1 value
A spokesperson from @placeholder said: 'We offer a range of products to meet the needs of customers from all communities.
Supermarkets throughout the UK are selling halal and kosher meat from animals that have not been pre-stunned before having their throats cut. It recently emerged that British retailers and restaurants are quietly switching to halal meats in their products and meals, leaving customers opposed to the practice - seen by some as causing unnecessary suffering to the animal - in the dark. Asda, Sainsbury's, Tesco and Morrisons all sell meat from non-stunned animals produced by specialist halal suppliers, such as the London-based Haji Babab Halal Meats. British supermarkets are selling halal meat, where animals are not stunned before they are slaughtered. Pictured, chickens after ritual slaughter in a halal abattoir in Burgundy, France @highlight Major retailers across Britain selling meats from Islamic butchers @highlight Some shoppers object to practice of not stunning animals before slaughter @highlight Supermarkets say all halal meats are clearly labelled @highlight They claim they are simply responding to their customer's demands
and when I come back to @placeholder it will be when this Khilafah - this
The man, who called himself Abu Osama and spoke with a Northern English accent, claimed he had been training with militants in Syria. File photo A British Jihadi who claims he is fighting alongside militants in Syria has said he will return to the UK when he sees 'the black flag of Islam' hanging over Buckingham Palace. The man, who called himself Abu Osama, said he had been taking part in military training, making bombs and fighting with the extremist Al-Nusra Front, which is linked to al Qaida, for the past year. Osuma, whose accent suggested he comes from the north of England, claimed to have been fighting for the establishment of a caliphate - which he referred to by the Arabic term Khilafah - across the Islamic world. @highlight 'Abu Osama' says he has been fighting with the radical Al-Nusra Front @highlight He branded UK 'pure evil' and said it would become part of an Islamic state @highlight Speaking with a northern English accent, he told of his parents' worries @highlight But he claims they now back his decision to fight and expect him to die @highlight Comes as British religious leaders urged young men not to go to Middle East @highlight 100 imams say Muslims should help Syrians 'in responsible way' from UK
'@placeholder should be trying to strengthen growth and make sure working people finally benefit from it, not making excuses for slower growth.
The Conservatives were today accused by Labour of 'getting excuses in early' by issuing warnings about the global economy to explain grim news about the levels of government borrowing. Chancellor George Osborne said Britain is not 'immune' to a global economic slowdown while David Cameron said red warning lights' were 'flashing on the dashboard of the global economy'. But Labour leader Ed Miliband said the government needed to stop 'blaming everybody else' for failures in cutting the deficit. Labour leader Ed Miliband said David Cameron should 'stop blaming everyone else' for problems in the UK With two weeks until Mr Osborne delivers his Autumn Statement, there are fears low tax revenues and higher borrowing will make it difficult for him to offer any respite for hard-pressed families ahead of the election. @highlight David Cameron warned that the global economy risked another crash @highlight Six years since 2008 crash, it's important to maintain finances, he said @highlight He added that global instability and Ebola threatened Britain's recovery @highlight 'Eurozone is teetering on brink of possible third recession,' he said @highlight Mr Cameron said during credit crunch Labour offered easy answers @highlight He claimed easy answers have failed UK while long-term plan prospers
@placeholder hit the shot that clinched the Ryder Cup for Europe
From Rory McIlroy's wins at Wentworth and Hoylake to Henrik Stenson's flying finish in Dubai via a Ryder Cup victory for Europe at Gleneagles, it's been quite a year on the European Tour. That's not even mentioning Justin Rose claiming victory in Scotland, Pablo Larrazabal beating McIlroy in Abu Dhabi or Oliver Wilson beating, yes McIlroy again, on the Old Course to win the Alfred Dunhill Links Championship. But amid all those great achievements, who was the one player to hit the best single shot of the year? The European Tour have selected their top shots from each month in which tournaments were played in 2014 for you to decide. @highlight Rory McIlroy features on list of top European Tour shots of 2014 @highlight Jamie Donaldson's Ryder Cup winning wedge also makes the list @highlight Donaldson and Henrik Stenson have two shots each on the list
Pitched battle: A swarm of people can be seen running along a @placeholder street in this chaotic scene captured on film
By Jamie Mcginnes PUBLISHED: 06:36 EST, 28 June 2012 | UPDATED: 06:37 EST, 28 June 2012 The arrest of a teenager in a Chinese town triggered pitched battles between hundreds of migrant workers, local people and riot police. Violence erupted in Shaxi, in the southeastern province of Guangdong, one of China's major coastal manufacturing areas and continued for two nights. Authorities in the nearby city of Zhongshan said the fights involved locals and workers predominantly from Sichuan province, which borders Tibet to the west of China. Tensions high: Chinese migrant workers rioted and clashed with police this week in a fresh outbreak of social unrest in the economic powerhouse of Guangdong @highlight Violence erupted in Shaxi, in the southeastern province of Guangdong, which is one of China's main coastal manufacturing areas @highlight Around 30 people hurt and two police cars smashed in two nights of riots @highlight Claims of discrimination and abuse by authorities have triggered a series of strikes, clashes and rioting by migrants in recent years
McBride is among a growing group of people calling themselves sovereign citizens, @placeholder residents who declare
By Associated Press An Ohio man who says he is the keeper of the seal of St. Peter and immune from U.S. law has been ordered held without bond on charges that he issued hundreds of fraudulent diplomatic credentials to people who paid to be part of his movement. Sixty-year-old James T. McBride was denied bond Wednesday at a hearing in federal court in Alexandria. Prosecutors say McBride represents himself as the leader of 'Divine Province' and promises people they can avoid taxes and debts if they pay to enroll in his society. James T. McBride, who says he immune from U.S. law, has been ordered held without bond on charges that he issued hundreds of fraudulent diplomatic credentials to people who paid to be part of his movement @highlight James T. McBride says he is not a U.S. citizen and that his authority comes from 'Divine Law' @highlight Part of a growing movement of 'sovereign citizens' rejecting formal U.S. citizenship @highlight Authorities claim he's issued hundreds of fraudulent diplomatic credentials to people who paid to be in his movement
He's arguing that Indiana's proposal is the solution to @placeholder's woes.
Washington (CNN) -- As soon as Air Force One touched down in Indiana on Friday, Gov. Mike Pence met President Barack Obama on the tarmac with a plea: Expand the state's access to government-sponsored health insurance. The catch: Pence wants to do it with a conservative twist. At least, that's how he's selling his proposal. And his political future could hinge on whether the first-term Republican can convince conservatives that he's not just rebranding Obamacare. Pence has spent much of his first two years in office trying to strike a bargain on one of the health care law's core components. Indiana will expand Medicaid coverage, Pence says, but only if it's allowed to do it through a tweaked version called the "Healthy Indiana Plan," which also requires users to make small payments into health savings accounts. @highlight Mike Pence urged President Obama to OK Indiana's proposal to expand health coverage @highlight Pence says Indiana's plan is a departure from traditional Medicaid because it includes health savings accounts @highlight But conservatives are accusing Pence, a possible 2016 GOP presidential contender, of embracing Obamacare
The Carlows, who are members of the @placeholder, estimate that the incident cost them $300,000 and they don't know how that's going to impact their business yet.
These images of drowned cattle are enough to make meat eaters and vegetarians alike shed a tear over the mistake that caused their mass death. Last week, about 100 cattle wandered onto a South Dakota reservoir covered in six-inch-thick ice while seeking shelter in a severe windstorm. Their hunt for rest turned tragic when the ice collapsed under their enormous weight of more than 1,000 pounds. Fell through: Mike Carlow (left) and Bob Pille (right) use a shovel and a prying tool to free a dead cow from the ice on White Clay Reservoir south of Pine Ridge, South Dakota on Tuesday. Last week an estimated 100 of Carlow and his brother Pat's cows wandered onto the ice, broke through and died @highlight Brothers Mike and Pat Carlow, Oglala Sioux Tribe members, owned the cows that wandered onto the frozen reservoir last week @highlight The cows were looking for shelter in a wind storm, and some of the younger heifers made the mistake of walking onto the ice @highlight The ice was about as thick as a loaf of bread, but collapsed under their weight of more than 1,000 pounds each @highlight The Carlows estimate that they lost $300,000 in the accident
@placeholder has taken the tiny cuddly creature under her wing and feeds him bottles of milk and handfuls of rice four times a day.
By Martin Bagot PUBLISHED: 12:42 EST, 12 December 2012 | UPDATED: 06:09 EST, 13 December 2012 It's a tiring life for little Bueno after the ordeal of being rejected by his mum only to be adopted by his keeper at the monkey centre where he lives. The woolly monkey was snubbed by his mum Sara after a birth that took everyone by surprise. But the endangered baby monkey has now found himself a surrogate mother in the form of monkey expert Dr Alison Cronin. Full name Bueno Junior, he is one of just a handful of woolly monkeys to be born in captivity in the world. @highlight Woolly monkey Bueno is one of only a handful to be born in captivity @highlight Shock birth takes everyone by surprise at Monkey World in Dorset
"The top American military official responsible for defending the @placeholder against cyberattacks said Thursday that there had been a 17-fold increase in computer attacks on American infrastructure between 2009 and 2011, initiated by criminal gangs, hackers and other nations.
(CNN) -- When a group halfway around the world, without setting foot on American soil, can claim responsibility for preventing a man in Wichita, Kansas, or a woman in Shreveport, Louisiana, from gaining online access to his or her own money in the local bank, it would seem to be a pretty big deal. Something to worry about. That is allegedly what happened in recent weeks, as six big U.S. banks had their websites jammed, one after another, preventing their customers from logging on to their personal or business accounts, and from paying bills online. The banks affected were Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, Citigroup, U.S. Bank, Wells Fargo and PNC. A hacker group, saying it was based in the Middle East, asserted it was behind the cyberattacks; it remains uncertain whether they, or someone else, carried out the attacks. @highlight Bob Greene: Six banks apparently were hacked recently, cutting customer access to money @highlight He says for many "cyber" is like "virtual"--intangible, not real. More and more, that's not true @highlight He says as aspects of our lives bound to digital world, we're vulnerable to cybercrime @highlight Greene: Officials agree we're inadequately protected, and cyberattacks are up. It's real
The vastness of its influence went largely unnoticed among the wider public until Sunday when it released a gruesome video showing the beheadings of 21 Egyptian Christians on a @placeholder beach.
Born out of the Iraqi War in 2003, Islamic State's deadly grip has stretched across the Middle East and into northern-Africa where today, only the Mediterranean Sea separates the militants from Europe. It has conquered regions of Iraq, Syria and recently Libya while building a terrifying support structure in Turkey, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Egypt's Sinai Province, Afghanistan, Tunisia and Algeria. And this tyrannical expansion is all part of its 'global strategy' to seize control of destablised countries while 'engaging in all-out battle against the West,' The Institute for the Study of War told MailOnline. Counter-terrorism analyst Harleen Gambhir said: 'What we've started to see is ISIS has begun to accelerate its operation to activate these sleeper groups that its reaching out to and it's having international effects.' @highlight ISIS began as Al-Qaeda in Iraq in 2004 and militants had just 1,000 soldiers, but it has grown to more than 30,000 @highlight Reach of ISIS now spans Middle East and northern Africa, with only the Mediterranean sea separating from Europe @highlight Terrorist groups around the world now pledging allegiance to Islamic State as groups seize destabilised countries @highlight Experts say ISIS' control in Libya could create potential 'disaster scenario' and coalition airstrikes are fueling the militants' manipulative propaganda @highlight ISIS has 31,500 loyal fighters according to CIA but estimates place this far higher at around 200,000 militants
@placeholder initially tried to deny he was the man the FBI were after.
By Daily Mail Reporter UPDATED: 04:52 EST, 7 March 2012 The world's most notorious computer hacker turned against his comrades because he did not want to go to prison and leave behind his two children, it has been revealed. Top members of hacking groups Anonymous and LulzSec have been arrested across two continents after their leader, 28-year-old Hector Xavier Monsegur, turned them in. In a startling show of betrayal towards his fellow hackers, the father-of-two spent the last six months working as an FBI informant, leading authorities to the five people who have now been charged in court papers in New York. @highlight Leader of computer hacking group LulzSec identified as unemployed father-of-two Hector Xavier Monsegur @highlight Secretly arrested last June and pleaded guilty to hacking charges in August to avoid a maximum jail sentence of 124 years @highlight Has reportedly been working with FBI to bring down top hackers ever since @highlight Court papers released Tuesday portray him as ringleader of hacking groups @highlight Five members from UK, Ireland and US face charges
@placeholder's 10th draw of the league season (and their sixth on the road) means that AC Milan still head the league table but only by one point.
(CNN) -- AC Milan are all but through to the quarterfinals of the Champions League after thrashing Arsenal 4-0 at the San Siro on Wednesday. Brazilian striker Robinho scored twice as the Serie A champions dominated the first leg of the last-16 tie with the north London club. Kevin Prince Boateng put Milan ahead in the 15th minute with a sumptuous half-volley after chesting down a chipped pass from Alberto Nocerino. The Ghana midfielder's strike flew in off the underside of the bar leaving Wojciech Szczesny with no chance. Robinho doubled the lead seven minutes before the break heading home a cut-back from Zlatan Ibrahimovic. @highlight AC Milan demolish Arsenal 4-0 at the San Siro to almost guarantee place in last eight @highlight Zenit St Petersburg beat Benfica 3-2 in first leg of last 16 encounter @highlight Juventus drop points on the road in Serie A to stay in second behind AC Milan
But when you talk about allies, the ad was run by someone who is highly regarded in this community and across the country for her work to prevent gun violence and that's @placeholder.
Washington (CNN) -- Former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords is urging Arizona voters to supporter her successor, Rep. Ron Barber, who is locked in a tough race for re-election, with a personal video appeal. Giffords, who has been recovering since being seriously wounded in a 2011 shooting, speaks clearly into the camera as she says, "We expect our leaders to fight for us, not the special interests. Ron Barber is independent, he's courageous, and most of all he's Arizona through and through." This ad from the political action committee founded by Giffords -- Americans for Responsible Solutions -- follows some controversy about a previous ad from the same group attacking Barber's opponent, Republican Martha McSally. @highlight Gabby Giffords continues to recover from a 2011 shooting @highlight She's recorded a video ad for her successor, Ron Barber @highlight Barber is in a tough re-election campaing, opposed by Republican Martha McSally
She said @placeholder's state of emergency declaration should be governed by the rule of law, in line with international standards, and urged him to listen to the demands of demonstrators and take action to deal with problems in the judicial system.
Cairo (CNN) -- A fire erupted at the entrance to Egypt's presidential palace Friday night as protesters hurled Molotov cocktails and rocks at security forces, who responded with tear gas and water cannon. One person was fatally shot during clashes, according to an official from Cairo's Heliopolis Hospital, and authorities were seen dragging away demonstrators. Egyptian television aired live footage of security forces beating a naked man on the ground. The Ministry of Interior said it would investigate the incident. The nation has been rocked by violence since last week's second anniversary of its revolution. Protesters have fumed over the slow pace of change and recent edicts by President Mohammed Morsy, who imposed a 30-day curfew on areas engulfed by violence. @highlight One person is killed in clashes outside the presidential palace, a hospital says @highlight Protesters hurl Molotov cocktails and rocks; security forces respond with tear gas @highlight Egypt has been embroiled in violence since last week @highlight Protesters, security forces battle outside presidential palace
• @placeholder, a prototype military robot that learns to embrace life in the 1986 science-fiction comedy "Short Circuit";
Wall-E or Johnny 5? Or how about loyal "Jetsons" maid Rosie? Which of those fictional robots deserves a space in the Robot Hall of Fame? Or in the real world, how about the robots that troops use to dispose of bombs, or one that's made it all the way to the International Space Station? For the first time, you get to help decide. Created in 2003 at Carnegie Mellon University, the Robot Hall of Fame recognizes excellence in robotics technology, both real and fictional. So far, the hall has honored 21 robots, including such robo-stalwarts as NASA's Mars Sojourner, Honda's ASIMO and R2-D2 and C-3PO from "Star Wars." @highlight The public can vote on this year's inductees to the Robot Hall of Fame @highlight The hall, at Carnegie Mellon University, honors both real and fictional robots @highlight Previous inductees include NASA's Mars Sojourner, C-3PO and R2-D2 @highlight Voting, at the hall's website, is open until September 30
Even more, 72%, say a @placeholder airstrike would not achieve significant U.S. goals.
Washington (CNN) -- As President Barack Obama prepares to deliver one of the most important addresses of his presidency, the American public remains deeply skeptical and confused about his plan to strike Syria -- what it would accomplish, and whether it is even necessary now, given the Russian proposal to place Syria's chemical weapons stockpile under international control. With many Americans saying they are still unclear about what Obama wants to do, here are five questions the president must answer before he can begin to sway the court of public opinion in his favor. 1. Now that there may be a diplomatic alternative -- the Russian plan -- why does the U.S. still need to attack? @highlight Obama is scheduled to address the nation Tuesday night from the White House @highlight He will need to answer several key questions for the American public @highlight Poll: Many think Obama has not done a good job explaining the need to attack Syria @highlight New Russian proposal on Syria's chemical weapons may alter Obama's message
I'm fully behind @placeholder and I think Paul should get the job and hopefully he does."
(CNN) -- Colin Montgomerie might have masterminded Europe's charge to wrest the Ryder Cup back from the United States in 2010 but a hat-trick of the continent's best players are adamant he should not be allowed to reprise his role. World No. 1 Rory McIlroy reiterated his support for 2012 vice captain Paul McGinley on the day he announced a new multi-year sponsorship deal with Nike. The 23-year-old -- a two-time major winner -- claimed Montgomerie would have "nothing to gain" from taking the job on again and his stance was backed by English pair Ian Poulter and Luke Donald. @highlight Rory McIlroy reiterates support for Paul McGinley in Ryder Cup captain race @highlight World No. 1 backs Irishman for Europe's 2014 contest with United States in Scotland @highlight McIlroy says Colin Montgomerie has "nothing to gain" by doing job again @highlight Ian Poulter and Luke Donald also back McGinley to take captaincy
Instead, Putin primarily explains why Crimea matters to Russia: "The graves of Russian soldiers whose bravery brought Crimea into the Russian empire are also in @placeholder.
(CNN) -- Vladimir Putin's gala address before Russian parliamentarians and officials Tuesday surprised no one when he announced Russia's annexation of Crimea. The interesting part was his distorted view of Russian history, and his proclamation that a bizarre kind of simultaneously aggrieved and aggressive hyper-nationalism is now Russia's official ideology. In discussing Ukraine, however, Putin seemed to go out of his way to suggest he had no aggressive intentions and was not planning to divide the rest of the country. Listening to Putin, one could easily forget that Russia is and for many centuries has been the largest country in the world and that it acquired its territories by imperialist expansion often accompanied by genocide and ethnic cleansing. @highlight Alexander J. Motyl: Putin describes both an aggrieved and aggressive Russia @highlight Motyl: He rewrites history, portraying Russia as a victim of the West and Communists @highlight Motyl: Putin says Russia has the right to be a bully, dismisses its previous abuses @highlight Motyl: West must hold him to his statements that he wants peace with Ukraine
Religious communities: The practice of keeping abuse allegations from secular authorities has a long tradition in several denominations besides the @placeholder.
After being smacked in the face by wave upon wave of sex abuse scandals for the past decade, it's easy to feel nothing but angry or numb. So Joe Paterno's statue came down, a slew of dioceses went bankrupt, and thousands of once-secret documents about molesters in the Boy Scouts will soon be made public. It's fair to ask: Have we learned anything? That makes it a good time to step back and look beyond individual villains to the big picture. When you put together the stories of Penn State, the Roman Catholic Church, the Boy Scouts and other organizations hit by abuse scandals, you see they reacted in much the same way. Their behavior was shocking, but it was more common than we knew. @highlight Patrick Boyle: Boy Scout child sex abuse -- this kind of scandal is way too familiar @highlight For decades, he says, trusted institutions ignored abuse in order to protect themselves @highlight But lawsuits, publicity have brought this into the light and spurred improvements, he says @highlight Boyle: Organizations gearing up to prevent it, kids more likely to report and be believed
Socrates captained the 1982 side in @placeholder and was widely expected to lift the World Cup trophy.
(CNN) -- Former Brazil international captain Socrates has died in a Sao Paolo hospital at the age of 57 following an intestinal infection. The cultured midfielder, who won 60 international caps and scored 22 goals for his country, was admitted to the Albert Einstein hospital on Friday after suffering from food poisoning and died early on Sunday morning after going into septic shock. Socrates had already been admitted to hospital twice in 2011, in August and September, because of bleeding in his digestive tract. Despite not turning professional until he was 24, Socrates starred for Brazil between 1979 and 1986, playing in two World Cup finals tournaments in the process. @highlight Former Brazil international captain Socrates has died at the age of 57 @highlight Socrates captained his country in the 1982 World Cup finals in Spain @highlight The midfielder won 60 international caps and scored 22 goals
Striker Roberto Soldado came on with half an hour to go to add spice to @placeholder attack and chase a goal
Tottenham left Belgrade with a solitary point to show for their efforts in the Group C opener against a spirited Partizan side. As Mauricio Pochettino made his entry into full European competition the chances were slim for both sides, although Harry Kane went close for the visitors early hitting the crossbar and Hugo Lloris was tested more than his counterpart. Sportsmail's Dan Ripley was there and rates the Tottenham players' performances below. Tottenham striker Harry Kane's shot hits the cross bar in one of the best chances to break the deadlock TOTTENHAM Hugo Lloris - 6.5 Not the busiest of nights for the French stopper, who was otherwise reliable when called upon between the sticks. @highlight Harry Kane hit the crossbar in one of the 0-0 draw's rare chances @highlight Mauricio Pochettino made his debut in full European competition @highlight Jan Vertonghen impressed with a number of crucial blocks @highlight Paulinho was a passenger and replaced on the hour by Roberto Soldado
On their U.S. trip, the miners and rescuers will get a whirlwind tour of southern @placeholder.
Los Angeles, California (CNN) -- The miners who survived 69 days in a Chilean mine toured Hollywood and Sunset Boulevard in two double-decker buses Thursday evening, receiving cheers and a hero's welcome from passersby in the the street. The miners serenaded anyone who would listen. "Chi-chi-chi!" "Le-le-le!" "We the miners of Chile!" they sang in unison. Some people from the street and even a rooftop sang "Chile!" in return. The 33 miners, along with relatives and five of their rescuers, landed in Los Angeles earlier in the day Thursday for their first group tour to the United States since being freed last month. @highlight NEW: Miners and their relatives sing "We the miners of Chile" from double-decker buses @highlight One miner became a poet while underground just to survive gloom @highlight A miner's wife feared the ordeal would be too much on her pregnant 17-year-old daughter @highlight But the daughter gave birth to a girl this week, the first grandchild
One reason it's so easy for celebrities to bounce back from scandal or personal issues is because when they hit rock bottom, they're doing it with money and connections to boot, @placeholder image consultant Michael Sands said.
(CNN) -- As fast as Charlie Sheen fell from Hollywood's good graces at the start of 2011, he made his comeback even faster. Thanks in large part to his public apology at the 63rd Emmy Awards, Sheen will welcome the new year with a clean slate -- and a new TV show slated to premiere next summer. But it wasn't tiger blood that allowed the self-proclaimed warlock to turn his life around so quickly. It was the magic of celebrity. The entertainment industry is always quick to forgive celebrities, said Eileen Koch, owner of Eileen Koch and Co. public relations firm in Los Angeles. @highlight After an apology at the Emmys, Charlie Sheen welcomes 2012 with a clean slate @highlight The entertainment industry is always quick to forgive celebrities, publicist says @highlight David Arquette rebounded with help from rehab and "Dancing With the Stars" appearance @highlight Lindsay Lohan should follow example of Britney Spears, image consultant says
The teenager's death sparked widespread outrage among Palestinians, many of whom believe he was killed in retaliation for the abduction and killing of three @placeholder teens.
Mohammed Abu Khedair, a Palestinian teenager who was abducted and killed in Jerusalem this week, died from being burned alive and hit on the head with a blunt object, according to Palestinian General Prosecutor Mohammed al-Auwewy, citing a medical autopsy. Al-Auwewy said the autopsy discovered traces of smoke inside the lungs of the 16-year-old, indicating that it was inhaled while the fire was burning. Mark Regev, spokesman for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, said his country is aggressively investigating the killing. "We'll get to the bottom of it and catch those responsible," he told CNN on Saturday. Relatives accuse Israeli forces of beating visiting U.S. teen. @highlight Israeli military: 10 sites targeted in Gaza "following constant rocket fire" @highlight 16-year-old Palestinian Mohammed Abu Khedair was burned alive, prosecutor says @highlight Spokesman for Israeli PM says Israel is aggressively investigating the killing @highlight His U.S. cousin was beaten a day later by uniformed men, relatives say
@placeholder had to be delivered as quickly as possible, but if he arrived too early, he would be too weak to survive.
By Emma Innes PUBLISHED: 04:55 EST, 26 August 2013 | UPDATED: 05:25 EST, 26 August 2013 A set of twins who were born three months early and were not expected to survive are to start school this term. Fraser and Ewan White suffered breathing problems, bleeding in the brain, heart defects and hernias and doctors said it was a miracle that they survived. Now almost six years later, the boys are a picture of health and ready to start their first day of school - a date that their mother, Julie, 36, feared she would never see. Fraser and Ewan White, now six, were born three months prematurely and it was feared that they would not survive. They both suffered breathing difficulties, bleeds on the brain and hernias @highlight Fraser and Ewan White were delivered by emergency C-section at 29 weeks @highlight In the womb they developed twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome - a potentially fatal disease of the placenta that can affect identical twins @highlight Ewan developed absent end diastolic flow - a life-threatening condition which stops the blood flowing properly through the umbilical cord @highlight After birth they both had breathing difficulties and bleeding on the brain @highlight Fraser also had a hole in his heart and both boys suffered hernias
"When @placeholder hear I'm an American, they ask, 'Where is the world?'
(CNN)Kayla Mueller made helping people her life's work. After graduating from college in 2009, she traveled to northern India, the Palestinian territories and Israel to assist humanitarian groups, her family said through a spokeswoman. She then went to Syria to help people whose lives had been torn apart by war, especially children. "Syrians are dying by the thousands and they're fighting just to talk about the rights we have," the humanitarian worker told The Daily Courier, her hometown paper in Prescott, Arizona, in 2013. "For as long as I live, I will not let this suffering be normal." ISIS said in an online posting this month that a female American it was holding had died in a Jordanian airstrike on Raqqa, Syria. The Mueller family confirmed her death on Tuesday and said ISIS took her captive in August 2013. @highlight Kayla Mueller's family confirms death @highlight Ex-professor: Mueller "a peacemaker" who was willing to make sacrifices for others @highlight Family and friends: The 26-year-old devoted her life to activism, humanitarian causes
In this case, then, the question is whether @placeholder was in such a place and felt reasonably threatened.
(CNN) -- Trayvon Martin went out to buy some Skittles -- and was shot dead before he made it home. The case is horrifying, maddening, grotesque. And -- perhaps worst of all -- there may be nothing Florida law enforcement can do about it. As the world now knows, the 17-year-old Martin walked to a store in Orlando to buy some snacks on the night of February 26. George Zimmerman, a volunteer Neighborhood Watch captain, thought the boy looked suspicious and called 911. The 911 operator told Zimmerman to keep his distance -- police would be sent -- but there was a confrontation between Zimmerman and Martin. Martin was killed with a single shot to the chest. Florida authorities have not arrested Zimmerman, and federal authorities recently joined the investigation. @highlight Jeffrey Toobin: Trayvon Martin, 17, was shot dead out buying candy in horrifying case @highlight "Stand your ground" law allows killing if shooter feels "reasonably" threatened, he says @highlight Toobin: Law means alleged shooter's killing is justified by his own perception of threat @highlight Trayvon no longer here to give his side, Toobin says
The Olympics ended in disappointment for @placeholder of Qatar, who pulled up shortly after the start of her 100m heat
For most athletes at the London Olympics, their battle starts when they take their place on the starting blocks. But for Wojdan Shaherkani and Tahmina Kohistani, just taking part in London felt like a gold medal victory. To reach the Games, they have had to overcome political, social, religious and sporting obstacles. The Saudi judoka Wojdan Shaherkani, who was embroiled in a political and religious row in her home country before being allowed to compete The 100m sprinter Tahmina Kohstani of Afghanistan runs in a hijab and long clothing to conform with Islamic modesty laws Judoka Shaherkani's Olympics lasted just over a minute this morning, but the fact she made it to her bout with Puerto Rico's Melissa Mojica meant it was a revolutionary moment for the women of Saudi Arabia. @highlight Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Brunei have all entered women athletes into the 2012 Olympic Games for the first time @highlight Judo entrant Wojdan Shaherkani, of Saudi Arabia, is aged just 16. She is one of two women representing Saudi Arabia, the other being Sarah Attar, 20, who has dual US citizenship @highlight Qatar's Noor Hussain Al-Malki, 17, is the first female athlete to compete for her country at the Olympics and is a 100m sprinter @highlight 23-year-old Tahmina Kohistani, from Afghanistan is competing for the first time at the Olympics, also a 100m sprinter @highlight Oman's Shinoona Salah al-Habsi, 19, and Yemen's Fatima Sulaiman Dahman, 19, are both debuting at the Games
'She was moving fast' one local said on social media after Pippa surprised everyone by popping up (with a camera crew) in @placeholder
It's been a whirlwind few days for Pippa Middleton, who was pictured leaving Wyoming after reportedly being hired by NBC's Today show. The Duchess of Cambridge's younger sister was spotted at Jackson Hole airport in Wyoming after apparently inking a deal to be a correspondent for the popular NBC show. Pippa had been shopping for gifts and a teddy bear, possibly for her nephew Prince George, was peeking out of her bag. And she's off! Pippa Middleton leaves Wyoming after reportedly being hired by NBC's Today show and squeezing in a hoedown dance with locals surrounded by cameras on Wednesday evening. It is believed that she was filming a test piece for the Today show @highlight Pippa seen in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, carrying teddy @highlight Spotted country dancing in a bar surrounded by cameras on Wednesday @highlight The freelance columnist is hoping for a deal 'upward of $500,000' to report on lifestyle and health issues for NBC
Bargain buyers: Actresses Alison Steadman, left , and Kate Winslet are said to use @placeholder cream
When 66-year-old actress Alison Steadman recently revealed she has no time for expensive face creams and moisturises with Nivea Crème to keep her skin looking youthful, I rejoiced. I have been using budget face creams for 33 years, ever since my mother bought me my first pot of Ponds Dry Skin cream, aged 13, and told me it was all I'd need for a great complexion. She'd also started using it when she was a teenager and, while she's never set foot in a beauty salon, her skin still looks incredible at 71. Put to the test: Claire Cisotti applied the different creams to each side of her face for a month to see which was better @highlight Alison Steadman, 66, recently said she doesn't use expensive face creams @highlight She, Kate Winslet and Joan Collins moisturise with Nivea Crème @highlight Can a potion that costs just over £1 really compete with a luxury brand? @highlight Claire Cisotti put them to the test for a month
The @placeholder staff works with nonprofits to help raise awareness of their issues through world-record stunts.
(CNN) -- They had breakfast in bed for charity. That's why 388 people climbed into bed at the Pudong Shangri-la Hotel in Shanghai, China, on Wednesday morning. Members of the More than Aware breast cancer support group and their allies were trying to break a Guinness World Record for the most people having breakfast in bed. The menu included noodles, croissants and fruit, according to Shanghaiist.com. The previous record was set by Priceline and Women's Health (Australia) in 2012. They hosted 289 people at that breakfast at Sydney's Martin Place. There were 85 queen-size beds, with two to four people in each bed. @highlight An attempt to break the record for breakfast in bed was hosted in Shanghai @highlight Wednesday's event attracted 388 people climbing into bed and eating @highlight A breast cancer support group hosted the event
'@placeholder neglected to respond to the media about the issue, and in fact has been a no-show at five debates planned by community groups.'
Legendary actor Robert Mitchum was known as a tough guy, but even he might not have had the stomach for U.S. politics, as son Chris Mitchum is now learning. The younger Mitchum has accused his opponent in a Southern California congressional race of running 'deceptive' campaign ads that twist his words. Mitchum is squaring off against longtime Democrat incumbent Rep. Lois Capps. Scroll down for video Congressional candidate Chris Mitchum has accused his opponent in a Southern California congressional race of running 'deceptive' campaign ads that twist his words He previously ran for office as a Republican in 2012 but did not get beyond the primary voters. @highlight Mitchum is squaring off against longtime Democrat incumbent Rep. Lois Capps @highlight The ad shows Mitchum apparently telling an interviewer that he doesn't 'intend to got to Washington to represent the 24th District' @highlight Mitchum says the appearance is part of a longer clip where he makes a point about pet projects
Officials in @placeholder have expressed sympathy for the separatists, but denied any outright military support.
Kiev, Ukraine (CNN)At least seven civilians died after shells slammed into a transit stop Thursday in the volatile eastern Ukrainian city of Donetsk, the latest notable attack in a months-long conflict that has seen plenty of bloodshed, blame-sharing and intermittent negotiations but few signs of easing. The fatalities are among at least 10 civilians killed total, in addition to 20 injured, in the shelling of four city districts in the past 24 hours, the Donetsk City Council said on its website. Ukraine's state-run Ukrinform news, citing the Donetsk government, reported eight dead and seven hospitalized in the bus stop attack alone. @highlight State news: Rebels capture 16 wounded Ukrainian soldiers at Donetsk's airport @highlight 10 civilians reported killed in shelling in Donetsk city, seven of them at a bus stop @highlight Ukraine's Defense Ministry blames pro-Russian rebels; Moscow demands an investigation
'@placeholder is absolutely 100 per cent innocent,' McCoy told CNN today.
By Michael Zennie PUBLISHED: 13:25 EST, 23 April 2013 | UPDATED: 09:51 EST, 24 April 2013 Charges have been dropped against a Mississippi man charged with sending ricin-laced poison letters to President Barack Obama, a U.S. senator and a state judge after his lawyer argued that he has been framed by a former friend. 'I've never heard of ricin or whatever. I thought they said rice. I told them I don't eat rice,' Kevin Curtis said at a press conference today, describing the moment he was questioned by federal authorities. Defense lawyer Christi McCoy said whoever framed her client was able to lead the FBI to his door simply by including Curtis' catch-phrase 'I'm KC and I approve this message' and a few other clues in the threatening notes that were mailed to Washington. @highlight Kevin Curtis was set free on Tuesday after the FBI arrested him last week based on clues included in the poison letters sent to three politicians @highlight Defense lawyer said Curtis was framed by former friend who wrote Curtis' online catchphrase in the notes: 'I'm KC and I approve this message' @highlight Attorney claims FBI should be investigating J. Everett Dutschke, a former political candidate and accused child molester @highlight Dutschke had a disagreement and a harsh email exchange with Curtis recently, lawyer says
@placeholder, who has been married twice and has two sons, added: 'It is above all a
My daughters Lily and Clio were barely conceived before I found out what sex they were. For both, I had private scans at 12 weeks, not only because I wanted to check if they were healthy, but also to find out their gender. So by doing so, have I committed the alarming-sounding new crime of ‘moral kitsch’ - as author Ian McEwan would have it – and consigned my daughters to a ghastly 'pink fate’? Speaking at the Hay Festival at the weekend the Booker Prize-winning novelist, who has penned books such as Atonement and On Chesil Beach, strayed into the subject of discovering a baby's gender before it is born. @highlight Novelist Ian McEwan says finding out sex of baby is 'moral kitsch' @highlight Also says it confers a 'blue or pink fate' on a child before it is born @highlight Award-winning author was talking at the Hay Festival @highlight Strayed onto subject when discussing the sex of his characters @highlight Parenting expert Tanith Carey, 47, found out her babies genders as soon as possible @highlight She hits back explaining knowing the gender can be essential @highlight Accuses McEwan of mixing up 'fiction with real life'
'@placeholder is also extremely concerned about the failure of the Pakistani authorities to protect and enforce the rights of victims of drone strikes,' the report states.
By Lizzie Parry PUBLISHED: 07:47 EST, 22 October 2013 | UPDATED: 06:55 EST, 30 October 2013 The killing of Pakistanis in US-led drone strikes are tantamount to war crimes, claim the family of a grandmother killed as she gathered vegetables for her family. Mamana Bibi's grandchildren watched as the 68-year-old was killed by missile fire in the North Waziristan tribal region, close to the Afghan border, last October. Her family today backed a report compiled by Amnesty International, due to be published tomorrow, in which the London-based human rights group calls on the US to comply with international law and investigate the killings. @highlight Amnesty International report focuses on nine strikes in 2012 and 2013 @highlight Group calls on US to comply with international law and investigate killings @highlight Report reveals grandmother, 68, killed while collecting vegetables in field
@placeholder recently cut back on game developers' ability to post updates to users' walls, because people were angry that their newsfeeds were filling up with "FarmVille" spam.
Editor's note: Business Insider is contributing a series of columns to CNN.com that challenge commonly held beliefs about the tech world. (Business Insider) -- Zynga's hit Facebook game "FarmVille" is arguably the most widely played video game in existence. What is especially impressive about that is that "FarmVille" isn't any fun. We aren't being snobs, saying people shouldn't like it because it isn't good. We're saying that people don't like it, but they play it anyway. Try explaining "FarmVille" to someone who has never played it, and watch their eyes glaze over. Ask your friends who fill your Facebook newsfeed with their "FarmVille" accomplishments, and you'll find that most of them are embarrassed. They think the game is stupid and boring, but they just can't stop playing. @highlight Zynga's hit Facebook game "FarmVille" is arguably the most widely played online game @highlight The company makes it your duty to play "FarmVille," creating a sense of social obligation @highlight Facebook is an extremely odd platform for games, but it's successful
"But the fact of the matter is @placeholder has yet to prove what is so unique (about it), unlike how ... with a first glance, people were able to understand how different Wii was."
(CNN) -- It hasn't been a blockbuster year for Nintendo, the video-gaming company that brought us "Donkey Kong," "Super Mario Bros." and the Wii. Sales of the Wii U, Nintendo's latest gaming system, have been soft and the company has struggled to get enough top-tier games in front of the players clamoring for them. And while Microsoft and Sony have made headlines at E3, the video game industry expo underway this week in Los Angeles, Nintendo has kept a lower profile, forsaking its usual splashy keynote in favor of a smaller news conference. But Satoru Iwata, president and CEO of Nintendo, believes the company can rebound by focusing on Wii U games. In an interview this week for CNN, Iwata admitted the company made missteps with the introduction of the Wii U. But he remains convinced a strong lineup of upcoming Wii U software will get gamers excited about the living-room console. @highlight Nintendo president says new titles will turn around lackluster Wii U sales @highlight Japanese company has kept low profile at this year's E3 video-game expo @highlight Iwata compares Wii U to Nintendo 3DS, which started slow then picked up @highlight New "Mario Bros.," "Zelda" and "Donkey Kong" titles are on the way
‘He loves the @placeholder, but he missed his family,’ Ms Abedini said.
The wife of an American Christian pastor imprisoned in Iran for evangelizing is praying for a miracle as she awaits her husband's impending trial and possible death sentence. Naghmeh Abedini, who lives near Boise, Idaho, has been told by her husband’s attorneys that she should expect the worst at Monday's trial, where Saeed Abedini, a father of two, faces the capital charge of compromising national security. Those who have been following Mr Abedini’s trial believe the charges are directly related to his work nearly a decade ago when he started a house church movement in the Islamic country. Deep fear: Naghmeh Abedini, the wife of American Christian pastor Saeed Abedini, who was imprisoned in Iran for evangelizing, is praying for a miracle as she awaits her husband's impending trial and possible death sentence @highlight In November of 2005, Christian pastor Saeed Abedini, 32, and his wife Naghmeh, 35, were forced to flee Iran for evangelizing in the Islamic country @highlight In 2009, the couple decided to return to Iran and take a chance facing the charges against them @highlight Mr Abedini was arrested and sent back to the U.S. @highlight Last summer, the pastor and father of two went back to Iran to help open an orphanage with the state’s backing, his wife says @highlight He was arrested again and now faces trial on Monday
He said 'in order for me to be connected to the values here of Australia, the @placeholder government needs to stop picking on the Muslims here.'
By Sarah Dean For Daily Mail Australia A teenager whose passport has been cancelled on security grounds turned up to a TV discussion about Australians fighting in Syria wearing an Islamic State flag symbol and then dramatically stormed out. Abu Bakr, 19, who is on the radar of security services, walked off set during an SBS Insight episode due to be shown on Tuesday night. The teenager, who was born in Australia but has an Italian and Iraqi background, turned up to the discussion wearing an Islamic State flag logo on his black jacket. Bakr thinks Muslims are obligated help fellow Muslims overseas and reportedly does not feel connected with his home country of Australia. @highlight Abu Bakr, 19, has had his passport revoked on security grounds @highlight Walked out when Insight show turned to the issue of passports @highlight His lawyer says he was duped to appear on the show @highlight Jenny Brockie fronts the programme Tuesday night at 8.30pm on SBS One @highlight Other Australian supporters of the Islamic State, formerly known as ISIS, also take part in the show
His return from suspension did little to revive what was a limp and lifeless @placeholder performance.
(CNN)Atletico Madrid stunned their city rivals Real after thrashing them 4-0 in what must count as one of the most humiliating derby defeats in recent memory. The Spanish champions took a first half lead after Real's goalkeeper Iker Casillas fumbled Tiago's shot into his own net. Although there was little Casillias could do about Saul Niguez's stunning overhead kick that gave Atletico a 2-0 halftime lead. The visitors had hoped to cement their strong position in this season's title battle with the return of Cristiano Ronaldo, who had been suspended for two matches following a sending off last month. But Atletico pushed on in the second half with goals from Antoine Griezmann and Mario Mandzukic sealing a historic derby day victory. Atletico are now unbeaten against Real in six matches. @highlight Real lost 4-0 in the Madrid derby @highlight They lost despite return of Cristiano Ronaldo @highlight Atletico now unbeaten in six Madrid derbies
@placeholder confirmed to the hearing that Manona had called him certain names, that they then fought and that he had stabbed him to death.
Cannibal killer: Andrew Chimboza who ripped out a man's heart and ate it to 'show he was not gay' has apologised to his victim's family 'for exceeding the boundaries of self-defence, a court heard A businessman who ripped a man's heart out and ate it to 'prove he was not gay' has apologised to his victim's family for 'exceeding the boundaries of self-defence'. Andrew Chimboza, 35, who runs a window tinting business, pleaded guilty to murdering Mbuyiselo Manona, 62, in the South African township of Gugulethu last year. He told police after he was arrested that he gouged out Mr Manona's heart and ate it as he lay bleeding to death 'to show him that I am not a moffie [gay]'. @highlight Andrew Chimboza stabbed Mbuyiselo Manona in a frenzied attack last year @highlight As he lay bleeding to death, Chimboza gouged out his heart before eating it @highlight Chimboza told judge: 'I'm sorry for what I've done. I have genuine remorse'
"With regards to Tom Watson's specific allegations, we believe these are wholly inaccurate," the company told CNN Thursday, adding that it was cooperating with ongoing police investigations into phone hacking and had not been asked about the work of the private investigator Watson named in @placeholder.
London (CNN) -- A powerful British media group is fighting new accusations that it illegally got information on members of the royal family and top politicians, after a lawmaker accused it of hacking. Police have information that "strongly suggests" that a private investigator targeted royals, lawmakers and high-level terrorist informers on behalf of Rupert Murdoch's News International, Labour lawmaker Tom Watson said in Parliament Wednesday. British media said the targets included former Prime Minister Tony Blair and Kate Middleton when she was dating Prince William, the second in line to the throne. They married in April. Buckingham Palace and Prince William's office at Clarence House both declined to comment. @highlight A British lawmaker accuses News International of more hacking of royals and politicians @highlight Rupert Murdoch's media group rejects the allegations @highlight British media name Tony Blair and Kate Middleton as possible victims @highlight London's Metropolitan Police confirm they are considering allegations they have received
According to police 43-year-old @placeholder had started a relationship with a local woman after she had walked out on her previous partner.
By Chris Pleasance One of Germany's most famous fortune tellers is fighting for her life in intensive care after being stabbed repeatedly by a man unhappy with her advice. The fortune teller Zagorka Jovanovic, 68, who advertises on white magic websites as Esmeralda aus Bilk, charged hundreds of euros for a sitting in which she claimed to use the spiritual world to settle relationship disputes. But she was stabbed outside her flat in Dusseldorf, a city in western Germany, by Turkish man Metin Kolkilic, after advising his lover to leave him. Zagorka Jovanovic, 68, who goes by the name of Esmeralda aus Bilk, is fighting for her life in hospital after being repeatedly stabbed on her doorstep by a man unhappy with one of her readings @highlight Zagorka Jovanovic, 68, repeatedly stabbed on her doorstep in Dusseldorf @highlight Was attacked by Metin Kolkilic after advising his lover to leave him @highlight Kolkilic is now on the run and police think he may be in Turkey
One fund would go toward building costs for the @placeholder based organizations.
Conservative grassroots organizations are seething today over the inclusion in a government spending bill of a campaign finance measure that will allow wealthy Americans to give more money to political parties. Concerned that the measure will have the practical effect of redirecting funds away from their groups to the national party, Tea Party organizers denounced the $1.1 trillion spending bill that narrowly passed the House on Thursday evening and GOP leadership in Congress. While Republicans are traditionally in favor of removing caps on political donations, the rider has conservatives that are normally in favor of the free flow of money aligned with progressive groups that seek to limit it. @highlight They're concerned the measure will have the practical effect of redirecting funds away from their groups to the national party @highlight The rider has conservatives that are normally in favor of the free flow of money aligned with progressive groups that seek to limit it @highlight Provision 'will only strengthen the Washington establishment in both parties,' Citizens United President David Bossie said @highlight The House passed the joint continuing resolution and omnibus legislation on Thursday night; the Senate is likely to approve it today
man was going to be @placeholder's partner or act as Shania's father,’ the
By Julian Gavaghan PUBLISHED: 09:38 EST, 11 May 2012 | UPDATED: 10:48 EST, 11 May 2012 A ‘sadistic’ father has been ordered to spend the rest of his life in prison for murdering his ex-partner and their two-year-old daughter in a jealous rage. David Oakes, 50, stormed Christine Chambers’ house and blasted her and their daughter Shania with a shotgun just weeks after the family gained a restraining order against him. Beforehand, he subjected Miss Chambers to ‘degrading assaults’ by forcing her to strip and cutting chunks from her hair. He then wounded his face with the gun himself following the attack last June. @highlight David Oakes planned savage shotgun attack in 'elaborate detail' after deciding that the 'last hours of their lives would be terrifying @highlight He tortured Christine Chambers while daughter ignoring his terrified daughter Shania's cry to stop @highlight Judge Mr Justice Fulford said attack was 'needless' as he jailed 'sadistic' Oakes indefinitely @highlight Police release new mugshot of Oakes, who had a history of violence, that was taken on a previous arrest - but they refused to reveal when or why
revealed that members of @placeholder fraternity have not been cooperating
By Rachel Quigley PUBLISHED: 14:30 EST, 10 October 2012 | UPDATED: 17:02 EST, 10 October 2012 A college freshman died after leaders of his fraternity locked him and 15 others in a room as part of a hazing ritual, allegedly telling them they couldn't leave until all the bottles of alcohol were gone. More details have emerged about the events surrounding the death of 18-year-old Philip Dhanens, from Fresno, since an investigation was launched after the California State University party turned tragic. The 18-year-old had only been at college two weeks when he took part in a drinking binge at a off-campus fraternity house on August 31. He was pronounced dead two days later. @highlight Philip Dhanens died after a hazing ritual at Theta Chi on August 31 turned tragic @highlight Coroner said the teen had swelling of the brain due to acute alcohol consumption @highlight Blood-alcohol level was 0.36 - five times the legal limit for driving @highlight Teens were given multiple bottles of vodka, tequila and whiskey
The fires have already destroyed 1,664 structures -- including 1,436 homes -- and they still threaten 25,000 more, @placeholder said Wednesday.
SAN DIEGO, California (CNN) -- Conditions that created what California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger dubbed "the perfect storm for fire" eased Wednesday, helping firefighters gain ground against devastating Southern California wildfires. A plane drops fire retardant on the fourth day of a wildfire pushed by winds through Pauma Valley, California. Winds that gusted as much as 101 mph on Sunday dropped to about 30 mph Wednesday evening. Meanwhile, the dry Santa Ana winds that have fanned the flames, changed direction and began blowing inland from the Pacific Ocean, increasing the humidity and easing the burden on almost 8,900 firefighters in the area. @highlight Local and federal officials probe suspected arson, offer $70,000 reward @highlight Wind speeds drop, humidity increases after Santa Ana winds change direction @highlight President Bush signs major disaster declaration for Southern California @highlight Home losses will likely top $1 billion in San Diego County, official says
In his plea paperwork Musga admitted that he killed @placeholder because the toddler had urinated on him.
A 19-year-old man in Tacoma, Washington, has pleaded guilty to raping and murdering his girlfriend's two-year-old son. Jake Musga pleaded guilty on Monday to first degree murder and child rape in the death of Laura Colley’s son Chayson. He could spend the rest of his life in prison after prosecutors confirmed that they will be asking the judge to sentence Musga to 60 years to life when he is sentenced in November. When Chayson Colley, held here by his mom Laura, was taken to hospital doctors said he showed no significant brain activity, had bleeding in his brain and stomach, had suffered a collapsed lung and bruising around his rectum @highlight Jake Musga, 19, faces spending the rest of his life in prison after pleading guilty to first degree murder @highlight Chayson Colley, 2, died on March 30 from a host of brutal injuries @highlight The baby's blood-alcohol level was .12, while the legal limit for drivers in Washington state is .08 @highlight Musga's girlfriend had left her son with Musga so she could go to a party
Hawkins' one-man protest was supported by the @placeholder, who said in a statement that they respected both the police and their players' rights to take on causes.
His eyes filling with tears, Browns wide receiver Andrew Hawkins spoke passionately about a decision he knew would bring backlash and possibly harm his reputation. For Hawkins, there was no choice. A day after he wore a T-shirt protesting two shootings in Ohio involving police and victims carrying fake guns, Hawkins said he was motivated out of fear that one day something tragic could happen to his 2-year-old son. Scroll Down for Video Cleveland Browns wide receiver Andrew Hawkins wears a shirt calling attention to two black Ohioans killed during encounters with law enforcement before an NFL football game against the Cincinnati Bengals in Cleveland @highlight Hawkins said he was motivated out of fear that one day something tragic could happen to his 2-year-old son @highlight Hawkins wore the black shirt during pre-game warmups before Cleveland hosted the Cincinnati Bengals @highlight He said he wanted to address the situation after Cleveland police union president Jeff Follmer called his actions 'pathetic'
@placeholder wasn't always a fan of naming 'czars' – point-people – to consolidate the government's responses to a crisis
As the White House sews together a patchwork of agency responses to the Ebola epidemic, Sen. John McCain and other Republican lawmakers are demanding that President Obama appoint a single 'Ebola czar' to oversee the government's efforts to contain the virus. 'From spending time here in Arizona, my constituents are not comforted,' McCain, an Arizona Republican, said Sunday on CNN. 'There has to be more reassurance given to them. I would say we don't know exactly who's in charge. There has to be some kind of czar.' That represents a 180-degree turn from McCain's view in 2009, when he lambasted the administration for taking a 'czar' approach to everything from drugs and green jobs to the Great Lakes and California's water supply. @highlight White House has had a rotating cavalcade of experts from seven different agencies briefing Congress and the press on Ebola @highlight Sen. John McCain said on Sunday that he would 'like to know who's in charge' of the White House's plan @highlight But during Obama's first year in office, he mocked the president for having 'more czars than the Romanovs' @highlight Rep. Jack Kingston demanded 'one person in charge' on Saturday to lead 'one central office that's a clearinghouse' @highlight In 2009 he pushed legislation to defund White House 'czars' as unaccountable apparatchiks
Said Zimmer-Meyer about @placeholder: "He has been flying for a long time.
(CNN) -- Larry and Jane Glazer were alike in so many ways, from their individual successes in business to their shared loved of adventure -- and flying. The couple helped lead and reshape Rochester, New York, for decades. They were believed to be the only passengers aboard a small plane that flew Friday -- unresponsive and with its windows fogging over -- down the East Coast, over stretches of open ocean and over Cuba before crashing off the coast of Jamaica. The U.S. Coast Guard on Sunday called off its search for the plane's wreckage. While entrepreneurship was the bedrock of their business success, their impact on the city in upstate New York extended far beyond corporate offices and financial reports. @highlight Larry Glazer helped reshape Rochester through his development firm since 1970 @highlight Jane Glazer became an entrepreneur after quitting her teaching job in 1983 @highlight She sold microwave cookware through catalogs and the Internet @highlight The couple loved adventure and flying planes
Mr @placeholder and his family later filed a complaint with police which was later retracted.
An Indian bride ended up marrying a guest at her own wedding after her husband-to-be suffered an epileptic fit during the ceremony. Groom Jugal Kishore was just about to exchange vows when he collapsed with a seizure and was rushed to hospital. Angry that she had not been informed of his condition, the 23-year-old bride, Indira, asked a member of her brother-in-law's family, Harpal Singh, to marry her instead. Scroll down for video An Indian bride ended up marrying a guest at her own wedding after her husband-to-be suffered an epileptic fit during the ceremony because she angry she had been told about her fiances condition (file picture) @highlight Groom rushed to hospital after collapsing with seizure during ceremony @highlight Bride married guest in anger because she wasn't told about his condition @highlight Fight broke out when groom recovered and realised what happened
Within days, Silver acted, banning the Clippers owner for life, fining him $2.5 million and initiating proceedings to terminate @placeholder's ownership rights.
(CNN) -- If Adam Silver were commissioner of the NFL, would running back Ray Rice have already been banned from the league? And if Roger Goodell were in charge of the NBA, would Donald Sterling still be the owner of the Los Angeles Clippers? What-ifs and role reversals can make your head spin. What we have are two leagues and two vastly different responses to separate hot-button issues: racism and domestic violence. Silver had little time to settle into his new job. He took over from longtime NBA commissioner David Stern on February 1, and by late April, he was already embroiled in the Sterling controversy. @highlight NFL and NBA commissioners have each faced member conduct challenges in 2014 @highlight Adam Silver took over the NBA and immediately faced the Sterling crisis @highlight Roger Goodell has been the NFL boss for eight years. @highlight There's a growing chorus calling for Goodell's resignation
A minute later, the person who had followed @placeholder leaves the bathroom.
(CNN) -- After failing to find her teenage son on the grounds of Danvers High School, Diana Chism called police in the small northeastern Massachusetts town where she lives with her three children. The call came on 6:34 p.m. on October 22 -- one in a long series of contacts and pieces of old-fashioned police work that helped crack a case that shocked the quiet New England town of 26,000. The mother's desperate call was one of the first items in a police affidavit that chillingly chronicled the killing of popular high school teacher Colleen Ritzer, 24, allegedly at the hand of shy student-athlete Philip Chism, 14. @highlight Court documents provide detailed timeline of case that shocked New England town @highlight Affidavit chronicles killing of popular teacher and the arrest of one of her students @highlight Prosecutors have said they will seek to try Philip Chism, 14, as an adult @highlight Colleen Ritzer, 24, was found, brutally slain, on October 23
To appeal to that "work hard, play hard" mentality, a massive @placeholder wall greets guests in the lobby.
(CNN) -- From swimming pool slides and oversized LEGO stations to Plinko walls and Wii consoles, hotels all over the world have committed to having fun. Some have transformed their lobbies and public spaces into the kind of playgrounds children and grown-ups alike can enjoy, inspiring a bit of healthy competition among guests. Here are eight properties that stretch and bounce and slide beyond a place to lay your head: Sea Island, Georgia This massive resort on Georgia's coast packs in a lot: Nature lovers are especially spoiled with plenty to do, from salt marsh exploration to kayaking to an after-dark survival skills course where younger guests are groomed for the outdoors with lessons in pitching tents, lighting fires, reading a compass, etc. The resort can also provide a very thorough primer in gyotaku fish printing that includes dissecting the fish. For guests who prefer a more traditional take on play, there's a life-size chess set on the lawn, and a very civilized weekly Bingo service, where men age 12 and up are required to wear a jacket. @highlight Life-size chess, LEGO and Plinko are among the amenities at some hotels @highlight At Sea Island off the coast of Georgia, Bingo is a formal affair @highlight Primland Resort in Virginia puts on geocaching treasure hunts
The author told @placeholder: 'ITV are shooting themselves in the foot by criticising Simon Cowell.
By Chris Parsons PUBLISHED: 22:18 EST, 19 April 2012 | UPDATED: 02:19 EST, 20 April 2012 ITV bosses are risking a 'self-destructive war' with Simon Cowell by criticising the TV mogul and 'disrespecting' the work he has done for the channel's ratings. The explosive new biography of Cowell, 52, accuses ITV bosses of being 'disloyal' and 'ungrateful' to the X Factor supremo by not respecting the work he has done in rescuing the channel's plummeting ratings. The latest revelations from Tom Bower's book, which has been serialised in The Sun, also claim Cowell branded former business partner and talent show rival Simon Fuller 'the Devil'. @highlight Channel were 'disloyal and ungrateful' to X Factor supremo, claims scandalous book @highlight Revelations also made about Cowell's 'hatred' of Simon Fuller, who he calls 'the Devil'
@placeholder is the leader of the Conservative party, one of the offices that had body parts mailed to it.
(CNN) -- Montreal authorities on Saturday detailed the charges pending against a self-proclaimed porn star, accusing him of first-degree murder in the grisly killing and dismembering of a university student and threatening, among others, Canada's prime minister. The suspect -- 29-year-old Luka Rocco Magnotta -- remains at large despite a massive international manhunt. The search for him began after a severed hand and foot were mailed to the Ottawa headquarters of Canada's Liberal and Conservative parties, while a torso was discovered stuffed in a suitcase and tossed in the trash heap of a Montreal apartment building. What specific accusations he would face if he's captured became clearer Saturday, when police in Montreal released information from his arrest warrant. @highlight Luka Rocco Magnotta, 29, is the focus of a massive international manhunt @highlight A warrant notes that police want him arrested on 5 charges, including murder @highlight He caused "Stephen Harper and (lawmakers) to reasonably fear for their safety," it says @highlight Police say Magnotta killed and dismembered a Chinese student, then mailed body parts
This modern and unusual version of the typical @placeholder coffee shop is situated inside a bookstore.
(CNN) -- Incredible architecture and art are splendid and interesting enough but when I go to Italy, I want to eat. Which is why, after a dozen trips to the country, I decided to settle into the city of Bologna for a few weeks and consume as much as I possibly could. Now, every Italian will tell you that their region makes the best food. But for many, the best Italian food comes from the region of Emilia-Romagna, of which Bologna is the capital. Meat ragu, tortellini, lasagna, parmigiano cheese, mortadella, coppa and balsamic vinegar -- all have roots here and the resulting regional dishes are truly sublime. @highlight Emilia-Romagna's rich local ingredients have earned the region high praise in food circles @highlight From a simple cappuccino to a perfectly prepared pasta dish, Bologna holds many pleasures @highlight Visitors to the region should learn a few key phrases to keep from vastly overindulging
@placeholder heavily censors the web, across the country, and up until March 2010 Google adhered to some of these laws.
By Victoria Woollaston PUBLISHED: 09:20 EST, 13 November 2013 | UPDATED: 10:34 EST, 14 November 2013 Motorola officially unveiled its ‘budget’ Moto G handset in Brazil yesterday, with hopes of capturing the emerging markets. The £135 Moto G is a 4.5-inch handset running the latest version of Android and will launch across Latin America, Europe, Canada and parts of Asia in the coming weeks. A notable omission in the rollout plans, however, is China - a region that Apple recently considered important enough to include in its iPhone and iPad release, but one that has a chequered past with Motorola's parent company, Google. @highlight Moto G has a 4.5-inch screen and costs £135 in the UK and $179 in the U.S @highlight It is a budget alternative to the Moto X handset released in August @highlight Launch comes after reports only 500,000 Moto X handsets have been sold @highlight Google-owned Motorola reported losses of $342 million earlier this year @highlight Phone is launching initially in Brazil and Europe - but China will miss out
I hadn't been back to @placeholder at all when I left and it had been over 20 years.
The Detroit Lions have landed at Gatwick Airport ahead of their clash with the Atlanta Falcons at Wembley on Sunday. Sunday's game is the second of three NFL fixtures being played at Wembley in 2014. In front of a 83,436 crowd at the London stadium, the Miami Dolphins trounced Oakland Raiders 38-14. The Dallas Cowboys and the Jacksonville Jaguars will fight it out at Wembley on November 9th. Atlanta Falcons defensive end Osi Umenyiora describes returning to his city of birth for the latest International Series contest at Wembley as a 'dream come true'. The Detroit Lions have touched down at Gatwich Airport ahead of their clash with the Atlanta Falcons @highlight Miami Dolphins defeated Oakland Raiders 38-14 in front of 83,436 people at Wembley in September @highlight Dallas Cowboys will play Jacksonville Jaguars in London in November @highlight Atlanta Falcons defensive end Osi Umenyiora describes returning to his city of birth for Wembley match as a 'dream come true'. @highlight Atlanta Falcons landed in London on Monday morning and will practice at Arsenal's Colney base this week
At 1-0 for France, @placeholder's tame second-serve return let the Swiss off the hook.
Lille (CNN) -- The stage is set for Roger Federer. Arguably the greatest tennis player of all time, one of the two things missing from his resume -- which must be a dozen pages if not longer -- is a Davis Cup title. But after his Switzerland beat France in the pivotal doubles tussle Saturday, the Swiss are one win away from wrapping up the final in Lille -- and it's Federer who has first crack at completing the job. You wouldn't possibly bet against him, would you? "Nothing is done yet," Federer told reporters. "We won the doubles match and we are preparing for tomorrow, as we have to do." @highlight Roger Federer and Switzerland are one match away from winning a maiden Davis Cup @highlight Federer and Stan Wawrinka won the doubles Saturday against France in Lille @highlight Federer and Wawrinka defeat Richard Gasquet and Julien Benneteau in straight sets @highlight Federer has the opportunity to close out the series as he plays Sunday's first singles
While the medical measures undertaken by FIFA form part of Foe's legacy, a final chapter continues to play out wherever Cameroon's @placeholder roam.
(CNN) -- The paint is peeling, puddles litter the inside of the building, putrid water lies in what was supposed to be a swimming pool and even the statue of the man who had the vision to build the sports complex is cracked -- a sad and inglorious tribute to Marc-Vivien Foe 10 years to the day after the Cameroonian's tragic death. Once earmarked as a state-of-the-art $10 million sports academy, the only inhabitants today are not the next generation of Indomitable Lions but a handful of squatters and policemen -- with Foe's father funding the latter because of the high risk of theft in this corner of Yaounde. @highlight 26 June 2013 is the10th anniversary of Marc-Vivien Foe's death @highlight Foe died from a cardiac arrest during a Confederations Cup semi in Lyon, France @highlight Back in Cameroon, Foe's sports academy is in a state of disrepair @highlight Last month FIFA issued all of its 209 member associations with a Medical Emergency Bag
But Mr @placeholder condemned the remarks for writing off whole swathes of people who should be given the change to get on.
Boris Johnson was today accused of 'unpleasant, careless elitism' after claiming some people were not bright enough to get on in the modern world. The London Mayor was condemned by Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg, who accused the senior Conservative of talking about human beings like 'dogs'. Mr Johnson used a speech in tribute to Margaret Thatcher to argue that tackling economic inequality is ‘futile’ because some people’s IQ is too low for them to compete. Scroll down for video London Mayor Boris Johnson, pictured on a visit last week, said some people were simply not bright enough to succeed in the modern world @highlight London Mayor said only those with high IQs could rise to the top @highlight Inequality is 'essential for the spirit of envy', Mr Johnson argued @highlight Called for creation of new generation of grammar schools to help brightest @highlight Comments came in the third annual Margaret Thatcher Lecture @highlight But Nick Clegg accused Johnson of talking about human beings like 'dogs'
amid a crackdown on @placeholder activists after the fatal stabbing of an
Two members of Greece's Nazi-inspired Golden Dawn were slain and another wounded tonight in a drive-by shooting thought to be a revenge attack by anti-fascists. The two victims, aged 22 and 27, were shot at close range outside a Golden Dawn office in Athens' Neo Iraklio suburb by two men riding a motorcycle. 'A man got off a motorcycle wearing a helmet and shot them,' Golden Dawn lawmaker Georgios Germenis told The Associated Press. A statement on the party's website described how the gunmen had 'literally emptied their weapons' into the victims. Scroll down for video A sheet used to cover the body of one of two victims of a drive-by shooting outside the local branch of the Golden Dawn party lies where it was left on the pavement at the suburb of Neo Iraklio, north Athens @highlight Two victims in their 20s shot at close range outside Golden Dawn office @highlight Third man is taken to hospital after suffering severe gunshot wounds @highlight Police are treating the incident as a terror attack by Greece's far left
I had to have a word with myself afterwards and say, “Alex, get a grip.”’ Like many Strictly competitors, the 34- year-old is only just realising the extent to which @placeholder requires not only physical but also emotional dedication.
Alex Jones is in no doubt: stepping on to the Strictly dancefloor is guaranteed to give you sweaty palms and a racing heart. ‘Being on that dancefloor on Saturday night in front of the studio audience is one of the most terrifying things I’ve ever done,’ she says. And it doesn’t seem to get any easier. Several weeks into the competition, and despite talking to Weekend fresh from performing a beautifully executed waltz that won praise from the judges, she’s still full of trepidation. ‘It was lovely to get some good comments but as soon as we go back to Latin I predict a dip.’ Her anxiety is understandable: The One Show presenter performed a distinctly underwhelming cha cha cha with her dance partner, James Jordan, on her first week on the show. @highlight Now can Welsh lass go one better than her co-host on Strictly Come Dancing
It certainly helps that @placeholder made sure to line up the edges of buildings and streets for maximum effect.
(Wired) -- Google's Street View images bear some similarities to 18th-century landscape paintings. The content is different, of course. What Google's army of photo collectors captured at Westminster Abbey on any given day in the 21st century will look different than what Italian painter Canaletto saw back in the 1700s. But they're both a representation of an exact moment in time, which makes them a handy way to compare now and then if you can isolate the right locations. Redditor Shystone has laid old paintings over Google Street View photographs to create a series of perspective-bending composite images of old and new London. Modern sculptures dominate a plaza that was once wide open; neon signs reside on the same block as gas-lit streetlights; and a bridge covers over a river that was once filled with sailboats. @highlight Old paintings of London overlaid on Google Street View pictures @highlight Series of perspective-bending composite images show old and new city @highlight Take a look at the gallery to see what old London streets used to look like
Mr @placeholder has vowed to campaign to remain in the EU, and claimed it is the ‘patriotic’ thing to do.
Eurosceptics who want Britain to leave the EU have been branded ‘unpatriotic’ by Nick Clegg. The Deputy Prime Minister tore into the Conservatives and the UK Independence Party who want to sever ties with the European Union, claiming it would leave many people ‘poorer’ and the country as a whole ‘weaker’. In a co-ordinated Lib Dem strike, Treasury minister Danny Alexander also claimed 'if you are anti-Europe, you are anti-business, anti-growth' after multimillionaire Paul Sykes vowed to do ‘whatever it takes’ to bankroll Ukip’s campaign machine for next year’s Euro elections. National interest: Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg said it was 'unpatriotic' to argue Britain should leave the EU @highlight Deputy Prime Minister tears into Ukip and anti-EU Conservatives @highlight Lib Dem leader says backing EU membership is the patriotic thing to do @highlight Ex-Tory donor Paul Sykes promises millions of pounds to Ukip @highlight Ukip leader Nigel Farage says pro-EU establishment is worried @highlight Danny Alexander says: 'If you are anti-Europe, you are anti-growth'
'Consumers need confidence that they're buying the product from either @placeholder or elsewhere and it should be clearly labelled as such,' he said.
Proud Australian produce purchasers would have had a difficult time buying asparagus from one local Woolworths recently, after the supermarket giant displayed a puzzling label. James Anderson, from Turbo Productions, took a snap of the confusing tag at his local Woolworth in Docklands, Victoria, to share his disappointment that the supermarket wasn't sourcing its asparagus from nearby local growers. A Woolworths spokesperson explained to Daily Mail Australia that in the case of asparagus, the vegetable is sourced from Australian sources when it is in season – from September through to March. At other points of the year, it is imported from Peru and Mexico. @highlight Woolworths in Docklands, Victoria, labelled its asparagus with a sign reading 'Product of Australia or Peru or Mexico' @highlight A spokesperson from the Australian Made Campaign has slammed the vague sign saying it's 'not good enough' @highlight 95 per cent of fresh food stocked at major supermarkets is Australian produce, however the origin of most packaged foods remains unclear
Friends were going back and the ones who stayed in @placeholder were asking if they should follow whenever we got together.
(CNN) -- I moved from Turkey to New York right after college and stayed for 10 years. I instantly felt I belonged. No matter how small my apartment was, how little money I had or how bad the streets smelled, I was happy. I went to graduate school, worked, had the time of my life and became an adult. Although I missed my family, friends and having a glass of Raki looking at the Bosphorus, I never wanted to go back. Unfortunately, there was one big hurdle in my New York forever plan: the scholarship that got me to U.S. had a strict rule of returning home for two years after graduating. That rule was to prevent brain drain: the departure of educated or professional people from one country for another, for better living conditions. @highlight Binnaz Saktanber recently moved back to Turkey after spending a decade abroad @highlight She says she felt happy to be in Turkey during last summer's protests, hopeful for future @highlight Recently, she began to lose hope and started thinking about leaving again, she writes
colleagues performed @placeholder's first face transplant on a man whose face
By John Hall and Emma Innes A Polish woman who was disfigured by a huge facial tumour has revealed her new face at a press conference. The 26-year-old, identified only as Joanna, underwent Poland's second ever facial transplant after neurofibromatosis – a genetic condition causing benign tumours - left her unable to chew, talk or swallow. During a press conference yesterday, Joanna thanked doctors and the family of the person who donated their face, and told journalists: 'I have nice eyebrows now'. Transformed: The 26-year-old, identified only as Joanna, underwent Poland's second ever facial transplant after neurofibromatosis – a genetic condition causing benign tumours - left her unable to chew, talk or swallow @highlight Joanna, 26, struggled to chew, swallow or talk before the massive operation @highlight It took 23 hours and involved replacing 80 per cent of the skin on her face @highlight She suffered from neurofibromatosis - a genetic condition causing tumours @highlight The tumour will not grow back because skin on new face has different genes
The mission managers will spend several weeks checking out the spacecraft and testing computer commands to guide @placeholder through the rest of its flight.
(CNN)Three billion miles away from Earth, in an unchartered slice of our solar system, a small space probe is shaking off its deep sleep and getting ready to become the first spacecraft to visit Pluto and its moons. It's the "beginning of the mission's primary objective: the exploration of Pluto and its many moons in 2015," said Alan Stern, New Horizons principal investigator from Southwest Research Institute, Boulder, Colorado, in a NASA news release. NASA's New Horizons spacecraft was launched on January 19, 2006. It's down to the final 162 million miles of its journey and will arrive July 14, 2015. New Horizons has had 18 hibernation periods totaling 1,873 days to save wear and tear on its components. This was its last nap. @highlight New Horizons awakens from its final hibernation @highlight The NASA space probe will visit Pluto and its moons in July 2015 @highlight Talk about a long journey -- New Horizons has traveled nine years and 3 billion miles
Controls are responsive enough (although the lack of a jump button may annoy) while the optional function of shouting orders through @placeholder isn't as smooth as it should be.
It's finally here. The Xbox One has hit the shelves and those lucky enough to have a console on launch day must decide what games are worth getting. Whether it's showing off the best graphics, or picking the best shooter, MailOnline runs the rule over the top launch titles. Ryse: Son of Rome (Best visuals) Its development has been plagued with issues - notably moving from a Kinect-centered game to a third-person hack and slash. And it shows. Combat is extremely repetitive, enemies all look the same and game menus are bewildering. Stunning: there is no doubting just how good Ryse looks in parts - especially this early battle scene @highlight Good selection of launch games that is sure to please variety of gamers @highlight Unlike the Xbox 360 launch crop, most are more than just technical showcases
He then reiterated that "war is discovery," stressed that ISIS is a "national security threat" and said that airstrikes alone will not beat @placeholder though they have forced the group to change "the way it's moving."
(CNN) -- The U.S. has a "winning strategy" to defeat ISIS, the chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff told CNN's Kyra Phillips in an exclusive interview on Wednesday. He added that he "can't foresee" sending "large ground combat forces into Iraq." Gen. Martin Dempsey also touched on his concerns about the spread of the Ebola virus and what's more to come in the coalition battle against murderous Islamic extremists. ISIS has inched closer to the Iraqi capital Baghdad this week and continued fighting in strategically important Anbar Province. Is it possible that ISIS could gain control of Baghdad? @highlight NEW: Chairman of Joint Chiefs faults the Iraqi government @highlight On possibly putting sending in ground troops, Dempsey said no but added "war is discovery" @highlight Dempsey: "I'm worried about it because we know so little" about Ebola @highlight Operation against ISIS is called "Inherent Resolve"
Survivors: Not all migrants who try to reach @placeholder are so lucky.
Italy launched a massive rescue last night of more than 2,000 stricken migrants crossing the Mediterranean from Libya, where fears are growing over the rise of Islamic extremists. Coastguard officials reportedly recovered 2,164 people who had been crammed onto a dozen boats in the latest in a string of increasingly desperate attempts to enter Europe. It came on the same day Italy said it was evacuating 100 embassy staff in Libya, where extremists from the self-styled Islamic State group have beheaded 21 Coptic Christians in a gruesome video. Scroll down for video Rescue: Another 2,000 stricken migrants were rescued from the Mediterranean by Italian officials last night @highlight Massive rescue of a dozen stricken vessels last night near Lampedusa @highlight Italian island near Libya has seen vast influx of migrants over ISIS fears @highlight Extremists have beheaded 21 Coptic Christians they captured in Libya @highlight Interior minister Angelino Alfano warns of 'exodus without precedent' @highlight 'Caliphate's militias advancing faster than global community', he said
Untroubled: Lacko did not cause Federer any real problems as the @placeholder recorded victory in under 90 minutes
Roger Federer began grand slam life as a father of four with a supremely comfortable victory over Lukas Lacko in the first round of the French Open. The 2009 champion arrived in Paris this week with his expanded family in tow following the birth of his second set of twins, Lenny and Leo, nearly three weeks ago. His four-year-old daughters, Charlene and Myla, were in his box on Court Philippe Chatrier for the start of his 6-2 6-4 6-2 win against Slovakian Lacko. VIDEO Scroll down to watch Federer's post-match reaction Comfortable: Roger Federer celebrates after easing past Slovakia's Lukas Lacko @highlight Roger Federer eased to a 6-2, 6-4, 6-2 victory @highlight The Swiss star has been training with Stefan Edberg as his coach @highlight Federer recently became the father of a second set of twins
He left his flat and headed for @placeholder, a narrow road which he used to cut through to St John’s Lane, where he executed the illegal right turn.
Disgraced former Minister Chris Huhne has been caught breaking the traffic laws yet again, by driving the wrong way up a one-way street. Pictured in his Toyota Prius, he edged out of a narrow side road and, risking yet another three points on his licence, turned right instead of left. Even allowing for Huhne’s famed hubris, the timing of his latest transgression, revealed for the first time today, is remarkable. Against the tide: Chris Huhne illegally turns right out of Eagle Court, on to one-way St John's Lane, his blue Toyota Prius travelling the wrong way Mid-manoeuvre: The one-way sign clearly shows Mr Huhne has been breaking the law as he exits St John's Lane, turning right on to St John's Street @highlight Infraction happened on a street two minutes from the former minister's £1.25 million home in Clerkenwell, London @highlight Was just four weeks before he admitted asking his former wife Vicky Pryce to take speeding points for him in 2003
"@placeholder has sound ideas on tax reform that could help the economy take off and has expressed willingness to compromise on immigration despite a fairly hard line over the years.
Washington (CNN) -- The Denver Post Editorial Board endorsed Republican House Rep. Cory Gardner on Friday, just six years after it backed Gardner's opponent Democratic Sen. Mark Udall for the position. "Congress is hardly functioning these days. It can't pass legislation that is controversial and it often can't even pass legislation on which there is broad agreement. Its reputation is abysmal, and even its members rarely dispute the popular indictment," the editorial board said in a statement. "It needs fresh leadership, energy and ideas, and Cory Gardner can help provide them in the U.S. Senate." The surprising decision could give Gardner the significant edge he needs to pull ahead of Udall in the closely contested race. Just last week, a CBS/New York Times poll found Gardner six percentage points ahead of Udall. Real Clear Politics rules the race a "toss up." @highlight Denver Post announced its endorsement for Rep. Cory Gardner @highlight Says Congress is in "need of fresh leadership, energy and ideas" @highlight Mentions that Sen. Mark Udall "is not perceived as a leader in Washington" @highlight The race is contested and currently rated as a tossup by many pollsters
The Steenkamp family, through a lawyer, told @placeholder that it was "neutral" on the sentencing phase of the trial, Vergeer said.
(CNN) -- Oscar Pistorius has been sending the family of Reeva Steenkamp, the girlfriend he fatally shot last year, a monthly payment since March 2013, a probation officer told his sentencing hearing in South Africa on Tuesday. Probation officer and social worker Annette Vergeer told the court that Pistorius' legal team had told her about the payments, of 6,000 rand (about $540) a month, and she suggested that this showed remorse. She said Pistorius had offered the family more besides the monthly payments. The athlete sold his car for about $35,000 and had that money given to the Steenkamp family, she said. @highlight Probation officer: Pistorius has been making monthly payments to Steenkamp family @highlight Prosecutor says Reeva Steenkamp's parents will pay the money back @highlight Pistorius is too vulnerable as a disabled person to be sent to prison, probation officer says @highlight The athlete's sentencing hearing could last several days
Sunday's offensive, @placeholder had been ringed by regime troops and
By Jill Reilly PUBLISHED: 03:01 EST, 20 May 2013 | UPDATED: 10:58 EST, 21 May 2013 Female Kurdish fighters are the hidden face of Syria's armed rebellion against President Bashar Assad's government forces in Aleppo. Their battle in the key city comes as the weekend saw bitter fighting in Qusair, a key rebel-held town near the Lebanese border after government troops launched a major operation to strengthen Assad's grip. Most of the Kurdish female soldiers are young and attractive - some have been part of the Kurdish militia since they were five years old. Battle: A Kurdish female fighter who is a sniper takes aim for her vantage point in Aleppo @highlight Assad strengthening grip on a strategic strip of land near Lebanese border @highlight Some Kurdish female soldiers have been part of militia since they were five @highlight U.S. and Russia face an even tougher task persuading Assad to attend talks @highlight Ban Ki-moon is hopeful meeting can take place 'very soon,' possibly in June @highlight 'Aleppo boil' spreading through refugee camps due to poor sanitation @highlight Israeli warns they will act if Syria attempts to ship weapons to Hezbollah
When Republicans talk about the problems with @placeholder, they must talk about the problems with themselves, not just Democrats.
(CNN) -- This week, Republican vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan leveled the ultimate insult at President Barack Obama. He said: "The Jimmy Carter years look like the good old days compared to where we are right now." In the modern political era, comparing any Democratic (or Republican) president to Jimmy Carter is just about as nasty as a politician can get. The characterization of Carter might not be fair -- as many historians have started to look again at the accomplishments of his term, such as his initiatives on energy and his role in the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt -- but the poor state of the economy on his watch and trouble in Iran and Afghanistan left the Georgian as a symbol of incompetence and failed presidential leadership. @highlight Julian Zelizer: Paul Ryan has "insulted" Obama by comparing his presidency to Carter's @highlight He has better question: Is GOP in anything like the position it held in 1980 with Reagan? @highlight He says despite Gov. Chris Christie and others, GOP lacks "farm team" to take over D.C. @highlight Zelizer: With spending, wars, bad economic policies, GOP has its own problems with record
Another often-discussed option would be for England to unleash @placeholder and Farrell in tandem, as a 10-12 combination which was hugely effective at junior level.
George Ford and Stephen Myler will be given the opportunity to challenge Owen Farrell’s status as England’s premier playmaker, as long as they emerge unscathed from European matches this weekend. National coach Stuart Lancaster is due to name his autumn Test squad next Wednesday and the five-way contest for No 10 places has been a subject of constant intrigue during the early stages of the season. Farrell’s place is assured, but Sportsmail has learned that Ford and Myler have done enough to earn selection ahead of the other prime candidates; Danny Cipriani and Freddie Burns. That pair are set to be named in the Saxons squad, barring any fly-half injuries in the coming days. @highlight Sale fly-half to be snubbed as George Ford makes England return @highlight Owen Farrell and Stephen Myler also expected to be named in squad @highlight Coach Stuart Lancaster set to name three fly-halves in initial group @highlight Cipriani to be named in Saxons squad alongside Freddie Burns @highlight England open four-Test series with fixture against New Zealand
When rumors began swirling that @placeholder filed for divorce as a result of Seal's "volcanic" temper, the musician told the CNN host he checked out an online article about his so-called temper problem, he said, in the interest of shielding his children from "outside negativity."
(CNN) -- Seal admits to Piers Morgan that the hardest thing he ever had to do was sit his children down and tell them that their parents were parting ways. "It doesn't really make sense," Seal said, referring to the recent bombshell news of his separation from his wife of more than six years, supermodel Heidi Klum. "The truth of the matter is all I can tell you most sincerely is that it wasn't any one particular thing." The London-born musician, 48, whose full name is Seal Henry Olusegun Olumide Adeola Samuel, is a guest on Friday's "Piers Morgan Tonight." @highlight Seal on separation from his wife, Heidi Klum: "It wasn't any one particular thing" @highlight He says he hasn't taken off his ring "because I'm still married to this incredible woman" @highlight Seal told CNN's Piers Morgan that his love for Klum "has not waned one iota"
Welbeck decided to cut his @placeholder career short after a lack of opportunities at centre forward
In the wake of Danny Welbeck’s cut-price £16million move to Arsenal, Gary Neville just could not get his head around the logic of Manchester United’s decision to offload the England striker. ‘How have Arsenal got him for £16m?’ wondered his former team-mate. ‘I can’t work it out. I am struggling to work out the logic, I can’t understand it. It’s odd in two or three ways.’ Nearly three months on, we’re still searching for answers. Danny Welbeck sealed a £16million move from Manchester United to Arsenal on transfer deadline day Welbeck scored his first Arsenal hat-trick during their 4-1 against Galatasaray in October @highlight Danny Welbeck set to face old club Manchester United on Saturday @highlight Gary Neville can't understand why Welbeck was allowed to leave @highlight Arsenal striker has scored 10 goals for club and country since move @highlight Louis van Gaal has several injury worries ahead of clash
Vanwinkle somehow made it out to @placeholder where he is listed in the state sex offender registry.
By Associated Press PUBLISHED: 14:02 EST, 10 March 2014 | UPDATED: 16:22 EST, 10 March 2014 A mother and her two young children were killed and a 31-year-old family friend was arrested on suspicion of murder after the woman's teenage daughter fled their home Sunday night and called police to report a sexual assault in Canon City, Colorado. The victims included a 5-year-old boy, a 9-year-old girl and their 35-year-old mother. Police Sgt. Shannon Byerly said Monday that Jaacob Vanwinkle is facing charges of first-degree murder, kidnapping and sexual assault. He was arrested at the home where the bodies were found. Vanwinkle appeared in court Monday and was denied bond. @highlight Registered sex offender Jaacob Vanwinkle, 31, was arrested after the bodies of a family friend and her two young children were found Sunday @highlight Police found the bodies while investigating a sexual assault call from a teenager who escaped the home @highlight The 15-year-old managed to get away to a neighbor's house where she called 911 @highlight Vanwinkle was also questioned in a suspicious death case in Indiana in 2011
He is not a hyphenated @placeholder, whose loyalty to the state depends on its fulfillment of an ideological agenda.
Jerusalem (CNN) -- Yair Lapid, the charismatic journalist-turned-politician who surprisingly vaulted to second place in Israel's national election, has long been a familiar face across the Jewish state. The 49-year-old leader of the centrist Yesh Atid party is a former journalist and talk show host, son of a prominent politician, and a one-time amateur boxer with a rep as one of Israel's sexiest men. Lapid segued his journalism into politics and emerged as an archetype -- a voice of the middle-class Israeli striving for success, but anxious about the high cost of living, a voice representing Israelis who've had it with the exemptions from mandatory military service for the ultra-Orthodox, a voice of everyday optimism. @highlight Yair Lapid focuses on middle-class issues @highlight An author who is a well-known journalist and TV personality @highlight His Yesh Atid list is a cross-section of Israel @highlight One rabbi says Lapid's optimism is a "breath of fresh air"
@placeholder (seen in New York) wants to keep its entertainment value and not be distracted by other issues
By Associated Press PUBLISHED: 16:17 EST, 15 November 2013 | UPDATED: 14:43 EST, 16 November 2013 Macy's is moving rocker Joan Jett off the South Dakota tourism float in its Thanksgiving Day parade after ranchers complained about having a vegetarian and animal rights advocate representing their state. Orlando Veras, Macy's parade spokesman, said today that Jett and her band, the Blackhearts, will be moved to another float. Veras said that the annual parade in New York City is about entertainment, not advocacy, and that Macy's was making the change 'to prevent any further distraction from our entertainment mission.' @highlight Ranchers had complained about having a vegetarian and animal rights advocate representing their state @highlight Jett and her band will be moved to another float @highlight Macy's wants to 'prevent any further distraction from our entertainment mission', they said
It was a nod to @placeholder's experience as a licensed pilot.
(CNN) -- The 16-year-old son of actors John Travolta and Kelly Preston died Friday morning after suffering a seizure while vacationing with his family in the Bahamas, Travolta's attorney told CNN. Jett Travolta, right, joined his father weeks ago in Paris, where John Travolta has been filming a movie. "At this point, we know that John Travolta and Kelly Preston's only son, Jett, had a seizure at around 10 a.m. this morning," attorney Michael Ossi said. "All attempts to revive him were unsuccessful." The boy hit his head after the seizure, but the exact cause of death is not known, Ossi said. An autopsy will be conducted Monday. His body will be transferred to Ocala, Florida, for burial, he said. @highlight NEW: Relationship between Travolta and son Jett called loving, affectionate @highlight NEW: Couple said chemicals in cleaning products triggered son's rare disease @highlight Jett Travolta was elder child of John Travolta and Kelly Preston @highlight Jett Travolta died in Freeport, Bahamas, where family was well-liked by community
Two days before, he heard the question, "Who speaks @placeholder?"
(CNN) -- The Oka boys are a true band of brothers. All seven served in the military, yet they fought on opposing sides. "We were seven brothers -- seven soldiers," says 91-year old Chikara "Don" Oka, a World War II veteran now living in a retirement home in Los Angeles. "Five of us for the United States and two against us because they were stranded in Japan" when the war came. They're all American citizens born here in the United States. In the 1920s, Oka's parents operated a migrant labor hotel in Castroville, a farm town in central California. But their dreams of riches never materialized, and the entire family returned to Japan. @highlight All seven Oka brothers served in the military: some for the U.S. and some for Japan @highlight Three were in the U.S. Army during World War II @highlight Two who were left behind in Japan fought against the United States during the war @highlight Two others stuck in Japan were too young to fight; they served on U.S. side during Korean War
Witnessed told police that after they saw Martin Montano of @placeholder take his mother out of a trunk and throw her over the bridge, he tried to toss over another beaten and stabbed victim, later identified as Francisco Dominguez, the complaint said.
Hearing voices: Martin Montano apparently thought he heard a voice telling him to 'get the clones out' from his mother's house. So he took both his mother and another person to a bridge over the Rio Grande and attempted to throw both over A New Mexico man stabbed, severely beat and kidnapped his mother and another person, then threw his mother off a bridge into the Rio Grande in broad daylight after he said he heard voices coming through the television telling him to go to his mother's house and 'get the clones out,' according to a criminal complaint. Martin Montano, 26, told detectives that he tossed his 61-year-old mother, Hope Montano, from a bridge in Albuquerque on Tuesday after stabbing and choking her at her Albuquerque home, complaint said. @highlight 26-year-old Martin Montano took his 61-year-old mother Hope Montano, and Francisco Dominguez to a bridge over the Rio Grande and attempted to throw both off @highlight Mother survived and is in stable condition at an Albuquerque hospital @highlight Montano was arrested in 2012 for false imprisonment and battery against his mother
@placeholder remembers the 2008 miss in Moscow as one of the darkest moments in his career
Ghana manager Avram Grant was in jovial mood on Saturday ahead of the Africa Nations Cup final against Ivory Coast, saying he was going to telephone Chelsea captain John Terry to get advice about taking penalties. Terry famously missed a shootout spot-kick which would have won Chelsea, then managed by Grant, the 2008 Champions League final against Manchester United. But the defender slipped and sent his shot against the post, giving United a lifeline which they took to go on and lift the trophy in Moscow. Jon Terry missed a crucial penalty in the 2008 Champions League final shootout against Manchester United @highlight Avram Grant jokes he will call Jon Terry for advice on penalties @highlight Terry famously missed a penalty in the 2008 Champions League final @highlight Grant managed Chelsea in the 2007-2008 season, losing two cup finals @highlight He has led Ghana to the Africa Cup of Nations final against Ivory Coast
67-year-old Redknapp has left @placeholder, but will still be paid his contract until the end of the season
Tim Sherwood has taken a step closer to being appointed Queens Park Rangers manager after Real Madrid coach Paul Clement ruled himself out of the running. However, an agreement over personal terms for Sherwood is still to be reached - though the ex-Tottenham manager is still understood to be on course to replace Harry Redknapp, who left Loftus Road earlier this week. Chairman Tony Fernandes, who still has to pay Redknapp the remaining six months of his contract, would prefer to offer his next boss a heavily-incentivised deal, which could yet be a stumbling block towards Sherwood’s appointment. Following Harry Redknapp's resignation, Tim Sherwood has emerged as the front-runner for the QPR job @highlight Tim Sherwood has taken a step closer to QPR appointment @highlight Real Madrid coach Paul Clement rules himself out of the running @highlight Tony Fernandes still has to pay rest of Harry Redknapp's contract
The incident comes just days after a suspected illegal immigrant was discovered after clinging to the bottom of a caravan as it was being driven from Calais to a suburban road in @placeholder
A mechanic has told how he forced open a refrigerated yogurt truck to free suspected illegal immigrants who he thought were dying. The 24 Africans had been frantically banging on the sides of the lorry, parked in Whitfield, near Dover in Kent, in a bid to alert passers-by. The immigrants, all young male and female Eritrean nationals, are thought to have been concealed in the trailer for hours before being released. Scroll down for video A mechanic has told how he forced open a refrigerated yogurt truck to free suspected illegal immigrants who he thought were dying The trailer, which was carrying a cargo of yoghurt, had travelled on a lorry on a cross-Channel ferry from France to Dover. @highlight Andy Groombridge forced open lorry to free migrants he thought were dying @highlight 24 Eritreans had been banging on sides of the lorry parked in Whitfield, Kent @highlight Mechanic said the immigrants 'staggered out into the air' shouting 'oxygen' @highlight Comes as Government promises £12m to tackle problem of illegal immigrants at Calais hoping to enter Britain
The source of his infection remains unknown, but @placeholder cannot be ruled out, the ministry said.
Atlanta (CNN) -- Nancy Writebol's family says it was making funeral plans for her last week as she lay stricken with Ebola in Liberia amid the disease's deadliest recorded outbreak. After an experimental serum and a plane flight, she's now the second human Ebola patient on U.S. soil, and her relatives think she has a fighting chance. A medical plane on Tuesday flew Writebol from Liberia to Atlanta, where she was rushed to the same hospital where an American missionary colleague arrived days earlier. Like her, he was sickened by the deadly hemorrhagic disease while on a team caring for Ebola patients in Monrovia. @highlight NEW: Nancy Writebol is very weak but has shown signs of improvement @highlight The missionary, who was working in Liberia, has arrived back in the United States @highlight She is only the second known Ebola patient to be treated in the United States @highlight A man in Saudi Arabia who was in Sierra Leone has symptoms of viral hemorrhagic fever
used to be owned by a prominent political family in @placeholder.
By Daily Mail Reporter PUBLISHED: 06:46 EST, 26 October 2012 | UPDATED: 09:48 EST, 26 October 2012 With a remote tropical location, pristine sandy beaches and beguiling name, it's the ideal property for any aspiring Scaramangas or wannabe Blofelds. 'Mystery' Island in the Palawan province of the Philippines is a Bond villain's dream, offering 112 acres of unspoilt tropical paradise set in crystal turquoise ocean waters - and it's landed on the market for a cool £2.9million. The exotic island, known to locals as Maosonon Island boasts blue skies and warm weather all year round and should prove the height of peace and tranquility as the owner and their guests would be the only inhabitants. @highlight Philippines' property offers 112 acres of unspoilt tropical paradise set in crystal turquoise ocean waters
Talking about her former diet, @placeholder said: 'I would have sweet and sour
By Martha De Lacey PUBLISHED: 04:46 EST, 17 January 2013 | UPDATED: 11:20 EST, 17 January 2013 A junk food addict who spent £80 per week - over £4,000 every year - on takeaways, and weighed more than 17 stone, has ditched the fast food and lost more than a third of her body weight Sarah Jackson, from Coventry, West Midlands, was once a size 24, and tucked into huge portions of greasy takeaways four times a week, costing her almost £400 every month. But the 34-year-old mother-of-two resolved to slim down after breaking down in a changing room because she couldn't squeeze herself into a pair of size 18 jeans - and she has now lost over six stone and dropped to a size 10. @highlight Sarah Jackson is a 34-year-old mother-of-two from Coventry @highlight Used to eat enough Chinese food for four people four times a week @highlight Partner Mark proposed nine years ago but she was too ashamed of her size to get married @highlight She used to do no exercise and it took her 15 minutes to get out of bed
He reinvented himself as a successful composer, and seven years ago he went to one of @placeholder's notorious favelas, or slums, in search of raw talent.
Sao Paulo, Brazil (CNN) -- The violin she uses is cheap by most standards: made in China, it costs about $150. But that's an absolute fortune for Yanca Leite. On the day we visited her, the 15-year-old aspiring musician couldn't even afford breakfast. Yanca shares a one-bedroom shack with eight relatives in a sprawling shantytown on the outskirts of Sao Paulo called Paraisopolis, or Paradise City. The narrow path leading to their door is lined with the bottles and cans they collect to supplement their income. "The guy who recycles these bottles didn't pick them up and pay us," Yanca said. "So we didn't have money to buy bread." @highlight A program in Brazil is offering free classical music training to children in the slums @highlight It's empowering the children and giving them a chance at a brighter future @highlight There are 11 million Brazilians living in slums; more than 1 billion worldwide are in slums @highlight Top 10 CNN Hero Thulani Madondo is educating hundreds of slum kids in South Africa
The controversial voting issue became particularly heated in 2004, when Labour's policy on top-up fees was passed only with the support of Scottish MPs, even though the controversial policy did not apply in @placeholder.
By Hugo Gye UPDATED: 09:18 EST, 9 September 2011 MPs from Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland may be barred from voting on laws which only affect England, as the Government moves to tackle the thorny 'West Lothian question' for the first time. An independent commission will be set up to consider the issue, which was first raised 34 years ago by Tam Dalyell, the Labour MP for West Lothian. The question has become more pertinent since the advent of devolution in 1997, when separate administrations were set up for Scotland and Wales. Parliament: MPs from Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland could be barred from voting on England-only legislation @highlight Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish MPs can currently vote on laws which only affect England @highlight English MPs have no say on devolved areas of policy
If she can beat @placeholder, she will face a final against either world No.
(CNN) -- Former world No. 1 Ana Ivanovic produced her best form in almost two years to reach the semifinals of the Italian Open on Thursday, but hopes of an all-Williams last-four showdown ended when Venus suffered a humiliating defeat on the red clay. Ivanovic literally had the tennis world at her feet after winning the French Open in 2008, but she has since slumped to 58th in the rankings after a dismal past two seasons. However, the Serbian now has the chance to reach her first WTA Tour final since March 2009 after defeating 14th seed Nadia Petrova 6-2 7-5 to set up a clash with unseeded Spaniard Maria Jose Martinez Sanchez. @highlight Former world No. 1 Ana Ivanovic reaches the semifinals of the Italian Open @highlight Serbian, in her best form in almost two years, next plays Maria Jose Martinez Sanchez @highlight Hopes of all-Williams semifinal end as fourth seed Venus loses 6-0 6-1 to Jelena Jankovic @highlight Seventh seed Jankovic will play world No. 1 Serena Williams in the other semifinal in Rome