person A: I got turned down for a job I really wanted. person B: Ugh_comma_ sorry! You must be disappointed. But remember if the door doesn't open_comma_ it probably wasn't yours. There's something else in store for you! person A: Thanks. But yes_comma_ I was really dejected. I thought I'd interviewed well and had a good enough resume. person B: Sometimes they already have a candidate in mind but have to go through the motion...the same thing happened to my husband. Your time will come.
person A: When my wife left me_comma_ i felt worthless and like giving up on life to be honest_comma_ I've since started making some positive changes and and more optimistic person B: I can't even imagine how devastating that would be. I think you must be really strong to be able to move forward. person A: Well_comma_ Like the saying goes_comma_ get busy living or get busy dying. I'm not sure if i'll ever find someone i truly love but life goes on! person B: You might_comma_ but I believe you can have a full life as a single person_comma_ too.
person A: I bought a 20 foot boat. I believe it will be able to handle the large lake that I will be taking it on. person B: Wow! A 20 foot boat_comma_ that must be amazing to take out on the lake! How much did it cost you? person A: It cost me around $30_comma_000. It has all the latest features_comma_ that should keep me safe in all but the most extreme conditions. person B: Id love to own a boat_comma_ are you using it for leisure or fishing etc? person A: It has been a dream of mine for a long time. I am mainly going to use it for fishing. But might have to take my wife tubing to make her happy. person B: They both sound like great plans! Tubing would be a great way to keep her happy while you fish haha! person A: We should have a lot of fun this summer with it! Makes up for all the hard work saving up for it. person B: I hope you do! It makes you feel like you've actually earned it!
person A: I like like loaning money to friends. It can ruin friendships and sometimes doesn't get paid back. person B: I'm always leery of loaning money to friends person A: Yeah_comma_ I meant don't like_comma_ sorry. I recently lent some to my friend with no expectation of getting it back because of her hard situation. I actually got it back. person B: That was a nice surprise! I have tried lending money to friends but finally had to stop after never getting it back
person A: Last summer_comma_ my dog went missing. We looked for him everywhere and called all of our neighbors. No one had seen him. person B: Oh no! How sad! Did you ever find him? person A: After a week of looking for him and checking the shelters_comma_ a neighbor found his body under her house. He had gotten under there and couldn't find a way out. I was so heart broken and so were my daughters. person B: Oh_comma_ how awful! I'm so sorry!
person A: I try to skateboard with my kids everyday. They love it_comma_ and it makes me feel young again. person B: Wow_comma_ very cool. The last time i tried to skateboard i almost broke my tailbone. props to you though! person A: It can be scary some times_comma_ but its worth it. person B: Is it though? haha. If you can do it without falling down then you are doing better than me. Probably a good bonding experience i'd imagine.
person A: My daughters 6th birthday was recently_comma_ unfortunately her mothers side of the family didn't show up_comma_ even though they all rsvp'd person B: Too bad for them! My sons 6th birthday was just last week_comma_ and we had a fun party. There so much easier to please when their little lol. person A: Hah yea_comma_ she was sad at first but there was plenty of presents and people who love her around to distract her. They grow up fast. person B: They do. I can't believe how fast the time goes.
person A: The other week_comma_ a friend of mine told me there was an opening where he worked and to get him a resume. I took to long to get my resume together and they gave the job to someone else. person B: That must have been aggravating! Job hunting is so hard. person A: It would have been nice. Less pay_comma_ but I would have had to work less. Oh well_comma_ guess I'll try harder next time. person B: Maybe something better will come along!
person A: The other day I was running late. So_comma_ I jumped up and threw on some clothes then ran out of the house. person B: Well I hope you got there in time and nothing bad happened. person A: I did but when after I was out for a while I noticed the shirt I was wearing was covered in grease stains. I apparently washed it with my husbands work clothes. person B: Oh know! I hope you weren't heading to a job interview_comma_ haha.
person A: I have MS_comma_ and sometimes I have bowl problems. person B: I'm so sorry. Have you tried any natural remedies? person A: No_comma_ I've tried science remedies. I like those kinds better. person B: I hope you find something that gives you some relief!
person A: My son got a remote control car for his birthday. Its really cool. person B: That's awesome. Did you get him it? I bet he loves it. person A: No_comma_ his grandpa did. But_comma_ after he went to bed_comma_ I went outside and played with it for a while. person B: Haha I would've done the same. Those toys always make me lose myself. They're so much fun!
person A: Someone broke into my car the other day_comma_ but they didnt steal anything. person B: Wow you were lucky! It has happened to me before too. It feels so violating. person A: I know! I feel both violated and kind of sad because I have nothing in my car worth stealing. person B: Because you were not in it. :)
person A: There was an elderly lady at my church who was blind and could not hear well so you had to talk really loud for her to hear you. She was very faithful about coming to church so our preacher picked her up and took her home for every service. When she needed help_comma_ we took turns helping her. person B: That is so nice of you all! I know she appreciates it. person A: When I saw that she needed help_comma_ I always tried to give her directions based on where she was with her walker. I liked helping her. She recently passed away and I miss her. person B: Aww_comma_ I'm so sorry but know you made a difference in her life. person A: Yes_comma_ she loved everyone she met. She would say she couldn't remember everyone's names_comma_ but she loved them anyway.
person A: I took my son to kindergarten the other day. He loves it so far! person B: that is good! did he make any friends? person A: You bet! He made a girlfriend on the bus by talking about Zelda. person B: That is really cute!
person A: Lately_comma_ my family and I have been very blessed. We are all happy and healthy. All of our major bills have already been paid for the month_comma_ and we have been going to a three week long revival at a local church. person B: That's awesome! Whats your secret to success? person A: We have just been trusting in the Lord. person B: Well he seems to be guiding you in the right direction. I hope your blessings continue! person A: Thank you.
person A: I was looking at some old pictures of my kids' first day of school from 4 years ago. person B: First day of school I remember _comma_my kids first day of school_comma_ how did it make you feel? person A: It just gave me the feeling that time flies by too quickly sometimes. My youngest in the pic was in first grade and his older sister was in 7th grade. person B: yes it does but we always got or memories. person A: And tons of pics! I try to take pictures of everything.
person A: I couldn't believe Aretha Franklin passed away last week. person B: Neither could I. It was the first thing that was on the news right after I woke up. person A: Sometimes you think people will be around forever_comma_ their aura is just so...legendary. person B: Yea_comma_ I try not to think about that though because then it makes me sad.
person A: I just finished eating dinner. We had red beans and rice and with sausage. I'm as full as a tick! person B: That sounds amazing! How long does it take to make the beans? Do you have to soak them? person A: I had to soak them for 3 hours. I think that's what makes that meal so satisfying - the wait! person B: I can smell the beans and sausage as we speak.. I always find after cooking I'm never hungry. Maybe that's because I snacked the entire time I was cooking. person A: I do the same thing!
person A: Found out some bad news today about my kids custody case. person B: Oh no. In those cases_comma_ it's either the best news or the worst news. person A: Yeah_comma_ it really is. Due to a technicality custody is reverting to their father. person B: I'm sorry to hear that. Unfortunately_comma_ I know that same feeling all too well.
person A: I think I aced my supervisor exam! person B: Woo hoo! That is awesome! Congrats! When will you find out/ person A: I should know something by tomorrow morning. Hopefully they tell me right away. person B: I hope so too! I'll be sure to keep my fingers crossed for you! Good luck!
person A: I have all my kids' things ready for the first day of school tomorrow! person B: Good think you're prepared ๐Ÿ‘ person A: I think I am. I tried to do as much in advance as I could. person B: Hopefullybeveryday goes well.
person A: My daughter is in 8th grade and just started school a little over a week ago. She is already being bullied. person B: Oh no! That's such a shame. Did you go to the principal? person A: Yes_comma_ and will again because it didn't help. I try to cheer her up with hugs_comma_ goofy moments_comma_ and whatever else I can think of. person B: I'm so sorry! I hope it gets better for her. Middle school is no picnic_comma_ that's for sure.
person A: I had a chance to cheat on my wife once_comma_ person B: Oh no! That's horrible. Please tell me you didn't. person A: I did not. I left there quickly. It was not something I would ever want to do. person B: Awww_comma_ that is awesome! I am so proud of you!
person A: My dog got very sick and lay in bed for a couple weeks. I was so concerned. person B: that is so sad i hope your pet gets better person A: She did get better eventually. During that time I tried to tend to her as much as I could. person B: that is so sweet_comma_ i think that is why she got better_comma_ your caring ways
person A: My roommate recently got a kitten_comma_ and he went out of town so I am watching over the little bugger. person B: Do you like cats? Kittens are the best! person A: I love cats_comma_ I have one of my own. I haven't been around a kitten in forever so it's a real treat. I also don't have to sleep with the little brat at night either so it's especially great. person B: Yes I love cats as well I have one orange one and 4 dogs that get along pretty well all together
person A: I had a solo competition last week for cello. I was well prepared and knew my music well. I felt great walking into that room. person B: Congrats! How long have you been playing the cello? person A: I have been playing the cello for 5 years. person B: How did you place in the competition?
person A: I slipped and feel at work the other day. Several people saw it. I wanted to just crawl in a hole and hide afterwards. person B: Oh dear that's embarrassing! I hope you didn't hurt yourself. person A: Just my pride person B: Oh ha! I guess that's painful!
person A: My ex and I broke up because he decided that he would no longer be willing to leave his job from overwork_comma_ like 70 plus hours a week. person B: I am sorry. Breakups are the worst. Did he just not want to give up overtime or he worked 70hours always? person A: He claims that he kept getting raises and felt obligated to work even harder. So he just kept working more and more and I rarely got to spend time with him and he was always tired. person B: That's rough but you deserve someone who is willing or wants to make the time for you. Never settle for less than what you are willing to settle for.
person A: My ex recently said that he was wanting to get back together. I'm not sure how to feel about it_comma_ we've been getting along great since we broke up. person B: Why did yall break up? person A: The straw that broke the camels back is that he broke a promise that he would leave his job if they were over working him too much. He decided he didn't want to leave after all and wants to keep working 70+ hour weeks every week. person B: That doesnt leave much time for yalls relationship
person A: I came home today and the food I had put in the crock pot was ruined. The outlet must have died and the food sat in there all day not cooking. person B: Oh darn I hate when that happens! I've experienced the same thing in the past once. person A: Yeah it was pretty terrible. I had to throw out a TON of food_comma_ and to add insult to injure I had to go eat out tonight. person B: Yep not always a terrible time to eat out at least.
person A: I let my friend babysit my kid last week. person B: How did they do? person A: Awesome. I usually have a hard time letting anyone watch my child but he had a great time with her. person B: How old's your child? person A: 5 person B: Just barely older than my son. I can definitely understand that.
person A: I was out walking by the lake over the weekend and there shore was just covered in dead rotting fish. person B: what happened why were their so many dead fish? person A: I don't know_comma_ that's what I would like to know! The best I can imagine is that the water quality dropped_comma_ and they died. I imagine it was pollution. person B: I hope they are not using the lake for drinking water .
person A: I have a really big game coming up this weekend. I haven't played soccer since I was a kid and have been really nervous about joining an adult league. person B: Good luck! I'm sure it will be fine. person A: I just don't want to embarrass myself or my team. I'm so scared i'm going to make a fool of myself. person B: You're too hard on yourself. Everyone messes up sometimes_comma_ even the greats.
person A: Several years ago one of my neighbors dogs attacked me and I had to go to the hospital to get stitches. person B: Yikes that's no good. How many stitches did you have to get? person A: I had to get 2 stitches in one of the holes and 1 stitch and all the other holes. He was a big dog_comma_ a little over 50 pounds. person B: What happened to the dog afterwards?
person A: Last year I made a bet with my friend and he lost_comma_ so he had to buy me a Nintendo Switch. I was so great. person B: That's quite the win! What was the bet? person A: I made a bet that he would not lose 20 pounds in 3.5 months. I was hoping that he would win the bet_comma_ but on the bright side I got a switch :) Win-win for me. person B: Oh! Gotcha! I've never played the switch but I heard it's an exciting console!
person A: I am visiting my friend this week. person B: Oh cool_comma_ where does your friend live? Is it an exciting location? person A: Yes_comma_ I mean I promised her I would and some things came up but I know I gotta stick to my word and make this happen. person B: Oh man_comma_ don't bail on your trip. Try and get those thing that came taken care of this week. You don't want to disappoint her. person A: Oh I know I can't. She had lots of plans for us.
person A: One time when I was little and playing hide and go seek_comma_ my cousin talked me into remaining hidden even when our parents came looking for us. After a while I realized that we were going to be in trouble_comma_ and then we saw a police car pull into the drive way. person B: Oh no_comma_ I bet your parents were freaking out. person A: Yeah I guess they were_comma_ they made sure to spank me and ground me for 2 weeks. I was also told that I was a terrible influence on my 9 year old cousin_comma_ even though I was 7 and it was his idea. person B: Oh that sucks getting blamed for it when it was their fault.
person A: So we are moving and I'm having trouble letting go of a sewing machine my grandma gave me. Thinking I should keep it. person B: Do you get much use out of it_comma_ or is it just collection dust? person A: Kind of just dust. It meant a lot to her that I have it so I just don't think I can let it go. person B: I guess you can hang on to it_comma_ or maybe there's someone else you both know who can show it some proper lovin'.
person A: One of my friends managed to pay off their first house at the age of 25. person B: well dang! that is very impressive! person A: Yeah I know_comma_ I'm really amazed and proud of him. To be honest as proud as I am I can't help but to be a little jealous too lol. person B: Understandable_comma_ i bet the had good budgeting skills and a nice job.
person A: I stayed at a friends house for the weekend a while back_comma_ and when I got home my bedroom was destroyed person B: Oh no!! That is terrible_comma_ do you know what happened? person A: My younger brothers went in my room and messed with all my things. I am so angry about it person B: Oh no_comma_ I am sure they meant no harm_comma_ they always say that they are more curious when they are young.
person A: Today when I was home alone I was snuggling with a stuffed bunny my ex got me_comma_ because I missed him. I feel so pathetic. person B: It will pass in time_comma_ even though it feels awful right now. person A: I hope so_comma_ I'm tired of feeling so miserable. I just wish I had someone here with me right now. person B: Aw I'm sorry. I remember feeling like that and it was horrible.
person A: My husband and I celebrated 9 years Saturday. It was such a good day of quality family time. person B: Oh that's great! 9 years together is a long time. You sound happy_comma_ I'm glad. person A: Yes I love a good day of relaxation and family time :) person B: What did y'all do? Did you do anything special that evening? person A: Yes_comma_ dinner :)
person A: I went to the zoo last month_comma_ I haven't been since I was a kid. I went to a zoo that was supposed to be one of the top zoos_comma_ however I couldn't help but feel bad for the animals the whole time. person B: Oh_comma_ I know exactly what you mean. It's not the same as going as a kid. person A: The enclosures all just seemed so tiny and it felt like none of the animals were able to have any privacy if they wanted it. person B: Yeah_comma_ it's no wonder these animals go crazy on humans sometimes.
person A: I won an essay contest and I get to go to Washington DC for free! person B: Wow! what did you write about? person A: I wrote about social security reform. Kinda boring stuff lol but it'll be fun to visit all the sites in DC person B: Nice_comma_ well I hope you have a nice trip!
person A: We are moving. I'm so pumped for new adventures. person B: Congrats! That's exciting. Is the new place far from your current home? person A: Yes_comma_ a new state. I am just imagining all the fun things and new things we can do. person B: Wow_comma_ thats really big! I hope you have a stress free move. I know it can be a little stressful_comma_ but you seem very excited!
person A: When I was in middle school there was this boy that sat in front of me in 8th_comma_ he was always trying to get me to kiss him before class started. person B: Wow_comma_ really? Did you have any feelings for him? person A: No_comma_ the whole thing was really weird and kind of embarrassing really. He sat in the desk in front and would turn around and basically ask me to kiss him in front of the whole class. I only knew him from that class. I usually would just smash my binder in his face instead. person B: Hahaha_comma_ that is so cute_comma_ I am sure he loved that you teased him like that! I bet your classmates also had a good laugh!
person A: I've been out of a job for a while but someone I know has offered me an opportunity to do some work in my field person B: Wow! What field are you going to be working in? person A: Statistics. I am going to help a real estate company build models to predict house values person B: Dang! I hope you make lots of money!
person A: So a friend and I entered a drawing at the mall and she won. I wish I could say it doesn't sting a bit that she won. person B: Wow! Congrats to her_comma_ and I am sorry that you didn't get the prize. What did she win? person A: A weekend trip to Gatlinburg. I would of loved that. person B: Wow that is a great prize! Is she able to take anyone with her or is it just a ticket for one person? person A: She is but she's taking her husband :)
person A: I saw man swallow a sword person B: Wow_comma_ were you at a festival? person A: Yes I was. I thought it was pretty intense to watch person B: I have seen that before. I have no idea how they can do that.
person A: I've been packing_comma_ packing_comma_ packing and cleaning. person B: o That sounds exciting. Moving or spring cleaning? person A: Moving_comma_ not sure when yet but I like to be ahead of the game. I hate being rushed. person B: Ya last time I moved I was packing for about 6 months. It's smarter to do it a little at a time and get things purged and organized.
person A: Someone hit my car while I was shopping. I am so mad they didn't even leave a note. person B: Oh no that is terrible_comma_ I can not believe that they would drive off without leaving any contact information! How bad was the accident? person A: Huge dent_comma_ I can't believe someone could do that and drive off. person B: Wow_comma_ that is terrible. I hope that you are able to catch them or find surveillance videos of who did it_comma_ because most malls do have cameras in the parking lots.
person A: I remember back when I got to pick up my dog at the airport when she was a puppy. person B: Aww were you excited when you picked her up? person A: Oh man_comma_ I sure was. And she was so excited to get out of that box. person B: I bet! What kind of dog is she?
person A: My brother isn't very good with money but i just lent him some person B: Uh oh_comma_ be careful about that_comma_ you don't want him becoming dependent on you for handouts. person A: Yeah I don't do that often_comma_ but i am certain he will be able to pay me back this time person B: Well that's good. I hope it works out for both of you_comma_ maybe you could give him some budgeting tips.
person A: I just can't believe some people. I watched this woman throw her trash on a homeless man today. person B: Oh my god_comma_ you should have reported her. person A: I definitely stepped in and made sure this man knew he didn't deserve that. Just makes me so mad to share a country with people like that. person B: I am really appalled at people these days.
person A: So we are waiting on some news to move. I feel like it will be this week that we find out. person B: Where to? person A: Not sure yet_comma_ waiting to find all of that out. I hate waiting though. person B: Me too. Well I hope it is to somewhere that you like.
person A: So I interviewed for my dream job last week and I didn't get it. person B: I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully something similar comes along sooner than later. person A: I really hope so. I was really wanting that job. person B: Just remember to keep your head up and don't give up!
person A: So I was driving to work yesterday and the driver next to me opened their door and threw up everywhere. person B: I do hope they stopped the car at least ! That sounds disgusting_comma_ but its better than throwing up in the car right ? person A: Yes they were at a stop light but I was so grossed out after seeing that. person B: I can imagine when something unexpected like that happens. I do hope they are ok now :) Sorry you had to witness that !
person A: I am so ready to find out where we are moving to. person B: New adventures! I want to go west. person A: I don't know where I want to go_comma_ just want to know where they are sending us :) person B: I bet you are nervous.
person A: A book I borrowed from the library got rained on and now it's destroyed person B: Oh no. I bet they are going to charge you for a new one. person A: Yeah. I feel pretty bad about it. person B: Maybe they will understand.
person A: I found my dog's old toy. It brought back memories of when I first got her person B: Aww. I had to put mine down last month. I miss her. person A: I'm sorry to hear that. What kind of dog was she? person B: Border collie. She was great!
person A: After months of job searching_comma_ I finally got a good offer person B: What kind of job did you get? person A: I got a job in statistics person B: What do you do as a statistic
person A: I have a final exam that I've been studying for for days. person B: How do you think it will go? Are you confident? person A: I think I will do really well. I feel prepared for it. person B: What subject is it?
person A: I stupidly lent my car to a friend. person B: Uh oh. What happened? person A: He got drunk and took it for a joyride. It didn't end well. person B: That is horrible! I hope he was okay.
person A: Even though I could've gotten more money at another job_comma_ I've stayed with my current employer. It is a good place to work. person B: well that's good to hear I guess. what do you do? person A: I work in public relations. I create campaigns for companies. person B: what's your most successful campaign so far? person A: I recently did a very successful one for a medical company. person B: I always need convincing to take my yucky medicine
person A: I just had a job interview that went really well. I'm expecting a call pretty soon. person B: that's amazing! what kind of job is it? person A: It's a statistical analyst job. person B: i'm glad your interview went well_comma_ and i really hope you get that call soon!
person A: I recently moved to a new city. I left behind some good friends. person B: you can always make new friends_comma_ and talk to your old friends at the same time! person A: That's very true. It'll just take some time. person B: yeah but you never know _comma_ you may make life changing friendships so be patient!
person A: Last week I was at the grocery store picking up body wash. There were so many to chose from_comma_ but I couldn't help but buy my trusted brand that has served me well for so many years. person B: You gotta stick with what you know sometimes. person A: Yes_comma_ why try something new when what you have been using has worked so well. person B: That's right. There's so sense in deviating. person A: I have to show some brand loyalty!
person A: I have so much to do today_comma_ but it's raining. I'm OK with just staying at home and doing nothing. person B: I feel you there_comma_ I have a ton of stuff to do_comma_ but I can't get any of it done in this rain. person A: It sucks. Maybe it'll be dry this weekend. person B: I really hope so_comma_ I am not sure how much longer I can let my yard grow before it gets too wild.
person A: My dog I had for five years just passed away. He was hit by a car last night. person B: oh I am so sorry. That must be fresh on your heart_comma_ may he rest in peace. person A: It is just so sad to have my loyal companion taken away like that. person B: I can only imagine. I am so sorry. What was his name? person A: His name was Han Solo_comma_ I am a huge Star Wars fan. My wife thought it was a dorky name_comma_ but I loved it.
person A: I'm ready for hurricane season. I have my kit ready and everything. person B: That is great to be prepared. Where do you live? person A: South Alabama_comma_ near the Gulf. person B: Oh yeah_comma_ you definitely need to be prepared. Do you think you will get a hurricane?
person A: I have been sick the last week and my wife has made my chicken broth soup every day! person B: Wow_comma_ see enjoyment. person A: She is such a blessing to me and spoils me so much. person B: You are so lucky. Some men pray for that kind of wife person A: Yeah_comma_ I try to treat her the best I can_comma_ can't lose someone that amazing.
person A: When I go out to a restaurant_comma_ I order gluten free food items. I have to trust that the cook and server take my request seriously. If not_comma_ my food could be "gluten free" but cross contaminated with foods that aren't and still make me ill. person B: What kind of illness occurs if food is cross contaminated? I'm so sorry this happens to you. person A: If it's mild_comma_ just stomach pains for a few days. If I were to say_comma_ eat a bun that was supposed to be gluten free and it was full gluten_comma_ my joints also inflame. So you see it can affect more than just my stomach! person B: You suffer from it more severely than most people I know_comma_ this can be devastating to people. person A: Inflammation is the devil. I'm just glad I found out how to manage it to improve my quality of life.
person A: We ordered 3 diet cokes with dinner the other night_comma_ and they all came out a different shade of coloring! person B: Wow that is weird. I love Diet Coke. What was wrong with it? person A: I was concerned they were the wrong drink order_comma_ we lined them up and talked to the server and together figured out the syrup bag must be going empty! person B: Nothing worse than a bad soda! lol. I like the new Freestyle machines_comma_ it's always just right.
person A: While cleaning out our closets_comma_ I always find some old item that reminds me how little the girls used to be. Last time it was a cute pair of jeans in toddler sizing we saved to make "jean purses" out of someday. My kid is 14 this week!!! person B: aww. I understand you. That feeling is priceless. person A: It definitely triggers some emotions! Then I'm torn between keeping it a little longer or finally purging. person B: It's alright to feel such sentiments buddy :)
person A: My wife made me pancakes for breakfast. I have a full belly and feel rather happy now. person B: Yum!!! I love pancakes. Is it your favorite food too? person A: One of my favorite breakfast foods. She also made some thick sliced bacon. She treats me so well. person B: That is great you have a sweet wife! person A: For sure_comma_ no other woman I would rather have. person B: It is so great to hear about a happy couple :) person A: How can I complain when she gets up early to make me such a great meal! person B: I bet she is a great cook!
person A: I told my brother that I was planning to propose to my best friend_comma_ but I hope he keeps it a secret! person B: That sounds exciting! Is he good at keeping secrets? person A: He lets things slip once in a while_comma_ but this is a pretty big secret so I have confidence in him. person B: Fingers crossed for you! I'm sure it will be fine. Are you nervous?
person A: I have a friend who is struggling right now in her business. I'm trying hard to be there to support and cheer her on. person B: Being a business owner is hard. I'm sure she is grateful for your help. person A: RIght? Even if I can't directly affect her business_comma_ I can help keep her spirits up to weather the storm! person B: Yes_comma_ mental and emotional support is the best kind of support.
person A: I saw my neighbor bought the car I have always wanted. I wish I was in a a better financial position to buy one. person B: What kind of car is it? person A: Subaru Brat_comma_ best car ever made. Its like a car and a t ruck all in one. person B: ooh nice! just start to SAVE_comma_ SAVE_comma_SAVE where ever you can and you will get there. person A: I know_comma_ it would look perfect in front of my double wide mobile home! There is a used one on the corner for $350. But that will take me months to save up. person B: Time goes by so fast. You'll see. person A: Yeah_comma_ or I could buy more scratch offs at the gas station and hit it big. person B: LOL_comma_ well there is always luck!
person A: I am in the process of potty training my daughter_comma_ but when we go somewhere she still wears a diaper. The other day_comma_ we were at church and she took her diaper off in the middle of the service. person B: I remember those potty training days!!! I bet you were so embarrassed. person A: It was not one of our best moments. Luckily_comma_ she was wearing and long dress and I had extra diapers so we could remedy the situation. person B: THank goodness you had extra supplies on hand. My son was the hardest one out of my 3 kids to potty train. I feel your pain!!
person A: I ordered a new toy for my son online for his birthday. person B: Oh_comma_ did you give it to him yet? person A: No_comma_ not yet. But_comma_ I can't wait to! He's going to have so much fun with it. person B: That's so cool. I'm sure he will love it! Where did you get it?
person A: My husband and I are going on our very first cruise in December. i can't wait!!! person B: I love vacations I hope you and him have a good time. person A: I hope so too. I have wanted to go on a cruise for so long. I'm happy were are able to go this year. person B: What cruise line are you using did they give you a good discount. person A: We are going with a few friends_comma_ so they booked it and we got a discount because they are returning customers.
person A: My dad called me one day crying out for help. I had to drive over to his house. person B: Oh my goodness! What happened? person A: He had fallen and bruised his ribs. I had to take him to the hospital. person B: Is he okay now?
person A: Even though I'm a christian and I serve God to the best of my abilities_comma_ I have been in a rut lately. Last week_comma_ during revival_comma_ for the first few nights_comma_ everyone was praising and participating in worship and just really feeling the Spirit_comma_ but I couldn't for whatever reason_comma_ and it made me feel bad. person B: Oh_comma_ I know what you mean. I have felt that way. Best thing to do is pray about it and don't be hard on yourself. person A: Yes_comma_ I prayed about it multiple times_comma_ and by the last night_comma_ I was able to feel the Spirit move and I was able to praise and worship too. It felt amazing and it carried over into both services on Sunday too. person B: That's amazing! I'm so happy your prayers were answered. God knows your heart. person A: Thank you. He is all knowing and I'm just so thankful that he cares about me.
person A: Sometimes I wake up at night and eat junk food. person B: I've never done that but i know plenty of people who do that. Its normal every know and again but don't turn it into a daily habit! person A: Yeah but I feel bad afterwards. I like to make peanut butter and nutella sandwiches with chocolate chip cookies. person B: Damn that sounds good_comma_ honestly its fine every know and again. we all have a sweet tooth.
person A: We had a birthday party for my son the other day! person B: Aw_comma_ yay! How old is he? person A: He's 6. It was so much fun to watch him open his presents. person B: I love that age! My niece just turned six and she seems so grown up!
person A: I was the captain of the volley ball team in middle school and high school_comma_ so I signed my daughters up to play. since they had an interest in it too. When we got the practice on the first day_comma_ the coach said that it was her first year coaching and she asked me if I would help a little. person B: Oh thats awesome_comma_ im sure you were excited to help person A: I was very excite to help. I miss playing very much_comma_ so being able to play with my daughters and show of my skills a little was great. person B: thats great_comma_ sounds like a fun time. And you got to share time with your daughters which is awesome.
person A: A couple years ago_comma_ I was hospitalized and diagnosed with MS. person B: Oh that sucks_comma_ have you experienced the symptoms? person A: Yeah_comma_ I was blind in my right eye_comma_ and my left arm was numb. person B: Oh damn thats terrible_comma_ I hope it didn't affect your life too much.
person A: My friend has been sick a lot recently and I am worried about her. person B: That sucks_comma_ hopefully its just something minor. You're a good person for taking care of her person A: Yes. She has been vomiting and having diarhea a lot person B: Oh_comma_ that sounds bad_comma_ probably a stomach virus. those suck! person A: Yes. It has just happened on and off for months.
person A: I am sitting here chilling out with my cat on my lap. person B: Thats great_comma_ perfect time to unwind and relax_comma_ and earn money! person A: Yes. My cat is relaxing and always sleeping person B: Awesome_comma_ sometimes they can get annoying always running around and nagging you.
person A: I had a job interview last week person B: How did it go? person A: I am not sure yet. I was very nervous person B: I'd have been nervous too. When will you find out? person A: Next week I think
person A: I spent a weekend at a lake house all by myself. person B: Oh_comma_ I would love time away like that! How did you enjoy it? person A: It was fantastic. I found it so restful and peaceful just to get away from it all for a while. person B: That sounds wonderful! My body is craving something like this. Thanks for the inspiration!
person A: I had a get together recently_comma_ One of my friends brought someone who couldn't hold their liquor. person B: Oh no_comma_ did they do something embarrasing? person A: Heh_comma_ well they projectile vomited all over my carpet_comma_ it was gross. person B: That's absolutely disgusting!
person A: Me and my daughter went to the skate park the other day. person B: Did the two of you have fun? person A: Yeah we did. She can ride up and down the ramps much better than I expected her to. person B: That's awesome. My son has a skateboard but can barely stand up on it.
person A: I've been out of work_comma_ and my dads been helping me financially. person B: I am sorry that you are out of work. Have you had any job interviews? It is good that your father is able to help you during this time. person A: No_comma_ I am filing for disability. Theres no way I can ever repay him person B: Well_comma_ I am glad you will hopefully get some disability income. It sounds like your dad isn't the type who expects to be repayed. He sounds like a great parent.
person A: I had to meet my new physical therapist this week. person B: Did everything work out ok? How did you like them? person A: They seem ok. I just hate having to meet new doctors. person B: Oh_comma_ me too. I don't even like to sit in the waiting room.
person A: This is the first time ever that both of my kids have been in school. person B: Interesting_comma_ are you feeling OK having less bonding time? person A: Yeah_comma_ it's just too quiet lol. person B: I see_comma_ I imagine time will start to fly once you take up a new hobby_comma_ or school ends for the day.
person A: Recently my family had a trip that was very disorganized. Basically drove a long way to hang see my family for a handful of hours. person B: That's not very fun. I hate traveling like that. person A: Same. I wish I had just stayed at home instead of spending all that time on the road. person B: At least you got to see your family for a little bit. person A: That is true_comma_ I guess there is that to be thankful for.
person A: I had to wait in line at the store the other day for 15 minutes! person B: Ew_comma_ that's always the worst. What were you getting? person A: Just some random food stuffs. It wouldn't have been so bad but there was only one cashier. person B: That's always the case! So annoying. I love the self checkout options. I wish more places had that.
person A: I had to go to my brother in laws funeral last week. person B: Oh no! I am sorry to hear of your loss. Are you taking it ok? person A: I'm ok. It just hit me hard seeing all those sad people. person B: Yeah_comma_ funerals are really sad but they can make one appreciate life so much more.
person A: I have some friends who are traveling all over Europe this summer person B: Wow i'd be jealous person A: I am! I would love to go myself. person B: Same. I have a chance in a few years to go with the family but not 100%.