1 value
@placeholder's rise has, in part, been a result of Jonny Evans' ankle injury.
Paddy McNair has been backed to make an impression for Northern Ireland and Manchester United by former winger Keith Gillespie. The 19-year-old defender from Ballyclare has enjoyed a rapid ascent having made his United debut against West Ham in September after just 11 under-21s appearances. Gillespie, who believes Northern Ireland have a strong chance of automatic qualification for Euro 2016, hopes McNair seizes his opportunity after being called into Michael O'Neill's squad for the first time for Friday's clash in Romania. Manchester United teenager Paddy McNair has been given his first call up by Northern Ireland The 19-year-old has been drafted in to United's first team following a spate of defensive injuries @highlight Paddy McNair has been called up to Northern Ireland squad for first time @highlight Teenage defender has impressed for Manchester United this season @highlight Michael O'Neill is likely to find a place for Jonny Evans on his return
@placeholder's lawyer threw one final barb at the boy's biological mother saying that she was faking the illness in order to avoid today's court appearance, but her lawyer denied the claim.
By Meghan Keneally The latest legal filing in the Bode Miller custody battle claims that the skier’s 13-month-old son had trouble recognizing his own mother because the Olympian has kept the boy away from his ex for more than a month. The custody battle between Miller and his ex girlfriend Sara McKenna over their son rages on over the boy- who is called Nate by his father and Sam by his mother. Miller and his wife Morgan Beck had custody of 'Nate' for the past five weeks and had originally agreed to allow McKenna to have custody of the boy for the whole month of April. @highlight Bode Miller was back in a New York court today asking for his time with his son to be extended so that the boy could spend time with his half-sister @highlight The skier and his wife have had custody of the boy- who they call a different name than his biological mother- for the past 5 weeks @highlight The boy's mother, Sara McKenna, was supposed to have custody for the entire month of April and has arranged for family to visit during that time @highlight McKenna learned she was pregnant after her brief relationship with Miller ended and he initially wanted nothing to do with the boy
Best director also appears to be a toss-up between Inarritu and @placeholder.
The Oscar movies this year may be small, but they're packing a lot of drama. When the 87th Academy Awards kick off on Sunday night at 8:30 EST, the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles will be buzzing with something the Oscars haven't always had in recent years: genuine intrigue at who the night's biggest winners will be. The Oscars may also have another sight unusual to Southern California: rain. Light afternoon showers are expected, which could dampen red-carpet arrivals - though the carpet itself is under a glass tent. Scroll down for video An Oscar statue is uncovered outside the Dolby Theater during preparations leading up to the 87th Academy Awards in Hollywood, California, on Sunday night @highlight The 87th Academy Awards kick off on Sunday night at 8:30 EST, the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles @highlight Afternoon showers are expected, which could dampen red-carpet arrivals and so this year the carpet is under a glass tent @highlight With nine nominations, Alejandro Inarritu's backstage comedy Birdman is predicted by some to be the night's big winner @highlight Richard Linklater's 12-years-in-the-making Boyhood is considered its main competition for the Best Film generated @highlight Neil Patrick Harris is hosting proceedings for the very first time
The model is on display in the middle of @placeholder until Saturday.
By James Gordon An enormous Star Wars X-Wing spaceship has landed in New York's Times Square. It took 32 master builders more than five million LEGO bricks and took 17,000 hours to put together the full-scale replica of the Star Wars fighter. The LEGO X-Wing is the largest Lego model in history. It's as big as the real thing and would be capable of fitting the real Luke Skywalker inside. Scroll down for video... Landed: Thousands gather in New York City's Times Square to watch the unveiling of the world's largest LEGO Model, a 1:1 replica of the LEGO Star Wars X-wing Starfighter @highlight Model took four months to complete @highlight Built in the LEGO Model Shop in Kladno, Czech Republic @highlight X-Wing is 42x the size of LEGO Star Wars set #9493 @highlight Steel was used to enable it to withstand the rumble of the subway and earthquakes
He occasionally goes to @placeholder to buy burl, but it is tough to find any more, with almost all of the old growth that makes the best burls protected on public land.
Authorities say unemployment and drug addiction have spurred an increase in the destructive practice of cutting off the knobby growths at the base of ancient redwood trees to make decorative pieces like lacey-grained coffee tables and wall clocks. The practice — known as burl poaching — has become so prevalent along the Northern California coast that Redwood National and State Parks now closes the popular Newton B. Drury Scenic Parkway at night in a desperate attempt to deter thieves. Law enforcement Ranger Laura Denny said that poachers have been stalking the remote reaches of the park with their chain saws and ATVs for decades, but lately the size and frequency of thefts have been on the rise. @highlight The poachers are after giant gnarled knots on the tree called burls where the interesting grain fetches more money @highlight Concerned park rangers say the giant scars leaves the 1,000-year-old organism vulnerable to fire and disease @highlight California has shut down long stretches of state park during the night, when the poachers tend to strike @highlight The beautiful redwood burl wood can be sold to make anything from pricy furniture to souvenirs @highlight The wood winds up in the homes of collectors worldwide
It will not be a @placeholder vehicle or a Catherine Zeta-Jones vehicle, unless it's an indie film," Rozen said.
(CNN) -- Happy birthday, Catherine Zeta-Jones. You are turning 40 this month, joining an exclusive club of women in show business who are marking the same milestone this year. Catherine Zeta-Jones arrives at a Hollywood event earlier this year. She turns 40 on September 25. Think big names like Renee Zellweger, Jennifer Aniston, Mariah Carey, Jennifer Lopez and Cate Blanchett. It's a birthday many actors -- but especially female stars -- in Hollywood would once dread, hide and agonize over. At an age where men could comfortably play heroes and lovers in the prime of their life -- and could do so for many years to come -- women often found themselves starting to be cast in different roles. @highlight Renee Zellweger, Jennifer Aniston, Cate Blanchett have turned 40 this year @highlight Stars appear to be going strong in an industry famously obsessed with youth @highlight Some doubt Hollywood is interested in making 'vehicles' for top female stars @highlight Television, independent films offer more options than ever for actors
Ready for battle: Execs at Samsung knew that after Jobs died, there was going to be a lot of positive press for Apple and Jobs which would spill over to the @placeholder.
By James Gordon In the battle for supremacy between technology titans Apple and Samsung, the VP of sales for Samsung's mobile division saw the reaction to the death of Steve Jobs as the perfect time strike back at Apple. In a document revealed this week as part of the current court battle between Apple and Samsung, Michael Pennington, head of national sales for Samsung offered his views as part of an ongoing email chain in 2011. Samsung execs reportedly feared that Steve Jobs' death in 2011 could take attention away from the impending launch of its Galaxy S II. Now is the time: When Steve Jobs passed away in 2011 Apple fans around the world mourned his loss, but Samsung, one of the company's biggest rivals tried to take advantage of the situation @highlight Samsung decided to start campaign attacking Apple two days after Steve Jobs died @highlight 2011 Samsung email lamented the wave of press coverage over Jobs' passing @highlight Samsung called it 'unintended benefit for Apple' and the iPhone @highlight Company wanted to stop the flood of praise being said about Apple
He warned that without punching a hole in the levee, massive flooding would threaten to inundate communities throughout the Mississippi and @placeholder river valleys.
(CNN) -- The intentional breach of a levee on the Mississippi River is helping to ease unprecedented flood pressure on other areas, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said. The Ohio River level had dropped about 1.7 feet at Cairo, Illinois, since Monday afternoon, before the blast, but that is expected to level off Wednesday. The breach, created when engineers detonated explosives late Monday night at Birds Point, Missouri, is sending 396,000 cubic feet of water per second onto 200 square miles of fertile Missouri farmland. The water is coursing across a floodway that Missouri Gov. Jay Nixon described as "literally the most productive part of our continent." @highlight Farmer says the sight of his submerged farm makes you "sick to your stomach" @highlight Operations seems to be working so far, official says @highlight Levees are breached at Birds Point and New Madrid, Missouri @highlight Record or near-record flooding is still forecast in at least eight states
Under the eugenics laws in @placeholder, anyone could request that someone could be sterilized.
It was a horrific chapter in American history, but now some people who were sterilized against their will by the government may be getting compensation for what they endured. After going back and forth on the issue for 10 years, on Thursday the North Carolina legislature agreed to give $10 million to victims. If signed by the governor, North Carolina would become the first state to compensate sterilization victims. "It's been a long hard fight," said state Rep. Larry Womble, who championed the cause. "We're trying to correct a wrong." It's believed that the government of North Carolina sterilized more than 7,000 people between 1929 and 1974. Of those, only about 200 have come forward, according to Charmaine Fuller-Cooper, former director of the North Carolina Justice for Sterilization Victims Foundation. @highlight Thirty-three states had forced sterilization programs for much of the 20th century @highlight California's was the largest, sterilizing 20,000 people @highlight Lawmakers in North Carolina OK $10 million to go to those forcibly sterilized in that state @highlight It's believed NC sterilized more than 7,000 people between 1929 and 1974
@placeholder's "been a distinguished senator over the years but he's lost track with where the people of Mississippi are."
Washington (CNN) -- For the past 30 years, Chris McDaniel has attended the West Ellisville Baptist Church -- a house of worship that held a fish fry this month for the congregation's widows and widowers and where kids attend vacation Bible school in the summers. Such things are important to folks in McDaniel's hometown of Ellisville, Mississippi, population: 4,448. It is a town named for a Mississippi senator, Powhatan Ellis -- a relative of Pocahantas, but which proudly goes by the nickname "The Free State of Jones" thanks to Jones County's role in opposing the Confederacy during the Civil War. @highlight The Mississippi Senate runoff is June 24 @highlight Chris McDaniel is challenging Sen. Thad Cochran in a tense showdown @highlight McDaniel is a lawyer, former radio host and grandson of country music star Jeff Daniels @highlight McDaniels is no stranger to taking on veteran politicos
Claims that @placeholder forces entered Ukraine 'complete rubbish,' Russia says
(CNN)A leader of pro-Russian rebels in eastern Ukraine's Donetsk region said Friday he is not interested in a truce with the Ukrainian government in Kiev because his troops are on the offensive. "Since we're attacking, there is no sense to have peace talks now," Aleksandr Zakharchenko, leader of the self-proclaimed People's Republic of Donetsk, said in a meeting with university students, according to his media office. "We've made this mistake before. It's not decent to repeat it," he said. Thousands have been killed in months of conflict between the rebels and Ukrainian troops, and a ceasefire agreed to in September crumbled long ago. Zakharchenko's comments came two days after the foreign ministers of Ukraine and Russia met in Berlin to discuss a way out of the violence. @highlight Aleksandr Zakharchenko: No sense in talking peace since we're on the offensive @highlight Zakharchenko is the leader of rebels in eastern Ukraine's Donetsk region @highlight He says he still wants prisoner exchanges
Harvard senior economics major @placeholder guffawed when Biden sympatized with his second-banana syndrome
Joe Biden added a page to his lengthy book of gaffes on Thursday night, mocking the plight of overlooked vice presidents everywhere by asking a Harvard University audience, 'Isn't it a b**ch?' During a speaking appearance at Harvard's Institute of Politics, senior Sietse Goffard rose to ask a question and first noted that 'I’m the vice president of the student body here.' 'Isn't it a b**ch,' Biden quipped. 'I mean – excuse me – the vice president thing?' Amid laughter, he quickly backpedaled from the latest in his long string of public blunders. Scroll down for video 'Isn't that a b**ch,' Biden ask Harvard University's student body vice-president. 'I mean – excuse me – the vice president thing?' @highlight Obama's VP spoke to Harvard political student group at the Kennedy School of Government @highlight 'Isn't it a b**ch? I mean – excuse me – the vice president thing?' Biden quipped after a student said he was Harvard's student body VP @highlight 'I’m joking, I’m joking,' Biden quickly insisted, 'best decision I ever made' @highlight One-man gaffe squad is known for saying the least appropriate thing on any given day
The mechanic who arrived was black and @placeholder was immediately aware that when he started working the car door, strangers started staring while they had simply ignored his own attempts.
By David Mccormack A shocking new video illustrates how race and color continue to play a major role in how someone is perceived in American society. The video, shot in Los Angeles, compares the general public’s reaction to first a white male, then a black male, attempting to break into a car. The social experiment was the idea of Jason Roberts, who hosts the YouTube channel Simple Misfits. Scroll down for video Jason Roberts, left, who hosts the YouTube channel Simple Misfits and his friend Quentin Brunson, right, carried out a social experience to film the different reactions to them breaking into a car @highlight Jason Roberts, who is white, spent 30 minutes trying to break into a car and no-one approached him @highlight Quentin Brunson, who is black, tried the same stunt and got arrested inside two minutes @highlight Video was part of a social experiment carried out for Roberts' YouTube channel Simple Misfits @highlight In reality, FBI figures show the majority of car crime is carried out by white perpetrators
"We are grateful to Maggie for lending her shining spirit to @placeholder in so many ways.
Chicago (CNN) -- Maggie Daley, the wife of a former Chicago mayor, died Thursday night after battling breast cancer. She was 68. Daley died about 6 p.m. at home "surrounded by family, including her husband, former Mayor Richard Daley, and her children, Nora, Patrick and Elizabeth," said Jacquelyn Heard, Daley's former spokeswoman and a family friend. "The mayor and his family would like to thank the people of Chicago for the many kindnesses they've shown Mrs. Daley over the years, and they appreciate your prayers during this time," Heard said. She died from complications from breast cancer, Heard said. @highlight Daley dies at home surrounded by her family @highlight She had been battling breast cancer, a family spokeswoman says @highlight President Barack Obama says she dedicated her life to public service
Many backbenchers think Cameron is a hopeless leader, and would like nothing better than to get rid of him and his henchman, @placeholder.
By Andrew Gimson Boris Johnson does not want to be Wayne Rooney, a star player who carries out someone else’s plan. He intends to be Louis van Gaal, the star manager who arrives on a mission to take the team back to the top of the league. But the Conservatives already have a manager. He is called David Cameron, and he has been running the side since 2005. Last week he sent a tweet from his holiday deckchair: ‘Great news that Boris plans to stand at next year’s General Election – I’ve always said I want my star players on the pitch.’ @highlight Boris Johnson supporters said to be plotting to install him as Tory leader @highlight But Cameron and Osborne have the chance to achieve victory in 2015
At first, Katz said, he didn't believe him, sure that the @placeholder authorities would find a way to scupper the plans.
BOSTON, Massachusetts (CNN) -- She was called "the littlest refusenik," one of the many Soviet Jews denied permission to leave the Soviet Union because her father had been exposed to government secrets. But the case of Jessica Katz was special because she was a baby born with a nutritional deficiency that stopped her from growing. She was a tiny baby dying in a Moscow hospital, getting weaker by the day. It was U.S. Sen. Ted Kennedy who, her parents say, eventually saved her life. Jessica was born in Moscow in 1977 with malabsorption syndrome, which prevented her from digesting food or milk properly. All she needed was baby formula, but it wasn't available in the Soviet Union. @highlight Jessica Katz was born with nutritional deficiency that stopped her from growing @highlight The Katzes were among many Soviet Jews denied permission to leave country @highlight Senator Kennedy traveled to Soviet Union, urged Brezhnev to let Katzes leave @highlight In U.S., Kennedy helped Boris Katz get a job and remained in touch with family
@placeholder then appeared to go to great lengths to persuade Balotelli to meet
By Hannah Roberts Babymother drama: Mario Balotelli arriving at court in Brescia, Italy, for a custody hearing to determine how often he can care for his daughter Pia With the selection for this summer's World Cup looming he doesn't need any extra pressure. But Mario Balotelli will have a lot on his mind after attending an Italian court where he is fighting a custody battle over his daughter. The Italian striker is in negotiations with his ex-girlfriend Raffaella Fico for the right to visit the child, called Pia, who is eighteen months old. Ballotelli did not acknowledge he was Pia’s father until February this year after DNA tests proved his paternity. @highlight Mario Ballotelli faced Raffaella Fico in court in his home town of Brescia, Italy @highlight They are trying to thrash out arrangements for him to visit Pia, their child @highlight Maintenance payments will be dealt with in a separate hearing in September
@placeholder called authorities about 5:45 p.m. Wednesday to report that a 2-year-old was choking in his Sioux Falls apartment, police spokesman Sam Clemens said.
(CNN) -- A 2-year-old boy who was reportedly the son of Minnesota Vikings star Adrian Peterson died Friday of injuries he suffered after allegedly being abused, police said. Sioux Falls, South Dakota, police said Joseph Robert Patterson, 27, has been charged with aggravated battery of an infant and aggravated assault. If convicted on the charges, both felonies, Patterson could face up to 40 years in prison and an $80,000 fine. Prosecutors are considering filing additional charges against Patterson in light of the boy's death, according to police. Soon after the news came out of the boy's death, Adrian Peterson took to Twitter to express his gratitude to his family, fans and the "fraternity of brothers" in the NFL for their support. @highlight NEW: Athletes voice support, with LeBron James saying the death "makes no sense at all" @highlight The boyfriend of the toddler's mother is accused of assaulting the child @highlight St. Paul Pioneer Press: Grandfather says the child is Adrian Peterson's son @highlight Adrian Peterson tweets his thanks for the support he's received
Information about the plane's path came into sharper focus on Tuesday, when the @placeholder government released data that bolsters the belief among investigators that the missing jet took a sharp westward turn after communication was lost.
(CNN) -- Could a massive passenger jet slip past radar, cross international borders and land undetected? That's a key question investigators are weighing as they continue the search for Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, which vanished March 8 on a flight from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, bound for Beijing. Radar does have some blind spots, and it's possible to avoid being spotted by flying at low altitude, analysts told CNN. But experts are divided over whether that could be what happened to the missing Boeing 777-200ER. Jeffrey Beatty, a security consultant and former FBI special agent, says someone could have planned a route that avoided radar detection. @highlight NEW: Thai data bolster belief that the jet turned sharply westward @highlight Experts disagree over whether plane could have slipped past radar undetected @highlight Analyst: Radar blind spots could be determined "easily" @highlight Security consultant: Someone could have planned a route to avoid detection
‘However, Mr @placeholder said he did not feel unsafe with the defendant.’
By Kieran Corcoran A paranoid schizophrenic who axed his housemate to death after walking out of hospital left a note on the body saying: ‘I told doctors I am not safe’. Ahmed Ali, 39, told medics at the scandal-hit Oxleas Hospital Trust he had stopped taking his medication just days before killing Abdullah Barre Jama, 45, in a frenzied axe attack. He confessed to feeling tired and ‘persecuted’ and was due to be transferred to a psychiatric unit for further treatment. Discharged: Ali was allowed to walk out of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in South East London - and killed just three days later @highlight Ahmed Ali, 39, was taken to Queen Elizabeth Hospital in South East London in 2009 @highlight He told medics he had stopped taken his schizophrenia medication @highlight But he was still discharged and allowed to home to nearby Blackheath @highlight Three days later he killed housemate Abdullah Barre Jama, 25, with an axe @highlight Ali denied murder but admitted manslaughter at the Old Bailey
Liverpool left back @placeholder (right) celebrates his opener at Anfield on Monday evening
Liverpool cruised to a 4-1 win over Swansea to ease the pressure on Brendan Rodgers at Anfield. Alberto Moreno fired the hosts ahead before a brace from Adam Lallana, either side of Gylfi Sigurdsson's close range strike for Swansea. Former Red Jonjo Shelvey inadvertently completed the scoring by turning into his own net from a Jordan Henderson corner. Find out how the other players got on with Sportsmail's player ratings. LIVERPOOL (3-4-3): Simon Mignolet - 6.5 Little chance to keep out Gylfi Sigurdsson's strike but parried well from Bony chances and looked solid on return in goal. Liverpool keeper Simon Mignolet applauds the home crowd after returning to the starting line-up at Anfield @highlight Former Southampton midfielder Adam Lallana scored a brace in 4-1 win @highlight Jonjo Shelvey, who used to play for Liverpool, endured a miserable game @highlight The win pushes Liverpool level on points but above Swansea in eighth @highlight Click here to read Matt Lawton's match report from Anfield
‘What do you miss about Shirley?’ I ask, and @placeholder reflects for a second.
By Frances Hardy PUBLISHED: 17:51 EST, 4 June 2013 | UPDATED: 17:51 EST, 4 June 2013 Tragic: Mother-of-two Shirely Pooley died of pneumonia aged just 51 three days after this picture was taken on Christmas Day 2010 The photo shows a smiling Shirley Pooley, her face radiating health and happiness. Taken on Christmas Day 2010, there is no clue that less than three days later she would be dead from pneumonia, aged just 51. The fact that her untimely death left behind a loving husband, Gary, and their two teenage children, Megan, then 19, and Gareth, 14, is tragedy enough. The thought that she could still be alive today had she not been failed by a shambolic out-of-hours doctor service adds another layer of anger and regret to her grieving family’s terrible loss. @highlight Shirley Pooley died just two days after becoming sick on Boxing Day 2010 @highlight Despite her husband's calls to 111, no help arrived until he dialled 999 @highlight ‘I got the impression Shirley had fallen completely off the radar,’ he says.
you know what you did to @placeholder and in what order you did it.
By Tom Gardner PUBLISHED: 13:40 EST, 19 November 2012 | UPDATED: 13:04 EST, 20 November 2012 These images show the the poignant final moments of Hannah Windsor, caught on CCTV as she walks to a secret meeting with her boyfriend, seemingly without a care in the world. Within hours she would be dead; tortured and murdered in a sustained brutal attack at his hands. 'Sadistic' Adam Lewis, 18, tied the 17-year-old college student to a tree, sexually assaulted her, strangled her and attacked her with a knife. He has now been jailed for at least 22 years for the killing. @highlight Hannah Windsor had been bound and gagged with surgical tape @highlight Pathologist's report showed Adam Lewis, 18, sadistically mutilated his victim @highlight The student, 17, had ignored police advice to steer clear of Lewis days before her murder @highlight Lewis has been sentenced to life - and will serve a minimum of 22 years
a policy committee at @placeholder, and insisted that none of those
By Jason Groves and Emily Allen PUBLISHED: 07:51 EST, 26 March 2012 | UPDATED: 13:13 EST, 26 March 2012 David Cameron today faced demands for an independent inquiry into 'cash for access' allegations after he confirmed he had wined and diners wealthy individuals - who had between them donated millions of pounds to the Conservative Party - at Downing Street and Chequers. The Tories released a list of 12 donors who were invited with their wives and partners to four dinners in Downing Street since Mr Cameron's election in 2010. A second list of five donors invited for informal lunches at the PM's country residence Chequers was released later. @highlight Billionaire City businessman Michael Spencer among the 26 invited along with secretive tycoon David Rowland and his wife @highlight Mr Cameron said most of the guests were long standing acquaintances @highlight Vows to publish details of all meals with party donors on quarterly basis @highlight Tory treasurer Peter Cruddas offered access to PM in return for cash @highlight He suggested donors who agreed to give £250,000 a year would have their ideas 'fed in' to Downing Street
VIDEO Gordon Taylor's apology for connecting @placeholder and Ched Evans
Ched Evans affair has been made even worse by giving in to the mob Professional Footballers' Association chief executive Gordon Taylor has issued a fresh apology for appearing to compare Ched Evans' attempt to clear his name with the campaign for justice over the Hillsborough disaster. Taylor made the comments in a radio interview after it emerged that Evans' proposed move to Oldham had collapsed amid threats to club staff and their families. His remarks provoked outrage among a number of Hillsborough families and their supporters. An initial apology on Radio Merseyside earlier on Friday prompted Dr Phil Scraton, the academic who was the primary author of the Hillsborough Independent Panel report, to claim Taylor had compounded his 'crass and insensitive' comments. @highlight Ched Evans was found guilty of raping a 19-year-old woman in 2012 @highlight Evans was released from prison in October after serving half his sentence @highlight Talks to join Oldham ended after threats were allegedly made to staff @highlight Gordon Taylor referenced Hillsborough when discussing Evans' attempt to clear his name @highlight Margaret Aspinall, Hillsborough Family Support Group chairman, says Taylor should not resign
X-factor: @placeholder's goals - one in each game so far - have piggy-backed Argentina to the top of Group F
Lionel Messi was the smiling birthday boy at training on Tuesday but it's the Barcelona ace who's been the one giving out the gifts to Argentina. Sporting a special edition pair of boots from adidas to mark his 27th birthday, Messi shone particularly bright among his team-mates as they went through final preparations for their clash with Nigeria in Porto Alegre. The ostentatious boots are a technicolor version of the adizero f50 Messi boots, which the superstar has been wearing in Brazil while effectively piggy-backing his nation through the group stages. Magic man: Lionel Messi in action as Argentina prepare for their final Group F match against Nigeria on Wednesday @highlight Messi wore special edition technicolor birthday boots in at Beira-Rio Stadium @highlight The Barcelona star has scored two of Argentina's three goals so far @highlight Argentina play Nigeria on Wednesday in Group F table-topping decider @highlight A draw will see Messi's side avoid a last-16 meeting with France @highlight Nigeria must win to top the group after recording a win and a loss so far
That is blessing enough for anyone, and I thank the people of @placeholder for it.
PHOENIX, Arizona (CNN) -- Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain conceded the presidential race before a crowd of supporters in Phoenix on Tuesday. He also congratulated Sen. Barack Obama. Here is a transcript: Sen. John McCain concedes defeat in the presidential election to Barack Obama. McCain: Thank you. Thank you, my friends. Thank you for coming here on this beautiful Arizona evening. My friends, we have -- we have come to the end of a long journey. The American people have spoken, and they have spoken clearly. A little while ago, I had the honor of calling Sen. Barack Obama to congratulate him. Watch McCain's speech » @highlight McCain: Sen. Obama has achieved a great thing @highlight McCain: I urge all Americans who supported me ... to bridge our differences @highlight McCain: We must work together to get our country moving again
Prior to the match, around 36,000 @placeholder seats had been sold, with only the 'inner bowl' of the stadium in use.
Cristiano Ronaldo is the best footballer in the world, according to Porto winger Ricardo Quaresma... and 'the other guy' Lionel Messi is behind him. The 31-year-old Portuguese international, who was previously at Barcelona and Chelsea, spoke to reporters ahead of his country's friendly against Argentina on Tuesday, refusing to speak about Messi by name. 'Cristiano is the best in the world. The other guy goes behind him,' Quaresma said. Ricardo Quaresma (left) thinks that Cristiano Ronaldo (right) is the best player in the world The friendly match between Portugal and Argentina has been billed as Ronaldo vs Lionel Messi '[It] is a match that is not of great interest but perhaps there will be extra motivation because Argentina have great players.' @highlight Portugal face Argentina in a friendly at Old Trafford on Tuesday night @highlight The match sees Cristiano Ronaldo return to his old hunting ground @highlight Ricardo Quaresma has said that Ronaldo is the best player in the world @highlight He refused to refer to Lionel Messi by name, calling him 'the other guy'
And, when temperatures in @placeholder get too hot for the arctic creatures, the zoo's bears have access to a deep, rocky pool.
Argentina has refused to relocate its lonely polar bear to a wildlife park that specializes in the species, despite a petition by more than half a million people. Animal rights activists had been calling on the 28-year-old animal to be moved to a zoo in Winnipeg, Canada, over claims that it was showing signs of stress. But Gustavo Pronotto, director of Mendoza Zoo, said Tuesday that the bear, named Arturo, is too elderly to make the nearly 6,000-mile journey. Scroll down for video Denied: Despite a high-profile campaign to move him, Arturo the polar bear is to remain in a zoo in Argentina @highlight Zoo directors say 28-year-old animal is too old to make two-day journey @highlight Bear is showing signs of stress since his partner died in 2012 @highlight Animal rights campaigners petitioned Argentina's president to have bear moved to Canadian zoo with spacious, natural-looking enclosure
There will be no large-scale public memorial in @placeholder in the immediate aftermath of Houston's death, city spokeswoman Anne Torres said.
(CNN) -- Family and close friends will say goodbye to Whitney Houston with a private funeral and burial Saturday in her native New Jersey, trying to come to grips with grief that the pastor of her childhood church called "very deep." "We are all hurting," Pastor Joe Carter of New Hope Baptist Church in Newark told CNN's Jason Carroll on Tuesday. "That voice is silenced. But she left us with so much." Earlier in the day, Carolyn Whigham -- the owner of Whigham Funeral Home in the northern New Jersey city -- said that Houston's funeral will start at noon Saturday at that church. @highlight NEW: A police spokesman says the coroner's report could be done in 2 to 3 weeks @highlight Marvin Winans, a gospel singer and Detroit pastor, will give the eulogy, a pastor says @highlight The invitatiton-only service will be held at the late singer's childhood church in Newark @highlight Its pastor says that the singer's "voice is silenced, but she left us with so much"
'The support that's been shown by @placeholder, our friends and family during the trial and the time spent in prison has kept me strong.
Convicted rapist Ched Evans is engaged to his girlfriend just two weeks after he was released from prison, it emerged today. The former Sheffield United and Wales striker was released from Wymott prison, Lancashire earlier this month after serving half of a five-year sentence for raping a 19-year-old girl in his hometown of Rhyl, Wales. He has now proposed to fiancée Natasha Massey, who has led the campaign against his conviction, it was reported today. Ched Evans is to marry his fiancée Natasha Massey after proposing shortly after he was released from prison, where he served half of a five-year sentence for raping a 19-year-old girl @highlight Welsh footballer jailed for five years in 2012 for raping 19-year-old woman @highlight He was freed from prison earlier this month after serving half of sentence @highlight Fiancee seen wearing ring in recent video in which he protested innocence @highlight It emerged today that couple are now engaged and she is 'over the moon' @highlight Evans has been criticised over lack of remorse for the crime
But Chan, who graduated from Harvard as a biology major in 2007, never worked for @placeholder.
She likes Target, the Food Network and sun-dried tomatoes. She loves taking pictures of her dog Beast, and admits to checking her phone "every five seconds." Priscilla Chan vaulted into the spotlight on Saturday when it was revealed she had married longtime boyfriend Mark Zuckerberg -- billionaire and Facebook founder. The wedding, according to media reports, came within days of Chan's graduation from medical school at the University of California, San Francisco. The two met more than nine years ago while both were studying at Harvard. In a 2005 Harvard Crimson story about Zuckerberg leaving the university, he is quoted as asking Chan, identified as a "passing friend," "Hey, Priscilla, do you want a job at the Facebook?" @highlight Priscilla Chan marries longtime boyfriend Mark Zuckerberg @highlight Chan reportedly has just graduated from medical school @highlight The two met at Harvard more than nine years ago
And prior the latest protests, the new government -- which has vowed to maintain order and prevent a repetition of encampments in @placeholder and beyond -- urged police commanders to use "common sense" as to how they dealt with the latest round of public dissent.
Madrid (CNN) -- Chanting "they don't represent us," tens of thousands in Madrid railed early Sunday against Spain's government and austerity cuts -- venting their anger on the first anniversary of the so-called May 15 protest movement. The government earlier had given a 10 p.m. (4 p.m. ET) Saturday deadline for the crowd in the central Puerta del Sol plaza to disperse. Yet while their numbers appeared to thin somewhat by early Sunday, they remained a loud and vibrant presence in the square -- as a large number of police, stationed at a nearby government building and along side streets, looked on and let them be. @highlight NEW: Thousands in Madrid's Puerta del Sol plaza do a "silent shout" to protest cuts @highlight NEW: "The new government is the same," a woman says, claiming people are fed up @highlight Similar rallies are held in Barcelona and other cities around Spain @highlight The protests coincide with the anniversary of the launch of the May 15 movement
And @placeholder was not scrapped until August 2010 – nine months after Hamzah is thought to have died.
By Jason Groves PUBLISHED: 19:13 EST, 11 October 2013 | UPDATED: 04:55 EST, 12 October 2013 The Guardian was under pressure to apologise last night for a ‘disgraceful slur’ against Michael Gove by appearing to link his reforms to the deaths of Baby P and Hamzah Khan. Polly Toynbee suggested that the Education Secretary’s decision to dismantle Labour’s ContactPoint child protection database had made it easier for vulnerable youngsters to slip through the cracks. The online version of the veteran Left-wing columnist’s account was headlined: ‘It is the Baby Ps and Hamzah Khans who pay for this Tory vandalism: Michael Gove’s dismantling of successful schemes like ContactPoint has left abuse victims even more vulnerable.’ @highlight Pressure on paper to apologise for 'disgraceful slur' against Michael Gove @highlight Polly Toynbee suggested decision to dismantle Labour's ContactPoint had made it easier for vulnerable children to slip through the net @highlight Online version headlined: ‘It is the Baby Ps and Hamzah Khans who pay for this Tory vandalism'
In @placeholder, abortions past 24 weeks are illegal unless the health of the mother is at stake.
Philadelphia (CNN) -- A Philadelphia abortion provider found guilty of first-degree murder has agreed give up his right to appeal in exchange for avoiding a possible death sentence, Philadelphia's district attorney's office announced Tuesday. Dr. Kermit Gosnell, 72, was convicted Monday on three counts of murder for killing babies by cutting their spinal cords with scissors. The next step in the case was to have been the penalty phase, when jurors would have weighed whether to give Gosnell a death sentence. The arrangement erases a need for that phase. "Like any deal, there's a give and take on each side. The Commonwealth (of Pennsylvania) took away the death penalty and Dr. Gosnell gave up his right to appeal," said defense attorney Jack McMahon. @highlight NEW: The convicted doctor is at peace knowing now "what his fate is," his lawyer says @highlight Kermit Gosnell, 72, was convicted Monday on three counts of first-degree murder @highlight He gives up his right to appeal in exchange for avoiding a possible death sentence @highlight A jury also found him guilty of involuntary manslaughter
Souvenirs include 'authentic Bugarach stones' from @placeholder's rock-face itself, on sale for €1.50 (£1.20) a gram, and 'natural pyramids of pyrite iron' from underground.
Nestled in the rolling foothills of the French Pyrenees, market day in the tiny farming community of Bugarach has never been busier. But shoppers aren't there to sample the fresh meat, wine and dairy for which the town is locally famed, they are there to pick up their own piece of end-of-the-world memorabilia. This is because Bugarach - population 176 - has been earmarked by doomsday cults as the only place in the world which is going to survive Armageddon, scheduled for December 21 this year by an ancient Mayan prophecy. Scroll down for video Mayan teaching: According to prophecy/internet rumour, aliens will emerge from their 'spaceship garage' hidden deep within the town's imposing Pic de Bugarach mountain and pluck anyone in the vicinity to safety @highlight Bugarach - population: 176 - has been earmarked by doomsday cults as the only place in the world which is going to survive Armageddon @highlight It is based on an interpretation of the Mayan calendar which claims a planet is on a crash course with Earth and will impact on December 21 2012 @highlight According to prophecy aliens will emerge from their 'spaceship garage' in the town's Pic de Bugarach mountain and pluck believers to safety @highlight 'Authentic Bugarach stones' are on sale for €1.50 a gram while a bottle of water from the local spring will cost an eye-watering €15 @highlight One landowner is offering up his four-bedroom home for £1,200 a night and can offer a camping space in his field for £324 @highlight 'Apocalypse pizza' and 'End of the World vintage' wine also available
stepdaughter @placeholder, before rushing on to the track to embrace him.
Olympic hero Mo Farah beamed yesterday as he revealed his wife Tania has given birth to twin girls and he would be inscribing their names on his two gold medals. Team GB runner Mo, who took gold in the men’s 10,000m and 5,000m events at the London Games, described the twins’ arrival as ‘very exciting’ and said he was present at the birth on Friday in a London hospital. The 29-year-old later tweeted: ‘Great news about the birth of my little baby girls! Twins! . . . Thanks to my wife . . . !! Shabba! !’ Happy family: Mo Farah with his stepdaughter Rihanna and then pregnant wife Tania after securing 5,000m Olympic gold @highlight Birth of twins perfectly timed between Olympics and today's Grand Prix race in Birmingham
"The @placeholder people used to trade with a lot of foreign people."
Lamu, Kenya (CNN) -- In many ways, it seems like time has given Lamu a wide berth. The East African island, perched placidly off Kenya's coast, is home to one of the oldest continuously inhabited Swahili towns -- an ethnic group in East Africa who have lived here for more than 700 years. There are no cars on the island -- the streets are too narrow and winding. Instead, locals rely on donkeys for transport on the land, and dhows to travel throughout the archipelago. Now a UNESCO World Heritage Site, Lamu was once the most important international trade center in East Africa -- as is evidenced by the Arab, Indian, Persian and European influences in the local architecture. The most Swahili feature, however, is the use of coral stone, which reigns supreme throughout the island. Not only is coral stone strong, it's a few degrees cooler than cement, making it an ideal building resource in a region known for its sweltering heat. @highlight Lamu is one of the oldest continuously inhabited Swahili towns @highlight There are no cars on the island -- the streets are too narrow and winding @highlight Instead, locals rely on donkeys for transport on the land, and dhows to travel throughout the archipelago
In heels, she stood about 6 feet tall, according to testimony, while @placeholder is 5 feet, 4 inches tall.
(CNN) -- "Jurymen seldom convict a person they like, or acquit one that they dislike." -- Clarence Darrow A moussed, tousled brown hairstyle is murder trial defendant Phil Spector's latest look. Since April, the murder trial of music producer Phil Spector has been playing out in Los Angeles, California, oddly contrasting gruesome CSI details with the defendant's daily fashion emergency. Jurors finally will go behind closed doors for deliberations at the end of the week. Their impressions of Spector's over-the-top fashion statements and nebbish-like demeanor could weigh as heavily, legal analysts say, as any of the conflicting expert testimony about ballistics, blood spatter and other forensic evidence. @highlight Jury deliberations to begin soon in Phil Spector's murder trial @highlight Legal analysts say demeanor, odd looks could be a factor @highlight Spector is accused of fatally shooting actress Lana Clarkson @highlight Spector's defense says Clarkson shot herself
"I didn't plan to watch the @placeholder, but as Twitter and Facebook lit up with buzz, I couldn't help but be drawn in," he wrote.
(CNN) -- For an awards show that's not the Oscars, the 2012 Golden Globes attracted a good amount of attention. About 16.8 million people -- a slight dip from last year's 17 million viewers -- tuned in to the event that elicited countless trending topics on Twitter, status updates on Facebook, inches in newspapers and articles online. Yes, it's that time of year again when starlets show off their best assets in designer gowns, tiny statues are handed out and the world gets to critique who worked the red carpet. Awards season officially kicked off on television last Sunday night with the Golden Globes and the media was notably underwhelmed by the soiree while viewers seemed split on host Ricky Gervais' toned-down performance. @highlight About 16.8 million people tuned into the Golden Globes on Sunday @highlight The media was notably underwhelmed by the awards show @highlight Social media has amplified viewers' desires to watch awards shows live
Fifteen Afghan soldiers, two Afghan police, five U.S. service members under @placeholder, and a civilian working with Afghan troops were wounded, the statement said.
KABUL, Afghanistan (CNN) -- NATO forces in Afghanistan are investigating a report that a NATO airstrike killed Afghan security forces in a region rife with arms smuggling and narcotics trafficking. Afghanistan's Defense Ministry issued a statement saying seven Afghan security forces died and Afghan and international forces were injured in the Saturday incident, which occurred in Badghis province -- a swath of territory in western Afghanistan bordering Turkmenistan. This is where NATO forces have launched a search for two American paratroopers who went missing Wednesday during a "routine resupply mission." The pair -- from the 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division -- are operating under NATO's International Security Assistance Force. @highlight Afghan Defense Ministry: Seven Afghan security forces died, Afghan and international forces hurt @highlight Occurred in Badghis province in western Afghanistan which borders Turkmenistan @highlight NATO forces launched a search in the region for two American paratroopers who went missing Wednesday
I felt the need to lean on that verse last week after yet another ballot defeat for marriage equality -- when voters in @placeholder repealed a state law allowing same-sex couples to marry.
Grand Rapids, Michigan (CNN) -- I'm a single father of a 12-year-old boy who every five minutes seem to switch personalities on me. One moment he's a starving student athlete hungry enough to eat a cow, the next he's a picky vegan. I'm told by people much smarter than me that this is normal for a child going through puberty. And so, while I am not an overly religious man, I have found myself meditating on I Corinthians 13:4 to help me get through. Love is patient, love is kind. I believe there is something each of us can pull from that Bible verse. We may not agree on spirituality or the existence of God, but we can agree that love is one of the most beautiful and mysterious forces. When I'm frustrated with my son, or a friend or even myself, I try to think about the characteristics of love described in I Corinthians before reacting. Be patient. Be kind. @highlight LZ Granderson says gays should show patience after same-sex law defeated in Maine @highlight He says frustrated advocates must reject hate, focus on changing nation's heart. @highlight As they face opponents, advocates should hate sin, love sinner, he says
Anticipating fierce blowback against Obama's moves, a senior administration official also stressed that the president would not tone down his calls for the protection of human rights and democratic development in @placeholder.
Since the early days of his first presidential run, Barack Obama made a pledge -- to talk directly with America's enemies -- that most other politicians found naive. The approach famously drew snickers from Republicans and Democrats alike, who derided it as irresponsible -- a criticism that followed Obama into the White House. In the twilight of his administration, Obama's Wednesday announcement on normalizing relations with Cuba represented his last best chance to turn this idea into a doctrine that outlives his presidency. "Change is hard — in our own lives, and in the lives of nations," Obama said. "Change is even harder when we carry the heavy weight of history on our shoulders. But today we are making these changes because it is the right thing to do." @highlight Obama makes good on vow to engage US enemies @highlight Cuba offers hope to legacy needing big foreign policy wins @highlight Republicans accuse president of appeasing dictators
Calls to @placeholder management were not immediately returned on Saturday.
NEW YORK (CNN) -- Three people were arrested Saturday after chaos broke out at an "America's Next Top Model" audition at a New York hotel, police said. A large crowd at the Park Central New York hotel got unruly Saturday during a "Top Model" audition. Six people were injured, and two of them sought treatment at a hospital, authorities said. Police said they didn't know what provoked the bedlam. Three people were charged with disorderly conduct and inciting a riot in connection with the incident at the Park Central New York hotel in Manhattan. The audition was shut down after the incident, authorities said. @highlight Police: 3 people were arrested Saturday after chaos broke out at a TV show audition @highlight "America's Next Top Model" audition was being held at a New York hotel, police said @highlight Two people sought treatment at a hospital, authorities said @highlight "Top Model" competition is hosted by Tyra Banks and airs on CW network
On the sporting front, the @placeholder have attracted some critics for their perceived lack of high-quality fields.
The positive impact of Glasgow 2014 will be felt in the city for many years to come, according to the event's chief executive. David Grevemberg believes the XX Commonwealth Games have not only been a huge success in terms of sporting action, but their legacy will be a very powerful one. Grevemberg, an American who came to the Games organising committee via the International Paralympic Committee, has spent the past five years living in Scotland and witnessed the transformation of the city. Legacy: Commonwealth Games chief executive David Grevenmberg has praised the impact of the Games Grevemberg said: 'The ambitions and aspirations of Glasgow 2014 were greater than the Games themselves. There is a big emphasis on legacy. @highlight Chief executive David Grevemberg believes 20th Games have been a success @highlight The American has spent the last five years in Glasgow seeing city transform @highlight He believes there will be a lasting legacy for Scotland and Glasgow @highlight He denies the absence of stars like Mo Farah has affected the events
However, Mr @placeholder can be heard calling the historic moment 'beautiful'.
This is the spectacular moment two Russian cosmonauts took the OIympic torch on its first historic spacewalk ahead of the 2014 Winter Games in Sochi. Oleg Kotov and Sergei Ryazansky carried an unlit version of the feather-shaped symbol through the hatch of the International Space Station today. Live footage captured Mr Kotov proudly waving the torch in his gloved hand - while floating 260 miles above the Earth. Scroll down for video Historic: Oleg Kotov proudly waves an unlit version of the Olympic torch outside the International Space Station Stunning: He holds the feather-shaped symbol in his gloved hand while floating 260 miles above Earth @highlight Oleg Kotov and Sergei Ryazansky carried unlit version of the torch @highlight They proudly waved it outside the International Space Station, while floating 260 miles above the Earth @highlight Moment was captured on high-tech video and photo equipment @highlight On Thursday, three-man team brought torch to space station in a rocket @highlight Torch has been on board spacecraft twice before, but it has never been taken into open space
If @placeholder doesn’t step down, there will be real concerns that their recommendations will be prejudiced by commercial factors rather than scientific public health priorities.’
By Arthur Martin Funding: Experts who advise the Government on sugar consumption are under fire after it was revealed they receive funding from confectionery giants, including Coca Cola Experts who advise the Government on sugar consumption were under fire last night after it was revealed they receive funding from confectionery giants. Five out of eight members of a committee tasked with helping to tackle Britain’s obesity epidemic have ‘worryingly close’ ties with the food industry, it was claimed. They include chairman Professor Ian Macdonald – one of the country’s leading nutritionists – who works as a paid advisor for Coca-Cola and Mars. @highlight Experts under fire for being paid to advise firms like Coca Cola and Mars @highlight Food giants being urged to cut sugar in products as it is 'the new tobacco' @highlight Doctors and academics say levels must drop by at least 30 per cent
Proving people wrong: Demichelis has had major doubters since his move to @placeholder last season
By Patrick Johnston Martin Demichelis fully deserves his recall to the Argentina squad while Carlos Tevez was never going to make it after failing to patch up his differences with coach Alejandro Sabella, forward Sergio Aguero said. Despite some sparkling form for Italian champions Juventus, Tevez has never been part of Sabella's plans and was again overlooked when the coach named his provisional 30-man squad for the tournament in Brazil on Tuesday. Manchester City striker Aguero, who is expected to line up alongside Lionel Messi and Gonzalo Higuain in a formidable front line for Argentina, believed a recall was never going to happen. @highlight Demichelis in Argentina's 30-man squad for World Cup @highlight Central defender has has detractors in the Premier League
@placeholder have countered her moves by promising Cassidy a seat on the energy panel.
Sen. Mary Landrieu is pushing leaders in both parties to vote this week to approve the Keystone XL pipeline -- a move that could boost the embattled Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee chairwoman's chances of winning another term. "This has been a project that has lingered far too long. It is clearly supported by 60 or more members of this body," Landrieu said on the Senate floor Wednesday, minutes after lawmakers kicked off their post-midterm election lame duck session. The Louisiana Democrat is fighting for her political life ahead of a Dec. 6 runoff election against Republican challenger Bill Cassidy. @highlight Sen. Mary Landrieu wants a vote this week to approve the Keystone XL pipeline @highlight If she succeeds, it could help her chances of winning re-election in a Dec. 6 runoff @highlight Landrieu's push highlights her influence on energy issues ahead of the election
Clearly becoming emotional as she recalls the traumatic event Kelly explains: ‘They said to me “@placeholder we’re here because you’re not very well and we are going to be placing your baby into foster care two hours after you give birth”
By Katy Winter PUBLISHED: 14:02 EST, 5 December 2013 | UPDATED: 14:11 EST, 5 December 2013 News of Allesandra Pacchieri, the Italian woman whose baby delivered by caesarean section without her consent and then removed from her by Essex social services has shocked the nation over the past week. Ms Pacchieri was admitted to a psychiatric hospital in the UK while here for a training course. Her lawyers have launched a legal action in a bid to try to get her daughter back and have said the mother-of-three suffers from a relatively minor mental illness, a bipolar condition that can be treated with medication. @highlight Kelly McWilliams, 37, became depressed after her son died aged 10 @highlight She admitted herself to hospital and made a good recovery @highlight Two years later she became pregnant @highlight She was told by a social worker during pregnancy that everything was fine @highlight Two social workers arrived when Kelly was in labour and told her they were taking her daughter immediately after birth @highlight Ultimately it took Kelly over four months to get baby Victoria back
"@placeholder is a bacteria which loses its potency when it comes into contact with salt water.
(CNN) -- Olympic chiefs have pledged to arrest fears that sailors and windsurfers at the next Games will not just have to deal with their rivals on the water but a potential super-bug under it. Researchers have found a bacteria more typically encountered in hospital waste which produces the enzyme KPC in several different locations along the Carioca River, which feeds Guanabara Bay where the sailing events will take place. The bacteria is resistant to antibiotics and can cause urinary, gastrointestinal and pulmonary infections although Rio officials are adamant the risk is "minimal." But the International Olympic Committee insisted it had been made aware of the problem and was working closely with Rio officials to minimize any potential risks. @highlight Researchers find an antibiotic-resistant super-bacteria in the sailing waters for the Olympics @highlight Rio officials insist the risk to sailors will be "minimal" despite the research @highlight Sailors have already complained less than two years out from the Games for its filthy waters @highlight 70% of the city's sewage is spilled into the bay where the Games sailing will take place
Mr Miliband said: ‘There have always been close links between the Labour Party and leading @placeholder.
The left wing mayor of New York City will be the star speaker at next week’s Labour Party conference in Manchester. Bill de Blasio last year became the city’s first Democratic mayor since 1993 – winning on a radical campaign to tax the rich and introduce a mass house building programme. He campaigned on the slogan ‘One New York, Rising Together’ – reminiscent of Ed Miliband’s ‘On Nation’ Labour. New York City mayor Bill de Blasio (second left with his son Dante (left), daughter Chiara (right), and wife Chirlane McCray in Brooklyn Mr De Blasio has been held up by Labour insiders as proof that left-wing leaders can win without adopting Tony Blair-style centrist policies. @highlight Ed Miliband reveals his delight at left-wing US politician's guest appearance @highlight Bill de Blasio last year became the city’s first Democratic mayor since 1993 @highlight He campaigned for 'One New York' echoing Labour's 'One Nation' slogan @highlight The mayor also called for higher taxes on the rich and mass house building
His new found friend came to work with him, where @placeholder works as a mechanic.
When it comes to hitting the road, they do it together, bringing smiles wherever they travel. Moki, a five-year-old Goldendoodle – a cross between a golden retriever and a standard poodle – sits behind his owner Brad Bakalar, from Reno, Nevada aboard his beloved Harley-Davidson motorcycle. The pair have been getting a lot of attention on YouTube as the pair travel across the country, making Moki one of the most photographed dogs in America. Scroll down for video Moki has become something of an internet sensation, featured on YouTube as he rides on the back of Brad Bakelar's Harley @highlight Moki, a five-year-old Goldendoodle, sits comfortably in the backseat of Brad Bakalar's Harley Davidson
A record crowd of 18,867 fans were at a fever pitch Wednesday night, but the @placeholder hushed the crowd with three third period goals.
Los Angeles (CNN) -- The Los Angeles Kings will have to wait until at least Saturday to see whether the Cinderella skates fit. The Kings lost to the New Jersey Devils 3 to 1 in Game 4 of the Stanley Cup finals Wednesday, in a game that could have clinched L.A's improbable run to its first ever Stanley Cup Championship. The Kings lead the series 3 to 1 and game 5 with be played Saturday in New Jersey. If the Kings win Saturday, the series would end in New Jersey to the chagrin of some. "I want them to win the Cup in six games so we can see them win here in Staples Center," said Joey Giffee, as he held his ticket for the sixth game in Los Angeles. @highlight Kings are having a Cinderella run in the playoffs @highlight They are up 3-1 in championship finals going into Wednesday's game against New Jersey @highlight The hockey team entered the postseason as the lowest seed in their conference
"We need to make clear to people that the cancer is in @placeholder," Obama is quoted as saying in Woodward's book, the Post said.
Washington (CNN) -- The CIA created and controls a paramilitary force of 3,000 Afghans that conducts clandestine missions targeting al Qaeda and Taliban fighters in Pakistan, a U.S. official told CNN on Wednesday. The official described the force as "well-trained" and "effective." "You're talking about one of the finest Afghan fighting forces, which has made major contributions to security and stability," the official said. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because of the sensitive nature of the topic. The Counterterrorism Pursuit Teams were first revealed in a new book by Bob Woodward, associate editor at the Washington Post. "Obama's Wars," which lays out deep divisions in the Obama administration over Afghanistan strategy, will be released Monday. @highlight NEW: The teams stay in contact with "our allies in both Pakistan and Afghanistan," official says @highlight The paramilitary force is made up of 3,000 Afghans @highlight The Counterterrorism Pursuit Teams were first revealed Bob Woodward's new book @highlight Pakistan denies the presence of foreign forces
That does not apply to the @placeholder, which has the
By Jill Reilly and Ian Drury Britain is to be investigated by the International Criminal Court over claims of war crimes by troops. Prosecutors in the Hague have launched a 'preliminary examination' into allegations UK forces tortured and mistreated Iraqi prisoners between 2003 and 2008. It is the first time the ICC, which usually prosecutes dictators who systematically maim and kill civilians, has investigated Britain for alleged war crimes. The prosecutor of the International Criminal Court says she has reopened a preliminary investigation into Iraq to examine allegations that British soldiers may have committed war crimes by abusing prisoners from 2003 to 2008 (file photo) @highlight Examine allegations that British soldiers may have committed war crimes by abusing prisoners from 2003 to 2008 @highlight Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda said she would review 'new information' @highlight Earlier investigation closed in 2006, Iraq not member of the court, Britain is
He has tried to get the Americans released, though he has also blamed @placeholder for the missionaries' legal troubles.
Port-au-Prince, Haiti (CNN) -- A Haitian attorney representing 10 Americans charged with kidnapping for trying to take 33 children out of Haiti told CNN Sunday he has resigned. Edwin Coq said he had quit as a lawyer for the Americans. It wasn't immediately clear who would replace him. "I know that they have been looking at other lawyers," said Phyllis Allison, mother of one of those detained, Jim Allen. "They don't know what to do." The 10 missionaries, including group leader Laura Silsby, were charged Thursday with kidnapping children and criminal association. Coq had said that court hearings would be held Monday and Tuesday for his clients, who have been split up at two prisons. @highlight Ten Americans "have been looking at other lawyers," mother of one detainee says @highlight Edwin Coq was trying to get Americans released, blamed group leader for legal troubles @highlight Americans charged with kidnapping for trying to take 33 children out of Haiti @highlight Leader knew she didn't have legal document to let her take children out, Coq says
@placeholder' father said he would see his son Thursday.
SAN ANTONIO, Texas (CNN) -- The three Americans rescued Wednesday after more than five years in captivity in the jungles of Colombia appear to be in good health, doctors said Thursday. Keith Stansell, left, Marc Gonsalves, center, and Thomas Howes sit in an aircraft after being rescued Wednesday. "They're very resilient, they're very stress-hardy and they're doing very well, and so I think that certainly is a good-news story," said Col. Carl Dickens, a psychologist at Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio, Texas. Marc Gonsalves, Thomas Howes and Keith Stansell arrived there late Wednesday on an Air Force C-17 to undergo a battery of medical tests and debriefings. @highlight NEW: Three Americans had medical tests; doctors say they are healthy @highlight Ex-hostages and relatives express joy at rescue operation @highlight Marc Gonsalves, Thomas Howes and Keith Stansell U.S. government contractors @highlight Colombian rebels captured three men in 2003 when their plane crashed
Colourful: Queen @placeholder says that the part of Okwanyama tradition she's most keen to preserve is the gorgeous colourful clothes and traditional jewels
By Ruth Styles Resplendent in a bright pink striped dress, a fluorescent shell and bead necklace and a gleaming lion skin robe, Meekulu Mwadinohmo looks every inch the Queen. One of the Namibia's last tribal monarchs, Queen Meekulu, leader of the Okwanyama tribe, offered photographer Eric Lafforgue a rare glimpse into her world and allowed him inside the royal palace, which is protected by an elaborate labyrinth. From within her sprawling thatched palace, she rules over the Okwanyama's 55 villages with the help of a council, or board, whose members she chooses herself and can fire at will. Indeed, according to Lafforgue, she did so just before the visit on the grounds that the offending councillor was 'lazy'. @highlight Queen Meekulu Mwadinohmo rules the Okwanyama people of Nambia's northern Ovamboland region @highlight She took the throne in 2005 after being elected by tribal elders and lives in a palace concealed within a labyrinth @highlight Says Queen Elizabeth II should visit and learn from the traditions of her people @highlight Role includes managing the omaada or royal granary which is opened when famine strikes @highlight A widow, she lives with her four children and has adopted an HIV positive boy who lives in the palace
In a sit-down interview with KOMO-TV hours before he was arrested on Thursday, a barefoot Smith said he once loved @placeholder.
By Daily Mail Reporter PUBLISHED: 01:38 EST, 26 June 2013 | UPDATED: 04:49 EST, 26 June 2013 The new girlfriend of a Washington man accused of bludgeoning to death his estranged wife gave a bizarre interview to a local TV station conceding he could be guilty. Alan Smith has been named a suspect in the brutal murder of Susann Smith in her Bothell, Washington home, in February. While Smith's new girlfriend of just over a month, Love Thai, stands by him, she made a startling admission to KOMO-TV in a recent sit-down interview about the possibility of Smith's guilt. @highlight As police hone in on Alan Smith over the brutal slaying of his estranged wife, the 37-year-old has given a bizarre interview about the former 'love of his life' @highlight Smith told KOMO-TV he did not kill Susann Smith, who he once loved @highlight His new girlfriend Love Thai said she doesn't know what her new lover is capable of
Upstairs, however, you get an impression of how cramped the house would have been in @placeholder’ day.
By Oliver Wadeson PUBLISHED: 17:00 EST, 16 February 2013 | UPDATED: 09:24 EST, 17 February 2013 Peter Sellers’ role as Inspector Clouseau in the Pink Panther films brought the actor vast wealth. And he spent lavishly: he had a penchant for fast cars and bought properties all over the world. But unlike his fellow Goon Michael Bentine, who was educated at Eton, Sellers, the son of variety entertainers, did not enjoy a privileged childhood. One of his first homes was in Highgate, North London, a modest early 19th Century two-up, two-down terrace that is currently on the market. Inspector's pad: The Miller family outside their terrace house in Highgate, London where Peter Sellers grew up @highlight Peter Sellers' childhood home in Highgate, London on sale for £645,000 @highlight Pink Panther actor lived in the house from to age of 10 to 14
Although my first campaign failed, I saw that some people were very interested in the @placeholder.
Just $50,000. That was the humble fundraising goal Ryan Grepper set on July 8, lowering his expectations for the second Kickstarter campaign for his Coolest Cooler creation, a high-tech cooler jam-packed with all sorts of fun gizmos -- from a built-in ice crushing blender to Bluetooth speakers and a USB charger. See, the first time Grepper took to the crowdfunding site -- back in November 2013 -- his goal was far more ambitious: $125,000. Yet, after an encouraging strong start, interest in the campaign began wavering. By closing, the project managed to raise a little over $100,000 in pledges and eventually failed to hit its mark. @highlight Want to launch a successful Kickstarter campaign? Here's how to do it @highlight Ryan Grepper raised $8 million for his Coolest Cooler @highlight Compelling design and the right timing are key, he says @highlight Experts say building a social media audience early is key
The uncle said his faith has helped him forgive @placeholder.
Pretoria, South Africa (CNN) -- Oscar Pistorius will go on trial on March 3, accused of premeditated murder in the death of his girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp. At a hearing Monday, prosecutors indicted Pistorius in the Valentine's Day shooting death. Pistorius has been charged with planned and premeditated murder, which comes with a mandatory sentence of life behind bars. The indictment says "the accused did unlawfully and intentionally kill a person." Pistorius also was indicted for allegedly violating South Africa's firearms control act. In South Africa, people can possess ammunition only if they're licensed to own a gun, and their ammunition must be specific to that weapon. Pistorius has acknowledged storing ammunition for a gun his father owned. @highlight Oscar Pistorius is indicted in a Valentine's Day shooting death @highlight Monday would have been the 30th birthday of Reeva Steenkamp, his dead girlfriend @highlight Pistorius says he mistook her for a home invader when he shot her in February @highlight The Olympic sprinter's trial will begin in March 2014, a prosecutor says
If you're an aspiring puppeteer in search of a master's degree, you've got one choice: the @placeholder.
(Mental Floss) -- Are you thinking of getting a graduate degree, but want something with a narrower focus than an MBA or a JD? Schools around the world offer all sorts of incredibly focused graduate degrees to students who are trying to break into very specific fields. Here's a look at a handful of programs you might not have known about. 1. The Beatles, Liverpool Hope University Anyone can listen to the Beatles' records, but it takes a special kind of fan to pursue a master's degree in the Fab Four. Last March, Liverpool Hope University announced that during the 2009-10 academic year it would begin offering a first-of-its-kind masters degree in a field of study it dubbed "The Beatles, Popular Music, and Society." @highlight If you want to study it, there may be a college that teaches that topic @highlight University of Connecticut says it's only school offering Masters in puppetry arts @highlight Take a class in Weapons of Mass Destruction at Fairleigh Dickinson University @highlight Savannah College of Art and Design teaches comic books and graphic novels
They alleged in court documents that @placeholder, 58, used his companies to funnel millions of dollars in off-the-book contributions to various federal and city candidates.
(CNN) -- Prosecutors on Monday for the first time sought to link Washington Mayor Vincent Gray to campaign finance irregularities stemming from his successful 2010 bid as well as an effort to cover them up. The allegations were made during a hearing at which a local businessman, Jeffrey Thompson, pleaded guilty to conspiracy for masterminding a nearly $670,000 illegal "shadow campaign" for Gray in 2010, federal prosecutors said. Moreover, prosecutors publicly claimed Gray was aware of the illegal fundraising and had agreed with Thompson to cover it up. Thompson was expected to cooperate with the government and could receive a reduced sentence. @highlight For first time, prosecutors say Mayor Vincent Gray knew about campaign finance irregularities @highlight Local businessman pleads guilty to masterminding "shadow campaign," prosecutors say @highlight Mayor has long claimed he did nothing wrong in 2010 and is running for reelection
@placeholder's family say they are 'focusing on Tom' and do not want to comment on Cook's previous conviction.
Devastated over the tragic death of 41-year-old Tom Palermo last Saturday, friends and neighbors are incensed about the 'slap on the wrist' $300 fine that allowed Episcopal bishop Heather Cook to get back behind the wheel and end up killing the beloved cyclist and fleeing the scene. Cook, the daughter of an admitted alcoholic, was three times over Maryland's drunk-driving limit when she was stopped with vomit running down her shirt as she drove for miles on a shredded tire in 2010. The cop who pulled her over even halted field sobriety tests because he was worried she would fall down and hurt herself DailyMail.com has learned. @highlight Bishop Heather Elizabeth Cook smashed into custom bicycle maker Tom Palermo, 41, last Saturday in Baltimore causing his death @highlight She left the scene and returned 20 minutes later but only after she was confronted by a bystander @highlight Maryland records show Cook was arrested in 2010 after reportedly blowing three times the legal limit @highlight She was so drunk she had thrown up on herself and the cop who stopped her couldn't complete the field sobriety test @highlight Police refuse to say whether Cook was breathalyzed after Saturday's accident @highlight Palermo, whose Facebook page proudly displays his custom bikes, was rushed to a nearby hospital before succumbing to his injuries
@placeholder's lawyers objected, saying the prosecution was trying to "confuse" people.
Harare, Zimbabwe (CNN) -- The trial of controversial Zimbabwean politician Roy Bennett took a new twist Tuesday when prosecutors told the judge they wanted to impeach their star witness. The prosecution called arms dealer Michael Peter Hitschmann to the stand to implicate Bennett in the procurement of the arms. Bennett is a senior official of the Movement for Democratic Change (MDC) and Zimbabwe's deputy agriculture minister-designate. He has pleaded not guilty to charges of terrorism and inciting people to carry out terrorism. He could face the death penalty if convicted. The MDC -- led by Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai -- says the case against Bennett is politically motivated and was aimed at keeping him out of the unity government it formed with President Robert Mugabe's Zanu-PF party last February. @highlight Attorney General tells court that prosecution wants to impeach star witness @highlight Micheal Peter Hitschmann cast doubt on some of the prosecution's evidence during his testimony @highlight Zimbabwe politician Roy Bennett is on trial for terrorism, banditry and insurgency @highlight Bennett denies the charges, which his party alleges are politically motivated
"We have demanded that the @placeholder side take the case seriously, find out the truth as quickly as possible and punish those responsible."
(CNN) -- May has been a bad month for relations between Taiwan and the Philippines. Taiwan has reacted angrily after one of its fishermen was killed by a Philippine coast guard vessel last week. It has recalled its diplomatic envoy from Manila, frozen applications from Filipinos seeking to work in Taiwan and held naval drills near Philippine waters. The Philippine coast guard has said the crew of one of its ships fired at the Taiwanese fishing boat on May 9 after it tried to ram a Philippine boat. Manila insists that the shooting took place in waters inside its exclusive economic zone and that the loss of life was "unintended." @highlight A Taiwanese fisherman was killed by gunfire from a Philippine coast guard vessel last week @highlight Taiwan's president describes it as a "cold-blooded murder" @highlight The Philippines says the fisherman's death was "unintended" @highlight Taiwan has imposed a series of punitive measures to show its displeasure
'Having not played @placeholder since January, my body has felt a hell of a lot better.
Kevin Pietersen says he hopes his exile from the England side will soon end allowing him able to achieve his goals of reaching 10,000 Test runs and again beating Australia in an Ashes series. Pietersen was dropped from the England team after the disastrous and acrimonious series in Australia earlier this year, held responsible by the ECB for disharmony in the dressing room. The batsman, in Australia to join the Melbourne Stars for the Twenty20 Big Bash League, said Monday he still has ambitions to play Test cricket Kevin Pietersen looks out towards the pitch at the MCG after arriving in Melbourne on Monday morning @highlight Kevin Pietersen says he still has ambitions to play Test cricket @highlight The batsman was dropped from the England team earlier this year @highlight Pietersen is in Australia to play in the Twenty20 Big Bash League
The @placeholder national said the three men "attacked" him after he took a photo of them on his phone, according to the online statement attributed to him.
(CNN) -- A video of a British man and his Saudi wife being assaulted by members of Saudi Arabia's religious police has gone viral across the Arab world. The video, which shows a man in a headscarf leaping off a car to attack another man in a parking lot, was filmed after the couple reportedly used a women-only cashier line at a supermarket in Riyadh. In a statement published on the website of a well-known Saudi writer and blogger, the British man said that while he and his wife were shopping, they noticed three young men who looked "religious" following them. As they were going through the cashier line reserved for women and families, he said the men "started pushing and shoving" and verbally abusing them. @highlight Video shows Saudi Arabia's religious police attacking British man and his Saudi wife @highlight The couple reportedly used a women-only cashier line at a supermarket in Riyadh @highlight Office of head of religious police (CPVP) says video is authentic, condemns attack as "unacceptable" @highlight CPVP says four of its members have been transferred to administrative jobs outside Riyadh
Throughout @placeholder's reading of a long list of chilling crimes, Taylor remained stoic.
(CNN) -- In a landmark ruling, an international tribunal found former Liberian President Charles Taylor guilty Thursday of aiding and abetting war crimes in neighboring Sierra Leone's notoriously brutal civil war. It was the first war crimes conviction of a former head of state by an international court since the Nuremberg trials of Nazi leaders after World War II. Prosecutors, however, failed to prove that Taylor had direct command over the rebels who committed the atrocities, said Justice Richard Lussick of the Special Court for Sierra Leone. A three-judge panel issued a unanimous decision that Taylor, 64, was guilty on all 11 counts of the indictment against him. The judges found him guilty of aiding and abetting rebel forces in a campaign of terror that involved murder, rape, sexual slavery, conscripting children younger than 15 and mining diamonds to pay for guns. @highlight NEW: UK foreign minister says verdict should be lesson to Syria's al-Assad @highlight Charles Taylor is the first ex-head of state convicted by an international tribunal since 1946 @highlight He will be sentenced May 30 and serve out his sentence in a British jail @highlight Taylor's lawyer says his client shouldn't be responsible for others' actions
"I am absolutely certain that generations from now, we will be able to look back and tell our children that ... this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal," @placeholder said during the speech.
(CNN) -- Courtney Hight told herself not to cry as police handcuffed her outside the White House. "I knew I was doing the right thing," she said. "So I did not cry." On a cloudy day last month Hight, a former member of the White House Council on Environmental Quality, took a huge career risk and joined more than 1,200 protesters who were demanding that President Obama deny a building permit for Keystone XL, a planned oil pipeline that would stretch from Alberta, Canada, to Texas. The project, the protesters say, threatens to poison ground water across the heartland and extend America's reliance on climate-changing fossil fuels. @highlight Green advocates worry Obama softening on environment @highlight Environmentalists call on Obama to stop oil pipeline @highlight White House defends its record on "clean energy economy" @highlight Arrested ex-White House adviser: Obama "made a promise"
He said more than 80 suspected al Qaeda militants have been killed since early December but that @placeholder is still out there.
Sanaa, Yemen (CNN) -- The deputy leader of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula and one of the most wanted men in Saudi Arabia has been killed, a prominent jihadist announced Tuesday, though officials in the group's home base of Yemen said they had no evidence of his death. Abu Sufyan al-Azdi, also known as Saeed al-Shahri, died "after a long journey in fighting the Zio-Crusader campaign," jihadist Abdulla bin Muhammad said on his Twitter account. The tweet was reported by SITE Intelligence Group, which monitors global terrorism. Read more: Senior al Qaeda leader killed in Pakistan, officials say It was not clear how al-Azdi died. SITE said media reports indicated he died of injuries incurred in a December drone strike. @highlight Abu Sufyan al-Azdi was deputy leader of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula @highlight A prominent jihadist announces his death @highlight Three senior Yemeni defense officials, however, say they can't confirm it @highlight Al-Azdi was one of the most wanted men in Saudi Arabia
Those vying to challenge @placeholder on the Republican side are pouncing.
Searchlight, Nevada (CNN) -- Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin kicked off a Tea Party rally Saturday in Sen. Harry Reid's hometown, encouraging disgruntled Americans to "take back our country" while attacking what she called the "Obama-Pelosi-Reid spending spree." "There's no better place to kick off the Tea Party Express than Harry Reid's hometown," Palin said at the rally, dubbed "Showdown in Searchlight," aimed at conjuring up support for the Senate Majority Leader's defeat in November elections. Activists -- some of whom are calling the gathering the largest retirement party in the world -- hope it will carry a strong symbolic message. @highlight NEW: Sarah Palin addresses crowd @highlight Tea Party activists to hold rally Saturday in Harry Reid's Nevada hometown @highlight Polls suggest Senate majority leader faces tough re-election battle @highlight Former GOP VP candidate Sarah Palin to headline "Showdown in Searchlight" event
‘But unfortunately the fact is that you @placeholder were going too fast and if you had been going less quickly the consequences might have been different.
By Lucy Crossley PUBLISHED: 12:08 EST, 20 November 2013 | UPDATED: 13:30 EST, 20 November 2013 Killed: Schoolboy Radwan Uddin, nine, was playing with his brother when he was struck by uninsured driver Ibrahim Waseem, 23 An uninsured driver who killed a nine-year-old boy playing on his bike with his older brother has been jailed for 21 months. Ibrahim Waseem, 23, was driving at nearly double the speed limit when he struck schoolboy Radwan Uddin, who was riding on the handlebars of his older brother’s bicycle, near a park. In the force of the crash, the nine-year-old was thrown into the windscreen of the silver Mazda and up into the air, before he landed in the middle of the road. @highlight Motorist Ibrahim Waseem was driving at 39mph in 20mph zone @highlight Schoolboy Radwan Uddin was riding on the handlebars of brother's bike @highlight Child was thrown onto windscreen and suffered catastrophic head injures @highlight Waseem jailed for 21 months after admitting causing Radwan's death
At a @placeholder subcommittee hearing Thursday, Salazar insisted Birnbaum had resigned "on her own terms and own volition."
(CNN) -- The Minerals Management Service, a division within the Interior Department, was a troubled agency long before the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico and the recent revelations of employee misconduct. The agency -- which oversees U.S. offshore drilling, including the Gulf of Mexico -- has come under fire for mismanagement, questionable conduct and cozy relationships with industry officials. The MMS issued permits for the Deepwater Horizon drill rig -- contracted by BP -- which exploded on April 20. The explosion killed 11 people and resulted in an oil spill that is threatening parts of the Gulf. Interior Department Secretary Ken Salazar, during an appearance Wednesday before the House Committee on Natural Resources, said he was trying to change the agency's culture and its structure, which some critics say leads to mismanagement. @highlight Minerals Management Service has a troubled history, government reports say @highlight Report: Inspectors got meals, tickets to sports events from companies they monitored @highlight Interior Department chief Ken Salazar says he's trying to change MMS culture, structure @highlight MMS Director Elizabeth Birnbaum has been fired, sources say
Sir Craig added: ‘If the outcome of the referendum is Yes, there will be a period of uncertainty for @placeholder sport.
An independent Scotland may not be allowed to have a team at the next Olympics, it was claimed yesterday. A Yes vote would also cause divided loyalties and concerns over sports funding. Sir Craig Reedie, a Scot who is Britain’s most senior Olympic figure, believes there has been a lack of detailed information about the impact on sport of separation. Sir Craig is vice-president of the International Olympic Committee (IOC), president of the World Anti- Doping Agency and was chairman of the British Olympic Association at the time of London’s 2012 Games bid. Scroll down for video Sir Craig Reedie, a Scot who is Britain's most senior Olympic figure, said Sir Craig Reedie, a Scot who is Britain's most senior Olympic figure @highlight 'Yes' would cause divided loyalties over sports funding, Sir Craig Reedie said @highlight Sir Craig Reedie is a Scot who is Britain’s most senior Olympic figure @highlight Believes there is lack of information about impact on sport of separation
In a statement today, Nintendo said: 'With a family-friendly design offering no internet capabilities, @placeholder allows you to jump straight in and experience all the great Wii games from the last six years since the Wii console first launched.
By Damien Gayle PUBLISHED: 11:58 EST, 26 February 2013 | UPDATED: 13:03 EST, 26 February 2013 Nintendo is set to release a new miniaturised version of its ground-breaking Wii console in the UK in just a month's time. The Japanese video game maker, which has sold nearly 100 million Wii consoles worldwide, today announced the scaled-down version of the machine will hit the British high street on March 24. Smaller than the original Wii - which has since been superseded by the Wii U - the Mini will come in matte black with a red border. 'Savagely compromised version of the original hardware': Nintendo is set to launch its Wii Mini in the UK next month, but the slimmed down version of their last-generation console has already been savaged by video gamers @highlight New release is scaled-down version of the 100million-selling Wii console @highlight That console has since been superseded by the Wii U @highlight Wii Mini was previously launched in Canada with price tag of £63 @highlight UK price has not yet been released
out of the @placeholder market, closing 72 stores and cutting 6,000 jobs -
By Daily Mail Reporter PUBLISHED: 15:50 EST, 30 December 2013 | UPDATED: 02:53 EST, 31 December 2013 Alien invasion is no joke - as one Safeway employee found out this month. Grocery store worker Steve Yamamoto made a video parodying the closure of his store and 71 others as a sci-fi disaster movie - and was promptly suspended by bosses who did not see the funny side. Mr Yamamoto showed up at Dominick's supermarket in Chicago for his final shift only to be told bosses at the parent company Safeway had suspended him for one day. @highlight Steve Yamamoto showed up at Dominick's supermarket in Chicago for his final shift only to be told bosses at parent firm Safeway had suspended him @highlight His severance pay is now in jeopardy because of the suspension @highlight Worker posted YouTube video with the title 'Thanks Safeway' - a parody of an alien invasion of his store with employees being blown up
Rather, @placeholder set a target for China's emission to peak by 2030, or earlier if possible.
U.S. President Barack Obama today struck a landmark deal with China that would see both countries significantly reduce their greenhouse gas emissions over the next three decades. Under the agreement, America pledged to cut between 26 and 28 per cent of the level of its carbon emissions set in 2005 by 2025 as part of the global fight against climate change. But Chinese President Xi Jinping simply said he would aim to cap his country's emissions by 2030 - still an unprecedented move by a nation that has been reluctant to box itself in on global warming. In order to successfully accomplish this, 20 percent of China's energy needs will come from alternative sources, such as solar power and wind energy, by that year, the politician said. @highlight President Obama today struck a landmark deal in climate change battle @highlight Under deal, U.S. would cut 26-28% of greenhouse gas emissions by 2025 @highlight Chinese President Xi Jinping, meanwhile, did not promise to take action @highlight But he said he would aim to cap emissions by 2050 in remarkable move @highlight Despite agreement, many have questioned the feasibility of Obama's goal @highlight Vow will likely confront tough opposition from Republicans in Congress
She claims her husband wished "to allow her to stay in their @placeholder home as it was during their marriage," and therefore the paragraph should be read to cover only the items in the Napa house, not those in the Tiburon house.
(The Hollywood Reporter)It's been nearly six months since Robin Williams' death, and in the last two, the late comedian's family have entered into a dispute over the personal property his trust assigns each of them. On one side is his widow, Susan Williams, who filed a petition in December for a court's interpretation of the trust. On the other are his three children by previous marriages, Zachary, Zelda and Cody, who dispute the reading she provides. The dispute centers on the two houses Williams owned at the time of his death — one in Napa and one in Tiburon, California. Susan's filing calls the Tiburon house the "marital abode," and the trust, which her late husband most recently amended in 2010, before their marriage in 2011, grants her the Tiburon residence and its contents upon his death. @highlight Robin Williams' widow, children at odds over trust designations @highlight Dispute centers on two houses Williams owned @highlight Famed comedian, actor died August 11, 2014
As Brady was picking apart the @placeholder secondary, Blount was grinding it out on the ground, rushing for 148 yards on 30 carries including touchdowns of one, 13 and two yards.
Tom Brady fired three touchdown passes and LeGarrette Blount rumbled for three more as the New England Patriots demolished the Indianapolis Colts 45-7 on Sunday to book their sixth trip to the Super Bowl in 14 years. The Patriots head to Arizona for the February 1 National Football League showcase where they will face the defending Super Bowl champion Seattle Seahawks, who clinched their return with a heart-pounding 28-22 overtime comeback win over the Green Bay Packers. Seattle will be bidding to become the first team to win back-to-back Super Bowls since Brady took the Patriots to consecutive titles in 2004 and 2005. @highlight The New England Patriots reached the Super Bowl with a convincing win @highlight Tom Brady fired three touchdown passes to book their sixth trip in 14 years @highlight The Patriots will take on defending champions the Seattle Seahawks
The @placeholder side, which had held Malaga to a goalless draw in the first leg, was expected to reach the semifinal with ease and qualify for the last four for the first time since 1998.
(CNN) -- In the playgrounds across Dortmund they will be re-enacting this night for years to come. Each child will take it in turns to take on the role of Felipe Santana, another will pretend to follow in the footsteps of Marco Reus, while others will fight it out to pull on the imaginary shirt of Robert Lewandowski. It is nights like these which inspire not only those inside the stadium, but the next generation of footballers. It's what makes the intangible, tangible. Trailing 2-1 to Malaga going into stoppage time in Tuesday's Champions League quarterfinal second leg, the Dortmund dream lay in tatters. @highlight Borussia Dortmund scored twice in stoppage time to secure a 3-2 win over Malaga @highlight German side trailed 2-1 after 90 minutes before stunning late show @highlight Galatasaray claims 3-2 win over Real Madrid in Istanbul @highlight Spanish side prevails 5-3 on aggregate with Cristiano Ronaldo scoring twice
In a statement Monday, @placeholder said that "a number of reports have surfaced regarding our positions in our negotiations with Israel, many of which have misrepresented our positions, taking statements and facts out of context.
Jerusalem (CNN) -- Palestinian leaders privately agreed to accept a very limited return of the 6 million Palestinian refugees and their descendants to previous homes in what is now Israel, leaked documents showed Tuesday. The leaked documents dealing with the sensitive issue of the "right of return" for Palestinian refugees comes a day after the Arab news network Al-Jazeera began releasing documents revealing details of Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations. The leaks have prompted protests and outrage in the West Bank and Gaza. According to the minutes of a meeting in January 2010 Palestinian Chief Negotiator Saeb Erakat told U.S. State department official David Hale that the Palestinians had accepted a "symbolic number" of refugees returning to Israel. @highlight New documents show Palestinian leaders agreed to accept a "symbolic" return of Palestinian refugees to Israel @highlight The "right of return" is a very sensitive issue for Palestinians @highlight The leaked documents, which have prompted outrage, cover negotiations over a number of years
Once described as the bad boy of British tennis because he liked partying and didn't practice hard enough, @placeholder has seemingly turned his career around in recent months.
(CNN) -- So used to being the only British man in the second round at grand slams -- especially outside Wimbledon -- Andy Murray will have company at the U.S. Open. Although Murray didn't play his first-round match against Michael Llodra on Monday, the defending champion is fully expected to defeat the French veteran. And if he indeed gets to the round of 64, he will find qualifier Dan Evans alongside him. Evans became the first men's player outside the top 150 in the world rankings to defeat a top-15 rival at the U.S. Open in six years when he dispatched Japan's Kei Nishikori. @highlight Daniel Evans pulls off a major upset on the opening day of tennis' U.S. Open @highlight Evans, ranked 179th, beats No. 11 seed Kei Nishikori in straight sets in New York @highlight Venus Williams, Agnieszka Radwanska and Li Na were first-round women's winners @highlight James Blake will retire after the U.S. Open, putting an end to his 14-year pro career
@placeholder officials said this month that they plan to modify that nation's laws to decriminalize pot use and possession.
(CNN)Are you stoned? That's the message Pope Francis seemed to be sending lawmakers Friday, saying the growing worldwide trend toward legalizing recreational drugs is a very, very bad idea. "Drug addiction is an evil, and with evil there can be no yielding or compromise," he told participants at the International Drug Enforcement Conference in Rome. The Pope's call isn't shocking. Francis has spoken of the dangers of drug use before. But it lends his voice and the authority of the Catholic Church to the growing worldwide debate over legalizing or at least decriminalizing some recreational drugs, most notably marijuana. @highlight Legalizing drug use is a bad idea, Pope Francis says @highlight "There can be no yielding or compromise" to the evil of drugs, he says @highlight Public sentiment isn't with him; most Americans at least now favor legalization @highlight Uruguay recently legalized marijuana, and Jamaica is set to decriminalize it soon
@placeholder has the worst approval ratings of any French President on record.
(CNN) -- A new French government was announced Tuesday, one day after it dissolved amid turmoil among top ministers. The biggest change was the naming of a new economic minister, Emmanuel Macron, who replaces Arnaud Montebourg. French media reported that the upheaval was caused by public calls from Montebourg for a major reorientation of economic policy in a country where growth has stalled and unemployment remains high. Macron, a close associate of President Francois Hollande's, is a former banker. The former economic minister's comments were seen as a challenge to the authority of Hollande, and the change tightens the President's reins over the ministry. @highlight France announces new ministers @highlight The government dissolved Monday amid political turmoil @highlight The economic minister who was blamed for the upheaval was replaced
If forensic evidence does point to @placeholder involvement, it is unclear what moves South Korea could take against a country that has artillery ranged in on Seoul, and which is believed to possess at least six nuclear devices..
Seoul, South Korea (CNN) -- A South Korean investigator said Friday that an "external explosion" was the most likely cause of the mysterious sinking of a naval ship in which 46 South Korean sailors were lost in tense waters off the North Korean coast. "There is a higher possibility of an external rather than an internal explosion," Yoon Duk-yong, the co-head of a government-appointed team to investigate the March 26 sinking of the corvette Cheonan, said Friday in a televised press conference. The Cheonan's stern section, where the missing sailors were believed to have been trapped, was raised from the Yellow Sea bottom Thursday after a salvage operation that was made both risky and difficult by low underwater visibility and strong currents. The bow section is expected to be salvaged next week. @highlight South Korean investigators say naval ship was sunk by external blast @highlight Wreckage of vessel was raised from Yellow Sea floor on Thursday @highlight Of 104 crew members, 58 were rescued after explosion @highlight South Korean media rife with speculation over what caused blast
A statement sent to CNN by the Qatari read: "@placeholder, member of the executive committee of FIFA, was surprised by yesterday's accusations of bribery.
(CNN) -- FIFA presidential candidate Mohamed Bin Hammam wants the current head of world football Sepp Blatter to be included in the organization's investigation into bribery. Bin Hammam, who is the sole challenger to Blatter in presidential elections scheduled for June 1, is due to be quizzed by FIFA's ethics committee this weekend along with Jack Warner, who runs the CONCACAF federation covering Central and North America. The pair have been accused of bribery by FIFA executive committee member Chuck Blazer in relation to a meeting the two held with the Caribbean Football Union (CFU) on May 10 and 11 this year. @highlight Mohamed Bin Hammam wants Sepp Blatter included in probe into bribery claims @highlight Bin Hammam has been accused of breaking FIFA rules and must face ethics board @highlight Qatari is accused of bribery along with fellow FIFA executive Jack Warner @highlight FIFA president Blatter insists he "takes no joy" in Bin Hammam's plight
By the time later waves of settlers arrived in @placeholder, they often found wilderness.
(CNN) -- In October 2013, my daughter came home from school excited about Christopher Columbus. He had come to visit her class! During his visit, he told the children that he had figured out the world was round and then bravely led his crew to discover America. Then they all made telescopes. As a father and history professor, I was caught off-guard. Columbus actually didn't figure out the world was round. He didn't really discover America, either. And telescopes weren't around until about a century after Columbus died. But what do you tell a 5-year-old who has bought into a myth? And how do you do it without constructing an anti-myth, pegging the explorer as one of the most evil people to walk the Earth? What should we tell our children about Columbus? @highlight David Perry's daughter came home from school with some notions about Columbus @highlight Much of what we think we know about the explorer turns out to be incorrect, Perry says @highlight Perry: Columbus didn't prove Earth was round, didn't really "discover" a continent
Three @placeholder hikers, also accused of spying, were arrested in 2009 and ultimately released.
Tehran, Iran (CNN) -- Iran has sentenced a former U.S. Marine to death, accusing him of espionage. A court convicted Amir Mirzaei Hekmati of "working for an enemy country," as well as membership in the CIA and "efforts to accuse Iran of involvement in terrorism," the semi-official Fars news agency reported Monday. Hekmati's family and the U.S. government deny the allegations. The sentence came down five months after Hekmati's arrest. The news came amid rising tensions between the United States and Iran. The International Atomic Energy Agency confirmed Monday that uranium enrichment has begun at a nuclear facility in northern Iran. Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was on a visit to Venezuela, where President Hugo Chavez said the two of them were working together to stop the "imperial insanity" of the United States. @highlight White House: The U.S. takes the matter "very seriously" @highlight An Iranian court finds Amir Hekmati "corrupt on Earth," state media say @highlight He was arrested in August while visiting relatives @highlight Prosecutors allege he was hired to deliver information to Iran
We had no illusions about the TNC, but they have done a pretty good job and look better to us than @placeholder at this point."
Washington (CNN) -- Even as it prepares to hand over the Libyan embassy in Washington to the rebel government, the State Department is warning the Transitional National Council to get its act together. An administration official told CNN the United States has warned the TNC that this is a "do-or-die moment" for the organization to carry out a credible and thorough investigation of the killing of its military commander, Abdel Fatah Younis. Last week's mysterious assassination has raised concerns that it might have been carried out by feuding groups within the rebels themselves. "We do welcome the Transitional National Council's move to set up an impartial committee that will investigate the incident and we look forward to hearing the results," deputy spokesman Mark Toner told reporters Monday. "It's important that, given the fluidness of the situation on the ground, that the Transitional National Council work to ensure that it takes the right kinds of actions, such as an investigation into the death, and sends a clear and transparent message that they speak on behalf of the Libyan opposition and the Libyan people and that they are diligently carrying out their mandate." @highlight NEW: Gadhafi's son: "Whether NATO stays or not, the battle will continue until Libya is freed" @highlight The U.S. prepares to hand over the Libyan embassy in Washington to the rebels @highlight The Transitional National Council has been rocked by internal divisions @highlight Last week the TNC's military commander was mysteriously assassinated
@placeholder comes in fourth with a $5 return for every dollar she was paid.
(EW.com) -- I bet Eddie Murphy would like to trade places with another actor right about now. The "Saturday Night Live" alum tops Forbes' list of the year's most overpaid actors again, followed by newcomer Katherine Heigl and Oscar winners Reese Witherspoon and Sandra Bullock (say it isn't so! ). Murphy's earning power has steadily declined since his string of '80s hits, including "Trading Places" and "Beverly Hills Cop." His voice work in "Shrek" and "Mulan" and family-friendly roles in "Norbit" and "Dr. Dolittle" left him in good standing, but his recent films, "Imagine That," "A Thousand Words," "Meet Dave," and "Tower Heist," flopped at the box office. @highlight Eddie Murphy tops Forbes' list of the year's most overpaid actors again @highlight Murphy's earning power has steadily declined since his string of '80s hits @highlight For every dollar he was paid for his last three films, they returned an average of $2.30 @highlight Katherine Heigl, Reese Witherspoon and Sandra Bullock follow close behind
In October 2012, Roy Bates died at the age of 91, and the Sealand crown passed to his son, Michael, 63, who is still said to live on @placeholder with his family and friends.
By Harriet Arkell Lying six miles off the Suffolk coast, it appears to be an old oil platform to the casual observer. But the Principality of Sealand, as residents call it, claims to be the world’s smallest country, with its own Royal Family, currency, and even postage stamps. The tiny state (though no other country officially recognises it as such) occupies a 5,290sq ft Second World War fort consisting of two concrete towers connected by an iron platform a few miles off Felixstowe, in international waters. But since 1967, Sealand's residents - all 22 of them - have declared themselves independent of Britain. @highlight Tiny state consists of two concrete towers connected by an iron platform @highlight Originally built as WW2 defence, it was claimed as 'principality' in 1967 @highlight No other country recognises it as such, but locals cling to independence @highlight Lying six miles offshore from Felixstowe, state is 'ruled' by Prince Michael, 63 @highlight His father, Roy Bates, claimed platform as his own and crowned himself king @highlight Residents catch their own fish and lobster and produce drinkable water @highlight They make money by selling titles (a Count is £200) and Sealand memorabilia @highlight Tourist trips to the 5,290sq ft fort are being planned for later this summer
Entering Tuesday, @placeholder residents braced for the worst from a storm that has already caused considerable devastation as it headed north from the Caribbean.
(CNN) -- After churning through the Caribbean and chugging up the Gulf of Mexico, Hurricane Isaac made landfall over southeastern Louisiana on Tuesday night -- bringing with it sustained winds of 80 mph and torrential, stinging rains. According to the National Hurricane Center, the storm's center moved over land in Plaquemines Parish at 6:45 p.m. (7:45 p.m. ET) -- one day before the seventh anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, which left nearly 1,800 dead and caused billions of dollars worth of damage along the Gulf Coast. Isaac's eye then "wobbled westward" and moved back over Gulf waters, and by 10 p.m. CT was centered about 75 miles southeast of Houma, Louisiana -- all while keeping its strength as it lashed those onshore. @highlight NEW: Storm surges of over 10 feet are reported in Shell Beach, Louisiana @highlight NEW: Isaac's eye is 75 miles from New Orleans, but the city has been impacted already @highlight Around 220,000 Entergy Louisiana customers don't have power @highlight The storm may get even stronger as it moves inland, the hurricane center says
If @placeholder's enemies think that we are shrinking away from crises, that rhetoric and nonintervention are now our standard operating procedure, that would indeed be worrisome.
North Korea is dangerously close to crossing a line. Not the line that leads to a missile attack on the United States, but the one that separates being a rogue state from being a parody of a rogue state. Pyongyang's bluster is as comical as its nuclear threats are implausible. This does not mean the United States should take the threats lightly. As Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has explained, when a country with a big army and nuclear weapons starts getting reckless, it is irresponsible to dismiss the possibility that it would actually do something insanely self-destructive. But the bigger concern has to do with why North Korea is rattling its saber. The reason may reflect more on the United States than we care to acknowledge. @highlight David Rothkopf: Pyongyang's bluster comical and implausible, but it must be taken seriously @highlight He says enemies may mistakenly believe U.S. caution on intervention means it's "soft" @highlight He says more often than not, U.S. posture is policy, but testing resolve would be error @highlight Rothkopf: Obama has shown that when threat is most urgent he does not hesitate to act
"While the worst of the last few storms is behind us, there still is a significant threat from thundershowers that are forming off the coast," @placeholder said at a news conference Thursday night, warning of the potential for lightning, hail and water spouts.
Los Angeles, California (CNN) -- Rain pounded water-logged Los Angeles on Thursday, and Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa said more than 300 city residents were ordered to evacuate because of the threat of mudslides. "We continue to urge the public who live in these areas to evacuate, to heed the warnings of our police officers and firefighters, our first responders, who are there to protect your public safety," the mayor said. Just over 500 Los Angeles County residents who were advised to flee their homes earlier had done so by Thursday morning, said Capt. Sam Padilla of the Los Angeles County Fire Department. @highlight Just over 500 Los Angeles County residents also were evacuated @highlight Mudslides a serious threat to areas near hills stripped of vegetation by wildfires @highlight Snow closes roads in mountain areas of Southern California
Then he addressed @placeholder, whom he began dating in 1986.
NEW YORK (CNN) -- After declaring last week that he won't publicly discuss his sexual relationships with staffers again, David Letterman continued his mea culpa Monday night -- saying his wife had been "horribly hurt by my behavior." David Letterman has mined private events in his life for very public jokes on his show. The host of CBS' "Late Show" said he now has to try to repair his relationship with Regina Lasko. "Either you're going to make some progress and get it fixed, or you're going to fall short and perhaps not get it fixed, so let me tell you folks, I got my work cut out for me," he told the audience. @highlight "I got my work cut out for me," David Letterman says of his marriage @highlight His mea culpa marks first public comments since last week's 'sextortion' revelations @highlight During the show, Letterman said he spent the weekend "raking my hate mail" @highlight A CBS producer is accused of threatening Letterman unless he was paid $2M
The casting of @placeholder is all about the cuteness factor.
(CNN) -- A visit to the whirlpool tub cool-down zone signals the endgame for Sunday's Super Bowl competitors. But for the furry beasts of the annual Puppy Bowl, a jump in the water pit means the competition for cuteness has only just begun. Prime time is playtime for the scamps who have provided alternative programming to America's biggest sports viewing experience for nine years. According to Animal Planet, the 12-hour Puppy Bowl marathon drew 8.7 million viewers last year. The broadcast's overload of adorable has included "cheerleaders" of various species; hamsters "flying" in the blimp over the Puppy Bowl stadium; Meep the bird, who, naturally, tweets from the sidelines (he got 21,000 followers on Twitter during last year's Puppy Bowl); and even a hairless Chinese Crested "streaker" puppy. @highlight 12 hours of frolicking puppies is Animal Planet's Super Bowl counter-programming @highlight Slow-mo cute cams and cameras stuck in squeaky toys aim to capture the cute @highlight Instead of rooting for a Puppy Bowl team, viewers can root for an MVP
The rate at which choroideremia progresses varies - @placeholder's grandfather wasn't diagnosed until his 20s.
Do you know someone inspirational? The search for the 2013 winner is on The Daily Mail is proud to be running our seventh Inspirational Women of the Year Awards, in association with British Gas and the charity Shelter. Over the coming weeks, we want you to nominate the special women who deserve to be recognised. Here, we tell the story of one of our remarkable nominees. When Emma Salisbury learned her four-year-old son Tommy had an incurable condition which would cause him slowly to go blind, she held him close and wept, grieving for the sight he would lose, imagining his life in a blanket of darkness. @highlight Emma was devastated when she learned her son had inherited a disease @highlight Choroideremia is a genetic condition that results in blindness @highlight Emma decided to help raise money to fund research for a cure @highlight The mother-of-three raised a staggering £300,000 @highlight As a result, the world's first treatment for the disease has been developed