Indian bank websites have certain UI/UX patterns that make it extremely annoying to use, purportedly to improve security. I am not sure if it really does improve security. God forbid you ever press the back button. You are then unable to login for some time or until you manually clear the cookies. And fuck you for ever thinking of pasting that shiny new password from the password manager - you are forced to type that shit in manually.
This is something that maybe unique to mobile operators in India. When somebody keeps your call on hold, while he takes another incoming call, you are presented with a repeating message saying, "Your call has been placed on hold", in different languages. This becomes very annoying if you are in group conference call (like Skype or WebEx or Teams) and one of the members decide to receive a quick call while continuing to be on the audio bridge. This repeated announcement of, "Your call has been placed on hold", keeps the other members from speaking until this guy has decided to jump back in. This is both annoying and funny to people who are not used to this. I hope that some of you will relate to this and understand the pain. In various other countries I have never experienced this repeated message. In those cases when you are kept on hold, the other side is just silent. This let's the others to talk. Do Indian mobile operators understand this?
Hello, Everyone fast forward 20 days from my last post. So, TLDR of the last post is that I got hired by a company and they just provided me with a Letter of Intent which is in the post down below: **Post:** [**https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/itpwph/company\_hire\_me\_on\_loiletter\_of\_intent\_force\_me/**](https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/itpwph/company_hire_me_on_loiletter_of_intent_force_me/) I started my work on the 27th of August till 17th Sep the day my manager told me to file a resign or she will terminate me, I asked for my compensation as per my LOI and my manager and associate sales director denied that because in these 20 days I failed to bring in the sale they'll not going to pay me anything. This is the first time I heard these criteria from their mouth. I literally worked up 12 hours daily but I got leads which are close to junk. They also shoot a PIP after a week of my work. As per LOI, I have a fixed wage of 20000 and I mailed the HR that I'm accepting the informal resignation request and please clear my dues with the company. **HR Replied:** >I'm sorry to hear about your resignation. There are no such exit policies. About your working days' salary, then it will be paid in the first week of October,2020. And if there are any expenses incurred because of us, then you can send a mail for reimbursement attaching the proof/invoice of expense. > >As you have only worked for 20 days, we can't issue an Experience letter to you. I hope I have answered all of your queries. If you have any other queries, please revert back to me. I would be happy to assist you. ​ As you could see HR clearly said it that my salary will be paid in a mail. Now, October 1st week gone and It's 11th of October my salary isn't credited in my account yet. So, I again send them the email about this **Mail to Company's HR** >As you stated in the mail above, I suppose to get my 20 days working salary in the first week of the month of October 2020.  It's been 3 days past the week and my salary is still not credited in my account. Kindly look forward into this matter and credit my dues as soon as possible. Also, I attach my account details below for your reference In the Reply, the HR tagged that Associate Sales Director said," Look into this Matter " then that associate sales director replied me this, **Sales Director reply:** >We have notified in writing that daily trial targets are 10 per day. you constantly failed to achieve input targets. In terms of revenue contributed 0 revenue. Hence failed on the output front as well.  > >In this pandemic as candidates are working from home and we don't have any other way to make out if they are actually working or not.  > >Given your input parameters are poor we deduce a lack of dedication from your end. > >Attendance is marked according to input parameters and you are absent for all these days.  > >We lost hope and asked you to look for better opportunities elsewhere.  > >Thank you. ​ Now, The crux of this post is that **yes, they give us a Whatsapp message regarding this that 1 sale per day or 8 trail per day or else you are eligible for Loss of Pay** **that day** but I did not acknowledge it, nor they officially emailed about it, they just sneak a message in WhatsApp group about this as It isn't in my LOI and fixed salary is not supposed to based on variable factors. They just sneak that message in team chat once and never mention anything about it until now, nor they said that I was marked absent for all these days based on my performance. I mean shouldn't be they clear about that officially? So, what should I reply? Should I give up on this? Actually, its 13000INR, If we calculate on the basis of the number of days I worked from them. Although it's still an amount and I feel cheated, I don't want these kinds of false hiring practices would be done by any company be it small or big. I'm not a fresher thus I know that this is totally wrong. Also, HR told me that they'll give me my salary then why they are doing this now? Please need some advice and suggestion.
If not, has anybody ordered snus or nicotine pouches online from abroad? and what is your experience with the customs? I am not sure if nicotine pouches are illegal in India.
Hi guys, I was planning to build gaming pc from last 2 years but this year finally my parents agreed for the PC they have given me a 60k budget. I don't know much about graphics card, cpu and all that so I am posting here if you can help me in choosing right parts. Amazon sale is also coming so I think its a best time to build the PC.
My father had nose surgery done and wearing any sort of mask is causing irritation as it touches his nose tip. Is there any mask available in India online which the area of nose is not touched?
He said that he had defaulted on his new phone's(Samsung) EMI and as a result of that the apps on phone are blocking with a notification or pop-up message of "PAY EMI" and he is not able to use his phone. Is there any blocking functionality on the phone which will block the usage in case of defaulting on EMI? I have never heard of this functionality before. I think he lied. Can you help?
# [Link to fundraiser](https://www.ketto.org/fundraiser/finish-post-graduation-college-degree?payment=form) **Pranami** is pursuing her *Masters in photography design* from the prestigious NID. She's a passionate, thoughtful and creative artist/photographer who desires to research and report on gender based violence in the remote regions of Assam. Earlier her tuition was covered by the state sponsored scholarship but unfortunately it has been scrapped. Due to sudden fee hike in the recent months she is finding it immensely difficult to pay the course fees to complete her studies of which she's in the final semester. **She deserves and requires all the help she can get to finish her course in time and henceforth find gainful employment.** *** # If 600 of you can contribute INR 500 or equivalent 6 GBP/ 7 Euro / 8 USD / 10 AUD / 10 CAD each, we can reach the goal. *** **Once she reaches 1.65 lakh, She will be able to pay her fee and register for her graduation project, and start the work.** *** # [Link to fundraiser](https://www.ketto.org/fundraiser/finish-post-graduation-college-degree?payment=form)
Vanakkam folks. Trying to find the best subreddit for autos/cars in India. Akin to r/IndiaInvestments, but for autos, \*mainly cars\*. Any help appreciated. I've so far only found such subs with less than 1,000 members and am sure there must be more. Thanks in advance!
Who is with whom and whom will Ram Vilas Paswan's death benefit? Where does RLD stand given that Lalu is still in jail? What are the prospects of Nitish Kumar and BJP, Are they going along well?
I have some money of mine in a US bank account when I lived in the US a while back. Now I'm in India. Wire transfering it to my Indian account is costly and requires me to fax some details and I don't have fax. Someone mentioned TransferWise. Do I have to give them proof of how I earned the money through payslips etc? The process with TransferWise seems to be that I transfer it to their US bank account and they send it me from their Indian bank account. Is this completely legal in India?
Hello folks! Has anyone recently done research on buying am electric/hybrid vehicle in Delhi/Gurgaon area? I am looking to buy a car which is futureproof, possibly environmentally friendly and <10 lakhs (if possible)
My cat has recently gone missing in Vasant Kunj. We have placed posters in the vicinity but have not received any response. Any help from someone in the area or any leads who can help with lost pets will be appreciated. Thank you.
I see so many people around me pressuring their kids(even my parents) to prepare for JEE to get into IIT but is it really worth it? I usually don't believe in what most of the people say because I have my own thoughts. People usually tell their kids that IIT is the only way to get a job and anything other than IIT is worthless. I'm aware that IIT has better placements compared to others but is it really worth it? I'm not really much interested in grinding for IIT because it just feels useless. I feel that the time used to prepare for JEE can be used to finish a course. What do you think? P.S. I'm still in class 11 and I have a lot of time. My current focus is on passing class 12 with a good percentage. My decisions are inconsistent so I don't plan anything about what to do after class 12. I'll have time to decide when it's time. But I'm just asking if the hype is really true or not.
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Assam BJP Chief Minister Sarbonanda Sonowal said recently : *"It is a challenge to Assamese and we need to be united because the Mughal attack on us is still continuing. "* Assam Finance Minister Hemant Biswa Sarma said : " 35 percent population wants to take away political rights of the 65 percent people and in next 10 years someone like Ajmal will be the chief minister of Assam." The Muslim minority population in Assam is roughly 34 to 35 percent. What is this dog whistling of equating muslim people with a mughal invasion?
( I'm not sure if this is the appropriate subreddit to post this, I'm feeling very helpless.) I and my mother shifted to our maternal plot (there are 2 homes, one home was constructed by my mother in 2000s and the other one by my grandfather) about 6 years back. The ties between my mother and my uncle is really bad. He mentally tortures my mother and there are always incessant fights between them. I've no clue if the property is still in the name of my grandmother (deceased) or my uncle has taken the property. There are 4 other siblings of my mother. However, he always threatens my mother about how he has removed my mother's name from the legal heir and my mother isn't a part of our family, she doesn't have rights at our home. Besides that, his behaviour towards my mother is very brutal, he once tried to strangulate her. He doesn't let us use a tubelight, we have been managing using 2 LED bulbs and 2 fans, and a small space for kitchen with no fridge for 6 years, however they use AC, Fridge,etc despite that demand us to pay half of the bill for electricity. There are too many other atrocities. I don't really want to describe it. I've been requesting my mother to consult a lawyer, she is scared to talk about it, since there are too many connections of my uncle. ( My mum and dad were separated even before I was born, there is no support or whatever from my dad or his family too) PS- my uncle is unmarried and in his late 60s, he stays with my aunt who is in mid 70s. He's very greedy about the plot, I suspect he might have an illicit afair with someone else. Edit - I'm a 22 year old Hindu woman. Kindly help me with this, I really have no clue how to proceed.
I work for a Swedish company and I am involved in the process of creating two subsidiaries in India. A wholly- owned subsidiary, and another one that's a joint venture. Since the government of India has closed the automatic route for FDI due to the Chinese threat, how can I make sure that we would face no problems with FDI while setting up the two companies. I guess we need some kind of approval from RBI, what's the procedure for that? Are there any experts we can get get in touch with?
I got a new dog and its used to the surrounding now. It barks loudly for prayer sounds from nearby prayer halls. The early morning calls for prayer woke the neighbors and they complained about the dog. The dog barks throughout the day whenever there is loud call for prayers. I have told in haste to the neighbours to get used to the barking, now I think it's not right given that I see them everyday and don't want bad vibes in the area. I called the prayer house and asked to reduce the volume but was branded a religiousphobe. I hired a trainer and he has not been successful in reducing the barking. Any suggestions?
What are some of the ways in which we can safely dispose off our e-waste. I have two printers that don't work and as I look forward to buying another one I feel guilty for contributing to e waste. Local vendors or repair people are not willing to buy it away. What are some ways in which I can arrange for their safe disposal? I have heard that electronic manufacturing companies have to make an easy for the disposal of their products in European nations. Do companies have such channels in India as well?
Hi guys, I'm currently doing my Masters in dance practice and have to submit a research paper soon. The topic I'm researching is the impact of item songs on women (body-image, self-image) through the years. Item songs, as we know today, act as a promotional tactic as much as a 'visual treat', to put it simply. Their context, framing and relevance (to the film) has changed quite a bit since the 1960's. One thing, however, has remained rather constant - the sexualization of the female body. They put a woman who is seemingly sexually liberated, bold and confident at the center-stage, surrounded by hundreds of men who only have eyes for her. She playfully titillates them (and the audience) but never quite goes into the space of nudity. She's larger-than-life and unattainable. She openly appreciates her own body, which is lean and fit. These songs put into definition the type of woman a man desires and wants, or what makes a woman 'desirable'. At least, that's the message that's being put across. They also validate the notion that male attention is one of the top most priorities of a woman. So what I want to understand is - how does this affect an *aam* woman who is fed this extravaganza on a regular basis? How does it affect the way she views herself and her body? How does it affect her self-worth in a society that places a lot of importance on a woman's 'beauty'? Are these item songs aspirational to you? Do you, for instance, want to look like Katrina Kaif in Sheila ki Jawani and Chikni Chameli, dance like her? Or do they disgust you, make you feel angry at the way a woman is being reduced to a sexual object? Any thoughts/views/opinions are welcome! Thankyou :)
Do you know anyone in Delhi selling audio interface second hand? Maybe roland tri capture? Anything will work. Tried olx. Help reddit !
Hello /r/india I had a friend from Bangalore at the time when i was a student in Cyprus about 12 years ago, once his mother sent him a package with Indian food, and each was more delicious than the other. Yet there was this one i just can't forget about. I've been searching every possible way i can to find it yet fail every time. When I asked him he said it was "dried (or dry) fish pickles" but googling that brings up a completely different dish. I'll try to describe it in bullet points with the best memory i can recall * Made from fish, can't remember what fish * Very spicy, made me cry while eating, but i couldn't stop myself * Size = Like rice grains, flakes * Color = Light brownish * Serving = It came in a big jar, and we just picked them out with our fingers * Dry, crunchy I know it's a long shot, because Indian cuisine is so vast, and this might be a region specific food that nobody knows, but I thought may be someone here might know what I'm talking about.
Financial Times: Reliance Jio battles falling share of active users on network. https://www.ft.com/content/300e6963-e352-4377-bd29-c81f3366c48d
So this site prepaidgamercard is not returning money after cancelling and after he and her gf made a post about it..they are threating them...[Link to original post](https://www.reddit.com/r/IndianGaming/comments/j8odn8/update_to_my_previous_post_prepaidgamercardcom/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) and now they are downvoting the post..is this how a customer gets treated?
Just saw a while back there is a flipkart launchpad internship for students, varies news companies posted about it, however I'm unable to find the right place to apply. Their careers portal doesn't have a launchpad internship option as well. If anyone here is aware how to apply for it. Please help me out
Weather the case of Harthras be or not on Dalit oppression, the shit I have learned of Dalit oppression is disturbing as hell. Brief on massacre: People went on strike against land lords for wages, end up killing an agents of the land lord, Land lords come back with 100 goons with police assistance. They surround the village shoot at the people mortally wounded 2, village hide in a hut, they burn the hut. 44 men, women & children perish. The culprits hand themselves over to cops. They only get 10 years in 1970 from District court which is is later quashed in by 1975 all acquitted by Madras High Court. 1980 main accused killed in revenge attack. Cause filed against the people who killed the main accused, The Madras High Court acquitted the people who killed the main accused in 1994. I recommend you read the articles for better picture. \-[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kilvenmani\_massacre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kilvenmani_massacre) \-[https://www.news18.com/news/india/justice-still-eludes-44-dalits-in-tamil-nadu-who-were-charred-to-death-50-years-ago-on-this-day-1983011.html](https://www.news18.com/news/india/justice-still-eludes-44-dalits-in-tamil-nadu-who-were-charred-to-death-50-years-ago-on-this-day-1983011.html) \-[https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/tamil-nadu/keezhvenmani-the-first-chronicle-of-violence-against-dalits-in-independent-india/article25826814.ece](https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/tamil-nadu/keezhvenmani-the-first-chronicle-of-violence-against-dalits-in-independent-india/article25826814.ece)
Hello folks, I moved to US a few years ago from India and since then I have been active in US politics. Surprisingly I hadn't given any thoughts to indian politics and socio-economic issues that plague my home country until now but various recent news cycles from india has reached these shores and sparked my interest. I am not sure if anyone here watches Joe Rogan podcast but would you be interested to watch something similar geared towards india? I have been debating whether there is a real need for an unbiased, data-driven take and an outside perspective on things. I can most likely get a setup within 15 days or so if there is enough interest here. In the meantime, feel free to ask me any questions you have regarding US politics or my take on indian political issues.
I am looking for list of all corona vaccines which are undergoing Phrase III clinical trial and by when are they supposed to finish Phrase III trial? If there is none, are jumlbaaz, tadipar, pisht gangs waiting for faillance to get into vaccination fray and only allow them to produce, sell and vaccinate billion Indians?
What good Indian folk / folk pop song would you recommend?
Let me start by telling you an example. If any of you had a fight near a pet dog, the dog is probably gonna bark to shut you up or probably come cuddle you when you are done to make you feel a little better. DOGS UNDERSTAND. Similarly, kids understand as well, come on we are higher on the evolutionary scale it's freaking obvious. Kids cry when you shout. Maybe they don't fully understand it, but they know that something is wrong and they WILL try to fix it and maybe even think it's their fault. So, here is my advice: Don't argue, try to talk it out if you are not understanding each other take a break and try to talk again maybe even right down your points.Even if it does lead to an argument try to not shout. If you ended up having a full-on fight don't go to your kid and don't you dare fucking say it's your mom's fault or it's your dad's fault. Do you want them to hate one of their parent or what? A very good way of teaching your kids stuff is to give tasks and rewards, you don't have to give rewards every day, it could be like if they do the dishes or clean their room every day for the week, you'll take them to a movie on the weekend. It's called positive reinforcement.And a positive punishment would be adding an extra task, which when they don't comply with then you'll teach how the system works and if they don't comply you'll then have to reduce their screen time. We are living in a digital age, please don't break or ground your kids for a whole month from using gadgets, if money is your social status, the internet is a kid's social status most of the time, if it's exams time maybe monitor them carefully and check on them to see if they are completing their syllabus, but don't take their devices away from them cause then their concentration will be on the device and it's the opposite of what you want, hence I believe tuition is a big no-no their mind is never on the books, you can try sending them to tuitions but if it doesn't work then you are just wasting your money and buying them mental problems and feelings of abandonment. Kids have it tough everywhere in the world and they cannot and will not be willing to share all of it with their parents, you can try to ask them what's wrong but please respect their privacy. Be a ~~good~~ **Great Role Model**, I don't mean that you should be like "I used to do this much back in my day", well you are not now... They need to see you doing it for them to believe. Yes, you will probably be a hero when you are saying that story but when you don't follow your own advice you look like a liar and they wouldn't trust you. I mean show them how to act in social situations, how to be respectful to women, how can you help someone without wasting your money, I mean it's not hard to help someone pick up something. Be a good human being in general in front of them. **Tip for teens**: try to find your GRM, doesn't have to be your parents, maybe someone in your relatives or your parent's friends or your friend's parents anyone **irl**. Finally, You are their parent it's your job to love your child no matter what and probably let them know that verbally once a while and not only on bdays, If they are on any spectrum, they might have faced a lot of xenophobia in their life it's your job to find them a safe place. You should be prepared for anything when you decided to have a child and don't have a child because of peer pressure or pressure from family, take your time and do it when you are comfortable. Hope you at least keep all these at the back of your mind, I'm sorry I didn't mean to be offensive to anyone, I wanted to bring you all into a teenager mind but it was also kind of a rant for me and that's how I wish to parent when I have a kid someday. I am open to any Constructive Criticisms, any wrong ideas I might have about parenthood that you sensed from this post, I wanna make one thing clear, I don't think parents want their kids to suffer, I don't think parents don't love their kids, but kids sometimes just think that way due to the events that occur. That is why it is essential that you say "I love you" to your kids once in a while and talk to them. Also, I am open to any other questions, I'll try to answer all the comments (if any).
The title says it all. I wanted opinions from fellow Indians who have already installed solar panels or have researched on the topic. How many years is the break-even point for solar panels to be more economical than electricity from the grid? For some reference, my average power bill right now is \~500 rupees PER MONTH. Just for clarification, this is purely from the view point of a consumer. Which energy source would be more profitable for an average domestic user? ​ Thank you!
Today is world mental health day. I am someone who has ADD-H, Bipolar 2, and several traits of OCD. Despite that, I am still fighting everyday and nowadays, I honestly couldn't care less about these issues. But, I am very grateful to my parents (who took the first initiative to take me to a psychiatrist), a couple of my friends who have been a great support to me, and my doctors (my psychiatrist and therapist). If you or someone you know need(s) support/help, please reach out. I would like to greatly emphasize on this comment thread by /u/heteretes in an old post of mine (since s/he is a psychiatrist/mental health professional) : [https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/bzq6ee/please\_dont\_ignore\_your\_mental\_health/eqxf5pl/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/bzq6ee/please_dont_ignore_your_mental_health/eqxf5pl/?utm_source=reddit&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) Also, I had compiled a couple of resources related to mental health (and psychology, in general) for educational purposes (only) in this subreddit. Incase you missed it, here is the link : [https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/f7v05q/list\_of\_a\_few\_youtube\_channels\_podcasts\_and/](https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/f7v05q/list_of_a_few_youtube_channels_podcasts_and/) And, if you want to reach out to a mental health professional, here is a crowdsourced list of psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, psychotherapists, etc. from iCALL. They have linked mental health professionals from almost every city/town in India : [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pzckT6ns2H1IlmwYwJa8EnBh\_1u3gRA9cEOoA4zfilc/edit?usp=sharing](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pzckT6ns2H1IlmwYwJa8EnBh_1u3gRA9cEOoA4zfilc/edit?usp=sharing) Please take good care of yourself and treat yourself with kindness, compassion, empathy, and have no-judgements towards your own self. Regards! PS. Do follow the white swan foundation. They are a multilingual platform from India who focus especially on mental health. Link of the website: [https://www.whiteswanfoundation.org/](https://www.whiteswanfoundation.org/) and their YouTube Channel: [https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCbT48HYDQiIeIC6akJLQqg](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCbT48HYDQiIeIC6akJLQqg)
I watched today's video of this guy named Sandeep Maheshwari on YouTube. I was shocked that his all the videos are absolutely free and his channel is actually non commercial, whereas, other spiritual, inspirational speakers on YouTube, like Sadhguru, Sri Sri Ravishankar, Vivek Bindra, all are commercial, ultimately earning their own benefits in return. What gives Sandeep Maheshwari the courage to take such bold steps? At the same time, is it a big slap on the face of Sri Sri Ravishankar and Sadhguru who've made commercial almost everything they are supplying to the people of India and the world in the name of Spirituality?
After alt balaji introduced gandi baath, a new industry came into India "adult film industry", I have seen couple of them like Ullu, hotshot, fliz and many more came into, most of these content have nudity in them. I am just bit curious whether it is legal to make nude content in India. Last time I heard it is illegal to watch porn in India so how do they make it and release it in ott platform.
Hello Everyone! I am a college student interested in Web Development and so have begun learning the bits and pieces of Front end web development(i.e I have begun learning JS will have to learn CSS,HTML,PHP,Python as well) What mode of learning these languages would you prefer??Currently E-books and YT are helping me out but others follow those online courses...Are they worth it?? Also I would like to be a freelancer(or atleast experience being one in my college years)and then keep switching careers/professions rather than sticking to one lifelong. Is that advisable?? What are the challenges that one may face being a freelancer(like Unstable Pay etc...)and what is the scenario in India??
I've got a laptop (~4 years old) that has outlived its usefulness for me. Is there a viable market where I can sell it, or is it just scrap at this point?
I previously posted a similar question but it died due to my ignorance of not adding a flair. People of this subreddit , I am looking for a headphone within the budget to 2.5 to 2.7k. I am not an audiophile , but would prefer a neutral/balanced sound. Previously had JBL450 which stopped functioning after a year. Any help will be dearly appreciated. Thank you.
[Saket Gokhale](https://preview.redd.it/zsrh307wo9s51.jpg?width=770&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=744c2e3659ccbb1cd463969ffacecc6a87bc731c) My father is a police officer and my mother used to work in theatre but later became a homemaker. Every time someone asked my father his religion, he said, “I am a policeman. When I don the uniform and flag of a secular country, I have no religion.” He was for the complete separation of state and religion & these are the values I grew up with. We are not a religious household at all. Instead of celebrating religious festivals, we celebrated Independence Day & Republic Day, especially the latter as my father had to attend the parade. We were taught love for the country, never jingoism. This was reinforced by where I grew up in Bombay. Even though we lived in predominantly Muslim area, we lived in harmony. It was the 1993 riots that we first saw a polarisation. As a child, it was a difficult thing to process so much violence. I was horrified by how my city was being destroyed. That shaped me very deeply. After graduating from Wilson college, I really wanted to teach English & explore the world. So, I spent my savings on a one way ticket to Austria to find a job. After reaching there, I soon realised that there weren’t any jobs available & I didn’t have money for a return ticket. I was homeless and slept in parks. From there, I went to Czech Republic and found a job. After teaching for a year, I started contributing to news outlets. Subsequently, I worked as a freelance journalist for 4 odd years. I worked with many publications covering India, a bit of Eastern Europe, Nepal and China for a bit. I then started working for Financial Times based out of Hong Kong & Singapore briefly. I was very comfortable. But in 2013-‘14, Modi was about to become PM. I had studied his history & background extensively. As a financial journalist working with international publications, I had witnessed first hand the amount of fabrication & PR that went into the Gujarat summits with no concrete work on the ground. I wasn’t the only one. He was (& remains a joke) amongst most journalists. There were many like me who didn’t get carried away by his propaganda or fake promises of ‘vikas’. But I feared what he would do to India’s democracy. The Anna movement was a culminating trigger. I understood the political motives behind it & saw that it was a RSS sponsored movement to tarnish the image of PM Manmohan Singh & the Congress party. I had briefly met Dr. Manmohan Singh in Malaysia. I was overwhelmed by his commitment & sincerity. I just couldn’t bear to see what Modi, the Anna movement & the BJP-RSS were doing. And by that time, I was thinking that journalism was restrictive as you can’t control much. I always wanted to be involved in public service. So I decided to move back to India in 2014. I first worked as a political consultant. Then I worked with the Congress party for about a year when Rahul Gandhi was president. He really influenced me in my journey. He has also been at the receiving end of many brickbats, trolling & abuse, but he’s preserved. He’s maintained his dignity, decorum & grace. He has in many ways sustained my drive to keep fighting this ideological battle. Since 2018, I have been working independently, investigating cases & fighting for the truth. It is impossible for me to close my eyes to the suffering around me. I don’t know how people do that. How can anyone cheer for Modi & ignore the pain he has caused others? Modi didn’t bring in communalism but he made it acceptable. He made bigotry & hatred the new normal. And honestly, the only ideology the BJP-RSS have is hatred. Hatred is not an ideology, so how can they be the right wing? Right wing is usually conservatism. They’re hate mongers, pure & simple. This is why my goal is to draw out the poison that the BJP-RSS have fed to the Indians. [https://www.newsplatform.in/humans-of-democracy/saket-gokhale/](https://www.newsplatform.in/humans-of-democracy/saket-gokhale/)
I saw it just a few days back on my table, and it has suddenly vanished. I have a photocopy of it though, and also have pictures of it on my phone. I also have a DRDO issued Id card when I was an intern there in 2016. I also have pictures of my PAN (not the originals though). What are my options here? Edit: I am travelling from Delhi to Bangalore. Edit: Just got a voted Id made, thank you guys.
Amazon is beyond disappointing There is no redemption to all of this but I wanted to type it out. Recently I have been ordering from Amazon a lot for my friends and family as well. However every order needs to have some dumb shit. Firstly the Payment Portal. It is one of the worst things I have ever seen. I wonder if even Jeff Bezos can use it properly. Half the time the Payment Portal says Payment Fail, and the order says it is arriving, and updates in an hour with retry payment only to do this all over again. I just recently ordered Lovecraft Tales of Horror for my friend which had the retry payment fiasco atleast 7 times. The cherry on top is that the amount has been deducted over 2 hours ago but it says payment failed. This directly connects with my second point. Their customer service. If they remove everyone from customer service and put some AI like Google uses (I have seen on Google Domains but it is too good). Every person on the customer service just repeats what you can see on your screen. They cannot change the order or update or help you in any way whatsoever. The same happened with my Lovecraft order and same happened with my order from few weeks back where I urgently required some equipment so I placed it for one day delivery, but amazon said screw you we won't do that and they got it 7 days later. When I asked them they said we didn't notice you paid. While the order still says it is one day delivery. The customer service guy even asked till what date you want and what time you want, when I told him my desired time he said "sorry sir but we can only get it on 'time on the screen' " And lastly.. Amazon prime. Now it's not about the Ordering service which is a joke anyways it's about Prime Video. It has one of the worst UIs till date. I wish they lost rights to all of their titles and maybe someone overtakes it Google Play or YouTube, heck even Hotstar is better. While the option to all of this is flipkart but both are equally guilty.
Apparently a lot of youtubers and bloggers outside of India do this. It's useful if you want long life for your machine if you know how easy it is to repair or upgrade when it gets slow in a few years. More often than not that's sufficient, but often even within the same model, the variant available in India differ from those available outside, so I'm wondering if there are any Indian creators that do this.
Skywatchers in Kerala are delighted that Mars will be visible to the naked eye in a rare celestial configuration. Mars rises by 7 p.m. and sets about 7 a.m. and can be seen in the easterly direction of the sky as a reddish spot. The red planet can easily be identified because it does not twinkle like stars. Does anyone else captures Mars from their camera or saw from telescope or naked eyes? would love to know your experience.
Amal Kumar Raychaudhuri is such a name among them. Have you heard about him before? If you are/ were not a student of cosmology. Maximum chance is you haven’t heard about him. But why is it so? Does only physics students know about Einstien or Stephen Hawking? No, right. They are loved by the entire world for their work and most importantly they got respect from their own homeland. \[1\] Stephen Hawking used the results of Amal Raychaudhuri in his doctoral thesis 'Expanding Universe Properties' to arrive at the solution. He was admired several times by Stephen Hawking. His observations significantly helped to uncover thethe behavior of black holes and other facets of cosmology.This is said to be a central component in the facts of the theorems of Penrose-Hawking singularity. The same theorem that mainly won Penrose the Nobel this year. More info : This Indian Physicist’s Contribution To 2020 Nobel Prize-Winning Physics Theory Went Unnoticed [https://www.mensxp.com/social-hits/news/81253-indias-part-in-nobel-prize-winning-physics-theory.html](https://www.mensxp.com/social-hits/news/81253-indias-part-in-nobel-prize-winning-physics-theory.html) An Introduction to the Raychaudhuri Equations [https://www.ias.ac.in/article/fulltext/reso/013/04/0319-0333](https://www.ias.ac.in/article/fulltext/reso/013/04/0319-0333) \[1\] [https://medium.com/@joydas/amal-kumar-raychaudhuri-the-legacy-of-an-indian-physicist-3e2ed3e719e5](https://medium.com/@joydas/amal-kumar-raychaudhuri-the-legacy-of-an-indian-physicist-3e2ed3e719e5)
I call all of you irrespective of your wing to discuss on what actions we can take to make our country great. Please leave ideology out of this and let’s discuss brass tacks. Thanks.
Today is world mental health day and **World Federation for Mental Health** has organized really good webinars on mental health. Those who are interested can go their page on fb and watch it. Edit: If you missed the live sessions you can watch them later on too.
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\*Me (22 M), completes [B.Tech](https://B.Tech), starts searching for a job, My Relatives and neighbours: So now you are sitting at home with no job and zero pay na? \*Me gets a job after months of searching, My Relatives and neighbours: Wth? Why are you going for a job at such a young age? Isn't this the time to enjoy life? \-\_- idc but really?
Why should I be proud if ISRO launches a satellite or when Indian army achieves some feat or when an Indian company makes some breakthrough. These are all good, but why should we be proud of it if we are not part of it in any way?
As i have seen that the medicine is associated with covid so wanted to know if its safe to take it or not without doing any covid tests. He has given a 3 day dose for the same.
Many VCC, Virtual Card providers that used to work earlier are now discontinued or not accepted anymore. (Like: entropay). I tried many VCCs, but they gets detected as VCC and none of them works. I tried creating account on Privacy.com, but it requires you to add a US bank account for verification. So, can anyone recommend any VCC provider service, who's cards are accepted widely? I need it urgently. Thanks.
Are there good clinical psychologists in India that might be offering online counselling sessions? I looked online and found out that most top companies (like manastha, betterlyf) just contain newly graduates who are not experienced in the field who will just listen to you and then end the session provoking you to buy another session. Reviews on quora/fb are mostly fake and definitely not trustworthy., Can anyone recommend me good clinical psychologists in India who might be offering online sessions? Maybe some independent doctors who also offer support online due to lockdown. Since these big giant companies do not reach Reddit, it will be helpful if this discussion happens here. Also, if you know of any other forum where I can ask this, please guide me accordingly.
what if everyone in India woke up with blonde hair tomorrow? ( definitely not being racist here, just curious ) ( this also doesn't mean I hate black/ brown / white / red / grey hair or people without hair )
I am out of ideas and resources, so posting it here. I bought health insurance from ICICI a year back and its expired now. I had told them I have no intention of renewing it. But still, I am getting 5-8 calls every day from different IVR numbers. I keep on blocking them but every time there's a new number. And the calls are from IVR and not a human. I have called them few times, had a chat option too, and tweeted too, but to no avail. All they do is give a ticket number and things go back to normal. I am getting more calls than before. What should I do now? Its a real pain the ass.
https://preview.redd.it/q551g0vwr8s51.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=435acce8bb071cc833734894529045574b4d374b ### Tl;dr The latest Aadhaar Good Governance Rules notified in August 2020 legitimize function creep of the Aadhaar programme by allowing Aadhaar authentication for usage of digital platforms to ensure good governance, prevention of dissipation of social welfare benefits, and enablement of innovation and the spread of knowledge. These Rules come on the heels of amendements to the Aadhaar Act in 2019 which authorized use of Aadhaar by private parties, and these amendments have been challenged before the Supreme Court for violating the judgement in *K.S. Puttaswamy v. Union of India- Aadhaar 5J.* The cummulative impact of the Aadhaar Amendment Act 2019 and the Aadhaar Good Governance Rules 2020 is that there remain virtually no limitations on the use of Aadhaar authentication, which had earlier been restricted by the Supreme Court to only government entities and only for receipt of benefits and subsidies funded by the Consolidated Fund of India. ### Background The Aadhaar project, which is a biometrics based national unique ID programme, was challenged before the Supreme Court of India in *K.S. Puttaswamy v. Union of India* in 2012 for violating individual privacy and causing exclusion. The subsequent litigation led to the question of whether the right to privacy is a  fundamental right under the Indian Constitution being referred to a nine judge bench of the Supreme Court. In *K.S. Puttaswamy v. Union of India- Privacy 9J (2017 10 SCC 1)*, this nine judge bench unanimously held the privacy is a fundamental right and any restrictions upon this right must satisfy the proportionality standard. The constitutionality of the Aadhaar Act, 2016 was specifically addressed by a five judge bench of the Supreme Court in its subsequent judgement in *K.S. Puttaswamy v. Union of India- Aadhaar 5J (2019 1 SCC 1),* where the majority of judges upheld the constitutionality of the Act subject to certain limitations. Most importantly, the Supreme Court held that under Section 7 of the Aadhaar Act, an Aadhaar number cannot be mandated unless it involves seeking any subsidy, benefit or service for which the expenditure is incurred by the Consolidated Fund of India. The Court also struck down Section 57 of the Aadhaar Act to the extent it allowed use of Aadhaar authentication by private parties since it would lead to commercial exploitation of biometric and demographic information. Despite the Supreme Court finding that use of Aadhaar authentication by private parties is a dispropotionate invasion of privacy, the government soon proposed [**amendments**](https://uidai.gov.in/images/news/Amendment_Act_2019.pdf) to the Aadhaar Act which would allow private parties to continue using Aadhaar to establish the identity of their users. Through the Aadhaar and Other Laws (Amendment) Act 2019, private entities were allowed to perform authentication through Aadhaar, if the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) is satisfied that it is: (i) compliant with certain standards of privacy and security, or (ii) permitted by law, or (iii) seeking authentication for a purpose specified by the central government in the interest of the State. The constitutionality of these amendments has been [**challenged**](https://indianexpress.com/article/india/sc-to-examine-validity-of-amended-law-allowing-private-firms-to-use-aadhaar-data-6132402/) before the Supreme Court. Legal experts have also [**explained**](https://thewire.in/law/in-striking-down-section-57-sc-has-curtailed-the-function-creep-and-financial-future-of-aadhaar) that Aadhaar authentication by private parties is inconsistent with the judgement in *K.S. Puttaswamy v. Union of India- Aadhaar 5J* since *"the majority upholds the Aadhaar Act on the premise that authentication is proportional only when used for state purposes to deliver services socio-economic benefits that are linked to human dignity"* and *"this analogy does not extend to private/commercial interests."* ### The Aadhaar Good Governance Rules, 2020 The Aadhaar Authentication for Good Governance (Social Welfare, Innovation, Knowledge) Rules, 2020 were [**notified**](https://uidai.gov.in//images/Aadhaar_Authentication_for_Good_Governance_Rules_2020.pdf) by the central government in August 2020. The Rules allow Aadhaar authentication by *“requesting entities”* in the *“interest of good governance, preventing leakage of public funds, promoting ease of living of residents and enabling better access to services for them”* for the enlisted purposes of: (a) usage of digital platforms to ensure good governance; (b) prevention of dissipation of social welfare benefits; and (c) enablement of innovation and the spread of knowledge. As per the rules, the authentication of Aadhaar by these requesting entities shall be on a voluntary basis but past experience raises serious concerns about Aadhaar being voluntary only on paper, and not in practice. Under the Rules, the relevant ministry or the department of the central government or the state government is required to prepare a proposal with a justification for the purpose for which it is seeking Aadhaar authentication. This proposal submitted to the Central Government will then be referred to UIDAI, and if UIDAI is satisfied that the proposal fulfills the enlisted purposes, the requesting entity shall be allowed to ask for Aadhaar authentication. The application form and the guidelines for submission of a proposal under the Rules mandate that the proposal should contain a *“brief description of the initiative or scheme highlighting the benefit that would accrue from its implementation”.* It further states that such benefits should be relatable to the specified purposes, for example, “*by facilitating participation, accountability, transparency, responsiveness, efficiency, effectiveness, equity, inclusion etc. which reduce or eliminate transaction costs, or promote ease of living of residents or enable better access to services for them*.” It also requires that the justification of the purpose should be brought out clearly, and the proposal should explain the “*ecosystem and the processes involved in the achievement or delivery of the benefit.”* ### A Free for All Privacy Nightmare The purposes for requesting Aadhaar authentication under the Aadhaar Good Governance Rules, 2020 are extremely vague and broad, and any government service can potentially fall within their scope. There are no parameters laid down for the UIDAI to determine whether Aadhaar authentication is 'necessary,' especially since the purposes themselves are so ambiguously wide and pale in comparison to the seriousness of the fundamental right to privacy. Therefore, in the absence of strict guidelines, all and sundry purposes can be sought to be justified. For example, the first chairman of the UIDAI has already [**expressed**](https://www.hindustantimes.com/analysis/how-to-vaccinate-a-billion-people/story-9Tc4QzQpWNVGgSJQIBMfCP.html) his views on the benefits of Aadhaar authentication for distribution of COVID-19 vaccines. Allowing such authentication runs the risk of being directly in the teeth of the Supreme Court judgment in *K.S. Puttaswamy v. Union of India- Aadhaar 5J* wherein it was categorically held that Aadhaar enrolment can be mandated only for receipt of "*any subsidy, benefit or service under the welfare scheme of the government expenditure whereof is to be met from the Consolidated Fund of India."* It should also be noted that when read together with the amendments to the Aadhaar Act in 2019, the Aadhaar Good Governance Rules 2020 create a risk of use of Aadhaar authentication by private parties for wide ranging purposes since Section 4(4) of the Aadhaar Act now allows any "requesting entity" to seek permission for Aadhaar authentication from UIDAI. Rule 3 of the Aadhaar Good Governance Rules requires proposals for Aadhaar authentication by requesting entities to be submitted by the government ministries or departments but there is no pre-condition that the requesting entity on whose behalf Aadhaar authentication is being sought should also be a government entity. The dependence on Aadhaar authentication to prevent dissipation of benefits has led to the [**exclusion**](https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pacific/indias-vast-biometric-program-was-supposed-to-end-corruption-but-the-neediest-may-be-hit-hardest/2018/03/24/bb212a86-289c-11e8-a227-fd2b009466bc_story.html) of many people who are the rightful beneficiaries of these entitlements, and such exclusion is counterproductive if the goal is improving access to government services. A study conducted by the [**Abdul Latif Jameel Poverty Action Lab** ](https://www.nber.org/papers/w26744)in Jharkhand found that at least 88% of the ration cards that were cancelled, were in fact genuine claims. There have also been [**several instances**](https://www.epw.in/engage/article/aadhaar-failures-food-services-welfare) of people facing practical difficulties in getting Aadhaar numbers and accessing welfare schemes because of lack of awareness, lack of infrastructure, immobility due to illness etc. From the very inception of Aadhaar, the government has claimed that its biometric authentication technology helps prevent identity fraud and ensures that benefits only go to the deserving. However, as economists have pointed out, there is [**no reliable evidence**](https://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/uidai-aadhaar-card-the-real-beneficiary-4684994/)backing claims of widespread identity fraud and Aadhaar's ability to plug these leakages. Further, an RTI query revealed that 99.97 percent of people who enrolled for an Aadhaar number did it on the basis of existing identification documents, so lack of identification documents is clearly not the main cause of  exclusion from welfare programmes. To conclude, as Rethink Aadhaar has incisively noted in this excellent [**post**](https://rethinkaadhaar.in/blog/2020/8/7/new-aadhaar-rules-for-good-governance-are-constitutionally-impermissible), the Aadhaar Good Governance Rules 2020 are just old wine in a new bottle. The purpose of subordinate legislation is to be more operationally specific, by clarifying ambiguities. However, the Rules come across as an attempt to sidestep the Supreme Court judgement in *K.S. Puttaswamy v. Union of India Aadhaar-5J* by expanding the scope of the Aadhaar project through the trappings of vague rules and guidelines. ### Important Documents 1. Aadhaar Good Governance Rules, 2020 ([**link**](https://uidai.gov.in//images/Aadhaar_Authentication_for_Good_Governance_Rules_2020.pdf)) 2. Aadhaar Amendment Act, 2019 ([**link**](https://uidai.gov.in/images/news/Amendment_Act_2019.pdf)) 3. Aadhaar Act, 2016 ([**link**](https://uidai.gov.in/images/the_aadhaar_act_2016.pdf))
What are some things from the 90s and early 2000s that you miss? \~ sincerely, a curious 17 year old guy
[Original Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/iv7msq/need_help_my_grandmother_is_dying/) First of all I'm really grateful for all the well wishes that my grandmother received from all 1.2k people who upvoted the previous post. Thank you all! It's been almost 20 days since my previous post. The good news is we were able to find a willing plasma donor and a blood bank that provided stored plasma later. The treatment worked like a miracle and she was tested negative in the recent test. Seems like all of your 1.2k well wishes did work! I'm thankful to all the people who provided help through private chat. I'm really sorry that I wasn't able to reply to all the comments, but I did read them all. Now the most important part for which this post is intended. Thanks to u/[RichMedium2](https://www.reddit.com/user/RichMedium2/) in [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/iv7msq/need_help_my_grandmother_is_dying/g5phoiv?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) comment, it was evidently clear that there are many many people who are in need for plasma on social platforms. I've been through that horrific experience and I know that how hard it is to be there. I want to share all the general resources that I found out during my search for plasma. [MyVisitingHours](https://www.myvisitinghours.org/blood-bank/) is an amazing website that lets you know most of the blood banks state wise in the country. They also provide contact details, location, etc that would help you contacting a bank. Try doing an exhaustive search in your and nearby city. [Google Maps](https://maps.google.com/) is also a great way of finding the nearby blood banks. You can also search in nearby cities. In [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/iv7msq/need_help_my_grandmother_is_dying/g5rwvdc?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) post by u/[kafkaesque3](https://www.reddit.com/user/kafkaesque3/) did an incredible job to compile many resources. I'm quoting it here for visibility. >*Sharing a Consolidated List of #Plasma Resources for those in need in India ...* > >[*https://dhoondh.com*](https://dhoondh.com/) > >[*http://plasmadonor.in/*](http://plasmadonor.in/) > >[*http://needplasma.in/*](http://needplasma.in/) > >[*https://plasmaline.in/*](https://plasmaline.in/) > >*KAB Welfare Foundation :9810063261* Facebook. /kamlaarorablessings/ > >*NDTV plasma Donation Initiative* > >Email: [*feedback@ndtv.com*](mailto:feedback@ndtv.com) *WhatsApp : 9910668811* Reach out to NDTV with plasma requirement and prescription > >7). *Panthak Saanjh Initiative :* > >Arranging donors for the patients at the time of emergency > >Sunny Khera: +91-9999992492 > >Gurbrinder Singh: +91-9958525752 > >Gurjot Singh: +91-9953019389. > >8). [*https://twitter.com/ELister\_social/status/1277544892663599104?s=20*](https://twitter.com/ELister_social/status/1277544892663599104?s=20) > >9). Facebook link. /groups/556579325240584/?ref=share u/[ChickeNugget13](https://www.reddit.com/user/ChickeNugget13/) suggested contacting BloodConnect: [https://www.bloodconnect.org/rti.html](https://www.bloodconnect.org/rti.html) in my previous post. Trying to contacting local NGOs is also an option. Indian Red Cross Society provides blood and plasma for people in need. However due to too many cases, there are chances that they might not be able to help much. Many people suggested asking for help on Facebook and Instagram. I won't be able to provide many details as I (for some reason) neither used nor plan to use Facebook and Instagram. You're welcome to suggest ways to get help on those platforms. If you know any other resources, please suggest. Your help might save someone's life. According to [worldometers](https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/country/india/), rate of increase in cases is near the peak (slope is constant for total cases) right now in India and this is the time when most of the people need your help. We all know how much media is making people aware of these cases and providing help. /s So all we need to depend is on each other. I'll update or add new resources to this list according to suggestions you all provide. Please help the people in need! A request to mods: Please update the Coronavirus megathread with this list if you think it might help others. That way this list would be visible to all. A note: I want to remind you that going to any of the websites might need you to accept their Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. Especially Google Maps of which Conditions for use are very long and time consuming to read. Also, I'm not responsible for the authenticity of the resources. This is just a compilation and I did not went through all of resources mentioned above. Your relatives and own contacts still remain BIG weapons to fight against this virus. People directly contacting you on social media (like Reddit, FB, Insta etc) also provide you support but you need to be aware of fakes.
Advance tax has to be paid if the annual tax liability is above Rs 10,000. It has to be paid in the following installments: * 15% before June 15th * 45% before September 15th * 75% before December 15th * 100% before March 15th However if my income is not fixed (say I'm a trader or a freelancer) and I cannot predict my income for the upcoming financial year, how can I calculate these percentages?
Hello - my mother, 61, lives by herself in a flat near Mumbai. She needs internet for a few different things, and till now, she's using phone Jio data as a Hotspot on the computer. But it's obviously not a long-term solution, because she needs to keep buying add-ons once her data gets over. We thought of taking a broadband connection. The senior living facility that she stays at is offering Star Broadband with router, but the charges are quite high (650 pm for 2MBPS or something). Is it worth us getting a Wifi dongle instead? Have heard it's cheaper and does the trick. Or is it best to get broadband and a router but a different provider maybe? One that offers services near Lonavla/Pune? Where she would use Internet: * Teaching online * OTT on her smart TV * Shopping * General browsing, emails, bill payment, etc. I don't live in India anymore so I'm not sure what the best options in the market are. Can someone please guide me for the best option for my mother? Thank you.
WISDOM OF LOVE THEORY- Modern theory for the science and philosophy of Law If I draft a theory in the modern era upholding the constitutional democracy it would be called as the wisdom of love theory. The principles is pretty simple. It will be based on love, compassion and empathy for another individual. The main virtue of the theory itself is to eliminate the hate factor and abuse of power The concepts driven from natural law has major precedents in the modern legal jurisprudence, but it is to be noted that the society has been evolved pretty much since the earlier days and placing reliance on the principles driven from archaic theories seem quite arbitrary (not every wisdoms). The concept of justice itself is subjective and depends on the rule of law. The natural law has its pros. Wisdom of love would have the morality, justice concepts which will form the basic structure through natural law. The positive law’s impact on theory would be less as it may be discriminatory or biased since it is under the discretion of the sovereignty of the state. Positive law’s drawback will be the inconsideration of reason, morality or justice to determine the validity of law. The problem arises when the law itself is constructed biased by the state. In this current society, the state is pretty much corrupted and influenced by capitalistic regimes. Moreover, the lawmakers of the country is prejudiced towards moneymaking, religion agendas and it is very difficult to expect morality and reasoning from the laws of the country. The lawmakers are populist leaders. The Wisdom of love theory’s reason, justice and morality would be prevalence from natural law and less institutional intervention in the question of law. For example we see many stringent laws passed in the recent times.  The Farm bills passed in favouring the crony capitalistic regimes which disregards the plight of farmers in the country. The UAPA Act, Sedition law are evidently which violates the freedom of speech and expression and mainly passed to silence the dissent and accountability on the government.  These laws are passed on the theory of positive law where sovereign are laws irrespective of whether it is discriminatory or immoral. It will cause a huge threat to a progressive democracy. The wisdom of Love theory will have less interference of the state and more of morality, human rights and reason. It would draw line from the morality of primitive law which will be align to the progressive current generation’s view of society.  The Theory based laws would include legalisation of gay marriages, regulating the crony capitalism, complete independence for the judiciary (even for the transfers), strict law and order on communal spread of hatred, separation of religious institutions from state and more consideration of the marginalized communities like trans community, scheduled tribes and minorities.  The Marxist theory is more of radical communism to not let private properties acquired. The point was made that private properties result in segregating classes in a society but not letting having properties would be an abuse of power of the state. It would definitely cause disequilibrium in a society. The rights of acquiring a private property would be retained in wisdom of love theory. To eliminate the segregation of classes in a society, rather focusing on education and equal representation would be viable option. Wisdom of love will have The state authorities to have less involvement and increase accountability in their regards.  The Wisdom of love theory partially endorse realist theory since giving complete discretion towards judges would also result arbitrary. Judges will also be succumbed to bias and leaving complete choice to the judges would result in exploitation of power. The wisdom of love theory will have the natural law principles as basic structure and features of positive law where the legislators can be the lawmakers. But the judges would have the power to disregard and introduce laws in the country too. It would be a jack of all trades but the theory’s main principle would be love, empathy, compassion, less government, socialistic-capitalism, and more accountability of lawmakers, strict corruption laws and human rights. In short, theory which is ‘human’ and abuse of power rheostat.
Needed to RANt, not sure where - since this is become my social media of choice, so here it is - mods' please pardon if this is the wrong space, but I think an open dialogue needs to take place on this. So here goes A Person has lost his job over 8 months back in the industry I am in, says he was a star performer in sales, but lost his job, and the company is out of business - we reached out to him through a reference to hire him, his last drawn package 12 Lacs Per Annum, even before the next step happened, his requirement is 20 Lacs, if we want to talk. While I like people who are crisp and precise, I am sure I am lost in some thing here... God knows what... but I don't think people are getting it that India is in a slowdown, or maybe I am wrong, and I need to be on the other side and say - no India is growing. ​ RANT over
Recently I got to read about Baul’s of Bengal in works of Rabindranath Tagore. I liked their work and went on to explore their music. I found a playlist but there’s lack of translations for the same. Could some of you be kind enough to translate the songs or guide me how to find the translations so that I and others could enjoy the music too? Here’s the link: [Baul’s of Bengal](https://open.spotify.com/artist/102bO0idLEns61TkTDgbQx?si=yjeazSqaR9yhu47Zyz7iaQ)
Feel free . I am sure I can answer some queries.
planning a trip after covid, also looking for recommendations! 23 year old male from NYC for reference
>"I'm a good talker. But I soon learned that you can't talk someone out of depression. Mental illness is real. And like everything else in life, it operates on a spectrum. Though there are common symptoms, everyone experiences it differently. Yet so many people live in shame, hiding their struggles, not seeking help. We, as a culture, have not fully acknowledged how much help is needed. The only real shame is on us for not being willing to speak openly. For continuing to deny that mental health is related to our overall health. We need to start talking, and we need to start now." >-Oprah Winfrey, Oprah.com How do we end this stigma and discrimination ? By coming together and taking about the issues that plague our everyday lives. Feel free to comment and share your thoughts.
I was thinking if we can create subsidized fitbit ish band which every woman can wear and whenever something bad is gonna happen it can make their family or law enforcement aware about their whereabouts. Just a thought...
I am writing to you on behalf of my organization, Humans of Safe places. It is an Indian Organization and the reason we chose this subreddit to promote is that we feel the members here would be a pertinent addition to our community, r/HumansofSafePlaces . Humans of Safe Places strives to provide a safe, empathetic platform for people to talk about the most stigmatized issues of the society using personal experiences of people. Through 250+ stories, we have not only managed to talk about a lot of stigmas like menstrual cups, online dating, adoption along with broader issues like Sexual Abuse, Mental Health, Queer Issues and much more. In our journey to create more and more safe places for people, we have not only managed to organically build a digital community of 10k+ people, also created safe places offline through our events. We have expanded to reddit recently because we feel it is a remarkable platform to reach people and one where they feel safe to share their stories and experiences. Your participation and insight is just what it would take for us to reach our goal. We would greatly appreciate if you can take a little bit of time out to check out our sub. If you like the No Judgement Zone we've created, we would love to have you as a member. :)
If you would like to help him with his financial situation please DM me I'll ask him to setup a zoom call or prepare some notes for you. He's in a bad shape financially and has reached out to me for help. Edit: Yes this is a private Engineering college. He has lost a lot of money in some real estate investment. Cheated by a relative. I'm his former student. I am asking my batchmates to donate. Only few people responded. I'm doing my bit. This is the current state of our country. We need to run a parallel goverment because the actual one doesn't care. It's very sad to see my teacher like this. He's very desperate because asking your students for some money is the last resort for any teacher. All your legal advice won't work. Most private colleges have connections with political parties and he needs money and can't spend money for court cases.
Stress, Anxiety, Depression, Mood Swings, Suicidal Thoughts, etc these are all part of Mental Health problem. We Indians should care about Mental Health as much as we do for our Physical Health. Both are very important for smooth functioning of our body. Avoid consuming hate online or even near you. Cut out the toxicity for a better peace of mind. It isn’t worth it to keep falling into this trap. This World Mental Health day, try to bring a little awareness to your loved ones. Sit and talk with them, and share each other’s thoughts. If you don’t know enough, research and learn whatever you can. Seek help of professionals when you can. Also the one friend you haven’t been in touch with since a long time, just send them a message or give them a call. Maybe they need it. Spread a little positivity today. Thank you and stay safe :)
Ministry : Ministry of Education Revised deadline : 18th October Submission link : [https://innovateindia.mygov.in/nep2020-citizen/](https://innovateindia.mygov.in/nep2020-citizen/) Document: [National Education Policy 2020](https://ourgovdotin.files.wordpress.com/2020/09/national-education-policy-2020.pdf)
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I am a final year student at a Tier-1 college. My question is : Is it worth to go for MBA and eventually join as Product Manager or to pursue SDE 1,2, ..Engineering manager... career path in FAANG or similar companies. Given that I love programming and SDE-2 (which probably one becomes after around 2 yrs) salary and top IIM's average package is almost same. Also it would be great if someone could give an insight about the work pressure after being a product manager.
Has anyone tried this? Need help figuring out the financials and logistics that would be involved in this. If you'd like to be a part of this, let me know. Edit: Since this post has gotten quite a bit of traction, I'm now looking for people who would be willing to join as crew members for the documentary. I would like this to be a big documentary with atleast 10 episodes of 30-50 mins each detailing the food, culture and street life of the location along the coast. Not sure which locations along the coast we would be stopping at but I'd like to document atleast 30 locations for the final cut.
Important laws and acts for employee rights and laws in India which one should be familiar with. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCg9OLnHjrM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCg9OLnHjrM)
Hi, I just got my first credit card about a month back (HDFC). I'm wondering, how do they work in terms of how I pay for things? Lets say I buy two items, one for ₹500 and another for ₹1000, in a month. That means I have paid ₹1500 overall. When I pay for things, I get a "₹X has been deducted from your account." But when I look at my Current O/S, ₹1500 is listed there and I need to pay for it again. Am I double paying here? Or am I missing something? Thanks!
Hello guys, I know this may seem like not belonging to this thread but can any one here let me know if we can book expedited appoinment for student Visa? I just wanna know an alternative if there is no slot to schedule visa appointment. Your help would be highly apprediated guys Edit: just to be sure this is for F1 visa for USA
Hello! Im very interested in learning the Indian history, from the first civilization untill the independence of India. Im looking for some recommendations on books!
I was probably 6 or 7 years old. She was probably a year younger than me. Her family was construction workers, constructing a road outside in my locality. My family was a middle-class highly educated Brahmin family. My father is a doctor and I went to school where I was fined for speaking in Hindi. We both loved playing in the sand and stones that had been set aside for construction work. I distinctly remember both of us jumping in the pile of sands and stones. I remember my mother screaming at me when I came back home with sand and stones in my clothes and sending me straight for a bath. She was my friend. She was much darker and much skinnier than me and we never spoke of studies. We just enjoyed playing together. I knew her family was poor and mine was not. But for me, at that age, it didn't mean anything. So what? After a few weeks of playing together, I noticed some changes. Her mother would comb her hair, and put fresh clothes on her before sending her to play with me. I didn't understand why she was suddenly so well-groomed. One day I made a big mistake. I made the mistake of taking her to my house. That little girl who was so free with me suddenly changed upon seeing my parents. She was hardly 5-6 years old but she was conscious of the difference in our status. She kept her head down in front of my parents. I remember my mother was very kind to her. My mother gave her a bath and gave her food to eat while I had my evening glass of milk. She sat on the floor to eat the food my mother gave her. I think on that day for the first time I really understood the difference between us. That girl didn't play with me again. I went out to play in the evening and never found her. I would sometimes see her but she ignored me. It hurt me but gradually I made other friends. Friends who spoke English, went for jazz classes and had Nike shoes. I often think of her. The differences between us must have kept increasing as we grew older. The only time we could have become friends and had a peep into each others' lives was during our childhood. I don't think I will ever again have a friend who's parents are construction workers. I just hope she's fine. I hope she got an education and made something of her life. Or maybe she had to marry a useless man who gets drunk and beats her up. I don't know. I hope she's fine.
“Humara paisa chaiye, Hota hai pan nahi hona chaiye” (We want our money back, it happens but it shouldn’t be like this.) I was watching the Sahara parivar episode of Bad boy Billionaires: India. Towards the end of the episode (in the last 10 minutes) a scrawny old woman Prabhavathi Kondu, who featured on the show and was one of the millions who lost their money says the above. I burst into tears when I heard her say this. How the society in India has normalized the pain and suffering of the poor and the downtrodden that the people themselves have become accustomed to being robbed of their money. We live in bleak times.
Can anyone help me get a job ! I have graduated this year in August 2020 and due to various circumstances I'm unemployed (cs eng.) I am in dire need of a job .I'm from lucknow so if anyone could help me find a job here or any work from home job which could provide me a modest pay (25-30k). Thank you !
Turbine that "shucks" water and oxygen out of air is the kind of shit i would say or imagine as a child after watching doraemon.
I've heard of some people who work in MNCs who use the tax consultants in their office to help them do income tax filing. Is this common especially in the IT world? otherwise, is the usual trend to file one's own returns?
Hi everyone, I shared this in r/bollywood as well but didn't get many answers so far (guess I picked the wrong time of the day to post...) so I figured I'd try here. I'm hosting a movie night for my flatmates next week (we're watching movies from all over the world, not just Bollywood) and was considering Devdas as the movie. I want to make one main dish and get some snacks that go well with the movie. I haven't seen the movie yet and don't want to spoil it for me, so I'd be glad if you had some ideas. Maybe there is some iconic scene where they eat a certain dish? Anything else that fits the theme? I'm ok at cooking Indian cuisine, but it should still be something that is not too difficult to make as not all ingredients might be available where I live (not India). The dish can be both Veg or Nonveg. Thanks a lot!
History is written by the victors? One point I found funny for why they should remove it was how kids were effected, one example of a kid complaining how she had to hide her religion cause she had to refute obscure acts of sati are not practiced today. Bro, I understand your problem but that's not how history works. Murican privilege is something else lol. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/05/06/us/debate-erupts-over-californias-india-history-curriculum.html https://m.thewire.in/article/education/hindutva-efforts-to-rewrite-history-in-california-schools-fail https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/California_textbook_controversy_over_Hindu_history https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2016%E2%80%9317_California_textbook_controversy_over_South_Asian_topics Edit: Idk who the kid is in the image, idk from which link that photo came lol, The story above I don't think is about this kid.
So, basically whenever I saw my hand after twiddling hair over my head I found some 4 or 5 hair evertime. Is this something to worry about?
Is this concept new or already done? I am going to do commentary on socio political issues and do stuff like “conlang reviews” and some graphic design tutorials. Without voice, only text to convey my info. Any suggestions how can I make this possible? Which editing software can I use for the text? Or should I use PowerPoint?
Hey folks! Not sure if this is the right sub to post this in. I'm an NRI (American) and I've got a lot of family back in India. Apparently there's a house my Gramps left for us. And obviously I was thankful for that and free money duh. But after carefully researching all the stuff related to taxes it's not looking like a good idea. For instance, the house is valued at 20 million rupees (sorry guys, I never got the hang of lacs or crores). If property tax rate in Delhi is around 11%, that's 2.2 million rupees. That ain't chunk change I'm guessing? So what's the catch here or am I calculating this wrong? Oh and btw of it wasn't clear from the post, the house is in Delhi.
I feel like a child at the age of 22. I'm in my final year of graduation. I feel like they don't let me grow, they are constantly pampering me. Update: Apart from that they are imperious and condescending. Every time they ask me for help or I volunteer they point out little mistakes and that annoys me. Like "Aap hi krlo Yaar" meaning "if you know better then you do it, why do you need my assistance".
Hi r/India, there's a highly urgent blood requirement for O+ blood in New Delhi. The patient has blood cancer for which blood transfusion is needed daily. ​ Full message: **Patient**: Priya Sharma **Age**: 40 **Blood Group**: O+ **Units**: 7-8 units of Platelets & 14 units Blood per week **Illness**: Blood Cancer **Hospital**: Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Hospital Rohini New Delhi **Attendant**: Pooja, Shivani, Dipashree **Contact**: 8076063013, 98736 04554, 9717206083 CR ID : 278009 ​ Please circulate this message if you can and please reach out if you can donate. Your help here will save someone's life. Thank you everyone!
How long do you plan to use the phone when it is fully functional? I have seen people replace their fully functional and relatively new (few months/year old) phones with ever newer models. Why do you do that?
Apparently, her mom does this when the girl throws a tantrum to not attend the online classes. She takes her to the bathroom and then pours cold water on her. This is what her grandpa told my mom. He got upset over this and went to stay in another place for a few days. What are the potential ramifications and consequences of reporting this to ChildLine anonymously? Will they help? Do they have any follow up activities?
10 years ago, If someone were to tell me that one of these three would go bankrupt/fugitive, I would have thought they were mad but it happened. After watching the big billionaire boys on Netflix, I got this thought. Definitely, there would someone of this kind in the line in future. Who do you think it will be and what's your reasoning?
Hello Randians, At GECS, We have developed patented technologies to extract water, oxygen and electricity from thin air. We need investment for hiring, marketing and scaling business. We will replace all electricity generation facilities, all oxygen producing facilities, generating billions of dollars of revenue. Our company is valued at 100 billion dollars, we have tokenized the company, you can buy 1 GADHA token by paying 1 USD. We are accepting crypto currency payment **only** as Indian currency/banks may collapse anytime. We kept name of our company Gadha for "Vocal for Local" initiative. **Gadha tokens are selling like hot cakes, do not miss this opportunity.** Invest in your and your neighbour's children's future. Jai Hind. ​ CEO, GECS
Hi everyone, I'm a 3rd year student in Maynooth University (Ireland) doing a project which relates to air quality and air pollution and as part of my research I'm looking to do a quick online (MS Teams/Zoom etc.) 30 minute interview with someone who deals with poor air quality in daily life. This could be someone from a city which suffers from poor air quality like Delhi, Beijing etc. or someone from California/Australia that has been exposed to the poor air quality as a result of the wild fires or maybe even someone working in an industry where they are exposed to this regularly. If you could comment below if interested and I'll send you a message with more info! Really appreciate any help that can be offered.
Today, one of my office teammates (reporting to the same Manager as mine) tested positive for COVID-19. He is suffering from the usual Covid symptoms like fever, body pain & loss of smell. He consulted our company's Medical Team also & the Doctor advised him to take 10 days of leave and self-isolate himself at home and take antibiotics twice a day daily. However, our Manager refused to approve his 10 days leave - he said that most Covid patients will exhibit symptoms for only 4 days at most & after that they will start feeling better & they can resume their normal work, so why should they get 10 days of leave... the Manager refused to accept the Company Doctor's advice & made comments like the doctor is not going to generate revenue or pay our salaries & therefore he will not approve more than 5 days of leave. My teammate was left totally distraught and confused. Was our Manager right or wrong in making this decision? BTW, we are still working-from-home
hello guys im looking for an indian guy who can pay my subscription for spotify plz pm me if you are interested and willing to help ​ ps. i will pay you dw
If we're going to talk about solutions for the rape crisis, let's start there. https://m.economictimes.com/news/defence/women-police-personnel-constitute-a-meagre-8-98-of-police-force-across-india-bprd/articleshow/73736033.cms
I'm thinking of lodging a complaint against a retailer for offering me AMC services and then refusing to pay heed to complaints. I want to know if anyone has used consumer helpline - [Link](https://consumerhelpline.gov.in/) Does it work? Has anyone here used it?
I mean schools students can join this sub so we can discuss about it more. Check out my profile to know what I mean "torturing students" if you don't know . The sub is r/studentunionindia btw
Need WiFi or working 4G. I am not sure which location to choose to spend a month and is viable to travel to other locations and treks. Should I stay at one place for 4 weeks and travel OR stay for 1 week each at 4 places? If someone can suggest some plan that will be great too. Would weather be too bad during Nov? What all places should I visit and what all should I carry? I'll be travelling with wife and would be partaking with usual recreational stuff there, any suggestions how to get and what to watch out for would be highly appreciated. I'm totally noob in that regard(procurement) too. Thanks in adv.