person A: I exams went really well this year_comma_ How has your year gone? person B: Good for you!. My year have been ok too so far. person A: Thanks_comma_ I am feeling a lot more confident in myself. Remember the year can only get better. person B: You seem to be very hopeful! That is great.
person A: Had a good day today_comma_ i think i was prepared for everything. how has your day been? person B: I'm so glad to hear that! Did anything in particular make it a good day? Mine's been awesome too! person A: Well i had a meeting with my boss who gave me a promotion today so i'm over the moon!. person B: Sick_comma_ congratulations! Time to celebrate right?
person A: I got attacked by a swarm of bees a few months back. Needless to say it hurt. person B: How awful_comma_ besides painful_comma_ it must have been scary! person A: It was_comma_ they we're absolutely furious with me for some reason. person B: Were you messing with them_comma_ maybe? or taking their honey?
person A: Do you remember the old video games you used to play? person B: I do_comma_ as if it were yesterday. I remember most of my childhood through video games. person A: The nostalgic moments when you play them again is brilliant. You should try it. person B: I really want to_comma_ but unfortunately my GameCube and N64 no longer function. Also a few of my favorite games are scratched to heck.
person A: Life seems to be going perfect right now_comma_ how about you? person B: I'm glad to hear that! Things are really going great for me too! person A: Well that's even better news! i'm feeling hopeful for the both of us. person B: Same here. Let's hope these good times stick around real long!
person A: A girl i went on two dates with wanted a copy of my house key_comma_ yikes! person B: You barely even know her_comma_ what was she thinking? person A: I don't know_comma_ she said she needed a place to hang out between jobs. Stupid me actually gave it to her. person B: I really hope she doesn't do anything bad to you. You seem like a nice dude. person A: hah_comma_ thanks. So far so good.
person A: My girlfriend forgot to order the Chinese food yesterday... person B: So what happened? Did you end up ordering some once you both remembered? person A: Was annoyed and disappointed so i ended up having a sandwich instead. bad times. person B: People make mistakes_comma_ it happens.
person A: My dog puked all over the carpet a few weeks back. person B: Oh nasty! That must have been a heck of a pain to clean. person A: Was absolutely disgusting but luckily it did come out easy. person B: I wouldn't have thought it would be so easy_comma_ that's good!
person A: The other night I found my cat laying dead in the side of the road person B: I'm so sorry for your loss_comma_ it isn't easy losing a pet. How are you doing? person A: It's tough. I was crying so hard that I had to call my husband to come pick us up person B: Understandably so. I hope you feel better soon.
person A: My family dragged me along to visit an underground cave recently_comma_ I was pretty nervous. person B: Sounds pretty interesting. How was it? Did you like it? person A: It was nice_comma_ after i got over the fear from being 23 stories underground. person B: Wow_comma_ That much! Were you afraid to be trapped like those poor boys in Thailand? person A: Hah_comma_ no i wasn't thinking of being trapped. It just seemed like more effort to breath for some reason.
person A: Had a job interview the other day. person B: How did that go? person A: I think it went alright_comma_ i was incredibly anxious about it. person B: Those always make me nervous too. I hope it goes well for you!
person A: Ate my flatmates last chocolate bar earlier. person B: Well_comma_ I hope they said you could have it. person A: Nope_comma_ i do feel a bit guilty about it but they should have hid it better. person B: You could always replace it for them since you know you shouldn't have taken it.
person A: I went bungie jumping with some friends but I was reluctant to jump. person B: Are you scared of heights? person A: Yes_comma_ I don't like heights at all. I did eventually muster the courage to jump_comma_ however. person B: I bet that was the ride of your life.
person A: I always try to tell my kids they need to be kind and understanding to others_comma_ no matter what. person B: I think those are very important lessons. Do they always listen? person A: They try but it's hard when there are so many bullies at school. I wish other parents would try to do the same. person B: I'm a parent and I wish the exact same thing.
person A: Do you know how much work goes into video games? person B: Not entirely_comma_ but I do know depending on the game it can take hundreds of people. person A: I was really impressed as some games it can take over 10 years. person B: As a gamer_comma_ I'd love to know more about the games that take that long to make. Which ones?
person A: An old girlfriend contacted me looking for a one night stand_comma_ I had to decline. person B: Oh man! I hate one night stands!! person A: Hah_comma_ they can be fun. Though my partner would not have appreciated it! person B: Oh. Yeah. Probably not haha.
person A: I went to a family reunion at my grandparents' house. person B: That sounds like fun_comma_ how was it? person A: It was enjoyable for sure_comma_ and poignant too. It brought up lots of memories of my childhood. person B: I bet! When I got to family reunions there's always so much reminiscing
person A: I had a chance to sell my stake in ice juice for a nice little profit. person B: Ooh_comma_ did you go ahead and go through with it? person A: No_comma_ I want to keep it because I have faith in the company doing really well longterm. person B: Nice_comma_ that's a good idea. Good luck!
person A: My daughter started kindergarten recently_comma_ i walked her in and met her teacher. person B: Was she nice? person A: Very nice_comma_ I just cant believe how grown up my little girl is getting. person B: How old is she? person A: 6
person A: I lent my brother 200 dollars so he could buy cryptokitties. person B: May I ask what a cryptokitty is? I am unfamiliar. person A: I really couldn't tell you some kind of digital cat_comma_ he says he will pay me back_comma_ so hopefully it all works out. person B: Does he ask for money a lot or is this a first?
person A: Everyone wanted to go skydiving for my birthday. person B: Do you like skydiving? I would be terrified! person A: I'm pretty sure that my greatest fear is my chute not releasing and plunging through the sky into the ground. Oh well you only live once. person B: haha_comma_ that's true but you can also live with your feet on the ground!
person A: I didn't notice but I was walking around all day with a sock on my shirt! person B: Haha that's hilarious! Where was it at on your shirt? person A: On my back! I went to work like this! person B: Oh no! I hope your coworkers went easy on you about it. You must've had a lot of static electricity.
person A: Someone decided to slash my car tires_comma_ key my car_comma_ and bash in my windshield. person B: How awful! Do you know who did it? person A: Probably a spurned former lover. Glad I had insurance. person B: Yes at least there is that. But it must be really scary to deal with someone willing to go that far.
person A: I have to give a speech at my fathers funeral. I drew the short straw. person B: It must have been a very difficult speech_comma_ specially since I imagine you were really sad and moved. person A: Not really_comma_ I just needed to make sure that It goes off without a hitch. I don't want to embarrass my Mother. person B: Of course_comma_ do you feel prepared to do it then?
person A: I've been working at my same job for 12 years. person B: Wow. That's quite the feat nowadays. Do you still enjoy it? person A: Yes I do. Its a fun job. person B: Is it a "never worked a day in your life" situation? person A: Yes I am a skydiving instructor so it is fun person B: Oh wow_comma_ yes I would imagine that is fun. I am jealous. person A: Yes I love it
person A: On a recent trip there was some bad weather that caused my flight to be delayed several hours. It was already late so i was afraid they would cancel the flight altogether. person B: That is no good! Did you manage to get on it? person A: Yes! Thank goodness. They didn't cancel. I just got home much later than I had hoped. person B: That is lucky. At least you made it home the same day. person A: Absolutely. I had too much to do the next day to not show up then.
person A: I literally ate all you could eat at a chinese buffet person B: LOL_comma_ I bet you couldn't move after that. person A: I had to go home and lie down for the greatest nap of my life. person B: I bet_comma_ although with chinese you can eat it again in an hour or so.
person A: Recently went on a family vacation to an old spot we used to go when we were all younger. It was nice to see old stuff and talk about old times. person B: Sounds very nice_comma_ you must have felt nostalgic for the old times_comma_ right? person A: Oh for sure. I'm always a sucker for nostalgia. person B: Yes me too_comma_ it is for that reason I avoid looking and old pictures when I don't want to go that way. person A: I love looking through them. I even find myself clicking back to my oldest pictures on facebook and reliving those times in my head.
person A: One night during college I got a phone call in the middle of the night that one of my best friends had been killed in a car wreck. person B: That sounds terrible! you must have been devastated! person A: Absolutely. It was really the first time I had lost someone close to me_comma_ family or friend. person B: It was a terrible way to comes to term with dead_comma_ I'm so sorry you have to go through that. I hope time have healed you.
person A: My birthday was a few days ago_comma_ I can't believe my wife had the wait staff sing to me. person B: I love when I'm at a restaurant and that happens. Happy Birthday_comma_ by the way!! person A: Hah_comma_ its good entertainment_comma_ but i don't exactly enjoy being in the spotlight. Thanks! person B: Everyone always looks so happy and it makes people around you happy_comma_ but I understand not wanting to be in the spotlight
person A: I recently got married and I'm so lucky to have found someone who enjoys doing the same things that I do. person B: Congrats! It is nice to find someone with things in common. Shared interests can be fun. person A: Thank you. It is nice. This is a second marriage for us both and I like that we are both happy with things just the way they are_comma_ no high expectations person B: I'm on my 2nd as well. I like to think that we will do things more wisely the second time around. best of luck to you both!
person A: I lost my wallet last week person B: Oh that is the worse. Dis you find it at any point? person A: My friend freaked out but I was pretty sure I left it at a restaurant and I trusted in my fellow humans to turn it in person B: And who was right in this case? Dis anyone turned it in? person A: Yes it was turned in - cash and credit cards all there
person A: I recently had the opportunity to help out at my local Second Harvest food bank. person B: That is so sweet of you! How was your experience? person A: It was great. I was with a good group of people too. We made it fun. person B: I bet it feels good to know that you're helping those in need_comma_ too! person A: For sure. I am happy I had the opportunity. Im sure I will do it again.
person A: I'm happily married and employed_comma_ life is in a pretty good spot right now. person B: That is awesome_comma_ having a significant other and a good job can make a huge difference! person A: For sure. I've had some unstable times in my life. I'm thankful to be where I am now. person B: Those times can help shape you and make you appreciate the good times even more! person A: Absolutely! person B: It is always awesome when work and married life get along_comma_ without getting in the way of each other.
person A: Yesterday my car ran out of oil and broke down. I could not believe I would let such a thing happen! person B: Oh no! Did it do any meaningful damage? person A: The engine is totally shot_comma_ its not designed to run without any. So now I have to go shopping for a new car. person B: OUCH. New car is cheaper than replacing the engine? person A: The new car is more expensive than a new engine. But I can't justify such a costly repair on my car. person B: Yeah I get that. Plus I guess the value goes way down doing something like that. person A: It does drops a lot after a repair like that. I might as well invest that money into something new.
person A: I was in a big party city and the street was crowded with people. As I was walking my foot got tangled up on something and I went face first into a huge flower bed. person B: Ouch! That must have hurt. person A: It hurt my pride more than it hurt my face. person B: Don't worry_comma_ people won't remember within a few months. person A: That is true. Plus it was a big party area so Im sure a lot of them drunk anyway. person B: That's what I was thinking.
person A: Literally anytime I order something online and I get the tracking I immediately start checking it. I am so impatient waiting on stuff to come. person B: Yes I know I am like that too_comma_ I can't wait for my new stuff to arrive_comma_ I feel like a child on Christmas waiting for Santa's gifts. person A: Yes. Every single time. I know better. But I just cant help myself but to check over and over person B: I guess it is kind of fun anticipating the arrival of the packages. person A: That is true.
person A: My dog died of old age last year and I miss her person B: How sad to lose a dog you love! Ta least she/he died of old age_comma_ she must be in doggy heaven. person A: Yes. She was the most wonderful dog ever person B: I know how you feel_comma_ there must be two of them though_comma_ because my dog is the most wonderful dog ever too! person A: Laugh! Yes dogs are far better creatures than humans
person A: I'm gonna take the family out to the lake this weekend_comma_ we might rent a boat. person B: That sounds like a great way to spend the weekend. What type of boat are you thinking about renting? person A: Maybe a pontoon boat_comma_ depends on what they have. Should be a nice way to unwind. person B: Absolutely_comma_ nothing like unwinding after the work week. I hope you'
person A: I have a friend with loaded parents. She doesn't work but has anything she wants anytime she wants. person B: Wow_comma_ must be nice. My parents were really poor- still are. person A: Mine aren't poor but they aren't loaded. They struggle. Same for me. I work my butt of for what I have. person B: Yeah me too. I like that though_comma_ I like earning my way. person A: Same. I do wish I had a little bit more money to do a few more things though. person B: I often dream about winning the lottery!
person A: I had to do a lot of learning to knock out a big project at work. Finally finished and ready for another. person B: Hey_comma_ good for you! That takes stamina. What was the project? person A: For sure. It was a software coding project for a client. A lot of which I did not understand at the start. person B: Well done! That was a challenge. person A: Thank you. But now I have it ready for the next one. person B: It always feels good to wrap up a big project.
person A: I have many health problems that require me to see many different speccialist person B: That's awful! Will you be feeling better any time soon? person A: I am working towards that..I have been lucky to find some great doctors which I am able to put faith in because my life is essentially in their hands person B: I am so glad you have doctors that you can trust!
person A: I had a super stressful week and ended up cheating on my diet last night by eating pizza and cake. person B: Uhoh. Hopefully you were able to stick to your diet throughout the week_comma_ though. One off day ain't so bad. person A: Yes_comma_ otherwise I had stuck to it - but my weekly weigh in was this morning and I was up two pounds. I felt so irritated!!!! person B: That sounds it. As long as you keep with it though_comma_ results have to happen. The hardest part of dieting has got to be the hiccups_comma_ anyway.
person A: I'm a bit nervous- I have an upcoming certification exam to take for my teaching license and it's a big deal. person B: That's an amazing accomplishment! I'm sure you'll do great! Have you been studying a lot? person A: I've been studying a WHOLE lot - so I think I'll do okay_comma_ but it's still making me feel nervous. person B: I hope you can stay calm_comma_ you seem really well prepared!
person A: There was a group project due and we had a meeting_comma_ but i missed it because it was my 21st birthday. wasnt my best day person B: Oh no_comma_that did not go welll_comma_so sorry about that person A: yeah_comma_ but i learnt from it and also had a good birthday! person B: Thats good dear_comma_congratulations
person A: I have many health problems but I feel so lucky to have a great support system in my family person B: It is very important to have a good support system with health issues_comma_ especially if there are many. It helps to know that you have people that are there if you need them. person A: It really is! It is wonderful to know how much they love me! person B: Health problems can have a devastating effect on a person if they are alone_comma_ so it is wonderful that you have love and support.
person A: I was so sad when I had to put my dog down last year person B: Oh. I'm sorry. How old was your dog? person A: She was 12. It was old age but it was so hard because I had had her for years. person B: Have you thought about getting another dog?
person A: I wanted to buy a new car_comma_ but I wasn't sure about buying the one I got. person B: it's a hard decision_comma_ you can be apprehensive about making the right decision you know? person A: Yeah_comma_ it's been a good car so far_comma_ but most cars are pretty reliable at first. person B: yeah they are! So that is really good!
person A: I have an amazing husband who is always there for me no matter what person B: That sounds amazing! How'd you guys meet? person A: He was my sisters_comma_ husbands roomate in college and he came down for their wedding and we met there. I can't imagine my life without him person B: Oh wow_comma_ that's awesome. Is your sister as happy with her husband as you are with yours?
person A: One time I went to my friends 16th birthday party. When I was walking in her house I ran smack into their glass door. It was so clean that I didn't see it. person B: Did you hurt yourself? person A: LOL..just my pride. I was mortified and the funny part is that later on I won the door prize person B: Hahahah! Im dying! Im glad you werent hurt.
person A: My husband and I are planning a big trip to Washington_comma_DC person B: Oh_comma_ that sounds so exciting! What do you plan to see while you are there? person A: I really want to go to the Smithsonian. I love history and can't wait till we get to go person B: The Smithsonian would be amazing. I have not been to DC yet. I hope you guys have a great time!
person A: I have this knife that I carry everyday. My dad gave it to me before he died. person B: Oh that's really nice to have something you can remember him by. It must be very special to you. person A: It is_comma_ it's like he's always with me. person B: That's very sweet. I am certain he is with you.
person A: I have many health problems that have prevented me from having children person B: Oh my. I am so sorry. That must be so difficult. Are you exploring any other options like adoption? person A: If I can get my health under control I would definetly look into that. I use to be very sad everytime I saw people with their children but I have finally learned to be content in my situation person B: I hope you are able to have a child some day. I truly hurt for anyone that struggles in situations like this. I have to aplogize in advance. The topic I chose was about my daughter. I do not want to make you feel sad.
person A: I had a job interview that was very important to me once person B: Did you go for the interview? person A: yes_comma_ I prepared as best I could and I really felt that I aced it! Sure enough I ended up getting the jon person B: Thats lovely_comma_congrats
person A: I used to live out of my car and it made me feel pretty down on myself back then person B: I no how you feeI I have had to live in worse places than that _comma_ but it looks like you found a way out of that situation. person A: What types of situations? And yeah it could have been worse but I'm glad I'm out of it. person B: I had to squat in houses before. I'm glad things have changed for you and for me.
person A: Skydiving taught me how to let go and stop trying to fix everything person B: Wow. That's amazing. Were you afraid to try it? person A: Yeah the hardest part for me was just realizing that I wouldn't be in control_comma_ but it was very natural in the end person B: Do you often feel like you want to be in control? Cause i totally do. person A: It's like something you have to figure out with your heart_comma_ kind of like how caterpillars have to stop trying to do a bunch of work so they can become butterflies
person A: I ended up watching all the Robin William movies I could think of last weekend. person B: Lol! Which one was your favorite? person A: I don't know if there is one of my favorites_comma_ but it sure was a lot of good memories. person B: Did you watch Mrs. Doubtfire?
person A: I was in a rush this morning and didn't realize I had put on two different colored sox. person B: I hate it when that happens. I hope your pants covered them at least. person A: One was pink the other was green. I hope no one noticed. person B: That would be embarrassing!
person A: I have been working on my dance moves for the last 6 months. person B: Oh really? That's cool! What style of dance? person A: Well its for a dance off_comma_ so it's a pretty big deal I have to win this. person B: Wow. That's so amazing. Are you nervous?
person A: This one time my pants fell down in public_comma_ but I was really tired so I didn't realize person B: Oh my gosh! When did you figure it out?! person A: A couple minutes later person B: Wow I'm so sorry. Were you a kid?
person A: Going in for an interview had me wondering what would happen person B: Yeah it can get pretty intense! How did it go? person A: I decided not to take the job in the end_comma_ I guess I just wanted to know I could get it person B: Wow_comma_ going out in style! Well I hope you found a good job somewhere.
person A: I appreciate the place where I started cuz it helps me keep going person B: Like where you were born? person A: For sure_comma_ it reminds me that things are always getting better person B: Was it a rough place to grow up?
person A: I have been working on at the track to get my sprint times faster1 person B: Wow that's awesome! Are you on a team? person A: No_comma_ just me_comma_ but my 100 yard dash is so so slow_comma_ I can't even get lower than 6 seconds. person B: I don't know what's good for sprints_comma_ I'm more of a distance runner myself. person A: I think I'm just really bad_comma_ maybe I will always be slow. person B: I think you can get better dude!
person A: Drinking a gallon of milk everyday makes me feel like an absolute madman in the gym who's gonna take over the world person B: That doesn't sound healthy lol. Does it ever make you sick? person A: That's not the point_comma_ gotta do it RAW person B: Are you drinking 2% because you think you're fat? Because you're not. You could drink whole if you wanted to.
person A: I had this juicy pump at the gym from doing some benching and it felt too easy person B: What. I'm confused. What's a juicy pump. Like a juicer? person A: My pecs were poppin person B: Oh. Hahahahahaha. You go!
person A: I was hurrying around the house and wasn't paying attention fully_comma_ I ending up hitting my toe on my dogs toys. person B: Dang dogs leaving their things around! person A: It really hurt_comma_ I think I may need to take all his toys away to punish him. person B: Yeah_comma_ minus one for dogs
person A: I was at my main girls house and I saw these texts from this guy named Chad person B: That doesn't sound good_comma_ sounds like you are getting replaced. person A: Yeah_comma_ I demoted her to my dinner girl_comma_ now I gotta choose who my main ting is gonna be person B: Maybe you should just go single for a while and enjoy freedom.
person A: I got mad because I was too full to finish my plate at the buffet person B: What kind of buffet? Did you get to take a doggie bag at least? person A: Chinese_comma_ but no I decided not to_comma_ don't think would allow it person B: I bet you wish you had that doggie bag now. My mom used to sneek food out. lol
person A: I spent 20 dollars on a piece of cheese cake. person B: Oh my_comma_ I hope it was delicious_comma_ that is a lot of money person A: I thought it would blow my mind but it was dry and really disappointing. Talk about a let down. person B: goodness_comma_ i would be so upset_comma_ that is a terrible experience!
person A: I have been working on my bench press for 6 months_comma_ I know I can get to bench 400 pounds. person B: Nice_comma_ what program are you running person A: Steak and Maximum effort. I also drink lots of water_comma_ I'm on the next level like Arnold. person B: Good game m8_comma_ pics or it didn't happen
person A: Paranormal activity is the sCaRiEsT movie of horror movies person B: Really? I don't find it that scary maybe you just haven't seen true terror. person A: Yeah you'll have to show me sometime person B: I have a chucky doll sitting in the chair next to me and it looks at me all day. Now thats a movie.
person A: I just gave up smoking cigarettes. It was pretty hard_comma_ but the worst part is how everything puts you on edge and it is hard to relax. person B: Oh wow_comma_ I wish I could find the courage to do that_comma_ it surely takes a lot of will power. how did you do it> person A: I closed my eyes and visualize a world where anything was possible. I called this world IMAGINATION land. person B: I will totally have to try that_comma_ It really is difficult to stop smoking!
person A: I was challenged to a dare by my best friend! person B: Did you have the choice between truth and dare? person A: No_comma_ the challenge was I had to spend the night in a cemetery. No flashlight no tents just a rolled up sleeping bag. person B: Dang_comma_ street cred off the chains right there
person A: I enjoy getting things done person B: What kind of things do you like to do? person A: I like to crochet and pay the bills person B: Why do you like to pay the bills_comma_ maybe you should just get a rich girl or guy to take care of it.
person A: I was so satisfied with myself when I left the gym today person B: Did you have a good workout? person A: Indeed_comma_ it was quite thrilling_comma_ did a little chest workout_comma_ got a nice pump person B: Nice! I really need to get back to the gym.
person A: My cat puked all over my roommates shoes. I feel so bad. person B: Oh_comma_ that's terrible! What did you do? person A: I clean them up as best I could_comma_ and told him about it. Then I profusely apologized. person B: Did you figure out what made your cat puke?
person A: I was really sick the other day and I let my roommate pick me up and carry me down the stairs. person B: Oh no! What was wrong? Are you feeling better? person A: I had an ovarian cyst_comma_ it hurt so bad. I almost went to the ER again. person B: Oh man! I had one when I was pregnant with my son. I feel your pain!
person A: I was going through my photos today and I saw a picture of me and my ex together. It just made me feel odd_comma_ I miss him. person B: Nice_comma_ when did you guys break up person A: We broke up back in May_comma_ he was just too much of a workaholic. person B: I see_comma_ you'll find someone better
person A: I get pretty sad some nights_comma_ but it feels good to cry sometimes person B: Oh_comma_ why are you crying? Is anything wrong in particular? Have you talked to somebody? person A: Yeah_comma_ sometimes it's like a deep sadness comes out of nowhere person B: Oh I'm sorry_comma_ I hope you get the help that you need.
person A: I had just been returning home_comma_ and on the side of the road there was some roadkill. It used to be a deer. person B: Oh no. That's quite unfortunate for the deer. Did you just drive past it? person A: Yeah but my widows were down_comma_ and I could almost taste the stench of decay. person B: I'm sure you wanted to get out of there as soon as possible.
person A: Sometimes it's impossible to shove more food down my gullet person B: Do you have a medical condition? person A: Nah_comma_ I'm trying to gain some pounds_comma_ I just haven't acclimated to the quantity yet person B: Are you trying to gain muscle?
person A: I just watched JFK's speech_comma_ 'we will go to the moon' - reminds me of what I admire in the US person B: I love the USA. person A: It's really moving_comma_ wonder what the next big goal will be for humanity person B: JFK's speeches were amazing. We have had a lot of great leaders in our country. Our country has truly been blessed.
person A: The litter of puppies had been born! person B: Nice_comma_ amazing to witness birth person A: All of the puppies survived_comma_ truly a lucky amazing occasion! person B: Good to hear_comma_ have fun with puppies!
person A: I was totally caught off guard as a kid when the entire yard was covered in Easter eggs person B: wow_comma_ who was the won who littered your yard with easter eggs? person A: My dad_comma_ but he wouldn't admit it! haha person B: Nice_comma_ he probably made you pick them all up too!
person A: I was a little nervous to eat some cloves of garlic for the first time person B: What made you nervous about it? person A: I wasn't sure if it was going to make me sick or not person B: I see. Is it your favorite food now? :p
person A: I accidentally left a book I borrowed from a friend outside person B: Were you able to get it back? person A: I did but it was ruined from the rain. person B: Well_comma_ hopefully your friend will forgive you.
person A: I forgot to take some water bottles out from under my cart and pay for them at the store. I didn't realize I didn't pay for them till later. person B: Oh no! I've done that before too person A: Hopefully I don't get bad karma for my accidental theft! person B: I hope not too!
person A: I attended a ball recently_comma_ one of the girls had the most stunning dress. person B: A ball_comma_ how fancy! Was the girl as stunning as her dress? person A: No way_comma_ her dress looked like little diamonds had been stitched on every inch of her dress. Not many girls can compete with that. Diamonds are forever. person B: Yeah_comma_ I can see a dress like that can easily outshine any girl. The dress sounds amazing though.
person A: I had to schedule an appointment with the dentist after not visiting one in five years. person B: That is crazy. Did you not have insurance for all these years you missed the dentist appointments? person A: I do not have insurance. I went anyway because I had a problem with one tooth. person B: I hope the problem was not deep in the enamel of the tooth since that requires a lot of work.
person A: The internet has been there through thick and thin for me person B: The internet is a great thing. I don't know what we'd do without it. person A: True_comma_ it's a great resource to have person B: We had an issue with our internet for a couple of days and it was so inconvenient!
person A: Seeing animals sleep is very relaxing person B: I've never felt that way myself. What do you find relaxing about watching animals sleep? person A: I don't know_comma_ I guess I'm just tired person B: I suppose when you feel tired_comma_ anything can feel relaxing
person A: My dog got hit by a car. person B: Really? I'm so sorry to hear that person A: Yeah. He didn't survive. I really miss him person B: Hope everything gets better soon
person A: I remember not having any responsibilities as a kid person B: Me too_comma_ I really miss those days. person A: Yea_comma_ those were the days person B: If only time machines were real.
person A: I found an old photo album of my family. It really brought back memories. person B: It's good to remember days gone by person A: It's kind of a bittersweet experience person B: Yea_comma_ like you can remember those times but things are different
person A: I had a tough semester but I just saw my grades and I'm pleased with the results. person B: Taht is always a weight off the shoulders_comma_ I'm glad you are pleased. person A: Yeah_comma_ it was a huge relief for me. I am so glad to be done with this semester. person B: I remember that feeling_comma_ finals week is so stressful_comma_ then there is that wave of relief.
person A: I should not have been so quick to let my teen take the car_comma_ but she was so excited. person B: Did her drive turn out alright? person A: Well_comma_ let me just say that the pole made it out alright_comma_lol. person B: Oh no! Is your daughter okay? person A: She is_comma_ and now my car has a very crude imitation of a red racing stripe down the side!
person A: After a gym workout I'm always ready to get back and hit a new PR person B: that's great! what motivates you? person A: I think just knowing that one day I'll be able to do things that are unimaginable right now_comma_ and I know I can do better the next time person B: wow that's so motivating_comma_ thanks for that i really needed to hear that
person A: My stomach made a loud noise while I was in class taking a test person B: oh that's weird what did you do? person A: I just pretended like nothing happened_comma_ but i'm worried everyone thinks it was something other than my stomach person B: no no_comma_ dont
person A: I felt pretty good leaving the gym today_comma_ hit a new PR on overhead press person B: That's great. You must have been working really hard. person A: I like to try my hardest! person B: And it has paid off. Good for you.
person A: I felt like I could do anything after I finished meditating person B: Nice! How long do you meditate for? person A: I try to go longer everyday_comma_ I was able to go 50 minutes yesterday person B: Dang! Well I hope you have a stress-free weekend and be full of energy!