Hi I'm confused with the variety of BP machines out there. I read online that digital ones are not accurate. And I don't know if manual one can be used by me(I'm not trained to use it). Please suggest which one to select? Thanks for your suggestion in advance 🙏 Edit: If you are from medical background, then I request you to suggest the best available bp machine which is close to accurate. Ques: Did you use Dr trust? Omron vs dr trust which one to pick?
Here’s a song for you… Kami Hai by Abhin & Tanish https://open.spotify.com/track/731U0IOIp83sTQWbQeA67N?si=stJAfZT5Tw-321Wn8se9ZQ Edit: I have discovered an entire playlist, if people want, I'll post it here
Hello, this is a throwaway account. I have a friend: He is an OBC but haven't made his certificate. He is quite smart in academics. The thing is, he literally hates SC/ST/OBC. He doesnt even talk to them. There is an SC guy who didn't took reservation an he treats him like his best buddy. My friend says he will even fund anti-reservation protests when he gets older. He is currently 21. His father is lower middle class in terms of income. Though he currently earns 3 times more than his father(he opened some businesses last year). The thing I can tell his is filled with hate for reservation and reservation only. Seeing him makes me believe that he will definitely fund violent anti reservation protests when he grows up. But still he is friend with an SC guy who left reservation. This makes me puzzled.
I am on the market for a 65" tv(not oled/qled because budget) and utterly confused with the choices all around. Here's what I have gathered so far: 1. Android TV's are buggy whereas tizes(samsung) and webos(lg) are much more stable 2. 4k content is limited but all TV's in this category are 4k TV's so unavoidable 3. Budget TVs (mi/op/kodak/toshiba etc) are good but the picture quality and sound quality is no match for the big 3 (sony/samsung/lg) 4. LG and Sony use IPS panels which provide better viewing angles whereas samsung uses va panels which are good to look at only if you are right in front 5. A broad hierarchy is uhd<nanocell<qled<oled 6. Nano cell tech is just mktg lingo basically it is uhd with an additional layer. Phew so much going around. So looking for some pointers/suggestions to make the choice easier. Criteria: 1. Sony/samsung/lg only 2. 65" 3. Budget : 80k or maybe a little more
So I was wandering what would be the better choice between Aerospace from IIT Kanpur and Engineering Physics from IIT Delhi. Some points to consider : - I like Physics but I also want a balance between the scope and job availability - What are the options for masters/Phd abroad after doing bachelors from IIT in Aero, and EP? Or Should I opt for Dual degree? - Is IIT K better than KGP for Aerospace? - Any other advice ? Edit : is it advisable to take a drop and try for a better branch next year?
I don't think I'm the only one going through this. Ever since work from home started, my back has been hurting more and more. While the chair I used was great for just a couple of hours, I have realized that it simply isn't fit to provide ergonomic support, especially for the lower back, for the 8 to 10 hours I sit on it now. As I write this, I have an aching back, sore thighs, and am just not comfortable sitting on it. I feel 10 years older than I am because of the aches, pains, and strains. I was looking for ergonomic chairs online, but good reviews are far and few in between. Are there any particular chairs you wise people on here would recommend? It'll be a huge plus if I can get in online instead of having to step out since I'm based in Pune where cases are quite high. Thanks much!
I don't want a fuck up marriage like my parents who are staying together for reasons I don't know why End RANT
"Excel found unreadable content in filename.xlsx. Do u want to recover it". This problem is facing with large data files. For small data its working fine. Can anyone suggest on this?
The recent events in #Hathras and #Balrampur have once again brought to forefront a social evil of rape, a topic usually pushed under the rug. At the same time it is heartening to see that lot of people have rallied to get justice for the victims and there is an outrage on the issue. At this point wanted to share the video by Ravish Kumar, a journalist who doesn't get the appreciation he deserves. Do check this video for a broader perspective on the problem and addressing of the root causes of the problem. Link to video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=jeLuq1jnxlc This analysis by him points out few major flaws that lead to system failing and how we might be addressing the symptoms rather than addressing the disease. Our outrage is justified but might be directed in the wrong direction for a long term solution. The video points out the need for thinking beyond, shoot at sight or hanging of victims. The failure is systemic and hence we must really ask the right questions. Despite having strict laws in place now (after Nirbhaya case) and increase in capital punishment in past few years why are rape cases not going down in India? From my limited understanding of the issue, the problem arises because of 2 major points where the system fails: 1. Police procedure: This is sadly one of the major reason. Police is one of the first contacts of victims. FIR is not registered in many cases, sometimes even 6 months after the crime. There have been cases when judges have had to ask police for filing FIR. We saw a similar lapse in this case as well. Police needs to be made accountable for any lapses in process. When such case come to limelight, our first reaction is to ask police to shoot on sight. We are subconsciously are asking police to take the easier route and not question on why such lapses happened in the first place. 2. Judicial System: After the enablement of POCSO, the judicial system has no doubt tried to address the problem via Fast Track Special Courts (FTSC) to deliver justice faster. But without any investment in infrastructure and human capital (more Judges needed), it is again putting pressure on an already stressed system. There were 2.4 lakh cases related to POCSO pending in 2019. Even when the government invested 100cr in 2019 to set up 649 FTSC, not one was setup in UP, WB and Maharashtra, where maximum cases are. How do we expect justice to be delivered on time if we have capacity issues in the system. As one can imagine, given the combination of above factors, the probability of putting perpetrators behind bars becomes very low, which gives these guys confidence to take chances with the system. Even if they are caught, the judicial process delays the justice for victims. Also as one can imagine, there must be 100 (if not more) cases for each case which comes in the media limelight. Also 71% cases go unreported due to various reasons (such as family pressure etc), which means that problem is lot bigger than what comes on paper. So what can we do? Well, to start with discuss this problem more than its done. Also, we need to push political leaders (especially local ones) beyond the low hanging fruits of just changing laws, which as we have seen have not yeilded the desired results. Sometimes making laws stricter has a negative effect as in most cases criminals are known to victim and hence victims don't press charges. Our outrage needs to be directed for reforms in police procedures and for more investment in judicial systems. At the same time we need to push for development of human capital in courts and police stations. And last but not the least, we need to invest more in education and development of emotional intelligence in kids, which would be next step after basic needs are met. My two cents on the issue. Any thoughts or more view points? Any knowledge on how we can start a reform movement targeting this? I am clueless here. Any person's with experience here can suggest. Thanks. Links: https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/over-2-4-lakh-cases-relating-to-rape-and-pocso-pending-in-courts-across-country-says-government-1652567-2020-03-05
I would suggest that we watch the press conference of Rahul Gandhi currently. Atleast someone from the elected is talking to the press. We always say the opposition is weak. Let's atleast give them an audience, as they deserve, in a democracy, for hearing what they are saying especially when the news channels are doing the public a disservice of not showing both the voices. [Press conference live](https://youtu.be/gMN3HPFMYgc)
State wide there are protests going on by the state's electricity distribution and power companies. Areas in certain cities and villages have had no power since yesterday afternoon. Exams have been postponed that were due to be held today. Students are out of "online classes" since there is no power. Dairy products are rotting state wide. People have no water in their homes. I mean just imagine what would happen with a 18 hour power cut. The power cuts are not being done on local grids that feed hospitals The protest are happening because UP wants to privatize electricity distribution. There are power cuts in Mirzapur, Allahabad, Lucknow, Faizabad, Varanasi and many other places. These are just from the top of my head. What the fuck is going on? No one is even covering this. Edit: 24 hours now! Edit: Since this post shows an unverified tag now, attaching some links as verification: [https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/up-power-dept-staff-to-boycott-work-in-protest-against-privatization/story-k9QjXoQmYPVeS8pDXRMcMK.html](https://www.hindustantimes.com/india-news/up-power-dept-staff-to-boycott-work-in-protest-against-privatization/story-k9QjXoQmYPVeS8pDXRMcMK.html) [https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/uttar-pradesh-electricity-employees-strike-power-supply-hit-allahabad-power-outage-1728990-2020-10-06](https://www.indiatoday.in/india/story/uttar-pradesh-electricity-employees-strike-power-supply-hit-allahabad-power-outage-1728990-2020-10-06) [https://pledgetimes.com/power-workers-on-strike-to-protest-privatization-noida-to-ballia-outcry-fear-of-indefinite-strike/](https://pledgetimes.com/power-workers-on-strike-to-protest-privatization-noida-to-ballia-outcry-fear-of-indefinite-strike/)
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I want to purchase an automatic petrol hatchback. The budget is around 8-11 lacs. My current choices are i20, glanza, and swift. Please suggest the best one! (Also open to other choices)
Looking to register my new business in Mumbai and need a virtual office for address and GST registration. Do you have any suggestions on how to go about it? Thanks,
TIP 2 Can you beat your procrastination? Yes With JUST 5 MINUTES RULE Try out JUST 5 MINUTES RULE When you notice you are dreading a task, decide to only do the task for 5 mins. This is such a small amount of time, so you will feel you can tolerate just 5 mins At the end of the 5 mins reassess and see if you can spend just another 5 mins on the task, and so on. The idea being, set just a small amount of time to get started on a task, at the end of which see if you can go just another small amount of time more. You will be surprised at just how much you are able to extend your time working on a task, once you have gotten the ball rolling. The focus is on “starting” and not “finishing” the task.
I am an Indian citizen working in USA on H1B. I have an expired H1B visa and traveling to India for visa stamping. 1. What airlines are recommended during covid times and which airlines are to be avoided? 2. Can an Indian citizen on expired visa travel transit through Europe?
could anybody upload the picture of the small miniature cricket set we used to get in india in the early 2000s. it consisted of a small bat , 3 wickets and a small but real cricket ball
Are there any public libraries in Ahmedabad, Gujarat where we can borrow books? Looking to pick up a few books for reading. Thanks!
I was looking for a bluetooth speaker under 8k. I want the speaker to have good bass & loudness. It's fine if it's a little bulky as long as it's loud enough with bass. I was looked at the options & Boat Stone 1500 seems to be a good option. Any comments on that speaker or suggestions for better speakers than that?
I got placed into a major MNC with 3.6 lpa package from a tier 3 engineering college. I'm looking for any advice to help me fast-track my career and earn about 20-30 lpa in the next three years. I'm passionate about technology in general and practice leetcode regularly.
Sources: [\[1\]](https://www.aajtak.in/india/uttar-pradesh/story/uttar-pradesh-electricity-privatization-strike-varanasi-prayagraj-ground-report-1140816-2020-10-06) [\[2\]](https://www.amarujala.com/uttar-pradesh/allahabad/electricity-workers-on-strike-situation-like-blackout-in-prayagraj) [\[3\]](https://www.indiatvnews.com/video/news/people-face-problems-as-up-power-employees-go-on-indefinite-strike-654688) The UP govt allegedly [reneged](https://www.aajtak.in/india/uttar-pradesh/story/up-electricity-employees-go-on-indefinite-strike-protest-against-privatization-today-1140801-2020-10-06) on its assurance to the employees that any changes regarding ownership of the company shall be based on consensus. Unfortunately for the Power corp. employees, consensus building isn't exactly this government's strongest suite.
Can You Suggest Me What Coaching Institute Should I Join? I am a JEE Aspirant and want to clear JEE advanced. I am confused what accademy to go with... I have Options like.... Byjus Online JEE Classroom/ Unacdemy/ Aakash iTutor or Live Classes/ FiitJee....
The Stock market eats up numerous people's savings and brokerages are akin to a parasite that depends on public traders/retail traders to LOSE their money through various means like spread, margin, commission, fees, etc. Their marketing tactics are underhand where they have contracts with youtube "educators" who build the confidence of the unsuspecting public and "teach" them strategies like "IF RSI over 70 short", "If price above VWAP buy" etc. 90% of retail traders lose their money due to the misinformation and manipulation done by these brokerages who manipulate YouTubers, social media, and forums to push their narrative. Ex-Goldman Sachs Trader Anton Kreil exposes the Finance Industry. Even Investment bankers from world-renowned institutions don't use the stock market as a source of income and make tutorials and mentorship for income. They have a basic salary and their main business is to get clients to use their banks for trades for which the bank makes commissions. Professional Traders DO NOT depend on the stock market for INCOME. All these "quit your job with this strategy", "my student made 10,000 into 10,00,000" are all pipe dreams told by these youtube traders to make you sign up to the brokerage whose link is in the description. Maybe 5-10 people made it, but the rest have lost crores to the stock market. This short video explains in detail how traders lose money and what we can do to minimize risk and trade safely. Remember - High Volume and High-Frequency trades make the brokerages rich through SPREAD and MARGINS. That is why we have dozens of brokerages starting up nowadays offering 1 paisa commissions. 6 Minute presentation which will save you 10s of thousands of rupees www.youtube.com/watch?v=9zblyL0rHbQ&t
Hello, sorry for early morning question..but do you any public libraries in North or Northeast Delhi that would allow free access to an ignou student? I'm studying in ignou and currently studying from home. It's difficult to keep the mood and stay motivated so I was wondering if I could find a proper place to study. Please reply if you can help me. Thank you in advance
I watched the three episodes in about 1.5 hours. You can fast forward through the sections that talk about Mallya's love for fancy cars and Subroto Roy's patriotic interviews. Here are a few thoughts about the three people profiled in this show. Kingfisher- Mallya Positive aspects- he built the best airline in India within 5 years. Things that we take for granted, like planes taking off mostly on time, air hostesses who smiled at you during check-in etc. were introduced by him. Scummy aspects- he bought many new planes without consulting the American CEO hired to lead the airline. All this was financed through debt from the IDBI bank. The CEO left after this, and the airline became a loss leader. No budget airline buys new planes at an inflated price. Also, he hosted a lavish party for his own birthday at a time when his employees were committing suicide due to non payment of salaries. He diverted the money from Indian salaries to pay his F1 team. He ran away without paying a cent back to his employees. He should be jailed for this. Sahara- Subroto roy Positive- he built a big and effective mechanism for deposit collection. At one point of time,people in villages trusted Sahara more than banks. Negative- he used the money for stupid investments into real estate, media and airlines and even sponsored the Indian cricket team. He was patronised by politicians so no one bothered to check the financials of his companies. He fakes the names of depositors and borrowed from cooperative banks to raise the money needed to get himself out of jail. Nirav Modi Positives- he wanted to build a world class Indian jewelry brand. He succeeded. Within 5 years his jewelry was on par with the best in the world like Cartier etc. Negatives- he financed all this by bribing PNB officials to issue loans without collaterals. He almost destroyed the bank. And yet he managed to escape. Thoughts about Indian entrepreneurship These three fugitives are the most common example of fraudulent businessmen, but they are the tip of the iceberg. If the regulatory bodies investigate, they'll find crimes like tax fraud, non payment of wages and illegal employment contracts in almost all companies. Also, the way the investigation agencies destroyed the brands is typical of ham-headed Indian babus. The Nirav Modi brand could have been sold to get back the money. The Kingfisher brand could be sold to pay the salaries. Instead, these babu clowns just destroyed the goodwill of the brand and concentrated on recovering almost worthless physical assets which are perhaps rotting in some rat infested warehouse. The babudom destroyed any chance of recovering the money, and helped these criminals get out of the country. I also think that a few years down the line, many startups like Byjus and Oyo will have a similar reputation. Defrauding customers, getting lots of positive PR from the media because of paid advertisements and using celebrities to gain credibility. The difference this time would be that foreign investor money will be burnt, but if any of these companies go public, lots of retail investors will be affected. Also, India needs a far better accounting scrutiny mechanism for companies. As a salaried tax payer, even if you don't mention one share sale transaction in your tax return (because it is a small amount of a few thousands and you missed it), you receive a tax notice. How can a company like Sahara, which got more than 1 lakh crore in deposits from the public and hosted the then PM (Vajpayee) at the CEO's son's wedding, escape scrutiny for over 30 years? I also felt that Indian PR agencies which support crooks like Mallya and Subroto Roy and often give them fancy awards (same goes for companies like Oyo and Byjus which are scamming customers for a long time but manage to get into various PR awards) should be brought to book. Many people within the PR agencies know that there is something wrong, but deliberately misled the public.
Don't know what can work as a deterrent, I don't think it's lack of knowledge of the laws. It's the confidence of criminals that they can get away. Again National media neglecting the South. At 13, she was working as domestic help. Now fighting for Life with 70% burns Source : https://www.newindianexpress.com/states/telangana/2020/oct/05/13-year-old-dalit-domestic-help-set-ablaze-after-rape-attempt-in-telangana-battles-for-life-2206120.html Edit: title should read Telangana dalit girl. Auto correct,Unfortunately title can't be edited
[https://centerforinquiry.org/store/product/richard-dawkins-award-ticket/](https://centerforinquiry.org/store/product/richard-dawkins-award-ticket/) ​ >The Richard Dawkins Award is presented annually by the Center for Inquiry, home to the Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason & Science, and given to a distinguished individual from the worlds of science, scholarship, education, or entertainment who publicly proclaims the values of secularism and rationalism, upholding scientific truth wherever it may lead. Previous winners include philosopher and cognitive scientist **Daniel Dennett**, *Cosmos* co-creator **Ann Druyan**, and actor and writer **Stephen Fry**. In 2019 the award was given to comedian and actor **Ricky Gervais**. The selection of Javed Akhtar as the recipient of this year’s Richard Dawkins Award was first announced in June.
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I'm 15, I'm from Hyderabad, I love cooking and I want to take hotel management after my 12th class, I've been wanting to speak with anyone who studied or finished hotel management and I have some questions and I think it would be nice to know someone who knows that course. If this is the wrong subreddit, please let me know. If you are someone who finished or are familiar with the course, please feel free to comment or dm me. Thank you.
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I want to become an MMA fighter , I am currently living in India ,Can anyone suggest a country where I can work on part time jobs that pays a good amount so I can support my family whilist honing my fighting skills .. ..
Booked a international flight on the 29th of February which was unfortunately cancelled due to corona. Have been contacting the Goibibo customer service for the past 6 months with no proper action or response, they have removed almost all options to directly mail them or call them and anything that can be done can only be done through their app which is shitty af, there are literally no option to talk about flight refunds and they directly cut the call and send you a link for the app, which is not working either. Stuck in a fucked up cycle. If any of you know how to get through this or get their attention to this, please let me know. TLDR : International flight refund on hold for past 6 months, zero way to contact them, almost all options automated and fucking irresponsive.
I watched a few interviews conducted by Karan Thapar, with experts in the field of covid, unemployment and other issues; and realized these are not the people, the current Hindi speeking presstitutes are bothering to invite on their shows. Even when they are inviting these people, who are stating facts without any bias, they are not able to get their message thru due to biased questions/ naration. Due to which specifically the masses of the northern states are unaware of the facts, and are completely dependent on the propaganda being spread by the ruling party in the media. Since the ruling establishment is using the tools of today to spread their propaganda, we the citizens who are aware of the fact bear the responsibility to propagate the fact as much as we can. Speaking from personal experience,I was a bhakt in 2019, and it took me till January 2020 to understand what is going on. It took me 8 months to say anything at home which may portray the current ruling party in bad light; at my own home! My parents and sibling used to fight with me if i criticized any of centers policy, their believe in our prime minister was so strong that they could disown their son for speaking against him in January, but now they believe the ease with which all the bills are getting passed is fishy. I was able to convince my younger brother in 15 days, mother in 3months and my father is now in a state where he doesn't want to talk about politics 🤣🤣, i am confident I will be able to convince him to atleast listion to facts which contradiction the centre in few months. Specifically Arnav Goswami and the presstitutes from his guild like sidhir chaudhri do not want to criticize the current government, and these are the people who really show how a currept government and media can function together to justify, who can spend the hard earned money, doneted by the hard working people, to PMCare fund can be justified to be confidential. Did any one doneted money to PM Care fund for CSR? I don't think as an individual, i can and i should be aware of how my hard earned money is being spent, is it spent on buying Madhya Pradesh's MLA?? In this pandemic where the situation of the economy is dire, every source of news channel that a commoner can understand is unavailable, the only thing we can do is make our closed ones aware, and to educate them. I have reduced the vote the ruling party was getting in 2024 by 2(mom, younger brother) and may be by 3(including my father), and if we can do this then we may have a government who thinks about the masses. I am planning to dub factual English news/interviews/debates in Hindi and create a YouTube channel and i need help, let me know if you are interested to help. NOTE : Not looking for profit, will donate all the earnings (if any, thanks to government) to NGO voted on popular choice of volunteers. Note: forgive any grammatical/spelling mistakes.
5 days into No Nut Challenge and I attained some groundbreaking Enlightenment! It took me 5 days of no masturbations to realise that the Entirety of Instagram is working on a framework that promotes Fake Positivity and Sex to its users. Normally Instagram had never been so distracting for me as it is right now. Everyday, I used to open Instagram go through all the new posts and stories. Reply to comments and spend some time in search page and that's it! I never really paid any special attention to what I was doing and whom was I following. But during these 5 days using Instagram made me feel horny and Kinky and was actually breaking my spirit. Most of the so called social influencers on this site are girls that are actually earning a livelihood out of this thing. All they have to do is Get a high resolution DSLR and take some half ass naked shots and post it with some copy pasted quote from Google search and boom soon they become an influencer. Men treat them as Queen and Make them feel better about themselves only to promote them to take more seductive shots of themselves to gain more and more followers. And now all they gotta do is find sponsors and feature their products in your posts and make shit tons of money online. The higher the fanbase higher the income. And that was what I discovered during this hard time of mine...
If the brands like Nike or any small scale ones also spoke about their margins ( profits) or talk money honestly to the consumers. Earning the trust of their consumers by showing how “well” intended and honest the brand is about everything. And showcasing the consumers that we are not manipulating you by racers winning the races etc. into buying our product, Will it reduce or increase their sales?
I feel like Indians want a good life for themselves and are self-centred, they want you to mind your own business but they'll enjoy if something happens to you and spectate, will talk about you in the society and criticis you even when they know nothing about you. There comes godi media, it sees a divide in the society, like a crack in a wall, Godi media acts as fungus that grows in that crack and widens the gap between sections of society, but the question is, the wall's gonna fall one day, but on whom? The free thinkers who live in reality or the hate spreads who forgot to ask questions and right to information?
A world where religion is lost. Hear me out though, for it's not all pretty. We only make pretty out of things we want, what we weep for. Ever felt for what is already pretty, but isn't acknowledged or hasn't been; has been used repeatedly? Something like religion, with intensions that ray out of goodness; each in it's own way, their own passions. While some are busy making business out of religion, using it for their political and financial progress, many intellectuals are indulged with heart in deducing it's hidden evil (why wouldn't they?); such evil that create boundaries and allures the swords upon innocent throats! We blame religion for bringing us pain and death, also distinction in being; but it's eyes well up each time a trigger is pulled or a sword swung. Who after all is pulling the trigger, or swinging the sword? We are, it's us; but shame deny us the courage to allow the truth to sink in. We need a scrape goat, we've always needed one. Faint hearts. Look into and listen close, for our country reeks of religious misuse; of blood and bullies. Muhammad weeps every time we kill. Christ leaves the alter every time a bomb blasts. Buddha breathes heavy each time his teachings are misinterpreted. Hindutva of today would suffocate the yogis, who propagated it, to death. They taught us science, but we churned it into a tornado of distrust. To understand the science of religion, the world first needs to forget the religion we have made for ourselves. What we kill for, taught us never to kill, ironic isn't it? Let our religion not blind us. ~"Science without religion is lame. Religion without science is blind."~ Albert Einstein
TLDR: Focused on career for long time and now I'm 32. People telling me that I won't get good prospects in arranged marriage is getting on nerves. Need some additional perspective from direct experience. ​ Sorry if this is off-topic for most of the redditors on this group, but need some perspective from Indians married through arranged route. I'll be turning 32 next year. For most of my life, I've focused on my career and not really thought of getting married 'at the right time'. Following are some of the 'common knowledge' that I'm being constantly made aware of: 1. Since most get married by mid-to-late 20s, there usually aren't many good left for people in early 30s and beyond since most of the good ones are already married 2. People think that there's something wrong with the person if he/she is still unmarried out of their 20s These, and other reasons, are why my parents and relatives are forcing me to get married as soon as possible. Till 2 years back, it did not bother. Now, I'm just wondering if I'm or I've made a mistake by waiting for this long... Maybe one reason to wait this long was to avoid the analyses paralysis of arranged marriage (pro/con-ing everything) and fall in love with someone who would love back. Makes life easy. People who have been in my boat at least 5-10 years ago... I want to know from you. * How did your life turn out? * How was your journey from that point? * Did you find someone? * If no, tell me more? * If yes, How difficult was it? * Are you happy with your decision of marrying late? * Did you an ideal one? Did you regret you waited for that long Help. I need your perspective!
Its laughable to see all the republic journalists talking about how Sudhir gupta shouldn't have selectively leaked out information to some media houses or about media houses jumping the gun to conclude SSR case was of suicide, when in the last 3 months all that republic has done is to get suspicious information from NCB and ED and also from questionable dance wala friends , gym waala friends, talked to Sushant once friend and concluded that this was a case of murder. Equally horrifying to see the SSRians ( some of I genuinely think are not bot), who still are so gullible to not understand what has been happening. IMHO though the selective leak shouldnt have happened, this gave the conspiracy theorist another chance to spin around another set of stories to keep their TRPs high
Hello. I recently found there was a discrepancy in my name as in my passport, compared to every other modern document I have. So my Name, as I prefer and as is in most documents (10th and 12th Marks card, PAN, Aadhar, DL) is : XXX(First name) YYY(Middle name) and ZZZ(Last name). Whereas, in my passport, its XXX ZZZ(Given Name) and YYY(Surname). This has already caused me problems because I'm a student trying to apply for master's programs in the US; GRE and other exams need our names to match with the passport impeccably. I just figured I'll have my passport re-issued with this name change but there are some facts to know. 1. I have got my first minor passport (with the old name) renewed once in 2017, ALSO with the old name. Yes, I didn't think it would be a problem and frankly didn't care much about it. So my current 10 year passport still has my incorrect name which I intend to get changed. 2. I need this process to happen as soon as possible. Within this month at the most. So I started the application and went through the list of required documents. I have everything but one of them ready. **Document code 8024 - Clippings of two local news papers or the Gazette notification of the concerned State Government, as the case may be.** I need help understanding what this is and if I actually need to publish a name change in a newspaper for my case since its only **Re-arrangement of names.** I'm 21 years old ,if that helps. Any suggestions or advice would be very helpful! I'd be grateful. EDIT: So I applied for re-issue. It wasn't a problem at all. Having Aadhar made it a breeze. Re arrangement of your name doesn't require anything but proof of name.
Hi all, Nestaway is subletting ecommerce company. This company has always been a little shady interms of its operations. Some of the allegations are 1. Security Deposits are supposed to be paid back within 5 -7 days after the client has vacated. People haven't been refunded even after a month.. including mine 2. They add charges on our dashboards for no reason, even when there isn't any usage from our end. 3. They have for some strange reason "deactivated" their customer care. Cc guys can work from all they need is access to a computer and a working network. It's funny because the sales team is calling prospective customers repeatedly...try calling ask for a callback... trust me you'll get atleast 5 callbacks 4. They are only working through twitter. Again shady when they can work from Twitter why can't they recieve our calls 5. They dont even pay the owners on time. 6. They recently increased the notice period so that they get more money. We have tried as many ways as possible, register a complaint, consumer forum etc...but we need a bigger voice. Request you all to spread the awareness from your end if you are a victim or know someone who is, Please trend this hashtag on twitter. And tag "@nestawaycares" and your local police chief etc... Hashtags: "Nestawaydoesntcare" "payusbacksahu" Guys this is a serious issue, we can't let these people get away with this mess. We need them to pay us back.
He used to have international politics at the tip of his tongue. I remember learning a lot of my geography and political history from him. He remembers the news down to the date and the year. But, idk what has happened to him. The WhatsApp forwards from his friends have unleashed this ugly side, which makes me if doubt the man who I used to look up to is the same guy hating on ganja. I have tried explaining to him that it's all for the TRP, and he agreed that Arnab's antics are ridiculous too. But he seems to be convinced that Justice for SSR can be found by exposing the "bollywood mafia". Idk what to do. I feel frustrated thinking that the man I used to look up to is choosing to be dumber day by day. It's saddening. Any suggestions?
This year, GATE has added Humanities and Social Sciences. What are the prospects of taking this paper? Who are the intended "audience" for this paper? Can Engineers who are keen on Switching to Humanities and Social Science Field benefit from taking this Paper?
My branch of choice is CSE and I think I'll be able to get admission in newer IITs or NITs (except a few that are on top). I'm not sure how to choose college now, there are a lot of things to look for and I don't know where to start.
I want to know its future prospects. Like will I be able to sit for placements at all or will I have to pursue higher education or something.
So basically one of my female friends said about the Hathras incident that the girl should have been able to defend or at the very least struggled with all her might, saying that that were 4 alleged rapists but they seemed thin and weak physically. And on further talking to her she said..and i quote "Shor machake , protest karke koi faida nahi hai.. Khud larne seekhna hoga!! You want freedom..?? Just leave those things which are stopping you from getting your freedom!!". I found alot of the things she said to be very vague and just something you would say to hype yourself up and honestly i think it was really insensitive to say something like that. What are y'all thoughts on this.
Hi All, I'm 27 living with my parents in Delhi. They bought a 3BHK builder's flat for us 2 sons, hoping that we'll all live happily together. My elder brother got married in 2017, and there were some issues between my sister-in law and my brother. That escalated quite a lot and both left the house. My brother lives in a rented apartment with his in laws. I stay with my parents. Whatever issues our family, we've been able to resolve them a lot and now have cordial relations. I lost my job back in March. My savings dried up quickly and the current day to day expenses are being borne out of my parents savings, which is also getting quickly to nil. My mother will be hospitalised later this month and that would dry up our cash quite quickly too. I have spoken to my parents about selling this house and moving to a rented 2BHK, that would give us some cash-in hand as well. They are against that idea as they feel if they move to a rented house they'll never be able to buy a house. Secondly they are against the idea of giving my brother his share if they do sell this house, saying that if they buy a new house then whenever they sell that he would get his share from that. I feel that is not right, as this house was for both of us. So if we do sell it, then he should get his share now and not by selling another house later down the line. So people of India, the age old jaydaad and property matters have cropped up. I have applied to multiple companies with no success. What is the best course for action for me and my parents?
Like several other websites that recently came and disappeared, there is no About Us on their site. like the others, they advertise on Facebook. The contact email is a gmail address, which is suspicious. Be careful. Similar website threads- https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/j04o23/psa_ladystylein_might_be_a_scam_website_be_careful/ https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/i8eptf/is_this_a_fake_website/ https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/iwaw7x/psa_classi_charm_classicharmin_might_be_a_scam/ https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/j2plsl/psa_after_classicharm_lifehackclothes_another/
Hey people of r/India please suggest me a good documentary which you have seen and it was worth watching. I would prefer a documentary about science, economy and technology. Thank you. Stay safe.
I have never wanted to be a member of a political party in my life, but today I just couldn't live with that decision. If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem. And the solution right now is to kick this government so hard that it falls back into the hell-hole that it crawled out of. Gandhi Bhavan, Nampally, Hyderabad. That's where the Congress' Offices are located in my city, and that's where I'll be this week. Signing up. Grudgingly. Rahul looks like a decent enough bloke, but his party is not one that I can support... wholeheartedly. Desperate times call for desperate measures, though, and I for one am going to do everything in my power to shout out the crimes, lies, hate and deceit this government has inflicted on the Indian people and our country of India. The way I see it, when the body is diseased the first thing you've got to do is cut out and throw away the cancer that it's got. Then, and only then can you resuscitate anything else in that body... this government is like a fungus growing on all of us, and it's about time we washed it the fuck off.
To the point questions Can I get o govt. College or and reputable college with my qualifications this year? (Money is a problem) CBSE Mark's PCM - 95, 87,87 English -96, IP-95, P.E- 93 Jee mains paper 1 - below 65 percentile, Obviously didn't qualify Paper 2 - B planning 94 percentile CLAT rank more than 11000. Applied for DU. No achievement in life. Nothing (No reservations available for me) What do I want to study - Now Nothing matters to me. I lost all my purpose, goals and interests. So I am fine with anything that can help me and family survive later. And I didn't apply for any private college because I cant pay for it. It's not that we are very poor it's just because Father has a lot of financial burden already. Now question is over and I am writing my tale. (Not important just wanted to write) I am a total piece of shit. I know that. I couldn't even cant even find proper sub to post this question. I am 18, just passed CBSE boards from science with OK percentage. Didn't qualify ANY entrance exam. Well idk how to put it. I never wanted to do engineering, I still took science in 11th and took a shitty Coaching for jee from 10th. I never ever said I wanted to do engineering to my father but he presumably assumed that I said i wanted to do it from IITs only and/or go on to do UPSC . I just said I would give exam that's it. I did my whole schooling from best in town. Although little expensive. High expectations, my father said he wanted under 50 rank in jee. Idk what he thought of me as a genius 2 months before exam. I have 3 siblings all older and annoying (A Lot, I mean it). My primary life went smooth happy nobody cared about anything. I wasn't great at studies but just average. I started becoming little better from 7th 8th grade. But then things changed. I had computer since I was 8. Had internet connections at 14. But Change was good. I played a lot of games, explored internet. I came across Ted talks and similar stuffs. I became TOO MOTIVATED. I in 8th grade realised I loved spending time in computer, so just to chill my parents I didnt play games in computer, I started learning about computers in computer so I would have an excuse of using it. I started learning programming on my own didnt make a lot of progress but like course of CS in class 11. I also learned it because it was future and I saw it was the thing most rich and BILLIONAIRE people did. I also started loving astronomical physics due to a mistake. Tried to read a brian book but completed only half because it went overhead. Wasn't meant for kid I guess. And also problems with exams and other things. Years went by things were Great till 10th. I was happy but overconfident that I would get a good college (because of over motivation that people good at studies can succeed and That's why I never focused on studies without realizing that people who succeed had skills and I Dont) A unfortunate event happened in house things went real bad but it was OK didn't ruin me just little sad few times. I really wanted to make parents proud of me. Again scored ok in 10th. Things changed in 11th the MOST for Worse. First half of year went good. I started learning about computers more previous practice helped me. I really wanted to do research in Machine learning and AI. I had a goal motivation and everything. I always disliked engineering maybe because for memes mocking it, so many of them unemployed and a hell lot of people doing it. And this research gave me an opportunity to choose Bsc over Btech. I wanted to pursue pure science. So I started getting little reckless over studies. I still wanted to learn but not engineering. My shity Coaching was good in 10th but from 11th it went insanely bad. Teachers kept leaving we didnt have a permanent teacher for 1 subject till the end. Other teacher left and new teacher was not good. Most of us complained was management ignored us. Students compromised. When I went with parents, He Said-" No one else is complaining why only you. Why dont you bring better Mark's in 12th than 10 and show you are good" A complete lie and nonsense. We barely got sheets and books on time. Secondly I didn't have my phone and No personal WhatsApp and due which I missed a lot of extra classes which teachers arranged without notice in class just over text. A LOT of Class like 10 chapters. Later I gave siblings number. By now damage had been done Now worst mistake of my life. I became active on Twitter from 11th end. And became a lot political. I cant emphasize how it ruined me or how I ruined myself. Yet another mess up is left.(It could be good) Movies. It all started with infinity wars. I never used to see a lot of movie just TV while eating mostly. I was perplexed by the money infinity war made. I watched it like 6 months after release after watching complete Marvel movies and loved them all. So now I watched movies a lot of them. To be continued Edit: leave it I wont write more because it make me re realize how stupid I am. Tl;Dr : I fucked up my life, having no reason.
We've all seen those ads with different celebrities. But i looked into what they're offering and as someone who does programming it felt very sketchy. Also there's a few people on youtube calling them a scam. What are your opinions on it?
Please suggest a laptop with below constraints. Budget: ideally under 40K, can go up to 45K Intended use: programming, presentations, general internet surfing. movies, online lectures etc. No gaming, video editing or cad. I expect the most resource-intensive program would be something like Android Studio. Display size - Ideally 14/15" After-sale service is important. (Preference for Dell from personal experience). It should have OEM windows. Keyboard quality & Build quality is important - should be ideally usable without an external keyboard. Build quality > Low weight > Performance > Battery life
Whats the best way for someone in US to courier me a package of masks. Fast and does not cost an arm and a leg
I'm a first year CS student in college and I'm finding that managing time is really hard! Can you suggest me some tips on how to manage time?
Hi people of Delhi. I want to know more about your CM Kejriwal. I live in Hyderabad, constantly bombarded by his ads on National TV channels. He is very high profile and everything he does is highlighted. Is it really true that he is doing fantastic things on the ground in Delhi. Did he make a difference in your lives? Local clinics, school fees etc. I vote for regional party TRS, so this is not a political contest. All things I can read online are biased, painting him as a guy who can do no wrong or the absolute worst. Please respond.
As the title suggests, IP University has decided to conduct the internals of the current semester(Online) from 12th-16th October and the externals of the previous semester(Offline) from 27th of October for the students of all semesters. This just goes to show how little they care about their students, putting them and their families at a great risk of infection. It seems purely inhumane and absolutely unnecessary since there's no rush to conduct the examinations for the intermediate semester students. Students are feeling helpless as there's no response from the university regarding their concerns. Are there any suggestions for what students can do further about this? If not, I request you all to please spread awareness about this, so it can get some sort of media attention or get noticed by higher authorities that might help the students out.
The pao in mumbai is called 'ladi' pav. The pao we get in delhi is just fat bread. Thankfully a relative introduced to an excellent ladi pav available in gurgaon , vyapar kendra. Someone blogged about it as well: [https://90rollsroyces.com/2020/01/09/mumbai-pav-in-gurgaon/](https://90rollsroyces.com/2020/01/09/mumbai-pav-in-gurgaon/) . Unfortunately its made by a small bakery, only seen it there only. it was yum yum. I was crazy about bombay pav bhaji because of the bhaji. But after trying this true bombay style pav, I know what I was missing. Any other bombay style pao available near south delhi ?
Based on my experience, I have a 60-40 chance of logging in to my account. That "login" button does nothing sometimes, except clear the field of my account number. Idk if they intentionally disable the JavaScript attached to it or if there's a bug in their code. Another example is that transfer money tab. Each option (IMPS, NEFT etc) has a hyperlinked subtext and a button. Both of them link to different things. Like wtf. One takes me to a page that has the button again, and the other takes me to the actual thing I want to do. Also, I can't transfer money to an account unless I add them as a beneficiary. "Instant transfer" isn't instant at all. Even SBI has true instant transfer, with OTP and other safety limitations of course, but India's largest private sector bank doesn't. Other private banks like Axis have much cleaner and intuitive UI. I know I'm ranting, but I really want to know if it's only me who faces so much trouble with their website.
Everyday our nation is moving further from what it was supposed to be. Our Constitution is being used as toilet paper and our ideals are being buried. Where once India was a bright light in world, now we are turning into a bastion of fasicst ideology. And worst of all? We are not even able to speak up. Paid BJP trolls are flooding the comments section of people that so much as sniff in their direction. Even here, in Reddit this trend is being seen (they even have an entire sub for goodness sake). However the fact remains that even after all the atrocities committed by these so called leaders, there is no change and most importantly there is no outrage! I don't know if this is because people believe all these news fake or of the masses just don't care. The amount of rape cases in the last month alone is simply horrific. Women and children are being treated worst than street dogs! And police have turned in many places to paid goons who destroy evidence to protect the guilty. And yet BJP and Modi is still seen as paragons of virtue. And or broken media channels help this illusion along. I do not know what can be done. I don't have the answers. But I do know something must give. This can't go on. What will our children say when they look back at this time and ask us why we didn't stop this? Why we were silent. I don't know what to do. But maybe we can come up with something?
Hi , got a letter from traffic department with the details of the vehicle name and number. It says INR 500 challan has been issued for no helmet and a photo is displayed at top which shows a person on bike without helmet in Hapur. Now thing is the number is similar while the starting series is not clear. But the main point is that our vehicle is an Activa Scooty while in the picture it is clearly a bike. So , I am sure it is wrongly issued and our vehicle is in different city and clearly a different vehicle. None of the government websites are able to help as the portal is not accepting the challan number when entering. The other websites are down. If someone has gone through this and point me in right direction that would be great. This is very time wasting and headache for no reason.
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Hi, We're looking to hire a freelance food technologist who can help us in developing our recipe for a plant-based milk. ​ Please let me know if there is anyone who can help.:) ​ Thanks
Tech enthusiasts of r/india, what should I keep an eye for when purchasing wireless earphones? I'll be having some important interview conducted virtually and am looking for wireless earphones (just think it looks more professional.) Is there anything I should look for beyond noise cancellation, bluetooth compatibility, mic etc.? TIA!
From Reddit to most of social media, I have seen an outright hatred towards BJP. Apart from the IT Cell posts and comments (also by uneducated Hindus) on Facebook, I have rarely seen anything in support of the Centre. I know certain domains are verbally supporting Modi (like the film industry and technology) due to Centre increasing investment in them. I saw a similar post asking why Trump wins and the first comment actually provided a nice explanation: before Trump, no leader ever came to visit our town and promised to endorse our small town businesses. How is that applicable for Modi? Half of the time he was out of the country. While people were starving to death and getting squashed in long af bank queues, he was doing yoga and ogling Melania. Let us take the state of West Bengal for example. Before the last election, there was no prominent presence of BJP. But there are outright haters of the Mamata-led TMC government (mostly leftists who still want the golden era of CPIM rule back), who voted for the BJP just because INC and CPIM were weaker in comparison. That's it. The president openly says sexist and idiotic things on news channels that will make you shudder. Is this what happens in other states? I remember how Mamata won - she targeted the exact places where the CPIM had failed and they voted in masses for her. However, I believe now they're just forced... like, at gunpoint. Like our maid says "If I don't vote for her, I won't get my ration". That's why there's so much of violence during elections. I believe something similar might also be happening in UP. I have seen posts on Facebook that say Yogi has changed the face of UP. Really? The man that openly hates on lower castes, women and Muslims? People like Yogi, Amit, Modi and Pragya... the type of shit they say... makes my blood boil. I know it is true for a lot of you. Maybe most of you don't vote. Maybe the votes don't matter when the illiterate (forced to vote) population steps in and changes the game. I want to know WHY OH WHY does the BJP still win and why can't we do something about it instead of bickering on social media? TL;DR: Why does BJP win by majority even though there are huge masses of people against it?
If you have been looking for a way to get out of the rat race, Trading Forex can increase your earnings or simply build a solid nest of eggs for your retirement. Whatever your goals may be, Forex Trading may be the Opportunity that can help you achieve them. The Forex market has made many people thousands of dollars, or even millions of dollars richer, and it is becoming increasingly popular with the people who understand it and know how the system works.
Due to lockdown and my exams I don’t have any need for calling and since I won’t be going out of home, I don’t need mobile internet. It’s been almost 3 months since my pack expired. If I don’t recharge will my SIM get deactivated? And if yes, then what’s the cheapest way to keep it running? MyJio app only has those monthly data+ calling packs which would be rather expensive for not using them at all.
I mean up until recently, the BJP's grip over power was very strong, it was only recently that there's been a huge display of no confidence amongst a growing Minority (I say minority because I still think they'll win the next election possibly given who their opponents are) but this seems to go hand in hand with how politics in the USA is working out. They have a white Vs black/minority narrative and well we have a Hindu Vs Muslim/Minority narrative and the agenda really shows. I was looking through the list of Indian prime minister's and US presidents and while not the same they definitely do reflect growing left/right wing sentiments. While the US political scene obviously has an effect on the rest of the world, I feel like India is more affected by it than any other country
The only reason it is not so is because 'everyone needs to have equal rights' and doing this will be deemed unfair to those who don't have the minimum qualification. There should at least be something like an interview by a panel which also deals with UPSC aspirants or something.
Like the title say ... can I have your guys thoughts on green products ? Need some people opinion on green thoughts and it would be helpful if you guys also put your age on the side as well(optional ) ! Any help will be appreciated thank you ! Basic question : your thoughts on green products and the way it will be in the future
The title says it all. I honestly feel sorry for people staying with absolutely horrible parents, partners or kids. This year has forced us to stay with them longer than we thought and that sucks. I hope you move out asap and live your life the way you want to. Hang in there fellow human. This too, shall pass.
As the title suggest need a news channel which doesn't tries to shove their news down your throat by screaming and making unnecessary debates and running that same news for the entire week and adding conspiracies and what not In short, need a news channel which shows global and local news based on facts and not opinions or conspiracies
I mainly need a laptop for Portability(so light weight is preferred), and for Work related (coding, YouTube, PowerPoint, Word etc). I do not intend on playing any Video Games on Laptop. The Main requirements for me is Durability and Battery Backup with decent Performance (no frequent hangs or Hardware Failures). Budget is within 50k, preferably within 40k. Can anyone suggest me a Laptop based on these requirements?
His tweet five days back. https://twitter.com/KuldeepKumarAAP/status/1310865580052766721 > For last two days, I was feeling slight feverish and got tested for Covid-19. > It's report came positive, after which I will be under Home isolation. > Those who have met me in last 2-3 days, are requested to get tested themselves. His tweet yesterday night https://twitter.com/KuldeepKumarAAP/status/1312834623710269440 > I just returned after meeting the Hathras victim's family.... The family after meeting so many people in a short time, is at a very risk of contracting Covid-19 and ideally should be tested for it. ... Yesterday IndiaSpend reporter had tweeted that the victim's father had blood pressure issues and was not feeling well. https://twitter.com/sadhika_tiwari/status/1312665298453975040 But regardless, local politicians thronged for photo-ops, even after family members requested them to give him some time to rest, they carried on. [This video shows](https://twitter.com/sadhika_tiwari/status/1312667082593509377) what is exactly wrong in our political discourse. A month from now, most of these politicians will nowhere be found nearby the victim's family.
Budget: As cheap as possible Color or black and white: Black & White only Laser or ink printer: Is laser cheaper? i dont understand what's the difference between these New or used: New Multi-function: Scanner preferred but not required Duplex Printing: Yes Printing range: I would be printing somewhere around 10 14 pages per week. Would appreciate if you could also provide me with the online stores link too.
Hello, I want to learn to say the first verse of this song "Mundian to bach ke". I tried looking at the lyrics but for some reason I cannot get it to match, maybe I'm reading the wrong thing. Can anybody transcribe it with english letters? I just want to mimic the sound. Thanks!
The caste system in India is the paradigmatic ethnographic example of caste. There is Upper caste and the Lower Caste. The Upper Caste is considered to be the "higher"caste. They mainly consist of the rich. The Lower Caste are mistreated and labelled as Untouchables by the Upper caste. They have faced discrimination for centuries. The Upper Caste has tortured them in innumerous ways and they face hate crimes against them on a daily basis. We want this to stop. We want Justice for the Dalits in India. The Hathras Rape Case, where the victim was a Dalit, has triggered this Movement. We request you to help us amplify this movement through your platform. Here are a few important links to learn about the movement: https://dalitlivesmatter.carrd.co https://thelogicalindian.com/amp/story-feed/awareness/b-r-ambedkar/?__twitter_impression=true https://www.outlookindia.com/website/amp/india-news-heres-why-caste-matters-when-a-dalit-woman-is-raped/361253?__twitter_impression=true https://www.firstpost.com/india/hathras-gang-rape-isnt-a-law-and-order-issue-problem-is-regressive-mindset-of-upper-caste-men-8869821.html/amp?__twitter_impression=true https://www.newsclick.in/violence-dalits-uttar-pradesh-tops-list-followed-gujarat?amp&__twitter_impression=true https://feminisminindia.com/2020/06/11/dalitlivesmatter-atrocities-against-dalits-increase/?amp&__twitter_impression=true https://www.epw.in/engage-interactives/busting-myths-on-caste-based-reservation-policies.html https://www.youthkiawaaz.com/2018/03/reservation-and-the-sc-st-act/amp/?__twitter_impression=true
I am a science student and I will be completing my class 12th in 2021. I am absolutely unable to decide what to pursue next. Most of us will be giving JEE, CET and other engineering exams, but I don't think I would be able to get a good rank. So could you please suggest what are some options to pursue next? Anything related to science would be my foremost preference.
Anyone?they just made their course a lot more expensive than before.Anyone willing to share the price to get one ?
I've noticed this on a number of tracks, here's [Khaabon Ke Parinday](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0XjwtP_iTY) from ZNMD for example (compare with [Spotify version](https://open.spotify.com/track/4JrRQbnNpOUoRwelFckqwk)). Who exactly are they trying to avoid copyright claims from? They own the music!
They did it they fucking did it assholes opened schools did not even fucking mention minimum age limit or any at all and all guidelines must be given by school, you may think teachers ain't that crazy and parents won't send them too, but teachers and staff want to advertise using result and parents too want nice results. Well, I don't know if Reddit can do something but I don't want to give the teachers the power to say " If you don't come to school I will not give you internal mark " I once had to work that a 10th student should do at 9th because my school pressurised us . Idk if only my school or my state schools do this sorta shit . And even in online class they try to make us obedient mark earn robots like "turn on your video" , isn't my privacy , how I am dressed , my home , my fucking right, these teachers also, I believe have been severely underpaid( I have no proof to prove this but I think they are , but my parents do say don't study art you can only get 10000rs. 10000rs is bad for teaching honestly, as idk the tax rates are so fucking high), also for their fucking advertising, they made us dance in the sun ( it was not voluntary it was compulsory) for upto 4 hours a day, so much that I'm like a brown-white color but my skin got fucking burned my skin, they didn't even give rest and btw for 10th the school timing is from almost 9 to 5 and in India all students go to tuition , so yeah most students come home at 5 and go to tuition at 8 and study for 9bto 10 at home( this is kinda for an extreme student and some go for tution from 5 to 8 in morning, just imagine the stress that students have to endure I mean teens can be easily depressed most CBSE schools don't do this but tn state board schools do but a new CBSE school does this for the press and cash even though it's Christian school
Hey! I am a Master's student in Clinical psychology and I am currently conducting research under the guidance of my research guide on the topic of tonic immobility in sexual assault survivors. Any female who had the unfortunate experience of as such and lies in the age range of 19-25 years (if comfortable ) please contact me to be part of the study. your information will be kept confidential and at any point, you can withdraw if you don't feel like continuing. You can ask for more information regarding the study if you want to participate.
The test is expected to be cheaper than Rapid Antigen tests and has sensitivity and specificity as good as RT-PCR. Easy to use as well. Hope this gets mass produced soon and eases the cost burden on government. [Article on test](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-india-54338864)
Part of my work requires me to type out everything that's said in a monologue, but I don't particularly enjoy it. I'm willing to pay US$5 per audio hour. All you have to do is listen to a short set of audio files and type out what the speakers are saying ad verbatim. The audio files are in English and normally are around 10-15 minutes in length. (I only send one at a time). The last transcriptionist I hired went AWOL suddenly and left me in the lurch, and is not even replying to my emails...so please, don't be like her. I want someone dependable and trustworthy who will be able to send me a transcript within 28-30 hours of receiving my email. PM me if interested :-)
Ummm...so , i-uh failed in last semester of BA ( hanji ! BA ) and just want to know if anyone else had to take extra year(s) to complete their degree.How did u manage with all that comes along with this mess and where are u now ? Cheers !
Hello, Just wondering how much a family of 4 earns monthly from your government during Covid? Do they receive a pension at all? In Canada the government makes sure everyone receives $2,000 monthly (depending if you work, making up for the losses/ decrease in hours/ wages). This covers rental costs & food, not much else to be honest. Basic needs. My MIL has to pay $80/ month in Punjab for her medicine, what is your health-care system like? Any good?
Let's face it, the current petrol price of over Rs. 80/litre in post-COVID times is very expensive and budget breaking. We must consider the use of electric cars sooner or later for the sakes of both our budgets and the environment. While we don't yet have lots of options in this space, a [good number of electric cars](https://www.financialexpress.com/auto/car-news/electric-cars-in-india-with-more-than-150km-range-tata-nexon-hyundai-kona-mg-zs-tigor-verito-ev-charging-price-range/1942189/) have recently been introduced like Tata Tigor EV, Hyundai Kona and Mahindra's e-Verito. Unfortunately, all of them are in the costlier SUV/Sedan segment. If only there was a budget electric car in the range of 2-3 lacs like Alto or Santro, I'm pretty sure many of us would have switched a long time ago! Have any of you tried an electric car? How much does one have to sacrifice in terms of power/control in order to get the desired fuel cost savings and climate friendliness?
I'm cross-posting this from [AskReddit](https://np.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/j3xjl5/serious_software_developers_a_paper_found_that/) as I got no responses there. I'm writing a Master's Report on bias in CI/CD tools, and [this paper](https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3239235.3240504) stuck out to me. The abstract contains this conclusion: > We observed structural differences in pull request acceptance rates across 17 countries. Countries with no apparent similarities such as Switzerland and Japan had one of the highest pull request acceptance rates while countries like China and Germany had one of the lowest pull request acceptance rates. Notably, higher acceptance rates were observed for all but one country when pull requests were evaluated by developers from the same country. If you read the actual paper, you'll see that the "all but one country" was India. The authors did not speculate on why this might be. Thoughts? Disclaimer: Your response, either in part or in whole, may be aggregated or quoted in an academic paper. If you are interested, I can provide it when complete (EOY 2020).
Hi, I’m a student living in Europe for a year and a half now. I was supposed to travel to India in May’20 but due to the restrictions I wasn’t able to. I’m now planning to travel to New Delhi in November or December as there are no restrictions currently, and wanted to know the scenario. Do I get a result certificate? Do i have to quarantine in a govt. provided facility? And such questions. Any help is appreciated.
A lot of other countries in South Asia don't have a good record when it comes to Women's rights. Do you think India is actually a role model and should be seen as a Scandinavian country when it comes to Women's rights in the region? India does far more when it comes to addressing Honor Killings, Acid Attacks, Forced Marriages, Female Infanticide compared to other countries in the region and has made great progress in addressing it and have many successful women who run major corporations and have held positions of power.
Hi r/india , I need your help , do you guys even like byjus and the below average stuff they offer? Let’s come together with great filmmakers and animators and build a better company then this pos product. I’m starting cosmo and going with a stunning approach , it’s like Pixar meets edtech. Way better and way innovative. If anyone is interested to join me? Please come aboard , you are welcome.
Hi. I was wondering if anyone could help me with a memory I have of my visit to India in 1998. I was at the Gardens in Bangalore and I came across a sculpture design or water fountain that resembled a giant dandelion. Does anyone know if that sculpture still exists? I remember the 7 dwarfs and a few other points of interest, but I can't find a pic anywhere of that sculpture. Has anyone seen it or am I imagining it?
Given the current situation in our country, I have been searching for a moral anchor. I don't think Gandhi is relevant anymore and was kind of a weirdo. I think the anchor is Ambedkar. I have not actually read his books from cover to cover but whatever excerpts and quotes I have read, I think the man was extremely insightful and understood Indian society very deeply. His ideas are relevant to the 21st century. I dont think he's as widely read as he should be and it is a shame that his ideas are restricted to Dalit communities. I am happy to write about my learnings from his work here and on other social media where I am active. But it would be great if anyone here is interested in forming a reading club. We could hold each other accountable because lets face it- the work is verbose, the writing style is old and our attention spans become terrible! ​ EDIT: Please DM me and I will send you the link to signup sheet and other resources. Once I have your email, I will add you to the email chain for the group
For context.. I've taken my board exams for tenth standard last year and like most students was pressured to take Science course for 11th standard and I did complete the board exams just before the lockdown was announced .. since I've always wanted to do law and had little to no interest in engineering I have been miserable for the past year and also during the lock down cause online classes continued.. however just recently seeing how miserable I have been a cousin of mine suggested that I confront my parents which after weeks of debate lead me to be finally allowed to choose law as a career path however I didn't have any career guidance or whatsoever till now and I am a bit confused.. any advice on how to make the switch would be appreciated . TLDR; I am a student who have recently completed my 11th class board exams in science course but wants to switch to law .. so I am seeking any advice you guys can give me here on reddit ?
Why, why do we have to be a part of heteronormative society? why do we have to impose the heteronormative norms everywhere? I come from a good, well to do family, my parents are supportive and trust me, I have a loving brother, sister-in-law, and a sister who supports me with whatever I do but in the end, we are a traditional Hindu family, I can’t out myself to my family saying that, hey, I am gay or bisexual. I can’t come out to my friends, colleagues, or even my confidants so easily, what if they will judge me, what if they stop talking to me, what if they out me to the society, what if this or that… I am a 20 something young man, who is loving, caring, friendly, supportive, understanding, ambitious, respectful but CHUBBY, do you know how hard it gets for people to accept people who are my size? It’s tough because people don’t like chubby, they bad mouth us, they don’t think we should exist or even eat anything to exist anymore. I ask you, does my being chubby and gay has a problem with you? I just ask you for some amount of love and respect. Don’t put doubts in the minds of people, we already overthink, I already overthink a lot, it's hard to meet up someone genuine and caring, when I do meet someone, I try to give them my best, but they just ghost, but I ask WHY? Do I being chubby has anything do with me not finding love in the society? Make homonormativity normal, please, make body size not an issue. The next time you see a chubby lad or lass, don’t make fun of them, I and people like myself already go through a lot, please share and support us, give us love the one which we deserve because this love is the romantic love which we deserve, the one which the movies or tv shows showcase and yes, we deserve a happy ending ourselves.
I’m visiting my parents for a week and finding it so difficult to have a proper conversation. They are soooo hateful towards everything. They’re in favor of caste bias, CAA-NRC, in favor of how Modi handled Covid, least bothered by Hathras case. They do believe “Hindu Khatre me hai”.. I just, can’t believe the way they think. Am I overreacting? I’m kind of hurt and ashamed that they think like this. I’m really trying to make them see what Modi govt is doing.. but the only response they have is whataboutism and If not Modi then what Pappu?? And at this point, I’m like why not!! There is no anti-incumbency or levelheaded justice feeling in them. I’m sorry, I’m just shook my their views and lack of empathy.
You may absolutely ignore it- My entire life has revolved around having mental breakdowns due to my inability to deal with my toxic not so well off family and now I stand at the crossroads of choosing life or death. My professional life will never take off. I have never lived a day happily. I am weak ,incapable ,unsuccessful roadrag who doesn't deserve to live. My parents are assholes. I am 24. I was what you call the bright child in school. Parents noticed it and then made my life a living hell as I was forced to just keep studying and do nothing with fear of failure being instilled in my head and guess what-The sky came crashing down. I had a mental breakdown in standard 10th. I barely managed through the exams and my parents went apeshit.Mocked scolded lied to others and stated how they had done the best a parent could emotionally which was a lie. The next phase - IIT JEE preparation of 2 years was the worst phase of my life. Couldn't concentrate on studies,suffered from anxiety attacks, changed coachings,started suffering from concentration issues and scored a grand total of 80. Did well in Manipal VIT SRM and Bits exams . Parents just gave up, did not help in admissions ,did not allow a loan and had to settle for a roadrag college close to home. After 4 years of studying in a rubbish branch from a third class college got a job in IT company.I had no relation with IT remotely. The family's background restricted me from being well versed with tech. I was a noob. The IT service company is complete shit. Now with the onset of Corona, my father lost his job, my mother and me bore the expenses and with the lockdown everything just went to shit with fights being a regular thing. I have no absolutely no competence in the job I do,I don't have the money to go for higher education.I have no other skills to succeed in life. My life is done.I have written a small suicide note and will start my search for the least painful and most efficient ways to proceed towards termination.
Its been over a month since Jio introduced new plans. Reviews for the service? Uptime? Pricing? Privacy?
I just finished with Twin Peaks Season 2 on Hotstar (my first time ever at having watched the series) and am now looking to watch the prequel movie (Fire Walk With Me) and the sequel Season 3 from a few years ago. But I cannot find this on Netflix, Prime, or Hotstar. Nor on Amazon to buy. Dear Redditors of India, anyone in the know on how I can get access to these?