is O
not O
necessarily O
limited O
to O
them O
. O
Moreover O
, O
the O
only O
assumptions O
are O
chemical B-Process
reactions I-Process
between O
the O
gas B-Material
and O
the O
solid B-Material
forming I-Material
volatiles I-Material
, O
the O
loss O
of O
these O
volatiles O
from O
the O
material O
and O
the O
two O
stated O
boundary O
conditions O
of O
gas B-Material
influx O
at O
a O
single B-Material
outer I-Material
surface I-Material
and O
the O
possibility O
of O
reactions B-Process
throughout O
the O
bulk O
. O
Porosity B-Process
and O
significant O
gas B-Material
inventories I-Material
were O
observed O
not O
only O
for O
carbon B-Material
[ O
12 O
] O
but O
, O
e.g. O
also O
for O
beryllium B-Material
co-deposits I-Material
[ O
25 O
] O
and O
can O
be O
expected O
for O
other O
co-deposits O
formed O
in O
plasma B-Material
devices I-Material
[ O
1 O
] O
. O
Thus O
, O
TCR B-Material
and O
its O
description O