142 values
142 values
2 values
1 value
Justice is not merely effective law enforcement íïthough that is an essential part of it. Justice, rather, expresses the moral character of a nation and its commitment to the rule of law, to equality of all people before the law. The Democratic Party believes that nothing must abridge the faith of the American citizens in their system of law and justice.
law and crime
This text is about law and crime.
Dem. Party Platforms
"A blight hangs over the land caused by misguided farm policies."íïTony Dechant, Sioux City hearing, June 16, 1972. For many decades, American agriculture has been the envy of the world; and American farmers and American ranchers have made possible a level of nutrition and abundance for our people that is unrivaled in history, while feeding millions of people abroad. The basis for this successíïand its promise for the futureíïlies with the family-type farm. It can and must be preserved, in the best interests of all Americans and the nation's welfare. Today, as dwindling income forces thousands of family farmers into bankruptcy each year, the family-type farm is threatened with extinction. American farming is passing to corporate control. These trends will benefit few of our people, while hurting many. The dominance of American food production by the large corporation would destroy individual enterprise and links that millions of our people have with the land; and it would lead to higher prices and higher food costs for everyone.
This text is about agriculture.
Dem. Party Platforms
We must recognize and fulfill the social contract that exists between the family-farm producers of food and the non-farm consumer. The Democratic Party understands these urgent needs; the Nixon Administration does not and has failed the American farmer. Its record today is consistent with the Republican record of the past: Low prices, farm surpluses that depress the market and callous disregard for the people in rural America. This Administration has sold out agriculture to interests bent on eliminating family-type farmers and bent on delivering agriculture to conglomerates, agribusiness giants and rich investors seeking to avoid taxes. Its policies have driven farm income as low as 67 per cent of parity, unequalled since the Depression. Between 50,000 and 75,000 farm families are driven off the land each year. Hundreds of thousands of demoralized people are being forced into overcrowded cities, emptying the countryside and bankrupting small business in rural towns and cities. The Nixon Administration tries to hide its failures by misleading the people, juggling the parity formula to make prices look higher, distorting reports to make corporate farming look insignificant and trying to break up the U.S. Department of Agriculture and still the farmer's voice. The Democratic Party will reverse these disastrous policies, and begin to recreate a rural society of widespread family farming, individual opportunity and private and cooperative enterprises, where honest work will bring a decent income.
This text is about agriculture.
Dem. Party Platforms
We repudiate the Administration's set aside program, which pushes up the cost of farm programs while building huge surpluses that depress prices. We repudiate the Report of the USDA Young Executives Committee which would eliminate the family-type farm by ending price support, loan and purchasing programs on all farm commodities and which would put farm people on the welfare rolls.
subsidies to farmers
This text is about subsidies to farmers.
Dem. Party Platforms
We will replace the 1970 Farm Act, when it expires next year, with a permanent law to provide fair prices to family type farm and ranch operators. This law will include loans and payments to farmers and effective supply management to raise family farm income to 100 percent of parity, based on the 1910-14 ratios: We will resist a price ceiling on agriculture products until farm prices reach 110 per cent of parity, based on the 1910-14 ratios, and we will conduct a consumer education program to inform all Americans of the relationship between the prices of raw commodities and retail prices; We will end farm program benefits to farm units larger than family-size; and
subsidies to farmers
This text is about subsidies to farmers.
Dem. Party Platforms
We will work for production adjustment that will assure adequate food and fiber for all our people, including low-income families and individuals whose purchasing power is supplemented with food stamps and that can provide enough commodities for export and for the Food for Peace Program.
This text is about agriculture.
Dem. Party Platforms
We will create a strategic reserve of storable commodities, insulated from the market, rotated regularly to maintain quality and stored to the extent possible on farms. These policies and actions will not be enough on their own to strengthen the family farm. The Democratic Party also recognizes that farmers and ranchers must be able to gain economic strength in the marketplace by organizing and bargaining collectively for the sale of their products. And they need to be free of unfair competition from monopoly and other restrictive corporate practices. We therefore pledge:To remove all obstacles to farm bargaining for the sale of products; To extend authority for marketing orders to all farm commodities including those used for processing; To prohibit farming, or the gaining of monopolistic control of production, on the part of corporations whose resources and income derive primarily from non-farm sources; To investigate violations and enforce anti-trust laws in corporation-agriculture-agribusiness interlocks; To prohibit corporations and individuals from setting up tax shelters or otherwise engaging in agriculture primarily for the purpose of tax avoidance or tax loss; To encourage and support the use of cooperatives and membership associations in all areas of the country, which we pledge to protect from interference, punitive taxation or other hindrances; and To assist small rural cooperatives to promote projects in housing, health, social services, marketing, farming, employment and transportation for rural areas with such things as technical assistance and credit. None of these policies can begin to work unless farmers, ranchers, farm workers and other rural people have full rights of participation in our democratic institutions of government. The Democratic Party is committed to seeing that family-type farmers and ranchers will be heard and that they will have ample opportunity to help shape policies affecting agriculture and rural America. To this end:We support the appointment of a farmer or rancher as Secretary of Agriculture; We oppose all efforts to abolish or dismantle the U.S. Department of Agriculture;
This text is about agriculture.
Dem. Party Platforms
Sound rural development must start with improved farm income, which also promotes the prosperity of the small businesses that serve all rural people.
This text is about agriculture.
Dem. Party Platforms
But there must be other efforts, as well, to ensure equity for farm and rural people in the American economy. The Democratic Party pledges: To support the rural cooperative electrification and telephone programs and to implement rural transportation programs as explained in the section Cities, Communities, Counties and the Environment of this Platform. We will extend the agricultural exemption in the Motor Carriers Act to products and supplies and ensure rural areas an equitable share of Highway Trust Funds;
rural development
This text is about rural development.
Dem. Party Platforms
To apply general revenue sharing in ways that will permit state and local taxation of family farm lands on the basis of value for farm use rather than value for land speculation;
This text is about agriculture.
Dem. Party Platforms
To guarantee equal treatment of rural and urban areas in the provision of federal funds for schools, poverty programs, health facilities, housing, highways, air services, pollution control, senior citizen programs and employment opportunities and manpower and training programs; To provide loans to aid young farm families and small businesses to get established in rural areas; and
rural development
This text is about rural development.
Dem. Party Platforms
To ensure agricultural research toward an examination of the social and economic consequences of technology. The prime goal of land grant colleges and research should be to help family farms and rural people.
agriculture r&d
This text is about agriculture r&d.
Dem. Party Platforms
"The Administration is continuing a waríïcontinuing the killing of Americans and Vietnamese íïwhen our national security is not at stake. "It is our duty as the opposition party to point out the Administration's errors and to offer a responsible alternative."íïW. Averell Harriman, New York Hearing, June 22, 1972.
foreign defense operations
This text is about foreign defense operations.
Dem. Party Platforms
Strength in defense and wisdom in foreign affairs are essential to prosperity and tranquility. In the modern world, there can be no isolationism in reality or policy. But the measure of our nation's rank in the world must be our success in achieving a just and peaceful society at home. For the Nixon Administration, foreign policy results have fallen short of the attention and the slogans:
international affairs
This text is about international affairs.
Dem. Party Platforms
After four years of "Vietnamization," the war in Southeast Asia continues and Nixon's plan is still a secret;
foreign defense operations
This text is about foreign defense operations.
Dem. Party Platforms
Vital foreign policy decisions are made without consultation with Congress or our allies; and
international affairs
This text is about international affairs.
Dem. Party Platforms
The next Democratic Administration should:End American participation in the war in Southeast Asia;
foreign defense operations
This text is about foreign defense operations.
Dem. Party Platforms
Re-establish control over military activities and reduce military spending, where consistent with national security;
This text is about defense.
Dem. Party Platforms
Defend America's real interests and maintain our alliances, neither playing world policeman nor abandoning old and good friends;
international affairs
This text is about international affairs.
Dem. Party Platforms
Not neglect America's relations with small third-world nations in placing reliance to great power relationships;
developing countries
This text is about developing countries.
Dem. Party Platforms
Make information public, except where real national defense interests are involved.
defense intelligence
This text is about defense intelligence.
Dem. Party Platforms
Nothing better describes the need for a new American foreign policy than the fact that now, as for the past seven years, it begins with the war in Vietnam. The task now is still to end the war, not to decide who is to blame for it. The Democratic Party must share the responsibility for this tragic war. But, elected with a secret plan to end this war, Nixon's plan is still secret, and weíïand the Vietnameseíïhave had four more years of fighting and death. It is true that our involvement on the ground has been reduced. Troops are coming home. But the war has been extended in Laos and Cambodia; the bombing of North Vietnam has been expanded to levels of destruction undreamed of four years ago; North Vietnam has been blockaded; the number of refugees increases each day, and the Secretary of Defense warns us of still further escalation. All this has accomplished nothing except to prolong the war. The hollowness of "Vietnamization"íïa delusive slogan seeming to offer cheap victoryíïhas been exposed by the recent offensive. The Saigon Government, despite massive U.S. support, is still not viable. It is militarily ineffective, politically corrupt and economically near collapse. Yet it is for this regime that Americans still die, and American prisoners still rot in Indo-China camps. The plight of these American prisoners justly arouses the concern of all Americans. We must insist that any resolution of the war include the return of all prisoners held by North Vietnam and other adversary forces and the fullest possible accounting for the missing. With increasing lack of credibility, the Nixon Administration has sought to use the prisoners of war as an excuse for its policies. It has refused to make the simple offer of a definite and final end to U.S. participation in the war, in conjunction with return of all U.S. prisoners. The majority of the Democratic Senators have called for full U.S. withdrawal by October 1, 1972. We support that position. If the war is not ended before the next Democratic Administration takes office, we pledge, as the first order of business, an immediate and complete withdrawal of all U.S. forces in Indo-China. All U.S. military action in Southeast Asia will cease. After the end of U.S. direct combat participation, military aid to the Saigon Government, and elsewhere in Indo-China, will be terminated. The U.S. will no longer seek to determine the political future of the nations of Indo-China. The issue is not whether we will depose the present South Vietnamese Government, rather when we will cease insisting that it must be the core of any political settlement. We will do what we can to foster an agreement on an acceptable political solution but we recognize that there are sharp limits to our ability to influence this process, and to the importance of the outcome to our interest. Disengagement from this terrible war will not be a "defeat" for America. It will not imply any weakness in America's will or ability to protect its vital interests from attack. On the contrary, disengagement will enable us to heal domestic diversions and to end the distortion of our international priorities which the war has caused. A Democratic Administration will act to ease the hard transitions which will come with the end of this war. We pledge to offer to the people of Vietnam humanitarian assistance to help them repair the ravages of 30 years of war to the economy and to the people of that devastated land. To our own people, we pledge a true effort to extend the hand of reconciliation and assistance to those most affected by the war.
foreign defense operations
This text is about foreign defense operations.
Dem. Party Platforms
To those who for reasons of conscience refused to serve in this war and were prosecuted or sought refuge abroad, we state our firm intention to declare an amnesty, on an appropriate basis, when the fighting has ceased and our troops and prisoners of war have returned.
foreign defense operations
This text is about foreign defense operations.
Dem. Party Platforms
We propose a program of national defense which is both prudent and responsible, which will retain the confidence of our allies and which will be a deterrent to potential aggressors.
This text is about defense.
Dem. Party Platforms
But military defense cannot be treated in isolation from other vital national concerns. Spending for military purposes is greater by far than federal spending for education, housing, environmental protection, unemployment insurance or welfare. Unneeded dollars for the military at once add to the tax burden and pre-empt funds from programs of direct and immediate benefit to our people. Moreover, too much that is now spent on defense not only adds nothing to our strength but makes us less secure by stimulating other countries to respond. Under the Nixon stewardship of our defense policy, lack of sound management controls over defense projects threatens to price us out of an adequate defense. The reaction of the Defense Department to exposure of cost overruns has been to strike back at the critics instead of acting to stop the waste. Needless projects continue and grow, despite evidence of waste, military ineffectiveness and even affirmative danger to real security. The "development" budget starts pressures for larger procurement budgets in a few years.
This text is about defense.
Dem. Party Platforms
The Democratic Party pledges itself to maintain adequate military forces for deterrence and effective support of our international position.
defense readiness
This text is about defense readiness.
Dem. Party Platforms
But we will also insist on the firm control of specific costs and projects that are essential to ensure that each defense dollar makes a real contribution to national security. Specifically, a Democratic Administration should:Plan military budgets on the basis of our present needs and commitments, not past practices or force levels;
This text is about defense.
Dem. Party Platforms
Stress simplicity and effectiveness in new weapons and stop goldplating and duplication which threatens to spawn a new succession of costly military white elephants; avoid commitment to new weapons unless and until it becomes clear that they are needed;
defense procurement
This text is about defense procurement.
Dem. Party Platforms
Reject calls to use the SALT agreement as an excuse for wasteful and dangerous acceleration of our military spending;
nuclear arms
This text is about nuclear arms.
Dem. Party Platforms
By these reforms and this new approach to budgeting, coupled with a prompt end to U.S. involvement in the war in Indo-China, the military budget can be reduced substantially with no weakening of our national security. Indeed a leaner, better-run system will mean added strength, efficiency and morale for our military forces.
This text is about defense.
Dem. Party Platforms
Workers and industries now dependent on defense spending should not be made to pay the price of altering our priorities. Therefore, we pledge reconversion policies and government resources to assure jobs and new industrial opportunities for all those adversely affected by curtailed defense spending.
defense contractors
This text is about defense contractors.
Dem. Party Platforms
The Democratic Party stands for keeping America strong; we reject the concept of unilateral reductions below levels needed for adequate military defense.
defense readiness
This text is about defense readiness.
Dem. Party Platforms
But effective international arms control and disarmament do not threaten American security; they enhance it. The last Democratic Administration took the lead in pressing for U.S.-Soviet agreement on strategic arms limitation. The recent SALT agreement is an important and useful first step. The SALT agreement should be quickly ratified and taken as a starting point for new agreements. It must not be used as an excuse for new "bargaining chip" military programs or the new round of the arms race. The next Democratic Administration should: Carry on negotiations to expand the initial SALT agreement to other areas, especially to seek limits to the qualitative arms race and to begin reducing force levels on each side; Seek a comprehensive ban on all nuclear testing, verified, as SALT will be, by national means; Press for wide adherence to the Non-Proliferation Treaty, signed in 1968, and for extension of the concept of nuclear free regions; Seek ratification of the Protocol on Chemical Warfare without reservations; In concert with our allies, pursue with the U.S.S.R. mutual force reductions in Europe; and Widen the range of arms control discussions to include new subjects, such as mutual budget cuts, control of arms transfer to developing countries, restrictions on naval force deployments and other measures to limit conventional forces.
nuclear arms
This text is about nuclear arms.
Dem. Party Platforms
A new foreign policy must be adequate for a rapidly changing world. We welcome the opportunity this brings for improved relations with the U.S.S.R. and China. But we value even more America's relations with our friends and allies in the Hemisphere, in Western Europe, Japan and other industrialized countries, Israel and the Middle East, and in the developing nations of Asia and Africa. With them, our relations must be conducted on a basis of mutual trust and consultation, seeking to strengthen our ties and to resolve differences on a basis of mutual advantage. Throughout the world, the focus of our policy should be a commitment to peace, self-determination, development, liberty and international cooperation, without distortion in favor of military points of view.
international affairs
This text is about international affairs.
Dem. Party Platforms
Europe.íïEurope's increasing economic and political strength and the growing cooperation and self-confidence of its people have made the Atlantic Alliance a partnership of equals. If we face the challenge of this new relationship, our historic partnership can endure.
western europe
This text is about western europe.
Dem. Party Platforms
The next Democratic Administration should: Reduce U.S. troop levels in Europe in close consultation with our allies, as part of a program to adjust NATO to changed conditions. What is essential in our relations with the other NATO nations is not a particular troop level, but our continued commitment to collective defense;
defense alliances
This text is about defense alliances.
Dem. Party Platforms
Pledge to work in greater cooperation with the European economic communities to ensure that integration in Europe does not serve as a formula for discrimination against American goods and enterprises; Cease American support for the repressive Greek military government; and Make the voice of the United States heard in Northern Ireland against violence and terror and against the discrimination, repression and deprivation which brought about that awful civil strife.
western europe
This text is about western europe.
Dem. Party Platforms
In particular, the United States should, by diplomatic contacts, seek to mobilize world opinion to express concern at the denial to the oppressed peoples of Eastern Europe and the minorities of the Soviet Union, including the Soviet Jews, of the right to practice their religion and culture and to leave their respective countries.
human rights
This text is about human rights.
Dem. Party Platforms
All military aid to Portugal should be stopped and the Nixon $435 million deal for unneeded Azores bases should be canceled.
international affairs
This text is about international affairs.
Dem. Party Platforms
Canada.íïA Democratic Administration should restore close U.S.-Canadian cooperation and communication, respecting Canada's nationhood and pride. In settling economic issues, we should not compromise our interests; but seek mutually advantageous and equitable solutions. In areas such as environmental protection and social policies, the Americans and Canadians share common problems and we must act together.
international affairs
This text is about international affairs.
Dem. Party Platforms
In a prosperous economy, foreign trade has benefits for virtually everyone. For the consumer, it means lower prices and a wider choice of goods. For the worker and the businessman, it means new jobs and new markets. For nations, it means greater efficiency and growth.
foreign trade
This text is about foreign trade.
Dem. Party Platforms
But in a weak economyíïwith over five million men and women out of workíïforeign imports bring hardships to many Americans. The automobile or electrical worker, the electronics technician, the small businessmaníïfor them, and millions of others, foreign competition coinciding with a slack economy has spelled financial distress.
trade competitiveness
This text is about trade competitiveness.
Dem. Party Platforms
Our national commitment to liberal trade policies takes its toll when times are bad, but yields its benefits when the economy is fully employed. The Democratic Party proposes no retreat from this commitment. Our international economic policy should have these goals: To expand jobs and business opportunities in this country and to establish two-way trade relations with other nations. To do this, we support the following policies:
foreign trade
This text is about foreign trade.
Dem. Party Platforms
When a job is available for everyone who wants to work, imports will no longer be a threat.
This text is about macroeconomics.
Dem. Party Platforms
Adopt broad programs to ease dislocations and relieve the hardship of workers injured by foreign competition; Seek higher labor standards in the advanced nations where productivity far outstrips wage rates, thus providing unfair competition to American workers and seek to limit harmful flows of American capital which exploit both foreign and American workers; Adhere to liberal trade policies, but we should oppose actions and policies which harm American workers through unfair exploitation of labor abroad and the encouragement of American capital to run after very low wage opportunities for quick profits that will damage the economy of the United States and further weaken the dollar;
trade competitiveness
This text is about trade competitiveness.
Dem. Party Platforms
Negotiate orderly and reciprocal reductions of trade barriers to American products. Foreign nations with access to our markets should no longer be permitted to fence us out of theirs;
trade agreements
This text is about trade agreements.
Dem. Party Platforms
We should remain committed to U.S. support for economic and social development of countries in need. Old ways of providing aid must be revisedíïto reduce U.S. involvement in administration; to encourage other nations to contribute jointly with us. But funding must be adequate to help poor countries achieve accelerated rates of growth.
foreign aid
This text is about foreign aid.
Dem. Party Platforms
A fair share for poor countries in the resources of the seabeds.
resources exploitation
This text is about resources exploitation.
Dem. Party Platforms
The needed fundamental reordering of U.S. foreign and military policy calls for changes in the structure of decision-making, as well as in particular policies. This means:Greater sharing with Congress of real decisions on issues of war and peace, and providing Congress with the information and resources needed for a more responsible role;
This text is about defense.
Dem. Party Platforms
Ending the present drastic overbalance in favor of military opinion by redefining the range of agencies and points of view with a proper claim to be heard on foreign and military policies; Subjecting the military budget to effective civilian control and supervision;
This text is about defense.
Dem. Party Platforms
Representative democracy fails when citizens cannot know:When public officials ignore or work against the principles of due process; How their public officials conduct the public's business;
government operations
This text is about government operations.
Dem. Party Platforms
Public business should be transacted publicly, except when national security might be jeopardized. To combat secrecy in government, we call on the Democratic Members of Congress and state legislatures to:Enact "open meetings" legislation, barring the practice of conducting the public business behind closed doors. This should include so-called mark-up sessions by legislative committees, but should allow for exceptions involving national security and invasions of privacy. To the extent possible, the same principle should apply to the Executive Branch; Assure that all committee and floor votes are taken in open session, recorded individually for each legislator; record caucus votes, and make all of these available to the public; Urge reservation of executive privilege for the President alone; Urge that the judgment in the U.S. Senate in a contested election case be rendered in open Senate session; Immediately strengthen the Federal Freedom of Information Act. Congress should improve its oversight of Executive secrecy by requiring federal agencies to report annually on every refusal to grant information requested under the Act. Citizens should have full recourse to the courts to deal with violation or circumvention of the Act. It should be amended to allow courts to review the reasonableness of a claim of executive privilege; and Administer the security system so as to limit the number of officials who can make a document secret, and provide for frequent declassification of documents. Congress should be given the means to obtain documents necessary to fulfill its responsibilities.
the right to privacy
This text is about the right to privacy.
Dem. Party Platforms
There is, among more and more citizens, a growing revolt against large, remote and impersonal government agencies that are not responsive to human needs. We pledge to build a representative process into the Executive Branch, so that individuals affected by agency programs can be involved in formulating, implementing and revising them. This requires a basic restructuring of proceduresíïpublic hearings before guidelines and regulations are handed down, the processing of citizen complaints, the granting of citizen standing and the recovery of litigation fees for those who win suits against the government. We recommend these specific changes in the rule making and adjudication process of the federal government: There should be no non-written communication between an agency and outside parties about pending decisions. All written communications should promptly be made a part of the public record; All communications between government employees and outside parties about possible future action should be made a part of the public record; All government employees involved in rule-making and adjudication should be subject to conflict of interest laws; The Justice Department should make available to the public any consent decree 90 days prior to its submission to court, to allow any interested party to comment on it to the Court; and The Justice Department should report to Congress each year, to explain its action on major suits.
This text is about bureaucracy.
Dem. Party Platforms
In addition, we must more effectively protect consumer rights before the government. The consumer must be made an integral part of any relationship between government and institutions (public or private) at every level of proceedings whether formal or informal
consumer safety
This text is about consumer safety.
Dem. Party Platforms
A Democratic Administration would instruct all federal agencies to identify American Indians, Asian Americans and Spanish-speaking Americans in separate categories in all statistical data that note racial or ethnic heritage. Only in this way can these Americans be assured their rights under federal programs. Finally, in appropriate geographical areas, agencies of the federal government should be equipped to conduct business in such a fashion that Spanish-speaking citizens should not be hampered by language difficulties.
minority discrimination
This text is about minority discrimination.
Dem. Party Platforms
Early ratification of the equal rights amendment to the Constitution; Appointment of women to positions of top responsibilities in all branches of the federal government, to achieve an equitable ratio of women and men; Inclusion of women advisors in equitable ratios on all government studies, commissions and hearings; and Laws authorizing federal grants on a matching basis for financing state commissions of the status of women.
gender discrimination
This text is about gender discrimination.
Dem. Party Platforms
Two Republican Administrations have betrayed the people's trust and have created suspicion and distrust of government through illegal and unconstitutional actions.
political scandals
This text is about political scandals.
Dem. Party Platforms
In this platform of the Democratic Party, we present a clear alternative to the failures of preceding administrations and a projection of the common future to which we aspire: a world at peace;
international affairs
This text is about international affairs.
Dem. Party Platforms
Today, millions of people are unemployed. Unemployment represents mental anxiety, fear of harassment over unpaid bills, idle hours, loss of self-esteem, strained family relationships, deprivation of children and youth, alcoholism, drug abuse and crime. A job is a key measure of a person's place in societyíïwhether as a full-fledged participant or on the outside. Jobs are the solution to poverty, hunger and other basic needs of workers and their families. Jobs enable a person to translate legal rights of equality into reality.
unemployment rate
This text is about unemployment rate.
Dem. Party Platforms
There are houses to build, urban centers to rebuild, roads and railroads to construct and repair, rivers to clean, and new sources of energy to develop.
This text is about housing.
Dem. Party Platforms
Something is wrong when there is work to be done, and the people who are willing to do it are without jobs.
unemployment rate
This text is about unemployment rate.
Dem. Party Platforms
During the past 25 years, the American economy has suffered five major recessions, all under Republican administrations. During the past eight years, we have had two costly recessions with continuing unprecedented peacetime inflation.
This text is about macroeconomics.
Dem. Party Platforms
During the past five years, U.S. economic growth has averaged only 1-1/2 per cent per year compared with an historical average of about 4 per cent. Because of this shortfall, the nation has lost some $500íbillion in the production of goods and services, and, if Republican rule continues, we can expect to lose another $600í$800íbillion by 1980.
This text is about macroeconomics.
Dem. Party Platforms
Ten million people are unemployed right now, and twenty to thirty million were jobless at some time in each of the last two years. For major groups in the labor forceíïminorities, women, youth, older workers, farm, factory and construction workersíïunemployment has been, and remains, at depression levels.
unemployment rate
This text is about unemployment rate.
Dem. Party Platforms
The depressed production and high unemployment rates of the Nixon-Ford administrations have produced federal deficits totaling $242 billion.
This text is about macroeconomics.
Dem. Party Platforms
Those who should be working and paying taxes are collecting unemployment compensation or other welfare payments in order to survive. For every one per cent increase in the unemployment rateíïfor every one million Americans out of work íïwe all pay $3 billion more in unemployment compensation and $2 billion in welfare and related costs, and lose $14 billion in taxes.
unemployment rate
This text is about unemployment rate.
Dem. Party Platforms
In fiscal 1976, $76 billion was lost to the federal government through increased recession-related expenditures and lost revenues.
the national budget
This text is about the national budget.
Dem. Party Platforms
A return to full employment will eliminate such deficits. With prudent management of existing programs, full employment revenues will permit the financing of national Democratic initiatives.
This text is about macroeconomics.
Dem. Party Platforms
Huge sums will be spent on food stamps and medical care for families of the unemployed.
unemployment rate
This text is about unemployment rate.
Dem. Party Platforms
The goal of the new Democratic administration will be to turn unemployment cheeks into pay cheeks.
unemployment rate
This text is about unemployment rate.
Dem. Party Platforms
The unemployment rate dropped from 6.7 per cent in 1961 to 3.6 per cent in 1968, and most segments of the population benefited.
unemployment rate
This text is about unemployment rate.
Dem. Party Platforms
Over the next eight years, 14í1/2 million people moved out of poverty because of training opportunities, increased jobs and higher incomes.
This text is about labor.
Dem. Party Platforms
Since 1968, the number of persons living in poverty has remained virtually unchanged. We have met the goals of full employment with stable prices in the past and can do it again. The Democratic Party is committed to the right of all adult Americans willing, able and seeking work to have opportunities for useful jobs at living wages.
This text is about macroeconomics.
Dem. Party Platforms
To make that commitment meaningful, we pledge ourselves to the support of legislation that will make every responsible effort to reduce adult unemployment to 3 per cent within 4 years.
unemployment rate
This text is about unemployment rate.
Dem. Party Platforms
To meet our goals we must set annual targets for employment, production and price stability;
This text is about macroeconomics.
Dem. Party Platforms
the Federal Reserve must be made a full partner in national economic decisions and become responsive to the economic goals of Congress and the President; credit must be generally available at reasonable interest rates;
monetary policy
This text is about monetary policy.
Dem. Party Platforms
tax, spending and credit policies must be carefully coordinated with our economic goals, and coordinated within the framework of national economic planning. Of special importance is the need for national economic planning capability. This planning capability should provide roles for Congress and the Executive as equal partners in the process and provide for full participation by the private sector, and state and local government. Government must plan ahead just like any business, and this type of planning can be implemented without the creation of a new bureaucracy but rather through the well-defined use of existing bodies and techniques. If we do not plan, but continue to react to crisis after crisis, our economic performance will be further eroded. Institutional reforms and the use of conventional tax, spending and credit policies must be accompanied by a broad range of carefully-targeted employment programs that will reduce unemployment in the private sector, and in regions, states and groups that
This text is about macroeconomics.
Dem. Party Platforms
The lack of formal coordination among federal, state and local governments is a major obstacle to full employment. The absence of economic policy coordination is particularly visible during times of high unemployment. Recessions reduce tax revenues, and increase unemployment-related expenditures for state and local governments. To maintain balanced budgets or reduce budget deficits these governments are forced to increase taxes and cut servicesíïactions that directly undermine federal efforts to stimulate the economy. Consistent and coherent economic policy requires federal anti-recession grant programs to state and local government, accompanied by public employment, public works projects and direct stimulus to the private sector. In each case, the programs should be phased in automatically when unemployment rises and phased out as it declines.
intergovernmental relations
This text is about intergovernmental relations.
Dem. Party Platforms
Even during periods of normal economic growth there are communities and regions of the countryíïparticularly central cities and rural areas íïthat do not fully participate in national economic prosperity. The Democratic Party has supported national economic policies which have consciously sought to aid regions in the nation which have been afflicted with poverty, or newer regions which have needed resources for development. These policies were soundly conceived and have been successful. Today, we have different areas and regions in economic decline and once again face a problem of balanced economic growth. To restore balance, national economic policy should be designed to target federal resources in areas of greatest need. To make low interest loans to businesses and state and local governments for the purpose of encouraging private sector investment in chronically depressed areas, we endorse consideration of programs such as a domestic development bank or federally insured
This text is about macroeconomics.
Dem. Party Platforms
Special problems faced by young people, especially minorities, entering the labor force persist regardless of the state of the economy. To meet the needs of youth, we should consolidate existing youth employment programs; improve training, apprenticeship, internship and job-counseling programs at the high school and college levels; and permit youth participation in public employment projects.
youth employment
This text is about youth employment.
Dem. Party Platforms
Special means for training and locating jobs for these people in the private sector, and, to the extent required, in public employment, should be established. Every effort should be made to create jobs in the private sector. Clearly, useful public jobs are far superior to welfare and unemployment payments.
employment training
This text is about employment training.
Dem. Party Platforms
The federal government has the responsibility to ensure that all Americans able, willing and seeking work are provided opportunities for useful jobs.
This text is about macroeconomics.
Dem. Party Platforms
Minority unemployment has historically been at least double the aggregate unemployment rate, with incomes at two-thirds the national average. Special emphasis must be placed on closing this gap. Accordingly, we reaffirm this Party's commitment to full and vigorous enforcement of all equal opportunities laws and affirmative action.
minority discrimination
This text is about minority discrimination.
Dem. Party Platforms
With the current high level of unemployment and low level of capacity utilization, we can increase production and employment without rekindling inflation.
This text is about macroeconomics.
Dem. Party Platforms
Such a program should emphasize increased production and productivity and should take other measures to enhance the stability and flexibility of our economy. The see-saw progress of our economy over the past eight years has disrupted economic growth.
This text is about macroeconomics.
Dem. Party Platforms
Much of the instability has been created by stop-and-go monetary policies.
monetary policy
This text is about monetary policy.
Dem. Party Platforms
High interest rates and the recurring underutilization of our manufacturing plant and equipment have retarded new investment.
This text is about macroeconomics.
Dem. Party Platforms
Unemployment in the construction industry has been raised to depression levels and home ownership has been priced beyond the reach of the majority of the people. Stable economic growth with moderate interest rates will not only place downward pressure on prices through greater efficiency and productivity, but will reduce the prospects for future shortages of supply by increasing the production of essential goods a The government must also work to improve the ability of our economy to respond to change.
This text is about macroeconomics.
Dem. Party Platforms
The federal government should hold public hearings, investigate and publish facts on price, profit, wage and interest rate increases that seriously threaten national price stability. Such investigations and proper planning can focus public opinion and awareness on the direction of price, profit, wage and interest rate decisions.
This text is about macroeconomics.
Dem. Party Platforms
Finally, tax policy should be used if necessary to maintain the real income of workers as was done with the 1975 tax cut.
the tax code
This text is about the tax code.
Dem. Party Platforms
But we must go beyond this negative remedy to a positive policy for encouraging the development of a small business, including the family farm. Small businesses. A healthy and growing small business community is prerequisite for increasing competition and a thriving national economy. While most people would accept this view, the federal government has in the past impeded the growth of small businesses. To alleviate the unfavorable conditions for small businesses, we must make every effort to assure the availability of loans to small business, including direct government loans at reasonable interest rates particularly to those in greatest need, such as m
small businesses
This text is about small businesses.
Dem. Party Platforms
For example, efforts should be made to strengthen minority business programs, and increase minority opportunities for business ownership.
minority discrimination
This text is about minority discrimination.
Dem. Party Platforms
Federal contract and procurement opportunities in such areas as housing, transportation and energy should support efforts to increase the volume of minority and small business involvement.
minority discrimination
This text is about minority discrimination.
Dem. Party Platforms
Regulatory agencies and the regulated small business must work together to see that federal regulations are met, without applying a stranglehold on the small firm or farm and with less paper work and red tape.
small businesses
This text is about small businesses.
Dem. Party Platforms
Tax reform. Economic justice will also require a firm commitment to tax reform at all levels. In recent years there has been a shift in the tax burden from the rich to the working people of this country. The Internal Revenue Code offers massive tax welfare to the wealthiest income groups in the population and only higher taxes for the average citizen. In 1973, there were 622 people with adjusted income of $100,000 or more who still managed to pay no tax. Most families pay between 20 and 25 per cent of their income in taxes. We have had endless talk about the need for tax reform and fairness in our federal tax system. It is now time for action. We pledge the Democratic Party to a complete overhaul of the present tax system, which will review all special tax provisions to ensure that they are justified and distributed equitably among our citizens. A responsible Democratic tax reform program could save over $5íbillion in the first year with larger savings in the future. We will strengthen the internal revenue tax code so that high income citizens pay a reasonable tax on all economic income. We will reduce the use of unjustified tax shelters in such areas as oil and gas, tax-loss farming, real estate, and movies. We will eliminate unnecessary and ineffective tax provisions to business and substitute effective incentives to encourage small business and capital formation in all businesses.
the tax code
This text is about the tax code.
Dem. Party Platforms
Our commitment to full employment and sustained purchasing power will also provide a strong incentive for capital formation.
This text is about macroeconomics.
Dem. Party Platforms
We will end abuses in the tax treatment of income from foreign sources; such as special tax treatment and incentives for multinational corporations that drain jobs and capital from the American economy. We will overhaul federal estate and gift taxes to provide an effective and equitable structure to promote tax justice and alleviate some of the legitimate problems faced by farmers, small business men and women and others who would otherwise be forced to We will seek and eliminate provisions that encourage uneconomic corporate mergers and acquisitions. We will eliminate tax inequities that adversely affect individuals on the basis of sex or marital status. We will curb expense account deductions. And we will protect the rights of all taxpayers against oppressive procedures, harassment and invasions of privacy by the Internal Revenue Service.
the tax code
This text is about the tax code.
Dem. Party Platforms
At present, many federal government tax and expenditure programs have a profound but unintended and undesirable impact on jobs and on where people and business locate.
This text is about macroeconomics.
Dem. Party Platforms
Tax policies and other indirect subsidies have promoted deterioration of cities and regions. These policies should be reversed. There are other areas of taxation where change is also needed. The Ford administration's unwise and unfair proposal to raise the regressive social security tax gives new urgency to the Democratic Party's goal of redistributing the burden of the social security tax by raising the wage base for earnings subject to the
the tax code
This text is about the tax code.
Dem. Party Platforms
Further revision in the Social Security program will be required so that women are treated as individuals.
gender discrimination
This text is about gender discrimination.
Dem. Party Platforms