142 values
142 values
2 values
1 value
We support community action agencies and their programs, such as Head Start, that will prevent the children of the poor from becoming the poor of the next generation.
underprivileged education
This text is about underprivileged education.
Dem. Party Platforms
Since organizations of many kinds are joined in the war on poverty, problems of coordination inevitably arise. We pledge ourselves to review current antipoverty efforts to assess how responsibility should be distributed among levels of government, among private and public agencies, and between the permanent agencies of the federal government and an independent antipoverty agency.
low-income assistance
This text is about low-income assistance.
Dem. Party Platforms
We acknowledge with concern the findings of the report of the bi-partisan National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders and we commit ourselves to implement its recommendations and to wipe out, once and for all, the stain of racial and other discrimination from our national life. "The major goal," the Commission wrote, "is the creation of a true unioníïa single society and a single American identity." A single society, however, does not mean social or cultural uniformity. We are a nation of many social, ethnic and national groups. Each has brought richness and strength to America. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 and 1968 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965, all adopted under the vigorous leadership of President Johnson, are basic to America's long march toward full equality under the law. We will not permit these great gains to be chipped away by opponents or eroded by administrative neglect. We pledge effective and impartial enforcement of these laws. If they prove inadequate, or if their compliance provisions fail to serve their purposes, we will propose new laws. In particular, the enforcement provisions of the legislation prohibiting discrimination in employment should be strengthened. This will be done as a matter of first priority. We have also come to recognize that freedom and equality require more than the ending of repression and prejudice. The victims of past discrimination must be encouraged and assisted to take full advantage of opportunities that are now opening to them. We must recognize that for too long we have neglected the abilities and aspirations of Spanish speaking Americans to participate fully in American life. We promise to fund and implement the Bilingual Education Act and expand recruitment and training of bilingual federal and state employees.
minority discrimination
This text is about minority discrimination.
Dem. Party Platforms
The American Indian has the oldest claim on our national conscience. We must continue and increase federal help in the Indian's battle against poverty, unemployment, illiteracy, ill health and poor housing. To this end, we pledge a new and equal federal-Indian partnership that will enable Indian communities to provide for themselves many services now furnished by the federal government and federal sponsorship of industrial development programs owned, managed, and run by Indians. We support a quick and fair settlement of land claims of Indians, Eskimo and Aleut citizens of Alaska.
indigenous affairs
This text is about indigenous affairs.
Dem. Party Platforms
To achieve that balanced growth, we must greatly increase the growth of the rural non-farm economy. One-third of our people live in rural areas, but only one rural family in ten derives its principal income from farming. Almost thirty percent of the nation's poor are non-farm people in rural areas. The problem of rural poverty and the problem of migration of poor people from rural areas to urban ghettos are mainly non-farm problems. The creation of productive jobs in small cities and towns can be the best and least costly solution of these problems. To revitalize rural and small-town America and assure equal opportunity for all Americans where-ever they live, we pledge to:Create jobs by offering inducements to new enterprisesíïusing tax and other incentivesíïto locate in small towns and rural areas; Administer existing federal programs and design new programs where necessary to overcome the disparity between rural and urban areas in opportunities for education, for health services, for low income housing, for employment and job training, and for public services of all kinds; Encourage the development of new towns and new growth centers; Encourage the creation of comprehensive planning and development agencies to provide additional leadership in non-metropolitan areas, and assist them financially. The experience of the Appalachian and other regional commissions indicates that municipalities, counties, and state and federal agencies can work together in a common development effort.
rural development
This text is about rural development.
Dem. Party Platforms
Every American in need of work should have opportunity not only for meaningful employment, but also for the education, training, counselling, and other services that enable him to take advantage of available jobs. To the maximum possible extent, our national goal of full employment should be realized through creation of jobs in the private economy, where six of every seven Americans now work. We will continue the Job Opportunities in the Business Sector (JOBS) program, which for the first time has mobilized the energies of business and industry on a nationwide scale to provide training and employment to the hard-core unemployed. We will develop whatever additional incentives may be necessary to maximize the opportunities in the private sector for hard-core unemployed. We will continue also to finance the operation by local communities of a wide range of training programs for youth and retraining for older workers whose skills have become obsolete, coupled with related services necessary to enable people to undertake training and accept jobsíïincluding improved recruitment and placement services, day-care centers, and transportation between work and home. For those who can work but cannot find jobs, we pledge to expand public job and job-training programs, including the Neighborhood Youth Corps, to provide meaningful employment by state and local government and nonprofit institutions. For those who cannot obtain other employment, the federal government will be the employer of last resort, either through federal assistance to state and local projects or through federally sponsored projects.
employment training
This text is about employment training.
Dem. Party Platforms
American workers are entitled to more than the right to a job. They have the right to fair and safe working conditions and to adequate protection in periods of unemployment or disability.
This text is about labor.
Dem. Party Platforms
By enacting occupational health and safety legislation to assure the material reduction of the present occupational death rate of 14,500 men and women each year, and the disabling accident rate of over 2 million per year;
worker safety
This text is about worker safety.
Dem. Party Platforms
By assuring that the "green card" worker does not depress wages and conditions of employment for American workers;
This text is about immigration.
Dem. Party Platforms
Medical care for the aged should be expanded to include the costs of prescription drugs.
drug coverage and cost
This text is about drug coverage and cost.
Dem. Party Platforms
To support family incomes of the working poor a number of new program proposals have recently been developed. A thorough evaluation of the relative advantages of such proposals deserves the highest priority attention by the next Administration. This we pledge to do.
low-income assistance
This text is about low-income assistance.
Dem. Party Platforms
This would, among other things, assure the eligibility in all states of needy children of unemployed parents who are now denied assistance in more than half the states as long as the father remains in the home. Assistance payments should not only be brought to adequate levels but they should be kept adequate by providing for automatic adjustment to reflect increases in living costs. Congress has temporarily suspended the restrictive amendment of 1967 that placed an arbitrary limit on the number of dependent children who can be aided in each state. We favor permanent repeal of that restriction and of the provision requiring mothers of young children to work. The new federal-state program we propose should provide for financial incentives and needed services to enable and encourage adults on welfare to seek employment to the extent they are able to do so. The time has come when we should make a national commitment that no American should have to go hungry or undernourished. The Democratic Party here and now does make that commitment. We will move rapidly to implement it through continued improvement and expansion of our food programs. The Democratic Congress this year has already enacted legislation to expand and improve the school lunch and commodity distribution programs, and shortly will complete action on legislation now pending to expand the food stamp program. We will enact further legislation and appropriations to assure on a permanent basis that the school lunch program provides free and reduced price meals to all needy school children.
low-income assistance
This text is about low-income assistance.
Dem. Party Platforms
The best of modern medical care should be made available to every American. We support efforts to overcome the remaining barriers of distance, poverty, ignorance, and discrimination that separate persons from adequate medical services. During the last eight years of Democratic administrations, this nation has taken giant steps forward in assuring life and health for its citizens. In the years ahead, we Democrats are determined to take those final steps that are necessary to make certain that every American, regardless of economic status, shall live out his years without fear of the high costs of sickness. Through a partnership of government and private enterprise we must develop new coordinated approaches to stem the rise in medical and drug costs without lowering the quality or availability of medical care. Out-of-hospital care, comprehensive group practice arrangements, increased availability of neighborhood health centers, and the greater use of sub-professional aides can all contribute to the lowering of medical costs.
This text is about health.
Dem. Party Platforms
We must build new medical, dental and medical service schools, and increase the capacity of existing ones, to train more doctors, dentists, nurses, and medical technicians.
health care manpower
This text is about health care manpower.
Dem. Party Platforms
Medical care should be extended to disabled beneficiaries under the Old Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance Act to the same extent and under the same system that such care is available to the aged.
disabled assistance
This text is about disabled assistance.
Dem. Party Platforms
Thousands of children die, or are handicapped for life, because their mothers did not receive proper pre-natal medical attention or because the infants were unattended in the critical first days of life. Maternal and child health centers, located and designed to serve the needs of the poor, and voluntary family planning information centers should be established throughout the country. Medicaid programs administered by the states should have uniform standards so that no mother or child is denied necessary health services. Finally, we urge consideration of a program comparable to Medicare to finance pre-natal care for mother's and post-natal care for children during the first year of life.
infants and children health care
This text is about infants and children health care.
Dem. Party Platforms
In 1968 some 750,000 returning servicemen will continue their education with increased benefits under the new G.I. Bill passed by an education-minded Democratic Congress.
higher education
This text is about higher education.
Dem. Party Platforms
Sustain and upgrade veteran medical services arid expand medical training in VA hospitals;
This text is about health.
Dem. Party Platforms
Education is the chief instrument for making good the American promise. It is indispensable to every man's chance to achieve his full potential. We will seek to open education to all Americans. We will assure equal opportunity to education and equal access to high-quality education. Our aim is to maintain state-local control over the nation's educational system, with federal financial assistance and help in stimulating changes through demonstration and technical assistance.
This text is about education.
Dem. Party Platforms
Every citizen has a basic right to as much education and training as he desires and can masteríïfrom preschool through graduate studiesíïeven if his family cannot pay for this education.
This text is about education.
Dem. Party Platforms
We will marshal our national resources to help develop and finance new and effective methods of dealing with the educationally disadvantagedíïincluding expanded preschool programs to prepare all young children for full participation in formal education, improved teacher recruitment and training programs for inner city and rural schools, the Teacher Corps, assistance to community controlled schools to encourage pursuit of innovative practices, university participation in research and operation of school programs, a vocational education system that will provide imaginative new ties between school and the world of work, and improved and more widespread adult education programs. We will fully fund Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, which provides federal funds for improving education in schools serving large numbers of students from low income families.
underprivileged education
This text is about underprivileged education.
Dem. Party Platforms
The financial burden of education continues to grow as enrollments spiral and costs increase. The home owner's property tax burden must be eased by increased levels of financial aid by both the states and the Federal government.
This text is about education.
Dem. Party Platforms
Our rapidly expanding educational frontiers require a redoubling of efforts to insure the vitality of a diverse higher education systemíïpublic and private, large and small, community and junior colleges, vocational and technical schools, and great universities. We also pledge support for high quality graduate and medical education. We will enlarge the federal scholarship program to remove the remaining financial barriers to post-secondary education for low income youths, and increase assistance to students in the form of repayable loans out of future income.
higher education
This text is about higher education.
Dem. Party Platforms
Every young person should have an opportunity to contribute to the social health of his community or to humanitarian service abroad. The extraordinary experience of the Teacher Corps, VISTA, and the Peace Corps points the way for broadening the opportunities for such voluntary service. Hundreds of thousands of America's youth have sought to enlist in these programs, but only tens of thousands have been able to serve. We will expand these Opportunities.
volunteer associations
This text is about volunteer associations.
Dem. Party Platforms
To extend the national emission control program to all moving sources of air pollution;
air pollution
This text is about air pollution.
Dem. Party Platforms
To work for programs for the effective disposal of wastes of our modern industrial society;
waste disposal
This text is about waste disposal.
Dem. Party Platforms
To assist in planning energy production and transportation to fit into the landscape, to assure safety, and to avoid interference with more desirable uses of land for recreation and other public purposes;
public lands
This text is about public lands.
Dem. Party Platforms
To continue to work toward strong measures for the reclamation of mined and depleted lands and the conservation of soil. We pledge continued support of the Public Land Law Review Commission, which is reviewing public land laws and policies to assure maximum opportunity for all beneficial uses of the public lands, including lands under the sea, and to develop a comprehensive land use policy. We support sustained yield management of our forests, and expanded research for control of forest insects, disease, and fires. We plan to examine the productivity of the public lands in goods, services, and local community prosperity, with a view to increasing such productivity. We shall enforce existing federal statutes governing federal timber. We support the orderly use and development of mineral resources on federal lands.
public lands
This text is about public lands.
Dem. Party Platforms
We will continue the vigorous expansion of the public recreational domain to meet tomorrow's increasing needs, We will add national parks, recreation areas and seashores, and create national systems of scenic and wild rivers and of trails and scenic roads.
national parks
This text is about national parks.
Dem. Party Platforms
We will support a growing wilderness preservation system, preservation of our redwood forests, and conservation of marshland and estuarine areas.
public lands
This text is about public lands.
Dem. Party Platforms
In the coming four years, the Democratic President and Democratic Congress will give priority to simplifying and streamlining the processes of government, particularly in the management of the great innovative programs enacted in the 1960's. The Executive branch of the federal government is the largest and most complicated enterprise in the world, with programs distributed among 150 separate departments, agencies, bureaus, and boards. This massive operation contributes to and often results in duplication, administrative confusion, and delay. We will seek to streamline this machinery by improving coordination and management of federal programs. We realize that government must develop the capacity to anticipate problems. We support a thorough study of agency operations to determine priorities for governmental action and spending, for examination of the structure of these agencies, and for establishing more systematic means of attacking our nation's problems.
This text is about bureaucracy.
Dem. Party Platforms
We recognize that citizen participation in government is most meaningful at the levels of government closest to the people. For that reason, we recognize the necessity of developing a true partnership between state, local, and Federal governments, with each carrying its share of the financial and administrative load. We acknowledge the tremendous strides made by President Johnson in strengthening federal-state relations through open communication with the governors and local officials, and we pledge to continue and expand, on this significant effort. The complexities of federal-state local relationships must be simplified, so that states and local communities receiving federal aid will have maximum freedom to initiate and carry out programs suited to their own particular needs. To give states and communities greater flexibility in their programs, we will combine individual grant programs into broader categories. As the economy grows, it is the federal revenue system that responds most quickly, yet it may be the states and local governments whose responsibilities mount most rapidly. To help states and cities meet their fiscal challenges, we must seek new methods for states and local governments to share in federal revenues while retaining responsibility for establishing their own priorities and for operating their own programs. To this end, we will seek out new and innovative approaches to government to assure that our Federal system does, in fact, deliver to the people the services for which they are paying.
intergovernmental relations
This text is about intergovernmental relations.
Dem. Party Platforms
With the reorganization of the government of the District of Columbia, the nation's capital has for the first time in nearly a century the strong leadership provided by a mayor-council form of government. This, however, is no substitute for an independent and fiscally autonomous District government. We support a federally funded charter commissioníïcontrolled by District residentsíïto determine the most appropriate form of government for the District, and the prompt implementation of the Commission's recommendations. The Democratic Party supports full citizenship for residents of the District of Columbia and a Constitutional amendment to grant such citizenship through voting representation in Congress. Until this can be done, we propose non-voting representation.
capital city
This text is about capital city.
Dem. Party Platforms
In accordance with the democratic principle of self-determination the people of Puerto Rico have expressed their will to continue in permanent union with the United States through commonwealth status. We pledge our continued support to the growth of the commonwealth status which the people of Puerto Rico overwhelmingly approved last year. We favor an elected governor and a non-voting delegate in the House of Representatives for the Virgin Islands and Guam, and will consider methods by which American citizens residing in American territories can participate in presidential elections.
dependencies & territories
This text is about dependencies & territories.
Dem. Party Platforms
The duty of government at every level is the safety and security of its people. Yet the fact and fear of crime are uppermost in the minds of Americans today. The entire nation is united in its concern over crime, in all forms and wherever it occurs. America must move aggressively to reduce crime and its causes. Democratic Presidents, governors and local officials are dedicated to the principle that equal justice under law shall remain the American creed. Those who take the law into their own hands undermine that creed. Anyone who breaks the law must be held accountable.
law and crime
This text is about law and crime.
Dem. Party Platforms
As stated in the report of the National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders, the two fundamental questions confronting the American people are:"How can we as a people end the resort to violence while we build a better society?" "How can the nation realize the promise of a single societyíïone nation indivisibleíïwhich yet remains unfulfilled?" This platform commits the Democratic Party to seek resolution of these questions. We pledge a vigorous and sustained campaign against lawlessness in all its formsíïorganized crime, white collar crime, rioting, and other violations of the rights and liberties of others.
law and crime
This text is about law and crime.
Dem. Party Platforms
Under the recent enactments of a Democratic Congress we will continue and increase federal financial support and technical assistance to the states and their local governments to:Increase the numbers, raise the pay, and improve the training of local police officers;
law enforcement agencies
This text is about law enforcement agencies.
Dem. Party Platforms
Rehabilitate and supervise convicted offenders, to return offenders to useful, decent lives, and to protect the public against habitual criminals;
This text is about prisons.
Dem. Party Platforms
Encourage responsible and competent civic associations and business and labor groups to cooperate with the law enforcement agencies in new efforts to combat organized crime, build community support for police work, and assist in rehabilitating convicted offendersíïand for the attainment of these ends, encourage our police to cooperate with any such groups and to establish links of communication with every element of the public they serve, building confidence and respect;
law and crime
This text is about law and crime.
Dem. Party Platforms
Establish and maintain open and responsive channels of communication between the public and the police through creative police-community relations programs;
law enforcement agencies
This text is about law enforcement agencies.
Dem. Party Platforms
Promote the passage and enforcement of effective federal, state and local gun control legislation. In all these efforts, our aim is to strengthen state and local law enforcement agencies so that they can do their jobs. In addition, the federal government has a clear responsibility for national action.
law enforcement agencies
This text is about law enforcement agencies.
Dem. Party Platforms
Intensified enforcement, research, and education to protect the public from narcotics and other damaging drugs: by review of federal narcotics laws for loopholes and difficulties of enforcement; by increased surveillance of the entire drug traffic; through negotiations with those foreign nations which grow and manufacture the bulk of drug derivatives;
illegal drugs
This text is about illegal drugs.
Dem. Party Platforms
Vigorous federal leadership to assist and coordinate state and local enforcement efforts, and to ensure that all communities benefit from the resources and knowledge essential to the fight on crime;
law and crime
This text is about law and crime.
Dem. Party Platforms
Federal research and development to bring to the problems of law enforcement and the administration of justice the full potential of the scientific revolution.
law and crime
This text is about law and crime.
Dem. Party Platforms
Lawlessness cannot be ended by curtailing the hard-won liberties of all Americans. The right of privacy must be safeguarded.
the right to privacy
This text is about the right to privacy.
Dem. Party Platforms
A respect for civil peace requires also a proper respect for the legitimate means of expressing dissent. A democratic society welcomes criticism within the limits of the law.
freedom of speech
This text is about freedom of speech.
Dem. Party Platforms
And we are determined that government no longer tax the product of hard work more rigorously than it taxes inherited wealth, or money that is gained simply by having money in the first place.
the tax code
This text is about the tax code.
Dem. Party Platforms
We believe that the law must apply equally to all, and that it must be an instrument of justice. We are determined that the citizen must be protected in his home and on his streets. We are determined also that the ordinary citizen should not be imprisoned for a crime before we know whether he is guilty or not while those with the right friends and the right connections can break the law without ever facing the consequences of their actions.
law and crime
This text is about law and crime.
Dem. Party Platforms
We believe that war is a waste of human life. We are determined to end forthwith a war which has cost 50,000 American lives, $150 billion of our resources, that has divided us from each other, drained our national will and inflicted incalculable damage to countless people. We will end that war by a simple plan that need not be kept secret: The immediate total withdrawal of all Americans from Southeast Asia.
foreign defense operations
This text is about foreign defense operations.
Dem. Party Platforms
We believe in the right of an individual to speak, think, read, write, worship, and live free of official intrusion.
freedom of speech
This text is about freedom of speech.
Dem. Party Platforms
We are determined that our government must no longer tap the phones of law-abiding citizens nor spy on those who have broken no law.
the right to privacy
This text is about the right to privacy.
Dem. Party Platforms
We are determined that never again shall government seek to censor the newspapers and television.
freedom of speech
This text is about freedom of speech.
Dem. Party Platforms
We are determined that the government shall no longer mock the supreme law of the land, while it stands helpless in the face of crime which makes our neighborhoods and communities less and less safe.
law and crime
This text is about law and crime.
Dem. Party Platforms
Perhaps most fundamentally, we believe that government is the servant, not the master, of the people. We are determined that government should not mean a force so huge, so impersonal, that the complaint of an ordinary citizen goes unheard. That is not the kind of government America was created to build. Our ancestors did not fight a revolution and sacrifice their lives against tyrants from abroad to leave us a government that does not know how to listen to its own people.
government operations
This text is about government operations.
Dem. Party Platforms
"I went to school here and I had some training for truck driver school and I go to different places and put in applications for truck driving but they say, 'We can't hire you without the experience.' Now, I don't have the experience. I don't get the experience without the job first. I have four kids, you know, and I'm on unemployment. And when my unemployment runs out, I'll probably be on relief, like a lot of other people. But, being that I have so many kids, relief is just not going to be enough money. I'm looking for maybe the next year or two, if I don't get a job, they'll probably find me down at the county jail, because I have to do something."-Robert Coleman, Pittsburgh Hearing, June 2, 1972.
unemployment rate
This text is about unemployment rate.
Dem. Party Platforms
Ending the Nixon policy of creating unemployment is the first task of the Democratic Party. The Nixon "game plan" called for more unemployment. Tens of millions of families have suffered joblessness or work cutbacks in the last four years in the name of fighting inflation . . . and for nothing.
unemployment rate
This text is about unemployment rate.
Dem. Party Platforms
The nation will have suffered $175 billion in lost production during the Nixon Administration by election day.
This text is about macroeconomics.
Dem. Party Platforms
Twenty per cent of our people have suffered a period without a job each year in the last three.
unemployment rate
This text is about unemployment rate.
Dem. Party Platforms
In pockets of cities, up to 40 per cent of our young people are jobless.
unemployment rate
This text is about unemployment rate.
Dem. Party Platforms
Farmers have seen the lowest parity ratios since the Great Depression.
This text is about agriculture.
Dem. Party Platforms
For the first time in 30 years, there is substantial unemployment among aerospace technicians, teachers and other white-collar workers.
unemployment rate
This text is about unemployment rate.
Dem. Party Platforms
The economic projections have been manipulated for public relations purposes. The current Nixon game plan includes a control structure which keeps workers' wages down while executive salaries soar, discourages productivity and distributes income away from those who need it and has produced no significant dent in inflation, as prices for food, clothes, rent and basic necessities soar. These losses were unnecessary. They are the price of a Republican Administration which has no consistent economic philosophy, no adequate regard for the human costs of its economic decisions and no vision of what a full employment economy could mean for all Americans.
This text is about macroeconomics.
Dem. Party Platforms
Tax reform directed toward equitable distribution of income and wealth and fair sharing of the cost of government;
the tax code
This text is about the tax code.
Dem. Party Platforms
Vastly increased efforts to open education at all levels and in all fields to minorities, women and other under-represented groups;
This text is about education.
Dem. Party Platforms
Overhaul of current manpower programs to assure training-without sex, race or language discrimination for jobs that really exist with continuous skill improvement and the chance for advancement;
employment training
This text is about employment training.
Dem. Party Platforms
Use of federal depository funds to reward banks and other financial institutions which invest in socially productive endeavors;
This text is about banking.
Dem. Party Platforms
Closing tax loopholes that encourage the export of American jobs by American-controlled multi-national corporations;
the tax code
This text is about the tax code.
Dem. Party Platforms
Assurance that the needs of society are considered when a decision to close or move an industrial plant is to be made and that income loss to workers and revenue loss to communities does not occur when plants are closed;
industrial policy
This text is about industrial policy.
Dem. Party Platforms
Reform of social security and government employment security programs to remove all forms of discrimination by sex;
gender discrimination
This text is about gender discrimination.
Dem. Party Platforms
and adequate federal income assistance for those who do not benefit sufficiently from the above measures. The last is not least, but it is last for good reason. The present welfare system has failed because it has been required to make up for too many other failures. Millions of Americans are forced into public assistance because public policy too often creates no other choice.
low-income assistance
This text is about low-income assistance.
Dem. Party Platforms
Children in Appalachia cannot go to school when the dirt road is a sea of mud.
rural development
This text is about rural development.
Dem. Party Platforms
Homes, schools and clinics, roads and mass transit systems need to be built.
This text is about housing.
Dem. Party Platforms
It may cost more, at least initially, to create decent jobs than to perpetuate the hand-out system of present welfare. But the returníïin new public facilities and services, in the dignity of bringing a paycheck home and in the taxes that will come back iníïfar outweigh the cost of the investment. The next Democratic Administration must end the present welfare system and replace it with an income security program which places cash assistance in an appropriate context with all of the measures outlined above, adding up to an earned income approach to ensure each family an income substantially more than the poverty level ensuring standards of decency and health, as officially defined in the area. Federal income assistance will supplement the income of working poor people and assure an adequate income for those unable to work. With full employment and simpler, fair administration, total costs will go down, and with federal financing the burden on local and state budgets will be eased. The program will protect current benefit goals during the transitional period. The system of income protection which replaces welfare must he a part of the full employment policy which assures every American a job at a fair wage under conditions which make use of his ability and provide an opportunity for advancement. H.R. 1, and its various amendments, is not humane and does not meet the social and economic objectives that we believe in, and it should be defeated. It perpetuates the coercion of forced work requirements.
low-income assistance
This text is about low-income assistance.
Dem. Party Platforms
Through greater efficiency in the operation of the machinery of government, so badly plagued with duplication, overlapping and excesses in programs, we will ensure that bureaucracy will cease to exist solely for bureaucracy's own sake. The institutions and functions of government will be judged by their efficiency of operation and their contribution to the lives and welfare of our citizens.
This text is about bureaucracy.
Dem. Party Platforms
The Democratic Party deplores the increasing concentration of economic power in fewer and fewer hands. Five per cent of the American people control 90 per cent of our productive national wealth. Less than one per cent of all manufacturers have 88 per cent of the profits. Less than two per cent of the population now owns approximately 80 per cent of the nation's personally-held corporate stock, 90 per cent of the personally-held corporate bonds and nearly 100 per cent of the personally-held municipal bonds.
This text is about macroeconomics.
Dem. Party Platforms
Help make parts of the economy more efficient such as medical careíïwhere wasteful and inefficient practices now increase prices;
This text is about health.
Dem. Party Platforms
Assure the right of the citizen to recover costs and attorneys fees in all successful suits including class actions involving Constitutionally-guaranteed rights, or rights secured by federal statutes;
law and crime
This text is about law and crime.
Dem. Party Platforms
Remove artificial constraints in the job market by better job manpower training and strictly enforcing equal employment opportunity;
This text is about labor.
Dem. Party Platforms
Stiffen the civil and criminal statutes to make corporate officers responsible for their actions; and
white collar crime
This text is about white collar crime.
Dem. Party Platforms
The last ten years have seen a massive shift in the tax burden from the rich to the working people of America. This is due to cuts in federal income taxes simultaneous with big increases in taxes which bear heavily on lower incomesíïstate and local sales and property taxes and the payroll tax. The federal tax system is still grossly unfair and over-complicated. The wealthy and corporations get special tax favors; major reform of the nation's tax structure is required to achieve a more equitable distribution of income and to raise the funds needed by government. The American people neither should nor will accept anything less from the next Administration. The Nixon Administration, which fought serious reform in 1969, has no program, only promises, for tax reform. Its clumsy administrative favoring of the well-off has meant quick action on corporate tax giveaways like accelerated depreciation, while over-withholding from workers' paychecks goes on and on while the Administration tries to decide what to do. In recent years, the federal tax system has moved precipitously in the wrong direction. Corporate taxes have dropped from 30 per cent of federal revenues in 1954 to 16 per cent in 1973, but payroll taxes for Social Securityíïregressive because the burden falls more heavily on the worker than on the wealthyíïhave gone from ten per cent to 29 per cent over the same period. If legislation now pending in Congress passes, pay-roll taxes will have increased over 500 per cent between 1960 and 1970íïfrom $144 to $755íïfor the average wage earner. Most people earning under $10,000 now pay more in regressive payroll tax than in income tax. Now the Nixon Administrationíïwhich gave corporations the largest tax cut in American historyíïis considering a hidden national sales tax (Value Added Tax) which would further shift the burden to the average wage earner and raise prices of virtually everything ordinary people buy. It is cruel and unnecessary to pretend to relieve one bad tax, the property tax, by a new tax which is just as bad. We oppose this price-raising unfair tax in any form. Federal income tax. The Democratic Party believes that all unfair corporate and individual tax preferences should be removed. The tax law is clogged with complicated provisions and special interests, such as percentage oil depletion and other favors for the oil industry, special rates and rules for capital gains, fast depreciation unrelated to useful life, easy-to-abuse "expense-account" deductions and the ineffective minimum tax. These hidden expenditures in the federal budget are nothing more than billions of "tax welfare" aid for the wealthy, the privileged and the corporations. We, therefore, endorse as a minimum step the Mills-Mansfield Tax Policy Review Act of 1972, which would repeal virtually all tax preferences in the existing law over the period 1974-1976, as a means of compelling a systematic review of their value to the nation. We acknowledge that the original reasons for some of these tax preferences may remain valid, but believe that none should escape close scrutiny and full public exposure. The most unjustified of the tax loopholes should, however, be closed immediately, without waiting for a review of the whole system. After the implementation of the minimum provisions of the Mills-Mansfield Act, the Democratic Party, to combat the economically-depressing effect of a regressive income tax scheme, proposes further revision of the tax law to ensure economic equality of opportunity to ordinary Americans. We hold that the federal tax structure should reflect the following principles: The cost of government must be distributed more fairly among income classes. We reaffirm the long-established principle of progressive taxation íïallocating the burden according to ability to pay íïwhich is all but a dead letter in the present tax code. The cost of government must be distributed fairly among citizens in similar economic circumstances: Direct expenditures by the federal government which can be budgeted are better than tax preferences as the means for achieving public objectives. The lost income of those tax preferences which are deemed desirable should be stated in the annual budget. When relief for hardship is provided through federal tax policy, as for blindness, old age or poverty, benefits should be provided equally by credit rather than deductions which favor recipients with more income, with special provisions for those whose credits would exceed the tax they owe. Provisions which discriminate against working women and single people should be corrected in addition to greater fairness and efficiency, these principles would mean a major redistribution of personal tax burdens and permit considerable simplification of the tax code and tax forms. Social security tax. The Democratic Party commits itself to make the Social Security tax progressive by raising substantially the ceiling on earned income. To permit needed increases in Social Security benefits, we will use general revenues as necessary to supplement payroll tax receipts. In this way, we will support continued movement toward general revenue financing for social security. Property tax. Greater fairness in taxation at the federal level will have little meaning for the vast majority of American households if the burden of inequitable local taxation is not reduced. To reduce the local property tax for all American families, we support equalization of school spending and substantial increases in the federal share of education costs and general revenue sharing. New forms of federal financial assistance to states and localities should be made contingent upon property tax reforms, including equal treatment and full publication of assessment ratios. Tax policy should not provide incentives that encourage overinvestment in developed countries by American business, and mechanisms should be instituted to limit undesirable capital exports that exploit labor abroad and damage the American worker at home.
the tax code
This text is about the tax code.
Dem. Party Platforms
Free private collective bargaining between management and independent labor unions has been, and must remain, the cornerstone of our free enterprise system. America achieved its greatness through the combined energy and efforts of the working men and women of this country. Retention of its greatness rests in their hands. Through their great trade union organizations, these men and women, have exerted tremendous influence on the economic and social life of the nation and have attained a standard of living known to no other nation. The concern of the Party is that the gains which labor struggled so long to obtain not be lost to them, whether through inaction or subservience to illogical Republican domestic policies. We pledge continued support for our system of free collective bargaining and denounce any attempt to substitute compulsory arbitration for it. We, therefore, oppose the Nixon Administration's effort to impose arbitration in transportation disputes through its last-offer-selection bill. The National Labor Relations Act should be updated to ensure:Extension of protection to employees of non-profit institutions; Remedies which adequately reflect the losses caused by violations of the Act; Repeal of section 14(b), which allows states to legislate the open shop and remove the ban on common-sites picketing; and Effective opportunities for unions, as well as employers, to communicate with employees, without coercion by either side or by anyone acting on their behalf. The Railway Labor Act should be updated to ensure:That strikes on a single carrier or group of carriers cannot be transformed into nation-wide strikes or lockouts; Incentives for bargaining which would enable both management and labor to resolve their differences without referring to government intervention; and Partial operation of struck railroads to ensure continued movement of essential commodities. New legislation is needed to ensure:Collective bargaining rights for government employees;
labor unions
This text is about labor unions.
Dem. Party Platforms
The Longshoremen and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act should be updated to provide adequate protection for injured workers and federal standards for workmen's compensation should be set by Congress.
worker safety
This text is about worker safety.
Dem. Party Platforms
Each year over 14,000 American workers are killed on their jobs, and nine million injured. Unknown millions more are exposed to long-term danger and disease from exposure to dangerous substances. Federal and state laws are supposed to protect workers; but these laws are not being enforced. This Administration has hired only a handful of inspectors and proposes to turn enforcement over to the same state bureaucracies that have proven inadequate in the past. Where violations are detected, only token penalties have been assessed. We pledge to fully and rigorously enforce the laws which protect the safely and health of workers on their jobs and to extend those laws to all jobs, regardless of number of employees. This must include standards that truly protect against all health hazards, adequate federal enforcement machinery backed up by rigorous penalties and an opportunity for workers themselves to participate in the laws' enforcement by sharing responsibility for plant inspection. We endorse federal research and development of effective approaches to combat the dehumanizing debilitating effects of monotonous work.
worker safety
This text is about worker safety.
Dem. Party Platforms
"We therefore urge the Democratic Party to adopt the principle that America has a responsibility to offer every American family the best in health care, whenever they need it, regardless of income or any other factor. We must devise a system which will assure that . . . every American receives comprehensive health services from the day he is born to the day he dies, with an emphasis on preventive care to keep him healthy."-Joint Statement of Senator Edward M. Kennedy and Representative Wilbur Mills, St. Louis Hearing, June 17, 1972.
health care reform
This text is about health care reform.
Dem. Party Platforms
The rights of free speech and free political expression, of freedom from official intimidation, harassment and invasion of privacy, as guaranteed by the letter and the spirit of the Constitution;
freedom of speech
This text is about freedom of speech.
Dem. Party Platforms
The right to a decent job and an adequate income, with dignity;
This text is about labor.
Dem. Party Platforms
The right to quality, accessibility and sufficient quantity in tax-supported services and amenities íïincluding educational opportunity, health care, housing and transportation;
This text is about education.
Dem. Party Platforms
The right to quality, safety and the lowest possible cost on goods and services purchased in the market place;
consumer safety
This text is about consumer safety.
Dem. Party Platforms
The new Democratic Administration should bring an end to the pattern of political persecution and investigation, the use of high office as a pulpit for unfair attack and intimidation and the blatant efforts to control the poor and to keep them from acquiring additional economic security or political power. The epidemic of wiretapping and electronic surveillance engaged in by the Nixon Administration and the use of grand juries for purposes of political intimidation must be ended. The rule of law and the supremacy of the Constitution, as these concepts have traditionally been understood, must be restored. We strongly object to secret computer data banks on individuals. Citizens should have access to their own files that are maintained by private commercial firms and the right to insert corrective material.
This text is about anti-government.
Dem. Party Platforms
Collection and maintenance by federal agencies of dossiers on law-abiding citizens, because of their political views and statements, must be stopped, and files which never should have been opened should be destroyed. We firmly reject the idea of a National Computer Data Bank. The Nixon policy of intimidation of the media and Administration efforts to use government power to block access to media by dissenters must end, if free speech is to he preserved.
This text is about anti-government.
Dem. Party Platforms
Recognition and support of the cultural identity and pride of black people are generations overdue. The American Indians, the Spanish-speaking, the Asian Americansíïthe cultural and linguistic heritage of these groups is too often ignored in schools and communities.
minority discrimination
This text is about minority discrimination.
Dem. Party Platforms
One measure of a nation's greatness is the care it manifests for all of its children. The Nixon Administration has demonstrated a callous attitude toward children repeatedly through veto and administrative decisions. We, therefore, call for a reordering of priorities at all levels of American society so that children, our most precious resource, and families come first.
family issues
This text is about family issues.
Dem. Party Platforms
To that end, we call for:The federal government to fund comprehensive development child care programs that will be family centered, locally controlled and universally available. These programs should provide for active participation of all family members in the development and implementation of the program. Health, social service and early childhood education should be part of these programs, as well as a variety of options most appropriate to their needs. Child care is a supplement, not a substitute, for the family;
child care
This text is about child care.
Dem. Party Platforms
The establishment of a strong child advocacy program, financed by the federal government and other sources, with full ethnic, cultural, racial and sexual representation;
family issues
This text is about family issues.
Dem. Party Platforms
First priority for the needs of children, as we move toward a National Health Insurance Program; The first step should be immediate implementation of the federal law passed in the 1967 Social Security Amendments providing for "early and periodic screening, diagnosis and treatment" of children's health problems; Legislation and administrative decisions to drastically reduce childhood injuriesíïprenatal, traffic, poisoning, burns, malnutrition, rat bites and to provide health and safety education. Full funding of legislation designed to meet the needs of children with special needs: The retarded, the physically and mentally handicapped, and those whose environment produces abuse and neglect and directs the child to anti-social conduct;
infants and children health care
This text is about infants and children health care.
Dem. Party Platforms
Reaffirmation of the rights of bilingual, handicapped or slow-learning children to education in the public schools, instead of being wrongly classified as retarded or uneducable and dismissed;
special education
This text is about special education.
Dem. Party Platforms
dependency and neglect cases must be removed from the corrections system, and clear distinctions must be drawn between petty childhood offenses and the more serious crimes;
law and crime
This text is about law and crime.
Dem. Party Platforms
Women historically have been denied a full voice in the evolution of the political and social institutions of this country and are therefore allied with all under-represented groups in a common desire to form a more humane and compassionate society. The Democratic Party pledges the following:A priority effort to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment; Elimination of discrimination against women in public accommodations and public facilities, public education and in all federally-assisted programs and federally-contracted employment: Extension of the jurisdiction of the Civil Rights Commission to include denial of civil rights on the basis of sex; Full enforcement of all federal statutes and executive laws barring job discrimination on the basis of sex, giving the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission adequate staff and resources and power to issue cease-and-desist orders promptly; Elimination of discriminatory features of criminal laws and administration; Increased efforts to open educational opportunities at all levels, eliminating discrimination against women in access to education, tenure, promotion and salary; Guarantee that all training programs are made more equitable, both in terms of the numbers of women involved and the job opportunities provided; jobs must be available on the basis of skill, not sex; Availability of maternity benefits to all working women; temporary disability benefits should cover pregnancy, childbirth, miscarriage and recovery; Elimination of all tax inequities that affect women and children, such as higher taxes for single women; Amendment of the Social Security Act to provide equitable retirement benefits for families with working wives, widows, women heads of households and their children; Amendment of the Internal Revenue Code to permit working families to deduct from gross income as a business expense, housekeeping and child care costs; Equality for women on credit, mortgage, insurance, property, rental and financial contracts; Extension of the Equal Pay Act to all workers, with amendment to read "equal pay for comparable work;" Appointment of women to positions of top responsibility in all branches of the federal government to achieve all equitable ratio of women and men. Such positions include Cabinet members, agency and division heads and Supreme Court Justices; and inclusion of women advisors in equitable ratios on all government studies, commissions and hearings; Laws authorizing federal grants on a matching basis for financing State Commissions of the Status of Women.
gender discrimination
This text is about gender discrimination.
Dem. Party Platforms
Actively encourage and assist in the election of youth to federal, state and local offices;
government operations
This text is about government operations.
Dem. Party Platforms
Develop special programs for employment of youth, utilizing governmental resources to guarantee development, training and job placement; and
youth employment
This text is about youth employment.
Dem. Party Platforms