albertvillanova HF staff commited on
1 Parent(s): e5cf0b2

Delete legacy JSON metadata (#1)

Browse files

- Delete legacy JSON metadata (2b42792b066acea08c316570be621162c57ab03b)

Files changed (1) hide show
  1. dataset_infos.json +0 -1
dataset_infos.json DELETED
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
- {"turkishmoviesentiment": {"description": "This data set is a dataset from kaggle consisting of Turkish movie reviews and scored between 0-5.\n", "citation": "", "homepage": "", "license": "CC0: Public Domain", "features": {"point": {"dtype": "float32", "id": null, "_type": "Value"}, "comment": {"dtype": "string", "id": null, "_type": "Value"}, "film_name": {"dtype": "string", "id": null, "_type": "Value"}}, "post_processed": null, "supervised_keys": null, "task_templates": null, "builder_name": "turkish_movie_sentiment", "config_name": "turkishmoviesentiment", "version": {"version_str": "1.0.0", "description": null, "major": 1, "minor": 0, "patch": 0}, "splits": {"train": {"name": "train", "num_bytes": 33954560, "num_examples": 83227, "dataset_name": "turkish_movie_sentiment"}}, "download_checksums": {}, "download_size": 0, "post_processing_size": null, "dataset_size": 33954560, "size_in_bytes": 33954560}}