person A: i hate people that cut lane in traffic without signaling it person B: Oh me too. I'm not a driver but that is so annoying. person A: yeah it really makes me mad to see that people dont care about these types of things person B: It can be really dangerous too
person A: I found a rabbit that had been shot by someone in my yard person B: That is terrible. Was it dead or just injured? person A: Thank goodness it was dead_comma_ poor thing is not suffering_comma_ but some people can be so cruel. person B: That is true. I would hate for people to be shooting things that close to my house_comma_ too. Do you know who it was?
person A: We had been holding off trying a new restaurant in town. person B: What's been holding you back? person A: It's a little pricey and I'm worried I won't like the food and waste all that money. It has good reviews though person B: That's a tough decision to make. It's good to try new things sometimes and I'm sure the waiters can recommend you a nice meal you'll enjoy based off your preferences.
person A: Our local organic store now stocks Indian food made by a local Indian lady - heaven_comma_ heaven_comma_ heaven! person B: That is very cool! I love when food is authentic. Do you shop there often? person A: About once a week. Her husband works in the store_comma_ so he brings her food in regularly. It's such a pleasure to find such a thing - I missed my Indian food! person B: I have never tried making Indian food myself_comma_ but I do really enjoy Indian restaurants. I am jealous. person A: Well_comma_ my uncle's Indian and his sisters and mother taught my aunt to cook_comma_ and she taught me. But I'm disabled right now so can't cook much. This is such a find!
person A: I have been working on my jump shot all month. person B: That's awesome! Have you gotten any better yet? person A: I hope so I have a big horse tournament against my buddies I want to win the 100 bucks prize. person B: That would be cool. Hopefully the hard work will pay off
person A: One of my neighbors (next building and two floors up) plays talk radio every morning Very Loudly. person B: Urgh that sounds like the worst! How early? person A: Not until about 8am_comma_ but it's so loud I can hear it in my first floor apartment with the doors and windows closed. Idiot man! person B: So inconsiderate! It reminds me of my neighbours doing building work one morning at 6AM! person A: Yikes! Why are some people such inconsiderate creeps? It makes me really mad! person B: Me too! person A: I've called management twice about it and both times he quietened down - for about two days. Then up it goes again! person B: How many times do you need to tell them!? :(
person A: Nothing in life is certain_comma_ the only control you have is to decide what to do with the time that has been given to you. person B: I tend to believe that those who have Biblical faith do have a certainty_comma_ that God will bless them despite circumstances. person A: I have just bought a ticket to a britney spears live show in vegas. person B: Oh really_comma_ when are you going to go see her? person A: The show is in three months_comma_ I hope she sings he late 90s hits. person B: I hope you have a good time at the concert_comma_ and she sings all the songs you're looking forward to.
person A: Our Property Management team just emailed me to say I've got the apartment I wanted! person B: Congratulations! That must have been such a great feeling. person A: It really was - I can't wait to move in! It's a smaller apartment_comma_ but quieter (I hope!). person B: I can't wait for the day I move out into my own place! person A: You'll get there. It really is nice to have your own space. Do you live at home? person B: I do_comma_ I live with my parents because I'm in university and I'm still pretty young. Hopefully by next year! person A: Good for you! Start saving your money now - believe me_comma_ you'll need it!
person A: I was on the patio and a giant roach crawled out from underneath. person B: Those are my nightmares. They are so big where I live in the South. person A: It was almost as bug as a golf ball I felt like throwing up. person B: I would immediately start spraying bug spray all over. Those things terrify me.
person A: I have quite a long drive ahead of me next month. It's about 1/12 hours_comma_ but I've don it before so I'll be fine. person B: I don't know how you do it. I can't stand long drives. person A: I put music on and open the window. Otherwise I'll disappear into my own little world_comma_ and that's not a good thing to do when you're driving! person B: Definitely not! Music is a great idea though; I listen to music on all bus rides and car rides. person A: It really helps to pass the time_comma_ not to mention it can calm you down. And the drive's quite easy and very pretty_comma_ which help.
person A: I was so amped yesterday. I got to pick up my now computer for the store! person B: Thats awesome. What kind of computer are you getting? person A: It was just a new model HP that I bought but I'm so excited! person B: very nice. Id be super excited too. Have some fun playing with it
person A: I get my groceries delivered to my home and am so grateful for the service. person B: Yeah it is really nice to have other people do your shopping person A: It helps me a lot as I'm disabled and it can be quite difficult. Anyway_comma_ I hate grocery shopping! person B: Shopping is no fun_comma_ waiting in lines is not fun. person A: Ugh. And don't even get me started on "mini-shoppers" racing round the aisles screeching! Much better to have someone else buy for me!
person A: I just watched the notebook_comma_ pretty depressing movie. person B: I haven't heard of that movie. What's depressing about it? person A: It's a romantic love story. Doesn't end so well for the main character. person B: Oh dear. I think I'll give it a miss - I cry at the drop of a hat! You should watch a comedy next_comma_ just to cheer yourself up!
person A: my little boy learned how to count to ten eeven know he is super young person B: ohhh cute!! i am so happy for you_comma_ smart boy! person A: yeah i was so proud of him as well i thought i would have to wait months till he got to that point person B: a rare one_comma_ i hope he goes a long way and maybe even be the next Einstein we need
person A: I just went to the park today. person B: What did you do there? person A: I was going to hang out_comma_ but I ended up tripping and smashing my toe up into a rock. person B: Sounds painful_comma_ did you have to go to the doctor?
person A: my little brother dumped a glass of water on me this morning to wake me up person B: oh god_comma_ that must have been the worst way to wake up in the morning person A: yeah i was furious we are in some sort of a prank war person B: oh_comma_ do you have any revenge planned?
person A: Last night there was a really strange animal screaming outside my window in the middle of the night person B: That is really scary! What was it? person A: Turned out to be a skunk! It sounded so strange! person B: Yuck! Stay away from that guy!
person A: When I was in college I travelled all over Europe one semester. person B: Sounds like quite an adventure for one semester! What was your favorite place? person A: I love all over Italy_comma_ but I also loved Germany and France and Spain. person B: Nice! Must have made you really happy to see so many different places. person A: Yes it was truly an amazing time meeting people from so many different cultures
person A: We went on vacation and the kids stayed home. I couldn't believe it when I walked in the door and the house was totally clean. person B: Lol! I thought you were going to say MESSY! Good kids! person A: Wonders never cease to amaze me. First time for everything I guess_comma_ lol person B: So true! Maybe they want something or they did something bad and are hiding it lol person A: I totally thought the same thing. Too funny (but you might be right) person B: Lol ;) Well enjoy the clean house_comma_ don't worry about the rest!
person A: I went ziplining the other day person B: oh awesome_comma_ i love ziplining_comma_ last time i went was 3 years ago tho_comma_ how did you find it? person A: I found it using the Internet. It was a lot of hiking but they had a lot of long lines. person B: did you enjoy yourself person A: Yes I did - I had a great time and met some fun people.
person A: I smashed my finger in the door last night person B: Ouch sucks to be you! jk Did you ice it down person A: I iced it up but I was so mad because it was my fault for slamming the door person B: Yes hope you feel better
person A: We might have to put our dog down soon. person B: Oh no. I have been there before. It was really sad. person A: Yes_comma_ she's getting older and she's just getting to that point she can't move around good. person B: It is sometimes for the best but that doesnt always make it easy.
person A: i am really lucky that my cancer got cured many years ago person B: How did you do that? Naturally or with chemo? person A: i did it with chemo and it took a lot of time and effort person B: I bet! Look in too Chlorella and similar to get rid of any toxins from the chemo :)
person A: I am so ready to move. person B: oh yeah? where you planning to move to? person A: California. I'm ready for my kids to try out some new schools and be happier :) person B: oh that's a very good reason to go_comma_ i am happy for you
person A: i cannot stand seeing people throw trash on the streets person B: this is what you need to do_comma_ get out of your car and go give them a beat down that they need person A: i know right i feel like doing that every time but i dont want to get arrested hahaha let karma get them_comma_ person B: yea but it will feel better if you take action
person A: I am by myself most of the time in a isolated area. I only have animals as my friends.,5|5|4_5|5|5, hit:9648_conv:19297,2,lonely,I am by myself most of the time in a isolated area. I only have animals as my friends. ,568,oh does that sadden you?,5|5|4_5|5|5,,You can track her down to say sorry_comma_ or would that be creepy?|One day we'll find a way to repay them all the misery they've caused us.|I see_comma_ did they ever find out it was you ?|Well_comma_ if the drive was the most challenging it sounds like a good trip! Too often it's family dynamics that are *more* challenging -- and not so easily taken care of. ;-)|That is awesome. I am sure you will return the favor one day.|holy Moses! I hate them things. Flying rats is what they are.|That's good_comma_ at least he is getting better_comma_ he'll survive!|That is really creepy_comma_ I would feel anxious too. I think you should report the to the police if you notice any strange or threatening messages_comma_Feel free to also call me if you need anything! :)|That doesn't seem fair. How are they getting around not paying you for it?|I also do not like spiders. I don't even like watching Spiderman due to not liking spiders.|i'm sorry to hear that. i know exactly what you are going through. My brother tragically passed away 2.5 years ago. He was only 32|That sounds horrible. I would not have been able to sleep after that.|What?|That's good to have something in common. Make the memories.|Well_comma_ there aren't any rules against apologizing to your kids?|Aw_comma_ that's so nice of him! Does he live far away?|Why don't you trust?|Is he going to be okay?|That can't be easy. How old are your children? Sometimes I wish we could keep our kids small forever!|Wow_comma_ impressive. You must have natural talent. Do you plan to make more? |4 and 1. I have a bit to go haha.|Oh man! I hate one night stands!!|Yeah he might do a pretty good job as that character.|It's a good idea to have one just in case. Murders_comma_ robberies etc happen even in small/nice towns. Just for your safety |Hopefully they will give him a better shift.|Yeah_comma_ I love going to the beach as well! You must have felt so happy there in that moment!|Maybe I could come with you_comma_ I'm near Florida.|Oh no_comma_ did they do something embarrasing?|That is a scary situation. People do not care anymore.|I hope it goes well! If it makes you feel any better_comma_ most of them are probably just as nervous and are looking for any excuse to relax and let their guard down_comma_ too. Good luck|Yeah_comma_ it sounds that way.|Every little accomplishment counts! What bills did you have to pay?|Yes at least there is that. But it must be really scary to deal with someone willing to go that far.|In real life? Or are you making this up|Thats pretty long_comma_ how did you manage?|I definitely relate to that feeling_comma_ why can't they take us with them!?|I can understand the anxiety. Its a whole new different experience for first timers!|That's sweet|Well_comma_ at least a candidate that deserved the job got it. |I can imagine! Is he doing okay?|Oh no! I would be very furuios!|That sounds so good i love steaks|Thats a tough situation.|Ouch_comma_ What a pain that is! I can imagine_comma_ i would be the exact same in that situation.|Yes _comma_ work is better with friends.|Yellow butterflies are beautiful. Photography can capture some great images a lot of times.|Yeah you want them to learn_comma_ but it's definitely hard to see them doing things that you might not agree with. |Well that's good of you. Do you think homelessness is due to mental incapacities?|Yes you put all the places on it and spin..|I don't know what's good for sprints_comma_ I'm more of a distance runner myself.|Glad to hear you stopped with your wayward habits before the Po Po caught up with you!|Don't feel bad about it buddy_comma_ this happens to all of us sometime. Feel better|That's great_comma_ what kind of work are you in?|Good for you! I have heard many great things about keto. How are you finding it?|That must have been a difficult time for you.|That's great! When will you find out?|I am not sure I would be able to forgive someone of something like that_comma_ it is really rude behavior.|I feel happy and content just sitting here listening to you describe the experience.|You remember that show hahaha totally my twin. I'm glad for you bro. Good luck to you!|I suppose when you feel tired_comma_ anything can feel relaxing|Damn! Every kid tells such innocent lies.. I bet your were embarassed|that stinks were you guys going school clothes shopping?|Hope everything gets better soon|That is really good to hear|you can always make new friends_comma_ and talk to your old friends at the same time!|Oh no_comma_ did you have candles and flashlights available?|That's great. I bet it is a very special place for you two.|Ah_comma_ I guess you have to save money somewhere|Don't spend it all in one place :)|i know what you mean. my family is 800 miles away|That's a relatively quick recovery_comma_ fortunately. |Yeah_comma_ everyone just seems miserable_comma_ so it kind of drags you down_comma_ too. But it's a necessary evil.|Yes_comma_ it does. |That happened to me too.. with the other Exorcist movies and the Ring movies. Even though they scared me_comma_ I was too curious to not see the others.|Oh no_comma_ did you get hurt?|My bedroom is first floor_comma_ and literally maybe 4 feet from the parking lot. Lucky me. Lucky you tho too with animals. lol |Oh wow! How exciting! I can't wait to come visit you there so you can show me the sights!|I am happy for you and her|My ex programs for insurance companies and they all use the same_comma_ ancient language for their statistics. She hasn't had to learn anything new for decades.|oh yeah? where you planning to move to?|Wow_comma_ I don't know how you runners do it. I can't stand running. How many miles do you run per day on average?|oh awesome_comma_ i love ziplining_comma_ last time i went was 3 years ago tho_comma_ how did you find it?|It sounds like you live in a great community.|Japanese language seems like it would be heard to learn. Good luck on your test_comma_ Im sure you will do fine.|thats true imagine if you had! it takes a lot of talent tho to put your pants on inside out and still manage to button them. ha ha |Take joy and pride in the memories you have of him. They are your personal family movies in your mind. Cherish them because not everyone gets them with their parents. Its good to find support and counseling too if you need it. Take care of yourself.|I can't even imagine the stench...did you make out with any buried treasure?|im glad to hear that! |Im from NC mountains_comma_ it can be tricking driving when the snow is latying fast|tell me more about this|I am sorry_comma_ that is a sad thing to go through|That's a tragedy! What ever did you do?!?!|Oh! Was the ice cream cake for you?|I haven't heard of that movie. What's depressing about it?|Aliens? I didn't think it was about aliens_comma_ i thought it's about ghosts and stuff|That's OK_comma_ It happens to the best of us!|oh does that sadden you?|How did you feel when he gave it away? |Wow_comma_ that's really exciting! Good for you_comma_ you must be nervous. |Huh_comma_ ok. Do you like her a lot? hit:9648_conv:19297,3,lonely,I am by myself most of the time in a isolated area. I only have animals as my friends. ,346,Sometimes it makes me sad_comma_ but than I think how happy my animal friends makes me feel. ,5|5|4_5|5|5, hit:9648_conv:19297,4,lonely,I am by myself most of the time in a isolated area. I only have animals as my friends. ,568,animals are far better than humans_comma_ most humans have long lot their way and follow only their desires_comma_ i am also like you and i embrace it and smile :) ,5|5|4_5|5|5,,That sounds like heaven to me as well|Same. I have a chance in a few years to go with the family but not 100%.|Wow_comma_ that sounds amazing. I wish I could have seen that!|Oh no_comma_ I hate flies|Oh I'm sorry. How are his family doing?|I bet. I live about 20 minutes from a real town_comma_ which is far enough for me.|Did you make the party anyway?|What? That's awful! How did you find out it was them? Did someone see it?|I'll have to do the same! I wish my skin looked better than it does.|Honking is a way to communicate. In some countries they honk just to let another driver they are there.|It reallyi s the best way to do things. That way even if you forget something you've got time to remember and remedy the situation|Really? What was it?|animals are far better than humans_comma_ most humans have long lot their way and follow only their desires_comma_ i am also like you and i embrace it and smile :) |Were you happy about that_comma_ or creeped out?|How was that? Were you excited for some more quiet and for them to get back on a schedule? Or are you sad that it shows that they're getting older?|good for you! that is how it is supposed to be|I am happy for you and her|Dang. Please don't blame yourself.|Thats awesome! What kind of soup do you make?|Im really sorry for your loss! I hope that someday it gets better for the both of us. |Were you guys angry or frustrated with each other?|So exciting! It can be fun to have a roommate|He sounds like a great guy. I'm glad you have fond memories of him.|A latte.|Yep! Not really that fun to have since you see things at times.|You must of been hard working.|Thanks you for your service|Oh it sounds like you are in a difficult situation. I hope you can get out of the middle of it!|Good luck! I hope you get it.|That's the way to go! Practice and practice until you're confident and then the real thing will be a breeze.|As long as it is something she enjoys. I am sure you are very proud of her!|What grade is he in?|That's ridiculous. I was going to see who might have helped you. I'm so glad your friend helped. Hope you had a great time!|Tennis_comma_ how fun! Have you noticed improvement?|Oh wow_comma_ I bet you can't wait! I remember when I had to spend a summer overseas and it was awful to be away from my husband.|I am sorry to hear that_comma_ my wife has done the same thing. She wore a hat for almost a month when she left the house.|I like 2% as well. It's perfect for cereal and chocolate milk!|good then you will do well!|Congratulations_comma_ all the hard work paid off!|Well that's good of you. Do you think homelessness is due to mental incapacities?|LOL! Can you run out and get another pie before she gets home?|Aweseme. I want to go skydiving sometime.|That's amazing and a very quick profit! I'm a little bit jealous myself. |exactly_comma_ i get that entirely!|That's a big step. I hope it works out for you.|That is a great move! I did the same thing.|Where did they go?|i hope she will recover soon. Stay strong and think positive|It's located in a small farming town in Vermont. I went on a tour of their factory once and it was interesting to see the cheese being made.|I love Fireball.|Wow_comma_ that surely is incredible! Even the accent too? And intelligent! The full package!|You must be so proud!|Was that a good day for you?|What did you do to pass the time?|I would be too! That's a really nice car for his first car!|Oh_comma_ wow... um_comma_ that's crazy. Why did you do that? |my sister loves mac and cheese. she would probably live off of that if given the chance|Honestly that sounds pretty fun to me I havent been to bingo in years. I love listening to the older people arguing when someone wins. |I am in the same boat_comma_ but I think that I can still be very happy and very content with the little bit of money or lack of I have. |I'm sorry. My wife could sympathize with you since I'm gone a lot on business as well. |That sounds like a lot of fun_comma_ it's so rewarding to have a position where you can engage with other people. You really seem motivating and inspiring_comma_ so I'm happy you have that job!|What type of dog is it?|That's funny.|I hope you can stay calm_comma_ you seem really well prepared!|It sounds like you live in a great community.|Man_comma_ how was your insurance policy for that?|Yeah I believe that you will be able to_comma_ but never forget you are not alone! I am always here if you need some moral support :)|oh that is awesome. what does she do?|I bet. I don't think I could sit through a whole one.|Yes_comma_ I have. One that actually died and one that was miraculously saved. It was a dark and tough time. Did that happen to you recently?|well that's good and bad. hopefully the joke didn't carry on too long|I do not blame you!|That would take a miracle _comma_ or have some major money backing it.|Oh ok. In that case let someone very close like your mother come around to help you out. Having someone to talk to helps in times like this|What did you do?|Oh man_comma_ I did too. I still do every once in a while but only when I'm having trouble sleeping. Does one stand out from the rest that you remember vividly?|I am sure hes doing it to take care of you guys and I am sure you are pampering him too for doing it. |That sounds terrifying! Must have been like a nightmare for you.|Wow_comma_ that had to be quite a surprise. I hope you like them|Have fun!!!!|Oh wow_comma_ that is a dangerous job.|I'm sorry for that. Have you tried going to therapy?|Yikes that sounds scary but overall good for the end results. How do you feel about it? |the buggy is important_comma_ I have a baby boy of my own.|That's rough man. Got any back up interviews lined up?|Damn! was it a stray dog?|That's definitely a factor_comma_ sometimes I forget about some of my nephews even exist.|Did you have a good time?|You should probably go to the doctor about that|Oh that's nice_comma_ I love doing that. Did the cat seem happy?|That was a really smart call on your part! Were you worried?|Oh I bet that was fun. What kind of dog do you have?|ok. I understand |I haven't heard of it|You're very empathetic then! I hate seeing animals suffer as well.|I'm so sorry. It wasn't meant to be.|What is exciting to you about swimming?|Oh im so sorry to hear that.. how long were you married?|Awesome! Any daughters? What will be your sons name?|oh jeez! what a mess. hit:9649_conv:19299,1,jealous,I just bought a hundred packs of Magic cards and I didn't get a single good cards. My friend only bought a few packs he got an amazing card,628,I bought 100 packs of magic cards and didn't get a single good card.,5|5|5_3|4|5, hit:9649_conv:19299,2,jealous,I just bought a hundred packs of Magic cards and I didn't get a single good cards. My friend only bought a few packs he got an amazing card,296,What are magic cards?,5|5|5_3|4|5,,Then the person might be caught_comma_ do you have a camera? That is really crappy of someone! I have seen people put metal or wood pallets next to their mailboxes because of people doing stuff like this|That's a great son. It's always nice to be able to rely on people close to you to help out when needed|I used to be afriad of heights too|Best of luck to you|Wow - hidden depths. Are you going?|oh yea exactly|Haha_comma_ your a player.|Man_comma_ that's gotta be a horrible feeling. I think it would help if you try not to compare yourself to others.|What does your husband do for a job?|Me too_comma_ I really miss those days.|And don't forget how many years they have to study in order to get a license for surgery|Oh_comma_ that sounds bad_comma_ probably a stomach virus. those suck!|I am glad that she is much better.|He's like an angry child trying to make everything about himself!|That must have been really hard. |That's cool_comma_ good movies have a way of tapping into those feelings.|That is amazing_comma_ good work.|You will be having fun in the sun. Nothing like a day at beach.|Wow that sounds challenging! You must have some serious strength to pull that off!|Did you recover the leg? And I once almost got my finger bit off by a snapping turtle_comma_ it wasn't a pleasant experience so I couldn't imagine hers. You are great for staying there.|Sounds like fund_comma_ you must be excited!|Oh no!! That is terrible_comma_ do you know what happened? |Oh my goodness_comma_ that must have been terrifying until you figured out what was going on.|I'm glad to hear that! Things are really going great for me too!|good for you! that is how it is supposed to be|Oh no! I would be very furuios!|yea i just take them away and let them cry it out.|Ah I see. Something similar happened to my brother too recently while he was picking me up_comma_ so we were stuck at a coffee shop parking lot for several hours. |That would be a really nice surprise then!|hopefully its better tomorrow!|Yep its disgusting|Maybe? Is it that big of a deal to you?|that sounds fun!|What. I'm confused. What's a juicy pump. Like a juicer?|Oh no_comma_ that sounds like an awful situation. What did you end up doing after that?|People are so rude when they drive these days|I am familiar with that. That is frustrating.|That will come! The hardest part is over now!|It's got to be so exciting though! |Ah_comma_ well you earned it!|Always do the same what? What is perfect?|What kind of dog|What kind of job did you get?|Was it liquid ?|amen! so true. Its especially awesome when He picks us up in every fall. His love never fails|That is awesome. What are you hoping to do?|I hope you find a new puppy love soon.|How so?|That's sucks. Does the culprit know?|Good for you!|As you should. It will pass away_comma_ dont worry|Well that's good_comma_ sometimes it's our failures that really show us what we're made of. |Ohh well that's good for you. These kind people always help in difficult times.|Where are you living at?|Oh I don't think I could do that. I have a fear of falling from high places. |oh that sounds like fun|Yeah dealing with an accident is one of the most aggravating things.|It must be very good_comma_ if you're willing to go that far!|thats good.. well you are on your way up!|Me too. Its nerve wrecking|Free pizza is good! How did you get it?|I've never done that but i know plenty of people who do that. Its normal every know and again but don't turn it into a daily habit!|Sounds like you guys know how to have fun no matter what. You have good friends. |thats awesome|Understandable. What was the reason?|What are magic cards?|Oh wow_comma_ that does sound fun|That was very nice of you.|Did you have candles or a flash light to help yous see?|All the best buddy enjoy the celebrations :)|Oh I'm sorry_comma_ I hope you get the help that you need.|Aw hopefully you never lose that picture!|Well_comma_ that is just terrible. I hate it when companies jerk you around like that. I hope you will be able to reschedule it_comma_ although I know that wouldn't make up for the frustration.|Who would that be?|How creepy!|It's going to help your family out so much I bet everyone is so proud of you_comma_ congrats you deserve it.|Maybe so_comma_ they say to imagine the crowd naked_comma_ but I don't think that helps too much with the writing part.|That's great! Im glad you had a good time_comma_ its always nice to have a refresher to get away from everything for a little bit!|when does she return?|Very nice! I bet your very proud of it and are excited for what may come from it.|oof that is rough.|I'm sure everything will be fine. Just gotta be yourself!|YAY! I think shoes are a great gift.|I can imagine_comma_ waiting sucks!|Yea_comma_ I try not to think about that though because then it makes me sad.|What did you do to feel that way?|Yep_comma_ money spent on bills and food_comma_ with little left for fun. My wife has the same complaint. |Hopefully she knows how much this means to you.|Oh_comma_ no! What happened? Did she just get loose? |Ah_comma_ I bet seeing all of the kids now dressed up does take you back to an earlier time. Nostalgia has a way of getting to each of us.|I had that problem with a mosquito once. I woke up with a bite on the tip of my nose|I no how you feeI I have had to live in worse places than that _comma_ but it looks like you found a way out of that situation.|Oh no_comma_ I bet your parents were freaking out.|Cool I just finished today|Is she always a flake? Maybe time for a new friend?|Oh no_comma_ it's awful something happens on that special day that should be full of joy and whatnot.|Shoot.. I bet it was scary.. How did you handle it?|wow even organic store? that's pretty cool|did it go flat?|That sounds awesome_comma_ I'm glad he did well. hit:9649_conv:19299,3,jealous,I just bought a hundred packs of Magic cards and I didn't get a single good cards. My friend only bought a few packs he got an amazing card,628,Collectible cards. My friend bought only a few packs and got incredible cards.,5|5|5_3|4|5, hit:9649_conv:19299,4,jealous,I just bought a hundred packs of Magic cards and I didn't get a single good cards. My friend only bought a few packs he got an amazing card,296,Oh interesting! Kind of like pokemon cards>?,5|5|5_3|4|5,,IT does go fast. I was just changing my daughters diaper and now she is in junior high!|Oh_comma_ wow. Its like that sometimes. You have to give into your sweet tooth.|Why what is it that you want them to notice about you that they bypass. |Well at least you had a good time. Did they do something nice for you after?|I envy you. Have fun!|No. Why do you ask?|I feel you. You will just have to go as often as possible during the other months to make up for the winter time without!|Give it some time_comma_ maybe she'll change her mind.|oh wow. Do you know whether it will be a boy or girl yet?|I had a shoulder injury when i last moved_comma_ except I had to pay movers and pretend they were my friends for a day.|I hate when that happens! Especially when you have been waiting for the beach!|I know it's hard to build the confidence needed to do something like that_comma_ but you don't want to keep them to yourself. If you really think she is the woman of your dreams then you have to try|Congratulations! When is it due?|Never too old or too manly to snuggle a stuffed animal. My mom said I used to carry this blanket with me when I was a toddler_comma_ everywhere I went. I wish I still had it. If I did_comma_ I'd consider using it again_comma_ or at the very least passing it down to my own kid. What's the harm_comma_ you know? If something gives you comfort and doesn't bother anyone else_comma_ there should be no shame.|Nice! Must have made you really happy to see so many different places.|Are you cleaning out a house or do you not have garbage pick-up?|Have you ever sold on Craigslist before? I always have the people meet me in the Walmart parking lot during the day. I have sold hundreds of things and have never had an issue like that. |Oh_comma_ I see! What a lovely surprise though. What did you do with her litter?|Yeah_comma_ that can be annoying especially in Walmart since so many people go there. It stresses you out when you don't need it to.|Yeah_comma_ me either. Hopefully they regret what they did and are able to learn something from this.|Yeah i can imagine but a little worm wont hurt ya|That is fantastic. Any good new lately?|Wow_comma_ that's fantastic news indeed! How long has it been derelict?|Man. That must've been really nerve wrecking. Did you get any sleep?|Oh. I'm sorry. How old was your dog?|A ball_comma_ how fancy! Was the girl as stunning as her dress?|Time goes by so fast. You'll see. |You're a terrific partner. You guys can do something outdoors next time_comma_ right?|Wow_comma_ i bet you miss her so much. My wife is going overseas with our son and they will be gone for 1 month! I know i will be miserable without them|Whoa! What were you driving that had no brakes?|What does what mean exactly?|Oh_comma_ no! What happened? Did she just get loose? |cool.|Well_comma_ hopefully they still have a good time.|For what kind of project?|That sounds great. Does he travel often?|That makes sense. I hate leaving things for the last second as well. Hopefully you won't have to leave everything boxed up for too long.|I am so happy for you that you have someone you can trust so completely.|That sounds pretty serious_comma_ glad she is okay now!|That is normal that just means that the other person is special |You wont know an answer if you dont ask|Thats a nice gesture from you|Keep up the good work! You will do good in life and be a good role model for your kids. |Yea for sure_comma_ I definitely learned that sometimes life just works in a funny way. When's the last time you have been really disappointed? |Yeah it was so boring. Even my kids got bored and they had been dying to see it_comma_|Yes_comma_ that is definitely a big change. I hope you settle in quickly though - change like that can be a drastic lifestyle upheaval_comma_ but it could also be the best thing ever!|I think you should always focus on your strength then it won't matter who is there and what they say|Oh man I would be so upset. I totally understand! I hope you will be able to enjoy your new place|That can't be easy. How old are your children? Sometimes I wish we could keep our kids small forever!|Yea_comma_ I totally understand that. She won the genetic lottery there.|Oh_comma_ thats not unusual. You must try to relax. Is it an important presentation?|Thats horrible. Will they reschedule?|You could always replace it for them since you know you shouldn't have taken it.|Oh! pity about you. |what industry are you in_comma_ i find that a lot in retail and service|Wow_comma_ that is terrible. I hope that you are able to catch them or find surveillance videos of who did it_comma_ because most malls do have cameras in the parking lots.|Did it go your way?|Well I hope yours work out as well. Focusing on the goals of others probably gives you a lot of inspiration.|im a browns fan i feel that pain|It must have been fun to catch up with them.|Thats right! thats such a good feeling_comma_ just breezing through a test.|Yeah_comma_ I'll consider it. That's a nice thought. My brothers have had 5 kids between them_comma_ so I have plenty of nieces and nephews to deal with in the meantime_comma_ and they've given me lots of practice_comma_ but I'm grateful for that. 15 and 19_comma_ that's awesome. You're almost all the way through getting both of them to a stage where your job becomes a little easier.|That would be rough. Hopefully youre in a better spot now! Thats awesome you had family to help you out too!|That seems like a weird birthday activity.|Uh oh_comma_ be careful about that_comma_ you don't want him becoming dependent on you for handouts. |So...what happened to her|You must be mad at the cat for that.|OMG that's amazing_comma_ good on him! you must be so proud|I don't like them either. It makes me sick.|Congratulations! I hope everything goes well! |Oh that is all the way into the cold and wet wild! Do you have or will you think of getting sled dogs?|Oh_comma_ well work can be tough too sometimes|That must've been scary! Did you freak out?|Maybe try to slowly quit? Like just drink one less a day|Cool. Hope he gets it_comma_ I hear they pay pretty well|Wow! what did you write about?|What do you do as a statistic|My uncle use to be an iron worker_comma_ so I know exactly what you are talking about.|I remember him_comma_ he was going to be a great actor.|Oh interesting! Kind of like pokemon cards>?|That sounds like a good friend_comma_ forgive and forget. She new you did not intend on breaking the baking dish.|That is great! Did you manage to land the job?|That sounds lovely. Did yall make it a special day to remember?|There is a big storm coming where I am living now. Did your power go out?|Oh god_comma_ roaches. Did you guys use the bathroom anyway?|Oh man that is just crazy! Feel bad for the person who has to clean it.|Im sorry he went through that.|Oh no_comma_ what happened?|Yeah_comma_ I haven't seen my friends in forever. We don't even live in the same state anymore.|If only time machines were real.|I am glad you did. Rollercoasters are thrilling and should not be missed out on!|Thar was an embarasing moment for sure|That is very good to hear_comma_ hopefully things truly turn around for him.|Can you blame her? I mean_comma_ if i didn't have bills that's what I'd be doing.|I'm glad it didn't mess anything up and that your relationship with your sister is still in tact.|I cried every year knowing santa wasnt coming to my house.|That is great. What is it fun?|Have you tried speaking with the post office?|Ahh_comma_ okay. Yeah I don't know. It might have also been scared or feeling like it had to protect it's turf. But still_comma_ that's neat to see and not an everyday thing!|oh my goodness thats terrible_comma_ i am so sorry! hit:9651_conv:19303,1,guilty,We are going on vacation next week and we can't bring our dog. I feel so bad that we have to board her in at a kennel. She's going to be so sad,49,I feel really bad that we have to board our dog when we go on vacation next week.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:9651_conv:19303,2,guilty,We are going on vacation next week and we can't bring our dog. I feel so bad that we have to board her in at a kennel. She's going to be so sad,568,oh that's sad_comma_ i am sorry for this_comma_ where are you going and what will you do about your dog?,5|5|5_5|5|5,,I do_comma_ as if it were yesterday. I remember most of my childhood through video games.|I hope you keep doing thaty|It's the worst waiting for vacations! You want the time before to go fast but then it to go slow during. Never works out that way_comma_ unfortunately.|The wiring was probably old and not up to code anymore.|That's amazing! I'm so happy your prayers were answered. God knows your heart.|Wow! That is insane_comma_ too bad you didn't bet with those kind of odds.|Kayla sounds wonderful! How long have you guys been friends?|I bet that was a long time ago!|That is so terrible_comma_ I'm so sorry.|I am sure not many people noticed|I can't wait for the day I move out into my own place!|What a bad doggie... hopefully they don't do it again|That is true but Dubai is a bit better|I would be too! I hope everything goes well with it!|Some people DO die from choking_comma_ be safe!|that's amazing!|Do you have to give a big speech soon?|It must have been! Have you guys been apart before?|Big houses are a pain in the neck to keep clean.|A ball_comma_ how fancy! Was the girl as stunning as her dress?|I agree. So often does pride get in the way of personal growth and reflection.|You guys will be alright trust me I experienced same with my partner and now we are fine. Our kid is a teenager now. I am happy for you guys|Ive been to Busch Gardens before. They have some really cool Roller coasters. I hope you have a great time.|Well I'm glad you were ok! Sometimes it's not just a shadow|That is hilarious_comma_ In a cruel kind of way.|Excellent! Are you enjoying it?|Maybe you should take some classes to help you with that|That must of been pretty stressful. But did you get enough sleep?|Were you guys angry or frustrated with each other?|Do you find the home buying experience worth it?|Thats so cute!|That is no fun_comma_ you always hope that first one hits so they are more receptive the rest of the time|That's annoying_comma_ I hate how little attention most other drivers pay on the road.|I'm so sorry to hear that. How long had your cat been with you?|I can believe so _comma_ Hope you get justice_comma_ and a paycheck!|Thats awesome. Did she?|That's good that it was a profitable conversation! Do you guys talk often?|You never know these days. Luckily there are cameras everywhere.|It was who_comma_who were them?|Oh no! That's my greatest fear that people will tell my secrets|aww that's amazing_comma_ i am going on vacation next week and i can't wait|Did you plan the anniversary?|She's been a great dog. I've got no complaints or regrets.|I bet it is! When my grandma was alive it was so heartbreaking to see her in pain. She broke her hip right before her death and she just couldn't recover|Thats right! thats such a good feeling_comma_ just breezing through a test.|Dragon tongue beans! I've never heard of them! What do they look like?|Where did you move to? I feel you. I am in the same place. Just reversed 13 years of Lupus suffering by going plant based and now I want to live and see the world! I would love to move to Italy.|Yeah I bet! Did they stop and check on you?|That sounds like a pleasant surprise! |Oh well I was starving...I just rinsed it out with some mouthwash and ordered a big pizza lol|ooh nice! just start to SAVE_comma_ SAVE_comma_SAVE where ever you can and you will get there.|How was that? Were you excited for some more quiet and for them to get back on a schedule? Or are you sad that it shows that they're getting older?|oh that's sad_comma_ i am sorry for this_comma_ where are you going and what will you do about your dog?|can you afford to move ?|That's a very interesting topic. I would have loved to have seen that!|That is really cool . Did you have a good time?|Maybe it has something to do with your diet ?|And your largest hardback book will protect you from a tornado as long as you put it over your head and sit in the hall!!|oh wow_comma_ how did your mother handle this_comma_ how did you handle it . i can only imagine the pain.|You have been very lucky. You should keep their business card in case you ever decide to buy another house.|Oh _comma_ was it good? I've considered it.|Good job! Maybe you will get a promotion too!|Hahaha yes_comma_ you are so right. Then again_comma_ I'm a Christian so I am also comforted when I remember that we have a real_comma_ more important and awesome life to look forward to one day.|Awwwww. He sounds super cute! Have lots of fun with him. |I figure your son is pretty happy as well.|Oh thoughtful ! Did she enjoy playing with it ?|New adventures! I want to go west.|Good call! I would have done the same thing!|Awesome! That had to be a great confidence boost for him! |Man. That must've been really nerve wrecking. Did you get any sleep?|Ohh man_comma_ that is a long time to be alone. What are you going to do while she is gone?|No. Why do you ask?|oh no_comma_ I hope you did any sustain any injury|Oh no!!! Did you see what happened to the dog?!|10 minutes is a good time to be able to change a tire. I do not think I could change a tire own my own. |Oh wow. Ive never heard of that many sick days.|why are were you scared? don't be next time stand up and ask your teacher you want to go to the toilet otherwise you will wet your pants|That has happened to me several times|No problem. What kind of work does he do?|that's good! you should be proud of yourself|I've never been to California.|I'm sure you'll do great! How long have you been training?|You are so right.|Oh no! I'm sorry. Is she going to be ok?|What subject is it?|Well thats unfortunate. Hopefully you will be able to buy it soon. |Congrats! You deserve it for keeping your faith!|Yeah whispering in someones ear is weird|That happens sometimes|I think that's good! If you are meant to be together you'll feel it and it will work out I think_comma_ if you just keep your conviction and stick with it. Good luck with it! |Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement |Yeah_comma_ it sounds that way.|Sounds interesting!|Nice_comma_ when did you guys break up|How awful_comma_ besides painful_comma_ it must have been scary!|What happened? |YAY! I think shoes are a great gift.|its just the way the world is now_comma_ social media has ruined humanity|Well_comma_it can happen like that atimes|Its rare to have that! I have it now too. It is great to know you have someone to rely on and trust! hit:9651_conv:19303,3,guilty,We are going on vacation next week and we can't bring our dog. I feel so bad that we have to board her in at a kennel. She's going to be so sad,49,We are going to a place at the beach that doesn't allow pets with some friends. Our vet also has a kennel there to board dogs so I guess that's what we'll do. She'll be so sad though.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:9651_conv:19303,4,guilty,We are going on vacation next week and we can't bring our dog. I feel so bad that we have to board her in at a kennel. She's going to be so sad,568,hmmm I got an idea_comma_ how about when you come back you give her an amazing time? ,5|5|5_5|5|5,,Nice! How long do you go to the gym for?|Wow_comma_ impressive. You must have natural talent. Do you plan to make more? |Ah. Well_comma_ chalk it up to one of those funny but awkward moments of life then!|I see_comma_ you must have felt hopeful|Nice! It feels good to be confident. When do they come out?|That's scary when that happens|People make mistakes_comma_ it happens. |OH I love the beach!! Which beach are you going to go to?|You are so strong! Please thank your husband for his service and thank you for being his support_comma_ no matter the miles between you. Take care of yourself and get out with friends when you can!|I have a chucky doll sitting in the chair next to me and it looks at me all day. Now thats a movie.|I am going to always take care of my kids like that|That sounds so great. Who was the one to come up with this plan?|Japanese language seems like it would be heard to learn. Good luck on your test_comma_ Im sure you will do fine.|OH - I'm sorry to hear that_comma_ but it sounds like he had a bit of character about him|Why did your friend do that to you?|That is smart. How often do you play the lottery/|Oh no! I hope your coworkers went easy on you about it. You must've had a lot of static electricity.|Awww_comma_ I totally know that feeling. I hate even going on vacation and not being able to bring my dog along. She is family!|I watch everyday. love youtube!|I see_comma_ I imagine time will start to fly once you take up a new hobby_comma_ or school ends for the day.|I would immediately start spraying bug spray all over. Those things terrify me. |Good luck! I hope you get it.|It what? Its way higher? If that's what you meant to finish with then I totally feel you. Especially during the summer with the air conditioning running so much. |I can imagine_comma_ sorry|What does he do for work?|Good lord you must have had Facebook for a LONG time! I started mine in college so there isn't anything from my younger years.|So did you regret doing it? Or were you super proud that you did? |hmmm I got an idea_comma_ how about when you come back you give her an amazing time? |It must be true love!|Ouch sucks to be you! jk Did you ice it down|I am sure everything will be fine. Do not stress.|Oh no_comma_ did you find a backup caterer|That is very nice gift. Did you bought anything for him for Father's day?|Hope u will not indulge in such act like theft again?|Do you have a baby one the way?|Exactly_comma_ be positive and you can buy one for yourself!|What kind of gaming is it?|That's really exciting! I would be so happy about that. |I hope she hears some good news. Is it pretty serious?|I am going to do like you next year for sure!|First day of school I remember _comma_my kids first day of school_comma_ how did it make you feel?|Sounds like you practice a lot to get good.|How awful! Please tell me you can laugh a little about it now?|You should celebrate too. I would|I love vacations I hope you and him have a good time.|O? Same here. I love storms.|Ohh man_comma_ that is a long time to be alone. What are you going to do while she is gone?|Nice! I really need to get back to the gym.|Sorry buddy.. hopefully she is at a better place|I'm sure you'll do great then!|Haha_comma_ that's a nice way to enjoy a sad moment_comma_ how are you feeling recently?|That's great! Do you get a chance to learn new languages often?|How much did you pay for them?|Give it some time_comma_ maybe she'll change her mind.|Sometimes it's good to have something you enjoy make money so you can pursue your passion without worrying about it.|Good for you! I wish more people were like this_comma_ unlike my ex! |Oh_comma_ I'm sorry. What are you thinking of getting?|Wow! You must have like every technique in your toolbox to go for that goal|Lol ;) Well enjoy the clean house_comma_ don't worry about the rest!|It was who_comma_who were them?|That can be overwhelming. Are you going to be cleaning all day then?| I am so sorry to hear that.|Ah.. yeah_comma_ I'm sorry you had to run into that kind of problem. It's hard doing a job you don't agree with the ethics of. There's really no way to fake it sometimes. But at least you were able to realize that and stand by your morals.|Wow! That was really nice of her! What was the occasion? You guys must be very close.|I've always liked the idea of meditation_comma_ but I feel like it'd be hard. My mind is always racing!|No one writes letters anymore... its kind of sad|Yeah_comma_ I'd be pretty scared too_comma_ but it's better to be upfront about it to get it off your chest|Which way are you feeling? Are you a thrill seeker?|They should- they say people who hurt animals will hurt people too. |I cold use some money like that|My dream job is being born rich. Its too late for that|That sounds really nice. I don't know my neighbors at all|That sounds like it was lovely|What had he made in the world?|You just had a baby?! I didn't even know you were expecting!|Great what will you be doing during your time off ? |Same. What are your favorites?|Poor boy. I hope he gets through it soon.|That's great! When will you find out?|oh my gosh. what happened to him?|oh that's wonderful! Is it a job that you would enjoy?|Have you ever sold on Craigslist before? I always have the people meet me in the Walmart parking lot during the day. I have sold hundreds of things and have never had an issue like that. |I don't like them either. It makes me sick.|I hope you find something that you like and are happy with. Its really important to be happy with where you live.|Oh no! I hate speaking in front of crowds. What happened?|I love video games.|I hope that your relationship continues to strengthen.|Oh no_comma_ I can imagine so! Was it gunky?|Oh right_comma_ I am a doctor.|Well_comma_ at least you did something good for that co-worker and most probably he feels indebted toward you|Definitely_comma_ especially when you get really hungry at night. I love a good drive thru|Well_comma_ I've always been of the mindset that (if they can) they should help the first 2 years as that's usually the break-in period. After that_comma_ the child should be able to manage|Who_comma_ tell me!|I feel you there_comma_ I have a ton of stuff to do_comma_ but I can't get any of it done in this rain. |Hopefully she knows how much this means to you.|I know what that's like. I have three kids.|That is awesome! I hope he got a good raise|That's horrible. I'm really sorry about your friend. |Awesome! Any daughters? What will be your sons name?|Oh that is nice_comma_ will you be going skiing? hit:9657_conv:19315,1,hopeful,When i applied for several higher paying jobs_comma_ i really wanted to land an interview for one.,290,I actually recently applied for a few jobs myself_comma_ Crossing my fingers for something better than my current one.,4|5|5_5|5|5, hit:9657_conv:19315,2,hopeful,When i applied for several higher paying jobs_comma_ i really wanted to land an interview for one.,478,Well I hope that you find something. Any particular reason that you are job hunting?,4|5|5_5|5|5,,Isn't that the best! My 3 year old the same thing! I couldn't be happier or more proud!|I'm glad your safe! Those roads can be dangerous.|That is so funny! I don't think she'll want to be compared to an ant when she gets older. You'll have to remind her.|It's OK to be nervous_comma_ but don't let it stop you! No risk_comma_ no reward!|What kind of things do you like to do?|I can understand that. Do you try to find ways to fill your time while you're waiting?|Ha_comma_ I used to listen to that stuff back in high school. The My Chemical Romance gets me every time.|Ive been to Busch Gardens before. They have some really cool Roller coasters. I hope you have a great time.|Women these days. I don't think i'll ever understand them.|I'm glad to hear... Weddings can be stressful|I watch everyday. love youtube!|That is no good! Did you manage to get on it?|I would love to have that tv|How long has he been bowling?|Maybe once you feel like you can bring it up again_comma_ you can try to approach the topic from another angle.|Aww_comma_ yeah I know what you mean. Dogs are so lovable. I also have a new pup myself. I got him a couple years ago|Did you have alot of accidents that can jack your rates up.|thats great_comma_ sounds like a fun time. And you got to share time with your daughters which is awesome.|that is sweet_comma_ who from?|If I'm understanding you correctly_comma_ they're going to clean it up_comma_ right?|Wow that's a tough schedule. Especially with a new baby.|I am in Central FL... so uhh.|Ouch! That must have hurt.|That's too bad_comma_ you have to go out and make new friends.|tHat is insane_comma_ I usually give myself like 2 or 3 days.|That's good. I hope it's controllable.|That's nice_comma_ I'm glad you feel that way.|Thats lovely_comma_congrats|Congratulations. That sounds like the fast track.|theres always tomorrow!|Sounds like fun!|Ohh what happened?|It's not crazy! I'm all about cleaning up. I LOVE the smell of clean house|Things? Like what kind of things?|It's better to be safe than sorry. You can't overprepare.|Awww that is kind of disappointing. Ice cream cake sounds tastier than pineapple cake.|Good for her! She must be quite proud of herself.|Yes_comma_ that Yamaha sound chip was magical. We call it the Genesis over here.|Oh thoughtful ! Did she enjoy playing with it ?|Exactly_comma_ it feels great when your prepared for the unexpected.|Are they going to pull the tooth?|That must of been pretty stressful. But did you get enough sleep?|Yikes what was it about?|I see_comma_ I do that too sometimes. It helps with motivation|Yea I feel you. At the end of the day you cant blame the cat. It didnt do this on purpose.|That is very nice gift. Did you bought anything for him for Father's day?|Well I hope that you find something. Any particular reason that you are job hunting?|Oh no. I have been there before. It was really sad.|Wow back up there friend_comma_ what are you talking about?|Never too old or too manly to snuggle a stuffed animal. My mom said I used to carry this blanket with me when I was a toddler_comma_ everywhere I went. I wish I still had it. If I did_comma_ I'd consider using it again_comma_ or at the very least passing it down to my own kid. What's the harm_comma_ you know? If something gives you comfort and doesn't bother anyone else_comma_ there should be no shame.|YAY! I think shoes are a great gift.|Yeah_comma_ that's what they tell everyone because_comma_ in reality_comma_ they blew all the prize money on the very same thing themselves. I was pretty peeved that I couldn't even get a dime bag and the sleeziest of hookers.|Good! What's been going on?|Did you get her something special?|Good choice. You're health is more important than some grad degree. |i tried to trim my tomato leaves yesterday but i got bit up so bad i ran back inside|That is sweet of you_comma_ kids are cute|I would be proud of her too! Hopefully her success continues. You sound like a good friend!|They get to enjoy themselves and have a good time! :)|Oh wow_comma_ I would of been terrified!|It will. I am sure of it.|Wow. Congratulations! Is your new job near home?|The dress was a few years old_comma_ I couldnt believe it didnt fit.|That must have been aggravating! Job hunting is so hard.|That's sweet. I'm sure she will adjust in time. Have you ever personally had to make a move like your daughter did?|Well I'm glad you were ok! Sometimes it's not just a shadow|I am sorry for your loss. I hope you can find comfort during this difficult time.|No problem! I know you can't always fix everything_comma_ but it's worth trying wierd ideas every now and then|Man_comma_ how was your insurance policy for that?|Oh I am right there with you! The last scary movie I watched made it where I couldn't sleep that night.|eww_comma_ that is great you took such great care of him. |Well it is good to have extra food on hand these days. You never know what major event can happen.|What movie was it? Is it currently in theaters?|I see how that would be frustrating.|When will you be going ?|I love being able to reminisce on the past. Time goes by so fast. |Poor baby. I remember my kids teething too. It was horrible|What did you win?|That's very faithful of you_comma_ and the right thing to do I'd say. |That doesn't sound good. What happened that was so bad?|I am so amazed by her! |Hahaha_comma_ that is so cute_comma_ I am sure he loved that you teased him like that! I bet your classmates also had a good laugh! |Aww_comma_ that is really sweet to hear|Oh_comma_ I'm really sorry. That is for sure a challenge. |Tight. Probably wont be able to do that again!|How long did he think he had won?|What is your work area?|Oh wow_comma_ I would never consider something like that hurting a dog.|Indeed. If everyone got worked up over things like that_comma_ we'd all be out of jobs.|It's amazing the effect something so seemingly small_comma_ like the company headquarters opening_comma_ can effect an entire town like that|I bet you are_comma_ that's some pretty good foresight right there! Did you have to use it this past winter?|Yeah_comma_ I'll consider it. That's a nice thought. My brothers have had 5 kids between them_comma_ so I have plenty of nieces and nephews to deal with in the meantime_comma_ and they've given me lots of practice_comma_ but I'm grateful for that. 15 and 19_comma_ that's awesome. You're almost all the way through getting both of them to a stage where your job becomes a little easier.|I'm sure that he will turn up soon. I really hope that you find him.|Cool I think I saw a commercial for that actually.|Why don't you trust?|What had he made in the world?|Me too! Who did this to you?|Wow! thats great! I bet you feel proud of it!|I hope you get the job! What was the position you applied for?|A week!? That is just crazy_comma_ and pretty irresponsible unless you are a millionaire. hit:9657_conv:19315,3,hopeful,When i applied for several higher paying jobs_comma_ i really wanted to land an interview for one.,290,Current job doesn't pay enough_comma_ I'm waiting for the stars to align and something better to come along.,4|5|5_5|5|5, hit:9657_conv:19315,4,hopeful,When i applied for several higher paying jobs_comma_ i really wanted to land an interview for one.,478,Keep it up and I'm sure something will turn up!,4|5|5_5|5|5,,Okay_comma_ I am glad that they were not angry. and I am sure they knew it was unintentional so don't feel too guilty about it. :) |Oh no! Hopefully you are able to get it sorted out. It's hard to keep up with all the fees for kids schooling.|Well_comma_ I hope they can get you taken care of soon. I know I hate it when I can't get to my money I have online.|Oh sorry_comma_ did he pass away?|No problem. Its also worth carrying a taser or pepper spray.|oh enjoy dude|That's great. It's nice when we get some peaceful time for ourselves.|oh my gosh. what happened to him?|Oh he will be_comma_ but enjoy it_comma_ only babies once|Congrats! It is nice to find someone with things in common. Shared interests can be fun.|Well_comma_ did you eat her ice cream?|Grats. How long have you been working out for?|Oh cool_comma_ I've heard of it but never played_comma_ I'm not too good with games.|i'm glad your interview went well_comma_ and i really hope you get that call soon!|i'm sure he's cool as a cucumber while you are a nervous wreck. it will be fine.|Its always nice to get some sleep|haha that must be nice too though_comma_ you get your own alone time for the most part!|Of course_comma_ no one deserves to have their heartbroken like that. I hope you find someone who treats you with the respect and kindness you deserve.|That sounds like it could be quite a scary experience.|Oh no! It always seems like things get lost when you move doesn't it? Is there anyway you can go back and see if its at your old place?|I agree_comma_ which is why getting into that position can be so gratifying. Hopefully you maintain that level of hard work that got you there.|I'm glad it wasn't something dangerous. That would be a terrifying experience.|That is great. I am sure you are proud and you should be!|It was nice of you to step up and help out.|That is horrible! What will you do?|I think I'm just going to move on.|Sometimes it's ok to indulge. Did it give you a stomachache though lol?|How exciting_comma_ is he a non-traditional student?|Don't sweat it man. There is plenty of fish in the sea anyways.|Oh no! You should try to make some more friends with your classmates.|Those were the good old days!|Can you please give a little more detail about what happened at your friends house that made you not want to show your face??|Oh wow that is a huge commitment! How did it go?|Wow what a crook that other guy was!|I understand. That is very stressful. Did he started looking for another jod? It could be solution.|I can only imagine having to wait at the table alone_comma_ wondering if she'd show up. At least_comma_ it sounds like_comma_ she finally arrived. Did she specify a reason for being so late?|What a little monster!|oh yea what kind of shirt was it |Why would you not get paid?|Very sad to hear. You have a good heart and are very caring_comma_ that is something to atleast be proud of!|That's fantastic that you get to see everyone again! I hope you have a great time catching up.|I would be devastated! Maybe he wont do it agian.|it will be find. have a little fiath in him and you will see|Haha_comma_ I can relate to that. I did that too_comma_ and my friends took a wonderful photo of it. They like to stick it on our yearly Christmas cards to each other|I bet! I hope you were able to catch up!|Congrats. I want a promotion at my job.|That is very good to hear_comma_ hopefully things truly turn around for him.|am sorry about that_comma_ what are others doing about it|Haha good! I'm glad that one went well.|Did you stay with other relatives?|Jeez! Its so unfortunate... very sad really. |Oh_comma_ did you give it to him yet?|Sometimes it almost makes me want to go back somehow. But it's also important to move forward.|Wow_comma_ you were dedicated_comma_ did you do well on it?|Oh_comma_ that's awful. What did you do? I would've dumped her and beat that dude's face in.|OH NICE! THAT'S SOUNDS SO AMAZING_comma_ I love watching lord of the rings every now and then_comma_ did you watch all the sequels all over again?|That's pretty cool! That would be hard though! Were you all able to talk a lot?|Does he like to sing?|Oh darn_comma_ that sucks. Keeping a positive attitude is the way to go! I'm sure something is out there for you.|Did what?|So what happened? Did you end up ordering some once you both remembered?|That's good to hear. I hope I meet someone that will do that for me.|awh thats so sweet how long have you two known one another? |I hope he gets that taken care of!|Keep it up and I'm sure something will turn up!|I bet I would have been scared|I am going to visit a few cities and tourist attractions.|Im sure you did fine. what was the subject?|That's an interesting combination_comma_ maybe you should try to keep him out of the kitchen|Well it's nice he is kind but yes that is a little strange. Women can usually take that as something and try to get with your man. |Even if she does_comma_ it will help make her a well-rounded_comma_ relatable person. Usually these things help ground kids and give them character. But maybe you're right_comma_ if she moves on from it quickly_comma_ that's great too!|at least Riley passed in their sleep. Hopefully they didn't suffer. i'm sorry you lost a loved one.|i'm glad you didn't |One of them is! I have an 18 year old and a 12 year old.|Wow_comma_ very cool. The last time i tried to skateboard i almost broke my tailbone. props to you though!|Absolutely. Although the world isn't so black and white. Sometimes a person may have to steal to survive. Is it really wrong then?|How old were you? If you were a kid_comma_ that deserves a pass!|Ugh_comma_ I hate the regret that comes with giving into food cravings. Don't be too hard on yourself. It was just one time.|Women these days. I don't think i'll ever understand them.|That is really awesome! Im glad it all worked out for you!|You have been very lucky. You should keep their business card in case you ever decide to buy another house.|That's nice_comma_ I'm glad you feel that way.|Why not? What was wrong?|What brand are they?|This somehow seems inappropriate.|Sorry to hear about that. I wonder if there's any way to fix this situation. What do you plan to do?|The dress was a few years old_comma_ I couldnt believe it didnt fit.|Awww I bet that brought back memories.|Oh okay I see_comma_ I thought you actually lent him your car and let him drive around town with it by himself! |Wow_comma_ that must've been hard to uproot your whole life. Are you happy about the move?|That is so nice of him. Are you feeling better?|DID HE GET ACCEPTED? I HOPE SO|Oh no! Hurricanes are scary. I've been through a few myself. Was it your first one?|That is a nice car! I know you are enjoying that!|That is amazing_comma_ good work.|Really?|Yeah_comma_ people can be unpredictable sometimes|I understand how you'd feel that way. Do you trust her around other guys?|What about this homeless person had you reevaluating things?|Do you have any advice on what kind of tape? hit:9661_conv:19323,1,hopeful,I had bought some tickets at the fair and hoped to win the new mustang. I knew it was unlucky but I still imagined I would win,628,I just bought some tickets to win the price at the state fair.,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:9661_conv:19323,2,hopeful,I had bought some tickets at the fair and hoped to win the new mustang. I knew it was unlucky but I still imagined I would win,568,how lucky you feeling?,5|5|5_5|5|5,,That is awful_comma_ I am sorry to hear that. Is he doing better now?|That's awesome. What are you going to do about it?|Oh im so sorry to hear that.. how long were you married?|That's nice! Kids are great|I'm sorry to hear that. Hopefully something similar comes along sooner than later.|That's sad to hear. What's his prognosis?|Nice_comma_ that's a good idea. Good luck!|That's so sad_comma_ I'm so sorry you had to go through that. How did it happen?|Hmm_comma_ wear something thick and long. Maybe hockey pads!|Taht is always a weight off the shoulders_comma_ I'm glad you are pleased.|It is an excellent opportunity_comma_ to know other people and places_comma_ to open up to the possibility_comma_ I assure you that it will go to you very well|Ah ok I undestand.|That is great that you have an awesome Mom!|that's great! I bet they are equally excited if not more :) are you travelling alone?|Those are my nightmares. They are so big where I live in the South.|Must be nice to have more income coming into the family.|That's really awesome that you supported your friend!|It's certainly a good enough reason to kill them.|It is unacceptable. I hope he did not get cold as a result of this|Wow_comma_ 7 years? You were really young then|Oh_comma_ I'm sure you are lonely. Maybe you can join some kind of club that lets you meet new friends?|that's amazing! what kind of job is it?|Dang that's really annoying. Is your insurance going to cover it?|Ohh He is so hardworking. You are very lucky.|hold on to her|Ah_comma_ maybe he just wanted to make sure it was going to work before he told anyone. |What kind of dog is she_comma_ and how long have you been competing like this?|That is awesome! I hope he got a good raise|That is normal that just means that the other person is special |I'm sure she *loves* having both your presence and your support!|Guess you dog isn't one that's going to take the bullet?|Is she staying with you ? |I bet. I was the same way. How did you guys meet?|Oh my! You must have been terrified! Did everything turn out ok?|Oh interesting! Kind of like pokemon cards>?|Why what is it that you want them to notice about you that they bypass. |You will be fine! Stay optimistic about it|Aw_comma_ that's awesome_comma_ did it bring back memories?|That sounds nice. Hopefully it isn't too hot for you.|Thats perfect_comma_ a boy and a girl thats what most people want. congrats. |That is very unusual. She should be proud of herself.|I am single and never been married. I assume arguments are part of marriage.|That's great my man! I can't wait for my first son. So far 6 daughters :(|I have never had that feeling.|That's awful and there has to be another reason for it. I can't stand fathers who behave that way_comma_ despicable. |What breed is she?|Anything you need!! I'm here for you!|Nice! How old is your nephew?|Did a specific experience cause this? or just instinct.|It will help eventually|oh ok. We call them hole in the walls lol|Lol ;) Well enjoy the clean house_comma_ don't worry about the rest!|I am happy for you. What kind of work|I hope you do! It makes you feel like you've actually earned it!|I hope it flies by! |Hopefully they will give him a better shift.|Wow_comma_ that is an amazing accomplishment! Congratulations! You gotta be feeling like you're on top of the world after that!|that is very fortunate!|Sometimes they already have a candidate in mind but have to go through the motion...the same thing happened to my husband. Your time will come.|oh my_comma_ what are they about?|well thats nice|Aww! That is so cute! Has he done something special this week that made him extra sweet?|Take care of yourself and your family.|I used to struggle with the same problem_comma_ it can be overwhelming|Oh no! That's such a shame. Did you go to the principal?|That is a great attitude to have! It is great to have an optimistic approach to life.|That's cool_comma_ good movies have a way of tapping into those feelings.|how lucky you feeling?|I guess it makes you appreciate things you used to take for granted_comma_ lol. But it doesn't last forever and is worth it. |how come? it will probably be an exciting adventure for you to start|I bet it feels good to know that you're helping those in need_comma_ too!|Oh_comma_ wow... um_comma_ that's crazy. Why did you do that? |Do you Enjoy that?|Was it a bad one? And did she find out?|oh wow_comma_ how did your mother handle this_comma_ how did you handle it . i can only imagine the pain.|Well_comma_ you know she'll get over it_comma_ but it does hurt.|Were they a close friend? And did you pay them with pizza?|Oh that makes sense_comma_ well enjoy the peace and quiet!|Oh boy. Did you not get the memo that you were supposed to be wearing a dress?|Hopefully it was just a bad day for him and he won't do it again! I have a couple rescue mutts as well. |He's lucky to have you there.|I understand i would be too but now a days technology is really good just make sure its a reliable hospital! |Oh lord. Did you try to set it back up_comma_ or did you try to sneak away?|Oh boy! Where are you headed?|That sounds dangerous! You should try to move|That sounds like so much fun! I'm glad you got to go back to revisit.|*very excited. (oops). Where did she go?|that is very true|i would feel terrible to thats really bad_comma_ you should just tell her and change! |i have a husband and three kids_comma_ its always loud in my house|do you pick up after them or tell them anything?|It was nice of you to step up and help out.|Oh cool_comma_ where does your friend live? Is it an exciting location?|It is_comma_ i feel for you! i had a relative that progressively got worse and its extremely difficult |Thats not strange at all|Of course not. There is so much paper in this house. I keep cards_comma_ photos_comma_ school projects. Everything. We arent here forever|Oh goodness_comma_ what was it?|Well there is always next time!|Then the person might be caught_comma_ do you have a camera? That is really crappy of someone! I have seen people put metal or wood pallets next to their mailboxes because of people doing stuff like this|That is great!! Sometimes we mom's get a bit forgotten_comma_ so to have an entire day where we are just loved is such a great feeling. hit:9661_conv:19323,3,hopeful,I had bought some tickets at the fair and hoped to win the new mustang. I knew it was unlucky but I still imagined I would win,628,I know its not likely but I really want to win the new mustang,5|5|5_5|5|5, hit:9661_conv:19323,4,hopeful,I had bought some tickets at the fair and hoped to win the new mustang. I knew it was unlucky but I still imagined I would win,568,well if it's worth anything i give you my luck! i hope you win that mustang!,5|5|5_5|5|5,,It reallyi s the best way to do things. That way even if you forget something you've got time to remember and remedy the situation|Yeah that is always odd to me_comma_ before they can talk they are already unique!|lol i know the feeling! and being a parent i now understnd|Maybe they will understand.|Not yet_comma_ i just have one dog.|Why don't you trust?|lol I can imagine|I am happy to hear that you will be ok. Enjoy having no kids while you can!|Can you blame her? I mean_comma_ if i didn't have bills that's what I'd be doing.|thats awesome of her to be able to get you something you really wanted|Japanese language seems like it would be heard to learn. Good luck on your test_comma_ Im sure you will do fine.|That's a bummer_comma_ hopefully you can still talk to them over the phone or online!|My nephew is getting into golf! It seems like a cool enough sport_comma_ albeit a little expensive. I hope you're able to get back to playing again. I've taken up running and swimming_comma_ and it's interesting how much those physical activities relieve stress in our day.|Wow ! thats quite an accomplishment. How long did you have to practice to perfect that ?|That is a great attitude to have! It is great to have an optimistic approach to life.|What is his name?|My brother just graduated and is on the job hunt_comma_ and he's described his experience as the same thing.. Seems like he has good interviews and they're receptive to him_comma_ but they don't really respond or give him an answer. Sorry to hear you guys go through that. Can't imagine how frustrating it is|Very nice! I bet your very proud of it and are excited for what may come from it.|well after a certain age parent's start to treat children differently lol|Wow_comma_ did you ever get them in trouble?|Wow that is a long time ago.|Did the two of you have fun?|It was who_comma_who were them?|I like dogs but thats why i dont have one lol|Sorry to hear that. Well_comma_ at least this will be a weight off your shoulders.|Is he going to be okay?|LOL! This is perfect timing because I had the You are an adult not a child" conversation with my girlfriend not too long ago. I had left popsicle wrapper on the night stand and it got sticky. I argued if you are willing to date someone who likes to eat Popsicles in bed_comma_ then you have to deal with the consequences. |Thank you_comma_ your so kind|Seeing old friends that you have not contacted in so long is a nice feeling. |Oh_comma_ wow. Not only to be able to do all the running but to view the scenery!|That's sweet. I'm sure she will adjust in time. Have you ever personally had to make a move like your daughter did?|How embarrassing! I did that one time when I was sleeping in my bed and I thought I got up and went to the bathroom to pee_comma_ but I did not go to the bathroom_comma_ I peed my pants in the bed. |are they typically bad or something?|And they don't have a voice of their own.|That's pretty cool. I bet it's pretty difficult to do something like that.|That is SO exciting! I remember how that felt!|Well a good samaritan after all! I'm sure you were embarrassed_comma_ but also glad that you didn't lose your purse!|I hope you find something that you like and are happy with. Its really important to be happy with where you live.|Do you live in the United States now?|So what breed did you get ?|wow_comma_ it must have been quite an experience|Oh know! I hope you weren't heading to a job interview_comma_ haha.|Oh man that is just crazy! Feel bad for the person who has to clean it.|I understand that! what kind of car is it?|Sometimes the lies get so heavy you just crack. Good for you though.|Do you have a baby one the way?|Ah that's terrible. I would be annoyed as well I think.|Oh_comma_ why are you crying? Is anything wrong in particular? Have you talked to somebody?|My day was great so far! How about you?|That is awesome. Do you know what she wants to study?|well if it's worth anything i give you my luck! i hope you win that mustang!|That's a full time job raising a human|that's amazing! what kind of job is it?|I would have thrown up right then and there|It sounds amazing! Are the prices good?|aww that's amazing_comma_ i am going on vacation next week and i can't wait|That's good at least. Living in an area with tornados is so scary!|What happened!|how long have you looked at life this way? is it sustainable ?|Yes_comma_ I think they offer a great bridge to the past. Do you?|That is very impressive. She going to make sooo much money|Wow_comma_ that's awesome! I have never been to an actual concert.|He's lucky to have you there.|Yea_comma_ I totally understand that. She won the genetic lottery there.|How did you do that? Naturally or with chemo?|I hope you are able to have a child some day. I truly hurt for anyone that struggles in situations like this. I have to aplogize in advance. The topic I chose was about my daughter. I do not want to make you feel sad. |Oh no. I have been there before. It was really sad.|Creepy! I once had a dream of a Lion laying at the end of my bad. It was scary but also comforting. I feel like I could've touched it. Glad you're free of those dreams now.|I am glad that you were able to reschedule|This happened to me also.|Me too! Have you ever been to one of them races?|You got this! |Did you go back for it and get it?|well i am a mover so i have to bring heavy furniture up and down stairs.|Adapting to life is always good to do.|What cruise line are you using did they give you a good discount.|Oh_comma_ that's cool. Did you find any good memories in there?|Nice_comma_ the windy city! Had you been before?|That's awful_comma_ but better safe than sorry. How were things when you came back?|Well maybe they found that endearing in a way!|I'm like that too_comma_ so I can totally relate. Were you able to talk to him about how you felt?|maybe you can plan another trip together soon - sounds like you guys need some time to reconnect and just truly enjoy each other.|That sounds like a great time_comma_ one of those nights you always remember!|Wow_comma_ you must have felt jealous|Who is supplying these snacks? |That's a really good/safe first car.|What types of situations are you referring to?|And don't forget how many years they have to study in order to get a license for surgery|I wish you the best of luck_comma_ you will be fine!|Well it is good to have extra food on hand these days. You never know what major event can happen.|Oh my! You must have been terrified! Did everything turn out ok?|Yeah it is really nice to have other people do your shopping|There is nothing to compare it to. I wish I hadn't been waking from anesthesia in that moment so I could have been more awake. |Awww... reminds me of the show hoarders when the family members argue over silly things like that. What was the necklace all about did you make it or something?|That is unreal_comma_ what did you have in the bags?|Wow_comma_ please make it real.|That is a long time to be in the car for sure.|Im sorry to hear that. Were you born there?|What kind of illness occurs if food is cross contaminated? I'm so sorry this happens to you.|Ohh well that's good for you. These kind people always help in difficult times.
person A: I am so scared to live in my neighborhood. There is people that come around shooting their guns. person B: That sounds dangerous! You should try to move person A: I have been thinking about moving but I have lived here for over 30 years. The area has changed so much. person B: You really should! With things like that happening you could get seriously injured person A: My fear is that I wont find a safer place. Not much money to find a good neighborhood to move into.
person A: I went out to the country to gaze at some stars. person B: Cool! That sounds like a great time! person A: I was overwhelmed by the enormity of the universe. person B: Wow that's pretty deep!
person A: My kids birthday was last weekend_comma_ my whole family showed up! they didn't even tell me they were coming person B: Wow_comma_ that had to be quite a surprise. I hope you like them person A: Yea_comma_ i do. hah. They live a few states away_comma_ which is why it was so unexpected. don't see them often. person B: Well thats good. Hopefully it was a good party!
person A: Bought two pairs of shoes recently. person B: What brand are they? person A: Yeezy's_comma_ the worst part is the second pair of shoes were both right footed. person B: That is crazy did you go return them maybe?
person A: I read the instructions to set up my fit bit 100 times. person B: and what happened? person A: I need it to work perfectly I need to get ready for a marathon and I need it to track my progress. person B: how long is a marathon?
person A: I have a big speech to give. person B: Are you nervous? person A: Well I don't really know many of the people I will be in front of_comma_ so hopefully I don't stutter or something. person B: Good Luck!
person A: I left my purse at in the seat in starbucks. person B: Oh no! I hope no one took it! person A: I was in a safe neighborhood so i wasn't worried. person B: Did you go back for it and get it?
person A: I was able to say the entire alphabet backwards. person B: Wow ! thats quite an accomplishment. How long did you have to practice to perfect that ? person A: no time_comma_ I have a great memory_comma_ It was on a dare I nailed it perfectly. person B: Fantastic ! When you get older_comma_ your memory tends to play tricks on you lol
person A: I have been looking at pictures of crazy car crashes. person B: Oh really? Any interesting ones? person A: Seriously now I can't drive anywhere. I can't even leave the house for fear of car crashes. person B: That's awful! Sounds like it might have caused you some trauma unfortunately.
person A: I was at the mall yesterday. I sat down for a few minutes and when I looked away someone stole my shopping bags. person B: Did you catch the person after? person A: No. I didn't notice right away. How could someone do that. Im so so mad! person B: That is unreal_comma_ what did you have in the bags?
person A: I was in a hospital and a guy game in with some really bad burns. person B: oh my gosh. what happened to him? person A: No idea_comma_ but I had never seen something like that in person. It looked painful. person B: i bet is was. are you ok?
person A: I saw a guy deadlift 700lbs at the gym the other day. I was in awe. person B: Oh my god_comma_ that is a LOT of weight! person A: Yeah it is_comma_ it seemed like he had every plate in the gym on the bar. I've never seen someone lift that much in person before. person B: That's really cool_comma_ I honestly can't even imagine someone lifting that much!
person A: I got to go to a cat cafe when no one else was around! person B: I've been to one before with my girlfriend_comma_ what an amazing experience eh? person A: It was! I was the only one around so all the cats came to spend time with me person B: Aren't you the luckiest?
person A: I walked out to my car theo ther day and felt something hit my face. person B: Really? What was it? person A: A GIANT SPIDER! It was terrible and I was so startled! person B: Oh gross! I would be startled too!
person A: When I can home_comma_ my cat was laying on the pile of laundry that I had pulled out of the dryer before work. Now it's covered in hair. person B: You must be mad at the cat for that. person A: Well it's pretty inconvenient_comma_ that's for sure. Nothing I can really do about it now. Just got to keep the door closed I guess. person B: You got too_comma_ my cats dont do that thankfully.
person A: Today when I went into my roommate's office to fix the internet_comma_ I noticed the collar of his old cat that passed away. I miss her. person B: I am so sorry to hear that. We need memories of our fur babies to help us in our grief. person A: Yeah_comma_ she wasn't my favorite cat_comma_ but I still miss her. Cancer sucks. person B: People do not realize that Animals can get cancer too. Its more common than we may think.
person A: Sometimes an old song runs through my head and I remember the times where I used to listen to songs so many times that I memorized the words person B: That sounds nice. It's always good to remember better times. What kind of music? person A: Like old kind of emo songs_comma_ full of angst and whatnot person B: Ha_comma_ I used to listen to that stuff back in high school. The My Chemical Romance gets me every time.
person A: The other night when I was taking my dog out to go to the bathroom really late. I heard some rustling in the bushes and panicked. person B: Guess you dog isn't one that's going to take the bullet? person A: Oh she was ready to fight whatever it was_comma_ but she was on a leash thankfully. No_comma_ I'm just really easily started_comma_ all that anxiety over an armadillo. Im so ashamed lol. person B: lol I've never seen an armadillo but that sounds freaky!
person A: I found an injured bird in my yard today_comma_ it was only a baby to! person B: Did you help it? person A: Yes_comma_ I had to call my local wildlife rescue center to come get it. I hope its okay_comma_ they said they think it has a broken wing. person B: I hope it get's better! That sounded harsh
person A: I have a friend coming over soon and I keep checking out the window to see if theyre here yet. person B: what do you all have planned person A: I am making dinner for the both of us. I have a roast in the oven. It smells so good I can't wait until it is ready. person B: that sounds nice_comma_ must be a really good "friend"
person A: My boss finally noticed my hard work and gave me a pay raise! person B: What a fantastic feeling. Where you expecting that? person A: No not at all! I'm excited because now I can plan a family vacation for this winter. person B: Well then. What a great surprise. It sounds like you deserved it.
person A: I have a deadline at work coming up. person B: For what kind of project? person A: It is top-secret. But every time I try and get serious work done_comma_ my co-workers won't leave me alone. person B: Did you tell them to leave you alone?
person A: My roommate has been gone all week. I don't have anything to do without him here. person B: what about doing something you enjoy? person A: It's just not the same doing something by myself. I don't have anyone to go do stuff with. person B: i know it can be tough but maybe trying something new or outside your comfort zone might give you an enjoyable experience
person A: We just adopted a dog from the shelter last week and I think she is sick with parvo. person B: What is parvo? person A: It's a deadly dog illness_comma_ basically a virus that often leads to death. We think she caught it at the shelter. person B: That's terrible. Can you confirm it? person A: Yes_comma_ they have to do a fecal sample and test it. We take her in tomorrow to see. person B: I hope she is okay. person A: Thank you!
person A: We are planning on going on a cruise in December! person B: How ever so exciting! is this your first cruise? person A: No_comma_ I went on one in highschool but first one with my husband and daughter. It's has been so fun planning it together! person B: I hope you have a great trip and cherish the time with your family!
person A: I came home today and my roommate was cooking dinner_comma_ all i had to do was fix my plate. It was so nice. person B: well that was mighty nice of them_comma_ you wash dishes ? person A: I sure did_comma_ and the food was delicious. I'll have to surprise him with dinner next time. person B: thats cool person A: What kind of pizza place is it?
person A: We are suppose to be having a bad storm this weekend. person B: this summer's weather has been really intense here and honestly a little scary person A: Yes_comma_ makes you wonder if its global warming. I have been stocking up on food and supplies. Ready for the worst. person B: i hope it doesn't get too bad near you
person A: My husband just got called back into work_comma_ was not expecting that! person B: Why did he get called back in? person A: Someone stole some gear_comma_ so they called everyone back to investiage. We had just sat down to eat dinner to! person B: Wow_comma_ did he get paid for it? person A: He is in the military so technically he can be called in 24/7 and is payed on salary!
person A: I just prepared an amazing plate of mac and cheese. person B: my sister loves mac and cheese. she would probably live off of that if given the chance person A: It is so good if you add the right amount of pepper. person B: i like paprika in my mac and cheese
person A: I just bought a brand new necklace and shirt. person B: What kind of necklace did you purchase? It's good to treat yourself some times. person A: Not sure I just though it looked cool. Hopefully it gets me noticed. person B: You will just make sure you have your nice new shirt on with that cool necklace and you will be all eyes lol.
person A: My dog keeps having accidents in the house! I'm getting fustrated. person B: It could be a medical problem. Make sure its checked out. person A: Thank you_comma_ I will. I think she is doing it to mark her territory_comma_ it started when we brought a new dog home. person B: Ohh I see. That is super annoying. Hopefully she gets over this phase and they get along.
person A: When I was promoted to Team Leader at work_comma_ I really felt like all my hard work had paid off_comma_ to some extent_comma_ and I gave myself a little pat on the back. person B: You must have really proud of yourself. Its good to acknowledge your own achievements from time to time. person A: Yes_comma_ and it can be difficult at times to move up at places_comma_ especially when there are many other long timers there! person B: I agree_comma_ which is why getting into that position can be so gratifying. Hopefully you maintain that level of hard work that got you there.
person A: I can't wait to go to the water park this weekend. person B: oh that sounds nice person A: Yes_comma_ my kids love it so they are going to be so happy when we get there. person B: sounds like a great time_comma_ hopefully its not too hot out there
person A: I'm just laying in bed with a scented candle burning in my room and my cat on my lap_comma_ things couldn't be any better. person B: That sounds like heaven to me as well person A: Yeah my kitty is just purring away_comma_ we're having a good time watching youtube. person B: I have a cat too close to me_comma_ they are the best
person A: My mom sent my daughter a toy I played with when I was a child! person B: Oh thoughtful ! Did she enjoy playing with it ? person A: Yes_comma_ it was neat to see her play with it. It'll make some great photos_comma_ since I have one of me playing with it at her age. person B: Its quite wonderful to share your childhood memories with your children isn't it ?
person A: Six months ago my boyfriend proposed to me and we are getting married next month. I can't wait person B: Congratulations. Are you going on a hollywood person A: On a honeymoon_comma_ lol? Not right away. He is totally the man of my dreams. I'm so lucky person B: Well I am happy for you
person A: My husband might loose his job_comma_ I'm not sure what we will do if he does. person B: That is terrible. Why do you think that he will lose his job? person A: The company is downsizing and cutting a lot of departments. His hasn't been cut yet but there are rumors! person B: I understand. That is very stressful. Did he started looking for another jod? It could be solution.
person A: I found out my childhood cat passed away person B: Thats sad. I love cats person A: I do too_comma_ it was so sad. person B: How old was the cat?
person A: My daughter is such a talented and creative young artist. When she was nominated to be 'Most Artistic' at school_comma_ I felt very secure she would win_comma_ because she really is amazing! person B: Thats awesome. Did she? person A: She did! I know I'm the parent so can be biased_comma_ but it's really so impressive how well she draws_comma_ paints_comma_ shades.... person B: I bet you are so proud. I would definitely be
person A: I was very ready for my first car crash person B: Why? person A: I had all the paperwork set and ready_comma_ I had a blanket cause it was in the winter. person B: What happened after your car crashed?
person A: Last night a fly got into the bedroom and wouldn't stop trying to land on my face person B: Flies are so annoying person A: It was terrible! Right as I was about to fall asleep the dang thing would land on my nose! person B: I had that problem with a mosquito once. I woke up with a bite on the tip of my nose
person A: I left my dog alone in the house when I went to get the mail. While I was gone she got in the cat box and ate the cat poop_comma_ super gross. person B: I would have hated to clean that up. I wonder why they do that? person A: There was nothing to clean.... she definitely swallowed it. I stuck her outside cause I can't even think about dealing with her licking anything right now. Gives me the hebbie jibbes thinking about it. person B: Yea that is so gross but also kind of funny. I cant help but laugh.
person A: I have been practicing my speech for days now. person B: Do you have to give a big speech soon? person A: I have the perfect delivery and all the talking points drilled down. I will be impressive person B: That's the way to go! Practice and practice until you're confident and then the real thing will be a breeze.
person A: My cat puked up a hairball this morning and I had to clean it up. person B: That is horrible. Does he puke up hairball often? person A: She pukes up hairballs every now and then I have some salmon flavored jelly i can feed her_comma_ but it happens so infrequently I forget to. person B: I understand.
person A: When I left the bathroom in high school once I had toilet paper stuck to my shoe. person B: I bet it was very embarrassing? person A: Yeah it sure was_comma_ you know how mean teenagers can be. It's like they have no empathy or think about what if it was them. person B: It's alright we've all been there many times.
person A: I got a new type of pizza I wanted to try person B: What kind of pizza is it? person A: A normal pepperoni but it was terrible! person B: Thats never good_comma_ I love pizza
person A: When I was in Costa Rica I was having a lot of trouble with the address of my AirBnB_comma_ I was so lost. person B: Oh no! That must be so frustrating being in a foreign country person A: It was because my Spanish was a bit lacking_comma_ it also didn't help that people kept giving me bad directions. I eventually stumbled on it but for a while I was worried I would never make it there. person B: I'm glad you eventually found it and didn't have to sleep somewhere else.
person A: I was caught off guard when the gun fired for a race I was in person B: Ahh_comma_ it happens. I used to swim competitively so I would sometimes get stunned too when I hear the gun go off person A: Yeah_comma_ I forgot to take my sweat pants off_comma_ that's when I realized running isn't for me person B: Ahaha_comma_ I hate running too
person A: I slept with a new girl last week person B: Huh_comma_ ok. Do you like her a lot? person A: Not really person B: Sounds like you don't have much respect for women. person A: Not really. We were very high. We were drunk. But now I feel bad for my partner
person A: I was eating dinner with my husband last night and I was so happy person B: Sometimes the simplest things are the nicest person A: I whole heatedly agree! It was just so freeing and peaceful person B: I hope you have many more then!
person A: Someone came to my door with a gun the other day. person B: What did you do in response? person A: I called the police after he robbed me. person B: That's awful_comma_ did you get injured at all? person A: No_comma_ thankfully_comma_ I'm fine but scared.
person A: I left my food on the coffee table and my dog ate it. person B: That is a terrible tragedy_comma_ my friend. Did the dog get sick? person A: No_comma_ she is fine. I had to find something else to eat though. person B: Well that's good. What did you find?
person A: I was trying to study for a test one night and my brother was listening to loud music person B: Did you ask him to turn it down? Or did you just go flip the circuit breaker to the house? person A: I would have totally flipped the circuit breaker if I knew how_comma_ but I just asked him to turn it down person B: Did he do it? Cause if not_comma_ I might have needed to give him a high five_comma_ on the head_comma_ with a chair.
person A: My dog tried to eat her poo person B: That is pretty disgusting! Did it look like poo coming out again? person A: It probably will. person B: I can imagine. Maybe it'll morph into a Super Saiyan poo or something.
person A: I borrowed a book from the library the other day but I left it outside person B: That's a dang shame. Did it get rained on? person A: Yes it did_comma_ unfortunately person B: That's too bad. Well_comma_ on the bright side_comma_ maybe a hobo will find it_comma_ read it_comma_ enlighten himself_comma_ and get a job at McDonalds.
person A: I got something nice the other day_comma_ chocolates from my husband person B: Wow that must have been a surprise for you person A: It was_comma_ and he does that type of thing a lot. person B: you got a great husband
person A: I have problems with the city and their constant tax increase on my property. person B: I know how you feel_comma_ it's terrible. I actually moved to a completely different state due to hi taxes. person A: Maybe A move out of my state would be the answer and a blessing to the high taxes. person B: It's worth it to consider. I pay less than half in property tax than I used to.
person A: I always do the same_comma_ it's not had when they are perfect. person B: Always do the same what? What is perfect? person A: My girlfriend_comma_ How about you? do you have a partner? person B: I have been married for 19 years and we have been together 21. person A: Wow. Looks like you are doing a good job.
person A: I close on my new house Monday_comma_ I didn't think I was going to be able to purchase it but I believed in my mortgage adviser person B: I've been through that process before and it was not easy. Good thing you had a good adviser. person A: Surprisingly it's been a painless process. I'm very thankful. person B: You have been very lucky. You should keep their business card in case you ever decide to buy another house.
person A: I gave my friend some money that she said she would pay back but she hasn't yet. person B: I hate when that happens! person A: I really thought I could count on her_comma_ but now I haven't even heard a word from her. Lesson learned I guess. person B: That's how it goes. I usually consider the money as a lost cause when lending to friends.
person A: I actually did this_comma_ i'm terrible. person B: Did what? person A: I stole my mother's card details to pay for a subscription. person B: I have too... to pay for food though. She told me that she would have paid if I asked but I am too proud.
person A: We are going to Six Flags this weekend and my kids want me to ride the roller coaster with them. person B: Sounds like found! Are you scared of roller coasters? I love them! person A: I'm really hesitant to get on. It's been a long time since I've ridden one and I don't think I'm going to like it at all person B: I hope you do have fun!
person A: When i lost my dog of 12 years i was devastated... person B: I know how you feel! Our dog of 8 years past away last week spring. It can be so hard person A: It is a horrible experience and i hope that i never have to go through it again_comma_ how did yours die? person B: Same here. We don't know. He was perfectly fine the night before. We woke up to find him passed away at the foot of our bed. Do you know how yours passed?
person A: I think that in the past i have spent time caring about things that aren't important. person B: What kind of thing? You could always change that in the future. person A: Money mostly. I just wish i could have enough of it to be set for life. person B: Of course_comma_ but that is certainly not the most important thing in life_comma_ I hope you realize now.
person A: I love thinking back to when I was growing up and the neighborhood we lived in. So many great memories. person B: That's such a great feeling. person A: It really is. All the neighbors were so close_comma_ we even spent holidays together. It was like a really huge family all living together. person B: That sounds really nice. I don't know my neighbors at all
person A: Do you watch any YouTube at all? person B: I watch everyday. love youtube! person A: What type of content do you like watching? person B: I like self help_comma_ motivation_comma_ healthy living_comma_ and a little bit of conspiracy.
person A: The other night I wanted cake when I woke up in the middle of the night person B: Oh I get those midnight cravings all the time! person A: The worst part was that there was a cake to be eaten! SO I DID! Lmao person B: You want cake? Cake is there? Obviously you have to eat it! Lol
person A: My husband was teaching me how to make a steak. The flame was so warm! person B: That sounds like a fun thing to do as a couple. person A: It was but I was so sad that I was so scared person B: Why were you so scared?
person A: I looked at my childhood photos the other day. I remember alled the fun I used to ahve person B: Oh really_comma_ that sounds nice. I miss childhood. person A: I do to. It was much easier then for me person B: Sometimes I feel as though our generation (assuming you're a few years around 30) really got a bad deal as far as the economy_comma_ politics_comma_ and the overall love in the country is concerned.
person A: I have to rely on my prayers and my belief in a high power to get me through not having a job and no money. person B: Things work out. It doesn't seem like it but they do. person A: I remind myself all the time that it will work out and all will be good again. person B: It will. I am sure of it.
person A: I was very sad when I found out that my neighbors houses were going to be demolished because the city ordered it.. person B: Is the city going to build them new ones at least? person A: Nope. They bought them out at city valued tax prices and they have 60 days to find another place to live. person B: Well at least they bought them out and they won't be homeless. Still sucks though.
person A: I feel off my bike the other day. it hurt. person B: Oh no! How badly did you hurt yourself? person A: A few scraps to my elbows but nothing major_comma_ i was just embarrassed. person B: That doesn't sound too bad_comma_ it could have been much worse!
person A: Hey_comma_ Any interest in video games? person B: Yes I do play some video games. person A: great_comma_ I'm anticipating the release of Fallout:76 how about you? person B: I've heard some very good things about it. It doesn't come out until November right?
person A: Isn't it annoying when your friends earn more money then you but you work just as hard. person B: Sometimes life isn't very fair. I like to think of it as motivation to get a better job. person A: Very true. I suppose i just get a bit jealous sometimes. person B: It happens_comma_ I think it's part of human nature. Just try and focus on your own well-being and you'll be alright!