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+ {"source_url": "", "url": "", "title": "International Nurses Day 2020 Highlights The Crucial Role Of Nurses In Healthcare: Know Theme, Significance And More", "top_image": "", "meta_img": "", "images": ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], "movies": [], "text": "Highlights International Nurses Day is observed on 12 May\n\nNurses have been at the forefront of COVID-19 care\n\nHere's the theme for this nursing day\n\nInternational Nurses Day is celebrated on May 12 all around the world. This day highlights the importance of nurses in the healthcare sector. International nurses day marks the birth anniversary of Florence Nightingale. Several activities are conducted worldwide to thank the nurses for what they do. According to the World Health Organisation, historically, as well as today, nurses are at the forefront of fighting epidemics and pandemics by providing high quality and respectful treatment and care. The Covid-19 pandemic is a stark reminder of the vital role nurses play.\n\nInternational Nurses Day 2020: Date, theme, significance and much more\n\nThe theme for International Nurses Day 2020 is 'Nursing the World to Health' focusing on the role of nurses globally. On this International Nurses Day, the World Health Organisation urges countries to ensure-\n\n1. Occupational safety and health of nurses- this includes access to protective equipment to ensure their health.\n\n2. Mental health support- nurses are working round the clock during the COVID-19 pandemic hampering their mental health. WHO encourages countries to provide help to nurses with timely pay, sick leave, insurance and mental support.\n\n3. Financial support to nurses and providing them essential resources which can help them respond to and control COVID-19 and future outbreaks.\n\nThe theme for International Nurses Day 2020 is 'Nursing the World to Health'\n\nPhoto Credit: iStock\n\nRole of nurses in COVID-19 pandemic\n\nThis year on International Nurses Day, International Council of Nursing, WHO and Nursing Now are encouraging people to pay tribute to nurses and health workers who tragically died fighting against the coronavirus by promoting #RememerHealthHeros on social media.\n\nAlso read: Top 10 Tips For A Healthy Life\n\nHappy International Nurses Day to all the nurses and thank you for your non-stop assistance during this pandemic.\n\nAlso read: World Health Day 2020 Honours Nurses And Midwives: Here's Everything You Need To Know\n\nDisclaimer: This content including advice provides generic information only. It is in no way a substitute for qualified medical opinion. Always consult a specialist or your own doctor for more information. NDTV does not claim responsibility for this information.", "keywords": [], "meta_keywords": ["International Nurses Day", "International Nurses Day 2020", "International Nurses Day 2020 Theme"], "tags": ["Varsha Vats", "International Nurses Day"], "authors": [], "publish_date": null, "summary": "", "article_html": "", "meta_description": "International Nurses Day 2020: According to the World Health Organisation, today, nurses are at the forefront of fighting epidemics and pandemics by providing high quality and respectful treatment and care. Know theme, significance and importance of this day.", "meta_lang": "", "meta_favicon": "", "meta_data": {"news_keywords": "International Nurses Day,International Nurses Day 2020,International Nurses Day 2020 Theme", "description": "International Nurses Day 2020: According to the World Health Organisation, today, nurses are at the forefront of fighting epidemics and pandemics by providing high quality and respectful treatment and care. Know theme, significance and importance of this day.", "section": "india", "url": "", "keywords": "International Nurses Day,International Nurses Day 2020,International Nurses Day 2020 Theme", "og": {"title": "International Nurses Day 2020 Highlights The Crucial Role Of Nurses In Healthcare: Know Theme, Significance And More", "type": "article", "image": {"identifier": "", "secure_url": "", "width": 630, "height": 473}, "url": "", "site_name": "", "description": "International Nurses Day 2020: According to the World Health Organisation, today, nurses are at the forefront of fighting epidemics and pandemics by providing high quality and respectful treatment and care."}, "fb": {"app_id": 213741912058651}, "al": {"android": {"url": "ndtvSocial://com.july.ndtv/ndtv/", "package": "com.july.ndtv", "app_name": "NDTV"}, "ios": {"url": "ndtv://news/", "app_store_id": 377869410, "app_name": "NDTV"}, "ipad": {"url": "ndtvhd://news/", "app_store_id": 390847563, "app_name": "NDTV HD"}}, "twitter": {"card": "summary_large_image", "site": "@ndtv", "url": "", "title": "International Nurses Day 2020 Highlights The Crucial Role Of Nurses In Healthcare: Know Theme, Significance And More", "description": "International Nurses Day 2020: According to the World Health Organisation, today, nurses are at the forefront of fighting epidemics and pandemics by providing high quality and respectful treatment and care.", "image": "", "app": {"url": {"iphone": "ndtv://news/", "googleplay": "ndtvnews://"}, "name": {"iphone": "NDTV", "ipad": "NDTV HD", "googleplay": "NDTV"}, "id": {"iphone": 377869410, "googleplay": "com.july.ndtv"}}}, "category": "News", "theme-color": "#e3eef9", "apple-itunes-app": "app-id=377869410 , app-argument=ndtv://news/", "taboola": {"title": "International Nurses Day 2020 Highlights The Crucial Role Of Nurses In Healthcare: Know Theme, Significance And More"}, "oovvuu_article_id": 2227315, "publish-date": "2020-05-12T11:36:30+05:30"}, "canonical_link": ""}