thanks to the pandemic, I have quite literally lost all sources of income and thus thought about giving a try to find clients on Fiverr. But as I checked the website, it was clear that the transactions take place in USD. Is it convenient to have the currency transferred to your bank account? And how much of a "cut" does Fiverr take out of the conversion? This was my main worry and an answer would be really great. Thank you.
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Guys, I am about to pay the MRV fee and I just wanted to confirm if there are available slots for F1 visa interview in any of the consultants in India before January 2021? If any of you have paid the fee and can see the date could you please let me know Pls help thanks
What could have been a moment to retrospect on awareness about mental health was converted to a circus for TRP and political gains. Thousands( or maybe lakhs) still are heavily invested in this crap and don’t believe AIIMS either. They’re brainwashed into believing Rhea deserves lifetime imprisonment. Candid videos of Sushant were played on Republic besides every news to keep the emotions alive. These people now believe Arnab is some hero who is fighting for Sushant’s justice. I’m assuming, most of us here know who he is. He and his channel deserves some shit for their drama. If Prashant Bhushan or his lawyer Dushyant fights for this, even if action is taken or not, the statements that’ll be said will publicise how Arnab is a shitshow and how he was manipulating people into some bullshit. It could have been for distracting people from a crumbling economy or unemployment but whatever the intention was, it was harmful and deserves action.
There’s been a lot of talk about Bollywood Mafia/ Cartel/ whatever you want to call it. At the end of the day it’s an industry and when people like Ranvir Shorey, Kangana etc call it unfair I think they’re missing a bigger picture. If you think of the movie industry as a business, the actual cost of hiring an actor is a small percentage for a blockbuster film. For example say we think of Dhoom 3 - the budget is Rs. 1.75 Billion. Aamir Khan got paid 0.1 Billion for his role, even if you put the rest of the stars in it’s probably about 0.5 B. As a movie producer your objective is to make a profit, now say you save .02B on the budget by hiring a less known actor, but in the end don’t get as big a hit, your money isn’t optimally used. So while I would agree that perhaps 6 stars have a monopoly, at the end of the day it’s a business and not a charity. If you want to go after funding by gangsters, black money etc go ahead and take out the big guys, but don’t point fingers of nepotism or call them mafias/cartels.
Hi Guys, Recently there's construction going on around my place, I can't leave the door or windows open because of all the dust, I tend to open the windows and doors in the early morning. I was getting breakfast today and on the way back, while passing by a South Indian house, the smell of Incense sticks, flowers from pooja made me nostalgic, I live alone now, but it reminded me of my childhood, how to have my place smell fresh and pleasant all the time? I've tried room fresheners, they are not bad, but doesn't seem fresh or natural. I'm sure some of you will say Incense sticks, but if you've something unconventional or not so mainstream, please share, or anything that fits my need, thanks in advance.
I’m juggling my careers path between higher studies and finding a job right now. Because of the corona situation, jobs are harder to find in machine learning and studying abroad is potential riskier. Any thoughts?
For the past few months, I've been trying to look for my answer. But, I'm unable to, mainly because I don't just get how it still works, how to confirm my belief on Lord Shiva? How do I verify whether am I on my right path to experience Shiva or simply becoming blind in my own imagination? I know, these are shallow questions, but, also the very base of most of our belief systems. I want to see things as it is, without any assumption and conditioned thought process. Is there even a God exists in the world? Or, we're just trying to fool ourselves to feed our vulnerabilities.
i live in Delhi and was planning to go to a place in UP, keeping the budget in mind, train would be the best possible method for me. But i’m unsure about the level of safety and hygiene maintained in the railway stations and the trains itself. Has anyone recently traveled via train, if so how was your experience?
Financial Times: Suicides rise after virus puts squeeze on India's middle class. https://www.ft.com/content/abb1e033-28fa-428d-8882-935aad2052df
OBC/B.Arch/Female 10th: 95% 12th (PCMB): 85% GPA: 5/10 Had to do UG at a nearby college to stay at home because parents were a bit restrictive back then. Work Experience: 2 years as a junior architect She would like to transition to a management role. We are looking at FMS primarily because it’s cheap and they don’t consider UG marks. She is very well spoken and good at public speaking as well. FMS has a good emphasis on GD/PI She is good at math and verbal but what CAT percentage would someone like her require? Also who would she be competing with? I’ve heard CAs compete with CAs and Engineers with other Engineers and Bsc degree holders.
So I have been meaning to learn and shot on film but since it will be my first analog camera I do not want to splurge. Looking for suggestions, advice and help of any kind. Thank you for advance.
Is it only me? Whenever people made fun of my weight, complexion, height I kind of made a habit to make fun of myself just to feel less uncomfortable. I don't know how much it helped, but I feel relieved bcz they can't mock me more as I am adding insult to myself.
I'm a very new driver. Just learning to drive. My dad has a 2004 Zen Lxi that has done only about 50k km. Based on extensive online research based on Team BHP, youtube a few other portals I narrowed it down to these two cars : Hyundai i10 (2010-17) vs Maruti Ritz (2009-2017). The reason I narrowed it down to these two (based on reviews) is that I have back issues and good seating is important for me. Total people in car usually would be 2. Rarely 4-5. I don't earn a lot (20-30k p.m) and want to spend a max of 2 lacs on a petrol car. Usage would probably be max 5-6k km per year, hence petrol. I'm looking for a car I can learn / improve on and drive for at least 5 years. Don't care too much about very good pickup or ultra high speed driving. Comfort, mileage and low service / maintenance costs are a priority. * Which of these cars is easier to drive ? (Steering, gear shifting, visibility, blind spots, rear visibility, suspensions etc) * Which clutch is easier on the left foot ? From what I read the i10 clutch (and other pedals too) is really light / smooth. If its rated an 8/10 would the ritz be a 5 ? a 6 ? * What about the mileage I should expect from these cars. (bumper - bumper traffic, easy city drives, highway driving). Is 15 unrealistic ? * Service / Maintenance charges : Are they comparable for these cars ? * And finally, which year, variant should I be looking at in my budget ? And how many kms should it have run (assuming first owner only). Any help appreciated. Thanks.
I got an i20 with only 11K Kilometers clocked. It's only 3 years old and I recently had a service just a month ago. I started my car today and the AC of the car was blowing hot air. Like literally so fucking hot it melted me. Now, these mofos are saying that the car compressor had a problem, it's part needs to be replaced for 7.5k. After a lot of haggling, they said they'll do it behind the desk for 5k. But, I'm wondering how the hell can it happend when the car is literally just 3 years and I keep it in my parking all the fucking time. My dad's telling me they might've messed up something in the last service. Does any one of you had any experiences where your Car's part would just screw up for no reason?
Hey everyone, i made this post because i am very heartbroken and sad about the events that happened between me and a close female friend of mine....we have been friends for 4 yrs, we talked everyday for 2hrs and met atleast once a month, so recently i was depressed due to lockdown and i lashed out at her saying that she only calls me when she has some work as whenever we hung out she usually had some work to do ( we usually also went to a cafe and restaurant to hubg out too whenever she came for work), moving along i said why can't she come when i call her and she said she doesn't leave house if there isn't any work and we hung out often why i am talking like this, so this went on and i shrugged it off saying it was a prank and we talked normally until on a sunday when i asked if she would like to come to riverside with me and she said yes, she was also briging her elder sister and i had no problem i just wanted to go out but on the day she said that the cops are not allowing them to go there and that she went to another place with her sister....i was furious as i thought she didn't want to come and why is she making excuses she said she isn't and we had a fight over it.....the next day i was feeling a bit better and i sent her a long text explaing that i was not in a good place and that i never said anything bad to her these 4 yrs but it seems she took my rant to her heart, i apologised, said sorry, pleaded with her to lets be the way we were and she said she can't, i said atleast try and she said she can't....after some 4 weeks of trying to repair all this because now she was talking to me like an unknown person and our conversations barely last 5 mins now, i said please i will not do it again please understand i was depressed this happened for 4 days on msgs....on 5th day i called her and said the same things for 1hr her answers were more or less the same i was begging her to try for old times sake but she wasn't moving and at last when i said please try she gave a half assed "i see" and hung up. I talked to my other friends about this and they said i shouls give her time and not suffocate her and things will be fine, some are saying to move on as i have done everything and there's nothing else to say.....i really want to save our friendship....what do i do?
Now that the festive season is nearing us, I was wondering, is there a subreddit or a running thread for the good deals during the flipkart /amazon sale. It will be useful to find info about those good deals in one place.
I can't believe how much politics has infected my life. Every day feels like an issue which is related to politics and I have to decide to vote on. This feels extremely unhealthy. I quit my social media accounts. But, yet it feels like there is some or the other issue out there that needs to be discussed. I need some peace.
One of our family member is going to India due to family emergency. I am interested in hearing experience of Canadian citizen or FOREIGN NATIONAL who visited India recently. Below are the guidelines on Indian immigration website. [https://boi.gov.in/content/advisory-travel-and-visa-restrictions-related-covid-19-1](https://boi.gov.in/content/advisory-travel-and-visa-restrictions-related-covid-19-1) **Revised Guidelines of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare for international arrivals (in supersession of guidelines issued on the subject dated 24th May 2020) to be operational from 00.01 Hrs, 8th August 2020 Dated 02.08.2020** **Before Planning for Travel:** i. All travelers should submit self-declaration form on the online portal ([www.newdelhiairport.in](http://www.newdelhiairport.in/)) at least 72 hours before the scheduled travel. ii. They should also give an undertaking on the portal that they would undergo mandatory quarantine for 14 days i.e. 7 days paid institutional quarantine at their own cost, followed by 7 days isolation at home with self-monitoring of health. iii. Only for compelling reasons/ cases of human distress such as pregnancy, death in family, serious illness and parent(s) with children of the age of 10 years or below, home quarantine may be permitted for 14 days. iv. If they wish to seek such exemption under para (iii) above, they shall apply to the online portal ([www.newdelhiairport.in](http://www.newdelhiairport.in/)) at least 72 hours before boarding. The decision taken by the government as communicated on the online portal will be final. v. Travelers may also seek exemption from institutional quarantine by submitting a negative RT-PCR test report on arrival. This test should have been conducted within 96 hrs prior to undertaking the journey. The test report should be uploaded on the portal for consideration. Each passenger shall also submit a declaration with respect to authenticity of the report and will be liable for criminal prosecution, if found otherwise. The test report could also be produced upon arrival at the point of entry airport in India. ​ Q : If you don't get the test results on time, do you have to paid institutional quarantine instead of home? Q : If your results are +ve, what is the process? Are you sent to hospital or at paid institutional or home quarantine?
Hello, I just graduated this year, and I'll be doing a BTech in CSE from a tier-2 private college in Bangalore. Unfortunately, because of this covid crap, I'm still waiting for my classes to start, and I have a lot of free time.....doing nothing. I must confess, I took CSE purely because peer pressure, and not because I had any interest in it....and I think I might regret it somewhere down the line. I have heard that CS doesn't focus much on coding, but mostly focuses on the engineering aspect of Comps (is this true?). I think I should start learning to code in my free time, but I haven't a clue where to start, not to mention I have zero exposure to it, since I didn't take Comp for 12th. What programming language would you recommend to learn for an absolute beginner? What books or what method would you recommend? Also, how 'good' do I need to be at programming to land a job? Any help will be greatly appreciated! Thank you.
PR works on twitter and it is a open secret and I have seen the same things on reddit too. In no time reddit will also turn into toxic, considering present scenario where media trial and internet trial is new way to provide justice. PR is there to add fuel. Reddit is great platform, I love the concept of the reddit where your individual self (stay anonymous)doesn't matter but your ideas opinion or knowledge on certain issue or sphere matters. But the problem in this concept is that a person can make as many accounts to bring a forced narrative to that. He can ask or make opinion on the issue from one account, then by second he can upvote and comment on that. Then by third account do the same. Just imagine if it is not done by an individual but by organization. I don't see any problem if PR works on promoting any product or used for creating any hype on any products or movies. If you want to see the example just go into YouTube and look into the comment section of newly released trailer of any bollywood movie, you will see a one word comment like "nice", " Good" etc. And if you open the account and look when that account is created, you will see one day ago. And every such comment may not be made by PR some of them may be new users too. But the problem is when they try to bring a force narrative to political issues which turns it into a toxic environment. If you go into any other subreddit of India you will see a right wing supporting meme and saying all bullshit about minority or with the people's they oppose, filling the minds of the users with poison and Hatred.
Hey! I am currently a doctoral student at IIT, Kanpur. I am running an online experiment that I'd really appreciate if you participate in (and maybe send it to your friends :)) Follow this [link](http://srivalab.cse.iitk.ac.in/revati_expts/pcr/1a/experiment_1a.html). The experiment is pretty simple (and the instructions will guide you through it). You will have to judge if a few scenarios are possible or impossible. Requirements: * Laptop/desktop with chrome installed * 15 minutes of undisturbed time If you have any questions, want to know more about what I am doing, get in touch!
An extremely old temple, probably dating back to the 8th century in a small town of Saswad near Pune. The temple exterior is built like a fort. Deities of Kal Bhairava, Lord Ganesh and Lord Hanuman are in the main sanctum sanctorum. The pradakshina marg cuts across the courtyard where you can see a few other deities, predominantly the Navgrahas – Shani, Rahu, Ketu, etc. https://preview.redd.it/0axcwftvdor51.jpg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4fca3d385a7369ca8e33007a50163903110e4ff ​ https://preview.redd.it/kaj7mqkwdor51.jpg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16cf0467853bd79eac8531c564070ac4c9230506
Do you know a good way for a westerner (USA) to learn Hindi. It would be much easier for me if the method is in Latin Script, after all its hard enough learning a language let alone a whole new alphabet.
[Somebody robbed me out of my hard-earned money. ](https://preview.redd.it/aoi4ony2cor51.jpg?width=3932&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48c459f8891561ac9b6c17e93a2cba0adf6d1403) Found This piece of paper on the 4th of January 2017 inside a book. It took me close to 2 months of tuition back then to earn this piece of paper.
I am planning to look for job opportunities as a software developer outside India. I was wandering, If by any chance I got the job let say, EU, Canada or any developed nation. Is it worth the decision ? I did my calculations and come to a conclusion if I work there, The saving won't have a drastic difference compared to India and honeslty, it doesn't matter to me much as my primary motive is to explore other cultures for a while and maybe settled there, reason being better education, healthcare and infrastructure etc. Could anyone tell, what is the experience and differences you find after moving to any developed nation from India, and is there any other factor which I am not considering.
* Is there negative marking in the prelims papers? If yes, then how much? * Is it compulsory to attempt all questions?
It's been more than 2.5 months since i filed and still haven't received mine in the bank (direct deposit)
I needed a small help with 2 food things. 1. So I have been living alone for a while but I used to get mess food till now, but I wanted to stop it and start cooking myself so I can be self reliant. But the problem is I don't know what to cook. I tried looking online but it's overwhelming since I have no idea as how they taste and they seem to take lot of effort to make. 2. Another thing is what snacks are best to buy..? I know it sounds strange but I am genuinely confused about it, every time I am in store I sort of blank out and end up buying some doritos and pepsi. So I wanted to know what are some healthier options for me Thank you!
I just know that a Dalit girl was gangraped and then killed by some Thakur men. What's happened and now happening beyond that? What's with all this politics going on? What's a fact based summary?
Like what's going on I don't understand, like people are saying that he (Ali Fazal) supported the protest which is good right they should be protesting against a bias bill like CAB even though it's old it has resurfaced people are talking about it again can anyone explain what's the mistake he done here, please.
We need to hear your opinions on government handling of the pandemic and it's healthcare staff, AYUSH and dissolution of Medical Council of India.
We are all aware of the gruesome rape of Manisha Valmiki and the subsequent dramatic events that followed. The state tried to suppress the crime committed against a Dalit and is tacitly supporting the upper caste Thakur community. Now my question is why aren't Dalit using their population in electoral politics to get their rights? They form a sizable chunk (22%) of total UP's population. If they join forces with other minority groups like Muslims(17-18%) or Yadavs(14-15%), they can be a force to reckon with. Is it because of the Jatav and Non-Jatav divide? Why is it that upper caste(20%) mostly rule this state? The only time I remember Dalits did form a govt was in 2007. Even then Mayawati took support of Brahmins. What has changed between then and now? Why are Dalits unable to unite? Who can bring them together? Congress or Chandrashekhar Aazad? Or AAP? Also, what is your opinion on Akhilesh Yadav? Can he bring the Yadavs and Muslims together to get to power? Why don't Dalits and OBC's support him? Can he separate himself from the identity of his father? (FYI: BJP had 50% vote share in 2019 elections)
tl;dr Seeing the present polticial climate on almost every topic we have, will India ever come to a mutual conclusion on any matter? Seeing the present evolution of the discourse, where everything just HAS to be divided into Left vs Right. And just keeping in mind the top 3, romantically politicized "battle" topics we saw in the last 6 months. -Tablighi jamaat -Sushanth Singh Rajpu -Hathras Case I was taken aback by the Tablighi jamaat campaign, then just saddened by the SSR case and the Hathras case is just straight up shocking and appaling. I can't belive the Hathras case is slowly getting a left vs right angel, of all the things. People as just casting aside the fact that the poor girl died, she was mistreated by cops, hospital staff and cremated dead in the night. These are the basics. Then they are forgetting the fact she told she was raped and took 2 of the accused names, they are ignorning the mother statement in the way she found her poor girl, the police mishandling of evidence(swab test timeline) And are making bold claims the guys are the real victims here. They legit got a panchayat and crowd to sit an discuss how their boys are be vilified will simultaneously the UP govt had restrictions on people wanting to meet Manishas family. Post the above nonsense, you have people blaming the family for playing politics, they are pushing the family and telling shit like it was honour killing? Like wtf lol Now you have Yogi coming out a saying the its an International ploy against his govt. Like what? Is there no turning back from the present atmosphere we are? Is this going to be the new norm? To even turn a rape case into a left vs right debate? And keeping in mind the escalation and unruly discourses possible with today's technology. Are we legit fucked? Lol
I want to buy a cycle that I would drive mostly on road. I dont have a very constrained budget for it but would not like to splurge too much since I just want to drive on road. My height is 5'8
I just came across one video of Facebook on Art of Living Updates Facebook Page where, a volunteer was telling a story of Gurudev's miracle during lockdown, How Gurudev arranged a taxi in urgent for a teacher of his foundation to bring him at home before time. 11 years ago, Gurudev told a texi driver that after 11 years, he will call him and asked him for help. On 23rd March 2020 after 11 years, He called the driver and arranged a travel for a teacher of his foundation who was looking in trouble. Height of insanity. PS: Can not provide a video link, privacy. I want to expose them. It's a story presented by Virat Chirania, I came to know about his name, and he is not a volunteer but an International Faculty in Art of Living now. And, this Guy have been on the platform of TEDx ones, so naturally what he speaks subscribed to his authenticity to most of the middle class people who are enthusiastic and dreamers. "Jay gurudev"
I downloaded my class 10 migration certificate from digilocker. I tried verifying it myself by scanning the QR code from my own account. But the QR scanner of Digilocker does not react at all. It pretends it didn't even see it. I tried verifying my marksheet too, again, it didn't do anything. Why is this happening? Is this a problem of the app? Or is it because I cannot verify my documents from my account? I'm panicking. What should I do?
Hi. I am a 17 year old 11^(th) grader. I am planning to apply for college in the US, and I'm planning to double major in Computer Science, Physics and possibly a minor a biology (it's a weird subject combination but I enjoy those). I would love to go to a university like MIT, Harvard, Cal-tech, but looking at their acceptance rates, I wouldn't bet on it. So I'm looking at UC Berkeley, Georgia Tech, University Of Chicago, etc. I've lived in the US for about 6 years (4th - 9th grade), and another 6 years in Singapore. My parents earn around \~20-30 lakh INR per year. I'm not a great student, and don't really have the high grades/stats many colleges need (only got 89% in 10th), but haven't given my SAT yet. My extra-curriculars are lackluster at best. ​ I'm just wondering whether I even have a chance of getting into a good university, with aid. ​ **My school stats** \- 50% in 9^(th) \- 89% in 10^(th) ​ **My formal extra curriculars** **-** President of my school's gaming club \- Worked for an NGO feeding stray dogs for a while ​ **My informal extra extra curriculars** \- Self taught multiple coding languages (C, Python, HTML, SQL) \- Self taught calculus in the 9^(th) grade \- Self taught classical mechanics in the 9^(th) grade \- Tutored 12th graders in the 10^(th) grade \- Built a Covid-19 tracker visited by \~400,000 people \- Currently working on a social media website, which should go online in 6 months \- Used to work assemble computers and troubleshoot issues as a way to earn quick money. ​ **Some other notes** \- I was expelled from school in the 9^(th) grade in the US \- Used to be a drug user/ drinker from 11-14 \- My grades in the 9th grade are low as I moved from the US that year, and didn't know Hindi too well.
I'm looking to power my 3B+ using batteries. What are my options? Most online suggestions lead me to products that are easily available in the US and Canada. I haven't been able to find a proper portable power supply for the 3B+ here in India. I tried using my power bank (5V, 2.1A) but of course I got the "under voltage detected" error.
So all of a sudden I am unable to do my UPI transactions. It was showing me that I have entered wrong UPI PIN (I did not forget my UPI PIN, but it suddenly started showing me this error). Hence I was trying to reset my UPI PIN using my Debit card details and OTP. I have received the OTP and entered new PIN but after that, it throws me an error saying "Registration is Blocked due to Maximum attempt exceeded". I have waited for 24 hrs, but still, it is showing me the same error. Can anyone suggest how to reset my UPI PIN.
I always come to this What if scenario. He is a true liberal. I think he would have stopped religious fundamentalism , casteism. With his knowledge in economics would have modernized Indian economy. With his social knowledge would have improve Indian society. I think Indians missed a great opportunity. If not pm me should have been the one in control of economics or home ministry. We still never gave him his due, reducing him and his popularity to a specific community.
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Need help in debunking the Devishree Guruji Meet Devishree guruji alias Ramakrishna/ Ramu. A program, Omkaram, of him telecasts in Zee telugu channel every morning. My mom became addicted to his shows. In January, She says that he claimed world will be ruined by a pandemic and it came true in March. She says that in April he claimed that birds will die again and recently there is a news of bird flu and swine flu cases raising. Am fine with her praying to her gods or goddesses, but I fear that she is slowly getting addicted to his words. He explains, different styles of pooja everyday like ‘Do pooja in ghee on Wednesday to impress x god. Burn xyz things in pooja to impress this goddess on Friday’. He starts the show by explaining how the pooja he explains in the end of the show will help them buy property, build property or double their money within one month. Through out the show, he takes phone calls and fan letters and answer the questions in them. He uses dice (Pachikas) to predict the future of the callers and gives verses of which deities to pray to overcome the problems. I think all those are superstitions and I want to bring her out of these superstitions. I explained her that, he doesn’t predict anything, he just says it MIGHT rain tomorrow, there is a 50% chance of it happening, he always carefully uses his words and predicts a different thing everyday. I even tried to explain her that he is [caught behaving bad with women](https://youtu.be/rt5sCLtdPpQ) but she says that ‘he already explained it as he divorced his wife for spiritual reasons, its his personal issue, am only listening to the good deeds he preaches, he is doing good and praying good for all humanity, why are people indulging into his life? News channels are spreading fake news to decrease the popularity of his show’. He even explains things like [Ayurveda can be used to stop black magic](https://youtu.be/BqKMpSF60-U) or how [not having flowers in right pattern in head ](https://youtu.be/3Xtpg1QAfx0) will bring bad luck to you. His official website claims that he [won 8 different prestigious awards](http://omkaramguruji.org/Welcome/about) but again, there are no proofs, not sure who awarded them and their validity. My mom started doing everything he says and slowly started influencing my dad to do everything he says. Am fine with her doing normal poojas and offerings, but I think she is slowly getting influenced by superstitions, how can I stop that?
Tips for beginners
Around a month ago I went to my SBI branch to convert my account from Minor to Major as I became 18 years old earlier this year. After filling the form and all, I specifically told the guy in charge that I want a Global Visa Debit Card. I told him this thrice (I need a Global Debit Card because I buy games and ebooks from international websites). Now, nearly a month later, I've received the package from SBI. First off, they didn't send a cheque book (which I had also requested). Secondly, they've sent me a Rupay Platinum Debit Card. If you don't know, RuPay is not accepted in most international online stores (it has tie ups with a lot of banks abroad but AFAIK it can't be used on websites like Humble Bundle or Epic Games Store or GreenManGaming) and the card I received says 'For use only in India'. Also, why would a 18 year old college student need a Platinum Debit Card? I certainly don't have enough money to make use of the 1 lac daily withdrawal limit and I'm definitely not travelling anywhere that I can make use of the airport lounge access. I guess the card looks good at least. Now I'll probably have to repeat this whole process again (they messed it up for my sister too when she made an account) and wait another whole month. Sigh.
Last week - Chhattisgarh: Journalist Kamal Shukla Attacked by Local Congress Leaders. https://thewire.in/media/chhattisgarh-journalist-kamal-shukla-attacked-by-local-congress-leaders-fir-registered > The leading Chhattisgarh journalist Kamal Shukla, who is editor of Bhumkal Samachar magazine and head of the Patrakar Suraksha Kanoon Sanyukt Sangharsh Samiti was beaten on Saturday afternoon in Kanker (North Bastar) district of Chhattisgarh. > According to local journalists, the incident took place in the afternoon when Shukla went to the local police station after hearing that a journalist, Satish Yadav, had been assaulted by local municipal corporators belonging to the ruling Congress party. > “This has been done in a very planned manner as we have been raising a voice and reporting about the wrongdoings of local politicians belonging to the ruling Congress,” Shukla told The Wire from Kanker. “As soon as I stepped out of the police station, I was attacked by these people,” he added. Shukla claimed that his attackers were irked by his reportage and social media writings “as it has been causing loss to them”. Apart from Shukla and Sathish Yadav, another reporter –  Jivand Haldhar – was also been attacked. > **Shukla alleged that inside the police station, Ghaffar Memom, a representative of the local Congress MLA, Shishupal Shori, waved a pistol at him, saying Kamal Shukla should be killed as he is the real culprit.** “I was targeted because I have written about Shori’s involvement in sand smuggling and in this work Ghaffar and others are helping Shori,” Shukla alleged. https://www.thewire.in/article/media/chhattisgarh-journalist-kamal-shukla-attacked-by-local-congress-leaders-fir-registered ---- Yesterday, a local journalist Tameshwar Sinha from Gaon Connection, tweeted about this. He is also a Dalit and Tribal activist. He reported: > Kamal Shukla was beaten and forcefully evicted from the protesting site by Police. > Nor the other reporters or his son was allowed to accompany him. > He was protesting for last four days, by fasting unto death. > Video - https://twitter.com/tameshwarsinha2/status/1313516942141972482 A local news paper had reported earlier about the protest: https://janchowk.com/zaruri-khabar/chhattisgarh-journalists-sat-on-a-gradual-hunger-strike-demanding-the-implementation-of-journalist-security-law/
I'm currently a high school student studying for NEET, and I was thinking of maybe going abroad after I get into a college and complete my MBBS. I know there is the USMLE for going to the US, but I don't want to to go there, seeing how bad the laws are there, and how its wayyyyyy to cliché. I don't want to go before I do my MBBS from India, because I want to be completely sure that its worth leaving the country. So I want to know what are some other countries that one can opt for after completion of MBBS?
I am going through a phase of remembering my love for Indian classical music. Here is a Kabir Bhajan in Raga Charukeshi sung by the masters of Dhrupad who are credited with reviving this most ancient style of singing, the famous Gundecha Bandhu! I have watched them perform live and their performances are nothing short of mesmerizing. https://youtu.be/G3K_8zv36Q4 =========== If anyone is interested this is a composition by Sant Kabir, a mystic poet and saint from the 15th century AD. The poem translation is as below: This is fine, this is fine cloth. It is been dipped in the name of the Lord. The Charkha (spinning wheel to make yarn or thread), like an eight-petal lotus, spins. With five tattvas (eternal truths) and three gunas (properties) as the pattern. The Lord stitched it in 10 months. The threads have been pressed to get a tight weave. It has been worn by Gods, people, and sages. They soiled it with use. Kabir says, I have covered myself with this cloth with great care. And eventually will leave it like it was. Original composition: झीनी झीनी बीनी चदरिया झीनी झीनी बीनी चदरिया॥ टेक॥ काहे कै ताना काहे कै भरनी कौन तार से बीनी चदरिया॥ १॥ इडा पिङ्गला ताना भरनी सुखमन तार से बीनी चदरिया॥ २॥ आठ कँवल दल चरखा डोलै पाँच तत्त्व गुन तीनी चदरिया॥ ३॥ साँ को सियत मास दस लागे ठोंक ठोंक कै बीनी चदरिया॥ ४॥ सो चादर सुर नर मुनि ओढी ओढि कै मैली कीनी चदरिया॥ ५॥ दास कबीर जतन करि ओढी ज्यों कीं त्यों धर दीनी चदरिया॥ ६॥ Edit: Please see U/78781's translation of the composition in the comments. It is much better.
Is it only me or the Reddit app isn't working without a VPN for others also? I use a Jio sim and have a Vivo smartphone. My feed stopped refreshing all of a sudden a month ago. Recently, I tried opening it with my VPN on and it started working.
I received a call from icici agent that the bank is offering sapphiro credit card on my account free. He sent me a link to apply with link starting as loan.icicibank.com and the link asks me to enter debit card detail with pin code ... this seems like fraud. How do I report this ? Or it is genuine ?,
[removed] [View Poll](https://www.reddit.com/poll/j6m147)
I want to go on a small solo bike trip towards Himachal, Uttarkhand and Ladakh. On my way back, I want to briefly visit Kedarnath and Meditate on Shivji for a few days. Has tourism opened up in these areas or is it still widely closed and inaccessible? Anyone with some personal experience? Would love to hear them \_/\\\_
We now have full fledged : • Judicial Subversion At the Highest Level of Judiciary where Judges are now clothed in Saffron • Extra-Judicial Killings which are starting to become common place • Using PR Agencies to Cover Up and Manipulate Truths • Systematic Unleashing of Vendetta using 3rd Rate Tactics like turning SSR's suicide into a wide scale conspiracy • Turning CREDIBLE Government Institutions like CBI, ED, CVC, NCB, RBI into Government Lapdogs and Weapons to take out any opposition or to distract the public • Creating a Cancel Culture in the Electorate Against Particular Caste, Creed, Religion etc. • Unrelenting Social Media Manipulation at the Highest Order in All Medium. You can encounter bots under every video/post/tweet etc. • The promotion of pseudo-sceince by the Government • Favouring Certain Businessmen (clue: starts with "A" and ends with "I") • Playing High Quality Joomla Schemes like making ONGC take a loan from SBI to buy HPCL • Careless Handling of the Economic Situation by a Less Than Qualified RBI Governor and Finance Minister • Steamrolling Bills in both Houses of Parliament without proper democratic practices • Buying out the opposition • And much more.... BJP has successfully created a sectorial divide right in the heart of India. This will surely lead to sporadic problems sooner or later. Communities like Muslims, Dalits, other minorities are laying low now. BJP is creating a large pressure cooker. One day, some incident will happen and the spark will ignite the nation. Then it will be beyond the ability of any of BJP's IT Cell or PR Agencies to bury it. I think the best thing that we can do now is to migrate in search of better opportunities to places like Canada, UK, Australia, NZ, EU etc. before India turns into a culturally broken Venezuela-like situation in the near future. I personally don't see any good job sectoral growth in the coming years in this countries with all these regulatory crap. The tactics that BJP now use is the same that Jinnah used during the final years of British Raj. This will in turn lead to more secessionist movements in different parts of the country, ranging from Northeast Insurgency to Khalistani militant issues and Tamil Secessionist Ideas to promote themselves more and more. I see Modi and his gang bring about stagnation of India, which then fuels secession down the line.
We should have various groups which keeps democracy/fundamental rights alive in our country. It can be supported by Political parties which have similar vision for our country. So far all I have seen are groups representing a particular community and it becomes hard to criticise them because it is projected as hate against community. I would like to see groups which talk about India as state. What are your views about it ?
Is only me, so I got 2gb data for 600 bucks and for the last few day when 50% of the data is over i.e., 1gb. The internet bandwidth drops so low that I can't even load a video on YouTube at 360p and the speed won't get above 10kbps (I'm in TN btw) So any one else facing this issue recently?
Since we have such a massive number of engineering colleges in India, I sort of wanted that there should be a subreddit dedicated to just that? Will be easier sharing placement advice, career advice etc.?
Moved away from home and never cooked a day in my life. I regularly call my mom for recipes and the number of times she uses the word “bhuno” is unbelievable. Anyways, long story short, when I cook, I’m 90% satisfied with the taste but there’s always that 10% that’s lacking. Any guesses on why my mom thinks the 10% is lacking? Yep, it’s because I don’t “bhuno” the spices well. So can some one please ELI5 what “bhuno” is and how to correctly do it?
how do i lodge a complaint with speed post the seller i got it from is uncooperative and not giving his details the item is in my city but its stuck at dispatched
​ https://preview.redd.it/qh5tpk9grlr51.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=55acfc299164161ce27ef2804fd819a58574a991 # tl;dr The National Automated Facial Recognition System (AFRS) is being developed by the National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) under the Ministry of Home Affairs. The project aims to develop and use a national database of photographs which is to be used in conjunction with a facial recognition technology system by Central and State security agencies. # History The NCRB first released the [**Request for Proposals (RFP)**](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rZhDeH9a9E6T7zDTNZoyBdPakwwFFpBU/view) (Document Reference: 02/001).calling for bids for the creation of AFRS on 28 June, 2019 Initially, the deadline for submission of bids was on August 16, 2019 (Read our first post on the subject [**here**](https://internetfreedom.in/maskon/)). However, the deadline was extended multiple times due to reported administrative reasons. Finally, the RFP was [**recalled and cancelled**](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qmmdP_Jdk9ceorJa0gAQqFlRjuz6AtOm/view). A [**new revised version of the RFP**](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KgnURYsFLBqOhLidW28nrbugI--SnKx5/view) \[Document Reference: 02/001 (Revised)\] was issued on June 22, 2020. The current deadline for the submission of bids is October 8, 2020. The estimated budget of the project is INR 308 crore. # What is AFRS? The RFP invites bids for the creation of a National Automated Facial Recognition System (AFRS) to further create a national database of photographs. According to the RFP, this database is purported to be used to swiftly identify criminals by gathering existing data from various other databases like: 1. Passport database under the Ministry of External Affairs, 2. Crime and Criminal Tracking Network and Systems (CCTNS) by the National Crime Records Bureau(NCRB) under the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA), 3. Interoperable Criminal Justice System (ICJS) by the NCRB under the MHA , 4. Women and Child Development Ministry's KhoyaPaya Portal, 5. Automated Fingerprint Identification System (AFIS) by the NCRB under the MHA 6. Any other image database available with police/other entities. To identify criminals, scene of crime (SOC) images and videos will be matched with the abovementioned databases by using facial recognition technology. [**Face recognition systems use computer algorithms to pick out specific, distinctive details about a person’s face. These details, such as distance between the eyes or shape of the chin, are then converted into a mathematical representation and compared to data on other faces collected in a face recognition database. The data about a particular face is often called a face template and is distinct from a photograph because it’s designed to only include certain details that can be used to distinguish one face from another.**](https://www.eff.org/pages/face-recognition) # What  could go wrong? Identification happens when FRT is used to identify an individual from a pool of many people. This kind of 1: many FRT based identification is typically used for security and surveillance purposes. Verification, on the other hand, occurs when an image is compared to another image from an existing database in order to verify that the individual is who he/she claims to be, i.e., authentication of identity on a 1:1 basis. ## Implementation of a Faulty FRT System Claims relating to accuracy of FRT systems are routinely exaggerated and the real numbers leave much to be desired. The implementation of such faulty FRT systems would lead to high rates of false positives and false negatives in this recognition process. 1. A false positive occurs when FRT gives an incorrect positive result wherein the system misidentifies an individual as someone he/she is not. This may lead to discrimination and strengthening of existing biases. For instance, [**ACLU**](https://www.aclu.org/blog/privacy-technology/surveillance-technologies/amazons-face-recognition-falsely-matched-28) found that Amazon’s facial recognition software “Rekognition” incorrectly matched 28 members of the US Congress with people who had been arrested for committing a crime. Of those members who were incorrectly matched, 40% were people of color which is a disproportionate number since people of color make up only 20% of the US Congress. 2. A false negative occurs when the FRT gives an incorrect negative result wherein the system is unable to recognize an individual or authenticate his/her identity. This may lead to arbitrary exclusion of an individual from government schemes and benefits. Failure of biometric based authentication under Aadhaar has led to many people being excluded from receiving essential government services and even led to starvation deaths. Such problems will be further aggravated by an inaccurate FRT system. The AFRS is being developed and deployed by the government without any technical standards in place which may lead to faulty systems being implemented. Once in place, it would be very difficult for it to be reconciled with future technical standards and  damage like discrimination and exclusion would be impossible to undo. In the revised RFP, there is no mention of the international standards which were included in the original RFP which had to be complied with as a technical requirement. The reason behind the exclusion of these standards is unclear and raises the question of why necessary standards of technical requirements are being diluted. ## Implementation of an Accurate FRT System While there have been [**claims**](https://swr.indianrailways.gov.in/view_detail.jsp?lang=0&dcd=3370&id=0,4,268) of a fully accurate FRT system, none of these claims have been corroborated by independent review and audit. The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has extensively tested FRT systems for [**1:1 verification**](https://www.nist.gov/system/files/documents/2019/11/20/frvt_report_2019_11_19_0.pdf) and [**1:many identification**](https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/ir/2019/NIST.IR.8271.pdf) and how accuracy of these systems [**vary across demographic groups**](https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/ir/2019/NIST.IR.8280.pdf). These independent studies have concluded that currently, no FRT system has 100% accuracy. An accurate FRT system would hypothetically have a 100% success rate in 1:1 verification and/or 1:many identification. However, it will come with its own ominous connotations, the most problematic of which may be state led mass surveillance and difficulty for outside actors to counter-challenge government decisions. Probe images for FRT systems are often collected by the police through CCTV cameras installed in public spaces. Individuals in a CCTV surveilled area may be aware that they are under surveillance but the assumption is that this surveillance is temporary. Use of CCTV in conjunction with FRT would mean their images will be stored for a longer period of time, if not permanently. This data will also be used to extract particular data points such as the facial features and other biometrics which the individual has not consented to sharing when entering a CCTV surveilled zone and these data points can be used to track future movements of the person. Therefore, integration of FRT with a network of CCTV cameras would make real time surveillance extremely easy. One of the most important changes which have been made in the revised RFP is that it now states that the project “does not involve the installation of CCTV camera nor will it connect to any existing CCTV camera anywhere”. This is a departure from the original RFP wherein CCTV integration had been included as a functional requirement. However in the revised RFP, a new data source  "Scene of Crime images/videos" has been introduced for input into the AFRS database. This inclusion is at odds with the previous assertion made in the RFP - that integration of CCTVs will not take place. Deletion of CCTV camera footage as a data source leaves a gap in the functional architecture of AFRS and the RFP fails to satisfactorily account for its replacement. The RFP also fails to mention how the data and subsequent analysis/ information which is obtained through AFRS will be presented and utilized in a court of law, i.e., the nature of the evidence obtained from AFRS and its admissibility as pertaining to its reliability in courts. Deployment of AFRS without adequate legal safeguards is deeply troubling. Specific laws with regard to FRT and personal data protection do not currently exist in India. While a flawed Personal Data Protection Bill has been introduced in the Parliament (read more [**here**](https://internetfreedom.in/its-the-final-countdown-kinda-saveourprivacy/)), there is uncertainty about when it will be enacted and implemented and how effective it will be in protecting the personal data of individuals. Under the current version of the Bill, wide exceptions have been provided to the Government for surveillance related activities. A strong data protection legislation is needed to hold these FRT systems accountable in terms of collection, storage and usage of data including sharing of data across government agencies and with third parties. The implementation of an accurate FRT system would also violate fundamental rights by facilitating mass surveillance. For instance, there will be a chilling effect on the right to freedom of speech and expression because people will be wary of being prosecuted in case they express anti-government sentiments. Further, the right to freedom of movement would be hampered as mass surveillance would allow the government to track the movements of individuals in real time across the country. Finally, the right to privacy will be violated as  sensitive personal data which is collected by these FRT systems will be used by the Government without the informed consent of the individual. This would also hamper the individual from exercising the liberty to share their information in some contexts and remain anonymous in others according to their individual choice. As per the Hon’ble Supreme Court's decision in *Justice K.S. Puttaswamy vs Union of India* (2017 10 SCC 1) any justifiable intrusion by the State into people’s right to privacy protected under Article 21 of the Constitution must conform to certain thresholds. These thresholds are: ### A. Legality Where the intrusion must take place a defined regime of law i.e. there must be an anchoring legislation, with a clear set of provisions. As pointed out in our previous legal notice as well, there is no anchoring legislation which allows for and regulates  the use of AFRS. In the absence of such a framework and safeguards, the first requirement for lawful restriction on the right to privacy is not met. ### B. Necessity Which justifies that the restriction to people’s privacy (in this case data collection and sharing) is needed in a democratic society to fulfill a legitimate state aim. In the RFP, it is stated that the need for AFRS arises because it will enable automatic identification and verification  through criminal databases which would help investigation of crime and tracking and detection of criminals. This characterisation is based on a faulty assumption that facial recognition technology is accurate and would provide speedy and correct results. However, ongoing research in the field has shown that facial recognition technology which is completely accurate has not been developed yet. Use of such inaccurate technology, especially for criminal prosecution, could thus result in a false positive, i.e., misidentification of an innocent individual as a suspect in a crime. Thus, AFRS fails to meet the requirement of necessity as laid down by the Supreme Court in the Puttaswamy judgment. ### C. Proportionality Where the Government must show among other things that the measure being undertaken has a rational nexus with the objective. The AFRS contemplates collecting sensitive personal information, intimate information of all individuals in the absence of any reasonable suspicion by collecting images and videos from a scene of crime. This could cast a presumption of criminality on a broad set of people. In the Supreme Court’s decision in K.S. Puttaswamy v. Union of India (2019) 1 SCC 1  or the Aadhaar judgment , the Hon’ble Supreme Court held that: >“\[u\]nder the garb of prevention of money laundering or black money, there cannot be such a sweeping provision which targets every resident of the country as a suspicious person” While this statement was made in the context of rejecting the mandatory linkage of Aadhaar with bank accounts to counter money laundering, it clearly shows that imposition of such a restriction on the entire population, without any evidence of wrongdoing on their part, would constitute a disproportionate response. Similarly, collecting sensitive personal information of all individuals who were present at the scene of crime creates a presumption of criminality which is disproportionate to the objective it aims to achieve. ### D. Procedural safeguards Where there is an appropriate independent institutional mechanism, with in-built procedural safeguards aligned with standards of procedure established by law which are just, fair and reasonable to prevent abuse. At present, there is no independent institutional mechanism which would put in place procedural safeguards in the RFP which will regulate the proposed project. In the absence of any checks and balances, function creep becomes an immediate problem wherein the issue of AFRS being used for functions more than its stated purpose becomes a reality. Use of AFRS without safeguards could result in illegal state-sponsored mass surveillance which would have a chilling effect on fundamental rights such right to freedom of expression, freedom of movement and freedom of association which are guaranteed in the Constitution. Fear of identification and retaliation by the state would deter individuals from exercising their fundamental right to protest which is included in the freedom of speech and expression. # Project Panoptic IFF has been tracking the RFP for AFRS since last year and has sent two legal notices to the NCRB pertaining to its illegality (Read [**here**](https://internetfreedom.in/iffs-legal-notice-to-the-ncrb-on-the-revised-rfp-for-the-national-automated-facial-recognition-system/) and [**here**](https://internetfreedom.in/maskon/)). Additionally, under our Project Panoptic, we have also been tracking all other instances of facial recognition use in the country that we have come across. Our main aim behind this project is to increase transparency and accountability from the authorities who are implementing these projects. # Important Documents 1. IFF's Legal Notice to the NCRB on the Revised RFP for the National Automated Facial Recognition System dated July 15, 2020 ([**link**](https://internetfreedom.in/iffs-legal-notice-to-the-ncrb-on-the-revised-rfp-for-the-national-automated-facial-recognition-system/)) 2. We might be in the market for a new kind of face mask dated July 18, 2019 ([**link**](https://internetfreedom.in/maskon/)) 3. We wrote to NCRB and MHA requesting them to halt their ongoing National Automated Facial Recognition System (AFRS) project dated April 22, 2020 ([**link**](https://internetfreedom.in/we-wrote-to-ncrb-and-mha-requesting-them-to-halt-their-ongoing-national-automated-facial-recognition-system-afrs-project/)) 4. Problems with Facial Recognition Technology Operating in a Legal Vacuum dated February 20, 2020 ([**link**](https://internetfreedom.in/problems-with-facial-recognition-systems-operating-in-a-legal-vacuum/)) 5. Update on IFF's #ProjectPanoptic dated July 21, 2020 ([**link**](https://internetfreedom.in/update-on-iffs-projectpanoptic/))
Just to clarify, this ain't a sponsored post, I'm writing this coz i genuinely like what they are doing. It's about time we stop crying over how bad our media is and actually support good media. The people at Newslaundry have been the only one in digital media space constantly covering the hathras case. They covered the case on 27sept before the girl died and it became national news. Newslaundry doesn't run ads on their page coz they believe having them means having to give biased news. So they have subscriptions. Go to their site and actually buy a subscription and contribute to them as much as you can. TL;DR: Newslaundry is good media. Buy their subscription and support them. 27sept hathras coverage: https://youtu.be/LseFzqEqJFc Here's the link to their subscription: https://www.newslaundry.com/subscription
Title. I bought an apartment in Kolkata couple of months back via Home loan . Havnt completed registration yet because I'm in another city and wanted to avoid travel due to Covid. What is the max time I can put off registering the apartment since it's apparently not possible to do online or via post. Are there any fines for not doing this immediately? Note - Bank sanction for the Home loan is done and already few EMIs deducted.
Every day, BJP ministers make more and more absurd statements. PM clicks photos with peacocks when the nation is suffocating economically and medically. Rape case is being blatantly mishandled in front of our eyes. Ministers make more and more infuriating statements each day. It almost seems counterintuitive. This is so clearly wrong, do they not see it? The answer is, they do, and it is part of the plan to radicalize india more everyday. The RW thrives on polarization and radicalization, it doesn't matter which side is being polarized. They benefit by liberals becoming ultra liberals, by left leaning people becoming full on leftists. Every time we laugh at Modi waving into an empty tunnel, we strengthen their goal....every time we laugh, the RW advertise our mockery as an attack on them. The RW thrives on elimination of the moderate ground for sane discussion. Sane discussions are dangerous, they tend to steal voters. Look how USA is bipartisan today, Republicans vs Democrats? The same PR agencies guide Indian RW politicians today, and they intend to create the same bipartisan ideology in India. A well divided population controls much more easily. So make no mistakes, these idiotic and downright disgusting actions of our politicians today are all loosely related to the idea that India should be radicalized, either left or right. The goal is to nurture the philosophy of alternative facts just like the USA, and to remove any possibility of a meaningful dialog, let alone debate. BJP ministers will periodically make horrible remarks about the rape, like clockwork. They will make sure the non RWs continue to hate them with burning passion, for that us equally if not more important than keeping their own fanbase. They know what they are doing. It's time we do too, and continue to engage in dialogue with people in our lives. It pays off, trust me, you either win back a family member or friend, or you lose someone who never was family anyway.
Hi! My next door neighbors celebrate Diwali and I would love to put together a gift basket for them, but I have no idea where to start. What types of gifts are given for Diwali? It’s a family of two adults and two young boys. Thanks in advance for any advice!
It is so sad and outrageous to see this mentality of Indians in 2020! - Youtube: [Know why Delhi is called the Rape Capital](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APIAPD67Jds) This is a result of illiteracy & carrying forward old backwards "culture". Clearly, these men need to be coached about the correct mentality to have, eg: \- A woman wearing a "sexy"-looking outfit does not mean an invitation for sex \- As a man, you can obviously avoid sexually assaulting her. \- There is a thing called consent. When the Syrian refugees were taken in by western countries, they were required to attend cultural conditioning classes to teach them how to better treat women, and in general prevent rapes by them. Frankly, Indians need such training. They need an attitude adjustment. They need to be **taught** basic things like women wearing short skirts aren't ready to have sex with you. They need to be **taught** the modern ways of life. Without teaching them, from their point of view, they are doing nothing wrong. Youtube: [Norway: Rape prevention classes for refugees - BBC News](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5JQW8DIrskE&feature=youtu.be) **Why don't we make such a training mandatory for every every adult who turns, say 21, sponsored by the government? How can we make this happen?** To avoid making it controversial by making the classes exclusive about rape-prevention, it could be bundled with other topics like managing personal finance, awareness of current technologies etc and call the whole package as "Mandatory Life Skills"
Can anyone please tell me the famous name of the place where the rainbow ends? Any movie or fantasy name would is welcome.
Hey, so I have a friend in Mumbai and their birthday is soon. I want to send them something small, specifically Sake (Japanese alcoholic wine). I’m from the UK so was hoping I could get recommendations for the best websites? (Even to send non-alcoholic items, and it doesn’t have to be wrapped or anything) TL;DR: Indian amazon for alcohol
I am trying to access newspaper archives especially around Emergency in 70’s. Is there any newspaper that maintains a database of old newspaper archives that we can access? I can find random articles here and there, but nothing in archive format. Any help/leads would be appreciated. Thanks
Hello fellow Indians. I am here to rant. Please bear with me. I wanted to rant on the mental health subreddit but I figured not everyone will understand. I HATE THE COMPETITION. Ive been writing exams for so long and my performance is only mediocre. Which means I obviously am not making it to the merit lists. It is so fucking frustrating. I am 27. Unemployed. Which means I have to seek permission from my parents for the smallest of things. I got a second result today within a week. And well, congratulations you've made it NOWHERE. And on the other hand, my mother's colleague's son cracked JEE mains. Well, good for you. I now have another reason to doubt myself every second of every day. And believe you me, I'm not stupid. I can't handle the exam pressure. I cry before my exam. I don't understand the question. Maybe it has to do with the Indian rearing of children where they aren't entrusted with making their own decisions. But I shouldn't blame others for my shortcomings. What can I do? Do you guys understand? Help. Edit: Thank you so much all of you. I pulled an all nighter yet again to study and whenever I got demoralised I came here to read your messages. Reading all your messages I cried, felt relieved and also had a bout of energy. I'm not preparing for UPSC, I know I can't do it. I am a law graduate trying to find a stable "sarkari Naukri", haha. Guys, the thing is I want to do it. I want to be in a position to help people less fortunate. I want to at least try to make a difference. But we all have our pros and cons. My cons are anxiety, stress, self doubt, lack of confidence. Mcqs will be the death of me. But I'm trying. One day at a time. But some days are more difficult than the rest. I also am having a hard time accepting rejection after working so hard to get somewhere. We face so much more competition that the rest of the world, it is very demoralising at times, and to be honest, quite unfair. Anyway. Thank you guys. You all helped me through a really difficult night. Much love. ❤️
The concept of heaven and hell is centuries old. We may not have studied it in school, but we saw cartoons. A magical place floating in the skies, where the harp is playing, a world where you can touch the clouds, and no evil can touch you. A utopia, where you have everything you want. The idea is that people who do good go to heaven after they die, and the rest go to hell. This was probably a powerful motivation for potentially millions of people to do good deeds, and perhaps it still is, though no proof exists of such a place. Today we live in a different world that has more respect for science than our ancestors. Or does it? The average person I meet today does not believe in God. If I ask you whether you believe in Heaven, you are likely to laugh at me. It sounds ludicrous. But instead, let me ask you this: do you believe in a happy place? Do you have goals? Dreams? Consider a couple of popular examples. ### I want to lose weight and look great Somehow this generation is simultaneously the most unfit as well as the most obsessed with fitness. I don’t remember ever going a week without hearing someone complaining about gaining weight (including myself). The worst part however is over-quantification of fitness. From counting steps to calories to wearables that remind you to drink water and get up, and the biggest one of all: weight itself. I miss the times when standing on the weighing machine cost 1 rupee at railway stations, seeing the colours light up and the little slip coming out, and excitedly sharing the number with others. Now it is an anxiety creating machine you have at your gym, at your clinic, and even your homes. A tiny LCD screen and a couple of digits can bring your whole life come crashing down.  I know people who go their entire day and week feeling like this. Why though? Nobody can dispute the rewards of exercise, but is there any merit in measuring our success every second we get? The goal becomes a milestone to reach: and we huff and puff to get to that point, because that’s where we think the magic happens. Yes, at 9.4% body fat, 22 BMI, I shall rejoice. But you usually don’t. Because two seconds and a scroll on Instagram later you set a new goal, or your fitness app sets a new one for you. The people unhappiest with their fitness are not the most unfit, they are the ones who believe that hitting a certain combination of numbers will change their life. It becomes an elusive heaven that seems to slip farther away every time they think they’ve reached it. ### The dream job During placement season, one is usually expected to walk into interviews expecting this question: *what is your dream company (or three)?* When you are conditioned to think this way, sooner or later you really begin to believe there is a dream company out there. Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Amazon - it doesn’t matter which, but you start to believe that when you land a job here, it would be a big deal, and you would be happier/more successful. The dream job has other forms as well. It could be as simple as reaching a certain stage: the ability to afford a sports car, having fifty people report to you, a certain role such as a brand manager, or just an esteemed designation. We all know people who buy into this, including ourselves. You like those posts on LinkedIn, those success stories, those surveys of best places to work. You start believing that the moment any of your little dreams become a reality, and like a final screw that was missing falls into place, a satisfying click sound will be heard, and life will be better. Broadly there are two possible outcomes: 1. **You don’t get what you want:** this makes you resent the place you are in, the people around you, your boss, and your work. The jigsaw of your life is missing key pieces, and until those pieces start falling into place, the others don’t hold any value. 2. **You get what you want:** That’s great, now all you need to do is wait for the dark curtains to lift and watch your wonderful life unfold. But when life continues to stay more or less the same, you either try to look for more missing pieces, or if you’re wise, create a new picture with the same pieces. If the achievement of these dreams becomes a yardstick to measure quality of life, how are they any different from the notion of heaven? They become checkboxes to tick. Like those travellers who count the number of countries they’ve visited. Sunset point check. Walking tour check. Museum check. Portrait of ice cream cone check.  The point isn’t that goals are inherently bad. Get a new job, new role, make more money, get slimmer, do more reps and clock more steps. But, firstly, if you are constantly measuring your life every second like heart monitoring on an ICU patient, life will be miserable regardless of the results. Secondly, there is no point waiting for your heaven. This space where you are, this second when you are, **this is it.** You cannot stand in line for happiness, or wait for a cab to take you there. It has no other coordinates besides where you are. Don’t wait for that perfect job, perfect shape, perfect partner, or perfect destination. Fuck happiness, not being miserable is good enough as well. It may sound impossible to believe sometimes, that you can have joy in life with the way you look right now, the money you make right now, the work you do right now, and the people around you right now. But it is, otherwise we’d all sulk forever. I think this is a definition of self-love and acceptance I can get onboard with. It’s not about telling yourself you are amazing and wonderful the way you are. That never really resonated with me. We can aspire to be better and be better, ***without*** hating our current selves. Life is not a single jigsaw, but a kaleidoscope that you can keep on spinning to see it in newer, healthier ways. >*There are two tragedies in life. One is to lose your heart’s desire. The other is to gain it .* *George Bernard Shaw*
Hello, So I had Ext HDD Seagate 2 TB (here to refer as: ***S2TB***) which had couple of bad sectors and the situation got worsen when I was continuously using it to the point that whenever I connected it to the laptop. Then the doomsday arrived where I had to format the drive and when ran the EASEUS data recovery wizard it showed all the files with the said folder structure but I the recovery process was slow and I did major goof up by trying to recover small amount of data in S2TB Second goof up was when I tried multiple software to recover the data (was scared to lose the data and got impatient )as the EaseUS recovery was extremely slow and thus the downfall started. It ended when I was unable to see any of the 1.7 TB data of folder that EASEus was showing. I understood that Linux cloning is needed but I don't have a spare hard drive. Hence looking to the situation, only option is Professional data recovery. Need help in recommending Professional data recovery for Western India Region (pref: Gujarat state)
You can find all the details about this on her tweet [here](https://twitter.com/SukirtiDwivedi/status/1313539770010624001?s=20). After all the circus that media does, at the end of the day when I see such news reports coming up, it feels nice. Makes us understand how important the role of media is and how some are still walking on the right path. I am not sure if this is allowed to post here but it was a news that I felt should be shared here. I have made a small monetary contribution which won't be enough for her and this is the only other way I can contribute. I am not posting the bank details for obvious reasons. Feel free to DM [Sukirti Dwivedi](https://twitter.com/SukirtiDwivedi) and she would share the details with you.
I've observed so far that teachers and parents never view from the students' perspective and try to make the students suffer with heavy loads of work. I've even seen parents sending their class 6 kids for JEE coaching!! Seriously!? Why does a class 6 kid need JEE coaching? And the kid has to follow their parents orders or else he's gonna get punished by them. What are your thoughts about this?
I am hoping to buy an iphone in the Amazon/Flipkart sale next week. Would you guys recommend it? There are a lot of 1 star reviews on the website and I am super scared that it would be a waste of my money. Also, does anyone have any tips? Maybe sellers to buy from/avoid?
I watch NDTV India on a regular basis, and since the past couple or so months (I guess), there are no commercial advertisements, only ads for NDTV India's own shows. Has NDTV India completely run out of advertisers? Is there a way we could urge our favorite brands to give advertisements to NDTV as well?
Gave application for opening a regular savings bank account at ICICI Bank by depositing Rs 10K as initial deposit (as per branch rules). But due to personal reasons I wished to withdraw my application and gave that in writing to the bank by evening(account no. was not yet created by that time) They're saying that the money will be refunded by Demand draft but the procedure is little complicated. How long will it take for me to get the DD? If anyone had similar experiences with ICICI bank or an employee of ICICI bank, please share your views.
My dad is an NRI with FD income in India as well as notional rent income (i'm a little fuzzy on the specifics) and recently realized he had to file ITR-2. He's trying to find instructions on the form for the AY 2020-2021 to no avail. Are there instructions available? Thanks
Hey, I’m a student from the US, that managed to make the decision that I should go to india for my undergrad. I got into a good college with a fairly decent SAT score and an interview with the Dean of that school. But, as online classes began (it’s only been two days). I started to notice that, in terms of mathematics, electrical engineering, physics and chemistry. I am WAY behind everyone, everyone learned all this while cramming for their JEE exams. Which I have not taken. I’m trying to keep up, but I don’t know how long I can hold on, my minor exams are in a month, and I’m very behind in terms of EVERYTHING except English and environmental science. What do I do? Is there a way to make life easier for me? Here’s what I have going on for now: Math: a jump from pre calc all the way to integral calculus, greatest integer functions, limits, etc. Physics: from basic laws of motion to young’s double slit experiment. Chemistry: from basic chem work I’m jumping to “de broglie wavelength” Electrical engineering: from knowing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to topology, branch, sign convection, kirchoffs current law, nodes and current source. I had a panic attack the other day, and I have no idea what to do, someone please help, I feel like I’m losing my mind.
pls help me out.
Hello Guys, Can someone help me with the list of private hospital in Ranchi dealing in Covid Care. I am looking at some lists, but I am not sure. Will be deeply appreciated Thanks
i think an indian musical group in the mainstream would change how people perceive india smh makes me sad when they have other countries but never india :/ just wanted to rant thnx bye
Hi all, I don't know whether this sort of post is allowed or not, so mods please delete it if not allowed. I need some good photos of a structure in Bhopal for a web page, and would be willing to pay a reasonable amount. Pro photographers in / near Bhopal, would you please contact me by PM for details?
Hi friends in India, Recently my wife became the victim of scam, in particualr government imposter scam. She lost her entire savings from 20 years of the work. We cannot let the reputation of this great country sink because of these scammers. I know scammer is everywhere, but an article I read says this kind of scam is very common in India. Is it because a lot of technician and government officers are from India? I am genuinely curious as I would like to visit this country one day. Here is the scammer's information. Feel free to contact me if you recognize his voice. [https://www.scammer.info/d/42150-ssa-sammer-impersonator-rajive-mathur-602-902-1571](https://www.scammer.info/d/42150-ssa-sammer-impersonator-rajive-mathur-602-902-1571)
Great article I came across talking about the the exact strategy propaganda subs on the India Redditverse are using. No need to name which ones these are. Article link at bottom ​ >Studies have long shown that exposure to hate makes it easier for people to hate – and to act on their hate. If there is an organized effort by hate groups to manipulate people with memes, then these visuals can actually be influencing people to perpetrate violent attacks. ... >The militant alt-right's use of internet memes [follows this pattern](https://journals.openedition.org/angles/369). They are carefully designed on underground social media using codes, before attaining approval by like-minded users that disseminate these messages on mainstream platforms like Twitter or Facebook. > >Sometimes these messages are lifted from innocuous sources and altered to convey hate. Take for example Pepe the Frog. Initially created by cartoonist Matt Furie as a mascot for slackers, Pepe was appropriated and altered by racists and homophobes until the Anti-Defamation League branded the frog as a [hate symbol](https://www.adl.org/education/references/hate-symbols/pepe-the-frog) in 2016. This, of course, hasn't stopped public figures from sharing variations of Pepe's likeness in subversive social posts. > >The dissemination of hateful memes is often coordinated by an underground movement, so even its uptake by mainstream internet users and media outlets is claimed as a victory by a subculture that prides itself on its trolling. ... >Memes generate hysteria in part by being outrageous enough for people to share – even the mainstream media. This is a concrete strategy called [amplification](https://www.technologyreview.com/2019/10/24/132228/political-war-memes-disinformation/). The extreme alt-right manages to reach mainstream audiences with racialist and supremacist memes, even as these messages are being denounced. > >Content spreads virally whether those spreading it support the embedded ideology or not, making it difficult to intervene and prevent meme-incited violence. > >Some people may unwittingly amplify messaging designed to spread violence. Full article: [https://bigthink.com/memes-trigger-violence](https://bigthink.com/memes-trigger-violence)
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I know I know I should just probably sit at home. But absolutely fried of staying in one place. I've been thinking of taking a getaway for a couple weeks to Goa and stay at an Airbnb by the beach. Anyone who's taken a getaway during this period? Where did you go? What precautions did you take? Any specific advice especially if you're in Goa? And overall general advice Thanks
Hello people, Looking for a good quality LED TV with decent sound and >= 55 inches in size. Budget can be upto Rs 1,20,000. Any suggestions are appreciated.
Where does your dog poop and where do you dispose it? I am planning to get one. Where do y'all throw its poop? Is throwing adult dog's poop in trash an option? It's okay for babies or pups but quantity will be more for adult dog. Plastic bags are banned here so can't use that to carry it and even if I do, can't flush it down toilet as it might clog the pipes. Sorry if the formatting is weird. I need an easy, environment friendly and legal(taking it outside for a walk and letting it poop on road) way.
Looking for recommendations for headphone below 1.5K can stretch a bit but not more than Rs. 200-300 Primary reason for office/class phone calls. was thinking of ATH-S100 with Mic at 1250.
How do they do it? First whatsapp chats, now call data records of Hathras Victim and Accused families o.O [See here](https://twitter.com/timesnow/status/1313461744690315264?s=21)
Like 3 idiots, Padman, Super 30, Mission Mangal.
Why cant we get anime like death note air on television the only option available is netflix that too many anime aren't available cant we get anime back Please upvote so that everyone can see it [Not my video but a good video](https://youtu.be/_zNnldjfZUA) [effect of not watching anime ](https://youtu.be/T6q7489L-gI)
Hello guys. First of all, thank you for all your support. Today our story got published in Ken. This all happened especially because of you Redditors. This is the only platform where I got help. [https://the-ken.com/story/byjus-silencing-of-online-dissent/](https://the-ken.com/story/byjus-silencing-of-online-dissent/) Now its time to ask questions from WhitehatJr, Byjus, and Karaj Bajaj himself. I have posted an article on Linkedin. I would request you guys to support this article and make them accept that Wold Gupta doest exists, make them accountable for every single false advertisement, for all the false hopes that they are giving to kids. Not a single lie is acceptable when the target audience is 6-year-old kids. Tag Youtube and ask them why are they so biased, tag Google and ask them how can anyone use their logos to fool kids, tag Karan Bajaj, WhiteHatJr, Byjus, and other people from their higher mgmt and ask them questions, tag Byju and WhiteHatJr VCs and tell them what's happening. They might have millions of funding, but this doest mean they rule us. Its time for them to answer our questions. Check this tweet to find the Linkedin post: [https://twitter.com/whiteHatSnr/status/1313320651562708998](https://twitter.com/whiteHatSnr/status/1313320651562708998) (Only 1-2% of you will go to the Linkedin post and support there. Be in that 1-2%, please) ​ *PS: The article mentioned that my two previous Reddit accounts (u/WhiteHatSr and* u/WhiteHat_Sr*) were 'moderated' out and suspended. But rIndia mods explained to me its not them who banned my accounts, its the Admins. In fact, tbh mods even helped me to get my post published here when I tweeted them about the last post getting blocked. So a bit of terminology confusion between mods and admins.* *Mods please stay true to your purpose.* ​ Thank you all of you, Pradeep Poonia. \------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ​ PLEASE support the LinkedIn article, yes do it now. Please.
Since all government websites need OTP, I can't log in using the owner's datails so I could find his address and phone number. I've contacted one bank and they answered the phone like I'm a scammer. Also, all these docs are issued from another state. Any hint or help is appreciated.
Even the simple act of approaching someone and starting a conversation is 5x more difficult in our country. We have so many barriers Language, Religion, and unspeakable ones like Caste. A new one now is ideology. Kids are usually good at surpassing these and mingling if they haven't yet been conditioned to be aware of these barriers. What if this is what decides how productive we are as a people? It's not that the variety is the problem. It's the systematic loathing, shaming and demonizing of the variety that is the problem. This culture of conformism will slowly put us in tiny boxes where we will wilt and die.
Hey everyone, I am pursuing BBA and I have been given a project to collect some data on online shopping trends before and during Covid-19 in the form of a survey. It only contains 10-11 questions and will take only about 5 minutes of your time. Thank you [https://forms.gle/q3d5BWJPNL73LxHg6](https://forms.gle/q3d5BWJPNL73LxHg6)
Title translation : HE WILL NOT REST UNTIL HE TAKES REVENGE FROM MUGHALS (for destroying his governement) With the sheer stupidity and lawless apathy actions, this buffoon will definitely take the state so back in development, women safety and moral responsibilities ; that it might actually be possible for him to meet mughals and fight them.
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#Final Year Exams - MCQ Questions Bank https://drive.google.com/drive/u/2/folders/1TyBjLsN5_6k0yPLHF9GXXduhpt9SDXjC I have been collecting these for sometime and some of my friends have colloborated as well. So far I have managed to get **atleast something** for * TYBMM * TYBCOM * TYBMS * TYBBI * BScIT * BA * BAF I believe these could be helpful for you guys. If you have anything please share and I will add them in this. I am especially searching for **BLS LLB (5yrs)** if you can then it will be really great help :) *
I want a tablet only for reading and watching movies. So my preferred features would be battery life, low price, durability and a decent display.
Sat sri Akaal, Namaste, Al salamu alaykum, I have recently taken over r/punjabimusic as it was dead, and revamped it, posts will be accepted in Shahmukhi as well as Gurmukhi and English. I plan to have events and a wiki in the future, so why not come have a look.