culture and the national museum in Damascus. But he now lives in Dubai, joining over two million fellow citizens who fled overseas to escape the brutal civil war. When Dahoul moved to the UAE in 2012, he left behind most of his belongings, including many of his "Dream" paintings, at his Damascus home. @highlight Ayyam Gallery, based in Dubai, helped more than a dozen Syrian artists flee the civil war @highlight It also moved over 3,000 artworks out of Syria @highlight Turmoil and lack of accessibility have driven demand for artworks from Arab Spring countries, including Syria
'While many supermarkets strive to keep within a few percentage points of @placeholder’ prices, WinCo Foods often undersells the massive discount chain,' Supermarket News says.
By Daily Mail Reporter PUBLISHED: 11:32 EST, 9 August 2013 | UPDATED: 14:51 EST, 9 August 2013 A small Idaho grocery chain has been dubbed 'Wal-Mart's worst nightmare' after recording huge profits at its 100 stores. The no frills Western-based chain WinCo offers cheaper prices as well as better employee conditions than its giant rival, according to experts who claim that the small chain could one day be national competitor. The danger for Wal-Mart is fitting given the company started with a name aping the large chain. Strength to strength: Rapidly expanding grocery chain WinCo offer lower prices and better pay and conditions for staff than most of their big rivals @highlight Western-based chain WinCo currently has around 100 stores @highlight It appears to offer better employee conditions than its giant rival @highlight They buy direct from supplier and not accept credit cards
'[But] I know @placeholder, and I'm sure he did the calculations right.'
The evidence for 'Planet X' - the mysterious hypothesised planet on the edge of our solar system - has taken a new turn thanks to the mathematics of a noted astronomer. Rodney Gomes, an astronomer at the National Observatory of Brazil in Rio de Janeiro, says the irregular orbits of small icy bodies beyond Neptune imply that a planet four times the size of Earth is swirling around our sun in the fringes of the solar system. Planet X - perhaps mis-named now that Pluto has been demoted to a dwarf planet - has been widely hypothesised for decade, but has never been proven. @highlight Distortion to orbits of asteroids beyond Pluto imply mystery planet is tugging at them, claims astronomer
The black, ash-filled gas has soared as 1.5 kilometers (almost 1 mile) above @placeholder and extended 13 kilometers (8 miles) out from it, toward the southeast.
(CNN) -- Chilean authorities on Sunday issued a red alert -- the most severe in their warning system -- that the Copahue Volcano, high in the Andes mountains on the border with Argentina, might be poised for a significant eruption. In a statement, Chile's Geological and Mining Service stressed that no mandatory evacuations have been ordered around the remote volcano, which lies about 280 kilometers southeast (175 miles) of Concepcion, though the closest roads to it are in Argentina. Even though the seismic activity suggests a minor eruption, the agency decided to raise the alert level because it could not rule out a major eruption. The service warned specifically about potentially dangerous mudslides within a 15-kilometer (9.3-mile) radius of the crater. @highlight A Chilean ministry issues its highest level of alert for the Copahue volcano @highlight No evacuations are ordered, but the agency can't rule out a significant eruption @highlight Copahue's summit is over 9,800 feet above sea level, near the Argentinian border @highlight Its last significant eruption was in 2000
@placeholder and Levin had released a statement eight months ago that said, "The CIA did not first learn about the existence of the Usama Bin Laden courier from CIA detainees subjected to coercive interrogation techniques.
On Wednesday, three senior U.S. senators sent Michael Lynton, the CEO of Sony Pictures, a letter about "Zero Dark Thirty," the much-discussed new movie about the hunt for Osama bin Laden, which described the film as "grossly inaccurate and misleading." In the letter, Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Dianne Feinstein, D-California, Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin, D-Michigan, and Sen. John McCain, R-Arizona, expressed their "deep disappointment" in the movie's depiction of CIA officers torturing prisoners, which "credits these detainees with providing critical lead information" about the courier who led the CIA to bin Laden's hiding place in northern Pakistan. @highlight Sens. Feinstein, McCain, Levin send letter calling new film "grossly inaccurate" @highlight Letter adds to controversy over depiction of torture as a key to finding bin Laden, Bergen says @highlight Senate committee has approved 6,000-page classified report on CIA interrogations program @highlight Bergen says as much as possible of that report should be released to the public
Of the 116 episodes in the 1960-1964 TV show "@placeholder" (yes, always spelled with a lower-case "r") only two episodes were actually filmed on Route 66.
(CNN) -- Route 66 has been called "the most famous highway in the world," and it remains the ultimate road trip. Within the United States and to travelers from around the globe, Route 66 is on par with the Alamo and the Statue of Liberty as an icon of America. Route 66 offers today's travelers the chance to press their noses against the window peering into another time, and it shows us an America that still exists off the modern freeway system. Here's a glimpse into that world, with seven things most folks don't know about Route 66. 1. Over 2,000 of Route 66's original 2,448 connected miles are still approachable, if not always drivable. @highlight John Steinbeck conceived of "The Grapes of Wrath" on a late 1937 summer drive on the famous highway @highlight "(Get Your Kicks on) Route 66" was partially written while the songwriter and his wife were driving to Los Angeles @highlight Although the signage is sporadic, Route 66 is properly co-designated "the Will Rogers Highway"
Barca hope to have @placeholder back for that match, as his injury is not as bad as feared.
(CNN) -- While Zlatan Ibrahimovic showed more evidence of his importance to Paris Saint-Germain on Saturday, Barcelona responded with an ominous warning of the club's powers even without Lionel Messi. With the four-time world player of the year battling to be fit for Wednesday's visit by the French league leaders, having injured his hamstring in last week's 2-2 draw, Cesc Fabregas put up his hand for a role in the second leg of the Champions League quarterfinal. In a Messi-esque performance, the Spain midfielder took his chance to impress as he scored his first hat-trick for Barcelona in a 5-0 thrashing of Mallorca that kept the Catalan side 13 points clear of second-placed Real Madrid in La Liga. @highlight Cesc Fabregas scores his first hat-trick for Barcelona in absence of injured Lionel Messi @highlight Alexis Sanchez scores other two goals in Spanish leaders' 5-0 win over Mallorca @highlight Eric Abidal makes his long-awaited return for Barca after liver transplant @highlight Champions League opponents PSG extend French lead with win
The brother said he "confronted (@placeholder), who denied the remains were human," then went upstairs to get his father, the detective said in the charging document.
(CNN) -- Hours after his family members alerted police to a human head and two hands they discovered stashed in metal tins, a Maryland man admitted killing his housemate, cutting him up, then eating his heart and part of his brain, authorities said. Alexander Kinyua, 21, was being held without bail at the Harford County Detention Center after being charged with first-degree murder, first-degree assault and second-degree assault. Calls to his public defender Friday morning were not immediately returned. Suspect in Canada body parts probe described as 'creepy' and a kitten-killer His roommate, Kujoe Bonsafo Agyei-Kodie, had left his Joppatowne home six days earlier for an apparent early morning jog. Wearing a T-shirt and shorts, he left his wallet, cell phone and identification at home. @highlight Kujoe Bonsafo Agyei-Kodie, 37, was reported missing last Saturday @highlight His roommate's relatives say three days later, they found a head and hands @highlight The roommate later admitted to killing Agyei-Kodie, authorities say @highlight He said he ate Agyei-Kodie's heart and part of his brain, a sheriff says
More commercial than @placeholder' records, Iggy's solo albums were met with critical acclaim and better sales, but never breakthrough into the mainstream.
(CNN) -- Iggy Pop invented punk rock. That's how cool he is. His songs have been covered by the likes of Guns N' Roses, REM, The Red Hot Chili Peppers and The Sex Pistols. Iggy Pop: The wildest man in rock music. He is the wildest wild man of rock and his four-decade career has been marked by drug addiction, self mutilation and onstage nudity -- and at 61 years old he is showing no signs of growing old gracefully. Born on April 21, 1947, in Muskegon, Michigan, James Newell Osterberg grew up in a trailer park. When he began learning the drums as a teenager his parents gave up their bedroom to house his drum kit. It wasn't long before he took his talent out of the bedroom, playing with high-school band The Iguanas, from which he later took his stage name. @highlight Iggy Pop and The Stooges produced three classic albums in the 60s and 70s @highlight In 1975, Iggy checked himself into a mental institution in a bid to get off Heroin @highlight David Bowie co-wrote and produced Iggy's The Idiot and Lust for Life albums @highlight The Stooges re-united in 2003 and have since played all over the world
There is also persistent tension over China's efforts to control the level of its currency, the renminbi, which @placeholder officials say make it undervalued.
(CNN) -- Vice President Xi Jinping of China, the man set become the country's next paramount leader, is scheduled to meet with President Barack Obama and other officials on Tuesday during a U.S. visit that is likely to help burnish Xi's statesmanly credentials at home and abroad. The planned meetings have thrust Xi, who is expected to become head of the ruling Communist Party later this year, onto center stage in both the American and Chinese news media. Hu undertook a similar visit 10 years ago as he was being groomed for the top job. But beneath the carefully choreographed presentation of the high-profile meetings lies a range of contentious issues on which Xi has little incentive to give ground, including trade and China's growing military presence. @highlight The Chinese vice president is in the United States for a five-day visit @highlight Xi Jinping is expected to become China's president later this year @highlight He is scheduled to meet with President Obama and other top officials @highlight Observers expect Xi to take a tough line on issues like trade
The latest company accused of allowing this sort of thing is @placeholder, the Internet car-ride service.
(CNN) -- In the Internet age, we have no choice but to entrust our data with private companies: e-mail providers, service providers, retailers, and so on. We realize that this data is at risk from hackers. But there's another risk as well: the employees of the companies who are holding our data for us. In the early years of Facebook, employees had a master password that enabled them to view anything they wanted in any account. NSA employees occasionally snoop on their friends and partners. The agency even has a name for it: LOVEINT. And well before the Internet, people with access to police or medical records occasionally used that power to look up either famous people or people they knew. @highlight Uber is under investigation for spying on riders without their permission @highlight Bruce Schneier: Increasingly, employees of companies can look at our private data @highlight Even the federal trade commission can ask companies to increase standards of security @highlight Schneier: Corporate collection of our data has long outpaced the laws protecting us
Southport could miss Lewis' goals as they currently languish one point above the relegation zone in the @placeholder.
Manchester United are set to offer a trial to Southport teenager Drew Lewis. The 19-year-old has scored 38 goals for the Conference club's reserve side this season. His performances have captured the attention of a number of league clubs - but United have moved to offer the youngster a trial. Southport's Drew Lewis will be given a trial with Louis van Gaal's Manchester United Lewis could have the opportunity of playing at Manchester United's famous Old Trafford stadium The development comes after United signed Sadiq El Fitouri a contract after spotting him at local club Salford City. And Lewis could be the next non-league player to make the massive step up to the Premier League if his trial is successful. @highlight Southport teenager Drew Lewis has impressed Manchester United @highlight The 19-year-old is set to be offered a trial at Old Trafford @highlight Lewis has scored 38 goals for Southport's reserve side this season @highlight United signed Sadiq El Fitouri from Salford City at the end of January @highlight CLICK HERE for all the latest Manchester United news
'Over the last number of years we have performed admirably as a Welsh nation, with only 20,000 players and three million people, we've tried to wear that @placeholder shirt with a lot of pride.
Wales defence coach Shaun Edwards has added his voice to a chorus of disapproval aimed at the Millennium Stadium boo-boys. Fly-half Rhys Priestland will line up against Fiji on Saturday just a week after he was jeered when he replaced an injured Dan Biggar early in the second period during Wales' 33-28 loss to Australia. The booing came from a small minority of home supporters, and their behaviour has subsequently been condemned by Wales head coach Warren Gatland and Priestland's squad colleagues. Wales defence coach Shaun Edwards hit back strongly at the Welsh supporters who booed Rhys Priestland And Edwards has now told those fans: 'You boo one of us, you boo all of us.' @highlight Fly-half Rhys Priestland was jeered by sections of the crowd at the Millennium Stadium after he replaced Dan Biggar early in the second half of Wales' 33-28 loss to Australia @highlight Booing came from a small minority of home supporters and has been condemned by Wales head coach Warren Gatland and a number of Priestland's squad colleagues @highlight Priestland will wear the number 10 jersey against Fiji on Saturday
'She is still alive, but it feels as if we lost her and that's a scar that will never heal,' said Mrs @placeholder.
A Chicago man convicted in the savage beating of a Northern Irish exchange student, which left her unable to walk or speak, was sentenced to 90 years in prison today. Minutes before Heriberto Viramontes learned his fate Thursday, a prosecutor displayed the bat used to assault exchange student Natasha McShane and her friend Stacy Jurich as they walked home on a spring evening. The 2010 attack left McShane with severe brain damage. Scroll down for video Vindicated: Heriberto Viramontes (left) was sentenced to 90 years in prison for the April 2010 baseball bat attack on Irish exchange student Natasha McShane (right) and her college friend @highlight Heriberto Viramontes, 35, said in court he hopes his sentencing will help his victims heal @highlight The April 2010 attack in Chicago left Natasha McShane with debilitating injuries and her friend Stacy Jurich with seizures @highlight McShane's mother traveled from Northern Ireland for the sentencing, saying in court her daughter uses picture book to communicate @highlight Jurich, 28, testified that she cannot get the sound of the baseball bat cracking her head open out of her mind four years later @highlight Viramontes' sister insisted her brother was 'not a monster'
"So now that Mr. Bae has gone through a legal process, we urge the @placeholder to grant him amnesty and immediate release."
The sister of a U.S. citizen sentenced to 15 years in a North Korean labor camp defended her brother Thursday, asking leaders of both nations to "please, just see him as one man." Pae Jun Ho, known as Kenneth Bae by U.S. authorities, was found guilty of unspecified "hostile acts" against the reclusive Stalinist state, the North's state-run Korean Central News Agency reported. KCNA said the Korean-American was arrested November 3 after arriving as a tourist in Rason City, a port in the northeastern corner of North Korea. North Korean law allows up to 10 days of processing before a sentence is enforced, so it wasn't immediately clear when Bae would report for hard labor, or where he was being held in the meantime. @highlight Terri Chung asks leaders of both nations to see her brother as just "one man" @highlight He is known in the U.S. as Kenneth Bae and is referred to as Pae Jun Ho by North Korea @highlight The U.S. State Department demands Bae's release, "full stop" @highlight North Korean state media report he committed "hostile acts" against the state
 Mr. @placeholder's transparent lawsuit comes nearly four years after Michael passed.
Los Angeles (CNN) -- A dancer-choreographer befriended by Michael Jackson when he was a child now calls the late pop icon "a pedophile and a child sexual abuser." Wade Robson, who is seeking money from Jackson's estate for alleged child sex abuse, talked about his claims Thursday on NBC's "Today" show. Robson, now 30, denied in testimony at Jackson's child molestation trial in 2005 that he had been molested by the singer. Two months after Jackson's death in 2009, Robson said they had "a wonderful relationship" and he called Jackson "a kind human being." "This is not a case of repressed memory," Robson told "Today's" Matt Lauer. "I never forgot one moment of what Michael did to me, but I was psychologically and emotionally completely unable and unwilling to understand that it was sexual abuse. " @highlight Accuser "denied under oath" he was molested, Jackson estate says @highlight Wade Robson is seeking money from Jackson's estate for alleged child sex abuse @highlight Robson defended Michael Jackson in his 2005 criminal trial @highlight "This is not a case of repressed memory," Robson tells NBC
According to Knudson, Dee Dee receiving a barrage of offensive messages via @placeholder, an app which sends brief messages and pictures which automatically delete themselves.
'Disappointed': Dee Dee Knudson, pictured, used the n-word in a video of her own shortly after being bullied with it A father who emotionally documented racial abuse and slurs targeted at his adopted daughter was shocked to find the teenage girl using the same words herself. Bradley Knudson, of Lake Prior, Minnesota, recorded messages sent to his African American daughter which called her a 'n*****' and a 'sl**' and posted them to Youtube. Knudson, whose white family adopted Dee Dee, 14, when she was three years old, also shared a message from the bullies' family referring to him as a 'n*****-lover', after attempting to speak to them failed. @highlight Bradley Knudson, of Prior Lake, Minnesota, documented bullying @highlight Made video - now with 2.5million views - where kids taunted his daughter @highlight Called Dee Dee, 14, n***** and sl** in SnapChat cellphone messages @highlight But shortly after the incident, Dee Dee filmed video saying n***** herself @highlight Father 'disappointed' in her for undermining anti-bullying message
The former Australian test cricketer seized on the opportunity to encourage @placeholder to protect themselves from the sun.
Cricket commentary box legend Richie Benaud has revealed he is receiving radiation treatment for skin cancer. The development comes a little more than a year after Benaud, 84, suffered serious injuries in a car crash while returning from a game of golf. His iconic voice has been missing from the Nine Network's commentary since the accident thirteen months ago. Scroll down for video Skin cancer: Richie Benaud has revealed he has skin cancer and is receiving radiation treatment Fan favourite: Australian cricket fans dressed up as Richie Benaud are pictured enjoying the action at an Ashes Test in January 2014 @highlight Richie Benaud revealed he has skin cancer @highlight He is currently receiving radiation treatment @highlight The growths are located on his forehead and the top of his head @highlight Benaud suffered serious injuries in a car accident last August
Coquelin celebrates after helping his Arsenal team-mates to victory at the @placeholder on Sunday
Arsene Wenger believes Francis Coquelin can be a long-term solution to Arsenal's midfield conundrum after offering the 23-year-old is offered a new contract at the Emirates. Just over a month ago, the French central midfielder lined up for Championship side Charlton as they travelled to Nottingham Forest for a mid-table clash. Step forward to mid-January and Coquelin was a major force in Arsenal's win over Manchester City at the Etihad; a potentially title-defining moment in the Premier League. Francis Coquelin celebrates Arsenal's victory over Manchester City after he played a major part In December, Coquelin was on loan at Championship side Charlton but was recalled after injuries at Arsenal @highlight Francis Coquelin was on loan at Charlton until mid-December @highlight He was recalled after injuries to a number of Arsenal's midfield players @highlight Arsene Wenger has been impressed at the improvement in Coquelin @highlight The 23-year-old Frenchman has been offered a new contract
Atletico doubled their lead in the 38th minute when @placeholder fluffed an attempted clearance and the ball ran through to an unmarked Mandzukic.
Atletico Madrid swept into the last 16 of the Champions League with a game to spare after Mario Mandzukic netted a hat-trick in a crushing 4-0 win at home to Olympiacos on Wednesday. Last season's beaten finalists secured a fourth straight victory since falling 3-2 to the Greek side in their opening game in September and have 12 points from five matches, three ahead of second-placed Juventus, who won 2-0 at Malmo. Atletico Madrid's Mario Mandzukic (centre) heads in a goal against Olympiacos After a typically intense start from the Spanish champions, Raul Garcia struck in the ninth minute following a howler from Olympiacos goalkeeper Roberto and another defensive error, this time from Roberto's Spanish compatriot Alberto Botia, let in Mandzukic to tap home seven minutes before the break. @highlight Raul Garcia opened the scoring before Mario Mandzukic scored hat-trick @highlight Last season's beaten finalists recorded fourth straight victory @highlight If Atletico avoid defeat against Juventus they will finish top of Group A
Mr Blair’s reported verdict on Mr Miliband follows criticism of the @placeholder’s performance from some senior figures in his party.
Tony Blair has told political allies that he believes the Conservatives will win the next election because Ed Miliband has failed to connect with voters, it was reported last night. The former prime minister has apparently said that the Labour leader ‘cannot beat’ David Cameron in 2015. Mr Blair is reported to believe the Conservatives will remain in power next year because Labour has not persuaded Britain it is ready to govern. Tony Blair has told political allies that he believes the Conservatives will win the next election because Ed Miliband has failed to connect with voters, it was reported last night @highlight Former PM has apparently said Labour leader ‘cannot beat’ Cameron @highlight Mr Blair’s office said story was ‘absurd’ and that he believes Labour can win @highlight Polls have shown Labour’s lead over the Tories narrow to just one point
After @placeholder knocked Mr Cassai to the ground, he bounced on the balls of his feet in a boxing stance before fleeing.
Thomas Francis McCloskey-Sharp, 26, was labelled a 'coward' on Friday by the sentencing judge for his part in a vicious and unprovoked attack against a group of defenceless party-goers on Victoria's Mornington Peninsula two years ago ... but he's likely to spend just 17 months behind bars. David Cassai suffered a fractured skull in the attack by the three men and died hours later. McCloskey-Sharp had pleaded guilty to punching Vasu Phillips, a friend of Mr Cassai's, in the head as he stood with his back turned, and was handed a maximum jail term of two years, three months. Scroll down for video @highlight Thomas Francis McCloskey-Sharp, 26, was labelled a coward by the judge but could serve just 17 months in jail @highlight He's the third man sent to prison over the violent attack on New Year's Eve 2012 in the Victorian coastal town of Rye @highlight Dylan Closter was previously sentenced to nine years, three months prison for the manslaughter of David Cassai. He could be out in six years @highlight Cassai, 22, fell to the pavement after one punch and his skull was fatally fractured @highlight Another attacker, Tyrone Steven Russell, will serve at least eight months in prison
Al-Balawi was a @placeholder doctor whom Jordanian authorities had recruited as a counterterrorism intelligence source, a Jordanian official told CNN this week.
(CNN) -- The man believed to be the suicide bomber who killed seven CIA employees and contractors last month appears in a newly released video, in which he vows revenge for the killing of a Taliban leader. The video shows Humam Khalil Abu-Mulal al-Balawi, whom a former U.S. intelligence official identified as the suicide bomber. Al-Balawi's brother told CNN Senior International Correspondent Nic Robertson that the man in the video, who uses the alias Abu Dajana Al-Khorasani, was his sibling. In the tape, which aired Saturday on the Arabic satellite news channel Al-Jazeera, al-Balawi says his message is for the CIA and Jordanian intelligence. @highlight Alleged suicide bomber vowed to avenge Taliban leader in newly released video @highlight Humam Khalil Abu-Mulal al-Balawi thought to be bomber who killed 7 CIA operatives @highlight The Jordanian grew up a loner, wanted to go to medical school, mother says @highlight Al-Balawi mentions Baitullah Mehsud, Taliban leader in Pakistan, killed last year
There have been calls for months for @placeholder to step down from investors who believe Microsoft's co-founder is a block to radical change
By Victoria Woollaston Microsoft has officially named cloud-computing executive Satya Nadella as its new CEO. Nadella, who has spent 22 years at the firm and was previously in charge of the tech giant's cloud software and services division, will replace exiting CEO Steve Ballmer. The appointment spells the end of an exhaustive five-month search following Ballmer's resignation in August. Scroll Down for Video Microsoft has officially named cloud-computing executive Satya Nadella, pictured, as its new CEO. Nadella, who has spent 22 years at the firm and was previously in charge of the tech giant's cloud software and services division, will replace exiting CEO Steve Ballmer @highlight Cloud-computing executive Satya Nadella confirmed as new boss @highlight Co-founder Bill Gates will step aside as chairman - but remain a director @highlight Appointment follows five-month hunt to replace exiting CEO Steve Ballmer @highlight Nadella, 46, has worked at the Washington-based firm for 22 years
Quite simply, the 2014 incarnation of the @placeholder, characterised by their high intensity and highly disciplined game-plans, do not make allowances for luxury passengers.
By Adam Crafton Follow @@AdamCrafton_ As Brazil prepare to take on Germany in the World Cup semi-final on Tuesday evening, they do so deprived of the services of their talisman Neymar and shorn of the attacking spark so readily associated with the country’s brand of football. In Neymar,'s absence the burden passes to the underwhelming Fred, notable only for his Anglicised name and the increasingly exasperating Hulk. It begs the question as to just what has happened to a country famed for attacking brilliance. Here, Sportsmail charts the alarming decline of several celebrated names that should, really, have been destined to play a major part in Brazil…. @highlight Those three Brazil stars plus Pato were all left out by Scolari @highlight Brazil go into their semi final with Brazil without the usual attacking flair @highlight Neymar's injury leaves just Fred and Hulk as the hosts' main threats @highlight Could the Selecao have benefited from those left out?
But at 4-4 Davydenko made his move on @placeholder's service.
(CNN) -- Nikolay Davydenko produced a ruthless display to beat U.S. Open champion Juan Martin Del Potro in straight sets to win the ATP World Tour Finals in London on Sunday. Davydenko had dispatched world number one Roger Federer in the semifinals and re-produced the magic to see off the Argentine 6-3 6-4 in one hour and 23 minutes at the O2 Arena. The victory in the elite, eight-man end-of-season showpiece is the highlight of the 28-year-old Russian's career, going one better than 2008 when he lost in the final to Novak Djokovic of Serbia. Davydenko, seeded sixth, had begun the week with a thrilling three-set loss to Djokovic in round-robin play, but proceeded to rack up four straight victories, culminating in his emphatic win over fifth-ranked Del Potro. @highlight Nikolay Davydenko wins ATP World Tour Finals title in London @highlight Russian beats Juan Martin Del Potro of Argentina in straight sets @highlight Davydenko was beaten in last year's final by Serbian Novak Djokovic @highlight Bryan brothers win doubles title to claim end of season top ranking
The @placeholder' ultimate goal is to take back some of the vast areas, in both Iraq and Syria, that ISIS controls.
(CNN) -- A key province near Iraq's capital is in trouble amid an onslaught from ISIS forces, the U.S. defense secretary said Friday, signaling the Islamist extremist group is continuing to flex its muscles and expand its territory -- on several fronts -- despite international airstrikes. Speaking to reporters during his travels in South America, U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said there's a lot of uncertainty about what will happen with Anbar province, which is just west of Baghdad. These comments are in alignment with those of a senior U.S. defense official who told CNN that Iraqi forces are "up against the wall" in Anbar. Some units are in danger of being cut off by the advancing militants, who call themselves members of the Islamic State. @highlight NEW: U.S. defense secretary: Iraq's Anbar province in trouble amid ISIS onslaught @highlight ISIS controls vast swaths of Iraq, Syria and is threatening to take even more land @highlight U.S. official: ISIS fighters in Anbar province, near Baghdad, may cut off Iraqi forces @highlight Group: ISIS now controls about half of Kobani, a Syrian city near the Turkish border
The guard took "@placeholder to another room and shoots him with a pistol that he had in his hand," Khakrezwal said.
Kabul, Afghanistan (CNN) -- The guard who killed the half-brother of Afghan President Hamid Karzai, had for years worked with International Security Assistance Forces against Taliban militants, according to three local officials with direct knowledge of the dealings. Sardar Mohammed, who authorities say shot and killed Kandahar's provincial council chief Ahmed Wali Karzai, received training from ISAF and participated in intelligence gathering against militants across the region, according to Besmellah Afghanmal, a provincial council member with close ties to the Karzai family. He "was one of the trusted commanders for the Karzais," Afghanmal told CNN. "Sardar Mohammad was working with American Special Forces closely and he was participating in many operations with American Special forces against the Taliban in (the) south." @highlight Sardar Mohammed for years worked against Taliban militants, according to three local officials @highlight He worked with both U.S. and Canadian forces in Kandahar, an official said @highlight Sardar Mohammed shot and killed Kandahar's provincial council chief Ahmed Wali Karzai, police say @highlight Wali Karzai was the half-brother of Afghan President Hamid Karzai
Indeed, Jefferson hopes that the @placeholder report serves as a wake-up call for authorities who have scoffed at computer scientists' concerns.
(CNN) -- It's a fear that keeps cybersecurity experts up at night: an attack on an online election system. Apparently, it's now come to pass. According to a grand jury report about problems in an August 14, 2012, primary election in Miami-Dade County, Florida, "someone created a computer program that automatically, systematically and rapidly submitted to the County's Department of Elections numerous bogus on-line requests for absentee ballots." It's the first documented attack on a U.S. election, said computer scientist David Jefferson, who is on the board of the Verified Voting Foundation and the California Voter Foundation, in an interview with CNN. @highlight A grand jury report outlines problems in an August 14, 2012, primary election in Florida @highlight Someone created a computer program that made 2,500 bogus requests for absentee ballots @highlight It's the first documented attack on a U.S. election, said computer scientist David Jefferson @highlight Jefferson: "It's clear that the attackers knew what they were doing"
Hayes is suing to recover $335,000 in moving costs and lost bonuses he says he incurred when he was transferred to New York in 2009 from @placeholder
(CNN) -- Fallout from a job discrimination lawsuit filed by the head of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement office in New York has led to at least a temporary shakeup at the agency's headquarters in Washington. Suzanne Barr, chief of staff for ICE Director John Morton, voluntarily stepped down this week and is on paid leave because of allegations made against her as part of an ongoing civil suit filed by New York ICE chief James Hayes. In the suit, which is leveled at the Department of Homeland Security and DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano, Hayes claims he was passed over for promotions in favor of less-qualified women, some of whom used to work for Napolitano when she was governor of Arizona. As part of his lawsuit, Hayes cites behavior by Barr in an attempt to prove an alleged culture of sexual discrimination against men, according to Hayes' lawyer, Morris Fischer of Maryland. @highlight A discrimination suit was filed by the man who heads ICE operations in New York @highlight James Hayes claims he was passed over for promotions in favor of less-qualified women @highlight Hayes cites alleged behavior by Suzanne Barr, chief of staff for the director of ICE @highlight ICE says the allegations are under review; Barr has taken paid leave of absence
By his count, there were at least 400 parties planned during the @placeholder and 200 during the Republican National Convention.
Keenan Steiner makes his way along Charlotte's secured streets, struggling to put on his tie and manage his monogrammed backpack at the same time. The 27-year-old is on a mission: He's looking for a party. Not just any party. He works with the Sunlight Foundation, a nonpartisan, nonprofit group that advocates for greater government transparency. His goal at the Democratic National Convention, as it was at the Republicans' confab in Tampa: to crash as many parties as he can, then blog about them. Since 2008, his organization's Political Party Time website has been tracking exclusive, behind-the-scenes events where politicians and special interests meet, often out of the spotlight. @highlight Nonpartisan nonprofit tracks events where politicians, special interests meet @highlight Group advocates for greater government transparency @highlight Writer's goal: Crash as many RNC, DNC parties as he can and blog about them
'I could not find a cause for @placeholder’s sudden death having examined all her organs and having examined the baby and the placenta,' he explained.
By Anna Hodgekiss PUBLISHED: 09:45 EST, 30 October 2013 | UPDATED: 12:23 EST, 30 October 2013 A 'fit and healthy' pregnant army major died suddenly in her sleep just weeks before the birth of her baby daughter. Lesley Boden went to bed at her home in West Wellow, Hampshire, but suffered an unexplained cardiac death called sudden adult death syndrome (SADS), which also killed her unborn daughter, Rosina Eleanor. At the time of her death in May this year, Ms Boden, who was based at 17 Port and Maritime Regiment, Marchwood, Hampshire, was seven-and-a half months pregnant. Her pregnancy had been 'reassuringly normal' with no problems, an inquest in Winchester was told. @highlight Lesley Boden was seven-and-a half months pregnant when she suffered an unexplained cardiac death which killed her unborn daughter, Rosina Eleanor @highlight Her pregnancy had been 'reassuringly normal' with no problems @highlight Coroner recorded verdict of death by natural causes caused by sudden unexpected maternal/adult death
But @placeholder demanded to know how the meetings could produce results.
TEHRAN, Iran (CNN) -- Hollywood should apologize to Iran for "insults and accusations against the Iranian nation," a top aide to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad told a visiting Hollywood delegation Sunday. "The Wrestler," starring Mickey Rourke was also attacked for being insulting towards Iran. Oscar-nominated "American Beauty" star Annette Bening was among the members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences to hear the remarks, Iran's state-run ISNA news agency said. "Representatives of Iran's film industry should only have an official meeting with representatives of the Academy and Hollywood if they apologize for the insults and accusations against the Iranian nation during the past 30 years," said Javad Shamghadri, Ahmadinejad's advisor on the arts, ISNA reported. @highlight Ahmadinejad's advisor on the arts was speaking to a Hollywood delegation @highlight Shamghadri: Comic-book-inspired action flick "300" an example of a "total lies" @highlight Iran repeatedly and undeservedly attacked by Hollywood movies, he said @highlight Report: Hollywood delegation supposed to meet Iranian filmmakers in March
Damage: Mr Nasheed's supporters began rioting, throwing fire bombs and vandalizing a private TV station that had been critical of @placeholder's government
Police beat up former leader Mohamed Nasheed according to Maldivian Democratic Party officials His chairman Reeko Moosa Manik was hospitalised after 'clashes with police' New leader appeals for unity as Mr Nasheed vows to be reinstated By Jill Reilly Last updated at 9:00 PM on 8th February 2012 Former Maldivian President Mohamed Nasheed has said he was forced to resign yesterday 'at gunpoint' by police and army officers in a coup. Dozens of demonstrators - including Mr Nasheed - were injured today as riot police used tear gas and batons against protesters in Republic Square who were demanding that he be reinstated. @highlight Police beat up former leader Mohamed Nasheed according to Maldivian Democratic Party officials @highlight His chairman Reeko Moosa Manik was hospitalised after 'clashes with police' @highlight New leader appeals for unity as Mr Nasheed vows to be reinstated
New era: Barcelona manager @placeholder (centre) takes training on Friday
Barcelona are looking to recapture the kind of form they hit under Pep Guardiola, when they dominated Europe, Andres Iniesta said on Friday. The Catalan club are in the process of rebuilding after they failed to win major silverware last season for the first time in six years and coach Gerard Martino has been replaced by Luis Enrique. Players including Uruguay forward Luis Suarez and Croatia midfielder Ivan Rakitic have arrived to join the likes of Lionel Messi and Neymar and Iniesta said the players were excited about the new season starting next month. VIDEO Scroll down to watch Iniesta say Suarez ban is harsh and see him lead training @highlight Andres Iniesta named Barcelona's new club captain after Carles Puyol retires @highlight Luis Enrique new Barca manager after Gerardo Martino left the club @highlight Iniesta says Barca are looking to repeat golden era under Pep Guardiola
"Wayne has been the best player in @placeholder since I put him into the Everton first team in 2003.
(CNN) -- Manchester United confirmed Friday that star striker Wayne Rooney has extended his contract with the club. The new deal, which commits the 28-year-old to Old Trafford until June 2019, is reported to be worth £300k ($500k) per week. The announcement puts an end to months of speculation about Rooney's future following interest from Jose Mourinho's Chelsea last summer with further bids expected to come at the end of this season. Not any more. Confirmation that Rooney was staying put can be considered a minor victory for former Everton boss David Moyes following a turbulent first season in charge of United after succeeding Alex Ferguson. @highlight England striker commits future to Manchester United in deal worth reported $500k per week @highlight United manager Moyes delighted to keep striker after months of speculation about his future @highlight Rooney says missing out on Champions League next season not a "massive concern"
There has been an enormous jump this year in the number of migrants trying to cross the @placeholder to Europe.
By Chris Pleasance The Italian navy rescued nearly 500 people, including more than 100 children, in an all-night operation yesterday as the immigrants tried to cross from Africa into Europe. The operation began as 133 children along with 74 women were brought aboard two navy vessels Monday evening from two fishing boats tethered together off Sicily. The rescue then had to be suspended due to rough waters, the navy said. The remaining migrants, 281 men, were thrown life preservers and rescued on Tuesday. More than 100 children, including babies, were rescued from the boat. Save the Children have warned that an increasing number of youngster are being sent across unaccompanied @highlight Nearly 500 illegal immigrants have been rescued from Mediterranean @highlight Desperate refugees were making crossing from Africa into Europe @highlight 133 of them were children, many of whom were unaccompanied @highlight Majority of children to make crossing this year were without parents @highlight Save the Children warn there are not enough resources to care for them
'Transfer talk is completely gone – I am here to focus on England and @placeholder only.’
By Neil Ashton Follow @@neilashton_ Luke Shaw has put his move to Manchester United on hold until after the World Cup to concentrate on playing for England. The Southampton left-back wants to move to Old Trafford, but it will have to wait until after the tournament. Shaw, who is training with the England squad in Portugal this week, said: 'It is something that is not even on my mind. VIDEO Scroll down to watch Luke Shaw talk about his pride at being in the England squad All smiles: Luke Shaw is excited ahead of England's World Cup campaign Job to do: Shaw says he was surprised to get the call up to the squad @highlight Saints defender fully focused on England's World Cup challenge @highlight Manchester United made bid for Southampton left back @highlight Shaw admits surprise and delight at World Cup call-up
'@placeholder has been off on compassionate leave for the last few months.
A 22-year-old footballer's girlfriend has died just months after their premature baby daughter passed away. Gemma Porteous, 22, the girlfriend of Cowdenbeath FC player Dean Brett, died of spinal cancer on Tuesday. She was diagnosed with cancer shortly after giving birth to twins Mollie and Mia three months early on June 2. Gemma Porteous, 22, the girlfriend of Cowdenbeath FC player Dean Brett, died of spine cancer, only months after her premature baby daughter, Mollie, passed away Mr Brett, who lives in Tranent, East Lothian, posted a heartbreaking message on Facebook informing family and friends of his loss. He wrote: 'For the people who don't know, Gemma passed away earlier today, sorry to tell it like this but it's easier! @highlight Gemma Porteous, girlfriend of footballer Dean Brett died of spinal cancer @highlight She died just months after their premature baby daughter passed away @highlight The Cowdenbeath FC player said he will 'always love' his 'best friend'
@placeholder lost 11 of their last 15 games in the 2013-14 Premier League yet still finished in the top half of the table.
By Pa Reporter Ahead of the opening weekend of the Premier League, Sportsmail will be providing you with all you need to know about every fixture, with team news, provisional squads, betting odds and Opta stats... Here is all the information you need for Newcastle United's home clash with Manchester City... Newcastle vs Manchester City (St James' Park) Kick-off: Sunday 4pm - Sky Sports 1 Odds (subject to change): Newcastle 4/1 Draw 16/5 Manchester City 4/6 Referee: Martin Atkinson Managers: Alan Pardew (Newcastle), Manuel Pellegrini (Manchester City) Head-to-head league record: Newcastle wins 64, draws 35, Manchester City wins 57 @highlight Man City begin their Premier League title defence at Newcastle United @highlight Sergio Aguero faces fitness test for Manchester City @highlight Eliaquim Mangala will not feature following £32million arrival from Porto @highlight Vincent Kompany, Joe Hart, Bacary Sagna and Frank Lampard could feature @highlight But Alvaro Negredo certain to miss out for Manuel Pellegrini's teams @highlight Siem de Jong denied Magpies debut with foot problem ruling out forward @highlight Cheick Tiote also missing for Newcastle with hamstring strain
@placeholder lives in a neighborhood of modest homes about 20 miles from Ferguson.
Darren Wilson was just one of 53 officers in a small-town police department until his encounter with an 18-year-old August 9 on a street in Ferguson, Missouri. "He was a gentle, quiet man," Police Chief Thomas Jackson said Friday, referring to Wilson. "He was a distinguished officer. He was a gentleman. ... He is, he has been, an excellent officer." Authorities, citing death threats, had until Friday refused to release Wilson's name after he fatally shot Michael Brown. A resident of the St. Louis area, Wilson, 28, has been staying at a secure location since the shooting. It was not known whether Wilson -- an officer for six years, including four in Ferguson -- had been placed on modified assignment. Jackson told reporters the officer had faced no disciplinary action during his time on the job. @highlight Officer's friend: "He's the last person on Earth you would think to do something like that" @highlight Family "beyond outraged," saying police are blaming victim with robbery allegation @highlight Police: After the shooting, an officer identified Michael Brown as the robbery suspect @highlight Darren Wilson, a six-year veteran, is named as officer who shot Brown
Some, like @placeholder, have even accepted homosexuality and abortion as part of society's slow evolution toward justice for all.
(CNN) -- This year has provided something of a bumper crop of Catholic candidates. Rick Santorum and Newt Gingrich in the Republican primaries, Joe Biden and Paul Ryan in the general election. Given the endless cycle of sin and guilt that we have to live with, sometimes it feels like it's easier for a Catholic to get elected president than it is to get into heaven. But political strength doesn't necessarily mean political unity. Today's Catholic vote is divided by intensity of faith. According to Gallup, the "very religious" lean toward Romney and the "nonreligious" prefer Obama, by significant margins. This reflects an internal story of conflict between liberal and conservative perspectives on what it means to be a Catholic. Biden and Ryan stand on either side of that debate, and their selections as running mates signal vastly different approaches to winning the Catholic vote. @highlight Tim Stanley: The VP candidates reflect divide between liberal and conservative Catholicism @highlight He says Biden is a post-Vatican II Catholic aimed at social justice and accessible faith @highlight He says Ryan hews to traditional Catholicism; record is anti-abortion, anti-gay marriage @highlight Stanley: Ryan will have to show social compassion with fiscal conservatism
"Only in @placeholder, is $100 million not a lot of money," Gibbs said.
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Obama on Monday gathered together every confirmed member of his Cabinet for the first time as president and challenged them to cut $100 million in the next 90 days. President Obama meets Monday with his Cabinet, including Defense Secretary Robert Gates, right. Agencies will have to report how they saved on expenses at the end of the period. The federal government has "a confidence gap when it comes to the American people," Obama said at the White House. "We've got to earn their trust. They've got to feel confident that their dollars are being spent wisely." @highlight NEW: President Obama says, "We've got to earn [the public's] trust" @highlight NEW: Obama meets with Cabinet to discuss how agencies can cuts costs @highlight Agencies will have to report how they saved on expenses after 90 days @highlight Critics say $100 million in savings is a small amount
@placeholder, whose live TV rock show helped wean 1970s audiences off lip-synched programming, died in January.
(CNN) -- The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame on Wednesday named its latest inductees, adding talent such as the Red Hot Chili Peppers and 1960s singer-songwriter Donovan. The Beastie Boys, who have been blending hip-hop, punk and other genres since the 1980s, also made it onto the Hall of Fame's final list for 2012. So did Guns N' Roses, the hard rock standard bearers of the late '80s and early '90s, and Laura Nyro, the innovative pop songstress. Other artists inducted by the Hall under the performer category included the '60s British group The Small Faces -- best known for their psychedelic hit "Itchycoo Park" -- and their subsequent incarnation, The Faces, which featured Rod Stewart. @highlight Others on the final list are Donovan, Guns N' Roses, The Small Faces and Laura Nyro @highlight The Hall of Fame gave its nonperformer award to the producer and promoter Don Kirshner @highlight The guitarist Freddie King was cited for his early influence on rock and roll
The red Juan: the Spaniard insisted he is up to the challenge of playing for 'massive club' @placeholder
By Adam Shergold PUBLISHED: 08:35 EST, 27 January 2014 | UPDATED: 15:15 EST, 27 January 2014 Juan Mata has been unveiled as Manchester United's new No 8. It was expected that the Spaniard would take the iconic Old Trafford No 7 shirt, following in the footsteps of Cristiano Ronaldo, David Beckham, George Best and Eric Cantona. But the £37million playmaker has taken No 8, last worn by Anderson, now on loan at Fiorentina sparking Twitter rumours the No 7 was reserved for the return of Cristiano Ronaldo in the summer. Star man: Juan Mata has been handed the Manchester United No 8 shirt following his £37m move @highlight Juan Mata takes No 8 despite iconic No 7 shirt being available @highlight David Moyes 'never believed' he'd pull off the deal for the playmaker @highlight Mata said it was important to play regularly for his World Cup hopes @highlight The ex-Chelsea man 'can't wait' to play with 'unbelievable' Rooney @highlight Moyes insists there will be more players of Mata's calibre on the way @highlight Talk on Twitter that No 7 shirt is reserved for return of Cristiano Ronaldo
That was arguably the club performance of the year and @placeholder was at the heart of it with Neuer the victim.
Cristiano Ronaldo will battle Lionel Messi and Manuel Neuer for the Ballon d'Or in Zurich on Monday night. Here, PETE JENSON argues why the Real Madrid and Portugal superstar should be crowned the world's best player. The greatest individual feat in football in 2014 was Cristiano Ronaldo’s 17 Champions League goal-haul that smashed the scoring record for one season in the competition and helped Real Madrid finally land the their 10th European Cup. For so long Ruud van Nistelrooy’s 12 goal-campaign for Manchester United in 2003 had set the bar but then first Messi with 15 and Ronaldo with 17 took the standard to new levels. @highlight Cristiano Ronaldo's 17 Champions League goals smashed the record @highlight It helped Real Madrid land their 10th European Cup @highlight Ronaldo shared the Golden Shoe with Luis Suarez for his 31 goals @highlight Ronaldo should win the Ballon d'Or for his superb Champions League run
They had been with the station for 13 years before moving to @placeholder, where they first broadcast from in January of this year.
Kyle and Jackie O left 2DayFM last year after a financial dispute Shock jock wanted 2DayFM to double his salary from $2m to $4m, but eventually defected to rival station KIISFM Pair initially carried over many listeners and dominated first survey result in April They have now been upstaged by ARN stablemates Jonesy and Amanda Jonesy says beating Kyle was like 'Coyote catching the Road Runner' By Daniel Van Boom They've been Sydney's top radio duo for over seven years and 55 FM surveys. But on Tuesday it was announced that KIIS FM's Kyle & Jackie O show was dethroned from the number one radio spot by ARN stablemates, Jonesy & Amanda. @highlight Kyle and Jackie O left 2DayFM last year after a financial dispute @highlight Shock jock wanted 2DayFM to double his salary from $2m to $4m, but eventually defected to rival station KIISFM @highlight Pair initially carried over many listeners and dominated first survey result in April @highlight They have now been upstaged by ARN stablemates Jonesy and Amanda @highlight Jonesy says beating Kyle was like 'Coyote catching the Road Runner'
Majors: 4 (@placeholder - 1994, 1997; The Open - 2002, 2012)
With his seat among the golfing gods already secured, you could forgive Ernie Els for packing his clubs away for good. But when work consists of cruising on a yacht along the shoreline of a paradise island, stopping to hit a few balls into the crystal waters and admire the view, who needs retirement? Besides, Els simply can't help but compete. Above all, he still wants to win the one major he felt he was born to win. At Augusta National next April Rory McIlroy will attempt to write himself into the history books and Tiger Woods will bid to have his picture printed on the front cover. But Els yearns to beat them both, plus all of golf's young guns, and win the Masters at long last. The green jacket is his holy grail. @highlight Ernie Els says his remaining ambition is to win the Masters @highlight The 45-year-old South African has won the Open and US Open twice each @highlight Els rates Tiger Woods as his toughest ever competitor @highlight But Els now lists golf's young players as his fiercest rivals
@placeholder's rock: Shayk has been dating Ronaldo since May 2010
By David Kent The ultimate power couple, world footballer of the year Cristiano Ronaldo and Russian supermodel Irina Shayk, have appeared even more glamorous than usual in a racy shoot for Vogue Spain. Real Madrid superstar Ronaldo was styled by Mother Nature for the cover image in Vogue Espana, with Shayk shielding his modesty in front of him wearing a strapless white dress. The shoot by renowned glossy photographer Mario Testino back in March was the first time the pair, neither of course strangers to the front side of a camera lens, have modelled as a duo. VIDEO Scroll down for behind-the-scenes footage from the Vogue Espana shoot @highlight The Real Madrid superstar and supermodel appear on Vogue Espana cover @highlight The shoot took place in March with photographer Testino @highlight Ronaldo missed Real's final game of the La Liga season against Espanyol @highlight There are fears for his fitness ahead of Saturday's Champions League final
The president's armored SUV, known in @placeholder as 'the beast,' however, would never have been left behind.
When President Barack Obama suggested that his wife should spend extra time in paradise as an early birthday present, he was committing U.S. citizens to pay for the gift, whose costs will likely spiral into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. The White House conceded on Monday that the federal treasury will foot the bill to fly First Lady Michelle Obama back to Washington, D.C. on a separate government aircraft after she finishes her extended vacation at the palatial 12-bedroom Hawaii home of talk show legend Oprah Winfrey. Dedicated vehicles, Secret Service costs, and security sweeps of the Winfrey estate on Maui will add considerably to the total tab. @highlight The first lady remained behind in Hawaii following a 15-day family vacation, and will stay at the 12-bedroom island home of Oprah Winfrey @highlight Mrs Obama will be flown home on a separate aircraft, with tax dollars covering the cost @highlight The White House insists she will be responsible for her own 'personal expenses' @highlight Secret Service protection and dedicated vehicles will add significantly to the price tag of what the president described as an early birthday gift
"Many people said I was just using fuel at the beginning of the year and then after they want me to stay in @placeholder because it was the best option.
(CNN) -- Ferrari team principal Stefano Domenicali has defended the Italian constructor's decision to retain the services of Brazilian driver Felipe Massa for the 2013 season. Massa's future was the subject of much speculation after he failed to score a point in the first three races of 2012 and went on to collect just 25 points prior to the sport's annual midseason break at the end of July. But Massa, who has been with Ferrari since 2006, recovered in the second half of the campaign to score 98 points and record two podium finishes, ending the year seventh in the drivers' championship. @highlight Stefano Domenicali says Ferrari "right" to keep Felipe Massa as a driver @highlight Massa struggled in the first half of last season, but picked up 98 points from September @highlight The Brazilian signed a one-year contract extension with Ferrari in October @highlight The 2013 Formula One season starts in Australia in March
@placeholder, who beat Berdych in his opening match, appeared to be the stronger player in the early games but then had his serve broken by Nadal before immediately replying in kind.
(CNN) -- World No. 1 Rafael Nadal prevented Novak Djokovic from reaching the semifinals of the ATP World Tour Finals and kept his own hopes alive by beating the Serbian in London on Friday night. The Spaniard notched his second Group A win this week, triumphing 7-5 6-2 in the season-ending men's tournament. He will face Tomas Berdych on Friday in a rematch of this year's Wimbledon final, with the Czech having earlier earned his first victory with a result that left American eighth seed Andy Roddick needing to win his final match in straight sets. Nadal is seeking to reach the final for the first time, having failed to win a match at the same venue last year. @highlight Rafael Nadal keeps his ATP World Tour Finals hopes alive by beating Novak Djokovic @highlight Serbian falls to his first defeat this week after suffering from eye problems @highlight Nadal's 7-5 6-2 victory means that American Andy Roddick needs to win his final match @highlight Eighth seed earlier lost his second match, being beaten by Czech Tomas Berdych
"A lot of emotions today," @placeholder said following his 7-6 (7-5) 7-6 (8-6) over the Swiss eighth seed.
(CNN) -- Rafael Nadal sealed a remarkable comeback in 2013 by beating Stanislas Wawrinka at the ATP World Tour Finals on Wednesday to ensure he will finish the year as world No. 1. The Spaniard also qualified for the semifinals of the only major tennis tournament he has never won, with the 27-year-old boasting a career grand slam in addition to an Olympic gold medal. Since returning to the sport in February after seven months out with a knee injury, the 13-time grand slam champion has won 10 titles in a year which he has described as one of his best. @highlight Rafael Nadal will be the year-end world No. 1 for the third time in his career @highlight Spaniard beats Switzerland's Stanislas Wawrinka at ATP World Tour Finals in London @highlight Nadal also books place in semifinals of biggest competition he has yet to win