person A: I was so proud of my daughter over the weekend. person B: That's good to hear_comma_ what did she do to make you proud? person A: She performed her first solo dance in competition_comma_ but she had been in leg braces for the last 2 years. person B: Oh wow! That's amazing_comma_ i'm sure that was a really touching moment! person A: It was_comma_ very much so_comma_ I will cherish it forever.
person A: I'm grateful for the work hours_comma_ but bummed that I can't get time off. person B: Sorry to hear that. Maybe you can talk with your boss about changing the schedule a bit. person A: Well_comma_ I've worked without a break for the last 3 years_comma_ I just want to get away abit. person B: Wow_comma_ that is a long time! That shows how dedicated you are to your job_comma_ and that you deserve some time off! person A: Right! I'd like to go lay on a beach_comma_ or even just the next town over at this point.
person A: I have been extremely diligent in my studies so far_comma_ and am participating in two clubs this upcoming year. The future is looking bright! person B: That is awesome. What are you hoping to do? person A: I am an electrical engineering student_comma_ and I am interested in quite a few things at this point. I think after this year_comma_ I will be able to get a paid internship next summer! person B: That's the dream_comma_ to get paid in college. I wish I could have done that. Congratulations!
person A: I am so tired of hauling garbage to the county dump. person B: Are you cleaning out a house or do you not have garbage pick-up? person A: The company in my city just quit picking up for any of the residents_comma_ so the dump has a line every day. person B: That is insane! I've never heard of anything like that before. You all should start protesting! person A: We have_comma_ and we called a city meeting. I'm just beyond words_comma_it has to be corrected.
person A: 's all too common these days. |||| NEW CONVERSATION ||| I recently went to a dinner where we were served something unconventional to say the least. person B: Oh really? What was it they served? person A: I should have known better_comma_ as these friends are on the "crunchier side". They had a loaf of bread that they made with flour that had cockroaches added to it! person B: Oh wow... I really can't imagine eating it knowing it had those in it. person A: I lost my appetite completely! I will be sure to get takeout before hand if we ever go to another one of their dinners.
person A: my mom is supposed to call me regarding her test results. person B: I hope she hears some good news. Is it pretty serious? person A: She had stage 3 cancer_comma_ but she was clear last screening a year ago. person B: I'll be praying for her_comma_ I hope she continues to stay in the clear in the future. person A: Thank you_comma_ I have a good feeling about it.
person A: I went to a wedding recently_comma_ and something happened that put a damper on it. I felt bad for my buddy_comma_ but at least he knows he can trust me. person B: Oh no_comma_ it's awful something happens on that special day that should be full of joy and whatnot. person A: Yeah_comma_ his wife got drunk and paid a pass at me. I told her to sober up_comma_ and let him know what had happened. person B: Yikes. Well_comma_ at least you did the right thing by passing that long_comma_ as painful as it might have been.
person A: I am highly upset that I'm the only one concerned with earning money for our bills person B: am sorry about that_comma_ what are others doing about it person A: Not much. It's all on me. It sucks person B: sorry_comma_ just tryy to be patient with them
person A: I love playing old school video games. The music is amazing person B: Old school video games are full nostalgic memories for me. That is why i try to avoid them as they evoke many emotions in me person A: For me it's happy emotions person B: It is just that I miss my friends a lot with whom i used to play. I wish i could just rewind time and go back
person A: The micro brewery explosion in America has been awesome for my girlfriend and I_comma_ as we love craft beer. Until recently_comma_ our town didn't have one though. person B: I love beer! I wish I could try your guy's beer. Is it a hard process? person A: We actually don't brew our own_comma_ and hadn't been able to try many because we live in a small town. But we just got the news that a micro brewery was opening here in a few weeks! person B: Awesome_comma_ that's great news! Hope you guys make a great tasting one and become big!
person A: I hate it when other guys look at my girl person B: ooh_comma_ you should not be_comma_ she should be appreciated for looking good person A: She's for my eyes only. At least she doesn't pay them any attention. Or I would flip! person B: aha_comma_ thats funny though
person A: Everyone I have ever worked with in a kitchen has either already read "Kitchen Confidential"_comma_ or I have made them read it. We were all devastated when Anthony Bourdain passed away earlier this year. person B: Oh_comma_ I haven't read it_comma_ but I was also sad to hear he passed person A: He started from the bottom and worked his way up. He had a passion for people as well as food_comma_ and we all still look up to him. person B: Yes_comma_ too bad he was struggling with his depression and couldn't seek help
person A: My husband and friends planned me a baby shower without me knowing. person B: Aw_comma_ that's so nice of them! Was it fun? person A: Yes_comma_ it was a lot of fun and it caught me off guard. It meant a lot that they did it for me. person B: That's great! It's so nice that you have people around you who care
person A: I gave twin fawns in our yard some fresh peaches and they loved them. person B: Ohhh..I would love that experience! How special! person A: I enjoy helping the wildlife in our area. It is alway a good feeling to give a helping hand. person B: I love that too! I try feeding everyone :) Awesome!
person A: In a week my wife will finally be back from being out of the country for 2 months! person B: Oh geez! Why was she gone for so long? person A: She was taking a language course in Germany for her graduate studies. person B: That's pretty cool! That would be hard though! Were you all able to talk a lot?
person A: I'm moving into another apartment and just told my neighbor I was leaving. He said he was sorry I'm going! person B: How long have you been there ? person A: About a year and a half. I really didn't expect him to say that - we don't know each other that well. person B: Sometimes we affect people that we don't realize. person A: Very true. I do pet his dog when I see them. Perhaps he recognizes a fellow dog-lover!
person A: boss made me stay late yesterday_comma_ so I had to work overtime_comma_ but I didn't even get paid for it! person B: That doesn't seem fair. How are they getting around not paying you for it? person A: I'm technically salaried_comma_ so I don't get paid overtime. It's still really irritating. person B: It sounds like your boss needs to be more considerate when it comes to his employees.
person A: I went to my car one morning and found that some kids in my condo complex had thrown food all over it person B: Wow_comma_ did you ever get them in trouble? person A: Sadly_comma_ no. There's no actual proof of who it was_comma_ but we've seen them doing random stuff like that all over the place. He did have the cops called on him for unrelated things once_comma_ so I'll take that as a victory. person B: There you go_comma_ take victories where you can get them!
person A: My husband went to a job fair and got a lot of job offers! person B: Great_comma_ what is his field ? person A: He is currently Active Duty Army_comma_ but is wanting to go into transportation/logistics. person B: I see. I hope for all the best for you and him.
person A: It's been a great day so far! The sun is out and I'm on my second cup of coffee! person B: Sounds super relaxing! I bet your enjoying it! person A: Yes I am_comma_ about to make some soup for lunch. This day has been just what I needed! person B: Thats awesome! What kind of soup do you make?
person A: When I applied for the job I have now it took them like a month to get back to me with a final answer. It was pretty stressful. person B: My brother just graduated and is on the job hunt_comma_ and he's described his experience as the same thing.. Seems like he has good interviews and they're receptive to him_comma_ but they don't really respond or give him an answer. Sorry to hear you guys go through that. Can't imagine how frustrating it is person A: Super frustrating. It worked out in the end_comma_ but I had to bug them a few times to make sure they hadn't abandoned me. person B: Good on you for being aggressive and opportunistic. Maybe they found that to be the motivating factor to give you the job. I hope it's been good so far.
person A: A friend of mine took early retirement recently and he and his wife are traveling all over the world. person B: That sounds like so much fun! person A: I know - I wish I could do that. They've been to France_comma_ Italy_comma_ Croatia and Chile so far - I'm sitting in NC! person B: I totally get why you feel that way. Your time will come soon. person A: I would just like to be able to drive to Raleigh without hurting! I fell and broke my hip a while back and can't walk properly. person B: I hope you can recover soon! person A: One more operation and I should be good. In the meantime_comma_ I have to live vicariously through Joe and Helen :)
person A: My wife has been out of the country for 2 months_comma_ she gets back in a week. I can't wait! person B: That's good! I bet you missed her a lot. person A: I really did. It'll be great to have her back :) person B: I'm sure she'll have a lot to tell you about her trip!
person A: When I interviewed for the job I have now_comma_ they didn't give me a solid answer for like a month after the interview. person B: That's a long time to kind of hang in limbo. I am sorry you had to endure that for a month. person A: It worked out ok_comma_ but I had to keep bugging them to make sure they hadn't given up on me. person B: Well_comma_ at least that story had a happy ending. It could have went much worse.
person A: My wife has been out of the country for the last 2 months for school. person B: Aw_comma_ I bet you miss her a lot. person A: I do. She's getting back soon_comma_ but it's been tough being along with the dogs every night. person B: Well_comma_ at least the dogs still have you for company. I'm sure you'll be happy when she gets back though.
person A: When I interviewed for my current job_comma_ I felt like it went well but all I could do was wait. person B: What kind of job is it? person A: A lab technician at a university. person B: Interesting! What kind of things do you do?
person A: My parents brought my brother a brand new iPhone. He always gets the newest stuff and I get stuck with nothing. person B: aw man that sucks how come he gets to get one but not you person A: I have no idea. He's the "golden child." It's super unfair. person B: well after a certain age parent's start to treat children differently lol
person A: My wife has been out of the country for two months_comma_ which is really hard when one of us is having a bad day and we can't help the other. person B: when does she return? person A: She gets back in a week_comma_ so it's almost over. person B: well thats good
person A: my husband opened the door and a huge wasp flew in! I hate insects. they are so nasty person B: Did you go running like crazy!? person A: heck yes i did! I locked myself in the room and told him he needs to kill that thing before he goes to work person B: i would have done the same glad no one got stung!
person A: i hate all the mosquitos that grow during the rain season person B: They are bad now too_comma_ they are so annoying person A: yes i hate going out when it is rainny season there is so many of them person B: It can be irritating to deal with this time of year
person A: Both me and my girlfriend are super scared of spiders_comma_ but she made me kill a huge one yesterday. person B: Come on_comma_ the worst that can happen is that it kills you. person A: Exactly!!!! Isn't that enough to fear them?! person B: It's certainly a good enough reason to kill them.
person A: I'm going skydiving for the first time with some friends! person B: Wow_comma_ are you nervous at all person A: A little bit_comma_ but I love doing extreme stuff like this. person B: That's exciting. I'd never have the guts to do it so kudos to you.
person A: The othern ight I was having tea outside and forgot my glass outside all night! person B: That kind of stinks. Sorry to hear that! Well_comma_ at least there are worst things to forget outside.. Maybe this is an easy learning lesson! person A: It was gross though when I went to go and get it! It was all full of bugs! person B: I didn't even think of that! That's one thing about tea with me_comma_ that I've never gotten into it because you get it and it's so hot_comma_ so you have to wait forever to drink it. You set it down and then ultimately forget it!
person A: On my last visit to my orthopedic surgeon he suggested surgery to fix my hip. person B: Yikes that sounds scary but overall good for the end results. How do you feel about it? person A: Nervous. Surgery is a big step and I'm afraid something will go wrong. person B: I understand i would be too but now a days technology is really good just make sure its a reliable hospital! person A: You're absolutely correct and the hospital's one of the best in the country. Still_comma_ I fret about it. I should just get on with it!
person A: I'm about to go overseas and i was so overwhelmed with packing and getting ready and my friend came over and helped me to pack person B: That's a good friend you got there. person A: she is wonderful! She helped me out so many times i don't know what i would do withiut her person B: Never take someone like that for granted. They are so rare.
person A: Cell phones are great_comma_ but sometimes they can cause situations that are uncomfortable. person B: What types of situations are you referring to? person A: Usually they just interupt with a ring. But Youtube is on my lock screen and it played out loud while I was inline_comma_ and it was not an appropriate topic! person B: lol_comma_ did everyone around you make funny faces? person A: Of course they did_comma_ some guy in this video was dropping the f bomb out of no where. I was humiliated_comma_lol.
person A: My dog died today :( person B: I am so sorry to hear that. Was she able to go surrounded by you guys? person A: Yes_comma_ she had cancer so we knew she was going to pass soon. My daughter won't stop crying. person B: It's hard to lose a family member like that. You guys should take some time to grieve.
person A: my daughter went on vacation with her friends and the house feels so lonely person B: Where did they go? person A: they went to the beach for 1 week person B: That sounds like so much fun!
person A: I'm moving to a new apartment in a few weeks and can't wait! No more obnoxious upstairs neighbors! person B: That's great! I've got to deal with loud neighbors too. Anything specific they do? person A: Stomp around at all times of the day and night_comma_ screeching into their cellphones and playing loud video games. What do yours do? person B: Loud running toddler who pitches fits at random times_comma_ day or night. Sounds like a similar level of noise :P person A: Eww. Yes_comma_ it is loud. Who would live in an upstairs apartment with a small child? That's nuts!
person A: My wife has been out of the country for two months_comma_ and is coming back in a week! person B: Oh wow_comma_ I bet you can't wait! I remember when I had to spend a summer overseas and it was awful to be away from my husband. person A: It sure is. It's just been me and the dogs all summer_comma_ I've gotten super bored :P person B: Well_comma_ she'll be back soon and you'll have loads of catching up to do. I bet the dogs missed her too!
person A: I hope you do too! Applying is a huge step in the right direction! person B: Could you elaborate as to why? person A: I had such a huge spider ran past me in the bathroom. I am so grossed out by all the bugs here! person B: Oh no could you call an exterminator? person A: Spiders could bite me_comma_ which could really hurt!
person A: i feel that with my training lately im going to win my next week soccer game person B: I'm sure you'll do great! How long have you been training? person A: for this specific game for about 3 months person B: Wow_comma_ that's a lot of dedication! I believe in you!
person A: After my wife and I moved I went through a while of unemployment. It was really tough not being able to support us. person B: i can imagine_comma_ i have been there and it is the worst just belive in yourself person A: It's gotten better now_comma_ but it could still get even better. Just got to keep on moving. person B: yeah it always gets bbbetter that is the good thing
person A: i am really happy for next year i have a trip planned to go to india person B: That sounds like fun! I've always wanted to visit India. person A: yeah i have been planning this trip for over 2 years person B: Nice. I hope you have a great time!
person A: I had the most wonderful week recently. My neighbors weren't here and I could do whatever I wanted without them stomping on my head! person B: That sounds like a relief. person A: It was. I can't even brush my teeth at 8am without one or the other of them thumping around upstairs. person B: It seems like it's a lot of ruckus_comma_ I've visited friends who have your situation and I can only imagine. person A: That blessed week was so peaceful and calming. Everything felt right in my world. Then they came back! person B: Glad you enjoyed that short period of peace. Maybe soon you will get new neighbors or you can get a better place. person A: Getting a new apartment soon. At least the new neighbors will hopefully be at work during the day. person B: Oh_comma_ good. I'm sure it will be an improvement from your current situation.
person A: I went to work with my pants inside out_comma_ and I didn't notice until my secretary pointed it out. person B: Omg i would have been so embarrassed! :O person A: It was very embarrassing! At least I didn't go the whole day like that. person B: thats true imagine if you had! it takes a lot of talent tho to put your pants on inside out and still manage to button them. ha ha
person A: The airport was completely empty the other day. person B: that is awesome_comma_ i hope that happens to me on my next trip_comma_ where where you going person A: Home_comma_ but I thought LA would be crowded even at 4am_comma_ it made the hair on my arms stand up it was so creepy. person B: well you are really lucky to have an empty airport person A: Made getting my connection super easy_comma_ and trust me I was in a hurry to get there. Odd how being alone can make you paranoid.
person A: i cant wait to see my dog back home it has been 2 years since i see him person B: I would go mad_comma_ were you away at college or in the service? person A: college_comma_ but i will be seeing him very soon i think person B: That is great_comma_ I am sure he misses you and will be so happy to see you. He will smell you coming and know your there even before you get in the door.
person A: So my youngest went to his first day of kindergarten today. So proud of him. Silly I know. person B: That's not silly at all! I'm sure he'll love it. person A: I hope so should be home really soon. Can't wait to hear all about it. IT goes by to fast! person B: Yeah_comma_ he'll be all grown up before you know it! person A: I know my oldest just graduated_comma_ It was like it was over in an instant!
person A: A few months ago we were planning our wedding and I couldn't wait until the actual day finally arrived. person B: Did it turn out how you expected it person A: It was even better then expected. It was very small_comma_ but so happy how it turned out. person B: I'm glad to hear... Weddings can be stressful
person A: i hate when my neighboors dog poops on my yard and she does nothing_comma_ i dont care if he poops if she picks it up person B: Maybe put the poop back on your neighbors yard? person A: hahaha i mean he does not do it often but it is not a bad idea person B: Its the only way to get them to learn
person A: After studying and preaching for a few years_comma_ my husband was ordained to be a minister. person B: That's wonderful_comma_ it's always good when hard work pays off like that! person A: Yes it is and he is so devoted to God and living for Him. I was so happy for him. person B: I bet so that sounds nice person A: Thank you.
person A: This morning_comma_ my dog knocked down a while box of cereal and it spilled everywhere. person B: Oh wow_comma_ that sounds like it was a big mess. person A: Yes_comma_ and to make it worse_comma_ when I tried to clean it_comma_ she tried to eat_comma_ so she almost knocked me over too. I was not happy. person B: I hope she didn't eat too much of it_comma_ it might make her sick. person A: No_comma_ she only ate a little bit. I cleaned it up pretty quickly.
person A: There was a new resturaunt that opened up around the corner and everyone was raving about it person B: Oh yeah? Did you go give it a try? person A: I did! It was terrible! I was so upset! It was expensive_comma_ small_comma_ and bland! person B: That's a shame. I hate it when a place doesn't live up to the hype.
person A: In my last job most of my co-workers had different beliefs to me. It was a little awkward at times. person B: That can be a bit uncomfortable for sure. Did you try and avoid conversations person A: If things got a bit much I'd excuse myself and go elsewhere. I didn't want to get into an argument_comma_ but wasn't going to compromise my own beliefs by lying. person B: If it gets to be too much be sure to walk away. person A: I became quite good at that - the great vanishing employee_comma_ lol. I'm all for earnest discussion_comma_ but not at work!
person A: My husband had to repair something and we bought a ton of lumber. He was able to carry so much at once! person B: He must be really strong! person A: He is! I was so shocked but super attracted to him too! person B: Sure_comma_ I strong men is very attractive! You must be proud of him!
person A: i was really sad when my dog died last year person B: That is hard thing to go through. I hope you are feeling better about it now. person A: yeah i have been over it for sometime now but it is till hard to talk about person B: I bet. Losing a pet is much like losing a loved one. It gets better but still hurts sometime.
person A: A good friend was supposed to visit me this Summer_comma_ but he got a job and had to cancel. person B: Aw_comma_ that sucks. But at least he got a job_comma_ right? person A: Yeah_comma_ and it's one he really wanted and enjoys. I'm really happy for him_comma_ but would have really liked to see him. person B: Well_comma_ hopefully he can schedule another time to come visit you. person A: I hope so. We always have such a good time and like a lot of the same things. Oh well_comma_ some other time.
person A: My husband's grandmother and I were very close. We hung out and talked everyday. One Friday_comma_ we went to breakfast and she told me that her and her husband were going on vacation the next day. She was so excited. The next morning I called her after they had left and told her to be safe_comma_ have fun_comma_ and that I loved her. She told me she loved me too. The morning after that phone call_comma_ we found out that she had a heart attack and died. person B: Oh my. That is very unfortunate. person A: Yes_comma_ it hit our whole family very hard. That was in 2013_comma_ and sometimes I still pick up the phone to call her and tell her something. person B: I know that feeling. Im sure she is looking down on you all. person A: Thank you.
person A: My cat went missing 3 days ago. I found her. person B: That must have been a little bit of a roller coaster. That's kind of why I'm not wild about cats_comma_ is because they're so independent_comma_ and the outside cats can just go hang out somewhere for days and not have a care in the world about you. But I guess that suits some people. person A: I found her on the side of the street with her guts hanging in the gutter. I was so upset and sad person B: Oh man.. so that was REALLY a roller coaster then. I'm so sorry.. I hope you're not overwhelming yourself with guilt about it. It sounds like something you could not have any control over.
person A: I love to play golf_comma_ but injured my hip a while back. I really want to play again. person B: My nephew is getting into golf! It seems like a cool enough sport_comma_ albeit a little expensive. I hope you're able to get back to playing again. I've taken up running and swimming_comma_ and it's interesting how much those physical activities relieve stress in our day. person A: It sure is! Good on your nephew - it's a great sport. And good for you_comma_ too. It's all too easy just to sit back. I have to force myself to do physical therapy so I can walk again! person B: Well_comma_ often people just give up and relegate themselves to just sitting in a chair and watching TV. Even if you have to force yourself_comma_ at least you are forcing yourself. At some point hopefully you will see progress and feel it getting easier. Once that happens_comma_ motivation starts to become real easy to get. person A: Just the thought of getting back on the golf course is enough to get me off the couch_comma_ lol.
person A: Skydiving is an exillirating and scary experience! person B: I've never been skydiving myself. I hear that it's a great experience_comma_ but I'm not sure if I have the bravery for it. person A: I did not for many years_comma_ but my brother convinced me to tandem with him to celebrate our mothers remission. person B: Oh wow. Is it something that you would do again? person A: I think when my children are grown that I might_comma_ I would need to feel secure with the abilities of those in charge. You are putting your life in their hands.
person A: I bought a new tv. The colors are so vibrant and it is so sharp! person B: Sounds like fund_comma_ you must be excited! person A: I am_comma_ I have been watching all my favorite movies. person B: I think I will need to do that_comma_ my TV is an oldy. I am sure you will have a great time. person A: I am_comma_ I think my wife is getting tired of all the time I am spending watching movies.
person A: I woke up needing to use the bathroom at midnight. As soon as I sit down a giant bug flew into my face! person B: That sounds horrible. I would not have been able to sleep after that. person A: I screamed so loud that I woke up my husband and he though we were being burgled! person B: How terrifying. I hope you were able to find and kill it.
person A: I have this very serious interview tomorrow and I'm so nervous. I know what to say but i'm scared i will forget everything person B: Well_comma_ it's okay to be a bit nervous. Interviewers will understand that. You only have to halfway reign in it in and you'll hit that happy medium that's good for a workplace interview. Where are you applying to? person A: a government position. Can't really say much. :) but I really hope i will get this job_comma_ they pay really good money person B: I bet you have a good shot at it! Good luck
person A: I had a dream the other night about my friends from high school. It brought back all kinds of memories from my teen years and thinking back made me smile. person B: Did you tell anyone about the dream? person A: I told my husband. The dream made me miss my best friend from high school. person B: You should call your best friend on the telephone! person A: I actually sent her a message through facebook. person B: That is sure to make you feel the nostalgic? person A: I guess that's a good word for it.
person A: I came home from work today and my wife had a new puppy waiting for me. person B: oh that sounds like fun person A: Yeah_comma_ he is such a cutie. I have been playing with my new pup the rest of the day. person B: sounds like a wonderful day! person A: It is_comma_ a day I will always remember. I named him spot_comma_ because he has a funny looking spot on his back.
person A: I saved up the money to buy a certain dress that I had been wanting for a while. When I finally got the money saved_comma_ it was sold out everywhere_comma_ except Ebay. The problem was_comma_ the price was doubled. person B: Oh My!! What are you going to do? I would buy it anyway. person A: I may buy it still_comma_ but I have to save up more money now. person B: Well thats unfortunate. Hopefully you will be able to buy it soon. person A: I hope so. I as so exited to be able to get it.
person A: I bought a load of German chocolate bars in Aldi. I then ate too many of them. I shouldn't have done that - no self-control! person B: It happens to the best of us. It would be great if they did not make us gain weight. person A: It was sheer greed_comma_ I'm afraid. I know everyone has their moments_comma_ but I really shouldn't have done that. person B: Well you have to live a little every now and then. I'm sure it was worth it_comma_ haha. person A: It certainly was - German chocolate is delicious!
person A: my son is sick_comma_ he got this hand foot and mouth desease_comma_ nothing serious but he has a fever person B: Oh no_comma_ poor baby person A: i know_comma_ i got some motrin_comma_ funny movies and lots of cuddles.i hope he will feel better tomorrow person B: Yes cuddles will help
person A: i used to be a member of a cool dance crew. we had so much fun together. we used to battle other teams and win local competitions person B: That sounds really fun. Can you still remember some of the routines? person A: honestly_comma_ no_comma_ it's been 8 years haha loooong time ago! I wish i could hang out with all those people again person B: Yea that is a long time. You should reach out to some and see if they are on social media.
person A: I'm getting really psyched about the upcoming Ryder Cup golf tournament. I've been watching it since I was a kid. person B: I'm fascinated by how people can watch golf_comma_ I always found it really boring_comma_ but if you enjoy it then great! person A: I've been around the game all my life and just love both playing and watching. I'd imagine that_comma_ if you don't play_comma_ it would be pretty boring! person B: Oh that totally changes things I guess_comma_ makes sense. person A: I think it's the format of this tournament that gets me addicted. It's not like regular tournaments_comma_ in that teams are playing against each other.
person A: Last Christmas Eve_comma_ after a family event_comma_ I found my ten year old daughter crying in her room. At the event she had overheard someone calling her daddy fat and making fun of him_comma_ and it had hurt her feelings. person B: Aw that's terrible_comma_ at least you were able to comfort her? person A: Yes_comma_ I was able to make her feel better_comma_ and her daddy made her laugh. But my mama bear side came out_comma_ and I was ready to confront some people. person B: I'm sure you were! Those people deserved some confrontation for sure. person A: Yes_comma_ they did.
person A: I was cleaning up my garden bed when I found a bunch of bones in it! person B: Oh my god! what did you do? did you tell anyone? person A: I called the cops! Turns out that it's bird bones! My cat has been killing bird after bird and leaving it in my garden! person B: LOLOLOL the cops probably had a good laugh about that.
person A: I get really mad when I hear about people abusing animals. What revolting individuals! person B: Me too!!! ii never could understand what drives people to be so mean to such innocent creatures. person A: They're filthy_comma_ ignorant bullies. I would sentence them to life in prison_comma_ without parole!!! person B: Really!! I would go even further and give them the electric chair. I have no tolerance for those types of people. person A: More laws need to be passed so they can be prosecuted. So many states have nothing on the statute books.
person A: Last night I heard a weird noise outside. It really scared my wife and I. person B: Oh_comma_ I hate it when that happens. Did you find out what it was? person A: It ended up just being a raccoon rummaging through our trash. But at the time we thought it was someone trying to break in. person B: I'm glad it wasn't something dangerous. That would be a terrifying experience. person A: It would be_comma_ I worry for the safety of my family.
person A: My friend borrowed quite a lot of money from me. I really do believe he'll repay me. person B: You do? thats good_comma_ friends can be terrible people to lend too. person A: They can_comma_ but he was in a real bind and I was able to do so. I know he's grateful for the loan_comma_ so I reckon I'll be ok there. person B: I bet he pays you in full. person A: Even part would be ok. He needs to get a bunch of savings together so he doesn't find himself in that situation again.
person A: My husband asked me to put on a blindfold the other night and he led me outside! I was so scared at first person B: I bet that was scary. Did he surprise you with something? person A: He did! He had set up a dinner table in a clearing in our yard right when the sun was setting. Dinner was ready and waiting and warm too! person B: Ahhh. How nice. You are lucky to have such a thoughtful husband.
person A: Ever seen a drone fly at night? It's far creepier than you might imagine at first_comma_ especially if it's in the early morning_comma_ like 3am or something. person B: Does it look like a space ship? person A: Well at night it's kind of hard to tell that it looks like anything. All you can see is just the blinking locator lights on it_comma_ and all you can hear is the buzzing of the props. But who knows what could be attached to the drone? Cameras? Some kind of gas? person B: I have never seen a drone flying around here. Even in the day time
person A: i love my friend_comma_ she is pretty funny and cool but goodness gracious she is so nosy it's annoying sometimes person B: What does she do? person A: like we were hanging out yesterday and my hysband called and i walked to a different room to talk to him and when i came back she started asking me questions about what he said and stuff likethat person B: Wow_comma_ I would just tell her its private. Sounds annoying
person A: It is so difficult to have a pet pass away_comma_ I really miss him. person B: Aw I understand that_comma_ I have gone through that myself and it's very hard. When did this happen? person A: Over the summer_comma_ he started acting strange so we took him in for testing. person B: Oh no I'm very sorry. What kind of pet? person A: A border collie_comma_ he was a great doggie.
person A: My daughter called and said my grandson had to have a chest xray because he was having trouble breathing. I was so worried I didn't know what to do with myself. person B: Oh no_comma_ have you been able to calm yourself down? person A: She called several hours later to let me know everything was ok. I worry even more because they live so far away. person B: I can understand that_comma_ I think I would be a mess too.
person A: I am actually furious. I'm writing this from a hotel. A truck full of rotten salmon smashed through the wall of my bedroom yesterday. Place smells awful. person B: That does not sound plpeasant at all_comma_ maybe they should relocate those who are staying there. person A: I relocated myself to a hotel to stay there until it gets repaired. Luckily my insurance is paying for my stay_comma_ but I'll be suing the hell out of the trucking company. person B: Hopefully no one was injured at all from the accident?
person A: I am so glad that I decided to pack a kit for my car in case of bad winter weather. person B: I bet you are_comma_ that's some pretty good foresight right there! Did you have to use it this past winter? person A: I did_comma_ two days after packing it we had a blizzard and my tire went flat out in the middle of it. I would have been very unhappy had I not packed it. person B: How satisfying must it be to have something like that ready to go in case of emergency_comma_ and then to actually get to use it? I'm pretty jealous_comma_ and proud in a vicarious kind of way. person A: I was_comma_ and happy to have water_comma_ granola bars_comma_ and an extra cell phone charger!
person A: I have a ton of work to complete to earn my degree this year. person B: Well good luck with that! person A: Thank you_comma_ I have been compiling data for 5 years_comma_ my brain is totally absorbed by it. person B: What are you studying? person A: Criminal and social justice.
person A: I just froze when It was my turn to get on the tycoon rollar coaster at disney world. person B: Do roller coasters scare you person A: I think it was just the thought of being so high up. person B: I used to be afriad of heights too
person A: I had to stay home and work_comma_ while all my friends go to denver and snowboard. person B: That's a bummer. Maybe next time you can join them. person A: Hopefully_comma_ but the worst part is there is nothing to do on the weekend with everyone gone. person B: Sound like a Netflix weekend then. Hope you got a lot of work done.
person A: In some ways_comma_ losing a pet dog is even worse than losing a relative. They're so innocent_comma_ they're so helpless. They don't deserve to have to die or suffer ever. person B: Goodness_comma_ you're right about that. Plus a pet is the only thing to show unconditional and neverending love for you. person A: Exactly_comma_ and they never demand anything from you. When my golden retriever Louie died a few weeks ago_comma_ I honestly thought I would die too. person B: I'm so very sorry for your loss_comma_ I can only imagine that pain. I had to put my girl down 3 years ago and I promise that it does get easier. person A: Thank you_comma_ that's good to hear. I find it pretty difficult to continue on most days...but I suppose it's starting to get easier.
person A: A week before my cruise this summer_comma_ I was counting down the days with bated breath. I thought I would actually DIE before I got to go on it. person B: It's the worst waiting for vacations! You want the time before to go fast but then it to go slow during. Never works out that way_comma_ unfortunately. person A: Yes! Completely the opposite of what you want. The universe can be funny like that. But I had an absolute blast! person B: That's great! I'm glad you had a good time. I've never been on a cruise before but it sounds like I need to try one out!
person A: When my daughter was born doctors said she wouldn't ever go to school and basically be mentally handicapped. person B: And how is she doing now person A: She is a normal A-B student and just started 8th grade person B: That is awesome. Sometimes a second opinion is all you need
person A: I finally had a day of_comma_ but the weather was terrible and rainy and cold. person B: aww that's too bad. I hope you got some solid netflix in at least! person A: I was hoping to get a chance to play outside and get some sun. person B: bummer. Well I hope you get a chance to do that soon!
person A: I just got back from a latenight showing of the horror movie insidious person B: Oh that sounds fun! person A: Not really I almost had an accident at some of the startling points. person B: That isn't good at all_comma_ glad you didn't have an accident.
person A: I have been looking around at different car insurance quotes person B: Did you find any good companies. person A: a couple but it amazes me how expensive insurance is person B: Did you have alot of accidents that can jack your rates up.
person A: I just ate a whole cake by myself_comma_ I feel sick! person B: It's okay! Try to rest on the couch and that might help! person A: Thank you_comma_ being on a diet is hard with sweets in the house. person B: I know that feeling all too well. But don't get down on it_comma_ just try better tomorrow.
person A: The other night I had a panic attack out the blue person B: That must have been scary. Is that the first time it has happened to you? person A: Sadly no_comma_ I get them maybe once a year. The worst part was that I had nothing to be stressed about. person B: Are you able to do anything to prevent them?
person A: I left the front door unlocked this morning and our dog got out. I can't believe I would be so careless. person B: I'm sure that he will turn up soon. I really hope that you find him. person A: We have been driving around all evening looking for him. He really is my best friend. person B: Maybe check your local animal shelters? Sometimes they are taken there by people who find them. person A: We will have to go there next_comma_ hopefully he is chilling there.
person A: I felt completely discarded after my last ex ghosted me. We'd been seeing each other for a few months_comma_ and everything was fine. Then...nothing. person B: Aww_comma_ I'm sorry to hear that. Was it a bad break up or did you part on good terms? person A: That's just it. We didn't really "break up" in the traditional sense. She just sort of stopped talking to me and I eventually texted her and said okay_comma_ thanks for the memories. But it was rough. person B: That's really odd. I wonder why they didn't have the courtesy to let you know that they'd lost interest or whatever the case may be. To just cut off contact seems a little rude.
person A: Today I was getting coffee and the person in front of me paid for my drink. I couldn't believe people would be so nice_comma_ I was so thankful because money has been tight. person B: How thoughtful. Now you have to pay it forward_comma_ as the saying goes. person A: I will_comma_ you never know when someone else is in need! person B: Kindness is infectious. person A: It is_comma_ I have been so blessed in my life!
person A: My husband started college this week! person B: How exciting_comma_ is he a non-traditional student? person A: Yes_comma_ he is still active duty army but getting out in November. I am so proud of him furthering his education! person B: That is really good_comma_ speaking from experience_comma_ all military men and women should get a degree.
person A: I am a really picky eater_comma_ and now my favorite restaraunt is ruined for me. person B: Why? What happened? I hope you didn't get food posioning. person A: No poisoning_comma_ but my burger had a long hair in it_comma_ so I couldn't eat it. person B: Oh gosh_comma_ that is gross! Maybe tell the manager so he can make it right_comma_ and make sure his staff is doing things to health codes! person A: So gross_comma_ that is certain.