person A: My and some old friends from college recently got together. It's always great to see those guys again. person B: I bet it is! I love getting together with friends_comma_ especially if it has been a while...which it seems to be the older I get. person A: Same. And all these guys live in different places now so it's harder and harder to get everyone together. person B: I bet it would be tough. Was there a special occasion that brought you all together? person A: No. We've had a group text going for several years so we just all decided it had been too long. person B: Thats so awesome! I hope you all had a ton of fun!
person A: My wife bought some new clothes and in classic fashion she lied about how much she actually spent. person B: Hahaha_comma_ yes we women don't want to get the men angry. But clothes are so expensive these days. We just want to look good for our men. person A: I know I know. I just wish she could tell me up front. I get more irritated finding out she lied about it. person B: I guess you can just tell her like you told me just now. Maybe she won't be afraid to tell you next time....... well maybe_comma_ lol. person A: Oh_comma_ I've tried...
person A: This weekend I saw one woman being kind of mean to another woman of color. person B: Yikes_comma_ that doesnt happen too often in today's culture. Did you say anything? person A: No kidding! I don't see how those kind of people are still around. No. It had already escalated by the time I saw it. We figured it was best to just keep moving. person B: That might be for the best. Were they arguing about her color or something else? person A: No. She just thought the other woman wasnt doing her job. Classic sense of entitlement. person B: Thats really annoying. It would be great if people would just let other people be.
person A: I dont get to see my only niece too often. I was supposed to babysit her recently_comma_ but it fell through. I was kinda sad I didnt get to see her. person B: I'm sorry you don't get to see her much. I don't see mine often either. I'm sure it did make you sad. person A: We just dont live super close so it always makes it harder. person B: Yeah_comma_ I understand that. I live about 45 minutes from mine and everyone is so busy all the time. Maybe you will be able to see her soon.
person A: The last few weeks have been spent buys school clothes_comma_ shoes_comma_ and supplies so my girls would be ready to go back to school. There first day was yesterday and it went well. person B: Great! Are you home all day or do you just get them off to school and then head to work yourself? person A: I'm home with my toddler_comma_ so I drop them off and pick them up. The school is exactly 7 minutes away. I'm glad my shopping in advance paid off. person B: For sure! I bet it was nice to have the hosue a little more quiet too.
person A: Recently had some test run at the doctors office and it took a few weeks to get the results back. person B: Oh that must have been torture! Is everything alright? person A: Yes fortunately everything turned out ok. But it was nerve wracking waiting on the answer. person B: I can imagine. Glad you are ok though! :)
person A: My husband's grandfather recently passed away_comma_ and his three sons are acting very childish and selfish about everything concerning the will. person B: Oh no! that's no bueno. Usually the person that wants the least deserves the most. Thats sad person A: It really is. The worst part is that they had arguments in front of him_comma_ while he was sick_comma_ about who should get what. I wish they would have spent that time just loving and comforting him. That's what my husband and I tried to do. person B: Oh that's awful and borderline abusive person A: Yes_comma_ the whole situation made me mad then and mad now. There is nothing I can do though except pray about it.
person A: Watching my daughters play volley ball with their team makes me remember all the games I played in with my friends. person B: ah_comma_ you must have great memories than person A: The memories are awesome and I miss playing.But I wouldn't trade the life I live now to go back_comma_ person B: you know today's events are tomorrow's memories
person A: I am going fishing at my favorite spot tomorrow. I know I am going to catch something! person B: Cool! What kind of fish do you expect to catch there? person A: Blue catfish_comma_ they get so huge. I have a secret recipe for stink bait that works well! person B: Yum! Invite me over for some fish dinner sometime_comma_ won't you? person A: Oh I will_comma_ fried catfish is so amazing. Especially beer battered!
person A: I am going to play dominos tonight person B: That sounds like fun! Is it with friends? person A: Well with some locals at the local brewpub person B: So cool_comma_ I hope it goes well person A: Yes I think I will do well even though I just learned last week how to play!
person A: my family came to visit recently_comma_ i always get so nervous about people visiting. person B: That is person A: I have to make sure the house is clean and that everything is in order before they arrive_comma_ nerve wracking! person B: That is so nice when family visits. It is so much fun! But yeah_comma_ it is a lot of work for sure.
person A: I have a birthday coming up. I really hop I get the gift I am asking for. person B: Oh_comma_ Happy early Birthday! What is it that you are hoping for? person A: Thank you_comma_ I am hoping for a new camera. It is about time to upgrade. person B: Nice! I hope you get it! Cameras are such a wonderful tool to have these days and there are so many cool options to choose from. person A: Thanks_comma_ I really enjoy getting out and photographing nature.
person A: My dog go into the trash can and drug it all over the house. I am so mad right now! person B: oh jeez! what a mess. person A: I know_comma_ it is going to take me all evening to clean up! person B: I like dogs but thats why i dont have one lol person A: He is usually good_comma_ but this time his naughtiness got to him.
person A: I am going camping this weekend. I got my tent_comma_ sleeping bag and tons of food. I think I have everything I need! person B: Excellent! Stay hydrated! person A: Oh I will_comma_ I am ready for whatever the elements throw at me! person B: Sounds like fun! person A: It will be a blast_comma_ I just love roughing it in the outdoors!
person A: The other night i heard a sound like someone was breaking in my house_comma_ i was pretty scared. person B: Wow_comma_ that sounds quite disturbing. Was someone breaking in? person A: No_comma_ it turns out the power had went out for a minute and it was the sound of the printer calibrating. person B: I'm glad everything turned out okay!
person A: It has been raining a lot lately_comma_ I am really trusting the seal on our doors to keep the water out. person B: Yeah flooding is a real problems these days. The weather is crazy! Hopefully you and your house will stay nice and dry. person A: I know_comma_ it really starts too pool up by our house. It is getting kind of scary! person B: I would be scared too. I hope everything will be ok for you. Fingers crossed. person A: Yeah_comma_ really don't want to deal with a flooded home! Would not be good for my family.
person A: I bought a cake from the store and it ended up tasting terrible. person B: you sort of gamble on store bought cakes_comma_ did you take it back? person A: No_comma_ I ended up just suffering through it and eating it. person B: you are a lot bravery than I_comma_ I do't think i could it eat person A: Yeah_comma_ I am afraid to return things. The clerks kind of scare me.
person A: I was nervous about an upcoming job interview recently_comma_ I bought a new outfit and got a haircut to make myself feel better. person B: Do you feel any less nervous? Job interviews are always nerve-wracking person A: Yea_comma_ it made me feel better about myself and my chances_comma_ or maybe i just like spending money person B: Either way_comma_ as long as you feel a little bit better it was worth it. I'm sure you'll do great!
person A: I love chocolate cookies because my grams would always make them for me. person B: Oh yeah! I love chocolate anything! But grandmas cooking is always the best of all! person A: Nothing beats cookies made by grandma. Except for the oatmeal ones. Too healthy haha. person B: Not me! haha I love them all! person A: Only if it has raisins to sweeten them up!
person A: I found an old picture of when my oldest daughter started kindergarten 11 years ago. person B: that must be a cute picture person A: It is! In it_comma_ she's just standing with a huge smile on her face and a Hello Kitty backpack. person B: so young and ready to conquer the world
person A: I've been teaching my young daughter to play video games with me_comma_ she's such a quick learner. person B: What video games are the two of you playing? person A: Minecraft and asphalt racing are two of them_comma_ It's amazing to watch a child learn and grow their intelligence. person B: It's always amazing how quickly kids pick up on new skills.
person A: It broke my heart today when I went to the grocery store and found out that they were out of Dean's French Onion Dip. person B: You must really love that dip to have that much of a reaction to the loss of it. person A: I do! I've loved that particular brand for years - to me it's the best out there. But I guess there's quite a few people out there besides me that have a real love for it! person B: I would assume so_comma_ since there has to be someone out there who robbed you of your oniony gold! person A: Oniony gold! That's a very apt description!
person A: I'm glad I stuck my job out as long as I did - I finally got offered a promotion today. person B: Congrats! is it a good promotion? person A: It is! I'll actually be the manager of the entire office_comma_ and not just the one section I was in! person B: Wow that is super exciting. Not many people get that opportunity. You must have worked hard person A: I try to. But I'm glad all the effort is being recognized!
person A: I put in to get a promotion at work_comma_ and I should know something either way by tomorrow. person B: Wow_comma_ that's really exciting! Good for you_comma_ you must be nervous. person A: On the one hand_comma_ I am but on the other hand I have to relax knowing I did everything I could do and worked as hard as I could. It's kinda out of my hands now. person B: That's great_comma_ what kind of work are you in? person A: I work for a medical supply company. person B: Well I really hope you get it. You're right_comma_ you did what you could.
person A: Last week_comma_ they arrested 9 people for animal cruelty at a nearby farm and the place was littered with dead and sick and dying animals that they weren't taking care of. person B: That's horrible news! I don't understand how people can be so cruel sometimes. person A: I have a hard enough time understanding man's inhumanity towards their fellow man_comma_ but towards animals who can't do much to defend themselves? I hope they put those people *under* the jail! person B: I know in some places_comma_ the penalty for hurting an animal can be tougher than that for hurting your kids. Nothing makes sense sometimes. person A: Where I live_comma_ they're only now starting to toughen up the animal cruelty laws. Even so_comma_ they lag far behind a lot of other states.
person A: When the England national team made the semi-finals of the World Cup person B: Was that a good day for you? person A: So good_comma_ genuinely had my faith restored in the national team and everyone was having a good time larking about in good weather! person B: That's amazing! Sounds like a beauty day! Are you English?
person A: But yeah - school started for the kids today and it was weird how quiet it was once the bus pulled away. person B: Oh_comma_ but I bet you appreciated it! Summer can get long. person A: It can. But we had fun! Visited lots of relatives_comma_ cooked lots of stuff_comma_ goofed off and watched more anime than is probably humanly possible...a part of me is enjoying the quiet but on the other hand_comma_ I miss having my kids around to do stuff with. person B: Oh_comma_ that does sound like a fun summer. I read recently that we only get 18 summers with our kids- make them count. person A: Yep - and I have two left with the older one. They do grow up so fast! person B: It's good to stop and appreciate teh moment sometimes.
person A: I had to clean beneath a desk which had not been cleaned in about three years_comma_ after there had been some flooding from a manufacturing unit. It was so gross! person B: Oh no_comma_ I can imagine so! Was it gunky? person A: Yes indeed_comma_ there was even a frog under there! So bizarre! person B: Oh goodness_comma_ glad you got through is safe lol
person A: They arrested 9 people at a nearby farm for animal cruelty and they are already out of jail on bond! person B: Oh_comma_ that's not right. I have a rescue dog_comma_ she had a litter of puppies at a puppy mill before she was a year. person A: Wow! It makes me sad how people can be so cruel to animals that don't have the ability to fight back. The rescue shelters here have been working overtime to get things straightened out at that farm. person B: I could chat with you all day! We have a lot in common- I feel the same way. Keep chatting? Poor rescue animals. person A: Yeah. But I'm glad at least here we have enough agencies [and people volunteering their time] that hopefully_comma_ those animals can find good care and good homes. person B: That's great! So sad for those poor animals. person A: And in my opinion_comma_ the bond for those people was nowhere near high enough - they should have had to stay in jail! person B: They should- they say people who hurt animals will hurt people too.
person A: My son's soccer coach said nice things about his play last year and told me he would do what he could to get him on his team this year as well. person B: That sounds awesome_comma_ I'm glad he did well. person A: I am_comma_ too! I'm glad he's doing something he loves. At this point_comma_ I'm just waiting on the text to see which team he made it onto. person B: I hope he gets the team he wants.
person A: I'm so glad the kids went back to school today! person B: You must be relieved! You excited for free time? person A: Yes! I can go back to having ice cream for breakfast! I can watch Law and Order all I want to without the_comma_ "Mom_comma_ you always watch this!" comment! person B: That sounds seriously like a dream. I cannot wait until mine are old enough to start school. person A: How old are they? person B: 4 and 1. I have a bit to go haha. person A: Enjoy them now! Mine are 17_comma_ 15_comma_ and 10 and too cool for *everything*. LOL
person A: My two best friends are going on vacation next week and I won't have anyone else at work to goof off with. person B: Awww that will be a boring week. Sorry to hear that. Maybe you'll be productive! person A: On the one hand_comma_ I hope so but on the other hand_comma_ I'll get bored because there's nothing to break up the day. Just straight...ugh! XD person B: I hope it flies by!
person A: I went for a walk the other day and one of the neighbors dogs was loose_comma_ a bit white husky_comma_ he was aggressive. person B: Was the owner not around? Did the dog cause any harm? person A: He was growling at me and looked like he wanted to bite me_comma_ the neighbor finally came out and called him home. was intense. person B: Sounds scary! Dogs are very loyal creatures but can cause a lot of harm
person A: The little kitten I rescued last Friday passed away. person B: That is very heartbreaking. How did you find the kitten? person A: She was under my house_comma_ crying. Her mother had apparently abandoned her. I called my friend who said she was dehydrated and we did what we could_comma_ but her motor functions quit and she passed away in her sleep. person B: Very sad to hear. You have a good heart and are very caring_comma_ that is something to atleast be proud of! person A: And that kitten knew she was loved. It ended sad_comma_ but I take comfort in those things.
person A: My 6 year old tried to play a video game but couldn't understand how the controller worked. A few days later she was playing no problem! person B: Kids pick those things up quickly. And it'll help with her hand-eye coordination_comma_ reading - all sorts of things! person A: Yea_comma_ i was pretty proud of her_comma_ especially since things are more complicated now than when i was a kid. person B: Yeah. Back when the only buttons on a controller were Start_comma_ Select_comma_ A and B!
person A: I thought I had paid all my daughter's band fees only to find out that I'm 10 dollars short. person B: Oh no! Hopefully you are able to get it sorted out. It's hard to keep up with all the fees for kids schooling. person A: I keep all my receipts - I learned that lesson her 9th grade year. I just hate having to make the trip over to the high school because it's in the opposite direction of where I do everything else! person B: Sounds like a headache_comma_ i know the feeling. I got a letter saying i had a few days to purchase a purple shirt from my daughters school. Good luck!
person A: I went through a divorce last year_comma_ which caught me off guard financially_comma_ luckily my mom was able to help with some of the costs. person B: That would be rough. Hopefully youre in a better spot now! Thats awesome you had family to help you out too! person A: Yea i'm much better now_comma_ thanks to my mom. Attorneys make a killing on these types of things. person B: I bet they do! I mean they do go to school for a while and study hard_comma_ plus the schools arent cheap but they still dont have to charge as much as they do!
person A: When my wife left me it was so quiet in the house! it almost drove me crazy person B: i would love some quiet time to myself_comma_ consider yourself lucky! person A: hah_comma_ i hear ya. I just got so used to all the commotion i suppose. person B: i have a husband and three kids_comma_ its always loud in my house
person A: When we were kids_comma_ my sister and i once stole a blank check from our mom to order a pizza_comma_ we got caught. person B: Oh no! How did you guys get caught? person A: My mom noticed the charge and found a the missing check from her checkbook_comma_ i'll never forget the look of dissapointment on her face! person B: I bet_comma_ did you both get in a lot of trouble? person A: Oh yea. grounded for a long time.
person A: I just saw a movie I had been looking forward to and it was terrible person B: What movie was it? Is it currently in theaters? person A: It was the new Jurassic World person B: Thats too bad! I was hoping that one was going to be good!
person A: My coworker forgot to turn in the paperwork to switch our on call weeks. He ended up costing me $250! I'm so mad!!! person B: Oh my gosh! I would be furious as well. person A: He's such a worm. I can't stand it. person B: I am sorry that happened. Don't do him any favors.
person A: Working from home can be difficult when people won't leave me alone to get work done. person B: Yeah_comma_ you need peace and quiet to be able to work. person A: I love my kid but she is non stop with trying to show me the latest my little pony video_comma_ gonna pull my hair out. person B: My son keeps trying to show me Youtube videos so I completely understand
person A: I have a big date coming up and I can't get these butterfly feelings to go away. person B: That is normal that just means that the other person is special person A: Yeah_comma_ I really think she might be the one. I hope I don't screw it up. person B: Well i will keep my finger crossed for you! person A: Thank you_comma_ I am looking forward to taking her to a nice place to eat!
person A: I bit into an apple and found a worm. It was so gross. person B: Yeah i can imagine but a little worm wont hurt ya person A: Yeah_comma_ but not what I want to bite into when I am trying to enjoy my apple. person B: I understand but atleast it was not poisonous person A: That is true_comma_ I should be thankful for that.
person A: I was hiking in the mountains and walked up on a female bear with her two cubs. person B: I live in bear country. person A: They really startled me_comma_ the female did not seem happy to see me. person B: I bet I would have been scared person A: Yeah_comma_ thankfully I was able to get away. It took a while for me to catch my breath.
person A: I got a new dog recently_comma_ he is the best. I am so thankful for him! person B: Awwww. that is so sweet! Details. Boy_comma_ girl_comma_ breed. person A: He is a male australian shepherd. His name is charlie_comma_ he is super cute! person B: Awwwww. He sounds super cute! Have lots of fun with him. person A: Will do! He is super cuddly and loves to follow me around!
person A: There was one piece of pie left in the fridge. Instead of sharing it_comma_ I ate it. I kind of feel bad. person B: oopsy. I hope it was worth it. person A: It might not be when my wife returns and sees it gone. I look super guilty right now. person B: LOL! Can you run out and get another pie before she gets home? person A: I could_comma_ I might have to buy her some of her favorite chocolate.
person A: I was at the park today and almost stepped on a rattle snake. I almost jumped out of my skin. person B: That sounds terrifying_comma_ so glad you did not step on it person A: Me too_comma_ that would of wrecked my day. It was so close! It haunts my thoughts even now. person B: I can imagine I would have nightmares about that person A: It might take me a little while to get over my fear and go back to the park. person B: And be watchful when you do! person A: For sure_comma_ wouldn't want to relive that experience
person A: I just got a bonus from my job. That money came at the perfect time! person B: Congratulations. Thats always a plus. person A: It was a really nice bonus too_comma_ they were impressed with the quality of work I have done this year. person B: Good for you! person A: Now I will have to work even harder and try to earn a larger one next year.
person A: I was going to go to the movies with a bunch of friends. But they all bailed on me and now I have to go alone. person B: If the movie is worth it you will never miss them. person A: I hope so_comma_ but I am really missing them right now. I didn't want to go alone. person B: I understand. Its tough these days. person A: It is hard to find reliable friends. No one seems to show up anymore.
person A: I was out photographing butterflies and took the most incredible photo. I am really happy with how it turned out! person B: I love butterflies because of the colors. What color was the butterfly? person A: The butterfly was yellow. It was a tiger swallowtail. One of my favorites! person B: Yellow butterflies are beautiful. Photography can capture some great images a lot of times.
person A: I saw my dog try to eat a dirty diaper one time person B: Oh_comma_ my dog did that_comma_ too! I don't know how they think it's a tasty gross!! person A: Yeah_comma_ it's nasty. I wouldn't let her lick my face for a while after that. person B: I was just going to say the same thing! I'm like "Stay away!"
person A: I was trying to take a nap_comma_ but my cat kept on trying to play with my head. person B: I love cats. person A: I usually love mine_comma_ but not when it is keeping me from sleeping person B: I agree absolutely
person A: I just had a job interview and I'm waiting to hear if I got the job. person B: Congratulations. I hope you get it? person A: Me too. I'm feeling pretty nervous about it person B: Just relax. If its meant to be it will be.
person A: I was on a plane ride and we went through some pretty severe turbulence person B: That must have been scary.. person A: Yes it was. I was so afraid we'd crash person B: I bet
person A: My cousin and I tricked my butler into thinking he won millions in the lottery. I feel so bad. person B: How long did he think he had won? person A: Only a few minutes. person B: That was funny I bet.
person A: Someone came to my door with a gun_comma_ asking for money person B: Oh wow_comma_ did you give him the money? person A: I didn't have any. He came into the house and stole some stuff person B: That would be so scary_comma_ I am glad you are safe!
person A: Our cat had to many health problems_comma_ so we had to put him down. person B: I'm so sorry to hear that. How long had your cat been with you? person A: I had him for 17 years_comma_ he lived a full and happy life_comma_ but I was not ready for him to go. person B: It's always hard to go through that. That's why I'm wary of having any pets person A: But they make your life so much enjoyable while they are around!
person A: I went to do karaoke with a guy i'm dating and I discovered he's a really talented singer person B: Does he like to sing? person A: He's kind of shy about it. He had to get really drunk to perform karaoke person B: I bet he sings in the shower everyday.
person A: I had to do a research project and present it to my professors to graduate. Thankfully I passed! person B: You must have worked hard for that! I'm sure it's great and you'll pass with a flying color! person A: I worked many long hours. It was stressful but I'm happy to have done well person B: Yeah_comma_ such a relief to get a huge project done. You must feel proud!
person A: My sister has been playing a song I dislike over and over and over person B: That must be really irritating. Is she doing it deliberately? person A: She does it more because she likes it than to bug me. It's going to be stuck in my head for weeks person B: Haha - maybe you'll learn to love it! There must be something good about it_comma_ if your sister has any taste.
person A: okay. person B: I've never been abroad before_comma_ but I'm going to spend two weeks in France next month! person A: That is great! What will you be doing there? person B: I am going to visit a few cities and tourist attractions.
person A: I accidentally slapped someone in the face while I was playing basketball. person B: Oh no_comma_ did they get angry? person A: No_comma_ I think she was just a little shocked by it. I felt so bad. person B: Okay_comma_ I am glad that they were not angry. and I am sure they knew it was unintentional so don't feel too guilty about it. :)
person A: I let my friend borrow my car. He's an international student and only has a permit. person B: Wow you are very trusting_comma_ I do not think I would allow a friend to borrow my car. Is it legal for him to drive with just a permit? person A: I was in the car with him. He just wanted to practice driving and he didn't have his own car. person B: Oh okay I see_comma_ I thought you actually lent him your car and let him drive around town with it by himself!
person A: I am at a cross road. I am trying to decide my major in college. person B: That's a big decision! What are your choices? person A: I was thinking about graphic design. Or_comma_ I was going to do something practical like Nursing. person B: If you want my advice - choose something you're going to enjoy. I personally couldn't be a nurse - too messy! person A: I guess you are right. I really like sketching and painting. I can use my creativity side.
person A: I've been trying to save money so that I can help my husband with the Christmas shopping this year. person B: I hoep you reach your goal. It must be tiring. person A: Well at first I was a little discouraged because I wasn't making that much. Things have picked up recently though_comma_ and I feel I will be able to help him a good bit so I'm feeling better about it. person B: Don't give up. Things may not be great one day but they always pick up eventually.
person A: I had planned to take my daughter shopping a few weeks ago. We were all really excited_comma_ but the plans fell through. person B: that stinks were you guys going school clothes shopping? person A: Yes. We were able to go about a week later_comma_ but the closer it got to school starting back I started to stress. Everything is good now though. person B: That's good_comma_ school shopping is always stressful for me
person A: I check in with my partner to see if we are okay. I ask him if there is anything that we can work on to make the relationship better. person B: okey no problem person A: I don't want to have problems. This is why I check in with him. person B: For mine too. That was also i said.
person A: When I go out with friends I really have to be tight with my money. Times are really hard for me financially? person B: I understand completely. One has to live within one's budget. It can be hard though. person A: I like go out but I have to really make sure that I don't spend too much. I sometimes like to leave a tip if possible. person B: It's only normal to want to live within one's means. Too bad you can't leave a tip every time.
person A: I find it appalling how my husband's family is acting now that his grandfather has passed away. person B: Wow ! Thats quite unfortunate! person A: Yes_comma_ it is. They are all being really selfish and childish. My husband is staying out of it_comma_ but I can tell that he is getting fed up with it. person B: Well handle it wisely
person A: I have to run several errands for my father-in-law today and he wants them done before my mother-in-law get into town_comma_ which is at some unspecified time today. person B: It sounds like a stressful day. You have to just live in the present so_comma_ you will not be too stress out. person A: Yeah_comma_ I'm ready to get everything done so I can relax. I can't start on the errands until I drop the kids at school though. person B: When that is over then you can do you. We have to make time for ourselves.
person A: I really do miss my mother. She has been dead for about 15 years now. person B: I'm very sorry for your loss. Thinking about and remember all of your good memories with her may help. person A: It is a blessing and curse. When I am having problems I think about what she would say to me. person B: That's a good way to remember her and keep her close to your heart. person A: Yes_comma_ it is. I know that time heals. person B: Yes_comma_ it does.
person A: My children are getting old. They are starting to spread the wings. So_comma_ I would have to let go and let them fly. person B: That can't be easy. How old are your children? Sometimes I wish we could keep our kids small forever! person A: I have 23_comma_ 20_comma_ 17 and 14. They are doing stuff that I question but I don't want them to not tell me stuff. person B: Yeah you want them to learn_comma_ but it's definitely hard to see them doing things that you might not agree with.
person A: When I was in labor with my third child_comma_ they were monitoring me regularly in the hospital. The nurse came in and made a face and then called the doctor. In the 2 minutes it took for him to get to my room_comma_ my heart dropped and I started to panic. He told me that the baby's heart rate had dropped and they had to preform an emergency C-section right then. person B: Wow that's really scary! Labor is a really terrifying thing_comma_ especially when something like that happens. Did everything turn out okay? person A: Yes_comma_ everything turned out fine. She is a healthy and happy three year old. It was the scariest day of my life though. person B: I can imagine. When I was in the hospital with my 3 year old they lost all his vitals as well. Kids like to keep us on our toes from the start! person A: Yes_comma_ they do. I ope your boy is all good now.
person A: I finally beat level 150 on the crucible today in my favorite game Grim Dawn. person B: What platform do you play it on? PC or PS4? person A: PC all the way. I've been grinding devotion points all week. person B: PC is the way to go for gaming. That sounds like an awesome type of game. Is it multiplayer?
person A: I just found a hello kitty pot in my daughters room filled with water and old flowers. person B: That's so cute. How old is she? person A: It's not cute_comma_ and she's nine. By old flowers I mean_comma_ it's a green_comma_ stagnant slush with mold growing on top. person B: Oh mine. That is not cute.
person A: When I enter the bus_comma_ I fainted. I think that I got overheated. person B: That's no good. Did you go to the doctor? person A: Yes I did. It was so hot outside and I did not have much to drink. person B: Got to make sure you take care of your self. It's scary when your heat sensitive.
person A: I got drunk and embarrassed myself in front of my friends person B: It will be okay. We sometimes do things that we regret. person A: I fell down_comma_ and apparently said some embarrassing things. person B: You have to forgive ourselves. We don't need others validation.
person A: My daughter is graduating from college. I cannot wait until she finish. person B: Will you be able to spend more time with her? person A: Yes_comma_ I will. She has been under a lot of stress. person B: I can imagine_comma_ but it's good that her hard work is about to pay off.
person A: Two years ago I got diagnosed with MS. person B: What'd MS? person A: Its a disease that attacks the nervous system. It was really scary to find out I had it. I just went blind in my right eye one day. Two days and several test later I found out I had MS. person B: Well _comma_I pray you get through it
person A: I found out that my daughter is moving out. My youngest one told me so. person B: How do you feel about that ? person A: I feel really sad because I felt she should have told me. person B: Hopefully she re considers you should talk to her about it
person A: I let my sister borrow my car. She is a new driver. person B: That is risky_comma_ what do you plan to do person A: Well_comma_ nothing. I'm sure that she will be a responsible driver. person B: Okey if she is no cause for alarm
person A: I think that I will do good on my test. person B: Good. You sound confident. When is it? person A: It is tonight. I studied really hard. person B: I'm sure you'll do great then!
person A: I heard a song that I hadn't heard in awhile. It reminded me of my high school days person B: Oh how sweet_comma_ high school days is always fun person A: Yes_comma_ it had me feeling nostalgic about the times when I was young. person B: Yes it does happen
person A: My dad dies when I was 33 years old. person B: am sorry to hear that_comma_ may he rest in peace person A: Thank you. I was crushed_comma_ and it left me with questions about my own mortality. person B: I hope you getting better now
person A: My mother fell and injured herself. I wanted help and comfort her in any way possible. person B: Oh no! I'm sorry. Is she going to be ok? person A: Yes_comma_ but bhe bruised her wrist_comma_ and had a concussion. I wish that I was there for her when it happened. person B: Oh man. Don't feel guilty accidents happen. Hopefully she recovers quickly.
person A: I had a nice meal and my favorite beverage after work person B: Thats great what is your favorite meal? person A: It was a skirt steak with avocados. I was very satisfied. person B: That sounds so good i love steaks
person A: When I started a new job. I was nervous about proving myself all over again. person B: It can been nerve-wracking to start a new job. But I'm sure you did well_comma_ right? person A: I did_comma_ but I find it hard to trust people. Especially at work. person B: It's wise to be careful but suspecting people all the time may not be healthy. You need to build a good relationship with your new co-workers.
person A: I am trying to quit drinking soda and I have prayed to God and asked Him to help me. The problem is I am addicted to soda and Its very hard to quit. When I do manage to skip a day_comma_ the lack of caffeine causes horrible headaches. person B: I know exactly how you feel. I have a crazy addiction to soda. I don't think I can quit! person A: It just makes me feel bad_comma_ that no matter how many times I try_comma_ I still give in to the temptation. person B: Maybe try to slowly quit? Like just drink one less a day person A: Yeah_comma_ I think that's what I will have to do. Thanks for the advice.
person A: I went on a job interview. I'm anxiously waiting to hear if I got the job. person B: When will you find out? person A: I still need wait another week. person B: Oh the wait is terrible. What type of job? person A: A drafter.
person A: I just went to clean my kids sink a few minutes ago. I found a bunch of toys in the catch and I am mad. person B: Oh no! That is not good! Hopefully you were able to get them out. person A: Yeah_comma_ all the toys are out. But_comma_ they got some explaining to do after school. person B: LOL! I'm sure. Don't be too rough on them.
person A: I couldn't sleep last night. I ended up staying up till 2am and eating a large amount of Shepard's pie. person B: Why couldn't you sleep? person A: Combination of stress and new meds I think. Maybe I can get back to my old scheduled soon. person B: I hope so! Why are you stressed?
person A: I saw my crush talking to another guy. person B: Oh_comma_ that sounds uncomfortable. How did you play it? person A: I was a little upset_comma_ but it wasn't my business. I let it go. person B: I respect that_comma_ I think it shows character and honor. I'm hoping something rewarding comes your way.
person A: When I went to the store the other day_comma_ I seen a guy all tweaked out on drugs. person B: Oh geez_comma_ thats not good. Was he bothering anyone? person A: No_comma_ but he seemed a little unpredictable_comma_ so I used the other door. person B: I dont blame you. I probably would have done the same thing.
person A: Holding each of my children for the first time was amazing. person B: I remember that feeling with my daughter_comma_ it is indescribable. person A: Yes!! I can't think of any thing else that produces feelings like that. person B: There is nothing to compare it to. I wish I hadn't been waking from anesthesia in that moment so I could have been more awake.
person A: I forgot about my grandmother's birthday a couple years back. I felt so bad about it! person B: Oh no! It happens to the best of us :) Have you talked to her about it when you remembered? person A: Absolutely! I called her the next day and made sure to visit her. :) person B: Awww I'm sure she completely understood and really appreciated you reaching out and going to visit her! person A: She did. :) It ended up being a good visit anyway!
person A: I was digging around in some of my old stuff at my dads the other day_comma_ and I found all my old paintball gear. person B: Oh_comma_ how cool! Dd you and your dad play together? person A: No_comma_ just me. But_comma_ I am going to go play this weekend at a place up the road. It's been years since I've played. person B: That's great. It'll be wonderful to relive those happy moments in the present maybe with your family.
person A: I went skydiving last summer with my partner. It was so scary! person B: Wow_comma_ that is scary. Were you nervous? person A: Absolutely! I've always been scared of heights_comma_ but I'm so glad I made myself. person B: It sounds like a great experience!
person A: When I was a kid_comma_ I had a dog at my grandpa's. He gave it away because it wouldn't hunt. person B: How did you feel when he gave it away? person A: I was very upset. I was only like nine at the time so I took it really hard. person B: Yeah I would have been too. As a nine year old kid that's hard to deal with.
person A: I tripped and fell in front of some people. person B: Ouch! Was it a serious fall? person A: No_comma_ only my pride was injured. person B: That's a relatively quick recovery_comma_ fortunately.